/ £49 M t. 7 Cbe Science and Art of Adjustment between tbe producing and reflecting vocal apparatus, ALIAS Cbe philosophy of tbe intercondylar foramen, involving tbe solution of tbe problem of tbe human voice. BY PAUL J. MAHLENDQRFF, For Twelve Years Professor of voice culture to the LADIES’ DEPARTMENT OF KING’S COLLEGE, LONDON. COPYRIGHT LONDON AND WASHINGTON, U. S. A.,1897, BY PAUL J. MAHLENDORFF. SECOND EDITION, 1904. MARRIOTT &, WILLIAMS, 92 GREAT PORTLAND ST. W. LONDON, ENGLAND. Price, $1.25. AGENTS IN U. S. A. GILBERT SMITH & CO 210 N. CHARLES STREET, BALTI MORE. NOTE. Do not copy or translate this book or part of it. Do not print this book or part of it. It would mean to infringe the copyright law. ip -J > ^6 T o INTRODUCTORY.