f/EPA United SUM* Offio* ot Em#rg*ncy and Environmantal Protocfon n » ponw Agency W«*Nngton» DC 20460 PB94-106333 dmcecr F tw ich «nd Devetopwnt Cincinnati, OH 45268 I SqwftfKf - « y- £PA/54(VS-fl2/D15 May 1893 m i Engineering Bulletin Solidification/Stabilization *p(j : Wmmmm wmmM §n :$ • 'MM. ‘ ■ Purpose Section 121(b) of the Comprehensive Environmental Re¬ sponse, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) mandates the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to select remedies that "utilize permanent solutions and alternative treatment technologies or resource recovery technologies to the maxi¬ mum extent practicable" and to prefer remedial actions in which treatment "permanently and significantly reduces the volume, toxicity, or mobility of hazardous substances, pollut¬ ants, and contaminants as a principal element." The Engineer¬ ing Bulletins are a series of documents that summarize the most current information available on selected treatment and site remediation technologies and related issues. They provide summaries of and references for this information to help reme¬ dial project managers, on-scene coordinators, contractors, and other site cleanup managers understand the type of data and site characteristics needed to evaluate a technology for poten¬ tial applicability to their Superfund or other hazardous waste site. Those documents that describe individual treatment tech¬ nologies focus on remedial investigation scoping needs. Ad¬ denda are issued periodically to update the original bulletins. granular consistency resembling soil. During in situ operations, S/S agents are injected Into and mixed with the waste and soil up to depths of 30 to 100 feet using augers. Treatability studies are the only means of documenting the applicability and performance of a particular S/S system. Deter¬ mination of the best treatment alternative will be based on multiple site-specific factors and the cost and efficacy of the treatment technology. The EPA contact identified at the end of this bulletin can assist in the location of other contacts and sources of information necessary for such treatability studies. It may be difficult to evaluate the long-term (>5 year) performance of the technology. Therefore, long-term monitor¬ ing may be needed to ensure that the technology continues to function within its design criteria. This bulletin provides information on technology applica¬ bility, the limitations of the technology, the technology descrip¬ tion, the types of residuals produced, site requirements, the process performance data, the status of the technology, and sources for further information. Abstract Solidification refers to techniques that encapsulate hazard¬ ous waste into a solid material of high structural integrity. Encapsulation involves either fine waste particles (microencapsulation) or a large block or container of wastes (macroencapsulation) [1, p. 2]*. Stabilization refers to tech¬ niques that treat hazardous waste by converting it into a less soluble, mobile, or toxic form. Solidification/Stabilization (S/S) processes, as referred to in this document, utilize one or both of these techniques. S/S technologies can immobilize many heavy metals, cer¬ tain radionuclides, and selected organic compounds while de¬ creasing waste surface area and permeability for many types of sludge, contaminated soils, and solid wastes^ Common S/S agents include: Type 1 Portland cement or cement kiln dust; lime, quicklime, or limestone; fly ash; various mixtures of these materials; and various organic binders (e.g., asphalt). The mixing of the waste and the S/S agents can occur outside of the ground (ex situ) in continuous feed or batch operations or in the ground (in situ) in a continuous feed operation. The final product can be a continuous solid mass of any size or of a Technology Applicability The U.S. EPA has established treatment standards under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), Land Disposal Restrictions (LDRs) based on Best Demonstrated Avail- - able Technology (BOAT) rather than on risk-based or health- based standards. There are three types of LDR treatment standards based on the following: achieving a specified con¬ centration level, using a specified technology prior to disposal, and "no land disposal." Achieving a specified concentration level is the most common type of treatment standard. When a concentration level to be achieved is specified for a waste, any technology that can meet the standard may be used unless that technology is otherwise prohibited [2]. The Superfund policy on use of immobilization is as fol¬ lows: "Immobilization is generally appropriate as a treatment alternative only for material containing inorganics, semi-volatile and/or non-volatile organics. Based on present information, the Agency does not believe that immobilization is an appropri¬ ate treatment alternative for volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Selection of immobilization of semi-volatile compounds (SVOCs) and non-volatile organics generally requires the performance of PROTECTED UNDER INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE keproduord by Trcritk.jxJ Ia/1 /4 inch in diameter not suitable. Halides May retard setting, easily leached for cement and pozzolan S/S. May dehydrate thermoplastic solidification. Soluble salts of manganese, tin, zinc, copper, and lead Reduced physical strength of final product caused by large variations in setting time and reduced dimensional stability of the cured matrix, thereby increasing teachability potential. Cyanides Cyanides interfere with bonding of waste materials. Sodium arsenate, borates, phosphates, iodates, sulfides, and carbohydrates Retard setting and curing and weaken strength of final product. Sulfates Retard setting and cause swelling and spalling in cement S/S. With thermoplastic solidification may dehydrate and rehydrate, causing splitting. * Adapted from reference 2 4 Engineering Bulletin: SoOdttcation/StabUzation of Organics and Inorganics Tabid 3 Summary o i Facto n that May Intwfar* with SoSdMcatlon Pro cd— t * (continued) Characteristics Affecting Processing Feasibility rwi/ioor Mttfmttcncc Phenols Marked decreases In compressive strength for high phenol levels. Presence of coal or lignite Coals and lignites can cause problems with setting, curing, and strength of the end product Sodium borate, calcium sulfate, potassium dichromate, and carbohydrates Interferes with pozzolanic reactions that depend on formation of calcium silicate and aluminate hydrates. Nonpolar organics (oil, grease, aromatic hydrocarbons, PCBs) May impede setting of cement pozzolan, or organic-polymer S/S. May decrease long-term durability and allow escape of volatiles during mixing. With thermoplastic S/S, organics may vaporize from heat Polar organics (alcohols, phenols, organic acids, glycols) With cement or pozzolan S/S, high concentrations of phenol may retard setting and may decrease short¬ term durability; all may decrease long-term durability. With thermoplastic S/S, organics may vaporize. Alcohols may retard setting of pozzolans. Solid organics (plastics, tars, resins) Ineffective with urea formaldehyde polymers; may retard setting of other polymers. Oxidizers (sodium hypochlorite, potassium permanganate, nitric acid, or potassium dichromate) May cause matrix breakdown or fire with thermoplastic or organic polymer S/S. Metals (lead, chromium, cadmium, arsenic, mercury) May increase setting time of cements if concentration is high. Nitrates, cyanides Increase setting time, decrease durability for cement-based S/S. Soluble salts of magnesium, tin, zinc, copper and lead May cause swelling and cracking within inorganic matrix exposing more surface area to leaching. Environmental/waste conditions that lower the pH of matrix Eventual matrix deterioration. Flocculants (e.g., ferric chloride) Interference with setting of cements and pozzolans. Soluble sulfates >0.01% in soil or 150 mg/L in water Endangerment of cement products due to sulfur attack. Soluble sulfates >0.5% in soil or 2000 mg/L in water Serious effects on cement products from sulfur attacks. Oil, grease, lead, copper, zinc, and phenol Deleterious to strength and durability of cement, lime/fly ash, fly ash/cement binders. Aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons Increase set time for cement Chlorinated organics May increase set time and decrease durability of cement if concentration is high. Metal salts and complexes Increase set time and decrease durability for cement or day/cement. Inorganic acids Decrease durability for cement (Portland Type 1) or clay/cement inorganic bases Decrease durability for clay/cement; KOH and NaOH decrease durability for Portland cement Type III and IV. * Adapted from reference 2 Engineering Bulletin: Soildification/StabQization of Organics and Inorganics 5 materials in the mixture may increase rapidly with falling tem¬ peratures or the cure rate may be slowed unacceptably [20, p. 27], In cement-based S/S processes the engineering properties of the concrete mass produced for the treatment of the waste are highly dependent on the water/cement ratio and the de¬ gree of hydration of the cement High water/cement ratios yield large pore sizes and thus higher permeabilities [21, p. 1 77}. This factor may not be readily controlled in environmen¬ tal applications of S/S and pretreatment (e.g., drying) of the waste may be required. Depending on the waste and binding agents involved, S/S processes can produce hot gases, including vapors that are potentially toxic, irritating, or noxious to workers or communi¬ ties downwind from the processes [22, p. 4]. Laboratory tests demonstrate that as much as 90 percent of VOCs are volatilized during solidification and as much as 60 percent of the remain¬ ing VOCs are lost in the next 30 days of curing [23, p. 6]. In addition, if volatile substances with low flash points are in¬ volved, the potential exists for fire and explosions where the fuel-to-air ratio is favorable [22, p. 4], Where volatization problems are anticipated, many S/S systems now provide for vapor collection and treatment. Under dry and/or windy envi¬ ronmental conditions, both ex situ and in situ S/S processes are likely to generate fugitive dust with potentially harmful impacts on occupational and public health, especially for downwind communities. Scaleup for S/S processes from bench-scale to full-scale operation involves inherent uncertainties. Variables such as ingredient flow-rate control, materials mass balance, mixing, and materials handling and storage, along with the weather compared to the more controlled environment of a laboratory, all may affect the success of a field operation. These potential engineering difficulties emphasize the need for a field demon¬ stration prior to full-scale implementation [2]. Technology Description Waste stabilization involves the addition of a binder to a waste to immobilize waste contaminants effectively. Waste solidification involves the addition of a binding agent to the waste to form a solid material. Solidifying waste improves its material handling characteristics and reduces permeability to leaching agents such as water, brine, and inorganic and or¬ ganic acids by reducing waste porosity and exposed surface area. Solidification also increases the load-bearing capacity of the treated waste, an advantage when heavy equipment is involved. Because of their dilution effect, the addition of bind¬ ers must be accounted for when determining reductions in concentrations of hazardous constituents in S/S treated waste. S/S processes are often divided into the following broad categories: inorganic processes (cement and pozzolanic) and organic processes (thermoplastic and thermosetting). Generic S/S processes involve materials that are well known and readily available. Commercial vendors have typically developed ge¬ neric processes into proprietary processes by adding special additives to provide better control of the S/S process or to enhance specific chemical or physical properties of the treated waste. Less frequently, S/S processes combine organic binders with inorganic binders (e.g., diatomaceous earth and cement with polystyrene, polyurethane with cement, and polymer geh with sScate and imie cement) [2]. The waste can be mixed in a batch or continuous system with the binding agents after removal (ex situ) or in place (in- situ). In ex situ applications, the resultant slurry can be 1) poured into containers (e.g., 55-gallon drums) or molds for curing and then off- or onsite disposal, 2) disposed in onsite waste management cells or trenches, 3) injected into the sub¬ surface environment, or 4) re-used as construction material with the appropriate regulatory approvals. In in situ applica¬ tions, the S/S agents are injected into the subsurface environ¬ ment in the proper proportions and mixed with the waste using backhoes for surface mixing or augers for deep mixing [5]. Liquid waste may be pretreated to separate solids from liquids. Solid wastes may also require pretreatment in the form of pH adjustment, steam or thermal stripping, solvent extrac¬ tion, chemical reaction, or biodegradation to remove excessive VOCs and SVOCs that may react with the S/S process. The type and proportions of binding agents are adjusted to the specific properties of the waste to achieve the desired physical and chemical characteristics of the waste appropriate to the condi¬ tions at the site based on bench-scale tests. Although ratios of waste-to-binding agents are typically in the range of 10:1 to 2:1, ratios as low as 1:4 have been reported. However, projects utilizing low waste-to-binder ratios have high costs and large volume expansion. Figures 1 and 2 depict generic elements of typical ex situ and in situ S/S processes, respectively. Ex situ processing involves: (1) excavation to remove the contaminated waste from the subsurface; (2) classification to remove oversize de¬ bris; (3) mixing; and (4) off-gas treatment In situ processing has only two steps: (1) mixing; and (2) off-gas treatment. Both processes require a system for delivering water, waste, and S/S agents in proper proportions and a mixing device (e.g., rotary drum paddle or auger). Ex situ processing requires a system for delivering the treated waste to molds, surface trenches, or subsurface injection. The need for off-gas treat¬ ment using vapor collection and treatment modules is specific to the S/S project Process Residuals Under normal operating conditions neither ex situ nor in situ S/S technologies generate significant quantities of contami¬ nated liquid or solid waste. Certain S/S projects require treat¬ ment of the offgas. Prescreening collects debris and materials too large for subsequent treatment. If the treated waste meets the specified cleanup levels, it could be considered for reuse onsite as backfill or construction material. In some instances, treated waste may have to be disposed of in an approved landfill. Hazardous residuals from some pretreatment technologies must be disposed of accord¬ ing to appropriate procedures. 6 Engineering Bulletin: Soildification/Stabilization of Organics and Inorganics Figure 1. G*n#ric Elements of a Typical Ex Situ S/S Process S/S Binding Agent(s) Figure 2. G*rreric El*m*nts of a Typical In Situ S/S Process El Stabilized/Solidified Media Water—► Off-Gas Mixing Treatment S/S Binding —► (1) (optional) Agent(s) (2) Residuals Site Requirements The site must be prepared for the construction, operation, maintenance, decontamination, and ultimate decommission¬ ing of the equipment. An area must be cleared for heavy equipment access roads, automobile and truck parking lots, material transfer stations, the S/S process equipment, set up areas, decontamination areas, the electrical generator, equip¬ ment sheds, storage tanks, sanitary and process wastewater collection and treatment systems, workers' quarters, and ap¬ proved disposal facilities (if required). The size of the area required for the process equipment depends on several factors, including the type of S/S process involved, the required treat¬ ment capacity of the system, and site characteristics, especially soil topography and load-bearing capacity. A small mobile ex situ unit could occupy a space as small as that taken up by two standard flatbed trailers. An in situ system requires a larger area to accommodate a drilling rig as well as a larger area for auger decontamination. Process, decontamination, transfer, and storage areas should be constructed on impermeable pads with berms for spill reten¬ tion and drains for the collection and treatment of stormwater runoff. Stormwater storage and treatment capacity require¬ ments will depend on the size of the bermed area and the local climate. Standard 440V, three-phase electrical service is usually needed. The quantity and quality of process water required for pozzolanic S/S technologies are technology-specific. S/S process quality control requires information on the range of concentrations of contaminants and potential interferants in waste batches awaiting treatment and on treated product properties such as compressive strength, permeability, teachability, and in some instances, contaminant toxicity. Performance Data Most of the data on S/S performance come from studies conducted for EPA's Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory under the Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) Program. Pilot scale demonstration studies available for review during the preparation of this bulletin included: Soliditech, Inc. at Morganville, New jersey (petroleum hydrocarbons, PCBs, other organic chemicals, and heavy metals); International Waste Technologies (IWT) process using the Geo-Con, Inc. deep-soil- mixing equipment, at Hialeah, Florida (PCBs, VOCs); Chemfix Technologies, Inc., at Clackamas, Oregon (PCBs, arsenic, heavy metals); Im-Tech (formerly Hazcon) at Douglassville, Pennsyl¬ vania (oil and grease, heavy metals including lead, and low levels of VOCs and PCBs); Silicate Technology Corporation (STQ, at Selma, California (arsenic, chromium, copper, penta- chlorophenol and associated polychlorinated dibenzofurans and dibenzo-p-dioxins). The performance of each technology was evaluated in terms of ease of operation, processing capacity, frequency of process outages, residuals management, cost and the characteristics of the treated product Such characteristics Engineering Bulletin: Soiidification/StdbBization of Organics and Inorganics 7 included weight, density, and volume changes; UCS and mois¬ ture content of the treated product before and after freeze/ thaw and wet/dry weathering cycles; permeability (or permissivity) to water; and teachability following curing and after the weathering test cycles. Leachability was measured using several different standard methods, including EPA's TCLP. Table 4 summarizes the SITE performance data from these sites [20] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28], A full-scale S/S operation has been implemented at the Northern Engraving Corporation (NEC) site in Sparta, Wiscon¬ sin, a manufacturing facility which produces metal name plates and dials for the automotive industry. The following informa¬ tion on the site is taken from the remedial action report. Four areas at the site that have been identified as potential sources of soil, groundwater, and surface water contamination are the sludge lagoon, seepage pit, sludge dump site, and lagoon drainage ditch. The sludge lagoon was contaminated primarily with metal hydroxides consisting of nickel, copper, aluminum, fluoride, iron, and cadmium. The drainage ditch which showed elevated concentrations of copper, aluminum, fluoride, and chromium, was used to convey effluent from the sludge lagoon to a stormwater runoff ditch. The contaminated material in the drainage ditch area and sludge dumpsite was then excavated and transported into the sludge lagoon for stabilization with the sludge present. The vendor, Geo-Con, Inc., achieved stabi¬ lization by the addition of hydrated lime to the sludge. Five samples of the solidified sludge were collected for Extraction Procedure (EP) toxicity leaching analyses. Their contaminant concentrations (in mg/I) are as follows: Arsenic (<.01); Barium (.35 -1.04); Cadmium (<.005); Chromium (<.01); Lead (<.2); Mercury (<.001); Selenium (<.005); Silver (<.01); and Fluoride (2.6 - 4.1). All extracts were not only below the EP toxicity criteria but (with the exception of fluoride) met drinking water standards as well. Approximately three weeks later UCS tests on the solidified waste were taken. Test results ranged from 2.4 to 10 psi, well below the goal of 25 psi. One explanation for the low UCS could be due to shear failure along the lenses of sandy material and organic peat-like material present in the samples. It was determined that it would not be practical to add additional quantities of lime into the stabilized sludge matrix because of its high solids content. Therefore, the stabilized sludge matrix capacity will be increased to support the clay cap by installing an engineered subgrade for the cap system using a stabilization fabric and aggregate prior to cap placement [29]. The Industrial Waste Control (IWC) Site in Fort Smith, Arkansas, a closed and covered industrial landfill built in an abandoned surface coal mine, has also implemented a full-scale S/S system. Until 1978 painting wastes, solvents, industrial process wastes, and metals were disposed at the site. The primary contaminants of concern were methylene chloride, ethylbenzene, toluene, xylene, trichloroethane, chromium, and lead. Along with S/S of the onsite soils, other technologies used were: excavation, slurry wall, french drains, and a landfill cover. Soils were excavated in the contaminated region (Area C) and a total of seven lifts were stabilized with flyash on mixing pads previously formed. A clay liner was then constructed in Area C to serve as a leachate barrier. After the lifts passed the TCLP test they were taken to Area C for in situ solidification. Portland cement was added to solidify each lift and they obtained the UCS goal of 125 psi. With the combination of the other tech¬ nologies, the overall system appears to be functioning properly [30], Other Superfund sites where full scale S/S has been com¬ pleted to date include Davie Landfill (82,158 yd 3 of sludge containing cyanide, sulfide, and lead treated with Type I Port¬ land cement in 45 days) [31J; Pepper's Steel and Alloy (89,000 yd 3 of soil containing lead, arsenic, and PCBs treated with Portland cement and fly ash) [32]; and Sapp Battery and Salvage (200,000 yd 3 soil fines and washings containing lead and mercury treated with Portland cement and fly ash in roughly 18 months) [33], ail in Region 4; and Bio-Ecology, Inc. (about 2P,000 yd 3 of soils, sludge, and liquid waste containing heavy metals, VOCs, and cyanide treated with cement kiln flue dust alone or with lime) in Region 6 [34], All sites required that the waste meet the appropriate leaching test and UCS criteria. At the Sapp Battery site, the waste also met a permeability crite¬ rion of 10^ cm/s [33]. Past remediation appraisals by the responsible remedial project managers indicate the S/S tech¬ nologies are performing as intended. RCRA LDRs that require treatment of wastes based on BOAT levels prior to land disposal may sometimes be deter¬ mined to be Applicable or Relevant and Appropriate Require¬ ments (ARARs) for CERCLA response actions. S/S can produce a treated waste that meets treatment levels set by BDAT but may not reach these treatment levels in all cases. The ability to meet required treatment levels is dependent upon the specific waste constituents and the waste matrix. In cases where S/S does not meet these levels, it still may in certain situations be selected for use at a site if a treatability variance establishing alternative treatment levels is obtained. Treatability variances may be justified for handling complex soil and debris matrices. The following guides describe when and how to seek a treatability variance for soil and debris: Superfund LDR Guide #6A, 'Ob¬ taining a Soil and Debris Treatability Variance for Remedial Actions' (OSWER Directive 9347.3-06FS) [16] and Superfund LDR Guide #6B, 'Obtaining a Soil and Debris Treatability Vari¬ ance for Removal Actions' (OSWER Directive 9347.3-06BFS) [17]. Another approach could be to use other treatment tech¬ niques in conjunction with S/S to obtain desired treatment levels. Technology Status In 1990,24 ROOs identified S/S as the proposed remediation technology [35]. To date only about a dozen Superfund sites have proceeded through full-scale S/S implementation to the operation and maintenance (O&M) phase, and many of those were small pits, ponds, and lagoons. Some involved S/S for off¬ site disposal in RCRA-permitted facilities. Table 5 summarizes these sites where full scale S/S has been implemented under CERCLA or RCRA [7, p. 3-4]. More than 75 percent of the vendors of S/S technologies use cement-based or pozzolanic mixtures [11, p. 2]. Organic polymen have been added to various cement-based systems to enhance performance with respect to one or more physical or 8 Engineering Bulletin: SoOdlfication/Stabaization of Organics and Inorganics Table 4. Summary.of SITE Performance Data Engineering Bulletin: Soildification/Stabilization of Organics and Inorganics 9 TCLP - Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure TWA - Total Waste Analysis Tctot* 5. Summary of Full Scale S/S Site* ■6 2 £ c w' ■* £ | II m 3 £ S r» v D > >v ts c n; w » a 4 E i O 5 u o *0 ^ r 5 = < o. 10 Engineering Bulletin: Soildlfication/StabOization of Organics and Inorganics chemical characteristics, but only mixed results have been achieved. For example, tests of standardized wastes treated in a standardized fashion using acrylonitrile, vinyl ester, polymer cement, and water-based epoxy yielded mixed results. Vinyl and plastic cement products achieved superior UCS and leach- ability to cement-only and cement-fly ash S/S, white the acry¬ lonitrile and epoxy polymers reduced UCS and increased teach¬ able TOC, in several instances by two or three orders of magnitude [36, p. 156]. The estimated cost of treating waste with S/S ranges from $50 to 250 per ton (1992 dollars). Costs are highly variable due to variations in site, soil, and contaminant characteristics that affect the performance of the S/S processes evaluated. Economies of scale likely to be achieved in full-scale operations are not reflected in pilot-scale data. EPA Contact Acknowledgments This bulletin was prepared for the US Environmental Pro¬ tection Agency, Office of Research and Development (ORD), Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory (RREL), Cincinnati, Ohio, by Science Applications International Corporation (SAIQ under contract No. 68-C8-0062 (WA 2-22). Mr. Eugene Harris served as the EPA Technical Project Manager. Mr. Cary Baker was SAJC's Work Assignment Manager. This bulletin was written by Mr. Larry Fink and Mr. George Wahl of SAJC. The authors are especially grateful to Mr. Carlton WUes and Mr. Edward Bates of EPA, RREL and Mr. Edwin Barth of EPA, CER1, who have contrib¬ uted significantly by serving as technical consultants during the development of this document The following other EPA and contractor personnel have contributed their time and comments by participating in the expert review meetings or peer reviews of the document University of Cincinnati Battel te SAIC-Raleigh SAIC-Raleigh SAIC-Cincinnati SAIC-Cincinnati Management Branch Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory 5955 Center Hill Road Cincinnati, OH 45224 Telephone: (513) 569-7795 or (513) 569-7884 Technology-specific questions regarding S/S may be di¬ rected to: Carlton C. Wiles or Patricia M. Erickson U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Municipal Solid Waste and Residuals Dr. Paul Bishop Dr. Jeffrey Means Ms. Mary Boyer Mr. Cecil Cross Ms. Margaret Croeber Mr. Eric Saylor Engineering Bulletin: Soikfflcatton/StabBization of Organics and Inorganics 11 REFERENCES 1. Conner, J.R. Chemical Fixation and Solidification of Hazardous Wastes, Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York, 1990. 2. Technical Resources Document on Solidification/Stabiliza¬ tion and its Application to Waste Materials (Draft), Contract No. 68-CO-0003, Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1991. 3. Guidance on Key Terms. Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Directive No. 9200.5-220, Washington, D.C., 1991. 4. Wiles, C.C. Solidification and Stabilization Technology. In: Standard Handbook of Hazardous Waste Treatment and Disposal, H.M. Freeman, Ed., McGraw Hill, New York, 1989. 5. Jasperse, B.H. Soil Mixing, Hazmat World, November 1989. 6. Handbook for Stabilization/Solidification of Hazardous Waste. EPA/540/2-86/001, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio, June 1986. 7. Stabilization/Solidification of CERCLA and RCRA Wastes; Physical Tests, Chemical Testing Procedures, Technology, and Field Activities. EPA/625/6-89/022, U.S. Environmen¬ tal Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio, May 1990. 6. Wiles, C.C. and E. Barth. Solidification/Stabilization: Is It Always Appropriate? Pre-Publication Draft, American Society of Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, Pennsylva¬ nia, December 1990. 9. Superfund Treatability Clearinghouse Abstracts. EPA/540/ 2-89/001, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., August 1989. 10. Kasten, J.L, H.W. Godbee, T.M. Gilliam, and S.C. Osborne, 1989. Round I Phase I Waste Immobilization Technology Evaluation Subtask of the Low-Level Waste Disposal Development and Demonstration Program, Prepared by Oak Ridge National Laboratories, Martin Marietta Energy Systems, Inc., Oak Ridge, Tennessee, for Office of Defense and Transportation Management under Contract DE-AC05-840R21400, May 1989. 11. |ACA Corporation. Critical Characteristics and Properties of Hazardous Soiidification/Stabiiization. Prepared for Water Engineering Research Laboratory, Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protec¬ tion Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio. Contract No. 68-03-3186, 1985. 12. Bricka, R.M., and LW. Jones. An Evaluation of Factors Affecting the Solidification/Stabilization of Heavy Metal Sludge, Waterways Experimental Station, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg, Mississippi, 1989. 13. Fate of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in Soil Following Stabilization with Quicklime, EPA/600/2-91/052, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio, September 1991. 14. Convery, J. Status Report on the Interaction of PCB's and Quicklime, Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory, Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio, June 1991. 15. Stinson, M.K. EPA SITE Demonstration of the Interna¬ tional Waste Tech oologies/Geo-Con In Situ Stabilization/ Solidification Process. Air and Waste Management J., 40(11): 1569-1576. 16. Superfund LDR Guide #6A (2nd edition), "Obtaining a Soil and Debris Treatability Variance for Removal Ac¬ tions', OSWER. Directive 9347.3-06FS, September 1990. 17. Superfund LDR Guide #68, "Obtaining a Soil and Debris Treatability Variance for Removal Actions', OSWER Directive 9347.3-06BFS, September 1990. 18. Chasalani, D., F.K. Cartiedge, H.C. Eaton, M.E. Tittlebaum, and M.B. Walsh. The Effects of Ethylene Glycol on a Cement-Based Solidification Process. Hazard¬ ous Waste and Hazardous Materials. 3(2): 167-173, 1986. 19. Handbook of Remedial Action at Waste Disposal Sites. EPA/625/6-85/006, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio, June 1985. 20. Technology Evaluation Report SITE Program Demonstra¬ tion Test Soliditech, Inc. Soiidification/Stabiiization Process, Volume I. EPA/540/5-89/005a, U.S. Environ¬ mental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio, February 1990. 21. Kirk-Othmer. Cement Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, 3rd Ed., John Wiley and Sons, New York: 163-193,1981. 22. SoundararaJan, R., and J.J. Gibbons, Hazards in the Quicklime Stabilization of Hazardous Waste. Unpublished paper delivered at the Gulf Coast Hazardous Substances Research Symposium, February 1990. 23. Weitzman, L, LR. Hamel., and S. Cadmus. Volatile Emissions From Stabilized Waste, Prepared By Acurex Corporation Under Contract No. 68-02-3993 (32, 37) for the Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory, Office of Research and Development U.S. Environmental Protec¬ tion Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio, May 1989. 12 Engineering Bulletin: SoBdlfication/Stabttzation of Organics and Inorganics 24. Technology Evaluation Report SITE Program Demonstra¬ tion Test International Waste Technologies In Situ Stabilization/Solidification - Hialeh, Florida, Volume I. EPA/540/5-89/004a, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio, June 1989. 25. Technology Evaluation Report Chemfix Technologies, Inc. Solidification/Stabilization Process - Clackamas, Oregon, Volume I. EPA/540/5-89/011 a, U.S. Environ¬ mental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, Ohio, September 1990. 26. Technology Evaluation Report SITE Program Demonstra¬ tion Test, HAZCON Solidification, Douglassville, Pennsyl¬ vania, Volume I. EPA/540/5-89/001 a, U.S. Environmen¬ tal Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., February 1989. 27. Bates, E.R., P.V. Dean, and I. Klich, Chemical Stabilization of Mixed Organic and Metal Compounds: EPA SITE Program Demonstration of the Silicate Technology Corporation Process. Journal of the Air & Waste Manage¬ ment Association. 42(5): 724-728, 1992. 28. Applications Analysis Report. Silicate Technology Corporation. Solidification/Stabilization Technology for Organic and Inorganic Contaminants in Soils, EPA/540/ AR-92/010, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Washington, D.C., December 1992. 29. Eder Associates Consulting Engineers, P.C. Northern Engraving Corporation Site Remedial Action Report. Sparta, Wisconsin, 1989. 30. Remedial Construction Report Industrial Waste Control Site. Fort Smith, Arkansas. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1991. 31. Jackson, R. RPM, Davie Landfill, Florida. Personal Communication. Region 4, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Atlanta, Georgia, August 1991. 32. Scott, D. RPM, Pepper's Steel and Alloy. Personal Communication. Region 4, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Atlanta, Georgia, October 1991. 33. Berry, M. RPM, Sapp Battery and Salvage, Florida. Personal Communication. Region 4, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Atlanta, Georgia, August 1991. 34. Pryor, C. RPM, Bio-Ecology Systems, Texas. Personal Communication. Region 6, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Dallas, Texas, August 1991. 35. Rod Annual Report; FY1990. EPA/540/8-91/067, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington D.C., July, 1991. 36. Kyles, J.H., K.C. Malinowski, J.S. Leithner, and T.F. Stanczyk. The Effect of Volatile Organic Compounds on the Ability of Solidification/Stabilization Technologies To Attentuate Mobile Pollutants. In: Proceedings of the National Conference on Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Materials. Hazardous Materials Control Research Institute, Silver Springs, MD, March 16-18, 1987. Engineering Bulletin: Solidification/Stabilization of Organics and Inorganics 13 ☆ l.s. government printing office: im • 750-on/wxm * TECHNICAL REPORT DATA (Please read Instructions on the reverse before complet mi iii mini i. REPORT no. 2. EPA/540/S-92/015 3 . iii linn mi PB9 mi iniiiiiii 4-106333 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE Engineering Bulletin Solidification/Stabilization of Organics and Inorganic 5 REPORT DATE 9/92 ft. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION CODE 5 7. AUTHOR(S) Various 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NO. 9. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS Technical Support Branch Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory, D.S.E.P.A. 26 W. Martin Luther King Drive Cincinnati, OH 45268 10 PROGRAM ELEMENT NO. Y-109 11. CONTRACT/GRANT NO NA 12. SPONSORING AGENCY NAME AND ADDRESS Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory—Cin., OH Office of Research and Development D.S. Environmental Protection Agency Cincinnati, OH 45268 13. TYPE OF REPORT AND PERIOD COVERED Bulletin 14. SPONSORING AGENCY CODE EPA/540/2-9/022 15. supplementary NOTES Eugene Harris (513) 569-7862 16. ABSTRACT Solidification refers to techniques that encapsulate hazardous waste into a solid material of high structural integrity. Encapsulation involves either fine waste particles (microencapsulation) or a large block or container of wastes (macroencapsulation). Stabilization refers to techniques that treat hazardous waste by converting it into a less soluble, mobile, or toxic form. Solidification/Stabilization processes utilize one or both of these techniques. This bulletin provides information on the technology applicability, the technology limitations, a description of the technology, the types of residuals produced, site requirements, the latest performance data, the status of the technology, and sources of further information. 17 KEY WORDS AND DOCUMENT ANALYSIS a. DESCRIPTORS b. 1DENTI F IE R S/OPEN ENDED TERMS c. COSati Field/Group Stabilization, Solidification, Soil Treatment, CERCLA 18. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT RELEASE TO PUBLIC 19 SECURITY CLASS (This Report) UNCLASSIFIED 21. NO. OF PAGES 10 20. SECURITY CLASS (This page) UNCLASSIFIED 22 PRICE EPa Form 2220—1 (Rav. 4—77) previous edition ij objolete NTIS does not permit return of items for credit or refund. A replacement will be provided if an error is made in filling your order, if the item was received in damaged condition, or if the item is defective. Reproduced by NTIS National Technical Information Service U.S. Department of Commerce Springfield, VA 22161 This report was printed specifically for your order from our collection of more than 2 million technical reports. For economy and efficiency, NTIS does not maintain stock of its vast collection of technical reports. Rather, most documents are printed for each order. 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