1 I E> HAHY OF THE U N IVLRSITY Of ILLINOIS 510.84 I46r no. 265-270 cop. 2 The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN MAY 1 1974 MAY 31\m WAY 3 fit ,■ L161 — O-1096 if Report No. 268 hnuXjw STORAGE OF ANALOG VARIABLES IN DELAY LINES by LAWRENCE H. WALLMAN June, 1968 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE • UNIVERSITY OP ILLINOIS • URBANA, ILLINOIS Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/storageofanalogv268wall Report No. 268 STORAGE OF ANALOG VARIABLES IN DELAY LINES by LAWRENCE H. WALLMAN June , I968 Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 6l801 Ill ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author wishes to express his appreciation to his thesis advisor, Professor W, J. Poppelbaum, whose support and good counsel have made this thesis project possible. Thanks are also extended to Professor Louis Van Biljon, whose suggestions and encouragement were very helpful. The author is further grateful to the many members of the research group who gave freely of their time and experience. Finally, the author thanks Mrs. Jonnie Hudspath, Mrs. Gayle Osterberj; and Mrs. Ruth Batley for their excellent typing of the thesis. IV TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iii LIST OF FIGURES vi 1. INTRODUCTION ..... 1 2. OPERATION OF PHASTOR SYSTEM 5 2.1 Oscillator 10 2.2 Modulo 125 Counter 10 2.3 Ramp Generator and Analog-to-Phase Converter lk 2.U Control Circuit 17 2.5 Storage Cell Delay Line 20 2.6 Calculation of the Period of the Emitter Coupled Mono stable Multivibrator 2k 2.7 Calculation of the Circuit Parameters of the Emitter- Coupled Monostable Multivibrator 26 2.8 Theoretical Calculation of Change of Period of Emitter-Coupled Monostable Corresponding to Small Variations of Supply Voltages. 33 2.9 Calculation F!rom Experimental Results of the Change of Period of the Emitter-Coupled Monostable Multivibrator Corresponding to Small Variations of Supply Voltages 30 2.10 Write Select Gate ^3 2.11 Readout Select Gate 45 2.12 Sample and Hold ^5 2.13 Phastor Model and Description ... .... 50 3. OPERATION OF COLLECTOR-BASE COUPLED MONOSTABLE MULTIVIBRATOR 52 3.1 Calculation of the Period of the Collector-Base Coupled Monostable Multivibrator 5U 3.2 Calculation of the Circuit Parameters of the Collector-Base Coupled Monostable Multivibrator ... 56 3.3 Theoretical Calculation of the Change of Period of the Collector-Base Coupled Monostable Corresponding to Small Variations of Supply Voltage ... 60 3.^ Calculation from Experimental Results of the Change of Period of the Collector-Base Coupled Monostable Corresponding to Small Variations of Supply Voltages . 68 V Page k. OPERATION OF COMPLEMENTARY TRANSISTOR MONOSTABLE MULTIVIBRATOR 71 k.l Calculation of the Period of the Complementary Transistor Monostable Multivibrator 73 k.2 Calculation of the Circuit Parameters of the Complementary Transistor Monostable Multivibrator. ... 76 U.3 Theoretical Calculation of the Change of Period of the Complementary Transistor Monostable Corresponding to Small Variations of Supply Voltage 8l k.h Calculation from Experimental Results of the Change of Period of the Complementary Transistor Monostable Corresponding to Small Variations of Supply Voltages . . gU 5. OPERATION OF EMITTER COUPLED ASTABLE MULTIVIBRATOR 87 5.1 Calculation of the Period of the Emitter Coupled Astable Multivibrator go 5.2 Calculation of the Circuit Parameters of the Emitter Coupled Astable Multivibrator q^ 5.3 Theoretical Calculation of the Change of Period of the Emitter Coupled Astable Multivibrator Corresponding to Small Variations of Supply Voltages 100 5.^ Calculation from Experimental Results of the Change of Period of the Collector-Base Coupled Monostable Corresponding to Small Variations of Supply Voltages . . 110 6. OPERATION OF INTEGRATED CIRCUIT MONOSTABLE MULTIVIBRATOR . . llU 6.1 Calculation of the Period of the Integrated Circuit Monostable Multivibrator 116 6.2 Calculation from Experimental Results of the Change of Period of the Integrated-Circuit Monostable Corresponding to Small Variations of Supply Voltages . . 117 7. CONCLUSION 121 REFERENCES' " 122 VI LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. Storage by Reciprocating Delay Line 2 2. Block Diagram 6 3. Phastor Waveforms 7 h. Oscillator 11 5. Modulo 5 Counter •■ 13 6. Ramp Generator and Amplitude -to-Phase Converter 15 7. Control Circuit 18 8. Flip-Flop 19 9- Emitter Coupled Monostable Multivibrator 21 10. Storage Cell 22 11. Experimental Waveforms of the Emitter Coupled Monostable Multivibrator ' • 31 12. Select Circuit kk 13. Push Button Connection Diagram 4 5 lU. Readout Circuit kj 15. Sample -and-Ho Id Circuit 48 16. Panel Photographs 4 9 17. Collector-Base Coupled Monostable Multivibrator 53 18. Experimental Waveforms of Collector-Base Coupled Monostable Multivibrator '1 °1 19. Complementary Transistor Monostable Multivibrator 72 VI 1 Figure Page 20. Experimental Waveforms of Complementary Transistor Monostable Multivibrator 79 2.1. Emitter Coupled Astable Multivibrator 88 22. Experimental Waveforms of the Emitter Coupled Astable Multivibrator 98 23- Integrated Circuit Monostable Multivibrator 115 2U. Experimental Waveforms of the Integrated Circuit Monostable Multivibrator H9 1 . INTRODUCTION The storage of analog variables has always presented a problem. A novel method for solving this problem was first suggested by W. J. Poppelbaum, D. Aspinall, and M. Faiman . This method for storing analog voltages has been developed under the guidance of W. J. Poppelbaum. The method suggested and developed is essentially that shown in Figure 1. The WRITE signal is a single pulse which occurs at a time corresponding to a voltage level on the periodic CLOCK RAMP as shown in Figure 1. The WRITE signal can be generated by using a voltage comparator which gives an output pulse when the CLOCK RAMP is equal to a D.C. voltage level. The HARMONIC clock' signal of Figure 1 is a harmonic of the CLOCK RAMP, that is, the same number of clock pulses always occur during each ramp. The HARMONIC clock gates WRITE to the delay line, thus quantizing the levels on the CLOCK RAMP. This pulse circulates in the delay line loop with the same frequency as the CLOCK RAMP. The feedback in the delay line is gated by HARMONIC clock and thus eliminates any drift in the delay time. Thus, the circulating pulse always represents the same quantized voltage on the CLOCK RAMP. The D.C. voltage can be recovered by using the ramp to charge a capacitor and stopping this charging at the time coincident with the stored pulse. WRITE HARMONIC OF CLOCK -c>(a\> CLOCK RAMP HARMONIC OF RAMP WRITE ■ STORED PULSE ■ Figure 1. Storage by Reciprocating Delay Line The accuracy of such a system can be determined by noting the number of clock pulses which occur during the ramp cycle. If there are p clock pulses during the ramp cycle then the maximum time which can elapse before the delay line is re-triggered is equal to one clock pulse; furthermore if there are n clock pulses in the useful portion of the ramp (i.e. excluding any fly back and hold off time) the maximum error in volts which can occur will be + l/n x 100% of the total ramp voltage swing. Therefore the storage system will be accurate to + l/n x 100%. The circuits for a single storage unit system were originally designed by D. Aspinall. This system was capable of only a +5 volt' to -5 volt range of storage and was not sufficiently stable. By unstable it is meant that the delay of the delay line was not constant enough with time to keep the phase relation with the clock ramp. That is, when the period of the clock ramp is different from the delay of the delay line by more than one clock pulse time the system loses synchronization and all stored information is lost. The initial system which was in the form of a feasibility proof, has been expanded to four storage cells and has been made stable enough to retain stored information for at least eight hours and probably much longer. Thermal influences proved to be of greatest importance in achieving stability. . The purpose of this thesis is to explain how this system ■works. The system is called "PHASTOR" because the stored infor- mation is actually a phase and not the actual input voltage. The aim also was to investigate several delay lines which could be used as the storage circuits and determine which of these were best suited to this purpose. 2. OPERATION OF PHASTOR SYSTEM The block diagram of Phastor is shown in Figure 2. The main sections of the diagram are (l) the ramp generator, (2) the control circuit, (3) the sample and hold, and (k) the analog (phase) memory units. The ramp generator generates the ramp clock shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3. This generator is driven hy a mod 125 counter which in turn is driven by the harmonic of the ramp clock frequency generator. The harmonic of the ramp clock generator is a crystal-controlled oscillator. The ramp clock rises from -lOv to +I0v for one hundred of the ramp clock harmonic pulses and returns and stays at -10 volts for twenty-five more pulses. Since there are 100 pulses per ramp the accuracy of this system is +Vfo. The control circuit gates one pulse from the comparator (amplitude-to-phase converter) into one of the analog memory units. This gating is effected in the following manner. With the flip-flops in the control circuit set to the beginning state (i.e. C2 = C3 = 1) and the first flip-flop reset, the "INITIATE STORE" button can be pressed. This causes flip-flop Number .1 to flip which in turn causes flip-flop Number 2 to change state. Flip- flop Number 2 changes state only on a zero to one transition at the input. At this point no more outputs from flip-flop Number 1 can BEGINNING STATE AFTER INITIATE STORE C2 C3 1 1 Figure 2, Block Diagram INPUT RAMP CLOCK MOD 125 COUNTER COMPARATOR OUTPUT REGEN (C3) -5 WRITE OUTPUT +3 PHASE PREVIOUSLY STORED INFORMATION K ONLY ONE WRITE PULSE I TO TRIGGER DELAY UNIT. C3 (REGEN) HAS BLOCKED OUT FEEDBACK AND MONOSTABLE DELAY UNIT IS READY TO RECEIVE NEW TRIGGER. Figure 3. Phastor Waveforms 8 trigger flip-flop Number 2 since the AND gate will not let them through. However, the output of the mod 125 counter is now gated to the input of flip-flop Number 2 and since the ramp starts on the zero to one transition of the counter flip-flop Number 2 changes state at the start of each ramp. So, flip-flop Number 2 changes state when the "INITIATE STORE" button is pushed and at the start of each ramp after that. Flip-flop Number 3 changes state also only on zero to one transitions, and it is driven directly by the one side of flip-flop Number 2. Therefore flip-flop Number 3 changes state only at the start of the first ramp after the INITIATE STORE button is pressed and after the third ramp and so on. This sequence can be summarized as follows: System State Beginning state State after initiate store is pressed and before start of subsequent ramp State during first ramp State during second ramp State during third ramp Gating Sequence C2 1 1 1 C3 l 9 After the start of the third ramp, the output of the counter is no longer gated to the input of flip-flop Number 2. Flip-flop Number 2 can receive a trigger only from flip-flop Number 1 and therefore the sequence stops. In other words, flip- flop Number 2 and Number 3 act as a MOD k counter, which counts the INITIATE STORE button signal and the beginnings of the next three ramps, and then stops* The single pulse from the comparator is gated to the delay line during the second ramp after the pressing of INITIATE STORE, since during this time C2 = C3 = 1 and therefore the gate on the comparator output is open. At the start of the first ramp after the beginning of the sequence, C3 = which prevents the feedback pulse in the analog (phase) memory from re-triggering the delay line. This condition persists until after the line is triggered by the new compare pulse. After the ramp time during which the compare pulse occurs, C3 = 1 and allows feedback. In order to select the particular storage cell in which the analog voltage is to be stored sel # i must be a logical one and sel # i must be a logical zero. The other cells must have sel # j = and sel # j = 1 in order to preserve the feedback path and prevent erroneous triggers. In this case, i, j = 1, 2, 3> ^ and i / j. The SAMPLE and HOLD circuit simply lets the ramp charge the capacitor until the stored pulse occurs. At this instant the voltage on the capacitor represents the voltage which was originally stored. The gating of the output of the storage cells is done by 10 means of an AND on the output of each cell. The second input to these AMD's is READOUT # i. READOUT # i must be a logical one in order to read the information out and READOUT # J must be a logical zero. 2.1 Oscillator The crystal-controlled oscillator is shown in Figure h. This oscillator and pulse shaper generates the harmonic of the ramp frequency. The circuit is a Colpitts-type oscillator and uses clipping and level shifting to form the output pulses. The output pulses are Clock 1, to +10v and Clock 2, -5 to Ov. The frequency of these pulses is 330 KHz with a duration of O.h jusec. The two different levels of clock are needed because the circuit used for the storage cell requires a positive signal, while the mod 125 counter requires a -5v to Ov signal to operate. 2.2 Mod 125 Counter The mod 125 counter is made frem three mod 5 counters j connected in series. The circuits used are TI SN7^70 integrated circuit J-K flip-flops. The truth table for the J-K flip-flop is shown below. t r L Vi J K Q Q n 1 1 1 1 1 n 11 +1D +10 200 KZ 50 mh- 91 pf /2N2219A >620 ii 'll- :O02uf :O05uf 330 KHg +10 +10 CLOCK 1 O +10 >5.1 K 1 K J2N1308 33 pf 2N706A L. ^-^I^NTOeA , 10 K £2 K -25 330 ah a PARALLEL "£ TRIMMER • RESONANT CRYSTAL 15-130 pf CAPACITOR +10 2N1308 * -51N751A O CLOCK 2 J 10 K -25 Figure k. Oscillator 12 There are eight possible states for this counter but only- five of them are used for the modulo five counter shown in Figure 5« The possible states for the counter are listed below. Possible States Qn Q, Q, 1 1 1 1 r i 1 i 1 i 1 1 The sequence of these states used and the corresponding inputs are shown below. On State at t i Q 2 1 1 Input at t n+1 Q, J 1 K 1 ►11 J 2 K 2 00 11 00 01 00 00 J 3 K 3 00 00 00 10 01 00 13 MOD 5 COUNTER CLEAR y ~>^ I c »J, > C K| 1 fc INPU 7 1 B ~^ fc> s — PRESET Of Q2 i ■ CLEAR \ ' ^?i J 2 C K 2 1 i °^ HARMONIC OF 3* -^1 _Q^ MOD 5 MOD 5 MOD 5 RAMP CLOCK MOD 1 ?*s r Dl IWTFR Z^7\ i £y A PRESET 02 Q3 CLEAR i Z^TY J 3 c K 3 1 [ yj -5V w A PRESET 03 Figure 5. Modulo 5 Counte] 1U The three states not used must lead to the sequence shown above or the counter will have to be preset when it is turned on. The three states not used are Oil, 101, 111. The table shown below shows that each of these three states leads to one of the states in the sequence used. State at t Input at t n * n+1 \ % % J A J 2 K 2 J 3 K 3 Oil- — fe.01 01 1 1 1 1 Therefore no presetting of this counter is necessary since no matter what state it starts in it always goes to the correct sequence. The signal Q,^ of the last stage is used to drive the ramp generator and the signal Q,„ is used to drive the control circuit. 2.3 Ramp Generator and Analog-to-Phase Converter The ramp generator circuit is shown in Figure 6. The circuit is of the bootstrap sweep circuit type. Transistor Q, is used 15 RAMP GENERATOR PULSE OUT AT COINCIDENCE 1N914B UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL DIODES ARE 1N995 Figure 6. Ramp Generator and Amplitude-to-Phase Converter 16 as an emitter follower which turns Q on when Q,.. is at -5 volts and turns Q off when Q, is at ground potential. When Q is turned off Capacitor CI charges and since Q,, is an emitter follower the output ramp follows the charging of capacitor CI. The bootstrap capacitor C2 aids in giving a constant charging current to CI and therefore the output ramp is linear. When Q_ is turned on the charging current is diverted through Q, and capacitor CI discharges through The comparator or amplitude-to-phase converter, as it is used in Phastor, is shown in Figure 6. The operation of this circuit is as follows: the transistor Q, draws a constant current from the differential amplifier consisting of Q„_ and Q^ . The base of 5 o Q, has the ramp signal applied to it and repeatedly rises from -10 volts to +10 volts. The base of CL- has the analog voltage which we wish to store connected to it. This voltage is in the range -10 volts to +10 volts. As the ramp begins to rise CL- is turned on and Q, is turned off. All of the current in Q Q comes from Q/- and consequently Q is turned on. As the ramp rises it eventually reaches a point where it is nearly equal to the analog input voltage on the base of Q/-. Now, the current in Q is split between Q, and Q,^ and their collectors rise and turn Qi off. As the ramp voltage rises still further Q,^ turns off and Q conducts all of the current required by Q, and again Q, is turned off. Therefore, there is a time during the ramp when Q^ is turned off. 17 When GL turns off Qn is turned on and an output pulse from -5 volts to ground is obtained. This pulse called WRITE in Section 1.0, is the pulse which is gated to the delay line analog (phase) storage cell. The width of this pulse is controlled by the one kilohm potentiometer which controls the sensitivity of the differ- ential amplifier. 2.k Control Circuit Since the control circuit in Figure 7 consists mainly of flip-flops it can most easily be explained by first explaining how the flip-flop works. The circuit for this flip-flop is shown in Figure 8. When SET is held at ground potential and RESET is floating, transistor Q is turned off and with Q, off, Q, is turned on. The transistor is driven to saturation so that the output swing will be -5 volts to volts. Similarly if RESET is held at ground and SET is allowed to float, Q -, will turn on and Q will turn off. Now, returning to the control circuit in Figure 7 all three flip-flops are reset by pressing the RESET button. The signal Q, is the output of the mod 125 counter and the zero to one transition, corresponding to the start of each ramp is not allowed to pass the AND gate since the other input to the AND is the OR of C?2~ and C3 which are both -5 volts i.e. a logical zero. When INITIATE STORE is pressed flip-flop Number 1 changes state and the zero to one 18 CONTROL CIRCUIT 1834-15-30 all oiooes urns ALL RESISTORS 1/4*, 3% EXCEPT WHERE NOTEO •l| O O H Q>° )\ :?*.ec : OK Figure 7- Control Circuit SET O 19 RESET O- +10V +10V SETO o RESET t t -25V -25V -5V -5V -25V •25V TRANSISTORS ARE 2N1309 DIODES ARE 1N995 Figure 8. Flip-Flop 20 transition is allowed through the AND gate since C2 and C3 are "both logical ones. This triggers flip-flop Number 2 which then starts the series of events discussed in the third paragraph of Section 2. The level shifting circuit on the WRITE output is necessary since the delay line used needs a positive pulse for a trigger. The inverter on the REGEN output is used also as a level shifter and for current gain. 2.5 Storage Cell Delay Line The circuit selected for use as the delay line is an emitter coupled monostable multivibrator with appropriately gated feedback which allows the delay line to regenerate the original input trigger and thereby to run continuously. This circuit is shown in Figure 10. The circuit shown in Figure 9 is the same monostable multivibrator without the feedback gating. This circuit operates in the following manner. The transistor Q, is normally off and Q, is normally on, When a positive trigger of sufficient amplitude and duration is applied to the base of £L , Q, is turned on. Now, the collector of Q drops down to approximately zero volts, a jump of V volts. This jump is transmitted una'tbenuated by capacitor C to the base of Q, , and thus turns Q off. Now, there are approximately +V_ volts across capacitor C. With t^ on and Q off capacitor C will eventually be charged to 21 +V 3 = 10v+V 1 = 25v +V x =25v ♦ ♦ soi |R] ;R 2 io 3 TRIGGER o- ■ " C +V 1= 25v ©V: h+2T 20 k: 20 k: C 2N2219A L 2N2219A <2.5K -25 -O OUTPUT PHASE _MONOSTABLEJ 20 K ALL DIODES ARE 1N995 -25 J I I I Figure 10. Storage Cell 23 -V volts. So C starts to discharge through R and the "base of Q rises. Q is on so that the emitter of Q, is at approximately ground potential. When the base of Q, rises above ground, Q, is turned on and the emitter rises high enough to turn Q, off. The emitter waveform V is shown in Figure 9- The collector of Q. is Hi 1 now free to rise, this is waveform V in Figure 9j as now C has l_j approximately zero volts across it and with Q, off and Q^ on apacitor C will eventually be charged to +V volts. The collector of Q rises toward +V but it is caught at +V . The circuit is now in its stable state and may be retriggered. The feedback necessary to make this circuit run as an astable multivibrator is obtained by replacing the diode D by the base-emitter diode of a pnp transistor as shown in Figure 10. Now, when the collector of Q, rises near the end of the cycle, it eventually turns this added transistor on. The collector of this added transistor rises abruptly and thereby generates the positive trigger necessary to re-trigger the monostable and keep it running as an astable multivibrator. In Figure 10 the positive trigger occurs at the base of Q, when the harmonic of the clock pulse is present and gates the pulse to the base of transistor Q . In this way the period of the monostable multivibrator is quantized to an integral number of harmonic clock times. Therefore, the period of the monostable does not have to be adjusted exactly, but only within one harmonic clock period of the exact ramp clock period. 2k 2.6 Calculation of the Period of the Emitter Coupled Monos table Multivibrator The equations for the period of the emitter coupled monostable multivibrator can be calculated by referring to Figure 9< When transistor Q, is on and Q, is off the current equation for point A is 3 V A (t) \ ~ V A (t) C at " r 2 Rewriting (l) dt R 2 C R 2 C (1) To solve this equation the initial and final condition on V are needed. From previous discussion of the operation of this circuit it appears that V. (0) = -V_ volts and V.(«° ) = +V n volts, ff A v ; 3 A v 1 Therefore solving equation (l) one has V A (t) = V 1 - (V 1 + V 3 ) e '1 , ( 2 ) where T = R C 25 Referring to Figure 9 it is seen that T is the time required for the base of Q to rise to zero volts, (i.e. V (T ) = 0). Now this equation can be solved for the time T . From (2) : V A (T 1 ) = V 1 - (V 1 + V 3 ) e x = Therefore V +V T i =T i in( ~V 1) (3) When transistor Q,_ is off and Q^ is on the current equation at the collector of Q. , call this point E, is as follows d V (t) V - V (t) C = — (k) ° dt R { * } Rewriting (k) d V (t) V (t) V + A- - A (5) dt R C R C 26 To solve this equation there is needed the initial and final conditions on V . From the previous discussion of the operation of Ji. this circuit it follows that V„(0) = and V v ( m ) - +V_ . Hence the ill cj L solution of equation (5) is V E (t) = V 1 (l - e 2 ) (6) where T^ = R_ C R i ( Referring to Figure 9 T_ can be found as shown below. W = V 3 = V 1 " e > Therefore , T 2 = \ ^r^r ] (7) 13 2^7 Calculation of the Circuit Parameters of the Emitter Coupled Monostable Multivibrator Referring to the circuit shown in Figure 9 % must be such that the current through it is not so large as to cause excessive power dissipation in the transistors. The voltage across Ri is fairly constant as the emitter voltages of Q_ and Q~ do not vary- very much. That is, they only vary one or two diode drops from 27 ground. If an emitter current I = lOma is chosen, then \ = M = 2 - 5K Transistors Q, and Q^ are 2TT2219A's which have a minimum P of 100. Therefore, in order to determine R^.» the "base current required "by 0^, when it is one must be determined. ]_ = 2 = 0.1 ma B 2 ~ The required I_ is 0.1 ma. It is also known that ^2 Therefore So T*2 R 2 0.1 ma = 2|i R 2 R 2 = 250K 28 Since Q will not saturate, since the emitter current is fixed and the collector resistor can be chosen so that saturation does not occur, the resistor R p can he chosen smaller than 250K, since transistor Q, can he overdriven to be certain it gives a sharp signal at its collector. For an overdrive factor of about 7.5» R p can be chosen as R p = 33K. To determine TL , the transistor Q_ must saturate so that the jump transmitted to Q^ does not vary with the 3 of the particular transistor used. With CL on and Q^ off, I = 10 ma. There applies I = §22: = io ma E i h Therefore Rj_ - 2.5K Choose R. = 3K since additional current must come from base of 0_ if R cannot supply enough and therefore R. must nearly equal R p since a large base current in il is not desirable. R is chosen so that Q,^ does not saturate. A 10 volt drop in R when Q is on would be desirable as this will give a strong signal with which to operate the SAMPLE AND HOLD circuit. ThiS collector (Qp's) is used as the output point since it has almost no effect on the timing of the circuit and any loading at this point will therefore not effect the timing cycle of the monostable. 29 So 10, . I E 3 When Q is on I = 10 ma. Since I ra I 2 E 2 E 2 C 2 lOv = R I_, = R_(10 ma) R 3 = 1K Now, to determine the value for capacitor C, the period of the RAMP CLOCK must he known since the monostahle multivibrator must have the same period as the RAMP CLOCK. The frequency of the harmonic of the clock is 330 KHz and therefore the period of the RAMP CLOCK is T rc ■ 12 -5 • 335155 " °- 38 msec ' T_ 380 //.sec re In Figure 9, the period of the monostahle multivibrator is equal to T plus T where and 30 - - 'l V +v = R C In (-ir-2-) 1 T 1 - C(33K) In (l.k) V, T 2 = T 2 In (^—^ ) 13 x v x v 3 T 2 = C(3K) In (1.67) then T RC = T i + T 2 = C ^33K) ln(l.U) + C(3K) ln(l.67) = 380 ^sec C = 0.03 £*£& The waveforms obtained experimental ly using the para- meters determined in this section are shown in the oscillograms Figure 11. 31 Ground (a) Trigger Waveform Time base = 100/4 sec/cm Voltage Scale = 5 volts/cm Ground (b) Waveform V^ Time base = 100/t sec/cm Voltage Scale = 5 volts/cm Figure 11. Experimental Waveforms of the Emitter Coupled Mono stable Multivibrator 32 Ground (c) . , „•. Waveform V Time base = 10©^ sec/cm Voltage Scale = 5 volts /cm Ground (d) Emitter Waveform Time base = 100/* sec/cm Voltage Scale = 5 volts /cm Figure 11. Experimental Waveforms of the Emitter Coupled Monostable Multivibrator 33 2.8 Theoretical Calculation of Change of Period of Bnitter- Coupled Monostable Corresponding to Small Variations of Supply Voltages The supply voltages in the circuit of Figure 9 determine the total period of the monostable as can be seen by examining the equations for the periods. V +V T i = T i ln (J T 1) l T = T 2 2 X V -V 1 3 Obviously, the period only depends to the first order on the supply voltages, V and V . V does not appear in these equations and therefore does not effect the period. It is known that V = 25v and V = lOv. Knowing the change in V or V the corresponding change in T and T can be calculated. Thus, if V is changed by +% V +%Y +V T i + *l* t i = T i ln( v 1+ ^ Vl > and V +5$V T 2 + X 2^2 = T 2 3J1( V 1+ 9 increase in V , results in h^> decrease in T and a 5$ decrease in T . Also, for V - %V V -5^V +V and T l "^l^ = °- 35 ° T l v,-5^v T 2 " y 2^ T 2 = T 2 ln ( V^VV 3 ^ T 2 - y 2 ^T 2 = 0.55^ Tj Now and T l " Y ^l = °- 350T i T x 0.336 % 1 y ± i = -H (v 1 - 5^) T 2 - y 2 \) X Therefore, a reduction of V.. by 5$ should result in a e in T and a 10$ increase in TU. Similarly, +5$ changes in V- give: V +V +5#V T 1 + x 1 ^T 1 = i l In (-±— J i) T x + x 1 ^T 1 = .350 T x 37 and Then and T 2 + x 2 f T 2= T 2 m ( Vi . (v3 ^ v ) T 2 + x 2 iT 2 = 0.5^2 T 2 T x + x^T^ = .350 t x 5J .336 ^ Cj< = ^ (v 3 + 5f v 3 ) T 2 + V° T 2 = ' 5U2T 2 T 2 .506 t 2 x 2 and the resulting change in period recorded. The results are given below. v ] T l T 2 +25. 00 310// s 26// s +26. 25 295// s 25//S 23. 75 329// s 29^ s From this T 1 + x 1 ( /oT 1 = 29 5/^ s Jt,< - - 1 *.! This value for x..$> compares favorably with the calculated value of x . T did not change because transistor Q breaks down and the total jump is not used to determine T and therefore a change in the jump does not change T.. as long as the jump is greater than the voltage at which the transistor breaks down. Also for decrease in V„ T l " y l^ oT l = 31 ° S Y-Jo = and T 2 - y 2 %T 2 =25 s y 2 i = hi The theoretical values from Section 2.8 were h% for y .% and 6% for y %. ^3 2.10 Write Select Gate The circuit shown in Figure 12 generates the signals which select the storage cell in which the analog voltage is to be stored. The circuit consists of a flip-flop which is similar to the flip-flop shown in Figure 8. The level shifters give the required positive gate to the analog storage cell. There is a double throw single pole switch connected to the flip-flop as shown in Figure 13. The pole of this switch is connected to ground and the normally closed contact is connected to the HOLD trigger diode on the flip-flop. The normally open contact is connected to READY on the flip-flop. In the model of Phastor which has been built there are four such switches with corresponding gating circuits, one for each of the storage cells, When the switch is in the normal position SEL is a logical zero and SEL is a logical one. This prevents any triggers from triggering the monostable storage cell and also prevents the information which may be stored in a cell from being erased when something is stored in another cell. These switches and their connections are shown in Figure 13 along with the readout switches. The switches used are Microswitch type push button double pole double throw. When one of WRITE (SELECT) switches is activated the analog input voltage is connected to the METER, so that the input can be monitored. kh + 10V +10V READY #1 >- 12K: -25V >10K 2N1309 3Z i '"I -5V -25V + 25V :iok 2N1309 -W O HOLD #1 ■6.2K 6.2K: -25V -5V ;12K •25V +25V •12K +10V + 25V -W-i ^Pj)2N1308 •2.7K -OSEL#l +10v + 25V U2K -w- I2N1308 :2.7K -OSEL#l 1N751 •1.5K 1N751 •1.5K -25V -25V ALL DIODES ARE 1N995 EXCEPT AS NOTED. 1N751 IS SAME SIZE AS 1N995. RESISTORS ARE 1/4WATT, C.C., 5%. Figure 12. Select Circuit h$ cp STORAGE CELL SELECT SWITCHES cp £p £+) 4 READY#1 HOLD#l READY #2 HOLD #2 READY#3 ^ HOLD'S f <=,=> ran IP READY #4 ^ HOLD #4 Cp READ OUT SELECT SWITCHES cp L^ LT3 I I id M READ#1 NORMAL#l I READ#2 NORMAL #2 READ* 3 NORMAL #3 H REA0#4 NORMAL #4 Figure 13. Push Button Connection Diagram 46 2.11 Readout Select Gate The circuit used to generate the gate for the readout of the information stored in a cell is shown in Figure lU. The flip- flop is set and reset by one of the four READ switches in Figure 13. When the flip-flop is activated by setting the switch of the cell selected, the SAMP signal is allowed to trigger the SAMPLE and HOLD. The SAMP signal is the OUTPUT PHASE signal which comes from the collector of Q^ in Figure 10 and is a 10 volt jump which occurs at the time at which the ramp is to be sampled. This jump is differentiated and the differentiated pulse is gated to an OR circuit whose output is connected to the SAMPLE and HOLD. The other inputs to this OR come from the three other cell readout select circuits. Therefore, when one of the READOUT switches is pushed a signal occurs at the output of the OR at the time corres- ponding to a voltage on the ramp. This voltage is the voltage which was originally stored in the cell. 2.12 Sample and Hold The sample and hold circuit used in the system is shown in Figure 15. The circuit is essentially a flip-flop consisting of Q_ and £L and a switch Q,_ which allows a capacitor to be charged by the ramp clock until the stored pulse occurs. The counter output (start of ramp signal) sets the flip-flop, Q_ and Q_. Since a negative going pulse is needed to set the flip-flop the complement side of the READ OUT GATE 1834-15-35 h 7 + 10v + 10v 10K 10K I— 2N1309 — -5v* — N ' NORM #10 — M — " 6.2 K 12K •25v -25v -W— -5v 11 — M — O READOUT #1 2 6.2K £12K -25v -25v +25v +25v +25v +10v 2N1308 + 10v 2.7 K 12K 12 K 2N1308 N -M '— M # 4.7 V - ZENER 1N750 1.5 K -25v 180 pf 1( — OSAMP #1 10K -M — H' 1.6 K ALL DIODES 1N995 , RESISTORS 1/4 WATT C.C. 5% EXCEPT AS NOTED Figure Ik. Readout Circuit SAMPLE AND HOLD UQ +10v RAMP o- -lOv +10v 7 2 N 1308 1.5 K -25v 10 K 2N1309 « H 1 H t W * + 10v ♦ 25v 1.1K 500 n POT 06 2N1309 + 10v +25v 33 K Q 5 /2N1308 .47uf , ANALOG READOUT Ol 2N1309, 12K >12K -25v -25v -lOv -W M M " rT)2N1308 - 2N2219(14— '"10 lOv + 10v + 10v °2 , 2N1309 10 K 10 K *}/ MOD 125 M — M 'i ( O COUNTER 1 \ ru itdi rr -w— OUTPUT (START OF RAMP 9 - 1K SIGNAL) 3.3 K 12K ei2K <12K -25v -25v -25w -25v -25v Figure 15. Sample -and -Ho Id Circuit k 9 I A Figure l6. Panel Photographs 50 counter output is used. When the start of ramp signal occurs, Q- is turned off and allows the ramp to charge capacitor C, through transistor Q . Q. is turned on at the same time and provides a discharge path for C. When the PHASE INPUT signal from the READOUT GATE in Figure Ik resets the flip-flop the capacitor has been charged to the voltage which equals the voltage originally stored. Q_ is turned on and Qi is turned off when the flip-flop is reset. Q, is turned off by Q~ turning on and therefore the capacitor can no longer be charged. The purpose of the current sources, Q/- and Q , is to provide a constant current through the diode D.. and provide a high impedance input point for the ramp signal. The potentiometer in the Qu emitter lead is used to balance the currents in Q^ and Q , This balancing is accomplished by holding Q off and Q. on and grounding the ramp input, Then the potentio- meter is varied until the capacitor voltage is also at ground. Now the drop in the diode D. is equal to the base-emitter drop of Q c , 2ol3 Phastor Model and Description The front panel of Phastor is shown in Figure l6. The system was built inside a carrying case and the only external connections are to the power supplies. The meter used is a Weston, 10-0-10, 20,000 ohm per volt taut band meter. The meter monitors both the analog input and the analog output depending upon which 51 button is pushed. If any one of the four SELECT buttons is pressed, the meter is connected to the input potentiometer and if any of the READ buttons is pressed the output of the SAMPLE and HOLD is connected to the meter. If none of the buttons is pressed, the meter connections float . The back view of the panel shows the specially designed card rack which was necessary due to the limited depth of the carrying case. 52 3. OPERATION OF COLLECTOR - BASE COUPLED MONOSTABLE MULTIVIBRATOR In sections 3 through 6, four circuits which could be used for the storage are discussed, analized and evaluated. The collector-base coupled monostable multivibrator shown in Figure 17 is a second possibility for use as the storage element in the analog storage scheme. The operation of this multivibrator is as follows: the transistor Q, is normally off and Q_ is normally on and saturated. Q p must be saturated in order to hold Q.^ off. A positive trigger will cause Q,. to turn on and its collector will jump down to approximately ground potential. This jump is of magnitude V since the collector of Q, was at V before the trigger. The capacitor C transmits the jump of V volts to the base of 0_ and consequently Q^ turns off. Now the collector of Q^ is allowed to jump up and thus 0- is held on. Initially capacitor C had +V volts across it. But now with Q, on, and Q off, capacitor C will eventually charge to -V volts, so the base of Q, starts to rise exponentially towards +V . However, when the base of Q rises above ground potential, Q must turn on and as a result Q.. "burns off because the collector of Q_ has now returned to ground. At this point capacitor C has zero volts across it but with 0_ off and Q on, capacitor C will eventually be charged to +V volts so point C starts charging exponentially 53 +v* +v. +v. +v, SDi |Ri c |R 2 I J ±Jl= 1 °0 R 4 -AAA, *A -o TRIGGER «© £R 5 -v 3 -v 2 Vc +v 2 h-V-l Tl -H"r 2 h- V,- V A V1R3 t 1 R3+R4 Figure 17. Collector-Base Coupled Monostable Malt i vibrator towards +V . But when it rises above +V_, D turns on and the cycle is completed. This monos table multivibrator may be converted to an as table with gated feedback by replacing D by the base-emitter diode of a pnp transistor and gating the collector signal of this transistor back to the base of Q_ . 3.1 Calculation of the Period of the Collector-Base Coupled Monostable Multivibrator Referring to Figure 17 with QL on and Q off, the current equation at point D is as follows: dV^ V n -V_ r — 2. _ 1 D at " r„ Rewriting dV V -^ + ~£ = V l/R C (1) dt R 2 C 1 / R 2 C {1) In order to effect a solution to equation (l) the initial and final values of V are needed. It is known from the discussion in Section 3.0 that V (0) = -V and V (») = +V . Therefore, V D (t) = V 1 - (V ] _ + V 2 ) e 55 where t = R p C. Now referring to Figure 17, the solution for T , the time required for Q, to turn on is wanted. At this time V (T ) = 0. Then V D -T (Tj) = = V ] _ - (V 1 + V g ) e 1 / T 1 From this, Again referring to Figure 17 with CL off and Q~ on, the current equation at point C is as follows: dV V -V c C 1 C dt h To effect a solution to this equation the initial and the final values of V are needed. From the discussion in Section 3.0 it is known that V (0) = and V ( «) = +V 56 Then V (t) - V x - V e -Vt 2 where t ^ = R C V Now the time period T as indicated in Figure 17 can "be solved for as follows: It is known that V (T ) = V , so V (T 2 ) = V 2 = Vj^d-e £ ) T 2- 2^^' 3.2 Calculation of the Circuit Parameters of the Collector-Base Coupled Monostable Multivibrator In Figure 17, when Q_ is on <^. must be off, to guarantee this Q~ should saturate. To determine the collector and base resistors, R_ and R , respectively, let I = 5 ma R 3 Then «- = 5 ma R 3 57 R 3 = 5K Set R„ = 5« IK. To saturate Q , sufficient base current is needed, therefore, since 1=2 B 2 P and since I z I p and p = 100 (minimum value for 2N2219A's) K 3 2 then I_ = 2 = 0.05 ma ^2 T Also T 2 ^ T3 2 R 2 So 25v n nt . toq — — = 0.0? ma R 2 R 2 = 500K This is a maximum value for R and a smaller value will do. Set R = 100K. Q, must also saturate, since the drop of collector Q should be made independent of variations in f3. 58 Let From this Put I = 5 ma = /- C R 1 R 1 = 5K ^ = 5. IK T = 1 = 0.05 ma A T" R^ is the leakage current sink. Say, I _ . =10 ua. 5 Leakage / then 10»a = fSS 25v R = * — =- =2.5 megohm 5 10 x 10~ 6 ma 59 Put R_ = 1 me£ 5 Now when Q is on : B. = R7^I 10 A a = 0.05 mm 3 4 max Vax " 500K This is a maximum value of R. , so choose R^ = 20K To calculate C, the total period required of the monostable multivibrator must be known. Assume it to be the same as in the Phastor system, then T TOTAL = 38 °/^ From previous calculations it is known that v,+v T l ■ R 2 ° ta ^V^> T 2 = R 1 C ln( v"^ } 12 T + T = T 1 2 TOTAL 60 V +v V T TOTAL = C [R 2 ln(-^-^) + R 1 ln( y _^ )] = 380^s From this, C = 0.015/»fd The waveforms obtained experimentally using the parameters determined in this section are shown in the oscillograms of Figure 18, 3-3 Theoretical Calculation of the Change of Period of the Collector - Base Coupled Monostable Corresponding to Small Variations of Supply Voltage The equations from which the period of the collector-base V V 2 coupled monostable of Figure 17 are determined are T = x , ln( — — — ) 1 and T = x p ln(r= — rr- ). The supply voltages used are +25 volts for 2 d v !- v 2 V and +10 volts for V . Now, knowing the corresponding change in the supply voltage the period can be calculated. Thus, if V is changed by +% V +5f V +V T l + X A ' T l ln( V,+^ V ) ■ r Wov ] _ 61 Ground (a) Trigger Time Base = 100 zx sec/cm Voltage Scale = 5 volts /cm Ground ftO Waveform V Time Base = 100/* sec/cm Voltage Scale = 5 volts /cm Figure 18. Experimental Waveforms of Collector-Base Coupled Monostable Multivibrator Ground 62 (c) Waveform V Time Base = 100/* sec/cm Voltage Scale = 5 volts/cm Ground (d) Waveform V^ Time Base = 100/c sec/cm Voltage Scale = 5 volts/cm Figure 18. Experimental Waveforms of Collector-Base Coupled Monostable Multivibrator 63 T ± + x ± %T = 0.322 t Also for T„ T 2 + x 2 f T 2 = 0.1+82 T 2 Similarly, for V, decreased by 5$ V,5#V+V T l -^i = -l ^ \-^P T l " y l^ oT l = 0,35 ° T l V -5$V T 2 - y/ T 2 = T 2 311 ^ ) T 2 - y 2 %T 2 = 0.550 t 2 For nominal values of V and V (i.e. V =25 volts and V 2 = 10 volts) T i - T l ^Hr^ v l 6k \ = 0.336 T x T 2 - T 2 ta <^ T 2 = 0.512 T 2 The percentage changes in T and T can now be solved for as follows : T 1 + y^o\ = 0.322 t 1 \ 0.336 T 1 x^o = -% (V ] _ + 5fo V 1 ) Therefore, a +5$ change in V corresponds to a -5$> change in T . T 2 + x 2 f T 2 = 0.1+82 t 2 T^ 0.512 T 2 x 2 increase in V V +V +5%V "I + *i* T i = \ ln < v^ ) decrease in V V +V -5 decrease in T . T 2 ' y 2^ oT 2 = °' k76 T 2 T^ 0.512 T 2 y 2 = 7* (v 2 - 5f v 2 ) So, a 5$ decrease in V corresponds to a 7$ decrease in T-. 68 3.*+ Calculation from Experimental Results of the Change of Period of the Collector-Base Coupled Monostable Corresponding to Small Variations of Supply Voltages The collector base coupled monostable circuit shown in Figure 17 "was tested by varying the three supply voltages and measuring the changes in the period of the monostable. The results of changing V, are shown below. v l T l T 2 25.00 iHO/^-s 1+7 f*s 26.25 380 /u S U2 /us 23.75 1+30/^s 50 AS The percentage change in T and T can be calculated, T. + xAT- = 380^ tyi = -7.5$ (v 1 +5foV 1 ) The calculated theoretical Value of xA> is -x.A> = -5$ from Section 3.3. Also, T 2 + x^T 2 = 1+2 /us x 2 i = 10. 6# (V 1 + 5^) 69 The calculated theoretical value of x $> is x A> = -6ff from Section 3.3, For the -5$> change in V. the experimentally obtained value of y and y are found as follows: T 1 - y 1 ( / T 1 = U30^s y-L^ = -% (v 1 - 5^v 1 ) T 2 " y J° T 2 = 5 °/" S y 2 «/ = -6.5$ (v 1 -5^) The calculated theoretical value of y is -2% and of y is -3.6% for a -5$> change in V.. from Section 3.3- Similarly, for a +5$> change in V T + x AT = VlO z*s x^ = (V 2 +5$V 2 ) and Jlo. 70 T 2 + X 2^° T 2 = 51 /^ S x 2 i = s.2i (v 2 +5iv 2 ) The theoretical calculated value of x and y Jfo can also be calculated T x - y 1 f T 1 = J+10^s y-^ = o (v 2 -5#v 2 ) T 2 ' y 2^° T 2 = ^V^ y 2 # = 6.1$ (v 2 -5f v 2 ) The theoretical calculated values are y-$ = U.5^ and y A, = 71 k. OPERATION OF COMPLEMENTARY TRANSISTOR MONOSTABLE MULTIVIBRATOR A third possibility for the multivibrator to be used in the analog storage scheme is the complementary transistor mono stable multivibrator shown in Figure 19. The operation of this circuit is as follows: The Transistors GL and Q> are normally biased on. The collector of Q is the collector of Q . A negative trigger applied to the base of 0_ turns it off. When Q, is turned off its collector is allowed to jump up to the voltage determined by the voltage divider R^ and R on V and V . This jump is transmitted through capacitor C to the base of Q, , turning Q off. With Q, off its collector falls and keeps Q, off. Before the trigger, capacitor C had zero volts across it, but now with Q, and Q off point A will eventually charge to -V volts and point B will eventually charge to -V volts, i.e.C will have V + V volts across it. As point A drops exponentially, point B rises exponentially. When point A falls below ground Q_ turns on and its collector rises and Q, turns on. Now both Q, and Q, are on and capacitor C has nearly +V volts on it. Hence, capacitor C discharges very rapidly through Q, and Q back to zero volts, thus completing the cycle. The diode D could be replaced by the base emitter diode of an n-p-n transistor and then the collector signal of this transistor could be used to retrigger Q, . In this way monostable would be modified to an astable multivibrator. 72 +Vl •Rl ■■■ Hf i -v 2 TRIGGER O- -W T— K 01 -v 3 R5 )Q2 < R4 1 R x +R 2 :R2 U-»-J\ -v, 1 'b yT| v (Vi+V 2 )R! 1 R x +R 2 L-ii-J Figure 19. Complementary Transistor Monostable Multivibrator 73 k.l Calculation of the Period of the Complementary Transistor Monostable Multivibrator In the circuit of Figure 19 with Q, and Q off the current equations at points A and B are as follows: At point A dt R, c^r^ = -M a) 2 and at point B d( V V A ) V -V C ° * - x D (?) L dt IL Uj From equations (l) and (2) V V B - V!2 R l ' R 2 Now solve equation (3) for V in terms of V , thus R R V = V (V -V ) = V, + =— (v -vj B 1 R 2 V A 2 ; 1 R 2 v 2 A Substituting this into equation (l) c ft (\ + r 2 < W - v ■ ^r (3) lh dV A (R 1 +R 2 ) dt 2 A ^A + V A = V 2 dt cTr^Tr 2 ) Tr~TrP In order to solve this equation the initial and final conditions on V. are needed. From Figure 19 and the discussion in Section k.O it is known that (V +V )IL +R 2 and T(-) =-V 2 Hence ( V V 2 )R 1 " t/T l V (t) = (V +V — - — -) e - V V ' K \ V 2 \ + R 2 2 where T = C(lL+R ) 75 Similarly (V +V )R V (o) = X 2 I V u; R +R and V B (oo) = +V 1 Therefore V*) = \ - t^ e Tl Referring again to Figure 19 it is seen that T is the time necessary for Q, to be turned on again after the trigger. At this time v A (i 1 ) - 0. (V +V )R " 1/T VV " ° = (V V £ - R 1+ R g > e " V 2 R„(V +V ) 76 k.2 Calculation of the Circuit Parameters of the Complementary Transistor Monostable Multivibrator Referring to Figure 19, with <^ and Q^ on, there is wanted V. = and V_ = 0. Therefore one must find R, . Assume supply voltages Set I p = 5 ma °1 Then Choose V 1 = +25v V 2 = 25v V 3 =10v 25v I c 1 " 5 ma ■ 5TT 1 1 mm R n . = 5k 1 rain *1 = 6.8k Transistors are Q^: 2N2219A and Q_: 2N1309. 77 For this collector current, the base current required is __ C 5 ma _ c I B "_J: =100" = ' 05ma 1 P 5v Since V. = R._ = -rr= ■ = 100K. This is a maximum value for R , A 5 «05 ma 5 Select R c = 27k To determine R,,, select !„ = 5 ma then T c 2 R=-^ =5 k 3 5 ma Select R^ = 5.1k "3 To determine R , the base current for Q^ is determined as I = _2 = 5 ma = 1 ma 2 (3 30 6 25v R 2 = ^ . 150k Set R2 = 100 k 78 To determine R. , the voltage V must be negative enough to turn Q off when Q, is off. V must be less than -lOv. Set V. = -lOv, then R, is determined from A ' 4 -25v -lOv = R + R, R U R^ = 3.3K Since the total period of this monostable is essentially T, Set T ± = 380 ^s. From previous calculations in Section k.l (V 1+ V 2 )R 2 C l " V ln «TVR^ ' From this C = 0. 00575 A-fd Set C = 0.005/^fd 005/^ The waveforms obtained experimentally using the parameters determined in this section are shown in the oscillograms of Figure 20. 79 Ground (a) Ground Trigger Waveform Time Base = 100/*. sec/cm Voltage Scale = 5 volts/cm ^■H Waveform V. Time Base = 100/t sec/cm Voltage Scale = 5 volts/cm (b) Figure 20. Experimental Waveforms of Complementary Transistor Monostable Multivibrator 80 Ground (c) Waveform V B Time Base = 100// sec/cm Voltage Scale = 5 volts/cm Ground (d) Waveform at Collector of Q^ Time Base = 100/^.sec/cm Voltage Scale = 5 volts/cm Figure 20. Experimental Waveforms of Complementary Transistor Monostable Multivibrator 81 k.3 Theoretical Calculation of the Change of Period of the Complementary Transistor Monos table Corresponding to Small Variations of Supply- Voltage The equation from which the period of the complementary transistor monostable of Figure 19 is T l ■ T l r ^V 2 (R 1+ R 2 )) where T, = C(E^+R ), R^^ = 6.8K, R g = 100K The supply voltages used are V = +25v, +V = +25v, and V„ = +10v. The changes in the period T, , corresponding to smal 1 changes in the supply voltage can be calculated. Thus, if V, is increased "by 5% the equation for T becomes R p (V +5#V +V ) T 1 +X A =T 1^^ V 2 (R 1+ R 2 ) ) H + x #T = .651 ^ Now also for no change in V, or V R 2 ( V V 2 ) T = .627 T 82 Therefore solving for x % T ± + x 1 il 1 m .651 T- T ± .627 T, x"o = 4% Similarly for V, decreased "by 5% (V 1 +5foV 1 ) R 2 (V 1 -5foV 1 +V 2 ) T l V° T 1 = T l * ( v g (R 1+ R 2 ) > T-l - y^T, = 0.600 t x Therefore solving for y,^i T x - y^T _ 0.600 t T7 0.627 t7 y^o = H (V 1 -5^V 1 ) Similar calculations can be done for variations in supply voltage V . For an increase of 5> in V R (V +V +5/oV ) T l + X A =T l^ ( TV^yiR7R 2 )) T + x At = ,6oh t Now, solving for x % T l + x i^ oT i 0.60U t T 0.627 ' 1 x^ = -3.5^ (V 2 +5^oV 2 ) For a decrease of 5% in V VW^V C l " y A = T l ^ ( (V 2 -5%V 2 )(R 1+ R 2 ) ) ^ - y-^ =0.651 t 1 T x - y 1 ^D 1 = 0.651 t 2 T~ 0.620 T, yjt = -% (v 2 -5foV 2 ) 83 r 6k According to these calculations a 5% increase or decrease in V should result in a h% increase or a h% decrease respectively in T, . Similarly a 5% increase or decrease in V should result in a 3.5 decrease or a 5% increase respectively in T . The supply voltage V does not enter into the equation for T and therefore for small changes in V should not affect T . k.k Calculation from Experimental Results of the Change of Period of the Complementary^ Transistor Monos table Corresponding to Small Variations of Supply Voltages In this section the results of experiments on the depend- ence of the period of the monostable on the supply voltage are summarized and compared with the theoretical results obtained in Section h.3- The experimental results obtained for variation in V and V„ are as follows : V 1 25 26.25 23-75 350 A s 365 /^s 335 /-s V 2 T l 25 350 yUS 26.25 3^0 jus 23.75 295/.S T ± = 350 A s 85 T ± + x ± %T 1 = 365/^s x x i = k% (V 1 +5^V 1 ) This compares well with the k-% value calculated, in Section k.3. T l " y A = 335 / ts Y^o = ^.2f (V 1 -5/oV 1 ) This also compares well with the k% value calculated in the previous section. Similarly, for a 5% increase in V the equation is T 1 + x.^^ = 3^0 yl$ = -2.6* (V 2 +5$V 2 ) The value of -3-5$ calculated in the previous section compares well with this value. For a 5$> decrease in V the value of y % is calculated as follows : T - y^T = 295 ^s y-L = 15.: (v 2 -5foV 2 ) 8 7 5. OPERATION OF EMITTER COUPLED ASTABLE MULTIVIBRATOR Another possibility for the storage element in the analog storage scheme is the astable multivibrator shown in Figure 21. This is an astable and could possibly be used without any modification as was necessary in the previous three circuits. The operation of this circuit is as follows. Assume Q,, on and Q off. Q is not saturated. In this state point A will eventually charge to +V volts, so the voltage increases at this point. When point A rises sufficiently high to turn Q, on, the charging current into capacitor C is diverted from C to Q, . Consequently, the current in Q, decreases by this amount and allows the collector of Q to fall lower since the collector current through resistor R has been decreased. This action turns Q, on harder and the current in resistor R increases and point A drops to approximately +V volts » Point B follows this jump, as it takes place quite rapidly, and consequently, Q,-, is turned off. Now with Q off and Q, on point B will eventually charge to +V, volts. Hence, it rises exponentially until it rises above +V volts and turns Q, on. When CL turns on its collector jumps up and turns Q off. Now point A is at +V p volts and again rises towards +V, until it turns Q, on again, thus completing the cycle. +V 3 » +Vx--- +V, ^n h-Ti-^ v B < Vi- i ^3 1 Vi-Vz + Rg/R^-Vj) X^2 k 1+Rz/Ri ^ t Figure 21. Emitter Coupled Astable Multivibrator 89 jp.l Calculation of the Period of the Emitter Coupled Astable Multivibrator Assume Q, is on and Q, is off in the circuit of Figure 21, Then the current equation at point A is dV V -V p _A 1 A at = R 2 Re"writing dV V V A = _A_ = \_ dt CR 2 CR 2 To solve this equation the initial and final voltages at point A are needed. With Q-. off and Q on, V.(0) » +V . Also it is known from the previous discussion that V.(») = +V . Therefore the solution for V.(t) is -t/ T V A (t) p V 1+ (V 2 - Vl ) e ■where t = R 2 c 90 In order to determine when Q switches back on, the voltage at the collector of Q must be known. V _V V -V I IB. 1 A Then From this Now since E 1 R 1 R 2 -*/ V S V and V = V - (V -V ) e -t/ V -V (V -V ) e h (t > ■ iH + R 2 V Cl " V 2 + \h ~ V 2 + \S EL Ro 't »3 -V, v ft) = V + — (V -V ) + — ( V -V ) V C V ; 2 R, ^ 1 3 R 2 1 V Now Q, p turns on when 91 W - v 0l ^2 E 2 From this R 2 = ^ Set R 2 - ^-3K 95 96 V r must be less than +5 volts and assume I_ ~ I„ C 2 C 2 E 2 Therefore, V c = (5 ma)R u < 5v R, < -^- = IK 4 5 ma Set R. = 910 n To determine C, set T n = T + T = 380//S. From previous calculations R 3/R 2 T l ' V ta < ' R 3 (Vl -V 3 ) > 1 " h < w From this T x = C(4.3K) (0.496) And T 2 = R i c ln (1 - T^- ) 3 1 Where Vq . v i- v a + | ( VV 1 + Vi From this T 2 = C(2K)(0.97) 380 /*s = T-^T = C(U.3K (.496) + (2K) In (0.97)) C = .0903/tfd Set C = 0.1 a£& aft 97 The waveforms obtained experimentally using the parameters determined in this section are shown in the oscillograms of Figure 22. Ground (a) Waveform V A Time Base = 50/*-sec/cm Voltage Scale = 5 volts/cm (D) Ground Waveform V. B Time Base *= 50/* sec/cm Voltage Scale ■ 5 volts/cm Figure 22. Experimental Waveforms of the Emitter Coupled Astable Multivibrator 99 (c) Ground Waveform at Collector of Q 1 Time Base = 50*ft#e»/cra Voltage Scale - 5 volts/cm Figure 22. Experimental Waveforms of the Emitter Coupled Astable Multivibrator LOO 5.3 Theoretical Calculation of the Change of Period of the Emitter Coupled As table Multivibrator Corresponding to Small Variations of Supply Voltages The two equations for T, and T , the periods of the astable multivibrator (obtained in Section 5.1) are R 3/R 2 1 + ? 1 = T l ln ( R- (V-Vj ) 1 £ _-i 2- R (V -V ) 1 V 1 2' and V T ' «= T In (1 %-\ A 2 p ■" v v -V ' v 3 1 where VVV 2 ) + « g (V 1 -V 3 ) " R l + R 2 The values of the parameters in these two equations are the values calculated in Section 5.2. 101 They are R 1 = 2K V 1 = 25v R 2 = ^.3K V 2 = 5v R = IK V = 15v R. = 910 ft C = 0.1 p£& The nominal values of T and T are calculated using the above values. 1 + R 3/ R 2 T i = T i ^ ( — r — v~^r ) 1 _3 . 1 3 R V -V 1 1 2 T, = O.U96 T 1 1 \ "^ * (1 - V^> 102 "where v VW + R g (v rV R l +R 2 Then T 2 = 0.8^2 t 2 The calculation of the values of T, and T for variation in the power supplies V, , V , and V is carried out as shown below. For V-, increased by 5% the equation is 1 + V 2 T l + X A = T l to ( R^ ( V^V^ ) } 1 " R^ ' (V 1 +5%V 1 -V 2 ) T l + X A " * 512 T l (V 1 +5%V 1 ) And for a 5% decrease in V 1 + R 3/K 2 : i - y i* T i - T i ln ( — r — (v,-?^ -vj > 1 ^ » ■ ■,„. ,,,„.4 — Jl_ r x (v 1 -5%v 1 -v 2 ) Thus and 103 T i " y A = °' kl6 T i (v^V The theoretical values of x,$ and y % can now be determined. T, + x #E- 0.512 t T^ 0.496 t7 X "A = j% (V 1+ 5f V 1 ) T l " y j/ oT l = °' klG T l T^ 0.1+96 T 1 y^o = l# (V 1 -5^V 1 ) The changes in T and T for variations in V are calculated as follows? For a 5$ increase in V^ 1 + R 3/ R 2 T i + X A * T i *» ( — r — vi — > - 1 " R ± W r (V 2 +5%V 2 ) ; 10U T 1 + x^ = 0.500 t 1 (V 2 +5%V 2 ) And also for a 5% decrease in V 1 + R 3/« 2 T i - ^A ■ T i ^ ( — r vt-) X " 2 V V r (V 2 -^%V 2 ) ; T i " y A = °- h9 ° T l (V 5 ^ oV 2 ) The x,$> and y.$ for variation in V can now be determined. T + x %T ^ 0.500 t T^ O.i+96 T 2 x^o = 1$ (V 2 +5f V 2 ) T l ~ y l^ oT l = °*^ 9 ° T l T^ 0.1+96 t x y^ = 1$ (V 2 -5$V 2 ) 105 The values of x,% and y % for variation in V are calculated as follows: 1 ♦ R 3/ R 2 1 2 , — u i- R l V 1" V 2 T ± + x.^ = 0.^70 T 1 (V +5#V ) 1 + R 3/« 2 T l ' y A = T i ^ ( r^ V 1 -(V 3 -5%V 3 ) 1- \ V^T" T l ' y A = °* 525 T l ( V 3 -5$V 3 ) Now x, $> and y, $ can be determined. T + x AT 1 _. 0.1+70 T, t7 0.1+90 t7 x^ = -5$ (V +5#V ) 106 and T l " y r oT l = °* 525 T l T^ 0.496 t y^ = -6f (V 3 -5foV 3 ) Similar calculations for T may be carried out. For variation in V V I 2 + x 2 *T 2 = T £ in (1 - v (v^) ) where R 1 (V 1 +5f V 1 -V 2 ) + R 2 (V X +5^V 1 -V 3 ) V ° = R l +R 2 T 2 + X 2^ oT 2 = °* 8lT T 2 (V^°V And for a 5% decrease in V, v o T 2 - y 2 i? 2 = T 2 in (1 - T (t ^ )) 107 Then W^yvg) + R 2 (v 1 -5f v 1 -v 3 ) " R 1+ R 2 T 2 " y 2^° T 2 = °* 8U5 T 2 ( V 1 -^° V 1 ) T 2 + x 2 f T 2 ^ 0.817 T 2 T^ 0.842 T 2 xJfo = ~>£h (v 1 +5foV 1 ) T 2 ' y 2^ oT 2 = °* 8i+5 T 2 T^ 0.842 T 2 y 2 fo = -0.5$ (V 1 -5^V 1 ) For a 5% increase in V V T 2 ♦ x 2 «T 2 . t 2 to (1 . __ ) ^(Vj^-fVg+atVg)) + R 2 (v 1 -v 3 ) io8 T 2 + X 2^ oT 2 = °- 8U2 ,: 2 (V 2 +5%V 2 ) For a 5% decrease in V T 2 -y 2 f T 2 =T 2 ln (1 - ^§-) R 1 (v l -(v 2 -^v 2 )) + WV V ° = R l + R 2 T 2 - y 2 foT 2 = 0.84l t 2 (V 2 -5*V 2 ) The values of x $, and y f for variation in V can be calculated. T 2 + X 2^ oT 2 = °' 8U2T 2 T^ 0.842 T 2 x^o = (V 2 +5foV 2 ) T 2 - y 2 f T 2 = 0.841 t 2 T^ 0.842 T 2 y 2 # = o (v 2 -5 T l T 2 15. 00 105 165 15. U5 105 165 11+ . 55 105 172 For T , it is seen that x % and y % are equal to zero. The theoretical values for x.% and y % are 1%. For T , xJfo - 0, but Y 2 i will be T 2 - y 2 . NO. OF REFS 10 8a. CONTRACT OR GRANT NO. Nonr I83U (15) b. PROJECT NO. 9a. ORIGINATOR'S REPORT NUMBERfSj 96. OTHER REPORT N o(S) (Any other numbere that may be assigned (hie report) None 10. AVAILABILITY/LIMITATION NOTICES II SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES None 12- SPONSORING MILITARY ACTIVITY Office of Naval Research 219 South Dearborn Street Chicago, Illino is 6060U 13 ABSTRACT An analog storage system has been designed using delay line techniques, The analog storage is accomplished by comparing the analog voltage to be stored with a voltage ramp in a comparison circuit; when equality between voltages is found an output signal from the comparison circuit triggers a monostable multivibrator which has the same period as the voltage ramp. The monostable multivibrator is made to retrigger by using feedback to control the gating of a trigger pulse. The system is capable of storing any voltage between approximately +10 volts and -10 volts to an accuracy of Vfo of the full range. Several possibilities for the storage circuit are investigated. DD ,^,1473 0101-807-6800 Unclassified Security Classification Unclassified Security Classification M KEY WORDS LINK A ftOLC LINK B JhK C ROL[ XT analog storage Phastor multivibrator delay line INSTRUCTIONS \. ORIGINATING ACTIVITY: Enter the name and address of the contractor, subcontractor, grantee, Department of De- fense activity or other organization (corporate author) issuing the report. 2a. REPORT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION: Enter the over- all security classification of the report. Indicate whether "Restricted Data" is included. Marking is to be in accord- ance with appropriate security regulations. 26. 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