g^-' :-'H :^^''-^ ^M m^.^^ yr L I B RA R.Y OF THE U N 1 VER5ITY Of ILLl NOIS THE MISSIONAEY SOCIETIES OF GREAT BRITAIN. A CONCISE VIEW OF WHAT IS CONTEIBUTED TO THEM, WHEEE IT IS SPENT, AND WHAT ABE THE EESULTS. BY THE KEY, W. A. SCOTT ROBEETSON, llA, RECTOR OF ELMLEY, SITTINGBOURNE, CHAPLAIN TO THE EARL OF TANKERVILLE. JOHN AND CHAELES MOZLEY, 6, PATERNOSTER ROW. LONDON : R, CLAY, SONS, AND TAYLOR, TRINTERS, BREAD STREET HILL. CONTENTS. Introduction . . ... ... 5 Analysis of Eeceipts for 1871 : — Church of England Societies 8 Joint Societies of Churchmen and Nonconformists ... 9 Eoman Catholic Societies 10 Nonconformist Societies in England 11 Scotch and Irish Societies 12 Summary of British Contributions 13 Analysis of Expenditure for 1871 : — America 15 Australia 16 New Zealand 16 Polynesia and Melanesia 17 Sandwich Islands 17 West Indies 17 Africa and Madagascar 17 Asia, Central 18 Borneo 18 Burmah and Malay Straits 18 China 18 Ceylon 19 India 19 Turkish Empu-e 20 Continental Europe 21 Great Britain and Ireland 22 Disabled Missionaries, Widows, Children 22 Missionary Students and Candidates 22 Investments 23 Summary of British Expenditure, showing what percentage went in Home Expenses 23 Eesults 26 List of Societies with their Addresses 30 o THE MISSIONARY SOCIETIES OF GEEAT BRITAIN. In Great Britain and Ireland there are more than sixty Societies whose object is the propagation of the Gospel in foreign parts. Twenty-one of these are supported by members of the Church of England ; ten are joint Societies of Churchmen and Noncon- formists, but derive their funds more from the former than the latter; the remaining thirty-four Societies are supported by the Nonconformists of England, and the Presbyterians of Scotland and Ireland. The total sum contributed in the British Isles to all these Societies, for the year 1871, fell short of 900,000Z. Complete analyses of the receipts and expenditure of each Society will be found in the following pages. Missions in Northern India are supported by no less than twenty- two British Societies. South Africa receives Missionary help from seventeen. Fifteen of our Societies are at work in China, and a like number in the Turkish Empire. Fourteen help the evange- lization of the West Indies, and as many assist in North East America ; while no less than twenty-one British Societies support Missions in the various countries of Continental Europe. The names of these Societies, and of those which are at work in other parts of the world, will be found, under the various local heads, in the analysis of expenditure. Our Missionary Societies are of five kinds. There are (1) Missionary Societies proper ; (2) School Societies ; (3) Bible and Tract Societies; (4) Missionary Training Institutions; (5) Aid 6 THE MISSIONARY SOCIETIES OF GREAT BRITAIN. Societies, whicli supply grants of money in aid of existing Missions, mostly Missions of Continental or American Societies. Of the Missionary Societies proper, some, like tlie Clmrcli Missionary Society, work exclusively among the heathen and Mahomedans, and their work is often called the Foreign, as dis- tinguished from the Colonial, the Continental, or the Jewish Mission. Some Societies devote themselves entirely to our British Colonists ; some are purely Continental ; others, like the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, combine Foreign, Colonial, and Con- tinental work ; while others again, like the Wesleyan Missionary Society, occupy Home stations in Ireland as well as Foreign, Colonial, and Continental stations. The Presbyterian Missionary Societies usually comprise four distinct Boards for the Foreign, the Colonial, the Continental, and the Jewish schemes. The nature and sphere of work of each Society can be ascertained at once by referring to the analysis of expenditure. From these differences in the work of Societies it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to make any general and just comparison between them as regards results ; these differences therefore should always be borne in mind. Some figures respecting results will be found on a subsequent page, but it is quite impossible to make out any complete and accurate tabular statement respecting them. From a careful analysis of all the Reports it appears that there are now about one million of converts from heathenism in the Mission stations of our British Societies. Of this million of con- verts, nearly one-third, or 315,231, are found in the Madagascar Missions of the London Missionary Society ; this number is greater than that of all the converts in the vast continent of India. About one-fourth of this million of converts from heathenism are communicants, or adult members in full communion. The number of native ordained ministers amongst them is between 400 and 500. In the Mission schools of the British Societies are children (whose parents are for the most part heathens) to the number of about another quarter of a million. The British Societies help to supply the means of grace to British Colonists and Continental Christians to the number of about one other million of souls. A complete list of the Societies, with the addresses of their offices, or Secretaries, will be found upon page 30. ANALYSIS AND SUMMAEY OF THE RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR 1871, OF SIXTY-FIVE MISSIONARY SOCIETIES IN GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. So diverse are the methods in which the various Missionary Societies compute their annual income, that the mere enumeration of ''total incomes" furnishes an erroneous idea of the support given by the British Isles to the work of Foreign Missions. The two great Societies of the Church of England state simply what has passed through their offices at home. Other Societies add to this the amount raised in the Mission fields. A third method is in use among the principal Nonconformist Societies, t^ hich include not only the receipts in Mission fields, but also grants in aid made to their Mission schools by the Colonial Government The Scottish Societies, still more elaborate in details, include also the fees received from scholars in their Mission schools. A fifth variety arises from the custom of three or four Societies which include Ireland in their Foreign Mission field. It is evident, then, that before we can arrive at a true statement of British contributions to Foreign Mission work, we must analyse the total incomes ascribed to the various Societies. This is done in the following tables, wherein, as the only point common to all the Societies is the statement of British contributions, the column containing these sums is the only one added up and summarized. The result of the analysis clears away many erroneous ideas. It shows that the Church of England voluntarily subscribed during 1871 about 400,000/. towards Foreign Mission work {vide Tables I. and 11.) ; such a sum as no other single Church in the world, we believe, contributes voluntarily to the same object. The largest annual income given by the British public to any one Society is that of the Church Missionary Society. In these tables the Societies are arranged in the order to which the amount of support they receive from this country entitles them. In every case, the financial year of the particular Society is adopted. THE MISSIONARY SOCIETIES OF GREAT BRITAIN. I. Foreign Missions of the Church of England, a.d. 1871. Name and Total Income of eacli Society for 1871. From Abnnid and from Invest- ments. From tlie British Isles. 1799 1701 1808 1698 1823 1844 1841 1859 1858 1691 1869 1848 Church IMissionary Society, 1 53,697 Z. Contributed in the British Isles Home Eeceipts from Churchmen abroad . . Dividends, Interest, &c N.B. — This Society siq^lJorts a Church Missionary College at Islington, ivMch luas founded in 1825, and has now twenty-three students. Society for Propagation of the Gospel, 97,441/. Contributed in the British Isles Home Recei^Dts from Churchmen abroad . . Dividends, Interest, &c London Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews, 35,999Z. Contributed in the British Isles Home Receipts from Churchmen abroad . . Dividends, Interest, &c Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 35,609Z. (exclusive of 67,666Z. from sales). Portion granted in aid of Foreign Missions, about Colonial and Continental Church Society, 31,172Z. Contributed in the British Isles Receipts from the Mission fields, &c. . . . Dividends, Interest, &c South American Missionary Society, 9,343/. Contributed in the British Isles Receipts from the Mission fields, &c. . . . Interest Colonial Bishoprics Fund, 7,748/. Contributed in the British Isles Dividends on Endowment Fund raised in past years Columbia Mission, 3,038/ Universities' Mission to Central Africa, 2,191/. {This sum is included, in the S.P.G. totals.) Christian Faith Society for West Indies, 2,176/. (Rents) Mackenzie Memorial Mission toZululand, 1,784/. Contributed in the British Isles, through The Net, &c Portion included above in S.P.G. totals . . St. Augustine's College, Canterbury, 1,537/. (ex- clusive of Endowments for a "Warden, Sub- Warden, and two Fellows). Carried forward 416 2,815 322 2,176 155 150,466 87,712 9,407 391 2,328 33,280 15,000 L3,576 95 17,501 2,729 5 6,609 600 7,148 3,038 1,629 £315,835 THE MISSIONARY SOCIETIES OF GREAT BRITAIN. Foreign Missions of the Church of England [continued). , From ^ Abroad From the i Name and Total Income of each Societj' for ISTl. and from Invest- British Isles. P=H ments. £ £ Broiiglit forward ... 315,835 Contributed by Missionary Studentship Asso- } 944 ciations, &c ] Funded Exhibitions 593 N.B. — This College has 7iow thirty-six students. 1868 Capetown Association, 1,297? 1,297 Coral Missionary Fund in aid of C.M.S., 1,175?. 10 1,165 1860 jNIission House of St. Boniface, Warminster, ) 1,000? ] N.B. — 2'his Rouse contains fourteen students. ... 1,000 1870 Falklands Bishopric Endowment Fund, 472/. ... 472 1866 Assam and Cachar Mission, 422? 7 415 Melanesian " Eton Fund," 228? ... 228 ]Maritzburg Society, 191? 191 Guild of the Most Blessed Saviour, Natal, 176?. ... 176 1861 Moslem Mission Society, 319? Total of the Donations, Legacies, and Annual ^ 319 Subscriptions raised by these twenty-one > ^322,042 Societies for the year 1871 ) Estimated amount of small sums contributed \ to Mission Schools and other Mission Funds > ... 2,740 through other channels ) Total £324,782 II. Foreign Missions — Joijit Societies of Churchmen and Nonconformists. 1804 British and Foreign Bible Society, 99,536?. (ex- clusive of 84,660?. received from sales, viz., Home, 50,926? ; Foreign, 33,734). Portion devoted to Foreign Mission Work . 72,000 1799 Religious Tract Society, 14,329?. (exclusive of 104,978?. received from sales). Portion devoted to Foreign Mission Work . 9,546 1860 British Syrian Schools, 6,266?. Contributed in the British Isles 6,091 Grants from other Societies 175 1852 Indian Female Normal School Society, 4,959?. ") (exclusive of needlework to the value of > 4,959 1,200?.) ) Carried forward ... £92,596 10 THE MISSIONARY SOCIETIES OF GREAT BRITAIN. Foreign Missions — Joiyit Societies of Churchmen and Nonconformists (contimced.) -d From ^ Abroad From the ^ Name and Total Income of each Society for 1871. and from British Isles. o Invest- Ph ments. £ £ Brought forward ... 92,596 1855 Turkish Missions Aid Society, 4,194? .... 4,194 1858 Christian Vernacukr Education Society for India, 5,442Z. (exclusive of 2,782?. received from sales.) Contributed in the United Kingdom . . . 4,071 Keceipts in India, and Grants in aid of Schools 1,300 Dividends, Interest, &c 71 1834 Society for Promoting Female Education in the East, 4,223?. (exclusive of needlework to the value of 6,710?.) Contributed in the British Isles 3,816 Foreign Contributions, Grants, &c 394 Interest 13 Waldensian Missions Aid Fund, 2,631?. . . , ... 2,631 1831 Trinitarian Bible Society, 1,486?. (exclusive of 598?. from sales.) Contributed in the British Isles 1,481 Interest 5 1840 Foreign Aid Society, 1,140? Total ... 1,140 £109,929 III. Foreign Missions of the Roman Catholic Church, a.d. 1871. Society for the Propagation of the Faith, 6,463?. England, 1,674?. Ireland, 4,709?. Scotland, 80?. This Society expended upon its Missions in England, 4,844?.; in Ireland, 340?.; in Scotland, 1,600?. ; a total expenditure of 6,784?. ; so that the British Isles contributed nothing to its Foreign Missions. St. Joseph's Foreign Missionary College of the Sacred Heart, Mill Hill, Hendon, has 30 students, who bind themselves to leave Europe for life, and serve the Missions entrusted to the Society. It is supported by Burses and Voluntary Contributions. THE MISSIONARY SOCIETIES OF GREAT BRITAIN. 11 ly. Foreign Missions of English Nonconformists, a.d. 1871. From -i Abroad From the g Name and Total Income of each Society for 1871. and from British Isles. o Invest- Pm ments. £ £ 1813 Wesleyan Missionary Society, 170,965?. Contributed in the British Isles ... 107,025 Contributed towards Debt and Italian Mission ... 22,380 Eeceipts from the Mission fields, from ) Government Grants to Schools, &c. . . ) 37,822 Dividends, Interest, &c 3,738 N.B. — Of this income 5,583Z. luent to Irish Missions. 1795 London Missionary Society, 111,517Z. Contributed in the British Isles 78,293 Eeceipts from the Mission fields, from ) Government Grants to Schools, &c. . . ) 28,671 Dividends, Interest, &c 4,553 1792 Baptist Missionary Society, 40,914?. Contributed in the British Isles ... 29,833 Receipts from the Mission fields, from ) Government Grants to Schools, &c. . .] 9,245 Dividends, Interest, &c 1,836 1843 British Society for Propagation of Gospel among \ 13 8,310 the Jews, 8,323? ] 1855 Presbyterian Church in England, 7,668?. . . . Primitive Methodist Foreign Missions, 7,481?. 174 7,494 1843 For Colonial Missions 5,342 1869 For African Missions ... 2,139 1732 Moravian Missionary Society, 15,478?. Contributed in the British Isles 5,341 Contributed in Germany and the United ) States ] 8,018 Dividends, Interest, &c 2,119 Methodist New Connexion Foreign Missions, 5,296?. Contributed in the British Isles 5,206 Contributed in Canada "90 N.B. — Of this income 630Z. went to Irish Missions. 1856 United Methodist Free Churches Foreign Mis- sions, 9,802?. Contributed in the British Isles ... 5,000 Receipts from the Mission fields, &c. . . . 4,802 1867 " Friends' " Foreign Missions, 3,093? 3,093 1817 General Baptist Missionary Society, 8,944?. Contributed in the British Isles 2,928 Receipts in India 5,661 Grants, 321?. ; Dividends, 34? 355 Evangelical Continental Society, 2,576?. . . . 15 2,561 Colonial Missionary Society, 2,569? Carried forward 51 2,518 =£287,463 12 THE MISSIONARY SOCIETIES OF GREAT BRITAIN. Foreign Missions of English Nonconformists {continued). Name and Total Income of each Society for 1S71. From Abroad and from Invest- ments. From the British Isles. 1840 1832 Brought forward Welsh Calvinistic Methodists' Foreign Missions, 2,729^. Contributed in the British Isles Interest, 509Z. ; and Contributions from New York, 20Z. Wesleyan Ladies' Committee for Female Educa- tion, 1,305Z Total £ 529 £ 287,463 2,200 1,305 £290,968 V. Foreign Missions of Scotch and Irish Presbyterians^ a.d. 1871. 1829 Church of Scotland Mission Boards, 28,377Z. f From the British Isles ... 11,996 1 From India .... 256 India Missions . . -= School Fees in India . Government Grants ) to Schools . . .) Interest 1,615 1,457 35 Ladies' Association for Female Education in ) India X 2,008 4,614 i From the British Isles Jews' Conversion. .< From Abroad, 273Z.; ) ( Interest, 25Z. . . \ 298 i From the British Isles ... 4,479 Colonial Mission . . < From the Colonies, ) ( \m. ; Interest, 50Z. \ 218 I From the British Isles ... 1,317 Continental Schemes < From the Stations, ) ( 81L ; Interest, 3/. . ) 84 1843 Free Church of Scotland Missions, 51,876Z. f From the British Isles ... 20,190 Ladies' Association for ) Female Education . J 3,231 ... Interest 1,289 India and Africa Mis- J From School Fees, ) sions, 38,404?. . . \ 4,5881. ; Govern- } 10,323 .ment Grants, 5,735?. ) From Europeans ) Abroad .... J 2,835 From Native Church 536 Mission to the Jews, 6,969Z 56 6,913 Carried forward £54,748 THE MISSIONARY SOCIETIES OF GREAT BRITAIN. 13 Foreign Missions of Scotch and Irish Societies {continued). -d From Abroad From the Name and Total Income of each Society for 1871. and from British Isles. p Invest- ments. £ £ Brought forward ...... 54,748 i From the British Isles 2,910 n^„.- . 1 o np;? ; From Mission Sta- ") Continental, 3,415Z. I tions,503Z.; Interest, i ( 2Z ) ( From the British Isles 505 2,970 Colonial, 3,088L . . I From Abroad, 87Z. ; \ ( Interest, 31/. . .] 118 United Presbyterian Church Foreign Missions, 36,671Z. Contributed in the British Isles 35,364 Foreign Contributions 326 Interest 981 National Bible Society of Scotland, 11,586Z. (ex- clusive of 10,355/. from sales.) Contributed in the British Isles 10,500 Interest and Eents 1,086 N.B. — Of this income 1,352/. tvas devoted to Home Circulation. Edinburgh Medical Missionary Society, 1,313/. . 1,313 South Travancore Medical Mission, 176/. . . . 126 50 Irish Presbyterian Missions, 12,106/. Foreign Missions 4,498 Jewish Mission ... 3,174 2,536 Colonial and Continental Mission .... Indian Education Fund (Dividends) . . . Total 1,898 ^118,063 VI. Summary of British Contributions to Foreign Missions, a.d. 1871. Church of England Missions (Table I.) . . . . Joint Societies of Churchmen and Nonconformists (Table II.) Nonconformist Societies (Table IV.) .... Scotch and Irish Societies (Table V.) . . . . Estimated amount of the value of stores, clothing, and needlework, and of funds sent through individuals and small societies £ 324,782 109,929 290,968 118,063 12,000 Total o£855,742 This amount does not include income from investments, balances in hand at the beginning of the year, nor any foreign receipts. 14 BEITISH EXPENDITURE UPON FOREIGN MISSIONS. When we summarize the expenditure for 1871 of all the Foreign Mission Funds gathered in the British Isles, we find that it did not fall far short of 900,000?. This sum represents the money actually passing out of the offices at home, and administered from the United Kingdom. When to this we add the sums raised in the Mission fields (subscriptions and Government Grants to Schools), expended there hy the agents of the same British Societies, and amounting to about 200,000/., we have a grand total of nearly 1,100,000/. It then becomes a matter of interest to discover, not only through what Societies, or by what religious bodies, these sums have been raised, but also where, and in what local proportions, they have been ex- pended. In the following pages an attempt is made at imparting this information with respect to the sum (nearly 900,000/.) which viixs administered from the Home offices of the various Societies in the United Kingdom. Viewing, first of all, the (in the most inclusive sense) New World, to which Missionary enterprise was first directed, we find that in 1871 about 15 per cent, of the expenditure was devoted to America, the West Indies, Australia, and Polynesia. Passing to the Old World, we find African Missions receiving 11 per cent. ; China, 5 per cent. ; and the Turkish Empire rather more than 4 per cent, of the total sum spent upon Foreign Missions. India is rightly made the field of our greatest Missionary labour. To India and Ceylon was devoted more than 27 per cent, of the total expenditure, or about 240,000/. Many of the Societies supported by the British Isles have Missions in various countries of Europe ; upon these European Missions no less than 14 per cent, of the whole Foreign Mission Funds was spent. The preparation and expenses of Missionary Students and Candidates cost 2 per cent. ; and the allowances to disabled Missionaries, to widows and orphans, and for the education of Missionaries' children, amounted to rather more than 3 per cent. The whole of the very numerous and extremely varied items of Home Expense, comprehended under the expansive titles of Publications and Printing, Deputations, and the incidentals of offices and official staff, did not exceed 11 per cent. ; although in some few cases, of small Societies, the Home expenses were comparatively very large. THE MISSIONARY SOCIETIES OF GREAT BRITAIN. 15 It should be observed that the total expenditure of the year 1871 considerably exceeded the total contributions. The Committees of large Societies have often to take upon themselves the liability of incurring a large debt. They do so trusting to the liberality of those who have the cause of Missions at heart, rather than curtail Missions to whose work curtailment might be fatal. In 1870 the supporters of the Church Missionary Society rescued their Committee from such a deficiency, by a special effort and contribution of 14,000/. During 1871 a similar effort was made by the supporters of Wesleyan Missions, who contributed 22,O00Z. to clear off a debt, and for Missions in Rome and Naples. The tabular views below show what Societies are working, not exactly side by side, but in the same quarters and divisions of the Mission field. At home we sometimes are tempted to think there are too many Societies. The truth is, however, that here we see them like ships in harbour, appearing perhaps to jostle and crowd one another ; viewed in the Mission fields they are like the same ships at sea, no longer crashing against each other's sides, but with far too much space for all. Even when steering in parallel courses, they stand each well away from the other, save when signals of distress bring those nearest at hand to give brotherly help and aid. Anali/sis of the Exj^enditure in 1871 of British Contributions to Foreign Missions, shoiving the sums devoted hy each Society to the various Mission fields. £ s d America, North-East (Canada, Newfoundland, Greenland, &c.) : — Society for the Propagation of the Gospel 17,749 16 2 Colonial and Continental Church Society 4,500 19 4 Church of Scotland Colonial Mission 1,802 9 6 Moravian Missions (to the Indians, and in Greenland) . . 1,622 N. B. — The Moravian Missions in Labrador are entirely supiJorted hy trade. Wesleyan Missionary Society 1,294 19 11 Methodist New Connexion Missions 1,064 9 8 Colonial Bishoprics Fund (Fredericton) 1,000 Religious Tract Society 750 6 Primitive Methodist Missionary Society 550 Free Church of Scotland Colonial Missions 489 13 British and Foreign Bible Society 452 17 3 Irish Presbyterian Missions 293 2 1 Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge 225 United Presbyterian Missions 100 ^£31,895 12 11 IG THE MISSIONARY SOCIETIES OF GREAT BRITAIN. America, North-West (Columbia, Rupertland, Hudson's Bay, &c.) : — Church Missionary Society 6,822 15 5 Columbia Mission 2,930 15 4 Society for the Propagation of the Gospel 2,269 19 3 Wesleyan Missionary Society 1,805 15 8 Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge 510 Church of Scotland Colonial Mission 31000 Coral Mission Fund 43 15 £14,693 8 America, United States : — £ s. d. Society for the Propagation of the Gospel 145 11 The Roman Catholic Missionary College of St. Joseph, Hen- — don, has sent out a Mission to the Negroes. America, South : — South American Missionary Society 5,092 1 11 British and Foreign Bible Society 3,254 16 Religious Tract Society 12 17 National Bible Society of Scotland 986 Moravian Missions in Surinam are wholly supported by trade. £8,369 3 5 Australasia and Canada : — Colonial Missions of the Congregationalists 3,307 9 11 National Bible Society of Scotland 485 12 7 N.B. — The items, not being 2}corticuIa7'ized in the 2niMished accounts, cannot he distinctly allocated. £3,793 2 6 Australia :— Primitive Methodist Colonial Missions 4,206 12 9 Society for the Propagation of the Gospel 1,738 14 7 Colonial and Continental Church Society 1,119 6 5 United Methodist Free Churches Missions 953 18 British and Foreign Bible Society 918 15 1 Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge 700 Methodist New Connexion Foreign Missions 657 7 Religious Tract Society 636 14 8 Irish Presbyterian Missions 387 18 11 Moravian Missions • . . 260 Colonial Bishoprics Fund 250 Free Church of Scotland Missions (Australia and Java) . . 200 10 £12,029 11 New Zealand : — Church Missionary Society 6,301 8 2 United Methodist Free Churches Mission 855 17 5 Free Church of Scotland Colonial Missions 754 19 6 Primitive Methodist Colonial Missions 586 6 Society for the Propagation of the Gospel 558 17 United Presbyterian Missions 380 Irish Presbyterian Missions 165 8 9 Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge 135 £9,737 16 10 THE MISSIONAEY SOCIETIES OF GREAT BRITAIN. 17 Polynesia and Melanesia : — £ s. d. London Missionary Society 12,489 10 11 Wesleyan Missionary Society 2,798 18 10 ^ British and Foreign Bible Society 345 Society for the Propagation of the Gospel (Melanesia) . . 313 11 9 Eton Fund for Melanesia 222 13 Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge 10 £16,179 14 6 Sandwich Islands : — Society for the Propagation of the Gospel 301 10 6 West Indies : — Wesleyan Missionary Society 14,435 4 7 Moravian Missions (on eight Islands and on Mosquito Coast) 5,563 United Presbyterian Missions 4,777 8 2 Baptist Missionary Society 3,249 13 6 Society for the Propagation of the Gospel 3,039 19 3 London Missionary Society 2,943 4 9 Christian Faith Society for West Indies 2,176 Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge 2,120 United Methodist Free Churches 824 8 7 Colonial and Continental Church Society 617 15 Eeligious Tract Society 289 17 11 Chm^ch of Scotland Colonial Mission 250 Free Church of Scotland Colonial Mission 132 12 British and Foreign Bible Society 103 12 3 £40,522 16 Africa, North (Abyssinia, Algiers, Egypt, Tunis) : — London Society for Promoting Christianity among Jews . . 2,462 4 8 British and Foreign Bible Society 953 13 8 Turkish Missions Aid Fund 261 15 Society for Promoting Female Education in the East . . . 242 16 Coral Mission Fund 3 £3,923 9 4 Africa, East (with Madagascar and Mauritius) : — London Missionary Society . 10,667 13 3 Church Missionary Society 2,316 6 8 Friends' Foreign Missions 1,865 5 Society for the Propagation of the Gospel 1,183 111 British and Foreign Bible Society 705 4 5 United Methodist Free Churches 644 8 10 Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge 300 Coral Mission Fund 94 7 £17,776 2 6 Africa, Central :— Society for the Propagation of the Gospel (for Universities' ) -j^ ^gg ^^ ^ Mission) ) ' British and Foreign Bible Society 28 8 8 £1,717 8^ 1 B 18 THE MISSIONARY SUCIETIES 01" UREAT BRITAIN. Africa, West (Sierra Leone, Niger, Yoruba, Calabar, &c.) :— £ s. d. Church Missionary Society . . . ' 13,330 15 7 Wesleyan Missionary Society 4,597 16 6 United Presbyterian Missions 3,733 7 8 Baptist Missionary Society 2,083 12 10 Primitive Methodist Mission 1,320 8 11 British and Foreign Bible Society 880 3 10 United Methodist Free Cliurches 459 12 11 Society for the Propagation of the Gospel 458 19 11 Colonial Bishoprics Fund 452 5 6 Coral Mission Fund 170 16 Society for Promoting Female Education in the East . . 57 10 .£27,545 9 8 Africa, South (Capetown, Grahamstown, Natal, St. Helena, &c.) : — Wesleyan Missionary Society 14,785 4 1 Society for the Propagation of the Gospel 13,046 6 7 London Missionary Society 6,993 13 9 Free Church of Scotland Missions (Foreign, Colonial, and ) ^ ^^^ 14 q Ladies' Education) i ' United Presbyterian Missions 3,037 4 Society for Promoting Christain Knowledge 1,979 2 3 Colonial Bishoprics Fund 1,108 7 6 Moravian Missions 1,100 Mackenzie Memorial Mission to Zululand 907 3 4 Capetown Association ' 731 10 5 Colonial and Continental Church Society 455 Maritzburg Society 191 Keligious Tract Society 142 3 9 Natal Guild of the Blessed Saviour 142 2 British and Foreign Bible Society 87 13 10 Society for Promoting Female Education in the East ... 62 Primitive Methodist Mission 11 13 .£48,473 19 2 Asia, Central : — Moravian Missions £733 Borneo : — Society for the Propagation of the Gospel 2,739 4 Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge 500 Colonial Bishoprics Fund 360 £3,599 4 Burmah and Malay Straits : — Society for Promoting Female Education in the East . . . 259 15 6 British and Foreign Bible Society 18170 Coral Missionary Fund 5 ^283 12 6 China : — Church Missionary Society 15,089 9 5 London Missionary Society 8,313 16 Missions of English Presbyterians 6,663 10 1 Carried forward £30,066 15 6 THE >n.^.STOXAl{Y SOCIETIES OF GREAT BIUTAIX. 19 £ s. (I Brought forward 30,066 15 6 Wesleyan Missionary Society 4,628 11 2 United Presbyterian Mission 1,946 3 9 British and Foreign Bible Society 1 810 16 6 . Methodist New Connexion Missions 1339 12 8 Colonial Bishoprics Fund 1 qoo Baptist Missionary Society 835 10 Irish Presbyterian Missions 748 16 6 National Bible Society of Scotland 690 11 3 United Methodist Free Churches 573 15 Eeligious Tract Society 333 14 2 Society for Promoting Female Education in the East ... 52 Coral ^Missionary Fund 800 £44,034 6 6 Ceylon : — _ Church Missionary Society 9 506 19 5 Wesleyan Missionary Society 4 85 117 9 Baptist Missionaiy Society 2,'559 5 4 Society for the Propagation of the Gospel 1 231 3 9 Church of Scotland Colonial Mission 559 3 4 Christian Vernacular Education Society 227 5 8 British and Foreign Bible Society 196 5 7 Eeligious Tract Society 193 9 8 Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge 50 Society for Promoting Female Education in the East ... 300 £19,378 10 6 India :— £ s. d. Religious Tract Society 1,888 5 3 Church of Scotland Ladies' Education Fund 1,980 3,868 5 3 Northern India (Bengal, Orissa, Punjaub, Hills, &c.) : — Church Missionary Society 38,630 14 11 Society for the Propagation of the Gospel . 15,547 3 Baptist Missionary Society 15,290 17 11 United Presbyterian Missions 9,501 1 5 London Missionary Society 7,643 16 1 Church of Scotland Missions 5,370 15 4 Irish Presbyterian Missions 4,592 2 2 Free Church of Scotland Missions (Foreign ) . ^^„ ^ ^^ andLadies) . \ ( 4,006 3 10 General Baj^tist Missionary Society . . . 2,832 10 5 Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Missions . . 2,698 17 11 British and Foreign Bible Society . . . 2,692 7 6 Indian Female Normal School Society . . 2,271 17 Wesleyan Missionary Society 1,424 12 6 Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge 1,000 Society for Promoting Female Education in ) ^.^^ , q ^ the East j JJb ly u Christian Vernacular Education Society . 745 11 2 Friends' Foreign Mission 677 17 2 Carried forward . . . £115,923 4 7 £3,868 5 3 B 9 20 THE MISSIONARY SOCIETIES OF GREAT BRITAIN. Brought forward. . . Missions of English Presbyterians . . Assam and Cachar Mission .... Coral Mission Fund Colonial and Continental Church Society- National Bible Society of Scotland . . £ s. d. £ s. d. 115,923 4 7 3,868 5 3 500 426 12 3 413 17 9 75 10 1 1 ^7 'iAR 1 A 7 Southern India (Madras, Tinnevelly, Travancore, &c.) :— Church Missionary Society 27,608 11 1 London Missionary Society 15,257 9 5 Society for the Propagation of the Gospel . 13,000 3 11 Wesleyan Missionary Society 10,225 6 2 Free Church of Scotland Missions (Foreign ) ^ ^^^ o n and Ladies') \ . ^ ( 6,227 8 8 British and Foreign Bible Society . . . 2,662 3 10 Church of Scotland Foreign Mission . . 1,625 2 11 Christian Vernacular Education Society . 1,314 12 4 Indian Female Normal School Society . . 624 9 10 Colonial and Continental Church Society . 330 2 11 Coral Mission Fund 297 8 Edinburgh Medical Mission (moiety of) ora ^^ expenditure) \ ^o» i/ u South Travancore Medical Mission . . . 150 14 2 Society for Promoting Female Education . ) t rv^r /^ r. in the East \ 1^7 Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge 20 79,719 10 3 Western India (Bombay, &c.) : — Church Missionary Society 7,097 7 9 Free Church of Scotland Missions (Foreign ) w , oo i n ^ and Ladies) j ^^^^^ ^^ ^ Society for the Propagation of the Gospel . 2,291 16 3 British and Foreign Bible Society . . . 912 8 10 Christian Vernacular Education Society . 670 6 5 Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge 550 Indian Female Normal School Society . . 348 15 11 Church of Scotland Foreign Mission . . 307 19 9 19,312 14 6 £220,249 4 7 Persia : — Turkish Missions Aid Fund 366 8 6 Coral Mission Fund 35 British and Foreign Bible Society 25 £426 8 6 Turkish Empire (in Europe and Asia) : — London Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews 7,574 13 5 British Syrian Schools 5,539 British and Foreign Bible Society 5,374 Church Missionary Society . . ' 5,267 10 9 Carried forward £23,755 4 2 THE MISSIONARY SOCIETIES OF GREAT BRITAIN. 21 £ s. d. Brought forward 23,755 4 2 Church of Scotland Jewish Mission 5,007 3 4 Turkish Missions Aid Society 2,510 3 6 Free Church of Scotland Jewish Mission 1,293 13 2 Society for Promoting Female Education in the East . . . 1,176 7 11 Irish Presbyterians' Jewish Mission 944 Society for the Propagation of the Gospel 603 9 1 Religious Tract Society 394 13 4 Edinburgh Medical Missionary Society (moiety of expenditure) 268 17 National Bible Society of Scotland 79 4 4 Coral Mission Fund 27 10 Moslem Mission Society (no return of expenditure) . . . £36,060 5 10 N.£. — The British Society for Propagating the Gospel among the Jews has three 3Iissioyiaries in Turkey ; see expenditure in " Contmental Europe.'" Sundry Mission Fields not specified : — Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge 6,775 17 9 Wesleyan Ladies' Female Education Fund 1,305 1 London Society for Christianity among Jews (for Hebrew) ^.r> o i Scriptures) / £8,729 11 Continental Europe (without Turkey) : — British and Foreign Bible Society 47,034 16 4 Wesleyan Missionary Society (France, Germany, Italy) . . 12,241 19 7 London Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews . 9,490 8 Free Church of Scotland Colonial, Continental, and Jewish ) ^ ooo 7 7 Missions i ' Colonial and Continental Church Society 6,380 6 8 British Society for the Propagation of the Gospel among ) ^ g^^ q 2 Jews ) ' N. B. — A large portion of this sum was expended in Britain and Turkey. United Presbyterian Continental and Jewish Missions . . 5,077 National Bible Society of Scotland 5,577 Eeligious Tract Society 4,742 Irish Presbyterian Continental and Jewish Missions . . . 3,420 Evangelical Continental Society 2,409 Waldensian Missions Aid Fund 1,871 Church of Scotland Continental Mission 1,598 Trinitarian Bible Society 1,240 Colonial Bishoprics Fund (Gibraltar) 1,200 Baptist Missionary Society (Brittany, Italy, Norway) . . . 1,160 Foreign Aid Society 1,040 Society for the Propagation of the Gospel (chaplaincies) . . 1,018 Church Missionary Society (Syra) 440 Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Missions (Brittany) .... 431 Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (Gibraltar) . . 125 £120,181 7 10 12 6 3 11 12 2 1 6 13 2 5 17 11 14 5 10 15 3 7 15 5 22 THE MISSIONARY SOCIETIES OF GREAT BRITAIN. Great Britain and Ireland : — ^ »• d. Wesleyan Missionary Society (Ireland) 5,583 15 2 London Society for Promoting Cliristianity among the Jews 4,272 5 4 National Bible Society of Scotland 2,909 8 Methodist New Connexion Missions (Ireland, &c.) . . . 879 16 9 Trinitarian Bible Society 2?.4 14 3 Free Church of Scotland Jewish and German Missions . . 133 {See also p.lO, E. C. Missions, £6,784.) <£14,002 12 2 Alloivances and Pensions to Returned or Disabled Missionaries, to Widows of Missiona7%es, and for Education of Missionaries' Children. Wesleyan Missionary Society 8,832 10 9 Moravian Missions (for 58 married couples, 7 widowers, 66 widows, ',058 and 267 children) London Missionary Society 3,929 2 3 Church Missionary Society 3,673 14 5 Baptist Missionary Society 2,030 6 2 London Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews . . 1,316 2 9 United Presbyterian Foreign Missions 632 13 8 Free Church of Scotland Foreign Mission 408 Irish Presbyterian Missions 375 General Baptist Missionary Society 164 18 10 United Methodist Free Churches 16 5 * .£28,436 13 10 N.B. — The Society for the Proimgation of the Gos'pel includes this exiienditure in its cost of each Mission Station. Expended upon Missionary Students and Candidates. Church Missionary Society 5,088 18 9 Wesleyan Missionary Society 4,973 17 8 London Missionary Society 2,092 5 11 St. Augustine's College, Canterbury (in addition to endowment for ) , _.-.« ^ . Warden and Fellows) i ^'^"^^ ^ ^ Edinburgh Medical Missionary Society 1,246 14 St. Boniface Mission House, Warminster 1,000 St. Joseph's College of the Sacred Heart, Hendon no returns. Society for Promoting Female Education in the East .... 457 6 4 Society for the Propagation of the Gospel (costs in England), in > .^oq q o addition to sums charged to Mission Stations ) ' ' London Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews . . 321 12 7 Free Church of Scotland Jewish Mission 195 5 United Presbyterian Foreign Missions 135 Irish Presbyterian Missions 107 18 Church of Scotland Colonial Mission 72 Mackenzie Memorial Mission to Zululand 25 £17,642 6 11 Sj^ecial Expenditure on Mission Buildings, dx. Wesleyan Missionary Society, for premises purchased in Eome with funds specially subscribed for the purpose, 10,000/. ; J> £11,000 Chapel at Paris 1,000/. THE MISSIONARY SOCIETIES OF CxKEAT BRITAIN. 23 Interest upon Advances, Annuities in consideration of Donations, dx. £ s. d. Wesleyan Missionary Society (Annuities, 1,981?.) 4,431 6 Baptist Missionary Society, including 50/. reclaimed by liquida- ) ^^^ ^ ^ tors of Albert Insurance Company, and Annuities, 268/. . . . ) London INIissionary Society (annuities and interest) 403 6 4 London Society for Promoting Cliristianity among the Jews . . 114 16 2 AVelsh Calviuistic Methodist ]Missions (loss on an old mortgage) . 100 Colonial and Continental Church Society 95 5 8 Methodist New Connexion Missions 62 15 Columbia Mission 60 General Baptist Missionary Society •. . 49 8 3 Colonial Missionary Society 29 6 7 ^5,805 3 7 Sums Invested during 1871 {arising mostly from Legacies). London Missionary Society 11,840 9 11 London Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jew^s . . 3,000 Society for the Propagation of the Gospel (balance of sale and „ 055 n purchase of Stocks) ' Colonial Bishoprics Fund (balance of sales and purchases of Stocks) 1,519 7 6 Free Church of Scotland Foreign Missions 1,374 11 Mackenzie Memorial Mission to Zululand 800 Capetown Association (invested at the Cape) 550 Christian Vernacular Education Society 500 Baptist Missionary Society 278 12 6 Society for Promoting Female Education in the East . . . 201 15 9 ^22,919 6 ~1 Miscellaneous Home Expenditure, a.d. 1871. Total Expenditure, Home and Foreign. £ s. 157,132 16 120,068 14 11 /^Printuig . . . . Churcli Missionary Society] Deputations, \ tion of the Gospel . -(other Expenses f Printing . . . London Missionary Society] Deputations, &c. (other Expenses British and Foreign Bible Society Free Church of Scotland. {^[j;^,*;f^p,^g,3 ; ; (Foreign, Colonial, Continental, Jewish and Ladies' Education Funds.) Carried forward Analysis. £ s. 2,732 18 6,980 15 6,255 1 d. 1 2 3 6,952 2 5,205 1 3 10 2,486 14 5,423 4 5,743 18 5 8 1,763 10 1,765 2 4,288 7 7 9 8 524 1 1,829 4 1 2 Suni of the Home Expenses. £ s. d. 15,968 14 6 12,157 4 1 13.653 16 8 7,817 1 3,542 19 5 2,353 5 3 £55,493 11 m lOi 24 THE MISSIONARY SOCIETIES OF GKEAT BKiTAIN, Total Expenditure, Home and Foreign. £ s. d. 571,662 18 36,147 18 3 32,490 18 31,318 4 1 20,574 2 4 18,325 17,269 11 2 15,000 11,953 4 10 11,719 19 5 9,546 17 3 7,643 19 4 7,751 2 5 7,428 13 9 6,801 17 4 6,720 11 10 6,165 4,992 15 1 4,400 10 4 4,308 11 9 4,191 12 9 Brought forward .... (London Society for Pro- (Printing. . . ^ moting Christianity< Deputations, &c. among the Jews. . .(Other Expenses (Printing. . . Baptist Missionary Society< Deputations, &c. (other E:"" — """ (United Presbyterian Mis- (Printing . . . 1 sions \Other Expenses Church of Scotland Mis- (Printing sions (Other Expenses . . (Foreign, Colonial, Continental, Jewish and Ladies' Education Funds.) Moravian Missions [Colonial and Continental^ ^"'J^^J.^fV^^g ^^, ' ' { Church Society . . -(other Expenses" . \ Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge . . f National Bible Society off Printing ( Scotland \Other Expenses . Irish Presbyterian Mis- (Printing . . . sions I Other Expenses Religious Tract Society Colonial Bishoprics Fundj J^J^g^j^^^^J'gj'.^ ; |British Sodety for Gospel[^™^™f j^^^^ ^^_ ( among Jews ■ (other Expenses (English Presbyterian Mis- (Printing. . . \ sions \Other Expenses (South American Mission- (Printing ary Society \Other Expenses . . Primitive Methodist Colonial and African Mis-> sions i N.B. — No separate staff is employed : the Home Mission Officials fulfil all the duties; their total expenses are 8| jier cent, of the total expenditure of the Home and Foreign Mission Funds. (Printing British Syrian Schools . .