Oak Street UNCLASSIFIED OF THE OhioWesleyanUniversity 1843 — 1880. THE LIBRARY (IF THE FEB 2 5 1930 UNIVERSITY. OF ILLINOIS ALUMNI RECORD OF THE Ohio Wesleyan University. 1842-1880. COMPILED BY EDW'AED T. 1LELSOET. THE LIBRARY OF THE FEB H 5 1930 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS DELAWARE, OHIO: PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY. 1880. SUMMARY. ofo Table showing occupation of Alumni since graduation. No. in Ministry, Methodist Episcopal No. who have held office under National Church 189 Government 23 No. in Ministry, Presbyterian Church 12 No. who have been members of State No. in Ministry, all other denomina Legislatures 20 tions 10 No. of Editors 4i No. of Missionaries 14 No. in Business of all kinds 78 No. of College Presidents and Professors . l °5 No. of Farmers 34 No. of Teachers in Public Schools . . . 118 No. engaged in banking 9 No. of Attorneys at Law 187 No. engaged in Manufacturing 8 No. of Doctors in Medicine 54 No. engaged in preparing for Professions 35 — 0J0 Table showing the number of Honorary and Literary Degrees received by Alumni : Doctor of Laws • 3 Bachelor of Divinity 45 Bachelor of Laws • 32 Mining Engineer 1 Doctor of Philosophy . 8 Bachelor and Master of Arts from other Doctor of Divinity 17 Institutions 8 — 0+0 The distribution by States is as follows : Ohio ... 467 New York •• 5 Delaware 1 Illinois 36 Tennessee •• 7 New Hampshire . 2 Indiana 28 Kentucky . . 12 Wisconsin 3 Massachusetts .... 9 Colorado .. 6 Texas 3 Missouri .... 23 Oregon 4 Connecticut . 1 Kansas ... . 19 Nebraska 4 Louisiana 2 Iowa . ... 16 New Jersey . . • • 7 Mississippi . California . . . . 16 Maryland 5 Washington Territory. . 3 Pennsylvania 15 District of Columbia. . ■ ■ 5 Wyoming Territory. . . . 2 Minnesota .... 13 Nevada . . 3 Montana Terri torv , Michigan . . 6 Utah j 1 Germany . . 1 China . . . 4 Chili 1 Denmark ... 1 India .... 3 Brazil ... 1 Australia . 1 Mexico . . 2 Canada . ... 1 British Columbia 1 Uruguay. 1 Unknown. . . . 10 Gentlemen 766 Dead . 57 Ladies .... Grand Total 809 Printed by Columbus Steam Printing Works. TRUSTEES OF THE Ohio Wesleyan University. William Neff 1842 — 1842 ♦Samuel Williams 1842—1859 Allen Tbimble 1842 — 1850 Lemuel Reynolds 1842 — 1845 Thomas Orr 1842—1856 William Bishop 1842—1855 William Armstrong 1842 — 1849 James B. Finley 1842 — 1842 Jacob Young 1842—1855 Edmund W. Sehon 1842 — 1846 Leonidas L. Hamline 1842 — 1842 ♦Patrick G. Goode 1842 — 1863 George B. Arnold 1842 — 1845 Mordecai Bartley 1842—1850 Frederick C. Welch 1842 — 1846 ♦ Wilder Joy 1842—1868 Henry Ebbert • 1842 — 1845 John H. Harris. . . 1842 — 1845 Adam Poe, D. D .... 1842 — 1868 William Burke 1842 — 1846 Leonard B. Gurley 1842 — 1870 John H. Power, D. D. 1843—1857 David Young 1843 — 1850 John M’ Dowell 1843 — 1846 Edward Thompson, D. D., LL. D 1845 — 1870 James H. Godman ^ 1845 — ♦Francis Horr 1845 — 1846 Nathanael M’Lean 1845 — 1849 Emory Moore 1846 — 1850 Samuel F. M’Cracken 1846—1849 ♦Adam N. Riddle 1846 — 1870 Henry E. Pilcher 1847 — 1869 Granville Moody, D. D f . 1849 — 1872 James B. Finley 1849 — 1852 Cyrus Brooks 1849 — 1858 Thomas Brown, 1849—1854 John Quigley 1850—1852 V T rustees. Nathan Chester 1850 — 1873 *Daniel Brush 1850 — 1869 Charles Elliott, D. D 1850 — 1858 James C. Evans 1852 — 1876 Joseph M. Trimble, D. D 1852 — Archibald Liggett 1854—1858 *Uriah Heath 1855 — 1862 Cary A. Trimble, M. D 1856 — 1871 James M. Jameson 1856 — 1869 William R. Sapp 1858 — 1873 Thomas A. Morris, D. D 1858—1873 ^Michael Marley, D. D 1858 — 1866 ^Thomas Parrott . 1858 — 1864 James P. Kilbreth 1859 — 1866 Leander J. Critchfield, M. A 1862 — 1878 Charles E. Pennewell 1863 — 1866 John Davis, M. D. . 1864 — *Davis W. Clark, D. D 1866 — 1871 William L. Harris, D. D., LL. D 1867 — William A. Ingham 1867 — Thaddeus A. Reamy, M. A., M. D 1868 — 1877 Andrew B. See 1868 — Frederick Merrick 1869 — 1873 John R. Wright, M. A 1869 — Aaron J. Lyon, M. A . . 1869 — Phineas P. Mast, M. A 1870 — George Mather, M. A 1870—1877 Alexander Harmount 1870 — Aaron P. Miller, M.D 1871 — 1876 *JOHN F. BarTLIT ; , . . . 1871 — 1 876 Lafayette Van Cleve, D, D 1872 — Homer M. Carper, M. A 1872 — 1875 John W. King, M. A. 1872 — H. Eugene Parrott, M. A. 1872 — Wesley G. Waters, M. A 1872 — Benjamin F. Cessna, M. A., M. D 1872 — 1873 Richard S. Rust, D. D. 1873 — George W. Geddes. 1873 — 1878 *Ralph Hills, M. D 1873 — 1878 Lovis Miller 1873 — Charles W. Cole, M. A 1875 — Charles H. Payne, D. D. f LL. D 1875 — J OHN W. Hiett, M. A. 1876 — George Mitchell, M. A., M. D 1876 — James Y. Gordon 1876 — Frederick Merrick, M. A . . . 1877 — Gaylord H. Hartupee, D. D 1877 — Thomas F. Joy 1878 — Leroy A. Belt 1878 — William Lawrence, LL. D 1879 — OFFICERS OF THE BOARD. PRESIDENTS. Allen Trimble 1842 — 1850 Edward Thomson, D, D., LL. D 1850 — 1870 Davis W. Clark, D. D. 1870 — 1871 Joseph M. Trimble, D. D 1871 — VICE-PRESIDENTS. Joseph M. Trimble, D. D 1870 — 1871 James H. Godman 1871 — SECRETARIES. George B. Arnold 1842 — 1845 William G. Williams 1845 — 1846 Edward Thomson 1846 — 1848 Samuel Williams 1849 — 1850 William G. Williams 1850 — TREASURERS. Thomas Orr 1842 — 1849 * Wilder Joy 1849 — 1853 James C. Evans 1853 — 1859 William L. Harris 1859 — 1860 William G. Williams i860 — AUDITOR. Frederick Merrick 1845— FACULT Y. PRESIDENTS. -•EDWARD THOMSON 1844—1860 M. D., 1829, University of Pennsylvania. D. D., 1846, Indiana Asbury University. LL. D., 1855, Wesleyan University. Minister in North Ohio Conference M. E. Church. Principal of Nor- walk Seminary, 1838-44. Editor of Ladies’ Repository, 1844-6. Editor of Christian Advocate, 1860-4. Bishop in M. E. Church, 1864-70. Died in Wheeling, West Va., March 22, 1870. FREDERICK MERRICK M. A., 1837, Wesleyan University. i860 — 1873 Minister in Ohio Conference M. E. Church. Prof, of Chemistry and Natural History, 1845-52. Prof, of Biblical Literature and Moral Philosophy, 1852-60. Lecturer on Natural and Revealed Re- ligion, 1873 — . 26 South Liberty Street, Delaware, Ohio. CHARLES HENRY PAYNE 1876— B. A., 1856, and M. A., 1859, Wesleyan Universty. D. D., 1870, Dickinson College. LL. D„ 1876, Ohio University. Minister in the Cincinnati Conference M. E. Church. 176 North Sandusky Street, Delaware, Ohio. ■ojo- PROFESSORS. *HERMAN MERRILLS JOHNSON 1844 — 1850 B. A., 1839, and M. A., 1842, Wesleyan University. D. D., 1852, Ohio Wesleyan University. Prof, of Ancient Languages, 1844-50. Transferred from North Ohio to Philadelphia Conference M. E. Church, 1850. Prof, of English Literature in Dickinson College, 1850-60. President of same, 1860-8. Died at Carlisle, Pa., April 5, 1868. -SOLOMON HOWARD 1844—1845 B. A., 1833, and M. A., 1836, Augusta College. , D. D. Miami University. LL. D., Iowa State University. Minister in Ohio Conference M. E. Church. Prof, of Mathematics, 1844-5. President of Springfield Female College, 1845 — 52. Presi- dent of Ohio University, 1852 — 72. Died at San Jose. Cal., Aug. 11, 1873. Faculty. VII LORENZO DOW M’CABE 1845— B. A.’, 1843, and M. A., 1846, Ohio University. D. D., 1855, Alleghany College. LL. D., 1875, Syracuse University. Minister in the Cincinnati Conference M. E. Church. Prof, of Mathe- matics and Mechanical Philosophy, 1845-60. Prof, of Biblical Literature and Moral Philosophy, 1860-4. Prof, of Philosophy, 1864 — . Vice President since 1871. Acting President, 1773-6. Published, “ Foreknowledge of God,” 1879. 32 South Liberty Street, Delaware, Ohio. WILLIAM GEORGE WILLIAMS 1847— B. A., 1844, and M. A., 1847, Woodward College. M. A., 1847, Miami University. LL. D., 1873, Baldwin University. Minister in Central Ohio Conference M. E. Church. Adjunct-Prof, of Ancient Languages, 1847-50. Prof, of the Greek and Latin Languages, 1850-64. Wright-Prof. of Greek Language and Literature, 1864 — . Acting Crisman-Prof. Biblical Theology, 1872 — . 28 South Liberty Street, Delaware, Ohio. WILLIAM LOGAN HARRIS 1852—1860 M. A., 1848, Ohio Wesleyan University. D. D., 1856, Alleghany College. LL. D„ 1870, Baldwin University. Prof, of Chei^stry and Natural History, 1852-60. Missionary Secre- tary of M. E. Church, 1860-72. Bishop of M. E. Church, 1872 — . New York City. WILLIAM DAVIS GODMAN (No. 2) 1860—1865 B. A., 1846, and M. A., 1849, Ohio Wesleyan University. D. D., 1869, Ohio Wesleyan University. Prof, of Mathematics and Mechanical Philosophy, 1860-4. Crisman- Prof. of Theology, 1864-5. President of Baldwin University, 1870-5. Minister in Louisiana Conference M. E. Church. Presi- dent of New Orleans University, 1875-8. Agent Orphans’ Home, 1878 — . New Orleans, La. FRANCIS SOUTHACK HOYT 1860—1872 B. A. 1844, and M. A., 1847, Wesleyan University. D. D., 1869, Baldwin University. D. D., 1873, Ohio Wesleyan University.-* Minister in North Ohio Conference M. E. Church. Prof, of Chemistry and Natural History, 1860-4. Prof, of Chemistry, 1864-5. Cris- man-Prof. of Theology and Biblical Literature, 1865-72. Editor of Western Christian Advocate, 1872 — . Cincinnati, Ohio. WILLIAM FRANCIS WHITLOCK (No 140) 1864— B. A., 1859, and M. A., 1862, Ohio Wesleyan University Minister in North Ohio Conference M. E. Church. Adjunct-Prof, of Latin Language, 1864-6. Brown-Prof, of Latin Language and Literature, 1866 — . Dean of Ladies’ Department, 1877 — . 38 Monnett Hall, Delaware, Ohio. viii Faculty. *JOHN POWER LACROIX (No. 84) 1864—1879 B. A., 1857, and M. A., i860, Ohio Wesleyan University. D. D., 1876, Kentucky Military Institute. Ph. D., 1876, Kentucky Wesleyan University. Minister in the Ohio Conference M. E. Church. Adjunct- Prof, of Modern Languages, 1864-6. Prof, of Modern Languages and History, 1866 — 79. Died at Delaware, Ohio, Sept. 22, 1879. HIRAM MILLS PERKINS (No. 88) 1865— B. A., 1857, and M. A,, i860, Ohio Wesleyan University. Minister in the Central Ohio Conference M. E. Church. Adjunct-Prof, of Mathematics, 1865-7. Parrott-Prof. of Mathematics and Astronomy, 1867 — . 93 West William Street, Delaware, Ohio. WILLIAM OLIVER SEMANS (No. 89) 1865— B. A., 1857, and M. A., i860, Ohio Wesleyan University. Adjunct-Prof, of Chemistry, 1865-7. Prof, of Chemistry, 1867. 21 South Liberty Street, Delaware, Ohio. EDWARD THOMSON NELSON (No. 274) 1871— B. A„ 1866, and M. A., 1869, Ohio Wesleyan University. Ph. D., 1869, Yale College. Alumni-Prof. of Natural History, 1871 — . 30 Lincoln Avenue, Delaware, Ohio. LUCIUS VINCENT TUTTLE (No. 41 1) m 1873—1874 B. A., 1870, and M. A., 1873, Ohio Wesleyan University. Adjunct-Prof, of Ancient Languages, 1873-4. Principal, Friends’ Academy, 1874 — . Baltimore, Md. JOHN THOMAS SHORT (No. 344) 1877—1878 B. A,, 1868, and M. A., 1871, Ohio Wesleyan University. B. D., 1871, Drew Theological Seminary. Adjunct-Prof, of English Language and Literature, 1877-8- Prof, of History and Philosophy, Ohio State University, 1878 — . Columbus, Ohio. JOHN HENRY GROVE (No. 393) 1880— B, A., 1870, and M. A., 1873, Ohio Wesleyan University. Adjunct-Prof, of Latin, 1880 — . 14 Spring Street, Delaware, Ohio. RICHARD PARSONS (No. 340) 1880— B. A., 1868, and M. A., 1871, Ohio Wesleyan University. Adjunct-Prof, of History, 1880 -. 85 West North Street, Delaware, Ohio. ojo PRECEPTORS AND TUTORS. William George Williams, B. A Enoch George Dial, B. A William Logan Harris 1844 — 1847 1844 — 1845 1845— 1846 Faculty. IX Edward Clinton Merrick, B. A 1846 — 1849 William Davis Godman, M. A. (No. 2) 1849 — 1850 Thomas D. Crow, M. A 1850 — 1852 Owen Thornton Reeves, B. A. (No. 27) 1850—1851 William Logan Harris, M. A 1851 — 1852 George Frederick William Willey 1851 — 1852 Samuel Wesley Williams* M. A. (No. 12) 1851 — 1857 Tullius Clinton O’Kane, M. A. (No. 38) 1852 — 1857 John Ogden 1853— 1855 Edward Clinton Merrick, M. A 1855 — 1857 Hiram Mills Perkins, M. A. (No. 88) 1857 — 1862 William Fletcher King, M. A. (No. 83) 1857 — 1862 William Oliver Semans, B. A. (No. 89) 1857 — 1859 William Francis Whitlock, M. a. (No. 140) 1859 — 1864 Thomas Russell Taylor, M. A. (No. 90) i860 — 1861 Percival Clark Wilson, M. A. (No. 69).... 1861 — 1863 *John Power Lacroix, M. A. (No. 84) 1863 — 1864 William Henry Cole (No. 3^8) 1864 — 1869 *Almon Sanford B. Newton, M. A. (No. 275) 1866 — 1871 Lucius Vincent Tuttle, B. A. (No. 41 1) 1870— 1873 ^Charles Jamison Gardner, M. A. (No. 478) 1872—1876 Joseph Edward Stubbs, B. A. (No. 546) 1872 — 1875 Richard Parsons, M. A. No. 340) 1875 — 1878 Principal Normal Department 1878 — Lucy Herron Parker, M. A., Preceptress 1877 — 1879 Susan A. Brockway, B. S., Preceptress 1877 — Clara A. Nelson (No. 1086) 1877 — 1878 Dorothea Graham 1877 — Theodore Presser 1877 — 1878 Elizabeth A. Boynton 1877 — 1878 Spencer M. Free, B. A. (No. 658) 1877 — 1878 Sylvester G. Williams, B. S. (No. 684) 1877 — 1878 John H. Grove, M. A. (No. 393). Principal Preparatory Department 1878 — William W. Davies, Ph. D. (No. 472) 1878 — Jesse W. Parker, M. D. Director of Musical Department 1878 — Alice J. Osborne 1878 — 1879 Matilda M. Dickinson 1878 — Samuel S. Hamill, M. A... 1878 — Cyrus Austin, B. A. (No. 721) 1879 — Delia Lathrop Williams 1879 — 1880 Duke F. Smith 1879 — 1880 David S. Blampied, Mus. B 1880 — 1880 Clara A. Nelson, B. S., M. L. A. (No. 1086) 1880—1880 ALUMNI RECORD Ohio Wesleyan University, 1845. 1 Jared O. Church, M. A., D. D., Genesee College. Minister in the Tennessee Conference, M. E. Church South. President of the Co- lumbia Female College and other institu- tions of learning. Traveling on account of ill-health, 1880 — . Charleston, Mo. 1846. 2 William Davis Godman, M. A., D. D,, 1869, Ohio Wesleyan University. Minister in the Louisiana Conference, M. E. Church. Tutor in the Ohio Wesleyan University, 1849-50. President Wor- thington Female College. Professor of Mathematics in Ohio Wesleyan Univer sity, 1860-4. Professor of Theology and Biblical Literature in the same, 1864-5. President Baldwin University, 1870-5. President New Orleans University, 1875- 8. Agent Orphans’ Home, 1879 — • New Orleans, La,; or 805 Broadway, N. Y. 1847. 3 Robert White McFarland, M. A. Professor Mathematics, Madison College* 1853-6. Professor Mathematics, Miami University, 1856-73. Professor of As- tronomy, Mathematics, and Civil Engi- neering, Ohio State University, 1873 — • Capt. 86th O. V. I., 1863. Lieut. Col. 86th O. V. I„ 1863-4. Published an edition of Virgil in 1849. 4 Lyman Spaulding, M. A. Capt. 121st O. V. I., 1863-4. Attorney at Law, and Teacher. La Rue, O. 1848. 5 Jedediah Allen, M. A. Attorney at Law. Indianapolis, Ind. 6 Homer McKendree Carper, M. A. Trustee Ohio Wesleyan University, 1872-5. Attorney at Law. Delaware, O. 7 Guovion Goldson Griswold, M. A. Proof-reader with Colton Map Company. New York City, N. Y. 8 ^Clinton Wayne Lee, M. A. Assistant Editor Western Christian Advo- cate. Died, at Cincinnati, Oct. 15, 1851. 9 Oliver Morris Spencer, M. A., D. D., 1863, Iowa Wesleyan University. Minister in the Upper Iowa Conference M. E. Church. Professor of Chemistry in Iowa State Universty, 1860-2. Presi- dent of same, 1862-7. U. S. Consul to Genoa, Italy, 1866-78. Consul-General to Australia, 1878-—. Melbourne, Australia. 10 * James Dewees Webb, M. A., M. D., 1853, Transylvania Med. College. Ass’t Surgeon 2d O. V. I., 1861. Ass’t Sur- geon 12th O. V. I., 1862. Physician. ' Died at Cincinnati, O., June 10, 1873. Columbus, O. 2 Alumni Record of the Ohio Wesleyan University. n ^Joseph Thomson Webb, M. A., M. D., 1852, Transylvania Med. College. Surgeon 23d O. V. I., 1861-5. Superin- j tendent Longview Insane Asylum, 187 1— 4. Died at Minneapolis, Minn., April 27, 1880. 12 Samuel Wesley Williams, M. A. Tutor in Ohio Wesleyan University, 1851— 7. Assistant Editor of Ladies’ Reposi- tory, 1859-76. Assistant Editor National Repository, 1876 — . 190 West 4th Street, Cincinnati, O. 13 John Reynolds Wright, M. A. Trustee of Ohio Wesleyan University 1869 — . At present traveling in Eu- rope. Des Moines, Iowa. 1849 . 14 *George Welch Brush, M. A. Minister in the Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Died at Delaware, O., Jan’y 25, 1868. 15 Leander Jerome Critchfield, M.A. Trustee of Ohio Wesleyan University, 1862 -78. Attorney at Law. Published Ohio Reports, Vols. 5 to 21, 1857-72. Swan & Critchfield’s Revised Statutes, i860. Columbus, O. 16 Henry James Eaton, M. A. Attorney at Law. Delaware, O. 17 Benjamin Glascock, M. A. Minister in the Cincinnati Conference, M. E. Church. Since 1864, Dry Goods Merchant. Hillsboro, O. 18 Asa Hankins Guy, M. A. Principal South Charleston Schools, 1850-1. Principal London Academy, 1851-2. Principal Georgetown Seminary, 111 ., 1 853— 5 . County Surveyor Vermilion Co., 1855-9, 1863-7, 1869-71, 1875-9. As- sistant Revenue Assessor, 1862-6. Prin- cipal Highland High School, 1874-5. Danville, 111 . 19 John Wesley Hoyt, M.A., M, D., 1851, Ohio Eclectic Med. College. LL.D., 1876, University of Missouri. Commander’s Cross of the Imperial Order of Francis Joseph, 1873. Professor of Chemistry and Medical Juris- prudence in Ohio Eclectic Medical Col- lege, 1852-6. Prof, of Chem. and Nat. History in Antioch College, 1854-6. Prof, of Chemistry in Cincinnati College of Medicine, 1856-7. Editor of Wisconsin Farmer, 1857-67. Secretary of Wiscon- sin State Agr’l. Society, 1860-72, Wis- consin State Commissioner at London International Exhibition, 1862. State and U. S. Commissioner at Paris Univer- sal Exposition, 1867. President of Wis- consin Academy of Sciences, 1870-6. Executive U. S. Commissioner and Presi- dent of the International Jury for Edu- cation and Science at Vienna Exposition, 1873. State (Wisconsin) Railroad Com. missioner, 1874-6. State Commissioner of Water-Routes to the Seaboard, 1874- 5. Final Chairman of the Board of Judges for Education and Science at Centennial Exhibition, 1876. Governor of Wyoming Territory, 1878 — . Titles of Literary Works ; — Incompatibilities and Poisons, 1855. Resources of Wis- consin, i860. Annual Reports of Wis- consin State Board of Agriculture, 1860- 72. Education in Europe and America, 1870. Progress of University Education, 1870. Reports of the National Commit- tee on a National University, 1871, 2, 3. Report on Education, in connection with the Vienna Exposition, 1874. Reports of Wisconsin Railroad Commisson, 1874-5, Report on Education, in connection with the Centennial Exhibition, 1877. Report (as Governor) on the Resources of Wy- oming, 1878. Cheyenne, Wyoming. 20 * Lewis William Little, M. A. Adjutant 2d Regiment Ky. Vol. Cavalry, 1864-6, Attorney at Law, Delaware, O. Died at Washington City, D. C., March 18, 1866. 3 Alumni Record of the Ohio Wesleyan University. 21 Edwin Augustus Parrot r, M. A. Colonel ist Ohio Vol. Infantry, 1861-5. Provost-Marshal-General for Ohio, 1863. Member Ohio House of Representatives, 1860-61. Member and Speaker of the House, 1866-7. President Dayton Mal- eable Iron Co. Dayton, O. 22 Joseph Henry VanDeman, M. A., M. D., 1852, Cleveland Med. College. Captain 66 O. V. I., 1861-3. Assistant Sur- geon 10th O. V. I., and Post Surgeon at Chattanooga, 1863-5. President Tenn. State Medical Society, 1876. Published articles on Cholera, 1873 ; Yellow Fever, 1878 ; and on other medical subjects at various dates. Physician and Surgeon. Chattanooga, Tenn. 1850 . 23 William Blanton Chrisler, M. A. Minister in the Baptist Church. Chaplain 5th Ky. Vol. Cavalry, 1864. Lieut. Col. of the same, 1865. Editor “Common School Teacher,” and Prof, of Mathe matics and Astronomy, Bedford College. Bedford, Ind. 24 ^George Wharton Harris, M. A. Minister in the Cincinnati Conference, M. E. Church. Died Nov. 5, 1862. 25 Henry Clay Hedges, M. A. Register in Bankruptcy, 1867 — . Attor- ney at Law. Mansfield, O. 26 John Ferguson Hume, M. A. Member Ohio House of Representatives 1:855—7. Editor Missouri Democrat^ 1860-5. Banker and Broker, New York City. Residence — Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 27 Owen Thornton Reeves, M. A., LL. D., 1878, Monmouth College. Tutor in Ohio Wesleyan University, 1850- 1. Principal Baldwin Institute, 1851- 3. Judge of Circuit Court, nth Ju- dicial District of 111 ,, 1877 — . Profes- sor of Law, Illinois Wesleyan University. Bloomington, 111 . 1851. 28 James Heaton Baker, M. A. Secretary of State of Ohio, 1855-7. Secre- tary of State of Minnesota, i860 -3. Register U. S. Land Office, 1867- 8. U. S. Commissioner of Pensions, 1871-5. Surveyor-General of Minne- sota, 1875-80. Published “ History of Lake Superior,” 1878. Editor Mankato Free Press, 1880 — . Mankato, Minn. 29 George Carpenter, M. A., B. D., 1854, Lane Theological Seminary. Minister in the Synod of Cincinnati, Pres- byterian Church. Pastor at Kingston, Ross Co., 1855-67. Pastor, 1867 — . Washington C. H., O. 30 Wesley Dennett, M. A., M. A. (Hon.), 1854, Ohio Wesleyan University. B. A. and M. A., 1879, Ohio Wesleyan University. D. D., 1879, Iowa Wesleyan University. Minister in California Conference, M. E Church, Pastor at Santa Clara, Cal. 31 * James M. Sedberry, M. A., LL.B., 1853, Cumberland University. Attorney at Law. Died at Columbia, Tenn., 1854. 32 Henry Bradley Sheldon, M. A. Minister in the California Conference, M. E. Church. U. S. Indian Agent, 1877 — • Covelo, Cal. 33 John Doddridge VanDeman, M. A. Attorney at Law. Delaware, O. 1852. 34 Thomas Audas, M. A. Minister in the Kansas Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Cherokee, Kan. 35 Lyman R. Critchfield, M. A. Attorney General of Ohio, 1863-5. Mem- ber of Ohio Senate, 1865-7. Attorney at Law, Millersburg, O. 4 Alumni Record of the Ohio Wesleyan University. 36 William Br am well Davis, M. A., M. D., 1855 Miami Medical College. M. D. ad eundam, 1858, Ohio Medical College. Surgeon 137th O. V. I., 1864. Professor Materia Medicaand Therapeutics, Miami Medical College, 1873 — . Published “Car- bolic Acid : Its Surgical and Therapeutic Uses,” 1867. Reports on Vaccination, 1870-6. History of Medical Profession of Cincinnati for 25 years. Intestinal Obstruction, 1880, and various articles to medical journals. Member of Board of Education, 1876-80. Physician and Surgeon. Cincinnati, O. 37 *George Washington Hiland, M,A. Teacher. Died at Tiffin, O., July 14, 1873. 38 Tullius Clinton O’Kane, M. A. Tutor of Mathematics in the Ohio Wes- leyan University, 1852-7. Composer of Church and Sunday-school music. Book- seller and stationer. Delaware, O. 39 George Parrott, M. A. Minister Cincinnati Conference, M. E. Church, 1854-79. Professor in Vin- cennes University, 1866-8. President of same, 1870-1. Professor of English Literature, State University of Indiana, 1872-3. Superintendent of Angle Plow Works. Dayton, O. 40 Moses L. Starr, M. A. Assistant Surgeon 145th Ohio Vol. Inft’y., 1864. Hardware merchant. Delaware, O. 1853. 41 John Braden, M. A., D. D., 1873, Iowa Wesleyan University. Minister in the Tennessee Conference, M. E. Church. President Central Tennessee College, 1867-8 and 1871 — . 122 Maple Street, Nashville, Tenn. 42 *James L. Eakin, M. A. Attorney at Law, McArthur, O. Died at Cheshire, O., Dec. 25, 1862. 43 *Miletus Green, M. A. Instructor in Herron’s Academy. Died at Cincinnati, O., in 1864. 44 *Lucian Harvey Hammond, M. A. Professor of Greek, Otterbein Univer- sity, 1856-62. Professor of Ancient Languages, Cottage Hill College, 1866-8. Professor of Ancient Lan- guages Lebanon Valley College, Ann- ville, Pa., 1868-71. President of the same, 1871-6. Died at Landisville, N. J., March 20, 1877. 45 James Hervey Herron, M. A., D. D., 1871, Springfield Collegiate Insti- tute. Minister in the Erie Conference, M. E. Church. Instructor Herron Academy, I 845 ~ 9 . Professor of Ancient Lan- guages in the same, 1853-4, President Springfield Female College, 1862-7. President Willoughby College, 1867-70. Pastor Grace M. E. Church. Oil City, Pa. 46 *James Harvey Hills, M. A. Attorney at Law. Principal of High School. Died at Zanesville, Ohio, Aug., 1862. 47 * Milton Mitchell, M. A., M. D., 1856, Miami Medical College. M. D., 1857, Ohio Medical College. Physician Central Asylum for the Insane, 1856-7. Died April 7, 1864. 48 Samuel Rankin, M. A. Minister in the Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Rushville, O. 49 Lowell Hopkins Smith, M. A. Book-keeping and mining. Boulder, Col. 50 Timothy Welles Stanley, M. A. Minister in the Ohio Conference, M. E, Church. Presiding Elder Lancaster Dis- trict. Lancaster, O. Alumni Record of the Ohio Wesleyan University. 5 51 ^Calvary Morris Webster, M.A. Minister in Illinois Conference, M. E. Church. Died in 1867. 1854. 52 Leander Baker, M. A. Attorney at Law. Covington, Ky. 53 *Silas Gregory Benedict, M. A. Farmer. Died at , 1872. 54 Charles Wesley Chandler, M. A. Attorney at Law. Cor. High and Morton Streets, Germantown, Pa. 55 Benjamin Laville Cozier, M. A. Professor of Mathematics, Springfield Fe- male College, 1854-5. Professor of Math- ematics, Pittsburg Female College, 1855 -6. Lieut. Artillery, 1862-5. Super- intendent of Public Instruction, Mount Pleasant, 1865-79. Druggist, 1879 Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. 56 Samuel H. Elbert, M. A., LL. D., 1880, Ohio Wesleyan University. Secretary of Colorado, 1862-4. Governor of the same, 1873-6. Judge of the Su- preme Court, 1876 — . Chief Justice, 1880 — . Denver, Col. 57 William H. McReynolds, M. A., M. D., 1858, Ohio Medical College. Surgeon 2d O. V. C. } 1865. Physician and Surgeon. 90 Clinton Street, Cincinnati, O. 1855. 58 George Summerfield Brown, M. A. Member State Senate of Indiana, 1863-7. Judge Court of Common Pleas, 23d Dis- trict of Indiana, 1867. Attorney at Law. Topeka, Kan, 59 Allen Trimble Cowen, M. A., LL. B., 1858, Cincinnati Law School. Judge of Court of Common Pleas, 5th Ju. dicial District of Ohio, 1876-80. At- torney at Law. Batavia, O. 60 William Sewall Deardoff, M. A. Superintendent of Public Instruction. Georgetown, Mo. 61 Thomas Milton Gatch, M. A , Ph. D., 1874., Indiana Asbury Univer- sity, Professor of Natural Science, University of the Pacific, 1856-8. President Willa- mette University, 1866-79. Professor in State University, 1880 — . Albany, Oregon. 62 ^Charles Cook Griffith, Student of Literature. Died at Zanesville, O., in 1856. 63 Hubbard Kavanaugh Hinde, M. A., M. D., 1856, St. Louis Medical College. First Assistant Physician Missouri Insane Asylum, 1856-61 and 1873 — • Fulton, Mo. 64 "'’'Oliver Perry Ingham, M. A., M. D., 1857, Jefferson Medical College. Physician. Died in Jackson Co., Mo., Dec. 23, 1878. 65 William Ely Jones, M. A. Attorney at Law. Cincinnati, O. 66 Chauncey Carter Knowlton, M. A Minister in the Illinois Conference, M. E. Church, Professor of Ancient Lan guages, Pittsburgh Female College, 1856 -7. Principal North West Va. Acad- emy, 1857-9. Professor of Ancient Lan- guages, Illinois Wesleyan University, 1863-5. Professor of Ancient Lan- guages in Hedding College, 1875-7. Agent Conference Preacher’s Aid So- ciety. Normal, Jll. 67 Henry Clay Marshall, M. A. Auditor Nevada Territory, 1863-4. Police Commissioner of Dayton, 1878 — . Iron Manufacturer. Dayton, O. 68 Abner Goff Murphy, M. A. Prof, of Greek, Kentucky Wesleyan College, 1870—. Millersburg, Ky. 6 Alumni Record of the Ohio Wesleyan University. 69 Percival Clark Wilson, M. A. Tutor in the Ohio Wesleyan University, 1861-3. Professor of German in Ohio Wesleyan Female College, 1863. Pres- ident East Tennessee Wesleyan Uni- versity, 1867-8. Professor of Ancient Languages in the same, 1869-70 Glass- ware merchant and Publisher of South- ern Glass Journal. Chattanooga, Tenn. 1856 . 70 John Goshen Chandler, M. A. Attorney at Law. Southeast Cor. Fifth and Olive Streets, St. Louis, Mo. 71 Gaylord Hampson Hartupee, M.A., D. D., 1875, Ohio Wesleyan University. Minister in the North Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Professor of Mathematics, Baldwin University, 1857-61. Professor of Ancient Languages in the same, 1861 -5. President Central Tennessee Col- lege, 1868-71. Agent Ohio Wesleyan University, 1877-8. Trustee of the same, 1877 . Presiding Elder San- dusky District. Norwalk, O. 72 Isaac Newton, M. A. Minister in the Central Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Presiding Elder Dela- ware District. Delaware, O. 73 Charles Parrott, M.A., LL.B., Cincinnati Law School. Attorney at Law (not practicing). Columbus, O, 74 George Pomroy, M. A. Superintendent of Public Instruction for Gentry County. Albany, Mo. 75 ^William Raper Read, M. A r , LL.B., Cincinnati Law School. Attorney at Law. Died at Shelby ville, 111 ,, Sept. 9, 1874. 76 William Henry Savage, M. A. Judge of Court of Common Pleas, Mason Co., Ky., 1862-6. President Millersburg Female College, 1870-5. President Mt. Sterling Female College, 1875 . Mount Sterling, Ky. 77 Benjamin Franklin See, M. A. Farmer. Roachtown, O. 78 John Leonidas Stout, M. A. Instructor in Herron’s Seminary. Prof, of Mathematics and Mechanical Philosophy, Quincy College, 1857-61. Teacher and Horticulturist. Care Stephen’s Drug Store, 21st Ward, Cincinnati, O* 79 Alva Thornton Wiles, M. A. Superintendent of Public Instruction. Newport, Ky. 1857 . 80 Philip Albright Crist, M. A. Minister in the Illinois Conference, M. E. Church. Clerk 6th Auditor’s Office, 1878 . Washington, D. C. 81 John X. Davidson, M. A. Manufacturer of Type. St. Paul, Minn. 82 Fletcher Wright Hypes, M. A. Minister in the Cincinnati Conference M. E. Church. Pastor at West Chester, O. 83 William Fletcher King, M. A., D. D., 1870, Illinois Wesleyan Uni- versity. Minister in the Upper Iowa Conference, M. E. Church. Tutor of Mathematics, Ohio Wesleyan University, 1857-62. Profes- sor of Ancient Languages in Cornell Col. lege, 1862-3. Presidentof same, 1863 — . Mount Vernon, Iowa, Alumni Record of the Ohio Wesleyan University. 7 84 *John Power LaCroix, M. A., D. D., 1876, Kentucky Military Institute. Ph. D., 1876, Kentucky Wesleyan Col- lege. Minister in the Ohio Conference, M. E. 1 Church. Tutor in the Ohio Wesleyan j University, 1863-4. Adjunct Professor Modern Languages in the same, 1864-6. Professor Modern Languages, 1866-79. Published Translation of De Pressense’s Religion and the Reign of Terror ; Nai- velle’s Problem of Evil ; Wuttke’s Chris- tian Ethics; Life of Rudolph Stier ; Outlines of Christian Ethics, 1879 ; and many contributions to the periodical lit- erature of the day. Died at Delaware, O., Sept. 22, 1879. 85 George Mathiot Marshall, M. A. Attorney at Law, Virginia, Nevada. Pres- ent address, Dayton, O. 86 James Inglis McClintock, M.A. County Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion for White Co., 111 ., 1869-72 and 1877 — . State’s Attorney, 1872-6. At- torney at Law. Carmi, 111 . 87 Thomas Jefferson Newman, Editor Zanesville Daily Courier. Zanesville, O. 88 Hiram Mills Perkins, M. A. Minister in the Central Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Tutor of Mathematics in the Ohio Wesleyan University, 1857-62. Adjunct Professor of Mathematics in the same, 1865-7. Parrott Professor of Math- ematics and Astronomy, 1867 — . Delaware, O. 89 William Oliver Semans, M, A. Tutor in Ohio Wesleyan University, 1857-9. Professor of Natural Science in Ohio Wes- leyan Female College, 1862-5. Adjunct Professor of Chemistry in Ohio Wesleyan University, 1865-7. Professor of Chem- istry and Physics in the same, 1867 — • Delaware, O. 90 Thomas Russell Taylor, M. A. Minister in the Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Tutor in the Ohio Wesleyan , University, 1860-1. Professor of Greek, Illinois Wesleyan University, 1861-2. Principal of Linden Hill Academy, 1863 -4. Professor of Natural Science in Pittsburg Female College, 1864-5. ^ re - siding Elder Columbus District. Columbus, O. 91 ^Allen Trimble Thompson, M. A. Minister in the Cincinnati Conference, M. E. Church. Died at Binghampton, N. Y., July 17, 1868. 1858 . 92 Benjamin Franklin Barger, M. A. Queensware merchant. Bloomington, 111 . 93 James Helmick Beatty, M. A. Attorney at Law. Lexington, Mo. 94 ^Marshall Blair Clason, M. A. Attorney at Law. Captain 121st O. V, I 1862-4. Killed at the Battle of Kenne- saw Mountain, Ga., June 27, 1864. 95 Arthur Edwards, M. A^ D, D., 1873, Northwestern University. Minister in the Detroit Conference, M, E. Church. Chaplain U. S. Army, 1861-3. Assistant Editor Northwestern Christian Advocate, 1864-72. Editor of the same, 1872 — . 2816 Indiana Avenue, Chicago, 111 . 96 John Secord Ellis, M. A, Civil Engineer, Superintending Drainage and Road Improvements for Wood Co. Perrysburg, O. 97 John Thomas Ensor, M. A. Member State Legislature of Maryland, 1877-9. Attorney at Law. Towsentown, Md. 98 ^Hubbard Fish, M. A. President Olney Female College. Died at Olney, HI., 1864. 8 Alumni Record of the Ohio Wesleyan University. 99 Anson Perry Jones, M. A. Minister in the North Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Rochester Depot, O. 100 John Ely Jones, M. A., M. D., 18S3, Ohio Medical College. Physician. 397 McMillan Street, Cincinnati, O. 101 Isaac Fenton King, M. A. Minister in the Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Presiding Elder London Dis- trict. 693 East Broad Street, Columbus, O. 102 Edward Ezra Lamb, M. A. Minister in the Congregational Church. Pastor at Springfield, Mass. 103 Joseph Woods Lindsey, M. A. Lieut. 48th O. V. I., 1861-2. Captain of the same, 1862-3. Lieut. Col., 1863-5. Bookseller and stationer. Delaware, O. 104 ^William Enos Lindsey, M. A. Bookseller and stationer. Died at Dela- ware, O., May 2, 1869. 105 George Mather, M. A. Minister in the North Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Professor of Natural Science Ohio Wesleyan Female College, 1858-62. Trustee of Ohio Wesleyan University, 1870-7. Presiding Elder Cleveland District. Wellington, O. 106 George Mitchell, M, A., M. D., 1862, Ohio Medical College. Assistant Surgeon I02d O. V. I., 1862-4 Surgeon 187th O. V. I., 1864-5. Censor Medical Department Wooster University. 1872 Trustee Central Hospital for the Insane, 1875-8. Trustee Ohio Wes- leyan University, 1876 — . Physician and Surgeon. Mansfield, O. 107 George Ott Newman, M, A. Attorney at Law. Portsmouth, O. 108 *John Parrott, M. A, Died at Dayton, Ohio, 1865. 109 James Joseph Rowen, M. A. Attorney at Law. Denver, Col. no *Andress Eldridge Smiley, M. A. Lieut. 15th O. V. I., 1862-3. Died on the battle-field of Liberty Gap, Tenn., June 24, 1863. in William Sidney Smith, M. A. Railroad Contractor, with Burlington, Ce- dar Rapids and Northern Railroad. Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 112 Wesley Gilbert Waters, M. A., D. D., 1879, Northwestern University. Minister in the Central Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Trustee Ohio Wesleyan University, 1872 . Presiding Elder Toledo District. Toledo, O. 113 James Watson, M. A. Captain 40th O. V. I., 1861--4. Lieut. Col. of the same, 1864-5. Attorney at. Law Columbus, O. 1 14 Samuel Cyrus Weber, M. A. Farmer. Patterson, O. 1 15 *Wm. Kimball W. Wilson, M. A., M. D., 1865, Ohio Medical College. Physician. Died at South Charleston, O., Dec. 27, 1875. 1859. 1 16 Wm. Fletcher Alexander, M. A. Minister in the Louisville Conference, M. E. Church South. Principal of White Rock Masonic Institute. Pastor at Carrsville. Ky. May be addressed at Scottville, Ky 117 *Franklin Morrow Andrews, M. A., M. D., 1863, Medical College. ! Assistant Surgeon 103d O. V. I., 1864 Died of camp fever, at Atlanta, Ga., Nov 8, 1864. Alumni Record of the Ohio Wesleyan University. 9 118 George Osborn Brown, M. A. Superintendent of Public Instruction. Cardington, O. 1 19 James William Bushong, M. A. Minister St. Louis Conference, M. E. Church. President Whitewater College, 1859-61. Chaplain 88th O. V. I., 1864- 5. Commissioner of Missouri to Cen- tennial Exposition, 1876. Pastor at Springfield, Mo. 120 Abram Jones Clark, M. A. Minister in the Synod of Toledo, Presby- terian Church. President Bloomington Female College, 1859-60. Pastor at Belle Centre, O. 121 Isaac Crook, M. A., D. D., 1875, Cornell College. Minister in the Minnesota Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Winona, Minn. 122 Thomas Benton Edgington, M. A. Lieut. 12th Iowa Vol. Inft’y, 1861-3. Cap- tain 2d Tenn. Vol. Inft’y, and Ass’t In- spector-General on staff of Gen. Dustin, 1863-4. Major 4th Tenn. Inft’y, 1864-5. Vice President Board of Education of Public Schools, 1879 — . Attorney at Law. 18 Madison Street, Memphis, Tenn. 123 Alfred Charles Eversole, M. A., M. D., Ohio Eclectic Medical College. Physician. Pana, 111 . 124 ^Joseph Benson Gorsuch, M. A. Captain 83d O. V. I., 1862-4. Provost- Marshal and Aid to Gen. McPherson. Died , 1864. 125 *Thomas Benton Hamilton, M. A., M. D., 1862, Starling Medical College. Surgeon U. S. Military Hospital, 1862-5. Died at Nashville, Tenn., March 1 8, 1865. 126 Alfred Emory Lee, M. A., LL. B., 1861, Ohio State and Union Law School. Captain 82d O. V. I., 1861-5. Member of House of Representatives of Ohio, 1868- 9. Private Secretary to Gov. Hayes, 1:87 5—7- U. S. Consul-General, 1877 — Frankfort on Main, Germany. 127 Henry Shaw Markey, M. A, 2402 Clay Street, San Francisco, Cal. 128 *Isaac Mast, M. A. Minister in the Philadelphia Conference, M. E. Church. Publisher Rod, Gun and Saddle, 1876. Died at Roxborough, Pa., June 21, 1876. 129 John McCauley, M. A. Attorney at Law. Judge Court of Com- mon Pleas, 10th District of Ohio, 1880 — . Tiffin, O. 130 Daniel George Mitchell, M. A. Member of State Senate of Kentucky, 1877 — . Attorney at Law. Campbellsville, Ky. 131 John Perkins Patterson, M. A. Captain 41st O. V. I., 1864-5. Professor Ancient Languages Xenia Female Col- lege, 1865-7. Professor Natural Science, Ohio Wesleyan Female College, 1872-5. Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1875— . Washington C. H., O. 132 William Oscar Pierce, M. A. Minister in the North Indiana Conference, M. E. Church. Professor of Greek, Moore’s Hill College, 1861-2. President of same, 1862-4. Professor of Greek in Fort Wayne College, 1873-6. Professor of Greek in Illinois Wesleyan University, 1876- 9. Pastor at Winchester, Ind. 133 Leonard Eldro Richards, M. A., B. D., 1863, Union Theological Semi- nary. Minister in the Synod of Central New York, Presbyterian Church. Pastor at Stamford, N. Y. TO Alumni Record of the Ohio Wesleyan University. 134 Nathan Sites, M. A. Minister in North Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Missionary to China, i860 — . Foochow, China. 135 *Lorenzo Platt Smith. Died at Lynn, Iowa, August, 1859. 136 Timothy Stanley Stivers, M. A. Minister in the Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Pomeroy, O. 137 Daniel Philip Stout, M. A. Horticulturist. Delhi, Hamilton Co., O. 138 Madison Minor Walden, M. A. Member Iowa House of Representatives, 1866-7. Member Iowa Senate, 1868-9. Lieut. Governor of Iowa, 1869-70. Rep- resentative of Iowa in U. S. Congress, 1871-3. Editor Centerville Citizen, 1865—. Centerville, Iowa. 139 William Henry Webster, M. A. Minister in Illinois Conference, M. E. Church. Presiding Elder Springfield District. Springfield, 111 . 140 William Francis Whitlock, M.A., D. D., 1878, Baldwin University. Minister in the North Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Tutor in the Ohio Wes- leyan University, 1859-64. Adjunct Pro- fessor of Latin in the same, 1864-6. Pro- fessor of Latin, 1866 — . Dean of La- dies’ Department, 1877 — . Delaware, O. 141 Ebenezer Mixer Williams, M. A. Attorney at Law. Cincinnati, O. I 860 . 142 *Elias Alonzo Barr, M. A. Farmer and teacher. Died in 1870. 143 Andrew Perry Collins, M. A. Superintendent of Public Instruction for Salina Co., Kan., 1868-72. Farmer. Solomon City, Kan. 144 Daniel Webster Comstock, M. A. Captain 9th Indiana Cavalry, 1863-5. Dis- trict Attorney nth Common Pleas Dis- trict of Indiana, 1863. Prosecuting At- torney, 1872-6. Member Indiana State Senate, 1879—. Attorney at Law. Richmond, Ind. 145 Michael John Cramer, M. A., D. D., 1870, Syracuse University. Professor of German, Ohio Wesleyan Fe- male College, 1857-60. Minister in the Cincinnati Conference, M. E. Church. Chaplain U. S. Army, 1864-7. United States Consul at Leipzig, 1867-70. Min- ister-resident of the United States at the Court of Denmark, 1870 — . Copenhagen, Denmark. 146 ‘^George Harter DeBolt, M. A. Attorney at Law. Lieut. 89th O. V. I., 1862-4. Captain, 1874-5. Died at Sa- vannah, Ga., Feb. 3, 1865. 147 Sylvester Wesley Durflinger, M.A. Attorney at Law, London, O. 148 John Marshall Godman, M.A. Leather merchant. Columbus, O. 149 Chas. Samuel W. Griffith, M. A. Lieut. 5th U. S. C. Inft’y., 1863-4. Capt. 6th U. S. Vet. Vols., 1865-6. Brevet Lieut. Col., 1865. Editor and pub- lisher of ‘‘The Greenfield Vedette.” Greenfield, Mo. 150 John Gorin Harvey, M. A., M. D., 1863, Louisville Medical College. Physician. 15 1 Simon Anson Holt, M. A. Attorney at Law. 152 William Davis Hughes, M. A. Bookseller and stationer. Sidney, O. Alumni Record of the Ohio Wesleyan University. ii 153 David Humphreys, M. A. Quartermaster 85th O. V. I., 1862. Lieut. 125th O. V. I., 1862-3. Attorney at Law. Cincinnati, O 154 Charles Perry Lloyd, M. A. President Scioto Fire Brick Company. Sciotoville, O. 155 Samuel Hamilton Manley, M.A. Minister in the Nebraska Conference, M. E. Church. Professor of Ancient Languages, Cornell College, 1864-71. Professor of Ancient Languages, Nebraska University, 1871-6. Bloomington, 111 . 156 *Chauncey William Newton, M.A. Editorial staff Cincinnati Enquirer, 1870- 80. Died at Cincinnati, April 6, 1880. 157 James O’Kane, M. A. Cashier ./Etna Insurance Company, West- ern Office. Cincinnati, O. 158 Henry Eugene Parrott, M.A. Adjutant 86th O. V. L, 1863. Dayton Mal- eable Iron Co. Dayton, O. 159 John Bunyan Robinson, M. A., D. D., 1879, Indiana Asbury University. D.D., 1879, Illinois Wesleyan University. Minister in the Central Illinois Conference, M. E. Church. Principal Mt. Washing- ton Academy, 1860-5. President Wil- loughby College, 1865-9. President Fort Wayne College, 1869-71. President New Hampshire Conference Seminary and Female College, 1871-7. President Grand Prairie Seminary and Conservatory of Music, 1877 — . Published ‘‘Infidelity Answered,” 1875. “Emeline, or Home Sweet Home,” a poem, 1876. ‘‘Vines of Eshcol,” 1876. Onarga, 111 . 160 Joseph Gilbert Schnebly, M. A., M. D., 1863, Iowa State University. Professor of Natural Science in Kansas State Agricultural College, 1862-6. Phy- sician. Baldwin City, Kan* 161 Thomas Jefferson Scott, M. A., D. D., 1874, Ohio Wesleyan University. Minister in the North India Conference, M. E. Church, 1861 — . Missionary and Principal of Bareilly Theological Semi- nary. Bareilly, India. 162 Charles William Seymour. M. A. Member Legislature of Nebraska, 1863-4. Deputy Collector Internal Revenue, 1875 -9. U. S. Commissioner, 1879 — . At- torney at Law. Nebraska City, Neb. 163 Isaac Stiers, M. A. Attorney at Law. Kansas City, Mo. 1861 . 164 Lewis Miller Albright, M. A. Minister in the Central Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Professor of Natural Science Ohio Wesleyan Female College, 1865-70. President Lewis College, 1870 -2. Pastor at Sidney, O. 165 Chilion Brown Allen, M. A., LL. B., 1863, Michigan University. M. D., 1871, Philadelphia Medical Col- lege. Student of Surgery, Vienna, 1871-4. At- torney at Law. Newark, N. J. 166 John Van Cleve Andrews, M. A. Merchant and Banker. Pueblo, Col. 167 John Snodgrass Atkinson, M. A., B. D., 1864, Western Theological Semi- nary. Minister in the Synod of Pittsburgh Pres- byterian Church. Pastor at Amity, Pa. 168 Francis Baker, M. A. Attorney at Law. Chicago, 111 . 12 Alumni Record of the Ohio Wesleyan University. 169 Wesley Clark Barr, M. A. Teacher and farmer. Bloomfield, O. 170 Leroy Alfred Belt, M. A. Minister in the Central Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Agent Ohio Wesleyan University, 1875-9. Trustee of the same, 1878 — . Pastor of St. Paul’s Church. Toledo, O. 1 71 Francis Asbury Blanchard, M. A. Deputy City Treasurer. Indianapolis, Ind. 172 Leonidas Hamline Bradley, M.A. Attorney at Law. Springfield, 111 . 1 73 John Wesley Caldwell, M. A. Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1872—. Seymour, Ind. 174 William F. Cessna, M. A., LL. B. ; Michigan University. Member of the Legislature of Ohio, 1870-1 Attorney at Law. Kenton, O. 175 George Plumer Clarke, M. A. Bookseller and stationer. Meadville, Pa. 176 George Rust Crow, M. A. Captain 90th O. V. I., 1862-5. Professor of Latin, Illinois Wesleyan University, 1870-80. Normal, 111 . 177 John Wesley Cunningham, M. A. Publisher Daily Dispatch. St. Paul, Minn. 178 James Hamilton Davidson, M. A. Lieut, and Capt. 14th Ky. Vol. Inft’y., 1861 -3. Major 49th Ky Vol. Inft’y , 1863-4. Col. I22d U. S. C. Inft’y., 1864-6. At- torney at Law. St. Paul, Minn. 179 John Frost Earl, M. A. Manufacturer of baggage checks, Mercer Street, New York, City. Residence, 147 Pierrepont Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. 180 Hugh Russell Gwynn, M. A. 181 Harlan Page Hall, M. A. Editor and publisher St. Paul Newspaper Union. St. Paul, Minn. 182 James Wirt Newman, M. A. Member Ohio House of Representatives 1868-9. Member Ohio Senate, 1872-5. Editor Portsmouth Times. Portsmouth, O. 183 Leonard Jackson Powell, M. A. Professor of Mathematics, Willamette Uni- versity, 1862-8. Principal Academic Department, University of Pacific, 1868- 9. Professor of Natural Sciences in Wil- lamette University, 1869-76. Principal Albany Collegiate Institute, 1876-8. Su- perintendent of Public Instruction for the State of Oregon, 1878 — . Albany, Oregon. 184 Clark Wesley Quirk, M. A. Attorney at Law. Cleveland, O. 185 James Wilshire Robinson, M. A. 186 Thomas Jefferson Tippett, M. A. Instructor Hillsboro, Va., Academy, 1849- 51. Principal Wellington, Academy, 1853-7. Principal High School, Newark, O., 1862-3. Superintendent Public Instruc- tion, Troy, 111 ., 1863-7. Superintendent Public Instruction, Havana, 111 ., 1874-6. Teacher. Delaware, O. 187 William Robert Warnock, M. A. Captain 95th O. V. I,, 1862-3. Major of the same, 1863-5. Lieut. Col. and Chief of Staff for Eastern District of Missis- sippi, 1865. Prosecuting Attorney for Champaign Co., 1867-71. Member of Ohio Senate, 1876-8. Judge of Court of Common Pleas, 2d Judicial Dist., 1879 — • Urbana, O. Alumni Record of the Ohio Wesleyan University, 13 188 Gideon Dennison Wilcox, M. A. Superintendent of Public Instruction. Dublin, O. 1862 . 189 Charles Wesley Breyfogle, M. A., M. D„ 1865, Homeopathic Medical Col- lege of Pennsylvania. Captain 9th O. V. C., 1863-4. Physician, Louisville, lVol. Inft’y., 1862-4. U. S. Marshal for Iowa, and U. S. Commis- 1 sioner, 1868-70, Attorney at Law. Des Moines, Iowa. 316 *John Randolph Clayton, M. A. Minister in the St. Louis Conference, M. E Church, Died Sept. 19, 1868, near Se. dalia, Mo. 317 William Ney Cochran, M. A. Stock merchant. East Liberty, O. 318 William Henry Cole, M. A. Tutor in the Ohio Wesleyan University, 1864-9. Published “Institute Reader,” 1870. Professor of Rhetoric and Eng- lish Literature, in University of Missouri, 1877-8. Superintendent of Public In- struction. Marysville, O. 319 John Franklin Curtice, M. A. Attorney at Law. Fort Wayne, Ind. 320 Charles Wesley Dustin, M. A. Professor of Mathematics, Quincy College, 1868-9. Professor of Mathematics, Brook- ville College, 1869-70. Attorney at Law. Dayton, O. 321 James Cooper Evans, M. A. Stock Raiser. Cheyenne, Wyoming Territory. 322 Clayton W. Everett, M. A. Attorney at Law. Toledo, O. 323 Joseph John Finlay, M. A. Minister in the Central Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Montra, O. 324 John Marshall Hamilton, M. A. Member Illinois State Senate, 1877-80. Nominee for Lieut. Governor of Illinois, 1880. Attorney at Law. Bloomington, 111 . 325 William Henry Harford, M. A. Superintendent of Public Instruction, Lon- don, Ohio, 1873-5. Editor “Parents, and Teachers’ Monthly,” 1S77-8. Editor Muskegon Daily Chronicle. Muskegon, Mich. 326 John A. Henry, M. A. City Attorney of Indianapolis, 1879 — • At- torney at Law. Indianapolis, Ind. 20 Alumni Record of the Ohio Wesleyan University. 327 Joseph Gray Huffman, M. A. Prosecuting Attorney Perry Co., 1874-80. Attorney at Law. New Lexington, O. 328 Josias Hughes, M. A. Lumber merchant. Pueblo, Col. 329 Lewis Judson James, M. A. Teacher in Public Schools. Chesterville, O. 330 Samuel Ashton Keen, M. A. Lieut. 83d O. V- I., 1864-5. Minister in the Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at .Columbus, O. 331 William Kepler, M. A., Ph. D., 1875, Illinois Wesleyan Uni- versity. Minister in the North Ohio Conference, M E. Church. Professor of Natural Science, Baldwin University, 1880 — . Berea, O. 332 James Robert Lytle, M. A. Attorney at Law. Delaware, O. 333 Benjamin Franklin Martin, M. A., LL. B., 1868, Cincinnati Law School. Prosecuting Attorney of Shelby Co., 1876 -8. Attorney at Law. Sidney, O. 334 Alfred Henry McVey, M. A., LL. B., 1868, Cincinnati Law School. Publisher McVey’s Ohio Digest, and Mc- Vey’s Digest Court of Appeals. Attor- ney at Law. Toledo, O. 335 Charles Evan Merritt, M. A. Attorney at Law. Mount Holly, N. J. 336 Alfred Philemon Needles, M. A. Attorney at Law. 804 Montgomery Street, San Fran cisco, Cal. 337 Andrew Jackson Nelson, M. A. Minister in the California Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Sacramento, Cal. 338 Robert Murphy Nevin, M. A. Attorney at Law. Dayton, O. 339 Charles Hiram Newcomb, M. A., M. D., 1871, Miami Medical College. Physician. Mechanicsburg, O. r 340 Richard Parsons, M. A. Professor in Hope College, 1869-71. Su- perintendent Public Instruction, Plym- outh, Ohio, 1871-5. Tutor of Lan- guages, and Principal Normal Depart- ment of Ohio Wesleyan University, 1875— 80. Adjunct Professor of History in the same, 1880. Delaware, O. 341 William Wesley Powell, M. A. Minister in the St. Louis Conference, M. E. Church. Houstonia, Pettis Co., Mo. 342 Valentine C. Randolph, M. A., B. D., 1869, Garrett Biblical Institute. M. A., 1872, Illinois Wesleyan Uni- versity. Minister in the Illinois Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Georgetown, 111 . 343 William Adin Robinson, M.A. Minister in the Cincinnati Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Springfield, O. 344 John Thomas Short, M. A., B. D., 1871, Drew Theological Seminary. Professor of History and English Litera- ture, Ohio Wesleyan University, 1876-7. Assistant Professor of History and Phi- • losophy, Ohio State University, 1879 — , Pulished “The Last Gladiatorial Show,” 1871. “McClintoch’s Lectures,” 1872. ‘‘North Americans of Antiquity,” 1880. “Le Delegue Correspondent de Plnstitu- tion Ethnographique de Paris,” 1880 — . Columbus, O. Alumni Record of the Ohio Wesleyan University. 21 345 Oliver Perry Smart, M. A. Attorney at Law. Independence, Kan. 346 Darlington Joseph Snyder, M. A. Principal Reynoldsburg Academy and Union School, 1869 — . Reynoldsburg, O. 347 Leonidas Summerfield Wells, M.A. Bookseller and stationer. Traveling agent for A, S. Barnes & Co. Delaware, O. 348 John Williams White, M. A„ M. A. and Ph. D., 1877, Harvard Uni- versity. Professor of Ancient Languages, Willough- by College, 1868-9. Professor of Ancient Languages in Baldwin University, 1869 -71. Professor of Greek in the same, 1871-4. Tutor of Greek in Harvard University, 1874-7. Assistant Professor in the same, 1877 — . Published School Edition of Oedipus Tyrannus, 1873. First Lessons in Greek, 1876. Co-Editor with Professor Goodwin in publishing First four Books of Xenophon’s Ana- basis, 1877? and Selections from Xeno- phon and Herodotus, 1877. Published “Greek and Latin at Sight,” 1877. An Introduction to the Rhythmic and Metric of the Classical Languages, 1878. Sum- mary of the Dialect of Herodotus, 1880. Illustrated Vocabulary to Xenophon’s Anabasis, 1880. Revised and Adapted Sedgwick’s First Greek Writer, 1880. Cambridge, Mass. 349 Cornelius Morford Wright, M.A., M. D., Medical College. Physician. Hastings, Neb. 350 William Estler Guerin, B. S. Member of Kansas State Senate, 1873-5. Attorney at Law. Columbus, O. 1869 . 351 William Sargent Bennett, M. A. Editor Petersburg Republican. Petersburg, 111 . 352 John Saurin Blanpied, M. A. Superintendent of Public Instruction, Hunt- ington, Ind., 1869-72. Principal Bloom- ingburg Academy, 1872-3. Superintend- ent of Public Instruction, 1874 — . Milford, N. H. 353 Wm. McKendree Bryant, M. A. Adjutant 34th Iowa Vol. Inft’y., 1862-4* Published a translation of Hegel’s Phi- losophy of Art, 1878. Principal of the Madison School. 1548 Gratiot Street, St. Louis, Mo. 354 *Hermus Cronkleton. Student of Medicine. Died at Delaware, O., Nov. 7, 1872. 355 Thomas Morris Dart, M. A., B. D., 1870, Garrett Biblical Institute. Minister in California. 761 Market Street, San Francisco, Cal. 356 Thomas Jefferson Duncan, M. A. Attorney at Law. Columbus, O. 357 Isaiah R. Henderson, M. A, Minister in the Central Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Van Wert, O. 358 Nathan Gilleland Johnson. LL. B., 1869, Cincinnati Law School. Attorney at Law. Defiance, O. 359 Gabriel Marion Miller, M. A. Stenographer with Phoenix Insurance Co. 21 West Fourth Street, Cincinnati, O. 360 Walter Benjamin Page, M. A. Attorney at Law. Columbus, O. 361 John M. Pattison, M. A. Member of Ohio House of Representatives, x 874-5. Editor of Law Record, 1X76 — . Attorney at Law. Cincinnati, O. 22 Alumni Record of the Ohio Wesleyan University. 362 Thaddeus Constantine Reade,M.A. Minister in the M. E. Church. Agent American Colonization Society. Sidney, O. 363 Charles Rickey. Horticulturist. Chattanooga, Tenn. 364 Napoleon Bonaparte Ross. County Surveyor of Clermont Co., 1871-7. Editor of National Advance, 1878-9. Civil Engineer. Nicholas ville, O. 365 John Brilling Schwin, M. A. Attorney at Law. Indianapolis, Ind. 366 * Henry Lytle Spindler, Minister in the Central Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Died at Lima, Ohio 9 October 13, 1876. 367 Charles Edward Stanley. Deputy Sheriff of Hamilton Co. Chattanooga, Tenn. 368 Smith Stimmel. Mayor of Carthage, 1878 — . Attorney at Law, Cincinnati, Ohio. Residence at Carthage, O. 369 Daniel Gates Strong, M. A. Minister in the Columbia River Confer- ence, M. E. Church. Chaplain 4th O. V. I., 1863-5. Presiding Elder, Walla- Walla District. Walla-Walla, Washington Ter’y. 370 Peter Fletcher Swing. Lieut. 9th O.V. C., 1863-5. Captain of same, 1865. Attorney at Law. Batavia, O. 371 Edward Thomson, M. A. Minister in the Nebraska Conference, M. E. Church. Professor of Chemistry and Natural History* in Baldwin University, 1 873-5. President Nebraska Conference Seminary, 1879 — . York, Neb. 372 * Leroy Woods Welsh, M. A., LL. B., 1871, Cincinnati Law School. Treasurer of the State of Ohio, 1875-6. Died at Armstrong’s Mills, O., Aug. 20, 1879. 373 Howard Baily Wester velt, M. A. Minister in the Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Nelsonville, O. 374 Robert Lawson Woodburn, M. A. Prosecuting Attorney of Union Co., 1877-. Attorney at Law. Marysville, O. 375 Isaac Loder, B. S. 1870. 376 Newell Simpson Albright, M. A., B. D., 1873, Drew Theological Seminary. Minister in the North Ohio Conference, .M. E. Church. Pastor at Wellington, O. 377 O. Milton Ashbaugh, M.A. Minister in the South Kansas Conference, M, E. Church. Pastor at Neodesha, Kan. 378 CHaRLES Emmet Barnes, M. A., B. D., 1873, Lane Theological Seminary. Minister in the Synod of Columbus, Pres- byterian Church. Pastor at Plymouth, O. 379 Edson Benton Bauder. LL. B., 1873, Michigan University. Attorney at Law. 93 Public Square, Cleveland, O. 380 Charles Bates Brandebury, M. A. Insurance Correspondent, with Liverpool, and London, and Globe Ins. Co. Cincinnati, O. 381 George Washington Burns, M.A. Minister in the Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Columbus, O. Alumni Record of the Ohio Wesleyan University, 2 3 382 David Dennison Cheney, M, A. Minister in the Cincinnati Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Monroe, O. 383 Merrick Dempster Chilson, M. A., B. D., 1879, Boston Theological Semi- nary. Minister in the North Ohio Conference, ‘M. E. Church. Pastor at Vermillion, O. 384 Jasper Corn. M. D., 1873, Cincinnati Medical College. Physician. Frazersburg, Muskingum Co., O. 385 Edwin Cross. M. D., 1872, Rush Medical College. Physician. Highland Park, 111 . 386 Isaac Kennedy Davis. LL. B., 1873, Cincinnati Law College. Attorney at Law. 1227 Hough Ave., Cleveland, O. 387 Aris Berkley Donaldson, M. A. Professor of English Literature in Minne- sota University, 1874-9. Attorney at Law, and Editor of Alexandria Post. Alexandria, Minn. 388 Franklin Cessna Dougherty, LL. B., 1873, Cincinnati Law School. Attorney at Law. Kenton, O. 389 William Wallace Fellows. B. D., 1870, Drew Theological Seminary. B. D., 1878, Gambier Theological School. Minister in the Episcopal Church. Rec- tor at Muskegon, Mich. 390 William Strickland Fitch, M. A. Minister in the North Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Published “Responsive Read- ings and Sacred Songs,” 1879. Pastor at Canal Dover, O. 391 Washington Gardner. LL. B., 1 876, Albany Law School. Minister in the Michigan Conference, M.E. Church. Pastor at Ionia, Mich. 392 Huston Thomas Gould, M. A. Farmer and Stock Raiser. Center College, O. 393 John Henry Grove, M. A. Principal High|School, Wilmington, Ohio, 1871-4. Superintendent of Schools at Wilmington, 1874-8. Principal Prepara- tory Department, Ohio Wesleyan Uni- versity, 1878 — • Published “Text Book of Latin Elements,” 1879. Adjunct Professor of Latin, 1880 — , Delaware, O. 394 William Gurley. Attorney at Law. Chicago, 111 . 395 Ellis Taylor Hartley, M. A. Superintendent of Public Instruction, and Principal Fostoria Academy. Fostoria, O. 396 Edward Samuel Hedges. Traveling Salesman. Springfield, O. 397 Maxwell B. Henry, M.A. Attorney at Law. Indianapolis, Ind. 398 Isaac George Herron, M. A. Superintendent of Public Instruction. Kelseyville, Cal. 399 John Newton Irvin, M. A., B. D., 1872, Drew Theological Seminary. Minister in the Cincinnati Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor of Trinity Church, Cincinnati, O. 400 Jacob Anderson Jackson, Principal of Umpaqua Academy, Oregon, 1870-1. Superintendent of Public In- struction, Springfield, O., 1873-5. Attor- ney at Law. Des Moines, Iowa. 24 Alumni Record of the Ohio Wesleyan University. 401 *Ernest Henry Leseman, B. D., 1874, Boston University. Minister in New England Conference, M. E. Church. Killed on the railroad, at Ballard vale, Mass., Feb. 16, 1875. 402 John Fletcher Locke. Prosecuting Attorney, Madison Co., 1877-9. Member Ohio House of Representatives, 1879 — . Attorney at Law. London, O. 403 Perley Moses Morse, M. A. Farmer. Colfax, Neb. 404 Orville James Nave. Minister in the Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Newark, O. 405 Charles William Oakes, M. A. Superintendent of Public Instruction, Nor- walk, Ohio, 1876-9. Traveling Agent Mutual Ins. Co. Norwalk, O. 406 John Frederick Parker. U. S. Naval Academy, class of 1873. En- sign on U. S. S. Enterprise, at present on European Cruise. U. S. Navy Department, Washington, D. C. 407 Nathan James Plumb, M. A. Minister in the North Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Missionary to China, 1871 — . At present traveling in the United States. Mt. Gilead, O. 408 Samuel Edward Reynolds, M. A., M. D., 1873, Ohio Medical College. Physician. Sinking Springs, O. 409 John William Sleppy, M. A. Superintendent of Public Instruction. Mt Sterling, O. 410 Lyman Dunning Smith, M. A. Principal of High School. Los Angelos, Cal. 41 1 Lucius Vincent Tuttle, M. A. Tutor in the Ohio Wesleyan University, 1869-73. Adjunct Professor of Lan- guages in the same, 1873-4. Principal of Friends’ Academy, 1874 — . Baltimore, Md. 412 Charles M. Vandenbark, M. A. Attorney at Law. Zanesville, O. 413 Samuel Vestal. Merchant. Kolama, Wash. Terr’y. 414 William Jeremiah White, M. A. Captain 5th U. S. Heavy Artillery, and Major U. S. A., 1862-5. Superintendent Public Instruction, 1875 — • Springfield, O. 415 Jonathan Zook. B. D., 1873, Boston University. Minister in the Central Ohio Conference, M. E.. Church. Pastor at Radnor, O. Residence, Delaware, O. 1871 . 416 Ruby Janes Albright. Attorney at Law. Delaware, O. 417 Thomas Cutter Anderson, M. A. Attorney at Law. Portsmouth, O. 418 Lewis Cass Black, M. A., LL. B„ 1872, Columbian Law School. Attorney at Law. Cincinnati, O. 419 John Wesley Brock, M. A. Missionary Teacher at Indian Agency. Fort Simscoe, Wash. Terr’y. 420 Thomas James Cellar, M. A. Minister in the Synod of Toledo, Presby- terian Church. Pastor at Forest, O. 421 Fletcher Baily Cherington. Minister in the South Kansas Conference, M. E. Church. Missionary to India 1872-6. Pastor at Fort Scott, Kan. Alumni Record of the Ohio Wesleyan University. 2 5 422 William Douglass Cherington. B D,, 1873, Drew Theological Seminary. Minister in the Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Washington C. H., O. 423 Davis Wesgatt Clark, M. A., B. D., 1875, Boston University. Minister in the Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Columbus, O. 424 *Lemen Taylor Clark, M. A. Minister in the Central Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Died at Perrysburgh, Ohio, Dec. 18, 1878. 425 Charles Layton Clippenger. Professor of Natural Sciences, Ft. Wayne College, 1880 — . Fort Wayne, Ind. 426 William Darwin Crabb. Minister in the California Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at San Ramon, Cal. 427 Herman Denton Crow. Instructor in Mathematics and Latin, in Sherman Institute, Texas, 1874-5. City Solicitor of Urbana, 1876. Attorney at Law. Urbana, O. 428 William Davidson. Attorney at Law. Lancaster, O. 429 Lucien Morris Davis. Minister in the Cincinnati Conference, M. E. Church. Amelia, O. 430 Wilson Miles Day, M.A. Associate Editor Akron Daily Beacon. Akron, O 431 Theodore Franklin Dove, M. A.’ Attorney at La w. Shelbyville, 111 . 432 Charles William Drees, M. A., B. D., 1174, Boston University. Minister in the Cincinnati Conference, M. E. Church. Missionary to Mexico, 1875-. Superintendent of Mexican Mission, i8 79 — • Mexico City, Mex. 433 Theodore Kenaga Funk, M. A. Attorney at Law. Portsmouth, O. 434 John Adams Gann, M. A., M. D., 1877, Cleveland Homeopathic Hospital College. Physician. Wooster, O. 435 Charles Wellington Goodin, Banker. Ottawa, Kan. 436 James Franklin Hamilton. B. D., 1874, Princeton Theological Semi- nary. Minister in the Synod of Columbus, Pres- byterian Church. Pastor at Columbus, O. 437 Joseph Newell Haskins. Principal Golden Gate Academy. Oakland, Cal. 438 Enos Worthington Hastings, M.A. Superintendent of Public Instruction, Chesterville, 1871-3. Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1873 — • Delphos, O. 439 William Alexander Hicks. Attorney at Law. Cincinnati, O, 440 George Cooper Hitt. Business Manager Indianapolis Daily Jour- nal. Indianapolis, Ind 441 Charles Edwin Jones. M. D., 1874, Miami Medical College. M. D., 1876, Bellevue Medical College. Physician. Ludlow, Ky. 26 Alumni Record of the Ohio Wesleyan University. 442 Edward Henry Jewett. M. D., 1878, Cleveland Homeopathic Hospital College. Physician. Oberlin, O. 443 William Wolfe Lance, M. A. Minister in the Central Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Dunkirk, O. 444 Eugene Lane. Attorney at Law. Columbus, O. 445 Wm. Patterson McLaughlin. B. D., 1875, Boston University, Minister in the Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Chillicothe, O. 446 Cary W. McConnell, M. A. 447 William C. Nye. Stock Merchant. Tarlton, O. 448 James Basle Paine. Associate Principal Vermillion Institute, Ohio, 1875-6. Member of Ohio House of Representatives, 1878 — . Attorney at Law. Hamden Junction, O. 449 Thomas Goodwin Roberts, M. A. Minister in the North Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Penfield, O. 450 Ebenezer Powers Sharp. Attorney at Law. Columbus, O. 451 David Job Smith, M. A. Minister in the Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at McArthur, O. 452 John Alvaro Smith, M. A. Attorney at Law. Cleveland, O. I 453 Justin Nelson Study, M. A. Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1871—. Anderson, Ind. 454 William Golding Thoman. Member of Staff of Cincinnati Enqtiirer. Published History of Indiana, 1876. Columbus, O. 455 John Smith Van Cleve, M. A. Assistant Professor of Music in Ohio Blind Asylum, 1871-5. Professor of Music in Wisconsin Blind Asylum, 1875-8. Mu- sical Critic for Cincinnati Commercial, i8 79 — • Cincinnati, O. 456 Millard Fillmore Warner, M, A., B. D., 1873, Drew Theological Seminary. M. D., 1877, University of City of New York. Minister in the North Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Jeromeville, O. 457 Algeraus Cryder Watson. Cashier London Exchange Bank. London, O. 458 Charles Jerome Wells. Minister in the Cincinnati Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at East Liberty, O. 459 John Whisler, M. A. Minister in the Minnesota Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Rochester, Minn. 460 John Granville Woolley, M. A. Attorney at Law. Minneapolis, Minn. 461 Solomon L. Zinser. Druggist. Washington, 111 . 462 John Morris Wilson, B. S. Farmer. Columbus, O. Alumni Record of the Ohio Wesleyan University. 27 1872 . 463 Henry Augustus Axline, M. A. Superintendent of Public Instruction, Dresden, 1874-8. Principal Zanesville High School, 1878-80. Chief Clerk, Adjutant General’s office. Columbus, O. 464 Joseph Hill Bethards, M. A. Minister in the Central Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Upper Sandusky, O. 465 David Bowers. Minister in the Central Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at La Rue, O, 466 Frank Austin Bowman, M. A. Proprietor of Starr Mills. Vallejo, Cal. 467 Horatio Strong Bradley. Cashier St. John’s' Sewing Machine Co. Springfield, O. 468 Charles Byron Brecount. Minister in the Minnesota Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Crookston, Minn. 469 George Downing Cadwalader. Lumber Merchant. Delaware, O. 470 George W. Collette. Deputy Treasurer of Clark Co. Springfield, O. 471 John Clark Darst. Civil Engineer. Toledo, O. 472 William Walter Davies, M. A., B. D., 1874, Drew Theological Seminary. Ph. D. and M. A., 1876, University of Halle, Germany. Minister in the Central Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Instructor of Hebrew and Modern Languages, Ohio Wesleyan University, 1878 — . Delaware, O. 473 George Walker DuBois. B. D., 1875, Boston University. Minister in the Cincinnati Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Morrow, O. 474 John Wilson Eakin. LL. B., 1876, Boston University. Attorney at Law. Fairfield, 111 . 475 Charles Warren Fairbanks, M. A. Attorney at Law. General Solicitor, In- diana, Bloomington, and Western Rail- way Co., 1874 — . Indianapolis, Ind. 476 Robert Houston Foos. Special Salesman, St. John’s Sewing Ma- chine Co. Springfield. O. 477 John William Gaddis. Minister in the Cincinnati Conference. M* E. Church. Pastor at Dayton, O. j 478 ^Charles Jamison Gardner, M. A., B. A., 1877, Harvard University. Tutor in the Ohio Wesleyan University, 1872-6. Student of Higher Mathematics, Harvard University, 1876-8. Assistant Master, Friends’ Academy, New Bed- ford, Mass., 1878. Died at New Bed- ford, Mass., Sept. 14, 1878. 479 Frank Christ Goodin. Book-keeper “Oregonian” Newspaper Of- fice. Portland, Oregon. 480 Wesley Watson Hooper, M. A. Minister in the Mississippi Conference, M. E. Church. President of Shaw Univer- sity 1873—. Holly Springs, Miss 481 George Swan Innis, M. A., B. D., 1876, Boston University. Minister in the Minnesota Conference, M. E, Church. Pastor at Tracy, Minn. 28 Alumni Record of the Ohio Wesleyan University 482 William Marshall Jones. Farmer. Mount Sterling, O. 483 Mathias Marley Kugler. B. D., 1875, Boston University. Minister in the Cincinnati Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor of St. John’s Church, Cincinnati, O. 484 Ira Haynes LaFetra, M.A., B. D., 1877, Boston University. Missionary and Teacher, 1877 — . Santiago, Chili, 485 Samuel Mutchner LeCrone, M.A., M. D„ 1878, Starling Medical College. Physician. Columbus, O. 486 John Frank McCaskey. .Superintendent of Public Instruction, New London, Ohio, 1872-5. Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1875 — . Napoleon, O. 487 George Alexander Miller. Insurance Agent. Toledo, O. 488 f W illiam Asbury Moore. Student of Theology. Died at Mohawk Valley, May 1, 1873. 489 David Young Murdock. Minister in the Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Pataskala, O. 490 Louis Ferdinand Postle, M. A # , B. D., 1875, Boston University. Minister in the Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Baltimore, O. 493 Joseph Swartz Sites. Superintendent of Public Instruction, Dres- den, Ohio, 1873-4. Attorney at Law. Lancaster, O. 494 Charles LaFayette Spencer, M.A. Principal Xenia High School, 1873-5, Attorney at Law. Xenia, O. 495 Wilson Uriel Spencer, M. A. Minister in the Central Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Hicksville, O. 496 Reuben Stahley, M. A. Express Agent. Crestline, O. 497 James Milton Steward. Principal Grammar School, 1879-80. Lancaster, O. 498 John Alfred Story. B. D., 1875, Boston University. Minister in the Cincinnati Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Mt. Washington, O. 499 Jonathan W. Stump, M. A. Attorney at Law. Los Angelos, Cal. 500 William Henry Sweet, M. A. Minister in the Kansas Conference, M. E. Church. Professor of Mathematics, Baker University, 1876-9. President of the same, 1879 — . Baldwin City, Kan . 501 Albert J. Twitchell. LL. B., 1874, Harvard University. 491 Lewis Ranck, M. A. Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1 ^ 73 —- Shadeville, O. 492 William Henry Shaw. M. D., Iowa Medical College. Physician. , Iowa. ! Attorney at Law. Mansfield, O. | 502 William Godman Ward, M. A., B. D., 1873, Drew Theological Seminary. Minister in the North Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. . Associate Principal, Ver- million Institute, 1875-6. Pastor at Alumni Record of the Ohio Wesleyan University. 29 503 Elmer Watson, M. A. Bookseller and Stationer, and Manufacturer of Bird Novelties. Delaware, O. 504 James Knox Polk Weber, M. A. Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1872 -5. Experimental Farmer and Florist. Caledonia, O. 505 Evan Foulke Williams. Attorney at Law. Ironton, O. 506 Richard Perry Woodruff, M. a. Principal of School, East Des Moines, Iowa, . Attorney at Law. Columbus, O. 507 Edward Barton Youmans. Clerk in Quartermaster’s Department, U.S. Army. Jeffersonville, Ind. 508 Jesse Franklin Zeigler, M. A. Minister in the West Wisconsin Confer- ence, M. E. Church. Pastor at Lewisville, Wis. 509 William Gilmer Hubbard, B. S. Mayor of New Vienna, O., 1875-7. Mem- ber of International Association for the Reform and Codification of the Laws of Nations. Delegate to the International Conference at The Hague, 1875. Min- ister in the Society of Friends. Prin- ter and Publisher. 51 North Front Street, Columbus, O. 1873. 510 David Steele Adams. Traveling Salesman. Kansas City, Mo. 51 1 Gideon Gustavus Banker. Attorney, at Law. City Solicitor, 1876 — . Delaware, O. 512 David Holmes Battenfield. Book-keeper for Riddle, Graff & Co. Delaware, O. 513 Horace Bonner, M. A., M. D., 1879, Miami Medical College. Physician. Creston, Iowa. 514 John Fletcher Brant, M. A., B. D., 1875, Boston University. Minister in the North Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Oberlin, O. 515 George Eden Campbell. Superintendent of Public Instruction. Waverly, O. 516 Alfred George Carpenter, M. A., LL. B., 1876, University of Michigan. Attorney at Law. Cleveland, O. 517 Jesse Ridman Clark. Cashier Union Central Life Insurance Co. Cincinnati, O. 518 Milton Clark. Attorney at Law. Cincinnati, O. 519 Samuel Goodlove Cosgrove, M. A. Agent, D. Appleton & Co., Publishers. 319 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, O. 520 Charles Cassat Davis, M. A., LL. B., 1875, Columbia Law School. Member of the Ohio House of Representa- tives, 1880 — . Attorney at Law. Cincinnati, O. I 521 Louis Bascom Dennison. Surveyor of Delaware Co., 1876 — . Delaware, O. 522 Oscar Peasley Dunn. M. D., 1878, Miami Medical College. Resident Physician Cincinnati Hospital, 1877-8. Physician. Ironton, O. 523 Charles Franklin Garberson. Attorney at Law. Marion, O, 3° Alumni Record of the Ohio Wesleyan University. 524 Allison Ebenezer Goodrich, M. A. Farmer.. Worthington, O. 525 Benjamin Franklin Gosling, M. A. Attorney at Law. Owingsville, Ky. 526 *Jacob Whitmer Gosling. B. D., 1878, Boston University. Died at Groesbeck, 0 .,July 1, 1880. 527 George M. Gould. Bookseller and Stationer, Chillicothe, O. 528 William Irwin Graham, M. A. Minister in the South Kansas Conference, M. E. Church. Professor of Ancient Languages in Baker University, 1879 — . Baldwin City, Kan. 529 William Henry Green. Minister in the Colorado Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Ouray, Col. 530 Horace Greeley Hackedorn. Attorney at Law. Lima, O. 532 Miron Elisha Hard, M. A. Superintendent of Public Instruction. Gallipolis, O. 532 Simpson James Harmount, M. A., M. D., 1877, Ohio Medical College. Physician and Oculist. Massillon, O. 533 John Smith Highland. Principal 17th District Public School. Mount Lookout, Cincinnati, O. 534 Reuben Edgar Hills. Cashier, V. T. Hills & Co. Delaware, O. 535 Wilbvr Julian Hodges. B. D., 1878, Boston University. Minister in the Central Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Toledo, O. 536 Charles M. Jones, M. A. Farmer. Plain City, O. 537 John Lewis Kessler, M. A. Minister in the St. Louis German Confer- ence, M. E. Church. Professor of Phi- losophy and German in Central Wesley- an College. Warranton, Mo. 538 Edward Philip Koch, M. A., Ph. D., 1879, Boston University. j Professor of Philosophy and History in Central Wesleyan College, 1873-9. Stu- dent in St. Louis Medical College, 1880-. Warranton, Mo. 539 Dwight Morris Lowry. Student of Law, Leipsic, Germany, 1873-5. Attorney at Law. Philadelphia, Pa. 540 Frank Ernestus Matchett, M. A., M. D., 1877, Ohio Medical College. Physician, Fort Wayne, Ind. 541 Milton Elmer Orcutt. Attorney at Law. Defiance, O. 542 David Trimmer Ramsey, M. A. Principal High School, Mt. Vernon, Ohio, 1874-6. Special Agent of E. Steiger & Co., 1878—. Delaware, O. 543 Norville Sager. Druggist. Lafayette, O. 544 Daniel Corwine Slevenson, M. A. B, D., 1878, Boston University. Professor in Bracken Academy. Augusta, Ky. 545 Richard Taylor Stevenson, M. A. B. D., 1877, Boston University. 1 Minister in the Kentucky Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Danville, Ky, Alumni Record of the Ohio Wesleyan University 3 546 Joseph Edward Stubbs, M. A, Tutor of Languages in the Ohio Wesleyan University, 1872-5. Editor Ashland Times, 1876 — . Professor of Greek, and Vice President, Ashland College, 1879 — Ashland, O. 547 Merrill Watson, M. A. Editor “Journal of Commerce.” St. Louis, Mo. 548 Paul Ernest Williams, M. A , LL. B., 1875, Columbian University. Special Agent, U. S, Pension Bureau. Washington, D. C. 549 John Buckley Willis, M. A. Superintendent of Rush Normal Institute, 1873-4, Professor of Natural Science, New Orleans Public Schools, 1874-7. Missionary and Teacher of Mathematics in “Colejio Ingles,” Concepcion, Chili. 1879-80. Supply in Nevada Conference , M. E. Church. Pastor at Gold Hill, Nev. 550 Thaddeus Lewis Wiltse, M. A. Minister in the Central Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Marion ( O. 551 John Gordon R. Wright. President Laporte Gas Co. Laporte, Ind. 552 William Foos, B. S. St. John’s Sewing Machine Co. Springfield, O. 553 Thomas Patterson Hopkins, B, S. Superintendent of Public Instruction. Casper, Cal. 554 Frank Chesnutwood Owens, B. S. Clothing Merchant. Delaware, O. 555 Charles Asa Weaver, B. S. Instructor in Shaw University, 1873-6. Professor of Mathematics in Baker Uni- versity, 1876 — . Baldwin City, Kan. 1874 . I 556 John C, Arbuckle. Minister in the Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Hamden Junction, O. 557 John Marshall Barker. B. D., 1877, Boston University. Missionary to Mexico, 1877—. Pachuca, Mex. 558 Frank Heman Brewer, M. A. Principal Enfield High School, 1875-7. Principal Glastonbury Academy, 1877 — . Glastonbury, Conn. 559 Andrew Thomas Byers. Attorney at Law. City Solicitor, 1875-9. Springfield, O. 560 Wilson Flemming Cellars. M. A. Minister in the Synod of Wisconsin, Pres- byterian Church. Pastor at Manitowoc, Wis. 561 Edward Everett Cole, Attorney at Law. Marysville, O. 562 Louis Franklin Coleman. Teacher. Mason, O. 563 William Van Cox. Second Clerk of Ohio Senate, 1877-9. Clerk in U. S. Fish Commission, Smithsonian Institute. Washington, D. C. 564 Edwin Bruce Cox. Principal High School. Xenia, O. 565 Benjamin Franklin Dimmjck, Minister in the Cincinnati Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Avondale, O. 566 Bedford Lewis Duckwall. Minister-Supply in New England Confer- 31 Myrtle Av-e., Boston, Mass. ence. 32 Alumni Record of the Ohio Wesleyan University. 567 James Blair Elliott. Farmer. Keene^ O. 568 Samuel Herman Fish, M. A. Instructor in Chickering Institute, 1874-5. Instructor in Cincinnati Wesleyan Col- lege, 1875-6. Principal of High School, Wilmington, Ohio, 1876-9. Meadville, Pa. I 569 George Breckinridge Germond. Attorney at Law. Toledo, O. 570 Archibald Gilruth. Supply South India Conference, M. E. Church. Missionary to India, 1876 — . Bombay, India. 571 Henry Barkman Harris. Attorney at Law. Defiance, O. 572 Louis Hicks. Attorney at Law. Cincinnati, O. 573 John Collins Jackson, M. A. Minister in the Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor ol St. Paul’s Church. Delaware, O. 574 Chauncey King. Minister in the North Indiana Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Wolcottville, Ind. 575 George Washington Lott. Minister in the Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Professor of Ancient Lan- guages in Fairfield Union Academy, 1874 1 -5. Pastor at Williamsport, O. 576 Naphtali Luccock, M. A. Minister in the Pittsburgh Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Elizabeth, Pa. 577 Samuel Majo.r, M. A. Superintendent of Public Instruction, j 1874—. Greenfield, O. 578 John Otto McDowell. M. D., 1877, Miami Medical College. Resident Physician in Cincinnati Hospital, 1876-7. Physician. Delaware, O. 579 Robert Harvey McFarland. Attorney at Law. Zanesville, O. 580 James Thompson Moore. Attorney at Law. Toledo, O. 581 ^Charles Clinton O’Kane. Student of Literature and Music. Died at Delaware, Ohio, June 1, 1876. 582 Philip Roettinger. LL. B., 1879, Cincinnati Law College. Attorney at Law. Cincinnati, O. 583 James Lynn Scott. Minister in the Central Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at West Unity, O. 584 Joseph DeLong Simms. Minister in the Central Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Elmore, O. 585 Clark Mechem Watson, M. A. Superintendent of Public Instruction, Chesterville, 1874-5, Seville, Ohio, 1875-6. Fredericktown, Ohio, 1876-7. Attorney at Law. Caldwell, O. 586 Greenbury Elliott Whitlock. M. D., 1876, Jefferson Medical College. Physician. Columbus, 111 . 587 Henry Witham, M. A., B. D., 1877, Boston University. Minister in the Cincinnati Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Groesbeck, O. Alumni Record of the Ohio Wesleyan University. 33 588 Alonzo Alexander Armstrong, B.S. Dry Goods Merchant. Armstrong’s Mills, O. 589 Benjamin Franklin Lockhart, B.S. 590 Joseph M’Cuskey, B. S. Minister in the Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor of Heath Chapel. Columbus, O. 591 Oliver Perry Stewart, B. S. Attorney at Law, South Whitley, Ind. 1875 . 592 Abel Leighton Allen. LL. B., 1877, Cincinnati Law School. Attorney at Law. Kenton, O. 593 Thomas Hudson Armstrong., M. A., B. D„ 1879, Boston University. Minister in the East Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at South Bellaire, O. 594 Eli Jacob Van R. Booth. Minister in the North Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Monroeville, O. 595 Charles Simpson Cherington. Superintendent of Public Instruction, New Lexington, Ohio, 1876-8. Attorney at Law. Washington C. H., O. 596 "James Buckingham Cox. Attorney at Law. Died at .Zanesville, O., Oct. 20, 1879. 597 William Henry Davis, M. A. Minister in the Texas Conference M. E. Church. President of Wiley University. Marshall, Texas. 598 William Raper Dille. Minister in New Hampshire .Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Amherst, N. H. 599 Isaac Newton Failor, M. A. President New Orleans University, 1879 — • New Orleans, La. 600 William Miller Friesner, M. A. Principal of High School, Portsmouth, O., 1875-9. Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion, 1879 — . Portsmouth, O. 601 Frank Wakeley Gunsaulus. Minister in the Congregational Church. Published ‘‘Metamorphoses of a Creed,” 1878. “Phases of Manhood,” 1880. Editor “Home and Trade Journal.” Pastor at Columbus, O. 602 William Edgar Hackedorn, M. A. Attorney at Law. Lima, O. 603 Henry Clinton Hume. Attorney at Law. Hamilton, O. 604 Frank Leever. Minister in the Cincinnati Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Cumminsville, O., (P. Q., Station A.) Cincinnati, O. 605 Azariah William Lincoln. Student of Law. Worthington, O. 606 William Morrow, M. A. Professor of Ancient Languages, New Or- leans University, 1876-7. Teacher in Rust Normal Institute, 1877-8. Super- intendent of Public Instruction, 1878 — . Chesterville, O. 607 *Marcus Gardner Peasley. Student of Engineering. Died at New Philadelphia, Ohio. Aug. 10, 1875. 608 Willis Pine. Attorney at Law. Washington C. H., O. 609 Thomas Jackson Pope, Jr. Minister in the Central Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Williams Center, O. 34 Alumni Record of the Ohio Wesleyan University. 610 Edward John Robison, M. A. Druggist. London, O. 611 Eugene Wambaugh. B. A., 1876, and M. A., 1877, Harvard University. Student of Law at Harvard University. Residence, Ripley, O. 612 Clifford Bailey Wright, M. A. Clerk, with H. W. Hughes & Co., bankers. Cincinnati, O. 613 Charles Summer Young. Principal of Gold Hill Public School, 1878 — . Superintendent of Public In- struction for Storey County. 1879 — . Virginia City, Nev. 614 Horace M’Cay Allen, B. S. Book-keeper and Cashier, with Snyder & Holmes. 131 and 133 Front Street, Cincinnati, O. 615 Jason William Firestone, B. S. Attorney at Law. Columbus, O. 616 Francis Byron Moe, B. S. Attorney at Law. South Whitley, Ind. 617 Joseph Andrew Robinson, B. S. Proprietor of Flour Mill. Austin, Texas. 1876. 618 Andrew Frank Armstrong. Attorney at Law. Audubon, Iowa. 619 John Rutledge Bowdle. Attorney at Law. Columbus, O. 620 George Reuben Browning. Editor Daily Reporter. Delaware, O. 621 Douis Burr Demorest. Principal Grammar Schools, 1879-80. Prin- cipal High School, 1880 — . Marysville, O- 622 James Wallace Dougherty. Superintendent of Public Instruction, Or- ville, Ohio, 1877-8. Attorney at Law. Kenton, O. 623 Wilbur Fisk Dubois. Clerk in Post Office. Cincinnati, O. 624 Orlando Josiah Frost. Attorney at Law. Winterset, Iowa. 625 Maxwell Pierson Gaddis, Jr. Clerk. Dayton, O. 626 George Michael Halm. Attorney at Law. Cleveland, O. 627 Levan R. Janney. Minister in the South India Conference, M.E. Church. Missionary at Jubbelpore, India. 628 Vincent Douce Lawrence, M. A., B. D., 1877, Boston University. Minister in the North Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Gambier, O. 629 Oscar Martin, M. A. Superintendent of Public Instruction. Loveland, O. 630 Joseph McCann. M. D., 1879, Columbus Medical College. Physician. Delaware, O. 631 Edwin Waterman Mitchell. Principal High School, 1878-80. Circle ville, O. Sudent of Medicine. Delaware, O. 632 Shobal Patton Mulford. Attorney at Law. Columbus, O. Alumni Record of the Ohio Wesleyan University. 35 633 Adelbert Dee Newell, M. A. Minister in the Central Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Waterville, O. 634 -Moses Cook Percival. Minister in the North Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Died at Iberia, Ohio, July 19, 1878. 635 William Philpott, M. A. Minister in the Central Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Fort Recovery, O. 636 Otho Jackson Richards, Principal High School, 1879-80. Marysville, O. 637 Samuel James Riley, M. A.. 638 James Franklin Smith. B. D., 1879, Boston University. Minister in the North Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Huntington, O, 639 John Wesley Spindler. Principal High School, 1877 — . Bucyrus, O. 640 Abraham Stoner, M. A.. Teacher. Present address, Ashland, O. 641 Wilbur Patterson Thirkield, Minister in the Cincinnati Conference, M # E. Church. Student of Theology in Boston University. Franklin, O. 642 Homer Thompson. Attorney at Law. Winterset, Iowa. 643 George Oswald Warrington. Attorney at Law. Dayton, O. 644 Benson Clark Watson. Farmer. Delaware, O. 645 William Christie Whitmer. Attorney at Law. Telegrapher. . Caldwell, O. 646 Oliver Cromwell Williams. Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1877-80. Gambier, O. 647 Elbridge Root Willis. B. D., 1879, Boston University. Supply Nevada Conferenc.e, M. E. Church. Pastor at Carson City, Nev. 648 Ira Crum, B. S. Attorney at Law. Columbus, O. 649 Frank Janney Halliday, B. S. Wholesale Dry Goods Merchant Gallipolh, O. 650 Charles Frederick Henking, B. S. Merchant. Gallipoli'-, O. 651 Edwin Jerome Light, B. S. ; Attorney at Law. Washington C. H., O. 652 Joseph Mahlon Lowe, B. S. Attorney at Law. Columbys, O. 653 Everett Walker, B. S. Farmer. Wyandotte City, Kan. 654 Beverly Park Williams, B. S. Farmer. Delaware, O. 1877 . 655 Elijah Burgess, M. A. Principal Fostoria Academy, 1877-9. Prin- cipal High School, 1879 — , Lancaster, O. 656 Walter Emerson Dennison. Superintendent of Public Instruction, Up- per Sandusky, Ohio, 1877-9. Student of Law, Cincinnati Law College, 1 879 — Traveling in California, 1880. San Francisco, Cal* 36 Alumni Record of the Ohio Wesleyan University 657 Arthur Eugene Evans. Student of Medicine, Miami Medical Col- lege. Residence, Delaware, O. 658 Spencer Michael Free, M. A. M. D., 1880, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore, Md. 659 Benjamin Franklin Freshwater. Attorney at Law. Delaware, 0 . 660 Francis Joseph Fry, M. A., M. D., 1879, St. Louis Medical College. Resident Physician, St. Louis Hospital. 1879-80. Resident Physician, Maternity Hospital. Physician. 703 Washington Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 661 Robert Augustus Fry, M. A. Surveyor and Egineer, Union Pacific Rail- road. Address 703 Washington Ave. St. Louis, Mo. 662 Fred Alvah Gould. Minister in the North Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Hayesville, O, 663 William Druet Gray. B. D., 1880, Boston University. Indianapolis, Ind. 664 Simeon David Hutsinpiller, M. A. Student of Theology, Boston University. Pastor at Zanesville, O. 665 Linus Benton Kauffman. Post Trader, Crow Indian Agency. Stillwater, Montana Terr’y. 666 Asbury Francts Kelley. Attorney at Law. New Lexington, O. j 667 Francis Marion Kirgan. B. D., 1880, Boston University. Minister in the Cincinnati Conference, M. E. Church. Cincinnati, O. j j 668 George Noble Kreider. ! M. D., 1880, College of Physicians and Surgeons, N, Y. j Physician. Jacksonville, 111 . 669 William Edward Kugler. Minister in the Cincinnati Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Camp Dennison, O. 670 Edward Thomson Lane. Minister in the Minnesota Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Waseca, Minn. 671 John Collins Leever. M. D., 1880, Miami Medical College. Physician. Defiance, O. 672 Elmer Lee Legge, M. A. Instructor in Latin and Greek, Alvarado Masonic Institute, Alvarado, Texas, 1877-8. Associate Editor Journal of Commerce, 1878-80. Professor of Eng- lish Language and Literature, Erzie- hung’s Institute. 513 Olive Street, St. Louis, Mo. 673 John Mickleborough. LL. B., 1877, Cincinnati Law School. Principal Cincinnati Normal School, 1878-. Published Hand-Book of Map Drawing, 1869. Paleontology of Cincinnati Group 1878. » Cincinnati, O. 674 Charles Eugene Riggs, M A., M. D., 1880, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore, Md. Resident Physician, Maryland Woman’s Hospital, 1880 — . Baltimore, Md. 675 David Willet Sholl Teacher. Delaware, O. 676 Telletson Arminius Turner. B. D., 1880, Boston University. Minister. Ringgold, O. 677 Charles Edgar Wheeler. Editor Salt Lake Tribune. Salt Lake City, Utah, Alumni Record of the Ohio Wesleyan University 37 678 Henry Whitworth, M. A. Principal High School, 1877 — . Bellefontaine, O. 679 'John Murphy Withrow. Superintendent of Public Instruction, 1879—. Eaton, O. 680 John William Wolfe. LL. B., 1880, Cincinnati Law College. Attorney at Law. Cincinnati, O. 681 George Washington Wright. Teacher. Logan, O. 682 *James Pinkerton Cary, B. S. Attorney at Law. Died at Millerburg, O., Dec. 20, 1879. 683 John Franklin Murray, B. S. Minister in the Pittsburgh Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Somerset, Pa. 684 Sylvester Genin Williams. LL. B., 1880, Cincinnati Law College. Attorney at Law. Cincinnati, O. 1878 . 685 James L. Bitler. Minister in the Cincinnati Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Harrison, O. 686 David S. Chilcoat. Associate Principal Danville Institute. Danville, 111 . 687 Emory Chilcoat. Associate Principal Danville Institute. Danville, 111 . 688 John H. Cook. Student of Medicine and Music. Cincinnati, O. 689 Robert Ira Deselem. Minister in the Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Lalaska, O, 690 John W. Goldsberry. Student of Theology. Frankfort, O. 691 Cyrus Huling. Attorney at Lav/. Columbus, O. 692 Albert Humble. Teacher. Nebraska. O. 693 Benjamin Franklin Jackson. Principal High School. Washington C. II., O. 694 H. Frank Johnson. Teacher and Farmer. Mount Perry, O. 695 William Henry Johnson. Student of Law, Cincinnati Law College. Cincinnati, O. 696 Ch arles C. Jones. Minister and Teacher. Urbana, O. 697 William R. Mellott. Student of Theology, Garrett Biblical In- stitute. Evanston, 111 . 698 Howard Faville Mowry. Student of Law. Bedford, Pa. 699 John R. Shannon. Minister in the Cincinnati Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Walker, O. 700 Prescott Smith. Student of Law. Montreal, Canada. 701 John W. Wait. Minister in the Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Pastor at Bloomingsberg, O. 702 Clinton S. Wheaton. Superintendent of Public Instruction. Plain City, O. 38 Alumni Record of the Ohio Wesleyan University. 703 William S. Young. 717 Alice Miller, B. L. Student of Law. Married to Rev. F. A. Gould. Sarahsville, 0 . Hayesville, 0 . 704 Elihu B. Armstrong, B. S. 718 Eliza Milward, B. L. Farmer. Armstrong’s Mills, 0 . 705 James Nelson Barnes, B. S. Lexington, Ky. 719 Harriet Newell Pierce, B. L. Teacher in the Public Schools. Superintendent of Public Instruction. Sidney, 0 . 706 Ira Manville Miller, B. S. Book-keeper, Aultman, Miller & Co. Marysville, 0 . 720 Clara Laida Williams, B. L. Delaware, 0 . Akron, 0 . 1879 . 707 Thornton Riggs Williams. B. S. 721 Cyrus Brooks Austin. Student of Medicine. Tutor of Mathematics, Ohio Wesleyan Uni- Baltimore, Md. versity. Delaware, O. 708 Newton Armenius Yeager, B. S. Teacher in Public Schools. 722 Winfield Scott Beatty. Collamer, Ind. 709 Elizabeth Madge Armstrong, B.L. Teacher. Victoria, British Columbia. Teacher in Public Schools. 723 Leroy Decatur Brown. Delaware, 0 . 710 Martha Jane Bowyer, B, L. Superintendent of Public Instruction. Hamilton, O. Teacher of Painting. 724 Charles Franklin Cozier. Lima. 0 . 71 1 Mary Brittain, B. L. Married to G. R. Drenman, Aug. 6, 1879. Traveling Salesman Fletcher, O. 725 Franklin Henry Dewart. Portsmouth, 0 . Principal of High School. Warren, O. 712 Minnie Conklin, B. L. 726 Benjamin Franklin Dyer. Teacher in Public School. Superintendent of Public Instruction. Maysville, 0 . Hopkinsville, O. 713 Annis Louisa Covell, B. L. 727 William Cary Endley. Teacher in Public School. Minister in the North Ohio Conference, Delaware, O. M. E. Church. Pastor at 714 Fannie Martha Griswold, B. L. Rockport, O. Teacher. 728 Wilbert Ferguson. Elyria, 0 . Editor Richwood Gazette. 715 Clara Eugenia Kirkley, B. L. Richwood, 0 . Sidney, 0 . 729 George Gaul. Minister in the Philadelphia Conference, 716 Alice Holloway Lewis, B. L. M. E. Church. Pastor at Barnesville, 0 . Washington, Pa. Alumni Record of the Ohio Wesleyan University. 39 730 Walter Gregg. Missionary and Teacher, with Rev. Wm. Taylor, 1880—. Para. Brazil. 731 Robert Benjamin Jamison. Teacher. Delaware, O. 732 John William Jones, Farmer. Delaware, O. 733 Carlos Cerastus Kelly. Clerk. Claysville, O. 734 Merrick Eugene Ketcham. Student of Theology, Drew Theological Seminary. Madison, N. J. 742 Preston Whitmore Smith. Student of Literature. Pana, 111 . 743 Charles Addison Strayer. Principal Locke School. Locke^ Ind. 744 Charles Liggett Van Cleve. I Superintendent of Public Instruction. Spring Valley, O. 745 Willis Herbert Ward. Principal of High School. Greenup, 111 . 746 Edward Jewett Wheeler. Assistant Editor, Pittsburgh Christian Ad- vocate. Pittsburgh, Pa. 735 Charles Lee. Student of Theology, Princeton Theolog- ical Seminary. Princeton, N. J. 736 George Washington Lilly. Student of Civil Engineering and Higher Mathematics, Michigan University. Ann Arbor, Mich. 737 John Jay McCabe. Student of Theology, Drew Theological Seminary. Madison, N. J. 738 William Frazier McDowell. Student of Theology, Boston University. Boston, Mass. 739 Elmer Edson Meredith. Student of Pharmacy, Michigan Univer- sity. Ann Arbor, Mich. 740 Albert Burdsall Riker. Minister in the Ohio Conference, M. E Church. Pastor at Worthington, O. 447 Inez White. Teacher. Independence, O. 748 Lucius Munson Brush, B. S. Student of Law. Columbus, O. 749 Frank Martin, B. S. Student of Palaeontology. Wilmington, O. 750 Robert Joshua Mefford, B. S. Student of Law. Georgetown, O. 751 William Griffith Moler, B. S. Student of Theology. Detroit, Mich. 752 Harry Lorenzo St. Vail, B. S. Student of Medicine. Delaware, O. 753 Josephine Brown, B. L. Student of Music. Delaware, O. 754 Linda May Duvall, B. L. Teacher. Washington C. H., O. 741 Willis Oscar Robb. Professor of Languages, Farmers’ College. College Hill, O. 755 Caroline Veronia Lilly, B. L. Teacher. Delaware, O. 40 Alumni Record of the Ohio Wesleyan University. 756 Lena Lyon, B. L. Married to Will, P. Sturges, September 10, 1879. Mansfield, O. 757 Ida Adelle Smith, B. L. Woodsfield, O. 75g May Tarbell, B. L. Married to Grove G. Cannon, Sept. 30, 1869. Wellington, O. 769 John David Hartman. Teacher. Osborn, O. 770 Hervey Pettit Johnson. Student of Law. Mansfield, O. 771 George C. S. Lewis. Student of Medicine. Rush Medical Col- lege, Chicago. 111 ., or Berlin, O. 759 Amelia Bessie Watson, B. L. Student of Music, LaSalle Seminary. Auburndale, Mass. 1880 . 760 Henry Edwin Bail. Teacher. Waynesville, O. 761 James Frank Baker. Professor of Natural Science, Baker Uni- versity. Baldwin City, Kan. 762 Bostwick Barnes. Student of Literature. Delaware, 0 . 763 Joseph Peter Bishop. Student of Theology. Cedarville, O. 764 Kate Ruth Blair. Teacher in Public Schools. 772 Joseph Long. Minister in the M, E. Church. Preach- ing at Bainbridge, Pa. 773 James Alexander Lowry. Student of Theology at Drew Seminary. Madison, N. J. 774 Joseph William Luccock. Student of Theology, Boston University. Boston, Mass. 775 Lewis Warren Miller. Minister and Teacher. Millersport, O. 776 Asa Victor Miracle. Teacher. Andrews, O. 777 Francis Sylvester Monnett. Student of Law. Bucyrus, O. Marysville, O 765 Edward Thomson Brandebury. Student of Law. Delaware, O. 766 Clarence Talmage Brown. Professor of Mathematics and Chemistry, Farmers’ College. College Hill, O. 767 Victor Cornuelle. Teacher. 768 Stephen Trimble Dial. Teacher. Olive Branch, O. 778 Joseph Kent Owen. Student of Law. Norwalk, O. 779 Frank Pierce Parkin. Pastor M. E. Church. Cottage City, Martha’s Vineyard, Mass. 780 John Rathmell. Teacher, and Student of Medicine. Lockbourne, O. 781 William Newton Rice. Minister in the East Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. South Olive, O. Alumni Record of the Ohio Wesleyan University. 4i 782 John Andrew Stemen. Teacher. Bremen, O. 783 Horace Benson Story. Teacher. Bowersville, O. 784 Stephen Olin Young. Minister in the North Ohio Conference, M. E. Church. Marion, O. 795 Abbie Evans, B. L. Delaware, O. 796 Cora Izetta Gray, B. L. Piqua, O. 797 Jennie Harvey, B. L. Delaware, O. 798 Adda Eldora Kelley, B. L. Student of Music, Boston University. Gypsum, O. 785 Oliver Apgar, B. S. Traveling Agent. Delaware, O. 786 Melvin Figley, B. S. Student of Medicine, and Superintendent of Public Instruction. Celina, O. 787 Monroe Winfield Webster, B. S. Student of Medicine, Rush Medical Col- lege, Chicago, 111 ., or Larwill, Ind. 788 Ada Baker, B. L. Preceptress, Baker University, 1880 — . Baldwin City, Kan. 789 Edith Beach, B. L. West Jefferson, O. 790 Mary Annette Bunker, B. L. Teacher in Public Schools. Mt. Gilead, O. 791 Nellie Augusta Bunyan, B. L. Delaware, O. 799 Ella Larason, B. L. Delaware, O. 800 Emma Martha Lawrence, B. L. Teacher in Public School. Marion, O. 801 Minnie Marie Light, B. L. Student of Music. Washington C. H., O. 802 Clotilda Lyon, B. L. Delaware, O. 803 Eva Jennings McKenzie, B. L. Wilmington, O. 804 Ida Newell, B. L. Delaware, O. 805 Mattie Palmer, B. L. Teacher. Delaware, O. 806 IVTary White Reagh, B. L. Teacher in Public Schools. Bellefontaine, O. 792 Mary Cruikshank, B. L. Delaware, O. 807 Iza May Vail, B. L. Cleveland, O. 793 Anna Violetta Downs, B. L. Chillicothe, O. 808 Minnie Estelle Walker, B. L. Delaware, O. 794 Margaret Ellen Dike, B. L. Delaware, O. 809 Anna Margaret Williams, B. L. Delaware, O. Class Year. 1859 i860 1854 1849 1863 1877 1871 1858 1868 1875 1869 1862 i860 1853 1858 1872 1863 1859 1873 1853 1855 1853 1850 1862 1852 1853 1855 1857 1848 1870 1858 1849 1859 OUR HONORED DEAD NAME. PLACE AND DATE OF DEATH. Andrews, P'ranklin M Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 8, 1864. Barr, Elias A... , , 1870. Benedict, Silas G , , 1872. Brush, George W Delaware, Ohio, Jan. 25, 1868. Burge, Theodore W St. Louis, Mo., March — , 1879. Cary, James P Millersburg, Ohio, Dec. 24, 1879. Clark, Lemen T Perrysburg, Ohio, Dec. 1, 1878. Clason, Marshall B. Kenesaw Mt., Ga., June 27, 1864. Clayton, John R Sedalia, Mo., Sept. 19, 1868. Cox, James B Zanesville, Ohio, October 20, 1869. Cronkleton, Hermas Delaware, Ohio, Nov. 7, 1872. Cruikshank, Homer D Delaware, Ohio, , 1864. DeBolt, George H Savannah, Ga., Feb. 3, 1865. Eakin, James L Cheshire, Ohio, December 25, 1862. Fish, Hubbard Olney, 111., , 1864, Gardner, Charles J New Bedford, Mass., Sept. 14, 1878. Gardner, John S West Jefferson, Ohio, , 1864. Gorsuch, Joseph B , , 1864. Gosling, Jacob W Groesbeck, Ohio, July 1, 1880. Green, Miletus Cincinnati, Ohio, , 1864. Griffith, Charles C Zanesville, Ohio, , 1856. Hammond, Lucian H Landisville, N. J., March 20, 1877. Harris, George W , , Nov. 5, 1862. Hemmenway, Charles L Amity, Ohio, , 1862. Hiland, George W Tiffin, Ohio, July 14, 1873. Hills, James H Zanesville, Ohio, Aug. — , 1862. Ingham, Oliver P Jackson, Mo., Dec. 23, 1868. Lacroix, John P Delaware, Ohio, Sept. 22, 1879. Lee, Clinton W Cincinnati, Ohio, Oct. 15, 1851. Leseman, Ernest H Ballardvale, Mass., Feb. 16, 1875. Lindsey, William E Delaware, Ohio, May 2, 1869. Little, Lewis W Washington, D. C., March 18, 1866. Mast, Isaac Roxborough, Pa., June 21, 1876. Our Honored Dead. 43 47 1853 Mitchell, Milton 488 1872 Moore, William A. 234 1864 Newton, Adin 275 1866 Newton, Almon S. B 156 i860 Newton, Chauncey W 581 1874 O’ Kane, Charles C 108 1858 Parrott, John 236 1864 Parsons, John J 00 ^1 0 607 1875 Peasley, Marcus G .New Philadelphia, O., Aug. 10, 1875. 634 1876 Percival, Moses C 75 1856 Read, William R 276 1866 Rusk, John Y 307 1867 Sanborn, Benjamin F 31 1851 Sedberry, James M no 1858 Smiley, Andress E 135 1859 Smith, Lorenzo P 366 1869 Spindler, Henry E Lima, Ohio, Oct. 13, 1876. 9 i 1857 Thompson, Allen T Binghampton, N. Y., July 17, 1868. 10 1848 Webb, James D Cincinnati, Ohio, June 10, 1873. 11 1848 Webb, Joseph T Minneapolis, Minn., April 27, 1880. 5 i 1853 Webster, Calvary M 111., , 1867. 37 i 1869 Welsh, Leroy W Armstrong’s Mills, O., Aug. 20, 1879. US 1858 Wilson, William K. W EDITORIAL NOTE. The Ohio Wesleyan Female College, chartered April i, 1853, was con- solidated with the Ohio Wesleyan University, August 6, 1877. The following Record is the first attempt that has been made to arrange the Alumnae of that Institution, by classes, in the order of graduation. No one can be more conscious than the editor of its errors and omissions. Former alphabetical lists were found to be far from complete, names having been omitted which were recorded in the minutes of the Board of Trustees. No roll of marriages, deaths, or residences; or of attainments and honors, had been preserved in the College. Under these circumstances this Record must be regarded only as a preliminary one. At the last meeting of the Alumni Association of the Un ve sity, Mis. Anna S. Clason, of Delaware, Ohio, was appointed a Committee to prepare obituary notices of deceased Alumnae for the next number of the Visitor. Graduates and others, who have appropriate information, will confer a great favor by sending it to her at a very early date. OHIO WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE. board of trustees. Ralph Hills, M. D 1853 — 68 Nathan Chester . 1853 — 56 Samuel Lynch i8 53~ 59 Nathan Dustin 1853 — 56 Wm. G. Williams 1853—70 Thomas F. Joy ..1853—77 E. C. Gavitt 1853—56 Augustus A. Welch 1853 — 77 Alvin T. Belt 1853—60 James C. Evans 1853—67 Joseph Ayers 1853 — 57 L. J. Critchfield 1853—57 Lemuel Herbert 1853 -57 Brainard Dickinson 1853—66 John Cozier 1853 — 55 N. D. Perry 1853—58 John Mears 1853 — 56 B. H. Willis 1853—58 O. D. Hough 1853—58 Wm. L, Harris 1853—64 James T. Caples 1853— 55 Charles D. Burritt 1855—56 Edward Thomson . 1855 — 64 Joseph K. Watkins 1856 — 57 Park S. Donelson 1856—76 Leonard B. Gurley 1856 — 62 John W. Bain 1856 — 57 Moses L. Starr 1856 — 73 Hiram M. Shaffer 1857—65 Henry E. Pilcher 1857 — 59 Edward R. Jewett 1857 — 60 Thompson F. Hildreth 1857 — 66 Henry J. Eaton 1858—64 Archibald Lybrand 1858—75 Edward M. Phelps 1858—61 Thomas Evans, Jr 1858—75 Henry Whiteman 1859 — 77 Samuel Lynch 1860—67 John F. Kennedy 1860—72 4 6 Board of Trustees. Hobert DuBois i860 — 65 John W. Bain 1861 — 65 Thomas H. Wilson 1862 — 73 Wesley J. Wells . 1864 — 67 H. W. Pumphrey 1864 — 67 Alexander Nelson 1864 — 70 Thomas Barkdull 1865 — 69 John S. Jones 1865 — 74 Aaron J. Lyon 1866 — 69 Harvey S. Camp 1866 — 67 Carmi A. Vananda 1867 — 74 J. A. Clippinger 1867 — 74 J. H. Creighton 1867 — 77 I. C. Aston 1867—71 W. T. Snow 1867—68 J. F. Bartlett 1867 — 71 John Taylor 1867 — 76 John W. White 1868 — 74 Thompson F. Hildreth.; 1869 — 71 John A. Mudge 1869 — 74 Leroy A. Belt 1870 — 77 Oliver Kennedy 1870 — 73 J. T. Gordon 1871 — 77 John Ogden 1871 — 74 John Whitworth ; ...1871 — 77 Wm. G. Williams 1873 — 77 Geo. G. Hackedorn 1873 — 74 Wm. St. John 1873 — 77 Alexander Nelson 1873 — 77 Samuel A. Keen 1874 — 77 Timothy W. Stanley i 1874 — 77 Zenas L. White 1874 — 77 John T. Halliday 1874 — 77 Leonard B. Gurley 1874 — 75 Thomas E. Powell 1874 — 77 Samuel L. Roberts 1874 — 77 Wm. F. Whitlock 1875 — 77 James Lewis 1875 — 77 Moses L. Starr 1875 — 77 Thomas Evans, Jr 1876 — 77 W. L. Watt 1876—77 OFFICERS OF THE BOARD. PRESIDENTS. Ralph Hills, M. D 1853 — 57 Wm. L. Harris 1857 — 67 P. S. Donelson 1864 — 75 A. Nelson 1875 — 77 SECRETARIES. Wm. L. Harris 1853 — 54 L. J. Critchfield 1854 — 57 Park S. Donelson 1857 — 61 George Mather . 1861 — 64 Wm. O. Semans 1864 — 66 John S. Jones 1866 — 75 Zenas L. White . . 1875 — 77 AUDITORS. Wm. L. Harris . . 1855 — 57 Wm. G. Williams 1857 — 58 Moses L. Starr 1858 — 75 Thomas Evans Jr 1875 — 76 A. A. Welch .... 1876 — 77 TREASURERS. James C. Evans ^53 61 Henry J. Eaton 1861—62 Archibald Lybrand 1862 76 Zenas L. White 1876 77 Wm. F. Whitlock tfjy FACULTY OF THE OHIO WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE. PRESIDENTS. *ORAN FAVILLE, A. M 1853—54 B. A., 1844, and M. A., 1847, Wesleyan University. Lieutenant Governor of Iowa, 1859-61. Died at Waverly, Iowa, Oct. 3, 1872. REV. JAMES A. DEAN, A. M B. A., 1847, and M. A., 1850, Wesleyan University. President Mansfield Female College, 1856-57. President East Tennessee Wesleyan University, 1872-75. Minister in the New York East Con- ference M. E. Church. Pastor at Guilford^ Conn. -REV. C. D. BURRITT, A. M B. A., 1843, andM. A., 1846, Wesleyan University. Died at Ithaca, New York, May 7, 1856. 1855—56 REV. P. S. DONELSON, D. D 1856—73 Minister in the Central Ohio Conference M. E. Church. Pastor at Lima, Ohio. WILLIAM RICHARDSON, A, M 1873—77 B. A. and M. A., Dartmouth College. Superintendent of Public Instruction, Chillicothe, Ohio. ■ojo- PROFESSORS OF NATURAL SCIENCE AND MATHEMATICS. WILLIAM SMITH, A. M 1853—58 President Xenia College, 1858 — . Xenia, Ohio. REV. GEORGE MATHER, A. M. (No. 105) 1858 62 WILLIAM O. SEMANS, A.M. (No. 89) 1862—65 REV. L. M. ALBRIGHT, A. M. (No. 164) 1865—71 *REV. A. S. B. NEWTON, A. M. (No. 275) J. P. PATTERSON, A. M. (No. 131) LUCY HERRON PARKER, A. M A. B. and A. M., Cincinnati Wesleyan College. Faculty. 49 PRECEPTRESSES. MRS. MARIA M. FAVILLE 1853—54 L. AMELIA DAYTON 1855—56 *S. MINERVA ROCKWELL 1856—57 Missionary to'India, 1858. Married Rev. J. M. Thoburn in i860. Died at Nynee Tal, India, Nov., 1861. J. E. DeWOLFE 1860—63 MARY E. WING \ . . . 1863—64 EMILY A. HARRINGTON 1864—65 MRS. C. H. DONELSON ... 1865—73 MRS. M. E. RICHARDSON . 1873—74 MRS. SUSAN A. BROCKWAY, B. S 1874—75 F. T. GEE 1875 — 76 MRS. L. E. C. JOHNSON 1876—77 0J0 INSTRUCTORS, MODERN LANGUAGES. M. B. JANES, M. L. A 1858—61 Married W. A. Ingham, Cleveland, Ohio. -ELIZABETH BROWN 1865—74 Missionary to Bulgaria, 1858-64. Married Dr. H. Hendrixson in 1874. Died at Lewis Center in 1876. *M. A. ALBRIGHT, M. L. A. (No. 1028) 1874—76 C. A. NELSON, M. L A, B. S. (No. 1086) 1876—77 LATIN AND GERMAN. MICHAEL J. CRAMER, A. M. (No. 145) 1856—59 P. C. WILSON, (No. 69) 1863—64 MARY M. ADAMS, M. L. A. (No. 894) 1864—70 A. A. LOUNSBURY, M. L. A. (No. 1040) 1870—74 LATIN AND ENGLISH. ADELAIDE E. BAKER, M. L. A. (No. 810) . . 1870—71 LUCY M. PARKER, A. B 1875—77 A. B., 1875, Cincinnati Wesleyan Female College. Instructor in the Cincinnati Wesleyan, 1878 — . Cincinnati, Ohio. 5° Faculty. MATHEMATICS AND BELLES-LETTRES. *M. J. Sl'YER, M. L. A. (No. 991) . . 1870—75 SUSAN A. BROCKWAY, B. S 1875—77 SCIENCE. SARAH P. HASTINGS, M..L. A. (No. 81 1) 1854—55 MARY M’LAIN 1855—56 CAROLINE MILLER, M. E. L. (No. 819) 1856—57 MARTHA E. FRANKS, M. L. A. (No. 867) 1861—62 AUGUSTA H. CRAW 1862—63 Married Rev. W. D. Godman, (No. 2) in 1864. CAROLINE BARKDULL, M. L. A. (No. 877) 1863—66 EDWARD MERRICK, A. M. (No. 231) 1866—67 E. L. ALBRIGHT . . . . 1867—68 ANNETTE T. PHELPS, M. L. A. (No. 919) 1870—71 * MARTHA J. STYER, M. L. A. (No, 991) 1870—71 PAINTING AND DRAWING. CHARLOTTE DEXTER 1857—58 N. EMMA DICKEY, M. E. L. (No. 830) 1858—61 MRS. PROF. F. S. HOYT 1863—64 MIRANDA BEARDSLEY 1865—69 Artist, 1869 — . Poughkeepsie, New York. DOROTHEA GRAHAM 1870—77 DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC. PROF. T. C. O’KANE, (No. 38) 1853—54 ELLEN M. BROWN 1853—60 EDWARD A. VAN METER 1858—59 HERMAN SCHIRNER 1860—62 CLARA E. M’CARTER 1862—65 EDMUND S. MATTOON 1862—63 LOUISA TIMMONS, M. L. A., M. M. (No. 923) 1864—65 OSCAR MAYO 1864—68 AMANDA WILDBAHN 1865—69 ANNA MOORE 1866—67 LAURA OGDEN 1866—67 Faculty. 51 HATTIE E. MORSE 1867—68 MATILDA DICKINSON 1867—68 GEORGE H. BRIGGS 1868—69 MRS. MATTIE A. BRIGGS 1868—69 MINNIE OWEN 1869—70 ANNA E. JONES 1869—70 FANNY J. DOUGLAS. . 1869—72 JULIUS SIEGFELD 1869—70 FANNY NICHOLSON 1869—70 ANGELO DuPROSSE 1869—72 LUCY POWERS 1870—72 EDWARD HARDIK , . 1872— 73 ELLA C. DOWNS 1872—74 MRS. CLARA M. LONG 1872—73 RICHARD FASOLT 1873—74 ANNA MOORE 1874—75 FANNY J. DOUGLAS 1873—76 CARRIE LARIMORE 1874—75 BENJAMIN NAUMBOURG 1874—75 MRS. NINA MINELLI 1874—75 ALBERT A. STANLEY 1875—76 THEODORE PRESSER 1876—77 ANNA M. NATION 1876—77 / ALUMNJE RECORD OF THE OHIO WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE. 1855 . 810 Adeline Baker, M. L. A. Principal of Danville Academy, 1865-6. Instructor in Latin, Ohio Wesleyan Fe- male College, 1870-1. Instructor in Girls’ Industrial Home, 1879 — • Delaware, O. 81 1 *Sarah P. Hastings, M. L. A. 1852, graduated at Worthington Female College. Instructor in Science, Ohio Wesleyan Female College, 1854-5. In- structor in Pittsburgh Female College, 1856-7. Teacher in Northwest Va. Academy, 1857-9. Married Rev. C. C. Knowlton (No. 66). Died at Normal, 111 ., Jan. 23, 1880. 812 Olive L. Horr, M. L. A. Married to Dr. N. U. Starr. Delaware, O. 813 Mary A. Riser, M. L. A. Married C. W. Sexton (No. 241). North Topeka, Kan. 814 Lucretia W. Lamb, M. E. L. Married to Rev. H. Miller. Holyoke, Mass. 815 Nancy M. Ritchey, M. E. L. Married *Dr. T. B. Williams. Delaware, O. 816 Elizabeth K. Wilcox, M. E. L. Married Dr. L. S. Cook. Sunbury, O. 1856 . 817 Abbie A. Ingham, M. L. A. Married to *Rev. H. L. Parish. Rome, O. 818 Mary J. Irwin, M. E. L. Married Prof. A. T. Wiles (No 79). Newport, Ky. 819 Caroline Miller, M. E. L. Married B. Miller. San Francisco, Cal 820 Frances H. Thrall, M. E. L. Married to Dr. Brundige. Xenia, O. 1857 . 821 Lucy S. Gavtit, M. L. A. Preceptress, Central Oh i< . Conference Semi- nary, 1861-3. Married S. Shaffer. Wauseon, O. 822 Amanda Hedrick, M. L. A. Preceptress, Springfield Female College, 1861-3. Married Dr. Thomas. Eaton, O. 823 *M. Rose Latimer, M. L. A. Teacher in High School, 1862-72. Died at Delaware, Ohio, 1876. 824 Elizabeth F. Mast, m. L. A. Married A. Lemon. North Bend, Ind. Faculty. 49 PRECEPTRESSES. MRS. MARIA M. FAVILLE 1853—54 L. AMELIA DAYTON 1855—56 *S. MINERVA ROCKWELL 1856—57 Missionary to India, 1858. Married Rev. J. M. Thoburn in i860. Died at Nynee Tal, India, Nov., 1861. J. E. DeWOLFE . i860 — 63 MARY E. WING . . . 1863—64 EMILY A. HARRINGTON 1864—65 MRS. C. H. DONELSON . 1865—73 MRS. M. E. RICHARDSON 1873—74 MRS. SUSAN A. BROCKWAY, B. S . . 1874—75 F. T. GEE. . . 1875 — 76 MRS. L. E. C. JOHNSON 1876—77 0J0 INSTRUCTORS, MODERN LANGUAGES. M. B. JANES, M. L. A 1858—61 Married W. A. Ingham, Cleveland, Ohio. -ELIZABETH BROWN 1865—74 Missionary to Bulgaria, 1858-64. Married Dr. H. Hendrixson in 1874. Died at Lewis Center in 1876. *M. A. ALBRIGHT, M. L. A. (No. 1028) 1874—76 C. A. NELSON, M. L. A , B. S. (No. 1086) 1876—77 LATIN AND GERMAN. MICHAEL J. CRAMER, A. M. (No. 145) ' 1856—59 P. C. WILSON,- (No. 69) 1863—64 MARY M. ADAMS, M. L. A. (No. 894) 1864—70 A. A. LOUNSBURY, M. L. A. (No. 1040) 1870— 74 LATIN AND ENGLISH. ADELAIDE E. BAKER, M. L. A. (N,o. 810) 1870—71 LUCY M. PARKER, A. B 1875—77 A. B., 1875, Cincinnati Wesleyan Female College. Instructor in the Cincinnati Wesleyan, 1878 — . Cincinnati, Ohio. 5° Faculty. MATHEMATICS AND BELLES-LETTRES. *M. J. STYER, M. L. A. (No. 991) 1870—75 SUSAN A. BROCKWAY, B. S 1875—77 SCIENCE. SARAH P. HASTINGS, M. L. A. (No. 811) 1854—55 MARY M’LAIN 185^—56 CAROLINE MILLER, M. E. L. (No. 819) 1856—57 MARTHA E. FRANKS, M. L. A. (No. 867) 1861—62 AUGUSTA H. CRAW 1862—63 Married Rev. W. D. Godman, (No. 2) in 1864. CAROLINE BARKDULL, M. L. A. (No. 877) 1863—66 EDWARD MERRICK, A. M. (No. 231) 1866—67 E. L. ALBRIGHT . . . . ' 1867—68 ANNETTE T. PHELPS, M. L. A. (No. 919) 1870—71 *MARTHA J. STYER, M. L. A. (No. 991) 1870—71 PAINTING AND DRAWING. CHARLOTTE DEXTER 1857—58 N. EMMA DICKEY, M. E. L. (No. 830) 1858—61 MRS. PROF. F. S. HOYT 1863—64 MIRANDA BEARDSLEY 1865—69 Artist, 1869 — . Poughkeepsie, New York. DOROTHEA GRAHAM 1870—77 DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC. PROF. T. C. O’KANE, (No. 38) 1853 — 54 ELLEN M. BROWN 1853—60 EDWARD A. VAN METER 1858—59 HERMAN SCHIRNER 1860—62 CLARA E. M’CARTER 1862—65 EDMUND S. MATTOON . 1862—63 LOUISA TIMMONS, M. L. A., M. M. (No. 923) 1864—65 OSCAR MAYO ... 1864—68 AMANDA WILDBAHN 1865—69 ANNA MOORE 1866—67 LAURA OGDEN 1866—67 Faculty. 51 HATTIE E. MORSE 1867—68 MATILDA DICKINSON 1867—68 GEORGE H. BRIGGS 1868—69 MRS. MATTIE A. BRIGGS 1868—69 MINNIE OWEN 1869—70 ANNA E. JONES 1869—70 FANNY J. DOUGLAS 1869—72 JULIUS SIEGFELD 1869—70 FANNY NICHOLSON 1869—70 ANGELO DuPROSSE . . 1869—72 LUCY POWERS 1870—72 EDWARD HARDIK 1872—73 ELLA C. DOWNS 1872—74 MRS. CLARA M. LONG 1872—73 RICHARD FASOLT 1873—74 ANNA MOORE 1874—75 FANNY J. DOUGLAS 1873—76 CARRIE LARIMORE 1874—75 BENJAMIN NAUMBOURG 1874—75 MRS. NINA MINELLI 1874—75 ALBERT A. STANLEY 1875—76 THEODORE PRESSER 1876—77 ANNA M. NATION 1876—77 ALUMNA RECORD OF THE OHIO WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE, 1855 . 810 Adeline Baker, M. L. A. Principal of Danville Academy, 1865-6. Instructor in Latin, Ohio Wesleyan Fe- male College, 1870-1. Instructor in Girls’ Industrial Home, 1879 — . Delaware, O. 81 1 "Sarah P. Hastings/M. L. A. 1852, graduated at Worthington Female College. Instructor in Science, Ohio Wesleyan Female College, 1854-5. In- structor in Pittsburgh Female College, 1856-7. Teacher in Northwest Va. Academy, 1857-9. Married Rev. C. C. Knowlton (No. 66). Died at Normal, 111 ., Jan. 23, 1880. 812 Olive L. Horr, M. L. A. Married to Dr. N. U. Starr. Delaware, O. 813 Mary A. Riser, M. L. A. Married C. W. Sexton (No. 241). North Topeka, Kan. 814 Lucretia W. Lamb, M. E. L. Married to Rev. H. Miller. Holyoke, Mass. 815 Nancy M. Ritchey, M. E. L. Mirried *Dr. T. B. Williams. Delaware, O. 816 Elizabeth K. Wilcox, M. E. L. Married Dr. L. S. Cook. Sunbury, O. 1856 . 817 Abbie A. Ingham, M. L. A. Married to *Rev. H. L. Parish. Rome, O. i 818 Mary J. Irwin, M. E. L. j Married Prof. A. T. Wiles (No 79). Newport, Ky. 819 Caroline Miller, M. E. L. Married B. Miller. San Francisco, Cal 820 Frances H. Thrall, M. E. L. Married to Dr. Brundige. Xenia, O. 1857 . 821 Lucy S. Gavht, M. L. A. Preceptress, Central Ohi<> Conference Semi- nary, 1861—3. Married S, Shaffer. Wauseon, O. 822 Amanda Hedrick, M. L. A. Preceptress, Springfield Female College, 1861-3. Married Dr. Thomas. Eaton, O. 823 *M. Rose Latimer, M. L. A. Teacher in High School, 1862-72. Died at Delaware, Ohio, 1876. ! 824 Elizabeth F. Mast, M. L. A. Married A. Lemon. North Bend, Ind. Faculty. 49 PRECEPTRESSES. MRS. MARIA M. FAVILLE 1853 — 54 L. AMELIA DAYTON 1855—56 *S. MINERVA ROCKWELL 1856—57 Missionary to India, 1858. Married Rev. J. M. Thoburn in i860. Died at Nynee Tal, India, Nov., 1861. J. E. De WOLFE 1860—63 MARY E. WING 1863—64 EMILY A. HARRINGTON 1864—65 MRS. C. H. DONELSON 1865—73 MRS. M. E. RICHARDSON .. 1873—74 MRS. SUSAN A. BROCKWAY, B. S 1874—75 F. T. GEE 1875—76 MRS. L. E. C. JOHNSON 1876—77 oio INSTRUCTORS. MODERN LANGUAGES. M. B. JANES, M. L. A 1858—61 Married W. A. Ingham, Cleveland, Ohio. -ELIZABETH BROWN 1865—74 Missionary to Bulgaria, 1858-64. Married Dr. H. Hendrixson in 1874. Died at Lewis Center in 1876. *M. A. ALBRIGHT, M. L. A. (No. 1028) 1874 — 76 C. A. NELSON, M. L. A , B. S. (No. 1086) 1876—77 LATIN AND GERMAN. MICHAEL J. CRAMER, A. M. (No. 145) 1856—59 P. C. WILSON, (No. 69) 1863—64 MARY M. ADAMS, M. L. A. (No. 894) 1864—70 A. A. LOUNSBURY, M. L. A. (No. 1040) 1870 — 74 LATIN AND ENGLISH. ADELAIDE E. BAKER, M. L. A. (No. 810) 1870—71 LUCY M. PARKER, A. B 1875—77 A. B., 1875, Cincinnati Wesleyan Female College. Instructor in the Cincinnati Wesleyan, 1878 — . Cincinnati, Ohio. 5° Faculty. MATHEMATICS AND BELLES-LETTRES. *M. J. S I YER, M. L. A. (No. 991) 1870—75 SUSAN A. BROCKWAY, B. S 1875—77 SCIENCE. SARAH P. HASTINGS, M. L. A. (No. 811) 1854—55 MARY M’LAIN 1855—56 CAROLINE MILLER, M. E. L. (No. 819) 1856—57 MARTHA E. FRANKS, M. L. A. (No. 867) . 1861—62 AUGUSTA H. CRAW 1862—63 Married Rev. W. D. Godman, (No. 2) in 1864. CAROLINE BARKDULL, M. L. A. (No. 877) 1863—66 EDWARD MERRICK, A. M. (No. 231) 1866—67 E. L. ALBRIGHT 1867—68 ANNETTE T. PHELPS, M. L. A. (No. 919) 1870—71 "MARTHA J. STYER, M. L. A. (No. 991) 1870—71 PAINTING AND DRAWING. CHARLOTTE DEXTER 1857—58 N. EMMA DICKEY, M. E. L. (No. 830) 1858—61 MRS. PROF. F. S. HOYT 1863—64 MIRANDA BEARDSLEY 1865—69 Artist, 1869 — . Poughkeepsie, New York. DOROTHEA GRAHAM 1870—77 DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC. PROF. T. C. O’KANE, (No. 38) 1853—54 ELLEN M. BROWN 1853—60 EDWARD A. VAN METER 1858—59 HERMAN SCHIRNER 1860—62 CLARA E. M’CARTER 1862—65 EDMUND S. MATTOON 1862—63 LOUISA TIMMONS, M. L. A., M. M. (No. 923) 1864—65 OSCAR MAYO 1864—68 AMANDA WILDBAHN 1865—69 ANNA MOORE 1866—67 LAURA OGDEN 1866—67 Faculty. 51 v HATTIE E. MORSE 1867—68 MATILDA DICKINSON 1867—68 GEORGE H. BRIGGS 1868—69 MRS. MATTIE A. BRIGGS 1868—69 MINNIE OWEN 1869—70 ANNA E. JONES 1869—70 FANNY J. DOUGLAS. . 1869—72 JULIUS SIEGFELD 1869—70 FANNY NICHOLSON 1869—70 ANGELO DuPROSSE 1869—72 LUCY POWERS 1870—72 EDWARD HARDIK 1872—73 ELLA C. DOWNS 1872—74 MRS. CLARA M. LONG 1872—73 RICHARD FASOLT 1873—74 ANNA MOORE 1874—75 FANNY J. DOUGLAS 1873—76 CARRIE LARIMORE 1874—75 BENJAMIN NAUMBOURG 1874—75 MRS. NINA MINELLI 1874—75 ALBERT A. STANLEY 1875—76 THEODORE PRESSER 1876—77 ANNA M. NATION 1876—77 ALUMNA RECORD OF THE OHIO WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE. 1855 - 810 Adeline Baker, M. L. A. Principal of Danville Academy, 1865-6. Instructor in Latin, Ohio Wesleyan Fe- male College, 1870-1. Instructor in Girls’ Industrial Home, 1879 — . Delaware, O. 81 1 *Sarah P. Hastings, M. L. A. 1852, graduated at Worthington Female College. Instructor in Science, Ohio Wesleyan Female College, 1854 — 5 * ^ n ‘ structor in Pittsburgh Female College, 1856-7. Teacher in Northwest Va. Academy, 1857-9. Married Rev. C. C. Knowlton (No. 66). Died at Normal, 111 ., Jan. 23, 1880. 812 Olive L. Horr, M. L. A. Married to Dr. N. U. Starr. Delaware, O. 813 Mary A. Riser, M. L. A. Married C. W. Sexton (N.o. 241). North Topeka, Kan. 814 Lucretia W. Lamb, M. E. L. Married to Rev. H. Miller. Holyoke, Mass. 815 Nancy M. Ritchey, M. E. L. Married *Dr. T. B. Williams. Delaware, O. 816 Elizabeth K. Wilcox, M. E. L. Married Dr. L. S. Cook. Sunbury, O. 1856 . 817 Abbie A. Ingham, M. L. A. Married to *Rev. H. L. Parish. Rome, O. J 818 Mary J. Irwin, M. E. L. j Married Prof. A. T. Wiles (No 79). Newport, Ky. 819 Caroline Miller, M. E. L. Married B. Miller. San Francisco, Cal 820 Frances H. Thrall, M. E. L. Married to Dr. Brundige. Xenia, O. 1857 . 821 Lucy S. Gavitt, M. L. A. Preceptress, Central Ohio Conference Semi- nary, 1861-3. Married S. Shaffer. Wauseon, O. 822 Amanda Hedrick, M. L. A. Preceptress, Springfield Female College, 1861-3. Married Dr. Thomas. Eaton, O. 823 *M. Rose Latimer, M. L. A. Teacher in High School, 1862-72. Died at Delaware, Ohio, 1876. 824 Elizabeth F. Mast, M. L. A. Married A. Lemon. North Bend, Ind. Alumnse Record of the Ohio Wesleyan Female College. 53 825 Fidelia Perkins, M. L. A. Principal South Delaware Public Schools, 1873 — • Delaware, O. 826 Sarah J. Perkins, M. L. A. Married to C. B. Howard. Mechanicsburg, O. 827 Louisa B. Shaffer, M. L. A. Married W. Reynolds. New Castle, Pa. 828 Melvina E. Warner, M. L. A. Married Col. J. R. Lynch. Mt. Vernon, O. 829 Susan L. Watkins, M. L. A. Married to Prof. A. B. Donaldson (^o. 387). Alexandria, Minn. 830 N. Emma Dickey, M. E. L. Instructor in Painting, Ohio Wesleyan Fe- male College, 1858-61. Married P. B. Beery. New York City, N. Y. 831 Charlotte A. Hough, M. E. L. Married *J. Walker. Delaware, O. 832 Mary LeDuc, M. E. L. Teacher in Public Schools, Hasting’s, Minn., 1862-6. Teacher in Blind Asylum, Columbus, O., 1868-9. Minneapolis, Minn. 833 Ellen M. Smith, M. E. L. Teacher in Public Schools, Columbus, O., 1860-6. Teacher in Public Schools, 1868—. Chicago, 111 . 834 Ellen A. Weeks, M. E. L. Teacher, Zanesville, O., 1861-2. Teacher in Public Schools, Philadelphia, Pa., 1865-9. Philadelphia, Pa. 1858 . 835 Elonora O. Belt, M. L. A. Married to Prof. J. P. Patterson (No. 13 1). Washington C. H., O. 836 Evaline D. Griffin, M. L. A. Teacher in Delaware Public Schools, 1858- 65. Teacher in Sedalia, Mo , 1868-9. Teacher, Girls’ Industrial Home, 1871-2. Minneapolis, Minn. 837 ^Corinth a A. Irwin, M. L. A. Preceptress, Willoughby Institute, 1862-3. Married -'-Prof. J. P. Lacroix (No. 84). Died at Delaware, Ohio, Oct , 1878. 838 Mary Johnson, M. L. A. Teacher, Marysville, Ohio, 1862-6. Mar- ried E. C. Malin. Marysville, O. 839 Nancy D. Mitchell, M. L. A. Married H. M. Parker. Mansfield, O. 840 *Julia P. Stanley, M. L. A. M. E. L., 1857, Ohio Wesleyan Female College. Married to E. W. Steele. Died in San Francisco, Cal., 1867. 841 Julia H. Ayres, M. E. L. Married to W. Scranton. West Liberty, O. 842 Susan M. Dickey, M. E. L. Teacher, London, Ohio, 1861-2. Teacher, Franklin, Ind., 1871-2. 843 Rachel A. Morrow, M. E. L. Married D, Garwood. Salem, O. 844 Mary S. Pilcher, M. E. L. Teacher in Marysville Public Schools, 1861-2. Married H. Pilcher. Jackson, Mich. 845 Caroline Shipley, M. E. L. Married A. Fisher. Wooster, O. 1859 . 846 Adeline J. Covell. M. L. A. Married M. Scott. Clarence, Iowa. 54 Alumnae Record of the Oht 847 Emma Janes, M. L. A. Teacher in Public Schools, Cleveland, O., 1862-3. Teacher, Fon du Lac, Wis., 1865-6. Journalist, Oakland, Cal., 1870-2. Professor in University of the Pa- cific, 1872. Washington Correspondent Cleveland Leader, and Clerk in the Treasury Department. Washington, D. C. 848 Mary Monnett, M. L. A. Married Prof. J. W. Bain. New York City, N. Y. 849 Annie M. Sanborn, M. L. A. Married to *M. B. Clason (No. 94). Delaware, O. 850 Sarah E. Armstrong, M. E. L. Married *'W. Brown. Willoughby, O. 851 *R. Susan Hamilton, M. E. L. Teacher in Public Schools, 1859-61. Died at Richwood, Ohio, June 13, 1861. 852 Sarah V. Hedges, M. E L. Married to Dr. J. W. Neil. Delaware, O. 853 Kate Hull, M. E. L. Teacher, Danville, Ky., 1859-63. Married to Wm, K. Goddard, 1863. Prairie du Sac, Wis. 854 Sarah J. Jones, M. E. L. Married Wyman Hull. 855 Hellen M. Perkins, M. E. L. Teacher in Public Schools, Chicago, 111 ., 1862-9. Teacher at Nashville, Tenn., 1871—. Nashville, Tenn. 856 Annelia H. Smith, M. E. L. Married Wm. Chain. Lincoln, Neb. ) Wesleyan Female College. 1860 . 857 SAkAH S. Franks, M. L. A. Teacher in Public Schools, Delaware, Ohio, 1860-8. Married to James Megrue, Feb. 27, 1868. Milford, O. 858 Elizabeth Hall, M. L. A. Married J. B. Ball. Chicago, 111 . 859 Emma E. Wilson, M. L. A. Married to Rev. I. Crook (No. 121), i860. Winona, Minn. 860 Ann E. Whorton, M. L. A. Teacher in Public Schools, Kenton, Ohio, 1868-9. Teacher in Orphans’ Home, Xenia,’ Ohio, 1877 — . Xenia, O. 861 Ada A. Abbott, M. E. L. Married to F. K, Shawhan. Tiffin, O. 862 Guiletta R. Reicharts, M. E. L. Teacher in Public Schools. 1862-75. Delaware, O. 1861 . 863 Mary E. Boyton, M. L. A. Teacher in Savannah Academy, 1861-2. Teacher in Chicago, 1871-2. Married to L. M. Peace. Chicago, 111 . 864 Laura E. Brklsford, M. L. A. Married to J. G. Bull. Columbus, O. 865 Jane E. Bull, M. L. A. Married to Dr. Halderman. Columbus, O. 866 Anna M. Caldwell, M. L. A. Teacher in Circleville, 1861.3. Teacher in the Public Schools, 1873 — • Seymour, Ind. 867 Martha E. Franks, M. L. A. Assistant in Science in Ohio Wesleyan Fe- male College, 1861-3. Teacher, Savan- nah Academ), 1865-6. Teacher. Milford, O. Alumnse Record of the Ohio Wesleyan Female College 55 868 Mellie E. Johnston, M. L. A. Married E. P. Jones. Finley, O. 869 Caroline Joy, M. L. A. Teacher in Olney Female College, 1862-3. Married Dr. Hawley. St. Louis, Mo. 870 Elnora E. Plotner, M. L. A. Teacher in Franklin County, 1869-70. In- structor in Mathematics, Central Tenn. College, 1873-9. Delaware, O. 871 Sarah J. Walton, M. L. A. Teacher, Columbus, Ohio, 1861-6. Mar- ried to Mr. Grether. South Bend, Ind. 872 Mary A. Wood, M. L. A., M. D., 1875, Michigan University. Married to C. B. Allen, (No. 165). Physician. Newark, N. J. 873 Mary E. Carson, M. E. L. Teacher in Public Schools, Delaware, 186 1-6. Married to Mr. Goddard. Marysville, O. 874 Mary E. Galer, M. E. L. Teacher in Public Schools, 1861-3. Mar- ried Dr. Wm. Fountain. Columbus, O. 875 Martha Vandemark, M. E. L, Married Dr. Wintermute. Newark, O. 876 Josephine G. Williams, M. E. L. Married Wesley Williams (No. 222). Tustin City, Cal. 1862. 877 Caroline A. Bark^ull, M. L. A. Assistant in Science, Ohio Wesleyan Female College, 1863-6. Married to Prof. H. W. Perkins (No. 88). 878 Clemintine C. Berry, M. L. A. Teacher in Public Schools, Columbus, 1862-3. Teacher in Granville Female Col- lege, 1864-5. Teacher in Quincy Female College, 1865-6. Married to Edward Buckwalter. Springfield, O. 879 Emma A Carpenter, M. L. A. Teacher. Galena, O. 880 *Mary W. Evans, M. L. A. Married Wm. Johnson. Mt. Gilead, O. 881 Maryetta Joy, M. L. A. Teacher, Sunbury, Ohio, 1862-3. Teacher in Delaware Public Schools, 1864-5. Teacher in Mulberry Academy, 1865-6. Married to Julius Wood. Chesterville, O. 882 HatTie M. Latimer, M. L. A. Married A. Luttgen, Delaware, O. 883 ^Henrietta Lindsey, M. L. A. Died at Delaware, Ohio, Feb. 7, 1867. 884 Martha M. Morris, M. L. A. Married J. S. Gold. Chicago, 111 . 885 M. Eva Parker, M. L. A. Married to Rev. J. P. Porter (No. 239). Centerville, O. 886 Eliza Warner, M. L. A. Married to Frank Baker, Esq. (No. 168), Nov. 23, 1870. Chicago, 111 . 887 Olive M. Wells, M. L. A. Teacher in Mulberry Seminary, 1865-6. Married L. A. Carey. Napoleon, O. 888 Emily Gruhb, M. E. L. Married M. A. Marshall. Delaware, O. Berea, O. 56 Alumnae Record of the Ohio Wesleyan Female College. 889 Maryanna Mouser, M. E. L. Married to D. W. Jacoby (No. 195). Shelbyville, 111 . 890 Francis Philips, M. E. L. Married to Austin D. Moore. San Francisco, Cal. 891 Mary E. Shoemaker, M. E. L. Married to Rev. T. R. Taylor (No. 90). Columbus, O. 892 Mary Steeley, M. E. L. Married Wm. Scott. Circleville, O. 893 Zeruah Young, M. E. L. Galena, O. 1863 . 894 Mary E. M. Adams, M. L. A. Instructor in Latin, Ohio Wesleyan Female College, 1864-70. Preceptress, Willam- ette, University, Oregon, 1872-8. Married to Rev. J. M. Jamison. Harmer, O. 895 Ione C. Black, M. L. A. Teacher. Galion, O. 896 Keziali J. Buchwalter, M. L A. Hallsville, O. 897 Anna James, M, L. A. Married C. C. Norton. Bloomfield, O. 898 Elizabeth Mickle, M. L. A. Married Wm. Jenkins. Columbus, O. 899 Isabella Peters, M. L. A. Upper Sandusky, O. 900 Celia M. Shaffer, M. L. A. Married Mr. Stewart. Chattanooga, Tenn. 901 Anna G. Bryant, M. E. L. Married to J. Wiley. Marysville, O. 902 Emma A. Farrar, M. E. L. Teacher in Public Schools, Columbus, 1864-5. Married *W. B. Redfield. Hartford, Pa. 903 Margaret A. Fisher, M. E. L. Teacher in Public School, 1863-6. Married M. M. Hill. Richwood, O. 904 Sarah A. Keiler, M. E. L. Married Mr. Hughes. Eden, O. 905 Julia C. Snow, M. E. L. Married to Rev. T. S. Stivers (No. 136). Pomeroy, O. 906 Elizabeth Spence, M. E. L. Teacher in Public Schools, Springfield, Ohio, 1865-6. Married S. P. Scott. Parsons, Kan. 907 Josephine L. Warner, M. E. L. Teacher, Plattsburg, Ohio, 1868-72. London, O. 908 Mary E. Webster, M. E. L. Married F. J. Zimmerman. Van Wert, O. 909 Mary E. Wilder, M. E. L. Married H. H. Welsh. Sandusky, O. 1864 . 910 Clara B. Clark, M. L. A. Married to Dr. W. T. Constant. Delaware, O. 91 1 Clara Conklin, M. L. A. Teacher in Public Schools, Sidney, Ohio, 1864-9. Principal, High Shcool, Urbana, Ohio, 1871-2. Principal, High School, Detroit, Mich., 1876-9. Instructor in History and Rhetoric, Ohio Wesleyan University, 1880 — . Delaware, O. Alumnae Record of the Ohio Wesleyan Female College. 57 912 Louisa M. F alley, M. L. A. Married Geo. Moody, Fulton, N. Y. 913 Mary J. Fant, M. L. A. Instructor in Shelbjville Female College, 1864-6. Married to W. H. Briggs. Mt. Gilead, O. 914 Lucinda Frazier, M. L. A. Married J. F. Horr. Sidney, O. 915 Clara Goldrick, M. L. A. Teacher in Public Schools, 1864-9. Teacher in Public Schools, 1871-2. Delaware, O. 916 Eliza Littell, M. L. A. Married Wm. Johnson. Union City, Ind. 917 Frances M. Mather, M. L. A. Married to H. G. Sheldon, Dec. 10, 1867. Delaware, O. 918 Laura A. Page, M. L. A. Teacher in Public Schools, Urbana, Ohio, 1868-9. Married Marcus W. Platten- burgh, May 19, 1880. Springfield, O. 919 Annette T. Phelps, M. L. A. Instructor in Science and Mathematics, Ohio Wesleyan Female College, 1871-2. Married to George Lincoln, Esq. London, O. 920 Mary J. Powers, M. L. A. Toledo, O. 921 Delia S. Thomson, M. L. A. Married to Col. J. H. Humphreys, Aug. 5, 1869. Delaware, O. 922 Martha Thornhill, M. L. A. Teacher in Public Schools, 1868-9. New Guilford, O. 923 Louisa Timmons, M. L. A., M. E. L., 1861, Onio Wesleyan Female College. M. M., 1871, Ohio Wesleyan Female Col- lege. Instructor in Music in Ohio Wesleyan Fe- male College, 1863-5. Instructor in Music, Moore’s Hill College, 1870-1. Mar- ried to Prof. C. W. Bennett (No. 261), Dec. 24, 1868. Piqua, O. 924 Frances Walton, M. L. A. Teacher in Public Schools, 1868-9. Married Mr. Stafford. Fairburg, 111 . 925 Elizabeth Wilson, M. L. A. Peoria, 111 . 926 Elizabeth Allen, M. E. L. Married to Rev. B. F. Thomas. Uniontown, O. 927 Frances B. Wagley, M. E. L. Teacher of Music. Married . Columbus, O. 1865 . 928 Electa W. Barber, M. L. A. Married. 929 Elnora Burkholder, M. L. A. Teacher of Music, Vermillion Institute, 1865-6. Married to *Rev. D. Robinson, May 26, 1868. Delaware, O. 930 Jane Cowling, M. L. A. London, O. 931 Martha Craig, M. L. A. Married D. D. Taylor. Cambridge, O. 932 Camelia Gooding, M. L. A. Married T. R. Smith (No. 219). Owens, O. 933 Augusta R. Goodnow, M. L. A. Teacher, Elyria, Ohio, 1865-6. Book- keeper, Ingham, Clarke & Co., Cleve- land, 1871-2. Elyria, O. 5 » Alumnae Record of the Ohio Wesleyan Female College. 934 S. Ednah Peirce, M. L. A. Married Frank Miller. Sacramento, Cal. 935 S. Augusta Shade, M. L. A. Married to Prof. W. M. Bryant (No. 353). 1548 Gratiot St., St. Louis, Mo. 936 Elizabeth S. Trimble, M. L. A. Married to T. B. Wilson (No. 259). London, O. 937 Mary E. Cable, M. E. L. Married to *J. R. Rich. Athens, O. 938 Florence Echols, M. E. L. Teacher in Public Schools, 1865-72. Mar- ried to J. D. Stanton. Wheeling, W. Va. 939 M. Malinda Fult®n, M. E. L. Married Dr. Matthers Mitchell. Leavenworth, Kan. 940 Elizabeth O. Paine, M. E. L. Married to Rev. Geo. Cherington, Dec. 25, 1867. Flat, Pike Co., O. 941 Marietta Rice, M. E. L. Married to Girard Welch, Star Prairie, Wis. 1866 . 942 Julia J. Bennett, M. L. A. Teacher, Knoxville, Tenn., 1868-70. Mar- ried to I. N. Mast (No. 272). Ottumwa, Iowa. 943 *Albertine Clark, M. L. A. Teacher, Warsaw, Ind., 1868-9. Married to D. C. Hough, Dec., 1869. Died at Chicago, 111 ., Aug. 22, 1879. 944 Sophia E. Commager, M. L. A. Teacher Toledo Public Schools, 1868-9. Married W. M. Manderville. Toledo, O. 945 Mary M. Falconer, M. L. A. Kokomo, Ind. 946 * Martha Geyer, M. L. A. Married Geo. Lee, of Piqua, Ohio. Died in 1872. 947 Anna Gooding, M. L. A. Married. Owens, O. 948 R. Savilla Green, M. L. A. Teacher in Public Schools, Ironton, Ohio, 1869-70. ^Newark, O. 949 S. Permilla Herbert, M. L. A. Teacher in Freedman’s Schools^ Nashville, Tenn., 1868-9. Instructor in Girls’ In- dustrial Home, 1879 — . Married *Rev. A. Corey. Delaware, O. 950 Eliza W. Hester, M. L. A. Teacher of Music, Clyde, Ohio, 1871-2. Married to S. R. McConnel. Burlington, Iowa. 951 M. Fidelia Hildt, M. L. A. Assistant Principal of Public Schools, Canal Dover, Ohio, 1871-2. Married to Dr.W. H. DeWitt. Mt. Auburn, O. 952 M. Alice Hillyer, M. L. A. Married to Prof. J. W. White, Jr. (No. 348). Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. 953 Marinda Hull, M. L. A. Lincoln, Neb. 954 C. Emma Page, M. L. A. Married to D. T. Ramsey (No. 542), Aug. 28, 1873. Delaware, O. 955 Anna E. Semans, M. L. A. Teacher, Baldwin City, Kansas, 1868-9. Married O. J. Nave (No. 404), Sep. 6, 1870. Newark, O. Alumnae Record of the Ohio Wesleyan Female College. 59 956 * Henrietta Timmons, M. L. A., M. E. L., 1864, Ohio Wesleyan Female College. Married to T. M. Withgott. Died at New Holland, Ohio, Nov. 6, 1876. 957 L. Aurilla Whitehead, M. L. A. Jersey, O 958 Melvina E. P. Whitehead, M. L. A. Teacher of Painting, Fort Wayne Female College, Ind., 1868-9. Student of Art, Ohio Wesleyan Female College, 1871-2. 959 Emma House, M. E. L. Married Wm. Miller. Columbus, O. 960 Rachel Porter, M. E. L. Ripley, O. 961 Emma Sutcliffe, M. E. L. Connersville, Ind. 1867 . 962 May Brown, M. L. A. Married to Col. J. H. Rhodes, Dec. 28, 1867. Clyde, O. 963 Emma Clarke, M. L. A. Married to J. B. Battelle, (No. 312). Toledo, O. 964 ^Katharine Crozier, M. L. A. Married to John Kinkaid. Died at Ripley, Ohio, , 1879. 965 J. Virginia Craven, M. L. A. Teacher in Union Schools, Fairburg, 111 ., 1868-9. Principal of High School. Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. 966 *Ella Dodge, M. L. A. Teacher in Public Schools, Mt. Vernon, Ohio, 1867-8. Married to Rev. T. C. Reade (No. 362), April 2, 1868. Died at Defiance, Ohio, .Sept. 24, 1874. 967 Clara Dodge, M. L. A. Teacher in Public Schools, Delaware, Ohio, . 1867-9. Married to C. M. Van- denbark (No. 412). Zanesville, O. 968 S. Fidelia Fant, M. L. A. Teacher in Public Schools, Caledonia, Ohio, 1867-9. Married to Dr. Geo. P. Carpen- ter, July 1st, 1869. Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 969 Ophelia Forward, M. L. A. Preceptress, Willoughby College, 1867-72. Preceptress, Lawrence University. Appleton, Wis. 970 Media V. Friend, M. L. A., M. E. L., 1862, Ohio Wesleyan Female College. Teacher in Public Schools, Bucyrus, Ohio, 1867-8. Teacher in Cleveland High School, 1871-2. Teacher in High School. Springfield, O. 971 Adelaide Munsell, M. L. A. Teacher in Public Schools. Delaware, O. 972 Laura B. Nevius, M, L. A. Married to Dr. E. Hall, Aug. 27, 1874. Fredericktown, O. 973. Harriett M. Sager, M. L. A. • Married to Joseph Martin, Nov. 28, 1867. Westerville, O. 974 Helen M. Williams, M. L. A. Married to John M. Hamilton (No. 324.) Bloomington, 111 . 975 Aletheia Demain, M. E. L. Married A. R. Mounster. Belle Vernon, Pa. 976 Rhoda M. Lecky, M. E. L. Teacher, Central College, Ohio, 1868-70. Teacher of Music, Millersburg, Ohio, 1872-3. Holmesville, O. 6o Alumnae Record of the Ohio Wesleyan Female College. 977 Sarah L. Philips, M. E. L. Student of German, Stuttgardt, Germany* 1874-6. San Francisco, Cal. 978 Julia R. Scott, M. E. L. Shelbyville, 111. 1868. 979 Fannie P. Barnes, M. L. A. Teacher in Public Schools, Urbana, Ohio, 1869-70. Married F. Shurlock. Teacher in Public Schools, 1880 — . t Delaware, O. 980 Anna E. Baker, M. L. A. Married to *Mr. J. Sears, Oct. 19, 1869. Newark, O. 981 Julia A. P. Bundy, M. L. A. Married to Judge J. B. Foraker. Madison ville, Ohio. 982 Esther Crooke, M. L. A. Married *'John Barton. Perrysburgh, O. 983 Mary E. Dial, M. L. A. Married Chas. D. Hawk. Springfield, O. 984 N. Margaret Goode, M. L. A. Married to Smith Stimmel (No. 368), May 10, 1870. Carthage, O. 985 Mary L. Goodrich, M. L. A. Teacher in Public Schools, Vevay, Ind., 1868-9. Principal, High School, 1871-2. Logan, O. 986 M. Ella Johnson, M. L. A. Teacher, Mt. Vernon, Ohio, 1868-72. Mar- ried G. Karskadden. Keyser, Va. 987 Mary J. Newell, M. L. A. Delaware, O. 988 Elizabeth Page, M. L. A. Married to Rev.W. A. Robinson (No. 343), Feb. 23, 1869. Springfield, O. 989 Mary J. Palmer, M. L. A. Married to Rev. S. A. Keen (No. 330), Oct. 6, 1868. Columbus, O. 990 Margaret W. Parker, M. L. A. , Married Mr. Drake. Columbus, O. 991 ^"Martha Jane Styer, M. L. A. Instructor in Mathematics, Ohio Wesleyan Female College, 1870-5. Died at Dela- ware, Ohio, April, 1876. 992 Aletheia Williams, M. L. A. Married to John M. Pattison (No. 361), Dec. 10, 1879. Cincinnati, O. 993 ^Harriett R. Wood, M. L. A. Married to William Leeper, March 25, 1869. Died at Delaware, Ohio. 994 Mildred M. Chase, M. E. L. Governess and Teacher. Delaware, O, 995 Eliza Schnebley, M. E. L. Married to W. F. Smith, Oct. 1, 1874. St. Louis, Mo. 996 Phcebe Schnebley, M. E. L. Mt. Vernon, O. 997 Princess Scott, M. E. L. Teacher in Shelbyville Public Schools, 1871-2. Married Mr. Ballard. Shelbyville, ill. 998 Amy Twitchel, M. E. L. Married A. C. Houghton. Toledo, O. 999 Ellen S. Ward, M. E. L. Willoughby, O. Alumnae Record of the Ohio Wesleyan Female College. 61 1869 . 1000 Arabella M. Brown, M. L. A. Married to J, A. McDougall, April 4, 1877. Gloversville, N. Y. 1001 Kate Burnham, M. L. A. Married to Alfred Arthur. Cleveland, O. 1002 Catharine Cromer, M. L. A. Student in Germany, 1873-4. Teacher of German in Public Schools. Delaware, O. 1003 Emma Deland, M. L. A. Teacher in Female College, Topeka, Kan., 1871-2. Married to Frank F. Dinsmore. Lawrence, Kan. 1004 Charlotte Fant, M. L. A. Teacher in Public Schools, Monroeville, Ohio, 1875-6. Married to Prof. W. M. Friesner (No. 600). Portsmouth, O. 1005 Angela R. Houghton, M. L. A. Preceptress of Baldwin University, 1869-70. Married to Rev. V. C. Randolph (No. 342), June, 1870. Georgetown, 111 . 1006 Harriett Hudson, M. L. A. Teacher, Eden, Ohio, 1869-70. Teacher in Public Schools, Marion, Ohio, 1871-2. Delaware, O. 1007 Mary Humphreys, M. L. A. Instructor in Girls’ Industrial Home, 1871-3. Married to J. N. Irvin, (No. 399), Oct. 9 , 1873. 21 West 9th Street, Cincinnati, O. 1008 Arabella Morris, M. L. A. Preceptress of Fort Wayne College, 1869- 70. Married to Rev. B. W. Clare. Sunapee, N. H. 1009 Isabella Morris, M. L. A. Married to Rev. A. S. Moore, Dec. 26,. 1869. Salem, O. 1010 Anna S. Owen, M. L. A, Married to Charles Friend. Hamilton, O. ion Mary L. Parker, M. L. A. Married J. S. Rogers. Norwalk, O. 1012 Emma Reasoner, M. L. A, 1013 Martha E. Reynolds, M. L. A. Married to W. E. Guerin (No. 350), Dec. 28, 1870. Columbus, O. 1014 Isadore A. Stark, M. L. A. Married to John Hancock, Jan. 6, 1870. Dubuque, Iowa.. 1015 Mary E. Smith, M. L. A. Married to George Hodkinson. Teacher in Public Schools. Glass Village, Ark. 1016 Abbie M, Warren, M. L. A. Married to Albert H. Winner. Kansas City, Mo. 1017 Augusta Arnold, M. E. L, Married to Mr. Sheibley. North Manchester, Ind. 1018 Eliza Blanpied, M. E. L. Teacher in Public Schools, Huntington, Ind., 1869-72. Delaware, O. 1019 Margaret Given, M. E. L. Teacher in Public Schools. Mohawk Valley, O. 1020 Ella Given, M. E. L. Teacher in Public Schools. . Mohawk Valley, O. 1021 Sarah Glover, M. E. L. Married to Rev. R. F. McClaren, Nov. 27, ' 1873. St. Paul, Minn. 62 Alumnae Record of the Ohio Wesleyan Female College. 1022 Avanella L. Holmes, M. E. L. Teacher, Evanston, Wyoming Territory, 1872-3. Acting Pastor, M. E. Church in Evanston, 1873. Married W. R. Reed, Dec. 25, 1873. Patterson, O. 1023 Anna M. Leckey, M. E. L. Teacher in Public Schools, Wooster, Ohio, 1870-2. Married to Rev. W. S. Fitch (No. 390). Canal Dover, O. 1024 Harriett Patterson, M. E. L. Married J. Downs. Chillicothe, O. 1025 Mary E. Pratt, M. E. L. Teacher in Public Schools, Independence, Iowa, 1869-70. Teacher in Public Schools, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 1872. Cedar Falls, Iowa. 1026 Jerusha Stitt, M. E. L. Pulaski, Pa. 1027 * Eliza Wilcox, M. E. L. Married to Prof. J. S. Blanpied (No. 352). Died at Huntington, Ind., Feb., 1876. 1870. 1028 ^Martha Albright, M. L. A. Instructor of Language, Lewis College, 1870-2 Governess in the family of a German Princess, Vienna, 1873-4. In- structor in German and French, Ohio Wesleyan Female College, 1874-6. Died at Delaware, Ohio. 1029 Loretta Armstrong, M. L. A. St. Clairsville, O. 1030 Ella Brown, M. L. A. Meadville, Pa. 1031 Bertha A. Butterfield, M. L. A. Married to Prof. W. J. White (No. 414), Sept. 14, 1870. Springfield, O. 1 1032 Flora H. Crow, M. L. A. Assistant in office of State Commissioner of Public Schools for Ohio, 1870-1. Married to I. K. Davis (No. 386). Cleveland, O. 10 33 Josephine Curtis, M. L. A. Preceptress, Vancouver Seminary, Wash- ington Territory, 1871-2. Married Astoria, Oregon. 1034 Ella Foote, M. L. A. Teacher in Public Schools, Wellington, O. 1035 Alice France, M. L. A. Married Hugh Cooper. Mt. Vernon, O. 1036 Emma Frost, M. L. A. Teacher, Knoxville, Tenn., 1870-1. Leonardsburgh, O. 1037 Gertrude Jones, M. L. A., M. D., Ann Arbor Medical College. Physician. Chillicothe, O. 1038 Harriett Jones, M. L. A. Married to J. D. Jones (No. 213). 1936 Harvard Avenue, Cleveland, O. 1039 Sarah A. Jones, M. L. A. Teacher in Orphans’ Home, Xenia, Ohio, 1876-7. St. Paris, O. 1040 Abigail Lounsbury, M. L. A. Instructor in Latin and German, Ohio Wesleyan Female College, 1870-4. In- structor of Modern Languages, Spring- field Female College, 1874-6. Married to L. C. Black (No. 418). Cincinnati, O. 1041 Clara Metz, M. L. A. Married Edward Myers. Wooster, O. Alumnae Record of the Ohio Wesleyan Female College. 63 1042 Mary G. Moore, M. L. A. Preceptress of Jenning’s Seminary, Aurora, 111 ., 1870-2. Teacher in Public Schools. Niles, O. 1043 Eugenia Nourse, M. L. A. Student of Modern Languages, Carlsruhe, Germany, 1873-4. Teacher of German in Delaware City Schools, i 874 ~ 5 * Mar- ried to J. A. Jackson (No. 400), Dec. 23, 1875. Teacher, Modern Languages, Des Moines Collegiate Institute, 1878 — . Des Moines, Iowa. 1044 Virginia Potter, M. L. A. Instructor of French, Knoxville, Tenn., 1870-1. Delaware, O. 1045 Ora Edmonia Stark, M. L. A. Married to J. N. Hemphill, U. S. N., Jan., 1874. Ripley, O. 1046 Eliza S. Thomson, M. L. A. Married to T. E. Powell (No. 216), Jan. 16, 1872. Delaware, O. 1047 Anna Wesson, M. L. A. Married to M. B. Henry (No. 397), April 20, 1871. Indianapolis, Ind. 1048 Estelle Woods, M. L. A. Married to A. G. Wilcox, March 31, 1874. Minneapolis, Minn. 1049 Belinda C. Dillon, M. E. L. Preceptress in Seminary, Washington Terri- tory, 1870 — . Married to * J ohn C. Hill- man, Dec. 28, 1870. Salem, Oregon. 1050 Harriett Hitchcock, M. E. L. Married to F. M. Joy (No. 294), May 15, 1872. Delaware, O. 1051 Gertrude Leedy, M. E. L. Married F. Sharick. Fort Wayne, Ind. 1052 Mary J. Robinson, M. E. L. Married *M. W. Fry. Coshocton, O. 1053 Sarah J. Warren, M. E. L. Teacher in Public Schools, Delaware, Ohio, 1870- 2. M. D., Medical College. Physician. Cleveland, O. 1054 Maud Westlake, M. E. L. Married H. A. Axline (No. 463), Aug. 16, 1874. Columbus, O. 1871 . 1055 Mary G. Barnes, M. L. A. Teacher in Public Schools, Delaware, Ohio, 1873-4. Married to Rev. W. D. Cher- ington (No. 422), Sept. 24, 1874. Washington C. H., O. 1056 Eliza A. Brewster, M. M. Teacher of Music, Fort Wayne College, 1871- 2. Married to H, S. Mouser (No. 3 01 -) Shelbyville, 111 . 1057 Eliza M. Bundy, M. L. A. Married Harvey Wells. Wellston, O. 1058 Mary Campbell, M. L. A. Principal, East Delaware Public Schools, 1871-6. Married to Chas. M. Edwards. Cincinnati, O. 1059 Mary Chamberlain, M. L. A. Teacher. Humboldt, Mo. 1060 Eunice Cruikshank, M. L. A. Teacher, Public Schools, Delaware, Ohio, 1871-2. Married to Wm. Leeper. Plymouth, Ind. 64 Alumnae Record of the Ohio Wesleyan Female College 1073 Annette M. Ladd, M. E. L, 1061 Ella C. Downs, M. M. Assistant in Music, Ohio Wesleyan Female College, 1872-4. Married to A. J. Twitchell (No. 501), Sept. 24, 1874. Mansfield, O. 1062 Eva French, M. L. A. Married Edgar Le Fevre. Troy, O. 1063 Elizabeth Maguire, M. L. A. Married James Mandeville, Oct. 8, 1873. Kingston, Ontario. 1064 Elenora McCay, M. L. A. Teacher in Public Schools. Cardington, O. 1065 Margaret E. Means, M. L. A. Married S, Glover. Delaware, O. 1066 Sarah A. O. Moore, M. L. A. Teacher in High School, 1873 — • Mohawk Valley, 0 # 1067 Mary Morrison, M. M. Teacher of Music. Delaware, O. 1068 Delia E. Paine, M. L. A. Teacher of Music. Hamden Junction, O. 1069 Rose Williams, M. L. A. Teacher in Shaw University, Holly Springs, 1872-4. Married to Prest. W. H. Sweet (No. 500), Sept. 7, 1875. Baldwin City, Kan. 1070 Mary D. Wilson, M. L. A. Worthington, O. 1071 Mary D. Winkler, M. L. A. Teacher in Public Schools, 1871-2. Haverhill, O. 1072 Harriett E. Clark, M. E. L. Married Mr. Mendenhall. Teacher in Public Schools, Lewis Center, 1871-2. Teacher in Public Schools. De Graff, O. 1074 Hellen Pease, M. E. L. Married . Brooklyn, N. Y. 1872 . 1075 Olivia T. Alderman, M. L. A. Professor in Perdue University. Lafayette, Ind. 1076 May S. Alden, M. L. A. Traveled in Europe 1873. Married to Rev. W. G. Ward (No. 502). Elyria, O. 1077 Luanna Augusta Brush, M. L. A. Married Rev. J. F. Murray (No. 683). Somerset, Pa. 1078 Sarah Elizabeth Chandler, M. L. A. Delaware, O. 1079 Ellen Cornelia Cole, M. L. A. Married to C. W. Fairbanks (No. 475), Oct. 6, 1874. Indianapolis, Ind. 1080 Mary Adaline Combs, M. L. A. Married to Rev. C. W. Drees (No. 432), August, 1877. City of Mexico, Mex. 1081 Emma Belle Combs, M. L. A. Owensville, O. 1082 Maria Curtis, M. L. A. Ashland, O. 1083 Anna Fisher, M. L. A. Teacher in Freedman’s Schools, New Or- leans, La., 1872-3. Married Rev. S. L. Beiler. Fostoria, O. Alumnae Record of the Ohio Wesleyan Female College. 65 1084 Rose Margueretta Hack, M. L. A. Married Cyrus Huling (No. 691), Sept. 9, 1875. Columbus, O. 1085 *Ellen Mary Jones, M. L. A. Died at Delaware, Ohio, April, 1873. 1086 Clara Albertine Nelson, M. L. A., B. S., 1870, Baldwin University. Student of Modern Languages, Stuttgart, Germany, 1874-6. Instructor in Modern Languages, Ohio Wesleyan Female Col' lege, 1876-8. Instructor in History and Rhetoric, Ohio Wesleyan University, 1880. Instructor in Modern Languages, Cincinnati Wesleyan Female College, 1880 — . Cincinnati, O. 1087 M. Louise Porter, M. L. A., B. A., 1876, Baldwin University. Married R. S. Giles. New London, O. 1088 Mary Jane Ross, M. L. A. Married Mr. Woodward. Portland, Oregon. 1089 Alice Etta Shattuck, M. L. A. Teacher in Public Schools, 1877-80. Delaware, O. 1090 Harriett Mahala Walker, M. L. A. 1091 ^Virginia Alice Ayres, M. E. L. Married Mr. Hart. Died at Frankfort, Ind., , 1875. 1092 Catherine Elizabeth Kauffman, M. E. L. Teacher among the Freedmen, New Or- leans, La., 1872-3. Teacher in High School, Mt. Washington, Ohio, 1873-4. Traveled in Europe, 1878. Teacher in Public School. Wyoming, O. 1093 *S. Letitia Patterson, M. E. L. Died Sept., 1872. 1094 Emily Rusk, M. E. L. Married . Columbus, O. 1095 Orpha Catherine Pentzer, M. E. L. Married to G. W. Hardway, Aug. 18, 1874. Columbus, Kan. 1873. 1096 *Ada Ames Adams, M. L. A. Married to R. J. Albright (No. 416), June 14, 1876. Died at Mechanicsburgh, Ohio, in 1879. 1097 Caroline Matilda Barrett, M. L. A. Married . New Lisbon, O. 1098 Ida Harrington Bidwell, M. L. A. Married to A. T. Byers (No. 559). Springfield, O. 1099 Addie Elizabeth Brown, M. L. A. Married Willis Jaynes. Delaware, O. 1100 Lois Cruikshank, M, L. A. Married to Rev. D. Y. Murdock (No. 489), Sept. 24, 1874. Pataskala, O. 1101 Annetta Virginia Cummins, M. L. A. Teacher in Public Schools, 1874-7. Mar- ried to G. G. Banker (No. 51 1), Nov. 15, 1877. Delaware, O. 1102 Ella Josephine Fulton, M. L. A. Married Mr. Hunt. Columbus, O. 1103 Elizabeth Hack, M. L. A. Teacher in High School, Van Wert, Ohio, 1873-4. Married C. H. Waid. Liberty Center, O. 1104 Alice Hedrick, M. L. A. Married to Merrill Watson (No. 547). St. Louis, Mo. 66 Alumnae Record of the Ohio Wesleyan Female College. 1105 Catherine Eliza Hester, M. L. A. | Teacher in Public Schools, Peru, Ohio, j 1873-8. Married to Rev. E. J. V. Booth (No. 594). Monroeville, O. 1106 Francis Kenyon, M. L. A. 1107 Emma Irene McCann, M. L. A. Teacher in Public Schools. Delaware, O. 1108 Florence Mendenhall, M. L. A. Married H. D. Crow (No. 427), Oct. 24, 1877. Urbana, O’ 1109 Ella America Sprengle, M. L. A. Married to Prof. J. E. Stubbs (No. 546), July 10, 1873. Ashland, O. 1110 Mary Elizabeth Story, M. L. A. Instructor in Mt. Washington Female Sem- inary. Mt. Washington, O. 1 11 1 Lyda Ellen Trout, M. L. A. Teacher in High School. Lancaster, O. 1 1 12 Lois R. Bickett, M’. E. L. Teacher in Public Schools, 1873-80. Mar- ried Frank R. Davis, June, 1880. Delaware, O. 1 1 13 Flora Belle Chance, M. E. L. Fremont, O. 1 1 14 Ida Elizabeth Duncan, M. E. L. Married B. Hurbutt. Delaware, O. 1 1 15 Addie V. Granger, M. E. L. Married Rev. C. King (No. 574), Sept. 22, 1874. Wolcottville, Ind. | 1116 Martha Jane Green, M, E. L. | Instructor in Martinsburg Seminary, 1873-4. Teacher of English Language and Litera- ture in Shaw University, 1874. Married to Prest. W. W. Hooper (No. 480), Aug. 7 , 1874. Holly Springs, Miss. 1 1 17 Mary Sanborn Haskins, M. E. L. Married to W. H. Porter. San Francisco, Cal. 1 1 18 Margaret Conrey Hedrick, M. E. L. Catlin, 111 . 1 1 19 Jenna Henderson, M. E. L. Fostoria, O. 1120 Edith Viola Houghton, M. E. L. Married Rev. M. D. Buel. Brooklyn, N. Y. 1121 Adella Ann McElhinney, M. E. L. Newport, O. 1122 Eliza Elnora Megginson, M. E. L. Tontogany, O. 1123 Marie Louisa Pennewell, M. E. L. Married to W. B. Caldwell. St. Louis, Mo. 1124 Sarah Jane ROpp, M. E. L. Married to B. F. Hull, Dec. 24, 1873. 1125 Elizabeth D. Starbuck, M. E. L. Teacher, Public Schools, Union City, Ind., 1873-4. Married Mr. Carpenter. 1874 . 1126 Mary Ella Moore, B. A. Teacher in Public Schools, Middleport, Ohio, 1875-7. 1127 Louise Content Scott, B. A. Loudenville, O. 1128 Mary Jane Crawford, M. L. A. Greenfield, O. Alumnae Record of the Ohio Wesleyan Female College. 67 1129 Caroline Elizabeth Downs, M. L. A. Teacher of Music, 1874-6. Married to J. M. Collier. Defiance, O. 1130 Eliza Eva Fant, M. L. A. Teacher in Public Schools, Mt. Gilead, Ohio, 1874-6. Married to N. P. Bailey, Dec. 27, 1876. Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 1131 Lizzie Hyer, M. L. A. Teacher, Greenfield, Ohio, 1874-6. Married W. B. Neff, June 22, 1876. Cleveland, O. 1132 Mary Naomi Stubbs, M. L. A. Teacher in Public Schools. Ashland, O. 1140 Ida Allen Mitchell, B. A. Teacher in Public Schools, Circleville, 1 875—6. Married to Chas. E. Ball, Sept. 19, 1877. Madison, Wis. 1141 Ella Robb, B. A. Teacher in Public Schools, Marysville, 1875-8. Teacher of Languages in Worth- ington Normal School, 1878-9. Teacher in Bracken Academy, 1879 — • Augusta, Ky. 1142 Olive Anna Roney, B. A. Teacher in Girls’ Industrial Home, 1880 — . Delaware, O. 1143 Anna Edith Updegraff, B. A. Married to T. Allen Hillis, Sept. 25, 1878. Wilmington, Del. 1133 Mary Twitchell, M. L. A. Married to Edward Squire. Defiance, O. 1134 Martha Ellen WTley, M. L. A. Married to Rev. J. E. Wright, Nov. 5, 1875. Antioch, O. 1135 Alice Rachel Clare, M. E. L. Married to Linn Bentley, Feb. 6, 1876. Madison Furnace, O. 1136 Anna Victoria Hurtt, M. E. L. Traveling in Europe, 1876-7. Hamden Junction, O. 1137 Frances Jane Ladd, M. E. L. Clerk, in Post Office. Delaware, O. 1 138 Melvina Mark, M. E. L. Student of Language, Xenia College, 1875-6. Springfield, O. 1875 . 1139 *Mary Rosalthe Crosson, B. A. 1144 Hortense Camp, M. L. A. Teacher of Music. Gabon, O. 1145 Clara Connelly, M. L. A, Paris, 111 . 1146 Ida White Cuykendall, M. L. A. Married to Dr. Carson. Bucyrus, O. 1147 : ' : 'Savilla C. Grove, M. L. A. Died at Delaware, Jan. 17, 1878. 1148 Fanny Eugenia Hains, M. L. A. Married to Mr. John Clark, May 25, 1880. Westerville, O. 1 149 Sarah Frances Marshall, M. L. A. Married to L. B. Demorest (No. 621). Marysville, O. 1150 Fanny Fullerton McCullough, M. L. A. Instructor in Music, Dr. Dulin’s Seminary. St. Joseph, Mo. 1 1 5 1 Ida Norton, M. L. A. Married to *W. P. Evans, Dec. 25, 1879. Delaware, O. 68 Alumnae Record of the Ohio Wesleyan Female College. 1152 Daisy Paul, M. L. A. Student of Music. Delaware, O. 1153 Ada May Paul, M. L. A, Carey, 0 . 1154 Frances Louisa Partridge, M. L. A. Married to M. J. Sager. Marysville, O. 1155 Isabella Baxter Richardson, M. L. A. Instructor in Vocal Music, Pittsburgh Fe- male College, 1879 — . Pittsburgh, Pa. 1156 Alice Laura Ritter, M. L. A. Indianapolis, Ind. 1163 Jessie Lovanchia Evans, M. E. L. Student and Teacher of Music. Delaware, O. 1164 Kate Mabel Kennedy, M. E. L. Kokomo, Ind. 1165 Harriett Elsie Lewis, M. E. L. Married to Rev. F. Leever (No. 604). P. O., Station A., Cincinnati, O. 1166 Georgiana Long, M. E. L. Married to Rev.F. W. Gunsaulus (No. 601). Columbus, O. 1167 Anna Cora Rowse, M. E. L. Student of Art. Bucyrus, O. 1157 Etta Starr, M. L. A. Student of Painting. Delaware, O. 1158 Mary Jeannette Stevenson, M. L. A. Student of Music, Boston University, i ^ 75-6. Instructor in Bracken Academy, 1879— Augusta, Ky. 1168 Addie Eliza Scott, M. E. L. Married to Rev. E. B. Rawls, Oct. 21, 1879. Wilmington, Ind. 1169 Mary Thankful Schnebly, M. E. L. Mt. Vernon, O. 1170 Emma Belle Wykes, M. E. L. Lafayette, O. 1159 Inez White, M. L. A., B, A., 1879, Ohio Wesleyan University. Teacher at Independence, O. 1160 Hettie Wolfley, M. L. A. Married Dr. J. O. McDowell (No. 578), April 10, 1879. Delaware, O. 1161 Amanda Worline, M. L. A. Married to G. B. Germond (No. 569). Toledo, O. 1162 Anna Estella Brown, M. E. L. Married to Mr. Davis. 1876 . 1 17 1 Eva N. Beach, M. L. A. Married to Rev. J. D. Simms (No. 584). Elmore, O. 1172 May E. Besse, M. L. A. Delaware, O. 1173 Frank G. Brown, M. L. A. Assistant Recorder of Delaware County. Delaware, O. 1174 Sadie L. Brown, M. L. A. Married to Rev. N. S. Albright (No. 376), May 19, 1877. Columbus, O. Wellington, O. Alumnae Record of the Ohio Wesleyan Female College. 69 1175 Alta W. Clark, M. L. A. Married to T. F. Dove (No. 431), Dec. 27, 1877. Shelbyville, 111. 1176 Belle C. Clippenger, M. L. A. Teacher of Music. Delaware, O. 1177 Florence Conklin, M. L. A. Teacher in Public Schools. Sidney, O. 1178 Pella A. Creighton, M. L. A. Chillicothe, O. 1179 Clara M. Cummins, M. L. A. Teacher in Public Schools. Marysville, O. 1180 Minnie J. Darst, M. L. A. Delaware, O. 1181 Annie R. Halliday, M. L. A. Married to W. H. Harvey. Gallipolis, O. 1182 Agnes C. Hess, M. L. A. Married to Dr. D. M. Thurston. Richwood, O. 1183 Carrie Hilliard, M. L. A. Peoria, 111. 1184 Eunice Hughes, M. L. A. Married to G. B. Kauffman. Columbus, O. 1185 Anna Joy, M. L. A. Married to F. J. Halliday (No. 649). Gallipolis, O. 1186 Ada McCann, M. L. A. Married to Dr. J. E. Hughes. Delaware, O. 1187 Mary Phifer, M. L. A. London, O. 1188 Ella Robinson, M. L. A. Coshocton, O. I 1189 Libbie R. Wilkin, M. L. A. Married to H. Judson Carter, Dec. 4, 1879. Granville, O. 1190 Clara F. Williams, M. L. A. Student of Music. Delaware, O. 1191 Mary N. Bidwell, M. E. L. Plain City, O. 1192 Helen B. Farrar, M. E. L. Cambridge, O. 1193 Anna Hall, M. E. L. Delaware, O. 1194 Eva McCay, M. E. L. Cardington, O. 1195 Cassia M. Nvtt, M. E. L. Teacher. Centerville, O. 1196 Jennie O’Connor, M. E. L. Married Rev. J. F. Smith (No. 638). Huntington, O. 1197 Lina Paden, M. E. L. Plants, O. 1198 Myra H. Price, M. E. L. Remington, Ind. 1199 Josie M. Sims, M. E. L. Married to H. C. Allen, Oct. 21, 1877. Bellefontaine, O. 1877. 1200 Florence May Buffington, M. L. A. Teacher of Painting. Defiance, O. 1201 Sue Alice Clippenger, M. L. A. Delaware, O. 1202 Irene Crook, M. L. A. Columbus, O. 7o Alumnse Record of the Ohio Wesleyan Female College. 1203 Clara Davis, M. L. A. Teacher in Public Schools. Marysville, O. 1204 Ida Cornelia Getman, M. L. A. Student of Law. Plymouth, O. 1205 Florence Nightingale Hamisfar, M. L. A. Student of Medicine, Boston University. Boston, Mass. 1206 Valeria Handley, M. L. A. Johnstown, O. 1207 Ella Frances Hiett, M. L. A. Toledo, O. 1208 Mary Kalb, M. L. A. Teacher. Delhi, O. 1209 Elizabeth Lincoln, M. L. A. Antwerp, O. 1210 *Stella Idlette Mather, M. L. A. Student of Art, Ohio Wesleyan Female College, 1878. Married to Dr. J. W. Irwin, May 28, 1879. Lied at Evansville, Ind., July 11, 1879. 1211 Emma Dell Moore, M. L. A. Teacher in Public Schools, Haysville, Ohio> 1877-9. Galena, O. 1212 Mariana Morris, M. L. A. Teacher in High School, 1878 — . Piqua, O. 1213 Jessie Reynolds, M. L. A. Student of Music. Delaware, O. 1214 Mary Isabella Evans, M. E. L. Delaware, O. 1215 Nettie Middleton Friend, M. E. L. Wyoming, O. 1216 Jennie Agnes Graham, M. E. L. Teacher in Public Schools. New Way, O. 1217 Mary Martha Graham, M. E. L. Teacher in Public Schools. New Way, O. 1218 Emma Violette Huston, M. E. L. Mt. Vernon, O. 1219 Fida Laurinda Tyler, M. E. L. Married Robert Carlisle. Plymouth, Ind. 1220 May Young, M. E. L. Mt. Vernon, O. HONORARY DEGREES CONFERRED BY THE Ohio Wesleyan University LL. D. Rev. E. O. Haven, Bishop of M. E. Church. 1863 Rev. Isaac W. Wiley, Bishop of M. E. Church. 1879 Samuel H. Elbert, Chief Justice of Colorado. 1880 S T. D. Benjamin F. Tefft, Editor of “Northern Border,” Bangor Me. 1848 ~*Clark T. Hinman, President of North-Western University. 1851 Anson Green. 1852 ^Herman M. Johnson, President of Dickinson College. 1852 Randolph S. Foster, Bishop in M. E. Church. 1853 Thomas Bowman, Bishop in M. E. Church. 1853 *John H. Power. 1854 ^William Hunter, Minister in East Ohio Conference. 1856 -*Silas Comfort. 1858 John Miley, Professor in Drew Theological Seminary. 1859 *Cyrus Nutt, President of Indiana State University. 1859 Cyrus Brooks, Minister in Minnesota Conference. i860 Richard S. Rust, Cor. Sec’y of Freedmen’s Aid Society. i860 ^Charles B. Tippett. x862 William F. Warren, President of Boston University. 1862 Samuel W. Cogeshall, Minister in Providence Conference. 1863 Jefferson Hascall, Minister in New England Conference. 1863 Alexander Martin, President of Indiana Asbury University. 1863 James Stacy, President of Ranmoor College, England. 1864 Thomas H. Pearne, Minister in Cincinnati Conference. 1865 Elias H. Pilcher, Minister in Canada Conference M. E. Church. 1865 William Goodfellow, Minister in the Rock River Conference. 1866 Robert M. Hatfield, Minister in the Rock River Conference. 1866 James M’Eldowney, Minister in the Detroit Conference. 1866 Alpha J. Kynett, Cor. Sec’y of Church Extension Society. 1867 William C. Pierce, Minister in North Ohio Conf. M. E. Church. 1867 ‘''■'John F. Wright, Sr., Conference Evangelist, Walnut Hills, Ohio. 1867 William C. Dandy, Minister in Rock River Conference. 1868 72 Honorary Degrees. Stephen M. Merrill, Bishop in M. E. Church. 1868 Lucius H. Bugbee, President of Alleghany College. 1869 Erasmus Q. Fuller, Editor of Methodist Advocate. 1869 George W. Woodruff, Secretary of General Conference. 1869 Thomas C. Gardner, Minister in Detroit Conf. M. E. Church. 1870 John C. Harrison, Minister in Kentucky Conf. M. E. Church. 1870 William H. Sutherland, Minister in Cincinnati Conference. 1870 John H. Vincent, Cor. Sec’y Sunday School Union M. E. Church. 1870 ^George W. Richmond, Minister in West Virginia Conf. M. E. Church. 1871 Daniel Stevenson, Minister in Kentucky Conference. 1871 Joseph Wild, Professor in Albert University, Bellville, Canada. 1871 Ebenezer E. Chambers, Minister in Genessee Conference. 1872 Daniel C. Jacokes, Minister in Detroit Conf. M. E. Church. 1872 Jeremiah H. Bayliss, Minister in the Detroit Conference. 1873 Francis S. Hoyt, Editor of Western Christian Advocate. 1873 Gaylord H. Hartupee, Minister in North Ohio Conf. M. E. Church. 1874 Thomas J. Scott, Missionary to India. 1874 "Alexander Clark, Editor of Methodist Recorder, Pittsburg, Pa. 1875 John F. Marley, Minister in Cincinnati Conference. 1875 David H. Moore, President of Denver University. 1 875 James S. Chadwick, Minister in New York East Conference. 1876 Calvin S. Harrington, Professor in Wesleyan University. 1877 Charles D. Ward, President of New Connection Methodist Conf., Leeds, England. 1877 Charles W, Ketcham, Minister in the Cincinnati Conference. 1878 Thomas C. Murphy, Minister in the Philadelphia Conference. 1878 John Potts, Troronto, Canada. 1878 Edward Ellison, President of Scio College. 1879 Carlos C. Stratton, President of the University of the Pacific. 1879 William F. Short, President Jacksonville, 111 . Female College. 1879 John H. Acton, Editor Pacific Christian Advocate. 1879 Richard H, Rust, President Cincinnati Wesleyan College. 1880 M. A. Randolph S. Foster, Bishop of M. E. Church. 1846 Alexander Nelson, Minister in the North Ohio Conference. 1846 William Goodfellow, Minister in the Rock River Conference. 1848 William L. Harris, Bishop of M. E. Church. 1848 Asbury Lowry, Minister in the Cicninnati Conf. M. E. Church. 1848 Elias H. Pilcher Minister in the Canada Conf. M. E. Church. 1848 Thomas D. Crow, Attorney at Law, Urbana, Ohio. 1849 ^Joseph Herron. 1850 Jacob S. Ferris. 1852 Samuel A. Lattimore, Prof, of Chemistry in University of Rochester. 1852 ^Samuel L. Yourtee, Minister in North Ohio Conf. M. E. Church. 1852 Gershom M. Barber, Attorney at Law, Cleveland, Ohio. 1853 Thomas J. N. Simmons. 1853 Wesley Dennett, Minister in the California Conferene. 1854 George F. W. Willey. 1854 *John T. Barr. 1856 Honorary Degrees. 73 Benjamin St J. Fry, Editor of Central Christian Advocate. 1856 John B. DeMotte, Minister in' North-West Indiana Conference. 1857 Ranson F. Humiston. 1857 William Smith, President of Xenia Female College. 1857 William H, Sutherland, Minister in Cincinnati Conference. 1857 George C. Crum, Minister in Cincinnati Conference. 1858 Francis A. Hester, Minister in South Eastern Ind. Conf. M. E. Church. 1858 Richard W. Keeler. 1858 John Ogden, Principal of Normal School, Worthington, O. 1858 Francis D. Hemenway, Prof, in Garrett Biblical Institute. 1859 ^George S. Phillips. 1859 Homer S. Thrall. 1859 William H. Black, Minister in the Cincinnati Conference. i860 Oliver S. Frambes, Principal of Los Angelos Academy, Cal. i860 Aaron Schuyler, President of Baldwin University. i860 Charles N. Sims, Minister. . i860 Henry W. Owen, Auditor of Huron County, O. 1861 Lafayette Vancleve, Minister in Cincinnati Conf. M. E. Church. 1861 Thompson F. Hildreth, Minister in . 1862 Charles W. Ketcham, Minister in the Cincinnati Conference. 1862 Homer M’Vay, Pastor of Presbyterian Church, Reynoldsburg, O. 1862 Carmi A. Yananda, Minister in the Minnesota Conference. 1862 Alfred Wheeler, Editor of Pittsburg Christian Advocate. 1862 Joseph H. Creighton, Minister in the Ohio Conference. 1863 •^Maxwell P. Gaddis, Jr. 1863 Montgomery H. Lewis, Supt. of Public Instruction, Circleville, O. 1863 • George N. Power, Minister in the Ohio Conference. 1863 John D. Stine, Editor of “Xenia Torchlight.” 1863 Charles H. Warren, Minister in Ohio Conf. M. E. Church. 1863 John B. Dubois, Attorney at Law, Santa Clara, Cal. 1864 Mighill Dustin, Pastor of M. E. Church, Waynesville, O. 1864 Henry C. Godman, Attorney at Law, Delaware, O. 1864 Aaron J. Lyon, Minister in North Ohio Conference. 1864 Charles C. M’Cabe, Assistant Sec’y of Church Extension Society. 1864 John W. F. Spence, President of East Tenn. Wesleyan University. 1864 William H. Tibbles, Minister in the Rock River Conf. M. E. Church. 1864 John T. Gracey, Minister in the Genesee Conference. 1865 Charles Nordhoff, Washington Correspondent of N. Y. Herald. 1865 Hiram Sinsabaugh, Minister in Pittsburg Conf. M. E. Church. 1865 Daniel D. Mather, Minister in the Central Ohio Conference. 1866 William W. Snyder, Minister in South East Indiana Conference. 1866 *Abraham B. Wambaugh. 1866 Thomas Carter, Minister in New York Conference. 1867 Benjamin F. Cessna, Physician, Van Wert, O. 1867 Henry M. Pearce, Physician, Urbana, O. 1868 Lucas H. Wiseman, Secretary of Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society, London, England. 1868 Eugene Haanel, Professor in Albion College. 1869 John H. Lozier, Minister in North-West Iowa Conference. 1869 Nathaniel K. Moxley, Physician, Ironton, O. 1869 74 Honorary Degrees. James C. Barb, Professor in East Tennessee Wesleyan University. 1870 Thaddeus A. Reamy, Prof, in Medical College of Ohio, Cincinnati. 1870 Silas Bennett, Minister in Cincinnati Conference. 1871 Middleton S. Campbell, Portsmouth, O. 1871 John F. Loyd, President of Hillsboro Female College. 1871 William W. Ramsey, Minister in the Pittsburg Conference. 1871 •^William T. Saunders. Aaron Turner, Minister in Indiana Conf. M. E. Church. 1871 John J. Manker, Minister in the Holston Conference. 1872 Francis S. Davis, Minister in the Cincinnati Conference. 1873 John S. Jones, ex-Member of Congress, Delaware, O. 1873 Thomas B. Hood, Surgeon-General to the Pension Bureau. 1874 James W. Lee, Minister in the Georgia Conf. M. E. Church. 1874 William H, Gibbons, Minister in the Ohio Conference. 1875 John W. Hamilton, Prof, in Columbus Medical College. 1875 John W. Miley, Prof, in New Jersey Military Institute. 1875 Levi Hall, Pastor Washington Av. M. E. Church, xMinneapolis, Minn. 1876 Howard A. M. Henderson, Supt. of Education for Kentucky. 1876 Robert W. Manley, Minister in the Ohio Conference. 1876 Elmore Y. Warner, Minister in the North Ohio Conference. 1876 James M. Flood, Minister in Erie Conference. 1876 John W. Vansickle, Principal of Business College, Springfield, O. 1877 Susan M. D. Fry, Prof, in Illinois Wesleyan University. 1878 Albert G. Wetherby, Prof, in Cincinnati University. 1878 John H. Baker, M. C., from Indiana. 1879 Emma A. Baldwin, M. D. Chicago, 111 . 1879 HONORARY DEGREES CONFERRED BY THE OHIO WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE. M. L. A. Mrs. Mary Janes Ingham, 1867 Miss Smith. 1871 Miss Luella Clark. 1871 Mrs. Margaret Herbert Wiltse. 1873 M. E. L. Miss Miranda Wakefield. 1867 M. M. Mrs. Louisa Timmons Bennett. 1871 ALPHABETICAL. INDEX TO THE ALUMNI OF THE Ohio Wesleyan University \ A. Abernathy, Isaac N. 260 Adams, David S. 5 io Albright, Lewis M. 164 Albright, Newell S. 376 Albright, Ruby J. 416 Alexander, William F. 116 Allen, Abel L. 592 Allen, Chilion B. 165 Allen, Horace M. 614 Allen, Jedediah 5 Anderson, Thomas C. 417 Andrews, Franklin M. 1 17 Andrews, JohnV. 166 Apgar, Oliver. 785 Arbuckle, John C. 556 Armstrong, Alonzo A. 588 Armstrong, Andrew F. 618 Armstrong, Elihu B. 704 Armstrong, Elizabeth M. 709 Armstrong, Thomas H. 593 Ashbaugh, 0. Milton 377 Atkinson, John S. 167 Audas, Thomas 34 Austin, Cyrus, B. 721 Axline, Henry A. 463 B. Bail, Henry E. 760 Baker, Ada. 788 Baker, Francis 168 Baker, James F. 761 Baker, James H. 28 Baker, Leander 52 Banker, Gideon G. 5 11 Barger, Benjamin F. 92 Barker, John M. 557 Barnes, Bostwick 762 Barnes, Charles E. 378 Barnes, James N. 705 Barr, Elias A. 142 Barr, Wesley C. 169 Barrick, Asbury B. 248 Battelle, Joseph B. 312 Battenfield, David H. 512 Bauder, Edson B. 379 Baxter, William H. 3i3 Beach, Edith 789 Beatty, James M. 93 Beatty, Winfield S. 722 Belt, Leroy, A. 170 Benedict, Silas G. 53 Bennett, Charles W. 261 Bennett, William S. 35i Bentley, Edwin E. 249 Bethards, Joseph H. 464 Bishop, Joseph P. 763 Bitler, James L. 685 Black, Lewis C. 418 Blair, Kate R. 764 Blanchard, Francis A. 171 Blanpied, John S. 352 Bonner, Horace 5i3 Booth, Eli J. V. R. 594 Booth, Morris S. 283 Bowdle, John R. 619 Bowers, David. 465 Bowman, Frank A. 466 Bowyer, Martha J. 710 Braden, John 4i Alphabetical Index. 77 Bradley, Horatio S. 467 Chilcoat, Emory 68 7 Bradley, Leonidas H. 172 Ctiilson, Merrick D. 383 Brandebury, Charles B. 380 Ch rister, William B. 23 Brandebury, Edward T. 765 Church, Jared O. 1 Brant, John F. 5H Clai k, Abram J. 120 Brecount, Charles B. 468 Clark, Davis W. 423 Brewer, Frank H. 558 Clark, James S. 315 Breyfogle, Charles W. 189 Clark, Jesse R. 517 Brittain, Mary 7 11 Clark, Lemen T. 424 Brock, John W. 419 Clark, Lucien 190 Brotherton, John F. 224 Clark, Milton 518 Brotherton, Theodore W. 3i4 Clarke, George P. 175 Brown, Clarence T. 766 Clason, Marshall B. 94 Brown, George 0. 1 18 Clayton, John R. 316 Brown, George S. 58 Clippinger, Charles L. 425 Brown, Josephine 753 Cobau, William C. 208 Brown, Leroy D, 723 Cochran, William N. 317 Brown, Oliver A. 262 Coe, Isaac S. 209 Browning, George R. 620 Cole, Charles W. 284 Brush, George W. H Cole, Edward E. 56 i Brush, Lucius M. 748 Cole, William H. 318 Bryant, William M. 353 Coleman, Louis F. 562 Bryson, Michael A. 205 Collette, George W. 470 Bunker, Mary A. 790 Collins, Andrew P. 143 Bunyan, Nellie A. 791 Comstock, Daniel W. 144 Burge, Theodore W. 206 Conklin, Minnie 712 Burgess, Elijah 655 Conklin, William J. 264 Burns, George W. 381 Conner, James R. 285 Bushong, James W. 119 Cook, John H. 688 Byers, Andrew T. c. 559 Corey, William W. Corn, Jasper 225 384 Cadwalader, George D. 469 Cornuelle, Victor 767 Caldwell, John W. 173 Cosgrove, Samuel G. 519 Campbell, George E. 5i5 Coveil, Annis L. 7i3 Carpenter, Alfred G. 5i6 Cowen, Allen T. 59 Carpenter, George 29 Cox, Edwin B. 564 Carper, Homer M # 6 Cox, James B. 596 Cary, James P. *682 Cox, Sheridan 191 Case, Clinton W. 263 Cox, William V. 563 Cellar, Thomas J. 420 Cozier, Benjamin L. 55 Cellar, Wilson F. 560 Cozier, Charles F. 724 Cessna, William F. 174 Crabb, William D. 426 Chandler, Charles W. 54 Cramer, Michael J. i45 Chandler, John G. 70 Creath, John 250 Cheney, David D. 382 Crist, Philip A. 80 Cherington, Charles S. 595 Critchfield, Leander J. 15 Cherington, Fletcher B. 421 Critchfield, Lyman R. 35 Cherington, Thomas 207 Cronkleton, Hermus 354 Cherington, William D. 422 Crook, Isaac 121 Chilcoat, David S. 686 1 Crosier, Henry W. 266 78 Alphabetical Index. Cross, Edwin 385 j Dunn, Oscar P. Crow, George R. 176 | Durflinger, Sylvester W. Crow, Herman D. 427 ! Dustin, Charles W. Crow, Sims M. 265 I Duvall, Linda M. Crnikshank, Homer D. 192 D>er, Benjamin F. Cruikshank, Mary 792 Crum, Ira 648 E. Cunningham, John W. 177 Eakin, James L. Curtice, John F. 319 Eakin, John W. D. Earl, John F. Darst, John C. 471 Eaton, Henry J. Dart, Thomas M. 355 Edgington, Thomas B. Davidson, James H. 178 Edwards, Arthur Davidson, John X. 81 Eichelberger, George M. Davidson, William 428 Elbert, Samuel H. Davies, William W. 472 Elliott, James B. Davis, Charles C. 520 Ellis, John S. Davis, George R. 286 Emley, Andrew B. Davis, Isaac K. 386 Endley, William C. Davis, Lucien M. 429 Ensor, John T. Davis, William B. 36 Entrekin, John C. Davis, William H. 597 Euans, Moses H. Day, Wilson M. 430 Evans, Abbie Deardoff, William S. 60 Evans, Arthur E. DeBolt, George H. 146 Evans, Charles DeCamp, James M. 287 Evans, James C. Demorest, Louis B. 621 ! Everett, Clayton W. Dennett, Wesley 30 Eversole, Alfred C. Dennison, Louis B. 521 Dennison, Walter E. 656 r . Deselem, Robert 1 . 689 Failor, Isaac N. Dewart, Franklin H. 725 Fairbanks, Charles W. Dial, Stephen T. 768 Fellows, William W. Diehl, Charles W. 210 Ferguson, Wilbert Dike, Margaret E. 794 Figley, Melvin Dill, William 267 Finlay, Joseph J. Dille, William R. 598 Firestone, Jason W. Dimmick, Benjamin F. 565 Fish, Hubbard Doan, Fletcher M. 288 Fish, Samuel H. Dolb^ar, Amos E. 268 Fitch, William S. Donaldson, Aris B. 387 Foos, Robert H. Dougherty, Franklin C. 388 Foos, William Dougherty, James W. 622 Ford, Smith M. Dove, Theodore F, 43 i Frambes, Granville A. Downs, Anna V. 793 Franklin, Samuel Drees, Charles W. 432 Free, Spencer M. DuBois, George W. 473 Freshwater, Benjamin F. DuBois, Wilbur F. 623 Friesner, William M. Duckwall, Bedford L. 566 Fritz, Allen P. Duncan, Thomas J. 356 Frost, Orlando J. 522 i47 320 754 726 42 474 179 16 122 95 226 56 567 96 251 727 97 289 290 795 657 21 1 321 322 123 599 475 389 728 786 323 615 98 568 39 o 476 552 227 291 193 658 659 600 292 624 Alphabetical Index. 79 Fry, Francis R. 660 Hall, Harlan P. 18 Fry, James D. 252 Halliday, Frank J. 649 Fry, Robert A. 661 Halm, George M. 626 Funk, Theodore K. Gc. 433 Hamilton, James F. Hamilton, John M. 436 324 Hamilton, Thomas B. 125 Gaddis, John W. 477 Hammond, Lucian H. 44 Gaddis, Maxwell P. Jr. 625 Hard, Miron E. S3 2 Gann, John A. 434 Harford, William M. 325 Garberson, Charles F. 523 Harmount, Simpson J. 533 Gardner, Charles J. 478 Harris, George W. 24 Gardner, John S. 212 Harris, Henry B. 57 i Gardner, Washington 391 Hartley, Ellis T. 395 Gatch, Thomas M. 61 Hartman, John D. 769 Gaul, George 729 Hartupee, Gaylord H. 7 i Germond, George B. 569 Harvey, Jennie 797 Gilruth, Archibald 570 Harvey, John G. 150 Glasscock, Benjamin 17 Haskins, Joseph N. 437 Godman, John M. 148 Hastings, Enos W. 438 Godman, William D. 2 Hedges, Edward S. 396 Goldsberry,. John W. 690 Hedges / Henry C. 25 Goodin, Charles W. 435 Hedges, Wilson N. 269 Goodin, Frank C. 479 Hemmenway, Charles L. 194 Goodrich, Allison E. 524 Henderson, Isaiah R. 357 Gosling, Benjamin F. 525 Henking, Charles F. 650 Gosling, Jacob W. 526 Henry, John A. 326 Go.rsuch, Joseph B. 124 Henry, Maxwell B. 397 Gould, Fred A. 662 Herron, Isaac G. 398 Gould, George M. 527 Herron, James H. 45 Gould, Huston T. 392 Hicks, Louis E. 572 Graham, William I. 528 Hicks, William A. 439 Gray, Cora I. 796 Highland, John S. 533 Gray, William D. 663 Hiland, George W. 37 Green, Miletus 43 Hills, James H. 46 Green, William H. 529 Hills, Reuben E. 534 Gregg, Walter 730 Hinde, Hubbard K. 63 Griffith, Charles C. 62 Hitt, George C. 440 Griffith, Charles S. W. 149 Hodges, Wilbur J. 535 Griswold, Fannie M. 7H Holman, George P. 253 Griswold, Guovion G. 7 Holt, Simon A. 151 Grove, John H. 393 Hooper, Wesley W. 480 Guerin, William E. 350 Hopkins, Thomas P. 553 Gunsaulus, Frank *W. 601 Horr, Jacob 270 Gurley, William 394 Hoyt, John W. 19 Guy, Asa H. 18 Hubbard, William G. 509 Gwynn, Hugh R. H. 180 Huffman, Joseph G. Hughes, Josias 327 328 Hughes, William D. 152 Hackedorn, Horace G. 530 Huling, Cyrus 691 Hackedorn, William E. 602 Humble, Albert 692 8o Alphabetical Index. Hume, John F. Hume, Henry C. Humphreys, David Hutsinpiller, Simeon D. Hypes, Fletcher W. I. Ingham, Oliver P. Innis, George S. Irvin, John N. J. Jackson,- Benjamin F. Jackson, Jacob A. Jackson, John C. Jacoby, Daniel W. James, Lewis J. Jamison, Robert B. Janney, Levan R. Jewett, Edward H. Johnson, H. Frank Johnson, Hervey P. Johnson, Nathan G. Johnson, William H. Jones, Anson P. Jones, Charles C. Jones, Charles E. Jones, Charles M. Jones, Daniel I. Jones, John D. Jones, John E. Jones, John W. Jones, William E. Jones, William M. Joy, Frederick M. K. Kauffman, Linus B. Keefe, Edward Keen, Samuel A. Kelley, Adda E. Kelley, Asbury F. Kelley, Carlos C. Kemper, William R. Kepler, William Kessler, John L. Ketcham, Merrick E. King, Chauncey King, Isaac F. King, John W. King, William F. 83 Kirgan, Francis M. 667 Kirkley, Clara E. 715 Knowlton, Chauncey C. 66 Koch, Edward P. 538 Krieder, George N. 668 Kugler, Mathias M. 483 Kugler, William E. 669 Ll. LaCroix, John P. 84 LaFetra, Ira H. 484 Lamb, Edward E. 102 Lance, William W. 443 Lane, Edward T. 670 Lane, Eugene 444 Larason, Ella 799 Lawrence, Emma M. 800 Lawrence, Vincent D. 628 LeCrone, Samuel M. 485 Lee, Alfred E. 126 Lee, Charles 735 . Lee, Clinton W. 8 Leever, Frank 604 Leever, John C. 671 Legge, Elmer L. 672 Leseman, Ernest H. 401 Lewis, Alice H. 716 Lewis, George C. S. 771 Lewis, Thomas C. 295 Light, Edwin J. 651 Light, Minnie M. 801 Lilly, Caroline V. 755 Lilly, George W. 736 Lincoln, Azariah W. 605 Lindsey, Joseph W. 103 Lindsey, William E. 104 Little, Lewis W. 20 Lloyd, Charles P. 154 Lloyd, Richard M. 197 Locke, John F. 402 Lockhart, Benjamin F. 589 Loder, Isaac 375 Long, Joseph 77 2 Lott, George W. 575 Lowe, Joseph M. 652 Lowry, Dwight M. 539 Lowry, Hiram H. 296 Lowry, James A. 773 Luccock, Joseph W. 774 Luccock, Naphtali 576 26 603 153 664 82 64 481 399 693 400 573 195 329 73i 627 442 694 770 358 695 99 696 441 536 293 213 100 732 65 482 294 665 228 330 798 666 733 254 33 i 537 734 574 101 196 Alphabetical Index. 81 Ludlum, Benjamin F. 297 Miller, Alice 717 Lyon, Clotilda 802 M'llcr, Gabriel M. 359 Lyon, Lena 756 Miller, George A. 487 Lytle, James R. 33 2 Miller, Ira M. 706 M. Miller, Lewis W. 775 i Milward, Eliza 718 Major, Samuel 577 Miracle, Asa V. 776 Maltbie, Silas B. 198 I Mitchell, Edwin W. 631 Manley, Marcellas 271 Mitchell, Daniel G. 130 Manley, Samuel H. 155 1 Mitchell, Francis G. 3°° Mannix, John B. 229 Mitchell, George 106 Markey, Henry S. 127 Mitchell, Milton 47 Marshall, George M. 85 Moe, Francis B. 616 Marshall, Henry C. 67 Moler, William G. 75i Martin, Benjamin F. 333 Monnett, Francis S. 777 Martin, Frank 749 1 Moore, James T. 580 Martin, Oscar 629 j Moore, William A. 488 Martin, William H. 199 Morrow, William 606 Mast, Isaac 128 j Morse, Perley M. 403 Mast, Isaac N. 272 Mouser, Abram C. 2 73 Matchett, Frank E. 540 Mouser, Homer S. 301 Mather, George 105 Mouser, Justus A. 200 McCabe, John J. 737 Mowry, Howard F. 698 M’Cann, Joseph 630 Mulford, Shobal P. 632 M Caskey, John F. 486 Murdock, David Y. 489 M’Cauley, John 129 Murphy, Abner G. 68 M’Clintick, James I. 86 Murray, James 256 M’Connell, Cary W. 446 Murray, John F. 683 M’Cullough, Samuel G. 2 98 N. M’Cuskey, Joseph M’Dowell, John O. M’Dowell, William F. M’Farland, Robert H. M’Farland, Robert W. M’Intire, Alfred R. M’Kenzie, Eva J. M’Laughlin, William M. M’Millan, Liston M’Reynolds, William H. M’Vey, Alfred H. Mefford, Robert J. Mellott, William R. Mendenhall, James W. Meredith, Elmer E. Merrick, Edward Merrick, Frederick 590 578 738 579 3 2 53 803 445 2 99 57 334 75o 697 230 739 231 232 Nave, Orvill J. Needles, Alfred P. Nelson, Andrew J. Nelson, Edward T. Nevin, Robert M. Newcomb, Charles H. Newell, Adelbert D. Newman, George 0. Newman, James W. Newman, Thomas J. Newell, Ida Newton, Adin Newton, Almon S. B. Newton, Chauncey W. Newton, Isaac Nye, William C. 404 336 337 2 74 338 339 633 107 182 87 804 2 34 275 156 72 447 Merrick, Franklin W. 2 33 0. Merriman, George B. 214 Oakes, Charles W. 405 Merritt, Charles E. 335 O’Kane, Charles C. 581 Mickleborough, John 6 73 O’Kane, Henry 215 8 2 Alphabetical Index O’Kane, James O’Kane, Tullius C. Orcutt, Milton E. Outen, Joseph T. Owen, Joseph K. Owens, Frank C. P. Page, Robert S. Page, Walter B. Paine, James B. Palmer, Mattie Parker, John F. Parkin, Frank P. Parrott, Charles Parrott, Edwin A. Parrott, George Parrott, Henry E. Parrott, John Parsons, John Parsons, Richard Patterson, John P. -Pattison, John M. Peasley, Marcus G. Percival, Moses C. Perkins, Hiram M. Peters, Henry W. Peters, John W. Philpott, William Pierce, Harriet N. Pierce, William O. Pilcher, Leander W. Pine, Willis Piper, Leonidas Platter, James E. Plumb, Nathan J. Pomroy, George Pope, Thomas J. Jr. Porter, James P. Postle, Louis F. Powell, Leonard J. Powell, Thomas E. Powell, William W. Pumphrey, John S. $. Quirk, Clark W. R. Ramsey, David T. Ranck, Lewis 491 Randolph, Valentine C. 342 Rankin, Samuel 48 Rathmell, John 780 Rayl, William H. 257 Rea, John P. 305 Read, William R. 75 Reade, Thaddeus C. 362 Reagh, Mary W. 806 Reeves, Owen T. 27 Reynolds, Samuel E. 408 Rice, William N. 781 Richards, Leonard E. 133 Richards, Madison A. 240 Richards, Otho J. 636 Ric key , Charles 363 Riggs, Charles E. 674 Riker, Albert B. 740 Riley, Samuel J. 637 Robb, Willis O. 74i Roberts, Thomas G. 449 Robinson, John B. 159 Robinson, James W. 185 Robinson, Joseph A. 617 Robinson, William A. 343 Robison, Edward J. 610 Roettinger, Philip 582 Ross, Napoleon B. 364 Rowen, James J. 109 Runyan, David S. 3° 6 Rusk, John Y. 276 s. Sager, Norville 543 Sanborn, Benjamin F. 307 Savage, William H. 76 Schnebly, Joseph G. 160 Schwin, John B. 365 Scott, James L. 583 Scott, Thomas J. 161 Searles, Francis M. 217 Sedberry, James M. 3i See, Benjamin F. 77 Semans, William O. 89 Sexton, Charles W. 241 Seymour, Charles W. 162 Shannon, John R. 699 Sharp, Ebenezer P. 45° Shaw, William H. 492 Sheldon, Henry B. 32 157 38 541 302 778 554 235 360 448 805 406 779 73 21 39 158 108 236 340 131 361 607 634 88 201 237 635 719 132 303 608 238 304 407 74 609 239 490 183 216 34i 202 184 542 Alphabetical Index. 83 Sholl, David W. 675 Short, John T. 344 Simms, Joseph D. 584 Sites, Joseph S. 493 Sites, Nathan 134 Sleppy, John W. 409 Smart, Oliver P. 345 Smiley, Andress E. no Smith, David J. 45i Smith, Ida A. 757 Smith, James F. 638 Smith, Joel A. / 277 Smith, John A. 432 Smith, John W. 203 Smith, Lorenzo P. 135 Smith, Lowell H. 49 Smith, Lyman D. 410 Smith, Prescott 700 Smith, Preston W. 742 Smith, Robert B. 218 Smith, Thomas R. 219 Smith, William S. in Snider, Darlington J. 346 Southard, Frank H. 242 Spalding, Lyman 4 Spencer, Charles L. 494 Spencer, Oliver M. 9 Spencer, Wilson U. 495 Spindler, Henry L. 366 Spindler, John W, 639 Stahley, Reuben 496 Stahley, Wallace 308 Stanley, Charles E. 367 Stanley, Timothy W. 5 o Starr, Moses L. 40 Stemen, John A. 782 Stevenson, Daniel C. 544 Stevenson, Richard T. 545 Steward, James M. 497 Stewart, James E. 258 Stewart, Oliver P. 59i Stewart, Sanford H. 204 Stiers, Isaac 163 Stimmel, Smith 368 Stivers, Timothy 136 Stoner, Abraham 640 Story, Horace B. 783 Story, John A. 498 Stoughton, Royal S. 278 Stout, Daniel P. 137 Stout, John L. 78 Strayer, Charles A. 743 Strong, Daniel G. 369 Stubbs, Joseph E. 546 Study, Justin N. 453 Stump, Jonathan W. 499 Sullivan, Edwin R. 243 Sweet, William H. 500 Swing, Peter F. 370 Swormstedt, Leonidas H. 220 T. Tarbell, May 758 Taylor, Thomas R. 90 Teetor, Henry B. 309 Thirkield, Wilbur P. 641 Thoman, William G. 454 Thompson, Allen T. 91 j Thompson, Homer 642 Thomson, Edward 371 Thomson, John F. 279 lippett, Thomas J. 186 Todhunter, William H. 310 Turner, Telletson A. 676 Tuttle, Lucius V. 41 1 Twitchell, Albert J. 501 u. Umsted, Jesse R. 311 Y Vail, Harry L. S. 752 Vail, Iza M. 807 Vance, Adam 221 Vance, David C. 244 Van Cleve, Charles L. 744 Van Cleve, John S. 455 Van Deman, John D. 33 Van Deman, Joseph H. 22 Vandenbark, Charles M. 412 Vestal, Samuel 413 w. Wait, John W. 701 Walden, Madison M. 138 Walker, Everett 653 Walker, Minnie E. 808 Wambaugh, Eugene M. 61 1 Ward, William G. 502 Ward, Willis H. 745 Warner, Millard F. 456 84 Alphabetical Index. Warnock, William R. Warrington, George O. Waters, Wesley G. Watson, Algeraus C. Watson, Amelia B. Watson, Benson C. Watson, Clark M. Watson, Elmer Watson, James Watson, Merrill Weatherby, Samuel S. Weaver, Charles A. Webb, James D. Webb, Joseph T. Weber, James K. P. Weber, Samuel C. Webster, Cavalry M. Webster, Monroe W. Webster, William H. Wells, Charles J. Wells, Edward T. Wells, Leonidas S. Welsh, Leroy W. Westervelt, Howard B. Wheaton, Clinton S. Wheeler, Charles E. Wheeler, Edward J. Whisler, John White, Inez White, John W. Jr. White, William J. Whitlock, Elias D. Whitlock, Greenbury E. Whitlock, William F. Whitmer, William C. Whitworth, Henry Wilcox, Gideon D. Wiles, Alva T. Wilkinson, Clarkson Williams, Anna M. Williams, Beverly P. Williams, Clara L. Williams, Ebenezer M. 141 Williams, Evan F. 505 Williams, Oliver C. 646 Williams, Paul E. 00 Williams, Samuel W. 12 Williams, Sylvester G. 684 Williams, Thornton R. 707 Williams, Wesley 222 Willis, Elbridge R. 647 Willis, John B. 549 Wilson, John M. 462 Wilson, Percival C. 69 Wilson, Thomas B. 259 Wilson, William K. W. "5 Wiltse, Thaddeus L. 550 Witham, Henry 587 Withrow, John M. 679 Wolfe, John W. 680 Wood, Charles B. 223 Woodburn, Robert L. 374 Woodruff, Richard P. 506 Woolley, John G. 460 Wren, Harrison 246 Wright, Clifford B. 612 Wright, Cornelius M. 349 Wright, George W. 681 Wright, John G. R. 55 i Wright, John R. 13 Y. Yeager, Newton A. 708 Youmans, Edward B. 5°7 Young, Charles S. 613 Young, Stephen 0 . 784 Young, William S. 703 z. Zeigler, Jesse F. 508 Zimmerman, Charles H. 247 Zinzer, Solomon L. 461 Zook, Jonathan 4 i 5 187 643 112 457 759 644 585 503 n 3 547 280 555 10 11 5°4 n 4 5i 787 139 458 245 347 37 2 373 702 677 746 459 747 348 4i4 281 586 140 645 678 188 79 282 809 654 720 ALPHABETICAL INDEX TO THE ALUMNyE OF THE OHIO WESLEYAN FEMALE COLLEGE. A. Abbott, Ada A. 86 1 Adams, Ada A. 1096 Adams, Mary E. M. 894 Albright, Martha 1028 Alden, May S. 1076 Alderman, Olivia T. 1075 Allen, Elizabeth 926 Armstrong, Loretta * 1029 Armstrong, Sarah E. 850 Arnold, Augusta 1017 Ayres, Julia H. 841 Ayres, Virginia A. 1091 B. Baker, Adaline 810 Baker, Anna E. 980 Barber, Electa W. 928 Barkdull, Caroline A. 877 Barnes, Fannie P. 979 Barnes, Mary G. 1055 Barrett, Caroline M.^ 1097 Beach, Eva N. 1171 Belt, Elnora O. 835 Bennett, Julia J. 942 Berry, Clementine C. 878 Besse, May E. 1172 Bickett, Lois R. 1 1 1 2 Bidwell, Ida H. 1098 Bidwell, Mary N. 1191 Blanpied, Eliza 1018 Black, lone C. 895 Boyton, Mary E. 863 Brelsford, Laura E. 864 Brewster, Eliza A. 1056 Brown, Addie E. 1099 Brown, Anna E. 1162 Brown, Arabella 1000 Brown, Ella 1030 Brown, Frank G. 1173 Brown, May 962 Brown, Sadie L. 1174 Brush, Luanna A. 1077 Bryant, Anna G. 901 Buckwalter, Keziah J. 896 Buffington, Florence M. 1200 Bull, Jane E. 865 Bundy, Eliza M. 1057 Bundy, Julia A. P. 981 Burkholder, Elnora 929 Burnham, Kate IOOI Butterfield, Bertha A. 1031 c. Cable, Mary E. 937 Caldwell, Anna M. . 866 Camp, Hortense 1144 Campbell, Mary 1058 Carpenter, Emma A. 879 Carson, Mary E. 873 Chance, Flora B. 1 1 13 Chamberlain, Mary 1059 Chandler, Sarah E. 1078 Chase, Mildred M. 994 Clippenger, Belle C. 1176 Clippenger, Sue A. 1201 Clark, Albertine 943 Clark, Alice R. !I 35 Clark, Alta W. 1175 Clark, Clara B. 910 Clark, Emma 963 86 Alphabetical Index. Clark, Harriett E. 1072 Cole, Ellen C. 1079 Combs, Emma B. 1081 Combs, Mary A. 1080 Commager, Sophia E. 944 Conklin, Clara 911 Conklin, Florence 1177 Connelly, Clara 1145 Coveil, Adeline J. 846 Cowling, Jane 930 Craig, Martha 931 Craven, J. Virginia 965 Crawford, Mary J. 1128 Creighton, Pella A. .1178 Cromer, Catherine 1002 Crook, Esther 982 Crook, Irene 1202 Crosson, Mary R. 1139 Crow, Flora H. 1032 Crozier, Katharine 964 Cruikshank, Emma 1060 Cruikshank, Lois 1 100 Cummins, Annetta V. IIOI Cummins, Clara M. 1179 Curtis, Josephine 1033 Curtis, Maria 1082 Cuykendall, Ida W. 1146 D. Darst, Minnie J. 1180 Davis, Clara 1203 Deland, Emma 1003 Demain, Aletheia 975 Dial, Mary E. 983 Dickey* N. Emma 830 Dickey, Susan M. 842 Dillon, Belinda C. 1049 Dodge, Clara 967 Dodge, Ella 966 Downs, Caroline E. 1129 Downs, Ella C. 1061 Duncan, Ida E. 1 1 14 E. Echols, Florence 938 Evans, Jessie L. 1163 Evans, Mary I. 1214 Evans, Mary W. 880 F. Falconer, Mary M. 945 Falley, Louisa M. 912 Fant, Charlotta 1004 Fant, Eliza E. 1130 Fant, Mary J. 913 Fant, S. Fidelia 968 Farrar, Emma A. 902 Farrar, Helen B. 1192 Fisher, Anna 1083 Fisher, Margaret A. 903 Foote, Ella 1034 Forward, Ophelia 969 France, Alice 1035 Franks, Martha E. 867 Franks, Sarah S. 857 Frazier, Lucinda 914 French, Eva 1062 Friend, Media V. 970 Friend, Nettie M. 1215 Frost, Emma 1036 Fulton, Ella J. 1102 Fulton, M. Malinda 939 G. Galer, Mary E. 874 Gavitt, Lucy S. 821 Getman, Ida C. 1204 Geyer, Martha 946 Given, Ella 1020 Given, Margaret 1019 Glover, Sarah 1021 Goldrick, Clara 9i5 Goode, N. Margaret 984 Gooding, Anna 947 Gooding, Camelia 932 Goodnow, Augusta R. 933 Goodrich, Mary L. 985 Graham, Jennie A s . 1216 Graham, Mary M. 1217 Granger, Addie V. 1115 Green, Martha J. 1116 Green, R. Savilla 948 Griffin, Evaline D. 836 Grove, Savilla C. 1147 Grubb, Emily 888 H. Hack, Elizabeth 1103 Hack, Rose M. 1084 Hains, Fanny E. 1148 Hall, Anna ii93 Hall, Elizabeth 858 Halliday, Annie R. 1181 Alphabetical ■Index. 87 Hamilton, R. Susan Hamisfar, Florence N. Handley, Valeria Haskins, Mary S. Hastings, Sarah P. Hedges, Sarah V. Hedrick, Alice Hedrick, Amanda Hedrick, Margaret C. Henderson, Jennie Herbert, S. Permilla Hess, Agnes C. Hester, Catherine E. Hester, Eliza W. Hiatt, Ella F. Hildt, M. Fidelia Hilliard, Carrie Hillyer, M. Alice Hitchcock, Harriett Holmes, Avanella L. Horr, Olive L. Hough, Charlotte A. Houghton, Angela R. Houghton, Edith V. House, Emma Hudson, Harriett Hughes, Eunice Hull, Kate Hull, Marinda Humphreys, Mary Hurtt, Anna V. Huston, Emma V. Hyer, Lizzie I. Ingham, Abbie A. Irwin, Corintha A. Irwin, Mary J. J. James, Anna Janes, Emma Johnson, M. Ella Johnson, Mary Johnston, Mellie E. Jones, Ella M. Jones, Gertrude Jones, Harriett Jones, Sarah A. Jones, Sarah J. Joy, Anna 1185 Joy, Caroline 869 Joy, Maryetta 881 K. Kalb, Mary 1208 Kauffman, Catherine E. 1092 Keiler, Sarah A. 904 Kennedy, Kate M. 1164 Kenyon, Frances 1106 L. Ladd, Annette M. io 73 Ladd, Frances J. ii 37 Lamb, Lucretia W. 814 I Latimer, Hattie M. 882. | Latimer, M. Rose 823 Leckey, Anna M. 1023 Leckey, Rhoda M. 976 LeDuc, Mary 832 Leedy, Gertrude 1051 Lewis, Harriett E. 1165 Lincoln, Elizabeth 1209 Lindsey, Henrietta 883 Littell, Eliza 916 Long, Georgiana 1166 Lounsbury, Abigail 1040 M. Maguire, Elizabeth 1063 Mark, Melvina 1183 Marshall, Sarah F. H49 Mast, Elizabeth F. 824 Mather, Frances M. 917 Mather, Stella I. 1210 McCann, Ada 1186 McCann, Emma I. 1107 McCay, Elenora 1064 McCay, Eva 1194 McCullough, Fanny F. 1150 McElhinney, Adella A. 1121 Means, Margaret E. 1065 Megginson, Eliza E. 1122 Mendenhall, Florence 1 108 Metz, Clara 1041 Mickle, Elizabeth 898 Miller, Caroline 819 Mitchell, Ida A. 1140 Mitchell, Nancy D. 839 Monnett, Mary 848 851 1205 1206 1117 811 852 1104 822 hi 8 1119 949 1182 1 105 950 1207 95i 1183 95 2 1050 1022 812 831 1005 1120 959 1006 1184 853 953 1007 1136 1218 1131 817 837 818 897 847 986 838 868 1085 1037 1038 1039 854 88 Alphabetical Index. Moore, Emma D. 121 1 Moore, Mary E. 1126 Moore, Mary G. IO42 Moore, Sarah A. O. 1066 Morris, Arabella 1008 Morris, Isabella IOO9 Morris, Marianna 1212 Morris, Martha M. 884 Morrison, Mary IO67 Morrow, Rachel A. 843 Mouser, Maryanna 889 Munsell, Adelaide 971 N. Nelson, Clara A. 1086 Nevius, Laura B. 972 Newell, Mary J. 987 Norton, Ida II 5 I Nourse, Eugenia 1043 Nutt, Cassia 1195 o. O’Connor, Jennie II96 Owen, Anna S. IOIO P. Paden, Lina 1197 Page, Elizabeth 988 Page, Emma C. 954 Page, Laura A. 918 Paine, Delia E. 1068 Paine, Elizabeth 0 . 940 Palmer, Mary J. 989 Parker, M. Eva 885 Parker, Margaret W. 990 Parker, Mary L. ion Partridge, Frances L. ii 54 Patterson, Harriett 1024 Patterson, S. Letitia 1093 Paul, Ada M. ii 53 Paul, Daisy 1152 Pease Helen 1074 Peirce, S. Ednah 934 Pennewell, Marie L. 1123 Pentzer, Orpha C. 1095 Perkins, Fidelia 825 Perkins, Helen M. 855 Perkins, Sarah J. 826 Peters, Isabella 899 Phelps, Annette T, 919 Phifer, Mary 1187 Philips, Francis 890 Philips, Sarah L. 977 Pilcher, Mary S. 844 Plotner, Elnora E. 870 Porter, M. Louise 1087 Porter, Rachel 960 Potter, Virginia 1044 Powers, Mary J. 920 Pratt, Mary E. 1025 Price, Myra H. 1198 R Reasoner, Emma 1012 Reicharts, Guiletta R. 862 Reynolds, Jessie 1213 Reynolds, Martha E. 1013 Rice, Marietta 941 Richardson, Isabella B. ii 55 Riser, Mary A. 813 Ritchey, Nancy M. 815 Ritter, Alice L. 1156 Robb, Ella 1141 Robinson, Ella 1188 Robinson, Mary J. 1052 Roney, Olive A. 1 142 Ropp, Sarah J. 1124 Ross, Mary J. 1088 Rowse, Anna C. 1167 Rusk, Emily 1094 s. Sager, Harriett M. 973 Sanborn, Annie M. 849 Schnebley, Eliza 995 Schnebley, Mary T. 1169 Schnebley, Phebe 996 Scott, Addie E. 1168 Scott, Julia R. 978 Scott, Louise C. 1127 Scott, Princess 997 Semans, Anna E. 955 Shade, S. Augusta 935 Shaffer, Celia M. 900 Shaffer, Louisa B. 827 Shattuck, Alice E. 1089 Shipley, Caroline 845 Shoemaker, Mary E. 891 Sims, Josie M. 1199 Smith, Annelia H. 856 Alphabetical Index. 89 Smith, Ellen M. 833 Walton, Sarah J. 871 Smith, Mary E. 1015 Ward, Ellen S. 999 Snow, Julia C. 905 Warner, Eliza 886 Spence, Elizabeth 906 Warner, Josephine L. 907 Sprengle, Ella A. 1109 Warner, Melvina E. 828 Stanley, Julia P. 840 Warren, Abbie M. 1016 Starbuck, Elizabeth D. 1125 Warren, Sarah J. 1053 Stark, Isadora A. 1014 Watkins, Susan L. 829 Stark, Ora E. 1045 Webster, Mary E. 908 Starr, Etta ii57 Weeks, Ellen A. 834 Steeley, Mary 892 Wells, Olive M. 88 7 Stevenson, Mary J . 1158 Wesson, Anna 1047 Stitt, Jerusha 1026 Westlake, Maud io54 Story, Mary E. 1 1 10 Wharton, Ann M. 860 Stubbs, Mary N. 1132 White, Inez ”59 Styer, Martha J. 991 Whitehead, Aurilla L. 957 Sutcliffe, Emma 961 Whitehead, Melvina E. 958 T T T Wilcox, Eliza 1027 Wilcox, Elizabeth K. 816 Thomson, Delia S. 921 Wilder, Mary E. 909 Thomson, Eliza S. 1046 Wiley, Martha E. ”34 Thornhill, Martha 922 Wilkin, Libbie R. 1189 Thrall, Frances H. 820 Williams, Aletheia 992 Timmons, Henrietta 956 Williams, Clara F. 1 190 Timmons, Louisa 923 Williams, Helen M. 974 Trimble, Elizabeth S. 936 Williams, Josephine G. 876 Trout, Lyda E. IIII Williams, Rose 1069 Twitchell, Amy 998 Wilson, Elizabeth 925 Twitchell, Mary ”33 Wilson, Emma E. 859 Tyler, Fida L. 1219 Wilson, Mary D. 1070 u. Winkler, Mary D. 1071 Wolfley, Hettie 1160 Updegraff, Anna E. ”43 Wood, Harriett R. 993 T J Wood, Mary A. 872 V . Woods, Estelle 1048 Vandemark, Martha LO r~> 00 Worline, Amanda 1161 w. Wykes, Emma B. 1170 Wagley, Frances B. 927 Y. Walker, Harriett M. IO 90 Young, May 1220 Walton, Frances 924 Young, Zeruah 893 ERRATA AND ADDENDA. -oJO' 223 Charles B. Wood. Elected Principal of Pittsburgh High School. 230 J. W. Mendenhall. Has received the degree of “ Ph. D.” 421 F. B. Cherington. Has removed to Iowa, and is stationed at Anamosa, Iowa. 658 Spencer F. Free. Physician in charge of Maternity Hospital. Baltimore, Md. 720 Clara L. Williams. Married James Miser, Sept., 1877. Clark’s P. O. Coshocton Co., Ohio. 744 Charles L. Van Cleve. Elected Principal, Findlay High School. 782 John A. Stemen. Elected Superintendent of Public Instruc- tion. Chesterville, O.