■R \ni ALUMNI RECORD OF BAKER UNIVERSITY BALDWIN CITY, KANSAS FIRST EDITION 1917 ALUMNI RECORD OF BAKER UNIVERSITY Including an account of the Principal Events in the first Twenty-five years of the History of the College, with a Roster of the Trustees and the Faculty, and their Officers BALDWIN CITY, KANSAS APRIL, 1917 CONTENTS. PAGE Preface v Annals of Baker University vi Trustees of Baker University xxxiv Officers of the Board of Trustees xlii Officers of the Kansas Educational Association of the Methodist Episcopal Church xlv Biographies of the Presidents of the University xlvii Roster of the Presidents and Faculty Hi Officers of the Faculty lxii Officers of the Alumni Association lxiv Alumni of the College of Liberal Arts 65 Alumni of the Conservatory of Music 223 Alumni with Advanced Degrees Pro Merito 226 Honorary Alumni 228 Persons Receiving Certificates : The Academy 231 Normal Department 242 The Conservatory of Music 245 Art Department 247 Department of Oratory 248 The Department of Household Arts 249 Commercial Department 250 Residence Directory of the Alumni 257 Index of the Alumni 276 Finding List of Married Women 287 Enrollment in Baker University 291 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/alumnirecordofba1917bake PREFACE The incidents attendant upon the Fiftieth Anniversary of Baker Uni- versity in 1909 increased the interest already quite general among the friends of the college that a record should be prepared in which the history and development of the university should be set forth, probably in a form for reference and reminder. At that time the Trustees ordered that such a publication should be made ready and Dean O. G. Markham was directed to collect and edit the material. He began the work, but two things have prevented an earlier completion of the task. First, the routine of duties belonging to his usual work allowed only fractions of time at different intervals. A more serious hindrance was the limited amount of original material from which to gather the facts. It seemed desirable to go beyond the meager records remaining of the official acts of the school in its earlier years to see what contemporaneous accounts might show in the newspapers published in the same years of Kansas history. This investigation gave some definite data, as well as satisfied the query as to whether there might be such data. It is a pleasure to speak of the valuable service given by Miss Lilian Scott, through recent years, in her active participation in bringing together some of the scattered records and accounts, and in her helpful and construc- tive labors to make the published data of this volume to be as full and as accurate as they are. The editor would acknowledge his obligations to the many persons who have contributed favors and have replied so courteously to his inquiries for information; to former President Murlin and to President Mason for their encouragement and consideration while this special labor has been in hand; to the Trustees for their provision for this opportunity to contribute some evidence of an abiding interest in an institution which has favored him with a place in which to work. Probably no one is more aware of the deficiencies in this published work than the editor himself. Any suggestion to make such a record as this purports to be more satisfying, both as to the method of its contents and the accuracy and completeness of its data, will be thankfully received. The information as to addresses and the like is to be considered as extending to April 1, 1917. OSMON GRANT MARKHAM. ANNALS OF BAKER UNIVERSITY This record of events in the history of the school continues to the close jf the first twenty-five years. May 30, 1854. The Kansas-Nebraska Bill became a law, organizing the Kansas Territory and thus opening it to settlement. June 3, 1854. The following letter from the Secretary of the Board of Bishops of the Methodist Episcopal Church shows how the church took official recognition of its religious responsibility in this new Territory: "Rev. W. H. Goode. "Dear Brother: It is understood that emigration is tending largely to Nebraska (a name then embracing both Territories). It seems probable that the Church ought soon to send some devoted missionaries to that country. But there is not such a knowledge of details respecting the topography and population of these regions as to enable the Church author- ities to act understandingly in the premises. You are therefore appointed to visit and explore the country as thoroughly as practicable, for the pur- pose of collecting information on these points. In performing this work you will be governed by your own judgment, and make full reports in writing of your labor and its results, so that it may be known how many ministers — if any — should be sent, and at what particular points they should be located. "Yours truly, "E. R. AMES, "Bishop Methodist Episcopal Church." July 9, 1854. In carrying out this plan, Rev. W. H. Goode traveled overland by wagon and horses from Richmond, Ind., to Westport, Mo., arriving there July 3d. After a few days in preparation, he entered Kansas territory, and on Sunday, July 9th, in company with Dr. A. Still, of the Wakarusa Mission, Friend Mendenhall, a teacher from the Quaker Mission, and several others, he stopped at the cabin of a man named "Kibbee," who lived at "Hickory Point." (Note. — About a mile north of Baldwin City.) Little expectation was had of a ministerial visit; but the host and one or two others invited the settlers to assemble for preaching. About noon the company was collected and before these Dr. Goode opened his commission by preaching from Math. 24, 14: "And the gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations: and then shall the end come." This was the first sermon preached under any regular appoint- ment to the white settlers of Kansas Territory, under the authority of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Oct. 23, 1856. From this beginning this church has grown so that in October, 1856, in the Kansas-Nebraska Territory, there were three presiding elders to supervise the work in twenty appointments, having a membership of 1,207, with twenty Sunday Schools, reporting an enrollment of 482. To care for this field more directly the Kansas-Nebraska Annual Conference was organized at Lawrence, Kansas Territory, Oct. 23, 1856, with 13 charter members, Bishop Osmon C. Baker, presiding. These are the charter mem- bers: Levin B. Dennis, William Butt, Charles H. Lovejoy, Abraham Still, Joseph Denison, Thomas J. Ferrill, William H. Goode, Isaac F. Collins, W. D. Gage, John W. Taylor, John M. Chivington, Benjamin F. Bowman, J. T. Cannon. The Committee on Education, among other things, reported: "The committee is of the opinion that the Kansas and Nebraska Conference ANNALS should avail itself through its members of the earliest opportunities to secure favorable sites for seminaries of learning or universities under our own immediate management and control and to take such preliminary measures as may be necessary to secure titles to the same and to secure the passage of such legislative acts as may be necessary to constitute boards of trustees who may hold such property, real estate, personal or mixed, for the use and benefit of such seminaries or universities; and to secure grants of land and other property to aid in building and endowing such institutions of learning within our bounds." The Conference approved this report and further: "Resolved, that each presiding elder be requested and is hereby instructed and authorized to give especial attention to the subject of educa- tion. And where land and tenements can be secured by donation for educational purposes, they take such measure as may be necessary to secure in fee simple such land for seminaries or universities, and their building and endowment by legislative action and otherwise." March 17, 1857. An Educational Convention of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Kansas Territory, consisting of the preachers, traveling and local, was called together by the presiding elders, meeting at the home of James Still, at Blue Mound (8 miles north of Baldwin City), to take steps towards founding a University. A committee reported as follows: "Whereas, the educational interests of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Kansas, in view of the rapid settlement of the same, demand of the friends of education and of the church, immediate and energetic action and, whereas, many of us have seen, on the one hand, the long, hard struggles of our church in the older conferences, in behalf of education, and, on the other hand, the proud and successful efforts of the Papacy in securing land in the new states and territories for her churches and institutions of learning, there- fore; Resolved, first, that a committee of nine be appointed to draft a plan for the erection and support for a Methodist University in Kansas, also to receive proposals and examine location and report at our Annual Con- ference in April next. Resolved, second, that the preachers be requested to give this subject their special attention and report on location and proposals to the committee of nine at our next Annual Conference." Pending the discussion of this report, which was entirely preliminary, a committee was raised from parties present to receive proposals and to report the next morning. The Educational Convention, in the meantime, adjourned to meet at Palmyra, which was some eight miles away, convening at the home of Henry Barricklow (by coincidence the same home as the Kibbee cabin) on the next day, Maroh 18th. Proposals for the new Uni- versity were made from Blue Mound, Prairie City, Centropolis, Topeka, Palmyra and Lawrence. The Palmyra proposition was accepted, which was: "The Palmyra Association agrees to secure to the Trustees of the Methodist University, said University to be located at Palmyra, 800 acres of land near and adjoining the city of Palmyra, 640 of which are secured by a 'float.' Also, to take twenty thousand dollars of stock in the University lands." By motion of Rev. Abraham Still, M. D., the University was named "Baker University," by a unanimous vote, in honor of Bishop Osmon C. Baker, the president of the first session of the Kansas-Nebraska Conference. The Palmyra Association was a company of five men whose organiza- tion was to build a town on the Santa Fe Trail, township 14, range 20, west half of section 34. The authorized survey of this town shows that it was half mile on the south line. The members of the Association were: Henry Barricklow, Major James B. Abbott, James G. Blood, Dr. Andrew T. Still and Daniel F. Fry. Mr. Abbott and Mr. Blood had their homes in or near Lawrence. The remaining three members had their homes at Palmyra. The "float" of 640 acres is the original town-site of Baldwin City and lay immediately south of Palmyra. It was owned by Jacob Hall, Independ- ence, Mo., and is said to have been secured by the Palmyra Association for $3,000.00. ANNALS March 18, 1857. A Joint Stock Education Association was organized, under the following Committee report: "We, the undersigned, members of this convention, do hereby organize an Association under the name and title of Kansas Educational Association of the Methodist Episcopal Church. "The officers of this Association shall be a President, two Vice-Presi- dents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, an Auditor and nine Trustees. "The valuation of each share of the property of this Association shall be $ "The proceeds of all property acquired by this Association for the erection and endowment of a University at Palmyra, Kansas, shall be applied to the same to the amount of Three Hundred Thousand Dollars — after which the dividend shall be applied as the Association may direct. "Furthermore, the proceeds of all property acquired by this Association for the erection of buildings and endowment to Seminaries in particular localities shall be applied to the same to the amount of One Hundred Thou- sand Dollars each, after which the dividends shall be applied as the Asso- ciation may direct." The report was adopted. The following named persons were chosen officers of the Association, to serve until a Constitution could be adopted and officers chosen under it: L. B. Dennis, A. Still, J. M. Still, C. H. Lovejoy, A. L. Downey, W. G. Piper, Ira Flackford, T. J. Ferrill, Wm. Moore, B. F. Bowman, J. S. Griffing, R. P. Duvall, B. C. Dennis, Wm. Butt, Walter Oakley, W. Marlatt. "The object of this Association shall be to promote the cause of educa- tion in Kansas, under the patronage of the Kansas and Nebraska Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church and the mutual benefit of the members of the Association." March 18, 1857. "Palmyra is situated southeast of Topeka, south of Lawrence about twelve miles, on the Santa Fe road, in one of the most beautiful and picturesque spots in Kansas. The University site is a very commanding one. Turn your eye which way you will, you cease to see objects only because the eye becomes weary with the distance; yet it is on a handsome swell but little above the surrounding prairie. One of those beautiful upland groves, so uncommon in Kansas, and perhaps so attractive because in Kansas, graces the eastern slope of the site of 'Baker University.' The city of Palmyra lies about one-half mile to the west. There is an extensive body of timber, young and thrifty, very good limestone, sand stone, and water can be reached only a few feet from the surface, even at the highest points. We predict a glorious and enviable future to the young city of Palmyra." (A statement furnished by the Secretary of the Associa- tion.) April 16, 1857. At the session of the Kansas-Nebraska Annual Con- ference, held at Nebraska City, N. T., April 16-20, 1857, the following report of the Committee on Education was adopted: "Whereas, It being known that A. Still and L. B. Dennis hold bonds to the amount of seven hundred acres of land donated by the Palmyra Association and others for the purpose of erecting and endowing an institu- tion of learning, to be under the patronage of the Kansas and Nebraska Annual Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, to be called the 'Baker University,' and that a majority of the ministers of this conference had resolved themselves into a joint stock association, under the name and title of the 'Educational Association of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Kansas Territory/ and that they propose to take the above named lands and apply the proceeds thereof to the above named purpose, until the erec- tion and endowment of the University shall have cost Three Hundred ANNALS Thousand Dollars besides the funds that may arise from the sale of scholar- ships, and that they propose also, as soon as the buildings and finance of the Institution are in condition to be used, that they will deed to the Kansas and Nebraska Annual Conference, or to the Kansas Conference if divided, the University with suitable grounds and all the apparatus belonging to the Institution. Therefore, "Resolved, That the said A. Still and L. B. Dennis are hereby ordered to assign all the bonds and instruments of writing by which they hold any property of this Conference to the Trustees of the said Educational Associa- tion. And be it also "Resolved, That said Educational Association is hereby authorized to erect and endorse as many institutions of learning as they may deem ex- pedient, and place them under the patronage of this Conference." The Educational Association of the Methodist Episcopal Church formed a permanent organization, adopted a Constitution and By-Laws, and elected officers for one year, as follows: President, L. B. Dennis; First Vice-Presi- dent, C. H. Lovejoy; Second Vice-President, A. Still; Recording Secretary, Walter Oakley; Treasurer, Wm. G. Piper; Financial Agents, L. B. Dennis and Walter Oakley. Executive Committee: Rev. William Butt, Rev. Ira Blackford, Rev. Walter Oakley. Trustees: Rev. R. P. Duvall, Rev. B. F. Bowman, Rev. Jas. S. Griffin, Rev. W. Marlatt, Rev. E. H. Robertson, Rev. A. L. Downey, Rev. B. C. Dennis, Rev. T. J. Ferrill, Rev. William Moore. April 17, 1857. "Any preacher of the Methodist Episcopal Church living in the bounds of Kansas at the time of the adoption of the Constitution of the Kansas Educational Association shall be entitled to membership in the Association, providing he purchase $100.00 worth of property. Any preacher of the Methodist Episcopal Church who may settle in Kansas after the adoption of the Constitution of the Association shall be entitled to member- ship on the terms before mentioned." Nov. 7, 1857. The Quindaro Chindowan — editor, J. M. Walden (later Bishop Walden) — has a news article entitled "The Baker University — The First College in Kansas." Dec. 23, 1857. The shares in the Kansas Educational Association were fixed at $100.00 each. Also, the following action was taken: "Resolved, That our forms of deeds, bonds, certificates or any other instruments of writing by which any of the property of this Association may be conveyed, or by which they are held bound to convey, be so written as to prohibit forever the use of said property or any part thereof from being used as a place of making or vending intoxicating liquors." (An early day prohibition feature maintained through the years since.) Feb. 3, 1858. Charter of the Kansas Educational Association of the Methodist Episcopal Church: Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Kansas: Section 1. That L. B. Dennis, A, Still, C. H. Lovejoy, Ira Blackford, W. J. Piper, T. J. Ferrill, Wm. Butt, N. Taylor, and their associates and successors, are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, under the name and title of the Kansas Educational Association of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and by that name shall have perpetual succession, and a common seal; may sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, defend and be defended, in any court of law or equity; and shall have full power to hold, by gift, grant, devise, purchase or otherwise, any land, tenements hereditaments, moneys, rents, goods and chattels, of whatsoever kind, which have been heretofore, or may hereafter be given, granted, or devised to. or purchased by them for the benefit of said Association, and may sell ANNALS and dispose of the same, or any part thereof, or lease, or rent, or improve the same, in such manner as they shall deem most conducive to the inter- ests of said Association. Sec. 2. That the objects of this Association are, and shall be, the pro- motion of education in Kansas under the patronage of the Kansas and Nebraska Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, or such Con- ference as may be hereafter formed out of said Conference within the bounds of the territory of Kansas. Sec. 3. That it shall be lawful for this Association to locate a Uni- versity, to be called BAKER UNIVERSITY, at the town of Palmyra, or within one mile of said town; also to locate other seminaries of learning in such places and of such grades as may be deemed best for the cause of education. Sec. 4. That the proceeds arising from the sale of any property belong- ing to this Association shall be appropriated to the BAKER UNIVERSITY, as the said Association may direct, to the amount of at least three hundred thousand dollars, except such property as may be purchased or donated for other purposes. Sec. 5. That the Association shall have the power to make all rules, by-laws and regulations necessary to carry out the provisions of this Act. Sec. 6. That all the property or funds, real, personal or mixed, that may be received, held or appropriated, by or for said Association, for the exclusive purpose of religion or education, including a cemetery not exceed- ing forty acres, shall be forever exempt from taxation. Sec. 7. That, in case said corporation shall hereafter at any time receive, by gift, grant or devise, any number of acres of land exceeding one town- ship of land, they shall be and are hereafter required to sell and dispose of the same, within twenty-five years from the date of such gifts, grant or devise; and said corporation are hereby expressly limited to the holding, at any one time, of more than one township of land, except when received by gift, or devise, as aforesaid, in which case they shall dispose of the same within the time aforesaid. This Act to take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Feb. 12, 1858. Charter of Baker University: Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Kansas: Section 1. That L. B. Dennis, Ira Blackford, Charles H. Lovejoy, Walter Oakley, N. Taylor, Homer H. Moore, James Shaw, Curtis Graham and William Butt, of the Kansas and Nebraska Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and such other persons as shall, or may hereafter, be appointed by the Kansas Conference, or subdivisions of the said Kansas Conference of the said Methodist Episcopal Church, to succeed them, be, and they are, hereby created and constituted a body politic and corporate, under the name and style of the Trustees of the BAKER UNIVERSITY, and henceforth shall be styled and known by that name, and, by that name and style, to remain and have perpetual succession, with power to sue and be sued, to implead and be impleaded; to acquire, hold and convey property, real, personal or mixed, in lawful ways; to have and use a common seal, and to alter same at pleasure; to make and alter from time to time such by-laws as they may deem necessary for the government of said institution, its officers and servants: Provided, Such by-laws are not inconsistent with the constitution of the United States and the organic Act; and to confer on such persons as may be considered worthy such academical or honorary degrees as are usually conferred by similar institutions. Sec. 2. That the term of office of said Trustees shall be four years; but they shall hereafter, at the regular Annual Conference aforesaid, in ANNALS 1859, so arrange by lot that the term of office of one-fourth of their number shall expire annually; and said board shall, in the manner above specified, have perpetual succession and shall hold the property of said institution solely for the purpose of education, and not as stock for the individual benefit of themselves, or any contributor to the endowment of the same. No particular religious faith shall be required of those who become students of the institution. Nine members shall constitute a quorum for the trans- action of any business of the Board, except the election of President or Professor, or the establishment of Chairs in said institution, and the enactment of by-laws for its government, for which the presence of a majority of the Board shall be necessary; Provided, That the Trustees hereafter selected shall not exceed thirty-two in number, who shall be fairly appointed among the respective Conferences having the selection thereof, as hereinbefore provided. Sec. 3. That the said Annual Conferences of the Methodist Episcopal Church, under whose control and patronage said University .is placed, shall each also have the right to appoint annually two suitable persons, members of their own body, visitors to said University, who shall attend the examina- tion of students, and be entitled to participate in the deliberations of the Board of Trustees, and enjoy all the privileges of members of said Board, except the right to vote. Sec. 4. That the said institution shall be, and hereby is, permanently located at Baldwin City, in the Territory of Kansas, and the corporators and their successors shall be competent, in law or equity, to take to themselves, in their said corporate name, real, personal or mixed estate, by gift, grant bargain and sale, conveyance, will, demise or bequest, of any person what- soever; and the same estate, whether real, personal or mixed, to grant, bar- gain, sell, convey, demise, let, place out at interest, or otherwise dispose of the same, for the use of said institution, in such manner as to them shall seem most beneficial to said institution. Said Corporators shall faithfully apply all the funds collected, as the proceeds of the property belonging to the said institution, supporting the necessary officers, instructors, servants and agents, and procuring books, maps, charts, globes and philosophical, chemical, and all other apparatus necessary to the success of said institu- tion, under the restrictions imposed: Provided, nevertheless, That, in case any donation, demise or bequest shall be made for particular purposes, accordant with the design of the institution, and the corporation shall accept the same, every such donation, demise or bequest shall be applied in conformity with the express conditions of the donors or devisors: Pro- vided further, That said corporation shall not be allowed to hold more than two thousand acres of land at any one time, unless the said corporation shall have received the same by gift, grant or demise; and in such case they shall be required to sell or dispose of the same within ten years from the time they shall require such title, and on failure to do so, such land, over and above the before named two thousand acres, shall revert to the original donor, grantor, devisors or their heirs. Sec. 5. That the Treasurer of the institution, and all other agents, when required, before entering upon the duties of their appointment, shall give bond for the security of the corporation, in such penal sum and with such securities as the corporation shall approve; and all processes against the corporation shall be by summons, and the service of the same shall be by leaving an attested copy thereof with the treasurer at least sixty days before the return day thereof. Sec. 6. That the corporation shall have power to employ and appoint a President or Principal for said institution, and all such Professors or Teachers, and all such agents or servants as may be necessary, and shall have power to displace any or such of them as the interest of the institu- tion may require; to fill vacancies which may happen by death, resignation ANNALS ox otherwise among said officers or servants; and to prescribe and direct the course of studies to be pursued in said institution by and with the advice and consent of the President and Professors thereof. Sec. 7. That the corporation shall have power to establish departments for the study of any and all the learned and liberal professions in the same, to confer the degrees of Doctor in the learned arts and sciences and belles lettres, and to confer such other academical degrees as are usually conferred by the most learned institutions. Sec. 8. That the said institution shall have power to institute a Board of competent persons, also including the Faculty, who shall examine such individuals as may apply, and, if such applicants are found to possess such knowledge pursued in such institution as, in the judgment of said Board, renders them worthy, they may be considered graduates in course, and shall be entitled to diplomas accordingly on paying such fees as the corporation shall affix; which fee, however, shall in no case exceed the tuition bills of the full course of studies in said institution. Such Examining Board may not exceed the number of ten, three of whom may transact business, pro- vided one be of the Faculty. Sec. 9. That, should the corporation at any time act contrary to the provisions of this charter, or fail to comply with the same, upon complaint being made to proper court of the county in which said University is situated, a scire facias shall issue, and the proper attorney shall prosecute in behalf of the people of the territoiw for forfeiture of this charter. This act shall be a public act, and shall be construed liberally in all courts, for the purpose herein expressed. April 16, 1858. The charter secured from the Territorial Legislature for the Kansas Educational Association of the Methodist Episcopal Church was accepted for reorganization, with these officers: President, L. B. Dennis; Vice-President; J. Welch; Secretary, Walter Oakley; Treasurer, N. Taylor; Agent, Wm. Butt. April 16, 1858. Membership in the Kansas Educational Association opened to any professor of any institution under the patronage of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Kansas, provided he purchase the $100.00 worth of property. April 16, 1858. Milton Baldwin, A. M., son of John Baldwin, Berea, Ohio, for whom Baldwin City is named, elected to take charge of the Pre- paratory Department of the University. After a short illness he died Aug. 30, 1858; burial in the old cemetery south of town. John Baldwin was born at Bramford, Ct, Oct. 13, 1799. Although without education himself and without fortune, he won name and influence during the century in which he lived. Christian education for poor boys and girls was the ruling passion of his life. His marriage, in 1828, to Mary D. Chappel gave him a sympathetic partner in all his plans. He bought a tract of land in the Western Reserve, in northern Ohio, and came with his young^ bride to Middlebury Township, Cuyahoga County, Ohio. From this primitive settlement sprung the town of Berea, Ohio, her schools and the famous stone quarries. Mr. Baldwin was a shrewd New England business man, very frugal in his life and habits. In 1845, Baldwin Institute, at Berea, Ohio, was chartered and named in his honor. In 1855 the name was changed to Baldwin University. In 1871 the official report from the school gave the information of the value of his gifts as amounting to $127,700. Other gifts to German Wallace College added largely to this generous sum for that locality. In 1867 he bought property in Louisiana and provided for schools, both for white children and for black. The Freedman's Aid Society now has the control of the colored school. ANNALS Baldwin High School for Boys and Baldwin High School for Girls, both at Bangalore, India, are products of his wisdom and munificence. In 1857 he came to Kansas Territory. After an investigating visit he returned later and with his son, Milton, he brought the machinery equip- ment for a steam mill. This was located near Fifth and Indiana streets, and was a great advantage to the newly opened country. The sudden illness and death of his son, Milton, was so great a sorrow that he could no longer live here, and he therefore abandoned all his plans in relation to Kansas. During the years of his life after this he would scarcely refer to this experience, and then only to speak of "his Kansas failure." His family report that his experience in Kansas was a financial loss of $3,000 in gold. John Baldwin died Oct. 28, 1884, at his home in Louisiana, and was buried at Berea, Ohio. April 15-19, 1858. The session of the Kansas-Nebraska Annual Con- ference, held at Topeka, K. T., adopted this report from the Committee on Education: "The section of land reported at our last conference session, donated by the Palmyra Town Association for educational purposes, and which was transferred to the trustees of the Kansas Educational Association of the Methodist Episcopal Church, has been regularly laid out into a town, to which has been attached the title of Baldwin City. A considerable amount of stock has been disposed of, and the proceeds thereof appropriated to educational purposes, in pursuance of a contract between this body and the Educational Association. "By order of the Board of Managers there is now in course of erection a stone schoolhouse, 24 by 40 feet, to be at least two stories high. (Note. — This is now called 'The Old Castle.') "The foundation of a Preparatory Department of the Baker University has also been laid, which is to be 50 by 100 feet, three stories high. (The location of this building was near Science Building.) "Liberal charters have been procured from the Legislature of Kansas Territory, both for the Association and University. Notwithstanding the pressure, the Association feel greatly encouraged to continue their efforts in the good cause of education." September, 1858. Rev. Werter R. Davis, A. M., elected President of Baker University and agent of Kansas Educational Association. Nov. 22, 1858. The first day of school for Baker University. Without ceremony of any kind known to later days, the beginning was made. A lime-stone building, three stories high, 24 ft. by 40 ft., with flat roof, and a belfry on the east end, "like an inverted kettle" (as a student fifty years later said), had been erected on lots 15 to 19, Fifth street. It was considered a temporary structure and for that reason was not erected on the "College Park," as the campus was named. The third story was built by the local lodge of Masons, and they were thereby given lease for its use for a period of (blank) years. The school began with the Preparatory Department only, having about twenty pupils. Prof. Byron Rush Cunningham, A. M., of McKendree College, was the instructor and bore the title "Principal of the Preparatory Department." Mrs. Minerva R. Davis, the wife of President Davis, gave instruction in music. The enrollment by the close of the term had reached nearly fifty. The cost of the building was about $3,250.00. "The College building, for it was dignified with that name, was the center of influence and activity and the value of lots was determined by ANNALS their proximity to it. It was the 'College building,' and that made it sacred; for it covered the embryo out of which in our thought was to come every form of culture and refinement and mental power. It was the Mother, Sweet Mother, in prospects of yet unborn sons and daughters who were to represent every possibility. It was every thing. It was at once the College, the Church, the Town Hall and the Lyceum. Its capacious hall of 24x40 rang in turns now with the hum of the school room and now with the voice of God's messengers and the responsive shouts of his Saints, and now with the wild stirring oratory of the grim chieftain of Kansas, who bade his scared auditors 'remember that General James H. Lane watched over them as a father over his children.' Here were held religious revivals, political rallies and school exhibitions. Here met the old Philopeuthian Society, the Herald in Kansas of equal rights and privileges between the sexes and where boys and girls stood side by side upon the same platform and contended for oratorical honors without prejudice. Memorable Hall! It ought to be preserved for a museum for antiquities. Its walls could tell stories that would be poems and in it the antiquary would be in touch with the beginnings of Kansas civilization." Jan. 1, 1859. Advertisement (in the Kansas Messager, vol. I, No. 1, Jan. 1, 1859, published at Baldwin City, K. T.): "Baker University — Rev. Werter R. Davis, A. M., M. D., President. The Preparatory Department of this institution opened its first term on the 22 ult. (Nov. 22, 1858), to be continued thirteen weeks. Instructions will be given, if called for, in all the branches, solid, classical and ornamental. Expenses — Tuition in the Preparatory Department, per term, $7.00; tuition in the Preparatory Eng- lish, per term, $6.00; tuition in Common School branches, per term, $4.00; tuition in College branches, per term, $8.00; lessons upon the Piano or Melodeon, per term, $10.00; contingencies, per term, $1.00. Board, per week, $3.00. College fees invariably in advance." Feb. 4, 1859. Baldwin City incorporated by Territorial Legislature. April 13, 1859. The College Park (now the Campus), containing 21 acres, transferred to the Trustees of Baker University by the Kansas Edu- cational Association. The first meeting of the Board of Trustees of Baker University at Omaha, N. T., at the Conference session. The action of the Kansas-Nebraska Annual Conference was as follows: "This Conference, at its session in Nebraska City in 1857, did enter into an arrangement to receive from the Palmyra Association the donation of a tract of land for the purpose of erecting and endowing an institution of learning, to be under the patronage of the Kansas and Nebraska Con- ference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, to be called the Baker Uni- versity. "A considerable amount of stock has been disposed of, and the proceeds thereof appropriated to educational purposes, in pursuance of the contract between this body and the Educational Association. "It is thought that the present prospects may justify the organization of a full college faculty, at the commencement of the next educational year. "The Educational Association are now prepared to comply with their contract with this Conference, and deed to the Trustees of Baker University the Park known as the College Park, in Baldwin City, containing 21 acres; and until a suitable building for college purposes can be erected they tender to the Board the use of the first and second stories of the present building. "Your committee would recommend the adoption of the following: " 'Resolved, That this Conference pledge its best efforts to build up and sustain Baker LTniversity as the one great University in Kansas.' " ANNALS April 13, 1859. Committee appointed by the Kansas Educational Asso- ciation to consider the establishment of a Medical College in Leavenworth, as a branch of Baker University. In April, 1860, a Medical Department was created by affiliation with the College of Physicians, and Dr. C. A. Logan was appointed Dean of the Medical Faculty. (It does not appear that these plans were ever carried out.) Feb. 9, 1860. From news-letter by Pres. W. R. Davis: "This is not now a land of bloody strife as heretofore, but those who sought to destroy and murder have fled away, and an intelligent and religious people are here engaged in agricultural pursuits and all the arts of civilized life. They are actively at work making farms, building houses, mills, colleges, towns and cities. The whole country is undergoing a change as though a magic hand were at work causing the wilderness and solitary place to rejoice and blossom as the rose. The soil is fertile, the climate salubrious, the prairies undulating, and the streams are pure and beautifully skirted with timber. "Baldwin City occupies a most beautiful place. It is in Douglas county, on the Santa Fe road, about an equal distance from all the great commercial marts on the Missouri river, and in the midst of the best cultivated portion of the territory. It is surrounded by rich lands, an abundance of water, building materials of every kind, and plenty of coal and timber. There are about three hundred inhabitants in the town, four stores, two hotels, two mills and a goodly number of mechanic shops of various kinds. "We are now in the midst of one of the most glorious revivals of religion I have ever witnessed. We have had a pentecost for the last four weeks. The Holy Ghost has been poured out upon us almost incessantly since that time, and the people have been speaking the language of Zion and proclaiming the wonderful works of God. About one hundred have been converted to God and joined the church. The students in the college have shared in the heaven-sent revival and the most influential citizens have been its subjects. Our pastor, Rev. Mark Robertson, Elder Dennis, Rev. Leard, Rev. Piper and Rev. Parker labored for God in this glorious work, and their labors were not in vain in the Lord. Baldwin City charge num- bers over two hundred. "The German Methodists have organized. They held their quarterly meeting last Sabbath, and had a good time. "The Presbyterians have also organized, and will build a church immediately. The truth is, there is scarcely an indigenous person in this community. Baker University is located here. A good three-story college building was finished last fall. About one hundred students have been enrolled. The college society had a very interesting exhibition at the close of the term. Professors Cunningham, Parker and Leard are doing well. The University lands have just been relieved from a very embarrassing debt, which has inspired the friends of the institution with life and energy. We are now prepared to give deeds to all who may purchase property from us. Those who have purchased should report the number of the share and the numbers of the lots of which it is composed, that record may be made accordingly, and if they have paid their indebtedness they may, if they wish, receive their deeds. We have started a subscription to build a college chapel with encouraging prospects. "Methodism is an element of great power in this country, and if we are true to ourselves and to our God, we can mould and give shape to the educational and religious affairs of the people for all generations to come. Our preachers and our people are at work, and those that do not love fear them. "We have here the Yankee element. Some of them do not love our church very well, and some of them do, and I hope that the day is not very far distant when all of them will love and respect her. This element, XV ANNALS when brought under the influence of Methodism, is one of great good, having been raised in a land of churches and schoolhouses, they are unusu- ally intelligent and moral. "Our Conference sits in Leavenworth City on the 15th of March, at which time we hope to see you, Mr. Editor, in the midst of our young but promising conference, and it may be that you will hear some interesting speeches on the vexed question. Our Conference is opposed to slavery in every aspect of the subject. They are anti-slavery in the true sense of the word." Feb. 22, 1860. Item from Central Christian Advocate: "Bell Donated. — The Rev. Bishop Baker has donated a beautiful bell to the infant university in Kansas which bears his name. It is now in course of transportation and will soon ring out its musical notes upon the virgin air of Kansas. Blessings upon the considerate and benevolent Bishop for his interest in our Western enterprise, and ample success to the college at Baldwin City." March, 1860. Report of Committee on Education at Annual Conference: "Baker University is in a prosperous condition. The College Building for the Preparatory Department has been finished and is sufficiently com- modious to meet the present educational wants of the country. The Uni- versity lands are now relieved from debt, and a good title obtained to them. A good college bell, weighing three hundred pounds, has been presented by Rev. Bishop Osmon C. Baker. Resolved, That we will cordially unite with the friends of education in exerting our efforts to build up and sustain Baker University as the one great University of Kansas." March, 1860. Kansas-Nebraska Annual Conference divided, Kansas to comprise one part and Nebraska the other. March 14, 1860. By an act of the Kansas Educational Association, the Board of Trustees of Baker University shall be members of that Associa- tion. The Board of Trustees appointed by the Kansas and Nebraska Con- ference at its last session and their successors in office were made the officers of the Kansas Educational Association, with power to perform all their duties according to the charter of said Association. March, 1861. Report of Committee on Education at Annual Conference: "Baker University is in successful operation, notwithstanding the finan- cial embarrassment produced by the unprecedented drought of last year. The Preparatory College Building is sufficiently commodious to meet all the present educational wants of the country. There is the commencement of a good mineralogical and geological cabinet, also the beginning of a library and philosophical apparatus." March, 1861. Committee appointed to take into consideration the propriety of organizing a Law College in the city of Lawrence. (Permanent action was never taken.) March, 1861. Professorship of Ancient Languages created and Rev. T. A. Parker, A. M., M. D., selected as the professor. March, 1862. First published course of study to be found in the Minutes of the Kansas Conference, 1862. This shows a Preparatory School for two years and a College Department of four years. There is a Scientific Depart- ment with one year preparatory work and three years advanced study. Also a Biblical Department, giving a course of study in three sections. The tuition in the classical Preparatory School is $7.00 per term and in the College, $8.00 per term. ANNALS July 24, 1862. Death of Rev. Thomas Hicks Mudge, A. M., Professor of Hebrew and Biblical Literature. He was also pastor of the Baldwin M. E. Church. Mr. Mudge was graduated from Wesleyan University in 1840, and from Union Theological Seminary in 1843. He joined the New England Conference and labored there till 1857, when he accepted the professorship of sacred literature in McKendree College. In 1859 he took up the work of a minister in the Missouri Conference, but in the summer of 1861 he was driven out by the troubles incident to the Rebellion. After coming to the Kansas Conference he was appointed first to Manhattan and in March, 1862, to Baldwin City. He died of apoplexy in his study in the "Old Castle," and is buried in the old cemetery south of town, his brethren of the Kansas Conference providing for a suitable monument. August, 1862. By order of the Kansas Educational Association the Agent was directed to commence a college building, to be erected at or near the place where the first foundation was partly dug (near Science Building). November, 1862. Agent authorized to set off two blocks of the south end of College Park (Campus) fronting on streets G and H. (This change brought the Campus to its present size.) March 9, 1863. Athenaean Literary Society, for men, was organized, with these as officers: W. H. Toothaker, A. G. Jones, W. A. Madaris, H. M. Scott and J. A. Stalons. Later the Society was converted into the Zethegathean Literary Society. Motto: "Diligentia vincimus." March, 1863. Report of Kansas Conference Committee on Education: "Baker University is in successful operation, notwithstanding the em- barrassment produced by the fearful war raging in our country, thus calling many of our young men into the army. It has enrolled a larger number of students during the year than at any previous period in history. "The present college building is found insufficient to meet the present educational wants of the country. Your committee, therefore, recommend the appointment of an Agent, with authority to travel abroad and raise moneys to the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars, under the instruc- tions of the trustees of Baker University." April 10, 1863. The Philosophian Literary Society, consisting of young ladies and gentlemen, was organized by the following persons: F. L. Robinson, N. B. Gardner, J. C. Hall, H. B. Francis, Miss D. K. Willey, Miss Padd. R. Ray and Miss Sac. F. Ray. The Alethean Society, for lady students, was organized by Prof. J. G. Schnebley sometime during the spring term of 1863. June, 1863. Near the close of this school year the Philopeuthian Literary Society disbanded. Motto: "Studemus dignari." June, 1863. First catalogue published. In later years annual catalogues were omitted for the years 1866-67, 1869-70, 1870-71, 1871-72, 1878-79. The course of study provides for a Class- ical Department having one preparatory year and four college years, and for a Scientific Course of three years "to meet the wants of young ladies and gentlemen whose time, means or other circumstances may prevent them from pursuing a regular college course, but who wish to prepare themselves for the active duties of life." There is the beginning of a library; the students had access to a library of 1,000 volumes, belonging to Prof. P. A. Emery (who conducted the Kansas Deaf-Mute Institute at Baldwin City). Primary Department established and Miss May A. Goltman elected to the position as teacher. Chair of Natural Science created, and Rev. J. H. Car- ruth, A. M., elected professor. ANNALS June 11, 1863. The Kansas Educational Association plan to erect a college building to cost $30,000.00 (This resulted in the present "Science Building"), agreeable to the report of the Committee on Education at the preceding Annual Conference. The site was selected near the foundation, partly made, of a building projected in 1857. The Trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Baldwin City were invited to confer with regard to Chapel room in this new building. The plan was to erect a building 80 feet by 60 feet, three stories high, having, in addition, a basement story for laboratory, furnace-room, etc.; and to finish it with chapel and recitation rooms, society and library rooms, offices, etc., the entire cost of which was to be about $30,000.00. This building was to be only one of five parts of the entire University Buildings; this to be the center; and the design was to add two wings or additions on each side, thus making a continuous front of two hundred feet in length. Sept. 14, 1863. The unexpected increase of students requiring more room for their accommodation led to a plan for relinquishment by the Masonic Lodge of the third story of the College Building. As this did not succeed, a loan of $500.00 at 10 per cent was made to erect a frame building, one story high, 16 by 24 feet and 10 feet high, at the southwest corner of the building for the Primary Department. A contract was made to erect this at $250.00. This addition received the familiar name, "The Kitchen." The alphabetical arrangement of streets in Baldwin City was abandoned and the following names were assigned, beginning with north side of town: Ames, Baker, Chapel, Dearborn, Elm, Fremont, Gove, High, Indiana, Jersey, King, Lincoln, Monroe, Newton, Orange. November, 1863. Preliminary organization of a company at Baldwin City for the Kansas Volunteer Cavalry. This became Co. G of 16th Kansas Vol- unteer Cavalry. Its members enrolled Baker students of the current and pre- vious years, some of whom were John W. Hall, Samuel Gardner, John Bew- ley, James H. Parker, George W. Parker, George Prather, Asbury Prather, Howard M. Scott, Jerry Walker. John W. Hall became the captain of the company and Samuel Gardner, corporal. Of the regimental officers the fol- lowing came from Baldwin City: Rev. Werter R. Davis, Lieutenant Colonel and later Colonel; Clarkson Reynolds, Major; Rev. Thomas J. Ferrill, Chaplain. February, 1864. Donation of $100.00 by Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, to apply on the new college building on the Campus. March, 1864. Report of Kansas Conference Committee on Education: "Baker University is in a prosperous condition, notwithstanding the unsettled state of national affairs. "The receipts of the past year have more than doubled that of the pre- vious years. The opportunity of attending Divine service has been to some extent restricted on account of the lack of Church or Chapel facilities This lack, we earnestly hope, will soon be remedied by the erection of a Church in Baldwin City." March, 1865. Report of Kansas Conference Committee on Education: "The foundation of the new university building is laid, with reasonable prospect of being closed in this summer and fall, and finished in two years "Resolved, That while we encourage our brethren and friends in differ- ent parts of the Conference, to erect buildings and sustain academies and seminaries, we cannot consistently encourage the building up of any insti- tution other than Baker University, with power to confer college degrees." April, 1865. "Ladies' Course of Study," in accordance with the best lit- xviii ANNALS erary institutions adopted for the succeeding year, whose principal feature was to allow Spanish and German instead of Greek, and to permit additional work in Music, Painting and Drawing. Jan. 25, 1865. From news-letter by President L. L. Hartman: "We have now in attendance one hundred and forty students. Our most advanced scholars are now in the Junior Class. In addition to the common and higher English branches, instruction is given in Greek, Latin, German, French, music (on piano and melodeon), drawing, painting and embroidery." June, 1865. From Catalogue of 1864-65: "The College has a library of about 300 volumes, chiefly Theological, Medical, Scientific and Agricultural. It has geographical and scientific maps and charts. It has a good compass and chain, compound microscope, magic lantern, magnet and other Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus. Also a considerable variety of geological specimens." Fall, 1865. Charter of Phi Gamma Delta fraternity issued to certain students — charter withdrawn about 1868. December, 1865. From Annual Report of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction: "Baker University is in a prosperous condition, and has done excellent service in pioneer education." March, 1866. Report of Kansas Conference Committee on Education: "The Music Department has obtained an enviable prominence, under the efficient management of Prof. C. H. Edgerton, late of Fort Edward Insti- tute. Six elegant pianos and one fine cabinet organ of New York manufac- ture have been secured and are now in use in this department, with an aver- age attendance of fifty pupils. A commodious hall has been erected adja- cent to the College for the especial use of this department. "From the facts and estimates submitted to us, it appears the College is now out of debt. A good, substantial foundation for a new college building- has been laid, and the window frames for the entire building are completed, at an expense of about $5,000. The erection of the new college building will require $30,000. The citizens of Baldwin City and vicinity are pledged to raise $10,000, provided that they can have assurances that the sum necessary for the completion of the building will be raised. It is believed that $10,000 can be raised through the agency of the Kansas Educational Association. We recommend that this Conference undertake the raising of $10,000 through her agency. "We pledge ourselves as a Conference to devote our undivided energies to the good and great work of making Baker University a first-class institu- tion and the only one of a college grade." March, 1866. Some time during this school year, 1865-66, a frame house was built on the lots north of the college building, which is described in the Conference report as a "commodious hall." Its size was 18 ft. x 30 ft., one and one-half stories high. It was set apart for the use of the Music Depart- ment and was equipped with "six elegant pianos and a fine cabinet organ of New York manufacture." Later the library was placed in this building. This hall gained the popular name of "blue house." Its history developed some serious complications in local church and college relations, through business misunderstandings. In March 29, 1871, the Ladies' Sewing Circle bought it to move it to the lots owned by the M. E. Church, and to convert it to par- sonage use. The plan to move it was changed and in December, 1872, they sold it to Joseph Chamberlain for $225. It was repurchased of him and in July, 1873, they sold it for $350, together with the lots on the south corner of Sixth and Fremont streets, to which it was moved. It is the main part of the frame dwelling house now located there. ANNALS March, 1866. The Centenary of Methodism in America was celebrated by all the churches and people of the Kansas Conference with special relig- ious services and thank-offerings. A special organization known as the Cen- tenary Society of the Kansas Conference was formed with Rev. George W. Paddock as Centenary Agent. The Central Centenary Committee was instructed to appropriate two-thirds of the Centenary Collection to the endowment of Baker University. In the report of the agent in March, 1867, it is announced that the amount collected and subscribed for Baker Univer- sity was $14,736.38. The amount of this that was paid was applied to the completion of the building project. April, 1866. Minutes of Faculty Meeting show that the regular time of weekly Faculty Meeting for the term was fixed for Wednesday, 3 p. m. Is this the setting for a Baker custom? June 6, 1866. Alethean Literary Society (for women) voluntarily dis- bands. (Athenaen and Philosophian still in existence.) June 14, 1866. "The Citizens Subscription" of Baldwin and vicinity, amounting to $6,000, bearing date Feb. 3, 1866, given to aid in the erection of the college building and completion of the chapel, was presented to the Trustees on the condition of securing to the Methodist Episcopal Church of Baldwin a room or rooms in the college building for Sabbath School, Social and Protracted Meetings, as well as for regular services, for a term of ten years. June 22, 1866. Corner stone laid for Science Building. The address was given by Hon. Marcus J. Parrott, Kansas' first congressman. June, 1866. From Catalogue of 1865-66: Primary Department discon- tinued. The Courses of Study were extended. The college course of four years is preceded by a preparatory course of three years. Library is increased to nearly 700 volumes. September, 1866. From Report of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction: "Baker University is the oldest, living, working institution in the state and has had more pupils than half of the other denominational schools in the state. It has usually been crowded up to the capacity to accommodate students. From our earliest history as a state it has done a noble work in sending out successful teachers to the common schools of the state. We have here developed in symmetrical proportions the three-fold nature of education — the mental, the moral and the physical." Dec. 4, 1866. Death of Rev. Christopher H. Edgerton, Professor of Music. Professor Edgerton was born in Albany, N. Y., Feb. 27, 1829. He was admitted to the Troy Conference in 1857. For a period of three years he was Professor of Music at Fort Edward Collegiate Institute, Fort Edward, N. Y. In 1862 he was appointed chaplain of the 93d regiment, New York Volunteers. Both before and after the war he continued his work as a minister. In September, 1865, he accepted a proffered position in Baker University, thinking that the dry and salubrious air of Kansas would improve his health, which had been seriously impaired by the severe exposures endured as a soldier in the Army of the Potomac. His ability as a thorough teacher, his fine social qualities and his high Christian character secured for him both affection and friends. One of the attractive features of the first Conference session at Baldwin, March, 1868, was the singing by Philip Phil- lips and Professor Edgerton. At the opening of school year, September, 1866, it was evident that failing health would not permit Professor Edgerton to endure the labor of his responsible position. He taught but little during the fall term. His place of burial is in the cemetery south of Baldwin. ANNALS March, 18G7. The Whitman collection in Natural Science secured, esti- mated to be worth $10,000. It contains, in geology, the characteristic fossils of the cambrian, silurian, devonian and carboniferous systems of this coun- try, also specimens showing the lithological character of the rocks of Penn- sylvania, and the cretaceous systems of Europe; in mineralogy, the principal minerals of this country and nearly two hundred from Europe; in zoology, over two thousand specimens of articulata, molusca, and radiata; in botany, all the most interesting species of the eastern states and also of Oregon, California, Central and South America. March, 1867. Report of Kansas Conference Committee on Education: "We have projected within our Conference bounds one first class Uni- versity, already performing college functions — Baker University. "Ages will pass away before we shall be likely to need a second, if ever." Aug. 27, 1867. The college building, music and library rooms, thor- oughly repaired and renovated. The library contains more than two thou- sand volumes. The Institution is organized on a broad, elective basis, affording accommodation to students to pursue such studies as will best pre- pare them for the active work of life. A special course given in Chemistry, enabling students to prepare for the study of medicine or for clerkship in drug stores. March, 1868, Report of Kansas Conference Committee on Education: "The number of students enrolled since the present college year com- menced is 120. The average number registered has been 100. The primary department, deemed no longer a necessity, has been abolished, and the students in attendance are quite matured. Fifty-three are studying Latin, seventeen Greek, and five French. Whole number in college classes twelve, and in the senior preparatory class fifteen. During the year thus far they have enjoyed a sweet religious influence, and forty have been converted. Interiorly Baker University presents a healthy and promising condition. The old buildings have been thoroughly renovated, grounds fenced and improved at an expense of near one thousand dollars, yet they are con- tracted and altogether insufficient to meet its wants. If we would reasonably hope for the prosperity of the University to continue, the new building must be speedily completed. It must be inclosed at least the present season to protect the walls already erected, and to pre- vent a loss of some thousands of dollars." June, 1868. A Theological Department was organized. The course of study is arranged to cover three years of two terms each; but graduates of the University or of any kindred institution may complete the course in two years. Students will be admitted to pursue a limited course in Theology, and special facilities will be furnished those who wish instruction in the con- ference course of study. June, 1868. From Catalogue 1867-68: "The college course holds the elective system, after the Freshman year — eight or ten class exercises per week being specified and the remaining studies being elective." September, 1868. From Annual Report of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction: "Estimated cash value of the property of Baker Univer- sity, in site, library, buildings, apparatus, music equipment and 600 lots in Baldwin City, $44,000. Expenditures for year closing September, 1868, $9,291.06. Tuition for Collegiate Department, per term, $10.00; for Prepara- tory and Scientific Departments, per term, $8.00; for Music, per term, $12.00." ANNALS September, 1868. The Financial Agent for the school reported that tui- tion bills do not pay more than 50 per cent of the current expenses. 1868-69. The college building on Fifth street was enlarged by the build- ing of a two-story sandstone addition, 24x34 feet, immediately west of the main part. This extension was made to meet the needs of more space, in as much as the completion of the main building on the Campus was delayed because of lack of funds. Cost about $750. March, 1869. Report of Kansas Conference Committee on Education: "The opinion of your committee, after long and serious deliberation, is that the best interests of this Institution require an entire change in the man- agement of its affairs. The report of the financial agent shows that the cur- rent expenses of the Institution amount to 55 per cent more than its receipts for tuition, which additional expense has been met by the sale of lands and contributions from the friends of the College. The whole amount of money thus expended in defraying current expenses for the past six years, including salary of agent, is $18,175.10. Had the Institution been conducted on a self- supporting basis, the greater part of the above sum might have been applied to the erection of the college building, and have nearly secured its comple- tion. Your committee deem it absolutely necessary to the interests of the Institution that this course should now be adopted. An institution of learn- ing, aspiring to the dignity of a University, must have buildings ample in size and tasteful in architecture, to support its claims and give it prestige and permanence. This is also recommended as a matter of economy. Seven thousand dollars has already been expended on the foundation and the first story of the college building, and it is believed that unless the walls shall soon be completed, and the building covered in, the work already done will be ruined by exposure to the weather, and thus become a total loss; therefore, "Resolved, That the Board of Trustees of Baker University be instructed to reduce the Faculty thereof to such a number as can be supported by the tuition fees of the Institution. "Resolved, That we recommend the appointment of an agent who shall devote his whole time to the work of completing the college building." April 14, 1869. Euergesian Literary Society organized, composed mainly of the younger class of students, men and women. Motto: "Kata Dunanim." June, 1869. Catalogue gives a Classical Course of four years in the College preceded by two years preparatory work and a Scientific course of three years in college, with two years of preceding study. March, 1870. Report of Kansas Conference Committee on Education: "The new building of the University is advancing toward completion, the third story being partially constructed, and stone, nearly or quite suffi- cient for finishing the walls, being on the ground. "It is supposed that about $20,000 will be required to carry on the work of construction and prepare the building for the use of the school. "Of this amount the sum of $12,000 is pledged on a share system, the consideration in the system being town lots, the property of the Kansas Educational Association. "The further sum of $3,500 is pledged in a contract between the Associa- tion and Mr. Bacon, the consideration in this contract being also town lots, the property of the Association. "It is important that the new building be completed at the earliest pos- sible date, from several considerations, of which we present the following: "1. The policy recommended by the last Conference, of reducing the xxii ANNALb Faculty to such a number as could be supported by the tuition fees, has resulted, as was undoubtedly expected by all; reduction in the Faculty has resulted in reduction in the literary standing and character of the school; only about thirty students being in attendance during the last term. This policy, if continued, will close the school in three months. In the minds of the Trustees it seemed necessary to suffer this calamity, hoping that it might be only temporary, in order to push on to completion the new college building. The present condition of the school, under this policy, demands its completion at the earliest possible moment. "2. The wonderful tide of immigration pouring into this state is bring- ing a host of Methodist families whose sons and daughters must be educated, and educated under our denominational influence. For a time we may com- pete successfully with other denominational institutions, in their present sickly, if not dying condition, but we cannot with the state institutions, which are in a highly prosperous condition, with large Faculties of instruction and ample endowments. If a school is contingent on a building, or buildings, we must build." July 24, 1870. Dedication day for the new Methodist Episcopal Church, now the Conservatory of Music building. Rev. T. F. Houts, pastor of M. E. Church, Ottawa, preached the dedicatory sermon. The building is of beauti- ful gray sandstone, 40 feet by 66 feet, 18^2 foot ceiling, neatly finished inside with plaster paris, painting and graining. The total cost was $6,000. Of this sum the Ladies Society had paid in cash $2,231, and assumed $150 more. They furnished a new organ worth $400 also. The first work on the church was done Aug. 3, 1868. Aug. 31, 1870. The sale of $10,000 bonds of the Kansas Educational Association of the Methodist Episcopal Church dated July 1, 1870, secured by mortgage on College property, made to L. B. Bacon, Elizabeth, N. J., in return for $6,000 cash and 240 acres of land in Woodbury County, Iowa, and 360 acres of land in Manhattan County, Wisconsin. March, 1871. Report of the Committee on Education of Kansas Con- ference: "This child of sorrow, now, under God, begins to exhibit marks, exter- nal at least, of a vigorous, healthy youth. The new University building, of native sandstone, standing (four stories) upon an eminence overlooking a vast scenery, unsurpassed in romantic grandeur and classic beauty, is an accomplished fact, to the great joy and satisfaction of the Faculty and stu- dents of the college. We trust the new edifice, together with the old edifice, and what is sometimes known as the blue edifice, shall become a happy trio, around which shall gather and cluster such endearing associations, that, in the coming years the Kansas Conference will be proud to own their child of sorrow as the child of God." Report of the Agent to the Board of Trustees of Baker University: "Dear Brethren: About thirteen years have elapsed since this enter- prise was inaugurated. Within that time Kansas has been ransacked by bushwhackers, scourged by civil war, burned by drouth and eaten by grass- hoppers. During these 'troublous times' the members of this Conference have been organizing stations, forming circuits, building churches and par- sonages, and with the appliances of the Gospel following hard after the adventurous pioneer. Yet in all this, Baker University survives. Bold indeed was the spirit of our brethren, who in that early day of Kansas history, pro- jected this great work, and hard has been the toil on the part of its friends to keep it moving. The fact that it exists is one of the marvels of the times. Whence should come the necessary thousands on thousands in the form of 'material aid,' and who should befriend it, steady when others faltered, patient amidst inevitable vexation, persevering when the 'Godly man ceaseth ANNALS and the faithful fail from among the children of men.' Yet came the friends, and came the funds as far as have been absolutely necessary hitherto and Baker University yet lives! What a wonder that amidst such scenes of strife and war, and the hardships attendant upon pioneer life, a Faculty should have been even half paid, the work of building continued, a goodly library collected and all by the contributions of small sums. Had every member of our Conference exerted himself in its behalf to the extent of his ability, the institution had done well to hold its own. The sud- den and unexpected great depression in the price of gold, or rather the panic in the money market, that occurred in the fall of 1869, brought upon the country one of the hardest financial years since 1837. Could I have foreseen this state of things, I had been foolhardy to have undertaken this agency, especially upon such terms. "To have succeeded in any honorable way, by the sale of lots, by dona- tions or by loans, in raising the sum of twelve thousand dollars in building material and money, which has been raised within a year and a half, espe- cially for an enterprise in such a condition, should lead us to the conclusion that God intends our final success. "To have looked on the weather beaten, half finished walls of the new building, crumbling by the attrition of passing years, crying out almost for a human hand, either to build or demolish; and then to look on the beautiful structure as it now stands, would make a pleasing contrast indeed. We have now a spacious and commodious building about ready for occupancy, invit- ing the sons and daughters of our people to its pleasant halls, to receive an education in an institution of our own. Surely we may say with an Apostle on another occasion, 'having obtained help of God, we continue unto this day.' Our progress is thus marked by our annual reports. Two years since the report of the Committee on Education, adopted by the Kansas Confer- ence, held these words concerning Baker University: 'Seven thousand dol- lars have been expended on the foundation of the new building, and it is believed that unless the walls shall soon be completed, and the building cov- ered in, the work already done will be ruined by the weather, and thus become a total loss.' Last year the report said: 'The new building is advanc- ing towards completion, the third story being partly constructed, and stone nearly or quite sufficient for finishing the walls being on the ground.' This year we may report 'the new building inclosed, covered by a fine, substantial mansard roof, and the first story above the basement about ready for occu- pancy.' "While we devoutly thank God for the progress made, it behooves us to look squarely in the face what is before us. This work is but begun. In the language of the report of last year, 'we must have our universities and our academies. It will take money, time, prayer and sacrifice to build them.' "Appropriate words, as the following hard facts will show: We owe old debts, in round numbers $ 3.000.00 On a ten-year loan 10,000.00 On material and labor in new building 1,000.00 Making $14,000.00 Available Assets: Shares uncollected, estimated $ 6,000.00 Baldwin City lots, besides shares 8,000.00 Subscription notes deemed good 1,000.00 Land in Wisconsin and Iowa 3,000.00 Town lots in Garnett 200.00 Town lots in Wyandotte 100.00 Town lots in Olathe 150.00 Total $18,450.00 xxiv ANNALS March, 1871. The opening day of the Spring Term, 1870-71, was "mov- ing up" day — moving from the old building, off of the campus, to the new building on the campus. The particular date is not to be found in the records. The Faculty were Rev. Patterson McNutt, President, and Rev. S. S. Weatherby, Ancient Languages; Dr. J. G. Schnebley, Mathematics; Prof. Cole, Science; Professor Walter M. Foss, Music. A news-item from the President says there were 113 students on the roll for the year, and about 70 for the spring term. This opening day had its spirit of memory of the former day and expectancy for the coming day. The school assem- bled in the Chapel of the old building, as usual. The morning devotions were observed. Certain of the Faculty and students made remarks and bade farewell to "the old," speaking in particular of the religious experi- ences which had come in gracious revivals held in the room, and of the many hallowed associations with the past and with the room which was dear to all. Then the company present took the seats and tables and desks and books, and in a long procession marched to the new building. One story only of this building was completed, and the only furniture in it was what this company carried with them on that morning. March 16, 1871. Plan of endowment fund adopted by Board of Trus- tees. Perpetual Scholarship Certificates, valued at $100 each, to be sold, the holder of which shall be entitled to free tuition for one scholar, per- petually, in Baker University. It was provided that the holder could receive no benefit of the certificate when occupied by other than his own son, daughter, or ward, or by will. The entire principal of the Fund was to be perpetually invested and the income to be applied exclusively in pay- ment of salaries of the President and Professors. April, 1871. From news-letter by President Patterson McNutt: "Baker University has been in existence about twelve years. Founded in "troublous times," and being in the midst of a newly settled country, torn by war and border raids, it is not surprising that her growth has been slow. Some of her friends (?) have, at times, even pronounced her dying, dead; but an institution planted in faith, and nourished by prayers and tears, has a wonderful power of resuscitating itself, when apparently lifeless. Baker, in so far at least as externalities are concerned, is an ac- complished fact. The new college edifice, sufficiently completed to enter, is of native sandstone, standing four stories high, upon an eminence over- looking for many miles a most beautiful and romatic scenery. This, with the old college building, respectable enough in its day, and separate rooms for the library, and music department, form a classic group, of which The Conference may well be proud. The internal working of the college is probably all that could be expected with the limited accommodation here- tofore afforded. There have been seventy students in daily attendance since the opening of the Fall term; a large proportion of whom are pur- suing a regular classical course. An excellent religious spirit pervades almost the entire body of students, several of whom are preparing for the ministry." May, 1871. From news-letter by President Patterson McNutt: "For years the Trustees of Baker University have been in an un- pleasant dilemma. The new and unsettled state of the country precluded the idea of an immediate attempt at endowment. In the meantime, a new building was necessary; a full corps of competent teachers seemed also necessary. If a faculty such as would give character to the Institution were employed, it would be at the expense of means which should be used in^ building. If the teachers were reduced to such a number as to per- mit all the means to be devoted to building purposes, it would result in a lowering of the literary standard of the college, and a consequent loss of students. XXV ANNALS "To pursue either course for any length of time would be suicidal to the interests of the University. We do not wonder, in view of these facts, that there has been some complaints and some dissatisfaction expressed; but we think a full acquaintance with all the circumstances would con- vince any candid person that the friends of the Institution have been forced, through necessity, to adopt one or the other of these plans, and they have managed the best they could at the time. "But, brethren, we believe there is a more excellent way; and, indeed, I think the only way out of these difficulties is to secure a permanent en- dowment for the University. We believe the time for this has fully come. A glance at our church papers will show you that there are efforts being made at the present time throughout almost our entire connection to endow, or add to the endowment of, our universities and colleges. "And now when our Church is working, as perhaps never before, to give prominence and permanence to her educational interests, shall the Kansas Conference alone remain indifferent? Kansas doubled and tripled her population within the last five years, and our membership has in- creased in a still greater ratio. What could not have been attempted five years ago may now be attempted with every hope of success. "The Board of Trustees, at the last annual Conference, adopted a plan for endowing Baker University by the sale of one-hundred-dollar perpetual scholarships. It was proposed that the members of the Kansas Conference endow a Kansas Conference chair. Forty-eight persons gave in their names for that purpose. We are now ready to issue their certificates and receive their money and notes. We wish to increase this number to one hundred before the annual meeting of the Board in June. "Brethren who have promised to take scholarships, or others intending to do so, will do me a favor by dropping me a line at Baldwin City." Sept., 1871. The execution sale of property of Baker University is a sorrowful story. Financial hardships seemed to reach a climax. Three notes amounting to $580 given by the Trustees of Baker University to Patterson McNutt, for service as teacher, were sold to Joseph Chamberlain, who brought suit in the justice of peace court of Palmyra Township, Douglas County, and received an execution order. This execution was returned September 4, 1871, showing receipts of sale amounted to $176.82. The justice record is not to be found, to show what property was sold, but tradition says that library books, clock, Bible, furniture and pianos were auctioneered away at trifling figures. Later the clock and Bible were returned, as they were by law exempt from such sale. All the furniture, fixtures and library were thus taken away, and an unsatisfied judgment still remained. Later attempts to find property to levy upon proved un- availing. Then a sheriff's sale, in February, 1872, of 125 lots on Baker, Chapel, Dearborn, Elm and Fremont Streets, valued at $20.00 each, was carried on at the Court House in Lawrence. But no one bid on the lots, and so the notes went unpaid. There is no further legal record of these notes. Other lawsuits for teachers' salaries were begun, but these never came to final settlement in the courts, or they were dismissed from the court. Nov. 23, 1871, Report of Investigating Committee: _ "We, the undersigned, appointed by request of the Trustees of Baker University, as a committee to investigate the history, business manage- ment, and present financial condition of that institution, and to report the result of our investigation to the M. E. Church of Kansas, beg leave to say that we met at Baldwin City on the 21st of November, 1871, and after a patient and thorough examination into the past history and present con- dition of the College, we take pleasure in making the following report: "We find that the 'Kansas Educational Association of the M. E. ANNALS Church,' and also 'Baker University,' have each been regularly incor- porated under the provisions of their respective Charters, which were granted by the Territorial Legislature, in the years 1857 and 1858. These Charters secure great and valuable franchises. The Educational Asso- ciation acquired title to six hundred (600) acres of land situated in Pal- myra Township, Douglas County, Kansas, upon which the College build- ings are located. The balance of land not needed for this purpose was divided up into town lots, all of which we find properly entered on the County Records. "In addition to this, forty (40) acres of land, adjacent to the above, were purchased of Wm. Butt, for the sum of seven hundred and fifty ($750) dollars. "A school was soon started and has been kept in operation ever since, at a cost of about five thousand ($5,000) dollars a year. "We now find property on hand as follows, viz: Seven Hundred (700) Lots, valued at $16,000 New College Building, valued at 20,000 College Park of Twenty (20) acres, valued at 3,000 Seven (7) Lots in Garnett, Kansas, valued at 400 Philosophical, Chemical and Mathematical Apparatus and Instruments 1,000 Furniture 100 Old College Building, with Addition incomplete, Out Buildings, Fences, and Eight (8) Lots 2,000 Land in Iowa and Wisconsin 3,000 Total valuation $45,500 "The Liabilities of the Institution are as follows, viz: A Bonded Debt of $10,000 A Floating Debt of 7,500 Total indebtedness $17,500 Present worth $28,000 "In addition to the above, we find notes and obligations in the hands of the Trustees, representing about six thousand ($6,000) dollars, more or less valuable. "When we consider that the institution started without capital, and has kept a school in successful operation for twelve (12) years, at a cost of about five thousand ($5,000) dollars a year, and that it now has prop- erty (after deducting all liabilities), worth twenty-eight thousand ($28,000) dollars, including one of the largest and best college buildings in the west, nearly completed, one (1) story of which is now occupied for school purposes, with an attendance of seventy-five (75) pupils; and when we con- sider the serious embarrassments that attend the early history of all Edu- cational Institutions, and especially the trials through which the people of our own young State have passed, candor constrains us to confess that a great work has been accomplished through "Baker University," and while, perhaps, some mistakes may have been made in the Business Man- agement of the Institution, we are entirely satisfied that everything has been done as honestly and successfully as could have been expected under the circumstances. "In closing our report we would commend the Institution, with all its interests, to every member and friend of the Church in the Conference; it needs and is in every way worthy of your sympathy, your prayers, and your hearty support. "Respectfully submitted, "Wm. Fairchild, Leavenworth, Kan. "G. W. Hume, Lawrence, Kan. "Geo. C. Wilder, Manhattan, Kan. xxvii "Committee." ANNALS April 6, 1872. At the request of the Trustees of B. U., "The Ladies' Endowment Society of Baldwin City," was organized. In 1874, it changed the name to "Ladies' Endowment Society of Baker University," and in 1888 to "Woman's Endowment Society of Baker University." The object of the Society was to "raise funds for the purpose of endowing a lady professor's chair in Baker University." The sum aimed at, $10,000, in- dicates how hopeful the women were. They contemplated forming auxil- iary societies throughout the State. A financial beginning was made by the payment of membership dues. It was customary for the Society to meet at the residence of some member, who should furnish plain refreshments, for which those who partook paid into the treasury the sum of ten cents. This humble method, along with occasional ice cream festivals and oyster suppers, helped to increase the funds, which were also augmented by the proceeds of lectures and entertainments. The Society received one large gift to the amount of $100, and the donation of several lots in Baldwin City. At first the meetings of the Society were one a month. They dwindled down to one a year, and in June, 1878, ceased, not to be resumed till June, 1887. The Ladies' Sewing Society, nobly devoted to the interests of the local church as well as the University, absorbed all the energies of the ladies. The first officers were: President, Mrs. E. Sells; Vice-President, Mrs. V. M. King; Treasurer, Mrs. R. H. Henderson; Secretary; Mrs. S. S. Weatherby; Corresponding Treasurer, Miss M. M. Harford. Succeeding Presidents were Mrs. S. Keifer, Mrs. S. S. Weatherby, Mrs. H. A. Gobin, Miss M. E. Cowgill, Mrs. M. I. Crosby, Mrs. W. A. Quayle, Mrs. James Murray, Mrs. J. W. Sleeper, Mrs. L. H. Murlin. June, 1872. Annual report of the Agent of Baker University: Assets: 600 lots in Baldwin City $12,000 New College Building 20,000 Park (Campus) 3,000 Lands in Wisconsin 1,800 Old College Buildings and Grounds 2,000 Total $38,800 Present Indebtedness: Bonded debt and interest $10,776 To pay, borrowed money 800 Floating Debt 5,364 Debt to Faculty 900 Total $17,840 Assets above Liabilities $20,960 March, 1872. Report of the Kansas Conference Committee on Educa- tion: "Baker University, born in adversity, reared in poverty, has ever, as the large number of converts among its students will show, clung to the glorious old motto, "The best of all is, God is with us." We are pained to learn of the financial embarrassments that have gathered around this, our Baker University, and sincerely hope that the measures already adopted, v/ith those we recommend, will lift the institution out of all such embarrass- ment. It is our Methodist college in Kansas, and we feel that it must suc- ceed, or we dishonor Methodism in the entire State. We feel that it is most fortunate for us at this juncture that the Lay Conference meets with us. Some of us have believed that the Lay members of our church were not enough interested in Baker University. We are glad that our Lay breth- ren are here to hear what may be said, and to lend a helping hand in this xxviii ANNALS our time of need. May God bless them and give them large hearts and large purses to help us abundantly." The Laymen in their session gave hearty approval of all the plans for the welfare of Baker University and the pastors were requested to present the needs of the University in the respective congregations at an early day. In the Annual Conference, pending the motion to approve the com- mittee's report, the action of the Lay Conference was read, and on motion, each pastor was requested to pledge himself to make an effort to raise one dollar per member on his charge and report in sixty days. The roll was called, and almost every preacher promised to do what he could. Added to this, a subscription was started in the open session of the Conference, many ministers giving $100 each, while in the Lay Conference $2,020 was secured. By September the subscription totaled $11,025, of this amount Baldwin City contributing $2,300. July 23, 1872. From President of the Board of Trustees: "Brethren of Kansas Conference: Shall Baker University die? Do you wish to see all we have done, lost, so far as building up an institution for the future is concerned? Do you wish to see the valuable property we have in Baldwin City, sold under the hammer to pay our debts? After all that has been done, shall we suffer the disgrace of going into bankruptcy? "I wish to say in all plainness, we have now reached the fearful crisis. On Thursday, August the 15th, the trustees are to meet at the Topeka camp meeting. The great question will then be submitted. 'Shall we at- tempt to run the Institution any longer, or shall we go into bankruptcy at once?'. "As to the decision that will then and there be made, the responsibility rests upon the preachers of the conference, rather than upon the trustees. You placed us here to do certain things, and to secure certain interests. To do these things and to secure these interests we must have means. At the last conference, thousands of dollars were pledged by the preachers, besides some two thousands by the laymen. But out of all these sub- scriptions we have not received enough to pay the interest on the bonded debt which became due July 1, to say nothing of the interest that was past due at the conference time, and on account of which three of your brethren are greatly suffering. "While the agent was in New York, he secured subscriptions to the amount of $1,500 conditioned upon the entire amount of the bonded in- debtedness being secured. Since the last meeting of the trustees, $2,300 has been subscribed in Baldwin City on the same condition. That is doing well for this community. Besides, the citizens of Baldwin will do nobly toward the support of the Faculty. "At the coming meeting of the trustees, we must be able to report favorably as to the support of the Faculty, and of meeting our liabilities, or the school must be closed, and we as a Church suffer the terrible dis- grace of seeing Baker University go into bankruptcy." Sept. 4, 1872. From the Agent of the University: "The meeting of the Board of Trustees, August 15th, assured the life of the 'University.' It must live. A Committee was appointed to send out circulars containing the names and amounts subscribed, that you may know that we have reached a point where the subscriptions and pledges are payable." Sept., 1872. From Annual Report of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction: Value of property of Baker University: Site, $3,000; other lands, $19,400; buildings, $22,000; library, $1,000; total $45,400. ANNALS March, 1873. Action taken by Kansas Conference: "Resolved, That a commission consisting of six ministers and laymen be appointed by the Bishop, who shall inquire into the legal status and financial condition of Baker University, and if by them thought best, and possible, to re-establish Baker University at Baldwin City; but if it is found that it is fatally involved, the commission shall have authority to receive propositions for the re-location of Baker University or the establishment of a new Methodist University when they have secured assistance to the amount of one hundred thousand dollars, one-half of which shall be ex- pended in the purchase of grounds and the erection of a college building, and the other to be used as the commencement of an endowment fund. "Commissioners appointed: Rev. S. P. Jacobs, Rev. J. J. Thompson, Rev. S. Holman, Rev. G. W. Pye, Rev. A. H. Walter, Rev. M. N. Powers, Charles L. Burtis, A. H. Foote (P. O. Lawrence), A. Stutson, H. C. Allen, J. J. Wright, (P. O. Emporia), J. C. Fraker. March 29, 1873. Members of The Kansas Educational Association met to revive the inactive work of its organization which, following the interval of some years, had been transacted by the officers of the Board of Trustees. April 2, 1873. This day was probably the "low tide." This spring term opened with 35 or 40 students and one teacher, Professor S. S. Weatherby. The most of the students claimed to be in attendance by virtue of scholar- ships, which yielded no revenue. As there was no likelihood of salary, Professor Weatherby handed in his resignation on April 3. Under the persuasion of Reverend J. Boynton, the president of the Board of Trustees, and on the pledge of some of the people of Baldwin to aid in part, Professor Weatherby withdrew his resignation and consented to try to complete the college year. In the few hours of waiting while arrangements were being made to continue the school, a student wrote on the blackboard of the president's recitation room, "Baker University is dead." To assist in giving the varied instruction needful to meet the conditions of the student en- rollment, Dr. J. G. Schnebley, Mr. A. A. B. Cavaness and Miss Myra Deming offered their services, receiving very meager compensation. May 6, 1873. Report of Commission: "The 'Commission' appointed at the last session of the Kansas Annual Conference, met in Baldwin City, Tuesday, May 6, 1873, at 2 P. M. After devotional exercises S. P. Jacobs was elected Chairman, G. W. Pye, Secre- tary. The Commission entered upon the work of investigation, pursuing the order as presented in the resolution of the Conference, reaching the following conclusions: "First. 'Legal status:' "Resolved, That from all the evidence afforded us on the subject we are thoroughly satisfied that 'The Kansas Educational Association of the M. Church, incorporated by act of the Kansas Territorial Legislature, Feb. 3, 1858,' is the sole proprietor of (except some endowment fund) all property occupied in the interest of, and for the use of Baker University at Baldwin City, Kansas. That all legal rights vest in the Kansas Educational Association of the M. E. Church, and the present property of this Association can be held for no other purpose than for the promotion of the educational in- terests of the M. E. Church as represented in Baker University. "Second. 'Financial condition:' "Resolved, That after a careful investigation we find the liabilities of Baker University to be near or quite $16,500, and we recommend that the Kansas Educational Association assist in the payment of the debts of this institution as rapidly as possible. "Third. 'Removal:' XXX ANNALS "Resolved, That we are of the opinion that the charter of Baker Uni- versity prohibits the removal of the institution. "In view of the above, the following resolutions were adopted: "1. Resolved, That the school ought to be continued for the coming year without incurring further indebtedness. "2. That after investigating the history and condition of Baker Uni- versity, we believe it ought to be supported and made a permanent success, and an honor to Methodism by the generous sympathy and confidence of the people of Kansas. "3. That a committee of this Commission be appointed to prepare for publication (after presentation to, and approval by this Commission) a full report upon the status and condition of Baker University in all respects. "4. That the Secretary furnish the foregoing resolutions for publica- tion in the CENTRAL CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE. "5. That we adjourn to meet, (about the time of Commencement) on the call of the chairman. "Geo. W. Pye, Secretary." The full report of the Commission was prepared by A. H. Foote, Rev. S. P. Jacobs, and Rev. A. H. Walter. A copy of it may be found in the Kansas Conference Minutes of 1875. The time and care taken in making the investigation seemed commensurate with the seriousness of the con- ditions surrounding the institution — the date of the report is June 1 to December 10, 1873. In this report covering thirteen pages of printed mat- ter, the history of the college from its inception is gone into with minute- ness, and certain phases of its work are discussed, criticised, or commended, as they deemed the conditions called for. This report is an important document in the history of the college. They first report on the legal status of Baker University and The Kansas Educational Association. All of the substance of this is shown in the charters of these two corporations. The result of their deliberations in this feature of their work was that, without further legislative authority, there was no power to remove Baker University from Baldwin City. They go into a careful and thorough discussion of the financial con- ditions of the college; they find it in an embarrassing condition, and this had led to severe criticism of the college management. They speak approv- ingly of the careful bookkeeping which had characterized the work of Wil- liam H. Scholfield, the financial agent, and in a measure excuse prior lack of such system. They say an examination of the books show that from the beginning of the school to the close of March, 1873, the aggregate re- ceipts and disbursements were about $70,500. At the time of making the report the liabilities were said to be about $17,000. Of this $10,000 were represented by bonds issued July 1, 1870 and due July 1, 1880; and the re- maining $7,000 was for miscellaneous claims which were being pressed for payment, and which was causing great embarrassment. To account for the way these liabilities had arisen the Commission give a lengthy statement of the condition of the Territory and State, the drouth, the grasshoppers and other calamities, which had made it practically impossible for such an institution to pay its running expenses. Then, in order to maintain the prestige of the institution a new build- ing had been thought essential, and under the circumstances the manage- ment is excused for starting this without ample provision for its payment. The relation of Baker University to The Kansas Educational Association is discussed, the litigation over the indebtedness is referred to, and then the Commission devote much space in reciting matters connected with the management of said Association, and criticise the same somewhat severely, advising also the expunging of the "mutual benefit" clause from the second article of the Constitution of the Educational Association. ANNALS The Commission closes its report with some general statements ap- preciative of denominational colleges, of the continued maintainance of Baker, of the uselessness of further talk concerning its removal from Bald- win City, and some dozen or more specific recommendations concerning Baker and the Association. June 18, 1873. At the exercises on Commencement Day a cane was presented to Rev. W. R. Davis, a tribute for his devotion to Baker Uni- versity. On the gold head was inscribed, "Presented to W. R. Davis, D. D.. by the students of Baker University, June, 1873." June, 1873. Catalogue for this year shows a four-year classical course in College, preceded by a two-year course in the Preparatory Department. Also a Scientific Course of one year in the Preparatory Department fol- lowed by three years in college work. All the studies are arranged as prescribed. June 20, 1873. From communication by the President of Board of Trustees: "Baker University has just closed its Fifteenth Annual Commencement Exercises. Three more are now added to the Alumni of this institution, which has already done so much for education and religion in this young and prosperous commonwealth. "The following questions are now definitely settled: 1. That the University must remain at Baldwin City. 2. That the school must con- tinue in operation. 3. That no more indebtedness shall be incurred. 4. That all debts outstanding shall be paid as fast as possible. "It must be apparent to all, that in order to pay our debts we must continue the school. And yet it would be more than hazardous, it would be disastrous, to continue the school by increasing the indebtedness. This must not and shall not be done. "Then, in order to run the school and save the University to the Church, we must in some way pay our expenses as we go. In order to be able to do this, the Board have decided to make a vigorous effort to secure, by subscription, the tuition of a sufficient number of students in advance to secure the salaries of the teachers. The tuition thus subscribed is to be paid in three equal installments, corresponding with the commencement of each of the three terms. The tuition will not be less than $6, nor more than $8, per term; making in the preparatory $18, and in the college classes $24 per year. This is a small amount, and being paid in three installments, makes it easy for all, and still this arrangement will enable the Board to pay the Faculty in advance each month. This plan was introduced on the 18th of June. The people thus far have responded nobly. If the pre- siding elders will co-operate with us heartily, we can commence the next term with one hundred and fifty students. Will they do it? The people are ready to take hold of the work if the subject is properly presented to them. "I am now prepared to state a fact that of itself should move every Methodist heart in Kansas, and cause all to do the full extent of their ability to sustain and build up this University. Since the close of the last term the Executive Board have been able to secure the services of Prof. Weatherby, Prof. M. V. B. Knox and Mrs. Prof. Knox, and they make the following, more than magnanimous, offer, viz: Each one proposes to donate the one-half of the salary for the ensuing year. Prof. Weatherby has been here for three years at a great sacrifice. He now has two or three different offers at $1,200 each, but he proposes to remain at Baker with a salary of $1,200, and donate one-half of it out and out, thus serving us for $600 actual pay. Prof. Knox, with a salary of $1,000, proposes to donate one-half of it. Mrs. Knox, with a salary of $800, donates one-half of that ANNALS amount. There are parties ready to take the chair in mathematics at a salary of $1,000, and donate one-half of it. These salaries are no more than they are offered elsewhere, and none of these persons are wealthy, but on the contrary, they are obliged to labor for a livelihood. And yet these four teachers give us for the coming year $2,000! If they are ready thus to make sacrifices for us, ought not we, as Methodists, each of us to subscribe the tuition fee of at least one student, and pay something besides toward the payment of our indebtedness? In addition to the above offer, Mrs. Knox pays for printing catalogues $40, thinking that the circulation of the catalogues will benefit the school more than to pay the tuition of two students. When one-half of the Methodists of Kansas manifest a dis- position to aid the enterprise as these teachers are doing, Baker will be made a grand success. Indeed, it will not require, in the way of sacrifice and offering, anything like what these teachers are doing. One dollar per member will more than pay our indebtedness, and the tuition of one hun- dred students will pay the running expenses for the ensuing year. Breth- ren, let us do this, and then we can soon secure an endowment." I. TRUSTEES OF BAKER UNIVERSITY Name *Rev. Levin Beauchamp Dennis *Rev. Ira Blackford *Rev. Charles Hazelton Lovejoy *Walter Oakley, A. B. *Rev. Nathan Taylor *Rev. Homer H. Moore, D. D. # Rev. James Shaw *Rev. Curtis Graham *Rev. William Butt *George Harrison Weaver *Darius Frankenberger *Moses Lucas Thompson *Patric Orr *Hamilton Perry Johnson *Rev. Silas Green "Moses Akers *Rev. Werter Renick Davis, D. D. # Rev. Thomas Johnson Ferril *Rev. Mark Robertson *Rev. Strange Brooks *Rev. Hugh Dunn Fisher, D. D. *Rev. George Washington Paddock Rev. Thomas Asbury Parker, A. B., D. D. *Rev. Sheldon Parker By Whom Appointed Term Charter 1858-65 Kans.-Neb. Conference Charter 1858-62 Kans.-Neb. Conference Charter 1858-61 Kans.-Neb. Conference Charter 1858-61 Kans.-Neb. Conference Charter 1858-63 Kans.-Neb. Conference Charter 1858-60 Kans.-Neb. Conference Charter 1858-61 Kans.-Neb. Conference Charter 1858-61 Kans.-Neb. Conference Charter 1858-59 Kans.-Neb. Conference Board of Trustees 1859-72 Kans.-Neb. Conference Board of Trustees 1859-60 Kans.-Neb. Conference Board of Trustees 1859-62 Kans.-Neb. Conference Board of Trustees 1859-62 Kans.-Neb. Conference Board of Trustees 1859-61 Kans.-Neb. Conference Board of Trustees 1859-61 Kans.-Neb. Conference Board of Trustees 1859-61 Kans.-Neb. Conference Board of Trustees Kans.-Neb. Conference 1859-63 Kans.-Neb. Conference 1860-64 Kans.-Neb. Conference 1860-64 Kansas Conference 1861-66 Kansas Conference 1861-75 Kansas Conference 1861-68 Date of Death and Place of Burial; or Place of Residence, if Living Knoxville, 111. April 2, 1890. Grand Rapids, Mich. July 5, 1888. Vinland, Kans. Dec. 3. 1904. Topeka, Kans. Feb. 1, 1900. Pleasant Hill, La. July 11, 1895. Sinclairville, N. Y. April 29, 1912. Atchison, Kans. Sept. 22, 1900. Brooklyn, N. Y. 1906. Tillamook, Ore. July 14, 1906. Leavenworth, Kans. Nov. 14, 1882. Garnett, Kans. Nov. 16, 1867. Edwardsville, Kans. Aug. 6, 1905. Died at Easton, June 6, 1862. Leavenworth, Kans. Sept. 17, 1861. Lawrence, Kans. Dec. 13, 1885. Baldwin City, Kans. June 22, 1893. Kansas City, Mo. Jan. 29, 1906. Grand Junction, Colo. Dec. 19, 1913. Topeka, Kans. Oct. 3, 1905. Rochester, N. Y. Jan. 5, 1908. Kansas Conference Kansas Conference 'Samuel Keifer *Rev. John W. Stewart Kansas Conference Kansas Conference * This sign, wherever found in the volume, means "Deceased." xxxiv 1861-68 Danville, 111. 1861-65 Elk City, Kans. Nov. 18, 1880. 1862-66 Baldwin City, Kans. May 1, 1879. 1862-64 TRUSTEES Name *Sanval Nickles Walker *Rev. William George Piper *John Wesley Day *Rev. Richard Peach Duvall *Henry Barricklow "Rev. Charles Steuckeman *John Hampton Watson *Rev. Daniel Patrick Mitchell D. D. *James Ward Frame *Rev. Nathan Taylor f REV. Leonard Leidy Hartman, A. M. *Rev. James Shaw f REV. Joseph Denison, A. B., D. D. *Dennis Willey "John Wesley Horner *George Catlin Snow ^James Fitton 'Rev. George Sullivan Dearborn, D. D. H. D. MacCay 'Elisha Olcott *Henry Ewing Cowgill, M. D. *Rev. Charles Edwin Lewis *Rev. Robert Latimore Harford, D. D. *Rev. Elial Jay Rice, A. B., A. M. ^William Fairchild *Ezekial Ballard Good *Rev. Werter Renick Davis, D. D. Date of Death and Place of Burial; or Place of By Whom Appointed Term Residence, if Living Kansas Conference 1862-66 Baldwin City, Kans. April 21, 1903. Kansas Conference 1862-66 Baldwin City, Kans. May 15, 1869. Kansas Conference 1862-63 Oskaloosa, Kans. June 7, 1905. Kansas Conference 1863-67 Chapel, Ohio. Feb. 7, 1874. Kansas Conference 1863-67 Baldwin City, Kans. Aug. 10, 1872. Kansas Conference 1863-65 Pittsfield, 111. Dec. 11, 1882. Kansas Conference 1863-67 Emporia, Kans. Aug. 16, 1883. Kansas Conference 1864-72 Emporia, Kans. Aug. 24, 1881. Kansas Conference 1864-66 Baldwin City, Kans. June 6, 1867. Kansas Conference 1864-68 Pleasant Hill, La. July 11, 1895. Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference 1865-69 Shintown, Pa. March 2, 1909. 1865-67 Atchison, Kans. Sept. 22, 1900. 1865-68 Manhattan, Kans. Feb. 19, 1900. 1866-71 Sedgwick, Kans. Oct. 4, 1871. 1866-67 Osawatomie, Kans. Aug. 16, 1874. 1866-70 Neosho Falls, Kans. March 12, 1888. 1866-67 Lawrence, Kans. Dec. 7, 1867. 1866-69 Lawrence, Kans. - Sept. 25, 1903. 1867-69 1867-71 Lyndon, Kans. July 2, 1878. 1867-71 Baldwin City, Kans. Oct. 22, 1892. 1867-75 Indianapolis, Ind. June 5, 1893. 1868-73 Petaluma, Calif. June 2, 1883. 1868-69 Trinidad, Colo. April 7, 1872. 1868-74 Leavenworth, Kans. Oct. 2, 1898. 1868-70 Lawrence, Kans. July 13, 1906. 1868-94 Baldwin City, Kans, June 22, 1893. XXXV TRUSTEES Name ♦Elijah Sells 'Rev. J. B. Orwig 'Rev. John Paulson 'Rev. Jesse Brockway 'Asa Darnall ♦Charles E. Adams 'Rev. Thomas Franklin Houts Lucien P. Bacon 'samuel keifer Rev. Cyrus Robert Rice Rev. William Kennedy Marshall, D. D. Samuel Adams ^William Plasket Rev. James Elijah Bryan 'Rev. Pearce Taylor Rhodes ♦Rev. Alfred Kennard Johnson, D. D. By Whom Appointed Term Kansas Conference 1869-71 Kansas Conference 1869-78 Kansas Conference 1869-71 Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference 'Rev. Jeremy Boynton 'Rev. Wesley Lattin 'Edwin Wilber Cunningham, A. B. Kansas Conference 'Isaac Henry Clay Royse, LL. B. Kansas Conference *Reuben Davis Coldren A. Mead Rev. Sylvester Wilder Lloyd •Rev. Charles Julius Lovejoy •Benjamin H. Kistler *Rev. James Lawrence *James Preserved Burtis *Rev. Joseph Osman Roberts *John S. Byers *Rev. John Davidson Knox *Fitch Reed # Rev. Lemuel Morris Hancock Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference South Kansas Conf. Date of Death and Place of Burial; or Place of Residence, if Living Salt Lake City, Utah. March 13, 1897. Kansas Conference 1869-70 Fort Scott, Kans. March 4, 1898. Burlingame, Kans. March 17, 1881. Baldwin City, Kans. Oakland, Calif. 1909. 1870-73 Salem, 111. Oct. 26, 1902. 1870-72 1870-72 1870-72 1870-74 Kansas Conference 1870-75 Baldwin City, Kans. May 1, 1879. Hiawatha, Kans. 1870-75 1871-72 1871-85 Baldwin City, Kans. Nov. 26, 1907. 1871-75 1871-85 Attica, Ind. March 17, 1907. 1872-84 1872-76 1872-76 1872-76 1872-74 1872-74 1872-74 1872-77 1872-74 1872-74 1872-76 1873-74 1873-77 1874-76 1874-93 1874-78 1874-77 Bakersfield, Calif. March 29, 1899. Stanton, Mich. Sept. 22, 1883. Rich Hill, Mo. June 11, 1906. Emporia, Kans. Aug. 16, 1905. Terre Haute, Ind. April 30, 1909. Topeka, Kans. April 1, 1891. Buffalo, N. Y. Conconully, Wash. Oct. 16, 1907. Topeka, Kans. Dec. 24, 1908. Lawrence, Kans. Nov. 13, 1916. Oskaloosa, Kans. Aug. 2, 1902. Denton, Kans. Aug. 30, 1893. Topeka, Kans. Jan. 11, 1912. Lawrence, Kans. Jan. 10, 1897. San Jose, Calif. Feb. 19, 1883. xxxvi TRUSTEES Name Rev. Samuel S. Weatherby, A. B., A. M. ♦Rev. James T. Hanna, D. D. *Isaac Tichenor Goodnow, A. M., Ph. D. 'James Mulloy Cavaness, A. B., A. M. Timothy Bailey Sweet By Whom Appointed Term Date of Death and Plaee of Burial; or Place of Residence, if Living South Kansas Conf. South Kansas Conf. South Kansas Conf. South Kansas Conf. Kansas Conference 'Rev. Joseph Denison, A. B., D. D. Kansas Conference Rev. Henry William Reed, D. D. Kansas Conference 'Rev. John M. Sullivan 'William David Rippey Homer Clark Mechem 'William Henry Conover 'William Barnett Smith Kansas Conference Kansas Conference South Kansas Conf. South Kansas Conf. South Kansas Conf. 'Rev. Robert Alexander Caruthers Kansas Conference Rev. Richard Wake . Kansas Conference 'Rev. William Smith, A. B., D. D. Kansas Conference 'WlLLIAM WELLHOUSE Rev. James G. Eckels Rev. Bernard Kelly, D. D. 'Rev. Samuel Evans Pendleton, D. D. Rev. James M. Davidson Rev. William Henry Sweet, D. D. 'Alexander Soule Johnson Kansas Conference South Kansas Conf. South Kansas Conf. South Kansas Conf. South Kansas Conf. Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Rev. Herbert Winthrop Chaffee South Kansas Conf. *S. O. GOODLANDER Rev. David T. Summerville *WlLLlAM FAIRCHILD John Calvin Carpenter *Lewis N. Stacher •Henry Harrison Taylor *Rev. George Sullivan Dearborn, D. D. South Kansas Conf. South Kansas Conf. Kansas Conference South Kansas Conf. South Kansas Conf. Kansas Conference Kansas Conference 1874-82 Lawrence, Kans. 1874-84 McPherson, Kans. April 12, 1918. 1874-94 Manhattan, Kans. March 20, 1894. 1875-83 Chanute, Kans. 1875-91 Topeka, Kans. 1875-00 Manhattan, Kans. Feb. 19, 1900. 1876-88 Baldwin City, Kans. Aug. 26, 1889. 1876-00 Baldwin City, Kans. July 14, 1900. 1876-78 Highland, Kans. March 2, 1915. 1876-91 Fort Smith, Ark. 1876-86 Virginia, 111. Jan. 7, 1897. 1876-77 Wichita, Kans. May 28, 1912. 1877-81 Bristow, Kans. May 27, 1889. 1877-81 Los Angeles, Calif. Feb. 9, 1915. 1877-81 Detroit, Mich. Nov. 10, 1889. 1877-81 Topeka, Kans. Feb. 1, 1888. 1877-78 1877-83 Topeka, Kans. 1877- 1878- Baldwin City, Kans. July 12, 1904. 1878-S2 Salina, Kans. 1878-82 Topeka, Kans. Dec. 9, 1904. 1879-15 Ottawa, Kans. 1879-83 Fort Scott, Kans. Feb. 24, 1867. 1879-87 Portland, Ore. 1879-98 Leavenworth, Kans. Oct. 2, 1898. 1880-84 Chanute, Kans. 1881-99 Ottawa, Kans. Jan. 20, 1910. 1881-89 Clay Center, Kans. May 3, 1909. 1881-03 Lawrence, Kans. Sept. 25, 1903. XXXV11 TRUSTEES Name *Eugene Wallace VanDeventer, D. D. "Lewis William Breyfogle Rev. Hibbird Austin Tucker, D. D. *Joseph Strickler Hollinger Nelson Case, LL. D. William Thomas Yoe *Rev. Alfred Thomas Burris *Hermann Henry Sudendorf *Rev. Pleasant P. Wesley *Rev. John Hughes Lockwood, D. D. *John Newton Ritter, LL. B. *Rev. Edmond Cady Boaz Don Carlos Newcomb *Rev. James Lawrence *John Calvin Postlethwaite Gasner G. Wharton *Rev. John Henry Price, b. s„ b. d. *Rev. James T. Hanna, D. D. *Rev. Pearce Taylor Rhodes *Robert Newton Allen, A. B., A. M. *Rev. Adoniram Judson Coe T. C. Miller *Rev. James Marvin, D. D., LL. D. *William Herr Stout Rev. Bernard Kelly, D. D. Rev. Hugh McBirney, D. D. William Leonard Charles Wesley DeWolf *Rev. Samuel Soule Murphy, A. B., D. D. •Leigh Richmond Elliott By Whom Appointed Kansas Conference Kansas Conference South Kansas Conf. Kansas Conference South Kansas Conf. South Kansas Conf. S.-W. Kans. Conf. S.-W. Kans. Conf. S.-W. Kans. Conf. N.-W. Kans. Conf. South Kansas Conf. South Kansas Conf. Kansas Conference Kansas Conference N.-W. Kansas Conf. South Kansas Conf. South Kansas Conf. South Kansas Conf. Kansas Conference South Kansas Conf. South Kansas Conf. S.-W. Kansas Conf. Kansas Conference South Kansas Conf. South Kansas Conf. South Kansas Conf. South Kansas Conf. South Kansas Conf. South Kansas Conf. Kansas Conference Date of Death and Place of Burial; or Place of Term Residence, if Living 1882-84 Reno, Nev. Aug. 80, 1910. 1882-94 Lenexa, Kans. April 1, 1907. 1882-86 Wauchula, Fla. 1883-99 Rhinehart, Kans. June 10, 1900. 1883- Oswego, Kans. 1883-87 Independence, Kans. 1883-87 Olathe, Kans. Aug. 4, 1895. 1883-87 Leavenworth, Kans. April 3, 1913. 1883-84 Great Bend, Kans. Sept. 22, 1884. 1888-87 Pasadena, Calif. Feb. 6, 1916. 1884-88 South Bend, Ind. Feb. 8, 1896. 1884-92 McMinnville, Tenn. March 3, 1914. 1884-89 Atchison, Kans. 1884-00 Lawrence, Kans. Nov. 13, 1916. 1884-88 Jewell City, Kans. Nov. 26, 1910. 1885-88 Los Angeles, Calif. 1885-12 Baldwin City, Kans. March 21, 1912. 1885-93 McPherson, Kans. April 12, 1913. 1886-00 Attica, Ind. March 17, 1907. 1886-14 Chanute, Kans. Sept. 12, 1914. 1886-02 Wichita Falls, Tex. Oct. 19, 1912. 1886-87 1887-94 Lawrence, Kans. July 9, 1901. 1887-91 Fort Scott, Kans. Jan. 24, 1908. 1887-95 Topeka, Kans. 1887-05 Tulsa, Okla. 1887-93 Wichita, Kans. 1888-89 Garnett, Kans. 1888-16 Baldwin City, Kans. Nov. 8, 1916. 1888-99 Manhattan, Kans. May 27, 1899. XXXV111 TRUSTEES Name *David Stewart Elliott Rev. John Asbury Motter, A. M. James Wales Marshall Charles Mortimer Sheldon *Rev. Edward Gill •Rev. Henry Davenbaux Rice •Edwin Wilber Cunningham, A. B. William Thomas Yoe Rev. John Wesley Stewart, A. B., D. D. 'Joseph John Peasley *Rev. Samuel Evans Pendleton, D.D. *Rev. Henry Joseph Coker, D. D. •William Good Hoover *William David Rippey *Rev. James Watkins Alderman, D.D. *Rev. Oliver Mills Stewart, D. D. •Thomas Jefferson Watson, M. D. Rev. Josephus Collins •Rev. Eli Harrison Brumbaugh, M. D., D. D. Rev. Levi Kirke Billingsley •Leonard V. McKee Rev. Edwin Mortimer Randall, Jr., D. D. •Ripley Warren Sparr •Rev. William Henry Underwood Rev. Robert Ekin McBride, A. B. Rev. William Alfred Quayle, D. D., LL.D. Rev. Sebern S. Martin, A. B., D. D. Rev. Frederick Beman Price, A. B., Ph. D. Albert Loring Coleman James E. Hair Rev. Samuel Judson Heaton, Ph. D. Henry Justin Allen, A. M. By Whom Appointed South Kansas Conf. Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference South Kansas Conf. South Kansas Conf. South Kansas Conf. South Kansas Conf. Kansas Conference South Kansas Conf. South Kansas Conf. Kansas Conference Date of Death and Place of Burial; or Place of Term Residence, if Living 1889-91 Coffeyville, Kans. Feb. 28, 1899. 1889- Kansas City, Kans. 1889-93 Maxwell, Calif. 1889-93 Joplin, Mo. 1890-00 Manhattan, Kans. Feb. 17, 1905. 1890-94 Topeka, Kans. Oct. 22, 1902. 1890-05 Emporia, Kans. Aug. 16, 1905. 1891-11 Independence, Kans. 1891-99 Anderson, Mo. 1891-92 Fort Scott, Kans. July 29, 1915. 1891-95 Baldwin City, Kans. July 12, 1904. 1892-12 Emporia, Kans. March 27, 1917. 1892-06 Chetopa, Kans. June 22, 1906. 1893-95 Highland, Kans. March 2, 1915. Kansas Conference 1893-99 Kansas City, Kans, July 10, 1912. Kansas Conference 1893-96 Kansas City, Mo. March 7, 1915. Kansas Conference 1893-95 Independence, Mo. Jan. 16, 1906. Kansas Conference 1894-95 Kingfisher, Okla. Kansas Conference 1894-98 Agency, Iowa. Jan. 19, 1902. Kansas Conference 1894-00 Oakland, Iowa. Kansas Conference 1894-10 Frankfort, Kans. Dec. 22, 1916. Kansas Conference 1895-96 Seattle, Wash. Kansas Conference 1895-02 Lawrence, Kans. Aug. 23, 1902. Kansas Conference 1895-11 Clay Center, Kans. Sept. 27, 1911. Kansas Conference 1895-99 Topeka, Kans. Kansas Conference South Kansas Conf. South Kansas Conf. Kansas Conference South Kansas Conf. Kansas Conference South Kansas Conf. 1895-99 St. Louis, Mo. 1895-05 Dodge City, Kans. 1896-01 Allahabad, India. 1897-01 Los Angeles, Calif. 1898-03 Grant's Pass, Ore. 1899-15 Kansas City, Kans. 1899-13 Wichita, Kans. TRUSTEES Namb Rev. Alexander Rose Maclean Rev. Cyrus Silvester Nusbaum, D. D. John Plantz Davis James Monroe Miller, A. M. 'William David Rippey Rev. John Richard Madison, D. D. Claudius DeMont Walker, LL. B. Rev. Charles Thomas Durboraw, A. B., D. D. Rev. Edward Combie Smith, D. D. joab mulvane Ezekiel Barnes Alfred Barnes Seelye, M. D. Rev. Benjamin F. Crissman Rev. Sedwick Alonzo Bright, D. D. •William Brown Swan, A. B., M. D. Joseph Luther Taylor, A. B., LL. B. William E. O'Kane, A. B. John Stuart Simmons, A. B., A. M. John Park Slaughter Rev. Edwin Locke, A. B., D. D. Rev. Matthew Simpson Hughes, D. D. Rev. Irvin Brown Pulliam, D. D. •Rev. John Scott Ford, D. D. John Preston Clark Edward Wallis Hoch George Edward Nicholson Philip Pitt Campbell, A. B. ( A. M. •Rev. William Copeland Evans, D. D. By Whom Appointed South Kansas Conf. South Kansas Conf. Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference South Kansas Conf. Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference South Kansas Conf. Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference South Kansas Conf. Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference South Kansas Conf. Samuel McRoberts, A. B., A. M.,LL. B. John Boone DeGarmo Samuel Brush Haskin, A. B., A. M., LL. B. Rev. Bernard Kelly, D. Edward Warren Barker Joseph Little Bristow, A. B., LL. D. George North Neff John W. Jenkins Rev. James D. Smith, B. S., A. M., D. D. Rev. Daniel McGurk, A. South Kansas Conf. Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference South Kansas Conf. South Kansas Conf. South Kansas Conf. Kansas Conference South Kansas Conf. D. D. South Kansas Conf. xl Date of Death and Place of Burial; or Place of Term Residence, if Living 1899-06 Portland, Ore. 1899-12 Colorado Springs, Colo. 1899- Topeka, Kans. 1899-08 Council Grove, Kans. 1899-15 Highland, Kans. March 2, 1915. 1899-13 Topeka, Kans. 1899- Atchison, Kans. 1900- Atchison, Kans. 1900-03 St. Louis, Mo. 1900- Topeka, Kans. 1900-04 Santiago, Calif. 1900-03 Abilene, Kans. 1901-04 St. Louis, Mo. 1901-11 Albuquerque, N. M. 1902 Topeka, Kans. Sept. 1, 1902. 1908- Pittsburg, Kans. 1903-05 New York, N. Y. 1903-15 Hutchinson, Kans. 1903- Topeka, Kans. 1903- Kansas City, Kans. 1904-09 Portland, Ore. 1904-09 Topeka, Kans. 1904-11 Maryville, Mo. Sept. 22, 1912. 1904-12 Kansas City, Kans. 1905-09 Marion, Kans. 1905- 515 Republic Bldg. Kansas City, Mo. 1905-07 Pittsburg, Kans. 1905-07 San Jose, Calif. May 28, 1915. 1905- New York, N. Y. 1905-10 Blue Mountain, Miss. 1906- Olathe, Kans. 1906-11 Topeka, Kans. 1906- Burlington, Kans. 1906- Salina, Kans. 1906- Kansas City, Mo. 1907-08 Kansas City, Mo. 1907-10 Emporia, Kans. 1907-10 Cincinnati, Ohio. TRUSTEES Name Rev. Stephen Bracekord Camp- bell, D. D. Herbert Perry Wright, B. S., M. S. Rev. James Alexander Stavely, A. B., S. T. B., D. D. Charles Edgar Moore, A. M. John Punton, A. M., M. D. •Leonard V. McKee John D. Walthall, M. D. Jacob Rasdall Copple Charles Edward Beeks Rev. William Christopher Hanson, D. D. Rev. Christian Benjamin Zook, A. B. Andrew Cameron Pearson, A. M., LL. B. Rev. Thomas Eldridge Chandler, A. M., S. T. D. Henry Snavely Siegrist Arthur Capper Levi Brown Smith *James Henry Allderdice Albert Perle Myers Rev. Sylvester S. Klyne, Ph. D. Ward Andrew Neff Charles Wesley Squires Date of Death and Place of Burial; or Place of Residence, if Living By Whom Appointed Term South Kansas Conf. 1907-11 St. Louis, Mo. St. Louis Conference 1907-11 Kansas City, Mo Kansas Conference 1908- South Kansas Conf. 1909- Kansas Conference 1910- Kansas Conference 1911-16 South Kansas Conf. South Kansas Conf. South Kansas Conf. Kansas Conference Kansas Conference South Kansas Conf. South Kansas Conf. Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference Kansas Conference 1911- 1911- 1912- 1912- 1912- 1913- Parsons, Kans. Eureka, Kans. Kansas City, Mo. Frankfort, Kans. Dec. 22, 1916. Paola, Kans. Burlington, Kans. Baldwin City, Kans. Kansas City, Kans. Iola, Kans. New York, N. Y. 1913- Atchison, Kans. 1914- Kansas City, Mo. 1915- Topeka, Kan9. 1915- Paola, Kans. 1915- Baldwin City, Kans. Oct. 6, 1916. 1915- Emporia, Kans. 1917- Baldwin City, Kans. 1917- Kansas City, Mo. 1917- Galena, Kans. xli II. OFFICERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Name Rev. Levin Beauchamp Dennis Rev. Nathan Taylor Rev. Hugh Dunn Fisher Rev. George Washington Paddock John Wesley Horner Rev. Werter Renick Davis Rev. Jeremy Boynton Rev. Joseph Denison Rev. Henry William Reed Rev. George Sullivan Dearborn Robert Newton Allen Nelson Case PRESIDENT Term Begin Apr., 1859 Mar., 1861 July, 1861 June, 1862 June, 1867 Mar., 1868 Mar., 1872 Dec, 1875 June, 1876 June, 1883 June, 1894 June, 1897 Term Close Mar., 1861 July, 1861 June, 1862 June, 1867 Oct., 1867 Mar., 1872 Dec., 1876 June, 1876 June, 1888 June, 1894 June, 1897 VICE-PRESIDENT Name Rev. Mark Robertson Rev. Hugh Dunn Fisher Rev. Strange Brooks Rev. William George Piper Henry Barricklow Rev. George Sullivan Dearborn Dennis Willey William Plasket Rev. Lemuel Morris Hancock Rev. Alfred Kennard Johnson Homer Clark Mechem Rev. John M. Sullivan Rev. Pearce Taylor Rhodes Rev. Werter Renick Davis Rev. John Wesley Stewart Rev. John M. Sullivan Ripley Warren Sparr Joab Mulvane John Plantz Davis Term Begin Mar., 1860 Mar., 1861 July, 1861 June, 1862 Mar., 1863 Mar., 1866 Dec, 1868 Mar., 1871 June, 1874 Dec, 1875 June, 1876 June, 1878 June, 1881 June, 1882 June, 1894 June, 1895 June, 1898 June, 1903 June, 1904 Term Close Mar., 1861 July, 1861 June, 1862 Mar., 1863 Mar., 1866 Dec, 1868 Mar., 1870 June, 1874 Dec, 1875 June, 1876 June, 1878 June, 1881 June, 1882 June, 1893 June, 1895 June, 1898 June, 1908 June, 1904 SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT Name Rev. John M. Sullivan Ripley Warren Sparr Rev. John M. Sullivan Term Begin June, 1893 June, 1896 June, 1898 Term Close June, 1895 June, 1898 July, 1900 SECRETARY Name Rev. Nathan Taylor Rev. Ira Blackford Thomas Asbury Parker Term Begin Apr., 1859 Mar., 1860 Mar., 1861 Term Close Mar., 1860 Mar., 1861 June, 1862 xlii OFFICERS SECRETARY-Continued Name Rev. Levin Beauchamp Dennis Rev. William George Piper Rev. Hugh Dunn Fisher Rev. Charles Edwin Lewis Rev. Robert Latimore Harford Samuel Adams Rev. William Kennedy Marshall Rev. Samuel S. Weatherby Rev. William Henry Sweet Henry Harrison Taylor Rev. Hibbird Austin Tucker Rev. Henry William Reed Rev. Edmond Cady Boaz Rev. Herbert Winthrop Chaffee Rev. Levi Kirke Billingsley Rev. Edwin Mortimer Randall Rev. Samuel Soule Murphy Rev. Herbert Winthrop Chaffee Charles Edward Beeks Term June, Mar., Mar., Mar., Mar., Mar., Mar., June, Mar., June, June, June, June, June, June, June, June, June, June, Begin 1862 1863 1864 1868 1869 1871 1872 1874 1880 1881 1888 1884 1886 1887 1894 1895 1897 1908 1913 Term Mar., Mar., Mar., Mar., Mar., Mar., June, Mar., June, June, June June June June June Sept. June June Close , 1868 , 1864 , 1868 , 1869 , 1871 , 1872 , 1874 , 1880 ,1881 , 1883 , 1884 , 1886 , 1887 , 1894 , 1895 , 1896 , 1908 , 1913 Name Rev. Nathan Taylor Rev. Sheldon Parker Samuel Nickles Walker Rev. Nathan Taylor John Wesley Horner Elisha Olcott Rev. Elial Jay Rice Elisha Olcott Dennis Willey Samuel Keifer Rev. Joseph Osman Roberts William Plasket Gasner G. Wharton William Leonard Rev. John M. Sullivan Rev. John Asbury Motter James E. Hair Frank Ezra Wolf TREASURER Term Mar., Mar., Mar., Mar., Mar., June, Mar., Mar., Mar., Mar., Mar., June, June, June, June, June, June, June, Begin 1860 1861 1863 1864 1866 1867 1868 1869 1870 1871 1873 1874 1885 1887 1888 1893 1897 1903 Term Mar., Mar., Mar. j Mar., June, Mar., Dec, Mar., Mar., Mar., June, June, June, June, June, June, June, Close 1861 1863 1864 1866 1867 1868 1868 1870 1871 1878 1874 1885 1887 1888 1893 1897 1908 fAGENT Name Rev. Levin Beauchamp Dennis Walter Oakley, M.A. Rev. William Butt Rev. Werter Renick Davis, A.M. Rev. Nathan Taylor William H. Scholfield Rev. James Elijah Bryan Rev. Daniel Patrick Mitchell Term Apr., Apr., Apr., Sept., Mar., Mar., Mar., June, Begin 1857 1857 1858 1858 1862 1863 1869 1869 Term Close Apr., 1858 Apr., 1858 Sept. : , 1858 Mar., 1862 Mar., 1863 Jan., 1869 Mar., 1870 July, 1869 tThese representatives bore different official titles at different times, elected sometimes by the Trustees of Baker University, sometimes by the Kansas Educational Association and sometimes by both bodies. xliii OFFICERS AGENTS— Continued Name Term Begin Rev. Jacob W. Clock Aug., 1869 Rev. Cyrus Robert Rice June, 1871 Rev. Hugh Dunn Fisher Sept., 1871 Prof. Martin VanBuren Knox Mar., 1875 Rev. Pearce Taylor Rhodes Mar., 1877 Rev. John M. Sullivan Mar., 1881 Rev. Samuel Evans Pendleton Mar., 1882 Prof. William Irwin Graham, A.M. June, 1883 Rev. E. F. Hill Mar., 1884 Rev. Allen Buckner Mar., 1885 Rev. Allen Buckner July, 1886 Prof. William Irwin Graham, A.M. June, 1888 Rev. James Winfield Walker, A.M. Sept., 1889 Rev. William J. Osborn Dec, 1896 Rev. James Murray June, 1898 Rev. James D. Smith, M.S. Mar., 1901 Rev. James Asbury Motter, A.M. Jan., 1907 Rev. Harry Andrews King, S.T.B. Mar., 1907 Rev. Elijah W. Spencer Sept., 1910 Rev. Herbert A. Church, A.B. Mar., 1912 Rev. Samuel Soule Murphy, D.D. Sept., 1912 Rev. Clarence E. Holcombe Mar., 1913 Term May, Sept., June, Mar., June, Mar., Apr., Mar., Mar., Apr., Aug., June, Oct., June, Mar., Apr., Aug., Mar., Close 1871 ? 1873 1877 1881 1886 1883 1884 1885 1886 1887 1889 1894 1897 1903 1905 1910 1909 1912 Dec, 1914 Mar., 1915 xi iv OFFICERS OF THE KANSAS EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Term Close Sept., 1858 Sept., 1859 Mar., 1860 PRESIDENT Name Term Begin Rev. Levin Beauchamp Dennis Mar., 1857 Rev. Nathan Taylor Sept., 1858 Rev. Levin Beauchamp Dennis Sept., 1859 By action of Mar. 14, 1860, the Board of Trustees of Baker University, appointed by Kansas and Nebraska Conference at last session, and their successors in office, were made the officers of the Kansas Educational Association with power to perform all their duties according to charter. Reorganization, Mar. 29th, 30th, 1873, at Ottawa, Kans. Rev. Benjamin F. Bowman Rev. Samuel S. Weatherby Rev. John M. Sullivan Rev. A. H. Walter Henry Harrison Taylor Prof. William Irwin Graham Rev. Herbert Winthrop Chaffee Rev. Edward Gill Rev. John M. Sullivan Rev. James Murray Prof. Charles Sylvester Parmenter Name Rev. William Butt Rev. Charles Hazelton Lovejoy Jonas Welch Rev. James Shaw Rev. J. H. Leard Rev. Samuel S. Weatherby Rev. Daniel Patrick Mitchell Rev. Simon Peter Jacobs Rev. Samuel E. Pendleton Rev. Werter Renick Davis Rev. Edmond Cady Boaz Rev. James T. Hanna Rev. Werter Renick Davis Rev. John M. Sullivan Rev. Edward Gill Rev. John Henry Price Rev. Allen Buckner Rev. John M. Sullivan George R. Benedict Rev. John Henry Price Rev. Samuel Soule Murphy Name A. Still Office annulled Apr., 1858. Mar., 1873 June, 1877 June, 1877 June, 1880 June, 1880 June, 1881 June, 1881 June, 1882 June, 1882 June, 1884 June, 1884 Jan., 1890 Jan., 1890 June, 1890 June, 1890 June, 1892 June, 1892 June, 1896 June, 1896 June, 1897 June, 1897 ESIDjmn i Term Begin Term Close Mar., 1857 Apr., 1857 Apr., 1857 Apr., 1858 Apr., 1858 Sept., 1858 Sept., 1858 Mar., 1860 Mar., 1873 ? Mar., 1875 June, 1877 June, 1877 June, 1879 June, 1879 June, 1880 June, 1880 June, 1882 June, 1882 June, 1885 June, 1885 June, 1886 June, 1886 June, 1889 June, 1889 June, 1890 June, 1890 June, 1892 June, 1892 June, 1893 June, 1893 June, 1896 June, 1896 June, 1897 June, 1897 June, 1899 June, 1899 ? June, 1904 Mar., 1912 June, 1912 Dec, 1916 RESH Term )ENT Begin Term Close Mar., 1857 Apr., 1858 xlv OFFICERS Name Walter Oakley Rev. William Butt Rev. Levin Beauchamp Dennis Prof. Byron Rush Cunningham Rev. Charles Julius Lovejoy Rev. William Henry Sweet Prof. William Irwin Graham Prof. Charles A. Weaver Rev. Edmond Cady Boaz S. M. Cogshall George R. Benedict Rev. Samuel Soule Murphy Rev. Herbert Winthrop Chaffee Prof. Osmon Grant Markham Prof. Frank Ezra Wolf SECRETARY Term Mar., Sept. ; Apr., Sept. Mar., Mar., June, June, June, June, June, June, June, June, June, Begin 1857 1858 1859 1859 1873 1875 1881 1884 1886 1892 1894 1897 1906 1908 1909 Term Close Sept., 1858 Apr., 1859 Sept., 1859 Mar., 1860 Mar., 1875 June, 1881 June, 1884 June, 1886 June, 1892 June, 1894 June, 1897 June, 1906 June, 1908 June, 1909 TREASURER Name Rev. William George Piper Rev. Nathan Taylor T. H. Prather Rev. Mark Robertson Rev. J. A. Simpson Rev. John Davidson Knox Rev. Richard Wake William Plasket Henry Harrison Taylor William Plasket Charles P. Ives Rev. James Asbury Motter James E. Hair Joseph Luther Taylor Prof. Frank Ezra Wolf Term Mar., Feb., Sept., Sept., Mar., Mar., June, June, June, June, June, June, June, June, June, Begin 1857 1858 1858 1859 1873 1875 1877 1879 1881 1882 1884 1896 1897 1903 1912 Term Close Feb., 1858 Sept., 1858 Sept., , 1859 Mar., 1860 Mar., 1875 June, 1877 June, 1879 June, 1881 June, 1882 June, 1884 June, 1896 June, 1897 June, 1903 June, 1912 AUDITOR Name Rkv. R. P. Duvall Office annulled Apr., 1858. Term Begin Mar., 1857 Term Close Apr., 1858 xlvi BIOGRAPHIES OF THE PRESIDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY *WERTER RENICK DAVIS. A.M., Indiana University, 1854. M.D., Cincinnati College of Medicine and Surgery (now The University of Cincinnati College of Medicine), 1858. D.D., Indiana Asbury University (now DePauw University), 1859. Min- ister M. E. Church, Guyandotte, Va., 1835-36; Ripley, Va., 1836-37; Wil- mington, O., 1837-38; Union, O., 1838-39; Eaton, O., 1839-40; Germantown, O., 1840-41; Zanesville, O., 1841-42; Putnam, O., 1842-43; Hebron, O., 1843-44; Rushville, O., 1844-46; Eaton, O., 1846-48; Finley Chapel, Dayton, O., 1848-50; Lebanon, O., 1850-52; Hamilton and Rossville, O., 1852-53; Ebenezer, St. Louis, Mo., 1853-54; Presiding Elder, Baldwin City District, 1862-63; Presiding Elder, Fort Scott District, 1866-68; Presiding Elder, Baldwin City District, 1868-72; Presiding Elder, Leavenworth District, 1872-76; Presiding Elder, Topeka District, 1876-80; Salina, 1880-82; Bald- win City, 1882-85; Vinland, 1885-88; Pomona, 1888-93; Eudora, 1893. Pro- fessor of Natural Science, McKendree College, 1854-58. President Baker University, 1858-June, 1862; Dec, 1868-March, 1869; Dec, 1869-Sept., 1870. Trustee Baker University, 1859-63; 1868-93. Superintendent Public Instruc- tion, Douglas County, 1861-63. Chaplain 12th Kans. Vol. Inf., Sept. 30, 1862-Jan. 26, 1864; Lt. Col., 16th Kans. Vol. Cav., March 10, 1864-Oct. 8, 1864; Col. the same, Oct. 8, 1864-Nov. 28, 1865; Commandant Fort Leaven- worth, Sept. 27, 1864-April 26, 1865. Chaplain of the Wyandotte Constitu- tional Convention, July, 1859. Member of the House of the first Legisla- ture in Kansas, 1861. Member General Conference, M. E. Church, 1868, 1872, 1880. Delegate to Methodist Ecumenical Conference, London, Eng., 1881. Delegate to Centennial Conference at Baltimore, Md., 1884. Born Circleville, O., April 1, 1815. Married Minerva Russell, May 4, 1843 (who died Oct. 8, 1897). Died June 22, 1893, burial at Baldwin City. *GEORGE WASHINGTON PADDOCK. Minister M. E. Church, Castleton and Orleans, N. Y., 1852-53; Castle- ton, N. Y., 1853-55; Chapinville and Read's Corners, N. Y., 1855-57; Burlin- game, 1857-59; Wyandotte (Kansas City), 1859-61; Leavenworth, 1861-63; Lawrence, 1863-66; Corresponding Secretary, Kansas Conference Centenary Society, 1866-67; Corn Hill, Rochester, N. Y., 1867-70; Geneseo, N. Y., 1870-72; Grace, Buffalo, N. Y., 1872-74; Lima, N. Y., 1874-75; Presiding Elder, Genesee, N. Y., District 1875-79; Medina, 1879-81; Superannuated, living at Rochester, N. Y., 1881-1908. President (Nominal) of Baker Uni- versity, June, 1862-June, 1864; Trustee the same, 1861-68; President Board of Trustees, the same, 1862-67. Secretary of Kansas Conference, 1862-67. Member and Secretary of the first Board of Regents of The University of Kansas, 1866-67. Preached the funeral sermon of those killed at Quantrell's Raid on Lawrence, Aug. 21, 1863. Born Vienna, Oneida Co., N. Y., Dec 10, 1823. Married Sophrona M. Sheldon, May 18, 1847 (died 1905). Died Jan. 5, 1908, burial in Mt. Hope Cemetery, Rochester, N. Y. *LEONARD LEIDY HARTMAN. A.B., Allegheny College, 1854; A.M., 1857. Teacher High School and Academy, Mifflenburg, Pa., 1854-56; Professor of Mathematics and Acting President, Asbury Female College, New Albany, Ind., 1858-59; President of the University of Missouri, 1859-61; Professor of Mathematics, Baker xlvii BIOGRAPHIES University, Sept., 1861-Dec, 1865; Acting President, the same, June, 1862- June, 1864; President the same, June, 1864-June, 1865. Minister M. E. Church, 1862-69. Supernumerary, 1866-67; Pastor, Humboldt, 1869. Lo- cated, 1869. Trustee Baker University, 1865-69. Born Saloma, Clinton Co,. Pa., Nov. 19, 1828. Married Amalia M. Armstrong, 1862. Died March 2, 1909, burial at Shintown, Pa. *JOHN WESLEY LOCKE. A. B., Augusta College, Augusta, Ky., 1844. A. M., Indiana Asbury Uni- versity (DePauw), 1854. D. D., Dickinson College, 1867. Minister M. E. Church, Bainbridge, O., 1843-44; West Union, O., 1844-45; Jacksonville, O., 1845-46; Deer Creek, O., 1846-47; Bainbridge, O., 1847-49; West Jefferson, O., 1849-50; Vevay, Ind., 1850-52; Rising Sun, Ind., 1852-53; President Brook- ville, Ind., College, 1853-57; Presiding Elder, Connersville, Ind., District, 1857-60; Professor Mathematics, Indiana Asbury University (DePauw), 1860-65; President Baker University, Sept., 1865-March, 1866; Professor Mathematics, Indiana Asbury University, 1866-72; Minister, Jeffersonville, Ind., 1872-74; President, McKendree College, 1874-78; Minister, Olney, 111., 1878; Presiding Elder, Lebanon, 111., District, 1878-81; Mt. Vernon, 111., 1881-84; Fairfield, 111., 1884-87; Presiding Elder, Alton, 111., District, 1887-88; Superannuated, 1888-89; Fairfield, 111., 1889-91; Flora, 111., 1891-93; Lebanon, 111., 1893-95; Superannuated, 1895. Secretary Southeastern Indiana Confer- ence, 1854-56. Recorder, Indiana Asbury University, 1860-71; Trustee, the same, 1874-75. Member General Conference, M. E. Church, 1860, 1868, 1876, 1880, 1888. Delegate Centennial Conference, Baltimore, Md., 1884. Mem- ber General Missionary Committee, 1880-84. Born Paris, Ky., Feb. 12, 1822. Married Matilda Wood, June 11, 1846 (died Jan., 1891). Married Mrs. Mary E. Hill, July 19, 1892. Died Dec. 29, 1895, burial at Fairfield, 111. *JOHN WESLEY HORNER. Graduate Michigan State Normal School, 1855. A.B., The University of Michigan, 1850; A.M., 1862. Teacher in California, 1858-61. Principal of High School, Adrian, Mich., 1861. Captain, Major, Lieut. Col. and Colonel, 18th Michigan Vol. Inf., 1862-65; Professor of Ancient Languages, Baker University, Jan., 1866-March, 1866; President, the same, March, 1866-August, 1867; Professor of Belles Lettres and Mental and Moral Science, The University of Kansas, August, 1867-Sept., 1868. Founded Chetopa Advance, Chetopa, Dec, 1868, and editor till Feb., 1873. County Superintendent of Public Institution, Labette Co.. 1S70-71. Super- intendent Schools, Chetopa, Sept., 1873- Dec. 1873. Regent Kansas State Normal School, 1873-74. Born Wornelsdorf, Berks Co., Pa., May 29, 1834. Married Abigal Bateman, , 1862. Died August 16, 1874, burial at Osa- watomie. *ELIAL JAY RICE. A.B., Madison University (now Colgate University), Hamilton, N. Y., 1854; A.M., 1857. Taught after graduation in New York State. Established Savannah Seminary, Savannah, O., 1860; Superintendent Schools, Evansville, Ind., 1865. In the first faculty of the University of Kansas, Professor of Belles Lettres and Mental and Moral Science, and Acting President of the faculty, July, lS66-Aug., 1867; President of Baker University Aug., 1867-Dec, 1868. Minister M. E. Church, 1867-69, Trinidad, Colo., 1868-72. Trustee Baker University, 1868-69. Born Sullivan, Ashland Co., O., Dec. 18, 1822. Married Laura Ann Rice, June 22, 1861. Died April. 7, 1872, burial at Trini- dad, Colo. xlviii BIOGRAPHIES JOHN ALEXANDER SIMPSON, 2115 N. TREMONT ST., KANSAS CITY, KAN. A.B., Allegheny College, 1866; A.M., 1869. Teacher Mathematics and Mental and Moral Science, Plattsburg College, Plattsburg, Clinton Co., Mo., 1866-67; Minister M. E. Church, Hiawatha, 1867-69; President Baker University, March, 1869-Dec, 1869; Minister Valley Falls, 1870-72; Prin- cipal North Kansas Seminary, Circleville, 1872-73; Minister, LeRoy, 1873- 74; McPherson, 1874-75; Centralia, 1875-77; Hiawatha, 1877-79; Abilene, 1879-80; Presiding Elder, Manhattan District, 1880-84; Junction City, 1884- 85; Supernumerary, 1885-86; Eskridge, 1886-87; Supernumerary, 1887-88; Council Grove, 1888-89; Supernumerary, 1889-90; First, Kansas City, 1890- 92; Mt. Pleasant, Kansas City, 1892-93; Michigan Ave., Leavenworth, 1893- 94; Supernumerary, 1894-97; Rosedale, 1897-99; Retired, 1899. Member Gen- eral Conference, M. E. Church, 1884. Born, Scio, Harrison Co., O., July 27, 1839. Married Isabel Cecelia Gosline, Nov. 25, 1868. ♦PATTERSON McNUTT. A.B., Indiana Asbury University (DePauw), 1855; A.M., 1858. D.D., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1880. Principal Danville, 111., Seminary, 1855- 58; Principal Georgetown, 111., Seminary, 1858-61; Minister M. E. Church, 1858-66, 1869-86; Principal Danville, 111., Seminary, 1861-62; Captain 73rd Regiment, Illinois Vol. Inf., 1862-63; Minister, Marshall, 111., 1863-64; West- field, 111., 1864; President Marshall, 111., College, 1864-68; Minister, Oswego and Chetopa, 1869-70; Iola, 1870; President, Baker University, Sept., 1870- June, 1871; Professor Mathematics, Indiana Asbury University (DePauw), 1872-82; Professor Pure Mathematics, the same, 1882-83; Minister, Warrens- burg, Mo., 1883-85; Del Norte, Colo., 1885-86. Born Switzerland Co., Ind., August 27, 1833. Married Louisa S. Slavens, Nov. 27, 1855. Died Feb. 9, 1886, burial at Del Norte, Colo. ♦ROBERT LATIMORE HARFORD. D.D. Minister M. E. Church, Fort Riley, 1860-61; Junction City, 1861- 62; Manhattan, 1862-64; Atchison, 1864-66; Leavenworth, 1866-67; Presiding Elder, Manhattan District, 1867-69; Lawrence, 1869-72; Supernumerary, 1873-74; Central City, Colo., 1874-75; Rhorerville, Cal., 1875-76; Green Val- ley, Cal., 1876-77; San Jose, Cal., 1877-78; Powell St., San Francisco, Cal., 1878-80; Bush St., San Francisco, Cal., 1880-82; Petaluma, Cal., 1882-83. Professor of Mathematics, Bluemont Central College, Manhattan, 1861-62; Superintendent, Bluemont Central College, Manhattan, 1862-63. Secretary Kansas Conference, 1870, '71. Member General Conference M. E. Church, 1872. Trustee Baker University, 1868-73. Trustee, Bluemont Central Col- lege, 1863-65. President, Baker University, June, 1871-June, 1873. Born , O., 1837. Married May E. Lyman, 1871, (died ). Married Mrs. Mary E. Fraser, 1873. Died June 2. 1883, burial at Petaluma, Cal. SAMUEL S. WEATHERBY. LAWRENCE. A.B., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1866; A.M., 1868. Minister M. E. Church, Richfield, O., 1866-67; Brunswick, O., 1867-69; Green Springs, O., 1869-70; Pleasanton (Supply), 1870-71; Professor of Ancient Languages, Baker University, April, 1871-June, 1879; President of Baker University, June, 1873-June, 1874; Minister, LeRoy, 1880-82; Iola, 1882-84; Princeton, 1884-85; LeRoy, 1885-87; Supernumerary, LeRoy, 1887-96; Retired, 1896; Leroy, 1896-1900: Lawrence, 1900-. Trustee Baker University, 1874-82. Born Knox Co., O., Feb. 1, 1841. Married Delia L. Stearns, Dec. 23, 1868, (died ). x!ix BIOGRAPHIES *JOSEPH DENISON. A.B., Wesleyan University, 1840; M.A., 1843. D.D., McKendree Col- lege, 1865. Teacher of Ancient Languages, Amenia Seminary, Duchess Co., N. Y., 1840-43; Minister M. E. Church, Newton Upper Falls," Mass., 1843-45; Ipswich, Mass., 1845-46; Lynn, Mass., 1846-48; Maiden, Mass., 1848-50; Hol- liston, Mass., 1850-52; Hedding, Boston, Mass., 1852-54; Southbridge, Mass., 1854-55; Manhattan and Fort Riley Mission, 1855-56; Manhattan, 1856-57; Fort Riley, 1857-58; Manhattan, 1858-59; Presiding Elder, Manhattan Dis- trict, 1859-63; President Bluemont Central College (Manhattan), 1863; President Kansas State Agricultural College, 1863-73; Supernumerary, 1874- 75; President Baker University, 1874-79; Minister, Holton, 1880-81; Valley Falls, 1881-84; Presiding Elder Atchison District, 1884-88; Tecumseh, 1888- 93; Retired, 1893-1900. Charter member of Kansas-Nebraska Conference, 1856; Secretary of the same, 1857. Charter Trustee of Bluemont Central College (Manhattan) and Trustee of the same, 1858-63. Trustee Baker University, 1865-68 and 1875-1900. Member General Conference, M. E. Church, 1864, 1880. Charter member of the Kansas State Teachers' Asso- ciation. Born Bernardston, Franklin Co., Mass., Oct. 1, 1815. Married Sarah Jane Woodruff, July 8, 1845 (died Aug. 1, 1858). Married Mrs. Frances Ann Dennis, Nov. 21, 1859 (died July 17, 1908). Died Feb. 19, 1900, burial at Manhattan. WILLIAM HENRY SWEET SALINA A.B., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1872; A.M., 1875. D.D. Chaddock Col- lege, Quincy, 111., 1885. Professor of Mathematics, Baker University, 1872- 77; President of Baker University, 1879-86; Professor of Psychology and Ethics, Kansas Wesleyan University, 1886-88; Field Secretary, Kansas Wes- leyan University, 1909-10. Minister M. E. Church, Centralia, 1873; Holton, 1877-79; Salina, 1888-90; Minneapolis, 1890-92; Presiding Elder, Salina Dis- trict, 1892-98; Beloit, 1898-1902; Downs, 1902-05; Lincoln, 1905-06; Mar- quette, 1906-09; University Church, Salina, 1910-13; Mentor, 1913-15; Retired, 1915. Trustee Baker University, 1878-82. Member General Confer- ence, M. E. Church, 1892, 1896. Trustee Kansas Wesleyan University, 1889- 1914. Born Brown Co., O., July 14, 1843. Married Rose A. Williams, Sept. 7, 1875. HILLARY ASBURY GOBIN GREENCASTLE, IND. A. B., Indiana Asbury University (now DePauw), 1870; A. M., 1873; D. D. 1880. LL. D., Baker University, 1904. LL. D., DePauw University, 1909. Minister M. E. Church, Bainbridge, Ind., 1869-70; Remington and Goodland, Ind., 1870-73; First, South Bend, Ind., 1873-76; Trinity, LaFayette, Ind., 1876- 79; First, South Bend, Ind., 1879-80; Robert Stockwell Professor of Greek Language and Literature, DePauw University, 1880-86; President Baker University, 1886-90; Dean School of Theology, DePauw University, 1890-94; Vice-President, the same, 1894-95; Acting President, the same, 1895-96; President, the same, 1896-1903; Vice-President and Professor of Biblical Science, the same, 1903-. Soldier in Union Army, 1862-65. Secretary Facul- ty, DePauw University, 1881-86. Member General Conference, M. E. Church, 1892, '96, '00, '12. President Preachers' Aid Society, N.-W. Indiana Confer- ence, 1896-1912. Member of the Commission on the Organic Law of the M. E. Church, 1896-1900. Member of the University Senate of the M. E. Church, 1896, 1904, '08, '12. Member Ecumenical Conference of Methodism, London, England, 1901. Member Phi Beta Kappa. President DePauw Vlumni Association, 1914-. Born Terre Haute, Ind., March 25, 1842. Mar- ked Florence A. Orrill, Nov. 8, 1871 (died Dec. 16, 1891). Married Mrs. Clara Leaton Beals, July 11, 1895. i BIOGRAPHIES WILLIAM ALFRED QUAYLE. See College No. 56. LEMUEL HERBERT MURLIN, 688 BOYLSTON ST., BOSTON, MASS. A.B., DePauw University, 1891; S.T.B., 1892; LL.D., 1909. B.D., Gar- rett Biblical Institute, 1899. S.T.D., University of Denver, 1897. D.D., Cor- nell College, 1897. LL.D., University of Vermont, 1911. LL.D., Wesleyan University, 1912. Graduate Student, University of Pennsylvania, 1896; Clark University, 1897; Europe, 1898. Teacher in Ft. Wayne College, 1886- 87. Instructor in Physiology, DePauw University, 1891-92. President Ba- ker University, 1894-1911. President Boston University, 1911-. Minister M. E. Church, Trinity, Ft. Wayne, Ind., 1886-88; Knightsville, Ind., 1888- 91; Vincennes, Ind., 1891-94; Acting Pastor American Church, Berlin, Ger- many, 1909-10. Member Phi Beta Kappa. Member General Conference, M. E. Church, 1900, 1904, 1916. Delegate Methodist Ecumenical Conference, London, 1901; Toronto, 1911. President Kansas Association of College Presi- dents, 1906. Secretary The College Association of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1900-07. Secretary Rhodes' Scholarship Commission for Kansas, 1908-11. Member National Conference on Church Federation, 1906. State Director for Kansas of the Religious Education Association, 1906-08. Vice- President for Kansas of North Central Association of Colleges and Second- ary Schools, 1900. Member Kansas State Text Book Commission, 1911. Member Special Commission to reorganize educational administration in Kansas, 1911. Chairman New England Association of Colleges, 1914. Vice-President Association of New England Secondary Schools and Col- leges, 1915. Chairman Executive Committee Boston Convention Religious Education Association, 1916-17. Born Mercer Co., O., Nov. 16, 1861. Mar- ried Ermina May Fallass, Ph.D., Oct. 12, 1893. WILBUR NESBITT MASON BALDWIN CITY A.B., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1890. S.T.B., Boston University, 1896. A. M., Harvard University, 1898. D.D., University of Chattanooga, 1909. D.D., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1911. Minister M. E. Church, George- town, O., 1892-93; Epworth, Cambridge, Mass., 1898-1904; Wesley, Salem, Mass., 1904-08; First, Chattanooga, Tenn., 1908-11; President Baker Univer- sity, 1911-. Member Phi Beta Kappa; N. E. A.; Member University Sen- ate of M. E. Church, 1911- ; Treasurer Educational Association of the M. E. Church, 1915-17. Member General Conference, M. E. Church, 1916. Born Mechanicsburg, O., Apr. 15, 1867. Married Adelaide A. Green, Sept. 4, 1901. Mar. Aug. Dec. Mar. Dec. Sept. Mar. Oct. Apr. Oct. Nov. Jan. Apr. Aug. Dec. Apr. Nov. I. ROSTER OF THE PRESIDENTS AND FACULTY 1858 1862 1862 1864 1865 1866 1867 1868 1869 1869 1870 1871 1873 1874 1879 1886 1890 1894 1911 1860 1862 1863 1863 1864 1865 1866 1866 1867 1868 1871 1879 1885 Mar. Aug. Dec. Mar. Dec. Sept. June PRESIDENT 1862 *Rev. Werter Renick Davis, A.M., D.D. 1864 *Rev. George W. Paddock (Nominal). 1864 *Rev. Leonard Leidy Hartman, A.M. (Acting). 1865 *Rev. Leonard Leidy Hartman, A.M. 1866 ♦Rev. John Wesley Locke, A.M., D.D. 1867 ♦John Wesley Horner, A.M. 1868 *Elial Jay Rice, A.M. 1869 *Rev. Werter Renick Davis, A.M., D.D. 1869 Rev. John Alexander Simpson, A.M. 1870 *Rev. Werter Renick Davis, A.M., D.D. 1871 *Rev. Patterson McNutt, D.D. 1873 *Rev. Robert Latimore Harford, A.M., D.D. 1874 Rev. Samuel S. Weatherby, A.M. 1879 *Rev. Joseph Denison, A.M., D.D. 1886 Rev. William Henry Sweet, A.M., D.D. 1890 Rev. Hillary Asbury Gobin, A.M., D.D. 1894 Rev. William Alfred Quayle, A.M., Ph.D., D.D. 1911 Rev. Lemuel Herbert Murlin, D.D., LL.D. Rev. Wilbur Nesbitt Mason, A.M., D.D. PROFESSOR OF ANCIENT LANGUAGES 1862 1863 1863 1864 1865 1866 1866 1866 1868 1871 1879 1887 1886 PROFESSOR Apr. June June Jan. Mar. Dec. Dec. Mar. 1889 1893 1887 1890 1893 1893 1894 1913 June 1914 PROFESSOR 1887 1890 1891 1896 1896 1905 1905 1915 1916 Rev. Thomas A. Parker, A.M., D.D. ♦Joseph Gilbert Schnebly, A.M., M.D. ♦Rev. James Harrison Carruth, A.M. ♦Warner Craig, A.M. Martha Baldwin, A.B. ♦Warner Craig, A.M. ♦John Wesley Horner, A.M. ♦Warner Craig, A.M. ♦Mrs. Laura Ann Rice, (Latin and Mod. Lang.) ♦William Wellsley Deverell, A.M. Rev. Samuel S. Weatherby, A.M. Rev. William Irwin Graham, A.M. Rev. William Alfred Quayle, A.M. (Adjunct). OF LATIN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Rev. William Irwin Graham, A.M. Rev. Albert E. Colegrove, A.M. tOsMON Grant Markham, A.M., Litt.D. Samuel Alexander Lough, A.M. (Acting). William Harvey Partridge, A.M. (Acting). OF GREEK LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE Rev. William Alfred Quayle, A.M., Ph.D. George William Martin, A.M. Samuel Alexander Lough, A.M. fREV. Homer Kingsley Ebright, A.M., Th.D. Samuel Hart Newhall, Ph.D., (Acting). ^Absent in Graduate Study, 1893-94 fAbsent in Graduate Study, 1915-16. Endowment Campaign, 1913-14. Mar. 1862 Dec. 1865 Apr. 1866 June 1867 1867 Dec. 1868 Dec. 1868 June 1871 1871 Mar. 1872 Mar. 1872 June 1872 1872 1877 1877 1887 1887 Sept. 1901 1902 1914 1915 FACULTY PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS *Rev. Leonard Leidy Hartman, A.M. Bradford Simmons Potter, A.M., Ph.D. *Rev. Hiram Pliny Shepard, A.M. (Greek, Math.) ♦Joseph Gilbert Schnebly, A.M., M.D. Rev. Daniel A. Perrin, A.M. ♦Joseph Gilbert Schnebly, A.M., M.D. Rev. William Henry Sweet, A.M. Charles A. Weaver, A.M. *Emory Melville Wood, A.M., PhD. §Wii-Lard Hayes Garrett, B.S. Jacob Garrett Kemp, Ph.D. (Acting). PROFESSOR OF HEBREW AND BIBLICAL LITERATURE Mar. 1862 July 1862 *Rev. Thomas Hicks Mudge, A.M. PROFESSOR OF BIBLICAL AND ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY 1891 1894 Rev. James Winfield Walker, A.M., B.D. PROFESSOR OF PHILOSOPHY AND BIBLICAL LITERATURE 1894 1898 Pres. Lemuel Herbert Murlin, A.B., S.T.B. PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH BIBLE 1898 1900 *Rev. Philo Jesse Williams, D.D. PROFESSOR OF HISTORY AND BIBLICAL LITERATURE 1900 1902 Rev. Albert Cornelius Knudson, A.M., Ph.D. PROFESSOR OF BIBLICAL LITERATURE AND PHILOSOPHY 1904 1906 Rev. Walter Melville Patton, B.D., Ph.D. PROFESSOR OF BIBLICAL LITERATURE Rev. Walter Melville Patton, B.D., Ph.D. Rev. Philip Louis Schenk, A.M., B.D. Rev. George Franklin Ream, A.M., B.D. tREV. Irwin Ross Beiler, A.M., S.T.B. Rev. Percy Vivian Roberts, A.M., S.T.B. (Acting). PROFESSOR OF MUSIC Mary Elizabeth Rhodes. Mrs. Mary Holmes Simpkinson Wolcott. Mary Marie Russell, B.S. *Rev. Christopher H. Edgerton. Anna Eliza Seamans, M.L.A. Edwin A. James. Anna Eliza Seamans, M.L.A. Clara Holman. Frank N. Wheeler. Walter M. Foss. Clara Holman. Mira E. Deming. *Ella Nancy Dennis. Edwin Raymond Snyder. Carl A. Preyer. §Absent in Graduate Study, 1914-15. fAbsent in Graduate Study, 1916-17. liii 1906 1908 1908 1910 1910 1913 1913 1916 1862 1863 1863 1864 1864 1865 1865 Dec. 1866 Jan. 1867 June 1868 Sept. 1868 Dec. 1868 Dec. 1868 June 1869 Sept. 1869 Dec. 1869 Dec. 1869 June 1870 1870 Dec. 1872 Jan. 1873 June 1873 Sept. 1873 Oct. 1875 Oct. 1875 1879 1879 1888 1888 Mar. 1890 1905 1910 Jan. 1907 1914 1907 1909 1909 1913 1910 1912 1911 Jan. 1913 1912 Jan. 1913 1913 1914 1914 1914 1916 1863 Apr. PR' 1866 Apr. 1866 Mar. 1867 Apr. 1867 Dec. 1869 Mar. 1871 June 1871 1873 1877 1877 1880 1880 1883 1883 1891 FACULTY Mar. 1890 Dec. 1906 *Frank Nelson Hair. Robert Guy McCutchan, Mus.B. John J. Landsbury, Mus.B. Tames Browne Martin, Mus.B. Helen Marie Mayer. David Hantch Grosch. Ernest F. Jorez. Marvin Darwin Geere. Hans C. Feil. Berenice Long. Louis Upton Rowland, Mus.B. Anita Storrs. 3FESSOR OF NATURAL SCIENCE *Rev. James Harrison Carruth, A.M. *Asa D. Chambers, A.M. *Jacob S. Whitman, A.M., M.D. Cole *Rev. Martin Van Buren Knox, A.M., Ph.D. Charles A. Weaver, A.M. Frank James Baker, A.M. Charles Sylvester Parmenter, A.M., Ph.D. PROFESSSOR OF BIOLOGY 1891 Charles Sylvester Parmenter, A.M., Ph.D. PROFESSOR OF PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY 1891 1892 *Rev. John Garrett Henderson, A.M. 1892 1895 fOscAR Milton Stewart, Ph.D. 1896 1897 George Francis Weida, Ph.D. 1897 1908 William Charles Bauer, Ph.D. PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY 1908 1910 Ross Allen Baker, A.M. 1910 David Lindsey Randall, Ph.D. PROFESSOR OF PHYSICS 1908 Samuel Asher Deel, Ph.B. PROFESSOR OF SYSTEMATIC ZOOLOGY 1909 1910 Elmer Perry Monahan, A.M. PROFESSOR OF STRUCTURAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL BOTANY 1909 1915 LeRoy Trophimus Reser, A.M. PROFESSOR OF BOTANY 1915 LeRoy Trophimus Reser, A.M. PROFESSOR OF FRENCH OR GERMAN (with other subjects) Mary Marie Russell, B.S., French. *Mrs. Laura Ann Rice. Anna Eliza Seamans, M.L.A. French. Mrs. Janette Hill Knox, A.M. Rev. Andrews V. Stout. German. *Ida Anna Ahlborn, M.L., German. Oscar Milton Stewart, A.M., French. Lieut. Erneste Virgil Smith, French. tAbsent in Graduate Study, 1894-95. liv 1864 1865 Aug. 1867 Dec. 1868 Jan. 1867 1869 Oct. 1872 1877 1879 1880 1885 1894 1892 1894 1894 1895 FACULTY PROFESSOR OF MODERN LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES 1895 1903 Mrs. Ermina Fallass Murlin, Ph.D. 1904 1911 fHELEN Gaile Jones, Ph.B. 1910 1911 Ruth Baker, A.M. (Acting). 1911 1912 Adah Emena Shafer, Ph.B. PROFESSOR OF GERMAN LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE 1912 1913 Adah Emena Shafer, Ph.B. 1913 Anne Grace Wirt, Ph.M. PROFESSOR OF PAINTING AND DRAWING 1864 1865 Martha Baldwin, A.B. Apr. 1866 Dec. 1867 Ada A. Brewster. Oct. 1872 1877 Mrs. Janetta Hill Knox. 1880 1883 Mrs. Amanda F. (Plasket) Smead, A.M, 1883 1884 Anna H. Kuhn. 1884 1886 Jessie Fremont Breyfogle, B.S. 1886 1887 Mrs. M. H. Martindale. 1887 1891 Ellen Annette Hewins. 1891 1894 Leni Leoti Nicholson. 1894 1898 Georgian a Reed, M.L. 1898 1900 E. Belle Brown. 1900 1902 Wenonah A. Ditzler. Sept. 1902 Dec. 1902 Edith Lorima Bissell. Jan. 1903 1909 BlRDEAN MOTTER, A.B. 1909 1911 Josephine Bell. 1911 1913 Mabelle Kathryn Wells. 1913 Ella Heath. PROFESSOR OF MORAL SCIENCE AND BELLES LETTRES Sept. 1865 Mar. 1866 *Pres. John Wesley Locke, A.M., D.D. PROFESSOR OF MORAL AND INTELLECTUAL PHILOSOPHY Mar. 1866 Aug. 1867 >:: Pres. John Wesley Horner, A.M. PROFESSOR OF MENTAL AND MORAL SCIENCE AND BELLES LETTRES Aug. 1867 Dec. 1868 *Pres. Elial Jay Rice, A.M. PROFESSOR OF MENTAL AND MORAL PHILOSOPHY Dec. 1868 Mar. 1869 *Rev. Hiram Paulding Satchwell, A.M. Mar. 1869 Dec. 1869 Pres. John Alexander Simpson, A.M. PROFESSOR OF MENTAL AND MORAL SCIENCE 1874 1879 *Pres. Joseph Denison, A.M., D.D. 1879 1886 Pres. William Henry Sweet, A.M., D.D. 1886 1890 Pres. Hillary Asbury Gobin, A.M., D.D. 1890 1894 Pres. William Alfred Quayle, AM., D.D. PROFESSOR OF PHILOSOPHY AND BIBLICAL LITERATURE. 1894 1898 Pres. Lemuel Herbert Murlin, A.B., D.D. PROFESSOR OF PHILOSOPHY 1898 1900 Pres. Lemuel Herbert Murlin, A.B., D.D. PROFESSOR OF BIBLICAL LITERATURE AND PHILOSOPHY 1904 1906 Rev. Walter Melville Patton, B.D., Ph.D. tAbsent in Graduate Study, 1910-11. lv 1906 1909 1909 1910 1910 Oct. 1872 1877 Sept. 1877 Nov. 1877 Nov. 1877 1880 1880 1883 1883 1894 1884 1890 1894 1896 1896 1898 1898 1899 1899 Jan. 1914 1914 June 1914 FACULTY PROFESSOR OF PHILOSOPHY Donald John Cowling, A.M., B.D. Joseph Kinmont Hart, Ph.D. Rev. William Ernest Andrew Slaght, A.M., B.D. PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH Mrs. Janette Hill Knox, A.M. Emeline L. Allyn, M.L.A. *Mary M. Hammond. Mrs. Ada Claypool Baker, B.L. *Ida Anna Ahlborn, M.L. *George Washington Hoss, A.M., LL.D. Samuel Alexander Lough, A.M. Mrs. Ermina Fallass Murlin, Ph.D. Albert Granberry Reed, A.M., Ph.D. Mrs. Alice Downey Porter, A.M., Ph.D. Bessie Gay Secrest, A.B. (Instructor). Colin Cuthbert Alexander, A.M. PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH CLASSICS AND ORATORY 1884 1890 *George Washington Hoss, A.M., LL.D. PROFESSOR OF ELOCUTION AND ORATORY *George Washington Hoss, A.M., LL.D. VlRGILINE MULVANE. Alfred Edgar Leach, A.B. PROFESSOR OF HISTORY *Ida Anna Ahlborn, M.L. Samuel Alexander Lough, A.M. Guy Potter Benton, A.M. Edwin Oglesby Grimes, A.M. Rev. Albert Cornelius Knudson, A.M., Ph.D. fREV. Harman Jacob Hoover, A.M., Ph. D. Thomas Legrand Harris, A.M. (Acting). Thomas Legrand Harris, A.M. PROFESSOR OF MILITARY SCIENCE AND TACTICS Mar. 1894 1898 Erneste Virgil Smith, 1st Lieut. 4th U. S. Inf. 1898 1900 ^William Franklin Clark, 1st Lieut. U. S. Cav. PROFESSOR OF PEDAGOGY 1899 Lilian Scott, A.M. DIRECTOR OF MEN'S GYMNASIUM Arza Bracken Fogle, A.M., Director of Athletics. Arza Bracken Fogle, A.M., Instructor Physical Training. Joseph F. Reisner, Instructor Physical Training. George R. Strohm, Instructor Physical Training. A. A. Bersin, Instructor Physical Training. Henry C. Yoxall, Instructor Physical Training. Henry C. Yoxall, Professor Physical Training. Louis Daniel Scherer, B.S., Professor Physical Training. fAbsent on Health Leave, 1912-14. ^Absent on duty in Cuba, 1899-1900. lvi 1890 1891 1891 1893 1895 1891 1894 1894 1896 1896 1899 1899 1900 1900 1902 1902 1914 1912 1914 1914 1899 1903 1901 1903 1903 1904 1904 1905 1905 1906 1906 1907 1907 1910 1910 1913 FACULTY 1913 1915 Edward Clark Gallagher, B.S., Professor Physical Training. 1915 1916 Thomas Dudley Shepherd, A.B., Professor Physical Training. 1916 Karl A. Schlademan, A.B., Professor Physical Training. DIRECTOR OF WOMEN'S GYMNASIUM 1901 1906 Ada Gertrude Heaton, Instructor Physical Training. 1906 1913 f Ada Gertrude Heaton, Professor Physical Training. 1912 1913 Delinda E. Yawman (Acting) Professor Physical Training. 1913 1915 Delinda E. Yawman, Professor Physical Training. 1915 Jean Cossar Ewart, A.B., Professor Physical Training. PRINCIPAL OF ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT 1858 1861 *Benjamin Rush Cunningham, A.M. Apr. 1868 Dec. 1868 *Rev. Hiram P. Satchwell, A.M. 1886 1887 Alfred Docking. 1887 1893 Osmon Grant Markham, A.M. 1893 1895 George William Martin, A.M. 1895 1901 Osmon Grant Markham, A.M. 1901 1902 Rev. Albert Cornelius Knudson, A.M., Ph.D. 1902 1905 Scott Elias William Bedford, A.B. 1905 1907 George Fox Cook, Ph.D. 1907 1908 Bertram Everett McProud, A.M. 1908 1909 Curvin Henry Gingrich, A.M. 1909 1914 Walter Amos Cook, M.S. PRINCIPAL OF NORMAL DEPARTMENT 1880 1884 Rev. William Irwin Graham, A.M. 1894 1911 Lilian Scott, Ph.B. PRINCIPAL OF COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT 1889 Jan. 1894 *Samuel Edwin Robertson. Jan. 1894 Mar. 1899 $* William Neely Simpson. Mar. 1899 Mar. 1899 * Law. 1899 1912 Frank Ezra Wolf, A.B. INSTRUCTORS IN HOUSEHOLD ARTS 1911 1913 Nelle Jane Campbell. 1913 1914 Grace Dogmar Kristofferson. 1914 1915 Emma Jeffery. 1915 1916 Katherine Martindale, A.B. 1916 Velma Phillips, Ph.B. INSTRUCTORS OF FRENCH LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE 1912 1913 Anna Downey Porter, A.B. 1913 1915 Katherine Denise Wollaston, Ph.B. 1915 Sophy Dearborn Parker, A.B. INSTRUCTORS Apr. 1872 June 1872 *Alpheus A. B. Cavaness. 1883 1884 Eliza Armstrong Telford, A.B., English and Latin. 1889 1890 Eva May Pierce, B.S., English. 1890 1891 Laura L. Ewing, Greek. fOn leave of absence, 1912-13. $On leave of absence, in Advanced Study, 1896-97. lvii 1892 1893 1893 1894 1894 1895 1900 1914 1900 Dec. 1900 1900 1901 Jan. 1901 1901 1900 1901 1901 1902 1901 1904 1901 1902 1901 1902 1901 1902 1902 1905 1902 1903 1903 1905 1903 1905 1904 Dec. 1905 1904 1905 1907 1905 1906 1905 1909 1905 1906 1905 1910 1905 1906 1905 Jan. 1909 1906 1907 1906 1914 1906 1909 1906 1907 1906 1908 1907 1908 1907 1909 1907 1908 1908 1909 1908 1910 1909 1910 1909 1910 1910 1914 1910 1911 1910 1912 1910 1912 1911 1912 1911 1912 1912 1913 1912 1913 1913 1914 1914 1914 1916 FACULTY Anna May Hair, A.B., History. Harvard Oliver Harpster, A.B., Mathematics. Harvard Oliver Harpster, A.B., English. Eliza Armstrong Telford, A.M., Latin. *Esther Almira Marvel, A.B., History. Louis Gerteis, A.B., Modern Languages. Eva Gill Clark, A.B., English and History. John Calhoun Bridwell, B.S., Biology. Thomas James Riley, A.B., Mathematics and As- tronomy. Helen Gaile Jones, Ph.B., Modern Languages. Elizabeth Christine Bentley, A.M., History and Literature. *William Butler Keeling, A.B., Physics and Mathe- matics. Birdean Motter, A.B., China and Decorative Art. Scott Elias William Bedford, A.B., History and English. Albert Emanuel Kirk, Ph.B., Biology. Mary Kibben Murphy, A.B., Modern Languages. Clair Aigler Harpster, Ph.B., Mathematics. Emma Belle French, A.B., English. William Walter Johnston, A.B., English. George Fox Cook, Ph.D., Mathematics. Edsall Bowman Knepp, Ph.B., Chemistry and Physics. Elmer Perry Monahan, Ph.B., Biology and Taxi- dermy. Jennie Alice Heinselman, A.B., History. fRuTH Baker, Ph.B., Modem Languages. Robert Ellis Heinselman, A.B., English. Rev. Julius Smith, A.M., D.D., Christian Missions. Russell Hall Allen, A.B., History and German. Nora Dale Ames, B.L., English. LeRoy Trophimus Reser, Ph.B., Biology Archie Lowell Ryan, A.B., English. LeRoy Trophimus Reser, Ph.B., Biology istry. Bertram Everett McProud, A.M., English. Curvin Henry Gingrich, A.M., Mathematics. Mrs. Bertha Watt McProud, Ph.B., German and History. Ethel E. McAnulty, A.B., History and German. Mabel Ruth LeBaron, A.B., English and Latin. Joanna Laning, A.M., Modern Languages. Grace Elizabeth Leach, A.B., History and German. Walter Amos Cook, M.S., Mathematics. Warren Ortman Ault, A.B., Civics and History. Anna Downey Porter, A.B., Modern Languages. Grace Elizabeth Leach, A.B., Latin and German. Arthur Dan Catlin, A.B., Civics and History. Roy Albert Porterfield, B.S., Mathematics and Engi- neering. Wesley Marsh Gewehr, A.M., Civics and History. Rufus Crane, A.B., S.B., Mathematics and Engineering. Robert Hugh McWilliams, A.M., Civics and History. George Born Manhart, A.M., History. Lola Langston, A.B., Latin and English. fOn leave of absence, 1909-10. lviii FACULTY Warren Shepard, A.B., Mathematics and English. Rev. Harry Francis Dorcas, A.B., Academy Bible. Mrs. Helen Huse Collins, B.S., Household Arts. Grace Mabel Irwin, A.B., Latin and English. INSTRUCTORS IN MUSIC *Mrs. Minerva Russell (Werter R.) Davis. *Lena M. Elder. Mattie Mudd. Sarah Smith. Lyman Beecher Keifer. C. A. Richey. Nannie Graham. josie hutchings. Mrs. Lillie D. Sellers. Josephine Hilty. Glen Gill. Mabel Cunningham, B.S. Jennie K. Bull. Charles E. Gormley (Band). Albert H. McConnell, A.B. Ada Saeker, A.B. Charles E. Gormley (Band). Eula Reba Smith. Everet Kin Foster, A.B. Ernest Lincoln Cox. Mrs. Fanny Pinkham-Grosch. Mary Brigham, A.B. Elizabeth Finch Burney. Ruth Lundgren. Homer Edward Crain, Mus.B. TEACHERS IN PRIMARY DEPARTMENT Mar. 1863 Dec. 1863 Mary A. Goltman. Dec. 1863 1865 Abbie Gregg. 1865 Dec. 1867 *Halo Griswold. ASSISTANTS AND TEACHERS Mary M. Still. ♦Mary C. Dunn. *Anson Gridley. Ervin Lewellyn Thorpe, Elocution. *Martin Van Buren Knox. Mrs. Rose A. Sweet. *Emanuel James Baskerville, Elocution. Eliza Armstrong Telford, English and Latin. William Alfred Quayle, English and Latin. Don Snell Colt, Mathematics. Samuel Alexander Lough, Latin. *Harman Jacob Hoover, Latin. Caroline Boughton, English. Homer Samuel Myers. Irwin Stimmel. Ada Lee Price. Samuel Brush Haskin, Mathematics. Edith James Kirkpatrick. Eli Merton Paddleford, Mathematics. Oliver Lincoln Utter. Samuel Brush Haskin, Gymnasium. Lilian Scott, English. lix 1915 Jan. 1916 1916 1858 1862 Mar. 1865 Dec. 1865 Nov. 1866 Jan. 1867 Mar. 1869 June 1869 1877 1878 1886 1887 1887 1888 1888 1889 1889 1890 1892 1895 1893 1895 1895 1897 1897 1903 1901 1902 1902 1904 1903 1904 1904 1907 1907 1910 1910 1911 1910 1912 1910 1912 1910 1912 1912 1914 1914 1916 1858 1859 1859 1860 1872 1873 1876 1873 1879 1880 1881 1884 1881 1883 1884 1885 1885 1886 1886 1888 1886 1887 1890 1891 1891 1892 1891 1892 1891 1892 1891 1892 1892 1893 1892 1893 1892 1893 1892 1893 1893 1894 FACULTY George Emanuel Toomey, Gymnasium. Alfred Edgar Leach, Elocution. Louise Frederica Stoelzing, Modern Languages. William Melvin Clark, Mathematics. Roberta Alexander Simpson, Physics. Francis W. Fenn, Physics. Dora Clementine Markham, Latin. Mrs. Laura Kate Myler, Normal Department. Harry A. Gordon, Mathematics. Thomas James Riley, Mathematics and English. Jessie Amanda Skinner, English. Hattie R. Simonton, Normal Department. William Ray Manning, History. John Calhoun Bridwell, Biology. George Asbury Stephens, Normal Department. Ernest Milbourne Freeland, English. Harriet Kemp, Modem Languages. Frank Hamilton Hankins, Mathematics. Elmer Auther Riley, English. Arthur Ringer, Physics. Samuel Asher Deel, Chemistry. Alvin Wesley Ault, Latin. Louvenia Madeline Joseph, English and Latin. Levi Brown Smith, Mathematics and Physics. Willem B artel Wilton, German. Paul Evans, Mathematics. .ND TEACHERS OF COMMERCIAL BRANCHES William Alonzo French. J. C. Walker. 'Emanuel James Baskerville. John K. Elwell. John W. Lampman. Zimri H. Lewis. 1890 Jan. 1894 *William Neely Simpson. 1890 1895 *Mabel Brockett. 1891 1892 Charles Price Howell. 1893 1894 Charles Newton Parsons. 1894 1897 Francis Marion Powell. 1895 Jan. 1897 Mary Myrtus Pendleton. Jan. 1897 1903 * Addison Ault. 1896 1897 Edwin Oglesby Grimes. Mar. 1899 June 1899 Frank Ezra Wolf. 1900 1902 Solomon Diffenbaugh Dice. 1903 1905 Elmer H. McGill. 1903 1904 Ernest C. Romano. 1905 1906 Mrs. Olive Coddick Chapman. 1906 1907 Anna Rogers. 1907 1908 Harriet M. Huff. 1907 1914 James Underwood Massey. 1907 1908 Theodore Columbus Martin. 1911 1912 William Rodney Thompson, A.B. 1912 1912 Theodore Columbus Martin. 1914 1916 Clarence Oliver Kimball, Jr. 1915 1916 Solomon Diffenbaugh Dice. . 1916 John Ray Lanphear. lx 1893 1895 1893 1895 1894 1898 1894 1895 1894 1896 1895 1896 1895 1896 1895 1896 1895 1896 1896 1900 1897 1898 1897 1898 1897 1900 1898 1900 1898 1900 1899 1900 1899 1901 1900 1901 1900 1901 1900 1901 1900 1902 1900 1901 1901 1902 1901 1902 1914 1916 1914 1916 STRUC 1874 TORS i 1878 1874 1875 1881 1884 1884 1887 1887 1889 1889 1890 FACULTY 1902 1903 1902 1905 1902 1905 1903 1904 1903 1904 1904 1905 1904 1906 1904 1905 1905 1906 1905 1907 1905 1907 1906 1908 1906 1907 1907 1908 1908 1910 1908 1909 1909 1912 1911 1913 1911 1913 1913 1914 1913 1914 1913 1914 1914 1915 1914 1915 1914 1915 1915 1916 1915 1915 1916 ASSISTANTS IN PHYSICAL TRAINING Joseph F. Reisner. Edith Bowers. Alpha Mills Ebright. Laura Wiley. George R. Strohm. Alice Catherine Reid. Anna Downey Porter. W. E. Knowles. Ruth Yoe. Aro M. Harvey. Warren F. Cook. Ivy Williams Riley. Forrest C. Allen. H. O. Maldiner. Clara Mary Brewster. J. C. Shover. Elmer Ray Norris. Elvia Nathan Stewart. MayBelle Harris. Edna Clare George. Herbert Allphin. William Henry Hertzog. Berna Hannum, Mus.B. Harris Fitzer. Harry Coleman. Marguerite Temple Barker. Clarence Clifford Clarridge. Lester Martel Bradley. Grace Alexander Spurgin. lxi II. OFFICERS OF THE FACULTY SECRETARY Jan. 1863 Mar. 1863 J. G. SCHNEBLEY. May- 1863 June 1865 J. H. Carruth. Sept. 1865 Dec. 1865 L. L. Hartman. Dec. 1865 Dec. 1866 C. H. Edgerton. Dec. 1866 June 1867 B. S. Potter. Sept. 1867 Dec. 1868 H. P. Shepard. Jan. 1869 Mar. 1871 W. W. Deverell. Sept. 1873 Mar. 1876 M. V. B. Knox. Mar. 1876 June 1877 Mrs. N. H. Knox. Sept. 1877 June 1878 C. A. Weaver. Sept. 1878 June 1879 W. L. French. Sept. 1879 June 1880 C. A. Weaver. Sept. 1880 June 1882 Frank J. Baker. Sept. 1882 June 1883 C. A. Weaver. Sept. 1883 June 1885 C. S. Parmenter. Sept. 1885 June 1886 W. A. QUAYLE. Sept. 1886 June 1888 C. S. Parmenter. Sept. 1888 1892 O. G. Markham. 1892 1893 G. W. Martin. 1893 1895 S. A. Lough. 1895 1896 G. W. Martin. 1896 1899 G. P. Benton. 1899 1901 W. C. Bauer. 1901 1904 Addison Ault. 1904 1908 W. H. Garrett. 1908 1913 H. K. Ebright. 1913 D. L. Randall. LIBRARIAN Apr. 1866 y Asa D. Chambers. Jan. 1869 ? J. G. Schnebly. p Apr. 1877 W. H. Sweet. Apr. 1877 June 1877 W. L. French. Sept. 1877 ? John H. Price. Sept. 1879 June 1880 Miss M. M. Hammond. Sept. 1880 June 1881 Mrs. Ada L. Baker. ? June 1883 Miss A. F. Plasket. Sept. 1883 June 1884 Anna H. Kuhn. Sept. 1884 Tune 1885 Jessie F. Breyfogle. Sept. 1885 1890 G. W. Hoss. 1890 1901 E. M. Wood. 1901 1904 S. A. Lough. 1904 Dec. 1912 Mrs. Olive M. Wood. Jan. 1913 1913 June 1913 Edith M. Clark (Acting) Hattie Osborn. PRECEPTRESS Sept. 1871 Oct. 1872 Mary M. Harford. Oct. 1872 1877 Mrs. Janette Hill Knox. Sept. 1877 Nov. 1877 Emeline L. Allen. Nov. 1877 1880 Mary M. Hammond. 1880 1883 Mrs. Ada C. Baker. lxii OFFICERS 1883 1894 Ida A. Ahlborn. 1895 1900 Mrs. Ermina Fallass Murlin. 1900 Mrs. Alice Downey Porter. TREASURER Sept. 1873 Nov. 1873 M. V. B. Knox. Nov. 1873 ? W. H. Sweet. 1877 1879 S. S. Weatherby. 1879 1889 W. I. Graham. 1889 1890 W. A. Quayle. 1890 1893 S. E. Robertson. 1893 1894 C. S. Parmenter. 1894 1896 W. N. Simpson. 1896 1897 F. M. Powell. 1897 1901 S. A. Lough. 1901 F. E. Wolf. REGISTRAR 1886 1892 Ida A. Ahlborn. 1892 1893 A. E. Colegrove. 1893 1894 O. M. Stewart. 1894 1895 O. G. Markham. 1895 1898 Lilian Scott. 1898 1905 O. G. Markham. 1905 1912 H. J. Hoover. 1912 S. A. Deel. VICE-PRESIDENT 1886 1889 W. I. Graham. 1889 1890 W. A. Quayle. 1899 C. S. Parmenter. CURATOR OF MUSEUM 1886 C. S. Parmenter. DEAN 1905 O. G. Markham. ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN 1897 1902 Scott E. W. Bedford. 1902 1904 Nathaniel J. Adams. 1907 1910 Anna Clark. 1910 Ruby Ethel Cundiff, A. B. lxiii ROSTER OF THE OFFICERS OF THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Martin Van Buren Knox. Lyman Parks Weeks.... Martin Van Buren Knox. Charles Wesley Roberts. Thomas D. Leib Samuel Alexander Lough. Harry Bertrand Wren . . . President .1873-1874 Samuel Alexander Lough. .1897-1901 . 1874-1875 James D. Smith 1901-1903 .1875-1876 Merton Jay Stickel 1903-1904 . 1876- ? Lilian Scott 1904-1909 .1892-1893 William Colfax Markham. 1909-1912 . 1893-1896 Marshall Morton Morgan . . 1912-1914 .1896-1897 William Melvin Clark 1914- Vice-President Martin Van Buren Knox. .1874-1875 James Crooks Hall 1875-1876 Irving Roscoe Love joy 1876- ? Laura L. Ewing 1894-1895 Bessie Boughton 1895-1896 Harry Bertrand Wren 1897-1898 (None elected) 1898-1901 David H. Manley 1901-1903 Nell Edith Chaffee 1903-1904 Anna Livingston Keeling.. Mrs. Anna Keeling Hankins 1904-1906 Homer Kingsley Ebright. . .1906-1908 Forrest Madison Hartley. . .1908-1912 Homer Kingsley Ebright. . .1912-1914 Frank Ezra Wolf 1914- Lyman Parks Weeks 1873- Mary Collingwood Hender- son 1874- Mrs. Nettie Hill Knox 1875- Mrs. Sylvia Euarcha Ashby 1876- Edith R. Dudgeon 1892- William Colfax Markham. 1894- George Anthus Marvel. .. .1895- Esther Almira Marvel 1896- Georgiana Reed 1897- secretary 1874 Mrs. Anna Hair Finley. . . . Mrs. Carrie Hoover Mark- 1875 ham 1876 Merton Jay Stickel ? Frank Ezra Wolf 1894 Nora Dale Ames 1895 Mary Brigham 1896 Samuel Asher Deel 1897 Ruby Ethel Cundiff 1898 1898-1900 1900-1901 1901-1903 1903-1908 1908-1912 1912-1913 1913-1914 1914- Mary Collingwood Hender- son 1873- Mary Lucinda Clough 1874- Mrs. Sylvia Euarcha Ashby. 1875- Emma Plasket 1876- William Brown Swan 1892- Mrs. Mame Murray Hair. . .1893- Henry Thomas Davis 1895- Mrs. Mary Benedict Lough. 1896- treasurer Esther Almira Marvel 1897-1898 1874 William Melvin Clark 1898-1903 1875 Anna Livingston Keeling. .1903-1904 1876 William Melvin Clark 1904-1906 ? Mrs. Blanche Case Hoover. 1906-1909 1893 Marshall Morton Morgan 1909-1912 1895 Mrs. Myrtle Walker Clark . 1912-1914 1896 Willard Glass Hazen 1914-1915 1897 Dossie May Stewart 1915- lxiv [1866-63 ALUMNI OF THE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS There have been 1,091 graduates from the College of Liberal Arts — 623 men, 468 women. There have been 21 graduates from the Conservatory of Music — 6 men, 15 women. Of these 21, 4 men had previously been graduated from the College, 6 women had been so graduated. Thus, there are 1,106 Alumni receiving the Bachelor's degree — 625 men, 481 women. CLASS OF 1866 1. JAMES MULLOY CAVANESS. CHANUTE A.B.; A.M., 1869. Postmaster, Baldwin, 1865-66; Superintendent Schools, Butler, Mo., 1866; Superintendent Schools, Paola, 1867; Superin- tendent Schools, Chetopa, 1869-70; with Chetopa Advance, Chetopa, 1869-99; Postmaster, Chetopa, 1874-85; Editor Chetopa Advance, Chetopa, 1873-99; Minister M. E. Church, Neosho Falls, 1886-89; Editor Chanute Daily Tribune, Chanute, 1899-1903; Book Store, Chanute, 1903-07; with Chanute Daily Tribune, Chanute, 1907-. Author "Poems by Two Brothers" (with brother, A. A. B. Cavaness), "Jayhawker Juleps," "Rythmic Studies of the Word." Vice-President for Third District, Kansas Authors' Club, 1910. Trustee B. U., 1875-83. Born, Monrovia, Ind., March 29, 1842. Married Mary I. Swallow, March 4, 1873. Children: Ethel, May 16, 1874; Wilfred, Nov. 24, 1875; Herbert, Aug. 23, 1877. Father of Nos. 231, 263. 2. *JAMES CROOKS HALL. A.B.; A.M., 1869; D.D., 1886. Organized first public schools in Har- risonville, Cass County, Mo., 1867; with Professor Trumball, organized and taught in Public Schools, Pleasant Hill, Mo., 1868-71; President of Lewis College, Glasgow, Mo., 1871-84; Minister M. E. Church, 1872-1914; without appointment, 1884-85; Supernumerary, 1885-86; El Dorado, 1886-91; Great Bend, 1891-95; Hutchinson, 1895-1900; Wellington, 1900-06; Lyons, 1906-12; Medicine Lodge, 1912-14; Retired, 1914. Delegate to General Conference, M. E. Church, 1892. Member of Ecumenical Methodist Conference, 1911. Born Bolton, Lancashire, England, Oct. 18, 1839. Married Olive Kezia Willey, No. 3, Sept. 25, 1867. Died July 5, 1914, burial at Wellington. Children: Lalage, July 15, 1875; Olive Lydia, Nov. 18, 1887. S. OLIVE KEZIA WILLEY, 3015 E. 31ST ST., KANSAS CITY, MO. A.B.; A.M., 1869. Homekeeper, 1867-. Taught in Public Schools of Cass County, Mo., 1867-70; Professor Latin and Greek, Lewis College, Glas- gow, Mo., 1871-83. Born Paris, Ind., June 12, 1844. Married James Crooks Hall, No. 2, Sept. 25, 1867. Children: Lalage, July 15, 1875; Olive Lydia, Nov. 18, 1887. CLASS OF 1868 4. CHARLES GAYLORD DEMING, 1624 ATFIELD AVE, RICH- MOND HILL, NEW YORK, N. Y. A.B.; A.M., 1871. B.D., Boston University, 1874. Minister M. E. Church, Council Grove, 1868; Leavenworth, 1869; Sabetha, 1870; Edwards- ville, 1871; Graduate Student in Theology, Boston University, 1872-73; 65 1868-72] GRADUATES Principal Conference Seminary, High Point, N. C, 1874-82; Pastor, Belle- ville, N. J., 1881; Stamford, N. Y., 1883-84: Bovina, N. Y., 1885; Leads, High H ; ll and Sandy Plains, N. Y., 1886-88; Woodstock, N. Y., 1889-93; Cowey- man's Hollow and Ravena, N. Y., 1894; Ravena, N. Y., 1895-96; Maiden on Hudson, N. Y., 1897-98; Retired, Kingston, N. Y., 1899-1907; Syracuse. N. Y., 1907-14; Richmond Hill, N. Y. City, 1914-. Anti-Saloon League, Albany, N. Y., 1901-05. Born Monterey, N. Y., Feb. 15, 1844. Married Nellie J. Hall, Nov. 10, 1873. Married Annie M. Janney, March 15, 1882. Married Jennie M. Grant, April 15, 1885. Children: Mia Hamone, Nov. 7, 1874; Charles S., Nov. 17, 1876; Fred H., Feb. 12, 1878; Annie, Jan. 11, 1889; Maude, Oct. 5, 1890. 5. THOMAS SEABROOK. 201 COLUMBUS AVE., PASSAIC, N. J. B.S.; A.M., 1871. Chairman Engineer Corps, Baltimore and Potomac R. R., 1868; Rodman Engineer Corps, Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, Pa., 1869; Rodman, St. Louis, Council Bluffs and Omaha R. R., 1870; Assistant Engineer, Quincy, Alton and St. Louis R. R., 1871; Assistant Engineer, Pittsburgh, Virginia and Charleston R. R., 1872; Contractor on Pittsburgh, Wheeling and Kentucky R. R., 1873; Chief Engineer, Brownsville and Wash- ington Avenues Improvement, 1874; P. A. Engineer, Delaware Shore R. R., 1875; Contractor on Pennsylvania R. R., 1876-77; in office of Superintendent of Transportation, Pennsylvania R. R., 1878; Chief Engineer, Bells Gap R. R., 1879-80; City Engineer, Altoona, Pa., 1881-82; Assistant Engineer, Pennsylvania R. R., 1883-85: private business, 1886-87; Assistant Engineer, Johnsenburgh R. R., 1888; Bridge and Tunnel Engineer, C. V. R. R., 1889; Construction Eng : neer and Superintendent of Construction, Mexican Pa- cific R. R., State of Chiapes, Mex., 1890-91; with Wise & Watson, Engineers and Surveyors, Passaic, N. J., 1892-94; on construction of Choctaw, Okla- homa and Gulf R. R., 1895; with F. K. Irving, Architect and Engineer, Passaic, N. J., 1896. Born Nov. 6, 1847. Married S. J. Adams, May 16, 1871. CLASS OF 1869 6. JOHN. W. ROBINSON. A.B. Physician, Trinidad, Colo., 1898. 7. ROBERT STUART SIMPSON McPHERSON A.B. M.D., The University of Michigan, 1867. Physician and Surgeon, Nevada City, Calif., 1869-71; Rosemond, 111., 1871-86; McPherson, 1886-. United States Examining Surgeon for Pensions, 1891-1905. Surgeon. Rock Island Railway Co., 1887-. Born Harrison Co., O., Feb. 3, 1841. Married Emma J. Salthouse, April 11, 1872. Children: Carl Moore, Feb. 22, 1873; Stanley Stuart, May 14, 1876; Nellie May, Nov. 27, 1878; Vera Pearl, Jan. 26, 1884. Father of No. 545. CLASS OF 1872 8. MARY CORDELIA DALLAS. A.B. Homekeeper, 1872-. Junction City, 1879-87; Topeka, 1887-93; Chi- cago, 111., 1893. Born Sewellsville, Ohio. Married H. C. Speer, 1872. 66 GRADUATES [1873-76 CLASS OF 1873 9. *MARY COLLINGWOOD HENDERSON. B.S. Homekeeper, 1875-1911. Born New York, N. Y, Nov. 10, 1852. Married John Baptist Henderson, Dec. 22, 1875. Died Nov. 15, 1911, burial at Calgary, Alta. Children: Mary Rebecca, Nov. 13, 1877; Olive, Sept. 30, 1879; Eva, March 15, 1881; Arthur Cattar, Jan. 26, 1883; Isabel, Jan. 31, 1885; Nellie Winnifred, Aug. 24, 1887; John Baptist, Jr., May 31, 1890; Harold Heme, July 9, 1892; Ruth Monica, Sept. 25, 1895; Francis Hereward, Oct. 10, 1897. 10. *MARTIN VAN BUREN KNOX. A.B.; A. M., 1876; D.D., 1891. A. M. Boston University, 1879; Ph.D., Bos- ton University, 1881. Professor of Natural Science, Baker University, 1873- 77; Graduate Student in Philosophy, Boston University, 1877-79; Minister M. E. Church, Supernumerary, 1879-80; Claremont, N. H., 1880-82; Lebanon, N. H„ 1882-85; Littleton, N. H„ 1885-88; Supernumerary, 1888-90; St. James, Manchester, N. H., 1890-92; President Red River Valley University, Waphe- ton, North Dakota, 1892-1900; Retired, Stoneham, Mass., 1903-12. Author "Winter in India and Malaysia", "Summer Saunterings", "The Religious Life of the Anglo-Saxon Race." Born Schroon, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1841. Married Janette Hill. No. 16, Jan. 9, 1871. Died March 13, 1912, burial at Danville, Vt. Child, infant son, Nov. 6, 1871. 11. *LYMAN PARKS WEEKS. A.B. Died, 1903. CLASS OF 1874 12. *SYLVIA EUARCHA DARNALL ASHBY (MRS.) B.S. Teacher in Public Schools, 1874-77; Assistant Editor of Kansas Magazine, 1877-78; Assistant Editor "U. S. Biographical Cyclopedia," San Antonio. Tex., 1878-81. Writer for various magazines. Born Milroy, Ind., Sept. 16, 1844. Married T. V. Ashby, 1861. Died, April 12, 1883, burial at Ottawa. 13. MARY LUCINDA CLOUGH. A.B.; M.L., 1888. Married Col. Wanless, Colorado Springs, Colo., 1883. 14. *CHARLES WESLEY ROBERTS. B S. Furniture dealer, Oskaloosa, 1874; Horticulturist, Lawrence. 1899; Superintendent of Construction, Haskell Institute, Lawrence, 1899; Chem- istry Building, 1902, and Green Hall, 1905, at the University of Kansas; owner Telephone Exchange, Perry, 1906-08. Born Centerville, O., Aug. 21, 1851. Married Nannie Plasket, Sept. 1, 1875. Drowned at Perry, during flood, June 11, 1908, burial at Oskaloosa. Children: William Osman, Sept. 6, 1876; Clarence Homer, May 19, 1882. CLASS OF 1876 15. CLINTON KELLY JONES. 810 WALNUT ST, ROGERS, ARK. B.S. Ministerial Supply, M. E. Church. El Paso, Tex, 1876-77; Minister M. E. Church, El Paso, Tex, 1877-78; Delphos, 1878-79; Salina Circuit, 67 1876-77] GRADUATES 1879-81; Waterville Circuit, 1881-82; Highland, 1882-84; Supernumerary, 1884-87; Winchester, 1887-88; Retired, 1888. Editor Baldwin Visitor, Baldwin, 1886-87. Hardwood Lumber Business, Aurora, Ark., 1889-1909; Frankfort, 1910-14; Rogers, Ark., 1914-. Born Casey Co., Ky., Nov. 22, 1847. Married Jessie LeVerne Hopkins, March 3, 1878. 16. JANETTE A. HILL KNOX (MRS.) STONEHAM, MASS. A.B. A.M., Boston University, 1879. Ph. D., Allegheny College, 1897. Homekeeper, 1871-, Stoneham, Mass., 1903-. Professor of English, Baker University, 1872-77; Graduate Student in Philosophy, Boston University, 1877-79; President of Woman's Missionary Society, New Hampshire Con- ference, 1879-92; President W. C. T. U., New Hampshire, 1880-92; Professor of English, German and French, Red River Valley University, Wapheton, North Dakota, 1892-1900; Vice-President of N. Dakota W. C. T. U., 1892- 1900. Author "Justa Hamlin." Corresponding Secretary of Massachusetts W. C. T. U., and Editor of "Our Message," 1904-14. Born Londonderry, Vt., Jan. 24, 1845. Married Martin VanBuren Knox, No. 10, Jan. 9, 1871. Child, infant son, Nov. 6, 1871. CLASS OF 1877 17. JOHN ALLEN HANCOCK MANKATO, MINN. B.S.; M.S., 1887; Ped. D., 1909. M.L., University of Wisconsin, 1890. A.M., Stanford University, 1893. Teacher in rural schools, 1877-80; Prin- cipal of Schools, Swan, Ind., 1880-81; Supervising Principal of Schools, Farm- land, Ind., 1881-85; Supervising Principal of Schools, Elroy, Wis., 1885-89; Graduate Student in Philosophy and Pedagogy, Wisconsin University, 1889- 90; Superintendent of Schools, Green Bay, Wis., 1890-92; Graduate Student and Fellow in Philosophy and Pedagogy, Clark University, 1893-94; Super- intendent of Schools, Durango, Colo., 1894-97; Graduate Student in Philos- ophy and Pedagogy, Leipsig, Saxony, 1897-98; Durango, Colo., and Cali- fornia, 1898-1903; Director of Psychology, Pedagogy and Training Depart- ment in State Normal School, Mankato, Minn., 1903-. Born Paoli, Ind., 1860. Married Cornelia Slonaker, July, 1883. 18. JENNIE MURRAY. 607 DEKUM BLDG., PORTLAND, ORE. B.S.; A.M., 1909. Teacher, Girard, 1877-79; Homekeeper, Cherokee, 1880-1898; LeLoup, 1898-1903; Evanston, 111., 1903-14; Portland, Ore., 1914-. President of Third Congressional District of Kansas, W. C. T. U.; Editor and Publisher of "Our Sunflower," 1880-98; Editor and Publisher of "Our Messenger," 1898-1903; Circulation Manager of "The Union Signal" and "The Crusader Monthly," 1903-10, Superintendent of Department of Cir- culation of National Official Papers of W. C. T. U., 1903-12; Superintendent of Press Department of National W. C. T. U., 1912-14; President, Oregon W. C. T. U., 1914-. Member National Geographical Society; Illinois Woman's Press Association, Executive Committee representative of the I. W. P. A. in the National Editorial Association; Oregon Woman's Press Association; League of American Pen Women. Born Bellvue, Mich., June 25, 1858. Married Robert N. Kemp, June 23, 1880. Children: Harriet, June 30, 1881; James Murray, June 1, 1883; Robert George, Sept. 25, 1885; Charles Anderson, Jan. 1, 1889. Mother of Nos. 304, 426. Sister of No. 143. 19. ERVIN LLEWELLYN THORPE, 950 MARCY AVE., BROOKLYN, N. Y. A.B.; D.D., 1892. LL.B., Iowa State University, 1879; B.D., Iowa State University, 1880. A.M., Ph.D., Syracuse University, 1885. M.L., Yale Uni- 68 GRADUATES [1877-78 versity, 1887; B.D., 1888. D.C.L., The University of Chicago, 1890. Minister M. E. Church, Garrison, la., 1879-80; Center Point, 1880-81; Nashua, 1881-82; Vice-president and Professor of Elocution and Belles Lettres, Upper Iowa University, 1882-86; Graduate Student, Yale University, 1*886-88; West Haven, N. Y., 1888-90; Bay Shore, 1890-91; First, Hartford, Conn., 1896-98; First, Topeka, 1898-99; First Place, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1899-02; Twenty- seventh St., New York City, 1902-07; Riverhead, N. Y., 1907-09; South Sec- ond St., Brooklyn, N. Y., 1909-12; St. Andrews, New Haven, Conn., 1912-13; Retired, 1913. Born Maiden, 111., Sept. 2, 1856. Married Margaret Elizabeth Esdon, Sept. 13, 1882. Child: Pearl Thorpe, Feb. 16, 1888. CLASS OF 1878 20. *CHARLES GILBERT CRYSLER. A.B.; A.M., 1888. Ministerial Supply, Jewell City, 1875-76; Minister M. E. Church, Belleville, 1876-77; Wellsville, 1877-78; LeLoup, 1878-79; Carbondale, 1879-82; Waterville Circuit, 1882-83; North Lawrence, 1883-85; Lenexa, 1885-86; Oskaloosa, 1886-89; White City, 1889-92; Marysville, 1892- 93; Oskaloosa, 1893-96; Spring Hill, 1896-99; retired, Baldwin, 1899-1914. Born St. Marys, Canada, Aug. 24, 1849. Married Buena V. Matheny, Sept. 14, 1878. Child, Myrnice Marcia, June 24, 1888. Died, Nov. 14, 1916, burial at Baldwin City. Father of No. 673. 81. WILLIAM ALONZO FRENCH, 3708 CENTRAL ST, KANSAS CITY, MO. A.B.; A.M., 1881. Teacher, 1878-91; Professor of Mathematics, Shaw University, Holly Springs, Miss., 1878. Graduate Student, Boston Uni- versity, 1890; Newspaper work, Topeka, 1891-02; Proprietor of Southwest Press Clipping Bureau, Kansas City and Topeka, 1902-. Born Medina County, O., Feb. 26, 1853. Married Ella N. Dennis, June 30, 1880. Married Flora M. Adams, May 1, 1889. Children; Ethel Evelyn, Lois Adams, Philip Adams. 22. IRVING ROSCOE LOVEJOY. INDIO, CALIF. A.B.; A.M., 1881. S.T.B., Boston University, 1897. General Merchandise Store, Kansas City, 1879-80; Minister M. E. Church, Dunlap, 1880-81; Gradu- ate Student in Theology, Boston University, 1881-83; Hartford, 1883-85; Girard, 1885-87; Waverly, 1887; San Jacinto, Calif., 1887-89; Murietta, Calif., 1889-92; Winchester, Calif, 1892-94; Artesia, Calif, 1894-95; Montesano, Wash, 1895-96; Centralia, Wash, 1896-98; New Whatcom, Wash, 1898; Everett, Wash, 1898-1902; Central, Stockton, Calif, 1902-04; Eureka, Calif, 1904-06; Ferndale, Calif, 1906-07; Conference Evangelist, 1907-09; Eagle Rock, Calif, 1910; Annandale, Los Angeles, Calif, 1910-14; Yuma, Ariz, 1914-16; Indio, Calif, 1916-. Born Manhattan, Sept. 17, 1855. Married Eden L. Campbell, Aug. 16, 1882. Children: Julia Lucy, Aug. 27, 1883; George Hazleton, Jan. 12, 1886; Eden Romona, April 21, 1888; Clara Myrtle, Dec. 19, 1890; Charles Irving, Oct. 29, 1893; John Cranston, Jan. 12, 1896; Mary Eliza, March 24, 1898. 23. EMMA EDITH PLASKET. JOSEPHINE, ALA. B.S. At home, Baldwin City, 1878-85; Lawrence, 1885-1908; Milliner, Oskaloosa, 1892-94; Nurse, Lawrence, 1909-10; Portland, Ore, 1910-13; Josephine, Ala, 1913-. Born Bethlehem, Ind, Oct. 19, 1854. 69 1878-79] GRADUATES 24. CHARLES WESLEY SMITH. B.S. Teacher near Kansas City, 1878-81. Minister M. E. Church, Van- dalia and St. Catherine, Mo., 1881-84; Evangelist in Missouri, 1884-85; Pro- fessor of Latin, Pauline Holiness College, Mound, Mo., 1885-86; Evangelist Northwest Kansas and Eastern Colorado Conference, 1886-90; Editor of "The Message of Love," Flagler, Colo., 1887-91; Teacher, Flagler, Colo., 1891-92; Editor of "Flagler Advance," Flagler, Colo., 1891-94; Teacher, Kit Carson County, Colo., 1894-96; Minister Congregational Church, Flagler, Colo., 1896-1903; Getchell, Valley City, N. Dak., 1903-04; Melville, N. Dak., 1904-07; Sykestown, N. Dak., 1907-10; Crary, N. Dak., 1910-. Married Luella M. O'Byrne, Sept. 13, 1883. 25. SOLOMON K. WENRICK. CLIPPER GAP, CALIF. B.S. Teacher, Oskaloosa, 1878; Washington College, Huntsville, Wash., 1880-82; Stock Farmer, 1883-89; Trinidad, Colo., 1889-91; Railroad Agent, Baca, Calif., 1900-03; Supply Agent, Roberts Lumber Co., Loyalton, Calif., 1903-10; Employe of Pacific Gas and Electric Co., Clipper Gap, Calif., 1910-. Born Iowa, July 17, 1855. Married B. Ellen II iff, Oct., 1882. CLASS OF 1879 26. GEORGE WHITFIELD BROWNING. CENTRALIA B.S.; M.S., 1889. Minister M. E. Church, Baldwin Circuit, 1879; Park- dale, Topeka, 1880; Lyndon, 1881-83; White City, 1884-86; Alma, 1887-8; Kansas Avenue, Topeka, 1889-93; Council Grove, 1894-96; Centralia, 1897-04; Retired, Centralia, 1905-. Born Van Buren County, Iowa, Feb. 18, 1846. Married Augusta R. Kircher, May 28, 1884. 27. *JOHN HENRY PRICE. B.S. B.D., Garrett Biblical Institute, 1883. Minister M. E. Church, Humboldt Circuit 1879-81; Graduate Student in Theology, Garrett Biblical Institute, 1881-83; Madison, 1883-85; Erie, 1885-87; Pittsburg, 1887-89; Paola, 1889-91; Chanute, 1891-94; Parsons, 1894-97; Superintendent Ft. Scott District, 1897-1903; First, Emporia, 1903-07; Independence, 1907-09; First, Iola, 1909- 12. Trustee Baker University, 1885-1912. Delegate to General Conference, M. E. Church, 1900. Born Walshville, 111., Feb. 1, 1850. Married Ida M. Osborne, March 24, 1886. Children, Ruth Osborne, Nov. 20, 1887; Paul Hugh, Aug. 31, 1890; Helen Elizabeth, July 17, 1892; Ralph Henry, Feb. 26, 1895. Died March 21, 1912, burial at Baldwin City. Father of Nos. 717, 1001. 28. JARED MORGAN WILSON. COLFAX, CALIF. B.S.; M.S., 1889. Minister M. E. Church, Wamego, 1879-81; Council Grove, 1881-83; Wakefield, 1883-84; Chapman, 1884-87; Wamego, 1887-89; Walnut Grove, Topeka, 1889-91; Susanville, Calif., 1891-96; Carson City, Nev., 1896-1900; Bishop, Calif., 1900-03; Cedarville, 1903-05; Winnemucca, Nev., 1907-10; Greenville, Calif., 1910-14; Fallan, Nev., 1914-15; Colfax Calif., 1915-. Born Peru, Ind., June 26, 1851. Married Candace Stephenson, Sept. 28, 1882. Married Mary C. Powell, Feb. 14, 1911. Children: Ernest E., Jan. 17, 1884; Frederick W., Jan. 15, 1888; Ruth S., Jan. 13, 1897. 70 GRADUATES [1881 CLASS OF 1881 29. VALEDA HULL BIDDISON. TEXARKANA, TEX. B.S.; A.M., 1883. Minister M. E. Church, Pittsburg, 1882; Caney, 1883; Lane, 1884; Leonardville, 1885-86; Green, 1887; Circleville, 1888; Irving, 1889- 90; Supernumerary, 1891-93; Located, 1893; Superintendent Public Instruc- tion, Marshall County, 1891-93; Published Institute Course in Psychology, 1892; Chaplain State Senate, 1893; Editor of People's Advocate, Marysville, 1894-95; M. E. Minister (Supply) St. Marys, 1895-97; Chaplain, 22d Reg. Kans. Vol. Inf., 1898; M. E. Minister (Supply) Manhattan, 1899-05; Admitted to the Supreme Court of Kansas, 1905; Attorney, Pawnee, Okla., 1905-14; Texarkana, Tex., 1914-. Born Portsmouth, O., June 14, 1861. Married Kate Hawes, July 11, 1882. Children, John J., Oct. 4, 1883; Pascal McDonald, Dec. 13, 1884; W. Valjean, March 30, 1886; Clare Lavon, Sept. 22, 1887; Edna Marsted Eleanor, Sept. 21, 1889; James Hawes, Oct. 20, 1891; Fanny Kath- erine, Feb. 4, 1895. Brother of No. 46. 30. *CHARLES WESLEY GULLETTE. A.B.; A. M., 1884. B.S., Moores Hill College, 1877. D D., Fort Worth University, 1889. Minister M. E. Church, Cross Plains Circuit, Ind., 1877-78; Delaware Circuit, Ind., 1878-79; Americus, 1880-81; Eureka, 1881-83; Paola, 1883-85; First, Ottawa, 1885-88; Baldwin, 1888-89; St. Paul, Springfield, O., 1889-90; Hamilton, O., 1890-94; Trinity, Cincinnati, O., 1894-98; Grace, Day- ton, O., 1898-1902. Born Dillsboro, Ind., Nov. 17, 1853. Married Katherine Elizabeth Mapes, Aug. 30, 1877. Married Minnie Cameron, Sept. 5, 1895. Children: Ruby, Sept. 15, 1886; Elaine, Feb. 22, 1889; Cameron Charles, Aug. 1, 1896. Died June 14, 1902, burial at Moores Hill, Ind. 31. *ROBERT LEROY McNABB. B.S.; A.M., 1887. S.T.B., DePauw University, 1890. Minister M. E. Church, Silver Lake, 1878; St. Marys, 1879; LeLoup, 1880; Supernumerary, 1881, Belleville, O., 1882; Westmoreland, 1883; Council Grove, 1884; Junc- tion City, 1885-87; Washington, 1888; Lastant, 111., 1888-89; Graduate Stu- dent in Theology, DePauw University, 1889-90; Missionary in charge of Ing Chung District and Hinghwa Theological School, Foochow Conference, China, 1892-95; Absent on leave in America, 1895-97; Monte Vista, Colo., 1897; Atlanta, 111., 1898-99; Camp Point, 111., 1899-1901; Potomac, 111., 1901- 03; Supernumerary, 1903-04. Born Nashville, O., April 17, 1855. Married Jennie E. Gibson, July 28, 1881 (died Jan. 17, 1887). Married Sallie M. Canan, June 25, 1891. Died, Jan. 16, 1904, burial at Topeka. Children: George C; Robert Paul, Sept. 1896. 32. JOHN WESLEY STEWART. ANDERSON, MO. B.S.; A.M.; D.D., 1896. Minister M. E. Church, Oxford, 1877-79; in school, Baker University, 1879-81; Beulah, 1881-84; Pittsburg, 1884-85; Pitts- burg and Opolis, 1885-86; Pittsburg, 1886-87; Fredonia, 1887-89; Chanute, 1889-90; Superintendent Emporia District, 1890-91; First, Emporia, 1891-94; First, Ottawa, 1894-96; Carthage, Mo., 1896-03; Howard Memorial, Kansas City, Mo., 1903-06; Grace, Springfield, Mo., 1906-11; Bowman, St. Louis, Mo., 1911-12; Supernumerary, 1912-13; Anderson, 1913-15; Conference Evan- gelist, 1915-16; Retired, Anderson, Mo., 1916-. Trustee of Baker University, 1891-99. Married Jennie E. Parks. 71 1882-83] GRADUATES CLASS OF 1882 33. *RILEY THOMAS BALDWIN. B.S.; M.S., 1888. Minister M. E. Church, Parkerville, 1882; Chalk Mound, 1883; Idana, 1884; Bucks Grove, 1885; Hollenberg, 1886-87; Oketo, 1888-89; Supernumerary, 1890-91; Wilber, Ore., 1891; Lakeview, Ore., 1892-93; Oak- land, Ore., 1894; Canyonville, Ore., 1895; Marshfield, Ore., 1896; Retired, 1896-1913. Born Sangamon County, 111., May 17, 1856. Married Sarah Rey- nolds, Mar. 20, 1884 (died Aug. 31, 1887). Married Emma Craik, Jan. 14, 1890. Died Aug. 6, 1913, burial at Oketo. Children: Roscoe Simpson, Oct. 1, 1885; Grace Washington, Oct. 24, 1890; Ross Taylor, Jan. 8, 1892. 34. JEFFERSON JAMES HURT. CHANUTE B.S.; M.S., 1887. Clerk of District Court, Neosho County, 1883; Lawyer and Broker, 1886-. Member General Conference, M. E. Church, 1900. Born Wayne County, Ky., March 25, 1854. Married Clara T. Anderson, July 3, 1886. Children: Leon J., Aug. 29, 1887; Ruth A., March 25, 1891; Everett P., Dec. 15, 1896. 35. GEORGE BANCROFT NORTON. BEAUMONT, TEX. B.S.; A.M.; 1889 S.T.B., Boston University, 1890. S.T.D., Williamette University, 1892. Minister, M. E. Church, Reading, 1883-84; Toronto, 1884- 85; Cedar Point, 1885-87; Graduate Student in Theology, Boston University, 1887-90; Professor O. T. Theology, Aoyama, Japan, 1890-93; Author of "Principles of Biblical Interpretation" in Japanese, 1892; South Kansas Conference, without appointment, 1894; withdrew from ministry of M. E. Church, 1895. Minister Protestant Episcopal Church, Grace, Brookfield, Mo., 1895-98; Trinity Church, Trinidad, Colo., 1898-03; St. Paul's Church, Newport, Ark., 1903-07; St. Mark's Church, Beaumont, Tex., 1907-. Deputy to General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, 1904, '07, '10, '13, '16. Dean of the S. E. Convocation Diocese of Texas. Born, George- town, 111. Married May L. Kirkpatrick, July 3, 1884. CLASS OF 1883 36. *EMANUEL JAMES BASKERVILLE. B.S.; A.M., 1889. Professor Penmanship and Oratory, Baker University, 1883; Minister M. E. Church, Centropolis, 1884; Graduate Student in The- ology, Garrett Biblical Institute, 1885-89; Washington, 1889-90; Clay Center, 1891-93; Madison, Wis., 1893-98; Detroit, Mich., 1898-1901; Conference Evan- gelist, 1901-08; Retired, Madison, Wis., 1908-15. Author of "Personal Evan- gelism"; "Workers' Guide"; "What Jesus Said and Did." Born Earlville, Iowa, Oct. 24, 1857. Married Sadie R. Dudgeon, August 29, 1883. Died Apr. 14, 1915, burial at Madison, Wis. Children: De Witt Dudgeon, May 24, 1888; Grace, March 27, 1890; Stella Edith, Sept. 18, 1892. 37. *ELLA HIMBROD. B.S. Humbold, Iowa, Farm Life and Teaching, 1883-87; Pomona, Calif., 1887. Born Waterford, Pa., 1861. Married Olney W. Lorbeer, June 4, 1889. Died Pomona, Calif., 1896. 38. *JESSIE MAY HUMPHREY. B.S. At home, Butler, Mo., 1883-87. Homekeeper, Baldwin, 1887-90; Lawrence, 1890-92. Born Iowa City, la., Sept. 26, 1862. Married Howard B. Topping, Oct. 6, 1887. Died Nov. 30, 1892, burial at Baldwin City. 72 GRADUATES [1883 39. JOHN STUART SIMMONS. HUTCHINSON A.B.; A.M., 1886. Principal Baldwin Schools, 1883-84; Lawyer, Colorado City, Tex., 1884-86; Lawyer, Dighton, 1886-1906; County Attorney, Lane County, 1890-94; President First National Bank, Dighton; Superintendent State Reformatory, Hutchinson, 1899-03; Member of State Legislature, 190*5, 1907; Speaker of the House, 1907; Member Board of Managers of State Reformatory, Hutchinson, 1905-09; Lawyer, Hutchinson, 1907-. Trustee Baker University, 1903-15. Born Baldwin, Aug. 6, 1860. Married Emma Brown, Nov. 12, 1886. Children: Harriet Elizabeth, Sept. 29, 1889; John Stuart, April 27, 1892; Adda Emma, July 4, 1896; Catherine Irene, May 31, 1901. 40. FLORENCE LYDIA SNOW. NEOSHO FALLS B.L.; A.M., 1909. Graduate student in English, the University of Wash- ington, Summer 1914; the University of Colorado, Summer 1915. Member Kansas Authors' and Artists' Club, Kansas Authors' Club, Kansas Academy of Language and Literature (president latter, 1895). At home, Neosho Falls, 1883-91. Cashier Citizen's Bank, Neosho Falls, 1891-00; Cashier Sain and Snow, Loan and Discount Firm, 1900-12. At home, Neosho Falls, 1912-. Writer of verse, literary criticism and short stories. Author "The Lamp of Gold." Delegate General Conference M. E. Church, 1904. Born Bell- more, Ind., June 18, 1861. 41. EMMA SULLIVAN. 3800 CENTRAL ST., KANSAS CITY, MO. A.B. At home, Baldwin, 1883-88; Homekeeper, 1888-. Born Manchester, O., April 30, 1861. Married Henry Snavely Siegrist, No. 67, Dec. 27, 1888. Children: Ivan, Oct. 21, 1889; Frank Bowman, May 20, 1891; Lucy, July 28, 1893. Sister of No. 42. Mother of No. 1007. 42. SADE SULLIVAN, 1007 N. CAROLINE ST., BALTIMORE, MD. A.B.; A.M., 1909. Teacher in rural schools, Osage County, and Public Schools, Baldwin, 1883-86; Homekeeper, 1886-. President Baltimore Branch, Woman's Foreign Missionary Society, 1911-. Born Five Mile, O., Dec. 22, 1862. Married Don Snell Colt, No. 71, April 6, 1886. Children: Frederick Sullivan, Aug. 29, 1887; John Milton, Oct. 2, 1890; Mary, Nov. 4, 1893; Ruth, Feb. 2, 1896; Don Snell, Jr., June 9, 1902. Sister of No. 41. 43. ELIZA ARMSTRONG TELFORD. SPRING HILL A.B.; A.M., 1909. Tutor, English and Latin, Baker University, 1881-84; Teacher, Olathe Academy, Olathe, 1887-88; also 1891-93; Teacher High School, Spring Hill, 1897-98; Instructor in Latin, Baker University, 1900-14. At home, Spring Hill, 1914-. Born, Crawford County, O., July 12, 1858. 44. *WILLIAM THOMAS YORK. B.S.; M.S., 1888. Minister M. E. Church, Moran, 1883-84; Cedarville, 1884-86; Monmouth, 1886-87; Liberty, 1887-89; Dennis, 1889-90; Mound Val- ley, 1890-91; La Fontaine, 1891-92; Altamont, 1892-94; Crestline, 1894-96; Farlington, 1896-98; Retired, 1898, Maple City, 1898-1908; Winfield, 1908-14. Born Pittsburg, Pa., Dec. 29, 1852. Married Ella J. Buckingham, Sept. 6, 1882. Died Dec. 30, 1914, burial at Winfield. Children: Albert, Aug. 5, 1883; Bertha Lilian, Jan. 29, 1887; Ella, Nov. 8, 1889. 73 1384] GRADUATES CLASS OF 1884 45. SAMUEL EASON BETTS, 3619 OLIVE ST., KANSAS CITY, MO. B.S. Minister M. E. Church, Paxico, 1887-88; Hope, 1888-90; Herington, 1890-92; Perry, 1892-93; Oakland, Topeka, 1893-94; Clifton, 1894-96; Central, Kansas City, 1896-99; Superintendent Bethany Hospital, 1899-03; Council Grove, 1904-05; Agent Methodist Home for Aged, Topeka, 1905-06; Abilene, 1906-09; Bowman, St. Louis, Mo., 1909-10; Clinton, Mo., 1910; Superintendent Methodist Hospital, Guthrie, Okla., 1910-11; Wesley Chapel, Oklahoma City, Okla., 1911-12; National Lecturer, World's Purity Federation, 1912-. Born Tipton, Iowa, March 18, 1857. Married Emma S. Sawtell, Oct. 7, 1889. Children: Myrna Gertrude, Sept. 4, 1890; Karl Browning, April 10, 1892. 46. ARTHUR JEFFERSON BIDDISON, SUITE 605-9 R. T. DANIEL BLDG., TULSA, OKLA. B.S. Editor, Clay Center Argus, Clay Center, 1884-85; Professor of Mental and Political Science, Carlton Institute, Farmington, Mo., 1885-87; President Whittier College, Salem, Iowa, 1887-89; Lawyer, Coffeyville, 1889- 93; Lawyer and U. S. Commissioner, Pawnee, O. T., 1893-99; Member of Oklahoma Senate, 1899-00; Lawyer, Pawnee, O. T., 1900-07; Lawyer, Tulsa, Okla., 1907-. Vice-President and General Counsel, Tulsa Traction Co. Author "Biddison on Civil Procedure Under the Code." Born McConnells- ville, O., June 6, 1864. Married Nina M. Wroe, May 9, 1907 (died May 27, 1914). Brother of No. 29. 47. FRANK LEE BREYFOGLE. CHANUTE A.B. LL.B., Washington University, St. Louis, Mo., 1886. Lawyer, Lenexa, 1884-91; Lawyer, Kansas City, Mo., 1891-02; Lawyer, Chanute, 1902-. Brother of Nos. 48, 186. 48. JESSIE FREMONT BREYFOGLE, 545 W. 3D ST., LONG BEACH, CALIF. B.S. Student Chicago Art Institute, Summer 1884. Instructor in Art, Baker University, 1884-86; Homekeeper, Baldwin, 1886-89; Chanute, 1889-10; Baldwin, 1910-11; Chanute, 1911-12; Long Beach, Calif., 1912-. Born Dela- ware, O., May 13, 1862. Married Lyman Beecher Keifer, August 25, 1886. Children: Jean Elmora, May 21, 1887; Grace Elizabeth, May 2, 1890; Lyman Beecher, Jr., March 17, 1900. Sister of Nos. 47, 186. 49. BASCOM ROBBINS. 36 S. FOREST, KANSAS CITY, KANS. B.S.; M.S., 1887. A.M., Allegheny College, 1896, and Ph.D., 1897. Min- ister M. E. Church, Welda, 1885-86; Longton, 1886-88; Sedan, 1888-90; Mo- line, 1890-91; Longton, 1891-92; Toronto, 1892-96; Americus, 1896-98; Bur- lington, 1898-04; Cherryvale, 1904-09; Superintendent Emporia District, 1909-15; Olathe, 1915-16; Girard, 1916; Financial Administration Secretary, Bethany Hospital, 1916-. Member General Conference M. E. Church, 1912. State Chaplain, Sons of Veterans, one term. Born Dallas Co., Mo., Feb. 9, 1861. Married Carrie Dell Moore, Dec. 23, 1885. Children, Esther, Mar. 16, 1890; Martin V., Jan. 22, 1896; Winona, Mar. 16, 1897. Brother of No. 245. 50. THOMAS EDDY SISSON. WEATHERFORD, OKLA. A.B.; A.M., 1890. S.T.B., Iliff School of Theology, Denver, Colo., 1896. Ph.D., University of Denver, 1902. Minister M. E. Church, Pomona, 1884-85; Winnemucca, Nev., 1885-87; Bishop Creek, Nev., 1887-88; Mason Valley, Calif., 1888-90; Truckee, Calif, 1890-^91; Lake Tahoe, Calif., 1891-92; 74 GRADUATES [1884-85 Dunsmuir, Calif., 1892-93; Graduate Student in Theology, Iliff School of Theology, 1893-96; Grand Junction, Colo., 1896-99; Cripple Creek, Colo., 1899-02; Edwardsville, 111., 1902-05; Olney, 111., 1905-07; Claremore, Okla., 1907-08; S. S. Missionary, East Oklahoma Mission, 1908-14; McAlester, Okla., 1914-16; Weatherford, Okla., 1916-. Born Ioka, Iowa, July 23, 1860. Married Rosa Belle Simmons, May 5, 1885 (died, 1915). Children: Bonnidel Dec. 5, 1886; Raymond Hurst, March 2, 1889; Lois Belle, Oct. 21, 1893. Father of No. 656. 51. WILLIAM ARTHUR THEW. CONWAY SPRINGS B.S. Teacher, Oxford, 1884-87; Druggist, Arkansas City, 1887-94; Drug- gist, Conway Springs, 1896-. Born La Rue, O., Dec. 4, 1860. Married Annie E. Gibbon, Dec. 8, 1887. Child: Joseph G., May 28, 1889. CLASS OF 1885 52. WILLIAM WRIGHT ARMSTRONG, 204 DOOLEY BLDG., SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. B.S. LL.B., University of Wisconsin, 1887. Banking Business, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1890-. Born Darlington, Wis., Sept. 18, 1865. Married Eva Lees, August 28, 1889. Child: Sherman, June 11, 1891. 53. GEORGE DENISON KNIPE. EMMET, IDAHO B.S.; M.S., 1889; Ped.D., 1909. Principal Schools, Garrison, 1885-87; Principal Schools, Olsburg, 1887-88; Principal Ward School, Manhattan, 1888-91; Superintendent Schools, Manhattan, 1891-00; Farmer, Garrison, 1900-02; Professor of Education, State Normal School, Alva, Okla., 1902-08; Professor of Education, State Normal School, Albion, Ida., 1910-16; Farmer, Emmet, Ida., 1916-. Born Manhattan, Sept. 8, 1861. Married Mary Anna Greene, July 5, 1893. Children: Everett Bancroft, May 7, 1894; William Bernard, Sept. 4, 1895; Lucy Margaret, March 6, 1898; Hubert Branham, Dec. 18, 1899. 54. ALBERT M. LUMPKIN. A.B.; A.M., 1888. Graduate Student in Theology, Garrett Biblical Insti- tute, 1888-90. Minister M. E. Church, Dana, 111., 1888-89; Sibley, 111., 1889-90; Piper City, 111., 1890-92; Madison Ave., Peoria, 111., 1892-93; Chillicothe, 111., 1893-94; Bardolph, 111., 1895-96; Pekin, 111., 1896-97; Wyo., 1897-98; N. Mex., 1898-99; El Paso, Tex., 1899-1900; Las Vegas, N. Mex., 1900-02; Cananea, Ariz., 1904-05; Flagstaff, Ariz., 1905-06. 55. ROSELLA DE MOTTE MITCHEM, ARGENTINE R. F. D. NO. 2, KANSAS CITY. B.L.; M.L., 1888. Teacher, Argentine, 1885-88; Homekeeper, Kansas City, 1888-. Born Wyandotte Co., Aug. 19, 1862. Married John Coughlin, Dec. 2, 1888. Children: Ernest Mitchem, Aug. 26, 1890; Rose Lavernia, Nov. 20, 1891; John Laverne, Sept. 11, 1894; Laura Ruth, Aug. 24, 1896; Florence Marie, Feb. 24, 1899; Olive Bernice, Dec. 22, 1901. Mother of No. 858. 56. WILLIAM ALFRED QUAYLE, 14 N. KING'S HIGHWAY, ST. LOUIS, MO. A.B.. A.M.. 1888; Litt.D., 1901; LL.D., 1908. Ph.D., Allegheny College, 1892. D.D., DePauw University, 1892. LL.D., Lawrence College, 1908. Tutor English and Latin, Baker University, 1883-85; Adjunct Professor of 75 1885-86] GRADUATES Ancient Languages, 1885-86; Professor of Greek Language and Literature, 1887-90; President, 1890-94. Minister M. E. Church, 1885; Pastor, Inde- pendence Ave., Kansas City, Mo., 1894-97; Meridien St., Indianapolis, Ind., 1897-1900; Grand Ave., Kansas City, Mo., 1900-04; St. James, Chicago, 111., 1904-08; Bishop M.E. Church, 1908-, Residence, Oklahoma City, Okla., 1908-12; St. Paul, Minn., 1912-16; St. Louis, Mo., 1916-. Member General Conference M. E. Church, 1896, 1908. Delegate to Ecumenical Conference, 1911. Fraternal Delegate to English and Irish Wesleyan Church, 1902. Member Joint Hymnal Revision Committee, M. E. Church and M. E. Church, South, 1901. Phi Beta Kappa. Trustee Baker University, 1895-99. Author "Poet's Poet and Other Essays," "A Study in Current Social Theories,' "A Hero and Some Other Folks," "The Blessed Life," "Book and Life," "The Pastor Preacher," "In God's Out-of-Doors," "Laymen in Action," "Eternity in the Heart," "The Prairie and the Sea," "Lowell and the Christian Faith," "God's Calendar," "The Book of Ruth," "The Song of Songs," "The Climb to God," "Beside Lake Beautiful," "Poems," "Recovered Yesterdays in Literature." Born Parkville, Mo., June 25, 1860. Married Allie Hancock Davis, Jan. 28, 1886. Children: Wilfred Russell, Mar. 16, 1888; Allie Gayle, Apr., 23, 1893. 57. CHARLES RUTHERFORD ROBINSON. FT. SMITH, ARK. A.B.; A.M., 1888; D.D., 1905. Minister M. E. Church, Ashland, 1886-90; ness City, 1890. Graduate student. Theology, Garrett Biblical Institute, 1890-92; Meade, 1892-93; Waterman, 111., 1893-95; Plainfield, 111., 1895-98; Leavitt St., Chicago, 111., 1898-1900; Adams St., Chicago, 111., 1900-04; First, Ottawa, 111., 1904-08; Tabernacle, Dallas, Tex., 1908-11 Superintendent East Oklahoma Mission and Superintendent, Tulsa, Okla,, District, 1911-16; Nowata, Okla., 1916; Superintendent Ft. Smith District, Ark., 1916-. Member General Conference M. E. Church, 1912. Born Jackson, Mich., June 15, 1857. Married Augusta Bowman, June 15, 1886. Children: Blanche Martha, Apr. 5, 1887; George Benjamin, Jan. 7, 1890; Bruce Bowman, Apr. 17, 1891; Miles Rutherford, May 27, 1896. Father of No. 945. CLASS OF 1886 58. JOSEPH LITTLE BRISTOW. SALINA A.B.; A.M., 1889; LL.D., 1909. Clerk District Court, Douglas County, 1886-90; Editor Baldwin Ledger, Baldwin, 1888-90; Editor and Owner Salina Daily and Weekly Republican, and Irrigation Farmer, Salina, 1890-95; Sec- retary Republican State Committee, 1894-98; Editor and Publisher Ottawa Herald, Ottawa, 1895-05; Private Secretary to Gov. E. N. Morrill, 1895-97; U. S. Fourth Assistant Postmaster General, Washington, D. C, 1897-05; Investigation and Reorganization of Postal Service of Cuba, 1901; Con- ducted Postal Investigation under Roosevelt, 1903; Editor and Owner, Salina Daily Republican Journal, Salina, 1903-; Special Commissioner, Pan- ama Railroad, 1905; United States Senator from Kansas, 1909-15; Chairman Kansas Utilities Commission, 1915-. Trustee Baker University, 1906-. Born Wolfe County, Ky., July 22, 1861. Married Margaret H. Hendrix, Nov. 11, 1879. Children: William H., Oct. 19, 1880; Bertha M., Dec. 18, 1881; Joseph R., March 5, 1884; Frank Baker, Dec. 13, 1885; Edwin M., Feb. 18, 1888. 59. *CORA A. EMICK. B.S. Died, Nov. 10, 1885, burial at Clay Center. 76 GRADUATES [1886 60. CHARLES MILETUS HILL. TOPEKA A.B.; A.M., 1889. Teacher, 1887-88; Dealer in Real Estate, Indian Territory, 1889-90; U. S. Commissioner and Clerk in Charge, Pawnee Indian Agency, 1890-94; County Clerk, Pawnee County, Okla., 1895-97; Editor of Times Democrat, Pawnee, Okla., 1897. 61. *HUGH ANDREW JONES. A.B.; A.M., 1889. Law student, Kansas City, Mo., 1886-90; Admitted to Missouri Bar at Kansas City, Mo., 1890; Assistant Attorney for J. H. Van Vlissingen & Bro., Chicago, 111., 1891-95; Member of firm of R. E. Ismond & Co., Chicago, 111., 1895-98; Manager Massachusetts Telephone and Telegraph Co., Boston, Mass., 1899-01; Assistant Sales Manager for Strom- berg-Carlson Telephone Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, Pa., 1901-04; District Man- ager Stromberg-Carlson Telephone Mfg. Co., 1905-07; Secretary-General Manager, Stromberg Electric Co., Chicago, 111., 1907-11; Secretary-Treasurer Willis Electric Meter Co., Chicago, 111., 1911. Born, 111. Married Ida M. Frintz, 1890. 62. REESE BOWMAN KESTER, 3123 2d AVE, SOUTH, MINNEAP- OLIS, MINN. B.S.; D.D, 1904. B.D, Garrett Biblical Institute, 1892. Ministerial supply, Greeley Circuit, 1886-87; Minister M. E. Church, Colony, 1887-88; Graduate Student in Theology, Garrett Biblical Institute, 1889-92; Washing- ton Park, Chicago, 111, 1892-95; Paulina St, Chicago, 111, 1895-96; State St, Chicago, 111, 1896-1900; Auburn Park, Chicago, 111, 1900-02; Hemenway, Evanston, 111, 1903-10; Baldwin City, 1910-14; Simpson, Minneapolis, Minn, 1914-. Born Ashland, Pa, Aug. 2, 1862. Married Carrie Roome, Jan. 3, 1893. Children: Katherine Roome, Nov. 6, 1893; Edith Doris, July 13, 1895; Ernest Bowman, Jan. 9, 1897. 63. THOMAS DOUGLAS LEIB. RATON, N. MEX. A.B.; A.M., 1889. LL.B, The University of Kansas, 1890. Principal High School, Lyons, 1886-88; Student Law School, The University of Kan- sas, 1888-90; Lawyer, Topeka, 1890-94; Lawyer, Raton, N. Mex, 1894-. Member New Mexico Legislative Assembly, 1899-00. Judge of Eighth Judicial District of New Mexico, 1912-. 64. HENRY C LONG. OTTAWA B.S.; M.S., 1889. Altamont, 1886-87; Principal Schools, Walnut, 1887-89; Principal High School, Chanute, 1889-91; Superintendent Schools, Oswego, 1891-94; Lawyer, Leavenworth, 1894-00; Lawyer and Real Estate, Salina, 1900-03; Lawyer and Insurance, Ottawa, 1903-. Born Springville, Ind, Jan. 22, 1861. Married M. Emma Poinsett, Dec. 30, 1886. Children: Octa, Aug. 5, 1892; Otto, Oct. 10, 1900. 65. EDWIN MORTIMER RANDALL, 2208 W. 56th ST, SEATTLE, WASH. A.B, A.M., 1889; D.D, 1901. D.D, Williamette University, 1902. Min- ister M. E. Church, Herington, 1887-89; Osage City, 1889-92; Washington, 1892-93; Leavenworth, 1893-96; First, Seattle, Wash, 1896-03; President of University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Wash, 1903-04; General Secretary of the Epworth League, 1904-12; Supernumerary, 1912-14; Gilman Park, 77 1886-87] GRADUATES Seattle, Wash., 1914-. Trustee Baker University, 1895-96. Member Gen- eral Conference, M. E. Church, 1904, '08, '16. Member Ecumenical Con- ference, 1911. Member of Commission on Unification of M. E. Church with M. E. Church, South, 1916. Born Winnebago Co., Wis., Jan. 14, 1862. Married Jennie May Sweet, No. 87, Nov. lo, 18&8. Children: May, Dec. 24, 1890; Edwin Thomas, June 30, 1896. Father of No. 1073. 66. *MOSES T. RECORDS. A.B. Born Milton, Ind., Feb. 5, 1855. Died Feb. 12, 1887. 67. HENRY SNAVELY SIEGRIST, 3800 CENTRAL ST„ KANSAS CITY, MO. A.B.; A.M., 1889. Teacher, 1886-89; Cashier Wholesale Shoe Firm, Kansas City, Mo.. 1889-1902; President Siegrist Engraving Co., Kansas City, Mo., 1902-. Trustee Baker University, 1914-. Born Lebanon Co., Pa., March 15, 1862. Married Emma Sullivan, No. 41, Dec. 27, 1888. Children: Ivan, Oct. 21, 1889; Frank Bowman, May 20, 1891; Lucy, July 28, 1893. Father of No. 1008. 68. *BERTHA VICTORY SMITH. A.B.; A.M., 1889. Teacher Grades, Cawker City, 1887-88; Nathrop, Colo., 1888-89; Department work in 8th Grade, Carthage, Mo., 1889-94; Homekeeper, Washington, D. C, 1895-97; Harlem, New York, N. Y., 1898-03; Ridgewood, N. J., 1903-05; Nutley, N. J., 1905-09; Orange, Tex., 1909-11; Kansas City, Mo., 1911-12; Boulder, Colo., 1912-13. Born Jackson Co., O., Sept. 6, 1863. Married Elmer Selah Farwell, Dec. 26, 1894. Died July 14, 1913, burial at Forest Hill, Kansas City, Mo. Children: Elizabeth Marion, Feb. 17, 1903; John Augustus, Oct. 21, 1905. 69. IDA M. TAYLOR. 1342 E. 36TH ST., OAKLAND, CALIF. B.S.; M.S., 1889. Graduate student in Education, The University of California, Berkeley, 1913. Teacher Clay Co., 1887-88; New Hope Indian School, I. T., 1889-90: Clay Center, 1890-93; Topeka, 1894-96; Dayton, Wash., 1897-98; Spokane, Wash, 1898-99. Homekeeper, (with some teaching), Spokane, Wash., 1899-1906; San Francisco and Oakland. Calif., 1906-. Born Galena, 111., Feb. 2, 1865. Married Thomas G. Stark, Feb. 6, 1899. Child: George Robert, Dec. 17, 1899. CLASS OF 1887 70. CHARLES WILLIAM BAILEY. BALDWIN CITY B.S.; M.S., 1890. Ph.D., Allegheny College, 1897. Minister M. E. Church, Leroy, 1888-89; Princeton, 1889-93; Louisburg, 1893-97; Cherryvale, 1897-1900; Yates Center, 1900-06; Garnett, 1906-09: Superintendent Ft. Scott District. 1909-16; Retired, Baldwin City, 1916-. Member General Confer- ence, M. E. Church, 1912. Born Boscobel, Wis., Feb. 10, 1848. Married Mary E. Stark, Dec. 4. 1877. Children: Fred Mark, July 1, 1879; Clara Jane, April 19, 1882; William Arther, March 6, 1884; Henry Irvmg, Jan. 12, 1886; Etta May, March 4, 1888; Herbert Augustine, March 21, 1890; Lois Hazel, July 4, 1892; Esther Charlotta, Nov. 16, 1894; Phebe Cor- nelia, Dec. 25, 1896. Father of Nos. 405, 406, 407, 408, 668. GRADUATES [1887 71. DON SNELL COLT, 1007 N. CAROLINE ST., BALTIMORE, MD. A.B.; A.M., 1894; D.D., 1896. B.D., Garrett Biblical Institute, 1891. Minister M. E. Church, Green, 1886-87; Spring hill, 1887-89; Graduate student in Theology, Garrett Biblical Institute, 1889-92; Arlington, Kansas City, Mo., 1890-93; First, Wichita, 1893-96; North Ave., Allegheny City, Pa., 1896-00; Grace, Baltimore, Md., 1900-05; First, Rochester, N. Y., 1905-09; Sumner Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y., 1909-11; Madison Square, Baltimore, Md., 1911-. Born Wilmot, Wis., April 30, 1861. Married Sade Sullivan, No. 42, April 6, 1886. Children: Frederick Sullivan, Aug. 29, 1887; John Milton, Oct. 2, 1890; Mary, Nov. 4, 1893; Ruth, Feb. 2, 1896; Don Snell, Jr., June 9, 1902. 72. NELLIE FRANCES ELLIOTT. MANHATTAN B.S. Amanuensis, Manhattan and Kansas City, Mo., 1887-98; Amanuen- sis, Los Angeles, Calif., 1898-99; Amanuensis, Manhattan, 1899-1911; Dep- uty Register of Deeds, Manhattan, 1911-15; At home, Manhattan, 1915-. Member Kansas State Historical Society. Born Binghamton, N. Y., Dec. 9, 1862. 73. JOHN K. ELWELL. FELTON, CUBA B.L. With Santa Fe R. R. Co., passenger and freight department, Lawrence, 1887-89; With Santa Fe R. R. Co., auditor's department, Topeka, 1889-91; With Buenos Aires y Rosario R. R. Co., Buenos Aires, Argen- tine Republic, S. A., 1891-93; Chief Accountant, Spanish-American Iron Co., Daiquiri, Cuba, 1893-97; American Consul, Santiago de Cuba, 1898; Presi- dent and Treasurer, Elwell Mercantile Co., Santiago de Cuba, 1899- ; Super- intendent of Stores, The Spanish-American Iron Co., Felton, Cuba, 1916-. Assisted Major-General Fitz Hugh Lee in the "Cuban Relief Committee for the Starving Reconcentrados." Assisted Miss Clara Barton. President of the American Red Cross; Private Secretary to Miss Clara Barton. Born Elizabeth, 111., Sept. 28, 1860. 74. MAY ENGSTROM. 1916 MAPLE AVE., EVANSTON, ILL. B.S. A.M., The University of Kansas, 1902. Homekeeper, student, teacher, superintending ranch in Barber Co., writer, 1888-. Graduate student in English, The University of Kansas, 1900-02; Yale University, 1902-05. Miscellaneous contributions to papers and magazines. Author of "Hero- ism and Service," and of a part of the "Young Folks Bible Library." Born, Wataga. 111., Sept. 22, 1862. Married George W. Hoss, LL.D., July 20, 1888. Child: Wendell Engstrom, Nov. 20, 1892. 75. THEODORE FINLEY GRAHAM. CEDAR RAPIDS, IA. A. B.; A. M., 1891. Teacher Rural Schools, Douglas Co., 1887-88; Professor Greek and Latin and Registrar, Fort Worth University, Fort Worth, Tex., 1890-99; Professor of Latin, Dakota Wesleyan University, Mitchell, S. Dak., 1899-07; President Redpath-Vawter Chautauqua System, Cedar Rapids, la., 1908-. Born Chillicothe, O., June 12, 1868. Married, Carrie Knight, Aug. 3, 1892. Children: Donald Goodnow, Dec. 9, 1894; Carroll Knight, Nov. 11, 1901. 76. *HARMAN JACOB HOOVER. A.B. S.T B., Boston University, 1892; Ph.D., Boston University, 1906. Minister M. E. Church, Reading, 1888; Quenemo, 1889; Graduate student in Theology, Boston University, 1889-92; El Paso, Tex., and Las 79 1887-88] GRADUATES^ Vegas, N. Mex., 1892-96; First, Ottawa, 1896-98; Coffey ville, 1898-00; Che- topa, 1900-02; Professor of History, Baker University, 1902-15. Registrar Baker University, 1905-12. Member American Historical Society. Born Erie Co., O., Oct. 12, 1863. Married Lydia Blanche Case, No. 92, Oct. 31, 1893. Died Aug. 24, 1916, burial at Baldwin City. Children: Helen Case, Nov. 9, 1895; Borden Parker, Feb. 5, 1897; Florence, Apr. 25, 1901. Brother of No. 112. 77. NELLIE GARRETT KEY, Care ARGENTINE STATION, KAN- SAS CITY. B. L. Amanuensis in Kansas City, Mo., Denver, Colo., 1887-01. Ac- countant in Argentine, 1901. Born South Park. 78. CHARLES EDGAR MOORE. EUREKA. A.B.; A.M., 1909. Banker and Loan Broker, Eureka, 1887-. Trustee Baker University, 1909-. Born Woodson Co., Kan., Feb. 8, 1864. Married May M. Morgan, July 8, 1891. Child: Morgan E., Feb. 22, 1895. 79. ARTHUR REECE STOVER. LITTLE ROCK, ARK. A. B.; A. M., 1890. M. D., Missouri Medical College, St. Louis, Mo., 1893. M. Sc, (Physiological Chemistry), The University of Chicago, 1915. Student, Department of Pharmacy, The University of Kansas, 1887-88; Student, Arkansas Industrial University, Medical Dept., 1891-92; Student Harvard University, 1907; Practicing Physician, Little Rock, Ark., 1893-. Assistant in Physiology, U. of Arkansas, Medical Dept., 1898-03; As- sistant in Medicine, U. of Arkansas, Medical Dept., 1902-07; Professor of Medical Chemistry and Toxicology, U. of Arkansas, Medical Dept., 1907- 1908; Professor of Chemistry, U. of Arkansas, Medical Dept., 1908-; Secretary Executive Committee, U. of Arkansas, Medical Dept., 1913-; Collaborator, Bureau of Chemistry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1914-. Member Pulaski County Medical Society, Arkansas State Medical Society, Fellow American Medical Society, American Chemical Society. Born Iowa County, la., April 20, 1869. Married Sarah Verrinder Ives, No. 140, Feb. 7, 1895. Children: Grace, July 6, 1897; Ralph Ives, Sept. 25, 1900; Mar- garet, Jan. 6, 1903. CLASS OF 1888 80. PHILLIP PITT CAMPBELL. PITTSBURG. A.B.; A.M., 1892. Lawyer, Pittsburg, 1889-. Member Congress, Third Kansas District, 1902-. Born Cape Breton, N. S., April 25, 1862. Married Helen E. Goff, Nov. 23, 1892. Children: Dorothy, Sept. 4, 1893; Colin, Nov. 23, 1895; Elizabeth McRae, July 18, 1898; Helen Mary, April 4, 1902. 81. CHARLES EDWIN GAULT, BANK OF TOPEKA BLDG., TOPEKA. B.S.; A.M., 1909. Lawyer, Topeka, 1890-. Born Bainbridge, O., July 7, 1865. Married Emily Black, June 22, 1900. Children: Barbara, March 22, 1902; Philip C, Apr. 12, 1903. 82. SUSIE NELLIE KNIGHT, 1411 MADISON AVE., KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. B.S. Homekeeper, 1889-. Professor of Latin and German, Cumber- land College, Greenfield, Mo.; Teacher, Schools of Lexington, O. T. ; Teacher City Schools of Pawnee, O. T.; Teacher City Schools, Pond Creek, 80 GRADUATES [1888 O. T.; Teacher Williamsburg, 1896-97; Professional study in Kansas State Normal School, 1897-98; Troy, 1898-1901; Edwardsville; Merwin College, Merwin, Mo.; Ashland; Stockton; Asst. Principal, Barnard Academy, Rush Co., 1907-10. Born Lawrence, March 6, 1867. Married J. Franklin Smith, No. 99, May 29, 1889. Children: Grace Otillia, Sept. 28, 1891; George Fred- erick, Apr. 25, 1910. 83. MAUDE LEONARD. 5360 BARTMER AVE., ST. LOUIS, MO. B.L. Homekeeper, Joplin, Mo., 1891-94; Kansas City, Mo., 1894-97; St. Louis, Mo., 1897-. Born Orleans, Ind., Jan. 6, 1867. Married Crary Parker Johnson, June 3, 1891. 84. SAMUEL ALEXANDER LOUGH. UNIVERSITY PARK, COLO. A.B.; A.M., 1891; Ph. D., 1905. Superintendent City Schools, Coffey- ville, 1888-89; Graduate Student in Theology, Boston University, 1889-90; Student Garrett Biblical Institute, 1890-91; Acting Professor of Latin Language and Literature, Baker University, 1893-94; Professor of English and History, Baker University, 1894-96; Professor of Greek Language and Literature, Baker University, 1896-05; Pastor M. E. Church, Dillon, Mont., 1905-06; Instructor in University of Denver, Denver Colo., 1907-09; Profes- sor Ethics and Religion, 1909-10; Professor English Literature and Ethics, 1910-13; Professor Philosophy, 1913-. Born Carleton County, Ontario, Can., July 7, 1864. Married Mary Laurinda Benedict, No. 117, June 12, 1894. Children: John Benedict, Feb. 2, 1896; Mary Dorothy, Sept. 9, 1898; Samuel Allan, Aug. 28, 1900. 85. EVA MAY PIERCE. STERLING, COLO. B.S.; M.S., 1894. Teacher New Hope Seminary, Skullyville, I. T., 1888-89; Instructor in English, Baker University, 1889-90; Homekeeper, 1890- ; Deputy County Superintendent of Schools, El Paso Co., Colorado Springs, Colo., 1893-96; Teacher Latin and English, High School, Castle Rock, Colo., 1897-99. Newspaper work and magazine writing. Born Chesterville, O., Nov. 5, 1869. Married Clarence O. Finch, Nov. 11, 1890. 86. DAVID WINSLOW RAINES, 1209 MALLON, SPOKANE, WASH. A.B. S.T.B., DePauw University, 1894. Minister M. E. Church, Wakarusa, 1889-92; Graduate student in Theology, DePauw University, 1892-94; Soldier, 1895-96; Tonganoxie, 1896-97; Michigan Ave., Leaven- worth, 1897-99; Winchester, 1899-00; Cheney, Wash., 1900-01; Wardner, Ida., 1901-04; Palouse, Wash., 1904-05; Latch, Wash., 1905; Member Apostolic Faith Movement, Latch, Wash., 1905-10; Spokane, Wash., 1910-. Born Malvern, O., Oct. 1, 1861. Married Lillie H. McElwain, March 26, 1890. Children: Edith Paula, June 8, 1891; Zola Estelle, Nov. 11, 1895. 87. JENNIE MAY SWEET, 2208 W. 56th St., SEATTLE, WASH. A.B. Homekeeper, 1888-. Born, Ohio, 1867. Married Edwin Morti- mer Randall, No. 65, Nov. 15, 1888. Children: May, Dec. 24, 1890; Edwin Thomas, June 30, 1896. Mother of No. 1073. 88. ERNEST EUGENE SYKES, 301 HENNEN BLDG, NEW OR- LEANS, LA. B.S. Farmer, Oswego. 1888-90; Secretary and Treasurer, Rich Hill Water, Light & Fuel Co., Rich Hill, Mo., 1890-93; Purchasing Department Santa Fe Railroad, Galveston and Cleburne, Tex., 1893-1900; Secretary 81 1888-89] GRADUATES and Treasurer, Southern Saw Mill Co., Ltd., New Orleans, La., 1900-. Born Waverly, la., Jan. 3, 1867. Married Carrie O'Byrne, May 22, 1895. Chil- dren: Ernest Eugene, Jr., July 30, 1896; Lois Hazel, March 25, 1898. 89. DAVID SHERMAN VAN GUNDY, 2326 MARTHA AVE., WICH- ITA, KAN. B.S. Teacher, Tarkio, Mo., 1888-89; Minister M. E. Church, Potwin, 1889-91; Graduate Student in Theology, Garrett Biblical Institute, 1891- 95; Ness City, 1895-97; Great Bend Ct, 1897-99; Kingsley Ct., 1899-01; Alden, 1901-03; Larned Ct., 1903-06; Colwich, 1906-08; Retired, Wichita, 1908-. Born Atchison Co., Mo., April 2, 1865. Married Frances A. Wells, March 23, 1896. Children: Mary Lucina, July 17, 1897; Willis Joy, July 4, 1898. CLASS OF 1889 90. *JAMES WATSON D. ANDERSON. A.B. Ph.D., Allegheny College, 1893. Ministerial supply, Welda Ct., 1881-82; Moran, 1882-83; Minister M. E. Church, New Albany, 1883-85; Baldwin Ct., 1886-88; Elk City, 1888-91; Principal High School, Elk City, 1890-91; Neosho Falls, 1891-92; Hot Springs, S. Dak, 1892-93; Associate Editor, Omaha Christian Advocate, 1893-94. Publisher "Kansas Methodist Pulpit." Author of various poems, essays, etc. Chautauqua Lecturer on English Literature. Born, Allen Co., Kans., Mar. 3, 1859. Married Harmine Donnerberg, June 14, 1881. Died March 21, 1894, burial at Baldwin City. Children: Espar, Oct. 21, 1887; Agnes Anna, Jan. 17, 1889; Jerome Louis, Nov. 6, 1891. Father of Nos. 612, 613, 899. 91. *LUTA LEONORA BOAZ. B.S. B.L., DePauw University, 1893. Homekeeper, Kokomo, Ind., 1896-1910. Born Johnson Co., Ind., Aug. 2, 1869. Married William McClel- lan Brown, Aug. 10, 1896. Died July 2, 1910, burial at Kokomo, Ind. Chil- dren: Janice, July 12, 1900; Louise, Aug. 17, 1904. 92. LYDIA BLANCH CASE. BALDWIN CITY. A.B.; A.M., 1892. A.B., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1890; A.M., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1895. Teacher Dickinson Co. High School, 1891-92. At home, Oswego, 1892-93. Homekeeper, 1893-. Born Laomi, 111., Dec. 20, 1869. Married Harman Jacob Hoover, No. 76, Oct. 31, 1893 (died Aug. 24, 1916). Children: Helen Case, Nov. 9, 1895; Borden Parker, Feb. 5, 1897; Florence, April 25, 1901. 93. HENRY BOWMAN FOSTER, 2828 OLIVE ST., KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. A.B.; A.M., 1892. A.M., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1910. Minister M. E. Church, Wesley, 1889-91; Instructor in West Plains College, West Plains, Mo., 1891-92; Mountain Grove, Mo., 1892-93; Mount Vernon, Mo., 1893-94; Mountain Grove, Mo., 1894-96; Fry Memorial, St. Louis, Mo., 1896-99; Rolla, Mo., 1899-00; Superintendent Lebanon, Mo., District, 1900- 06; Trinity, St. Louis, Mo., 1906-07; Benton Ave., Springfield, Mo., 1907- 10; Farmington, Mo., 1910-11; Superintendent Farmington, Mo., District, 1911; Byers Ave., Joplin, Mo., 1911-14; Arlington, Kansas City, Mo., 1914-15; 82 GRADUATES [1889 Secretary Conference Claimants Endowment Campaign, 1915-. Born Bain- bridge, Ind., Oct. 5, 1862. Married May E. Foster, June 6, 1889. Children: James Ralph, Sept. 10, 1890; William Henry, Dec. 23, 1891; Edward Wendell, Jan. 18, 1894; Lewis Chandler, June 22, 1896; Mary Esther, Feb. 22, 1899; Achsah Elizabeth, Oct. 3, 1902; Helen Adaline, Dec. 10, 1904; Warren Randolph, March 5, 1908. 94. *GEORGE BERNARD CARL KNAKE. A.B. Early education in Munster, Westphalia, Germany, and at Hei- delberg and Berlin Universities, Germany. Ministerial supply at Olsburg, 1889-90; Minister M. E. Church, Randolph, 1890-91; Valley Falls, 1891- 92; Robinson, 1892. Born Munster, Westphalia, Germany, Feb. 24, 1864. Married E. Loretta Howard, Sept. 23, 1890. Died Aug. 7, 1892, burial at Robinson. Child: Louiza Hazel, June 10, 1891. 95. MATTIE MARANDA MALLORY. BETHANY, OKLA. B.S. Student Kansas State Normal School, 1889-90; Teacher Ottawa, 1890-92; Principal of Dawes Academy and Mission Station, Ardmore, Okla., 1892; Charge of Mission at Winnipeg, Canada; Superintendent of Okla- homa Orphanage and Beulah Heights, Academy Orphanage, 1905-. Born Ottawa, Kans. Sister of Nos. 130, 213. 96. JULIA DESONGE MILLER. LONGTON. B.L. Teacher Rural Schools, Douglas Co., Kans., 1889; Professional work, Kansas State Normal School, 1900-01; Principal High School, Bald- win, 1904-09; Principal of Normal Department, Arkansas Conference Col- lege, Siloam Springs, Ark., 1909-10; Graduate study. Correspondence work, The University of Chicago, 1907-08 and 1910-11; Principal Schools, Gay- lord, 1911-15; Teacher Normal Training, High School, Winchester, 1915-6; Principal High School, Longton, 1916-. Born Baldwin City. 97. JOHN WILLIAM HULL PYKE. YATES CENTER. A.B. Minister M. E. Church, LaHarpe, 1889-91; Dunlap, 1891-92; Severy, 1892-93; Buffalo, 1893-95; Richmond. 1895-97; Rantoul. 1897-98; Re- tired, 1898; Gardening and farming, Yates Center, 1898-. Born Zionsville, Ind.. Nov. 9, 1857. Married Minnie A. Fuhlhage, March 14, 1895. Children: Wesley Emerson, Mar. 30, 1896; Eunice Marie, July 23, 1897; Cecil Edmund, Nov. 22, 1899. 98. GEORGIANA REED. OSWEGO. B.M.; M.L., 1892. Art Teacher, Texarkana, Tex. Pupil of Burbank and Van Der Boel. Teacher of Art, Baker University, 1894-98. Home- keeper, Oswego, 1900-. Born Dubuque, la., March 2, 1870. Married Nelson Case, May 31, 1900. Children: Miriam Woodworth, April 21, 1901.; Hor- tense Reed, March 27, 1903. Sister of No. 222. 99. J. FRANKLIN SMITH, 1411 MADISON AVE., KANSAS CITY, MO. B.S. Real Estate, Guthrie, Okla., 1899; President Cumberland College, Greenfield, Mo., 1892-93; Superintendent of City Schools, Lexington O T., Pawnee. O. T., Pond Creek, O. T., Williamsburg; Quenemo; Hartford; Ash- land; Stockton. Professional study in Kansas State Normal School, 1897-98. 83 1889-90] GRADUATES Principal Barnard Academy, McCracken, Kans., 1907-10. Born Shawnee Mission, Sept. 5, 1863. Married Susie N. Knight, No. 82, May 29, 1889. Children: Grace Otillia, Sept. 28, 1891; George Frederick, April 25, 1910. 100. CLARA STILLWELL B.S.; M.S., 1893. Primary Department New Hope Seminary, Skullyville, O. T., 1889-90. Student Kansas State Normal School, 1890-91; Assistant Principal High School, Ottawa, 1891-92; Teacher English, High School Kansas City, 1892-05; Correspondence Graduate Work, University of Chi- cago, 1902-04; Graduate Student, Leland Stanford, Jr., University, 1905-06. 101. *WILLIAM BROWN SWAN. A.B.; A.M., 1895. M. D., Chicago Homeopathic Medical College, Chi- cago, 111., 1896. Student Chicago Homeopathic Medical School, Chicago, 111., 1891-92; Student Chicago Homeopathic Medical School, Chicago, 111., 1893-96. Member House Representatives, Kansas, 1893. Practicing physi- cian, Topeka, 1896-02; Secretary Kansas State Board of Health, 1899-02. Trustee Baker University, 1902. Born Patterson, N. J., Feb. 16, 1864. Married Belle Bennett, Topeka, Jan. 5, 1898. Drowned, Ludington, Mich., Sept. 1, 1902, burial at Topeka. Child, Wilma Bennett, Dec. 8, 1902. 102. CHARES KAY WOODSON, 28 GRAVES AVE., GUILFORD, CONN. A.B. D.D., Alvin College, 1901. Minister M. E. Church, Hadley Chapel and First Church, Hutchinson, 1889-90; Jennings, La., 1890-93; Pre ident Baldwin Academy, Baldwin, La., 1893-96; President Southern Univer- sity, La., 1896-98; Port Arthur, Tex., 1899-1900; President Alvin College, Alvin, Tex., 1900-02; Superintendent San Antonio, Tex., District, 1903-07; Trinity, San Antonio, Tex., 1907-09; St. Paul's, Oyster Bay, N. Y., 1909-11; Trinity, Meriden, Conn., 1911-13; Grace, New York City, 1913-15; Guilford and Madison, Conn., 1915-. Born Christian Co., Ky., Aug. 24, 1856. Mar- ried Angie A. King, Aug. 31, 1882. Married Ella M. Shannon, June 17, 1889. Children: Cyrus King, May 19, 1883; Mary Kay, Jan. 19, 1891; Terry Wil- lard, May 25, 1892; Max Russell, July 6, 1895; John Wallace, Feb. 2. 1897; James Everett, Aug. 1, 1899. CLASS OF 1890. 103. MINNIE ROCKWELL BAIN. NESS CITY. B.L. Teacher, Leavenworth, 1890-91; Homekeeper, 1891-. Born Brook- lyn, N. Y., Nov. 30, 1866. Married Henry Thomas Davis, No. 120, Sept. 14, 1891. Children: Monnett Bain, Aug. 13, 1893; Harry, Aug. 4, 1897; Marjorie, Aug. 18, 1899. 104. CORA B. ALDRIDGE. EASTLAND, TEX. B.S.; M.S., 1893. Teacher, Mound City, 1890-91. Married Mr. McCor- mick, 1892. 105. EMMA BISSELL. HOTCHKISS, COLO. B.S.; M.S., 1893. Teacher, Kirwin, 1890; Teacher, Rossville, 1892. Teacher, Assistant Principal High School, Phillipsburg, 1897; Teacher, Guernsey, Wyo., 1903; Teacher, Sunrise, Wyo., 1904; Bookkeeper, Hotchkiss Mercantile Co,, Hotchkiss, Colo., 1911-, jBorn Valparaiso, Ind., June 2, 1864. 84 GRADUATES [1890 106. NELL BUCKNER. IOWA CITY, IA. B.S. Accountant, Kansas City, 1890-91; Teacher, Institute for the Blind, Kansas City, 1891-93; Private Tutor, Lawrence, 1893-94; Teacher Latin and History, High School, Pittsburgh, 1894-1900; Latin, Pittsburgh, 1901-02; History, High School, Iowa City, la., 1905-. Born Mattoon, 111., Feb. 9, 1868. 107. THOMAS ELDRIDGE CHANDLER, 417 ATCHISON ST., ATCH- ISON. A.B.; A.M., 1893. S.T.B., Boston University, 1894. S.T.D., Taylor Uni- versity, 1901. Ministerial supply, Erie and Fulton, 1890-91; Brighton Park, Chicago, 111., 1891-92; Graduate Student in Theology, Garrett Biblical Insti- tute, 1891-93; Boston University, 1893-94; Minister, M. E. Church, Central Ave., Kansas City, 1894-96; Kansas Ave., Topeka, 1896-98; Graduate student, Boston University, 1898-1900; Ashburnham, Mass., 1898-1900; First, Newport, A.B.; A.M., 1893. S.T.B., Boston University, 1894; S.T.D., Taylor Uni- R. I., 1900-03; First, Pawtucket, R. I., 1903-05; Paola, 1905-09; Superintend- ent Ottawa District, 1909-14; Atchison, 1914-. Chaplain State Legislature, R. I., 1900. Trustee Baker University, 1915-. President and Manager Ot- tawa Chautauqua, Ottawa, 1910-13. Member Kansas State Historical So- ciety. Born New Athens, O., June 1, 1864. Married Carrie Boughton, June 27, 1894. Child: Elizabeth C, Nov. 27, 1896. 108. ALEXANDER HAMPTON CORLETT. A.B. Law Student, Leavenworth, 1890; Superintendent Schools, Kau- kauna, Wis. Born, Leavenworth, Aug. 14. 1864. 109. MAUDE CUNNINGHAM. 71 HODGE AVE, BUFFALO, N. Y. B.S. Accountant, Emporia, 1890-92; Teacher Latin, High School, Em- poria, 1892-96, 1897-98; Graduate student, The University of Chicago, 1896. Homekeeper, Boston, Mass, 1898-1900; Wellesley Hills, Mass, 1900-01; Buffalo, N. Y, 1901-. Born Milan, O, Jan. 12, 1868. Married Henry S. Cunningham, May 15, 1898. Children: Helen, April 23, 1900; Margaret, May, 9, 1904; Alice, Aug. 27, 1906. Sister of No. 152. 110. *EDITH DUDGEON. B.S. Teacher, Grades, Baldwin, 1890-93; Hot Springs, S. Dak, 1894-96; Kansas City, Mo, 1897-1910. Born, Oregon, Wis, April 5, 1869. Died, Dec. 21, 1910, burial at Madison, Wis. Sister of No. 139. 111. LAURA L. EWING. TOPEKA. A.B.; A.M., 1893. Teacher of Greek, Baker University, 1890-91; Gradu- ate Student, Northwestern University, 1891-92; Teacher, Latin and Greek, High School, Topeka, 1893-. Graduate student, Boston University, 1900. Associate Principal High School, Topeka, 1909-. Born Raleigh, Ind. 112. CARRIE MAE HOOVER. BALDWIN CITY. A.B. Teacher, Holton, 1891-92; Teacher, Centralia, 1892-96; Home- keeper, Baldwin City, 1896-. Born Netawaka, Nov. 13, 1869. Married Wil- liam Colfax Markham, No. 131, June 24, 1896. Children: Maurice William, March 29, 1898; Miriam, Sept. 28, 1901; Ralph Harold, Oct. 4, 1909. Sister of No. 76. 85 1890-91] GRADUATES 113. BENSON MAHLON POWELL. KANSAS CITY. A.B.; A.M., 1893. B.D., Garrett Biblical Institute, 1895. Ph.D., Taylor University. S.T.D., Harriman University. Editor Cherryvale Republxan, Cherryvale, 1890-91; Principal Pomona Schools, 1891-92; Minister M. E. Church, Longton, 1892-93; Graduate student in Theology, Garrett Biblical Institute, 1893-96; Sedan, 1896-99; Elk City, 1899-00; Howard, 1900-04; Neo- desha, 1904-09; Paola, 1909-12; First, Iola, 1912-15; Superintendent Ottawa District, 1915-17; Central Ave., Kansas City, 1917-. Grand Master I. O. O. F,. of Kansas, 1907-08. Author "The Triple Links." Born McVeytown, Pa., Jan. 27, 1867. Married Irene Beckley, June 10, 1896. Child: Paul Ewing, Jan. 15, 1898. 114. EDITH HOYLTON RARICK, 3901 N. MULLEN ST., TACOMA, WASH. A.B.; A.M., 1893. Teacher Rural Schools, Douglas Co., 1890-91; Grades, Eudora, 1891-93;Pleasanton, 1893-94; Haskell Institute, Lawrence, 1894-95; Chilocco Indian School, Okla., 1895-97; Omaha Indian Agency, Omaha Agency, Neb., 1897-99; Ft. Lewis Indian School, Ft. Lewis, Colo., 1899-1900; Otoe Indian School, Oteo, Okla., 1900-01; Homekeeper, 1897-; Dulce, N. Mex., 1901-08; Tacoma, Wash., 1908.- Born Lawrence, Sept. 12. 1870. Mar- ried Herbert Henry Johnson, Aug. 31, 1897. Children: Francis Rarick, Aug. 14, 1901; Carl Herbert. Jan. 22, 1905; Edith Matilda, Sept. 11, 1906; Herbert Henry, Jr., Jan. 14, 1914. 115. WILLIAM REACE. 3750 AGATITE AVE, CHICAGO, ILL. B.S.; M.S., 1894. Minister M. E. Church, North Ottawa, 1891-92; Virgil, 1892-94; Mt. Ida, 1894-97; Moran, 1897-98; Williamsburg, 1898-99; Ness City, 1899-01; Meade, 1901-03; Roswell, N. Mex, 1903-06; Raton, N. Mex, 1906-08; 77th St., Chicago, 111, 1908-09; Marseilles, 111, 1909-12; Sawyer Ave, Chicago, 111, 1912-14; Bethel, Chicago, 111, 1914-. Born Noblesville, Ind, Feb. 6, 1863. Married Minnie B. Thomas, Dec. 17, 1890. Married Mary E. Imel, Sept. 9, 1903. Children: Paul Maynard, Oct. 19, 1891; William Thomas, May 11, 1893. 116. CHARLES WARD REEDER. TROY. B.S. LL.B, Kansas University, 1898. Teacher, Troy, 1890; Lawyer, Troy, 1898-. Born Bellmore, Ind, 1868. Married Isabel Symms, June 25, 1902. CLASS OF 1891. 117. MARY LAURINDA BENEDICT, UNIVERSITY PARK, COLO. B.S. Teacher, Seneca, 1897-93; Homekeeper, 1893-. Born Granada, Jan. 8, 1870. Married Samuel Alexander Lough. No. 84, June 12, 1894. Children: John Benedict, Feb. 2, 1896; Mary Dorothy, Sept. 9, 1898; Samuel Allan, Aug. 28, 1900. Sister of No. 314. 118. LULU ANNA BURTIS. PORTLAND, TEX. B.S. Teacher, Frankfort, 1891-93. Born Braidwood, 111, 1869. Married Frank Lee Smith, No. 136, Dec. 29, 1893. 86 GRADUATES [1891 119. GEORGE EWING DAVIES, 1047 THIRD AVE, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. A.B. D.D., Macalester College, 1914. Student McCormick Theological Seminary, 1891-94; Post Graduate course in Sociology, Lake Forest Uni- versity, Lake Forest, 111., 1894-95. Minister Presbyterian Church, Fort Wayne, Ind., 1894-99; Bellefontaine, O., 1899-10; Merriam Park, St. Paul, Minn., 1910-14; First, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1914-. Born Princeton, Sept. 10, 1868. Married Mable Currie, Sept. 12.1894. Children: Katharine C, July 30, 1895; John A. V., Nov. 7, 1896; Paul Ewing, Sept. 14, 1898; George Kalb. July 11, 1900. 120. HENRY THOMAS DAVIS. NESS CITY. A.B.; A.M., 1896. S. T. B., DePauw University. 1894. Grocer, Baldwin, 1891-92; Graduate student in Theology, DePauw University, 1892-94; Min- ister M. E. Church, Richland, 1894-96; Centropolis, 1896-97; Gardner, 1897- 01; Harveyville, 1901-04; Riley, 1904-07; Green, 1907-09; Argentine, Kansas City, 1909-13; Ness City, 1913-. Born Baldwin, July 21, 1868. Married Minnie Rockwell Bain, No. 103. Sept. 14, 1891. Children: Monnett Bain, Aug. 13, 1893; Harry, Aug. 4, 1897; Marjorie, Aug. 18, 1899. 121. JOHN IRA GAMES, LEXINGTON, KY. B.S. LL.B, Kansas University, 1898. Teacher, Baldwin, 1891; In- structor, Hendrix College, Conway, Ark., 1891-92; Observer. U. S. Weather Bureau, Columbus, Ohio, 1899; Observer U. S. Weather Bureau, Boston, Mass., 1900; Observer U. S. Weather Bureau, New Haven, Conn., 1901; U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C, 1901; Clerk in Department Service, Post Office Department, Washington, D. C, 1901-04; Post Office Inspector, domiciled at Dayton, O., 1904-10; Domiciled at Lexington, Ky., 1911-. Born, Paola, Jan. 13, 1871. Married Eleanor S. Collins, May 1, 1906. Children: John W., Feb. 18, 1907; Edmund B. and Frank S., May 29, 1909; Robert P., Sept. 16, 1911. Brother of Nos. 174, 175, 266. 122. ANNA MAY HAIR. 225 N. TWENTIETH ST, SALEM, ORE. A.B.; A.M., 1894. Teacher Grades, Baldwin, 1891-92; Assistant in His- tory, Baker University, 1892-93; Teacher Latin and Greek, High School, Kansas City, 1893-98; Homekeeper, Baldwin City, 1898-1900; Evanston, 111., 1900-01; Grant's Pass, Ore., 1901-14; Salem, Ore., 1914-. Born Nebraska City, Neb., Jan. 6. 1871. Married M. C. Findley, M. D., May 4, 1898. Chil- dren: Mary Elizabeth, Feb. 27, 1899; Marcus Bayard, Feb. 22, 1900; Gene- vieve, March 18, 1902; Dwight H., Dec. 16, 1903; Louise, June 9, 1906; Pauline, Aug. 29, 1909; Edith, July 26, 1911. 123. WILLIAM BAYARD HALE, 362 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, NEW YORK, N. Y. A.B. S.T.D., Hobart College, 1896. LL.D., St. John's, Md, 1896. Rector Protestant Episcopal Church, Middleborough, Mass., 1892-98; Ard- more, Pa, 1898-00; Entered Journalism, but retained clerical orders until 1909; Managing Editor Cosmopolitan Magazme, 1900; Editor Current I itera- ture, 1901; Special Correspondent New York World, 1902; Managing Editor Philadelphia Public Ledger, 1903-07; Editor on Staff New York Times and Paris Correspondent same, 1907-09; Editor Staff World's Work, 1909-13; Special Agent of President Wilson in Mexico, 1913-14. Decorations, Office Order Leopold (Belgium), Knight Commander Imperial Order Rising Sun 87 1891] GRADUATES (Japan), Grand Cross Order Liberator (Venezuela); Deputy Governor So- ciety of Colonial Wars. Author 'The Making of the American Constitu- tion," "Phillip Brooks," "A Memorial," "The New Obedience," "A Week in the White House with Theodore Roosevelt," "Woodrow Wilson — The Story of His Life," "American Rights and British Pretensions on the Seas." Editor of President Wilson's book, "The New Freedom." Born Richmond, Ind., April 6, 1869. Married Olga Unger, Oct. 5. 1909. 124. SAMUEL OSCAR HARPSTER, 926 ORVILLE AVE., KANSAS CITY. A.B. Banker, Denton, 1891-06; President, Anderson Coupling & Fire Supply Co., Kansas City, 1906-. Born Curwinsville, Pa., April 16. 1867. Married Emma M. Shulsky, Feb. 28, 1899. Child: Infant daughter, Oct. 22, 1899. Brother of No. 154. 125. DIANA JANE HASKIN, 3023 PARK ST., KANSAS CITY, MO. B.S.; M.S., 1894. Teacher, Assistant Principal, Waverly, 1891-92; Grades, Olathe, 1892-93; Lenexa, 1893-98; Rural Schools, Johnson Co., Kans., 1905-09; Rosedale, 1909-10; Grades, Kansas City, Mo., 1910-. Home- keeper, Kansas City, Mo., 1897-01; Dallas, Mo., 1901-05. Born Lenexa, July 12, 1870. Married G. W. Keys, Dec. 30, 1896. Children: Hazel, June 10, 1900; Harold, July 29, 1901. Sister of No. 155, 195. 126. EDWARD YATES HILL, 1014 CLINTON ST., PHILADEL- PHIA, PA. A.B.; D.D., 1905. A.M., Lake Forest University, L*ke Forest 111., 1895. Student McCormick Theological Seminary, 1891-94; Minister Presbyterian Church, Christ Chapel, Chicago, 1894-96; First, Warsaw, Ind., 1896-00; First, Logansport, Ind., 1900-04; First, Philadelphia, Pa., ("Mother Church of Presbyterianism in America"), 1904-. Member of Board of Edu- cation, Presbyterian Church, U. S. A.; Trustee General Assembly Presby- terian Church, U. S. A.; Corporator Presbyterian Ministers' Fund for Life Insurance; Vice-President of Atlantic Agency, American Bible Society; Director of Presbyterian Historical Society of U. S. A.; Trustee Philadel- phia Presbytery; Trustee Deaconess Training School of Philadelphia. Born Rochester, Mo., Sept. 15, 1868. Married Mary Moon, June 6, 1900. Children: Helen Moon, Apr. 10, 1901; John Edward, March 29, 1904. 127. WILLIAM HENRY HOWELL, 857 LAFAYETTE ST., DENVER, COLO. A.B. Minister M. E. Church, Fulton, 1891-94; Grace, Fort Scott, 1894- 95; Superintendent State Reform School, Topeka, 1895-97; Supernumerary 1899; Withdrew from Ministry, 1901; Mercantile Business, 1897-1900; Trav- eling Auditor for the Colorado Supply Co., Denver, Colo., 1900-03; General Manager for The Western Stores Co., Denver, Colo., 1914-. Trustee Denver University, 1911-. Born Liverpool, England, May 30, 1863. Married Calla Vollmar, Aug. 20, 1890. Child: William Quayle, Feb. 22, 1893. 128. ANSON OVID LOCKWOOD. BALDWIN CITY. A.B.; A.M., 1894. A.M., Mt. Union College, 1901; Ph.D., Mt. Union College, 1902. Minister M. E Church, Richmond, 1891-93; Girard Circuit, 1893-94; Weir City, 1894-95; Sundace, Wyo., 1895-96; Whitewood, S. Dak., 1896-97; Morrowville, 1897-1900; Leonardville, 1900-02; Greenleaf, 1902-03; 88 GRADUATES [1891 Barnes, 1903-05; Westmoreland, 1905-07; Eureka Springs, Ark., 1907-09; Sul- phur Springs, Okla., 1909; Claremore, Okla., 1909-10; Holdenville, Okla., 1910; Evangelist, Baldwin City, 1910-. Born Denmark, la., Oct. 5, 1855. Married Nora Stewart, June 14, 1888. Children: Mary Eleanor and Myra Amanda, Aug. 17, 1889; Allan Thomas Stewart, Sept. 21, 1892; Norma May, Dec. 4, 1897; Ruth Anne, Jan. 11, 1899; Gerald Ovid, Feb. 24, 1900; Roy Mac- Neil, March 17, 1902. Father of Nos. 754, 755. 129. SAMUEL McROBERTS. 55 WALL ST., NEW YORK, N. Y. A.B.; A.M., 1894. LL.B., University of Michigan, 1893. Lawyer, Chi- cago, 1893-95, Attorney for Armour & Co., Chicago, 1895-00; With Finan- cial Department, Armour & Co., 1904-09; Vice-President, National City Bank of New York, New York City, 1909-. Director Armour & Co., American Sugar Refining Co., National Surety Co., Kansas City Southern Ry. Co., Piedmont & Northern Ry. Co., German-American Insurance Co., Kansas City, Clay County and St. Joseph Ry. Co., Northwestern Elevated Ry. Co., Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Ry. Co., Baldwin Locomotive Works, Virginia Ry. Co., German Alliance Insurance Co., Banque Nationale De la Republique d'Haiti. Chairman National City Co. Member Executive Committee Pan-American Society of the U. S. Vice-President Chamber of Commerce U. S. A. Treasurer Y. M. C. A., City of New York. Trustee Baker University, 1905-. Trustee Northwestern University. Born Malta Bend, Mo., Dec. 20, 1869. Married Mary Agnes Caldwell, 1895 (died 1904). Married Harriet Pearl Skinner, Sept. 1, 1906. 130. HARRIET MALLORY. 0119 MASS ST., WINFIELD. A.B. Teacher, Primary, Cherry vale, 1891-92; Ottawa, 1892-03; Student Kansas City National Deaconess Training School, 1903-05; At Home, Ot- tawa, 1905-13; Homekeeper, 1913-. Born Ottawa. Married Rev. Albert E. Davis, Feb. 26, 1913. Sister of Nos. 95, 213. 131. WILLIAM COLFAX MARKHAM. BALDWIN CITY. A.B.; A.M., 1894. Deputy County Treasurer, Prowers County, Colo., 1891-92; Graduate Student in History, Johns Hopkins University, 1892-93; Editor Baldwin Ledger, 1893-. Postmaster Baldwin City, 1902-15; Secretary Kansas Postmasters' Association, 1906-14; Secretary-Treasurer, Southwest Postal Association, also Editor Southwest Postal News, 1909-14; Secretary National Association of Postmasters, 1913-14; President Kansas State Edi- torial Association, 1916; Secretary Kansas Republican State Central Com- mittee, 1916. Author of Plays, "The First Christmas in Palmyra," "The Spirit of '56," also numerous poems. Born Bolivar, O., Sept. 10, 1868. Married Carrie Mae Hoover, No. 112, June 24, 1896. Children: Maurice William, March 29, 1898; Miriam, Sept. 28, 1901; Ralph Harold, Oct. 4, 1909. Brother of Nos. 198, 214. 132. PEARL MURRAY. 8821 LOOMIS ST., CHICAGD, ILL. B.L. Teacher, Grades, Arkansas City, 1891-92; Grades, Oklahoma City, Okla., 1892-96; Teacher, Private work, Pawhuska, Okla., 1996-98; Student, The Chicago Musical College, 1898-00, graduating in 1900; Homekeeper, Chi- cago, 111., 1900-. Born Peru, Ind., Aug. 1, 1870. Married Raymond F. Fankhauser, Nov. 7, 1900. 133. ELSIE NUZMAN. 1017 ST. FRANCIS AVE., WICHITA. B.L. At home, Circleville, 1891-92; Homekeeper, Salina, 1892-93; Man- hattan, 1893-96; Ottawa, 1896-06; Wichita, 1906-. Born Circleville, Sept. 89 1891-92] GRADUATES 27, 1869. Married Henry Justin Allen, Oct. 19, 1892. Children: Frederick, Sept. 19, 1893; Catherine, Aug. 7, 1895; Henrietta, Oct. 13, 1900; Henry Justin, Jr., May 2, 1902. 134. WILLIAM PARSONS. 1339 12TH ST, DES MOINES, IA. A.B.; A.M., 1896. D.D., Geneva College, Beaver Falls, Pa, 1806. Student McCormick Theological Seminary, 1891-94; Minister Presbyterian Church, Kewanee, 111, 1892-95; Yates Center, 111, 1895-97; Westminister, Peoria, 111, 1897-00; Sparta, 111, 1900-04; Beaver Falls, Pa, 1904-09; Third, Portland, Ore, 1909-12; Central, Eugene, Ore, 1912-16; Westminster, Des Moines, la., 1916-. Secretary National Reform Association, 1905; Associate Editor of the "Christian Statesman," Pittsburg, Pa, 1906-16. Trustee Albany College, 1910-16; Associate Editor "Pacific Presbyterian," 1911; Professor of Bible, Albany College, 1915-16. Born Luton, England, Feb. 11, 1867. Married Elizabeth B. Stevenson, July 8, 1891. Children: Cecelia, Nov. 3, 1899; Catherine, Jan. 28, 1902; Margaret, March 6, 1907. 135. PAUL MARTIN PEARSON. SWARTHMORE, PA. B.S.; A.M., 1895; Litt.D, 1909, Principal High School, Cherryvale, 1891-92; College Secretary of Y. M. C. A. of Kansas, 1893; Principal of High School, Cherryvale, 1893-94; Student Northwestern University, 1901-02; Graduate Student Harvard University, 1902; Professor of Public Speaking, Swarthmore College, Pa, 1902-12; Founder and President Chautauaua As- sociation of Pennsvlvania, 1912-. Editor "Talent," 1903-08, "The Speaker." Member N. E. A.; National Speech Arts Association, International Lyceum Association. Compiler "The Humorous Speaker." Author "Intercollegiate Debates." "Extemporaneous Speaking.' Chautauaua and Lyceum I ec- turer. Born Gillespie, 111., Oct. 22. 1871. Married Edna Rachel Wolfe, No. 209, June 11, 1896. Children: Andrew Russell, Dec. 13, 1897; Leon Morris, Oct. 15, 1899; Barbara Wolfe, July 5. 1910; Ellen Cameron, July 23, 1913. Brother of No. 204. 136. FRANK LEE SMITH. PORTLAND, TEX. B.S.; A.M. Merchant, Beattie, 1891; Manager of N. E. Kansas for Na- tional Life Insurance, Hiawatha. Born Beattie, 1867. Married Lulu Anna Burtis, No. 118, Dec. 20, 1893. Brother of No. 163. 137. NATHAN ABIJAH SWICKARD. MEDIAPOLIS, IA. A.B.; A.M., 1894; Ph.D., 1895. Minister M. E. Church, Paxico, 1888-89; Blaine. 1889-90; Student B. U, 1890-91; Armourdale, Kansas City, 1891-93; Hot Springs, S. Dak., 1893-96; Aberdeen, S. Dak, 1896-03; Canton, S. Dak, 1903-05; First, Mt. Pleasant, la, 1905-08; Sigourney, la, 1908-11; Craw- fordsvi 1 le, la., 1911-13; Williamsburg, la, 1913-16; Mediapolis, la, 1916-. Born New Albany, O, 1860. Married Alice M. Hunter, 1886. CLASS OF 1892. 138. FRANK PIERCE BLAKEMORE. A.B. 139. MATTHEW SIMPSON DUDGEON. MADISON, WIS. A.B.; A.M., 1909. LL.B, University of Wisconsin, 1895. Student Law Department, University of Wisconsin, 1892; Professor of Latin and Greek, 90 GRADUATES [1892 Black Hills College, Hot Springs, S. Dak., 1893-4; Lawyer, Madison, Wis., 1896-09; in Spanish-American War, 1898; County Attorney, Dane County, Wis., 1899-03; Member State Legislature, Wis., 1903-04; Special Lecturer Political Science, University of Wisconsin, 1907-. Secretary Wisconsin Free Library Commission, Madison, Wis., 1909-. Member American Po- litical Science Association; American Civic Association; Director Library School, University of Wisconsin. Born Madison, Wis., June 18, 1871. Mar- ried Mabel Cunningham, No. 152, July 11, 1900. Children: Lucile, Sept. 12, 1904; Edith May, Jan. 20. 1912. Brother of No. 110. 140. SARAH VERRINDER IVES, LITTLE ROCK, ARK. B.S. At home, Baldwin, 1892-95; Homekeeper, 1895-. Secretary Right- sell School Improvement Association; Secretary of Woman's Cooperative Association; District Secretary of Little Rock Woman's Home Missionary Society of M. E. Church, South. Born Hannibal, Mo. Married Arthur Reece Stover, No. 79, Feb. 7, 1895. Children: Grace, July 6, 1897; Ralph Ives, Sept. 25, 1900; Margaret, Jan. 6, 1903. Sister of No. 197. 141. FRANCIS CUMMINS LOCKWOOD, 712 N. STONE AVE., TUC- SON, ARIZ. A.B.; A.M., 1895. Ph.D., Northwestern University, 1896. Graduate stu- dent in Enelish, Northwestern University, 1892-96; Minister M. E. Church, Parkside, Douglas Park, Merrill, and Windsor Park, Chicago, 111., 1892-96; Salt Lake City, Utah, 1896-97; Graduate student, The University of^ Chi- cago, 1897-98; Professor of English Literature, Mt. Union College, Alliance, O., 1898-99; Professor of English Literature, K. S. A. C, Manhattan, 1899- 1902; Graduate student, Wesleyan University, Middletown, Conn., 1901-02; Professor of English Literature, Allegheny College, Meadville, Pa., 1902-16; Professor of English Literature, University of Pittsburg, Summer, 1916; Professor of English Literature, the University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz., 1916-. Author of "Emerson as a Philosopher." "Robert Browning," "Freshman and His College." Contributor to Magazines and Reviews. Also Lecturer on Literary subjects before Teachers' Institutes, Chautauquas and Literary Clubs. Member of the Modern Language Association of America, Phi Beta Kappa; Born Mt. Erie, 111., May 22, 1864. Married Mary Pritner, Dec. 24, 1901. Children: Elizabeth Pritner, Oct. 27, 1905; Mary Margaret, Nov. 26, 1907. 142. WILLIAM LINZA MILLER. VAN NUYES, CALIF. B.S. Professor of Mathematics, The University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif., 1892-93; Minister M. E. Church, Delano, Calif., 1893- 94; Hanford, Calif., 1894-96; Westminster, Calif., 1896-98; Supernumerary, 1898-99; North, Ontario, Calif., 1899-1900; Elsinore, Calif., 1900-02; Grace, New York, N. Y., 1902-03; Litchfield, Conn., 1903-05; First, New Rochelle, N. Y., 1905-06; Supernumerary, 1906-11; Greenpoint, New York, N. Y., 1911-12; Fillmore, Calif., 1912-13; Huntington Beach, Calif., 1913-15; Braw- ley, Calif., 1915-16; Van Nuyes, Calif., 1916- ; Graduate Student, New York University, 1902-03; Managing Editor of California Independent, Los An- geles, Cal., 1908-. Born Oskaloosa, la., 1865. Married Florence E. Turner, Sept. 25, 1893 (died Aug. 25, 1908). 143. MARY MURRAY. GRANT'S PASS, ORE. B.S. Bookkeeper, Baldwin State Bank, 1892. Homekeeper, Baldwin, 1892- 1903; Grant's Pass, Ore., 1903-. Born Mound City, Jan. 12, 1872. Married James E. Hair, July 26, 1892. Children: Helen Ermina, Nov. 9, 1896; Horace Murray, Dec. 11, 1898; Margaret Estelle, Jan. 18, 1905. Sister of No. 18. 91 1892-93] GRADUATES 144. KATE LORCETTA NICHOLSON. 1115 OHIO ST., LAWRENCE. B.L. Graduate student English and Music, Kansas University, 1892; Teacher vocal music, Lawrence Public Schools, 1896-00; Homekeeper, Law- rence, 1900-. Married Frank Wilson Blackmar, Ph.D., July 26, 1900. 145. FRANK EDWARD O'NEIL. PRESCOTT. B.S. M.D., 1896. Student Medical College, Kansas City, Mo., 1892-96; Practicing Physician, Prescott, Kans., 1896. Member of County and State medical societies. Born Wellsville. Married Nellie Lewis, 1896. 146. JAMES MARION PRICE. LITTLETON, COLO. B.S.; A.M., 1895. B. Ped., State Normal School of Colorado, 1895. Su- perintendent Schools, Glenwood Springs, Colo., 1892-94; Superintendent Schools, Eaton, Colo., 1895-00; State Organizer of Woodmen of the World for Wyoming, 1900-02; Editor Record News, Del Rio, Tex., 1902-05; Editor, "Eye and Bulletin," Denver, Colo., 1906; Founder and Editor Daily Register, Loveland, Colo., 1907; State Manager of American Order of Protection, Denver, Colo., 1908; Supreme Commander of Order of Protection, Denver, Colo., 1909-10; Supreme Organizer, American Nobles, Denver, Colo., 1911-12; City Treasurer, Denver Colo., 1912-16; Editor and Manager Arapahoe Herald, Littleton, Colo., 1916-. Born Mt. Ayr, la., Oct. 17, 1864. Married Mattie Mathes Hoover, Apr. 24, 1894. Children: James Ma- rion, Jr., May 14, 1895; John Hoover, Sept. 28, 1896; Marguerite Anna, April 24, 1902; Clarence William, Aug. 26, 1905. Brother of No. 716. 147. MARCIA AGNES UNDERWOOD. HOMESTEAD, FLA. A.B. At Home, Clay Center, 1892-97; Homekeeper, Osawatomie, 1897-00; Topeka, 1900-10; Homestead, Fla., 1910-. Born Geneva, 111., March 26, 1872. Married Hugh Hale Ewing, June 16. 1897. Children: Katharine, Nov. 21, 1898; William Cornelius, April 5, 1900; Charles Ellsworth, Nov. 16, 1909. Sister of No. 225. 148. *N. PERCY WILLETTS. B.S. Lawyer, Fredonia, 1893-06; City Attorney, 1896-99; Representative in State Legislature, 1899, 1901. Born Fredonia, Nov. 12, 1871. Died March 18, 1906, burial at Fredonia. CLASS OF 1893. 149. FRANK WESLEY ALLIN, 4403 WASHINGTON BLVD., CHI- CAGO. ILL. B. S.; A. M., 1905. M.D., Rush Medical College, 1905. Principal High School, Coffeyville, 1893-94; Principal High School, Paola, 1895-01; Prin- cipal High School, Emporia, 1901-02; Instructor The University of Chicago, Pathological Department, 1902-03; Practicing Physician, Chicago, 111., 1905-. Assistant Professor in Department Diseases of Children, Rush Medical College. Member American Medical Association, Illinois State Medical So- ciety, Chicago Medical Society, Chicago Pediatric Society, American As- sociation of Teachers of Diseases of Children. Assistant Attending Phy- sician Presbyterian Hospital, Chicago. Born Oasis, la., Jan. 21, 1869. Mar- ried Elizabeth Chamberlain, Dec. 26, 1895. Children: Corinne Elizabeth, Oct. 4, 1896; Leslie Chamberlain, June 22, 1907; Frank Cameron, Sept. 9, 1908; Josephine Miriam, Oct. 4, 1911. 92 GRADUATES [1893 150. THOMAS MOON BELL. SAVONBURG. A.B. Minister M. E. Church, Muscotah, 1893-94; Oneida, 1894-96; Whiting, 1896-97; Admire, 1897-00; Lyndon, 1900-02; Corning, 1902; Mor- rill, 1904-06 1 ; Wetmore, 1906-08; Supernumerary, 1908-09; Marysville, 1909- 11; Eskridge, 1911-14; Blue Rapids, 1914-15; Mound City, 1915-17; Savon- burg, 1917-. Born Kingston, Ont, Aug. 27, 1862. Married Mary Margaret Althouse, Feb. 27, 1896. Children: Lillian Consuelo, June 22, 1897; Hallie Lucille, March 2, 1899; Vera Victoria, Jan. 8, 1901; Eldon Thomas, April 14, 1907; Roscoe Leland, Sept. 14, 1912. 151. GUY POTTER BENTON. BURLINGTON, VT. A.B.; A.M., 1896; D.D., 1900. A.M., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1905; D.D., Ohio Wesleyan University, 1905. LL.D., Upper Iowa University, 1906. LL.D., University of Vermont, 1911. LL.D., Middlebury College, Vermont, 1912. LL.D., University of Mississippi, 1914. LL.D., Miami Uni- versity, 1916. L.H.D., Norwich University, 1916. Graduate student Uni- versity of Wooster, 1894-96. Superintendent of Schools, Fort Scott, 1890- 95; Assistant State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Kansas, 1895-96; Professor of History and Sociology, Baker University, 1896-99; President of Upper Iowa University, 1899-02; President Miami University, 1902-11; President University of Vermont, 1911-. President Southern Kansas Teachers' Association, 1892. President Board of Education, Baldwin, 1898-99. Member of Kansas State Board of Education, 1899. Minister of M. E. Church, 1899-. Secretary Ohio Conference College Deans and Presi- dents, 1903-05. President Ohio College Association, 1903-04. Chairman of Committee, Ohio College Association, on "An Educational Policy for Ohio," 1904-05. President of Ohio Conference of College Presidents and Deans, 1904-06. President Ohio Y. M. C. A., 1908-09. Student in Berlin, Germany, 1909-10. Secretary National Association of State Universities, 1910-16; President National Association of State Universities, 1916. Author of "The Real College." Elector of The Hall of Fame, 1910-. Member Amer- ican Historical Society. Director N. E. A., 1912-13, 1914-16. Vice-Presi- dent, N. E. A., 1912-13. Member Phi Beta Kappa. National President Phi Delta Theta, 1912-14. National President Tau Kappa Alpha, 1915-. Presi- dent Vermont State Board of Education, 1914-15. Chairman Vermont State Library Commission, 1912-14. Member State Committee, Vermont Y. M. C. A., 1912-, Born Kenton, O., May 26, 1865. Married Dolla Konantz, Sept. 4. 1889. Children: Helen Geneva, Oct. 16, 1892; Pauline Corinth, Jan. 25, 1898. 152. MABEL CUNNINGHAM. MADISON, WIS. B.S. Student Conservatory of Music, Oberlin College, 1894-95; Teacher of Voice, Baker University, 1895-97; at home, Emporia, 1897-00; Homekeeper, 1900-. Born Emporia, Dec. 11, 1871. Married Matthew Simpson Dudgeon, No. 139, July 11, 1900. Children: Lucile, Sept. 12, 1904; Edith May, Jan. 20. 1912. Sister of No. 109. 153. GEORGE WILLIAM GOODALE, 731 PHELAN BLDG., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. A.B. M.D., College of Physicians and Surgeons, San Francisco, 1900. Chemist in Ohio Beet Sugar Factory, 1893-94; Professor of Latin, Pomona College, Pomona, Calif., 1895-96; Student McCormick Biblical Institute, 1896-97; Student College of Physicians and Surgeons, San Francisco, 1897- 00; Physician, Mendocino State Hospital, Calif., 1900-02; Physician and Surgeon, San Francisco, Calif., 1902-. Assistant Emergency Surgeon, San Francisco, Calif., 1903-07; City Physician of San Francisco, 1910-. Born Cedar Falls, la., July 27, 1873. Married Emma S. Kuchmeister, Nov. 3, 1900. 93 1893] GRADUATES 154. HARVARD OLIVER HARPSTER, 335 N. 17TH ST, KANSAS CITY. A.B. Instructor in English, Baker University, 1893-95; Assistant Post- master, Brookshire, Tex., 1896-99; Secretary and Superintendent Anderson Coupling & Fire Supply Co., Kansas City, 1899-. Born Severance, March 7, 1870. Married Laura Beeks, Sept. 1, 1896. Children: Dorothy, Aug. 29, 1899; Kenneth Beeks, July 26, 1907. Brother of No. 124. 155. SAMUEL BRUSH HASKIN. R. F. D. No. 3, OLATHE. A.B.; A. M., 1895. LL. B., University of Michigan, 1898. Professor Mathematics, Marmaduke Military Institute, Sweet Springs, Mo., 1893-96; Student Law Dept. University of Michigan, 1896-98; Admitted to the Bar in Missouri, 1896; Farmer, Olathe, 1898-. Member of House of Represen- tatives of Kansas, 1905-07-09. Trustee of Baker University, 1906-. Presi- dent of Kansas Day Republican Club, 1908. Born Lenexa, Sept. 16, 1872. Married Maude A. Vigour, Jan. 8, 1901. Children: Bernice, Sept. 1, 1905; Harvard Glenn, Mar. 27, 1908; Harley Vigour, Sept. 12, 1910; Samuel Brush, Jr., Apr. 28. 1913. Brother of Nos. 125, 195. 156. WILLIAM LEROY HOLTZ, 925 CONSTITUTION ST., EM- PORIA. A.B. Graduate student, Drake University, 1898; The University of Chicago, 1899, '01, '15. Teacher, Moran, 1893-94; Burlingame, 1894-02; Dickinson Co., High School, Chapman, 1902-03; Superintendent Schools, Burlingame, 1903-05; Substitute Instructor in Latin, Kansas State Normal School, 1905-06; Associate Professor of Latin, Kansas State Normal School, 1906-11; Professor of Latin, Kansas State Normal School, 1911-. Born Fairview, O. Married Maud Somerville Thompson, July 7, 1906. 157. PALMER BANGS KNEPP. AXTELL. B.S. Minister M. E. Church, Rantoul, supply, 1893-94; Neosho Falls, 1894-97; Mont Ida, 1897-01; Walnut, 1901-03; Colony, 1903-07; Blue Mound, 1907-11; Grace, Fort Scott, 1911-14; Axtell, 1914-. Born Lima, Ind., Aug. 25, 1867. Married Hattie Howard, March 15, 1894. Child: Florence Mary, Jan. 26, 1903. Brother of Nos. 285, 427. 158. HOMER SAMUEL MYERS, 807 WISCONSIN ST, HURON, S. DAKOTA. A.B.; A.M., 1896. A.M., The University of Chicago, 1916. Principal of Schools, Elk City, 1893-94; Superintendent Public Schools, Cherryvale, 1894-97; Superintendent Public Schools, Garnett, 1897-02; Principal Dick- inson County High School, Chapman, 1902-06; Superintendent Schools, Ellsworth, 1906-08; Superintendent Schools, Chanute, 1908-09; Graduate student in Mathematics, University of Chicago, 1909-11; Instructor in Mathematics, Carleton College, Northfield, Minn., 1911-12; Assistant Pro- fessor of Mathematics, Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, la, 1912-13; Instructor in Mathematics, Beloit College, Beloit, Wis, 1913-15; Professor of Mathe- matics, Huron College, Huron, S. Dak, 1915-. Born Martville, N. Y, Apr. 11, 1869. Married Bessie Capper, Aug. 22, 1900 (died July 22, 1909). Mar- ried Mrs. Elanore H. Simpson, No. 236, Aug. 12, 1916. 159. HATTIE A. RAPP. BALDWIN CITY. B.S. Teacher, Grades, Williamsburg, 1893-97; Grades, Ottawa, 1897-00; Homekeeper, Cherryvale, Kingfisher, Okla, Caldwell, Winfield, 1900-06; Baldwin City, 1906-. Born Marathon, O, June 24, 1872. Married Edwin S. Hackett, June 24, 1900 (died Aug. 22, 1906). Children: Edwin C, Apr. 8, 1901; Helen, Oct. 12, 1902. Sister of Nos. 718, 943. 94 GRADUATES [1893 160. MERTON STACHER RICE. DETROIT, MICH. B.S.; M.S., 1896. D.D, Upper Iowa University, Fayette, la., 1903. Student of Law, University of Michigan, 1893. Minister M. E. Church, Westphalia, 1894-96; Fontana, 1896-97; North Ottawa, 1897-00; West Union. Ta.. 1900-03- Iowa City, la., 1903-04. Duluth, Minn., 1904-13; N. Woodward, Detroit, Mich., 1913-. Born Ottawa, Sept. 5, 1872. Married Laura Buck- ner, April 3, 1895. Children: Eugene M., July 4, 1897; Allen B., June 27, 1901; Shanna E., May 7, 1906; Ruskin, May 27. 1908; Cyrus Robert, July 29, 1910; Elaine, Dec. 29, 1912. 161. JOHN HENRY SCHAFFNER. COLUMBUS, O. A.B.; A.M., 1896. A.M., University of Michigan, 1894. Graduate student in Botany, Zoology and Paleontology, Universitv of Michigan, 1893- 94; University of Chicago, 1896-97; University of Zurich, 1907-08. As- sistant in Botany and student, University of Michigan, 1894-95; Processor Natural Science, South Dakota University, Mitchell, S. D., 1895-96; Assis- tant in Botanv, Ohio State University, Columbus. O., 1897-99; Ass ; stant Professor of Botany, Ohio State University, 1899-02; Associate Professor of Botany, Ohio State University, 1902-11; Professor of Botany, Oh ; o State University, 1911-; Head of Department of Botany, Ohio State Univers : ty, 1908-. Fellow American Association Adv. Science, 1899. Member O^io Academy of Science. Kansas Academy of Science, National Geographic Society. Member Sigma Xi. Editor Ohio Journal of Science, Co- lumbus, 1900-. Vice-President. Oh'O Academv of Science. President Ohio Academy of Science, 1907. "Starred" Scientist, American Men of Science, 1910. Author of numerous scientific articles, mostly botanical, in the Botani- cal Gazette, Journal of Applied Microscopy. The Ohio NaturaHst, Pro- ceedings Ohio Academy of Science, and other publications; laboratory Outlines for General Botany, 4th Edition: Trees of Ohio and surrounding territory; The Pteridophytes of Ohio; Field Manual of Trees. B^rn Agosta, O., July 8, 1866. Married Mable Brockett, August 7, 1895 (died May 6, 1906). Married Mrs. Mary Morton Sample, April 15, 1908 (died 1914). Married Cordelia Garber, June 15, 1916. 162. JAMES D. SMITH. 1102 WEST ST, EMPORIA. B.S.; M. S, 1896; A. M., 1905. D D. Missouri Weslevan Universitv, 1910. Minister M. E. Church, Madison, 1887: Toronto, 188^-89; Hartford, 1889- 90: In school, 1890-92; Melvern. 1.893-9'?: MrJine. 1895-97; Waverly. 1*97- 01: Educational Secretary Baker Universitv. 1901-05: Independence, 190^-07; Ottawa, 1907-09; President Carleton College, Farmington, Mo., 1909-11; Cherryvale, 1911; Coffeyville, 1912-15; Superintendent Emporia District, 1915-. Member General Conference. M. E. Church, 1916. Born PMte City, Mo., Oct. 8, 1861. Married Tilla Harshberger, Feb. 23. 1886. Chil- dren: Hortense, April 26, 1887; Heyl Bowman, Tune 11, 1889; MauHne, Dec. 18, 1896; Joyce Durboraw, March 17, 1900; Elizabeth, July 8, 1904. 163. RAY FLETCHER SMITH, 1920 REBECCA ST, SIOUX CITY, IOWA. B.S. Merchant, Beattie, 1893-99; Pasadena, Calif, 1899-1900; Travelling Dry Goods Salesman, St. Joseph, Mo, 1900-11: Sioux City, la, 1911-. Born Beattie, May 28, 1868. Married Mae E. Smith, Feb. 23, 1898. Children: Alene M, Dec. 5, 1898; Frances N, April 23, 1907. Brother of No. 136. 95 1893-94] GRADUATES 164. EDWARD HARRIS SPENCER. LA HARPE. A.B. Minister M. E. Church, Somerset, (supply), 1893-94; Bartlett, 1894-95; Wauneta, 1895-97; Crestline, 1897-99; Redfield, 1899-01; Farlington, 1901-02; Supernumerary, (Amboy, 111., 1902-03; Harmon, 111., 1903-04;) How- ard, 1904-07; Strawn, 1907-08; Plymouth, 1908-09; St. Paul, 1909-10; Super- numerary 1910-12; Retired, 1912 (Parsons, 1910-13; Editor The La Harpe Enterprise, 1913-). Born Dowagiac, Mich., Sept., 24, 1865. Married Ada B. Crane, June 26, 1895. Children: Harold C, Feb. 6, 1897; Louis M., March 9, 1900; Mildred E., June 17, 1902; Francis E., March 26, 1904; M. Theo- dore, Jan. 31, 1908. CLASS OF 1894 165. THOMAS BYRON ADELL. GRANTVILLE. A.B. Minister M. E. Church, Wathena, 1895-97; Whiting, 1897-02; Silver Lake, 1902-03; Nortonville, 1903-06; Supernumerary, 1906-08; Hoyt, 1908-11; Nortonville, 1911-14; Talmage, 1914-15; Grantville, 1915-. Born Walkerton, Ind., Dec. 17, 1870. Married Adda Adair, May 28, 1895. 166. JAMES FLOYD ATHERTON, 619 PHILADELPHIA BLDG., PITTSBURG, PA. A. B. Teacher, White City, 1894-96; Baldwin City, 1897-98; U. S. De- partment of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Industry, Tagger, St. Joseph, 1898; Clerk, Kansas City, Mo., 1899; Louisville, Ky.; Parkersburg, W. Va., Kansas City, Mo., U. S. Weather Bureau, Department of Agriculture, Am- arillo, Tex., Observer, Parkersburg, W. Va., Kansas City, Mo., Little Rock, Ark., Pittsburg, Pa., 1899-05; Clerk, Philadelphia Company, Pittsburg, Pa., 1905-. Born Secor, 111., Apr. 14, 1870. Married Minnie Carter, Nov. 3, 1893. Children: Lorna Genevieve, Jan. 16, 1895; James Carter, Aug. 6, 1900. 167. FRANK J. BENSCOTER. HUTCHINSON. A.B. Principal High School, Alliance, Neb., 1896-97; Lawyer, Macks- ville, 1900-07; Hutchinson, 1907-. Born Windsor, Mo., Nov. 5, 1870. 168. BESSIE BOUGHTON. 1108 TOPEKA AVE., TOPEKA. A.B. Teacher Grant School, North Topeka, 1895-96; Teacher English, High School, Topeka, 1896-13; At home, Topeka, 1913-. Graduate student of English; one year Washburn; three summers as graduate student in the University of Chicago. Born Jefferson, Tex., May 31, 1868. 169. DAN BREARLEY BRUMMITT, 2523 PARK PLACE, EVANS- TON, ILL. A.B.; A.M., 1903; D.D., 1907. B.D., Drew Theological Seminary, 1902. Minister M. E. Church, Maple Hill, 1892-93; Baldwin City Ct, 1893-94; Altamant, 1894-95; Fort Smith, Ark., 1895-97; Little Rock, Ark., 1897-99; Graduate Student in Theology, Drew Theological Seminary, 1899-02; As- sistant Editor Epworth Herald, Chicago, 1901-10; Manager Circulation Department, Methodist Book Concern, Chicago, 1910-12; Editor Epworth Herald, 1912-. Member of Board of Control of the Epworth League of the M. E. Church. Author: "Epworth League Methods," "The Efficient Epworthian." Born Batley, Yorkshire, England, Aug. 13, 1867. Married Stella Wyatt, Sept. 12, 1894. Child: Wyatt Brearley, Jan. 19, 1897. 96 GRADUATES [1894 170. LIZZIE BELLE CONE. WELLSVILLE. B.L. At home, Wellsville, 1894-95; Homekeeper, 1895-. Born Dela- ware Co., O., July 5, 1868. Married Harry Lionel Muesse, No. 179, Nov. 26, 1895. Child: Mary Eliza, Aug. 3, 1903. 171. GEORGE FOX COOK. LOS ANGELES, CALIF. A.B. Ph.D., Philander Smith College. Lawyer, Cincinnati, O. Pro- fessor Little Rock University, Little Rock, Ark., Philander Smith College. Professor. Southwestern College. Principal Academy, Baker University, 1905-07; Professor of Education, Occidental College, Los Angeles, Calif., 1907-. Born, Cincinnati, O., Oct. 8, 1862. Married Jennette Acomb, Dec. 17, 1899. Children: John Wesley, April 13, 1893; Lawrence Russell, Jan. 24, 1899. 172. LOREN DWIGHT CORNING. HINTON, OKLA. A.B. Professor Greek, Black Hills College, Hot Springs, S. Dak., 1894- 96. Minister M. E. Church, St. Paul, 1896-98; Mulberry, 1898-01; Liberty, 1901-04; Pond Creek, Okla., 1904-05; Pawnee, Okla., 1905-08; Epworth Fed- erated Methodist Church, Oklahoma City, Okla., 1908-10; Edmond, Okla., 1910-11; Norman, Okla., 1911-13; Medford, Okla., 1913-16; Hinton, Okla., 1916-. Secretary Oklahoma Conference, 1911-. Born Grafton, O., Mar. 21, 1868. Married Ella Hitch, Aug. 7, 1895. Children: Howard G., July 10, 1898; Elizabeth H., Sept. 9, 1900; Kathryn M., Apr. 9, 1910. 173. HOMER EDGAR CULLISON. UNION, ORE. A.B. B.D., Garrett Biblical Institute, 1902. Minister M. E. Church, Strong City, 1894-96; Cedar Point, 1896-97; Hamilton, 1897-99; Graduate Student in Theology, Garrett Biblical Institute, 1899-02; Severy, 1902-06; Hartford, 1906-08; Emmett, Ida., 1908-10; Twin Falls, Ida., 1910-11; Weiser, Ida., 1911-14; Union, Ore., 1914.- Born Bloomfield, Ind., Dec. 6, 1870. Mar- ried Eva Sanders, April 8, 1896 (died Aug. 13, 1903). Married Mary C. Ott, April 11, 1906. Child: Charles Emmett, March 27, 1909. 174. MINNIE JANE GAMES. 17 S. 23RD., ST., KANSAS CITY. B.L. Teacher, Rural Schools, Douglas Co., 1894-96; Homekeeper, Baldwin City, 1898-02; Lawrence, 1902-09; Kansas City, 1909-. Born Lee's Summit, Mo., Aug. 9, 1868. Married Ralph E. Knox, June 1, 1898. Chil- dren: Faye Lorraine, March 19, 1899; Raymond G., March 18, 1902. Sister of Nos. 121, 175, 266. 175. MOSES WILLIAM GAMES. LAWRENCE. A.B. LL.B., The University of Kansas, 1898. Teacher, Rural Schools, Douglas Co., 1894-95; Teacher, School for the Deaf, Olathe, 1895-96; Stu- dent in Law, The University of Kansas, 1896-98; Under Civil Service ap- pointment in Packing House industry, St. Joseph, Mo., Kansas City, Mo., and Oklahoma City, Okla. Born Miami Co., March 23, 1873. Married Ethel Comstack, 1898. Brother of Nos. 121, 174, 266. 176. ELIZABETH JAMES KIRKPATRICK. MUSKOGEE, OKLA. B.L. Homekeeper, Kansas City, Mo., 1894-98; St. Joseph, Mo., 1898-00; Okla., 1900-04; Texas, 1904-07; Muskogee, Okla., 1907-. Born Leroy, Feb. 27, 1868. Married George Irving Harvey, July 11, 1894. 97 1894] GRADUATES 177. GEORGE ANTHUS MARVEL. DOUGLAS, ARIZ. A.B. S.T.B., Boston University, 1901. Teacher High School, Bald- win City, 1894-96; Minister M. E. Church, Dunavant, 1897-98; Graduate student in Theology, Boston University, 1898-01; Centropolis, 1901-02; Mt. Pleasant, Kansas City, 1902-05; Wamego, 1905-10; Lowman Memorial, To- peka, 1910-13; Clay Center, 1913-14; Douglas, Ariz., 1914-. Born Myers Valley, Oct. 8, 1871. Married Katie Rushmore, Aug. 30, 1904. Children: Theodore Prettyman, July 15, 1905; Helen Margaret, May 6, 1907; Victor Henry, Aug. 28, 1909; Kathryn Ruth, Feb. 7, 1912. Brother of Nos. 199, 243, 306. 178. THOMAS IRA MOTTER, 166 N. KENILWORTH AVE., OAK PARK, ILL. A.B.; A.M. P.G., The University of Kansas, 1895. M.D., Rush Medi- cal College, Chicago, 1899. Student Rush Medical College, Chicago, 1894- 99; Interne Cook County Hospital, Chicago; Attending Surgeon Cook County Hospital, Chicago; Practicing Physician, Chicago; Assistant Pro- fessor Surgery, Rush Medical College, Chicago; Post Graduate, Europe, 1906. Fellow American College of Surgeons. Member Chicago Medical Society, American Medical Association. Born Scranton, Aug. 8, 1872. Married Mary Maude Schroyer, Jan. 3, 1901. Children: Charles Schroyer, Apr. 4, 1903; Mary, July 9, 1906. Brother of No. 202. 179. HENRY LIONEL MUESSE. WELLSVILLE. Ph.B. Lawyer, Ottawa, 1894-03; Kansas City, Mo., 1903-07; Banker, Wellsville, 1907-. Born Lancaster, Wis., May 14, 1870. Married Lizzie Belle Cone, No. 170, Nov. 26, 1895. Child, Mary Eliza, Aug. 3, 1903. 180. JAMES WILLIAM REED. SEVERANCE. A.B. Minister M. E. Church, Tecumseh, 1895-98; Centropolis, 1898- 00; Admire, 1900-01; Supernumerary, 1901-02; Oakland, Topeka, 1902-05; Kansas Avenue, Topeka, 1905-07; Council Grove, 1907-11; White City, 1911- 12; Overbrook, 1912-17; Severance, 1917-. Born Williamsburg, O., Sept. 9, 1865. Married Carrie Baker, Aug. 16, 1893. Children: Esther Gladys, Apr. 5, 1896; Baker Merrill, Dec. 23, 1899. 181. LILIAN SCOTT. BALDWIN CITY. Ph.B.; A.M., 1909. Teacher, Pomona, 1879-83; Principal Schools, Wellsville, 1883-86; Superintendent Schools, Baldwin City, 1886-89; Super- intendent Schools, Enterprise, 1889-92; Principal Olathe Academy, 1892- 93; Instructor Baker University, 1893-94; Professor of Pedagogy, Baker University, 1894-. Author of Manuals on "History of Education" and "School Economy." President, Kansas State Teachers' Association, 1915. Member State Board of Education, 1915-. Born Winterset, la. 182. OLIVE MAUDE STEWART. KINSLEY. A.B. Teacher Ancient and Modern Language, Central College, Sul- phur Springs, Tex., 1894-95; Teacher Rural Schools, Baldwin City, 1895-99; Greek and German, High School, Warrensburg, Mo., 1899-1900; Shorey, 1900-01; Principal Schools, Elsmore, 1901-02; Mathematics, Maryville Semi- nary, Maryville, Mo., 1902-03; English and German, Northwest Missouri College, Albany, Mo., 1903-04; Principal High School, and English and Ger- 98 GRADUATES [1894-95 man, Burlingame, 1904-05; Principal Schools, Elsmore, 1905-07; Professor Latin and German, Arkansas Conference College, Siloam Springs, Ark., 1907-10; Principal Schools, Ortig, Colo., 1910-11; Latin, High School, Os- borne, 1911-12; Graduate Student, Berlin University, Berlin, Germany, 1912; Graduate Student, The University of Kansas, 1913; Latin and German, High School, Kinsley, 1914-. Born Millwood. 183. IRWIN STIMMEL. FOWLER. Ph. B. Principal Schools, Pomona, 1894-95; Principal High School, Garnett, 1895-97; Superintendent Schools, Cedar Vale, 1897-02; Superinten- dent Schools, Howard, 1902-05; Merchant, (Book Store), El Dorado Springs, Mo., 1905-16. Born Ostrander, O., Jan. 24, 1861. Married Clara Perkins, Sept. 1, 1886 (died Aug. 29, 1888). Married Mattie Powell, Aug. 8, 1895. Children: Blanche, June 29, 1887; Robert Marion, Sept. 30, 1896; Ethyl Adelle, Jan. 19, 1899; DeLoss Walker, May 15, 1901. 184. OLIVER LINCOLN UTTER. WEST MANSFIELD, O. A.B.; A.M., 1896. B.Sc, K.S.A.C, 1888. S.T.B., Boston University, 1899. D.D., Taylor University, 1910. Minister M. E. Church, Axtell, 1895-97; Graduate Student in Theology, Boston University, 1897-99; Ebenezer, O.,1900- 03; York St., Cincinnati, O., 1903-07; St. Paul's, Springfield, O., 1907-10; Eaton, O., 1910-12; Grace, Piqua, O., 1912-16; West Mansfield, O., 1916-. Graduate student, Boston University, 1899-1900. Born Crawfordsville, Ind. Married Nellie A. Leland, June 20, 1900. 185. *HARRY BERTRAND WREN. Ph.B.; A.M., 1897. Graduate student The University of Chicago, 1895. Principal Schools, Greeley, 1896-97; Principal, Edgerton, 1897-98; U. S. Weather Bureau, Denver, 1898; Cheyenne, Wyo., 1898-01; Washington, D. C, 1901-04; Baltimore, Md., 1904-05. Born Mechanicsburg, O., Sept. 21, 1865. Married Helen Crooks, Oct. 27, 1897. Died Oct. 1, 1905, burial at Olathe. Child: Harper Chapman, Apr. 14. 1901. CLASS OF 1895 186. GRACE BREYFOGLE. OLATHE. B.L. At home, Lenexa, 1895; Olathe. Born Lenexa. Married C. W. Jones, M. D., Dec, 25, 1902. Children: Kathleen Elizabeth, Aug. 5, 1907; Mary Jane, Feb. 22, 1913. Sister of Nos. 47, 48. 187. ELINOR MARGUERITE CAMPBELL. Ph.B. A.M., Ozark College, 1896. Teacher, Edmond and Oklahoma City, 1896-97; Avilla, Mo., 1897-04; Phoenix, Ariz., 1904-10; Bisbee, Ariz., 1910-. 188. HARRY CLAUDE CASE. GUTHRIE, OKLA, A.B. B.D., Garrett Biblical Institute, 1899. A.M. and Ph.D., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1904. Graduate Student in Theology, Garrett Biblical Institute, 1896-99; Minister M. E. Church, Lebo, 1899-01; Cottonwood Falls, 1901-05; Chetopa, 1905-08; Alva, Okla., 1908-12; Guthrie, Okla., 1912-13; 99 1895] GRADUATES Superintendent Guthrie District, 1913-. Trustee Methodist University of Oklahoma, 1910-. Member General Conference, M. E. Church, 1916. Born Fredonia, Feb. 24, 1873. Married Rose Kiger, June 6, 1899. Children: Blanche, March 16, 1900; Harold Claude, May 20, 1902. 189. *CHARLES FLETCHER CLARK. A.B. Principal High School, Waterville, 1898-00. Born La Salle Co., 111., Nov. 20, 1870. Married Eva C. Gill, Aug. 25, 1897. Died July 24, 1900, burial at Baldwin City. Children: Mary Gale, June 8, 1898; George Fletcher, Nov. 7, 1899. Brother of Nos. 190, 414, 562. 190. WILLIAM MELVIN CLARK. BALDWIN CITY. A.B. Banker, Baldwin, 1895-. Born Waterville, Feb. 13, 1874. Mar- ried Myrtle Pearl Walker, No. 276, Sept. 19, 1901. Brother of Nos. 189, 414, 562. 191. JOSEPH EDWARD COE. BARTLESVILLE, OKLA. A.B. B.D., Drew Theological Seminary, 1898. Graduate Student in Theology, Drew Theological Seminary, 1895-98; Minister M. E. Church, Walnut Grove, Topeka, 1898-1900; Cromwell, la., 1900-02; Stanton, la., 1902- 04; Nodaway, la., 1904-07; Grand Junction, la., 1907-11; Wichita Falls, Tex., 1911-1-t; Bartlesville, Okla., 1914-. Born Manhattan, Tuly 19, 1873. Married Edna E. Martin, Oct. 18, 1899. Children: Malnor Elizabeth, Oct. 4, 1900; Dorothy Poyntz, Jan. 20, 1902. 192. HADDON SPURGEON FARRAR, 7257 PRINCETON AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. A.B. Graduate Student Northwestern University, Evanston, 111., 1895- 96; Traveling Salesman for Powers, Higley & Co., 1896-97; Teacher, Beat- tie, 1897-99; Salesman Methodist Book Concern, Chicago, 111., 1899-02; Manager Branch Office, Powers, Higley & Co., Denver, Colo., 1903-04; De- partment Manager with Albaught Dover Co., Chicago, 111., 1904-07; Solic- itor for Bradstreets, Chicago, 111., 1908-. Born London, O., March 17, 1868. Married Bertha M. Pasley, Aug. 29, 1900. Child: Virginia, Sept. 30, 1907. 193. ARZA BRACKEN FOGLE. WILLIAMSBURG. A.B.; A.M., 1897. Graduate Student The University of Chicago, 1896- 99; Director of Athletics, Baker University, 1900-03; Farmer, Baldwin City, 1903-05; Williamsburg, 1905-. Born Punxsutawney, Pa., May 18, 1865. Married Alice Scott, June 27, 1899. Children: Arza Bracken, Jr., Aug. 22, 1901; Walter G., Jan. 5, 1902; Frank Daniel, Aug. 26, 1903; Alice Rachel, May 9, 1905. 194. FORREST MADISON HARTLEY. BALDWIN CITY. Ph.B. Editor Arkansas Valley Democrat, Arkansas City, 1895-05; Ass't. Cashier First National Bank, Arkansas City, 1896-98; Editor Farm Publi- cation, Kansas City, Mo., 1903-06; Organizer and Cashier, Winona State Bank, Winona, 1906-07; Lumber Dealer, Baldwin City, 1907-. Trustee South- western College, 1899-1900. Mayor Baldwin City, 1909-12. Born India- nola, 111., July 26, 1874. Married Mary Sophia Ives, No. 197, Aug. 19, 1897. Children: Hugh Philip, May 29, 1898; Genevieve, Aug. 5, 1910. 100 GRADUATES [1895 195. ELKANAH HARLEY HASKIN. LENEXA. A.B.; A.M., 1898. LL.B., Northwestern University, 1897. Law stu- dent Northwestern University, 1895-97; Farmer, Lenexa, 1897-04; Banker, Lenexa, 1904-. Born Lenexa, Nov. 21, 1874. Married Maud Wilson, Sept. 21, 1898. Children: Miriam, Feb. 16, 1901; Genevieve, Dec. 10, 1903. Brother of Nos. 125, 155. 196. *david McMillan houghtelin. A.B.; A.M., 1901. S.T.B., Boston University, 1900. Minister M. E. Church, Carbondale, 1895-97; Wathena, 1897; Graduate Student in Theol- ogy, Boston University and Drew Theological Seminary, 1898-1900; Dow City, la., 1900-02; De Soto and Highland Park, Des Moines, la., 1902-03; Minburn, la., 1903-04; Panora, la., 1904-08; Graduate Student in Free Church College, Glasgow University, Glasgow, Scotland, 1908-09; Financial Secretary, Iowa Methodist Hospital, Des Moines, la., 1909-13. Member Academy of Science, National Geographic Society. Born Gettysburg, Pa., Jan. 14, 1872. Married Edith Archer, Dec. 14, 1911. Died June 3, 1913, burial at Spencer, la. 197. MARY SOPHIA IVES. BALDWIN CITY. A.B. At home, Baldwin City, 1895-97; Homekeeper, 1897-. Secretary Young People's Work Topeka Branch, W.F.M.S., 1901-04. Born Allen Co., Jan. 29, 1872. Married Forrest Madison Hartley, No. 194, Aug. 19, 1897. Children: Hugh Philip, May 29, 1898; Genevieve, Aug. 5, 1910. Sister of No. 140. 198. LEWIS MERRILL MARKHAM. LAMAR, COLO. A.B. Ranchman, Prowers Co., Colo., 1895-96; Ass't Cashier First Na- tional Bank, Lamar, Colo., 1896; with Arkansas Valley Sugar Beet & Ir- rigated Land Co., Engineering Department,, from Rodman to Ass't En- gineer, 1896-04; Principal Engineer, American Beet Sugar Co., Lamar, Colo., 1904-06; Ass't Engineer, Santa Fe Ry. Co., for the Construction of the Arkansas Valley Railroad, 1906-08; Division Engineer, Kansas Colorado Railroad Co., Garden City, Kans., 1908-09; Ass't Engineer, Two Buttes Irrigation & Reservoir Co., Lamar, Colo., 1909; Chief Engineer, Kansas Colorado Construction Co., Pueblo, Colo., 1909-10; Director of Exhibits, Eighteenth National Irrigation Congress, Pueblo, Colo., 1910; Assistant to Manager American Beet Sugar Co., Lamar and Las Animas, Colo., 1911- 12; Private Practice as Civil and Hydraulic Engineer, 1913; County Clerk and Recorder, Prowers Co., Lamar. Colo., 1914-. Born West Salem, O., Aug. 31, 1873. Married Florita L. Smith, Oct. 2, 1901. Children: Lewis Merrill, Jr., Nov. 15, 1903; Mary Lucile, May 21, 1906. Brother of Nos. 131, 214. 199. *ESTHER ALMIRA MARVEL. A.B. Teacher. Baldwin City, 1895-96: Teacher, India, (Lawrence), 1897- 1900: Principal High School, Sabetha. 1900-01; Homekeeper, 1901-10. Born De Witt Co., 111. Dec. 18. 1869. Married Charles Beniamm Dalton. No. 210, June 25, 1901. Died Sept. 21, 1910, burial at Baldwin City. Children: Evelyn Ruth, June 20, 1902; Esther Frances, Jan. 28, 1907. Sister of Nos. 177, 243, 306. 101 1895] GRADUATES 200. WILLIS OSCAR MESSINGER. MORAN. Ph. B. Merchant, Baldwin City, 1895-97; Moran, 1897-. Born Barres- ville. Married Beulah Louise Samuel, Sept. 2, 1908. 201. EDWIN MERRICK MILLER. MOUND CITY, MO. A.B.; A.M., 1903. M.D., Ensworth Medical College, St. Joseph, Mo., 1897. Physician, St. Joseph, Mo., 1897-01; Physician and Surgeon, Mound City, Mo., 1901-. Professor Physical Diagnosis, Ensworth Medical College, St. Joseph Mo., 1898-04; Surgeon, C. B. & Q. Ry., 1897-. Member State Board Managers Hospital for the Insane, 1908. Member Missouri State Medical Society, American Medical Association. President Holt County Medical Association, 1911. Born Troy, O., Oct. 6, 1869. Married Annie L. McCoy, Oct. 8, 1900. Children: Margaret M., March 8, 1902; Edwin T., Dec. 24, 1905; Robert L., Feb. 21, 1907. 202. MAIE MOTTER. PITTSBURG. A.B. At home, Kansas City, 1895-00; Homekeeper, Kansas City, 1900- 01; Pittsburg, 1901-. Born Bloomington, 111., Oct. 26, 1874. Married Joseph A. Waskey, Dec. 21, 1900. Children: Helen, Sept. 26, 1902; Miriam Deane, April 20, 1905; Josephine, July 30, 1915. Sister of No. 178. 203. DAVID KYUGORO OBATA. TOKYO, JAPAN. A.B.; D.D, 1909; LL.D., 1916. B.D., Drew Theological Seminary, 1898. A.M., University of New York, 1899. Graduate Student in Theology, Drew Theological Seminary, 1895-98; Graduate Student University of New York, 1898-99. Teacher in school under auspices of Japanese M. E. Church, San Francisco, 1899-00; Pastor Japanese M. E. Church, San Francisco, Calif., 1900-03; Minister M. E. Church, 1900-. Professor New Testament in Aoyama Gakuin, Toyko, Japan, 1903- ; Pastor Aoyama Gakuin Church, 1906-10. Author, "The Word of the Cross" in Japanese; Translator of "The Chris- tian Faith" into Japanese. Fraternal Delegate from Japanese Methodist Church to General Conference M. E. Church, 1916. Born Sendai, Mayagi, Japan, May 8, 1867. Married Tsugie Kasai, June 10, 1903. Children: Kaz- uko, Apr. 26, 1904; Yoshihisa, Nov. 25, 1906; Takahisa, June 20, 1908; Nari- hisa, Sept. 10, 1910; Hideko, June 14, 1914. 204. ANDREW CAMERON PEARSON, 231 W. 39TH ST, NEW YORK, N. Y. A.B.; A.M., 1909. LL. B, Northwestern University, 1897. Student Northwestern University Law School, 1895-97; Legal work in Chicago, 1896-97; Dry Goods Business, Osawatomie, 1897-98; Advertising Business, Dry Goods Reporter, Chicago, 111, 1898-04; Advertising Salesman, Dry Goods Economist, New York City, 1904-08; Advertising Manager Dry Goods Economist, New York City, 1908-11; Vice-President and General Manager, Dry Goods Economist, New York City, 1911-. Trustee Baker University, 1913-. Born Coffeyville, Nov. 17, 1873. Married Lelia C. Camp- bell, Aug. 24, 1897. Children: Josephine Rae, May 28, 1898; Dorothy Louise, Aug. 25, 1900; Andrew Cameron, Jr., Oct. 30, 1903; Forrest Martin, July 6, 1909; John Randolph, Feb. 2, 1911. Brother of No. 135. 205. FLOYD JAY SEAMAN. LORDSBURG, CALIF. A.B. B.D, Drew Theological Seminary, 1900. Minister M. E. Church, Grantville, 1895-97; Graduate student in Theology, Drew Theological Semin- 102 GRADUATES [1895-96 ary, 1897-00; Oakland, Topeka, 1900-01; Assistant Pastor, First, Topeka, 1901-02; Sabetha, 1902-06; Glendora, Calif., 1906-08; Supernumerary, 1908-09; Echo Park, Los Angeles, Calif., 1909-10; Supernumerary, 1910-13; York Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif., 1913-14; Bardsdale, Calif., 1914-16; Lordsburg, Calif., 1916-. Born Fountain, Oct. 27, 1870. Married Mattie M. Lake, April 3, 1900 (died, Oct. 1, 1912). Married Flora J. Jones, Mar. 1, 1914. Child: Harvard Lake, May 29, 1902. 206. JAMES ALEXANDER STAVELY. PARSONS. A.B.; D.D., 1909. B.D., Drew Theological Seminary, 1900. Minister M. E. Church, Martin, Topeka, 1895-97; Graduate Student in Theology, Drew Theological Seminary, 1897-00; Kansas Ave., Topeka, 1900-05; Junc- tion City, 1905-08; Superintendent Atchison District, 1908-13; First, Par- sons, 1913-. Graduate student Washburn College, Topeka, 1895-96. Mem- ber General Conference M. E. Church, 1912. Trustee Baker University, 1908-. Born Natrona, Pa., May 27, 1867. Married Rowena K. Saxe, 1900 (died July 27, 1913). Married Viola A. Troutman, Feb. 8, 1916. Children: Maude Agnes, June 14, 1902; Martha Rowena, Sept. 5, 1904; Homer Eaton, July 18, 1907. 207. *CHARLES THOMAS TAYLOR. A.B. Graduate student, Union College, 1895-96; Teacher, Mulberry, 1897; Teacher, Dallas, Tex., 1899; Merchant, Mulberry, 1901; Farmer, Norton, 1905; Real Estate, Kansas City, Mo., 1908-14. Born Mulberry, Jan. 28, 1873. Married Ruby A. Fairbanks, June 28, 1906. Died April 3, 1914, burial at Ft. Scott. Children: Blanche Elizabeth, April 9, 1907; William Alfred, June 17, 1908; Charles T., March 28, 1913. 208. JOSEPH LUTHER TAYLOR. PITTSBURG. A.B.; A.M., 1909. LL. B., Northwestern University, 1897. Student Law School Northwestern University, 1895-97; Attorney and Investment Banker, Pittsburg, 1897-. Member General Conference M. E. Church, 1908, 1912, 1916. Member General Committee 1908-16; Member Book Committee, 1916-. Trustee Baker University, 1903-. Trustee Bethany Hospital. Mem- ber State Board Y. M. C. A. Born Arcadia, July 24, 1872. Married Ethel Cavaness, No. 231, Nov. 2, 1898. Children: Joseph, Sept. 29, 1900; John Irven, Jan. 20, 1902; Mary Elizabeth, Dec. 18, 1903; Katherine, May 4, 1906. 209. EDNA RACHEL WOLFE. SWARTHMORE, PA. B.L. At home, Parsons, 1895-96. Homekeeper, 1896-. Born Hum- boldt, April 25, 1874. Married Paul Martin Pearson, No. 135, June 11, 1896. Children: Andrew Russell, Dec. 13, 1897; Leon Morris, Oct. 15, 1899; Bar- bara Wolfe, July 5, 1910; Ellen Cameron, July 23, 1913. CLASS OF 1896. 210. CHARLES BENJAMIN DALTON, 125 W. FIQUERVA ST., SANTA BARBARA, CALIF. A.B. B.D., Drew Theological Seminary, 1900. A.M., New York Univer- sity, 1901. Minister M. E. Church, Walnut Grove, Topeka, 1896-97; Graduate Student in Theology, Drew Theological Seminary, 1897-1900; Fellow in Drew Theological Seminary, 1900-01; Washington Ave., Kansas City, 1901- 103 1896] GRADUATES 04; First, El Paso, Tex., 1904-06; Boise, Ida., 1906-10; Trinity, Berkeley, Calif., 1910-13; First, Sacramento, Calif., 1913-14; Santa Barbara, Calif., 1914-. Born South Charlestown, O., June 16, 1869. Married Almira Esther Marvel, No. 199, June 25, 1901 (died Sept. 21, 1910). Married Asenath Cassandra Marvel, June 8, 1912. Children: Evelyn Ruth, June 20, 1902; Esther Frances, Jan. 28, 1907; Mary Alice McClure, March 5, 1913. 211. ISAAC FRANKLIN EDWARDS. MOUND CITY. A.B. A. M. University of Kansas, 1897; S. T. B. Boston University, 1902. Graduate Student University of Kansas, 1896-97; Minister M. E. Church, Powhattan, 1897-99; Graduate student in Theology, Boston University, 1899- 02; Tecumseh, 1902-93; Minister Congregational Church, 1903-04; M. E. Church, Winchester, 1904-05; Whiting, 1905-10; Clifton, 1910-12; Chapman, 1912-14; Seneca, 1914-15; Nortonville, 1915-16; Beulah, 1916-17; Mound City, 1917-. Born Wathena, Oct. 4, 1966. Married Nellie Ebright, Aug. 1, 1905. Children: Thomas Isaac, Aug. 20, 1907; Paul Franklin, April 4, 1913. 212. MARION ETHEL KIDDER, HASKELL INSTITUTE, LAW- RENCE. Ph.B. Teacher, Baldwin City, 1897; Tower, Minn., 1901-03; Teacher Commercial Department, Haskell Institute, Lawrence, 1903-. Born Ander- son Co., Kans., June 6, 1875. 213. JAMES EDWARD MALLORY. WELLSVILLE. A.B. Farmer, LeLoup, 1897; Manager Telephone Co., Wellsville, 1901-. Loans and Insurance, 1915-. Born Ottawa, Aug. 16, 1874. Married Louise Rollins, Aug. 9, 1899. Child: Harriet Wynona, Sept. 2, 1903. Brother of Nos. 95, 130. 214. DORA CLEMENTINE MARKHAM, 1024 LANCASTER AVE., SYRACUSE, N. Y. A.B. Graduate work and Assistant in Latin, Baker University, 1896-97; Principal High School, Osage City, 1897-98; Teacher Latin and Greek, High School, Kansas City, 1892-02; Homekeeper, Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Lincoln, Neb., 1903-05; Syracuse, N. Y., 1905-08; New York City, 1908-10: Syracuse, N. Y., 1910-. Born West Salem, O., Sept. 13, 1875. Married Her- bert Anthony Clark, June 12, 1902. Children: Caryl Markham, May 18, 1904; Ruth Lorena, Dec. 12, 1907. Sister of Nos. 131, 198. 215. WILLIAM FRANK MARTIN, 205 PERRY ST., WAPAKO- NETA, O. A.B. S.T.B., Boston University, 1901. Minister M. E. Church, Lincoln, Mo., and Warsaw, Mo., 1896-98; Graduate student in Theology, Boston University, 1898-01; Methodist Union Mission, Gardner, Mass., 1898-01; Marshall, Mo., 1902-03; Springfield, Mo., 1903-04; Aberdeen, O., 1904-07; North College Hill, Cincinnati, O., 1907-10; State Ave., Cincinnati, O., 1910- 13; Wapakoneta, O., 1913-. Author "Sir Harry Vane, An Historical Drama." Born Princeton, Sept. 22, 1873. Married Rose M. Ganster, Oct. 18, 1904. Children: Helen Imogene, Jan. 2, 1907; Harold Ganster, Sept. 21, 1908. 104 GRADUATES [1896 216. MASENOS REED MOLESWORTH. AMERICUS. A.B. Minister M. E. Church, Kingsville, Mo., 1896-98; Kansas City, Mo., 1898-01; Beulah, 1901-03; Fulton, 1903-04; McCune, 1904-08; Moran, 1908-09; Westphalia, 1909-11; Blue Mound, 1911-15; Louisburg, 1915-17; Americus, 1917-. Born Parsons, Jan. 2, 1870. Married Annie T. Dysart, April 7, 1S97. Children: Reed Dysart, Feb. 5, 1898; George Harold, March 21, 1899; Gordon Ray, Nov. 10, 1916. 217. BIRDEAN IDA MOTTER, 5411 BLACKSTONE AVE., CHI- CAGO, ILL. B.L. Art student, Baker University, 1897-98; at home, Baldwin City, 1898-02; Special art study (summer work), Chicago, 111., 1901-07; Special summer study in art, New York City, 1908; Director Art Department, Baker University, 1902-09; Homekeeper, Chicago, 111., 1909-. National Sec- retary, Alpha Chi Omega, 1912-15. Born Bloomington, 111., Oct. 28, 1874. Married Charles Everett Ely, July 17, 1909. 218. ELI MERTON PADDLEFORD. WATERVILLE. A.B. B.Sc, Kansas State Agricultural College, 1889. S.T.B., Boston University, 1899. Assistant in Mathematics, Baker University, 1892-93. Minister M. E. Church, Rossville, 1895-97; Graduate student in Theology, Boston University, 1897-99; Powhattan, 1899-00; Highland, 1900-01; Bir- mingham, 1901-05; Bonner Springs, 1905-07; Lenexa, 1907-09; Frankfort. 1909-13; Waterville, 1913-. Born North Fenton, N. Y., April 8, 1867. Mar- ried Louise Reed, Nov. 1, 1899. Children: Alice Louise, Dec. 25, 1903: Merton Elias, Dec. 28, 1906; Lois Miriam, Sept. 9, 1908. 219. EDWARD THOMPSON PENDLETON. WELLSVILLE. A.B. M.D., University Medical College, Kansas City, Mo., 1899. Student University Medical College, Kansas City, Mo., 1897-99; Physician and Sur- geon, Ottawa, 1899-00; Physician and Surgeon, Wellsville, 1900-. Assistant County Physician, 1903-16. Member Franklin County Medical Society, Kansas Mecb'cal Association. Missouri Medical Association, American Med- ical Association. Born Burlington, Nov. 17, 1873. Married Juliette Roach, Feb. 12, 1913. Child: Edward Thomas, Oct. 25, 1913. 220. RALPH RAY PRICE. MANHATTAN. A.B. A.M., University of Kansas, 1898. Graduate student in History and Political Science, University of Kansas, 1896-98; Teaching Fellowship in English History, University of Kansas, 1897-00; Graduate student in The University of Chicago, summer, 1899; Graduate student in the University of Wisconsin, summer, 1901; Graduate student in Cornell University, sum- mer, 1902: Student in University of Michigan Law School, summer, 1909. Teacher History and Civics, High School, Lawrence, 1898-01; Teacher of History. High School, Ishnemmg, Mich., 1901-02: Teacher of History and Assistant Principal High School, Rockford, 111., 1902-03; Professor of His- tory and Civics, Kansas State Agricultural College, 1903-; Professor of American History and Government, University of Kansas, summer, 1911. Member American Historical Association, American Political Science As- sociation, Mississippi Valley Historical Association, National Geographic Society, Phi Kappa Phi Fraternity. Life Member and Director Kansas State Historical Society. Author of ''Civics Guide-Book," "American His- tory Note Book," Edited Foster's "History of the United States" and 105 1696-97] GRADUATES Arnold's "History of Kansas." Born Douglas Co., Kans., March 6, 1872. Married Roberta Alexandria Simpson, No. 224, June 25, 1903. Child: James Francis, May 28, 1906. 221. NATHAN SHUMATE RAGLE. 1607 S. 9TH ST., SALINA. A.B. Minister M. E. Church, Matfield, 1897-98; Bellaire, 1898-99; For- mosa, 1899-01; Cuba, 1901-03; Atwood, 1903-05; Norcatur, 1905-08; St. Francis, 1908-11; Winona, 1911-13; Retired, 1913. Born Logootee, Ind., Nov. 15, 1863. Married Rosa A. Hoover, Nov. 4, 1888. Children: Harold A., Dec. 10, 1889; William Floyd, Feb. 19, 1892; Forrest S., Oct. 26, 1897; Homer T., June 6, 1902; Merrill W., Nov. 29, 1906. 222. JULIAN BRONSON REED. LONGMONT, COLO. Ph.B. D.D.S., Western Dental College, Kansas City, Mo., 1899. Student Western Dental College, 1897-99; Dentist, Texarkana, Ark., 1899-1910; Longmont, Colo., 1912-. Born Dubuque, la., Sept. 9, 1875. Married Jodie S Williams, Dec. 21, 1904. Brother of 98. 223. ISAAC FRANKLIN ROACH, 131 W. FOURTH ST., OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. A.B. D.D., Idaho State University, 1904. Minister M. E. Church, 29th St. Mission, Kansas City, Mo., 1896-98; Howard Memorial, Kansas City, Mo., 1898-01; Boise, Ida., 1901-06; St. Paul, Lincoln, Neb., 1906-12; First, Madi- son, Wis., 1912-15; First, Oklahoma City, Okla., 1915-. President of Board of Regents of the State University of Idaho, 1905-06. Member of the Board of Education of the State Normal Schools of Nebraska, 1910-12. Born Waverly, 111., Nov. 13, 1867. Married Anna K. Lehew, Oct. 6, 1896 (died Jan. 19, 1912). Married Lydia M. Rickard, June 17, 1813. Children: Francis, July 16, 1897; Mary Katrine, March 2, 1899; Frank Lehew, Dec. 1, 1902; Anna Margaret, Feb. 6, 1905; Robert J., April 12, 1909; Baby, Nov. 25, 1911. 224. ROBERTA ALEXANDRIA SIMPSON. MANHATTAN. Ph.B. Teacher, McPherson, 1896-99; Homekeeper, Manhattan, 1903-. Born Pana, 111., Jan. 24, 1875. Married Ralph Ray Price, No. 220, June 25, 1903. Child: James Francis, May 28, 1906. 225. KATHERINE UNDERWOOD. WINFIELD. A.B. At Home, Clay Center, 1896-00; Homekeeper, 1900-. Born Irv- ing. Married William Gibson Anderson, No. 248, Nov. 20, 1900. Sister of No. 147. CLASS OF 1897. 226. PHILIP SHERIDAN AYRES. WANN, OKLA. A.B. M.D., University Medical College, Kansas City, Mo., 1899. Medical student, University Medical College, Kansas City, Mo., 1897-99; Physician and Surgeon, Bartelsville, I. T., 1899-03; Paola, 1903-07; Lyford, Tex., 1907; Donna, Tex., 1907-11; Gentry, Ark., 1911; Wann, Okla., 1911-. Member Oklahoma State Medical Society, American Medical Association. Born Cutler, 111., June 23, 1865. Married May Wadsworth, June 6, 1901. Children: Elden Wadsworth, March 17, 1903; Enid Elizabeth, May 26, 1905; Weston Philip, Aug. 2, 1906; Corrine Lois, Aug. 4, 1909. 106 GRADUATES [1897 227. CHARLOTTE EMMES BEASLEY, 3958 GREER AVE., ST. LOUIS, MO. A.B. Bookkeeper, Kansas City, Mo., 1897-98; Homekeeper, Kansas City, Mo., 1898-1909; St. Louis, Mo., 1909-. Born Murphysboro, 111., March I, 1872. Married Raymond Dunn Williams, Dec. 19, 1898. Child: Richard Theodore, July 23, 1904. 228. CORA SHEPARD BOYNTON (MRS.), KUCHENG, FUHKIEN. CHINA. Ph.B. Homekeeper, 1897-; Missionary, Kucheng, Fuhkien, China, 1906-; Superintendent Schell-Cooper Academy, Kuleen, Kucheng, China, 1909-. Born Springfield, Mich. Married Thomas Henry Coole, No. 232, June 4, 1897. Children: Douglas Paul, Dec. 21, 1898; Arthur Braddan and Mona Ruth, Jan. 6, 1900. 229. WILLIAM ADDISON BROWN, 614 CLARK ST.. EVANS- TON, ILL. A.B.; D.D., 1913. B.D., Drew Theological Seminary, 1900. Graduate student in Theology, Drew Theological Seminary, 1897-00; Minister M. E. Church, Tower Grove, St. Louis, Mo., 1900-02; Central, Manilla, P. I., 1902-03; Missionary to the Pampangans, San Fernando, Pampanga, P. I., 1903-04; Washington Ave., Kansas City, 1905-07; Western Field Secretary Young Peoples' Missionary Movement, Chicago, 111., 1907-09; Missionary Superintendent International Sunday School Association, Chicago, 111., 1910- 11; Member Team Three, Men and Religion Forward Movement, 1911-12; Field Secretary International Sunday School Association, Chicago, 111., 1912-. Born Kidder, Mo., Oct. 27, 1872. Married Dora Belle Taggart, No. 259, June 28, 1900. 230. ERROL VANE BRUMBAUGH, 418 NORRIS PL., MILWAUKEE, WIS. A.B. M.A., Wabash College, 1900. M.D., Marquette University School of Medicine, Milwaukee, Wis., 1913. Graduate student in Bacteriology, Chemistry and Physics, Wabash College, 1898-1900; in Pedagogy and Phil- osophy, the University of Chicago, summer, 1904; in History, the Univer- sity of Nebraska, summer, 1908; in Medicine, Marquette University School of Medicine, 1909-1913. Teacher, Pardee, 1897-98; Principal High School, Whitesville, Ind., 1898-99; Veedersburg, Ind., 1899-1900; Professor of Chem- istry and Physics. Upper Iowa University, 1900-04; Teacher Science, High School, Mason City, la., 1904-05; Principal High School, Marshall- town, la., 1905-07; Independence, la., 1907-08; Aberdeen, S. Dak., 1908-09; Instructor in Biology and Bacteriology, Marquette University School of Medicine, 1909-14; Special Lecturer on Hygiene, Trinity Hospital Training School for Nurses, Milwaukee, Wis., 1912-17; Pathologist, St. Mary's Hospital, Milwaukee, Wis., 1912-13; Special Lecturer Public Health and Hygiene, Marquette University School of Medicine, 1914-17; Director of Bacteriological Laboratory and Epidemeologist, Milwaukee Health De- partment, Milwaukee, Wis., 1914-. Member Milwaukee County Medical Society, American Medical Society, Milwaukee Medical Society. Born Memphis, Mo., Nov. 17, 1877. Married Ruth L. Mason, May 3, 1913 (died Dec. 2, 1913). Married Edna E. Mason, Sept. 5, 1916. 231. ETHEL CAVANESS. PITTSBURG. A.B. Teacher Grades, Chetopa, 1897-98; Homekeeper, 1898-. President Kansas Conference, W.H.M.S., 1914-. Born Chetopa, May 16, 1874. Mar- 107 1897] GRADUATES ried Joseph Luther Taylor, No. 208, Nov. 2. 1898. Children: Joseph, Sept. 29, 1900; John Irven, Jan. 20, 1902; Mary Elizabeth, Dec. 18, 1903; Katherine, May 4, 1906. Daughter of No. 1. Sister of No. 263. 232. THOMAS HENRY COOLE, KUCHENG, FUHKIEN, CHINA. A.B. M.D., Northwestern University, 1906. Minister M. E. Church, Lancaster, 1897-99; Birmingham, 1899-01; Circleville, 1901-02; Medical Student Northwestern University, Chicago, 111., 1902-06; Pullman, Chicago, 111, (supply), 1902-04; Parkside, Chicago, 111., (supply), 1904-05; Union Ave., Chicago, 111., (supply), 1905-06; -Superintendent Wiley General Hospital, Kucheng, Fuhkien, China, 1906-. Member Alpha Omega Alpha. Born Douglas, Isle of Man. Married Mrs. Cora Shepard Boynton, No. 228, June 4, 1897. Children: Douglas Paul, Dec. 21, 1898; Arthur Braddan and Mona Ruth, Jan. 6, 1900. 233. CORA LOUELLA CULLISON. CHEROKEE, OKLA. Ph.B. Student in Scarritt Hospital, Kansas City, Mo., 1897-00; Graduate Nurse Scarritt Hospital, 1900; Homekeeper, Kansas City, 1901; Cherokee, Okla., 1901-. Born Bloomfield, Ind., April 24, 1874. Married James S. Hib- bard, M.D., March 19, 1901. Children: Ellen M., Dec. 21, 1902; James S., Aug. 10, 1904. 234. EDWIN OGLESBY GRIMES. CANDO, N. D. A.B. S.T.B., Boston University, 1904. Minister M. E. Church, West- port, Me., 1898; Medford Hillside, Mass., 1899; Professor History, Baker University, 1899-00; Graduate student in Theology, Boston University, 1900-04. Minister M. E. Church, Cathay, N. D., 1904-08; Westhope, N. D., 1908-12; Kenmore, N. D., 1912-14; Cando, N. D., 1914-. Born Clinton, 111., Jan. 9, 1864. Married Lillian Walker Austin, Nov. 2, 1904. Children: Law- rence Alfred, May 10, 1909; Grace Gertrude, March 28, 1911; Alice Mary, March 28, 1915. 235. HEZEKIAH BORDERS HAMMOND. ALBUQUERQUE, N. MEX. A.B. Minister M. E. Church, Grantville, 1897-98; Tecumseh, 1898-00; Dunavant, 1900-01; Graduate student in Theology, Drew Seminary, 1901; Retired, seeking health in New Mexico, 1902-07; Ranger, U. S. Forest Serv- ice, Albuquerque, N. Mex., Chief of Maintenance Southwestern District, U. S. Forest Service, 1912-. Born Louisa, Ky., Aug. 11, 1867. Married Ella M. Wilhelm, June 5, 1895. 236. MARY ELEANOR HAND. HURON, S. DAK. Ph.B. At home, Baldwin, Paola, Long Beach, Calif. Homekeeper and Music Teacher; Studied Music at University of Southern California. Born Louisburg, Jan. 16, 1876. Married William Neeley Simpson, Dec. 29, 1897, (died 1899). Married Homer Samuel Myers, No. 158, Aug. 12, 1916. Child: Mary Eleanor, April 4, 1899. 237. FRANK PERCY HEDGES, Care K. C. STAR, KANSAS CITY, MO. A.B. Teacher, 1897-1905; Advertising Department, Kansas City Star, Kansas City, Mo., 1905-. Born Neoga, 111., Feb. 1, 1874. Married Annie R. Glendenning, June 7, 1909. Children: Charles Salem, Oct. 10, 1912; Ellen Frances, Oct. 19, 1914. 108 GRADUATES [1897 238. RACHEL HARRIET HENDERSON. OLATHE. A.B. Certificate Kansas State Normal School, 1898. Student Kansas State Normal School, 1897-98; Teacher Grades, Norton, 1898-99; Aberdeen, S. Dak., 1899-02; at home, Olathe, 1902-05; Homekeeper, Olathe, 1905-. Born Vinton, la., March 25, 1878. Married Wyatt E. Hayes, June 21, 1905. 239. IDA LAURA KERSHNER. WARSAW, IND. Ph.B.; A.M., 1898. Graduate student in English, Baker University, 1897-98; Teacher, Lawrence (India), 1899-1902; Homekeeper, Warsaw, Ind., 1902-. Born Girard, Aug. 11, 1871. Married Elmer E. Hickman, June 24, 1902. Children: Elizabeth, July 31, 1903; Naomi J. and John K., June 10, 1905; Pauline, May 25, 1907; Faust M., Dec. 12, 1908. Sister of No. 240. 240. JENNIE MAY KERSHNER, 1724 SUNNYSIDE AVE., CHI- CAGO, ILL. Ph.B.; A.M., 1898. Graduate student in English, Baker University, 1897-98; Teacher, Grades, Lawrence, 1899-01; Homekeeper, 1901-. Born Paola, Aug. 9, 1874. Married Kirk Waldo Robbins, No. 245, Aug. 28, 1901. Children: Athena, Nov. 9, 1902; Guy Francis, June 27, 1911. Sister of No. 239. 241. HARRY ANDREWS KING. ATLANTA, GA. A.B.; D.D., 1910. S.T.B., Boston University, 1904. Accountant K. C, F. S. & M. Ry., Kansas City, Mo., 1886-93; Minister M. E. Church, Belton, Mo., 1897-98; Kansas Ave., Kansas City, Mo., 1898-99; Oakley, Kansas City, Mo., 1899-01; Eggleston Square, Boston, Mass., and Graduate student in The- ology, Boston University, 1901-04; Kent's Hill, Me., 1904-05; Oakley, Kan- sas City, Mo., 1905-07; Educational Secretary, Baker University, 1907-09; President Moore's Hill College, Moore's Hill, Ind., 1909-15; President Clark University, Atlanta, Ga., 1915-. Member General Conference M. E. Church, 1916. Member National Institute of Social Sciences. Born Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 27, 1867. Married Susie Amarette Newgent, Sept. 1, 1891. Children: Marie Sophia, Oct. 15, 1893; Susie Newgent, Nov. 19, 1895; Martha Louise, Nov. 9, 1900; Sarah Elizabeth, Sept. 17, 1906. 242. EDITH MARGUERITE LANE. SAN FERNANDO, CALIF. A.B. At home, Mammoth Springs, Ark., 1897-00; Graduate student in English and Pedagogy, Leland Stanford University, 1900; Teacher Grades, Alma, Neb., 1901-02; Graduate student in English and Pedagogy, Leland Stanford University, 1902; Teacher, English and History, High School, Falbrook, Calif., 1902-04; at home, San Diego, Calif., 1904-05; Latin and German, High School, San Fernando, Calif., 1905-08; Homekeeper, San Fernando, Calif., 1908-. Born Sheffield, la., Sept. 24, 1873. Married Robert Hall Maclay, Nov. 10, 1908. 243. HARRIET NEWELL MARVEL. LIBERTY. A.B. At home, Baldwin City, 1897-98; Teacher, Edgerton, 1898-99; At home, Baldwin City, 1899-00; Homekeeper, Liberty, 1900-01; Morgan, Ore., 1901-07; Independence, 1907-09; Cedaredge, Colo., 1909-14; Liberty, 1914-. Born Westmoreland, Oct. 10, 1873. Married Bruce Pennington, Dec. 26, 1900. Children: Eugene Theodore, Oct. 27, 1901; Rachel Alma, Nov. 8, 1903; Mary Louise, June 28, 1908; Frances Harriet, Jan. 26, 1911. Sister of Nos. 177, 199, 306. 109 1897-98] GRADUATES 244. LEWIS GRANT RESER. DELAVAN, WIS. A.B.; A.M., 1904. D.D., Central Wesleyan College, 1908. Minister M. E. Church, Moundville, Mo., 1892-93; Student Northwestern University, 1893-95; Professor in Marionville Collegiate Institute, Marionville, Mo., 1895-96; Student Baker University, 1896-97; Liberty St., Kansas City, Mo., and Independence, Mo., 1897-98; Pleasant Hill, Mo., 1899; President Ma- rionville College, Marionville, Mo., 1899-13; Minister Congregational Church, Delavan, Wis., 1913-. Member General Conference M. E. Church, 1908. Born Urbana, Mo., 1863. Married Sallie Chestnut, 1897. Children: Mary Celia, Feb. 16, 1898; Celia Virginia, Oct. 21, 1907. 245. KIRK WALDO ROBBINS, 1724 SUNNYSIDE AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. A.B. B.D., Drew Theological Seminary, 1901. D.D., Central Wesleyan College, 1911. Bishop Newman Scholar, Drew Theological Seminary, 1897- 00. Graduate student in Theology, Drew Theological Seminary, 1897-01; Graduate Student in Philosophy, New York University, 1899; Graduate Student in Philosophy, The University of Chicago, Summers, 1906-07; Minister M. E. Church, Decorah, la., 1901-03; Waukon, la., 1903-05; Profes- sor Philosophy and Biblical Literature, Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, la., 1905-09; College Ave., Greencastle, Ind., 1909-12; Centenary, Lebanon, Ind., 1912-16; Ravenswood, Chicago, 111., 1916-. Born Kenia, Feb. 23, 1876. Mar- ried Jennie May Kershner, No. 240, Aug. 28, 1901. Children: Athena, Nov. 9, 1902; Guy Francis, June 27, 1911. 246. NETTIE STEELE. COLDWATER. A. B. Teacher, Kensington, 1897-98; Principal Englewood, 1898-00; Homekeeper, Coldwater, 1901-. Born Lancaster, Mo., March 3, 1871. Mar- ried Robert C. Korff, D.D.S., March 23, 1901. Children: Robert Christian, Dec. 26, 1901; Kathryn Lizetta, Feb. 7, 1903; Nettie Louise, March 17, 1906; Mary Madeline, June 17, 1908; Josephine Steele, Dec. 13, 1910; Roberta Elizabeth, June 30, 1912; Charles Henry, Sept. 4, 1914. CLASS OF 1898. 247. JOSEPH LAWRENCE ANDERSON, 956 MONTROSE BLVD., CHICAGO, ILL. A.B. S.T.B., Garrett Biblical Institute, 1914. A.M., Northwestern Uni- versity, 1915. Minister M. E. Church, Linwood, and Jewett, 1898-99; Gard- ner, 1899-01; Graduate student in Theology, Drew Theological Seminary and Graduate Work in New York University, 1901-03; Roswell, N. Mex., 1903-04; Florence, 1904-05; Burrton, 1905-06; Conway Springs, 1908-11; College Hill, Wichita, 1911-13; Wicker Park, Chicago, 111., 1913-15; Sheridan Road, Chicago, 111., 1915-. Born Tarkio, Mo., July 20, 1870. Married Annie Kirkpatrick, Oct. 5, 1898. 248. WILLIAM GIBSON ANDERSON. WINFIELD. Ph.B. Teacher, Dickinson County High School, Chapman, 1898-00; Reporter Las Vegas Daily Optic, Las Vegas, N. Mex., 1900-02; Editor Ar- kansas City Traveller, Arkansas City, 1902-07; Editor Daily Record, Iola, 1907-09; Editor Star, Wichita, 1909-11; Editor Daily News, Arkansas City, 1911; Publisher Evening Free Press, Winfield, 1911-. Born Abilene, July 30, 1874. Married Katherine Underwood, No. 225, Nov. 20, 1900. 110 GRADUATES [1898 249. ROLLA WOOD COLEMAN, 62 D AND MISSION ROAD, MER- RIAM. A.B. LL.B., Leland Stanford University, 1901. Student Leland Stan- ford University Law School, 1899-01; Lawyer, Webb City, Mo., 1901-03; Los Angeles, Calif., 1903-05; Kansas City, Mo., 1905-. Senator, Kansas State Legislature, 1916. Born Nemaha Co., Kans., Aug. 23, 1877. Married Lina Burgner, June 1, 1905. 250. WILBUR FRANKLIN DENIOUS, 675 HUMBOLDT ST., DENVER, COLO. Ph.B. LL.B., University of Denver, 1902. Stenographer, Carroll, la., 1898-99; Law student University of Denver, Denver, Colo., 1899-02; Lawyer, Denver, Colo., 1902-. Born Mogadore, O., Sept. 25, 1873. Married Edith J. Boughton, Sept. 27, 1905. Children: Dayton, May 20, 1907; George Bough- ton, Dec. 26, 1908; Oliver James, May 23, 1910; Emma Boughton, Aug. 25, 1911; Wilbur Franklin, Jr., Oct. 5, 1913; Martha, July 8. 1916. 251. ILLA MADGE DENNING, 606 CEDAR AVE., LONG BEACH, CALIF. B.L. Homekeeper, Chicago, 111., 1900-03; Long Beach, Calif., 1903-. Born Louisburg, Sept. 12, 1875. Married A. F. Hamman, M.D., Aug. 15, 1900. Child: Clare D., Oct. 29, 1904. 252. AURA MARGUERITE FOLLIN, 1350 BOND ST., LOS AN- GELES, CALIF. Ph.B. Teacher, Lamar, Colo; Jerome, Ariz.; Homekeeper, Los An- geles, Calif., 1903-. Born Fairport, Mo., Oct. 12, 1876. Married Theodore Docker, June 18, 1903. Child: Mary Louise, Aug. 30, 1905. Sister of No. 320. 253. GEORGE EDWARD KING, 1508 HIGHLAND AVE., SALINA. Ph.B. M.S., University of Wisconsin, 1902. Fellow in Mathematics and Astronomy, University of Missouri, 1901; Scholar in Mathematics and Astronomy, University of Wisconsin, 1902; Graduate student, Columbia University, summer, 1912, 1916. Professor of Mathematics, St. John's Mili- tary Academy, Delafield, Wis., 1902-08; Professor Mathematics, Kansas Wesleyan University, Salina, 1908-. Born Fort Scott, April 14, 1875. Mar- ried Mrs. Grace Nason, July 16, 1914. Brother of No. 323. 254. D. H. MANLY, METHODIST MISSION, CALCUTTA, INDIA. A.B. S.T.B., Boston University, 1907. Minister M. E. Church, Que- nemo, 1898; La Harpe, 1899-01; Graduate student in Theology, Boston Uni- versity, and Pastor South Walpole and Revere, Mass., 1902-07; Missionary Thoburn Church, Calcutta, India, 1907-09; Principal of Collins Institute and Superintendent of the Calcutta Vernacular District, India, 1909-, on fur- lough, 1915-16. Member General Conference M. E. Church, 1916. Born Van Buren Co., Mich., Oct. 18, 1869. Married Cora Miller, June 2, 1898. Children: Wesley Miller, Aug. 28, 1903; David Hugh, Dec. 25, 1907; Theo- dore. Dec. 30, 1909; Helen Elizabeth, Oct. 20, 1913. 255. LYDIA SAIN. NEOSHO FALLS. B.L.; A.M., 1900. Graduate student, Baker University, 1900; Graduate student in English, the University of Chicago, 1908-09 Teacher Grades, 111 1898-99] GRADUATES Chanute, 1902-03; Teacher English, High School, Neosho Falls, 1903-04; High School, Yates Center, 1905-06; High School, Blackwell, Okla., 1906-07; High School, Chanute. 1907-08; High School, Chanute, 1909-16; At home, Neosho Falls, 1916-. Born Neosho Falls, Aug. 7, 1875. 256. JESSIE AMANDA SKINNER. PORTLAND, ORE. Ph.B. Teacher English and Mathematics, High School, Pittsburg, 1898-03; Mathematics, High School, Boise, Ida., 1903-13; Mathematics, Jeffer- son High School, Portland, Ore., 1913-. Member N. E. A.; Idaho State Board of Examiners, 1911-13. Born Spring Hill, March 3, 1877. 257. MERTON J. STICKEL, 99 MESEROLE AVE., BROOKLYN, N. Y. Ph.B. Bookdealer, Baldwin City, 1898-03; Y. M. C. A. Secretary, Chi- cago, 111., 1903-07; Y. M. C. A. Secretary, Cristobal, Canal Zone, 1907-09; Y. M. C. A. Secretary, Greenpoint Branch, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1909-. Gradu- ated from a two years' course in Y. M. C. A. College, Chicago, 111., 1905. Born Centralia, April 4, 1874. Married Bessie Ethel Russell, Dec. 29, 1908. Children: Jean Winifred, July 30, 1912; Sue Marjorie, Dec. 8, 1913. 258. LOUISE FREDERICA STOELZING. NORWALK, CALIF. A.B. Graduate student in German and Latin, Colorado College, Colo- rado Springs, Colo., 1910-11; the University of Southern California, Los An- geles, Calif., 1914. Teacher Latin and Mathematics, High School and As- sistant Principal, Baldwin, 1898-99; Principal High School and Teacher Latin and German, Neodesha, 1899-02; High School, Parsons, Assistant Principal, 1902-08; Principal High School, Colorado City, Colo., 1908-12; Homekeeper, Norwalk, Calif., 1912-. Born Muscoutah, 111., Sept. 12, 1867. Married E. K. Eaton, Sept. 9, 1912. 259. DORA BELLE TAGGART, 614 CLARK ST., EVANSTON, ILL. B.L. Assistant Cashier, State Bank, White City, 1898-00; Homekeeper, 1900-. Born Nortonville, June 28, 1875. Married William Addison Brown, No. 229, June 28, 1900. 260. RALPH WAKEFIELD. LITCHFIELD, ILL. A.B.; A. M., 1899. B.D., Drew Theological Seminary, 1902. Graduate student in Theology, Drew Theological Seminary and Columbia University, N. Y., 1898-02; Minister M. E. Church, Wagoner Memorial, St. Louis, Mo., 1902-07; Trinity, St. Louis, 1907-11; Clinton, Mo., 1911-14; Litchfield, 111., 1914-. Born Pittsburgh, Pa., July 14, 1876. Married Mary Catherine Black, Oct. 12, 1903. Children: Mary Louise, March 31, 1909; William Edgar, April 3, 1913. CLASS OF 1899. 261. *FRANCIS EARL ADELL. A.B. B.D., Drew Theological Seminary, 1903. A. M., New York Uni- versity, 1903; Ph.D., New York University, 1914. Minister M. E. Church, Lyndon Circuit, 1896-97; Michigan Valley, 1897-98; at school, 1898-99; Silver Lake, 1899-00; Green Village, N. J., and Graduate student in Theology, Drew Theological Seminary, 1901-04; Fellow, Drew Theological Seminary, 1903-04; Walnut Grove, Topeka, 1904-05. Born Walkerton, Ind., April 14. 1873. Married Sadie Wadsworth, Aug. 14, 1897. Died Feb. 24, 1905. 112 GRADUATES [1899 262. JOSEPH BENSON BAKER. MEERUT, INDIA. A.B. B.D., Drew Theological Seminary, 19C3. Minister M. E. Church, Strong City, 1899-00; Graduate student in Theology, Drew Theological Seminary, 1900-03; Melvern, 1903-05; Missionary, Ajmere, India, 1905-10; home on furlough, 1910-12; District Superintendent, Meerut, India, 1912-. Trustee Lucknow (India) Christian College, Barcilly (India) Theological Seminary. Member All India National Council Educational Committee. Secretary Finance Committee North West India Conference. Chairman Commission on Evangelism. Secretary Board of Education, North West India Conference. Member Board of Governors, Philander Smith College Naini Tal, India. Born Camden, Ind., 1873. Married Ida Beatrice Vanatta, No. 369, June 24, 1903. Children: — . 263. HERBERT CAVANESS. CHANUTE. A.B. Newspaper business, Chanute, 1899-03; Member Firm, Cavaness Bros. & Helmick, Publishers Chanute Daily and Weekly Tribune, 1903-05; Half owner and editor, Chanute Daily and Weekly Tribune, 1905-10; Post- master, Chanute, 1907-15; President Tribune Publishing Co., Publishers Con- solidated Chanute Daily Tribune, Chanute Daily Sun, Chanute Weekly Tribune, 1910-. Born Chetopa, Aug. 23, 1877. Married Ora Allen, No. 445, Nov. 22, 1916. Son of No. 1, Brother of No. 231. 264. GEORGE FULTON COLLINS. SAPULPA, OKLA. A.B. Teacher, Wilmington, 1901. Edwardsville, 1902-03; Ranchman, Richmond, Tex., 1903; Principal High School, Neodesha, 1905-06; Reporter Daily Journal. Coffeyville, 1907; Manager of Fruit Jar and Glass Tableware Factory, Coffeyville, 1908-12; becretarv and General Manager Bartlett- Collins Glass Co., Sapulpa, Okla., 1812-. Born Thayer, Nov. 30. 1872. Mar- ried Jennie V. Weaver, July 15, 1902. Children: Helen Lorene, July 19, 1903; Weaver, Nov. 26, 1906; George Fulton, Jr., Nov. 6, 1916. 265. ERNEST DAY EVERETT. LAKEVIEW, ORE. A.B. M.D., George Washington University, Washington, D. C, 1908. Graduate student in Medicine, Leland Stanford, Jr., University, 1916. Gov- ernment Meat Inspection Service, Kansas City, Mo., 1899-02; Boston, Mass., 1902-03; Clerk Indian Service, Anadarko, Okla., 1903-04; Medical student and clerk Indian Office, Washington, D. C, 1904-08; Physician, Indian Serv- ice, Wadsworth, Nev., 1908-09; Physician and Surgeon, Lakeview, Ore., 1909-. Born Mexico, Mo., Jan. 24, 1878. Married Elizabeth Little Gaither, Dec. 22, 1906. Child: Ernest Gaither, Nov. 10, 1909. 266. FRANK WATSON GAMES. LAWRENCE. A.B. Deputy County Treasurer, Lawrence, 1891-95; County Treasurer, Lawrence, 1895-99. Born Miami Co., June 5, 1878. Brother of Nos. 121, 174, 175. 267. HELEN GERTRUDE GILL. VINLAND. Ph.B. A.M., The University of Kansas, 1903. Teacher Rural Schools, Douglas Co., Kans., 1899-02; Graduate student in American and European History, the University of Kansas, 1902-03; Teacher of History and English, High School, Ellsworth, 1903-04; at home, Vinland, 1904-. Born Vinland, July 29, 1877. 113 1899] GRADUATES 268. MARY VIRGINIA HANDLEY. OSWEGO, A.B. Graduate from Oswego Ladies' College, Oswego, 1898. Teacher Latin and Mathematics and Principal High School, Oswego, 1899-07; Flor- ist, Oswego, 1907-. Born Oxford, June 28, 1873. 269. MILTON PARKS HELMICK. CHANUTE. A.B. Newspaper work, Iola, 1901; Private Secretary to Congressman, Washington, D. C, 1903; Editor and publisher, Chanute, 1905; Real Estate and Insurance Broker, Chanute, 1908-. Representative Kansas State Legis- lature, 1907-09; County Commissioner, Neosho Co., 1913-16. Born Palmyra, 111., Aug. 24, 1875. Married Jane Sain, April 12, 1905. Child: Mary Kather- ine, Aug. 15, 1906. 270. GEORGE ALBERT LUNBECK, 3920 E. 18TH ST., KANSAS CITY, MO. A.B. With W. W. Kendall, Wholesale Shoe Co., Kansas City Mo., 1899-01; Barton Bros., Wholesale Shoe Co., Kansas City, Mo., 1901-10; Treasurer, the Siegrist Engraving Co., Kansas City, Mo., 1911-. Born Greenfield, Mo., Dec. 3, 1877. Married Zola Estelle Swan, No. 275, Feb. 17, 1906. Child: Lora, May 11, 1909. 271. WILLIAM RAY MANNING, 801 W. 31ST ST., AUSTIN, TEX. A.B. A.M., the University of Kansas, 1902. Ph.D., the University of Chicago, 1904. Graduate student, the University of Kansas, 1900-02; Fellow and Assistant in European History, the University of Chicago, 1902-04; Travelled and studied in Europe for three months, 1903; Instructor in His- tory, Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind., 1904-07; Assistant Professor of Diplomatic History, College of Political Sciences, George Washington Uni- versity, Washington, D. C, 1907-10; Assistant Professor American History, University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo., summer, 1907; Adjunct Professor Latin-American English History, University of Texas, Austin Tex., 1910-. Student in Archives of Department of State, Washington, D. C, summer, 1911, and in Archives of the Foreign Office, Mexico City, Mex., summer, 1912; Albert Shaw lecturer in Diplomatic History, Johns Hopkins Univer- sity, Spring, 1913; Historical Research work for Carnegie Institution, sum- mers of 1908, '09, '10; Won Justin Windsor prize of American Historical Association, 1904. Author "Nootka Sound Controversy," and "Early Diplo- matic Relations between the United States and Mexico." Contributor of articles to several historical magazines. Member American Society of International Law and of its Executive Council, American Historical Asso- ciation, Fellow Texas State Historical Association. Born Home, Dec. 26, 1871. Married Mabel Marvel, No. 306, May 26, 1903. Children: Dorothy Carmen, July 8, 1904; Winston Marvel, March 29, 1909. 272. SNOWDEN PARLETTE, 1101 W. 19TH ST., OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. A.B. A.M., Harvard University, 1906. Ward Principal, Argentine, 1899- 00; Teacher English, Atchison County High School, Effingham, 1900-03; Assistant Principal, Logan High School, Guthrie, Okla., 1903-05; Austin Scholar, Harvard University, 1905-06; Principal Logan County High School, Guthrie, Okla., 1906-08; Vice-President Oklahoma Book Co., Okla- homa City, Okla., 1908-14, President, the same, 1914-. Author "Banking in Oklahoma," "Federal and State Government." Born Wamego, Jan. 29, 1879. Married Trimble Morris, May 15, 1909. Child: John Morris, Aprft 15, 1911. 114 GRADUATES [1899 273. GEORGE ASBURY STEPHENS, 2033 S. 20TH ST., LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. A.B. A.M., The University of Chicago, 1906. Ph.D., The University of Chicago, 1909. Principal High School, Humboldt, 1900; Superintendent Schools, Attica, 1900-01; Graduate student, The University of Chicago, 1901-02; Principal High School, Manhattan, 1902-04; Teacher English, High School, Topeka, 1904-07; Fellow in Sociology and Political Economy, The University of Chicago, 1907-09; Instructor Political Economy, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Neb., 1909-10; Adjunct Professor Political Economy, The University of Nebraska, 1910-12; Assistant Professor Political Econ- omy, University of Nebraska, 1912-15; Associate Professor of Economics, University of Nebraska, 1915-. Appointee under the New York Sage Foun- dation Fund for Investigation of Social and Industrial Conditions in the larger cities, 1907-08. Employed on the Economic Staff as Examiner for the Federal Trade Commission at Washington, D. C, summer, 1916. Author of "The Juvenile Court System of Kansas," "The New Apprenticeship." Member American Economics Association. Born Topeka, Aug. 14, 1873. Married Anna L. Roosa, June 15, 1911. 274. THOMAS PETTIGREW STEWART. ANACONDA, MONT. A.B. LL.B., George Washington University, Washington, D. C, 1902. Student Law Department, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, 1899-00; Student George Washington University, Law School, and Clerk in Census Bureau, Washington, D. C, 1900-02; Lawyer, Anaconda, Mont., 1902-. Deputy County Attorney, Deer Lodge County, Mont., 1907-08; County At- torney, the same, 1911-15. Born West Newton, Pa., Oct. 30, 1872. Mar- ried Celia L. Barteau, May 19, 1906. Child: Sidney Gilbert, July 3, 1907. 275. ZOLA ESTELLE SWAN, 3920 E. 18TH ST., KANSAS CITY, MO. A.B. Teacher, Eskridge, 1899-00; Burlington, 1900-01; Nurse Training in California Hospital, Los Angeles, Calif., 1901-03; Office Secretary to General Secretary of Epworth League, Chicago, 111., 1904-06; Homekeeper. 1906-. Born Fairmount, Neb., Apr. 7, 1878. Married George Albert Lun- beck, No. 270, Feb. 17, 1906. Child: Lora, May 11, 1909. 276. MYRTLE PEARL WALKER. BALDWIN CITY. A.B. Student Music, Baker University, graduating in piano, 1899-01; Homekeeper, Baldwin City, 1901-. Born Oswego, Dec. 15, 1876. Married William Melvin Clark, No. 190, Sept. 19, 1901. 277. GRACE LEONA WATT. COUNCIL GROVE. Ph.B. Teacher Latin, High School, Baldwin, 1899-01; Homekeeper, 1901-. Born Maysville, Mo., Jan. 23, 1872. Married Walter Lyman French, No. 281, Nov. 27, 1901. Sister of Nos. 292, 335. 278. ELLA WOODYARD. 712 OAKLAND, KANSAS CITY. A.B. Ped.B., 1900. Teacher Rural Schools, Douglas Co., 1899-00; Teacher Mathematics, High School, Kansas City, 1900-. Member Kansas Association of Mathematics Teachers, Central Association of Science and Mathematics Teachers, Mathematical Association of America. Director Kansas State Teachers' Association, 1915. Born Labette County, Kans., June 1, 1878. Sister of No. 494. 115 1900] GRADUATES CLASS OF 1900 279. JOHN COLBURN BRIDWELL. HONOLULU, HAWAII. B.S. Instructor Biology, Baker University, 1900-01; Fellow in Botany, Ohio State University, Columbus, O., 1901-02; Assistant in State Ento- mologist's Office, Atlanta, Ga., 1902; Expert in U. S. Department of Agri- culture, Willis, Tex., (Tobacco Insects Investigation) 1903; Instructor in Zoology. New Hampshire College, Durham, N. H., 1903-05; Special Student and Assistant in Entomology, Mass. Agriclutural College, Amherst, Mass., 1905-06; Professor Biology, Pacific University, Forest Grove, Ore., 1906-07; Instructor in Zoology and Assistant Entomologist, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Ore., 1907-. Author, "A List of Kansas Hymnoptera," "Additional Notes of the Tobacco Weevil," "A New Odontophyes." Member Association of Economic Entomologists. Trustee Oregon State Academy of Sciences, 1907-. Born Pella, Tex., 1877. 280. HOMER KINGSLEY EBRIGHT. BALDWIN CITY. A.B. B.D., Drew Theological Seminary, 1904. A.M., New York Uni- versity, 1904. Th.D., Drew Theological Seminary, 1916. Graduate student in Greek, The University of Chicago, Summer, 1909, 1915; Graduate stu- dent in Greek, Columbia University, Summer, 1914; Graduate student in Greek and Theology, Drew Theological Seminary, 1915-16. Teacher High School, Winfield, 1900-01; Graduate Student in Theology, Drew Theological Seminary, 1901-04; Minister M. E. Church, Rockaway Valley, N. J., 1902-03; Weehawan and Grantwood, N. J., 1903-04; Young People's Missionary Move- ment, New York City, 1904; Minister, Argentine, 1904-05; Professor Greek, Baker University, 1905-. Assistant in Department of New Testament, Drew Theological Seminary, 1915-16. Member Kansas-Missouri Classical Association; Classical Association of Middle West and South, Vice-Presi- dent of same for Kansas, 1915. Born Hartford, Ky., Aug. 30, 1878. Mar- ried Marie Moorehead, June 6, 1905. Child: Elizabeth, Dec. 1, 1911. Brother of No. 416 . 281. WALTER LYMAN FRENCH. COUNCIL GROVE. A.B. S.T.B., Boston University, 1908. Minister M. E. Church, Neosho Falls, 1901-02; La Harpe, 1902-06; Graduate student in Theology, Boston University, 1906-08; Chetopa, 1908-09; Waverly, 1909-10; Yates Center, 1910-14; Oswego, 1914-16; Council Grove, 1916-. Born Greenfield, 111., July 24, 1871. Married Grace Leona Watt, No. 277, Nov. 27, 1901. 282. HARRY A. GORDON. 315 S. HOLBROOK, FT. SCOTT. A.B. B.D., Drew Theological Seminary, 1908. Minister M. E. Church, Independence Circuit, 1900-03; Moran, 1903-04; Graduate student in Theol- ogy, Drew Theological Seminary, 1904-06; Peru, 1906; Humboldt, 1906-10; Columbus, 1910-16; First, Ft. Scott, 1916-. Born Ft. Scott, Jan. 27, 1874. Married Ida B. Hamilton, Oct. 6, 1896. Children: Lynell Francis, Jan. 23, 1898; Harold Verne, Nov. 8, 1900. 283. LILLIAN MAY HUNSICKER. OSAGE CITY. A.B. Teacher Latin, High School, Ottawa, 1900-02; Professor Latin, Central State Normal School, Edmond, Okla., 1902-04; At home, Osage City, 1904-06; Secretary Central Office, Epworth League, Chicago, 111., 1906-12; At home, Osage City, 1912-. Born Osage City, Mar. 24, 1872. 116 GRADUATES [1900 284. CHARLES LATIMER KING. GRAND JUNCTION, COLO. A.B. Minister M. E. Church, St. Paul, 1900-01; Mission work near Frederick, Okla., 1902-03; Foreman on ranch, Richmond, 1904-05; Minister, Palisade, Colo., 1905-06; Located, 1906; Fruit Ranch, Palisade, Colo., 1906- 12; Artesia, N. Mex., 1912-13; Employee of Illinois Silo Co., Kansas City, Mo., 1913-14; On ranch in Arkansas, 1915; Editor 'The Critic," Grand Junction, Colo., 1916-. Born Ottawa, Jan. 1, 1871. Married Rose Tanne- hill, May 9, 1900. Children: Helen Esther, Sept. 25, 1901; Ralph Wesley, Jan. 8, 19U; Ruth, Jan. 1, 1912. 285. EARL HAMLINE KNEPP. WAVERLY. B.S. Minister M. E. Church, Cedar Point, 1900-03; Benedict, 1903-08; Elmdale, 1908-11; Americus, 1911-15; Waverly, 1915-. Born Hillsdale, Nov. 5, 1871. Married Maude Martin, June 13, 1900. Child: Earl Martin, Sept. 21, 1903. Brother of Nos. 157, 427. 286. LEONA GRACE KUHN. LANARK, N. MEX. A.B. Teacher, Grades, Sabetha; Troy, 1904-05; Junction City, 1905-06; Kansas City, 1906-12; Homekeeper, Wilcox, Ariz., 1912-16; Lanark, N. Mex., 1916-. Born Wellsville, Mo., Jan. 3, 1876. Married Elihu Sargent, June 5, 1912. Sister of No. 325. 287. BERTRAM EVERETT McPROUD, UNIVERSITY PLACE, NEBRASKA. A.B.; A.M., 1904. Supt. Schools, Oskaloosa, 1900-02; Supt. Schools, North Bend, Neb., 1902-04; Professor Latin and Pedagogy and Vice-Presi- dent, University Puget Sound, Tacoma, Wash., 1904-07; Principal Acad- emy, Baker University, 1907-08; Graduate student, The University of Chi- cago, 1908-09; Dean Teachers' College, Nebraska Wesleyan University, University Place, Neb., 1909-13; Professor of Agricultural Education, South Dakota State College of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts, Brookings, S. Dak., 1913-15; Dean Teachers' College and Director of Summer School, Nebraska W'esleyan University, 1915-. Member Phi Kappa Phi. Born, Brinckley, Ind., May 23, 1873. Married Bertha Ethel Watt, No. 292, May 22, 1901. Brother of No. 356. 288. ALBERT PERLEY MYERS. 828 STATE ST., EMPORIA. A.B. LL.B., George Washington University Law School, Washington, D. C, 1903. Clerk U. S. Census Bureau and student Law Department of George Washington University, Washington, D. C, 1900-03; Clerk and Special Agent, U. S. Land Office, 1903-06; Clerk, Committee on Claims, House of Representatives, Washington, D. C, 1906-09; Clerk, Committee on Elections, House of Representatives, Washington, D. C, 1909-11; Post- master, Emporia, 1911-15; Life Insurance, Emporia, 1915-. Trustee Baker University, 1915-. Member General Conference M. E. Church, 1916. Sec- retary Laymen's Association Kansas Conference, 1914-; Vice-President for 8th General Conference District of General Laymen's Association, 1916-. Born Marietta, O., Aug. 25, 1873. Married Matilda Grigg, July 20, 1905. Children: Albert Perley, May 16, 1907; Alberta Elizabeth, May 15, 1911. 289. EDGAR FRANCIS RILEY. PLATTEVILLE, WIS A.B. Ph.D., The University of Chicago, 1906. Principal High School, Clay Center, 1900-01; Supt. City Schools, Clay Center, 1901-02; Graduate student, The University of Chicago, 1902-06; Fellow, The University of Chicago, 1905-06; Professor of Psychology and Pedagogy, State Normal, 117 1900-01] GRADUATES De Kalb, 111., 1907-08; Professor of School Administration and Supervision, Kansas State Normal School, Emporia, 1908-13; Director of Training School, State Normal School, Platteville, Wis., 1913-. Member N. E. A. Born Johnson Co., Kans., March 5, 1872. Married Louise Bruce Sawyer, Aug. 18, 1909. Children: Edgar Francis, Jr., Nov. 26, 1914; John Woodrow, Dec. 17, 1916. Brother of Nos. 290, 435, 597. 290. THOMAS JAMES RILEY, 447 RUGBY ROAD, BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. A.B.; A.M., 1903. Ph.D., The University of Chicago, 1904. Graduate student, The University of Chicago, 1900-01; Instructor in Mathematics, Baker University, 1901-02; Fellow, The University of Chicago, 1902- 04; Professor of Mathematics, Western State Normal School, Kalamazoo, Mich., 1904-06; Director, St. Louis School of Social Economy, St. Louis, Mo., 1906-12; Assistant Professor of Sociology, The University of Missouri, Columbia, Mo., 1906-09; Professor of Sociology, Washington University, St. Louis, Mo., 1909-12; General Secretary Bureau of Charities, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1912-. Professor of Sociology, The University of Chicago, Summer, 1911. President Board of Commissioners of Charitable Institutions, St. Louis, Mo., 1911-12. Author, "Higher Life of Chicago," "The Church and Organized Charity," "History of the Poor Law and of Poor Relief in Mis- souri," "Public Outdoor Relief in Missouri," "The Country Church in Mis- souri." Member National Conference of Charities and Corrections, Amer- ican Sociological Society, American Association of Labor Legislation. President Missouri Conference of Charities and Corrections, 1910-11. Sec- retary Brooklyn Civic Club. Born Lenexa, Aug. 14, 1870. Married Blanche Ethel Mills, No. 309, Sept. 16, 1903. Children: Frances Elizabeth, Jan. 25, 1907; Thomas James, Jr., Nov. 9, 1908. Brother of Nos. 289, 435, 597. 291. CORA MAY SHOWALTER, 552 WASHINGTON ST., KANSAS CITY. Ph.B. Teacher, Primary, Baldwin City, 1900-03; Primary, Kansas City, 1903-. Graduate student in Education, The University of Chicago, Summer, 1912. Born Gilford, Mo., Dec. 21, 1873. 292. BERTHA ETHAL WATT. UNIVERSITY PLACE, NEB. Ph.B. Teacher, Waverly, 1900-01; Homekeeper, 1901-; Teacher, Os- kaloosa, 1901-02; North Bend, Neb., 1902-04; Professor of German and French, University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, Wash., 1904-07; Instructor in German and History, Baker University, 1907-08; Graduate student, The Uni- versity of Kansas, Summer, 1904; in Berlitz Modern Language School, and The University of Chicago, 1908-09; Instructor in German, Nebraska Wes- leyan University, University Place, Neb., 1909-10; Professor Romance Languages, Nebraska Wesleyan University, 1910-13; Assistant Professor of French, South Dakota State College, Brookings, S. Dak., 1913; Professor of Romance Languages, Nebraska Wesleyan University, 1915-. Born Mays- ville, Mo., Apr. 28, 1874. Married Bertram Everett McProud, No. 287, May 22, 1901. Sister of Nos. 277, 335. CLASS OF 1901 293. ALVIN WESLEY AULT, 1933 W. 41ST ST., LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. A.B. Principal High School, Cottonwood Falls, 1901-03; Teacher Latin, Chase County High School, Cottonwood Falls, 1903-04; Superintendent 118 GRADUATES [1901 Schools, Kingman, 1904-12; Graduate student, The University of Southern California, 1912-13; Teacher Mathematics, Lincoln High School, Los An- geles, Calif., 1913-. Born, Johnson Co., Kans., Aug. 25, 1877. Married Bonnie M. Kellogg, July 12, 1905. Brother of Nos. 375, 447, 498, 788, 851. 294. WILLIAM LUKE BOICOURT. WATERBURY, VT. A.B. S.T.B., Boston University, 1904. Graduate student in Theology, Boston University, 1901-04; Minister M. E. Church, Westwood charge, Cincinnati, O., 1904-05; Asbury, Cincinnati, O., 1905-07; Minister Congrega- tional Church, Cliftondale, Mass., 1908-10; Waterbury, Vt., 1910-. Member National Council of Congregational Churches. Born Gaylord, July 9, 1877. Married Sarah R. Huse, Sept. 14, 1904. Child: Jane, May 25, 1913. Brother of No. 502. 295. GEORGE CROFT CELL, 371 WALTHAM ST., WEST NEWTON, MASS. A.B. S.T.B., Boston University, 1904. Ph.D., Berlin University, 1907. Ph.D., Boston University, 1908. Graduate student in Theology and Grad- uate School of Arts and Sciences, Boston University, 1901-04; University of Berlin, 1904-07; At home, Kansas City, 1907-08; Professor Historical Theology, Boston University, 1908-. Member of Kantgesellschaft, Germany, and Harvard Biblical Club, Boston. Author "Der Einfluss Humes auf die Entstehung der Kritischen Philosophic" Born Chambersburg, Pa., Feb. 20, 1875. Married Ella Cornelia Clark, No. 296, June 26, 1901. Children: Clark Wesley, June 2, 1903; Cornelia Ellen, Sept. 6, 1908. 296. ELLA CORNELIA CLARK, 371 WALTHAM ST., WEST NEW- TON, MASS. A.B. Homekeeper, 1901-. Born Newton, la. Married George Croft Cell, No. 295, June 26, 1901. Children: Clark Wesley, June 2, 1903; Cornelia Ellen, Sept. 6, 1908. 297. MARY DAISY DEEL. HARTFORD Ph. B., Ped. B. Principal High School, Howard, 1901-03; Home- keeper, 1903-. Born La Cygne, Nov. 15, 1879. Married Charles Frederick Turner, No. 312, June 16, 1903. Children: Thomas James, Oct. 21, 1904; Mary, Sept. 30, 1907; Charles Frederick, Jr., May 22, 1910; Margaret Jean, Oct. 14, 1912. Sister of No. 298. 298. SAMUEL ASHER DEEL. BALDWIN CITY Ph. B. Graduate Student in Physics, The University of Chicago, Sum- mer, 1909. Magnetic Observer, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Baldwin, 1901-02; Washington, D. C, 1902; Field work in Kansas, Nebraska and Arkansas, 1902-03; Honolulu Magnetic Observatory, Honolulu, T. H., 1903- 06; Magnetic Observatory, Baldwin, 1906-08; Professor Physics, Baker Uni- versity, 1908-. Registrar Baker University, 1912.-. Born Miami Co., Kans., Feb. 4, 1878. Married Mary Glanville Gill, Dec. 12, 1907. Children: Helen, Jan. 14, 1910; Dorothy, June 10, 1911; Samuel Alfred, June 26, 1913; Miriam Louise, April 8, 1915. Brother of No. 297. 299. ERNEST MILBOURNE FREELAND, 35 NORWOOD AVE, STA- PLETON, STATEN ISLAND, N. Y. A.B. Student and Bookkeeper, Lincoln, Neb., 1902-03; Instructor, Deni- son Normal and Business College, Denison, la., 1903-04; Principal Com- 119 1901] GRADUATES mercial Department, High School, Sioux City, la., 1904-07; Employed by Haskin and Sells, Expert Accountants and Auditors, and by the Bureau of Municipal Research, New York City, 1907-10 and 1912-; Employed by Presi- dent's Commission on Economy and Efficiency, Washington, D. C, 1910-12. Born Bowling Green, Mo., Jan. 20, 1877. Married Lillian Engleman, Feb. 18, 1911. Child: Ruth, Apr. 30, 1913. Brother of No. 460. 300. FRANK HAMILTON HANKINS, 4 CABOT ST., WORCESTER, MASS. A.B. Ph.D., Columbia University, 1908. Teacher, Waverly, 1901-03; Graduate student, Columbia University, New York City, 1903-06; Scholar in Sociology, Columbia University, 1904-05; Fellow in Statistics, Columbia University, 1905-06; Graduate student, Columbia University, 1907-08. In- structor in Economics, Clark College, Worcester, Mass., 1906-07; Assistant Professor in Economics, 1908-13; Professor Political and Social Science, 1913-; Instructor in Economics and Sociology, Clark University, 1906-07 and 1908-15; Assistant Professor of Sociology, 1915-; Professor of Political Science, Columbia University, summer, 1916; Contributor to The Nelson and to the New International Encyclopedia, original and revised editions, and the International Year Book of 1907-16, inclusive. Author "Adolph Quetelet as Statistician." Member American Economic Association, Amer- ican Sociological Society, American Statistical Association, American Asso- ciation for Labor Legislation. Born Wiltshire, O., Sept. 27, 1877. Married Anna Livingston Keeling, No. 302, Aug. 23, 1905. Children: Frank Ham- ilton, Jr., Feb. 8, 1907; Robert William, Dec. 7, 1908; Margaret Anna, Jan. 28, 1911; Orville Lewis, Feb. 12, 1913. Brother of No. 346. 301. HARRY GARA HUMPHREY. DILLON, MONT. A.B. S.T.B., Drew Theological Seminary, 1906. Minister M. E. Church, Independence, Mo., 1901-02; Howard Memorial, Kansas City, Mo., 1902-03; Graduate Student in Theology, Drew Theological Seminary, 1903-06; Wat- son Memorial, Independence, Mo., 1906-08; Broadway, Kansas City, Mo., 1908-13: Dr. Fry Memorial, St. Louis, Mo., 1913-15; Dillon, Mont., 1915-. Born Nickel Mines, Lancaster Co., Pa., Feb. 10, 1873. Married Hattie S : monton, Oct. 2, 1901. Children: Howard Simonton, Sept. 15, 1902; Mar- tha MacNeal, June 11, 1905; Thomas Watson, Aug. 17, 1906. 302. ANNA LIVINGSTON KEELING, 4 CABOT ST., WORCESTER, MASS. A.B. Teacher Latin, High School, Baldwin City, 1901-05; Homekeeper, 1905-. Born Hamilton, O., Nov. 1, 1876. Married Frank Hamilton Han- kins, No. 300, Aug. 23, 1905. Children: Frank Hamilton, Jr., Feb. 8, 1907; Robert William, Dec. 7, 1908; Margaret Anna, Jan. 28, 1911; Orville Lewis, Feb. 12, 1913. Sister of No. 303. 303. *WILLIAM BUTLER KEELING. A.B. Instructor Physics and Mathematics, Baker University, 1901-02; Magnetic Observer, Coast and Geodetic Survey, Sitka, Alaska, 1902-03; Magnetic Observer, C. and G. S., Viegues, Porto Rico, 1903-04; Graduate student, Boston University, 1904-05; Magnetic Observer, C. and G. S., Bald- win City 1905-06; Magnetic Observer, C. and G. S., Vieques, Porto Rico, 1906-08; Magnetic Observer, C. and G. S., Baldwin City, 1908. Born George- town, O., Oct., 1874. Married Harriet Gertrude Maxwell, No. 475. Aug. 26, 1906. Died July 9, 1909, burial at Baldwin City. Child: Richard, Sept. 10, 1907. Brother of No. 302. 120 GRADUATES [1901 304. HARRIET KEMP. GRINNELL, IA. A.B.; Ped.B.; A.M., 1911. Teacher German and Latin, Clay County- High School, Clay Center, 1901-05; Teacher German and Latin, High School, Junction City, 1905-06; Graduate Student University of Berlin, and Instructor in Willard School for Girls, Berlin, Germany, 1906-08; Instructor German, Bradley Polytechnic Institute, Peoria, 111., 1908; Dean of Women, Bradley Polytechnic Institute, 1909-13; Instructor in German, High School, Pasadena, Calif., 1913-16; Homekeeper, Grinnell, la., 1916-. Born Chero- kee, June 30, 1881. Married James Richard Lewis, M.D., Sept. 9, 1916. Daughter of No. 18, Sister of No. 426. 305. DAVID BYRON LOOFBOURROW, SAN FERNANDO, CALIF. A.B. Minister M. E. Church, Pico Heights, Los Angeles, Calif., 1901- 02; Tucson, Ariz., 1902-04; Pico Heights, Los Angeles, Calif., 1904-07; Or- ange, Calif., 1907-09; Colton, Calif., 1909-12; Grace, Riverside, Calif., 1912- 15; San Fernando, Calif., 1915-. Born Brownsville, Neb., Nov., 6, 1870. Mar- ried Ella M. Johnson, July 11, 1901. Children: Ednabel, May 11, 1902; Fay Winona, Sept. 4, 1903. Brother of No. 326. 306. MABEL MARVEL. 708 W. 32D ST., AUSTIN, TEX. A.B. Teacher High School, Sabetha, 1901-03; Homekeeper, 1903-. Born Westmoreland, March 13, 1879. Married William Ray Manning, No. 271, May 26, 1903. Children: Dorothy Carmen, July 8, 1904; Winston Marvel, March 26, 1909. Sister of Nos. 177, 199, 243. 307. IDA McDANIEL. 605 N. 6TH ST., PHOENIX, ARIZ. Ph.B. Teacher, Grades, Baldwin City, 1901-03; Latin and German, High School, Phoenix, Ariz., 1904-; Principal of High School, 1916-. Born Lane. Sister of No. 533. 308. ULYSSES SHERMAN McWILLIAMS, 1220 BUCHANAN ST, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. B.S. Business, White River, Colo., 1903; Teacher three years in Colorado; Teacher two years in Arizona; Ranching in Colorado; Merchant in Nevada. Born Paola, 1876. 309. BLANCHE ETHEL MILLS, 447 RUGBY ROAD, BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. Ph.B. Teacher Latin and German, High School, Fredonia, 1901-02; Latin and German, High School, Junction City, 1902-03; Homekeeper, 1903-. Student, St. Louis School of Social Economy, Washington University, St. Louis, Mo., 1911-12; Graduate student, Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, 1915-. Born Garnett, Aug. 21, 1876. Married Thomas James Riley, No. 290, Sept. 16, 1903. Children: Frances Elizabeth, Jan. 25, 1907; Thomas James, Jr., Nov. 9, 1908. 310. MORRIS PATTON, 3947 GARFIELD AVE, KANSAS CITY, MO. A.B. Superintendent Schools, La Harpe, 1901-04; Secretary Inter- national Drug Co, La Harpe, 1905-08; Editor of "Enterprise Push," Enter- prise, 1908-11; Secretary of International Drug Co, Kansas City, Mo, 1911- 13; Editor "Olathe Independent," Olathe, 1913-16; With Central Advertising Co, Kansas City, Mo, 1916-. Born Jewett, O, June 11, 1876. Married Carrie L. Adams, Dec. 20, 1903. Children: Maynard Adams, July 18, 1910; Wanda Vivian, March 4, 1914. 121 1901-02] GRADUATES 311. ARTHUR RINGER. PAOLA. B.S. Principal Eugene Field School, Ottawa, 1901-02; Teacher Science, Atchison County High School, Effingham, 1902-04; Photographer, Baldwin City, 1904-08; Photographer, Paola, 1908-. Born Paola, Dec. 29, 1873. Mar- ried Leathie Wells, Aug. 29, 1900. Child: Addie Louise, Nov. 12, 1902. Brother of No. 363. 312. CHARLES FREDERICK TURNER. HARTFORD. Ph.B. Principal High School, McLouth, 1901-03; Superintendent Schools, Sedan, 1903-06; Bank Cashier, Mulvane, 1906-08; Elbing, 1909-11; Superintendent Schools, Coldwater, 1911-14; Superintendent Schools, Nor- tonville, 1914-16; Superintendent Schools, Hartford, 1916-. Born Chapman, Oct. 8, 1874. Married Mary Daisy Deel, No. 297, June 16, 1903. Children: Thomas James, Oct. 21, 1904; Mary, Sept. 30, 1907; Charles Frederick, Jr., May 22, 1910; Margaret Jean, Oct. 14, 1912. CLASS OF 1902 313. SCOTT ELIAS WILLIAM BEDFORD, 6148 UNIVERSITY AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. A.B.; A.M., 1903. L.H.D., University of Vermont, 1911. Assistant in History, and Principal of Academy, Baker University, 1902-05; Fellow and Assistant in Sociology and History, The University of Chicago, 1905-08; Professor of Sociology, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 1908-11; Assistant Professor of Sociology, The University of Chicago, 1911-16; Associate Pro- fessor of Sociology, The University of Chicago, 1916-. Secretary-Treasurer, The American Sociological Society, 1911-; Managing Editor, "Papers and Proceedings of the American Sociological Society," 1914-. Author, "The Labor Legislation of Kansas," "Studies in Social Science, American Cities." Member American Economic Association, National Conference of Chari- ties and Corrections, American Statistical Association, American Civic As- sociation, National Municipal League, National Housing Association, Ameri- can Association of University Professors. Born Winterset, la., March 7, 1876. Married Gussie Mae Taggart, June 8, 1905. 314. EMILY ISABEL BENEDICT LEAVENWORTH. A.B. Student Music, Baldwin City, 1901-03; Homekeeper, Leaven- worth, 1903-. Born Seneca, Nov. 26, 1879. Married Morris B. Hamilton, Oct. 15, 1903. Children: Andrew Benedict, May 21, 1907; Jane, June 25. 1910; Elizabeth, Jan. 29, 1915. Sister of No. 117. 315. EDNA POTTER BOYD. 119 N. COLLEGE AVE., SALINA A.B. Teacher, Grades, Baldwin City, 1902-03; Ysleta, Tex., 1903-04; Latin, High School, La Cygne, 1904-05; Grades, Baldwin City, 1905-07; Latin, High School, Santa Fe, N. Mex., 1907-08; Homekeeper, La Cygne, 1908-15; Salina, 1915-. Born Lawrence, Dec. 2, 1881. Married Edgar Davis, June 17, 1908. Children: Lena Katherine, March 31, 1909; James Boyd, May, 15, 1911. 316. NELLE EDITH CHAFFEE. OTTAWA. Ph.B. Teacher, High School, Neodesha, 1902-04; High School, Fre- donia, 1904-07; English, High School, Ottawa, 1907-. Born Neosho Falls, Dec. 9, 1880. 122 GRADUATES [1902 317. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN CHAMBERS, 173 HANCOCK ST., CAM- BRIDGE, MASS. A.B. Coal Business, Kansas City, Mo., 1902-04; Mulberry, 1904-07; Graduate student in Sociology, The University of Kansas, 1907-08; Coal Mining Business, Mulberry, 1908-14; Graduate student in Music and Liter- ature, Harvard University, 1914-16. Born Indianapolis, Ind., Jan. 12, 1879. Married Daisy Fowkes, June 1, 1904. 318. FRANCES EMMA COKER. EMPORIA. A.B. Teacher German and English, High School, Eureka, 1902-03; English, German and Latin, High School, Chanute, 1903-04; Graduate stu- dent in English and German, The University of Chicago, 1904-05; English and German, High School, Chanute, 1905-07; At home, Rocky Ford, Colo., 1907-08; Denver, Colo., 1908-14; Homekeeper, Pittsburg, 1914-15; Emporia, 1915-. Born Burlington, March 25, 1880. Married Rev. Louis M. Potts, Nov. 25, 1914. 319. BARBARA JANE DICE. TROY. B.L. Teacher, Overbrook, 1902-03; Lenexa, 1903-04; South Park, 1904- 05; Homekeeper, 1905-. Born Chambersburg, Pa., July 25, 1874. Married Nathaniel John Adams, No. 401, June 7, 1905. Children: Lois Jane, Oct. 16, 1906; Helen Hester, Aug. 16, 1908. 320. EMMA ALICE FOLLIN. 317 4TH ST., VICTOR, COLO. Ph.B. B.S., Kansas State Agricultural College, Home Economics, 1911. Assistant Postmaster, Baldwin, 1903-04; Teacher, Hutchinson, 1904- 06; Wichita, 1906-10; Student Kansas State Agricultural College, Home Economics Course, 1910-11; Teacher, Home Economics, Argentine High School, Kansas City, 1911-12; Homekeeper, Denver, Colo., 1912-14; Victor, Colo., 1914-. Born Fairport, Mo., Sept. 2, 1880. Married Clifford W. Par- sons, June 12, 1912. Sister of No. 252. 321. HOMER HOCH. MARION. A. B. LL. B., Washburn College, Topeka, 1909. Assistant Editor "Marion Record," Marion, 1903; Confidential Secretary to Purchasing Agent, and Chief Appointment Division Department, Washington, D. C, and Student, Law School, George Washington University, Washington, D. C, 1903-05; Editor "Marion Record," Marion, 1906; Secretary to Gov- ernor E. W. Hoch, Topeka, 1907-08; Editor "Marion Record" and Lawyer, Marion, 1909-. Author "Studies in Christian Doctrine," and various pam- phlets. Born Marion. Married Edna Mabel Wharton, No. 371, June 7, 1905. Children: Wharton, June 23, 1908; Jean, Nov. 15, 1912. Brother of Nos. 524, 867. 322. WILLIAM WALTER JOHNSTON. E. LANSING, MICH. A.B. A.M., Harvard University, 1908. Special student, Harvard Uni- versity, 1902-03. Instructor in English, Baker University, 1903-04; Graduate student in English, Harvard University, 1904-05; Instructor in English, Washington State College, Pullman, Wash., 1905-07; Assistant Professor of English, Washington State College, 1907-08; Professor of English, Agricultural and Mechanical College of Oklahoma, Stillwater, Okla., 1908- 12; Professor of English, Michigan Agricultural College, E. Lansing, Mich., 1912-. Born Erie, Jan. 5, 1876. Married Ethelyn Thorne, No. 439, June 29, 1905. Children: Manfred, Dec. 17, 1906; Henry, Dec. 13, 1908; Mary Ellen, Dec. 24, 1910. 123 1&02] GRADUATES 32a. *SARAH FLORENCE KING. A.B. Teacher Grades, Iola, 1902-03; Burton, 1903-04; Baldwin City, 1904-09; Homekeeper, Lamar, Colo., 1909-10. Born Xenia, Dec. 22, 1877. Married Jesse Orr, Dec. 29, 1909. Died Dec. 17, 1910, burial at Baldwin City. Sister of No. 253. 324. ALBERT EMMANUEL KIRK. 221 N. ERIE, WICHITA. Ph.B.; A.M., 1903. S.T.B., Boston University, 1907; Ph.D., Boston University, 1915. Instructor in Biology, Baker University, 1902-03; Gradu- ate Student in Theology, Boston University, 1904-07; Minister M. E. Church, Augusta, 1903-04; South Baintree, Mass., 1904-07; Stafford, 1907-09; Sterling, 1909-13; College Hill, Wichita, 1913-. Trustee Southwestern Col- lege, 1914-. Member General Conference, M. E. Church, 1916; Member General Deaconess Board, M. E. Church, 1916-. Born Halstead, Apr. 23, 1880. Married Luluh B. Barricklow, Aug. 17, 1904. Children: Phyllis Elizabeth, Aug. 6, 1905; Robert Van Dyke, April 15, 1910. 325. CLYDE LESLIE KUHN. ESSEX, CONN. A.B. S.T.B., Boston University, 1907. Minister, M. E. Church, Ross- ville, 1903-04; Avoca, 1904-05; Maple Hill, 1905; Graduate Student in Theol- ogy, Boston University, 1905-07; Mars Hill, Me., 1908; Cherry Valley, 111., 1909-11; Teacher English Bible, Grand Prairie Seminary, Onarga, 111., 1912; Graduate Student Yale University, 1913; Higganum, Conn., 1914-16; Essex, Conn., 1916-. Born Wellsville, Mo., Aug. 8, 1878. Married Edna Mae Williams, Nov. 26, 1908. Child: Pauline Susanna, Oct. 2, 1909. Brother of No. 286. 326. ROBERT LOOFBOURROW, 833 MAGNOLIA AVE, PASA- DENA, CALIF. A.B. Editor Neodesha Register, Neodesha, 1903-05; Owner and Man- aeer Neodesha Bank Note Co, Neodesha, 1908-; State Representative 32d District of Kansas, 1909; Twice Elected Mayor of Neodesha. Born Fre- donia, 1878. Married Jane K. Bull, Feb. 5, 1905. 327. *PEARL McCURDY. Ph B. Teacher Science, High School, Chanute, 1902-04; Principal of High School and Teacher of Latin, Seneca, 1904-09; Homekeeper, Seneca, 1909-12. Graduate Student in German, Baker Universitv. 1907. Born Franklin Co., Kans, July 27, 1877. Married Herbert M. Fuller, June 30, 1909. Died Feb. 3, 1912, burial at Seneca. 328. ORA FLEMING MOWER. Ph B. Assistant Principal High School, Osborne, 1902-05; Principal High School, Larned, 1905-07. 329. HARVEY CLAUDE PLUMB. WELLINGTON. A.B. Insurance, Arkansas City, 1902-07; Real Estate and Insurance, Wellington, 1908-13; Clerk District Court, Wellington, 1913-. Born Kidder, Mo, May 10, 1876. Married Jennie Lura Woods, No. 338, Jan. 3, 1905. 124 GRADUATES [1902 330. FRED HOOPER RHOADES. HANOVER. A.B. M.D., University Medical College, Kansas City, Mo., 1905. Stu- dent University Medical College, Kansas City, Mo., 1902-05; Physician, New Albany, 1905-07; Mulberry, 1907-13; Kansas City, Mo., 1913-15; Hanover, 1915-. Born Lytle, O., July 22, 1879. Married Grace Snyder, March 12, 1906. Children: Nell Snyder, July 13, 1907; Mary Elizabeth, April 19, 1913. 331. ORLANDO LORA SAMPLE. TRENTON, MO. A.B. S.T.B., Boston University, 1909; A.M., Boston University, 1910. Minister M. E. Church, Crestline, 1900; Gas City, 1902-06; Graduate Student, in Theology, Boston University, 1906-10; Bosworth, Mo., 1910-12; Broadway, Hannibal, Mo., 1912-15; Burlington Junction, Mo., 1915-16; Trenton, 1916-. Born Sharpsville, Ind., Dec. 12, 1875. Married Margaret Hobbs, June 9, 1903. Brother of Nos. 723, 828. 332. ALONZO MARTIN SMITH, 983 SOUTH ST, ROSLINDALE, MASS. A.B. S.T.B., Boston University, 1905; Ph.D., Boston University, 1910. Graduate Student in Theology, Boston University, 1902-05; Graduate Stu- dent Berlin University, Germany, 1905-07; Jacob Sleeper Fellow from Bos- ton University for Post Graduate Study in Europe, 1906-07; Graduate Student, Boston University, 1907-08; Director of Religious Work at Frances E. Willard Settlement, Boston, Mass., 1908-09; Graduate Student, Boston University, 1909-10; At Home, Wellsville, 1910-14; Independent religious and social worker among immigrant Jews, Boston, Mass, 1914-. Born Richmond, O, Nov. 7, 1875. Married Florence Morrison, Nov. 8, 1913. Child: John Morrison, Oct. 9, 1914. 333. LEVI BROWN SMITH. PAOLA. A.B. Magnetic Observer, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Baldwin City, 1902-05; Bookkeeper, Kansas City, Mo, 1905-06; Secretary and Office Manager, Parsons Natural Gas Co, Parsons, 1906-08; Cashier State Bank, Benedict, 1908; Bookkeeper, People's National Bank, Paola, 1909; Assistant Cashier, People's National Bank, Paola, 1910-13; Farmer and Dairyman, Paola, 1913-. Trustee Baker University, 1915-. Trustee Bethany Hospital, 1915-. Born Fayette City, Pa, March 16, 1875. Married Jennie Alice Hein- selman. No. 421, June 21, 1906. Children: Faye Roberta, April 17, 1907; Paul Vincent, July 12, 1909; Frances Lucile, May 13, 1912; Lawrence Rey- nolds, Nov. 9, 1914. 334. JOHN WILLIAM WALLACE, 435 PINE AVE, LONG BEACH, CALIF. A.B. Agent International Correspondence School, Topeka, 1902-03; Department Manager, Los Angeles Store, Los Angeles. Calif, 1903-06; General Hardware Merchant, Long Beach, Calif, 1906-. Born Auburn, 111, Dec. 21, 1871. Married Maybelle Crandall, Aug. 6, 1902. 335. BESSIE WATT. KIRKSVILLE, MO. Ph. B. Teacher High School, Oskaloosa, 1902-03; Iola, 1903-06; In- dependence, 1906-09; Waverly, 1909-10; Graduate Student, The University of Chicago, 1910; Critic Teacher, University Normal, Las Vegas, N. Mex, 1911-16; Primary Supervisor, State Normal, Kirksville, Mo, 1916-. Born Maysville, Mo, March 6, 1877. Sister of Nos. 277, 292. 125 1902-03] GRADUATES 338. WALTER PELLMAN WHARTON. INDEPENDENCE. A.B. Minister, M. E. Church, Neosho Falls, 1902-04; Moran, 1904-08; Erie, 1908-11; Independence, 1911-. Born Gridley, Calif., March 21, 1877. Married Mary Seaton, June 7, 1903. Brother of No. 371. 337. FRANK EZRA WOLF. BALDWIN CITY. A.B. Principal Commercial Department, Baker University, 1902-12; Professor of Economics, Baker University, 1912-. Graduate Student in Economics, The University of Kansas, Summers, 1913, '14, '15. Treasurer Faculty, Baker University, 1901-; Treasurer Trustees, 1903-; Secretary Kan- sas Educational Association, 1909-; Treasurer same, 1912-. Born Amanda, O., Jan. 9, 1876. Married Bertha C. Watson, Aug. 4, 1903. Children: Paul Watson, Sept. 2, 1904; Ross Franklin, Apr. 28, 1909. 338. JENNIE LURA WOODS. WELLINGTON. Ph.B. Teacher, High School, Oswego, 1902-04; Homekeeper, 1905-. Born Montana, June 28, 1880. Married Harvey Claude Plumb, No. 329, Jan. 3, 1905. Sister of Nos. 400, 444. 339. CHRISTIAN BENJAMIN ZOOK. IOLA. A.B. Minister, M. E. Church, Talmage, 1902-04; Morganville, 1904-07; Valley Falls, 1907-08; Walnut Grove, Topeka, 1908-13; Olathe, 1913-15; First, Iola, 1915-. Trustee Baker University, 1912-. Born Orrstown, Franklin Co,, Pa., March 31, 1871. Married Flora Jones, July 17, 1898. Children: Chester Lorenzo, July 17, 1900; Harold Odean, Aug. 9, 1903; Loren Samuel, July 22, 1905. CLASS OF 1903 340. GILBERT HAVEN ATHERTON. GIRARD. A.B. Minister, M. E. Church, Westphalia, 1903-05; Crestline, 1905- 06; Mulberry, 1906-07; Madison, 1907-08; Benedict, 1908-10; Fulton, 1910- 12; Beulah, 1912-14; Supernumerary, 1914-. Born Prairie City, 111., June 24, 1877. Married Mary Abigail Atherton, June 3, 1903. Children: Abi- gail Floyd, Sept. 10, 1904; John Gilbert, Sept. 12, 1906; Joseph Haven, Aug. 31, 1908; Eva May, July 3, 1910; James Sanders, Jan. 30, 1913; Charles LeRoy, Nov. 22, 1914. 341. PERL RODGERS BARTON. HERINGTON. A.B. Journalist, Baldwin City, 1905; Journalist, Humboldt, 1905; City Editor, Iola Daily Register, Iola, 1908-10; Editor Herington Times, Herington, 1911-. Born Baldwin City, Dec. 25, 1878. 342. ARTHUR RAY BOWMAN. PRINEVILLE, ORE. A.B. LL.B., University of Washington, Seattle, Wash., 1908. Sales- man, Wathena, 1905; Editor and Manager "Reformer," Springdale, Wash.; Law Student, University of Washington, 1906-08; Special Agent, U. S. General Land Office, Department of Interior, 1909-10; Attorney at Law and President Central Oregon Title and Loan Co., Prineville, Crook Co., Ore., 1910-. Member Phi Delta Phi. Born Wathena, Apr. 22, 1882. Married Alta Minton, March 15, 1916. 343. CLAUDE ALLEN CALKINS. SILVER CITY, IOWA. A.B.; B.Ped., 1905. S.T.B., Boston University, 1913. Teacher, Tal- mage, 1903-04; Teacher Science, Atchison County High School, Effing- 126 GRADUATES [1903 ham, 1904-05; Teacher Science, High School, Parsons, 1905-06; Minister, M. E. Church, St. Paul, 1906-07; Frontenac, 1907-10; Graduate Student in Theology, Boston University, 1910-13; Northboro, la., 1913-15; Silver City, la., 1915-. Born Alpha, 111., Dec. 15, 1878. Married Blanche M. Miller, Sept. 6, 1905. Children: Raoul Claude, July 11, 1906; Ruth Edna, Feb. 23, 1908; Margaret May, Aug. 6, 1910; Miriam Geraldine, Sept. 29, 1913; Evelyn Louise, July 12, 1915. 344. KATHRYN MYRTLE CARMEAN. HIAWATHA. A.B. Teacher, Fredonia, 1903-04. At home, Paola, 1904-05; Home- keeper, 1905-. Born Paola, Dec. 14, 1880. Married Clair Aigler Harpster, No. 347, Dec. 26, 1905. Children: Harold Carmean, June 1, 1908; Wanda Marie, Oct. 12, 1910; Clair Aigler, Jr., Jan. 29, 1915. 345. WALTER HODGIN CASE, CARE OF THE DAILY TELEGRAM, LONG BEACH, CALIF. A. B. Newspaper man, Kansas City, Mo., 1904-06; Newspaper Re- porter and Correspondent, Long Beach, Calif., and Los Angeles, Calif., papers, Long Beach, Calif., 1906-; Publisher Beaumont, Calif., Weekly Leader, 1915-. Secretary, Long Beach City Club. Born Oswego, Dec. 29, 1883. Married Ethel Christine Thompson, July 28, 1908. Children: Nelson, Feb. 3, 1910; Roger Thompson, June 6, 1916. 346. VIOLA MAY HANKINS. GUTHRIE, OKLA. A.B. Teacher Latin, High School, Junction City, 1903-05; Music Student, Boston, Mass., 1906; Homekeeper, 1905-. Born Wilshire, O., Sept. 16, 1880. Married Edward Hislop, No. 350, Aug. 23, 1905. Sister of No. 300. 347. CLAIR AIGLER HARPSTER. HIAWATHA. A.B. Instructor Mathematics, Baker University, 1903-05; Graduate Student in Mathematics, The University of Chicago, Summer, 1904; Teacher Mathematics and Astronomy, High School, Ottumwa, la., 1905-06; Lum- ber Merchant, Willis. 1906-11; Hiawatha, 1911-. Born Willis, June 8, 1880. Married Kathryn Myrtle Carmean, No. 344, Dec. 26, 1905. Children: Harold Carmean, June 1, 1908; Wanda Marie, Oct. 12, 1910; Clair Aigler, Jr., Jan. 29, 1915. 348. ROBERT BENJAMIN HAYES. SEDALIA, MO. Ph.B.; A.M., 1903. Instructor Natural Science, Philander Smith Col- lege, Little Rock, Ark., 1903-16; President George R. Smith College, Sedalia, Mo., 1916-. Member General Conference M. E. Church, 1916. Author "The Student's Guide in Morals and Learning." Born Navasota, Tex., May 13, 1876. Married Hattie P. Melton, June 22, 1909. Children: Lucile and Blanche, Feb. 18, 1910; Baby, Oct. 10, 1912; Robert Benjamin, Jr., Nov. 7, 1914; Herbert Murlin, June 28, 1916. 349. CLAIR H. HEPWORTH. TOPEKA. Ph.B. Principal High School, Overbrook, 1903-06; Principal High School, Paola, 1906-09; Principal Garfield School, Topeka, 1909-12; Teacher History, High School, Topeka, 1912-. Born Volinia, Mich, May 6, 1875. Married Charlotte Wilson Coffman, June 17, 1903. Child: Hazel Kathryn, May 22, 1907. 127 1903] GRADUATES 350 EDWARD HISLOP. GUTHRIE, OKLA. A.B.; D.D., 1915. S.T.B., Boston University, 1907. Minister M. E. Church, Argentine, 1903-04; Graduate Student in Theology, Boston Uni- versity, 1904-07; Graduate Student in Philosophy and Literature, Boston University, 1909; Lebanon, N. H., 1907-09; Lawrence, Mass., 1909-10; Superintendent Omaha District, Omaha. Neb., 1911-14; Chancellor Metho- dist University of Oklahoma, Guthrie, Okla., 1914-. Born Steubenville, O., Feb. 14, 1873. Married Viola May Hankins, No. 346, Aug. 23, 1905. 351. *MILTON EUGENE HUFF. A.B. At Home, Baldwin City, 1903-06. Born Neosho Co., Kans., Feb. 27, 1879. Died Feb. 25, 1906, burial at Baldwin City. 352. WARD WESLEY HULL. HANFORD, CALIF. A.B. S.T.B., Boston University, 1909. Minister, M. E. Church, Mont Ida., 1903-05; Buffalo, 1905-06: Graduate Student in Theology, Boston Uni- versity, 1906-09; Calexico, Calif., 1909-10; Taylor, San Diego, Calif., 1910- 13; Garden Grove, Calif., 1913-16; Hanford, Calif., 1916-. Born Carthage, 111., Jan. 7, 1872. Married Alice C. Irwin, Feb. 15, 1906. 353. HARRY LEE JOHNSON. A.B. Minister, supply, Union Star, Mo., 1903-04; New Hampton, Mo., 1904-05; Colorado, in interest of health, 1905-06; Farmer and Inventor, New Hampton, Mo., 1906-08; Teacher, Winona, Wash., 1909-10; Inventor, Seattle, Wash., 1910-11. Born Floral, 1874. 354. LOUVENIA MADELINE JOSEPH, 115 LINCOLN AVE., COLO- RADO CITY, COLO. A.B. Principal High School, Edwardsville, 1903-05; Principal Schools, Parker, 1905-06; Teacher Latin, High School, Ponca City, Okla., 1906-09; Teacher Latin, High School, Baldwin City, 1909-12; Principal High School and Teacher Latin, Colorado City, Colo., 1912-15; Teacher Latin, High School, Colorado City, Colo., 1915-16; Homekeeper, Colorado City, Colo., 1916-. Born Batesville, Noble Co., O., Sept. 15, 1865. Married John Klintwort, June 7, 1916. 355. DAVID ELLSWORTH KENDALL. SHERIDAN, WYO. A.B. D.D., University of Denver, 1914. Minister M. E. Church, Michigan Ave., Leavenworth, 1903-04; Colorado Springs, Colo., 1904-05; Del Norte, Colo., 1905-10; Sheridan, Wyo., 1910-15; Superintendent Sheri- dan District, Sheridan, Wyo., 1915-. Member State Legislature, Wyoming, 1915 and 1916. Born Mound City, May 8, 1870. Married Olive Sullivan, July 29, 1896. Children: Paul Wilkins, July 29, 1898; Dorothy Helen, Dec. 14, 1905. 356. OSCAR ULYSSES McPROUD. HOPE. A.B. Minister, M. E. Church, Quenemo, 1901-03; Richmond, 1903-05; Blue Mound, 1905-07; Colony, 1907-10; Pleasanton, 1910-14; Alta Vista, 1914-15; Hope, 1915-. Born Farmland, Ind., Oct. 10, 1871. Married Cora B. Wolfe, Feb. 5, 1907. Child: Infant daughter, April 13, 1913. Brother of 287. 128 GRADUATES [1903 357. HENRY BLACKBURN MILLER. ROSSVILLE A.B. A.M., The University of Kansas, 1906. M.D., The University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa., 1908. Teacher, Overbrook, 1903-04; Graduate Student, The University of Kansas, 1904-05; Assistant Demon- strator, Chemical Laboratory, The University of Kansas, 1904-05; Medi- cal Student, The University of Kansas, 1905-06; Medical Student, The University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa., 1906-08; Resident Physician, Philadelphia Hospital for Contagious Diseases, 1909-10; Physician, Ross- ville, 1910-. Member Sigma Chi. Born Rossville, Jan. 1, 1881. 358. MARY KIBBEN MURPHY. TOPEKA A.B. Graduate Student in The University of California, Summer, 1912. Assistant Instructor in Modern Languages, Baker University, 1903- 05; Teacher German and Latin, High School, Phoenix, Ariz., 1905-07; Student Berlin and Weimar, Germany, 1907-08; Instructor German, Uni- versity of Colorado, Boulder, Colo., 1908-09; Teacher High School, Ogden, Utah, 1909-13; Latin and German, High School, Topeka, 1913-. Born Keasoque, la., Aug. 12, 1881. 359. GEORGE BROCK NEFF. MONROE, WASH. B.S. Teacher, Barclay, 1903-04; Medical Student, Kansas City, Mo., 1904-05; Teacher, Argentine, 1905-08; Superintendent Schools, Wetmore, 1908-12; Supt. Schools, Libby, Mont., 1912-15; Supt. Schools, Monroe, Wash., 1915-. Born Salem, Va., March 28, 1880. Married Jessie Edith Funnell, No. 419, Dec. 27, 1905. Child: Gladys Marie, May 17, 1912. 360. FRED MAXSON PERRILL. MUZZAFFARPUR, INDIA. A.B. B.D., Garrett Biblical Institute, 1906. Graduate Student in Theology, Garrett Biblical Institute, 1903-06; Missionary, Muzzaffarpur, India, and Principal Columbia Boys' School and Orphanage, 1906-11; Arrah, India, 1911-. Born Nentor, Saline Co., Dec. 4, 1882. Married Mary S. Voigt, May 5, 1911. Child: Charles Voigt, Jan. 2, 1913. 361. JAMES WINFRED REID. 1310 MAIN ST., PARSONS A.B. LL.B., Kansas City School of Law, Kansas City, Mo., 1907. City Editor, Ottawa Daily Herald, Ottawa, 1903-04; News Writer, Kan- sas City Journal, Kansas City, Mo., 1904-06; Student Kansas City School of Law, Kansas City, Mo., 1905-07; Attorney, Chanute, 1907-14; Assist- ant General Attorney, M. K. and T. Ry., Parsons, 1914-. Born Warrens- burg, Mo., July 22, 1883. Married Anna Hoch, No. 524, Jan. 1, 1909. Children: Edward Hoch, Sept. 27, 1910; James Richard, May 1, 1914. 362. DAVID RICHARDS. NEWELL, S. DAK. A.B. With Underwood & Underwood, Ottawa, 1903-07; Real Estate and Loans, Rapid City, S. Dak., 1907-10; Real Estate and Loans, Newell, S. Dak., 1910-. Born Emporia, May 20, 1874. Married Alice Floy Bassett, May 15, 1916. 363. ELMER CLIFFORD RINGER. WAGON MOUND, N. MEX. B.S. Teacher Science, High School, Guthrie, Okla., 1903-05; Teacher German, High School, Hot Springs, Ark., 1905-06; Teacher Science, High 129 1903] GRADUATES School, Ouray, Colo., 1906-08; Principal High School, North Platte, Neb., 1908-10; Superintendent Schools, Sidney, Neb., 1910-11; Bookkeeper, Den- ver, Colo., 1911-14; Principal High School, East Las Vegas, N. Mex., 1914-16; Superintendent Schools, Wagon Mound, N. Mex., 1916-. Born Paola, Sept. 4, 1881. Married Anna O'Connor, July 5, 1906. Children: Francis Whitney, Feb. 3, 1908; Leslie Darlington, Aug. 30, 1909. Brother of No. 311. 364. JOHN WILKINS ROBERTS. SEDAN A.B. Graduate Student, Baker University, Summer, 1904; Graduate Student, the University of Kansas, Summer, 1909, '10, '12. Newspaper Busi- ness, Oskaloosa, 1903-04; Principal Schools, Corning, 1904-06; Wellsville, 1906-07; Oskaloosa, 1907-09; Superintendent Schools, Peabody, 1909-12; Superintendent Schools, Sedan, 1912-. Born Topeka, July 3, 1880. Married Lena Adelle McConnell, No. 430, Aug. 5, 1908. Child: Margaret Emma, Dec. 21, 1910. 365. GEORGE LEDREW RULISON. ZIONSVILLE, IND. A.B. S.T.B., Garrett Biblical Institute, 1908. LL.B., Hamilton Cal- lege of Law, Chicago, 111., 1915. Minister, M. E. Church, Mound Valley, 1903-04; East Iola, 1904; Hale, Mo., 1904-05; Graduate Student in Theology, Garrett Biblical Institute, 1905-08; Supply preacher in Chicago, 111., 1905-06; Vincent, Chicago, 111., 1906-08; Holyoke, Colo., 1908-10; Wray, Colo., 1910; Medicine Lodge, 1910-12; Anthony, 1912-13; Chillicothe, Mo., 1913-14; Zionsville, Ind., 1914-. Born Hartford, Oct. 15, 1876. Married Fay Fra- zier, Sept. 4, 1901. Child: Ruth Bernadine, Oct. 26, 1903. 366. HARRY WYLBUR STANLEY. 945 BUFFUM AVE., WICHITA A.B. A.B., Columbia University, New York City, 1903. General Agent, Southeastern Kansas, Equitable Life Insurance Co. of Iowa, 1904-. Born Wichita, Aug. 25, 1880. Married Blanche Seabrook Imboden, No. 425, Nov. 28, 1906. Children: Lawrence Eugene, Oct. 22, 1908; Elizabeth, April 15, 1912. Brother of No. 547. 367. HARRY PRAY STUDY. NEODESHA. A.B. A.M., Boston University, 1911. Graduate Student in Educa- tion, Columbia University, Summer, 1916. Principal High School, Eureka, 1903-04; Principal High School, Ottawa, 1904-06; Graduate Student, Bos- ton University, 1906-08; Teacher History, Tome School for Boys, Port Deposit, Md., 1908-10; Teacher History, Horace Mann School, New York City, 1910-11; Graduate Student, Columbia University^ New York City, 1910-11; Superintendent Schools, Sedan, 1911-12; Superintendent Schools, Neodesha, 1912-. Born Fountain City, Ind., Jan. 7, 1879. Married Clara Louise Lord, Nov. 19, 1910. Child: Mary Lord, Nov. 2, 1916. 368. GEORGE BROWN THOMAS. 99 PEACE ST., PROVIDENCE, R. I. A.B.; A.M., 1909. Ph.D., Boston University, 1913. Minister, M. E. Church, Poplar Bluff, Mo., 1903-05; President Carleton College, Farming- ton, Mo., 1905-09; Concord, N. H., 1909-12; St. Paul's, Manchester, N. H., 1912-16; Trinity Union, Providence, R. I., 1916-. Born Czar, Mo., Jan. 5, 1873. Married Nellie Riason, June 14, 1904. 130 GRADUATES [1903-04 369. IDA BEATRICE VANATTA. . MEERUT, INDIA B.L. Homekeeper, 1903-. Teacher, Ajmere, India, Boys' School. In charge of Ajmere Circuit Bible Readers. Secretary North-West India Woman's Conference, 1910. Born Nortonville, 1877. Married Joseph Ben- son Baker, No. 262, June 24, 1903. Children: 370. *LAWRENCE FERGUSON WALTER. Ph.B. Lawyer, Kingman, 1903-15; County Attorney, Kingman Co., 1915. Born Oakville, Pa., Feb. 6, 1882. Married Nell L. Holston, May 16, 1906. Died Sept. 3, 1915, burial at Kingman. Children: Elizabeth, July 13, 1910; Jean, Feb. 26, 1912. 371. EDNA MABEL WHARTON. MARION B.L. Teacher, Pratt, 1904-05; Homekeeper, 1905-. Grand Marshall, Delta Delta Delta, 1903-07. Born Gridley, Calif. Married Homer Hoch, No. 321, June 7, 1905. Children: Wharton, June 23, 1908; Jean, Nov. 15, 1912. Sister of No. 336. 372. *WILLIAM ARTHUR WOOD. A.B. Graduate Oklahoma Central Normal School, 1898. A.B., North- ern Indiana Normal School, 1900. Teacher, Jones, Okla., 1903. Born Quincy, 111., 1876. Died, 1904. CLASS OF 1904 373 WILBUR FISKE ALLEN. CHANUTE A.B. Banker, First National Bank, Chanute, 1903-. Born Chanute, Oct. 11, 1879. Married Florence E. Park, Feb. 27, 1907. Children: Lois Genevieve, Nov. 26, 1908; Robert Newton, Dec. 4, 1913; Richard Park, Sept. 21, 1915. Brother of Nos. 445, 553. 374. NORA DALE AMES. TOPEKA B.L. Graduate Student in English, The University of Chicago, Sum- mer, 1916. At home, Baldwin City, 1904-05; Teacher, Rural Schools, Douglas County, 1905-06; Instructor in English, Baker University, 1906-14; Teacher English, High School, Topeka, 1914-. Born Moline, Jan. 1, 1876. Sister of No. 787. 375. JAMES PERCY AULT. CARE OF CARNEGIE INSTITUTION, WASHINGTON, D. C. A.B. A.M., Columbia University, New York City, 1909. Magnetic Observer, Carnegie Institution, Washington, D. C, 1904-08; Graduate Stu- dent in Mathematics, Astronomy and Physics, Columbia University, 1907- 09; Magnetician, Carnegie Institution, Washington, D. C, 1909-13; Mag- netician and Alternate Commander of Magnetic Survey Yacht, "Carnegie," 1914; Commander the same, 1915-. Member American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Geographical Society, Washing- ton Philosophical Society. Author "Daylight Observations on Venus," and various publications of the results obtained by the Magnetic Yacht, "Carnegie." Born Lenexa, Oct. 29, 1881. Married Mamie A. Totten, March 27, 1907. Child: Evelyn Geraldine, Dec. 9, 1912. Brother of Nos. 293, 447, 498, 788, 851. 131 1904] GRADUATES 376. NELLIE MAY AULT. MONTE VISTA, COLO. Ph.B. Homekeeper, 1904-. Born Johnson Co., Kans., May 27, 1881. Married Angus MacGregor Maclean, No. 386, Dec. 29, 1904. Children: Robert Ault, Jan. 1, 1907; Raymond McGregor, March 26, 1909; Angus, Jan. 14, 1913. 377. CORA MILLICENT BROWN. HINGHWA, FUKIEN, CHINA. Ph.B. Solicitor for Bethany Hospital, 1904-05; Deaconess, First M. E. Church, Winfield, 1905-06; Deaconess, Trinity M. E. Church, Wichita, 1906; Student at Lucy Webb Hayes Training School, Washington, D. C, 1906-07; Deaconess, Trinity M. E. Church, Wichita, 1907-10; Missionary, Hinghwa, Fukien, China, 1911-. At Home on Furlough, Wichita, 1916. Born Hollenberg, Aug. 2, 1874. 378. HATTIE ESTHER ELWELL. FREDONIA. A.B. Teacher, Baldwin City, 1904-05; Teacher, Latin and English, High School, Neodesha, 1905-07; Homekeeper, Fredonia, 1907-. Born Milton, la., Apr. 20, 1878. Married Arthur Rich, June 26, 1907. Children: Gerald Elwell, Oct. 13, 1908; Esther, June 7, 1912; Marion Cramer, March 10, 1914. Sister of No. 457. 379. EMMA BELLE FRENCH. TEMPE, ARIZ. A.B. A.M. Columbia University, New York City, 1915. Instructor English, Baker University, 1904-06; At home and Teacher Latin and Spanish, High School, Tempe, Ariz., 1906-. Graduate Student Columbia University and Harvard University, 1913-14. Born Thayer, June 11, 1877. 380. GILBERT MUNSON GANDER. COFFEYVILLE. Ph.B. LL.B., The University of Kansas, 1907. Law Student, The University of Kansas and The University of Chicago, 1904-07; Scholar- ship, The University of Chicago, 1904-05; Lawyer, Coffeyville, 1907-. Born Mt. Ayr, la., March 4, 1873. Married Nannie Louise Fischer, No. 458, Nov. 25, 1908. Child: James Gilbert, Oct. 28, 1910. Brother of No. 461. 381. FRANCIS LENDER GEYER. CAMERON, MO. A.B. S.T.B., Garrett Biblical Institute, 1909. A.M., Highland College, Highland, Kans., 1910. Ph.D., Campbell University, Holton, Kans., 1915. Minister M. E. Church, Michigan Valley, 1904-05; Meriden, 1905-07; Grad- uate Student in Theology, Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanston, 111., 1907-09; Highland, 1908-10; Hagerty Memorial, St. Louis, Mo., 1910-14; Brookfield, Mo., 1914-16; Cameron, Mo., 1916-. Born Trading Post, Sept. 27, 1875. Married Grace E. Hobart, June 15, 1904. Children: Floyd Hobart, Oct. 12, 1905; Harold Nathaniel, May 17, 1910; Warren Francis, May 1, 1912; Clarence Raymond, May 29, 1914. 382. CLARA MARGUERITE HATCH. 1221 CINCINNATI AVE., TULSA, OKLA. B.L. Graduate Student, The University of Chicago, Summer, 1907. Primary Teacher, Peru, 1904-07; Independence, 1907-08; Peru, 1908-09; Homekeeper, Keifer, Okla., 1909-15; Drumright, Okla., 1915-16; Tulsa, Okla., 1916-. Born Peru, Aug. 15, 1881. Married M. Joseph Grogan, June 2, 1909. Children: Muriel, Jan. 24, 1911; Marguerite, Nov. 15, 1912. 132 GRADUATES [1904 383. YUNG LIANG HWANG. PEKING, CHINA. A.B.; A.M., 1909. B.D., Drew Theological Seminary, 1907. Grad- uate Student in Theology, Drew Theological Seminary, 1904-07; Graduate Student in Sociology and Economics, Columbia University, 1905-07. First Translator of Chinese Legation, London, England, 1907-08; His Imperial Chinese Majesty's Consul for New Zealand, Wellington, New Zealand, 1908-11; His Imperial Chinese Majesty's Consul General for the Com- monwealth of Australia, Melbourne, Australia, 1911-13; Secretary of The Waichias En (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) Peking, China, 1911-16; Special Commissioner of Foreign Affairs, Province of Chihli, Tientsien, China, 1916-. First Class Gold Medal for special services awarded in 1913; 4th Class Decoration conferred in 1914; 3d Class Decoration conferred in 1916. Trustee, The University of Nanking, Nanking, China. Director Y. M. C. A., Peking, China. Born Wu-wei Chew, An-Hwei, China, Aug. 15, 1875. Married Belle Howe, Kiukiang, China, Aug. 17, 1898. Child: Gertrude, Oct. 18, 1902. 384. JOHN HAIGLER KILE. GARRISON. A.B; Ped.B.; A.M., 1914. Graduate Student, Baker University, Sum- mers, 1904, '10, '12; Graduate Student, The University of Virginia, Char- lottesville, Va., Summers, 1909, '13; Graduate Student, The University of Chicago, Summer, 1911. Principal Schools, Coal Hill, Ark., 1904-05; Barks- dale, Tex., 1905-06; Moore, Tex., 1906-07; Principal High School, Rock Springs, Tex., 1907-09; Teacher in State Normal, Junction City, Tex., 1908; Principal High School, New Castle, Va., 1909-12; Shenandoah, Va., 1912-13; Elkton, Va., 1913-15; Assistant Principal High School, Flemington, W. Va., 1915-16; Principal Schools, Garrison, 1916-. Born Franklin, W. Va., Dec. 15, 1866. Married Inez Kimball, May 30, 1908. Children: Charles Currentz Lee, March 14, 1910; Margaret Leah, March 5, 1912; Robert Kendall, Aug. 21, 1915. 385. GRACE ISABEL LOCKHART. HOMINY, OKLA. Ph.B. At Home, Eskridge, 1904-05; Homekeeper, Alta Vista, 1905-06; Hominy, Okla, 1906-. Born Burlingame, Aug. 18, 1879. Married Leroy Douglas Edgington, June 14, 1905. Children: Leroy Douglas, Jr., Sept. 17, 1908; Joseph Robbins, April 17, 1914; Elizabeth, Nov. 28, 1915. 386. ANGUS MacGREGOR MACLEAN. MONTE VISTA, COLO. A.B. Minister M. E. Church, Humboldt, 1902-03; East Iola, 1903-04; Kincaid, 1904-07; LeRoy, 1907-10; Humboldt, 1910-11; Erie, 1911-12; Salida, Colo., 1912-15; Monte Vista, Colo., 1915-. Born Inverness Co., Scotland, July 6, 1869. Married Nellie May Ault, No. 376, Dec. 29, 1904. Children: Robert Ault, Jan. 1, 1907; Raymond MacGregor, March 26, 1909; Angus, Jan. 14, 1913. 387. HARRIET ADELLE MAHAR. 913 LARAMIE, MANHATTAN. A.B. Assistant Principal High School, Howard, 1904-07; Principal High School, Oswego, 1907-09; Homekeeper, Columbia, Mo., 1909-11; Manhattan, 1911-. Born Mound Valley, June 8, 1879. Married Burr H. Ozment, Aug. 21, 1909. Children: Elizabeth, Dec. 17, 1911; Marian Lota, Dec. 28, 1914. 133 1904] GRADUATES 888. ETHEL GRACE McCAUGHEY. 425 S. HICKORY, OTTAWA. Ph.B. Teacher Latin and English and Principal of High School, Minneapolis, 1904-07; Homekeeper, 1907-. Born Stanley, March 3, 1882. Married Fred Mark Bailey, No. 406, June 5, 1907. Children: Dean Allen, Sept. 22, 1908; Yvonne Adele, June 14, 1912; Alethe Beryl, Sept. 21, 1914. 389. ROY FALLASS MILLS. ODESSA, MO. A.B. M.D., Rush Medical College, Chicago, 111., 1912. Superintendent Schools, Erie, 1904-05; Principal High School, Junction City, 1905-08; Student of Medicine and Assistant Instructor in Rhetoric, The Univer- sity of Kansas, 1908-10; Student of Medicine, Rush Medical College, 1910-12; Interne, Children's Memorial Hospital, Chicago, 111., 1912-13; Physician and Surgeon, Mayview, Mo., 1913-16; Odessa, Mo., 1916-. Member Amer- ican Medical Association, Missouri State Medical Society. Born Albion, Mich., July 8, 1880. Married Edythe Oechsli, Dec. 27, 1904. Children: Horace Oechsli, Dec. 4, 1907; Ellen Eugenia, Oct. 21, 1915. 390. FRED A. MOLBY. 525 S. PARK AVE., BLOOMINGTON, IND. A.B. A.M., Cornell University, 1908; Ph.D., Cornell University, 1910. Assistant, U. S. Magnetic Observatory, Baldwin City, 1904-05; Graduate Student in Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., 1905-10; Assistant in Physics, Cornell University, 1906-08; Instructor in Physics, Cornell University, 1908-12; Assistant Professor in Physics, Indiana University, 1912-. School recesses, Magnetic Observer, U. S., Coast and Geodetic Sur- vey, 1906-10. Author, "The Rotary Power of Quartz at the Temperature of Liquid Air," "The Rotary Power of Limonene at Low Temperature," "Absorption of Limonene at Low Temperature," "The Rotary Power of Quartz, Cinnobar, and Nicotine at Low Temperature," "The Linear Ex- pansion of Invar Steel for 100° C. to Liquid Air Temperature," "Refrac- tive Indices at Low Temperatures." Member Sigma Xi, Indiana Acad- emy of Science, The Society for the Promotion of Engineering Education. Associate Member of the American Physical Society. Born Linn, Jan. 5, 1878. Married Leona Mae Houghton, Sept. 17, 1907. Brother of Nos. 648, 816. 891. FLORENCE LULU MOORE. ROUTE A., ELMA, WASH. B.L. Principal High School, Erie, 1904-05; Teacher Intermediate School, Candon, Ilocas Sur., P. I., 1905-07; Teacher Bangued High School, Bangued, Abra, P. I., 1907-08; Teacher Industrial School for Igorrote Boys, Baguio, Beguet, P. I., 1908-09; In Bangued, Abra, P. I., on leave of absence, 1909-10; In Kansas, U. S. A., on leave of absence, 1910-11; Teacher Mathematics, High School, Bangued, Abra, P. I., 1911-12; Teacher Domestic Science, High School, Bangued, Abra, P. I., 1912-13; Homekeeper, Sat- sop, Wash., 1913-. Born Abilene, March 18, 1871. Married William Mus- tard, July 3, 1905. Children: Helen Meredith, July 29, 1906; Thomas Desmond, Feb. 25, 1909. 392. THEODORE CLIFTON MOUNTAIN. RICHLAND, WASH. A.B. Minister, M. E. Church, Greeley, 1904-05; Olpe, 1905-06; Coy- ville, 1906-07; Principal Schools, La Crosse, Wash., 1907-11; Minister, Albion, Wash., 1911-12; Fowler Memorial, Spokane, 1912-14; Observa- tion Teacher and Instructor in Psychology, State Normal School, Cheney, Wash., 1914-16; Teacher English, Consolidated High School, Richland, 134 GRADUATES [1904 Wash., 1916-. Born Cherryvale, Sept. 25, 1875. Married Lucena Belle Walker, Aug. 24, 1901. Children: Thelma Geraldine, Dec. 19, 1902; Made- line, Jan. 11, 1905; Muriel Celestine, Dec. 22, 1906; Robert Theodore, March 1, 1913. 893. GEORGE ALBERT NICHOLSON. KUSA, OKLA. A.B.; A.M., 1905. Ph.D., The University of Chicago, 1914. Investments, Baldwin City, 1905-10; Graduate Student in English, The University of Chicago, 1910-13; Instructor in English Composition, DePauw University, 1913-14; Zinc Smelting, Kusa, Okla., 1915-. Author, one book of Verse. Borne Pittsburgh, Nov. 12, 1882. Married Nellie Ruthrauff, Jan. 30, 1907. Children: George Albert, May 7, 1908; Ruth, Nov. 28, 1913. 394. JOHN FRANKLIN ODOM. NEVADA, MO. A.B. Minister, M. E. Church, Fontana, 1904-05; Phoenix Park, Kan- sas City, Mo., 1905-08; City Missionary, Kansas City, Mo., 1908-09; Dis- trict Evangelist, Kansas City, Mo., 1909-10; Superintendent of City Church Extension Society, Kansas City, Mo., 1910-11; Conference Evangelist, Kansas City, Mo., 1911-12; Nevada, Mo., 1912-. Born Sulphur Springs, Ind., April 27, 1878. Married Frances Dawes, Aug. 26, 1903. Child: Frances Margaret, Aug. 19, 1916. Brother of 479. 395. HOLLIE DAVIS PAYNTER. GALVA. A.B. Teacher Latin and Principal High School, Howard, 1904-07; Assistant Cashier, Mound Valley State Bank, Mound Valley, 1907-10; Cashier, The People's State Bank, Mound Valley, 1910-16; Banker, Galva, 1916-. Born Lawrenceburg, Ky., March 21, 1880. Married Pearl Hinsey, Oct. 13, 1904. 396. ERNEST C. ROMANO. B.S. 397. DON CONGER SOWERS. DAYTON, O. A.B. Ph.D., Columbia University, New York City, 1915. Magnetic Observer, Carnegie Institution, Department Terrestrial Magnetism, Wash- ington, D. C, Traveled in West Indies, Venezuela, Peru, Oceania, New Zealand, China, Chinese Turkestan, India, Egypt, Europe and U. S., including Alaska, 1904-10; Graduate Student in Political Science, Colum- bia University, New York City, 1910-12; Professor of Municipalities and Public Accounting, The University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore. 1913-16; Assistant Director, Dayton Bureau of Research, Dayton, O., 1916-. Lec- turer for Department of Education, New York City, on "Through the Heart of Asia," 1911. Author "Financial History of New York State from 1789 to 1912." Fellow of Royal Geographical Society, London, Eng- land. Born Spring Hill, Feb. 17, 1883. Married Helen Smith, June 29, 1914. Child: Don Conger, Jr., May 16, 1915. Brother of Nos. 546, 831. 398. ANNA RETA TODD, 621 W. JEFFERTON ST., FT. WAYNE, IND. A.B. Graduate Student in English, The University of Chicago, Sum- mers, 1908, '11; Autumn, 1911. Teacher English, High School, Neodesha, 1904-05; English, University Preparatory School, Tonkawa, Okla., 1905-11; Dean of Young Women, University Preparatory School, 1909-11; English, High School, Ft. Wayne, Ind., 1912-. Member State Committee, Y. W. C. A., Oklahoma, 1906. Born Topeka, 111., Nov. 20, 1876. 135 1904-05] GRADUATES 399. WALTER NORMAN WILKINS. CHAPMAN. A.B. Teacher Rural Schools, Chapman, 1904-05; Banker, Chapman, 1905-. Mayor, Chapman, 1911-13. Born Chapman, Dec. 22, 1878. 400. OLA ADELE WOODS. OSWEGO. A.B. Teacher, Oswego Academy, Oswego, 1904-06; Assistant in General Office, Woods Lumber Yards, Oswego, 1904-. Born Montana, Aug. 6, 1880. Sister of Nos. 338, 444. CLASS OF 1905 401. NATHANIEL JOHN ADAMS. TROY. A.B. Minister, M. E. Church, Wakarusa, 1897-98; Enterprise, 1898-00; Wilsey, 1900-02; At School, 1902-04; Baldwin Circuit, 1904-05; Cen- tropolis, 1905-06; Keats, 1906-08; Alta Vista, 1908-10; Emmett, 1910-11; Birmingham and Denison, 1911-13; Whiting, 1913-16; Oneida, 1916-17; Troy, 1917-. Born Cork, Ireland, April 3, 1867. Married Barbara Jane Dice, No. 319, June 7, 1905. Children: Lois Jane, Oct., 16, 1906; Helen Hester, Aug. 16, 1908. 402. CELIA MARTHA ALLEN, 611 COLORADO ST., MANILA, P. I. A.B. Teacher Latin, High School, Pittsburgh, 1905-06; Teacher, Hartland, 1906; At Home, Baldwin City, 1907; Teacher Latin, High School, Yates Center, 1907-08; Homekeeper, 1908-. Born Oswego, Sept. 11, 1882. Married Archie Lowell Ryan. No. 489, June 17, 1908. Children: Allen Lowell, Sept. 28, 1909; Martha Marguerite, Dec. 2, 1911. 403. CECIL ERWIN AMES, 2703 E. FIRST ST., WICHITA. A.B. A.M., The University of Kansas, 1910. D.O., Needles Insti- tute of Optometry, 1916. Optician, 1905-06; Teacher, Pleasanton, 1906-07; Superintendent Schools, White Water, 1907-09; Graduate Student, The University of Kansas, 1909-10; Superintendent Burns Union High School, Burns, 1910-12; Superintendent Schools, Augusta, 1912-14; Caldwell, 1914- 16; Optometrist, Wichita, 1916-. Born Graham, Mo., Feb. 21, 1881. Mar- ried Ethel E. French, July 24, 1907. Children: William Cecil, July 8, 1908; Sarah Frances, May 28, 1911; Robert James, May 29, 1916. 404. ELMER DAVID AXTON. 417 W. KANSAS, PITTSBURG. A.B. Teller and Bookkeeper, C. M. Condon & Co., State Bank, Oswego, 1905-11; Assistant Secretary, The Pittsburg Mortage Invest- ment Co., Pittsburg, 1911-. Born Edna, Feb. 8, 1881. Married Clara Jane Bailey, No. 405, June 19, 1907. Child: Charles Bailey, Jan. 8, 1911. Brother of Nos. 666, 1025. 405. CLARA JANE BAILEY. 417 W. KANSAS, PITTSBURG. A.B. Principal High School, Moran, 1905-07; Homekeeper, 1907-. Born Baldwin City, April 19, 1882. Married Elmer David Axton, No. 404, June 19, 1907. Child: Charles Bailey, Jan. 8, 1911. Daughter of No. 70. Sister of Nos. 406, 407, 408, 667. 136 GRADUATES [1905 406. FRED MARK BAILEY, 425 S. HICKORY, OTTAWA. A.B. A.M., 1911. Minister, M. E. Church, Trinity, Iola, 1905-07; Missionary El Oro, Mex., 1907-09; Pachuca, Hidalgo, Mex., 1909-11; Oswego, 1911-14; First, Ottawa, 1914-. Born Humboldt, July 1, 1879. Mar- ried Ethel Grace McCaughey, No. 388, June 5, 1907. Children: Dean Allen, Sept. 22, 1908; Yvonne Adele, June 14, 1912; Alethe Beryl, Sept. 21, 1914. Son of No. 70. Brother of Nos. 405, 407, 408, 667. 407. HENRY IRVING BAILEY, 89 GROVE ST., LOWELL, MASS. A.B.; Ped.B. Teacher, Grades, Gas City, 1905-06; Minister, M. E. Church, Buffalo, 1906-09; Moran, 1909-11; Altamont, 1911-13; Graduate Student in Theology, Boston University, 1913-16; Belchertown, Mass., 1913-15; Brighton, Mass., 1915-16; Lowell Highlands, Mass., 1916-. Born Baldwin City, Jan. 12, 1886. Married Mabel D. Ogier, Feb. 17, 1907. Children: William Eugene, Dec. 6, 1907; Margaret Mae, July 20, 1909; Herbert Ogier, Dec. 18, 1910; Dorothy Maxine, April 13, 1915. Son of No. 70. Brother of Nos. 405, 406, 408, 667. 408. WILLIAM ARTHUR BAILEY, 501 N. 15TH ST., KANSAS CITY. A.B. Principal High School, Eureka, 1905-07; Teacher Physics, High School, Wichita, 1907-09; Principal High School, Enid, Okla., 1909-13; Principal High School, Leavenworth, 1913-15; Principal High School, Kansas City, 1915-. Graduate Student, The University of Kansas, Sum- mer, 1907; Graduate Student, The University of Chicago, Summers, 1913, '14, '15, '16. Member Phi Delta Kappa. Born Baldwin City, March 6, 1884. Married Myrtle Thorne, Aug. 19, 1908. Child: William Thorne, Dec. 30, 1912. Son of No. 70. Brother of Nos. 405, 406, 407, 667. 409. WILLIAM JAMES BETTS. HARVEYVILLE. Ph.B.; Ped.B. Principal Schools, Harveyville, 1905-06; Princeton, 1906-07; Elsmore, 1907-08; Teacher English and Latin, High School, Osage City, 1908-10; Superintendent Schools, Scranton, 1910-11; Furniture and Undertaking, Harveyville, 1911-. Born New Castle, Pa., June 11, 1879. Married Birdie M. McPherson, Nov. 29, 1906. Children: Amelia Jeannette, Oct. 31, 1907; Frederick Hiram, Jan. 28, 1910; Myrtis Mable, March 29, 1913; Cleo William, March 20, 1916. 410. EDWIN CHANNING BLOSS. SENECA. B.S. Farmer, Seneca, 1905-. Born Seneca, Nov. 22, 1869. Married May Gilmore, Jan. 17, 1906. Children: Nellie May, Sept. 15, 1909; Edwin Channing, Jr., June 12, 1912. 411. EDITH MARION BOWERS. R. F. D., OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. A.B.; Ped. B. Teacher, High School, Pleasanton, 1905-06; Mathematics, High School, Oklahoma City, Okla., 1906-10; Graduate Student, University of California, Berkeley, Calif., Summer, 1909; Homekeeper, Oklahoma City, Okla., 1911-. Born Burlington, la., July 22, 1883. Married Harley E. Thompson, Aug. 30, 1911. Children: Mary Jeannette, Sept. 12, 1912; Har- riet Elizabeth, Sept. 14, 1914. Sister of No. 504. 137 1905] GRADUATES 412. GRACE BRIGHAM. STERLING. A.B. Principal High School and Teacher Latin and German, Bur- lingame, 1905-09; Teacher Latin and Normal Training, High School, Halsted, 1909-10; Homekeeper, 1910-. Born Neodesha, May 29, 1882. Married Charles Albert Hall, No. 464, June 10, 1910. Children: Charles Vincent, March 10, 1912; Helen Virginia, March 23, 1915. Sister of Nos. 451, 617. 413. ANNA MARIE CHURCH, 4207 PROSPECT ST, KANSAS CITY, MO. B.L. Teacher, Ottawa, 1905-06; English, High School, Arkansas City, 1906-07; Homekeeper, Delhi, O., 1907-09; Oklahoma City, Okla, 1909-12; Kansas City, Mo, 1914-. Born Sabina, O, Feb. 23, 1883. Married James William Colley, June 10, 1907. Child: Victoria Alexandra, Aug. 3, 1909. 414. LUELLA EDITH CLARK. 1741 N. WACO, WICHITA. Ph.B. Teacher, Independence, 1905-07; At Home, Baldwin City, 1907- 08; Homekeeper, 1908-. Born Waterville, Feb. 9, 1880. Married Harold Benedict McKibbin, No. 585, Sept. 9, 1908. Child: Ralph Clark, Jan. 28, 1914. Sister of Nos. 189, 190, 562. 415. JESSE CARL DENIOUS. DODGE CITY. Ph.B. Reporter Daily Herald, Ottawa, 1905-06; Half Owner and Ed- itorial Work, "Erie Record," Erie, 1906-10; Editorial Writer "Wichita Bea- con," Wichita, 1910-11; Editor and Publisher, "Dodge City Globe," Dodge City, 1911-. Born Mogadore, O, July 14, 1879. Married Juliet Pettyjohn, June 30, 1915. 416. ALPHA MILLS EBRIGHT. WICHITA. A.B. A.M., The University of Missouri, 1907. LL.B, The University of Kansas, 1910. Graduate Student, University of Missouri, 1905-07; Stu- dent, School of Law, The University of Kansas, 1909-10; Attorney, Wichita, 1910-. Born Rodney, O, July 4, 1881. Brother of No. 280. 417. WILMER FALKENRICH. 320 E. llTH ST, HUTCHINSON. A.B. Principal High School and Teacher Latin, Pratt, 1905-07; Teacher Latin, High School, Hutchinson, 1907-. Graduate Student in Latin, The University of Kansas, Summer, 1908. Born Westmoreland, Sept. 2, 1877. Married Grace Tibbetts, Dec. 23, 1901. Children: Francis, July 9, 1906; Helen, Dec. 8, 1909. 418. ESTHER FREED. LINCOLN. Ph.B. Teacher, Galena, 1905-06; Teacher English, High School, Coffey- ville, 1906-10; Homekeeper, Lincoln, 1911-. Born St. Paul, Sept. 12, 1883. Married John Howell Davies, Jan. 4, 1911. Children: Louise Rachel, Dec. 30, 1912; Dorothy Dee, Oct. 23, 1914. 419. JESSIE EDITH FUNNELL. MONROE, WASH. B.L. Homekeeper, 1905-. Born Clifton, Dec. 23, 1882. Married George Brock Neff, No. 359, Dec. 27, 1905. Child: Gladys Marie, May 17, 1912. 138 GRADUATES [1905 420. SNOWDEN RAYMOND GREEN. CONCORDIA. B.S. Teacher Mathematics and Science, High School, Guthrie, Okla., 1905-06; Concordia, 1906-08; Editor Daily Blade, Concordia, 1908-. Born Carthage, Mo., May 13, 1883. Married Gertrude W. Brown, Dec. 23, 1914. Brother of Nos. 521, 573, 682. 421. JENNIE ALICE HEINSELMAN. PAOLA. A.B. Instructor in History, Baker University, 1905-06; Homekeeper, 1906-. Born Kitanning, Pa., Sept. 24, 1879. Married Levi Brown Smith, No. 333, June 21, 1906. Children: Faye Roberta, April 17, 1907; Paul Vin- cent, July 12, 1909; Frances Lucile, May 13, 1912; Lawrence Reynolds, Nov. 9, 1914. Sister of No. 422. 422. ROBERT ELLIS HEINSELMAN, 135 MEIGS ST., ROCHESTER, N. Y. A.B. LL.B., Washburn College, 1910. Instructor in English, Baker University, 1905-06; Reporter Daily Journal, Salina, 1906-07; Law Student, Topeka, also stenographer for G. F. Grattan, Attorney for Board of Rail- road Commissioners, 1907-08; Law Clerk for Justice Clark A. Smith, Kansas Supreme Court, 1909-10; Pardon Clerk, Office of Governor W. R. Stubbs, 1910-11; Editorial Work on Lawyers' Reports Annotated, Lawyers Co-op- erative Pub. Co., Rochester, N. Y., 1912-. Born Council Grove, Sept. 23, 1883. Married Marie G. McCormick, July 27, 1910. Brother of No. 421. 423. OTTIS CLYDE HESTWOOD. NEODESHA. A.B. Advertising Manager Daily Herald, Ottawa, 1905; Assistant Sec- retary of the United Kansas Portland Cement Co., Iola, and Iowa Portland Cement Co., Des Moines, Iowa, 1906-09; Gardener and Fruit Grower, Wichita, 1909-15; Teacher History and Economics, High School, Neodesha, 1915-. Born Truro, la., Aug. 5, 1881. 424. DELBERT TRIGG HULSE. KANSAS CITY, MO. Ph.B. LL.B., The University of Michigan, 1910. Dillenbeck School of Oratory, Graduate, Kansas City, Mo., 1905-06; Student School of Law, University of Michigan, 1906-07; Student School of Law, The University of Missouri, 1908-09; Student, School of Law, The University of Michigan, 1909-10; Lawyer, Kansas City, Mo., 1910-14; Adjuster, Kansas City Rail- way Co., 1914-. Born Oak Grove, Mo. 425. BLANCHE SEABROOK IMBODEN. 945 BUFFUM AVE., WICHITA. A.B. At Home, Wichita, 1905-06; Homekeeper, 1906-. Born Wichita, Nov. 20, 1881. Married Harry Wylbur Stanley, No. 366, Nov. 28, 1906. Children: Lawrence Eugene, Oct. 22, 1908; Elizabeth, April 15, 1912. Sister of Nos. 577, 870, 923. 426. JAMES MURRAY KEMP. GRANT'S PASS, ORE. B.S. Field Manager and Assistant Department Manager, The King- Richardson Co., Chicago, 111., 1905-10; Real Estate Dealer, Grant's Pass, Ore., 1910-11; Traveling Salesman, Grant's Pass, Ore., 1911-. Born Chero- kee, June 1, 1883. Married Eva Howe, Nov. 6, 1907. Children: Charles Robert, April 15, 1912; Bernice, May 7, 1914. Son of No. 18. Brother of No. 304. 139 1905] GRADUATES 427. EDSELL BOWMAN KNEPP. BALDWIN CITY. Ph.B. Instructor in Chemistry and Physics, Baker University, 1905-06; Assistant and Superintendent, City Light Plant, Baldwin City, 1906-09; Merchant, Electric Supplies, Baldwin City, 1909-. Born Hillsdale, June 23, 1874. Brother of Nos. 157, 285. 428, DAVID SCOTT LENTZ. WAGSTAFF. Ph.B. Farmer, Wagstaff, 1905- ; Postmaster, Wagstaff, 1911-. Born Statesville, N. C, Feb. 16, 1884. Married Beulah Rohrer, Oct. 5, 1905. Children: Boys, J. M., April 25, 1909; D. S., May 2, 1911; W. C, April 23, 1914. 428. NELLIE McCLURE. ONAGA. Ph.B. Assistant Principal High School and Teacher English and Latin, Westmoreland, 1905-08; Principal High School and Teacher Latin, Botany and History, Onaga, 1908-09; Teacher Latin and Botany, High School, Sterling, 1909-10; Principal High School, Westmoreland, 1910-11; Home- keeper, Onaga, 1911-. Born Jackson, O., Feb. 21, 1879. Married John Van Dusen, June 14, 1911. Child: John William, Nov. 5, 1913. 430. LENA ADELLE McCONNELL. SEDAN. A.B. Teacher High School, Nortonville, 1905-06; Teacher Grades, Clifton, 1906-08; Homekeeper, 1908-. Born Dickinson Co., Kans., Nov. 25, 1879. Married John Wilkins Roberts, No. 364, Aug. 5, 1908. Child: Mar- garet Emma, Dec. 21, 1910. Sister of No. 532. 431. ELMER PERRY MONAHAN, 80TH ST. AND WOODLAND, KANSAS CITY, MO. Ph.B.; A.M., 1909. M.D., The University of Kansas, 1914. Instructor in Biology and Taxidermy, Baker University, 1905-09; Professor of Sys- tematic Zoology, Baker University, 1909-10; Graduate Student in Compara- tive Zoology, The University of Chicago, Summer, 1910; Medical Student, The University of Kansas, 1910-14; Physician, Kansas University Hospital, Rosedale, 1914; Physician and Surgeon, Kansas City, Mo., 1915-. Born Darlington, Wis., June 8, 1874. 432. EDGAR COLLINS MOORE, 405 N. CHICKASAW AVE., CLARE- MORE, OKLA. A.B. Minister, M. E. Church, Richland, 1903-04; Wakarusa and Car- bondale, 1904-05; Tecumseh, 1905-07; Silver Lake, 1907-08; Eureka, Utah, 1908; Provo and Pay son, Utah, 1908-10; Liberty Park, Salt Lake City, Utah, 1910-12; Westmoreland, 1912-15; Benedict, 1915-16; Claremore, Okla., 1916-. Born Admire, Sept. 27, 1877. Married Mary A. Collins, June 22, 1904. Child: Clyde Renwick, Dec. 10, 1906. 433. MARSHALL MORTON MORGAN. BALDWIN CITY. A.B. Book Dealer, Baldwin City, 1905-13; General Merchant, Baldwin City, 1913-. Born New Lexington, O., Jan. 4, 1878. Married Elsie Alice Warner, No. 550, June 17, 1908. Children: Calvin Warner, Dec. 2, 1910; J. Ross, March 16, 1916. 140 GRADUATES [1905 434. URANA GLENEVA PECK. BALDWIN CITY. Ph.B. At Home, Baldwin City, 1905-14; Paola, 1914-16; Baldwin City, 1916-. Born Woodhull, 111., June 18, 1879. 435. ELMER AUTHOR RILEY. DELAWARE, O. A.B. Ph.D., The University of Chicago, 1911. Fellow and Graduate Student in History and Economics, The University of Chicago, 1905-08; Assistant Professor of Commerce and Finance, The James Millikin Uni- versity, Decatur, 111., 1908-13; Associate Professor and Head of Department of Economics and Sociology, The Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, O., 1913-. Member The American Academy of Social and Political Science, The American Economic Association, The Western Economic Society. Author "The Development of Chicago and Vicinity as a Manufacturing Center." Born Stanley, Oct. 20, 1876. Brother of Nos. 289, 290, 597. 436. HOMER PAUL SHEPHERD. 1513 TAUROME ST., KANSAS CITY. B.S. Graduate Student, The University of Chicago, Summers, 1914, '15, '16. Principal Ward School, Chanute, 1905-06; Principal High School, Cha- nute, 1906-08; Principal High School, Aspen, Colo., 1908-09; Superintendent Schools, Glenwood Springs, Colo., 1909-11; Principal High School, Atchison, 1911-16; Principal Junior High School, Kansas City, 1916-. Member Phi Delta Kappa. Born Vermillion, 111., Nov. 9, 1881. Married Olive Altman, Jan. 1, 1913. Children: Jean Allen, Jan. 16, 1914; Josephine Emily, Aug. 29, 1915. 437. CLARENCE CHURCHILL STEWART. 814 MO. ST., LAW- RENCE. B.S. LL.B., The University of Kansas, 1914. W 7 ith U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1905-08; Magnetic Observer, Carnegie Institution, Wash- ington, D. C, 1908-12; Law Student, The University of Kansas, 1912-14; Lawyer, Lawrence, 1914-. Member of the National Geographic Society, Phi Delta Phi. Born Lecompton, June 28, 1884. Married Maude Brigham, No. 617, June 12, 1912. Child: Dorothy Marie, May 8, 1913. Brother of No. 487. 438. GORDON BENNETT THOMPSON. 408 13TH ST., LAWRENCE. A.B. S.T.B., Boston University, 1912. Minister, M. E. Church, Michi- gan Ave., Leavenworth, 1905-09; Graduate Student in Theology, Boston University, 1909-12; St. Marks, Chattanooga, Tenn., 1912-14; University Pastor, Lawrence, 1914-. Born Dodgeville, Wis., July 11, 1879. Married Harriet Katharine Sterling, No. 486, Sept. 2, 1908. Children: Jean Mar- garet, Aug. 7, 1910; Gordon Sterling, Aug. 8, 1913. 439. ETHELYN GENEVIEVE THORNE. E. LANSING, MICH. A.B. Homekeeper, 1905-. Born Waterville, Aug. 2, 1881. Married William Walter Johnston, No. 322, June 29, 1905. Children: Manfred, Dec. 17, 1906; Henry, Dec. 13, 1908; Mary Ellen, Dec. 24, 1910. 440. RAY LEVALLEY TORREY. TSECHOW, SZECHWAU, CHINA. A.B. Missionary to China, 1906. 141 1905-06] GRADUATES 441. LEE TROTTER. BALDWIN CITY. B.L. Cashier Jno. L. Bartlett Structural Steel Co., Kansas City, Mo., 1905-09; Hardware and Furniture Business, Baldwin City, 1909-. Born Em- poria, Oct. 5, 1881. 442. JOSEPH EMERSON WATSON. TURON. A.B. Teacher, 8th Grade and High School, Burlingame, 1905-06; Su- perintendent Schools, Overbrook, 1906-08; Lyndon, 1908-10; Clifton, 1910-11; Hardware Merchant, Melvern, 1911-13; Hardware Merchant, Baldwin City, 1913-16; Superintendent Schools, Turon, 1916-. Born Fall Brook, Pa., Feb. 4, 1876. Married Dorothy MacKenzie, Aug. 23, 1905. Children: Dorothy Margaret, July 19, 1906; Hazel Genevieve, Aug. 27, 1911. 443. LILLA MAY WHITE. LECOMPTON. Ph.B. At Home, Baldwin City, 1905-06; Teacher, Rantoul, 1906-07; Teacher, McLouth, 1907-08; Teacher, Baldwin City, 1908-09; Teacher Eng- lish, Arkansas Conference College, Siloam Springs, Ark., 1909-12; At Home, Baldwin City, 1912-13; Teacher English and Latin, High School, Lecomp- ton, 1913-. Born De Soto, la. Sister of No. 781. 444. ERNEST EMERSON WOODS. CLAREMORE, OKLA. A.B. Lumber Business, Claremore, Okla., 1905-. Representative, Oklahoma State Legislature, 1916. Born Oswego, March 2, 1883. Married Lucile Kelly, No. 469, June 19, 1907. Children: Corinne, July 12, 1909; Wallace Kelly, Dec. 10, 1912; Margaret, March 3, 1914. Brother of Nos. 338, 400. CLASS OF 1906. 445. ORA ALLEN. CHANUTE. B.L. At Home, Chanute, 1906-16; Homekeeper, Chanute, 1916-. Mar- ried Herbert Cavaness, No. 263, Nov. 22, 1916. Sister of Nos. 373, 553. 446. EARL CASPAR ARNOLD. MOSCOW, IDAHO. A.B. LL.B., Northwestern University, 1909. Student, Northwestern University, School of Law, Chicago, 111., 1906-09; Lawyer, Chillicothe, Mo., 1909-10; Lawyer, Boise, Idaho, 1910-12; Assistant to the Solicitor, U. S. Department of Agriculture, 1912-14; Professor of Law, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, 1914-. Member Delta Sigma Rho. Attorney Anti-Saloon League of Idaho, 1910. Born Iola, June 8, 1884. Married Mabel E- Weaver, Oct. 5, 1910. Children: Marjorie, May 12, 1914; Charles Weaver, July 29, 1916. 447. HARLEY ADDISON AULT. 906 REPUBLIC BLDG., KANSAS CITY, MO. A.B. LL.B. Columbia University, New York City, 1910. Clerk A. T. & S. F. Railway Co., La Junta, Colo., 1906-07; Student Law School, Colum- bia University, 1909-10; Lawyer, City Counselor's Office, City Hall, Kansas City, Mo., 1910-13; Lawyer, Kansas City, Mo., 1913-. Born Olathe, Jan. 19, 1884. Brother of Nos. 293, 375, 498, 788, 851. 142 GRADUATES [1906 448. LYNN WILLIAM BLOOM. LAKELAND, FLA. A.B. Advertising Solicitor, State Journal, Topeka, 1906-07; Book- keeper, State Journal, Topeka, 1907-09; Owner "Hasty Messenger and Ex- press Co.," Topeka, 1907-09; Editor and Half Owner, Daily Blade, Concordia, 1909-16; Editor Howey Herald, Howey, Fla., 1916; Editor Lake- land Morning Star (Daily), Lakeland, Fla., 1916-. Born Edna, Feb. 26, 1882. Married Grace Mary Beard, Jan. 9, 1908. Child: Thomas Russell, Aug. 13, 1909. 449. LOULA BOICOURT. CARE METHODIST MISSION, MEDAN, SUMATRA. A.B. Special Student, Radcliffe College, Cambridge, Mass., 1906; At Home, Cambridge, Mass., 1906-09; Homekeeper, 1909-. Born Harvey Co., Kans., April 16, 1883. Married Leonard Oechsli, No. 591, April 21, 1909. Children: Eleanor, March 28, 1911; Phyllis Elizabeth, Nov. 23, 1914. 450. MARTIN LUTHER BRAKEBILL. FLORENCE. A.B. M.D., The University of Kansas, 1912. Principal College Hill High School, Texarkana, Ark., 1906-07; Medical Student, Rush Medical College, Chicago, 111., 1907-08; Principal College Hill High School, Tex- arkana, Ark., 1908-09; Medical Student, The University of Kansas, 1909-12; Interne at Axtell Hospital, Newton, 1912-13; Physician, Florence, 1913-. Born Dalton, Ga., Sept. 1, 1880. 451. MARY BRIGHAM. 3826 PROSPECT, AVE., KANSAS CITY, MO. A.B.; B.M., 1912. Teacher, Grades, Hutchinson, 1906-07; Student Con- servatory of Music, Baker University, 1907-12; Instructor in Piano, Baker University, 1910-12; Teacher Voice and Piano, Kansas City, Mo., 1912-. Born Neodesha, Jan. 9, 1884. Sister of Nos. 412, 617- 452. DOROTHY CHRISMAN. 710 W. 8TH ST., TOPEKA. Ph.B. Graduate Student in German, The University of Wisconsin, Summer, 1916. Teacher, Grades, Topeka, 1906-. Born Hutchinson, Sept. 21, 1878. 453. GILBERT STEVENS COX. MARYVILLE, MO. A.B. S.T.B., Boston University, 1909. Graduate Student in Theology, Boston University, 1906-09; Graduate Student in English and Philosophy, Boston University, 1909-10; Minister, M. E. Church, Millburg, Mass., 1907-09; Norwood, Mass., 1909-10; Rock Port, Mo., 1910-12; Maryville, Mo., 1912-. Born Oak Grove, Mo., Dec. 12, 1880. Married Mary Gertrude Schenck, No. 544, Aug. 8, 1907. Children: Borden Bowne, July 24, 1911; Sarah Ruth, Aug. 21, 1914. Brother of No. 9, C. 454. OLLA WINIFRED CRAMER. 347 ACACIA ST., PASADENA, CALIF. A.B. At Home, Baldwin City, 1906-07; Teacher Latin and English and Principal High School, Kiowa, 1907-09; Homekeeper, Pasadena, Cal., 1909- Born Aug. 26, 1881. Married William R. Kalb, Aug. 11, 1909. Child: Carla, Sept. 6, 1915. 143 1906] GRADUATES 455. LYLE CHARLES CUTLER. SMITH CENTRE. B.S. Minister, M. E. Church, Rantoul, 1906-07; Richmond, 1907; Dis- continued Ministry on account of health-; Merchant, Mankato, 1907-10; Min- ister, M. E. Church, Kirwin, 1911-13; Cawker City, 1913-15; Smith Centre, 1915- Born Burlingame, April 12, 1881. Married Leah Harrison, March 27, 1906* Children: Helen Ruth, April 10, 1907; Hayden Harrison, March 27, 1910; Charles, Oct. 31, 1912. 456. EARL DOUGLASS. AZTEC, N. MEX. A.B. Real Estate, Ingalls, 1906-07; Teacher Rural Schools, Ingalls, 1907-09; Real Estate, Ingalls, 1909-12; Superintendent Schools, Aztec, N. M., 1912-16; Superintendent County Schools, San Juan Co., N.M., 1916-. As- sistant to Chief Clerk, Kansas House of Representatives, 1911. Born Solo- mon Rapids, Jan. 5, 1882. Married Bess Martin, Oct. 4, 1914. 457. FLORENCE ORA ELWELL. 332 CALAVERAS AVE., FRESNO, CALIF. B.L. Stenographer, Chico, Calif., 1906-09; Paradise, Calif., 1909-10; Palo Alto, Calif., 1910; Chicago, Calif., 1910-11; Madera, Calif., 1911; Fresno, Calif., 1911-15; At Home, Baldwin City, 1915-16; Stenographer, Fresno, Calif., 1916-. Born Milton, la., Oct. 7, 1880. Sister of No. 378. 458. NANNIE LOUISE FISCHER. COFFEYVILLE. A.B. Graduate Student, The University of Chicago, Summer, 1906. In- structor in German, Nebraska Wesleyan University, University Place, Neb., 1906-07; At Home, Baldwin City, 1907-08; Homekeeper, 1908-. Born Perry, March 23, 1882. Married Gilbert Munson Gander, No. 380, Nov. 25, 1908. Child: James Gilbert, Oct. 25, 1910. 459. SARAH WINONA FREARK. PARSONS. A.B. Graduate Student, The University of Kansas, Summers, 1915, '16. Teacher History, Clay County High School, Clay Center, 1906-14; History, High School, Parsons, 1914- . Member American Historical Association. Born Corning, May 28, 1884. 460. HALLIE FREELAND. SAN BERNARDINO, CALIF. Ph.B. Teacher Latin, German and English, High School, Nortonville, 1906-07; Latin, German and Mathematics, LeRoy, 1907-09; At Home, Bald- win City, 1909-16; San Bernardino, Calif., 1916-. Born Memphis, Mo., Oct. 7, 1882. Sister of No. 299. 461. EDNA ELIZABETH GANDER. BALDWIN CITY. B.L. Teacher English and Science, High School, Cherryvale, 1906-08; Homekeeper, 1908- ; Teacher English and Science, Waverly, 1909-10. Born Mt. Ayr, la., March 21, 1880. Married Charles Abraham Kalb, No. 468, July 22, 1908. Child: Emma Caroline, Nov. 8, 1916. Sister of No. 380. 462. MINNIE GARDNER. 114 E. 10TH ST., NEWTON. A.B. Teacher, Primary, Independence, 1906-07; English and History, High School, Burrton, 1907-08; Missionary, Teacher English, History and 144 GRADUATES [1906 Bible, Tokyo, Japan, 1908-10; At Home, Baldwin City, 1910-11; Teacher, His- tory and Latin, High School, Seneca, 1911-12; At Home, Baldwin City, 1912-13; Missionary, Evangelist and Kindergarten Work, Hakodate, Japan, 1914-15; Homekeeper, Newton, 1915-. Born Oak Valley, March 10, 1883. Married L. C. Foster, Oct. 14, 1915- Sister of No. 520. 463. MARY EVELYN GOULD. BURLINGTON. A.B. Homekeeper, 1906-. Born Greenwood Co., Kans., Dec. 12, 1882. Married Clyde Winfred Odom, No. 479, Oct. 17, 1906. Children: Warren Gould, March 8, 1910; Lewis Vincent, Aug. 30, 1912. 464. CHARLES ALBERT HALL. STERLING- A.B. Graduate Student, The University of Kansas, Summer, 1915. Teacher History and Science, Kingman, 1906-08; Principal High School, Kingman, 1908-11; Superintendent Schools, Sterling, 1911-. Born Riley, Jan. 17, 1879. Married Grace Brigham, No. 412, June 10, 1910. Children: Charles Vincent, March 10, 1912; Helen Virginia, March 23, 1915. Brother of No. 684. 465. WILLIAM MARION HUDSON. 303 SEMINARY ST., GREEN- CASTLE, IND. A.B. M.A., Yale University, 1910. Teacher History and English, High School, Clinton, la., 1906-07; Instructor English Literature, DePauw Uni- versity, Greencastle, Ind., 1907-09; Graduate Student in Political Economy and Sociology, Yale University, 1909-10; Acting Professor Political Econ- omy and Sociology, Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, la., 1910-11; Graduate Student in Political Economy and Sociology, Yale University, 1911-12; Instructor, 1912-14, and Assistant Professor, 1914-16, Political and Social Science, Clark College, Worcester, Mass.; Professor of Sociology, DePauw University, Greencastle, Ind., 1916-. Born Kansas City, Sept. 8, 1881. Mar- ried Hortense Imboden, No. 577, Sept. 5, 1911. 466. PHOEBE JAMES. RANGOON, BURMA, INDIA. Ph.B. Missionary and Teacher Girls' School, Rangoon, Burma, India, 1906-. 467. GUY TRACY JUSTIS. DENVER, COLO- A.B. Principal High School, Nortonville, 1906-08; General Secretary, Topeka Provident Association, Topeka, 1908-12; Graduate Student in Soci- ology, The University of Chicago, 1912-13; Student and Graduate, The Chi- cago School of Civics and Philanthropy, 1912-13; General Secretary of Associated Charities, Erie, Pa., 1913-15; Executive Secretary of the Social Service Federation, Erie, Pa., 1915-16; General Secretary of the Denver Federation for Charity and Philanthropy, Denver, Colo., 1916-. Born Hol- lenberg, Sept. 3, 1878. Married Amy Reynolds, Aug. 15, 1908. Children: Guy, Jr., Dec. 27, 1911; Beth, Dec. 10, 1913; Wayne, June 12, 1915. 468. CHARLES ABRAHAM KALB. BALDWIN CITY. A.B. Superintendent Schools and Teacher Mathematics and Latin, Oketo, 1906-07; Same, Mound Valley, 1907-09; Same, Waverly, 1909-11; 3 45 1906] GRADUATES Owner and Manager, The Baldwin Steam Laundry, Baldwin City, 1911-. Born Lenexa, Sept. 5, 1877. Married Edna Elizabeth Gander, No. 461, July 22, 1908. Child: Emma Caroline, Nov. 8, 1916. 469. LUCILE KELLY. CLAREMORE, OKLA. A.B. Teacher, Independence, 1906-07; Homekeeper, 1907-. Born Milo, la., April 15, 1883. Married Ernest Emerson Woods, No. 444, June 19, 1907. Children: Corinne, July 12, 1909; Wallace Kelly, Dec. 10, 1912; Margaret, March 3, 1914. Sister of No. 636. 470. CLASSIE PEARL KINZER. BALDWIN CITY. A.B. Clerk, Post Office, Baldwin City, 1906-. Born Chetopa, Aug. 28, 1883. Sister of Nos. 471, 749. 471. HELEN KINZER. HUTCHINSON. A.B. Teacher Latin, High School, Baldwin City, 1906-07; Teacher Latin, High School, Burrton, 1907-10; Homekeeper, Hutchinson, 1910-. Born Sedgwick, Feb. 16, 1885. Married Homer Hess, June 15, 1910. Sister of Nos- 470, 749. 472. PEARL CAROLYN LATHEN. 2414 OLIVE ST., KANSAS CITY, MO. Ph.B. At Home, Edgerton, 1906-08; Teacher Latin and German, High School, Burden, 1908-10; Homekeeper, Kansas City, Mo., 1910-. Born Edg- erton, Nov. 23, 1885. Married Emmet Blaine Bowman, Sept. 28, 1910. Child: Margaret Lathen, Dec. 8, 1915. 473. RACHEL LOCKE. 1523 BELMONT, PARSONS. A.B. Supply Teacher, Topeka, 1906; Graduate Student in German, Gottingen, Germany, and Paris, France, 1910-11; Teacher German and French, High School, Parsons, 1911-. Born Centralia. 474. *JOHN EDWARD LOUGH. A.B. Newspaper Work, Coffeyville, 1906-07; Superintendent Schools, Purdy, Mo., 1907-09; Vancouver, B. C, for health, 1909. Born Thayer, Aug. 22, 1884. Died Nov. 21, 1909, burial at Chetopa. 475. HARRIET GERTRUDE MAXWELL. HOUSTON HEIGHTS, TEX. B.S. Homekeeper, 1906-; Houston, Tex., 1909-11; Pitkin, Ark., 1911-16; Houston Heights, Tex., 1916-. Born Mt. Hope, Mo., July 27, 1878. Married William Butler Keeling, No. 303, Aug. 26, 1906. Child: Richard, Sept. 10, 1907. 476. AMY IRENE M'INTIRE. TRUAX, SASKATCHEWAN, CAN- ADA. A.B. Teacher History and English, High School, Cheney, 1908-10; Teacher, Village School, Truax, Can., 1915-16; Homekeeper, Longton, 1906-07; Cheney, 1907-11; Chicago, 111., i911-12; Truax, Can., 1912-. Born Marysville, Jan. 24, 1879. Married Charles Albert Mahin, Aug. 29, 1906. Children: Charles Boyd, Jan. 13, 1908; Amy Ruth, March 6, 1911; Francis Melvin, March 20, 1914. 146 GRADUATES [1906 477. FRANK IVAN NEWHOUSE. 1105 N. 14TH ST., BOISE, IDA. Ph.B. Cashier, Altamont State Bank, Altamont, 1906-11; Vice-Presi- dent, The Central Savings Bank & Trust Co., Denver, Colo., 1911-15; Bank- ing and Loans, Boise, Ida., 1915-. Born Colfax, la., April 5, 1885. Married Le Vetra Scholfield, Aug. 9, 1906. Children: Charles M., July 24, 1907; Dean, April 21, 1909; Pauline, Aug. 13, 1911. 478. VERNON THOMAS NICHOLSON. SPRING HILL. Ph.B. Farmer, Spring Hill, 1906-; Automobile Dealer, 1915-. Born Spring Hill, Oct. 12, 1884. Married Bernice Burton, No. 510, July 31, 1907, (died Oct. 3, 1908). Married Wilma Robinson, July 29, 1911. Children: Bonnidell, Sept. 13, 1908; Wallace Vernon, April 17, 1915. 479. CLYDE WINFRED ODOM. BURLINGTON. A.B. Minister, M. E. Church, Altamont, 1906-09; Caney, 1909-12; Cherryvale, 1912-15; Fredonia, 1915-17; Burlington, 1917-. Born New Castle, Ind., June 23, 1876. Married Mary Evelyn Gould, No. 463, Oct. 17, 1906. Children: Warren Gould, March 8, 1910; Lewis Vincent, Aug. 30, 1912. Brother of 394. 480. CHARLES FREDERICK PETER. RANDOLPH. Ph.B. Farmer, Randolph, 1906-. Born Randolph, March 2, 1881. Mar- ried Esther Amy Lindstrom, April 17, 1907. Child: Ralph William, Aug. 13, 1910. 481. FREDERICK WILLIAMS PIERCE. STATE COLLEGE, PA. Ph.B. Ph.D., Yale University, 1909. Graduate Student in German Language and Literature, Yale University, New Haven, Conn., 1906-09; Teacher of German and English, High School, New Haven, Conn., 1908; Teacher German and English, Williston Seminary, Easthampton, Mass., 1909-10; Teacher German and Latin, Cheshire School, Cheshire, Conn., 1910-14; Instructor in German, The Pennsylvania State College, State Col- lege, Pa., 1914-15; Assistant Professor, The Pennsylvania State College, 1915-. Member New England Modern Language Association. Born Pea- body, Aug. 1, 1873. Married Mrs. Jennie Willard Bailey, Dec. 24, 1910. 482. LEROY TROPHIMUS RESER. BALDWIN CITY. Ph.B.; A.M., 1909. Instructor in Biology, Baker University, 1906-09; Professor Botany, Baker University, 1909-. Born Pierce City, Mo., Oct. 31, 1875. Married Henrietta Andrews, June 29, 1906. Children: Paul Warren, Feb. 2, 1909; Dorothy Andrews, Jan. 8, 1910; Wayne Allan, Oct. 4, 1913. 483. MARY BRUCE ROSEBERRY. 2407 E. 3lST ST, KANSAS CITY, MO. Ph.B. Teacher, High School, Sabetha, 1906-07; At Home, Kansas City, Mo, 1907-08; Principal High School, Erie, 1909-10; At Home, Kansas City, Mo, 1910-. Born Kansas City, Mo, May 1, 1883. Sister of No. 1005. 147 1906] GRADUATES 484. ARCHIE LOWELL RYAN. 611 COLORADO ST., MANILA, P. I. A.B. S.T.B., Boston University, 1913. Instructor in English and Gen- eral Secretary Y. M. C. A., Baker University, 1906-07; Minister, M. E. Church, Le Hunt, 1908-10; Graduate Student in Theology, Boston Univer- sity, 1910-14; Methuen, Mass., 1910-12; South Baintree, Mass., 1912-14; Graduate Student in Theology and Sociology, Boston University, 1913-14; Director of Sunday School Work and Editor Sunday School Literature, Philippine Islands, 1914- ; Professor Religion, Psychology and Pedagogy, Union Theological Seminary, Manila, P. I., 1915-. Born Clay Center, April 15, 1881. Married Celia Martha Allen, No. 402, June 17, 1908. Children: Allen Lowell, Sept. 28, 1909; Martha Marguerite, Dec. 2, 1911. 485. JOHN PRENTICE SCHOLFIELD. ALTAMONT. A.B. Teacher, Grades, Chanute, 1906-07. Gospel Singer, 1907-. Born Beulah, July 17, 1882. 486. HARRIET KATHERINE STERLING. 408 13TH ST., LAW- RENCE. B.L. Principal High School and Teacher English and German, Burns, 1906-07; Principal High School and Teacher English and Latin, Oskaloosa, 1907-08; Homekeeper, 1908-. Born Peabody, Jan. 3, 1883. Married Gordon Bennett Thompson, No. 438, Sept. 2, 1908. Children: Jean Margaret, Aug. 7, 1910; Gordon Sterling, Aug. 8, 1913. 487. DOSSIE MAY STEWART. BALDWIN CITY. Ph.B. Assistant Cashier, Baldwin State Bank, Baldwin City, 1906-08; Manager Baldwin Gas Co., Baldwin City, 1908-14; At home, Baldwin City, 1914-. Born Meriden, Nov. 2, 1881. Sister of No. 437. 488. MARY ELLEN TULLEY. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. B.L. Married Mr. Straub, 1910. 489. SAMUEL EVERETT URNER. OXFORD, O. Ph.B. Ph.D., Harvard University, 1911. Teacher Mathematics, Mont- gomery County High School, Independence, 1906-08; Graduate Student in Mathematics, Harvard University, 1908-10; Instructor in Mathematics, Uni- versity of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis., 1910-11; Assistant Professsor of Mathematics, Miami University, Oxford, O., 1911-. Secretary of the Execu- tive Committee; Miami University, 1915-16. Registrar, Miami University, 1916- Member American Mathematical Society, Mathematical Association of America. Born Mitchell, Ind., July 29, 1887. Married Margaret Tulley, Sept. 16, 1908. Children: William Tulley, Jan. 17, 1910; Robert Samuel, March 19, 1914; Mark Edward, Feb. 4, 1916. Brother of No. 956. 490. MARY EVA VAN PETTEN. WAKARUSA. A.B. At Home, Burlingame and Topeka, 1906-11; Homekeeper, Bur- lingame, 1911-13; Wakarusa, 1913-. Born Burlingame, Aug. 18, 1881. Mar- ried Harold Llewellyn Snoddy, Nov. 28, 1911. Children: Harold Van Pet- ten, Dec 3, 1913; Mary Jane, Nov. 5, 1916. 148 GRADUATES [1906 491. WALTER CLARENCE WALKER. 800 VICTOR BLDG., KAN- SAS CITY, MO. A.B. LL.B., Harvard University, 1909. Student Law School, Harvard University, 1906-09; Lawyer, Kansas City, Mo., 1909-. Born Winchester, July 26, 1881. Married Gertrude Graham, June 20, 1912. Child: Rachel Livingston, Aug. 6, 1913. 492. WILLIAM RALPH WARD. CENTRALIA. A.B. Principal English School, Pachuca, Hidalgo, Mex., 1906-07; Graduate Student in Theology, Boston University, and Pastor Congrega- tional Church, Francestown, N. H., 1907-09; Principal High School, Plain- ville, Mass., 1909-11; Pastor, Topsfield, Mass., and Graduate Student in Bos- ton University, 1911-12; M. E. Minister, Pleasant Hill, Mo., 1912-14; Mt. Washington, Mo., 1914-15; Westmoreland, 1915-17; Centralia, 1917-. Born Moundville, Mo., Jan. 9, 1884. Married Janie Johnston, No. 527, July 30, 1907. Children: William Ralph, Jr., Oct. 16, 1908; Janie Elizabeth, Oct. 15, 1910; Robert Johnston, Sept. 16, 1913; Samuel Borden, April 3, 1915. 493. ROY MARTIN WINGER. EUGENE, ORE. A.B. Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University, 1912. Teacher Mathematics, High School, Newton, 1906-07; Principal High School and Teacher Mathe- matics, Holton, 1907-08; Graduate Student in Mathematics, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md., 1908-12; Instructor in Mathematics, The Uni- versity of Illinois, Urbana, 111.; 1912-13; Assistant Professor of Mathematics, The University of Oregon, Eugene, Ore., 1913-16; Professor of Mathemat- ics, the same, 1916-; Instructor in Mathematics, The University of Califor- nia, Summer, 1916. University Scholar, Johns Hopkins University, 1909-10; Fellow in Mathematics, the same, 1911-12. Member Phi Beta Kappa, Amer- ican Mathematical Society. Author technical papers in Mathematical Jour- nals. Born McCune, Oct. 10, 1885. Married Alice McDonald, June 12, 1915. Child: Margaret, Aug. 17, 1916. Brother of Nos. 551, 960. 494. *CHARLES FISHER WOODYARD. A.B. LL.B., Cornell University, 1910. Employee U. S. Coast and Geo- detic Survey, Baldwin City, 1906-07; Law Student, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y., 1907-10; Lawyer, Kansas City, Mo., 1911; Director, U. S. Government Magnetic Station, Vieques, P. R., 1912. Born Labette Co., Kans., Jan. 1, 1885. Married Hope Talbot, Dec. 25, 1907. Died Dec. 31, 1912, burial at Baldwin City. Child: Nellie Margaret, Sept. 28, 1908. Brother of No. 278. 495. ETHEL MAY WORK. 10419 INDEPENDENCE AVE., MT. WASHINGTON, MO. Ph.B. Principal High School, Morenci, Ariz., 1906-07; Homekeeper, Solomonville, Ariz., 1907-08; San Jose, Ariz., 1908-09; Bisbee, Ariz., 1909-10; Ottawa, 1910-13; Kansas City, Mo., 1913-. Principal Mexican School, San Jose, Ariz., 1908-09; Teacher, Bisbee, Ariz., 1909-10; Student Scarritt Bible and Training School, Kansas City, Mo., 1916. Born Hiawatha, Dec. 30, 1879. Married Allan F. Malone, May 7, 1907. Children: Laura Lizzette, July 14, 1908; Foster Hill, Jan. 11, 1911. 149 1907] GRADUATES CLASS OF 1907. 496. CHARLES EMMORS ALLDERDICE. COLDWATER. B. S. Merchant, Coldwater, 1907-. Born Kiowa Co., Kans., Sept. 20, 1884. Married Burdee Rucker, June 2, 1909. Children: Charles Emmors, Jr., Aug. 26, 1910; Elizabeth M., April 23, 1913. Brother of Nos. 730, 785, 961. 497. SPENCER BUTLER APPLE. 120 N. CHELSEA, KANSAS CITY, MO. A.B. Superintendent Schools, Baxter Springs, 1907-08; Teacher His- tory, Manual Training High School, Kansas City, Mo., 1908-13; Head of History Department, Northeast High School, Kansas City, Mo., 1913-. City Salesman, Laning Harris Coal Co., Kansas City, Mo., 1909-11; Manager Western Hay & Commission Co., Kansas City, Mo., 1911-13; Manager and Treasurer, Apple Bros. Hay Co., Kansas City, Mo., 1915-; Manager S. B. Apple & Co. Hay Co., Kansas City Mo., 1915-; Manager S. B. Apple & Co. Hay Co., Baxter Springs, 1914-. Born Neutral, April 18, 1882. Married Edith Kurtz, Dec. 25, 1907. Children: Miriam, Feb. 23, 1910; Spencer B., June 11, 1912. 498. WARREN ORTMAN AULT. 25 KINROSS RD., BOSTON, MASS. A.B. B.A., Oxford University, England, 1910. Rhodes Scholar at Ox- ford University, Oxford, England, 1907-10; Assistant in History, Baker University, 1910-11; Fellow in History, Yale University, 1911-13; Instructor in History, Boston University, 1913-. Born Lenexa, Jan. 8, 1887. Brother of Nos. 293, 375, 447, 788, 851. 499. JULIA MABEL BEARD. 774 N. 32D ST., KANSAS CITY. A.B. Teacher Latin and English, High School, Eudora, 1907-09; Teacher Latin and Physical Geography, High School, Lawrence, 1909-10; Homekeeper, Fowler, Colo., 1910-11; Kansas City, 1911-16; Lubbock, Tex., 1916-. Born Maysville, Mo., Sept. 30, 1884. Married Arthur F. Hall, June 7, 1910. Sister of No. 853. 500. FRED BERNARD BENSON. TALMAGE. A.B. S.T.B., Boston University, 1909. Graduate Student in Theology, Boston University, 1907-09; Minister, M. E. Church, Lunenburg, Mass., 1907-09; Everest, 1909-11; Bonner Springs, 1911-13; Grace, Kansas City, 1913-16; Talmage, 1916-. Born Helsingburg, Sweden, Nov. 16, 1878. Married Ethel L. Mann, Aug. 28, 1907. Children: Fred Bernard, Jr., Oct. 3, 1909; Paul Herrick, April 19, 1911; Eugene A., Oct. 13, 1913; Lucile, Nov. 17, 1916. 501. ABRAHAM ENGLE BERT. R. F. D. NO. 1, DETROIT. B.S. Field Manager in Central Illinois, King-Richardson Co., 1907-11; Division Manager, W. E. Richardson Co., San Francisco, Calif., 1911-13; Farmer, Detroit, 1913-. Born Detroit, Sept. 15, 1880. Married Ada Nattier, No. 589, Oct. 6, 1909. Child: Dorothy Mae, July 1, 1913. 150 GRADUATES [1907 502. GEORGE MALLALIEU BOICOURT. PLEASANTON. A. B. S. T. B., Boston University, 1914. Minister, M. E. Church, New Lancaster, 1907-09; Redfield, 1909-11; Graduate Student in Theology, Boston University, 1911-14; Pleasanton, 1914-. Born Gaylord, May 5, 1884. Mar- ried Nellie L. Mann, Aug. 15, 1907. Children: Marjorie Louise, July 28, 1908; Maurice Merton, Oct. 8, 1910. 503. IDA LOIS BOOTH. BARCLAY. A.B. A.M., The University of Kansas, 1915. Teacher English, High School, Reading, 1907-08; Buffalo, 1914-15; At Home, Barclay, 1915-. Grad- uate Student in English, The University of Kansas, Summers, 1908, '09, '11. Born Barclay, Oct. 13, 1876. 504. MELVILLE M. BOWERS. OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. A.B. Assistant Principal and Teacher Science, High School, Troy, 1907-08; Traveling Salesman, Lumber, Oklahoma City, Okla., 1908; Gradu- ate Student in Business Administration, Harvard University, 1908-09; State Manager Hartford Life Insurance Co., for Oklahoma and Arkansas, Okla- homa City, Okla., 1910-14; President Gentry-Bowers Lumber Co., Oklahoma City, Okla., 1914-. Born Burlington, la., May 10, 1887. Married Ethel King, Nov. 7, 1910. Brother of No. 411. 505. FRANK BAKER BRISTOW. SALINA. A.B. B.C.L., Oxford University, England, 1913. Newspaper business, Salina, 1907-10; Rhodes Scholar, Oxford, England, 1910-13; Lawyer, Salina, 1914-. Born Baldwin City, Dec. 13, 1885. Son of No. 58. 506. *ELLIS STEWART BROWN. A.B. Born Lyndon, Feb. 7, 1882. Died June 12, 1907, burial at Baldwin City. 507. ELMER LE GRANDE BROWN. PERRY. B.L. Dairy and Stock Farmer, Perry, 1907-. Born Perry, July 22, 1883. Married Margaret Delle Wilson, Sept. 2, 1908. Children: Helen Ilene, Oct. 23, 1909; Hazel Margaret, July 22, 1911; Berna Gladys, Nov. 6, 1913. 508. *FRANK ARTHUR BROWN. Ph.B. Teacher English, Mission School, Pachuca, Mex., 1907. Born Waterville, Nov. 19, 1882. Died Aug. 30, 1907, burial at Pachuca, Mex. 509. DE KALB BURNHAM. SELMA, CALIF. Ph.B. Minister, M. E. Church, Carthage Circuit, Carthage, Mo., 1900-01; Jasper and Mt. Moriah, Mo., 1901; Argentine, 1907-08; El Centro, Calif., 1908-10; Parlier, Calif., 1910-12; Lampoc, Calif., 1912-15; Selma, Calif., 1915-. Born Joplin, Mo., Sept. 29, 1870. Married Anne E. Benner, April 27, 1899. Children: Mary, April 2, 1904; Paul Ward, Dec. 11, 1905. 151 1907] GRADUATES 510. *BERNICE BURTON. B.L. Homekeeper, 1907-08. Born Vliets, Dec. 14, 1882. Married Ver- non Thomas Nicholson, No. 478, July 31, 1907. Died Oct. 3, 1908, burial at Spring Hill. Child: Bonnidell, Sept. 13, 1908. 511. ANNA MARY COOK. AUGUSTA. Ph.B. Graduate Student in German, The University of Kansas, Sum- mer, 1912. Teacher Latin and Assistant Principal High School, Oswego, 1907-12; Teacher German and History, High School, Peabody, 1912-16; Teacher Latin and German, High School, Augusta, 1916-. Member The Classical Association of the Middle West and South, the Classical Associa- tion of Kansas and Western Missouri. Born Oswego, Feb. 5, 1882. 512. MAUD AGNES COVALT. 2715 BROOKLYN AVE., KANSAS CITY, MO. Ph.B. R.N., 1916. Principal High School, Kincaid, 1907-08; Teacher Latin, High School, Parsons, 1908-09; At Home, San Jose, Calif., 1909-11; Wichita, 1911-12; Mound Valley, 1912-13; Student Nurse Training, St. Luke's Hospital, Kansas City, Mo., 1913-16; Registered Nurse, Kansas City, Mo., 1916-. Born Oswego, April 21, 1884. 513. EDWARD MARION DANIELS, 2311 N. 5TH ST., KANSAS CITY. A.B. Minister, M. E. Church, Bonner Springs, 1907-11; Blue Rapids, 1911-14; Mt. Pleasant, Kansas City, 1914-. Born Phillippi, W. Va., July 9, 1870. Married Nettie Mason, Dec. 23, 1893. 514. FLORENCE MAY DIXON. 726 GREELEY AVE, KANSAS CITY. Ph.B. Teacher, Seventh Grade, Abbott School, Kansas City, 1907-08; Principal Cooper School, Kansas City, 1908-11; Principal Abbott School, Kansas City, 1911-. Graduate Student, The University of Kansas, Summer, 1916. Born Kappa, 111, Oct. 29, 1876. Sister of No. 743. 515. EDWARD ALVAH DURHAM. 14 MULBERRY ST, NASHUA, N. H. A.B. S.T.B, Boston University, 1909. Minister, M. E. Church, Dun- lap, 1897-01; Hamilton, 1901-03; Hall's Summit, 1903-05; Mont Ida, 1905-07; Graduate Student in Theology, Boston University, 1907-09; Lebanon, N. H, 1909-12; Tilton, N. H, 1912-16; Main St, Nashua, 1916-. Chaplain N. H. State Legislature, 1915-16. Born Casey, 111, Aug. 4, 1872. Married Elma A. Corning, June 12, 1895. Child: Hobart Noble, Oct. 30, 1901. 516. WILMA MOORE EDWARDS. 344 CHESTER, TOPEKA. A.B. Teacher, Grades, Topeka, 1907-10; Homekeeper, Canton, 1911-12; Topeka, 1912-. Born Girard, Dec. 18, 1884. Married Morgan Washburn, Feb. 22, 1911. Children: Virginia, Jan. 2, 1912; Edward, Dec. 18, 1913; John Jay, Dec. 20, 1915. 152 GRADUATES [1907 517. MABEL GRACE FEELEY. HOXIE. B.L. Principal High School, Clyde, 1907-09; Teacher English, High School, St. John, 1909-10; Teacher English, High School, Mankato, 1910-11; Oberlin, 1911-12; Principal Schools, Jennings, 1913-14; Teacher English, Sheridan County High School, Hoxie, 1914-. Born Ashland, Neb., June 29, 1881. 518. JOSEPHINE FLORENCE FRAZIER. BURLINGTON. Ph.B. Teacher, 4th Grade, Mound Valley, 1907-08; English, High School, Cherryvale, 1908-09; Principal, Bern, 1909-10; Principal and Teacher Latin and English, Kiowa, 1910-12; Graduate Student, The University of Chicago, 1912-13; Teacher English, High School, Montrose, Colo., 1913-14; Latin, High School, Arkansas City, 1914-16; At Home, Burlington, 1916-. Born Michigantown, Ind. Sister of No. 519. 519. JUNIA SARAH FRAZIER. WRAY, COLO. Ph. B. Principal High School, La Cygne, 1907-09; Teacher Latin, High School, Colby, 1909-10; Teacher German and Latin, High School, Wray, Colo., 1910-15; Teacher German and Latin, High School, Longmont, Colo., 1915-16; Homekeeper, Wray, Colo., 1916-. Born Burlington, March 5, 1882. Married William Pyle, Oct. 11, 1916. Sister of No. 518. 520. HATTIE MAY GARDNER. WINFIELD. Ph.B. At Home, Baldwin City, 1907-08; Teacher, Burrton, 1908-09; Teacher, Lyndon, 1909-10; At Home, Baldwin City, 1910-11; Homekeeper, 1911-. Born Oak Valley, Dec. 6, 1886. Married Everett Kin Foster, No. 571, Oct. 27, 1911. Child: Mark Gardner, March 17, 1914. 521. WILLIAM DAVID GREEN. WINNIPEG, CANADA. Ph.B. In employ of Baker University Expedition to Western States for Museum, 1907-08; Fire Insurance and Mortgage Loan Agent, Hutchin- son, 1908-10; Broker, Mortgage Loans and Fire Insurance, Grain Exchange, Winnipeg, Can., 1910-. Born Fulton, Jan. 12, 1885. Married Edna Belle Pearce, No. 651, Jan. 14, 1914. Children: Ferris Jane, Nov. 23, 1914; Wil- liam David, Jr., May 9, 1916. Brother of Nos. 420, 573, 682. 522. FOSTER MERRILL HEATON. 2824 E. 6TH ST., KANSAS CITY, MO. A.B. D.D.S., Kansas City Dental College, 1915. Teacher Science, High School, Leavenworth, 1907-09; Secretary Y. M. C. A., Wichita, 1909-10; Prin- cipal High School, Concordia, 1910-12; Student Kansas City Dental College, 1912-15; Dentist, Kansas City, Mo., 1915-. Born Sterling, April 26, 1880. Married Maude Leavitt, Dec. 25, 1907. Children: Robert Leavitt, Oct. 13, 1908; Donald George, March 29, 1910. Brother of No. 987. 523. JOHN EDGAR BYERS HEFFELFINGER. ARKANSAS CITY. A.B. Graduate Student, The University of Wisconsin, Summer, 1914, '16. Assistant Principal and Teacher Latin, Chase County High School, Cottonwood Falls, 1907-09; Principal High School, El Dorado, 1909-12; Superintendent Schools, El Dorado, 1912-15; Superintendent Schools, Ar- kansas City, 1915-. Member N. E. A. Vice-President Kansas State Teach- 153 1907] GRADUATES ers' Association, 1912. President Southern Kansas Teachers' Association, 1916. Born Newburg, Pa., July 25, 1882. Married Lucile Williams Par- menter, No. 593, Oct. 29, 1908. Child: Elizabeth Lucile, Jan. 7, 1912. 524. ANNA HOCH. 1310 MAIN ST., PARSONS. A.B. At Home, Topeka, 1907-09; Homekeeper, 1909-. Member "Soci- ety of Sponsors, U. S. Navy." Born Marion, Aug. 8, 1884. Married James Winfred Reid, No. 361, Jan. 1, 1909. Children: Edward Hoch, Sept. 27, 1910; James Richard, May 1, 1914. Sister of Nos. 321, 867. 525. CHARLES ABNER HOWARD. COQUILLE, ORE. Ph.B. Teacher Mathematics and Science, Klamath County High School, Klamath Falls, Ore., 1907-08; Teacher History, same, 1908-10; As- sistant Principal, same, 1910-11; Superintendent Schools, Coquille, Ore., 1911-. Graduate Student in Education, Oregon University, Summers, 1910-. 16. Graduate Student in Education, The University of California, Sum- mer, 1915. Born Eureka, Feb. 17, 1881. Married Cora De Fontaigne Shaw, Aug. 11, 1909. 526. JAMES HENRY INMAN. FARMINGTON, ILL. Ph.B. B.S. in Ed., The University of Missouri, 1913. Prohibition Party Organizer, Passaic, N. J., 1907-08; Salesman, Passaic, N. J., 1908-10; Teacher, High School, Adrian, Mo., 1910-11; Superintendent Schools, Hume, Mo., 1911-13; Superintendent Schools, Schell City, Mo., 1913-16; Superin- tendent Schools, Farmington, 111., 1916-. Born Adrian, Mo., June 22, 1881. Married Ethel Grant, Aug. 23, 1911. Child: Walter Grant, June 5, 1912. 527. JANIE JOHNSTON. CENTRALIA. A.B. Homekeeper, 1907-. Married William Ralph Ward, No. 492, July 30, 1907. Children: William Ralph, Jr., Oct. 16, 1908; Janie Elizabeth, Oct. 15, 1910; Robert Johnston, Sept. 16, 1913; Samuel Borden, April 3, 1915. 528. MAUDE KILBORN. CHANUTE. A.B. Teacher, Iola, 1907-08; Homekeeper, 1908-. Born Fort Scott, March 22, 1877. Married William John Williams, No. 608, Aug. 18, 1909. Children: Mary Margaret, June 13, 1911; Marion Louise, March 20, 1915. 529. WILLIAM CHESTER LEASURE. HUTCHINSON. B.S. 530. WILLIAM HORACE LODGE, Care FLINT LUMBER CO., FLINT, MICH. B.S. Principal Mt. Park High School, Mt. Park, Okla., 1907-08; Prin- cipal High School, Leoti, 1908-09; Manager Long-Bell Lumber Co., Fair- view, Okla., 1909-15; With Flint Lumber Co., Flint, Mich., 1915-. Born Erie, Jan. 23, 1881. Married Mamie Knowlton, Sept. 29, 1909. Children: Julian Horace, Aug. 20, 1910; Arthur Knowlton, Aug. 10, 1913. 154 GRADUATES [1907 531. *ARTHUR GARFIELD MALL. B.S. B.S., The University of Kansas, 1910. Graduate Student in Chemistry, The University of Kansas, 1907-10; Assistant Teacher in Chem- istry, The University of Kansas, 1909-10; Clerk in Drug Store, Lawrence, 1910-11. Born Center, July 7, 1880. Died Nov. 19, 1911, burial at Clay Center. 532. MARGARET McCONNELL, 806 N. JEFFERSON, WELLING- TON. A.B. Teacher, Greenleaf, 1907-08; Clifton, 1908-09; Downs, 1909-10; Lyndon, 1910-14; Homekeeper, Lyndon, 1914-15; Wellington, 1915-. Born Holland, Aug. 29, 1881. Married John W. Mavity, June 16, 1914. Child: Lucile Pearl, Nov. 25, 1915. Sister of No. 430. 533. STELLA McDANIEL. 605 6TH ST., PHOENIX, ARIZ. B.L. Teacher Grades, Phoenix, Ariz., 1909-. Born Lane, Nov. 11, 1885. Sister of No. 307. 534. MABEL MERRYMAN. KINGSTON, MO. A.B. A.M., The University of Kansas, 1916. Teacher Latin and English, High School, Minneapolis, 1907-10; English, High School, Grass Valley, Calif., 1910-11; Latin and German, High School, Hamilton, Mo., 1911-14; Latin and German, High School, Marysville, Mo., 1914-15; With Edison Phonograph Co., Kansas City, Mo., 1915-16; Teacher Latin and German, High School, Kingston, Mo., 1916-. Graduate Student in English and Latin, The University of Kansas, Summers, 1908, '12, '13, '16. Born Hamilton, Mo., April 26, 1880. 535. JESSE HOWARD MOORE. OKETO. Ph.B. Banker, Oketo, 1907-. Born Oketo, Aug. 20, 1884. Married Margaret Betzer, No. 558, Nov. 30, 1911. 536. ALBERT ARTHUR NATTIER. FREDONIA. Ph.B. Furniture Dealer, Neodesha, 1907-11; City Treasurer, Neodesha, 1910-13; Probate Judge, Wilson Co., Fredonia, 1913-. Born Neodesha, Nov. 14, 1885. Married Effie Maye Dennis, June 26, 1907. Children: Al- bertine Louise, June 11, 1908; Josephine Maye, July 31, 1909; Margaurite Lucretia, Nov. 25, 1910; Blanche Lillian, June 27, 1913. Brother of No. 589. 537. VESTA POWELL, 4432 WASHINGTON AVE., ST. LOUIS, MO. A.B. Certificates from Spalding's Commercial College, Kansas City, Mo., 1911, and from Gregg School, Chicago, 1915. Teacher Grades and Mathematics, High School, Whitewater, 1907-08; English and Science, High School, Lee's Summit, Mo., 1908-09; Commercial Branches, High School, Newton, 1910-12; Commercial Branches, High School, Wichita, 1912-15; Commercial Branches, Grover Cleveland High School, St. Louis, Mo., 1915-. Born Lee's Summit, Mo., Aug. 3, 1884. 155 1907] GRADUATES 538. ELSIE MAY POWER. JEROME, IDA. Ph.B. Graduate Student in History and Sociology, The University of Kansas, Summer, 1915. Teacher Latin and Mathematics, High School, Baldwin City, 1907-09; High School, Marysville, 1909-10; Mathematics and Normal Training, High School, Osborne, 1910-16, and Principal same High School, 1912-16; High School, Jerome, Ida., 1916-. Member Kansas As- sociation of Mathematics Teachers. Born Labette Co., Kansas, Oct. 5, 1884. Sister of Nos. 768, 769. 539. ROY RALPH REPPERT. MANHATTAN. A.B. Minister, M. E. Church, Richland, 1907-08; Missionary and Teacher in Boy's High School, Seoul, Korea, 1908-14; Student K. S. A. C, 1914-. Born Valley Falls, 1881. Married Nellie B. Morgan, Apr. 24, 1908. Children: Homer Harris, Mar. 6, 1911; Benjamin Alan, Mar. 21, 1914; Frank Lawrence, Aug. 15, 1915. 540. MARY AMELIA RICHMOND. CAWNPORE, INDIA. Ph.B. Graduate Chicago Training School for Missions, 1909. Grad- uate Student, Northwestern University, 1916. Teacher, Toronto, 1907-08; Student Deaconess Training School, Chicago, 111., 1908-09; Missionary, Cawnpore, India, 1909-15; Home on Furlough, 1915-16. Born Toronto, Aug. 15, 1882. Sister of No. 944. 541. CLYDE GIDEON ROSEBERRY. ARKANSAS CITY. A.B. Real Estate, Loans and Insurance, Arkansas City, 1907-. Born Arkansas City, Aug. 30, 1885. Married Helen Ruby Parmenter, No. 592, Tune 6, 1908. Children: Anna Dorothy, May 12, 1910; Philo James, Apr. 1, 1914. 542. VIOLET ORETHA RUSSELL, 952 KANSAS AVE., KANSAS CITY. B.L. Graduate Student in Union Theological Seminary, New York City, 1913-16. Teacher Grades, Chanute, 1907-09; Teacher, Grades, Madi- son, 1912-13; Homekeeper, 1909-. Born Chanute, Oct. 5, 1883. Married Elmer Leonard Brown, No. 618, June 1, 1909. 543. CLAUDE JOHN SAMPLE. McALESTER, OKLA. A.B. Civil Service, Chanute, 1907-08; General Insurance, McAlester, Okla., 1908-. Born Toronto, Apr. 19, 1885. Married Sibyl Hardwick, Apr. 19, 1910. Child: Bruce, March 26, 1916. 544. MARY GERTRUDE SCHENCK. MARYVILLE, MO. A.B. Homekeeper, 1907-. Born Harveyville, June 20, 1885. Married Gilbert Stevens Cox, No. 453, Aug. 8, 1907. Children: Borden Bowne, July 24, 1911; Sarah Ruth, Aug. 21, 1914. 545. VERA PEARL SIMPSON. McPHERSON. B.L. Teacher History and English, High School, McPherson, 1907- 08; Graduate Student in English, Northwestern University, Evanston, 111., 1908-09; At Home, McPherson, 1909-. Born Rosemond, 111., Jan. 26, 1884. Daughter of No. 7. 156 GRADUATES [1907 546. LUSETTA SOWERS. HAVILAND. A.B. Teacher Greek, History and Philosophy, Carleton College, Farmington, Mo., 1907-08; Homekeeper, 1908-. Born Spring Hill, July 18, 1885. Married Bernard Foxwell Young, No. 552, Aug. 26, 1908. Children: Paul Bernard, March 16, 1910; William Telford, Dec. 20, 1911; James Wes- ley, March 21, 1914. Sister of Nos. 397, 831. 547. HARRIET EUGENIA STANLEY. WICHITA. A.B. At Home and Student of Music, Wichita, 1907-08; Teacher Eng- lish, High School, Wichita, 1908-11; At Home, Wichita, 1911-13; In Europe, 1913-14; At Home, Wichita, 1915-. Born Wichita, Aug. 23, 1884. Sister of No. 366. 548. WILLIAM WHITNEY SWITZER. COUPEVILLE, WASH. A.B. S.T.B., Boston University, 1910. Graduate Student in Theology, Boston University, 1907-10; Minister, M. E. Church, Anacortez, Wash., 1910-11; Grace, Wash., 1911-13; Sumas, Wash., 1913-14; Coupeville, Wash., 1914-. Born Kingston, Mo., Oct. 22, 1877. Married Stella McClure, Nov. 2, 1910. 549. HARRIET ANNA VANVICKLE. KINSLEY. A.B. A.M., The University of Kansas, 1916. Principal High School, Leroy, 1907-09; Fellow in English, The University of Kansas, 1909-10; Teacher English, Dickinson County High School, Chapman, 1910-11; New- ton, 1911-12; Peabody, 1912-16; Kingsley, 1916-. Born Paola. 550. ELSIE ALICE WARNER. BALDWIN CITY. B.S. Teacher English and German, High School, Moran, 1907-08; Homekeeper, 1908-. Born Burlingame, Sept. 21, 1882. Married Marshall Morton Morgan, No. 433, June 17, 1908. Children: Calvin Warner, Dec. 2, 1910; J. Ross, March 16, 1916. 551. MABEL EDNA WINGER. KEARNEY, WYO. A.B. Teacher Rural Schools, Crawford Co., 1907-08; Principal High School and Teacher Latin and Mathematics, Girard, 1908-10; Teacher, Pitts- burg, 1910-12; Homekeeper, Buffalo, Wyo., 1912-13; Kearney, Wyo., 1913-. Born McCune, Kans., Oct. 27, 1883. Married J. W. Songer, July 30, 1912. Children: Katherine, Aug. 7, 1913; Gertrude, Sept. 25, 1914. Sister of Nos. 493, 960. 552. BERNARD FOXWELL YOUNG. HAVILAND. A.B. B.D., The University of Denver, 1913. Minister, M. E. Church, Marble City, I. T., 1907-08; Catoosa, Okla., 1907-09; Council Hill, Okla., 1909-10; Georgetown and Silver Plume, Colo., 1910-12; Graduate Student in Theology, Iliff School of Theology, Denver, Colo., 1910-13; Denver, Colo., 1912-13; Limon, Colo., 1913-14; Pretty Prairie, 1914-17; Haviland, 1917-. Born Fort Scott, April 21, 1878. Married Lusetta Sowers, No. 546, Aug. 26, 1908. Children, Paul Bernard, March 16, 1910; William Telford, Dec. 30, 1911; James Wesley, March 21, 1914. 157 1908] GRADUATES CLASS OF 1908 553. JAMES ARTHUR ALLEN. CHANUTE. Ph. B. LL.B., Columbia University, 1911. Student Columbia Uni- versity Law School, New York City, 1908-11; Lawyer, Chanute, 1911-. Born Chanute, Sept. 13, 1884. Married Marion Dawdy, Nov. 7, 1911. Chil- dren: Mildred Orlene, May 26, 1913; Marion Ora, July 31, 1916. Brother of Nos. 373, 445. 554. AMY ARMSTRONG. SALINA. A.B. Graduate Student, The University of Chicago, Summer, 1914; The University of Wisconsin, Summer, 1916. Teacher Grades, Lathrop, Mo., 1908-09; English, High School, Washington, 1909-12; Latin, Lathrop, Mo., 1912-16; English and Latin, Salina, 1916-. Born Lathrop, Mo., June 25, 1884. 555. THOMAS CLYDE BACON. 227 5TH AVE. E., TWIN FALLS, IDAHO. B.S. Woolgrower, Boise, Ida., 1908-12; Twin Falls, Ida., 1912-. Born Boise, Ida., Nov. 10, 1884. Married Alice Catherine Reid, No. 596, June 1, 1909. Children: Clyde Reid, Jan. 19, 1911; Donald Francis, Aug. 26, 1912; Catherine, May 3, 1915. 556. NORTON SEAMAN BEARD. R. F. D., No. 5, HOLTON. A.B. S.T.B., Boston University, 1913. Minister M. E. Church, Mont- rose, Mo., 1908-09; Muscotah, 1909-10; Graduate Student in Theology, Bos- ton University, 1910-13; Brookline, N. H., 1912-13; Sidney, Mont., 1913-14; Linn, 1915-16; Farmer, Holton, 1916-. Born Corsica, O., June 4, 1883. 557. EDWARD EDGERTON BEAUCHAMP. R. F. D, WHITE CLOUD. A.B. Minister, M. E. Church, Corning, 1908-10; Valley Falls, 1910-12; Powhattan, 1912-14; Graduate Student in Theology, Drew Theological Sem- inary, Madison, N. J., 1914-17; Whitestone, N. Y., 1914-17; White Cloud, 1917-. Born Atchison, May 29, 1883. Married Lona Butler, Dec. 1, 1908. Children: Hester Alberta, Oct. 4, 1909; Helen Irene, Oct. 13, 1911. 558. MARGARET BETZER. OKETO. A.B. Teacher, Lincoln School, Topeka, 1908-10; Teacher, Polk School, Topeka, 1910-11; Homekeeper, 1911-. Born Mattoon, 111., Feb. 3, 1885. Married Jesse Howard Moore, No. 535, Nov. 30, 1911. 559. FRANK ALONZO BOYS. N. Y. LIFE BLDG., KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. B.S. LL.B., Harvard University, 1911. Law Student, Harvard Uni- versity, Cambridge, Mass., 1908-11; Lawyer, Kansas City, Mo., 1911-. Born Grenola, Sept. 11, 1886. 560. GEORGE EDWARD BROWN. BONNER SPRINGS. A.B. S.T.B., Boston University, 1912. A.M., Columbia University, 1913. B.D., Union Theological Seminary, 1914. Principal Schools, Re- serve, 1908-09; Graduate Student in Theology, Boston University, 1909-12; Graduate Student in Sociology, Columbia University, 1912-13; Graduate 158 GRADUATES [1908 Student, Union Theological Seminary, New York City, 1912-14; Graduate Student in Philosophy, New York University, 1916-17. Minister Congre- gational Church, King's Highway, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1914-17; Minister, M. E. Church, Bonner Springs, 1917-. Born Lenexa, March 23, 1884. Married Georgia Farrar, No. 803. Nov. 17, 1915. Brother of Nos. 668, 968. 561. ALICE MAY CLARKE. 632 N. 2D ST., RATON, N. M. Ph.B. Graduate Student in Latin, The University of Kansas, 1910; English and Latin, Colorado University, Summers, 1913, '15, '16. Teacher German and Latin, High School, Cheney, 1908-09; Latin, Seneca, 1909-11; English and German, Chickasha, Okla., 1911-12; English, Summer County High School, Wellington, 1912-16; English, Colfax County High School, Raton, N. M., 1916-. Born Waterville, June 3, 1883. 562. LEILA EDNA CLARK. CENTRALIA. B.L. At Home, Baldwin City, 1908-09; Homekeeper, Chanute, 1910-12; Rosedale, 1912-14; Centralia, 1914-. Born Marshall Co., Kans., Dec. 22, 1885. Married Paul Annadown, M.D., Dec. 22, 1909. Children: Ruth Vivian, Dec. 19, 1910; Hazel, July 1, 1914; Pauline Jean, Oct. 16, 1915. Sister of Nos. 189, 190, 414. 563. FLORENCE ISABELL CREAGER. 47 ST. JOHN'S PLACE, BUF- FALO, N. Y. Ph.B. Teacher English and Latin, High School, Washington, 1908- 09; Normal Training, Greensburg, 1909-10; English and Normal Training, Fredonia, 1910-11; Student Medical Department, The University of Buf- falo, 1915-. Born Yates Center, Dec. 22, 1886. 564. BENJAMIN WILLIAM DAILY. FREDERICK, MD. A.B. A.M. Columbia University, 1915. Superintendent Schools, Wells- ville, 1908-10; Superintendent Schools, Cheney, 1910-11; Superintendent Schools, Wellsville, 1911-14; Graduate Student in Education, Columbia University, New York City, 1914-15; Professor of Education, Hood College, Frederick, Md., 1915-. Born Burrton, June 7, 1883. 565. LAURA ALICE DAVIES. NURSERY, TEX. B.L. Teacher, Grades, Arkansas City, 1908-09; Bookkeeper, Glencoe, Okla., 1909-10; Dressmaker, Nursery, Tex., 1910-11; Teacher, Fall River, 1911-13; Postmistress, Nursery, Tex., 1913-. Born Fall River, Sept. 6, 1884. 566. MINNIE KLINE DENMAN. 1630 HOUSTON ST., MANHATTAN. Ph.B. Teacher Latin and Principal High School, Osborne, 1908-10; Teacher Latin, High School, Garnett, 1910-11; Homekeeper, Agricola, 1911- 16; Manhattan, 1916-. Born Palmer, March 7, 1882. Married Samuel James Molby, Jr., Sept. 20, 1911. Child: Samuel James, 3d, Oct. 29, 1914. Sister of No. 623. 567. CHARLES CLAYTON DENNIE. 3317 PASEO, KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. Ph.B. M.D., The University of Kansas, 1912. Medical Student, The University of Kansas, 1908-12; Fellow in Chemistry, 1908-09, and Student 159 1908] GRADUATES Assistant in Pathology, 1911-12, The University of Kansas; Interne in Gen- eral Hospital, Kansas City, Mo., 1912-13; Interne in Massachusetts Gen- eral Hospital, Boston, Mass., 1913-15; Instructor in Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass., 1915; Physician, Kansas City, Mo., 1916-. Born Excelsior Springs, Mo., Oct. 20, 1883. Married Elizabeth Schrader, June 30, 1914. 568. ELSIE DERSHEM. DWIGHT. A.B. A.M., The University of Kansas, 1916. Graduate Student, The University of Kansas, 1909, 1915-16; Graduate Student, The University of Washington, Summer, 1915. Teacher, Stafford, 1909-10; Assistant Principal High School, Sharon, 1910-11; Assistant Principal, Severy, 1911-12; Prin- cipal, Lakin, 1912-13; Principal, Saint Paul, 1913-14; Principal, Prairie View, 1914-15; Principal, Dwight, 1916-. Author, "An Outline of American State Literature." Born Norwood, March 10, 1873. 509. BERTHA ELVALYN EMORY. A.B. Teacher, Red Fork, Okla., 1908-09; Teacher, Baldwin City. 1909- 10; Student Commercial Dept., Baker University, 1910; Teacher, Bixby, Okla., 1910-12. Born Lawrence, Dec. 30, 1886. Married Andrew Ewing, July 10, 1912. Children: Bertha, May 9, 1913; Andrew, Jr., July 7, 1915. 570. HENRY HORATIO FARRAR. AXTELL. B.S. Farmer and Stockman, Axtell, 1908-. Born Axtell, Oct. 25, 1882. Married Iva Williams Riley, No. 597, Sept. 2, 1908. Children: Virginia, Feb. 24, 1911; Roberta, Feb. 19, 1914. Brother of No. 803. 571. EVERETT KIN FOSTER. WINFIELD. B.S.; Mus. B., 1910. Student Conservatory of Music, Baker University, 1908-10; Student Piano, New York City, Summer, 1910; Instructor in Piano, Baker University, 1910-11; Student Piano and Theory, Berlin, Germany, 1911-12; Head Piano Department, Tarkio College, Tarkio, Mo., 1912-13; Head Piano Department, Southwestern College, Winfield, 1913-. Born Towanda, Jan. 25, 1886. Married Hattie May Gardner, No. 520, Oct. 27, 1911. Child: Mark Gardner, March 17, 1914. 572. WILLIAM OUTHWAITE GIBBON. HALSTEAD. Ph.B. A.M., The University of Michigan, 1912. Graduate Student, The University of Kansas, Summer, 1910; Kansas State Agricultural Col- lege, Summer, 1913. Teacher History and Science, High School, Olathe, 1908-09; Principal High School, Halstead, 1909-11; Graduate Student, The University of Michigan, 1911-12; Teacher Science, High School, Emporia, 1912-13; Superintendent Schools, Halstead, 1913-. Born Howard, Sept. 18, 1885. Married Nadine Rankin, Aug. 11, 1915. 573. BERYL ALBERT GREEN. APT. 42, CLAYPOOL ANNEX, PORT- LAND, ORE. Ph.B. LL.B., Oregon University, 1914. Principal High School, Eureka, 1908-09; Superintendent Schools, Moran, 1909-10; Superintendent Schools, Winchester, 1910-11; Student Oregon University Law School, 1911-14; Lawyer, Portland, Ore., 1914-; Principal Night High School, Portland, Ore., 1914-. Born Blue Mound, June 15, 1887. Married Grace Margaret Leach, No. 580, Dec. 23, 1913. Brother of Nos. 420, 521, 682. 160 GRADUATES [1908 574. CHARLES CLIFFORD GROVER. WINSLOW, ARIZ. B.S. A.M., The University of Denver, 1916. Real Estate, McAlester, Okla., 1908-12; Salesman, Denver, Colo., 1912-14; Teacher Science and Mathematics, High School, Kemmerer, Wyo., 1914-15; Mathematics and Latin, Winslow, Ariz., 1915-16; Science and Principal High School, Winslow, Ariz., 1916-. Graduate Student, The University of Denver, Summer, 1914, '15. Born Havensville, Oct, 26, 1888. Married Ethel Pease, July 15, 1916. 575. MARY EMMA HAMILTON. 241 S. 5th ST., SALINA. Ph.B. Graduate Student, The University of Chicago, Summer, 1914; The University of Wisconsin, Summer, 1916. Teacher Latin, High School, Hanover, 1908-09; Principal High School and Teacher Latin, Hanover, 1909-12; Latin and Mathematics, Oskaloosa, 1912-15; Mathematics, Salina, 1915-. Born Oskaloosa, July 22, 1884. 576. EARL RANDALL HIBBARD. PENANG, MALAYSIA. A.B. Secretary, Y. M. C. A., State School of Mines, Golden, Colo., 1908-09; Secretary, Y. M. C. A., University of Mississippi, Oxford, Miss., 1909-12; Missionary, Straits Settlement, Malay Peninsula, 1913-. Born Elk City, 1884. Married Jessie Blaine Beauchamp, No. 614, 1909. 577. HORTENSE IMBODEN. 303 SEMINARY ST., GREENCASTLE, INDIANA. B.L. Piano Instructor in the Navas Institute of Musical Art, Wichita, 1909-11; Homekeeper, 1911-. Born Wichita, July 4, 1885. Married Wil- liam Marion Hudson, No. 465, Sept. 5, 1911. Sister of Nos. 425, 870, 933. 578. EDNA GERTRUDE JACKSON. R. F. D. NO. 2, PUEBLO, COLO. Ph.B. Teacher High School, Harveyville, 1908-09; Homekeeper, 1909-. Born Mitchell Co., Kans., Feb. 22, 1879. Married Edwin Pomeroy Kendall, No. 637, Aug. 4, 1909. Children: Neil Jackson, April 28, 1911; Elwin Percy, Aug. 27, 1914; Homer Shirley, Oct. 27, 1915. 579. WILLIAM PAUL KEAST. SELMA. A.B. Minister M. E. Church, Goffs, 1908-09; Louisville, 1909-10; Allen, 1910-12; Basehor, 1912-13; Birmingham, 1913-14; Willis, 1914-16; Lancaster, 1916-17; Selma, 1917-. Born Billings, Mo., Oct. 23, 1880. Married Delia Gertrude Harbeson, Sept. 9, 1908. Children: Alfred Joseph, Dec. 9, 1910; Catherine May, Aug. 4, 1912. 580. GRACE MARGARET LEACH. APT. 42, CLAYPOOL ANNEX, PORTLAND, ORE. Ph.B. Graduate Student, Baker University, Summer, 1909; Graduate Student, The University of Chicago, Summer, 1910. At Home, Baldwin City, 1908-09; Instructor in History and German, Baker University, 1909*- 10; Latin and German, 1910-12; Teacher German, High School, Iola, 1913; Homekeeper, 1913-. Born Hoopeston, 111., April 5, 1887. Married Beryl Allen Green, No. 573, Dec. 23, 1913. 161 1908] GRADUATES 581. FRED B. LEWIS. ARKANSAS CITY. B.S. Farmer, Baldwin City, 1908-10; Grocer, Arkansas City, 1910-14; Oil Business, Arkansas City, 1914-. Born Baldwin City, Apr. 24, 1885. Mar- ried Hazel Genevieve, Nov. 20, 1916. Brother of No. 641. 582. EMMA IVALENA MARKHAM. 922 45TH ST., MILWAUKEE, WIS. A. B. A. M., The University of Chicago, 1912. At Home, Lamar, Col., 1908-09; Teacher Latin, High School, LeRoy, 1909-10; Graduate Student in Latin, The University of Chicago, 1910-12; Student, The University of Mis- souri, and at home, Lamar, Col., 1912-13; Teacher Latin, High School, Las Vegas, N. M., 1913-16; Latin, High School, Milwaukee, Wis., 1916-. Born, York, Neb., May 31, 1887. 583. CLAUDE ALONZO MASON. TULSA, OKLA. Ph. B. Commerce Trust Co., Kansas City, Mo., 1908-. Born Pontiac, 111., 1884. 584. GRACE ALICE McKEMMEY. WINCHESTER B. L. Teacher, Morganville, 1908-09; Teacher, Clyde, 1909-10; Teacher, Osborne, 1910-12; Teacher, Muskogee, Okla., 1912-13; At Home, Winchester, 1913-. Born Winchester, Jan. 5, 1884. 585. HAROLD BENEDICT McKIBBIN. 1741 N. WACO ST., WICHITA. Ph. B. Bookkeeper, Wichita, 1908-09; Treasurer and Assistant Office Manager, Red Star Mill & Elevator Co., Wichita, 1910-. Born Commerce, Mich., Oct. 28, 1882. Married Luella Edith Clark, No. 414, Sept. 9, 1908. Child, Ralph Clark, Jan. 28, 1914. 586. ETHEL MICHAELS. 1118 W. 10TH ST., COFFEYVILLE. B. L. Teacher, German and English, High School, Moran, 1908-10; Eng- lish and Principal, High School, Howard, 1910-12; Homekeeper, Topeka, 1912; Kansas City, 1912-13; Coffeyville, 1913-. Born, Scranton, Sept. 5, 1886. Married Don C. Boyd, M. D., Sept. 5, 1912. Child: Adlai Michaels, April 15, 1915. Sister of No. 884. 587. BERT EARLY MITCHNER. HUTCHINSON. Ph. B. Bookkeeper, Corn Belt Bank, Kansas City, Mo., 1908-09; Assis- tant Cashier, State Bank of Holton, Holton, 1909-12; Deputy Bank Commis- sioner, Kansas, 1913-16; Vice-President and Cashier Union Stock Yards Na- tional Bank, Wichita, 1916-17; Secretary and Treasurer, Wichita Cattle Loan Co., Wichita, 1916-17; Cashier State Exchange Bank, Hutchinson, 1917-. Born Newton, Nov. 23, 1884. Married Lois L. Smith, Sept. 2, 1908. Child: Robert Warren, July 15, 1910. 588. ELMER CLYDE MONTGOMERY. EDEN, IDA. A. B. Superintendent Schools, Clifton, 1908-10; with Bacon Sheep Co., Hailey, Ida., 1910-15; The same, Eden, Ida., 1915-16; Ranchman, Eden, Ida., 1916-. Born Seybert, Mo., June 19, 1884. Married Stella Wangerien, Sept. 30, 1914. Children: Mary Elizabeth, Oct. 5, 1915; Charles August, Dec. 26, 1916. 162 GRADUATES [1908 589. ADA NATTIER. R. F. D. No. 1, DETROIT. Ph. B. At Home, Neodesha, 1908-09; Homekeeper, 1909-. Born Neo- desha, March 14, 1887. Married Abraham Engle Bert, No. 501, Oct. 6, 1909. Sister of No. 536. 590. LEONARD OECHSLI. c/o METHODIST MISSION, MEDAN, SUMATRA. A. B. S. T. B., Boston University, 1911. Minister, M. E. Church, Oak- dale, Mass., 1908-11; Graduate Student in Theology, Boston University, 1908-10; Arlington Heights, Mass., 1911-13; Missionary, Singapore, Straits Settlement, 1913-16; Medan, Sumatra, 1916-. Born Rich Hill, Mo., June 5, 1885. Married Loula Boicourt, No. 449, April 21, 1909. Children: Eleanor, March 28, 1911; Phyllis Elizabeth, Nov. 23, 1914. 591. EDWIN MARTIN OLIVER. 213 N. MADISON ST., STOUGH- TON, WIS. A. B. Minister, M. E. Church, Maple Hill, 1904; Michigan Valley, 1905- 06; Richland and Clinton, 1906-07; Lecompton, 1907-08; Hebron, Wis., 1908- 10; Asbury, Milwaukee, Wis., 1910-11; Horicon, Wis., 1911-13; Sharon, Wis., 1913-15; Lake Mills, Wis., 1915-. Born, Atchison, Feb. 25, 1881. Married Hattie A. Richards, June 1, 1909. Child: Wesley Bair, Feb. 23, 1910. 592. HELEN RUBY PARMENTER. ARKANSAS CITY. Ph.B. Homekeeper, 1908-. Born Lawrence, Dec. 22, 1885. Married Clyde Gideon Roseberry, No. 541, June 6, 1908. Children: Anna Dorothy, May 12, 1910; Philo James, April 1, 1914. Sister of No. 593. 593. LUCILE WILLIAMS PARMENTER. ARKANSAS CITY. Ph. B. Homekeeper, 1908-. Born Lawrence, Dec. 22, 1885. Married John Edgar Byers Heffelfinger, No. 523, Oct. 29, 1908. Child: Elizabeth Lucile, Jan. 7, 1912. Sister of No. 592. 594. ERNEST WILLIAM PRESTON. Ph. B. General Produce, Kingfisher, Okla., 1908; General Secretary, Y. M. C. A., Stamps, Ark., 1908-. Born Blue Mound, 1884. 595. FLORENCE BLANCHE REAM. MANKATO. Ph. B. Teacher, High School, Waterville, 1908-09; Teacher, Grades, Topeka, 1909-11; Teacher Mathematics, High School, Dodge City, 1912-13; Homekeeper, Mankato, 1913-. Born Damascus, O., May 18, 1886. Married Donald F. Stanley, June 25, 1913. Child: Robert Wood, Dec. 24, 1914. 596. ALICE CATHERINE REID. 227 5TH AVE. E, TWIN FALLS, IDA. Ph. B. Teacher, History and English, High School, Concordia, 1908- 09; Homekeeper, 1909-. Born Rossville, June 19, 1884. Married Thomas Clyde Bacon, No. 555, June 1, 1909. Children: Clyde Reid, Jan. 19, 1911; Donald Francis, Aug. 26, 1912; Catherine, May 3, 1915. 163 1908] GRADUATES 597. IVY WILLIAMS RILEY. AXTELL Ph. B. Homekeeper, 1908-. Born Johnson Co., Kas., Jan. 26, 1885. Married Henry Horatio Farrar, No. 570, Sept. 2, 1908. Children: Virginia, Feb. 24, 1911; Roberta, Feb. 29, 1914. Sister of Nos. 289, 290, 435. 598. EULA REBA SMITH. TAHLEQUAH, OKLA. Ph. B.; Mus. B., 1910. Student in Conservatory of Music, Baker Uni- versity, 1908-10; Instructor in Singing, Baker University, 1908-10; at Home, Neodesha, 1910-12; Supervisor Public School Music, Phoenix, Ariz., 1912-13; At Home, Tulsa, Okla., 1913; Supervisor Public School Music, Claremore, Okla., Jan. to Sept., 1914; Head Department of Music, Northeastern State Normal School, Tahlequah, Okla., 1914-. Born Byesville, Guernsey Co., O., Nov. 3, 1883. Sister of No. 600. 599. HERVEY FOSTER SMITH. MARYSVILLE A. B. Traveling Secretary, Inter-Collegiate Prohibition Association, 1908-11; Graduate Student in Sociology, The University of Chicago, Sum- mers, 1909, 10; Publisher, "Sentinel," Hoyt, 1912-13; City Editor, Daily Journal-World, Lawrence, 1914; County Secretary, Y. M. C. A., Marysville, 1915-. Born Silver Lake, March 14, 1886. Married Emma M. Garman, June 15, 1910. Child: Harold Edwin, May 16, 1914. 600. OMA LELA SMITH. KIOWA. B. L. Teacher Music and History, High School, Kiowa, 1908-09; Eng- lish and History, High School, Anthony, 1909-10; English and Music, Neo- desha, 1910-12; Homekeeper, Kiowa, 1912-. Born Byesville, Guernsey Co., O., April 20, 1885. Married Charles L. Cook, June 19, 1912. Children: Eleanor, May 8, 1913; Charles William, March 2, 1915. Sister of No. 598. 601. ARTHUR GARFIELD SPILLER. CAPIZ, CAPIZ, P. I. Ph. B. Supervising Teacher, Phillippine Islands, Escalante, Occ. Ne- gros, 1908-09; Silay, Occ. Negros, 1909-14; Division Superintendent Schools, Suln, 1914-15; Supervising Teacher, Paniqui, Tarlac, 1915-16; Principal and Teacher Economics, High School, Capiz, Province of Capiz, 1916-. Born Frankfort, Jan. 8, 1881. Married Christina Rhodes, A. B., Sept. 15, 1915. 602. ARTHUR TAYLOR SUTTON. . CHELAN, WASH. A. B.; B. Ped. Graduate Western Kansas State Normal School, Hays, 1911. Teacher Sheridan County High School, Hoxie, 1908-11; Superin- tendent Schools, Chelan, Wash., 1911-. Born Vinita, I. T., Sept. 13, 1883. Married Hazel Smith, Aug. 16, 1911. 603. ETHEL ESTELLA THOMAS. 1020 OSAGE, MANHATTAN. A. B. Graduate Student, The University of Kansas, Summer, 1910; The University of Chicago, Summer, 1914; The University of Wisconsin, Summer, 1916. Teacher Latin and English, and Assistant Principal, High School, Ellsworth, 1908-10; Principal, Ellsworth, 1910-12; Teacher Latin, High School, Manhattan, 1913-. Born Elkhart, Ind., Feb. 17, 1883. Sister of No. 658. 164 GRADUATES [1908-09 604. ALMA M. THOMPSON. 317 JACKSON, STERLING, COL. A. B. Teacher History and Latin, and Assistant Principal High School, Howard, 1908-11; Homekeeper, Ft. Collins, Col., 1911-12; Sterling, Col.. 1912-. Born Howard, July 27, 1885. Married D. C. Bascom, Aug. 22, 1911. Child: Elizabeth May, Sept. 19, 1916. 605. ERWIN MILTON TIFFANY. MANHATTAN. A. B. B. S., Kansas State Agricultural College, 1915. Bookkeeper, C. A. Smith Lumber Co., Marshfield, Ore., 1908-09; Principal High School, Madros, Ore., 1909-10; Farmer, Lyndon, 1910-12; Student Kansas State Agri- cultural College, 1912-13; Principal High School, Great Bend, 1913-14; As- sistant in Home Study Service, Kansas State Agricultural College, 1914- 16; Instructor in Home Study Service, Kansas State Agricultural College, 1916-. Lecturer in Agricultural Education, K. S. A. C. Born Lyndon, Aug. 26, 1883. Married Clara Horney, July 23, 1913. 606. JUNE TOPPING. 2320 E. DOUGLAS, WICHITA. Ph. B. At Home, Oklahoma City, Okla., 1908-12; Wichita, 1912-. Born Enterprise, June 29, 1889. 607. MARY ALICE WIDNEY. ONAGA. B. L. Teacher English and Principal High School, Overbrook, 1908- 09; Teacher Latin and History, High School, Alma, 1909-10; Homekeeper, Lawrence, 1910-11; McPherson, 1911-13; Quenemo, 1913-14; Onaga, 1916-. Born Lyndon, May 7, 1884. Married Walter Bailey Wise, Sept. 8, 1910. Child: Alice Elaine, Nov. 14, 1915. 608. WILLIAM JOHN WILLIAMS. CHANUTE. A. B. Superintendent Schools, Neosho Falls, 1908-10; Teacher and Ward Principal, Fort Scott, 1910-14; Principal Senior High School, Chanute, 1914-. Born Redruth, Cornwall, England, Dec. 1, 1882. Married Maud Kil- born, No. 528, Aug. 18, 1909. Children: Mary Margaret, June 13, 1911; Marion Louise, March 20, 1915. 609. LELA CLAIRE WILSON. 931 BROADWAY ST., QUINCY, ILL. A. B. At Home, Soldier, 1908-13. Teacher High School, Milnor, N. D., 1913-14; Teacher 8th Grade, Stanberry, Mo., 1914-15; High School, Stan- berry, Mo., 1915-16; Student Gem City Business College, Quincy, 111., 1916-. Born Soldier, Dec. 22, 1884. CLASS OF 1909. 610. MABEL ELIZABETH ADAMS. OSAGE CITY. B. L. Graduate Student, Kansas State Normal School, Emporia, Sum- mer, 1916. Teacher, High School, Alma, 1909-10; At Home, Osage City, 1910-12; Teacher, Grades, Reading, 1912-14; At Home, Osage City, 1914-15; Teacher, 5th Grade, Blue Rapids, 1915-16; At Home, Osage City, 1916-. Born Osage City, Sept. 6, 1886. 165 1909] GRADUATES eiL AGNES ANNA ANDERSON. 1021 MAINE ST, LAWRENCE. A. B. A. M., The University of Kansas, 1911. Teacher, Science, High School, Hutchinson, 1909-10; Graduate Student in Chemistry, Fellow in Chemistry, University of Kansas, 1910-11; Assistant Food Analyst, Uni- versity of Kansas, 1911-13; Food Analyst, University of Kansas, 1913-14; Assistant Instructor in Chemistry, University of Kansas, 1916-. Home- keeper, Lawrence, 1914-. Member Sigma Xi, Kansas Academy of Science, American Chemical Society. Born Elk City, Jan. 17, 1889. Married Joseph W. Murray, Nov. 8, 1914. Daughter of No. 90. Sister of Nos. 612, 899. 612. ESPAR ANDERSON. ELDORADO, OKLA. A. B. Teacher Latin and English, High School, Natoma, 1909-10; Latin and English, LaCrosse, 1910-11; Homekeeper, LaCrosse, 1911; Bartlesville, Okla., 1911-12; Langdon, 1912-14; Eldorado, Okla., 1914-. Born Baldwin City, Oct. 21, 1887. Married Benjamin H. Stover, April 12, 1911. Child: Espar Hermina, May 14, 1913. Daughter of No. 90. Sister of Nos. 611, 899. 613. LAVINA BARTON. GORHAM. B. L. Teacher Latin and German, High School, Kinsley, 1909-12; Homekeeper, Larned, 1912-14; Gorham, 1914-. Born Wichita, July 10, 1886. Married Russell E. Lawrence, June 26, 1912. Children: Ruth, July 5, 1913; Elinor, Oct. 22, 1914. Sister of No. 852. 614. JESSIE BLAINE BEAUCHAMP. PENANG, MALAYSIA. A. B. Born Kansas, 111, 1884. Married Earl Randall Hibbard, No. 576, 1909. 615. LUTHER ALLEN BECK. BRIGHTON, COL. A. B. Teller, The Continental Trust Co, Denver, Col, 1909-12; As- sistant Cashier, The First National Bank, Sterling, Col, 1913-17; Cashier, Bank, Brighton, Col, 1917-. Born Hillsboro, 111, June 2, 1887. Married Anna Lucille Lynch, No. 878, April 17, 1916. 616. CHARLES SAMUEL BRADEN. SANTIAGO, CHILE, S. A. A. B. B. D, Union Theological Seminary, 1911. Assistant Pastor, Cornell Memorial M. E. Church, 1909-11; Graduate Student, Columbia Uni- versity and Union Theological Seminary, 1909-11; Union Settlement Work, Summer, 1910; Pastor City Park Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, N. Y, 1911-12; Missionary M. E. Church, Cochabamba, Bolivia, S. A, 1912; Prin- cipal Secondary Department, Cochabamba Institute, 1912-15; Pastor Spanish Church, Cochabamba, 1914-15; On Furlough, in U. S. A, 1915-16; Minister M. E. Church, First, Santiago, Chile, 1916-. Professor in Union Bible Sem- inary; Editor El Heraldo Christiano; Agent M. E. Publishing House. Born Chanute, Sept. 19, 1887. Married Grace Eleanore McMurray, No. 644, Oct. 24, 1911. Children: George William, Jan. 13, 1914; Grace Elizabeth, Aug. 14, 1916. Brother of No. 1028. 617. MAUDE BRIGHAM. 814 MO. ST, LAWRENCE. A. B. Training for Nurse, K. U. Hospital, Rosedale, 1909; Clerk, Hobbs Mercantile Co, Baldwin City, 1910-12; Homekeeper, 1912- . Born Coyville, 166 GRADUATES [1909 Nov. 6, 1887. Married Clarence Churchill Stewart, No. 437, June 12, 1912. Child: Dorothy Marie, May 8, 1913. Sister of Nos. 412, 451. 618. ELMER LEONARD BROWN. 952 KANSAS AVE., KANSAS CITY A. B. B. D., Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1916. Minister, M. E. Church, Chautauqua, 1909-11; Madison, 1911-12; Graduate Student in Theology, Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1913-16; Central, Kansas City, 1916-. Born Hampton, 111., July 11, 1884. Married Violet Oretha Russell, No. 542, June 1, 1909. 619. ALBERT ERNEST BROWN. ATWOOD. B. S. A. M., Yale University, 1910. Graduate Student in Philosophy, Yale University, New Haven, Conn., and Scholar, 1909-10; Principal Gove Co. High School, Gove, 1910-11; Principal High School, Moran, 1911-12; Principal High School, Lyons, 1912-16; Principal Rawlins Co. High School, Atwood, 1916-. Born Moran, June 21, 1882. Married Mae Dennis, Aug. 14, 1912. 620. RUTH ESTELLA BUKEY. YATES CENTER. A. B. Teacher, Grades, Pratt, 1909-10; Grades, McPherson, 1910-11; Homekeeper 1911-. Born McPherson, Aug. 27, 1887. Married Arthur Dan Catlin, No. 621, Aug. 20, 1912. Children: Infant son, June 22, 1914; Mar- jorie, Feb. 21, 1916. 621. ARTHUR DAN CATLIN. YATES CENTER. A. B.; A. M., 1912. Teacher History and Principal High School, Marysville, 1909-10; Instructor in Civics and History, Baker University, 1911-12; Superintendent Schools, Irving, 1912-13; Superintendent Schools, Yates Center, 1913-. Born Hopkins, Mo., Dec. 26, 1882. Married Ruth Estella Bukey, No. 620, Aug. 20, 1912. Children: Infant son, June 22, 1914; Marjorie, Feb. 21, 1916. Brother of 971. 622. WARREN BALDWIN COCHRAN, c/o LEWIS AND CLARK HIGH SCHOOL, SPOKANE, WASH. A. B. Graduate Student in Science and Education, University of Wis- consin, Summer, 1910; University of Illinois, Summer, 1911; University of Utah, 1911-12. Teacher Cherokee Co. High School, Columbus, 1909-11; Science, High School, Sand Point, Ida., 1912-13; Physical Geography and Geology, Lewis and Clark High School, Spokane, Wash., 1913-. Born Grenola, April 10, 1886. Married Corinne Rapalee, July 3, 1915. 623. JESSIE LOUISE DENMAN. GARNETT. A. B. Teacher Latin and German, High School, Alton, 1909-11; Grad- uate Student in Latin, The University of Chicago, 1911-12; Teacher Latin, High School, Garnett, 1912-. Born Palmer, Aug. 23, 1886. Sister of No. 566. 624. MABEL SHELDON DITZLER. ELLSWORTH. A. B. Teacher German and Latin, High School, Ponca City, Okla., 1909-12; German and Latin, and Assistant Principal, High School, Ellsworth. 1912-. Born Harrisonville, Mo., March 21, 1887. 167 1909] GRADUATES 625. LOUIS BENNETT DOBBS. CHAPMAN. A. B. Minister, M. E. Church, Elk Falls, 1909-10; Fontana, 1910-11; Neosho Falls, 1911-12; Princeton, 1912-14; Greenleaf, 1914-16; Chapman, 1916-. Born Marion, Jan. 15, 1874. Married May Hampton, Sept. 10, 1908. Children: Louis Hampton, Jan. 21, 1912; Paul Bennett, Aug. 31, 1914; Helen Francis, April 29, 1916. 626. CLARA MAY EVANS. INHAMBANE, SOUTH AFRICA. A. B. Missionary, East Africa, 1909-. Born Casey, la., Nov. 5, 1884. Married Pliny Whittier Keys, No. 628, July 6, 1909. Sister of No. 1038. 627. ARTHUR HERMAN FAST. WASHINGTON, D. C. A. B. LL. B., The University of Kansas, 1912, Law Student, North- western University, Chicago, 111., 1909; Law Student the University of Kan- sas, 1910-12; Superintendent Schools, Sylvan Grove, 1912-13; Teacher Math- ematics and Civics, High School, Newton, 1913-14; Principal High School and Teacher Civics and Commercial Law, Caldwell, 1914-15; Lawyer, Ness City, 1915-16; Law Assistant to Solicitor, U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, 1916-. Born Hillsboro, July 6, 1887. Brother of No. 914. 628. ANNA PEARL FISHER. 2800 E. FIRST ST., WICHITA. B. L. Teacher History, English and Latin, High School, Nortonville, 1909-11, Principal, same, 1910-11; Homekeeper, Wichita, 1911-. Born Atchi- son, Dec. 5, 1886. Married Irwin H. Stearns, April 24, 1912. Children: Virginia Catheryn, May 5, 1914; Jeaneatte, Feb. 21, 1916. 629. MERTON CLYDE FRENCH. McPHERSON. A. B. Graduate Student, The University of Chicago, Summers, 1914, 15, 16. Principal Schools, Silver Lake, 1909-11; Superintendent Schools, Winchester, 1911-13; Teacher Latin, High School, Leavenworth, 1913-15; Principal High School, McPherson, 1915-. Born Silver Lake, July 20, 1888. Married Edith Jane Johnson, Feb. 21, 1917. 630. BESSIE GILMAN. NEOSHO RAPIDS. Ph. B. Graduate Student, Baker University, 1909-10; Teacher Science, High School, Olwein, la., 1910-11; Teacher Rural School, Bennington, 1911- 12; German and Mathematics, High School, Talmage, 1912-13; Latin and English, Newkirk, Okla., 1913-14; Latin and Mathematics, Neola, la., 1914- 15; Latin and English, Reading, 1915-16; Latin and English, Neosho Rap- ids, 1916-. Born Owasso, Mich., April 15, 1886. 631. RUSSIE LA CLEDE HAZZARD. FRANKFORT. A. B. Superintendent Schools, Whitewater, 1909-15; Principal High School, Frankfort, 1915-16; Superintendent Schools, Frankfort, 1916-. Born Belle Plaine, Dec. 21, 1887. Married Florence Amelia Allderdice, No. 730, May 22, 1912. 632. FRANKLIN PIERCE HILLIS. A. B. Teacher Riley Co., Manhattan, 1909. Born Reading, 1881. 168 GRADUATES [1909 683. *VERNON GRANT HUDGENS. A. B. Born Indianola, Neb., Oct. 31, 1885. Died, Oct. 26, 1909, burial at Carlsbad, N. Mex. 634. THOMAS TODD JOHNSTON. EASTHAMPTON, MASS. A. B. S. T. B., Boston University, 1913. Homesteading, Stratton, Colo., 1909; Graduate Student in Theology, Boston University, 1910-14; Minister, M. E. Church, East Gloucester, Mass., 1911-14; Easthampton, Mass., 1914-. Born Sanborn, N. D., May 11, 1889. 635. LESTER MARTIN JONES. CAMERON, MO. A. B. B. D., Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1913. A. M., Columbia University, 1913. Minister, M. E. Church, Fillmore, Mo., 1909- 10; Graduate Student, Union Theology Seminary and Columbia University, New York, 1910-12; Grace, St. Joseph, Mo., 1913-15; Professor of Educa- tion, Missouri Wesleyan College, Cameron, Mo., 1916-. Graduate Student, The University of Chicago, Summer, 1916. Born Pickering, Mo., July 28, 1884. Married Nelle Roach, June 16, 1909. 636. ALETHA SARAH KELLY. ALLAHABAD, INDIA. A. B. Teacher Grades, Independence, 1909-10; English and German, High School. Caney, 1910-12; Private Secretary, Canton Christian Col- lege, Canton, China, 1912-14; Religious Secretary, Grace M. E. Church, New York City, 1914-15; Homekeeper and missionary at Ewing Christian College, Allahabad, India, 1916-. Born Marian, la., June 30, 1884. Mar- ried Leslie A. Kenoyer, Ph. D., June 16, 1915. Sister of No. 469. 637. EDWIN POMEROY KENDALL. R. F. D. No. 2, PUEBLO, COLO. A. B.; Ped. B. Principal Schools, Edwardsville, 1909-10; Principal High School, Wamego, 1910-12; Farmer, Boone, Colo., 1912-14; Teacher and Farmer, Pueblo, Colo., 1914-. Born Farlinville, Dec. 24, 1882. Mar- ried Edna Gertrude Jackson, No. 578, Aug. 4, 1909. Children: Neil Jack- son, April 28, 1911; Elwin Percy, Aug. 27, 1914; Homer Shirley, Oct. 27, 1915. 638. PLINY WHITTIER KEYS. INHAMBANE, SOUTH AFRICA. A. B. Missionary East Africa, 1909-. Born Howard, Sept. 6, 1880. Married Clara May Evans, No. 626, July 6, 1909. 639. STEPHEN LOTT KISER. SPEARVILLE. A. B. S. T. B., Garrett Biblical Institute, 1912. Graduate Student in Theology Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanston, 111., 1909-12; Graduate Stu- dent, The University of Chicago, Summer, 1911. Minister, M. E. Church, Burden, 1912-13; Dighton, 1913-15; Spearville, 1915-. Born Andale, Nov. 16, 1885. Married Karen Jacobena Hansen, April 3, 1912. 640. LENA ELIZABETH KLAMM. BASEHOR. A. B. Graduate Student in Home Economics, Kansas State Agri- cultural College, Summer, 1913. Teacher High School, Basehor, 1909-13; German, English, Botany and Household Arts, Lansing, 1913-15; English, History, German and Science, Basehor, 1915-. Born Fairmount, July 23, 1886. 169 1909] GRADUATES 641. WALTER ALBERT LEWIS. ARKANSAS CITY. B. S. Baldwin City, 1909. Married Bertha Bell, Feb. 22, 1912. Children: Donald, March 8, 1913; Gerald, Jan. 27, 1915. Brother of No. 581. 642. ARTHUR KIRKWOOD LOOMIS. 1110 VERMONT ST. LAW- RENCE. A. B. Graduate Student, The University of Kansas, Summers, 1911, 12. Superintendent Schools, Oswego, 1909-12; Superintendent Schools, Pea- body, 1912-16; Fellow in Education, The University of Kansas, 1916-. Born Battle Creek, Mich., Oct. 25, 1888. Married Ethel Morgan, June 17, 1914. Child: Robert Kirkwood, Nov. 7, 1915. 643. HARRY OSCAR MARTIN. 23 NETHERLANDS RD., BROOK- LINE, MASS. A. B. S. T. B., Boston University, 1912. Graduate Student in Theol- ogy, Boston University, 1909-12; Minister, M. E. Church, Lebanon, N. H., 1912-14; Brookline, Mass., 1914-. Born Paola, Nov. 16, 1880. Married Alice Mather, July 29, 1912. Child: Gordon Mather, March 2, 1915. 644. GRACE ELEANORE McMURRAY. SANTIAGO, CHILE, S. A. A. B. Teacher Latin, German and English, High School, Cheney, 1909-11; Homekeeper, 1911-. Kindergarten Teacher, Cochabamba Institute, 1912-15. Born Garnett, Aug. 30, 1888. Married Charles Samuel Braden, No. 616, Oct. 24, 1911. Children: George William, Jan. 13, 1914; Grace Elizabeth, Aug. 14, 1916. 645. ROBERT HUGH McWILLIAMS. SALINA. A. B. A. M., The University of Chicago, 1913. Teacher, High School, Washington, 1909-12; Graduate Student in History, The University of Chi- cago, 1912-13; Instructor in Civics and History, Baker University, 1913-14; Principal High School, Salina, 1914-. Born Washington, Oct. 29, 1880. Married Laura Viola Nicholson, No. 649, Dec. 30, 1913. Child: Robert Hugh, Jr., April 27, 1916. 646. ELSIE MAE MEYERS. 1117 LEONARD PLACE, EVANSTON, ILLINOIS. A. B. Teacher, Stanley, 1909-12; Homekeeper, 1912-. Born, Listowel, Can., Dec. 18, 1884. Married Harry Thomas Vigour, No. 779, Nov. 27, 1912. Child: Hervey Elwood, Feb. 11, 1916. 647. EDWARD FRANKLIN MILLER. KEENE, N. H. A. B. S. T. B., Boston University, 1911. Minister, M. E. Church, Oak Grove, Mo., 1903-05; Contoocook, N. H., 1909-11; Keene, N. H., 1911-. Graduate Student in Theology, Boston University, 1909-11. Representa- tive in State Legislature, N. H., 1914-16. Born, Decatur, Ind., Feb. 21, 1882. Married Gertrude Jones, Jan. 12, 1901. Child: Waldo Burnett, Sept. 29, 1901. 170 GRADUATES [1909 648. WALTER DAVID MOLBY. 59 BEDFORD ST., NEW YORK, NEW YORK. A. B. M. A., Yale University, 1914. Real Estate and Advertising, Butte, Mont., 1909-10; Secretary, Y. M. C. A., The University of Georgia, Athens, Ga., 1910-12; Graduate Student, Yale Divinity School, 1912-13; Graduate Student in Philosophy and Psychology, Yale University, 1913-14; Teacher, Hamilton Institute for Boys, New York City, 1914; Private Sec- retary to Guido Bruno, Publisher, New York City, 1915; Advertising, Hoyt's Service, Inc., 1916-. Author "Hippopotamus Tails." Born Linn, Feb. 22, 1888. Brother of Nos. 390, 816. 649. LAURA VIOLA NICHOLSON. SALINA. A. B. Teacher, Jewell City, 1909-10; Teacher, Burrton, 1910-13; Home- keeper, 1913-. Born, Scranton, Sept. 30, 1886. Married Robert Hugh Mc- Williams, No. 645, Dec. 30, 1913. Child: Robert Hugh, Jr., April 27, 1916. 650. RALPH THOMAS O'NEIL. OSAGE CITY. A. B. LL. B., Harvard University, 1913. Teacher, Clay Co. High School, Clay Center, 1909-10; Law Student, Harvard University, Cam- bridge, Mass., 1910-13; Lawyer, Osage City, 1913-. County Attorney, Osage Co., Lyndon, 1915-. Born, Osage City, Aug. 8, 1888. 651. EDNA BELLE PEARCE. WINNIPEG, CAN. B. L, Teacher, Grades, Topeka, 1909-13; Homekeeper, 1913-. Born Burlington, Dec. 11, 1885. Married William David Green, No. 521, Jan. 14, 1914. Children: Ferris Jane, Nov. 23, 1914; William David, Jr., May 9, 1916. 652. ANNA DOWNEY PORTER. CRANDON HALL, ROME, ITALY. A. B.; A. M., 1913. Student, Oxford University, England; Paris, France, 1909-10; Instructor in Modern Languages, Baker University, 1910-12; In- structor in French Language and Literature, Baker University, 1912-13; Missionary, Rome, Italy, 1913-. Born, Chicago, 111., Jan. 21, 1887. Sister of No. 766. 653. THEODORE FRANKLIN RUDISILL. SYLVIA. A. B. S. T. B., Garrett Biblical Institute, 1915. A. M., Northwestern University, 1915. Minister, M. E. Church, LeLoup, 1907-08; Centenary, Lawrence, 1908-09; Whitewater, 1909-12; Graduate Student, Garrett Biblical Institute and Northwestern University, 1912-15; Worth, 111., 1912-15; Udall, 1915-17; Sylvia, 1917-. Born, Ottawa Co., Kans., Oct. 25, 1882. Married Stella Marsh, June 27, 1906. 654. MARY ESTELLE SHANNON. RANGOON, BURMA, INDIA. A. B. Missionary, Principal Burmese Girls' School, Rangoon, Burma, India, 1909-. Born, Winfield, Iowa, April 6, 1880. 171 1909] GRADUATES 655. KENNETH KIPPLE SIMMONS. HUTCHINSON. B. S. LL. B., The University of Kansas, 1913. With Sears, Roebuck & Co., Chicago, 111., 1909-10; Law Student, The University of Kansas, 1910-13; Lawyer, Hutchinson, 1913-. Born Kansas City, Mo., June 24, 1888. 656. BONNIDELL SISSON. OTTUMWA, IA. B. L. Teacher, Primary, Tulsa, Okla., 1909-10; Homekeeper, 1910-. Central Province President, Alpha Chi Omega, 1910-15. Born Winnemuca, Nev., Dec. 5, 1886. Married Newton William Roberts, No. 720, June 14, 1910. Daughter of No. 50. 657. MABEL BLANCHE STEVENSON. WALTON. Ph. B. Graduate Student, Kansas State Normal School, Summer, 1910. Teacher, English and History, High School, Eskridge, 1909-10; Mathe- matics and Botany, High School, Solomon, 1910-12; same, Seneca, 1912-14; Homekeeper, Goff, 1914-15; Ingalls, 1915-16; Walton, 1916-. Born, South Cedar, Oct. 22, 1887. Married George Elmer Battin, June 30, 1914. Sister of No. 897. 658. DEWITT CORWIN THOMAS. WAKITA, OKLA. A. B. Principal Schools, Jamestown, 1909-10; Farmer, Wakita, Okla., 1910-11; Teacher Normal Training, High School, Wamego, 1911-12; Far- mer, Wakita, Okla., 1912-. Born Wilson, Nov. 6, 1885. Brother of No. 603. 659. ROMANIA RAE WILTROUT. LOGAN. B. L. Teacher Latin and History, High School, White City, 1909-11; High School, Logan, 1911-14; Student, Conservatory of Music, Cincinnati, O., 1914-15; Teacher Normal Training, High School, Logan, 1915-. Born Logan, Jan. 22, 1887. 660. COSMO CLYDE WISE. McDADE, TEX. Ph. B. LL. B., Lincoln-Jefferson University, Hammond, Ind., 1913. Graduate Student in History, The University of Texas, Summer, 1915. Su- perintendent Schools, Garfield, 1909-10; Farmer, Robstown, Tex., 1910- 12; Principal High School, Robston, Tex., 1912-13; Principal High School, Sinton, Tex., 1913-15; Teacher History and English, Powell University Training School, Dallas, Tex., 1915-16; Superintendent Schools, McDade, Tex., 1916-. Born Pendleton, Ind., Jan. 22, 1885. Married, Cenil Tillery, Dec. 27, 1914. 661. EDITH ROSAMOND YOUTSEY. c/o LAWRENCE HALL, NAN- KING, CHINA. A. B. Teacher English and History, High School, Waterville, 1909- 10; English, High School, Herington, 1910-11; Graduate Student in Eng- lish, The University of Chicago, 1911-12; Missionary, Nanking, China, 1912-. Born Troy, O., March 12, 1883. 172 GRADUATES [1910 CLASS OF 1910. 662. ORVAL DUANE ALLIS. VIRGIL. A. B. At Home, Baldwin City, 1910-11; Farmer and Teacher, Virgil, 1911-12; Superintendent Schools, Virgil, 1912-. Born Virgil, Feb. 27, 1884. Married Gertrude Annette Cundiff, No. 673, July 19, 1911. Brother of No. 731. 663. LIONEL ANDRISS ANDERSON. GLENDIVE, MONT. A. B.; Ped. B. M. D., Washington University, 1916. Student, The University of Chicago, Summer, 1911. Superintendent Schools, Fairview, 1910-12; Medical Student, The University of Kansas, 1912-14; Medical Stu- dent, Washington University, St. Louis, Mo., 1914-16; Assistant Surgeon, Northern Pacific Ry., Glendive, Mont., 1916-. Member American Medical Association. Born Peoria, III., April 11, 1887. 664. EMILY ANNADOWN. LAWRENCE. B. L. At Home, Lawrence, 1910. Born Sterling, 1880. Sister of No. 665. MAY ANNADOWN. B. L. Teacher, High School, Ellsworth, 1910-11; Homekeeper. Born Sterling, 1886. Married Claude A. Doty. Sister of No. 664. 666. CLAYTON ARTHUR AXTON. PLEASANTON. A. B. Graduate Student in Physics, Kansas State Agricultural Col- lege, Summer, 1912; In Education, The University of Kansas, Summer, 1916. Teacher Science and Mathematics, High School, Great Bend, 1910- 11; Science and Principal, High School, Great Bend, 1911-13; Superin- tendent Schools, Florence, 1913-16; Superintendent Schools, Pleasanton, 1916-. Born Cherryvale, Feb. 12, 1881. Married Laura E. White, Aug. 29, 1911. Child: James Willis, May 7, 1915. Brother of Nos. 404, 1025. 667. HERBERT AUGUSTUS BAILEY. TUSCOLA, ILL. A. B. Member Quartette, Lyceum Bureau, 1910-. Professional Singer and Organizer of Professional Companies affiliated with Ralph Dunbar, Producer, New York City. Born Princeton, March 21, 1890. Married Mary Katherine Rice, Sept. 1, 1915. Brother of Nos. 405, 406, 407, 408. 668. *OLIVER WILLIAM BROWN. A. B. Principal Schools, Edgerton, 1910-11; Graduate Student in The- ology, Boston University, 1911-13. Born Lenexa, Aug. 28, 1886. Died June 5, 1913, burial at Olathe. Brother of Nos. 560, 968. 669. FRANCIS LEROY COOPER. 342 4TH AVE., SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA. A. B. B. D., Union Theological Seminary, 1914. Graduate Student in Theology, Union Theological Seminary, New York City, 1910-14; Assistant 173 1910] GRADUATES Pastor of the 61st Street M. E. Church, New York City, 1910-11; Minister, Congregational Church, Cresskill, N. J., 1911-14; Richmond, San Fran- cisco, Cal., 1914-. Born Topeka, Sept. 2, 1884. Married Pearl Brown, Sept. 9, 1912 (died Sept. 23, 1915). Married Clara Ross, Jan. 15, 1917. Child: Francis Brown, Sept. 23, 1915. 670. FLORELLA TUCKER COUNTS. WILSON. A. B. Graduate Student, The University of Chicago, Summer, 1913. Teacher Latin and Mathematics, High School, Irving, 1910-12; Mathe- matics, High School, Baldwin City, 1912-13; Latin and English, High School, Wilson, 1913-14; Homekeeper, Wilson, 1915-. Born Baldwin City, Feb. 8, 1886. Married Walter D. McKittrick, March 10, 1915. Child: Laura Belle, April 19, 1916. Sister of No. 741. 671. HARVEY LEROY COX. SPRINGFIELD, MO. A. B., Ped. B. Managing Woodruff Office Building, Springfield, Mo., 1910-15; Cashier, German-American Bank, Springfield, Mo., 1915-. Born, Hartville, Mo., June 20, 1888. Married Juliet Williams, Jan, 28, 1914. 672. MYRNICE MARCIA CRYSLER. BALDWIN CITY. A. B. Teacher Latin and English, High School, Eudora, 1910-11; Latin, English and German, High School, Edwardsville, 1911-12; Home- keeper, Baldwin City, 1912-. Born, Oskaloosa, June 24, 1888. Married Orville Scott Morgan, July 25, 1912. Children: Buena Vista, Oct. 25, 1913; Orville Scott, Jr., June 19, 1915; Myrnice Noreen, Sept. 27, 1916. Daughter of No. 20. 673. GERTRUDE ANNETTA CUNDIFF. VIRGIL. A. B. Teacher Latin, High School, Leroy, 1910-11; Principal High School, Virgil, 1911-. Member Classical Association of the Middle West and South. Born, Talmage, April 8, 1887. Married Orval Duane Allis, No. 662, July 19, 1911. Sister of Nos. 674, 675. 674. PEARL CUNDIFF. c/o EXPERIMENT STATION, BOZEMAN, MONTANA. A. B. Teacher, High School, Harveyville, 1910-12; Homekeeper, Moc- casin, Mont, 1912-13; Bozeman, Mont., 1913-. Born Talmage, Sept. 29, 1885. Married Ralph W. Gilman, March 9, 1912. Children: Harold Sylvius, April 22, 1913; Lauren Cundiff, Nov. 24, 1914; Edward Irving, July 24, 1916. Sister of Nos. 673, 675. 675. RUBY ETHEL CUNDIFF. BALDWIN CITY. A. B. Assistant Librarian, B. U., 1910-. Born Talmage, April 17, 1890. Sister of Nos. 673, 674. 676. FAITH DEAN. KINGMAN. A. B. At Home, Baldwin City, 1910-11; Homekeeper, 1911-. Born, Peru, Neb., July 10, 1888. Married Ralph Mcllrath, No. 706, Oct. 11, 1911. Child: Frances Helen, Dec. 6, 1913. Sister of No. 861. 174 GRADUATES [1910 677. LUTHER HERBERT DITZLER. CHETOPA. A. B. Mercantile Business, Chetopa, 1910-. Born Chetopa, Jan. 13, 1887. 678. ETHEL DOUGHERTY. GARDEN CITY. A. B. Teacher Latin, High School, Cherryvale, 1910-12; Latin and History, High School, Garden City, 1912-. Born, Logan, June 8, 1889. 679. JESSIE MARGUERITE EDWARDS. CHETOPA. A. B. At Home, Chetopa, 1910-12; Student in German, Berlin and Hanover, Germany, 1912-14; At Home, Chetopa, 1914-. Born, Princeton, 111., Oct. 15, 1889. 680. FLORA MABEL EINSEL. MANHATTAN. B. S. B. S. in Home Economics, Kansas State Agricultural College, 1916. At Home, Greensburg, 1910-11; Homekeeper, Manhattan, 1911-; Pur- veyor, Domestic Science Department, K. S. A. C, 1916-. Born, Lafayette, Ind., April 24, 1885. Married Rufus S. Kirk, June 20, 1911. 681. RILEY WHITE GEARY. RECTOR, ARK. A. B. Graduate Student in Education, The University of Missouri, Summers, 1915, 16. Principal Schools, Collyer, 1910-11; Teacher English and History, High School, Mountain Home, Ark., 1911-13; Normal Train- ing Instructor, High School, Mountain Home, Ark., 1913-15; Teacher English, Physics and History, High School, Rector, Ark., 1916-. Born, Topeka, July 17, 1888. 682. ZULA ELBA GREEN. 428 N. 16TH ST., KANSAS CITY. A. B. Teacher, High School, Moran, 1910-11; High School, Win- chester, 1911-12; Grades, Kansas City, 1912-14; High School, Leaven- worth, 1914-16; Homekeeper, Kansas City, 1916-. Born, Blue Mound, March 28, 1889. Married Herbert Edward Griswold, July 2, 1916. Sister of Nos. 420, 521, 573. 683. ALICE LILA HAIGH. ELMONT. A. B. Teacher Latin and English, High School, Barnard, 1910-11 Latin and German, Gove, 1911-12; Latin and German, Barnard, 1912-14 Latin and German, Lincoln, 1914-15; Latin and English, Elmont, 1915-16 German and English, Elmont, 1916-. Born, Sabetha, Jan. 5, 1889. Sister of No. 17, C. 684. LAWRENCE KINGSLEY HALL. NEW YORK, N. Y. B. S. Teacher Mathematics, Norton Co. High School, Norton, 1910- 11; Superintendent Schools, Cheney, 1911-12; State High School Secretary, Y. M. C A., Topeka, 1912-16; County Work Staff, International Committee Y. M. C. A., New York City, 1917-. Instructor Estes Park Y. M. C. A. Summer Schools, 1915-16. Born Riley, July 27, 1886. Married Margaret E. Brown, June 26, 1912. Children: William McBrown, Aug. 11, 1913; James Worthington, Nov. 30, 1915. Brother of No. 464. 175 1910] GRADUATES 685. JAMES HOWARD HANGER. 414 W. 121ST ST., NEW YORK, NEW YORK. A. B. A. M., The University of Kansas, 1911. Fellow in Education, The University of Kansas, 1910-11; Superintendent Schools, Rossville, 1912-14; Assistant in Education, The University of Illinois, 1914-15; Teacher of Social Science and Vocational Counsellor, High School, Decatur, 111., 1915-16; Assistant in Education, Teachers' College, Columbia University, Summer, 1913; Graduate Student, Teachers' College, Columbia Univer- sity, 1916-. Contributor to educational journals. Author, "Legal Status of the High School" in "The Modern High School." Member Phi Delta Kappa, Kappa Delta Pi. Born, McPherson, Dec. 16, 1879. 686. WILLARD GLASS HAZEN. ABBYVILLE. A. B. Bookkeeper and Cashier, Peoples' State Bank, Baldwin City, 1910-15; With Southwest National Bank of Commerce, Kansas City, Mo., 1916; Banker, Abbyville, 1916-. Born, Erie, Nov. 8, 1888. Brother of No. 920. 687. LENA ELIZABETH HENRY. LIBERAL. A. B. Teacher, Latin and English, Union High School, Burns, 1910-12; Principal, Union High School, Burns, 1912-14; Teacher Latin and English, Union High School, Burns, 1914-15; At Home, Topeka, 1915-16; Principal, High School and Teacher Latin and Normal Training, Liberal, 1916-. Born, Saratoga, N. Y., April 22, 1880. 688. WILBER NICKLE HOLLIDAY. c/o EMPIRE GAS & FUEL CO., BARTLESVILLE, OKLA. B. S. International Correspondence Schools and Bell Telephone Co., Lawrence, 1910-11; Teacher Science, High School, Paola, 1911-14; Building Inspector, Rodman, Masonry Inspector, Transitman, A. T. & S. F. Ry. Co., Newton, 1914-. Born, Reading, Aug. 5, 1889. 689. EVELYN PEARL HUME. CHENEY. A. B. Teacher History, Latin and German, Spivey, 1910-11; At Home, Arkansas City, 1911-12; History, English and German, Hoisington, 1912-14; Homekeeper, Cheney, 1914-. Born Olwein, la., March 26, 1887. Married Arnold Kurt, Dec. 31, 1914. Sister of No. 747. 690. GRACE MABEL IRWIN. BALDWIN CITY. A. B. Teacher, Latin and Normal Training, High School, Halstead, 1910-12; Latin, High School, Minneapolis, 1912-16; Principal High School, Minneapolis, 1914-16; Instructor in Latin and English, Baker University, 1916-. Born, Minneapolis, Oct. 3, 1884. Sister of No. 691. 691. *RALPH JAMES IRWIN. A. B. Principal Gove Co. High School, Gove, 1910; At Home, Bald- win City, 1911-12. Born, Minneapolis, Sept. 18, 1887. Died Sept. 21, 1912, burial at Minneapolis. Brother of No. 690. 176 GRADUATES [1910 692. ANNIE JAGGARD. 11 N. THORPE, KANSAS CITY. A. B. Teacher Latin, High School, Spring Hill, 1910-12; Latin, High School, Randolph, 1912-14; Latin, High School, Spring Hill, 1914-15; Latin. Argentine High School, Kansas City, 1915-. Born, Jaggard, Dec. 24, 1888. Sister of No. 693. 693. EMMA JAGGARD. 11 N. THORPE, KANSAS CITY. A. B. At Home, Kansas City, 1910-14; Homekeeper, Washington, D. C, 1914-15; San Francisco, Cal., 1915-. Born Jaggard, Aug. 4, 1886. Mar- ried Joy A. Omer, M. D., U. S. N., Sept. 28, 1914. Child: Virginia May, July 17, 1915. Sister of No. 692. 694. HUGH VICTOR JAMIESON. DALLAS, TEX. A. B. Mj Brother of No. A. B. Manager "Movies," 1910-. Born, Burlingame, Oct. 5, 1888. ■"). 1 C. 695. AMBROSE M. JOHNSTON. MANHATTAN. A.B. J.D., University of Michigan, 1913. Law Student with Scholar- ship, Columbia University, New York City, 1910-11; Law Student, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1911-13; Lawyer, Seattle, Wash., 1913-14; Lawyer, Manhattan, 1914-. Born Minneapolis, Nov. 25, 1887. Brother of No. 925. 696. MARY GRACE KESLER. NANKING, CHINA, A.B. Teacher, Cheney, 1910-12; Missionary, Field Evangelistic and Day School Supervisor, Nanking, China, 1912-. Born Dodge City, Dec. 1, 1886. 697. GRACE ELLA KUMLER. HOPE. A.B. Teacher English, High School, Blackwell, Okla., 1910-11; Teacher, Lindsborg, 1911-12; Homekeeper, Hope, 1912-. Born Kumler, 111., May 15, 1886. Married Martin Anderson, Dec. 25, 1912. Children: Preston Kumler, Oct. 25, 1914; Horace Alfred, Oct. 23, 1915. 698. BEULAH FERNE LACEY. GODDARD. A.B. Teacher English and History, High School, Norwich, 1910-12; Homekeeper, Goddard, 1912-. Born Moran, Sept. 29, 1889. Married For- rest V. Curtis, D.D.S., June 27, 1912. 699. WESLEY ANDERSON LACEY. PULLMAN, WASH. A.B. A.M., The University of Kansas, 1911. Fellow in Economics, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, 1910-11. Teacher History, University High School, Reno, Nev., 1911-12; Principal High School, Pomeroy, Wash., 1913-16; Principal High School, Pullman, Wash., 1916-. Born Moran, June 12, 1888. Married Feme Lucile Samuel, No. 772, Oct. 2, 1912. Child: Myron Dale, Oct. 4, 1913. 177 1910] GRADUATES 700. CLARA OLIVA LAURY. MORAN. A.B. Teacher, Rural Schools, Moran, 1910-11; Stenographer, Moran, 1911-13; Teacher, Grades, lola, 1913-15; Nurse's Training, Wesley Memorial Hospital, Chicago, 111., 1915-16; At Home, Moran, 1916-. Born Moran, Sept. 5, 1886. Sister of Nos. 701, 813, 929. 701. WILLIAM GODFREY LAURY. MELVERN. A.B. Farmer, Moran, 1910-16; Farmer, Melvern, 1916-. Born Moran, March 28, 1884. Married Phoebe M. Ellis, Aug. 30, 1911. Children: Edna Marie, May 17, 1912; Eleanor Alice, Oct. 4, 1915. Brother of Nos. 700, 813, 929. 702. ALFRED EDGAR LEACH. BALDWIN CITY. A.B. Graduate Dillenbeck School of Oratory, Kansas City, Mo., 1895. Professor of Elocution and Oratory, Baker University, 1895-. Member National Speech Arts Association. Born Port Hope, Ontario, Can., Jan. 23, 1863. Married Martha J. Dougherty, Dec. 28, 1911. Child: Donald Edgar, July 3, 1916. Brother of No. 1061. 703. CLARENCE HENRY LILLIE. RICHLAND, WASH. A.B. Teacher Science, High School, Garnett, 1910-12. Born MiamJ Co., Kans., Feb. 1, 1883. 704. NETELLA LOY. APARTADO 908, LIMA, PERL A.B. Teacher Latin and German, Chase County High School, Cottoc wood Falls, 1910-14; Student, Kennedy School of Missions, Hartford, Conn 1915-16; Missionary in Rosario, Argentina, 1916 (3 mos.); in Lima, Peru 1916-. Born Americus, July 29, 1887. 705. MARY ELLEN MASSEY. BALDWIN CIT\ B.L. Teacher Rural Schools, Douglas Co., 1910-11; Teacher, Grade; Baldwin City, 1911-. Born Frankfort, Aug. 16, 1885. 700. RALPH MTLRATH. KINGMAK A.B. Farmer, Kingman, 1910-. Born Harrisburg, 111., Jan. 3, 188i Married Faith Dean, No. 676, Oct. 11, 1911. Child: Frances Helen, Dec. t 1913. Brother of No. 882. 707. CHESTER ARTHUR MILES. COATS A.B. Minister, M. E. Church, Bronson, 1910-12; Hutchinson, 1912-14 Preston, 1914-16; Coats, 1916-. Born New Lebanon, Ind., July 24, 1883 Married Lilly May Holmes, July 23, 1907. Children: Charlotte Mae, Nov 24, 1911; Paul Wendell, Dec. 18, 1913; Edgar Loyal, Feb. 8, 1916. 708. BEN SCUDDER MILLIKAN. A.B.; A.M., 1912. Graduate Student, The University of Chicago, 1910. Born Parnell, Mo., Jan. 2, 1883. 178 GRADUATES [1910 709. WINIFRED SARAH MOOREHEAD. ROBINSON. A.B. Teacher Latin, High School, Sabetha, 1910-11; Latin, High School, Holton, 1911-14; Homekeeper, 1914-. Born Waterville, Oct. 27. 1888. Married William Edwin Nelson, No. 711, June 17, 1914. 710. CLIVE PAUL MUELLER. CARE GENERAL HOSPITAL, KANSAS CITY, MO. A.B.; Ped.B. M.D., Northwestern University, 1916. Teacher Science, High School, Alma, 1910-12; Medical Student, Northwestern University, Chicago, 111., 1912-16; House Physician, General Hospital, Kansas City, Mo., 1916-. Born Sedgwick, Nov. 5, 1887. Brother of Nos. 762, 937. 711. WILLIAM EDWIN NELSON. ROBINSON. A.B. Real Estate and Law Student, Wakeeney, 1910-12; Superintendent Schools, Robinson, 1912-. Graduate Student, The University of Kansas, Summer, 1915; The University of Chicago, Summer, 1916. Born Wakeeney, Jan. 5, 1883. Married Winifred Sarah Moorehead, No. 709, June 17, 1914. 712. DELLA BREYFOGLE PENNOCK. BARNES. A.B. Teacher, High School, Hanover, 1910-15; High School, Barnes, 1915-; Graduate Student, The University of Chicago, Summer, 1916. Born Olathe, April 29, 1885. Sister of Nos. 713, 1070. 713. FLORENCE ELANOR PENNOCK. GIRARD. A.B. Teacher, High School, Hoisington, 1910-11; High School, Har- veyville, 1911-13; High School and Grades, Fulton, 1913-14; High School, Edwardsville, 1914-15; Girard, 1916-. Graduate Student, The University of Chicago, Summer, 1916. Born Olathe, July 31, 1887. Sister of Nos. 712, 1070. 714. RAYMOND WILLIS PORTER. MANILA, P. I. A.B., Mus.B., 1911. Student, B. U. Conservatory of Music, 1910-11; Teacher in Bureau of Education, P. I., 1912-14; Student in Music, Leipsig, Germany, 1914; Student in Music, Chicago, 111., 1915; Teacher of Public School Music, Philippine Normal School, Manila, P. I., 1915-. Born Pleas- anton, Dec. 14, 1889. 715. SADIE VESTA POTTORF. DEXTER. A.B. Teacher English and History, High School, Burden, 1910-12; English and Latin, High School, Dexter, 1912-; Homekeeper, Dexter, 1916-. Born Oskaloosa, Aug. 31, 1887. Married Elmer L. Wilson, June 4, 1916. 716. FRED ALLEN PRICE, 702 MIDLAND BLDG, KANSAS CITY, MO. B.S. Student in Journalism, The University of Missouri, 1915-16. P. O. Clerk, Baldwin City, 1910-14; Circulation Manager, Journal-World, Law- rence, 1914-15; Editor, Columbia Daily Times, Columbia, Mo., 1915-16; Field Manager, White and Myers Chautauqua and Lyceum Bureau, Kansas City, Mo., 1916-. Editor-in-chief and Business Manager, Sigma Phi Epsilon Journal, 1912-16. Born Baldwin City, Jan. 10, 1888. Married Berna Joseph- ine Hannum, No. 12C, June 12, 1914. Brother of No. 146. 179 1910] GRADUATES 717. RUTH OSBORNE PRICE. DECATUR, ILL. A.B. A.M., DePauw University, 1915. Teacher History, High School, Iola, 1910-13; Teacher History, Academy of DePauw University, Green- castle, Ind., 1913-15; History, High School, Decatur, 111., 1915-. Born Pitts- burg, Nov. 20, 1887. Daughter of No. 27, Sister of No. 1001. 718. ELLA MAY RAPP. WHITEWATER. A.B. Teacher Latin and English, High School, Gove, 1910-11; Latin and. German, High School, Whitewater, 1911-15; At Home, Baldwin City, 1915-16; Homekeeper, Whitewater, 1916-. Born Baldwin City, Jan. 21, 1888. Married Edward Corman, June 28, 1916. Sister of Nos. 159, 943. 719. WILLIAM SHELDON RHODENBAUGH. A.B.; Agent International Correspondence School, Iola, 1910. Born Harper, 1887. 720. NEWTON WILLIAM ROBERTS. OTTUMWA, IA. A.B. LL.B., Drake University. Law Student, Drake University, Des Moines, la., 1910; Official Court Reporter, 5th Judicial District, Ottumwa, la., 1910-14; Lawyer, Ottumwa, la., 1914-16; Secretary to John R. Mott, Secretary International Y. M. C. A., 1916; Lawyer, Ottumwa, la., 1916-. Born Indianapolis, Ind., July 6, 1881. Married Bonnidell Sisson, No. 656, June 14, 1910. 721. HARRIS RAY RUNION. BLUFF CITY. A.B. S.T.B., Garrett Biblical Institute, 1915. A.M., Northwestern Uni- versity, 1915. Minister, M. E. Church, Spearville, 1910-12; German Valley, 111., 1912-14; Graduate Student, Garrett Biblical Institute and Northwestern University, 1912-15; Bluff City, 1915-. Born Wellington, Jan. 16, 1886. Married Ella Alderson, June 11, 1910. Child: Harriett Ella, Sept. 20, 1912. 722. FRANKLIN WINTON RYAN. SALINA. A.B. At Home, Troy, 1910-11; Student Music, The University of Kan- sas, 1912; Newspaper Reporter, Ft. Worth and San Antonio, Tex., 1913; Professor English, Peacock Military College, San Antonio, Tex., 1914-15; Professor of Science and Mathematics, St. John's Military Academy, Salina, 1915-. Composer various musical productions. Born Meadville, Pa., July 25, 1888. 723. WALTON CARR SAMPLE. KINGMAN. A.B. Teacher Mathematics, High School, Kingman, 1910-11; Book- keeper, State Bank of Kingman, Kingman, 1912-15; Assistant Cashier, State Bank of Kingman, Kingman, 1915-. Born Kingman, Dec. 9, 1887. Married Correa R. Walter, June 20, 1911. Child: Ruth Correa, Feb. 22, 1913. Brother of Nos. 331, 828. 724. HELEN ELIZABETH SMITH. LARNED. A.B. Teacher English, Latin and German, High School, Scott City, 1910-11; Latin, German and Music, High School, Wellsville, 1911-12; Princi- 180 GRADUATES [1910-11 pal High School and Teacher Latin and Botany, Douglas, 1912-13; At Home, Baldwin City, 1913-14; Homekeeper, Larned, 1914-. Born Kansas City, Mo., May 29, 1889. Married C. E. Shepherd, A.B., M.D., Aug. 17, 1914. Sister of No. 1011. 725. *MABLE STENGER. A.B. Teacher Latin and History, High School, Council Grove, 1910-11; At Home, Council Grove, 1911-13. Born Council Grove, June 28, 1888. Died April 30, 1913, burial at Council Grove. 726. LOTTIE LAZETTE SWAYZE. 1416 MINNESOTA AVE., KAN- SAS CITY. A.B. Teacher, Grades, Baldwin, 1910-12; Departmental Work, Irving School, Kansas City, 1912-14; English, High School, Kansas City, 1914-. Born Hiawatha, May 30, 1872. 727. HARRIET MAY TULLER. GARDNER. B.L. At Home, Baldwin City, 1910-11; Teacher German, Latin and History, High School, Neosho Falls, 1911-12; German and Latin, High School, Kinsley, 1912-14; German, English and Latin, High School, Gard- ner, 1914-. Born Melvern, Dec. 17, 1884. 728. DORA AMELIA WAGNER. HAKOZATE, JAPAN. Ph.B. Teacher, Jewell City, 1910. Born LaCynge, 1885. 729. GRACE GERTRUDE WILEY. BALDWIN CITY. A.B. Teacher History and English, Principal of High School, Bald- win City, 1910-. Born Spring Hill, Aug. 8, 1884. CLASS OF 1911. 730. FLORENCE AMELIA ALLDERDICE. FRANKFORT. A.B. At Home, Baldwin City, 1911-12; Homekeeper, 1912-. Born Coman- che Co., Jan. 26, 1888. Married Russie LaClede Hazzard, No. 631, May 22, 1912. Sister of Nos. 496, 785, 961. 731. FRANK HOWARD ALLIS. GREAT BEND. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Teacher Mathematics and German, High School, Spearville, 1911-13; Principal, same, 1912-13; Graduate Student in Sociology, The University of Kansas, 1913-14; Teacher Mathematics, High School, Baldwin City, 1914-16; Principal High School, Great Bend, 1916-. Born Vergil, Nov. 10, 1891. Married Mary Grace Houston, Aug. 18, 1916. 732. HENRIETTA BARKEMEYER. LYNDHURST, N. J. B.L. Teacher, Grades, Coldwater, 1911-12; Homekeeper, Scott City, 1912-14; Valley Stream, L. I., N. Y., 1914-16; Lyndhurst, N. J., 1916-. Born Sedgwick, Feb. 15, 1889. Married Rev. Claude I. Wallace, Sept. 4, 1912. 181 1911] GRADUATES 733. ELIZABETH CATHERINE BARNES. DELANO, CALIF. A.B. Graduate Student, The University of Southern California, Los Angeles, 1911-12; Teacher English and Algebra, High School, San Jacinto, Calif., 1912-13; Teacher English and Latin, High School, Delano, Calif., 1913-. Graduate Student, The University of Southern California, Summer, 1916. Born Cummings, Nov. 23, 1889. 734. JENNIE GARNET BENHAM. 1115 TAYLOR ST., SAN FRAN- CISCO, CALIF. A.B. At Home, Garnett, 1911-12; Homekeeper, 1912-. Born Pleas- anton, July 16, 1889. Married Clyde Insley Blanchard, No. 854, June 6, 1912. Child: Lee Benham, Oct. 2, 1915. Sister of No. 1026. 735. LOUISE MARIE BRIGGS. PRATT. A.B. Homekeeper, Pratt, 1911-. Born Pratt, Sept. 8, 1889. Married Herbert T. Smith, Oct. 25, 1911. Children: Robert Francis, July 25, 1912; Mildred Etta, April 4, 1915. 736. ALFRED ARTHUR BROOKS. HASTINGS, NEB. A.B. Minister, M. E. Church, Davenport, Neb., 1906-10; Superior, Neb., 1910-11; Hastings, Neb., 1911-. National Chaplain of the Travelers' Pro- tective Association. Trustee Nebraska Wesleyan University, 1915-. Born Mt. Pleasant, O., Jan. 28, 1878. Married Clara B. Mason, Jan. 12, 1909. Children: Alfred Arthur, Jr., Jan. 2, 1913; Lee Culver, April 17, 1916. Brother of No. 737. 737. FOWLER ADELPHI BROOKS. 436 ELM ST, NORMAN, OKLA. A.B.; A.M. A.M., University of Oklahoma, 1915. A.M., Columbia Uni- versity, 1916. Superintendent Schools, Guthrie, Okla., 1911-15; Assistant Professor Education and Psychology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla., 1915-. Teacher Educational Psychology, Central State Normal, Ed- mond, Okla, Summer, 1915. Member Kappa Delta Pi. Born Baltimore, O, Jan. 16, 1885. Married Stella M. Nattier, June 17, 1914. Brother of No. 736. 738. WALTER C. BURKET. BALTIMORE, MD. A.B. S.B, The University of Chicago, 1911. M.D, Johns Hopkins University, 1915. Resident Surgical House Officer, Johns Hopkins Univer- sity, Baltimore, Md, 1915-16; Assistant in Surgery, Johns Hopkins Univer- sity, Baltimore, Md, 1916-. Born Kingman, Nov. 16, 1889. 739. ANNA CLARK. BALDWIN CITY. B.L. At Home, Baldwin City, 1911-12; Homekeeper, 1912-. Born Cot- tonwood Falls, Feb. 1, 1887. Married James Ralph Jillson, No. 748, July 23, 1912. Child: Iva Dorothy, Sept. 29, 1914. 740. LAUREN EDWARD CONGER. 1210 N. STILES, OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Lumber Merchant, Yates Center, 1911-15; Assistant Secretary and Treasurer, Pierson Telegraph and Transmitter Co, Topeka, 1915-. Born Chillicothe, Mo, May 18, 1888. Married Nina Emma Bauersfield, No. 789, Sept. 17, 1913. Child: Helen Jane, Sept. 26, 1914. 182 GRADUATES [1911 741. GEORGE SYLVESTER COUNTS. NEWARK, DEL. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Ph.D., The University of Chicago, 1916. Instructor in Science, Sumner County High School, Wellington, 1911-13; Principal High School, Peabody, 1912-13; Graduate Student in Education, The University of Chicago, 1913-16; Member of Cleveland, O., Survey Staff, 1915; Professor of Psychology and Education and Director of Summer School, Delaware College, Newark, Del., 1916-. Author, "A Study of Col- leges and Secondary Schools," Bulletin No. 6, 1915, U. S. Bureau of Educa- tion; Section on Arithmetic in Grand Rapids Survey, 1916; "Arithmetic Tests and Studies in the Psychology of Arithmetic." Born Baldwin City, Dec. 9, 1889. Married Lois H. Bailey, Sept. 24, 1913. Brother of No. 670. 742. NELLE CROSSAN. STILLWATER, OKLA. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Assistant in Foreign Languages, South- western Oklahoma Normal, Weatherford, Okla., 1911-13; Homekeeper, Stillwater, Okla., 1913-. Born Paola, Dec. 24, 1888. Married Robert Oscar Whitenton, Sept. 3, 1913. Children: William Sterling, June 10, 1914; Mary Elizabeth, Oct. 6, 1916. Sister of No. 860. 743. INA LUCILLE DIXON. YATES CENTER. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Teacher English and German, High School, Moran, 1911-12; Latin and German, High School, Yates Center, 1913-16; At Home, Baldwin City, 1916; Teacher German and English, High School, Yates Center, Jan., 1917-. Born Wilsey, March 29, 1888. Sister of No. 514. 744. THOMAS JAMES DUNSTAN. PHILADELPHIA, PA. A.B. Born Pachuca, Hidalgo, Mex., June, 1888. 745. *NICHOLAS BEBEE EVANS. A.B. Teacher Mathematics and Athletics, Norton County High School, Norton, 1911-12. Born Council Grove, Oct. 21, 1888. Died Aug. 27, 1912, burial at Council Grove. 746. NORA BELLE GEISEN. PAWHUSKA, OKLA. A.B. Graduate Student in English, The University of Chicago, Sum- mer, 1916. Teacher English and Latin, Easton, 1912-13; Basehor, 1913-14; 7th Grade, Salmon, Ida., 1914-15; Substitute Teacher in English, 7th and 8th Grades, Leavenworth, 1915; English, High School, Spring Hill, 1916; Paw- huska, Okla., 1916-. Born Leavenworth Co., Dec. 8, 1888. 747. MARY EMMA DORSEY HUME. ARKANSAS CITY. A.B. Ped.B. Graduate Student, The University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo., Summer, 1914. Teacher in Grades, Hoisington, 1913-14; Teacher German, High School, Arkansas City, 1914-. Born Perry, 111., June 19, 1884. Sister of No. 689. 748. *JAMES RALPH JILLSON. A.B. Life Insurance, Topeka, 1911-14; Life Insurance, and President of The Jillson Publishing Co., Springfield, Mo., 1914-16. Born Burlington, May 19, 1883. Married Anna Clark, No. 739, July 23, 1912. Died Dec. 27, 1916, burial at Baldwin City. Child: Iva Dorothy, Sept. 29, 1914. 183 1911] GRADUATES 749. BEULAH LOUISE KINZER. BALDWIN CITY. A.B. Homekeeper, Frankfort, 1911-13; Baldwin City, 1913-. Born Sedgwick, March 18, 1889. Married Charles Shumway, D.D.S., Aug, 16, 1911. Child: Jane Eleanor, May 12, 1913. Sister of Nos. 470, 471. 750. MINNIE KLINE. UNIVERSITY PLACE, NEB. A.B. Teacher English and History, High School, Manson, la., 1911-13; Atwood, 1913-14; McDonald, 1914-15; Homekeeper, Chardon, 1915-16; Uni- versity Place,, Neb., 1916-. Graduate Student, Nebraska Wesleyan Univer- sity, 1916-. Born Memphis, Mo., Feb. 23, 1884. Married Robert Myers, June 7, 1915. Sister of No. 918. 751. LULU LEVANCHE LaBRANT. MOUND CITY, MO. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Teacher Latin and English, High School, Atlanta, 1911-15; English, High School, Mound City, Mo., 1915-. Born Hinckley, 111., May 28, 1888. Sister of No. 873. 752. WALTER ALVIN LEE. MELVERN. A.B. Teacher Mathematics, High School, Kingman, 1911-14; Mathe- matics and Principal, High School, Halstead, 1914-16; Farmer, Melvern, 1916-. Graduate Student in Mathematics, The University of Kansas, Sum- mer, 1914. Born Riley, Feb. 2, 1890. 753. VIRDON MILNE LISTON. OSWEGO. A.B. Superintendent Schools, Waverly, 1911-15; Superintendent Schools, Oswego, 1915-. Graduate Student in Education, Columbia Univer- sity, New York City, Summer, 1914, '15. Born El Dorado Springs, Mo., Nov. 4, 1888. Married Madge Ruth Davis, Aug. 14, 1912. Child: Lorene, July 1, 1916. Brother of No. 875. 754. MARY ELEANOR LOCKWOOD. MORGANTOWN, W. VA. A.B. Teacher English, Latin and Mathematics, High School, Barnard, 1911-12; Latin and Mathematics, High School, Morgantown, W. Va., 1912-13; French and Mathematics, High School, Morgantown, W. Va., 1913-. Graduate Student in English, West Virginia University, 1914-15; Graduate Student in French, West Virginia University, 1915-16. Born Baldwin City, Aug. 17, 1889. Daughter of No. 128. Sister of No. 755. 755. MYRA AMANDA LOCKWOOD. FOREST CITY, IA. A.B.; A.M., 1912. Graduate Student in English, Baker University, 1911-12; Teacher Mathematics and German, High School, Blytheville, Ark., 1912-16; Mathematics, Forest City, la., 1916-. Born Baldwin City, Aug. 17, 1889. Daughter of No. 128. Sister of No. 754. 756. WILLIAM ELVIN LONG. LA CROSSE. A.B. Teacher Mathematics, High School, Pratt, 1911-14; Principal High School, Great Bend, 1914-16; Superintendent Schools, La Crosse, 1916-. Graduate Student in Economics, The University of Kansas, Summer, 1914. Born Overbrook, May 28, 1890. Married Dale Beatrice Whitnah, No. 844, Aug. 27, 1912. Child: Jeannette, July 12, 1913. 184 GRADUATES [1911 757. MURIEL LOUGH. 833 E. DAKOTA, DENVER, COLO. A.B. Homekeeper, Denver, Colo., 1911-. Born Chetopa, Oct. 7, 1888. Married O. Harry Woods, Sept. 6, 1911. Children: Dorothy, Aug. 7, 1912; Robert Lough, Aug. 12, 1913. 758. BERTHA MAY MARTIN. GRIDLEY. A.B. Teacher English, High School, Collinsville, Okla., 1911-12; English, High School, Pleasanton, 1912-16; English and German, High School, Gridley, 1916-. Born Raymore, Mo., May 4, 1888. 759. OTHO JOHN M'CULLOH. GREENLEAF. A.B. Minister, M. E. Church, Baldwin Circuit, 1910-11; Auburn, 1911-13; Lecompton, 1913-14; Enterprise, 1914-16; Greenleaf, 1916-. Born Sylvan, Pa., June 6, 1877. Married Eva F. Skaggo, March 14, 1906. Chil- dren: Marshall S., March 22, 1909; Gerald Otto, Sept. 10, 1912. 760. MARY EDITH MILHAM. SPIVEY. A.B. Teacher Latin and English, High School, Belpre, 1911-12; Latin and History, High School, Blytheville, Ark., 1912-13; Latin, History and German, High School, Spivey, 1913-14; At Home, Baldwin City, 1914-15; Homekeeper, Spivey, 1915-. Born Ithaca, Neb., July 2, 1888, Married C. J. Boyle, Dec. 31, 1915. Sister of No. 934. 761. GEORGE WARREN MORRIS. 613 TOPEKA AVE., TOPEKA. A.B. Student, Dougherty's Business College, 1911; Stenographer, Gen- eral Manager's Office, Rock Island Ry., 1911-12; Charge of Advertising, International Harvester Co. of America, Topeka, 1913-. Born Wakarusa, Jan. 12, 1886. Married Cora Nooner, March 1, 1916. Child: Warren Nooner, Aug. 13, 1916. Brother of No. 936. 762. VERNETTE A. MEULLER. WICHITA. A.B. Graduate Student in Chemistry, The University of Chicago, Summer, 1914. Teacher Science and Mathematics, High School, Anthony 1911-12; Assistant Chemist, Cudahy Packing Co., Kansas City, 1912-13; Prin- cipal High School, Sedgwick, 1913-14; Teacher Chemistry, High School, Wichita, 1914-15; Insurance, Wichita, 1915-. Born Sedgwick, June 7, 1889. Brother of Nos. 710, 937. 763. FRED WILLIAM MULSOW. 5725 DREXEL AVE, CHICAGO, ILL. A.B. Teacher Mathematics and Science, High School, Wathena, 1911-13; Graduate Student, The University of Kansas, 1913-15; Fellow in Bacteriology, The University of Kansas, 1914-15; Assistant Food Bacteri- ologist, The University of Kansas, 1915; Assistant Professor of Bacteriol- ogy, State Agricultural College, Pullman, Wash, 1915; Graduate Student in Bacteriology, The University of Chicago, 1916-; Assistant in Department of Bacteriology, The University of Chicago, 1916-. Member "American Society for the Advancement of Science." Born Baldwin City, Oct. 6, 1882. 185 1911] . GRADUATES 764. JOHN HARLAN OSBORNE. LEAVENWORTH, WASH. A.B. Principal High School, Starbuck, Wash., 1911-12; Principal High School, Peshastin, Wash., 1912-13; Superintendent Schools, Leavenworth, Wash., 1913-. Born Cadmus, March 9, 1889. Brother of No. 939. 765. MAY PILKINGTON. COFFEY, MO. A.B. Teacher Grades, Wellsville, 1911-12; Latin and English, Gypsum, 1912-14; At Home, Garnett, 1914-15; Teacher Latin and English, High School, Coffey, Mo., 1915- ; Principal, same, 1916-. Graduate Student in English, The University of Kansas, Summers, 1912, '16. Born Garnett, Feb. 25, 1888. 766. HELEN FREDERICKA PORTER. 130 E. 18TH ST., MINNE- APOLIS, MINN. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Teacher Latin and German, High School, Garnett, 1911-12; Graduate Student, Berlin, Germany, 1912-13; Teacher Ger- man, High School, Great Bend, 1913-14; Homekeeper, Minneapolis, Minn., 1914-. Born Chicago, 111., March 19, 1889. Married Ross Allen Baker, Ph.D., Dec. 30, 1914. Child: Philip, Nov. 30, 1916. Sister of No. 652. 767. ARCHIE DAYTON POWER. CARE CARNEGIE INSTITU- TION, WASHINGTON, D. C. B.S. Alpha Delta Sigma. A.M., The University of Kansas, 1912. Fellow in Physics, The University of Kansas, 1911-12; Graduate Student in Physics, Johns Hopkins University, 1914-16; With Department of Ter- restrial Magnetism, Carnegie Institution, Washington, D. C, 1912-14; in Field Work, mostly in South America, with Magnetic Survey Yacht, "Car- negie," 1916-. Born Baldwin City, Aug. 28, 1887. Brother of Nos. 538, 768. 768. BERTHA EUNICE POWER. BURNS. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Teacher Latin and Mathematics, High School, Waverly, 1911-13; Homekeeper, 1913-. Born Baldwin City, Jan. 3, 1889. Married Lewis Roland Icke, No. 809, June 4, 1913. Child: Roland Nathaniel, Nov. 10, 1915. Sister of Nos. 538, 767. 769. MINER RAYMOND PYLES. MERCEDITA, CABANAS, CUBA. A.B. Graduate Student in Chemistry, The University of Chicago, Summers, 1914, '15, '16. Bench Chemist, American Beet Sugar Co., Rocky Ford, Colo., 1911; Assistant Chemist, Francisco Sugar Co., Francisco, Cuba, 1911-12; Bench Chemist, American Beet Sugar Co., Oxnard, Calif., 1912; Chemist, Jatibonico Sugar Co., Jatibonico, Cuba, 1912-13; Chemist, Amer- ican Beet Sugar Co., Oxnard, Calif., 1913; Chief Chemist, Cuban American Sugar Co., Tinguaro, Cuba, 1913-16; With Corn Products Refining Co., Argo, 111., 1916; Chief Chemist, Cuban American Sugar Co., Cabanas, Cuba, 1917-. Born Knob Noster, Mo., Nov. 18, 1888. 770. VERNON MILTON REPPERT. RUSSELL. A.B. Teacher High School, Wakeeney, 1911-13; Principal High School, Russell, 1914-. Born Westpoint, Neb., Aug. 25, 1887. Married Hazel Hen- thorn, Oct. 10, 1914. 186 GRADUATES [1911 771. FERNE LUCILE SAMUEL. PULLMAN, WASH. A.B. Teacher English and German, High School, Conway Springs, 1911-12; Homekeeper, 1912-. Born Moran, March 12, 1890. Married Wes- ley Anderson Lacey, No. 699, Oct. 2, 1912. Child: Myron Dale, Oct. 4, 1913. 772. SCOTT C. SIEGLE. 153 HIGH ST., So. HANSON, MASS. A.B. Teacher, Rural Schools, Anderson Co., 1911-13; Ministerial (M. E.) Supply, Harris, 1912-13; Prescott, 1913-14; Minister, M. E. Church, Pres- cott, 1914-15; Graduate Student in Theology, Boston University, 1915-. Born Rooks Co., Feb. 19, 1884. Married Irene Watt, Sept. 10, 1913. 773. MARGARET AGNES SMITH. SHAWNEE, OKLA. A.B. A.M., The University of Kansas, 1914. Teacher Latin, English, History, High School, Gaylord, 1911-12; English and Latin, Belleville 1912-13; Graduate Student in English, The University of Kansas, 1913-14 Teacher English and Normal Training, High School Herington, 1914-15 English, High School, Shawnee, Okla., 1916-. Born Westmoreland, Jan. 19, 1890. Sister of No. 948. 774. GERALD WRIGHT STAFFORD. INDEPENDENCE. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Merchant, Altoona, 1911-14; Grocer, Inde- pendence, 1914-. Born Altoona, July 29, 1889. Married Beryl Blanchard, No. 792, July 1, 1912. 775. WILLIAM RODNEY THOMPSON. 779 CASS AVE., DETROIT, MICH. A.B. C.P.A. (Certified Public Accountant ), State of Wisconsin. In- structor in Commercial Branches, Baker University, 1911-12; High School, Washington, 1912-13; Instructor in Accounting, Ellsworth College, Iowa Falls, la., 1913-14; Instructor in Business Administration, Extension Divi- sion, University of Wisconsin, 1914-16; System Service Division, Advertis- ing Department, Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Detroit, Mich., 1916-. Graduate Student in Economics, The University of Kansas, Summers, 1912, '13, '16; The University of Wisconsin, Summer, 1914. Born Howard, April 15, 1885. Married Ethel Keys, Nov. 28, 1916. Brother of No. 1082. 776. WILLARD F. TIDYMAN. 467 SUMMER ST., STAMFORD, CONN. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. M.A., Columbia University, 1914. Ph.D., New York University, 1915. Graduate Student, Kansas State Normal School, Summer, 1912. Principal Schools, Arcadia, 1911; Superintendent Schools, Durham, 1911-12; Substitute Teacher, High School of Commerce, New York City, 1914-15; Bureau of Statistics, Office of Superintendent of Schools, New York City, Summer, 1915; Principal of Hart School, Stam- ford, Conn., 1915-. Graduate Scholar, Columbia University, 1914; Graduate Fellow, New York University, 1914-15. Member Phi Delta Kappa. Born Marion, Jan. 3, 1888. Marrie'd Ethel Reed, Sept. 24, 1911. 777. *NELLIE EDITH TROUTMAN. A.B. Teacher Latin, High School, Nortonville, 1911-12; High School, Beloit, 1912. Born Beloit, April 4, 1888. Died April 26, 1913, burial at Beloit. 187 1911] GRADUATES 778. BERTHA CARRIE VERNON. HIAWATHA. A.B. Teacher German and Latin, Cherokee Co. High School, Colum- bus, 1911-13; German and Latin, High School, Gas, 1913-14; Grades, Kansas City, 1914-16; German and Physical Training, High School, Hiawatha, 1916-. Born Corning, Dec. 29, 1888. Sister of No. 957. 779. HARRY THOMAS VIGOUR. 1117 LEONARD PLACE, EVANS- TON, ILL. A.B. A.M., Gallaudet College, 1912. Student Gallaudet College, Washington, D. C, 1911-12; Teacher, State School for the Deaf, Olathe, 1912-13; Teacher, Fanwood School for the Deaf, New York City, 1913-15; Graduate Student in Theology, Garrett Biblical Institute, 1915-. Born Olathe, May 25, 1887. Married Elsie May Meyers, No. 646, Nov. 27, 1912. Child: Hervey Elwood, Feb. 11, 1916. 780. GEORGE ROY WHITE. GENTRY, ARK. A.B. Chemist, Rocky Ford, Colo., 1911; Manager Liberty Mfg. Co., Sioux City, la., 1912; Superintendent Schools and Farmer, Gentry, Ark., 1913-. Mayor, Gentry, Ark., 1916-17. Born Dexter, la., July 10, 1886. Mar- ried lone Wynkoop, May 19, 1912. Children: Albert Wynkoop, Nov. 15, 1913; George Roy, Jr., Dec. 5, 1915. Brother of No. 443. 781. CYRIL MELVIN WHITLOW. LEWIS. A.B. Teacher High School, Fall River, 1911-12; Superintendent Schools, Arcadia, 1912-14; Superintendent Schools, Lewis, 1914-. Graduate Student in Education, The University of Colorado, Boulder, Colo., Sum- mers, 1914, '15; The University of Kansas, Summer, 1916. Born Moran, Dec. 24, 1886. Married Rena Adeline Wilcox, No. 783, Aug. 7, 1912. 782. ALVIN SILAS WIGHT. NEWTON. A.B.; Ped.B. Graduate Student in Economics, Harvard University, 1915-16. Principal High School, Peabody, 1911-12; Principal High School, Marion, 1912-15; Principal High School, Newton, 1916-. Born Antelope, July 12, 1887. Married Lucile Meredith Smalley, Dec. 26, 1916. 783. RENA ADELINE WILCOX. LEWIS. A.B. Teacher High School, Winchester, 1911-12; Homekeeper, 1912-. Born St. Joseph, Mo., Sept. 14, 1884. Married Cyril Melvin Whitlow, No. 781, Aug. 7, 1912. 784. GLENN AUSTIN WILLGUS. COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO. B.S. D.D.S., Kansas City Dental College, 1915. Teacher Science, Clay County High School, Clay Center, 1911-12; Student Kansas City Dental College, Kansas City, Mo., 1912-15; Dentist, Kansas City, Mo., 1915-16; Colorado Springs, Colo., 1916-. Born St. Marys, Nov. 6, 1886. Married Blanche Etta Coffman, No. 795, Oct. 9, 1915. 188 GRADUATES [1912 CLASS OF 1912. 785. JAMES HENRY ALLDERDICE. COLDWATER. A.B. General Merchandise, Coldwater, 1912-. Born Comanche Co., March 30, 1891. Married Elsie Blake, Oct. 22, 1913. Child: Marjorie Lu- cile, Aug. 20, 1915. Brother of Nos. 496, 730, 961. 786. RALPH RANDOLPH ALLEN. 4106 HYDE PARK AVE., KAN- SAS CITY, MO. A.B. LL.B., Kansas City School of Law, 1916. Deputy Collector U. S. Internal Revenue, Leavenworth, 1912-13; Student Kansas City School of Law, 1913-16; Attorney at Law, Kansas City, Mo., 1916-. Born Freeport, 111., Dec. 22, 1889. 787. EDITH ENSLIN AMES. PRINCETON. A.B. Graduate Student in German and Education, The University of Chicago, Summer, 1915. Teacher German and Latin, High School, Spivey, 1912-13; Maple Hill, 1913-15; Herington, 1915-16; At Home, Baldwin City, 1916; Teacher English and History, High School, Princeton, Jan., 1917-. Born Moline, Dec. 6, 1888. Sister of No. 374. 788. CORA LENA AULT. FAYETTE, MO. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Graduate Student in Latin, The University of Kansas, Summer, 1914. Teacher Latin and German, High School, Wellsville, 1912-13; Latin, Abilene, 1913-16; Latin, Howard-Payne College, Fayette, Mo., 1916-. Born Valley Falls, Dec. 14, 1890. Sister of Nos. 293, 375, 447, 498, 851. 789. NINA EMMA BAUERSFIELD. 1210 N. STILES, OKLAHOMA CITY, OKLA. A.B. Teacher Latin, High School, Yates Center, 1912-13; Homekeeper, 1913-. Born Yates Center, Feb. 10, 1892. Married Loren Edward Conger, No. 740, Sept. 17, 1913. Child: Helen Jane, Sept. 26, 1914. 790. CLAUDE SAMUEL BEATTY. A.B. Teacher, High School, Indianola, la., 1912-13. Born Vermillion, 1891. 791. JAMES HALFORD BERRY. FLUSHING, O. A.B. Teacher High School, Pleasant Hill, 111., 1913-14; Principal High School, Flushing, O., 1914-15; High School, Pleasant Hill, 111., 1915-16; Principal High School, Flushing, O., 1916-. Born Pleasant Hill, 111., March 4, 1889. 792. BERYL BLANCHARD. INDEPENDENCE. A.B. Homekeeper, 1912-. Born Greencastle, Ind., Feb. 2, 1891. Mar- ried Gerald Wright Stafford, No. 775, July 1, 1912. Sister of No. 855. 189 1912] GRADUATES 793. CLARENCE PERRY BURGESS. ROSLYN, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Minister, M. E. Church, East Meadow, L. I., 1913-14; Cold Spring Harbor, L. I., 1914-15; Roslyn, L. I., 1915-17; Assistant Superintendent Metropolitan Branch of the N. Y. Anti-Saloon League, Ros- lyn, L. I., 1917-. Born Joplin, Mo., Oct. 12, 1886. Married Helen Noble, Dec. 24, 1906. Children: Esther Mable, June 22, 1909; Margaret Elizabeth, Nov. 19, 1911. 794. TROY BENJAMIN CALL. MOUND VALLEY. A.B. Principal High School, Erie, 1912-13; Bookkeeper, Rust Lumber Co., 1913-15; Manager, Rust & Call, Lumber and Grain, Mound Valley, 1915-. Born Galesburg, June 23, 1888. 795. BLANCHE ETTA COFFMAN. COLORADO SPRINGS, COLO. A.B. Teacher English and Mathematics, High School, Overbrook, 1912-14; At Home, Overbrook, 1914-15; Homekeeper, 1915-. Born Ronce- verte, W. Va., April 3, 1888. Married Glenn Austin, Willgus, No. 784, Oct. 9, 1915. Sister of No. 908. 796. CHARLES IRWIN COLDSMITH. HUTCHINSON. A.B. S.T.B., Boston University, 1915. Graduate Student in Theology, Boston University, 1912-15; Minister, M. E. Church, Hutchinson Circuit, 1915-. Born Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 30, 1888. Married Sarah Ethel Willett, No. 846, June 30, 1913. Child: Gordon Willett, Dec. 26, 1914. 797. LESTER MARTIN COMBS. ANTHONY. A.B. Reporter for Lawrence Gazette, Abilene Reflector, Wichita Beacon, 1912-13; Editor Anthony Republican, Anthony, 1913-. Born Wamego, Oct. 1, 1888. Married Carol Bird Shidler, Feb. 24, 1915. Child: Lester Martin, Jr., Jan. 31, 1916. 798. RUDOLPH CORLEY DELLINGER. CARE BOYS' INDUS- TRIAL SCHOOL, TOPEKA. A.B. Teacher, Illio, P. I., 1912-14; At Home, Garnett, 1914-15; Super- visor Boys' Industrial School, Topeka, 1915-. Born Westphalia, Dec. 20, 1888. 799. CLARENCE CARLYLE DROWN. SENECA. B.S. Born Granada, July, 1884. 800. RUSH WALTER ELLENBERGER. ST. JOHN, A.B. Graduate Student in Education, History and Sociology, The Uni- versity of Kansas, Summers, 1913, '15, '16. Principal Schools, Grinnell, 1912-14; Ransom, 1914-16; Principal The Antrim Rural High School, 1916-. Born Bazine, Dec. 30, 1885. 190 GRADUATES [1912 801. MABEL B. EVANS. 717 MOUND ST., ATCHISON. A.B. Homekeeper, Atchison, 1912-. Born Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 23, 1888. Married Charles Meyer, Dec. 22, 1912. Children: Sarah Catherine, Dec. 18, 1913; Charles Thayer, Nov. 17, 1915. 802. NELLIE BURNS EVANS. PROTECTION. A.B. Teacher German and English, High School, Norwich, 1912-13; Protection, 1913-15; Arlington, 1915-16; Homekeeper, Protection, 1916-. Born Linden, la., Nov. 9, 1887. Married Talbert W. Riner, Sept. 25, 1916. Sister of No. 913. 803. GEORGIA FARRAR. BONNER SPRINGS. A.B. A.M., Columbia University, 1914. At Home, Axtell, 1912-13; Graduate Student in English, Columbia University, 1913-14; Teacher English, High School, Cherryvale, 1914-15; Homekeeper, 1915-. Born Beattie, Dec. 11, 1888. Married George Edward Brown, No. 560, Nov. 17, 1915. Sister of No. 570. 804. MERLE BERNICE FEERER. 1934 MAPLE AVE, EVANSTON, ILL. A.B. Teacher History, High School, Fredonia, 1912-14; Homekeeper, Evanston, 111., 1914-. Born Horton, Oct. 10, 1886. Married William H. Meredith, June 26, 1914. 805. EFFIE BELLE GILBERT. HURON. A.B. Teacher Grades, Harris, 1912-13; High School, Burden, 1913-14; Principal Schools, Harris, 1914-15; History, Mountain Grove, Mo., 1915-16; Principal Schools, Huron, 1916-. Born Cozad, Neb., Aug. 23, 1884. 806. IRA MILLER HASSLER. GREAT BEND. A.B. Teacher Science, High School, Atchison, 1912-13; Superintendent Schools, Overbrook, 1913-15; Science, High School, Great Bend, 1915-. Born Chapman, Aug. 31, 1886. 807. NORA WILMA HENRY. R. F. D. NO. 6, MINNEAPOLIS. A.B. Principal High School, Irving, 1912-13; Teacher, Grades, Minne- apolis, 1913-14; At Home, Minneapolis, 1914-15; Homekeeper, Minneapolis, 1915-. Born Minneapolis, Oct. 29, 1888. Married Richard H. Wilson, March 18, 1915. 808. EARL BRADY HOPPER. NESS CITY. A.B. A.M., The University of Kansas, 1913. Graduate Student in Economics, The University of Kansas, 1912-13; Cashier Citizens' National Bank, Ness City, 1913-. Born Ness City, Aug. 21, 1890. Married Lucy Wolfe, Dec. 25, 1914. Child: Cleo Martha, March 11, 1916. 809. LEWIS ROLAND ICKE. BURNS. A.B. Graduate Student in Psychology and Mathematics, The Univer- sity of Kansas, Summer, 1915. Superintendent Schools, Walnut, 1912-14; 191 1912] GRADUATES Superintendent Consolidated Schools, Burns, 1914-. Born Kewanee, 111., Dec. 3, 1880. Married Bertha Eunice Power, No. 768, June 4, 1913. Child: Roland Nathaniel, Nov. 10, 1915. 810. MARY HAZEL KENNEDY. HERINGTON. A.B. Graduate Student in History, The University of Kansas, Summer, 1915; The University of Chicago, Summer, 1916. Teacher History and English, High School, Valley Falls, 1912-13; Latin and History, Herington, 1913-. Principal High School, Herington, 1915-16. Born Indianola, Neb., March 9, 1889. 811. HELEN MARIE KEOHANE. COLDWATER. A.B. Graduate Student in Latin, The University of Kansas, Summer, 1913, '14; Syracuse University, Summer, 1915; In Education, The University of Kansas, Summer, 1916. Teacher Latin and English, High School, Neo- sho Rapids, 1912-14; Copan, Okla., 1914-15; Coldwater, 1916-. Born Bald- win City, Feb. 1, 1892. 812. HAZEL EVA KIRKPATRICK. HEYBURN, IDA. A.B. Teacher Latin and Normal Training, High School, Baldwin City, 1912-15; Primary, Heyburn, Ida., 1915-. Born Westphalia, April 25, 1887. 813. CHARLES McCRAY LAURY. CHICAGO, ILL. A.B. Farmer, Moran, 1912-14; Medical Student, Northwestern Univer- sity, Chicago, 111., 1914-. Born Allen Co., Kans., July 9, 1885. Brother of Nos. 700, 701, 929. 814. FLOY M'HENRY. BALDWIN CITY. A.B. Teacher Expression, High School and Grades, Blytheville, Ark., 1912-13; At Home, Baldwin City, 1913-14; Teacher, 2d Primary, Baldwin City, 1914-. Born Grant's Pass, Neb., March 12, 1889. 815. WILLIAM EARL MILLIKIN. EUGENE, ORE. A.B. Teacher History, High School, Pine Village, Ind., 1912-14; same, Grant's Pass, Ore., 1914-16; same, Eugene, Ore., 1916-. Born Oswego, Sept. 30, 1890. 816. LORA EFFIE MOLBY. CHAPMAN. A.B. Teacher English and German, High School, Wathena, 1912-14; Graduate Student in German, The University of Kansas, 1914; Teacher Latin and German, Dickinson County High School, Chapman, 1915-. Born Linn, Oct. 13, 1891. Sister of Nos. 390, 648. 817. EDITH L. MOORE. COLUMBUS. A.B. Teacher English, Cherokee County High School, Columbus, 1912-14; Homekeeper, Columbus, 1914-. Born Columbus, 1888. Married Clyde O. Davidson, 1914. Child: William Jackson. 192 GRADUATES [1912 818. ETHEL MYERS. • WETMORE. A.B. Graduate Student in English, The University of Kansas, Sum- mer, 1914. Teacher Latin and English and Principal, High School, Mel- vern, 1912-14; Latin and English, and Principal, High School, Wetmore, 1914-. Born Ottawa, Aug. 20, 1890. 819. MARY ELEANOR NASH. CASPER, WYO. A.B. Graduate Student in Latin and German, The University of Ar- kansas, Summer, 1914; The University of Colorado, Summer, 1915. At Home, Farmington, Ark., 1912-13; Teacher Latin and German, High School, Wheatland, Wyo., 1913-14; the same, Casper, Wyo., 1914-. Born Halstead, Feb. 24, 1889. 820. VERDIE NOLAND. 311 W. LINCOLN ST, BLACKWELL, OKLA. A.B. Teacher Latin, German and English, High School, Canton, 1912-13; Homekeeper, Sedgwick, 1913-14; Neodesha, 1914-15; Sedgwick, 1915; Wichita, 1916; Blackwell, Okla., 1916-. Born Cross Timbers, Mo, Jan. 1, 1889. Married Rex A. Hoover, June 10, 1913. Children: Eleanor Minerva, March 29, 1914; John Homer, Aug. 28, 1916. 821. IVA DORA OMAN. IOLA. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Graduate Student in Mathematics, Ohio State University, Summer, 1916. Teacher Mathematics, High School, Perry, 1912-13; the same, Iola, 1913-. Born Garnett, Dec. 18, 1886. 822. BLANCHE VERA O'NEIL. R. F. D. NO. 3, BALDWIN CITY. A.B.; Ped.B. At Home, Wellsville, 1912-13; Teacher, Rural Schools, Douglas Co, 1913-14; At Home, Wellsville, 1914-15; Homekeeper, Baldwin City, 1915-. Born Overbrook, March 25, 1889. Married Adelbert Elwood Preston, April 22, 1915. 823. JOHN EMMETT PORTER. 3261 WABANSIA AVE, CHICAGO, ILL. A.B. S.T.B, Boston University, 1914. Minister, M. E. Church, Quin- daro, Kansas City, 1912; Conway, la, 1913; Graduate Student in Theology, Boston University, 1913-14; Virginia, Minn, 1914-16; Grace, Duluth, Minn, 1916; Sawyer Ave, Chicago, 111, 1916-. Born Brewster, Va, Jan. 1, 1879. Married Clara Noble, April 14, 1915. 824. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN RAY. BELLMORE, N. Y. A.B. B.D, Drew Theological Seminary, 1916. Minister, M. E. Church, South, In School, 1899-1901; M. E. Church, Rutledge. Mo, 1901-02; Wilsev, 1902-03; Irving, 1903-04; Centenary, Lawrence, 1904-05; Basehor, 1905-07; Baldwin Ct, 1907-09; LeLoup, 1909-10; Linwood, 1910-12; Buffalo, 1912-15; Graduate Student in Theology, Drew Theological Seminary, 1915-16; Gradu- ate Student, Columbia University, 1916-; Graduate Student Union Theolog- ical Seminary, 1916-. Born Farmington, Mo, Nov. 29, 1877. Married Min- nie D. Walker, No. 825, Dec. 25, 1900. 193 1912] GRADUATES 825. MINNIE WALKER RAY (MRS.) BELLMORE, N. Y. A. B. Mus. B., Northern Missouri Normal School, 1897. Homekeeper, 1900-. Born Memphis, Mo., May 8, 1882. Married Benjamin Franklin Ray, No. £24, Dec. 25, 1900. 826. MARY HOWELL ROSS. KANSAS CITY, MO. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Graduate Student, Berlin and Hanover, Germany, 1912-13. Graduate Student in German, The University of Min- nesota, Summer, 1916. Teacher German, High School, Dodge City, 1913-15; the same, Atchison, 1915; the same, Westport, Kansas City, Mo., Jan., 1916-. Born Mound City, Mo., April 9, 1890. 827. DELIA RUBLE. HOTCHKISS, COLO. A.B. Teacher History and Physical Geography, High School, Solo- mon. 1912-13; latin and English. H'gh School, Hotchkiss, Co 1 ©., 1913-16: Homekeeper, Hotchkiss, Colo., 1916-. Born Fulton, Feb. 24, 1887. Married W. C. Linn, Nov. 28, 1916. 828. HAZEL FRANCES SAMPLE. SPIVEY. A.B. Graduate Student in Household Arts, Purdue University, Sum- mer, 1914. At Home, Kingman, 1912-13; Principal High School, Cunning- ham, 1913-14; Substitute Teacher, Kingman, 1914-15; Homekeeper, Spivey, 1915-; Assistant Cashier, Sp vey State Bank, Spivey, 1915-. Born King- man, Tuly 15, 1889. Married Lee L. Kabler, June 15, 1915. Sister to Nos. 331, 723. 829. LEWIS DANIEL SCHERER. R. F. D. NO. 2, PASADENA, CAL. B S. Director of Men's Gymnasium and Professor of Physical Train- ing, Baker University, 1910-13; Teacher _ Physical Training, High School, Pasadena, Calif., 1913-14; Director Municipal Bath House, Pasadena. Calif., 3914-. Born Springfield, 111., June 11. 1879. Married Helen Marr Taylor, Oct. 19, 1903. Children: Doris and Phyllis, Dec. 28, 1906. 830. EDW T N PETER SCHLINGER, c/o BUREAU ED., SURIGAS, SURIGAS, P. I. A.B. Born Sedalia, Mo., 1884. 831. RUTH ELECTA SOWERS. SPRING HILL. A.B. Teacher Latin and English, High School, Spearville, 1912-13; At Home, Spring Hill, 1913-14; Teacher Latin and German, High School, Wheatland, Wyo., 1914-17; At Home, Spring Hill, 191?-. Born Spring Hill, May 13, 1889. Sister of Nos. 397, 546. 832. CLYDE DEWITT SPANGLER. BRUSH, COLO. A.B. Teacher Science, High School, Holton, 1912-13; Chemist for Great Western Sugar Co., Brush, Colo., 1913-14; Bookkeeper, Ziegler Bros., Front Royal, Va., 1914-15; Chemist for Great Western Sugar Co., Brush, Colo., 1915-. Born Junction City, Feb. 20, 1890. 194 GRADUATES [1912 833. ETHEL STEPHENS. CEDAR FALLS, IA. A.B. Certificated Graduate from Library School of The University of Wisconsin, 1915. Graduate Student, The University of Wisconsin, Sum- mer, 1913. Teacher, High School, Clearwater, 1912-13; Assistant, Free Library, Madison, Wis., 1913-14; Student Library School of The Univer- sity of Wisconsin, 1914-15; Librarian, Publ'c Library, Keewatin, Minn., 1915-16; Cataloger, Kansas State Normal School, Summer, 1916; Cataloger, Iowa State Teachers' College, 1916-. Member American Library Asso- ciation. Compiler "American Popular Magazines, a Bibliography." Born El Reno, Okla., July 22, 1890. 834. ALBERT CHRISTOPHER STEWART. A.B. Minister, M. E. Church, Maple Hill, 1912-13: OnaQ-a, 1916-. Born Pattonsburg, Mo., Oct. 3, 1883. Griffiths, Sept. 1, 1912. Child: Mary Ruth, July 30, 1914. ONAGA. Mahaska, 1913-16; Married J. Elsie Brother of No. 952. 835. FRANCES JANE STEWART. HUTCHINSON. A.B. Teacher English, High School, Waverly, 1912-14; Grades, Hutch- inson, 1914-15; High School, Hutchinson, 1915-. Born Greenfield, 111. 836. MARGARET STEWART. ST. CHARLES, MO. A.B.; A.M. Teacher English, High School, Anthony, 1912-13; Director Girls' Gymnasium, High School, Ft. Scott, 1913-14; At Home, Nevada, Mo., 1914-15; History, High School, St. Charles, Mo., 1915-. Born St. Charles, 111., July 7, 1892.' 837. WILLTAM ALFRED TAYLOR, 7616 BOSWORTH AVE., CHI CAGO, ILL. A.B. With Barrick Publishing Co., "The Packer,' 1912-16; the same, Chicago, III, 1916-. Born Baldwin Married Grace Elvabeth Keifer, June 6, 1912. Children May 18, 1913; Keifer, Feb. 7, 1916. Minneapolis, Mmn., City, sept. 10, 1889. William Alfred, Jr., 838. GEORGE BENNETT VAN BUSKIRK. WATHENA. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. S.T.B., Boston University, 1916. M'm'ster, M. E. Church, Urich, Mo., 1906-07; Huntingdale, Mo., 1907-08; Schell City, Mo., 1908; Arcadia, 1908-09; Mt. Ida, 1910-11; Lone Elm, 1911-12; Parker, 1912: Antrim, N. H., 1912-15; Hudson, N. H., 1915-16; Lebanon, N. H., 1916- 17; Wathena, 1917-. Born Algona, la., Nov. 8, 1879. Married Mary Irva Basham, June 18, 1912. 839. ELIZABETH VOORHIS. 711 EUCLID AVE., DES MOINES, IA. A.B. At Home, Russell, 1912-13; Homekeeper, 1913-. Born Russell, Oct. 10. 1P8S. Married Ernest Lincoln Cox, No 9C, Aug. 5, 1913. Children: Catherine Voorhis, Aug. 28, 1914; Margaret Elizabeth, Dec. 31, 1915. 840. ALVA JAY WALTER. NEWKIRK, OKLA. A.B. A.M., The University of Kansas, 1916. Graduate Student, The University of Kansas, Summers, 1913, '14, '16. Principal Schools, Gardner, 1912-14; Principal H,gh School, Newkirk, Okla., 1914-. Born Altamont, Jan. 9, 1888. 195 1912] GRADUATES 841. LEONARD FRANK WARING. 2554 N. 18TH ST., KANSAS CITY. A.B. S.T.B., Boston University, 1915. Minister, M. E. Church, Eudora, 1911-12; Graduate Student in Theology, Boston University, 1912-15; Cen- tralville, Lowell, Mass., 1913-14; West Medway, Mass., 1914-15; Lenexa, 1915-16; Grace, Kansas City, 1916-. Born Waverly, July 19, 1885. Mar- ried Adah L. Maxwell, June 25, 1913. Child: Ford Edward, July 7, 1914. Brother of Nos. 958, 1018. 842. MERLE HAZZARD WEIBLE. COFFEYVILLE. A.B. LL.B., The University of Kansas, 1915; Lawyer, Coffeyville, 1915-. Born, 1889. 843. CHARLES WESLEY WHEELER. WAMEGO. A.B. Principal Schools, Hope, 1912-13; Ward Principal, Abilene, 1913- 15; Principal High School, Wamego, 1915-16; Superintendent Schools, Wamego, 1916-. Born LeRoy, July 12, 1890. Married Edith Fenton, Sept. 2, 1916. 844. DALE BEATRICE WHITNAH. LA CROSSE. A.B. Homekeeper, 1912-. Born Hepler, Sept. 3, 1889. Married William Elvin Long, No. 756, Aug. 27, 1912. Child: Jeannette, July 12, 1913. 845. FLETCHER RYAN WICKHAM. TULSA, OKLA. A.B. Graduate Student in Education, The University of Oklahoma, Summer, 1915. Teacher English and Latin, High School, Wetumka, Okla., 1912-13; Cleveland, Okla., 1913-15; Departmental Work, Grammar and Spelling, Tulsa, Okla., 1915-16; Literature and History, Tulsa, Okla., 1916-. Born Marion, Va., Feb. 25, 1890. 846. SARAH ETHEL WILLETT. HUTCHINSON. A.B. Teacher, Tyro, 1912-13; Homekeeper, 1913-. Born Moran, Oct. 25, 1889. Married Charles Irwin Coldsmith, No. 796, June 30, 1913. Child: Gordon Willett, Dec. 26, 1914. Sister of No. 847. 847. ZELLA PEARL WILLETT. 107 N. STEUBEN AVE. CHANUTE. A.B. Homekeeper, Topeka, 1912-14; Chanute, 1914-. Born Moran, Aug. 24, 1884. Married Charles Prentiss Donald, Sept. 12, 1912. Sister of No. 846. 848. ALMA LAVENA WILSON. ROCKLAND, MASS. A.B. Principal Schools, Edgerton, 1912-14; Homekeeper, 1914-. Born Newton, la., Feb. 22, 1885. Married Tobias Traugott Fike, No. 863, June 10, 1914. 849. ERNEST VIRGIL WOOD. BURLINGTON. A.B. Banker, Burlington, 1913-. Born Baldwin City, April 25, 1892. 850. FRANK EDWIN WOOD. 2020 SHERMAN AVE., EVANSTON, ILL. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. A.M., The University of Kansas, 1914. Graduate Student in Mathematics, Fellow, The University of Kansas, 1912- 196 GRADUATES [1912-13 14; Fellow in Mathematics, Princeton University, 1914-16; Instructor in Mathematics, Northwestern University, 1916-. Member Sigma Xi. Born Wamego, Feb. 26, 1891. Brother of No. 1023. CLASS OF 1913 851. MARY ETHEL AULT. WAMEGO, A.B. Teacher English and Latin, High School, Downs, 1913-15; Student Music, Baker University, 1915-16; Teacher Latin, English and History, High School, Wamego, 1916-. Born Valley Falls, April 6, 1893. Sister of Nos. 293, 375, 447, 498, 788. 852. PAUL BARTON. 2606 S. FAIRHILL ST., PHILADELPHIA, PA. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Graduate Student in Theology, Drew Theological Seminary, 1913-; Graduate Student in Psychology, Columbia University, 1914; Minister, M. E. Church, Snyder Ave., Philadelphia, 1915-. Born Cheney, July 23, 1892. Married Ruth Hoffman, Aug. 3, 1915. Brother of No. 613. 853. RUTH ALMA BEARD. 738 N. 31 ST., KANSAS CITY. A.B. Graduate Student, The University of Kansas, Summer, 1916. Teacher Latin and English, High School, Cheney, 1913-14; Teacher, De Soto, 1914-16; Corliss, 1916-. Born Maysville, Mo., Oct. 14, 1887. Sister of No. 499. 854. CLYDE INSLEY BLANCHARD, 1115 TAYLOR ST, SAN FRAN- CISCO, CALIF. A.B. Head Commercial Department, Chase County High School, Cot- tonwood Falls, 1910-11; Private Secretary to Auditor, Kansas City Street Ry. Co, Kansas City, Mo, 1911-12; Head Commercial Department, High School, Ottumwa, la, 1912-13; Assistant Professor of Office Training, Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis, Ore, 1913-15; Principal Standard Commercial School Exhibit, P. P. I. E, 1915; Instructor in Office Prac- tice, University of California, 1916; Executive Secretary, Standard Commer- cial School, San Francisco, Calif, 1916-; Secretary Business Department; N. E. A, 1916. Born Hutchinson, Oct. 6, 1888. Married Jennie Garnet Ben- ham, No. 734, June 6, 1912. Child: Lee Benham, Oct. 2, 1915. Brother of No. 792. 855. CLARENCE PETER BROADFOOT, 2 LOUISBURG SQ, BOS- TON, MASS. A.B. Principal Schools, Talmage, 1913-14; Ministerial Supply, New Lancaster, 1914-15; Graduate Student in Theology, Boston University, 1915-. Born Lingle, Miss, July 17, 1879. Married Christie Rolf, Oct. 26, 1916. 856. MARY ELIZABETH BRUMBAUGH. MAITLAND, MO. A.B. At Home, Maitland, Mo, 1913-. Born Mound City, Mo, July 39, 1891. 197 1913] GRADUATES 857. IDA LENORA COFFIN. EUDORA. A.B. Graduate Student, The University of California, Summer, 1916. Teacher German and English, High School, Eudora, 1913-. Born Pleas- anton, 1886. 858. ERNFST MITCHEM COUGHLIN. R. F. D. No. 2, ARGENTINE, KANSAS CITY. A.B. Fruit Farmer, Argentine, 1913-. Born Argentine, Aug. 26, 1890. Son of No. 55. 859. GRACE ELIZA CROCKER. OSBORNE. A.B. Teacher English and History, High School, Mildred, 1913-14; History, Osborne, 1914-. Born White City, Dec. 15, 1891. 860. WILMA CROSSAN. HASTY, COLO. A.B. Teacher Latin, High School, Shawnee, Okla., 1913-15; Home- keeper, Baldwin City, 1915-16; Hasty, Colo., 1916-. Born Paola, May 21, 1»90. Married Wilson Counts, March 3, 1915. Child: Ellen, Oct. 5, 1916. Sister of No. 742. 861. ELSIE DEAN. FREDERICKTOWN, MO. A.B. Teacher German and English, High School, Carbondale, 1913-14; Student Household Arts, Baker, University, 1914-15; Teacher German rnd English, High School, Maple Hill, 1915-16; Professor Modern Languages, Marvin College, Fredericktown, Mo., 1916-. Born Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 18, 1891. Sister of No. 676. 862. FLOYD DENLINGER. GARNETT. A.B. Graduate work in Kansas State Agricultural College, Summer, 1913. Teacher Science, High School, Caldwell, 1913-14; the same, Garnett, 1914-. Born Hartland, Jan. 21, 1890. Married Elsie B. Hodges, Aug. 3, 1915. Child: Martin Luther, June 3, 1916. Brother of No. 1035. 863. TOBIAS TRAUGOTT FIKE. ROCKLAND, MASS. A.B. Graduate Student in Theology, Boston University, 1913-. M. E. Church, Supply. Rockbnd, Mass., 1914-. Born Plainville, June 8, 1880. Married Alma Lavena Wilson, No. 848, June 10, 1914. 864. LILY ELZADA HARRIS. MINNEOLA. A.B. Teacher English and Latin, High School, Rose Hill, 193 3-15; At Home, Howard, 1915-16; Homekeeper, Minneola, 1916-. Born Howard, Jan. 26, 1888. Married Grover C. Collinsworth, June 28, 1916. Sister of No. 1048. 865. ETTA HALLTE HAXTON. 536 WASHINGTON PLACE, EAST ST. LOUIS, ILL. A.B. At Home, Lvons, 1913-16; Homekeeper, 1916-. Born Lyons, June 10, 1888. Married Paul Horace Merry, No. 883, June 1, 1916. 198 GRADUATES [1913 866. MABEL MAY HITCHCOCK. 1021 AYERS PLACE, EVANSTON, ILL. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Teacher English and History, High School, Greenleaf. 1913-14; Homekeeper, 1914-. Born Westphalia, March 17, 1889. Married Thomas Henry Parrott, No. 887, Aug. 20, 1914. 867. WALLIS HOCH. MARION. A.B. Journalism, "Marion Record," 1913-. Born Marion, Nov. 24, 1889. Brother of Nos. 321, 524. 868. MAURINE HOOVER. CHANUTE. A.B. Teacher German and History, High School, Yates Center, 1913- 15; German, High School, Chanute, 1915-. Born Wichita, Jan. 29, 1892. Sister of No. IOC. 869. CYRIL HORN. 1924 HURLEY AVE, FORT WORTH, TEX. A.B. Teacher Mathematics and Director Athletics, High School, ITol- ton, 1913-14; Banker, Fowler, 1914-16; General Insurance, Fort Worth, Tex., 1916-. Born Stafford, Dec. 31, 1890. Married Josephine Walker, Oct. 22, 1914. Child: Mary Elizabeth, July 19, 1915. 870. RUTH IMBODEN. WICHITA. A.B. Teacher, Grades, Anthony, 1913-14 s , English and Historv, High School. El Reno, Okla, 1914-16; English, High School, Wichita, 1916-. Born Wichita, Nov. 16, 1889. Sister of Nos. 425, 577, 923. 871. ELLA FRANCES JONES. 503 W. 122D ST, NEW YORK, N. Y. A.B. Teacher English and Latin, High School, Spearville, 1913-16; Principal, the same, 1914-16; Homekeeper, 1916- ; Graduate Student in Re- ligious Education, Union Theological Seminary and Teachers' College of Columbia University, 1916-. Born Coffeyville, Feb. 1, 1892. Married Her- man Carl Steinheimer, No. 896, July 26, 1916. 872. GLADYS KONANTZ. ARCADIA. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Graduate Student in German, The Uni- versity of California, Summer, 1915. Teacher German, High School, Cherryvale, 1913-14; Principal High School, Gas, 1914-15; Teacher, Mulberry, 1915-16; At Home, Arcadia, 1916-. Born Arcadia, March 26, 1891. 873. WAGNER MERRILL LaBRANT. c/o JARBOE HOTEL, KAN- SAS CITY, MO. A.B. With The Patterson-Sargent Paint Co, Kansas City, Mo, 1913-. Born Spencer, la, July 29, 1891. Brother of No. 751. 874. VERA IRENE LANGE. MADISON, N. J. A.B. At Home, Baldwin City, 1913-14. Homekeeper, 1914-. Born Smith Co, May 25, 1889. Married William Henry Hertzog, No. 922, July 20, 1914. Child: Frederick William, Sept. 9, 1916. 199 1913] GRADUATES 875. EMIL SMITH LISTON. HOUGHTON, MICH. A.B. Director of Athletics, High School, Fort Scott, 1913-15; Kemper Military Academy, Boonville, Mo., 1915-16; Student Dr. Sargent's School of Physical Education, Cambridge, Mass., Summer, 1916; Director of Phy- sical Education and Athletics, Michigan College of Mines, Houghton, Mich., 1916-. Born Stockton, Mo., Aug. 21, 1890. Married Marie Thogmartin, Dec. 26, 1916. Brother of No. 753. 876. ALDO MORTON LIVINGOOD. WETMORE. A.B. A.M., The University of Kansas, 1914. Graduate Student in Chemistry, The University of Kansas, 1913-14; Farmer, 1914-15; Superin- tendent Schools, Barnes, 1915-16; Assistant Principal, Wetmore, 1916-. Born Seneca, Oct. 6, 1889. Married Gladys Peck, June 26, 1916. Brother of No. 877. 877. HARRY HARRISON LIVINGOOD. ALTA VISTA. A.B. Teacher Latin and History, High School Waterville, 1913-14; Superintendent Schools, Rossville, 1914-16; Superintendent Schools, Alta Vista, 1916-. Born Seneca, Oct. 6, 1889. Brother of No. 876. 878. LUCILLE ANNA LYNCH. BRIGHTON, COLO. A.B. Graduate Student Rockford College, Rockford, 111., 1913-14; Supervisor in City Schools, Rockford, 111., 1914-15; At Home, Dayton, O., 1915-16; Homekeeper, 1916-. Born Wheeling, W. Va., Dec. 19, 1889. Married Luther Allen Beck, No. 615, April 17, 1916. 879. HENRY SLEEPER MARTIN. COLUMBIA, MO. A.B. Graduate Student, The University of Wisconsin, Summer, 1914. Teacher and Director Athletics, High School, Atchison, 1913-14; Norfolk, Va., 1914-15; Student Medicine, The University of Missouri, 1915-. Born Leavenworth, May 31, 1891. Brother of No. 2lC. 880. THEODORE COLUMBUS MARTIN. 1305 4TH AVE., SOUTH, FORT DODGE, IA. A.B. Teacher Commercial Branches, High School, Nevada, Mo., 1913- 14; Principal High School, Nevada, Mo., 1914-16; Commercial Branches, Nevada, Mo., 1915-16; Head of Commercial Department, High School, Fort Dodge, la., 1916-. Born Centerville, la., July 24, 1885. 881. RUBY MAE MASON. PARSONS. A.B. Teacher, Stroud, Okla., 1913-15; Homekeeper, 1915-. Born McCune, Jan. 28, 1891. Married Ralph Guy Rust, No. 947, Dec. 30, 1914. 882. WALLACE McILRATH. KINGMAN. A.B. B.S. in Agriculture, Kansas State Agricultural College, 1915. Graduate Student in Agriculture, Kansas State Agricultural College, 1913- 15; Farmer, Kingman, 1915-. Born Harrisburg, 111., Dec. 6, 1887. Brother of No. 706. 200 GRADUATES [1913 883. PAUL HORACE MERRY, 536 WASHINGTON PLACE, EAST ST. LOUIS, ILL. A.B. Teacher History and Athletics, High School, Sterling, 1913-14; Graduate Student in Commerce and Administration, The University of Chi- cago, 1914-15; Division Supervisor, The Aluminum Cooking Utensil Co., Chicago, 111., 1915-16; District Correspondent, The Aluminum Cooking Utensil Co., East St. Louis, 111., 1916-. Born Nortonville, Dec. 23, 1889. Married Etta Hallie Haxton, No. 865, June 1, 1916. 884. HAZEL MAE MICHAELS. HARPER. A.B. A.M., The University of Kansas, 1916. Teacher English, High School, Winchester, 1913-15; Graduate Student in German, The University of Kansas, 1915-16, Fellow, in 1916; German, High School, Harper, 1916-. Born Scranton, Feb. 11, 1891. Sister of No. 586. 885. HORACE WOOD MOORE. ONTARIO, CALIF. A.B. Graduate Student, The University of Southern California, 1915- 16. Teacher, High School, Spearville, 1913-14; Principal High School, Ege- land, N. Dak., 1914-15; Teacher Grammar School, Orange, Calif., 1915-16; History and Mathematics, Chaffey Union High School, Ontario, Calif., 1916-. Born Seneca, Mo., Nov. 11, 1890. Brother of No. 1067. 886. EARL CEPHUS PARKER. KELLOGG, IDA. A.B. A.M., The University of Kansas, 1914. Fellow in American His- tory and Political Science, The University of Kansas, 1913-14; Instructor in History and Economics, College of Montana, Deer Lodge, Mont., 1914-16; Teacher Mathematics and Director Athletics, High School, Kellogg, Ida., 1916-. Born Stark, Jan. 10, 1886. 887. THOMAS HENRY PARROTT. 1021 AYERS PLACE, EVANS- TON, ILL. A.B. Minister, M. E. Church, Tipton, Mo., 1913-16; Graduate Student in Theology, Garrett Biblical Institute, 1916-. Born Knobnoster, Mo., Dec. 9, 1884. Married Mabel May Hitchcock, No. 866, Aug. 20, 1914. 888. WILLIAM ESCO PETERS. UTICA. A.B. Teacher Science, High School, Macksville, 1913-14; Principal High School and Teacher Science, Macksville, 1914-16; Superintendent Schools, Utica, 1916-. Born Utica, Dec. 28, 1887. Married Elva Ruth Curtis, June 1, 1915. Child: Orin Curtis, Oct. 22, 1916. 889. RAYMOND GORDON RANSOM. 605 WEST 5TH ST., PITTS- BURG. A.B. With Pittsburg Sash & Door Co., 1913-. Born Jamestown, N. Y., June 29, 1892. Married Beatrice Verrinda Fast, No. 914, Dec. 28, 1915. 890. EARL BURGESS REDMAN. QUINCY. A.B. Teacher Mathematics and Director Athletics, High School, Baldwin City, 1913-14; Principal Schools, Quincy, 1915-. Born Eureka, Dec. 21, 1890. 201 1913] GRADUATES 891. ELSIE GERTRUDE REED. PAUL'S VALLEY, OKLA. A.B. Teacher Latin and German, High School, Paul's Valley, Okla, 1913-14; Homekeeper, Paul's Valley, Okla., 1914-. Born Vanderhoof, O., June 1, 1888. Married Audley Evert Clark, Aug. 19, 1914. Child: Francile Elizabeth, Sept. 4, 1915. 892. ANTHONY SCALAPINO. EVEREST. A.B. Minister, M. E. Church, Summerneld, 1913-14; Graduate Student, Drew Theological Seminary, 1914-. Born Everest, Nov. 27, 1889. 893. GEORGE EDMAN SCHEER. SILVER LAKE. A.B. Graduate Student, Kansas State Agricultural College, Summer, 1915; In Education, The University of Kansas, Summer, 1916. Principal Schools, Monument, 1913-15; Silver Lake, 1915-. Born Bethany, 111., Oct. 6, 1888. 894. MARY ATWELL SHOWALTER. YORK, NEB. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Teacher Latin, German and Mathematics, High School, Robinson, 1913-15; German and Mathematics, Sabetha, 1915-16; Homekeeper, Robinson, 1915-16; York, Neb., 1916-. Born Baldwin City, Nov. 26, 1889. Married Earl F. Martin, May 16, 1915. Child: Dale Showalter, July 7, 1916. Sister of No. 291. 895. EDITH MAY STAFFORD. CHESTER, N. J. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Teacher Mathematics and Latin, High School, Talmage, 1913-16; Homekeeper, Chester, N. J., 1916-. Born Greeley, Feb. 4, 1888. Married Charles Lester Ruhlen, No. 1006, June 23, 1916. Sister of No. 950. 896. HERMAN CARL STEINHEIMER. 503 W. 122D ST., NEW YORK, NEW YORK. A.B. Principal High School, Dodge City, 1913-14; Graduate Student in Theology, Drew Theological Seminary, 1914-15; Graduate Student Union Theological Seminary, 1915-; Teachers' College, Columbia University, 1915-. M. E. Church, Supply, St. Paul's, West New York, N. J., 1914-. Born Marissa, 111., Nov. 16, 1887. Married Ella Frances Jones, No. 871, July 26, 1916. Brother of No. 1013. 897. LULU BELLE STEVENSON. MONTEZUMA. A. B. Teacher English and History, High School, Oneida, 1913-14; At Home, 1914-15; Mathematics and English, Sublette, 1915-16; Mathe- matics, Montezuma, 1916-. Born Silver Lake, March 26, 1891. Sister of No. 657. 898. HARRY STECKEL WISE. 510 SCOTLAND AVE, TOPEKA. A.B. B.D, Drew Theological Seminary, 1916. Graduate Student in Theology, Drew Theological Seminary, 1914-16; Minister, M. E. Church, Parker, 1913-14; Sparrow Bush, N. J, 1914-16; Seward Ave, Topeka, 1916-. Born Mont Ida, Dec. 11, 1889. Married Zella Gaskill, June 12, 1912. 202 GRADUATES [1914 CLASS OF 1914. 899. JEROME LOUIS ANDERSON. EAGLE CITY, OKLA. A.B. With Southwestern Lumber Co., Eldorado, Okla., 1914; Fred- erick, Okla., 1915; Manager, Long-Bell Lumber Co., Eagle City, Okla., 1915-. Born Elk City, Nov. 6, 1891. Son of No. 90. Brother of Nos. 611, 612. 900. MARY VINCENT ANDERSON. NEODESHA. A.B. Teacher English, High School, Osborne, 1914-15; Neodesha, 1915-. Born Marshall, Mo., March 13, 1891. Sister of No. 962. 901. AGNES LENORA BAIRD. 3020 HARRISON ST., KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI. A.B. Teacher, De Soto, 1914-15; Teacher, Girls' Home, Kansas City, Mo., 1915-16; At Home, Kansas City, Mo., 1916-. Born Oxford Junction, la., May 31, 1891. Sister of No. 964. 902. JOHN HARVEY BASS. NORMAN, OKLA. A.B. Teacher History, High School, Enid, Okla., 1914-16; Student in Law, The University of Chicago, Summer, 1916; Student in Law, The University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla., 1916-. Born West Point, Neb., Jan. 29, 1891. 903. BURT OLIVER BEAL. STAFFORD. A.B. Principal High School, Stafford, 1914-. Born Elk City, July 14, 1887. 904. DAVID IRA BEAMER. COLONY. A.B. Minister M. E. Church, Hallowell, 1911-13; Greeley, 1913-14; Col- ony, 1914-. Born Hallowell, April 20, 1879. Married Bessie L. Spieth, Aug. 14, 1907. Children: Helen Anita, May 17, 1909; Ruth Christine, Dec. 17, 1911; Clara Elizabeth, April 12, 1914; Esther Irene, Nov. 13, 1916. 905. BENTAMIN TACOB BRUNE. 99 MESEROLE AVE., BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. A.B.; Mus. B., 1915. Student Music, Baker University, 1914-15; Stu- dent Voice, New York City, 1915-. Born Lake View, Dec. 8, 1889. Brother of No. 1031. 906. ETHEL MAE CALKINS. BIJNOR, INDIA. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Teacher Mathematics, High School, Ran- som, 1914-15; Missionary, Lois Lee Parker Girls' Boarding School, Bijnor, India, 1915-. Born Herington, June 26, 1890. 907. INA FAY CARPENTER. PAOLA. A.B. At home, Paola, 1914-. Born Paola, Sept. 27, 1890. 203 1914] GRADUATES 908. *WILLIAM HURST COFFMAN. A.B. Principal Schools, Michigan Valley, 1914; in Arizona for health, 1915-16. Born Roncevente, W. Va., June 11, 1889. Died June 9, 1916, bur- ial at Overbrook. Brother of No. 795. 909. MARY ARTEMISIA CONGDON. SEDGWICK. A.B. Teacher Mathematics, Dickinson County High School, Chapman, 1914-16; At Home, Sedgwick, 1916-. Married, 1916. Born, Sedgwick, March 2, 1891. 910. ORVILLE EDWARD CRAIN. UXBRIDGE, MASS. A.B. S.T.B., Boston University, 1916. Minister, M. E. Church, Schell City, Mo., 1908-10; De Soto, 1910-13; Baldwin Ct, 1913-14; Uxbridge, Mass., 1914-. Graduate Student in Theology, Boston University, 1914-16. Born, Rockville, Mo., Aug. 6, 1886. Married Verla Babbitt, Sept. 29, 1907. Chil- dren: Alvin Wesley, Aug. 8, 1908; Forest Eugene, Jan. 1, 1910; Loren Orville, Nov. 16, 1912. 911. EUNICE HELEN DARBY. HAMILTON. A.B. Teacher Latin and English, High School, Hamilton, 1914-. Born Leavenworth Co., Oct. 3, 1892. 912. MARGARET ETHEL DAWSON. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. A.B. Stenographer, Kansas City, Mo., 1914-16; Homekeeper, Minneap- olis, Minn., 1916 — . Born Colony, April 6, 1884. Married James Z. Nebber- gall, July 5, 1916. 913. WILLIAM ROBERT EVANS. A.B. Principal Schools, Whiting, 1914-16; Graduate Student, The Uni- versity of Kansas, Summer, 1915. Born Linden, la., April 6, 1890. Brother of No. 802. 914. BEATRICE VERRINDA FAST. 605 W. 5th ST., PITTSBURG. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Teacher German, Cherokee Co. High School, Columbus, 1914-15 (in part); At Home, Hutchinson, 1915-16; Homekeeper, 1916-. Born Hillsboro, Oct. 18, 1891. Married Raymond Gordon Ransom, No. 889, Dec. 28, 1916. Sister of No. 627. 915. ESTHER WHITWAM FOILES (MRS.) FULTON. A.B. Teacher Rural Schools, Douglas Co., 1914-15; Homekeeper, 1910-. Born Flint, Mich., Oct. 13, 1883. Married Earl Raymond Foiles, No. 982, June 8, 1910. Children: Jewel, Feb. 19, 1913; Charles Frank, Dec. 1, 1915. 916. GEORGE GARFIELD GARRETTSON. SAFFORDVILLE. A.B. Minister M. E. Church, Bushong, 1914-17; Saffordville, 1917-. Born Terre Haute, Sept. 26, 1881. 204 GRADUATES [1914 917. CLYDE JESSE HALL, SINGAPORE, STRAITS SETTLEMENT, MALAYSIA. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. S.T.B., Boston University, 1916. Graduate Student in Theology, Boston University, 1914-16; Missionary and Principal Oldham Hall, Singapore, Straits Settlement, 1916-. Born Crab Orchard, Neb., Aug. 13, 1886. Married Mary Beecher, June 9, 1916. 918. GRACE KLINE HAUSAM (MRS.). LENEXA. A.B. Homekeeper, 1911-. Born Belton, Mo., Sept. 23, 1889. Married Wiley Conrad Hausam, No. 919, Aug. 7, 1911. Child: Grace Marie, Oct. 26, 1916. Sister of No. 750. 919. WILEY CONRAD HAUSAM. LENEXA. A.B. Minister, M. E. Church, LeLoup, 1913-14; Graduate Student in Theology, Boston University, 1914-17; Washington Blvd., Boston, Mass., 1914-17; Lenexa, 1917-. Born Sedalia, Mo., Aug. 5, 1886. Married Grace Kline, No. 918, Aug. 6, 1911. Child: Grace Marie, Oct. 26, 1916. 920. GERTRUDE THEOREN HAZEN. FAYETTE, MO. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. A. M., The University of Kansas, 1915. Graduate Student and Fellow, The University of Kansas, 1914-15; Teacher Domestic Science, High School, Abilene, 1915-16; Same, Howard Payne College, Fayette, Mo., 1916-. Born Chetopa, Feb. 8, 1893. Sister of No. 686. 921. FRANK LEROY HENNEY. HORTON. A.B. Teacher History and Science, Gray Co. High School, Cimarron, 1914-15; Stockman, C. R. I. and P. Ry., Horton, 1915-. Born Willis, Nov. 13, 1891. Brother of No. 988. 922. WILLIAM HENRY HERTZOG. MADISON, N. J. A.B. Graduate Student in Theology, Drew Theological Seminary, 1914-. Graduate Student, New Yurk University, 1915-. Minister, M. E. Church, Centenary, Lawrence, 1912-13; Baldwin Circuit, 1913-14; Union Village, N. J., 1914-16; Thiells, N. Y., 1916-. Born Solomon, Sept. 4, 1884. Married Lillian N. Kehler, March 18, 1908, (died May 21, 1912). Married Vera Irene Lange, No. 874, July 20, 1914. Children: Helen Norma, June 19, 1910; Frederick William, Sept. 9, 1916. 923. MILDRED IMBODEN. MARION. A.B. At Home, Wichita, 1914-15; Teacher English, High School, Belle- ville, 1915-16; Marion, 1916-. Born Wichita, March 19, 1892. Sister of Nos. 425. 577, 870. 924. INEZ CLARA JOHNSON. BARNARD. A.B. Teacher German and Latin, High School, Pomona, 1914-15; Bar- nard, 1915-. Born Elgin, 111., April 11, 1892. 205 1914] GRADUATES 925. BESS J. JOHNSTON. MINNEAPOLIS. A.B. Graduate Student in English. The University of Wisconsin, Sum- mer, 1915. Teacher Engb'sh, High School, Minneapolis, 1914-. Born Min- neapolis, Nov. 13, 1890. Sister of No. 695. 926 BETTT.AH CATHERINE KELLY. 1615 WOOD AVE., KANSAS CITY. A.B. Teacher, High School, Lucas, 1914-15; 6th Grade, Kansas City, 1915-. Born Newton, Aug. 26, 1890. 927. RUTH EDNA KURTZ. OVERBROOK. A.B. Teacher Latm and German, High School, Whiting, 1914-15; Prin- cipal, High School, Overbrook, 1915-. Born Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 21, 1892. 928. ELLA FRANCES LARNER. WASHINGTON. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Teacher German and Latin, High School, Washington, 1914-. Born Jefferson Co., April 22, 1893. 929. JOHN WESLEY LAURY. MORAN. A.B. Teacher Physical Science and Director Athletics, Montgomery County High School, Independence, 1914-Jan. '16; Farmer, Moran, 1916-. Born Allen Co., Oct. 6, 1889. Brother of Nos. 700, 701, 813. 930. JAMES CLAUDE MALIN. LAWRENCE. A.B. A.M., The University of Kansas, 1916. Teacher, High School, Buffalo, 1914-15; Graduate Student in History, The Univers ; ty of Kansas, 1915-. Fellow, 1916-17. Member Phi Delta Kappa. Born Edgely, N. D., Feb. 8, 1893. 931. KATHERINE DAVIS McCARTER. RYAN, OKLA. A.B. At Home, Topeka, 1914-15; Teacher English, High School, Ryan, Okla., 1915-16; Homekeeper, Ryan, Okla., 1916-. Y. W. C. A. work among public school girls, Topeka, 1914-15. Born Topeka, March 16, 1893. Married John R. Dean, Nov. 30, 1916. 932. GRACE McCARTY. LA HARPE. A.B. Graduate Student, Kansas State Agricultural College, Summer, 1915; Northwestern University. Summer, 1916. Teacher English and Ger- man. High School, Stillwater, Okla., 1914-15; Elsmore, 1915-16; English and Music, La Harpe, 1916-. Born Iola, Aug. 29, 1890. 933. UNA L. MERRYFIELD, 2233 EUNICE ST, BERKELEY, CAL. A.B. Teacher Physical Education and Playground Supervisor, Minne- apolis, 1914-16; Graduate Student in Physical Education, The University of California, 1916-. Born Minneapolis, Dec. 20, 1890. 206 GRADUATES [1914 934. CHESTER RICHARD MILHAM. BOONVILLE, MO. A.B. Teacher History, Mathematics and Athletics, High School, Wath- ena, 1914-15; Gardner, 1915-16; With Deming Investment Co., Oswego, 1916; Teacher History and Manager Track Athletics, Kemper Military "Academy, Boonville, Mo., 1916-. Born Weeping Water, Neb., May 26, 1894. Brother of No. 760. 935. THOMAS MORCOM. 128 E. 33D ST., CHICAGO, ILL. A.B. Medical Student, Northwestern University, 1913-. Born Mineral Del Monte, Hidalgo, Mex., Jan. 10, 1888. 936. HAZAH M. MORRIS. WATHENA. A.B. Teacher, Rural Schools, Bourbon Co., 1914-15; Teacher English and Latin, High School, Uniontown, 1915-16; Homekeeper, Wathena, 1916-. Born Frankfort, July 11, 1890. Married Louis W. Stewart, June 1, 1916. Sister of No. 761. 937. HENRY ROLLO MUELLER. 4741 FLOURNOY ST., CHICAGO, ILL. A.B. B.S. in Floriculture, The University of Illinois, 1916. Graduate Student, The University of Illinois, 1914-16; Florist, Chicago, 111., 1916-. Born Sedgwick, June 16, 1892. Brother of Nos. 710, 762. 938. VERNA GLENELLA OCKER. McLOUTH. A.B. Student, Emerson College of Oratory, Boston, Mass., 1914-15; Teacher Latin and English. High School, McLouth, 1915-; Principal, 1916-. Born Nodaway Co., Mo., March 24, 1892. 939. JENNIE FLORENCE OSBORN. PESHASTIN, WASH. A.B. Teacher Grades, Wenatchee, Wash., 1914-16; Peshastin, Wash., 1916-. Born Linn Co., Dec. 19, 1892. Sister of No. 764. 940. ELIZABETH MAYE OSENBAUGH. CLAY CENTER. A.B. Teacher Latm, Botany and Physiology, High School, Marys- ville, 1914-15; Latin and English, Jewell City, 1915-16; Homekeeper, Clay Center, 1916-. Born Lucas, la., Nov. 19, 1894. Married Glenn C. Adams, June 20, 1916. 941. KARL PRESHAW. 25 BRAINARD, DETROIT, MICH. A.B. With Ford Motor Co., Detroit, Mich., 1915-. Born Baldwin City, Aug. 7, 1891. 942. GORDON STAFFORD PRITCHETT. HENRYETTA, OKLA. A.B. B.S., State Manual Training Normal, Pittsburg, 1916. Teacher High School, Ada, Okla., 1914; Salesman, Karbe Grocery Co., Pittsburg, 1915; Student State Manual Training Normal, 1915-16; Teacher History and Commercial Branches, High School, Henryetta, Okla., 1916-. Born Hackett City, Ark., Sept. 16, 1888. 207 1914] GRADUATES 943. JOHN MERRILL RAPP. REDFIELD. A.B. Teacher History and Principal High School, Fairfax, Okla., 1914- 16; Principal Schools, Redfield, 1916-. Born Baldwin City, Sept. 18, 1892. Brother of Nos. 159, 718. 944. MARGARET ODEN RICHMOND. 320 E. 10TH, ABILENE. A.B. Teacher Latin and German, High School, Barnard, 1914-15; Homekeeper, Abilene, 1915-. Born Toronto, Dec. 22, 1888. Married R. B. Miller, D.D.S., Sept. 1, 1915. Child: Dorothy Margaret, June 26, 1916. Sister of No. 540. 945. BRTTCE BOWMAN ROBINSON. 74 FENWOOD RD., BOSTON, MASS. A.B. M.A., Clark University, 1915. Graduate Student in Experimental Psychology and Junior Fellow, Clark University, 1914-15; Student Harvard University Medical School, 1915-. Born Compton, 111., April 17, 1891. Son of No. 57. 946. RUTH ROWLAND. 209 S. JACKSON, KANSAS CITY, MO. A.B. Teacher Latin and History, High School, La Cygne, 1914-15; At Home, Kansas City, Mo., 1915-. Born Kansas City, Mo., March 16, 1892. 947. RALPH GUY RUST. PARSONS. A.B. Secretary and Treasurer, Rust Lumber Co., Ltd., Many, La., 1914-15; With John H. Rust, Hardware and Implements, Parsons. 1915-. Born Altamont, Dec. 3, 1889. Married Ruby Mae Mason, No. 881, Dec. 30, 1914. 948. EDITH ANNETTE SMITH. MORRIS, OKLA. A.B. At Home, Herington, 1914-15; Teacher, Grades, Morris, Okla., 1915-. Born Westmoreland, Dec. 4, 1891. Sister of No. 773. 949. WEEMS VINTON SNIDER. HOLDENVILLE, OKLA. A.B. Teacher Commercial Branches, High School, Holdenville, Okla., 1914-. Born Decatur, 111., Dec. 7, 1891. 950. ROY R. STAFFORD. JANSEN, NEB. A. B. Farmer, Jansen, Neb., 1914-. Born Anderson Co., Sept. 3, 1885. Brother of No. 895. 951. CLIFFORD CLYDE STEVENS. ALBIA, IA. A.B. Teacher Science, High School, Albia, la., 1914-16; Life Insurance, Albia, la., 1916-. Born Lyon Co., la., Dec. 25, 1891. Married Marguerite A. Darbyshire, Dec. 22, 1915. 208 GRADUATES [1914 952. ELVIE NATHAN STEWART, 5419D UNIVERSITY AVE., CHI- CAGO, ILL. A.B. Medical Student, The University of Kansas, 1913-14; Farmer, Olathe, 1915-16; Medical Student, The University of Chicago, 1916-. Born Hiawatha, May 18, 1888. Married Ruth C. Merry, June 25, 1914. Child: Eric Neil, June 15, 1915. Brother of No. 834. 953. INA GERALDINE STEWART. FORT SCOTT. A.B. Graduate Student in English, The University of Kansas, Summer, 1915. Teacher Public Speaking and Physical Training, High School, Fort Scott, 1914-. Born Wamego, March 5, 1892. 954. BERTHA JOY STOKES. MOUND VALLEY. A.B. Graduate Student in Home Economics, The University of Kan- sas, Summer, 1916. Teacher English, History and Science, High School, Talmage, 1914-16; History and Normal Training, High School, Mound Valley, 1916-. Born Anderson Co., Aug. 18, 1888. 955. FRED CALVIN SUTTON. 707 LAKE ST., TOPEKA. A.B. Graduate Student in Theology, Boston University, 1914-17; Min- ister M. E. Church, Parkdale, Topeka, 1917-. Born Anderson Co., Jan. 20, 1892. Married Alice Corine Riley, Aug. 24, 1916. 956. DAVID ELHANAN URNER. BAKERSFIELD, CALIF. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Graduate Student in The University of California, 1914-15, Summer, 1916; Teacher Mathematics, Union High School, Exeter, Calif., 1915-16; County High School, Bakersfield, Calif., 1916-. Born Mitchell, Ind., Dec. 4, 1892. Married Mildred Ashbaugh, Aug. 24, 1915. Brother of No. 489. 957. CHESTER BENSON VERNON. WATERVILLE. A.B. Principal Schools, Mound Ridge, 1914-16; Superintendent Schools, Waterville, 1916-. Born Baldwin City, Jan. 29, 1892. Married Lula E. Gordon, May 24, 1915. Brother of No. 778. 958. WALTER WRAY WARING. STERLING. A.B. Teacher Physics and Music, High School, Sterling, 1914-15; His- tory and Music, 1915-16; History, 1916-. Born Waverly, Sept. 26, 1891. Married Laura Weyler, Dec. 25, 1915. Brother of Nos. 841, 1018. 959. HELEN WILSON. BALDWIN CITY. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Teacher Latin and English, High School, Sabetha, 1914-16; Baldwin City, 1916-. Born Montgomery Co., la., June 12, 1890. Sister of Nos. 1087, 1088. 960. RALPH EDGAR WINGER. GASTON, ORE. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Graduate Student, The University of Ore- gon, Summers, 1915, '16. Principal Schools, Michigan Valley, 1914-15; Superintendent Schools, Gaston, Ore., 1915-. Born McCune, June 16, 1891. Brother of Nos. 493, 551. 209 1915] GRADUATES CLASS OF 1915 961. VICTOR JOHN ALLDERDICE. COLDWATER. A.B. General Merchandise, Coldwater, 1915-. Born Coldwater, Aug. 20, 1894. Brother of Nos. 496, 730, 785. 962. SARAH HELEN ANDERSON. OSKALOOSA. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Teacher Latin and English, High School, St. Marys, 1915-16; Latin and History, Oskaloosa, 1916-. Born St. Louis, Mo., June 12, 1893. Sister of No. 900. 963. GUY WALTER ARMSTRONG. MEADE. A.B. Graduate Student, The University of Kansas, Summer, 1916. Teacher Mathematics and Sc'ence, Meade Co., High School, Meade, 1915-16; Principal Meade Co. High School, Meade, 1916-. Born Sterling, April 18, 1889. Married Margaret Fulton Allan, June 7, 1916. 9G4. WILMA MTLDRED BAIRD. 3020 HARRISON ST., KANSAS CITY, MO. A.B. Teacher English and History, High School. Smithville, Mo., 1915-16; At Home, Kansas City, Mo., 1916-. Born Oxford Junction, la., March 11, 1892. Sister of No. 901. 965. ANNA GENEVA BENJAMIN. BALDWIN CITY. A.B. Teacher English, Botany, History and Geometry, High School, Overbrook, 1915-16; At Home, Baldwin City, 1916-. Born Lyons, July 22, 1891. Sister of No. 1027. 966. MILDRED NINDE BOTKIN. MOUND VALLEY. A.B. Teacher Latin and English, High School, Mound Valley, 1915-. Member Classical Association of the Middle West and South. Born Wichita, Aug. 12, 1890. 967. AURA RENFROW BRADLEY. BURLINGTON. A.B. Teacher Physics and Mathematics, High School, Burlington, 1915-. Born Pond Creek, Okla., Jan. 15, 1894. 968. JAMES LESTER BROWN. LENEXA. A.B. At Home, Lenexa, 1915-. Born Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 24, 1890. Brother of Nos. 560, 668. 969. MARGARET LURA BROWN. HERINGTON. A.B. Teacher Grades, Herington, 1915-16; English, High School, Her- ington, 1916-. Born Osage City, Dec. 3, 1893. 970. HOWARD KARL CAMPBELL. COUNCIL GROVE. A.B. Clerk Drug Store, Council Grove, 1915-. Born Council Grove, Feb. 25, 1893. 21( GRADUATES [1915 971. LAWRENCE J. CATLIN. NEODESHA. A.B. Graduate Student in Phvsics, The Universitv of Chicago. Summer, 1916. Teacher Science, High School, Fredonia, 1913-15; Neodesha, 1915-. Born Hopkins, Mo., Aug. 6, 1888. Brother of No. 621. 972. STANLEY WILLIAM CAYWOOD. WAVERLY. A.B. Superintendent Schools, Waverly, 1915-. Born Clifton, June 18, 1892. 973. CLARA ANNIS COE. WASHINGTON. A.B. Teacher English and History, High School, Washington, 1915-16; English, 1916-. Born Yates Center, Nov. 24, 1885. 974. HARRY ARCHER COLEMAN. A.B. Born Fort Scott, Kans., 1888. 975. EARL MORTON CRAWFORD. GARFIELD. A.B. Superintendent Schools, Garfield, 1915-. Born Sedgwick, Jan. 1, 1887. Married Iva C. Niles, July 26, 1916. 976. WILBUR SUMMER DAVISON. CHANUTE. A.B. B S. in Agriculture, Kansas State Agricultural College, 1912. Teacher Biology and History, Senior High School, Chanute, 1915-. Born Leadville, Colo., May 7, 1889. 977. MYRTLE EVA DAUM. NORTONVILLE. A.B. Teacher Grades and Science and Historv, High School, Norton- ville, 1915-16; At Home, Nortonville, 1916-. .Born Nortonville, Jan. 2, 1890. 978. ROLLIN EARL DEVORE. MUSCOTAH. A.B. Superintendent Schools, Muscotah, 1915-. Member, Kansas Academy of Science. Born Corning, la., Feb. 21, 1885. Married Alida May Wilkins, lune 5, 1910. Children, Doris Ethel, May 10, 1911; Rollin Jean, Jan. 6, 1915. 979. NETA ANTHELIA DIMMOCK. HIAWATHA. A.B. Teacher, 5th Grade, Hiawatha, 1915-. Born Hiawatha, March 19, 1891. 980. THOMAS ALEXANDER EVANS. '- WESTMORELAND. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Graduate Student in Education, The Uni- versity of Chicago. Summer, 1916. Superintendent Schools, Westmoreland, 1915-. Born Straightsville, O., Oct. 1, 1884. 981. EVERETT ROSWELL FILLEY. TULSA, OKLA. A.B. With Producers Oil Co., Tulsa, Okla., 1915-. Born Filley, Neb., Sept. 5, 1894. 211 1915] GRADUATES 982. EARL RAYMOND FOILES. FULTON. A.B. Minister, M. E. Church, Eudora, 1912-13; Monticello, 1913-14; Yates Center Ct, 1914-15; Mont Ida, 1915-17; Fulton, 1917. Born Story Co., la., May 25, 1881. Married Esther R. Whitwam, No. 915, June 8, 1910. Children: Jewel, Feb. 19, 1913; Charles Frank, Dec. 1, 1915. 983. JOHN THOMAS FRAZER. WESTPORT POINT, MASS. A.B. Graduate Student in Theology, Boston University, 1915-. Born Rippy, la., Aug. 31, 1885. Married Edna Alvida Ruhlen, No. 1007, July 29, 1916. 984. CAMMIE GRAY. NANKING, CHINA. A.B. Teacher History, High School, Iola, 1915-16; Missionary, Nan- king, China, 1916-. Born Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 2, 1891. 985. RUTH IRENE HATCH. CENTRALIA. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Teacher German and Latin, High School, Centralia, 1915-. Born Granada, May 15, 1887. 986. NELL MAE HAXTON. LYONS. A.B. At Home, Lyons, 1915-. Born Lyons, June 15, 1890. 987. JOHN WESLEY HEATON. 5419D UNIVERSITY AVE., CHI- CAGO, ILL. A.B. Teacher Latin and Mathematics, High School, Powhattan, 1915- 16; Graduate Student in Latin, Greek and History, The University of Chi- cago, 1916-. Born Clinton, Mo., Aug. 7, 1895. Brother of No. 522. 988. ESTHER MATILDA HENNEY. 3921 FLORAL ST., KANSAS CITY, MO. A.B. Homekeeper, Kansas City, Mo., 1915-. Born Willis, Sept. 26, 1893. Married Marion L. Rousey, Nov. 25, 1915. Sister of No. 921. 989. ALBERT EDWIN HENRY. PRATT. A.B. Minister, M. E. Church, Richmond, 1906-07; Neosho Falls, 1907- 09; Guymon, Okla., 1909-13; Sterling, 1913-15; Pratt, 1915-. Member Board of Trustees, Southwestern College, 1916-. Born Freeman, Mo., May 9, 1880. Married Roberta Harvey, Nov. 4, 1906. Children, Vivian Bernard, Oct. 5, 1907; Helen Ruth, June 26, 1912. 990. IRMA HIGHBAUGH. ALMA. A.B. Teacher English, High School, Alma, 1915-. Born Hammond, 111., Jan. 29, 1891. 991. MARGARET CATHERINE HOLLAND. HOLTON. A.B. Teacher Science, Mathematics and Music, High School, Solomon, 1915-16; At Home, Holton, 1916-. Born Topeka, May 9, 1894. 212 GRADUATES [1915 992. GRACE LA DORA HONNELL. KANSAS CITY. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Teacher Grades, Kansas City, 1915-. Born Horton, Aug. 21, 1891. 993. CHARLES HAROLD KONANTZ. A.B. Teacher Mathematics, High School, Kingman, 1915-16; Lyceum work, with Ralph Dunbar, 1916-. Born Uniontown, April 7, 1893. 994. ORENA JOSEPHINE LINSCOTT. ROBINSON. A.B. B.Ped., Campbell College, Holton, 1914. Teacher Latin, Camp- bell College, Holton, 1915-16; Latin and English, High School, Robinson, 1916-. Born Farmington, Me., Feb. 23, 1894. 995. RUTH MAE LOCKWOOD. GOODLAND. A.B. Teacher History and English, Sherman Co., High School, Good- land, 1915-. Born St. Francis, April 2, 1892. 996. VERNON REAM McMILLAN. 331 OHIO ST., TERRE HAUTE, IND. A.B. With J. E. Sayre & Co., Terre Haute, Ind., 1915-. Born Mor- rill, March 22, 1894. Brother of No. 14 C. 997. VICTOR CLINTON MONNINGER. 1831 CHICAGO AVE., EVANSTON, ILL. A.B. Salesman, Kansas City, Mo., and Junction City, 1915-16; Graduate Student in History, Northwestern University, 1916-. Born Carlton, Aug. 15, 1888. 998. EMBERSON WILLIAM MYLER. IOLA. A.B. Graduated from Kansas State Normal School, 1887. Superin- tendent Schools, Dighton, 1887-89; Cottonwood Falls, 1889-90; Baldwin City, 1890-96; Moran, 1896-98; Burlingame, 1898-01; Lawyer, Iola, 1901-. Mem- ber Kansas Academy of Language and Literature. Mayor, Iola, 1903-05. President Board of Directors, Iola Free Public Library, 1912-. Born Neoga, 111., Jan. 4, 1862. Married Laura Kate Bacon, Aug. 29, 1895. Chil- dren, Marshall Emberson, Jan. 21, 1901; Joseph Larkin, Jan. 22, 1905. 999. FREDA LOIS NEAL. BRAYMER, MO. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Teacher Mathematics, English, Music, High School, Braymer, Mo., 1915-. Born Crainsville, Mo., Jan. 17, 1893. 1000. FRED W. OSTERHOUT. ATTICA. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Graduate Student in Education, Kansas State Normal School, Summer, 1915; Graduate Student in History, The Univer- sity of Kansas, Summer, 1916. Superintendent Schools, Brookville, 1915-16; Principal High School, Attica, 1916-. Member Pi Kappa Delta. Born Morrowville, Sept. 8, 1885. 213 1915] GRADUATES 1C01. HELEN ELIZABETH PRICE. BALDWIN CITY. A.B. Assistant Teacher, Public Schools, Newton, Mass., 1915-16; Teacher Grades, Baldwin City, 1916-. Born Chanute, July 17, 1892. Daughter of No. 27. Sister of No. 717. 1C02. WAYNE PEARSON RANDALL. WAKEFIELD. A.B. Graduate Student in Education, The University of Chicago, Sum- mer, 1916. Superintendent Schools, Wakefield, 1915-. Born Clay Center, Aug. 10, 1893. Married Leah Mildred Carson, Aug. 25, 1915. 1003. WILLA RUTH RICE. EUREKA. A.B. Teacher Mathematics, High School, Eureka, 1915-. Born Car- terville, Mo., July 5, 1893. 1004. WILLIAM ALFRED RICHARDS. TORONTO. A.B. Teacher Mathematics, Science and Normal Training, and Prin- cipal, High School, Toronto, 1915-16; Superintendent Schools, Toronto, 1916-. Born Corning, la., May 3, 1890. 1005. ANNA RUTH ROSEBERRY. LOST SPRINGS. A.B. Teacher History, English and Mathematics, High School, Lost Springs, 1915-. Born Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 10, 1890. Sister of No. 483. 1006. CHARLES LESTER RUHLEN. CHESTER, N. J. A.B. Graduate Student in The logy, Drew Theological Seminary, 1915-. Born Wetmore, May 8, 1884. Married Edith May Stafford, No. 895, June 23, 1916. Brother of No. 1007. 1007. EDNA ALVIDA RUHLEN. WESTPORT POINT, MASS. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Teacher, Foltz Institute, Herkimer, N. Y., 1915; Deaconess, M. E. Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., 1916; Homekeeper, 1916-. Born Wetmore, March 20, 1887. Married John Thomas Frazer, No. 983, July 29, 1916. Sister of No. 1006. 1008. FRANK BOWMAN SIEGRIST. 3800 CENTRAL, KANSAS CITY, MO. A.B. With The Siegrist Engraving Co., Kansas City Mo., 1915-. Born Kansas City, Mo., May 20, 1891. Son of Nos. 67 and 41. 1009. MARY EDITH SITES. ATWOOD. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Graduate Student in German and Latin, The University of Kansas, Summer, 1916. Teacher Latin and German, Rawlins Co., High School, Atwood, 1915-. Born Hebron, Ind., Feb. 7, 1892. 1010. JESSIE DOROTHY SMITH. PROTECTION. A.B. Teacher German and English, Protection, 1915-. Born Parsons, Feb. 10, 1891. 214 GRADUATES [1915 1011. MARY PRICE SMITH. WATHENA. A.B. Teacher History and English, High School, Wathena, 1915-. Born Rangoon, Burma, India, Dec. 10, 1893. Sister of No. 724. 1012. THEODORE GARLAND SMITH. 72 MT. VERNON ST., BOS- TON, MASS. A.B. Minister, Oklahoma, 1915-16; Graduate Student in Theology, Boston University, 1916-. Born Pattonsburg, Mo., July 4, 1890. 1013. ROY LEE STEINHEIMER. FORD. A.B. Teacher, Ford, 1915-. Born Arkansas, Jan. 16, 1892. Brother of No. 896. 1014. LEO GLENN SWOGGER. WAVERLY. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. A.M., The University of Kansas, 1916. Graduate Student in Latin, and Fellow, The University of Kansas, 1915-16; Editor Gazette, Waverly, 1916-. Member Sigma Delta Chi. Born Idana, May 6, 1895. 1015. RUTH EDITH THOMAS. NESS CITY. A.B. Teacher Latin, English and Mathematics, High School, Mildred, 1915-16; Ness City, 1916-. Born Sterling, Dec. 29, 1894. 1016. GLADYS RUTH TUFTS. ABILENE. A.B. Playground Work, Redpath-Horner Chautauqua System, Sum- mers, 1915, '16; Representative Redpath Lyceum Bureau, 1915-. Born Eskridge, June 23, 1893. 1017. CHARLES WILSON WARE. GRENOLA. A.B. Farmer, Grenola, 1915-. Born Grenola, May 18, 1892. 1018. RETA HAZEL WARING. CHEROKEE, OKLA. A.B. Teacher History, High School, Cherokee, Okla., 1915-. Born Waverly, Dec. 21, 1890. Sister of Nos. 841, 958. 1019. LLOYD KENNEDY WHITE. SAPULPA, OKLA. A.B. Teacher Physics and Chemistry, High School, Sapulpa, Okla., 1915-. Member American Chemical Society. Born Burns, Jan. 15, 1894. 1020. JEANETTE WICKSTROM. MEADE. A.B. Teacher Latin and German, Meade Co., High School, Meade, 1915-. Born Chanute, Jan. 19, 1893. 1021. EVERETT RAYMOND WILES. 606 TOPEKA AVE, TOPEKA. A.B. Teacher Science, High School, Westfield, 111, 1916; Assistanf Chemist, A. T. & S. Fe. Ry, Topeka, 1916-. Born De Smet, S. D, April 2 1892. Married Maude Aileen Kemler, Nov. 11, 1916. 215 1915-16] GRADUATES 1022. CORALIE ROXETTA WILLIAMS. 1132 UNIVERSITY ST., WICHITA. A.B. Teacher Grades, Wichita, 1915-. Born Atlantic, la., Nov. 24, 1891. 1023. FAYETTE JULIUS WOOD. IRVING. A.B. Graduate Student in Education, The University of Kansas, Sum- mer, 1916. Principal High School, Hartford, 1915-16; Irving, 1916-. Born Wamego, Jan. 9, 1893. Brother of No. 850. CLASS OF 1916 1024. BENA ALBERTA ANDERSON. RANTOUL. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Principal Rural High School, Rantoul, 1916-. Born Ottawa, Oct. 8, 1888. 1025. RAY EDDLY AXTON. IOLA. A.B. Born Cherryvale, July 4, 1893. Brother of Nos. 404, 666. 1026. ANNA RUTH BENHAM. HORTON. A.B. Teacher History, High School, Horton, 1916-. Born Fontana, June 24, 1894. Sister of No. 734. 1027. OPAL VERN BENJAMIN. BALDWIN CITY. A.B. Teacher Grades, Baldwin City, 1916-. Born Lyons, Oct. 8, 1893. Sister of No. 965. 1028. CLYDE OWEN BRADEN. KANSAS CITY, MO. A.B. Teacher Athletics, Country Day School, Kansas City, Mo., 1916-. Born Baldwin City, Nov. 5, 1891. Brother of No. 616. 1029. MARY FAY BROWN. WINCHESTER. A.B. Teacher Grades, and English in High School, Winchester, 1916-. Born Fall River, April 1, 1894. 1030. MARY ELIZABETH BROWNRIGG. ALTA VISTA. A.B. Teacher Mathematics and English, High School, Alta Vista, 1916-. Born Goodrich, Dec. 18, 1892. 1031. RUTH ESTHER BRUNE. WELLSVILLE. A.B. Teacher German and Latin, High School, Wellsville, 1916-. Born Lake View, Sept. 12, 1893. Sister of No. 906. 1032. GEORGE WILLIAM CARSON. 5627 MARYLAND AVE., CHI- CAGO, ILL. A.B.; Mus.B., 1916. Graduate Student in Sociology, The University of Chicago, 1916. Born Blair, Neb., Aug. 27, 1890. 216 GRADUATES [1916 1033. WALTER FRANK DE LASHMUTT. LA CROSSE. A.B. Teacher Mathematics and Director Athletics, High School, La Crosse, 1916-. Born Ft. Madison, la., Dec. 27, 1895. 1034. NEVA BERTRICE, DENISON. SPEARVILLE. A.B. Teacher Latin and English, High School, Spearville, 1916-. Born Rexford, Aug. 22, 1893. 1035. MYRTLE ETNA DENLINGER. BALDWIN CITY. A.B. At Home, Baldwin City, 1916-. Born Hartland, Dec. 13, 1893. Sister of No. 862. 1036. PHOEBE ELIZABETH EMERY. NANKING, CHINA. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Missionary, Nanking, China, 1916-. Born Lawrence, Sept. 8, 1884. 1037. RUTH ADELINE ERNST. ATCHISON. A.B. Teacher Grades, Atchison, 1916-. Born Atchison, Aug. 29, 1893. 1038. PAUL LAWRENCE EVANS. MINNEAPOLIS. A.B. Teacher Mathematics, High School, Minneapolis, 1916-. Born Stuart, la., May 15, 1893. Brother of No. 626. 1039. GRACE MARGARET FITZGERALD. UNIONTOWN. A.B. Teacher Latin, English and History, High School, Uniontown, 1916-. Born Blue Rapids, April 26, 1894. 1040. TRUE EARL FOSTER. PARSONS. A.B. Teacher History and Science and Director Athletics, Parsons, 1916-. Born Liberty, Aug. 3, 1893. 1041. RUTH HENRIETTA GLASIER. PAYSON, ILL. A.B. Teacher English and Principal Charles W. Seymour Memorial High School, Payson, 111., 1916-. Born Quincy, 111., June 17, 1894. Sister of No. 1042. | 1042. WALTER JOHN C. GLASIER. HAMPTON, N. J. A.B. Minister, M. E. Church, Evangelist, 1914-15; Linwood, 1915-16; Graduate Student in Theology, Drew Theological Seminary, 1916-. Born Quincy, 111., Feb. 5, 1887. Married Nellie May Hill, June 20, 1912. Child: Kenneth Hill, April 3, 1914. Brother of No. 1041. 1043. ROY ERNEST GORDON. 937 W. ELLSWORTH, DENVER, COLO. A.B. Minister, M. E. Church, Independence Circuit, 1911-12; Lone Elm, 1912-14; Rantoul, 1914-16; Graduate Student in Theology, Iliff School of Theology, 1916-. Born Stotesbury, Mo., Feb. 16, 1887. Married Myrtle Belle Goodman, Sept. S, 1909. 217 1916] GRADUATES 1044. BURR GUNSAULLUS. 72 MT. VERNON ST, BOSTON, MASS. A.B. Graduate student in Theology, Boston University, 1916-. Born Bourbon Co., April 17, 1879. 1C45. MARY JOSEPHINE HAINES. AUGUSTA. A.B. At Home, Hutchinson, 1916-17; Homekeeper, 1917-. Born Hutchinson, Aug. 21, 1893. Married Charles Willard Penley, No. 1069, Feb. 12, 1917. 1C46. DOROTHY ELIZABETH HANN. BURLINGTON JUNCTION, MO. A.B. Teacher Mathematics and History, High School, Burlington Junction, Mo, 1916-. Born Burlington Junction, Mo, Jan. 20, 1896. Sister of No. 1047. 1047. JENNIE FOSTER HANN. CLEARMONT, MO. A.B. Teacher I atin, English and History, High School, Clearmont, Mo., 1916-. Born Burlington Junction, Mo, March 29, 1894. Sister of No. 1046. 1048. EVALENA HARRIS. HOWARD. A.B. At Home, Howard, 1916-. Born Howard, Aug. 2, 1891. Sister of No. 864. 1049. FREEMAN CARROLL HAVIGHURST. LAWRENCE. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Fellow in Philosophy, The University of Kansas, Lawrence, 1916-. Born Bloomington, 111, March 1, 1895. 1050. GERTRUDE ELIZABETH HEDGE. WESTBORO, MO. A.B. Teacher Latin, Mathematics and Physics, High School, West- boro, Mo, 1916-. Born, Whiting, May 31, 1893. 1051. FAYE PEARL HOLLIS. FREDONIA. A.B. Teacher English and Mathematics, High School, Fredonia, 1916-. Born Carthage, Mo, March 12, 1892. 1052. FLORENCE HUDSON. AXTELL. A.B. Teacher English, High School, Axtell, 1916-. Born Neodesha, Jan. 16, 1895. 1053. LE ROY JEWELL. HAVILAND. A.B. Principal High School, Haviland, 1916-. Born Golden City. Mo, Feb. 15, 1894. 218 GRADUATES [1916 1054. LOUIS HARRISON KAUB. 9 RIDGE AVE., DEDHAM, MASS. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Minister, M. E. Church, Edwardsville, 1915- 16; Graduate Student in Theology, Boston University, 1916-. Born Cen- tropolis, April 11, 1891. Married Minnie Marie Weide, No. 1086, Aug. 2, 1916. 1055. JOHN RICHARD KIRBY. JEFFERSON. A.B. Minister, M. E. Church, Morehead, 1916-17; Jefferson, 1917-. Born Parker, Nov. 1, 1890. 1056. FLORA KRAFT. FAIRVIEW. A.B. Teacher English and Domestic Science, High School, Fairview, 1916-. Born Chicago, 111., Sept. 18, 1892. 1057. OLIVE KREEK. WAVERLY, MO. A.B. At Home, Oregon, Mo., 1916; Teacher Latin and Mathematics, High School, Waverly, Mo., Jan., 1917-. Born Oregon, Mo., July 11, 1893. 1058. FRANK GLENN LANKARD. 72 MT. VERNON ST., BOSTON, MASS. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Graduate Student in Theology, Boston University, Boston, Mass., 1916-. Born Anderson Co., Sept. 1, 1892. 1059. FORREST MABRY LARMER. WESTBORO, MO. A.B. Principal Schools, Westboro, Mo., 1916-. Born Ravenwood, Mo., Jan. 17, 1898. 1060. MAMIE KATHELENE LAUER. CASTLE ROCK, COLO. A.B. Homekeeper, 1916-. Born Elmo, Oct. 4, 1893. Married Ralph O. Taylor, No. 1081, Aug. 17, 1916. 1061. MARIAN TATE LEACH. FRONTENAC. A.B. Teacher English, High School, Frontenac, 1916-. Born Baldwin City, Sept. 4, 1887. Sister of No. 702. 1062. GLADYS MARIE LISHERNESS. CHANUTE. A.B. At Home, Baldwin City, 1916; Teacher English and History, High School, Chanute, Jan., 1917-. Born Lancaster, Wis., Oct. 9, 1894. 1063. HURST MAJORS. WAVERLY. A.B. Newspaper work, Waverly, 1916-. Born Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 18, 1895. 1064. CLARENCE AVERY McCULLOUGH. MAPLE HILL. A.B. Principal Schools, Maple Hill, 1916-. Born Savoy, 111. Sept 9, 1892. 219 1916] GRADUATES 1065. ROY STEWART McCULLOCH. ELMONT. A.B. Graduate First Penn. State Normal School, Millersville, Pa., 1905. Teacher twelve years. Minister, M. E. Church, Allen, 1916-17; El- mont, 1917-. Born McCulloch's Mills, Juniata Co., Pa., Dec. 17, 1879. Married Nellie Winsor, Sept. 4, 1913. Children, Charles Winsor, July 6, 1915; Paul Dean, Feb. 26, 1917. 1066. EMMA MELTON. CLINTON, MO. A.B. Teacher Latin, High School, Clinton, Mo., 1916-. Born War- saw, Mo., June 11, 1880. 1067. EUNICE ANN MOORE. FREDONIA. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Teacher Latin, High School, Fredonia, 1916-. Born Marionville, Mo., July 22, 1892. Sister of No. 885. 1068. VERA VIVIAN PAYTON. CLARINDA, IA. A.B. At Home, Clarinda, la., 1916-. Born Clarinda, la., Aug. 18, 1894. 1069. CHARLES WILLARD PENLEY. AUGUSTA. A.B. Banker, Augusta, 1916-. Born Augusta, Feb. 12, 1894. Married Mary Josephine Haines, No. 1045, Feb. 12, 1917. 1070. LOIS CECELIA PENNOCK. WESTMORELAND. A.B. Teacher English and History, High School, Westmoreland, 1916-. Born Olathe, July 10, 1892. 1071. LORETTA MARGARET POWELL. ESKRIDGE. A.B. At Home, Topeka, 1916; Teacher English, High School, Eskridge, Jan., 1917-. Born, Topeka, Aug. 14, 1893. 1072. ROY FRANKLIN PRESTON. 5813 DORCHESTER AVE., CHI- CAGO, ILL. A.B. Graduate Student, The University of Chicago, 1916-. Born Linn Co., Jan. 19, 1893. 1073. MAY RANDALL. MONROE, WASH. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Teacher Latin and English, High School, Monroe, Wash., 1916-. Born Osage City, Dec. 24, 1890. Daughter of Nos. 65 and 87. 1074. HARRY RIGBY. VERNON. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Principal Schools, Vernon, 1916-. Born Leigh, Lancashire, England, May 23, 1884. 1075. MELVIN GILLISON RIGG. ITHACA, N. Y. A.B., Alpha Delta Sigma. Graduate Student and Fellow in Philosophy, Cornell University, 1916-. Born Eureka, Oct. 20, 1895. 220 GRADUATES [1916 1076. LYNN HOOVER RUPERT. 460 W. 35TH ST., NEW YORK, N. Y. A.B. Minister, M. E. Church, Baldwin Circuit, 1914-15; Monticello, 1915-16; Graduate Student in Theology, Drew Theological Seminary, 1916-. Born Sedalia, Mo., Feb. 3, 1890. Married Hazel Laona Lindory, June 9, 1913. Child, Ida Loamia, June 16, 1916. 1077. GLEN SAMUEL SLOUGH. COATS. A.B. Superintendent Schools, Coats, 1916-. Born Quincy, Feb. 10, 1895. Brother of No. 1078. 1078. LYDIA KATHERINE SLOUGH. QUINCY. A.B. Principal High School and Teacher English and Latin, Quincy, 1916-. Born Quincy, Oct. 18, 1889. Sister of No. 1077. 1079. OTIS FRANKLIN SMITH. EVANSTON, ILL. A.B. Graduate Student in Theology, Garrett Biblical Institute, 1916-. Born Sedalia, Mo., Oct. 3, 1886. 1080. CLARISSA STEPHENSON. YATES CENTER. A.B. Teacher English, High School, Yates Center, 1916-. Born Yates Center, Sept. 8, 1895. 1081. RALPH O. TAYLOR. CASTLE ROCK, COLO. A.B. Ministerial Supply (M. E.), Gardner, 1916; Ministerial Supply, Castle Rock, Colo., 1917-. Graduate Student in Theology, Iliff School of Theology, Jan., 1917-. Born Lyons, Sept. 24, 1891. Married Mamie Kathe- lene Lauer, No. 1060, Aug. 17, 1916. 1082. ARTHUR LE ROY THOMPSON. BALDWIN CITY. A.B. Clerk, Clothing Store, Baldwin City, 1916-. Born Howard, April 1, 1892. Brother of No. 775. 1083. JAMES ROBERT TREGANZA. ST. PAUL. A.B. Minister, M. E. Church, Nortonville, 1916-17; St. Paul, 1917-. Born Hazel Green, Wis., Nov. 12, 1886. 1084. MADELINE HELEN WARDEN. McCRACKEN. A.B. At Home, McCracken, 1916-. Born McCracken, Jan. 7, 1892. 1085. TROY SANDERS WARNER. 244 S. GILPIN, DENVER, COLO. A.B. Minister, M. E. Church, Greeley, 1914-15; LeLoup, 1915-16; Mon- ticello, 1916; Graduate Student in Theology, Iliff School of Theology, 1916-. Born Milton, 111., March 14, 1881. Married Julia Rose Adams, June 15, 1904. Children, Anna Evelyn, Oct. 14, 1905; Lucille Katherine, Dec. 7, 1906. 221 1916] GRADUATES 1086. MINNIE MARIE WEIDE. 9 RIDGE AVE, DEDHAM, MASS. A.B. Homekeeper, 1916-. Born Yates Center, Jan. 21, 1892. Married Louis Harrison Kaub, No. 1054, Aug. 2, 1916. 1087. MURRAY ALDERSON WILSON. OSWEGO. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Principal High School, Oswego, 1916-. Born Palmyra, la, Aug. 15, 1894. Brother of Nos. 959, 1088. 1088. WENONA WILSON. CHAPMAN. A.B. Alpha Delta Sigma. Teacher Mathematics, Dickinson Co. High School, Chapman, 1916-. iJom Anderson, lnd, teb. 13, 1892. Sister of Nos. 959, 1087. 1089. ELBERT SANFORD WRIGHT. LITTLE ROCK, ARK. A.B. Teacher History, Philander Smith College, Little Rock, Ark, 1916-. Born Baldwin City, Jan. 25, 1894. 1090. HERBERT WRIGHT. KANSAS CITY. A.B. With J. W. Jenkins' Sons, Kansas City, Mo, 1916-. Born Kansas City, Mo, Feb. 7, 1893. 1091. GEORGE WASHINGTON ZABEL. LOCK HAVEN, PA. A.B. Professional Baseball, 1916-. Born Wetmore, Feb. 18, 1891. Married Ruby Kathrine Kress, June 10, 1916. Child: Kathrine Kress, March 22, 1917. 222 [1908-11 ALUMNI OF THE CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC CLASS OF 1908 1C. RHODA JAMIESON. MANKATO. Mus.B. Student Voice and Piano, Chicago Musical College, Chicago, 111., 1910-11; Student Voice with J. C. Wilcox, Denver, Colo., Summers, 1913, '14, '15, '16; Student Music, Kansas State Normal School, Summer, 1911. Mus'c Teacher, Public Schools, Osage City, 1911-12; Halstead, 1912- 13; Read'ng, 1913-16; Mankato, 1916-. Born Burlingame, March 6, 1885. Sister of No. 694. CLASS OF 1910. 2C. NETTIE IRENE AMOS. 2118 E. 38TH ST., KANSAS CITY, MO. Mus.B. Born Lindsborg, June 16, — . Married Harold Lowdermilk. 3C. FLETA EDITH CROWLEY. McCRACKEN. Mus.B. Homekeeper. Born Garden City, Aug. 6, 1887. Married George W. Underhill. 4C. EVERETT KIN FOSTER. Mus.B. (See College No. 591.) 5C. EULA REBA SMITH. Mus.B. (See College No. 598.) CLASS OF 1911. 6C. EDITH MAE BIDEAU. PITTSBURG. Mus.B. A.B., The University of Kansas. 1912. Student in Voice with Madam Bensberg-Barrachia, and Piano with Clarence Bird, Florence, Italy, 1913-15; Teacher Voice and Piano, Chanute, 1915-16; Professor Voice, Man- ual Training Normal School, Pittsburg, 1916-. Concert Soprano. Born Buffalo, Nov. 6, 1888. 7C. RAYMOND WILLIS PORTER. Mus.B. (See College No. 714.) 1912-15] ALUMNI CLASS OF 1912 8C. MARY BRIGHAM. Mus.B. (See College No. 451.) 9C. ERNEST LINCOLN COX. 711 EUCLID, DES MOINES, IA. Mus.B. Teacher Voice, Moores Hill College, Moores Hill, Ind., 1912-13; Student Music and Director of Music, American Church, Berlin, Germany, 1913-14; Director of Music, Grand Avenue Temple, Kansas City, Mo., 1914- 15; Head Voice Department, Highland Park College and Director of Choir, Grace M. E. Church, Des Moines, la., 1915-. Born Oak Grove, Mo., Dec. 15, 1886. Married Elizabeth Voorhis, No. 839, Aug. 5, 1913. Children: Catherine Voorhis, Aug. 28, 1914; Margaret Elizabeth, Dec. 31, 1915. IOC. FERN LUCILE HOOVER. OSAGE CITY. Mus.B. Teacher Music, Eureka, 1913-14; At Home, Baldwin City, 1914- 16; Teacher Public School Music, Osage City, 1916-. Born Cambridge, Feb. 6, 1891. 11C. SIDDIE ETHEL KREGAR. ANTHONY. Mus.B. Teacher Music, Anthony, 1912-. Born Milford, Jan. 15, 1890. CLASS OF 1913. 12C. BERNA JOSEPHINE HANNUM. KANSAS CITY, MO. Mus.B. Teacher Music, Cherryvale, 1913-14; Assistant in Physical Training for Women, Baker University, 1914-15; Homekeeper, 1915-. Born Garnett, May 3, 1891. Married Fred Allen Price, No. 716, June 12, 1915. CLASS OF 1914. 13C. GLADYS MERCIA DOUGHERTY. 1525 WESTERN AVE., TO- PEKA. Mus.B. Student Stenography, Topeka, 1914-15; Teacher Piano, also Teacher Commercial Branches, Dougherty's Business College, Topeka, 1915-. Born Topeka, Oct. 5, 1890. 14C. HELEN KITLENA McMILLAN. BALDWIN CITY. Mus.B. Student in College, Baker University, 1914-. Born Morrill, March 22, 1894. CLASS OF 1915. 15C. BENJAMIN JACOB BRUNE. Mus.B. (See College No. 905.) 224 ALUMNI [1915-16 16C. JESSIE MUIR BUNTEN. BRITTON, S. DAK. Mus.B. Teacher. Born Scranton, Apr. 12, 1893. 17C. ELSIE MAY HAIGH. BALDWIN CITY. Mus.B. Student in College, Baker University, 1915-. Born Sabetha, Dec. 2, 1893. Sister of No. 683. CLASS OF 1916. 18C. LELAND LEGLER BROWN. LONOKE, ARK. Mus.B. Farmer, Lonoke, Ark., 1916-. Born Oskaloosa, Aug. 3, 1892. 19C. GEORGE WILLIAM CARSON. Mus.B. (See College No. 1032.) 20C. GEORGIA ESTHER HOFFMAN. FRANKFORT. Mus.B. Teacher Music in Public Schools, Frankfort, 1916-. Born Perry, May 29, 1894. 21C. ESTHER MARTIN. 2614 E. 30TH ST., KANSAS CITY, MO. Mus.B. With The Methodist Book Concern and Student Horner Insti- tute of Fine Arts, Kansas City, Mo., 1916-. Born Greenleaf, July 9, 1894. Sister of No. 879. 225 1892-09] ALUMNI WITH ADVANCED DEGREES PRO MERITO Year Name Degree 1892 Franklin Pierce Smith, A.B A.M. 1894 Anna May Hair, A.B AM (Mrs. M. C. Findley.) 1894 William Colfax Markham, A.B A.M. 1894 Robert T. Smith A.M. 1894 Frank James Squires A.M. 1894 Nathan Abijah Swickard, A.B A.M. 1895 Robert T. Smith, A.M Ph. D. 1895 Nathan Abijah Swickard, A.M Ph.D. 1895 Samuel Brush Haskin, A.B A.M. 1895 Francis Cummins Lockwood, A.B A.M. 1895 Paul Martin Pearson, A.B A.M. 1895 James Marion Price, A.B A.M. 1895 * William Brown Swan, A.B., M.D A.M. 1896 *Mrs. Ella R. Price, A.M Ph. D. 1896 Frederick Beman Price, A.M Ph. D. 1896 Nathaniel V. Moore A.M. 1896 William Parsons, A.B A.M. 1897 Oliver Lincoln Utter, A.B A.M. 1897 Nathaniel V. Moore, A.M Ph. D. 1897 Arza Bracken Fogle, A.B A.M. 1897 *Harry Bertrand Wren, A.B A.M. 1897 Thomas Ira Motter, A.B A.M. 1898 Elkanah Harley Haskin, A.B A.M. 1898 Jennie May Kershner, Ph. B A.M. (Mrs. K. W. Robbins.) 1898 Ida Laura Kershner, Ph. B A.M. (Mrs. E. E. Hickman.) 1898 William Wylie Kilpatrick, Ph. B A.M. 1899 Ralph Wakefield, A.B A.M. 1900 Lydia Sain, B.L A.M. 1901 *David McMillan Houghtelin, A.B., S.T.B A.M. 1902 Arthur Wirt Lowther, Ph. B A.M. 1903 Scott Elias William Bedford, A.B A.M. 1903 Dan Brearley Brummitt, A.B., S.T.B... A.M. 1903 Robert Benjamin Hayes, A.B A.M. 1903 Edwin Merrick Miller, A.B., M.D A.M. 1903 Thomas James Riley, A.B A.M. 1904 Sanford Parmenas Archer, Ph. B A.M. 1904 Mrs. Eva Gill Clark, A.B A.M. 1904 Bertram Everett McProud, A.B A.M. 1904 Lewis Grant Reser, A.B A.M. 1905 Frank Wesley Allin, B.S., M.D A.M. 1905 George Albert Nicholson, A.B A.M. 1905 James D. Smith, M.S A.M. 1908 Mabel Alberta Allison, A.B A.M. (Mrs. .) 1909 Chester Haviland Crane Dudley, A.B., B.D A.M. 226 Address Lawrence. Salem, Ore. Baldwin City. St. Louis, Mo. Austin, Tex. Mediapolis, la. St. Louis, Mo. Mediapolis, la. Olathe. Tucson, Ariz. Swarthmore, Pa. Littleton, Colo. Allahabad, India. Satsop, Wash. Des Moines, la. West Mansfield, O. Satsop, Wash. Williamsburg. Oak Park, 111. Lenexa. Chicago, 111. Warsaw, Ind. Litchfield, 111. Neosho Falls. Logansport, Ind. Chicago, 111. Chicago, 111. Sedalia, Mo. Mound City, Mo. Brooklyn, N. Y. Streator, 111. Westwood, Calif. University Place, Neb. Delavan, Wis. Chicago, 111. Kusa, Okla. Emporia. Keene, N. H. ALUMNI [1909-12 Year Name Degree Address 1909 Elmer Perry Monahan, Ph. B A.M. Kansas City, Mo. 1909 Leroy Trophimus Reser, Ph. B A.M. Baldwin City. 1911 Fred Mark Bailey, A.B A.M. Ottawa. 1911 Fowler Adelphi Brooks, A.B A.M. Norman, Okla. 1911 Harriet Kemp, A.B., Ped. B A.M. Grinnell, la. (Mrs. J. R. Lewis.) 1912 Arthur D. Catlin, A.B A.M. Yates Center. 1912 Myra Amanda Lockwood, A.B A.M. Forest City, la. 1912 Ben Scudder Millikan, A.B A.M. 1912 Margaret Stewart, A.B A.M. St. Charles, Mo. 1912 Anna Downey Porter, A.B A.M. Rome, Italy. 1912 John Haigler Kile, A.B., Ped. B A.M. Garrison. 227 1862-97] HONORARY ALUMNI Year Name Degree Address 1862 *Charles A. Logan A.M. 1872 *Rugh Dunn Fisher D.D. 1873 *Thomas J. Eaton, M.D A.M. 1877 *George W. Cothran LL. D. 1880 *Charles Jefferson Albright LL. D. 1880 John William Hamilton • D.D. Boston, Mass. 1880 Richard A. Hoffman A.M. Colorado Springs Colo 1880 Carl F. Gissler, P.G Ph.D. Brooklyn, N. Y. 1881 *Joseph O. Kno wles D.D. 1882 *William Peck A.M. 1883 Le Roy Decatur Brown Ph. D. 1884 *Edward C. Curtis D.D. 1884 *Horace Reed D.D. 1884 *John A. Driver D.D. 1886 Alaric S. Embree A.M. Topeka. 1885 *Joseph H. Mansfield D.D. 18S6 *James Crooks Hall, A.M D.D. 1886 Harvey Clelland De Mott, A.M LL. D. Normal, 111. 1887 Simeon T. Walker A.M. Baton Rouge, La. 1887 *Preston B. Plumb LL. D. 1887 *Nathan Dow George D.D. 1887 *William McKendree Darwood D.D. 1888 *Calvin R. Pattee D.D. 1888 *Benj. Crispin Lippincott, A.M D.D. 1888 *Edwin Wallace Parker D.D. 1888 *George Sullivan Dearborn D.D. 1889 Thomas Hayden Hawkins, M.D A.M. Denver, Colo. 1889 *William Smith D.D. 1889 *Isaac Tichenor Goodnow, A.M Ph.D. 1890 John Wesley Butler, B.D D.D. Mexico City, Mex. 1890 *Eugene Wallace Van Deventer D.D. 1890 *Robert F. Kelso, M.D A.M. 1890 *Samuel A. Brewster D.D. 1891 *Edward Asa Whitman D.D. 1891 *Martin Van Buren Knox, Ph. D D.D. 1891 *Milton Eves Phillips D.D. 1891 John Calhoun McClintock, M.D A.M. Topeka. 1891 Edwin B. Shaw, M.D A.M. Arkansas City. 1891 Philo Melvin Buck A.M. Beirut, India. 1892 Ervin Lewellyn Thorpe, Ph. D D.D. Brooklyn, N. Y. 1892 *David Nathaniel McInturff, A.M D.D. 1892 Milo Buel Ward, M.D A.M. Kansas City, Mo. 1893 John Holland Doddridge D.D. Greensburg, Ind. 1893 Joseph O. Dobson D.D. Mt. Vernon, la. 1894 Orin Palmer Wright D.D. South Portland, Ore. 1894 Eugene May D.D. Washington, D. C. 1895 William Irwin Graham, A.M D.D. Watertown, S. D. 1895 Worley Brighton Slutz D.D. Oberlin, O. 1896 John Wesley Stewart, A.M D.D. Anderson, Mo. 1896 Don Snell Colt, S.T.B D.D. Baltimore, Md. 1897 *William A. Tallon D.D. 1897 *James T. Hanna D.D. 1897 Robert Allen Carnine D.D. De Land, Fla. 228 HONORARY ALUMNI [1898-09 Year Name Degree Address 1898 Paul Clarence Curnick, A.M D.D. Indianapolis, Ind. 1898 *Ida Ahlborn Weeks, M.L A.M. 1898 *Alpheus Asbury Brenton Cavaness A.M. 1899 Robert William Rogers, Ph. D LL. D. Madison, N. J. 1899 Granville Lowther, B.D D.D. 1900 Winfield Columbus Snodgrass D.D. Roselle Park, N. J. 1900 Guy Potter Benton, A.M D.D. Burlington, Vt. 1901 Henry Justin Allen A.M. Wichita. 1901 Edwin Mortimer Randall D.D. Seattle, Wash. 1901 Charles Warren Fairbanks LL. D. Indianapolis, Ind. 1901 William Alfred Quayle Litt. D. St. Louis, Mo. 1902 Julius Smith, A.M., B.D D.D. Baldwin. 1902 Hillary Asbury Gobin, A.M., D.D LL.D. Greencastle, Ind. 1903 Edward Combie Smith D.D. St. Louis, Mo. 1903 William Butt Collins D.D. Fenton, Mich. 1904 William Fraser McDowell, Ph. D., D.D LL.D. Washington, D. C. 1904 Reese Bowman Kester, M.S., B.D D.D. Minneapolis, Minn. 1905 Samuel Plantz, A.M., Ph. D LL.D. Appleton, Wis. 1905 Samuel Alexander Lough, A.M Ph.D. University Park, Colo. 1905 Charles Rutherford Robinson, A.M.... D.D. Fort Smith, Ark. 1905 Edward Yates Hill, A.M D.D. Philadelphia, Pa. 1905 John Cozier Willits, A.M D.D. Grand Rapids, Mich. 1906 Joseph Henry Hill, A.M D.D. Kansas City, Mo. 1906 Christian Fichthorne Reisner, A.B., S.T.B D.D. New York, N. Y. 1906 William Arnold Shanklin, A.M., D.D LL. D. Middletown, Conn. 1907 Dan Brearly Brum mitt, A.M., S.T.B. . . .D.D. Chicago, 111. 1907 Otto Edward Kriege D.D. Warrenton, Mo. 1908 William Charles Bauer, B.S D. Sc. Evanston, 111. 1908 Walter Melville Patton D.D. Northfield, Minn. 1908 William Alfred Quayle, A.M., D.D., Litt. D LL. D. St. Louis, Mo. 1909 *Azubah Adams A.M. 1909 Foster Dwight Coburn A.M. Topeka. 1909 Mrs. Sade Sullivan Colt, A.B A.M. Baltimore, Md. 1909 Matthew Simpson Dudgeon, A.B., LL. B A.M. Madison, Wis. 1909 *Elmer Selah Farwell A.M. 1909 Bertha Fowler A.M. Herkimer, N. Y. 1909 Minnie Frickey A.M. Washington, D. C. 1909 Charles Edwin Gault, B.S A.M. Topeka. 1909 Yung Liang Hwang, A.B., B.D A.M. Pekin, China. 1909 Mrs. Jennie Murray Kemp, B.S A.M. Portland, Ore. 1909 Robert Franklin Knight A.M. Kansas City, Mo. 1909 Henry L. Emil Leuring A.M. Frankfort A. M., Germ'y 1909 *John MacDonald A.M. 1909 *George Washington Martin A.M. 1909 Caroline Ruby Matson, A.B A.M. Salina. 1909 Mrs. Margaret Hill McCarter A.M. Topeka. 1909 Charles Edgar Moore, A.B A.M. Eureka. 1909 George Albert Nichols A.M. Evanston, 111. 1909 Andrew Cameron Pearson, A.B., LL. B..A.M. Upper Montclair, N. J. 1909 Matthew Edgar Pearson A.M. Kansas City. 1909 John Punton, M.D A.M. Kansas City, Mo. 1909 Henrietta Viola Race, A.B A.M. 1909 Elijah Watt Sells A.M. New York, N. Y. 1909 Charles Harrison Sessions A.M. Topeka. 229 1909-16] HONORARY ALUMNI Year Name Degree Address 1909 Lilian Scott, Ph. B A.M. Baldwin City. 1909 Florence Lydia Snow, B.L A.M. Neosho Falls. 1909 Mary Fletcher Swaney A.M. 1909 Joseph Luther Taylor, A.B., LL. B A.M. Pittsburg. 1909 Eliza A. Telford, A.B A.M. Spring Hill. 1909 George Brown Thomas, A.B A.M. Providence, R. I. 1909 Frederick Clyde Trigg A.M. Kansas City, Mo. 1909 Viola Ann Troutman A.M. Parsons. (Mrs. J. A. Stavely.) 1909 *Edward Thomson Fairchild Ped. D. 1909 John Hamlin Glotfelter Ped. D. Oshkosh, Wis. 1909 John Allen Hancock, M.S., A.M Ped. D. Mankato, Minn. 1909 George Denison Knipe, M.S Ped. D. Emmett, Idaho. 1909 *George Wesley Winans Ped. D. 1909 Carl Adolph Preyer Mus. D. Lawrence. 1909 Emery Cutler Beach D.D. 1909 Donald John Cowling, A.M D.D. Northfield, Minn. 1909 John Gowdy, A.B., B.D D.D. Foochow, China. 1909 William Christopher Hanson D.D. Kansas City. 1909 *Homer H. Moore D.D. 1909 David Kyugoro Obata, A.M., B.D D.D. Tokyo, Japan. 1909 James Alexander Stavely, A.B., B.D.. .D.D. Parsons. 1909 Charles Moreau Harger Litt. D. Abilene. 1909 Paul Martin Pearson, A.M Litt. D. Swarthmore, Pa. 1909 William Allen White Litt. D. Emporia. 1909 Joseph Little Bristow, A.M LL. D. Salina. 1909 Nelson Case LL. D. Oswego. 1909 James Willis Gleed, LL. D LL. D. Topeka. 1909 William Agnew Johnston LL. D. Topeka. 1909 Frank Knight Sanders, Ph. D LL. D. New York, N. Y. 1909 *Uichiro Sasamori, S.T.B., Ph. D LL. D. 1909 Frank Strong, Ph. D LL. D. Lawrence. 1910 Samuel Michael Ness A.M. Independence. 1910 Cornelia Templeton Jewett A.M. (Mrs. .) 1910 Harry Andrews King, A.B., S.T.B D.D. Atlanta, Ga. 1911 William Elsey Connelley A.M. Topeka. 1911 Eustache Charles Edouard Dorion D.D. Boston, Mass. 1911 Benjamin Noriega Velasco D.D. Queretaro, Mex. 1911 Charles Bayard Mitchell, D.D., Ph. D LL. D. St. Paul, Minn. 1911 Emma Amelia Robinson A.M. Chicago, 111. 1911 Francis Lorette Strickland, Ph.D D.D. Morgantown, W. Va. 1911 *John Alanson Patten LL. D. 1913 William Addison Brown, A.B., B.D D.D. Evanston, 111. 1914 Joseph M. M. Gray D.D. Kansas City, Mo. 1915 Edward Hislop, A.B., S.T.B D.D. Oklahoma City, Okla. 1916 Kyugoro Obata, A.M., D.D LL. D. Tokyo, Japan. 230 [1889-91 PERSONS RECEIVING CERTIFICATES FOR THE COMPLETION OF CERTAIN COURSES OF STUDY THE ACADEMY 1889 Thomas Byron Adell Mina Admire William J. Anderson James Floyd Atherton Joseph Milton Atherton Carl Brann Dan Brearley Brummitt Dudley O. Caudry Werter Arthur McDonald Moses William Games Alva Allen George Mary Elsie Green James Edward Hair Harvard Oliver Harpster Samuel Brush Haskin Edward Clayton Hollinger LeRoy Holtz Palmer Bangs Knepp Carlena Larson William Morgan Leiser William B. Maggs George Jones McClure Willis Oscar Messinger William Linza Miller John L. Moor head Philip Ernest Parrott James Marion Price William Neely Simpson Edward Harris Spencer Thomas Russell Taylor Frances Elizabeth Whitney Adelbert De Forest Wood Stella Wyatt Walter Wyatt Frank Wesley Allin Lizzie Mary Barricklow Mary Bower Willis B. Bower Mary Caroline Brandstatt Joseph Edward Coe Nellie Cowgill Homer Edgar Cullison Dassie May Gabriel Minnie Jane Games Harry Edward Halsey Miranda Hammond Mary Sophia Ives Henry Benton Johnson Henry Simpson Johnston William Albert Jolley Albert Henry King Cary Logan Mann William 1890 George Arthur Marvel Howard James Matteson Thomas Ira Motter Samuel Murdock Pearl Murray Roscoe O'Neil Andrew Cameron Pearson Eva Pullin Harvey McElvain Ramp James William Reed Eunice Ritchie Clarence Lacell Rork Albert Frank Scott Ruth Bernice Scott Georgia Sheldon Olive Maud Stewart Josephine White Harry Bertrand Wren Rollin Yenawine John Shepherd Akers John Foster Allen Carrie Baker 1891 Claude Brant Grace Breyfogle Lizzie Breyfogle 331 1891-93] ACADEMY Laura Buckner Daisy Belle Bush Nettie Bell Butler Charles Fletcher Clark William Melvin Clark Leigh DeWitt DeLano Otto B. Divelbiss Hugh Hale Ewing Hadeon Spurceon Farrar John Homer Foresman Birdean Marguerite Fraker Eva Clare Gill Hezekiah B. Hammond Forrest Madison Hartley Elkanah Harley Haskin Mary Hawley David McMillan Houghtelin Charles Price Howell Mamie Prudentia Hubinger George Herbert Hull Frank Ansalem Johnson Clyde Emery Limbocker James Edward Mallory Mary Anna Mallory Lewis Merrill Markham Almira Esther Marvel Anna Massey Edgar Greeley Matthews Edwin Merrick Miller Maie Motter Harry Lionel Muesse Manly Jacob Mumford Robert Emerson Pasley Julian Bronson Reed David Calvert Reeves Edith Austa Robbins Henry Poynter Robbins Floyd Jay Seaman James D. Smith William Watson Stewart Joseph Luther Taylor Jesse Norton Welty Samuel Whallon Welty Edna Rachel Wolfe 1892 Francis Earl Adell Thomas Franklin Allen Prudence Gertrude Bell Minnie Maye Bush Luther Bittle Bushong Harry C. Case Lizzie Belle Cone Irwin Taylor Cooper Charles Benjamin Dalton Isaac Franklin Edwards Mary Alma Follin Willetta German Frank Percy Hedges Rachel Harriet Henderson James Edward Holmes William Silas Howey Aaron H. Huron Marion Ethel Kidder Benjamin Alexis Lehew John Leslie Lehew Albert Marks Lehr Lula Belle Leonard Mason Buel Liebhart Dora Clementine Markham Harriet N. Marvel John Otis Matthews Lucine Moffet Ella McCormick Mary Ellen McRoberts Masenos Reed Molesworth Ella R. Nixon Edward Thompson Pendleton Ralph Ray Price James Alexander Stavely George Asbury Stephens Irwin Stimmel Mattie Ellen Stokesberry George Emanuel Toomey Charles Wilhelm Ella May Wilhelm 1893 Clay Allen Sue Allen Mattie Buena Amos Joseph Lawrence Anderson Charlotte Emmes Beasley Lillie Grace Boicourt William Amos Bradford John Brown Ethel Cavaness Pearl Amy Clark Thomas Henry Coole John W. Crooks Clarence E. Denning Illa Madge Denning Isaac Wiley Dumm Arza Bracken Fogle Aura Marguerite Follin Harry A. Gordon Edwin O. Grimes Bessie Eleanor Grow Mary Eleanor Hand Belle Hart 232 ACADEMY [1893-95 Frank M. Hartman James Elsworth Henman Maggie Hinkle Arthur Searles Kane Jennie May Kershner Laura Ida Kershner Harry Lind St. Clair Lind Charlotte Catherine Martin Mary Susana Martin William Francis Martin Mabel Ethel McDole Arthur McMurray Sivoli Neff David Kyugoro Obata Frank Bernard O'Dell Catherine Frances Petery Isaac Franklin Roach George Ruddell, Jr. William Ortan Sears Nettie Steele Merton Jay Stickel Dora Belle Taggart Jessie May Tinkham Travis H. Whitney Hamilton Marion Williams Frank Eri Wilson Harmon Allen Nora Dale Ames Cora Shepard Boynton Detroit Lee Burton Herbert Cavaness Wilfred Cavaness Smith Bela Cogshall Rolla Wood Coleman Lizzie Cone Estelle Cowgill Margaret Cowgill Arlow Bertram Crum Cora Louella Cullison John Daniel Boone DeGarmo Wilbur F. Denious Ernest Day Everett Daisy Elizabeth Fisher Orestes L. Garlinghouse William 1894 Frank Griffith Milton Parks Helmick Macy Hitchcock Thomas A. Hitchcock Clarence O. Humphrey George Edward King Clyde Hiram Knox Anna Katrine Lehew William Ray Manning Arthur Jacob Martin Emanuel Norman Martin Walter Messinger Nathan S. Ragle Mary L. Rice Kirk Waldo Robbins Cora May Showalter Jessie Amanda Skinner Louise Frederica Stoelzing Harrison Wilson 1895 Joseph Benson Baker Harriet Birdie Barthoff Edgar Lucius Bedell Harry A. Bird William Luke Boicourt John Harrison Bristow George Croft Cell Charles William Cook Robert W. Coppedge Maude Cowgill Florence May Dixon Lucy Mary Fisher Samuel Robert Fisher Ernest Milbourne Freeland Frank Watson Games Venia Amanda Games Helen Gertrude Gill Rebecca Goddard Mabel Daisy Graham Louis Hiram Griffith William Franklin Hoover Lillian May Hunsicker Helen Lucretia Ingle Alice Chloe Irwin Walter Stewart Johnson Harry Andrews King May Elizabeth Knox David B. Loofbourrow Pearl Lynes George Lemuel McClenny Nellie Millard Bertha May Miller Aura Jane Misemer Albert Lopen Morgan Clarence Benton Myers Pembroke Reynolds Newman Ernest R. O'Neil Clayton Mardis Owen Herman Goodwin Porter George Edgar Potter 233 1895-98] ACADEMY Jane Sain Leila Sain Effie Louella Seaman Thomas Pettigrew Stewart Zola Estelle Swan James Dawson Wright Minnie Ann Underhill Roy Holland Van Landingham Royola Van Orman Myrtle Pearl Walker Grace Leon a Watt Herbert Oscar Anthon George Mitchell Bettis John Colburn Bridwell William Addison Brown Sarah Emily Brummitt Lewis Franklin Burton George Fulton Collins Olive Vivian Cullison Joseph Stuart Davis Nira Ethel Dean Howard Bertram Durkee Florence Ora Elwell Hattie Esther Elwell Francis William Fenn Francis Edward Finley Walter Lyman French Bertha Lovett Gasaway Leefy Lilian Gasaway Harry Lee Johnson Harriet Kemp Charles Latimer King 1896 Florence King E. Hamline Knepp Leona Kuhn Joseph Harlan Leatherwood Charles E. Lewis Leslie James Lyons Angus Maclean Mabel Marvel Harriet Gertrude Maxwell Bertram Everett McProud Oscar Ulysses McProud Howard Leslie Messinger Albert Perley Myers Edgar Francis Riley Thomas James Riley Walter Meredith Rogers Harry Carlton Smith Charles Russell Teas Bertha Ethel Watt Myrtle A. Weber Charles Samuel Woods Ella Woodyard Alvin Wesley Ault Rollin Hamlin Ayers Scott Elias William Bedford John Edward Betts Arthur Stanley Case Luella Edith Clark Edwin Nelson Forbes Frank Hamilton Hankins Ward Wesley Hull Harry Gara Humphrey Nora May Johnson William W. Johnston William Butler Keeling Leslie Clyde Kuhn James 1897 Harvey Elmer Laughlin George Albert Lunbeck Blanche Ethel Mills Theo Louise Pearce Hortense Jane Reed Leona Grace Showalter Joseph Jasper Skinner Alonzo Martin Smith Levi Brown Smith Rolla Baxter Stafford Lathan Madison Tinker Mamie Rosalynde Van Landingham Bessie Watt Frank Ezra Wolf Albert Young 1898 oilbert Haven Atherton Perl Rogers Barton Emily Isabel Benedict Edna Potter Boyd Francis Curtis Bright De Kalb Burnham Edith Matilda Coe Grace Eaton Charles Albert Gardner Wiley Albert Gasaway Genevra Hattie Hamilton Robert Benjamin Hayes Oscar Clifton Hays Philip Heigele 234 ACADEMY [1898-1900 John H. Irby Jesse Johnson Anna Livingstone Keeling Frank Otho Kershner Emma Florence Kuhn Ethel Claire Lane Robert Loofbourrow Pearl Mc Curdy Elmer Perry Monahan Florence Lula Moore Ora Fleming Mower George Brock Neff Morris Patton Fred B. Porter William F. Rapp Leroy Trophimus Reser Dossie May Stewart Harry Pray Study Ernest Homer Tannehill John William Wallace Jasper Le Roy Atherton Marie Annette Bailey Robert Victor Bailey Gertrude Fleming Best Cora Millicent Brown Claude Allen Calkins Kathryn Myrtle Carmean Walter Hodgen Case Eunice Clapham Emma Alice Follin Edgar Byron Frakes Florence Myrtle Fuller LUCRETIA GADDIS Nelle Gaddis Daniel Chase Glidden Amos F. Hamman William Martin Hammond Viola May Hankins Clair Aigler Harpster Clara Marguerite Hatch Fred James Hatch John Clarence Henderson Christian 1899 Edward Hislop Frank Wyatt Hosford Charlotte Hoyt David Ellsworth Kendall Edna Elmira Leach Harriet Vena Loveridge Lester Abram Maris Raymond Mulvaney Mary Kibben Murphy Miriam R. Murphy Fred Robert Nuzman Delbert Monroe Parrick Edward Gustav Polster William F. Rawles David Richards John Wilkins Roberts Anna Robinson George Ledrew Rulison Bertha Showalter Wilfred Vigus Stephenson Paul Munson Thomas Jennie Lura Woods Benjamin Zook Wilbur Fiske Allen Nellie May Ault James Percy Ault George Hayes Baird Oliver Warren Best Frank Broom Stella Louisa Cook Wilmer Falkenrich Emma Belle French Charles Albert Hall Ottis Clyde Hestwood Floyd Laverne Holmes William Douglas Johnson Louvenia Madeline Joseph James Murray Kemp John H aigler Kile Orpha 1900 Edsall Bowman Knepp Nita Lanning Grace Isabelle Lockhart Ethel Mackenzie Lena Adelle McConnell Fred A. Molby Edgar Collins Moore Theodore Clifton Mountain Holly Davis Paynter Urana Gleneva Peck Leonard Robert South Carl Edward Steinfort Charles Lane Triplett Lee Trotter Arm in Hugh Williams Rett a Ellen Wolf Yolande Woodward 235 1901-03] ACADEMY 1901 Cecil Erwin Ames Elmer David Axton Clara Jane Bailey Henry Irwin Bailey William Arthur Bailey Oscar Griffith Baker Bert Sherman Berry Edwin Chauncey Bloss George Mallalieu Boicourt Edwin Adam Britsch Jennie Burris Mary Ara Collins Gilbfrt Stevens Cox Elsie Dershem Earl Douglas Marguerite Edwards Edward Henry Herbert Emery Nannie Louise Fischer Jessie Edith Funnell Gilbert Munson Gander Edgar Garrison Green Snowden Raymond Green Robert Ellis Heinselman Delbert Trigg Hulse Estelle Hunt Edward Lewis Klein David Scott Lentz Henry Blackburn Miller George Hervey Molby Walter Waugh Murphy George Samuel Nason George Albert Nicholson John Linn Osborn Roy Burton Power Minnie Ila Raffety Elmer Author Riley Charles Henry Scholfield Eula Reba Smith Clarence Churchill Stewart Walter Fuller Stewart Harry Carl Wilson Mabel Wilson 1902 Nathaniel John Adams Celia Martha Allen Ora Allen Spencer Butler Apple Earl Casper Arnold Harley Addison Ault Fred Mark Bailey Mary Rhoda Bare Julia Mabel Beard Earl Tennyson Black Lynn William Bloom Arthur Bridwell Elmer Legrande Brown Walter Coleman Buckner John Riley Clark Lyle Charles Cutler Jesse Edward Davis Charles Everett Ely George Rusk Emerson Sarah Winona Freark Thomas Jefferson Gambill Edna Elizabeth Gander Minnie Gardner Elsie Grace Gillette Fanny Lucinda Grose Josephine Cornelia Grose James Howard Hanger Guy Tracy Justis Maud Kilborn John Edward Lough Isabel Marvel Inez Grace McAdams Harold Dudley Miner Marshall Morton Morgan Goldie Blanche Olson Elsie May Power Homer Ernest Rapp Laura Ada Rossel William Wesley Rubel John Prentice Scholfield Joseph Milton Sheesley Eugene Calvin Stephens Robert Oren Whitaker Ernest Emerson Woods Charles Woodyard Jesse Coleman Young 1903 Warren Ortman Ault William Winfield Baker Melville Bowers Ellis Stewart Brown George Edward Brown Russel Earl Butler Fanny Deleilah Cary Leila Edna Clark Olla Winifred Cramer William Maynard Dixon Ross Lee Duncan Myrtle A. Estle Christie Jacob Fischer Ella May Fisher Hattie May Gardner Nellie Amelia Garlinghouse ACADEMY [1903-05 Minnie Myrtle Graffin Charles Clifford Grover Burr Gunsaullus Joseph Francis Haigh James Henry Inman Charles Abraham Kalb Classie Pearl Kinzer Helen Kinzer Jesse Pearl Landon Lota Ione Mahar Mary Avis Maris Jesse Howard Moore Vernon Thomas Nicholson Clyde Winfield Odom Charles Frederick Peter Frank McCluny Postlethwaite Vesta Rebecca Powell Claude John Sample LeVetra Scholfield Lusetta Sowers William Arthur Strimple Harriet Anna Van Vickle Walter Clarence Walker Clare Winget forestine rena wright Charles Emmors Allderdice James Arthur Allen Amy Armstrong Edward Edgerton Beauchamp Fowler Dell Brooks Wiley Glen Brooks Earl Finley Clark Edward Marion Daniels Charles Clayton Dennie Marjorie Dureoraw Bertie Elvalyn Emory Louis Robert Gates Albert Edwin Henry Earl Randall Hibbard Charles William Holliday Phoebe James Janie Johnston Edwin Pomeroy Kendall John Peter Kohler Sarah Ellen Leary John Peter Livoni Arthur Garfield Mall Emma Ivalena Markham Mary McIntire Harold Benedict McKibben Edith 1904 Samuel James Molby Leonard Bray Oechsli Helen Ruby Parmenter Lucile Williams Parmenter James Ross Patton John Phillips Fred Pierce Anna Downey Porter Alice Catherine Reid Roy Ralph Reppert Mary Amelia Richmond Ivy Williams Riley Earl Clarendon Ross Theodore Franklin Rudisill Fred Crosby Rumsey Clara Salmans Edith Salmans Hervey Foster Smith William Jewell Sumner June Ella Topping Samuel Everett Urner Harry Marley Van Landingham Frances Regina Wilson Lela Clair Wilson Edwin Arthur Winget Rosamond Youtsey 1905 Espar Anderson Helen Armstrong Jessie Louise Armstrong Wilbur Francis Arnett Thomas Clyde Bacon Ida Lois Booth Frank Alonzo Boys Charles Samuel Braden Maude Bpigham Arthur Carl Broadbent James Chalmers Browning Arthur Dan Catlin Florella Tucker Counts Jessie Louise Denman Albert Romulus Dilley Louis Bennett Dobbs Joseph Samuel Dooty Ora Benton Douglas Benjamin Harmon Dunbar Lee Halsey Eddington Clara May Evans Grace Esther Falkenrich Anna Pearl Fisher Charles Edgar Funston Lyda Vivian Garrett Robert Scott Gault George Nelson Gibbs Bessie Gilman 237 1905-06] ACADEMY Charles William Hedge Wilbur Nickel Holliday Charles Wilbur Jackson James Ralph Jillson Leo David Jones Arthur Valentine Kalb Guy Alton Lamphear Fred B. Lewis Walter Albert Lewis Arthur Kirkwood Loomis Ethel May Macurdy Harry Oscar Martin Alpha Leona Mayginnes Stella McDaniel Robert Hugh McWilliams Bert Early Mitchner Walter David Molby Earnest William Preston Fred Allen Price Ella May Rapp Elsie Gertrude Reed Muriel Showers Kenneth Kipple Simmons Ethel Rose Simonton Arthur Garfield Spiller Lottie Lazette Swayze William Whitney Switzer Elsie Wehrman Rena Adeline Wilcox William John Williams Leona May Wright Ruth Agnes Yoe 1906 Orval Duane Allis Agnes Ann Anderson Emily Annadown Paul Vivian Annadown Grace Deborah Bennett Elmer Leonard Brown Oliver William Brown Thomas Walter Bruner Lona Butler Warren Foster Cook Roy Cox Roscoe Conklin Cramer Myrnice Marcia Crysler Gertrude Annette Cundiff Pearl Cundiff Ura Danley Edna Rose Darrow Luther Herbert Ditzler Ina Lucille Dixon Jessie Marguerite Edwards Arthur Herman Fast Riley White Geary Algernon Isaac Gilmore Homer Wilson Glaze Grace D. Graham Joseph Corwin Green Ethel Hammons John Wesley Harbeson Henry Karl Harsh Willard Glass Hazen Franklin Pierce Hillis Robert Arthur Hunt Clyde Winters Jackson John Clayton Jacobs Grace Virginia Jenkins Mary Wallace Johnson Alma Virta Jolley Elma Sage Jones Mildred Junkins Margaret Kalb Pliny Whittier Keys Josephine Kibler Anna Kirby Mattie Eunice Kirk Rufus Stephen Kirk Mary Eleanor Lockwood Myra Amanda Lockwood Harold Robb Louder milk Lester Luther Nellie Laura Mann Warren Ralph Morton Ralph Thomas O'Neil Ida May Patton Della Breyfogle Pennock Florence Elanor Pennock Helen Fredericka Porter Eunice Bertha Power Myrtle Hannah Quantic Lula Randel Blanche Rankin William Sheldon Rhodenbaugh Delia Ruble John Clifford Shover Joseph M. Shull Foss Brayden Smith Helen Elizabeth Smith Hortense Smith Lois Louise Smith Earl Lawrence Uhl George Walter Underhill Bertha Carrie Vernon Dora Amelia Wagner Alva Russell Wilgus Rae R. Wiltrout 338 ACADEMY [1907-09 1907 Roberta Beryl Allen Frank Howard Allis Edith Enslin Ames Roy Harrison Baer Oren Milo Beauchamp Gertrude Blanche Boone Ruby Ethel Cundiff Leroy Cunningham Marion Dawdy Freda Marie Dickerson Abner Dow Dilley Thomas James Dunstan Flora Mabel Einsel Rush Walter Ellenberger Alice Lila Haigh Albert Howard Haynes Fern Lucile Hoover Evelyn Pearl Hume Walter Allen Jones Ruby Keohane Beulah Kinzer Minnie Kline Harry Ellsworth Kraus Maurice Kuhn Vera Irene Lange Ernest Edward Lloyd Mary Ethel Mann Frank Fulton Maple Theodore C. Martin Homer Ely Maxwell Nellie Belle Morgan Stella Nola Morton Fred Mulsow Clark Leavitt Myerly Grace Elizabeth Preston Burdee Pauline Rucker Frank Hammond Scott Cyril Evans Shepherd Margaret Agnes Smith Alice Amelia Stevens Mabel Grace Stevens Martha Thurston Harriet May Tuller Harry Thomas Vigour Ruth Linley Watt Glenn Austin Wilgus 1908 Florence Amelia Allderdice David Ira Beamer Winnie Bickerdike Norma Blunt Leander Bradbury Brown Ward Moody Buckles John Harry Edwards Harry Parker Evans Elva Lura Giger Lawrence Kingsley Hall Mary Alice Hobbs Lewis Roland Icke Helen Keohane Gladys Konantz Edward Everett Laughlin Walter Lee Bertha May Martin Otho John McCulloh Ira Brinsteal McLaughlin Chester Arthur Miles Lora E. Molby George Dennis Nabb Bertha E. Nusbaum John Harley Osborx Earl Cephus Parker Minnie Beryl Pence Earl Walter Ray Annie Laurie Roosa Ray Samuel Louise Shipman Mozella States Ethel Ella Stephens Margaret Stewart Erma Walker Dale Whitnah Ione Milton Wynkoop 1909 Clayton Arthur Axton Beulah Cerena Bales Claude Samuel Beatty Howard Brasher William Hiestant Bretz Floyd Cleveland Cary Ida Lenore Coffin Floyd B. Dexlinger Walter Franklin Denlinger Tobias T. Fike George Garfield Garretson Ethel Fred Hart Minnie Anna Jasperson Emil Smith Liston Henry S. Martin Ada Lavina Maxwell Leo Edgar McKee Arthur William Naylor Esco Peters Loren Peters Minnie Dallas Ray Benjamin Franklin Ray 239 1909-13] ACADEMY Edith Annette Smith Grace Margaret Stockton Claude Talbot William Thiessen Dell Wilshire 1910 Clarence Hugo Albright Ruth Alva Beard Florence May Byington Logan Illk Evans Flo Allene Gantz William Henry Leaf Aldo Martin Livingood Harry Harrison Livingood Vasco Long Paul Horace Merry Elmer Ray Norris Alma Lavena Wilson 1911 James Henry Allderdice Dona May Ames Jerome Louis Anderson Lelia Arian Curtis Hazel Day Clyde Jesse Hall Elizabeth Lillian Hargrave Wiley Conrad Hausam Inez Clara Johnson Vernon Ream McMillan Jaquetta Reed Wirt Dickerson Seaver Ethel Mary Smith Ernest Virgil Wood 1912 Lloyd Orendorff Beaton Elsie Ethel Blake Paul Boodagh Clarence Peter Broadfoot Mary Fay Brown Thomas Alexander Evans Nellie Burns Evans John Clarence Fast, Jr. Myrnah Rachel Franklin John Thomas Frazer Dorothy Elizabeth Hann Jennie Foster Hann Ruth Irene Hatch Gertrude Theoren Hazen Walter John Imes Louis Harrison Kaub Charles Matthew Kennaugh Katherine Roome Kester John Richard Kirby Roberta Genevieve LaBrant Florence Edna LeFever Thomas Morcom Margaret Oden Richmond Charles Wesley Robe Charles Lester Ruhlen Anna Beatrice Sewell George Wilders Smith Herman Carl Steinheimer Merle Hazzard Weible Robert Harrison Wilson Charles Lemon Baker Mary Elizabeth Brownrigg Franklin Delmar Calkins George William Carson Clara Annis Coe John Areta Davis Myrtle Etna Denlinger Phoebe Elizabeth Emery William Robert Evans Nettie Elizabeth Fetrow Miriam Anna Franklin Roy Ernest Gordon 1913 Harry Carmichael Jett Charles Leon Jones Anna May Lorimer Bascom Erastus McClesky Virginia Cleo McNutt Florence Maida Mercer Helen Gladys Mercer Fred W. Osterhout Homer C. Osterhout Edna Alvida Ruhlen Lynn Hoover Rupert Della Verna Smith William Henry Wight 240 ACADEMY [1914-16 Lawrence Baxter Anderson Milford H. Anderson George Austin Brown Henry John Brown Charles Ellsworth Caldwell Clarence Clifford Clarridge Roy Denton Elsie May Haigh Frank Carl Leonard John Patterson Walter 1914 Adelbert Elwood Preston Andrew Raymond Reazin Frank Arthur Schlopbach Lucy Siegrist Cecil Clarence Strimple Greta Lyda Sturm an Grace Edith Thorne LeRoy Allen Walthall Troy Sanders Warner Albert Wesley Watkins Andrew Wilson 1915 Victor John Allderdice Pawson Harry Bailey William Henry Bunting Emma Maude Crowle John Wilson Dalton Lowell Martin Davis True Earl Foster Etta Esther Illian Lora Dorothea Johnson Emma Alice Laury Goldie May Lemon Lewis Charles Lisherness Marcus James Morgan John Alexander Reynolds Alfred Cook man Runyan Anna Lilian Severy Arthur LeRoy Thompson Fred Albert Williams Emma Byrd Caywood Merril Eugene Dumm Fern Eaton Charles Lee Franks 1916 Noah William Asbury Gilbert Elton Alexander Kirby Otto Ernest Rayburn Leon Abbott Willgus 241 1882-99] THE NORMAL DEPARTMENT 1882 May L. Cotton 1883 Mattie Reynolds 1886 Marietta Mitchem 1893 TOWNSEND ALVAH NlCHOLS 1894 George Mellville Nichols 1895 Chalmers Andrew Zahnizer William Wiley Jones 1896 Albert Henry King John Edwin Taylor May Elizabeth Knox Emanuel Norman Martin Mattie McCurdy 1897 Sivoli Neff Sadie Tucker Ida Beatrice Vanatta Prudence Gertrude Bell Mellissa Burt Pearl Marie Forbes 1898 Hattie R. Simonton George Asbury Stephens Gasner Chapman Wharton Nell Edith Chaffee Dorothy Chrisman Anna Marguerite DeTar Jennie Dice Solomon Dieffenbach Dice Daisey Dickey Edith Percival Finch George Albert Funnell Bertha 1899 Mary Glanville Gill George Elijah Goodner George Henry Hoyes Sarah Emma Jones Alfred Edgar Leach Harriet Adeline Mahar Edythe Lucile Oechsli Olive Lorena Thomas Carolyn Watson 242 NORMAL DEPARTMENT [1900-07 1900. Carrie Beery George Brenton Burkholder Margaret Alexander Cowgill Albert Jack Dowis Mary Edwards Francis Lender Geyer Lucinda Ellen Harrison Claire H. Hepworth George Lemuel McClenny Mary Vira McDole Bessie Grass Ryan Harry G. White 1901. Frances Adams Daisy Belle Bush Anna May Davis Geneva Gertrude Griffin Kezia Hay Alice Hendricks Araminta Kinnear Laura Alma Reynolds Anna Letitia Robinson Olive Myrtle Shumway Henry Arthur White Retta Ellen Wolf 1902. Luella Edith Clark Nelle Gaddis Nora Olive Gassaway Agnes Alice Gerrish Edna Pearl Hinsey Violet Hyacinth Pulleine Calla Leona Ruchty Goldie Myrtle Seaton Annabel Sowers Stella Kilbourne Stewart Mysie Edna Stump Mary La Verne Wilkins 1903. Inez Bernhard Alice May Clarke Nora Elizabeth Dalbey Dennis Florence May Dixon Anna Freeborn Hattie May McPherson Hudson Wallingford 1904. Arthur Leslie Ault Josephine Chisem Cora Nancy Dalbey Elma Ariel Filley Fannie Francisco Josie Florence Frazier Leon Mae Houghton Elsie May Meyers Eda Isabel Roberts Adelaide Clarice S noddy 1906. Dollie Edith Brown Lena Elizabeth Klamm Minnie Anna Lipper Anna Elizabeth Sebring Edith Shepherd 1907. Emily Marietta Altman Walter Nathaniel Altman Lucy Edith Hall Frank Schermerhorn Hibner Beth Alma Kennedy Virdon Milne Liston John Wilson Marston Daisey Newlon Ethal Christina Payne Grace Ethel Riggs Maude Annie Waterman 243 1904-12] THE NORMAL DEPARTMENT Arta Louise Cook 1908. Laura May Einsel Alta Mae Green Elsie C. Howard 1909. Florence Maud Lang Bessie Marsh Mattie Belle Shore 1910, Clara Affadila Deaver Clara Alice Beach Emma Frances Jewett Ruth Cecil Darby 1911. Kate May Gilbert Lucy Julia Jury Rosa Belle Liggett Ethel Lavinia Morris Ina May Staples 1912. Mary Gladys Stunz 244 [1864-1906 THE CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC 1864. Emma E. Packard 1865. Lena M. Elder Pearl Murray 1888. Carrie O'Byrne Margaret DeFord 1891. Kate Lorcetta Nicholson Mamie Taylor 1894. May Mitchler Blanche Bennett Alma Josephine Boicourt 1895. Mabel McDole Louise Winget 1896. Grace Breyfogle Mattie Marguerite Lake 1897. Lilian May Mitchell Lucy Mary Fisher 1898. Marian Stewart 1899. Cyrus Oli:: Rice 1900. Margaret Janet Amos Marie Lenoir Moorhead 1901 Myrtle Pearl Walker 1904 Irene May Steeper Gilbert Stevens Cox 1906 Margaret Martin Tully Mary Elizabeth Young 245 1907-16] THE CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC 1907 Carrie Andrews Esther Darbyshire 1908 Rhoda Jamieson 1909 Hattie Putman Nettie Irene Amos Fleta Edith Crowley Everett Kin Foster 1910 Ruby Nondez Heller Helen A. Henney Frances Minerva Rowe Eula Reba Smith Edith Mae Bideau Fern Lucile Hoover Raymond Willis Porter 1911 llllie estelle slack Bernice Marie Smith Anna Louise Spivey Lela Sophronia Bowman Mary Brigham Ernest Lincoln Cox Fern Lucile Hoover, B.M. 1912 Siddie Ethel Kregar Bertha Elnora Nusbaum Bess Almeda O'Brien Mildred Louise Rairdon 1913 Aleta Mae Brady Jessie Muir Bunten Melissa Grace Chamberlain Ella Valentine Dresser Elsie Mae Haigh Mamie Laura Hankins Berna Josephine Hannum Elmer Everett Hassler Margery Cooper Lloyd Emily Adelle Scheer Gladys Mercia Dougherty Octa Irene Dyer Besse Ruff Nixon 1914 Grace Ryan Clara Jannett Schabacker Delta May Waldron Walter Wray Waring Althea Vivian Bacon Pauline Marie Chamberlain Elmer Everett Hassler Helen Horner 1915 Katheryne Cordelia Lazenbv Clara Hawes Lewis Lucile Lockwood Cecile Murlin Freda Lois Neal 1916 Pauline Marie Chamberlain Georgia Esther Hoffman Helen Horner Lois Cecilia Pennock 246 [1890-1915 Minnie Rockwell Bain ART DEPARTMENT 1890 Leni Leoti Nicholson Georgian a Reed 1891 Alice E. Campbell Maude A. Barton 1892 Minnie Grant Hollinger 1893 Mary Anna Mallory Emma Taylor 1895 Hallie A. Taylor Mayse Viola Bisby Belle Lula DeWitt 1896 Elsie Huff Henrietta Walker 1901 Lulu Asenath Barricklow Daisy Dale Overton Ida May Starr 1906 Elizabeth Caroline Leach Almyra Marion Marcy 1907 Lena Susan Badsky 1908 Dakota Wesner 1912 Florence Edna LeFever Anna Kirby 1913 Ethel Ida Reid Mary Irene Arndt 1914 Marguerite Anna Darbyshire Jessie Muir Bunten 1915 Flora Pearl Ritten house :;~ 1897-1910] THE DEPARTMENT OF ORATORY 1897 Beulah Wright Minnie Lora Leach Bertha Elizabeth Bailey Flora Wark Charles William Moore 1900 Mamie Rosalynde VanLandingham 1901 James Ralph Pickell 1902 Ethel May Long 1903 Marie Lenoir Moorhead 1904 Morfydd F. Miller 1905 Tilda Ellen Hansen Delbert Trigg Hulse Gordon Bennett Thompson 1907 Ura Danley Grace Marguerite Hatch Archie Lowell Ryan 1909 Arthur Herman Fast George Lawellin 1910 Clarence Perry Burgess Ben Scudder Millikan Floy McHenry Leonard Frank Waring 248 HOUSEHOLD ARTS [1913-16 1913 Elsie Ethel Blake Verna Glenella Ocker Marie Robinson 1914 Mildred Bryan Ashbaugh Mary Timmonds Hays 1915 Anna Belle Given 1916 Bess Barricklow Ruth Esther Brune Mary Fay Brown Florence Hudson LeRoy Jewell THE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSEHOLD ARTS 1915 Myrnah Anna Franklin Lyda Suydam Houston 1916 Constance Bertha Gilges Flora Kraft Sarella Lucile Herrick Ruby Kathryn Kress Edith Jane McHenry 249 1882-92] THE COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT Romeo R. Chevalier Helen H. Haven 1882 Benjamin P. Kassebaum George D. Knipe Edward W. Miskell Ella Gault John Holmes 1885 John W. Lampman William M. Osborne 1890 Edwin Mason Adams Cora Baldridge Ben G. Carey John B. Davis Joseph Jerry Eddy Oliver Marcellus Gray Minnie Grant Hollinger Andrew Jackson Howell Charles P. Howell Joseph Jones Zimri H. Lewis Joseph William Robinson Charles Wesley Beasley Charlotte Emmes Beasley Bert Carter Charles Crum Fred William Cutter William E. Downs Nellie Fleming William Henry Grasty Mace Higby Holt Walter Scott Lucas Elijah Anson Porter William Sayre Ora 1891 George Benson Shoemaker William Neeley Simpson James Alber Stephens Herman Bottafield Treff Theresa Treff Fred John Trusheim Della May Walker Herbert M. Wheeler George Beverly Widney Ernest D. Williams Orran C. Williams, Jr. Charles August Winter Gertrude Yenawine 1893 Alfred Anderson Myrta Ella Atkinson John Blaney Joseph Braucher Lillie Broooks Frank Elmer Buckingham Wiley Jefferson Davis Elizabeth Denton Maggie Derby Myrtle Helen Frankhouser Otis Hodgson Mary Jane Holler Lester Kellaim Hunt John Gray Imel Eliza Belle Lawrence John Harmon Miller Joseph Moore O'Brien Arthur Larence Plumb Lola Prange Frank Gilbert Siess Henry Warren Skinner John Park Slaughter Benjamin Thomas Smith Maurice Levi Smith Robert Lee Thompson William Hull Thompson Eddy Frank VanHorn Minnie VanPattten Oscar France Wall Gasner Chapman Wharton 250 COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT [1893-96 1893 Edgar L. Allman Lizzie Barricklow Gertrude Bell Mamie Ann Cook Harry Elijah Davis James E. Finley Wilbur Harvey Gillet Grace Mabel Griffis Noah David Hartzler Bern hard Frederick Jutzi Nettie King Isaac Miner Kirby John Wesley Kunkel George William Lane Harry Miller Leibhart Lulu Belle Leonard Willie Leo Maclaskey Rosa Osborn Mary M. Pendleton Carl Sumner Rarick Tennie Emmet Waggoner Frank Wood Ida Belle Woodyard j^ewis Woodyard Isaac Edwin Young 1894 Arthur S. Case Harry R. Chapman Jesse W. DeFever Cora Garrison Charles G. Holmsten Milton L. Keever ROSETTA KlGER Lizzie Legler Edward Carlyon Lowry Walter Alexis Marshall Minnie Metsker Sonora Metsker Frank Miller Zula Miller Eden Edward Mitchell Kitty Morgan Jessie May Post W. Carlton Perrine Mary L. Rice Charles Albert Robinson Andrew Smith Lyman Sullivan Bertha Ethel Watt Daisy Wheeler Oliver C. Wilson Ortho O. Wolf 1895 Lizzie Barricklow Melville M. Bennett Low C. Broadhurst Pearson Carmean William Henry Dunn Minnie Charlotte Finley Charles A. Gordan Alta Hayes Alvin Boyd Hoover Olin Dudley LeHew William A. Lummis Frank Rice Neff John W. Proctor Dora H. Rappard Eva Reeder Robert John Reitz Lena Jane Rohrer Clara Media Sh inkle David Bruce Simpson Leroy Smothers Claude M. Steede Edna Tilla Walker Ezra Wolf 1896 Robert Bell Anderson Oscar David DeTar Bert Ambrose Freeman Ora Allen Freeman Simeon S. Gordan Jeff Wallace Handy John William Lentz Milton Summers Lewis Albert Howe Lyons Frank Muesse David Bruce Simpson Ripley Carlton Smith Herbert Goodwin Stone Joe Alexander Waskey 251 1897-1902] COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT Mattie Amelia Carmean Samuel Hays Drake Lydia Emma Hitchcock 1897 Asa Melvin Hollenbeck John William Lentz Joseph Harmon Lentz Cora Lynn 1898 Melville M. Bennnett William Curgie Boone Robert Thomas Brown Mary Virginia Carmean Jeremiah Wineman Dice Florence Ora Elwell Fred M. Gordan Alvin Perry Owen Henry Woodson Waggoner William Henry Weaver Mabel Miriam Wilkinson 1899 Benton Willis Dolson Florence Ora Elwell Ernest Noble Farnham Ava B. Hand Henry Charles Kandt Homer Ely Maxwell Royola VanOrman 1900 William Freeman Alden Richard Elmer Cochran Alva Cloud Cox Howard Braxton Cox Harmon E. Downs Laura B. Elwell Lewis Foster Arthur Wesley Funnell E. V. Lindamood Duke M. Mayor Bruce Pennington James Homer Ross Harry H. Rundle Dana George Schlaegel Roy E. Thompson Elsie Annette Uhl E. Myrtle Wicker 1901 Lyman Baldwin Allen Fred Elwin Bennett William John Bittner Thomas Arthur Hastings H. B. Hays William Perry Heath Lewis Alfred Hobart Leo Dodd Hyde Edward Robert Jones Harry Dorwin Martin Homer Ely Maxwell Thomas Oliver Moffatt George Hervey Molby Edison Ben Murphy Hugh B. Nye Lorenzo Carlson Payne Arthur Franklin Rittenhouse 1902 Edna Mabel Allen Lyman Baldwin Allen Lewis Emery Andrews James Carley Blackwood Charles Walter Bryan Jacob Elmer Burkholder Jennie Burris Mabel Helen Cady Winfred George Casebeer Fred Goldburn Clark Mayme Elizabeth Clark Alva Cloud Cox Lucretia Gaddis Edward Hauser Leo Dodd Hyde Jennie Jewett 252 COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT [1902-OS Hiram Kilborn Henry Fred Lake Walter Albert Lewis Grace Rcbina McGregor Ernest Wesley McMurray Elmyra Clair Miller Rufus North Miller George Brock Neff John Lynn Osborn Lorenzo Carlson Payne Ralph Emerson Powers Emmett Ivan Pulhamus Melvin Douglas Roberts Homer Warren Robinson David William Sterling Roger Marvin Williams 1903 Frank Allen Benson Earl Tennyson Black Herschel Blackburn Howard Oliver Butler Louis Cardin George Harrison Denning Flo Estelle Emery Frederick Thomas Gibbs Turl B. Gray Merritt Lewis Groover Elmer Lee Guffey Walter Pratt Guilds Arthur Jacob Hatter Charles Henry Jacobs Lola Jordon Walter Charles Junkins Clyde Lilly Harriet Angeline Lindsey Wallace Ebert Mattox John Giurley Missildine George Washington Moore John Guy Pittman Jay Preston Powers Frank Randlett Homer Ernest Rapp Arthur Harry Read Wiley Foster Spencer Wesley Harrison Stone Harry John Swonger Iva Tyson Ancil John West Edith Wettick Arthur Garfield White Walley Earl White 1904 Edna Mabel Allen Mary Estelle Brechbill Helen Lucile Buckanan Lamott Henry Butolph Woodleaf Gladstone Colton Charles Einsel John Clifton Ellidge Ethel May Emery Flo Estelle Emery Caroline Augusta Foster Charles Vere Gilbreath Arthur Garfield Harvey Rollin John Herhold DeWitt Talmadge Horne Ethel Flora Huff Jerome Webster Hull William Owen Jones Thomas Homer Lentz Janie Ethel McDowell Garfield James Nelson Earl Lewis Riffe Nelson Case Shannon Charles Sylvester Venard William Lincoln Ware Edith Wettick Alzina Matilda Williams Ward McClellan Wiltrout Arthur Clarence Wise Max Abbot Wolf Richard Thomas Wood 190£ Edward Lafayette Baker Lulu Bedford George Henry Blythe Elmer Alexander Brown Enid Byrne Ralph Young Champion Harry Russell Chaney James Barnard Clapp Grant Cochran Roy William Conner Lehr Cook Byron Orville Cramer Frank George Dancer Earl George Erskine Hugh Thomas Fisher Arthur Jacob Hatter Charles Henry Jacobs John Henry Jones Thomas Jamie Lycan Frank Edgar McCurdy Lenora May Montgomery Orville Scott Morgan 253 1905-08] COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT Elizabeth Buchanan Murdoch George Dennis Nabb Ira Lawrence Rasmussen Katie Shaw Maude Dean Snyder Anna Charlotte Tornquist Laura Evelyn Totten Charles Sylvester Venard Ethel Flossie Warner Mabel Wilson Edward Lafayette Baker George Chandler Cawer Albert Walter Denton Harry Robert Featherkile Will Davis Fisher Elsie Frease Mary Ethel Garton Myrtle Belle Goodman G. Grover Henderson Ada Merritt Hungate Rose Mell John Mable Lawrence James Massey Lloyd Miller 1906 Carl Emerson Morell Elizabeth Buchanan Murdock Delia E. Newman Ezequiel Francisco Orozco Dessa Fay Peckham James Wright Pilkington Ernest Foster Reser Anna Louise Robinson Louis C. Robinson Roy McClave Shepherd Carrie Shell Sweeney Charles Sylvester Venard Hugh Delman White Archie Carlton Williams Mabel Williams 1907 John Reuben Angle Oren Milo Beauchamp Ross Allen Birch Albert Brainard Ralph Young Champion Nell E. Corning Alfred Charles Crowle Charles Wesley Dougherty Joseph Harry Elliott Olive Grasty estelle hanna green Charles Cecil Gunnels Ethel Fred Hart Fred Holt Milton W. Hoopingarner Ethel Flora Huff David Islas Eva Kime Myrtle Kregar Maurice Kuhn James Massey Paul Allen McCray William Charles Morcom Eleanor Neff Garfield Grant Nelson Edward Ray Powers Hazel Fay Procter Hazel Lois Quick Moody Ralston Charles Alman Shumway Lawrence Orin Smith Burl Emery Taylor Harry Welch Glenn Whiteside Fred Albert Williams William A. Withrow 1908 Clayton P. Anderson Clinton Charles Anderson John Robson Brainard John Raymond Brining Bernice Ione Campbell Alfred Charles Crowle Charles Frederick Curtis Arthur A. Essex Ethel Faith Fifer Charles Amos Finley Earl Nelson Fry Nora Belle Geisen Harry Francis Gunnels John W. Gunnels Ethel Fred Hart Charles Franklin Holliday Siddie Ethel Kregar Rella D. McDuffie William Charles Morcom Charles Oscar Nelson Charles A. Newbold James Edward Parmely Charles Edward Phillips Charles Lloyd Pritchard George Clark Rice William Fletcher Rice 254 COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT [1908-11 Estella May Rigg Arthur Lewis Shobe Kyle Edward Stotts William Rodney Thompson Edna Thrall Earl Edgar Williams Fred Albert Williams Lila Irene Worrall 1909 Ola Leota Austin Ignacio Ayala Chester Hiram Baker Josephine Cloud William Howard Colburn Lester Stanley Daniels Neal Orin Dodge Arthur A. Essex Joe Bennett Gibbs Cecil Dewain Gregg John W. Gunnels William Leslie Gunnels Forest Jesse Henney Joseph Alfred Ihle Ida Alice Jewett Edwin Pomeroy Kendall T. Forrest Lanson Paschal William Lundy James Francis Moss Bertha Murphy James Edward Parmely Lewis Pearce Charles Edwards Phillips George Clark Rice William Fletcher Rice Edward Elias Scott Herman Wilson Smith Ina May Staples Kyle Edward Stotts Harry John Swartz Ritchie Roy Taylor Aletha Brady Wolfe Milford H. Anderson Charles Lemon Baker Fred Steele Beatty George Arthur Beaumont Roy Smith Carrington Charles Carlos Clark William Henry Colburn Elva Ruth Curtis Louis Nathaniel Dixon Mortimer Lee Durbon Beth Edna Eaton Amel George Ever Frank Len Ferry Clarence Flower Earl Walter Ford 1910 Harold George Gentry Edwin Granger Forest Jesse Henney Ethel H. Hoppock Theora Yates McCollister Charles Curtis McFarland Myrtle Millikin Muriel Elsine Moore Anna Pearl Neuber Otis Lewis Newton Guthrie Pardoe Charles Otto Smith Thomas Julius Straffon Helen Strain Harry John Swartz Effie Leonora Wallace 1911 Emil Carlson Walter Franklin Denlinger John Ruppert Garcia Edwin Lancelot Granger William Leslie Gunnels Hugh Gillis Havens Elton Wayne Hybskmann Thomas Samuel Mason Orie Maxwell Carl Harrison Mayhew Kenkichi Mizuno Anna Pearl Neuber John Hicklin Smith Sumner Mark Smith Paul Craven Stewart John Evan Watt Louis Aguilera Fred Bell 1912 Etta May Deacon Joseph S. DeFrees 255 1912-16] COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT Elsie Leota Emery hobart herries Elton Wayne Hybskmann Theodore B. Kelly Margery C. Lloyd William Lourdes J. Fred Martin Orie Maxwell Ida Patton Raymond L. Reid Sumner Mark Smith Floyd A. Talbott Raymond Towner William A. Ulm 1913 Carrie Bernice Arnett Roy Denton Arthur Ferdinand Dubach Helga Elizabeth Duncan Paul Wilker Freeman Lola Mabel Harris Richard Valentine Jacobs Paul Revere McCurdy Mary Louella Reeder Flora Darline Robinson Ray George Saferite Fred Albert Williams Ernest Elmer Butell Leonard Foiles 1914 W t illiam Leslie Gunnels Cecile Murlin Donald Warned Skinner 1915 Elizabeth Innes Galland Martha Elizabeth Lauer WlLLIMETTA NaBB William Bryce Punton Grace Muriel Reeder Fred Nicholas Wyman 1916 Alfred William Briggs Wilmer Leonard Love 256 RESIDENCE DIRECTORY OF THE ALUMNI OF THE COLLEGE AND THE CONSERVATORY The number before the name means the serial number in the list of biographies of the Alumni. ALABAMA Clipper Gap Josephine 25 Wenrick, Solomon K. 23 Plasket, Emma Edith Colfax ARIZONA 28 Wilson, Jared Morgan Douglas Delano 177 Marvel, George Anthus 733 Barnes, Elizabeth Catherine Phoenix Fresno 307 McDaniel, Ida 457 Elwell, Florence Ora 533 McDaniel, Stella Hanford Tempe 352 Hull, Ward Wesley 379 French, Emma Belle Indio Tucson 22 Lovejoy, Irving Roscoe 141 Lockwood, Francis Cummins Long Beach ]A/in slniit 345 Case, Walter Hodgin 574 V V vf hi tu \AJ Grover, Charles Clifford 251 Hamman, Mrs. Ilia Denning (A.F.) ARKANSAS 48 Keifer, Mrs. Jessie Breyfogle (L.B.) Ft. Smith 3.34 Wallace, John William 57 Robinson, Charles Rutherford Lordsbarg Gentry 205 Seaman, Floyd Jay 780 White, George Roy Los Angeles Little Rock 293 Ault, Alvin Wesley 79 Stover, Arthur Reece 171 Cook, George Fox 140 Stover, Mrs. Sarah Ives (A. R.) 252 Docker, Mrs. Aura Follin (T.) 1089 Wright, Elbert Sanford Norwalk Lonoke 258 Eaton, Mrs. Louise Stoelzing 18C Brown, Leland Legler (E.K.) Rector Oakland 681 Geary, Rilev White 69 Stark, Mrs. Ida Taylor (T. G. ) Rogers Ontario 15 Jones, Clinton Kelly 885 Moore, Horace Wood CALIFORNIA Pasadena BakersHeld 454 Kalb, Mrs. Olla Cramer (W. K. 326 Loofbourrow, Robert 956 Urner, David Elhanan 829 Scherer, Lewis Daniel Berkeley San Bernardino 933 Merryfield, Una L. 460 Freeland, Hallie 257 RESIDENCE DIRECTORY San Fernando 305 Loofbourrow, David Byron 242 Maclay, Mrs. Edith Lane (R. H.) San Francisco 854 Blanchard, Clyde Insley 734 Blanchard, Mrs. Jennie Benham (cn 669 Cooper, Francis LeRoy 153 Goodale, George William 308 McWilliams, Ulysses Sherman 488 Straub, Mrs. Mary Tully (F. J.) Santa Barbara 210 Dalton, Charles Benjamin Selma 509 Burnham, DeKalb Van Nuys 142 Miller, William Linza COLORADO Brighton 878 Beck, Mrs. Lucille Lynch (L. A.) 615 Beck, Luther Allen Brush 832 Spangler, Clyde DeWitt Castle Rock 1060 Taylor, Mrs. Mamie Lauer (R. O.) 1081 Taylor, Ralph O. Colorado City 354 Klintwort, Mrs. Louvenia Joseph Colorado Springs 795 Willgus, Mrs. Blanche Coffman (G.A.) 784 Willgus, Glenn Austin Denver 250 Denious, Wilbur Franklin 1043 Gordon, Roy Ernest 127 Howell, William Henry 467 Justis, Guy Tracy 1085 Warner, Troy Sanders 757 Woods, Mrs. Muriel Lough (O.H.) Grand Junction 284 King, Charles Latimer Hasty 860 Counts, Mrs. Wilma Crossan (W.) Hotchkiss 115 Bissell, Emma 827 Linn, Mrs. Delia Ruble (W. C.) Lamar 198 Markham, Lewis Merrill Littleton 146 Price, James Marion Longmont 222 Reed, Julian Bronson Monte Vista 386 Maclean, Angus MacGregor 376 Maclean, Mrs. Nellie Ault(A.M.) Pueblo 578 Kendall, Mrs. Edna Jackson (E.P.) 637 Kendall, Edwin Pomeroy Sterling 604 Bascom, Mrs. Alma Thompson (D.C.) 85 Finch, Mrs. Eva Pierce (CO.) University Park 117 Lough, Mrs. Mary Benedict (S.A.) 84 Lough, Samuel Alexander Victor 320 Parsons, Mrs. Emma Follin (C.W.) Wray 519 Pyle, Mrs. Junia Frazier (W.) CONNECTICUT Essex 325 Kuhn, Clyde Leslie Guilford 102 Woodson, Charles Kay Stamford 776 Tidyman, Willard F. DELAWARE Newark 741 Counts, George Sylvester FLORIDA Homestead 147 Ewing, Mrs. Marcia Underwood (H.H.) Lakeland 448 Bloom, Lynn William 258 RESIDENCE DIRECTORY GEORGIA 229 Brown, William Addison 169 Brummitt, Dan Brearley Atlanta 74 Hoss, Mrs. May Engstrom 241 King, Harry Andrews (G.W.) 804 Meredith, Mrs. Merle Feerer IDAHO (W.H.) 997 Monninger, Victor Clinton Boise 866 Parrott, Mrs. Mabel Hitchcock 477 Newhouse, Frank Ivan 887 (T.H.) Parrott, Thomas Henry Eden 1079 Smith, Otis Franklin 588 Montgomery, Elmer Clyde 646 Vigour, Mrs. Elsie Meyers Emmet 779 (H.T.) Vigour, Harry Thomas 53 Knipe, George Denison 850 Wood, Frank Edwin Heyburn East St. Louis 812 Kirkpatrick, Hazel Eva 865 Merry, Mrs. Etta Haxton(P.H.) Jerome 883 Merry, Paul Horace 538 Power, Elsie May Farming ton Kellogg 526 Inman, James Henry 886 Parker, Earl Cephus Moscow Litchfield 446 Arnold, Earl Caspar 260 Wakefield, Ralph Twin Falls Oak Park 596 Bacon, Mrs. Alice Reid (T. C.) 178 Motter, Thomas Ira 555 Bacon, Thomas Clyde Payson ILLINOIS 1041 Glasier, Ruth Henrietta Chicago Quincy 149 Allin, Frank Wesley 609 Wilson, Lela Claire 247 Anderson, Joseph Lawrence 313 Bedford, Scott Elias William Tuscola 1032 Carson, George William 667 Bailey, Herbert Augustus 217 Ely, Mrs. Birdean Motter (C. E.) 132 Fankhauser, Mrs. Pearl Murray (R.F.) INDIANA 192 987 Farrar, Haddon Spurgeon Heaton, John Wesley Bloomington 813 Laury, Charles McCray 390 Molby, Fred A. 935 Morcom, Thomas Ft. Wayne Todd, Anna Rita 937 763 Mueller, Henry Rollo Mulsow, Fred William 398 823 Porter, John Emmett Greencastle 1072 115 Preston, Roy Franklin Reace, William 577 Hudson, Mrs. Hortense Imboden (W.M.) Hudson, William Marion 240 Robbins, Mrs. Jennie Kershner (K.W.) 465 245 Robbins, Kirk Waldo Terre Haute 952 837 Stewart, Elvie Nathan Taylor, William Alfred 996 McMillan, Vernon Ream Decatur Warsaw 717 Price, Ruth Osborne 239 Hickman, Mrs. Ida Kershner Evanston (E.E.) 259 Brown, Mrs. Dora Taggart Zionsville (W.A.) 365 Rulison, George Ledrew 259 RESIDENCE DIRECTORY IOWA Albia 951 Stevens, Clifford Clyde Cedar Falls 833 Stephens, Ethel Cedar Rapids 75 Graham, Theodore Finley Clarinda 1068 Payton, Vera Vivian Des Moines 9C Cox, Ernest Lincoln 839 Cox, Mrs. Elizabeth Voorhis (E.L.) 132 Parsons, William Forest City 755 Lockwood, Myra Amanda Ft. Dodge 880 Martin, Theodore Columbus Grinnell 304 Lewis, Mrs. Harriet Kemp (J.R.) Iowa City 106 Buckner, Nell Mediapolis 137 Swickard, Nathan Abijah Ottumwa 720 Roberts, Newton William 656 Roberts, Mrs. Bonnidell Sisson (N.W.) Silver City 343 Calkins, Claude Allen Sioux City 163 Smith, Ray Fletcher KANSAS Abbyville 686 Hazen, Willard Glass Abilene 944 Miller, Mrs. Margaret Richmond (R.B.) 1016 Tufts, Gladys Ruth Alma 990 Highbaugh, Irma Altamont 485 Scholfield, John Prentice Alta Vista 1030 Brownrigg, Mary Elizabeth 877 Livingood, Harry Harrison Americus 216 Molesworth, Masenos Reed Anthony 797 Combs, Lester Martin 11C Kregar, Siddie Ethel Arcadia 872 Konantz, Gladys Arkansas City 523 Heffelfinger, John Edgar Byers 593 Heffelfinger, Mrs. Lucille Par- menter (J. E. B.) 747 Hume, Mary Emma Dorsey 581 Lewis, Fred B. 641 Lewis, Walter Albert 541 Roseberry, Clyde Gideon 592 Roseberry, Mrs. Helen Parmen- ter (C.G.) Atchison 107 Chandler, Thomas Eldridge 1037 Ernst, Ruth Adeline 801 Meyer, Mrs. Mabel Evans (C.) Attica 1000 Osterhout, Fred W. Atwood 619 Brown, Albert Ernest 1009 Sites, Mary Edith Augusta 511 Cook, Anna Mary 1069 Penley, Charles Willard 1045 Penley, Mrs. Mary Haines (C.W.) Axtell 570 Farrar, Henry Horatio 597 Farrar, Mrs. Ivy Riley (H. H.) 1052 Hudson, Florence 157 Knepp, Palmer Banks Baldwin City 70 Bailey, Charles William 965 Benjamin, Anna Geneva 1027 Benjamin, Opal Vern 276 Clark, Mrs. Myrtle Walker (W.Mr) 190 Clark, William Melvin 675 Cundiff, Ruby Ethel 298 Deel, Samuel Asher 1035 Denlinger, Myrtle Etna 280 Ebright, Homer Kingsley 159 Hackett, Mrs. Hattie Rapp (E.S.) 17C Haigh, Elsie May 260 RESIDENCE DIRECTORY 194 Hartley, Forrest Madison 197 Hartley, Mrs. Mary Ives (F. M.) 92 Hoover, Mrs. Blanche Case (H.J.) 690 Irwin, Grace Mabel 739 Jillson, Mrs. Anna Clark (J.R.) 461 Kalb, Mrs. Edna Gander (C. A. ) 468 Kalb, Charles Abraham 470 Kinzer, Classie Pearl 427 Knepp, Edsall Bowman 702 Leach, Alfred Edgar 128 Lockwood, Anson Ovid 112 Markham, Mrs. Carrie Hoover (W. C.) 131 Markham, William Colfax 705 Massey, Mary Ellen 814 McHenry, Floy 14C McMillan, Helen Kitlena 550 Morgan, Mrs. Elsie Warner (M.M.) 433 Morgan, Marshall Morton 672 Morgan, Mrs. Myrnice Crysler (O. S.) 434 Peck, Urana Gleneva 822 Preston, Mrs. Blanche O'Neil (A.E.) 1001 Price, Helen Elizabeth 482 Reser, Leroy Trophimus 749 Shumway, Mrs. Beulah Kinzer (C.) 181 Scott, Lilian 487 Stewart, Dossie May 1082 Thompson, Arthur LeRoy 441 Trotter, Lee 729 Wiley, Grace Gertrude 959 Wilson, Helen 337 Wolf, Frank Ezra Barclay 503 Booth, Ida Lois Barnard 924 Johnson, Inez Clara Barnes 712 Pennock, Delia Breyfogle Basehor 640 Klamm, Lena Elizabeth Bluff City 721 Runion, Harris Ray Bonner Springs 560 Brown, George Edward 803 Brown, Mrs. Georgia Farrar (G.E.) Burlington 967 Bradley, Aura Renfrow 518 Frazier, Josephine Florence 479 Odom, Clyde Winfred 463 Odom, Mrs. Mary Gould (C.W.) 849 Wood, Ernest Virgil Burns 768 Icke, Mrs. Bertha Power (L. R 809 Icke, Lewis Roland Centralia 562 Annadown, Mrs. Leila Clark (P.) 26 Browning, George Whitfield 985 Hatch, Ruth Irene 527 Ward, Mrs. Janie Johnston (W.R.) 492 Ward, William Ralph Chanute 553 Allen, James Arthur 373 Allen, Wilbur Fiske 263 Cavaness, Herbert 1 Cavaness, James Mulloy 445 Cavaness, Mrs. Ora Allen (H.) 47 Breyfogle, Frank Lee 976 Davison, Wilbur Sumner 847 Donald, Mrs. Zella Willett(C.P.) 269 Helmick, Milton Parks 868 Hoover, Maurine 34 Hurt, Jefferson James 1062 Lisherness, Gladys Marie 528 Williams, Mrs. Maude Kilborn (W.J.) 608 Williams, William John Chapman 625 Dobbs, Louis Bennett 816 Molby, Lora Erne 399 Wilkins, Walter Norman 1088 Wilson, Wenona Cheney 689 Kurt, Mrs. Evelyn Hume (A.) Chetopa 677 Ditzler, Luther Herbert 679 Edwards, Jessie Marguerite Clay Center 940 Adams, Mrs. Elizabeth Ozen- baugh (G. O.) Coats 707 Mills, Chester Arthur 1077 Slough, Glen Samuel Coffeyville 586 Boyd, Mrs. Ethel Michaels (D.C.) 380 Gander, Gilbert Munson 458 Gander, Mrs. Nannie Fischer (G.M.) 842 Weible. Merle Hazzard 261 RESIDENCE DIRECTORY Coldwater 496 Allderdice, Charles Emmors 785 Allderdice, James Henry 961 Allderdice, Victor John 811 Keohane, Helen Marie 246 Korff, Mrs. Nettie Steele (R. C.) Colony 904 Beamer, David Ira Columbus 817 Davidson, Mrs. Edith Moore (CO.) Concordia 420 Green, Snowden Raymond Conway Springs 51 Thew, William Arthur Council Grove 970 Campbell, Howard Karl 277 French, Mrs. Grace Watt(W.L.) 281 French, Walter Lyman Detroit 501 Bert, Abraham Engle 589 Bert, Mrs. Ada Nattier (A. E.) Dexter 715 Wilson, Mrs. Sadie Pottorf (E.L.) Dodge City 415 Denious, Jesse Carl D wight 568 Dershem, Elsie Elmont 683 Haigh, Alice Lila 1065 McCulloch, Roy Stewart Ellsworth 624 Ditzler, Mabel Sheldon Emporia 156 Holtz, William Leroy 288 Myers, Albert Perley 318 Potts, Mrs. Frances Coker (L. M.) 162 Smith, James D. Eskridge 1071 Powell, Loretta Margaret Eudora 857 Coffin, Ida Lenora Eureka 78 Moore, Charles Edgar 1003 Rice, Willa Ruth Everest H92 Scalapino, Anthony Fairview 1056 Kraft, Flora Florence 450 Brakebill, Martin Luther Ford 1013 Steinheimer, Roy Lee Fowler 183 Stimmel, Irwin Frankfort 730 Hazzard, Mrs. Florence Allder- dice (R.L.) 631 Hazzard, Russie LaClede 20C Hoffman, Georgia Esther Fredonia 1051 Hollis, Faye Pearl 1067 Moore, Eunice Ann 536 Nattier, Albert Arthur 378 Rich, Mrs. Hattie Elwell (A.) Frontenac 1061 Leach, Marian Tate Ft. Scott 282 Gordon, Harry A. 953 Stewart, Ina Geraldine Fulton 982 Foiles, Earl Raymond 915 Foiles, Mrs. Esther Whitwam (E.R.) Galva 395 Paynter, Hollie Davis Garden City 678 Dougherty, Ethel Gardner 727 Tuller, Harriet May Garfield 975 Crawford, Earl Morton Garnett 862 Denlinger, Floyd 623 Denman, Jessie Louise Garrison 384 Kile, John Haigler Girard 340 Atherton, Gilbert Haven 713 Pennock, Florence Elanor Goddard 698 Curtis, Mrs. Beulah Lacey(F.V.) 262 RESIDENCE DIRECTORY Goodland 995 Lockwood, Ruth Mae Gorham 613 Lawrence, Mrs. Lavina Barton (R.E.) Grantville 165 Adell, Thomas Byron Great Bend 731 Allis, Frank Howard 806 Hassler, Ira Miller Greenleaf 759 McCulloh, Otho John Grenola L017 Ware, Charles Wilson Gridley 758 Martin, Bertha May Halstead 572 Gibbon, William Outhwaite Hamilton 911 Darby, Eunice Helen Hanover 330 Rhoades, Fred Hooper Harper 884 Michaels, Hazel Mae Hartford 312 Turner, Charles Frederick 297 Turner, Mrs. Mary Deel (C. F.) Harveyville 409 Betts, William James Haviland 1053 Jewell, LeRoy 552 Young, Bernard Foxwell 546 Young, Mrs. Lusetta Sowers (B.F.) Herington 341 Barton, Perl Rogers 969 Brown, Margaret Lura 810 Kennedy, Mary Hazel Hiawatha 979 Dimmock, Neta Anthelia 347 Harpster, Clair Aigler 344 Harpster, Mrs. Kathryn Car- mean (C. A.) 778 Vernon, Bertha Carrie Holton 556 Beard, Norton Seaman 991 Holland, Margaret Catherine Hope 697 Anderson, Mrs. Grace Kumler (M.) 356 McProud, Oscar Ulysses Horton 1026 Benham, Anna Ruth 921 Henney, Frank LeRoy Howard L048 Harris, Evalena Hoxie 517 Feeley, Mabel Grace Huron 805 Gilbert, Effie Belle Hutchinson 167 Benscoter, Frank J. 796 Coldsmith, Charles Irwin 846 Goldsmith, Mrs. Sarah Willett (CI.) 417 Falkenrich, Wilmer 471 Hess, Mrs. Helen Kinzer (H.) 529 Leasure, William Chester 587 Mitchner, Bert Early 39 Simmons, John Stuart 655 Simmons, Kenneth Kipple 835 Stewart, Frances Jane Independence 792 Stafford, Mrs. Beryl Blanchard (G.W.) 774 Stafford, Gerald Wright 336 Wharton, Walter Pellman Iola 1025 Axton, Ray Eddly 998 Myler, Emberson William 821 Oman, Iva Dora 339 Zook, Christian Benjamin Irving 1023 Wood, Fayette Julius Jefferson 1055 Kirby, John Richard Kansas City 408 Bailey, William Arthur 853 Beard, Ruth Alma 618 Brown, Elmer Leonard 542 Brown, Mrs. Violet Russell (E.L.) 858 Coughlin, Ernest Mitchem 55 Coughlin, Mrs. Rosella Mitchem 513 Daniels, Edward Marion 514 Dixon, Florence May 682 Griswold, Mrs. Zula Green (H.E.) 263 RESIDENCE DIRECTORY 499 Hall, Mrs. Julia Beard (A.F.) 154 Harpster, Harvard Oliver 124 Harpster, Samuel Oscar 993 Honnell, Grace LaDora 692 Jaggard, Annie 926 Kelly, Beulah Catherine 77 Key, Nellie Garrett 174 Knox, Mrs. Minnie Games (R.E.) 693 Omer, Mrs. Emma Jaggard (J. A.) 113 Powell, Benson Mahlon 49 Robbins, Bascom 436 Shepherd, Homer Paul 291 Showalter, Cora May 841 Waring, Leonard Frank 278 Woodyard, Ella 1090 Wright, Herbert 726 Swayze, Lottie Lazette Kingman 676 Mcllrath, Mrs. Faith Dean (R.) 706 Mcllrath, Ralph 882 Mcllrath, Wallace 723 Sample, Walton Carr Kinsley 182 Stewart, Olive Maude 549 VanVickle, Harriet Anna Kiowa 600 Cook, Mrs. Oma Smith (C. L.) La Crosse 1033 DeLashmutt, Walter Frank 844 Long, Mrs. Dale Whitnah(W.K) 756 Long, William Elvin La Harpe 932 McCarty, Grace 164 Spencer, Edward Harris Lamed 724 Shepherd, Mrs. Helen Smith (C.E.) Lawrence 664 Annadown, Emily 144 Blackmar, Mrs. Kate Nicholson (F.W.) 266 Games, Frank Watson 175 Games, Moses William 1049 Havighurst, Freeman Carroll 212 Kidder, Marion Ethel 642 Loomis, Arthur Kirkwood 930 Malin, James Claude 611 Murray, Mrs. Agnes Anderson (J.W.) 438 Thompson, Gordon Bennett 486 Thompson, Mrs. Harriet Sterling (G.B.) 437 Stewart, Clarence Churchill 617 Stewart, Mrs. Maude Brigham (C.C.) Leavenworth 314 Hamilton, Mrs. Isabel Benedict (M.B.) Lebanon 1053 Jewell, LeRoy Lecompton 443 White, Lilla May Lenexa 968 Brown, James Lester 195 Haskin, Elkanah Harley 918 Hausam, Mrs. Grace Kline ( W. C.) 919 Hausam, Wiley Conrad Lewis 781 Whitlow, Cyril Melvin 783 Whitlow, Mrs. Rena Wilcox (C. M.) Liberal 687 Henry, Lena Elizabeth Liberty 243 Pennington, Mrs. Harriet Marvel (B.) Lincoln 418 Davies, Mrs. Esther Freed (J.H.) Logan 659 Wiltrout, Romania Rae Lost Springs 1005 Roseberry, Anna Ruth Lyons 986 Haxton, Nell Mae Longton 96 Miller, Julia DeSonge Manhattan 72 Elliot, Nellie Frances 695 Johnston, Ambrose M. 680 Kirk, Mrs. Flora Einsel (R. S.) 566 Molby, Mrs. Minnie Denman (S.J.) 387 Ozment, Mrs. Harriet Mahar (B.H.) 220 Price, Ralph Ray 224 Price, Mrs. Roberta Simpson (R.R.) 539 Reppert, Roy Ralph 603 Thomas, Ethel Estella 605 Tiffany, Erwin Milton 264 RESIDENCE DIRECTORY Mankato lC Jamieson, Rhoda 595 Stanley, Mrs. Florence Ream (D.F.) Maple Hill 1064 McCullough, Clarence Avery Marion 371 Hoch, Mrs. Edna Wharton (H.) 321 Hoch, Homer 867 Hoch, Wallis 923 Imboden, Mildred Marysville 599 Smith, Hervey Foster McCracken 1084 Warden, Madeline Helen 3C Underhill, Mrs. Fieta Crowley (G.W.) McLouth 938 Ocker, Verna Glenella McPherson 629 French, Merton Clyde 7 Simpson, Robert Stuart 545 Simpson, Vera Pearl Meade 963 Armstrong, Guy Walter 1020 Wickstrom, Jeanette Melvern 701 Laury, William Godfrey 752 Lee, Walter Alvin Merriam 249 Coleman, Rolla Wood Minneapolis 1038 Evans, Paul Lawrence 925 Johnston, Bess J. 807 Wilson, Mrs. Nora Henry (R.H.) Minneola 864 Collinsworth, Mrs. Elzada Har- ris (G. C.) Montezuma 897 Stevenson, Lula Belle Moran 700 Laury, Clara Olivia 929 Laury, John Wesley 200 Messinger, Willis Oscar Mound City 211 Edwards, Isaac Franklin Mound Valley 966 Botkin, Mildred Ninde 794 Call, Troy Benjamin 954 Stokes, Bertha Joy Muse ot ah 978 Devore, Rollin Earl Neodesha 906 Anderson, Mary Vincent 971 Catlin, Lawrence J. 423 Hestwood, Ottis Clyde 367 Study, Harry Pray Neosho Falls 255 Sain, Lydia 40 Snow, Florence Lydia Neosho Rapids 630 Gilman, Bessie Ness City 120 Davis, Henry Thomas 103 Davis, Mrs. Minnie Bain (H.T.) 808 Hopper, Earl Brady 1015 Thomas, Ruth Edith Newton 462 Foster, Mrs. Minnie Gardner (L.C.) 782 Wight, Alvin Silas Nortonville 977 Daum, Myrtle Eva Oketo 535 Moore, Jesse Howard 558 Moore, Mrs. Margaret Betzer (J.H.) Olathe 155 Haskin, Samuel Brush 238 Hayes, Mrs. Rachel Henderson (W.E.) 186 Jones, Mrs. Grace Breyfogle (C.W.) Onaga 834 Stewart, Albert Christopher 429 Van Dusen, Mrs. Nellie McClure (J.) 607 Wise, Mrs. Mary Widney(W.B.) Osage City 610 Adams, Mabel Elizabeth 10C Hoover, Fern Lucile 283 Hunsicker, Lillian May 650 O'Neil, Ralph Thomas Osborne 859 Crocker, Grace Eliza 265 RESIDENCE DIRECTORY Oskaloosa 962 Anderson, Sarah Helen Oswego 98 Case, Mrs. Geor^'ana Reed (N.) 268 Handley, Mary Virginia 753 Liston, Virdon Milne 1087 Wilson, Murray Alderson 400 Woods, Ola Adele Ottawa 388 Bailey, Mrs. Ethel McCaughey (P.M.) 406 Bailey, Fred Mark 316 Chaffee, Nelle Edith 64 Long, Henry C. Overbrook 927 Kurtz, Ruth Edna Paola 907 Carpenter, Ina Fay 311 Ringer, Arthur 421 Smith, Mrs. Jennie Heinselman (L.B.) 333 Smith, Levi Brown Parsons 1040 Foster, True Earl 459 Freark, Sarah Winona 473 Locke, Rachel 524 Reid, Mrs. Anna Hoch (J. W.) 361 Reid, James Winfred 947 Rust, Ralph Guy 881 Rust, Mrs. Ruby Mason (R. G.) 206 Stavely, James Alexander Perry 507 Brown, Elmer LeGrande Pittsburg 405 Axton, Mrs. Clara Bailey (E.D.) 404 Axton, Elmer David 6C Bideau, Edith Mae 80 Campbell, Phillip Pitt 914 Ransom, Mrs. Beatrice Fast (R.G.) 889 Ransom, Raymond Gordon 231 Taylor, Mrs. Ethel Cavaness (J.L.) 208 Taylor, Joseph Luther 202 Waskey, Mrs. Maie Motter(J.A.) Pleasanton 666 Axton, Clayton Arthur 502 Boicourt, George Mallalieu Pratt 989 Henry, Albert Edwin 735 Smith, Mrs. Louise Briggs (H.T.) 787 802 1010 Prescott 145 O'Neil, Frank Edward Princeton Ames, Edith Enslin Protection Riner, Mrs. Nellie Evans (T.W.) Smith, Jessie Dorothy Quincy 890 Redman, Earl Burgess 1078 Slough, Lydia Katherine Randolph 480 Peter, Charles Frederick Rantoul 1024 Anderson, Bena Alberta Redtield 943 Rapp, John Merrill Robinson 994 Linscott, Orena Josephine 711 Nelson, William Edwin 709 Nelson, Mrs. Winifred Moore- head (W.E.) Rossville 357 Miller, Henry Blackburn Russell 770 Reppert, Vernon Milton Saffordville 916 Garrettson, George Garfield St. John 800 Ellenberger, Rush Walter St. Paul 1083 Treganza, James Robert Salina 554 Armstrong, Amy 505 Bristow, Frank Baker 58 Bristow, Joseph Little 315 Davis, Mrs. Edna Boyd (E.) 575 Hamilton, Mary Emma 253 King, George Edward 649 Mc Williams, Mrs. Laura Nichol- son (R. H.) 645 McWilliams, Robert Hugh 221 Ragle, Nathan Shumate 722 Ryan, Francis Winton Savonburg 150 Bell, Thomas Moon 266 RESIDENCE DIRECTORY Sedan 364 Roberts, John Wilkins 430 Roberts, Mrs. Lena McConnell (J.W.) Sedgwick 909 Congdon, Mary Artemisia Selma 579 Keast, William Paul Seneca 410 Bloss, Edwin Chauncey 799 Drown, Clarence Carlyle Severance 180 Reed, James William Silver Lake 893 Scheer, George Edman Smith Centre 455 Cutler, Lyle Charles Spearville 1034 Denison, Neva Bertrice 639 Kiser, Stephen Lott Spivey 760 Boyle, Mrs. Edith Milham (C.J.) 828 Kabler, Mrs. Hazel Sample (L.L.) Spring Hill 478 Nicholson, Vernon Thomas 831 Sowers, Ruth Electa 43 Telford, Eliza Armstrong Stafford 903 Beal, Burt Oliver Sterling 464 Hall, Charles Albert 412 Hall, Mrs. Grace Brigham(C.A.) 958 Waring, Walter Wray Sylvia 653 Rudisill, Theodore Franklin Talmage 500 Benson, Fred Bernard Topeka 374 Ames, Nora Dale 168 Boughton, Bessie 452 Chrisman, Dorothy 798 Dellinger, Rudolph Corley 13C Dougherty, Gladys Mercia 111 Ewing, Laura L. 81 Gault, Charles Edwin 349 Hepworth, Clair H. 60 Hill, Charles Miletus 761 Morris, George Warren 358 Murphy, Mary Kibben 955 Sutton, Fred Calvin 516 Washburn. Mrs. Wilma Ed- wards (M.) 1021 Wiles, Everett Raymond 898 Wise, Harry Steckel Toronto 1004 Richards, William Alfred Troy 319 Adams, Mrs. Barbara Dice (N.J. ) 401 Adams, Nathaniel John 116 Reeder, Charles Ward Turon 442 Watson, Joseph Emerson Uniontown 1039 Fitzgerald, Grace Margaret Utica 888 Peters, William Esco Vernon 1074 Rigby, Harry Finland 267 Gill, Helen Gertrude Virgil 662 Allis, Orval Duane 673 Allis, Mrs. Gertrude Cundiff (O.D.) Wagstaff 428 Lentz, David Scott Wakarusa 490 Snoddy, Mrs. Mary Van Petten (H.L.) Wakefield 1002 Randall, Wayne Pearson Walton 657 Battin, Mrs. Mabel Stevenson (G.E.) Wamego 851 Ault, Mary Ethel 843 Wheeler, Charles Wesley Washington 973 Coe, Clara Annis 928 Larner, Ella Frances Waterville 218 Paddleford, Eli Merton 957 Vernon, Chester Benson 267 RESIDENCE DIRECTORY Wathena 1011 Smith, Mary Price 936 Stewart, Mrs. Hazah Morris (L.W.) 838 Van Buskirk, George Bennett Waverly 972 Caywood, Stanley William 285 Kncpp, Earl Hamline 1063 Majors, Hurst 1014 Swogger, Leo Glenn Wellington 532 Mavity, Mrs. Margaret McCon- nell (J. W.) 329 Plumb, Harvey Claud 338 Plumb, Mrs. Jennie Woods (H.C.) Wellsville 1031 Brune, Ruth Esther 213 Mallory, James Edward 179 Muesse, Henry Lionel 170 Muesse, Mrs. Lizzie Cone (H. L.) 219 Pendleton, Edward Thompson Westmoreland 980 Evans, Thomas Alexander 1070 Pennock, Lois Cecelia Wetmore 876 Livingood, Aldo Morton 818 Myers, Ethel White Cloud 557 Beauchamp, Edward Edgerton Whitewater 718 Corman, Mrs. May Rapp (E.) Wichita 133 Allen Mrs. Elsie Nuzman (HJ.) 403 Ames, Cecil Erwin 416 Ebright, Alpha Mills 870 Imboden, Ruth 324 Kirk, Albert Emmanuel 585 McKibbin, Harold Benedict 414 McKibbin, Mrs. Luella Clark (H.B.) 762 Meuller, Vernette A. 425 Stanley, Mrs. Blanche Imboden (H.W.) 547 Stanley, Harriet Eugenia 366 Stanley, Harry Wylbur 628 Stearns, Mrs. Pearl Fisher (I.H.). 606 Topping, June 89 VanGundy, David Sherman 1022 Williams, Coralie Roxetta 193 Williamsburg Fogle, Arza Bracken Wilson 670 McKittrick, Mrs. Florella Counts (W.D.) Winchester 1029 Brown, Mary Fay 584 McKemmy, Grace Alice WinHeld 225 Anderson, Mrs. Katherine Un- derwood (W. G.) 248 Anderson, William Gibson 130 Davis, Mrs. Harriet Mallory (A.E.) 571 Foster, Everett Kin 520 Foster, Mrs. Hattie Gardner (E.K.) Yates Center 621 Catlin, Arthur Dan 620 Catlin, Mrs. Ruth Bukey (A. D.) 743 Dixon, Ina Lucille 97 Pyke, John William Hull 1080 Stephenson, Clarissa KENTUCKY Lexington 121 Games, John Ira LOUISIANA New Orleans 88 Sykes, Ernest Eugene MARYLAND Baltimore 738 Burkett, Walter C. 42 Colt, Mrs. Sade Sullivan (D. S.) 71 Colt, Don Snell Frederick 564 Daily, Benjamin William MASSACHUSETTS Boston 498 Ault, Warren Ortman 855 Broadfoot, Clarence Peter 1044 Gunsaullus, Burr 1058 Lankard, Frank Glenn 945 Robinson, Bruce Bowman 1012 Smith, Theodore Garland Brookline 643 Martin, Harry Oscar RESIDENCE DIRECTORY Cambridge 317 Chambers, Benjamin Franklin Dedham 1054 Kaub, Louis Harrison 1086 Kaub, Mrs. Minnie Weide(L.H.) Easthampton 634 Johnston, Thomas Todd Hanson 772 Siegle, Scott C. Lowell 407 Bailey, Henry Irwin Rockland 848 Fike, Mrs. Alma Wilson (T. T.) 863 Fike, Tobias Traugott Roslindale 332 Smith, Alonzo Martin Stoneham 16 Knox, Mrs. Janette Hill ( M. V.B. ) Uxbridge 910 Crain, Orville Edward West Newton 296 Cell, Mrs. Ella Clark (G. C.) 295 Cell, George Croft Westport Point 1007 Frazer, Mrs. Edna Ruhlen (J.T.) 983 Frazer, John Thomas Worcester 302 Hankins, Mrs. Anna Keeling (F.H.) 300 Hankins, Frank Hamilton MICHIGAN Detroit 941 Preshaw, Karl 160 Rice, Merton Stacher 775 Thompson, William Rodney East Lansing 439 Johnston. Mrs. Ethelyn Thorne (W.W.) 322 Johnston, William Walter Flint 530 Lodge, William Horace Houghton 875 Liston, Emil Smith 17 766 62 912 . r !2 934 999 1046 381 635 1047 1066 765 879 788 920 861 786 497 447 901 964 45 472 559 451 413 512 MINNESOTA Mankato Hancock, John Allen Minneapolis Baker, Mrs. Helen Porter (R.A.) Kester, Reese Bowman Nebbergall, Mrs. Ethel Dawson (J. Z.) MISSOURI Anderson Stewart, John Wesley Boonville Milham, Chester Richard Braymer Neal, Freda Lois Burlington Junction Hann, Dorothy Elizabeth Cameron Geyer, Francis Lender Jones, Lester Martin Clearmont Hann, Jennie Foster Clinton Melton, Emma Coffey Pilkington, May Columbia Martin, Henry Sleeper Fayette Ault, Cora Lena Hazen, Gertrude Theoren Fredericktown Dean, Elsie Kansas City Allen, Ralph Randolph Apple, Spencer Butler Ault, Harley Addison Baird, Agnes Lenora Baird, Wilma Mildred Betts, Samuel Eason Bowman, Mrs. Pearl Lathen (E.B.) Boys, Frank Alonzo Brigham, Mary Colley, Mrs. Anna Church (J.W.) Covalt, Maude Agnes 269 RESIDENCE DIRECTORY 567 Dennie, Charles Clayton St. Charles 93 Foster, Henry Bowman 836 Stewart, Margaret 21 French, Wil iam Alonzo 3 Hall, Mrs. Olive Willey (J.C.) St. Louis 522 Heaton, Foster Merrill 83 Johnson, Mrs. Maude Leonard 237 Hedges, Frank Percy (CP.) 424 Hulse, Delbert Trigg 537 Powell, Vesta 125 Keys, Mrs. Diana Haskin(G.W.) 56 Quayle, William Alfred 873 LaBrant, Wagner Merrill 227 Williams, Mrs. Charlotte Beas- 2C Loudermilk, Mrs. Nettie Amos ley (R.D.) (H.) Sedalia 270 275 Limbeck, George Albert Lunbeck, Mrs. Zola Swan 348 Hayes, Robert Benjamin (G.A.) Springfield 21C 431 Martin, Esther Monahan, Elmer Perry 671 Cox, Harvey Leroy 710 Mueller, Clive Paul Trenton 310 Patton, Morris 331 Sample, Orlando Lora 12C Price, Mrs. Berna Hannum(F.A.) Waverly 716 Price, Fred Allen 483 Roseberry, Mary Bruce 1057 Kreek, Olive 826 Ross, Mary Howell Westboro 988 946 Rousey, Mrs. Esther Henney (M.L.) Rowland, Ruth 1050 1059 Hedge, Gertrude Elizabeth Larmer, Forrest Mabry 41 Siegrist, Mrs. Emma Sullivan (H.S.) MONTANA 1008 Siegrist, Frank Bowman 67 Siegrist, Henry Snavely Anaconda 99 Smith, J. Franklin 274 Stewart, Thomas Pettigrew 82 Smith, Mrs. Susie Knight (J. F.) 491 Walker, Walter Clarence Bozeman 674 Gilman, Mrs. Pearl Cundiff Kingston (R. W.) 534 Merryman, Mabel Dillon Kirksville 301 Humphrey, Harry Gara Glendive 335 Watt, Bessie M ait land 663 Anderson, Lionel Andrias 856 Brumbaugh, Mary Elizabeth NEBRASKA Maryville Hastings 736 Brooks, Alfred Arthur 453 Cox, Gilbert Stevens 544 Cox, Mrs. Mary Schenck (G. S.) Jansen 950 Stafford, Roy R. 751 Mound City LaBrant, Lulu Levanche Lincoln 201 Miller, Edwin Merrick 273 Stephens, George Asbury Mt. Washington 292 University Place McProud, Mrs. Bertha Watt 495 Malone, Mrs. Ethel Work (A.F.) (B.E.) /v pvmrl n. 287 McProud, Bertram Everett 394 1 \ C C- l* Li Lr Odom, John Franklin 750 Meyers, Mrs. Minnie Kline (R.) York Odessa 894 Martin, Mrs. Mary Showalter 389 Mills, Roy Fallas (E.F.) 270 RESIDENCE DIRECTORY NEW HAMPSHIRE Keene 647 Miller, Edward Franklin Nashua 515 Durham, Edward Alvah NEW JERSEY 4 123 Chester 684 1006 Ruhlen, Charles Lester 685 895 Ruhlen, Mrs. Edith Stafford 129 (C.L.) 648 204 Hampton 1076 1042 Glasier, Walter John C. 871 Lyndhurst 896 732 Wallace, Mrs. Henrietta Barke- meyer (C.I.) Madison 422 874 Hertzog, Mrs. Vera Lange (W. H.) 793 922 Hertzog, William Henry Passaic 299 5 Seabrook, Thomas NEW MEXICO 214 Albuquerque 235 Hammond, Hezekiah Borders Aztec 456 Douglas, Earl Lanark 234 286 Sargent, Mrs. Leona Kuhn (E.) Raton 561 Clarke, Alice May 161 63 Leib, Thomas Douglas Wagon Mound 397 363 Ringer, Elmer Clifford NEW YORK 435 Bellmore 791 824 Ray, Benjamin Franklin 825 Ray, Mrs. Minnie W. (B. F.) Brooklyn 489 905 Brune, Benjamin Jacob 309 Riley, Mrs. Blanche Mills (T. J.) 215 290 Riley, Thomas James 257 Stickel, Merton Jay 19 Thorpe, Ervin Llewellyn 184 Buffalo 563 Creager, Florence Isabell 109 Cunningham, Mrs. Maud (H. S.) Ithaca 1075 Rigg, Melvin Gillison New York City Deming, Charles Gaylord Hale, William Bayard Hall, Lawrence Kingsley Hanger, James Howard McRoberts, Samuel Molby, Walter David Pearson, Andrew Cameron Rupert, Lynn Hoover Steinheimer, Mrs. Ella Jones (H.C.) Steinheimer, Herman Carl Rochester Heinselman, Robert Ellis Roslyn, Long Island Burgess, Clarence Perry Stapleton, Staten Island Freeland, Ernest Milbourne Syracuse Clark, Mrs. Dora Markham (H. A.) NORTH DAKOTA Cando Grimes, Edwin Oglesby OHIO Columbus Schaffner, John Henry Dayton Sowers, Don Conger Delaware Riley, Elmer Author Flushing Berry, James Halford Oxford Urner, Samuel Everett Wapakoneta Martin, William Frank West Mansfield Utter, Oliver Lincoln 271 RESIDENCE DIRECTORY OKLAHOMA Bartlesville 191 Coe, Joseph Edward 688 Holliday, Wilbur Nickle Bethany 95 Morgan, Mrs. Mattie Mallory Blackwell 820 Hoover, Mrs. Verdie Noland (R.A.) Cherokee 233 Hibbard, Mrs. Cora Cullison (J.S.) 1018 Waring, Reta Hazel Claremore 432 Moore, Edgar Collins 444 Woods, Ernest Emerson 469 Woods, Mrs. Lucile Kelly (E.E.) Eagle City 899 Anderson, Jerome Louis Eldorado 612 Stover, Mrs. Espar Anderson (B.H.) Guthrie 188 Case, Harry Claude 350 Hislop, Edward 346 Hislop, Mrs. Viola Hankins (E.) Henryetta 942 Pritchett, Gordon Stafford Hinton 172 Corning, Loren Dwight Holdenville 949 Snider, Weems Vinton Hominy 385 Edgington, Mrs. Grace Lockhart (L. D.) Kusa 393 Nicholson, George Albert McAlester 543 Sample, Claude John Muskogee 176 Harvey, Mrs. Elizabeth Kirkpat- rick (G.I.) Morris 948 Smith, Edith Anette Newkirk 840 Walter, Alva Jay 902 737 504 740 789 272 223 411 891 746 931 264 1019 773 742 598 46 981 382 583 845 658 226 50 815 493 Norman Bass, John Harvey Brooks, Fowler Adelphi Oklahoma City Bowers, Melville M. Conger, Lauren Edward Conger, Mrs. Nina Bauersfeld (L. E.) Parlette, Snowden Roach, Isaac Franklin Thompson, Mrs. Edith Bowers (H. E.) Paul's Valley Clark, Mrs. Elsie Reed (A. E.) Pawhuska Geisen, Nora Belle Ryan Dean, Mrs. Katherine McCarter (J.R.) Sapulpa Collins, George Fulton White, Lloyd Kennedy Shawnee Smith, Margaret Agnes Stillwater Whitenton, Mrs. Nelle Crossan (R. O.) Tahlequah Smith, Eula Reba Tulsa Biddison, Arthur Jefferson Filley, Everett Roswell Grogan, Mrs. Clara Hatch (M.J.) Mason, Claude Alonzo Wickham, Fletcher Ryan Wakita Thomas, Dewitt Corwin Wann Ayres, Philip Sheridan Weatherford Sisson, Thomas Eddy OREGON Eugene Millikin, William Earl Winger, Roy Martin 272 RESIDENCE DIRECTORY Coquille 525 Howard, Charles Abner Gaston 960 Winger, Ralph Edgar Grant's Pass 143 Hair, Mrs. Mary Murray (J. E.) 426 Kemp, James Murray Lakeview 265 Everett, Ernest Day Portland 573 Green, Beryl Albert 580 Green, Mrs. Grace Leach (B. A.) 18 Kemp, Mrs. Jennie Murray (R.N.) 256 Skinner, Jessie Amanda Prineville 342 Bowman, Arthur Ray Salem 122 Findley, Mrs. Anna Hair (M.C.) Union 173 Cullison, Homer Edgar PENNSYLVANIA Lock Haven 1091 Zabel, George Washington Philadelphia 852 Barton, Paul 744 Dunstan, Thomas James 126 Hill, Edward Yates Pittsburgh 166 Atherton, James Floyd State College 481 Pierce, Frederick William Swarthmore 209 Pearson, Mrs. Edna Wolfe (P. M.) 135 Pearson, Paul Martin RHODE ISLAND Providence 368 Thomas, George Brown SOUTH DAKOTA Britton 16C Bunten, Jessie Muir Huron 158 Myers, Homer Samuel 263 Myers, Mrs. Eleanor Hand (H.S.) Newell 362 Richards, David TEXAS Austin 306 Manning, Mrs. Mabel Marvel (W. R.) 271 Manning, William Ray Beaumont 35 Norton, George Bancroft Dallas 694 Jamieson, Hugh Victor Eastland 104 McCormick, Mrs. Cora Bald- ridge Port Worth SG9 Horn, Cyril Houston Heights 475 Keeling, Mrs. Harriet Maxwell (W. B.) McDade 660 Wise, Cosmo Clyde Nursery 565 Davies, Laura Alice Portland 136 Smith, Frank Lee 118 Smith, Mrs. Lulu Burtis (F. L.) Texarkana 29 Biddison, Valeda Hull UTAH Salt Lake City 52 Armstrong, William Wright 119 Davies, George Ewing VERMONT Burlington 151 Benton, Guy Potter W aterbury 294 Boicourt, William Luke WASHINGTON Chelan 602 Sutton, Arthur Taylor 273 RESIDENCE DIRECTORY Coupeville 548 Switzer, William Whitney Elma 391 Mustard, Mrs. Florence Moore (W.) Leavenworth 764 Osborne, John Harlan Monroe 359 Neff, George Brock 419 Neff, Mrs. Jessie Funnell (G. B.) 1073 Randall, May Peshastin 939 Osborne, Jennie Florence Pullman 771 Lacey, Mrs. Feme Samuel (W.A.) 699 Lacey, Wesley Anderson Richland 703 Lillie, Clarence Henry 392 Mountain, Theodore Clifton Seattle 65 Randall, Edwin Mortimer 87 Randa.l, Mrs. Jennie Sweet (E.M.) Spokane 622 Cochran, Warren Baldwin 86 Raines, David Winslow Tacoma 114 Johnson, Mrs. Edith Rarick (H.H.) WASHINGTON, D. C. 375 Ault, James Percy 627 Fast, Arthur Herman 676 Power, Archie Dayton WEST VIRGINIA Morgantown 754 Lockwood, Mary Eleanor WISCONSIN Delavan Reser, Lewis Grant Madison Dudgeon, Mrs. Mabel Cunning- 244 152 139 ham (M.S.) Dudgeon, Matthew Simpson Milwaukee 230 Brumbaugh, Errol Vane 582 Markham, Emma Ivalena Platteville 289 Riley, Edgar Francis Stoughton 591 Oliver, Edwin Martin WYOMING Casper 819 Nash, Mary Eleanor Kearney 551 Songer, Mrs. Mabel Winger (J.W.) Sheridan 355 Kendall, David Ellsworth FOREIGN COUNTRIES CANADA Truax, Saskatchewan 476 Mahin, Mrs. Amy Mclntire (CA.) Winnipeg 651 Green, Mrs. Edna Pearce(W.D.) 521 Green, William David CHINA Hinghwa, Fuhkien 377 Brown, Cora Millicent Kucheng, Fuhkien 228 Coole, Mrs. Cora Boynton(T.H.) 232 Coole, Thomas Henry Nanking 1036 Emery, Phoebe Elizabeth 984 Gray, Cammie 696 Kesler, Mary Grace 661 Youtsey, Edith Rosamond Peking 383 Hwang, Yung Liang Tsechow, Szechwan 440 Torrey, Ray Le Valley CUBA Filton 73 Elwell, John K. Mercedita, Cabanas 769 Pyles, Miner Raymond 274 RESIDENCE DIRECTORY HAWAII Honolulu 279 Bridwell, John Colburn INDIA Allahabad 636 Kenoyer, Mrs. Aletha Kelly (L. A.) Bijnor 906 Calkins, Ethel Mae Rangoon, Burma 466 James, Phoebe 654 Shannon, Mary Estelle Calcutta 254 Manley, D. H. Caivnpore 540 Richmond, Mary Amelia Meerut 369 Baker, Mrs. Ida Vanatta (J. B.) 262 Baker, Joseph Benson Muzzaffarpur 360 Perrill, Fred Maxson ITALY Rome 652 Porter, Anna Downey JAPAN Hakozati 728 Wagner, Dora Amelia Tokyo 203 Obata, David Kyugoro MALAYSIA Penang 576 Hibbard, Earl Randall 614 Hibbard, Mrs. Jessie Beauchamp (E.R.) Singapore, Straits Settlement 917 Hall, Clyde Jesse PERU Lima 704 Loy, Netella PHILIPPINE ISLANDS Capiz, Capiz 601 Spiller, Arthur Garfield Manila 714 Porter, Raymond Willis 484 Ryan, Archie Lowell 402 Ryan, Mrs. Celia Allen (L. A.) Surigas, Surigas 830 Schlinger, Edwin Peter SOUTH AFRICA Inhambane 626 Keys, Mrs. Clara Evans (P. W.) 638 Keys, Pliny Whittier SOUTH AMERICA Santiago, Chile 616 Braden, Charles Samuel 644 Braden, Mrs. Grace McMurray (C. S.) . SUMATRA Medan 590 Oechsli, Leonard 449 Oechsli, Mrs. Loula Boicourt(L.) 275 INDEX OF THE ALUMNI OF THE COL- LEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS The number before the name means the serial number in the list of the biographies of the Alumni. 610 Adams, Mabel Elizabeth 401 Adams, Nathaniel John 261 Adell, Francis Earl 165 Adell, Thomas Byron 496 Allderdice, Charles Emmors 730 Allderdice, Florence Amelia 785 Allderdice, James Henry 961 Allderdice, Victor John 402 Allen, Ceiia Martha 553 Allen, James Arthur 445 Allen, Ora 786 Allen, Ralph Randolph 373 Allen, Wilbur Fiske 149 AUn, Frank Wesley 731 Allis, Frank Howard 662 Allis, Orval Duane 403 Ames, Cecil Erwin 787 Ames, Edith Enslin 374 Ames, Nora Dale 611 Anderson, Agnes Anna 1024 Anderson, Bena Alberta 612 Anderson, Espar 90 Anderson, James Watson D. 899 Anderson, Jerome Louis 247 Anderson, Joseph Lawrence 663 Anderson, Lionel Andrias 900 Anderson, Mary Vincent 962 Anderson, Sarah Helen 248 Anderson, William Gibson 664 Annadown, Emiiy 665 Annadown, May 497 Apple, Spencer Butler 554 Armstrong, Amy 963 Armstrong, Guy Walter 52 Armstrong, William Wright 446 Arnold, Earl Casper 12 Ashby, Sylvia Euarcha (Mrs.) 340 Atherton, Gilbert Haven 166 Atherton, James Floyd 293 Ault, Alvin Wesley 788 Ault, Cora Lena 447 Ault, Harley Addison 375 Ault, James Percy 851 Ault, Mary Ethel 376 Ault, Nellie May 498 Ault, Warren Ortman 666 Axton, Clayton Arthur 404 Axton, Elmer David 1025 Axton, Ray Eddly 226 Ayres, Philip Sheridan 555 Bacon, Thomas Clyde 70 Bailey, Charles William 405 Bailey, Clara Jane 406 Bailey, Fred Mark 407 Bailey, Henry Irwin 667 Bailey, Herbert Augustus 408 Bailey, William Arthur 103 Bain, Minnie Rockwell 901 Baird, Agnes Lenora 964 Baird, Wilma Mildred 262 Baker, Joseph Benson 104 Baldridge, Cora 33 Baldwin, Riley Thomas 732 Barkemeyer, Henrietta 733 Barnes, Elizabeth Catherine 613 Barton, Lavina 852 Barton, Paul Thomas 341 Barton, Perle Rogers 36 Baskerville, Emanuel James 902 Bass, John Harvey 789 Bauersfeld, Nina Emma 903 Beal, Burt Oliver 904 Beamer, David Ira 499 Beard, Julia Mable 556 Beard, Norton Seaman S53 Beard, Ruth Alma 227 Beasley, Charlotte Emmes 790 Beatty, Claude Samuel 557 Beauchamp, Edward Edgerton 614 Beauchamp, Jessie Blaine 615 Beck, Luther Allen 313 Bedford, Scott Elias William 150 Bell, Thomas Moon 314 Benedict, Isabel Emily 117 Benedict, Mary Laurinda 1026 Benham, Anna Ruth 734 Benham, Jennie Garnet 965 Benjamin, Anna Geneva 1027 Benjamin, Opal Vern 167 Benscoter, Frank J. 500 Benson, Fred Bernard 151 Benton, Guy Potter 791 Berry, James Halford 276 INDEX OF ALUMNI 501 Bert, Abraham Engle 1031 45 Betts, Samuel Eason 106 409 Betts, William James 620 558 Betzer, Margaret 793 46 Biddison, Arthur Jefferson 738 29 Biddison, Valeda Hull 509 105 Bissell, Emma 118 138 Blakemore, Frank Pierce 510 792 Blanchard, Beryl 854 Blanchard, Ciyde Insley 448 Bloom, Lynn William 410 Bloss, Edwin Chauncey 343 91 Boaz, Luta Leonora 906 502 Boicourt, George Mallalieu 794 449 Boicourt, Loula 187 294 Boicourt, William Luke 970 503 Booth, Ida Lois 80 966 Botkin, Mildred Ninde 344 168 Boughton, Bessie 907 411 Bowers, Edith Marian 1032 504 Bowers, MelviLe 188 342 Bowman, Arthur Ray 92 315 Boyd, Edna Potter 345 228 Boynton, Cora Shepherd (Mrs.) 621 559 Boys, Frank Alonzo 971 616 Braden, Charles Samuel 231 1028 Braden, Clyde Owen 263 967 Bradley, Aura Renfrow 1 450 Brakebill, Martin Luther 972 47 Breyfogle, Frank Lee 295 186 Breyfogle, Grace 316 48 Breyfogle, Jessie Fremont 317 279 Bridwell, John Co. burn 107 735 Briggs, Louise Marie 452 412 Brigham, Grace 413 451 Brigham, Mary 739 617 Brigham, Maude 189 505 Bristow, Frank Baker 296 58 Bristow, Joseph Little 562 855 Broadfoot, Clarence Peter 414 736 Brooks, Alfred Arthur 190 737 Brooks, Fowler Adelphi 561 619 Brown, Albert Ernest 13 377 Brown, Cora Millicent 622 506 Brown, Ellis Stewart 973 507 Brown, Elmer LeGrand 191 618 Brown, Elmer Leonard 857 508 Brown, Frank Arthur 795 560 Brown, George Edward 908 968 Brown, James Lester 318 969 Brown, Margaret Lura 796 1029 Brown, Mary Fay 974 668 Brown, Oliver William 249 229 Brown, William Addison 264 26 Browning, George Whitfield 71 1030 Brownrigg, Mary Elizabeth 797 230 Brumbaugh, Errol Vane 170 856 Brumbaugh, Mary Elizabeth 909 169 Brummitt, Dan Brearley 740 905 Brune, Benjamin Jacob 511 Brune, Ruth Esther Buckner, Nell Bukey, Ruth Estella Burgess, Clarence Perry Burket, Walter C. Burnham, DeKalb Burtis, Lu'u Anna Burton, Bernice Calkins, Claude Allen Calkins, Ethel Mae Call, Troy Benjamin Campbell, Elinor Marguerite Campbell, Howard Karl Campbe.l, Philip Pitt Carmean, Kathryn Myrtle Carpenter, Ina Fay Carson, George William Case, Harry Claude Case, Lydia Blanche Case, Walter Hodgin Catlin, Arthur Dan Catlin, Lawrence J. Cavaness, Ethel Cavaness, Herbert Cavaness, James Mulloy Caywood, Stanley William Ce.l, George Croft Chaffee, I\eh Edith Chambers, Benjamin Franklin Chandler, Thomas Eldridge Chrisman, Dorothy Church, Anna Marie Clark, Anna Clark, Charles Fletcher Clark, Ella Cornelia Clark, Lei. a Edna Clark, Luella Edith Clark, William Melvin Clarke, Alice May Clough, Mary Lucinda Cochran, Warren Baldwin Coe, Clara Annis Coe, Joseph Edward Coffin, Ida Lenora Coffman, Blanche Etta Coffman, WUiam Hurst Coker, Frances Emma Coldsmith, Charles Irwin Coleman, Harry Archer Coleman, Rolla Wood Collins, George Fulton Colt, Don Snell Combs, Lester Martin Cone, Lizzie Belle Congdon, Mary Artemisia Conger, Lauren Edward Cook, Anna Mary 277 INDEX OF ALUMNI 171 Cook, George Fox 232 Coole, Thomas Henry 669 Cooper, Francis LeRoy 108 Corlett, Alexander Hampton 172 Corning, Loren Dwight 858 Coughlin, Ernest Mitchem 670 Counts, Florella Tucker 741 Counts, George Sylvester 512 Covalt, Maud Agnes 453 Cox, Gilbert Stevens 671 Cox, Harvey LeRoy 910 Crain, Orville Edward 975 Crawford, Earl Morton 454 Cramer, 01 a Winifred 563 Creager, Florence Isabell 859 Crocker, Grace Eliza 742 Crossan, Nelle 860 Crossan, Wilma 20 Crysler, Charles Gilbert 672 Crysler, Myrnice Marcia 233 Cullison, Cora Loue la 173 Cullison, Homer Edgar 673 Cundiff, Gertrude Annetta 674 Cundiff, Pearl 675 Cundiff, Ruby Ethel 152 Cunningham, Mabel 109 Cunningham, Maud 455 Cutler, Lyle Charles 564 Daily, Benjamin William 8 Dal as, Mary Cordelia 210 Dalton, Charles Benjamin 513 Daniels, Edward Marion 911 Darby, Eunice Helen 977 Daum, Myrtle Eva^ 119 Davies, George Ewing 565 Davies, Laura Alice 120 Davis, Henry Thomas 976 Davison, Wilbur Sumner 912 Dawson, Margaret Ethel 861 Dean, Elsie 676 Dean, Faith 297 Deel, Mary Daisy 298 Deel, Samuel Asher 1033 DeLashmutt, Walter Frank 798 De, linger, Rudolph Corley 4 Deming, Charles Gaylord 415 Denious, Jessie Carl 250 Denious, Wilbur Franklin 1034 Denison, Neva Bertrice 862 Denlinger, Floyd 1035 Denlinger, Myrtle Etna 623 Denman, Jessie Louise 566 Denman, Minnie Kline 567 Dennie, Charles Clayton 251 Denning, Ilia Madge 568 Dershem, Elsie 978 Devore, Rollin Earl 319 Dice, Barbara Jane 979 Dimmock, Neta Anthelia 677 Ditzler, Luther Herbert 624 Ditzler, Mable Sheldon 514 Dixon, Florence May 743 Dixon, Ina Lucile 625 Dobbs, Louis Bennett 678 Dougherty, Ethel 456 Douglas, Eart 799 Drown, Clarence Carlyle 110 Dudgeon, Edith 139 Dudgeon, Matthew Simpson 744 Dunstan, Thomas James 515 Durham, Edward Alvah 416 Ebright, Alpha Mills 280 Ebright, Homer Kingsley 211 Edwards, Isaac Franklin 679 Edwards, Jessie Marguerite 516 Edwards, Wilma Moore 680 Einsel, Flora Mabel 800 Ellenberger, Rush Walter 72 Elliott, Nellie Frances 457 Elwell, Florence Ora 378 Elwell, Hattie Esther 73 Elwell, John K. 1036 Emery, Phoebe Elizabeth 59 Emick, Cora 569 Emory, Bertha Elvalyn 74 Engstrom, May 1037 Ernst, Ruth Adeline 626 Evans, C ara May 301 Evans, Mabel B. 802 Evans, Nellie Burns 745 Evans, Nicholas Bebee 1038 Evans, Paul Lawrence 980 Evans, Thomas Alexander 913 Evans, William Robert 265 Everett, Ernest Day 111 Ewing, Laura L. 417 Falkenrich, Wilmer 803 Farrar, Georgia 192 Farrar, Haddon Spurgeon 570 Farrar, Henry Horatio 627 Fast, Arthur Herman 914 Fast, Beatrice Verinda 517 Feely, Mabel Grace 804 Feerer, Mene Bernice 863 Fike, Tobias Traugott 981 Filley, Everett Roswell 458 Fischer, Nannie Louise 628 Fisher, Anna Pearl 1039 Fitzgerald, Grace Margaret 193 Fogle, Arza Bracken 982 Foiles, Earl Raymond 915 Foiles, Esther Whitwam (Mrs.) 278 INDEX OF ALUMNI 252 Follin, Aura Marguerite 320 Follin, Emma A. ice 571 Foster, Everett Kin 93 Foster, Henry Bowman 1040 Foster, True Earl 983 Frazier, John Thomas 518 Frazier, Josephine Florence 519 Frazier, Junia Sarah 459 Freark, Sarah Winona 418 Freed, Esther 299 Freeland, Ernest Milbourne 460 Freeland, Hallie 379 French, Emma Belle 629 French, Merton Clyde 281 French, Walter Lyman 21 French, Wil iam Alonzo 419 Funnell, Jessie Edith 266 Games, Frank Watson 121 Games, John Ira 174 Games, Minnie Jane 175 Games, William Moses 461 Gander, Edna Elizabeth 380 Gander, Gilbert Munser 520 Gardner, Hattie May 462 Gardner, Minnie 916 Garrettson, George Garfield 81 Gault, Charles Edwin 681 Geary, Riley White 746 Geisen, Nora Belle 381 Geyer, Francis Lender 572 Gibbon, Wil.iam Outhwaite 805 Gilbert, Effie Belle 267 Gill, Helen Gertrude 630 Gilman, Bessie 1041 Glasier, Ruth Henrietta 1042 Glasier, Walter John C. 153 Goodale, George William 282 Gordon, Harry A. 1043 Gordon, Roy Ernest 463 Goud, Mary Evelyn 75 Graham, Theodore Finlty 984 Gray, Cammie 573 Green, Beryl Albert 420 Green, Snowden Raymond 521 Green, William David 682 Green, Zula Elba 234 Grimes, Edwin Oglesby 574 Grover, Charles Clifford 30 Gullette, Charles Wesley 1044 Gunsau.lus, Burr H 683 Haigh, Alice Lila 1045 Haines, Mary Josephine 122 Hair, Anna May 123 Hale, William Bayard 464 Hall, Charles Albert 917 2 684 575 235 17 236 268 685 300 346 1046 1047 347 154 124 1048 864 194 125 195 155 806 382 985 918 919 1049 865 986 348 920 686 631 522 987 1050 237 523 421 422 269 9 238 988 921 989 687 807 349 922 423 576 990 60 126 632 37 350 Hall, Clyde Jesse Hall, James Crooks Ha 1, Lawrence Kingsley Hamilton, Mary Emma Hammond, Hezekiah Borders Hancock, John Allan Hand, Mary Eleanor Handley, Mary Virginia Hanger, James Howard Hankins, Frank Hamilton Hankins, Viola May Hann, Dorothy Elizabeth Hann, Jennie Foster Harpster, Clair Aigler Harpster, Harvard Oliver Harpster, Samuel Oscar Harris, Evalena Harris, Lila Eizada Hartley, Forrest Madison Haskin, Diana Jan 2 Haskin, Elkanah Harley Haskin, Samuel Brush Hassler, Ira Miller Hatch, Clara Margaret Hatch, Ruth Irene Hausam, Grace Kline (Mrs.) Hausam, Wiley Conrad Havighurst, Freeman Carroll Haxton, Etta Hal ie Haxton, Nell Mae Hayes, Robert Benjamin Hazen, Gertrude Theoren Hazen, Willard Glass Hazzard, Russie LaClede Heaton, Foster Merrill Heaton, John Wesley Hedge, Gertrude Elizabeth Hedges, Frank Percy Heffelfinger, John Edgar Byers Heinselman, Jennie Alice Heinse man, Robert Ellis Helmick, Milton Parks Henderson, Mary C. Henderson, Rachel Harriet Henney, Esther Matilda Henney, Frank LeRoy Henry, Albert Edwin Henry, Lena Elizabeth Henry, Nora Wilma Hepworth, Clair H. Hertzog, William Henry Hestwood, Ottis Clyde Hibbard, Earl Randall Highbaugh, Irma Hi.l, Charles Miletus Hill, Edward Yates Hillis, Franklin Pierce Himrod, Ella Hislop, Edward 279 INDEX OF ALUMNI 866 Hitchcock, Mabel May 524 Hoch, Anna 321 Hoch, Homer 867 Hoch, Wallis 991 Holland, Margaret Catherine 688 Holiday, Wilbur Nickle 1051 Hollis, Faye Pearl 156 Holtz, William LeRoy 992 Honnell, Grace LaDora 112 Hoover, Carrie Mae 76 Hoover, Harmon Jacob 868 Hoover, Maurine 808 Hopper, Earl Brady 869 Horn, Cyril 196 Houghtelin, David McMillan 525 Howard, Char.es Abner 127 Howell, William Henry 633 Hudgens, Vernon Grant 1052 Hudson, Florence 465 Hudson, William Marion 351 Huff, Milton Eugene 352 Hull, Ward Wesley 424 Hulse, Delbert Trigg 747 Hume, Mary Emma Dorsey 689 Hume, Pearl Eve.yn 301 Humphrey, Harry Gara 38 Humphrey, Jessie May 283 Hunsicker, Lillian May 34 Hurt, Jefferson James 383 Hwang, Yung Liang I 809 Icke, Lewis Roland 425 Imboden, Blanche Seabrook 577 Imboden, Hortense 923 Imboden, Mildred 870 Imboden, Ruth 526 Inman, James Henr^ 690 Irwin, Grace Mabel 691 Irwin, Ralph James 197 Ives, Mary Sophia 140 Ives, Sarah Verrinder 578 Jackson, Edna Gertrude 692 Jaggard, Annie 693 Jaggard, Emma 466 James, Phoebe 694 Jamieson, Hugh Victor 1053 Jewell, LeRoy 748 Jillson, James Ralph 353 Johnson, Harry Lee 924 Johnson, Inez Clara 695 Johnston, Ambrose M. 925 Johnston, Bess J. 527 Johnston, Janie 634 Johnston, 1 nomas Todd 322 Johnston, William Walter 15 Jones, Clinton Kelley 871 Jones, Ella Frances 61 Jones, Hugh Andrew 635 Jones, Lester Martin 354 Joseph, Louvenia Madeline 467 Justis, Guy Tracy K 469 Kalb, Charles Abraham 1054 Kaub, Louis Harrison 579 Keast, William Paul 302 Keeling, Anna Livingstone 303 Keeling, WiUam Butler 636 Kelly, Aletha Sarah 926 Kelly, Beulah Catherine 469 Kelly, Lucile 304 Kemp, Harriet 426 Kemp, James Murray 355 Kendall, David El.sworth 637 Kendall, Edwin Pomeroy 810 Kennedy, Mary Hazel 811 Keohane, Heien Marie 239 Kershner, Ida Laura 240 Kershner, Jennie May 696 Kesler, Mary Grace 62 Kester, Reese Bowman 77 Key, Nellie Garrett 638 Keys, Pliny Whittier 212 Kidder, Marion Ethel 528 Kilborn, Maud 384 Kile, John Haig'er 284 King, Charles Latimer 253 King, George Edward 241 King, Harry Andrews 323 King, Sarah Florence 749 Kinzer, Beulah Louise 470 Kinzer, Classie Pearl 471 Kinzer, Helen 1055 Kirby, John Richard 324 Kirk, Albert Emmanuel 176 Kirkpatrick, Elizabeth James 812 Kirkpatrick, Hazel Eva 639 Kiser, Stephen Lott 640 Klamm, Lena Elizabeth 750 K.ine, Minnie 94 Knake, George B. C. 285 Knepp, Earl Hamline 427 Knepp, Edsall Bowman 157 Knepp, Palmer Bangs 82 Knight, Susie Nellie 53 Knipe, George Denison 16 Knox, Janette Hill (Mrs.) 10 Knox, Martin Van Buren 993 Konantz, Charles Harold 872 Konantz, Gladys 1056 Kraft, Flora 1057 Kreek, Olive 325 Kuhn, Gyde Leslie 286 Kuhn, Leona Grace 697 Kumler, Grace Ella 927 Kurtz, Ruth Edna 280 INDEX OF ALUMNI 751 LaBrant, Lulu Levanche 873 LaBrant, Wagner Merrill 698 Lacey, Beulah Feme 699 Lacey, Wesley Anderson 242 Lane, Edith Marguerite 874 Lange, Vera Irene 1058 Lankard, Frank Glenn 1059 Larmer, Forrest Mabry 928 Larner, Ella Frances 472 Lathen, Pearl Carolyn 1060 Lauer, Mamie Kathelene 813 Laury, Charles McCray 700 Laury, Clara Olivia 929 Laury, John Wesley 701 Laury, William Godfrey 702 Leach, Alfred Edgar 580 Leach, Grace Margaret 1061 Leach, Marian Tate 529 Leasure, William Chester 752 Lee, Walter Alvin 63 Leib, Thomas Douglas 428 Lentz, David Scott 83 Leonard, Maud 581 Lewis, Fred B. 641 Lewis, Walter Albert 703 LiLie, Clarence Henry 994 Linscott, Orena Josephine 1062 Lisherness, Gladys Marie 875 Liston, Emil Smith 753 Liston, Virdon Milne 876 Livingood, Aldo Morton 877 Livingood, Harry Harrison 473 Locke, Rachel 385 Lockhart, Grace Isabel 128 Lockwood, Anson Ovid 141 Lockwood, Francis Cummins 754 Lockwood, Mary Eleanor 755 Lockwood, Myra Amanda 995 Lockwood, Ruth Mae 530 Lodge, William Horace 64 Long, Henry C. 756 Long, William Elvin 305 Loofbourrow, David B. 326 Loofbourrow, Robert 642 Loomis, Arthur Kirkwood 474 Lough, John Edward 757 Lough, Muriel 84 Lough, Samuel Alexander 22 Lovejoy, Irving Roscoe 704 Loy, Netella 54 Lumpkin, Albert M. 270 Lunbeck, George Albert 878 Lynch, Lucille Anna M 386 Maclean, Angus MacGregor 387 Mahar, Harriet Adelle 1063 Majors, Hurst 930 Malin, James Claude 531 Mall, Arthur Garfield 130 Mallory, Harriet 213 Mallory, James Edward 95 Mallory, Mattie Maranda 254 Manley, D. H. 271 Manning, William Ray 214 Markham, Dora Clementine 582 Markham, Emma Ivalena 198 Markham, Lewis Merrill 131 Markham, William Colfax 758 Martin, Bertha May 643 Martin, Harry Oscar 879 Martin, Henry Sleeper 880 Martin, Theodore Columbus 215 Martin, William Frank 199 Marvel, Esther Almira 177 Marvel, George Anthus 243 Marvel, Harriet Newell 306 Marvel, Mabel 583 Mason, Claude Alonzo 881 Mason, Ruby Mae 705 Massey, Mary Ellen 475 Maxwell, Harriet Gertrude 931 McCarter, Katherine Davis 932 McCarty, Grace 388 McCaughey, Ethel Grace 429 McClure, Nellie 430 McConnell, Lena Adelle 532 McConnell, Margaret 1065 McCulloch, Roy Stewart 759 McCulloh, Otho John 1064 McCullough, Clarence Avery 327 McCurdy, Pearl 307 McDaniel, Ida 533 McDaniel, Stella 814 McHenry, Floy 706 Mcllrath, Ralph 882 Mcllrath, Wallace 476 Mclntire, Amy Irene 584 McKemmy, Grace Alice 585 McKibbin, Harold Benedict 996 McMillan, Vernon Ream 644 McMurray, Grace Eleanore 31 McNabb, Robert Leroy 287 McProud, Bertram Everett 356 McProud, Oscar Ulysses 129 McRoberts, Samuel 645 McWilliams, Robert Hugh 308 McWilliams, Ulysses Sherman 1066 Melton, Emma 883 Merry, Paul Horace 933 Merryfield, Una L. 534 Merryman, Mabel 200 Messinger, Willis Oscar 646 Mey*«-° Elsie Mae 586 Michaeis, nthel 884 Michaels, Hazel Mae 281 INDEX OF ALUMNI 707 Miles, Chester Arthur 934 Milham, Chester Richard 760 Milham, Mary Edith 647 Miller, Edward Franklin 201 Miller, Edwin Merrick 357 Miller, Henry Blackburn 96 Mil.er, Julia Desonge 142 Miller, William Linza 708 Milliken, Ben Scudder 815 Millikin, William Earl 309 Mills, Blanche Ethel 389 Mills, Roy Fallas 55 Mitchem, Rosella DeMotte 587 Mitchner, Bert Early 390 Molby, Fred A. 816 Molby, Lora Effie 648 Molby, Walter David 216 Molesworth, Masenos Reed 431 Monahan, Elmer Perry 997 Monninger, Victor Clinton 588 Montgomery, Elmer Clyde 78 Moore, Charles Edgar 432 Moore, Edgar CoLins 817 Moore, Edith L. 1067 Moore, Eunice Ann 391 Moore, Florence Lulu 885 Moore, Horace Wood 535 Moore, Jesse Howard 709 Moorehead, Winifred Sarah 935 Morcom, Thomas 433 Morgan, Marshall Morton 761 Morris, George Warren 936 Morris, Hazah M. 217 Motter, Birdean Ida 202 Motter, Maie 178 Motter, Thomas Ira 392 Mountain, Theodore Clifton 328 Mower, Ora Fleming 710 Mueller, Clive Paul 937 Mueller, Henry Rollo 762 Mueller, Vernette A. 179 Muesse, Henry Lionel 763 Mulsow, Fred William 358 Murphy, Mary Kibben 18 Murray, Jennie 143 Murray, Mary 132 Murray, Pearl 288 Myers, Albert Perley 818 Myers, Ethel 158 Myers, Homer Samuel 998 Myler, Emberson William N 819 Nash, Mary Eleanor 589 Nattier, Ada 536 Nattier, Albert Arthur 999 Neal, Freda Lois 359 Neff, George Brock 711 Nelson, William Edwin 477 Newhouse, Frank Ivan 393 Nicholson, George Albert 144 Nicholson, Kate Lorcetta 649 Nicholson, Laura Viola 478 Nicholson, Vernon Thomas 820 Noland, Verdie 35 Norton, George Bancroft 133 Nuzman, Elsie 203 Obata, David Kyugoro 938 Ocker, Verna Glenella 479 Odom, Clyde Winfield 394 Odom, John Franklin 590 Oechsli, Leonard 591 Oliver, Edward Martin 821 Oman, Iva Dora 822 O'Niel, B'anche Vera 145 O'Neil, Frank Edward 650 O'Neil, Ralph Thomas 939 Osborn, Jennie Florence 764 Osborn, John Harlan 940 Osenbaugh, Elizabeth Maye 1000 Osterhout, Fred W. 218 Paddleford, Eli Merton 886 Parker, Earl Cephus 272 Parlette, Snowden 592 Parmenter, Helen Ruby 593 Parmenter, Lucile WiLiams 887 Parrott, Thomas Henry 134 Parsons, William 310 Patton, Morris 395 Paynter, Hallie Davis 1068 Payton, Vera Vivian 651 Pearce, Edna Belle 204 Pearson, Andrew Cameron 135 Pearson, Paul Martin 434 Peck, Urana Gleneva 219 Pendleton, Edward Thomas 1069 Penley, Charles Willard 712 Pennock, Delia Breyfogle 713 Pennock, Florence Elanor 1070 Pennock, Lois Cecelia 360 Perrill, Fred Maxson 480 Peter, Charles Frederick 888 Peters, William Esco 85 Pierce, Eva May 481 Pierce, Frederick Williams 765 Pilkington, May 23 Plasket, Emma Edith 329 Plumb, Harvey Claud 652 Porter, Anna Downey 766 Porter, Helen Fredericka 823 Porter, John Emmett 714 Porter, Raymond Willis 715 Pottorf, Sadie Vesta 113 Powell, Benson Mahlon 1071 Powell, Loretta Margaret 527 Powell, Vesta 282 INDEX OF ALUMNI 767 Power, Archie Dayton 768 Power, Bertha Eunice 538 Power, Elsie May 941 Preshaw, Karl 594 Preston, Ernest William 1072 Preston, Roy Franklin 716 Price, Fred Allen 1001 Price, Helen Elizabeth 146 Price, James Marion 27 Price, John Henry 220 Price, Ralph Ray 717 Price, Ruth Osborne 942 Pritchett, Gordon Stafford 97 Pyke, John William Hull 769 Pyles, Miner Raymond Q 56 Quayle, William Alfred 221 Ragle, Nathan Shumate 86 Raines, David Winslow 65 Randall, Edwin Mortimer 1073 Randall, May 1002 Randall, Wayne Pearson 889 Ransom, Raymond Gordon 718 Rapp, Ella May 159 Rapp, Hattie A. 943 Rapp, John Merrill 114 Rarick, Edith Hoylton 824 Ray, Benjamin Franklin 825 Ray, Minnie Walker (Mrs.) 115 Reace, William 595 Ream, Florence Blanche 66 Records, Moses T. 890 Redman, Earl Burgess 891 Reed, Elsie Gertrude 98 Reed, Georgiana 180 Reed, James William 222 Reed, Julian Bronson 116 Reeder, Charles Ward 596 Reid, Alice Catherine 361 Reid, James Winfred 539 Reppert, Roy Ralph 770 Reppert, Vernon Milton 482 Reser, Leroy Trophimus 244 Reser, Lewis Grant 330 Rhoades, Fred Hooper 719 Rhodenbaugh, William Sheldon 160 Rice, Merton Stacher 1003 Rice, Willa Ruth 362 Richards, David 1004 Richards, William Alfred 540 Richmond, Mary Amelia 944 Richmond, Margaret Oden 1074 Rigby, Harry 1075 Rigg, Melvin Gillison 289 Riley, Edgar Francis 435 Riley, Elmer Author 597 Riley, Ivy Williams 290 Ri 1 ey, Thomas James 311 Ringer, Arthur 363 Ringer, Elmer Clifford 223 Roach, Isaac Franklin 49 Robbins, Bascom 245 Robbins, Kirk Waldo 14 Roberts, Charles Wesley 364 Roberts, John Wilkins 720 Roberts, Newton William 945 Robinson, Bruce Bowman 57 Robinson, Charles Rutherford 6 Robinson, John W. 396 Romano, Ernest C. 1005 Roseberry, Anna Ruth 541 Roseberry, Clyde Gideon 483 Roseberry, Mary Bruce 826 Ross, Mary Howell 946 Rowland, Ruth 827 Rube, Delia 653 Rudisill, Theodore Franklin 1006 Ruhlen, Charles Lester 1007 Ruhlen, Edna Alvida 365 Rulison, George Ledrew 721 Runion, Harris Ray 1076 Rupert, Lynn Hoover 542 Russell, Violet Oretha 947 Rust, Ralph Guy 484 Ryan, Archie Lowell 722 Ryan, Francis Winton 255 Sain, Lydia 543 Sample, Claude John 828 Sample, Hazel Frances 331 Sample, Orlando Lora 723 Sample, Walton Carr 771 Samuel, Ferae Lucile 892 Scalapino, Anthony 161 Schaffner, John Henry 893 Scheer, George Edman 544 Schenck, Gertrude 829 Scherer, Lewis Daniel 830 Schlinger, Edwin Peter 485 Scholfield, John Prentice 181 Scott, Lilian 5 Seabrook, Thomas 205 Seaman, Floyd Jay 654 Shannon, Mary Estelle 436 Shepherd, Homer Paul 291 Showalter, Cora May 894 Showalter, Mary Atwell 772 Siegle, Scott C. 1008 Siegrist, Frank Bowman 67 Siegrist, Henry Snavely 39 Simmons, John Stuart 655 Simmons, Kenneth Kipple 7 Simpson, Robert Stuart 224 Simpson, Roberta Alexandria 545 Simpson, Vera Pearl 656 Sisson, BonnideH 50 Sisson, Thomas Eddy 1009 Sites, Mary Edith 283 INDEX OF ALUMNI 256 Skinner, Jessie Amanda 1077 Slough, Glen Samuel 1078 Slough, Lydia Katherine 332 Smith, Alonzo Martin 68 Smith, Bertha Victory 24 Smith, Charles Wesley 948 Smith, Edith Annette 598 Smith, Eula Reba 136 Smith, Frank Lee 724 Smith, Helen Elizabeth 599 Smith, Hervey Foster 162 Smith, James D. 1010 Smith, Jessie Dorothy 99 Smith, J. Franklin 333 Smith, Levi Brown 773 Smith, Margaret Agnes 1011 Smith, Mary Price 600 Smith, Oma Leila 1079 Smith, Otis Franklin 163 Smith, Ray Fletcher 1012 Smith, Theodore Garland 949 Snider, Weems Vinton 40 Snow, Florence Lydia 397 Sowers, Don Conger 546 Sowers, Lusetta 830 Sowers, Ruth Electa 832 Spangler, Clyde DeWitt 164 Spencer, Edward Harris 601 Spiller, Arthur Garfield 895 Stafford, Edith May 774 Stafford, Gerald Wright 950 Stafford, Roy R. 547 Stanley, Harriet Eugenia 366 Stanley, Harry Wylbur 206 Stavely, James Alexander 246 Steele, Nettie 896 Steinheimer, Herman Carl 1013 Steinheimer, Roy Lee 725 Stenger, Mable 833 Stephens, Ethel 273 Stephens, George Asbury 1080 Stephenson, Clarissa 486 Sterling, Harriet Katherine 951 Stevens, Clifford Clyde 897 Stevenson, Lula Belle 657 Stevenson, Mabel Blanche 834 Stewart, Albert Christopher 437 Stewart, Clarence Churchill 487 Stewart, Dossie May 952 Stewart, Elvie Nathan 835 Stewart, Frances Jane 953 Stewart, Ina Geraldine 32 Stewart, John Wesley 836 Stewart, Margaret 182 Stewart, Olive Maude 274 Stewart, Thomas Pettigrew 257 Stickle, Merton Jay 100 Stillwell, Clara 183 Stimmel, Irwin 258 Stoelzing, Louise Frederica 954 Stokes, Bertha Joy 79 Stover, Arthur Reece 367 Study, Harry Pray 41 Sullivan, Emma 42 Sullivan, Sade 602 Sutton, Arthur Taylor 955 Sutton, Fred Calvin 275 Swan, Zola Estelle 101 Swan, William Brown 726 Swayze, Lottie Lazette 87 Sweet, Jennie May 137 Swickard, Nathan Abijah 548 Switzer, William Whitney 1014 Swogger, Leo Glenn 88 Sykes, Ernest Eugene 259 Taggart, Dora Belle 207 Taylor, Charles Thomas 69 Taylor, Ida M. 208 Taylor, Joseph Luther 1081 Taylor, Ralph O. 837 Taylor, William Alfred 43 Telford, Eliza Armstrong 51 Thew, William Arthur 658 Thomas, DeWitt Corwin 603 Thomas, Ethel Estella 368 Thomas, George Brown 1015 Thomas, Ruth Edith 604 Thompson, Alma M. 1082 Thompson, Arthur LeRoy 438 Thompson, Gordon Bennett 775 Thompson, William Rodney 439 Thorne, Ethelyn Genevieve 19 Thorpe, Ervin Llewellyn 776 Tidyman, Willard F. 605 Tiffany, Erwin Milton 398 Todd, Anna Rita 606 Topping, June 440 Torrey, Ray LeValley 1083 Treganza, James Robert 441 Trotter, Lee 777 Troutman, Nellie Edith 1016 Tufts, Gladys Ruth 727 Tuller, Harriet May 488 Tulley, Mary Ellen 312 Turner, Charles Frederick U 225 Underwood, Katherine 147 Underwood, Marcia Agnes 956 Urner, David Elhanan 489 Urner, Samuel Everett 184 Utter, Oliver Lincoln 369 Vanatta, Ida Beatrice 838 VanBuskirk, George Bennett 89 VanGundy, David Sherman 284 INDEX OF ALUMNI 490 VanPetten, Mary Eva 549 Van Vickie, Harriet Anna 778 Vernon, Bertha Carrie 957 Vernon, Chester Benson 779 Vigour, Harry Thomas 839 Voorhis, Elizabeth W 728 Wagner, Dora Amelia 260 Wakefield, Ralph 276 Walker, Myrtle Pearl 491 Wa ker, Walter Clarence 334 Wallace, John William 840 Walter, Alva Jay 370 Walter, Lawrence Ferguson 492 Ward, William Ralph 1084 Warden, Madeline Helen 1017 Ware, Charles Wilson 841 Waring, Leonard Frank 1018 Waring, Reta Hazel 958 Waring, Walter Wray 550 Warner, Elsie Alice 1085 Warner, Troy Sanders 442 Watson, Joseph Emerson 292 Watt, Bertha Ethel 335 Watt, Bessie 277 Watt, Grace Leona 11 Weeks, Lyman Parks 842 Weible, Merle Hazzard 1086 Weide, Minnie Marie 25 Wenrick, Solomon K. 371 Wharton, Edna Mabel 336 Wharton, Walter Pellman 843 Wheeler, Charles Wesley 780 White, George Roy 443 White, Lilla May 1019 White, Lloyd Kennedy 781 Whitlow, Cyril Melvin 844 Whitnah, Dale Beatrice 845 Wickham, Fletcher Ryan 1020 Wickstrom, Jeanette 607 Widney, Mary Alice 782 Wight, Alvin Silas 783 Wilcox, Rena Adeline 1021 Wiles, Everett Raymond 729 Wiley, Grace Gertrude 399 Wilkins, Walter Norman 846 Willett, Sarah Ethel 847 Willett, Zella Pearl 148 Willetts, N. Percy 3 Willey, Olive Kezia 784 Willgus, Glenn Austin 1022 Williams, Coralie Roxetta 608 Wrliams, William John 848 Wilson, Alma Lavena 959 Wilson, Helen 28 Wilson, Jared Morgan 609 Wilson, Lela Claire 1087 Wilson, Murray Alderson 1088 Wilson, Wenona 659 Wiltrout, Romania Rae 551 Winger, Mabel Edna 960 Winger, Ralph Edgar 493 Winger, Roy Martin 660 Wise, Cosmo Clyde 898 Wise, Harry Steckel 337 Wolf, Frank Ezra 209 Wolfe, Edna Rachel 849 Wood, Ernest Virgil 1023 Wood, Fayette Julius 850 Wood, Frank Edwin 372 Wood, William Arthur 444 Woods, Ernest Emerson 338 Woods, Jennie Lura 400 Woods, Ola Adele 102 Woodson, Charles Kay 494 Woodyard, Charles Fisher 278 Woodyard, Ella 495 Work, Ethel May 185 Wren, Henry Bertrand 1089 Wright, Elbert Sanford 1090 Wright, Herbert X-Y 44 York, William Thomas 552 Young, Bernard Foxwell 661 Youtsey, Edith Rosamond 1091 Zabel, George Washington 339 Zook, Christian Benjamin 285 INDEX OF THE ALUMNI OF THE CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC The number before the name means the serial number in the list of the biogra- phies of the Alumni 2C Amos, Nettie Irene 17C 6C Bideau, Edith Mae 12C 8C Brigham, Mary 20C 18C Brown, Leland Legler IOC 15C Brune, Benjamin Jacob lC 16C Bunten, Jessie Muir llC 19C Carson, George William 21C 9C Cox, Ernest Lincoln 14C 3C Crowley, Fleta Edith 7C 13C Dougherty, Gladys Mercia 5C 4C Foster, Everett Kin Haigh, Elsie May Hannum, Berna Josephine Hoffman, Georgia Esther Hoover, Fern Lucile Jamieson, Rhoda Kregar, Siddie Ethel Martin, Esther McMillan, Helen Kitlena Porter, Raymond Willis Smith, Eula Reba FINDING LIST OF MARRIED WOMEN ALUMNI OF THE COLLEGE AND THE CONSERVATORY Un- Mrs. Katherine (W. G.) Mrs. Leila Clark 319 Adams, Mrs. Barbara Dice ( NJ. ) 940 Adams, Mrs. Elizabeth Osen- baugh (G. C.) 133 Allen, Mrs. Elsie Nuzman (HJ.) 673 Allis, Mrs. Gertrude Cundiff (O.D.) 697 Anderson, Mrs. Grace Kumler (M.) 225 Anderson, derwood 562 Annadown, (P.) 12 Ashby, Mrs. Sylvia D. (T.V.) 405 Axton, Mrs. Clara Bailey (E.D.) B 388 Bailey, Mrs. Ethel McCaughey (F. M.) 593 Bacon, Mrs. Alice Reid (T.C.) 766 Baker, Mrs. Helen Porter (R.A.) :J69 Baker, Mrs. Ida Vanatta (J.B.) 604 Bascom, Mrs. Alma Thompson (D.C.) 657 Battin, Mrs. Mabel Stevenson (G.E.) 878 Beck, Mrs. Lucille Lynch (L.A.) 589 Bert, Mrs. Ada Nattier (A.E.) 144 Blackmar, Mrs. Kate Nicholson (F.W.) 734 Blanchard, Mrs. Garnet Benham (C.I.) 472 Bowman, Mrs. Pearl Lathen (E.B.) 586 Boyd, Mrs. Ethel Michaels (D.C.) 760 Boyle, Mrs. Edith Milham (C.J.) 644 Braden, Mrs. Grace McMurray (CS.) 259 Brown, Mrs. Dora Taggart (W. A.) 803 Brown, Mrs. Georgia Farrar (G.E.) 91 Brown, Mrs. Luta Boaz (W.M.) 542 Brown, Mrs. Violet Russell (E.L.) 98 Case, Mrs. Georgiana Reed (N.) 620 Catlin, Mrs. Ruth Bukey (A.D.) 445 Cavaness, Mrs. Ora Allen (H.) 296 Cell, Mrs. Ella Clark (G.C.) 214 Clark, Mrs. Dora Markham (H.A.) 891 Clark, Mrs. Elsie Reed (A.E.) 276 Clark, Mrs. Myrtle Walker (W.M.) 286 MARRIED WOMEN— FINDING LIST 846 Coldsmith, Mrs. Sarah Willett (C.I.) 413 Colley, Mrs. Anna Church (J.W.) 864 Collinsworth, Mrs. Elzada Har- ris (G.C.) 789 Conger, Mrs. Nina Bauersfeld (L.E.) 606 Cook, Mrs. Oma Smith (C.L.) 228 Coole, Mrs. Cora Boynton (T.H.) 42 Colt, Mrs. Sade Sullivan (D.S.) 718 Corman, Mrs. May Rapp (E.) 860 Counts, Mrs. Wilma Crossan (W.) 55 Coughlin, Mrs. Rosella Mitchem 839 Cox, Mrs. Elizabeth Voorhis (E.L.) 544 Cox, Mrs. Mary Schenck (G.S.) 109 Cunningham, Mrs. Maud C. (H.S.) 698 Curtis, Mrs. Beulah Lacey(F.V.) D 817 Davidson, Mrs. Edith Moore (CO.) 418 Davies, Mrs. Esther Freed (J.H.) 315 Davies, Mrs. Edna Boyd (E.) 130 Davis, Mrs. Harriet Mallory (A.E.) 103 Davis, Mrs. Minnie Bain (H.T.) 933 Dean, Mrs. Katherine McCarter (J.R.) 252 Docker, Mrs. Aura Follin (T.) 847 Donald, Mrs. Zella Willet (C.P.) 665 Doty, Mrs. May Annadown (C.A.) 152 Dudgeon, Mrs. Mabel Cunning- ham (M.S.) E 258 Eaton, Mrs. Louise Stoelzing (E.K.) 385 Edgington, Mrs. Grace Lockhart (L.D.) 217 Ely, Mrs. Birdean Motter (C.E.) 569 Ewing, Mrs. Bertha Emory (A.) 147 Ewing, Mrs. Marcia Underwood (H.H.) F 132 Fankhouser, Mrs. Pearl Murray (R.F.) 597 Farrar, Mrs. Ivy Riley (H.H.) 68 Farwell, Mrs. Bertha Smith (E.S.) 848 Fike, Mrs. Alma Wilson (T.T.) 122 Findley, Mrs. Anna Hair (M.C.) 85 Finch, Mrs. Eva Pierce (CO.) 915 Foiles, Mrs. Esther W. (ER.) 520 Foster, Mrs. Hattie Gardner (E.K.) 462 Foster, Mrs. Minnie Gardner (L.C.) 1007 Frazer, Mrs. Edna Ruhlen (J.T.) 277 French, Mrs. Grace Watt (W.L.) 327 Fuller, Mrs. Pearl McCurdy (H.M.) 458 Gander, Mrs. Nannie Fischer (G.M.) 674 Gilman, Mrs. Pearl Cundiff (R.W.) 651 Green, Mrs. Edna Pearce(W.D.) 580 Green, Mrs. Grace Leach (B.A.) 382 Grogan, Mrs. Clara Hatch (M.J.) 682 Griswold, Mrs. Zula Green (H.E.) H 159 Hackett, Mrs. Hattie Rapp(E.S.) 143 Hair, Mrs. Mary Murray (J.E.) 412 Hall, Mrs. Grace Brigham (CA.) 499 Hall, Mrs. Mabel Beard (A.F.) 3 Hall, Mrs. Olive Willey (J.C) 314 Hamilton, Mrs. Isabel Benedict (M.B.) 251 Hamman, Mrs. Ilia Denning (A.F.) 302 Hankins, Mrs. Anna Keeling (F.H.) 344 Harpster, Mrs. Kathryn Car- mean (C.A.) 197 Hartley, Mrs. Mary Ives (F.M.) 176 Harvey, Mrs. Elizabeth Kirkpat- rick (GJ.) 918 Hausam, Mrs. Grace Kline (W.C) 238 Hayes, Mrs. Rachel Henderson (W.E.) 730 Hazzard, Mrs. Florence Allder- dice (R.L.) 593 Heffelfinger, Mrs. Lucile Par- menter (J.E.) 9 Henderson, Mrs. Mary C (J.B.) 874 Hertzog, Mrs. Vera Lange (W.H.) 471 Hess, Mrs. Helen Kinzer (H.) 233 Hibbard, Mrs. Cora Cullison (J.S.) 614 Hibbard, Mrs. Jessie Beauchamp (E.R.) 239 Hickman, Mrs. Ida Kershner (E.E.) 346 Hislop, Mrs. Viola Hankins (E.) 371 Hoch, Mrs. Edna Wharton (H.) 92 Hoover, Mrs. Blanche Case (H.J.) 820 Hoover, Mrs. Verdie Noland (R.A.) 287 MARRIED WOMEN— FINDING LIST 74 Hoss, Mrs. May Engstrom (G.W.) 577 Hudson, Mrs. Hortense Imboden (W.M). 739 Jillson, Mrs. Anna Clark (J.R.) 114 Johnson, Mrs. Edith Rarick (H.H.) 83 Johnson, Mrs. Maude Leonard (CP.) 439 Johnston, Mrs. Ethelyn Thorne (W.W.) 186 Jones, Mrs. Grace Breyfogle (C.W.) I 768 Icke, Mrs. Eunice Power (L.R.) K 828 Kabler, Mrs. Hazel Sample ( L.L. ) 461 Kalb, Mrs. Edna Gander (C.A.) 454 Kalb, Mrs. Olla Cramer (W.K.) 1086 Kaub, Mrs. Minnie Weide (L.H.) 475 Keeling, Mrs. Harriet Maxwell (W.B.) 48 Keifer, Mrs. Jessie Breyfogle (L.B.) 18 Kemp, Mrs. Jennie Murray (R.N.) 578 Kendall, Mrs. Edna Jackson (E.P.) 636 Kenoyer, Mrs. Aletha Kelly (L.A.) 626 Keyes, Mrs. Clara Evans (P.W.) 125 Keys, Mrs. Diana Haskin (G.W.) 680 Kirk, Mrs. Flora Einsel (R.S.) 16 Knox, Mrs. Janette Hill(M.V.B.) 174 Knox, Mrs. Minnie Games (R.E.) 354 Klintwort, Mrs. Louvenia Joseph (J.) 246 Korff, Mrs. Nettie Steele (R.C.) 689 Kurt, Mrs. Evelyn Hume (A.) 771 Lacey, Mrs. Feme Samuel (W.A.) 613 Lawrence, Mrs. Lavina Barton (R.E.) 304 Lewis, Mrs. Harriet Kemp, (J.R.) 827 Linn, Mrs. Delia Ruble (W.C.) 37 Lorbeer, Mrs. Ella Himrod (O.W.) 117 Lough, Mrs. Mary Benedict (S.A.) 2C Lowdermilk, Mrs. Nettie Amos (H.) 275 Lunbeck, Mrs. Zola Swan (G.A.) M 242 Maclay, Mrs. Edith Lane (R.H.) 376 Maclean, Mrs. Nellie Ault (A.M.) 476 Mahin, Mrs. Amy Mclntire (C.A.) 485 Malone, Mrs. Ethel Work (A.F.) 306 Manning, Mrs. Mabel Marvel (W.R.) 112 Markham, Mrs. Carrie Hoover (W.C.) 894 Martin, Mrs. Mary Showalter (E.F.) 532 Mavity, Mrs. Margaret McCon- nell (J.W.) 104 McCormick, Mrs. Cora Baldridge 414 McKibbin, Mrs. Luella Clark (H.B.) 670 McKittrick, Mrs. Florella Counts (W.D.) 292 McProud, Mrs. Bertha Watt (B.E.) 649 McWilliams, Mrs. Laura Nichol- son (R.H.) 804 Meredith, Mrs, Merle Feerer (W.H.) 865 Merry, Mrs. Etta Haxton (P.H.) 801 Meyer, Mrs. Mabel Evans (C.) 944 Miller, Mrs. Margaret Richmond (R.B.) 566 Molby, Mrs. Minnie Denman (S.J.) 550 Morgan, Mrs. Elsie Warner (M.M.) 672 Morgan, Mrs. Myrnice Crysler (O.S.) 558 Moore, Mrs. Margaret Betzer (J.H.) 170 Muesse, Mrs. Lizzie Cone (H.L.) 611 Murray, Mrs. Agnes Anderson (J.W.) 391 Mustard, Mrs. Florence Moore (W.) 236 Myers, Mrs. Eleanor Hand (H.S.) 750 Myers, Mrs. Minnie Kline (R.) N 912 Nebbergall, Mrs. Ethel Dawson (J.Z.) 419 Neff, Mrs. Jessie Funnell (G.B.) 709 Nelson, Mrs. Winifred Moore- head (W.E.) 288 MARRIED WOMEN— FINDING LIST 510 463 449 693 323 387 866 320 209 1045 243 338 318 822 12C 224 519 Nicholson, (V.T.) Mrs. Bernice Burton 724 O Odom, Mrs. Mary Gould (C.W.) Oeschli, Mrs. Loula Boicourt (L.) Omer, Mrs. Emma Jaggard (J.A.) Orr, Mrs. Florence King (J.) Ozment, Mrs. Harriet Mahar (B.H.) Parrott, Mrs. Mabel Hitchcock (T.H.) Parsons, Mrs. Emma Follin (C.W.) Pearson, Mrs. Edna Wolfe (P.M.) Penley, Mrs. Mary Haines (C.W.) Pennington, Mrs. Harriet Mar- vel (B.) Plumb Mrs. Jennie Woods (H.C.) Potts, Mrs. Frances Coker (L.M.) Preston, Mrs. Blanche O'Neil (A.E.) Price, Mrs. Berna Hannum (F.A.) Price, Mrs. Roberta Simpson (R.R.) Pyle, Mrs. Junia Frazier (W.) 749 41 421 735 118 82 490 551 792 425 595 69 628 871 936 617 612 14 488 Jennie Heinselman Lulu Burtis (F.L.) Susie Knight (J.F.) Mary Van Petten Mabel Winger Shepherd, Mrs. Helen Smith (CE.) Shumway, Mrs. Beulah Kinzer (C.) Siegrist, Mrs. Emma Sullivan (H.S.) Smith, Mrs. (L.B.) Smith, Mrs. Louise Briggs (H.T.) Smith, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Snoddy, Mrs. (H.L.) Songer, Mrs. (J.W.) Speer, Mrs. Mary Dallas (H.C.) Stafford, Mrs. Beryl Blanchard (G.W.) Stanley, Mrs. Blanche Imboden (H.W.) Stanlev, Mrs. Florence Ream (D.F.) Stark, Mrs. Ida Taylor (T.G.) Stearns, Mrs. Pearl Fisher (I.H.) Steinheimer, Mrs. Ella Jones (H.C.) Stewart, Mrs. Hazah Morris (L.W.) Stewart, Mrs. Maude Brigham (C.C.) Stover. Mrs. Espar Anderson (B.H.) Stover, Mrs. Sarah Ives (A.R.) Straub, Mrs. Mary Tulley 87 Randall, Mrs. Jennie Sweet (E.M.) 914 Ransom, Mrs. Beatrice Fast (R.G.) 825 Ray, Mrs. Minnie W. (B.F.) 524 Reid, Mrs. Anna Hoch (J.W.) 378 Rich, Mrs. Hattie Elwell (A.) 309 Riley, Mrs. Blanche Mills (T.J.) 802 Riner, Mrs. Nellie Evans (T.W.) 656 Roberts, Mrs. Bonnidell Sisson (N.W.) 430 Roberts, Mrs. Lena McConnell (J.W.) 592 Roseberry, Mrs. Helen Parmen- ter (C.G.) 895 Ruhlen, Mrs. Edith Stafford (C.L.) 881 Rust, Mrs. Ruby Mason (R.G.) 286 Sargent, Mrs. Leona Kuhn (E.) 724 Shepherd, Mrs. Helen S. (CE.) 231 Taylor, Mrs. Ethel Cavaness (JX.) 1060 Taylor, Mrs. Mamie Lauer (R.O.) 411 Thompson, Mrs. Edith Bowers (H.E.) 486 Thompson, Mrs. Harriet Ster- ling (G.B.) 38 Topping, Mrs. Jessie Humphrey (H.B.) 297 Turner, Mrs. Daisy Deel (CF.) U 3C Underhill, Mrs. Fleta Crowley (G.W.) 429 VanDusen, Mrs. Nellie McClure (J.) 646 Vigour, Mrs. Elsie Meyers (H.T.) 289 MARRIED WOMEN— FINDING LIST W 732 Wallace, Mrs. Henrietta Barke- meyer (C.I.) 13 Wanless, Mrs. Lucinda Clough 527 Ward, Mrs. Janie Johnston (W.R.) 516 Washburn, Mrs. Wilma Ed- wards (M.) 202 Waskey, Mrs. Maie Motter(J.A.) (J.A.) 742 Whitenton, Mrs. Nelle Crossan (R.O.) 783 Whitlow, Mrs. Rena Wilcox (CM.) 795 Willgus, Mrs. Blanche Coffman (G.A.) 227 528 807 715 607 469 757 546 Williams, Mrs. Charlotte Beas- ley (R.D.) Williams, Mrs. Maude Kilborn (WJ.) Wilson, Mrs. Nora Henry (R.H.) Wilson, Mrs. Sadie Pottorf (EX.) Wise, Mrs. Mary Widney (W.B.) Woods, Mrs. Lucile Kelly (E.E.) Woods, Mrs. Muriel Lough (O.H.) Young, Mrs. (B.F.) Lusetta Sowers 290 a -00 CM -to -iH 05 <* I> -m • CM .0O • OS 3 « :S 8 : ►2*8 CD s rH 00 C5 B i-H S o 0) g '55 m n O CO O CO n • »H CO CM 00 "5-*Tt« n t® «o %jO> hj* • Weo o» « ifl eioooi oo-*< * in • • • . • —h t^- CO to Tf ?o to to OS CM CO CM x* IOK5MN n 3 OS U5 ic > o O m OOO"5»000©0>^« OS „ •OfflQO t*HO co»»«*>•**<<«■* coco eo wco eoT* o«cM-si -^oso. t^oo £ 00 OOOSiO oo CM neOCM -^^t^lt^t-OS^OOO CM CM CM CM CM CMCM-HCM CO l-l 2 r- CO ; • • CO n t* COCO 'CO •>* 00 '3 m . . . -n -coio eocO'**ieoe*no e «t>»o *>» «es «o> n •* ^la-oo t^oo £ . . . .00 • M CM 00 "3 ^ Hi OS OS t^ 00 n CM • • • -n -CO-* t*i lO U5 t*i COtHOSCO CO'**' S • • • -co -^co *ft • • tq to ■* co oo co >o cm — "co" a o 2 PQ oo •* r^oo>«coe eo •**> . os £ eo o t>.r»u5cocv»t^i-Hco»c»H co os co cm coo H CO 00 CM n -H C* CM CM -H CM CN -H i-l CO CO >o s iti ■* © n • • • CO ^ CO O O0 lOMNO ■* CM H ... —in n— ICMCO ■*■* a <0 13 OS < m coeot^ -if • es« n xtit~r~n ■<*< ■** eo © n os ,_ i-H-H— INCM— . 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