TABULAR STATEMENT OF TH* COST, REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES, OF THE SEVERAL OF THE CANALS AND RAILROADS OF THE COMMONWEALTH, PREPARED BT JOHN W. HAMMOND, Book-keeper in the Treasury Department , Printed by order of the Senate, April 20, 1841, HARRISBURG: ELLIOTT & M'CURDY, PRINTERS. 1841 . # * ■* , • * 4 y* W & - '■ ii . - S, •• ..V ;^'.\ V* ' ' >r: V ..... • i ~‘ „ • • •■ * ?’•'• uiii ; . ' "•?. : * \ > ^ ■■T-- ...K". ; ‘i\ .■s'.*- \*> ■’ . yj.rM**' 1 * * ,* sM$ -V"S* * * ^ :r»a<* j#»i >*k * ,; >'••'••’ - 1 ^ . ... ,IH| YV\5tt LETTER. Treasury Office, - ^ Harrisburg, April 20, ‘ 1841, y CKARLKS C. SuLLI VAJif, S»l- Sin: — As you did me the favor to present to the Senate, yesterday, a table relative to the finished improvements of this State, which was prepared by me with great care, it may not be deemed unimportant to give some further infor- mation in reference to it than it may he understood to convey ; and, for this purpose, I make the following explanation, vi^: The cost embraces the original construction, such as work done, repairs before completion, damages, engi» neering expenses, &c., and the new work up to the 1st of November, 1840. The revenue is made up of canal tolls, railroad tolls, and motive power. The expenditures consist of repairs, ordinary and extraordinary, salaries of agents, motive power, locomotives, ropes, implements, &c, — in short, all expenses neces- sarily attendant upon the operation of the works. The revenue and expendi- tures are arranged for each financial year, from the 1st November, 1829, to the 31st October, 184Q. The whole table has been prepared from the official records of this anl mi •/- feip< «S^Nf & 'I© > ••*••: v •■ • V ;*;vsrf : ; .'4 »,»*» s?i$ f qpic* fcKwwfc t :♦ *tf«i t w» »;*** .:■• # *< V,t “«a jw®ss <4- . .-:inr.-! * .? ’gsiB fi *»Y.; Ji «f » Ac Mtffi '-ifi #mm4t0 V jfiafr ■• * ,■ ■ i- : r»4i «iuri .>«?•**:• M-YI I* M 4&t & <$» 4 fcr «*l? kx • j, ,«•*•• •• .*§ «#! jv$wn-i Witfrm &*# btmUxt jitfal Imtm Ha fja «&ar; *i -Mta-Hiv. *» •• tfas^^ra&y* ft** TpKMf>r^. "A * , I ' *.; , i&t at Jffi'Bt t ta4imv*¥C i#t «ft r,mh ^mx fit * mm4I vt fiqpti * m v. * »* T J^a5^ ■# iMkD mvi f »4*! «Mcd efarfw “sTf £»-< .^U^>f«W» t**Y * , * **»l!S 8 A?o wo'* MjoinfeAH .w .om : nvl ^ ( K * * Tabular Statement of the Cost, Revenue and Expenditures, of the several Finished Lines of the Pennsylvania Canals and Railroads. CANALS AND HAILROADS. COLUMBIA AND PHILADELPHIA RAILWAY. Extend* from Columbia to Philadelphia, 82 miles. Railroad tolls, Motive Power, Locomotives, ropes, &c. ALLEGHENY PORTAGE RAILWAY. {Extends from Holliduysburg to Johnstown, SO miles. Railroad tolls, Motive Power. Locomotives, ropes, dec. Total* • 1,734,058 01 3,437,334 00 2,004,882 07 1.8t4,774 « 8«7,B74 .77 Mil ,804 in 1,708,570 82 •781,754 01 •622,258 08 3,083,302 05 1829-30. I 1830-31. Revenue. Expenditures.! Revenue. Expenditures. • 10,356 08 $0,338 30 3,837 47 15,302 00 21,786 08 • 17,685 24 $18,104 26 4,442 08i 04,755 75 12,008 58 800 43 2,214 07 80,045 13 70,433 86 13,415 80 65,6G3 93 11,817 18 6,770 61 7,205 05 0,313 46 8,043 10 5,747 05 20,340 11 519 92 1832-33. 1833-34. 1834 -35. 1835-36. 1836 >— 37. 1887 -38. 1838-30. 1839-40. TOTAL. Revenue. Expenditures. Revenue. Expenditures. Revenue. Expenditures. Revenue. | Expenditures. Revenue. Expenditures. Revenue. : Expenditures. Revenue. . Expenditures. | Revenue. i Expenditures. Revenue. Expenditures. $49,737 13 $22,658 26 $70,260 03 $23,157 51 •142,854 76 •24,274 64 $158,971 68 $24,474 63 $136,379 72 $72,497 74 $122,740 15 $103,438 80 $168,564 25 $40,142 08 ! $142,071 12] $65,681 24 • 1,047,828 08 $422,805 20 15,331 05 32,150 67 17,007 02 41,297 61 70,078 39 49,721 51 50,862 01 43,750 78 79.486 78 72,144 50 71,327 GO 51,374 09 75,140 92 65,630 42 04,223 11 116,029 30 401,104 91 502,180 49 25,436 59 70,245 09 99,909 15 93,767 56 103,389 91 71,354 36 123,228 42 46,165 57 132,523 49 80,768 56 108,750 62 78,388 88 146,480 43 36,040 00 100,581 40 110,058 25 887,013 65 889,834 46 44,825 14 78,454 02 57,135 46 50,048 79 56,281 37 32,292 51 57,175 31 47,429 93 90,154 77 45,395 44 72,133 22 35,614 43 08,240 43 80,076 40 101,026 60 89,413 65 586,515 01 638,831 11 7,670 86 83,006 78 11,431 44 44,478 72 16,082 85 15,466 68 13,029 24 7,973 77 16,295 53 13,634 55 20,791 45 16,476 52 22,269 21 8,201 81 26,106 53 33,706 76 141,730 05 314,253 69 3,416 32 26,311 01 3,915 07 49,182 85 5,721 22 38,554 25 9,824 16 9,322 03 10,850 35 15,712 49 8,810 30 18,809 33 10,181 05 13,822 04 10,834 55 106,248 73 63,550 02 390,624 11 30,899 02 30,958 47 5,495 65 15,307 81 3,903 02 38,115 91 4,708 07 34,827 26 9,300 00 42,108 62 12,851 53 23,816 01 24,511 68 85,457 35 60,859 95 333,738 36 7,912 62 335 75 17,641 62 883 75 19,560 18 388 33 31,829 28 1,078 81 20,665 44 555 00 12,106 66 980 7S 6,000 15 545 00 10,003 78 4,767 42 133,979 26 554 91 2,220 53 3,493 54 504 38 33,465 02; 1,783 59 30,108 87 1,201 66 12,930 35 2,032 00 0,140 93 2,626 05 40,844 50 10,924 02 139,082 21 5,002 58 1 600 00 40,240 32 1,474 45 139,819 25 43,790 55 46,166 55 38,752 65 82,792 11 168,913 77 91,744 06 77,959 75 152,339 46 66,089 70 216,227 51 137,338 67 67,846 30 155,225 47 186,024 07 232,052 72 158,583 60 64,331 32 139,870 16 9,981 02 217,504 81 172,400 66 107,209 23 153.611 01 21,394 92 185,659 45 220,993 25 210,696 28 222,269 11 60,305 89 1,205,410 91 *24,919 76 5S 5,343 88 862.074 76 436,579 51 1 5,481 56 54,803 99 42,935 55 43,046 53 37,760 74 19,496 00 78,059 42 74,211 92 25,062 78 108,898 88 576 41 69,276 50 79,246 70 40,011 54 101,633 88 23,393 00 73,774 98 70,204 02 34,963 37 93,058 51 22,220 53 69.534 77 81,795 23 38,877 18 104,080 08 67,155 05 85,096 87 1O5.G02 44 92.275 37 56,544 08 413,504 71 443.480 29 293,135 40 539,507 44 122.236 92 1 SIM ,4 19 60 $352,237 47 $309,781 15 | | $357,489 14 $684,357 77 •538,040 96 $837,805 72 $713,454 50 $975,350 49 $009,880 09 $959,336 32 $736,744 55 •1.070,045 47 $721,865 30 • 1,072,620 75 $1,433,216 73 $6,181,624 81 $6 694,206 1 1 1 ’ Estimated, though from such data as not materially to vary the result fiom the true amount.