SUGGESTED ORDINANCE REGULATING THE USE, HANDLING, STORAGE AND SALE OF INFLAMMABLE LIQUIDS AND THE PRODUCTS THEREOF ADOPTED BY THE National Board of Fire Underwriters 135 WILLIAM STREET NEW YORK AND THE National Fire Protection Association 87 Milk Street BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS DECEMBER, 1913 University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaig Oak Street <* SUGGESTED ORDINANCE TO REGULATE THE USE, HANDLING, STORAGE AND SALE OF INFLAM- MABLE LIQUIDS AND THE PRODUCTS THERE- OF, WITHIN THE CITY OF Be it ordained by the of the City of as follows : — CHAPTER I. General. Section. 1. Application to new and existing installations, etc. 2. Classification of inflammable liquids. 3. Manufactured liquid commodities included in classification. 4. Definition of container. 5. Definition of permit. 6. Definition of approval. 7. Chief of Fire Department defined. 8. Retail store defined. 9. Jobber defined. 10. Paint and oil store defined. 11. Painter defined. 12. Manufacturing plant defined. 13. Permits required. 14. Owner or agent may use certain inflammable liquids without permit. 15. Applications and inspections. 16. Permits for different occupations. 17. Painter’s permit. 18. Inspection required before covering installation. 19. Chief of Fire Department may modify. 20. Appeals. CHAPTER II. General Requirements for the Storage, Use and Handling of Inflammable Liquids. 21. Exceptions. 22. Hazardous heating and lighting appliances may be prohibited. 23. Class I and II liquids prohibited in places of public assembly. 24. Storage of Class I and II near exits, etc. 25. Two exits required in stores and jobber’s plants. 26. Handling limited in buildings occupied by families. 27. Storage limited in frame and other buildings where not at present so used. 28. Storage restrictions for buildings now used for storage. 29. Requirements for special storage rooms. 30. Storage of Class I liquids. 31. Restrictions to storage of Class II liquids. 32. Exposed window must have wired glass. 33. Restriction as to new manufacturing plants. 34. Restriction as to existing manufacturing plants. 35. Manufacturing plants prohibited in buildings occupied as dwelling. 36. Restrictions as to kettles, vats, etc. 37. Ventilation. 38. Extinguishers required. 39. Storage of barrels and drums limited. 40. Drums and barrels must be kept closed. 41. Smoking prohibited. 42. Lighting shall be by electricity. 43. Requirements for wheeled tanks. 44. Drawing prohibited near open light, etc. CHAPTER III. Storage Tanks. — Capacity, Location and Restrictions. 45. Storage must be outside buildings. 46. Underground storage limited. 47. Above ground outside tanks limited. 48. Requirements for above ground tanks. 49. Above ground tanks labeled. 50. Thickness of tanks. 51. Special material permitted for tanks. 52. Construction of tanks. 53. Foundation of tanks. 54. Stationary tanks in buildings. CHAPTER IV. Piping and Appurtenances. 55. No connections to drains. 56. Vent pipe. 57. Valves in drawing-off pipes. 58. Valve near tank if above ground. 59. Valve required at pump. 60. Piping must drain to tank where underground. 61. Requirements for piping. 62. Leaky piping. 63. Pipes for Class I and II in rooms containing open lights. 64. Filling pipe. 65. Deliveries to storage tanks. 66. Pumps required. 67. No gravity feed permitted. 68. Exceptions to Sections 64 and 65. 69. Supply to internal-combustion engines. 70. Fuel oil equipments. 71. Pumps for engines and fuel equipments. CHAPTER V. Petroleum and Its Products. Refineries. 72. Permit and requirement. 73. Storage and piping. Jobbing Plants, Warehouses and Distributing Station. 74. General requirements. 75. Heating. 76. Storage and piping. Distributing, Retailing and Containers Used. 77. Tank wagons. 78. Containers painted distinctive colors. 79. Inflammable liquid for starting fire prohibited. 80. General requirements. CHAPTER VI. Paints, Varnishes and Similar Manufactured Com- modities. 81. Heating in manufacturing and jobbers’ plants. 82. General Requirements for new manufacturing plants. 83. General requirements for existing manufacturing plants. 84. General requirements for jobbing plants, storehouses and stores. CHAPTER VII. Garages. 85. Definition of garage. 86. Garages not permitted near certain buildings. 87. Permit required. 88. Construction of public garages. 2 89. Rooms not permitted below street level. 90. Remodel buildings used as garages. 91. Existing garages. 92. Private garages. 93. Heating and isolation of boilers, forges, etc. 94. Storage and handling of inflammable liquids. 95. Storage tanks. 96. Pumps and piping. 97. Ventilation. 98. Care of garages. 99. Storage of Class III liquids. 100. Extinguishers. 101. Connection to drains prohibited. 102. Chief of Fire Department must inspect quarterly. CHAPTER VIII. Dry Cleaning. 103. Definition of dry cleaning. 104. Definition of sponging. 105. Sponging prohibited. 106. Dry cleaning permit required. 107. Requirements as to buildings. 108. Ventilation. 109. Heating. 110. Drain required in wash rooms. 111. Closed machines required. 112. Storage. 113. Pans required for goods removed from washer. 114. Settling tank. 115. Approval required for installation. CHAPTER IX. Penalties. CHAPTER I. General. Section 1. This ordinance shall apply to all new plants, stores, equip- ments and installations and, except as otherwise specified, to existing plants, stores, equipments, installations, and other conditions which constitute a distinct hazard to adjoining property, in so far as the intent of the sections can be reasonably fulfilled. All persons and businesses not specifically named in this ordinance, storing, handling or using inflammable liquids shall be governed by this ordinance where it is applicable to that storing, handling or using. Section 2. For the purpose of this ordinance, inflammable liquids are divided into three classes, according to the flash point, as follows : Class I. Liquids with flash point below 27 degrees Fahrenheit (-3 de- grees Centigrade) closed cup tester. (Equivalent to 30 degrees Fahrenheit open cup tester.) Class II. Liquids with flash point above that for Class I and below 74 degrees Fahrenheit (23 degrees Centigrade) closed cup tester. (Equivalent to 80 degrees Fahrenheit open cup tester.) Class III. Liquids with flash point above that for Class II and below 187 degrees Fahrenheit (86 degrees Centigrade) closed cup tester. (Equivalent to 200 degrees Fahrenheit open cup tester.) The flash points shall be as determined with the Abel-Pensky or the 3 Pen sky-Martens closed cup tester. For commercial use, where the flash point is not within 9 degrees Fahrenheit(5 degrees Centigrade) the Tagliabue open cup tester may be used; provided that the flash point as given by the Abel-Pensky or Pensky-Martens testers shall be authoritative in all cases.* Representative examples of the classes of Inflammable Liquids are : Class I. Ether Carbon bisulphide Gasolene Naphtha Benzole Collodion Hydrocarbon (gas drips) Liquefied Petroleum gas Class II. Acetone Alcohol Amyl acetate Toluol Class III. Kerosene Amyl alcohol Turpentine Whiskey Brandy Section 3. Any manufactured liquid or fluid commodity, such as paints, varnishes, dryers, cleaning solution, and polishing liquids, which contains inflammable liquids shall be included in the above classification according to the flash point of the mixture. Section 4. A Container shall be any can, bucket, barrel, tank or other vessel, except stationary or fixed tanks, tank wagons and tank cars, in which inflammable liquids or mixtures are stored or kept for sale. Section 5. A permit is the written authority of the Chief of the Fire Department, issued pursuant to these regulations, for the manufacture, transportation, sale or use of any finished or unfinished product or article, or any material entering into the composition thereof. Section 6. An approval is a written statement issued by the Chief of the Fire Department, certifying that the type, class or kind of article or thing mentioned therein has been examined and approved by the Chief of the Fire Department in conformity with this ordinance, and that it is author- ized to be manufactured, stored, transported, sold or used in the City of . . . Section 7. The term, “ Chief of the Fire Department,” shall include any officer, member or inspector of the fire department specially deputized by the Chief of the Fire Department to act for him. Section 8. By Retail Store shall be meant a store or other building in which inflammable liquids are sold direct to consumers. Section 9. By Jobber shall be meant a person, firm or corporation selling inflammable liquids at wholesale. Section 10. By a Paint and Oil Store shall be meant a store or build- ing in which are stored, handled and sold at retail, paints, varnishes, oils and inflammable liquids, alone or with the appurtenances necessary to such material. Section 11. By Painter shall be meant a person, firm or corporation handling and mixing paints, varnishes, oils and other inflammable liquids to be used by himself or his employees on premises other than those con- trolled by him. Section 12. By manufacturing plant is meant any factory or establish- ment in which people are employed in the handling, in process of manufac- ture, of inflammable liquids in other than original sealed containers, in *For description of testers and methods as used by the U. S. Bureau of Mines see tech- nical paper No. 49 on “ The flash point of oils — methods and apparatus for its determination.” This paper may be had upon request from the Director of the United States Bureau of Mines, Washington, D. C. For ordinary usage, the comparison of open and closed cup testers may be assumed as follows : Degrees Fahr. (Tagliabue) =z 1 °-f- Agrees Fahr. (Abel-Pensky) Degrees Fahr. (Abel-Pensky) = 0.94 Degrees Fahr. (Tagliabue) -T 4 mixing or compounding of inflammable liquids or in the using of an inflam- mable liquid in the manufacture or production of any article. (When the use, storing or handling of inflammable liquids in such a manner as to permit the escape of inflammable vapor is entirely within fireproof rooms, with no openings to any other part of the building and with windows equipped with wired glass and metallic frames and arranged to close automatically, the re- mainder of the building shall not be included under the term, Manufacturing Plants.) Section 13. Except as specified in Section 14, a permit which shall be for one or both of the following sub-divisions shall be obtained: — («) For the storage or handling of a total quantity of Class I liquids in excess of one gallon in any dwelling, apartment house or tenement, and in excess of six gallons in any other building, and in excess of ten gallons outside of any building. (b) For the storage or handling of a total quantity of Class II liquids in excess of five gallons in any dwelling, apartment house or tenement, and in excess of ten gallons in any other building, and in excess of twenty- five gallons outside of any building. ( c ) For the storage or handling of a total quantity of Class III liquids in excess of twenty-five gallons inside any building, and in excess of fifty- five gallons outside any building. Section 14. Unless a storage of quantities in excess of those given in Section 13, is to be maintained for at least thirty days, nothing in this or- dinance shall require an owner or occupant or his agent to obtain a permit for the use of, nor does it prohibit the use by him, of paints, oils, varnishes and similar inflammable mixtures. Section 15. All applications for permits to sell or store inflammable liquids must be made in writing to the Chief of the Fire Department on special printed forms. The Chief of the Fire Department shall forthwith make an inspection of the premises proposed to be used for such sale or stor- age, and the means of distribution, and if the conditions, surroundings and arrangements are such that the intent of this ordinance can be observed, then he shall issue a permit that such sale, storage, or distribution may be conducted. Section 16. All permits shall state the nature of the business of the applicant, the maximum quantity of each class of liquid to be kept, and the location of the storage. Permits shall be listed as follows : — Garage Permit (with or without storage) . Storage Permit. Retail Dealer’s Permit. Painter’s Permit. Paint and Oil Dealer’s Permit. Jobber’s Permit. Manufacturer’s Permit. Dry Cleaner’s Permit. Section 17. A painter’s permit shall include the use of inflammable liquids on premises other than those controlled by him, but shall not permit the selling of inflammable liquids without a retailer’s permit. Section 18. Before any installation is covered from sight, a notifica- tion in writing shall be given the Chief of the Fire Department, who shall, within 48 hours after the receipt of such notification, inspect the installation and give his written approval or disapproval. Upon failure of the Chief of the Fire Department to inspect within the specified time, the installation may be covered but shall be subject to inspection by the Chief of the Fire Department at the expense of the city. 5 Section 19. The Chief of the Fire Department shall have power to modify any of the provisions of this ordinance upon application in writing by the owner or lessee, or his duly authorized agent, when there are practical difficulties in the way of carrying out the strict letter of this ordinance, so that the spirit of this ordinance shall be observed and public safety secured and substantial justice done. The particulars of such modification when granted or allowed and the decision of the Chief of the Fire Department thereon shall be entered upon the records of the department and a signed copy shall be furnished the applicant. Section 20. Within ten days after written notification by the Chief of the Fire Department to the owner or occupant to correct or remedy any hazardous condition, an appeal, stating specifically the questions which the appellant desires to have passed upon, may be taken. Such appeal shall be heard by a committee consisting of one member appointed by the Chief of the Fire Department, one by the appellant and a third by the other two members. The members of the committee shall take the usual oath of office and are authorized to take testimony and to grant or reject such appeal, subject to review by the proper court. CHAPTER II. General Requirements for the Storage, Use and Handling of Inflammable Liquids. Section 21. This ordinance shall apply in all parts to all inflammable liquids of Classes I, II and III, provided that: Petroleum shall be regulated only as given in Chapters I and V, Paints and Varnishes only as given in Chapters I and VI, Garages only as given in Chapters I and VII, and Dry Cleaning only as given in Chapters I and VIII Section 22. The Chief of the Fire Department may prohibit the use of any type, kind or make of heating or lighting appliances using inflam- mable liquids which, after test by him or some competent authority, is con- sidered as introducing a distinct hazard to life or property. Section 23. No Class I nor Class II fluids shall be kept or stored in any schoolhouse, religious, amusement or other public building; excepting that for demonstration purposes, or for industrial or mechanical uses, the Chief of the Fire Department may issue permits for same, as herein provided for. Section 24. Except in sealed containers, no Class I nor II liquids may be stored within 10 feet of any stairway, elevator or exit. Section 25. In paint or oil stores, retail stores and jobbers’ plants con- taining inflammable liquids, at least two exits shall be provided, one of which must be away from the point of storage. Section 26. The mixing, storing or handling of inflammable liquids of Class I and II in open containers, is prohibited in any store in any building housing more than two families or in a frame building housing more than one family, provided that this shall not apply to drug stores where inflam- mable liquids are used in making and compounding medicines and pre- scriptions. Section 27. The storage of inflammable liquids inside buildings, ex- cept in buildings now so used, shall be as given under the following sub- sections; provided that in a special storage room or fireproof building, conforming to requirements given in Section 29, an unlimited quantity may be maintained therein, except of Class I liquids : — a. Within the limits given in Section 45. In frame buildings : Classes I and II prohibited. 6 Class III, Maximum limit of any tank or container to be 60 gallons. In other than frame buildings : Class I, In sealed containers or safety cans of not more than 1 gallon capacity, and not exceeding a total of 10 gallons. Class II, In sealed containers or safety cans of not more than 5 gal- lons capacity and in barrels, drums or tanks of not more than 60 gallons capacity. (Total quantity to be stored in this manner un- limited.) Class III, In sealed containers of not more than 5 gallons capacity, in barrels and drums and in tanks not exceeding 120 gallons capacity. (Total quantity to be stored in this manner unlimited.) b. Ouside the limits given in Section 45. In frame buildings : Class I, In sealed containers or safety cans of not more than 1 gallon capacity, and not exceeding a total of 10 gallons. Class II, In sealed containers of not more than 5 gallons capacity and in barrels, drums or tanks not exceeding 60 gallons capacity. (Total quantity to be stored in this manner unlimited.) Class III, In sealed containers not exceeding 5 gallons capacity, in barrels and drums and in tanks not exceeding 120 gallons capacity. (Total quantity to be stored in this manner unlimited.) In other than frame buildings : Class I, Not exceeding 50 gallons in sealed containers or safety cans of not more than 1 gallon capacity. Class II, In sealed containers or safety cans of not more than 5 gal- lons capacity, in drums and barrels and in tanks not exceeding 120 gallons capacity. (Total quantity to be stored in this manner un- limited.) Class III, In sealed containers, drums and barrels and in tanks not exceeding 240 gallons capacity. (Total quantity to be stored in this manner unlimited.) Section 28. In buildings now used for storage of inflammable liquids, the storage, except in special room as given in Section 29, shall not exceed double the quantity given in Section 27 or in tanks of more than double the capacity of those given in Section 27. Section 29. Special rooms for storage of inflammable liquids and the handling and use of inflammable liquids shall, where called for in this ordinance, be constructed as follows : Walls, floors and ceiling to be of eight inches of brick or concrete, or four inches of reinforced concrete; door openings to other rooms or buildings to be provided with sills raised six inches and with automatically closing fire doors ; windows to be wired glass in metallic sash and frames ; no combustible material used in construc- tion, except that floor surfacing may be of wood ; proper ventilation provided ; no opening to rooms below except as made necessary by trade or manu- facturing process, and openings to rooms and other parts of building above to be provided with automatically closing fire doors or trap doors. Section 30. Except where kept in sealed containers, Class I liquids shall be kept in storage tanks underground or outside the building and no discharge system sh ill have outlet inside building unless in a special room as given in Section 29. Provided that safety cans of not over ten gallons capacity may be used, except that if of over one gallon’s capacity, they must be kept and used in special rooms as given in Section 29. Section 31. No container containing Class II liquid and of over five gallons capacity may be used to fill other containers and appliances, unless kept outside the building or in a special room, as given in Section 29, and all drawing, except from safety cans, shall, where the nature of the liquid permits, be as provided for in Sections 66 and 67. 7 Section 32. Any building, other than a frame building, within the fire limits containing more than 500 gallons of inflammable liquids in other than sealed containers, must have all windows in side and rear walls and above the first floor on street fronts exposed by another building within fifty feet, provided with wired glass in metallic sash and frame. Section 33. Any manufacturing plant hereafter established in a build- ing in which persons are employed above the second story, shall have all rooms in which Class I and II liquids are mixed or stored in receptacles permitting the escape of vapor constructed as given in Section 29. Section 34. In existing manufacturing plants where persons are employed above the second floor, all elevator, stair and other wells or vertical openings communicating to rooms in which Class I and II liquids are mixed or stored in receptacles permitting escape of vapor, must be inclosed and provided with automatic fire doors or trap doors. Section 35. No manufacturing plant shall be located in any building used as a dwelling for more than one family unless all Class I liquids are kept in safety cans, not exceeding one quart in capacity, or in outside storage tanks as given in Chapter III, with no discharge inside the building. Section 36. Kettles, vats, saturators and other vessels used in manu- facturing processes, and containing more than five gallons of inflammable liquid, must not be located within five feet of combustible material nor within five feet of any exit, unless two or more exits are provided, and all combus- tible floor thereunder within a radius of ten feet must be protected with non- combustible covering. All kettles and other open vessels must be provided with substantial covers operating automatically or which can be easily and readily placed in position. Section 37. Rooms in which Class I and II liquids are used in open vats, pans or other vessels, or in which Classes I, II and III liquids are heated or otherwise treated in such manner as to produce inflammable vapor, shall be well ventilated. Where natural ventilation is not sufficient, ventilation may be obtained as provided in Section 110, or a trench or trough located in the lowest portion of the room, near any appliance emitting inflammable vapor may be used, such trough to be not less than six inches deep, open except for screens or grating and sloping downward to the outside of the building to a point acceptable to the Chief of the Fire Department; or a ventilation system or any other special systems meeting the intent of this section may be used when approved by the Chief of the Fire Department. Section 38. Where inflammable liquids are kept, used or handled, dry sand, ashes, chemical extinguishers or other fire retardants shall be provided in such quantities and with such pails, scoops and other fire appliances as may be directed by the Chief of the Fire Department. A reasonable quantity of of such loose non-combustible absorbents as mentioned above shall be kept convenient for use in case of excessive oil leakage or overflow. Section 39. Inside the fire limits, barrels and drums containing Class I, II or III liquids stored outside any building must not be piled upon each other nor stored in a passageway or beneath any window and no open lights shall be permitted in any such storage yard. Section 40. Drums or barrels for inflammable liquids shall have caps, plugs and bungs replaced immediately after package is emptied. Section 41. In all rooms or parts of buildings which contain inflammable liquids in open containers or in which the vapors from inflammable liquids are present, or in which inflammable liquids are used in any manufacturing process, the carrying of matches is prohibited, and smoking shall be a mis- demeanor. Suitable signs lettered SMOKING PROHIBITED BY ORDER OF THE CHIEF OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT shall be displayed. 8 Section 42. Inflammable liquids shall not be drawn nor handled in the presence of open flame or fire, but may be drawn and handled when lighting is by incandescent electric lamps installed in compliance with the rules and regulations of the “National Electrical Code”; said rules and regulations are hereby made a part of the requirements of this ordi- nance as affecting all electrical equipment. Section 43. No portable wheeled tank for the handling of inflammable liquids inside buildings shall exceed sixty gallons capacity. Tank must be of iron or steel, T 3 B -inch thick, with all openings at the top and screened with 30x30 mesh, or equivalent, brass wire screen. Wheels must be rubber tired and tanks so hung as not to be tipped over in ordinary usage. Liquids must be drawn from tank by means of a tight fitting pump. Section 44. The handling or storing of any inflammable liquid within dangerous proximity to open flame or fire is expressly prohibited. CHAPTER III. Storage Tanks — Capacity, Location and Restriction. Section 45. Except as otherwise permitted in this ordinance, the storage of inflammable liquids shall be outside buildings, in underground tanks or above ground tanks; except that the storage in tanks above ground and outside buildings is prohibited within the following limits : (Note. These limits to be specified; they should include the mercantile and other congested districts and land near streams or other water ways which would carry burning liquid into congested districts.) Provided that for existing tanks within such limits, which are properly safeguarded, and do not intro- duce a distinct hazard to other property, a permit shall be granted. Section 46. Tanks located underground shall have top of tank at least three feet below the surface of the ground, and below the level of the lowest pipe in the building to be supplied. Tanks may be permitted underneath a building if buried at least three feet below the lowest floor. Tanks shall be set on a firm foundation and surrounded with soft earth or sand, well tamped into place or encased in concrete. Tank may have a test well, provided test well extends to near bottom of tank, and top end shall be hermetically sealed and locked except when necessarily open. When tank is located underneath a building, the test well shall extend at least twelve feet above source of supply. The limit of storage permitted shall depend upon the location of tanks with respect to the building to be supplied and adjacent buildings, as follows : — (a) Unlimited capacity if lower than any floor, basement, cellar or pit in any building within a radius of fifty feet. (£) 20,000 gallons total capacity if lower than any floor, basement, cellar or pit in any building within thirty feet radius. (c) 5,000 gallons total capacity if lower than any floor, basement, cellar or pit in any building within twenty feet radius. ( d ) 1,500 gallons total capacity if lower than any floor, basement, cel- lar or pit in any building within ten feet radius. (e) 500 gallons if not lower than every floor, basement, cellar or pit in any building within ten feet, in which case it must be entirely encased in six inches of concrete. Section 47. Outside the limits given in Section 45, the capacity of each outside above ground storage tank used, designed or intended for Class I and II liquids shall be limited as given in Column A of Table 1. For Class III liquids a storage double that given in Column A, Table I, will be permitted. 9 Table 1. Capacity of Outside Above Ground Storage Tanks for Class I and II LiquiDS. Column a. Minimum Distance of Tanks. Capacity of Tank, Gallons. To Line of Adjoining Property which may be Built Upon. To Any Other Tank. 300 or less 5 feet. 2 feet. 500 10 “ 2 “ 1,000 20 “ 2 “ 8,000 25 “ 2 “ 12,000 30 “ 2 “ 18,000 40 “ 3 “ 24,000 50 “ 3 “ 30,000 60 “ 3 “ 48,000 75 “ 3 “ 75,000 85 “ 3 “ 100,000 100 “ 15 “ 150,000 150 “ 25 “ 250,000 250 “ 35 “ 500,000 300 “ 50 “ 1,000,000 350 “ 75 “ Unlimited 400 “ 200 “ Section 48. Each above ground tank, inside or outside buildings, over 1,000 gallons in capacity, must have all manholes, hand holes, vent openings and other openings, which may contain inflammable vapor, pro- vided with 20 x 20 mesh, brass wire screen, or its equivalent, so attached as to completely cover the opening and be protected against clogging. A safety valve must be provided, or manhole covers must be kept closed by weight only, and not firmly attached. The screen on such opening may be made removable, but must be kept normally firmly attached. Section 49. Above ground tanks for Class I and II liquids outside buildings shall have painted conspicuously upon their side, in letters at least 2 inches high, the wording, “ INFLAMMABLE— KEEP FIRE AWAY.” Section 50. — Except existing tanks in good condition, all tanks outside buildings, either above or below ground, and all tanks for Class I liquids inside buildings, as permitted by this ordinance, shall be made of galvanized steel, basic open hearth steel or wrought iron of a minimum gauge U. S. Standard depending upon the capacity or size as given in Tables 2, 3 and 4. Table 2. Underground tanks inside the limits prescribed in Section 45, or within 10 feet of a building when outside such limits. Capacity (Gallons). 1 to 560 561 to 1,100 1,101 to 4,000 4,001 to 10,500 10,501 to 20,000 20,001 to 30,000 Minimum Thickness of Material. 10 Table 3. Underground tanks outside limits as described in Section 45, provided the tanks are 10 feet or more from a building. Minimum Capacity (Gallons). Thickness of Material. 1 to 30 31 to 350 351 to 1,100 1,101 to 4,000 4,001 to 10,500 10,501 to 20,000 20,001 to 30,000 18 16 14 7 i" Table 4. Above Ground Tanks. (a) Horizontal or vertical tanks not over 1,100 gallons capacity. Minimum Capacity (Gallons). Thickness of Material. 1 to 30 18 31 to 350 . . 16 351 to 1,100 14 ( b ' ) Horizontal tanks over 1,100 gallons capacity. Minimum Maximum Diameter. Thickness of Material. Shell. Heads. Not over 5 feet .*..... 10 7 5 feet to 8 feet ....... 7 8 feet to 11 feet ....... f " (c) Vertical tanks over 1,100 gallons capacity. Under 40 feet in diameter and containing not more than 5,000 gallons: — Bottom No. 8 gauge. Bottom Ring No. 8 gauge. Other rings No. 10 gauge. Top No. 12 gauge. Under 40 feet in diameter and containing more than 5,000 gallons but not more than 10,000 gallons : — Bottom No. 8 gauge. Bottom Ring No. 7 gauge. Other rings No. 8 gauge. Top No. 12 gauge. Other vertical tanks to be of thickness not less than indicated in the following table, the figures referring to U. S. Standard gauge : — 11 Diameter. Top. Top Ring. 2d Ring from Top. Sd Ring from Top. 4th Ring from Top. 5th Ring from Top. 6th Ring from Top. Bot- tom. Feet. 80 ... . 10 7 7 3 0 3-0 5-0 10 75 ... . 10 7 7 4 1 2-0 4-0 10 70 ... . 10 7 7 4 1 2-0 4-0 10 65 ... . 10 7 7 5 1 0 3-0 10 60 ... . 10 7 7 5 2 0 2-0 10 55 ... . 10 7 7 6 3 1 2-0 10 50 ... . 10 7 7 7 4 1 0 10 45 ... . 10 7 7 7 5 3 1 10 40 and less . 10 7 7 7 5 3 2 10 All riveted joints to have an efficiency of at least 60 per cent. Tanks of greater capacity than given above shall be of material of sufficient thickness to safely hold the contents, and proportionately heavier. No vertical tanks shall be more than 30 feet high. Section 51. — With the approval of the Chief of the Fire Department, tanks of copper or other suitable material may be used, if after the necessary handling incident to installation they conform to the value given above as to strength, rigidity, durability and tightness. Section 52. — Tanks shall be riveted, welded or brazed, and shall be soldered, caulked or otherwise made tight in a mechanical and workmanlike manner, and if to be used with a pressure discharge system shall safely sus- tain a hydrostatic test at least double the pressure to which tank may be subjected. Top of tank to be securely fastened to top ring, with joints of equal tightness to those between rings. They shall be covered with asphaltum or other non-rusting paint or coating. All pipe connections shall be made through flanges or reinforced metal securely riveted, welded or bolted to tank and made thoroughly tight. Section 53. — Tanks must be set upon a firm foundation, and outside tanks when above ground, except portable tanks, must be electrically grounded. Tanks more than one foot above the ground must have foundation and supports of non-combustible materials, except wooden cushions ; no com- bustible material shall be permitted under or within ten feet of any above ground outside storage tank. Tanks containing crude petroleum shall be surrounded by an embank- ment or wall of sufficient height to provide storage equal to one and a half times the capacity of the tank. Section 54. — Stationary tanks inside buildings for the handling of liquids of Classes II and III, where permitted in this ordinance, shall be made of soft galvanized iron, or tin plate suitable for the purposes. Cylindrical tanks of 120 gallons or less capacity shall be made of material with a minimum thickness of No. 20 gauge U. S. Standard ; rectangular tanks of 800 gallons or less capacity shall be made of material with a minimum thickness of No. 14 gauge U. S. Standard. Correspondingly heavier gauge metal must be used for longer tanks. All joints must be locked, double seamed or riveted. All joints must be soldered or made tight by some equally satisfactory method. All such tanks shall be so located that the pump or other drawing off device shall not be below the 12 first floor, and the floor for a radius of at least three feet from pump shall be of non-combustible materials or covered with metal. Tanks similar to those given in Section 50 may also be used, or original barrels or drum may be used until contents are drawn, if substantially placed to prevent tipping or rolling, with pump inserted through a close fitting connection in head or side. CHAPTER IV. Piping and Other Appurtenances. Section 55. All connections from tank to any house or sub-surface drainage system shall be so arranged as to prevent the flow of inflammable liquid to any such system or the leakage of any inflammable gases from such fluid, or properly constructed inflammable fluid collectors shall be provided in such connection. Section 56. All underground storage systems or Class I liquids, in which the tank may contain inflammable gases, shall have at least a 1- inch vent pipe, run from top of tank to a point outside of the building and acceptable to the Chief of the Fire Department, but which shall end at least 12 feet above level of source of supply and in a location remote from fire escapes and never nearer than three feet, measured horizontally and vertically, from any window or other opening; the tank vent pipe shall terminate in a goose-neck protected in the outer end by a 30 x 30 mesh or equivalent brass wire screen. Or a combined vent and filling pipe, so equipped and located as to vent the tank at all times, even during filling operations, may be used. The vent pipes from two or more tanks may be connected to one upright, provided they be connected at a point at least one foot above level of source of supply. Section 57. All drawing-off pipes terminating inside of any building shall have valve at the discharge end ; when delivery is by gravity, pipes shall have valve, which shall preferably be of the automatically closing type, and in addition must have emergency valve. Section 58. Where tanks are above ground there shall be a valve located near the tank in each pipe. In case two or more tanks are cross- connected there shall be a valve near each tank in each cross connection. Section 59. Pumps delivering to or taking supply from above ground storage tanks shall be provided with valves on both suction and discharge side of pump, and check valve when delivering to tank. Section 60. Where underground tanks are used, all pipes carrying volatile inflammable fluids, except in dry-cleaning establishments, shall pitch toward tanks without any traps or pockets, and shall enter tank at the top. Section 61. All pipes used in systems for inflammable liquids shall be of standard full weight brass, galvanized iron or steel, with suitable brass or galvanized malleable iron or steel fittings. No rubber nor other packings, and no flanges, shall be used. If unions are used, at least one face must be of brass, with close fitting conical joints. Litharge and glycerin, shellac or other suitable material shall be used on pipe joints. Outside piping must be protected against any mechanical injury when within 5 feet of ground level. Inside piping must be rigidly supported. Section 62. Defective and leaking piping must be made tight im- mediately or replaced. Section 63. Piping carrying Class I and II liquids, unless without joints or connections, shall not extend through any room which contains any open light or fire. Section 64. The end of the filling pipe for underground storage tanks for Class I and II liquids shall be carried to an approved location outside of any building, but not within 5 feet of any entrance door, or cellar opening, and shall be set in an approved metal box with cover which shall be kept locked except during filling operations ; this filling 13 pipe shall be closed by a screw cap. A 30 x 30 mesh or equivalent brass screen strainer shall be placed in the supply end of filling pipe. Section 65. Deliveries of inflammable liquids of Class I and II, where practical, shall be made directly to the storage tank through the fill- ing pipe by means of a hose or pipe between the filling pipe and barrel, tank wagon or tank car from which such liquid is being drawn. Section 66. Except as permitted in Section 68, inflammable liquids shall be drawn from tanks by pumps so constructed as to prevent leaking or waste splashing, or by some other system approved by the Chief of the Fire Department, with controlling apparatus and piping so arranged as to allow control of the amount of discharge and prevent leakage or dis- charge inside the building by any derangement of the system. When in- side a building, the pump or other drawing-off device shall be located on or above the grade floor, preferably near an entrance or other well- ventilated place. Secton 67. Except as permitted in Section 68, no tanks, drum nor other containers inside a building, or discharging inside a building, shall be provided with a faucet or other bottom-drawing device which will permit the gravity flow of liquids inside the building. Pipe shall not ter- minate at any point lower than the level of source of supply. Section 68. The Chief of the Fire Department shall permit the storage and gravity flow of inflammable liquid in refineries and in manu- facturing and jobbing plants where the nature of the manufacturing process requires such storage and flow, and also the storage and gravity flow of commodities of Classes II and III in stores, plants and establish- ments, where the nature of the liquid will not permit pumping. Provided that the contents of tanks holding Class I liquid shall be sufficient only for one day’s operation and such storage shall be in rooms as called for in Section 29. Section 69. Supply to stationary internal-combustion engines using inflammable liquid shall be by pumpage from tanks located as given in Sections 46 and 47. Section 70. In equipments for the use of inflammable liquids as a fuel under boilers, furnaces, kilns, ovens, etc., storage tanks shall be located as given in Section 46 or 47. The oil must be fed from the supply tank to the burners by an approved pump. Section 71. Pumps used and called for in Sections 69 and 70 must be equipped with a pressure gauge for oil and the system shall be so arranged that the oil pressure cannot at any time exceed 60 pounds, a relief valve to be provided to return surplus oil back to the supply tank when the pressure exceeds this quantity. If receivers, accumulators or standpipes are provided, their capacity shall not exceed 10 gallons, and they must be so arranged that the oil may drain back to the supply tank. CHAPTER V. Petroleum. Liquids in This Chapter Means Liquids of Petroleum and Natural Gas Classified as in Section 2, Chapter I. Refineries. Section 72. No permit shall be granted for the establishment of a new plant or an addition to a plant for distilling or condensing within the limits of the city until after a survey has been made by the Chief of the Fire Department and an investigation made of all hazardous conditions connected therewith. If there are no schools, churches, hospitals . nor public halls within 300 feet, and no other buildings than those of the plant within 150 feet of the proposed distilling or condensing plant, and (or) other conditions are agreeable to the spirit and intent of this ordi- 14 nance, the Chief of the Fire Department shall grant a permit for the loca- tion desired ; provided, also, that a guarantee to maintain an open space 150 feet wide on all sides shall be given by the applicant. Section 73. Storage and piping at such plants shall be as in Chap- ters III and IV of this ordinance. Jobbing Plants , Storehouses and Distributing Stations. Section 74. New and existing jobbing plants, storehouses and dis- tributing stations shall be constructed as provided in and conform to Sections 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 and 44. Section 75. In new and existing plants, rooms in which Class I, II and III liquids are stored or handled in other than original containers, heating shall be done by steam or hot water. Unpierced fire walls shall isolate from such rooms all steam boilers, furnaces or exposed fires, or any electric dynamos or motors, or other spark emitting devices, pro- vided that explosion-proof motors may be used. Section 76. Storage and piping at such plants shall be as provided in Chapters III and IV of this ordinance. Distributing , Retailing and Containers Used. Section 77. All tank wagons, and wagons containing tank with faucets, when used for distribution of inflammable liquids, shall be of substantial and workmanlike construction and shall be subject to the approval of the Chief of the Fire Department, who shall inspect and keep a record of such wagons or vehicles, which shall be plainly marked with their record number. All faucets connected to such tank wagons shall be kept locked or have handle removed when not in actual use, such handle to be so constructed that it may not be removed except when the faucet is tightly closed, and all measures and faucets shall be covered or other- wise protected. Section 78. Containers of Class I and II liquids shall be painted red and be conspicuously lettered in black, “Dangerous — Keep Lights and Fires Away and Store Outside Building.” Containers of Class III liquids shall be painted green and have conspicuously marked in white letters, “Inflammable Liquid — Keep Fire Away and Store Outside Build- ing.” It shall be a misdemeanor to keep or place the above mentioned liquids in containers other than those marked as designated, or to use the containers for any other liquids or substances than those specified, or fail to keep their exterior clean so that coloring and lettering are easily distinguishable. Section 79. The use of inflammable liquid in kindling or starting a fire in stove or furnace, or any other place not specifically permitted by this ordinance, is prohibited and is a misdemeanor. Section 80. The requirements and restrictions given in Sections 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 and 44, and in Chap- ters III and IV, must be complied with. CHAPTER VI. Paints, Varnishes, and Similar Manufactured Commodities. Section 81. In new and existing plants, rooms in which Class I, II and III liquids are stored or handled in other than original containers, heat- ing shall be done by steam or hot water. Unpierced fire walls shall isolate from such rooms all steam boilers, furnaces or exposed fires, or any electric dynamos or motors, or other spark emitting devices, provided that ex- plosion-proof motors may be used. Section 82. Manufacturing plants hereafter established or erected shall be as specified in and shall conform with the requirements and restric- 15 tions of Sections 26, 27, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44 and the storage of and piping used in the handling of raw stocks of inflammable liquids shall be as in Chapters III and IV. Section 83. Existing manufacturing plants shall be as specified in and shall conform with the requirements and restrictions of Sections 26, 28, 29, 30, 32, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 and 44. Existing tanks inside buildings and of larger capacity than permitted in Section 28 may be used for Classes II and III liquids, provided that reasonable safeguards are provided against injury to occupants of the building and to adjoining property. Section 84. Jobbing plants, storehouses, retail stores and paint and oil stores shall comply with Sections 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42 and 44, and storage and piping, except in original containers and of manufactured commodities which can not be pumped, shall be as pro- vided in Chapters III and IV. CHAPTER VII. Garages. Section 85. A garage shall be construed to mean a building in which are housed, for rent, care, demonstration, storage or sale, self-propelled vehicles or other wheeled machines, containing in the tanks thereof inflammable liquids for fuel or power; also all parts of the building and all adjoining structures or buildings not cut off by an unpierced fire wall. All plans for such buildings shall be filed with the Building Inspector and shall also be submitted for approval to the Chief of the Fire Department. Section 86. No garage shall be allowed or kept in any building used for a school, place of assembly or detention, hotel, apartment, tenement or lodging house, or within 50 feet of any school, place of assembly or detention. Any building erected or remodeled as a garage and occupied in part as an office building, manufacturing establishment, warehouse or store, shall have such parts entirely cut off from the portion used as a garage, by unpierced fire walls at least 12 inches thick and by fireproof floors, and shall be provided with adequate means of exit independent of that used for the garage. All windows in the first two floors above parts vsed as a garage shall be provided with wired-glass windows in metal frames. Section 87. No automobile garage shall be maintained within the limits of the City of by any person or persons, firm or corpo- ration, unless a permit shall first have been obtained from the Building Inspector and the Chief of the Fire Department. Such permit shall be issued for the period of one year, and only after inspection and approval of such automobile garage by the Chief of the Fire Department, and compliance with all the regulations in this ordinance. Section 88. All garages erected in the future, except as hereinafter specified as private garages, shall be of fireproof construction. All trim or other interior finish must be of metal or of other non-inflammable material approved by the Building Inspector. Floor finish shall be smooth and of concrete, brick or other incombustible material. Section 89. No rooms, nor open or closed spaces of any character, shall be permitted below the floor level in any building erected or used for garage purposes, and no floor shall be entirely below the street level. All elevators and stairways in garages shall be enclosed with fireproof materials. All openings in stair or elevator enclosures shall be protected with automatic fire doors approved for this purpose. Section 90. No building of other than fireproof construction shall be remodeled for use as a garage, except that outside the fire limits, existing buildings of non-fireproof construction, other than frame buildings, when 30 feet distant from all other buildings and with no other occupancy, may, by special permission of the Chief of the Fire Department, be so used, but shall comply with all the requirements given in Section 89 and any floor on which automobiles are kept or stored shall be as given in Section 88. 16 Section 91. Where buildings are now being used for garage purposes, in which wooden floors exist, sufficiently large and fluid-tight metallic drip pans shall be placed under all motor vehicles, and all floors shall be well cleaned and mopped each day with a strong alkali or other non-inflammable grease solvent solution. Section 92. All automobile garages or shelters housing not more than three motor vehicles shall be known as private garages. A private garage located within 10 feet of any other building must be of fireproof construction as called for in Section 88. If more than 10 feet from any building, it must be built of non-combustible material throughout, except that, if outside the fire limits and not closer than 30 feet to any building, it may be constructed of combustible material, except walls, floors on which automobiles are kept and roof coverings, which shall be non-combustible. All portions of the building used for other purposes must be cut off from such storage place by unpierced fireproof walls and floors. Such non-fireproof garage, if con- sidered by the Chief of the Fire Department as especially hazardous and en- dangering adjacent property, shall be replaced by a fireproof structure or its use as a garage discontinued, Section 93. The heating for all buildings used for garage purposes must be done by steam or hot water. All boiler or other furnaces, forges or other exposed fires, lights or spark-emitting devices or machines, and all repair shops, if on or below the topmost floor where Class I liquids are present, must be in a room separated from all other parts of the garage by an unpierced fire wall at least eight (8) inches thick. Such appliances may be kept in the garage if in a fireproof room 8 feet above the top-most floor where Class I liquids are present, provided all doors and openings between such rooms and other parts of the garage are provided with standard self- closing fire doors kept closed. All such rooms must be ventilated at floor line as described in Section 97. Lighting shall be as given in Section 42. No flame lights shall be allowed lit on automobiles in a garage except immediately after entering and immediately before leaving the garage. Section 94. All reserve and storage of Class I and II liquids must be stored in underground tanks. No Class I liquid shall be kept inside a garage except that contained in the reservoirs of motor vehicles and in the measuring pumps used for filling; provided, however, that there may be in each garage one or more approved portable wheeled tanks not ex- ceeding sixty gallons capacity, to be used for transferring such liquids from the storage tank; the number of these wheeled tanks shall be fixed for each garage by the Chief of the Fire Department. The reservoirs of motor vehicles shall be filled directly through hose from pump attached to such portable tank, or by hose coupled to a permanent filling station connected with the main storage tank. No transfer of Class I or II liquids in any garage shall be made with open containers. Hose for use in connection with the permanent filling station or portable tank shall be of such design and material as to prevent leakage. The portable wheeled tank must be as described in Section 43. The use of gasolene for cleaning any parts of an automobile is prohibited, except in a special room as provided for in Section 29, and ventilated as given in Section 37, and used for this purpose only, or outside of any building and at least 10 feet from any opening in any buildings. Section 95. All underground tanks shall comply with the requirements given in Sections 46, 50, 51 and 52. Section 96. Pumps and other drawing-off appliances shall be as given in Sections 55, 56, 57, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65 and 66. The drawing of any inflam- mable liquid within dangerous proximity to exposed flame or fire, or while any automobile engine or motor is being run in the room, is expressly pro- hibited. 17 Section 97. Rooms containing Class I and II liquids shall have open- ings for ventilation, of at least 30 square inches, along at least two walls and at floor level. These openings shall connect by incombustible flues to the outside air at a point not closer than 3 feet to any window or door opening. They shall be provided with 2x2 mesh brass wire screen on the inside of the wall, and unless laid with a downward slant direct to the outside air, shall conduct to and through a sparkless fan, run continuously, which shall be of sufficient size to completely change the air volume every ten minutes. Dis- charge outlets of vent pipes shall be provided with 20 x 20 mesh (or equivalent) brass wire screens. Section 98. All garages must be kept clean. Grease, oil or paint- soaked rags, waste or other combustible materials of like character, shall be kept in approved self-closing metallic receptacles having metallic legs at least 3 inches high and securely braced. These receptacles shall be kept safely clear of all combustible surroundings and their contents shall be safely dis- posed of at least once each day. Oily and greasy clothing shall be cared for in non-combustible and well-vented closets, safely located. Section 99. Class III liquids may be kept inside the buildings, if stored as given in Section 54. The style of can and its location must be approved by the Chief of the Fire Department. Section 100. Dry sand, ashes, chemical extinguishers and other approved fire retardants shall be provided in such quantities and with such pails, scoops and other fire appliances as may be directed by the Chief of the Fire Department. A reasonable quantity of such loose, non-combustible absorbents as mentioned above shall be kept convenient for use in case of excessive oil waste or overflow. Section 101. There shall bejio direct connection between any garage waste basin, sink, floor drain or waste and any house drainage or sewer system. All such drains or waste mains to sewer system shall have inter- cepting grease, oil and inflammable liquid traps or separators which will completely separate such substance from water and sewage and allow of their safe and convenient removal. Such traps shall be ventilated in the same way as is required for tanks holding Class I liquids. Grease, oil, etc., removed from such traps or separators shall be removed and disposed of to the satisfaction of the Chief of the Fire Department. Section 102. It shall be the duty of the Chief of the Fire Department to make or cause to be made inspections at least every three months of all automobile garages or stations within the limits of the City of , to keep careful and complete record of such inspection and of all matters relating thereto and to enforce the regulations prescribed herein. It shall be the duty of the owner or manager of all garages to maintain in at least three conspicuous places on each floor of a garage a placard giving a copy of all ordinances affecting the handling of inflammable liquids in garages. CHAPTER VIII. Dry Cleaning. Section 103. “ Dry cleaning” shall be known as the art, act or process of cleaning or renovating wearing or other apparel, clothes and other fabrics or textiles, or any other things with any inflammable liquid. “ Sponging” shall be the removal of dirt, grease, etc., by local application of inflammable liquid as applied by tailors and others. Section 104. Sponging is prohibited in shops, dwellings, enclosures, yards and all other places, unless carried on through the application of such inflammable liquids from an automatically closing safety can of not more than one (1) quart capacity, and the use for sponging of such liquid from, or in, open pans or vessels shall be a misdemeanor. Section 105. Sponging is prohibited in any room not provided with safe means of exit direct to the outside of the building and shall not be exe- 18 cuted or applied in any room or enclosure containing any open or flaming fire or light nor within ten feet of any such light, self-heating iron or other spark or flame producing appliance. During all such application, and for one half hour thereafter, two direct openings for ventilation and air circulation must be provided, preferably on opposite sides of the room and near the floor level. Section 106. No dry cleaning business shall be installed or maintained within the City of except under permit of the Chief of the Fire Department. Plans and specifications, giving full details as to location, construction and operation thereof, must be filed with the Chief of Fire De- partment, together with an application to conduct such business. If the plans and specifications submitted comply with the rules of this ordinance, then the Chief of the Fire Department may approve them and issue the nec- essary permit. Section 107. Buildings used for dry cleaning purposes shall be con- structed of non-combustible material, shall not be more than one story or 16 feet high, without a basement or other open space below the floor, shall not be used for other occupancy, and shall be at least 10 feet from other buildings or a public thoroughfare. All floors shall be of concrete or other non-combustible material. All doors shall have raised sills at least 10 inches above the highest point of floor, and no other opening, except for ventilators, shall be less than 12 inches above same point. In wash rooms, only the necessary appliances for washing, extracting and redistilling shall be per- mitted. No direct opening shall be permitted between wash room and dry room. No combustible material shall be permitted in the construction of dry rooms or any racks or other appurtenances. All steam or hot water pipes for drying purposes must be protected by wire screens or otherwise so as to prevent contact of pipes and inflammable goods. All windows, doors or other openings within 100 feet of exposing openings or combustible structures or materials shall be provided with wired glass in metal frames or fireproof shutters, doors or covers. All doors, windows, shutters, screens, grills and barrel openings shall be arranged for ready opening from either side in case of an emergency. Inter-communicating openings shall be pro- vided with standard automatic closing fire doors kept closed except when passing through. All rooms shall have a steam extinguishing system satis- factory to the Chief of the Fire Department, or where such fire extinguishing agent is not available an approved system using a fire deterrent chemical or gas. One approved hand chemical extinguisher shall be provided for each 500 square feet of floor area. Section 108. A vent opening of at least 20 square inches area shall be provided at the floor level in each wash room and drying room, near each machine and opposite to any door or other air inlet: such openings shall be covered with 2x2 mesh No. 16 galvanized wire web and shall be kept clear of all obstructions. From the vent opening a flue of at least 20 square inches area and of non-combustible materials, built into the wall or floor or securely fastened thereto and free from mechanical injury, shall con- duct to and through a sparkless exhaust fan, to be run continuously, and which shall be of sufficient size to completely change the air volume every five minutes. All discharge outlets of vent pipes shall be provided with 12 x 12 mesh or equivalent wire screen and located without hazard to surround- ing property and acceptable to the Chief of the Fire Department. Skylights and windows must be of wired glass in metal frames and provided with fusible link connecting to an automatically closing device, and shall be covered with 12 x 12 mesh or equivalent brass wire screen to prevent spark or other fire entrance. Necessary precautions shall be taken to prevent the clog- ging or in any way the stopping of air passage through such wire screens. 19 Section 109. Heating shall be done by steam or hot water. No steam boiler, furnace nor exposed fire, nor any electric dynamo nor motor, nor other spark emitting device, shall be allowed in any washing, drying or distilling room, or in line with vapor travel therefrom. All artificial lighting shall be in accordance with Section 42. Section 110. In each wash room there shall be provided a drain or con- nection to the sewer, at least 4 inches in diameter, provided with a U pipe forming a water seal to prevent the passage of inflammable vapor, and with inlet pipe in the form of an inverted U, or a siphon, with end at least 2 inches above the floor level, 3^-inch air inlet 3 inches above floor level, and top of siphon 8 inches above floor level. Section 111. All dry cleaning, washing, extracting and redistilling shall be carried on in closed machines, which shall be fluid tight. Washers shall have hinged door and shall be arranged so that in case of an explosion the door will automatically close. The transfer of all liquids shall be through continuous piping, and all outlet or drain lines shall be drained by gravity to settling or storage tanks. No dry cleaning liquid shall be settled in any open or unprotected vessels or tanks. All piping and all metallic parts of each machine shall be properly grounded by at least No. 10 copper insulated wire to a water pipe or other grounded devices. Section 112. All reserve and storage stocks of such liquids shall be kept and handled as given in Sections 46, 50, 51, 52, 55, 56, 57, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65 and 66. Section 113. All goods removed from washer to extractors must be kept in tight metal pans with under side of bottom covered with wood, and no goods or washed stocks shall be taken from wash room till washing liquid has been removed by the extractor and all dried goods shall be removed from extractors at close of operation. Section 114. Settling tanks shall be constructed, located and vented essentially as given for the storage tanks. At the close of the day’s opera- tions, all liquid contained in washers, extractors or stills, or otherwise, shall be returned to the stock or settling tanks. The location of all tanks buried or otherwise, and their contents and hazards, shall be plainly marked by signs as approved by the Chief of the Fire Department. CHAPTER IX. Penalties. Section 115. Any and all persons who shall violate any of the provi- sions of this ordinance or fail to comply therewith, or who shall violate, or fail to comply with any order or regulation made thereunder within ten days, or who shall build in violation of any detailed statement of specifications or plans, submitted and approved thereunder, or any certificate or permit issued thereunder, shall severally for each and every such violation and non-com- pliance, respectively, forfeit and pay a penalty in the sum of twenty-five dollars, each day constituting a separate offense. The imposition of one penalty for any violation of this ordinance shall not excuse the violation or permit it to continue, and all such persons shall be required to correct or remedy such violation or defects within a reasonable time. Section 116. All former ordinances or parts thereof inconsistent here- with are hereby repealed. Section 117. This ordinance shall take effect at the earliest date per- missible by law. 20