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PUBLISHERS “ Passing his hands round the throat of his victim, he compressed them with the strength of a vice, fairly doubling the head of the Huron over the edge of the platform.” The Deers layer, p. 148. THE DEERSLAYER muzin OR, THE FIRST WAR-PATH. A TALE. BY j. FENIMORE COOPER. “ What terrors round him wait ! Amazement in his van, with Flight combined, And Sorrow’s faded form, and Solitude behind.” ILLUSTRATED FROM DRAWINGS BY F. 0. G DARLEZ NEW YORK: D. APPLETON AND COMPANY, 1, 3, and 5 BOND STREET. 1 8 8 5 . \ » Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1872, tv D. APPLETON & CO., the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. 8/3 cidj&L PBEFACE TO THE LEATHER-STOCKING- TALES. This series of stories, which has obtained the name of “ The Leather-Stocking Tales,” has been written in a very desultory and inartificial manner. The order in which the several hooks appeared was essentially different from that in which they would have been presented to the world, had the regular course of their incidents been consulted. In “The Pioneers,” the first of the series written, the Leather-Stocking is represented as already old, and driven from his early haunts in the forest, by the sound of the axe, and the smoke of the settler. “The Last of the Mohicans,” the next book in the order of publication, carried the readers back to a much earlier period in the history of our hero, representing him as middle-aged, and in the fullest vigor of manhood. In “The Prairie,” his career terminates, and he is laid in his grave. There, it was originally the intention to leave him, in the expectation that, as in the case of the human mass, he would soon be forgotten. But a latent regard for this character induced the author to resuscitate him in “The Path-finder,” a book that was not long after succeeded by “The Deerslayer,” thus completing the series as it now exists. "While the five books that have been written were originally published in the order just mentioned, that of the incidents, insomuch as they are connected with the career of their principal character, is, as has been stated, very different. Taking the life of the Leather-Stocking as a guide, “The Deerslayer” should have been the opening book, for in that work he is seen just emerging into manhood; to be .succeeded by “The Last of the Mohicans,” “The Pathfinder,” “The Pioneers,” and “The Prairie.” This arrange- ment embraces the order of events, though far from being that in which the books at first appeared. “The Pioneers” was published in 1822; “The Deerslayer” in 1841; making the interval between them nineteen years. Whether these progressive years have had a tendency to lessen the value of the last-named book, by lessening the native fire of its author, or of adding somewhat in the way of improved taste and a more ma- tured judgment, is for others to decide. If any thing from the pen of the writer of these romances is at all to outlive himself, it is, unquestionably, the series of “The Leather-Stocking Tales.” To say this, is not to predict a very lasting reputation for the series itself, but simply to express the belief it will outlast any, or all, of the works from the same hand. It is undeniable that the desultory manner in which “ The Leather-Stocking Tales ” were written, has, in a measure, impaired their harmony, and otherwise lessened their interest. This is proved by the fate of the two books last published, though probably the two most worthy an enlightened and cultivated reader’s notice. If the facts could be ascertained, it is probable the result would show that of all those (in America, in par- ticular) who have read the first three books of the series, not one in ten has a knowledge of the existence even of the last two. Several causes have tended to produce this result. The long interval of time between the appearance of “The Prairie” and that of “The Pathfinder,” was itself a reason why the later books of the series should be overlooked, There was no longer novelty to attract attention, and the interest was materially im- paired by the manner in which events were necessarily anticipated, in laying the last of the series first before the world. With the generation that is now coming on the stage this fault will be partially removed by the edition contained in the present work, in which the several tales will be arranged solely in reference to their connection with each other The author has often been asked if he had any original in his mind, for the charactei of Leather-Stocking. In a physical sense, different individuals known to the writer in early life, certainly presented themselves as models, through his recollections; but in a 971979 4 : PREFACE. moral sense this man of the forest is purely a creation. The idea of delineating a char- acter that possessed little of civilization but its highest principles as they are exhibited in the uneducated, and all of savage life that is not incompatible with these great rules of conduct, is perhaps natural to the situation in which Natty was placed. He is too proud of his origin to sink into the condition of the wild Indian, and too much a man of the woods not to imbibe as much as was at all desirable, from his friends and companions. In a moral point of view it was the intention to illustrate the effect of seed scattered by the way-side. To use his own language, his “gifts” were “white gifts,” and he was not disposed to bring on them discredit. On the other hand, removed from nearly all the temptations of civilized life, placed in the best associations of that which is deemed savage, and favorably disposed by nature to improve such advantages, it appeared to the writer that his hero was a fit subject to represent the better qualities of both conditions, without pushing either to extremes. There was no violent stretch of the imagination, perhaps, in supposing one of civil- ized associations in childhood, retaining many of his earliest lessons amid the scenes of the forest. Had these early impressions, however, not been sustained by continued though casual connection with men of his own color, if not of his own caste, all our information goes to show he would soon have lost every trace of his origin. It is believed tha* sufficient attention was paid to the particular circumstances in which this individual was placed, to justify the picture of his qualities that lias been drawn. The Delawares early attracted the attention of the missionaries, and were a tribe unusually influenced by their precepts and example. In many instances they became Christians, and cases occurred in which their subsequent lives gave proof of the efficacy of the great moral changes that had taken place within them. A leading character in a work of fiction has a fair right to the aid which can be ob- tained from a poetical view of the subject. It is in this view, rather than in one more strictly circumstantial, that Leather-Stocking has been drawn. The imagination has no great task in portraying to itself a being removed from the every-day inducements to err, which abound in civilized life, while he retains the best and simplest of his early impressions ; who sees God in the forest ; hears him in the winds ; bows to him in the firmament that o’ercanopies all ; submits to his sway in an humble belief of his justice and mercy; in a word, a being who finds the impress of the Deity in all the works of Nature, without any of the blots produced by the expedients, and passion, and mistakes of man. This is the most that has been attempted in the character of Leather-Stocking. Had this been done without any of the drawbacks of humanity, the picture would have been, in all probability, more pleasing than just. In order to preserve the vrai serriblable , therefore, traits derived from the prejudices, tastes, and even the weaknesses of his youth, have been mixed up with these higher qualities and longings, in a way, it is hoped, to represent a reasonable picture of human nature, without offering to the spectator a “monster” of goodness. It has been objected to these books that they give a more favorable picture of the red man than he deserves. The writer apprehends that much of this objection arises from the habits of those who have made it. One of his critics, on the appearance of the first work in which Indian character was portrayed, objected that its “ characters were Indians of the school of Heckew elder, rather than of the school of Nature.” These words quite probably contain the substance of the true answer to the objection. Heck- ewelder was an ardent, benevolent missionary, bent on the good of the red man, and seeing in him one who had the soul, reason, and characteristics of a fellow-being. The critic is understood to have been a very distinguished agent of the government, one very familiar with Indians, as they are seen at the councils to treat for the sale of theii lands, where little or none of their domestic qualities come in play, and where, indeed, their evil passions are known to have the fullest scope. As just would it be to draw conclusions of the general state of American society from the scenes of the capital, as to suppose that the negotiating of one of these treaties is a fair picture of Indian life. It is the privilege of all writers of fiction, more particularly when their works aspire to the elevation of romances, to present the beau ideal of their characters to the reader. This it is which constitutes poetry, and to suppose that the red man is to be represented only in the squalid misery or in the degraded moral state that certainly more or less be- longs to his condition, is, we apprehend, taking a very narrow viewof an author's privi- leges. Such criticism would have deprived the world of even Homer. n 1 ■' si c ' {..< * • j ‘Cu - i;j r,/i5 ‘;o I :(•> 1 1 jl i l • f * ;• • ■ " : - ' ,lru> <• .. ■ . j . ,1 PREFACE. As has been stated in the preface to the series of the Leather-Stocking Tales, ‘ The Deerslajer ” is properly the first in the order of reading, though the last in that of pub- lication. In this book the hero is represented as just arriving at manhood, with the freshness of feeling that belongs to that interesting period of life, and with the power to please that properly characterizes youth. As a consequence, he is loved ; and, what denotes the real waywardness of humanity, more than it corresponds with theories and moral propositions, perhaps, he is loved by one full of art, vanity, and weakness, and loved principally for his sincerity, his modesty, and his unerring truth and probity. The preference he gives to the high qualities named, over beauty, delirious passion, and sin, it is hoped, will offer a lesson that can injure none. This portion of the book is intentionally kept down, though it is thought to be sufficiently distinct to convey its moral. The intention has been to put the sisters in strong contrast; one admirable in person, clever, filled with the pride of beauty, erring, and fallen ; the other, barely provided with sufficient capacity to know good from evil, instinct, notwithstanding, with the vir- tues of woman, reverencing and loving God, and yielding only to the weakness of her sex, in admiring personal attractions in one too coarse and unobservant to distinguish or to understand her quiet, gentle feeling in his favor. As for the scene of this tale, it is intended for, and believed to be a close description of, the Otsego, prior to the year 1760, when the first rude settlement was commenced on its banks, at that time only an insignificant clearing near the outlet, with a small hut of squared logs, for the temporary dwelling of the Deputy Superintendent of Indian Affairs. The recollections of the writer carry him back distinctly to a time when nine-tenths of the shores of this lake were in the virgin forest, a peculiarity that was owing to the circumstance of the roads running through the first range of valleys removed from the water-side. The woods and the mountains have ever formed a principal source of beauty with this charming sheet of water, enough of the former remaining to this day to relieve the open grounds from monotony and tameness. In most respects the descriptions of scenery in the tale are reasonably accurate. The rock appointed for the rendezvous between the Deerslayer and his friend the Dela- ware still remains, bearing the name of the Otsego Rock. The shoal on which flutter is represented as having built his “ castle ” is a little misplaced, lying, in fact, nearer to 6 PREFACE. the northern end of the lake, as well as to the eastern shore, than is stated in this hook. Such a sfyoaL however, exists, surrounded on all sides by deep water. In the driest seasons a lew rocks are seen above the surface of the lake, and rushes, at most periods of the year, mark its locality. In a word, in all but precise position, even this feature of the book is accurate. The same is true of the several points introduced, of the bay, of the river, of the mountains, and all the other accessories of the place. The legend is purely fiction, no authority existing for any of its facts, characters, or other peculiarities, beyond that which was thought necessary to secure the semblance of reality. Truth compels us to admit that the book has attracted very little notice, and that if its merits are to be computed by its popularity, the care that has been bestowed on this edition might as well be spared. Such, at least, has been its fate in America ; whether it has met with better success in any other country we have no means of knowing. THE DEERSLAYER CHAPTER I. * There Is a pleasure in the pathless woods, There is a rapture on the lonely shore, There is society where none intrudes, By the deep sea, and music in its roar ; I love not man the less, but Nature more, From these our interviews, in which I steal, From all I may be, or have been before, To mingle with the universe, and feel What I can ne’er express, yet cannot all conceal. Childe Harold. On the human imagination, events produce the effects of time. Thus, he who has travelled far and seen much, is apt to fancy that he has lived long ; and the history that most abounds in important incidents, soonest assumes the aspect of antiquity. In no other way can we account for the venerable air that is already gathering around American annals. When the mind re- verts to the earliest days of colonial history, the period seems remote and obscure, the thousand changes that thicken along the links of recollec- tions, throwing back the origin of the nation to a day so distant as seemingly to reach the mists of time ; and yet four lives of ordinary duration would suffice to transmit, from mouth to mouth, in the form of tradition, all that civilized man has achieved within the limits of the republic. Although New York alone possesses a population materially exceeding that of either of the four smallest kingdoms of Europe, or materially ex- ceeding that of the entire Swiss Confederation, it is little more than two centuries since the Dutch commenced their settlement, rescuing the region from the savage state. Thus, what seems vener- able by an accumulation of changes, is reduced to familiarity when we come seriously to consider it solely in connection with time. This glance into the perspective of the past will prepare the reader to look at the pictures we are about to sketch, with less surprise than ha might otherwise feel ; and a few additional ex- planations may carry him back in imagination to the precise condition of society that we desire to delineate. It is matter of history that the settle- ments on the eastern shores of the Hudson, such as Claverack, Kinderhook, and even Poughkeep- sie, were not regarded as safe from Indian incur- sions a century since ; and there is still standing on the banks of the same river, and within mus- ket-shot of the wharves of Albany, a residence of a younger branch* of the Yan Rensselaers, that has loop-holes constructed for defence against the same crafty enemy, although it dates from a period scarcely so distant. Other similar me- morials of the infancy of the country are to be found, scattered through what is now deemed the very centre of American civilization, affording the plainest proofs that all we possess of security from invasion and hostile violence is the growth of but little more than the time that is frequently filled by a single human life. The incidents of this tale occurred between the years 1740 and 1745, when the settled por- tions of the colony of New York were confined tc the four Atlantic counties, a narrow belt of coun- try on each side of the Hudson, extending from its mouth to the falls near its head, and to a few advanced “ neighborhoods ” on the Mohawk and the Schoharie. Broad belts of the virgin wilder- ness not only reached the shores of the first river, but they even crossed it, stretching away into N ew England, and affording forest covers to the noiseless moccasin of the native warrior, as he trod the secret and bloody war-path. A bird’s- eye view of the whole region east of the Missis- sippi must then have offered one vast expanse of * It is no more than justice to say that the Greenbush Van Bensselaers claim to be the oldest branch of trun ancient and respectable family. 8 THE DEERSLAYER. woods, relieved by a comparatively narrow fringe of cultivation along the sea, dotted by the glit- tering surfaces of lakes, and intersected by the waving lines of rivers. In such a vast picture of solemn solitude, the district of country we design to paint sinks into insignificance, though we feel encouraged to proceed by the conviction that } with slight and immaterial distinctions, he who succeeds in giving an accurate idea of any portion of this wild region must necessarily convey a tol- erably correct notion of the whole. Whatever may be the changes produced by man, the eternal round of the seasons is un- broken. Summer and winter, seed-time and har- vest, return in their stated order, with a sublime precision, affording to man one of the noblest of all the occasions he enjoys of proving the high powers of his far-reaching mind, in compassing the laws that control their exact uniformity, and in calculating their never-ending revolutions. Centuries of summer suns had warmed the tops of the same noble oaks and pines, sending their heats even to the tenacious roots, when voices were heard calling to each other, in the depths of a forest, of which the leafy surface lay bathed in the brilliant light of a cloudless day in June, while the trunks of the trees rose in gloomy grandeur in the shades beneath. The calls were in different tones, evidently proceeding from two men who had lost their way, and were searching in different directions for their path. At length a shout proclaimed success, and presently a man of gigantic mould broke out of the tangled laby- rinth of a small swamp, emerging into an opening that appeared to have been formed partly by the ravages of the wi^d, and partly by those of fire. This little area, which afforded a good view of the sky, although it was pretty well filled with dead trees, lay on the side of one of the high hills, or 'low mountains, into which nearly the whole sur- face of the adjacent country was broken. “ Here is room to breathe in ! ” exclaimed the liberated forester, as soon as he found him- self under a clear sky, shaking his huge frame like a mastiff that has just escaped from a snow- bank. “ Hurrah ! Deerslayer ; here is daylight, at last, and yonder is the lake.” These words were scarcely uttered when the second forester dashed aside the bushes of the swamp, and appeared in the area. After making a hurried adjustment of his arms and disordered dress, he joined his companion, who had already begun his dispositions for a halt. “Do you know this spot?” demanded the one called Deerslayer, “ or do you shout at the sight of the sun ? ” “ Both, lad, both ; I know the spot, and am not sorry to see so useful a friend as the sun. Now we have got the p’ints of the compass in our minds once more, and ’twill be our own faults if we let any thing turn them topsy-turvy ag’in, as has just happened. My name is not Hurry Harry, if this be not the very spot where the land-hunt- ers ’camped the last summer, and passed a week. See, yonder are the dead bushes of their bower, and here is the spring. Much as I like the sun boy, I’ve no occasion for it to tell me it is noon this stomach of mine is as good a time-piece as is to be found in the colony, and it already p’ints to half-past twelve. So open the wallet, and let us wind up for another six hours’ run.” At this suggestion, both set themselves about making the preparations necessary for their usual frugal but hearty meal. We will profit by this pause in the discourse to give the reader some idea of the appearance of the men, each of whom is destined to enact no insignificant part in our legend. It would not have been easy to find a more noble specimen of vigorous manhood, than was offered in the person of him who called him- self Hurry Harry. His real name was Henry March ; but the frontier-men having caught the practice of giving sobriquets from the Indians, the appellation of Hurry was far oftener applied to him than his proper designation, and not un- frequently he was termed Hurry Skurry, a nick- name he had obtained from a dashing, reckless, off-hand manner, and a physical restlessness that kept him so constantly on the move, as to cause him to be known along the whole line of scat- tered habitations that lay between the province and the Canadas. The stature of Hurry Harry exceeded six feet four, and being unusually well proportioned, his strength fully realized the idea created by his gigantic frame. The face did no discredit to the rest of the man, for it was both good-humored and handsome. His air was free, and, though his manner necessarily partook of the rudeness of a border-life, the grandeur that pervaded so noble a physique prevented it from becoming altogether vulgar. Deerslayer, as Hurry called his companion, was a very different person in appearance, as well as in character. In stature, he stood about six feet in his moccasins, but his frame v'as com- paratively light and slender, showing muscles, however, that promised unusual agility, if not un- usual strength. His face would have had little to recommend it except youth, were it not for an expression that seldom failed to win upon those who had leisure to examine it, and to yield to the feeling of confidence it created. This expression HURRY HARRY AND HIS COMPANION. 9 was simply that of guileless truth, sustained by an earnestness of purpose, and a sincerity of feeling, that rendered it remarkable. At times this air of integrity seemed to be so simple as to awaken the suspicion of a want of the usual means to discriminate between artifice and truth ; but few came in serious contact with the man, without losing this distrust in respect for his opin- ions and motives. Both these frontier-men were still young, Hur- ry having reached the age of six or eight and twenty, while Deerslayer was several years his junior. Their attire needs no particular descrip- tion, though it may be well to add that it was composed, in no small degree, of dressed deer- skins, and had the usual signs of belonging to those who pass their time between the skirts of civilized society and the boundless forests. There was, notwithstanding, some attention to smartness and the picturesque in the arrangements of Deer- slayer’s dress, more particularly with the part connected with his arms and accoutrements. His rifle was in perfect condition, the handle of his liunting-knife was neatly carved, his powder- horn was ornamented with suitable devices lightly cut into the material, and his shot-pouch was deco- rated with wampum. On the other hand, Hurry Harry, either from constitutional recklessness, or from a secret consciousness how little his appear- ance required artificial aids, wore every thing in a careless, slovenly manner, as if he felt a noble scorn for the trifling accessories of dress and or- naments. Perhaps the peculiar effect of his fine form and great stature was increased, rather than lessened, by this unstudied and disdainful air of indifference. “ Come, Deerslayer, fall to, and prove that you have a Delaware stomach, as you say you have had a Delaware edication,” cried Hurry, setting the example by opening his mouth to receive a slice of cold venison-steak that would have made an entire meal for a European peasant ; “ fall to, lad, and prove your manhood on this poor devil of a doe, with your teeth, as you’ve already done with your rifle.” “Nay, nay, Hurry, there’s little manhood in killing a doe, and that too out of season ; though there might be some in bringing down a painter or a catamount,” returned the other, disposing himself to comply. “ The Delawares have given me my name, not so much on account of a bold heart, as on account of a quick eye and an active foot. There may not be any cowardice in over- coming a deer, but, sartin it is, there’s no great valor.” “ The Delawares, themselves, are no keroes,” muttered Hurry through his teeth, the mouth be- ing too full to permit it to be fairly opened, “ or they never would have allowed them loping vaga- bonds, the Mingoes, to make them women.” “ That matter is not rightly understood — has never been rightly explained,” said Deerslayer, earnestly, for he was as zealous a friend as hi* companion was dangerous as an enemy; “the Mengwe fill the woods with their lies, and mis- construct words and treaties. I have now lived ten years with the Delawares, and know them to be as manful as any other nation, when the prop- er time to strike comes.” “ Harkee, Master Deerslayer, since we are on the subject, we may as well open our minds to each other in a man-to-man way ; answer me one question : you have had so much luck among the game as to have gotten a title, it would seem, but did you ever hit any thing human or intelligible ? did you ever pull trigger on an iniray that was capable of pulling one upon you ? ” This question produced a singular collision between mortification and correct feeling, in the bosom of the youth, that was easily to be traced in the workings of his ingenuous countenance. The struggle was short, however ; uprightness of heart soon getting the better of false pride and frontier boastfulness. “ To own the truth, I never did,” answered Deerslayer ; “ seeing that a fitting occasion nev- er offered. The Delawares have been peaceable since my sojourn with ’em, and I hold it to be onlawful to take the life of man, except in open and generous warfare.” “ What ! did you never find a fellow thieving among your traps and skins, and do the law on him with your own hands, by way of saving the magistrates trouble, in the settlements, and the rogue himself the cost of the suit ? ” “ I am no trapper, Hurry,” returned the young man, proudly ; “ I live by the rifle, a we’pon at which I will not turn my back on any man of my years, atween the Hudson and the St. Lawrence. I never offer a skin that has not a hole in its head besides them which Natur’ made to see with, or to breathe through.” “Ay, ay, this is all very well, in the animal way, though it makes but a poor figure alongside of scalps and and-bushes. Shooting an Indian from an and-bush is acting up to his own princi- ples, and, now we have what you call a lawful war on our hands, the sooner you wipe that dis- grace off your character, the sounder will be your sleep, if it only come from knowing there is one inimy the less prowling in the woods. I shall not frequent your society »ong, friend Natty, unless 10 THE DEERSLAYER you look higher than four-footed beasts to prac- tise your rifle on.” “ Our journey is nearly ended, you say, Mas- ter March, and we can part to-night, if you see occasion. I have a fri’nd waiting for me, who will think it no disgrace to consort with a fellow- ereatur’ that has never yet slain his kind.” “ I wish I knew what has brought that skulk- ing Delaware into this part of the country so early in the season,” muttered Hurry to himself, in a way to show equally distrust and a reckless- ness of its betrayal. “Where did you say the young chief was to give you the meeting? ” “ At a small, round rock, near the foot of the lake, where, they tell me, the tribes are given to resorting to make their treaties, and to bury their hatchets. This rock have I often heard the Del- awares mention, though lake and rock are equally strangers to me. The country is claimed by both Mingoes and Mohicans, and is a sort of common territory to fish and hunt through, in time of peace, though what it may become in war-time the Lord only knows ! ” “ Common territory ! ” exclaimed Hurry, laugh- ing aloud. “ I should like to know what Floating Tom Hutter would say to that ? He claims the lake as his own property, in vartue of fifteen years’ possession, and will not be likely to give it up to either Mingo or Delaware without a battle for it.” “And what will the colony say to such a quarrel ? All this country must have some own- er, the gentry pushing their cravings into the wil- derness, even where they never dare to ventur’, in their own persons, to look at the land they own.” “ That may do in other quarters of the colo- ny, Deerslayer, but it will not do here. Not a human being, the Lord excepted, owns a foot of s’ile in this part of the country. Pen was never put to paper, consaming either hill or valley, hereaway, as I’ve heard old Tom say, time and ag’in, and so he claims the best right to it of any man breathing; and what Tom claims, he’ll be very likely to maintain.” “By what I’ve heard, Hurry, this Floating Tom must be an oncommon mortal ; neither Min- go, Delaware, nor pale-face. His possession, too, has been long, by your tell, and altogether be- yond frontier endurance. What’s the man’s his- tory and natur’ ? ” “ Why, as to old Tom’s human natur’, it is not much like other men’s human natur’, but more Hke a musk-rat’s human natur’, seeing that he takes more to the ways of that animal than to the ways of any other fellow-creatur’. Some think he was a free livei on the salt water, in hia youth, and a companion of a sartin Kidd, who was hanged for piracy, long afore you and J were born or acquainted, and that he came up into these regions, thinking that the king’s cruisers could never cross the mountains, and that he might enjoy the plunder peaceably in the woods.” “ Then he was wrong, Hurry — very wrong. A man can enjoy plunder peaceably nowhere.” “ That’s much as his turn of mind may hap- pen to be. I’ve known them that never could enjoy it at all, unless it was in the midst of a jollification, and them ag’in that enjoyed it best in a corner. Some men have no peace if they don’t find plunder, and some if they do. Human natur’ is crooked in these matters. Old Tom seems to belong to neither set, as he enjoys his, if plunder he has really got, with his darters, in a very quiet and comfortable way, and wishes for no more.” “ Ay, he has darters, too ; I’ve heard the Delawares, who’ve hunted this-a-way, tell their histories of these young women. Is there no mother, Hurry ? ” “ There was once, as in reason , but she has now been dead and sunk these two good years.” “ Anan ? ” said Deerslayer, looking up at his companion in a little surprise. “ Dead and sunk, I say, and I hope that’s good English. The old fellow lowered his wife into the lake, by way of seeing the last of her, as I can testify, being an eye-witness of the ceremony ; but whether Tom did it to save digging, which is no easy job among roots, or (rtit of a consait that water washes away sin sooner than ’arth, is more than I can say.” “ Was the poor woman oncommon wicked, that her husband should take so much pains with her body ? ” “Not onreasonable ; though she had her faults. I consider Judith Hutter to have been as graceful, and about as likely to make a good ind, as any woman who had lived so long beyond the sound of church-bells ; and I conclude old Tom sunk her as much by way of saving pains, as by way of talcing it. There was a little steel in her temper, it’s true, and, as old Hutter is pretty much flint, they struck out sparks once-and-a while ; but, on the whole, they might be said to live amicable-like. When they did kindle, the listeners got some such insights into their past lives as one gets into the darker parts of the woods, when a stray gleam of sunshine finds its way down to the roots of the trees. But Judith I shall always esteem, as it’s recommend enough OLD TOM MUTTER’S DAUGHTERS. 11 to one woman to bo the mother of such a crea- tin'’ as her darter, Judith Hutter ! ” “ Ay, Judith was the name the Delawares mentioned, though it was pronounced after a fashion of their own. From their discourse, I do not think the girl would much please my fancy.” “Thy fancy ! ” exclaimed March, taking fire equally at the indifference and at the presump- tion of his companion, “ what the devil have you to do with a fancy, and that, too, consarning one like Judith ? You are but a boy — a sapling, that has scarce got root. Judith has had tfien among her suitors, ever since she was fifteen ; which is now near five years ; and will not be apt even to cast a look upon a half-grown creatur’ like you ! ” “ It is June, and there is not a cloud atween us and the sun, Hurry, so all this heat is not wanted,” answered the other, altogether undis- turbed ; “ any one may have a fancy, and a squir- rel has a right to make up his mind touching a catamount.” “ Ay, but it might not be wise, always, to let the catamount know it,” growled March. “ But you’re young and thoughtless, and I’ll overlook your ignorance. Come, Deerslayer,” he added, with a good-natured laugh, after pausing a mo- ment to reflect, “ come, Deerslayer, we are sworn fri’nds, and will not quarrel about a light-minded, jilting jade, just because she happens to be hand- some ; more especially as you have never seen her. Judith is only for a man whose teeth show the full marks, and it’s foolish to be afeard of a boy. What did the Delawares say of the hussy ; for an Indian, after all, has his notions of woman- kind, as well as a white man ? ” * “ They said she was fair to look on, and pleasant of speech ; but over-given to admirers, and light-minded.” “ They are devils incarnate ! After all, what school-master is a match for an Indian, in looking into natur’ ? Some people think they are only good on a trail or the war-path, but I say that they are philosophers, and understand a man as well as they understand a beaver, and a woman as well as they understand either. Now, that’s Judith s character to a ribbon! To own the truth to you, Deerslayer, I should have married the gal two years since, if it had not been for two particular things, one of which was this very light-mindedness.” “ And what may have been the other ? ” de- ar anded the hunter, who continued to eat like one that took very little interest in the subject. “T’other was an insartainty about her having me. The hussy is handsome, and she knows it. Boy, not a tree that is growing in these hills is | straighter, or waves in the wind with an easier bend, nor did you ever see the doe that bounded with a more nat’ral motion. If that was all, every tongue would sound her praises ; but she has such failings that I find it hard to overlook them, and sometimes I swear I’ll never visit the lake ag’in “ Which is the reason that you always come back. Nothing is ever made more sure by swearing about it.” “ Ah, Deerslayer, you are a novelty in these partic’lars ; keeping as true to edication as if you had never left the settlements. With me the case is different, and I never want to clinch an idee, that I do not feel a wish to swear about it. If you know’d all that I know consarning Judith, you’d find a justification for a little cussing. Now, the officers sometimes stray over to the lake, from the forts on the Mohawk, to fish and hunt, and the creatur’ seems beside herself! You can see it in the manner in which she wears her finery, and the airs she gives herself witn the gallants.” “ That is unseemly in a poor man’s darter,” returned Deerslayer, gravely ; “ the officers are all gentry, and can only look on such as Judith with evil intentions.” “ There’s the unsartinty, and the damper ! I have my misgivings about a particular captain, and Jude has no one to blame but her own folly, if I’m wrong. On the whole, I wish to look upon her as modest and becoming, and yet the clouds that drive among these hills are not more unsar- tain. Not a dozen white men have ever laid eyes upon her since she w r as a child, and yet her airs, with two or three of these officers, are extinguish- ers ! ” “ I would think no more of such a woman, but turn my mind altogether to the forest ; that will not deceive you, being ordered and ruled by a hand that never wavers.” “ If you know’d Judith, you would see how much easier it is to say this than it would be to do it Could I bring my mind to be easy about the officers, I would carry the gal off to the Mo- hawk by force, make her marry me in spite of her whiffling, and leave old Tom to the care of Hetty, his other child, who, if she be not as handsome or as quick-witted as her sister, is much the most dutiful.” “ Is there another bird in the same nest ? ” asked Deerslayer, raising his eyes with a species of half-awakened curiosity — “the Delawares spoke to me only of one.” “ That’s nat’ral enough", when Judith Hutter and Hetty Hutter are in question. Hetty is only 12 THE DEERSLAYER. comely, while her sister, I tell thee, boy, is such another as is not to be found atween this and the sea : Judith is as full of wit, and talk, and cunning, as an old Indian orator, while poor Hetty is at the best but ‘ compass meant us.’ ” “ Anan ? ” inquired, again, the Deerslayer. “ Why, what the officers call ‘ compass meant ns,’ which I understand to signify that she means always to go in the right direction, but sometimes doesn’t know how. ‘ Compass ’ for the p’int, and ‘ meant us ’ for the intention. No, poor Hetty is what I call on the verge of ignorance, and some- times she stumbles on one side of the line, and sometimes on t’other.” “ Them are beings that the Lord has in His ’special care,” said Deerslayer, solemnly; “for he looks carefully to all who fall short of their proper share of reason. The red-skins honor and respect them who are so gifted, knowing that the Evil Spirit delights more to dwell in an artful body than in one that has no cunning to work upon.” “ I’ll answer for it, then, that he will not re- main long with poor Hetty — for the child is just ‘ compass meant us,’ as I have told you. Old Tom has a feeling for the gal, and so has Judith, quick-witted and glorious as she is herself ; else would I not answer for her being altogether safe among the sort of men that sometimes meet on the lake-shore.” “ I thought this water an onknown and little- frequented sheet,” observed the Deerslayer, evi- dently uneasy at the idea of being too near the world. “ It’s all that, lad, the eyes of twenty white men never having been laid on it ; still, twenty true-bred frontier-men — hunters, and trappers, and scouts, and the like — can do a deal of mischief if they try. ’Twould be an awful thing to me, Deer- slayer, did I find Judith married after an absence of six months ! ” “ Have you the gal’s faith, to encourage you to hope otherwise ? ” “ Not at all. I know not how it is — I’m good- looking, boy ; that much I can see in any spring on which the sun shines — and yet I could never get the hussy to a promise, or even a cordial, will- ing smile, though she will laugh by the hour. If she has dared to marry in my absence, she’ll be like to know the pleasures of widowhood afore she fa twenty ! ” “ You would not harm the man she had chosen, Hurry, simply because she found him more to her liking than yourself? ” “ Why not ? If an inimy crosses my path, wiil T not beat him out of it ? Look at me — am I a man like to let any sneaking, crawling, skin- trader get the better of me in a matter that touches me as near as the kindness of Judith Hutter ? Besides, when we live beyond law, we must be our own judges and executioners. And if a man should be found dead in the woods, who is there to say w r ho slew him, even admitting that the colony took the matter in hand and made a stir about it ? ” “ If that man should be Judith Butter’s hus- band, after wdiat has passed, I might tell enough, at least, to put the colony on the trail.” “You ! — half - grown, venison - hunting bant- ling! You dare to think of informing against Hurry Harry in so much as a matter touching a mink or a woodchuck ! ” “ I would dare to speak truth, Hurry, consarn- ing you, or any man that ever lived.” March looked at his companion for a moment in silent amazement ; then, seizing him by the throat with both hands, he shook his compara- tivcly-slight frame with a violence that menaced the dislocation of some of the bones. Nor was this done jocularly, for anger flashed from the giant’s eyes, and there were certain signs that seemed to threaten much more earnestness than the occasion would appear to call for. Whatever might be the real intention of March, and it is probable there was none settled in his mind, it i3 certain that he was unusually aroused ; and most men who found themselves throttled by one of a mould so gigantic in such a mood, and in a soli- tude so deep and helpless, would have felt intimi- dated, and tempted to yield even the right. Not so, however, with Deerslayer. His countenance remained unmoved ; his hand did not shake, and •his answer was given in a voice that did not re- sort to the artifice of louder tones, even by way of proving its owner’s resolution. “You may shake, Hurry, until you bring down the mountain,” he said, quietly, “ but noth- ing besides truth will you shake from me. It is probable that Judith Hutter has no husband to slay, and you may never have a chance to waylay one, else would I tell her of your threat in the first conversation I held with the gal.” March released his gripe, and sat regarding the other in silent astonishment. “ I thought we had been friends,” he at length added — “ but you’ve got the last secret of mice that will ever enter your ears.” “ I want none, if they are to be like this. I know we live in the woods, Hurry, and are thought to be beyond human laws— and perhaps we are so, in fact, whatever it may be in right — but there is a law, and a law-maker, that rule across the DEERSLAYER’S SAGACITY. 13 whole continent. He that flies in the face of either, need not call me fri’nd.” “ Damme, Deerslayer, if I do not believe you are, at heart, a Moravian, and no fair-minded, plain-dealing hunter, as you’ve pretended to be !” “ Fair-minded or not, Hurry, you will find me as plain dealing in deeds as I am in words. But this giving way to sudden anger is foolish, and proves how little you have sojourned with the red man. Judith Hutter no doubt is still single, and you spoke but as the tongue ran, and not as the heart felt. There’s my hand, and we will say and think no more about it.” Hurry seemed more surprised than ever ; then he burst forth in a loud, good-natured laugh, which brought tears to his eyes. After this, he accepted the offered hand, and the parties became friends. “ ’Twould have been foolish to quarrel about an idee,” March cried, as he resumed his meal, “ and more like lawyers in the towns, than like sensible men in the woods. They tell me, Deer- slayer, much ill blood grows out of idees among the people in the lower counties, and that they sometimes get to extremities upon them.” “ That do they — that do they ; and about other matters that might better be left to take care of themselves. I have heard the Moravians say that there are lands in which men quarrel even consaming their religion ; and if they can get their tempers up on such a subject, Hurry, the Lord have marcy on ’em ! Howsever, there is no occasion for our following their example, and more especially about a husband that this Judith Hutter may never see, or never wish to see. For my part, I feci more cur’osity about the feeble- witted sister than about your beauty. There’s something that comes close to a man’s feelin’s, when he meets with a fellow-creatur’ that has all the outward show of an accountable mortal, and who fails of being what he seems only through a lack of reason. This is bad enough in a man, but when it comes to a woman, and she a young, and maybe a winning creatur’, it touches all the piti- ful thoughts his natur’ has. God knows, Hurry, that such poor things be defenceless enough with all their wits about ’em ; but it’s a cruel fortun’ when that great protector and guide fails ’em.” “ Harkee, Deerslayer — you know what the hunters, and trappers, and peltry-men in general be ; and their best friends will not deny that they are headstrong and given to having their own way, without much bethinking ’em of other peo- ple’s rights or feelin’s — and yet I don’t think the man is to be found, in all this region, who would harm Hetty Hutter if he could ; no, not even a red-skin.” “ Therein, fri’nd Hurry, you do the Delawares, at least, and all their allied tribes, only justice, for a red-skin looks upon a being thus struck by God’s power, as especially under his care. I re- joice to hear what you say, howsever, I rejoice to hear it ; but as the sun is beginning to turn toward the a’ternoon’s sky, had we not better strike the trail ag’in, and make forward, that we may get an opportunity of seeing these wonderful sisters ? ” Harry March giving a cheerful assent, the rem- nants of the meal were soon collected ; then the travellers shouldered their packs, resumed their arms, and, quitting the little area of light, they again plunged into the deep shadows of the forest. 'CHAPTER II. “ Thou’rt passing from the lake’s green side, And the hunter’s hearth away ; For the time of flowers, for the summer’s pride, Daughter I thou canst not stay.” Records op "Woman. Our two adventurers had not far to go. Hur- ry knew the direction, as soon as he had found the open spot and the spring, and he now led on with the confident step of a man assured of his object. The forest was dark, as a matter of course, but it was no longer obstructed by under- brush, and the footing was firm and dry. After proceeding near a mile, March stopped, and be- gan to cast about him with an inquiring look, ex- amining the different objects with care, and oc- casionally turning his eyes on the trunks of the fallen trees, with which the ground was well sprinkled, as is usually the case in an American wood, especially in those parts of the country where timber has not yet become valuable. “ This must be the place, Deerslayer,” March at length observed ; “ here is a beech by the side of a hemlock, with three pines at hand, and yon- der is a white birch with a broken top ; and yet I see no rock, nor any of the branches bent down, as I told you would be the case.” “Broken branches are onskilful landmarks, as the least exper’enced know that branches don’t often break of themselves,” returned the other ; “ and they also lead to suspicion and discoveries. The Delawares never trust to broken branches, unless it is in friendly times, and on an open trail. As for the beeches, and pines, and hem- locks, why, they are to be seen on all sides of 14 THE DEERSLAYER. us, not only by twos and threes, but by forties, and fifties, and hundreds.” “Very true, Deerslayer, but you never calcu- late on position. Here is a beech and a hem- lock—” “Yes, and there is another beech and a hem- lock, as loving as two brothers, or, for that mat- ter, more loving than some brothers ; and yonder are others, for neither tree is a rarity in these woods. I fear me, Hurry, you are better at trap- ping beaver and shooting bears, than at leading on a blindish sort of a trail. Ha ! there’s what you wish to find, a’ ter all ! ” “ Now, Deerslayer, this is one of your Dela- ware pretensions, for, hang me if I see any thing but these trees, which do seem to start up around us, in a most onaccountable and perplexing man- ner.” “ Look this-a-way, Hurry — here, in a line with the black oak — don’t you see the crooked sap- ling that is hooked up in the branches of the basswood, near it ? Now, that sapling was once snow-ridden, and got the bend by its weight ; but it never straightened itself, and fastened itself in among the basswood branches in the way you see. The hand of man did that act of kindness for it. ’ “ That hand was mine ! ” exclaimed Hurry ; “ I found the slender young thing bent to the airth, like an unfortunate creatur’ borne down by misfortune, and stuck it up where you see it. After all, Deerslayer, I must allow, you’re getting to have an oncommon good eye for the woods ! ” “ ’Tis improving, Hurry — ’tis improving, I will acknowledge ; but ’tis still only a child’s eye, compared to some I know. There’s Tamenund, now, though a man so old that few remember when he was in his prime, Tamenund lets nothing escape his look, which is more like the scent of a hound than the sight of an eye. Then Uncas,* the father of Chingachgook, and the lawful chief of the Mohicans, is another that it is almost hope- less to pass unseen. I’m improving, I will allow — I’m improving, but far from being perfect, as yet.” “And who is this Chingachgook, of whom you talk so much, Deerslayer ? ” asked Hurry, as he moved off in the direction of the righted sap- ling ; “a loping red-skin, at the best, I make no question.” “Not so, Hurry, but the best of loping red- «kins, as you call ’em. If he had his rights, he • Lest the similarity of the names should produce con- fusion, it may he well to say that the Uncas here mentioned is the grandfather of him who plays so conspicuous a part So “The Last of the Mohicans .’ 1 would be a great chief ; but, as it is, he is only a brave and just-minded Delaware ; respected, and even obeyed in some things, ’tis true, but of a fallen race, and belonging to a fallen people. Ah ! Harry March, ’t would warm the heart within you to sit in their lodges of a winter’s night, and listen to the traditions of the ancient greatness and power of the Mohicans 1 ” “ Harkee, fri’nd Nathaniel,”, said Hurry, stop- ping short to face his companion, in order that his words might carry greater weight with them ; “ if a man believed all that other people choose to say in their own favor, he might get an over- sized opinion of them, and an undersized opinion of himself. These red-skins are notable boasters, and I set down more than half of their traditions as pure talk.” “ There is truth in what you say, Hurry, I’ll not deny it, for I’ve seen it, and believe it. They do boast, but then that is a gift from Natur’ ; and it’s sinful to withstand nat’ral gifts. See ; this is the spot you come to find ! ” This remark cut short the discourse, and both the men now gave all their attention to the ob- ject immediately before them. Deerslayer point- ed out to his companion the trunk of a huge lin- den, or basswood, as it is termed in the language of the country, which had filled its time, and fall- en by its own weight. This tree, like so many millions of its brethren, lay where it had fallen, and was mouldering under the slow but certain influence of the seasons. The decay, however, had attacked its centre, even while it stood erect in the pride of vegetation, hollowing out its heart, as disease sometimes destroys the vitals of animal life, even while a fair exterior is presented to the observer. As the trunk lay stretched for near a hundred feet along the earth, the quick eye of the hunter detected this peculiarity, and from thir. and other circumstances he knew it to be the tree of which March was in search. “Ay, here we have what we want,” cried Hur- ry, looking in at the larger end of the linden ; “ every thing is as snug as if it had been left in an old woman’s cupboard. Come, lend me a hand, Deerslayer, and we’ll be afloat in half an hour.” At this call the hunter joined his companion, and the two went to work deliberately and regu- larly, like men accustomed to the sort of thing in which they were employed. In the first place, Hurry removed some pieces of bark that lay be- fore the large opening in the tree, and which the other declared to be disposed in a way that would have been more % likely to attract attention than to conceal the cover, had any straggler passed MUSKRAT CASTLE. 15 that way. The two then drew out a bark canoe, containing its seats, paddles, and other appli- ances, even to fishing lines and rods. This ves- sel was by no means small ; but such was its comparative lightness, and so gigantic was the strength of Hurry, that the latter shouldered it with seeming ease, declining all assistance, even in the act of raising it to the awkward position in which he was obliged to hold it. “ Lead ahead, Deerslayer,” said March, “ and open the bushes ; the rest I can do for myself.” The other obeyed, and the men left the spot, Deerslayer clearing the way for his companion, and inclining to the right or to the left, as the latter directed. In about ten minutes they both broke suddenly into the brilliant light of the sun, on a low, gravelly point, that was washed by wa- ter on quite half its outline. An exclamation of surprise broke from the lips of Deerslayer, an exclamation that was low and guardedly made, however, for his habits were much more thoughtful and regulated than those of the reckless Hurry, when, on reaching the mar- gin of the lake, he beheld the view that unex- pectedly met his gaze. It was, in truth, suffi- ciently striking to merit a brief description. On a level with the point lay a broad sheet of water, so placid and limpid, that it resembled a bed of the pure mountain atmosphere, compressed into a setting of hills and woods. Its length was about three leagues, while its breadth was irregular, ex- panding to half a league, or even more, opposite to the point, and contracting to less than half that distance, more to the southward. Of course, its margin was irregular, being indented by bays, and broken by many projecting, low points. At its northern or nearest end it was bounded by ai isolated mountain, lower land falling off east and west, gracefully relieving the sweep of the outline. Still the character of the country was mountainous ; high hills or low mountains rising abruptly from the water, on quite nine tenths of its circuit. The exceptions, indeed, only served a little to vary the scene; and even beyond the parts of the shore that were comparatively low, the background was high, though more distant. But the most striking peculiarities of this scene were its solemn solitude and sweet repose. On all sides, wherever the eye turned, nothing met it but the mirror-like surface of the lake, the placid view of heaven, and the dense setting of woods. So rich and fleecy were the outlines of the forest, that scarce an opening could be seen, the whole visible earth, from the rounded moun- tain-top to the water’s edge, presenting one un- varied hue of unbroken verdure. As if vegeta* 2 tion were not satisfied with a triumph so com- plete, the trees overhung the lake itself, shooting out toward the light ; and there were miles along its eastern shore where a boat might have pulled beneath the branches of dark Rembrandt-looking hemlocks, “ quivering aspens,” and melancholy pines. In a word, the hand of man had never yet defaced or deformed any part of this native scene, which lay bathed in the sunlight, a glori- ous picture of affluent forest-grandeur, softened by the balminess of June, and relieved by the beautiful variety afforded by the presence of so broad an expanse of water. “ This is grand ! — ’tis solemn ! — ’tis an edica- tion of itself to look upon!” exclaimed Deer- slayer, as he stood leaning od his rifle and gazing to the right and left, north and south, above and beneath, in whichever direction his eye could wander; “not a tree disturbed even by red-skin hand, as I can discover, but every thing left in the ordering of the Lord, to live and die accord- ing to His own designs and laws ! Hurry, your Judith ought to be a moral and well-disposed young woman if she has passed half the time you mention in the centre of a spot so favored.” “That’s a naked truth ; and yet the gal haa the vagaries. All her time has not been passed here, howsever, old Tom having the custom, afore I know’d him, of going to spend the winters in the neighborhood of the settlers, or under the guns of the forts. No, no, Jude has caught more than is for her good from the settlers, and es- pecially from the gallantifying officers.” “ If she has — if she has, Hurry, this is a school to set her mind right ag’in. — But -what is this I see off here, abreast of us, that seems too small for an island, and too large for a boat, though it stands in the midst of the water ? ” “ Why, that is what these gallanting gentry, from the forts, call Muskrat Castle ; and old Tom himself will grin at the name, though it bears so hard on his own natur’ and character. ’Tis the stationary house, there being two ; this, which never moves, and the other, that floats, being sometimes in one part of the lake and sometimes in another. The last goes by the name of the ark, though what may be the meaning of the word is more than I can tell you.” “ It must come from the missionaries, Hurry, whom I have heard speak and read of such a thing. They say that the ’arth was once covered with water, and that Noah, with his children, was saved from drowning by building a vessel called an ark, in which he embarked in season. Some of the Delawares believe this tradition, and some deny it; but it behooves you and me, as white 16 THE DEERSLAYER. men born, to put our faith in its truth. Ho you See any thing of this ark ? ” “ ’Tis down south, no doubt, or anchored in some of the bays. But the canoe is ready, and fifteen minutes will carry two such paddles as your’n and mine to the castle.” At this suggestion, Heerslayer helped his com- panion to place the different articles in the canoe, which was already afloat. This was no sooner done than the two frontier-men embarked, and, by a vigorous push, sent the light bark some eight or ten rods from the shore. Hurry now took the seat in the stern, while Deerslayer placed himself forward, and, by leisurely but steady strokes of the paddles, the canoe glided across the placid sheet toward the extraordinary- looking structure that the former had styled Musk- rat Castle. Several times the men ceased pad- dling and looked about them at the scene as new glimpses opened from behind points, enabling them to see farther down the lake, or to get broader views of the wooded mountains. The only changes, however, were in the new forms of the hills, the varying curvature of the bays, and the wider reaches of the valley south ; the whole earth, apparently, being clothed in a gala-dress of leaves. “ This is a sight to warm the heart ! ” ex- claimed Deerslayer, when they had thus stopped for the fourth or fifth time ; “ the lake seems made to let us get an insight into the noble forests ; and land and water, alike, stand in the beauty of God’s providence ! — Do you say, Huriy, that there is no man who calls himself lawful owner of all these glories ? ” “ None but the king, lad. He may pretend to some right of that natur’, but he is so far away that his claim will never trouble old Tom Hutter, who has got possession, and is like to keep it as long as his life lasts. Tom is no squatter, not being on land ; I call him a floater.” “ I invy that man ! — I know it‘s wrong, and I strive ag’in the feelin’, but I invy that man ! Don’t think, Hurry, that I’m consarting any plan to put myself in his moccasins, for such a thought doesn’t harbor in my mind ; but I can’t help a little invy ! ’Tis a nat’ral feelin’, and the best of us are but nat’ral a’ter all, and give way to such feelin’s at times.” “ You’ve only to marry Hetty to inherit half the estate,” cried Hurry, laughing; “the gal is comely ; nay, if it wasn’t for her sister’s beauty, she would be even handsome ; and then her wits are so small that you may easily convarc her into one of your own way of thinking in all things. Do you fake Hetty off the old fellow’s hands, and I’ll engage he’Jl give you an interest in every dec? you can knock over within five miles of his lake.” “ Does game abound ? ” suddenly demanded the other, who paid but little attention to March’s raillery. “ It has the country to itself. Scarce a trig- ger is pulled on it ; and as for the trappers, this is not a region they greatly frequent. I ought not to be so much here myself, but Jude pulls one way, while the beaver pulls another. More than a hundred Spanish dollars has that creatur’ cost me the two last seasons ; and yet I could not forego the wish to look upon her face once more.” “ Do the red men often visit this lake, Hurry ? ” continued Deerslayer, pursuing his own train of thought. “ Why, they come and go ; sometimes in parties, and sometimes singly. The country seems to belong to no native tribe in particular ; and so it has fallen into the hands of the Hutter tribe. The old man tells me that some sharp ones have been wheedling the Mohawks for an Indian deed, in order to get a title out of the colony ; but nothing has come of it, seeing that no one, heavy enough for such a trade, has yet meddled with the matter. The hunters have a good life-lease, still, of this wilderness.” “ So much the better — so much the better, Hurry. If I was King of England, the man that felled one of these trees without good occasion for the timber, should be banished to a desarted and forlorn region, in which no four-footed ani- mal ever trod. Right glad am I that Chingach- gook app’inted our meeting on this lake, for, hitherto, eye of mine never looked on such a glorious spectacle.” “ That’s because you’ve kept so much among the Delawares, in whose country there are no lakes. Now, farther north, and farther west, these bits of water abound ; and you’re young, and may yet live to see ’em. But though there be other lakes, Deerslayer, there’s no other Judith Hutter ! ” At this remark his companion smiled, and then he dropped his paddle into the water, as il in consideration of a lover’s haste. Both now pulled vigorously until they got within a hundred yards of the “ castle,” as Hurry familiarly called the house of Hutter, when they again ceased pad- dling; the admirer of Judith restraining his im- patience the more readily, as he perceived that the building was untenanted, at the moment. This new pause was to enable Deerslayer to sur- vey the singular edifice, which was of a con- PECULIARITIES OF SUTTER’S HABITATION. 17 struction so novel as to merit a particular descrip- tion. Muskrat Castle, as the house had been fa- cetiously named by some waggish officer, stood in the open lake, at a distance of fully a quarter of a mile from the nearest shore. On every other side the water extended much farther, the pre- cise position being distant about two miles from the northern end of the sheet, and near, if not quite, a mile from its eastern shore. As there was not the smallest appearance of any island, but the house stood on pile3, with the water flow- ing beneath it, and Deerslayer had already dis- covered that the lake was of a great depth, he was fain to ask an explanation of this singular circumstance. Hurry solved the difficulty by telling him that on this spot alone, a long, nar- row shoal, which extended for a few hundred yards in a north and south direction, rose within six or eight feet of the surface of the lake, and that Hutter had driven piles into it, and placed his habitation on them, for the purpose of se- curity. “ The old fellow was burnt out three times, atween the Indians and the hunters ; and in one affray with the red-skins he lost his only son, since which time he has taken to the water for safety. No one can attack him here, without coming in a boat, and the plunder and scalps would scarce be worth the trouble of digging out canoes. Then it’s by no means sartin which would whip in such a scrimmage, for old Tom is well supplied with arms and ammunition, and the castle, as you may see, is a tight breast-work ag’in light shot.” Deerslayer had some theoretical knowledge of frontier warfare, though he had never yet been called on to raise his hand in anger against a fellow-creature. He saw that Hurry did not overrate the strength of this position in a military point of view, since it would not be easy to attack it without exposing the assailants to the fire of the besieged. A good deal of art had also been manifested in the disposition of the timber of which the building was constructed, and which afforded a protection much greater than was usual to the ordinary log-cabins of the frontier. The sides and ends were composed of the trunks of large pines, cut about nine feet long, and placed upright, instead of being laid horizontally, as was the practice of the country. These logs were squared on three sides, and had large tenons on each end. Massive sills were secured on the heads of the piles, with suitable grooves dug out of their upper surfaces, which had been squared for the purpose, and the lower tenons of the up- 2 right pieces were placed in those grooves, giving them a secure fastening below. Plates had been laid on the upper ends of the upright logs, and were kept in their places by a similar contrivance ; the several corners of the structure being well fastened by scarfing and pinning the sills and plates. The floors were made of smaller logs, similarly squared, and the roof was composed of light poles, firmly united, and well covered with bark. The effect of this ingenious arrangement was to give its owner a house that could be ap- proached only by water, the sides of which were composed of logs closely wedged together, which were two feet thick in their thinnest parts, and which could be separated only by a deliberate and laborious use of human hands, or by the slow operation of time. The outer surface of the building was rude and uneven, the logs being of unequal sizes ; but the squared surfaces within gave both the sides and floor as uniform an ap- pearance as was desired, either for use or show. The chimney was not the least singular portion of the castle, as Hurry made his companion ob- serve, while he explained the process by which it had been made. The material was a stiff clay, properly worked, which had been put together in a mould of sticks, and suffered to harden, a foot or two at a time, commencing at the bottom. When the entire chimney had thus been raised, and had been properly bound in with outward props, a brisk fire was kindled, and kept going until it was burned to something like a brick-red. This had not been an easy operation, nor had it succeeded entirely ; but, by dint of filling the cracks with fresh clay, a safe- fireplace and chim- ney had been obtained in the end. This part of the work stood on the log-floor, secured beneath by an extra pile. There were a few other pecu- liarities about this dwelling, which will better ap- pear in the course of the narrative. “ Old Tom is full of contrivances,” added Hurry^ “ and he set his heart on the success of his chim- ney, which threatened more than once to give out altogether ; but parseverancq will even overcome smoke ; and now he has a comfortable cabin of it, though it did promise, at one time, to be a ohinky sort of a flue to carry flames and fire.” “ You seem to know the whole history of the castle, Hurry, chimney and sides,” said Deerslayer, smiling ; “ is love so overcoming that it causes a man to study the story of his sweetheart’s habita- tion ? ” “Partly that, lad, and partly eyesight,” re- turned the good-natured giant, laughing; “there was a large gang of us, in at the lake, the summer the old fellow built, and we helped him along with 18 THE DEERSLAYER. the job. I raised no small part of the weight of them uprights with my own shoulders, and the axes flew, I can inform you, Master Natty, while we were bee-ing it among the trees ashore. The old devil is no way stingy about food, and as we had often eat at his hearth, we thought we would just house him comfortably, afore we went to Albany with our skins. Yes, many is the meal I’ve swallowed in Tom Hutter’s cabins ; and Hetty, though so weak in the way of wits, has a wonderful particular way about a frying-pan or a gridiron ! ” While the parties were thus discoursing, the canoe had been gradually drawing near to the “ castle,” and was now so close as to require but a single stroke of a paddle to reach the landing. This was at a floored platform in front of the entrance, and might have been some twenty feet square. “ Old Tom calls this sort of a wharf his door- yard,” observed Hurry, as he fastened the canoe, after he and his companion had left it ; “ and the gallants from the forts have named it the ‘ castle court,’ though what a ‘ court ’ can have to do here is more than I can tell you, seeing there is no law. ’Tis as I supposed ; not a soul within, but the whole family is off on a v’y’ge of dis- covery ! ” While Hurry was bustling about the “ door- yard,” examining the fishing-spears, rods, nets, and other similar appliances of a frontier cabin, Deerslayer, whose manner was altogether more rebuked and quiet, entered the building, with a curiosity that was not usually exhibited by one so long trained in Indian habits. The interior of the “ castle ” was as faultlessly neat as its exterior was novel. The entire space, some twenty feet by forty, was subdivided into several small sleep- ing-rooms; the apartment into which he first entered, serving equally for the ordinary uses of its inmates, and for a kitchen. The furniture was of the strange mixture that is not uncommon to find in the remotely-situated log-tenements of the interior. Most of it was rude, and to the last degree rustic; but there was a clock, with a handsome case of dark wood, in a corner, and two or three chairs, with a table and bureau, that had evidently come from some dwelling of more than usual pretension. The clock was industri- ously ticking, but its leaden-looking hands did no discredit to their dull aspect, for they pointed to the hour of eleven, though the sun plainly showed it was some time past the turn of the day. There was also a dark, massive chest.. The kitchen utensils were of the simplest kind, and fer from numerous, but every article was in its place, and showed the nicest care in its condV tion. After Deerslayer had cast a look about him in the outer room, he raised a wooden latch, and entered a narrow passage that divided the inner end of the house into two equal parts. Frontier usages being no way scrupulous, and his curiosity being strongly excited, the young man now opened a door, and found himself in a bedroom. A sin- gle glance sufficed to show that the apartment belonged to females. The bed was of the feathers of wild-geese, and filled nearly to overflowing ; but it lay in a rude bunk, raised only a foot from the floor. On one side of* it were arranged, on pegs, various dresses, of a quality much superior to what one would expect to meet in such a place, with ribbons and other similar articles to corre- spond. Pretty shoes, with handsome silver buckles, such as were then worn by females in easy circumstances, were not wanting; and no less than six fans, of gay colors, were placed half open, in a way to catch the eye by their conceits and hues. Even the pillow, on this side of the bed, was covered with finer linen than its compan- ion, and it was ornamented with a small ruffle. A cap, coquettishly decorated with ribbons, hung above it, and a pair of long gloves, such as were rarely used in those days by persons of the labor- ing-classes, were pinned ostentatiously to it, as if with an intention to exhibit them there, if they could not be shown on the owner’s arms. All this Deerslayer saw, and noted with a de- gree of minuteness that would have done credit to the habitual observation of his friends the Delawares. Nor did he fail to perceive the dis- tinction that existed between the appearances on the different sides of the bed, the head of which stood against the wall. On that opposite to the one just described, every thing was homely and uninviting, except through its perfect neatness. The few garments that were hanging from the pegs were of the coarsest materials and of the commonest forms, while nothing seemed made for show. Of ribbons there was not one ; nor was there either cap or kerchief beyond those which Hutter’s daughters might be fairly entitled to wear. It was now several years since Deerslayer had been in a spot especially devoted to the uses of females of his own color and race. The sight brought back to his mind a rush of childish rec- ollections; and he lingered in the room with a tenderness of feeling to which he had long been a stranger. He bethought him of his mother, whose homely vestments he remembered to have seen hanging on pegs like those which he felt “THE GLIMMERGLASS.” 19 must belong to Hetty Hutter ; and he bethought himself of a sister, whose incipient and native taste fer fiirery had exhibited itself somewhat in the manner of that of Judith, though necessarily in a less degree. These little resemblances opened a long-hidden vein of sensations, and, as he quitted the room, it was with a saddened mien. He looked no farther, but returned slowly and thoughtfully toward the “ door-yard.” “ Old Tom has taken to a new calling, and has been trying his hand at the traps,” cried Hurry, who had been coolly examining the bor- derer’s implements ; “ if that is his humor, and you’re disposed to remain in these parts, we can make an oncommon comfortable season of it, for, while the old man and I out-knowledge the bea- ver, you can fish, and knock down the deer, to keep body and soul together. We always give the poorest hunters half a share, but one as ac- tive and sartain as yourself might expect a full one.” “Thank’ee, Hurry; thank’ee, ■with all my heart — but I do a little beavering for myself, as occasions offer. ’Tis true, the Delawares call me Deerslayer, but it’s not so much because I’m pretty fatal with the venison, as because that while I kill so many bucks and does, I’ve never yet taken the life of a fellow-creatur’. They say their traditions do not tell of another who had shed so much blood of animals that had not shed the blood of man.” “I hope they don’t account you chicken- hearted, lad ? A faint-hearted man is like a no- tailed beaver.” “ I don’t believe, Hurry, that they account me as out-of-the-way timorous, even though they may not account me as out-of-the-way brave. But I’m not quarrelsome, and that goes a great way tow- ard keeping blood off the hands, among the hunters and red-skins ; and, then, Harry March, it keeps blood off the conscience, too.” “Well, for my part, I account game, a red- skin, and a Frenchman, as pretty much the same thing, though I’m as onquarrelsome a man, too, as there is in all the colonies. I despise a quar- reller as I do a cur-dog, but one has no need to be over-scruplesome when it’s the right time to show the flint.” “ I look upon him as the most of a man who acts nearest the right, Hurry. But this is a glo- rious spot, and my eyes never a-weary looking at it ! ” “ ’Tis your first acquaintance with a lake, and these idees come over us all at such times. Lakes have a general character, as I say, being pretty much water and land, and points and bays.” As this definition by no means met the feel- ings that were uppermost in the mind of the young hunter, he made no immediate answer, but stood gazing at the dark hills and the glassy water in silent enjoyment. “Have the governor’s or the king’s people given this lake a name ? ” he suddenly asked, as if struck with a new idea. “If they’ve not begun to blaze their trees, and set up their compasses, and line off their maps, it’s likely they’ve not bethought them to disturb Natur’ with a name.” “ They’ve not got to that yet ; and the last time I went in with skins, one of the king’s sur- veyors was questioning me consaming all the re- gion hereabouts. He had heard that there was a lake in this quarter, and had got some general notions about it, such as that there was water and hills, but how much of either, he knowed no more than you know of the Mohawk tongue. I didn’t open the trap any wider than was necessary, giv- ing him but poor encouragement in the way of farms and clearings. In short, I left on bis mind some such opinion of this country as a man gets of a spring of dirty water, with a path to it that is so muddy that one mires afore he sets out. He told me they hadn’t got the spot down yet on their maps, though I conclude that is a mistake, for he showed me his parchment, and there is a lake down on it where there is no lake, in fact, and which is about fifty miles from the place where it ought to be, if they meant it for this. I don’t think my account will encourage him to mark down another, by way of improvement.” Here Hurry laughed heartily, such tricks be- ing particularly grateful to a set of men who dreaded the approaches of civilization as a cur- tailment of their own lawless empire. The egre- gious errors that existed in the maps of the day, all of which were made in Europe, was, moreover, a standing topic of ridicule among them ; for, if they had not science enough to make any better themselves, they had sufficient local information to detect the gross blunders contained in those that existed. Any one who will take the trouble to compare these unanswer- able evidences of the topographical skill of our fathers a century since, with the more accurate sketches of our own time, will at once perceive that the men of the woods had a sufficient justifi- cation for all their criticism on this branch of the skill of the colonial governments, which did not at all hesitate to place a river or a lake a degree or two out of the way, even though they lay within a day’s march of the inhabited parts of the country. 20 THE DEERSLAYER. “I’m glad it lias no name,” resumed Deer- slayer, “ or, at least, no pale-face name, for their christenings always foretell waste and destruc- tion. No doubt, howsever, the red-skins have their modes of knowing it, and the hunters and trappers, too ; they are likely to call the place by something reasonable and resembling.” “As for the tribes, each has its own tongue, and its own way of calling things, and they treat this part of the world just as they treat all others. Among ourselves, we’ve got to calling the place the ‘ Glimmerglass,’ seeing that its whole basin is often fringed with pines, cast upward from its face, as if it would throw back the hills that hang over it.” “ There is an outlet, I know, for all lakes have outlets, and the rock at which I am to meet Chin- gachook stands near an outlet. Has that no col- ony-name, yet ? ” “ In that particular, they’ve got the advan- tage of us, having one end, and that the biggest, in their own keeping; they’ve given it a name which has found its way up to its source, names nat’rally working up-stream. No doubt, Deer- slayer, you’ve seen the Susquehanna, down in the Delaware country ? ” “ That have I, and hunted along its banks a hundred times.” “ That and this are the same, in fact, and, I suppose, the same in sound. I am glad they’ve been compelled to keep the red men’s name, for it would be too hard to rob them of both land and name ! ” Deerslayer made no answer ; but he stood leaning on his rifle, gazing at the view which so much delighted him. The reader is not to sup- pose, however, that it was the picturesque alone which so strongly attracted his attention. The spot was very lovely, of a truth, and it was then seen in one of its most favorable moments, the surface of the lake being as smooth as glass and as limpid as pure air, throwing back the moun- tains, clothed in dark pines, along the whole of its eastern boundary, the points thrusting forward their trees even to nearly horizontal lines, while the bays were seen glittering through an occa- sional arch beneath, left by a vault fretted with branches and leaves. It was the air of deep re- pose — the solitudes, that spoke of scenes and 'orests untouched by the hands of man — the reign of Nature, in a word, that gave so much pure delight to one of his habits and turn of mind. Still, he felt, though it was unconsciously ^ like a poet also. If he found a pleasure in study- ing this large, and, to him, unusual opening into the mysteries and forms of the woods, as one is gratified in getting broader views of any subject that has long occupied his thoughts, he was not insensible to the innate loveliness of such a land- scape, either, but felt a portion of that soothing of the spirit which is a common attendant of a scene so thoroughly pervaded by the holy calm of Nature. CHAPTER III. “ Come, shall we go and kill us venison ? And yet it irks me, the poor dappled fools — Being native burghers of this desert city — Should, in their own confines, with forked heads Have their round haunches gored.” Shakespear*. Horry Harry thought more of the beauties of Judith Hutter than of those of the Glimmer- glass and its accompanying scenery. As soon as he had taken a suffi ciently intimate survey of Floating Tom’s implements, therefore, he sum. moned his companion to the canoe, that they might go down the lake in quest of the family. Previously to embarking, however, Hurry care- fully examined the whole of the northern end of the water with an indifferent ship’s glass, that formed a part of Hutter’s effects. In this sera, tiny, no part of the shore was overlooked ; the bays and points, in particular, being subjected to a closer inquiry than the rest of the wooded boundary. “ ’Tis as I thought,” said Hurry, laying aside the glass, “ the old fellow is drifting about the south end, this fine weather, and has left the castle to defend itself. Well, now we know that he is not up this-a-way, ’twill be but a small matter to paddle down, and hunt him up in his hiding-place.” “Does Master Hutter think it necessary to burrow on this lake ? ” inquired Deerslayer, as he followed his companion into the canoe ; “ to my eye, it is such a solitude as one might open his whole soul in, and fear no one to disarrange his thoughts or his worship.” “ You forget your friends the Mingoes, and all the French savages. Is there a spot on ’arth, Deerslayer, to which them disquiet rogues don’t go ? Where is the lake, or even the deer-lick, that the blackguards don’t find out ; and, having found out, don’t, sooner or later, discolor its water with blood ? ” “ I hear no good character of them, sartainly friend Hurry, though I’ve never been called on, as yet, to meet them, or any other mortal, on the war-path. I dare to say that such a lovely spot AN ANIMATED DISCUSSION. 21 as this would not be likely to be overlooked by such plunderers ; for, though I’ve not been in the way of quarrelling with them tribes myself, the Delawares give me such an account of ’em that that I’ve pretty much set ’em down, in my own mind, as thorough miscreants.” “You may do that with a safe conscience, or, for that matter, any other savage you may happen to meet.” Here Deerslayer protested, and as they went paddling down the lake a hot discussion was maintained concerning the respective merits of the pale-faces and the red-skins. Hurry had all the prejudices and antipathies of a white hunter^ who generally regards the Indian as a sort of natural competitor, and not unfrequently as a natural enemy. As a matter of course, he was loud, clamorous, dogmatical, and not very argu- mentative. Deerslayer, on the other hand, mani- fested a very different temper; proving, by the moderation of his language, the fairness of his views, and the simplicity of his distinctions, that he possessed every disposition to hear reason, a strong, innate desire to do justice, and an ingenu- ousness $hat was singularly indisposed to have recourse to sophisms to maintain an argument, or to defend a prejudice. Still, he was not altogeth- er free from the influence of the latter feeling. This tyrant of the human mind, which rushes on its prey through a thousand avenues, almost as soon as men begin to think and feel, and which seldom relinquishes its iron sway until they cease to do either, had made some impression on even the just propensities of this individual, who prob- ably offered in these particulars a fair specimen of what absence from bad example, the want of temptation to go wrong, and native good feeling, can render youth. “ You will allow, Deerslayer, that a Mingo is more than half devil,” cried Hurry, following up the discussion with an animation that touched closely on ferocity, “though you want to over- persuade me that the Delaware tribe is pretty much made up of angels. Now, I gainsay that proposal, consarning white men, even. All white men are not faultless, and therefore all Indians can't be faultless. And so your argument is out at the elbow in the start. But, this is what I call reason : Here’s three colors on ’arth ; white, black, and red. White is the highest color, and therefore the best man ; black comes next, and is put to live in the neighborhood of the white man, as tolerable, and fit to be made use of; and red comes last, which shows that those that made ’em never expect an Indian to be accounted as more than half human.” “ God made all three alike, Hurry.” “Alike! Do you call a nigger like a white man, or me like an Indian ? ” “ You go off at half-cock, and don’t hear me out. God made us all, white, black, and red ; and, no doubt, had his own wise intentions in coloring us differently. Still, he made us, in the main, much the same in feelin’s ; though I’ll not deny that he gave each race its gifts. A white man’s gifts are Christianized, while a red-skin’s are more for the wilderness. Thus, it would be a great of- fence for a white man to scalp the dead ; wliereaa it’s a signal vartue in an Indian. Then, ag’in, a white man cannot amboosh women and children in war, while a red-skin may. ’Tis cruel work, I’ll allow ; but for them it’s laicful work ; while for us it would be grievous work.” “ That depends on your inimy. As for scalp- ing, or even skinning a savage, I look upon them pretty much the same as cutting off the ears of wolves for the bounty, or stripping a bear of its hide. And then you’re out significantly, as to taking the poll of a red-skin in hand, seeing that the very colony has offered a bounty for the job ; all the same as it pays for wolves’ ears and crows’ heads.” “ Ay, and a bad business it is, Hurry. Even the Indians themselve3 cry shame on it, seeing it’s ag’in a white man’s gifts. 1 do not pretend that all that white men do, is properly Christian- ized, and according to the lights given them, for then they would be what they ought to be ; which we know they are not ; but I will maintain that tradition, and use, and color, and laws, make such a difference in races as to amount to gifts. I do not deny that there are tribes among the Indians that are nat’rally pervarse and wicked, as there are nations among the whites. Now, I account the Mingoes as belonging to the first, and the Frenchers, in the Canadas, to the last. In a state of lawful warfare, such as we have lately got into, it is a duty to keep down all compas- sionate feelin’s, so far as life goes, ag’in either ; but when it comes to scalps, it’s a very different matter.” “ Just hearken to reason, if you please, Deer- slayer, and tell me if the colony can make an onlawful law ? Isn’t an onlawful law more ag’in natur’ than scalpin’ a savage? A law can no more be onlawful, than truth can be a lie.” “ That sounds reasonable ; but it has a most onreasonable bearing, Hurry. Laws don’t all come from the same quarter. God has given us his’n, and some come from the colony, and othei'3 come from the king and Parliament. When the colony’s laws, or even the king’s laws, run ag’in THE DEERSLAYER. es the laws of God, they get to be onlawful, and ought not to be obeyed. I hold to a white man’s respecting white laws, so long as they do not cross the track of a law cornin’ from a higher authority; and for a red man to obey his own red-skin usages, under the same privilege. But, ’iis useless talking, as each man will think for him- *elf, and have his say agreeable to his thoughts. Let us keep a good lookout for your friend Float- ing Tom, lest we pass him, as he lies hidden under this bushy shore.” Deerslayer had not named the borders of the lake amiss. Along their whole length, the smaller trees overhung the water, with their branches often dipping in the transparent element. The banks were steep, even from the narrow strand ; and, as vegetation invariably struggles toward the light, the effect was precisely that at which the lover of the picturesque would have aimed, had the ordering of this glorious setting of forest been submitted to his control. The points and bays, too, were sufficiently numerous to render the outline broken and diversified. As the canoe kept close along the western side of the lake, with a view, as Hurry had explained to his companion, of reconnoitring for enemies, before he trusted himself too openly in sight, the expectations of the two adventurers were kept constantly on the stretch, as neither could foretell what the next turning of a point might reveal. Their progress was swift, the gigantic strength of Hurry enabling him to play with the light bark as if it had been a feather, while the skill of his companion almost equalized their usefulness, notwithstanding the disparity in natural means. Each time the canoe passed a point, Hurry turned a look behind him, expecting to see the “ark” anchored, or beached in the bay. He was fated to be disappointed, however ; and they had got within a mile of the southern end of the lake, or a distance of quite two leagues from the “ castle,” which was now hidden from view by half a dozen intervening projections of the land, when he suddenly ceased paddling, as if uncer- tain in what direction next to steer. “ It is possible that the old chap has dropped into the river,” said Hurry, after looking care- fully along the whole of the eastern shore, which