To Accompany | Report on the & A. Forbes K..E. Richardson nvAvVA^Y/.wvw*;' 'v^^^BH^^^Bf^nSHBiOB UNIVERSITY OF 3 LIBRARY r AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN ILLINOIS HISTORICAL SURVEY STATE OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION FRANCIS W. SHEPARDSON, Director DIVISION OF THE NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY STEPHEN A. FORBES, Chief Maps Showing Distribution of Illinois Fishes to Accompany a Report on the Fishes of Illinois BY STEPHEN ALFRED FORBES, Ph.D., LL.D. AND ROBERT EARL RICHARDSON, A.M. SECOND EDITION, 1919 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OP THE STATE OF ILLINOIS Springfield, III. Illinois State Journal Co., State Printers 19 19 (18050— 2M-6-19) 537.09113 F74-Gw> 111. List of Maps The general map of the distribution of collections (Map IV.) shows, by the location of the red spots, all the localities from which collections of fishes have been made by us in the work of the Natural History Survey. The distribution maps for the various species indicate in the same way all the localities from which representatives of the species have been taken. For an accurate idea of the significance of these species maps, each should be compared unth Map IV. The following numbered list of the counties of the state corresponds to the figures on these maps. 1. Jo Daviess 35. Hancock 69. Madison •> Stephenson 36. McDonough 70. Bond ... Winnebago 37. Fulton 71. Fayette 4. Boone 38. Mason 72. Effingham 5. McHcnry 39. Tazewell 73. Jasper 6. Lake 40. McLean 74. Crawford 7. Cook 41. Vermilion 75. Lawrence 8. Du Page 42. Champaign 76. Richland 9. Kane 43. Piatt 77. Clay 10. DeKalb 44. Dewitt 78. Marion 11. Ogle 45. Logan 79. Clinton 12. Lee 46. Menard 80. St. Clair 13. Carroll 47. Cass 81. Monroe 14. Whiteside 48. Schuyler 82. Randolph 15. Rock Island 49. Brown 83. Washington 16. Mercer 50. Adams 84. Perry 17. Henry 51. Pike 85. Jefferson 18. Bureau 52. Scott 86. Wayne 19. Putnam 53. Morgan 87. Edwards 20. La Salle 54. Sangamon 88. Wabash 21. Kendall 55. Christian 89. White 22. Grundy 56. Macon 90. Hamilton 23. Will 57. Moultrie 91. Franklin 24. Kankakee 58. Douglas 92. Jackson 25. Iroquois 59. Edgar 93. Williamson 26. Ford 60. Clark 94. Saline 27. Livingston 61. Coles 95. Gallatin 28. Marshall 62. Cumberland 96. Hardin 29. Woodford 63. Shelby 97. Pope 30. Stark 64. Montgomery 98. Johnson 31. Peoria 65. Macoupin 99. Union 32. Knox 66. Greene 100. Alexander 33. Warren 67. Calhoun 101. Pulaski 34. Henderson 68. Jersey 102. Massac I. & II. The three sections of Illinois, northern, central, and southern, and the ten stream systems of the state: I., the Galena District, II., the Rock River System, III., the Illinois River System, IV., the Lake Michigan drainage, V., the Mississippi River drainage, VI., the Kaskaskia River System, VII., the Wabash System, VIII., the Big Muddy River System, IX., the Saline River System, and X., the Cairo District. III. Glacial geology of Illinois. IV. Localities from which collections were made. V. — CII. Distribution of species. CHI. Northern species (•) and southern species(A) in Illinois. Map No Banded Darter, Etheostoma zonale XCIII Big-eyed Chub, Hybopsis amblops XLIX Black Bullhead, Ameiurus melas LV Black Crappie, Pomoxis sparoides LXXI Black-head Minnow, Pimephales promelas XXVII Black-sided Darter, Hadropterus aspro.. LXXXVII Blackfln, Notropis umbratilis atripes XLV Bluegill, Lepomis pallidus LXXVIII Blunt-nosed Minnow, Pimephales notatus XXVIII Blunt-nosed River Carp, Carpiodes difformis XIII Boleichthys fusiformis XCVIII Boleosoma camurum XCI Brindled Stonecat, Schilbeodes miurus . . LIX Brook Silverside, Labidcsthes sicculus.. LXVIII Bullhead Minnow, Cliola vigilax XXXII Channel-cat, Ictalurus punctatus LI1 Chub-sucker, Erimyzon sucetta oblongus XVI Common Pike, Esox lucius LXII Common Red-horse, Moxostoma aureolum XXI Common River Carp, Carpiodes carpio.. XII Common Shiner, Notropis cornutus XLI Common Sucker, Catostomus commersonii XVIII Cottogaster shumardi LXXXVIII Dogfish, Amia calva VII Etheostoma jessise XCIV Etheostoma sguamiceps XCVI Fan-tailed Darter, Etheostoma flabellare XCVII Fundulus dispar LXIV Gizzard-shad, Dorosoma cepedianum VIII Golden Shiner, Abramis crysoleucas XXXI Gray Pike, Stizostedion canadense griseum LXXXIII Green-sided Darter, Diplesion blennius LXXXIX Hadropterus phoxocephalus LXXXVI Hogsucker, Catostomus nigricans XIX Horned Dace, Semotilus atromaculatus . . XXIX Hybognathus nuchalis XXV Hybognathus nubila XXVI Johnny Darter, Boleosoma nigrum XC Lake Carp, Carpiodes thompsoni XV Large-mouthed Black Bass, Micropterus salmoides LXXXI Least Darter, Microperca punctulata.. . XCIX Lepomis miniatus LXXV Little Pickerel, Esox vermiculatus LXI Log-perch, Percina caprodes LXXXV Long-eared Sunfish, Lepomis megalotis LXXVI Long-nosed Gar, Lepisosteus osseus V Menoua Top-minnow, Fundulus diaphanus menona LXIII Mongrel Buffalo, Ictiobus urus X Mud-cat, Leptops olivaris LVI Mud-minnow, Umbra limi LX Map No. Notropis cayuga XXXIII Notropis gilberti XXXVI Notropis heterodon XXXIV Notropis illecebrosus XXXVII Notropis jejunus XLII Opsopceodus emilix XXX Orange-spotted Sunfish, Lepomis humilis LXXVII Pirate-perch, Aphredoderus sayanus LXIX Pumpkinseed, Eupomotis gibbosus LXXIX Quillback, Carpiodes velifer XIV Rainbow Darter, Etheostoma cceruleum XCV Red-bellied Dace, Chrosomus erythrogaster XXIV Redfin, Notropis lutrensis XXXIX Red-mouth Buffalo, Ictiobus cyprinellu IX River Chub, Hybopsis kentuckiensis LI Rock Bass, A mbloplites rupestris LXXIII Rosy-faced Minnow, Notropis rubrifrons XLIV Round Sunfish, Centrarchus macropterus LXXII Sand Darter, Ammocrypta pellucida XCII Sheepshead, A plodinotus grunniens CII Shiner, Notropis atherinoides XLIII Short-headed Red-horse, Moxostoma breviceps XXII Short -nosed Gar, Lepisosteus platostomus V I Silver-mouthed Minnow, Ericymba buccata XLVI Silvery Minnow, Hybognathus nuchalis XXV Small-mouth Buffalo, Ictiobus bubalus XI Small-mouthed Black Bass, Micropterus dolomieu LXXX Speckled Bullhead, Ameiurus nebulosus LIV Spot-tailed Minnow, Notropis hudsonius XXXVIII Spotted Shiner, Hybopsis dissimilis XLVIII Spotted Sucker, Minytrema melanops. . XVII Steel-colored Minnow, Notropis whipplii XL Stonecat, Noturus flavus LVII Stone-roller, Campostoma anomalum XXIII Storer's Chub, Hybopsis storerianus L Straw-colored Minnow, Notropis blennius XXXV Sucker-mouthed Minnow, Phenacobius mirabilis XLVII Tadpole Cat, Schilbeodes gyrinus LVIII Top-minnow, Fundulus notatus LXV Trout-perch, Percopsis guttatus LXVII Viviparous Top-minnow, Oambusia affinis LXVI Wall-eyed Pike, Stizostedion vitreum... LXXXII Warrnouth Bass, Chxnobryttus gulosus.. LXXIV White Bass, Eoccus chrysops C White Crappie, Pomoxix annularis — LXX White-nosed Sucker, Moxostoma anisurum XX Yellow Bass, Morone interrupta CI Yellow Bullhead, Ameiurus natalis — LIII Yellow Perch, Perca flavescens LXXXIV I & II Stream systems and Sections of Illinois .III. and Mich. Canal .III. and Miss. Canal .Drainage Canal . County Seat Ill Map of the Glacial Geology of Illinois '///A Unelaciated Areas. '///A Lower niinoisan Glaciation. Middle Illinoisan Glaciation. Upper IUinoisan 3 Glaciation. :. • lowan and Pre-Iowan Glaciation Deep Loess Areas. Wisconsin Glaciation. Moraines in Wisconsin Glaciation. Bottom-Lands (old and late) Sand and Swamp Areas. Ilinois and Michigan Canal ..Illinois and Mississippi Canal Drainage Canal ■ County Seat V Distribution */ Lepisosteus osseus .III. and Mich. Canal .III. and Miss. Canal .Drainage Canal .County Seat VI Distribution of Lepisosteus platostomus ...ill. and Mich. Canal ...ill. and Miss. Canal ...Drainage Canal . County Seat VII Distribution of Amia calva .111 and Mich. Canal and Miss. Canal . . .Drainage Canal . County Seal VIII, Distribution of Dorosoma cepedianum .III. and Mich. Canal .III. and Miss. Canal .Drainage Canal , County Seat IX Distribution •/ Ictiobus cyprinella .111, and Mich. Canal ...111. and Miss. Canal ..Drainage Canal . County Seat X Distribution •/ Ictiobus urus ...III. and Mich. Canal ....III. and Miss. Canal ..Drainage Canal . County Seat XI Distribution of Ictiobus bubalus ...III. and Mich. Canal ...III. and Miss. Canal ...Drainage Canal . County Seat XII Distribution •/ Carpiodes carpio ...HI. and Mich. Canal ...111. and Miss. Canal ...Drainage Canal . County Seat XIII Distribution •/ Carpiodes diflformis ,.J11. and Mich. Canal ...UL and Miss. Canal ..Drainage Canal .County Seat XIV Distribution of Carpiodes III. and Mich. Canal — III. and Miss. Canal Drainage Canal . County Seat XV Distribution of Carpiodes thompsoni III. and Mich. Canal III. and Miss. Canal Drainage Canal . County Seat —III. and Mich. Canal ....III. and Miss. Canal ...Drainage Canal . County Seat XVII Distribution of Mmytrema melanops 111. and Mich. Canal ..._.IU. and Miss. Canal Drainage Canal . County Seal XVIII Distribution of Catostomus commersonii ...III. and Mich. Canal III. and Miss. Canal ...Drainage Canal . County Seat XIX Distribution of Catostomus nigricans III. and Mich. Canal III. and Miss. Canal Drainage Canal . County Seat XX Distribution */ Moxostoma anisurum ill. and Mich. Canal 111. and Miss. Canal Drainage Canal . County Seat XXI Distribution of Moxostoma aureolum .111. and Mich. Canal ,.UL and Miss. Canal .Drainage Canal .County Seat XXII Distribution of Moxostoma brcviceps ...111. and Mich. Canal ....III. and Miss. Canal ...Drainage Canal . County Seat XXIII Distribution of Campostoma anomalum ...III. and Mich. Canal ....III. and Miss. Canal ...Drainage Canal . County Seat XXIV Distribution of Chrosomus ervthroo-aster 111. and Mich. Canal ...111. and Miss. Canal ..Drainage Canal . County Seat XXV Distribution Hybognathus nuchalis 111. and Mich. Canal — III. and Miss. Canal Drainage Canal . County Seat XXVI Distribution of Hybognathus nubila ...III. and Mich. Canal ...ill. and Miss. Canal ...Drainage Canal . County Seat XXVII Distribution Pimephales promelas II. and Mich. Canal . and Miss. Canal .Drainage Canal .County Seat XXVIII Distribution of Pimephales notatus 111. and Mich. Canal Ul. and Miss. Canal Drainage Canal , County Seat XXIX Distribution of Semotilus atromaculatus ...III. and Mich. Canal ...III. and Miss. Canal ...Drainage Canal . County Seat XXX Distribution °f Opsopoeodus emiliae ..JO. and Mich. Canal ...01. and Miss. Canal ..Drainage Canal . County Seat — ID. and Miss. Gmal Drainage Caul ^9 . Count* Seat - XXXII Distribution •/ Cliola \ igilax .111. and Mich. Canal .111. and Miss. Canal .Drainage Canal . County Seat XXXIII Distribution of Notropis cayuga .III. and Mich. Canal .III. and Miss. Canal .Drainage Canal , County Seat XXXIV Distribution of Notropis heterodon ..Jll. and Mich. Canal ..111. and Miss. Canal ...Drainage Canal . County Seat XXXV Distribution of Notropis ...III. and Mich. Canal ...III. and Miss. Canal ..Drainage Canal . County Seat XXXVI Distribution of Notropis gilberti .III. and Mich. Canal , and Miss. Canal .Drainage Canal , County Seat XXXVII Distribution of Notropis illecebrosus .111. and Mich. Canal .III. and Miss. Canal .Drainage Canal . County Seat XXXVIII Distribution of Notropis hudsonius ...III. and Mich. Canal ...III. and Miss. Canal ..Drainage Canal . County Seat 1_L XXXIX Distribution of Notropis lurrensi .111. and Mich. Canal .III. and Miss. Canal .Drainage Canal . County Seat 1 I, XL Distribution of Notropis whipplii .III. and Mich. Canal .III. and Miss. Canal .Drainage Canal . County Seat XLI Distribution •/ Notropis cornurus -..111. and Mich. Canal ....III. and Miss. Canal ...Drainage Canal . County Seat XLII Distribution of Notropis jejunus ...III. and Mich. Canal ...111. and Miss. Canal ...Drainage Canal . County Seat - / m • - • • • r r* ♦ t ■ • - » ♦ _- XLIV Distribution '/ Notropis rubrifron .III. and Mich. Canal .III. and Miss. Canal .Drainage Canal . County Seat XLV Distribution °f . Notropis umbratilis 111. and Mich. Canal .111. and Miss. Canal Drainage Canal . County Seat XLVI Distribution of Ericymba buccata ..III. and Mich. Canal ...111. and Miss. Canal . .Drainage Canal . County Seat XLVII Distribution of Phenacobius mirabilis ....III. and Mich. Canal ....III. and Miss. Canal ...Drainage Canal . County Seat XLYIII Distribution of Hybopsis dissimilis .III. and Mich. Canal .III. and Miss. Canal .Drainage Canal . County Seat XLIX Distribution of Hybopsis amblops 111. and Mich. Canal ...ML and Miss. Canal Drainage Canal . County Seat L Distribution ••/ Hybopsis storerianus Ul and Mich. Canal 111. and Miss. Canal „ Drainage Canal . County Seat LI Distribution of Hybopsis kentuckiensis „ JH and Mich. Canal ....111. and Miss. Canal ...Drainage Canal . County Seat LII Distribution of Ictalurus punctatus .111. and Mich. Canal .01. and Miss. Canal ..Drainage Canal .County Seat LIII Distribution, of Ameiurus natalis .III. and Mich. Canal II. and Miss. Canal ...Drainage Canal . County Seat LIV Distribution of Ameiurus nebulosus .111. and Mich. Canal III. and Miss. Canal Drainage Canal . County Seat LV Distribution of Ameiurus melas I1L and Mich. Canal — 111. and Miss. Canal Drainage Canal . County Seat LVI Distribution •/ Leptops olivaris ..ill. and Mich. Canal ...III. and Hiss. Canal .. Drainage Canal . County Seat LVII Distribution of Noturus rlavus ._UL and Mich. Canal ...III. and Miss. Canal ..Drainage Canal . County Seat ...III. and Mich. Canal ...III. and Miss. Canal ..Drainage Canal . County Seat LIX Distribution of Schilbeodes miurus . HI. and Mich. Canal 111. and Miss. Canal Drainage Canal . County Seat LX Distribution of Umbra Iimi .III. and Mich. Canal .III. and Miss. Canal .Drainage Canal , County Seat LXI Distribution of Esox vermiculatus ...111. and Mich. Canal ...III. and Miss. Canal ...Drainage Canal . County Seat LXII Distribution of Esox lucius III. and Mich. Canal Dl. and Miss. Canal Drainage Canal . County Seat LXILI Distribution of Fundulus diaphanus menona ...III. and Mich. Canal ...III. and Miss. Canal ...Drainage Canal . County Seat LXIV Distribution of Fundulus dispar .111. and Mich. Canal .III. and Miss. Canal .Drainage Canal . County Seat LXV Distribution of Fundulus notatus LXVI Distribution »/ Gambusia affinis III. and Mich. Canal ,...„U1. and Miss. Canal ....Drainage Canal . County Seat LXVII Distribution of Percopsis .111. and Mich. Canal .III. and Miss. Canal .Drainage Canal . County Seat LXVIII Distribution •/ Labidesthes sicculus ...III. and Mich. Canal ...UL and Miss. Canal ...Drainage Canal . County Seat LXIX Distribution of Aphredoderus sayanus .III. and Mich. Canal III. and Miss. Canal .Drainage Canal .County Seat LXX Distribution of Pomoxis annularis -HI. and Mich. Canal • HI. and Miss. Canal -Drainage Canal . County Seat LXXI Distribution of Pomoxis sparoides ....III. and Mich. Canal ...III. and Miss. Canal ...Drainage Canal . County Seat LXXII Distribution Centrarchus macropterus .III. and Mich. Canal .111. and Miss. Canal .Drainage Canal . County Seat LXXIII Distribution of Ambloplites rupestris IIL and Mich. Canal .III. and Miss. Canal .Drainage Canal . County Seat LXXIV Distribution of Chaenobryttus gulosus ...111. and Mich. Canal ....III. and Miss. Canal ...Drainage Canal . County Seat LXXV Distribution of Lepomis miniatus ...III. and Mich. Canal ...III. and Miss. Canal ...Drainage Canal . County Seat LXXVI Distribution of Lepomis megalotis .111. and Mich. Canal .111. and Miss. Canal .Drainage Canal . County Seat LXXVIJ Distribution of Lepomis humilis .III. and Mich. Canal III. and Miss. Canal Drainage Canal , County Seat LXXVIII Distribution of Lepomis pallidus ...III. and Mich. Canal ....III. and Hiss. Canal ...Drainage Canal . County Seat LXXIX Distribution of Eupomotis gibbosus III. and Mich. Canal HI. and Miss. Canal Drainage Canal . County Seat LXXX Distribution of Micropterus dolomieu II. and Mich. Canal .III. and Miss. Cana! .Drainage Canal .County Seat LXXXI Distribution of Micropterus salmoides ...III. and Mich. Canal ...III. and Miss. Canal ...Drainage Canal .County Seat- LXXXII Distribution of Stizostedion vitreum ..III. and Mich. Canal III. and Miss. Canal .Drainage Canal , County Seat LXXXIII Distribution °f . Stizostedion canadense griseum ...III. and Mich. Canal ...III. and Miss. Canal ...Drainage Canal . County Seat L XXXIV Distribution of Perca ..III. and Mich. Canal III. and Miss. Canal .Drainage Canal , County Seat LXXXV Distribution of Percina caprodes .III. and Mich. Canal III. and Miss. Canal .Drainage Canal . County Seat L XXX VI Distribution of Hadropterus phoxocephalus .III. and Mich. Canal .III. and Miss. Canal .Drainage Canal . County Seat LXXXVII Distribution of Hadropterus aspro .III. and Mich. Canal II. and Miss. Canal .Drainage Canal .County Seat LXXXVIII Distribution Cottogaster shumardi III. and Mich. Canal ...IIL and Miss. Canal ...Drainage Canal . County Seat LXXXIX Distribution of Diplesion blennioides . 111. and Mich. Canal 11L and Miss. Canal Drainage Canal . County Seat xc Distribution of Boleosoma nigrum II. and Mich. Canal ...III. and Miss. Canal ...Drainage Canal .County Seat XCI Distribution of Boleosoma camurum III. and Mich. Canal III. and Miss. Canal ■ Drainage Canal .County Seat XCII Distribution of Ammocrypta pcllucida ...III. and Mich. Canal ...III. and Miss. Canal ...Drainage Canal . County Seat XCIII Distribution of Etheostoma zonale .III. and Mich. Canal .III. and Miss. Canal .Drainage Canal , County Seat XCIV Distribution of Etheostoma jessia? .III. and Mich. Canal .III. and Miss. Canal .Drainage Canal , Countv Seat xcv Distribution of Etheostoma coeruleum ...111. and Mich. Canal ...III. and Miss. Canal ..Drainage Canal . County Seat XCVI Distribution of Etheostoma squamiceps II. and Mich. Canal III. and Miss. Canal .Drainage Canal . County Scat XCVII Distribution of Etheostoma flabellare ...III. and Mich. Canal ...111. and Miss. Canal ..Drainage Canal . County Seat XCVIII Distribution •/ Boleichthys fusiform is ...III. and Mich. Canal ...III. and Miss. Canal ...Drainage Canal . County Seat XCIX Distribution of Microperca punctulata ...III. and Mich. Canal ...III. and Miss. Canal ...Drainage Canal . County Seat c Distribution of Roccus chrysops III. and Mich. Canal 111. and Miss. Canal ....Drainage Canal . County Seat Distribution '/ Morone interrupta .111. and Mich. Canal and Miss. Canal ..Drainage Canal .County Seat CII Distribution of Aplodinotus grunniens -III. and Mich. Canal -III. and Miss. Canal ..Drainage Canal . County Seat cm Northern species (#) and Southern species (a) in Illinois ...III. and Mich. Canal ....III. and Miss. Canal ...Drainage Canal .County Scat Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. University of Illinois Library 1957 L161— H41 I