L I E) R.AR.Y OF THE U N IVERSITY Of ILLI NOIS 016.7114 C73e no. 1-20 CITY PLANNING A:iP LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE e^/tJL^ o/L. 7//- Recreation . "The School Building of the Future." September, 195^ p. 322. A one-story layout with green courts, wind sheltered patios, and connecting covered walks, may serve a flexible edrtcation and recreation program. Recreation . "Use of Total Resources for Recreation and Education." September, 195U, p. Ul5. Our school cafeterias, auditoriums, .. .provide essential education, social, ana recreational experiences that are important to living as the three "R's", commonly referred to as reading, reels, and radio." Recreation . "What is the Role of the School in Recreation?" September, 1955, p. 328-330. One of the most significant developments in public school education in the U.S. has been the increasing attention given by school administrators to the problem of providing recreation opportunities and experiences for school age children. Richmond, Calif. City Planning Commission. The Richmond General Plan . 1955. p. 3li-U3. Principles, standards, recommendations and maps. Cr-L Exchange Bibliography 3 Seagers, Paul \V. , The x^rchitectural Record . "V/here do School Design Specialists Fit?" November, 19$1, p. IU6-IU7. 2^ study of the responsibilities of the school and educational administrators in relation to the park-schools. Schmitt, Miriam silTiite. The elementary school — nucleus for community development ^ (thesis). Urbana, 1955* School in the park; suburbs north of Kansas City, school and park plans, il. map. plan. Architectural Forum. November 19^7, p. 132-3. See, Fredrick C, Landscape ^architecture Quarterly . "School and Parks Coordinated for Community Recreation." January, 19^h, p. 76-79. Conversion of schools into park-schools requires cooperation betvreen city government and Board of Education. Reproduced by the Department of City and Regional Planning, University of California, Berkeley h, California. March 1958. Permission to reproduce this bibliography must be obtained from the originating library.