ILLINOIS ) H. R. ( 14xH AssEat. LEGIS. \ ) Isx SESSION. OP THE ACTING COMMISSIONER OP THE " ' &l A\ , ILLINOIS AND MICHIGAN CANAL, 10THB GENERAL ASSEMBLY, DECEMBER 18, 1844. Laid on the table, and 400 copies ordered to be printed for the use of the two Houses. SPRINGFIELD: WALTERS & WEBER, PUBLIC PRINTERS. 1844. EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, ) Springfield, Dec. 18, 1844. \ To the House of Representatives: I have the honor, herewith, to communicate to the House of Rep- resentatives the report of the acting Commissioner of the Illinois and Michigan canal and accompanying documents. I am very respectfully, Your most obedient servant, THOMAS FORD. REPORT OF THE CANAL COMMISSIONER CANAL OFFICE, > Lockport, Dec. 2, 1844. $ To his Excellency, THOMAS FORD, Governor of the State of Illinois: SIR: Pursuant to the law of the last session of the Legislature, the Commissioner of the Illinois and Michigan canal has the honor to sub- mit the following ANNUAL REPORT. Immediately after the adjournment of the last Legislature, the under- signed, acting Canal Commissioner, repaired to Lockport, and in obedi- ence to the provisions of "An act to reduce the number of officers and agents on the Illinois and Michigan canal," approved March 2, 1843, he discharged all the officers and agents in the employ of the State, and con- nected with the canal, except the Secretary, who was continued in office by that law. And immediately thereafter, according to the provisions of said act, appointed William Gooding, Engineer, and Isaac Cook, Agent to protect the timber on canal lands. The Engineer having dis- charged all the duties required under his appointment, resigned, which resignation took place on the first instant. A very small amount of work has been done on said canal since the last annual report, made December, 1842. At the close of the last ses- sion of the Legislature, a few contractors were at work under contracts between Dresden and Marseilles, entered into previous to the passage of "An act for the completion of the Illinois and Michigan canal, and for the payment of the public debt," approved February 21, 1843. These contractors were notified of the passage of said act, and directed to sus- pend work preparatory to a settlement under and according to the pro- visions of the above recited law; which order was immediately complied With, and the work was entirely suspended. Some time in June, 1843. the Board of appraisers, appointed by your Excellency, reached Lockport and immediately organized; and all the contractors except those on sections 16 and 17 the river channel at (20) 4 Sauganaskee swamp, and lock 15, at the western terminus of the canal, came forward and submitted their claims for adjustment. These contrac- tors were prevented from presenting and prosecuting their several claims before said Board, by causes which were not removed untill after its ad- journment. The contractor on sections 54 and 55, having submitted his claim for damages, immediately thereafter, made application to withdraw the same, which was not permitted by said Board of appraisers, upon which the said contractor commenced suit against the canal Board, which is still pending in the Will county circuit court; an award of damages was, however, made by said appraisers upon the claim submitted. Con- tractors on the above sections 16 and 17 the river channel at the Sauga- naskee swamp, and lock 15, are, as 1 am informed, now willing to go into an adjustment of their several claims. From the decisions of said Board of appraisers, a few appeals were taken to the circuit courts of the counties of La Salle, Grundy, Will and Cook. These appeals have all been disposed of in said courts except three, without any increase of damages against the State, save the one embracing the culvert across Nettle creek, in which case the damages were increased to one hundred and fifty dollars. The remaining three cases will in all probability be arranged without any increase of damages against the State. Under the provisions of said act, it became the duty cf the Commis- sioner having charge of the affairs of the canal, to sell the lands and town lots, which were reserved by the provisions of that law, and which had been relinquished or forfeited by the purchaser?. In pursuance of said law, William B. Egan, Lewis Kerchival and Bennett Allen, were ap'- pointed by Judge Young, to appraise said lands and town lots in the coun- ties of Cook, Will and Grundy: and George H. Norris, Seth T. Farwell and B. F. Fridley were appointed by Judge Robinson, to appraise said lands and town lots in the county of La Salle. After the appraisements were made, tho said lands and town lots were advertised according to law, and offered at public sale, commencing at Chicago on the 3d day of October, 1843, and ending at La Salle on the 18th of ihc same month. The terms of sale prescribed for timber lands, were one-fourth of the purchase money in hand paid, and the remainder in three equal annual payments, with interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum payable in advance; and for prairie land and town lots, one- tenth of the purchase money to be paid at the time of sale, the remainder payable at the expiration of twenty years, bearing an interest of six per cent., payable annually. All the lands and town lots, subject to sale under the provisions of said act were offered, with the exception of two fractional quarter sections of land situated on the Kankakee river. In changing the present plan of the canal, said river would necessarily be use of as a feeder, and which would in all probability from the surveys run, be taken out of the same at a point on the river where this land is located. The erection of a dam across the, river would become necessary, by which a valuable water power would be created at that point; and by which great manu- facturing facilities would be afforded. In view of the importance of the State being able to control the water power, and the enhanced value of (21) the lands on which the same may be created; it was deemed proper to withhold said lands from sale at that time. All of said lands and town lots offered, were sold, except a few lots in the original town of Ottawa on the south side of the Illinois river, and three Jots in the town of La Salle. Paper marked (B) hereto annexed exhibits the number of each lot and block the valuation, and the amount sold for; also the description of the lands the valuation thereof, and the amount sold for. The sales thus made, in the aggregate amount to the sum of $297,252 25. The amount of bills receivable now on hand, derived from the sales of every description of canal property, amount to the sum of $254,6'25 00. There has been received into the Treasury from the sales of canal lands, town lots, timber, &c., since the commencement of the canal in 1836, up to the first of November, 1844, the sum of $932,407 91. The following exhibits the amount received in the Treasury, for the three last quarters of 1843, and all of 1844. 1843, 2d quarter, - - - $14,173 29 ki 3d " . - - - 14,746 17 4th " ... 56,394 01 $55,313 47 1844, 1st " - - ?** 10,301 09 '* 2d - - - 8,305 f2 3d " Mf\ - - 14,682 66 " 4th - - - 18,8-23 66 Total, - - - - $137,426 40 The above sum was received in the following kinds of canal funds, which has been cancelled and packed up as redeemed paper, viz: Interest scrip, - - .$11,00700 Interest on same, ..... 2,751 00 Governor's scrip, ... . 3,724 00 Interest on same, - - - - - 78 40 Indebtedness, ... - - 119,806 00 Total, ...' $137,426 40 The following exhibits the cash account in (he Treasurer's office, in- cluding the years 1840, 1841, 1842, and the first quarter of 1843. 1840, $24,680 82 1^41, - - *t. n . 27,587 05 1842, - . i<0. ..rtwri - 158,347 77 1st quarter of 1843, - - 4.oi - 61,47949 Total, $272,095 13 (22) Amount of canal funds accounted for by the late Treasurer. For the year lb>4 ', For the year 1841, For the year 1842, First quarter of 1843, Total. - $524,697 5S 27,631 98 - 158,347 84 60,449 96 - $271,127 36 This amount deducted from the above sum of $272,095 13, shows a balance of $967 97 remaining in the hands of said Treasurer. The Secretary's report herewith submitted, (marked A.) exhibits the different kinds of scrip and indebtedness issued by the Board the amount now in circulation the various expenditures classed under their appropri- ate heads, including contingent disbursements the amount of interest paid on balances due the contractors, under the provisions of an act. of the last session of the Legislature, entitled "An act to provide for the al- lowance and payment ol interest, and money due the contractors on the Illinois and Michigan canal," approved March 3, 1843 the number of agents in the employ of the State since the last annual report, their com- pensation and the time they left the service, and all other business done through that office. The entire amount of payments upon the canal from its commence- ment in the spring of 183(3, up to the first of November, 1844, is $5,039,- 248 04. During the year, 1836, Total, Construction, - Contingent, 1838, 1839, 1840, 1S41, 184-2, 1843, 1S44, $99,910 63 .'*:. - 335,731 70 909,611 33 ,. - 1,256,243 12 - 1,340,533 06 . - 231,870 17 568,394 69 210,751 54 80,232 10 - $5,039,248 04 1,674,637 23 364,610 81 $5,039,248 04 A considerable amount of the contingencies exhibited above, were ex- pended for the benefit of the land and other canal property, which has been fully explained in former reports of the Board. The Secretary's report, above alluded to, gives every item, and shows the amount thus expended to be the sum of $121,957 58, which sum deducted from the gross amount of contingent expenses, leaves the true amount of contingencies for superintendance at the sum of $242,6o2 93. 7 (23) The following statement shows the amount of Bonds sold on account of thf canal, by the Fund Commissioners and other agents, from Us commence- ment in 1836, up to the present time. Under the act of January 9, 1836, five hundred bonds, of one thousand dollars each, sold by Governor Dun- can to the State Bank of Illinois, payable in the city of New York, Under the act of March 2, 1837, five hundred bonds, of one thousand dollars each, sold by Gov. Duncan to the State Bank of Illinois payable in the city of New York, - r Under act of July 21, 1837, three hundred bonds, of one thousand dollars each, sold by Gen. Rawlings to J. Delafield payable in the city of New York, Under the act of February 23, 1839, one thousand bonds, of 225 sterling each, sold by Gen. Rawlings and Gov. Reynolds to the Bank of the United States, payable in London, - Under the same act of February 23, 1839, one hun- dred bonds of 225 sterling each, sold by General Thornton, to various contractors, payable in the city of New York, - - Under same act of February 23, 1839, one hundred and fifty bonds of 225 sterling each, sold by Messrs. Wright & Co , of London, under a contract made by Judge Young and Gov. Reynolds, payable in London, - Under same act of February 23, 1839, one thousand bonds of 225 sterling each, sold by Gov. Carlin to the canal contractors, and by their agent General Thornton, to Messrs. Magniac, Smith & Co. of Lon- don, and payable in London, ... Under the same act of February 23, 1839, one hundred and ninety-seven bonds ot one thousand dollars each, sold by the Board of Canal Commissioners under the directions of Gov. Carlin, to the canal contractors in 1841, payable in the city of New York, - Eighty-four bonds of one thousand dollars each, sold by Gen. Whiteside, to Messrs. Duffee & Co., of this amount forty-eight bonds having been redeemed by Gov. Ford, leaving a balance of, Amount of interest due on the above bonds, up to Jan- uary, 1845, say about, - Total amount of bonds and interest, - . $500,000 500,000 300,000 1,000,000 100,000 150,600 1,000,000 197,000 36,000 783,660 $4,566,660 (24) 8 Statement Continued. Amount of canal scrip in circulation, bearing six per cent, interest, from the first day of March, 1844, Interest en the same, from the first of March, 1840, up to the first of December, 1844, The amount of Canal indebtedness in circulation with- out interest, ------ Amount of ninety day checks in circulation without interest, - Amount of balance due contractors, - Amount of damages awarded for injury done by the canal in running across private property, Amount of scrip issued by Governor Ford in payment of damages, awarded canal contractors, and now outstanding, - Amount of interest on same, about, Total, - This sum added to the total amount of canal bonds, and interest, makes the canal debt in the aggregate the sum of, - - - - - $319,885 04 91,161 53 301,678 70 316 00 86,962 37 23,587 96 226,353 72 14,000 00 $1,063,945 14 $ 5,630,605 14 The chief Engineer in his report (marked C,) and herewith submitted, gives a very full and satisfactory exposition of his department. He ex- hibits the entire amount of work treasured on the canal, from the com- mencement of operations in the spring of 1836, p to the first of Decem- ber, 1844; with a tabular statement accompanying the report, showing the amount of work estimated upon each section and structure, with the various items estimated, and the price paid for each; also an estimate of the cost of the several proposed changes of the canal, and makes a num- ber of suggestions, which are submitted as worthy of consideration. The estimates of the cost of the several proposed plans of the canal as submitted in his report, are as follows, viz: 1st, or original plan, - - - - $2,353,772 96 2nd do .... 1,485,095 86 3rd do - - '-;< 1,772,035 53 4th do 1,733,240 50 5th do .... 1,688,640 08 6th do - - 1,679,846 07 The Commissioner deems it unnecessary on this occasion to express an opinion, in reference to the above proposed plans, inasmuch as they are all considered practicable; the whole matter is, therefore, submitted for the purpose of enabling the Legislature to adopt that plan, it may in its wisdom deem best for the interests of the State. in conclusion I would say, that on the arrival of Gov. Davis and Capt. Swift, on the line of canal in the fall of 1843, the agents of the foreign bond-holders; they called upon me, through the Hon. Michael Ryan, for 9 (25) information touching the cost of construction and expendicures, and of the canal debt. The amount and description of the unsold lands with their value, according to the different classifications. The estimates for completing the canal upon the various plans submitted in the Engineer's report together with a demand upon me to survey a rout of thirty-three miles, from Aurora on Fox river, to the summit level of the canal, in order to test the practicability of making said river a feeder; which survey required the services of a full corps of engineers. A detailed report of which was furnished said agents together with copies of all the papers and accounts which they deemed necessary to lay before the foreign bond-holders, for their information. The labor and expense created by this call upon me, can only be fully comprehended by reference to the voluminous copies which I retained, and which I have now in my possession subject to inspection, if a call shall be made upon me. In addition to all this, I furnished said agents with a map embracing the entire length of the canal, exhibiting the lands sold and unsold, for five miles on each side of said canal, divided into sections and quarter sections, half quarter sections and quarter quar- ter sections, showing upon each tract sold, the amount the same sold for. And also a map of each of the towns laid out upon canal lands, desig- nating the lots sold. The time consumed, and the number of persons employed, necessary to enable me to give all this required information, has necessarily con- tributed to the contingent expenses for the last two years, Should not the foregoing report and accompanying documents contain all the information desired, any further statements will be cheerfully giv- en at any time. All of which is respectfully submitted. JACOB FRY, Acting Commissioner. :irf) (26) 10 A. SECRETARY'S REPORT To Ihe Acting Commissioner of the Illinois and Michigan Canal: The following statement will present a general view of the business transactions of my department of the canal office during the two past years, During the year 1839, for the want of funds to pay for work as fast as it was done, checks upon the Bank, payable ninety days afterdate, were issued, at two different times. My last report, in the fall of 1842, showed that these checks had all been redeemed, except the sum of $3*23, and that $ 123, belonging to the contingent fund, was left in the Bank for their redemption. Since that report, $7 only have been presented for pay- ment. These were redeemed, and the balance of funds for their redemp- tion withdrawn from the Bank. This leaves still charged to circulation, (of this kind of currency,) the sum of $316 which being in small checks it is presumed have been mostly or all lost or destroyed. Of the small at-sight checks, to-wit: $1, $2 50 and $5, issued in the fall of 1840, and spring of 1841, and for the redemption of which pro- vision was made by a deposit in Bank, it was stated in the last report that there remained in circulation the sum of $17,523; except what might have been redeemed at the principal Bank. Since that time, there has been received at this office, from the principal Bank, the sum of $10,344 50. Leaving still in circulation $7,178 50 except what has been redeemed by the Bank, since April 28, 1843, the date of the last remittance. The amount of checks, to-wit: $409,448 70, issued March 1st, 1840. under an act of the Legislature, bearing interest at six per cent., has been reduced by redemption at the Bank, and receiving them in this office in payment for lands, &c., to the sum of $319,885 04; which balance is still charged to circulation. Contractors accepted orders, mentioned in the last report, remain un- paid to the amount of $27,921 64. These were a means of payment to contractors, adopted in the spring of 1841, and by which payments were made for work done before that time, and during the whole of that year, and are here known by the name of "State indebtedness." That kind of acknowledgment of debt, called, in my last report, "ca- nal indebtedness," has continued to be the principal currency of this office during the two last years; both in paying contractors and receiving payment for lands, lots, &c. From the commencement of the use of this 11 (27) kind of currency, to this time, there have been issued the amounts, and of the denominations following to wit: 8,090 1 00 equal to $8,090 00 2,400 2 50 " " 6,000 00 2,400 5 00 " " 12,000 00 1,198 10 00 " 11,980 00 599 20 00 " 11,'J80 00 599 50 00 29,950 00 5,950 100 00 595,000 00 $675,000 00 Of this sum, - - MU-. - - - 58,12930, remains in the hands of the Acting Commissioner; the balance of a fund for payment to contractors, making the amount charged to circulation, "* '' - $616,87070 Of this last amount there has been redeemed by payments into the Treasurer's office, for lands, lots, &c., the sum of, 315,192 00 Leaving a balance charged to circulation of, - - $301.67870 There is a third species of indebtedness, which is current in transact- ingthe business of this office, to-wit: "Governor's scrip," (socalled); that issued by that officer under authority of the law of the last session of the Legislature, to pay contractors' damages upon the relinquishmcnt of their contracts. This has been received in payment for lands, lots, &c., (in- cluding the sum of $78 40 allowed thereon for interest,) to the amount of $3,724 64. As the circulation and redemption accounts, of all the various kinds of canal currency, checks, scrip, and indebtedness, are kept in the Secretary's office, the Governor's scrip also has been cancel- led, passed over by the Acting Commissioner, (acting as Treasurer,) to the same office; where the face of said scrip, (exclusive of interest.) is charged to redemption account, (of that particular kind of currency,) and packed and sealed up as other redeemed paper, the same being $3,724 64. There has been no new contracts made, or work done upon the canal, during the two past years; but considerable payments made for work heretofore done, and payment delayed for want of means. Of the tabular statements accompanying this, paper No. 1, exhibits the amounts paid for each year, and the parts of the line upon which the same has been done. For construction, - - t - $ 244,524 36 For contingencies, - - - - 52,359 38 Total, *:i - .... $296,883 74 In former reports it has been stated, as to the manner of keeping the accounts in this office, that all sums paid for work upon the canal, and those alone, are charged to the respective sections or jobs, and at regular periods these accounts are carried to construction, as a general account for all payments for work; and that all other payments are carried to. the head of contingencies. But during the twolast years a claim for interest upon balances due contractors has arisen under an act of the last session of the Legislature. This, though not strictly for work, is properly (28) 12 chargeable, and has been charged to the respective jobs, and is conse- quently carried to the general account of construction, and, in paper No. 1, is included In the amount of payments to contractors. The said in- terest was paid on the several divisions as follows: On ihe Summit Division, - - ,-0( - '14,15921 " Middle - . . . ,; 3,753 10 " Western " * -<* 1,727 56 Total, - .- - ,< (* $19,639 87 I would here remark that whenever it is made known to this office, what sums have been paid to contractors for damages upon relinquishing their contracts, the several amounts will be charged to the respective jobs, in order that their entire cost, as well as that of the whole work, may be readily shown. It ha? heretofore been remarked that large sums which are carried to the account of contingencies, do not properly belong thereto, as the term is generally understood. The same may be repeated of the contingent account of the two last years, as exhibited in paper No. 1. These irregu- lar, or extraordinary contingent accounts of these years amount to the sum of, - - - . - ' $19,293 39 In this amount is included checks issued for the payment of contractors, and, after the fund for their redemption was exhausted, redeemed out of the contingent fund, and cancelled and charged t> incidentals, because they could be charged no where else, ($'672 56.) There has also been paid and included in the said contin- gent account for officers and agents' services, previous to these years, the sum of - - - $9,231 00 Also, accounts made before that time, then standing open, and since transferred to incidentals, - - ^ $1.678 50 In ali, - - $30,202 89 This sum deducted from the contingent account leaves the sum of - - - $22,15649 In this last sum is included an expenditure of about fifteen hundred dollars, occasioned by an examination made the last winter by Messrs. Davis and Swift. Paper No. 2, an account of the Secretary with the contingent fund, shows that the two years commenced with the sum of $111,464 03, in the Secretary's hands belonging to the fund, and ended with the sum of $66,646 03. These large sums in this fund are mostly occasioned by retaining from contnictors' estimates, sums sufficient to redeem their orders, mentioned in the former part of this report. There are a large number of accounts upon the Secretary's books, with balances as debits, or credits, to the said fund; nearly all of which are 13 (29) kept open on account of the transactions with the contractors by means of the said orders. The amount of the said balances stand as follows: Debits, - - $13,378 84 Credits, ...... 22,504 84 Paper No. 3, a list of the several jobs upon which any thing remains due, shows an amount still due contractors for work done upon the canal of $75,963 54, and interest, under the law of last session, up to Dec. 1, 1844, of $10,11)8 86. Some of the dues therein set forth, to- wit: on sections 59, 60. and 75, have in fact been mostly paid, b}' the acceptance and payment of their orders; and constitute the greatest part of the debits above mentioned, as stand- ing upon the Secretary's accounts of the contingent fund. Of the allowances of damages occasioned Ly the construction of the canal across private property, there remains unpaid the sum of $17,500 40. Interest thereon, up to Dec. 1, 1844, $6,027 56. From the foregoing the following condensed account is made. The amount in the hands of the Acting Commissioner for the payment of contractors, - - $58,130 30 The amount belonging to the contingent fund in the hands of the Secretary, - 66,646 03 The sum of the debits of individual accounts on the Sec- retary's books, - - '>..' Total, ...... Undrawn demands of contractors, - $75,963 54 Interest thereon, to Dec. 1, 1844, - 10,198 86 Damages allowed individuals, - - 17,560 40 Interest thereon, to Dec. 1, 1844, - 6,027 56 Amount of individual credits on the Secre- tary's books, - 22.5C4 84 Balance, - - ' In the last report, the aggregate account of all the articles purchased for the use of the contractors stood with a balance in favor of the commissioners of, Since that time there have been a few articles of canal stores sold for, - * - - - # And an item of expense paid for receiving, storing, and de- livering the same of, - Which leaves a balance in their favor of, - 13,578 84 - $138,355 17 132,255 20 .$6,099 97 $471 55 8 96 $480 51 350 00 $130 51 It will be observed, that amojjg contingencies there is an item of $1,199 35 charged to the Sauganaskec road. This is the amount of a judgment, (with the interest,) recovered against the Commissioners under a contract made in the fall of the year 1836. (30) 14 Paper No. 4, is a list of the officers and agents in the employment of the Board, any part of the two last years; the nature of their services and their compensation. There has beecn no sale of canal property during these years, except the one of forfeited lands and town lots, under the law of the last Legis- lature. This took place in October, 1843, and the result will particular- ly appear from a list of the lands and lots sold from the Treasurer's office. The whole payment upon the canal, from the commencement of oper- ations thereon, in the spring of 1836, to the present time, is 5,039,248 04 During the year 183(5, - - $99.910 63 " " 1837, - - 335.731 70 1838, - - 909,611 33 " " 1839, - - 1,256,2.13 12 " " 1840, - - 1,340,533 06 ' " 1841, - - 231,870 17 " 4 1842, - - 568.394 69 1843, - - . 210,751 54 " " 1844, - 86,232 10 Charged to construction, - - $4,674,637 23 Charged to contingencies, - - 364,610 81 $5,039,248 04 In the last report mention was made of a large amount of extraordina- ry contingent accounts, and a list given of their several sums, and the heads under which they had been charged; and a similar remark has al- ready been made of the contingencies of the two last years. A list of such accounts, including the statements for both reportsstands thus: Office lot for 1842, $544 67 Canal towns, " - 2.2 IS 50 Canal office, 1,500 00 Sauganaskee road, - 40,732 25 for 1844. $1,199 35 : Land Agency, " * 16,61808 " 4,60282 Lock port office, " - 4,602 56 Lock port houses, " . 6,611 63 Real estate, " - 7,207 03 " 1,085 43 Ware-house, 4,209 37 Painting account," - 657 17 Right of way, - 17,763 23 Negotiation, - 253 23 Incidentals, - 672 56 $102,664 49 $19,293 39 Together making the sum of - - $121,95788 Which sum, deducted from the total amount of contingencies charged a? above stated, leaves the amount of contingencies proper $242,652 93. The exact uniformity, which for some years prevailed between the estimates in the Engineer's office, and the payments, with the per cent, retained in the Secretary's office, no longer exists. This has been occa- 15 (31) sioned by the delay of payment of estimates. The payment of interest on balances due contractors under the law of the last session of the Leg- islature, and in a few cases of payments by arrangement between the Commissioners and contractors, without the usual estimate in the Engi- neer's office. J. MANNING, Secretary. Canal Office, Lockport, Nov. 15, 1844. No. 1. Amounts paid during the two years. To contractors duiing the year 1843, < 1844, Total, - $244,5-2436 Upon the Summit division, - - $130,21758 Upon the Middle do - - 54,175 97 Upon the Western do - - 60,130 81 - $244,524 36 For contingencies during the year 1843, $29,743 25 1844, 22,616 13 52,359 38 Total, ... - ... #2.)6,S83 74 (32) 16 No. 2. DR. J. MANNING, Secretary, in account with the Contingent Fund. 1844. Deo. 1. 1843. Jan. 16. tt U <( <( 23 1843. March 1. April 4 t> .1 <( ii < May 29. 4t" 4. June 1. June 30. i< it ; a u (c U tc Aug. 28. Sept. 1. Nov. 25. To balance from last quarter and as reported in last report, Incidentals, - : , ? Postage account, ""**- - 1 " - Armour & Lamb, John Lonergan, Tj ft ff OerfzY. By amount paid out during the quarter, lor the objects and amounts, see vouchers, - Dr. To Wilder & Co., - To D. Lynch, - To J. & S. R. Clifford, - To D. Sanger& Sons, ToH.&Rush, - To J. Bracken, - Credit. By amount paid out, see vouchers, Dr. To S. S. & Wallace, - to W. Brodie & Co., To D. Sanger & Sons, To M. B. & Rood, sec. 35, - To M. & Hurlbut, - To John Lonergan, - To E. B. Talcott, - Credit. By amount paid out, see vouchers, Dr. To James Brooks, (Amount carried over) $260 00 11 11 307 12 1 65 $111,464 03 579 88 112 00 1,113 00 400 00 3,000 00 600 00 423 82 112,043 91 aKiJfiaa 10,771 67 101,272 24 B *ift ni Y 94*5 roqU jjflfr <-;;: - 5,648 82 4,761 32 65 00 2,000 00 343 31 1,000 00 250 00 106,921 06 25,232 09 8L688 97 8,419 63 91 99 90,200 59 134&) 73 77,039 86 738 31 77,778 17 17 No. 2. Continued. (33) 1843 Dec. 1. < 12. u (c (t < 4t U U t( 15. 16. u u U (( 1844 Feb. 5. March 1. Aug. 15. " 20. Sept. 1. * " 10. Nov. 1. u 2 -J T "J "^ B O O O O -^ P" C" D* rt rr n> -~ *- 20 List of forfeited and relinquished lots, in Chicago, Lockport, Ottawa and La Salle, sold in October, 1843. Location. Lots and paits oflots. Block. Valuation. Amount sold for. Chicago, 8 3 81,300 00 $6,635 00 H 1 6 800 7,000 K 3 6 600 4,100 M 4 6 700 5,360 U 6 6 350 1,400 tt 8 6 400 1,730 tt East half 2 6 300 2,220 tt 2 8 200 1,010 M 8 8 600 3,300 14 1 9 200 1,060 It 2 9 150 56U I< 5 9 400 1,275 It 8 9 400 1,300 t 1 12 350 1,510 ( 2 12 250 1,100 K 4 12 250 1,000 it 8 12 250 1,000 tt 9 12 600 1,675 n 1 13 600 4,000 ti 2 13 400 2,350 4 13 500 3,050 U 7 13 400 1,540 K 7 23 800 2,830 II 8 23 1,000 4,820 (( 1 24 600 1,325 < 8 24 700 1,925 (i 2 25 3^0 800 3 25 300 510 H 4 25 350 900 II 5 25 350 900 <; 6 25 300 795 U 7 25 401) 830 M 8 25 500 1.020 K 1 26 500 1,130 M 2 26 400 720 l( 3 26 300 550 M 4 26 350 985 H 5 26 350 750 H 6 26 300 510 M 7 26 300 600 n 8 26 350 875 t( 9 26 600 1.290 <( 10 26 500 1,200 21 Same List Continued. (37) Location. Lots and parts of lots. Block. Valuation. Amount sold for. Chicago. 1 27 $700 00 $2,900 00 |( a 27 500 1,200 H 3 '-27 350 900 . 20 cts. 25 1 34 1 36 29 1 45 29 $1,911 00 195 00 $2,106 00 35 84 .1,060 00 450 00 32,713 27 32,274 45 660 00 2,141 84 67,157 72 7,658 24 38,118 70 3,863 40 969 60 6,688 64 28 60 441 00 5,740 80 31,542 00 238 50 127 80 2,904 00 959 40 805 48 7,670 88 2,247 21 49,640 34 10,723 57 49,089 82 1,988 22 47,101 60 40 00 2,346 68 45,627 40 ' 934 00 59,813 39 48,948 08 77,310 39 6,024 83 1,825 84 1,716 48 18,797 80 55,933 11 73$ 00 125 00 72 16 515 75 4,489 00 947 92 651 34 1,174 50 615 67 41 (5?) STATEMENT A Continued. No of Section. Description of work. 1,644 c yds. muck on TPath 12,000 " rock excavation 21,821 " " 15cts. 1 60 1 40 prism, ' Grubbing and clearing;, 564 c yds earth excavation ditch at 14,409 ' 437 6,463 340 1,840 280 Total, 456 rock do do do do 22cts. 25 28 1 37 1 50 1 31 1 33 1 45 Grubbing and clearing, 2,649.78-100 c yds earth excavation at 32| 9,614 " embodied rock 1 83 47,684.75-100 " . 1 60 Per centage retained in original contract, Road bridge and extra trimming of banks, Total, (Note. The amount covered by the certificates of the engineer on sec. 50, is $114,145 97 cts., but $2,- 308 80 cts. the per centage under L. C. Hugunin's con't was not paid to Hugunin but was embraced in Rodg- ers> contract and included in his final certificate.) Grubbing and clearing, 1,114 c yds earth excavation in ditch at 55 13,818 " " prism 35 16,262 " rock " do 1 60 696 earth 16,262 rock 25,738 do 3,030 " do 4,000 do do do do do drilled 30 1 80 1 64 1 50 50 Total, 788 c yds earth excavation ditch at 60 cts. 6,684 " prism 30 2,364 rock " 1 60 8,437 1,304 600 23,966 2,348 earth excavation " " tow path rock "' n i: " drilled 30 15 1 60 1 50 50 Total, 370 cyds earth excavation ditch at 29 cts 3,333 " prism 29 5,817.91-100 rock '' do 1 10 3,325.11-100 " " do 1 15 1,540 900.13-100 earth do do 1 10 25 Amount of items. $246 60 19,200 00 30,549 40 140 00 124 08 3,602 25 122 36 8,854 31 510 00 2,407 31 372 40 661 20 59 00 867 80 17,593 62 76,295 60 2,308 80 227 24 200 00 612 70 4.836 30 26,019 20 208 80 29,271 60 42,210 32 4,545 00 2,000 00 472 80 2,005 20 3,782 40 2,531 10 195 60 960 00 35,949 00 1,174 00 107 30 966 57 6,399 70 3,823 87 1,694 00 225 03 Amt of sec- tions. $50,611 67 58,462 34 16,793 91 97,352 06 114,145 97 31,668 20 78,235 72 109,903 92 6,260 40 'I '.' Total, 3,307.21-100 c yds. dry wall 45 2,325.94-100 puddle 1 00 Total, 531 c yds puddle from bluffs 1 00 543.70-100 " " canal 75 1,485.83-100 dry wall 45- Total, 682.94-100 c yds. dry wall 45 164.60-100 puddle " 1 00 329.28-100 75 Total, 2,619.92 c yds. dry wall 45 2,132.42 " " puddle 75 Total, 2,375.09-100 c yds. dry wall 45 1,707.93-100 puddle 1 00 Total, 4,913.98-100 c yds. dry wall 43 2,180 puddle 1 00 1,180 70 Total, 4,804.70-100 c yds. dry wall 45 3,533.61-100 puddle I 00 Total, 4,885.60-100 c yds. dry wall 45 3,206.12-100 puddle 1 00 Total, 1,266.52-100 c yds. dry wall 45 875.24-100 puddle 1 00 Total, Total amount of protection on Summit Division $537 30 934 00 1,471 30 3,814 18 1,595 24 718 88 2,778 27 2,776 72 5,217 29 5,695 72 5,404 54 1,445 17 1,488 24 2,325 94 531 00 407 77 656 47 307 32 164 60 246 96 1,078 96 1,599 31 1,068 79 1,707 93 2,211 29 2,180 00 826 00 2,162 11 3,533 61 2,198 52 3,206 02 569 93 875 24 30,917 31 (62) 46 STATEMENT A Continued. Description of work. Amount. Total. South tiranch and Summit Ditchit. 2,451 cubic yards, earth excavation, at 19,643.94 " " 64,578.30 10,297.54 " " Total, 16 cts. 22 25 30 $4,321 66 16,144 57 3,089 26 $392 16 23,555 49 $23,947 65 Archer and Connection Ditch. 854 cubic yards earth excavation, at 447.77 " 3,599.18 " 493 " deposite removed, 15 cts. 30 20 30 $128 10 134 33 719 83 147 90 $1,130 16 Work performed to turn Big Run. Grubbing and clearing, (estimated,) 40.66 cubic yards, muck ditch excavation, at 8,548.90 embankment, 22 cts. 22 $5 00 8 95 1,880 76 $1,894 71 Middle Division. No. of Section. Description of work. Amount of items. Amount of /section. 69 11,368.69 cubic yards earth excavation, at 20 cts. .$2,273 74 22,658.84 < rock " $1 00 22,658 84 2,932.42 dry wall, 1 30 3,812 14 3,771.07 embankment, 35 1,319 88 1,854.13 esti'd as lining, 4535=10 185 41 $30 950 01 70 27,588.88 cub yards, earth excavation, at 35 cts. 9,656 11 pou, 94 95 C ~H 96 tet* SUl 1,980 cubic yards lining, (estimated) at 50 cts. 155 " detached rock excavation, 85 46.65 " diti-hex.atRock run, , 35 106.33 " earth ex. by change of line, (est.) 30 Grubbing and clearing, 10,134.24 cubic yards earth excavation, at 23 cts. 24 " detached rock exca'tion, 50 29,931 '' embankment, 27 18,661.89 cubic yards earth excavation, at 25 cts. 4,123.14 " embankment, 25 179 " detached rock ex. 50 22 " do 50 3,901.50 cubic yards earth excavation, at 15 cts. 13,481.03 do do 15 5,576.65 '* embankment, 16 293.17 " earth excavation in road way left on Sec. 90, 25 14.121.83 cubic yards earth excavation, at 22 cts. 40 " detached rock ex. (est.) 60 12,059.77 " embankment, 117 " stone for wall not used, (est.) 50 Grubbing and clearing, Grubbing and clearing, 25,551.38 cubic yards earth excavation, at 25 cts. 14,737.02 " embankment, 20 83 ' f< stone delivered for wall, 50 Grubbing and clearing, 2,532.36 cubic yards earth excavation, 15 cts. 6,457 '' embankment, 18 Grubbing and clearing^ 13,850.81 cubic yards earth excavation, at 15 6,056 " do removed extra distance by direction of Engineer, 18 Grubbing and clearing, 35,676.80 cubic yards earth excavation, at 28 cts. 145 " do cem'd clay and gravel, 80 435.50 " ditch excavation, 15 4,531.21 " embankment, 30 3,180.62 " lining, 75 1,000 " do 50 954 " lilling over lining, (est.) 25 Two paved water ways. $10 00 Extra allowance upon 2,370 c. yards ex. to makeroomfor lining, (est.) 12 $990 00 131 75 16 33 46 11 $8,608 58 10,724 24 5,796 73 *jt 3,572 92 '< 6,354 24 9,479 24 ! Mf 1,862 11 3,317 70 15.1 OS 54 300 00 2,330 87 12 00 8,081 37 4,665 47 1,030 78 89 50 11 00 585 22 2,022 15 892 26 73 29 3,106 80 21 00 3,014 94 58 50 150 00 100 00 6,3 S/ 84 2,917 40 44 00 320 00 379 85 1,162 26 153 00 2,077 62 1,093 08 150 00 9,939 50 116 00 65 32 1,359 36 2,385 46 500 00 238 50 20 00 284 40 (68) 52 STATEMENT A Continued. No. of Section. Description of work. Amount of items. Amount of section. 97 34,111.71 cubic yards earth excavation, at 30 cts. 24,545.48 " embankment, 25 1,012.50 " do removed by change of line, 15 267 " embankment rejected by change of line, 25 1,610 " lining, (est.) 50 700 do do 75 Extra allowance upon embankment in consequence of change of plan from double to single embank- ment, 24,500 cubic yards, at 2 $10,233 51 6,136 37 151 87 66 75 805 00 525 00 490 00 $18,408 50 98 Grubbing and clearing, do do extra, (est.) 12,502.47 cubic yards earth excavation, at 23 cts. 2,066 do lost bv change of line, 23 1,730.43 " do cem'd clay and gravel 48 26.982.22 " embankmenl, (est.) 28 940 f< do removed by change of line, (est.) 20 4,376 do rejected by a change of line, 23 798 lining, (est.) 55 200 00 25 00 2,875 57 475 18 830 61 7,555 02 188 00 1,006 48 438 90 .* 13,594 7& 99 Grubbing and clearing, (est.) 14,455.36 cubic yards earth excavation, at 20 cts. 5,852.54 embodied rock ex. - 83. 85 detached do (est.) 75 474 slate do (est.) 50 4,414.48 srate & cem'ted clay, (est.^60 2,499 earth ex. extra by change of 6,413.17 line, (est.) 20 6,413.17 embankment, 25 786.93 spoil bank removed, (est.) 20 34 00 2,891 07 4,974 66 63 75 237 00 2,648 69 499 80 1,603 29 157 38 13 109 64 100 Grubbing and clearing, 9,260.78 cubic yards earth e ., cavation, at 20 cts. 1,111.08 rock do $1 68 19,619.54 embankment, 20 400 00 1,852 15 1,866 61 3,923 91 8,042 67 101 Grubbing and clearing, 781.02 cubic yards earth excavation, at 20 cts. 600.80 " embankment, 25 , 10 00 156 20 150 20 11,002.66 " earth excavation, 20 189.42 " do in ditch, 12 15,436.10 " embankment, 25 Grubbing and clearing, 2| acres extra chopping and clearing, $20 00 2,200 53 22 73 3,859 02 680 00 45 00 6,807 28 Total, - $7,123 68 53 (69) STATEMENT A Continued. No. of Section. Description of work. Amount of items. Amount of section. 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 Grubbing and clearing, do do Extra chopping and clearing side hill, 318.04 cubic yards earth excavation, 20 cts. 66,343.42 " embankment, 25 10,850.87. " protection wall, $1 50 Total, 23,911.59 cubic yards earth excavation, at 18 cts. 220J8 " do to turn brook, 12 32,030.92 '< embankment, 25 8,192.15 protection wall, $1 80 Grubbing and clearing, do do extra, (est.) Grubbing and clearing, 15,252.29 cubic yards earth excavation, at 24 cts. 68 " detached rock do (est.) 50 19,443.45 " embankment, 27 384 " earth excavation for wa- ter way, (est.) 25 13 acres extra chopping and clearing, (est.) $15 00 Grubbing and clearing, 1,999.24 c. yards earth excavation, (est.) 25 63,964.86 " embankment, 28 8,643.32 " Protection wall, .$1 69.1-10 Grubbing and clearing per contract, 8.40 acres chopping and clearing extra, (est.) $10 00 cts. 476.98 cubic yards earth exc'tion, (est.) 20 112,628.16 " embankment, 23J 17,485.12 " protection wall, 1 69.1-10 11.76 stone in drain ditch, (est,) 1 30 Grubbing and clearing, do do Extra chopping and clearing 12.60 acres, (est.) $10 00 256.11 cubic yards earth excavation in drain ditch, 256.11 stone in do 145,021.60 " embankment, 22,026.94 " protection wall, 30 1 30 23J 1 69.1-10 Grubbing and clearing, 3.441. 95 cubic yards earth excavation, at 525.36 " embankment, 17 cts. $800 00 50 00 63 61 16,635 85 '16,276 30 4,304 09 26 42 8,007 73 14,745 87 1,000 00 150 00 600 00 3,660 55 34 00 5,249 73 96 00 195 00 570 00 499 81 18.229 99 14,615 85 1,140 00 84 00 95 40 26.749 19 29,567 34 15 29 400 00 1 ,140 00 126 00 76 83 332 94 34,442 63 37,247 56 3'0 00 585 13 124 77 (70) 54 STATEMENT A Continued. No. of Section. Description of work. Amount of items. Amount of section. 108 Grubbing and clearing:, 26,418.77 cubic yards earth excavation, at 23J cts. 248.30" < do in drain ditch, 20 58,705.45 ' embankment, 23J 1,475.10 < linine, (est.') 50 7,876.96 ' protection wall, $1 69.1-10 288 ' cemented clay ex. (est.) 70 Scaleage on first contract^ $950 00 6,274 76 49 66 13,942 54 737 55 13,319 94 201 60 232 33 ! j Well at head of Culvert. 13.85 cubic yds. earth excavation, (est. \ 25 13.33 " dry masonry, $2' 00 2.46 " paving, 2 00 3 46 26 66 4 92 $35,743 12 Total, fy - 36,803 02 112 557 cubic yards earth excavation, at 13 cts. 4,720 " embankment, 15 72 41 708 00 780 41 113 9,254 cubic yards earth excavation, at 12 cts. 28 " detached rock do 50 4,645 " embankment, 13 . .Grubbing and clearing, 1,110 48 14 00 603 F5 50 00 1,778 33 114 2,227 cubic yards earth excavation, at 11 cts. 244 97 244 97 115* 13,003 cubic yards earth excavation, at 11 cts. 9 " detached tock do 40 1,430 33 3 60 1,433 93 117 3,026 cubic yards earth excavation, at 10 cts. 1,948 " embankment, 13 12 " detached rock do 50 209 " earth ex'tion, (by Abbott) 12 302 60 248 04 6 00 556 64 26 28 Total, -' 582 92 118 18,638.22 cubic yards earth excavation, at 10 cts. 2,570.02 " cemented clay do 30 83 " detached rock do 50 667 " embankment, 13 1,863 82 771 00 41 50 86 83 2,763 15 119 18,433 cubic yards earth excavation. a,t 12 cts. 2,395 " cemented clay do (est) 4,484 " embankment, 15 2,211 6 1,197 50 672 CO 4,082 06 120 3,506 cubic yards earth excavation, at 12 cts. 420 72 420 72 121 2,348 cubic yards earth excavation, at 14 cts. 328 11 328 11 STATEMENT A Coniin nai. (71) No. of Section. Description of work. Amount of items. Amount of section. 122 4,545 cubic yards eaith excavation, at 13 cts. $590 85 1,627 " embankment, 13 . 211 51 $802 3t 123 717 cubic yards earth excavation, at 14 cts. ~* - 100 3i 124 15.674 cubic yards earth excavation, at 1 1 cts. 1,724 14 6.596 " embankment, 15 989 40 2,713 5^ 125 5,383 cubic yards earth excavation, at 11 cts. 592 13 2,534 " embankment, 12 311 28 Grubbing and clearing, 20 00 ... u 923 3* 126 Grubbing and clearing, 250 00 508 cubic yards earth ex. in muck ditch, 10 cts. 50 80 1,149 ". embankment, 12 137 88 438 6 Grubbing and clearing, ' 500 00 322 cubic yards earth excavation, at 13 cts. 41 86 1,753 " embankment, 15 262 95 804 8 fotal, - 1,243 4 127 13,332 cubic yards earth excavation, at 13 cts. 1,733 16 992 " do cem'd sand and gravel. 40 396 80 5,376 " embankment, 15 806 40 Grubbing and clearing, 80 00 3,016 3 128 6,815 cubic yards earth excavation, at 4) " detached rock do 12 cts. 50 817 80 20 CO 1,859 " embankment, 14 260 26 1,098 fl 129 7,159 cubic yards earth excavation, at 12 cts. 894 00 34 '' detached rock do 50 17 00 4,294 " embankment, 13 558 22 1,469 2 130 9.689 cubic yards earth excavation, at 12 cts. 1,162 68 464 " cemented clay do 2.627 " rock do 40 60 '185 60 1,576" 20 2,398 " embankment, 14 '335 72 3,260 2 131 6.190 cubic yards earth excavation > at 12 cts. 742 80 569 " cemented clay do 22 125 18 1,3S5 " rock excavation do 45 623 25 3.068 " embankment, 14 429 52 Grubbing and clearing, (est.) 15 00 1 935 1 133 65 cubic yards earth excavation, at 1,387 " embankment, 12 cts. 7 80 187 24 1 195 ( (72) 56 STATEMENT A Continued. No. of Section. Description of work. Amount of items. Amount of section. 135 15,341 cubic yards earth excavation, at 1,658 '' cemented clay do 14 cts. 30 $2,147 74 497 40 3,530 " rock excavation do 68| 2,426 92 j 16 detached rock do 37^ 6 00 791 " embankment, 15 118 65 $5,196 71 137 938 cubic yards earth excavation, at 131 cts. 126 63 3,881 " embankment, 164 640 36 766 99 138 1,098 cubic yards earth excavation, at 12 cts. 131 76 * 3,971 " embankment. 16 635 36 767 12 J)u Page Feeder. 6,633.56 cubic yards earth excavation, at 26 cts. 12,251.41 " embankment, 78 " stone for slope wall, (est.) 50 $1,724 72 3,430 39 39 00 7 " rock do 1 00 10 07 84.50 " dry masonry, 2 75 232 37 80 " puddling, 60 48 00 Road bridges over culvert and drain ditches, (est. 150 00 Repairs of road obstructed by canal, (est.) 75 00 637 94 Total, - 10,016 74 162 Five days mowing to clear section, $1 5 ^ cts. 27.524.13 cubic yards earth excavation, at 15 '365 '' do side ditch, 16 7 50 4,128 62 58 40 1,317.51 " cemented clay ex. 62 816 86 266 " detached rock do 75 199 50 1,770.47 " rock do 1 25 2,213 09 1,637.24 " embankment, 17 278 32 7,702 29 163 3,143 cubic yards earth excavation, at 21 cts. 661 29 65 " cemented clay ex. 40 26 00 439 " rock do 1 00 439 00 1 126 29 10,649.60 " earth excavation, at 21 2.236 42 300 " detached rock do 75 '225 00 59 (75) STATEMEX! A Continued. Description of work. 7,478.77 cubic yards cemented clay ex. at 40 cts. 7 ? 924.91 " embodied rock do 1 00 Total, 16,748 cubic yards earth excavation, at 6,li28 " cemented clay do {,461 " slate rock do 'l60 " detached rock do 329 " embodied rock do 16; cts. 40 50 75 00 4,668.63 " 2.718.81 " 400 11,385.89 " earth excavation, cemented clay do detch'd rock do emb'd do do 16J 40 75 1 00 Total, 3,637 cubic yards earth excavation at 2,794 " cemented clay ex. 60 " rock do 16' cts. 40 1 00 12,257.76 12,469.45 7,559.34 earth do 16^ cemented clay do 40 rock do 1 00 Total, 1,514.64 cubic yards earth excavation at 614.62 " embankment, 15 17 10,190.85 2,607.05 11.643.39 5,591.64 '957.15 200 15.233.50 earth excavation, 15 gravel & det'd r'ck ex. 30 cemented clay do 40 rock dol CO earth ex. in drain, 25 doT&Bermdo 15 embankment, 17 Total, 5,570.58 cubic yards earth excavation, 14 cts. 76,399.86 " embankment, 30 8,249.56 4,389.20 590.88 3,851.94 32,379.85 4,766.33 earth excavation, 15 muck do 15 side ditch do 15 do do 21 embankment, 21 bridge across ditch, earth ex. on old line abandoned 15 Amount of items. $2,991 51- 7,924 91 2,721 06 2,648 00 1,200 50 120 00 329 00 758 65 1,087 52 300 00 11,385 89 591 01 1,117 60 60 00 1,991 89 4,987 78 7,559 34 227 19 104 48 1.528 62 '782 11 4,657 34 5,591 64 239 29 30 00 2,589 73 779 88 22,919 96 1.237 43 '658 38 88 63 809 54 6,799 98 23 00 714 95 Amount of section. $13,377 84 14,504 13 7,018 56 13,532 06 20,550 62 1,768 61 14,539 01 16,307 62 331 67 15,418 73 15,750 40 23,699 84 10,373 91 (76) 60 STATEMENT A. No of Section. Description of work. Amount of items. Amount of sections. 169 170 171 172 173 5,081 cubic yards earth ex (prism) at 15 cts. 4,193.17 " do (muck) 15 604.73 do drain ditch, 25 1,056.62 do do 15 22.26 " rock excavation, 1 00 34,489.09 " embankment, ' 25 4,221.06 do carted (est) 30 4,897.87 earth ex. on old line abandoned, 15 11,485.31 " earth excavation at 15 cts. 300 detached rock ex. 75 150 " rock ex. in culv't ditch 1 00 25,626.93 " embankment, 25 15 days mowing to clear section, 1 50 mowing on sections 168 &, 169, 7,942.94 cubic yards earth excavation at 18 cts. 5,368.88 " embankment, 19 21,345.18 " earth excavation, 16 500 do do in dr'n ditch 25 30 detached rock, 1 00 5,554.03 " embankment, 16 Total, Grubbing and clearing, 2,897.62 cubic yards earth excavation, at 20 cts. 1,895.44 " rock do 1 00 2,268.15 " embankment, 25 Grubbing and clearing, 8,106 earth excavation, 26i Grubbing and clearing, 9,587.68 " earth excavation, 20 308.56 rock do 1 25 5,114.85 embankment, 25 Scaleage on work done by a for- mer contractor, Total, Grubbing and clearing, 1,356.66 cubic yards earth excavation at 20 cts. Grubbing and clearing, 12,574 fc earth excavation, 25 11,854 " embankment, 25 100 " rock excavation, 1 40 $762 15 628 97 151 18 157 59 22 26 8,622 27 1,266 32 734 68 $12,345 53 8,567 02 2,449 83 4,458 86 1,722 79 225 00 150 00 fi.406 73 22 50 40 00 1,429 73 1,020 08 3,415 22 125 00 30 00 888 64 50 00 579 52 1,895 44 567 04 6,908 69 3,092 00 2,173 09 3,830 80 25 00 2,148 09 25 00 1,917 53 135 70 1,278 71 473 86 100 00 271 33 9,095 89 371 33 6.322 00 75 00 3,143 50 2,963 50 140 00 Gl STATEMENT A Continued. Description of work. Amount of items. Amount of section. Grubbing and clearing, 8,726.22 cubic yards embankment, 25 eta. Total, 481.80 cubic yards earth excavation at 16 cts. 1,783.50 " embankment, 25 Grubbing and clearing, 681.80 earth excavation, 16 *13,337.83 embankment, 25 Grubbing and clearing, Extra do do 3,489.88 " earth excavation, 16 26,272.10 " embankment, 25 Total, Grubbing &- clearing per contr't 2 acres extra grubbing & cl'ng$30 00 6.3 do do chopping do 20 00 9,097.44 cubic yards earth excavation, 24 cts. 15.598.56 embankment, 28 517 " do extra bv change of line, " 28 Grubbing and clearing performed on sec. 176, but omitted in the final est. of that section, 15,706.39 cubic yards earth excavation, at 4,848.02 " gravel do (est.) 4,492.69 " embankment, 18,673.87 cubic yards earth excavation, 10,350.12 " embankment, 7,449.90 cubic yards earth excavation at 3,.Y75.17 " gravel do 5,619.07 " embankment, 20 20cte. 16 cts. 23 18 Grubbing a clearing, 1,607.14 cubic yards earth excavation at 18 cts. 5,713.13 " embankment, 22 Mowing 10 days (clearing sec.) 1 50 751.74 cubic yards earth excavation, 18 7,205.07 " embankment, 22J 100 00 2,181 55 77 09 445 87 100 00 109 09 3,334 46 6CO 00 200 00 558 38 6,568 02 400 00 60 00 126 00 2,183 38 4,367 60 144 76 40 00 2,355 94 1,212 00 763 76 3,734 77 2,070 02 1,191 98 822 29 1,011 43 30 00 289 28 1,299 74 15 00 135 31 1,639 15 $2,281 55 8,974 88 522 96 3,543 55 7,926 40 7,321 74 4,331 70 5,804 79 3,025 70 1,634 02 1,774 46 See Abstract. (73) STATEMENT A Continued. No of Section. Description of work. Amount ol items. Amount of sections. 179 1,777.26 cubic yards earth excavation at 24^ $4 35 43 16,156.47 embankment, 24^ 3,958 33 671.47 " lining, 40 268 59 ' $4,662 35 Total, - 8,070 83 180 Grubbing and clearing, 100 00 7,291.76 cubic yards earth excavation at 20 cts. 1,458 35 22,849.79 " embank't (com'n earth) 23 5,255 45 7,961.85 " *'-' dhii: * Grubbing and clearing, do causedby changeof line(est.) 941.81 cubic yards earth excavation at 20 cts. 136.84 detached rock ex. 75 381.22 quarried do do 1 25 19,315.93 embankment, 30 3 acres chopping and clearing on side hill, 40 00 Grubbing and clearing extra on account of slides, 3,367.60 cubic yards earth excavation at 20 cts. 350.78 " quarried rock excava- tion, (tst.) 1 25 399.73 detac'd do do 75 1,053.31 u slope wall from stone quarried from prism, 6i! .'. $1,425 40 98 02 20 00 6 00 $42,041 26 6fl 21,178 78 1,050 60 500 00 2,089 11 312 08 3,707 58 1,573 96 1,116 73 7,614 92 707 35 365 40 33 46 56 07 3,001 72 50 00 50 00 500 00 230 00 47 50 2,056 20 1,583 25 2,375 62 5,543 12 2,688 40 11,465 73 20,128 18 B I <&>.( 26,489 82 6,682 28 100 00 20 00 188 36 102 63 476 52 5,794 77 120 00 40 00 673 52 438 47 299 78 658 31 (82) 66 STATEMENT A Continued. No of Section. Description of work. Amount of items. Amount of 194 195 196 1,134 c. yards slope wall (stone quar- ried by contractor) at $1 50 cts. 18,588.15 cubic yards embankment, at 30 Total, Grubbing and clearing, 6,653.53 cubic yards earth excavation at 26 cts. 151.08 " detached rock do 100 407.94 quarried do do 1 50 269.91 corded do do 1 50 Removing stone from change of line, 40,345.71 embankment, 42 1,49450 do for lock 14, 30 Mowing, 4,967 " earth ex. in s. b. basin 25 798 " embankment, 37 123,156 " earth ex. in s.b. basin 41 458 " do do below bot- tom basin, (est.) 60 27 (< McAdamizing on grade, 1 50 1,225.60 slope wall, 2 25 Deduct for stone furnished by State, Total, 51,645.21 cubic yards earth excavation, at 31 cts. 2,283.28 " drain ditch do 50 Corded rock on hill side, 2,130.11 M rock qurried transfer- red from sec. 197, 1 00 11^ days mowing (clear- ing section,) 1 50 132,700 earth excavation, 59 7,300 slope wall, 2 60 130.66 " McAdamizinggrade, 1 50 Deduct for stone furnished by the State, Total, $1,701 00 5,576 44 25 00 1,729 92 151 08 611 91 404 86 20 00 16,945 19 448 35 8 25 1,241 75 295 26 50,493 96 274 80 40 50 2,757 60 16,010 01 1,141 64 600 00 2,130 11 17 25 78,293 00 18,980 00 195 99 67 STATEMENT A Continued. (83) No. of Section. Description of work. Amount of items. Amount of sections. 196 & 197 Grubbing and clearing, $9 75 36,627.74 cubic yards earth excavation in prism, at 40 cts. 10,651 09 6,563 K earth ex. in berm, 45 2,953 35 300 " rock laid in front of pierhead, 1 60 48Q 00 1,111 " rock 'laid in front of pierhead, 2 25 2,497 50 873 slope wall, 1 60 1,396 01 5,506 " stone quar'd for wall, 80 4,404 80 Brush in foundation of pier head, '22 50 Puddling in do 7 50 $22,422 50 197 25,733 cubic yards earth excavation, at 35 cts. 9,006 82 980 " do do ditch, 50 490 00 8,187.92 " rock quarried for slope wall, 1 00 8,187 92 12daysmowing(clear'gsec.) 1 50 18 00 29,585.87 cubic yards earth excavation, [55 16,272 23 17,702 74 1,226.27 slope wall, 2 25 3,126 98 'f. .'<>: 19,399 21 Deduct for stone furnished by 37,101 95 State, ^ 1,705 13 Total, 35,396 82 Recapitulation of sections 195, 196, and 197. 195 Aggregate of estimates, 75,069 99 196 do do 111,828 00 197 do do 35,396 82 196 & 197 do do 22,422 50 n\A lit QI Total by I. Hardy, do do H, Kinney, & Peyton & Co. Z44,/17 ol 162,811 49 81,905 82 (84) 68 STATEMENT A Continued. Pecumsagan Channel. Grubbing and clearing per contract. 30,258.94-100 c yds. earth excavation at 35 cts. 153 ' do " below water (est) 75 295.10-100 < " " (est) 1 00 1,255.22-100 ' rilling behind walls, abuts. > go ' and breast embankment (est) $ "46 < detached rock 75 49 ' quarried " 1 75 103.61-100" puddling behind abuts (est) 100 574.42-100 " protection wall (est) 1 75 681.37-100 " stone dam, abuts & wing walls ? 3 Q O (est) $ 100 cyds. loose stone above dam (est) 1 00 Clamping coping of dam (est.) Wooden dam entire, Extra work caused by flood February 1840. 67.20-100 c yds. stone put into a hole washed ) 9 nn at the base of dam 5 * 24.75-100" gravel ex for base of dam 35 160.66-100" wall forming new face to dam 400 20 " rough stone at base of dam 200 Replacing coping of dam, 10.50-100 gravel filling above " 25 185.18-100 filling behind east wing and abutt 40 Deduct for 240 c yds. delivered by Townsend & Co 1 00 " 72.86 " aqueduct stone 3 00 Total, 280 00 10,590 63 114 75 295 10 251 04 34 50 85 75 103 61 1,005 23 2,044 11 100 00 25 00 842 85 15,772 57 927 39 134 40 8 66 642 64 40 00 25 00 2 62 74 07 240 00 218 58 16,699 96 458 58 16,241 38 An account of extra work caused by Slides on sections 191, 192, 193 fy 194. Section 191 192 & 193 194 884 c yds. embankment 28 1,200 " earth excavation 24 16,012 " " 24 3,687 " corded rock excavation 62 1,824 " embankment 26 Total, 237 52 288 00 525 52 3,842 88 2,304 37 6,147 25 474 24 474 24 7,147 01 An account of protection walls on sections 194 and 195. 194 195 2,088 c yds. prot'n wall from stone quar'd 1 50 682 " do do proc'd by Hyatt 2 25 240 " do do byKinney 1 25 1,057 do do sec 193 1 85 1,464.45" do do bycont'r225 Total, 3,132 00 1,534 50 4 66 50 300 00 1,955 45 3,295 01 5 550 46 . 10,216 96 CO . STATKMENT A Continued. (85) Lateral Canal. No of section. Description of work. Amount of Amt. of sect- items. ions. Section 1 r Tfi,t 20.313.72-100 c yds. earth excavation at. 15 cts. 17,546.93-100 rock " 100 3,047 05 17,546 98 90 5Qd 03 2 17,438.05-100 c yds. earth excavation 15 2,615 71 AMjitU 1 * \}O 406.93-100 < rock '" 1 00 406 93 3,001.45-100 " embankment. 20 600 29 4,772 filling ravine above bottom 25 1,193 00 Opening drain through banks, 30 00 ~~ 4,845 93 Account of work done, upon Fux River Feeder. Section 1 Grubbing and clearing, (est. ) 200 00 7,101 c yds. earth excavation at 15 cts. 1,065 15 9,240 do rock do 1 00 9,240 00 - "A'< \ { 200 do detached rock ex. 50 100 00 45,545.55-100 c yds. embankment 17 7,742 74 628 c yds. protection wall 1 50 942 00 <">- ; 2,600 do emb't for bridges 20 520 00 298 hneal feet limber lining wall 20 59 60 Road bridges complete, 590 00 . _ 20.459 49 Feeder Dam 270 c yds. masonry in abut's. at 7 25 1,957 50 5,276 lineal feet timber 12 633 12 10,400 superficial feet 4 in. plank 10 1,040 00 1,486 c yds. stone in cribs 2 00 2,972 00 3,200 do gravel in dam 30 960 00 4,310 Ibs. iron for spikes and bolts 15 646 50 429 c yds. earth ex, for E. abut, pit 20 85 80 200 " embankment 20 40 00 Drilling for bolts, (est.) 30 00 8 364 92 Guard Lock 1.315 c yds. masonry 7 25 9,533 75 160 do rock ex. under water 2 00 320 CO 1 130 do do do above do 1 00 130 00 1,210 do emb't. for lock 20 242 00 345 do prt'n wall for lock emb't. 2 00 690 00 5O do rubble masonry in foun- > 7 ^ 350 00 * dation of lock $ 362 do rock ex. for sluice 2 00 724 00 630 Slate rock part below water 1 00 630 00 264 do earth ex. for sluice 25 66 00 1,804 lineal feet timber for lock foun'n 20 360 80 2,000 feet B M plank in foundation $25 00 50 00 Mitre sills complete, 60 00 EG Head gates of sluice including ) timber plank and work manship 5 90 00 13,246 55 Section, dam and guard lock, Total, - 42,070 96 y Grubbing and clearing, 400 00 rV* '> f* k * 8,993 c yds. earth excavation 15 1,348 90 3,200 do cemented clay 30 960 00 7,500 do rock excavation 1 CO 7,500 00 (86) 70 STATEMENT A Continued. Noofseccion. Description of work. Am't. of items. 3,419 20 Amount of sections- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 21,370 c yds. embankment 16 cts. Grubbing and clearing, 16,705 c yds. earth excavation 14 30 do detached rock ex. 50 5,644 do embankment 16 Grubbing and clearing, 1,830 c yds. earth excavation 14 2,039.10-100 cyds. cemented clay ex 30 2,039.10-100 do rock ex. 1 00 44,993.64-100 do embankment 16 194 c yds. earth ex. from brow of bluff 25 Grubbing and clearing, 17,814.84-100 c yds. earth excavation 18 830.41-100 cyds cemented clay ex. 50 1,404.95-100 do rock ex 1 25 41,258.46-100 do embankment 18 1,728 do slope wall 2 00 110 c yds. extra by change of line 2 00 3,600 do slides from bluff rem'd. 18 14,616 c yds. earth excavation 16^ 4,483 c yds. embankment 20 5,771.69-100 c yds. earth excavation 15 300 do cclay do 40 2,725.94-100 do embankment 17 6,120.21-100 do earth excavation 15 3,860.56-100 do c clay do 65' 16.66 cyds. detached rock {est.) 75 5,523.30-100 do embankment 17 Total, 9 days mowing (clearing sec.) 1 5C 34,346.85-100 c yds. earth excavation 20 425 do coal do 40 12,899.10-100 do cclay do 50 180 c yds. detached rock do 1 00 3,740.66-100 embodied rock do 1 00 18,436.81-100 c yds. embankment 25 13,628 10 3,357 16 10,254 51 17,528 58 3,308 46 1,440 16 4,378 86 5,819 02 22,032 28 100 00 2,339 12 15 00 903 04 100 00 256 20 611 73 2,039 10 7,198 98 48 50 400 00 3,206 67 415 20 1,756 19 7,426 52 3,456 00 220 00 648 00 2,411 69 896 77 856 75 120 00 463 41 918 03 2,509 36 12 50 938 97 13 50 6,869 37 170 00 6,449 55 180 00 3,740 66 4,609 20 Stone Culvert on section number 3, Fox River Feeder. 1,396-41-lOOc yds. earth excavation (canal) 20 cts. 279 82 303.40 'do rock do 1 50 455 10 2,093.93-100 do embankment 25 523 48 . 359 do earth excavation in pit 20 71 80 79 do rock do do 1 50 118 50 129.14-100 do masonry in abutments 5 50 710 27 130.66-100 do do arch 7 50 1,196 62 255.01-100 do puddling 30 76 50 Total, 4,346 71 71 STATEMENT A Continued. (87) Abstract of Fox river Feeder. Section No. 1, dam and guard lock, do do 2, do do 3, - . - - do do 4, - - - '" do do 5, do do 6, do do 7, - - - do do 8, Culvert on do do 3, Total, - $42,070 96 13,628 10 3,357 16 10,254 51 17,528 58 3,308 46 5,819 02 22,032 28 4,346 71 - $122,345 78 Estimate of work performed on Locks* No. of Lock. Description of work. Amount of items. Amount of Locks. 1 f 3 983.10 cubic yards earth excavation, at 33^ cts. 3,813.97 rock do 95 2,146 feet (lineal) timber, 14J. 9,445^ B. M. 2 inch plank, $47 50 138,27 cubic yards rubble masonry (est.) 9 45i 1,678.16 cut stone do 9 45| 401.57 " Hammer dressed wall, (est.) 4 00 581.14 slope wall, 1 30 7,800.05 '< embankment, 33^ 517.56 puddle, 76 192.50 do above head of lock, 334 452.73 cubic yards earth excavation, at 33i 3,024.49 rock do 95 2,146 feet (lineal) timber, 14 9,4451 B . M . 2 inch plank, 47 50 206.30 cubic yards rubble masonry (est.) 5 00 1,549.03 . Masonry in walls (cut stone) 9 45| 418.33 hammer dressed wall (est.) 4 00 163.59 common slope wall, 1 30 4,542.10 embankment, 334 ' 656.94 "Puddle, *76 458 cubic yards earth excavation, at 33 cts. 2,973 rock do 95 45 cut stone, $10 00 11,000 bushels sand, 6 2,300 feet timber, 10 5,337 B. M. 2 inch plank, 60 00 90 cubic yards backing, 3 50 $326 88 3,623 28 305 80 448 66 1.307 00 15,862 81 1,606 28 755 48 2,593 53 393 35 64 01 I' $27,287 08 23,347 48 d.QSO 7i 150 53 2,873 27 305 80 448 66 1,031 50 14,642 21 1,673 32 212 67 1,510 25 499 27 151 14 2,824 35 450 00 660 00 230 00 320 22 315 00 (SS) 72 STATEMENT A Continued. No. of Lock. 4 5 6 Description of work. Amount of items. Amount of Locks. 1,077 cubic yards earth excavation, at 33 cts. 1,980 " rock do 95 1,005 " masonry, $9 30 130 cut stone, 10 00 260 " backing, 3 50 167 puddling, 1 00 343 " embankment, 33 191 ' wall at foot of lock, 4 00 146 " rough stone for cutting 4 50 4,000 bushels sand, 6 2.146.31 feet timber, 14 2^617.75 " 2 inch flooring, (B. M.) 47 50 2,234 lining do 47 50 109.78 cubic yards rubble masonry, 5 00 465.38 cubic yards earth excavation, at 25 cts. 4,161.88 " rock do $1 00 2,656 feet (lineal) timber, 12 13,132 B. M. plank flooring, 30 00 258.63 cubic yards rubble masonry in foundation (est.) 5 00 3,073.08 " masonry in lock, 900 300.67 u hammer dressed wall, (est.) 3 50 3,232.60 " embankment, 50 235.01 " puddling, 2 (X> Grubbing and clearing, (est.) 7 c. yards cut stone at quarry, at $6 00 67.38 " cut stone delivered, 863 200 " stone for cutting at quarry, 2 00 483 " backing delivered, 3 50 1,423 fe-et (lineal) timber do 12 5,855 " B. M. 3 inch plank, 65 00 1,147 " " 2 do 40 00 3,078 cubic yards earth excavation, 30 4,698 feet (lineal) timber, 20 16,986 " B. M. 3 inch plank, $50 00 1,488 2 do do I . , m , 50 0') 744" <' 1 do do $ sn et p U g 50 60 4,194 " "2 do do lining, 50 00 115 cubic yards puddle in foundation, 60 1,426 " masonry, 10 50 5.165 " embankment, 45 '633 " do puddled. 40 170 cubic yards cut ston^ delivered 10 00 50 " stone for cutting do 8 00 60 backing, do 3 50 107 " do at quarry, 2 00 Materials furnished by 1st contract, $853 12 do from Du Page acqueduct, 5,390 70 $355 41 1,881 00 9,346 50 1,300 00 '910 00 167 00 113 19 764 00 659 00 240 00 305 85 248 68 212 22 548 90 $17,049 75 | 'to .<>Y 37,095 36 & : 16,933 23 116 34 4,161 88 318 72 393 96 1,293 15 27,657 72 1,052 27 1,616 30 470 02 15 00 42 00 581 49 400 00 1,690 50 170 76 380 57 45 88 923 40 939 60 849 30 74 40 37 20 209 70 69 00 14,973 00 2,324 25 253 20 1,700 00 400 00 210 00 214 00 $23,177 05 6,243 82 Total, - $20,244 43 73 STATEMENT A Continued. (89) No of Locks. 7 8 9 10 Description of work. Amount of items. Amount of Locks. 5,100 feet three inch plank, $65 00 1,055 cubic yards earth ex. above water, 30 cts. 600 " do do below do 60 4,698 feet (lineal) timber, ; 20 . 16,986 B. M. 3 inch plank, 50 00 1,302 2 do do 50 00 651 " 1 do do 5000 115 cubic yards of puddle, 60 cts. 213 " cut stone delivered, 10 00 5.71 , (i do at quarry, 7 00 115 " stone for cutting deliv- ered, 8 00 17 stone for cutting at lock 6, 8 00 122 " stone for cutting at quarry, 5 00 150 backing delivered, 3 50 123 do at quarry, 2 00 2,500 bushels sand delivered, 12 58 cubic yards emb. at foot of lock, 20 Piling up plank, Deduct materials furnished from orig- inal contract, lock 7, $331 50 Deduct materials furnished on ac- caint of lock 6, 1,002 03 Deduct materials on account of Du Page acqueduct, }>937 75 Total, \ 359 cubic yards earth excavation, at 20 cts Grubbing and clearing, 1,352 cubic yards earth excavation, at 25 cts. 253 " cemented clay ex. 50 63 " rock do 1 25 106.50 cut stone delivered, 8 00 220 backing, 3 00 2,844 feet (lineal) timber, 10 879 cubic yards earth ex. (pit) at 37^ 355 " cemented gravel ex., 50 1,162 u rock excavation, $1 25 187 ' earth do (canal) 37 235 " rock do do 1 25 98 " masonryin foundation, 5 00 1,904 feet (lineal) timber, 16 15.50 cubic yards puddling, 70 11.14 " cut stone delivered, 8 00 185 " backing, 3 00 2,109 feet B. M. 2 inch plank, 25 00 580 bushels sand, 5 $331 50 $331 50 1 i 4 ; 284 34 316 50 360 00 939 60 849 30 65 10 32 55 69 00 2,130 00 39 97 920 00 136 00 610 00 525 00 246 00 300 00 11 60 5 00 $7,555 62 3,271 28 71 80 40 00 4,615 84 111 80 . 2,339 65 3.RB4 82 338 00 126 50 78 75 852 00 660 00 284 40 329 62 177 50 1,452 50 70 12 293 75 490 00 304 64 10 85 89 12 555 00 52 72 29 00 (90) 74 STATEMENT A Continued. No. of Locks. Description of work. Amount of items. Amount of Locks. 11 12 13 140 cubic yards earth ex. in pit, at 20 cts. 3,819 " rock do (est.) $1 25 2,560 feet (lineal) timber, 21 21 cubic yards rubble masonry, 12 00 15,486 feet (B. M.) plank, 23 00 1,694 cubic yards cut stone masonry, 12 00 75 " gravel or broken stone under paving, 2 00 210 paving, 1 00 170 " stone for slope wall, 50 1,000 " embankment, 25 685 earth ex. below lock, 20 400 " rock do in drain above lock, 1 1 00 318 puddling, 1 00 17 cut stone (coping) 11 00 2,070.49 cubic yards earth ex. in pit, 25 cts. 4,663 feet (lineal) timber, 22 24,427 " B. M. 3, 2 & 1 inch plank, 25 00 1,587.39 cubic yards masonry, 13 00 7,380.15 embankment, 28 735 do puddled, 50 280 " ex. at foot of lock for paving (est.) 35 ' 286 < paving at foot of lock, 2 75 350 slope wall, 2 75 102 " earth ex. in muck ditch (est) 25 Taking up and relaying breast wall of the lock in consequence of settling, Grubbing and clearing*(est.) 1,744.08 cubic yards earth excavation in foundation, 20 cts. 306.70 " earth excavation un- der foundation to receive lining, (est.) 25 458.66 " puddling in foun'tion,! 80 4,356 feet timber in foundation, 18 18,182 " B. M. plank, 22 00 201 cubic yards masonry, 9 00 74.50 " cut stone, 10 00 500 " backing, 3 75 94 " puddling aro'd walls, 1 80 Deduct for 4.50 cubic yards cut stone from P. acqueduct, 7 50 930 cubic yards masonry, 9 37 12.78 " cut stone (coping) 8 00 800 " embankment, 28 533 " puddling, 75 $28 00 4,773 75 537 60 252 00 356 18 20,328 00 150 00 210 00 85 00 250 00 137 00 400 00 318 00 187 00 $28,012 5 27,224 6 7,449 6 517 62 1,025 86 610 67 20,636 07 2,066 44 367 50 98 00 786 50 962 50 25 50 53 00 75 00 348 81 76 67 825 59 784 08 400 00 2,259 00 745 00 1,875 00 169 20 7;,483 35 33 75 8,718 50 102 24 224 00 399 75 75 STATEMENT A Continued. (91) No. of Locks. Description of work. Amount of items. Amount of Locks. 13 100 cubic yards rough stone for wall, $1 50 cts. $150 00 14 " paving (only half al- lowed) 2 50 35 00 9,629 49 Deduct 74.50 cubic yards cut stone from 1st contract, $9 00 $670 50 Deduct 500 c. yards hack- ing, 3 75 1,875 00 Deduct stone from Pecumsa-* gan acqueduct, 150 00 2,695 50 $6,933 99 Total, - 14,383 59 14 1,169.07 cubic yards lock pit ex., at 25 cts. 292 26 535 " do do below ordinary foundation, (est.) 75 401 25 216.92 " depositing and pud- dling, 90 195 23 535.40 , <( concrete masonry in [i rt .1 joVL t 1 foundation, (est.) $4 00 2,141 60 1 4,61 9 feet timber, 22 19,717 " B. M. 3, li&l inch plank, 25 00 1,016 18 492 92 1,792.74 cubic yards Masonry, 11 49 69.69 " cut stone, 12 00 20,598 58 836 28 40 " backing, 3 50 140 00 8,600 " embankment, 35 3,010 00 1,050 puddle, 85 892 50 2,500 " earth ex. below lock, 20 500 00 Road across canal, (est) 50 00 30,566 80 Deduct for 8,988 feet B. M. plank from lock 15 and V. acqueduct, 25 00 _ ' 224 70 Total, - 30,342 10 15 8,926.19 cubic yards earth ex. in pit, at 30 cts. 2,677 86 2,525.39 " do do increased by length of pit, 30 757 61 t 912.28 do do below original ' /) * J depth, (est.) 1 00 912. 28 \ T " 326 bearing piles 16 feet long, } ; a ' w equal to > 5,216 lineal feet, (est.) ) 40 1,275 do do cap timber, (est.) 30 2,086 40 382 50 865 Ibs. wrought iron bolts, do 15 129 75 4,832 lineal feet foundation timber, 22 17,746 feet B. M. 3 inch plank, 39 00 1,063 04 692 09 1,485 " do 2 & 1 do 39 00 57 92 279.43 cubic yards puddling in foun- dation, 75 209 56 1,173 < f masonry, 11 90 13,958 70 289 " cut stone, 13 00 3,757 00 580 " rough stone for backing, 5 50 2,900 00 375 puddling &embank't 75 281 25 29,866 13 (92) 76 STATEMENT A Continued. No. of Locks. Description of work. Amount of items. Amount of Lock. Guard ) 1,536.60 cubic yards rock excavation Lock in L. pit, at $1 00 $1,536 60 No. 1. ) 2,128 feet timber in foundation, 15 cts. 319 20 2,762 B. M. 3 inch plank, 75 00 207 15 2,465.45 do 2 do do 50 00 123 27 130.70 cubic yards rubble masonry in foundation, 5 00 653 50 801.74 " masonry, 9 50 7,616 53 822.26 earth and detached rock ex. (est.) 75 616 69 1,124.89 " rock ex. in prism of canal, 1 00 1,124 89 304.37 " hammer dressed wall, (est.) 4 00 1,217 48 190.15 " common wall, 70 133 10 I 878.34. clay embankment, . 60 527 00 64.66 puddling, 85 54 96 1,143.97 " rubbish embankment, 45 514 79 $14 645 1 Side cut ^ ' Lock > 459 cubic yards earth ex. in lock pit, at 20 cts. 91 80 No. I. ^ 927 rock do do $1 00 927 00 M ! 108 earth do (muck) 20 21 60 1,760 embankment, 25 440 00 167 cut stone delivered, 13 00 2,171 00 20 stone for cutting, 8 00 160 00 250 rough stone for back- . ing, 4 00 1,000 00 612 feet timber, 10 61 20 4 872 g Abstract of work done on Locks. Lock No. 1 _ _ _ $27,287 08 2 Lfc " I " " " *f 23,347 48 3 - a j. 4,950 71 4 - ... . 17,049 75 5 f I ~ 37,095 36 " 6 i' ( ( 20,244 43 7 _ ' 4,615 84 " 8 - 111 80 9 - - "/ " / i" "' V!M 2,339 65 10 -\ - 3,854 82 " 11 _ . 28,012 53 " 12 _ _ 27,224 66 13 _ _ 14,383 59 " 14 _ _ - 30,342 10 " 15 _ _ 29.866 13 Guard lock No. 1 . 14^645 16 Side cut " 1 - - - 4,872 60 Total, $290.243 86 On middle division, - On western do - " ' I - - ' ' - I 'I 149,347 61 140,896 08 77 STATEMENT A Continued. (93) Estimate of -work performed on Acqueducls. Aq'ucts. Description of work. Amount of ,items. Totals. Aux Sa- ble Aque- duct. Fox river Acque- duct. Little Vermil- ion Ac- queduct. Jd tF,e t 8 r 1,209 cubic yards earth excavation, at 20 cts. i Grubbing and clearing, ) 7,439 cubic yards earth ex. above water, at 22 cts. [ 320 < r do do below do $1 00 ) 255 " * rock do above do 1 45 246 " do do below do 2 00 36 " rubble masonry in foun- dation 1 , 12 50 60 puddling, 1 00 2,144 feet (lineal) of timber. 20 6,763 B. M. plank, 28 00 128 cubic yards of cut stone (est.) 11 00 5,705 " masonry, 12 50 600 "- do in extra pier caused by change of plan (est.) 13 50 288 rough stone (est.) 6 00 50 rk done upon ^tone Culvert?. Culvert on Section, No. 108 do do 126 do do 145 do do 148 do do 149 do do 154 do do 156 $2,336 96 941 60 1,541 27 1,697 33 174 20 1,129 36 14,675 54 $22,496 26 Brought up, Culvert on Section No. 158 do do 162 Total on Middle Division, do Western do 83 (99) STATEMENT A Continued. Account of work performed on Wood Culverts. No. of Section. 119 121 134 136 141 142 161 170 Description of work. 467.70 cubic yards earth excavation, at 25 cts. 1,941 lineal ieet timber, 18 1,778 feet (B. M.) 2 inch plank, $2500 718 " ' do 1 do 25 00 203.56 cubic yards puddling, 50 2,160 lineal feet of timber, at 13 cts. 3,913 feet(B. M.) plank, $20 00 382.41 cubic yards earth excavation, at 25 cts. 2,490 lineal feet timber, 17 3,691 feet (B. M.) 1 & 2 in. plank, 19 00 175 cubic yards puddling, 48 429 cubic yards earth excavation, at 20 cts. 4,453 lineal feet timber, 15 2,900 feet(B. M.) 2 and 1 inch plank, 20 00 802.60 cubic yards earth excavation, at 26 cts. 4,543 lineal feet timber, 18 6,716 feet ( B. M.) Plank, 1650 387 cubic yards puddling, 50 366.31 cubic yards earth excavation, at 25 cts. 5.10 " rock do (est.) 75 3,691 feet (B. M.) 2 it 1 inch plank, 25 00 2,490 lineal feet timber, 16 264 cubic yards puddling, 1 00 123.73 cubic yards cemented clay ex- cavation, (est.) 50 cts. 103.93 " rock excavation, 1 25 1,672 lineal feet timber, 357 feet at 18 cents, 610 feet at 25 cents, and 705 feet, 15 00 1,904 feet (B. M.) 2 inch plank, 22 00 786 do 1 do 22 137.18 cubic yards embankment, 26 13 wall at head of cul- vert, 1 00 114.50 Puddling, 75 148.57 cubic yards earth excavation, at 15 cts. 240.63 " rock do 1 00 1,722 lineal feet timber, 455 feet at 15 cents, and 1,267 feet at 20 2,690 feet (B. M.) 2 & 1 inch plank, 25 00 .114.50 cubic yards puddling, 75 777.49 " embankment, 25 Amount of items. $116 92 349 38 44 45 17 95 104 78 280 80 78 26 95 60 423 30 70 13 84 00 85 80 667 95 58 00 208 67 817 74 110 81 193 50 91 58 3 82 92 27 398 40 264 00 61 86 129 99 322 51 41 89 17 29 35 67 13 00 85 87 22 28 240 63 321 6> 67 25 85 87 194 37 Totals. $633 48 359 06 673 03 811 75 1,330 72 850 07 708 08 932 05 (100) 84 STATEMENT A Continued. No. of Section. Description of work. Amount of items. Totals. 183 '0 ?',") M N" 1,080 61 380 55 26 85 45 05 82 94 282 80 30 82 24 89 106 03 100 68 53 32 733 92 527 50 94 15 134 60 159 00 28 75 2,604 60 1,731 24 1.227 51 292 42 475 25 97 58 225 42 123 51 13 33 STATEMENT A Continued. (101) Abstract of work dons on Wood Cuherts. No. of Sections Description of work. Amount of items. Totals. 119 121 134 136 141 142 161 170 183 185 187 Total amount of work do do do do do do do do do do Total on wood culverts on " do do. performed, do do do do do do do do do do Total, Middle division, Western do Total, $633 48 359 06 673 03 811 75 $2,477 32 9,384 27 1,330 72 850 07 708 08 932 05 2,604 60 1,731 24 1,227 51 ; 11,861 59 2,477 32 9,384 27 $11,861 59 Estimate of work perform* I on Waste Wiers. Description of work. Amount of items. Totals. 93 cubic yards earth excavation in pit, at 20 cts. 26 " cut stone, $5 50 624 feet (lineal) timber, 14 819 " plank (B.M.) 20 634 cubic yards earth excavation, at 20 cts. 94 " puddling, 40 88 " masonry, 7 50 1,235 feet (lineal) timber, 20 5,066 " (B. M.)2 & 1 inch plank, 25 00 Total on W. W. (on Western division,) Estimate of Hydraulic Cement. 104,450 bushels on Middle division, at 63,914 Western do 50 cts. 50 $18 60 1^3 00 87 36 16 38 126 80 37 60 66i) 00 247 00 126 65 $52,225 00 31,957 00 $265 34 1,198 05 $1,463 39 $84,182 00 (102) 86 STATEMENT A Continued. Abstract of work performed on the Illinois and Michigan canal from the commencement to December 1st, 1843. . SUMMIT DIVISION. No. of Section. Amounts. No. of Section. Amounts. Sag and Big run ditch, $19,227 05 Protection, 30,917 31 South branch and Summit ditches, 23,947 65 Archer and con- nection ditch, 1,130 16 Changing chan- nel of Big run, 1,894 71 Chicago i River > Section. ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 . 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 $3,515 75 16,176 42 32,113 22 25,181 22 28,071 70 8,612 00 40,290 67 14,630 75 32,199 27 8,896 00 8,381 00 21,000 19 4,507 50 7,302 50 27,530 59 42,802 89 43,251 25 11,637 50 6,039 25 6,968 00 6,519 25 8,278 95 16,080 58 17,009 12 5,961 25 15,089 55 11,520 02 5,349 58 3,854 75 12,059 20 1,862 20 "2,735 00 1,180 00 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Ever Sec. 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Total, $20,965 08 1,861 73 7,501 60 13,265 70 23,276 75 23,130 42 22.597 70 17^087 03 2,141 84 67,157 72 49,640 34 59,813 39 48,948 08 77,310 39 58,462 34 114,145 97 109,903 92 47,070 10 82.740 59 87',654 45 28,696 86 7l',209 85 83,526 10 92,614 35 39',*69 43 75,364 00 77,839 61 36,258 76 44,384 03 63,518 59 33,937 13 37,083 90 22,489 98 42,215 50 SUMMARY. Sections, Sag and Big run ditch, Protection, South Branch and Summit ditches, Archer & con- nection ditch, Changing chan- nel of Big run, Total S. D'ion. $2,180,290 35- 19,227 05 30,917 31 23,947 65 1,130 16 1,894 71 $2,257,407 23 $2,180.290 35 87 STATEMENT A Continued. (103) MIUDLE DIVISION. Wood culvert on Sec. 119 do do 121 do do 134 do do 136 Total, wood culverts, Stone culvert on Sec. 108 do do 126 Total, stone culverts, $633 48 359 06 673 03 811 75 Dam No. 1 - do 2 - Total, dams, Aux Sable Acqueduct, Du Page do Total, acqueducts, $2,412 00 14,278 84 $16,690 84 $2,477 32 $291 80 10,191 58 $2,336 96 941 60 $10,483 38 ^$3,278 56 No. of Section. Amounts. No. of Section. Amounts. STRUCTURES, &c. 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 P5 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 $30,250 01 26,883 79 28,292 34 22,160 11 34,216 46 37,257 79 53,036 06 31,587 29 36,472 09 34,622 21 30,566 83 9,240 59 11,576 86 18.968 73 13,741 90 9,345 28 9.324 11 6,696 77 14,567 06 8,608 58 10,724 24 5,796 75 3,572 92 6,354 24 9,479 24 1,862 11 3,317 70 15,108 54 18,408 50 13,594 76 13,109 64 8,042 67 7,123 68 33,985 76 103 104 105 106 107 108 112 113 114 115 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 133 135 137 138 Du Page I Feeder. $28,234 11 9,835 28 33,915 65 57,651 22 73,765 96 36,803 02 780 41 1,778 33 . 244 97 1,433 93 582 92 2,763 15 4,082 06 '420 72 328 11 802 36 100 38 2,713 54 923 38 1,243 49 3,016 36 1,098 06 1,469 22 3,260 20 1,935 75 195 04 5,196 71 76<> 99 767 12 Dry Dock, Cement, Cement Houses. $741 64 52,225 00 1,477 00 Lock No. 1 do 2 ,do 3 do 4 do 5 do 6 do 7 do 8' Guard lock No 1 Total Locks, $27,287 08 23,347 48 4,950 71 17,049 75 37,095 36 20,244 43 4,615 84 111 80 14,645 16 $149,347 61 RECAPITULATION. Sections, Locks, Wood culverts, Stone do Dams, Aqueducts, Cement, . Cement Houses, Dry Dock, Total, $899,198 16 149,347 61 2,477 32 3,278 56 16,690 84 10.483 38 52,2-25 00 1,477 00 741 64 $894,004 05 5,194 11 $899,198 16 SI. 135,919 51 (104) STATEMENT A Continued. WESTERN DIVISION. No. of Section. Amounts. Sections, Structures, &c. Amount. 141 143 144 145 146 148 149 152 193 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 f!74 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 ' 196 197 196 , 197 Pe'sagan ? channel, $ $144 98 23 94 22 05 3,475 38 7,660 03 1,928 45 6,978 20 1,179 36 1,626 48 11,727 24 13,875 28 4,207 34 6,974 37 10,978 91 11,769 06 10,016 74 7,702 29 14,504 13 20,550 62 16,307 62 15,750 40 23,699 84 10,373 91 12,345 53 8,367 02 6,908 69 9,095 89 8.974 88 11,992 91 7.321 74 4,331 70 5,804 79 3,025 70 8,070 83 9,217 35 8,091 92 9,919 64 9,952 86 17,866 89 10.126 79 39,496 60 36.706 49 17,330 59 11.264 12 21.858 75 42,041 26 20,128 18 26,489 82 16,189 80 75.069 99 Hl',828 00 35,396 82 22,422 50 16,241 38 FOX RIVER FEEDER. $42,070 96 13,628 10 3,357 16 10,254 51 17,528 58 3,308 46 5,819 02 22,032 28 4,346 71 i Section No. 1 do ... 2 do ... 3 do - fy'r - 4 do ... 5 do ' - - - 6 do ... 7 do - -*',- - 8 Stone culvert on Section, _.>.... 3 Total, $122,345 78 LATERAL CANAL. Amount. Section No. - - * , < 1 do - Pfej - 2 Total, Slides on Sections No. 191, 192, 193, and 194, Protection wall on Sec. 194 and 195, $20,594 03 4,845 93 $25,439 96 7,147 01 10.216 96 ABSTRACT. Amount. Total amount of Sections, do Fox River Feeder, do Lateral canal, - do Locks, - - - do Aqueducts, do Stone culverts, do Wood do do Waste weirs, - do Cement, - do do houses, - do Protection walls, do Lock gate timber, do Repairs of Fox river dam, G. Lock, &o. do Slides on Sec. No. 191 , 192, 193 &, 194 $844,556 45 122,345 78 25,439 96 140,896 08 107,671 40 34,207 84 9,384 27 1,463 39 31,957 00 1,608 30 10,216 96 403 20 f,626 43 7,147 01 $1,343,924 07 *An additional amount of $66 86 was allowed Roberts & Co. after final estimate upon Section 164. f An error was made in the estimate of work done by Wm. Mostin on Section No. 174, of $250 in his favor. $844,556 45 89 STATEMENT A Continued. (105) Jibs trad of work performed upon the Illinois and Michigan Canal from the commencement of operations to the 1st of December 1843. No of section. Contractor's names. Amount done by each contractor. Totals. Chicago River section. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 \ Beaubien Boyer &. Walker M Beaubiep Mallory & Hurlburt Osborne & Stewart do do Ogden & Dole James Spence Ogden & Dole Harmon, Loomis & Raymond Clybourne & Mallory Harmon, Loomis &, Raymond Harmon, Loomis & Rajmond Clybourne & Mallory Temple, Carver & Co. Temple & Carver Clybourne & Mallory Temple, Carver & Co. Temple & Carver Temple & Carver & Temple & Co. Greenwood & Bishop &. Jas E Bishop do do do do do do Greenwood, Osborne & Strail do do do Boon &. Hubbard Boon & Hubbard do do Washburn & Nearing Geo A Clark B Wilder & Co do Taylor, Breese & Co. Jas E Bishop Taylor. Breese & Co. Boyd, Zell & Co. Armour, Lamb &. Co. Boyd, Zell & Co. Armour, Lamb &. Co. Edward Cody do Thos Armstrong Harney & Flockhart Enoch Minor Jas Hagan 7,472 ,47 8,703 95 dolls, cts. $3,515 75 16,176 42 32,113 22 25,181 22 28,071 70 8,612 00 40,290 67 14,630 75 32,199 27 8,896 00 8,381 00 21,000 19 4,507 50 7,302 50 27,530 59 42,802 89 43,251 25 11,637 50 6,039 25 6.968 00 6^519 25 8,278 95 16,080 58 17,00 12 5,961 25 15,089 55 11,520 02 5,349 58 3,854 75 12,059 20 1.8G2 20 2,735 00 1,180 00 8,114 97 32,175 70 3,274 02 28,925 25 2,322 00 4,045 58 2,013 42 1,676 25 1,299 25 18,024 69 2,163 00 1,735 00 4,380 95 11,878 35 5,130 77 12,644 55 2,445 00 10,476 94 1,043 08 (106) 90 STATEMENT A Continued. No of Section. Description of work. \mount Uone y each con- tractor. Totals. 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Riv. Sec 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 59 60 Jas Hagan J Zarwood Robert Jobson Beach, Rood & Co. Irvin, Kittering & Co. Beach, Rood & Co. Gay & Allen Beach, Rood & Co. Gay & Allen Irvin, Kittering & Co. do do Dodd, Morehouse & Co. do do John Bracken Seth Kershaw Alton &, Pestana Balentine & Douglass Coburn & Granger Smith, Granger &. Co. Wm Avery do A Me R Groves L C Hugunin J & S R Clifford A Me R Groves L C Hugunin John Rodgers C B Dodson Hugunin & Brown C B Dodson Hugunin & Brown Gavin & Johnson E M Daggett J T & D L Roberts James Brooks James Brooks Stewarts, Sanger & Wallace do do do John K Boyer Pruyne, Negus & Rodgers John K Boyer Pruyne, Negus &- Rodgers Williams, Lamb & O'Harra Williams & Hardy *The amount of $2,308 80 per centage money unde L. C. Hugunin's contract is also included in the am'' of work estimated to John Rodgers. $350 00 20,615 08 21,892 05 1,384 70 22,796 97 333 45 2,106 00 35 84 7,658 24 38,118 70 3.863 40 10,723 57 49.089 82 6.024 83 l',825 84 50,611 67 1,401 86 15,392 C5 97,352 C6 31,fC8 20 78,235 72 6.260 40 40'.809 70 11,297 44 1.694 00 69,749 15 18 ; 859 20 73,755 15 -- 1 - 1,141 92 38,727 51 34.044 25 41,319 75 dolls, cts. $20,965 08 1,861 73 7,501 60 13,265 70 23,276 75 23,130 42 22,597 70 \70&7 03 2.141 84 67,157 72 49,640 34 59,813 39 48,948 08 77,310 39 58,462 34 114,145 97 109,903 92 47,070 10 82,740 59 87,654 45 28,696 86 71,209 85 83,526 10 92,614 35 39,869 43 75,364 00 91 STATEMENT A Continued. (107) No of Section. Contractor's names. Amount done by each contractor. Totals. 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 South Branch and Summit Ditches. Archer& con- nection ditch Turning Big Run Sag anJ Big Run ditch Protection. Sec. No. 46 47 & 43 49 50 51 &52 53 54 & 55 56 & 57 58 &59 60 Stevens & Douglass Stevens, Douglass & Norton Stevens & Douglass John Lonergan John Lonergan Williams, Lamb & O'Harra John V Singer Williams, Lamb & O'Harra Brooks &, Singer Pettibone & Root Singer & Cozens Brooks & Singer Pettibone & Root W B & E Newton W B & E Newton > T Barnum J Spence Ogden & Dole Clybourne & Mallory Temple &. Carver Greenwood & Bishop J Malody Harmon & Loomis > John Hart ' John Malody > Burns & Cassin 1 B Noland J McDonald Fitzgerald & Connell McDonald & Millan Hunt & Martin Morris & Amer Geo Beebe Pruyne, Negus & Rodgers Sanger, Wallace & co Seth Kershaw M Hunt & co Roberts &, Roberts R Morns Granger & co Wm Avery J S & R Clifford John Rogers Hugunin & Brown Roberts & Roberts James Brooks Sanger, Wallace & Co Pruyne, Negus &, Rodgers Thos Williams $27,396 70 50,442 91 dolls, cts. 77,839 61 36,258 76 44,384 03 63,518 59 33,937 13 37,083 90 23,947 65 1,130 16 1,894 71 19,227 05 30.917 31 3,191 84 33,066 92 1,198 41 62,320 18 19 18 660 37 4,799 00 28,458 58 2,"56 65 34,727 25 392 16 1,990 06 1,197 07 2,642 20 5,090 40 5.130 40 3,089 26 4,416 10 128 10 1,002 06 932 70 1,840 59 642 23 420 00 2,069 28 2,928 70 3,757 58 1,633 47 1,011 04 157 10 619 59 738 09 2,476 68 1,471 30 3,814 18 1,595 24 718 88 2,778 27 2,776 72 5,217 29 5,695 72 5,404 54 1,445 17 (108) STATEMENT A Continued. MIDDLE DIVISION. Abstract of work done. No of Section. Contractor's names. Amount done by each contractor. Totals. 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 7& 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 George Barnett do do do do do do Charles Kerr Sterling & Blanchard do do James Ryan Steele & Amer *Ryan & Matteson Matteson & Shoemaker *N & S S Davis C D Davis TVVanest Samuel R Bradley McLaughlin & co Jeremiali Grotty do do A P McDonald Hendrick.s & Rush do do do do Richard Morris E Gay do L O'Connor Lot Whitcomb Wm A Chatfield Benj M Webber Jno Hossack M Maher John Hossack Hendricks & Rush do do Sherburn &, Gobirj Obed Smith Sherburn & Gobin Timothy Lucy Caldwell & Mulligan A Drummond Jas Drummond Obed Smith H D Risley Clifford & Alexander Crawford & Harvey *See estimate of work done on these sections. i dolls, cts 6,342 89 28,279 32 $30,250 01 26,883 79 28,292 34 22,160 11 34,216 46 37,257 79 53,036 06 34,622 21 30,566 83 9,240 59 11,576 86 18,968 73 13.741 90 9,345 28 9,324 11 6,696 77 14,567 06 8,608 58 10,724 24 5,796 75 3,572 92 6,354 24 9,479 24 1,862 11 3,317 70 15,108 54 18,408 50 13,594 76 13,109 64 8,042 67 7,123 68 33,985 76 28,234 11 9,835 28 33,915 65 9,948 38 20,618 45 1,529 58 7,711 00 585 22 2,9cs7 70 69 20 1,792 91 316 40 6,807 28 160 00 12,865 31 20,960 45 93 (109) STATEMENT A Continued. No of Sections. Contractor's names. Amount uotie by each contractor. Totals. 106 107 108 112 113 114 115 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 133 135 137 138 DuPage Feeder Crawford & Harvey Wm Harvey Crawford & Harvey Wm Harvey Crawford & Harvey Jacob Francis M Benjamin M Neary B Van Alstine T Abbott A Kinchlow Mott & Owen A Kinchlow Jacob Francis do M Benjamin do Jas Burke Jas Maloy Armstrong & Hart J L Pickering Armstrong, Perce & Claypool J Croneen Beale & Twitchell do do do W McDonald McDonald, Williams & co Thos O'Sullivan Reddick & O'Sullivan C L Lukins & co M Costelo N & S S Davis 400 00 73.365 96 dolls, cts. 57,651 22 73,765 96 36,803 02 780 41 1,778 33 244 97 1,433 93 582 82 2,763 15 4,082 06 420 72 328 11 802 36 100 38 2,713 54 923 38 1.243 49 3,016 36 1,098 06 1,469 22 3,260 20 1,935 75 195 04 5,196 71 766 99 767 12 5,194 11 1,059 90 35,743 12 26 28 556 54 206 30 2,556 85 438 68 804 81 WESTERN DIVISION. No. of Section. Contractor's names. amount done by each contractor. Totals. 141 Henesy, Brennoij & Cady 144 98 143 J Crotty 23 94 144 do 22 05 145 do 3,475 38 146 do 7,660 03 148 Armour & Lamb 1,928 45 149 M Kennedy & co 5,978 20 152 T & D Kelly 1,179 36 153 T Kelly 1,626 48 155 L Kimball 11,727 24 156 Maus & Flood 3,082 61 Wm L Perce 10,474 27 M Donohue 318 40 13,875 28 (HO) 94 STATEMENT A Continued. No. of Section. 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 Contractor's names. Maus & Flood do do Benj F Lamb Maus & Flood Benj F Lainb Maus & Flood Benj F Lamb Edward Me Sweeny Armour & Knox P H Flood Edward McSweeny Glover Sf co J Grotty John Carey J Crotty C Seabaugh Lamb, Preston # co D Sanger fy Sons Wm E Armstrong do do do do A Me R Groves W $ T Harkness J Cronkite 4r co Abner Sherman J C Chainplin Morris W Martin Wm Harkness Mrs Harkness Wm O'Harra Wm Mostin J Armour Ezra Durgin do Johnson if Johnson Nathaniel Eells A Me R Groves M Connolly Wm Caldwell Wm E Armstrong Kenyon $ Lamb Edward McSweeny Clark Sf Dickinson Edward McSweeny Clark 4' Dickinson Wm O'Harra Amount none by each contractor. $2,968 85 4,005 52 3,440 84 7,538 07 212 57 ll,55b 49 1,126 29 13,377 84 7,018 56 13532 06 1,768 61 14,539 01 331 67 15,418 73 2,449 83 4,458 86 3,092 00 2,173 09 3,830 80 371 33 6,322 00 2,281 55 522 96 3,543 55 7,926 40 1,634 02 1,774 46 4,662 35 8,199 33 9,667 56 1,217 02 Totals. $4,207 34 6,974 37 10,978 91 11,769 06 10,016 74 7,702 29 14,504 13 20.550 62 16,307 62 15,750 40 23,699 84 10,373 91 12,345 53 8,567 02 6,908 69 9,095 89 8,974 88 11,992 91 7,321 74 4,331 70 5,804 79 3,025 70 8.070 83 9,217 35 8,091 92 9,919 64 9,952 86 17,866 89 95 (111) STATEMENT A Continued. No. of Section. Contractor's names. Amount done by each contractor. Totals. 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 196 4- 197 Slides on sec- tions 191, 2,3, 44. Lat'l. Canal sec 1. 2 Pecumsagar Channel Fox R. Feede sec. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Culvert sec- tion 3 A A Markle G VV Armstrong Clark 4' Dickinson Wm O'Harra A A Markle G W Armstrong Clark 4" Dickinson Groves 4" Armstrong W E 4- G W Armstrong Wm Mostin Benj F Lamb Sanger, Nichols 4" Beale do do do do do do do do do Jas Me Martin Townsend, Kinney 4" Byrne Peyton 4" Kinney H L Kinney Isaac Hardy H L Kinney Isaac Hardy H L Kinn>y Isaac Hardy H L Kinnpy > Edward McSweeney 4* Co W F Walker J Crotty Nichols 4" Beale Greene 4' Stadden do do dam do do guard lock do do do do do do do do Stephen Emerson Cronkhite 4- Co F Chambers Crozier 4" Walker D Sanger 4" Sons $792 10 3,157 55 4.960 12 $10,126 79 39,496 60 36,706 49 17,330 59 11,264 12 21,858 75 42,041 26 20,123 18 26,489 82 16,189 80 75,069 99 111,828 00 35,396 82 22,422 50 7,147 01 20,594 03 4,845 93 16,241 38 42,070 96 13,628 10 3,357 16 10,254 51 17,528 58 3,308 46 5,819 02 22,032 28 4,346 71 9,223 16 1,400 03 18,495 58 10.377 83 5,420 71 31,285 78 6,682 28 9,507 52 20,344 56 1,537 01 53,188' 42 19,899 01 91.928 99 17,702 74 17,694 08 20,459 49 8.364 92 13J246 55 1.440 16 4,378 86 96 STATEMENT A Continued. Abstract of work done upon Locks. No of Lock. Contractor's names. Amount done by each contractor. Totals. 1 2 George Barnett do do 27,287 08 23,347 48 3 Charles Kerr 4,950 71 4 do do 17,049 75 5 6 Wilson, Brodie # Co Hall 4- Grant Peter Stewart $3,311 20 16,933 23 37,095 36 20,244 43 7 Hall 4- Grant Peter Stewart 331 50 4,284 34 4,615 84 8 Guard Lock J Kinsley 111 80 No 1 Steele 4- Amer 14,645 16 9 Total on Middle Division, -_ _. TT . j o f+ M Kennedy 4" t,o 149,347 61 2,33.9 65 10 do do 3,854 82 11 Thos Beale 6,993 94 D Sanger 4r Sons 21,018 59 28,012 53 12 Wm Byrne 252 00 Armstrong 4" Johnson 3,215 00 Lamb 4" Armour 231757 66 27,224 66 13 E Durgin & Co 7,449 60 Edward Me Sweeney 6,933 99 14,383 59 14 15 W Bvrne Cooper & Twitchell 25,994 16 30,342 10 Side cut lock Sanger 4 Beale 3,871 97 Nol Walker 4' Lamb 29,866 13 4,872 60 Total on Western Division, 140,896 08 do Middle do 149,347 61 Total, 290,243 69 97 STATEMENT A Continued. (113) n Abstract of work performed upon Dams, Culverts, Aqueducts, &rc. Description. Contractors' names. Aino't. done by each contractor. Totals. Dam No. 1 2 Wood culverts, section 119 121 134 . 136 Wood culverts, section 141 142 161 170 183 185 187 Stone culverts, section 108 1-26 145 14S 149 151 156 M 158 162 Fox R. aqueduct. L. Vermilion do (i fecumsagan do M Du Page do Aux Sable do Waste weir on section No 175. Do on section 191 Dry dock at Lock- port Wilson, Brodie $ Co Steele # Amer Total, Middle Division, Campbell % McGire do do Butterfield Lukins do do Total, Middle Division, Butterfield Lukins R Johnson Hanly & Healy T Sullivan Clark 4r Dickinson M Neary Clark Sf Dickinson Total, Western Division, do Middle do Total, Wood Culverts, Harvey 4r Co W L Perce Co M Killalea do M Kennnedy Co do do Patrick H Flood W L Perce Samuel Howard WraL Perce D Kelly D Sander Sons Towusend, Kinney # Co Wm Byrne Byrne &, Cahill Townsend, Kinney 4r Co Thos Beale Peter Stewart J Kinsley Hanley % Healy do do George Barnett ' '. 340 00 14,335 54 2/112 00 14,278 84 16,690 84 633 48 359 06 673 03 811 75 2,477 32 1,330 72 85007 708 08 932 05 2,604 60 1,731 24 1,227 51 9,384 27 2,477 32 12,861 59 2,336 96 941 60 1,541 27 1,697 33 174 20 1,129 36 14,675 &4 12,037 55 2,9o2 59 89,414 19 15,270 76 2,936 45 10,191 58 291 80 265 34 1,463 39 741 64 1,601 94 10,435 61 3,978 17 4,286 90 7,005 69 434 80 2,551 65 The amount of work done by Win. Byrne was over estimated; the true am't. as shown by a subsequent estimate being but $3,339 95. The payment on this contract to Byrne wa* $3,643 67. 8 (114) STATEMENT A Continued. Description. Contractors' names. Amount done by each contractor. Totals. Hydraulic cement do do Repairs on Fox R. Dam, G. Lock, $c. Lock Gate Timber Protection Walls sections 194$ 195 Hiram Norton (Middle Division) do do (Western do) > Green, Stadden $ Co Conley & Sons A Hyatt 52,225 00 31,957 00 84,182 00 $6,626 43 403 20 10,216 96 oT ERRJITJ Page 14 In the statement of the contingent account for 1844, the item of "right of way," amounting to the sum of $11,47') 00, was omitted in the manuscript; and the item of "negotiation" should read $263 23 instead of $253 23. t no: >T \ IM noUj-^i 101 or; oh eO '..j r % oil