^ BY-LAWS w* Sect/on Cleveland Socialist Labor Party. C. I*ezius. Printer, 193 Champlain St. # BY-LAWS os — OF — Section Cleveland Socialist Labor Party. CLEVELAND, O. C. I y ezius. Printer, 193 Champlain St. “63U* ^ c> \ tArX- ffiy - jCciws — OF — Section Cleveland ^ Socialist Labor Party. Section i Section Cleveland shall be organ- ized under such rules and regulations as have been or may be adopted by the S. L. P. of America. Sec. 2. It may be sub-divided in branches to facilitate the work of organization and propaganda. ARTICLE II. Admission of Members. Sec. i. Any person of either sex who shall sub- scribe to the declaration of principles of the Socialist Labor Party, and being of the age of eighteen or over, is eligible as a member of the Section. Sec. Applications for membership shall be made on blanks furnished for that purpose, and no member shall be accepted who has not affirmed all questions asked. ^ V\ — 4 — ARTICLE III. Meetings. Sec. i. The meetings of the Section shall be held at stated intervals at least once each month as agreed upon by the majority present at the place designated for that purpose. Sec. 2. The organizer or secretary of the section shall call the meeting to order, whereupon a chairman shall be elected. ARTICLE IV. Dues. Sec. i. The dues shall be twenty-five cents per month. For the amount paid each member shall re- ceive a due stamp, to be provided by the financial sec- retary from the secretary of the state committee, and which shall be affixed to his membership card. Sec. 2. Unemployed or sick members shall be exempt from dues. Sec. 3. Women members shall pay the sum of ten cents per month, covering the cost of the due stamp. ARTICLE V. Officers. Sec. 1. The officers of the section shall be : Organizer, Recording Secretary, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, Librarian. Sec. 2. The term of office shall be six months and until their successors have qualified. Sec. 3. The election of officers -shall take place ill the months of January and July. — 5 — ARTICLE VI Admission of Members . Sec. i After a candidate has been accepted as a member the chairman of the meeting shall welcome him in the ranks as follows : Comrade : In welcoming you 'to membership in the Socialist Labor Party, I take it for granted that you have become conscious of the fact that the co- operation of the wage- workers is necessary to ov( r- throw the degrading capitalist system of wage slav- ery. Realizing that concerted agitation of the toih rs is necessary to a successful termination of the class struggle, by your enteiing the ranks of the only party pledged to revolutionize the social system, you affirm the principles laid down in our constitution and plat- form. It gives me pleasure to extend to you the hand of fellowship. H il the dawn of the Co-opera- tive Commonwealth !” ARTICLE VII. Charges and Penalty. Sec. i. Charges for violating the obligation of membership, or having committed anything detri- mental to S. L. P. interests, shall be preferred in writing and referred to a committee of three for investigation. After a hearing of both sides, the report of this committee shall be submitted to the section at the earliest possible date, and if found guilty the accused shall be either reprimanded, sus- pend, d or expelled. It shall require a two-third vote of those present and voting, to expell a member from the section. Provided, however, that before the — 6 — penalty goes into effect, it shall be approved by a general vote of the Section. Appeal may be taken as provided by the constitution. ARTICLE VIII. Duties of Officers. Sec. r. The duties of officers shall be those custo- mary to the position held. ARTICLE IX. Order of Business. Sec. i. The order of business shall be as follows: a) Minutes of previous meeting. b) Bills and Communications. c) Reports of Committees. d) Unfinished Business. e) Subject for next meeting. f) New Business. g) Propositions for Membership. h) Five minutes recess for payment of Dues. i) General Discussion. j) Receipts and Expenditures. k) Adjournment. — 7 — ARTICLE X. Central Committee . Sec. r. The various branches of the Section shall elect each two members to constitute a Central Com- mittee, which shall meet at stated intervals not less than once a month, with other sections and branches, and to transact such matter as is referred to it or such other labors as may promote the propaganda of the party. Sec. 2. It shall exercise the function of Executive and f Campai)jn Committee at each election, and have charge of the campaign, subject to approval of the Section. Sec. 3. The organizer of the Section shall be a member ex-officio of said committee. ARTICLE X: . Arrears. Sec 1. Members in arrears for dues for three months shall be notified by the Financial Secretary, and if payment is not forthcoming within four weeks after notification, they shall be stricken from the roll. This provision shall not apply to sick or unem- ployed members, who have reported to the Financial Secretary. ARTICLE XII. Miscellaneous. Sec. 1. Privilege of the floor shall be accorded to anyone, but the time limit shall be ten minutes. Extension of time may be granted on motion to that effect. 8 — Sec. 2. Financial Secretaries of branches shall report to the Central Committee during the month of January of each year a full list of the members in good standing or otherwise. ARTICLE XIII. Amendments. Sec i. These by-laws may be amended at any. meeting by a majority vote of those present and en- titled to vote upon the question; provided, notice of of the proposed amendment has been given at a previous meeting.