HraWnrefl H ■HHHIHI ■ »s hi 4H ■ IjlR; >•■•»«' I H ■I feri ■ ' v j' IH MOB Hh3I8i9w nil HSssiI HkBhWh LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAICN 510. 8 + co p. 2 -)/o. re/ /ifaJZh W" Report No. UIUCDCS-R-?^- 670 TRANSIENT VISCOUS FLOW AROUND AN ELLIPTIC CYLINDER by July 197^ Gary Arthur ,Roediger ^ ,\ * \ in 1 ^ DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN URBANA, ILLINOIS Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 Report No. UIUCDCS-R-T^- 67O TRANSIENT VISCOUS FLOW AROUND AN ELLIPTIC CYLINDER by Gary Arthur Roediger July, 197^ DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA -CHAMPAIGN URBANA, ILLINOIS 6l801 Ill ACKNOWLEDGMENT I wish to thank my thesis advisor, Professor D. Watanabe, for his guidance and valuable discussions in this research and for his many suggestions in preparing the final manuscript. I am indebted to and express special thanks to Professor S. M. Yen for suggesting and supporting this research, for his guidance, encouragement, and many helpful suggestions. I would also like to recognize Rich Flood who first wrote the Navier-Stokes equations in conservative form for a fixed elliptical cylindrical system and did initial programming in that respect and thanks to Terry Akai for his many helpful comments. I express deep gratitude to the Coordinated Science Laboratory whose facilities made this research and manuscript possible and to Trudy Williams who typed this thesis. To my wife, Barbara, I express my thanks for her encouragement and perseverance. Most of all I wish to recognize my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, as my source of all ability and guide to all opportunities. IV TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1 . INTRODUCTION 1 2 . DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEM AND METHOD OF SOLUTION 3 2.1. Formulation of the Problem 3 2 .2 . Adaptive Coordinate System 4 2.3. Coordinate System 7 2.4. Node Distribution 10 3 . NUMERICAL METHOD AND IMPLEMENTATION 14 3.1. Exterior Flow Field 15 3.2. Flow at the Body 17 3.3. Computer Simulation 19 4 . NUMERICAL RESULTS 22 APPENDIX 40 A. Navier-Stokes Equations, Accelerated Reference Frame 40 B. Navier-Stokes Equation in Elliptic Coordinates 44 LIST OF REFERENCES 47 1. INTRODUCTION Computational fluid dynamics is a new branch of physical science which has developed into a powerful tool with the advent of large scale digital computers. The complex gas dynamic equations can now be solved numerically to simulate gas flows under controlled flow conditions. Computers have indeed become "numerical wind-tunnels." Roache [1] presents a survey of previous work in this field. This paper presents a study of the transient flow of a compressible viscous gas around an elliptic cylinder which smoothly accelerates to a fixed velocity. The complete time -de pendent Navier-Stokes equations are solved numerically in the body reference frame using a non-orthogonal time- dependent curvilinear coordinate system designed to describe the body exactly and to resolve the important features of the transient flow. The computation is performed in a fixed mesh which maps into a grid in physical space which evolves to accommodate the transient flow. Chapter 2 presents the formulation of the problem and a qualitative description of the transient flow, and outlines the development of a flexible quasi-elliptical time -de pendent coordinate system appropriate to the problem. Chapter 3 presents a description of the second order accurate numerical scheme used and a discussion of the computer implementation of the scheme. Finally Chapter 4 presents numerical results for Mach number .169 and local Reynolds number 40 for two cylinders, a nearly circular cylinder of eccentricity .2, and a 2 to 1 elliptic cylinder of eccentricity .866. The results illustrate the development of the boundary layer and separation and circulation regions and the evolution of the pressure and flow velocity. The flow velocity field is shown in fixed and accelerated frames . 2. DESCRIPTION OF PROBLEM AND METHOD OF SOLUTION 2.1. Formulation of the Problem Consider an infinite elliptic cylinder with its major and minor axes aligned with the x and y axes centered at the origin and surrounded by a quiescent compressible viscous gas of infinite volume. The cylinder starts from rest, accelerates smoothly until it reaches a given final velocity, and then continues moving at the final velocity. The flow produced by the cylinder should have the following features. As the cylinder starts from rest, a weak wave is produced which propagates at the speed of sound. As the ellipse accelerates, mass accumulates in front of the body and cavitation occurs in the rear. When the final velocity is reached, the mass accumulated in front of the body produces a compression wave. Similarly, the void in the rear produces an expansion wave. This phenomenon is very similar to the one dimensional piston problem[2]. As these waves propagate, they interact in a complex way, and eventually a steady state is reached near the body. Our objective is to simulate this flow by solving the complete time -de pendent Navier-Stokes equations in the body reference frame. The smooth acceleration of the cylinder permits the simulation of the transient gas flow as well as the steady flow around the body. In previous studies of exterior flows described by the Navier-Stokes equations, the body was either started impulsively, or the steady inviscid flow was used as the initial flow. These studies were aimed at only the steady flow solution because the transient flow produced by these initial conditions is physically meaningless. An exception is the study of the transient inviscid flow around a circular cylinder by Moretti[3]. 2.2. Adaptive Coordinate System Cartesian coordinates are best suited for rectangular bodies because the grid can be designed so that the body coincides with grid lines. For curved bodies, however, a rational choice of body nodes leads generally to an irregular Cartesian grid, and the body is only approximated by a piecewise linear curve joining the body nodes. The accuracy of this approximation can be increased by increasing the number of body nodes, but the price paid is a large number of unnecessary nodes and further irregularity in the grid. The situation is further complicated by the existence of a boundary layer which requires additional nodes near the body for resolution. These problems can be resolved through the use of a curvilinear coordinate system in which the body coincides with grid lines. The natural system for this study is the orthogonal elliptical cylindrical coordinate system (u,v) in the accelerated body reference frame. This coordinate system has other advantages besides exact body representation. A grid in (u,v) with uniform u and v spacing maps into a grid in physical space whose nodes cluster near the body. The concentration of points is highest where the curvature is greatest. These two characteristics of the coordinate system combine to place more nodes in physical space where the gradients in the flow variables are greatest. A typical grid corresponding to a uniform (u,v) grid for an ellipse of eccentricity .866 is shown in Figure 1. This elliptical coordinate system would be ideal for monitoring small perturbations from the steady state solution. However, the use of this coordinate system for the transient flow studied here leads to unresolvable problems. First, as waves move away from the body, they move into the area where the nodes are widely spaced, and hence they cannot be resolved adequately. Second, at the fixed outer boundary, signals arriving from the body cannot be handled properly. The compression and expansion waves exhibit steep gradients which must be resolved by a locally fine grid, and the signals arriving at the outer boundary must be handled carefully to prevent the creation of spurious waves which can destroy the calculation. Adding nodes in the neighborhood of the waves and at the outer boundary would be one solution, but it is impractical because of computer space and time limitations. A solution is to introduce a time-dependent non-orthogonal quasi- elliptical coordinate system designed so that the nodes of a fixed rectangular grid in this system map into points in physical space which move to accommodate the transient flow. First u is mapped into a new variable Q by a bilinear transformation so that the interval along any appropriate v hyperbola from the body to the outer boundary is mapped into [0,1]. Then Q is mapped into the final variable u* using a hyperbolic transformation. The outer boundary initially is an ellipse concentric with the body and of the same eccentricity but slightly larger. In the fixed frame, the outer boundary expands uniformly at the speed of sound, ■ • « • ■ ■ ' . * " . « ■' f/f • .".»■■ ft i ■ . ■ « i a . ■ ' ■ - ■ ". ■ -\-AVL II * ■ ■ ■ \VsSS ■ • ". ■. ■■..*■■■ ■« ■■ a * ■ ■ i a a a a a CO 0, is shown in Figure 2. ■ ■ ■ 13 — ■ ■ ■ « ■ ",1 i . "-■« > 3 6 V 4J CO co t £ - . 15 This spline is continuous, has two continuous derivatives, and is anti- symmetric about (v_/2,t_/2). The computational space in (u*,v*) is the rectangle [0,1] x [0,tt] The grid used is {u*,v*} where i j u* - iAu*, 1 ■ 0, 1, ..., N , i v* = jAv*, j - 0, 1 N , j where Au* = l/M and Av* = tt/N. The time is partitioned by the grid {t*} n where e*-0 t * = t* + At*, n = 0, 1, . . . . n+1 n n The value of any function f(u*,v*,t*) at the point (u*,v*) at time t* is i j n denoted by f . . . 3.1. Exterior Flow Field The exterior flow field is defined by {u*,v*}, i = l, ••• , M, and i j j=0, ... , N. MacCormack's predictor-corrector method first predicts the values of the flow variables at time t , , using n+1 _n+l n n f. . = f. , + At G. ., i=l, ... , M-l and j=0, ... , N , i,J i.J i,J where n n n2"2n n G. , s G (A f. ., A v *f. . , 6 ^f. ., 6 f n , A ^ ^f ) , i,j u* i,j' i,j' u* i,j' v* i,j' u*v* i,2 16 A .f . . = (f, ., , - f. .)/Au* , u* i,j i+l, J t,J A * f 4 • = ( f - ,xi " f - -)/ Av * . v* i,j i,j+l 1,J 6 2 ,f. . * (f 4 . - 2f. . + f. ., .)/Au* 2 , u* i,j l-l, j i,j i+l, j 6 2 f. . = (f. , , - 2f, . + f. .,.)/A v * 2 , A ,. ,f. • = (f- L1 «_, - f-^-. - f- ... + f - .)/Au*A v * . U*V* l,j 1+1, j+1 1+1, j 1,J+1 i,j' All the terms in G are evaluated at time t* and the predicted values of the n flow variables at the outer nodes are set to the freestream conditions at time t* . .. n+1 Then the final values of the flow variables at t ,. are obtained n+1 using the following correcter equation, n+1 n _n+l _ n +l , f. . = (f. . + f. . + AtG. ,)/2, i=l, ... , M-l and 1=0, ... , N, i.J i-.J i,J i>J where -n+1 -n+i _n+l 2 -n+1 .2 ~n+l „ ^+l x G. , = G(V f. ., V f. ., 6 .f. ., 6 J.. ., V f. .) , i,j v u* i,j' v* i,j' u* i,j' v« i,j' u*v* i,j V f , = (f. - f. . .)/Au* , u* l,j i,j i-l, J V f. . = (f. . - f. . v* 1,J l,j 1,J f. J/Av* > 6 2 f. . = (f. ., . - 2f. . + f - .)/A u * 2 , u* i,j i+l, j i,j i-l, j 17 6 2 f . = (f. ... - 2f, . + f. . .)/A v * 2 , v* i,j i,j+l i,j i,J-l ? +_*,£. , s (f. ~ f- , i ~ f. n • + f. , J/Au*A v * . u*v* i,j i,j i,j"l i-l, J 1-1, J-l' — "k All the terms in G are calculated at time t ., and the final values of the n+1 flow variables at the outer nodes are set to freestream conditions at time 'n+1 Both the predictor and the corrector require the flow variables at v* = - Av* and v . = rr + Av*. These values are obtained by symmetry from the values at v* and v„ , as follows i N-l P i,j = P l,j+2 (m ). . = (m ), .,„ (m ) . . = - (m ) . „ vi,j v i,j+2 E. . = E. , , i,J i.j+2 for j = - 1 and N-l. 3.2. Flow at the Body A separate calculation is required to compute the flow variables at the body. The two major conditions imposed on the flow at the body are (1) no-slip at the surface in the accelerated frame, and (2) the wall is adiabatic . 18 The no-slip or zero particle velocity condition is implemented by setting m and m to zero at the wall. For an adiabatic wall, the u v internal energy of the gas, e, at the surface has zero gradient normal to the surface. u body Now the energy of a perfect gas is E = pe + p V-V/2 . Since the velocity vector, V, at the wall is zero, it follows that (E ), , = (p e). , = (p E/p). . u body u body u body To be consistent with MacCormack's second order scheme, all derivatives must be approximated by a second order accurate difference formula at the wall. Hence the following equation is used (f ) . = (l/2Au*)(-3f . +4f. . - f, ,)(u*C ) . • u o,j o,j l,j 2, j q u o,j Substituting this expression for E and p in the equation already given and solving for E . yields E . = p .(4E. . - E .)/(4p 1 . - p .) . o,J o,j v l,j 2,j l,j r 2,j In the predictor p , can be calculated using the continuity °,J equation and the predicted energy, E . , is obtained from the equation for ° > J E . above using predicted values at time t* , , on the right hand side. o,j ° n+1 19 The boundary calculations in the corrector present a problem since nodes (u* ,v*) are needed but do not exist. The required derivatives in the continuity equation must be approximated by a second order accurate difference formula consistent with MacCormack's corrector equation. The following approximation can be used. (f ) . = (l/Au*)(-2f . + 3f . . - f , ,)(u*C ) . u o,j o,j l,j 2,j q u o,j Using this result in the continuity equation yields the values of p .. The energy, E . , is then obtained from the equation for E o,J o,j o,j above using corrected values at time t* . on the right hand side. A second method recommended by Roache[5] for computing the density at the boundary was also used. This method, which employs a staggered mesh, provided results very close to the results of the first method. The method required a large amount of geometric computation because of the time dependent grid and moreover required the solution of a tridiagonal system of linear equations for the density values. Since this method for all its added complexity did not produce significantly different results, it was discarded in favor of the first scheme. 3.3. Computer Simulation The complexity of the coordinate system, Navier-Stokes equations, and numerical scheme, the small time steps required for stability, and the relatively large number of nodes required for adequate resolution, all combine to require a very large amount of computer time for each 20 simulation. Another important factor is the amount of internal storage available. Since many time dependent variables in the predictor are identical to those of the previous corrector, these variables can be computed at each node once and used both in the corrector at t and the predictor at t if storage is available. Unfortunately, storage was at a premium on the machines used, and many quantities had to be recomputed. This added to the already large computing times for each simulation. Initially the outer boundary is a finite distance from the body. Hence calculations are performed only at the nodes within the envelope of the wave created by the initial motion of the cylinder. At the remaining nodes, the flow variables are assigned their freestream values. This procedure saves a large amount of computer time during early times, and works better than the alternative procedure of adding nodes using interpolation. The numerical scheme was implemented in a Fortran program. Two versions of the program were written: one for the PDP-10 timesharing system, and one for the IBM 360/75 batch system. The basic programs were identical, but the PDP-10 program contains interactive facilities which allow the user to review results dynamically, set checkpoints, and adjust the time step for stability. Both versions automatically adjust the time step to maintain stability. If instability occurs the time step is decreased and the program restarts using the data at the previous stable checkpoint. Checkpoints for program restarts are created by writing the current values of all time dependent variables into a disk file. This pro- cedure minimizes the effect of a machine failure or numerical instability. 21 The parameters required for a simulation are the reference Reynolds number, eccentricity, grid parameters M and N, node distribution parameters X, 6, x, , and t , acceleration parameters t. and V f , and the initial time step At*. When a run is restarted using a checkpoint of a previous run, At* may be reset. The results are printed on a line printer and plotted, if desired, on a CALCOMP plotter or a Tektronix 4010-1 display. 22 4. NUMERICAL RESULTS Calculations were performed for two cylinders, a nearly circular cylinder of eccentricity .2 and a 2 to 1 cylinder of eccentricity .866. In both calculations Au* is 1/31, Av* is tt/37, \ is .68, 6 at v* = tt is .008, the Prandel number is .75, y is 1.4, the reference Reynolds number is 100, the final Mach number is .169 attained at time .5, and the local Reynolds number, Re. = 2c cosh(u )p w (t)/u , I O O X is 40 at Mach number of .169. In both calculations the initial time step is .0001. As the minimum spacing between nodes increases to 6, the time step increases to .001 for the first cylinder and .00095 for the second. Because of the small time steps used, each calculation required a large number of steps and consequently a large amount of time. The first required 15.5 hours on thelBM 360/75 to reach time 11.4 in 13,362 steps, while the second required 18 hours to reach time 13.46 in 15,380 steps'. As the body accelerates, mass accumulates in front of the body and cavitation occurs behind the body. This phenomenon is evident in the 3-dimensional pressure plots in (u*,v*) shown in Figures 4 and 5, where the pressure is high in the front and low behind. These two figures also illustrate the effects of viscosity since they are from runs differing only in the reference Reynolds number. The viscosity in Figure 5 is 10 times that in Figure 4. Consequently the smearing of the compression 23 Compression Wave Expansion Wave Pressure Variation Along the Body tt + Av* NP-429 Figure 3. Description of 3-dimensian pressure field plots in (u*,v*) space. 24 Figure 4. 3 -Dimensional pressure plot, eccentricity is .866, Re is 1000, Mach number is .034, and at time .14. Figure 5. 3-Dimensional pressure plot, eccentricity is .866, Re is 100, Mach number is .104, and at time .29. 25 Figure 6. 3-Dimensiona 1 pressure plot, eccentricity is .866, Re is 100, Mach number is .169, and at time 2.95. Figure 7. 3-Dimensiona 1 pressure plot, eccentricity is .866, Re is 100, Mach number is .169, and at time 10.25. 26 Figure 8. 3 -Dimensional pressure plot, eccentricity is .866, Re is 100, Mach number is .169, and at time 13.46. Figure 9. 3-Dimensiona 1 pressure plot, eccentricity is .2, Re is 100, Mach number is .169, and at time 10.60, 27 and expansion waves is greater in Figure 5. When the final velocity is attained, compression and expansion waves move out from the front and rear of the body at the speed of sound, Vv. As these waves interact, they create complex waves within the gas. These waves can be seen in Figures 6 and 7. Eventually a steady state is reached near the body. Figures 8 and 9 show the steady state pressure distribution near the body as well as the compression and expansion waves far from the body for both cylinders. The pressure coefficient is defined as C p = 2(p-l)/„ x 2 , where p is the dimensionless pressure and w is the dimensionless velocity of the body. The evolution of C at the surface of the bodies is shown P in Figures 10 through 13. Initially the pressure is high in front and low behind, but as the compression and expansion waves travel around the body and interact, the pressure decreases in front and increases behind and the pressure coefficient reaches the steady state shown in Figure 11 at time 10.60 for the near circle and in Figure 13 at time 13.46 for the 2 to 1 ellipse . The density variation throughout the flow field is 7% for the near circle and 5% for the 2 to 1 ellipse. The temperature variation at the body is 27 for the near circle and 1% for the 2 to 1 ellipse. The variations for the near circle are larger than those for the 2 to 1 ellipse because the blunter near circle produces stronger compression 28 72 108 V (degrees) 180 NP-428 Figure 10. Pressure coefficient around body of eccentricity .2. 2.40 1.60 0.80 C P -0.80 -1.60 -2.4Q 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' Time 1 I = 4.76 = 7.25 "" Time ■ ^^v Time : = 10.60 ^ — Vv\ Vv> \X\ — \ X ^-a- — \ \\v NN^ ^-^* 1- ,1 x -^.. — ^ u.,- ^ 1 I i 36 72 108 V (degrees) 144 180 NP-426 Figure 11, Pressure coefficients around body of eccentricity .2 for various times. Time 10.60 is steady state curve. 29 C P -1.5 Time = 0.9 1 r 72 108 V (degrees) 144 180 NP-432 Figure 12. Pressure coefficient around body of eccentricity .866. 2.40 i 1 r T Time = 3.04 Time= 9.12 Time =13.46 72 108 144 180 V (degrees) NP . 427 Pressure coefficients around body of eccentricity .866 for various times. Given 13.46 is steady state curve. 30 and expansion waves. This difference in relative strengths of the waves is evident in the 3-dimensiona 1 pressure plots in Figures 8 and 9. Figures 14 through 22 show the velocity field development in the body reference frame. They illustrate how the boundary layer evolves and how separation and circulation eventually develop. Figures 18 and 22 show that separation occurs further downstream for a slender body than for a blunt body. Let s be the arc length along the body from the front stagnation point and let I be half the body perimeter. Figures 18 s and 22 show separation occurring at y = .63 for the near circle and at s j = .84 for the 2 to 1 ellipse. Figures 23 through 29 show the velocity field development in the fixed frame, They illustrate how the accelerating body affects the gas particles. The particles at the surface move in the same direction and at the same speed as the body. The particles in front of the body are pushed out and around the cylinder, while those behind are pulled in toward the body to fill the void. A circulation region develops near v = tt/2 during acceleration, and then moves slowly downstream. Figures 23 to 29 illustrate the development of these regions. These results represent nearly incompressible isothermal flow. In principle this method can also be applied to high subsonic Mach number flows where compressible and thermal effects are more significant. However, finer meshes would be required to resolve the steeper gradients of such flows, and smaller time steps would be required for stability. This might raise the computer storage and processor time to prohibitively high levels on many machines . 31 Figure 14. Initial boundary layer growth at time .29 FlHfli VtLOtm -0.3000 nEAOCO 01 TIHt-O. 50000 U-N0OC3 l Hnt-3 04419 *CH.O 169031 L8CR. ntT«L03 MUHBM-40 . 00 RELRTJVE VELOCITY VECTORS RCCELERRTEO FRPME Figure 15. Velocity field development at time 3.04 32 Figure 16. Velocity field development at time 10.25 STSTivr^ffiTiff'WTora (catepwrm t Figure 17. Circulation and separation at time 13.46 33 / v > --'//■ £f*>' y Figure 18 • f circulation region at time 13.46, Enlarged view of circus 34 nOX 015 TO 1ST soot' O.Q08 QT l 00 0KACC3 OT. ;.C0130 ml. i|S v-0.60 FIfWL VCLOClTr.0.2000 "CflCMCO AT TIMC-O. 50000 U-MJDeS 1 TO 30 T1HC-0 38437 MflCM.O. 146091 LOWt *CTNQlD3 Ni_*BM-24.S7 s£_fl:;'.E velocitt vectors acce.e^'ed fra^e Figure 19. Initial boundary layer growth at time .38, Figure 20. Velocity field development at time 2.69 35 ^ Figure 21. Circulation and separation at time 10.60, s Figure 22. Enlarged view of circulation region at time 10.60. 36 MAX 015 TO I3T MODE- 0.008 01 180 OtCflCC? 01" 0.0OOBS —1.20 >-0.68 F1MO. VCLKnT-O.aOOO ntOC«0 HI TIW0.SO0OO U-M00f3 I 10 28 1IHC0.290SH MflCM-O. I0M89H LOCOL KTKOL05 »»f«CIW>i.B2 RELATIVE VELOCITY VECTORS FIXED FRAME Figure 23. Initial gas particle movement at time .29 MR* 013 TO 131 MOOt: 0.008 PT 180 OCGflCCS 0T« 00053 .-3.85 X-O.EB FIMPL VCLOCITT-0.2000 «£RCHeO BT TJME-0.50000 U-N00E3 1 TO 17 TIK-3.0H413 HPCH-O. 169031 LK«. nTTMOLOS MUHBCT-iJO.OO RELATIVE VELOCITY VECTORS FIXED FRAME Figure 24. Gas particle movement at time 3.04. Figure 25. Gas particle movement at time 10.25 37 SEJRnSrWEsc'i'l! Wflfco rmmi Figure 26. Circulation region of gas particles has moved downstream at time 13.46. 38 Figure 27. Initial gas particle movement at time .38 \ \ Figure 28. Gas particle movement at time 2.69. 39 Figure 29. Circulation region of gas particles has moved down- stream at time 10.60. 40 APPENDIX A Nayier-Stokes Equati ons, Accelerated Reference Frame The two dimensional Navier-Stokes equations for an ideal com- pressible viscous gas in an accelerated Cartesian reference frame (x*,y*) are presented here. The transformation from the fixed frame (x,y) to the accelerated frame (x*,y*) is given by t x* = x - f w dt , •' x o y* = y - J w dt , o y where w and w are the x and y velocities of the accelerated frame relative x y to the fixed frame . The primary dependent variables chosen are the density p, the x* and y* components of the momentum m ^ and m ., and the total energy E. The momentum and total energy are defined as follows: V = p y y * ' E = P(e+(V^+V^)/2) , where V . and V . are the x* and y* components of the gas velocity, and e is the internal energy. Other dependent variables are the velocity V, temperature T, stress t, pressure P and heat flux of q. 41 All dimensional quantities will be nondimensionalized with respect to the following characteristic quantities. L = length , o ■ velocity , where Ia/y = time , c o P = density PC 2 o o , = pressure and energy , 2 c -— = temperature , c = specific heat at constant volume , v c = specific heat at constant pressure , P c p Y = ratio of specific heats, — , v R - gas constant, c - c , P v c = speed of sound in reference gas o The scaling yields the following nondimensional quantities 42 p c L Re ■ reference Reynolds number Pr = Prandtl number = -r* , M ■ Mach number = — , c o where k is the thermal conductivity and \i is the viscosity. The Navier-Stokes equations in dimensionless form with the stars dropped for convenience are: Continuity - dm oni & + — * + — £ = ot dx By ' x -momentum dm -. ^ -, TT + =T ( m V ) + f- (m V ) = 5- [t -P ] ot ox x x oy x y ox xx St dw xy j + o7^" p dT y -momentum Sm v * a * TT- + I" (m V ) + f- (m V ) = ~ [T -P] ot ox s y x ay y y oy yy oT xy dw y + Sx~" ■ P dT 43 Total energy §£ + ^ (EV,) + ^ (EV y ) - - ^ - Jl + §- [V (T " ?) + V T ] ox x xx y xy + j— [V T + V (T -p)] oy x yx y yy dw dw x _y x dt y dt where T §§ Re Lo? Vd5 + oT7 /3 J » T §^] " Re LoTl + d§ J ' Y ST q ? " (Y-DPrRe &5 ' for 5 = x,y and M = y,x. Note that w and w are relative to the fixed frame. x y 44 APPENDIX B Navier-Stokes Equation in Elliptic Coordinates This appendix presents the Navier-Stokes equations of Appendix A transformed to elliptic cylindrical coordinates. The transformation from the Cartesian coordinates (x,y) to the elliptic coordinates (u,v) is given by x = c cosh(u) cos(v) , y = c sinh(u) sin(v) The notation and variable definitions are identical to those of Appendix A. However, the reference length L of Appendix A is now assumed to be the semi -major axis of the cylinder, c cosh(u ), and the momentum is now resolved into u and v components. For convenience, the x and y components of the body velocity w and w are retained in Cartesian form. The transformed Navier-Stokes equations [6] are Continuity ft + ^ [§;*%> + t;< h °v] = • u -momentum Bm ■ST 1 = ^r 1?- [h(T -m V -T + m V)] ot , 2 Lgu uu u u vv v v + 2 f- [h(T -m V )] + h ov uv u V r- [T - P - m V ] .ou W V V a 11 dw x dw y §- [T -m V ] \Y + Apl- + BP jr- , ov uv u v JJ dt dt v -momentum 45 Total energy 3m a* 1 - -T if" ft(T -m V -t +m V )] ot ,2 ^-ov w v v uu u u 5T ~ .2 lav [hl + 2 t- [h(T - m ou vu v V )] + h||- [T - P - m v 1 u Ldv uu u uj ou vu V m V ]]) - V u JJ dw dw If ■ h ih < h