June, 1914. •=b'\\.\o'>i , 2c. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. BUREAU OF EDUCATION. WASHINGTON, D. C. LIST OF REFERENCES ON MOTHERS’ CLUBS AND PARENT- TEACHER ASSOCIATIONS. (Prepared in the Library Division, Bureau of Education.) Andrews, Fanny Fern. Paren,ts’ associations and public schools. Charities and The Commons, 17: 335-43, November 24, 1906. Parents’ associations in common schools. School journal, 75: 490-96, Novem- ber 30, 1907. Symposium. A successful parents’ association. First annual report. . . .1905-1906. School journal, 73: 366-67, November 3, 1906. Arnold, Corinne B. Parent- teacher work among the foreigners. What a Philadel- phia school is doing. National congress of mothers magazine, 2: 95-98, January, 1908. illus. ^Beach, Chauncey Edwin. Citizen -cooperation with the schools. In National edu- cation association. Journal of proceedings and addresses, 1913. p. 79^800. Bergdoll, Mrs. G. M. Our home and school league. School progress, 3: 5-7, Janu- ary, 1912. Bright, Cora C. The scope of parents’ associations and program. Child-welfare magazine, 5: 119-20, April, 1911. ROWN, Elmer Ellsworth. The work of women’s organizations in education: Sug- gestions for effective cooperation. In National education association. Journal of proceedings and addresses, 1908. p. 1218-22. Partly reprinted in Journal of education, 68: 114-15, July 16, 1908; National congress of mothers magazine, 3: 86-87, November, 1908. Brumbaugh, Martin G. Functions of parent-teacher associations. In National con. gress of mothers. First international congress in America for the welfare of the child, 1908. National congress of mothers, 1908. p. 219-24. Butler, Nathaniel. Parents’ ' associations. School review, 16: 78-88, February,^ 1908. California congress of mothers. History of California congress of mothers and parent-teacher associations. . . . Los Angeles, Cal., The California congress of mothers [1908] 45 p. front., ports. 8°. Child- welfare magazine. Published by National congress of mothers, Philadel- phia, Pa. vols. 4-8, 1909-1914. Formerly National congress of mothers magazine. Close, Alice D. Bethany parents’ club of Brooklyn. Kindergarten review, 18: 431-36, March, 1908. 49402—14 2 LIST OF EEFERENCES ON MOTHERS^ CLUBS, ETC. Ellis, A. Caswell. Circular of information on organization and conduct of parents’ and teachers’ clubs. Austin, University of Texas, 1899. 19 p. 8° Fitchburg, Mass. The kindergarten mothers’ league. Kindergarten review, 18: 444-45, March, 1908. Fontaine, E. Clarke. Home and school league organization in Worcester county for improving relations between parents and school system. Atlantic educational journal, 7; 11-13, September, 1911. Fuller, Sarah. On parents’ associations in connection with the public schools. 8 p. 8°. Address, before the Parents’ association, Baddeck, C. B.? ‘Nova Scotia, July 27, 1897. Grice, 1/rs. Mary Van Meter. Conference on parent- teacher associations. National congress of mothers magazine, 2: 3-8, September, 1907. Home and school associations; object of the work; [Chicago, 1911] 4 p. 8°. Reprinted from Tenth yearbook, part 1, of the National society for the study of education, VII. Home and school united in widening circles of inspiration and service; with prefatory notes by Elmer Ellsworth Brown and Martin G. Brumbaugh. Phila- delphia, C. Sower company [1909] 154 p. illus. 16°. How can the home and school get into closer relations? Philadelphia, Pa., The After .school club of America [19-?] 8p. 12°. Parent-teacher associations. National congress of mothers magazine, 11: 74-76, February, 1907. Hanna, John Calvin. [The Oak Park parents’ and teachers’ association] School ^ journal, 73: 490-92, December, 1906. ^./^Harding, Charles F. The parents’ association of the School of education. School review, 18: 153-58, March, 1910. y/ Hefeeran , Mrs. H. M. Notes from parents’ associations. Elementary school teacher , 5: 372-75, February, 1905. Suggestions for mothers’ and parents’ circles. National congress of mothers magazine, 4: 8-10, September, 1909. Home and school league of Philadelphia. Report, 1-7, 1906-1912. Address: 1522 Cherry Street, Philadelphia, Pa. How to start a mothers’ club. Progressive teacher, 18:14-15, September, 1912. Johnston, Emma L. The ideal mothers’ club. Kindergarten review, 21: 628-31, June, 1911. X Johnston, Frances. Parent-teacher associations. Olympia, Wash., F. M. Lam- born, public printer, 1913. 22 p. 12°. (State normal school, Cheney, Wash. Bulletin no. 3) King, Irving. The cooperation of school and community. In his Education for social efficiency. New York, Chicago, D. Appleton and company [1913] p 90-108. Lamkin, Nina B. The parent-teacher club. How to organize one in a rural com- munity. Normal instructor, 23: 24, December, 1913. Ledyard, Mary E. Parent-teacher associations in California. In National congress of mothers. First international congress in America for the welfare of the child, 1908. Published by the National congress of mothers, 1908. p. 225-28. and others. Parent-teacher work from coast to coast. National congress of mothers magazine, 3: 4-10, September, 1908. MacMillan, J. V. Local association of teachers and parents. School topics, 1 : 428-34, May, 1906. ''Moore, Mrs. E. A. Meeting of the parents’ association. Elementary school teacher* 6: 361-64, March, 1906. ^ Murchie, Mrs. William A. Work of a parent-teacher association. [Augusta? Me., 1912?] 6p. 8°. LIST OF KEFERENCES ON MOTHERS CLUBS^ ETC. 3 National congress of mothers and parent-teacher associations. Child study for child welfare. How to organize parents’ associations or mothers’ circles in public schools with suggestions for programs. Twelfth ed., rev., 1913. Wash- ington, D. C., National congress of mothers and parent-teacher associations, 1913. 40 p. 24°. Triennial handbook, 1911-1914. 70 p. 16°. National congress of mothers magazine. Published by the National congress of mothers, Philadelphia, Pa. vols. 1-3, 1900-1909. Continued as Child-welfare magazine. Oldham, Bethenia McLemore. Influence of the mother’s club. Progressive teacher, 18: 14-15, February, 1912. Mother club work. Progressive teacher, 18:9-11, October, 1912. Parent-teacher work. Progressive teacher, 19:9-11, December, 1913. Contains a model for the constitution of a parent-teacher association. A parent-school club. Religious education, 6: 574-77, February, 1912. Tells of the steps of organization and the early activities of a recently organized club. Perry, Clarence Arthur. Recreation the basis of association between parents and teachers. New York city. Dept, of child hygiene of the Russell Sage founda- tion [1911] 13 p. 8°. ([Russell Sage foundation. Dept, of child hygiene. Pamphlet] Health, education, recreation, no. 87). Philadelphia league of home and school associations. National congress of mothers’ magazine, 2:89-92, January, 1908. illus. Public school relief association and mothers’ meetings. New York, 1906. 15 p. Ragland, Floyd C. Parent-teacher associations. Educator-journal, 14: 127-30, No- vember, 1913. ScHOFF, Mrs. Frederic. Eighteen years’ work for child welfare by the National con- gress of mothers and parent-teacher associations. Child- welfare magazine, 8:206-10, February, 1914. School officers and parents’ associations. What some prominent educators say of the mothers’ club and the parent-teacher movement. National congress of mothers magazine, 2: 93-95, January, 1908. Smith, Laura Rountree. Mothers’ day. Primary school, 14:205-206, February, 1905. Thompson, Helen Mar. The material value of parent-teacher associations. School news and practical educator, 27:101-2, November, 1913. Von Krog, O. S. Purpose of parents’ and teachers’ association. Midland schools, 25:196-99, March, 1911. Virginia. Department op public instruction. School and civic league bulletin. I. How to organize a league. II. How to make league meetings a success. III. What constitutes a successful league. Issued by the Department of public instruction. Richmond, D. Bottom, superintendent of public printing, 1913. 25 p. 8°. WEEKS, Mary Harmon. Purpose, methods, and results of the parent-teacher cooperative associations of the National congress of mothers. In United States. Bureau of education. Report of the Commissioner, 1912. Vol. 1. Washington, Government printing office, 1913. p. 359-73, chap. 12. What one mothers’ club has done in the past year. National congress of mothers magazine, 4: 17, September, 1909. 4 LIST OF KEFEEENCES ON MOTHERS^ CLUBS, ETC. Periodicals Indexed in This Bibliography. Atlantic educational journal, 19 West Saratoga street, Baltimore, Md. Charities and The Commons, now Survey, 105 East Twenty-second street. New York, N. Y. Child-welfare magazine, 227 South Sixth street, Philadelphia, Pa. Educator-journal, 403 Newton Claypool building, Indianapolis, Ind. Elementary school teacher. University of Chicago press, Chicago, 111. Kindergarten review, Springfield, Mass. Midland schools, Des Moines, Iowa. National congress of mothers magazine, now Child welfare magazine. Normal instructor, Danaville, N. Y. Primary school. New York, N. Y. Progressive teacher, Nashville, Tenn. Keligious education, 332 South Michigan avenue, Chicago, 111. School journal, 31-33 East Twenty-seventh street. New York, N. Y. School news and practical educator, Taylorville, 111. School progress. School progress league, Philadelphia, Pa. School review, University of Chicago press, Chicago, 111. School topics, Cleveland, Ohio. o