“A STUDY OF THE ELECTROLYTIC PREPARATION OF HYDROXYLA- MINE HYDROCHLORIDE AND HYDROXYLAMINE SULPHATE” BY FULLER FRANCIS ROSS THESIS FOR THE DEG REE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 1,922 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 https://archive.org/details/studyofelectrolyOOross / 922 H73 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ....May....2,6 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE THESIS PREPARED UNDER MY SUPERVISION BY ENTITLED A Ky.dr.Q^larair*.e...Hy..dr.o.c3r*lo.r.lde...ari.d...Hy.d.r.o.;j?:ylan;i.n.e...S.uX.p.Ua.t.^. IS APPROVED BY ME AS FULFILLING THIS PART OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF Ea.ciij£lc.r...o.f ...S.c.i.encfc. .. in CPj.erJ.c.al...Sngi.n.fc.ex.ing... Instructor in Charge Approved BIEAD OF DEPARTMENT OF 500310 F! -r,V » H . ' V ■». ^ ' , - '^' i#- f V »^: '"‘ J eioMUJi ^o YTieflaviMU L ) M *44« ••AM « ^«*»4 •■>*«•-* ::::^5L...ij'r3c... va woi«iiva:>j*iua 'VJU.^^^JUH pa hr /a iif 4 « ' > n • .Xt)^^tslv,ti^L^:^, — ^^o jiaaj 3 o ” tit ^ : w." ■rr™ fe . -NT ^ I 4^ »♦*»—»♦♦ ,«^ »»1»*»» I »•»•»■ I t.** »<»•»’ .. H/. C5^ < — ■ A _ . * 1 L '. yr^. I..j-Ji aJ «*<*♦* »!••*»« i»i ♦. ••«» . « luUAlir Ub Acknowledgment The writer desires to express his gratitude to Dr, J. H. Beedy, who has aided in this v/ork hy his very helpful suggSstions, Index to Contents Page I. Introduction* 1 II, Historical 2 III, Purpose of the problem 7 IV. Experimental 8 V. Conclusion 17 VI, Bibliography 16 A STUDY 0? THE ELECTROLYTIC PREPARATION OP HYSROXYLAI.TIME HYDROCHLORIDE MB HYDROXYLAl^IITE SULPHilTE Intro Auction Electrical methods in reduction and oxidation have the decided advantage over strictly chemical methods in that they are more readily controlled "by adjustment of the potential. Further- more, the products are purer, since there are no reduction or oxidation "by-products to "be removed, Verj'- probably, it is the element of cost, which limits more extensive use of electrolytic methods. Numerous methods have been suggested for the preparation of hydroxiy’-lamine , some impracticable, others with varying merits. Reduction of nitrites, nitrates, nitric acid and nitric oxide to Kydroxylam.ine have been discussed in some dsta>il by some authors. In every case, the methods are more or less unsatisfactory because of small yields. Besson ^ in 1911 claimed he had obtained the compound by the action of a silent dischiarge upon moist ammonia and similarly in 1909, Ezio Comanducii'^ investigated the effect of an electric discliarge upon a mixture of ammonia and 03^gen, with production of Hydro xylamine. Neither of these methods have been given much attention, but they go to illustrate an extended use of electrical methods in organic preparations, A great many authors ascribe the difficulty of preparation of the amine to the formation of by-products as aresult of the According to Raschig*^ (1890-) the hydrochloride of Hydroxj'l amine is obtained as follows: A saturated solution of sodium nitrite (l mol. ) is added to a solution of hydrogen sodium sulphite (2 mols. ) in a cooled vessel, and then a cold saturated solution of potassiumi chloride is added. After 24 hours the Hydroxylamine disulphonate separates. This salt is boiled in water several hours. After cooling the Ifydroxylamine sulphate separates out and is converted into the hydrochloride form with bariim chloride* The same authors, Divers and Haga^, 9 years later (1896) claimed that Sodium nitrite in the presence of Sodium carbonate could be reduced to the amine by use of Sulphur dioxide gas if a temperature of 2-3 degrees centigrade below zero was maintained, at which temperature hydro xj^l amine will not be deccmiposed by the sulphur dioxide present. The solution of oximidosulphonate is hydrolyzed to NH 2 OH by a few drops of H 2 SO 4 after two days maintain- ing a temperature of 80-85°, Besides these, C, F. Boehringer and p Sdhne° and F, B, Ahrens have attemipted to carry out efficient electrolytic methods for the preparation of the salts of Bydroxy- lam.ine, Ahrens^ (1903) reduced 50 percent llitric acid in a 50^ Sulphuric acid solution using a cooled lead cylinder for an anode and for the cathode an amalgamated lead cup, cooled by a mixture of salt and ice. He passed a current of 24 amperes for tv;o hours and forty minutes after which time the Hydroxy lamiine sulplia.te formed, was removed from, the ca.thode cup and the sulphate precipitated out with barium chloride. The converted Hydro xj'-l amine hydrochloride Vt’as then filtered from the bariumi sulphate and evaporated to i tit.. • i ^ ; i .1 _i I / :a •D I i — L- J ■i. . i r > >' X •-.. L.\‘ V,-' ' ' .;. ' • ■( j . .j in. t ..'i’*' ’Ji i i - f ■: *. . ■ 0 >‘ -4 dryness under diminished pressure* The salt was purified from the ammonium chloride hy several crystallizations from hot water equal to 1/2 of its weight. Ahrens claimed a yield of 80^ of the Nitric acid used. His v/ork carried out with a zinc cathode shov^ed a yield of a 15-25^ solution of Hydroxj’’lamine salt using a solution of nitric acid, 2 amperes current and maintaining a temperature of 0 degrees centigrade. "5 4 Tafel' * , a.hout the same time, employed practically the same method as Ahrens, claiming a 75-80^ yield of Hydroxylamine hydrochloride, based on the Nitric acid used. One precaution out- lined was that in the addition of the barium chloride solution to the Hydroxylamine sulphate solution care should be taken to retain a temperature of 30 -40 degrees centigra.de. The same procedure was carried out for filtration and crystallization of the hydrochloride as was outlined above, in Ahrens* work. Otto Flaschner ^^(1907} studied the electro -reduction of Hydroxylamine and of nitric acid using various cathode materials v;ith rather varied results. He em.phasized the fact that different metals as cathodes gave different potentials and in each case the extent of reduction differed. A high potential seemed conducive to the production of Hydroxylam.ine while the low potential resulted in the usual formation of a large quantity of ammonia. The latest work of any im.portance has been done by E. P. Schoch'' and P.. H. Pritchett (1916), The3? developed a method for preparation of the Hydroijqylamine hydrochloride directly v/ithout the intermediate barium chloride precipitation. They developed a method using an am.algamated lead cathode and a porous cell enclosing a lead rod for an anode. Fifty percent hydrochloric acid was placed in the cathode compartment and fifty percent sulphuric acid in the anode chamber. By the addition of small quantities of fifty percent nitric acid to the cathode compartment, the investigators were able to obtain the Hydro:^’lamine hydrochloride directly. A vacuum distillation to dryness and a recrystallization with absolute alcohol gives an 80^ yield, the 20^ loss being attributed to the evolution of arrmonia or the formation of ammonium compounds. There was a certain amount of ammonium chloride in the crj^stallized hydrochloride. Impest igat ion showed; Ethyl alcohol at 15® C. dissolves 44.3 grams. Hydro :^ylam,ine hydrochloride. Alcohol at the same temperature dissolves 6.2 grair.s ammonia chloride. In this work a current of 50 amperes ws.s passed through the cell for three hours. The temperature was maintained at 15 degrees or less. Various m.echanical ideas were brought into use such as a vacuum cylinder arranged to keep the cathode solution circulating through a cooling mixture. According to more recent information, it has been found that this method has not been nearly as successful as originally described. An attempted duplication of the work by the authors themselves has resulted in very low yields, M. A, Beeson published his work on the study of an electric discharge on wet and on dry ammonia gas. He found that the effect of an electric discharge on dry ammonia resulted in the partial formation of nitrogen and hydrogen. The ammonia gas is dried by passing through a long column of fused potassium hydroxide then refrigerated and subjected to the discharge, thus yielding the products mentioned above. He found that the electrical discharge did not react in a similar manner in the presence of moist ammonia, but decomposed into Hydro xjriamine and hydrogen according I I ' / ' Jiji I I ) ■:;; ^ i *>. ) • ■:!■ • 1 , 'i*'’ - M i I % 1 - 6 - to the following reaction: NH 3 + H 2 O = Ha+ ITHaOH Besson confirmed the presence of Hydro :xylarnine by reducing a copper sulphate solution. So far, we have discussed the various important methods of electrolytic preparation of Hydroxy lamine salts and have only men- tioned other methods that are related to the problem. Since this present work makes use of an Illium cathode, a short discussion of the alloy seems apropos. Illium is an acid-resisting alloy invented by Professor S, W, Parr^^ of this University. It has several compos- itions but possessing an important property in each case-it*s resistance to corrosion by acids such as sulphuric and nitric acids. It is given the general formula; SO.Sbfo nickel 21,07 Chromium 2.13 Tungsten 1,09 Aluminium ,98 Manganese 6.42 Copper ,76 Iron 4 . 67 Mo lyb den urn 1.04 Silicon It possesses a high electrical resistance. Very little detail has been printed upon the various properties of Illium. Assuiaing that the alloy possessed the property of electrical conductance, it was thought possible to utilize it as an electrode in the ordinary type of electrolytic reduction reactions. According to Allmand , the effect of the cathode material on the course of reduction is two -fold, 1, Different cathodes catalyse the reaction in such a manner that reduction can take place with a far less negative cathode potential at some cathodes than at others. -7- 2. At the same cathode potential, the current density can vary, A change in the surface area of the cathode would change the current density and possibly give a more desirable potential for reduction. In other words, when the surface area of the electrode is altered, the strength of the current remaining the same, the number of ions discharged at unit surface varies in direct proportion. Therefore, by selecting a suitable electrode, it is possible to cause the concentration of the ions to vary within wide limits, III Purpose of the Problem Some authors have stated that Hydroxylamine was prepared when the temperature \vas 30-40degrees centigrade (Tafel'^), Schoch and Pritchett kept the temperature about 15 degrees or less. It was thought desirable to obtain some a.dditional information, then, about temperature regulation in this preparation. Since Illium has never been used for electrolytic work an investigation of its availability for this purpose suggested itself. By-products, or further reduction products of Hydroxj-'l- araine such as ammonia and ammonium salts, keeps the maximum yield of the amine at 80^. If this process could be perfected so as to prevent any further reduction than Hydroxylamine, the yield could be appreciably increased. Reduction of nitric acid is the usual practice. It would be interesting therefore to study its electrolytic reduction in some- what the same manner as before and also to study the reduction of nitrites which is already one stage closer to the formation of the M0M amine than nitrates. IV Experimental GEITERAL liCETIIOB Solutions Anode (Porous cell)- 40 cc bO% H2SO4 Cathode (outer glass cell)- lOOcc bO% H2SO4 Cathode (outer glass cell)- 15cc bO% HNO3 Diagram and setting- next page. Procedure The general method of reduction of nitric acid in the presence of sulphuric acid was attempted in which the desired product should he Hydroxylamine sulphate. Twenty amperes current was passed through the Cell for 1 1/4 hours. A lead tube 3/8 inches in diameter and 2 feet long was coiled into a spiral so that it just fit into the anode chamber, a porous cup 1 1/2 inch in diameter and 3 inches high. Water was passed through the tube, the temperature being 18® Centigrade, Around the cathode compartment, a m.ixture of salt and ice was used to aid in keeping down the temperature. The cathode electrode was an Illium lug of 7.599 square centimeters surface area. The cathode chamber was a glass cylinder 3 inches in diameter and 4 inches high. The 15 cubic centimeters of nitric acid was added in about 15 minutes, or at the rate of 1 cubic centimeter per minute. After 1 1/4 hours, the reaction was stopped. It was observed that the brown fumes of nitrogen (HO2 ) issued from the anode during the reaction, but more actively at the beginning of the reaction than near the end. The lead anode was eaten through VIPI^fG Di/2&G/^ra CELL /3EBClLfGEnENT„ Wdt-mr- Cooleei L.e«ct t^rrocfe. I completely and lead sulphate deposited in the bottom of the cell due to the oxidation effect of nitrogen dioxide in the presence of the sulphuric acid solution. The brown ring test with ferrous sulphate formed the unstable FeS 04 *^ 0 , verifying the presence of unreduced nitric acid or at least no further reduction than nitrous acid. The usual steps in this rSduction are; MO 3 = MO 2 = ITH 2 OH = ITH 3 The increase of temperature around the cathode as the process continued followed the graph as shown on the next page. Tests with Fehling’s solution showed the absence of Hydroxylamine. It is evident that the procedure as carried out was above the decomposition temperature of Hydroxylamine , therefore eliminating the possibility of its preparation, COHTROL OF TEI.fPERATURE The next attempt to control temperature prompted a slight change of set-up. In this case the lead anode coil was placed around the porous cell and the porous cell was made the cathode compartment. The quantities used ; Anode - 200 cc b0% H 2 SO 4 Cathode- 30 cc 50^ H 2 SO 4 Cathode 3.2 grams, HITO 3 (4-5cc 50;^) The current was reduced to ten amperes. The temperature of the water through the lead tube was I 6 degrees Centigrade. An ice and salt mixture surrounded the anode chamber. The temperature was much mo?.’e under control in this case than before as will -be seen by the graph. The solution of Hydroxylamine sulphate was treated with barium chloride solution (50^) and the sulphate precipitated ( “10 out, leaving the hydrochloride of Hydroxyl amine in sol^ition. This solution was evaporated almost to dryness and the crystals removed as formed. Treatment with 95^ ethyl alcohol extracted the hydro- chloride crj'stals or at least v/hat appeared to be the crystals of the salt. Crystals of ammonium, chloride remain comparatively undissolved. The insoluble crystalline residue was filtered off. The crj^stals treated with sodium hydroxide gave off abundant ammonia fumes, confirming the statements of some authors that the electrolytic reduction of nitric acid goes over completely into ammonia and ammoniumi compounds. The alcoholic solution, upon evaporation in vacuum* on the water bath, gave additional crystals which also gave the test for ammonia. Hehling’s solution was not reduced by the crystals of either the first or second batch. The crystals were distinctly acid and gave off an odor of chlorine. A partic-1 explanation for not obtaining Hydroxy lamine might be again attributed to the temperature which was still too high around the cathode to favor its formation. The lowest temperature during the run was 22® Centigrade, with an average temperature of appro xim*ately 39° Centigrade. The decomposition of Kydrosylamdne takes place at 33® Centigrade, GREATEST HEATIHG AROUHi: THJi! CATHODE Apparently the highest heating area is in the cathode compartment. This v/as found to be true not only when the cathode was in the inner cell and surrounded by the lead anode water coil, to but also when the ca,thode chamber was the outer chamber nex;^the ice-salt mdxture. The latter method seemed the most promising, i.e. v/ith the cathode cell as the outer cell. - 11 - EFPECT OF SLOW ADDITION OF NITRIC ACID A porous cell 2 inches in diameter and 4 inches high was substituted for the 1 1/2 inch cell so as to give a greater capacity and reduce mechanical difficulties. Glass tubes were placed into the ca.thode chamber and an ice-salt water mixture alloY/ed to flow through them thus aiding in keeping the solution in the cathode cooler than ever before. The quantities used Anode - 125 cc, 50^ H 2 SO 4 Cathode 150 cc. 50^ H 2 SO 4 Cathode 30 cc. 50^^ HNO 3 In every determination made, the nitric acid was added more or less rapidly. Possibly too ra,pid an addition of the acid would prevent its reduction of Hydro rylamine. At any rate very positive brown ring tests showed the presence of unreduced nitric acid in the cathode solution. This time care v/as taken to add the acid drop by drop at the rate of 1/2 cc, per minute. A current of 10 amperes v/as passed through the cell for two hours. The current was allowed to continue for one hour a.fter the last addition of nitric acid had been made, A.fter the first hour, some of the cathode solution pipetted out and m.ade alkaline, gave an excellent reduction reaction (Fehling*s solution) confirming the presence of Hydroxyl amine. To ascertain just where the reduction reaction took place in the cathode cell, a portion of the solution farthest away from the electrode v/as subjected to the brown ring test (FeS 04 ). The presence of unreduced nitrates or nitrites was confirmed. No reduction of Fehling^s solution could be obtained. Evidently, then^ the reaction for - 12 - reduction took place in the immediate vicinity of the cathode and those nitrate or nitrite ions which were migrated did not enter into any reduction process. The lead anode v/as covered with a hrown lead dioxide. Upon titration with 2 % potassium permanganate, the solution showed 20^ ammonium hydroxide. During electrolytic reduction operations such as we have carried out, there is hydrogen evolved at the cathode. After two hours the Illium lug v/as covered with a brown film and at the same time no m.ore bubbles of liydrogen or of any gas came off through the liquid. The reaction was stopped. After an hour a repeated test v^rith Fehling’s solution gave negative results. The probable reason for not obtaining Hydroxylamine again was because of the presence of unreduced nitric acid in the cathode solution which reacted with the Hydroxylamine form.ed, decomposing it, FACTORS EFFECTING STABILITY OF HYDRO XYLAI^DTE Further attempts have shown that the use of two Illium lugs with a total area of 15 square centimeters gave better results, because a more desirable potential for reduction is obta,ined. The follow'ing determiinat ion was run for three hours; 1 1/2 hours of that tim.e was taken in adding the nitric acid. The current of ten amperes was again used but with a greater cathode area the potential developed was different. The sarnie quantities of solutions were used as in previous run. The cathode solution was kept at a temperature of 12® - 13® Centigrade during the run, A jigger aided in shaking up the nitric acid into the solution as it Tvas added. This solution tested positively for Hydroxylamine sulph.a,te with Fehling’s solution, both at the lov/ temperature and at ordinarj^ room temperature. This confirmed the stability of Hydroxylamine sulphate i 0. ■ . ■<'- 1 I V V. >v 's, t ‘ i, l. w ^ t I A ?0 I. \ t » . f-* •> ri« w/ I i s j. " r* I '■'T; ♦ 4 i 'J x. 'ar"!?* '■■ ^ 1 l»4r « ■ . . I ' ■' «H f . -^ - iv. .1 •: ' ’,•• '> ' ; •~r:i ..• - f- ■ • ’ ' j •_ -vi- ^ •

T0a -15- A current of 10 amperes was used. The temperature was kept at 11® - 14® Centigrade. Two hours was taken in adding the nitric acid and this was followed "by another hour of electrolysis to reduce the nitric adid as completely as possible. It will be observed that sulphuric acid was placed in the anode chamber as before. Hydrochloric acid would have eaten the lead anode if it had been substituted. The final reduced solution gave the conf irmato rjr test for Hydroxylamine so the next step was the evaporation under vacuum on the water bath. It was possible to only partially evaporate the solution, hov/ever, upon analysis, it was found that there Y/ere sulphate ions present in the salution, and this meant a high boiling constituent. The sulphate ions had migrated from the anode cell and had to be removed from the mixture of IIH 2 OH.HCI and HCl by precipitation with barium chloride. Again this involved intermediate steps of precipitation, filtration and re-evaporation. Apparently the loss of Hydroxylamine was again experienced. If any of the nitric acid was present and unreduced it vfculd without doubt decompose the Hydroxylamine when the solution was heated during evapo ration, REDUCTION OE NITRITES TO BENZALDOXIL'ES Nitrites are one stage farther reduced than nitrates therefore, why would it not be possible to use all the current energy in the reduction process from the nitrite stage on to the Hydroxyl- amine stage? At the same time, if Hydroxylamine is formed could it not be converted into benzaldoxime directly in the cell and later hydrolyzed to give Hydro x^j’-lamine hydrochloride? - 16 - This possibility was next considered. The quantities used Cathode 60 cc 50^a HCl 70 cc Benzaldehyde 15 cc UalT 02 (15 gr, ) Anode 125 cc 50^ H 2 SO 4 The temperature was higher for some reason a.nd was about 25® Centi- grade, With a current of ten amperes flowing for t"wo hours, a. two -layered solution was obtained. The benzaldehyde was separated from the hydrochloric acid solution. The solution reduced potassium permanganate, but did not effect Fehling’s solution. It was con- clusive of the absence of the amine. It is understood that nitrites are readily reducable in acid or neutral solutions and in fact we find some reducing constituent present in this case. Whether the Hydroxylamine will combine with the aldehyde in acid solution is very doubtful. The Hydroxylamine, if formed, probably decomposed imm.ediately because the temperature was 25® Centigrade during the run. Sodium nitrite is very easily decomposed by an acid solution setting free nitrous acid (nitric and nitrous oxides. ) -17- V. Conclusion From the work carried out we have been able to observe some of the characteristic reactions 7/hich occur in the electrolytic reduction of nitric acid or sodium nitrite and from these observatiom certain points have evidenced themselves namely, - 1. The reduction of nitric acid to Hydro ::!ylamine depends most vitally upon the maintainance of as low a temperature as possible preferably 15° Centigrade or less, 2. To obtain the best results, a continued run for some length of time after the last addition of nitric acid is desirable. This might be further explained by the fact that, 5, Hitric acid, when present to any great extent, in an unre- duced state decomposes hydro xylamine. 4. The importance of adding nitric acid drop by drop to the cathode solution instea,d of by rapid addition is fundamental. This gives a better opportunity for the total reduction of the acid as it is dropped into the solution. An accumulation of unreduced acid verifies conclusion 3. 5. Reduction occurs only in the immediate vicinity of the cathode electrode and not through the entire cathode solution as is sometimes / suppo sed, 6. Illium can be used successfully in the electrolytic reduction of nitric acid. It has a sufficiently high potential when in a 50 ^ sulphuric acid solution to warrant its use for a cathode electrode. 1 ’’ * , ,') -18- VI Eitliography 1. M. A, Besson, Comptes Rendus, 152, 1850 (1911.) 2. Ezio Comanducii, Chem. Zentr. I, 1530 (1909) 3. J. Tafel Zeit, Anorg, Chem. 31, 289, (1902) 4. J. Tafel , Perkins ’ Electro chem.istr\’ , p, 222 5. E. P. Schoch and R. H. Pritchett, J. Am. Chem. Soc. V 38, 2042 (1916) 6. Divers and Haga, J, Chem, Soc. VLI, 660 (1887) Trans, J. Chem. So C. V 69, 1665 (1896) Trans. 7. Paschig, J, Pharm. (5) 21, 245-246 Abstract in J. Chem. Soc. V. 58, 558 (1890) 8. T. P. Boehringer and Sohne, Chem, Zentr. 1, 1C6 (1903) Chem. Zentr. II, 313,(1902) 9. P. B. Ahrens, Handhuch der Elektro chemie , 34 6, (1902-3) 10, Otto Plaschner, Monatsh, V. 28, 235 (1907) 11, S. V/. Parr, Brass World and Plater’s Guide, 457, (1914) 12, S, W. Parr, Chemi, Abstracts, 3204, (1915) 13, S. W. Parr, J. Soc. Chem. Ind. Il6l, (1914) 14, S. W. Parr, J. Soc. Chem. 2515, (1915) 15, Allmand Applied Electrochemistry 16, Eickhoff, Amer, Chem, J. 28, 202, (1902) Maxwell Adams, Amer, Chem. J. 28, 202, (1902) 17, Hollem.an-Walker , Textbook of Organic Chem.istry 206, 368, 409. ( ( t \ / \ 1 f