ORNELL COLLEGE BULLETIN-EXTRA VOL. XV, No. 4 The Quinquennial Register and Alumni Record of Cornell College December, 1913 Published by Cornell College, Mount Vernon, Iowa THE CORNELL COLLEGE BULLETIN-EXTRA VOL. XV. No. 4 The Quinquennial Register and Alumni Record of Cornell College December, 1913 Mount Vernon, Iowa, December, 1913 Entered at the Post Office, Mount Vernon, Iowa, as second-class matter. Published bi-monthly by the College THE TORCH PRESS CEDAR PAFIDS IOWA PREFACE It has been the custom of the college to issue, every five years, a register of officers, trustees, faculty, graduates, and recipients of honorary degrees from the beginning. Some new features have been introduced into the present Quinquennial, among which are: a register of The Iowa Conference Sem- inary — the name under which the institution began in 1853, — a list of the recipients of the Master's degree in course, and the graduates of the associ- ated schools of Music, Art, and Oratory. It is planned to issue separately a list of graduates alphabetically arranged by states, cities, and towns. An increase of about four hundred names to the alumni list since the last Quinquennial and some increase in the other biographical sketches has made it necessary to eliminate some items and to use abbreviation of words. It may result after a while, as it has in many other institutions, that the alumni register will become merely an address book with the occupation noted by abbreviation. In this issue, however, as much as possible of the data supplied on the blanks sent out has been included. It would be surprising if no error in facts or uniformity should be discovered in the nearly 1,650 biographical notices of the alumni, to say nothing of the other details of the work. Throughout the book the * before the name means deceased. The numbers in parenthesis refer to the alumni list, excepting date numbers in that list itself. In the case of women who married after their names were first entered upon the college records, that part of the name acquired by marriage is en- closed in parenthesis, excepting in the Index where the plan adopted places the maiden surname in parenthesis. Further needed explanation is given at the beginning of each part. Mount Vernon, lo 1892 Warren Harman, A. M. (68) *9oi 1892 A. M. Johnson, Esq. ™9» i8 93 Hon. Gardner Cowles, A. M. *£» xgo, * Judge J. J. Tollerton ^_ !8 93 Hon. W. C. Stuckslager, A. M. 1894 *Col. Henry Egbert 5 1804 Chas. H. Eighmey, Esq. "** l8 9i *Rev. G.W. Pratt »g 1896 *P. M. Joice,Esq. II i8 q6 Rev. Julius A. Ward, D. D. (77) l8 99 I! 1906 Rev. W. W. CARLTON, PH. D., D. D. (285) «W — x896 Major Charles W. Kepler 9^9 l8 g 7 * Senator W. B. Allison, LL. D. ^ All *Rev. J. S. McCord, D. D. l8 9 8 X897, 1906 Bishop H. C Stuntz, D. D., LL. D. «9d, — t«o7 Rev. E. J. Lockwood, D. D. llll Rev. J. G. Van Ness, Ph. D., D. D. **>9 x8 £ X909 Charges E. Albrook, A. M. (»8) 1906, — 18 97 Hon. A. J. Barkley ^09 1897 R- J- Alexander, Esq. i8 q8 D. L. Boyd, Esq. , . 19 °l 1898 N. G. Van Sant, M. S. (93) 9 > Lewis Larson, Esq. y l *D. C. Main, A. M. («7») x 9°7 *Hon. S. L. Dows *90i * Bishop Isaac W. Joyce, D. D., LL. D. *9oi * John B. Leigh, Esq. t " 7 i8 Q 8 Frank H. Armstrong, Esq. 899, 1911 Rev. Rollo F. Hurlburt, Ph. D., D. D. (229) ^06, — Rev. Nathaniel Pye, D. D. ^08 Rev. Charles L. Gould, Ph. D. 214) 1905 Hon. Edgar T. Brackett, LL. D. (104) 19" xooi John H. Blair, M. Ph. (309) — xLi Edwin J. Esgate, A. M. (263) JW3 1001 * Captain Edwin R. Mason x 9" 1902 Rev. Frank M. Coleman, D. D. x 9°5 1902 Rev. M. A. Goodell, D. D. (99) ioo* E. B. Willix, Esq. 19 03 Captain J. F. Merry ^5 I9 o 3 Wm. E. Platner, Esq. *9^ i 9 o 5 John H. Taft, Esq. Rev. Nelson A. Mershon, A. M. *9"> Tohn W. Arbuckle, M. Ph. (307) x 9" Rev. E. T. Gruwell, D. D. (632 »9« Col. John T. Moffit, A. M. (275) . James E. Harlan, LL. D. (67) 19™, 1907 T. J. B. Robinson, Esq. Too? Edward T. Devine, Ph. D., LL. D. (333) 19 07 *Rev. John T. Crippen, D. D. *9™ 1908 R- M. Gunn, Esq. I9 o8 Rev. William F. King, D. D., XL. D Rev. L. L. Lockard, A. M. 1909 CORNELL COLLEGE 13 1909 J. W. Annis, Esq. 1909 Rev. Merle N. Smith, D. D. (579) 1912 1910 John W. Lyman, Esq. 191 1 Rev. Albert M. Billingsley, D. D. 191 1 John W. Cory, A. M. (97) 1912 Rev. Frank Cole, D. D. 1912 Frank R. Currie, Esq. 1912 William C. Rigby, M. A. (493) 1912 Armstrong Spear, C. E. (221) 1913 Burton E. Sweet, LL. B. (539) 191 3 Lester J. Dickinson, LL. B. (698) 1913 Rev. John E. Johnson, D. D. (478) COLLEGE SECRETARIES 1893 William D. Phifer 1894 1894 James E. Harlan 2. THE FACULTY The following pages present a list of the officers and members of the faculty with brief record to the close of service. In connection with the alumni record, it is fitting that the list should be chronological. The numerals in parenthesis refer to the alumni register. OFFICERS OF THE FACULTY PRESIDENTS FROM UNTIL 1857 * Richard W. Keeler, A. M., D. D. l8 59 1859 * Samuel M. Fellows, A. M. l86 3 1865 William Fletcher King, A. M., D. D., LL. D. 1908 1908 James Elliott Harlan, A. M., LL. D. ACTING PRESIDENTS 1863 William Fletcher King, A. M. ** 6 S 1873 Hugh Boyd, A. M. "74 1880 Alonzo Collin, A. M. I551 VICE-PRESIDENTS 1864 William Fletcher King, A. M. l86 5 1881 James Elliott Harlan, A. M., LL. D. *9<>5 DEAN OF THE COLLEGE 1902 Hamline H. Freer PRECEPTRESSES AND DEANS OF WOMEN * Susan E. Hale, 1857-65 Cl a ra Co ? k " n ' *893-95 Harrietts J. Cooke, 1866-90 Florence L. Mitchell 1895-1903 Ermina M. Fallass(Murlin) 1891-93 Miranda Belle Sperry(D«mt) , 1903-05 Mary L. MacLeod {Dean), 1905 — SECRETARIES James Elliott Harlan, 1877-79 Charles J. Goodwin, 1891-92 Hugh Boyd, 1879-81 William S. Ebersole, 1893-96 Josiah H. Kellogg, 1881-83 Harry M Kelly, 1896-1907 Alonzo Collin, 1883-91 William S. Ebersole, 1907 LIBRARIANS * Stephen N. Fellows, 1857-60 Sylvester N. Williams, 1873-91 Alonzo Collin, 1860-70 William C. Webster, 1891-93 Hamline H. Freer, 1870-73 May L. Fairbanks, 1893 ASSISTANT LIBRARIANS * Mary Elizabeth Smith, 1891 Olive R. Metcalf (Hand), 1905-06 May L. Fairbanks, 1891-93 Mabel Williams (Whittemore), Daisy Lutz (Morse), 1901-03 1905-13 Genevieve Taubman (Terrall), Jessie Rigby, 1906 I9O5 _ 6 Gertrude Dodd, 1912 CORNELL COLLEGE 15 RECORDERS Hamline H. Freer, 1875-92 Edward R. Ristine, 1892 CURATORS OF MUSEUM William H. Norton, 1882 Harry M. Kelly, 1895 MEMBERS OF THE FACULTY PRESIDENTS * Richard W. Keeler, A. M., D. D. President and Professor of Mental and Moral Science, 1857-59. A. M. Ohio Wesleyan Univ., 1858; D. D., Upper Iowa Univ., 1871; Prin. Ep- worth Sera., 1859-64; Del. to Genl. Conf., i860, '64, '72; Dean of Theol. Dept. of L-entral Tenn. Coll., 1884-90; Lecturer on Engl. Bible, Upper Iowa Univ, 1891. * Samuel M. Fellows, A. M. Principal of Iowa Conference Seminary, 1853- 57; Professor of Latin Language and Literature, 1857-59; Acting President, 1859-60; President and Professor of Mental and Moral Science, 1860-63. A. M., DePauw Univ.; Teacher in Rock River Sem., Mt. Morris, 111., 1843-53. Born, Sandwich, N. H., Nov. 23, 1818; died, Mt. Vernon, la., June 26, 1863 William Fletcher King, A. M., D. D., LL. D. Professor of Latin and Greek Languages, 1862-63; Acting President, 1863-65; President and Professor of Mental and Moral Philosophy, 1865-1908; President Emeritus, 1908—. tV„;5" 'I 57, *?r A- M i860 Ohio Wesleyan Univ.; D. D., Illinois Wesleyan Univ., 1870; LL. B State Univ. of Iowa, and Ohio Wesleyan, 1887; Prin. Umonyille Acad., Tenn., 1853-54; Tutor in Ohio Wesleyan, 1857-62; Del. to Genl. Conf,, 1876, '88 '96, 1904, '08 ;. Mem. Nat. Council of Education, 1886 -; Wat. Commissioner Worlds Columbian Commission, 1890; mem. Board of Edu- ^°\Jf- «■ Church, 1895 -; : Del. to the Congress of Higher Education, Paris Exposition, 1900; Del. to the Methodist Ecumenical Conf. in London, 1901. James Ej Harlan, A. M., LL.D. Alumni Professor of Mathematics, 1873-80; Alumni Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy, 1880-1909; Vice-Presi- dent, 1881-1908; President, 1908—. (See Alumni 67.) PROFESSORS * Stephen N. Fellows, A. M., D. D. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Science, 1857-60. £f S:U l8S4 ' 3 c? . A 't¥'-' i8 S7, D«Pauw Univ.; D. D., 1871, Cornell Coll.; Prof. Cnnf^Fffl' ? a S Vn £- n ^J ^-87; mem. Second Ecumenical Methodist Conf. at Washington, D. C. Died, Iowa City, la., June 2, 1908. * David H. Wheeler, A. M., D. D., LL. D. Professor of Greek Language and Literature, 1857-59; Professor of Ancient Languages, 1859-61 A M. 1858 and D. D 1867, Cornell Coll.; LL, D., Northwestern Univ., 1881- US. Consul, Genoa, Italy, 1861-66; Prof, of English Lit., Northwestern Univ 1867-75; Editor of The Methodist, New York City, 1875-82; pK AHegheny Coll., Pa., 1883-92; Author, 'Brigandage in South Italy/' "Byways of Litera ture," "Our Industrial Utopia," and "British and American fflure." Alonzo Collin, A. M., Sc. D. Professor of Mathematics and Natural Sci- ence, 1860-68; Natural Sciences, 1868-81; Physics and Chemistry, 1882-99; Physics, 1899-1906; Emeritus, 1906—. Univ" rH' a Vr d nf A ' f M ru l86 -\ Wesle / a R Un .^, Conn.; Sc. D., Upper Iowa N?hr" 'Jfi,° f Chemistry and Experimental Physics, State Univ. of ?S\? i/fr- ^SF:. As f n " for the Advancement of Science 1808 • Contributing Ed., "United Editors' Encyclopaedia and Dictionary " 9 ' x6 CORNELL COLLEGE *Denison Gage, A. M. Professor of Latin Language and Literature, 1861-62. A. M., Wesleyan Univ., 1858; Prin Stansead Acad. Canada East ,1855-58; Prm. of Amenia Sem., N. Y., 1858-60. Born, Maiden, Mass., Oct. 6, 1828; died, Mt. Vernon, la., July 25, 1862. Samuel H. Manley, A. M. Professor of Greek and Latin, 1863-71. A. B., i860, and A. M., 1863, Ohio Wesleyan Univ.; Prof, of Greek and Latin, Univ. of Nebr., 1871-76. Edward Merrick, A. M. Professor of Mathematics, 1868-70. A. B., 1864, and A. M., 1867, Ohio Wesleyan Univ. Harriette J. Cooke, A. M. Instructor, 1857-71; Preceptress, 1866-90; Pro- fessor of History and German, 1871-86; History and Science of Govern- ment, 1886-90. A M Cornell Coll., 1859; stu. Deaconess Work, Mildmay Park, London, 1891- "oa- AsstTta Deaconess' Training School, Mildmay, London, Eng.; Supt. Med- ical Mission Univ. Settlement, Boston, Mass. Hugh Boyd, A. M., D. D. Professor of Greek and Latin, 1871-81; Acting President, 1873-74; Latin, 1881-1906; Emeritus, 1906 — . A. B., 1859, A. M., 1862, and D. D., 1885, Ohio Univ. Hamline H. Freer, A. M., M. S., LL. D. Instructor in Preparatory Depart- ■ ment, 1870-72; Principal of Preparatory and Normal Department, 1872-87; Professor of the Science and Art of Teaching, and Political Economy, 1887-1902; David Joyce Professor of Political Economy and Sociology, and Dean, 1902—. (See Alumni 64.) * Isaac T. Webster, M. S. Professor of Civil Engineering and Military Sci- ence 1872-7?; Military Science and Tactics, 1873-76. M S Cornell Coll., 1876; Grad. West Point Mil. Acad.; Prof. Military Sci- etce.Unfv .of Nebr.', 1879-82. Born, New York, Sept. 7, 1842; died, San Fran- cisco, Cal., July 7, 1886. Sylvester N. Williams, C. E., A. M. Adjunct Professor of Mathematics, 1872-73; Professor of Civil Engineering, 1873-83; Civil and Sanitary En- gineering, 1883-1913; Emeritus, 1913 — • B C E., 1872, and C. %., 1890, Cornell Univ.; A. M., Upper Iowa Univ., 1904; Librarian, Cornell Coll., 1873-91. * Isaac H. Bunn, A. M. Professor of Vocal Music, 1872-83. A. M., Cornell Coll., 1873. Born, Clinton, N. J., Sept. 26, 1844; died, Shell- rock, la., June 9, 1891. * Felix Fleischer. Professor of Instrumental Music, 1872-73. Henry Frank. Professor 'of Rhetoric and Elocution, 1875-76. * John E Myers. Professor of Military Science and Tactics, 1876-80. Grad. West Point Mil. Acad., 1873. Born, Dannemora, N. Y„ Aug. 18, 1849; died, San Antonio, Tex., May 28, 1894. Tosiah H Kellogg. Professor of Military Science and Tactics, 1880-83. Grad West Point Mil. Acad., i860; Col. Penn. Cavalry, 1862; Brevetted Maj., 1863. William H. Norton, A. M., LL. D. Tutor in Latin and Greek, 1875-7?; Adjunct Professor of same, 1877-81; Professor of Greek Language and Literature, and Geology, 1881-90; Geology, 1890 -. (Alumni Professor, 1909 —.) (See Alumni 153.) CORNELL COLLEGE 17 W. C. Kidder. Professor of Instrumental Music and Vocal Culture, 1878-80. Samuel R. Jones. Professor of Military Science and Tactics, 1883-86. Grad. West Point Mil. Acad., 1867; Capt. Quartermaster Dept., U. S. A., 1892. William B. Godfrey. Instructor in Voice, 1884-85; Professor of Voice Cul- ture, 1885-89. George O. Curme, A. M., Litt. D. Instructor in German and French, 1885- 86; Professor of German and French, 1886-91; German, 1891-97. A. B., Univ. of Mich., 1882; A. M., DePauw Univ., 1885; Prof, of Modern Languages, Univ. of Wash., Seattle, 1882-84. Edwin S; Curtis. Professor of Military Science and Tactics, 1886-89. Priv. in Co. D, 48th N. Y., 1861-63; Grad. West Point Mil. Acad., 1867. Walter Howe. Professor of Military Science and Tactics, 1889-92. Grad. West Point Mil. Acad., 1867; grad. Artillery Sch., Fort Monroe, Va., 1873; served against Osage Indians, Kans., 1869; in L,ava Beds, Cal., end of Modoc War, 1873; in Powder River Expedition, 1876; Prof, of Mil. Science, Penn. State Coll., 1877-80; Promoted Capt., 1891. W. B. VanValkenburg. Professor of Voice and Acting Director, Conservatory of Music, 1889-90; Professor of Voice Culture and Director, 1890-98. Grad. New Eng. Conservatory of Music, 1884; Prof. Voice and Piano, Alle- gheny Coll., 1886; Director of Music, Normal Sch., Fremont, Nebr., 1887. Charles J. Goodwin, A. M., Ph. D. Professor of the Greek Language and Literature, 1890-92. A. B., 1887, and A. M., 1890, Bowdoin Coll.; Ph. D., Johns Hopkins, 1890, Scholar, 1888-89, Fellow, 1889-90. William C. Webster, A. B. Professor of History and Science of Govern- ment, 1890-93. A. B„ Albioji Coll., Mich., 1887; Instructor, Grand Prairie Sem., 111., 1887-89; grad. stu. History and Politics, Johns Hopkins Univ., 1889-90. Ermina M. Fallass (Murlin), A. M., Ph. D. Professor of French and Eng- lish Literature, and Preceptress, 1891-93. Ph. B., 1882, and A. M., 1886, Albion Coll., Mich.; Ph. D., DePauw Univ., 1888; Instructor, English and Mathematics, DePauw Univ., 1888-90; student, Paris and Berlin, 1890-91. Jennie M. Hoyt (Richmond). Instructor in Piano, 1887-90; Adjunct Professor of Piano, 1889-91; Professor, 1891-92. Grad. in Piano, New Kng. Conservatory of Music, 1886. Charles L. Phillips, A. B., C. E. Professor of Military Science and Tactics, 1892-96. Grad. West Point Mil. Acad., 1881; A. B., Colby Univ., 1887; C. EL, Maine State Coll. of Agri. and Mech. Arts, 1888. George W* Newton, B. S., A. M. Instructor in Biology and Botany, 1891-92; Professor of same, 1892-94. Grad. Iowa State Teachers Coll., 1882; B. S., State Univ. of Iowa, 1887, and A. M., 1890; grad. stu. Harvard, 1890-91. William Stahl Ebersole, A. M., Litt. D. Professor of Greek Language and Literature, 1892-1911; Greek and Archaeology, 1911 — . A. B., 1885, A. M., 1888, and Eitt. D., 1904, Eebanon Valley Coll., Pa.; grad. stu. Yale, 1890-92; mem. Amer. School of Classical Studies, Athens, Greece, 1896-97; stu. Univ. of Munich, Bavaria, 1897 (Summer). James A. James, Ph. D. Professor of History and Science of Government, I893-97- Grad. Wis. State Normal Sch., 1884; B. L., State Univ. of Wis., 1888; Fellow in History, 1892, and Ph. D., 1893, Johns Hopkins. i 8 CORNELL COLLEGE Clarence Wilber Bowers. Professor of Instrumental Music and Harmony, Grad. New Eng. Conservatory of Music, 1892. Clara Conklin, A. M. Professor of English Literature, and Preceptress, I893-95- 1 M. L- A., Ohio Wesleyan Female Coll., 1864; A. M., Ohio Wesleyan Univ., 1884; Instructor in English, Ohio Wesleyan Univ., 1880-84, and Adjunct Prof, of English Language, 1884-92. Harry M. Kelly, A. M., LL. D. Professor of Biology, 1894 — . A. B., Bucknell Univ., Pa., 1888, and A. M., 1891; A. B., Harvard, 1891, and A. M., 1893; LL. D., John B. Stetson Univ., 1911; grad. stu. Harvard, 1890-93 and 1907-08. Thomas Nicholson, A. M., D. D., LL. D. Professor and Principal of the Academy, 1894-93/ Professor of Logic and Biblical Literature, and Prin- cipal of the Academy, 1895- 1904. Grad. Provincial Normal Sch., Toronto, Canada, 1881; Ph. B., Illinois Wesleyan Univ., 1890; S. T. B., Garrett Bib. Inst., 1892; A. B., 1893, and A. M., 1895, Northwestern Univ.; D. D., Iowa Wesleyan Univ., 1898; LL. D., Cornell Coll., 1907. Florence Louise Mitchell. Professor of English Literature, and Preceptress, 1895-1903- Grad. Maine Wesleyan Coll., 1874; grad. stu. Univ. of Chicago, 1893-95- John D. C. Hoskins. Professor of Military Science and Tactics, 1896-97. Grad. West Point Mil. Acad., 1868. John C. Waterman. Professor of Military Science and Tactics, 1897-98. * Grad. West Point Mil. Acad., 1881; grad. U. S. Inf. and Cav. Sch., Fort Leavenworth, Kans., 1895. George Henry Alden, Ph. D. Professor of History and Science of Govern- ment, 1897-98. B. S., Carleton Coll., 1891; A. B., Harvard, 1893; Fellow in History, Univ. of Chicago, 1893-95; Fellow in History, Univ. of Wis., 1895-96, and Ph. D., 1896. Francis Asbury Wood, A. M., Ph. D. Professor of German Language and Literature, 1897-1903. A. B., 1880, and A. M., 1883, Northwestern Univ.; stu. Germanic Philol. in Goettingen Univ., Ger., 1888-90; Fellow in German Philol. and Literature, Univ. of Chicago, 1893-95, and Ph. D., 1895. Charles Henry Adams. Professor of Voice Culture and Harmony, and Direc- tor of the Conservatory of Music, 1898-1901. Grad. Oberlin Conservatory of Music, 1895; pupil of Adolph Weidig, 1897. Henry Clay Stanclift, Ph. D. Professor of History and Politics, 1899—. Ph. B., Cornell Univ., 1889; stu. History and Polit. Science, Universities of Berlin and Leipsic, 1889-92; Pres. White Traveling Fellow in History, Cornell Univ., 1891-92; Ph. D., Leipsic, 1892; in Oxford and London, 1897-98. Nicholas Knight, A. M., Ph. D. Professor of Chemistry, 1899 — . A. B., 1882, A. M., 1885, and Ph. D., 1888, Syracuse Univ.; grad. stu. Univ. of Strassburg, 1892-94; Fellow by courtesy, Johns Hopkins, 1894-95 and 1898-99- Charles Francis Henry Mills. Professor of Pianoforte, Harmony, and Act- ing Director of the School of Music, 1901-03. Stu. Olivet Conservatory of Music, Olivet Coll., 1891-93; Oberlin Conservatory, 1893-97; grad. Oberlin Conservatory in Piano, Organ, and Voice, 1897; Director of Conservatory, Tarkio, Mo., 1900. CORNELL COLLEGE 19 George Herbert Betts, Ph. M., Ph. D. Instructor in English and Math- ematics, i8qq-iqoi; Professor of Psychology and Education, 1902-09; Psy- chology, 1909 — ; Director of Summer School, 1905 — . (See Alumni 742.) Lucy Elizabeth Smith (Huguet), A. B., Pd. B. Professor of the Romance Languages, 1902-05. A. B„ Goucher Coll., Baltimore, 1896; Pd. B., N. Y. State Normal Coll., 1897; Diploma, Institution Lamartine, Paris, 1900; grad. stu. Sorbonne and College de France, 1899-1901, and Madrid, 1901-02. Clarence Dimick Stevens, A. M. Professor of English, 1903-13. Ph. B., Wabash Coll., 1894, Fowler-Duhme Fellow in English, 1894-95, and A. M., 1900; Univ. Scholar in English, Columbia, 1900-01, and A. M., 1907; grad. stu. in same, 1909-10. Charles Reuben Keyes, Ph. B., A. M. Professor of German, 1903 — . (Alumni Professor, 1912 — .) (See Alumni 563.) Ovid Pope Barbour. Instructor in Piano, Violin, and Harmony, 1884-85; Pro- fessor of Instrumental Music and Harmony, 1885-92; Professor of Piano- forte, Harmony, and Conducting, and Director of Conservatory, 1904-06. Pupil Oberlin Conservatory of Music, 1875-80; Pupil Percy Goetschius, Stutt- gart, Ger., 1882-84; of Calvin B. Cady, Chicago, 1890, and of George Ellsworth Holmes, Chicago, 1892. Oren Bradshaw Waite, B. D., D. D. Professor of Logic and Biblical Lit- erature, and Principal of the Academy, 1903-05; Principal of the Academy, 1907-08. (See Alumni 682.) Mary Burr (Norton), A. M., M. S. Instructor, 1877-83, and Adjunct Pro- fessor of French and Mathematics, 1883-86; Adjunct Professor, 1886-92, and Associate Professor of Mathematics, 1892-1905; Professor of Math- ematics, 1905 — . (Alumni Professor, 1909 — .) (See Alumni 168.) Marion Virginia Peirce, A. M. Professor of the Romance Languages, 1905-06. A. B., Swarthmore Coll., 1903; A. M., Univ. of Chicago, 1904; Fellow in Romance Lang., Chicago, 1903-04; student of French and Spanish, Sorbonne, France, and British Museum, 1904-05; Joshua L,ippincott Traveling Fellow, 1904-05. John Elbert Stout, Ph. M. Instructor in English and Civics, 1903-04; As- sociate Professor of Education, 1904-05; Professor of Education, and Prin- cipal of the Academy, 1905 — . (See Alumni 1071.) Kirk Waldo Robbins, A. B., B. D. Professor of Philosophy and Biblical Literature, 1905-09. A. B., Baker Univ., 1897; B. D., Drew Theol. Sem., 1901; Bishop Newman Scholar in Drew, 1897-1900; grad. stu. in Philosophy in New York Univ., 1899. Evelyn Carrie Riley, A. M. Associate Professor of Latin, 1902-06; Pro- fessor of Latin, 1906 — . A. B., 1897, and A. M., 1898, DePauw Univ.; grad. stu. in Latin and Pale- ography, Cornell Univ., 1899, Amer. Sch. of Classical Studies, Rome, Italy, 1903-04, Univ. of Mich., 1912-13. 20 CORNELL COLLEGE Robert Edward Loving, A. M., Ph. D. W. F. Johnston Professor of Physics, 1906-07. A. B., 1896, and A. M., 1898, Richmond Coll.; grad. stu. in Physics, Johns Hop- kins, 1898-1901, and 1903-05, Fellow, 1901, Lecture Asst., 1905, and Ph. D., 1905. George Leavitt Pierce. Professor of Pianoforte, and Director of the Con- servatory of Music, 1906-07. Stu. Oberlin Conservatory of Music, 1892-96, 1900-02. Francis Daniels, A. M., Ph. D. Professor of the Romance Languages, 1906-09. A. B., Univ. of Mich., 1895; Teaching Fellow in Latin, Univ. of M5sso(uri, 1896-97, and A. M., 1897; Hopkins Scholar, Harvard, 1897-98; grad. stu. Univ. of Mo., 1902-05, and Ph. D., 1905. Hugh Straight Buffum, A. M., Ph. D. Professor of Education, 1907-08. A. B., State Univ. of Iowa, 1901, A. M., 1902, B. Di., 1904, Fellow in Education, 1904-06, and Ph. D., 1906. William Orville Allen, A. M., Ph. D. Professor of Psychology, 1907-09. A. B., 1897, and A. M., 1899, Syracuse Univ.; grad. stu. Boston Univ. Sch. of Theol., 1899-1902, and S. T. B., 1902; Jacob Sleeper Traveling Fellow Boston Univ., stu. Leipsie Univ., 1905-06; Ph. D., Boston Univ., 1905. Rutherford Hayes Hunter, A. M. W. F. Johnston Professor of Physics, 1907-11. A. B., 1902, and A. M., 1903, Ohio Northern Univ.; stu. Electrical Engin., Ohio State Univ., 1903-04; A. B., Yale, 1907. John Barnes, A. M. Professor of Public Speaking and Director of the School of Oratory, 1905-10. A. B., 1904, and A. M., 1905, Northwestern Univ.; grad. Cumnock Sch. of Oratory, 1905. Horace Alden Miller, Mus. Bac. Instructor in Organ, Piano, Counter- point, and Wind Instruments, 1904-06; Professor of Pianoforte and Counter- point and Director of Conservatory of Music, 1907 — . Grad. Cornell Coll. Conservatory of Music, 1896; Mus. Bac., Oberlin Conserva- tory, 1904; Director of Conservatory, Tabor Coll., la., 1906-07; Pupil of Ru- dolph Louis and Jan Sickesz, Munich, and Alexander VonFelitz, Berlin, Ger., 1911-12. Mina Kerr, Ph. D. Professor of English, 1909-10. A. B., Smith Coll., 1900; Univ. Scholar in English, Univ. of Penn., 1906-07, Moore Fellow, 1907-08, Bennett Fellow, 1908-09, and Ph. D., 1909. John Robert Van Pelt, A. M., Ph. D. Professor of Philosophy and Biblical Literature, 1909 — . A. B., 1882, and A. M., 1885, Illinois Wesleyan Univ.; S. T. B., 1887, and Ph. D., 1893, Boston Univ.; stu. Garrett Bib. Inst., 1885-86, at Univ. of Halle, Ger., 1891-92, and 1900-01. Guy Mortimer Knox, A. B. Professor of the Romance Languages, 1909—. A. B., Syracuse Univs, 1907. Ralph Brownell Dennis, B. L. Professor of Public Speaking and Director of the School of Oratory, 1910-11. B. Iy. r Northwestern Univ., 1901; grad. Cumnock Sch. of Oratory, 1899- Bernard Lambert, A. M. Professor of Public Speaking and Director of the School of Oratory, 1910-12. B. L-, 1901, and A. M., 1902, Univ. of Minn.; grad. of the Emerson Coll. of Oratory, Boston, 1904, and grad. stu., 1905-06. CORNELL COLLEGE 21 Paul Harrison Dike, M. S., Ph. D. W. F. Johnston Professor of Physics, 1911 — . B. S., 1901, and M. S., 1903, Northwestern Univ.; Ph. D., Univ. of Wis., 1911; grad. stu., Univ. of Berlin, Ger., 1905-06, Cambridge, Eng., 1906, Univ. of Wis., 1909-11; Research in Electricity and Magnetism, Dept. of Terrestrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution of Washington, D. C, 1906-09. Arthur Eugene Bradley, A. B. Professor of Civil Engineering, 1912 — . A. B., Oberlin Coll., 1908; B. S., Mass. Inst, of Tech., 1912. Rose Evelyn Baker, Ph. B. Professor of Public Speaking and Director of the School of Oratory, 1912 — . (See Alumni 907.) ADJUNCT, ASSOCIATE, ASSISTANT AND ACTING PROFESSORS, AND DIRECTORS Henrietta Ash Bancroft, Ph. M. Instructor in English Literature and Rhetoric, 1883-86; Adjunct Professor of same, 1886-90. (See Alumni 308.) Charles A. Cumming. Instructor in Painting, 1879-81; Drawing and Paint- ing, 1881-90; Director of Art School, 1890-95. Stu. Acad, of Design, Chicago, 1879; pupil Gustave Boulanger and Jules Defebure, 1885-86, and of Doucet and Constant, Academie Julian, Paris, France, 1890-92. * Frances C. Shoecraft, Ph. B. Instructor in English and Latin, 1887-90; Adjunct Professor of Latin, 1890-91. Ph. B., Syracuse Univ. Edward Ransom Ristine, M. S. Principal of the Commercial School, 1891 — . (See Alumni 643.) Katherine E. Oliver (McCoy), B. S. Director of School of Oratory and Physical Culture, 1891-94. B. S., Monmouth Coll., 111., _ 1886; pupil of R. M. Cumnock, Evanston, 1887, and of James E. Murdoch, Cincinnati, 1889; stu. Emerson Coll. of Oratory, 1891. William Taylor Jackson, A. B., B. D., Ph. D. Acting Professor Science and Art of Teaching and Political Economy, 1892-93. A. B., Eeander Clark Coll., 1864, and A. M., 1867; B. D., Yale, 1875; Ph. D., Mich. Univ., 1879. Sarah Andrews Hackett (Thornton). Instructor in the School of Oratory and Physical Culture, 1893-94, an ^ Director, 1894-96. Grad. Emerson Coll. of Oratory, 1892. Frances C. Hoadley (Ash). Instructor in the School of Oratory and Physical Culture, 1894-96, and Director, 1896-98. Grad. Boston Girls' High Sch., 1889, and grad. stu., 1890-91; grad. Emerson Coll. of Oratory, 1893. Julia E. King (Mathews), Ph. B. Acting Director of the Art School, 1896. (See Alumni 410.) Henry A. Mills. Director of the Art School, 1897 — . Stu. National Acad, of Design, New York City, and pupil of 'Eippincott, 1884-85, and of Smillie, 1892. Robert Franklin Hoxie, Ph. B. Acting Professor of Political Economy, 1897-98. Ph. B., Univ. of Chicago, 1893, and Armour-Crane Fellow in Polit. Economy, 1893-95; student in Germany, 1896-97. 22 CORNELL COLLEGE Joseph C. Freehoff, B. S. Acting Professor of Political Economy, i8q8-iqoi. B. S., 1891, and grad. stu., 1895-97, Univ. of Wis.; Fellow in Sociology, 1897-98, and in Polit. Economy, 1898, Univ. of Chicago. Carl Evans Boyd, Ph. D. Acting Professor of History and the Science of Government, 1898-99. Ph. B., Univ. of Mich., 1894; Fellow in Polit. Science, Univ. of Chicago, 1895- 97, and Ph. D., 1897. Edmund C. Burnett, Ph. D. Acting Professor of History and the Science of Government, 1899. A. B., Brown Univ., 1890, A. M., 1895, and Ph. D., 1897. Albert Mason Harris, A. B., A. M. Instructor in the School of Oratory and Physical Culture, 1896- 1900, and Director, 1900-02. (See Alumni 866.) Mary Lorraine MacLeod, Ph. M. Director of Physical Training for Women, 1900 — ; Dean of Women, 1905 — . (See Alumni 488.) Payson Wells Peterson, Jr., Ph. B. Acting Professor of Biology and As- sistant Principal of the Academy, 1907-08. Ph. B., Beloit Coll., 1892. Thomas K. Sidey, Ph. D. Instructor in Latin, 1900-01; Associate Professor, 1901-02. A. B., Victoria Univ., Ontario, 1891; grad. Ontario Sch. of Pedagogy, 1891; grad. stu., 1896, Fellow in Latin, 1898-99, and Ph. D„ 1899, Univ. of Chicago. Maro Beath Jones, A. B. Associate Professor of the Romance Languages, 1901-02. A. B., Boston Univ., 1900; stu. in Europe and South America, 1900. Nathan Edwin Sanders, A. B., M. D. Director of Physical Training, 1901-03. A. B., Iowa Coll., 1893; Fellow Dept. Phys. Training, Internat. Y. M. C. A. Training Sch., 1896-97, and grad., 1897; M. D., Harvard, 1901. Theodora Ursula Irvine, B. L. Director of the School of Oratory and Physical Training, 1902-04. B. L-, Northwestern Univ., 1897; grad. Cumnock Sch. of Oratory, 1898, and grad. stu., 1898-99- Miranda Belle Sperry, M. S. Associate Professor of English, and Dean of Women, 1903-05. Ph. B., Univ. of Mich., 1892; M. S., Wesleyan Univ., 1902. George Washington Barrett, M. D. Director of Physical Training, 1903-04. M. D., Tufft's Coll., 1902. Mary Pearle Aikin (Smith). Director of the School of Oratory, 1904-05. Grad. Lindenwood Coll., 1895; grad. Cumnock Sch. of Oratory, 1895. and grad. stu., 1898-99. Frederick Alvin DuBridge. Director of Physical Training, 1904-07. Grad. Western Secretarial Inst, and Training Sch., Chicago, 1896. Walter Martinus Boehm, B. S. Associate Professor of Physics, 1905-06. B. S., Univ. of Iowa, 1902, Scholar in Physics, 1902-03, and Fellow, 1903-04- Sherman William Finger, Ph. B. Director of Physical Training for Men, and Instructor in German, 1907 — . Ph. B., Chicago Univ., 1907. CORNELL COLLEGE 23 Adelbert Seymour Watson, A. B., B. D. Principal of the Academy, 1908-09. A. B., Williams Coll., 1899; B. D,, Drew Theol. Sem., 1901. William Marion Hudson, A. M. Acting Professor of Political Economy and Sociology, 1910-II. A. B., Baker Univ., 1906; A. M., Yale, 1910. Frederick Milton McGaw, A. M. Assistant Professor of Mathematics, 1910 — . A. B., Phila., Pa., High Sch., 1888, and A. M., 1893; stu. in Mathdmatics, Univ. of Pa., 1893-96; B. S., Wesleyan Univ., Conn., 1902. Frank Holcomb Shaw, Mus. Bac. Instructor in Pipe Organ and the Theory and History of Music, 1910-12, and Acting Director of the Conservatory of Music, 1911-12. Mus. Bac, Oberlin Conservatory of Music, 1907. Albert Samuel Keister, A. M. Acting Professor of Political Economy and Sociology, 191 1—; Acting Principal of the Academy, 1912-13. A. B., Otterbein Univ., 1910; grad. stu. in Economics and Sbciol., Columbia Univ., 1910-11, and A. M., 1911. Alice Kerr Sturm, A. B. Acting Professor of Latin, 1912-13. A. B., 1902, and grad. stu., 1905-08, Univ. of Mich. Jesse Floyd Stinard, A. M. Acting Professor of the German Language and Literature, 19 12-13. A. B„ Brown Univ., 1900; A. M., Penn. State Coll., 1910; stu. at Institut Tilly, Berlin, 1908; grad. stu. in German and French, Univ. of Chicago, 1910-12, and Fellow in German, 1911-12. David James MacDonald, A. M. Acting Professor of Education, 1912-13. A. B., I^eander Clark Coll., 1905; Scholar and Fellow in Education and Psy- chology, State Univ. of Iowa, 1905-06; Scholar in Educational Admin., Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ., 1911-12. Homer Samuel Myers, A. M. Assistant Professor of Mathematics, 1912-13. A. B., 1893, and A. M., 1897, Baker Univ.; grad. stu. in Math., Univ. of Chi- cago, 1909-11. Clarence Jack Smith, A. M. Instructor in English, 1912-13; Assistant Pro- fessor of English, 1913 — . (See Alumni 1377.) Joseph Morris Bachelor, A. M. Assistant Professor of English, 191 3 — . A. B„ Miami Univ., 1911; A. M., Harvard, 1912; Univ. Scholar, Harvard, 1912-13. INSTRUCTORS AND ASSISTANTS * Susan E. Hale, A. M., Preceptress, French, 1857-65 Alice M. Foulke, Music, 1857-58 Elizabeth O. Dumon, Primary Department, 1857-60 * Madge E. Oliver (Kinsey), M. S. (ii), Music, 1858-60 Ellen E. Leebrick (Mann), Music, 1856-57, 1860-62, 1868-69 Julia M. Oliver, Primary Department, 1860-61 *Chloe Matson (Collin), M. E. L., M. S. (28), Primary Department, 1862-66 * Fannie J. Scott (Tool), Primary Department, 1862-63 Emma J. Newland (Werntz), Music, 1862-63 Amanda F. Plasket (Smead), A. M, ( I4 ), Primary, 1861-62, Art i%6i-6± 1871-75 ■ " ™ *Libbie J. Ayers (Bauman), Music, 1863-64 *Mary M. Ayers (Snow) (Bauman), Music, 1863-64 24 CORNELL COLLEGE Libbie Prior Stephens, Music, 1864-68 Louisa C. Albright (Manley), A. M. (22), %nghsk, 1864-65 Thomas L. Stephens, A. M., (31), Mathematics and Science, 1865-68 *Mary E. Ely (Rollins), A. B., French and English, 1865-70, 1872-74 Etta A. Prior, Music, 1865-67 James S. Hayes, Commercial Studies, 1866-70, 1871-72 Emma Weigley, Music, 1867-69 Erastus B. Soper, A. B., (59), Tutor, 1868-69 Ellen E. Smith, Art, 1868-69 Cornelia W. Shinn, Music, 1869-71 Alice A. Fellows (Rigby), A. M. (41), Music, 1869-71 Emily L. Wyman, Fm/c/* a«^ ^*, 1870-71 ,„-,., ,■ c „„ „, Mary A. Neff (Ford), A. M., (44), Languages and Mathematics 1870-75 Samuel H. Goodyear, A. M., (137), Commercial Studies, 1870-71, 1872-74 Eugenia M. Wilde (Olney), M. S., (80), Assistant, 1871-73 * Mary K. Butler (Miller), Music, 1871-73 Ella S. Rigby (Davis), A. M., (101), Preparatory and formal, **7£7S Martha A. Locke (Macomber), B. S., Preparatory and Normal, 1873-74 Ella Earl, MmjiV, 1873-74 v • ■ . ' _ Henrietta L. Albright (Pearce), A. M., (25), 1873-74 Mary Ellen Moody (Boyd), A. M., Music, 1873-77 Mary Frye Stribling, Music, 1874-78 *Rev J W. Hanna, A. M., Philosophy and History, 1874-76 Mary Lovelace, Preparatory and Normal Studies, 1874-76 Martha H. Jones, Art, 1874-75 , • .. . Eleanor A. Snyder, Drawing and English, "74-75 Charles M. Brown, M. S., (146), Commercial Studies, 1874-75 Frances M. Martin (Dobson), English, 1875-83 . *Eva A. Hutchins, Art, 1875-78 Charles A. Pollock, A. M., (178), Commercial Studies 1875-78 Fred M. Abbott, A. M., (164), Preparatory Department, i8 7 5"77 Julian B. Hubbell, Drawing, 1875-76 LAW. Stimpson, A. M., Preparatory Department, 1876-77 William F. Cramer, A. M., M. S., (183), Penmanship, *»76-79 William H. Albright, A. M., (166), Preparatory Department, 1876-77 M. Beaumont Gray, Mmmc, 1877-78 Tyndale Palmer, Elocution, 1877-78 Jennie M. Kidder, MmjiV, 1878-81, 1885-87 Bentamin C. Cory, Commercial Studies, 1878-79 David W. Ford, A. M., (147), M«ite/ Philosophy, 1879-80 Clara A. Haubrick (Davis), Mm^c, 1879-80 Robert Cousins, C. E., (211), Drawing, 1879-81 Simeon H. Cranmer, M. S., {212), Commercial Studies 1879-81 Henry C. White, M. Ph., (236), English ^d Penmanship i«79-8» Belle Hanna, M. S., (185), Mathematics and English, 1880-82, 1883-89, 1892-93, 1897-04 Angie P. Bragg, Mm«<:, 1880-80 E. Kate Fox (Power), Music, 1880-82 Mary E. Lewis, Music, 1880-81 Hattie J. Leonard (Colburn), Music, 1881-85 Clara A. Brackett (Smith) (Spear), Music, 1881-85 J. R. Anthony, Elocution, 1881-82 Rollo F. Hurlburt, (229), Commercial Studies, 1881-82 M. Lizzie Walker (Laton), Music, 1882-84 Frank Hoare, Music, 1882-84 * Mary A. Barrett (Whitmire), Preparatory Department, 1882-83 * Hattie E. Sessions (Merritt), A. M., (196), Preparatory Department, 1882- 83, 1885-87 CORNELL COLLEGE 25 Isaac W. Cranmer, (240), Commercial Studies, 1882-83 Fred P. Fisher, (314), Penmanship, 1882-83 W. V. Chambers, Commercial Studies, 1883-89 A. A. Ladd, Shorthand and Typewriting, 1883-84 Elizabeth S. Chadbourne, Elocution, 1884-85 * Louis O. Jurgensen, Art, 1885-86 * Fannie B. McClung (Lewis), Mathematics and History, 1885-86 Violetta M. Crandall (Harris), M. S., (239), History, 1885-86 Grant Wyrick, Shorthand and Typewriting, 1885-86 E. B. Warman, A. M., Elocution and Physical Training, 1886-87 Luella Boyd, A. M., (257), Preparatory Department, 1886-87 Ella Albright (Olmstead), Music, 1886-88 George E. Whitehill, B. L., Mathematics and Science, 1887-89 Florella M. Goudy, Music, 1887-89, 1907— Henry M. Rathbun, Shorthand and Typewriting, 1887-88 Ella F. Godfrey, Music, 1888-89 A. Maeder, Music, 1888-89 Mahala Dutton, Music, 1888-89 Blanche Swingley (Armstrong), A. M., (450), Shorthand and Typewriting, 1888-91 * Jennie L. Fitch, Art, 1889-92, 1895 Benjamin L. Remick, M. Ph., (386), Mathematics, 1889-92 Eliza J. Hyndman, A. M., M. Ph., (215), Science, 1889-94 W. I. Staley, Commercial Studies, 1889-91 Henrietta Rigley, Music, 1889-91 Corinth Crook, B. S., German and French, 1889-91 Sarah G. Bagnell, A. M., English, 1890-91 E. F. Reamer, Commercial Studies, 1890-91 Lucy Dean, Piano, 1891-93 Isabel E. Graves, Ph. B., Latin and English, 1891-93 Nina V. Benedict, Voice, 1891-93, 1896-98 Helen M. Young (Cumming), Violin, 1891-95 Laura F. Ristine, Shorthand and Typewriting, 1891— M. Jennette Louden, Piano, 1892-93 * Mary Elizabeth Smith, A. M., (197), Greek, 1892-92; Mathematics, 1895-1907 John George Mitchell, A. B., History, 1893-93 Florence Augusta Martin, Piano, 1893-94 Elsie Esther West (Gorham), B. S., (543), Academy Studies, 1893-95 Carrie Guilford Gardner, Piano, 1893-94 Jessie Carlotta Mack (Hamilton), Voice, 1893-96 Margaret Richie Wiseman, French, 1894-00 Maud Wilson, Piano, 1894-96 Mary E. Marshall, Piano, 1895-96 Mablyn Roosevelt Fuller, Music, 1895-95 Judson W. Mather, Piano and Harmony, 1895-98 Mary Edith Love (Fiske), M. Ph., (440), Mathematics and English, 1895-97 Ernestine Cotton, Music, 1895-95 Gertrude M. Potwin, Violin, 1895-96 Frederick G. G. Schmidt, German, 1896-97 Gertrude F. Mather, Violin, 1896-98 Lucile Pollard (Carroll), Piano, 1896-98 *Amy L. Dougherty (Capper), B. Ph., (625), Mathematics and English, 1897-99 Grace Lee Wilbour, Piano, 1897-98 Margaret Jones Adams, Mus. Bac, Piano and Voice, 1898-01 Gertrude Smith, Piano and Pipe Organ, 1898-01 Marietta Edith Rowley, Art, 1898-00 2D CORNELL COLLEGE Edna Olive Randall, A. B., (1632), Physical Training, 1898-99 Jacob Schmidt, Violin, 1898-03 Anne Patton (Simpson), Mus. Bag., Piano and Voice, 1899-09 Leon DeWitt Niles, Mandolin and Guitar, 1899-02 Charlotte Winton Greene, Voice, 1900-01 Lida Landon Love (Persons), Piano and Pipe Organ, 1900-04 Annie Beatrice Beard, French, 1900-01 Maude Tabb, Voice, 1900-02 Frances Elizabeth Oldfield, Voice, 1901-03 Leonidas Raymond Higgins, Ph. D., Latin and English, 1901-02 Anna Lucretia Wolfe, B. Ph., (732), Mathematics and English, 1902-08 Mabel Gibson Mills, Piano and Harmony, 1902-03 Nelye M. Dickson, Elocution and Oratory, 1902-04 Maxwell L. McCullough, Piano, etc., 1902-04 Kate Liddle, Voice, 1902-03 Ulysses S. Parker, A. M., Economics, 1902-03 Rachel Maude Dolph (Davis), Art, 1902-04. Alice Elizabeth Platner, B. Ph., (884), Piano, 1903 — Jean M. Shupp, Mus. Bag, Voice, 1903-06 Mary C. Marlatt, A. B., Latin, 1903-04 Lucy Moody Boyd, A. B., (1089), Violin, 1903-07 Julia Patton, A. B., English, 1904-08 Birdie Laura Bunting, Voice, 1904-05 Ethel Mae Long (Twogood), Elocution, 1904-06 Blanche P. Barbour, Piano, 1904-06 Olive Ray Metcalf (Hand), B. S., Latin, 1904-06 Winifred C. Hays, A. B., (1106), English, 1905-06 Elizabeth V. Williams (Lounsbury), B. Ph., (902), Violin, 1905-06 Maude L. Oliver, A. B., (999), Latin, 1906-10 Anna Elizabeth Yoder, Elocution and Oratory, 1906-08 Alma Fuller Pierce, Music, 1906-07 Sarah V. Hardin, Ph. B., English, 1906-07 Elizabeth Willson, Piano, 1906-07 Thomas Stanley Skinner, Mus. Bac, Pipe Organ, 1906-10 Grace L. Whitcomb (Hays), B. S., (784), Voice, 1906-07 Laura L. Hinkley, A. M., (981), English, 1906-09 Beulah Crawford, A. M., (967), Education and Psychology, 1906-07 Alice Rigby (Moore), A. M., (944), English, 1907-11 Luella Matson Albrook (Miller), A. M., (589), English, 1907-09 Gail Hamilton Ridgway, A. B., Mus. Bac, Violin, 1907-10 Dhel Loofbourrow (Morse), Voice, 1907-08 Laura Adams, A. M., (1033), German, 1907-09 Daisy Dean Wood, A. B., (1080), Mathematics, 1907-08 Jessie Adelaide Hofstetter, Mus. Bac, Piano, 1908-09 Ethel Elliott, A. B., (1272), Mathematics, 1908-09 Margaret Lawson, Voice, 1908-09 Myrtle Van Petten, Elocution, 1908-09 _ Ruby Clare Wade, A. M., (1139), English, 1908-09 Leroy Carr Allen, Physical Training, 1909-10 Jane Lewis (Smith); A. B., (1163), Elocution, 1909-10 Bertha Eloise Hart, Mus. Bac, Piano, 1909-12 Margaret May Taylor, A. B., (1073), History and Mathematics, 1909- Myrtle M. Pelleymounter (Williams), A. B., (1178), English, 1909-13 Nora Hannah Curran (Knox), Voice, 1909-10 Cora B. Chamberlain (Thompson), A. B., (1322), Normal Studies, 1909-" Phila Gem Russell (Terrall), A. B., (1242), Latin, 1910-12 Laura Lockwood, A. B., (1431), Mus. Bac, Piano 1910-12 George Henry Kellogg, B. S., (1553), Normal Studies, 1910-12 CORNELL COLLEGE 27 Lowell E. Mabie Welles, Voice, 1910-11 Julia Seiler Shaw, Mus. Bag., Violin, 1910-12 Garda Norton Metcalfe, A. B., Voice, 1910-12 Bartholow Vincent Crawford, A. B., (1401), English, 1910-12 Maude Marie Aldrich, A. B., (1082), Art, 1910-11 Percey Eunice Watson, A. M., (1025), German, 1910-11 Jenette Lewis, A. M., (564), English, 1911-12 Katharine Blanche Blackwell, B. Ph., (693), German, 19x1-13 Laura Millicent Winnard, Art, 1911-12 Permelia Allen, Mus. Bac, Violin, 1912— Margaret Price Medary, A. B., (1563), English, 1912-13 William Peter Lamale, Mus. Bac, Pipe Organ, 1912— John Leonard Conrad, Mus. Bac, Voice, 1912-13 Sylvia Susan Singleton, A. M., Latin, 1912— Ernest Roy Zechiel, A. B., Piano, 19 12— Beulah May Garrard, A. B., (1412), History, 1912-13 Ellen Warren Van Pelt, Art, 1912— Gertrude Madison, A. M., English, and Dean of Bowman Hall, 191*— Jean Blossom Wilcox, Voice, 1913-13 Elsa Strawman, Elocution, 1913 — Nellie Hartung, A. B., (1219), English, 1913— Maude Hughes, Mus. Bac, Voice, January, 1914— 3. THE ALUMNI The alumni record aims to be as complete : as space and _th« ^™^J obtainable permits. The present occupation and address are at * he ^ ° r the paragraph. Doubtful addresses are marked (?) or with numeral at the ^year when known There has been added to the sketch of a graduate who has married "wTth another graduate the numerical reference in pa.nthesis to he other half". That part of a woman's name acquired by marriage is enclosed in parentheses. CLASSES 1858-1913 I. Class of 1858. ,. Matthew Cavanagh, B. S., M. S. Has served as Mayor and mem of Board of Education of Iowa City; Lawyer Iowa City la. (H. a* 2) 2. Mary L, Fellows (Cavanagh), M. E. L., M. S. Teacher in Public Sch., 1857-58; Iowa City, la. (W. of 1.) II. Class of 1859. 3 Sarah Emilie Beede, M. E. L. Born, Dixon, 111., July 20, 1837; died, 4 S A l C J hubbuck tpeet), M. E. L. Born, Orwell, Pa., March 15 , 1838; died, Viola, la., August 18, 1865. r&ssfe set S; ssr-sfaaras ffi III. Class of i860. 8. Amelia Matthews (Cowles) B .8, MS B«n, Dund... Canada, Jan. a, l839 ; died, Buffalo, N.YApnlH, 1897; (W. <*j.) G ^ 9 . Oliver James Cowles A. B., A. M. B. D. „» 6 ^.^ ^ M E . c ' hureh; S» B-. %&£%■&£ ™ ST - - ^ (H - I0 . Thomas Hogg Dickson, A B Born, Edmeston, Scotland, Jnne s . „ '1^?3gS t &i2£*pL* Born March ,8, .38; died, Sutler Creek, Cal., March 20, 1885. IV. Class of 1861. I2 . Addie Collin (GUruth), A. B A M We, Plain, , Mo ^(W^f %) ** ftZZ ££&&& ^V^^ near FHntville, Tenn., Oct. 7, 1892- B AM Organizer and head of Art i4 - ^^W^^ ° f Art Dept - Neophogen CORNELL COLLEGE 29 Coll., Tenn., 1867; Prin. of Art Dept., DePauw Coll., New Albany, Ind., 1868-76; Organizer and Head of Art Dept., Baker Univ., 1880-83; leacner of Drawing and Painting in Chicago, 1883-1903. Josephine, Baldwin Co., Ala. 15. Milo Pettibone Smith, A. B., A. M. LL. B., Univ. of Mich., 1866; Capt. 31st Iowa Inf.; Dist. Atty. for Eighth Judicial Dist, 1875-83- Co Atty. for Linn Co., 1887-91; Judge of Dist. Court, 1907—. 1314 2d Ave. East, Cedar Rapids, la. V^ Class of 1862. 16. Wilbur C. Dimmitt, A. B. Capt, Co. F, 24th la. Inf. Born, Ohio, March 24, 1840; died in the service, Mansfield, La., May 4 1864 17. George H. Foster, A. B. Priv. 38th la. Inf. Born, Port Byron, 111., May 18, 1840; died in the service, Aug. 23, 1863. 18. Fannie J. Scott (Tool), B. S., M. S. Born, Crawfordsville, Ind. Tan 23, 1836; died, Greenfield, la., March 9, 1887. 19. Simon Shoecraft, A. B., A. M. Born, Oswego Co., N. Y., Sept 22 1836; died, Clinton, la., Dec. 6, 1912. 20.1 Emerson K. Young, A. B., A. M. D. D., Allegheny Coll., 1883; Au- thor "Bright Days Abroad," and "Biographers of Christ"; Minister in M. E. Church, 1863-96. Born, Oneida Co., N. Y., Jan. 4, 1840; died, Saranac Lake, N. Y., Nov. 27, 1896. VI. Class of 1863. 21. Jeremiah S. Eberhart, B. S,, M. S. Minister M. E. Church, 1863-83; City Mission Work, 1883-1907; Publisher of Sunday Sch. Specialties; Author, Roll of Honor System for Sunday Schools." Retired- mo N Kenwood Ave., Austin, Minn. VII. Class of 1864. 22. Louisa Catherine Albright (Manley), A. B., A. M. Perdido Beach, Baldwin Co., Ala. 23. Edwin Collin, A. B., A. M. Consular Clerk, Genoa, Italy, 1865-66; o°i 1SU Jo ar r^ gC 5 St Gal1 ' Switz -' l86 6"67l Vice-Consul, Zurich, Switz. 00 ' i, ' State Univ " of Iowa > l86 9J Co - A «y. for Worth Co., la., 1889-95; Del. to Nat. Repub. Convention at St. Louis, 1896; Representative in 34th Genl. Assembly of Iowa, 1911; Pres, Northwood Savings Bank- Lawyer, Northwood, la. 24. Mary A. Hayzlett (Bradshaw), A. B., A. M. Born, Mt. Vernon la June 21, 1846; died, Toledo, la., June 25, 1892. VIII. Class of 1865. 25. Henrietta Albright (Pearce), A. B., A. M. Pueblo, Col. 26. George Melville Bowman, B. S., M. S. Priv. Co. D, 44th Iowa Inf.; Pres. First Nat. Bank, San Jose, Cal. ; Pres. of Golden Gate Packing Co. Pres., Impenale-Prune Orchard, San Jose, Cal. Born, Dubuque, la., Feb. 11, 1844; died, San Jose, Cal., Nov. 27, 1903. 2 l' ^i Uiam yr A * Gr !S t %. B C S " M - S - Died > Greene ' Ia '» 0ct - *5, 1897. 28. Chloe Matson (Collin), M. E. L., M. S. Born, Waterloo, Ind., Nov. 30, 1840; died, Mt. Vernon, la., Oct. 9, 1905. 29 ' f} iz t J " S P an S ler ' A - B - Born, Carroll Co., Ohio, April 12, 1845; died, Mt. Vernon, la., Sept. 9, 1866. 30. Mary E Spencer, B. S., M. S. Prin. Tremont Sch., Cleveland, O., 1875-82; Prin of Sch No. 6, Yonkers, N. Y., 1882-90; Proprietor of Private Sch. for Girls, 770 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, O., until 1902. Florence Court, Washington, D. C. 3 o CORNELL COLLEGE ,x Thomas L. Stephens, A. B., A. M. Second Lieut. Co, D, 44th Iowa 3 Inf. Priii. Western Iowa Coll. Inst., 1869-71 J Supt. Soldiers' Orphan Home, Glenwood, la., 1871-75; Mayor of Glenwood, 1895-99; .Record Clerk, Adjt. General's Office, State House. 1506 18th St., Des Moines, la. IX, Class of 1866. 32. John R. Hays, B. S., M. S. Lawyer, Norfolk Nebr. ,*. Mary E. Morgan (Maxlow), A. B., A. M. Lincoln, Nebr 3! Thaddeus L. Smith, A. B. Lieut, Co. F, 24th Iowa Vols. Born, Dalton, O March 22, 1839; died, Mt. Vernon, la., Dec. 29, 1868. 35. Anna C. Walker, B. S., M. S. 818 N. Sycamore St, Santa Ana, Cab \e Mary A. B. Witter, A. B, A. M. Iowa State Diploma, 1888 ; Teachei 3 L forty-five years: Latin and English for nine years in the Marion High ScL ^ and for eighteen years in the North Side High Sch, Denver, Col. Mt, Vernon, la. X. Class of 1867. 37. Genia M. Birdsall (Thrall), B. S, M. S. Born, Schenectady, N. Y, Tune 24, 1848; died, Galesville, Wis., Feb. 14, 1886 38. Anna E. Brackett (Neff), B. S, M. S. Born Wilton N. Y, Oct. 24, 1847; died, Mt. Vernon, la., June 13, 1912- ( w - ° f j 5 ;' , T11 An ,, T o 39. Flora J. Burr (Parsons), A. B, A. M. Born Woodstock, 111, April 18, 1845; died, Las Animas, Col., Jan. 22, 1875. (W. of 45-) 40. William Alton Burr, A. B., A. M M D Hahnemann Med. CoH Chicaeo 1869; Corporal Co. D, 44th Iowa Inf.; Lay Del. to Genl. Cont. ME Church' from" Neb, Conf, 1872; Pre* Denver Homeopa hie M d Club- Vice-Pres. Colorado Homeopathic Soc; Prof in Denve Horn nathic Med Coll, 1869-97; Ed. of Denver Journal of Homeopathy, 1894- L Editorial Collaborator 'for Progress; Contributor to medical journals. 43 HattTfA. Lamb (Martin), B. S., M. S. Born, Elk Grove, 111., Dec. 5, i8« ; died, Belmond, la., Feb. 6, 1897- ,„.,,,,) ,. Marv A Neff (Ford), A. B., A. M. Mt. Vernon, la. (W. 01 147-) It Rufus D Parsons A B., A. M., D. D. 2nd Sergt. Co. D, 44th Iowa 45 ' In" ^Minister f°M E. Church, ,867-1907- R«ired, evangehs. and sup- ply Mt Vernon la (Ho f 39^ Bib j nst l869 . * J B°otcedarWa. A £ t ^if died June 8, ? ^, Manchester, la., i7 t^Tw^TiX's^T^ AtL^eHe Plaine, 47 ' tod ^ Miches er° Supt. of Schools at Mason City and Atlantic; Pres. Iowa ^Teachers' Assoc, in ,t,6. Born, Galena, 111., March ,, 1847; d*d, Mt. Vernon, May 14, 1902- XI. Class of 1S68. *8 Tosias T Andrews, B. S., M. S. 1st Sergt. Co. A, 140th 111. Vols.; 4 mem of Lot Angeles' City Council. .538 Shatto St. Los Angeles Ca 49 ElSabeth Cory (Soper), A. B., A M. Supt. of Sunday Sch. fifteen ,0 KaTk^^M^A-M Born, Kingston, Canada, June 29, t8a<- died. Mobile, Ala, March 30, 1885. 5,. Margaret C. McClaskey (Rose), B. S, M. S. 4549 Kmgswell Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. CORNELL COLLEGE 3I 52. Ben McCoy B. S M. S. Priv. 47th Iowa Inf.; State Senator, 1884-92: Judge 6th Judicial Dist.; Lawyer, Oskaloosa, la. 53. Nettie McKinney (Harlan), B. S., M. S. Mt. Vernon, la. (W. of 67.) 54. John Wesley Moore, B. S., M. S. Corporal, i 4 2d Ohio Vol. Inf.; Mem., of the 15th Iowa Genl. Assembly; Treas. of Marion Co., Kans., 1888-92; Mem. Kansas Legis., 1913 — ; Editor, Marion, Kans. 55- Myron K. Neff, B. S., M. S. Mem. of Bd. of Education of Pub. Schs., 1881-1912; Retired Merchant, Mt. Vernon, la. (H. of 38.) 56. Susan C. Randall (Lamb), B. S., M. S. Born, Pennsylvania, March 22, 1 841 ; died at Denver, Col., Dec. 14, 1906. 57. Maggie L. Reading (Brower), B. S., M. S. 3425 Gladstone Blvd., Kansas City, Mo. 58. Carrie E. Reed (Cherrington), B. S., M. S. Missionary in India, 1872- 76. Born, Epworth, la., Nov. 25, 1847; died, San Fernando, Cal., Dec. 29, 1887. 59. Erastus B. Soper, A. B., A. M., LL. D. Priv., Co. K, 1st Iowa Inf. : Priv., Sergt., Second Lieut, First Lieut., and Capt. Co. D, 12th Iowa Inf. • Tutor in Cornell Coll., 1868-69; Past Commander M. O. L. L,, Iowa Commandery; Chmn. Shiloh Monument Commission; Vice-Pres. Army of the Tennessee, 1906-07; First Treas. of Iowa Soc. of Sons of Amer. Rev- olution; Lay Del. to Genl. Conf. of the M. E. Church at Los Angeles, 1904, and at Baltimore, 1908; mem. Board of Trustees, Cornell Coll.J 1877—, and of Exec. Com. of same, 1886—; Lawyer and Banker, Em- metsburg, la. (H. of 49.) XII. Class of 1869. 60. Eva Cattron (Rigby), B. S., M. S. 2322 Drummond St., Vicksburg, Miss. (W. of 75.) 61. James Plummer Coffman, A. B., A. M. Farmer, Lacon, 111. 62. Lewis E. Curts, B. S., M. S., D. D. Priv. Co. F, 24th Iowa Inf.; Agt. of the Western Methodist Book Concern, 1892-1900; Minister in M E. Church. 333 W. 6th St., Long Beach, Cal. 63. Emma E, Fellows (Nowlin), A. B., A. M. Sec. of Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc, San Francisco Dist, 1896-1907. 338 8th Ave., San Fran- cisco, Cal. (W. of 113.) 64. Hamline Hurlburt Freer, B. S., M. S., A. B., A. M., LL. D.; Prin. Schools, Chariton, la., 1869-70; Instructor, Acad. Cornell Coll., 1870-72- P c rin ^u^ Cad ' and Normal De P t » l8 72-87J Sr. Fellow in Economics, Univ. of Chicago, 1892-93; Pres. la. State Teachers' Assn., 1891 ; Mem. la. State Bd. Educational Examiners, 1898-1902; Council Amer. Economic Assn., 1899-1905; Advisory Council Simplified Spelling Bd., 1907—- Prof. Science and Art of Teaching and Political Economy, Cornell Coll ' 1887-1902, David Joyce Prof. Pol. Econ. and Sociology, and Dean of College, 1902-—. 65. Isaac F Giger, A. B., A. M. Co. D, 44th Iowa Inf. Retired; Toledo, la. James H Gilruth, A. B., A. M. Retired farmer, West Plains, Mo. (H. of 12.) 6 7 . James E Harlan, A. B., A. M., LL. D. LL. D., Upper Iowa Univ., 1904, and Northwestern Univ., 1910; Priv. Co. D, 44th Iowa Inf.; Supt Schools, Cedar Rapids, 1869-72; Prin. Sch., Sterling, 111., 1872-73; Alumni Prof. Mathematics, Cornell Coll., 1873-80, Math, and Astronomy, !88o- 1909, Vice-Pres., 1881-08 and Pres., 1908—. (H. of 53.) 68. Warren Harman, A. B., A. M. Three years City Atty. and three terms as Councilman, Cedar Rapids, la.; two terms as Trustee of Cornell S5 \% r a >^ rs trustee Y - M. C. A., Cedar Rapids; Lawyer, 607 S. 14th St., Cedar Rapids, la. * ' 69. Franklin W Hart, A. B., A. M. Priv. 46th Iowa Inf.; Mem. of Iowa Legis., 1882-84; Mem. of Gov, Larrabee's Staff, with rank of Lieut Col., 32 CORNELL COLLEGE 1886-90; Lawyer and Real Estate Broker, 523 Stimson Blk, Los Angeles, „: MtaarNo1t^ ) (Galloway),BS.,M 8 S. B^, Witenngton, Pa., Oct. .1 .84a; died "a Grove la., »•!,.» rf Co . G +6th wisconsin 78, HluhLi Soc, Died, Salem Ore., June xo .908. I 3 "' 29 '" '^i'ldilbtoey) I B , S N °M. , |. '.709 11* Ave., Spokane, Wash. 1°, S^eyC^S^S. ^ Co. D, 44* Iowa Inf. Re- tired merchant, Mt. Vernon, la. XIII. Class of 1870. t«-7c-8t- SuDt of Public Instruction of la., 1881-87, rnn. ui ™ of Nebr., 1885; Pnv. Co. I 2d Iowa . ^ * ad Iowa C av. l8 6 4 ; Pres., two years, and ^hap. menty^eigh y ^ ^.^ Assn.; Dept. Chap Iowa G. A. R and U. v. u., 5aSr&^&;W: ^Ws^and W aad ,« Reserve Del ^ 3*9 G*to. A^P. saden Cah ^ 8s - 8p^aiPkNfc£5 «§• &■■ ° f c °- c ^ city Engr - 5 th and KSts David City Nebr. (H. of ya. wilmillgton) Pa,, I i^^f^|FpL£SS^^:^; 9 °- Srb^.^Wayne Ave., Rogers Park, Chicago, 111. CORNELL COLLEGE 33 91. Milton Starr, B. S., M. S. Grand Sec. of I. O. G. T. for four years; once editor and pub. Upper Des Moines Republican, Algona, la. Fruit farmer, Cory, Delta Co., Col. 92. Frank E. Stephens, B. S., M. S. Drum Maj. 20th Iowa Inf., 1863-65; Supt. DeWitt Schools, 1870-74; Co. Supt. Mills Co., 1876-78; Supt. of< Schools, Centerville, la., 1879-82 and 1892-97; Merchant, Centerville, la., 1882-92, and Lincoln, Nebr., 1897-1901 ; Editor of Glenwood Opinion, 1874-75; Ranchman, Corvallis, Ore., 1901-09; Manager of the Daily and Weekly Oregonian for Corvallis, 1909 — . Corvallis, Ore. (H. of 83.) 93. Nicholas George Van Sant, B. S., M. S. LL. B., Michigan Univ., 1905; Priv. 9th Illinois Cav. ; Lay Del. to Genl. Conf., M. E. Church, 1896 and 1900; Del. to World's Y. M. C. A. Convention, London, Eng., 1894; Lawyer, 601 2d Ave., Sterling, 111. (H. of 87.) 94. Luther Clinton Woodford, A. B., A. M. Prin. of Sem., Algona, la., 1870-71 ; Clergyman, Fort Collins, Col. XIV. Class of 1871. 95. Henry S. Bargelt, B. S., M. S. Minister M. E. Church. Born, Middle- town, Pa., April 7, 1849; died, Traverse City, Mich., April 1, 1910. 96. N. Howard Coleman, A. B. Born, Burlington, la., Feb. 22, 1847; died, Oskaloosa, la., June 4, 1871. 97. John William Cory, A. B., A. M. Dist. Atty. 14th Judicial Dist., 1877-88; Mayor of Spirit Lake, la., 1881-84. Lawyer, Spencer, la. 98. Sarah D. Esget (Holtsclaw), B. S., M. S. Teacher of Painting, Larch- wood, la. 99. Merritt A. Goodell, A. B., A. M., D. D., 1907. Forty years a minister, M. E. Church. 230 Reber Ave., Waterloo, la. 100. William O. Mitchell, B. S., M. S. Priv., Co. C, 13th Iowa Inf.; Rep. from the 13th Dist., 24th and 25th Genl. Assembly, and Speaker of the House, 24th G. A.; Senator, 26th and 27th G. A.; Lawyer, Guthrie, Okla. 101. Ellen S. Rigby (Davis), A. B., A. M. Teacher, Epworth Sem., 1871-73 ; Preparatory Dept, Cornell Coll., 1873-75; Dansville Sem., N. Y., 1877- 78. 58 Francis St., Boston, Mass. 102. Jesse W. Rigby, A. B., A. M. Priv., Co. B, 24th Iowa Inf.; Clergy- man, Hood River, Ore. XV. Class of 1872. 103. Augustus T. Ash, B. S., M. S. Born, Mt. Vernon, la., April 18, 1851; died, Hastings, Nebr., Feb. 25, 1880. 104. Edgar Truman Brackett, A. B., A. M., LL. D. State Senator from 28th, later 30th, Dist., State of New York, 1896-1911. Lawyer, 605 Broadway, Saratoga, N. Y. 105. Lester B. Carhart, A. B., A. M. Mayor, Sheffield, la., 1888-90; Trustee and Treas. Clear Lake Camp Meeting Assn., 1905-12; Pres. of Sch. Bd., Sheffield, 1900-04; Director and Vice-Pres. Sheffield Brick and Tile Co., and Grinnell Canning Co.; Cashier Bank, 1880 — , Sheffield, la. 106. George Elliott, B. S., M. S., D. D., LL. D. LL. D., Albion Coll., Mich.; Author, "The Abiding Sabbath," "The Beauty of Jesus," and "Biblical Criticism and Preaching" ; Field Sec. Bd. of Home Missions and Church Extension, Chicago; Mem. Genl. Conf., M. E. Church, 1900, 1904, 1908, 1912; Clergyman, 615 Ninth St., Bay City, Mich. 107. Mary Louise Freer (Marine), B. S., M. S. Born, Chardon, O., Nov. 3, 1850; died, Mason City, I a., March 26, 1903. (W. of 89.) 108. Emma A. Haskin (Webster), B. S., M. S. Born, Mt. Vernon, la., April 10, 1852; died, Lincoln, Nebr., Nov. 29, 1880. 109. Elsie Hayzlett (Wallace), A. B., A. M. Marion, la. 110.1 Sarah Martin, B. S., M. S. Mt. Vernon, la. 34 CORNELL COLLEGE in. A. Gertrude Mason (Aiken), B. S., M. S. Born, Mt. Vernon, la., July 2 3> 5^54; died, Louisburg, Kans., Jan. 23, 1880. 112. Eliza McKeil (Smith), B. S., M. S. 2112 Davenport St., Omaha, Nebr. 113. Willard Nowlin, A. B., A. M. Soldier, 10th Iowa Inf.; Supt. Schools, Lyons, la., 1872-74; Deputy Atty.-Genl. of Cal, 1891; Commander George H. Thomas Post, Dept. Cal. and Nev. G. A. R., 1908; Cal. Del. to Nat. Repub. Convention at Chicago, June, 1912, and Del. to Nat. Progressive Convention at Chicago, Aug., 1912; Lawyer, Foxcroft Bldg., San Francisco, Cal. (H. of 63.) 114. Samuel George Smith, A. B., A. M., LL. D. Ph. D., Syracuse Univ.; D. D., Upper I^wa Univ.; mem. Board of Charities, Pres. Nat. Conf. of Charities, and Vice-Pres. Nat. Prison Assn. ; former Pres. State Board of Visitors; now mem. State Board of Parole; twenty years Pres. Associated Charities; Author, ''Retribution," "The Industrial Conflict," ^ "Social Pathology," "Democracy and the Church," and contributor to periodicals; Prof, of" Sociology, and Regent, Univ. of Minn., and Pastor People's Church, St. Paul, Minn. 115. Samuel J. Smyth, A. B., A. M. LL. B., State Univ. of Iowa; Mem. Washington House of Representatives, 1890-91 ; Solicitor, Wash. Co- operative Mining Syndicate; Lawyer, 4632 South K St., Tacoma, Wash.; dairy and stock farmer, Goldendale, Wash. 116. Thomas Blaine Taylor, A. B., A. M. Prin. Albion Sem., 1872-73; Clerk of Franklin Co. Courts, 1875-79; Lay Del. to Genl. Conf., M. E. Church, 1896 and 1900; Lawyer. Died, Los Angeles, Cal., July, 1908. XVI. Class of 1873. 117. Emma F. Aldrich (Stevens), B. S., M. S. Paralta, la. 118. Albert E. Carhart, A. B., A. M. Prin. Schools, Tama, la., 1873-74, and Maquoketa, la., 1874-76; Organizer and, for six years, Supt. of South Dak. Anti-Saloon League; Financial Agt., Dak. Wesleyan Univ., one year; editor and contributor to temperance periodicals; Minister, M. E. Church, Mitchell, S. D. 119. Jennie F. Emmert (Decker), B. S., M. S. Glen Ellyn, Dupage Co., 111. 120. J. Frederick Escher, A. B., A. M. M. D., Kentucky Sch. of Med., 1878; Physician and Surgeon, 1042 8th St., San Diego, Cal. (H. of 14s.) 121. Hannah C. Golden, B. S.* M. S. M. D., State Univ. of Iowa, 1882; Phvsician, Vinton, la. Died March 6, 1906. 122. Rodintha C. McDole (Hayes), B. S., M. S. Supt. of Rescue Work for Col. W. C. T. U. 1736 Washington St., Denver, Col. 123. Samuel L. Savidge, B. S., M. S. Dist. Judge, Kearney, Nebr., 1883. Born in Clinton Co., O., 1847; died, Kearney, Nebr., Nov. 29, 1883. 124. Anna Smyth (Holden), B. S., M. S. Teacher, Cedar Rapids, la., 1877- 79 ; Preceptress of Napa Coll. 606 Franklin St., Napa, Cal. 125. William Smyth, B. S., M. S. Lawyer, Cedar Rapids, la. 126. Mathias Verdin Sweesy, A. B., A. M. Examiner of Titles, 2550 Jackson St., San Francisco, Cal. 127. Martin Luther Ward, B. S., M. S. Co. Atty. for Linn Co., la.; Dist. Atty. for San Diego Co., Cal.; Pres. Board Trustees, State Normal Sch., San Diego, Cal.; Lawyer, 1030 23d St., San Diego, Cal. XVII. Class of 1874. 128. Charles E. Albrook, B. S., M. S. Mayor of Eldora, 1878-79 and 1893- 94; Presidential Elector, 1892; Del. to Repub. Nat. Convention from the 3<1 Dist. of Iowa, 1896; Judge of nth Dist. of Iowa, 1908 — . Eldora, la. 129. John W. Baird, B. S., M. S. Born, Morgantown, Va., Sept. 1, 1852; died, San Antonio, Tex., Feb. 7, 1893. CORNELL COLLEGE 35 130. William F. Barclay, A. B., A. M. Pres. Algona Coll., 1875-77; Prin. Albion Sem.; Del. to Genl. Conf., M. E. Church, 1896. Born, Medina Co., O., Jan. 22, 1848; died, Cedar Rapids, la., Dec. 3, 1904. 131. William Boggs, B. S., M. S. Farmer and Ins. Agt., Kingston, O. 132. Albert N. Bushnell, B. S., M. S. Born, Mercer Co., Pa., Dec. 10, 1849; died, Algona, la., May 2, 1904. 133. Richard W. Coates, A. B., A. M. Del. from Cornell Coll. to conven- tion organizing State Oratorical Assn., 1874; State Del. to convention organizing Interstate Oratorical Assn. ; Pastor for thirty years. Retired. Spencer, la. 134. Walter Ashley Doron, B. S., M. S. Supt. Schools, West Liberty, Steamboat Rock, Monticello, and Eldora ; Trustee Iowa Normal^ Sch., six years; Mgr. Iowa Modern Brotherhood of Amer. ; Prin. High Sch., Corona, Cal. (1908). 135. Dennis D. Ford, A. B., A. M. Supt. Schools, Harvey, Chicago, 111.; Dairyman, East Otto, N. Y. (1902). 136. Joseph E. Gandy, B. S., M. S. M. D., Univ. of Mich., 1873; Priv., Co. D, 44th Iowa Vol.; Asst. Surgeon, U. S. A., 1881-83; Mem. State Legis. of Washington and Speaker of House, Spokane, Wash. 137. Samuel H. Goodyear, A. B., A. M. Author and publisher; Manager Monarch Note Book Co. ; Lecturer on accountancy, Univ. of Iowa, 1909- 11. 1202 Mitchell Ave., St. Joseph, Mo. (H. of 151.) 138. Theodore F. Mentzer, B. S., M. S. Mayor of Marion, la., 1878 ; City Atty., 1885-86, and Mayor, 1887-88, Mitchell, S. D. ; Terr. Representa- tive, S. D., 1887-88; Mem. of Legis. State of Washington, 1903; Lumber manuf. and Lawyer, Tenino, Wash. 139. John Loring Pollock, A. B., A. M. Mgr. for John T. Hancock Co., Wholesale Grocers, 801 Grand View Ave., Dubuque, la. 140. Richard L. Rowe, B. S., M. S. Statistical editorial writer, Hermis- ton, Ore. 141. Leslie M. Shaw, B. S., M. S., LL. D. LL. B., la. Coll. of Law, 1876; LL. D., Simpson Coll., 1898; LL. D., Wesleyan Univ.; LL. D., Dickinson Coll.; Lay Del. to Genl. Conf. M. E. Church, 1888, 1892, 1896, 1900; Gov. of la., 1898-1902; Sec. of U. S. Treasury, 1902-07; Author, "Cur- rent Issues," and "Aptitude Plus Application." Retired. 115 Broadway, New York City. 142. Henry Albert Sutherland, A. B., A. M. Right-of-Way Agt., C. M. & St. P. R. R. Co., Marion, la. 143. Sylvanus Bucklin Warner, A. B., A. M., D. D. Dist. Supt. St. Paul Dist, 1884-88, and St. Louis Dist, 1899-1902; Pastor M. E. Church, Rocky Ford, Col. 144. Clinton L. White, A. B., A. M. Deputy Atty. Genl. of Cal., 1881-83; Maj., 4th Brigade, N. G. C, 1886-90; Author, "Criminal Law of Cal- ifornia," 1880; Mayor of Sacramento, 1908-1909; Lawyer, 630 21st St., Sacramento, Cal. 145. Annie J. Wiley (Escher), B. S., M. S. Born, Tyrone Co., Ireland, March 4, 1851; died, San Diego, Cal., Nov. 4, 1892. (W. of 120.) XVIII. Class of 1875. 146. Charles Michael Brown, B. S., M. S. LL. B., State Univ. of Iowa, 1877. Real Estate, 710 Security Bldg., Cedar Rapids, la. 147. David Wilmot Ford, A. B., M. S. Farmer, Mt. Vernon, la. (H. of 44.) 148. Mary M. Jones (Bohner), B. S., M. S. 500 Nebr. Ave., Long Beach, Cal. 149. William Branson Lardner, B. S., M. S. LL. B., State Univ. of Iowa, 1877; Court Commissioner for Placer Co., 1878-80; Dist. Atty. for Placer Co., Cal., 1880-83; Pres. Bd. of Trustees of Sierra Normal. Coll., 1884-86; Mem. of Assembly, 1889-1900, and State Senator, 1901-05; Cal. DelJ to Nat. Irrigation Congress, Portland, Ore., 1906, and Sacramento, 36 CORNELL COLLEGE Cal., 1907; Lay Del. to Genl. Convention of Episc. Church at Richmond, Va., 1907; Sec. and mem. of committee preparing Constitution and Canon9 for Diocese of Sacramento, 1911; Chancellor for Bishop and Episc. Church in Northern Cal. for ten years; Trustee of Free Library, City Atty., 1912-13 ; Lawyer and Notary Public, Auburn, Cal. 150. Victor Marshall Law, B. S., M. S. M. D., Hahnemann Med. Coll., 1878; Prof, of Science, St. Paul's Coll., Tokyo, Japan, three years; Au- thor, "Christian Evidences in Japan"; Rector of Episc. Church, Oakland, Cal. Born, Genesee Grove, 111., July 24, 1853 ; died, Clarendon, Tex., May, 1900. 151. Kate Louise Matson (Goodyear), B. S., M. S. St. Joseph, Mo. (W. of 137.) 152. Thomas H. Milner, B. S., M. S. Lawyer, Belle Plaine, la. Died, Belle Plaine, la., Aug. 18, 1912. 153. William Harmon Norton, A. B., A. M. LL. D., State Univ. of Iowa, 1911; Tutor, Greek and Latin, Cornell Coll., 1875-77, Adjunct Prof., 1877-81, Prof. Greek and Geology, 1881-90, and Prof. Geology, 1890 — , (Alumni Prof. 1909 — ); Asst. la. Geol. Surv., 1892; Pres. la. Acad. Sci., 1900, and Sci. Sec. Nat. Ed. Assn., 1902, and la. State Teachers' Assn., 1907; Fellow Geol. Sec. of Amer., 1895 — ; Author, "Artesian Wells of Iowa" (la. Geol. Survey, Vol. 6, 1897), "Elements of Geology," 1905, "Underground Water Resources of Iowa," (Water Supply Paper, No. 293, U. S. Geol. Survey, and Vol. 21, la. Geol. Survey, 1912), and various scientific and educational papers. (H. of 168.) 154. James Albert Rogers, A. B., A. M. Asst. U. S. Atty., Northern Dist. of la., six years; Mayor of Clarion, four years; mem. City Council, twelve years; Pres. and mem. of Sch. Bd., fourteen years; Lawyer, Clarion, la. 155. Edward Clapp Shankland, B. C. E., C. E., A. M. C. E., Rensselaer Polytech. Inst, N. Y., 1878; Engr., World's Columbian Exposition; En-gr. to D. H. Burnham, Architect; Author, "Steel Skeleton Construc- tion."; mem. Harbor and Sub-way Commission, Chicago, 1911 — ; Civil Engr., 4808 Champlain Ave., Chicago, 111. XIX. Class of 1876. 156. Nathaniel K. Beechley, A. B., A. M. Real Estate, mi 1st Ave., Cedar Rapids, la. 157. Isaac E. Congdon, A. B., B. S., B. C. E., A. M., M. S., C. E. Lawyer, Omaha, Nebr. 158. Winfield Scott Doron, B. S., M. S. Ranchman, Coalmont, Col. 159. Hortensms Lowry Isherwood, B. S., M. S. M. D., Rush Med. Coll., 1878; Mem. of Mo. Legis., 1892-94; Pres. Citizens Bank; Physician and Surgeon; Carl Junction, Mo. 160. Maria Lydia Ricker, B. S., M. S. Born, Davenport, la., Apr. 27, 1850; died, Jacksonville, 111., March 7, 1884. 161. John Smith Sniffen, A. B., A. M. LL. B., Iowa Coll. of Law, 1876; Mayor of Socorro, New Mex., 1887-88 ; Mem. of Legis. of N. M., 1888- 89; Maj. N. M. Militia, 1886; Lawyer, Globe, Ariz. 162. Horace Emory Warner, A. B., A. M. B. D., Drew Theol. Sem., 1878; D. D., Univ. of Denver, 1897; Del. to Genl. Conf. of M. E. Church, 1900; Author, "The Psychology of the Christian Life." Born, Castleton, N. Y., Mar. 1, 1855; died, Denver, Col., Dec. 15, 1911. 163. James Carleton Young, B. S., M. S., Litt. D. Hon. Commissioner of U. S. to Paris Internat. Exposition, 1878; Pres. Nat. Assn. of Real Estate Dealers, 1884-86; Bibliophile; creator of unique library containing best books of best living authors, each book inscribed by its author; decorated by France with the Cross of the Legion of Honor for service to litera- ture, 1910; Fellow of the Royal Geog. Soc. of Eng.; Hon. mem. Geog. CORNELL COLLEGE 37 Soc, Lima, Peru; mem. of various other societies and clubs, including the Authors' Club of London, Eng., and the Soc. of Men of Lettres, and the Soc. of the Friends of Books, of Paris. 1600 2d Ave. S., Minne- apolis, Minn. XX. Class of 1877. 164. Fred Marius Abbott, A. B., A. M. Clergyman, Loon Lake, Wash. 165. Louis Bowman Albright, A. B., A. M. Wholesale Grocer, Pierre, S. D. 166. William Henry Albright, A. B., A. M. Mt. Vernon, la 167. Lewis Cass Brown, B. S., M. S. LL. B., State Univ. of Iowa. Waco, Tex. (1908). ^ , TT . 168. Mary Florence Burr (Norton), B. S, M. S., A. M. Grad. stu , Univ. of Wis., 1906 (Summer) ; Instructor French and Math., Cornell Coll., 1877-83, and Adjunct Prof., 1883-86; Adjunct Prof, of Math, in same, 1886-92, and Assoc, Prof, 1892-05, and Prof., 1905— (Alumni Prof. 1909 — ). (W. of 153.) , . . ' . . 169. Franklin Benjamin Gault, B. S., M. S., A. M Ph. D., Univ. of Wooster, O., 1901; mem. State Bd. of Education, Wash., 1891-92; Supt. of Schools, Tama and Mason City, la., Pueblo, Col., and Tacoma Wash.; Pres Univ. of Idaho; Pres. of Whitworth Coll., Tacoma, Wash.; mem. Bd. of Visitors to the U. S. Naval Acad., 1902; Pres. Univ. of South Dak., 1906-13. Tacoma, Wash. 170. Delos N. Goodell, A. B., A. M. Born, Mornstown, Vt., March 7, 1853; died, Mt. Vernfcn, Ta., Feb. 7, 1882. 171. Harriett Loruhama Hewitt, A. B., A. M. Prin. of Schools, Mechan- icsville, la., 1886-89; Farmer, Waterloo, la. Died, 1902. 172. Arthur Graves Neff, B. C. E., C. E. Farmer, Mt. Vernon, la. 173. Ernest Homer Smith, B. C. E., C. E. Born, Naperville, 111., May 14, 1854; died, Marengo, 111., Aug. 3, 1882. XXI. Class of 1878. 174. Asa Wilkins Berryman, B, S., M. S. M. D., State Univ. of Iowa, 1884; Physician; Med. Inspector and Adjuster for Pacific Mutual Life Ins. Co. 1555 4th Ave., Cedar Rapids, la. 175. James Gerry Eberhart, A. B., A. M. B. D., Drew Theol. Sem.; Chaplain of Council, 14th Legis. Assembly of Ariz., 1886; Founder M. E. Church at Northern and at Flagstaff, Ariz.; Missionary for five years in Ariz, and Col.; Clergyman. 218 N. Central Ave., Rockford, 111. 176. Charles Wesley Lyon, B. S., M. S. Preacher and Teacher, R. F. D., Cedar Falls, la. 177. Charles Edward Moore, A. B., A. M. 178. Charles Andrew Pollock, A. B., A. M., LL. D. LL. B., State Univ. of Iowa, 1881; Dist. Atty., Cass Co., Dakota Terr., 1885-89; Author of Prohibition Law, N. DJ; Lay Del. from N. D. to Genl. Conf. M. E. Church, Baltimore, 1908, and Minneapolis, 1912; Judge of the 3d Ju- dicial Dist. of N. D., 1896 — . Fargo, N. D. (H. of 180.) XXII. Class of 1879. 179. John Alexander Brown, B. S., M, S. Born, Lancashire, Eng., Feb. 8, 1855; died, Waverly, la., April 4, 1884. 180. Martha Clinton (Pollock), A. B., A. M. Fargo, N. D. (W. of 178.) 181. Miller Eugene Conrad, B. S., M. S. Merchant, Atlantic, la. 182. Clara Cooley (Becker), A. B., A. M. Stu. Wellesley Coll., 1875-76 (first year of the Coll. and no degrees given). 1394 Locust St., Du- buque, la. 183. William Ferris Cramer, A. B., B. S., M. S., A. M. Teacher's life diploma for Iowa; Trustee of Cornell Coll., 1888-1900; Prin. High 38 CORNELL COLLEGE Sch., Cedar Falls, la., 1879-80; Supt. Schools, Waverly, la., 1880-89; Prin. High Sch., Sioux City, la., 1889-92; Supt. Schools, Iowa City, la., 1892-97, at Waukegan, 111., 1898-1901, at Waverly, la., 1901-06, at Red Oak, la., 1906-13, and 1913 — , Atlantic, la. 184. Eugene Sylvester Daly, B. S., M. S. Clergyman. Troy, la. 185. Belle Hanna, B. S., M. S., A. M. State Sec, Y. W. C. A. of 111.; Teacher in Occidental Coll., Los Angeles, Cal. ; Instructor in Cornell Coll., 1880-1904; Prin. Mary Allan Sem., Crockett, Tex., 1911-13 ; Supt. Schools, 1913 — , Little Sioux, la. 186. Reinhart Hild, A. B., A. M. Clergyman, M. E. Church. Retired. Jerome, Ida. 187. Amelia Abi Ingols (Kinsey), B. S. Los Gatos, Cal. 188. William Disbro Lee, A. B., A. M. Editor, publisher, and farmer, and for three terms mem. of Repub. State Central Com. from the Fifth Dist. of la. Born, Dyresville, la., Nov. 2, 1856; died, Toledo, la., Dec. 14, 1909. 189. George Monroe JLyon, B. S., M. S. Lawyer and Real Estate Agt., Marshalltown, la. 190. Charles Beamer Marine, A. B., A. M. Supt. Schools, Benton Co., la., 1886-90; Prin. Latin School, Nebr. State Univ., 1880-82; Clerk of U. S. Pension Agency for la. and Nebr. at Des Moines, 1890-1913 ; transferred to U. S. Pension Bureau, 1913 — . 321 Maryland Ave. N. E., Wash- ington, D. C. 191. Leroy Martin, A. B., A. M. Lawyer, Sidney, Nebr. 192. Eben Wever Martin, A. B., A. M., M.. £>. Rep. in Dakota Legis., 1885-87; Pres. Board of Trustees State Normal Sch., 1895-97; mem - Genl - Conf., M. E. Church, 1900; Mem. of 57th, 58th, 59th, 60th, 61st, 62d, and 63d U. S. Congresses; Lawver, Deadwood, S. D. (H. of 234.) 193. Frank McKay, B. C. E., C. E. Lawyer and Real Estate Agt., 714 American Bank Bldg., 1005 McGee St., Kansas City, Mo. (1902). 194. Patrick Othenian Rooney, A. B., A. M. 195. Joseph Frank Sartori, B. S., M. S. LL. B., Univ. of Mich., 1881; Pres. Savings Bank Section, Arner. Bankers' Assn., 1913-14; Pres. Se- curity Trust and Savings Bank, 725 W. 28th St., Los Angeles, Cal. 196. Henriette Edith Sessions (Merritt), A. B., A. M. Born, Blackhawk Co., la., March 17, i860; died, Chicago, 111., April 4, 1895. 197. Mary Elizabeth Smith, A. B., A. M. Teacher in Albion Sem., 1881- 82, in Epworth Sem., 1888, and in Cornell Coll., 1895-1907. Born, Linn Co., la., April 13, 1859; died, Mt. Vernon, la., Oct. 26, 1907. 198. Adele Gertrude Stevens (Welch), A. B., A. M. Died, Des Moines, la., Dec. 27, 1905. (W. of 203.) 199. Gazelle Stevens (Sharp), A. B., A. M. Author of "A Little Patch o' Blue," and other poems. 815 G St., Santa Ana, Cal. 200. Elizabeth Tallman, B. S., M. S. Teacher in Public Sch., Denver, Col.; Laboratory and Cast Drawing, Med. Coll., McGill Univ., Montreal, Canada (1902). 201. Arthur James Van Anda, B. C. E., C. E. Co. C, 44th Iowa; mem. Board of Education, mgr. Pawnee Lumber Co., Pawnee City, Nebr. 202. Estella Montressa Virden (Pierson), B. S., M. S. 730 Lake Ave., Wilmette, 111. (W.- of 207.) 203. George W. Welch, A. B., A. M. Past Grand Chief Templar of I. O. G. T. of la.; Prin. Schools, Humboldt, la., one year; Author, "Christian Citizenship and the Saloon"; Postal Clerk, 927 Clinton Ave., Des Moines, la. (H. of 198.) XXIII. Class of 1880. 204. Charles Andrew Brindell, B. C. E., C. E. Osage, la. 205. Gertrude Frances Bunnell (Abdill), B. S., M. S. Teacher of Music, 5510 Washington Ave., Chicago, 111. (1908). CORNELL COLLEGE 39 206. Arthur Palmer Gates, B. C. E., C. E. Publisher, Macon, Ga. 207. Louis J. Pierson, B. S., M. S. Mem. of the 111. House of Rep., 44th, 45th, 46th, and 47th Sessions; Mayor of Wilmette; Lawyer, 1315 Chamber of Commerce, Chicago, 111. (Hv of 202.) 208. James Marion Poland, A. B., A. M. D. D. S., State Univ. of Iowa, 1892; Clergyman, M. E. Church, 1880-91; Dentist, Waterloo, la. 209. William Edmund Ross, A. B., A. M. Pastor M. E. Church, Hazle- ton, la. XXIV. Class of 188 i. 210. James Edward Bromwell, A. B., A. M. Co. Auditor Linn Co., 1886- 92; Lawyer, Marion, la. 211. Robert G. Cousins, B. C. E., C. E., LL. D. Mem. 21st Genl. As- sembly of la., 1886-87; elected by the House of Representatives Manager of the Impeachment of the Auditor of State, tried before the Senate in 1887; Presidential Elector, 1888; Prosecuting Atty., Cedar Co., la., 1888-90; Mem. 53d, 54th, 55th, 56th, 57th, 58th, 59th, and 60th U. S. Congresses; Lawyer, Publicist, and Lecturer, Tipton, la. 2i2. Simon Harris Cranmer, B. S., M. S. Teacher in Cornell Coll., 1879- 81; Prin. Schools, Shelby, la., 1881-84; mem. South Dak. Constitutional Convention, 1885-87; Pres. Union Banking Co., 1890; State's Atty., 1890-92; Lawyer, 2431 Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. 213. John Lawrence Curts, B. S., M. S. Prin. Schools, DeKalb, 111., 1881- 88, and Harvard, 111., 1888-92; Mgr., Sec, and Treas. Champion Brass Works, Coldwater, Mich. 214. Charles Lester Gould, A. B., A. M. Ph. D, 'Boston Univ., 1890; D. D., Upper Iowa Univ., 1901; Del. to Genl. Conf. M. E. Church, Los Angeles, Cal., 1904; Clergyman, M. E. Church, Anamosa, la. 215. Eliza Jane Hyndman, A. B., A. M. Ph. B., 1878, and Ph. M., 1881, Hedding Coll. ; M. D., Woman's Med. Sch. of Northwestern Univ., 1897; Instructor in Latin and Greek, Chaddock Coll., 1878-79; English and Greek, Epworth Sem., 1884-88; Mathematics and Science, Cornell Coll., 1889-94; Physician and Surgeon, Suite 307-8 Griesheim Bldg., Bloomington, 111. 216. Thomas Green Isherwood, B. S., M, S. M. D., Rush Med. Coll., 1883; Surgeon for Galena Div., C. & N. W. R. R., 1883-92; Mayor of Turner, 111., 1890-91 ; Physician and Surgeon, West Chicago, 111. 217. John S. Mclntyre, B. Ph. Clergyman. Born, Ireland, Sept. 15, 1847; died, Davenport, la., Jan. 30, 1892. 218. Edgar Hunter Scott, B. S., M. S. Univ. of Mich., 1883; Lawyer, 411 S. 38th St., Omaha, Nebr. 219. Calvin Othello Sones, B. C. E., C. E. M. D., State Univ. of Iowa, 1886; Pres. Guthrie Co. Med. Soc, 1889—; Pres. Dallas-Guthrie Dist. Med. Soc, 1893 — ; mem. U. S. Pension Bd. of Examiners, 1897 — ; mem. Bd. of Trustees Guthrie Co. High Sch., 1899 — ; Physician and Sur- geon, Panora, la. (H. of 298.) 220. Otho Whit Smith, A. B., A. M. Deceased. 221. Armstrong Spear, B. C. E., C. E. Real Estate, Mt. Vernon, la. 222. Elijah A. West, B. S., M. S. Genl. Agt. for U. S. Kellastone Co., 224 Bacon Bldg., Oakland, Cal. XXV. Class of 1882. 223. Joanna Baker, A. B., A. M. A. M., DePauw Univ., 1888; A. M., Univ. of Chicago, 1903; Teacher of Latin, DePauw Acad., 1889-90; Prof, of Greek, 1890 — , and Associate Prof, of Latin, 1912 — , Simpson Coll., Indianola, la. 224. Thomas Linus Blank, B. C. E., C. E. Register of Deeds of Jerauld Co., S. D., 1883-85; Engr. in Wis., Minn., la., and S. D., 1882, 1886, 1887, 1889; Asst. Engr. on M. K. & T. R. R. in Mo., 1892-93; Chief 4 o CORNELL COLLEGE Engr. of Des Moines and Northern Iowa R. R., 1901-03 ; and of Water- loo, Pella and Southwestern R. R., 1907-08; Municipal and Drainage Engr. in la., and S. D., 1909-12; Sanitary Engr., Grinnell, la. 225. Earl Louis Boies, B. Ph., M. Ph. Lawyer, Waterloo, la. Died, Waterloo, la., April 13, 1903. . 226. David Crawford Brockman, A. B., A. M. M. D., State Univ. of Iowa, 1878; Pres. Tri-State Med. Soc, Iowa State Med. Soc, and Iowa State Assn. of Railway Surgeons; Adjunct Chair Obstetrics and Gyne- cology, State Univ. of Iowa; Physician and Surgeon, Ottumwa, la. 227. Katherine Cole (Smith), B. Ph., M. Ph. Myopia Hill, Winchester, Mass. 228. James Newman Fawcett, B. Ph., M. Ph. A. M., Upper Iowa Univ., 1885; Clergyman, Farmer, Salesman, Woodward, Okla. 229. Rollo Franklin Hurlburt, A. B., A. M., D. D. Grad. stu. in English Literature and Philosophy, Boston Univ., 1884-85, 1893-94; Ph. D., Bos- ton Univ., 1896; joined Upper la. Conf., 1882; Prin. Epworth Sem., 1887; Pastor First M. E. Church, Burlington, la., 1896-1904; Delaware Ave. M. E. Church, Buffalo, N. Y., 1904-09; First M. E. Church, Iowa City, la., 1909-12; First M, E. Church, 1912— , Marshalltown, la. 230. Albert Westlake Johnston, Ph. B., Ph. M. Born, Bellevue, la., May 27, 1856; died near Pierre, S. D., Oct. 3, 1892. 231. George Washington Keister, B. C. E., C. E. Architect, 200 W. 113th St., New York City. 232. John Freeman Lohr, B. C. £., C. E. Co. Surveyor, 1883 ; Abstractor and Loan Broker, Orange City, la. 233. Kate Anna Mason (Hogle), A. B., A. M. M. D., Woman's Med. Coll., Chicago, 1885; grad. stu., Cornell Coll., 1893-94; N. Y. Polyclinic, 1891, and in Zurich, Switz., and London, Eng., 1894; Physician, Mt. Vernon, la. (W. of 379.) 234. Jessie Arvilla Miner (Martin), B. Ph., M. Ph. 42 Lincoln Ave., Dead- wood, S. D. (W. of 192.) . 235. Thomas Francis Tobin, A. B., A. M. Prin. of Tilford Collegiate Acad., Vinton, la. 236. Henry Clay White, B. Ph., M. Ph. LL. B., State Univ. of Iowa, 1884; Teacher and Writer, Delmont, S. D. (1902). XXVI. Class of 1883. 237. Charles Grandison Ammon, B. Ph., M. Ph. Farmer, Hammond, Nebr. 238. Ruluf Augustus Chase, A. B., A. M. D. D., Denver Univ.; Dist. Supt, six years; mem. Bd. of Control, Epworth League, four years; mem. Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America; mem. Genl. Conf. of M. E. Church, 1904, 1908, and 1912; Trustee of Denver Univ., for many years; Author, "The Great Affirmative"; Lecturer, Pastor First M. E. Church, 131 W. 4th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. 239. Letta Crandall (Harris), B. S., M. S. Monrovia, Cal. 240. Isaac Washington Cranmer, A. B., A. M. Supreme Orator of North Amer. Union, 1903-06; Manager of Loyal Americans of the Repub., 1906-07; Mining and Real Estate, 6505 Stewart Ave., Chicago, 111. (1908). . e _ 241. John Anthony Davies, B. S., M. S. LL. B., State Univ. of Iowa, 1885; Lawyer, Butte, Nebr. 242. Joseph O. Dobson, B. Ph., M. Ph. D. D., Baker Univ., 1893 ; Dist Supt, Sioux Falls Dist., Dakota Conf., 1895-1901, Huron Dist, S. D., 1901-04, Mitchell Dist., 1904-10; mem. Campaign Canvassing Com., Cornell Coll., 1910 — ; Mt. Vernon, la. 243. Margaret Frances Felton (Kegley), B. Ph., M. Ph. Born, Indian- apolis, Ind., June 16, 1855; died, Monmouth, la., Feb. 2, 1890. 244. Fannie Mary Gates (Caldwell), B. S., M. S. Biggsville, 111. CORNELL COLLEGE 41 245. William Francis Gates, B. $., M. S. McCormick Theol. Sem., 1893 ; Missionary, Quezaltenango, Guatemala, Cen, Am.; Evangelist, Nyack, N. Y. 246. Nettie M. Hewitt, A. B., A. M. Preceptress Epworth Sem., 1883-85; Prin. High Sch., Hiawatha, Kans., 1888-89; Agriculturist, Waterloo, la. 247. Celia Vilette Hutchins (White), B. Ph., M. Ph. 335 Athol Ave., Oak- land, Cal. (W. of 255.) 248. William Kilburn Jacques, B. Ph., M. Ph. M. D., Chicago Med. Coll., 1887; Teacher of Sciences, Epworth Sem., 1883-84; Clerk, South Side Free Dispensary, Chicago, 111., 1887-88; Prof, of Med., Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons, Chicago, 111.; Chief of Staff, Chicago Health Dept. ; Physician and Surgeon, 4316 Greenwood Ave., Chicago, 111. 249. George Washington Jones, B. Ph., M. Ph. Prin. Epworth Sem., 1883-86; Author, "Ten American Authors"; Editor, Iowa Normal Monthly, 1884-90; Publisher, The School Century, 509 North Grove Ave., Oak Park, 111. 250. William Carman Layton, A. B., A. M. Sec. of The Empire Irriga- tion Co., offices Denver and Des Moines. Ouray, Col. (1908). 251. William Reeder Lee, B. C. E., C. E. Lawyer, Carroll, la. 252. Norman Thickstun Mason, A. B., A. M. LL. B., Univ. of Mich., 1886; Lawyer, Deadwood, S. D. 253. William Foster Muse, B. Ph., M. Ph. A. B., A. M., 111. Wesleyan Univ., 1883 ; Editor and publisher, Mason City, la. 254. LeRoy Titus Weeks, A. B., A. M. Ph. D., Denver Univ., 1903; Prin. Columbia River Acad., Ida., 1887-88; Acting Pres. Little Rock Univ., 1893-94; grad. stu. in English, Univ. of Chicago, 1895-97; Prof, of English, Southwestern Coll., Kans., 1897-1905, McKendree Coll., 111., 1905-06; Del. to Kans. State Repub. Convention, 1904; Author, "The Poems of Leroy Titus Weeks," "The Alphabet on Wings," "The Teacher as an Architect," "A Book of the Sonnet," and of various poems in The Century and other magazines. Clergyman, Episc. Church. 183 1 Chi- cago Ave., Evanston, 111. (H. of 728.) 255. George Washington White, A. B., A. M., D. D. Dist. Supt., Los Angeles Dist. ; Pres. Univ. of Southern Cal. ; Pastor Central Church, and Wesley Church, San Francisco, Cal. ; mem. Genl. Conf., M. E. Church, 1912; mem. Genl. Deaconess Board, 1912-16; mem. Commission in charge of the Religious Exhibit at Panama-Pacific Exposition ; Author, "The Historic Christ," and "How We Obtained Our Bible"; Pastor First M. E. Church, 335 Athol Ave., Oakland, Cal. (H. of 247.) XXVII. Class of 1884. 256. William Samuel Baird, B. S., M. S. Lawyer, 515 E. Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. 257. Luella Boyd, A. B., A. M. Prin. of Schools, West Liberty, la., 1884- 85; Teacher of Latin and Mathematics, Cornell Coll., 1886-87; Asst - Prin. High Sch., Mt. Vernon, la., 1888-89; Private Teacher, Mt. Ver- non, la. 258. Dillon Bronson, A. B., A. M., D. D. S. T. B., Boston Univ., 1888 ; Pastor Bromfield St. M. E. Church, Boston, 1888-90; traveled around the world and studied at Berlin Univ., Germany, 1890-92; Pastor M. E. Church at Newton, Mass., 1892-97, at Salem, Mass., 1897-1900, and of St. Mark's Church, Brookline, Mass., 1900-07; Supt. of Boston Miss. Soc, 1907-11; Supt. Boston Dist, New Eng. Conf., 1911 — . 25 Park St., Brookline, Mass. 259. John Nicholas Dahm, A. B., A. M. Teacher High Sch., McGregor, la. 260. Levi Day, A. B., A. M. Farmer, Harrisburg, Ore. 42 CORNELL COLLEGE 261. Charles Henry Dudley, B. C. E., C. E. LL. B., Univ. of Mich., 1886; Lawyer, 14 Cheyenne Road, Colorado Springs, Col. 262. Elwyn Dudley, A. B., A. M. M. D., Rush Med. Coll., 1886; Physician, Paullina, la. (H. of 279.) 263. Edwin James Esgate, A. B., A. M. Prin. High Sch., Marion, la., 1884-85; Supt. Marion Schools, 1885-90; Del. to Genl. Conf., M. E. Church, Baltimore, 1908; mem. Bd. of Trustees, Cornell Coll., 1901-13, and of Exec. Com., 1905-11; Cashier Bank. Retired, Marion, la. 264. Eva May Fancher (Wishard), B. S., M. S. Stu. of missions among women in Europe and the Orient, "1887-92 ; mem. Internat. Com., and Chmn. of the N. Y. State Com. of the Y. W. C. A.; stu. of Sociology, 1325 Fairfield Terrace, Victoria, B. C. 265. Anna Fulton Graham (Peabody), B. S., M. S. Prin. High Sch., Austin, Minn., 1886-89, and Owatonna, Minn., 1889-90. Blue Rapids, Kans. 266. Jacob DeWitt Graham, B. C. E., C. E. M. D., Rush Med. Coll., Chicago, 1891; Prin. Schools, Center Point, la., 1885-86, and Spring- ville, la., 1886-89; Physician, Springville, la. 267. James R. Hanna, B, Ph., M. Ph. Mem. 21st Nebr. Legis., 1889-91; Judge Dist. Court, nth Judicial Dist., Nebr., 1903—; Lawyer and Banker, Greeley, Nebr. 268. Xenetta Hess, B. S., M. S. Born, Mt. Vernon, la., Feb. 24, 1859; died, Mt. Vernon, la., Aug. 28, 1887. 269. Frederick Henry Jacobs, B. Ph., M. Ph. Genl. Sec. Y. M. C. A., five years; State Sec. Y. M. C. A., two years; evangelistic work, Supt. of Fulton St. Daily Noon Meetings, New York City. Born, Germany, 1855 ; died, Long Island, N. Y., Nov. 24, 1910. 270. Fannie Ella Johnston, B. S., M. S. B. A., Leland Stanford, Jr., Univ., 1905; Prin. Red Bluff High Sch., 1894-96; Instructor in English, Coll. of the Pacific, Cal. ; Prin. of Schools, Elk Grove, Cal. ; Teacher of Latin and Civil Govt, in Shasta Co. High Sch., Redding, Cal. Los Gates, Cal.. 271. Edward Lee, B. Ph., M. Ph. Clergyman, M. E. Church, 27 years; Ins. Agt. ; Supply Preacher, 1020 Van Ness St., Santa Ana, Cal. 272. David Charles Main, A. B., A. M. Bank Cashier, Wayne, Nebr. Died, Wayne, April 5, 1910. 273. Eddy Calvin McClelland, A. B., A. M. Rice Lake, Wis. 274. John Ernest Mellett, A. B., A. M. Lawyer, Ravenna, Nebr. Born, Anamosa, la., Aug. 27, 1861 ; died, Logan, la., Apr. 25, 1902. 275. John T. Moffit, A. B., A. M. LL. B., Univ. of Mich., 1886; Maj. 2d Regt, Iowa N. G. ; Lieut. Col. 50th Iowa Inf., Spanish-Amer. War, 1898; Del. to Repub. Nat. Convention, 1892; Senator, 28th and 29th Genl. Assemblies; mem. Bd. of Trustees, Cornell Coll., 1906 — , and Exec. Com., 1911 — ; Lawyer, Tipton, la. 276. Samuel Neeley Parsons, B. C. E., C. E. Sec. Iowa State Senate, 24th Genl. Assembly, 1892; Deputy Clerk of Dist. Court of Linn Co., 1887- 92 ; Civil Engr., Marion, la. 277. Lura Hubbell Phillips (Markley), B. S., M. S. Prin. Lincoln Sch., Ottumwa, la., 1889-90; Asst. Prin. High Sch., Cedar Falls, la., 1890-91; Science Teacher, and Institute Instructor in la., S. D., and Nebn; In- structor Extension Dept. of Iowa State Coll., 1909-10. Lumiji, Chiapas, Mex. 278. Charles Purvis Sheffer, B. S., M. S. Editor and Pub. The Express, Red Oak, la.; with publishing house, Omaha, Nebr. Cor. Clark and Adams, Benson, Nebr. 279. Zula M. Triggs (Dudley), A. B., A. M. Prin. Schools, Austin, Minn., 1884-86; Asst. Prin. High Sch., Paullina, la., 1890-1904. Paullina, la. (W. of 262.) CORNELL COLLEGE 43 XXVIII. Class of 1885. 280. Cora Ann Beels (Beels), B. S., M. S., M. Ph. Teacher of Music, Grant Univ., Athens, Tenn., 1885-89; Diploma, Western Conservatory of Music, Chicago, 111. ; Teacher of Music, Norfolk, Nebr. 281. J. Fred Black, A. B., A. M. Clergyman, M. E. Church; Author, "The Bible Way"; Ranching, 1913 — , Twin Falls, Ida. 282. Henry Jacob Bowder, A. B., A. M. Pastor M. E. Church, Stanwood, la. 283. Fletcher Emory Brown, B. C. E., C. E. M. D., Rush Med. Coll., Chicago, 1891 ; Prin. Schools, Dyersville, la., 1885-87, and Wyoming, la., 1887-89; Physician, Norwalk, la. 284. William Henry Brown, B. C. E., C. E. Prin. Schools, Shell Rock, 1885-87, and Dysart, 1887-90, and Lake City, la. Deceased. 285. William W. Carlton, B. Ph., M. Ph., D. D. A. M., Lenox Coll., 1887; B. D., Garrett Bib. Inst, 1887; Ph. D., Upper Iowa Univ., 1894; Author, "A Beautiful Life"; Dist. Supt., Cedar Rapids Dist, 1896-1902; Del. to Genl. Conf., 1908 and 1912; Mayor of Mt. Vernon, 1912 — ; Dist. Supt., Davenport Dist., 1910 — . Mt. Vernon, la. 286. Nancy Jennette Carpenter, A. B., A. M. Teacher's Life Diploma in la.; Teacher in Tipton High Sch., 1885-87; Prin. Missouri Valley Schools, 1887-91; grad. stu., Univ. of Chicago, 1893-94; Teacher High Sch., Le Mars, la., 1891-99; stu., Univ. of Berlin, Ger., 1906 and 1910- ii, and Oxford Univ., Eng., 191 1 (Summer) ; Prof, of English, State Teachers Coll., Cedar Falls, la. 287. Augustus Lincoln Chase, A. B., A. M. Ph. D., 1909, and D. D., 1911, Univ. of Denver; serving 5th year as Dist. Supt; Trustee Denver Univ.; Clergyman, M: E. Church; 2111 S. Clayton St., Univ. Park, Col. 288. Joseph Boyer Cherry, B. Ph., M. Ph. Ph. D., Wooster Univ., 1902; Pastor Third Presb. Church, 813 S. 22d St., Omaha, Nebr. (1908J. 289. Hugh Clemans, B. Ph., M. Ph. LL. B., State Univ. of Iowa, 1887; Lawyer, Manchester, la. 290. DeWitt Allan Clinton, A. B., A. M., D. D. B. D., Garrett Bib. Inst, 1886; Pastor M. E. Church, Hampton, la. 291. Mary Jane Cobb, B. Ph., M. Ph. Died July 5, 1901. 292. Thomas Newton Cook, B. Ph., M. Ph. Clergyman, M. E. Church. Born, Cottage Hill, la., Nov. 5, 1857; died, New Hampton, la., Aug. 19, 1895. (H. of 1042.) 293. Edwin Deacon, A. B., A. M. Pastor M. E. Church, Prairie City, Ore. (1910). 294. Clarence Elmer DeButts, B. Ph., M. Ph. Prin. Schools, Odell, 111., 1891-94, Pontiac, III, 1894-97; Supt- Schools, Fairbury, 111.; Pres. Cen. III. Teachers' Assn.; Supt. Schools, Pontiac, 111.; Prin. Lowell Sch.; 5809 Midway Park, Chicago, 111. 295. Charles Kerr Dukes, B. Ph., M. Ph. Deceased. 296. Charles Hamlin Eshbaugh, B. Ph., M. Ph. 297. Alfred Nichols Felton, B. S., M. S. Pres. and mem. School. Bd., La Porte City, la., twelve years; Ranchman, Gooding, Ida. 298. Amy Frances French (Sones), B. Ph., M. Ph. Born, Eau Claire, Wis., Sept. 1, 1862; died, Panora, Ia. ? May 8, 1907. (W. of 219.) 299. Walter Smedley Manly, A. B., A. M. Manager Jackson Grain Co. Farms, Cut Knife, Sask., Canada. Springville, la. 300. William Wallace McCredie, B. Ph., M. Ph. Co. Atty., Clarke Co., Wash. ; Judge Superior Court, Wash. ; Mem. of 61st U. S. Congress from 2d Dist of Wash.; Lawyer, retired; 670 Broadway, Portland, Ore. 301. Jacob A. Pritchard, A. B., A. M. LL. B., State Univ. of Iowa, 1889; Soldier Spanish-Amer. War; Lawyer, Onawa, la. 44 CORNELL COLLEGE ,02 Charles Warren Shumway, B. Ph., M Ph. Prin. Schools, Miles la., 3 ten years; Supt. Schools, Vancouver, Wash., eighteen years. 1112 Colum- 303 bia St., Vancouver, Wash. Marcus Horton Taft, B. Ph., M. Ph. IX. B Washington Univ., St ' Louis 1887- B. D., Garrett Bib. Inst, 1893; Lawyer, Borden Blk., 99 3 4 . ^W^WA B. Ph., M. Ph. I7I9 Arlington Ave., Des 305. Chtrles'Fremont Woodward, A. B., A. M. Oklahoma City, Okla. 306 Fund's H. Wyrick, B. Ph., M. Ph. A. M Lenox Coll., 1887; Clergy- man, Upper Iowa Conf., 1884-1905- Jesup, Ia - 307- 308. 309 310 3" XXIX. Class of 1886. the M. E. Church, 1898-1907; GenL Supt and *ieia sec. 1904-07; Genl. Supt. of Deaconess Dept. of W. H. M. S, 1907 4 5 Cass Ave Detroit Mich Lawyer; Vice-Pres. Des Moines lAY^^U^JoZ W Supt Schools, x8 9 6- I9 o 5 ; A g t. Z^r^Xi^A ^ Hic^ S, Chicago Heights, W- ^ , -^ 1 *«. a pi A M S T. B., Boston Univ., St. M. E^ Church Fall Rive^ M.«. pubUc ^^ 3I3 ' SK ^ ^? ffi A ASlf'^7-89; Cashier Bank, I9 oS -. Roland la. A B A M Pastor Knickerbocker Ave. M. E. S „, !„. My H.ll S».,. BU S , Ck,c,,», m Los Angeles, Cal. . p M E church, DeWitt, la. Ill ftSS a S Law4 d ce; £ I, M.1 Supt. Schools, Anita, la., eight 3 years and Belle Plaine, la., four years. Deceased. 314 315 CORNELL COLLEGE 45 321. Hugh Mclndoe, B. S. LL. B., Northwestern Univ. Law Sch., 1891; State Senator in Mo., 1903-07; Trustee Joplin Pub. Library, 1905-12; Regent Springville State Normal Sch., 1911 — ; Del. at Large to Repub. Nat. Convention, 1912; Lawyer, Joplin, Mo. 322. John Amos Morrison, A. B., A. M. S. T. B., Boston Univ. Born, Ottumwa, la., Aug., 1858; died, Escondido, Cal., Aug. 13, 1890. 323. Elizabeth Pease, A. B. A. M., Denver Univ., 1897; Stenographer, 2325 Birch St., Denver, Col. 324. Mary Eliza Pixley (Smith), B. Ph. Wyoming, la. (W. of 343.) 325. James Lemuel Tarbox, B. Ph. Lumber and Builders' Hardware, Clayton, III. 326. Harriett Elizabeth Thomas, B. Ph., M. Ph. Teacher in Indian Mis- sion, Albuquerque, N. M., 1887; Teacher of English, Kalamazoo, Mich., 1893-98, and in Hardin Coll., Mo., 1899-1900; stu. at Hanover, Ger., 1900-01; asst. agt. 3d Dist., Charity Organization Soc. of New York City, 1901-03 ; Gen. Sec, Charity Organization Soc. of Newport, R. L, I 9°3 — • 250 Broadway, Newport, R. I. 327. Elmer A. Wiswall, A. B. LL. B., State Univ. of Iowa, 1890; Lawyer, and Judge of Superior Court, Wash. Born, Middle Falls, N. Y., March 23, 1861; drowned in the Pacific Ocean at Sea Side, Ore., Aug. 12, 1894. 328. Margaret Wright, B. Ph., M. Ph. Teacher, 1332 6th Ave., Des Moines, la. XXX. Class of 1887. 329. George Ames Bateman, A. B. Teacher in High Sch., Harlan, la., 1887-89; Prin. Schools, New Sharon, la., 1889-91; Supt. Schools, Water- loo, la., 1891-97, and Hampton, la., 1897-1901 ; Farmer, Waterloo, la. 330. Samuel D. Bishop, B. Ph. LL. B., Kans. State Univ., 1889; Co. Atty., Douglas Co.; Lawyer, 826 Kentucky St., Lawrence, Kans. 331. Amy Boggs, B. Ph. Prin. High Sch., Waterloo, la.; Prin. Schools, Kingsley and Le Mars, la.; Supt. Schools, Manchester, la.; Instructor, Highland Park Coll., Des Moines, la. Lakeside Park, Jacksonville, Fla. 332. Paul Clendening, A. B. Editor and publisher, The Evanston Press, 816 Foster St., Evanston, 111. 333. Edward Thomas Devine, A. B., A. M., LL. D. Ph. D., Univ. of Penn., 1893 ; Staff Lecturer Amer. Soc. for the Extension of Univ. Teach- ing, and Fellow of the Univ. of Penn., 1891-95; Author, "Economics," "The Practice of Charity," "Principles of Relief," "Efficiency and Re- lief," "Economic Function of Woman," "Social Forces," "Spirit of Social Work," "The Family and Social Work," etc.; Special Rep. Amer. Nat. Red Cross, San Francisco, Cal., 1906, and at Dayton, O., 1913 ; Pres. Sec- tion on Hygienic, Social, Industrial and Economic Aspects of Tuber- culosis, Internat. Cong., 1908; Prof, of Social Economy, Columbia Univ.; Sec. of N. Y. Charity Organization Soc, Assoc. Editor of The Survey, and Director of the N. Y. School of Philanthropy; 542 W. 112th St., New York City. (H. of 340.) 334. Edwin Dukes, B. Ph. Prin. Albion Sem., 1887-90; Prin. Schools, Parker, S. D., 1890-95; Supt. Schools, Huron, S. D., 1895; Pres. of the S. D. Educational Assn., 1897; Supt. Schools, Independence, la.; Prof, and Dean, Huron Coll., 1910 — , Huron, S. D. 335- May Lavinia Fairbanks, B. Ph. Librarian Cornell Coll., 1893—, Mt. Vernon, la. 336. Joseph Richard Alexander Hanner, A. B., A. M. Ph. D., 111. Wes- leyan Univ., 1900; Clergyman, Financial Sec, Epworth Sem.,' Epworth, la. 337- Ada J. Miller, B. Ph. B. Ph., Univ. of Chicago; A. M., Stanford Univ., 1909; Teacher High Sch., Marion, la., 1895-190!; Instructor in English, Iowa State Coll., 1901-03; Assoc. Prof, of English, Throop 338 4 6 CORNELL COLLEGE Polytech. Inst, Pasadena, Cal., 1908; Instructor in English State Normal Sch., Los Angeles, 1909 — ; "4i Pine St S. Pasadena, Cal Ella Franc Morrill, A. B. M. D., Woman's Med. Coll. of North- western Univ., 1891 ; Physician and Surgeon, 12124 Stewart Ave., Cni- 339. William Lincoln Rockwell, B. C. EC E Chief Engr., Stanislaus and San Joaquin Water Co., Stockton, Cal., 1895-97; Hydraulic Engr Miller and Lux, and Kern Co. Canal Co San Fran. 1898-1908 ; Directoi San Antonio Scientific Soc. ; Irrigation Manager in Charge ^Irrigation Investigation in Tex., under the U. S. Dept of Agr and Special Agt in Cotton and Sugar Cane Investigation in the Southwest, 1908—, Civil SM^^^^^S?^?^ St., New X&££ ills! Ek A. B„ A. M. B D, Drew ^leol Sen. ,890; Author, "The Fatherhood of God"; Chaplain House »f Repre- sentatives, N. D, 1911; Pastor McCabe M. E. Church, Bismarck, N. D. wX Eddy Smedley, A. B., A. M. S. T. B., Boston Univ., 1892. Born Helmsville, N. Y* Oct. 30, .865; died, Geneva, la Jan, 30, »£ r^. D E a ct^ th Bo B ra , P & g h P HT„^rMa S ;^ ?.»#& 344 . $£&?&&& B H ^. 3 ^. B., Univ. of Minn, Lawyer, a^SwS§M- ^., M. Ph. Teacher, East Des Moines High Sch. Died, Des Moines, la., Oct. 16, 1907. 340 34i 342 343 345 347 348 XXXI. Class of 1888. 34 6. George Sexton Addoms, B. S. Farmer, Grand Haven, Mich. De- Hirtm Orlando Bateman, A. B. Supt. Schools, Forest City, la.; &££Tctett B. Ph. A. M., Leland Stanford, Jr., Univ.; Lawyer; in business, Snohomish, Wash. 340 Theodore Elias DeButts, B. Ph. Prin. Schools at Forre sto* 18: 88-89, 349 and at Mt. Morris, 111., 1889-91; grad. stu. Johns Hopkins, 1891, and Univ. of Chicago, 1892-93; Farmer German Valley 111. • 350 William George Dixon, B. C. E., C. E. Prin. of Inyo Acad., 1889-93 . Engr. for Kinis River Electric Power Plant; State Highway Engr., Deputy U. S. Surveyor; Civil Engr., Bigpine, Cal. 35i Florence Fulton (Lewis), B. Ph., M. Ph. Preceptress, Epworth Sem., 1889-91. Foochow, China. (W. of 382.) 1C2 Robert Harper, B. C. E. Farmer, Marshalltown, la HI WUHam Edward Hanger, A. B. A. M. Mem of I. Legis three Sessions; Author, "Signal Thoughts"; Supt. of Waterloo Coll., i8 9 5"97, Lawyer, La Porte City, la. 354. Lorin Everett Imlay, B. C. E., C. E. Engr. of Construction West- inghouse Electric and Manuf. Co.; Supt. Niagara Falls Power Co Niagara Falls, N. Y, and Canadian Niagara Power Co Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada; Electrical Engr., Niagara Falls, N. Y. 355 . George Henry Kennedy, A. B., A. M., D. D. B. D., Drew Theol. Sem., 1891; Clergyman, M. E. Church. Died, Dubuque, la., Nov. 28, 356. Charle^Finl^'Kirk, B. C. E. Clergyman, M. E. Church, Morris, 357 John Wilbert Maynard, A. B. Newspaper reporter. Born, Waverly, la., Feb. 16, 1866; died, Spokane, Wash., April 20, 1892. CORNELL COLLEGE 47 358. Sherman Tecumseh Mears, B. S. LL. B., Univ. of Mich., 1892; Prin. Vail Public Schools, 1889-91; Co. Atty., Black Hawk Co., 1903-09; Lawyer, Waterloo, la. 359. Samuel Bruce Montgomery, B. Ph., M. Ph. Supt. of Schools, at Colfax 1888-96, and at Belle Plaine, la., and Lawyer, Belle Plaine, la. Died, Jan., 1907. 360. Joseph Meredith Moore, A. B., A. M. Capt. 1st Washington Vol. Inf., Spanish-Amer. War; Finance Clerk, Post Office, Spokane, Wash. (1908). 361. Arcana Celestia Pascal (Reyburn), B. Ph. Pocahontas, la, 362. Laura Talitha Pascal, B. S. Teacher of German, High Sch., Lake- wood, O. 363. Lucy Anne Pascal, B. Ph. Prin. of Schools, Pocahontas, la., 1895; Agriculturist, 1897 — > DeWitt, la. 364. James Stearnes Pingrey, B. C. E., C. E. Farmer, Hurley, S. D. 365. Emma Reeder, B. S. Formerly Pacific Coast Sec. Y. W. C. A. Tip- ton, la. 366. Parke Edmund Simmons, B. Ph. A. B., Cornell Univ., 1881; Law- yer, Marquette Bldg., Chicago, 111. 367. Daniel Baker Swartwood, B. C. E. Farmer, Nora Springs, la. 368. Michael James Tobin, B. Ph. Co. Atty. for Benton Co., la., 1896- 1900; Collector of Internal Revenue, 1907-13; Lawyer, Vinton, la. 369. William Miles Wright, B. C. E. Chief Engr., D. W. & M. R. R., Rapid City, S. D. Died, Des Moines, la., Aug. 11, 1904. 370. Robert Guy Young, B. Ph. M. S., Upper Iowa Univ., 1874; Ped. D., Montana Wesleyan Univ.; City Supt. Schools, Butte, Mont. Died, Los Angeles, Cal, June 23, 1912. XXXII. Class of 1889. 371. Ethelda Burge, B. Ph. Teacher in High Sch., Enumclaw, Wash. 372- William Eugene Cadmus, A. B. S. T. B., Boston Univ., 1892; Mod- erator of Ohio Congregational Assn., 1904-06; Moderator 111. Congre- gational Conf., 1910-11; Nat. Progressive Party Organizer. Peoria,°Ill. 373- Wilbur Cliff Cobb, A. B. A. B., Harvard; A. M., Univ. of Chicago; Supt. of Schools, Cloquet, Minn. Brainard, Minn. 374- Thomas Sparks Cole, A. B. Pastor of M. E. Church, Farnhamville, la. 375- Grace Cousins (Young), B. S. Ashland, O. (W. of 392.) 376. Victor Brown Dolliver, A. B. LL. B., Columbia Coll.; Lawyer. Died, Fort Dodge, la., Feb. 24, 1906. 377- William Luther Etter, B. C. E. Co. Supt. Cedar Co., 1890-96; Supt. of Schools, Tipton, la.; Editor, Sigourney, la. 378. Edgar James Helms, B. Ph., D. D. S. T. B., Boston Univ., 1893 ■ Founder Boston Univ. Settlement, 1892-93; Supt. of Boston City Mis- sions, 1894-95; Pastor and Supt. Morgan Memorial Inst. Church, 1895—- Supt. Nat.. Cooperative Industrial Relief Assn., 1910—. eg Patten St' Forest Hills, Boston, Mass. 379. George Washington Hogle, B. C. E. M. D., Miami Med. Coll., Cincinnati, O 1891; grad. stu., London, Eng., 1894; Phvsician, Mt. Vernon, la. (H. of 233.) 380. Wilmer Russell Joslyn, B. S. Prin. Schools, ten years. Died San Antonio, Tex., Feb., 1909. 381. General Scott Kirkpatrick, B. C. E. Supt. Schools, 1890-92; Prin of Gnswold Acad., la.; Commercial Traveler, 1227 S. 24, Lincoln, Nebr. 382. Wilson S Lewis A. B., A. M., D. D. D. D., Upper Iowa Univ. ; Supt. Belle Plaine Schools, 1882-85; Prin. Epworth Sem., 1888-97; Pres Mormngside Coll la. 1897-1908; Bishop in M. E. Church, 1908 - Foochow, China. (H. of 351.) y ' 4 8 CORNELL COLLEGE 383. Jennie May Manly, B. Ph. Asst. Prin. Eldora High Sch., 1889-90; Teacher, Mechanicsville, la. ^ 384. William A. Pottle, B. Ph. Clergyman, Congregational Church. De- CC3SCQ 385. Carl Rasch, B. Ph. Asst. U. S. Atty., 1901-02; U. S. Arty., 1902-08 ; U. S. Dist. Judge, 19x0-11; Division Counsel for Northern Pacific K. K. for Montana; Lawyer, 524 Clark St., Helena, Mont. • 386. Benjamin Luce Remick, B. Ph., M. Ph. Instructor Cornell Coll., 1889-92; in Northwestern Univ., 1893-94; Prof, in Univ. of Pacific, 1895-96' Assoc. Prof, of Mathematics, Bradley Inst., 1898-1900; Prof, of Mathematics, Kans. State Agri. Coll., 1900—, Manhattan, Kans. 387. Henry Alfred Rising, B. C. E. Managing Editor, Evening Chronicle, 1894—. 734 York Ave., Spokane, Wash. - 388. Ida Leonora Schell, B. Ph. M. D., Woman's Med. Coll., North- western Univ., 1900; Asst. Prin. High Sch., Marshalltown, la., 1889-91; Prin. High Sch., Fort Dodge, la., 1891-95 J Supt. of Training Sch., State Teachers Coll., Cedar Falls, la., 1895-96; Physician, 174 27th St., Mil- "v^rfliilccc W is 389. William Benoni Slaughter, B. S. B. Ph., Univ. of Southern Cal.; Clergyman, Lorain, O. . 390. Charles Solon Stephenson, B. S. Lawyer. Born, Knox, Maine, Aug. 23, 1861 ; died, Virginia, Minn., Aug. 18, 1894. 391. William Alfred Wirtz, A. B., A. M. Prof, of Modern Languages, Parsons Coll., Fairfield, la. _ _ 392. Alfred Emerson Young, B. Ph. Traffic Manager, Faultless Rubber Co., Ashland, O. (H. of 375-) ■ A c ;_. t . 393. John Allural Young, B. S. Lawyer, 608 4 th Ave., S. Minneapolis, Minn. (1902). XXXIII. Class of 1890. 394. Eugene Hiram Ash, A. B. M. D., Fort Wayne Coll. of Med., 1901 ; Treas. of the Canal Zone, Empire, Canal Zone. (H. of 407.) . 39c. Harry Clarke Ash, B. C. E., C. E. Chief Engr. Minn, and Ontario Power Co., 1907-10; Asst. City Engr. of Duluth, 1911-13; Asst. to the Commissioner of Public Works, Duluth, 1913—- *5 Carlisle Ave., Duluth, Minn. 396. George Christopher Bauman, B. C. E. Clarence, la. 307 May Bowles (Reed), B. Ph. Grad. Conservatory of Music; Teacher of ' Music and English, Albion Sem., 1890-91 ; Teacher of English, Epworth Sem., 1891-92. 1251 So. 27th St., Lincoln, Nebr. 398 Florence May Brown (Manly), A. B. State Sec.¥. W. C. A. of Nebr., 1891; Instructor in Bible and Science, Epworth Sem., 1892; was Mis- sionary in Chung-king, China. Delaware, O. (W. of 412.) 399. Franklin M. Chaffee, A. B. Lecturer, and Pres. of Lyceum Bureau, 122 So. Mich. Ave., Chicago, 111. „."„., 400. Mary Emily Chandler (Mcintosh), B. Ph., M. Ph. Asst. Prin. High Sch., Belle Plaine, 1890-91; grad. stu. Cornell Coll., 1893-94: Asst. Prin. High Sch., Missouri Valley, 1894-96; Teacher, High Sch., Creston, la., 1897-1903. Wausau, Wis. 401. Robert Thomas Chipperfield, A. B., A. M., D. D. S. T. B., Drew Theol. Sem., 1894; Pastor M. E. Church, Newton, N. Y., 1892-94, Filley, Nebr., 1894-96, Lincoln, Nebr., 1896-99, Algona, la., 1899-1904, and Sioux City, la., 1904-09; Dist. Supt. Sioux City Dist., 1909—. 1322 Newton St., Sioux City, la. 402. Edward Kirk Coe, B. C. E., C. E. City Engr; Engr. of Roads, St. Louis Co., 1411 E. 3d St., Duluth, Minn. 403. Wilbur Samuel Corn, B. C. E., C. E. Civil Engr., Billings, Mont. (1907). CORNELL COLLEGE 49 404. Harry Sherman Grouse, A. B. B. D., McCormick Theol. Sem. ; Supt. of Schools, Macon, Mo., 1890-93; Pastor Presb. Church, Oswego, 111., 1896-97, and at Rochelle, 111., 1897-1902; Real Estate, N. Y. Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. (1910). 405. Kate Irvin Dougherty (Pollins), B. Ph. Died Sept. 17, 1902. 406. David Henry Fouse, A. B. Pres. of Ministerial Alliance ; mem. Civil Service Commission, City and Co. of Denver ; Advisory mem. of Morals Commission; Pres. of City Federation; Clergyman, Reformed Church, 2530 Ash St., Denver, Col. 407. Mary Cook Fuller (Ash), B. Ph. Empire, Canal Zone. (W. of 394.) 408. Margaret Wilmina Goudy, B. Ph. Teacher. Born, Mt. Vernon, Dec. 1, 1868; died, Mt. Vernon, March 21, 1904. 409. Joseph Weller Hays, A. B. Director, Hays School of Engineering; Author, "Combustion, and Smokeless Furnaces," "The Chemistry of Combustion," etc.; Consulting Engr., 1518 Morse Ave., Chicago, 111. 410. Julia Ella King (Mathews), B. Ph. 62 W. 50th St., New York City. 411. Fred W. Lounsbury, B. Ph. 412. Wilson Edward Manly, B. C. E., D. D. Prin. Chung-king Inst., 1894-1900; Dist. Supt. in West China Mission, 1904 — , Tse-chow, via Chung-king, China. (H. of 398.) 413. Albert Abram Mason, B. Ph. Prin. Albion Sem., 1890-92; Clergy- man. Born, Lancaster, O., June 28, 1861 ; died, Viola, la., May 1, 1903. 414. Orville Knowles Maynard, A. B., A. M. D. D., Univ. of Denver, 1912; Prof, in Black Hills Coll., S. D., 1891-92; Pastor Grace M. E. Church, Sioux City, la., 1901-04; Supt. Algona Dist., 1904-09; Pastor of Whitfield M. E. Church, Sioux City, la., 1909-11 ; Fruita, Col., 1911-12; mem. of Genl. Conf., 1908; Pastor, Delta, Col., 1912 — . 415. Earle Thomas McArthur, B. S. Supt. and Spec. Disbursing Agt., Dept. of Interior, for Sisseton Agency, S. D., 1891-1905; Sec. and Treas. of the Scratch Lumber Co., 1905 — , Atoka, Okla. 416. Frank Edgar McMaster, B. Ph. LL. B., Univ. of Mich., 1891. Born, Chico, Cal., July 10, 1867; died, Sioux City, la., Jan. 28, 1895. 417. Martin Mee, Jr., B. Ph. Banker, Gladbrook, la. 418. Charles K. Mohler, B. C. E., C. E. Author, "Congestion, etc., on Union Elevated R. R. in Chicago," "Creosoted Wood Block Paving in Chicago," "Passenger Subway and Elevated R. R. Development in Chi- cago," and technical papers; Chief Engr. Ry. Dept. Board of Public Utilities, 316 N. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. 419. Adelaide Evelyn Mott (Gunn), B. S. Buckingham, la. 420. Rosella Reeder (Fayram), B. S. Teacher, Clinton, la., 1891-1901. 837 Catalina Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. 421. Stephen Albert Roberts, A. B. Clergyman, Cherryvale, Kans. (1908). 422. Millie Lillian Smedley, B. Ph. Teacher in Mission School in Louis- iana, two years; High Sch. Teacher in Mont., la., and Wis.; Prin. of High Sch., Mt. Vernon, la. 423. Eugene Homer Smith, B. Ph., M. Ph. S. T. B., Drew Theol. Sem., 1894; Ranchman, Grand Junction, Col. (H. of 481.) 424. Charles William Edward Snyder, A. B., A. M. LL. B., State Univ. of Iowa; Lawyer, Belle Plaine, la. 425. John Dow Spofford, B. C. E. Fruit Grower, Dania, Fla. 426. John Lawson Stackhouse, B. C. E. Asst. Engr. Northern Pacific R. R., 1890; Chief Engr. Wash. Irrigation Co. Deceased, 1904. 427. Clarence Almon Torrey, B. Ph. Prin. Schools, Mt. Vernon, la., 1890- 92; Librarian Univ. of Chicago, 1893 — , 113 Middle Divinity Hall, Univ. of Chicago, Chicago, 111. 428. Charles Zollinger, B. Ph. LL. B., Univ. of Mich., 1895 ; Real Estate, Vinton, la. (1908). 5 o CORNELL COLLEGE XXXIV. Class of 1891. 429. Annie Grace Adams (Knotts), B. Ph. A. M., New York Univ., 1901 ; Instructor in Northern Iowa Normal Sch., 1891-92; Teacher in Chicago Training Sch., 1892-97; Supt. New York City Deaconess Home, 1897-98. Long Beach, Cal. 430. Herbert Waterman Alden, A. B. Born, Waukon, la., March 15, 1866; drowned in Cedar River near Mt. Vernon, la., July 22, 1891. 431. David Rudder Alexander, B. S. LL. B., State Univ. of Iowa, 1894; Lawyer, Estherville, la. (H. of 496.) 432. Harry Albert Bassett, A. B., A. M., D. D. B. D., Drew Theol. Sem. ; began Mission work in Mexico, 1898; Presiding Elder of Puebla Dist., 1906-12; Teacher of Systematic Theol. and Homiletics in Mexico Methodist Int., 1912— , 2d Avenida de la Paz No. 4, Puebla, Mexico. On furlough, Mt. Vernon, la., 1914— . (H. of 497, 438.) 433. Ruth Hanna Collins (Thoburn), A. B. Teacher, Epworth Sem., 1891- 94; in Isabella Thoburn Coll., Lucknow, India, 1895-99; Philander Smith Coll., 1905 — , Naini Tal, India. 434. Emory Arnett Cromer, B. Ph. Supt. Reformatory Schools, Anamosa, la.; Teacher, Anamosa, la. 435. William Calvert Elliott, B. Ph. LL. B., Iowa Coll. of Law, 1899; Lawyer, 237 St. Helens Ave., Tacoma, Wash. 436. Herbert Herman Gray, A. B. M. D., Rush Med. Coll., 1895; Physician, Port Hadlock, Wash. 437. Emmett Gorham Hunt, A. B. A. M., 1893, and D. D., 1909, Upper Iowa Univ.; eleven years Missionary in Utah; two years Pres. Utah State Epworth League; Clergyman, M. E. Church, Belle Plaine, la. 438. Nettie Adelle Kepler (Bassett), B. S. Teacher, Kingman, Kans.,^891- 92; High. Sch., Waterloo, la., 1892-1900; grad. stu. Univ. of Chicago, 1901; Teacher, High Sch., Waterloo, la., 1902-04. On furlough from Mexico; Mt. Vernon, la. (W. of 432.) 439. Samuel Haight Larrabee, B. Ph. 440. Mary Edith Love (Fiske), B. Ph., M. Ph. Teacher, High Sch., Marion, la., 1891-93; Instructor in English and Math., Cornell Coll., 1895-97. 70 Court St., Exeter, N. H. 441. Robert C. Lusk, A. B. Teacher, Epworth Sem., 1886-87; Prin. High. Sch., Ida Grove, la., 1887-88, and Macon, Mo., 1891-92; Pastor of M. E. Church, Nashua, la. 442. Darwin Thomas Mason, A. B. LL. B., Univ. of Mich. ; Signal Corps and First Art. U. S. A., Spanish-Amer. War; Lawyer, 2060 Dahlia St., Denver, Col. 443. Catherine Mclntyre (Nash), B. Ph. Born, Center Junction^ la., July 9, 1867; died, Oakland, Cal., Oct. 25, 1896. 444. William Henry Montgomery, A. B. Clergyman, M. E. Church, 3819 3d Ave., Sioux City, la. 445. Frank E. Peebles, B. Ph. 446. Hattie Scoville (Green), B. S. Vinton, la. 447. Frank Homer Slagle, B. Ph., M. Ph. Teacher's Life Diploma; Co. Supt. of Schools, Kossuth Co., 19000-04; Prin. of Normal Sch. of Antique Province, San Jose, P. J., 1904-08; Teacher, Algona, la. 448. Emma Sutherland (Kennedy), B. S. Fayette, la. (W. of 355.) 449. Samuel Frederick Swantees, B. Ph. M. D., Hahnemann Med. Coll., 1896; Physician, 5593 Page Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 450. Blanche Swingley (Armstrong), A. B., A. M. A. B., Univ. of Chi- cago, 1899; Asst. Prin, Iowa City Acad., 1891-92; Prin. of High Sch., Hampton, la., 1892-93; Teacher of Greek and Latin, Loring Prep. Sch., Chicago, 1893-95 ; grad. stu. Univ. of Chicago, 1895-97. io 3° Ridge Ave., Evanston, 111. CORNELL COLLEGE 51 451. Carrie Tubbs (Marr), B. Ph. Worthy Grand Matron of O. E. S. of Col., 1912-13. 854 Lawton Ave., Detroit, Mich. 452. Charles Ernest Walters, B. Ph. LL. B., Univ. of Mich., 1893; Co. Atty. Tama Co., 1899-1900; Rep. 50th Dist. in 29th Genl. Assembly; Lawyer, Toledo, la. 453. Mary Webb (Wilson), B. Ph. Grad. Conservatory of Music; Mission- ary; Teacher one year in Concepcion Coll., Chili; Mission work, Ponce, Puerto Rico, 1913 — . Mt. Vernon, la. (W. of 502.) 454. Morris A. Zollinger, B. Ph. LL. B., State Univ. of la., 1894; Law- yer, 1225 Tillamook St., Portland, Ore. XXXV. Class of 1892. 455. Will Edward Arbingast, B. C. E. Merchant, Mt. Vernon, la. 456. Esther Lucy Bissell, B. S. Teacher and Preceptress, High Sch., Dav- enport, la., Courtland Apartments. 457. Leonard Anderson Blue, B. Ph., M. Ph. Ph. D., Univ. of Perm., 1902; Prof. Polit. and Social Science, Iowa Wesleyan Univ., 1898-1900; Fellow in Polit. Science, Univ. of Penn., 1900-02; Prof. English and Bible, Morningside Coll., la., 1902-05; Prin. of Girls' Latin Sch., Balti- more, 1905-09; Prof, of Education, Goucher Coll., Baltimore, 1909-11; Fellow by courtesy in Education, Johns Hopkins, 1910-11; Hon. Fellow in Pedagogy, Clark Univ., 1911-12; Dean, and Prof, of Education, N. Y. State Normal Coll., 1912 — . 358 Western Ave., Albany, N. Y. (H. of 528.) 458. Charles Henry Ernest Boardman, B. S. Lawyer, Marshalltown, la. 459. Coella Orland Boling, B. S. LL. B., Northwestern Univ. Law Sch., 1894; Co. Atty. Cedar Co., 1896-1902; Lawyer, Tipton, la. 460. Lee. C. Bolton, B. Ph. Lawyer, Missoula, Mont. 461. Harold Ellsworth Bowman, A. B. Grad. State Normal Sch., Los Angeles, Cal., 1898 ; Clerk in Bureau of Pensions, Washington, D. C, 1902-04; Inspector in U. S. Immigration Service, 1904 — , Rouse's Point, N. Y. 462. Cora Brooks (Keister), B. S. Formerly Missionary, Lota, Chili. Con- way Springs, Kans. (W. of 480.) 463. Charles Thompson Brown, B. C. E. M. D., Chicago Homeopathic Med. Coll., 1896; mem. U. S. Pension Bd. of Examiners; Physician and Surgeon, Cedar Rapids, la. (H. of 467.) 464. Jason Daniel Brownson, B. Ph., M. Ph. M. D., Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch., 1896; Mayor of Monona, 1905-06; Physician and Surgeon, Monona, la. (H. of 532.) 465. Emma C. Buffington (Carter), B. S. Glenwood, la. 466. William James Carr, B. S. Pastor M. E. Church, Ida Grove, la. (1910). 467. Irene Chaffee (Brown), A. B. 116 N. 17th St., Cedar Rapids, la. (W. of 463.) 468. Nell Margaret Daniel, A. B., A. M. Teacher in High Sch., Traer, la., 1897-98; Missionary, M. E. Church, Tokyo, Japan, 1898-1911 ; Ed- itor of Tokiiva Magazine, 1905-07. Traer, la. 469. William Field Durno, B. Ph. Advertising Dept., The Chicago Daily News, 15 N. Fifth Ave., Chicago, 111. (H. of 557.) 470. Walter Abijah Eckles, B. C. E., C. E. LL. B., Univ. of Mich., 1894; Pres. Blue Earth Valley Tel. Co., and Sec. and Treas. Maquoketa Home Tel. Co.; Mayor, Nora Springs, la. (H. of 474.) 471. Millard Fairlamb, B. Ph. Lawyer, Delta, Col. 472. Lenore Elizabeth Fancher (Preston), B. S. Formerly Teacher in Lewis Inst. 317 North Lathrop St., River Forest, 111. 473. Charles Wesley Gorham, B. A. Mem. Wash. State Legis., 1901; State Printer, 1905-08; Editor, Snohomish, Wash. (H. of 543.) 52 CORNELL COLLEGE 474 Lulu Greattrax (Eckles), B. Ph. Born, Clinton Co., la., April 18, 1869 ; died, Denver, Col, Jan. 29, X897. _(W. <>f 470.) pWa 475 . Florence Hayes, B. S. Stu., Univ. of 111. Library Sen., 1908; Cata- loguer in the Drake Univ. Library, Des Moines, la., 1908-10; Cataloguer and Reference Librarian, Lincoln City Library, 1910— . 1435 »■ bt -> Lincoln, Nebr. , 476 Tuley Francis Myron Huntington, A. B., Litt. D. A. M, Harvard, 1896: grad. stu., Johns Hopkins, 1892-93; grad. stu., Harvard, 1893-94 J • Instructor in English, Lake Forest Univ., Milwaukee South Side High Sch., and Leland Stanford, Jr., Univ., 1894-1900; Author, Elements of English Composition," "Elementary English Composition," etc.; Author, Los Altos, Cal. . ,. 477 . Martin Joshua Iorns, B. C. E., M. S. Ph. D, Cornell Univ., 1906 grad. stu., Univ. of Chicago, 1897-1900; Prof. Science Fort Worth tJniv Tex. ; Author of Articles on Influence of Acetylene Light on Plant Growth; was Horticulturist at Gov. Experiment Station, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. Died, Puerto Rico, 1909. ^ " 47 8. John Edward Johnson, A. B., D. D. S. T. B Boston Univ., 1895, Pastor M. E. Church, Brockton, Mass., 1893-97; Niantic, Conn., 1897- 1900; Waterloo, la., 1900-03 and 1907 — ; Evangelistic Work, 1905-07 J Trustee, Cornell Coll., 1913 — ; Sec. and Treas. Waterloo Gasoline En- sine Co., Waterloo, la. , . „ _ . 479. John Howard Jones, B. C. E. LL. B., Denver Univ., 1894; Broker, Kenilworth, 111. T 480. Benjamin Bowman Keister, B. Ph. Preacher and Teacher Lota Chili S A.; Pastor M. E. Church, Conway Springs, Kans. (H. ot 462.) 481. Lilian Kidder (Smith), B. Ph. Grand Junction, Col. (W. of 423-) 482. Fred William Kirkpatrick, B. Ph. City Arty.; Co. Atty.; Lawyer, 483 Clarence Elmer Locke, B. C. E., C. E. Inventor and Manuf. of the Locke Adder; Engr., Duluth, Minn., 1892-94; Fruit Grower, 1909—, Mesilla, N. M. _ ^ . ■ _ , 484. George Ivy Lytle, A. B, Orange and Lemon Grower, Covma, Cal. 485. Gertrude Cartland Macy, A. B. Grad. stu., Cornell Coll., 1894-95 J Teacher in Mt. Vernon, Guthrie Co., and Fort Dodge High Schools; Genl. Sec. of Y. W. C; A., Dubuque, la., 1904-07, Battle Creek, Mich., and Burlington, la. Mt. Vernon, la. 486. David Alfred McBurney, B. C. E. Dist. Supt. Fort Dodge Dist. for six years, and Sheldon Dist, 1913— ■ Sheldon, la. (H. of 530.) _ 487. Elmer James McCaustland, B. C. E., C. E. M. C. E., Cornell Univ., 1897- City Engr., Salem, Ore., 1891-92; Salem Improvement Co., 1892- 94; Prof, of Math., State Normal Sch., Monmouth, Ore., 1894-96; grad. stu. Cornell Univ., 1896; Asst. Prof. Civil Engin., Cornell Univ., 1898 - 1907- Prof, of Mining Engin., Univ. of Alabama, 1907-08; mem. Wash. State Bd. of Health, 1911 — , Pres. of Bd., 1913 — 5 Prof. of Municipal Engin., 1908—, and Acting Dean of the Coll. of Engin., 1912-13, Univ. of Wash., 5264 19th Ave., N. E., Seattle, Wash. 488. Mary Lorraine MacLeod, B. Ph., M. Ph. Grad. Boston Normal Sch. Gymnastics, 1894; Phys. Director Y. W. C. A., Kansas City, 1894-98; Director in Chicago Playgrounds, Summer 1912 and 1913; Director Phys. Training for Women, Cornell Coll., 1900—, and Dean of Women, 1905 — . 489. Harriett Belle Mott, B. Ph. Postville, la. I90. Irvin La Verne Pease, B. Ph., M. Ph. Asst. Chief Clerk, Pass. Accts., Oregon R. R. and Navigation Co., 1908-11; Chief Clerk to Auditor Ore.- Wash. R. R. and Nav. Co., 1911-13; and Chairman, Joint Facility Com. of same Co., 1913— , Portland, Ore. 491. Enola Pearl Pierce (Stein), B. Ph., M. Ph. B. O., Columbia Coll. of Expression, 1897; Prof, of Elocution, Iowa State Teachers Coll., 1898- CORNELL COLLEGE 53 1905; Teacher of Elocution and Dramatic Art, Stein Musical-Dramatic Conservatory, Auditorium Bldg., Chicago, 111. 492. Elsie Rigby (Maxwell), B. Ph., M. S. Mt. Vernon, la. 493. William Cattron Rigby, A. B., Ph. B., A. M. LL. B., Northwestern Univ., 1893 ; Commissioned Capt. of Volunteers, 111., Spanish-Amer. War, 1898; Del. from 111. to Internal. Conf. on Criminology, 1910; Trustee Cornell Coll., 1912 — ; Lawyer, Corn Exchange Bldg., Chicago, 111. Residence, 1432 Forest Ave., Evanston, 111. 494. Thomas Francis Roche, A. B. LL. B., State Univ. of Iowa, 1905; Lawyer, Iowa City, la. (H. of 605.) 495. Fred Earl Safley, B. S. Author, "Fishing and Fun" and other outdoor sketches; Real Estate and Banking, Sutherlin, Ore. 496. Margaret Ruby Soper (Alexander), A. B. Estherville, la. (W. of 43*0 497. Jennie Sumner (Bassett), A. B. Died, Mexico City, Mex., Nov. 20, 1903. ( W. of 432.) 498. Gorham Andrew Taylor, B. C. E., C. E. Mem. Amer. Soc. of Civil Engineers; U. S. Junior Engr., 2325 E. 2d St., Duluth, Minn. 49Q. Harnett Warner (Peterson), B. Ph. Mt. Vernon, la. 500. William Campbell Wasser, A. B., A. M. S. T. B., 1898, and Ph. D., 1905, Boston Univ.; Pastor M. E. Church, York, Nebr. 501. Antrim Lester White, B. Ph. Farmer, Springville, la. (1908). 502. Edward Errett Wilson, B. Ph. Teacher, Waterloo Coll., la.; Clergy- man in Spanish Language 16 years; Teacher in Polejio Americano, Con- cepcion, Chili; Minister, M. E. Church, Puerto Rico. At home, 1914 — , Mt. Vernon, la. (H. of 453.) 503. Herbert Ransom Wright, B. Ph., M. Ph. State Food and Dairy Com- missioner, 1902-10; Manager Beatrice Creamery Co., 1365 E. 13th St., Des Moines, la. 504. Edith Mae Young, B. Ph. A. B., Leland Stanford, Jr., Univ., 1905; High Sch. Teacher in Wis., Minn., la., and Cal., 1892-1907; Field Matron and Missionary to the Indians, 1913 — , Susanville, Cal. XXXVI. Class of 1893. 505. William Clinton Alden, A. B. A. M., 1898, and Ph. D., 1903, Univ. of Chicago; Fellow in Geology in Univ. of Chicago, 1897-98; Author of various papers on Glacial Geology; Geologist, U. S. Geol. Survey, Wash- ington, D. C. 506. James Ballz, A. B. Pastor M. E. Church, Lisbon, la. 507. Isaac Ashbol Bartholomew, A. B. Pastor M. E. Church, Maquoketa, la. 508. Thaddeus Stevens Bassett, A. B. Clergyman, M. E. Church, 1893- 1909; Sec. Northwest la. Permanent Conf. Fund, 1909-13; Sec, Iowa Methodist Hospital, 1913 — . 3903 Orleans Ave., Sioux City, la. 509. Edna Estelle Billings (Gemmill), A. B. 5406 Ellis Ave., Chicago, 111. (W. of 316.) 510. Thomas Washington Bittle, A. B. LL. B., State Univ. of Iowa, 1900; Instructor, La Fayette Sem., Ore., 1893-95; Prin. Schools, Manly, la., 1896-97; Spec. Agt. Census, 1910; Del. to Synod of Virginia, 1910; Prin. High Sch., Louisa Co., 1911-13; Teacher and Farmer, Louisa, Va. 511. Preston Pisheon Bruce, A. B. Ph. D., Univ. of Chicago. Oacoma, S. D. 512. Lucius Charles Clark, A. B. S. T. B., Boston Univ., 1897; D. D., Upper Iowa Univ., 1903; Author, "The Worshiping Congregation"; Pastor Hamline M. E.. Church, "The Iowa," Washington, D. C. 513. Gail Clemmer, B. Ph. Born, Hampton, la., July 31, 1870; died, Hamp- ton, la., June 16, 1896. 5 i8 519 54 CORNELL COLLEGE 514 Marlin Wilbur Courtney, B. S. Lawyer and Vice-Pres. Hollis Ab- 515 . SSt^SSS^ B. C. E, C. E. Supt of P. R. C and N. W. R. R. Co., Pierre, S. D. . _ „ , f 516. E. Estella Ellison (Carrier), B. Ph. StuJin Europe 1912-13 1; Prof, of Modern Languages, 1913 — State Sch. of Mines, Rapid City b. D. 5,7. Thongs George Ferreby, B. C. E. D. D. S., State Univ. of Iowa, 1896; Dentist, Humboldt, la. Olive Fulton (Nimocks), B. S. M. E. L., 111. Woman's Coll., 1888, 724 N. Court, Ottumwa, la. . . T . William Sherman Gallagher, B. C. E. LL. B., State Univ. of la., Lawyer, Tama, la. 520. Emma Gilchrist Luckey, B. Ph. Vinton la 521. George Blakeslee Grant, A. B. Second Lieut. 111. Vols., Spanish- Amer. War; Lawyer, Isabel, S. D. . ,22 Julius Cone Harvey, B. Ph. Pastor M. E. Church St. Maries, Ida. 23. Ernest Adolph Hoelscher, B. Ph. Grad. S tu in Univ. of Col., 1907- 08; Clergyman, M E. Church, Boulder, Col. (H. of 536.) . <2 4 George Grant Hunter, B. S. Vice-Pres. Hawkeye and Des Moines Fire Ins. Co., 3721 Cottage Grove Ave., Des Moines la. _ # 5*5 George Washington Johnson, B. S. MD Chicago Coll. of Physi- 5 ~ S cians and Surgeons, 1895; Med. Supt. Cook Co. Institutions for four years; Chief Physician, Hospital for the Insane Dunning 111. Born, Omaha, Nebr., Nov. 3, 1861 ; died, Chicago, 111., June 4, 1906. 526. Melvin John Locke, A. B., A. M. S. T. B., Garrett Bib. Inst., 1895, Pastor M. E. Church, Independence, la. Eugene Warren Martin, B. Ph. M. D., Rush Med. Coll.; mem. Staff of Physicians, State Hospital for the Insane, Cherokee, la. Died, Feb. q. IQI2. (H. of 696.) . ,„ ., , r /., t t r 528. Eva McCoy (Blue), A. B. 358 Western Ave., Albany, N. Y. (W. of 529. Fred Alden McMaster, B. S. LL. B., State Univ of la., 1894; Police Judge, Sioux City, 1896-98; Lawyer, Spokane, Wash. 530. Fannie Elizabeth Miller (McBurney), A. B. Storm Lake, la. (W. of 531 . Charles Henry Muckler, B. C. E. Immigration Agt, C. M. & St. P. R. R., Chamberlain, S. D. s*2 Minnie Penman (Brownson), B. S. Monona, la. (W. of 464O C33 Frank Garfield Reeder, B, C. E., C. E. Teacher, Schools, 1893-95; Asst. Engr. U. P. R. R., 1900; Co. Surv, Cedar Co., la., 1900-04; Farmer, Stock Breeder, and Surv., Tipton, la. C34. Frank Wesley Reisinger, A. B. LL. B., Northwestern Univ., 1895 , Co. Atty. Grundy Co., 1901-07; Lawyer, Mayor, Grundy Center, la <3<. Curtis Baughman Rhea, A. B. Instructor, Ellsworth Acad., la., 1893- 94; Mgr. Goldstein Bros. Amusement Co., Westfield, Mass. _ 536. Geneva Algetha Shantz (Hoelscher), B. S. A. M., Univ. of Col 1910; Prin. High Sch., Spirit Lake, la., 1907-08; Instructor in State Prep. Sch., Boulder, Col. (W. of 523-) TT . r ^ . 537. Seward Smith Shirer, A. B. LL. B., Lake Forest Univ., 1896; Prin. Blairstown Schools, i8 9 3"94; Asst. U. S. Atty., Northern D 1st. of I ., 1906-13. Born, La Porte City, la., Sept. 17, 1871; died, Chicago, 111., Feb. 18, 1913. , , „ 538. Genie Evelyn Steuben, B. Ph. Teacher in Schools, 1894-1901; P res - Young Woman's Lit. Club, 1913— > Huron, S. D. 539. Burton Erwin Sweet, B. Ph. LL. B., State Univ. of Iowa ; Mem. Iowa House of Rep. from the 72d Dist., 28th and 29th Sessions; Trustee, Cornell Coll., 1913— ; Lawyer, Waverly, la. 540. Charles William Thompson, B. Ph. 527- 9 CORNELL COLLEGE 55 541. Benjamin Arthur Wakefield, B. C. E., C. E. Civil Engr., 30 Park St., Webster, Mass. 542. Arthur Birdseye Warner, B. C. E., C. E. Engr. of Maintenance of Way, C. R. I. & P. Terminals; Civil Engr., El Reno, Okla. 543. Elsie Esther West (Gorham), B. S. Teacher in ^cad. Cornell Coll., 1893-95; Genl. Sec. Y. W. C. A., Detroit, Mich., 1895-99; Traveling Sec. of the Amer. Com. of Y. W. C. A., 1899-1901. Snohomish, Wash. (W. of 473.) 544. Herbert Swann Wilkinson, A. B., A. M., D. D. S. T. B., Boston Univ. School of Theol.; Trustee Dakota Wesleyan Univ., 1901-09; Trustee Willamette Univ., Ore., 1912 — ; Author, "The Alabaster Box"; Pastor M. E. Church, Eugene, Ore. 545. Arthur Wilson, B. Ph. Grad. stu. Univ. of Cal., 1912 and 1913 (Sum- mers) ; Supt. City Schools, Aberdeen, Wash. 546. Charles Taylor Wilson, B. C. E., C. E. Genl. Contracting, Waterloo, la. XXXVII. Class of 1894. 547- Ellen Billings (Longley), A. B. Waterloo, la. 548. Erma Mae Breneman (Durant), A. B. Died, Miami, Okla. 549. Thomas Beatty Charlton, B. S. M. D., Chicago Homeopathic Med. Coll., 1897; grad. stu., London, Berlin, Zurich, and Vienna, 1899-1900, Pans, 1904-05, London, Paris, and Berlin, 1911; Specialist, Physician, Clinton, I a. 550. Aaron Bird Page Chubbuck, B. S. Lawyer, Reliance, S. D. 551. Albert Nelson Damon, A. B. Law Clerk, St. Paul, i8 9 6- I9 oo; Supt. Schools, Mora, Minn. M. D., North Ave., Chicago, 111. 553- Helen Elliott, A. B., M. Ph. Grad, stu., Univ. of Chicago; Teacher. Born Nov. 1, 1869; died, Le Claire, la., Sept. 28, 1901. 554- Agnes Beveridge Ferguson, A. B., M. S. A. M., Columbia Univ., 1909; grad. stu., Cornell Coll., 1894-95, Univ. of Chicago, 1904, and Univ. of Heidelberg, Ger., 1910; Prof, in Fort Worth Univ., Tex., 1895- 97; Prof, of German, Morningside Coll., 1897 — , Sioux City la 555- Charles Michael Foell, B. Ph. LL. B., Northwestern Univ. Law Sch., 1896; Alderman of 21st Ward, Chicago, 1906-11; Judge of Superior Court, Cook Co., 111., 1911— ; Lawyer, Virginia Hotel, Chicago, 111. 556. Grace Rockwell Foster (Day), B. S. Johnstown, Nebr. 557. Birdenia Gearhart (Durno), B. Ph. Asst. Prin. High Sch., Clarence 1894-95, and Clinton, 1895-96. 612 Judson Ave., Evanston, 111. (W of 469.) 558. George Darwin Goodenough, B. S., M. S. D. D. S., State Univ of Iowa, 1908; Angle Sch. of Orthodontia; Prof, of Orthodontia, Drake Univ.; Orthodontist, 258 K. P. Block, Des Moines, la. 559. May Goodenough (Nelson), A. B. 215 N. 12th St., Fort Dodge, la 560. Eclwm Blair Hanna, B. S. M. D, Chicago Homeopathic Medical Coll., 1900; Physician, York, Nebr. 561. James Hughes, B. Ph., A. B, A. M. Clergyman, Evangelist, Galilee, Sask., Canada. * 562. Charles Scott Hunter, B. S. B. D., Drew Theol. Sem.; Mgr Hawk- eye and Des Moines Dept., Fireman's Fund Ins. Co., 1522 W oth St Des Moines, la. '* 563. Charles Reuben Keyes, B. Ph. A. M, Harvard, 1898; Prin Schools Blairstown^ la., 1894-97; Instructor German, Univ. of Cal., 1900-03' Author, "Rime and Alliteration in Modern English and German Prose " a The Omission of the Auxiliary Verb in German," etc. ; grad stu Har- 552. John Benjamin Eaton, A. B. B. D., Drew Theol. Sem., 1901 ; Valparaiso Univ., 1904; Physician and Surgeon, 403 W. Nortr 5 6 CORNELL COLLEGE * yard 1897-1900, and Universities Munich and Berlin, Ger W*-*$\ Prof.' German, Cornell Coll., 1903— (Alumni Prof., 1912— )• (H. ot 5 6 4 . jenitte Lewis, A. B. Teacher Epworth Sem., 1894-97; Teacher of 5 4 Greek, Morningside Coll., la., X897-I9CO; Pnn. Young W«i^ Aurora, 111., 1900-03; Prof, in Fort Worth Univ., Jex 1903-08 .In- structor in English, Cornell Coll., 1911-ia; College Sec of Des Moines Branch W. F. M. Soc. of M. E. Church. Rockwell City, la. 565. Fred Wolf Manly, B, S. M. D., Syracuse Univ., 1897; Physician, 1225 3d St., Rensselaer, N. Y. . , 566. Le Claire Martin, B. Ph. B. Ph., i8 95 ,and IX. B., 1896, Univ. of Mich.; City Atty., Cedar Falls, 1898-1900; Lawyer^ Cedar Falls la. 5 6 7 . Ernest Lewis McEwen, B. Ph., MS. M. D, Rush Med Col ., 1897, and Fellow in Chemistry, 1897-98; Interne, Cook Co. Hospital 1898- 1900 • grad. stu. in Vienna and Berlin, 1900, 1905; Prof, of Dermatology, 111 Post. Grad. Med. Sch., Chicago, 1906 — ; Instructor in Dermatology, Rush Med. Coll., 1910-13, and Asst. Prof, in Dermatology, 1913— 5 Phvsician, 1703 Chicago Ave., Evanston, 111. (H. of 1057.) =;68 Maude McMaster (Meyers), B. Ph. Formerly Teacher in High Sen, Sioux City, la. 1721 3d Ave. East, Cedar Rapids, la. _ 5 6 9 . William Archibald Montgomery, B.C.E B. D., McC ormick Theol. Sem., 1900; Pastor Presb. Church, Oswego, 111., 1901-03; Leon, la, 1903 07 • and IQ07 — , West Branch, la. .. 57 0. Alfred Gerrard Rigby, B. Ph. Dist Agt, Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co, Independence, la. _ ... ... 57 i. Charles Longley Rigby, B. Ph. Grad. stu. Cornell Coll, 1894-95, Farmer and Banker, Stanwood, la. . c 72 . Lydia Jane Rolston, B. Ph. Teacher in High Sch, Denison, la., 1894 5 9 6; Albion, la, 1896-99; Iowa Falls, la, 1899-1902; and 1902 -, Boone, 573 . Milton Sherk Runkle, A. B. B. D, Yale; AM., Univ. of New York City; Rector Prot. Episc. Church, Alhambra, Cal. , ; _ C74 Miranda Scoville, B. Ph. Librarian, Coe Coll., Cedar Rapids, la. %t Charies Milton Sherman, B. Ph. AM. and Ph. D Puget Sound Univ.; Supt. of Schools, Snohomish, Wash, 1899-1905; Pnn. of Lowell Sch.. iqos — , Tacoma, Wash. „..,,, 57 6. Almyr 9 Kempton Shurtleff, B. S. in C E„ C. E Chief Engr Sioux City and Northern Line, 1889-90; Div. Engr. on Construction, 189 1-93 , Asst. to Chief Engr. of Brainard and Northern Mmn. R. R, 1894; L>iv. Engr. F. E. & M. V. R. R., 1894-97; Asst. Engr. U. P. R R-, xW-WJ Office Engr, Rock Island Lines, 1906— 619 Greenleaf Ave, Wilmette, 577. Di'lman Smith, A. B. Pastor M. E. Church Grundy Center, la. 578. Harris William Smith, A. B. Sergt. 49th la, Spanish-Amer. War, Clergyman, M. E. Church. Born Dec, 1876; died, Janesville, la, Nov. 579. MerTe 6 Negley Smith, A. B, D. D. B. D Drew Theol. Sem, 1898, and Instructor in same, 1899-1902; Pastor M. E. Church Add ey, la , 1902-05, Marshalltown, 1905-09, and 1909— Colorado Springs, Col. c8o Minnie 5 V. Smith, A. B. Teacher in Public Schools, Clinton, la 5 3i.' William James Sullivan, B. Ph., B. S. in C. E, C. E. Asst. to Chief Engr, Mich. R. R. Engin. Co, Kalamazoo, Mich. 582. Lotta L. Tipple (Hazzard), B. Ph., M. Ph. Grad. stu. Cornell Coll., 1894-95. 2019 3d Ave. N, Seattle, Wash. 583. Harlan Updegraff, B. Ph. A. M, 1898, and Ph. D, 1908, Columbia Univ.; Supt. of Schools, Knoxville, la, 1898-1900; Asst. in Philosophy and Education, Columbia Univ., 1900-02; Vice-Pres. of Assn. of Colleges and Prep. Schools for Middle States and Md, 1903-04; Director for Md. CORNELL COLLEGE 57 of Southern Edn. Assn., 1903-04; Prin. of Girls' Latin Sch., Baltimore, 1902-05; grad. stu., 1905-06, and Fellow, 1906-07, Teachers Coll., Colum- bia Univ.; Chief of Alaska Div., 1907-10, and Chief of Div. of Sch. Admin., 19 10-12, U. S. Bureau of Education; mem. Nat. Council, 1909, arid Sec. Dept. of Superintendence, 1912, Nat. Educational Assn.; Prof. of Education, Northwestern Univ., 1912-13 ; Prof, of Education, Univ of ,7 u^ 3 T ; ^ uthor > " The 0ri gin of the Moving School in Massachu- setts, Teachers Certificates (Laws and Regulations)," and "A Study of Expenses of City School Systems," also reports on Education in Alaska, etc. 904 Westdale Ave., Swarthmore, Pa. 584. John Christopher Wade, B. S. M. D., Sioux City Coll. of Medicine, 1897,^ and Teacher in same, 1895-97; Dist. Surgeon of U. P. R. R • Physician and Surgeon, Oconto, Nebr. 585. Ernest Cattron Wheeler, A. B., A. M. M. D., Chicago Homeopathic Medical Coll., 1897; M. D., Rush Medical Coll., 1899; stu. in the great hospitals of Europe, 1911; Oculist and Aurist, 404-7 National Realty Blag., Tacoma, Wash. 586. Hugh Aaron Whittemone, A. B. LL. B., State Univ. of Iowa, 1896 ; Planter, Houston, Texas. 587. Mae Wolfe (Smith), B. Ph. Prin. of High Sch, Belle Plaine, la, 1894- 98. Colorado Springs, Col. (W. of 579.) 588. Melvin Jacob Yoran, A. B, A. M. Lawyer, Manchester, la. XXXVIII. Class of 1895. 589. Luella Matson Albrook (Miller), A. B, A. M. Grad. stu. Cornell Coll 1895-96 and 1906-07; Prin. of Schools, Grundv Center and Eldora, la.; Instructor, Acad, of Cornell Coll, 1907-10. Mt. Vernon la 590. Frederick Stanton Alden, B. S. in C. E, C. E. Grad. stu Univ. of 111, 1897; Asst. City Engr, Cedar Rapids, la. 591. Milton Reed Barker, B. S, M. S. M. D, Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch., 1901; Prof. Surgery and Anatomy, Hahnemann Med. Coll.; mem. Chicago Med. Soc, 111. State Med. Soc, and Amer. Med. Assn. ; Fellow Chicago Surg. Soc; Author of papers in home and foreign Med Jour- nals; Surgeon, 32 N. State St, Chicago, 111. 592. Bertram James Barr, B. Ph. Born, Algona, la, Nov. 30, 1872; died, Hampton, la, March 18, 1899. 593- Charles Colton, B. C. E. Hardware Merchant, Cleveland, N. D. 594- Elma L. Dickinson (Simpson), B. S. Prin. of High Sch, Forest City, 1899-1903; Sheldon, 1903-04; grad. stu. State Univ. of Iowa; State Col- lege, Pa. (W. of 612.) 595- Lucius Arthur Dodge, A. B. Stu. Garrett Bib. Inst, 1896; Clergy- man, M. E. Church, n years; Farmer, Cogswell, N. D. 596. Ethel Fairlamb (Carpenter), B. Ph. Prin. High Sch, Eldora, la, 1805- 98, and Toledo, la, 1899-1909. Tama, la. 597- William Tecumseh Sherman Fleming, A. B. B. D, Garrett Bib Inst.; Pastor Lincoln St. Institutional M. E. Church, 1908 — 184.Q w' 22d Place, Chicago, 111. + 598. Josiah Gibson, B. S. in C. E, C. E. Author, "The End Shear Method of Calculating Bridge Stresses" ; formerly Structural Designer and Esti- mator with the 111. Steel Co, Chicago; Structural Engr, 921 Black Bld^ 4th and Hill Sts, Los Angeles, Cal. 599- Harvey Grant Hays, B. S. in C. E, C. E. Architect, 1707 Greenleaf Ave, Chicago, 111. 600. Lenna May Huffman, B. Ph. Prin. of High Sch, Nashua, la, 1895- 1901, Lewiston, 111, 1903-04, and Anamosa, la, 1905-06; Instructor High Sch, Marion, la, 1906-08 ; Private Teacher, Marion, la 601. Fred Meyer Kettenring, B. S. in C. E, C. E. City Engr. four terms- Lumber Business, 314 W. nth St, Vancouver, Wash. 58 CORNELL COLLEGE 6o2 . William Henry Klmgebiehl B Ph. Farmer, Payet* s Id* 6 ° 3 - Kr^ffi'SKSaiS^S — ^ rs; Agt - Amer - Bible Soc, Manila, P. I. (H. of 683.). 6 ° 6 - £V? 9 - P"- HSTsct %Jor%9 *?<*>, and Decorah ^ 607. Morton Eaton Peck, A. B A. M. Auuior SS ^ r W^U^,^-5:S WUlarnene Univ., r 9 oS _, Salem, Ore. «!,:*«■ R PV. M Ph S. T. B., Univ. of Den- §5S SSSTS^ ^enf Coor.^oU. Retired, uft .SrrrS, TroL^., State Coll. of Pa. 6l , & C °W^ a Snii?h, B. 59 S 4 - ) Pre, of Enable Loan and Land Co., 6l4. 615. Brookings, S. D. ^ Qoll _ c f rare Frank D. Strow John Henry Stover, A. B. 305 S. LaSalle St., care bridge Co., Chicago, 111. £ g ^ 2d S . C. Vol. Inf., Span- ^Chtr ^r.--r«„|ef "ano linage Ois, and M g , of the New Madrid Engin Co Charies^on, Mo j James Evans White, A. B. LL. B, u» » > ^ ff . c f Y M C. A. Night Law Sch., 1906-13 ; C™ 1 ™™ c '™ VwJ. Federa- Wendell, Ida. XXXIX. Class of 1896. Martha Luella Boardman, B. Ph. Born, Marshalltown, la, Jan. 2, ^;i e ^St al Br7tn a U P A. I'.T'm. Teacher Epworth Sem., 6 2 o. Wm° Jolmlon Seeley Brown, B. S. Contractor and Builder, Chula Vista, Cal. , am Columbia Univ., 1902; 616. 617. 618. 619. CORNELL COLLEGE 59 bia Univ., 1904-07; stu. in Berlin and Heidelberg Universities, 1910-11; Vice-Pres. and Prof, of Philosophy, Morningside Coll., 1907—, Sioux City, la. (H. of 641.) 622. Bessie Juliet Crary, A. B. A. B., Univ. of Chicago, 1903. 149=; W. 49th St., Los Angeles, Cal. 4 ^ 623. Lulu Curme (Bretnall), B. Ph. A. B., Wesleyan Coll., 1900. La Crosse, Wis. (W. of 619.) 624. Lida Davisson, A. B. Univ. Place, Nebr. (1902). 625. Amy Lamoille Dougherty (Capper), B. Ph. Instructor in Cornel! Coll., 1897-99. Born, Waverly, la., July 11, 1872; died, St. Paul, Minn., April 4, 1912. 626. John Corliss Dunning, B. Ph. Ph. D., Heidelberg Univ., Ger., 1908; LL. B., Univ. of Ore., 1910; stu. Northwestern Univ. Law Sch., 1896-97; A. M. and Fellow, Princeton Univ., 1899; stu. in Heidelberg, Berlin, and Pans, 1899-1901; Asst. Master German and French, Lawrenceville Sch., N. J., 1901-03; stu. in Berlin and Oxford Univ., 1903-04; Instructor in Acad., Portland, Ore., 1904-06; stu. Berlin Univ., 1906-07; Instructor and Acting Prof. Polit. Science, Univ. of Calif., 1908-09; Asst. Prof, of same, Brown Univ., 1911 — , Providence, R. I. 627. Louis Edward Eickelberg, B. S. M. Di., Iowa State Teachers Coll. ; formerly Supt. Schools; Contractor, Waterloo, la. 628. Harry Jay Ferguson, B. S. LL. B., State Univ. of Iowa, 1901 ; Prin. Schools, Tama, la., 1896-99; Lawyer, Tama, la. (H. of 889.) 629. Samuel Geissinger Fouse, A. B. Merchant, Lisbon, la. (H. of 855.) 630. Archimedes Edward Fuller, B. S. in C. E., C. E. Consulting Engr., 248 Central Bldg., Seattle, Wash. 631. Ira John Gongwer, B. Ph. Farmer, Fairfax, la. 632. Elmer Thomas Gruwell, B. Ph., M. Ph., D. D. Ph. D., Northern 111. Coll., 1901; Trustee Cornell Coll., 1906-12; Trustee la. Methodist Hospital; Dist. Supt, Cedar Rapids Dist., M. E. Church., 1908-12; Del. to Genl. Conf, 1912; Land Commissioner, Dist. of Mont; Cashier Farmers State Bank, Wilsall, Mont 633. Fred Cole Hicks, B. Ph. Ph. D., Johns Hopkins, 1901; Prin. Schools, Fairfax, la., 1896-98; Prof. Monmouth Coll., 111., 1902-06; Instructor Univ. of Wis., 1906-10; stu. Univ. of Berlin, Ger., 1908-09; Prof, of Modern Languages, Dakota Wesleyan Univ., 1910, Mitchell, S. D. 634. Henry Frederick Kanthlener, A. B. A. M., Harvard Univ., 1899; Teacher Epworth Sem., 1896-97; Wilberham (Mass.) Acad., 1899-1900- Prof. Greek, Morningside Coll., 1900—, Sioux Citv, la. 635. Ellen Mary Knoll (Sollars), B. Ph. Teacher, eight vears, Manila P.I 55 Josephine Ave., Detroit, Mich. 636. Emma Amanda Little (Main), B. S. Teacher in Anglo-Chinese Coll., Foochow, China. 637. Carrie Macy, B. Ph. Teacher. Died, Boulder, Col., Feb. 27, 1899. 638. Burton Schuyler Miller, B. S. Dealer in Timber, Indus, Minn. 639. Miles Emest Mitchell, A. B. B. D., Drew Theol. Sem, 1899; A. M, £;• \ Vv l8 " ; Cler gy man ; Farmer, La Feria, Tex. 640. Elizabeth Anna Moler, B. Ph. Vice-Pres. State Epworth League of la, 1899-1900; Precept. Young Woman's Sem., Aurora, 111., 1900-02; Third Vice-Pres. State Epworth League of Mont, 1903-04; Financial Sec Mont Deaconess Hospital, 1902-05; Instructor Chaddock Boys' Acad, 111, 1905-10. 1015 2d Ave. N, Great Falls, Mont 5 4 i. Pearl Evyleen Reeder (Campbell), B. Ph. Grad. stu. Columbia Univ. 1901-02; Teacher i» Private Sch, New York Citv, 1902-03. 3808 Gar- retson Ave, Sioux City, la. (W. of 621.) - 42. Ralph Maltbie Reeder, A. B. S. T. B, Garrett Bib. Inst, 1899; Farmer, Tipton, la. ' JJi 6o CORNELL COLLEGE 643. Edward Ransom Ristine, B . S., M. S. Grad. I^^^mud Univ 1883; grad. stu. in History, Univ. of Chicago ( Summer), 1897 , Frin. Commercial Sch., Cornell ColL, \\9*~ • . . p t 644. George John Ross, B. Ph. Field Worker N. Dak. S. S. Assn., Faster Congregational Church, Forman, N. D. 6a c Tessie Lois Safely, B. Ph. Traer, la. Deceased. 64I' George DureU Sailor, B. S. in C. E. LL. B., State Univ. of Iowa, 647 g^'^S^^P^n. B. Ph. A. M Harvard Univ x 9 o 5 ; Teacher 1897, and Prin., 1898-1900, High Sch, Knox ville, la., Supt. Schools 'Columbus Junction, la., 1900-03; Asst. in _ Geology, Harvard, X903-05; Instmctor in Geology in Colby Coll Maine 1905-0?; Assoc. Prof and Registrar in same, 1907-09; Asst. Prof. Geology Univ. of N. D and Asst State Geologist, 1909 -; Author, "The Geography of North Datta" "The Physfography of the Soil, Stump "teReg«v -Underground Water Resources of North Dakota." Grand Forks, N. D. 648. p H er£ins 62 Swift Slocum, A. B., A. ^Vl^i^K^ 4 Church, Dubuque, Clinton, Farley, and Montioello la Prof Mprm^B side Coll 1898-1900; Prin. Epworth Sem., 1908-11; Author 1 he Blood Stain," and "Jotting, of a World Journey"; Clergyman and Lec- 649. Emrne^Hariand Soper, B. Ph. LL. B., Columbia Univ., x8 99 ; Law- 65 0. S^rrurXsWr, Jr, A. B. A. B Columbia Univ., ,897; LL. B., Univ. of Iowa, 1899; Lawyer, Emmetsburg, la 651. Orrin Elmore Stanley, B. S. in C. E C. E Pnv ^ : A '|^.Jj' 5 Vol. Inf., Spanish-Amer. War; City Engr. Mason City, la., 1897 9^ and Pierre S D., 1907-09; Draftsman and Asst. Engr. C. & N. W. K. Kfand the Mex/CenVi, 1898-1907 ; Sec. Ore. Soc • Engineers ; Chief Computer Sewer Dept, City Engineer's Office, 2601 49th St. S. L., Fort 652. Franc^Adelaide Staves (Reeder), B. Ph. 202 N. Rodney St., Helena, Ia -> 1898-99 ; Mining and Mining Specialties, Orient, Wash 678. George Avery Reeder, A. B. S. T. B, Garrett Bib. Inst, 1901 ; Au- a«?v Ix^u ¥ en ' S Calendar >" "Paul, a Soldier of the Cross," and A Year With the Master"; formerly Pastor M. E. Church, San Francisco, Cal.; Internat. Sec. Y. M. C. A, Army and Navv Dept 1909 — • 509 W. 121st St, New York City. * *' 679. George Webb Bean Snell, A. B. S. T. B, Garrett Bib Inst • Pastor M. E. Church and High Sch. Teacher, Alexander N D 680. Jesse Milton Tallman, B. S. LL. B, State Univ.' of ' Iowa ; Lawyer and Real Estate Dealer, Cedar Rapids, la. (H. of 660 ) 681 ■ s^TT^^t 3 - 7 ea ? her ' L ° S An S eles Schools. ' 6th and Figuera Sts, Gatos Hotel, Los Angeles, Cal. 682. Oren Bradshaw Waite, A. B. B. D, Garrett Bib. Inst, 1899; D. D. Simpson Coll, 1904; Pastor, Upper Iowa Conf, 15 years, in Co. Conf 2 years; Conf Supt. Sunday Schools, Southern Calif. Conf, io IO -» • Prof Logic and Bib. Literature, and Prin. of Acad, Cornell Coll, 1902- *o & 5 i-!?w , d -> 1907-08; Clergyman, San Jacinto, Cal. 683. Edith Myrtle Ward (McLaughlin), A. B. Manila, P. I. (W of 603 ) 688. 68q- 62 CORNELL COLLEGE 6 g + Wilson Henry Whitsitt, B. S. M. D, Rush Med. Coll., 190.; Physi- 685 Ed^rlverett-Wilcox, B. Ph. Pre*. Cedar Rapids Commission Co., 686 &%££•*$&£?£& M^or, three years; Cashier Bank, 68 7 . Grlce Greenwood Wolfe, B. S. Real Estate, Mt. Vernon, la. XLI. Class of 1898. Matie Alexander, B. S. Teacher, High Sen, E. ,., Gordon Ave., SrkSander (WUson) B .8 . Kayjor, ££ »Awa wsa.'sak 5S5 tew South India, I9I3-;- (H. of 1024.) Chicago; Instructor Waldcraft Co., Manufs. of School Art Materials, 1413 N. HI. bt., Indian apolis, Ind. , 692. Flora Amelia Barhite A BAlden la Fort 693. Katherine Blanche Blackwell, B. Ph. AsstJ nm. " « ^J In _ 93 Madison, la x8 9 8-i90i :> Prav Hig Sch., GUjwa^d, 1.^9^ ^ structor in German, Cornell Coll., 19" J 3 » 8'« u - 57 i 9 Dorchester Ave., Chicago, III. the R< ,_ 6 94 . J°hn Bamer Bloom A B., A M. « and pr<;s Sr ed Sy C nod rC o h f 5? Srm^Cnu'S, r 9 ra- I3 ; Pastor First Reformed 6, 5 Clar^EvelyA^man (Ganfield), B. Ph. ,oo E. Ave., Waukesha, Asst. Cashier Bank Napa, Cal., i.9»p f j Rochester, Minn., June 9, W- . p f Lyceum Bureaus agera' Assn., .907-, 7633 Boswort lAve R °fXTet Srn S B. D.. 703 Sirsfcaw sra« b w»3« 703 ' I9 oa; Rea'. Estate Dealer and Banker, /^^McCormick Theol . 704 ' leT T D "caioU^ xWti Pa^FM P^b Church, Green Bay, W™:; ?9o?-o 4 ; Prof. history Ind Polit. Science, Carroll Coll., .904-, w-S A ^oodeU A B 5 'A. M. Missionary M. E. Church, Philip- of Okla., 1911 -, Guthrie, Okla. (H. of 926.) CORNELL COLLEGE 6 3 706. Ernest Lloyd Harris, B. Ph. A. M. and Ph. D., 1894, and J. U D , 1895, Heidelberg Univ., Ger.; Lecturer on Jurisp., State Univ. of Iowa, 1896; Consular Agt. of U. S., Eibenstock, Ger., 1898-1902; Commercial Agt., 1902-04; Lecturer on Commerce, Univ. of Chicago, 1904; Amer Consul at Chemnitz, Ger., 1905-06; Consul at Smyrna, Asia Minor, 1906-08; Consul Genl., 1908—; detailed to examine conditions in the in- terior of Asia Minor and the Isls, of Turkish Archipelago, 1909; to ex- amine industrial conditions in Sweden, 1912; Author of numerous Con- sular Reports and Mag. Articles, also "Church and State in Maryland Colony," "The Ruined Cities of Asia Minor," etc.; Amer. Consul Genl., 1911 — , Stockholm, Sweden, 707. Charles Milfred Hartung, B. S. Cashier Mt. Vernon Bank, Mt. Ver- non, la. 708. Roy Stanton Hayward, B. Ph. LL. B., State Univ. of Iowa; Auditor K"^ S r P ^,V Wash -> 1905-08; Clerk, State Land Office of la., 1911-12- Chief Clerk, Motor Vehicle Dept, la., 1912-13 ; Office Mgr., Amer. Gas Engine Co., 1913 — , 2539 Wabash Ave., Kansas City, Mo. 709. Perry Lee Heddck, B. S. in C. E., C. E. Chief Sanitary Inspector Dept. of Health, Chicago, 111., 1904-07; Author of Papers in Engin. Journals; Engr. and Contractor, El Centro Cal 710. Jessie Hutchison (Beer), B. Ph. B. Ph., Univ. of Chicago, 1899. Bucyrus, O. ° ' y> 711. Lewis Albert Jester, B. Ph. LL. B., Drake Univ., 1904; Joint Au- thor, Commercial Law"; Teacher, Capital City Commercial Coll.- Lawyer Real Estate, 1225 York St., Des Moines, la. 712. Mary Maude Kingman (Eberhart), B. Ph. Teacher, Miss Clark's Prep. Sch., 1899-1900. 1131 W. 18th St., Des Moines, la. 713- John Freeman Lewis, B. Ph. Examiner, U. S. Civil Service Comm., 1908-09; Atty., U. S. Genl. Land Office, Washington, D. C, 1900-13 • Lawyer, Des Moines, la. y y * * 714- Sylvester King Lowell, B. Ph. Advertising Promoter with Daily 5™^™ Telegram, 4246 Greenwood PI., Kansas City, Mo. 715. Fred Mahannah, B. S. Co. Supt. of Schools, Cerro Gordo Co., 1911- Pres Iowa State Teachers' Assn., i9ii- I2 ; State Inspector Normal Train- ing High Schools, 1912— , 1085 26th St., Des Moines, la. 716. James Victor Martin, B. Ph., A. M. Lay Missionary at Tientsin, HjT'q 1 ?. 00 ^ £ r m C T in f ei Sem -' Na § asaki > J^an, 1901-04; Wiley^ High Sch. Terre Haute, Ind., 1906-08; Assoc. Prof. English, Dakota Wesleyan Univ., 1908-13; Prof. English, Coll. of the Pacific, 1913 - San Jose, Cal. ' y 3 ' 717. Frank Paul Morgan, B. S. B. A., 1908, and S. T. B., 1909, Boston Univ. ; Pastor M. E. Church, Taft, Cal. 718. Ralph Woodward Pratt, B. Ph. Died, Davenport, la., April 3 1899 719. Archie Edward Rigby, A. B. Prin. High Sch., Manchester, la?,' llll 99; Missionary Teacher in Chinzei Coll., Nagasaki, Japan, 1901-07; Re- serve Ministerial Del. to the Genl. Conf. of Japan M. E. Church in Tokyo, 1902-07; grad. stu. Univ. of Chicago, 1907-09; Acting Prof, of History and Sociology Dak. Wesleyan Univ., 1909-10 Acting Prof, of Philosophy, Mormngside Coll., 1910-11; Prin. of Epworth Sem, 1911- 13; Farmer, Fonda, la. ' y 720. Hattie Leah Sawyer (Mantle), B. Ph. Teacher. Died, Albia la Tune 10, 1912. ' ' J 721. George Beal Sheets, A. B. Farmer, Lisbon, la. IZt'ZZ CW SCh ° 0lS ° f Ia ' ^ Ida -' l8 98-i9oi; Teacher in Morgan Park Acad., Chicago, 1902-07; Thayer Scholar and grad. stu in Geol- ogy Harvard 1907; Teacher, High Sch., Tacoma, Wash., 1908-12; E^A^sra 1 *' ytech - High Sch " i912 -' i949 Barnarci 64 CORNELL COLLEGE m . Jennie Hathaway Spencer B Ph. ^ g 7 a 4 . Char es Edward SmsonB Ph. ^^.Tb^rch, Lansing, la., 725 . W?lUam N 6ris Tompkins, B. S. Pastor M. E. Church, Ruthven, la. < Sil^V^Buskirk (Tompkins), B. S. Ruthven, la. (W. of 725.) g ! f^a^^B^'M 8 - BaJrSfp'r^' of English, 728 . Ida AWborn (Weeks^ B. Ph p A g M Baker ^^ ^ ,91 Church St, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. physicians and Sur- 73 °- s^J^^^ ** " yfldicate ' Minn€apolis ' 73 i. Myrtle Wileox (Trippy), B . Ph Webb la. toTof Phys. Education for Women Ore. Ago. Coll., ,908-1., grad. &e f SfoXwilson! A M B ,S ' £ B., Monmouth Co,,., rS 97 ; ttYSr^lfe, B Ph Grad stu. O^ ^SemlScs f^CoSJot ^l^^ic^^^'ErSmino Rea,, Berkeley, Si« K^anl E^fMo- »£^ S 6EaSt Wr„ S ten D A M B 0i " Missionary, and Prin. of Training Sch. for " 6 - S'pSS^^cE^U, India, xS 99 - I9 o 3 ; Sa,es m a„, Standard Oil Co,, West Union, la. (H. of 774-) XLII. Class of 1899. 737 . Clinton Philip Abbott, B. Ph. Business (The C P. Abbott Realty 74 o Sarry Wr'Artman,'A 9 B.' Pastor M. E. Church, Brandon, la. &,. Walter BBatcheller,B.S. Dted Sept, W. fc q{ ^ 742 . George Herbert BettsB^Ph AM. >s M .^ ^^ ,S Teaser aud Supt- Schools iu Iowa, i88 7 - 97 ;. Instructor Acad. S£? S ^jr&er^eTchem ft Solnmbi, j* yj-gj L g Rural Schools/' and '"Better Rural Schools" (joint authorsh.p). (H. of 1200.) 733- 734 735 CORNELL COLLEGE 65 743. Charles Ernest Bowen, B. Ph. Supt. Packington Institutional Church, and Ed. and Pub., The City Missionary, Oklahoma City, Okla. 744. Arthur James Braginton, B. S. Died, Kamrar, la., 1900. 745. Elmer Manasseth Cable, B. S., A. M. Teacher in Pai Chai Coll., Seoul, Korea, 1899- 1900; Dist. Supt. Chemuplo Dist. 1902-06, Dist. Supt. the Kongju Dist. 1907-11; Pres. and Prof, of Sacred History, Methodist Union Theol. Sem., Seoul, Chosen, Korea. 746. Orlyn Lee Chaffee, B. S. M. D., Chicago Homeopathic Med. Coll.; Physician, Waverly, la. 747. George Eli Clemans, B. Ph. Real Estate, Manchester, la. 748. Charles Sumner Cole, A. B. 749. Mary Margaret Collin (Jayne), B. Ph. Rockford, la. (W. of 763.) 750. Carlton Clinton Deniston, A. B. Clergyman, M. E. Church. Born, Monroe, Wis., Aug. 6, 1874; died, Mazomanie, Wis., June 19, 1905. 751. Gilbert Ward Deniston, A. B. LL. B., Central Law Coll.; grad. stu. Univ. of Wis., 1900-01 ; Clergyman, M. E. Church, 1902-06 ; Prof. Economics and Sociology, Univ. of Southern Cal., 1906-09; Asst. and Hon. Fellow in Polit. Science, Univ. of Wis., 1909-10; Sec. Y. M. C. A. and Exec. Sec. Men and Religion Forward Movement, San Fran,, Cal., 1911-12; Manager, The Deniston Co., 1913 — , Bayfield, Wis. 752. John Howard Deniston, A. B. Clergyman, M. E. Church, 12 years; Pres. of The Deniston Co. (Land Investments), Minneapolis, Minn. 753. Grace Ellen Dougherty, B. S. Teacher, 2700 Humboldt Ave. South, Minneapolis, Minn. 754. David Owen Dunbar, B. S. A. B., Columbia Univ., 1900; LL. B., Northwestern Univ., 1903 ; Lecturer on Law of Trusts, Northwestern Univ. Law School. 427 N. Main St., Wheaton, 111. 755. James Townsend Fackler, B. Ph. M. Di., Iowa State Teachers Coll.; Teacher, Mt. Vernon, la. 756. Carle Alfonso Felt, A. B. B. D., Drew Theol. Sem.; Pastor M. E. Church, Dike, la., 1901-03, and Lake Hopatcong, N. J., 1903-05; Asst. Sec. Young People's Missionary Dept., M. E. Church, 1907-10; Prin. Changli Boarding Sch. for Boys ; Prof, of Old Testament in Pekin Univ. Coll. of Theol., 9 M. E. Mission, Pekin, China. 757. Lillian Forest (Beck), B. Ph. 15201 Columbia Ave., Harvey, 111. 758. Fred Forrest Frost, B. Ph. A. M. and LL. B., Drake Univ., 1903 ; grad. stu. Cornell Coll., 1899-1900; Supt. Schools, Eddyville, la., 1900-01; Lawyer, 112 E. Washington St., Des Moines, la. 759. Frederic Willis Hann, B. S. Lawyer (Jamison, Smyth & Hann), Ce- dar Rapids, la. 760. Ambrose Bertram Hartley, B. S., M. S. Prin. Sch., Lehigh, la., 1900-01 ;Prin. High Sch., Sherburn, Minn., 1901-04; Supt. Sch., Pine City, Minn., 1904-06, and Willow River, Minn., 1906-07; Farmer, Mil- ner, Ida. 761. Claire Dutton Hopper, B. S. M. D., Rush Med. Coll.; Physician, 1909 — , Richland, Wash. 762. Benton Wade Humphrey, B. Ph. LL. B., State Univ. of Iowa, 1904; Asst. Prin. Schools, Miller, S. D., 1899-1900, and Fairfax, la., 1900-01 ; Cashier Bank, Walford, la. 763. Arthur Matson Jayne, B. Ph. Teacher, High Sch., Marion, la., 1899- 1901, Boone, la., 1901-03, and Grand Prairie Sem., 111., 1903-04; Prof, of Sciences in Dak. Wesleyan Univ., 1904-07; Pastor M. E. Church, Rock- ford, la. (H. of 749.) 764. Mott Keislar, A. B. Missionary, M. E. Mission, Phalera, India. 765. John Strayer Mcintosh, A. B., A. M. Ph. D., Univ. of Chicago, 1909; Prof. Latin and Greek, Red River Valley Univ., N. D., 1899- 1902; grad. stu. and Fellow in Latin, Univ. of Chicago, 1907-08; Author, "A Study of St. Augustine's Versions of Genesis"; Prof, of Classics, Upper Iowa Univ., Fayette, la. 66 CORNELL COLLEGE 766. Evan Stanhope Mickey, B. Ph. Chief Clerk to Gov. of Nebr., 1903- 07; State Bank Examiner, 1907-10; Dep. State Treas., 1911; Cashier Bank, Osceola, Nebr. (H. of 800.) 767. Grant Clark Miller, B. S. in C. E. B. S. in Architecture, 1894, and Master of Archi., 1895, Univ. of 111.; Architect, 116 S. Mich. Ave., Chi- cago, 111. 768. Cora Catherine Moler, A. B. Asst. Prin. High Sch., Ackley, la., 1900; Grad. Wesley Hospital Sch. for Nurses, Chicago, 1907; Registered Nurse, 7231 Yale Ave., Chicago, 111. 769. Martha Jennie Moler (Mclntire), B. Ph. Teacher in Schools, Monte- zuma, la., 1899-1900; Asst. Prin. High Sch., Mt. Vernon, la., 1900-01, and West Liberty, la., 1901-03. 1418 2d St., San Diego, Cal. 770. Henry Oakley PomerOy, B. S. Seedsman, 2807 24th St., Omaha, Nebr. 771. McKercher John Randall, A. B. LL. B., State Univ. of Iowa, 1901 ; mem. Board of Trustees, Western Union Coll.; Lawyer, and Pres. Hollis Abstract Co., Cedar Rapids, la. 772. Byrdette Raw (Harris), B. Ph. Paullina, la. 773. Harry H. Reeder, B. S. Cashier Bank, Epworth, la. (H. of 806.) 774. Martha Reeder (Wroten), A. B. Teacher, Chicago Training Sch. for City, Home and Foreign Missions. Born, Tipton, la., April 6, 1874; died, Green, Kans., April 1, 1905. (W. of 736.) 775. Nellie Blythe Remick (White), B. Ph. Jefferson, la. 776. Grace Kendrick Rigby (Cameron), B. Ph. B. Ph., Univ. of Chicago, 1 901. 700 S. McLean Blvd., Memphis, Tenn. 777. George Wilbur Robins, B. S. Teacher, Pebble, Ida. 778. Edgar E. Saxton, B. S. Pastor M. E. Church, Elk Point, S. D. 779. Minnie Myrtle Seager (Swisher), B. Ph. Teacher, High Sch., Kings- ley, Manchester, and Marion, la. Vinton, la. 780. Edna Sniffen (Garver), A. B. Dillon, Mont. 781. George Field Sutherland, B. Ph. B. D., Drew Theol. Sem.; Sec. Missionary Education Dept, M. E. Church, 150 5th Ave., New York City. 782. Earl Chapin Sweet, A. B. LL. B., State Univ. of Iowa, 1901 ; Law- yer, Minneapolis, Kans. 783. James Howard Thompson, A. B. Ph. D., Grove City Coll., Pa., 1910; Pastor M. E. Church, Oregon, Mo. 784. Grace Lenore Whitcomb (Hays), B. S. Teacher of Singing in Cornell Coll. Conserv. of Music, 1906-07. 1174 St Paul St., Denver, Col. 785. Mary Helen White, B. Ph. Grad. stu. Univ. of Chicago, 1907-08. Osage, la. 786. William Alfred Wilkinson, B. Ph. Boston Univ., 1911-12; Pastor M. E. Church, Pierre, S. D. (H. of 699.) 787. Ralph Bertram Williamson, B. Ph. LL. B., Harvard, 1905; Prin. High Sch., Tama, la., 1899-1902; Asst. U. S. Atty. for Eastern Dist. of Wash., 1907 — ; Lawyer, North Yakima, Wash. 788. Frederick Carl Witzigman, A. B. B. D., Drew Theol. Sem., 1904; Pastor of M. E. Church, Iowa Falls, la. 789. Willian Woodworth (Wheat), B. S. 3325 Irving Ave. S., Minneapolis, Minn. (W. of 730.) 790. Eva Maude Zollinger (Cressler), B. Ph. Norwood, O. XLIII. Class of 1900. 791. Agnes Kathryne Albrook (Murray), B. Ph. Eldora, la. 792. Ethel Arble (Matthews), B. Ph. Haxtun, Col. 793. Frank Jeremiah Armstrong, B. S. M. D., Univ. of 111., 1912; Asst. •Sec. to Booker T. Washington, Tuskegee Inst., 1900-08; Physician and Surgeon, 1924 West Lake St., Chicago, 111. CORNELL COLLEGE 67 794. Amy Ash (Mossman), B. Ph. 35 Prospect St., Taunton, Mass. (W. of 830.) * 795. Clara Hanna Baker, B. Ph. A. M., State Univ. of Iowa, 1910; In- structor in English, Dak. Wesleyan Univ., 1904-06; Instructor in Eng- lish, Iowa State Coll., 1906-08, and State Teachers Coll., 1910; Fellow in State Univ. of la., 1908-10; Manager, Office of the Methodist Brother- hood, New York City, 1911; Dean Cazenovia Sem., N. Y., 1912-13; Prof. English, 1913 — , Illinois Woman's Coll., Jacksonville, 111. 796. Robert Bruce Blue, A. B. M. D., Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch. ; Instructor in Opthalmology in same; Oculist, 15 E. Wash. St., Chicago, 111. 797. Clifford Moody Boyd (Burr), A. B. Eagle Pass, Tex. 798. Sara Alice Brown, B. Ph., A. M. Grad. stu. Univ. of Chicago, 1908 ; Teacher, High Sch., Marion, la., 1901, Jennings Sem., 111., 1902-03 ; grad. stu. Cornell Coll., 1905-08; Dist. Visitor of United Charities of Chicago, 1908-09; Asst. Supt. Stockyards Dist. of same, 1909-10; Supt. South Chicago Dist. of same, 1910 — . 2916 E. 77th St., Chicago, 111. 799. Emmett James Cable, B. S., M. S. B. A., la. State Teachers Coll., I 9 I 3I grad. stu. Chicago Univ., three years; Author, "Iowa Geography," " Gravel Deposits of Central Indiana"; Pres. Iowa Teachers' Science Assn., 1912; Prof, of Geography, State Teachers Coll., Cedar Falls, la. 800. Jessie May Carson (Mickey), B. S. Osceola, Nebr. (W. of 766.) 801. Gertrude Clemans (Flanagan), A. B. Teacher, Bellingham, Wash. 802. Cora May Colton, B. Ph. Teacher of English, High Sch., Wenatchee, Wash. 803. Emmett Judson Crowell, A. B. Born, Rudd, la., Dec. 13, 1873; died, Des Moines, la., Sept. 6, 1906. 804. William Dennis, B. Ph. LL. B., State Univ. of Iowa, 1901 ; Clerk Dist. Court, Marion, la. (H. of 941.) 805. John Moulds Eldridge, A. B. A. M., Univ. of Denver, 1911; stu. in- Garrett Bib. Inst., 1902-04; grad. stu. Denver Univ., 1911 — ; Pastor M. E. Church, 1911 — , Platville, Col. 806. Dotha Foote (Reeder), B. Ph. Epworth, la. (W. of 773.) 807. Noah Cadwallader Gause, B. S. B. D., Pacific Theol. Sem.; Nat. Sec. of the Industrial Peace Assn. ; Teacher in Montezuma Ranch Sch., and Field Sec. Montezuma Movement; in Editorial and Lecture-Bureau Dept, and mem. "Committee of 100" in charge of Protestant Religious Activities and Exhibit, Panama-Pacific Internat. Exposition at San Fran,, 1913 — , 2225 Dwight Way, Berkeley, Cal. 808. Elizabeth Mitchell Gill, A. B. Prin. High Sch., Sheldon, la., 1903 — (1908). 809. Oscar Richard Gillilan, B. Ph. Teacher. Born, Central City, la., Jan. 8, 1877; died, Denver, Col., Aug. 29, 1902. 810. Clarence Vosburgh Gilliland, A. B., A. M. S. T. B., Garrett Bib. Inst.; D. D., Dak. Wesleyan Univ.; Teacher in same, 1906-n; Pres. Carleton Coll., Mo.,, 1911-13; Prof, of History, and Dean, Dak. Wesleyan Univ., 1913 — , Mitchell, S. D. 811. Charles Cyrus Gray, A. B., A. M. Prin. Schools, Wyoming, la., 1900- 03; Prin. High Sch., Fargo, N. D., 1905-06; Supt. of Schools, Grafton, N. D., 1906-10; Prin. Emerson Sch., 4510 Eastern Ave., Seattle, Wash. 812. Nellie Grobe, A. B. Postmaster, Cleveland, N. D., 1908. 117 17th St., Davenport, la. (?) 813. Eugenie Hanna (Robertson), B. Ph. Bella Vista, Monterey, Mex. 814. Francis Alfred Heald, B. Ph. LL. B., State Univ. of Iowa, 1903 ; Lawyer; State Senator from Linn Co., la., 1912 — . Cedar Rapids, la. 815. Minerva Herrington, A. B. M. D., Johns Hopkins, 1906; Agt. Penn. Soc. to Protect Children, Philadelphia, 1910-12; State Sec. Cal. Branch of the Nat. League for Med. Freedom, 1913 — , 627 Pacific Bldg., San Fran., Cal. 68 CORNELL COLLEGE 8 1 6. John Godfrey Hill, A. B., A. M. S. T. B., Boston Univ.; grad. stu. Harvard, 1903, Emerson Sch. of Oratory, 1904, Univ. of Chicago, 1910; Pastor 1VL E. Church in la., Mass., and Cal. ; Prof. English Bible and Philosophy, Univ. of Southern Cal., 1907—. 854 W. 35th Place, Los Angeles, Cal. 817. Forrest Clyde Hirleman, B. S. Lawyer, 2681 Marion Ave., Bronx, New York City. 818. Lucy Edith Hobbs, B. S. B. Di., la. State Teachers Coll.; Teacher in Whittier Sch., 1906-10, and Teacher in High Sch., Sioux City, la., I910 — ; grad. stu. Univ. of Chicago, four Summers, and Columbia Univ., one. 1308 Jackson St., Sioux City, la. 819. Bert Ray Hull, B. S. Stock Business, Gordon, Nebr. (H. of 869.) 820. George Isherwood, B. Ph. Editor and publisher, Tampico, 111. 821. Henry Craig Jones, A. B. A. B., 1903, and LL. B., 1906, Harvard; Teacher, High Sch., Algona, la., 1900-02; Asst. in Government, Har- vard, 1903-06; Summer Prizeman in Harvard, 1905 ; Lawyer, and Lec- turer in John Marshall Law Sch., Chicago, 111.; Author, "A Selection of Illinois Cases on Suretyship"; Asst. Prof, of Law, 1911-14, The George Washington Univ. ; Dean, College of Law, State Univ. of West Virginia, 1914 — , Morgantown, W. Va. 822. James Herbert Kelley, B. S. A. M., Harvard, 1908; Pres. Okla. Univ. Prep. Sch., 1902-09; Editor, "Alumni Record," Univ. of 111., 1912; Administrative Officer in Univ. of 111., 1909-13 ; Prin. State Normal Sch., 1914 — , Gunnison, Col. 823. William Herbert Kent, B. S. Prin. Schools, Preemption, 111., 1901, Millersburg, 111., 1902-03, Viola, 111., 1903-05, Linden, la., 1905-06. Furniture and Undertaking, Viola, 111. 824. Ora Blanche Kibler (Coe), B. Ph. Woodbine, la. 825. Loran Marshall Martin, B. S. M. D., Rush Med. Coll.; formerly Prof, in Sioux City Coll. of Med.; Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Dept. St. Luke's Hospital, 1435 Michigan Ave., Chicago, 111. 826. Lilian Cowles McColm, A. B. A. B., Univ. of Chicago, 1907; Teacher, High Sch., Sheldon, la., 1901-06, Ft. Dodge, la., 1907-08; Teached of German, McKinley Tech. High Sch., 1483 Columbia Road, Washington, D. C. 827. Clyde Wilson McCord, A. B. Formerly Pastor First Presb. Church, Marshalltown, la. R. F. D. 7, Lincoln, Nebr. 828. Flora Belle McMillen (Moore), B. Ph. Dexter, la. 829. Leon Wallace Moore, B. S. in C. E., C. E. B. D., Drew Theol. Sem., 1911; Pastor M. E. Church, Westminster, Cal. (H. of 831.) 830. Gilbert Elmer Mossman, A. B. S. T. B., Boston Univ., 1906; Pastor M. E. Church, 35 Prospect St., Taunton, Mass. (H. of 794.) 831. Nellie Munson (Moore), A. B. Westminster, Cal. (W. of 829.) 832. Sarah Mary Nauman (Keyes), B. Ph. Teacher in Schools, Blairstown, la., 1900-02. Mt. Vernon, la. (W. of 563.) 833.. Edgar Clinton Newbern, A. B. Evangelist, Baptist Church, Cedar Bluff, Miss. 834. Albert Newton Orcutt, B. Ph. Prof. History, Ore. State Normal Sch., 1901-03; Municipal Judge, 1905-11; Lawyer, Roseburg, Ore. 835. William Frank Persons, B. Ph. LL. B., Harvard; Director of Gen- eral Work in Charity Organization Society of the City of New York, 105 E. 22d St., New York City. 836. William Arthur Pye, B. Ph. Supt. Schools, Garwin, la., 1901-05, Wilton, la., 1905-09, Tama, la., 1909-11, and Eagle Grove, la., 1911 — . 837. William George Reeder, B. S. M. D., Rush Med. Coll.; Instructor in Ophthalmology, Rush Med. Coll.; Prof, of Otology, Chicago Poly- clinic Post-Grad. Med. Coll.; Author, "The Nervus Vestibularis"; Oculist and Aurist, Wheaton, 111. CORNELL COLLEGE 69 838. Clarence Morley Rigby, B. Ph. Traveling Salesman (Pittsburg Hard- wood Door Co.), 5 Cross St., Crafton Sta., Pittsburg, Pa. 839. Jessie Rigby, A. B. First Asst. Librarian, Cornell Coll., Mt. Vernon, Ia - 840. Rose Ross (Fisher), A. B. Born, Harlan, la., Nov. 1, 1878; died, Harlan, la., May 26, 1905. 841. Hermann Henry Schroeder, B. Ph. Author, "The Psychology of Conduct"; Prof, of Psychology and Pedagogy, State Normal School, Whitewater, Wis., 1908-13 ; Prof, of Philosophy of Education and Sch. Administration, 111. Normal Univ., 1913 — , Normal, 111. 842. Irvin Llewellyn Seager, A. B. Prin. Sch., Prairieburg, la., 1901; Pastor M. E. Church, Waseca, Minn. 843. Jeannette Sniffen (Slade), A. B. Formerly Teacher, High Sch., Web- ster City, la., and Sioux City, Ia. 1721 Pleasant St., Des Moines, Ia. 844. Charles Malcolm Stackhouse, B. S. Farmer, Parkville, Mo. 845. Cora Josephine Sundell, B. Ph. Teacherjennings Sem., Aurora, 111., 1900-01, and 1901 — , High Sch., Mason City, Ia. 846. Robert Edwin Trousdale, B. Ph. Pres. First Nat. Bank, Mott, N. D. 847. Mabel Canfield Wallace (Huston), B. Ph. Carrington, N. D. 848. Orville DeWitt Wescott, B. S. M. D., Rush Med. Coll., 1904; In- structor in same, 1907; served Spanish-Amer. War; awarded Gold Medal for Educational Leaflet, Internat. Congress on Tuberculosis, Wash- ington, D. C, 1908; mem. Advisory Board, City and Co. Hospital of Denver, 1912; Instructor in Univ. of Col., Med. Dept. ; Physician and Surgeon, 512-514 Metropolitan Bldg., Denver, Col. 849. Laura Etta Willix (Merritt), A. B. Mt. Vernon, Ia. 850. Edward Bethuel Wilson, B. Ph. Special Loan Agt, Northwestern Mutual Life Ins. Co., 3910 Ingersoll Ave., Des Moines, Ia. XLIV. Class of 1901. 851. George Matthew Allee, B. Ph. A. B., Harvard; grad. Sch. of Ora- tory, Cornell Coll.; Vice-Pres. Ia. Corn Growers' Assn., 1910; Pres. Ia. Agri. Experiment Assn., 1913; Farmer, Newell, Ia. 852. Edna Annie Baker, A. B., A. M. Teacher, Grand River, Ia. 853. Harry Burtis Bennett, B. Ph. 854. Kathryne Bentley (McCarl), A. B. 131 Parkside Drive, Berkeley, Cal. (W. of 879.) 855. Helen Ethelwyn Chambers (Fouse), A. B., A. M. Lisbon, I a. (W. of 629.) 856. Howard R. Churchill, B. Ph. LL. B., State Univ. of Iowa, 1906; Co. Atty Linn Co. ; Lawyer, Cedar Rapids, la. 857. Roy Colton, B. S. Farmer and Stockman, Driscoll, N. D. 858. James Leslie Coombes, B. S., C. E. Civil Engr. ; mem. Western Soc. Civil Engrs. ; Asst. Engr., Rock Island lines, Chariton, Ia. 859. Foss Ferris Corley, A. B. Teacher, Philippine Isls., 1902-05; Supt. Commissary, Fairbanks, Alaska (1908). 860. Russel Lane Cushing, A. B. Religious Work Sec. Y. M. C. A., 1911 — , 258 20th St., Milwaukee, Wis. 861. Charles Wright Ellyson, B. S. M. D., State Univ. of Iowa, 1905; Physician, Alta, Ia. 862. Earl Vernon Fisher, A. B. Grad. Garrett Bib. Inst., 1909; Dist. Mis- sionary, Amer. S. S. Union, 1901-03 ; Pastor M. E. Church, Chamberlain, S. D., 1909-13; Pastor Presb. Church, 1913—, Keota, Ia. (H. of 925.) 863. Joseph Graham Fogg, A. B. LL. B., Univ. of Wis. ; Co. A, 49th Ia. Vols., Spanish-Amer. War; First Asst. U. S. Arty., Northern Dist. of Ohio, 1910-12; Lawyer, 1863 Crawford Road, Cleveland, Ohio. 864. George Matson Goodell, B. S. in C. E. D. O., Amer. Sch. of Osteo- pathy, Kirksville, Mo., 1906; Osteopathic Physician, 1719 Santee St., Los ' Angeles, Cal. 70 CORNELL COLLEGE 865. Fannie Emilie Haeberle, B. Ph. Teacher, Epworth Sem., 1907-12; Teacher, Manchester, la. 866. Albert Mason Harris, A. B., A. M. Grad. Emerson Coll. of Oratory, 1893, and grad. stu., 1894; Director of Sch. of Oratory, Cornell Coll., 1898-1902; Pres. of Tenn. Oratorical League, 1906; Director Nat. Speech Arts Assn., 1912 — ; Assoc. Prof, of Pub. Speaking and Debate in Van- derbilt Univ., 15 Garland Ave., Nashville, Tenn. 867. Lynette Arnold (Henderson), A. B. B. Di., Iowa State Teachers Coll. ; Asst. Prin, High Sch., La Porte City, la. 1321 W. 19th St., Sioux City, la. 868. Arthur Henry Hirsch, A. B. B. D., Univ. of Chicago, 1907; grad. stu., Northwestern Univ. and Garrett Bib. Inst., 1906-07, and Univ. of Chicago, 1907-09; Asst. Prof, of History, Earlham Coll., 1908-10; Sti- pend Scholar, Univ. of Chicago, 1910-11, and Fellow, 1911-12; Prof, of History, Ursinus Coll., 1912 — , Collegeville, Pa. 869. Carrie Edna Howenstein Hull, B. Ph. Teacher, Parkersburg, la., 1901-03. Gordon, Nebr. (W. of 819.) 870. Anna Trewren Kent (Borkey), B. Ph. Paso Robles, Cal. 871. Charles Augustus Kent, A. B. B. D., Drew Theol. Sem.; Pastor M. E. Church, Monrovia, Cal., 1907-12; Dist. Supt. East Central Africa Miss. Conf., 1912 — , Umtali, Rhodesia, Africa. 872. Wilfred Kent, A. B. B. D., Drew Theol. Sem., 1904; Pastor M. E. Church, Paso Robles, Cal. 873. Louis Howard Kepler, B. Ph. LL. B., Northwestern Univ.; Lawyer and Postmaster, Mt. Vernon, la. 874. Emma Lillian Kerr (Simms), B. Ph. Prin. High Sch., Shellrock, la., 1901-02; Grundy Center, la. 875. Charles Kirkpatrick, A. B. Vice-Prin. Broadway High Sch., 1969 Harvard Ave., Seattle, Wash. 876. William Kirwin, A. B. Pastor M. E. Church, Cresco, la. 877. George Benjamin Mangold, A. B. A. M., Univ. of Chicago, 1903 ; Ph. D., Univ. of Wis., 1906; Instructor Washington State Coll., 1903-04; Instructor Sociology in Univ. of Penn,, 1905-07; Author of Labor Argu- ment in Tariff Controversy, "Child Problems," and magazine articles; Expert, Bureau of Labor, Washington, D. C, 1907-08 ; Assoc. Director, St. Louis Sch. of Social Economy, 1908-12; Director of same, 1912 — , 4002 Lexington Ave., St. Louis, Mo. (H. of 1369.) 878. James Cloyes McCabe, B. S. Burlington, la. (1902). 879. Fred Adrian McCarl, A. B. Mission Work, 1901-04; Manager Tho- burn Press, and Publisher Philippine Christian Advocate; Asst. Pastor English Church, Manila, P. I.; Treasurer M. E. Mission Funds ex- pended in P. I.; Internat. Sec. Y. M. C. A., San, Fran,, Cal., 131 Park- side Drive, Berkeley, Cal. (H. of 854.) 880. Charles Commins Nye, B. Ph. Sec. to Governor of la., 1908-12; Ed- itor Perry Daily Chief, Perry, la. 881. Clarence Oscar Pauley, A. B. Asst. Manager Accident Dept. of the American Bankers' Ins. Co., 4061 Warwick Ave., Chicago, 111. (H, of 1018.) 882. Peter Henry Paulsen, B. Ph. Prin. Schools, Oxford Junction, la., 1902-04; Lawyer, Waterloo, la. 883. Walter S. Perry, B. S. Cement Business, Portland, Ore. (1908). Florence, Col. (?) 884. Alice Elizabeth Platner, B. Ph. Grad. Conservatory of Music, Cornell Coll.; Pupil, Howard Handel Carter and George Whitefield Andrews, Oberlin, 1901-03, and 1905-06, and of Llevinne, Berlin, 1910-12; Teacher of Piano, Cornell Coll. Conservatory of Music, 1903-05, 1906-10, and 1912 — , Mt. Vernon, la. 885. Ernest Adolphus Rayner, B. S., M. A. B. D., Drew Theol. Sem., 1904; Missionary, M. E. Church, Philippine Isls., 1906-11 ; Acting Pres. CORNELL COLLEGE 71 Nicholson Bible Sem., Manila, P. I., 1910-11; grad. stu. Cornell Coll., 1911-12, and N. Y. Univ., 1912-13 ; Supt. Normal Dept. and Prin. of Acad., Washington Coll. Inst., 1913 — , Washington, N. C. 886. Helen Dorcas Reed (Mayne), B. Ph. Grad. School of Art, Cornell Coll., 1899. Griswold, la. (W. of 1116.) 887. Bessie Reeder, B. S. Tipton, la. 888. Anna Belle Rood (Ittner), B. Ph. Teacher, German Methodist Coll., Charles City, la., 1902-03 ; Subst. Sec. Tuberculosis Assn., Newport, R. I., 1907; Visitor, Bureau of Charities, Chicago, 111., 1908. Mt. Vernon, la. 889. Norma Isabelle Ryan (Ferguson), B. Ph. Tama, la. (W. of 628.) 890. Louis Bernard Schmidt, B. Ph., A. M. Teacher, High Sch., Webster City, la., 1901-04; grad. stu., Univ. of Chicago, 1904 and 1906, and Univ. of Wis., 1905; Prof, of History and German, Highland Park Coll., la., 1905-06; Asst. Prof, of History, la. State Coll., 1906-11 ; Assoc. Prof, of same, 1911; Research Asst., State Hist. Soc. of la., 1911 — , Ames, la. 891. Frank Hawelka Shimanek, B. Ph. Cashier Bank, Oxford Junction, la. 892. Delia Mae Simpson (Buck), B. Ph. Beloit, Wis. 893. Elmer Arthur Skewis, B. S. Grain Merchant, 2540 Lyndale Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. 894. Clarence Manter Smith, B. Ph. Real Estate, Flagler, Col. 895. Anna Waldo Stanbery, B. Ph. Teacher of Latin, High Sch., Mason City, la. 896. Frank Elmus Stanley, B. S. in C. E. Civil Engineer, Kent, Wash. 897. William Samuel Still, B. Ph. Supt. Schools, Lake Mills, la. 898. Arthur Lemuel Tucker, B. S. Cashier Lumbermen's Nat. Bank, Port- land, Ore. 899. Etrick Walden Tucker, B. Ph. Asst. Cashier, Pacific Nat. Bank, 420 N. 1st St., Boise, Ida. 900. Ida Alice Watson (Davis), B. Ph. Marble Rock, la. (W. of 916.) 901. Anna May Waugh, A. B. A. B., Univ. of Chicago, 1904; Teacher of Science, Jennings Sem., 1912 — , Aurora, 111. 902. Elizabeth Vivian Williams (Lounsbury), B. Ph. Prof, of Latin, Red River Valley Univ., N. D., 1902-05. 2503 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. 903. Sylvester Vernon Williams, B. S. in C. E., A. M. B. Ph., Univ. of Chicago; Pastor M. E. Church, Delmar, la. XLV. Class of 1902. 904. Huldah Anderson (Berry), B. S. Asst. Prin. High Sch., Hector, Minn., 1903-05. Died, St. Paul, Minn., June 2, 1908. 905. Sarah Edith Archer (Houghtelin), B. Ph. 1074 24th St., Des Moines, la. 906. Charles Edgar Auracher, B. Ph. Bank Advertising, Cedar Rapids, la. 907. Rose Evelyn Baker, B. Ph. Grad. Cornell Coll. Sch. of Oratory, 1902; Grad. Cumnock Sch. of Oratory, 1910; Teacher, High Sch., Anamosa, la., 1902-05; Teacher and Prin. High Sch., Webster City, la., 1906-09; Teacher Pub. Speaking, High Sch., Grand Forks, N. D., 1910-12; Direc- tor Sch. of Oratory, and Prof. Public Speaking, Cornell Coll., 1912 — . 908. Alonzo James Barkley, A. B. Missionary, Bengal, India, 1902-07; Asst. Prin. Amer. Methodist Inst, Calcutta, India, 1903-05; Bolpur Circuit, 1905-07; Pastor M. E. Church, Merrill, la. 909. John De Motte Blue, Jr., B. S. Banker and Broker, 120 N. 17th St., Cedar Rapids, la. 910. George Glencairn Bowen, B. S. Lumber, Grain and Coal Dealer, Searsboro, la. 911. Alonzo Walter Chamberlain, B. Ph. Teacher, High Sch., Spencer, la., 1899-1900; Auditor, Clay Co., 1909 — , Spencer, la. 72 CORNELL COLLEGE 912. Lester Lyman Coleman, B. S., C. E. Civil Engr., Maricopa, Cal. (H. of 1312.) 913. Minnie Collver (Kettenring), B. Ph. Pekin, 111. (W. of 931.) 914. Mary Katherine Crim, A. B. Teacher of Engl, and Latin, High Sch., 4627 South M St., Tacoma, Wash. 915. Marshall Choate Crouch, A. B. Teacher, High Sch., Keokuk, la., 1901-02; Prin., 1902-03, and Supt., 1903-06, High Sch., Columbus Junc- tion, la.; Instructor in English, Lake Forest Univ.; Lecturer, 5207 Ridge Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 916. Benjamin Augustus Davis, B. Ph. Pastor M. E. Church, Marble Rock, la. (H. of 900.) 917. John Lewis Day, B. Ph. M. D., Univ. of Term., 1910; served Span- ish-Amer. War, 1898-99; Phys. Director, Central Y. M. C. A., Memphis, Tenn., 1903-10; Physician, Oklahoma Hospital for Insane, Norman, Okla. 918. Arthur Justin Demorest, A. B. Teacher, Harrisburg, Ore. 919. Francis Fisher Ebersole, A. B. M. D., Johns Hopkins, 1906; Asst. Resident Physician, Penn. State Insane Hospital, Harrisburg, Penn., 1905 ; Resident Physician and Surgeon, Kings Co. Hospital, New York City, 1906-08 ; Physician and Surgeon, Mt. Vernon, la. 920. Frank Whitfield Edwards, B. Ph. LL. B., Univ. of Mich., 1906; Prin. Schools, Center Point, la., 1902-03 ; Supt. Schools, Northwood, la., 1904-05; Lawyer (Sager, Sweet and Edwards), Waterloo, la. 921. Herbert LeRoy Eno, B. Ph. Grad. Cumnock Sch. of Oratory ; Teacher Public Speaking, Oklahoma Univ. Prep. Sch. ; Prof. Public Speaking, Morningside Coll., 1909-10. Died, Sioux City, la., June 9, 1910. (H. of 954-) 922. Charles Trusdell Ensign, A. B. B. Di., 1898, M. Di., 1899, la. State Teachers Coll.; S. T. B., Boston Univ., 1907; Clergyman, Crystal, N. D. 923. Nelson James Evans, A. B. With The Times, Denver, Col. 924. Otho L. Ferris, B. Ph. LL. B., George Washington Univ.; Lawyer, Pres. Columbia Trust Co., 715 E. 42d St., Portland, Ore. 925. Iva Gertrude Ganser (Fisher), A. B. Born, Jones Co., la., Dec. 23, 1876; died, Columbus, Wis., July 11, 1908. (W. of 862.) 926. Frances Furnas (Goodell), A. B. 708 E. Cleveland Ave., Guthrie, Okla. (W. of 705.) 927. Maud Isabel Graham, B. S. Grad. stu. Chicago Univ., 1909; Travel and Study in Europe, 1908; Teacher, High Sch., Cadillac, Mich., 1910, and Sioux Falls, S. D., 1911-12; Teacher, Manchester, la. 928. Mildred Adelaide Greaves, A. B. Extension Sec. of Y. W. C. A., Detroit, Mich. Born, Glencoe, Minn., Dec. 23, 1878 ; died, Detroit, Mich., Jan. 18, 1910. 929. Frank L. Hann, B. Ph., M. Ph. Stu. in Univ. of Chicago, 1905-07; Director of Manual Training, High Sch., 1911 — , Davenport, la. 930. Blanche Hinkley (Howe), A. B. Waukon, la. 931. Walter Ray Kettenring, B. S. in C. E., C. E. Asst. Engr., C. & N. W. R. R., 1906— 510 Park Ave., Pekin, 111. (H. of 913.) 932. Anna Almeda Little (Bailor), A. B. Woodbine, la. 933. Fannie B. Long (Wiedman), B. Ph., M. Ph. Grad. stu. Univ. of Chi- cago, 1902-03 ; Teacher, High Sch., Burlington, la., Boise, Ida., Spokane, Wash., and Instructor in Latin, Drake Univ., la. Caldwell, Ida. 934. William Allison Mxlntyre, B. Ph. Served Spanish-Amer. War, 1898- 99; Medical Corps, U. S. Navy, 1904 — , Mare Island, U. S. S. Chey- enne, Pacific Sta., via San Francisco, Cal. 935- Judson Jackson McKim, B. Ph., A. M. Grad. of Institute and Train- ing Sch. Y. M. C. A., 1903, and B. A. S., 1911; Religious Work Direc- tor, Y. M. C. A., Scranton, Pa., 1903-04; Genl. Sec, Y. M. C. A., New- castle, Pa., 1904-06; Sec. Railroad Y. M. C. A., Scranton, Pa., 1906-08; Exec. Sec. Men and Religion Forward Movement, St. Louis, 1911; Sec. CORNELL COLLEGE 73 Railroad Y. M. C. A., St. Louis, Mo., 1908 — , 525 Lake Ave.^ Webster Groves, Mo. 936. Clara Millar (Robertson), B. S. Grad. Cornell Coll. Sch. Oratory. Ottumwa, la. 937. Rex Rogers Moe, A. B. B. D., with Diploma of Greek-English Course, Garrett Bib. Inst., 1907; Pastor, three years, in America; Mis- sionary M. E. Church, 1907 — , Tarlac, Manila, P. I. 938. Howard Wilson Moody, A. B., A. M. Grad. stu. Univ. of Chicago, 1907, and Ph. D., 1912; Teacher, High Sch., Ludington, Mich., 1902-05, Fort Dodge, la., 1905-07; Instructor in Physics, Acad, of Northwestern Univ., 1907, Lafayette Coll., Pa., 1912-13, and Williams Coll., Mass., *9*3 — > and Acting Head of Dept., 1913-14, Willimstown, Mass. 939. Charles Frederick Pye, B. S. Supt. Schools, Guttenberg, la., 1902, Forest City, la., 1908-10, and 1910 — , Waukon, la. 940. George Franklin Ream, A. B. B. D., Drew Theol. Sem., 1907; oc- cupied Easton Competitive Scholarship in Drew Sem., 1905-06 ; occupied Fellowship from Drew Sem. in Glasgow, Scotland, 1907-08 ; Prof. Bib. Literature, Baker Univ., 1910 — , Baldwin, Kans. 941. Elizabeth Reeder (Dennis), B. Ph. Marion, la. (W. of 804.) 942. Mayme Remick (Mcllvray), B. Ph. 1308 Rucker Ave., Everett, Wash. 943. John Edward Rieke, B. Ph. Prin, High Sch., Tama, la., 1902-03, and Springville, la., 1903-05 ; Asst. Gen. Sec. of City Y. M. C. A., 3446 41st Ave. S. W., Seattle, Wash. 944. Alice Rigby (Moore), A. B. A. M., State Univ. of Iowa, 1906; Asst. Instructor in English, Univ. of Iowa, 1906-07; Instructor in English, Cornell Coll., 1907-11. North Canton^ Conn. (W. of 1121.) 945. Homer A. Smith, B. S. M. D., State Univ. of Iowa, 1906. Correc- tionville, la. 946. Theo Templeton Smith, B. Ph. Teacher of Mathematics, High Sch., 1903 — , Owatonna, Minn. 947. Mary Stanley (Bayard), B. Ph. Teacher, Guthrie Co. High Sch., 1902- 04; West Des Moines High Sch., 1904-07. Geneva, 111. 948. Thomas Blaine Taylor, A. B. Lawyer, Scarritt Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 949. Ross Kerr Tiffany, B. S., C. E. Irrigation Engr., Project Manager, Yakima Project U. S. Reclamation Service, Sunnyside, Wash. 950. Babe True (Latimer), B. Ph. Eldora, la. (W. of 989.) 951. James Preston VanHorn, A. B. Pastor M. E. Church, Oelwein, la. 952. John Aylmer VanNess, B. S. Hardware Merchant, Mason City, la. 953. Arthur E. Wade, B. S. M. D., Sioux City Coll. of Med.; Prof, of Chemistry in Sioux City Coll. of Med., 1903-06; Fellow in Amer. Acad, of Med., 1907; Physician and Surgeon, Lexington, Nebr. 954. Eva Watson (Eno), B. Ph. Cashier Citizens' State Bank, Mt. Vernon, la. (W. of 921.) XL VI. Class of 1903. 955. Homer Burnham Annis, A. B. M. D., Rush Med. Coll., 1907; Physi- cian, 602 Donaldson Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. 956. Olive Gertrude Archer, A. B. Teacher, Ruthven, la., 1906-08. Spen- cer, la. 957. Alexander James Barnes, A. B. LL. B., Univ. of Mich; Lawyer, National City, Cal. 958. Ada Sullivan Barrette (Doying), A. B. Jacksonville, 111. 959. Lydia Margaret Barrette, A. B. Teacher, High Sch., Independence, la., 1903-04, and Stuart, la., 1904-05; Asst. Librarian, Jacksonville, 111., 1908-10; Reference Librarian, Davenport Pub. Library, 1910 — , Daven- port, la. 960. Paul E. Bellamy, B. S. Served Spanish-Amer. War, 1898-99; Ranch- man, Hardingrove, S. D. (H. of 971.) 74 CORNELL COLLEGE 961. Fleck Wesley Beyer, B. S. Cashier Bank, Riddle, Ore. 962. Carrie Bonebrake (Simpson), A. B. Prin. High Sch., Mount Ayr, la., 1902-0$. 904 Belmont Ave., Grand Forks, N. D. (W. of 647.) 963. Dana Everett Brinck, B. Ph. LL. B., State Univ. of Iowa, 1907; Lawver, 2007 N. 9th St., Boise, Ida. (H. of 976.) 964. Mary Elizabeth Charters, A. B. A. B., Univ. of Chicago, 1903; Asst. Cashier Bank, Ashton, 111. 965. Frances Ashton Clippinger, B. Ph. Grad. stu. Univ. of Chicago, 1902; Prof., Walden Univ., 1903-04; Prin. Baldwin High Sch. for Girls, Bangalore, India, 1905; Custodian Local Branch Imperial Co. Free Li- brary, 1912 — , Bramley, Cal. 966. John David Cotton, B. S. in C. E., C. E. DeWitt, la. 967. Beulah Crawford, A. B., A. M. Asst. in Education and Psychology, Cornell Coll., 1906-07; Teacher, High Sch., Vancouver, Wash., 1907-08, Missouri Valley, la., 1909-10, Ames, la., 1910— . Mt. Vernon, la. 968. Ruth Hurst Cummings, A. B. Asst. Prin. High Sch. at Sanborn, Lake Mills, Montevideo, la., Fertile, Minn., 1907-10, and Cavalier, N. D., 1910-13. Fort Dodge, la. 969. George DeVere Dobson, B. S. in C. E., C. E. City Engr., Des Moines, la., 1906-08; Engr. and Contractor, 1912—, New Hampton, la. 970. Guy Ellsworth Dobson, B. S. in C. E., C. E. Pres. Bank, Redmond, Ore. 971. Lucy Miriam Doron (Bellamy), A. B. Teacher in High Sch., Hamp- ton, la., 1903-04. Hardingrove, S. D. (W. of 960.) 972. Jessica Eighmey (Wood), B. Ph. Grundy Center, la. 973. Florence Elliott (Townsan), A. B. Ast. Prin. High Sch., White Sul- phur Springs, Mont.; Teacher in High Sch., North Yakima, Wash. (W. of 1074.) 974. Kate Ford (Hayward), A. B. 409 Oneida Ave., Davenport, la. Helen Freer, A. B. Grad. stu. Univ. of Wis., 1911-12; Teacher of History in High Sch., 1912— , Ladysmith, Wis. Mt. Vernon, la. Sarah Maude Gable (Brinck), A. B. 2007 N. 9 th St., Boise, Ida. (W. of 963.) Ruth Graham (Boardway), B. Ph. Grad. Cornell Coll. Sch. of Ora- tory. Manchester, la. 978. George Raymond Greaves, B. S. Supt. Schools, Taylors Falls, Car- ver, and Yykoff, Minn.; Bathgate, N. D., 1907-10; Dundas, Minn., 1910- 13; and 191 3 — , Truman, Minn. 979. Shirley Eunice Gregg, B. S. Malta, Ohio. 980. Lillian Guinn (Lawrence), B. Ph. Belle Plaine, la. 981. Harry Colson Heath, B. S. B. S., Univ. of Chicago, 1908; Dept. Biology, Central High Sch., Dallas, Tex. 982. Laura Lois Hinkley, A. B., A. M. Asst in English, Cornell Coll., 1906-09; Author of short stories in Saturday Evening Post, Woman s Home Companion, etc. Mt. Vernon, la. 983. Lily Horton (Williams), A. B. Formerly Teacher, Rolfe, la. Mt. Vernon, la. 984. Letha M. Jones, B. Ph. Teacher, High Sch., Villisca, la.; grad. stu. Columbia Univ., 191 3-14. Villisca, la. 985. Asa Raymond Kent, A. B. A. M., Columbia Univ., 1910; Clergy- man, M. E. Church, 1903-05; Summer supply, Grace M. E. Church, New York City, 1908-09; Prin. School, Fountain, Minn., 1904-05; Supt. Schools, Mabel, Minn., 1905-07, and Lanesboro, 1908-09; Prof. State Normal Sch., Winona, Minn., 1909-10; Research Scholar, Columbia Univ., 1911; Supt. Schools, Winona, Minn., 1911-13; Sec. Minn. State Com. on Education, and Asst. Prof, of Education, Univ. of Minn., 1913 — , Minne- apolis, Minn. 975- 976. 977- CORNELL COLLEGE 75 986. Ellen Pearl Kent (Rice), B. Ph. 772 E.Washington St., Pasadena, Cal. 987. Carrie Kluickholm (Maben), A. B. Born, Le Mars, la., 1883; died, Sioux City, la., Jan. 24, 1905. 988. Henry William Kuhlman, A. B. B. D., Drew Theol. Sem., 1908; Pastor M. E. Church, Marseilles, 111. 989. Arthur Hugh Latimer, B. S., C. E. Hydro-Electric Engr., Eldora, la. (H. of 950.) 990. Jessie Maud Lickel, A. B. Formerly Teacher, High Sch., Sheldon, la. 5 1 17 Harold Way, Los Angeles, Cal. 991. Charles Kenneth Liquin, A. B. Grain Merchant and Farmer, Wilsall, Mont. 992. Salena Mangold (Hall), A. B. Teacher in High Sch., Manchester, la., 1903-05. 420 Park Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. 993. Charles Ernest McCord, B. S. Farmer, Greenville, 111. 994. Roxie Belle McCord, A. B. A. M., Northwestern Univ., 1909; Asst. Prin. Schools, Correctionville, la., 1903-06; Supervisor of Music in Schools, Highland, 111., 1907; Prin. McCord Sch. of Music and Oratory, 1909 — , Greenville, 111. 995- Clark Arnold McMillen, B. S. LL. B., Univ. of Mich., 1906; Law- yer, 405-7-9 Millikin Bldg., Decatur, 111. 996. Leroy Patterson McMillen, B. S. Pres. First Nat. Bank, Rock Falls, 997. Arthur Garfield Miller, A. B. Asst. Cashier Bank, Rock Rapids, la. 998. Charles Garfield Miller, A. B. 540 Canal St., Beaver, Pa. 999. Kenneth Money, A. B. Clergyman, M. E. Church. Born, Beaman, la., April 10, 1870; died, Prescott, Ariz., Feb. 24, 1907. (H. of 1565.) 1000. Maude Louise Oliver, A. B. B. Ph., Northwestern Univ., 1903 ; In- structor in Latin, Dak. Wesleyan Univ., 1905-06, and in the Acad, of Cornell Coll., 1906-10; Teacher of English and Latin, Sioux City High Sch., 1911—, 415 16th St., Sioux City, la. Morrison, 111. 1001. John Edwin Overbaugh, B. Ph. LL. B., State Univ. of Iowa, 1906; Lawyer, Belmond, la. 1002. Charles Paul, A. B. Prin. High Sch., Andrew, la., 1903-04, Ipswich, S. D., 1905-07, and Kensal, N. D., 1907 — . 1003. Charles Edward Persons, A. B. A. M., Harvard, 1905, and Ph. D., 1913; Instructor, Wellesley Coll., 1907-09; Preceptor in Princeton Univ., 1909-10; Instructor, Northwestern Univ., 1910-12; Author, "Early His- tory of Factory Legislation in Massachusetts," 1911; Asst. Director St. Louis Sch. of Social Economy, 1912 — , 3739 Windrow PI., St. Louis, Mo. 1004. Elmer Brown Persons, B. S. Manuf. Clay Ware, 1906-13; Field Agt., Redpath Lye. Bureau, 1913 — , Chicago, 111. 1005. Lena Blanche Phillips (Samsell), A. B. Prof, of Greek and History in Ellsworth Coll. la., 1904-06. 60 Beverly Ave., Morgantown, W. Va. 1006. William Leroy Powers, A. B. Died, Sheldon, la., Jan. 23, 1907. 1007. Louis Jay Putnam, B. S. in C. E., C. E. Mem. Western Soc. of Civil Engineers; Asst. to the Chief Engr., C. & N. W. R. R., 1909—, 226 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. 1008. Mabel Pye (Day), A. B. Sec. Y. W. C. A. in Tenn. and Ky. for two years. 790 Riverside Drive, New York City. 1009. Olive Belle Reed, B. Ph. 612 S. 10th St., Lyons, la. 1010. Cora Ross (Swartz), B. Ph. Teacher, High Sch., Harlan, la., 1903-05, Pocatello, Ida., 1906-08, and Montesano, Wash., 1908-12. Elma, Wash. ion. Henry Ellis Sampson, A. B. B. Ph., 1904, and J. D., 1905, Univ. of Chicago; Asst. Atty. General of la.; Author, "One Year Under the Des Moines Plan"; Lawyer (Sampson and Dillon), 671 33d St., Des Moines, la. 1012. Enid Nelle Shaw, A. B. 115 Broadway, New York City. 7 6 CORNELL COLLEGE 1013. William Garfield Shirer, A. B. Prin. State Graded Sch., Fountain, Minn., 1905-06; Supt. State High Sch., Buffalo, Minn., 1906-10; Agt. Henry Holt & Co., 1910-12; Sales Manager, Black Swan Co., 191a—, Waseca, Minn. . _ . 1014. Ralph Bethuel Slippy, B. S. in C. E., C. E. Instructor in Engm., Univ. of III, 1906-10; Civil Engr., Waterloo, la 1015. Herbert Royal Smith, A. B. A. M., Univ. of Cnicago, i 9 iorTeach- er High Sch., Highland Park, 111., 1906-13; Vice-Chairman Chemistry and Physics Section, Central Assn. of Science and Math. Teachers, I9I3 __ ; Teacher of Chemistry, Lake View High Sch., Chicago, 1913 — , 145 West Park Ave., Highland Park, 111. ,.••„.. 1016. Edgerton Benjamin Sprague, A. B. Law stu. Univ. of Mich., 1903- 05 ; Abstractor, 1224 French St., Santa Ana, Cal. 1017. William Franklin Spry, A. B., A. M. Pastor M. E. Church, Water- 1018. Maude Agnes Strobel (Pauley), A. B. 4061 Warwick Ave., Chicago, 111. (W. of 881.) . T , 1019. Fred F. Thompson, A. B. LL. B., State Univ. of Iowa; Lumber Dealer, 1910— , Brooklyn, la. 1020. Lucia Mae Toothaker (Hind), A. B. A. B., Leland Stanford, Jr., Univ., 1905. Lindsay, Cal. 1021. Charles Leonard Truby, B. S. Grain Dealer, R F. P. 1, Peotone, 111. 1022. Chester Allen Arthur Utt, B. S., M. S. Teacher, High Sch Keo- kuk la 1904-07; Asst. Food Analyst Kans. State Ago. Coll., and Asst. Chemist to State Board of Health and State Dairy Commission, 1907 — Manhattan, Kans. ,"'»". 1023. Walter Joseph Ward, A. B. Died Gilman^Ia May 2?,. 1904. . 1024. Emma Jennie Wardle (Anderson), A.B. Teacher in Chicago Train- ing Sch. for Home and Foreign Missions, 1901-02; Acting Pnn Bald- win Girls' Sch., Bangalore, India, 1904-09, Kolar, India. (W of 690 ) 1025. Percey Eunice Watson, B. Ph., A. M. Teacher, High Sch., Pull- man, Wash., Colville, Wash., 1912-13, and St. Anthony Ida., 1913—- 1026. Frederick Earl Welstead, A. B. Grad. stu. Univ. of Chicago, 1904; Teacher, High Sch., Decorah, la., four years, and 1909, Aberdeen, S. D. 1027. Richard T. Westren, A. B. Pastor M. E. Church, Drummond, Mont. 1028. Albert Joseph Wheat, B. S. Construction Work Emmetsburg, la 1029. Tom Cornell Whitmore, A. B. LL. B., Univ. of Mich.; City Solici- tor, Atlantic, la., 1907-12; County Atty., 1913 — Atlantic la. 1030. Howard Stephen Williams, B. S. in C. E., C. E. Engr. of Cost Data, K. C. Terminal R. R. Co., 23d and Grand Ave., Kansas City, Mo. ., . T11 o 1031. Ira D. Yaggy, B. S. Prin. High Sch., Wilmington, 111., 1904-08; Teacher in Joliet Twp. High Sch., Joliet, 111. 1032. Clarence Garfield Yoran, B. Ph. J. D., Univ. of Chicago, 1907; Lawyer, Manchester, la. XLVII. Class of 1904. 1033. Annie Laurie Adams, A. B., A. M. Grad. stu. Universities of Ber- lin and Marburg, Ger., 1906-07; Instructor m German, Cornell Coll., 1907-08; Teacher of German in High Sch., 1909—, 44 E. 14th bt, Portland, Ore. xtt , TT . 1034. Jean Elnore Anderson, A. B. Teacher in Dak. Wesleyan Univ., 1904-05; in Schools, 1905—, Stronghurst, 111. 1035. William John Archer, B. S. Teacher, High Sch., Lake City, Minn., 19 o4-o6, Superior, Wis., 1906-08; Lawyer, Virginia, Minn. 103 6. Edgar Homer Beechley, B. S., C. E. Civil Engr., 321 Custom House, Portland, Ore. CORNELL COLLEGE 77 1037. Katheryne Gem Birdsall (Grooters), Teacher, High Sch., Iowa Falls, la., 1908-09. Fort Dodge, la. 1038. William Walter Boyd, B. S. Banker; Treas. Palmertown Mountain Co., 522 Broadway, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. 1039. Charles Coleman Carhart, B. S. in C. E., C. E. Sec. and Treas. Sheffield Brick and Tile Co.; Owner and Manager Sheffield Electric Light and Power Co., Sheffield, la. 1040. John Lester Clarke, B. S. Farmer, Preemption, 111. 1041. Lowell Edwin Conrad, B. S. in C. E., C. E. M. S., Lehigh Univ., 1908; Instructor in Dept. of Civil Engin., Lehigh Univ., 1906-08; Prof, of Civil Engin., Kans. State Agri. Coll., Manhattan, Kans. 1042. Elizabeth Anderson Cook, A. B. Teacher, Epworth Sem., la., 1896- 1901. Mt. Vernon, la. (W. of 292.) 1043. Harry Clayton Culver, A. B. B. D., Garrett Bib. Inst., 1909; Pastor M. E. Church, Springville, la. 1044. Leone Dewey (Moore), B. Ph. Guthrie Center, la. 1045. William John Elliott, A. B. Asst. Cashier Cedar Rapids Savings Bank, and Manager Cedar Rapids Clearing House Assn., Cedar Rapids, la. (H. of 1092.) 1046. Eunice Mae Eyestone (Brin), B. Ph. Teacher, High Sch., Rochester, Minn., to 191 3. Rochester, Minn. 1047. Ira Basil Fee, A. B. Pres. of Wyoming State Teachers' Assn., 1913; Sec. of Wyo. Branch of Amer. Red Cross; mem. Board of Child and Animal Protection; Dep. State Supt. of Schools; Supt. of Schools, Lar- amie, Wyo.; now Supt. of Schools, 615 E. 22d St., Cheyenne, Wyo. 1048. Edna Fox, B. Ph. Grad. Emerson Coll. of Oratory, Mass., 1907; grad. stu. in same, 1907-08; Teacher, High Sch., 134 S. 12th St., Quincy, 111. 1049. Sylvan Earle Ganser, B. S., C. E. Assoc, mem. Amer. Soc. of Civil Engineers; special stu. Mass. Inst, of Technology, 1911-13; Structural Engr. Duluth and Iron Range R. R., 505 W. 3d St., Duluth, Minn. 1050. Thomas Norton Gelston, B. S. in C. E., C. E. Born, Springfield, Mo., Sept. 27, 1877; died, Los Angeles, Cal., June 26, 1913. 1051. Harold Brayton Gilbert, A. B. B. Ph., State Univ. of Iowa; LL. B., Univ. of Mich.; Claim Agt., Coal Dept, Northern Pacific R. R., 1907- 09; Examiner, U. S. Reclamation Service, 1909-10; Deputy Co. Atty., 1911-13; Co. Atty., 1913 — , North Yakima, Wash. 1052. William Marshall Gilbert, A. B. S. T. B., Boston Univ., 1909; Pas- tor M. E. Church, Fairview, 111., 1904, Peoria, 111., 1905-06; Asst. Pastor Congregational Church, Maiden, Mass., 1906-08; Pastor M. E. Church, Cliftondale, Mass., 1908-13; Instructor New Eng. Deaconess Training Sch., 1911-13; Assoc. Minister, Morgan Memorial Inst. Church, Boston, Mass., 1913 — , 89 Shawmut Ave., Boston, Mass. 1053. Arthur Earl Granger, B. S. Asst. Postmaster, Marion, la. 1054. Charles Wilson Granner, B. S. Manager Southwestern Law and Collection Agency, Albuquerque, N. M., 1908 ; Real Estate, 920 Glen- gyle Place, Chicago, 111. 1055. Nina Elizabeth Holmes (Cies), A. B. Formerly Asst. Prin. of High Sch., Aledo, 111. 700 W. nth St., Oklahoma City, Okla. 1056. William Frank Huebsch, B. Ph. Asst. Cashier Bank, Le Mars, la. 1057. Mary Gilruth McEwen, B. S. M. D., Northwestern Univ. Woman's Med. Sch., 1898; Interne Cook Co. Hospital, 1898-1900; grad. stu., Vienna and Berlin, Ger., 1904-05 ; Chairman Pub. Health Dept. of 111. Federation Women's Clubs, 1911-13; mem. Advisory Com. on Pub. Health of Genl. Federation of Women's Clubs; Prof. Clinical Gyne- cology, Coll. of Physicians and Surgeons, 1910 — ; Attending Surgeon to St. Francis Hospital, Evanston ; Director and Surgeon to Marcy Cen- ter Disp., Chicago; Physician and Surgeon, 1703 Chicago Ave., Evans- ton, 111. (W. of 567.) 7 8 CORNELL COLLEGE 1058. Myrle Metcalf, B. Ph. Teacher, High Sch., Geneseo, 111., 1906-09, and Pullman, Wash., 1909 — . \ _ / _ iosq Homer Wilson Minish, A. B. B. D., Drew Theol. Sem.; Sec. Black Hills Mission; Pastor M. E. Church, formerly at Kings Park, Long Island, N. Y., and Edgemont, S. D., now at Rapid City, S. D. (H. of 1060. Roland Neal, A. B., A. M. Prof. Chemistry and Geology, Dak. Wes- leyan Univ., 1907-09; grad. stu. Johns Hopkins, 1909-10; Prof Chem. and Geo!., Univ. of the Pacific, 1910 — San Jose, Cal. (H. of 1099.) 1061. Don Rathbun, B. S. A. M.,' State Univ. of Iowa; LL. B. George Washington Univ.; Special Agt. Dept. of Justice, San Fran., Cal., Y. 1062. Myra Reeves' (Ware), A. B. Teacher, High Sch., Villisca, la., 1908. Blockton, la. (W. of 1077.) : , 1063. Lulu Belle Safely (MacKinnon), A. B. Formerly Asst. Prin. Jackson Sch, Cedar Rapids, la. 600 S. 2d St. W., Cedar Rapids, la. 1064. Robert Henderson Seymour, B. S. in C. E., C. E. Roadmaster Mo. Pac. R. R., 1906-08, and C. M. & St. P. R. R., 1908-12; Co. Engr. Keokuk Co., Sigourney, la. 1065. Cora Lydia Sherk (Roberts), B. Ph. Teacher Elocution, Western Union Coll., Le Mars, la, 1904-06; Teacher in High Sch, Lisbon, la, 1906-08. 118 N. Edgewood Ave, LaGrange, 111. (W. of 1240.) 1066. George Milton Shoemaker, A. B. B. D, Garrett Bib. Inst; three years in U. S. Army; Pastor M. E. Church, Floyd, la. 1067. Howard Lee Simpson, B. S. Banker, Epworth, la. 1068. Harriet Claire Smith, A. B. 509 W. 121st St, New York City. 1069. James Archibald Stinson, B. Ph. LL. B, Univ. of Wash, 1909; Teacher in High Sch, Weiser, Ida, 1905-07; stu. of Law, Denver Univ., 1907-08; Lawyer, Council, Ida. 1070. Ceabern Charles Stoliker, B. S. Supt. Schools, Emerado, N D, 1907-09, and Drayton, N. D, 1909-13; Stock Farmer, Asquith, Sask, Canada. . _ . ., 1071. John Elbert Stout, A. B. Ph. M, Univ. of Chicago, 1908; Prin. and Supt. Schools in Iowa, 1892-1903 ; Assoc. Prof. Education, Cornell Coll, 1904-05, and Prof, of Education and Prin. Acad., 1905-—; grad- stu. Chicago, and Prin. Lvons Twp. High Sch, LaGrange, 111, 1907-08; Lecturer in Education, Univ. of Chicago, 1912-13; mem. Iowa Better Schools Com, 1912-13 ; Pres, Iowa State Teachers' Assn., 1913-14- ( H - of 1476.) 1072. Walter James Sweesy, B. S. Stu. of Law, Univ. of Iowa, 1908. 1262 4th Ave. E, Cedar Rapids, la. 1073. Margaret May Taylor, A. B. B. Sc, Iowa State Coll, 1898,; Teacher, High Sch, Estherville, la, 1904-09; Instructor in History and Math, 1909 — , Acad. Cornell Coll. 1074. Evard George Townsan, B. Ph. Supt. of Schools, White Sulphur Springs, Mont.; teacher, High Sch, North Yakima, Wash.; Treas Hardware and Implement Firm, North Yakima, Wash. (H. of 973.) 1075. George John VanBuren, B. S. in C. E. Instructor and Coach, Drury Coll, Mo, 1906-07; Prin. of High Sch, Tuscola, 111, 1907-09; Teacher in High Sch, Little Rock, Ark, 1909-10; Prof, of Physical Education, State Normal Sch, 19 10— , Kearney, Nebr. 1076. John Raymond VanFossen, A. B. Formerly Bookkeeper, U. S. Naval Station, Island of Guam, and Printer; stu. Iowa State Coll. (Forestry), 1913 — , Ames, la. 1077. Thomas A. Ware, A. B. A. M. and LL. B, Univ. of N. D. . Banker and Lawyer, Blockton, la. (H. of 1062.) 1078. Harold Addison Willard, B. S. Traveling Salesman, 407 S. Hope St, Los Angeles, Cal. (H. of 1094.) 1079. Lewis William Wilson, B. S. CORNELL COLLEGE 79 1080. Daisy Dean Wood, A. B. B. Di, 1898, and M. Di., Iowa State Teachers Coll., 1903; Prin. High Sch., Rock Falls, 111., 1899-1902; In- structor in Mathematics, Cornell Coll., 1908-09; Vice-Prin. Calcutta Girls' High Sch., 1909-13; Prin. of same, 1913— , 152 Dharamtala St., Calcutta, India. XL VIII. Class of 1905. 108 1. Frederick William Adebar, B. S. Ranchman, Alpena, S. D. 1082. Maude Marie Aldrich, A. B. Teacher of Art, Cazenovia Sem., N. Y., 1911-12; Lecturer and Organizer, W. C. T. U., Mt. Vernon, la. 1083. Henry Allshouse, A. B. Pastor M. E. Church, Rudd, la. 1084. Jenna C. Elizabeth Beadle, A. B. Teacher in English Dept. of Methodist Mission Normal Inst., Tamariz, No. n, Puebla, Mexico Mt. Vernon, la. 1085. Alfred Raymond Berry, A. B. LL. B., State Univ. of Iowa- Farmer, Mt. Vernon, la. 1086. Roy Eugene Billings, A. B. Editor, Germania, la., 1908. McGregor, la. (?) 1087. Guy Blackwell, B. S. Civil Engr., Cor. Hennepin Ave. and nth St., Minneapolis, Minn. 1088. Eugene Rider Bowen, A. B. Advertising Manager for Avery Co., 905 E. Arcadia St., Peoria, 111. (H. of 1193.) 1089. Lucy Moody Boyd, A. B. Teacher of Violin, Cornell Coll. Conserva- tory, 1904-07; pupil of Max Bendix, Chicago, 111., 1908. Mt. Vernon, la. 1090. Frank J. Brackett, B. S., C. E. Civil Engr., C. & N. W R R Pekin, 111. ' 1091. Grace DeEtte Bradshaw, B. S. Prin. High Sch., Fonda, la., 1905- 11; Teacher, High Sch., Estherville, la., 1911-13; Co. Supt. Pocahontas Co., 1913 — , Pocahontas, la. 1092. Emma Bruett (Elliott), A. B. Asst. Prin. High Sch., Reinbeck, la., 1905-06; Com. on Itinerancy, Des Moines Branch W. F. M S 1910 1540 D Ave., Cedar Rapids, la. (W. of 1045.) 1093. Minnie May Bush, A. B. Asst. in High Sch., Baldwin, Wis., I9 o 7 . 516 12th St., Des Moines, la. (?) * "' 1094. Alys Boies Carson (Willard), A. B. Teacher, Idaho Falls, Ida, 1905-06, Sheldon, la., 1906-07, and Ida Grove, la., 1907-08. 407 S.' Hope St, Los Angeles, Cal. (W. of 1078.) 1095. Harrison Oscar Cheney, A. B. Ranchman, Lemmon, S. D. (H of 1202.) 1096. Katherine Cheney (Minish), A. B. Rapid Citv, S. D. (W. of 1059 ) 1097. Mary Cheney (Mather), A. B. Mitchell, S. D. (W. of mi ) 1098. Frederick Joseph Clark, B. S. S. T. B, Boston Univ., ^nf'served as Pastor M. E. Church at Nantasket, Mass. and Denver, Colo. ■ grad sru Yale, 1913 ; Pastor, First Congregational Church, 1914— Hastings, Nebr. - ' te ' 1099. Bonnie Belle Dake (Neal), A. B. Asst. Prin. High Sch, Wyoming,' la, 1906-07; Teacher, San Jose, Cal. (W. of 1060.) 1100. IrmaL Evans (Gates), A. B. Teacher, High Sch, Rolfe, la, 1905-0* and Red Oak, la, 1906-08. Clyde Park, Mont. hoi. Roy Milton Farmer, A. B. Real Estate Dealer, 215 14th St, Fargo, 1102. Mabel Alice Ferris (Keedick), A. B. B. O, Cumnock Sch. of Ex- pression, Los Angeles, Cal. ; Teacher of Expression and Dramatic Art High Sch, and Cumnock Sch, Los Angeles, Cal.; Dramatist of "The Bridge of the Gods." 709 W. 169th St, New York City. (W of 11 61 ) 1103. Mary Bessie Granger (Mills), A. B. 2oor Florida Ave, Tampa Fla (W. of 1172.) 80 CORNELL COLLEGE 1 104. Roy T. Granger, A. B. Stu. Univ. of Chicago and of Wis., Teacher in E. High Sch., Denver, 1905-12; Prin. Roycroft Sch. of Life, East Aurora, N. Y., 1912-13 ; Farming, 1913 — , Santa Cruz, Cal. 1105. Ada Emilie Harris (Green), A. B. 6533 17th Ave. N. E., Seattle, Wash. 1 106. Miner Harwood, A. B. B. D., Drew Theol. Sem.; Pastor M. E. Church, Port Chester, N. Y. 1 107. Winifred C. Hays, A. B. Teacher, High Sch., 1906—, 8 E. 14th St., Portland, Ore. 1 108. Sabra Dorinda Herrinton, A. B. Prin. High Sch., Riceville, la., 1907. Shellrock, la. 1 109. Frank Walter Hicks, A. B. Prin. Township High Sch., Fairfax, la., 1898-1900, Springdale, la,, 1900-04; Supt. of Schools, Clear Lake, la., 1904-08, Emmetsburg, la., 1908-10, and Ames, la., 1910 — . mo. Mary Atwood Hinkley, A. B. Asst. Prin. High Sch., Hope, N. D.; Teacher Latin and English, Epworth Sem., la., 1912-13; and State High Sch., Lidgerwood, N. D., 1913 — . Mt. Vernon, la. mi. Harry Austin Jeffers, B. S. Sec. of Y. M. C. A., Danville, 111. Died Aug., 1910. 1 1 12. Florence Amanda Keyes, A. B. Prin. High Sch., Franklin Grove, 111., 1905-06; Asst. Prin. High Sch., Lisbon, la., 1906-09; Teacher in High Sch., 1909 — , Mt. Vernon, la. 1113. Wesley Alexander LaGrange, A. B. Civil Engr., Mobridge, S. D., 1908; Municipal Engr., Oakland, Cal., 1912; mem. of Hard Lumber Firm, 1913 — , 446 26th St., Oakland, Cal. 1 1 14. Edward K. Mather, B. S. in C. E., C. E. Civil Engr.; Managing Engr. Dakota Engin. Co., 1913 — ; Author, "Tourist's Guide of the Black Hills." Mitchell, S. D. (H. of 1097.) 1115. Leslie B. Matthews, B. S., C. E. Civil Engr.; Resident Engr., Texas Realty Co., D anbury, Texas. 1116. Charles Mayne, A. B. B. D., Garrett Bib. Inst, 1902; formerly Pastor M. E. Church, Council Bluffs and Murray, la.; Farming, Gris- wold, la. (H. of 886.) 1 1 17. Archibald Franklin Maxwell, B. S. Asst. Treas. Pittsburg Gage and Supply Co., Pittsburg, Pa., 1907-13; Vice-Pres. Pittsburg Assn. of Credit Men ; Credit Manager Nat. Bank of Commerce, New York City, 1913 — , 31 Nassau St., New York City. 1118. Edwin Charles McDade, A. B. Grad. Garrett Bib. Inst, 1910; Pas- tor M. E. Church, Harlan, la. 1119. Fred J. Miller, A. B? Prin. Schools, Springdale, la., 1906-07; Supt Schools, Rockford, la., 1907-10; Prin. High Sch., Oskaloosa, la., 1910- 13, and 1913 — , Waterloo, la. (H. of 1260.) 1120. Kenneth Duane Miller, B. S. Prin. High Sch., Tama, la., 1905-06; Supt. Schools, La Porte City, la., 1906-10; Teacher in Cornell Coll. Summer Session, 1911 ; Supt. Schools, 1910 — , Monticello, la. 1 121. Otis Henry Moore, A. B. Grad. stu. Columbia Univ., and News- paper Work, New York City, 1909; Boys' Sec. Y. M. C. A., Riverside, Cal., 1910-n; Pastor M. E. Church, 1911— , North Canton, Conn. (H. of 944.) 1122. Elmer David Nelson, B. S. Traveling Salesman (Hardware), Fort Dodge, la. 1 123. Thomas Miller Nielsen, A. B. Pastor M. E. Church, McGregor, la. 1 124. Leona Ormrod (Wilder), A. B. 616 Smith St., Fort Collins, Col. 1 125. Leopold Hobson Paulger, B. S. Prin. Sch., Center Point, la., 1905- 06; Teacher High Sch., Boone, la., 1906-07; Cashier Bank, Cedar Falls, la. (H. of 1138.) 1 126. Eunice Jane Persons, A. B. Prin. Sch., Binford, N. D.; Teacher, High Sch., Conrad, la., 1913 — . Mt. Vernon, la. CORNELL COLLEGE 81 1127. Thomas Paine Potter, A. B. Pastor M. E. Church, Conrad, la. 1128. Ruth Edna Pratt (Keener), A. B. A. B., Smith Coll., Mass., 1907; Instructor in History and Economics, Ellsworth Coll., la., 1908. 215 W. 19th St., Univ. PL, Lincoln, Nebr. 1 129. Irving Ellsworth Putnam, A. B. Diploma Grad. Garrett Bib. Inst., 191 1 ; Pastor Albany Park M. E. Church, 4451 N. Whipple St., Chi- cago, 111. 1 130. Anna May Sansom, A. B. Mus. Bac, Columbia Sch. Music, Chi- cago, 1910; Director of Music in Racine Co. Agr. Sch., Rochester, Wis. 1131. Royal Jesse Smalley, A. B. B. D., Princeton Univ., 1910, and held scholarship for study in Europe. Died, Trenton, N. J., April 21, 1910. 1 132. Anna Holden Smyth (Eick), A. B. Teacher in High Sch., Rockwell City, la., 1907-08, and Chariton, la., 1908-09. Marshalltown, la. 1 13 3. Hallie Inez Sullivan (Chase), A. B. Formerly Asst. Teacher, Occi- dental Coll., and stu. in Cumnock Sch. of Expression, Los Angeles, Cal. Irricana, Alberta, Canada. 1134. Genevieve Margaret Taubman (Terrall), A. B., A. M. Instructor in English, Dak. Wesleyan Univ., 1907-08; Librarian and Instructor, Northern Normal and Industrial Sch., S. D., 1908-12. Aberdeen, S. D. (W. of 1135.) 1135. William Arthur Terrall, A. B. LL. B., Harvard Univ., 1910; Teacher, High Sch., Monmouth, 111., 1906-07; Lawyer, 420 6th Ave. S. E., Aberdeen, S. D. (H. of 11 34.) 1136. Grace Tunnicliff, A. B. Teacher of Latin, High Sch., Moline, 111. 1137. Clyde Emerette Turner (Wilson), A. B. Sec. to Manager of Pub- lishing House, Chicago, 1908. 12 Howland St., Cambridge, Mass. 1138. Lida Updegraff (Paulger), A. B. Teacher, High Sch., Sigourney, la., 1905-07. Cedar Falls, la. (W. of 1125.) 1 1 39. Ruby Clare Wade, A. B., A. M. Grad. stu. on Scholarship, State Univ. of Iowa, 1906-07; Teacher, High Sch., Lexington, Nebr., 1907- 08, and Waterloo, la., 1910 — . Mt. Vernon, la. 1140. Samuel Webster Warren, B. S. Traveling Salesman, Keystone View Co., Keosauqua, la. 1 141. Edith Mason Waterman, A. B. Served as Deaconess and Evangelist, M. E. Church; Teacher, High Sch., 1912 — , Sunnyside, Wash. 1 142. George Guy Wheat, B. S., M. S. Formerly Pres. Clay Products Mfg. Co., Emmetsburg, la. Agassiz Hall, Agassiz St., Cambridge, Mass. (H. of 1337.) 1143. Carrie Wilken, A. B. Teacher of Latin, High Sch., Atlantic, la. 1144. Jessie Wiseman (Gibbs), A. B. Teacher, High Sch., Villisca, la., 1905-06; Author, "Overtones," a book of poems. Villisca, la. 1145. Otho Don Wood, A. B. B. D., Garrett Bib. Inst.; Missionary, Cawnpore, India. XLIX. Class of 1906. 1146. Charles Forrest Adams, A. B. Banking, 1907-09; Real Estate, 1909- 10; Manager Idaho Candy Co., 708 Hays St., Boise, Ida. 1 147. Louise Hannah Bebb, A. B. Grad. Moody Bible Inst., Chicago, 1909; Pastor's Asst., Presb. Church., Erie, Pa., 1909-10; Teacher in Cong. Mission Sch., San Mateo, N. M., 1911; Community Worker, Presb. Home Missions, in Lead Dist, Flat River, Mo. Winona Lake, Ind. 1148. Herbert Bellamy, B. S. Manager Electric Co., Knoxville, la. 1149. Carl August Bock, B. S., C. E. Assoc, mem. Amer. Soc. Civil Engrs. ; Locating Engr. for Caribbean Const. Co., making R. R. Surveys in Haiti, West Indies, 1912 — . West Side, la. 1150. Nelle Stevens Bogart, A. B. Grad. stu. Smith Coll., Mass., 1909-10; Teacher, West Waterloo High Sch., 1910-12, and 1913 — , Glenwood, la. 82 CORNELL COLLEGE 1151. LeRoy Thatcher Bosworth, A. B. LL. B., Harvard, 1911; Lawyer, Manly, la. 1 1 52. Lulu Mabel Botts (Putnam), A. B. Teacher, High Sch., New Hart- ford, la., 1906. 3750 Agatite Ave., Chicago, III. (W. of 1236.) 1153. Bert Bowman, B. S. Traveling Salesman (Spurbeck & Lambert Co.), Algona, la. 1 1 54. Charles Wesley Devendorf, A. B., C. E. Civil Engr.; U. S. Deputy Surveyor, 1908-11; Surveyor, Genl. Land Office, 1912 — , Eldora, la. 1 15 5. Curt Henry Eiffert, B. S., C. E. Civil Engr., Winnetka, 111. 1 1 56. Mary Lorraine French, A. B. 1045 W. 5th St., Santa Ana, Cal. 1 1 57. Harry Arthur Gillette, B. S., C. E. Civil Engr., 327 6th Ave. W., Cedar Rapids, la. 1 158. Jeanette Elizabeth Hews, A. B. Supply Teacher, Rockwell City, la. 1159. Floren Lewis Ink, B. S. LL. B., State Univ. of Iowa, 1906; Farmer, Mt. Vernon, la. 1 160. Luella Davis Jones (Howlett), A. B. Grad. Moline Kindergarten Training Sch., 1908; Kindergarten Director, Moline, 111., 1908-09, and Des Moines, la., 1910-11. 917 25th St., Moline, 111. 1 161. Lee Leonard Keedick, B. S. Manager Lecture Bureau, 150 Nassau St., New York City. (H. of 1102.) 1 162. Buell Hancock Keeler, B. S., C. E. Manager Construction for Can- ton Bridge Co., 1910— , 958 W. 32d St., Kansas City, Mo. (H. of 1195.) 1163. Jane Lewis (Smith), A. B. Grad. Cornell Coll. Sch. of Oratory, 1906; grad. stu. in Vanderbilt Sch. of Expression, 1908; Instructor, Cornell Coll., 1909-11. Cedar Rapids, la. 1164. Leonard Merritt Liddle, B. S. Ph. D., Yale, 1909; Prin. High Sch., Delhi, la., 1906-07; Research Chemist Conn. Agri. Experiment Sta., New Haven, Conn., 1909-10; Instructor in Chemistry, Grinnell Coll., la., 1910-12; Industrial Research Chemist and Asst. Prof, of Chem., Mellon Institute, Univ. of Pittsburg, 1912 — , 257 Atwood St., Pitts- burg, Pa. 1165. Helen Lloyd (Jacobs), A. B. Forest City, la. 1 166. Alice Heathcote McElrath, B. S. Grad. Cornell Coll. Sch. of Ora- tory, and Cumnock Sch. of Oratory; formerly Director Sch. of Oratory, Graceland Coll., la., and Teacher in High Sch., Moville, la.; Teacher of English and Public Speaking in Deerfield-Shields Twp. High Sch., Highland Park, 111. 1167. Earl Dempster McKee, A. B. LL. B., Univ. of Mich., 1909; Asst. Dist. Atty. of San Diego Co., 1911— , 821 Lewis St., San Diego, Cal. 1168. Frank Albert Menneke, B. S. Cashier Bank, Miles, la. 1 169. Florence Ossoli Metcalf (Jenson), A. B. Detroit, Minn. 1170. William Burt Millen, A. B. B. A., Oxford Univ., Eng. (Rhodes Scholar 1908-11) ; Supt. Schools, Columbus Junction, la., 1907-08; In- structor, Princeton Univ., 1912-13; Editorial Writer and Special For- eign Politics Writer, St. Paul Pioneer Press, 191 3 — , Y. M. C. A. Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. 1 171. Clare Sheldon Miller, B. S. Farmer and Stockman, Tipton, la. 1 172. Herbert R. Mills, B. S. M. D., Rush Med. Coll., 1910; mem. Exec. Com. Florida Audubon Soc. ; State Board of Health Bacteriologist, Tampa, Fla. (H. of 1103.) 11 73. Ada Neidig Lathrop, A. B. Plankington, S. D. 1 174. Gertrude Anne Noble (Hatcher), A. B. Formerly Asst. Prin. High Sch., Oskaloosa, la. What Cheer, la. 1 175. Clara Genevieve Northway, A. B. Died, Hudson, la., 1909. 1 176. Fred Orson Parrish, A. B. Teacher High Sch., Wahpeton, N. D., 1907-08; Farming and Real Estate, Roseville, 111. 1 177. Jewell Morris Patterson, A. B. Stu. in Medicine, State Univ. of Iowa, 1908; Farmer, 1909 — , Irvington, la. CORNELL COLLEGE 83 1178. Myrtle Pelleymounter (Williams), A. B. Prin. High Sch., Brooklyn, la., 1906-09; Instructor in Acad., Cornell Coll., 1909-13. Trumbull, Conn. 1 1 79. Lucy Dorothy Pendray (Hoy), B. S. Oskaloosa, la. 1 180. William Young Platner, A. B. In Bond Dept., Continental & Com- mercial Trust and Savings Bank, Chicago, 111. 1181. David Rankin, A. B. Stu. in Law, Harvard, 1908; Lawyer, North Yakima, Wash. 1 182. Earl Asa Robinson, B. S. D. C., Ratlidge Sch. of Chiropracty; formerly Prin. High Sch., EI Reno, Okla., Blue Rapids, Kans., and Arkansas City, Kans. ; Author, "In Kind Solicitude" ; Instructor in American Institute Mission Sch., Casilla 9, LaPaz, Bolivia. 1 183. Clara Isadore Rollins, B. S. Prin. State High Sch., Buffalo, Minn., 1906-10; Teacher, Glencoe State High Sch., 1910-13, Glencoe, Minn. 1 1 84. Harry Ellsworth Shaw, A. B. Chief Clerk, offices of the Avery Co., 710 Riverview St., Des Moines, la. 1185. William Marvin Simmons, B. S. Lawyer, 1911 — , 1501 Lake St., San Francisco, Cal. 1186. Richard Alfred Smith, A. B. Prin. Schools, Lewis, la., 1905-06; Supt. Schools, Presho, S. D., 1906-07; student in Law, State Univ. of Mo., 1908; Lawyer, 1910— -, 357 S. Downing St., Denver, Col. 1187. John Thomas Strawn, B. S. B. S., Univ. of Chicago; stu. Rush Med. Coll., 1907-08; Instructor, Med. Coll. of Drake Univ.; Physician, Woodland and 28th St., Des Moines, la. 1 188. Elmer Herron Trousdale, A. B. Cashier Bank, Mott, N. D. 1189. Alice May Ward, A. B. Teacher. Died at Denver, Col. 1 190. Mertie Mabel Wells, B. S. Teacher, High Sch., Early, la., 1909-10, Munisimg, Mich., 1910-n, Hancock, Mich., 1911-13; Student Nurse, Methodist Deaconess Hospital, Rapid City, S. D. 1 191. Mae Lucile Wheeler, A. B. Teacher, North Yakima, Wash. 1 192. Ward Huey Wheeler, A. B. Grad. stu. Leland Stanford, Jr., Univ., 1907; Lawyer, Prescott, Ariz. 1193. Katnerine Frances Witzigman (Bowen), A. B. 905 E. Arcadia St., Peoria, 111. (W. of 1088.) 1 194. Maude Marie Worrall, B. S. Teacher in Schools, Broad Ripple, Ind., Ortonville, Minn., and 1913 — , Mt. Vernon, la. L. Class of 1907. 1 195. Susan Alexander (Keeler), A. B. 958 W. 32d St., Kansas Citv, Mo. (W. of 1162.) 1196. Winfred McKenzie Atwood, A. B., A. M. M. S., 1911, and Ph. D., 1913, Univ. of Chicago; Teacher High Sch., Hampton, la., 1908-09; grad. stu. and Fellow, Univ. of Chicago, 1909-13; Instructor in Plant Physiology, Ore. State Agri. Coll., Corvallis, Ore. (H. of 1227.) 1 197. Hal Davidson Bargelt, A. B. Grad. stu. Univ. of Chicago; Prin. High Sch., Columbus Junction, la., and Teacher in High Sch., La Porte, Ind., and Howe Sch. for Boys, and Prin. High Sch., Iron Moun- tain, Mich. ; Asst. Manager Clark Teachers Agency, 64 E. Van Buren St., Chicago, 111. 1198. Alice Louise Bate, A. B. Teacher, High Sch., Clear Lake, la.; Prin. at St. Thomas, N. D. ; Teacher at Northfield, Minn.; grad. stu. Univ. of Cal., 2430 Channing Way, Berkeley, Cal. 1 199. Clara Morse Bate, A. B. Teacher, Nora Springs, 1907-09, Osage, 1909-11, and Mason City, la., 1911-12; stu. of German, Berlin, Ger., 1912-13; Teacher in High Sch., 1913 — , 36 N. Chester Ave., Pasadena, Cal. Mason City, la. 84 CORNELL COLLEGE 1200. Anna Freelove (Betts), A. B. Sec. Woman's Foreign Missionary Soc., Upper Iowa Conf., M. E. Church, 1913 — , Mt. Vernon, la. (W. of 742.) 1201. Gertrude Emma Bogart (Workman), A. B. Glenwood, la. 1202. Dora Cornelia Bolton (Cheney), A. B. Leramon, S. D. (W. of 1095.) 1203. Rhey Codding Bosworth, B. S. Grad. stu. and Engineering Work, Ohio State Univ. ; State Colonization Agt. for Canadian Pac. Railway, head of Spokane office, 191 3 — , 705 Sprague Ave., Spokane, Wash. 1204. Laura Cheney (Parsons), A. B. Humboldt, la. 1205. Orpha Cheney, A. B. Teacher, Kings Park, Long Isl., N. Y.; Teacher in High Sch., Aitkin, Minn. 1206. Lester Alonzo Combellick, B. S. With Montana Lumber Co., Roundup, Mont 1207. Elbert Sumner Delana, A. B. LL. B., Harvard, 1910; Lawyer, 1118 Pueblo St., Boise, Ida. 1208. Ervin Luther Devendorf, B. S. Teacher, High Sch., Red Oak, la., 1907-09, Ottawa Twp. High Sch., 111., 1909-11; Assoc. Sec. of Y. M. C. A., Univ. of Cal., 1911— , 2135 Ward St., Berkeley, Cal. 1209. Elra Taylor Douglass, A. B. Fruit Grower, Palisade, Col. 1210. Sylvanna Elliott, * A. B. A. M., Univ. of S. D., 1911; grad. stu. Univ. of Wis., 1912-13; Author, "Relative Coxicity of Substances Occur- ring Naturally in Foods, and Food Preservatives"; Chemist of S. D. Pure Food and Drugs Dept., 1909-11 and 1913 — , 216 Willow St., Vermilion, S. D. 121 1. Aleck Leroy Ferguson, B. S. Teacher, High Sch., Hawarden, la., 1907-08; Prin. High Sch., Toledo, la., 1908-10; Teacher, High Sch., Santa Barbara, Cal., 1910-11, Sacramento, Cal., 1911-13, and Glendale, Cal., 1913 — 1212. Louis Martin Field, A. B. Teacher, High Sch., Waseca, 1907-08, Lakefield, 1908-09, Grand Forks, Minn., 19x0-11; Med. stu. Univ. of Minn., 1909-10 and 1911 — , 509 Wash. Ave., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. 1213. Mary Elsie Fisher, A. B. Belle Plaine, la. 1214. Paul Newcomb Ford, B. S. Civil Engr., Michigan State Agri. Coll., E. Lansing, Mich. 121 5. Louise Freer, A. B. B. S., and Diploma in Physical Education, Teachers Coll., Columbia Univ., 1911; Director Physical Education for Women, Olivet Coll., Mich., 1911-12, and State Normal Sch., Moorhead, Minn., 1912— . Mt. Vernon, la. 1216. Clara Frei, A. B. Teacher in High Sch., Britt, X910-11, Clarion, 1911- 12, and Reinbeck, la., 1912 — . 1217. Walter Henry Frei, A. B. Banker, Wagner, S. D. 121 8. William Ernest Harned, A. B. Grad. of Commercial Dept., Colum- bia Univ.; Sec. to a U. S. Congressman, X910; Asst. Instructor of Shorthand and Typewriting, Columbia Univ., Summer sessions, 19x1-12- 13; Prin, Commercial Sch., New York City, 1911-X3; Instructor Short- hand and Typewriting, Pulitzer Sch. of Journalism, Columbia Univ., 1913 — ; a ^o instructor in Y. M. C. A. night schools. Room 510, Pulitzer Sch. of Journalism, New York City. 1219. Nellie Margaret Hartung, A. B. Teacher, High Sch., Waupun, Wis., 1907-08, Sabula, la., X908-10; Prin. High Sch., Hartley, la., 19x0- 13 ; grad. stu. Cornell Coll. and Instructor in Acad., 191 3 — , Mt. Ver- non, la. 1220. Pearl Brainard Hawkins (Jones), B. S. Oberlin, O. I22X. Lilla Maud Herrinton, A. B. Shellrock, la. 1222. Clifton Harly Hiller, A. B. Pastor M. E. Church, Monroe, la. 1223. Mabel Lydia Huebsch, A. B. Le Mars, la. CORNELL COLLEGE 85 1224. Duane Garrison Hunt, A. B. Grad. stu. Univ. of Chicago, 1912-13; Instructor in Public Speaking, Univ. of Utah, 1913 — , Salt Lake City, Utah. 1225. James Earle Irwin, A. B. Physical Director Y. M. C. A., Spokane, Wash., 1910-13. Belle Plaine, la. 1226. Wilford Law Joice, A. B. Haberdasher, 326-32 4th St. S., Minne- apolis, Minn. 1227. Sarah Louise Kent (Atwood), A. B. Teacher of English and Phys- ical Training, Winona Park Girls' Sch., Ind., 1907-08; Teacher in High Sch., Escanaba, Mich., 1908-10; grad. stu., Univ. of Chicago, 1910-11. Corvallis, Ore. (W. of 1196.) 1228. Bessie Belle Kern (Regel), A. B. Charles City, la. 1229. Howard Lewis Kern, A. B. LL. B., Harvard, 1911; Teacher, High Sch., Jamestown, N. D., 1907-08 ; Lawyer (with Cravath and Hender- son), New York City, 1911-13; Lawyer, Dept. of Justice, 1913 — , San Juan, Porto Rico. 1230. Wilhelmina Kurrelmeyer, A. B. Home Missionary, Dean of Women and Prof, of German, Clark Univ., Atlanta, Ga. 123 1. Alma Claudine Liquin, A. B. Teacher in Cedar Rapids Schools, 1910-11; and of English in Park Co. High Sch., 1911 — , Livingston, Mont. 1232. Harley Kellogg Lockwood, A. B. LL. B., State Univ. of Iowa, 1911; Prin. High Sch., Winthrop, la., 1908-09; Lawyer (Heald & Lock- wood), 107 1st Ave., Cedar Rapids, la. 1233. Joseph David Long, B. S. Grad. stu. State Univ. of Iowa, 1908. 602 43d St., Moline, 111. (?) 1234. John Frederic Mangold, B. S., C. E. B. E., State Univ. of Iowa, 1911; Asst. Drainage Engr., Amboy, 111., 1907-08; Instructor in Civil Engin,, Worcester Polytech. Inst., 1908-09; and in Miss. A. & M. Coll., 1911-12; Asst. Prof, of Engin., Grinnell Coll., 1912 — ; and City Engr., 1913 — ; mem. Iowa Engin. Soc, Amer. Water Works Assn., and Amer. Soc. for Municipal Improvements. Grinnell, la. 1235. Grant Silas Moe, B. S. Farmer, R. F. D. 2, Central City, Nebr. 1236. Charles Henry Putnam, A. B. Grad. Garrett Bib. Inst.; Prin. High Sch., New Hartford, la., 1907-09; Pastor Bethel M. E. Church, 3650 Agatite Ave., Chicago, 111. (H. of 11 52.) 1237. Grant Reeder, B. S. M. D., Rush Med. Coll.; Physician and Sur- geon, Kirkland, 111. 1238. Jennie Edna Rieke (Pfingsten), A. B. Teacher, Monticello, la., 1907- 08, Wahpeton, N. D., 1909-1 1, and Tacoma, Wash., 1911-12. Oregon City, Ore. 1239. William Arthur Rigby, A. B. B. S., and E. M. (Engr. of Mines), Michigan Coll. of Mines, 1912; Mining Engr., Mineville, Essex Co., N. Y. 1240. Ralph Marcellus Roberts, A. B. Teacher of Chemistry and Math., Lyons Twp. High Sch., La Grange, 111. (H. of 1065.) 1241. Milo Harold Runkle, A. B. Clerk in Post Office, 1913 — , Cedar Rapids, la. 1242. Phila Gem Russell (Terrall), A. B. Sec. Y. W. C. A., Newton, la., 1908; Instructor in Latin, Acad, of Cornell Coll., 1910-12. 26 Linden PL, Brookline, Mass. (W. of 1246.) 1243. Alfred Hershey Smith, A. B., A. M. Asst. Prin. High Sch., Bot- tineau, N. D., 1907-08; Teacher of History in High Sch., Longmont, Col., 1908-11; grad. stu. in History, Cornell Coll., 1911-12, and Har- vard, 1912-13 ; Teacher of Amer. Hist., West Des Moines High Sch., I9 ! 3 — f x 6o6 22d St., Des Moines, la. (H. of 1336.) 1244. Margaret Manttle Stookey, B. S. Teacher, 1265 2d Ave. E., Cedar Rapids, la. 86 CORNELL COLLEGE 1245. Orville Mills Swank, A. B. Prin. Schools, Columbus City, la., 1908; Farmer, Mediapolis, la. 124.6. John Jay Terrall, B. S. M. D., Harvard; Manuf. of Clay Products, Emmetsburg, la.; House Physician in Carney Hospital at Boston, Mass., 1913 — , 26 Linden PI., Brookline, Mass. (H. of 1242.) 1247. Howard Niles Twogood, B. S. Teacher, High Sch., Mason City, la., 1908; Business, Aurora, 111., 1912; Dist. Manager for a Mfg. Co., 204 Burlingame Ave., Detroit, Mich. 1248. Alfred Alonzo Wells, B. S. M. S., Iowa State Coll., 1910; Author, "A Method of Determining Humus," and "The Chemical Composition of Organic Nitrogen in the Soil"; Chemist in Gas Works, Spokane, Wash., 1908; Asst. Experimentalist in Soils, Iowa State Coll., 1908-12; Sec. and Treas. of New Jersey Testing Laboratories, 1912 — , 92 Green- wood Ave., Montclair, N. J. 1249. Lenna Edith Wells, A. B. Teacher, High Sch., Hartley, la., 1907- 09, Ames, la., 1909-11; Bookkeeper for Eclipse Lumber Co., Man- chester, la. 1250. Roscoe James Woodard, A. B. LL. B., State Univ. of Iowa, 1911; Lawyer, Oskaloosa, la. 1251. Grace Wormer, A. B. Student in Library Sch. of Univ. of 111.; Li- brarian, Tipton, la., 1909; First Asst. Librarian in Waterloo, la., 1909- 12; Asst. Librarian, State Univ. of Iowa, 1912 — , Iowa City, la. 1252. Winifred Eva Wormer, A. B. Teacher, Sibley, Center Point, la., and Cedar Rapids, 1913 — . 1261 4th Ave. E., Cedar Rapids, la. LI. Class of 1908. 1253. Louise Allen, A. B. Nevada, la. 1254. Addie Angell (Pulver), A. B. Grad. of Cornell Coll. Conservatory of Music. R. F. D. 2, Delhi, la. 1255. Clyde Edwin Baker, A. B. B. D., Drew Theol. Sem.; Pastor M. E. Church, Farley, la., 1912; Prin. Epworth Sem., 1913 — , Epworth, la. 1256. Earle A. Baker, A. B. B. D., Drew Theol. Sem., 1911; Pastor M. E. Church, Coggon, la., 1911-13; grad. stu., five months, on scholarship, at United Free Church Coll., Glasgow, Scotland, 1912-13; Pastor M. E. Church, 1913 — , Waterloo, la. (H. of 1306.) 1257. Ella Baker (Bradford), A. B. Strawberry Point, la. (W. of 1262.) 1258. Lyman Asbury Baker, B. S. Wahpeton, N. D. 1259. Marguerite Agatha Baker, A. B. Teacher in High Sch., 1909-10, and private Teacher of Music, 1910 — , Wahpeton, N. D. 1260. Lillian Belknap (Miller), A. B. Waterloo, la. (W. of 1119.) 1261. Ruth Lucile Berryman (Coppess), A. B. Springville, la. (W. of 1532.) 1262. Lewis Addison Bradford, A. B. B. D., Drew Theol. Sem.; Pastor M. E. Church, Strawberry Point, la. (H. of 1257.) 1263. Pearl Gertrude Carlson, A. B. Teacher, High Sch., Hampton, la.; grad. stu. in English, Univ. of Chicago, 1913 — , 5722 Madison Ave., Chicago, 111. 1264. Martin L. Carver, A. B. B. D., Drew Theol. Sem., 1911; Clergy- man, two years in Iowa and four in N. Y. ; Teacher in schools of Iowa and 111.; Pastor M.'E. Church, Copake, N. Y. 1265. Robert Elroy Courson, B. S. Cashier Bank, 1913 — , Remsen, la. 1266. David Otis CoWles, A. B. B. D., Drew Theol. Sem., 1911; Pastor M. E. Church, Park Ridge, N. J., 1910-12, Areola, N. J., 1912 — , and taking graduate work at Union Theol. Sem. 1267. Morgan H. Dake, A. B. Teacher, Epworth Sem., 1912; Prin. High Sch., 1913 — , Lost Nation, la. 1268. Horatio LeRoy Duffin, B. S. D. D. S., State Univ. of Iowa; Dentist, Garnavillo, la. CORNELL COLLEGE 87 1269. Nelle Edmondson (Olson), A. B. Stanton, N. D 1270. Herman Daniel Eickelberg, B. S. Prin. High Sch., Vinton, la • grad. stu. eight quarters, Univ. of Chicago; Prin. Moore Twp 'Hieh Sch., Farmer City, 111. v 6 1271. Charles Guy Eldredge, B. S. Assayer, Alturas Gold Mining Co., Ore., 1909; Chemist, Amer. Water Works and Guarantee Co., Pitts- burg, Pa., 1910-12; Supt. Filtration, 1912, and City Chemist, 1913 — , Fort Worth, Tex. (On leave for 6 mos. Chemist and Bacteriologist, I. C. C. Isthmus of Panama, Ancon, Canal Zone.) 1272. Ethel Elliott, A. B. Instructor in Acad. Cornell Coll., 1908-10; Teacher, High Sch., Brainerd, Minn,, 1910-13. La Crosse, Wis. 1273. Grace Lillis Eyestone, A. B. Diploma Barnes' Business Coll., Den- ver, 1913; Teacher, High Sch., Vinton, la., 1909-10; Stenographer and Newspaper Reporter, Fort Morgan, Col. 1274. Charles Henry Gould Fort, A. B. B. D., Drew Theol. Sem., 1911; B. D., Union Theol. Sem., 1912; Pastor M. E. Church, Winthrop, la. 1275. Lucile Furnas, A. B. Grad. Cornell Coll. Sch. of Oratory, and Cum- nock Sch. of Oratory, 1909; Instructor in Oratory and Physical Train- ing, 119 Portland Terrace, Webster Groves, Mo. 1276. Crystal Edith Gates, A. B. Teacher of English, High Sch., 1910— , Sunnyside, Wash. 1277. Geraldine Gilchrist, A. B. Center Point, la. 1278. Mary Leonard Green, A. B. Teacher, High Sch., 1910— , Decorah, la. Mt. Vernon, la. 1279. Fred W. Hill, B. S. Supt. Iowa Pecan Co., 1911— , Liberty, Tex. 1280. Mary E. Joiner, A. B. Teacher, High Sch., Neola, la, 1908-09, Mason City, la, 1909-11. Maquoketa, la. 1281. Mary Helen Lee, A. B. A. B, Leander Clark Coll, la, 1907; A. M, Univ. of Chicago, 1912; Teacher of Sociology, Cincinnati Mission- ary Training Sch, O, 1912-13. Mt. Vernon, la. 1282. Edith May Lusk, A. B. Teacher, High Sch, Jefferson, la. Ida Grove, la. 1283. Vernon Lamar Mangun, A. B. A. M, State Univ. of Iowa, 1913; Supt. Schools, Caledonia, Minn, 1911-13; Head of English Dept, State Normal Sch, 1913 —, Winona, Minn. 1284. George Miner Martin, A. B. LL. B, Harvard, 1912; Lawyer, i9 r 2 — , Deadwood, South Dakota. 1285. Lois Martin (Finger), A. B. Mt. Vernon, la. 1286. Maude Frances Mecum (Limes), A. B. Prin. Grammar Sch, Cam- anllo, Cal, 1908-09; grad. stu. Univ. of Cal, 1909-10; Asst. Univ. of Cal. Library, 1910—, 2253 Fulton St, Berkeley, Cal. 1287. Shige Murota (Ohno), A. B„ 312 Joseph Campan, Detroit, Mich. 1288. Paul B. Osgood, A. B. Asst. Cashier Bank, Jefferson, la. 1289. Marion Etta Parkin, A. B. Prin. Schools, Lisbon, la, and 1913 — Winfred, S. D. J ' 1290. Frances Pettepiece (Hoefer), B. S. Teacher in Schools, Mt. Vernon la, 1906-07. 5941 Ohio St. W, Chicago, 111. 1291. Thomas Arthur Pettepiece, B. S. M. D, Univ. of III.; Physician and Surgeon, 85 N. Gal. Ave, Freeport, 111. 1292. Clara A. Pollock, A. B. Teacher, Epworth Sem, 1908-10; Teacher . 319 9th St. S, Fargo, N. D. 1293. Lois Everest Poyneer, A. B. Died, Riverside, Cal, 1911. 1294. Clyde C. Putnam, A. B. Supt. Schools, Armour, S. D, 1908-11- Ab- stracter, Grain Dealer and Ins. Agt, Armour, S. D. 1295. Ralph J. Reed, A. B. Supt. Stock Yards Dist, United Charities of Chicago, mo E. 54th PI, Chicago, 111. 88 CORNELL COLLEGE 1296. Nelle Claire Reeder, A. B. Grad. stu., Romance Languages, State Univ. of Missouri, 1910-11; Teacher, High Sch., Glenwood Springs, Col., 1911-13; San Diego, Cal. Tipton, la. 1297. Margaretta Cooke Reid, A. B. Teacher, High Sch., 1913 — , Hamp- ton, la. 1298. Clarence D. Roseberry, A. B. Student in Law, State Univ. of Iowa, two years; Lawyer, Co. Atty., Plymouth Co., la., 1913 — , Le Mars, la. 1299. Lois Runkle, A. B. Teacher, High Sch., Tacoma, Wash., 1908-13. Lisbon, la. 1300. Franc Elizabeth Schoonover, A. B. Grad. Acad. Fine Arts, Chi- cago, 111., 1912; Teacher Latin and German, High Sch., 1913 "-> Ana " mosa, la. 1 301. Mary Ethel Shidler (Farnsworth), A. B. Livingston, Mont. 1302. Edith Stockton (Lott), B. S. M. D., State Univ. of Iowa, 1913; In- terne, Dept. Gynecology, S. U. I. Hospital, 1913 — , Iowa City, la. (W. of 1353.) 1303. William G. Strack, A. B. LL. B., Harvard; Teacher, High Sch., Marion, la., 1908-09; Lawyer, Clerk of Courts, 1913 — , Grundy Cen- ter, la. 1304. Susie Belle Tennant, A. B. Teacher, High Sch., Valentine, Nebr., 1908-09; Prin. High Sch., Wisner, Nebr., 1909-12; Teacher, High Sch., Sunnyside, Wash., 1913 — . Corvallis, Ore. 1305. Jay L. Tennant, B. S. Real Estate, 306 Securities Bldg., Des Momes, la. 1306. Grace E. Terrill (Baker), A. B. Waterloo, la. (W. of 1256.) 1307. Eldora Alice Thomas, B. S. M. D., Univ. of 111., 1913. Greene, la. 1308. Clare Belle Thornley (Clark), B. S. Woodward, la. (1908). 1309. Albert Mynard Walker, B. S., C. E. LL. B., 1907, and LL. M., 1908, Washington Coll. of Law; Author, Topographic Maps; Special Lecturer on Topographic Surveying, Northwestern Univ., 1912; Topo- graphic Engr., U. S. Geol. Survey, 1910 F St., N. W., Washington, D. C. 1 3 10. Ada Florence Wardle (Robinson), A. B. Bishop, Cal. 1311. Ray H. Wheelock, B. S. LL. B., Univ. of Southern Cal., 1912; Asst. Cashier Bank, Hollywood, Cal., 1912-13; Lawyer, 1239 Fielding St., Hollywood, Cal. 1312. Jessie Wilcox (Coleman), A. B. Maricopa, Cal. (W. of 912.) LII. Class of 1909. 1 3 13. Belle Miller Armistead (Pitzer), A. B. Teacher, High Sch., Red Oak, la. 1 3 14. Norma Blanche Baker (Phillips), A. B. Asst. Prin, High Sch., Pali- sade, Col., 1909-13. Cedaredge, Col. 1315. Maude Laura Barr, A. B. Teacher, High Sch., Webster, S. D., 1911 — . Manchester, la. 1 3 16. Mabel Viola Barton, A. B. Teacher of English and German, High Sch., Spirit Lake, la., 1909-11, of German, 1912 — , Clarkston, Wash. 1 3 17. Edgar Ervin Bickenbach, A. B. Formerly in Y. M. C. A. work; now Salesman, Coraopolis, Pa. 1318. Verne Adelbert Bird, B. S. Teacher of Science, High Sch., Carring- ton, N. D., 1 909- 1 1 ; Supervisor Manual Training in Schools, Fargo, N. D., 1911-12, and Rochester, N. Y., 1912-13; Prin. Boys' Technical High Sch., 1913 — , 42 Mich. St., Rochester, N. Y. (H. of 1375.) 1319. Charles Robert Blake, B. S. M. D., Rush Med. Coll., 1913; Physi- cian, Murray Hospital, Butte, Mont. 1320. Irvin B. Bleeker, B. S. Cashier Bank, Ackley, la. 1321. Earl David Bradley, B. S. Prin. Benton Sch., St. Charles, Mo., and of High Sch., West Liberty, la.; Supt. Schools, Wilton Junction, la.; Co. Supt. of Schools, 408 Chestnut St., Muscatine, la. CORNELL COLLEGE 89 1322. Cora Blanche Chamberlain (Thompson), A. B., A. M. Belle Jl 1 3 inc. 13. .323. Walter 9. Christie, A. B Banking, Denver, Col.; Pres. of Internat. Engmeenng Corporation, Denver, Col., till June, .9,3; Ranching, J 9i4 — > Ft. Collins, Col. (H. of 1330.) 1324. Ada Belle Coates, A. B. Died, Beaman, la., Dec. 10, 1909. 1325. John Wesley Cole, B. S. in C. E. Valier, Mont (ion) 13 P/ 3 - r le Co °P er » A - B - Teacher of English, High Sch., 1912- Marion, la. ' y ' I32? * S 3 n N f * if!"?? 1 ^^ B> S - in C ' E - C E - Masonr y Inspector, Bridge Dept, 111. Central R. R„ 556 LaClede Ave., Memphis, Tenn. 1328. Susanna Frances Curtis (Kohl), A. B. Cedar Rapids, la. 1329. Marshall Lee Doner, B. S. in C. E. Prin. Schools, Lake Charles, La 1906-10; City Engr, Lake Charles, 1910; Physical Director of Schools Houston, Tex., 1910-11; Prin. High Sch., Houston, 1911-12: Supt. Schools, 1912— , Conrad, la. 1330. Bertha Draper (Christie), B. S. Ft. Collins, Col. (W of 1323 ) 1331. Henry William Driver, A. B. Missionary in Utah; Pastor M. E. Church, Tooele, Utah. 1332. Addis Harold Edwards, B. S. Clerk, Des Moines Nat. Bank, 1909- 10; Asst. Cashier Bank, Clearfield, la., 1910-13; Cashier Drake Park Bank, 1913 — , Des Moines, la. 1333. David Earl Elijah B. S. B. S. A., Iowa State Coll., 1913; Science leacher, Madelia, Minn., 1909-10; Farmer, Clarence, la. 1334. JosfPh A. Elliott, A. B. Supt. Wyoming Development Co., Wheat- land, Wyo. 1335. Arthur Treat Esgate, A. B. Note Teller, Cedar Rapids Nat. Bank. 1909-13; Aud Gila Valley Bank and Trust Co, 1913- Globe, Ariz. 1336. Hazel Lu Felthouse (Smith), A. B. 1606 22 d St., Des Moines, la. (W. of 1243.) I337- Ida Field (Wheat), A. B. Agassiz Hall, Agassiz St, Cambridge, Mass. (W. of 1142.) 1338. Wallace Edward French, A. B. Supt. Schools, Brighton, la, 1911- 12, and New Sharon, la, 1912—. ■ : I339 ' J°i n TT Mil *°? Gilchrist ' B ' S ' M - D., Harvard, 1913 ; Interne Spring- field Hospital, 1913-15, Springfield, Mass. 1340. Clara Haeberle (Sabin), A. B. Fort Defiance, Ariz 1341- Maude L Harris, A. B. Teacher English and Latin, High Sch, Rockwell, la, 1907-08; English, Hampton, la, 1909-10, and Stewart- ville, Minn, 1910-12; grad. stu. Columbia Univ., Summer 1913 ; Teacher of English, High Sch, 1912—, Winona, Minn. 1342. Bess Hartman, B. S. China Decorator, Belle Plaine, la. 1343- Warren Howard Hartman, A. B. A. M, Univ. of Chicago, 1912, and grad. stu, 1913 — . Belle Plaine, la. 1344. Florence Atkinson Hill, A. B. Born, Iowa Falls, la, Dec. 9, 1886 • died, Mt. Vernon, la, Jan. 25th, 1911. 1345. Shearly Jane Inman, A. B. Teacher, Redig, S. D, Eli Ranch 1346. William Ainsworth Irwin, A. B. Cashier Bank, 1910— , Belle Plaine, la. (H. of 1352.) 1347- Graydon Wells Johnson, B. S. Farmer, Mechanicsville, la. 1348. Harry W. Jones, B. S. Prin. High Sch, Shenandoah, la, 1909-11- Instructor State Summer Sch. for Teachers, Pocatello, Ida, 1913; Prin High. Sch, 1911— Twin Falls, Ida. 1349. James Virgil Kidd, A. B. Sales Dept. Genl. Electric Co, Chicago, 1913. Roy, Wash, 1913 — . 1350. Orin L. G. Kipp, B. S, C. E. Civil Engr, with Dakota Engineer- ing Co, Mitchell, S. D. Flandreau, S. D. 9 o CORNELL COLLEGE 1351. Harry Clifford Lake, B. S. Supt. Schools, Waterloo, la., 1909-10, Rippev, la., 1910-11, Blockton, 1911-13; Prin. Schools, 1913 — , Aurelia, la. 135 2. Alison Lister (Irwin), A. B. Belle Plaine, la. (W. of 13+6.) 1353. Robert Henry Lott, B. S. M. D., State Univ. of Iowa, 1913; In- terne, 1913 — , Univ. Hospital, Iowa City, la. (H. of 1302.) 1354. Horace Gillette Lozier, A. B. A. B., Univ. of Chicago; Priv. First Battalion Vol. Engineers, Spanish- Amer. War; Ins. Bus., 175 Jackson Blvd., Chicago, 111. 1355. Frank Bruce Lusk, B, S. Merchant, Ida Grove, la. (H. of 1409.) 1356. Erwin Kempton Maoes, A. B. Asst. Prin. Guthrie Co. High Sch., Panora, la., 1909-11; Supt. Schools, Corning, la., 1911-12; Teacher, Duncombe, la. 1357 Vera Carolyn Marston, A. B. Prin. High Sch., Lansing, la., 1909- 10; Teacher of English, High Sch., Bedford, la., 1911-13. Postville, la. 1358. Violet Elizabeth Marston, A. B. Asst. Prin. High Sch., Bird Id., Minn,, 1909-10, and 1911-13; Teacher in High Sch., Manchester, la., 1910-11. Postville, la. 1359. Ralph Jesse Mather, B. S. Teacher of English, Methodist Coll., Rome, Italy, 1909-10; Salesman (Reid, Murdoch & Co., of Chicagoi), I91I — f Finlen Hotel, Butte, Mont. 1360. Charles Theodore Mauller, A. B. Instructor in Public Speaking, High Sch., 633 N. Church St., Rockford, 111. (H. of 1489.) 1361. Ethel Adaline Maxson, B. S. Teacher of English, High Sch., Sac City, la. 1362. Wilton Hugh McKerrall, B. S. in C. E. Teacher of Lip Reading as an aid to imperfect hearing, 1911— , 2017 Boylston Ave. N., Seattle, Wash. , ,. o ^ , 1363 Pearl Esther Middleton, A. B. Music Supervisor in Public Schools, Missouri Valley, Shenandoah, la., and Pana, 111; Teacher, Manchester, la. 1364. William Elmer Moon, A. B. Banking, Mechanicsville, la. 1365. Edgar Vernon Moone, B. S. in C. E. Three and one-half years in newspaper work ; Co. Engr. Sedgwick Co., Wichita, Kans. 1366. Katherine Ophelia Moore, A. B. Grad. stu. Cornell Coll., 1912-13; Teacher in Commercial Sch., Epworth Sem., 1913 — , Epworth, la. Mt. Vernon, la. 1367 Mabel Pearson, A. B. Teacher, High Sch., W T esley, la., 1909-n, Cresco, la., 1911-12, Sisseton, S. D., 1912-13, and Minburn, la., 1913—- 1368. Dean William Peisen, A. B. LL. B., Harvard, 1912; Lawyer, El- dora, la. 1369. Edith Putnam (Mangold), A. B. 4002 Lexington Ave., St. Louis, Mo. (W. of 877.) 1370. Burleigh Buren Reed, B. S. Grad. stu. in Chemistry, State Univ. of Iowa, 1909-10; Instructor in Chem., Iowa State Coll., 1912-13- Algona, la. 1371. Else Rettinghouse (Allen), A. B. Hurley, S. D. 137 2. Chester A. Richardson, B. S. in C. E., C. E. Canby, Ore. 1373. Bertha M. Russell, A. B. Teacher, Newton, la. 1374. Floyd C. Scott, B. S. Prin. High Sch., Michigan, N. D., 1909-10 Sparta, 111., 1910-12, and Supt., 1913 ~ I Travel and Study in Europe Summer 1913. Sparta, 111. 1375. Mary Sells (Bird), A. B. 42 Michigan St., Rochester, N. Y. (W. 137 6. Roberta Dinwiddie Sheets, A. B. Grad. Cornell Coll. Sch. of Ora- tory, 1909; Teacher of English, High Sch., 1911—, Pittsburg, Kans 1377. Frank Blaine Simpson, 4. B. Real Estate, Tipton, la. ! CORNELL COLLEGE 91 1378. Clarence Jack Smith, A. B. A. M., Columbia Univ., 1912; Teacher ?• i. o g ' Methodlst Coll -> Rome » Italy, 1909-10; Instructor in Eng- lish, Cornell Coll., 1912-13, and Asst. Prof., 1913 — . 1379. Florence Marguerite Smith (Pollock), B. S. Deceased. 1380. Daisy Dean Spry, A. B. Teacher, High Sch., Cherokee, la. 1381. Lawrence F. Swank, B. S. Farmer, Mediapolis, la. 1382. Lewis Zebulon Terrall, A. B. LL. B, Harvard, 19x2; Lawyer, Union, Ore. 1383. Florence Gail West (Hull), A. B. Grad. Cornell Coll. Sch. of Ora- tory, 1908 ; Instructor in Expression and Phys. Training, High Sch , Springfield, Mo., 1910-13. Springfield, Mo. 1384. Merle Scott West, B. S. Lumberman, Sutherlin, Ore. 1385. Edith McKinney White, A. B. 630 21st St., Sacramento, Cal. 1386. Carolyn Wilcox (Dunn), A. B. Luverne, Minn. 1387. Alice Williams (Harper), A. B. Teacher of Latin and German, Guthrie Center High Sch., 1909-11; Substitute Teacher, Britt, la. 1388. Guy Carleton Williams, B. S. in C. E. Prin. High Sch., Dallas City, 111., 1909-10; Teacher of Physics, High Sch., Champaign, 111., 1910-12; Prin. High Sch., 1912 — , Red Oak, la. 1389. Majel Williams (Wood), A. B. Teacher of German and Latin, High Sch., Lemmon, S. D., 1912-13 ; stu. Berlin Univ., 1913-14. Lichterfelde, W., Ringstrasse 40, Berlin, Ger. LIII. Class of 1910. 1390. Bert S. Bailey, B. S. B. S., State Univ. of Iowa; Pastor M. E. Church, Martelle, la. 1391- Joseph Beadle, B. S. Physical Director, Missouri Wesleyan Univ., 1910-n; with Redpath Lyceum Bureau, 1912-13; Asst. Football Coach, Cornell Coll., Seasons 1912 and 1913. Mt. Vernon, la 1392- Lillian May Beck, A. B. Teacher, 902 1st Ave. West, Cedar Rap- ids, la. 1393- Paul Raymond Billingsley, B. S. Stu. Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch., 1912— , 2514 Prairie Ave., Chicago, 111. 1394- Genevieve Gladys Brown (Mooty), A. B. Teacher of English, Grundy Center High Sch., 1911-12. Troskv, Minn. 1395- Gertrude Lucile Browning, A. B. Teacher of English, High Sch., Mt. Vernon, la.; grad. stu. in English, Columbia Univ., 1913. 450 W. 119th St., New York City. 1396. Alice Burton Clary, A. B. Teacher in Schools, Hobart, Okla., 1910- 11 ; Domestic Science in W. H. M. S. Sch. for Mexican girls, Tucson, Ariz., 1912-13; Rural Sch., 1913 — , Helvetia, Ariz. 1397- Albert Erwin Coe, A. B. S. T. B., Garrett Bib. Inst., 1912; Pastor M. E. Church, 1912 — , Oasis, la. (H. of 1404.) 1398. Lauren Mortimer Coe, B. S. Pastor M. E. Church, Winslow, 111 1399- Henry Freeman Coleman, A. B. Teacher in Philander Smith Coll., Little Rock, Ark., 1910-n ; with Redpath Lvceum Bureau, Chicago, 1911 — . 1400. Jennie Frances Cook (Everts), B. S. Author, "Cornell, Greater Be Thy Name." Colfax, Wash. 1401. Bartholow Vincent Crawford, A. B. Instructor in English, Cornell Coll., 1910-12; grad. stu. in English, Harvard, 1912-13, and A M 1913 ; Instructor in English, Univ. of Minn., 1913 — Minneapolis, Minn.' 1402. Cora Crowder, A. B. Teacher of Mathematics, High Sch., Marshall- town, la. 1403. Alice Janet Daniel, A. B. Teacher of History, High Sch, 1913 -, x raer, la. 1404- Anna Deremer (Coe), B. S. Prin. of Schools, Sharpsburg, la, 1910- 12. Oasis, la. (W. of 1397.) 92 CORNELL COLLEGE 1405. Lawrence Ellsworth Dodd, B. S. Teacher of German Physics and Athletics, High Sch., Marion, la., 1910-12; grad. stu. in Physics, State Univ. of Iowa, 1912 — , Iowa City, la. 1406. Jay Roscoe Duncan, B. S. Kewanee, 111. 1407 Helen Catherine Edwards, A. B. A. M., Univ. of Chicago, 1913, Teacher of Latin, High Sch., 1913— Waterloo, la. 1408. Philip Elliott, B. S. Teacher, High Sch., La Crosse Wis, 1910-13 1 stu. in Law, Harvard, 1913— 73 Wendell St., Cambridge, Mass. 1409. Bessie F. Engstrom (Lusk), A. B. Ida Grove, la. (W. of 1355.) 1410. Alice Fairlamb (McClelland), A. B. Mt. Vernon, la 1411. Fred. B. Farmer, B. S. Teacher, High Sch, Redwood Falls, Minn.; Supt. Schools, 1912 — , Fairfax, Minn. 1412. Beulah May Garrard, A. B. Teacher, High Sch Cameron Mo 1910-11, Avoca, la, 1911-13; Instructor in History and Politics, Cornell Coll, Jan. to June, 1913; g™d. stu. Summer 1913, and Fellow in His- tory, 1913-14, Univ. of Chicago. 57*9 Dorchester Ave, Chicago, 111. 1413. Guy Washington Garrard, B. S. Teacher, High Sch, Gnnnell, la, 1912-13, Clarinda, la, 1913—- . , , _, , r 1414. Maude Marguerite Geiger, A. B. Teacher in Schools, Mt. Vernon, la, 1911-13- Carthage, 111. . . i4i c Clinton Edgar Gillette, B. S, M. S. Laboratory Asst. in Chemistry, Cornell Coll, 1910-n ; Grad. Asst. in Chemistry, Univ. of 111, 1912-13- Lisbon, la. , . __ , 1416. George Henry Gillette, A. B. Student in Med, Harvard, 1910— . 144 Hemenway St., Boston, Mass. 1417. Layton Gouldin, B. S. Teacher, High Sch, La Crosse, Wis 1418. Ai Haraguchi, A. B. A. M, Oberlin Coll.; Teacher, Dohshisha Jo Gakko, Imodegawa, Kyoto, Japan. - 1419. Lois Joy Hartung, A. B. Instructor in English and Bible, Methodist Mission. Normal Inst, Tamariz No. 11, Puebla, Mexico. Van Home la. 1420. Charles Laverne Hatch, A. B. Bookkeeper, 1911 — , 3015 St. Vin- cent St, St. Louis, Mo. ; 1421. Elsie May Hatch, A. B. Asst. Prin. High Sch, Manilla, la. 1422. Ethel Hunt (Grassfield), B. S. Teacher of Mathematics in High Sch Knoxville, la, 1910-11; grad. stu. Psychology and Philosophy, State Univ. of Iowa, 1913 — , Iowa City, la. 1423. Russell Blair Hurlburt, A. B, C. E. M. E Cornell Univ, 1.910; Instructor in Electricity and Shop Mathematics, Cleveland, O, Y M. C. A. Evening Sch, 190-12; Foreign Sales Correspondent, with Niles Bement Pond Co, 11 1 Broadway, New York City. 1424. Henry E. Irons, A. B. Supt. Schools, Center Point, la. 1425. Ethel Jayne (Auckland), A. B. Koshkonong, Mo 1426. Gladys Mabel Jewell, A. B. Teacher, Guthrie Co. High Sch, Pan- ora, la, 1910-12. Decorah, la. 1427. Sarah Kettering, A. B. Teacher of English, Grade Sch, 1912— , Tucson, Ariz. 1428. Emmet Leonard Knapp, B. S. Farmer, Luseland, Sask, Canada. 1429. Elmer Burr Lane, B. S. Y. M. C. A Sec at Highland Park Coll, la, 1910-12; General Y. M. C. A. Sec, Am. Sch. of Osteopathy, Kirks- ville, Mo, 1912-13; grad. stu. Univ. of Chicago, 1913-7, C ^? a p» I "' 1430. Mary Elizabeth Little, A. B. Teacher of Mathematics, High Sch, Pittsburg, Kans. . ' .. I43 i. Laura Lockwood, A. B. Mus. Bac, Conservatory of Music Oberlin O, 1910; Instructor in Pianoforte, Cornell Coll, 1910-12. 1328 3d Ave. Cedar Rapids, la. 1432. Carl William Lounsberry, B. S. in C. E. Teacher, 1913- Mar- shalltown, la. CORNELL COLLEGE 93 1433- Clarke Wilson Mangun, B. S., M. S. Teacher of Science, High Sen Winterset, la., 1910-11 ; Prin. High Sch, Everly, la., ion-i Itt - 1537. Walter Howard Eyestone, B. S. Newspaper Work, Ft. Morgan, Col., 1912-13. Mt. Vernon, la. 1538. Irving Finger, B. S. Prin. High Sch., 1912— , Corwith, la. 1539. John Joseph Fowler, A. B. Prin. High Sch., 1909— Jewell City, Kans. , _ , T 1540. Leonard Morton Furnas, B. S. Salesman, Real Estate and Ins, (J. S. Anderson and Son), 1502 4th Ave., Cedar Rapids, la. CORNELL COLLEGE 97 1541. Morris W. Fussell, B. S. Farmer, Floyd, la. 1542. Ruth Stella Gallup, A. B. Jefferson, la. 1543. Charles DeWitt Gibbs, B. S. in C. E. Civil Engineer, Waterloo, la. 1544. Ross Golden, A. B. Stu. Harvard Med. Sch., Boston, Mass. 1545. Charles Elwin Hedges, B. S. With LeFebure Ledger Co., Cedar Rapids, la., 1912-13; Business (Grain Elevator and Coal), 1913 — , Mt. Vernon, la. 1546. Fausta Alice Hill, A. B. Teacher of Latin and German, High Sch., 1912 — , Villisca, la. 1547. Ralph Carlyle Hill, B. S. Grad. stu. Cornell Coll., 1912-13; Teacher Central Turkey Coll., 1913 — , Aintab, Turkey in Asia. 1548. Blanche Pauline Hunter, A. B. Teacher, VanHorn, la., 191 3 — . Anamosa, la. 1549. Ella Van Sant Jenkins, A. B. High Sch. Asst., Lake Park, la., 1912 — . 2569 Camden Ave., Omaha, Nebr. 1550. Harold Luman Jordan, A. B. Supt. Schools, Lime Springs, la., 1912-13; Prin. High Sch., 1913 — , Redwood Falls, Minn. Springville, la. 1551. Erma R. Kauffman, A. B. Teacher, High Sch., Maquoketa, la. 1552. Russell Dean Keeler, B. S. in C. E. Asst. Foreman* 1912-13, and Foreman, 1913 — , Bridge Construction (Canton Bridge Co.), Western Office, 515 N. Y. Life Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 1553. George Henry Kellogg, B. S. Co. Supt. Schools, Cedar Co., la., 1904-11; Instructor, Cornell Coll. Acad., 1910-12; Supt. of Schools, 1912 — , Clarion, la. 1554. Marie Killheffer, A. B. Asst. Prin, High Sch., Sergeant Bluff, la., 1912— . Clyde, N. Y. 1555. James Grant Kramrn, A. B. Cashier and Bookkeeper, Tri-County Light & Power Co., 1913 — , Aledo, 111. 1556. Edna Lilas Leverington (Rowe), A. B. Warren, 111. 1557. John Watts Liddle, B. S. Clerk, Walker, la. 1558. Edith Lloyd, A. B. Wesley, la. 1559. Elmo Hamilton Lott, B. S. Asst. in Botany, State Agri. Coll., Ames, la. 1560. Pearl Orpha Mauch (Bittle), A. B. Lisbon, la. 1561. Archie Ross Maulsby, A. B. Prin, High Sch., 1912— , Dyersville, la. (H. of 1611.) 1562. John Archibald Mclntyre, B. S. Stu. Harvard Med. Sch., Boston, Mass. 1563. Margaret Price Medary, A. B. Grad. stu. and Instructor in Eng- lish, Cornell Coll., 1912-13; Fellow in English, Northwestern Univ., 1913 — , 1919 Orrington Ave., Evanston, 111. Waukon, la. 1564. Chauncey Merwin, B. S. Farmer, Morrison, 111. 1565. Carrie Ellen Thompson (Money), A. B. B. Pd. and M. Pd., State Normal Sch., Col.; Co. Supt. Schools, Otero Co., Col., four years; Teacher of English, High Sch., Bismarck, N. D. (W. of 999.) 1566. Mabel Eva Morton, A. B. Deaconess; Exec. Sec. 3d Ave. M. E. Church, 1913 — , 212 Wilber Ave., Columbus, O. 1567. Eleanor Pearson, A. B. Grad. stu. Cornell Coll., 1912-13; Teacher of English, High Sch., 1913 — , Marengo, la. 1568. Beulah G. Perrin, B. S. Teacher, High Sch., Vinton* la. 1569. Zella Athena Petty, A. B. Asst. Prin. High Sch., Elgin, la., 1912- 13 ; Prin. High Sch., Cambridge, 111., 1913 — . Mt. Carroll, 111. 1570. Raymond Jacob Reitzel, A. B. Grad. stu. Cornell Coll., 1913—* Mt. Vernon, la. 1 571. John James Simpson, A. B. Ward Prin. of Schools, Waitsburg, Wash. 98 CORNELL COLLEGE 1572. Nellie Edythe Snyder (Berry), A. B. Field Sec, Cincinnati Miss. Training Sch., 1909-10. 357 E. 10th St., St. Paul, Minn. 1573. Elmer Willett Tallman, B. S. Mt. Vernon, la. 1574. Elsie Vera Trousdale, A. B. Grundy Center, la. 1575. Florence Underwood, A. B. Teacher, Emmetsburg, la. 1576. Raymond Guy Upton, B. S. Asst. to State Agri. Chemist, and Prin. High Sch., Lampasa, Tex., 1912-13; mem. Amer. Chemical Soc. ; Teacher of Chemistry and Physics, High Sch., 1913 — , Shreveport, La. 1577. Mabel Elizabeth Wagner, B. S. Letts, la. 1578. Irwin Paul West, B. S. Farmer, Mt. Vernon, la. 1579. Vera Maud West, A. B. Teacher, High Sch., 1913 — , Tabor, la. Mt. Vernon, la. 1580. John Rodgers Whitman, B. S. Grad. stu. Cornell Coll., 1912-13. Yale, la. 1 58 1. Ralph Glenn Whitmer, B. S. Teacher of Science, High Sch., Fair- field, la. 1582. John W. Whitsell, B. S. Director Athletics, Missouri Wesleyan Coll., 1912 — , Cameron, Mo. (H. of 1583.) 1583. Katherine Williams (Whitsell), A. B. Teacher, High Sch., Guthrie Center, la., 1912-13. Cameron, Mo. (W. of 1582.) 1584. Gang Huo Wong, B. S. Teacher in Anglo Chinese Coll., Foochow, China. LVI. Class of 1913. 1585. William Bruce Armstrong, B. S. Chemist with Sandusky Portland Cement Co., Dixon, 111. Lyons, la. 1586. William Nicholas Baker, A. B. Pastor M. E. Church, Low Moor, la. 1587. Edith LaVon Barr, A. B. Teacher in Rural Schools, Manchester, la. 1588. Frederick Wilhelm Berninghausen, A. B. Supt. Schools, Marble Rock, la. Eldora, la. 1589. Luanna Miller Bishop, A. B. Teacher, High Sch., Marion, la. 1590. Vera Alice Black, A. B. Teacher, High Sch., Villisca, la. Twin Falls, Ida. 1591. Leroy Adelbert Calkins, B. S. Grad. stu. in Physics, State Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City, la. Beltrami, Minn. 1592. Mabel Emma Carlton, A. B. Teacher, High Sch., Orient, la. Mt. Vernon, la. 1593. Ross Anderson Cook, B. S. Merchant's Asst.,. Mt. Vernon, la. 1594. William Riley Cook, A. B. Prin. High Sch., Ocheyedan, la. Clarks- ville, la. 1595. Beatrice June Cooper, B. S. Teacher of Science and History, High Sch., Montezuma, la. LaPorte City, la. 1596. Elmer Guy Cutshall, A. B. Grad. stu. in Psychology, State Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City, la. Hazleton, la. 1597. Dew Dailey, A. B. Asst. Prin. High Sch., Arlington, la. Parkers- burg, la. 1598. Edna Mae DeLong, A. B. Teacher in Schools, Springfield, Mo. 1599. Gertrude Emily Dodd, A. B. Library Asst., Cornell Coll., Mt. Ver- non, la. 1600. Marjorie Beryl Edwards, A. B. Teacher, High Sch., Clearfield, la. 1601. Hazel Huhn Ege, A. B. Teacher, High Sch., Strawberry Point, la. Mt. Vernon, la. 1602. Ralph Rowland Ege, B. S., and B. S. in C. E. Civil Engr., Charles- ton, Mo. Mt. Vernon, la. 1603. Weva Lorene Eickelberg, A. B. Asst. Prin. High Sch., Lone Tree, la. Waterloo, la. 1604. Anna Lillian Elijah, A. B. Y. W. C. A. Sec. and Physical Directress, Ottuwma, la. Clarence, la. CORNELL COLLEGE 99 1605. Blanche Pearl Fairbanks, A. B. Teacher, Rural Schools, Monti- cello, la. 1606. Raymond Herman Finger, A. B. Teacher and Physical Director, High Sch., Burlington, la. Davenport, la. 1607. Lillian Belle Gleason, A. B. Teacher, High Sch., Mechanicsville, la. 1608. Pearl Constance Gottsch, A. B. Prin. High Sch., Manly, la. Grundy Center, la. 1609. Florence Adelia Griffin, A. B. Teacher of Math., High Sch., Oel- wein, la. Fairdale, 111. 1610. Setsuyoshi Hattori, A. B. Stu. in Divinity Sch., Univ. of Chicago, 3219 Groveland Ave., Chicago, 111. Matsuyama, Japan. 1611. Bess Blanche Hedges (Maulsby), B. S. Dyersville, la. (W. of 1561.) 1612. Helen Lydia Hopkins, B. S. Teacher, High Sch., Sigourney, la. Madrid, la. 1 61 3. Margaretta Rosetta Johnson, A. B. Teacher, High Sch., Corwith, la. Mt. Vernon, la. 1 614. Harold Audas Knight, A. B. Stu. in Columbia Univ. Sch. of Jour- nalism, New York City. Mt. Vernon, la. 1615. Lillian Adeline Larson, A. B. Grade Teacher, Britt, la. 1 616. Edith Maude Lee, A. B. Grad. stu. Cornell Coll., Mt. Vernon, la. 1617. Edna Grace Long, A. B. Teacher, High Sch., Coggon, la. 1618. Charles Albert Lott, B. S. Stu. in Business Coll., 5203 Thompson Ave., Tacoma, Wash. Mt. Vernon, la. 1619. Walter Clarence Lott, B. S. Teacher Science, High Sch., Burling- ton, la. Mt. Vernon, la. 1620. Alma Merwin, B. S. At home, Mr. Vernon, la. 1 621. Glenn Harvey Miller, B. S. Hardware Clerk, Winthrop, la. 1622. Nellie Therese Nelson, A. B. Teacher, High Sch., State Center, la. Moline, 111. 1623. Frederick William Ortmeyer, A. B. Teacher of Science and Phys- ical Training, Epworth Sem., Epworth, la. Charles City, la. 1624. William Alfred Ortmeyer, A. B. Teacher of Math., High Sch., Oskaloosa, la. Charles City, la. 1625. Hilda Margaret Overbeck, A. B. Teacher High Sch., Freeman, S. D. Guttenberg, la. 1626. Fleeta Irene Pascoe, A. B. Teacher, Public Schools, Sibley, la. Gait, la. 1627. Dora C. Perry, A. B. Teacher of Latin and German, High Sch., Ponco City, Okla. Cresco, la. 1628. Lola Irene Perry, A. B. Prin. High Sch., Ellendale, N. D. Cresco, la. 1629. Etta Mae Petheram, A. B. Teacher, High Sch., Center Point, la. Geneva, la. 1630. Linnie Eveleth Pickell, A. B. Teacher of Math., High Sch., Walnut, la. Northwood, la. 1631. George Lewis Potgeter, A. B. Teacher of German and History, High Sch., Waverly, la. Forreston, 111. 1632. Olive Edna Randall, A. B. B. E., Columbia Sch. of Oratory, Chi- cago; B. Ped., State Normal Sch., Mo.; Teacher in same, 1906-11; Teacher of Oratory, Univ. of Puget Sound, Wash., 1911-12; Teacher of Oratory, Syracuse Univ., 1913 — , Syracuse, N. Y. Mt. Vernon, la. 1633. Arthur George Rieke, B. S. Stu. Northwestern Univ. Med. Sch., Chicago. Blairstown, la. 1634. Gladys Rigby, A. B. Teacher of Music, 1913—* East Greenwich Acad., East Greenwich, R. I. Mt. Vernon, la. 1635. Elsie Mae Roberts, A. B. Teacher in Schools, La Grange, 111. Searsboro, la. ioo CORNELL COLLEGE 1636. Sara Catherine Schoonover, A. B. Asst. Prin. High Sch., Wilton Junction, la. Anamosa, la. 1637. Clifton Cleveland Scott, B. S. Prin. High Sch., Auburn, la. Gow- rie, la. 1638. Thomas Carl Scott, A. B. Teacher Math, and Phys. Training, High Sch., Traer, la. 1639. Ruth Mae Secrist, A. B. At home, Lisbon, la. 1640. Lillian Madora Seise (Swain), A. B. Kewanee, 111. 1641. Adelaide Mary Smith, A. B. Teacher, High Sch., Minden, la. Mt. Vernon, la. 1642. Clifford Burleigh Smith, B. S. Asst. Chemist, Douglas Starch Works, Cedar Rapids, la. Latimer, la. 1643. Marquis Fae Stigers, A. B. Teacher, High Sch., Hampton, la. Stuart, la. 1644. Marguerite Frances Tompkins, A. B. Prin. High Sch., Orient, la. Byron, Minn. 1645. Boyd Isaac Walker, A. B. Boys' Sec. Y. M. C. A., 404 E. 10th St., Kansas City, Mo. 1646. Eva Fancher Williams, A. B. Grad. stu. Cornell Coll., Mt. Vernon, la. 1647. Benjamin Mcllvain Woolsey, A. B. Prin. High Sch., Emerson> la. Albia, la. 4. ADVANCED DEGREES DEGREES IN COURSE Three years after graduation the degrees A. M., Ph. M., M. S., and C. E. were conferred upon all graduates of the corresponding bachelor's degrees up to, and including, the class of 1885. The rolls of these classes, previously- given, serve as the record. The following is a list of the other graduates of Cornell or of other colleges who have received the Master's degree in course. The year in which the degree was conferred is indicated after each name: MASTER OF ARTS Annie Laurie Adams, 1909 Luella Matson Albrook (Miller), 1909 Karl Edwin Anderson, 1899 Winfred McKenzie Atwood, 1910 Edna Annie Baker, 1903 Harry Albert Bassett, 1897 John Barner Bloom, 1907 George Herbert Bretnall, 1897 Sara Alice Brown, 1908 Elmer Manasseth Cable, 1906 Cora Chamberlain (Thompson), 1912 Helen Ethelwyn Chambers (Fouse), 1905 Robert Thomas Chipperfield, 1893 Beulah Crawford, 1909 Nell Margaret Daniel, 1893 Clayton Edgar Delamater, 1889 Edward Thomas Devine, 1890 Olavus Olonzo Donhowe, 1889 Fred Phillip Fisher, 1889 William Arthur Ganfield, 1901 Clarence Vosburgh Gilliland, 1904 WlLLARD A. GOODELL, 1910 Charles Cyrus Gray, 1904 Joseph Richard A. Hanner, 1896 Albert Mason Harris, 1902 William Edward Hauger, 1893 John Godfrey Hill, 1903 Laura Lois Hinkley, 1910 Arthur Henry Hirsch, 1908 James Hughes, 1899 * George Henry Kennedy, 1891 Jenette Lewis, 1903 Wilson S. Lewis, 1892 Melvin John Locke, 1895 James Victor Martin, 1905 Orville Knowles Maynard, 1904 John Strayer McIntosh, 1902 Judson Jackson McKim, 1906 Jesse L. McLaughlin, 1900 Kate Elaine Moone, 1911 Fairmont College John Amos Morrison, 1889 Roland Neal, 1907 Morton Eaton Peck, 19 10 Ernest Adolphus Rayner, 1912 * Martha Reeder (Wroten), 1902 William Cattron Rigby, 1897 Ida Elizabeth Riley, 1913 DePauw University William Edmund Ross, 1896 Louis Bernhardt Schmidt, 1906 Franc Elizabeth Schoonover, 191 3 Abraham Lincoln Shute, 1890 Charles Gamble Simpson, 1902 Perkins Swift Slocum, 1899 * Willis Eddy S medley, 1890 Alfred Hershey Smith, 1912 Charles William Edward Snyder, 1897 William F. Spry, 19 10 Blanche Svvingley (Armstrong), 1896 Genevieve Taubman (Terrall), 1909 John Bissell Trowbridge, 1912 Ruby Clare Wade, 1909 Addie Grace Wardle, 1901 William Campbell Wasser, 1895 Percey Eunice Watson, 1911 Ernest Cattron Wheeler, 1896 Herbert Swan Wilkinson, 1898 Sylvester Vernon Williams, 1906 William Alfred Wirtz, 1893 Majel Williams Wood, 1912 Melvin Jacob Yoran, 1898 102 CORNELL COLLEGE MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY John William Arbuckle, 1889 John Halsey Blair, 1889 Leonard Anderson Blue, 1893 Jason Daniel Brownson, 1895 Mary Emily Chandler (McIntosh), 1894 * Helen Elliott, 1897 Florence Fulton (Lewis), 1891 Elmer Thomas Gruwell, 1899 Frank L. Hann, 1903 Fannie B. Long (Wiedman), 1904 Mary Edith Love (Fiske), 1894 Mary Lorraine MacLeod, 1904 Samuel Bruce Montgomery, 1897 Irwin La Verne Pease, 1897 William Doughty Phifer, 1896 Enola Pearl Pierce (Stein), 1895 Benjamin Luce Remick, 1892 Frank Homer Slagle, 1896 Eugene Homer Smith, 1893 Hattie Elizabeth Thomas, 1889 Lotta L. Tipple (Hazzard), 1895 Elizabeth Frances Wright, 1890 Herbert Ransom Wright, 1895 Robert G. Young, 1899 MASTER OF SCIENCE Milton Reed Barker, 1898 Emmett James Cable, 1904 Agnes Beveridge Ferguson, 1895 Clinton Edgar Gillette, 1911 George Darwin Goodenough, 1899 Ambrose Bertram Hartley, 1904 Clarke W. Mangun, 1912 Ernest Lewis McEwen, 1901 Ray E. Neidig, 19 12 Laura Talitha Pascal, 1902 Elsie Rigby (Maxwell), 1897 Edward Ransom Ristine, 1900 Chester A. Arthur Utt, 1909 John Christopher Wade, 1897 Gustav Herman Wiesner, 191 3 CIVIL ENGINEER Frederick Stanton Alden, 1899 Harry Clark Ash, 1897 Carl August Bock, 1908 Frank J. Brackett, 1908 Charles Coleman Carhart, 191 i William Nathaniel Cramer, 1913 Edward Kirk Coe, 1899 Charles Colton, 1903 Lowell Edwin Conrad, 1906 James Leslie Coombes, 1904 Wilbur Samuel Corn, 1907 John David Cotton, 1906 Charles Wesley Devendorf, 1909 Chester Thomas Dike, 1905 William George Dixon, 1899 George DeVere Dobson, 1905 Guy Ellsworth Dobson, 1905 Walter Abijah Eckles, 1905 Curt Henry Eiffert, 1908 Paul Newcomb Ford, 1909 Archimedes Edward Fuller, 1907 Sylvan Earle Ganser, 1906 * Thomas Norton Gelston, 1906 Josiah Gibson, 1899 Harry Arthur Gillette, 1909 Charles Clarence Hawley, 1901 Harvey Grant Hays, 1898 Perry Lee Hedrick, 1903 Russell Blair Hurlburt, 1912 Lorin Everett Imlay, 1897 Orin Lansing Kipp, 1912 Arthur Hugh Latimer, 1911 Clarence Elmer Locke, 1901 John Frederick Mangold, 1910 Edward K. Mather, 1906 Bert Leslie Matthews, 1909 Elmer James McCaustland, 1895 Frank Albert Metcalf, 1913 Charles K. Mohler, 1902 Leon Wallace Moore, 1905 James Stearnes Pingrey, 1897 Charles Rufus Pollock, 1913 Louis Jay Putnam, 1905 Frank Garfield Reeder, 1903 Chester A. Richardson, 1913 William Lincoln Rockwell, 1892 Robert Henderson Seymour, 1905 Roland Ebright Shuck, 191 3 Ralph Bethuel Slippy, 1905 Orrin Elmore Stanley, 1901 Frank Elmus Stanley, 1906 William James Sullivan, 1907 Gorham Andrew Taylor, 1903 Ross Kerr Tiffany, 1907 Benjamin Arthur Wakefield, 1903 Albert Mynard Walker, 1909 Joseph Doman Wardle, 1903 Arthur Birdseye Warner, 1896 George Guy Wheat, 1908 Albert Joel Wheeler, 1905 CORNELL COLLEGE 103 Buell Hancock Keeler, 1908 Fred Meyer Kettenring, 1905 Walter R. Kettenring, 1907 Howard Stephen Williams, 1907 Charles Taylor Wilson, 1899 HONORARY DEGREES DOCTOR OF LAWS * William B. Allison, 1887 Joseph Flintoft Berry, 1904 Edgar Truman Brackett, 1898 * Samuel Calvin, 1904 Robert Gordon Cousins, 1904 Albert Baird Cummins, 1904 James Roscoe Day, 1904 Edward Thomas Devine, 1904 John F. Dillon, 1862 Granville Mellen Dodge, 1904 * Jonathan P. Dolliver, 1902 George Elliott, 1904 Horace Emerson Deemer, 1904 * Cyrus D. Foss, 1879 Hamline Hurlburt Freer, 191 i James Elliott Harlan, 1904 * David B. Henderson, 1899 William Peters Hepburn, 1904 Edmund J. James, 1902 Wilson Seeley Lewis, 1908 Eben Wever Martin, 1904 William Fraser McDowell *W. J. McGee, 1901 * James D. Mendenhall, 1888 Thomas Nicholson, 1907 Charles Andrew Pollock, 1908 Thaddeus A. Reamy, 1890 Henry Sabin, 1894 Leslie M. Shaw, 1899 Samuel G. Smith, 1898 Erastus Burroughs Soper, 1904 Homer Clyde Stuntz, 1911 Marion Talbott, 1904 Samuel R. VanSant, 1904 Silas M. Weaver, 1907 James Wilson, 1904 1904 DOCTOR OF LETTERS Tuley F. M. Huntington, 1912 James Carleton Young, 1909 DOCTOR OF MUSIC Henry Purmont Eames, 1906 Charles Walthall Morrison, 1910 DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY J, C. W. Coxe, 1876 Edward Thompson, 1881 DOCTOR OF DIVINITY J. B. Albrook, 1891 Hugh Dowling Atchison, 1904 Robert Bagnall, 1905 * William F. Barclay, 1897 Harry Albert Bassett, 1912 Thomas J. Bassett, 1903 George Hugh Birney, 1909 * George B. Bowman, 1882 *John Bowman, 1891 Dan Freeman Bradley, 1904 Franklin E. Brooke, 1909 Dillon Bronson, 1900 Solon C. Bronson, 1904 Fletcher Brown, 1904 William W. Carlton, 1903 F. B. Cherrington, 1888 Robert Thomas Chipperfield, 1913 DeWitt Clinton, 1904 Frank Cole, 1909 *Luke Hitchcock, 1863 Rollo Franklin Hurlburt, 1900 John Edward Johnson, 1913 W. H. Jordan, 1896 David Kay, 1883 *A. B. Kendig, 1885 * George Henry Kennedy, 1912 Alpha G. Kynett, 1898 Wilson Seeley Lewis, 1904 Wilson Edward Manly, 1913 C. C. McLean, 1893 William E. McLennan, 1902 Bennett Mitchell, 1890 Lemuel Herbert Murlin, 1897 R. D. Parsons, 1890 W. O. Pierce, 1878 William Franklin Pitner, 1904 H. O. Pratt, 1896 Nathaniel Pye, 1904 104 CORNELL COLLEGE Frank M. Coleman, 1898 Earl Cranston, 1881 Isaac Crook, 1875 Lewis Curts, 1889 Harvey Rufus DeBra, 19 10 * Thomas M. Eddy, i860 Frederic Carl Eiselen, 1906 David H. Ela, 1876 George Elliott, 1892 Thomas Martin Evans, 1905 * Stephen N. Fellows, 1871 J. E. Gilbert, 1884 Merritt A. Goodell, 1907 Elmer Thomas Gruwell, 1911 Benjamin S. Haywood, 1904 Edgar James Helms, 191 i * Henry W. Reed, 1873 *J. H. Rigby, 1887 F. H. Sanderson, 1894 Merle Negley Smith, 1908 * Richard Swearington, 1893 * Fayette L. Thompson, 1903 John Brownlee Trimble, 1898 J. A. Ward, 1891 Sylvanus B. Warner, 1895 * David H. Wheeler, 1867 George W. White, 1896 Herbert S. Wilkinson, 1907 W. G. Williams, 1886 John Williamson, 1882 George Young, 1878 MASTER OF ARTS Charles E. Albrook, 1904 Frank H. Armstrong, 1904 *R. C. Barrett, 1895 Amy Boggs, 1904 * Isaac H. Bunn, 1873 * Samuel Calvin, 1875 Orange H. Cessna, 1901 Joe Mitchell Chapple, 1904 C. H. Churchill, 1895 Joseph Clark, 1907 F. W. Coleman, 1891 Harriette J. Cooke, 1859 Benjamin C. Cory, 1902 *W. W. Cressy, 1896 William John Dickman, 1904 Albert J. Farrah, 1906 Ophelia Forward, 1879 John O. Foster, 1881 Frank Benjamin Gault, 1897 * Susan E. Hale, 1859 Eli as Handy, 1904 Belle Hanna, 1904 Harry Howard Hanna, 1905 Adam Holm, 1878 George M. Irwin, 1873 * Alfred K. Johnson, 1879 William F. Johnston, 1904 Luther Lorenzo Lockard, 1903 Frank L. Loveland, 1904 J. E. E. Markley, 1904 Charles Landon Martin, 1908 Wilbur McKaig, i860 Nelson Asel Mershon, 1905 Lucy Rider Meyer, 1904 * Charles A. Page, 1866 James M. Parsons, 1902 Joseph Price, 1889 Henry Harrison Rood, 1900 A. C. Ross, 1890 William Frederick RosSj 1896 Eugene Secor, 1904 Cato Sells, 1898 F. J. Sessions, 1895 Frank P. Shaffer, 1904 Edward C. Shankland, 1904 WlLLARD COLDREN STUCKSLAGER, 1904 Phoebe W. Sudlow, 1878 George W. Tanneyhill, 18 91 Thomas Tobin, 1879 Lydia A. Trimble, 1904 James A. VanAnda, 1883 * David H. Wheeler, 1858 MASTER OF SCIENCE Isaac T. Webster, 1876 5. ASSOCIATED SCHOOLS GRADUATES OF THE CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Ella Albright (Olmstead) Mattie Alexander (Cook) Mary Ambrose (Elwell) Emma L. Anderson (Blake) Addie Angell (Pulver) (1254) Marie Josephine Annen Josephine S. Arney Amy Ash (Mossman) (794) George Backus Bertha Bangs Gertrude Bartholomew (Updegraff) May Bauman (Kyle) Cora M. Beels (Beels) (280) Ada Berryman (Doner) Anne C. Bittinger (Little) Mary Blair (Hurlburt) Clara E.Boardman(Ganfield) (695) Mae Bowles (Reed) Lucy Moody Boyd (1089) Mabel Shirer (Boyd) Clara Brackett (Smith) (Spear) Ava Brinck Ada E. Brown Clara E. Brown (Martin) (696) Elzoe Brown Maude Browning Edith M. Burd (Flanders) Laura Daisy Burd Rose B. Christianson Gail Clemmer (513) F. Eloise Coates (Barber) Rose Edith Conrad (Annen) Albert William Cords Mary Catherine Cruson Minnie E. Daggett Dorothy Daniel Luella M. Daniel (Yoran) Pickett Davidson Kate Davies Lucie A. Dodd Nellie Dove (Shaw) Mabel L. Dunbar (Carr) Essie Eberhart (Diamond) Clara Belle Eckert Blanche A. Elder (Boardman) Eva E. Ellsworth Anna Elwood (Wright) Piano 1886 Boone, la. Piano 1883 Webster City, la. Piano 1883 Deceased. Voice, Piano 1 1894 Avance, S. D. Piano 1907 Delhi, la. Piano 1912 Chicago, 111. Piano 1887 Albion, la. Piano 1895 Taunton, Mass. Piano 1887 Los Angeles, Cal. Voice 1891 Carroll, la. Piano 1894 Swarthmore, Pa. Voice 1889 Omaha, Nebr. Piano 1889 Norfolk, Nebr. Piano 1904 Conrad, la. Voice 1884 Freeport, 111. Piano 1883 Marshalltown, la. Voice 1897 Waukesha, Wis. Piano 1887 Crete, Nebr. Violin 1905 Mt. Vernon, la. Voice 1906 Mt. Vernon, la. Piano 1881 Mt. Vernon, la. Piano 1913 Boise, Ida. Piano 1887 Postville, la. Piano 1897 Osage, la. Piano 1898 Springville, la. Voice 1913 Mt. Vernon, la. Voice 1892 Deceased. Piano 1903 Lisbon, la. Piano 1894 Norway, la. Piano 1892 Deceased. Piano 1903 Spencer, la. Piano 1884 Chicago, 111. Voice, Pi anc » 1898 Chicago, 111. Voice 1913 Guthrie Center, la. Piano 1906 Conrad, la. Voice 1912 Traer, la. Voice 1894 Deceased. Piano 1883 Winfield, la. Piano 1884 Clear Lake, la. Piano 1903 Mt. Vernon, la. Piano 1891 Parkston, S. D. Voice, Pi anc » 1894 Center Point, la. Voice 1887 1888 Cardington, 0. Piano 1892 Marshalltown, la. Piano 1889 Waverly, la. Voice 1895 Deceased. io6 CORNELL COLLEGE Etta Evans Lizzie Ferguson Grace F. Foote John DeWalt Fouse Olive Fulton (Nimocks) (518) Anita C. Funk (Wheeler) Bertha M. Gauby (Fouse) Blanche Gibboney (DeBey) Anna Gilbert Ella F. Godfrey Eugene Guild Florella Goudy Ethel Nellie Graham (Mason) Ida Grimm (Daniels) Grace Augusta Hale (Towne) Sadie Hale (Williams) Edward S. Handley Charles C. Hawley (668) Jessie Velma Hecht Grace Lillian Heilman (Hunter) Clara J. Henton (Hayes) Jeanette E. Hews (1158) Pearl Hill (Blue) Mary E. Hockett Eleanor Houts Mima Elizabeth Howson Etta Hull Leola Iorns Maggie Johnson (Lee) Alice Keedick (Clock) Erne Keedick Bess Kentner (Koeneman) Birdie M. Kepler (Wilson) Birdie M. Kepler (Wilson) Clara Estelle Kepler (Slaughter) Hattie O. Kepler (Jones) Ella Kettering (Johnston) Leta Kinney Byrd Kinsey Emma L. Lawrence (Larrabee) Gertrude Lawrence Kate Liddle Hazel Linderman Alida E. Locke (Shirk) Horace G. Lozier (1354) Chloe Macy (Davis) Adah B. Madison Alden Doc McArthur Ada McKee (Huntington) Minnie Melchert (White) Horace Alden Miller Bessie E. Morin (Mclndoe) Mary Motheral (Hale) Lucia P. Nichols (Chubbuck) Leila Niles Elva E. Nissly (Dawson) Loretta Nye (Wiswall) Voice 1907 Cedar Rapids, la. Piano 1900 Ida Grove, la. Piano 1899 Estherville, la. Voice 1896 Lisbon, la. Piano 1890 Ottumwa, la. Voice, Pianc < 1894 Dubuque, la. Piano 1897 Lisbon, la. Piano 1907 Orange City, la. Voice 1884 Wyoming, la. Piano 1888 Chicago, 111. Piano 1881 Conrad, la. Voice 1882 Mt. Vernon, la. Voice, Pianc ( 1891 Deceased. Piano 1886 Madison, S. Dak. Piano 1889 Chicago, 111. Piano 1897 Cedar Rapids, la. Voice 1889 Solon, la. Voice 1897 Cape Girardeau, Mo. Piano 1889 Tipton, la. Piano 1896 Des Moines, la. Voice 1888 Elk River, Minn. Piano 1906 Rockwell City, la. Piano 1902 Cedar Rapids, la. Piano 1895 Toledo, la. Piano T9o6 Vinton, la. Piano 1911 Mt. Vernon, la. Piano 1900 Dunlap, la. Piano 1887 Mt. Vernon, la. Piano 1882 DeWitt, la. Piano 1889 Brooklyn, N. Y. Piano 1886 Mt. Vernon, la. Voice 1897 Eldora, la. Voice 1889 Mt. Vernon, la. Piano 1892 Mt. Vernon, la. Piano 1884 Voice 1891 Evanston, 111. Voice 1896 Deceased. Piano 1900 Lancaster, Wis. Piano 1889 San Francisco, Cal. Piano 1889 Voice, Piano 1 901 Magnolia, la. Voice 1887 Munich, Germany. Piano 1910 Estherville, la. Voice, Piano 1889 Des Moines, la. Piano 1891 Chicago, 111. Piano 1898 Starbuck, Manitoba, Canada. Piano 1891 Deceased. Piano 1887 Deceased. Piano 1892 Los Altos, Cal. Piano 1886 Chicago, 111. Piano,Organ 1896 Mt. Vernon, la. Voice 1886 Deceased. Piano 1893 Sioux Rapids, la. Voice 1895 Deceased. Piano 1906 Jefferson, la. Piano 1912 Fremont, la. Piano 1886 Los Angeles, Cal. CORNELL COLLEGE 107 Myrtie B. Ormsby (Consigney) Margaret Owen (Fouse) Marie Pearson (Peekham) Etta Peaslee Ida Peck Olga Wilhelmina Peters Myrtle Iola Phifer Alice Elizabeth Platner (884) Sadie Piatt (Jones) Ruth Llewellen Power Leslie Ray Putnam (1445) Margaret Little Quist Agnes A. Randall Nellie L. Ray (Stanbery) Arthur C. Reeder Gladys Rigby (1634) Laura Fraser Ristine Carrie Roberts (Boothe) Nellie Robinson (Kelley) Luella Rood Jessie Lois Safely (645) Elna Sanderson (Rohwedder) Hattie L. Sargent Elizabeth Sarvay (Brinkman) Clara L. Schoonmaker Lillian V. Shirer (Ferreby) Alice Smith (Moore) Clara Smith (Potter) Julia S. Smith (Squires) Neva Rebecca Smith Vera Smith (Kempf) Marie F. Southwick Helen I. Stocker Ada Floy Temby Mary A. Treat (Esgate) John B. Trowbridge (653) Daisey Alice Wareham (Pace) Fannie J. Waterbury Mary Webb (Wilson) (453) Mabel Webber (Benton) Elsie West (Gorham) (543) Leila M. West Lucy Wheeler (Bennett) Edna Clare White Jessie Wilson (Townsend) Maud Wilson (Hare) Myrtle Wilson Cora E. Wishard (Ruggles) Grace W. Wolfe (Johnson) Jean Lillis Young Annola Florence Wright Mabel C. Wyant (Illingsworth) Eva M. Zollinger (Cressler) (790) Maude M. Aldrich (1082) Mary B. Allen (Sherwood) Janette Barnes Piano 1888 Los Angeles, Cal. Voice 1896 Denver, Col. Piano 1896 Lawrence, Kans. Piano 1895 LeClaire, la. Voice 1897 York, Nebr. Piano 1913 Baldwin, la. Voice 1894 Waterloo, la. Piano 1897 Mt. Vernon, la. Piano 1893 Deceased. Piano 1913 Mt. Vernon, la. Voice 1909 Evanston, 111. Voice 1898 Reynolds, 111. Voice, Piano 1891 Great Falls, Mont. Piano 1884 Mason City, la. Voice 1891 Tipton, la. Piano 1912 East Greenwich, R. I Voice 1895 Mt. Vernon, la. Piano 1895 Cedar Rapids, la. Piano 1902 Oklahoma City, Okl, Piano 1893 Deceased. Piano 1896 Deceased. Piano 1911 Lost Nation, la. Piano 1891 Mt. Vernon, la. Voice 1899 Waterloo, la. 1887 West Union, la. Piano 1894 Humboldt, la. Piano 1902 Dunlap, la. Voice 1882 Los Angeles, Cal. 1888 New York City. Piano 1910 Iowa City, la. Piano 1909 Pauls Valley, Okl. Piano 1897 Wells, Minn. Voice 1889 Logan, la. Piano 1895 Manitou, Col. Piano 1884 Marion, la. Voice 1894 Chicago, 111. Piano 1895 Toledo, la. Piano 1892 Cedar Falls, la. Voice 1888 Mt. Vernon, la. Piano 1883 Deceased. Voice 1893 Snohomish, Wash. Piano 1907 Mt. Vernon, la. Piano 1893 Cedar Falls, la. Piano 1896 Nevada, la. Voice, Pianc » 1895 Center Point, la. Piano 1891 Minneapolis, Minn. Voice 1895 Center Point, la. 1887 Oak Park, 111. Piano 1906 York, Nebr. Piano 1909 Los Angeles, Cal. Voice 1903 New York City. Voice 1889 Waterloo, la. Piano 1897 Norwood, O. THE SCHOOL OF ART 1903 Mt. Vernon, la. 1900 Blairstown, la. 1891 Mt. Auburn, la. io8 CORNELL COLLEGE Mabel Bloomer Mary M. Burgin Alice L. Burton Floyd V. Brackney Wilda E. Chace Althea Chase Isabel E, Campbell Nina Courson Rachel M. Dolph (Davis) Edith E. Elliott Laura J. Ellsworth Warren C. Fisher Jennie L. Fitch Edna Luella Francis (Kern) Verna Scott Frederick (1477) Alma Estella Hahn (Cooley) Harvey G. Hays (599) Clara L. Helberg Stella T. Henderson Rose Ella Howard Lillian Huggins Lena Mae Hull Kittie M. Jordan (Jordan) Emma Kempthorne (Haesler) Ora Blanche Kibler (Coe) (824) Julia E. King (Mathews) (410) Mae Kirchner Lora A. Klise Emma Lawrence (Larrabee) Lotta Liquin Blanche M. McMillin Bernice McMurrin Lois J. Mitchell (Mitchell) Elsie C. Odell Eveline Ormrod (Lewis) Elizabeth Parrott Susie E. Phifer Elva M. Rathbun Etta Rowley Irene Scofield (Hull) Susie F. Sower Bertha S. Stacy (Hejinian) Sadie Varley Mary Anna West (Kirk) William W. White Jessie Wilcox (Coleman) (1312) Alice A. Williams Edith Williamson (Bice> Laura M. Winnard Maud M. Worrall (1194) George Matthew Allee (851) Maye Baker (Wheat) Rose Evelyn Baker (907) Alice L. Bate (1198) Alfred Raymond Berry (1085) 1910 Joy, 111. 1900 Spencer, la. 1892 Cedar Rapids, la. 1911 Clemons, la. 1907 Stanton, Nebr. 1888 Schaller, la. 1907 Bismarck, N. D. 1905 Clarion, la. 1904 Omaha, Neb. 1907 Woodward, la. 1897 Iowa Falls, la. 1904 Hillsdale, Wyo. 1889 Deceased. 1907 Muscatine, la. 1911 Rock Falls, 111. 1907 Clinton, la. 1895 Chicago, 111. 1900 Anamosa, la. 1905 Lake Mills, la. 1891 Cedar Rapids, la. 1891 Anamosa, la. 1903 Dunlap, la. 1896 Grand Mound, la. 1897 Douglas, Wyo. 1900 Woodbine, la. 1888 New York City. 1900 Peterson, la. 1895 Clarinda, la. 1889 1 901 Livingston, Mont. 1907 Lost Nation, la. 1913 Anamosa, la. 1900 Mt. Vernon, la. 1907 Corning, la. 1908 Fort Collins, Col. 1906 Waterloo, la. 1888 Denver, Colo. 1903 Kingsley, la. 1896 Long Beach, Cal. 1905 Charles City, la. 1888 Marsh alltown, la. 1891 Anamosa, la. 1900 Stuart, la. 1888 Morris, Minn. 1905 Marion, la. 1905 Maricopa, Cal. 1888 Mt. Vernon, la. 1900 Poppenish, Wash. 1910 Mt. Vernon, la. 1906 Mt. Vernon, la. 5CHOO] L OF ORATORY 1 901 Newell, la. 1895 Saratoga Springs, N. Y. 1902 Mt. Vernon, la. 1907 Berkeley, Cal. 1905 Mt. Vernon, la. CORNELL COLLEGE 109 Martha Luella Boardman (618) Charles Ernest Bo wen (743) Arthur James Braginton (744) Sara Alice Brown (798) Mabel Emma Carlton (1592) Martha Miller Carpenter Clara Carson (Bair) Jessie May Carson (Mickey) (800) Belle S. Cole (Stanley) Bessie Juliet Crary (622) OUie Dickinson (Wilkinson) (699) Hazel Huhn Ege (1601) Mabel Alice Ferris (Keedick) (1102 Hazel Lu Felthouse (Smith) (1336) Harriet Luella Fields Charles M. Foell (555) Lois Evelyn Foster (Harper) Edna Mae Fox (1048) Fred F. Frost (758) Clara Fry (Cutshall) Archimedes Edward Fuller (630) Lucile Furnas (1275) Frances Furnas (Goodell) (926) Sarah Maude Gable (Brinck) (976) Noah Cadwallader Gause (807) Ruth Ethyl Graham Elmer T. Gruwell (632) Eugenie Edith Hanna (Robertson) (8 Mae Hartshorn (Christianson) Raymond Peter Ink (670) Lee Leonard Keedick (1161) Mott Keislar (764) Rebecca Kempthorne (Lambert) Sarah Louise Kent (Atwood) (1227) Jane Lewis (Smith) (1163) Vinnie Letts Jessie Maude Lickel (990) Scott Henry Lilly (672) Mina Loew Alice Heathcote McElrath (1166) Ernest L. McEwen (567) Fred Mahannah (715) Ethel Marie Meyer (Locke) Eva Stanhope Mickey (766) Clara Millar (Robertson) (936) Miles Ernest Mitchell (639) Lois E. Poyneer (1293) Edna Olive Randall (1632) David Rankin (1181) Louanna Reeder (Zerkle) (609) Elsie Rigby (Maxwell) (492) Mary Alice Robinson Flora E. Scott (Rigby) George Beal Sheets (721) Roberta D. Sheets (1376) Cora Lydia Sherk (Roberts) (1065) 1896 Deceased. 1899 Oklahoma City, Okl. 1899 Deceased. 1900 Chicago, 111. 1913 Mt. Vernon, la. 1896 Deceased. 1895 Omaha, Nebr. 1899 Osceola, Nebr. 1894 Deceased. 1896 Los Angeles, Cal. 1898 Pierre, S. D. 1913 Mt. Vernon, la. ) 1905 New York City. 1909 Des Moines, la. 1894 Colfax, la. 1894 Chicago, 111. 1897 Twin Falls, Ida. 1904 Quincy, 111. 1899 Des Moines, la. 1904 El Paso, Tex. 1896 Seattle, Wash. 1908 Webster Groves, Mo. 1 901 Guthrie, Okl. 1903 Boise, Ida. 1898 Berkeley, Cal. 1903 Manchester, la. 1895 Wilsall, Mont. 13) 1899 Bella Vista, Monterey, Mexico. 1901 Walford, la. 1896 Mt. Vernon, la. 1906 New York City. 1899 Phalera, Rajaputana, India. 1895 Des Moines, la. 1907 Corvallis, Ore. 1906 Cedar Rapids, la. 1908 Letts, la. 1903 Los Angeles, Cal. 1897 Takoma Park, D. C. 1900 LeMars, la. 1906 Highland Park, 111. 1894 Evanston, 111. 1897 Des Moines, la. 1 901 Kensett, la. 1899 Osceola, Nebr. 1902 Ottumwa, la. 1896 La Feria, Tex. 1907 Deceased. 1896 Syracuse, N. Y. 1906 North Yakima, Wash. 1895 Strathmore, Canada. 1895 Mt. Vernon, la. 1897 Hampton, la. 1895 Independence, la. 1898 Lisbon, la. 1909 Pittsburg, Kans. 1901 La Grange, 111. no CORNELL COLLEGE Mabel Shirer (Boyd) Howard Edward Simpson (647) Merle Negley Smith (579) Anna H olden Smyth (Eick) (1132) Hazel Alice Stillman John Henry Stover (614) Hallie I. Sullivan (Chase) (1133) Jesse Milton Tallman (680) Olive Taylor (681) Edith Turner Nellie C. Walker Mabel Clair Wallace (Huston) (847) Gail F. West (Hull) (1382) Ernest Cattron Wheeler (585) Winifred Maude Williams (732) Laura Etta Willix (Merritt) (849) Frederick C. Witzigman (788) Grace Greenwood Wolfe (687) Samuel Edward Yaggy (617) 1895 Mt. Vernon, la. 1896 Grand Forks, N. D. 1894 Colorado Springs, Col. 1906 Marshalltown, la. 1905 Waukon, la. 1895 Chicago, 111. 1904 Irricana, Alberta, Can. 1897 Cedar Rapids, la. 1897 Los Angeles, Cal. 1899 Ainsworth, Nebr. 1902 Atlantic, la. 1900 Carrington, N. D. 1908 Springfield, Mo. 1894 Taeoma, Wash. 1897 Lake Mills, la. 1900 Mt. Vernon^ la. 1899 Iowa Falls, la. 1897 Mt. Vernon, la. 1895 Wendell, Ida. 6. INDEX OF ALUMNI JS^ included in the following list also those upon whom advanced degrees only have been conferred and in such case the degree is given before the name. The number before a name refers to the Alumni record where the numbering is consecu- ;t 75? " umerals after the names indicate the year of graduation or of the confer- ring of the degree. The names of married women are indexed under both the maiden and the married name and in the latter case the maiden name is given in parenthesis. A change of plan m the treatment of the names of married women in the other parts of the book after the index was prepared, makes the use of the parenthesis here, appear uniform. The Table of Contents on page 5 will serve as an index to the matter outside of the alumni. NO. YEAR 737 Abbott, Clinton P 1899 738 Abbott, Emma (Ahlbrecht) ... 1899 164 Abbott, Fred M . 1877 205 Abdill, Gertrude (Bunnell) ... 1880 429 Adams, Annie G 1891 1146 Adams, Charles Forrest 1906 727 Adams, Ida (Van Buskirk) . . .1898 1033 Adams, Laura 1904 1520 Adams, Olive WI 1912 346 Addoms, George S 1888 1 081 Adebar, Frederick W 1905 738 Ahlbrecht, Emma 1899 1 1 1 Aiken, Gertrude (Mason) 1872 82 Akers, John W 1870 74 Akers, Mary (Platner) . 1869 25 Albright, Henrietta 1865 83 Albright, Imogene 1870 165 Albright, Louis B 1877 22 Albright, Louisa 1864 166 Albright, William H 1877 791 Albrook, Agnes 1900 128 Albrook, Charles E 1874 84 Albrook, J. Burleigh 1870 589 Albrook, Luella M 1895 590 Alden, Frederick S 1895 430 Alden, Herbert W 1891 505 Alden, William C 1893 117 Aldrich, Emma F 1873 1082 Aldrich, Maude M 1905 431 Alexander, David R 1891 496 Alexander, Margaret (Soper).. 1892 688 Alexander, Matie 1898 689 Alexander, Nellie 1898 1 194 Alexander, Susan 1907 851 Allee, George M 1901 658 Allen, Elizabeth H 1897 1371 Allen, Else (Rettinghouse) 1909 1253 Allen, Louise 1908 EL.d. Allinson, W. B 1887 1083 Allshouse, Henry 1905 237 Ammom, Charles G 1883 1458 Anderson, Benton R 191 1 1024 Anderson, Emma (Wardle) . . . 1903 1521 Anderson, Grace H . ..1912 904 Anderson, Huldah 1902 1034 Anderson, Jean E 1904 690 Anderson, Karl E 1898 739 Andrews, Elva C 1899 48 Andrews, Josias J 1868 1254 Angell, Addie M 1908 955 Annis, Homer B 1903 455 Arbingast, Will E 1892 792 Arble, Ethel 1900 307 Arbuckle, John W 1886 956 Archer, Olive G 1903 905 Archer, Sarah E 1902 1035 Archer, William J 1904 1314 Armistead, Belle M 1909 450 Armstrong, Blanche (Swing- ley) 1891 A.M. Armstrong, Frank H. 1904 N0 - YEAR 793 Armstrong, Frank J 1900 1585 Armstrong, W. Bruce 191 3 740 Artman, Harry W 1899 794 Ash, Amy i 9 oo 103 Ash, Augustus T 1872 394 Ash, Eugene H 1890 395 Ash, Harry C 1890 407 Ash, Mary ((Fuller) 1890 d.d. Atchison, H. D 1904 1227 Atwood, Sarah (Kent) 1907 1 196 Atwood, Winfred M 1907 1425 Auckland, Ethel (Jayne) 1910 906 Auracher, Charles E 1902 d.d. Bagnall, Robert 1905 1390 Bailey, Bert S 1910 932 Bailor, Anna (Little) 1902 129 Baird, John W 1874 256 Baird, William S 1884 795 Baker, Clara H 1900 1255 Baker, Clyde ^E 1908 1256 Baker, Earle A 1908 852 Baker, Edna A 1901 1257 Baker, Ella G 1908 1306 Baker, Grace (Terrill) 1908 22^ Baker, Joanna 1882 1258 Baker, Lyman A 1908 1259 Baker, Marguerite A 1908 1314 Baker, Norma Blanche ...1909 907 Baker, Rose E 1902 691 Baker, Walter D '. 1898 1586 Baker, William N 1913 506 Ballz, James 1893 308 Bancroft, Henrietta A 1886 130 Barclay, W. F 1874 1197 Bargelt, Hal D.. 1907 95 Bargelt, Henry S 1871 692 Barhite, Flora A 1898 1459 Barker, Ada M 191 1 591 Barker, Milton R.„ 1895 908 Barkley, Alonzo J 1902 957 Barnes, Alexander J 1903 592 Barr, Bertram J 1895 1587 Barr, Edith L 1913 1315 Barr, Maude L 1909 a.m. Barrett, R. C 1895 958 Barrette, Ada S 1903 959 Barrette, Lydia M 1903 507 Bartholomew, Isaac A 1893 1316 Barton, Mabel V 1909 432 Bassett, Harry A 1891 497 Bassett, Jennie (Sumner) 1892 438 Bassett, Nettie (Kepler) 1891 508 Bassett, Thaddeus S 1893 659 Batcheller, John W 1897 741 Batcheller, Walter B 1899 1 198 Bate, Alice L 1907 1 199 Bate, Clara M 1907 329 Bateman, George A 1887 347 Bateman, Hiram 1888 396 Bauman, George C 1890 947 Bayard, Mary (Stanley) 1902 112 CORNELL COLLEGE 1084 Beadle, Jenna C . 1905 1391 Beadle, Joseph T ._. .1910 1147 Bebb, Hannah Louise 1906 757 Beck, Lillian (Forest) 1899 1392 Beck, Lillian M 1910 182 Becker, Clara (Cooley) 1879 1036 Beechley, Edgar H 1904 156 Beechley, Nathaniel K 1876 3 Beede, Sarah E 1859 280 Beels, Cora A 1885 280 Beels, Cora (Beels) ...1885 710 Beer, Jessie (Hutchinson) .... 1898 1260 Belknap, Lillian 1908 1 148 Bellamy, Herbert 1906 971 Bellamy, Lucy (Doron) 1903 960 Bellamy, Paul E 1903 853 Bennett, Harry B.. 1901 1522 Bennett, J. Gardner 1912 854 Bentley, Kathryne 190 1 1460 Bernhardt, Albert W 191 1 1588 Berninghausen, Fred W 1913 1085 Berry, Alfred R 1905 904 Berry, Huldah (Anderson) ... 1902 LL.d. Berry, J. F 1904 1572 Berry, Nellie (Snyder) 1912 1 74 Berryman, Asa W 1878 1261 Berryman, Ruth L 190S 1461 Best, Howard C ...1911 1200 Betts, Anna Freelove 1907 742 Betts, George H 1899 961 Beyer, Fleck W 1903 1 31 7 Bickenbach, Edgar E 1909 509 Billings, Edna E .. • • • 1893 547 Billings, Ellen 1894 1086 Billings, Roy E 1905 1393 Billingsley, Paul R 1910 1375 Bird, Mary (Sells) 1909 1 3 18 Bird, Verne A 1909 37 Birdsall, Genia 1867 1037 Birdsall, Katheryne G . • 1904 d.d. Birney, G. H. 1909 1589 Bishop, Luanna M 1913 330 Bishop, Samuel D 1887 456 Bissell, Fsther L 1892 657 Bittle, Bertha (Wenger) 1896 1560 Bittle, Pearl (Mauch) 1912 510 Bittle, Thomas W 1893 1462 Black, Helen A 191 1 281 Black, J. Fred 1885 1590 Black, Vera A 1913 1087 Blackwell, Guy 1905 693 Blackwell, Katherine Blanche. 1898 309 Blair, John H .......1886 1319 Blake, Charles R 1909 224 Blank, Thomas Linus 1882 1320 Bleeker, Irvin B 1909 694 Bloom, John B 1898 528 Blue, Eva (McCoy) 1893 909 Blue, John D 1902 457 Blue, Leonard A 1892 796 Blue, Robert B 1900 458 Boardman, Chas. H. E ... 1892 695 Boardman, Clara 1898 618 Boardman, Martha L 1896 977 Boardway, Ruth (Graham) 1903 1 149 Bock, Carl A 1906 1201 Bogart, Gertrude E 1907 1 1 50 Bogart, Nell S 1906 331 Boggs, Amy 1887 131 Boggs, William 1874 148 Bohner, Mary (Jones) ........ .1875 225 Boies, Earl L. . . 18*82 459v Boling, Coella O 1892 1202 Bolton, Dora Cornelia 1907 460 Bolton, Lee C ....1892 962 Bonebrake, Carrie 1903 870 Borkey, Anna (Kent) 1901 1 151 Bosworth, Leroy T 1906 1203 Bosworth, Rhey C 1907 1 1 52 Botts, Mabel Lulu 1906 1523 Bowder, Henrietta 1912 282 Bowder, Henry J 1885 743 Bowen, Charles F 1899 1088 Bowen, Eugene R, 1905 910 Bowen, G. Glen 1902 1 193 Bowen, Katherine (Witzig- man) 1906 397 Bowles, Mae 1890 1 153 Bowman, Bert 1906 d.d. Bowman, G. B .••.•■ 1882 26 Bowman, George M 1865 d.d. Bowman, John 1891 461 Bowman, Harold F 1892 797 Boyd, Clifford M 1900 1089 Boyd, Lucy M ...1905 257 Boyd, Luella 1884 1038 Boyd, William Walter 1904 38 Brackett, Anna K 1867 104 Brackett, Edgar T 1872 1090 Brackett, Frank J 1905 1257 Bradford, Ella (Baker) -..1908 r262 Bradford, Lewis A 1908 d.d. Bradley, D. F ._^. 1904 1321 Bradley, Earl D 1909 1524 Bradley, Raymond J 1912 1091 Bradshaw, Grace D 1905 24 Bradshaw, Mary (Hayzlett) . . . 1864 744 Braginton, Arthur J 1899 548 Breneman, Erma 1894 619 Bretnall, George H 1896 623 Bretnall, Lulu (Curme) . . 1896 1525 Brett, Ralph F .1912 963 Brinck, Dana E 1903 976 Brinck, Sara (Gable) 1903 204 Brihdell, Charles A 1880 226 Brockman, David C 1882 210 Bromwell, James E .'. .1881 258 Bronson, Dillon 1884 d.d. Bronson, Solon C 1904 d.d. Brooke, F. E 1909 462 Brooks, Cora • • • • 1892 1 462 Brooks, Laura O 191 1 57 Brower, Maggie (Reading) . . . . 1868 146 Brown, Charles M ' 1875 463 Brown, Charles T 1892 696 Brown, Clara E 1898 283 Brown, Fletcher E 1885 398 Brown, Florence .._. . 1890 1394 Brown, Genevieve G 1910 467 Brown, Irene (Chaffee) 1892 167 Brown, Lewis Cass 1877 798 Brown, Sara A 1900 284 Brown, William H 1885 620 Brown, Will J. S 1896 179 Brown^ John A .1879 1394 Browning, Gertrude L... 1910 464 Brownson, Jason D • • • • 1892 532 Brownson, Minnie (Penman) . 1893 1526 Bruce, Iva E 1912 511 Bruce, Preston P 1893 1092 Bruett, Emma 1905 1464 Bryant, Lucy 1911 892 Buck, Delia (Simpson) 1901 310 Buechele, Jacob L 1886 465 Buffington, Emma 1892 a.m. Bunn, I. H 1873 205 Bunnell, Gertrude 1880 371 Burge, Ethelda .".1889 664 Burgess, Letta (Dixon) 1897 797 Burr, Clifford (Boyd) 1900 39 Burr, Flora J 1867 168 Burr, Mary F 1877 40 Burr, Wm. A 1867 1093 Bush, Minnie May 1905 132 Bushnell, Albert N ....1874 745 Cable, Elmer M 1899 799 Cable, Emmett J. 1900 372 Cadmus, Wm. E 1889 INDEX 113 244 Caldwell, Fannie (Gates) .... .1883 1591 Calkins, Leroy A ._. 1913 u,.o. Calvin S 1904 776 Cameron, Grace (Rigby) 1899 621 Campbell, Herbert G ....1896 641 Campbell, Pearl (Reeder) . . . . . 1896 625 Capper, Amy (Dougherty) .... 1896 118 Carhart, Albert E ....1873 1039 Carhart, Chas. O j.1904 697 Carhart, Edward B 1898 1527 Carhart, Forrest 1912 105 Carhart, Lester B 1872 1263 Carlson, Pearl G 1908 1592 Carlton, Mabel E 1913 285 Carlton, W. W r. 1885 596 Carpenter, Ethel (Fairlamb) . . 1895 286 Carpenter, Nancy J 1885 466 Carr, Wm. J , 1892 516 Carrier, Estelle (Ellison) 1893 1094 Carson, Alys B 1905 1528 Carson, Earl 1912 800 Carson, Jessie 1900 465 Carter, Emma (Buffington) . . . 1892 1264 Carver, Martin I, 1908 60 Cattron, Eva 1869 1 Cavanagh, Matthew 1858 2 Cavanagh, Mary (Fellows) 1858 a.m. Cessna, O. H 1901 467 Chaffee, Irene 1892 399 Chaffee, Franklin M 1890 746 Chaffee, Orlyn L .1899 912 Chamberlain, Alonzo W 1902 1322 Chamberlain, Cora ....1909 855 Chambers, Helen 1901 400 Chandler, Mary Mcintosh 1890 a.m. Chappie, J. M 1904 549 Charlton, Thomas B 1894 964 Charters, Mary E 1903 1529 Chassell, Clara F 1912 1530 Chassell, Laura M 1912 287 Chase, Augustus L 1885 238 Chase, Ruluf A 1883 1202 Cheney, Dora (Bolton) 1907 1095 Cheney, Harrison O 1905 1096 Cheney, Katherine 1905 1097 Cheney, Mary 1905 1204 Cheney, Laura 1907 1205 Cheney, Orpha 1907 58 Cherrington, Carrie (Reed) ... 1868 d.d. Cherrington, F. B 1888 288 Cherry, Joseph B 1885 401 Chipperfield, Robt. T 1890 1330 Christie, Bertha (Draper) 1909 1323 Christie, Walter G 1909 550 Chubbuck, Aaron B. P 1894 4 Chubbuck, Mary A 1859 a.m. Churchill, C. H 1895 856 Churchill, Howard R 1901 1055 Cies, Nina (Holmes) 1904 1098 Clark, Fred J 1905 512 Clark, Lucius C 1893 1040 Clarke, John L- . . .1904 a.m. Clark, Joseph 1907 1396 Clary, Alice B 1910 348 Clemans, Carl L 1888 747 Clemans, George E 1899 801 Clemans, Gertrude 1900 289 Clemans, Hugh 1885 513 Clemmer, Gail 1893 332 Clendening, Paul 1887 72 Clingman, Anna (Meyers) 1869 85 Clingman, Stephen 1S70 200 Clinton, DeWitt 1885 180 Clinton, Martha 1879 964 Clippinger, Frances 1903 1324 Coates, Ada Belle 1909 133 Coates, Richard W 1874 291 Cobb, Marv Tane . 1885 373 Cobb, Wilbur C 1889 1397 Coe, Albert E 1910 1404 Coe, Anna (Deremer) ........ .1910 402 Coe, Edward K 1890 1398 Coe, Lauren Mortimer «_. 1910 824 Coe, Ora (Kibler) 1900 61 Coffman, James P 1869 748 Cole, Charles S 1899 d.d. Cole, Frank 1909 1325 Cole, John Wesley. .1909 227 Cole, Katherine 1882 374 Cole, Thomas S 1889 a.m. Coleman, Frank M 1891 d.d. Coleman, F. W 1898 1399 Coleman, Henry F 1910 1 3 12 Coleman, Jessie (Wilcox) 1908 912 Coleman, Lester L 1902 96 Coleman, N. Howard 1871 12 Collin, Addie 1861 28 Collin, Chloe (Matson) 1865 23 Collin, Edwin 1864 749 Collin, Mary M 1899 433 Collins, Ruth H 1891 913 Collver, Minnie .1902 593 Colton, Charles 1895 802 Colton, Cora M 1900 660 Colton, Lida 1897 857 Colton, Roy 1901 1206 Combellick, Lester A 1907 157 Congdon, Isaac E • • • 1876 1041 Conrad, Lowell E 1904 181 Conrad, Miller E 1879 1042 Cook, Elizabeth A 1904 1400 Cook, Jennie 19™ 1593 Cook, Ross A 1913 292 Cook, Thomas Newton .1885 1594 Cook, Wm. R 191 3 a.m. Cooke, Harriette i«59 182 Cooley, Clara 1879 858 Coombes, Jas. L 1901 1595 Cooper, Beatrice J ,. 1913 1531 Cooper, Millicent F 1912 1326 Cooper, Ora Belle 1909 1532 Coppess, Frank G \gi2 1261 Coppess, Ruth (Berryman). . .1908 859 Corley, Foss F 1901 403 Corn, Wilbur S 1890 a.m. Cory, B.-C 1902 49 Cory, Elizabeth 1868 97 Cory, John Wm 1871 966 Cotton, John D 1903 1265 Courson, Robert Elroy 1908 514 Courtney, Marlin W 1893 375 Cousins, Grace 1889 211 Cousins, Robert G 1881 8 Cowles, Amelia (Matthews) .. i860 1266 Cowles, David Otis . . 1908 9 Cowles, Oliver James i860 ph.d. Coxe, J. C. W ...1876 1533 Craft, Merritt S 1912 183 Cramer, Wm. Ferris 1879 1327 Cramer, William N 1909 239 Crandall, Letta 1883 240 Cranmer, Isaac W 1883 212 Cranmer, Simon H 1881 d.d. Cranston, Earl 1881 661 Crary, Archie W 1897 622 Crary, Bessie J 1896 1401 Crawford, Bartholow V 1910 967 Crawford, Beulah 1903 790 Cressler, Eva (Zollinger) 1899 a.m. Cressy, W. W 1896 914 Crim, Mary Katherine 1902 434 Cromer, Emory A 1891 d.d. Crook, Isaac -• . . 1875 915 Crouch, Marshall C 1902 404 Crouse, Harry S 1890 1402 Crowder, Cora 1910 803 Crowell, Emmett J 1900 1043 Culver, Harry C 1904 ii 4 CORNELL COLLEGE 968 IA.D. 623 1328 213 62 860 1596 259 1597 1099 1267 184 5Si 1403 468 101 900 241 916 624 1534 556 LL.D. 1008 917 260 293 311 1465 D.D. I466 294 349 119 M-.D. 312 1207 1598 918 750 751 752 940 804 1467 I404 1154 1208 333 340 1044 662 594 698 699 A.M. 515 10 663 LL.D. 78 16 664 350 969 970 242 1599 1405 IA.D. 595 1535 LL.D. 376 1329 313 971 Cummings, Ruth H 1903 Cummins, A. B 1904 Curme, Lulu 1896 Curtis, Sue 1909 Curts, John L 1881 Curts, Lewis E 1869 Cushing, Russell I, 1901 Cutshall, Elmer Guy ..^.1913 Dahm, John N! 1884 Dailey, Dew 1913 Dake, Bonnie B 1905 Dake, Morgan Harley 1908 Daly, Eugene S 1879 Damon, Albert N 1894 Daniel, Alice Janet 1910 Daniel, Nell M 1892 Davis, Ella (Rigby) 1871 Davis, Ida (Watson) 1901 Davis, John A 1883 Davis, Benjamin A 1902 Davisson, Lida 1896 Dawson, Lowell E 1912 Day, Grace (Foster) 1894 Day, James Roscoe 1904 Day, Mabel (Pye) 1903 Day, John Lewis 1902 Day, I,evi 1884 Deacon, Edwin 1885 Dean, Anna 1886 DeBra, Arthur Hayward 191 1 DeBra, H. R i 9 i DeBra, Walter H 191 1 DeButts, Clarence E 1885 DeButts, Theodore E 1888 Decker, Jennie (Emmert) ..... 1873 Deemer, H. E 1904 Delamater, Clayton E 1886 Delana, Elbert S 1907 DeLong, Edna M 1913 Demorest, Arthur J 1902 Deniston, Carlton C . . . 1899 Deniston, Gilbert 1899 Deniston, J. H 1899 Dennis, Elizabeth (Reeder) . . . 1902 Dennis, William 1900 Densmore, Lou S 191 1 Deremer, Anna M 19 10 Devendorf, Charles W „ . 1906 Devendorf, Luther Ervin." 1907 Devine, Edward T 1887 Devine, Hattie (Scovel) ..1887 Dewey, Leone 1 904 Dick, George S 1897 Dickinson, Elma 1895 Dickinson, Lester J 1898 Dickinson, Ollie 1898 Dickman, W. T .1904 Dike, Chester T , 1893 Dickson, Thomas Hogg i860 DiUey, Wesley Y 1897 Dillon, J. F 1S62 Dimmitt, Amelia (Wheeler) . . .1869 Dimmitt, Wilbur C 1862 Dixon, Letta 1897 Dixon, William G 1888 Dobson, George D 1903 Dobson, Guy E -. 1003 Dobson, Joseph O 1883 Dodd, Gertrude E 1913 Dodd, Laurence E 1910 Dodge, G. M 1904 Dodge, Lucius A. 1895 Dole, Harry Lee 191 2 Dolliver, T. P 1902 Dolliver, Victor B 1889 Doner, Marshall Lee 1909 Don Howe, Olavus 1886 Doron, Lucy 1903 134 Doron, Walter Ashley 1874 158 Doron, Winfield Scott 1876 625 Dougherty, Amy ,_ 1896 753 Dougherty, Grace E 1899 405 Dougherty, Kate 1890 1209 Douglass, Elra Taylor ..1907 1468 Doxee, Chas. Alfred 191 1 1469 Doxee, Mary Eliza 191 1 279 Doying, Ada (Barrette) . . 1903 1330 Draper, Bertha v . . 1909 1 331 Driver, Henry Wm 1909 261 Dudley, Chas H 1884 1470 Dudley, Ruth Eliza ._. . 191 1 262 Dudley, Elwyn ." 1884 279 Dudley, Zula (Triggs) 1884 1268 Duffin, Horatio L ...1908 295 Dukes, Charles Kerr ~. '.'. . . 1885 334 Dukes, Edwin 1887 1471 Dukes, Frances C 1911 754 Dunbar, David O ._. . 1899 1406 Duncan, Jay Roscoe. 1910 1386 Dunn, Caroline (Wilcox) 1909 626 Dunning, John C 1896 548 Durant, Erma (Breneman) . . . 1894 557 Durno, Nellie (Gearhart) . . ",_. . 1894 469 Durno, William F 1892 d.m. Eames, H. P .' 1906 552 Eaton, John B 1894 175 Eberhart, James Gerry 1878 21 Eberhart, Jeremiah S 1863 712 Eberhart, Mary (Kingman) .. .1898 919 Ebersole, Francis F 1902 1536 Echternach, Harriet R 1912 474 Eckles, Lulu (Greattrax) 1892 470 Eckles, Walter A ^..1892 d.d. Eddy, T. M i860 1269 Edmondson, Nelle ,, . . . 1908 1332 Edwards, Addis H 1909 920 Edwards, Frank W 1902 1407 Edwards, Helen C 1910 1600 Edwards, Marjorie B 1913 1 601 Ege, Hazel Huhn 1913 1602 Ege, Ralph R 1913 1 132 Eick, Anna (Smyth) 1905 1270 Eickelberg, Herman D ... 1908 627 Ei'ckelberg, Louis E 1896 1603 Eickelberg, Weva 1913 1155 Eiffert, Curt H ...1906 972 Eighmey, Jessica 1903 d.d. Eiselen, F. C 1906 d.d. Ela, David H 1876 700 Eldred, Alvin I 1898 1271 Eldredge, Chas. Guy ..1908 805 Eldridge, John M 1900 1604 Elijah, Anna L 1913 1333 Elijah, David Earl 1909 1092 Elliott, Emma (Bruett) 1905 1272 Elliott, Ethel 1908 973 Elliott, Florence 1903 106 Elliott, George 1872 553 Elliott, Helen , 1894 1334 Elliott, Joseph A 1909 1472 Elliott. Margaret 191 1 1408 Elliott, Phillip 1910 1 210 Elliott, Svlvanna 1907 435 Elliott, Wm. C 1891 1045 Elliott, Wm. J 1904 516 Ellison, Estella 1893 861 EJlyson, Charles W. 1901 1473 El wood, Mabel Clair 191 1 119 Emmert, Jennie 1873 1409 Engstrom, Bessie 1910 954 Eno, Eva (Watson) 1902 921 Eno, Herbert L 1902 922 Ensign, Chas. T "..'.-. 1902 145 Escher, Anna (Wiley) 1874 120 Escher, J. Frederick 1873 INDEX "5 1335 Esgate, Arthur Treat 1909 1474 Esgate, Edith M 1911 263 Esgate, Edwin J 1884 98 Esget, Sarah . , 1871 296 Eshbaugh, Chas. H 1885 377 Etter, Win. E 1889 1 100 Evans, Irma E 1905 92s Evans, Nelson J 1902 d.d. Evans, T. M 1905 1400 Everts, Jennie (Cook) 1910 1046 Eyestone, Eunice M 1904 1273 Eyestone, Grace 1908 1537 Eyestone, Walter H 1912 755 Fackler, James T 1899 1605 Fairbanks, Blanche P 1913 1475 Fairbanks, Gladys M 191 1 335 Fairbanks, May E 1887 1410 Fairlamb, Alice Ash 1910 596 Fairlamb, Ethel 1895 471 Fairlamb, Millard 1892 665 Fancher, Edith C 1897 264 Fancher, Eva 1884 472 Fancher, Eenore 1892 1411 Farmer, Fred B 1910 1 1 01 Farmer, Roy M 1 905 1301 Farnsworth, Mary (Shidler) . . 1908 a.m. Farrah, Albert J 1906 1476 Farwell, Grace ....1911 228 Fawcett, James N 1882 420 Fayram, Rosella (Reeder) 1890 1047 Fee, Ira B 1904 41 Fellows, Alice 1867 63 Fellows, Emma 1869 2 Fellows, Mary 1858 d.d. Fellows, Stephen N 187 1 756 Felt, Carle A 1899 1336 Felthous, Hazel 1909 297 Felton, Alfred N 1885 243 Felton, Margaret 1883 554 Ferguson, Agnes B 1894 121 1 Ferguson, Aleck E 1907 701 Ferguson, Chas. W 1898 628 Ferguson, Harry J 1896 889 Ferguson, Norma (Ryan) 1901 517 Ferreby, Thomas G 1893 1 102 Ferris, Mabel 1905 924 Ferris, Otho E 1902 1337 Field, Ida 1909 1212 Field, Eouis M 1907 1538 Finger, Irving F 1912 1285 Finger, Eois (Martin) 1908 1606 Finger, Raymond H 1913 862 Fisher, Earl V 1901 314 Fisher, Fred P 1886 925 Fisher, Iva (Ganser) 1902 1213 Fisher, Mary E 1907 840 Fisher, Rose (Ross) 1900 440 Fiske, Mary (Eove) 1891 801 Flanagan, Gertrude (Clemans).i9oo 597 Fleming, Wm. T. S 1895 1495 Fleischer, Ethel (Orr) 191 1 555 Foell, Chas. M 1894 863 Fogg, Joseph G 1901 702 Folsom, Arthur J 1898 806 Foote, Botha 1900 147 Ford, David W 1875 135 Ford, Dennis D 1874 974 Ford, Kate 1903 44 Ford, Mary (Neff ) 1867 1214 Ford, Paul N 1907 757 Forest, Eillian 1899 1274 Fort, Chas. H 1908 a.m. Forward, Ophelia 1879 Liv.D. Foss, Cyrus D 1879 17 Foster, George H 1862 556 Foster, Grace 1894 a.m. Foster, John 1881 406 Fouse, David Henry 1890 855 Fouse, Helen (Chambers) 1901 629 Fouse, Samuel G 1896 1539 Fowler, John J 1912 1048 Fox, Edna Mae 1904 703 Frad, William J 1898 1477 Frederick, Verna Scott... 1911 64 Freer, Hamline H 1869 975 Freer, Helen 1903 1 215 Freer, Eouise 1907 107 Freer, Mary , 1872 666 Freer, Miriam 1897 1216 Frei, Clara Amelia 1907 1217 Frei, Walter H 1907 298 French, Amy 1885 1 1 56 French, Mary Eoraine 1906 1338 French, Wallace E 1909 1478 Frink, Orvin Kent 1911 758 Frost, Fred F 1899 630 Fuller, Archimedes E 1896 407 Fuller, Mary 1890 351 Fulton, Florence 1888 518 Fulton, Olive 1893 1540 Furnas, Eeonard 1912 1275 Furnas, Eucile 1908 1541 Fussell, Morris Waite 1912 976 Gable, Sara 1903 667 Gadsden, Fannie 1897 519 Gallagher, William S . 1893 73 Galloway, Mina (Norton) 1869 86 Galloway, William 1870 1542 Gallup, Ruth Stella 1912 136 Gandy, Joseph E 1874 695 Ganfield, Clara (Boardman) . . 1898 704 Ganfield, Wm. A 1898 1049 Ganser, Earl 1904 925 Ganser, Iva 1902 1412 Garrard, Beulah M. 1910 1413 Garrard, Guy Washington. .. .1910 780 Garver, Edna (Sniffen) 1899 206 Gates, Arthur P 1880 1274 Gates, Crystal E 1908 244 Gates, Fannie 1883 1 100 Gates, Irma (Evans) 1905 245 Gates, Wm. Francis 1883 169 Gault, Franklin B 1877 807 Gause, Noah C 1900 557 Gearhart, Nellie 1894 1479 Geiger, Eaura H 191 1 1414 Geiger, Maude M 1910 1050 Gelston, Thos. N 1904 509 Gemmill, Edna (Billings) 1803 315 Gemmill, Howard S i8~86 316 Gemmill, Wm. N 1886 1480 Gerber, Alice 1911 1543 Gibbs, Chas. DeWitt 1912 1 144 Gibbs, Jessie (Wiseman) , 1905 598 Gibson. Josiah 1895 65 Giger, Isaac F 1869 1051 Gilbert, Harold B 1904 d.d. Gilbert, T. E 1884 1052 Gilbert, Will M 1004 520 Gilchrist, Emma 1893 1277 Gilchrist, Geraldine 1908 1339 Gilchrist, John M 1909 808 Gill, Elizabeth M , 1900 i4i<; Gillette, Clinton E 1910 1416 Gillette, George H 1910 1 1 57 Gillette, Harry A 1906 809 Gfllilan, Oscar R 1900 810 Gilliland, Clarence V 1900 12 Gilruth, Addie (Collin) 1861 66 Gilruth. James H 1869 1607 Gleason, Eillian Belle 1913 121 Golden, Hannah C. 1873 1544 Golden, Ross 1912 87 Golder, Ella 1870 u6 CORNELL COLLEGE 631 Gongwer, Ira J 1896 170 Goodell, Delos N 1877 1608 Goodell, Frances F 1913 864 Goodell, George M 1901 99 Goodell, Merritt A 1871 705 Goodell, Willard A *."... 1898 558 Goodenough, George D ... 1894 559 Goodenough, May 1894 151 Goodyear, Kate (Matson) 1875 137 Goodyear, Samuel H 1874 473 Gorham, Chas. Wesley 1892 543 Gorham, Elsie (West) 1893 1609 Gottsch, Pearl C ". ...1913 408 Goudy, Margaret W 1890 214 Gould, Charles L V. . . 1881 1417 Gouldin, Layton 1910 265 Graham, Anna 1884 266 Graham, Jacob DeWitt. 1884 927 Graham, Maud I . 1902 976 Graham, Ruth 1903 1053 Granger, Arthur E 1904 1 103 Granger, Mary 1905 1104 Granger, Roy T 1905 1054 Granner, Charles W 1904 521 Grant, George B 1893 1422 Grassfield, Ethel (Hunt) 191 o 81 1 Gray, Charles C. 1900 436 Gray, Herbert H .......1891 474 Greattrax, Lulu 1892 978 Greaves, George R 1903 928 Greaves, Mildred 1902 1 1 05 Green, Ada (Harris) 1905 446 Green, Hattie (Scoville) 1891 1 278 Green, Mary L 1908 979 Gregg, Shirley E 1903 1610 Griffin, Florence A 1913 27 Griffith, William A 1865 812 Grobe, Nellie..... 1900 1037 Grooters, Katheryne (Birdsall) 1904 632 Gruwell, Elmer T 1896 980 Guinn, Lillian 1903 419 Gunn, Adelaide (Mott) ...... .1890 1340 Haeberle, Clara N 1909 865 Haeberle, Fannie E 1901 A.M. Hale, Susan....... 1859 992 Hall, Salena (Mangold) 1903 5 Hallock, Lydia (Miller) 1859 a.m. Handy, EHas 1904 929 Hann, Frank L 1902 759 Hann, Frederick W 1899 185 Hanna, Belle 1879 a.m. Hanna, H. H 1905 560 Hanna, Edwin B 1894 813 Hanna, Eugenie 1900 267 Hanna, James R ...1884 336 Hanner, Joseph R 1887 1418 Haraguchi, Ai. . 1910 67 Harlan, James E 1869 53 Harlan, Nettie (McKinney) . .1868 68 Harman, Warren 1869 1218 Harned, William E 1907 1387 Harper, Alice (Williams) 1909 352 Harper, Robert 1888 1 1 05 Harris, Ada 1905 866 Harris, Albert M 1901 772 Harris, Byrdette (Raw)., 1899 706 Harris, Ernest Lloyd 1898 239 Harris, Letta (Crandall) 1883 1341 Harris, Maude L 1909 69 Hart, Franklin W 1869 760 Hartley, Ambrose B 1899 1342 Hartman, Bess 1909 1343 Hartman, Warren H 1909 707 Hartung, Charles M 1898 1419 Hartung, Lois Joy 1910 1219 Hartung, Nellie M ...1907 522 Harvey, Julius C 1893 1 106 Harwood, Miner 1905 108 Haskin, Emma 1872 42 Haskin, Julia ....1876 1420 Hatch, Charles L 1910 1421 Hatch, Elsie M 1910 1 1 74 Hatcher, Gertrude (Noble). . .1906 161 1 Hattori, Setuoshi. .1913 353 Hauger, William E 1888 1 220 Hawkins, Pearl B 1907 668 Hawley, Charles C 1897 475 Hayes, Florence 1892 122 Hayes, Rodintha (McDole) . . . 1873 784 Hays, Grace (Whitcomb) 1899 599 Hays, Harvey G 1895 32 Hays, John R 1866 409 Hays, Joseph W 1890 1 107 Hays, Winifred C 1905 974 Hayward, Kate (Ford) 1903 708 Hayward, Roy S 1898 109 Hayzlett, Elsie Wallace 1872 24 Hayzlett, Mary 1864 582 Hazzard, Lotta (Tipple) 1894 814 Heald, Francis A ^...1900 981 Heath, Harry C .V. . .1903 1612 Hedges, Bess 1913 1 545 Hedges, Charles E 1912 709 Hedrick, Perry L 1898 1481 Helmer, Edith B 191 1 378 Helms, Edgar J 1889 ix.d. Henderson, D. B 1899 317 Henderson, Howard E 1886 867 Henderson, Lynette A 1901 U..D. Hepburn, W. P 1904 1221 Herrinton, Lilla M 1907 815 Herrinton, Minerva 1900 1108 Herrinton, Sabra 1905 268 Hess, Xenetta ..1884 304 Hettler, Lillian (Watts) 1885 171 Hewitt, Harriett L 1877 246 Hewitt, Nettie M 1883 1158 Hews, Jeanette E 1906 1 109 Hicks, Frank W 1905 633 Hicks, Fred C 1896 186 Hild, Reinhart 1879 1546 Hill, Fausta A 1912 1344 Hill, Florence A. 1909 1279 Hill, Fred Wilson. 1908 816 Hill, John G.... 1900 1547 Hill, Ralph C 1912 1222 Hiller, Clifton H 1907 930 Hinkley, Blanche 1902 982 Hinkley, Laura L. 1903 1 1 10 Hinkley, Mary A 1905 817 Hirleman, Forrest C 1900 868 Hirsch, Arthur H 1901 d.d. Hitchcock, Luke 1863 818 Hobbs, Lucy E 1900 1290 Hoefler, Frances (Pettepiece) . 1908 523 Hoelscher, Ernest A 1893 536 Hoelscher, Geneva (Shantz) . . 1893 379 Hogle, George W 1889 233 Hoffle, Kate (Mason) 1882 124 Holden, Anna (Smyth) 1873 a.m. Holm, Adam 1878 1055 Holmes, Nina E 1904 98 Holtsclaw, Sarah (Esget) 1871 88 Hoover, Lou 1870 1613 Hopkins, Helen L 1913 761 Hopper, Claire D 1899 983 Horton, Lily 1903 905 Houghtelin, Sarah (Archer) . .1902 1506 Hovey, Florence (Schmidt) .. .1911 1482 Hovey, Glenn W 191 1 930 Howe, Blanche (Hinkley) 1902 869 Howenstein, Carrie E 1901 1 160 Howlett, Luella (Jones) 1906 1 179 Hoy, Lucy (Pendray) 1906 INDEX 117 669 Hudson, Carl K 1897 1223 Huebsch, Mabel L 1907 1056 Huebsch, William F 1904 600 Huffman, Lenna M. 1895 561 Hughes, James 1894 819 Hull, Bert 1900 869 Hull, Carrie (Howenstein) . . . 1901 1383 Hull, Florence (West) ....... 1909 762 Humphrey, Benton W. 1899 1224 Hunt, Duane G - 1907 437 Hunt, Emmett G 1891 1422 Hunt, Ethel 1910 1548 Hunter, Blanche P 1912 562 Hunter, Charles S 1894 524 Hunter, George G 1893 486 Huntington, Tuley F. M 1892 229 Hurlburt, Rollo F 1882 1423 Hurlburt, Russell B 1910 847 Huston, Mabel (Wallace) 1900 247 Hutchins, Celia 1883 710 Hutchison, Jessie 1898 215 Hyndman, Eliza J 1881 354 Imlay, Lorin E 1888 187 Ingols, Amelia 1879 1 1 59 Ink, Florin L 1906 670 Ink, Raymond P 1897 1345 Inman, Shearly J 1909 477 Iorns, Martin J 1892 1424 Irons, Henry E 1910 1352 Irwin, Alison (Lister) ...1909 a.m. Irwin, G. M 1873 1225 Irwin, James E 1907 1346 Irwin, William A 1909 820 Isherwood, George 1 900 159 Isherwood, Hortensius L 1876 216 Isherwood, Thomas G 1881 888 Ittner, Anna (Rood) 1901 269 Jacobs, Frederick H . .1884 1165 Jacobs, Helen (Lloyd) ...1906 Liv.D. James, F. J 1902 248 Jaques, William K 1883 763 Jayne, Arthur M 1899 1425 Jayne, Ethel 1010 749 Jayne, Mary (Collin) 1899 1 1 11 Jeffers, Harry A 1905 1549 Jenkins, Ella Van Sant. ...... 1912 1 1 69 Jensen, Florence (Metcalf) . . . 1906 711 Jester, Lewis A *. . . .1898 1426 Jewell, Gladys M 1910 a.m. Johnson, A. K 1879 230 Johnson, Albert W 1882 525 Johnson, George W 1893 1347 Johnson, Graydon W 1909 478 Johnson, John E 1892 1614 Johnson, Margaretta 1913 270 Johnston, Fannie E 1884 a.m. Johnston, William F 1904 1226 Joice, Wilford L. 1907 1280 Joiner, Mary E 1908 249 Jones, George W 1883 479 Jones, John H 1892 1348 Jones, Harry W 1909 821 Jones, Henry C 1900 984 Jones, Letha 1903 1160 Jones, Luella 1906 148 Jones, Mary M 1875 1220 Jones, Pearl (Hawkins) 1907 1483 Jones, Robert A 191 1 1550 Jordan, Harold L...... 1912 d.d. Jordan, W. H 1896 380 Joslyn, Wilmer R 1889 634 Kanthlener, Henry F 1896 1.551 Kauffman, Erma R 1912 d.d. Kay, David 1883 1 161 Keedick, Lee L 1906 1 102 Keedick, Mabel (Ferris) 1905 1 162 Keeler, Buell H 1906 1552 Keeler, Russell D 1912 1 1 28 Keener, Ruth ( Pratt) 1905 1 195 Keeler, Susan (Alexander) ... 1907 243 Kegley, Margaret (Felton) 1883 764 Keislar, Mott 1899 480 Keister, Benjamin B 1892 462 Keister, Cora (Brooks) 1892 231 Keister, George W 1882 822 Kelley, J. Herbert 1900 1553 Kellogg, Geo. Henry 1912 318 Kemper, Arthur L 1886 d.d. Kendig, A. B 1885 448 Kennedy, Emma (Sutherland). 1891 355 Kennedy, George H 1888 1484 Kenny, Helen C 191 1 870 Kent, Anna T 1901 985 Kent, A. R 1903 871 Kent, Charles A 1901 986 Kent, Ellen P 1903 1227 Kent, Sarah L 1907 872 Kent, Wilfred 1901 823 Kent, William H 1900 873 Kepler, Louis H 1901 438 Kepler, Nettie 1891 1228 Kern, Bessie ."...1907 1229 Kern, Howard L 1907 874 Kerr, Emma L 1901 50 Kerr, James A 1868 601 Kettenring, Fred M 1895 913 Kettenring, Minnie (Collver) . 1902 930 Kettenring, Walter R. 1902 1427 Kettering, Sarah.. 1910 563 Keyes, Charles R 1894 1 1 12 Keyes, Florence A 1905 832 Keyes, Sarah (Nauman) 1900 824 Kibler, Ora B 1900 1349 Kidd, James V 1909 1485 Kidder, Anna F 1911 671 Kidder, George 1897 319 Kidder, James J 1886 481 Kidder, Lilian ..1892 1554 Killheffer, Marie ... ..1912 610 Kimball, Estelle (Robinson) .. 1895 410 King, Julia E. 1890 712 Kingman, Mary M 1898 187 Kinsey, Amelia (Ingols).." 1879 1 1 Kinsey, Margaret (Oliver) i860 1350 Kipp, Orin L 1909 356 Kirk, Charles F 1888 875 Kirkpatrick, Charles 1901 482 Kirkpatrick, Fred W . . . 1892 381 Kirkpatrick, Gen. Scott 1889 876 Kirwin, William • • • • 1901 i486 Klaus. Florence K iqii 602 Klingbiehl, William H . 1895 987 Kluckhohn, Carrie ....1903 1428 Knapp, Emmet L 1910 88 Knapp, Lou (Hoover) 1870 161 5 Knight, Harold A 1913 635 Knoll, Ellen 1896 429 Knotts. Annie (Adams) 1891 1328 Kohl, Sue (Curtis) 1909 1555 Kramm, James G .....1912 988 Kuhlman, Henry W 1903 1229 Kurrelmeyer, Wilhelmina 1907 d.d. Kynett, A. G 1898 1487 LaGrange, Carolyne . 1^911 1 1 13 LaGrange, Wesley A -1905 135 1 Lake, Harry C 1909 43 Lamb, Hattie 1867 56 Lamb, Susan 1868 1429 Lane, Elmer B 19 10 149 Lardner, William B 1875 439 Larrabee, Samuel H 1891 1616 Larson, Lillian 1913 1 1 73 Lathrop, Ada (Neidig) 1906 989 Latimer, Arthur H 1903 n8 CORNELL COLLEGE 950 Latimer, Babe (True) 1902 150 Law, Victor M ......1875 320 Lawrence, Frank B ....1886 980 Lawrence, Lillian (Guinn) . . . 1903 250 Layton, William C 1883 1616 Lee, Edith M 1913 271 Lee, Edward 1884 1281 Lee, Mary H 1908 70 Lee, Ella M 1869 1488 Lee, Ursula M ~. .1911 188 Lee, William D 1879 251 Lee, William R 1883 1556 Leverington, Edna 1912 351 Lewis, Florence (Fulton) ..... 1888 1163 Lewis, Jane ^.1906 564 Lewis, Jenette 1894 713 Lewis, John F. 1898 382 Lewis, Wilson S ._. .1889 990 Lickel, Jessie M 1903 1557 Liddle, John W 1912 1 164 Liddle, Leonard M 1906 672 Lilly, Scott H 1897 1286 Limes, Maude (Mecum) 1908 1231 Ljquin, Alma C. . . . .1907 991 Liquin, Charles K .1903 1352 Lister, Alison 1909 932 Little, Anna A. 1902 636 Little, Emma 1896 1430 Little, Mary E • • • 1910 1558 Lloyd, Edith 1912 1 165 Lloyd, Helen 1906 a.m. Lockard, Luther L . . .1903 483 Locke, Clarence E 1892 526 Locke, Melvin J. . ^ .......... 1893 1232 Lockwood, Harley K. ....... . 1907 1431 Lockwood, Laura 1910 232 Lohr, John F 1882 1617 Long, Edna G 1913 933 Long, Fannie ......1902 1234 Long, Joseph D 1907 1489 Long, Lulu 191 1 S47 Longley, Ellen (Billings). 1894 1619 Lott, C. Albert 1913 1302 Lott, Edith (Stockton). . ...... 1908 1559 Lott, Elmo H 191 2 1353 Lott, Robert H 1909 1432 Lounsberry, Carl W. 1910 902 Lounsbury, Elizabeth (Wil- liams) 1901 411 Lounsberry, Fred W ....1890 440 Love, Mary E 1891 a.m. Loveland, Frank L 1904 714 Lowell, Sylvester K . . . 1898 1354 Lozier, Horace G 1909 520 Luckey, Emma (Gilchrist) ... .1893 1409 Lusk, Bessie (Engstrom) 1910 1 282 Lusk, Edith M 1908 1355 Lusk, Frank B 1909 411 Lusk, Robert C 1891 1490 Lutes, Neil Theron 1911 176 Lyon, Charles W 1878 189 Lyon, George M ....1879 484 Lytle, George L 1892 415 McArthur, Earl T 1890 486 McBurney, David A 1892 530 McBurney, Fannie (Miller) ... 1893 878 McCabe, James C ..1901 879 McCarl, Fred A 1901 854 McCarl, Katharyn (Bentley) . .1901 487 McCaustland, Elmer J .1892 51 McClaskey. Margaret 1868 1410 McClelland, Alice (Fahiamb) .1910 273 McClelland, Eddy C 1884 826 McColm, Lilian C 1900 993 McCord, Charles E 1903 827 McCord, Clyde W 1900 994 McCord, Roxie B 1903 52 McCoy, Ben 1868 528 McCoy, Eva 1893 300 McCredie, William W 1885 1 1 18 McDade, Edwin C 1905 122 McDole, Rodintha 1873 U«d. McDowell, W. F 1904 1 166 McElrath, Alice H 1906 567 McEwen, Ernest L 1894 1057 McEwen, Mary Gilruth 1904 U..D. McGee, W. J 1901 942 Mcllvray, Mayme (Remick) . . . 1902 321 Mclndoe, Hugh 1886 765 Mcintosh, John S 1899 400 Mcintosh, Mary (Chandler \.. .1890 443 Mclntyre, Catherine 1891 217 Mclntyre, John S 1881 1562 Mclntyre, J. Archibald. ...... 191 2 769 Mclntyre, Martha (Moler) 1899 934 Mclntyre, William A 1902 a.m. McKaig, W i860 193 McKay, Frank -. 1879 1 167 McKee, Earl D 1906 112 McKell, Lizzie 187a 1362 McKerral, Wilton H 1909 935 McKim, Judson J 1902 53 McKinney, Nettie. 1868 683 McLaughlin, Edith (Ward) .. .1897 603 McLaughlin, Jesse L 1895 d.d. McLean, C. C 1893 d.d. McLennan, William E 1902 415 McMaster, Frank E 1890 529 McMaster, Fred A 1893 568 McMaster, Maude 1894 995 McMillen, Clark A ..1903 70 McMillen, Ella (Lee) 1896 828 McMillen, Flora 1900 996 McMillen, Leroy P 1903 987 Maben, Carrie (Kluckhohn).. .1903 1063 MacKinnon, Lulu (Safely) ... 1904 488 MacLeod, Mary L 1892 637 Macy, Carrie 1896 485 Macy, Gertrude C 1892 715 Mahannah, Fred 1898 272 Main, David C 1884 636 Main, Emma (Little) 1896 877 Mangold, George B 1901 1234 Mangold, John F 1907 992 Mangold, Salena 1903 1433 Mangun, Clark W 1910 1434 Mangun, Lloyd B 1910 1283 Mangun, Vernon L 1908 22 Manley, Louise (Albright) . . . .1864 398 Manly, Florence (Brown) 1890 565 Manley, Fred W 1894 383 Manly, Tennie M 1889 299 Manly, Walter S. 1885 412 Manly, Wilson E 1890 720 Mantle, Hattie (Sawyer) 1898 1356 Mapes, Erwin K 1909 190 Marine, Charles B 1879 107 Marine, Mary (Freer) . . 1872 89 Marine, Stephen A 1870 a.m. Markley, J. E. E 1904 277 Markley. Lura (Phillips) 1884 451 Marr, Carrie (Tubbs) 1891 1357 Marston, Vera C 1909 1358 Marston, Violet E 1909 696 Martin, Clara (Brown) 1898 192 Martin, Eben W 1879 527 Martin, Eugene W 1893 1 284 Martin, George M 1908 43 Martin, Hattie (Lamb) 1867 716 Martin, James V 1898 234 Martin, Jessie (Miner) 1882 566 Martin, LeClaire 1894 191 Martin, Leroy 1879 1285 Martin, Lois 1908 INDEX 119 825 Martin, Loran M 1900 1 10 Martin, Sarah 1872 413 Mason, Albert A 1890 in Mason, Gertrude , 1872 44 2 Mason, Darwin T ..". . . 1891 233 Mason, Kate A 1882 252 Mason, Norman T . 1883 1114 Mather, Edward K 1905 1097 Mather, Mary (Cheney).. 1905 1359 Mather, Ralph J 1909 13 Mather, Stephen D 1861 410 Mathews, Julia (King) 1890 28 Matson, Chloe 1865 151 Matson, Kate 1875 8 Matthews, Amelia i860 792 Matthews, Ethel (Arble) 1900 1 1 15 Matthews, Bert L 1905 1560 Mauch, Pearl igi2 1360 Mauller, Charles T 1909 1489 Mauller, Lulu (Long) 191 1 1561 Maulsby, Archie R 1512 161 1 Maulsby, Bess (Hedges) ..... .1913 1435 Maulsby, Wendell L 1910 33 Maxlow, Mary (Morgan) 1866 1 361 Maxson, Ethel A 1909 1 1 17 Maxwell, Archibald F 1905 492 Maxwell, Elsie (Rigby) 1892 357 Maynard, John W 1888 1116 Mayne, Charles 190? 886 Mayne, Helen (Reed) 1901 414 Maynard, Orville K 1890 358 Mears, Sherman T 1888 1286 Mecum, Maude F 1908 1436 Medary, Dorothy H 1910 1563 Medary, Marjorie 1912 417 Mee, Martin, Jr. 1890 274 Mellett, John E 1884 ix.d. Mendenhall, Jas. D 1888 1 168 Menneke, Frank A 1906 138 Mentzer, Theodore F 1874 196 Merritt, Henriette (Sessions) . 1879 849 Merritt, Laura (Willix) 1900 a.m. Mershon. N. A 1005 673 Mertz, Ezra F 1897 1620 Merwin, Alma 1913 1564 Merwin, Chauncey 1012 1 169 Metcalf, Florence 1906 1437 Metcalf, Frank A i 9I0 1058 Metcalf, Myrle 1904 71 Metzgar, George A 1869 a.m. Meyer, Lucy Rider ,.. '. ._ . 1904 72 Meyers, Anna 1869 568 Meyers, Maude (McMasters) . 1894 766 Mickey, EVan S 1899 800 Mickey, Jessie (Carson) 1900 1363 Middleton, Pearl E 1909 936 Millar, Clara 1902 1 165 Millen, William B 1906 337 Miller, Ada J ^87 997 Miller, Arthur G 1903 638 Miller, Burton S ^.1896 998 Miller, Charles G 1903 1 171 Miller, Clare S 1906 530 Miller, Fannie 1893 1 1 19 Miller, Fred J 1905 1621 Miller, Glenn H 1913 767 Miller, Grant C 1899 1120 Miller, Kenneth D 1905 1260 Miller, Lillian (Belknap) 1908 589 Miller, Luella (Albrook) 1895 5 Miller, Lydia 1859 1 172 Mills, Herbert R ._. .1906 1103 Mills, Mary (Granger)..! 1905 152 Milner, Thomas H 1875 234 Miner, Jessie 1882 1491 Minish, Burton S 191 1 1059 Minish, Homer W 1904 1096 1464 D.D. 639 IOO 1235 937 604 275 418 768 640 769 1565 999 359 569 444 938 A.M. 1364 1365 A.M. 944 177 828 360 54 1366 829 1044 831 1121 674 1394 717 33 338 D.M. 322 1566 794 830 419 489 53i 831 675 D.D. I287 791 253 1438 605 832 443 1492 1099 1060 38 172 44 ^73 1494 T122 559 1622 833 1439 1440 IX.D. 1123 518 1174 1439 "75 Minish, Katherine (Cheney).. . 1905 Minish, Lucy (Bryant) 191 1 Mitchell, Bennett "... 1800 Mitchell, Miles E 1806 Mitchell, William O. ....... .1871 Moe, Grant S I9 o7 Moe, Rex R. ..-.. IQ02 Moffit, Carrie iL, Moffit, John T :: i8 84 Mohler, Charles K 1800 Moler, Cora C ^go Moler, Elizabeth A 1896 Moler, Martha 1899 Money, Carrie E. (Thompson). 1912 Money, Kenneth 1903 Montgomery, Samuel B 1888 Montgomery, William A. .... . 1894 Montgomery, William H 1891 Moody, Howard W 1902 Moone, Kate Elaine 191 1 Moon, William E 1909 Moone, Edgar V 1909 Moone, Kate Elaine 1911 Moore, Alice (Rigby) 1902 Moore, Charles E 1878 Moore, Flora McMillen 1900 Moore, Joseph M 1888 Moore, J. Wesley 1868 Moore, Katherine 1909 Moore, Leon W 1900 Moore, Leone (Dewey) 1904 Moore, Nellie (Munson) 1900 Moore, Otis H 1905 Moorhead, Clara 1897 Mooty, Genevieve (Brown) ... 191 o Morgan, Frank P 1898 Morgan, Mary , ^66 Morrill, Ella F 1887 Morrison, Charles W 1910 Morrison, John A 1886 Morton, Mabel E 1912 Mossman, Amy (Ash) 1900 Mossman, Gilbert E 1900 Mott, Adelaide 1890 Mott, Harriett B 1892 Muckler, Charles H 1893 Munson, Nellie 1900 Munson, Walter B 1897 Murlin, Lemuel H 1897 Murota, Shige 1908 Murray, Agnes (Albrook)' 1900 Muse, William F 1883 Myers, Lillian A 1910 Myers, Ida 1895 Nauman, Sarah 1900 Nash, Catherine (Mclntyre) . . 1891 Nasu. Kihei 1 191 1 Neal, Bonnie (Dake) 190? Neal. T. Paul J9l j Neal, Roland 1904 Neff, Anna (Brackett) 1867 Neff, Arthur G 1877 Neff, Mary A 1867 Neff. Myron K 1868 Neidig, Ada 1906 Neidig, Ray 191 1 Nelson, Elmer D 1905 Nelson, May (Goodenough) . . .1894 Nelson, N. Therese 1913 Newbern, Edgar C 1900 Newell, Stella 1910 Newton, Clyde A . . 1910 Nicholson, Thomas 1907 Nielsen, Thomas M 1905 Nimocks, Olive (Fulton) 1893 Noble, Gertrude 1906 Nolan, Stella (Newell) ...1910 North way, Clara G 1906 120 CORNELL COLLEGE 168 Norton, Mary (Burr) 1877 73 Norton, Mina 1869 153 Norton, Wm. Harmon. ....... 1875 63 Nowlin, Emma (Fellows) ...... 1869 113 Nowlin, Willard 1872 880 Nye, C. C ..1901 1287 Ohno, Shige (Muroto) 1908 1 1 Oliver, Margaret E i860 1000 Oliver, Maude L 1903 674 Olney, Clara (Moorhead) 1897 80 Olney, Eugenia (Wilde) 1869 1268 Olsen, Nelle (Edmundson) . . . 1908 1441 Olson, Albert L 1910 834 Orcutt, Albert N ; 1900 1 124 Ormrod, Leona A 1905 1495 Orr, Ethel Enie 191 1 1623 Ortmeyer, Fred Wl 1913 1624 Ortmeyer, Wm. A 1913 1288 Osgood, Paul B 1908 1 001 Overbaugh, John E 1903 1625 Overbeck, Hilda M 1913 a.m. Page, C. A 1866 658 Palmer, Elizabeth (Allen) 1897 1289 Parkin, Marion E- • • • • 1908 1176 Parish, Fred O ..,.1906 39 Parsons, Flora (Burr) . . _. .1867 1204 Parsons, Laura (Cheney) 1907 606 Parsons, Lester B 1895 a.m. Parsons, J. M . . . v . . 4 . 1902 45 Parsons, Rufus D 1867 276 Parsons, Samuel N 1884 361 Pascal, Celestia 1888 362 Pascal, Laura T.. 1888 363 Pascal, Lucy A.. ....1888 1626 Pascoe, Fleeta I 1913 1177 Patterson, Jewell M 1906 1002 Paul, Charles 1903 881 Pauley, Clarence 1901 1 01 8 Pauley, Maude (Strobel) 1903 1 125 Paulger, Leopold H 1905 1 138 Paulger, Lida (Updegraff) ... 1905 882 Paulsen, Peter H 1901 265 Peabody, Anna (Graham) 1884 25 Pearce, Henrietta (Albright) .. 1865 1496 Pearse, Rubee J 19" 1497 Pearson, Clara C 19 1 J 1557 Pearson, Eleanor 1912 1367 Pearson, Mabelle 1909 323 Pease, Elizabeth 1886 490 Pease, Irwin L 1892 607 Peck, Morton E 1895 445 Peebles, Frank E 1891 4 Peet, Mary (Chubbuck) 1859 1368 Peisen, Dean W 1909 1 1 78 Pelleymounter, Myrtle 1906 1 1 79 Pendray, Lucy D 1906 532 Penman, Minnie 1893 1568 Perrin, Beulah G 1912 1627 Perry, Dora C 1913 1628 Perry, Lola 1 1913 883 Perry, Walter S 1901 676 Persinger, Clark E- • 1897 1003 Persons, Chas. E V. 1903 1442 Persons, Elizabeth 1910 1004 Persons, Elmer B 1903 1 1 26 Persons, Eunice J 1905 1443 Persons, Gladys L '. .1910 835 Persons, Wm. F 1900 499 Peterson, Harriet (Warner).. .1892 1629 Petheram, Etta M 1913 1290 Pettepiece, Frances 1908 1 29 1 Pettepiece, Thos. A 1908 1569 Petty, Zella A 1912 1498 Pfahler, Carrie May 19" 1238 Pfingsten, Jennie (Rieke) 1907 608 Phifer, Wm. D 1895 1005 Phillips, Lena 1903 277 Phillips, Lura 1884 1 3 14 Phillips, Norma (Baker) 1909 1630 Pickell, Linnie E i9*3 677 Pierce, Cornelius H 1897 491 Pierce, Enola P 1892 d.d. Pierce, W. O .. . . 1878 202 Pierson, Estelle (Virden) . 1879 207 Pierson, Louis J 1880 364 Pingrey, Jas. S 1888 d.d. Pitner, W. F 1904 1 313 Pitzer, Belle (Armistead) 1909 324 Pixley, Mary E 1886 14 Plasket, Amanda 1861 884 Platner, Alice E % • ■ 1901 74 Platner, Mary A 1869 1 180 Platner, Wm. Young 1906 1499 Plymesser, Edith P 1911 208 Poland, Jas. Marion 1880 405 Pollins, Kate (Dougherty) 1890 178 Pollock, Chas. A..;. ....1878 1444 Pollock, Chas R 1910 1292 Pollock, Clara A 1908 1379 Pollock, Florence (Smith) .... 1909 139 Pollock, John Loring 1874 189 Pollock, Martha (Clinton/) .... 1879 770 Pomeroy, Henry 1899 1631 Potgeter, Geo. L 19*3 1127 Potter, Thos. P 1905 384 Pottle, Wm. A 1889 1006 Powers, Wm. LeRoy 1903 1 293 Poyneer, Lois E 1 908 d.d. Pratt, H. O 1896 718 Pratt, R. W 1898 1 128 Pratt, Ruth E 1905 472 Preston, Lenore (Fancher) . . . 1892 a.m. Price, J 1889 301 Pritchard, Jacob A 1885 1254 Pulver, Addie (Angell) 1908 1294 Putnam, Clyde C. 1908 1236 Putnam, Chas. Henry ....... 1907 1369 Putnam, Edith 1909 1 129 Putnam, Irving E i9<>5 6 Putnam, John A. B 1859 1445 Putnam, Leslie Ray 1910 1007 Putnam, Louis J 1903 1 1 52 Putnam, Mabel (Botts) 1906 939 Pye, Chas. F 1902 1008 Pye, Mabel .. ... 1903 d.d. Pye, N 1904 836 Pye, Wm. A 1900 1500 Ramharter, Earl S 19" 771 Randall, M. J 1899 1632 Randall, Olive Edna 1913 90 Randall, Ransom H 1870 56 Randall, Susan (Lamb).. 1868 1181 Rankin, David 1906 385 Rasch, Carl 1889 1061 Rathbun, Don 1904 772 Raw, Byrdette 1899 885 Rayner, Ernest A 1901 57 Reading, Maggie ..._.. 1868 940 Ream, George F 1902 LL.d. Reamy, T. A 1890 1370 Reed, Burleigh Buren 1909 58 Reed, Carrie 1868 886 Reed, Helen 1901 d.d. Reed, H. W. 1873 1 501 Reed, Ida May 191 1 397 Reed, Mae (Bowles) 1890 1009 Reed, Olive B 1903 1295 Reed, Jas. R 1908 887 Reeder, Bessie 1901 806 Reeder, Dotha (Foote) 1900 941 Reeder, Elizabeth ....1902 365 Reeder, Emma .............. 1888 652 Reeder, Frances (Staves) ..... 1896 533 Reeder, Frank G. 1893 INDEX 121 678 Reeder, George A. 1897 1237 Reeder, Grant S ....1907 773 Reeder, Harry H 1899 609 Reeder, Louanna 1895 774 Reeder, Martha 1899 1296 Reeder, Nellie Claire . 1908 641 Reeder, Pearl 1896 642 Reeder, Ralph M. . . . . . 4 • 1896 420 Reeder, Rosella 1890 837 Reeder, Wm. G 1900 1062 Reeves, Myra 1904 1228 Regel, Bessie (Kern) 1907 1297 Reid, Margaretta 1908 534 Reisinger, Frank W 1893 1570 Reitzel, Raymond J 1912 386 Remick, Benjamin L 1889 942 Remick, Mayme 1902 775 Remick, Nellie 1899 1371 Rettinghouse, Else 1909 361 Reyburn, Celestia (Pascal) . . . 1888 535 Rhea, Curtis 1893 986 Rice, Ellen (Kent) 1903 1372 Richardson, Chester A 1909 160 Ricker, Maria L 1876 1633 Rieke, Arthur 1913 1238 Rieke, Jennie 1907 943 Rieke, John E 1902 570 Rigby, Alfred G. 1894 41 Rigby, Alice (Fellows) 1867 944 Rigby, Alice 1902 719 Rigby, Arch E 1898 571 Rigby, Chas. L 1894 838 Rigby, Clarence M 1900 101 Rigby, Ella S. 1871 492 Rigby, Elsie 1892 60 Rigby, Eva (Cattron) 1869 1634 Rigby, Gladys 1913 776 Rigby, Grace 1899 102 Rigby, Jesse W 1871 839 Rigby, Jessie 1900 46 Rigby, Joshua H 1867 1239 Rigby, Wlm. A 1907 493 Rigby, Wm. Cattron 1892 75 Rigby, Wm. Titus 1869 a.m. Riley, Ida Elizabeth 1913 387 Rising, Henry A 1889 643 Ristine, Edward R 1896 1502 Roach, Chas ,...^.1911 1503 Robbins, Zila A 191 1 1065 Roberts, Cora (Sherk) 1904 1635 Roberts, Elsie M 1913 1240 Roberts, Ralph M 1907 421 Roberts, Stephen A 1890 036 Robertson, Clara _ (Millar) .... 1Q02 813 Robertson, Eugenie (Hanna) . . 1000 777 Robins, George W 1899 1310 Robinson, Ada (Wardle) 1908 1 182 Robinson, Earl Asa 1906 610 Robinson, Estelle 1895 611 Robinson, Wm. L 1895 605 Roche, Ida (Myers) 1895 494 Roche, Thos. F 1892 339 Rockwell, Wm. L 1887 154 Rogers, Tas. Albert 1875 76 Rollins, Chas. W 1869 1 1 83 ' Rollins. Clarq 1 1006 572 Rolston, Lydia J 1894 888 Rood. Anna 1901 a.m. Rood, Henry H iqoo 635 Rooksby, Ellen (Knoll) 1896 194 Rooney, Patrick 1879 51 Rose, Margaret (McClaskey) . .1868 1298 Roseberry, Clarence D 1908 a.m. Ross, A. C 1890 1010 Ross, Cora 1903 644 Ross, George J 1896 840 Ross, Rose 1900 209 Ross, William E 1880 a.m. Ross, W. F 1896 1556 Rowe, Edna (Leverington) . . . 1912 140 Rowe, Richard L ...1874 1504 Rowley, Willis Glenn 191 1 1299 Runkle, Eois Mary 1908 1 241 Runkle, Milo Harold ... .1907 573 Runkle, Milton S 1894 1373 Russell, Bertha M 1909 1505 Russell, Elmo John .1911 1242 Russell, Phila 1907 889 Ryan, Norma 1901 1340 Sabin, Clara (Haeberle) 1909 Li,.D. Sabin, Henry 1894 495 Safely, Fred E 1892 645 Safely, Jessie E 1896 7 Safely, John G 1859 1063 Safely, Eulu 1904 646 Sailor, George D .....1896 1011 Sampson, Henry E 1903 1005 Samsell, Eena (Phillips) ....1903 d.d. Sanderson, F. H 1894 1 130 Sansom, Anna May 1905 195 Sartori, Joseph F 1879 1446 Saunders, Arley 1910 123 Savidge, Samuel E 1873 720 Sawyer, Hattie 1898 42 Sawin, Julia (Haskin) 1876 778 Saxton, Edgar E- 1899 1634 Scott, Clifton C 1913 218 Scott, Edgar H .'. . . 1881 18 Scott, Fannie 1862 1374 Scott, Floyd C 1909 1638 Scott, Thos. C 1913 340 Scovel, Hattie 1887 446 Scoville, Hattie 1891 574 Scoville, Miranda 1894 388 Schell, Ida E .1889 1506 Schmidt, Florence .1911 890 Schmidt, Eouis B ,. ...1901 1300 Schoonover, Franc E 1908 1637 Schoonover, Sara C 1913 841 Schroeder, Hermann H 1900 842 Seager, Irvin E 1900 779 Seager, Minnie 1899 a.m. Secor, Eugene 1904 1462 Secrist, Laura O. (Brooks) ... 191 1 1639 Secrist, Ruth M 191 3 1640 Seise, Lillian M 191 3 a.m. Sells, Cato 1898 137s Sells, Mary E •. • • 1909 a.m. Sessions, F. J 1895 196 Sessions, Henriette 1879 1064 Seymour, Robt. H 1904 a.m. Shaffer, F. P 1904 155 Shankland, E. C 1875 536 Shantz, Geneva 1893 199 Sharp, Gazelle (Stevens) 1879 1012 Shaw, Enid 1903 1184 Shaw, Harry E 1906 141 Shaw, Leslie M 1874 721 Sheets, George B 1898 1507 Sheets, Guinnevere 19 11 1376 Sheets, Roberta D 1909 278 Sheffer, Chas. P 1884 1065 Sherk, Cora IQ04 575 Sherman, Chas. M 1894 1 301 Shidler, Mary 1908 891 Shimanek, Frank H 1901 1013 Shirer, Wm. Garfield 1903 537 Shirer, Seward S 1893 19 Shoecraft, Simon 1862 1066 Shoemaker, George M 1904 1447 Shuck, Rolland E 191 ° 302 Shumway, Chas. W 1885 576 Shurtleff, A. K 1894 341 Shute, Abraham L 1887 1448 Sia, Ruby 1910 366 Simmons, Park E 1888 122 CORNELL COLLEGE 1185 Simmons, Wm. Marvin 1906 874 Simms, Emma (Kerr) 1901 962 Simpson, Carrie (Bonebrake) . 1903 612 Simpson, Chas. G 1895 892 Simpson, Delia 1901 594 Simpson, Elma (Dickinson) ... 1895 1377 Simpson, Frank B ...1909 647 Simpson, Howard E 1896 1067 Simpson, Howard L 1904 1571 Simpson, John Jas 1912 893 Skewis, Elmer A- 1901 843 Slade, Jeannette (Sniff en) . . . 1900 447 Slagle, Frank H. 1891 389 Slaughter, Wm, B 1889 1014 Slippy, Ralph B 1903 648 Slocum, Perkins S 1896 1131 Smalley, Royal J 1905 14 Smead, Amanda (Plasket) 1861 422 Smedley, Lillian M 1890 342 Smedley, Willis E 1887 1641 Smith, Adelaide M 1913 1243 Smith, Alfred Hershey 1907 343 Smith, Bourland D 1887 613 Smith, Carey W 1895 1378 Smith, Clarence J 1909 894 Smith, Clarence M 1901 1643 Smith, Clifford B 1913 577 Smith, Dilman . 1894 1449 Smith, Emery E 1910 173 Smith, Ernest H 1877 423 Smith, Eugene H 1890 1379 Smith, Florence ....1909 1068 Smith, Harriet C 1904 578 Smith, Harris W 1894 1336 Smith, Hazel (Felthous) . . 1909 1 01 5 Smith, Herbert R 1903 945 Smith, Homer A 1902 1 1 63 Smith, Jane (Lewis) 1906 227 Smith, Katherine (Cole) 1882 481 Smith, Lilian (Kidder) 1892 112 Smith, Lizzie (McKell) 1872 587 Smith, Mae (Wolfe) 1894 197 Smith, Mary E 1879 324 Smith, Mary (Pixley) 1886 579 Smith, Merle N 1897 15 Smith, MUo P 1861 580 Smith, Minnie V 1894 220 Smith, Otho W 1881 1 186 Smith, Richard A 1906 114 Smith, Samuel G .1872 34 Smith, Thaddeus L 1866 946 Smith, Theo. T 1902 1132 Smyth, Anna H 1905 1 24 Smyth, Anna 1873 115 Smyth, Samuel J 1872 125 Smyth, William 1873 679 Snell, George W 1897 780 Sniffen, Edna 1899 843 Sniffen, Jeannette 1900 161 Sniffen, John Smith 1876 722 Sniffen, Toseph M 1898 424 Snyder, Chas. W. E 1890 1572 Snyder, Nellie 191 2 298 Sones, Amy (French) 1885 219 Sones, Calvin 1881 49 Soper, Elizabeth (Cofy) 1868 649 Soper, Emmet Harland 1806 59 Soper, Erastus B ( . 1868 630 Soper, Erastus B., Jr 1896 496 Soper, Margaret Ruby 1892 29 Spangler, Eliza A 1865 221 Spear, Armstrong 1881 723 Spencer, Jennie H. 1898 30 Spencer, Mary E • • 1865 425 Spofford, John D ._ 1890 1016 Sprague, Edgerton B 1903 1380 Spry, Daisy Dean 1909 1017 Spry, Wm. F. 1903 844 Stackhouse, Chas. M 1900 426 Stackhouse, John L 1890 895 Stanbery, Anna W 1901 896 Stanley, Frank E. 1901 947 Stanley, Mary 1902 651 Stanley, Orrin E /. . . 1896 91 Starr, Milton 1870 652 Staves, Frances A 1896 491 Stein, Enola (Pierce) t . . . 1892 92 Stephens, Frank E 1870 83 Stephens, Imogene (Albright) . 1870 31 Stephens, Thos. L 1865 390 Stephenson, Chas. S 1889 538 Steuben, Genie E 1893 198 Stevens, Adele 1879 117 Stevens, Emma (Aldrich) .... 1873 199 Stevens, Gazelle 1879 1643 Stigers, Marquis F 191? 897 Still, Wm. S 1901 724 Stinson, Chas. E 1898 1069 Stinson, Jas. A. 1904 1450 Stockton, Arthur 1910 1302 Stockton, Edith 1908 1070 Stoliker, Ceabern C. 1904 1244 Stookey, Margaret M 1907 1476 Stout, Grace (Farwell) 1911 1071 Stout, John E 1904 614 Stover, John H 1895 1303 Strack, Wm. G 1908 1508 Strawman, Clifford M '.'. 191 1 1 187 Strawn, John T 1906 667 Strawson, Fannie (Gadsden) .. 1897 1018 Strobel, Maude 1903 a.m. Stuckslager, W. C 1904 U,.d. Stuntz, H. C 191 1 a.m. Sudlow, Phoebe W 1878 1133 Sullivan, Hallie 1905 581 Sullivan, Wm. J .1894 497 Sumner, Jennie 1892 845 Sundell, Cora J 1900 448 Sutherland, Emma 1891 781 Sutherland, George F 1899 142 Sutherland, Henry A 1874 1640 Swain, Lillian M. (Seise) 1913 1451 Swank, Edwin L 1910 1 38 1 Swank, Laurence F 1909 1245 Swank, Orville M 1907 449 Swantees, Samuel F 1891 367 Swartwood, Daniel B. . .- 1888 1010 Swartz, Cora (Ross) 1903 d.d. Swearington, Richard 1893 126 Sweesy, Mathias Verdin 1873 1072 Sweesy, Walter J 1904 539 Sweet, Burton E. 1893 782 Sweet, Earl C 1899 450 Swingley, Blanche 1891 779 Swisher, Minnie (Sea ger) .... 1809 303 Taft, Marcus Horton 1885 ll.d. Talbot, D. M 1904 1573 Tallman, Elmer W. 1912 200 Tallman, Elizabeth 1879 680 Tallman, Jesse M 1897 660 Tallman, Lida (Colton) 1897 a.m. Tanneyhill, G. W . 1891 325 Tarbox, James L 1886 1 134 Taubman, Genevieve 1905 489 Taylor, Gorham A 1892 1073 Taylor, Margaret M 1904 681 Taylor, Olive , . 1897 116 Taylor, Thomas Blaine 1872 949 Taylor, T. Blaine 1903 1304 Tennant, Belle 1908 1305 Tennant, Jay Leonard 1908 1246 Terrall, John Jay 1907 1 134 Terrall, Genevieve (Taubman) 1903 1382 Terrall, Lewis Z 1909 1242 Terrall, Phila (Russell) 1907 1 135 Terrall, Wm. Arthur 1905 INDEX 123 1306 433 1307 326 1565 540 PH.D. D.D. IOI9 I509 783 I5IO 1452 1308 IS" 37 949 582 368 235 726 1644 725 18 1020 427 1074 973 1453 1512 ISI3 344 279 1454 D.D. A.M. 731 1 188 1574 846 653 1021 950 45i 898 899 1514 1136 *i37 1247 1575 583 1138 1576 1022 201 A.M. 10/5 726 727 IO76 951 ISI5 952 87 93 IX.D. 654 202 953 584 "39 1577 682 541 Terrill, Grace 1908 Thoburn, Ruth (Collins) .. 1891 Thomas, Eldora Alice 1908 Thomas, Hattie E 1886 Thompson, Carrie Ellen 191 2 Thompson, Charles W 1893 Thompson, Edward 1881 Thompson, Fayette E- 1903 Thompson, Fred R 1903 Thompson, George Dale .. 191 1 Thompson, James H 1899 Thompson, Jean 191 1 Thompson, Nan May 1910 Thornley, Bell 1908 Thorpe, Geo. Eugene 19" Thrall, Genia (Birdsall) 1867 Tiffany, Ross Kerr 1902 Tipple, Lotta 1894 Tobin, Michael J .. . . . 1888 Tobin, Thos. F 1882 Tompkins, Belle (VanBus- kirk) 1898 Tompkins, Marguerite F 1913 Tompkins, William 1898 Tool, Fannie (Scott) 1862 Toothaker, Eucia 1903 Torrey, Clarence A 1890 Townsan, Evard G ,.,.. . . . 1904 Townsan, Florence (Elliott) . .1903 Trieschmann, Catherine 1 9 1 o Trieschmann, Helena C 191 1 Trieschmann, Jacob 191 * Triggs, William R 1887 Triggs, Zula 1884 Trimble, Harry Clyde 1910 Trimble, John B 1898 Trimble, Eydia 1904 Trippy, Myrtle (Wilcox) 1898 Trousdale, Elmer H 1906 Trousdale, Elsie Vera 191 2 Trousdale, Robert E» . 1900 Trowbridge, John B 1896 Truby, Charles L 1903 True, Babe 1902 Tubbs, Carrie 1891 Tucker, Arthur E 1901 Tucker, E. Walden 1901 Tucker, Fred Raymond 19 1 1 Tunnicliff, Grace 1905 Turner, Clyde 1905 Twogood, Howard Niles 1907 Underwood, Florence 19 12 Updegraff, Harlan 1894 Updegraff, Eida 1905 Upton, Raymond Guy 191 2 Utt, Chester A 1903 VanAnda, Arthur J 1879 VanAnda, James A 1883 VanBuren, George J 1904 VanBuskirk, Belle 1898 VanBuskirk, Ida M 1898 VanFossen, John R 1904 Van Horn, 7 as. P 1902 VanNess, Grace R 191 1 VanNess, John A 1902 VanSant, Ella (Golder) 1870 VanSant, Nicholas G 1870 VanSant, Samuel R. . . . ,. 1904 Vermilya, Guerdon M 1896 Virden, Estella 1879 Wade, Arthur E. 1902 Wade, John C 1894 Wade, Ruby C 1905 Wagner, Mabel Elizabeth 1912 Waite, Oren B 1897 Wakefield, Benjamin A 1893 1309 35 1645 109 847 452 1189 683 77 127 1023 1310 656 1024 655 1062 1077 542 499 162 143 1 1 40 500 1141 954 901 1025 1455 304 902 LL.D. 453 108 M.SC. 728 254 198 203 1248 1249 1190 1026 657 848 543 222 1383 1578 1384 1579 1027 1028 729 730 1142 1337 789 61s 78 A.M. D.D. 585 II9I 1192 I3II 784 501 247 144 1385 255 236 6l6 785 775 1580 1581 Walker, Albert M 1908 Walker, Anna C 1866 Walker, Boyd Isaac 1913 Wallace, Elsie (Hayzlett) 1872 Wallace, Mabel 1900 Walters, Charles E 1891 Ward, Alice Mae 1906 Ward, Edith 1897 Ward, Julius A 1869 Ward, Martin E 1873 Ward, Walter J 1903 Wardle, Ada 1908 Wardle, Addie G 1896 Wardle, Emma 1903 Wardle, Joseph D 1896 Ware, Myra (Reeves) 1904 Ware, Thomas 1904 Warner, Arthur B 1893 Warner, Harriet 1892 Warner, Horace Emory 1876 Warner, Sylvanus B 1874 Warren, Samuel W 1905 Wasser, William C 1892 Waterman, Edith M 1905 Watson, Eva 1902 Watson, Ida ,. . . • 1901 Watson, Percey E- 1903 Watson, Ruth 1910 Watts, EilHan 1885 Waugh, Anna May 1901 Weaver, S. M 1907 Webb, Mary ...1891 Webster, Emma (Haskin) 1872 Webster, Isaac T 1876 Weeks, Ida Ahlborn 1898 Weeks, Leroy T 1883 Welch, Adele (Stevens) 1879 Welch, George W 1879 Wells, Alonzo Alfred 1907 Wells, Eenna Edith 1907 Wells, Mertie Mabel , . 1906 Welstead, Frederick E 1903 Wenger, Bertha 1896 Wescott, Orville D 1900 West, Elsie 1893 West, Elijah A 1881 West, Florence 1909 West, Irwin Paul 191 2 West, Merle Scott 1909 West, Vera Maud 1912 Westren, Richard T 1903 Wheat, Albert J 1903 Wheat, Beniamin P 1898 Wheat, Fred C 1898 Wheat, George Guy 1905 Wheat, Ida (Field) . 1909 Wheat, Wilb'an (Woodworth) . 1809 Wheeler, Albert J 1895 Wheeler, Amelia .- .1869 Wheeler, David H 1858 Wheeler, David H _• • 1867 Wheeler, Ernest C 1894 Wheeler, Mae Lucile 1906 Wheeler, Ward Huey .1906 Wheelock, Rav Hoover 1008 Whitcomb, Grace E 1899 White, Antrim E l8 92 White, Celia (Hutchins) 1883 White, Clinton E l8 74 White, Edith McKinney. . 1 909 White, George W 1883 White, Henry Clay 1882 White, James E 1895 White, Mary H 1899 White, Nellie (Remick) . . 1899 Whitman, John Rodgers 19 12 Whitmer, Ralph Glenn 1 9 1 2 124 CORNELL COLLEGE 1029 Whitmore, Tom C 1903 1 582 Whitsell, John W 1912 1583 Whitsell, Katherine (Wil- liams) 1912 684 Whitsitt, Wilson H ^ . . 1897 586 Whittemore, Hugh A 1894 1516 Wiederrecht, James V 1911 933 Wiedman, Fannie (Long) 1902 1456 Wiesner, Gustav H 1910 1517 Wilcox, Alfred C 19" 1386 Wilcox, Caroline 1509 685 Wilcox, Edward E 1897 1518 Wilcox, Geo. Milo 1911 1312 Wilcox, Jessie *9o8 79 Wilcox, John F 1869 731 Wilcox, Myrtle 1898 47 Wilcox, William 1867 80 Wilde, Eugenia 1869 1 124 Wilder, Leona (Ormrod) 1905 145 Wiley, Anna 1874 1 143 Wilken, Carrie 1905 544 Wilkinson, Herbert S .....1893 699 Wilkinson, Ollie (Dickinson) .1898 786 Wilkinson, William A 1899 1094 Willard, Alys (Carson) 1905 1078 Willard, Harold A 1904 1387 Williams, Alice 1909 903 Williams, Elizabeth V 1901 1646 Williams, Eva Fancher 1913 1388 Williams, Guy Carleton 1909 1030 Williams, Howard S ._. • 1903 686 Williams, Jesse E 1897 1 583 Williams, Katherine . .„ . 1912 983 Williams, Lily (Horton) 1903 1 178 Williams, Myrtle (Pelleymoun- ter) 1906 903 Williams, S. Vernon 1901 d.d. Williams, W. G 1886 732 Williams, W. Maude 1898 d.d. Williamson, John 1882 787 Williamson, Ralph B 1899 849 Willix, Laura 1900 545 Wilson, Arthur 1893 546 Wilson, Charles T 1893 1 137 Wilson, Clyde (Turner) 1905 850 Wilson, Edward B . 1900 502 Wilson, Edward E 1892 733 Wilson, George M 1898 ll.d. Wilson, James 1904 1079 Wilson, Lewis W 1904 453 Wilson, Mary (Webb) 1891 689 39i 1 144 264 327 36 788 1 193 3" 734 687 587 1584 1080 735 972 1389 H45 1250 94 305 789 1647 1 194 1201 1251 1252 345 503 328 369 736 774 306 1031 617 1457 1032 588 392 1480 504 20 D.D. 1519 8l 163 393 370 428 790 454 Wilson, Nellie (Alexander) . . . 1898 Wirtz, William A 1889 Wiseman, Jessie M 1905 Wishard, Eva (Fancher) 1884 Wiswall, Elmer A. 1886 Witter, Mary A. B . . . .1866 Witzigman, Frederick C 1899 Witzigman, Katherine ... 1906 Woleben, Anna (Dean) 1886 Wolfe, Anna L 1898 Wolfe, Grace G 1897 Wolfe, Mae 1894 Wong, Gang Huo 1912 Wood, Daisy D 1904 Wood, Daisy E > • 1898 Wood, Jessica (Eighmey) 1903 Wood, Majel Williams 1909 . Wood, Otho D 1905 Woodard, Roscoe James 1907 Woodford, Luther C r.1870 Woodward, Charles F 1885 Woodworth, Willian 1899 Woolsey, Benjamin Mu 191 3 Worrall, Maud Marie 1906 Workman, Gertrude (Bogart)^.i907 Wormer, Grace 1907 Wormer, Winifred 1907 Wright, Elizabeth F 1887 Wright, Herbert R 1892 Wright, Margaret 1886 Wright, Williams M 1888 Wroten, Homer 1898 Wroten, Martha (Reeder) . . . . 1899 Wyrick, Francis H ..1885 Yaggy, Ira D 1903 Yaggy, Samuel E 1895 Yocum, Edward B 1910 Yoran, Clarence G 1903 Yoran, Melviii J 1894 Young, Alfred E 1889 Young, Alice M. (Gerber) 191 1 Young, Edith Mae 1892 Young, Emerson K 1862 Young, George 1878 Young, George Warner 191 1 Young, George Wesley 1869 Young, James Carleton 1876 Young, John A 1889 Young, Robert G 1888 Zollinger, Charles 1890 Zollinger, Eva 1899 Zollinger, Morris A 1891 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 3 0112 111494347 It will be esteemed a favor if each alumnus who changes his residence or occupation will notify the College of such change. Information from any source that will assist in keeping the record of grad- uates up-to-date will be appreciated.