radley Polytechnic Institute Peoria , Illinois jfHE LIBRARY OF THE ANNOUNCEMENT AUG 1 7 1936 PvEKSiTY or la-ms Teachers’ Courses in Manual Training and Domestic Science. B EGINNING with the fall of 1905, Bradley Institute will under- take to prepare teachers of Manual Training and Domestic Economy for elementary and high schools. In the found- ing and organization of the Institute most liberal provision was made for work in these two lines, and they have received great prominence in its curriculum. The demand on the part of stu- dents for special instruction, and from schools for teachers, has led to the decision to utilize the extensive equipment still more fully, and by some additions to the work as now organized, to give a well- rounded preparation to those who desire to teach these subjects. Two groups will be offered : I. A Group Preparatory to Teaching Manual Training. Requirements for admission : (a) Four years of approved Academic work. This Academic work should include English, Mathematics, Foreign Language, Science and History. It should also include, if possible, work in (a) Freehand Drawing, and (b) Woodwork and Mechanical Drawing. Those who fail to present (a)^and (b) may supply this lack by taking courses in the summer school (July 5- Aug. 9) or these and any other Academic subjects lacking may be taken at the Institute. (b) Collegiate Study , covering a period of at least one year. Teaching experience may be accepted in individual cases as a partial or complete substitute for this collegiate study. A certificate will be given to those who present these require- ments and also complete the following courses: 1. Manual Training — Theory, History and Organization, i major 2. Manual Training for Elementary Schools, . 2*majors 3. Woodworking, 3 or 2 ‘majors 4. Metalworking, ....... 2 majors 5. Drawing, 2 majors 6. Decorative Design, ...... 1 major 7. Textiles, 1 major Candidates who have already taken considerable work in Drawing may substitute Framing and Woodturning 5, Pattern-mak- ing 6, and Cabinet-making 7, (3 majors in all), for Drawing (2 majors), and Woodworking (1 major). (The numbers after courses are those of the Institute catalogue). In special cases the following substitutions will be allowed: Machine Tool Work, 26 for Decorative Design 20, or for Man- ual Training for Elementary Schools. Freehand Drawing 12 for Decorative Design 20, and Textiles. Freehand Drawing 13 or Drawing from the Antique and Figure Composition 19 instead of parts of Woodworking 1 and Metalwork- ing 2. Sewing and Dressmaking instead of Metalworking 2. This group is especially well suited to those who have already proved their ability to teach other subjects and are now desirous of fitting themselves to teach Manual Training. To those already engaged in teaching that subject it offers new points of view and advanced study. Many students will find it advantageous to spend two years in this group instead of one. This will enable them to broaden their preparation for teaching by adding several elective courses not named above, and in some cases it will be possible to secure both the Manual Training certificate and a diploma of the Institute. II. A Group Preparatory to Teaching Domestic Economy. Requirements for Admission : Four years of approved Academic work . This should include English, Mathematics, Foreign Language, Science and History. A year in Physics and a year in Chemistry with strong laboratory courses in each, and if possible Drawing, THE LIBRARY OP TH AUG 1719 o c. should be included in the high school course. ''^fty'ftigll scKbol subjects which are lacking may be taken at the Institute. This of course, would mean that a longer time would be needed to complete the work required for a certificate. College graduates who have had some technical training may complete the course in one year. A certificate is granted to all who present the requirements for admission and complete the following courses : 1. Cooking (Domestic Economy 4), 2. Decorative Design (Manual Arts 20), . 3. Plain Sewing (Domestic Economy 1), 4. Textiles (weaving, spinning, basketry), 5. Sanitation (Domestic Economy 5c), . 6. Home Decoration and Art Needlework, 7. Chemistry of Foods (Chemistry 3c), 8. Food and Dietetics (Domestic Economy 5 a. b.), . 9. Human Physiology (Biology 4), 10. Bacteriology (Biology 5), 11. Household Administration, .... 12. Dressmaking (Domestic Economy 3), . 13. Emergencies, Home Nursing and Invalid Cooking, 14. Teaching of Domestic Economy, .... (The numbers after courses are those of the Institute catalogue). Those who present four years of Academic work including Physics and Chemistry should be able to secure the certificate in two years. During these two years 24 majors should be completed ; the 19 required majors are specified above, leaving 5 majors for elective work which should be preferably in subjects outside of Science or Domestic Economy. Those who are given credit on en- tering for some of the required courses may gain more time for electives and thus secure a broader culture or may obtain the cer- tificate in a shorter time. Those who have completed the Science, Literature or Classics Groups at the Institute may secure the certificate by one year’s ad- ditional work. All those who are interested in the courses of study outlined above, or the other work offered by the Institute are requested to correspond with Theodore C. Burgess, Dire&or, Bradley Polytechnic Institute, Peoria, Illinois. 3 majors 1 major 2 majors 1 major 1 major 1 major 1 major 2 majors 2 majors 1 major 1 major 1 major 1 major 1 major