THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. University of Illinois Library i f Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates SMALL-POX : THE PREDISPOSING CONDITIONS AND TIIEIR PREVENTIVES. WITH A SCIENTIFIC EXPOSITION OF V A C C I N A T I 0 N. By Dr. CARL BOTH. SECOND EDITION. BOSTON: ALEXANDER MOORE. LEE & SHEPARD, Boston and New York. TRUBNER & CO., Paternoster Row, London. i 8 7 2. [The Author reserves the right of translation.] Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1872, by Alexander Moore, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. STEREOTYPED BY JOHN 0. BEGAN & OO. 65 Congress Street. 6tV\1l B65s£. SEINEM SLefjrer utrt) JFwtmUe, p Kor . Dr. DEHLBB, in Wurzburg, ALS EIN KLEINES ZEICHEN DEE fp hoohachtung zugeeignet , nr > VON DEM j> VERFASSER, D Gj ' if) fO 1-7 co TO HIS ^eacfjer anti Jticnti, Pror. Dr. DBHLER, in Wurzburg, THIS VOLUME IS DEDICATED, AS A SMALL TOKEN OF ESTEEM , BY THE \ Tr !— i A author. / * ■ V SMALL-POX j~)iseases which destroy a great many human lives, we observe, make their appear- ance from time to time. But the nature of these diseases which thus appear periodically, seems to be different from others, and they have been thought to have their origin in climatical influ- ences. That particular individuals feel more or less affected by certain climates or atmospheres, while others do not, there can be no doubt. But while we admit that peculiar changes in the atmosphere occur, which must have their certain effect, we do not admit that such changes could affect one person and not another. Nature is very exact, and mathematically precise in carry- ing on her work. Her laws are invariable and absolute, logical and consequent in their opera- ( 5 ) 6 SMALL— POX. tions, and admit of no exceptions whatever. Therefore, if we believe we have discovered one of the facts of nature, our first duty is to see whether it is always unfailing in its effect or appli- cation ; for if it is not thus unfailing, we put it down, not as a law or fact of nature, but as a human mistake. Therefore, if there exists any- thing in the atmosphere which is capable of injuring any one person’s health, it must, from the very law of necessity, be general in its effects, so far as all who breathe it under the same con- ditions are concerned; that is, if it injure one, all must feel its effects, as they would the effects of a strong wind, of heat, or of cold, or as they would the effect of arsenic, or carbonic acid inhaled, or an electrical shock, fire, water, etc. For example, if a certain number of persons take arsenic, or inhale carbonic acid gas, etc., under the same condition, all will be alike injured ; not one can escape. Hence, if we observe that only a portion, perhaps a third, or even much less, of a given population becomes seriously affected, while all the rest are entirely free or exempt, then we must logically conclude that there was some- thing different in the organism of those affected, SMALL-POX. 7 from those who were exempt; in other words, that the reason or cause of their being affected is to be found in themselves , and not in the atmos- phere alone. In all epidemics, such as cholera, small-pox, yellow fever, typhus, etc., we find it generally admitted that the affected persons have shown a previously existing predisposition or sus- ceptibility to it; that is, they were so constituted in their organization as to be liable to it, while those who continued in health were so constituted as to escape uninjured. Therefore, it is a matter of no consequence to us here, whether minute spores float in the atmosphere, carrying the germ of these diseases, or whether gases escape from the earth, or from diseased persons ; or whether electrical currents, or uneven pressure of the atmosphere, or whatever may be thought to be the infecting agent ; we have to do only with the predisposition or susceptibility necessary in order to be infected. If we can avoid this ^predisposi- tion^ we need have no fear about the atmosphere, or other supposed infecting agents ; we are invul- nerable. This we lay down as a general rule ; but our present purpose and object in particular 8 SMALL-POX. is, to ascertain how the predisposition to Small- pox may be escaped. Small-pox is an epidemic which is very old, extending back into the past as far as the records of history, but in no century has it ever been known to be worse, or more fatal, than in the seventeenth, after the thirty years’ war in Europe ; there seemed to be no stopping its ravages. In the beginning of the eighteenth century, an Eng- lish lady learned that the Asiatic tribes inoculated themselves with Small-pox virus with a ' view to escape the disfiguring of their faces from pitting ; and the inoculation with Small-pox virus soon became inaugurated in Britain. But the con- sequences resulting from it were of such a char- acter, that it soon came to be considered as a dangerous proceeding. In the latter part of the eighteenth century, Jenner introduced vaccination, substituting cow-pox lymph for human Small-pox lymph. Since that time, which is nearly one hundred years, vaccination has been the only preventive known, and has been most thoroughly employed. But notwithstanding, Small-pox makes its appearance, and at the present time is very severe both in Europe and in parts of this country. SMALL-POX. 9 It has been admitted by the warmest advocates of vaccination, that it is not unfailing , but is consid- ered a means by which the party vaccinated is made less liable to Small-pox. It must therefore be admitted that something more certain and sure in its effects can be considered, and that an improve- ment as regards security against Small-pox is not unseasonable, or out of place. It is no part of our present purpose to repeat, or to criticise the various views which are held in regard to Small-pox. Whether it is born with a child, or caught from the atmosphere, or from contagion, or from spores, is a matter of compar- ative indifference. The fact is, that it is a verv disagreeable affection, and everybody is interested in avoiding it. But what is Small fox? It must be admitted by all, that Small-pox consists in an escape or exudation of something into the skin which causes it to swell, and by a process of putrefaction de- stroys it, and not unfrequently carries off the patient. This mass, which is thus exuded or thrown off into the skin, must necessarily come from the blood ; therefore it must be something in the blood which is abnormal, sickly, or bad, or IO SMALL-POX. there must be something which has deranged the whole system to such a degree that the blood, as a consequent, is disturbed in an exceedingly pe- culiar way. But if we would intelligently in- vestigate this something , we must understand how the blood is constituted, and learn which substance can be the offending one, or what other parts of the body have disturbed the blood-circulation so as to bring about Small-pox. Were we to analyze the blood, we should find it to consist of three principal parts, namely : water, albuminous combinations, and mineral sub- stances called blood salts. But since it is not possible that the blood serum or watery part of the blood can be the offending element, it must be found in the albuminous combinations, or in the blood salts. Before we proceed to investigate this particular point, however, it is necessary for us to understand what these several parts are for ; that is, their use, their office. Water in the blood performs the office of a solvent only , and does not of itself undergo any decomposition. The water which we drink having performed its office in the body, leaves it again, without change, as water. The albuminous portion of the blood we SMALL-POX. II find partly organized, as blood-globules, which act as the chemical machinery in the blood, and partly not organized, as fibrin and albumen, etc. These two again are distinguished by their con- sistency — fibrin, under ordinary circumstances, being confined within the blood-vessels, while albumen is not; but is that substance which penetrates the vessels, and nourishes all their tis- sues. Albumen is that substance which is the most prominent for life, and undergoes the greatest changes in the body. The more of it we have in our blood, the richer it is for nutrition ; but it will not be difficult to comprehend that there is a limit or bound to its usefulness, just as there is to the usefulness of fertilizers in their application to the soil. Every farmer and gardener knows that without the use of fertilizers of some kind, they can raise nothing ; and they know equally well, that if they apply the fertilizers in excess, the result will be the ruin of their crop. Excess, therefore, as far as the result is concerned, is just as bad as its opposite — a deficiency. There must be a certain relative proportion of things everywhere, in order to secure a given result; and this is as true in reference to the blood, as to 12 SMALL— POX. anything else. Nature, therefore, must have in- stituted within us a check or means by which to regulate the amount of albumen in the blood, as otherwise it might get so thick as to prevent it from flowing at all. This check is the blood salts generally , but common table salt especially . The salt we eat leaves our body again as salt, without undergoing any change whatever; but while in the body, performs the office of keeping the albumen in proper balance. Hence, from this physiological fact, it becomes evident that, if salt is wanting, albumen will be found in excess ; and if salt preponderates, or is in excess, albumen is deficient, or in demand ; both cannot be in excess at the same time. It is equally evident that the blood of a healthy person must contain the rel- ative proportions of water, albumen and salts, necessary to constitute normal or healthy blood, and that any variations from this formula of nature is abnormal, and must sooner or later, if the cor- rect balance is not very soon reestablished, result in the development of some disorder as the con- sequence. As this cannot be denied by any in- telligent person, we shall pursue our investigations regarding the consequences to the human economy SMALL-POX. 13 growing out of those conditions which arise from an excess or deficiency of albumen, or of salt, in the blood. It will, however, first be necessary to make the reader somewhat acquainted with another portion of the machinery of our body — the nerves. We all know that we have nerves by which our mo- tions are controlled, and nerves of sensation by which we feel. Both these originate, and have their seat in the brain. But we know that our heart beats without our will, and so do our intes- tines move, and so we must breathe, and so do we digest our food. The system of nerves that controls or presides over these particular departments of operations within the body, is called the sympathic. It does not originate in the brain, but has its principal centres in the abdominal cavity, at the sides and in front of the spinal column, and is that nerve by whose power we live. This nerve is as sus- ceptible or liable to injury as any other, but being entirely without the power of sensation, gives no pain. When this nerve has been injured for a length of time, it gives notice either by means of its connection with other nerves, or its proper SMALL-POX. work is arrested at some point for a time, or it works too much. For instance, if we abuse our stomachs for years by the use of strong stimulants, or high living, wines, etc., this nerve, being in- sulted at the stomach, will relax in the joints of the toes, and produce what is called gout, show- ing no relaxation in the stomach, for should it do so, the person would die. Or it relaxes in the skin generally, and produces that condition known as measles, or scarlet fever, or chicken- pox, or small-pox, or if it affects more the lining membranes of the internal canals, scurvy, or typhus fever, cholera, and the like. The differ- ence between these disorders is partly owing to the different degrees of pressure which the force of the heart exerts upon the body, or to the chemical difference of the blood constituents, or only to the seat or particular point of difficulty, or to the more or less severe injury to the nerve itself. The nerve may act in consequence of too much irritation, so as to contract the finest capil- lary blood-vessels to a degree which admits of no circulation, producing complete stoppage, or, in consequence of loss of power, it can relax the walls of the vessels to such an extent as to let the SMALL-POX. 15 blood run directly through them. Having thus given a general idea of the office of this nerve, we shall now show the reason for its abnormal action under certain conditions. Suppose we eat meat (which contains a great amount of albumen), and, at the same time, too much salt. The almost immediate consequence will be that we become very thirsty, the body requires as much more water as is necessary to throw out all the salt in excess of what was required. This we all know ; but if the same ex- periment is repeated again and again, we shall find that sickness is the result ; the blood becomes very poor and thin, and will no longer coagulate, and, of course, cannot sufficiently nourish the body, which, in consequence, becomes weak, and the sympathic nerve finally relaxes so much that the blood runs directly through the blood-vessels. This condition is well known under the name of scurvy. A similar process, however, will occur, when- ever from any cause there is a manifest lack or deficiency of albumen. For example, typhus fever, which, in its origin, is caused by an excess of albuminous matter, is often followed by bleeding, i6 SMALL-POX. as in scurvy. In this case, the fever reduces the albumen to such an extent, that the nerve relaxes so as to permit the blood to run through the blood- vessels ; and the same can occur after Small-pox, but only when the process of recovery is very slow and unfavorable. It also sometimes occurs in cases of alcohol poisoning of long duration. A more severe and profuse bleeding is occasion- ally observed in cholera and yellow fever, in con- sequence of spasmodic contraction of this nerve. But suppose we reverse the case, and eat meat, and too little salt ; what then will be the conse- quences? From what we have already learned, the answer can be very readily given ; there will be an accumulation of albuminous matter in the blood, which makes it too thick to answer its designed purposes under all circumstances. Therefore, upon the occurrence of some unusual excitement, under which the action of the heart necessarily becomes accelerated, the pulsations or beats following each other more and more rapidly, this blood, which is too thick, would in some way have to get rid of a part of the albu- men, as otherwise it could not flow with sufficient rapidity, and under the circumstances would SMALL-POX. 17 produce pneumonia, or similar disorders, by throwing this superfluous albumen into the lungs. Or the occurrence of an extraordinary nervous irritation could cause a spasmodic contraction of the peripheric portion of the nerve, and thus obstruct the free circulation in the skin, producing a sensation of dull headache from blood pressure ; then the nerve, by suddenly relaxing, would allow the blood to rush into the now powerless vessels, extending them to the utmost, until they would either burst, or remain in this overfilled and ex- tended condition. This would be the state which we observe in the beginning or earliest stage of Small-pox. The exuded or escaped mass con- sequent upon the rupture of the blood-vessels then begins to putrefy, destroys the surrounding tissues, and finally heals by drying up, leaving the skin in a more or less mutilated condition ; or the patient dies from general blood poisoning, or from exhaustion in consequence of the total absence of a reestablished digestion. In short, we wish to be understood as saying that the 'pre- disposition to Small-pox consists in an undue proportion of albuminous matter to the blood-salts, and that as the result, an otherwise inoffensive i8 SMALL-POX. nervous irritation becomes sufficient to cause the blood to part with this superfluous albumen, which in this case is thrown into the skin, and constitutes that condition which is commonly called Small- pox. And we further maintain, that a person who does not exhibit this superabundance of albuminous matter in his blood is not liable to Small-pox under any circumstances of exposure, or contact with patients suffering from this dis- order. In support of this theory, which, if correct, gives us at once the absolute control of this dreaded disease, we give a few illustrations. It is well known that Small-pox is a common disease among the Asiatic tribes, who first made use of inoculation as a preventive. If we consider their mode of life, we shall observe that they live to a great extent on starch and sugar ; that is, upon food which largely contains starch and sugar, and that salt is not regularly used by them in connection with their food, or otherwise, either in its own form, or in salt fish, or meat; and their soft, fatty, and puffy appearance at once indicates a preponderance of fat and albumen. On the other hand, the disease is never found among SMALL— POX. x 9 such races as live on salt fish, or who use salt generally. It was unknown among the American Indians previous to the coming of the white man, but as soon as he came, and began to have deal- ings with them, they were destroyed by Small-pox in masses. Why? Had the climate undergone a sudden change, or some deadly thing floating in a current of the atmosphere descended upon them, or had the white man brought it from over the sea in his person, ships, or merchandise? The Indians sold their furs, and other articles of trade, in exchange for fire-water ; and alcohol, as we shall hereafter learn, has the property or power of freeing the blood of its salt. The In- dians, in connection with their natural food (wild game, fish, roots, etc.), received into their systems a sufficient quantity of salt ; but when their blood- salts were thrown out by the use of alcoholic drinks, causing a relative preponderance of albu- minous matter in the blood, they at once became predisposed to Small-pox, and fell victims to its ravages. The Western hunter or trapper would rather part with his powder than his salt, because he well knows that without salt he will very soon be able to do nothing, from loss of vigor or power. 20 SMALL-POX. He will sell, or sometimes give, the Indian all the liquor he wants, or even powder, but will never part with his salt, and the more especially as the Indian certainly cares little or nothing about it. We find Small-pox a regular visitant wherever, from any cause, salt has become scarce. After all the long wars in Europe, when, from the pres- sure of what was regarded as more important business, the salt mines were unworked or neg- lected, it has invariably made its appearance. The same is true in reference to all besieged cities after that salt became scarce ; examples of which, we have in the sieges of Metz and Paris, during the late Franco-Prussian war. When food became scanty, a hungry person would eat almost anything, and salt is about the last thing for which he would ask, especially when scarce and expensive. And, besides, when a person eats salt he becomes hungry much sooner than without it, and consequently, when food is very scarce, will neglect its use, instead of procuring it ; and for the same reason salt is in very limited use in poor countries, and among the very poor. The Prussian army had no Small-pox during the SMALL-POX. 21 late war — and why? they were well provided with pea-sausages, which contained not only salt, but all the necessary ingredients the human body requires for health and vigor. It will invariably be found, upon investigation, that the ravages of Small-pox are principally confined to those cities, countries, or particular localities where the popu- lation is over-crowded, or dwells in close, unven- tilated tenements, with habits and surroundings of which, to say the least, are bad, living for the most part in the use of alcohol, with little or no salt, and upon food which does not contain the requisite elements for constituting the best blood. And if this investigation is still further pursued, the reverse of this will be found true : namely, that that city, or part of a city, the population of which is composed of what is usually termed the better or upper classes, whose dwellings, sur- roundings, habits of life, and diet, are what they should be, in connection with the use of a suffi- cient quantity of salt, invariably and absolutely escape this disease. For an illustration of the truth of this statement, let us, for example, take Boston. Disfigured faces from the pitting of Small-pox are very rarely seen 22 SMALL-POX. among the native population, or better classes ; while they are very numerous among the foreign population, and the very poor. Small-pox has frequently Visited towns and cities in the vicinity of Boston — Lowell, for instance — without affect- ing Boston in the slightest degree. And whenever it has made its appearance here, it has, as already intimated, been confined to particular localities and populations. The reason for this comparative freedom from Small-pox in Boston is very simple. In no city in the world is there so much salt used, in proportion to the number of inhabitants, as here. It would be difficult to find a table where salt was not placed before each person, and at almost every meal, with the exception, perhaps, of tea. Fish- balls (made from salt fish) are also here a regular dish. Foreigners coming to Boston almost inva- riably live better than they did at home ; and while they live principally upon meat and potatoes, with considerable fat, they never think of adding any more salt than they have previously been in the habit of using, though probably consume eight times the amount of albumen they were accus- tomed to when at home ; thus producing an excess of albumen in the blood — the 'predisposition SMALL-POX. 23 to Small-pox. If any person wishes to get an idea of how much salt they should use under cer- tain circumstances, let them take a baked potato, and add as much salt as the taste will admit of without being unpleasant, or as much as the taste will bear, and they will be surprised at the amount required, provided they have used no sugar for some time previous. It will, however, be found, that very many persons have a strong prejudice against salt. They have come to believe that a free use of it is hurtful, and therefore avoid it as much as possible, For example, it is quite commonly believed among the peasantry of Europe, that the use of salt makes the bones brittle, and, consequently, very little is used by them. And then again, a poor man, when hungry, cares next to nothing for salt, but will eat what- ever is set before him, without regard to the flavor. It should also be borne in mind, that those lands which are cultivated by the poor, are, as a gen- eral thing, very badly fertilized, and, conse- quently, that all the cereals, vegetables, etc., thus produced, and used or employed as food, are de- ficient in salts, and that the same is equally true in reference to the various animals, of which 24 SMALL-POX. either the milk or the flesh is used as food, when kept or confined in close stables, yards, or en- closed pastures, having no freedom to procure their own food, or a free access to salt. Another very important fact which bears upon this subject is, that there are substances in use which have been introduced by civilization, that either have the property or power of expelling the salt from the blood, or of becoming a substitute for it, as to taste. The most prominent of these is alcohol among the former, and sugar among the latter. With a deficiency of salt in the blood, arising from these several sources (a neglect of its use from whatever cause, cereals, vegetables, flesh- meat, etc. , used as food, which have been produced under bad culture or conditions, the use of al- cohol, etc., by which the salt is expelled, and the substitution of sugar and other substances by which the taste is satisfied), we find that on the continent of Europe, whenever and wherever there has been an occasion of great excitement, like war, for example, which has inpoverished the people so as to cut off the ordinary supply of food, Small-pox has invariably appeared. We have already spoken of the American SMALL-POX. 23 Indians dying of Small-pox as soon as alcohol became master of them. A person, after being intoxicated with alcohol, will have a decided craving for salt, or saltish food, as any one can see who will take the necessary trouble to make the observation. It is on this account that salt fish is to be found in almost every bar-room. Without the daily use of salt, the toper becomes more or less bloated in appearance, and is not only an easy prey to Small-pox, when exposed, but is in that condition under which Small-jpox can originate in him at any time . Therefore we find Small-pox among races or nations that use alcohol freely, and at the same time do not use much salt. The poor people of some coun- tries live principally upon potatoes and pork, and use liquor freely. The pork, and the few cereals and other vegetables used by them for food in addition to the potato, having been produced or raised on soil badly fertilized, or under unfavor- able conditions, contain little or no salt whatever, while the free use of alcohol throws out, or ex- pels, what little the body may have gained from other sources ; and consequently communities, races, or nations who live in this way are always 26 SMALL-POX. subject to Small-pox ; among such it makes its greatest ravages. The fact that alcohol expels, or throws out, the blood-salts, can be easily tested by an examination of the urine of a person when perfectly sober, and when intoxicated ; the dif- ference of the saline residuum will be seen im- mediately. Among the Haytiens, especially among the children, Small-pox is one of the most common disorders. The principal food of the people consists of yams, rice, bananas, and white bread, with a free use of rum ; the delicacies are salt fish or salt pork, from New England. Neither yams, rice, nor white bread contains salt, and the rum they drink expels what they get from the salt fish and pork they use ; but of these latter their children get very little, if any. Salt fish and meat are dear in Hayti, and the lazy Haytien cares little to supply salt fish for his children when they have plenty of bananas, rice, and. fruits to live upon. We venture to say that were the importation of salted food wholly stopped, the Haytien population would die out in a few years, of Small-pox and kindred diseases. By the use of alcohol the blood-salts are ex- SMALL-POX. 27 pelled ; but by the use of sugar the demand for salt is not felt. - Every one knows that by flavor- ing starch-pudding or rice with sugar, no salt is required, and that by flavoring it with salt, no sugar is required : it is equally palatable, and the taste is satisfied. And even in the blood it- self sugar can take the place of salt for a time, but not permanently. It will be found that all who use much sugar do not care for salt ; and that when sugar is employed where salt should be used, the taste does not indicate the error. Still, sugar cannot replace salt in the body, and its excessive use renders the body liable to an excess of albumen and fat, and produces the same external appearance as alcohol, though not so soon. It will also be found that almost every person who dislikes salt, or saline food, uses sugar in excess. A moderate use of sugar is well enough, as long as we supply the necessary amount of salt ; but if we exclude the salt by an excessive use of sugar, we thereby render the body liable to infection from Small-pox. It can be noticed that children, if left to themselves, often eat salt by the spoonful ; which, if they are prevented from eating freely, tastes to them as 28 SMALL— POX. sweet as sugar. Many parents forbid the free use of salt, and feed their children on milk and starchy food, flavored with sugar. What we wish principally to show just here is, that by art we substitute substances for those which are required by nature, or, to a great extent, defy her demands, and thereby render our bodies liable to diseases which otherwise would be un- known. Neither animals nor man know any- thing of Small-pox in their natural state ; but cows which are kept in close stables, and sheep, if prevented from eating salt, show it. We therefore positively maintain that Small-pox is not a disease of nature, but a consequence of some mistake of civilization, which, in part, con- sists in a deficient use of salt, or in an excessive use of such articles of food as either expel salt from the blood, or, for the time, substitute the demand for it. It is not necessary, however, that a person who has an undue proportion of albuminous matter in his blood must, as a rule, get Small-pox ; but according to circumstances, he may be affected in some other part of the body instead of the skin ; for example, if in his joints, the condition is called SMALL-POX. 2 9 acute rheumatism of the joints — a very dangerous disorder for life ; or if his intestines become af- fected, the condition is called "typhus.” There are several reasons why similar derangements in the blood will affect various places, at different times. Albuminous compositions in the blood are very changeable, and vary very much, as to whether such substance is readily or newly formed, or whether it has finished its purpose, and is only left as residuum, or so-called blood cin- ders, which have not been readily and properly expelled. Another reason is, the constitutional difference and habits of individuals are such, that certain nervous centres in one are weaker than in others, and naturally the parts which are con- trolled by the weakest nerves, will be the ones soonest affected. The last reason we shall here adduce is, that for all transformations and new formations there exists a certain and unchangeable law of nature, which we shortly quote from a paper "On Cells and their Life,” published in Good Health , Dec. 1869, and which all should most fully compre- hend. 30 SMALL-POX. "All the various forms of matter which exist, have certain qualities, which may be divided into active and passive ; oxygen being the most active, and carbon the most passive, of them all. Oxygen, therefore, has the strongest affinity for carbon, and its combinations are the most intimate and difficult of decomposition of any yet known . Certain forms of matter of a generally passive character, under favorable circumstances, possess the quality essen- tial to the formation of crystals. And it is a re- markable fact, that each matter, or even combi- nation, has always and invariably the same crystal form peculiar to itself. The constant tendency of the active to pursue the passive, for combination with them, constitutes what, from a scientific point of view, is called life, — a tendency to which may be found in all and every kind of matter. The various combinations which are taking place, and the compound substances that are in constant process of formation, have their origin in this principle. By the aid of science these combina- tions are analyzed, and the compound substances are thus decomposed into what is called elements, or elementary matter. Thus, by the light which science reveals, we gain some definite knowledge SMALL-POX. 31 of the various properties and qualities of the different forms of matter, their relations to each other, and the results arising from their combi- nation. As oxygen is the most active of all known substances, it is always ready, upon every occasion which offers, to act upon every other element, or combination of elements, with which it comes in contact. The opportunity for its doing so may exist in pressure, concussive mo- tion, light, electricity, heat, or by a third element, or by a combination of elements. Any two ele- ments may combine under given circumstances, one being always more active than the other. When another element, more active than either of the previous, is brought into exercise, it may destroy their unity by decomposing them, and appropriate the more passive to itself, or it may combine with both together. " Life may be either organic or inorganic in its nature ; but the difference between them is, per- haps, not as great as is generally supposed. The latter may be regarded as simple, the former as complicated, life. The simple or inorganic forms of life are found to exist before the commence- ment of the organic, or complicated; and also, 32 SMALL-POX. again, after it has ceased to exist. Organic, or complicated, life, therefore, may be regarded as occupying a position midway between the two periods of simple or inorganic life. Illustrations of inorganic life may be found in the growth of stones, crystals, and other precious gems, and of electrical currents. Similar illustrations of or- ganic life are more readily seen in the under- ferment cell, in the infinite variety of the vege- table and animal kingdom, and in the human organism ; the first-named being the lowest form of organic life known, and the latter the highest. Inorganic life can exist independent of the or- ganic, but the organic cannot exist without the inorganic; organic life is, therefore, a compli- cation of inorganic life qualities ; the first is lim- ited, the other is not. . . . " Each matter, or element, has its own pecu- liarity ; every element has a weight of its own, which is known by numbers. Hydrogen, being the lightest, has the number i ; oxygen, 8 ; car- bon, 6 ; Nitrogen, 14, etc. If one element com- bines with another under certain conditions, then this combination will always take place under the same proportions of weight (equivalents). For SMALL-POX. 33 example, oxygen combines with hydrogen to form water. We always have 8 equivalents of oxygen to i equivalent of hydrogen ; it is impossible that 4 or 5, or 7 or 9, of oxygen could be combined with 1 of hydrogen. This number 8 is peculiar to oxygen only, and cannot be found with any other element, or combination of elements ; it is the invariable quality of oxygen, and charac- terizes it in all combinations. Carbonic acid consists of 1 carbon, which has 6 for its number, with 2 oxygen, with 8 for its number, its formula is C O 2 , consequently its combination in equiv- alents is 6 carbon to 16 oxygen. It is impossible to have 6 carbon to 15 or 17 oxygen, or 4 or 5 carbon to 16 oxygen. This unvarying, most exact, and absolute adherence to her own formula, by nature in all her realms, is here stated to show the mathematical precision with which she carries on her work. "The different elements, as before stated, can combine among themselves in all directions, but they must always and invariably follow another unchanging law. For as all combinations must always and invariably take place with certain and unvarying equivalents, according to the law just 34 SMALL-POX. stated, so, when from any cause a body becomes decomposed, the elements which constituted "it being thus set free, must from necessity form their new unities, in accordance with such organism as may happen to be in process of construction at the place where, at that instant of time, such particular element was set free. For ex- ample : if we take a grain of wheat, and decom- pose it in our stomach, its elements are bound to serve as material for animal cells ; if we take it and throw it into a fermenting liquid, its elements are then bound to serve for the formation of fer- ment cells. If we take cells from our own body, and place them within reach of an apple-tree, the elements of our cells are bound to serve for the purposes of the apple-tree. It is in accordance with this law that plants are nourished by the gases of the atmosphere, and by fertilizers applied to the soil, and it is also in accordance with this law that our bodies are nourished and sustained by the various forms of food of which we partake. " The same law also controls the various forms of disorders to which we subject ourselves through neglect of the blood. In fact, upon this law rests the arrangement of the whole world.’’ It will be seen that all decomposition takes place according to this law ; for wherever decom- position of one form commences, the formation of SMALL-POX. 35 a new one begins. People residing in the same cities or places, generally live in many respects very nearly alike. That is, the general character of their food, water, and the air they breathe, is the same, the construction of their houses, and the character of their occupations similar or alike, and bad as well as good habits find imitators, etc., and hence it is no cause for wonder that they should be similarly affected by the same causes. The amount of salts required in the body, varies very*much according to the employment or occu- pation of the person. A person who uses his muscles more than his nervous system, requires much less salt than the one who uses his brain most. The use of the brain and nerves is followed by an increased amount of salts in the excretions, which goes to show that more is used in brain labor than in mere physical labor, and therefore that more should be supplied. The person who lives on coarse bread, and good meats, requires less salt than the one who lives on very white bread, starchy food, and poor meat. The person who lives on potatoes, fat, and rum, requires more salt than ten ordinary persons together, to main- tain the proper balance. A person living on a great variety of things, flesh-meat, cereals, vege- tables, fruits, fish, oysters, etc., requires less salt than the one living on one kind of food. It is a common error, or mistake, to regard 36 SMALL-POX. phosphorus as an especial agent for nervous power ; the fact is, the nerves require all the blood- salts together, but especially common table-salt, which is the strongest nervous stimulant nature has provided. Persons who have had Small-pox will re- member, that for some time previous, they felt dull, heavy, and sluggish ; not sick enough to be alarmed by it, but were not as lively and vivacious as formerly ; sometimes sad, moody, or melan- choly, and sometimes nervously irritable and unhappy. This peculiarity of feeling always precedes Small-pox, and is occasioned by the excess of albuminous substances in the blood. In the beginning of Small-pox, it is characterized by an extreme headache, the sensations of which are as though a screw was being driven into the back part of the head. This is the condition when the blood-vessels are contracted by the peripheric portion of the nerve, and the blood thereby driven into the internal vessels. This state is always accompanied by excessive chil- liness ; but if the nerve relaxes, dry heat is felt on the skin. In a day or two, paralysis of the peri- pheric portion of the nerve occurs, either over the whole surface of the body, or only over a part ; sometimes over the whole surface of the skin, and in the mouth, stomach, and intestines. Such cases are generally fatal. In an exact ratio to the SMALL-POX. 37 paralytic portion of the nerve, the peculiar pox appear, first as red pustules, which swell more and more, according to circumstances, sometimes remaining single, and sometimes running to- gether, so as to give to the patient the appear- ance of a swollen and almost shapeless mass. The severity of the case depends entirely upon the previous condition of the blood. In due time these pustules begin to suppurate, and after hav- ing discharged their pus (which is nothing but decomposed albumen, with a little escaped blood, and some fragments of skin which have been destroyed in the process), dry up, leaving marks on the skin where they were. After persons re- cover from Small-pox they almost invariably say they feel as if new born . The fact is, they are now only healthier than they were previous ; that is, they now experience the benefit of a correct balance in their blood, and, therefore, feel as if new born. But a 'person who always lives cor * rectly will constantly have a similar experience , and no need for Small-pox . The very fact of this invariable experience of persons who have had the Small-pox is one of the best proofs of their previously sick condition, which, however, they were unable to perceive, simply because they either did not know or think of any better conditions at the time. The excess of albumen in the blood, or the 38 SMALL-POX. predisposition to Small-pox, and kindred diseases, shows itself in some, by a heavy, sluggish feeling, more or less oppressive ; others are oppressed with a sadness and melancholy, which makes them ready for suicide ; while others, again, are depressed one minute, and ready for a fight the next. The appetite is irregular, and generally of such a character, that while the person wants or craves something, he does not know what he wants. Such persons very frequently give ex- pression to their own view of their condition, by saying, "My blood is too thick.” And so it is. Any kind of irritation, which, to a healthy body, would be perfectly harmless in its effect, is quite sufficient, when this condition has reached a cer- tain height, to produce an immediate effect. For example, a fright, nervous depression, a shock of some kind, want of sleep, or impaired diges- tion, may occasion the before-mentioned condition of the nerves, resulting in the expulsion of super- fluous material. It would, however, be a great mistake to sup- pose that by eating a handful of salt the difficulty would be corrected. For since the amount, as to quantity of blood, can never vary in the body, the blood-salts, when deficient or lacking, are substituted by incorrect or used-up material, all of which we shall call blood cinders. These have to be removed before we can introduce the proper SMALL-POX. 39 amount of fresh or new salts. This idea of cor- recting the blood may be illustrated somewhat, by the way in which we renew a fire ; before we put on fresh coal, we remove the cinders. But this cannot be done all at once with the human blood ; the process must be gradual. The amount of new material introduced must be in due pro- portion to the excreted one ; otherwise, the pur- pose is not reached, or serious trouble is caused. It is 'possible that the suddenly excessive use of salt may be the immediate occasion of the appearance of Small-pox , though previously caused by the want of it in the first place . It very often occurs, that although a person has need of salt, his appetite will not crave it, the blood being too much filled with other material. In these cases it will generally be found that a desire for acids exists, the demand for which should be gratified at once ; not by vinegar, but by some natural organic acid, such as lemon-juice, sour apples, etc. When the demand for acid has been met, and no improper food constantly in- troduced, the demand for salt, if needed, will manifest itself very strongly. Then, as much salt as the taste demands should be daily eaten with the food. There are probably many persons who will doubt, or perhaps even deny, that there is any deficiency of salt in their case, or as regards 4 o SMALL-POX. themselves, or who cannot readily comprehend that they do not live correctly. We shall there- fore give some general rules of diet, from which everybody will be able to understand how the blood difficulty just spoken of is brought about, and how avoided. If a person takes any kind of liquid or drink during the process of eating, he is liable to over- load his stomach, or eat too much. If he does not take any liquid while eating, the saliva, by which the food is moistened during mastication, will stop flowing as soon as the stomach has re- ceived enough. Therefore, if a person eats a beefsteak, and drinks with it sweetened coffee, he makes three mistakes at once. First, he sub- stitutes the coffee for the saliva which nature has provided, and runs the risk of over-filling the stomach ; second, he takes sugar instead of salt, which is a gross mistake ; and third, by drinking coffee he highly excites and irritates the nerves, thereby making it difficult for the stomach to dis- solve the meat properly. The rule therefore is, to drink coffee alone, or for the most part with a little toast ; but coffee with meat or fat is bad, but sugar with meat or fat is much worse. The habit of flavoring rice, puddings, or any kind of starchy material with sugar, though very general among cooks, is a bad one. All starchy food should first be properly seasoned or flavored SMALL-POX. 4 1 with salt, and then, if required, sugar added. If eggs are used with the starch or starchy food, the defect of salt is still greater, and quite a serious mistake. The drinking of milk in connection with the eating of flesh-meat, or at the same time, is bad, because the milk will immediately absorb the gastric acid, curdle and enclose the meat like a heavy coating, thus preventing it from dissolving ; and at the same time the sugar in the milk will exclude salt from the taste. The use of any stimulant with a solid meal at the same time, is very bad. If a person is hungry, and takes a strong cup of coffee or tea, he thereby loses, for a time, the demand for food, through the action of these substances at the nerves. They act somewhat as a very exciting thing does on a man’s brain, by which his appetite, for the time, is taken away. The use of all stimulants are beneficial only as they are properly used, and very hurtful if used improperly. It is, therefore, a very bad mistake to drink tea, coffee, or alcohol with dinner, or a similar meal. No matter how often or how long a person may have done so without direct injury, it is very bad . When a person has come to feel the bad effect, he is quite sick already. These stimulants not only materially hurt our digestion, but take away our natural taste, the inclinations nature gave us, the instinctive knowledge of what we should eat. 4 2 SMALL-POX. All persons who drink much tea, coffee, or the like, have no instinctive taste or craving for the right or needed food at all. We say none what- ever, however much they may remonstrate against it. The habitual use of these things is invariably and absolutely accompanied by a weak constitu- tion, a yellow complexion, and either very irri- table or half paralyzed nerves. Hence all nations not using these stimulants are, in general, vigorous and strong; while the Chinese and Japanese are small and weak, and the same is more or less true of all Americans who use tea in excess. The habitual use, as we have said, is bad ; still a good cup of tea after severe mental exertion is more beneficial than a hearty meal, or the best beef- steak. A person whose nerves are tired can no more digest his food well than a person whose muscles are tired can make a satisfying meal from a cup of tea. The great difference relative to the demand of these two kinds of tiredness on the blood, is almost entirely unknown. The use of the nervous system requires a restitution of the blood-salts more than of the so-called respiratory food, sugar, starch, fat, etc., while muscular labor requires very little use of the blood-salts, but more the respiratory food. The necessary food for a person, therefore, depends upon the use he makes of his body. Hence, many persons, while living, as they think, absolutely correctly, SMALL— POX. 43 are, in fact, doing just the opposite. Suppose, for instance, a man who is doing hard brain-work orders, when hungry, a beefsteak with fried po- tatoes, and afterwards eats some pudding. If the steak is from an animal which has been fatted by stall feeding, it contains no salts, for the free use of salt would 'prevent the animal from taking on fat, and is therefore withheld ; fat contains no salt, potatoes contain none, and fine flour, eggs, etc., from which the pudding is made, while containing sulphur, lime, and phosphorus, contain none, while, as pudding, it contains sugar, put in for flavoring instead of salt. Therefore, if he has not eaten a good deal of salt with such a meal, it is almost good for nothing for him . But had he eaten of partridge, celery with salt and fried po- tatoes, or of venison, and afterwards eaten some nuts and apples, he would then have taken all that his body required. Wild animals know how to provide for all their blood-salts, and are there- fore never so fat. But the first meal is just the thing for a man who has been hard at work with his muscles and not with his brain. This is as good an illustration as can here be given of how a person may be in need of blood-salts, although eating what is believed to be the best food to be had. But with children the matter is much worse. They are fed on starch, milk, white bread and 44 SMALL-POX. butter, pastry and cake, occasionally some meat, sugar and sweetmeats. Let me ask every mother how often they have put salt into the milk with which they have fed their babes, or into the starchy food or puddings? The food here speci- fied contains no salt whatever ; for domestic meat does not generally contain enough, nor does the milk, unless the cows run in pasture, or are fed very much according to nature, which they are not, because such feeding would not be productive of a sufficient quantity of milk to satisfy their owners. ' I maintain, that of one hundred children in all our American cities , seventy-jive are more or less dejicient in the amount of salt required , and that this deficiency is substituted by sugar. The consequence is scarlet fever, measles, chicken-pox, or small-pox, according to circum- stances. And further, what is the reason (if not a deficiency of salts) that American children for the most part are delicate, not having much en- durance, with white, instead of red, cheeks, and with flesh soft and flabby? The American houses are the best in the world ; no country has better food, or a better supply ; no children are kept cleaner, none are dressed better, and more suitably, none get better air, or live in cleaner cities, or attend school in better ventilated school- houses, and yet they are about the weakest ! If any man can assign a reason, or answer the SMALL-POX. 45 question here involved, otherwise than we have done, we should like to know it. But we will just mention a better test, which all can apply. Take away from your children for several meals all sugar in every form, and allow them as much salt as they will eat of their own accord, and see ! Would a child one year old, think you, eat salt like sugar if it did not necessarily require it? If a child has already enough salt, and you give it even an atom more, it will spit it out immediately. Or, if you offer a child a few months’ old lemon, and it eats it eagerly — does it show nothing? Give an absolutely well child lemon-juice, and see what a face it will make ! It is hardly necessary to add, that if an adult wishes to ascertain whether his blood requires salt, he must, first, leave off all sugar ; second, supply the organic acid, especially lemon-juice, as long as the taste craves it ; and third, not to spoil the natural taste by excessive use of alcohol, tea, coffee, tobacco-chewing, or similar strong agents, which paralyze the nerves of taste. In short, we would recommend the following : when undressed, press gently with the hand on the pit of the stomach, under the breast-bone, and if there should be any pain or a sensation of uneasi- ness, either you have an inflamed stomach, or more often, chronic affection of the liver, and are seriously sick, however well you may feel. In 4 6 SMALL-POX. this case, or if there is habitual constipation, an educated and skilful physician should be applied to at once, for the removal of the difficulty. If no pain or uneasiness is experienced in the pit of the stomach upon pressure, and there is no habitual constipation, there is no need of a physi- cian to bring the blood into an absolutely normal condition; to accomplish which — i. Never eat sugar at the same time with meat; 2. Salt all food used before adding sugar; 3. Never drink while eating; 4. Drink as much lemon-juice as the taste indicates, and continue its use as long as there is a desire for acids; 5. Eat the desired quantity of salt at each meal ; 6. Eat otherwise any kind of food which fancy or appetite craves, but with variety ; that is, not confined to one kind or variety of fare. I positively maintain that a person who has properly balanced blood — the correct amount of water, salts, and albuminous matter — cannot catch or be liable to any disease, having no predisposition therefor. For I main- tain that if there is no superfluous albumen in a person’s blood, none can escape into the skin, as in Small-pox, and the nerves of such a person are in a condition to endure influences that gen- erally produce ” cold ” or sickness without the least injury to him. Such a person feels vigorous, happy, lively and strong ; but he who feels otherwise has not his blood in good order. SMALL-POX. 47 Having thus explained, theoretically, what I believe an absolute and unfailing preventive against Small-pox, I can mention only limited practical and experimental proofs. By observing and demonstrating the above rules, I have found, during a practice of fourteen years, that in all the families I have attended during this time, there is not a single child who has been affected by scarlet fever, small-pox, or any other so-called catching disease, not even the measles ; though never allowed to be kept from contact with other children, or to take preventive measures of any kind whatever. As regards myself — was vaccinated when a small child, but never since — have exposed my- self, in all European hospitals that I attended, to the Small-pox patients, without using or taking any preventive measures ; at one time, for six months regularly. In Hayti I have been exposed many times, but once especially, purposely re- maining for an hour in a room with five sick and dying children of Small-pox, who had been treated according to the Haytien manner ; namely, the pustules cut open, and then rubbed with rum. Two of them died while I was present, and the other three within twelve hours, all of internal gangrene. This exposure was productive of no effect whatever upon my own person, though the stench was of such a character as to affect any 4 8 SMALL-POX. person if it were possible. Nor have I ever, nor would I ever take any measures of disinfection in seeing Small-pox patients, without the least fear of infection, so long as the blood is in good condition. These facts here mentioned, although not con- clusive proofs, are nevertheless so for me. Since the views here laid down can do no harm, and cost nothing, they should be tested by others. The importance of salt in the human economy is known by all physicians, and should be by everybody ; and were some attention paid to this subject, it could be easily ascertained whether Small-pox appears where salt has been properly used or not ; for myself, I can only give the ex- perience, and state the facts as they have been derived from study and research. Resume . — Let it be distinctly understood that what I intend to say is, that vaccination has not proved to be an absolutely reliable preventive against Small-pox; and, therefore, that better means for protection are needed. That it is absolutely necessary, first, to know the nature of a disease before any attempt can be made to prevent it. That I have discovered the following facts, and maintain, that Small-pox consists in the escape SMALL-POX. 49 of superfluous albuminous substances into the tissues of the periphery of the nervous centres of the body, caused, in the first place, by the want of salt. That the proper use of salt is the scientific and most certain preventive of Small-pox, both in theory and practice, that I have any knowledge of. That the use of organic acids is the best means of freeing the blood from abnormal substances, which, for the time being, may substitute the place of salt in the body. That alcohol is an agent which eliminates the blood-salts, and, therefore, after its use, the salt thus eliminated must be restored. That sugar can take the place of salt in regard to taste, much to the injury of the blood of the person substituting it. That in mental labor more salt is brought into requisition, and used up, than in muscular or physical labor ; and, therefore, that more must be used or taken into the body in the former case than in the latter. That a person who has a properly balanced blood cannot catch, or take, Small-pox under any circumstances of exposure. This theory, if correct, must hold good in all cases, without a single exception ; and if nothing can be found to disprove its correctness, it holds 50 SMALL-POX. good that the proper use of salt, in the human economy, will eradicate Small-pox at once and forever. Therefore the use and office of salt should be more generally known and taught in all our public schools. APPENDIX, INCLUDING VACCINATION, ETC. S OME months have elapsed since the publica- tion of the first edition of this treatise, and nothing as yet has appeared to disprove its cor- rectness. Several hundred journals, professional and others, have recommended it to their readers, while some of the most prominent papers in the country have considered it worthy of lengthened and earnest consideration. Others, again, have rudely denied its correctness, or contemptuously stigmatized it as " a little pamphlet full of er- rors,” without, however, being able either to point out the errors, or to show wherein it is in- correct. But this is a radical defect of several so-called medical journals, the editors of which, it would seem, have yet to learn that rude rejec- tion and unqualified denunciation is not criticism, but a proof, rather, of annoyance, vexation, and conscious incompetency to refute or to criticise the positions in question. A good illustration of the characteristic validity of judgment which is usually rendered in medical matters, will be given further on, in an examination of the St. Louis Medical Society and their journal, and the American Journal of Medical Sciences of Philadelphia — journals which are considered ( 50 , 52 APPENDIX. among the very best conducted in the country — - in the case of Dr. Spinzig, of St. Louis. Relative to artificial substitutes for salt, the fol- ’ lowing, in addition, will prove interesting. A seaman, a commander of a vessel, represented himself as having had Small-pox on the high seas, after being out three months, and living en- tirely upon salted provisions. His face was strongly pitted, and his appearance that of a very intelligent person. He related the following: Left the coast of Europe with twenty-two sailors and one passenger ; fare consisted of pickled meats, starch, flour and potatoes. After three months out, two of the sailors were taken sick with Small-pox. They supposed that the pas- senger must have brought it on board in his bag- gage, he himself not being affected. They were five months out altogether. Upon the inquiry whether they had scurvy on board, he said no, that the meat had been pickled with salt- petre, and not with salt, and that scurvy only appeared after using salted meats, but not from saltpetre. He also remarked that the meat was so strongly impregnated with saltpetre that it tasted bitter after twenty-four hours’ soaking in water, and that consequently he ate a good deal of starch and flour to counteract the bitter taste. No salt was eaten at all. Hence the facts are readily explained. Saltpetre is a nitrogenous combination, and consequently allied to albumen instead of its opposite, as salt, which is a direct chlorine combination with sodium. Saltpetre is, therefore, a substitute for salt, which is worse than sugar. The Small-pox was not carried on board, APPENDIX. S3 as was supposed by the sailors, but originated as a natural consequence from superabundance of nitrogenous or albuminous composition in the blood. The reason that sailors frequently get Small-pox almost as soon as they leave the ship, may be found in the fact that their blood is already too full of albuminous matter ; or, that as a consequence of having too much salt (from long use of salt food) , their blood is too thin, or deficient in albumen, when, as soon as on land, they eat freely of rich and fresh material, drink all the alcohol they can get, never touch salt from aversion, and thus fill their blood with albumen, and free it entirely from common, or table salt, the natural consequence of which is Small-pox, or a similar disorder. The above- mentioned seaman also stated that he never knew or heard of Small-pox and scurvy being found together on board ship ; that his own sis- ter had malignant Small-pox twice, which he thought was sufficient proof of the inefficacy of vaccination, since Small-pox itself is not a pre- ventive. In reference to the security afforded against Small-pox by vaccination and by Small-pox itself, the experience collected by the late Sir James Y. Simpson (Obstetric Memoirs and Contributions, edited by Drs. Priestley and Storer), is both interesting and important. Al- though a strong advocate for vaccination, he mentions various cases in which Small-pox and vaccine disease affected the same individual at the same time, independent of one another ; and other cases where Small-pox appeared directly 54 APPENDIX. after successful vaccination ; and also the case of a Frenchwoman who died from the eighth attack of real Small-pox. In consideration of the general interest man- ifested relative to the certainty of the present preventive measures in use, I shall give my opin- ion of vaccination with due reference to sci- entific researches and progress, without any re- gard to the opinions held by the greater part of medical practitioners. To exhaust this subject, I shall endeavor to show — First , That its origin was not of a scientific character, and that it has never had at any time a scientific basis. Second , That the prevention afforded by vac- cination is due to the lessened or diminished amount of albumen in the blood occasioned by the ulcer produced. Third , That the vaccine virus generally em- ployed is nothing but pus, and that the intro- duction of pus into the blood is a criminal offence under any circumstances. Fourth , That nothing specific , either as pre- ventive or as diseased, is contained in any kind of vaccine virus, no matter how or where produced. The idea or notion of inoculation was intro- duced by Lady Montague, from the East. Upon returning to England, she had her own daughter inoculated with Small-pox virus, which experiment came very near proving fatal. This, and other experiments of the kind, while they called at- tention to the subject, prevented the practice APPENDIX. 55 from becoming universal. Jenner was a pupil of the English surgeon, John Hunter, where he learned surgery, and afterwards went into the country to practise as a surgeon. His education must have been limited, as he never attended any university whatever, and there is no other idea known as coming from him aside from the one which he conceived upon the suggestion of a dairy maid, of substituting cow-pox virus for human Small-pox virus. Lady Montague’s un- successful attempt to introduce inoculation had already aroused attention to the subject of a pre- ventive against Small-pox, a disorder which, while it was the fear of all, none could either comprehend or prevent. Hence, from the very fear and feeling of helplessness then agitating the public mind, and in the absence of any other advice or preventive, Jenner’s proposition, of a much less dangerous procedure than that of in- oculation, was regarded with favor, and the sub- ject made generally known, until ultimately it was everywhere received with immense ap- plause Very able medical men have at all times op- posed vaccination ; but since they had nothing better to substitute for it, and could neither ex- plain the nature of Small-pox or of vaccina- tion, they invariably failed to make an impression ; while, under the circumstances, their opposition made the use of vaccination appear more and more plausible, until it has gained an almost un- doubted reputation, by both the medical and non- medical world. The greatest error of those who have opposed vaccination has been, that while APPENDIX. 5 6 they had nothing better to offer, they have de- prived it of all preventive power, which is a mistake, as will be shown further on. In the whole literature of science, and in the experiments and improvements made in scientific knowledge, there does not exist one single fact which could support the idea of inoculation or of vaccination ; the only basis, therefore, upon which the practice rests, is that of statistics. But statistics, as every thinking man knows, are very unreliable ; for example, it can be shown by statistics that more people are sick now than one hundred years ago, and a logical conclusion would be, that physicians are more ignorant now than they were one hundred years ago ; but such conclusion would, nevertheless, be a very incor- rect one. Accurately-made statistics show that the number of those vaccinated exceeds that of the unvaccinated in various Small-pox hos- pitals. The recent appearance of Small-pox generally throughout Europe, and in various places in this country, gives little or no support to vaccination when statistics are made without prejudice, and not for the purpose of sustaining this practice. For those who are very interested in statistics, we propose the following : during the whole period in which vaccination has been employed, it has only occurred now to the medical profes- sion generally that human vaccine virus is dan- gerous and harmful, and that animal virus must be again substituted. Now how many millions of human beings did it require to be injured to bring about this change of tactics? After ascer- APPENDIX. 57 taining this, how many more millions must be more or less injured for life, before a medical majority come to see the necessity of giving up vaccination altogether as a failure? Is there a better testimony or evidence of the fallacy of the whole thing, than that the experience teaches that a procedure of the past century is to be re- taken as a defence ? and is it not a beautiful proof that medical men have not as yet learned any- thing by experience, except the fact that prac- titioners have injured the human body more than benefited it? Must whole generations be ex- posed to an injurious and dangerous practice, simply to serve the practitioners as a means to find out their great ignorance and lack of common sense? If we next consider the condition of science a hundred, or even fifty, years ago, as compared with the present, we arrive at the plain fact that the knowledge then existing amounted to about nothing. Then there was no true knowledge relative to fire, air, or water, and no knowledge whatever of the nature of the blood and its con- stituents ; of its disorders, of a blood-cell, or of a capillary vessel and its actions, or of nervous action ; of anatomy, nearly nothing was dreamed of ; of pathological processes in the body, nothing existed which was positive or defined, either by anatomy, physiology, or chemistry. Therefore it is both absurd and ridiculous for any one to put forth the opinion and belief of the men of by- gone times as an authority. It has been known for ages that inoculation with pus, or morbid organic matter, was very 58 APPENDIX. dangerous, producing malignant ulcers ; and from this fact, and the experience that vaccination, here and there, was followed by swelling of the axillary glands, ulceration, and serious con- sequences, the opposition against vaccination arose ; but it could not be explained with exact- ness until Virchow discovered the process of capillary embolism . This consists in the exper- imental truth, that any substance of a solid character, be it a metallic particle, or a clot of fibrin, or a dead or diseased cell, will be caught in the finer capillary vessels and obstruct them. It was also ascertained by experimental investi- gation that the injection of morbid liquids dis- turbs the blood very much, not causing direct embolism, but, rather, ulcerous discharges upon the mucous membrane of the intestines. These two facts have been confirmed by all experiment- ers, and cannot be reasonably objected to by any living person. The subject, however, has gained more ground since the experiments of Villemin, and especially those of Waldenburg. They did not inject into the veins, but simply in- oculated animals with pus, sputa, and a great variety of things, such as cotton- wool, or disin- fected substances, all of which caused the death of the smaller animals, and the severe illness of larger ones, which, if they recovered at all, were injured beyond repair. These experiments have been repeated almost everywhere, and found to be unfailing in their results, and there- fore cannot be objected to. Hence it has been established by experimental proof, as a scientific law , that the introduction of substances under APPENDIX. 59 the shin, which create or cause an ulcerous dis- organization, are harmful and dangerous under all circumstances . Artificial ulcers have been employed as a means to rectify the blood, in all ages, as far as history extends, and by the Chinese long before distinct historical notes were within the reach of our race. This was done with the view of re- moving so-called " humors ” from the blood. What these humors were nobody ever knew, or could know ; but to-day we know with certainty that they are nothing but blood cinders, or super- fluous remains left by nutrition, which are not properly expelled. Every physician knows that an ulcer consumes a great deal of albumen, since a continual cell formation is going on, a process which can only be kept up at the expense of the albumen furnished. The 'preventive power of vaccination lies in this waste of albumen, and in nothing else . Consequently the protection afforded by vaccination against Small-pox is in an exact ratio to the amount of this waste, or diminished albumen ; and the reason why vac- cination is not unfailing in its effects as a pre- ventive, is at once obvious. If an ulcer is kept open long enough to remove all superfluous al- bumen, and the blood properly balanced, such person would be absolutely secure against Small- pox. It would, however, be a mistake to sup- pose that an ulcer would invariably rectify the blood. This can only be expected when proper nutrition and excretion are going on ; then such ulcer would act as an extra safety-valve ; but if there be a continued introduction of improper 6o APPENDIX. material, and if any of the larger secretive glands refuse service, then such ulcer would af- ford little or no aid whatever. In the waste of albumen connected with the natural process of an ulcer, we have an explanation of the fact that all patients suffering from chronic ulceration are free from certain blood disorders, such as typhus and Small-pox. A consumptive person is never attacked by typhus or Small-pox, as every ex- perienced physician knows. The same will be found true in reference to almost all chronic ul- cerations, whether internal or external. Hence it appears that there is nothing in the process of vaccination as a specific preventive, beyond that which appertains to any ulcer — as any ulcer would have the same effect . In support of this, I shall show that nothing whatever can be found of a specific character either in Small-pox or vaccine matter, in cholera or any other stools ; and that in no way does there exist in any spores, germs or contagions of a specific character as disease. In December, 1869, I published, in the Journal of the Gynaeco- logical Society of Boston, a paper directly touching vaccination and Small-pox, and also in the February number of Good Health for 1870; but the views there expressed were so absolutely novel and at variance with the opinions held on the subject by the medical profession here, that they produced general disapprobation. Dr. Martin, of Roxbury, a gentleman who has given a great deal of attention to vaccination and vaccine virus, in disproof of my statement that vaccine virus was nothing but pus, gave me for APPENDIX. 6l examination two specimens of his best vaccine virus, one from a heifer, the other from a child. I examined both specimens under the microscope, with an upward magnitude from two hundred and fifty to one thousand diameters. The spec- imen from the heifer was free of any cells or coagulum, and is the only specimen of vaccine virus which I ever examined that I could pro- nounce safe for vaccination, if such a procedure is indulged in at all. The other specimen, from the child, contained several red blood-globules which had not yet transformed into pus-cells, or perished. The peculiar molecules observed in the specimen from the heifer, under the micros- cope with the power of one thousand diameters, are not specific vaccine germs, but such as are found in any albumen. This hunting for spe- cific germs, so prominently indulged in in Eng- land at present, arises, and is nurtured, from lack of thought and comparison in observation. Instead of first comparing normal albumen with that from an ulcer, the conclusion is jumped at that these small particles observed in the latter must be specific germs, but any one can satisfy himself that they are always present in albumen. In support of the correctness of the views I have here and elsewhere presented, I shall quote from a lecture by Dr. Hilgard (a gentleman who now has the direction of a United States Meteorological station), read before the Academy of Sciences in New Orleans, and received through the kind- ness of Dr. Spinzig, of St. Louis : "The tissue of fungi is a medullary, almost fleshy ' sarcode.’ The diastase , or active yeast- 62 APPENDIX® molecules, according to Liebig’s latest analysis, are of the same composition, as far as percentage of atomic ingredients goes, as the muscular fibre. They are flesh (or sarcode , which means about the same). The original mode of growth, or evolution of the yeast-globules, remained, as yet, unknown, I have repeatedly taken occasion to point out the fallacies of all observers, caused by not observing connectedly. The seminal (or vibrionic) tissue is omnipresent in all cells of plants or animals. A small particle of fungous dust, a fragment of a fungous fibril, especially of the common lacteal, bread and apple mould (which likewise is the ferment of all putrid cor- ruption), will bodily dissolve into a gelatine of blackish color, when alighted in or on ferment- able material. No fungus has a cellulose or 'papery fibre, coat, or cell. Searching for ' cel- lulose ’ in a mass of yeast-cells, argues a thor- ough misunderstanding. The adult fermenting fungus, moulding and corrupting our bread and flesh, consists of cells, but not of ' cellulose,’ and so does the fermentive 'yeast-cell,’ likewise. It is a grave and fatal mistake to ascribe fermen- tation of starch into sugar, and of sugar into either alcohol or lactic acid, etc., to the ( coated ) yeast -cells. Whenever sugar, etc., has to be converted, the yeast-cell at once dissolves its coat into a nutritious gelatine, prolapsing its vibrionic (commutative or truly fermentive ) molecules, as will appear on making the check or test experiment. All assertions of peculiar features claimed, require to be brought to this ' crucial ’ test before they can claim deservingly APPENDIX. 63 any publicity whatsoever. The fundamental rule, to first establish the normal feature before a 'distinctive’ character can be allowed, is con- stantly neglected. It was solely on this basis of an absolute and quite an unpardonable sin of omission, viz., neglect of the normal or of the check experiment , that, of late, half a hundred of pretended ' specific ’ fungi have been claimed as ' parasites , producing so many specific dis- eases.’ Let it at once be stated as a historic fact, that the normal process of fungous decay (or corruption) of stools and offals, as of flesh and blood, had hitherto never been studied . In adopting, publishing, and, still worse, en- forcing by legal enactments the recognition of certain supposed characteristic or 'specific’ fungi, no one ever asked or dared inquire what is the inevitable normal corruption of the flesh . This condemns the whole system at once ; and even the late dementi given to such foregone as- sumptions, for example, about a so-called 'chol- era. fungus,’ which is normally evolved upon all healthy discharges no less than on diseased or morbid ones, actually came ' too late.’ That check ought to have been required before send- ing a committee to hunt for it to the jungles of India, who found no distinctive fungus at all. But that that fungus is only the common fermen- tive yeast or ?nould of our larder , no one could say, but who had examined it in its continuous development, by growing it reversely and con- versely under the microscope. " Liebig denied the yeast to be present in pu- trid cadaverous corruption, because his micro- 6 4 APPENDIX. scopist saw no cells , and he himself saw no cellulose membranes, which, by the way, the yeast itself never yet possessed. The well- known extracellular as well as intracellular vi- brionic particles, or diastase, Pasteur’s school claimed for animals — ' snakes, snapping up vi- brios.’ What species of serpents those were, truly 'more subtle than any animal made’ (adult an- imal), is left in the dark. The vibratile tail, or scourge of all primitive life molecules, might at once be claimed as the very 'finest of all ser- pents ’ yet ; finer than any true animal what- ever. As it is, it forms an active instrument of flagellation upon convertible, digestible, or fer- mentible liquids. A single vibrio will sometimes directly enlarge and assume a cell coat as an individual yeast-cell ; but in most cases, during the process of actual cadaverous corruption, no less than during the true fermentic process of converting sugar, etc., into alcohol or lactic acid (accompanied by the evolution of carbonic acid), no cell whatever need be formed . I have re- peatedly fermented grape-juice and simple corn- meal with water, not allowing, however, of any drying up at the borders of the vials. In all these cases the lactic as well as alcoholic, and the fearfully miasmatic, putrid fermentation, as of flesh or moss spawns (which is likewise a gangre7ious one), no less than the offensive bu- tyric or fusel corruption (as of mashes, swill, distilleries, levees and the cane refuse), all were enacted without the presence or formation of the ultimate cells of the yeast, that only hoard up the fungous material on hand, and redissolve in fer- APPENDIX. 65 mentible liquids. The process of the vibrionic concatenation (or inosculation in single file , of the primitive fermentic molecules) has been partly observed by Pasteur as well as Haller. Ehren- berg described this (corruptive) yeast-molecule not inaptly, as ' monas crepusculum ’ — a hazy, nebulous monad, a carniverous ( !) animal, in- habiting, as he gives it, chiefly ' St. Petersburg, Berlin, and other European Capitals. 5 The naked vibrios which lengthwise joined in single file, a process unknown to him, he describes as 'ophidomonas 5 (or snake monad), as it is found violently revolving, like an Archimedean screw. These are Pasteur’s serpents ; snapping up vi- brios. They inosculate by pairs, after mych spin- ning or churning , so to speak, and then join other longer or shorter files, or parts of weltering coils, adding to their length. To call these semi-liquid, naked, sarcode bead-strings ' sac- charomyces 5 after so many names had been given, appears a$ a mere redundancy of diction, if not as a want of deference due to eminent pri- orities ; particularly if once more a new specific name is given, as a so-called species and genus, that, however, had never yet been traced, and thus far required to be demonstrated . As a few vibrious or primitive flagellate molecules become united, the vibratory halo which surrounds each one singly, at once disappears except at the ends, which are actively twirling round the little frus- tule curve or coil, and are seen delving against any slimy material they may meet in their way. It is thus that they become entangled, involved or enveloped in any gelatine, or in spoiled meat 5 66 APPENDIX. (hung down through a bung-hole), and in which they stick fast, and are easily got rid of by ex- tracting them with the meat. "After a little while, when apt to encyst, they ' become still,’ for example, adhering to the glass slips; between which they were bred, by way of experiment. . They then are seen to become a little dilated, or as it were drofsical , exude a delicate cell membrane, and now represent a little fibre. In fermentible liquids, the worm-like, dropsical fibrils rapidly segment and ramify into beads, thus constituting the yeast-cells. The latter again multiply, and elongate into moulds, fibrils and floritions. In stagnating or impure flowing water, these slim fibres, of about one- forty thousandth of a line in thickness, collect into the prancing, fluctuating, dirty tassels ob- served in the street gutters of cities, etc., and al- though themselves inodorous, they exhale the rank gangrenous, or the infectious butyric mias- mas, which at once seem to affect the fermentible contents of the blood and liver more especially. With respect to the latter action upon our system (easily realized by breeding those effluvia in a little corked bottle), we need nowise assume a specific parasite ; but merely an altered action of our own 'specific ’ organization ! As for the pro- pagative action of certain effluvia, we have a similar function in the action of fire kindling or- ganic substances. In organic bodies, an action once started will oftentimes be apt to run like a wild-fire, until it ceases to find nourishment. But there are other ' kindling ’ substances than fire ; for example, heat and oxygen alone. Nitro- APPENDIX. 67 glycerine, an organic compound, will explode at the touch of resinous substances. The commu- nication of the action is all that is required. Our whole system itself being a 'reproductive’ as well as self-decomposing or ' excretory ’ one, its 'reproductive action’ might be directed per- versely, or the substances hoarded up be fired by a 'specific fire.’ Fire, indeed, has been the symbol of all contagion. ' Kindling’ conveys, at the present day, the idea for contagion in the German language. Inorganic bodies are ulti- mately, in their last particles, ' uniform,’ or dense , so to speak. Their uniform reaction upon phy- sical agents constitutes the 'chemical property.’ Uniform reaction, uniform being, is called dy - namostatic condition, properly so as compared with the aeriform or 'pneumostatic’ reaction of matter; the liquid, or 'hydrostatic,’ and the static action of inertia as in solids, to persist in the sense of the force communicated in a straight line. 'Static persistence’ is the character of inert matter, persisting as such into ' unlimited time and space (stat terra in eternum). Inor- ganic matter will only burn if sufficient heat, or other work done or bestowed, for example, by pulverizing or refining it into separate particles, be suferadded. Thus sulphur, for example, will not kindle except by adding more heat, or so much of pulverization, as in the manufacture of sulphuric acid the sulphur is burned by setting a pulverized portion on fire. Sulphur will burn copper in a ruby red flame, when rasped down and heated ; but neither they, nor phosphorus either, will, in a low temperature, kindle . This 68 APPENDIX. ' kindling/ or spontaneous continuous process of oxydation of carbon, in burning, is exclusively the property of organic matter; and it is, more- over, the fundamental common feature of all plants as well as animals, to render up carbonic acid gas ; the gas of the champagne, not that of burning charcoal, as Prof. Huxley lately stated, (by some lapsus lingua , probably). The gas evolved by burning charcoal is the tasteless and inodorous carbonic oxyde gas ; not only unsuit- able for respiration, but directly poisonous. The specific heat of all animal bodies is due, as is well known, to their process of respiration, whether by lungs-, gills, or insects’ trachae. All absorb oxygen, and render up carbonic acid gas by a peculiar process of a low combustion, due to the slow, propagative firing of carbon stored in their tissues. It is hence predicable, in the strictest literal sense of the word, that their breath slowly ignites, or ' kindles charcoal.’ " The carbon, or charcoal, of all animal and vegetable matter, is originally derived from the free carbonic acid gas of the atmosphere. It is derived from this storehouse of carbon by the inexplicable assimilative, that is, transmutative, life-action of vegetable organization. It is thence absorbed into the animal organization. In no case is it directly assimilated from the only 'pure , primitive carbon, viz . .* the adamant (literally 9 ' indomitable ’), or diamond particles, found as an ingredient in the igneous, eruptive, primitive rocks of our planet, and fired, that is, converted into carbonic acid gas, by a heat only equalled by that obtained by focalized sunlight. After it APPENDIX. 69 had once 'become cool/ the carbon or diamond was rendered digestible by having undergone a process of assimilation into carbonic materials, by vegetable life agency, out of the carbonic acid of our atmosphere. "A summary of these observations is now for the first time in process of publication in the forthcoming Proceedings of the Am. Ass’n Adv. Science, for 1871. As for the yeast (or fermentic as well as normal corruptive, zymotic, and cad- averous fungus, incident to all human diet and the human system in general), a summary of its now well-known phases and processes is to be found in the Proceedings of the Am. Ass’n. Adv. Science, for 1870 (Zymotic Fungus) ; and the discovered developmental nature of the bulk of the animal infusoria, as the circuits of generation of the planarian, turbellarian, and crustacean, micro- scopic animals, can be consulted in the American Journal of Arts and Sciences, July and August, 1871. There are no such classes as Protofhyta and\ Protozoa . All are mere undeveloped, by all means mere vitelline or seminal, self-multiplying and desultory forms of cell-genesis . There is no such ' class ’ as the famous and fabulous 'Flagellate Infusoria.’ The flagellate molecule is a common property of all cell-life whatever, and the claim of such a class only denotes a profound unacquaintance with life phenomena generally.” Nothing can be clearer, or more definite and positive, than these statements of Dr. Hilgard, based upon experiments, by which it is most con- 7o APPENDIX. clusively shown that such things as spores or germs of diseases, etc., are purely imaginary; one after another talking it, while no one had thoroughly investigated the subject. To an independent thinker, who can make his observations without being influenced by precon- ceived views, prejudice, or the dreams of fancy, the germ or spore theory of disease is unwarrant- able, and without the shadow of a foundation ; it may be very good for speculative or spiritual- istic fancies, but if earnestly pressed, gives proof either of utter ignorance of facts and ab- sence of scholarship, or of wilful humbug and quackery. When the old pathology was literal- ly deprived of its "noxa” of olden time, it took refuge in germs and spores, which, upon ex- amination, prove as innocent or as disastrous as blades of grass. It is, however, well known, that self-conceit and a lame pathology absolutely require a walking-cane of some kind to keep them from falling ; but by scientific progress this cane becomes so ethereal and fanciful, that the shadow of a ghost is a material object in comparison to it — the specific " noxa ” of dis- eases. Vaccination would be rendered a pretty safe procedure by using only such vaccine virus as the heifer specimen of Dr. Martin, previously de- scribed, but the vaccine virus generally employed is nothing but pus, as any one can see who has a microscope of the power of three hundred diame- ters. The vaccine matter upon which I have made my statements was obtained from the city physician, and at various times during twelve APPENDIX. 7 * years ; and in every instance, upon examination, proved to be nothing but pus, the introduction of which into or under the skin of a child is an unpardonable crime, unless it be excused on the ground of utter ignorance of scientific knowledge and facts. That vaccination is made compulsory in good faith, by legislation, there is little doubt; but if science were consulted in the matter, such a law would be shown to be barbarous, dangerous, and abominable. If the State demands vaccina- tion, it should, first, give the subject a proper in- vestigation ; second, give protection against mur- derous assault from blood-poison, by procuring pure virus, which can stand microscopic examina- tion ; and third, see that no laws are enforced which are based on an experience which is very doubtful, or on an authority of no weight of any kind, directly contradictory to all scientific in- vestigation and facts, and under present conditions exceedingly dangerous and harmful. The practice sometimes indulged in, of forcibly taking persons from their family to Small-pox hospitals, at once reminds us of the olden times of barbarism. I readily admit that in a good many cases the removal of a Small-pox patient to a hospital is a very good thing, especially if such hospital is under the supervision of a phy- sician who knows what Smallpox is , and if such patients have neither a family nor a home of their own. But to take a patient from his own private house, from his own family, and against his and their will, is an act of great injustice, and con- trary to every true principle of law, as well as of 72 APPENDIX. scientific practice. It is impossible (justly) to deprive a man of the liberty of dying in his own house and among his own friends, even if we admit the contagiousness of diseases. But this latter, however, has never been scientifically 'proved , although generally believed and appar- ently probable. I am a strong advocate for a Board of Health, and for general, and, if neces- sary, forcible enactments of sanitary measures, but such Board of Health must keep within the lines of strict science and of reason. No Board of Health, or any other Body, as yet exists, which, from a medical or juridical point, can either scientifically or reasonably show the propriety of forcing a man from his home, family, and friends, to die among strangers. All such meas- ures have their origin in fear, and want of pre- cise knowledge ; the majority, of course, can enforce acts which they believe to be for their benefit, but the majority cannot make wrong right. With our civilization, moral suasion is the only allowable measure of force to be em- ployed in the removal of patients from their homes. No human being can, with any sense of justice, be made the subject of cruel inhumanity from absolutely barbarous practice, because phy- sicians, for want of knowledge, have not been able to prevent Small-pox, or because vaccina- tion has not proved an absolute preventive. It is the duty of a Board of Health to investigate and learn all about Small-pox, and to inform the peo- ple how to prevent it, to provide for ample hospi- tals and for scientific treatment, but not for the introduction of barbarism. APPENDIX. 73 It is a very common error to suppose that ob- jections to vaccination are only made from a desire or love of opposition, or simply to create an excitement. Whoever does this, only harms himself; for nothing can be worse, so far as the individual is concerned, than to denounce what everybody believes. Science and scientific in- vestigation have never, and can never be made from any selfish or base reason. It is simply from a thirst for truth alone that humanity pro- gresses, and science is cultivated. Neither the Emperor of Germany, the Rothschilds, nor any other like person of wealth and power, ever ad- vanced progressive ideas, because nothing pays less ; it costs both time and money, and pays nothing in return, save ‘being rewarded with hatred and slander. Personally I have no inter- est whatever either in Small-pox or vaccination, and am perfectly indifferent as to whether vac- cination is practised or not. If the community are satisfied, I am equally so ; I make my state- ments on the subject because I must ; for such is my absolute conviction, and result of positive studies. Since my opinions here given are based upon original observations, clearly stated and well supported by facts, I shall most willingly refute them as soon as anybody is able to dis- prove any of the facts given, or afford better proof than I have been able to give. Any other attack than this is not only slanderous and quackish, but also much below the line of my notice. But I can propose a more serious test of the great danger connected with vaccination when 74 APPENDIX- the ordinary virus is employed — -an " argumen- tum at hominem” It is fair to demand that physicians and legislators who have made, or who now make, compulsory vaccination legal, and uphold it, should be willing to subject them- selves to a personal test trial, by allowing the common vaccine virus to be injected into their blood-veins. If the vaccine virus is safe, and is employed (as is claimed by the advocates of vaccination) as a preventive or remedial agent in the blood, to destroy malignant blood parts, such injection should prove beneficial; but I am very certain that at least no physician would ever consent to have this tested on his person, since most serious and very dangerous conse- quences will immediately follow this kind of vaccination. The human frame is so con- structed, that by ordinary vaccination it is gen- erally able to prevent the poison from entering the general circulation, no part of the vaccine virus entering into the blood at all ; but injections into the blood-vessel is very sure of effect — it never fails. Any physician who objects to this test being applied to his own person, and yet proposes and demands vaccination for others, gives the clearest proof that he is either bare of all logic and common justice, or that he wilfully maintains and defends a practice which he well knows is infamous. If, however, a physician or legislator can be found who will consent to this test, and very serious affections do not occur as the consequence of thus introducing into the blood such matter as is usually employed in vaccination, I will readily and at once not only APPENDIX. 75 take back all I have said against vaccination, but will openly and strongly defend the propriety of it. Vaccination with such virus as the spec- imen from the heifer of Dr. Martin, I repeat, is harmless ; nevertheless, I would not consent to have even that injected into my veins. If persons wish to be vaccinated from strong faith in such a procedure, they should at least microscopically examine the virus, or have it ex- amined, as to whether or not it contains pus cells ; but to vaccinate helpless children, necessarily unconscious of the nature of the proceeding, with impure virus or pus, is a contemptible and absolute wrong, which neither legislation, faith, nor any other procedure can make right. From personal observation I know of more than a dozen children within direct reach, who have been injured more or less for life by vaccination, and several cases where the death of strong and healthy children was from the same cause. And just here it may not be out of place'to re- late a few of the instances which I have observed where the deadly effect of vaccination was de- monstrated beyond a doubt, no syphilitic infec- tion being observable. Several years ago I had occasion to know a child two years old, of healthy parents. This child was very healthy, and had never been sick ; I was called to see it two months after it had been vaccinated. I found the right arm of the child almost entirely deprived of its muscles, the bare humeral bone with a few fragments of skin hanging on the emaciated child, presenting a most shocking ap- pearance. The child soon died. I was called 76 APPENDIX. to see a child after vaccination, who, previously, had never been sick, and of a healthy German family. I found the axillary glands enlarged to the size of a child’s head, the child itself ema- ciated to a mere skeleton. Recovered slowly, after very careful treatment. A well-known ar- tist married a Boston lady, after which he re- moved to Stuttgard, Germany. He returned, after several years, with a very healthy boy of four years of age. This boy had not been vac- cinated, nor had he ever seen one hour’s sick- ness. The father, being somewhat afraid of vaccination, asked me about it, when I advised him not to vaccinate him under any circumstan- ces, but to satisfy his wife, to use some milk or water. Several weeks after, I was called to see the child, as having scarlet fever. The mother had taken the boy to be vaccinated. I at once saw that he was poisoned ; he recovered in a week ; three months after was taken again in the same manner ; recovered again in two weeks. I then advised the father to procure some other medical aid in case of a recurrence, as I did not think the boy could survive it, his kidneys having become infected. Four months after, he was again taken down and died, as .1 supposed he would, several physicians doing all they could to save him. Only a few weeks ago I was called to see a young lady who had come from the State of New York, to visit some friends here. The severity of symptoms standing in no proportion to physical explorations, allowed of no diagnosis except poisoning. Upon inquiry I ascertained that three weeks previous, she had been vaccin- APPENDIX. 77 ated, which affected her strongly for a few days, but soon recovered from it. As soon as the ulcer from vaccination healed, the above symptoms of blood poisoning occurred. I sent her home, and examination indicates that she has Bright’s dis- ease. The frequency of albumen in the urine of children in eruptive diseases, occurring after vaccination, is astonishing ; the extreme smallness, and construction of the capillary vessels in the kidney, very readity explain that any particles introduced into the blood is liable to obstruct the kidney more quickly and seriously than the lung capillaries, for instance, which would show its effect much too late for ordinary observers to ad- mit that vaccination was the original source or cause of injury through embolism. The fre- quency of meeting with children who, previous to vaccination, were bright and perfectly well, but who, after vaccination, keep ailing for weeks and months, and finally apparently recover, to remain subject to all the consequences of capil- lary embolism, is sickening. But the obstinacy of practitioners who, in spite of anatomy, exper- imental experience and reason, wilfully continue to remain blind to the daily exhibitions of their bad practice, is still more sickening. My prac- tical observations in this regard are very limited, as I purposely keep it out of my range ;'butT am obliged to see enough to know that if all practi- tioners were to give a true account of their ob- servations after vaccination, a most frightful picture would be the result. It is so bad, that those who know are afraid of touching the sub- ject, and pray, " Apres nous le deluge ! ” 78 APPENDIX. The credit or demerit of the advanced theory of Small-pox I am obliged to share with another, who has independently arrived at the same con- clusions, as will appear from the following ex- tract of a letter, dated St. Louis, March 2, 1872 : "Dear Doctor, — By chance my attention was attracted by your pamphlet on Small-pox, etc. , in which, — allow me to compliment you, — you have in a most happy manner elucidated a theory of which the correctness and tenability can now no longer be doubted ; and by the successful ex- position you have given it, the non-professional will also be enabled to inform themselves of the true nature of variola, and after all be convinced of the gross imposition practised . upon them by vaccination. " A careful perusal of your highly interesting essay has given me great pleasure, particularly as the views you have arrived at fully corroborate my own, which I advanced in this place two years past, but with an almost unanimous disap- proval of the profession (see St. Louis Med- ical and Surgical Journal of September, 1870, page 433, and the American Journal of Medical Sciences, Philadelphia, October, 1870, page 524), etc., etc. I have taken leave to mail to you a copy of my essay. "Dr. C. Spinzig.” The St. Louis Medical Society, in January, 1870, appointed a committee for the investigation of the nature and causes of Small-pox. The chief person of the committee appointed was APPENDIX. 79 Dr. Spinzig, who presented the result of his in- vestigations in a pamphlet entitled, "Variola: Causes, Nature, and Prophylaxis. ByC. Spinzig, M. D.” — St. Louis: Plate, Olshausen & Co., Printers. This pamphlet contains materially the same theory as here advanced, only in a strictly scien- tific form, and consequently incomprehensible to all except scientific persons, but of great import- ance and interest to the profession. The following is the judgment rendered (rela- tive to the merits of Dr. Spinzig’s Essay) by the above-mentioned Journals, and also by the St. Louis Medical Society : "We have not thought it necessary ” (says the Medical Journal) "to enter into a detailed account of, or to combat the views set forth in this pamphlet, as we venture the assertion that not a single convert will be made by its perusal. In justice to the author, we must say he has displayed great industry and research, an extensive consultation of excellent authorities, and expended much thought in elaborating a theory which is certainly unique. In justice to established theories, we must say his premises are unsound, his reasoning fallacious, and his conclusions illogical ” ! ! ! First, he consulted " excellent authorities,” and afterwards, his "premises are unsound”! "his reasoning fallacious ”; which simply means Dr. Spinzig is a fool. It is, however, very strange and unaccountable that the St. Louis Medical Society should have appointed a fool on a com- mittee in so important and difficult a matter ! " His conclusions illogical.” The Society ap- 8o APPENDIX. pointed a committee from the fact that they ex- perienced the necessity for better information than that which they already possessed ; but as soon as such superior information is furnished, the " established theories ” are at once good again ; — where is the logic of this? We admit that we do not know the nature and causes of Small-pox, therefore we appoint a committee to investigate them ; but as soon as this committee furnish the information required, in justice to our acknowledged ignorance we denounce such as illogical ! They " do not think it necessary to combat the views.” I would ask the modest question, Is it possible to do so? .The criticism of the "American Journal of Medical Sciences ” is as follows : " It will hardly be expected that we should inquire into the val- idity of the foregoing propositions, or attempt a refutation of the very futile efforts made by Dr. Spinzig to give them a character of plausibility. It will suffice to say, that the conclusions of the writer are in conflict with the experience of the whole medical world ; and so far as regards his negations of the protective powers of vaccina- tion, he repudiates the positive results of tests put in execution upon a most extended scale in Europe, and in this country.” Both these journals, in the first place, are des- titute of the first, the most simple elements, the A, B, C of scientific criticism. To twaddle is the business of old women and fools, but it is the absolute duty of scientific criticism to give ex- planation and proof , in each and every case . Every ignoramus can deny, but a scientific man, APPENDIX. 8l journal, or society, must f rove. And this is just the difference between science and nonsense. It is most plainly evident that the journals would have given a single instance, at least, of incor- rectness had they been able to do so ; but they could not. The " positive results of tests put in execution in Europe and in this country ” is an absolute riddle, and a pent-up secret which that journal is wise enough to keep to itself. The profoundness of this journal may also be learned from the following : not a long time since the writer sent to it his theory of the mechanism of respiration and its application, with full explana- tions, and with good authority. Although upon this particular subject literally nothing exists in books or teachings, and the subject is one of very great importance, it. was refused ; no ob- jections being made relative to its correctness, or any other reasons given. The one it could not afford, and the other it was ashamed to give. The same, however, has since been published in various articles, in New York (Med. Record of Sept. 1-15, Oct. 15, Dec. 15, 1868), in Vienna (Oestreichische Zeitschrift fur practische, Heilkunde, Wien 3 March, 1871), in Leipzig (Schmitts Jahrbiicher, No. i,i87i,p. 124), and in Boston (Journal of Gynaecological Society of June and July 1871, and in Good Health Journal, during 1871), and I am not yet aw^are, of any one, either here or in Europe, who has objected to its correctness. A better proof of scientific precision and cor- rectness can hardly exist, than mathematically exact conclusions, which are the same in 82 APPENDIX. every particular, and which have been arrived at by two independent thinkers whose education has been entirely different, and who are wholly unacquainted with each other. Dr. Spinzig’s method of treating the subject is also different from mine, yet every conclusion, even every cause for a deduction, is the same. And since by reading the two a possible misunderstanding of terms is out of the question, I cannot too highly recommend its careful perusal by any physician who wishes to inform himself upon the true nature of Small-pox. If any are unable to understand why I have written in a popular and absolutely plain style, instead of a purely scientific one, they can find a solution of their difficulty in the treatment re- ceived by Dr. Spinzig from the profession in this country. Years ago I received similar treatment for what. I consider some of my best discoveries, and consequently have suffered by seeing another man, (Cohnheim,) earn a high reputation by advancing the same views in Europe; a reputa- tion to which I was reasonably entitled by priority of discovery. If the regular medical societies and their journals cannot learn to respect and grate- fully accept the advanced views arrived at by the hard and earnest study of their own members, but prefer, rather, unjustly to oppose anything and everything of this character, and thus work for quackery, and in direct opposition to scientific pro- gress, they must expect to be completely disre- garded, and suffer the consequences of their action, by being set aside and overruled as medical ca- lamities, and stumbling-blocks to progress and very-much needed advance. ■gOOKS RECENTLY PUBLISHED ALEXANDER MOORE, 2 Hamilton Place, Boston. The Eye in Health and Disease. 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