UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOI CHICAGO 801 SO. MORGAN CHICAGO. IL 60607 I2.HO. I INT I) E X TO ALL THE LAWS of THE STATE of ILLINOIS, BOTH PUBLIC AND PRIVATE, WHICH ARB NOT PRINTED AT LARGE IN GROSS' STATUTES OF 1869 Eirpt PrivaU ArU of I.W. 1818 TO 1869. BT E TJ O E N E L . G-R OSS AND \VILLIAM L. G-ROS4S, POUNSELORS AT J_A^V. SPRINGFIELD E. L. & w. L. cmpss 1869 Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1869, by EUGENE L. GROSS AND WILLIAM L. GROSS, In the Clerk's office of the District Court of the Southern District of Illinois. INTRODUCTION. THE DESIGN OF THIS WORK. No publication of the "Statutes" of Illinois for popular use, can do more than present the general laws of the state which are in force at the time. This has been done in the edition of statutes which we publish, and it is all that can be accomplished within the limits of a single volume. From such a book, a very large number of acts must of necessity be excluded, either as be- ing not in force, or not of general interest. But a large number of those' very acts thus excluded, are of the highest importance to those who are interested in them, and it often becomes extremely desirable to know exactly where to find them. These pages, then, are intended as a complete guide to all the legislation of the State of Illinois, enacted since 1188, whether public or private, repealed or obsolete, but not incliiding any acts printed in Gross' Statutes of 1869. It is in two parts, the one dealing with the Public acts, the other with the Private acts. Part I is a classified synopsis of all the Public Statutes which have been enact- ed in the state of Illinois, since its adini&sion into the Union, in 1818. This synop- sis is made to perform the oifice of an index, by being arranged in chapters, num- bered and entitled to correspond with our "Statutes," and will show : 1. A con- cise statement of the general subject, or subjects, embraced in each act. 2. The date of the approval of the act, and 3. The book or books and the page where it may be found printed at large. This part of the work is brought down to the close of the session of 1869. Part II is a classified synopsis of all the Private and Local Statutes which have been enacted and printed in the state of Illinois, since its admission into the Union, in 1818. The classification is by counties, with sub-titles for cities and towns. All acts not capable of being assigned to any particular locality, are grouped under general, and it is hoped, convenient titles, and the whole is then alphabetically ar- ranged. A glance at the table of contents will make this plain. The only private acts not comprised in this index, are the private acts of 1869, not yet in print. To avoid any possible mistake, a further word of explanation should perhaps be added. In some instances, private and local acts have been placed in Part I. This is where there is a chapter in that Part entitled with precisely the subject of the act. For instance: Roads, Courts, Plank roads and Railroads. Some charters of incor- porated companies, which contain no allusion to their locality are indexed under Corporations. On the other hand, those classes of public acts, which could not properly be placed under any chapter of the "Statutes," will be found arranged in the second Part. BOOKS IN WHICH THE STATUTES OP ILLINOIS HAVE BEEN PUBLISHED. In Or- der to assist in the examination of past Legislation, we have prepared a list of all the books in which the statutes of the state of Illinois have been published. It will be seen that the first book named, is the session laws of 1819, although there was a session of the Legislature commencing 5 Oct. 1818. No laws were enacted at that session, as an examination of its journals will show, and the reason assigned is that the state had not then been admitted into the Union. The formal resolution for the admission of Illinois as a state was not finally passed by congress until 3 Dec. 1818. Hence the first laws enacted by the state of Illinois, were the acts of 1819. iv INTRODUCTION". 1 LIST OF ILLINOIS STATUTES OFFICIAL. HO. OF A8SKM- SESSION BEGUN. BLT. CHARACTER OF BOOK. PAGES OF STATUTES. nOW USUALLY CITBD. 1 - ' * 9r Q -^^^7 ^8 ^^r^* ^^^5 no WX12 - *15 16 .1 17 H :> 19 J 20 - " * r " 22 ' u i. 2? 24 25 26 I Jan. 1819. - 4 Dec. 1820 2 Dec. 1822. 15 Nov. 1824. - 2 Jan. 1826. - 4 Dec. 1826.- - 3 Dec. 1828. ;; Dec. 1880.- - 3 Dec. 1832. 1 Dec. 1834. 7 Dec. 1835.- - 5 Dec. 1836 1 10 July 1887.- - 3 Dec. 1888.- 1839. - 9 Dec. 1839.- - 7 Dec. 1840.- - 5 Dec. 1842.- K 2 Dec. 1844. *- 3 Mar. 1845.- - 7 Dec. 1847.-- - 1 Jan. 1849.- -22 Oct. 1849.- - 6 Jan. 1851.- - 7 June 1852.- 3 Jan. 1853.- - 9 Feb. 1864.- - 1 Jan. 1855. - 1856. 5 Jan. 1857.- 1858. 3 Jan. 1859. - - 7 Jan. 1861.- 28 Apr. " ' 5 Jan. 1863. - 3 Jan. 1865.- ; 7 Jan. 1867.' - 11 June " 1868. 4 Jan. 1889. ^ 1SC9. Public and Private acts 3387. 3185. 45212. " 3184. 396. 45384. > 335. 5237. 5193. * 59677. 3212. * 3235. < 3278. 3335. 8 344. 8109. 3292. . 3249. 45728. 3156. 885?. 3320. 3369. ^ 43617. v 3169. * 3217. 27229. x 8142. 351. 5201. 3826. 8268. 3280. 3618. 331. 35253. 8200. 1737. 731366. 3303. 51451. 811238. 9214. 9733. 9276. 9749. r. 29. 986. 9278. 1133. 1828. 1692. 1188. 1996. 1846. 1681. 541. >., 2 Laws 186J. Laws 1863. Pr. L. 1863. Laws 1865.- 1 Pr. L. 1865.- 2 Pr. L. 1865. Laws 1867. 1 Pr. L. 1867 2 Pr. L. 1867. 3 Pr. L. 1867. 2 Laws 1867. Gross' Stat. 1868. Laws 1869.- Grosfl' fltat. 1869. u u u .1 ii u " " " Revised Statutes Private acts Public acts Public and Private acts Revised Statutes Private acts Public and Private acts Public acts Private acts Public and Private acts Public acU Private acts Gale's Compilation Public and Private acts u u ii u u (i Revised Statutes Public acts Private acts Public acts Private acts Public and Private acts Public acts Private acts , Public and Private acts Public acts Private acts Public acts Private acts . Public acts Private acts Purple's Compilation Public acts , Private acts ! Scales' Compilation Public acts ' Private acts Public acts Private acts Public and Private acts Public acts Private acts Public acts Private acts Vol. I 41 Vol.11 Public acts Private acts Vol. I > " Vol.11 " Vol. Ill Public and Private acts Gross' Compilation 1868 Public actt Gross' Compilation 1869. . f r^ I \ y f y f \ IWTKODUCTION. V REVISIONS AND COMPILATION s. Indiana Territory was organized under an act of Congress approved 7 May 1800, which fixed the seat of government for the Ohio Territory at Chilicothe on the Scioto river, and that of the Indiana Territory at Saint Vincennes, on the W abash river. What was then called Indiana included what is now Illinois, Indiana and most of Michigan. In the year 1807 Stout & Smoot, "printers to the Territory" of Indiana, issued a volume of 540 pages. This was : 1. The Revision of John Rice Jones and John Johnson, "comprising those for merly in force, and the original acts passed at the first session of the second general assembly of said territory, begun and held at the borough of Vin- cennes," 16 Aug. 1807. All the acts are signed by Jesse B. Thomas, as speaker of the house of representatives, B. Chambers president of the council, and approved by William Henry Harrison as governor. Terms of the common pleas court were to be held in the counties of Dearborn, (Chicago was formerly Fort Dearborn) Clark, Knox, (Vincennes was in Knox) Randolph and St. Clair. It would appear from this that the two oldest counties in Illinois were Randolph and St. Clair. The Supreme court was to be held at Vincennes. Very many sections in this old book will be instantly recognized as a part of the law as it is in force to-day, and some- times whole pages appear almost word for word as we have them now. Attach- ments were not permitted except against non-resident debtors. Divorce from bed and board for extreme cruelty was allowed. The provisions relating to the licens- ing of attorneys were almost exactly as at present. So also, the chapter on Trespass. There are some curious provisions. For instance : "If any person of the age of sixteen years and upwards, shall profanely curse, damn or swear, by the name of God, Christ Jesus or the Holy Ghost, every person so offending being.thereof con- victed shall forfeit and pay for every such profane curse, damn or oath, a sum not exceeding two dollars, nor less than fifty cents, at the discretion of the justice who may take cognizance thereof; and in case he shall refuse or neglect to pay the said forfeiture, or goods and chattels cannot be found whereof to levy the same by dis- tress, he shall be committed to the charge of one of the supervisors of the highways of the township where the offense was committed, to be kept at hard labor for the space of two days for every such offense of which such person shall be convicted." And again: "If any person or persons shall kill any one or more neat cattle, or hogs in the woods, he shall within three days show the head and ears of such hog or hogs, and the hide with the ears on, of such neat beast or cattle to the next magis- trate, or two substantial freeholders, under the penalty of ten dollars." And any person selling any hog, shoat or pig without ears, was to be deemed a hog stealer. This revision was made in pursuance of a resolution passed at a former session. The volume closes with an act which declares all former acts repealed, except as therein revised and re-enacted. On the 3d day of February 1809, congress passed an act dividing the Indiana Ter- ritory into two separate governments. For the first time the Illinois territory had an independent existence. The act was to take effect 1 Mar. 1809. The seat of government was established at Kaskaskia, on the Mississippi. 2. The second Revision was by Nathaniel Pope. He had been the first governor * of the new territory of Illinois. His commission was signed by James Madison, and was dated 7 Mar. 1809. He took the oath of office 5 April 1809. His first official act was to divide the territory into the two counties of St. Clair and Randolph. After- wards, when Ninian'Edwards was appointed the governor of the territory, Gov. Pope became secretary. On the 14th of March 1812, Gov. Edwards ordered an election for the purpose of ascertaining the wish of the people about organizing under the act of congress as one of the territories of the second class. September 14 he is- sued his proclamation declaiming that a majority of those who had expressed an opinion were in favor of the proposed change, and calling for an election of mem- bers of the legislature to be held on the 8th, 9th and 10th days of October. The legis- lature had its first session, beginning 25 Nov. 1812. The laws which were enacted at that and the succeeding sessions of the legisla- ture, were not gathered together until 1815. On the 4th of July of that year, Mat- thew Duncan, printer to the Territory, issued from his office in Kaskaskia, the revi- sion of Nathaniel Pope. It was in two volumes. The first had 304 pages and an index : thp second was paged from 30fi to 710, nnd nlso contained a copious and care- vi INTRODUCTION. ful index. The counties liail now increased to six, namely: Madison and St. ('lair in the first circuit, Randolph and Johnson in the second, and Gallatin and Edwards in the third. The similarity of this book to the present statutes is much more striking than the resemblance in Jones' Revision. Whole chapters appear in the form that they still wear. Indeed the entire plan and arrangement of the statutes of Illinois taken as -i wlx>k remain at this moment in the shape that Judge Pope impressed njM.n them. To him really belongs whatever of merit that plan may possess. His book is now rare, only a few copies being accessible. It contains of course many curious provisions. Thus, attorneys' fees are limited: "In all civil actions where the titles of land do not come in question $2.50. Where titles of land do come in question $5. For every verbal advice where suit is not depending $1.25. Written advice where suit is not depending $2.50." A constable was allowed fifty cents "lor whipping each person for a misdemeanor by order of any court or justices of the peace." Attachments against absconding debtors, are authorized. The punish- ment for stealing a horse, or receiving a stolen horse, by an act of 26 Oct. 1808, is death. There is a very stringent act to prevent dueling, which was passed 7 April 1810, and is said to have been adopted from the Virginia code. A reward of $50. to each citizen and *25. to each ranger who shall kill a hostile Indian, is offered by act of 24 Dec. 1814. For pursuing such an Indian to his own country and there killing him, #100. Larceny and many other crimes are punishable by whipping, in the discretion of the court. The first act in Pope's revision is one declaring what laws were then in force in the territory. As such, it specifies all the general laws of Indiana which were in force on the 1st of March 1809, and the laws passed by the governor and judges of the Illinois territory, and un repealed by them. X. The session laws of 1819, though perhaps not usually so considered, are really the next revision of the laws of Illinois. It comprises the statutes which were enacted by the first legislature which assembled after the state was admitted into the Union. At the first glance it has no appearance of being anything more than a confused collection of acts, some public and some private, with no attempt at a di- vision into chapters. But a more careful examination of the acts themselves, and the subjects to which they relate, will show that the subjects of the several public acts are so arranged as to succeed each other in alphabetical order, following the ar- rangement of Pope's revision. Indeed it would appear that all the former acts on each subject had been consolidated and re-enacted as one act, with but little amend- ment. Xear the close of the volume is an act repealing all the former laws of the territory, with some few specified exceptions, chiefly of private acts. It contains :r>7 pages,' and concludes with a copious and careful index. It was printed at Kas- kaskia. From that time until 1827, the legislature contented itself with merely amending the acts of 1819, isssiiing at the close of each session a thin volume em- bodying their labors. 4. But at the session of 1827, another revision was prepared. Hon. Samuel D. Lockwood, who was at that time a judge of the supreme court, says that at the session of 1827 the legislature, by an act for the purpose, authorized and requested the supreme judges to prepare a revision. For various reasons, however, the duty of preparing a full code of statutes was but partially completed. Judges Lockwood and Smith presented the result of their labors, which was adopted, and the laws then presented by them, have been a part of every revision since. They are said to have been the the authors of the laws under the titles Abatement, Account, Amend- ments and Jeofails, Apprentices, Attachments, Attorneys, Bail, Bills of Exchange, Chancery, Conveyances, Courts, Depositions, Detinue, Dower, Evidence, Forcible Entry and Detainer, Fugitives from Justice, Habeas Corpus, Jails ' and Jailers, Limitations, Mandamus, Minors and Orphans (now Guardian and Ward), Ne Exeat and Injunctions, Oaths and Affirmations, Practice, Promissory Notes, Re- plevin, Right of Property and Sheriffs and Coroners. The Criminal Code was pre- pared by Judge Lockwood. The act concerning Frauds and Perjuries, by Judge McRoberts. Insolvent Debtors, by Judge Sawyer. Wills and Testaments, by Judge Young. Judgments and Executions, by Henry Starr. The legislature determined to undertake the remainder of the work, and the result was the revision of 1827. It is a volume of 384 pages. Unlike the statutes of 1819, it contains no general act INTRODUCTION. VU repealing former laws ; but at the end or each act is a section, which in terms re- peals the former acts on that particular subject. The various acts are separated by titles, most of which are now the titles of chapters. It was printed at Vandalia. At the next session, in 1829, it was found that the revision of 1827 had omitted a considerable number of very important acts ; these were therefore revised and re- enacted, in the same manner as those in the former volume, so that this book is really a supplement to the revision of 1827, and it takes an examination of both vol- umes to show the condition of the law on a given subject. For this reason proba- bly, the acts of 1829 were entitled "Revised Laws," and have usually been cited as the Revised Laws of 1829. This volume was printed at Cincinnati, for publishers in Shawneetown. 5. The next revision is that of 1833. It contains nothing to show by whom it was prepared. The plan and arrangement is the same as before. There is no di- vision into chapters. Three thousand five hundred copies were printed by the state for distribution. The printing was done at Vandalia. Former acts are in terms repealed, and a list of them is given. It does not contain the militia law, which was printed separately. 6. In 1839, Stephen F. Gale, of Chicago, published a compilation of the statutes, prepared by himself. It was a careful work and for a long time was the chief au- thority for statute law in Illinois. Many references to it appear in the earlier re- ports. The plan of arrangement was very simple, being the same which was after- wards pursued by Judge Purple, and in Gross' statutes. That plan is merely this : To give all the acts on each subject together, under a single general title, and to follow the order of time in placing the various amendments. This book, being a compilation, and brought out by private enterprise, without the authority of the legislature, did not attempt to modify any statute it simply presented them in a convenient form. 7. We come now to the last revision that of 1845. It was prepared by General Mason Brayman, an eminent lawyer. He has so well described the character of the task he performed that we re-produce his language: "The only object possi- ble of attainment was sought that of collating and arranging the laws of the state, in accordance with their true spirit and intention, making them plain and intelligi- ble, and relieving them from that smothering load of useless verbiage, contradic- tions and doubts, which had been accumulating through so many years of changing legislation. The object became, not so much to make new laws, or to depart mate- rially from the spirit and meaning of those already existing, as to plain away ex- crescences, reconcile contradictions, and condense and arrange in convenient order all that remained in force at the time. Everything that had been repealed or su- perseded was omitted conflicting provisions were reconciled, and sections which Avere obscure, involved or doubtful in their meaning, were re-written, so as to ex- press the evident intention of the legislature, and conform to constructions tixed by the supreme court." The general plan and outline of the statutes remained as be- fore, the book of Mr. Gale being closely followed. This is the last revision that has been made of the laws of Illinois. The work was so well and faithfully done that, although a new constitution was adopted in 1848, the book of statutes in com- mon use remained the same. The changes in the constitution made some changes in the laws necessary, but the revision of 1845 and the session laws were every where consulted, and no new publication of statutes was attempted for nearly twelve years. The state published and distributed among the public officers who were required to know and to carry out the law, an edition often thousand copies. 8. In 1856, Norman H. Purple, of Peoria, a distinguished lawyer, and former] y ;i judge of the Supreme court, published a compilation of the statutes of Illinois, in two octavo volumes. The plan was simple. Following the revision of 1845, the new acts were one by one placed next after the chapters to which they were most nearly related. It was annotated with references to many decisions of the supreme court, and has always been a popular book with the lawyers. The state purchased, for distribution, one thousand copies. , 9. Two years later a compilation of the statutes, also in two volumes, was pub- lished by D. B. Cooke and company of Chicago. The names of Samuel II. -Treat, Walter B. Scates and Robert S. Blackwell appear on the title page as the compilers. It is usually cited as Scates' Compilation, and is commonly understood to have been via INTRODUCTION. mainly prepared by Judge Scales. The slate purchased two thousand copie*. 10. Ten years afterwards in December, 1868 the first edition of Gross' statutes, one thousand in all, was published. The state purchased five hundred copies, and an act was passed declaring it to be evidence in the courts. A second edition has been prepared, and is now in use, including the acts of 1869. SESSIONS OF THE TERRITORIAL LEGISLATURE. No. Begun. Where held. 1 25Nov. 1813 Kaskatkia. 2 19 Dec. 1814 3 2 June, 1815 4 9 Dec. 1815 5 : 2 Dec. 1816 6* 1 Dec. 1817 *Lws 1819, 75 1. SESSIONS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Begun. Where held. I Constitution of 1848.] (5 Oct. 1818 Kaskaskia. I Jan. 1819 4 Dec. 1820 Vandali*. 2 Dec. 1822 (15Nov.l824 1 2 Jan. 1826 4 Dec. 1826 3 Dec. 1828 3 Dec. 1830 3I)ec. 1832 ( 1 Dec. 1834 1 7Dec. 1835 < 5 Dec. 1836 } 10 July 1837 < 3 Dec. 1838 1 9 Dec. 1839 Springfield. 7Dec. 1840 6 Dec. 1842 2 Dec. 1844 No. 15 ..16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Begun. Wher* txid. 7 Dec. 1846 Springfield [Constitution of 1848.] 1 Jan. 1849 Springfield, 22 Oct. 1849 6 Jan. 1851 7 June. 1852 3 Jan. 1853 9 Feb. 1854 1 Jan. 1855 5 Jan. 1857 3 Jan. 1859 7 Jan. 1861 23 April 1861 5 Jan. 1863 2 Jan. 1865 7 Jan. 1867 11 June 1867 14 June 1867 4 Jan. 1869 TIME WHEN STATUTES TAKE EFFECT. Under the constitution of 1848, no public act is in force until the lapse of sixty days from the adjournment of the general as- sembly, unless otherwise expressly so stated in the act itself. Art. 3 23. It ha* long been the practice, in the official publication of the laws of each session, to mark against each act the date when it was supposed to take effect. But this date has almost uniformly been computed as sixty days from the day when the act was approved, and not from the close of the session. Many mistakes on this point have therefore crept into the various publications of our statutes. For convenience of reference, a table of the sessions of the general assembly is subjoined, by which the time when any act went into operation can be determined at a glance. It is pre- pared from a careful examination of the journals of the assembly. Consult on this subject, Wheeler v. Chubbuck, 16 111. 361. Sessions of the Oft*- Date of the cloting When the licit eral Aetembly. of each session. took effect. 1859 .............. Feb. 27 ........ April 28. 11861 .............. Feb. 22 ........ April 23. 21861... .......... May 3 ......... July 2. 1863 .............. June 10* ....... Aug. 9. 1865 .............. Feb. 16 ........ April 17. 11867 .............. Feb. 28 ........ April 29. Sffsvms nj the Gen- eral Aftembly. 11849 21849 1851 1852 Date of the (taring of each session. Feb. 12 Nov. 7 Feb, 17 . . June 23 . . . When the. acts took effect. . .April 13. ...Jan. 6. ..April 18. . . Aue 22 1853 1854.. Feb. 14 ..March 4.. ..April 15. ..Mav 3. 1855 ............. Feb. 15 ........ April 16. 21867 .............. June 28 1857 Feb. 19 April 20. 1869. Aug. 27. .April 20 June 19. *See Th* People, etc., r*. llutch, etc., 33 111. 135. INTRODUCTION. Judge. Joseph Philips, . . . Thomas C. Browne, John Reynolds, . . William Wilson, . . Thomas Reynolds, . Samuel D. Lockwood, Theophilus W. Smith, Thomas Ford, . . Sidney Breese, . . Walter B. Scales, Samuel H. Treat, . Stephen A. Douglas, John D. Caton, . . James Seinple, . . Richard M. Young, . John M. Robinson, . James Shields, . . Jesse B. Thomas, Gustavus P. Kcerner, Norman H. Purple, William A. Dening, Jesse B. Thomas, Lyman Trumbull, . W .Iter B. Scales, Onias C. Skinner, . Sidney Breese, . . Pinkney H. Walker, Corydon Beckwith, Charles B. Lawrence, From 9 Oct 1818, 9 Oct. 1818, 9 Oct. 1818, 7 Aug. 1819, . 31 Aug. 1822, . 19 Jan. 1825, . 19 Jan. 1825, . 13 Feb. 1841, . 13 Feb. 1841, . 13 Feb. 1841, . 13 Feb. 1841, . 1 Mar. 1841, . 20 Aug. 1842, 16 Jan. 1843, , 4 Feb. 1843, . 6 Mar, 1843, . 16 Aug. 1843, . 24 Aug. 1843, . 2 Apr. 1845, . 8 Aug. 1845, . 19 Jan. 1847, . 27 Jan. 1847, . 4 Dec. 1848, . 4 July, 1853, . 23 June, 1855, 23 Nov. 1857, 19 April, 1858; 9 Jan. 1864, 6 June, 1864, To 4 July, 1822. . 4 Dec. 1848. 19 Jan. 1825. 4 Dec. 1848. 19 Jan. 1825. 4 Dec. 1848. 26 Dec. 1842. 1 Aue. 1842. 19 Dec. 1842. 11 Jan. 1847. 23 Mar. 1855. 28 June, 1843. 7 Jan. 1864. 16 Aug. 1843. 26 Jan. 1847. 27 April, 1843. 2 April, 1845. 8 Aug. 1845. 4 Dec. 1848. 4 Dec. 1848. 4 Dec. 1848. 4 Dec. 1848. 4 July, 1853. May, 1857. 19 April, 1858. 6 June, 1864. Remarks. Resigned. Term expired. Died. Resigned Died. Resigned. Term expired. u u it >1 Resigned. u Term expired. CIRCUIT JUDGES. Oir. Judge. Post Office. 1. CHARLES D. HODGES Carrollton, Gfreenc Co. 2. SILAS L. BRYAN, Salem, Marion Co. 3. MONROE C. CRAWFORD, Jonesboro, Union Co. 4. HIRAM B. DECITJS, Majority Point, Cumberland Co. 5. CHAUNCEY L HioBEE, Pittsfield, Pike Co. 6. GEORGE W. PLEASANTS, Rock Island, Rock Island Co. 7. ERASTUS S. WILLIAMS, . Chicago, Cook Co. 8. JOHN M. SCOTT, Bloomington, McLean Co. 9. EDWIN S. LELAND, Ottawa, LaSatte Co. 10. ARTHUR A. SMITH, Galesburg, Knox Co. 11. JOSIAH MCROBERTS, . Jollet, WiU, Co. 12. JAMES M. POLLOCK, Mt. Vernon, Jefferton Co. 13. THEODORE D. MURPHY, Woodstock, McSenry Co. 14. BENJAMIN R. SHELDON, Galena, JoDaviess Co. 15. JOSEPH SIBLEY, Quincy, Adams Co. 16. SABIN D. PUTERBAUGH Peoria, Peoria Co. 17. ARTHUR J. GALLAGHER, Decatur, Macon Co. 18. EDWARD Y. RICE, Hillsboro, Montgomery Co. 19. DAVID J. BAKER, , . Cairo, Alexander Co. 20. CHARLES H. WOOD, Onarga, Iroquois Co. 21. CHARLES TURNER, Pekin, Tazewett Co. 22. WILLIAM W. HEATON, Dixon, Lee Co. 23. SAMUEL L. RICHMOND, Lacon, Marshall Co. 24. JOSEPH GILLESPIE Edwardsville, Madison Co. 25. RICHARD S CANBY, Olney, Richland Co. 26. ANDREW D. DUFF, Benton, Franklin Co. 27. JAMES STEELE, Mattoon, Coles Co. 28. SYLVANUS WILCOX, Elgin, Kane Co. 29. (Not created.) 30. BENJAMIN S. EDWARDS, Springfield, Sangamon Co. CONTENTS. PART I. GHENERAL LAWS. Chap. Title of Chapter. Page. 1. Abatement.-. (1) 2. Account 8. Advertisements 4. Aliens 5. Amendments and Jeofails 5a. Animals 6. Apprentices 7. Arbitrations and Awirds 8. Attachments before Justices 9. Attachments in Circuit Courts 10. Attachments of Boats and Vessels 11. Attorneys and Counselors at Law ... (2) 12. Attorney General, Circuit Attorneys. 18. Auditor and Treasurer 14. Bail 15. Bank notes 16. Bastardy 17. Births and Deaths 17. Carriers and Innkeepers 18. Castor Beans Canada Thistles 19. Census 21. Chancery (3) 22. Charitable uses 22a. Commissioners 23. (hngref-s 24. Conveyances 25. Corporations Generally I. Towns... II. Academies (4) III. Religious Societies IV. Libraries V. Fire Companies VIII. Agricultural Societies IX. County Agricultural Societies. XI. Cemeteries XII. Manufacturing, Mining, etc ... 26. Costs (5) 27. Counties and County Courts 28. County Treasurers County Funds.. 29. Courts Supreme Court Circuit Courts (6) 80. Criminal Jurisprudence 81. Cumberland Road.- (12) 32. Detinue (13) 33. Divorces 34. Dower / 85. Drovers 86. Ejectment 87. Elections 88. Escheats 89. Estrays (14) 40. Evidence and Depositions 41. Fees and Salaries 42. Ferries and Toll Bridges 43. Forcible Entry and Detainer (15) 44. Frauds and Perjuries 45. Fugitives from Justice (16) 45a. Game 46. Gaming 47. Guardian and Ward , 48. Habeas Corpus 49. Horses 50. Idiots and Lunatics 50a. Insane Hospital 51. Inclosures and Fences 62. Insolvent Debtors (17) Chap. Title of Chapter. Page. 53. Inspections l( 17 ) 53a. Insu ranee 54. Interest 55. Jails and Jailers 56. Joint Rights and Obligations 57. Judgments and Executions 58. Jurors (18) 59. Justices and Constables fiO. Landlord and Tenant 61 Lands 62. Laws.. (19) 63. State Library '. . (20) 64. Licenses 65. Liens 66. Limitations 67. Mandamus 68. Marks and Brands. 69. Marriages (21) 70. Militia 71. Mills and Millers 71&. Names 71c. Navigation (22) 72. Ne Exeat and Injunctions (24) 73. Negotiable Instruments 74. Negroes and JHulattoes 75. Notaries Public 76. Oaths and Affirmations 77. Officers 78. Official Bonds 79. Partitions (25) 80. Paupers 81. Penitentiary 82. Petitions 82. Plank Roads ' 83. Practice (26) 84. Printing and Binding (27) 85. Probate Court 86. Quo Warranto 86a. Railroads 87. Kecords and Recorders (34) 88. Replevin (35) 89. Revenue 90. Revised Statutes (37) Repealing Statutes 91. Right of Property (42) 92. Right of Way 93. Roads 94. Saltpeter Caves (53) 95. Seat of Government 96. Secretary of State 97. Securities 98. Schools 99. Sheriffs and Coroners (54) 100. Shows and Jugglers 101. Slander 102. Steamboats 103. Surveyors 103a. Swamp Lands (55) 1036. Telegraphs 103d. Township Organization 104. Trespass 105. Venue 107. Warrants of Cities and Towns 108. Weights and Measures 109. Wills 110. Wolves INTRODUCTION. PART. II. PRIVATE AND SPECIAL ACTS. TW.6. Page. Adams county (57) Agricultural Colleges (60) Alexander county Allen county (61) American Bottom Approp nut ions Audubon county (63) Banks and Banking Benton county (64) Blind Asylum Books purchased by the state Bond county Boone county Bounties - (65) Brown county Bureau county Calhoun county (66) Canals i Carroll county (67) Cass county Champaign county (68) Christian county . Clark county Clay county (69) Clinton county Coles county (70) Coffee county Cook county Chicago (72) Chicago Corporations (73) Crawford county (77) Cumberland county Dane county Deaf and Dumb Asylum DeKalb county DeWitt county (78) Douglas county Du Page county Edgar county (79) Edwards county . (80) Efflnglmm county Fayette county Ford county (81) Franklin county Fulton county (82) Gallatin county (83) Gallatin Salines (84) Geological Survey Greene county (85) Grundy county Hamilton county (86) Hancock county Hardin county (88) Harrison county Henderson county Henry county (89) Highland county Holmes county Illinois and Michigan Canal Industrial University (90) Internal Improvement Iroquois county .^ (91) j Jackson county Jasper county (92) Jefferson county Jersey county Jo Daviess county (93) Johnson county (94) Kane county Kankakee county (96) Kendall county.". Title, Page. Knox county (97) Lake county La Salle county (98) Lawrence county (101) Lee county | Lincoln county (102) j Livingston county | Logan county Lotteries Macalister & Stebbins Bonds Macon county (103) | Macpupin county j Madison county (104) Maine Liquor Law (106) Marion county Marquette county (100) Marshall county Mason county /. Massac county Me Donough county (108) Me Henry county McLean county (109) Menard county (HO) Mercer county Michigan county (Ill) Military Tract Milton county Monroe county Montgomery county Morgan county (112) Moultrie county (H3) Normal University Same Southern Ogle county Okaw county (114) Oregon county, Pedling Peoria county Perry county (H6) Piatt county Pike county Pope county.. (H7) ! Pulaski county i Putnam county (118) Randolph county ... Relief (120) Resolutions Richland county (121) Rock Island county Saline county (122) Salines Sangamon county (123) Schuyler county (125) Scott county Secret Societies Shelby county (126) Silk Soldiers' College Soldiers' Orphan Home Stark county State Agricultural Society State Arms State Bank of Illinois (127) State Claims State Entomologist State Horticultural Society State Institutions State Indebtedness State Seal (128) St. Clair county St. Louis (130) Xll INTRODUCTION. Tito. Page. Stepbenson county (130) Tazewell county (131) Turnpikes (132) Union county Vermilion county (133) Vermilion Salines (134) Wabaih county Wabansie ". Warren county Title. Page. Washington county (135) Wayne county White county (136) Whiteside county Wiggins' Ferry (13T) Win county Williamson county (138) Winnebago county (139) Woodford county (140) ORGANIZATION OF COUNTIES. The time when the acts were passed, under \\hich the several counties in this state were organized, are presented in the following ta- ble, with a reference to the book and page where the act is printed at large : County. Date of act. 13 Jan 1825. . . Reference. .Laws 1825, 93 C'ovnty. Lee Date of act. 27 Feb. 1839. . n-ftrenct. . .Laws 1839, 170 4 Mar 1819 . " 1819, 133 Livingston, . " " 1837. . . .1 Laws 1837, 83 Bond .Territorial. I,i''' r :'.n 16 " 1839. . ..Laws 1839, 104. 4 Mar 1837 .1 Laws 1837, 96. Macon 19 Jan. 1829 . . . " 1829, 28. Brown, . . . 1 Feb. 1839. . 28 " 1837 Laws 1839, 52. 1 Laws 1837, 93. Macoupin, . . Madison 17 " " -. 14 Sept. 1812. .. " " 26. ..MS, 43. Calhoun 19 Jan, 1826. .. .Laws 1825, 65. Marion .... 24 Jan. 1823. . . .Laws 1823, 49. Carroll 22 Feb. 1839 . . . . " 1839, 160. Marshall, . . . .19 " 1899.. . . " 1839, 43. Cass 3 Mar. 1837 .1 Laws 1837, 101. Mason, .20 " 1841.. . . " 1841, 69. Champaign, Christian, . Clark, 20 Feb. 1833.... 15 " 1839, 104 22 Mar. 1819. . . .Pr. L. 1833,28.. .Laws 1840, 80. . " 1819, 166. Massac, McDonough, McHeury,. . . 8 Feb. 1843. . 25 Jan. 1826.. 16 " 1836. . . " 1843, 74. . " 1826, 76. . . " 1836, 273. Clav 23 Dec 1824 . " 1825, 18. McLean .... .25 Dec 1830.. .. " 1831,57 Clinton 27 u " . " " 27. Menard, .15Feb 1839.. . . " 1839, 104 Coles 25 " 1830 . " 1831, 59. Mercer -13 Jan 1825.. .. " 1825,94 Cook 15 Jan 1831 . " " 54. Monroe, .... . .Territorial. C rawford .Territorial. Montgomery, 12 Feb 1831.. ..Laws 1821,142. Cumberland 2 Mar. 1843.. .Laws 1843, 94. Morgan, .... .31 Jan 1823.. . . " 1823, 108. DeKalb 4 " 1837 .1 Laws 1837, 96. Moultrie, . . . 16 Feb. 1843.. . . " 1843, 83. DeWitt 1 ' 1839 .Laws 1839, 199. Ogrle . " Jan, 1836. . . . " 1836, 274. Douglas 13 Feb. 1857 . . . . " 1857, 71 xcoria ... .13 " 1825.. .. " 1825 85 DuPage 9 " 1839 . " 1839, 73. .29 " 1827.. . .R. S. 1827, 110. Edgar ...... 3 Jan. 1823 . " 1823, 74. Piatt .27 " 1841.. . .Laws 1841, 71. Edwards, . . . 28 Nov. 1814. . . . Pope 85. Pike, .31 " 1821.. . . " 1821, 59. Effingham, . . 15 Feb. 1831 .Laws 1831, 50. . .Territorial. Fayette, Ford 14 " 1821 .... 17 " 1859 . " 1821, 164. . " 1859, 29. Pulaski, Putnam, .... .3 Mar. 1843.. .13 Jan. 1825.. . . Laws 1843, 99. . . " 1825, 94 .Territorial. Randolph . . Original Fulton Gallatin, . . . Greene, . . . . 28 Jan. 1823.... 14 Sept. 1812... 20 Jan. 1821. .. .Laws 1823, 88. .MS, 44. .Laws 1821, 26. Eichknd, . . . Rock Island, Saline .... 24 Feb. 1841.. 9 " 1831.. 25 " 1847.. ..Laws 1841, 77. . . " 1831, 52. . . Pr. L. 1847, 34 Grundy, Hamilton,. . 17 Feb. 1841.... 8 " 1821 . " 1841, 74. . " 1821, 113 Sangamon,. . . Schuyler . 30 Jan. 1821 . . 13 " 1825.. . .Laws 1821, 45. . . " 1825 92 Hancock, . . 13 Jan. 1825 ./" 1825, 93. Scott 16 Feb. 1839. . . . " 1839, 126 Hardin, . . . 2 Mar. 1839.... . " 1839, 234. Shelby, 23 Jan. 1827. . ..R. S. 1827, 115. Henderson, Henry, 20 Jan. 1841 13 " 1825 . " 1841,67. . " 1825, 94. Stark St Clair . . . 2 Mar. 1839.. ..Laws 1839, 229. . . Original. Iroquois, Jackson, 26 Feb. 1833.... .Pr. L. 1833, 19. .Territorial. Stephenson,. Tazewell, . . . 4 Mar. 1837.. 31 Jan 1827. . ..1 Laws 1837, 96. . .R. S. 1827 113 Jasper, 15 Feb. 1831 Laws 183 1,50. Union . .Territorial Jeft'erson, . . . Jersey, . . . . JoDaviess, . . Johnson,. . . . 26 Mar. 1819.... 28 Feb. 1839.... 17 " 1827.... 14 Sept. 1812... . " 1819, 267. . " 1839, 208. .R. S. 1827, 117. .MS, 44. Vermilion, . .. Wabash, Warren, .... Washington, 18 Jan. 1826. . 27 Dec. 1824 . 13 Jan. 1825. . ..Laws 1826. 50. . . " 1825, 25. . . " "93. . .Territorial Kane, 16 Jan 1836 .Laws 1836, 273. Wayne 26 Mar 1819. Laws 1819 268 Kankakee, . . 11 Feb. 1851.... . " 1851,30. White, .Territorial Kendall, Knox, ; 19 " 1841.... 13 Jan 1825 . " 1841. 75. . " 1825, 94. Whiteside, . . Will .. .. 16 Jan. 1836. . 12 " 1836 ..Law 81836, 274 " " 262 Lake LaSalle Lawrence, . 1 Mar. 1839.... 15 Jan. 1831. .. 16 " 1821.... 11 1839, 216. . " 1831. 54. . " 1831, 16. Williamson, Winnebago, . Woodford, .. 28 Feb. 1889. . 16 Jan. 1836.. 27 Feb. 1841.. . . " 1839, 110. . . " 1836, 273. . . " 1841, 84. T I GENERAL LAWS, CHAP. 1. ABATEMENT. Act 6 Feb. 1819; death of the plaintiff or de- fendant may be suggested on the record; Laws 1819, 6. . . Act 22 Mar. 1819; pleas in abate- ment to be verified by affidavit; Laws 1819, 140 4, 5. . . Act 30 Dec. 1826; relative to pleas in abatement; the foregoing act of 6 Feb. 1819 repealed; R. 8. 1827, 45; R. S. 1833, 59. . . Act 2 Mar. 1839 ; death of the plaintiff not to abate suit for use of another, similar to R. S. 1845 Ch. 1 13; Laws 1839, 271. CHAP. 2. ACCOUNT. Act 11 Jan. 1827; to regulate actions of ac- count; R, S. 1827, 47; R. S. 1833, 61. CHAP, 3. ADVERTISEMENTS. Act 28 Dec. 1826 ; concerning the publication of advertisements; R. S. 1827, 48; R. 8. 1833, 62, CHAP. 4. ALIENS. Act 6 Feb. 1819; may purchase and hold real estate; Laws 1819, 6. . . Act 7 Feb. 1827; to enable aliens to hold real estate ; foregoing act of 6 Feb. 1819 repealed; R. S. 1827, 49. CHAP. 5. AMENDMENTS AND JEO- FAILS. Act 22 Mar. 1819; enacting substantially 9, 10 of this chapter; Laws 1819, 143 19, 20. . . Act 11 Jan. 1827; concerning amendments and jeofails; R. S. 1827, 49; R. S. 1833, 63. CHAP. 5a. ANIMALS. Act 16 Jan., no bull to run at large until ap- proved by the board of bull inspectors; Laws 1836,254. . . Act 24 Dec. 183(5; repeal of the act 16 Jan. 1836; 1 Laws 1837, 49. . . Act 16 Feb.Jevies tax of $2. to f 5. on each dog in coun- ties of Henry and Bureau ; 2 Pr. Laws 1865, 333. . . Also levies tax of $3. to $5. on each dog in counties of Whiteside and Winnebago; 2 Pr. Laws 1865, 334. . . Resolution for printing the proceedings of the cattle commis- sioners convention; Laws 1869, 415, 1. CHAP. 6. APPRENTICES. Act 6 Feb., indentures of white children; cruelty or ill treatment; Laws 1819, 5. Act 30 Dec. 1826 ; respecting apprentices ; R. S. 1827, 54; R. S. 1833, 68. . . Act 16 Feb., to legalize indentures by the managers of the Pennsylvania house of refuge ; Laws 1859, 9. CHAP. 7. ARBITRATIONS AND AWARDS. Act 25 Feb., authorizing and regulating arbi- trations; Laws 1819,71. . . Act 6 Jan., re- gulating arbitrations and references; repeal of the foregoing act of 25 Feb. 1819; R. S. 1827, 64; R. S. 1833, 78. . . Act 1 Mar., amending the foregoing act of 6 Jan. 1827; R. S. 1833, 81. CHAP. 8. ATTACHMENTS BEFORE JUSTICES. Act 24 Jan., concerning attachments; R. S. 1827 68 6. . . Act 12 Feb., concerning at- tachments; R. S. 1833, 82 133. . . Act 27 Feb., to regulate proceedings by attachment before justices, consolidating and amending former acts which are repealed; 1 Laws 1837, 12. . . Act 31 Jan., property pursued and brought back by the officer, similar to R. S. 1845 Ch. 8 5 ; Laws 1840, 30. . . Act 23 Feb., attachment against non resident debtor for $50. ; Laws 1843, 19. CHAP. 9. ATTACHMENTS IN CIR- CUIT COURTS. Act 22 Feb., allowing foreign attachment; Laws 1819, 33 15. . . Act 24 Feb., pro- ceedings against absconding debtors; Laws 1819, 66 . . Act 24 Jan., concerning attach- ments^, S. 1827, 66. . . Act 16 Jan., a- mending the foregoing act of 24 Jan. 1827, so, as to send writs to foreign counties; Laws 1829; 8 . . Act 12 Feb., concerning attachments; R. S. 1833, 82 133. . . Act. 31 Jan. 1840; in case of debtor being pursued by sheriff; similar to R. S. 1845 Ch. 9 3; Laws 1840. 30. To include joint debtors, similar to R. S. 1845 Gh. 9 6; Id. 31. CHAP. 10. ATTACHMENT OF BOATS AND VESSELS. Act 13 Feb., when and how such attachments may be levied ; R. S. 1833, 95. (2) GENERAL LAWS Attorn > ;/.< Census. CHAP. 11. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. Ait 10 Feb., manner of licensing attorneys, their duties and liabilities; Laws 1819, 9. . . Act 5 Jan., attorneys liable for the costs of suit brought by them; 'Laws 1821, 11 8. . . . M:ir., licensing attorneys,! their duties anil liabilities; repeal of the act of 1819'; R. S. 1833, 99 $$$$ 111. . . Act 4 Mar., striking from the rolls for collecting money and not pay- ing over, similar to R. S. 1845, Ch. 11 5, 6; Laws 1843, 19. CHAP. 12. ATTORNEY GENERAL AM) CIRCUIT ATTORNEYS. Act 23 Mar., appointment of circuit attorneys; their duties and the duties of the attorney gen- eral; Laws 1819, 204. . . Act 30 Mar., sup- plemental to the foregoing, and fixing the sala- ries of said officers ; Laws 1819, 349. . . Act 18 Jan., supplemental to the foregoing act of 23 Mar., 1819; duties of the attorney general, new attorneys nominated and appointed; Laws 1825, 178. . . Act 17 Feb., relating to the attorney general and states' attorneys; former acts rc- P. nli-d ; R. S. 1827, 79; R. S. 1833, 97. . . Act J-J Jan. 1S29; attorney general and state's attor- neys to give bond ; Laws 1829, 114, R. 8 1833 ; 504. . . Act 14 Feb., attorney general elected for four years by ioint ballot, first election in Dec. 1834; Laws 1831, 18 5. . . Act 5 Feb., at- torney ireneral to reside at the seat of govern- ment'; H. S. 1833, 99. . . Act 2 Mar., election <.f the attorney general; R. S. 1833, 103. . . Act 7 Feb., state's attorneys to be elected bien- nially by the legislature; Laws 1835, 44. . . Act 2 Mar., to settle the accounts of James Tur- ncy, late attorney general ; Laws 1839, 272. . . Act 25 Feb., powers and duties of the at- torney general in revenue cases; Laws 1841, 35. CHAP. 13. AUDITOR AND TREAS- URER Act 24 Mar., defining the duties of auditor and treasurer ; Laws 1819, 240. . . Act 25 Jan., no money to be paid to persons indebted to the state; Laws 1826, 72. . . Act 19 Feb., mode of issuing and redeeming auditor's war- rants; when payable in state paper; R. S. 1827, si. . . Act 19 Jan., persons indebted to the >i ate, or to the state bank not to be paid: Laws l^'.i, 114. . . Act 3 Jan., duty of the auditor in suits brought by or asrainst the state; Laws is-j'.i, 171. . . Act 14 Feb., election of the au- ditor, his duties; Laws 1831, 17. . . Act 1(5 Feb., payments by the bank to the auditor; Laws 1831, 18. . . Act 11 Jan. 1831; bond of the state treasurer; Laws 1831, 186; R. S. ~> s ". . . Act 2 Mar., consolidating the net-* relative to auditorand treasurer; H.S. \^.\:\, 103. . . Aet 12 Feb., money not to be paid to persons indebted to the State ; R. S. 1833, 588. . . Act 1 Mar., penalty of the treasurer's bond to be $100,000.; 1 Laws 1837, 334. . . Act 1 Mar., treasurer to deposit the public money in the state bank at Springfield ; Laws 1839, 212. . . Act 4 Mar., to amend the act 2 Mar. 1833 "to consolidate the acts relative to auditor and treasurer ;" Laws 1843, 20. CHAP. 14. BAIL. Act 32 Mar., cases in which bail may be re- quired ; mode of taking the same; Laws 1819, 1 39 13. . . Act 22 Mar., duty of sheriffs and coroners on capias ltd resporuUndum ; Laws 1819, 146 3036. . . Act 5 Jan., appear- ance bail not to be required ; Laws 1821, 8. . . Act 26 Jan. 1827; concerning special bail; R. S. 1827, 82 ; R. S. 1833, 107. CHAP. 15. BANK NOTES. Act 8 Feb., to prevent the circulation of any paper currency unauthorized by law ; Laws 1821,115. . . Act 4 Dec. 1838; to prohibit the circulation of foreign bank notes less than $5 ; Laws 1839, 79. CHAP. 16. BASTARDY. Act 25 Mar., maintenance and support of ille- gitimate children ; Laws 1819, 261. Act 2;! Jan. 1827 ; to provide for the maintenance of illegiti- mate children ; former acts repealed ; R. S. 1827, 244 ; R. S. 1833, 334. CHAP. 17. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Act 3 Mar., mode of registering births and deaths, similar to the chapter in the revised statutes (of 1845); Laws 1843, 210. Foregoing to take effect 1 Apr. 1843 ; Laws 1843, 213. CHAP. 17 a. CARRIERS AND INN- KEEPERS. Act 12 Feb., incorporating the American Ex- press Co.; stock not to exceed $ 2,000,000. ; Pr. Laws 1859, 379. . . Act 22 Feb., incorpora- ting the Northwestern Express Co.; Pr. Laws 1861, 309. . . Act 16 Feb., incorporating the Atlantic and Pacific Express Co. 1 Pr. Laws 1865, 557. CHAP. 18. CASTOR BEANS. Act 16 Jan., protection of stock, similar to R. S. 1845, Ch. 18; Laws 1836, 232. CHAP. 19. CENSUS. Act 23 Mar., to be taken 1 Aug. 1820; Laws 1S29, 197. . . Act 30 Mar., payment to com- missioners for service between June and Decem- ber 1818; Laws 1819, 547. . . Act 13 Jan., compensation for taking the census of 1820 ; Laws 1821, 12. . . Act 27 Dec. 1824 ; census to be taken on the first Monday in September 1825, and every five years thereafter; Laws 1825, 32, , , Act 23 Jan. 1829; to provide for GENERAL LAWS. (3) Chancery Corporations. the taking of the census ; Laws 1825, 18 ; R. S. 1833, 114. . . Resolution of 1855, census of all deaf and dumb, blind ;and insane persons re- siding in the state ; names of heads of family with whom they reside; Pr. Laws 1855, 741. . . Act 7 Jan., to extend the time for taking the census, the act of 13 Jan. 1839; Laws 1841, 52. . . Act 15 Feb., manner of taking for 1855 ; Laws 1855, 151. CHAP. 21. CHANCERY. Act 22 Mar., regulating the practice in courts of chancery ; Laws 1819, 170. . . Act 5 Jan., regulating the practice at law and in chancery ; Laws 1821, 8. . . Act 27 Dec. 1824 ; courts of chancery to decree a specific performance of agreements for the conveyance of lands ; Laws 1825, 30; Laws 1829, 23 ; R. S. 1833, 136. . . Act 26 Jan., to prescribe the mode of proceeding in chancery; R. S. 1827, 88 ; also act 13 Feb. ; R. S. 1833, 118. . . . Act 11 Feb., masters in chancery to be appointed, their duties defined ; Laws 1835, 32. ... Act 27 Feb., proceed- ings against parties whose names are un- known, also in dower and partition; 1 Laws 1837, 324. . . Act 24 Jan., to authorize pro- ceedings by creditor's bill for discovery ; set off allowed; Laws 1839, 50. . . Act 21 Feb., masters in chancerv appointed for four years ; Laws 1843, 10. CHAP. 22. CHARITABLE USES. Act 1 Feb. 1831 ; the first four sections of Ch. 22 R. S. 1845 ; Laws 1831, 73; R. S. 1833, 240. . . Act 18 Feb., concerning lands conveyed to county, similar to 5 in the revised statutes ; Laws 1841, 110. CHAP. 22 a. COMMISSIONERS. Act of 1 Mar., 1845; appointment of commis- sioners, their duties; R. S. 580. . . Act 24 Feb., supplemental to the preceding; Laws 1847, 32. . . Act 27 Feb. (1 July) 1851; a consolidation of the two preceding acts which are repealed; Laws 1851, 142; Gross' Statutes j 1868, 98. . . Act 22 Jime, acknowledgements | before David Rowland, a commissioner in Washington, between 9 Aug. 1851, and 12 May 1862, legalized; Laws 1852, 186. . . Act 16 Feb., amending the act of 17 Feb. 1851 by in- creasing the number of commissioners ; Laws 1865, 23 ; Gross' Statutes 1868, 100. CHAP. 23. CONGRESS. Act 15 Feb. 1831 ; dividing the state into three representative districts; Laws 1831,70; R. S. 1833, 235. . . Act 9 Feb., election of a con- gressman ; Laws 1831, 75. . . Act 1 Mar., to establish seven congressional districts; Laws 1843, 71. CHAP. 24. CONVEYANCES. Act 19 Feb., manner of taking acknowledg- ments ; when proved by witnesses ; conveyances of the estate of the wife ; acknowledgments may be taken by county commissioners or justices ; Laws 1819, 19 8, 9, 11, 12. . . Act 30 Dec. 1822 ; deeds executed without this state ; Laws 1823, 85. . . Act 27 Jan., circuit judges to take acknowledgments ; Laws 1826, 88. ". . Act 31 Jan. 1827; concerning conveyances of real property; R, S. 1827, 95; R. S. 1833, 129. . . Act 22 Jan. 1829; amendingthe actof 31 Jan. 1827, "concerning the conveyance of real pro- perty ;" deeds to be recorded within six months ; R. S. 1829, 24; R. S. 1833, 137. . . Act 8 Jan., effect of "grant, bargain and sell;" satisfaction of mortgages; Laws 1829, 116. . . Act 16 Jan., acknowledgment and record of sheriff's deed, similar to R. S. 1845. Ch. 24 29 and 30; Laws 1836, 257. . . Actl6 Jan., certificates of purchase of school and canal lands assignable, similar to R. S. 1845 Ch. 24 27 ; 1 Laws 1837, 150. . . Act 21 July, record of conveyances to be notice to creditors and subsequent pur- chasers; 2 Laws 1837, 13. . . Act 21 July, es- tates in fee simple and of posthumous children, similar to R. S. 1845 Ch. 24 13 and 14; 2 Laws 1837, 14. . . Act 27 Feb., release of mortgage by deed witnessed ; similar to R. S. 1845 Ch. 24 37; Laws 1839, 197. . . Act 2 Mar. 1837; seven years possession and payment of taxes, similar to R. S. 1845 Ch. 24 g8 10; Laws 1839, 266. . . Act 26 Feb., to admit to record dr eds made without this state; similar to the act of 1847 (Laws 1847, 37.) ; Laws 1841, 66. Conveyances Special Acts. Act 4 Mar., au- thorizing certain lands belonging to the estate of Toussaint Dubois to be conveyed ; Laws 1819, 115. . . Act 8 Feb , administrator of Aaron T. Crane to convey certain lands; Laws 1821, 101. . . Act 14 Feb., lands belonging to the estate of William Jones to be sold and conveyed ; Laws 1821, 152. . . Act 24 Jan., administra- tors of William Jones to convey certain real estate ; Laws 1823, 45. . . Act 8 Jan., admin- istrators of Thomas Brady, late of St. Louis, to sell certain real estate ; Laws 1823, 69. Act 11 Jan., supplemental to above act of 8 Feb. 1821 respecting lands of A. T. Crane; Laws 1823, 71. . . Act 3 Jan., governor to convey a lot in Vandalia to John Warnock ; Laws 1823, 74. . . Act 29 Dec. 1822 ; administrators of Thomas F. Herbert, to sell certain lands ; Laws 1823, 78. . . Act 19 Dec. 1822 ; administra- tors of John Neely to convey certain lands ; Laws 1823, 78. . Act 26 Dec. 1822; admin- istrators of Resen Club to invest in real estate taking the deeds to his heirs ; Laws 1823, 81. . . Act 27 Dec. 1822 ; administrators of Charles Smith to convey certain real estate ; Laws 1823, 83. . . Act 5 Feb., governor to convey a certain lot to James Hull ; Laws 1823, 112 . . Act 18 Feb., administrators of Ferdinand Ernst to convey certain real estate ; Laws 1823, 177. . . Act 14 Dec. 1824, amending act of 19 Dec. 1822, "authorizing the administrators of John Neely to convey certain land;" Laws 1825, 12. . . Act 24 Feb., deeds and convey- ances to secure loans from the school fund of Connecticut legalized ; Laws 1839, 19. CHAP. 25. CORPORATIONS. Div. 1. TOWNS. Act 4 Jan., recording town (4) GENERAL LAWS. Corporations. plats; La\\> I >-'", :.3; Laws 1829, 184. . . Amendatory act of 20 Jan.; Laws 1820, 63. . . Act 1'J Ffl) . incorporation of towns, similar to Div. l('h.25R. 8. 1845; La\\> l*.!l, *-.' !>!>'. . . Act 31 Jan., Powers and duties of town trustees, similar to $;?; 1115(11.8.1845 Cli. _>.-> Div. 1.) Lawsl8:r>. i ;:,. . . Act 19 Feb., manner of vacating town plats; Laws 1841, 310. . . Act 23 Feb., road tax in towns and cities; IAWB 1841, 818. . . Act 23 Feb., to enable incorporated townships to dissolve their incorporations; Laws 1843, 275. Charters of Sprinfrfii-'it s Jan.) 44. . . Incorporation of the Illinois pa- per manufacturing company to be located in the northern part of the state ; Pr. Laws 1833 (1 Mar.) 92. . . Incorporation of the Illinois Beet sugar manufacturing company; Pr. Laws 1837 (18 Feb.) 40. . . Incorporation of the Union steam mill company ; Pr. Laws 1839 (2 Mar.) 183. . . Incorporation of the Cantine manu- facturing company; Pr. Laws 1855(15 Feb.) 630. . . Incorporation of the Fox river dairy and cheese factory company ; 1 Pr. Laws 1867 ("i Mar.) 904. . . Incorporation of the Union Screw and Bolt company ; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (7 Mar.) 311. . . Incorporation of the Mechan- ics Foundry and manufacturing company ; in either Carroll, Stephenson or Winnebago; 2Pr. Laws 1867 (23 Feb.) 326. . . Incorporation of the Home Flax manufacturing company; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (21 Feb.) 333. . . Incorpora- tion of the Western White Lead company; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (23 Feb.) 345. Agricultural. Incorporation of the Icarian Community; Pr. Laws 1851 (13 Feb.) 114. . GENE HAL LAWS. (5) Costs Courts. Incorporation of the Egyptian Wine compa- ny; 2 Pr. Laws 1865 (13 Feb.) 691. Mining. Incorporation of the Boston and Elizabeth Mining company; in Pope, Hardin andGallatin; Pr. Laws 1847 (13 Feb.) 77. . . Incorporation of the Union coal and iron company ; Pr. Laws 1853 (12 Feb.) 560 . . Incorporation of the Illinois Central iron and coal mining company, corporate powers de- lined ; Pr. Laws 1862 (20 Feb.) 302. . . Act 16 Feb., incorporating the Empire Mining and Oil company; 2 Pr. Laws 1865, 61. . . Act 16 Feb!, incorporating the Illinois California Silver Mining company ; 2 'Pr. Laws 1865, 66. . . Act 16 Feb., incorporating the Illinois Lead Mining and Smelting company; 2 Pr. Laws 1865, 68. . . Act 16 Feb., incorporating the Illinois Petroleum and Mining company ; 2 Pr. Laws 1865, 70. . . Act 15 Feb., incorporating the Illinois Valley Coal company ; 2 Pr. Laws 1865, 73. . . Act 16 Feb., incorporating the Kankakee Coal company; in "Will, Livingston and Grundy counties ; 2 Pr. Laws 1865, 74. . . Act 16 Feb., incorporating the Ohio and Mis- sissippi Petroleum and Mining company ; 2 Pr. Laws 1865, 78. . . Act 16 Feb., incorpora- ting the National Lead company ; 2 Pr. Laws 1865, 81. . . Incorporation of the George- town Gold and Silver Mining company ; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (25 Feb.) 420. Printing and Publishing. Incorporation of the Religio-Philosophical Publishing associa- tion ; 2 Pr. Laws 1865 (16 Feb.) 122. Name of the foregoing changed to the Central Publish- ing House; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (23 Feb.) 499. . . Incorporation of the Northwestern Associated Press; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (25 Feb.) 515. Miscellaneous. Incorporation of the Union Exporting and Importing company; Laws 1825 (14 Dec. 1824) 9. . . Incorporation of the In- dustrial League of Illinois for the dissemination of knowledge; Pr. Laws 1853(10 Feb.) 514. . . Incorporation of the Garden City Building association; Pr. Laws 1857 (11 Feb.) 434. . " Incorporating the Illinois State Horticultural society ; 1 Pr. Laws 1865 (16 Feb.) 596. . . Incorporation of the Artesian Water supply" company; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (7 Mar.) 53. . . Incorporation of " La Societe Francaise de Bien faisance de 1' Illinois ;" 1 Pr. Laws 1867 (8 Mar.) 136. . . Incorporating the Grand Union of the Daughters of Temperance ; Laws 1852 (19 June) 34. 1829,33; R. S. 1833,142. . . Act 23 Mar., suits by and against counties; Laws 1819,184. . . Act 24 Mar., duty of the county commis- sioners to erect jails in each county; Laws 1819, 237. . , Act 30 Mar., supplement to the acts establishing Wayne, Jefferson, Clark and Alex- ander counties ; Laws 1819, 350. . . Act 19 Jan., compensation of county commissioners; Laws 1826, 56. . . Act 3 Jan. 1827 ; to incor- porate counties ; R. S. 1827, 107 ; R. S. 1833, 139. . . Act 20 Jan., county commissioners may run county lines where necessary ; Laws 1829, 31 4. . . Act 5 Jan., authorizing and re- ! quiring the county commissioners to erect court houses and jails in everv county ; repeal of the foregoing act of 24 Mar. "1819; Laws 1829, i 53. . . Act 7 Jan., filling vacancies in the i office of commissioner; Laws 1831, 74. . . ! Act 11 Jan. 1833; to compel the payment of fines and penalties into the county treasury ; R. S. 1833, 141. . . Act, 12 Feb., vacancies in the office of county commissioner; fiscal state- ment of county made at March term ; Laws 1835, 34. . . Act 7 Jan., conveyances b}- county commissioners to be valid ; Laws 1835, 46. . . Act 31 Jan., appeals allowed from the county commissioners to the circuit court; Laws 1835, 152. . . Act 7 Feb., county commissioners' clerks and county treasurers elected by the people;! Laws 1837, 49. . . Act 1 Mar., elec- tion of county commissioners; former acts amended and repealed ; 1 Laws 1837, 103. . . Act 21 July, per diem of county commissioners $2.50; 2 Laws 1837, 16. . . Act 16 Feb., va- cant rooms in the court houses in Peoria and four other counties to be leased ; Laws 1839, 119. . . Act 2 Mar., of the annual fiscal statement required to be made by the county commissioners; Laws 1839, 270. . . Act 21 Feb., county commissioners to lease rooms in the court house ; Laws 1843, 128. . . Act 24 Feb., erection of fire proof offices for the pres- ervation of county records; 'similar to Ch. 27 44, 45 [R. S. 1845]; Laws 1843,210. CHAP. 26. COSTS. Act 22 Mar., non-residents to give security for costs; collection of costs from the securi- ties; Laws 1819, 150 44, 45. . . Act 5 Jan., non-residents to give security for costs; Laws 1821, 10 5. . . Act 10 Jan. 1827; concern- ing costs; R. S. 1827, 102; R. S. 1833, 165. CHAP. 27. COUNTIES AND COUNTY COURTS. Act 19 Feb., official seals to be procured ; Laws 1819, 16; Laws 1829, 155; R. S. 1833, 569. . . Act 22 Mar., establishing the courts of county commissioners; Laws 1819,175; Laws CHAP. 28. COUNTY TREASURERS AND COUNTY FUNDS. Act 11 Jan. 1831 ; fines and penalties to be paid into the county treasury ; R. S. 1833, 141. Act 22 July, county orders recorded when pre- sented; sheriffs to report revenue collected; 2 Laws 1837, 59. . . Act 25 Feb., to reg- ulate county treasurers and county funds; simi- lar to Ch. 28 R. S. 1845 14 28; Laws 1843, 112. . . Act 28 Feb., to regulate county funds, and fix the duties of county treasurers, similar to Ch. 28 R. S. 1845 414; Laws 1843, 151. CHAP. 29. COURTS. Act 30 Mar., suits by and against justices of of the supreme court ; clerks not to make a com- plete record; Laws 1819, 350. . . Act, 31 Mar., regulating and defining the duties of jus- tices of the supreme court ; Laws 1819, 373. . . Act 31 Mar., supplemental to the forego- ing act; suits pending at the time of its pas- sage; Laws 1819, 384. . . Act 5 Jan., the clerks not to make complete records; Laws (6) GENERAL L A w s . Supreme Court Circuit Courts. 1821, 11 9. . . Act 29 Dec., 1824; constitu- ting :iiul regulating supreme and circuit courts; Laws 1826, 88. . . Act 17 Jan., sundry pro- visions concerning judges anil clerks; Laws is-.'."), 170. . . Aet 86 Jan., amending the fore- going act of 2!) Dec. 1824, in the matter of ap- peals from circuit courts; Laws 182G, 83 3. . . Act 27 Jan., when clerks are to make com- plete records; Laws 1826, 85. . . Act 12 Jan. 1827 ; amending the foregoing act of 29 Dec. 1S-_M, "regulating supreme and circuit courts;" K. S. 1827, 118. . . Act 12 Jan. 1827; sup- plemental to the foregoing act, and relating to raits then pending; H. S. 1827,119. . . Act 17 Feb. iso 7; changing the terms of the supreme and circuit courts and for other purposes; sev- eral former acts repealed ; R. 8.1827 120. . . Act 19 Jan., regulating the supreme and circuit courts; a consolidation of former acts which are repealed ; Laws 183S) 39; R. 8. 1833, 147. . . Act 22 Jan., to provide a suitable place for hold- ing supreme court; Laws 1829, 47; II. 8. 1833, 15(>. . . Act 25 Jan., supplemental to the foregoing act of 19 Jan. 1829, changing the cir- cuits, making sundry amendments, and repeal- ing former nets ; Laws 1829, 48; R. S. 1833, 156. . . Act 15 Feb., clerk of the supreme court removed from office; Laws 1931, 187; R. S. 1833, 159. . . Act 26 Feb. 1833; clerks of courts to renew their bonds periodically; R. S. 1833,128. . . Act8 Jan. 1829; establishing a circuit court north of the Illinois river ; R. S. 1S:, 147. . . Act 7 Jan., election of five ad- ditional Judges, to act as circuit Judges; Laws is:;.\ 150. . . Act 13 Feb., time of holding the supreme and circuit courts ; salary of cir- cuit judges^ $750.; interchange of judges; special terms called; special term at the instance of a prisoner; Laws 1835, 167. . . Act 4 Mar., special terms of court, similar to R. S. 1845 Ch. ,".i 5;.->p; 1 Laws 1837, 112 5. . . Act 12 Feb., salaries of judges of supreme court; Laws 1839, 102. . . Act 1 Feb., publication acd distribu- tion of the reports of the supreme court ; Laws 1840,77. Summer terms of the supreme court, Id. 87. . . Act 10 Feb., to reorganize the judi- ciary; five additional supreme judges to be elec- ted, making nine in all ; former acts relating to the judiciary all repealed; Laws 1841, 173. . . Act 23 Feb., to establish circuit courts ; Laws 1841,103. . . Act 3 Mar., agreed cases taken to the supreme court, similar to R. S. 1845 Ch. 29 16-18; Laws 1843, 134. SUPREME COURT. Libraries. Appropriation of $5,000. fora law and miscellaneous library for the legislature and the supreme court ; Laws 1839 (22 Feb.) 149. . . For the law library in the 1st and 3rd divisions, $5,009.; Laws 1849 (26 Jan. ^ 57. . . For the Springfield library $500. ; Laws 1849 (8 Feb.) 98. . . For each grand division in 1851 and 1852, $500. annually; Laws 1851 (28 Jan.) 12. Also, a like sum for 1853 and 1854; Pr. Laws 1853 (22 Jan.) 448. Also, a like sum for 1855 and 1856; Laws 1855 (6 Feb.) 153. . . Appropriation of $500. annually in each grand division length of time not specified ; Laws 1857 (28 Feb.) 44. . . Librarian for each grand division, annual compensation $200.; Laws 1857 (10 Feb.) 57. Court Rooms. To be obtained and furnished; Pr. Laws 1827 (30 Dec. 1826.) 4. Also, Laws 1849 (31 Jan.) 57. Clerk Hire. Judges to prepare amendments to the statutes ; allowance to each $1,000. per annum for clerk hire; Laws 1865 )8 Feb.) 127. Also, a further allowance of $1,200. each, per annum, for clerk hire; Laws 1869 (11 Feb.) 46 First Division. Mt. Vernon. Construction of a court room; Pr. Laws 1854 (28 Feb.) 146. . . Time of holding court ; Laws 1849 (6 Jan.) 57. Also, Laws 1857 (10 Feb.) 41. Also, Laws 1 si;:, (16 Feb.) 25. Also, Laws 1867 (16 Feb.) 75; and (22 Feb.) Ibid. . . Mt. Vcrnor Aca- demy to use rooms in the basement of the court house; Laws 1857(16 Feb.) 211. . . Terms to be held at Cairo upon conditions; Laws 1865 Feb.) 25. Second Division. Springfield. Time of hold- ing court; Laws 1849 (6 Jan.) 57. Also, Laws 1857 (10 Feb.) 41. . . Attaching McLean county to said division; Laws 1865 (16 Feb.) 25. Third Division. Ottawa* Time of holding court; Laws 1849 (6 Jan.) 57. Also, Laws 1857 (10 Feb.) 41. Also, Laws 1867 (22 Feb.) 75. . . Erection of a court house ; Laws 1857 (14 Feb.) 34. Also Laws 1865 (16 Feb.) 25. CIRCUIT COURTS. First Circuit. Act 31 Mar., first circuit to con- sist of St.Claii, Madison, Bond and Washing- ton counties; John Reynolds, justice of the su- preme court to preside therein; Laws 1819, 378 19, 20. . . Act 14 Feb., including St. Clair, Madison, Greene, Sangamo, Pike and Montgomery counties; Laws 1821, 157. . . Act 17 Feb., including St.Clair, Madison, Greene, Pike, Morgan, Sangamon and Fulton counties; Laws 1823, 161. . . Act 29 Dec. 1824; including Pike, Fulton, Sangamon, Mor- gan, Greene and Montgomery counties; Laws 1825, 41 18. . . Act 17 Jan., changing the time of holding courts ; Laws 1825, 170. . . Act 26 Jan., times of holding courts changed; Laws 1826, 81. . . Act 12 Jan. 1827; including Peoria, Fulton, Schuyler, Adams, Pike, Cal- houn, Greene, Morgan and Sangamon counties; R. S. 1827, 119 3. . . Act 17 Feb. 1827; times of holding courts changed; R. S. 1827, 120. . . Act 25 Jan., including Pike, Calhoun, Greene, Macoupin, Morgan, Sangamon, Macon and Tazewell counties ; Laws 1829, 48. . . Act 16 Feb., including Pike, Calhoun, Greene, Morgan, Sangamon, Tazewell, Macon, McLean and Macoupin counties; Laws 1831,45. . . Act 16 Feb. 1830 [1]; including Calhoun and Pike counties; Laws 1831, 48. . . Act 2 Mar. 1833; changing time of holding courts; R. S. 1833, 162. . . Act 17 Jan., including Calhoun, Greene, Morgan, Sangamon, Macoupin, Macon, Tazewell and McLean counties; Laws 1835, 153. . . Act 4 Mar., terms of court ; 1 Laws 1837, 112. . . Act 23 Feb., including Mor- gan, Cass, Pike, Calhoun, Greene, Scott and Macoupin counties ; Laws 1839, 155. . . Act 2 Mar., to change the time of holding courts; Laws 1839, 250. . . Act 30 Jan., including Jersey, Cass and Scott counties ; Laws 1840, 86. . . Act 3 Feb., to change the time of courts ; GENERAL LAWS. (7) Circuit Courts. Laws 1841, 103. . . Act 23 Feb. 1841 ; includ- ing Morgan, Cass, Scott, Pike, Calhoun, Greene, Jersey and Macoupiu ; Samuel D. Lock- wood, judge; time of holding courts; Laws 1841, 103. . . Act 14 Feb., to change the time of holding courts; Laws 1843, 129. . . Act 27 Feb., including Greene, Pike, Calhoun, Jersey, Macoupin, Scott, Cass, Mason and Morgan counties; Laws 1845,49. Act 27 Feb., includ- ing Morgan, Scott, Greene, Cass, Mason, Me- nard, Macoupin, Jersey and Calhoun counties; Laws 1847, 26. . . Act 11 Feb.,: including Menard county; Laws 1847, 31. , . Act 8 Feb., including Morgan, Cass, Menard, Mason, Greene, Macoupin, Jersey, Calhoun and Scott counties; Laws 1849, 57. . . Act 12 Feb., inclu- ding Morgan, Scott, Greene, Macoupin, Jersey, Calhoun and Menard counties; Laws 1853, 59. . . Act 14 Feb., including Morgan, Greene, Jersey, Calhoun and Scott counties; Laws 1857,21. . . Act 31 Jan., including the coun- ties of Morgan, Jersey, Greene, Calhoun and Scott; Laws'of 1859, 48. . . Act 16 Feb., in- cluding the counties of Scott, Morgan, Jersey, Greene and Calhoun; Laws 1861, 89. . . Act 20 Feb., including the counties of Scott, Mnrsran, Jersey, Greene and Calhoun; Laws 1861,89. . . Act 9 Feb., including the coun- ties of Greene, Morgan, Jersey, Scott and Cal- houn ; Laws 1867, 50. . . Act 30 Jan., to change the time of holding courts in Morgan, Greene and Jersey counties; Laws 1869,69. Second Circuit. Act 31 Mar., second circuit to consist of Crawford, Edwards and White counties; William P. Foster, justice of the su- \ preme court to preside therein; Laws 1819, 378 i 19, 20. . . Act 14 Feb., including, Clark, Crawford, Lawrence, Edwards, Wayne, Hamil- ton and White counties; Laws 1821, 158. . . Act 17 Feb., including White, Edwards, Law- rence, Crawford, Clark, Edgar, Wayne and Hamilton counties; Laws 1823, 161. . . Act 29 Dec. 1824; including Madison, St. Clair, Monroe, Washington, Bond and Fayette coun- ties; Laws 1825, 41 18. . . Act 17 Jan., changing the time of holding courts, and attach- ing Montgomery and Clinton counties to the circuit; Laws 1825, 170. . . Act 26 Jan., times of holding courts changed; Laws 1826. 81. . . Act 12 Jan. 1827; including Madison, St.Clair, Monroe, Randolph, Washington, Clinton, Bond, Montgomery and Fayette coun- ties; R. S. 1827, 119 3. . . Actl7'Feb. 1827; times of holding courts changed; R. S. 1827, 120. . . Act 25 Jan., including Madison, St. Clair, Monroe, Randolph, Washington, Clinton, Bond, Fayette, Montgomery and Shelby coun- ties; Laws 1829, 48. . . Act 16 Feb., includ- ing JMadison, St.Clair, Monroe, Randolph, Washington, Clinton, Bond, Shelby, Fayette and Montgomery counties; Laws 1831, 45. . . Act 16 Feb. 1830 [1]; including Madison coun- ty; Laws 1831, 48. . . Act 2 Mar. 1833; changing time of holding courts; R. S. 1833, 162. . . Act 17 Jan., including Madison, St. Clair, Monroe, Randolph, Washington. Clinton, Bond, Montgomery, Shelby, Effingham and Fayette counties; Laws 1835, 153. . . Act 16 Jan., changing time of holding courts;' Laws 1836, 251. . . Act 10 Feb., time of court in Washington county; 1 Laws 1837, 111. . . Act 15 Feb., to change the time of holding courts; Laws 1839, 103. . .' Act 3 Feb., to change the time of holding courts in Clinton and Bond; Laws 1840, 130. . . Act 7 Jan., to change the time of holding courts; Laws 1841, 101. . . Act 23 Feb., including Madi- son, St. Clair, Monroe, Randolph, Washington, Clinton, Bond, Fayette, Montgomery and Eff- ingham counties; Sidney Breese, judge; time of holding courts ; Laws 1841, 103. . . Act 21 Feb., to include the county of Perry and to change the time of holding courts ; Laws 1843, 130. . . Act 21 Feb., including Perry, Mont- gomery, Effingham, Fayette, Bond, Clinton, Washington, Randolph, Monroe, St. Clair and Madison counties; Laws 1843, 130. . . Act 21 Feb., including Shelby county ; Laws 1845, 47. . . Act 13 Feb., including Madison, St. Clair, Monroe, Randolph, Perry,Washington,'Clinton, Bond, Fayette, Efflngham and Montgomery counties; Laws of 1847, 29. . . Act 14 Feb., in- cluding St. Clair, Madison, Monroe, Randolph, Perry, Washington, Clinton, Bond, Fayette and Montgomery counties; Laws 1851, 93. . . Act 12 Feb., including Clinton, Marion, Wash- ton, Randolph and Monroe counties; Laws 1857, 20. . . Act 16 Feb., including Monroe coun- ty ; Laws 1857, 302. . . Act 8 Feb., including the counties of Clinton, Marion, Washington, Randolph and Monroe ; Laws 1859, 49. . . Act 20 Feb., including the counties of Marion, Monroe, Randolph, Clinton and Washington; Laws 1861, 90. Foregoing repealed ; act 25 22 Feb., Laws 1861, 90. . . Act 3 Feb., in- cluding the counties of Fayette, Clinton, Ma- rion, Washington, Randolph and Monroe; Laws 1863, 34. . . Act 29 Mar., additional term in Marion county ; Laws 1869, 70. . . Act 10 Feb., to fix the time of holding courts ; Laws 1869, 70. Amended as to Clinton coun- ty by act 16 Apr. 1869; Laws 1869, 71. Third Circuit. Act 31 Mar., third circuit to consist of Monroe, Randolph, Jackson and Uni- on counties; Joseph Philips, chief justice of the supreme court to preside therein; Laws 1819, 378 19, 20. . . Act 14 Feb., including Monroe, Randolph, Jackson, Jefferson, Wash- ington, Fayette and Bond counties; Laws 1821, 157. . . Act 17 Feb., including Monroe, Randolph, Jefferson, Marion, Washington, Bond, Montgomery and Fayette counties; Laws 1823, 161. . . Act 29 Dec. 1824; including Randolph, Jackson, Franklin,"Johnson, Union and Alexander counties; Laws 1825, 42 18. . . Act 17 Jan., changing the time of holding courts, and attaching Pope county to the cir- cuit; Laws 1825, 170. . . Act 26 Jan., times of holding courts changed ; Laws 1826, 81. . . Act 12 Jan. 1827; including Jackson, Union, Alexander, Johnson, Pope. Franklin, Gallatin, Marion, Hamilton and Jefferson counties; R. S. 1827, 19 3. . . Act 17 Feb. 1827; times of hold- ing courts changed ; R. S. 1827, 120. . . Act 25 Jan., including Gallatin, Hamilton, Jefferson, Marion, Franklin, Perry, Jackson, Union, Alex- lexander, Johnson and Pope counties; Laws 1829, 48. . . Act 16 Feb., including Gallatin, Pope, Johnson, Alexander, Union, Jackson, Perry, Franklin, Marion, Jefferson and Hamilton coun- ties; Laws 1831, 45. . . Act 2 Mar. 1833; changing time of holding courts; R. S. 1833,162. . . Act 17 Jan., including Hamilton, Jefferson, Franklin, Gallatin, Pope, Johnson, Alexander, (8) GENERAL LAWS Circuit Courts. Union, Jackson, 'Marion and Perry counties,- Laws 1>:!~>, 1-V!. . . Act 16, Jan., supplemen- tal to the act of t lie present session changing the terms in the 3rd circuit; Laws 1880, S0B. . . Act Hi Jan., Supplemental tothc acts regulating circuit courts, and changing the time of holding courts in this circuit: Laws 1886, 897. . . Act 1!) Jan., teste of process after the resigna- tion of Judge Jeptha Mardin: 1 Laws 18:57, 17!). . . Act* Mar., to change the time of hold- ing courts; Laws 1839, 289. . .. Act 23 Feb., Including Jackson, Perry, Franklin, Union, Williamson, Alexander, Johnson, Pope, Hardin, Gallatin, Hamilton, Jefferson and Marion counties; Walter B Scates, judge; time of holding courts; Laws 1841, 103. . . Act 20 Feb., to change the time of holding courts; Laws 1841. 109. . . Act 25 Feb., to change the time of holding courts; Laws 1843, 131. . . Act 25 Feb , including Marion, Jefferson, Hamilton, Franklin, Williamson, Jackson, Uni- on. Alexander, Johnson, Massac, Pope, Har- din and Gallatin counties; Laws 1843, 131. . . Act 27 Feb., including Massac and Johnson counties: Laws 1847, 42. . . Act 3 Feb., in- cluding Marion, Jefferson, Hamilton, Frank- lin, Williamson, Jackson, Union, Alexander, Pulaski, Johnson, Massac, Pope, Hardin, Saline and Gallatin counties; Law 1849, 59. . . Act 6 Nov., including Gallatin and Hardin counties; L-iws 1849, 16. . . Act 11 Feb., including Hardin, Pope, Johnson, Williamson, Franklin, Jackson, Union, Alexander, Pulaski and Mas- sac counties; Laws 1851, 30. . . Act 14 Feb., including Hardin, Pope, Johnson, Williamson, Franklin, Jackson, Union, Alexander, Pulaski and Massac counties; Laws 1855, 188. . Act :i Feb., including the counties of Perry, Jackson, Union and Alexander; Laws 1859, 51. . . Act 10 Feb., to fix the time of holding courts; I/iws 1869, 70. . . .Act 11 Mar., time holding courts in Union county; Laws 1869, 84. Fourth Cirri/ it. Act 31 Mar., fourth circuit to consist of Gallatin, Franklin, Pope and John- son counties; Thomas C. Browne justice of the supreme court to preside therein; Laws 1819, :!7s $$ gift, 20. . . Act 14 Feb., including Franklin, Union, Alexander, Johnson, Pope and Gallatin counties; Laws 1821, 158. . . Act 17 Feb., including Gallatin, Franklin, Jack- son, Union, Alexander, Johnson, and Pope counties; Laws 1823, 162. . . Act 29 Dec. l s Jt; including Jefferson, Gallatin, Hamilton, Wayne and .Marion counties; Laws 1825,42 18. . . Act 17 Jan., changing the time of hold- ing the courts, and attaching Franklin and Clay counties to the circuit ; Laws 1S-,T), 170. . . Act 2, 155. . . Act 16 Jan., times of holding court changed ; Laws 1836, 239. . . Act 12 Jan, 1835 [1836] ; including White coun- ty; Laws 1836, 240. . . Actl Maritime of courts changed ; 1 Laws 1837, 110. . . Act 29 Jan., to fix the time of holding courts in Coles. Champagn, Vermilion and Edgar counties; Laws 1840, 90. . . Act, 23 Feb, including White, Wayne, Wabash, Edwirds, Clay, Law- rence, Crawford, Jasper, Clark, Edgar, Coles and Vermilion counties; William Wilson, judge: time of holding courts; Laws 1841, 103. . . Actl Mar., to change the time of holding courts; Laws 1843, 133. . . Act of 1 Mar., including Wayne, White, Edwards, Wabash, Lawrence, Crawford, Clark, Edgar, Vermilion, Coles, Jas- per, Richland and Clay counties ; Laws 1843, 133. . . Act of 21 Feb., including Coles, Cumberland, Jasper, Richland and Clay coun- ties; Laws 1845, 48. . . Act of 16 Feb., inclu- ding Wayne, White, Edwards, Wabash, Law- rence, Crawford, Clark, Coles, Cumberland, Jasper, Clay and Richland counties; Laws 1847, 30. . . Act 30 Jan., including Wayne, White, Edwards, Wabash, Lawrence. Craw- ford, Clark, Coles, Cumberland, Jasper, Clay, and Richland counties; Laws 1849, 59. . . . Act of 15 Feb., including Crawford, Lawrence, Richland, Clay, Effingham, Jasper, Cumberland, Coles and Clark counties: Laws 1851,110. . . Act of 21 June, including Crawford, Lawrence,Richland, Clay, Effingham, Jasper, Cumberland, Coles and Clark counties; Laws 1852, 96. . . Act of 12 Feb., including Edgar, Clark, Crawford, Lawrence, Richland, Clay, Jasper, Cumberland and Coles counties; Laws 1853, 64. . . Act of 12 Feb., including Edgar,Cumberland, Jasper,Clay, Richland, Law- rence, Crawford and Clark counties ; Laws 1857, 22. . . Act 1 Feb., including the counties of Coles, Edgar, Clark and Cumberland ; Laws 1859, 52. . . Act 14 Feb., including the coun- ties of Clark, Cumberland, Coles, and Edgar; Laws 1861. 90. Supplemental to the foregoing: Act of 18 Feb. 1861; Laws 1861. 91. . . Act of 3 Feb., including the counties of Effingham, Shelby, Clark, Cumberland, Coles and Edgar; Laws 1863, 31. . . Act of 15 Feb., including the counties of Clark and Cumberland; Laws 1865,26. . . Actof7 Mar., including the coun- ties of Effingham, Jasper, Crawford, Clark and Cumberland; Laws 1867, 51. . . Act 30 Mar., to change the fall terms; Laws 1869, 71. Fifth Circuit. Act, 29 Dec. 1824; including the counties of White, Edwards, Lawrence, Crawford, Clark and Edgar; Laws 1825, 42. . . Act 17 Jan., changing the time of holding the court?, and attaching the county of Wabash to the circuit; Laws 1825, 170. . . Act 26 Jan., times of holding court changed ; Laws 1826.81. . . Act 12"". Tan. 1827; the counties of White, Edwards, Wabash, Lawrence, Craw- ford, Clark and Edear are made part of the fourth circuit ; R. S. 1827, 118. . . Act 8 Jan., I establishing a circuit court north of the Illinois, j riyer; Laws 1829, 38. . . Act 25 Jan., inclu- GENERAL LAWS. Circuit Courts. ding Jo Daviess, Peoria, Fulton, Schuyler and Adams counties; Laws 1829, 48. . . Act 1G Feb., including Cook, La Salle, Putnam, Peoria, Fulton, Schuyler, Adams, Hancock, McDon- ough, Knox, Warren, Jo Daviess, Mercer, Rock Island and Henry counties; Laws 1831, 45. . . Act 2 Mar. 1833; changing time of holding courts; R. S. 1833,162. . . Act 17 Jan., in- cluding Pike, Adams, Hancock, McDonough, Knox, Warren, Fulton and Schuyler counties ; Laws 1835, 154. . . Act 4 Mar., including Calhoun county ; 1 Laws 1837, 111. . . Act 19 Jan., teste of process after the resignation of Judge R. M. Young; 1 Laws 1837, 179. . . Act 23 Feb., Adams, Hancock, Warren, Mer- cer, Knox, Fulton, Schuyler, Brown and Mc- Donough counties; Laws 1839,155. . . Act. 2 Mar., to change the time of holding courts; Laws 1839,278. . . Act 23 Feb., including Schuyler, Brown, Adams, Hancock, McDon- ough, Warren, Henderson, Knox and Fulton counties; Stephen A. Douglas, judge; time of holding courts; Laws 1841, 103. . . Act 4 Mar., to change the time of holding courts; Laws 1843, 135. . . Act of 4 Mar., including Fulton, McDonough, Schuyler, Brown, Adams, Hancock, Henderson, Warren and Knox coun- ties; Laws 1843, 135. . . Act of 28 Feb., in- cluding Warren county ; Laws 1845,108. . . Act 13 Feb., including Hancock county; Laws 1847, 30. . . Act 5 Feb., including Pike, Fulton, Schuyler, Brown, Hancock, Hen- derson, Warren, Knox, McDonough and Adams counties; Laws 1847,43. . . Act 5 Nov, in- cluding Pike, Brown, Adams, Schuyler, Han- cock, McDonough and Henderson counties ; 2 Laws 1849, 12. . . Act 6 Nov., including Schuyler, Brown, Pike, Henderson, Hancock, McDonough and Adams counties ; 2 Laws 1849, 16. . . Act 22 June, including Pike, Brown, McDonough, Schuyler, Mason and Cass coun- ties; Laws 1852, 177. . . Act 29 Jan., inclu- ding Fulton, McDonough, Schuyler, Brown, and Pike counties ; Laws 1857, 5. . . Act 8 Feb., including the counties of Fulton, Mc- Donough, Pike, Schuyler and Brown; Laws 1859, 53. . . Act 26 Jan., including the coun- ties of Pike, McDonough, Brown, Schuyler and Fulton; Laws 1865, 27. . . Act 7 Mar., in- cluding the counties of Pike, Brown, McDon- ough, Fulton and Schuyler; Laws 1867, 51. . . Act 9 Feb., to change the time of holding courts; Laws 1869, 72. Sixth Circuit. Act 17 Jan., including Jo Da- viess, Rock Island, Mercer, Henry, Peoria, Putnam, LaSalle, Cook and Iroquois counties; Laws 1835, 154. . . Act 4 Mar., terms of court changed; 1 Laws 1837, 111. . . Act 12 Feb., payment of $500. to Dan. Stone, judge; Laws 1839, 102. . . Act 23 Feb., including Jo Daviess, Stephenson, Boone, Winnebago, Whiteside, Rock Island and Carroll counties; Laws 1839,. 155. . . Act 2 Mar., to change the time of holding courts ; Laws 1839, 250. . . Act 15 Jan., including the county of Lee; Laws 1840, 44. . . Act 29 Jan., to change the time of holding courts; Laws 1840, 88. . . Act 20 Jan., to change the time of courts; Laws 1841, 102. . . Act 23 Feb., including Jo Daviess, Stephenson, Wiunebago, Boone, Lee, Carroll, WhUeside, Rock Island, Mercer ; and Henry counties; Thomas C. Browne, judge; ' time of holding courts; Laws 1841,103. . . Act 23 Feb , including JoDaviess, Stephenson, Winnebago, Boone, 'Lee, Whiteside, Henry, i Mercer, Rock Island and Carroll counties; Laws :1841. 108. . . Act 27 Feb., including Lee, Whiteside, Henry, Mercer, Rock Island, Carroll and JoDaviess counties; Laws 1847, 27. . . Act 1 Mar., including JoDaviess county ; Laws ; 1847, 42. . . Act 5 Nov., including JoDa- viess, Stephenson, Ogle, Lee, Whiteside and i Carroll counties; 2 Laws 1849,12. . . Act 23 j June, including Ogle, Lee, Whiteside, Carroll, i Henry and Rock Island ; Laws 1852, 239. . . Act 14 Feb., including Rock Island, Henry, Whiteside, Lee, Ogle and Carroll counties; Laws 1855, 130. . . Act 5 Feb., including Rock Island and Henry counties ; Laws 1855, 7. . . Act 19 Feb., including the counties of ; Rock Island and Henry ; Laws 1859, 54. . . ! Act 7 Mar., including the county of Henry; Laws 1867, 52. . . Act 31 Mar., to change the j times of holding courts in Rock Island and \ Henry counties; Laws 1869, 73. Seventh Circuit. Act 4 Feb., including Cook, ! Will, McHenry, Kane, LaSalle and- Iroquois counties; 1 Laws 1837, 113. . . Act 4 Mar., terms of court fixed; 1 Laws 1837, 112 3. . . Act 23 Feb., including Cook, Will, Iroquois, ! McHenry and Du Page counties; Laws 1839, i 155. . . Act 2 Mar., to change the time of i holding courts; Laws 1839, 251. . . Act 23 | Feb., including Cook, Will, Iroquois, Du Page, Grundy, McHenry and Lake counties; The- I ophilus W. Smith, iudge; time of holding courts; Laws 1841, 103. . . Act 28 Jan., to : pay Henry Brown, state's attorney, $134.25; i Laws 1843, 19. , . Act 6 Feb., to change the I time of holding courts; Laws 1843, 128. . . I Act5 Dec. 1842; to change the time of holding , courts; Laws 1843, 135. . . Act 3 Mar., in- ! eluding Cook. Lake, McHenry, Du Page, Grun- : dy, Will and Iroquois counties; Laws 1845, 78. . . Act 27 Feb., including Winnebago, I Grundy, Lake, McHenry, Du Page, Iroquois, i Will, Boone and Cook counties ; Laws 1847, 27. . . Act 22 Feb., including Lake, McHenry, Boone, Du Page, Grundy, Will, Iroquois and ! Cook counties; Laws 1847, 28. . . Act 13 i Feb., including Boone county ; Laws 1847, 31. . . Interchange between the county judge of Cook county and the judge of the ninth cir- :cuit;Pr. Laws 1847 (1 Mar.) 42. . . Act 5 Nov., including Cook county; 2 Laws 1849, 14. , Act 5 Nov., including Lake county ; 2 ' Laws 1849, 16. , . Act 6 Nov., including Lake county; 2 Laws 1849, 15. . . Regulating, the practice in chancery cases in said circuit ; act 12 Feb. ; Laws 1853, 66. . - Act 12 Feb., including Cook county ; practice in the circuit court of said county; Laws 1853, 172. . . Act 14 Jan., including Lake and Cook counties; construction of the act of 12 Feb. 1853, con- cerning the practice in the circuit court of Cook county; suits in said court, how dismissed; iudgments entered in vacation; act 14 Jan. Laws 1857, 10. . . Fees of the state's attorney in the recorder's court; act 24 Feb., Laws 1859, 17. . . Act 9 Mar., incliuliug the counties of Lake and Cook; Laws 186 ., 53. . , .Compensation to the judge of said car- (10) GENERAL LAWS fin-nit Courts. cuit: ad ->.-. Feb., Laws 1Hf57. 70. . . Fees of the state's attorney in the 7th circuit: Laws 1889 (10 Mar.) 178. ''/< Circuit. Act 23 Feb., circuit estab- lished, including Sangamon, Macon, McLean, Ta/.cwell, Menard. Logan, Dane and Livingston counties; judge to be elected by the general as- sembly; Laws 1H::<>, I.V.. . . Act 2 Mar., to change the time of holding courts; Laws is:! i, 351. . . Act 1 Feb., to change the time of holding courts; Laws 1840, 5. . . Act 23 Feb., including Menard, Sangamon, Christian, Logan, Shelby, Macon, DeWitt, McLean, Cham- paign, Tazewell, Mason, Piatt and Livingston counties; Samuel II. Treat, judge; time of holding courts; Laws 1841, 103. . . Act 28 Feb., to change the time of holding courts; Laws ix.13. 132. . . Act 21 Feb., including Sangamon, Ta/ewell, Wood ford, McLean, Liv- ing-ton, DeWitt, Piatt, Champaign, Vermilion, i] Igar. Moultrie, Christian, Logan jmd Menard rou n ties; Laws 1845, 48. . . Act 25 Feb., in- cluding Christian, Logan and Menard counties; Laws 1st.'), 49. . . Act 11 Feb., including Shelby, Sangamon, Tazewell, Woodford, Mc- Lean, Logan, DeWitt,Piatt, Champaign, Vermil- ion, Edgar, Moultrie, Macon and Christian counties; Laws 1847, 31. . . Act 20 Jan., in- cluding Sangamon, Tazewell, Woodford, Mc- Lean, Logan, DeWitt, Piatt, Champaign, Ver- milion. Edgar, Shelby, Moultrie, Macon and Christian counties; Laws 1849, GO. . . Act :! Feb., including Sangamon, Logan, McLean, Woodford, Tazewell, DeWitt, Champaign and Vermilion counties; Laws 1853, ti:j. . . Act II Feb., including Logan, McLean, DeWitt, Champaign, and Vermilion counties; Laws 1857, tt. . . Act 24 Feb., including the county of Vermilion; Laws 1S.V.I, 55. . . Act 4 Fell., including the counties of McLean, Logan and DeWitt; practice in said circuit; Laws ixiii, 100. . . Amending the foregoing; act 22 Feb., Laws 1861, 102. . . Additional terms of court; Laws 1869 (4 Mar.) 73. Ninth Circuit. Act 23 Feb., circuit estab- lished including Peoria, Putnam, Marshall, Kane, DeKalb, Bureau, Henry Ogle and La- Sallc counties; judge elected by the general as- sembly ; Laws IS'!:), l :>.-,. . . Act 2 Mar. 1829 [1839]: to change the time of holding courts; Laws 1S3:, 25' 1. . . Act 2!) Jan., time of holding courts in DeKalb, Kane and Peoria counties; Laws 1840, 92. . . Act 23 Feb., in- eluding Peoria, Marshall, Putnam, LaSalle, Kendall. Kane. DeKalb. Ogle. Bureau and Stark counties; Tl; >mas Ford, judare; time of holding courts; L",ws 1841, 103. . . Act 26 Feb., time of holding courts in Putnam; Laws 1841, 110. . . Act 20 Feb., to change the time of holding courts; Laws 1843, 129. " . . Act 20 Feb., including Marshall, Putnam, La- Salle, Kendall, Kline, DeKalb, Ogle, Bureau, Stark and Peoria counties; Laws 1843, 129. . Act 11 Feb., including Livingston county; Laws 1S47, 31. . . Judge of said circuit may interchange with the county judge of Cook county; Pr. Laws 1847 (1 Mnr.) 42. . . Act 5 Nov.. including LaSalle, Putnam Marshall, Bureau, Kane, DeKalb, Kendall and Living- ston counties; 2 Laws 1849, 12. . . Act 6 Nov., including LaSalle, Li rin-rston and Ken- dall counties; '2 Laws 1849, 15. . . Act 17 Feb., including LaSalle, Livingston, Kendall, Bureau. Putnam and Marshall counties; grand juries not summoned; Laws 1851, 152. . . Act 2:5 June, including LaSalle, Bureau, Ken- dall. Marshall Livingston and Putnam counties; Laws 1852, 207. . . Act 12 Feb., including Kendall, Bureau, Marshall, Putnam, Livingston and LaSalle counties; Laws is.~>3, 62. . . Time of holding courts changed ; Laws 1857 (10 Feb.) '19^6. . . Act 17 Feb., including LaSalle ' county; Laws 1857, 27. . . Act 11 Feb., in- ! eluding the counties of Bureau and LaSalle; Laws 1859, 56. . . Act 12 Feb., including Bureau county; Laws JSr>!), 57. . . Act 18 Feb., including Kendall county ; practice to be the same as in the thirteenth circuit; Laws 1859,58. . . Act 22 Feb., including the coun- ty of Bureau ; Laws 1861, 104. . . Act 2 June. including the county of Kendall; Laws 1863. 31. Act 16 Feb., including the county of Kendall; Laws 1865, 34. . . Act 20 Feb., including the county of Kendall; Laws 1867 63. . . Act. 28 Feb., including Bureau county : Laws 1867, G7. . . Act 15 April, confessions of judgment in said circuit during vacation; Laws 1869, 73. . . Act 27 Mar., to change one of th: terms in Bureau county; Laws 1869, 74. . . Act 30 Mar., appointment of an official reporter in said circuit; Laws 1869, 348. Tenth Circuit. Established by act 5 Nov.. including Fulton, Peoria, Stark, Henry, Hock Island, Mercer, Knox and Warren counties; 2 Laws 1849, 12. . . Act 22 June, including Fulton and Peoria counties; Laws 1852, 123. . . Act 11 Feb., including Fulton, Knox, War- ren and Mercer counties; Laws 1853, 129. . . Act 14 Feb., including Fulton, Mercer, Hen- derson, Warren and Knox counties; Laws 1855, 14!). . . Act 29 Jan., including Mercer, Hen- derson, Warren and Knox counties; Laws 1857, 5. . . Act 16 Feb., including the counties of Mercer, Knox, Warren and Henderson; Laws 1859, 58. . . Act 13 Feb., including the county of Warren; Laws 1863,33. . . Repeal of the foregoing; act 13 June, Laws 1863, 36. . Act 21 Feb., including the counties of , Warren, Knox, Mercer and Henderson; Laws 1867, 53. . . Changing the time of holding courts; Laws 1869 (4 Mar.) 74. Eleventh Circuit. Established by act of 12 Feb., including Iroquois, Will, DuPage, Me- Henry, Boone and Winnebago counties; Laws 1849,61. . . Act 5 Nov., including Winnebago, Boqne, McHenry, DxPage, Will, Grundy and Iro- quois counties; 2 Laws 1849, 12. . . Special election for state's attorney in April 1851; act 4 Feb., Laws 1851, 21. . . Act 17 Feb., including i Will, Du Page, Iroquois, Grundy and Kanka- 1 kee counties; Laws 1851, 159. . . Act 21 June, including Will, Iroquois, Grundy and DuPage counties; Laws 1852, 105. . . Act 14 Feb., including Will county; Laws 1857, 28. . . Act 26 Jan., including the counties of Will, Grundy and DuPage; practice in said circuit proscribed; Laws 1859, 59. . . Amending the foregoing; act of 2 Feb., Laws 1859, 61. . . i March term in Will county for common law and chancery business only; affidavit ol merits in the counties of Will, Du Page or Grundy; act of 18 Feb., Laws 1861, 93. . Act 12 Feb.. including the counties of W*U and Grun- GENERAL LAWS. (11) Circuit Courts. dy ; practice in said circuit; acts repealed; Laws 1863, 32. . . Act 12 Feb. 1853, concerning practice in the seventh cjrcuit, extended to the ; eleventh circuit ; act 16 Feb., Laws 1865, 27. . Act of 16 Fob., including the county of Will ; Laws 1865, 34. . . Amending the act of 16 Feb. 1865; act 28 Feb., Laws 1867, 66. Twelfth Circuit. Established by act of 1 Feb. : 1851, including Marion, Jefferson, Hamilton, : Wayne, White, Wabash, Edwards, Gallatin and j Saline; Laws 1851, 13. . . Act 22 June, in-' eluding White, Wabash, Edwards, Wayne, Ma- j rion, Jefferson, Hamilton, Saline and Gallatin; ; Laws 185-2. 177. . . Act 12 Feb., including Gallatin county ; Laws 1855. 128 . . Act 16 j Feb., including White, Wabash, Edwards, i Wayne, Jefferson and Hamilton counties; Laws 1867, 27. . . Act 22 Feb., including the coun- ties of White, Wabash. Edwards, Wayne, Jeffer- son and Hamilton; Laws 1859, 61. . . Act 13 Feb., including the counties of White, Wa- bash, Edwards, Wavne, Jefferson and Hamilton; i Laws 1861, 92. . " . Act 16 Feb., including : the counties of Jefferson, Wayne, Edwards, ! Wabash, White and Hamilton; Laws 1865, 28. i Thirteenth Circuit. Established by act of 4 \ Feb., including Kane, DeKalb, Boone and Mc- Henrv counties; Laws 1851, 20. . . Act 17 Feb., "including Kane, DeKalb, Boone and Mc- Henry^ counties ; Laws 1851,152. . . Act 17 Feb., including Boone and McHenry counties ; Laws 1851, 159. . . Act 21 June," including Kane, McHenry, Boone and DeKalb counties"; Laws 1852, 53. . . Act 11 Feb., including McHenry and Kane counties; Laws 1853, 34. . Act 14 Jan., including Kane, Boone, DeKalb and McHenry counties ; fees of clerks in said circuit to be taxed under g4 and 5 of the act of 6 Feb. 1849, (Laws 1849, 69,) as amended by s-17 of the act of 12 Feb. 1853, (Laws 1853, 175 ) Laws 1857, 10. . . Judgments by de- fault and by confession ; action on penal bonds ; special summons; practice in said circuit pre- scribed; act 16 Feb., Laws 1857, 29. . . Re- peal of 5 of the act 14 Jan. 1857, concerning the fees of circuit clerks in said circuit; act 16 Feb., Laws 1857, 118. . . Act 4 Feb., inclu- ding the counties of Kane, Boone, McHenrv and DeKalb; Laws 1859, 62. . . Act 16 Feb., including the counties of Boone, DeKalb and McHenry ; Laws 1861, 102. . > Act 16 Feb., including the county of DeKalb ; Laws 1865, 29. Fourteenth Circuit. Established by act 12 Feb., including JoDaviess, Stephenson and Win- nebago counties; Laws 1851, 82. . . Act 17 Feb., including Winnebago county ; Laws 1851, 159. . . Act 15 Feb., including JoDaviess, Stephenson and Winnebago counties; Laws 1855,127. . . Act 7 Feb., including JoDaviess, Stephenson and Winnebago counties; Laws 1857, 10. . . Act 24 Feb., including Winne- bago county ; Laws 1859, 62. . . Assessment of damages upon a judgment by default ; judg- ments by confession ; act 21 Feb., Laws 1861, 93. . . Practice in the county of Stephenson; act 20 Feb., Laws 1861, 104. . . Practice in the county of Stephenson ; act 12 June ; Laws 1863, 34. . . Act 6 Feb., including the coun- ; ty of Winnebago; Laws 1865, 35. . . Act 11 j Feb., including the counties of JoDaviess, Stephenson and Winnebago ; Laws 1867, 54. . Practice in Stephenson ; act 20 Feb., Laws 1867, 64. . . March term in JoDaviess county; act 25 Feb., Laws 1867, 66. . . Act 5 Mar., in- cluding JoDaviess county ; Laws 1867, 68. Act 19 Apr., fix the April term in Stephenson ; Laws 1869, 75. . . Act 26 Mar., to change the time of holding courts, and to regulate the practice; Laws 1869, 75. Fifteenth Circuit. Established by act 12 Feb. , including Adams, Hancock, Henderson and' Mercer counties; Laws 1851, 82. . . Act 14 Feb., including McDonough county; Laws 1853, 35. . . Act 19 Feb., including Adams and Hancock counties; Laws 1857, 27. Act 5 Feb., including the counties of Adams and Hancock; docket fee in criminal cases; Laws 1867, 55. . . Act 15 Mar., io change the time of holding courts, and to regulate the qualifica- tions of jurors; Laws 1869, 76. . . Act 9 Apr., to amend the foregoing, and to fix the fees of the clerk and sheriff in Adams countv ; Laws 1869, 77. Sixteenth Circuit. Established by act 9 Feb., including Peoriaand Stark counties; Laws 1853, 127. . . Act 9 Feb., including Peoria county : practice in said circuit; Laws 1855,125. . ." Act 7 Feb., including the counties of Peoria and Stark; Laws 1859, 94. . . Act 29 Jan., inclnd- ing the counties of Peoria and Stark; Laws 1863, 29. . . . Act 16 Feb., including Peoria county ; Laws 1865, 29. . . Act 13 Jan., to change the time of holding courts, and to regu- late the practice; Laws 1869, 79. Seventeenth Circuit. Established by act 12 Feb., including Bond, Fayette, Montgomery. Christian, Shelby, Effingham, Moultrie, Macon and Piatt counties; Laws 1853, 62. . . Act 14 Feb., including Christian, Montgomery, Bond, Fayette, Effingham, Shelby, Moultri'e, Piatt and Macon counties ; Laws 1855, 129. . . Act 12 Feb., including Macon, Piatt, Fayette, Effingham, Shelby, Moultrie and Coles coun- ties; Laws 1857,19. . . Act 4 Feb., includ- ing the counties of Macon, Moultrie, Piatt, Fayette, Effingham and Shelby ; Laws 1859, 64. . . Act 18 Feb., including the counties of Macon, Moultrie, Piatt, Fayette, Effingham and Shelby; Laws 1861, 95. . . Act 16 Feb., in- cluding Shelby, Fayette, Macon, Piatt and Moul- trie ; notices of publication ; Laws 1865, 30. . Act 29 Jan., including the, counties of Ford, Champaign, Fayette, Piatt, Macon, Shelby and Moultrie; Laws 1867, 57. . . Act 27 Jan., to change the time of holding courts, to fix the qualifications of jurors and concerning publica- tions; Laxfs 1869, 81. Eighteenth Circuit. Established by act 11 Feb., including Sangamon, Macoupin, Montgo- mery and Christian counties; Laws 1857,14. . . Act 12 Feb., including the counties of Mont- gomery, Macoupin, Christian and Sangam >n ; Laws 1859, 64. . . Act 14 Feb., including the counties of Montgomery, Macoupin, Christian and Sangamon; Laws 1861,96. . . Act '21 Feb., including the counties of Montgomery. Macoupin, Christian and Sangamon ; Laws 1867, 58. . . Act 19 Apr., to change the time of holding courts; Laws 1869, 83. . . Act 11 Mar., election of a prosecuting attorney ; Laws 1869, 91 4. . . Act 31 Mar., appointment of an official reporter in said circuit, viz: Sanga- (12) GENERAL LAWS. Circuit Courts Criminal Jurisprudence. mon, Macoupin, Christian and Montgomery counties; Laws 1869, 349. .\in. . . Act 28 Jan., including the counties of Lee, Carroll, Whiteside and Ogle; Laws 1867, 61. . . Act 28 Feb., including the counties of Whiteside, Lee and Ogle, Carroll; Laws 1867, 61. . . Act 25 Mar., to extend the powers of the judge in vacation; Laws 1869, 8(5. Twenty-third Circuit. Established by act of 10 Feb., including -Bureau, Putnam and Mar- shall counties; Laws 1857,18. Repeal of the foregoing; act 11 Feb., including the counties of Marshall, Woodford and Putnam; Laws 1859, 56. . . Act 13 Feb., including the county of Woodford; practice in said circuit ; Laws 1861, 98. Tii-enty-fourth Circuit. Established by act of 12 Feb., including the counties of Bond, St. ( 'lair and Madison; Laws 1857, 20. . . Act II Feb.,includingthe counties of St. Clair, Bond and Madison; Laws 1859, 70. . . Act 18 Feb., including the counties of Bond, St. Clair and Madison; Laws 1861, 99. . . Act 29 Mar., additional term in St. Clair county ; Laws 1869, 87. Ttrenty -fifth. Circuit. Established by act of 1 Feb., including the counties of Crawford, Clay, Richland, Jasper and Lawrence ; Laws 1859, 52. . . Act 10 Mar., to change the time of holding courts in said circuit ; Laws 1869, 88. Tir,nty-si.rth Circuit. Established by act of 3 Feb., including the counties of Franklin, Saline, Williamson and Johnson; Laws 1859, 50. . . Act 16 Feb., including the counties of Franklin, Saline, Williamson and Johnson; Laws 1859, 50. . . Act 16 Feb., including the counties of Franklin, Williamson, Johnson and Saline; Laws 1865, 31. . . Act 25 Feb., including the counties of Johnson, Williamson, Saline, Galla- tin and Hardin; Laws 1867, 62. . . Act 11 Mar., to change the time of holding courts; Laws 1869, 88. Foregoing repealed ; Laws 1869, 89. . . Act 11 Mar., to fix the time of hold- ing courts in said circuit; Laws 1869, 84. Twenty-seventh Circuit, Established by act of 4 Feb., including counties of Vermilion, Cham paign, Douglas and Ford ; Laws 1861, 99. A- mending the foregoing; act 22 Feb., Laws 1861, 102. . . Act 10 Feb., including the counties of Douglas, Edgar, Champaign, Coles, Vermil- ion and Ford; notices for publication; Laws 1865, 32. . . Act 25 Feb., including the coun- ties of Douglas, Vermilion, Edgar and Coles; Laws 1867, "63. . . Act 30 Jan., to change the time of holding circuit courts; Laws 1869, 89. Twenty -eigltt Circuit. Established by act 16 Feb., including the counties of Du Page and Kane; Laws 1861, 102. . . Practicein the circuit courts of Kane county; act of 14 Feb., Laws 1863, 65. . Judgments by confession in DuPage county; act of 16 Feb.'; Laws 1865, 33. , . Act 16 Feb., including Du Page county; Laws 1865, 34. . . Amending the act of 14 Feb., 1863, concerning the practice in Kane county; act of 16 Feb., Laws 1865, 36. . Practicein Kane coun- ty; act of 16 Feb., Laws 1865, 38. . . Repeal of 6, 7, 8 and 9 of the foregoing act of 14 Feb. 1863, concerning practice in Kane county; act of 9 Mar., Laws 1867, 69. Thirtieth Circuit. Act 11 Mar., circuit es- tablished, including the county of Sangamon ; times of holding courts ; Laws 1869, 90. Official reporter appointed; Laws 1869 (31 Mar.) 350. District Courts. Established in certain cases for special purposes; Laws 1847 (20 Feb.) 44. CHAP. 30.' CRIMINAL JURISPRU- DENCE. Act 22 Feb., to suppress dueling; Laws 1819, 32^17. . . Act 27 Feb., to suppress the counterfeiting of bank notes; Laws 1819, 81. . Act 1 Mar., proceedings against vagrants before justices; binding, hiring or whipping of vagrants; Laws 1819, 88. . . Act 5 Mar., to prevent vice and immorality by punishing work or play on Sunday; Laws 1819, 123. . . Act 22 Mar, to compel persons legally commanded to aid in executing process; Laws 1819, 158. . . Act 23 Mar., a general law concerning crimes and punishments; Laws 1819, 212 1 28. . . Act 20 Feb., regulating the firing of woods, prairies and other lands; Laws 1819,384. . . Act 19 Jan., prosecution of county officers for mal-feasance and omission of duty ; Laws 1821 20. . . Act 31 Jan., for the prevention of vice and immorality by punishing those who work or play on Sunday ; nearly the same as GENERAL LAWS. (13) Election*. the act 5 Mar. 1819, -which it repeals; Laws j 1821 48 117. . . Act 12 Feb., respecting ' crimes and punishments; Laws 1821 1261 16. . . Act 14 Feb., amending the act of 20 Feb. 1819, "regulating the firing of woods, prai- \ ries and other lands;" Laws 1823, 140. . . Act 14 ; Feb., to prevent the selling of spirituous liquors in this state; Laws 1823, 148. . . Act 14 Feb., amending the laws respecting the counterfeit- ing of notes and coins ; Laws 1823, 149. . . Act 3 Jan., to prevent the disinterment of the dead: Laws 1825,- 51. . . Act 10 Jan , supple- mentary to the act of 31 Jan. 1821, "for the prevention of vice and immorality;" Laws 1825, 61. . . Act 26 Jan., writs of error in criminal cases; Laws 1826, 84 5, 6. . . Act 30 Jan. 1827 ; relative to criminal jurisprudence ; con- sisting of 17 divisions 1 189; prepared by Judge S. D. Lockwood; repeal of the former acts" R. S. 1827, 124. . . Act 6 Jan. 1827; to regulate the apprehension of offenders, and for other purposes; R. S. 1827, 169; R. S. 183=3, 219. . . Act 19 Jan., amending the act of 20 Jan., 1837 in relation to Sabbath breaking-; Laws 1829, 138 ; R. S. 1833, 662. . . Act '15 Feb.; amends all previous acts ; Laws 1831, 103 1 44. . . Act 26 Feb. 1833 ; a consolidation of previous acts which are repealed ; R. S. 1833, 171 ggi_i9i. . . Act 1 Mar. 1833 : punish- ment for the disturbance of worshiping congre- gations; R. S. 1833, 661. . . Act 11 Feb., amending act 6 Jan. 1827 "for the apprehen- sion of offenders;" 1 Laws 1837, 113. . . Act 7 Feb., incest defined and punished, similar to R. S. 1845 Ch. 30 124128; Laws 1843, 155. CHAP. 31. CUMBERLAND ROAD. Act 2 Mar., to protect said road, and pre- vent trespasses ; similar to Ch. 31 R. S. 1845 14; Laws 1839, 245. . . Act 3 Mar., said road to be kept in repair, penalty for injuring ; Laws 1843, 265. CHAP. 32. DETINUE. When and for what the action will lie ; R. S. 1827 (6 Jan.) 179. R. S. 1833, 231. CHAP. 33. DIVORCES. Causes for which Divorces may be granted, similar to the chapter in the R. S. ; Laws 1819 (22 Feb.) 35. Foregoing amended; Laws 1825 (17 Jan.) 169. Further amendment; Laws 1827 (12 Jan.) 180. R. S. 1833, 232. . . A new act on this subject, repealing all the former acts ; R. S. 1827 (31 Jan.) 181. R. S. 1833, 232, Fore- going amended : R. S. 1833 (4 Dec, 1832.) 234. Special Acts. John Elkins divorced from Elizabeth Elkins 9 Feb.; Laws 1821, 118. . . Act 24 Jan., divorcing Mary and Archibald Farr; Laws 1823, 52. . . Act 11 Jan., di- vorcing Elizabeth and John Postlewait ; Laws 1823, 70. . . Act 3 Jan., divorcing Joseph T. and Nancy Atchinson; Laws 1823; 76. . . Act 2-3 Dec. 1822 ; divorcing Polly and Israel Bozarth ; Laws 1823, 79. . . Act 27 Dec. 1822 ; divorcing Nancy and Andrew Milton; Laws 1823, 84. v . . Act 30 Jan., divorcing Samuel and Nancy Atherton ; Laws 1823, 96. . . Act 31 Jan., divorcing Patsey and Obadiah Johnson ; Laws, 1823 97. . . Act 10 Feb., divorcing John and Fanny Rutherford ; Laws 1823,119. Act 14 Feb., divorcing John H. C. and Cathe- rine Wageman ; Laws 1823, 143. . . Act 14 Feb., divorcing Sarah and James Burrows ; Laws, 1823, 144. . . Act 17 Feb., divorcing William G. and Eulalie Goforth; Laws 1823. 155. . . Act 15 Jan., divorcing Thomas and Eliza B. Shannon, and Martha and Mathias Drain ; Laws 1825, 120. . . Act 15 Feb., di- vorcing Samuel and Sarah Walker; Joshua and Sally Holm; Thomas and Julia Jones; Elijah and Margaret Price Evans; John and Eliza- beth Jarrard ; John and Margaret Scott ; Na- than and Polly Turner; Legar and Angelina Hebbart ; Thomas and Levina Elliott ; Arthur and Rebecca Morgan; Laws 1831,71; Samuel and Elizabeth Nowland ; James and Elizabeth Etherton; John and Patience Langley; Greeu and Mary Coleman; John W. and Elizabeth Doty ; William and Cloe Mackelyea; John and Crawford; Stephen and Sarah Strawn; John and Clarissa Goodman; James and Polly Quarles, and Isaac and Carsun; Laws 1831, 72. James and Sarah Vermilion ; William and Eve Robins; John and Annetta Mize; Laws 1831, 72. . . Act 15 Jan., divorcing Richard H. and Elizabeth McGoon ; Joshua S. and Fan- ny Shaw ; George and Jane Flower ; Laws 1836, 259. . . Act 4 Dec. 1838; to divorce Julia A. and Jeremiah Hull; Laws 1839. 79. CHAP. 34. DOWER, Act 12 Feb., how dower may be assigned; Laws 1819, 12. . . Act 6 Feb., 1827; for the speedy assignment of dower and partition of real estate; former acts repealed; R. S. 1827, 183; R. S. 1833, 236. CHAP. 35. DROVERS. Act 3 Feb. 1841 ; to prevent the unlawful driv- ing away of cattle and other stock, similar to Chap. 35 R, S. 1845 13; Laws 1841, 51. CHAP. 36. EJECTMENT. Act 23 Feb., improvements made by occupy - I ing claimants of land ; this is substantially Ch. j 36 5058; Laws 1819, 40: Laws 1829, 98; ! R. S. 1833, 416. . . Act 23 Feb., tenants se- I creting declarations; landlords to defend in I place of their tenants: Laws 1819, 55 f 8, 9. . I Act 13 Jan., to simplify proceedings in eject- ment, similar to R. S. 1845 Ch. 37 57; Laws 1836, 238. . . Act 2 Mar., to define and regu- late proceedings in ejectment, similar to this chapter in the revised statutes ; Laws 1839, 220. CHAP. 37. ELECTIONS. Act 26 Feb., election to fill a vacancy in the office of Governor; Laws 1819, 74. . . Act 1 Mar., general act providing the manner of con- (14) GE XERAL, LAWS. Election* Fee* and Salaries. ducting state and county elections; Laws 1819, IID :', $$l 37. . Act 29 Nov. 1824; amending the act of 2 Mar. 1819, "for the election of presidential electors;" Laws 1825, 3. . . Act 7 Dec. 1824; compensa- tion of presidential electors ; Laws 1825, 5. . . Act 17 Jan., supplemental to the act regulating elections; Laws 1825, 101). . . Act 9 Feb., to amend the act regulating elections; 11. S. 1827, 1ST S AND PERJU- RIES. Act I'.i Fdi.. cnactinir the first throe sections of this chapter; Laws isi'.t. 14. . . Act 16 Feb. 1827, for the prevention of frauds and per- juries: H. S. is-JT, ',>:{(> ^'14: R. S. 1S:M. :;i3. . . Act -,'s Feb. 1833, to prevent fraudulent devises; R. S. 1833, 315. CHAP. 45. FUGITIVES FROM JUS- TICE. Act 25 Mar., governor to offer a reward for the iippreliension of criminals as in 8 of this chapter; Laws 1819. 254. . . Act 6 Jan. ix.' 7 ; concerninir fuiritives from justice; former acts repealed ; R! S. 1827, 232; R. S. 1833,317. CHAP. 49. HORSES. Act 20 Feb., stoned horses may be taken up and gelded: Laws 1819,26. . . Act 3 Jan., for improving the breed of horses: act of 20 Feb. 1819 repealed; Laws ls-,><>, 7.-, : K. S. 1833,330. CHAP. 50. CHAP. 45a. GAME. Act 12 Feb., forbids the killing of certain j kinds of game from 1 Jan. to 20 July, in 15 specified counties; Laws 1853, 254; Gross' Stat. W. . . Act 15 Feb., forbids the killing or trapping of certain kinds of game, from 15 Jan. to 1 Aug., in all except 58 counties which are bv name excepted: Laws is.",, 137: Gross' Stat. 1888, 323. . . Act 9 Feb ; the act of 1&55 extended to Clinton county; Laws 1857. .")'.: Gross' Stat. 1868. 324. . . Act 16 Feb., amend- ing the acts of 1855 so far as it relates to Edgar county; Pr. Laws 1857, 1123; Gross' Stat. 1868, :-4. . . Act J8 Feb., explaining the act of l s -V, as to warehousemen and carriers; Laws !*.->7. '.Hi; Gross' Stat. 1368, 325, . . Act 24 Feb., repeals the act of 1855 so far as relates to Greene county; Laws 1859, 120; Gross' Stat. i 9K . :',25. . . Act 21 Feb., the act of 1 s55 ex- tended to Knox county; Laws 1861, 126; Gross' , Stat. ls. :)-25. . . Act ISjFeb., the Knox co. , act extended to four other counties; Laws 1863, ! 50; Gross' Stat. 1868, 325. IDIOTS AND LUNA- TICS. Act 12 Feb., regulating the estates of idiots, lunatics and persons distracted; Laws 1823, 133; Laws 1829, 77 ; R. S. 1833, 332. . . Act 19 Jan., sections Sand 9Ch. 50R. S. 1845; Laws 1831, 81; II. S. 1888, :;:U. . . Ch. 50, R. S. 1845, ap- pointment of conservator for idiot, lunatic or distracted person; his powers and duties; K. S. 276; Gross' Stat. 1868,345. . . Act 15 Feb., penalty of the bond of a conservator ; Laws 1851 , 98; Gross' Stat. 1868,345. Idiots, Schools for. To be kept in connection with the institution for the education of the deaf and dumb ; Laws 1865 (15 Feb.) 71. . . Ap- propriations for 1867 and 1868; Laws 1867 (28 Feb.) 9. CHAP. 46. GAMING. Act Hi Jan. 1H27, to restrain gaming by de- clarinsr gaming contracts void; R. S. 1687,285; R. S. 1833, 330. CHAP. 47. GUARDIAX AND WARD. Act 5 Feb. 1827, concerning minors, orphans and guardians ; R. S. 1827, 301; R.S 1^:;: 4V! . . Act 7 Feb., being 14 and 15 Ch. 47 R. S. 1845; Laws is:{i. IOC; K. S. is:;:!, 4oG. . . Act 27 .Tan. father to dispose of the custody of in- fant : nearly as in R. S. 1845 Ch. 47 $1720; Laws is:r>, :{."). . . Act 4 Mar, guardian ap- pointed in all cases whether there is real estate or not; poor children bound out; 1 Laws 1837, 163. CHAP. 48. HABEAS CORPUS. Act 22 Jan. 1827, regulating the proceedings on writs of habeas corpus; R. S. 1827, 236; R S. 1833, 3-22. CHAP. 50a. INSANE HOSPITAL. Established at Jacksonville: Laws 1847 (1 Mar.) 52. . . Special state tax to be collected for four years; 1 Laws 1849 (3 Feb.) 93. . . Tlie act of 1851 contains some provisions ichirh (ire included in full in the chapter on this subject, ittttinly. sections 4, 5, 8, 12 and 14. The rtmain- ing sections are : $1. Special tux for the Hospi- tal Fund. 2. Cost of keeping insane paupers to be paid by the state. S3. Building finished and furnished. 7. Certificate of a county clerk to be authority for arresting anddetaining a lunatic; changed by the act of 1853. 9. No- tice of the time of opening. 10. Married wo- men and infants detained without the verdict of a jury; repealed by the act of 1867. J-13. Com- pensation of the sheriff and his assistants; changed by the act of 1853. j-15. Penalty in conservators' bonds; changed by the act of 1869, Ch. 50. 16. Superintendent not required to peiform road labor, serve on juries, or attend court as a witness. $17. Hospital employees also exempt from jury duty and road labor. 18. Printing the trustees' reports; changed by later acts relating to printing. ?19. $5,000. bor- rowed for deficiences. Laws 1851 (15 Feb.) !(i. Tlie act of 1853 aUo contains irJnrh areffiren in futt in Chap. 50a. namely, tionsQ 17. The remaining section* art : II. Nine trustees appointed by the governor, their cla t. . . Act 18 Feb., amending the act of 23 M;ir. 1819, concerning the "mode of summoning grand jurors;" Laws 1823, 182. . . Act 7 Feb. 1827; mode of summoning grand and petit jurors, their qualifications and duties; former acts repealed; R. S. 1827, 251 ; R. S. 1833, 378. . . Act 13 Feb., fees of jurors, their certifi- cate, etc; Laws 1835, 37. . . Act 24 Jan., amending the act of 1827, and requiring return to be made to the circuit clerk ; Laws 1835, 144. . . Act 1 Feb., grand and petit jurors at special terms; Laws 1843, 169. . '. Act 4 Feb. 1843; mileage allowed to grand and petit jurors; Laws 1843, 169. CHAP. 59. JUSTICES AND CONSTABLES. Act 19 Feb., manner of appointing justices; Laws 1819, 22. . . Act, 22 Mar., appointment of constables, their powers and duties: Laws 1819,162. . . Act 23 Mar , powers and duties of justices of the peace; Laws 1819, 185. . . Act 30 Mar., continuation and final determina- tion of suits begun before territorial justices ; Laws 1819, 353. . . Act 20 Jan., supplemen- tal to the act of 22 Mar. 1819, for the appoint- ment of constables; penalty against constables for a neglect of duty; Laws 1821, 28. . . Act 27 Jan., constables to pay over money collected on execution; Laws 1821, 38, 2. . . Act 12 Feb., appeals from justices; duties of justices further defined; Laws 1821, 133 |?.l 23. . . Act. 14 Feb., writs of certiorari may be issued by judges of probate, to take up cases from jus- tices; Laws 1821, 185. . . Act 11 Jan., fines and penalties to be paid into the county treasu- ries; Laws 1823, 69. . . Act 18 Feb., to reg- ulate and define the duties of justices and con- stables; Laws 1823, 184 gl 32. . . Act 17 Ian., amending the several acts relating to the duties of justices and constables; concerning executions; Laws 1825, 135. . . Act 23 Jan., regulating the mode of proceeding on writs of certiorari; Laws 1826, 65. . . Act 30 Dec. 1826; tojprovide for the election of justices of the peace and constables; act 19 Feb. 181 H on the -aim- subject repealed; R. S. 1827, 255 ; R. S. is::;!, :;,s-j. . . Act :5 Feb. 1*27 ; a general law specifying the jurisdiction of justices, their powers and duties, and defining the duties of constables; former nets repealed; R. S. Is-.'T, 25|{1 57; R 8. 18*8,886. . . Art 12 Feb. 1 S '.S; supplemental to the above act 3 Feb. 1827, and extending the jurisdiction of justices to trespass and trover; R. S. 1827, 274; R. S. 1833,401. . . Act 29 Dec. 1826; extending the jurisdiction of justices to assaults and af- frays; R. 8. 1827, 274 ; R. S. 1833, 402. . . Act 13 Jan., amending the foregoing act of 30 Dec. 1826; filling vacancies, election of new offi- cers; Laws 1829', !)3; R. S 1813, 405. . . Act 23 Jan., amending the foregoing act of 13 Feb. 1829, "concerning justices of the peace and con- stables;" former laws repealed; Laws 182!t. ( .i4: R. S. 1833, 407. . . Act 14 Feb., amends $7 of the foregoing act of 13 Jan. 1829; Laws 1831, 50. . . Act 7 Jan., tenure of office unaffected by alteration of county line; Laws 1831, 88; R. S. 1833, 411. . . Act 1 Mar. 1833; to amend the acts concerning justices of the peace and constables; R. S. 1833, 412. . . Act 2 Mar. 1833; jurisdiction where demand is reduced to 8100. by fair credits : R. S. 1833, 415. . . Act 6 Feb., constables to be elected in each justice's district; Laws 1835, 29. . . Act 7 Jan., in- crease of the number of justices 1 districts; Laws 1835,39. . . Act 13 Feb., jurisdiction of jus- tices against officers who fail to pay over money collected; Laws 1835, 32. . . Act 12 Feb*. trial bv jury to be demanded, and fees advanced, similar to R. S. 1845 Ch. 59 47; Laws 1839, 87. . . , Feb. 1819 ; R. S. 1827, 278. . . Act 4 Jan., enacts g|7. 8 and 9 Ch. 60 R. S. 1845; Law- 1831,88; R. S. 1833,420. CHAP. 61. LANDS. Act 15 Feb., similar to R. S. 1845 Ch. 61; Laws 1831, 82; R. S. 1833,420, . . Act 27 F(jb., possession in case of settlement on the i.blic lands; sinyJiwr^wR. S. 1845 Ch.61 GENERAL LAWS. (19) Laics Regnal Years. 1 Laws 1837, 154. . . Act 2 Feb., to provide lor the collection of demands growing out. of contracts for sales of the possession of the pub- lic lands; Laws 1839, 47. . . Act 16 Feb., supplemental to the act. of 27 Feb., 1837 ; Laws 1839, 124. . . Resolution concerning pre- emption rights; Laws 1839, 295. For the es- tablishment, of a surveyor general's office in Illi- nois; Id. 296. In relation to unsurveyed lands in Illinois; Id. 298. For the purchase by the state of all unsold lands at 25 cents per acre; Id. oOO. . . Act 21 Feb., to provide for settlers on lands purchased by the state; right of pre- emption allowed ; Laws 1843, 184. Receipt of the distributive share of the state in the pro- ceeds of the sales of the public lands; Id. 194. . Resolution that congress reduce the price of the public lands io 50 or 75 cents; Laws 1843, 324. Resolution relating to pre-emption rights, and reducing the price of public lands; Id. 334. . Act 21 Feb., 1843, providing for the receipt of the share of Illinois of the proceeds of sales by the -United States; R. S. 616. . . State lands suspended from sale ; act 7 Feb., Laws 1851, 23 . . Auditor to sell all the lands owned by the state and withheld from sale by the forego- ing act ; terms of sale ; moneys received ; pre- emptions; act 14 Feb., Laws 1853, 231. . . Amendment concerning such pre-emptions ; act 10 Feb., Laws 1855, 45. . . Amending the previous acts concerning the sale of the public lands, and the right to pre-emptions th'ereon ; act 16 Feb., Laws 1857, 61. . . In Kankakee and Iroquois counties to be sold by the auditor ; act 13 Feb., Laws 1857, 89. CHAP. 62. LAWS. Act 4 Feb., enacting the common law of England as in Ch. 62 |1 R. S. 1845 ; Laws 1819 3 ; Laws 1829, 102; R. S. 1833, 425. For convenience of reference to the English statutes and law reports, the table of regnal years is here given: SOVBKELKS. C Treig n ment ofSgt William I Oct. 14, 1066 21 William II Sept. 26, 108 13 Henry I Aug. 5, 11007 36 Stephen Dec. 26, 1135 19 Henry II Dec. 19, 1154 35 Richard I Sept. 23, 1189 10 John May 27, 1199 18 Henry III Oct. 28, 1216 57 Edward I Nov. 20, 1272 35 Edward II July 8, 1307 20 Edward III Jan. 25, 1326 51 Richard II June 22, 1377 23 Henry IV Sept. 30, 1399 14 Henry V March 21, 1413 10 Henry VI Sept, 1, 1422 39 Edward IV ..Mar. 4, 1461 23 Edward V April 9, 1483.- Richard III June 26, 1483 3 Henry VII Aug. 22, 1485 24 Henry VIII , . . .April 22, 1509 38 Edward VI Jan. 28, 1547 7 Mary July 6, 1553 6 Elizabeth Nov. 17, 1558 45 James I Mar. 24, 1603 23 SOVEREIGNS. Commencement of reign. Length of reign. Charles I The Commonwealth Charles II James II William and Mary. Anne George I George II George III George IV William IV Victoria. . Mar. 27, 1625 24 .Jan. 30,1649 11 .May 29, 1660 37 .Feb. 6, 1685 4 .Feb. 13, 1689 14 .Mar. 8,1702 13 .Aug. 1,1714 13 .June 11, 1727 34 Oct. 25, 1760. Jan. 29, 1820. 60 11 June 26, 1830 7 June 20, 1837 Although Charles II did not ascend the throne until 29th May, 1660, his regnal years were computed from the death of Charles I, January 30, 1649, so that the year of his resto- ration is styled the twelfth of his reign. 1831, 1 & 2 Wm. IV. 3832,2 & 3 1833, 3 & 4 1834, 4 & 5 1835, 5 & 6 1836, 6 & 7 1837, 7 Wm. 1838, 1& 2 V 1839, 2 & 3 1840, 3 & 4 1841, 4 & 5 1841, 5 1842, 5 & 6 1843, 6 & 7 1844, 7 & 8 1845, 8 & 9 1846, 9 & 10 1847, 10 & 11 1848, 11 & 12 IV. &1 ic. t < 1850. . . 13 & 14 1851... ...14& 15 1852... . . .15 & lf> 1853... . ..16 & 17 1854. . . . . . .17 & 18 Vic.1855. . . . ..18 & 19 1856 . . 19 & 20 1857... . . 20 1857... ...20 & 21 1858. . . ...21 & 22 1859... 1859. . . .22 ... 22 & 23 1860. . . ... 23 & 24 1861 . . . . . 24 & 25 1862... . . 25 & 26 1863 . ..26 & 27 1864. . . . ...27&28 1865. . ..28 29 Act 30 Mar., repeal of the territorial laws, some exceptions private acts ; Laws 1819, 351; R. S. 1833, 425. . . Act 2 Mar., acts to be transmitted by the governor to the executives of other states ; nearly the same as 2 and 3 of this chapter ; Laws 1819, 105 ; Laws 1829, 103. Act without date, probably about 20 Jan. 1821 ; manner of distributing the'lawsof the general as- sembly of this state; Laws 1821, 31. . . Act 26 Dec. 1826; acts may become laws notwithstand- ing the objections of the council of revision; R S. 1827, 280; R. S. 1833, 437. . . Act 19 Feb. 1827; publication of the revised laws, and the laws of the session of 1827; manner of distribu- ting the same ; R. S. 1827, 281. . . Act 14 Jan., publication and distribution of the laws and journals; Laws 1829, 104; R. 8.1833, 422. Act 1 Jan. 1819 [1829] ; duty of the governor to transmit laws to other states; former act re- pealed; R. S. 1829, 103; R. S. 1833, 422. . Act 2 Mar. 1833 ; list of acts required to be prin- ted in the revised statutes of 1833; all former public acts repealed, with some exceptions; R S. 1833, 426. . . Act 22 Feb. 1833; secretary of state to have the U. S. laws and state laws bound ; R. S. 1833, 438. . . Act 2 Mar., to re- print laws for justices ; Laws 1839, 290. . Act 29 Jan., laws and journals distributed to re- corders and school commissioners; Laws 1840, 65. . . Act 2 Feb., distribution of the laws' and documents of congress, similar to 5^gl3 14 of Ch. 62 (R. S. 1845) ; Laws 1843, 173. ' . Resolution for the distribution of Gross' Stat- (20) GENERAL LAWS. State Library Mark* and Brands. utes: Laws 1869, 424; under the act of 10 Mar. isr.'.t; Id. :{(). . . Copying of the laws and journals; 1 Laws 1849 (12 FeK) !>'>, changed by 'tin- act of ISC.ii. Tliis act of 1849 also provided for the distribution of the laws and journals by contract; it was amended by allowing contract- ors further time to file bonds; Laws 1851 (17 Feb.) 148. But the act of 1867 appears to take the place of all former statutes. . . Publica- tion and distribution of the acts of the session; j Laws isc.l (:!May)28. Resolutions. Register and Journal to publish the acts of the session; Pr. Laws 1855, 740. Hi-ports, journals and documents sent to A. Vat- teman at Paris; Ibid. . . Distribution of the laws and journals of the session ; Pr. Laws 1857, 1453. Laws to be published in the Jour- nal and Register; Id. 1454. S/> b . Laws 1853, 94. . . Elizabeth Hart to Eliza- beth llord;act of 12 Feb., L-iw> iv,3, 94. tlier. 1 Pr. Laws I*(i7, 2:;s. . Act M Mar., Mary Alice Waters changed to Williamson; heir of Eli Williamson. 1 Pr. Laws 1867,238. . Act 9 Mar., Anna M. Houston changed to Lit- Hn>iey Moore Goudy to Ensley Moore, to have I tleton; heir of Jacob Littleton. 1 Pr. Laws 1867, the same rights as if he were the son of Joshua Moore; act of 12 Feb., Laws 1853, 94. . . Thomus Rockwood to Justice Bestou ; act of 10 Feb., Laws 1853, 95. . . David and R. W. Hengst to David and and R. W. Hent ; act of 26 Jan., Laws 1859, 127. Act 27 Feb., Jonas 239. . . Act 8 Mar., George W. Goodman changed to Wm. Felt. 1 Pr. Laws 1867, 23!t. . Act 8 Mar , Emma Lucas or Driscol changed to Emma Linda Crarey; heir of Alfred A. Cm ivy and wife. 1 Pr. Laws 1867, 240. . . Act 9 Mar., Jennie May Allen made heir of Harvey " 1847, 21. changed to Jonas Rhodes. Pr. Laws j E. Allen. 2 Pr. Laws 1867, Act 27 Feb., Hezekiah Bryant changed to Hezekiah Sams. Pr. Laws 1833, 121. . . Act 17 Feb.. Elizabeth Dennis chang- ed to Elizabeth Curry, Pr. Laws 1851, 292. . Act 2<> Jan., Mary Ann Burns changed to Mary Ann Merrell. Pr. Laws 1853, 479. . . Act 8 Feb., John A. Smith changed to John A. Rhone ; and his children Weston, Kay W., and Mary M. to the same. Pr. Laws 1853, 490. . , Act 9 Feb., James Helmantoller changed to James Helman. Pr. Laws 1855, 686. . . Act 9 Feb., surnames of Catharine, Rosetta, Frede- Act 9 Mar., Rachel Paul changed to Mary V.Munson; heir of Franklin Munson. 2 Pr. Laws 1867, 846. . . Act 2 Mar., changing the name of Jane Coombs to Jane Patterson ; Laws 1869, 263. . . Act 30 Mar., changing the name of L. A. Denning to L. A. Rhodes; Laws 1869, 264. . . Act. 24 Mar., changing the name of John Kelley to John Riftey ; Law s 189, 264. . . Act 27 Mar., to change the name of Albert King to Albert Griffin ; Laws 1869, 265. . . Act 81 Mar., change the name of Chas, Muthank to C has. Munt; Laws 1809, 267. . . Act 31 rick, Silas D., Napoleon B., Josephine, Thomas Mar., changing the name of J. A. Rogers to J. J. and David Leibsheitz changed to Lasier. Pr. Laws 1855, 687. . . Act 9 Feb., Mary Jones changed to Elizabeth Jones Totten; heir of James M. Totten. Pr. Laws 1855, 691. . . Act 15 Feb., James and William Peets changed to James and William Eads; heirs of James Kads; Pr. Laws 1855, 716. . . Act 14 Feb., Catharine Chute changed to Kate Analine Eliz- abeth Allen ; heir of Nathan Allen and wife. A. Seass; Laws 1869, 207. Pr. Laws 1855, 726. Act 9 Feb., Emeline Bowen changed to Emeline Sampson; heir of Dariands Sampson. Pr. Laws 1855, 730. . Act 19 Jan., Mina Stebins changed to Mina R. Baldwin. Pr. Laws 1857, 23. . . Act 31 Jan., Mary Ann, Bernard John and John B. Tock- ing changed to Bennett. Pr. Laws 1857, 228. . Act 13 Feb., Amanda E. and James L. Baker changed to Hammack. Pr. Laws 1857, 512. Act 13 Feb., Charlie Grannis changed to Char- lie Foster; heir of Cephas Foster. Pr. Laws 1857,551. . . Act 18 Feb., Emily F. Wallham changed to Emily F. North ; heir of John J. North. Pr. Laws 1857, 1242. . . Act 22 Feb., James and William Peets changed to Eads; heirs of James Adair Eads. Pr. Laws 1861, 477. . . Act 14 Feb., Roxy L. Morton changed to Roxy L. Kennedy. Pr. Laws 1863, 216. . . Act 16 Feb., Sarah E. Keplin chang- ed to Sarah E. Cameron; heir of James Came- ron. 2 Pr. Laws 1865, 94. Act 16 Feb., ., Jane Thomson Singleton changed to Minnie Jane Van Veghten; heir of Thomas S Van Veghten. 2 Pr. Laws 1865, 96. . . Act 20 Feb., Lucilla Deen changed to Mary Ann Scur- lock ; heir of Wm. R. Scurlock and wife. 1 Pr Laws 1867, 232. . . Act 11 Mar., John W. Seinon changed to John W. Lee; heir of John W. and Mary F. Lee. 1 Pr. Laws 1867, 234. . Act 28 Feb., Emma and Anna [unknown] changed to Emma and Anna Collar. 1 Pr Laws 1867, 235. . . Act 27 Feb., Thos. Griffith chang- ed to Thomas J. Wilson; heir of Harry S. Wil- son and wife. 1 Pr. Laws 1867, 235. . . Act 7 Mar., Augustus Ernestien Kurth changed to CHAP. 71c. NAVIGATION. Under this head it has been found most con- venient to classify the various acts relating to the improvement of navigable streams, the re- moval of obstructions, and in some few instan- ces, bridge and ferry acts not readily to be lo- cated in the proper county. General Acts. Improvement of the naviga- tion of the Saline Creek, Little Wabash, Great Wabash and Big Muddy; bridges across Fox and Bon Pass Rivers; R. S. 1827 (15 Feb.) 358. . . Appropriations from the proceeds of the Salines for the improvement of rivers ; Little Wabash $10,000.; Kaskaskia $2,000.; Sanga- mon $1,000.; Macoupin $800.; Big Vermilion $2,000. ; Embarrass $300. ; former acts for the sale of Salines repealed ; Laws 1829 (19 Jan.) 146. . . Lusk Creek navigable to Cowen's Mill; Grand Pier Creek to Chip's Mill; Big Creek to Twitchel's Mill.; Laws 1837 (1 Mar.) 167. . . Resolution for the survey of the northern and western lakes ; Laws 1839, 299. Jurisdiction of the counties on the Mississippi and Wabash ; Laws 1843 (4 Mar.) 109. . . Re- solution that Congress should improve the nav- igation of western rivers; Laws 1843, 323. Also that congress improve the navigation of the Mississippi ; Id. 337. Also, the Des Moines and Rock river rapids; Id. 339. For canal and river improvements ; Laws 1867 (28 Feb.) 81. Foregoing amended; Laws 1869 (25 Feb.) 60. Slack water navigation. Formation of naviga- tion and manufacturing companies on the Little Wabash and Saline rivers, and other navigable streams; 2 Laws 1849 (6 Nov.) 35. Beaucoup Jticer.John Flock to bridge and take toll; Laws 1819 (24 Feb.) 60. Navigable to the shoal ; Id. (26 Feb.) 73. Bridges to be built by J. Smith; Id. (1 Mar.)86. G E N E R A L, LAWS. (23) Navigation. Big Bay. Navigable to the St. Louis and Golconda road; apron to Green's dam; Pr.Laws 1833 (22 Feb.) 128. Big Muddy. Navigable up to the intersec- tion of the East and West Forks; Laws 1835 (31 Jan.) 56. Wm. Drummond to build a dam at Shallow Ford; 1 Laws 1837 (3 Mar.) 161. Daniof Hillon Mason; Laws 1839 (28 Feb.) 203. Navigable to Watertown ; Id. 208. To im- prove the navigation ; Id. (2 Mar.) 99. Naviga- tion company incorporated ; Pr. Laws 1851 (15 Feb.) 185. Big Vermilion. Navigable part, penalty for obstructing; Laws 1831 (5 Feb.) 127. Bon Pas. Declared navigable; Laws 1831 (1 Jan.) 126. Declared a highway; navigation to be improved; Laws 1845 (21 Feb.) 343. Cache River. Navigable to its main fork in town 133 ; Laws 1819 (24 Feb.) 69. Not navi- fible; concurrent jurisdiction of Alexander and ulaski counties; Laws 1867 (21 Feb.) 79. Fore- going repealed, former act re-enacted; Laws 1869 (9 Mar.) 261. And also, Id. (25 Mar.) 161. Des Plaines. Declared navigable; Laws 1839 (28 Feb.) 208. Toll bridge by G. W. Smith ; Laws 1831 (19 Feb.) 132. Embarrass River. Bridge by John Small in town 311 ; Laws 1819 (23 Feb.) 44. Time to C. Taylor to complete his toll bridge; Laws 1821 (19 Jan.) 13. Declared navigable; Laws 1831 (1 Jan.) 126. Time to J. Nabb to complete his toll bridge ; Laws 1835 (29 Jan.) 80. To im- prove navigation; L. 1839 (28 Feb.) 97. Resolu- tion for the donation of town 5 14 to improve navigation ; Laws 1839, 299. To improve navi- gation ; Laws 1845 (26 Feb.) 195. Also, Laws 1847 (27 Feb.) 85. Repeal of the act of 1847 as to Lawrence, Crawford and Jasper; Laws 1855 (15 Feb.) 142. Incorporation of the Embarrass nav- igation company; Pr. Laws 1851 (15 Feb.) 198. Fox River. Navigable to the Wisconsin line ! Laws 1840 (15 Jan.) 98. Incorporating the Fox River Valley navigation company; Pr. Laws 1855 (15 Feb.) 639. Incorporating the Fox Riv- er Navigation and Manufacturing company; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (9 Mar.) 460. Illinois River. Toll bridge by S. Lapsley in town 331 ; Laws 1831 (9 Feb.) 30. Incorpora- tion of the Illinois river improvement company ; Laws 1857 (14 Feb.) 212. Knnknke?. Incorporation of the Kankakec and Iroquois navigation and manufacturing com- panv;Pr. L. 1847(15 Feb.) 91. Foregoing amend- ed: Pr. Laws 1851 (15 Feb.) 212. Further amend- ed ; Pr. L. 1857 (1 6 Feb.) 1 047. Name changed to "Kankakee Company," and charter amended ; Pr. Laws 1859 (24 Feb.') 41 1 . Corporate powers extended; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 96. Kaka*kia. Declared navigable to the north line of town 7: Laws 1819 ? (20 Feb.) 25. Her- bert and Slade to build a dam in town 2 2 ; Laws 181 9 (23 Mar.) 203. Charter of a compa- nv to build a bridge in one'mile of Kaskaskia village: Laws 1819 (30 Mar.) 364. C. Slade to have the benefit of the act of 23 Mar. (1819) ; Laws 1823 (31 Jan.) 96. Further time to A. H. Mitchell for rompletine bridge at Vandalia; Laws 1825 (7 Feb.) 116.' Toll bridge by Chas. Slade: Laws 1823 (12 Feb.) 135. Also by S. Wiggins; Laws 1831 (14 Feb.) 22. Repeal of an act of 1833 (28 Jan.) authorizing Beeler's ferry ; Laws 1835 (12 Feb.) 66 . . Incorporation of a board of commissioners to improve the navi- gation; Laws 1829 (23 Jan.) 124. Settlement of their accounts ; Laws 1836 (16 Jan.) 244. Reso- lution for improving the navigation; 1 Laws 1837 (6 Jan.) 337. . . Incorporating the Kas- kaskia river navigation company ; Laws 1841 (27 Feb.) 215. And also, Pr. Laws 1851 (15 Feb.) 185. And also, Pr. Laws 1855 (8 Feb.) 556, . . Act of 1853 amended ; Pr. Laws 1855, 638. Revival of the act of 1853; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (12 June) 455. Macoupin Creek. Mill dam of J. L. Evans ; Laws 1823 (27 Dec. '22.) 83. Navigable to the Carrollton and Alton road; Laws 1837 (2 Mar.) 168. Piasa. Navigable in Jersey and Madison counties; Laws 1861 (18 Feb.) 150. Rock Creek. Channel changed bv A. Brown and others; Laws 1843 (3 Mar.) 244. Rock River. Incorporation of Rock river bridge company at Grand De Tour; Laws 1843 (3 Mar.) 48. Foregoing amended; Laws 1845 (26 Mar.) 163. . . Incorporation of the Rock river navigation company ; Laws 1841 (27 Feb.) 141. . . Incorporation of the dam and bridge company, and to improve navigation; Laws 1845 (1 Mar.) 139. . . Incorporation of the Board of commissioners to improve the naviga- tion ; Laws 1845 (25 Feb.) 279. . . System of slackwater navigation; 1 Laws 1849 (5 Feb.) 136. Foregoing amended; Pr. Laws 1855(13 Feb.) 663. ~ . . Charter of the Rock River Navigation and Water power Co.; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (25 Feb.) 455. . . To preserve the fish in Rock river; Laws 1869 (21 Feb.) 161. Saline Greek. Toll bridge of J. A. Richard- son ; Laws 1825 (23 Dec. '24) 24. Sangamon. Navigable to the 3rd principal meridian; Laws 1823 (26 Dec. 1822) 81. Navi- gable on the North Fork to Champaign county ; Laws 1845 (3 Mar.) 261. Shoal Creek. Lambert and Provines to build a toll bridge; Laws 1819 (27 Mar.) 298. Snycarty. Declared navigable; Laws 1843 (4 Mar.) 244. Navigable in Pike and Adams; Laws 1859 (24 Feb.) 189. Spoon River. Navigable up to Cameron's Mill; Laws 1835 (12 Feb.) 143.' Foregoing amended; Laws 1843 (28 Feb.) 240. To improve the navigation ; Laws 1839. (2 Mar.) 285. . In- corporation of the Spoon river navigation Co. ; Pr. L. 1847 (3 Mar.) 269. Foregoing amended; Pr Laws 1887 (19 Feb.) 176. Further amend- ment; Pr.Laws 1851 (15 Feb.) 177, and Laws 1845 (38 Feb.) 136. In aid of said company; L. 1852 (23 June) 223. Amending said act of 1852; Pr. Laws 1853 (3 Feb.) 577. Wabash River. Improvement of the naviga- tion; Laws 1823 (30 Dec. 1822) 72. Baker's Mill dam at Coffee Island ; Laws 1835 (31 Jan. 1831)47. Improvement of navigation; R. S. 1833 (12 Feb.) 609. Resolution for improvement of the navigation; 1 Laws 1837 (2 Mar.) 338. Also S. Munday to pay certain moneys to fund com- missioners; 1 Laws 1837 (4 Mar.) 120. Time for Baker's dam extended ; Laws 1839 (19 Feb.) 131. Levee and other improvements; Laws 1847 (18 Feb.) 86. Supplemental act, levee extended; (24) GENERAL LAWS. Ne Exettand Injunctions Partitions. Laws 1851 (15 Feb.) 103. Repeal 3 of the act of 1847; Id. 142. Wnbcuh Navigation Company. Incorporation; Laws 1825 (13 Jan.) 96, amendment; Laws 1835 (12 Feb.) 173. Supplemental to the act of 1825 and extending it 40 years; Pr. L. 1833 (25 Feb.) 53. Reviving the acts of 1825, 1833 and 1835; Laws 1845 (1 Mar.) 126. . . Another act of incorporation ; Pr. Laws 1847 (30 Jan.) 63. iMtU' Wdba&h. Incorporation of the Little W;ib;'>li Xarjgation company ; river a highway to McCawley's bridge ; Laws 1826 (23 Jan.) 68. Settlements of the accounts of J. Groves for a lock at Robinson's Mill ; Laws 1835 (20 Jan.) 69. Xa\ iirable to the north line of Clay county; Laws 1836 (18 Jan.) 212. Navigable to the Na- tional road; Laws 1837(2 Mar.) 168. Navigation improved up to Ewington ; Laws 1839 (2 Mar.) 288. Navigation improved; Laws 1841 (27 Feb.) 219. Appropriating $3,500. to improve the nav- igation; 1869 (12 Mar.) 56. Bridges and Jhims. Toll bridge at Carmi; Laws 1819 (2 Mar.) 103. E. W. Jones' mill dam at Harris' shoals; Laws 1831 (1 Jan.) 98. Dams at New Haven and Carmi ; Laws 1845 (1 Mar.) 99. Skittet Fork. Navigable to Ridgway's mills; Laws 1826 (23 Jan.) 68. Bridge on the Vandalia and Carmi road; Laws 1829 (20 Jan.) 13 6. Nav- igable to Slocurn's Mill; Laws 1837 (2 Mar.) 168. Relating to Witter's toll bridge; Laws 1840 (1 Feb.) 70. CHAP. 72. NE EXEAT AND IN- JUNCTIONS. Act 22 Jan. 1827; regulatingthe issue of writs ofneei-eat and injunction ; R. S. 1827, 304; R. 8. 1833, 466. CHAP. 73. NEGOTIABLE INSTRU- MENTS. Enactments of 39; Laws 1819 (6 Feb.) 3. . . Failure of consideration, similar to ^10; Laws 1819 (24 Feb.) 59. . . Act 24 Mar., con- cerning bills of exchaBge, manner of protesting; Laws 1819, 247^15. . . Act 14 Feb., regu- tinr bills of exchange; Laws 1821, 169. . . Act 28 Dec. 1826; concerning bills of exchange; re- peal of the above act of 14 Feb. 1821 ; R. 8. 1827, 87; It. S. 1833, 112. . . Act 3 Jan. 1827; relative to promissory notes, bonds, due bills and other instruments in writing, and making them as- signable ; former acts repealed ; R. S. 1827,320; R.S. 1833,482. CHAP. 74. NEGROES AND MU- LATTOES. Act 30 Mar., respecting free negroes, mnlat toes, servants anH slaves; Laws 1819, 354; R. S. 1833, 457. . . Act 3 Jan., amending the fore- going; L. 1825, 50. . . Act 17 Jan., to more effectually prevent kidnapping; Laws 1825, 149. . . Act 17 Jan., free negroes and mulattoes, servants and slaves; Laws' 1829, 109; R. S. 1833; 463. . . Act 1 Feb., no negro or mulatto to reside in this state without giving bond; Laws 1831, 101 ; R. S. 1833, 462. . . Actl Mar. 1838; persons failing to comply with 3 of the act 1819; R. S. 1833, 466. . . Act 19 Feb., native blacks may record their names and the evidence of their freedom; Laws 1841, 189. CHAP. 75. NOTARIES PUBLIC. Act 22 Feb., appointment of notaries, their duties; Laws 1819, 31 1 3. . . Act 10 Feb., foregoing amended; Laws 1823, 121. . . Act 30 Dec. 1828; appointment of notaries public; former acts repealed; Laws 1829, 112; R.S.1833, 470. . . Act 9 Feb., oaths before notaries, if false to be perjury; Laws 1831, 102; R. S. 1833, 472. . . Act 12 Jan. 1833; amending act 1819, and providing additional notaries; II. S. 1833, 471. . . Act 1 Feb., additional notaries in Morgan, Greene, Pike, Randolph, Calhoun, Cass, Will, Cook and Madison counties; Laws 1839, 55. . . Act 22 Feb., for the appointment ot notaries on petition ; Laws 1839, 148. Act 29 Jan., appointment of additional notaries; Laws 1840,66. . . Act 21 Feb., notaries appointed for four years ; Laws 1843, 10. CHAP. 76. OATHS AND AFFIR- MATIONS. Act 30 Mar., authorizing certain persons to administer oaths ; Laws 1819, 348. Act 26 Dec. 1826; concerning oaths and affirmations; E. S. 1827, 308 ; R. S. 1833, 472. . . Act 18 Jan. 1833; oaths on the trial of impeachments; R. S. 1833, 337. . . Act 7 Jan.. oaths to witnesses before committees, similar to R. S. 1845, Ch. 76 4; Laws 1839, 39. CHAP. 77. OFFICERS. Act 23 Feb., defective laws to be reported ; Laws 1819, 46; R. S. 1838,504. . . Act 23 Mar., auditor to bring suits for the state ; his duty to pav judgments against the state ; Laws 1819,184. ". . Act llJan., clerks of courts to reside at the county seats; Laws 1823, 70; Laws 1 829, 35 ; R. S. 1833, 144. . . Act 22 Jan., cer- tain county offices vacated by non-residence: Laws 1829, 115 3. . . Act 3 Jan., mode of bringing suits by or against the state ; duty of the auditor; Laws 1829, 171 ; R. S. 1833, 593. . \ct 9 Feb , clerk to appoint deputies; residence of clerks; Laws 1831, 49; B. S. 1833, 126. CHAP. 78. OFFICIAL BONDS. Act 26 Jan., in relation to official bonds ; simi- lar to this chapter in R. S. 1845 ; Laws 1848, 40. . . Act 5 Dec. 1843; for the relief of se- curities on official bonds, similar to Ch. 78 g7 15 (R. S. 1845) Laws 1843, 222. CHAP. 79. PARTITIONS. Act 20 Feb., regulating the partition of lands; Laws 1819, 385. . . Act 18 Jan., concerning partitions, joint rights and obligations; Laws 1821, 14; R.S. 1833,473. . . Act 6 Feb. 1827; for the speed}' assignment of dower, and the par- tition of real estate ; former acts repealed ; R. S. 1827, 183; R.S. 1833,236. GENERAL LAWS. (25) Paupers Plank Roafo. CHAP. 80. PAUPERS. Act 5 Mar., general act to provide for the re- lief of the poor; Laws 1819, 127. . . Act 6 Feb., board, nursing, medical aid, and burial of poor persons not paupers ; Laws 1821, 100 ; Laws 1829, 113. . . Act 2 Feb. 1827 ; for the main tenance of the poor ; repeal of the act of 5 Mar. 1819; R. S. 1827, 309. . . Act 1 Mar. 1833; for the relief of the poor ; former acts repealed : R. S. 1833, 480 17. . . Act 13 Feb., amending the act of 1833, and requiring proof of 12 months residence ; Laws 1835, 66. . . Act 21 Feb., to amend still further the act of i 1833 ; act of 1835 repealed ; Laws 1839, 138. . Act 20 Feb., residence of paupers defined ; pau- j per chargeable at residence; Laws 1841, 190. . | Act 20 Feb., county authorized to appropriate $2,500. for poor farm and poor house, similar to Ch. 80 23 (R. S. 1845); Laws 1843, 184. CHAP. 81. PENITENTIARY. Alton. Act 15 Feb. 1827; Shadrach Bond, ! William P. McKee and Gersham Jayne com- missioners to purchase a site at or near Alton, j and erect suitable penitentiary buildings; R. S. ; 1827, 357 18. . . Act 15 Feb., regulation and government of the Alton penitentiary ; i Laws 1831, 103 ; R. S. 1833, 474. . . Act 19 i Feb. 1833; to regulate the penitentiary ap- i pointment of inspectors; R. S. 1833, 477. . . Act 9 Feb., amending the act of 1833; election of warden, sale of lots; Liws 1835, 52. . . Act 24 Jan., warrant to L. J. Clawson for S223. for building wall ; Laws 1835, 77. . . Act 16 Jan., salary of the warden to be *600. ; Laws 1836, 238. . . Act 18 Jan., amending former ; acts; deposits in the state bank; Laws 1836, 250. j . . Act 21 July, power of the inspectors in- j creased ; 2 Laws 1837, 47. . . Act 19 Jan., to i make an appropriation of $2,300.; Laws 1839, ' 46. . . Act 18 Jan., to pay the late warden $200.; Laws 1839, 46. . . Act 2 Mar., com- ; pensation of sheriffs for conveying convicts to ; former provisions repealed ; Laws 1839, 274. . I Act 2 Mar., repeal of former acts; inspectors to : appoint warden and watchmen ; Laws 1839, 278. i . . Act 4 Mar., payment of $555.67 to Dor- sey & Greathouse, contractors ; depreciated pa- ; per disposed of; Laws 1843, 180. . . Act 2! Mar., a general statute amending and consolida- ting former acts, some of which are repealed ; Laws 1843, 181. . . Leasing of the peniten- tiary ; R. S. 1845 (1 Mar.) 582. . . Additional cells and improvements ; duty of inspectors ; i duty of chaplain ; landing at Alton ; $3,000. for i a warden's house ; Laws 1847, 64. . . Pur- chase of five lots in Alton ; walls to be built ; lease to be extended ; chaplain to be appointed; letters ; act 8 Feb., Laws 1849, 101. . . Buck- master's lease extended for five years upon con- ditions ; act 31 Jan., Laws 1851, 13. . . In- j spectors to settle with the lessee, improvements i authorized ; guards exempt from road labor ; ! act 10 Feb., Laws 1851, 25. . . Additional , cells to be built ; burial ground to be purchased ; ! act 14 Feb., Laws 1855, 146. . . Payment of I $ll,056.45to S. A. Buckmaster; act 14 Feb., Laws 1857, 54. . . Lease to S. K. Casey for five years ; act 16 Feb., Laws 1857, 120. . . Appropriations therefor; act 24 Feb., Laws 18o9, 16. Joliet. Location of the penitentiary, erection of buildings; Laws 1857 (19 Feb.) 131. . . Further appropriations ; removal of convicts from Alton; act 21 Feb., Laws 1857, 14. . . Additional provisions and appropriations ; act 19 Feb., Laws 1861, 149. . . Additional ap- propriations ; act 14 Feb., Laws 1863, 61. . . Lease of James M. Pitman ; act 14 Feb., Laws 1863, 62. . . Sundry appropriations ; act 12 Feb., Laws 1867, 4. . . Sundry^ appropria- tions ; act 28 Feb., Laws 1867, 22. . . War- den appointed, his duties defined; act 6 Mar., Liws 1867, 32. . . Lease to M. M. Bane and others; act 27 Feb., Laws 1867, 137. . . Sup- plemental to the foregoing ; act 5 Mar., Laws 1867, 139. . . Act 11 Mar., appropriations for maintaining and carrying on ; Laws 1869, 31. . . Act 15 Mar., to pay for work done by the late lessees; Laws 1869, 31. . . Act 11 Mar., to pay George P. Adams $1,708.75 ; Laws 1869, 51, .. Act 31 Mar., to pay John R. Casey $480. ; Laws 1869, 53. . . Act 10 Mar., to pay D. Kriegh & Co.' $7,177.58; Laws 1869, 53. .' . Act 11 Mar., to pay Fox & Baxter $2,606.35; Laws 1869, 54. . . Act 30 Mar., fixing the salary of the commissioners at $2,000.; Laws 1869, 304. . . Act 31 Mar., salary of the chaplain 1,800.; Laws 1869, 304. . . Resolu- tion relating to the Joliet stone ; Laws 1869, 421. Southern. Location, construction and carry- ing on ; Laws 1867 (28 Feb.) 11. CHAP. 82. PETITOXS. Act 30 Jan., notice to be given of the forma- tion of a new county ; Laws 1821, 47. . . Act 26 Dec. 1826 : notice of petition for a new coun- ty ; R. S. 1827, 110; R. S. 1833, 479. . . Act 27 Feb., county line ten miles from the county seat area 400 square miles, similar to 1 and 2 of this chapter of the revised statutes ; Laws 1841, 98. CHAP. 82a. PLANK ROADS. Albion and Graycffle. To charge tolls under the general law ; Pr. Laws 1861 (21 Feb.) 478. Alexander and PulasM. Chartered; Laws 1852 (21 June) 91. Chartered again ; Pr. Laws 1863 (21 Apr.) 218. Last named act amended ; 1 Pr. La\vs 1867 (15 Feb.) 167. Alton and JerseyviUe. Chartered ; Laws 1852 (18 June) 15. Alton and Woodburn. Chartered; Pr. Laws 1853 (12 Feb.) 322. Charter amended: Pr. Laws 1857 (18 Feb.) 1400. Further amended; Pr. Laws 1859 (22 Feb.) 414. American Bottom. Provisions of the general law extended to it; Pr. Laws 1851(17 Feb.) 273. May borrow money and mortgage road ; Pr. Laws 1853 (12 Feb.) 159. Aurora and Chicago. Chartered ; Laws 1845 (3 Mar.) 239. Amendment; Pr. Laws 1847 (19 Feb.) 106. Belleville and Jfascoutah. Organization under (26) GENERAL LAWS Plank Roads Practice the general law confirmed; Pr. Laws 1854 (1 Mar.) 204. Betterittf and Richmond. Chartered; Pr. Laws 1853 (10 Feb.) 288. Burlington and Warren. Right of way and ferry privileges; Laws 1852 (23 June) 220. Cairo, Mound City and Metropolis. Char- tered; Pr. Laws 1857 (18 Feb.) 1857. < ',//tton and Liverpool. Articles of association amended; capital increased; Laws 1852 (15 June) 11. Charter amended; Pr. Laws 1854 (1 Mar.) 205. Carboiidale and Marion. Chartered ; Pr. Laws 1857 (18 Feb.) 1310. Car'inritte and Chesterfield. Chartered; Laws 1852 (21 June) 103. Chicago and Calumet. Chartered; Pr. Laws 1853 (14 Feb.) 9. Chicago and Rock River. Chartered; Laws 1845 (21 Jan.) 334. Amendment ; Pr. Laws 1847 (23 Feb.) 113. Chicago Southwestern. Chartered; the Chica- go and DesPlaines P. R. may transfer to; Pr. Laws 1849 (10 Feb.) 70. Amendment; Pr. Laws 1853 (20 Jan.) 484. Cottinsvitte. May be sold and relocated ; Pr. Laws 1861 (20 Feb.) 477. Danville and Perryvitte. Chartered; Pr. Laws 1849 (12 Feb.) 61. Elgin and Genoa. Released from building east of Elgin; Pr. Laws 1851 (12 Feb.) 105. Elizabethtown and Benton. Chartered ; Pr. Laws 1853 (12 Feb.) 292. Amendment; Pr.Laws 1854 (4 Mar.) 154. Franklin and Perry County. Chartered; Pr. Laws 1853 (3 Feb.) 3i7. Grundy and Kendall. Organization under the general law confirmed; Pr. Laws 1853 (10 Feb ) 343. Amendment ; Pr. Laws 1854 (28 Feb.) 177. Henry, Caledonia, Magnolia and Central. Chartered; Pr. Laws 1853 (12 Feb.) 185. Jonesboro. How inspected; Pr. Laws 1851 (13 Feb.) 112. Lacon, Wyoming and Toulon. Chartered; Laws 1852 (22 June) 125. Laks and McHenry. Corporate powers ex- tended; Pr. Laws 1851 (15 Feb.) 241. Powers of any plank roadco. extended to this; Pr.Laws 1857 (7 Feb.) 301. Like Shore. Mav substitute gravel or stone; Pr. Laws 1857 (16 Feb.) 926. Lockport, Plainfield and Yorkville. Corporate powers extended; Pr. Laws 1854 (28 Feb.) 130. Madison and St.Glair. Chartered; Pr. Laws 1847 (30 Jan.) 58. Metropolis City, Vienna and Mur ion. Charter- ed ; Pr. Laws 1851 (17 Feb.) 317. Monmouth and Oqusteka. Chartered; Pr. Laws 1849 (12 Feb.) 69. Murphysboro and Grand Toicer. Chartered; Pr. Laws 1853 (12 Feb.) 243. Northw2stern. Chartered; Pr. Laws 1854(1 Mar.) 224. Okaw Bottom.- Chartered ; Pr. Laws 1851 (17 Feb.) 293. Tolls on foreign travel ; Laws 1852. (23 June) 212. Olney, Laicrencerille and Wabash. Manic changed to Lawrcnocvillc and Wabash; Vr. Laws 1853 (8 Feb.) 600. Charter amended ; Pr. Laws 1855 (12 Feb.) 466. Oswef/o and Indiana. Chartered; Pr. Laws 1849 (12 Feb.) 57. Stockholders may organize; under the general law; Pr. Laws 1857 (12 Feb.) 505. Ottair.i am/ Vermilion. Chartered; Pr.Laws 1S5T 1 (14 Feb.) 6(i!. Ottawa Northern. Chartered, by confirming the organization ; Laws 1852 (15 June) 8. As- sessments to pay debts; Pr. Laws 1854 (22 Feb.) 84. Pekin and Fainiew. Chartered; Pr. Laws 1853 (12 Feb.) 319. Peoria and Farming/ton. Time of completion extended; Pr. Laws 1854 (28 Feb.) 131. Peru and Grand de Tour. Chartered; Pr. Laws 1857 (13 Feb.) 513. Pittsfield and Florence. Stockholders compe- tent witnesses for and against the company; Pr. Laws 1854 (23 Feb.) 157. Said company may repair with gravel; Pr. Laws 1857 (13 Feb.") 587. Princeton and Went Hsnnfpin. Chartered ; Laws 1852 (21 June) 100. Stlisbury Chartered; Pr. Laws 1849 (12 Feb.) 65. Amendment; Pr. Laws (14 Feb.) 129. Shawneetown and Equality. Chartered; Pr. Liws 1851 (17 Feb.) 294. Again; Laws 1852 (21 June) 110. Last charter amended; Pr. Laws 1853 (27 Jan.) 573. Further amendment; Pr. Laws 1857 (13 Feb.) 512. Springfield and Taylorcttle. Chartered; Pr. Laws 1853. (12 Feb.) 294. Springfield, Athens and JIapanna. Chartered ; Pr. Laws 1853 (12 Feb.) 284. St. Charles and Warre.nville. Incorporation Utilized and stock increased; Laws 1852 (23 June) 199. Sycamore and Chisajo. Chartered; Pr. I/.iws 1849 (12 Feb.) 67. Vandalia and Sta'-e Line. Chartered; Pr. Laws 1854 (3 Mar.) 133. Winchester and Illinois River. Branch to Chili; also to LaHarpe, and to any other point inMcDonough county; Pr. Laws 1853 (10 Feb.) 535. Double tolls over Illinois bottom ; Pr. Laws 1854 (28 Feb.) 203. Repairing with gravel ; Pr. Laws 1857 (13 Feb.) 587. CHAP. 83. PRACTICE. Regulation of the practice in the supreme and circuit courts; Laws 1819 (22 Mar.) 139; R. S. IS:;:',, 435 and also 434 2. Amendment; Laws 1826 (26 Jan.) 83 3. Suits by and against cor- porations; Laws 1819 (23 Mar.) 184. Repealed; Laws 1829 (3 Jan.) 171. . . Regulating prac- tice; Laws 1821 (5 Jan.) 8. . . Act 29 Jan., concerning practice in courts of law ; former acts repealed ; R. S. 1827, 310 ; R. S. 1833, 486. . GENERAL LAWS. (27) Printing and Binding Railroads. Act 2 Feb. 1827; scrawls; proceedings in supreme court; evidence of negroes ; R. S. 1827, 320 ; R. S. 1833,496. . . Act 30 Dec. 1828; defendant sued only in the county where he resides or is found; Laws 1829, 36;*R. S. 1833, 145. . . Act 9 Feb., amends the foregoing act of 29 Jan. 1827; Laws 1831, 113; R. S. 1833, 496. . . Act 1 Mar 1833; amending the act of 29 Jan. 1727 [1827] concerning practice in courts of law; R. S. 1833, 497. . . Act 25 Feb. 1833; proceed- ings by petition and summons ; R. S. 1833, 499. . . Act 7 Feb., damages assessed by the clerk ; Laws 1835, 152. . . Act 6 Dec. 1836; where judgment is affirmed on appeal and writ of er- ror; similar to R. S. 1845 Ch. 83 50; 1 Laws 1837, 12. . . Act 25 Feb., process to be tested in the name of the clerk and not the judge ; for- mer acts repealed ; 1 Laws 1837, 178. . . Act 20 July, process tested in the name of the judge to be valid; 2 Laws 1837, 51. To the same ef- fect is the act of 2.1 of July 1837; Id. 1. . . Act 21 July 1837; concerning exceptions, simi- lar to R, S. 1845, Ch. 83 22, 23; 2 Laws 1837, 109. . . Act 19 Feb., service of process against corporations, similar to R. S. 1845, Ch. 834; Laws 1839, 160. . . Act 2 Mar., proof of as- signments, similar to R. S. 1845, Ch. 83 59; damages on appeal to the supreme court, simi- lar to |57, Ibid; damages on appeal from justi- ces, similar to 58, Ibid ; Laws 1839, 271. . . Act 23 Feb., manner of docketing suits, order of trial: Laws 1841, 191. Publication of the laws and reports of the ses- sion; act of 22 Feb., Laws 1861, 137. . Re- solutions for settlement of the accounts for printing and binding the Adjutant General's re- port ; Laws 1869, 414. Relating to the paper contract of G. W. Chatterton, Id. 415, 416. For I printing the Governor's message; Id. 418. Re- | lating to Hewlett and Adair's manual ; Id 419 | Printing evidence relating to the state institu- tions; Id. 419. Newspapers for the officers and members of the General Assembly ; Id. 420,421 CHAP. 84. PRINTING AND BIND- ING. Resolutions for copying and indexing the acts of the session; Laws 1823, 213. . . Printing of the private acts of 1833 ; R. S. 1833 ! (27 Feb.) 436. . . Act 24 Jan., defining the duties of the public printer, and fixing the time j and manner of performing the same; Laws 1835, j 163. . . Act 16 Jan., printing and binding of ; the laws and journals; Laws 1836, 236. . . Act 4 Mar., forty days for printing journals; 1 Laws 1837, 179. . . Act 31 Jan., forthe bind- ing of the laws and journals; Laws 1840, 34. Act 23 Feb., supplemental to the act "defining the duties of public printer;" Laws 1841, 192. . Act 23 Feb., to amend the act 31 Jan. 1840 "for binding the laws and journals ;" Laws 1843, 173. . . Act 14Mar., supplemental to the sev- eral acts defined the duties of the public printer; part of the act of 23 Feb. 1841 repealed; Laws Laws 1843, 194. . . General act of 1845 revis- ing and consolidating former laws; R. S. 1845 (3 Mar.) 422. . . Printing the messages of ; Gov. French and Gov. Ford in German; Pr ' Laws 1847 (19 Feb.) 212. . . Secretary ot j state to advertise for proposals for printing; act 8 Feb., Laws 1849,104. Reports of the secreta- ' ry, auditor and treasurer, when to be printed ; : binding of the acts of 1849; act of 12 Feb., Laws i 1849, 106. . . Binding to be let to the lowest bidder; act 12 Feb., Laws 1849, 97 9. . . Pro- ; posals for printing advertised for; 1,000 reports to be printed; act 17 Feb., Laws 1851, 148. . . Reprint of the session laws of 1849; extra cop- i ies of session laws to be printed and sold ; act of 14 Feb., Laws 1853. 230. . . Binding the pri- ! vate laws ; act 21 Feb., Laws 1861, 137. . . CHAP. 85. PROBATE COURT. Act 10 Feb., to establish courts of probate, manner of proceeding therein; Laws 1821, 119 . . Act 12 Feb., amending the foregoing; re- peal of 1, and repealing the salary of $50 ; jud- ges of probate to be elected; Laws 1823, 132 Act 12 Jan., amending the act of 10 Feb. 1821 "establishing courts of probate;" Laws 1825,87* . . Act 2 Jan., relating to courts of probate; consolidating former acts which are reoealed Laws 1829, 37 ; R. S. 1833, 145. . . Act 4 Mar ' repeal of the act of 1829; election and duties of Probate Justices of the peace; 1 Laws 1837 176. . Act 21 July, probate justices to be elected at the same time as county clerks; 2 Laws 1837, 46. . . Act 7 Jan., to legalize pro"- cess issued by probate judges and justices un- der private seal ; Laws 1839, 39. . . Act 1 Feb., resignation of probate justice; manner of filling vacancies; Laws 1843, 185. CHAP. 86. QUO WARRANTO. Act 28 Dec. 1826; to regulate proceedings up- on information in the nature of a quo warranto- R. S. 1827, 347; R. S. 1833, 506. CHAP. 86. RAILROADS. Generally. Resolution for the extension of Illinois railroads into Indiana; Laws 1839, 300. . . Board of public works to survey and con- struct the continuation of certain Indiana rail- roads; Laws 1839 (28 Feb.) 96. . . Rock Isl- and, Mercer, Warren, McDonough, Schuyler, Cass, Scott and Greene counties, and the to'wns in said counties to subscribe to R. R. stock : Laws 1869 (25 Mar.) 322. Alton and Sangamon. Charter; Pr Laws 1847 (27 Feb.) 144. Amendment; Pr. Laws 1851 (29 Jan.) 35. Extended to Blooinington ; Pr. Laws 1851 (11 Feb.) 75. Amending the act of 1847; Pr. Laws 1851 (17 Feb.) 279. Said act further amended; name changed to Chicago and Mississippi; Laws 1852 (19 June) 46. Alton and Shawneetown. Chartered; Laws 1836 (18 Jan.) 51. Alton and St. Louis. Charter; Pr. Laws 1859 (4 Feb.) 422. Alton, Mt.Carmd and New Albany. Formed by consolidation; Pr. Laws 1849 (12 Feb.) 92. Charter confirmed; Pr. Laws 1851 (17 Feb.) 259. Consolidated as St. Louis and Louisville ; Pr. Laws 1861 (22 Feb.) 480. (28) GENERAL LAWS Railroads. Alton, Wabash and Erie Chartered ; Laws i Charter; Pr. Laws 1855 (14 Feb.) 342. Fore- ( 1C, Jan.) 16. going revived ; 2 Pr. Laws 1865 (16 Feb.) 155. American Central. Formerly Western Air /////// ami Fort Wayne. Charter; Pr. Laws Line ; Pr. Laws 1859 (21 Feb.) 526. 1 857 . 1 7 Feb.) 1159. Arenztille, Virginia and Bloomingtoit. Char- ter; 1 Pr. Laws 1867 (7 Mar.) 976. Ashley and Mt. Vernon. Charter; Pr. Laws 1861 (21 Feb.) 483. A*hley and St. Louis. Charter ; Pr. Laws 1859 (19 Feb.) 424. Atlantic and Pacific. Charter; 2 Pr. Laws (16 Feb.) 129. Aurora Branch. Charter: Pr. Laws 1849 (12 Feb.) 96. Amendment name changed to Chi- cago and Aurora ; Laws 1852 (22 Juae) 170. Beurdstoicn and Springfeld. Formerly the Beardstown and Petersburg; Pr. Laws 1854 (4 Mar.) 141. Beardstown and Petersburg. Charter; Pr. Laws 1853 (12 Feb.) 31. Changed to Beards- town and Springfield; Pr. Laws 1854 (2 Mar.) 141. BettevUle and Eldorado. Charter; Pr. Laws 1801, (22 Feb.) 485. Bettemtte and Fail-field. Charter; Pr. Laws 1855 (15 Feb.) 296. Changed to St. Louis and Louisville; Pr. Laws 1857 (11 Feb.) 432. Belleville and lUinoistown. Charter; Pr. Laws 1849 (12 Feb.) 93. Chartered again ; Laws 1852 (21 June) 114. BeUeville and Mississippi. Chartered ; Laws 1836 (28 Dec. 1835) 3. Bettetitte and Murpliysboro. Charter; Pr. Laws 1853 (8 Feb.) 115. Amendment; Pr. Laws 1854 (8 Feb.) 74. Further amendment; Pr.Laws 1854 (2 Mar.) 204. Amendment; Pr. Laws 1857 (17 Feb.) 1175. Belief Hie and Southern Illinois Charter ; Pr. Laws 1857 (14 Feb.) 707. Amended; Pr. Laws 1859 (4 Feb.) 427. Amendment; Pr. Laws 1861 (14 Feb.) 487. Amendment; 2 Pr. Laws 1865 (16 Feb.) 155. Also, Id. (16 Feb.) 155. Fur- ther amendment; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (14 Ft.).) 680. BeUevitte and Tamaroa. Charter; Pr. Laws 1859 (14 Feb.) 427. Rettevttle, Eastern .Extension. Charter; Pr. Laws 1853 (10 Feb.) 108. Foregoing revived; Pr. Laws 1859 (24 Feb.) 426. lii-lii rill,-, Red Bud and Mnrphysboro.Cliar- ter; Pr.Laws 1857 (12 Feb.) 493. Beltiderr and Ittinoi* Rice r. Charter; 2 Pr Laws 1865 (28 Feb.) 599. Beleidrre "/"/ La Sfitte. Charter; Pr. Laws 1855 (14 Feb.) 313. Chartered again ; Pr. Laws 1857 (7 Feb.) 282. Bfli-idere. and Ottawa. Charter; 2 Pr. Laws 1W7. (8 Mar.) 628. Bloomington and Pekin. Charter; Pr. Laws 1853 (10 Feb.) 58. Bloomington and Wabafih Valley. Charter; Pr. Laws 1853 (20 Jan.) 170. Amendment; Id. (10 Feb.) 175. Bloomington, Kankaket and Indiana State Line. a ml X/. LU,I i*. Charter; 2 Pr. Laws 1865 (16 Feb.) 135. and Vincennes. Charter; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (6 Mar.) 558. Caledonia Chartered ; 2 Laws 1837 (21 July) 36. Amendment; Pr. Laws 1839 (6 Feb.) 3. Camanche, Albany andMendota. Construction authorized; Pr. Laws 1857 (30 Jan.) 109. Camp Point and White JfaU Charter; 2 Pr Laws 1867 (28 Feb.) 591. Canton and Piketon. Chartered; Pr. Laws 1837 (8 Mar.) 255. New charter ; Pr. Laws 1839 (26 Feb.) 120. Carthage and Burlington. Charter; 2 Pr Laws 1867 (8 Mar.) 622. Central Branch Wabaslt. Chartered; Laws 1836 (16 Jan.) 21. Amended; Pr.Laws 1837 (4 Mar.) 292. Central Military Tract. Charter; Pr. Laws 1851 (15 Feb.) 101. Chartered again ; Laws 1852 (10 June) 36. Supplemental act ; Pr. Laws 1853 (11 Feb.) 535. Amendment; Pr. Laws 1855 (14 Feb.) 275. Joint operating contracts; Pr. Laws 1855 (16 Jan.) 288. Chester and Centralia. Charter ; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (5 Mar.) 609. Chester Branch. Charter ; Pr. Laws 1851 (15 Feb.) 243. Chester, Mississippi and CJiicago branch. For- merly the Southern Illinois ; Pr. Laws 1853 (11 Feb.) 15. Chester, NasJmtteand Pinckntyrffle. Charter- ed; Pr. Laws 1837 (4 Mar.) 292. Chicago, Alton and St. Louis. Formerly the Chicago and Mississippi; joint operating con- tracts ; Pr. Laws 1855 (14 Feb.) 322. Changed to the St. Louis, Alton and Chicago; Pr. Laws 1857 (21 Jan.) 5. Chicago, Amboy and Upper Mississippi. Char- ter; Pr. Laws 1857 (13 Feb.) 559. Cities, etc. to take stock ; Laws 1857 (18 Feb.) 225. Forego- ing revived and amended ; 2 Pr. Laws 1857 (9 Mar.) 636. Chicago find Alton. Formerly St. Louis, Alton and Chicago; Pr. Laws 1861 (18 Feb.) 489. Amendment; 2 Pr. Laws 1865 (16 Feb.) 137. C/n'cftgo and Aurora. Formerly the Aurora Branch; Laws 1852 (22 June) 170. Amend- ment; Pr. Laws 1853 (26 Jan.) 465. Amendment name changed to Chicago and Southwestern : consolidation authorized; Pr. Laws 1854 (28 Feb.) 143. Name changed to Chicago Burling- ton and Quincy; Pr. Laws 1855 (14 Feb.) 287. Joint operating contracts; Pr. Laws 1855 (16 Jan.) 288. Chicago and DesPlaines. Charter; Pr. Laws 1855 (15 Feb.) 277. Chicago and Great Eastern. Charter; 2 Pr. Laws 1865 (16 Feb.) 147. Chicago and Illinois River. Charter; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (28 Feb.) 756. GENERAL LAWS. (29) Railroads. Chicago and Indiana. Charter; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (5 Mar.) 538. Chicago and Vincennes. Chartered: Laws 1835 (17 Jan.) 88. Supplemental act ; Pr. Laws 1837 (27 Feb.) 118. (7tii;>go nh(J Miliraukie. Formerly the Illinois Parallel ; Pr. Laws 1853 (5 Feb.) 90. Amend- ment; Pr. Laws 1855 (14 Feb.) 288. Amend- ment; Pr. Laws 1857 (11 Feb.) 464. Chicago and Mississippi Formerly the Alton and Sangamon; Laws 1852 (19 June) 46. Capi- tal increased; Pr. Laws 1853 (11 Feb.) 574. Amendment; Pr. Laws 1854 (28 Feb.) 200. i Changed to Chicago, Alton and St. Louis; Pr. ! Laws 1855 (14 Feb.) 322. Changed to Alton, ; Chicago and St. Louis; Pr. Laws 1859 (16 Feb.) , 429. Chicago and North Western. Formerly Chica- \ go, St. Paul and Fon du Lac; Pr. Laws 1859 (19 I Feb.) 433. Preferred stock ; Pr. Laws 1863 (13 J Feb ) 235. Powers extended; 2 Pr. Laws 1865 i (15 Feb.) 148. Chicago and Plainfifld. Charter; Pr. Laws | 1859 (24 Feb.) 432. Amendment ; 2 Pr. Laws j 1867 (25 Feb.) 786. Chicago and Rock Inland. Formerly Rock ! Island and LaSalle ; Pr. Laws 1851 (7 Feb.) 47. | Foregoing amended; Laws 1852 (22 June) 146. Amendment ; Pr. Laws 1854 (27 Feb.) 83. Amendment; Pr. Laws 1855 (14 Feb.) 324. Chicago and Southmstern. Formerly the Chi- cago and Aurora; Pr. Laws 1854 (28 Feb.) 143. Afterwards Chicago, Burlington and Quincy ; Pr. Laws 1855 (14 Feb.) 287. Chicago, Burlington [and Quincy. Formerly Chicago and Aurora ;'Pr. Laws 1855 (14 Feb.) 287. Relocation between Bat-aria and Bataviu Junction ; 2 Pr. Laws 1865 (15 Feb.) 145. Also, Id. (16 Feb.) 145. Line from Aurora to Morris; Id. (16 Feb.) 146. Chicago, Danrflle and Vincennes. Charter; 2 Pr. Laws 1865 (16 Feb.) 140. Cities, ect. to j 160. take stock; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (7 Mar.) 842. Chicago, St. Charles and Mississippi. Former- ly the St. Charles Branch; Pr. Laws 1853 (31 Jan.) 128. Right of way from Savanna to Ga- lena-; Laws 1853 (10 Feb.) 182. Chicago, St. Paid andFon du Lac. Sale autho- rized ; Pr. Laws 1859 (19 Feb.) 433. Chicago, Sterling and Mississippi Charter; Pr. Laws 1853 (7 Feb.) 101. Chicago, Sterling and Warsaw. Charter; 2 Pr. Laws 1865 (16 Feb.) 149. Clayton and*RushrSle. Charter; 2 Pr. Laws 1865 (16 Feb.) 150. Clayton and White Han. Charter; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (5 Mar.) 553. Court Crffk. Charter: 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (7 Mar.) 585. DanrilleandBloomington Charter; Pr. Laws 1857 (11 Feb.) 438. DanciHe and Cotington. Chartered ; Pr. Laws 1837 (1 Mar.) 156. Danville and Mattoon. Charter; 2 Pr. Laws 1865 (16 Feb.) 156. DanriSf, Urbana, Bloomington and Pekin. Charter; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (28 Feb.) 758. Decatur and Damittf. Charter; Pr. Laws 1853 (12 Feb.) 93. Decatur and East St. Louis. Charter; 2Pr Laws 1867 (26 Feb.) 770. Decatur and Galena. Charter ; Pr. Laws 1857 (16 Feb.) 927: Decatur and Indianapolis. Charter; Pr. Laws 1853 (8 Feb.) 127. Amendment consolidation confirmed; Pr. Laws 1854 (20 Feb.) 86. Decatur and] Pekin. Charter; Pr. Laws 1853 (11 Feb.) 134. Des Moints Rapids. Chartered ; Pr. Laws 1839 (19 Feb.) 75. Supplemental act; Laws 1841 (27 Feb.) 197. Dixon, Peoria and Hannibal. Charter ; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (5 Mar.) 604. Edicardsritte and Chippeica. Chartered : Pr- Laws 1837 (I Mar.) 168. Elgin and State Lint. Charter: Pr. Laws 1859 (12 Feb.) 436. Elizabtthtown and Benton. Charter ; Pr. Laws 1857 (11 Feb.) 443. Elnnrood and Mississippi. Charter; Pr. Laws 1857 (19 Feb.) 1433. El Paso, Pontiac and Kunkakee. Charter ; - Pr. Laws 1867 (6 Mar.) 580. Ecfinsritte and St. Louis. Charter; Pr. Laws 1863 (7 Jan.) 256. Fairbnru, Pontiac. and North Western. Char- ter ; 2 Pr.Laws 1867 (7 Mar.) 575. Forreston and Chicago. Charter ; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (26 Feb.) 775. Fort Wayne and Chicago. Charter ; Pr. Laws 1853 (5 Feb.) 105. Amendment; Pr. Laws 1854 (22 Feb.) 80. For River Valley. Charter ; Laws 1851 (18 June.) 29. Fulton. Charter; Pr. Laws 1863 (21 Feb.) 248. Amendment; 2 Pr. Laws 1865 (16 Feb.) F7ton City, Mt. Carrott and Frefport. Char- ter ; Pr. Laws 1861 (20 Feb.) 493. Pr. Richland Vall'i/. Charter ; Laws 1857 (19 Feb.) 1427. Frefport and State Line. Charter ; Pr. Laws 1857 (14 Feb.) 761. Amendment; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (5 Mar.) 553. Galena. Chartered ; Pr. Laws 1837 (30 Mar.) 273. Galena and Chicago Union. Chartered ; Laws 1836 (16 Jan.) 24 Amendment ; Pr. Laws 1837 (4 Mar.) 291. Further amendment ; Pr. Laws 1847 (24 Feb.) 118. Further amendment; Pr. Laws 1849 (12 Feb.) 86. Constructed at the ex- pense of property benefited ; Id. (9 Feb.) 87. Act of 1836 amended; Pr. Laws 1853 (11 Feb.) 92. Same again amended : Pr. Laws 1854 (25 Feb.) 165. Consolidated with the Rock River Junction; Pr. Laws 1855 (15 Feb.) 287. Char- ter amended ; Id. (15 Feb.) 284. Galena and Illinois Ricer. Charter; Pr. Laws 1857 (18 Feb.) 1400. Galena and Rock' Island. Charter; Pr. Laws 1857 (18 Feb.) 1210. Gakna and Southern, Wisconsin. Charier; Pr. (30) GE NERAL LAWS Railroad*. Laws 1858 (26 Jan.) 189. Supplemental act ; Id. (10 Feb.) 175. GalfKbiir;/ c/i/! .Uin\ Charter; Pr. Laws 1857 (16 Feb.) I)-; Qakxlnirq and Jiock Inland. Charter; Pr- Laws 1857 (18 Feb.) 1:512. Oilman, Clinton and Springfield. Charter; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (4 Mar.) 534. Graf (on and Alton. Charter; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (7 Mar.) 667. Gmyrille and Mattoon. Charter ; Pr. Laws 1857 (6 Feb.) 268. Amendment ; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (1 Mar.) 7::<;. Gwit \\'ixtt rn. Chartered to build a road from Cairo to the Illinois, via Decatnr and Bloomington ; Laws 1843 (6 Mar.)199. Forego- ing repealed ; Laws 1845 (21 Feb.) 333. Again repealed ; Id. (3 Mar.) 253. And again ; Laws 1851 (17 Feb.) 192. Amendment to the act of 1843 (6 Mar.) ; Pr. Laws 1849 (10 Feb.) 89. Same repealed ; Laws 1851 (17 Feb.) 192. See Illinois Ciittral. Release by Holbrook, president ac- cepted by the state ; Laws 1851 (17 Feb.) 192. Great Western. Formerly Sangamon and Morgan ; Pr. Laws 1853 (12 Feb.) 130. Charter amended; Pr. Laws 1855 (13 Feb.) 347. Amend- ed with reference to the Quincy and Toledo ; Pr. Laws 1857 (31 Jan.) 229. Consolidation; Laws 1857 (16 Feb.) 127. Changed to Great Western of 1859 ; Pr. Laws 1859 (29 Jan.) 439. Great Western of 1859 Formerly Great West- ern; Pr. Laws 1859 (29 Jan) 439. Stock in- creased ; 2 Pr. Laws 1865 (16 Feb.) 160. Hamilton, Lacon and Eastern. Charter; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (7 Mar.) 654. Cities, etc. to take stock ; Laws 1869 (5 Mar.) 325. Hannibal and Naples. Formerly Pike county; Pr. Laws 1863 (12 Feb.) 232. May consolidate ; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (7 Mar.) 567. lint-ana, and Macomb. Charter ; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (5 Mar.) 551. ll'imna Lincoln and Champaign. Charter; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (9 Mar.) 637. Illinois and Fox Riter. Charter ; 2 Pr. Laws 1865 (16 Feb.) 161. Illinois and Mississippi. Charter; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (8 Mar.) P42. Illinois andRock River. Time of completion extended; Laws 1843 (6 Mar.) 199. Foregoing revived ; Pr. Laws 1841 (27 Feb.) 96. Illinois and Sotttfwrn Iowa. Charter; Pr. Laws 1857 (12 Feb.) 524. Illinois and Wisconsin. Charter; Pr. Laws 1851 (12 Feb.) 108. Supplemental act ; Id. (17 Feb.) 274. Supplemental act northern termi- nus; Pr. Laws 1853 (14 Feb.) 287. Foreclosure and sale; Pr. Laws 1855 (14 Feb.) 268. Central. See Great Western. Char- tered; Laws 1836 (16 Jan.) 129. Route surveyed; Laws 1839 (2 Mar.) 242. Termination in Gale- na ; Id. (4 Mar.) 99. Repeal of the act of 1836 ; Laws 1851 (17 Feb.) 192. Act of congress grant- ing lands in aid accepted; Laws 1851 (17 Feb.) 192. . . Chartered again ; Pr. Laws 1851 (10 Feb.) 61. Supplemental act; Pr. Laws 1851 (17 Feb.) 276. Amendment ; Laws 1852 (22 June) 180. Time of completion extended; Id. (23 June) 208. Time of completing the first 50 miles; Laws 1853 (12 Feb.) 221. Time of com- pletion extended; Pr. Laws 1854 (27 Feb.) 192. Mav lay out towns; Pr. Laws 1855 (14 Feb.) 283" Assessments; Laws 1859 (21 Feb.) 206. bhawnectown branch; 2Pr. Laws 1865 (16 Feb.) 216. And also, Id. (16 Feb.) 218. To amend the constitution as to tax, etc. ; Laws 1869 (30 Mar.) 96. Illinois Central Cross. Charter; Pr. Laws 1855 (15 Feb.) 312. Amendment; Pr. Laws 1857 (11 Feb.) 367. Cross. Charter; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (18 Feb.) 685. Illinois Fanner's. Charter; Pr. Laws 1859 (23 Feb.) 449. And again ; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (28 Feb.) 737. Illinois Grand Trunk. Charter; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (28 Feb.) 595. Illinois Parallel. Charter ; Pr. Laws 1851 (17 Feb.) 266. Changed to the Chicago and Mil- waukie ; Pr. Laws 1853 (5 Feb.) 90. Illinois River. Charter; road from Jackson, ville to LaSalle ; Pr. Laws 1853 (11 Feb.) 53. Amendment; Pr. Laws 1854 (1 Mar.) 207. Fur- ther amendment ; Pr. Laws i857.(29 Jan.) 105. Amendment; Id. (16 Feb.) 838. Amendment; Pr. Laws 1859 (14 Feb.) 457. Changed to Peo- ria, Pekin and Jacksonville ; Pr. Laws 1863 (11 June) 234. Illinois River and Pana. Charter; 2 Pr. Laws 1865 (16 Feb.) 163. Illinois River Valley. Charter; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (11 Mar.) 733. Illinois Southern. Charter; Pr. Laws 1857 (31 Jan.) 183. Amendment ; Pr. Laws 1861 (22 Feb.) 496. Amendment; Pr. Laws 1863 /ti/.if>i>i-i> unit Mnnrnettotcn. Cliarter; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (7 Mar.) 648. Naples &nd Jfunnilxi/ Mr /.inc. Charter; Pr- Laws 1857 (14 Feb.) 642. Northern. Charter; 2 Pr. Laws 1865 (15 Feb.) 188. Amendment; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (8 Mar.) 641. Further amendment; Id. (28 Feb.) 7 in. Northern Cross. Naples branch abandoned ; Laws 18:31) (2 Mar.) 246. Completion from Springfield to Jacksonville ; Laws 1841 (26 Feb.) '194. . . Chartered; Laws 1843 (6 Mar.) 195. Resolutions that congress aid with a grant of land ; Id. 349, and that the governor obtain the lease of S. M. Tinsley & Co.; Id. 340. . . Sale of what lies between Springfield and the Illinois river; Laws 1847 (16 Feb.) 109. . . Company Chartered; Pr. Laws 1849 (10 Feb.) H2. Bonds for the completion between Spring- field and Jacksonville ; 1 Laws 1849 (10 Feb.) 45. Funding of said bonds ; Laws 1851 (14 Feb.) 88. Supplementalto the act of 1849 (10 Feb.) ; Pr. Laws 1851 (1 Feb.) 42. Changing the northern terminus ; Pr. Laws 1851 (15 Feb.) 243. Supplementary to the act of 1849 (10 Feb.); Laws 1852 (11 June) 3. Same act amend- ed; Id. (21 June) 108. Construction facilitated ; Pr. Laws 1853 (10 Feb.) 93. Re-location in part; Pr. Laws 1854 (28 Feb.) 212. Joint ope- rating contracts; Pr. Laws 1855 (16 Jan.) 288. Changed to Quincy and Chicago; Pr. Laws 1857 (10 Feb. 373. Northern lUinoi*. Charter; Laws 18-52 (23 June) 208. New charter ; Pr. Laws 1859 (24 Feb.) 484. Ferry across the Mississippi ; 2 Pr. 1865 (16 Feb.) 191. Northern Indiana-. To hold real estate; 2 Pr- Laws 1867 (25 Feb.) 732. Ogle and Carrott County. Charter ; Pr. Laws 1857 (18 Feb.) 1230. Amendment; Pr. Laws 1859 (24 Feb.) 488. Ohio and Mississippi. Charter; Pr. Laws 1851 (12 Feb.) 89. Amendment; Laws 1852 (22 June) lix'. Supplemental act; Pr. Laws 1853 (11 Feb.) 92. Amendment; Pr. Laws 1854 (27 Feb.) 78. New charter; Pr. Laws 1861 (5 Feb.) 508. Ohio Tiir-er mid All on. Charter; Pr. Laws 1857 (14 Feb.) 779. Formerly Ohio river, Alton and Benton ; Id. (18 Fob ) 1412. Ohio River and Wakash. Charter; Pr. Laws 1853 (25 Jan.) 466. Supplemental act; Pr. Laws 1853 (12 Feb.) 92. Second Supplemental act; Pr. Laws 1854 (28 Feb.) 175. Of/innr/.'i and Chicago. Charter; Pr. Laws 1857 (17Feb) 1162. Ottmgo and Aurora. Charter; Pr. Laws 1851 (17 Feb.) 302. Ottdirii. 0*treyo and Fox Hirer Volley. Char- ter; Laws 1852 (21 June) 56. Amendment; Pr. Laws 1854 (28 Feb.) 158. Amendment; Pr. Laws 1857 (13 Feb.) 578. Cities, etc. to take stock ; Laws 1857 (18 Feb.) 225. Termination at Winona; 2Pr. Laws 1865 (16 Feb.) 192. Fur- ther amendment ; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (8 Mar.) 621. I',nhn;ili, Mi-tr-'ijHiH* and St. Louis. Charter; Pr. Laws 1859(16 Feb.) 4!0. Pann, Springfield mid Northm-xt' I-H. Charter; 2 Pr. Laws 1865 (16 Feb.) 1!2. Hirix . Chartered; Pr. Laws 1857 (12 Feb. 488. Pi iris and Decatur. Charter; Pr. Laws 1861 ; (18 Feb.) 509. Amendment; 2 Pr. Laws 1865 ; (16 Feb.) 198. PIII-IK. I'rbuniK/nil /llooi/tinyton. Charter; Pr. Laws 1857 (31 Jan.) 187. Pecatonica Vattey. Chartered; Pr. Laws 1857 (14 Feb.) 77.1. Pekin and Decatur. Charter; Pr. Laws 1855 (15 Feb.) 257. Pekin. Blooniiii'/tnii und Wubnxh. Chartered; Laws 1836 (16 Jan.) 8. Pekin, Canton and Macomb. Charter; Pr. Laws 1853 (12 Feb.) 94. Pekin, Lincoln and Decatur. Charter; Pr. Laws 1861 (21 Feb.) 518. Amendment; 2 Pr. Laws 1865 (16 Feb.) 198. New charter; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (22 Feb.) 698. Peoria 520. Line extended to Quincy; 2 Pr. Laws 1865 (16 Feb.) 205. Quincy and Warsaw. Charter; 2 Pr. Laws 1865 (16 Feb.) 205. Quincy. Reard*totcn and North Eastern. Charter'; 2 Pr. Laws 1887 (7 Mar.) 562. Quin'u, Cinton and Warsaw. Charter; Pr. Laws 1857 (14 Feb ) 815. Racine and Mississippi. Formerly the Rock- ton and Freeport; Pr. laws 1855 (14 Feb.) 284. Id- (13 Feb.) 317. Includes the Savanna Branch; other consolidations confirmed; Pr. Laws 1857 (14 Feb.) 648. Purchasers incorpo- rated; Pr. Laws 1863 (21 Feb.) 254 Rockfrrd and Mississippi. Charter; Pr. Laws 1857 (28 Jan.) 66. Rockf->rd and Rock Inland. Charter; Pr. Laws 1851 (12 Feb.) 95. Amendment; Pr. Laws 1854 (I Mar.) 1863. Further amendment; Pr. Laws 1857 (14 Feb.) 615. Rockford Central. Charter; Pr. Laws 1855 (16 Feb.) 269. Rockford, Rock Island and St. Louis. Char- ter; 2 Pr. Laws 1865 (16 Feb.) 209. Rock Island and Alton. Charter; Pr. Laws 1855 (14 Feb.) 305. Amendment; Pr. Laws 1857 (14 Feb.) 832. Changed to St. Louis, Al- ton and Rock Island ; Pr. Laws 1859 (24 Feb.) 494. So also, Pr. Laws 1861 (18 Feb.) 522. Time of completion extended; 2 Pr. Laws 1865 (16 Feb.) 214. Rock Island and Galta. Charter; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (28 Feb.) 731. Rock Istsmdatvl LaSatte. Charter; Pr. Laws 1847 (27 Feb.) 139. Name changed to Chicago and Rock Island; Pr. Laws 1851 (7 Feb.) 47. Rock Island and Peoria. Charter; Pr. Laws 1855 (14 Feb.) 317. Amendment; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (7 Mar.) 591. Rockton and Freeport. Charter; Pr. Laws 1853- (10 Feb.) 69. Amendment ; Pr. Laws 1854 (I Mar.) 180. Changed to Racine and Missis- sippi; Pr. Laws 1855 (14 Feb.) 284. Id. (13 Feb.) 317. Rockton, State Line and JfitttMtopir<-Charter; Pr. Laws 1853 (11 Feb.) 86. Rushtille. Chartered ; Laws 1836 (16 Jan.) ?5. Amendment; Pr. Laws 1839 (6 Feb.) 44. Swjamin and Massae. Charter; Pr. Laws 1853 (10 Feb.) 177. Sinjamon and Morgan. Chartered ; Laws 1845 (1 Mar.) 150. Supplemental act ; Pr. L-iws 1847 (28 Feb.) 150. Amendment ; Pr. Laws 1851 (23 Mar.) 10. Changed to the Great Wes- tern ; Pr. Laws 1853 (12 Feb.) 139. Repair of the Northern Cross R. R. to Meredosia; Id. (24 Jan.) 473. Sangamon and North West. Formerly Peters- burg and Springfield ; Pr. Laws 1854(1 Mar.) I 165. Amendment ; Pr.Liwsl855 (14 Feb.) 336. ; Three divisions created ; Pr. Laws 1857 (18 Feb.) 1243. Sale of branch between Alton and Bloody Island; Pr. Laws 1859 (4 Feb.) 496. Sanganwn Vattey. Charter; 2 Pr. Laws 1865 (16 Feb.) 214 Savanna and Wisconsin State Line. Charter; Pr. Laws 1859 (24 Feb.) 496. Savanna Branch. Charter: Pr. Laws 1851 (12 Feb.) 103. Amendment; Pr. Laws 1855 (15 Feb.) 283. Changed to Racine and Mississippi; j Pr. Laws 1857 (14 Feb.) 648. Shawneetoicn and Alton. Chartered; Laws i 1836 (18 Jan.) 46. Shawnietoicn and Chicago Branch. Charter; Pr. Laws 1857 (18 Feb.) 1394. Shawn.etown and Neio Haven. Chartered ; Pr. Laws 1839 (2 Mar.) 232. Shoknkon and Rushtttle. Chartered ; Pr. Laws 1837 (28 Feb.) 138. South Eastern. Chartered as an extension of the Pana, Springfield and North Western ; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (5 Mar.) 614. Southern Illinois. Charter; Pr. Laws 1851 (17 j Feb.) 294: Chanced to Chester Mississippi and 1 Chicago Branch; Pr. Laws 1853 (11 Feb.) 15. . A new charter; Laws 1852 (23 June) 200. Changed to the Massac and Sangamon; Pr. Laws 1853 (10 Feb.) 177. New Charter; Pr. Laws 1857 (19 Feb.) 1361. South Western Branch. Charter ; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (28 Feb.) 717. Sprinqfi-M and Beardstown. Chartered; Pr. Laws 1837 (4 Mar.) 312. S^rinqfiM and Carlyle. Charter; Pr. Laws 1853 (12 Feb.) 79. Springfield and Pana Charter; Pr. Laws 1857 (16 Feb.) 1024. Amendment; Pr. Laws 1861 (16 Feb.) 528. Springfield and Pekin. Charter; Pr. Laws 1853 (12 Feb.) 12. Changed to Peoria and Springfield; Pr. Laws 1859 (12 Feb.) 501. Springfield and Terre Haute. Charter; Laws 1852 (22 June) 140. Amendment ; Pr. Laws 1854 (1 Mar.) 184. Springfield, Keokuk and Warsaw. Charter; Pr. Laws 1857 (13 Feb.) 519. Amendment; 2 i Pr. Laws 1865 (16 Feb.) 220. State Line and Mississippi. Charter; Pr. Laws 1853 (12 Feb.) 39. St. Charles and Mississippi liny condemn 1 property; Pr, Laws 1851 (12 Feb.) 101. (34) GENERAL LAWS Railroads, St. Charles Branch. Charter; Pr. Laws 1849 (81 Jan.) 78. Changed to Chicago, St. Charles and Mississippi; Pr. Laws 1853 (81 Jan.) 128. Sisrlin-j ani Itoik Island. Organization legal- ized; Pr. Laws 1833 (18 Feb.) 512. St. Louis, Alton ani ('hint-jo. Formerly Chi- cago, Alton and St. Louis ; Pr. Laws 1857 (21 Jan.) 5. Chansred to Chicago and Alton; Pr. Laws X861 (18 Feb.) 481). St. Louis, Alton and Rock Maud. Formerly Rock Island and Alton ; Pr. Laws 1859 (24 Feb.) 494. So also, Pr. Laws 1861 (18 Feb.) 522. Tim* of completion extended; 2 Pr. Laws 1865 (16 Feb.) 214. Road mortgaged; Id. (16 Feb.) .'-' i. Branch authorized ; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (23 Feb.) 709. Si. Louis, Alton and Tern Haute. Formerly Terre Haute and Alton ; Pr. Laws 1861 (18 Feb.) 539. Line extended; Pr. Laws 1863 (13 Feb.) 237. And again; Id. (20 Feb.) 236. St. Louis and Louiscitte. Formerly Belleville and Fail-field ; Pr. Laws 1857 (11 Feb.) 432. Consolidation; Pr. Laws 1861 (22 Feb.) 480. St. Louis, Jacksonville and Chicago. Formed by consolidation; Pr. Laws 1863 (13 Feb.) 245 St. Louis, Shelby cttle and Detroit. Formerly St. Louis, Shelby ville andTolono; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (9 Mar.) 636. St. Louis, Shelbyvitte and Tolono. Chartered; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (19 Feb.) 687. Changed to St. Louis, Shelby ville and Detroit; 2 Pr. Laws 1887 (9 Mar.) 636. St. Louis, Vandaliaand Terre Haute. Charter 2Pr. Laws 1865 (10 Feb.) 221. Amendment; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (8 Feb.) 671. Tam'iroa, and Mississippi. Chartered; Pr. Laws 1837 (3 Mar.) 279. Terre Haute and Alton. Charter; Pr. Laws 1851 (28 Feb.) 29. Supplemental act; Pr. Laws 1851 (13 Feb.) 113. Amendment ; Pr. Laws 1853 (12 Feb.) 133. Amendment; Pr. Laws 1854 (28 Feb.) 159. Changed to St. Louis, Alton and Terre Haute; Pr. Laws 1861 (18 Feb.) 530. Terre Haute and York. Charter; Pr. Laws 1853 (12 Feb.) 63. Amendment; Pr. Laws 1854 (28 Feb.) 159. Amendment ; Pr. Laws 1855 (14 Feb.) 321. Further Amendment; Pr. Laws 1857 (12 Feb.) 552. Tolono and Indianopolis. Charterd; 2 Pr Laws 1865 (16 Feb.) 224. Tolono and Pana. Charter ; Pr. Laws 1857 (11 Feb.) 455. Tonica and Petersburg. Charter; Pr. Laws 1857(15 Jan.) 9. Supplemental act; Id. (16 Feb.) 1031. Amendment; Pr. Laws 1859 (14 Feb.) 517. Amended; Pr. Laws 1861 (22 Feb.) 512. Consolidated as St. Louis Jacksonville and Chicago; Pr. Laws 1863 (13 Feb.) 245. Tuwold, Charleston and Vincennes. Charier; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (7 Mar.) 568. Union. To make and use a road in Cook coun- ty; Laws 1852 (22 June) 129. Amendment; Pr. Laws 1854 (3 Mar.) 215. Uppsr and Lowir Mississippi. Charter; road from Jacksonville to Rock Island; Pr. Laws 1853 (11 Feb.) 34. Vini'f nnes and Uecntur. Charter; Pr. Laws 1857(13 Feb.) 570. Amendment; 2 Pr. Laws 18C5 (16 Feb.) 227. Vincennes and Pana. Charter; 2 Pr. Laws 1867 (15 Feb.) 682. Vincennes and Jonesboro. Charter; Pr. Laws 1867 (16 Feb.) 938. Wabash. Formerly Wabash Valley ; Pr. Laws 1857 (17 Feb.) 1155. Wabash and Indiana. Chartered; Pr. Laws 1837 (4 Mar.) 326. Amendment ; Pr. Laws 1839 (2 Mar.) 208. Wabash ami Mississippi. Chartered; Laws 1836 (15 Jan.) 36. Wabath and Mississippi Union. Chartered; Laws 1836 (18 Jan.) 04. Wabash Valley. Charter; Laws 1852 (22 June) 187. Amendment; Pr. Laws 1855 (15 Feb.) 276. Extended to Paris; changed to AVabash ; Pr. Laws 1857 (17 Feb.) 1155. Warsaw. Chartered; Pr. Laws 1839 (26 Feb.) 98. Warsnw and Macomb. Charter; Pr. Laws 1851 (15 Feb.) 173. Warsaw and Port Byron. Charter ; Pr. Laws 1853 (12 Feb.) 156. Warsaw and Rockford. Charter; Pr. Laws 1849 (10 Feb.) 85. Amendment; Laws 1852 (21 June) 88. Directors increased; Pr. Laws 1853 (24 Jan.) 481. Amendment; Pr. Laws 1854(3 Mar.) 160. Acts consolidated; Pr. Laws 1863 (21 Feb.) 241. Amendment ; 2 Pr. Laws 1837 (9 Mar.) 622. Warsaw, Peorm and Wabash. Chartered; Laws 1836 (14 Jan.) 76. Waverly and Auburn. Charter; Pr. Laws 1853 (12 Feb.) 128. Waverly and Grand Prairie. Chartered; Laws 1836 (16 Jan.) 81. Webster, Ottawa and Kish/c.tkee. Chartered ; Pr. Laws 1837 (4 Mar.) 321. Western Air Line. Charter; road from New Boston via Lacon, towards Ft. Wayne ; Pr. Laws 1853 (9 Feb.) 95. Amendment; Pr. Law.* H>7 (14 Feb.) 613. Changed to American Ceutnvl; Pr. Laws 1859 (21 Feb ) 526. Western Union. Organization confirmed; 2 Pr. Laws 1807(4 Mar.) 603. Winchester, Lynnville and Jacksonville. Char- tered; Pr. Laws 1837 (18 Jan. 183S) 311. Stoc c increased ; 2 Laws 1837 (21 July) 40. Amen d- raent; Pr. Laws 1839 (6 Feb.) 44. CHAP. 87. RECORDS AND RE- CORDERS. Act 19 Feb., establishing a recorder's office in each county, and fixing the duties of the recor- der ; Laws 1819, 18. . . Act 17 Jan., amend- ing the foregoing act ; Laws 1825, 135. . > Act 22 Jan., deeds may be recorded in the state recorder's office, and must be recorded within six months; Laws 1829, 25 3, 4. . . Act 8 Jan., duties of the county recorder defined ; for- mer acts repealed; Laws 1829, 116; R. S. 1833, 510, , , Act 30 Jan. 1821 ; ancient books, pa- GENERAL LAWS. (35) Replevin Revenue. pers and records delivered to the recorder of Randolph county: R. S. 1833. 503. . . Act 15 Feb., recovery oY records illegally withheld, as in R. S. 1845"Ch. 87 ^.1012 ; Laws 1831, 114 ; R. S. 1833, 502. . . Act 13 Feb., supplemen- tal to the act of 8 Jan. 1829, and explanatory thereof; Laws 1835, 61. . . Act 11 Feb., election of count}* recorders ; Laws 1835, 165. . Act 30 Jan., records in certain counties to be transcribed ; Laws 1840, 86. State Recorder. Act 12 Feb. 1827 ; establish- ing a recorder's office, to record deeds and title j papers of non-residents, and titles to bounty lands ; R. S. 1827, 378. . . Act 22 Jan., deeds ; of residents may be recorded by him; Laws 1829, 25 3. . . Act 18 Jan. 1833 ; abolishing ! the office of state recorder ; R. S. 1833, 587. . Act 9 Feb., books of the late state recorder re- ! moved to the recorder's office in Rushville ; Laws 1835, 157. CHAP. 88. REPLEVIN. Act 29 Jan. 1827 ; to resrulate the action of replevin: R. S. 1827, 349; R. S. 1833, 508. . . Act 12 Feb., supplemental to the act of 1827, ! and similar to R. S. 1845 Ch. 88 13: Laws 1839, 77. CHAP. 89. REVENUE. Act 27 Mar., for the valuation of lands and other property, and for laying a tax thereon ; Laws 1819, 313. . . Act 30 Mar., authorizing non-resident pedlars to sell goods in this state ; Laws 1819, 352. . . Act 19 Jan., sheriffs al- lowed until 1 March next to pay over the taxes : Laws 1821, 19. . . Act 31 Jan., allowing property sold for taxes, both real and personal, to be redeemed ; Laws 1821, 64. . . Act 6 Feb., sheriff's to collect taxes in new counties; sheriffs to have until 1 April 1821 to pay over the taxes of 1819 and 1820 ; Laws 1821, 100. . Act 15 Feb., amending the act first above ; re- peal of the triple tax ; Laws 1821, 182. . . Act 8 Jan., to remit triple taxes in certain cases ; Laws 1823, 68. . . Act 23 Dec., compensation for collecting the taxes of 1821 and 1822 ; Laws 1823, 80. . . Act 14 Feb., amending the act of 30 Mar. 1819 "authorizing non-resident ped- lars to sell ;" Laws 1823, 145. . . Act 18 Feb., levying and collecting a tax on land and other property ; former acts repealed ; Laws 1823, 203 ggl 30*. . . Act 3 Jan., postponing the sale of lands by the auditor for taxes until the third Monday of June; Laws 1825,52. . . Act 14 Jan., further time allowed for redemption from tax sales; Laws 1825, 106. . . Act 17 Jan., amending the above act of 18 Feb.. 1823, "for levying and collecting a tax on land and other property ;" Laws 1825, 172. . . .Act 26 Jan., form of deeds to be made by the auditor for lands sold for taxes ; effect thereof; Laws 1826, 78. . . Act 27 Jan., relating to the revenue of Calhoun, Pike, Adams, Schuyler, Fulton and Peoria counties; Laws 1826, 89. . . Act 28 Jan., sundry provisions amending former acts ; Laws 1826, 92 |$8 14. Land in incorporated towns liable only to be taxed for corporation purposes ; Pr. Laws 1827 (6 Jan.) 5 f 2. . . Act 19 Feb. 1827 ; to provide for raising a rev- enue, former acts repealed: a general law con- solidating all the acts; R. S. 1827, 325 ?|l-^3; R. S. 1833, 513. . . Act 10 Feb. 1827;' to com- plete the assessment and collection of the land tax of 1826 etc.; R. S. 1827,338. . . Act 13 Feb. 1827 ; for the relief of certain persons whose lands have been sold for taxes ; R. S. 1827, 339 ; R. S. 1833, 512. . . Act 19 Jan., supplemental to the act of 19 Feb. 1827, "to provide for raising a revenue ; " former acts partly repealed ; Laws 1829, 119 ; R. S. 1833, 523. . . Act 12 Feb., amending the former acts; Laws 1831, 125; R. S. 1833, 527. . . Act 27 Feb. 1833; concern- ing the public revenue; former acts repealed; R. S. 1833, 528 118. . . Act 20 Feb. 1833; to extend the time of settlement for the county revenue to certain sheriffs therein named 20 counties; R. S. 1833, 581. . . Act 12 Feb., owner listing lands out of his own county; Laws 1835, 51. . . Act 31 Jan., time of the sheriffs in 9 counties to settle and pay over tax, extended ; Laws 1835, 72. . . Act 13 Jan., redemption of land sold for tax- es ; Laws 1836, 230. . . Act 16 Jan., notes of the state bank received for revenue ; Laws 1836, 244. . . Act 17 Dec. 1836; receiving a dis- tributive share of the surplus revenue of the United States on deposit ; 1 Laws 1837, 193. . Act 6 Dec. 1836 ; sheriffs to pay over in Decem- ber and March, final settlements; 1 Laws 1837, 194 . . Resolution 6 Jan., repeal of the ex- emption of lands from taxation for five years after they are sold ; 1 Laws 1837,337. . . " Act 21 Julv, county clerk to list lands not returned; 2 Laws 1837, 58. . . Act 26 Feb., concerning the public revenue previous acts consolidated and amended: Laws 1839, 3 165. Act 1 Mar., supplemental to the above ; Id. 23. . . Act 1 Feb., to amend the foregoing Act of 1839 : . Laws 1840, 3. . . Act 26 Feb., appointment of assessors, their powers and duties; Laws 1841, 34. . . Act 27 Feb., appointment of as- sessors in certain cases; Laws 1841, 35. . . Act 19 Feb., to prevent colltctors from specula- ' ting on auditor's warrants; Laws 1841, 63. . Act 27 Feb., tax or interest on the public debt ; Laws 1841, 165. . . Act 7 Jan., to legalize the assessment of taxes in Peoria and other counties for the year 1840 ; Laws 1841, 303. . Act 1 Feb., to legalize the assessment for 1842 in Mercer and other counties ; Laws 1843, 14. So also, 1 Mar.; Laws 1843, 15. . . Act 23 Feb., to prohibit the receipt of bank bills for public dues ; Laws 1843, 39. . . Act 2 Mar., burying grounds and church grounds exempt from execution, to be certified; Laws 1843,53. . . Act 6 Mar., suits against delinquent cot- lectors; Laws 1843,68. To exempt the proper- ty of colleges and common schools from taxa- tion; Id. 70. . . Act 20 Feb., collection of the revenue for 1842 ; parts of former acts repealed : Laws 1843, 228. . . Act 6 Mar., to amend the former act of 1839 "for the collection of the rev- enue ;" Laws 1843, 231. Certificates of pur- chase assignable ; several tracts included in one : sheriff's deed; Id. 238. Suits against delinquent collectors ; uncurrent money to be disposed of; Id. 239. . . Legalizing and assessment in Moultrie county, and regulating other assess- ments for 1844; Laws 1845 (15 Jan.) 178. . . (36) GENERAL LAWS Revenue. Late collectors to collect taxes due and unpaid ; L-iws 1845 (10 Fel>.) 588. . . The general law (if (:j Mar.) 1845 appears to be identical : with tiiis chapter of the revised statutes, except . that 80 is not found in the latter, and that sec- | tion was elsewhere expressly repealed; see Laws 1 8 '). 3; and for the repeal R. 8. 1845, 585. . . i Collectois in Randolph, Monroe, St. Clair, I Madison, Jackson, Union, Alexander, Washing- ton, Clinton and Mason counties allowed fur- tlii-r time tosettle for the revenue of 1844; Laws 1845(3 Mar.) 207. . . Duty of the clerk of; the county commissioners' court with the list of lands and lots forfeited to the state; Laws 1847 j (25 Feb.) 83. The act appears to be entirely | changed by the revenue laws of 1853 ; Oh. 89 i g$170 174 and 818 -817. . . Amendments: to the chapter in the revised statutes; Laws j 18 17 (27 Feb.) 79. Only a few of its provisions i are now in force, as will appear by the follow- ! ing synopsis: 1. Now given as 1 of the ; chapter on revenue. 2. Amends 8 of this chapter ot the revised statutes, and afterwards changed by later acts; see note in place of 8 Ch. 89. 3. Amends 12 of this chapter j of the revised statutes, and afterwards changed by later acts; see note in place of 12 Ch. 89. 4. Deputy county assessor ; changed \ in 1853, by what is now 241. 5. Amends 14 of this chapter of the revised statutes, and after- wards changed by later acts; see note in place of 14 Ch. 89. 6. Blanks and books furnished by the auditor; changed in 1853 by what is now 108 and 269. 7.' Time of completing the assessment ; changed in 1853 by what te now ; 88 and 247 ; changed again in 1867 by 371. j 8. Extension of taxes by the clerk, including | back taxes; changed in 1853, 149, 150 and 287, 288. 9. Person aggrieved by an assess- , ment; an amendment to 26 Ch. 89; changed in : 1847 (79 9), and again in 1853, by 80 and j 243. Also changed once more in 1861, by Ch. j 103d Art. 16 1113. 10. Collector's bonds j to be sent to the auditor; changed in 1853 by 144 146, and 2S4. 11. Penalty against as- sessors, now 37. 12. Assessment list delivered by the clerk to the collector; changed in 1853, j by 147 and 285. 13. Payment of the school fund; changed in 1853, by 199201, and 348 350. 14. Sales of lands and lots forfeited to the state; changed in 18-"3, by 173, 174 and 317. Reference by section only w mite to ^ /*>.%' SUtt. 1869, Ch. 89. . . Owner of land sold for taxes to have a written notice from the county clerk; Laws 1847 (28 Feb.) 78. Repealed;! Laws 1849 (12 Feb.) 122 6. . . Relating to the duty of the auditor ; partly special and tem- porary, and containing other'provisions which have been changed by later acts ; Laws 1847 (I Mar.) 19. . . A general act of 1849 (12 j Feb.) contains a few sections that are still in force. The rest is merely temporary, or has been changed by later acts, as shown in the fol- lowing synopsis: 1. Assessments of 1848 and prior years, not made In time and declared valid. 2. Time of completing assessment ; changed by 371. 3. Collector's bonds; changed by 144 and 284. 4. Jurisdiction of county j courts in suits by collectors for taxes; changed in 1853, by io4 and 295. 5. Advertising real estate for taxes ; amended at the next ses- sion; 2 Laws 1849 (6 Nov.) 46 7; changed in 1858 by 157 and 801. 6. Mode of obtaining a tax deeu; changed in 1853, by 158 and 302. 7 and 8. Auditor to obtain "list" of lands sold by the United States and transmit them to the county clerks; changed in 1853, by 104 and 265. 9. Clerk to make list of lands the as- sessor; changed in 1853, by 105 and 266; changed in 1855, by 139 and 278. Changed again in 1861 as to counties under township or- ganization ; Ch. 103d. Art. 16 6. Changed again in 1867, by 370. 10. Collector to tile in the county court a list of delinquent lands; changed in 1853, by 164 and 308. 11. De- linquent tax paid befoie judgment; changed in 1853, by 165 and 309. 12. Judgment for taxes; changed by 166 and 310. 13. Ap- peals to the circuit court; changed by 167 and 311. 14. County clerk to perform the du- ties of the circuit clerk; now 39. 15. County elerk to send the auditor a transcript of the tax sales; changed in 1853, by 169 and 312. County clerk also to send a list of lands forfeit- ed to the state; changed in 1853, by 171 and 314. 16. Penalty for failure to c nnply with the foregoing section ; now 40. 17. Suits for taxes of 1848 and prior years may be prosecuted either in circuit or county courts. 18. Assess- ments and collections for 1849. 19. Duty of the collector to demand the taxes on receiving the lists ; changed in 1853, by 111, 152 and 290. $20. Distraining personal property for taxes; changed by 112 and 291. 21 Collec- tion and application of the two mill tax; now |41. 22. County treasurer to be ex nfficio as- sessor; changed in 1853 by 238; as to counties under township organization consult Ch. 103d. Act. 16. 23, 24. Land records in the office of the auditor to be corrected and transcribed. 25. Land taxed before becoming taxable ; now 42. 26. Assessor to give the owner a certifi- cate of assessment; amends R. S. Ch. 89 16; changed in 1853 by 50, 51 and 214, 215. 27, 28. Auditor to furnish hooks, etc. under this act. 29. Duty of assessor when any person shall refuse to list property; changed by 54 and 218. 30. Assessor to administer oath to owner listing; changed by 78 and 245. 1 Laws 1849, 121. . . Auditor to furnish each county with a transcript of all lands sold there- in, at the seat of government for taxes ; 1 Laws 1849 (12 Feb.) 37. . . Concerning forfeited lands sold or redeemed prior to 1 June 1849 ; 1 Laws 1849 (12 Feb.)128. Section 6 authorized the clerk to receive redemption money ; it was repealed; 2 Laws 1849 (6 Nov.) 49 18. . . Act of the second session of 1849, amending and consolidating former acts. Most of its provi- sions were changed by the acts of 1H53, as will appear from the following synopsis : 1. Coun- ty clerk to deliver to the assessor a list of taxa- ble real estate; changed in 1853, by 105 and 266; changed again in 1855. by S?i39and278, and changed again in 1867, by 370. 2. As- sessment to be completed and returns make by I Oct.; now 1 Aug. by 371. 3. County clerk to deliver tax books to the collector on first Monday in Dec.; changed in 1853, by 147 and 285. 4. Collector to tile his bond at the Dec. term; changed in 1853, by 143 and 282. 5. Sheriff to attend in the precincts for the collection of taxes ; changed in 1853, by 29. As to counties under township organization, con- GENERAL, LAWS. (37) Revised Statute* Repealing*. Statute suit 111 and 147. 6. Duty of the sheriff to attend in his office for the collection of taxes; changed by 290. 7. Time of selling land for taxes ; changed in 1855, by 206 and 355. 8 Collector's list of abatements by reason of tax not collected; changed in 1853, by 153 and 295. 9. County clerk to furnish to the collec- tor, for the auditor, a certified statement of the tax abated; changed by 153 and 295. Final settlement by collector with the auditor ; changed by 156 and 300; consult also 169 and 312. 10. Collector to receive a certificate from the auditor on final settlement ; now 43. 11, 12. Manner of proceeding after the death of the collector ; changed in 1853 by 159, 160 and 303, 304. 13. Judgment for taxes, and sale thereon ; changed by 205, 206 and 355. Infants, etc. redeeming from tax sales ; changed by 175 and 318. 14. Penalty against the collector, now 44. 15. Time and manner of applying for judgment for taxes; changed by l6i and 305. Consult also 154 and 296. 16, 17. Fees of the printer for ad- vertising tx sale; changed by 162, 163 and 306, 307. Consult also 406. 18. Taxes on lands forfeited to the state ; changed by 171 and 314. 19. Overpayment by a collector to the state; changed by 178 and 321. 20. Disposition of fines ; changed by later school I laws; Oh. 98 82. 21. Manner of obtaining a j pedlar's license ; now 4. 22. Printer's fees j paid by the state; changed by 162, 163 and i 306, 307. 2 Laws 1849, 45. Rtfarence by section ' only is to Gross' Stat. 1869. . . Assessments for 1849 legalized ; 2 Laws 1849 (6 Nov.) 51. . Time for completing collections extended, in counties under township organization; Laws 1851 (24 Jan.) 7. . . Tax for state or special purposes, levied and collected in 1853 (12 Feb.) 260. . . Time for township collectors to pay over the tax for 1858; Laws 1859 (11 Feb.) 205. . . Collection of taxes for 1860 postponed ; i 1 Laws 1861 (14 Feb.) 168. Auditor to retain ! coupons, on bonds deposited by banks, to pay their taxes; Id. (18 Feb.) 38. . . Collection of the revenue for 1862 postponed in certain counties; Laws 1863 (12 Feb.) 69. . . War fund transferred to revenue fund; Laws 1865 (13 Feb.) 132. . . Interest fund transferred to revenue fund; Laws 1867 (14 Feb.) 130. . . Distribution of interest on the school, college and seminary fund ; Laws 1865 (21 Feb.) 131. CHAP. 90. REVISED STATUTES. Free holder defined as a person who has en- tered land or holds a bond ; Laws 1819 (24 Mar.) 237. . . Act 10 Jan., to provide for digesting the statutes ; the work to be done by judges of the supreme court ; Laws 1825, 67. . . Resolution that judges may use the books in the secretary's office ; Laws 1825, 186. . . Act 19 Jan., effect of repealing acts ; Laws 1826, 56 ; Laws 1829, 103 ; R. 8. 1833, 421. . Act 2 Mar. 1833 ; list of acts to be published with the revised strtutes of 1833; former acts repeal- ed, with some exceptions; R. S. 1833, 426. . . Act 31 Jan., sheriffs to sell the revised statutes of 1833 for $1. ; Laws 1835, 141. . . Act 16 Jan., distribution of the revised statutes of 1833 ; Laws 1836, 240. . . Revised statutes of 1845 to be copied and certified ; R. S. 1845 (3 Mar.) 585 5. Surplus copies to be distributed and not sold; Laws 1851 (23 Jan.) 5. . . Ap- pointment of commissioners to prepare a revi- sion ; Laws 1869 (8 Mar.) 49. Duty of circuit judges in that behalf; Id. (29 Jan.) 49. REPEALING STATUTES. NOTE. This is an attempt to bring together and classify the acts which in terms repeal a former act. It is doubtless incomplete. The general subject of the acts repealed is shown by the side titles in italic; the classification follows the revised statutes of 1845. The different re- pealing acts are separated by periods. Words expressing the subject of any particular act refer to the repealed and not to the repealing act. Reference is first made to the book and page of the repealing act, and afterwards, in parenthesis, a reference is in many cases made to the book and page of the act repealed. The abbreviation "Ib." if not in parenthesis, cites the last preceding reference which is not in pa- renthesis. "Ib." in parenthesis, cites the last preceding reference in parenthesis. Abatement. R. S. 1827, 46 7. . R. S. 1845, 455. (R. S. 1827, 30 Dec. 45.) Id. 466. (Laws 1839, 2 Mar. 271.) Account. R. S. 1845, 455. (R. S. 1827, 11 Jan. 47.) Advertisements. R. S. 1845, 455. (R. S. 1827, 28 Dec. 1826, 48.) Aliens. R. 8. 1827. 49 3. Amendments and Jeofails. R. S. 1845, 455. (R. S. 1827, 11 Jan. 49.) Apprenties.R. S. 1845, 455. (R. S. 1827, 30 Dec. 1826, 54.) Arbitrations. R. S. 1827, 66 8. Arbitrators and referees ; R. S. 1845, 455. (R. S. 1827, 6 Jan. 64.) Amendatory act; R. S. 1845, 455. (R. S. 1833, 1 Mar. 81.) Attachments before Justices. 1 Laws 1837, 17 14. . R. a. 1845, 455. (R.S. 1833, 12 Feb. 82.) . . R. S. 1845, 455. (1 Laws 1837, 27 Feb. 13.) . R. S. 1845, 468. (Laws 1843, 23 Feb. 19.) Attaclimoits in Circuit Courts. R. S. 1845, 455. (R. S. 1833, 12 Feb. 82.) . . R. S. 1845, 467. (Laws 1840, 31 Jan. 30 and 31.) Attachments of Boats and Vessels. R. S. 1845, 455. (R. S. 1831, 13 Feb. 95.) Attorneys. R. S. 1827, 81 7. . R. S. 1833, 102 11. . R. S. 1845, 455. (R. S. 1833, 1 Mar. 99.) . . Money collected; R. S. 1845, 468. (Laws 1843, 4 Mar. 19.) Attorney General and Circuit Attorneys. R. S. 1845,455. (R. S. 1827, 17 Feb. 79.) . . At- torney General ; R. S. 1845, 455. (R. S. 1833, 5 Feb. 99.) . . Attorney general and state's at- torneys; R. S. 1845, 455. (Laws 1835, 7 Feb. 44.) Auditor and Treasurer. R. S. 1845, 455. (R. S. 1833, 2 Mar. 103.) R. S. 1845, 464. (Laws 1831,11 Jan. 186.) . . Treasurer's bond ; R. S. 1845, 465. (1 Laws 1837, 1 Mar. 334.). . . Id. 468. (Laws 1843, 4 Mar. 20.) Bail. R. S. 1845, 455 ; (R. S. 1827,26 Jen. 82.) ($8) GE NERAL LAWS. Btptaling f&ttitfsk. Bank Notts. R. S. 1845, 465. (Laws 1830, 4 Dec. '88, 79.) Baf.tanly.-U. S. 1827, 246 9. . II. S. 1845. 459. (K. S. 1827, 23 Jan. 244.) BirtJi* find Deaths. 11. S. 1845, 469. (Laws 1843, 3 Mar. 210.) C*lor Beans. R. S. 1845, 464. (Laws 1836, 16 Jan. 232.) Census. R. S. 1845, 455. (R. S. 1829, 13 Jan. 18.) Chancery. R. S. 1845, 455. (R. S. 1833, 13 Feb. 118.) . . !7, 11 Feb. 160 ) . . Re- lease of mortgages ; R. S. 1845, 466. (Laws 1839, 27 Feb. 197.) . . Seven years possession, etc.; R. S. 1845, 466. (Laws 1839, 2 Mar. 266.) . . Recording ; R. S. 1845, 467. (Laws 1841, 26 Feb. 66.) Corporations. Fire companies; R. S. 1845, 458. (Laws 1833, 12 Feb. 174.) . . Libraries; Id. 459. (Laws 1823, 31 Jan. 101.) . . The same; Id. (Laws 1835, 31 Jan. 181.) . . Towns; R. S. 1845,459. (Laws 1831, 12 Feb. 82.) . . The same ; Id. (Laws 1835, 31 Jan. 175.) . . Religious societies; R. 8. 1845, 463. (Id. 6 Feb. 147.) . . Recording town plats; R. S. 1845, 464. (R. S. 1833, 27 Feb. 599.) . . Academies; R. 8. 1845, 468. (Laws 1843, 6. Mar. 6.) Costs. R. S. 1845, 457. (R. S. 1827. 10 Jan. 102.) Counties and County Courts. Court houses and jails ; Laws 1829, 54 4. . R. S. 1845, 4r>ti. (Laws 1835, 7 Jan. 46.) . . Incorporating counties; Id. (R. S. 1827, 3 Jan. 107.) . . Fines; Id. (R. 8. 1833, 11 Jan. 141.) . . Es- tablishing county commissioners' courts ; Id. (Laws 1819, 22 Mar. 175.) . . Vacancies; R. 8. 1845, 456. (Laws 1835, 12 Feb. 34.) . . County commissioners; Id. (1 Laws 1837, 1 Mar. 103.) . . Pay of county commissioners; Id. (2 Laws 1837, 21 July 16.) . . Court houses and jails; Id. (R. L. 1829, 5 Jan. 53.) . Appeals from county commissioners ; R. S. 1845,457. (Laws 1835,' 31 Jan. 152.) . . An- nual statement ; Id. 466. (Laws 1889, 2 Mar. 270.) . . County seats and county lines ; R. S. 1845, 467. (Laws 1841, 27 Feb. 98.) . . Jurisdiction on the Mississippi and "W abash ; R. S. 1845, 468. (Laws 1843, 4 Mar. 109.) . . Leasing court houses ; Id. (Id., 21 Feb. 128.) . Fire proof offices; R. S. 1845, 469. (Laws 1843, 24 Feb. 210.) County Treasurers and County Fund*. Money collected; R.S. 1845,467. (Laws 1840, 1 Feb. *78.) . . Annual settlements; Id. 469. (Laws 1843, 25 x Feb. 113.) . . Treasurer's duty; Id. (Id., 28 Feb. 151.) Courts. Complete records; Laws 1821, 11 9. . . Supreme judges, terms of court ; Laws 1825, 47 43. . Courts ; R. S. 1827, 124 S 1 B. . Laws 1829, 47 23; Id. 52 13. . Circuit courts; Laws 1839, 290 2. . Judiciary; con- tracts; Laws 1841, 173 1. . Circuit north of the Illinois river; R. S. 1845, 456. (R. L. 1829, 8 Jan. 38.) . . Regulating supreme and cir- cuit courts ; Id. (Id., 19 Jan. 39.) . . Supple- mental to the foregoing; Id. (Id., 23 Jan. 48.) . Place of holding supreme court; Id. (Id., 22 Jan. 47.) . . Clerk of supreme court ; R. S. 1845, 456. (Laws 1831, 15 Feb. 187.) . . Courts ; Id. (Id., 16 Feb. 44.) . . Courts in Madison and Calhoun ; R. S. 1845, 457. (Laws 1831, 16 Feb. 48.) . . "Circuit courts; Id. (R. S. 1833, 2 Mar. 162.) . . Uniform mode of holding circuit courts; Id. (Laws 1835, 7 Jan. 150.) . . Dividing the state into circuits ; R. S. 1845, 457. (Id. 17 Jan. 153.) . . Time of holding circuit and supreme courts; Id. (Id., 13 Feb. 167.) . . Circuit courts in certain counties; Id. (Laws 1836, 16 Jan. 239.) . . Circuit and supreme courts ; R. S. 1845, 457. (Id., 12 Jan. 240.) . . Circuit courts, supplemental; Id. (Id., 16 Jan. 251.) . . The same; Id. (Id. 16 Jan. 257.) . Third circuit ; Id. (Id. 16 Jan. 228.) . . In 4th circuit; R.S. 1845,457. (Laws 1837,1 Mar. 110.) . . Court in Washington Co.; Id. (Id., 10 Feb. 111.) . . Courts in 1st, 6th and 7th circuits; E. S. 1845, 457. (1 Laws 1837, 4 Mar. 11 1.) . Forming 7th circuit ; Id. (Id. 4 Feb. 113.) . . Courts iu 2d circuit ; R. S. 1845, 465. (Laws 1839, 15 Feb. 103.) . . Division of the state into circuits; Id., 466. (Id., 23 Feb. 155.) . . Time of supreme and circuit courts; R. S. 1845, 466. (Laws 1839, 2 Mar. 250.) . . Courts in the 5th circuit ; Id. (Id., 2 Mar. 278.) . . Courts in 3rd circuit; R. S. 1845, 466. (Laws 1839, 2 Mar. 289.) . . Courts in 8th circuit; Id. (Laws 1840, 1 Feb. 5.) . . Publication of the su- preme court reports; R. S. 1845, 467. (Laws 1840, 1 Feb. 77.) . . Courts in 6th circuit; Id. (Id., 29 Jan. 88.) . . Courts in Clinton and Bond; R. S. 1845, 467. (Id., 3 Feb. 130.) . . Jurisdiction of Sangamon circuit court ; R. S. 1845, 467. (Laws 1841, 26 Feb. 35.) . . Courts in 2d circuit; Id. (Id., 7 Jan. 101.) . . Courts in 6th circuit; R. S. 1845, 467. (Laws 1841, 20 Jan. 102.) . . Courts in 1st circuit ; Id. (Id., 3 Feb. 103.) . . Circuit courts generally; R. S. 1845, 467. (Laws 1841, 23 Feb. 103.) . . Id. (Id., 26 Feb. 110.) . . Judiciary re-organ- ized ; R. S. 1845, 468. (Laws 1841, 10 Feb. 173.) . . Supreme court; Id. 469. (Laws 1843, 3 Mar. 134.) Criminal Code. Prevention of vice and im- morality ; Laws 1821, 54 17. . Killing hogs; Id. 130 15. . Firing woods' 1 and prairks; Laws 1823, 140 2. . Crimes and punishments; Id. 198 30. . R. S. 1827, 168 189. . Laws 1831, 113. . R. S. 1833, 219 191. . R. 8. 1845, 457. (R. 8. 1833, 26 Feb. 171.) . . Ap- prehension of offenders; Id. (R. S. 1827, 6 Jan. 169.) . . Sabbath breaking ; Id. (R. L. 1829, 19 Jan. 138.) . . Apprehension of offenders; B. 8. 1845, 487. (1 Laws 1837, 11 Feb. 113.) . GENERAL LAWS. (39) Repealing Statutes. Marks and brands ; E. S. 1845. 461. (Laws 1819, 28 Mar. 217 14, 15.) . . Disturbing worship- ers; E. 8. 1845, 465. (E. S. 1833, 1 Mar. 661.) . . Betting on elections; Id. (Laws 1839, 15 Feb. 109.) . . Incest; E .S. 1845, 469. (Laws 1843, 7 Feb. 155.) Cumberland Road.R. S. 1845, 466. (Laws 1839, 2 Mar. 245.) Detinue E. S. 1845, 458. (E. S. 1827, 6 Jan. 179.) Divorces. E. S. 1827, 183 7. . E. S. 1845, 458. (E. S. 1827, 12 Jan. 180.) . . Id. (Id , 31 Jan. 181.) . . Id. (R. S. 1833, 4 Dec. 1833 [2], 234.) Dower. JL. S. 1827, 187 17. E. S. 1845, 458. (E. S. 1827, 6 Feb. 183.) . . Unknown parties ; Id. (1 Laws 1837, 27 Feb. 324.) Draws. E. S. 1845, 467. (Laws 1841, 3 Feb. Ejectment. Action simplified; R. S. 1845, 458. , (Laws 1836, 13 Jan. 238.) ' . Occupying : claimants ; Id. 460. (Laws 1819, 23 Feb. 40.) . R. S. 1845, 466. (Laws 1839, 2 Mar. 220.) Elections Laws 1821, 80 16. . Laws 1823, 68 36. . Presidential electors; Laws 1825, 4 1. . Elections; Id. 169 12. . Presiden- tial electors; R. S. 1827, 189 5. . Election of justices ; Id. 256 1. . Elections; Laws 1829, I 68 30. . Contesting elections; R. S. 1833, 258 4. . Election of county commissioners ; ! 1 Laws 1837, 104 7. . Comparing poll books; j R. S. 1845, 456. (R. S. 1833, 25 Feb. 127.). . Additional polls at county seats; Id. (Laws 1831, 9 Feb. 75.). . R. S. 1845, 458. (R. S. 1827, 9 ' Feb. 187). . Presidential electors; Id., (Id. 11 Jan. 188.). . Elections; Id. (R. L. 1829, 10 Jan. 54.). . Elections, amendatory; R. S. 1845, 458. (R. S. 1833, 28 Feb. 257.). . Elections, amendatory; Id. (Laws 1835, 29 Jan. 141.). . County clerks and county treasurers elective; Id. (1 Laws 1837,7 Feb. 49.). . Elections; R. S. 1845, 465. (Laws 1839, 15 Feb. 109.). . Id 468. (Laws 1841, 20 Feb. 111.). . Tenure of of- fice; R. S. 1845, 468. (Laws 1843, 21 Feb. 10.) Escheats. R. S. 1845, 458. (R. S. 1833, 1 Mar 264.) Estrays. Laws 1823, 169 5. . Water craft I and estrays; Laws 1831,191 5. . Laws 1835, j 235, 11. . Estrays; R. S. 1845, 458. (Laws 1835, 9 Feb. 229.). . Id. 469. (Laws 1843, 4 Mar. 139.). . Id. (Id., 6 Mar. 140.) Evidence and Depositions. Depositions; R. S 1827, 179 14. . Evidence; Id. 200 7. Depo- sitions; R. S. 1845, 457. (R. S. 1827, 9 Feb. 174.) Evidence; Id. 458. (Id., 10 Jan. 199.). . Land pa- tent; R, S. 1845, 466. (Laws 1839, 27 Feb. 196.) Evidence of partnership ; R. S. 1845, 468. (Laws 1841,17 Feb. 112.). . Copies; Id. 469. (Laws 1843, 24 Feb. 140.) Fees and Salaries. State's attorneys fees; Laws 1821, 7 1. . Fees; Id. 61 1. . Laws 1825, 149 10. . Laws 1826, 55 3. . Fe- s and Salaries; R. S. 1827, 220 17. . Sheriff's fees; Laws 1829, 141 4. . F'es and Salaries ; R. S. 1845, 458. (R. S. 1827, 19 Feb. 203.). . The same ; Id. (R. L. 1829, 23 Jan. 140.). . Sa- laries supreme judges; R. S. 1845, 465. (Laws 1839, 12 Feb. 102.). . Governor's salary; R. S. 1845,466. (Id., 1 Mar. 211.). . Naturalization j fees ; Id. 468. (Laws 1843, 24 Feb. 67.). . Fees ofpreceeding clerk; R. S. 1845, 468. (Id., 6 Mar. 68.). . Id. 469. (Laws 1843. 4 Mar. 142.) Ferries and Toll Bridges. R. S. 1827, 227. 17. R. S. 1845, 458. (R. S. 1827, 12 Feb. 220.). . The same; Id. (Id., 12 Feb. 227.). . Ferries; Id. (R. S. 1833, 19 Jan. 310.). . Ferries, toll bridges and turnpikes ; R, S. 1845, 463. (R.L. 1829, 22 Jan. 73.). . R. S. 1845, 469. (Laws 1843, 1 Feb. 1843.) ForciMe entry and Detainer. R. S. 1827, 230 (R. S. 1827, 2 Feb. 228.). . 6. . (1 Laws 1837, 120 3.) .R. S.I 845, 459. Amendment; Id. (1 Laws 1837,28 Feb. 119.) Frauds and Perjuries. R. S. 1845, 459. (R. S. 1827, 16 Feb. 230.). . Fraudulent devises; Id. (R, S. 1833, 28 Feb. 315.) Fugitives from Justice. R. S. 1827, 234 8. . R. S. 1845, 459. (R. S. 1827, 6 Jan. 232.) Gaming. R. S. 1845, 459. (R. S. 1827, 16 Jan. 235.) Guardian and Ward, R. S. 1845, 4G1. (R. S. 1827, 5 Feb. 301.). . Similar act ; Id. (Laws 1831, 7 Feb. 100.). . Similar act ; Id. (1 Laws 1837, 4 Mar. 163.) Habeas Corpus. R. S. 1845, 455. (Laws 1835, 11 Feb. 32.). . The same; Id. 459. (R.S. 1827, 22 Jan. 236.) Horse*. Laws 1829, 77 7. . R. S. 1845, 459. (R. L. 1829, 3 Jan. 75.) Idiots and Lunatics. R. S. 1845, 459. (Laws 1823, 12 Feb. 133.) Trading with ; Id. (Laws 1831, 19 Jan. 81.) Indosurcs and Fences. Common fields ; R. S. 1845, 458. (Laws 1819, 23 Feb. 37.). . Inclo- sures; Id. (Id.. 20 Feb. 23.). . Foregoing amended; Id. (Laws 1835, 27 Jan. [Feb.] 144.) Fences erected by mistake; R.S. 1845,460. . (Laws 1819, 23 Feb. 44.) Insolvent Debtors. Laws 1821, 125 23. Laws 1829, 84 '24. . R. S. 1845, 459. (R. L. 1829, 12 Jan. 78.) Inspections. R. S. 1845, 459. (Laws 1819, 23 Mar. 199.). . Tobacco inspection; Id,, (E. L. 1829, 12 Jan. 174.). . E. S. 1845, 486. (LaAvs 1839, 2 Mar. 283.) Interest. R. S. 1845, 459. (Laws 1819, 2 Mar- 106, and R, S. 1833, 28 Feb. 348.) Jails and Jailers. R. S. 1827, 250 16. . R. S. 1845, 459. (R. S. 1827, 26 Jan. 246.) Joint Rights and Obligations. R. S. 1845, 461. (Laws 1821, 13 Jan. 14.) Judgments and Executions. Laws 1821, 39 4. Laws 1823, 177 19. . Laws 1825, 160 24. . Delivery Bonds; R. S. 1833, 224 3. . Prop- erty exempt; Laws 1841, 171 1. . Judgments and executions; Laws 1843, 188 7. . Simpli- fying acknowledgment of sheriff's deeds ; R. S. 1845, 456. (1 Laws 1836, 16 Jan. 257.). . Delivery bonds; Id. 457. (R. S. 1833, 1 Mar. 223.). . Judgments and executions; R. S. 1845, 459. (Laws 1825, 17 Jan. 151.) . . Id. 465. (Laws 1839, 6 Feb. 58.). . Garnishees; Id. (Id., 12 Feb. 86.). . Duty of executors, etc.; R, S. 1845, 468. (Laws 1841, 19 Feb. 168.). . Redemptions; Id. (Id., 19 Feb. 168.). . Exemptions; [I. S. 1845, 468. (Laws 1841, 26 Feb. 171.). . Property valued ; (40) GENERAL LAWS. Ite-p&tling Statutes. Id. (Id., 27 Feb. 172.). . Attachments levied; i; s. 1845, 468. (Laws 1841, 20 Feb. 181.). . Exemptions; Id. 469. (Laws 184:5,4 Mar. 141.) . . Notice to administrators; Id. (Id., 25 Feb. 168.) Jurors. Grand Jurors; Laws 1823, 183 3. Jurors ; R. S. 1827, 2-14 ^ 15. . R. S. 1845, 459. (R. 8. 1827, 7 Feb. 251.). . Amendment; Id. (Laws 1835, 24 Jan. 144.). . Saint- amended; Id. (Id., 13 Feb, 37.). . Mileage; R. S. 1845, 469. (L-nvs 1843, 4 Mar. 169.) . . Juries at special term ; Id. (Id., 1 Feb. 169.) Justice* and Constables. Justices ; Laws 1821 142 23. . Laws 1823. 200 32. . Certiorari ; La ws 1826, 66 7. . Justices and constables; R. S. 1827. 274 iJ.TT. . Laws 1829, 98 15. . Election of; R. S. 1845, 458. (Laws 1835, 6 Feb. 29.). . The same; Id. (Id., 7 Jan. 29.). . Election of Id. 459. (R. S. 1827, 30 Dec. '26, 255.). . Pow- ers and duties; R. S. 1845, 459. (Id., 3 Feb. 259.) . . Supplemental; Id. (Id., 12 Feb. 274.). . Extending jarisiliction; Id. (Id., 29 Dec. '26, 274.). . Election of; R. S. 1845, 460. (R. L. i 1829, 13 Jan. 93.). . Powers and duties; Id. (Id., 23 Jan. 94.). . New counties; Id. (Laws 1831, 7 Jan. 88.). . ' Qualifications and duties: R. S. 1845, 460. (R. S. 1833, 1 Mar. 412.). . Ju- risdiction; Id. (Id., 2 Mar. 415.). . The same; Id. (Laws 1835, 13 Feb. 32.). . Amendment; R. S. 1845, 460. (2 Laws 1837, 21 July 46.). . Election of; Id. 465. (Laws 1839, 12 Jan. 41.) ! . . Jury trial; Id. (Id., 12 Feb. 87.)." . Ap- I peals and appeal bonds; R. S. 1845, 466. (Laws j 1839, 2 Mar. 291.). . Certificate of magistracy; R. S. 1845, 467. (Laws 1840, 1 Feb. 64.). . Ap- peals; Id. (Id., 3 Feb. 108.). . Constables; R. S. 1845, 468. (Laws 1841, 26 Feb. 176.) Landlord and Tenant. R. S. 1827. 280 7. R. S. 1845, 460. (R. S. 1827, 13 Feb. 278.). . The same amended ; R. S. 1845, 460. (Laws 1831, 4 Jan. 88.) Lands R. S. 1845, 460. (Laws 1831, 15 Feb. 82.). . Extent of possession; Id. (1 Laws 1837, 27 Feb. 154.). . R. S. 1845, 465. (Laws 1839, 16 Feb. 124.) Laws. Distribution ; R. S. 1833, 422 3. . Sent to other states; R. S. 1845, 460. (R. L. 1829, 1 Jan. 103.). . Publication and distribution; Id. (R. 8. 1827,14 Jan. 281.). . What laws in force; R. S. 1845, 460. (Laws' 1819, 4 Feb. 3.) . . To repeal certain laws ; Id. (Laws 1819, 30 Mar. 351.). . Printed with R. S. 1833; R. S. 1845, 460. (R. S. 1833, 2 Mar. 426.). . Acts be- coming laws notwithstanding the objections of the council of revision; Id. (R. S. 1827, 26 JVc. '26, 230.)- Distribution ; R. S. 1845, 467. (Laws 1840, 29 Jan. 65.). . Distribution of con- gressional documents; R. S. 1845, 469. (Laws 1843,2 Feb. 173.) Library, State. R. S. 1845, 469. (Laws 1843; 15 Dec. '42, 290.) Lifnse*. Laws 1831, 92 5. . R. S. 1845, 464. (Laws 1831, 16 Feb. 89.). . The same; Id. (K. S. 1833, 2 Mar. 441.). . Clock Pedlars; Id. (Laws 1835, 31 Jan. 63.). . Liquor sold Indians; accounts for liquor; R. S. 1845, 464. (Laws 1823, 14 Feb. 148.). . Tavern licenses; Id. (Laws 181 9, 27 Feb. 77.). . I.I. (Laws 183'), 12 Feb. 154.). . Id. (1 Laws 1837, 10 Feb. 326.). . R. S. 1845, 465. (Laws 1839, a Mar. 71.). . Id. 468. (Laws 1841, 17 Feb. 178, and also, Id., 18 Feb. 179.). . Pedlars; R. S. 1845,468. (Laws 1841, 27 Feb. 17!).). . Foreign insurance com panics; R. S. 1845, 469. (Laws 1843, 4 Mar. 165.) Liens. R. S. 1845, 461. (R. S 1833, 22 Feb. 447.). . Id. 467. (Laws 1840, 10 Dec. '36, 147.) Lui27. 310 5. . R. S. 1833, 481 7. . Laws 1839, 140 $!. . R. S. 1845, 462. (R. S. 1833, 1 Mar. 480.). . Id. (Laws 1835, 13 Feb. 66.). . R. S. 1845, 465. (Laws 1839, 21 Feb. 138.). . Id. 468. (Laws 1841, 21 Feb. 190.) Penitentiary. Laws 1839. 275 tf: Id. 278 1. L-iws 1843, 183 8. . . R. S. 1845, 462. (R. S. 1833, 19 Feb. 477.).; . Id. (Laws 1835, 9 Feb. 52.) . . Id. (Laws 1836, 18 Jan. 250.). . R. S. 1845,462. (1 Laws 1837, 21 July 47.). . Id. 466. (Laws 1839, 2 Mar. 278.). . R. S. 1845, 469. (Laws 1843, 2 Mar. 181.) Petitions. R. S. 1845, 462. (R. S. 1827, 26 Dec. ' '26, 110.) Practice. R. S. 1827, 319 38. . Laws 1829, 171 3. . Testing process; 1 Laws 1837, 179 ; ?-J. . R. S. 1845, 456. Purports to repeal an "act of 30 Dec. 1828, amendatory of an act of 29 ; Jan. 1827;" no such act appears in the laws of I '29; it is found in Laws 1831 (9 Fob:) 113. . Process; R. S. 1845, 457. (1 Laws 1837, 25 Feb. ! 178.). . Process in 3rd and 5th circuits; Id. (Id., 19 Jan. 179.). . Legalizing process; Id.! (2 Laws 1837, 20 July, 51,). - Process; Id. (Id., 21 July, 51.). . R. S. 1845, 462. (Laws 1819, 22 Mar. 139.). . Id. (R. S. 1827, 29 Jan. ' 310.). . R. SJ 1845, 462 purports to repeal an | act of 2 Feb. 1837, "concerning practice;" there is no act of this title and date-^it should be 1-S27 ; (R. S. 1827, 320.). . R. S. 1845, 462. (R. S. ' 1833, 1 Mar. 497.). . Petition and summons; Id. (Id., 25 Feb. 467.). . Id. (Laws 1835, 7 Feb. 152.). . Appeals and writs of error, R. S. 1845, 462. (1 Laws 1837, 6 Dec '36, 12.). . Practice; Id, (2 Laws 1837, 21 July, 109.). . Process against corporations; R/S. 1845,466. (Laws 1839, 19 Feb. 160.). . Id. (Id., 2 Mar. 271.). . Docketing; R. S. 1845, 468. (Laws 1841, 23 Feb. 191.) Pnnting and Binding. Printing; Laws 1843, .. . Printing; Pr. Laws of 1833; R. S. 1845^ 460. (R. S. 1833, 27 Jan. 436.). . Bind- ing; Id. (Id., 22 Feb. 438.). . Duties of the printer; R. S. 1845, 462. (Laws 1835,24 Jan. 163.) . . Laws and journals; Id. /Laws 1836,16 Jan. 236.). . Printer; Id. (1 Laws 1837, 4 Mar. 179.). . Binding; R. S. 1845, 467. (Laws 1840, 31 Jan. 34.) . Printer; Id. 468. (Laws 1841, 23 Feb. 192.) . . Binding; R. S. 1845, 409. (Laws 1843, 23 Feb. 173.) . . Printing: Id. (Id., 4 Mar. 194.) Probate Court. Laws 1823, 132 1. . Laws 1829, 38 8. . 1 Laws 1837, 17l. . R. S. 1845, 456. (R. L. 1829, 2 Jan. 37.). . Election of Probate justices; Id. 460. (I Laws 1837, 4 Mar. 176.). . Amendment; R. S. 1845, 460. (2 Laws 1837, 21 July 46.). . Process by judges and justices of probate; Id. 465. (Laws 1839. 7 Jan., 39.). . Probate justices; R. S. 1845, 469. (Laws 1843, 1 Feb. 185.) Quo Warranto.R. S. 1845, 462. (R. S.I 827, 28 Dec. '26, 347.) Rec&rd* and Recorders. Recording; R. L. 1829, 25 3. . Records and Recorders; Id. 118 8. . Ancient books and records; R. S. 1845, 6. 462. (Laws 1821, 30 Jan. 46.). . Recover}' of property withheld; Id. (Laws 1831, 15 F.eb.114.) . . Records removed to Rushville ; R. S. 1845, 462. (Laws 1835, 9 Feb. 157.). . Transcribing records ; Id. (Id., 12 Feb. 158.). . Id. (Lava 1836, 18 Jan. 247.). . Recorders; R. S. 1845, 462. (R. L. 1829, 8 Jan. 116.). . Id. (Laws 1835, 11 Feb. 165.). . Id. 463. (Id., 18 Feb. 61.) . . Abolishing state recorder; R. S. 1845, 464. (R. S. 1833, 18 Jan. 587.). . Deputy recorders ; Id. 587. Replevin. R. S. 1845, 462. (R. S. 1827, 29 Jan. 349.). . Id. 465. (Laws 1839, 12 Feb. 77.) Retxnne. Laws 1821, 100 3. . Id. 184 6. Laws 1823. 212 30. . R. S. 1827, 338 43. . Lands classified for taxation; Laws 1831. 12o 2. . R. S. 1845, 463. (R. S. 1827, 13 Feb. 339.). . Id. (Id.. 19 Feb. 325.). . Id. (R. L. 1829, 19 Jan. 119.). . R. S. 1845, 463. (Laws 1831, 12 Feb. 125.). . Id. (R. S. 1833, 27 Feb. 528.). . Id. (Laws 1835, 12 Feb. 51.). . Redemptions; R. S. 1845, 463. (Laws 1836, 13 Jan. 230.). . Revenue; Id. (Id., 15 Jan. 231.). . Surplus revenue : Id. (Laws 1837, 4 Mar. 194.). . Re- venue ; R, S. 1845, 463. (Id., 6 Dec. '36, 194.). . Id. (2 Laws 1837, 22 July 59.). . Id. (Id. 21 July, 58.). . R. S. 1845, 463. (Id., 21 July 59.) Id. 465. (Laws 1839, 26 Feb. 3.). . Id. (Id., 1 Mar. 23.). . . R. S. 1845, 466. (Laws 1840, 1 Feb. 3.). . Assessors; R. S. 1845, 467. (Laws 1841, 26 Feb. 34, and also, Id., 27 Feb. 35.). . Speculating in warrants; Id. (Laws 1841, 19 Feb. 63.) Rerised Statute*. A\l the territorial law." with some exceptions; Laws 1819, 351 1. All former public acts ; R, S. 1833, 434 2. . Re- vival of statutes ; R. S. 1845, 460. (Laws 1826, 19 Jan. 56.) Right of Property. Laws 1823, 115 3. . R. S. 1827. 352 8. . R. S. 1845, 463. (R. S. 1827, 29 Jan. 351.) . . Id. (Laws 1835, 30 Jan. 56.) . . R. S. 1845, 465. (Laws 1839, 12 Feb. 118.) . . Id. 466. (Id., 27 Feb. 193.) . Id. (Laws 1839, 28 Feb. 206.) . . R. S. 1845, 469. (Laws 1843, 2 Feb. 189.) Rigid of Way. R. S. 1845, 463. (R. S. 1833, 28 Feb. 534.) Roads. Laws 1821, 169 6. . Laws 1825, 60 $2. . Laws 1826, 58 4. . Id. 87 7. . R. S. 1827, 346 23. . Laws 1831, 161 12. . Laws 1835, 139 34. . R. S. 1845, 463. (R. S. 1827, 12 Feb. 340.) . . Id. (Laws 1835, 3 Feb 129) . Id. (Laws 1836, 16 Jan. 227 ) . . R. S. 1845, 463. (Id., 18 Jan. 207.) . . Id. (1 Laws 1837, 3 Mar. 274.) . . Id. (2 Laws 1837, 61.) . . R. S. 1845, 466. (Laws 1839, 27 Feb, 167.) . . Id. (Id., 23 Feb. 183.) R. S. 1845, 468. (Laws 1841, 20 Feb. 232.) . . Id. (Laws 1843, 4 Mar. 111.) Srftpetre. Cares. R. S. 1845, 463. (Laws 1835, 6 Feb. 151.) Seat of Government. R. S. 1845, 464. (1 Laws 1837, 25 Feb. 321.) . . Id. (Id., 3 Mar. 322.) Secretary of State. Laws 1831, 170 6. . Care of furniture; R. S. 1845, 462. (R. S. 1827, 15 Feb. 324.) . . Id. (Laws 1831, 14 Feb. 169.) . . Seals; Id. (Laws 1819, 19 Feb. 16.) . . Stationery and firewood; R. S. 1845, 464. (Laws 1825, 6 Jan. 59.) . . Geological speci- mens; R. S. 1845, 469, (Laws 1843, 4 Mar. 154.) (42) GENERAL LAWS. Eight of Property Securities. R. 8. 1845, 464. (Laws 1819. 24 Mar 243 ) . . R. S. 1845, 469. .(Laws 1843. 5 Dec. '4-2, 22i.) Schools. School lands ; R. S. 1827, 3 70 16. . Schools; Laws 1829, 149 j^l, 2. . Title of school and canal lands; R. 8. 1845, 456. (1 Laws 1837, 16 Jan. 153.) . . R. S. 1845, 463. (R. j S. 1827, 17 Feb. 364.) . . Id. (Laws 1823, 15 Jan. 121.) Sheriffs and Coroners. R. S. 1827, 375 16. R. S. 1845, 464. (R. S. 1827, 12 Feb. 371.) . . ! Id. (Laws 1831, 7 Feb. 177.) . . Id. (Id., 7 j Jan. 178.) . . Coroners; R. S. 1845, 464. (Laws 1819, 20 Jan. 22.) . . Sheriffs and cor- oners; R. S. 1845, 466. (Laws 1839, 1 Mar. 217.) | Show and Jiif/glers.H. S. 1845, 464. (R. L. 1829, 23 Jan. 162.) Slander. R. S. 1845, 464. (Laws 1823, 27 Dec. '22, 82.) Steamboats. R. S. 1845, 464. (2 Laws 1837, 21 July 89.) b'wra'yor*. Laws 1829, 174 9. . R. S. 1845, 464. (R. L. 1829, 14 Jan. 172.) Trespass. R. S. 1845, 464. (Laws 1819, 27 Feb. 84.) . . Id. (R. S. 1833, 25 Feb. 604.) . . R. S. 1845, 465. (Laws 1839, 12 Jan. 42.) Venue, R. S. 1827, 384 9. Laws 1841, 214 1. . R. S. 1845,464. (R. S. 1827, 23 Jan. 381.) . . Id. 466. (Laws 1839, 28 Feb. 198.) . . R. S. 1845, 467. (Laws 1840, Feb. 36.) Warrants of Cities and Towns. R. S. 1845, 468. (Laws 1843, 4 Mar. 67.) Weights and Measures. R. S. 1845, 469. (Laws 1843, 4 Mar. 317.) Wills. Sale of real estate to pay debts ; Laws 1823, 94 8. . Id. 127 81. . Sale of real es- tate to pay debts ; R. S. 1827. 202 11. . Wills; Laws 1829, 236 140. . Laws 1831, 193 7. . R. S. 1845, 464. (R. L. 1829, 23 Jan. 191.) . . Id. (Laws 1831, 14 Feb. 191.) . . Id. 465. (R. S. 1833, 25 Feb. 657, and also. Id., 23 Jan. 659.) . . R. S. 1845, 465. (Laws 1835, 27 Jan. 35.) . . Probate of wills; Id. 466. (Laws 1839, 2 Mar. 259.) . . Administration afterdivision of county ; R. S 1845, 467. (Laws 1841, 17 Feb 22.) .' . Id. 469. (Laws 1843, 6 Mar. 319.) Wolves Laws 1825, 117 5. . Laws 1826, 95 15. . R. S. 1845, 469. (Laws 1843, 15 Feb. 319.) justitices to be six, similar to Ch. 91 15 (R. S. 1845) ; Laws 1843, 189. CHAP. 91. RIGHT OF PROPERTY. Act 12 Feb. 1821 ; mode of trying the right to property taken on execution ; Laws 1821, 148. . . Act? Feb. 1823; mode of trying the right of property in certain cases ; Laws 1823, 114. . . Act'lO Jan. 1825; amending the above act of 7 Feb. 1823 ; Laws 1825, 68. . . Act 29 Jan. 1827 ; prescribing the mode of try- ing the right of property ; former acts repealed ; R. S. 1827, 351 ; R. S. 1833, 537. . . Act 30 Jan. 1835 ; amending the previous acts ; Laws 1835, 56. . . Act 27 Feb. 1839; supplemental to former acts ; mode of summoning witnesses, similar to R. S. 1845 Ch. 91 3 5 ; Laws 1839, 193. . . Act 28 Feb. 1839 ; trial of the right to property taken on i unices' executions ; Laws 1839, 206. . . Act 2 Feb. 1843; jurors before CHAP. 92. RIGHT OF WAY. Act 28 Feb. 1833 ; obtaining the right of way for a road, canal or other public work, nearly as in R. S. 1845 Ch. 92 1 6; former act re- pealed, (which act was never printed) ; R. S. 1833, 534. . . Act 12 Feb. 1839 ; appeals by owners allowed ; Laws 1839, 118. . . Act 1 Feb. 1840; to allow chancres of venue after ap- peal taken ; Laws 1840, '315. . . Act 23 Feb. 1841 ; damages not allowed when the land is not actually taken ; Laws 1841, 214. CHAP. 93. ROADS. General Acts. Repairing, improving and reg ulating; Laws 1819 (29 Mar.) 333. Foregoing amended; Laws 1821 (15 Feb.) 167. . . Amendatory act ; Laws 1825 (15 Jan.) 130. Sup- plemental act ; Laws 1826 (27 Jan.) 86. . . Amending and consolidating former acts which are all repealed; R. S. 1827 (12 Feb.) 340 ; R. S. 1833, 539. Amendment ; Laws 1831 (15 Feb.) 158. . . Amending and consolidating former acts which are all repealed ; Laws 1835 (3 Feb.) 129. Amendment; Laws 1836 (18 Jan.) 207. Road tax ; Laws 1836 (15 Jan.) 227. . . Act 3 Mar. 1837 ; to amend the act of 18 Jan. 1836 "concerning public roads;" 1 Laws 1837, 274. . Act 27 Feb. 1839 ; manner of petitioning the general assembly for locating or altering state roads ; Laws 1839, 167. . . Act 23 Feb. 1839. to regulate public carriages and the law of the road, similar to 18, Cb.93 R. S. 1845; Laws 1839, 183. . . Act 1 Feb. 1840 ; county com- missioners' courts to alter and relocate state roads ; Laws 1840, 51. . . Act 30 Jan. 1840 ; to extend for locating roads under the acts of 1839 ; Laws 1840, 68. . . Act 20 Feb. 1841 ; concerning public roads, similar to the chapter in the revised statutes ; amending and consoli- dating former acts which are all repealed ; Laws 1841, 232244. . . Act 4 Mar. 1843; county commissioners to assess a tax for road purposes; Laws 1843, 111. Local Acts. 1819. Act 24 Mar., location from Golconda to Kaslrtiskia ; Laws 1819, 239. 1821 Act 12 Feb., the United States road from Shawneetown to Kaskaskia declared a public highway; Laws 1821, 148. . . Act 14 Feb. 1821 ; toll bridges across the Little Muddy, Big Muddy, Mary's and Benucoup rivers, on the state road from Kaskaskia to Shawneetown; Laws 1821, 156. 1823. Act 31 Jan., road from Shawneetown to the Saline in Gallatin county, a public high- way ; Laws 1823, 98. . . Act 10 Feb., road from Carmi to Bonpas, a public highway ; Laws 1823, 120. . . Act 10 Feb., location from Vandalia to Shawneetown ; Vandalia to Kas- kaskia; Vandalia to Covington, Brownsville, Jonesboro and America ; Vandalia to Golconda, riii Mount Vernon and Frankfort; Vandalia to Palestine; Vandalia to Alton; Vandalia to the town of Illinois; Vandalia to intersect the old road from St. Louis to Vincennes, and from such new road to Fairfield ; from Joha McCal- GENERAL LAWS. (43) Roads. la's to Vincennes ; Fairfield via Albion to oppo- site Harmony ; Fairfield to Carmi ; Laws 1823, 123. . . Act 14 Feb., location from Mount 1,000. allowed to finish ; Pr. Laws 1827, 20. 1829. Act 20 Jan., location from Illinois- town via the French village and Belleville, to Laws 1823, 143. . . Act 14 Feb., the road from McCalla's bridge to St. Louis declared a public highway; Laws 1823, 144. . . Act 18 Feb., the old road fr< in Shawneetown to Kas- kaskia declared a public highway ; LaAvs 1823, 178. Yernon to the Saline tavern in Gallatin county; ; Kirkpatrick's on Little Muddy in Franklin county ; from Kirkpatrick's to Big Muddy de- clared a state road; location from Hillsborough to Paris, also from Lawrenceville to Springfield ; the main road from Vandalia via Hillsborough and Widow Ferrel's to Springfield a state road ; location from Curtis' bridge on Shoal creek via 1825 Act 16 Dec. 1824; vacation and reloca- Joseph Duncan's to Edwardsville ; Laws 1829, tion of'that part of the road from Vandalia to ! I* 1 4 H. Act 20 Jan., the roads last Palestine which is in Crawford county ; Laws i laid out from Carrollton and from Jacksonville 18-25 15 Act 23 Dec. 1824 ; location from to Thomas Beard s ferry declared public high- the Gallatin countv Saline to Littleton's ferry I wavs : the road from Abraham Irvins via Mc- on the Mississippi -Laws 1825, 22. . . Act 29 j Leansboro to George^ McKinzey^s Declared Dec. 1824; location from Springfield to Paris; Act 6 Jan., road from Illi- Laws 1825, 35. noistown to Vandalia a public highway, and 200. spent on it; location from Columbia via Cahokia to the town of Illinois ; Laws 1825, 60. . . Act 10 Jan., location from Springfield to the Illinois river; Laws 1825,81. . . Act 13 Jan., re-location from Fairfield to Carmi ; Laws 1825, 91. . . Act 14 Jan., locating from Prairie Du Rocher to Cahokia ; Laws 1825, 104. . . Act 14 Jan., location from Wakefield's settlement to Paris ; Laws 1825, 105. . . Act 14 Jan., location from Vandalia to Atlas via Carrollton ; Laws 1825, 107. . . Act 15 Jan. location from Carmi to Shawneetown ; Laws 1825,115. . . Act 15 Jan., road commission- ers under the act of 10 Feb. 1823, to account; Laws 1825, 128. 1826. Act 18 Jan., legalizing the survey from Springfield to Paris by Amos Williams ; Laws 1826, 49. . . Act 19 Jan., amending the act of 14 Jan. 1825, "establishing a public road from , for bridges across the Hurricane ; 'also Boaze's, Vandalia to Atlas via Carrollton;" road from i Beck's and Hickory creeks, all on Vandalia Troy, via Greenville, to Vandalia a public high- | roads; Laws 1831, (9* Feb.) 25. state road; location from said McKinzey's to Equality; Laws 1829, 131. . . Act 20 Jan., location from Yandalia via Johnson's and Plant's bridge to Shackford's plantation near Lebanon; Laws 1829, 132. . . Act 22 Jan., survey from Beard's ferry ria Rushville to Quincy : Laws 1829, 133 2. Repealed ; Pr. Laws 1833,178. . Act 22 Jan., county road from Vincennes through Lawrence, Crawford.Clark, Edgar and Vermilion to Danville declared a state road ; Laws 1829- 133. . . Act 22 Jan., location from George- town in Washington county w/Pinckneyville to Dillinger's mill in Jackson county ; Laws 1829, 136 3. . . Act 23 Jan.. location from Vin- cennes tin Lawrenceville, Salem, Carlisle, Leb- anon and Hathaway 's to the Mississippi opposite St. Louis; Laws 1829, 136. . . Act 23 Jan., location from Vandalia to Eminence on the Mississippi ; Laws 1829, 138. . . Appropria- tion of $700. road from Vandalia to Galconda; also, $600. road from Vandalia to Palestine; Laws 1829, (19 Jan.) 145 12. Appropriation way; Laws 1826, 57. . . Act 20 Jan., loca- tion from Springfield to Quincy ; Laws 1826, 61. Act 20 Jan., amending theact of 15 Jan., 1831. Act 1 Jan., re-location in part from Paris to Vandalia ; Laws 1831, 128. . . Acts 15 Jan., location from Mt. Carmel to Maysville ; ., . 182o, "requiring certain road commissioners to i pub]ic road from Fairfield to Maysville; Laws account;" Laws 1826, 62. . . Act 23 Jan., lo- cation from Feoria to the Indiana state line ; Laws 1826, 67. . . Act 25 Jan., compensation to the commissioners for laying out a road from Carmi to Shawneetown, Springfield to the Illi- nois river, and from Paris to Wakefield's settle- ment ; Laws 1826, 73. . . Act 25 Jan., re-loca- tion from Fairfield to Vandalia ; Laws 1826, 74. . . Act 28 Jan., payment for locating the road from the Gallatin 'county saline to Little- ton's ferry under the act of 23 Dec. 1824 ; Laws 1826, 91 4. 1827. Act 12 Feb. 1827 ; road from Mt. Ver- non to Carlyle a highway ; also, road fi om Equality via John Black's and Josiah L. Potts' to Ford's ferry on the Ohio river ; also, the road from Carlyle through Bond county to Sangamon county; also, the road from Spring- field to Peoria via Samuel Musick's and Thom- as Dillon's ; R. S. 1827, 347. . . Act 23 Jan., from Embarrass river to the Wabash opposite Vincennes ; $1,000. to improve ; Pr. Laws 1827, 12. . . Act 24 Jan., from W. C. Wiggin's house to the bluffs near George Swiggarts; amending the act authorizing ; Pr. Laws 1827, 13. . . Act 31 Jan., from bridge opposite Vandalia through the bottom to east bluff; 1831, 129. Location from French creek bridge to Mt. Carmel ; Laws 1831, 130. . . Act 22 Jan., location from Hillsboro to Shelby ville; Laws 1831, 131. . . Act 27 Jan., re-location in part from Springfield to Paris; Laws 1831, 132. . . Act 28 Jan., location from Mt, Car- mel to Fairfield; Fairfield to Salem; Salem to Vandalia; vacation from Fairfield to the St. Louis and Vincennes road; declared to be state roads from Ford's ferry to Mt. Vernon ; Equali- tv to Mt. Vernon ; Golconda to Salem ; from . . . to Shelby ville; Laws 1831, 133. . . Act 22 Jan., payment to Abner Eads and others for location of road from Peoria to the Indiana line; re-location east of Danville; Laws 1831, 135. . . Act 15 Jan., location from Vincennes to Chicago; Laws 1831, 137. . . Act 7 Jan. 1831 ; location from Lawreuceville to Shelby- ville ; Laws 1831, 139. . . Act 7 Jan., location from Henderson's to Jacksonville ; Laws 1831, 140. . . Act 1 Jan., payment for viewing a road from Vandalia to Eminence; Laws 1831, 142. . . Act 28 Jan., location from Shelby- ville to Paris; Laws 1831, 142. . . Act 5 Feb., location from Springfield to Rock Island ; Laws 1831, 144. . . Act 5 Feb., re-location irprn Vandalia to Kaskaskia; road from Brownsville (44) GENERAL LAWS. Roads. to the Golconcla and Vandalia. road a state road; Lew* 1881, 145. . . ActS) Feb., location from Canni to the Wabasli river; re-location from Al- bion to Bon Pass; Laws 1831, 14(5. . . Act 10 Feb., location from Greenville to Shelbv- villc; Laws 1831, 148. . . Act 10 Feb., {ora- tion from Pekin to Big Grove in Vermilion county ; Laws 1831, 160. . . Act 14 Feb., re- location from Vnndalia ria Cnrrollton to Atlas ; Laws 1831, 153. . . Acts 15 Feb., location from the Cumberland road to Kaskaskia ; New Nashville to Gill's ferry ; Lively's ferry to Kirk- patrick's bridge ; Tatinan's ferry to Belleville; Belleville to Gordon's; Laws 1831, 155. Loca- tion from Alton to Beardstown; Galena to Beardstown; Laws 1831, 157. 1833. Act 27 Feb. 1833; time for commission- ers to act under the road laws of 1833 extended ; R. S. 1833, 436. . . Act 25 Feb., from Gill's ferry on the Mississippi to Little Muddy bridge in Franklin county; Pr. Laws 1833, 10. . . Act 28 Jan., from Steamboat ferry landing op- posite St. Louis to Alton, Jacksonville, Ma- comb and Galena; Pr. Laws 1833, 33. . . Act 1 Mar., incorporating the Vincennes and Chicago Road Co. ; Pr. Laws 1833, 74. . . Act 28 Jan., re-location road from Fairfield Wayne county to Carmi (Will) ; Pr. Laws 1833, 129. Act 28 Jan., located from Jacksonville to Bur- nett's ferry opposite Louisiana on the Mississip- pi, via Lynnville and Atlas ;' Pr. Laws 1833, 130. Act 1 Feb., located from Paris via Grand View to the intersection of National road near Em- barass river (Coles) ; Pr. Laws 1833, 132. . . Act 13 Feb., located from New Nashville, (Washington) via Pinckneyville to the bridge on the Lumb (Jackson); Pr. Laws 1833, 133. . Act 13 Feb., part of road from Lively's ferry through Pinckneyville to Kirkpatrick's bridge (Franklin) vacated ; Pr. Laws 1833, 134. . . Art 15 Feb., located from Hayne's ferry on the Illinois opposite Pekin via Knoxville to Dennis- ton's ferry on the Mississippi (Mercer) ; Pr. Laws 1833, 135. . . Act 12 Feb., located from Golconda via Pinckneyville to Belleville ; Pr. Laws 1833, 136. . . Act 12 Feb., located from Quincy to Macomb ; Pr. Laws 1833, 137. . . Act 19 Feb., located from the mouth of the Ohio river at Trinity to opposite St. Louis, thence to Lower Alton ; Pr. Laws 1833, 138. . Act 20 Feb., relocate from Vandalia to Kas- kaskia in Clinton and Washington; Pr. Laws 1833, 140. . . Act 20 Feb., located from Gol- conda to St. Louis ; Pr. Laws 1833, 140. . . Act 20 Feb., located from Decatur ria Boston (Shelby) to the National road near Spring Point f Pr. Laws 1833, 142. . , Act 22 Feb., located from Rushville to the county seat of Hancock; Pr. Laws 1833, 144. . . Act 22 Feb., located from Lebanon to Lower Alton ; Pr. Laws 1833, 146. . . Act 22 Feb., located from Greenville to Jacksonville; Pr. Laws 1833, 147. . . Act 25 Feb., located from Decatur via Athens to Havana, and made a continuation of road from Paris to Decatur; located from mouth of Spoon river to Macomb; Pr. Laws 1833, 152. . . Act 25 Feb., located from Wil- son's (Macon) via Bolivar to Springfield ; Pr. Laws 1833, 153. . . Act 25 Feb., located from county seat of Hancock via the ford on Bear creek to intersect road from Quincy to Macomb ; located from Wagle's (Adams) to Phillips' ferry (Pike); Pr. Laws 1833, 153. . . Act 25 Feb., located from Hillsboro to Greenville; Pr Laws 1*3:5, 1. )"). . . Act 25 Feb., located from Frankfort (Franklin) rin Jonesborough, to Led- better's ferry on the Mississippi ; Pr. Laws 1833, 156. . . Act 25 Feb., located from Jack- sonville ria Mi-redosia to intersect the Quincy and Philips' ferry road near Wagle's (Adams) ; located from opposite Naples to intersect the last named road between Meredosia and Wa- gle's; Pr. Laws 1833, 156. . . Act 26 Feb., located from Paris via Sugar creek bridge town 14 11, to intersect state line in direction of Clinton, Ind. ; vacates all other roads from Paris to Clinton ; Pr. Laws 1833, 157. . . Act 26 Feb., located from Salem via Israel Jenning's to New Nashville; Pr. Laws 1833, 158. . . " Act 26 Feb., located from Albion ma Sumpter's mill to Salem ; vacates that part of road from Mt. Carmel to Fairfield between Albion and Fair- field; Pr. Laws -1833, 159. . . Act 27 Feb., amends act 22 Dec. 1832 locating road from Beard's ferry to Alton [Laws 1833, 195] direct- ing its location from Manchester, the present traveled route, to Alton ; Act 2 Jan. 1833, re- quiring commissioners to meet in Springfield [Laws 1833, 187] extends time of meeting; Pr. Laws 1833, 160. . . Act 27 Feb., located from Mt. Carmel through Lawrence county to inter- sect National road near Spring Point ; Pr. Laws 1833,160. . . _Act 27 Feb., located from a pointon the Springfield and Paris road to where it intersects the state road, west of east fork of the Kaskaskia ; vacates that part of road changed ; Pr. Laws 1833, 161. . . Act 27 Feb., located from the bank of the Mississippi just above the great Cluster of the Dardenne islands via Gilead (Calhoun) and the county scat of Pike, to Rush- ville ; Pr. Laws 1833, 162. . . Act 28 Feb., re-locating that part of Vincennes and Chicago road between Aurora and Edgar county so as to pass through Livingston; Pr. Laws 1833, 163. . . Act 28 Feb., located from Blair's ferry on the Ohio (Pope) intersecting McFarland's road near Bradford's, thence to Vandalia ; the road from Golconda to Equality viewed ; Pr. Laws 1833, 165. . . Act 1 Mar., located from a point on the Cumberland road east of the Kaskaskia, to New Nashville; if commissioners to re-locate from Vandalia to the Hurricane fail or refuse remaining commissioners to ap- point others; Pr. Laws 1833, 165. . . Act 1 Mar., commissioners allowed $1.50 per day lay- ing out road from Vandalia to Shawneetown and America, under act 10 Feb. 1823 [Laws 1823, 123]; Pr, Laws 1833, 166. . . Act 1 Mar., lo- cated from Young and Alexander's ferry on Rock river via Knoxville to Beardstown ; loca- ted from Lewistown direct to Knoxville; Pr. Laws 1833, 167. . . Act 1 Mar., located from Springfield to Shelby ville; vacates other roads between points named ; Pr. Laws 1833, 168. . Act 2 Mar., located from Jacksonville to Carlin- ville;Pr. Laws 1833, 169. . . Act 2 Mar., lo- cated from south line of Tazewell ria Mackinaw to the mouth of the Vermilion ; Pr. Laws 1833, 172. . . Act 28 Jan., located from opposite Ottawa via Ilennepin, to Wilson's ferry on the Mackinaw ; Pr. Laws 1833, 172. . . Act 28 Jan., located from the Ohio river opposite Pa- ducah; to intersect the Belgrade and Pittallo's bluff road, near Campbell's ; Pr. Laws 1833, 174. GENERAL LAWS. fioads. . . Act 18 Jan., located from Vandalia to Hurricane; Pr. Laws 1833, 175. . . Act 18 Jan., located from Danville to Ottawa ; Pr. Laws 1833, 175. . . Act 18 Jan., located from Peoria to Galena; Pr. Laws 1833, 176. . . Act 14 Jan., located from Beard's ferry ma Rushville to Quincy ; repeals 2 act 22 Jan. 1829 [Laws 1829, 133] ; Pr. Laws 1833, 177. . Act 7 Jan., vacates road between house of Dr. Ezra Baker jr. and Jourdon Cook, and the county road between same points declared state road ; vacates road between Ransom Higgins' (Edwards) and Thomas Mason's (Lawrence) and the county road between same points de- clared state road ; Pr. Laws 1833, 178. . . Act 12 Jan., located from Peoria via the mouth ] of Fox river, to Chicago ; Pr. Laws 1833, 179. . Act 7 Jan., located from Wilcox's ferry on the Ohio (Johnson) via Vienna, to intersect (in Franklm) the Golconda and Vandalia road; Pr. Laws 1833, 180. . . Act 7 Jan., located from Hillsboro to Alton; Pr. Laws 1833, 181. . . Act 7 Jan., part of the road from Johnson's fer- ry on Fox river to New Harmony Ind., run- nine through the farrnof Wm. Witsell changed ; Pr. Laws 1833, 182. . . Act 7 Jan., changed a part of the road from Henderson's Grove to Jacksonville ; repeals conflicting portion of act 7 Jan. 1831 [Laws 1831, 140] ; Pr. Laws 1833, 183. . . Act 7 Jan., located from Chicago to Galena ;Pr. Laws 1833, 184. . . Act 7 Jan., located from Maysville (Clay) via Ewington to Shelby ville; Pr. Laws 1833, 186. . . Act 2 Jan., located from Springfield via county seat of Macoupin, to Alton ; Pr. Laws 1833, 187. . . Act 2 Jan., located from Mt. Carmel via Law- renceville to Palestine ; from Lawreuceville to intersect road from opposite Vincennes to Chi- cago at Palestine via Lackey's and Wiggins' mill; Pr. Laws 1833, 188. . . Act 2 Jan., lo- cated from Springfield to Beardstown ; Pr. Laws 1833, 189. . . Act 2 Jan., N located from Chicago via, Ottawa, Bloomington, Springfield, and Carrollton, to Graftou ; Pr. Laws 1833, 190. . . Act 2 Jan., located from the Fox river crossing of the Mt. Carmel and Maysville road via Bonpas creek to intersect the Mt. Carmel and Maysville road at Gard's (Wabash) ; Pr. Laws 1833, 191. . . Act 2 Jan., located from Pekin via Mackinaw, to intersect the Danville and Big Grove road at post 40 ; Pr. Laws 1833, 192. . . Act 27 Dec. 1832, located from Beard's ferry to the head of the Des Moines ra- pids (Hancock) ; Pr. Laws 1833, 193. . . Act 27 Dec. 1832; located from Danville to Charles- ton; Pr. Laws 1833, 194. . . Act 22 Dec. 1832; located from Beardstown via Jacksonville and Carrollton to Alton ; Pr. Laws 1833, 195. . Act 22 Dec. 1832 ; re-locating part of Vandalia and Atlas road, between Hillsboro and the mouth of Apple creek via Carlinville and Car- rollton ; Pr. Laws 1833, 196. 1835. Act 6 Feb., amending the act for road from "Peoria to Chicago"; Laws 1835, 94. . Act 31 Jan. 1835; changing part of road from Jonesboro to the mouth of the Ohio ; Laws 1835, 95. . . Act 20 Jan., location from Bloom- ington to Chicago; Laws 1835, 96. . . Act 12 Feb. 1835 ; location from Rushville to Mon- month; Laws 1835, 97. Act 10 Feb., location from Crow's (Morgan) to Mustek's bridge on Salt creek; Laws 1835, 98. . . Act 9 Feb., location from Rushville to Commerce; Laws 1835, 99. . . Act 6 Feb., road from Mt. Ver- non to New Nashville a state road ; Laws 1835, 100. . . Act 6 Feb., relocation from Spring- field to Carlinville; Laws 1835, 1 00. . . Act 12 Feb., location from Blair's ferry to Vandalia; Laws 1835, 101. . . Act 10 Feb., relocation of the Peoria and Indiana road from Peoria to the east line of Tazewell county ; location from Gilead via Pittsfield to Rushville ; Laws 1835, 102. . . Act 12 Feb.,. location from Spring- field to Lewistown ; Laws 1835, 103. . . Act 7 Feb., vacation and relocation from Mereclosia to John Wigle's (Adams); Laws 1835, 103. Lo- cation from Shelbyville to Chicago; Laws 1835, 104. Location from Shelby ville to Chicago; Laws 1835, 104. . . Act 13 Feb., location from Knoxville to New Boston ; Laws 1835, 105. Location from Knoxville to Rock Island; Id. 106. . . Act 7 Jan., location from Hillsboro to Alton ; Laws 1835, 107. Road from Paris to Terre Haute, a state road; Id. 107. . . Act 12 Feb., road from Fairfield to Mt. Vernon, a state road; Laws 1835, 108. . . Act 6 Feb., loca- tion from Moses Thomas' to Bloomington; Laws 1835, 108. Act 28 Feb. 1833 ; "authorizing a re- location from Vincennes to Chicago," revived; Laws 1835, 109. . . Act 27 Jan., changing part of the road from Hillsboro to Shelbyville ; Laws 1835, 110. . . Act 13 Feb., location from Frankfort via Vienna to Wilcox's ferry on the Ohio; Laws 1835,110. . . Act 15 Feb., changing part of road from Equality to Mt. Ver- non; Laws 1835, 111. . . Act 26 Jan., loca- tion from the Wabash to the lower Yellow banks on the Mississippi; Laws 1835. 112. . Act 17 Jan., amending act 12 Feb. 1833 "loca- ting road from Quincy to Macomb;" Laws 1835, 113. . . Act 24 Jan., relocation from Spring- field to Peoria in part ; relocation from Belgrade via Green's mill to Golconda and Vandalia road ; Laws 1835, 113. . . Act 27 Jan., road from Danville to the Indiana line a state road ; Laws 1835, 115. . . Act 24 Jan., location from Le- banon to Benj. Johnson's (Bond) ; act 22 Feb. 1833, for locating a road from L.banon to Lower Alton, revived; Laws 1835, 115. . . Act 7 Jan., location from H. I. Mills' (Edwards) to the road from Palestine to Heath's mills; Laws 1835, 117. Act 6 Feb., location from Shelbyville to Vin- cennes; Laws 1835, 118. . . Act 13 Feb., lo- cation from Golconda to Pinckney ville; road from Pinckneyyille via Lively's ferry and Belle- ville to St. Louis a state road ; Laws 1835, 120. . . Act 12 Feb., location from Brownville via Pinckneyville to New Nashville; Laws 1835, 122. . . Act 7 Feb., location from Greenville to Carlinville; Laws 1835, 123. . . Act 15 Jan., improvement of road from Equality via Crenshaw's works to Shawneetown ; Laws 1835, 125. . . Act 12 Feb., location from Equality to McLeansboro ; Laws 1835, 126. . . Act 10 Feb., location from Chicago to Galena; from Paw Paw Grove via Princeton to Rock Island ; Laws 1835, 128. 1836. Act 15 Jan., location from Rushville to Commerce; Laws 1836, 177. . . Act. 13 Jan., location from Equalily to McLeansboro; Laws 1836, 186. . . Act 15 Jan., location from Frankfort via Vienna to Wilcox's ferry ; Laws 1836, 187. . . Act 16 Jan., location from Quincy to Macomb; Laws 1836, 188. . . Act (46) GENERAL LAWS Road*. 13 Jan., relocation from Paris to Grandview; Laws 1836, 190. . . Act 18 Jan., location from Kirkpatrick's bridge to St. Louis, also to Pinckney ville; from the town of Illinois to Al- ton; Laws 1836, 1S)1. . . Act 28 Dec., loca- tion from Crow's (Morgan) to Mustek's (Sanga- mon); L:i\v> 1S:',(>, 193. . . Act 18 Jan., loca- tion from Pittstiekl via Augusta and Winchester to Lynnville; Laws 183(5, 194. . . Act 15 Jan., location from Maysville to Shelby ville; Laws 1836, 195. . . Act 13 Jan., relocation in part from Springfield to Lewistown ; Laws 1836, 199. . . Act 16 Jan., location from "\Vabash via Gn enup to Shelbyville ; Laws 1836, 201. . . Act 7 Jan., location from Gilead to Rushville; Laws 1836, '203. . . Act 18 Jan., locution from Peoria 1o Pekin and the Springfield road; report of location from Pekin and Mackinaw to Dan ville confirmed; Laws 1836, 206. . . Act 16 Jan., location from Peoria to Chicago; Laws 1836, 209. . . Act 15 Jan., location from Commerce to Peoria; Laws 1836, 210. . . Act 18 Jan., location from Danville to Ottawa; act 18 Jan. 1833 of like tenor repealed ; Laws 1836,211. . . Act 14 Jan., location from Peo- ria to Galena; Laws 1836, 212. . . Act 15 Jan., location from Quincy to Pittsfield ; Laws 1836, 215. . . Act 18 Jan., location from In- diana state line via Marseilles to Ottawa; Laws 1836, 216. . . Act 15 Jan., location from Meacham's Grove to Galena; Belvidere to the mouth of the Pekatonica; Laws 1836, 217. . . Act 9 Jan., location from Mt. Carmel to Mavs- ville; Laws 1836, 221. . . Act 13 Jan., loca- tion from Bonpas bridge to Bedell's mills; Laws 1836, 223. . . Act 16 Jan., location from Rushville to Warsaw; Laws 1836, 224. . .Act 13 Jan., location from Lebanon to Lower Al- ton; repeal of act of 24 Jan. 1835; Laws 1836, 225. . . Act 4 Mar., location from Conger's Tavern (Tazewell) to Albany (Sangamon); 1 Laws 1837, 25. 1837 Acts 24 Feb., to change the Hillsboro and Alton road over the lands of Carlew; 1 Laws 1837, 195. Location from Peoria to Princeton, ria Chillicothe; Id. 196. From Clarksville via Fairfield to the Gilead and Pitts- field road; Id. 197. Relocation, in part, from De- catur to Bloomington ; Id. 197. Location from Grafton to the Carrollton road, via Camden ; Id. 198. Changing part of the road from Gilead to Rushville ; part of road from Clarksville vaca- ted ; Id. 211. Location from Nashville to Equal- ity; Id. 211. . . Act 25 Feb., location from Knoxville to Stephenson ; 1 Laws 1837, 199. Relocation near Carpenter's ferry of the Spring- field and Peoria road ; Id. 200. Location from the Decatur and Springfield road, ria Buffalo Heart Grove to Waynesville ; Id. 201. . . Acts 27 Feb., location from Peoria to Galena via Osceola ; 1 Laws 1837, 202. Relocation in town 19 7 of the Springfield and Peoria road ; Id. 203. In part fiom Meredosia to Quincy; Id. 204. Location from Pekin via Athens, to Springfield ; Id. 205. From Thornton via Lock- port and Plainfield to Dixon's Ferry on Black- berry Creek; Id. 206. From Pinckney ville to Golconda ; relocation in part, from Golconda to Frankfort; Id. 207. Location from Darwin to- wards Terre Haute to the Indiana state line; Id. 209. From Ottawa via Dixon's Ferry to Owne's at High Point ; Id. 210. From Albion to Maysville; Id. 222. From Chester to Belleville eta Preston; Id. 306. . . Acts 28 Feb., location from Beardstown to Mt. Sterling ; 1 Laws 1837, 203. From Tully in Missouri to the Quincy and Macomb road,naMcFaddens; M. --'o'-J. From Chester to Waterloo, via Evans- ville; Id. 248. Location from Shawneetown to Golcond ; Id. 259. Relocation from Pinckney- ville to Grand Coat Prairie; from Sha\vncc'n\\ \\ to Kaskaskia; Id. 286. Location from opposite Burlington to Farmington, via Augustine; Id. 298. Location from Monmouth via Grandview to Stephenson ; Id. 299. . . Act 18 Feb., lo- cation from Danville to Ottawa; 1 Laws 1837, 213. . . Acts 15 Feb., location from Oien- dir's (Marion) to Nelson's (Clay); 1 Laws 1837, 214. From Waterloo to Nashville, via Tamar- awa; Id. 215. Road from Peoria to Knoxville a state road ; Id. 262. Location from Washington to Columbia; Id. 268. From Equality to Vien- na; Id. 268. Location from LaFayette to Otta- wa ; Id. 285. . . Acts 16 Jan., location from Shelby ville to Danville; 1 Laws 1837, 218. Roads from Carrollton via Fayette to the coun- ty line, and from Jacksonville to Alton via Fay- ette, declared state roads; Id. 224. Relocation in part from Paris to Decatur; Id. 228. Loca- tion from Ottawa to Naperville; Id. 229. . . Acts 1 Mar., location from the Indiana line to Mineral Point via Winchester; 1 Laws 1837, 219. From Carlin ville to Greenville; a former act repealed; Id. 220. Reviving act 13 Jan. 1836, "to locate a road from Bon Pas Bridge to Bedell's Mills" ; Id. 222. Location from Meach- ani's Ferry to Carlin ville, via, Glasgow; from Bridgeport to the Montezuma and Glasgow road; Id. 225. From Danville to New Castle, via Syracuse ; Id. 260. Map of the road from Meacham's Grove in Cook county to Galena ; Id. 269. Location from Decatur to Carlinville via Edinburgh ; Id. 270. From Meredosia to | Warsaw; Id. 272. From Commerce toFarm- ! ington; Id. 287. From Liberty to Pinck- neyville ; Id. 302. Location from Marshall to Charleston ; Id. 258. . . Acts 10 Feb., location from Vandalia to Alton via fork of Wood river; 1 Laws 1837, 221. From Atlas to the South line of Adams county, via Rockport ; Id. 251. From Hennepin to Springfield, via Hudson; Id. 252. From Peoria to Henderson ville, via Prince's Mill; Id. 267. . . Acts 19 Jan., lo- cation fiom Crow's to Jacksonville, via Mu- sick's bridge and Robertson's Mill; 1 Laws 1837, 223. Location from Macomb to opposite Bur- lington; Id. 236. . . Acts 2 Mar., location from Newton to Decatur, via Essex ; 1 Laws 1837,224. From Danville to Decatur; Id. 230. From Enterprise to Knoxville, via Kinnorwood, Windsor and Frazier's Grove ; Id. 231. From Princeton to Paw Paw Grove; Id. 240. From Jacksonville to Bloomington, via Greensburg ; Id. 280. From Ellisville to Macomb; Id. 283. From Grand View to Paris;' Id. 291. From ! White Hall to Pittsfield via Wilmington ; Id. ' 300. From White Hall to Fayette, via Green- field ; Id. 301. From Lake fork bridge to the Dry Fork of the Maconpin; Id. 303. . . Acts 4 Mar., location from Pekin to Paris, via Clin- ton; 1 Laws 1837, 226. Relocation from Chica- go to Oregon City; Id. 273. Location from Vandalia to Springfield, via Edingburg; Id. 277. From Windsor to Bloomington, via Columbia ; GENERAL LAWS. (47) Road*. Id. 290. From Hardy Foster's to Shelbyville ; Id. 293. Relocation, in part, from Frankfort to Jonesboro; Id. 295. From Springfield to Shel- by ville; Id. 297. Location from the Peoria and Ottawa road, ria Hanover, to the Chicago and Viucennesroad; Id. 302. Relocation from Jones- boro to the mouth of the Ohio ; location from Freeman's ferry to Herralds; Id. 308. . . Acts 3 Mar., Location from Cleveland to Ver- sailles; 1 Laws 1837, 227. From Shawneetown to Equality ; Id. 229. From Covington to Nash- ville; Id. "232. From Gnggsville to Joshua Hanks,' ria Portland ; Id. 239. From Ander- son's Bridge (Madison), to B. Johnson's (Bond), ria 3Iarine town; Id. 271. Relocation, in part, from Palestine to Shelbyville ; Id. 277. Loca- tion from Marshall to Grandview; Id. 282. From Stephenson to the mouth of the Pickaton- neka, via Dixon ; Id. 283. From Jacksonville to Pekin, ria Havana; Athens to Havana, via Greenburg; Id. 288. From Ottawa to the state line, ria Munson; Id. 289. From Grafton to Wood River; Id. 292. From Wesley City to Bloomington ; Id. 294 From McLeansboro to Golconda ; Id. 296. . . Acts 31 Jan., location from Peoria to Knoxville ; 1 Laws 1837, 233. Also from Peoria to Quincy, via Canton ; Id. 241. Relocation from Naples to Centreville; Id. 245. Location from Shokokon to Rush ville ria La Harpe ; Id. 246. Relocation from Shelby- ville to theWabash; Id. 247. Location from the Indiana line to the Paris and Springfield road ; Id. 248. . . Act 1 1 Feb., location from Galena to Beardstown ; 1 Laws 1837, 237. . . Acts 27 Jan., location from Salem to Chester, via New Nashville; 1 Laws 1837, 240. Vaca- tion in part from Rushville to Commerce'; Id. 243. . . Act 4 Feb,. location from Warsaw to Peoria; 1 Laws 1837, 249. . . Acts 7 Feb., location from Utica to Farmington, via, Aurora ; 1 Laws 1837, 251. From Ottawa to Grandature, and thence to the Galena and Peoria road; Id. 254. From Stephenson to Peoria, ria La Grange and LaFayette ; Id. 256. From Quincy to Philip's Ferry; Id. 257. Relocation in "part from Gilead to Rushville ; Id. 261. Location from Henderson to Morristown, via Andover; Id. 261. From Charleston to Springfield; Id. 263. From Shelbyville to the Danville and Chi- cago road, via tJrbana ; Id. 263. From Fairfield to Moninouth ; Id. 264. From Shawneetown to Gill's ferry ; Id. 266. Relocation from Liberty to Tremont ; Id. 269. Continuing the Shawnee town road to Chicago, via Fairfield, Greenup and Charleston ; Id. 305. Location from French creek bridge to Bon Pas creek ; Id. app. xv. . . Act 28 Feb., location from Hennepin to mouth of Rock river, via Windsor; 1 Laws 1837, app. xv. . . Arts 20 July, relocation from Rush- ville to Carthage ; 2 Laws 1837, 60. Time allow- ed to all the commissioners of 1837 ; Id. 61. Lo- cation from Knoxville to New Boston legalized; Id. 62. From the Indiana state line at the Sac trail towards Madison, via Lockport; Id. 64. From Beardstown to Petersburg, via Richmond ; Id. 65. From Appanoose to the Drowning Fork of Crooked Creek; part of mad from Beards- town to Commerce vacated ; Id. 67, 68. . . Act 21 July, relocation in part from Vandalia to Jacksonville; 2 Laws 1837, 61. Location from Alton to Gwinn's on the Dry fork of the Macoupin; Id. 70. Relocation from Crow's (Morgan) to Mustek's bridge (Sangamon); state road from Springfield to Rochester; location from Lawrenceville to Russellville ; Id. 71. Lo- ndon from Albion to H. I. Mills' (Edwards); II. 72. From Salem to Charleston, via Ewing- ton; Id. 73. Relocation in part from Spring- field to Beardstown; location from Cartwright's (Sangamon) to New Virginia; Id. 73 and 80. Location from Munsou via Paw Paw Grove to the Wisconsin line; Fox river to Oregon; Peru to the Indiana line towards LaFayette : Pontiac to the State line; Juliet to Rock Island, via Georgetown ; Carlinville to Grafton via Jersey - ville; Id. 74 76. Location from Canton to Knoxville ; Lewistown to Knoxville, via Fair- view ; St. Marion (Ogle) to Savannah ; Henne- pin to Fulton via Prophetstown ; Id. 76 79. Location from Bowling Green to Newton via Ewington ; Vandalia to Carlyle; Id. 79. New commissioners under act 1 Mar. 1837 to locate road from Decatur to Harris Point via Edin- burg ; Id. 83. . . Acts 22 July 1837 ; reloca- tion from Shelbyville to Vandalia, in part; con- cerning the location of the road from Vandalia to Springfield, and from Foster's (Marion) to Shelbyville; 2 Laws 1837, 83. Location from Petersburg to Macomb ; state road from Salem to Greenville; Martin's Ferry (Clinton) to Al- ton ; Id. 84. 1839. Act 26 Feb., to legalize the plat and survey from Peoria to Knoxville. and from Peo- ria to Hendersonville ; Laws 1839, 45. . . Act 2 Mar., Locations: from Robertson's (Galla- tin) to Sarahsville (Franklin); Parkin's Ferry to near Brownville ; Laws 1839, 56. McLeansboro to Mt. Vernon ; Id. 57. Danville to the Indiana line; Newton to Vandalia and Maysville road; Id. 58. From Four mile Prairie to Louisville; Slocumb's mill (Marion) to Maysville; Louis- ville to Mt. Carmel roau; Clay county line to Charleston ; Id. 59. From Carlinville to Green- ville; Upper Alton to Greenville; Id. 60. From Lexington (Morgan) to Msitanzas ria Virginia; Pope's creek (Knox) to Stephenson (Rock Is- land); New Albany toGenesee; Id. 61. From New Boston to Richmond (Henry); Juliet to the Indiana line; Farmington to Richmond; Ma- comb to opposite Burlington ; Clayton to the Rushville and Warsaw road ; Id. 62. From Mt, Sterling to Liberty (Adams); Chicago to the Wisconsin line towards Madison; Id. 63. From Crystalville (McHenry) to Round Prai- rie and towards Mineral Point ; Will county line via Rockford towards Mineral Point; Win- nebago towards the Will county line; LaSalle to State line towards Mineral Point; Beverly (Adams) to west of Perry; Union Grove to Elkhorn Creek; Id. 64. From Ford's ferry to Jacksonville ; Appanoose to opposite Burling- ton ; Id. 65. From Columbus to Chambersburg; Quincy to Mt. Sterling ; Farmington to Mon- inouth; Id. 66. From Springfield to Macomb; Vandalia to Springfield ; Andover to the Mis- sissippi opposite Port Byron ; Id. 67. From Sa- lem to Charleston; Indiana line to Ottawa; Shelbyville to Chicago; Naples toBloomfield; Hennepin to Victoria; Rockford to Savannah; Id. 68. From Charleston "to Shelbyville; Louis- ville to Onslott's;Id. 70. From Gill's ferry to Shawneetown, Id. 71. Relocations: From Gol- conda to Pinckneyville ; Laws 1839, 57. Frank- fort to Wilcox's ferry ; Id. From Palestine to (48) GENERAL LAAVS Roads. Shelbyville: Id. 5s . From Yandalia to Carlyle; Id. 59. From \Va\ ncsville to Hloomington ; Carliinillc to MeaeMIB'a ferry; Id. GO. From Galena to Phrophet's town :" Id. 01. From; ijuinrv to Philip's ferry; Knoxville to New Boston: Rushville to Carthage; Lafayette to Leek's Mill (Knox): Id. (1:5. From Carlinville to Jacksonville; Hillsboro to Alton; Meredosia to Mt. Sterling; Rushville to Qniney; Id. 05. From Kishwaukeu to Frceport; Peoria to Bur- lington; Dccatur to Bloomin^ton; Id. GO.. From Warsaw to Canton ; Id. G7. From Maysville to Shelby ville ; Id. G8. From Dorvvin to New Richmond; Union Prairie to Charleston; Atlas to Kinderhook; Douglass to Carlinville; Id. GO. From Peoria to Knoxville; Danville to Shelby - ville ; Charleston to Springfield; Id. 70. Vaca- From Beardstown to Mt. Sterling; Laws 1839,05. . . Acts 12 Feb., re-location in p?rt from Stephenson to the mouth of the Pickatoni- ca; Laws 1839, 75. Location from Beardstown to Manchester; Ibid. 101. . . Acts 10 Feb., j re-location in part from Vandalia to Salem ; Laws 1839, 122. Re-location from Thornton to Lockport; Id. 123. Location from Jonesboroto By burns (Franklin); Id. 124. Location from j Naperville to Indian creek (McHenry); Id. 125. Acts 21 Feb.. location of, a road through Ver- milion and Champaign counties; Laws 1839, 142. Re-location in part from Mt. Carmel to Graysville ; state road from Mount Carmel to Lawrenceville ; vacation in part from Mt. Car- mel to Maysville; Id. 147. . . Act 22 Feb., re-location in part from Peoria to Knoxville ; Laws 1839, 153. Location from Mt. Sterling to Marombjlbid. Re-location from Calhoun coun- ty to Schuyler county ; Id. 157. Location from Warsaw to* Lima; Id. 158. . . Act 23 Feb., re-location in Crawford and Lawrence counties of the Chicago and Vincennes road ; Laws 1839, 1 70. . . Act "26 Feb., re-location in part from Equality to Vienna ; Laws 1839, 172. Locution from opposite Pekin to Canton; Id. 174. . . Art 23 Feb., re-location from Monmouth to Illinois City (Rock Island) ; Laws 1839. 183. . Act 20 Feb., location from Mount Sterling to Springfield; Laws 1839, 187. . . Act 27 Feb., location from Rushville to Pittsfield; Laws >s: 9. 100. From Shelbyville to Decatur; 'Ibid. From Chicago to Madison (Wisconsin); Id. 193. From Middle Fork (Franklin) to Maulding's mills (Wayne); Id. 194. Re-location in part from Mt. Yernon to Nashville; Id. 202. . . Act 28 Feb., location from Baiubridge to Jones- boro; Laws 1839, 200. . . Act 1 Mar., re- location from Appanoose (Hancock) to the Drowinsr Fork of Crooked creek (Mcl)onough); Laws 1S39, 2- 1 !*. . . Act 2 Mar., location from Tremont to Josephine (McLean); Laws 1839, 243. Location from Winchester to Wilmington (<;rrrnc);ld. 247. From Nashville to Belle- ville ; Id. 24S. From Fox river (Kane) to Dix- on's ferry (Ogle) ; Id. 249. From Salem to Pinckney ville ; Ibid. From the Vermilion and Iroquoisline to Joliet; Id. 254. From Jameson's ferry to opposite Cape Girardeau; Id. 25">. From Ilney's (Clinton) to the northeast corner of Fayettc county ; Id. 2-~>G. From Charleston to Keller's (Macon) ; Id. 2GO From the Peoria and Galena road ria Osceola to the Peoria and Knoxville road ; Id. 2G3. From Rochester (Peoria) to Stephenson (Rock Island) ; Ibid. From Belleville to Brownsville (Jackson) ; Id. 271. From Shelby ville to Hillsboro; Id. 275. Location from the west line of Will county to the county seat of Winnehago ; Id. 290. . . Resolution for the establishment of a mail route. from Carlvle to the mouth ot the Ohio; Laws 1839, 298. 1840. Act 18 Jan., to revive an act of 27 Feb. 1839 "to locate a certain state road therein mentioned ;" Laws 1840, 22. . . Act 1 Feb., location from Petersburg to Waverly; Laws 1840, G4. Relocation in part from Decatur to Dan ville; Id. 85. . . Act 3 Feb., location from the Little Muddy to Benton and thence to Gala- tia ; Laws 1840, 105. 1841. Acts 20 Jan., location from McLeans- boro to Pinckney ville ; Laws 1841, 220. Re- location in part from Paris toward Clinton, In- diana ; also, of several other roads out of Paris; Id. 221. . . Act 27 Jan., location from Shaw- neetown to Vienna; Laws 1841, 222. . . Act 18 Feb., location from B. Johnson's (Bond) to Lebanon ; road from Hickory Grove to Leban- on vacated; Laws 1841, 223. . . Act 19 Feb., from Dutchman's Point to Chicago ; Shawnee- town to Vienna; Equality to Marion; re-loca- tion from Quincy to Macomb, in part; Spring- field to Beardstown; Auburn to New Richmond (Clark) ; Hunt's bridge (McDonough) to Appa- noose (Hancock); Greenville to Jacksonville; Jacksonville to Carlinville; McLeansboro to Mt. Vernon; Jacksonville to Springfield; Car- linville to Jacksonville; Jacksonville to Win- chester; Laws 1841, 224. Location from Co- lumbus to Brooklyn (Schuyler); Id. 227. Lo- cation from Moore's (Bond) to Van Burensburg ( Montgomery) ; Carlinville to Berlin ; Id. 228. From Peoria to Fairview ; Id. 229. From Columbus to Houston; Id. 230. From Shelby ville to Lawrenceville; Id. 231. . . Acts 20 Feb , location from Urbana to Marion (DeWitt); Laws 1841, 244. State road from Chicago to Sand Ridge; Id. 245. Act 20 Feb. 1841; to extend the time for II. W.Cleveland to build a bridge and causeway across the Winnebago swamp; Laws 1841,44. I. D. Patterson to build a bridge across Silt creek in Menard and Mason counties; Ibid. . Acts 27 Feb., relocation in part from Hillsbo- rough to Jacksonville; Laws 1841,240. Con- ceming the toll gates on the Great Western Mail route; Id. 247. Relocation in part from Carlyle to Vandalia; location from Jackson- ville to Mauvisterre creek; relocation from Pa- lestine to Vandalia, in part; part from Jack- sonville to Griggsville; location from Oliver's Grove (Livingston) to Peoria; from Shelbyville to Chicauo; relocation in part from Jonesboro toCruse's; location from Hillsboro to Shelby ville; relocation in part from Decatur to Sidney : from Carlinville to Hillsboro; location from McLeansboro to Bear creek bridge; relocation in Coles county; state road from LeRoy to Lex- ington; location from Ottawa to the Wisconsin line; relocation of the Kaskaskia road; location from Decatur to Macoupin Point; from Mt. Vernon to Brownsville; from Geneva to War- renville; from Lima to Nauvoo; from Four mile prairie to Louisville: Laws 1841, 249 253 j^I 25. Location from York to Watertown (Clay): Id. 253. Relocation in part, from Moninouth to G E N E r. A L LAWS. (49) Roa^s. Illinois city (Rock Island) ; road from Farming- ton to Weathersfield confirmed; Id. 255. Lo- cation from Richmond (Coles) to the Shelby - ville and Yandalia Road ; Id. 255. 1843. Act 21 Jan., relocation in part from Equality to Benton; Laws 1843,245. Act 24 Jan., location from Harrison's (Monroe) to Prairie Du Pont ; Laws 1843, 247. . . Acts 3 Feb., location from Belvidere to Little Fort ; Laws 1843, 248. . . Quincy to Augusta; Ibid. Taylorville to Zanesville ; Id. 249. . . Act 2 Feb., location from Marion to Jonesboro ; Laws 1843, 250. . . Act 8 Feb., location from Lan- caster to Peoria; Laws 1843, 251. . . Act 24 Jan., location from Princeton to Pawpaw grove; Laws 1843, 253. . . Acts 23 Feb., location from Chicago to Grand deTour; La~s% 1843, 256. Confirming the survey and location from Charleston to Peoria; Ibid. Location from Pe- tersburg to Macomb ; Id. 257. Location from Je- mison's ferry to Cape Girardeau; Id. 258. From Fox River to Gary's Mills (Du Page); Ibid. . Act 24 Feb., location from Vandalia to Hickory hill near the Hamilton line; Laws 1843, 259. Act IJMar., location from Lewistown to Mon- mouth; Laws 1843, 261. Acts 3 Mar., location from Hendersonville to Millersburg; Laws 1843, 262. Location from Chicago to Dixon; from Elsrin to the Oregon road; Id. 263. Location from LaSalle to Inlet Grove; Id. 264. . . Acts 4 Mar., location from Josephine (Wood- ford) to Knoxville; Laws 1843, 266. Location from Frederickville lo Macomb; Id. 267. From Wright's (Iroquois) to Portland (Cook); Id. 268. . . Act 6 Mar., location from St. Charles to Rockford; Laws 1843, 268. . . Act 4 Mar., location from Brown's (St. Clair) to Nashville; Laws 1843, 269. 1845. Located from Mt. Sterling to Spring- field' via Arenzville ; Havana to Clinton ria Big Grove; road from Wright's to McHenry a state road; from St. Charles to Brawdies' Grove, in Ogle county; Naperville to the steam mill bridge in Cook county ; Farmington to Mon- mouth; Golconda to Elizabetbtown ; from the outlet of Lake Peoria to Bloomington ; Olney to Richland; LaSalle to Homer; Dixon to Days- ville; David Strain's to Middleport; Postvillcto Mechanicsburg; Mendon to Carthage ; York to AVatertown; Fulton City to Oregon; DesPlaiues river to Aurora and Dixon road; Toulon ria La Fayette and Walnut Grove to Oquawka ; Charleston and Darwin pike state road; cer- tain roads in Lee county legal ; location from Ottawa to Peru; Mount Carruel to Chicago; Peru to Galena; Belvidere and Little Fort; Fredericksville to Yirginia: Chester to Mur- physboro; Peru to Nathan Pattan's ; Nathan Pattan's to Bloomington ; Knoxville to Joseph- ine ; Clear Creek to Bowie's Farm ; Vandalia to the Fairfield road; Mt. Pleasant to Springfield; York to Martinsville; Henrv to the Indiana state line; Charleston to Mt. Pleasant ria- Mon- ticello ; Massac to Union Point ; Bath to Ver- mont; Equality to Marion; re-location from Chicago to Grand deTour; Galena to Freeport re-located; located from Springfield to Bath; bridge across Sangamon river ; Northampton to Boyd's Grove; part of road from Quincy to Mt. Sterling vacated ; Worchester to Carthage ; act 1 Mar., Laws 1845, 81. . . Part of the Northern Cross railroad near Naples, declared 7. a state road: Mt. Carmel and Alton railroad, i between the Wnbash and Albion, declared a state road ; location of a road to Western Sara- toga, (Union) declared valid; act 28 Feb., Laws 1845, 103. . . Re-location from Amity to Highland; re-location of the St. Louis road out of Ainity; act 28 Feb., Laws 1845, 104. . Location in Union county; act of 1 Mar., Laws 1845, 139. . . Location from Van Burensburg to George Moore's ria, Mulberry Grove ; act 26 Feb., Laws 1845, 166. . . Re- location of part of the road from Griggsville to the Mississippi, near Kinderhook: act 1 Jan., Laws 1845, 186. Location from Columbiana to J. Andrew's cab- , inet shop; act 27 Feb., Laws 1845, 189. . Location from St. Mary's to Cumberland; net ; 21 Jan., Laws 1845, 193. . . Location from : Pinckneyville to Liberty via Princeton; act 26 i Jan., Laws 1845, 196. . . Location from Little j Rock to the steam mill bridge in Cook county; I act 21 Jan., Laws 1845, 218. Location from El- ! gin to Sycamore ; act establishing a road from Elgin to the Oregon road, 3 Mar. 1843, repeal- ed; act 10 Feb., Laws 1845,233. . . Location from Mt. Sterling to Griggsville: act of 3 Mar., Laws 1845, 277. . . Legalizing the location from Belvidere to Little Fort ; act 3 Mar., Laws 1845, 279. . . Location from Chicago to Mil- ler's Grove ; act 26 Feb., Laws 1845, 290. . Location from Batavia to David Bennett's, in Du Page county; act 11 Feb., Laws 1845, 291. . . Re-location of the Vincennes and St. Louis road, near' Salem; act 11 Feb., Laws 1845, 333. Re-location of part of road from Salem to Vandalia ; act 21 Feb., Laws 1845, 348. 1847. Located from Decatur to Edwards- ville; act 1 Mar., Laws 1847,88. . . Road through Moore's lane (Scott) to Mechanic's ferry on the Illinois river; act 27 Feb., Laws 1847, 91. . . Darwin, Charleston and Springfield turn- , pike; road from Marshall's grove to Sullivan ; act 1 Mar., Laws 1847, 91. . . From Sparta, to Thomas Ferrill's (Union) ; state road located ; act 1 Mar., Laws 1847 ; 93. . . Location from ' Salem to the Marion line towards Greenville; ! bridge across the Okaw at Keyes' post (Clin- ton) ; act 27 Feb., Laws 1847, 93. . . From Equality to Marion ; Rockford to Ottawa; Asto- ria to Fulton ; Bridgeport to Pittsfield; Bridge- ; port to Wilmington ; Harrison's to Prairie de i Pont; Chicago to Dixon; LaSalle to Savannah; La Salleto Grand de Tour; Chicago to Rock- : ford; Bloomington to Spring Bay; Kaskaskia to St. Louis; Beardstown to above Rock river on the 4th meridian; Springfield to Liverpool; i Liverpool to Canton; from north line of Mas- sac, on the third meridian, to the Illinois in La Salle; Bloomington to Farmington; Lewistown to Petersburg; Peru to Galena; DuPage county to Kane county; part of Wa bash and Shelby ville road vacated ; from DuPage county to Aurora ; , Lacon towards Lafayette, Indiana ; Main street I in Quincy extended from Wood street one mile | east; Edwardsville to Decatur; Spring Bay to Hennepin, (repealed 1 Mar. 1847; Laws 1847, p. 89, 5); Havana to Crane creek; expenses of the Darwin and Charleston turnpike through Christian county ; Ottawa to Peru ; act 1 Mar., Laws 1847, 95. ". . From Fox river to Rock river; act 28 Feb., Laws 1847, 102. . . From Batavia to Bennett's (DuPage) ; act 28 Feb., Laws 1847, 103. . . From Rockford to the (50) GENERAL LAWS Road*. state line; act 28 Feb., Laws 1847, 103. . . The Northern Cross railroad in Adams county a state road ; act 26 Feb., Laws 1847, 103. . . Bath to Waverly; act 19 Feb., Laws 1847, 104. . . Liverpool to Canton; act 17 Feb., Laws 1847,105. . . Knoxville to Maconib; act 15 Feb., Laws 1847, 105. Springfield to Alton ; act 15 Feb., Laws 1847, 106. . . Vacation of part of the road from Cairo to Jonesboro; from Equality to Marion located; act 15 Feb., Laws 1847. 107. . . From Jacksonville to Alton ; act 15 Feb., Laws 1847, 107. . . From Wor- cester (McDonough) to county line, re-location ; act 13 Feb., Laws 1847, 108. . . Repeal of act locating road from Vandalia to McLeansbo- ro; act 16 Jan., Laws 1847, 108. 1849. Act 12 Feb., Pekin to Decatur ; Car- rollton to Columbiana; Columbiana to Ham- burg; Sycamore toMarengo; Waverly to Mil- ler's ferry ; Newton to Martinsville; proviso in 13 of the act 27 Feb. 1847, to locate a road and build a bridge, repealed; Thomas Keys and others to build said bridge; Sullivan to Decatur; Walnut Hill to Okaw^Bottom; Petersburg to Lewistown ; Marion to Pinckneyville; Peru to Knox's Grove ; Monmouth to Keithsburg ; Sy- camore to Marengo'and the state line ; a road in Kane county; Ovid A. Knox's Grove to Peru; certain reports under 2 and 8 of the act 1 Mar. 1847, legalized; Nashville to Chester; vacation of a road through a school section in Morgan county; change of road through Liber- ty (Morgan); Laws 1849, 146. . . Bradley's house to Gillespie's prairie; act 25 Jan., Laws 1849, 150. Location from Ottawa to Madison, Wisconsin; act 25 Jan., Laws 1849, 150. . . Mulkytown to Chester; act 2 Feb., Laws 1849, 151. . . Wabash and Shelbyville road which was vaca- ted by act 1 Mar. 1847, revived and altered; act 9 Feb.. Laws 1849, 151. 1851. Part of road from Springfield to Beardstown re-located ; act 14 Feb., Laws 1851, 91. . . To locate a road in Sangamon, Mor- gan and Macoupin; act 14 Feb., Laws 1851, 95. . . Brooklyn to Frankfort; act 15 Feb., Laws 1851,114. . . Lima to Warsaw ; act 15 Feb., Laws 1851, 114. . . Springfield to Carroll- ton; act 15 Feb., Laws 1851, 115. . . Loca- tion of part of road from Vandalia to Green- ville; act 15 Feb., Laws 1851, 126. . . Ches- ter to Troy ; act 17 Feb., Laws 1851 , 1 34. . . He-location from Athens to Sparta; act 17 Feb., Laws 1851. 136. . . Pipe Stone creek to Tea Cup Knob; Mulkytown to Chester; act 17 Feb., Laws 1851, 137. . . Vacation between Ver- mont and Maconib; re-location thereof; act 17 Feb., Laws 1851, 138. . . Kushville to Green- bush; act 17 Feb., Laws 1851, 151. . . Farm- ington to Monmouth re-located ; act 17 Feb., Laws 1851, 153. . . Location from Canton to Knoxville; Canton to Ellisville; Algonquin to John Gage's; part of act relating to road in Ful- ton county repealed; Canton to the mouth of Copperas creek; Urbana to Indiana line; part of act 1 Mar. 1847, repealed; (Laws 1847, 95), so that the road there laid on third meridian may vary ; Astoria to Rushville; Albion to Sa- lem; Meredosia to Warsaw; Sparta to Cairo; Palestine to Lawrenceville; act 17 Feb., Laws 1851, 170. 1852. Union to Genoa; act 21 June, Laws 1852, 90. . . Re-location of part of road from LaSalle to Grand de Tour ; re-loca- tion of part of road from Ottawa to Madison, Wisconsin ; act 23 June, Laws 1852, 204. . . Relocation of part of road from Atlas to Car- rollton ; act 23 June, Laws 1852, 214. . . Road located from Payson to Quincy, according to notes of the surveyor; act 23 June, Laws 1852, 266. 1853. Springfield to Mt. Pulaski; act 12 Feb., Laws 1853, 130. . . Pekin to Postville; act 12 Feb., Laws 1853, 131. . . Wabash river to Ewington; act 11 Feb., Laws 1853, 132. . . From the Illinois and Michigan canal to Lake Michigan, in Cook county; act 10 Feb., Laws 1853, 133. . . Macomb to Canton and Liver- pool plank road in Fulton; act 12 Feb., Laws 1853, 133. . . Dallas city to Farmington ; act 9 Feb., Laws 1853, 134. . . Re-location from Marcelline to the Mississippi ; location from Ottawa to Homer; act 14 Feb., Laws 1853, 135. . . Virginia to Vermont via Browning and Astoria; act 10 Feb., Laws 1853, 136. . . Freeport to Savannah via Cherry Grove; act 14 Feb., Laws 1853, 137. . . Elizabethtown to Mt. Vernon via Benton; act 11 Feb., Laws 1853, 138. . . Victoria to Henderson ; act 12 Feb., Laws 1853, 139. . . Murphysboro to Marion ; act 10 Feb., Laws 1853, 139. . . Hutsonville to Olney via Robinson ; act 10 Feb., Laws 1853, 140. . . Decatur to New Albany; act 11 Feb., Laws 1853, 142. . . Shelbyville to Mount Auburn ; 12 Feb., Laws 1853, 143. . . Win- chester to Taylorville via Manchester, and Vir- den; act 11 Feb., Laws 1853,144. . . Cam- bridge to Geneseo via Red Oak Grove and Cain- bridge; act 12 Feb., Laws 1853, 145. . . Fcoria to Rock Island n'aPrinceville, LaFayette, Bishop Hill and Cambridge ; act 12 Feb., Laws 1853, 155. . . Mascoutah to Pinckney- ville via Elkton ; act 14 Feb., Laws 1853, 156. . From the mill of William Hutchings, (Perry) to road from Sparta to Nashville ; Athens to Spar- ta via Lively's Point; Lebanon to Sparta via Jeftersonville; act 12 Feb., Laws 1853,158. . Tavlorville to Springfield; act 12 Feb., Laws 18o3, 187. . . Walnut Hill to Pinckneyville via Richmond; act 10 Feb., Laws 1853, 193. . Peoria to Rock Island rwPrinceville, LaFayette, Bishop Hill and Cambridge; act 11 Feb., Laws 1853, 194. . . Across the bottom to the Illi- nois at the mouth of Crooked creek; Elias Briggs to construct a plank road there ; act 10 Feb., Laws 1853, 195. . . Shawneetown to Urbana via Carmi and Charleston ; act 12 Feb., Laws 1853, 196. . . Lisle, (Du Page) to north line of Cook county; act 12 Feb., Laws 1853, 197. . . A certain road in Cook Co.; act 12Feb., Laws 1853, 199. . . Re-location from Oswego to Little Rock via Hadden's bridge; act 10 Feb., Laws 1853, 207. . . Re-location of part of road from Peru to Galena; act 10 Feb., Laws 1853, 207. . . Re-location of part of road from Vincennes to Chicago, north of the Iroquois and south of Sever creek ; act 12 Feb., Laws 1853, 205. . . Re-location of part of the Jack- sonville and Vandalia road between Waverly and the Macoupin line ; act 10 Feb., Laws 1853, 208. . . Re-location of part of road in Will county; act 14 Feb., Laws 1853, 209. . . Va- cation of road in Durham (McHenry); act 11 Feb., L,a,ws 1853, 213, Re-location from. GENERAL LAWS. (51) Road*. Astoria to Lewistown, in part; act 11 Feb., Laws 1853, 222. . . A road in town 341, in LaSalle county, not to be vacated ; act 10 Feb., Laws 1853, 266. . From Rushville to Car- thage, changed in Plymouth ; act 10 Feb., Laws 1853, 266. . . Re-location in Henderson and Warren counties of part of road from Farming- ton to Burlington, Iowa; act 14 Feb., Laws 1853, .2r,7. . . Re-location in Tazewell county of part of road from Springfield to Ottawa; act 10 Feb., Laws 1853, 267. . . Location and relo- cation of certain roads in LaSalle county; Otta- wa to Troy Grove ; act 11 Feb., Laws 1853, 268. Location of a road from Quincy; Lima to Chili i-i-i Woodville ; road out of Quincy by metes and bounds as specified; Henry to Weathersfield ; Lacon to the Illinois Central railroad via Crow creek; re-location from Quincy to Clayton; act 12 Feb., Laws 1853, 270. . . Act 26 Jan., from town of Big Rock, Kane county to Little Rock, Kendall county; Pr. Laws 1853, 442. . Act 24 Jan., vacates road from Roscoe to Beloit, laid out under act 28 Feb. 1847; Pr. Laws 1853, 449. . . Act 10 Feb., located from Waverly, Morgan county, to Taylorville, Christian coun- ty; Pr. Laws 1853, 608". 1854. Commissioners under all the acts of i the session of 1853, allowed further time; act 1 Mar. Laws 1854, 10. . . Act 27 Feb., repeals act 12 Feb. 1853 locating road in DuPage, C ook and Lake ; Pr. Laws 1854, 83. . . Act 28 ; Feb., vacates so much of road from Peoria to Quincy as runs through lands of Hart and Horton ; Pr Laws 1854, 129. . . Act 26 Feb., located from town 25 4 (McLean) tia Sickles' Grove, etc. to Harrie Gilbert's on the Wabash i (Vermilion;) Pr. Laws 1854, 129. . . Act4 JIar., ; changes part of road from Chillicothe to Indian- I town ; Pr. Laws 1854, 136. . . Act 25 Feb., j commissioners to re-locate part of road from j Peru to Galena ; Pr. Laws'1854, 139. . . Act i 4 Mar., part of road from TVaverly to Vandalia re-located; Pr. Laws 1854, 142. . . Act 4 | Mar., located from town 7 7 (Peoria) to Far- ' mington;Pr. Laws 1854,148. . . Act 4 Mar., re-located from Carlinville to Chatham; Pr. Laws 1854, 149. . . Act 1 Mar., from Algon- quin McHeury county via "Wauconda to Lake , and McHenry plank road at Des Plaines river bridge; iPr. Laws 1854, 169. . . Act 28 Feb., ; re-located from Waverly to Zanesville; Pr. Laws 1854, 172. . . Act 1 Mar., re-locating \ from Farmington to Burlington, in Fulton county; Pr. Laws 1854, 179. . . Act 1 Mar., located from Clinton county to Central City (Marion) : Pr. Laws 1854, 206. . . Act 28 Feb., located from the Iroquois bridge at Vin- cennes and Chicago road to Myers' mill (Ver- milon) ; from Myers 1 mill to Covington (Ind.) ; Pr. Laws 1854, 210. . . Act 1 Mar., re-located ' from Danville to Ottawa; Pr. Laws 1854,216. I . . Act 1 Mar., located from Waverly, via \ Virden to Macoupin Point; Pr. Laws 1854, 220. j 1855. Re-location in Kendall county of the road from Ottawa to Naperville ; act 15 Feb., i Laws 1855, 49. . . Location from New Lib- j erty to N. Conmer's in Johnson county ; act 15 Feb., Laws 1855, 49. . . Re-location of part of Belleville and Nashville road; actlo Feb., Laws 1855, 91. . . Re-location in part from Ottawa to Peru; act 15 Feb., Laws 1855. 92. . . Va- cation from Shelbyville to Palestine, in part ; act 15 Feb., Laws 1855, 93. . . Location from Ottawa to the Fall Creek bridge; act 14 Feb., Laws 1855, 95. . . Re-location in part, from Appenoose to Hunt's bridge ; act 15 Feb., Laws 1855, 97. . . Location from Marion to De Soto; act 14 Feb., Laws 1856, 98. . . Re-loca- tion in part, from Carthage to Rushville ; act 14 Feb., Laws 1855, 99. . . Re-location in part, from Charleston to Danville ; act 15 Feb., Laws V 1855, 104, Location from McLeansboro to Sa- lem; act 15 Feb., Laws 1855, 105. Time allowed for report of location from Steam Mills (Cook) to the intersection of Aurora and Dixon road ; act 15 Feb , Laws 1855, 107. . . Location from Kingston to Moore's (Pike); act 15 Feb., Laws IS 55, 109. . . Location out of LaSalle; act 15 Feb., Laws 1855,118. . . Road to Min- unk station ; from Lacon to the Lacon and Mag- nolia road; act 15 Feb., Laws 1855, 119. . . From Hamilton to Marcelline; act 15 Feb., Laws 1855, 123. . . From the Farmington road to the Canton and Liverpool plank road ; act 14 Feb., Laws 1855, 136. . . Vacation in part from Shelbyville to Palestine; act 14 Feb., Laws 1855, 137. . . Road from the Ohio (Har- din) a state road ; act 13 Feb., Laws 1855, 151. . Location from Centralia to A. McClelland; act 15 Feb., Laws 1855, 152. Location near Quincy; act 15 Feb., Laws 1855, 167. . . Re-location in part from York to Charleston ; act 14 Feb., Laws 1855, 159. . . Location from Marion to Car- bondale ; act 15 Feb., Laws 1855, 160. . . Lo- cation from Walnut Grove to Keithsburg; act 15 Feb. Laws 1855, 165. . . Re-location in part from Grayville to Carmi; act 13 Feb., Laws 1855,106. . . Location from Robinson to Mar- shall ; act 15 Feb., Laws 1855, 167. . . Re- location in part from Grayville to Mt. Carmel; act 14 Feb., Laws 1855, 167. . . Re-location in part of the Fairfield and Monmouth road ; also of the Carthage and Nauvoo road; act 14 Feb., Laws 1855, 168. . . Re-location in part of the Wabash and Shelbyville road; act 15 Feb., Laws 1855, 169. . . Location from Pleasant Hill and Burr Oak road to Danville and Ottawa road; act 15 Feb., Laws 1855, 177. . . Vacation and re-location in part from Albion to Salem ; act 14 Feb., Laws 1855, 184. . . Part of Northern Cross Railroad, near Quincy, a state road; act 3 Feb., Laws 1855, 185. . . Location from Vienna to Carbondale, via Camp- bell's mills ;^ct 15 Feb., Laws 1855, 187. . . Amending the act 12 Feb., 1853 ; location from Postville to Lincoln; act 12 Feb., Laws 1855, 193 1857. Location from Carlinville to Carroll- ton ; act 4 Feb., Laws 1857, 48. . . Location from Pittsfield to Quincy ; act 13 Jan., Laws 1857, 50. . . Vacation in part from Freeport to Savanna ; act 15 Jan., Laws 1857, 53. . . Re-location in Ogle county, in part, from Grand de Tour to Chicago ; act 10 Feb., Laws 1857, 58. . . Vacation near "Waterloo of part of Kas- kaskia road ; act 16 Feb., Laws 1857, 59. . . Location from Charleston to Olney; act 16 Feb., Laws 1857, 60. . . Re-location in part from Josephine to Knoxville; act 9, Feb , Laws 1857, 62. . . Location by metes and bounds from Ottawa to Dwight; act 16 Feb., Laws 1857, 63. . Location in town 6 11 (Crawford) ; act 9 Feb., Laws 1857, 65. . . Re-location in Tazewell county, of the Peoria and Springfield road ; act 11 Feb., Laws 1857, 67. . . Location from the (52) GE NERAL, LAWS Roads. southwest corner of Sangamon county to the Waverly and Vird:n road; net 14 F< !>., Laws 1857, '''^. . . From Littleton to Plymouth; act 18 Feb., Laws 1857, 69. . . Location from Shelbyville fin N'coga, to Prairie City, ami thence five miles east ; act 13 Feb., Laws 1857, 70. . . From the Virden and Taylorville road to the southeast corner of Sangamon county; act 14 Feb., Laws 1857, 75. . . From Taylorville to Mt. Pulaski ; act 16 Feb., Laws 76. . . From town 1:5 7 (Morgan) to the Cummington and Girard road; act 13 Feb., Laws 1857, 77. . . Vacation of a certain road in town :i7 10 (Will); act 11 Feb., Laws 1857, 78. '. . Location from Jefferson street Spring- field, west to Spring creek bridge; act 7 Feb., Laws 1857, 78. . . Location from Beverly (Adams) to the east end of Snvcarty road; act jji) Jan.. Laws 1857, 81. . . 'Re-location from Aurora to the west line of Kane county; act 13 Feb., Laws 1857, 83. . . Location from the Fox river bridge at Osage, to Bristol and Piano ; act 16 Feb., Law r s 1857, 86. . .. Re-location in part from Shelbyville to Danville ; plat in Ed- g\r county to be filed ; act 16 Feb., Laws 1857, 88. . . Vacation of the Knoxville and Enter- prise road in town 15 8 (Bureau) ; act 13 Feb., Laws 1857, 89. . . Vacation in part (Lee) of the road from Peru to Grand de Tour ; act 14 Feb., Laws 1857, 89. . . Vacation near Wau- conda, of the road from Algonquin; act 18 Feb., Laws 1857, 99. . . Location from North Fifth streetin Springfield to the new Sangamon bridge, on the Athens road ; act 9 Feb., Laws 1857, 101. '. Location from Marion to Benton; act 13 Feb., Laws 1857, 107. . . Location from Hig- ginsville to the Ottawa road, near Ten Mile Grove; act 18 Feb., Laws 1857, 108. . . Ke- location in part from Knoxville to Rock Island ; from town 13 1 to Kobinson's (Knox) ; act 19 Feb., Laws 1857, 117. . . Vacation in town 8 2 of the road from Bnrlington to Peoria ; act 16 Feb., Laws 1857, 118. . . Re-location in Hancock of the road from Carthage toMacomb ; act 16 Feb., Laws 1857, 120. . . Location from Marion to De Sola; act 18 Feb., Laws 1857, 123. . Re-location in Vermilion county of the Ottawa and Danville road; act 16 Feb., Laws 1857, 124. . . Location from Blooniington to the Indiana line ; act 17 Feb., Laws 1857, 137. . Location from Bear creek (Christian) to the Cummington and Chesterfield road; act 18 Feb., Laws 1857, 140. . . Re-location in Hancock county of the Rushville and Commerce road ; act 18 Feb., Laws 1857, 144. . . Location from the Ohio and Mississippi railroad, west line of Clinton county, to Elkton; act 16 Feb., Laws 1857, 145. . . Re-location in part of the Belleville and Nashville road ; act 18 Feb., Laws 1857,146. . . Re-location of the Carthage and Worcester road, between Carthage and Crooked creek bridge ; act 18 Feb., Laws 1857, 149. . . Location from town 2310 (Ford) to Pera; act 16 Feb., Laws 1857, 153. . . Re-location of the Knoxville and Cambridge road from Wata- ga to Oneida; act 18 Feb., Laws 1857, 154. . . Location from Sarahsville to McLeansboro; act 16 Feb., Laws 1857, 155. . . Location from town 25 4 to town 265, in McLean county; act 18 Feb., Laws 1857, 155. . . Re-location in Perry county of the Chester and Pinckney- ville road ; act 18 Feb., Laws 1867, 156. . . Re-location from the Big Muddy (Union) to the place of John Corgis; net 18 Feb,, Laws 1*57, Hi."); see also 178. . . Location from Laeon t<> Middleport ; act 18 Feb., Laws 1857, 167. . . Vacation in Monroe county, of the Waterloo and Harrisonvillc road; act l:< Feb., Laws 1857, 172. . . Construction across Horse swamp, between Marion and K<|iialitv; $777. appropria- ted ; act 17 Feb., Laws 1857, 196. . . Re-loca- tion from Warsaw to Carthage ; act 16 Jan., Laws 1857,' 221. 1859. Location from Albion to Newton ; act 24 Feb., Laws 1859, 195. . . Location from the west bank of the Wabash to Effingham ; act 19 Feb., Laws 1859, 196. . . Location from Indian Point to Metropolis; Indian Point road company incorporated; act 24 Feb., Laws IN.V.I. !!)(). . . Location from Tamaroa to the Mis- sissippi via Red Bud ; act 24 Feb., Laws 1859, 198. 1861. Act 18 Feb., located from Jefferson- ville to Albion via New Massillon ; Pr. Laws 1861,540. . . Act 21 Feb., re-locating part of the road from Murphysboro to Jonesboro; Pr. Laws 1861, 541. . . Act 22 Feb., located from Vincennes and Chicago road to the Paris and Springfield road; Pr. Laws 1861, 541. . . Act 18 Feb., located from Pinckneyville to Lib- erty ; Pr. Laws 1861, 543. 1863. Location east of Mascoutah in St. Chir county ; act 14 Feb., Laws 1863, 80. . . vocation from State Line station to Washing- ton ; act 13 June, Law r s 1863, 81. 1865. Act 16 Feb., incorporating the Quincy and Pittsfield Macadam or Tilford Road compa- ny ; 2 Pr. Laws 1865, 261. . . Act 15 Feb., amends act 18 Feb. 1861 locating a road through Perry, Randolph and Jackson ; 2Pr. Laws 1865, 266. . . Act 16 Feb., located from Beards- town to Rushville ; 2 Pr. Laws 1865, 268. . . Act 16 Feb., located from Fairfield to Clay City ; 2 Pr. Laws 1865, 269. 1867. Act 9 Feb., located from Fairfield to Clay City; 2 Pr. Laws 1867, 815. . . Act 23 Feb., location from Mattoon westward to the Okaw; 2 Pr. Laws 1867, 817. . . Act 25 Feb., located from Chebanse to Odell ; 2 Pr. Laws 18P7, 819. . . Act 28 Feb., amends act 15 Feb. 1865 locating a road through Perry, Randolph and Jackson ; 2 Pr. Laws 1867, 840. . Act 5 ^Vlar., incorporating the Cumberland Gra- ded Road company ; 2 Pr. Laws 1867, 841. . . Act 7 Mar., road on county line between Clin- ton and St. Clair connecting the St. Louis and Vincennes, and the Belleville and Hanover roads ; 2 Pr. Laws 1867, 844. 1869. Act 26 Mar., to revive the act of 10 Feb. 1853 " to locate a road from Virginia to Vermont ;" Laws 1869, 375. . . Act 27 -Mar., road on the line between Kankakee and Iro- quois counties; Laws 1869, 384. . . Act 29 Mar., location from Chester to Elkville (Jack- son) ; Laws 1869, 385. . . Act 31 Mar., to lo- cate u road from Galesburg to Rochester (Peo- ria) ; Laws 1869, 386. . . Act 30 Mar., loca- tionfrom Downey's store to Sparta ; Laws 1869, 389. . . Act 8 Mar., location from the south line of Sangamon county, on the line between Macoupin and Montgomery counties to the Hillsboro road; Laws 1869, :',!H. GENERAL, LAWS. (53) Schools. CHAP. 94. SALTPETRE CAVES. Act 6 Feb. enclosing and guarding saltpetre caves, similar to R. S. 1845 Ch. 94; Laws 1835, 151. CHAP. 95. SEAT OF GOVERNMENT. Kaskaskia. Consult Cont. 1818 Art. 8 13. Vandalia. Selection of a site; seat of govern- ment to be located there for twenty years ; Laws 1819 (30 Mar.) 361. . . Act 15 Dec. 1820; any j two commissioners allowed to carry out the | foregoing act ; Laws 1821, 3. . . Act 27 Jan. | acts of the commissioners confirmed ; seat of government to be at Vandalia for 20 years from the first Monday of December 1820; Laws 1821, 32. . . Act 31 Jan. compensation to the com- missioners for turning over their notes ; Laws 1823, 98. . . Act 23 Jan. repairs to the state house in Vandalia ; Laws 1829, 170. And again ; LaAvs 1831 (16 Feb.) 185. . . Act 5 Feb. vote to be taken for a place which shall forever re- main the seat of government; R. S. 1833, 572. . Act 25 Feb. act 5 Feb. 1833 repealed ; vote to be taken by the two houses in joint session, 28 Feb. 1837 ; erection of public buildings ; 1 Laws 1837, 321. Springfidd. Supplement to the act of 1837 (25 Mar.) ; public square to be conveyed by San- gamon county; public buildings erected ; 1 Laws 1837 (3 Mar.) 322. . . To remove the public offices; Laws 1839 (21 Feb.) 141. . . Deed of the square by Sangamon county confirmed; Laws 1847 (17 Feb.) 36. State House 1. To complete and furnish; Laws 1839 (12 Jan.) 47. Resolution to obtain ' the portraits of Washington and Lafayette ; Id. 294. . . Payment for w.ork and materials; Laws 1841 (29 Jan.) 31. . . Accounts of state house commissioners examined ; Laws 1841 (26 Feb.) 301. . . Same to be settled ; Id. (27 Feb.) 301. . . Care of the public buildings; Laws 1841 (26 Feb.) 302. . . Repair of the roof; Laws 1843 (24 Jan.) 289. . . Finishing the Hall of Representatives and repairing the roof; Laws 1843 (4 Mar.) 290. . . Completing vault ; Laws 1843, 322. . . Completion of the state house ; 1 Laws 1849 (12 Feb.) 184. Out- houses; Id. (12 Feb.) 104. Improving and or- namenting the grounds; Pr. Laws 1854 (28 Feb.) 182, Lighting with gas; Id. (1 Mar.) 137. Supply of water; Pr. Laws 1861 (22 Feb.) 295. Kepair of executive office; Laws 1869 (11 Mar.) 44. State JIoiise2. To be erected; Laws 1867 (25 Feb.) 6 and 162. Supplemental act; Id. (27 Feb.) 164. Amendment to the acts of 1867 , Laws 1869 (11 Mar.) 54. Discharge of J. Web- ber as secretary of the board of commissioners ; Id. (27 Mar.) 401. Governor's House Repairs on ; Laws 1847 (11 Feb.) 49. . . New house to be built; Laws 1853 (12 Feb.) 220. . . Lighting with gas; Pr. Laws 1854 (1 Mar.) 137. CHAP. 96. SECRETARY OF STATE. Act 19 Feb. to provide a state seal ; Laws 1819, 16 ; Laws 1829, 155; R.S. 1833, 569. . . Act 1 Mar. defining and regulating his duties; Laws 1819,87. . . Act 25 Mar. payment of postage upon official papers ; Laws 1819, 254. . . Act 12 Feb. care of the public property in the town of Vandalia ; Laws 1823. 128; Laws 1829, 170. . Act 6 Jan. stationery and firewood for the gene-; ral assembly; Law r s 1825, 59; Laws 1829, 74; R. S. 1833, 590. . . Act 18 Jan. care taken of public property in the two houses; Laws 1825, 184 10. . . Act 28 Jan., sundry duties pre- scribed ; Laws 1826, 91 2, 3. . . Act 15 Feb. preservation of the property of the state; former acts repealed ; R. S. 1827, 324; R. S. 1833, 505. . Act 14 Feb., defining and regulating his duties; former act repealed ; Laws 1831, 169 ; R. S. 1833, 567. . . Act 4 Mar. to receive and preserve geological specimens, etc., similar to R. S. 1845 Ch. 96 912 ; Laws 1843, 154. CHAP. 97. SECURITIES. Act 24 Mar. relief of securities in a summary way in certain cases ; Laws 1219, 243 1 8; Laws 1829, 155 ; Pv. S. 1833, 570. CHAP. 98. SCHOOLS. Act 25 Mar. college township five north, 1 west to be leased until 1 April 1821 ; Laws 1819, 252. Act 31 Jan. auditor to lease for not less than ten years; Laws 1821, 60. . . Act 2 Mar. lands reserved for the use of schools; Laws 1819, 107 111. . . Act 24 Mar. relief of per- sons settled on school lands ; Laws 181 9, 236. . Act 18 Feb. amending the foregoing act of 31 Jan. 1821, "authorizing the auditor to lease;" Laws 1823, 179. . . Memorial to the Presi- dent of the United States that the college town- ship be taken a section in a place; Laws 1823, 214. . . Act 7 Dec. 1824; compensation to the persons who selected the seminary lands ; Laws 1825, 5. . . Act 15 Jan. establishing free schools; Laws 1825, 121 ; E. S. 1833, 556. . Resolution for the appointment of agents to pro- tect seminary lands, and prosecute trespassers ; Laws 1825, 185. Resolution authorizing com- missioners of the school fund to invest the same in auditor's warrants; Laws 1825, 186. . . Act 26 Jan. payment of the three per cent fund ranted by congress ; Laws 1826, 79. . . Act S Jan. to preyent persons from trespassing on seminary and school lands ; Laws 1826, 80. . . Act 28 Jan. school funds kept in banks ; Laws 1826, 95 16. . . Act 17 Feb. amending the act of 15 Jan. 1825, '"for the establishment of free schools ;" R. S. 1827, 364; R. S. 1833, 554. . Act 17 Feb. relating to school lands; a consoli- dation of former acts which are repealed ; R. S. 1827, 366. . . Act 17 Jan. commissioners of the school and seminary fund authorized to loan the same to the state ; Laws 1829, 118. , . Act 22 Jan. sections 15, 16 and 17 of the loregoing act of 15 Jan. 1825, "for die establishment of free schools," repealed ; also, repealing the fore- going act of 17 Feb. 1827; Laws 1829, 149. . . Act 22 Jan. sale of the sixteenth section ; Laws 1829, 150. . . Act 12 Jan. sale of the semina- ry lands by the auditor ; Laws 1829, 158. . . Act 15 Feb. amending the foregoing act of 12 (54) GENERAL LAWS. Surveyors. Jan. 182$) for the sale of seminary lands ; Laws 1831, 171. . . Act 15 Jan. amending the act <>f 22 Jan. is-.".) for the sale of the 16th section ; Laws 1831, 172 JJJU 9. . . Act 1 Mar. appli- cation of the interest of the fund arising from the sale of the school lands of the townships ; R. R. 1*:J3, 5i>2. . . Act 12 Jan. credit on sales of school land; R. S. 1833, 560. . . Act 22 Feb. confirming certain leases of school lands ; R. S. 1833, 566. . . Act 13 Feb. school money to be taken from U. S. bank in St. Louis and de- posited in the state treasury ; R. S. 1833, 567. . Act 7 Feb. distribution and application of inter- est on school, college and seminary funds ; Laws 1835,22. . . Act 6 Feb. school money to be taken from U. S. bank at St. Louis and deposi- ted in the state treasury; Laws 1835, 25. . . Act 7 Feb. amending act of 1 Mar. 1833 ; Laws 1835,25. . . Act 12 Feb. security of school funds form of mortgage, etc. ; Laws 1835, 27. . Act Feb. repealing so much of the act 15 Feb. 1831, as grants pre-emption rights to settlers on seminary lands ; Laws 1835, 151. . . Act 15 Jan. amending the act for the "distribution and application of int;rest on school, college and seminary funds; Laws 1836, 249. . . Act 4 Mar. school moneys to be used to pay the state subscription to the stock of the state bank, and the bank at Shawneetown ; 1 Laws 1837, 194. . Act 4 Mar. amending act 7 Feb. 1837 ; purchase of school lands by the inhabitants of a town- ship; 1 Laws 1837, 312. . . Act 4 Mar. to amend the several acts in relation to common schools; 1 Laws 1837, 314 126. . . Reso- lution 18 Jan. selection of other lands in lieu of the 16th section ; 1 Laws 1837, 338. . . Act 21 July construction of 3 of the last named act of 4 Mar. 1837 ; 2 Laws 1837, 89. . . Act 16 Feb. to establish and regulate ferries on school lands ; Laws 1839, 120. . . Act 27 Feb. in ad- dition to the several acts for the sale of school lands; Laws 1839, 191. . . Act 1 Feb re-valu- ation of school lands ; Laws 1840, 85. . . Act 31 Jan. school commissioners to distribute school funds at the county seats ; Laws 1840, 87. . . Act 18 Jan. to amend the act of 4 Mar. 1837 about the vote on being incorporated ; Laws 1840, 90. . . Act 3 Feb. to amend the former acts in relation to payment of teachers; Laws 1840, 96. . . Act 7 Jan. distribution of inter- est on the school, college and seminary fund ; Laws 1841, 166. . . Act 25 Feb. school com- missioners to convey land in certain cases; Laws 1841, 257. . . Act 17 Feb. collectors to pay the school fund directly to the school commis- sioners ; Laws 1841, 257. . . Act 26 Feb. to organize and maintain common schools ; amend- ing and consolidating the former acts which are all repealed bynames and titles; Laws 1841, 259287. . . Act 28 Feb. distribution of the interest on the school, college and seminary fund to new counties; Laws 1843, 149. . . Amend- ing the act of 1841 (26 Feb.); Laws 1843, (20 Feb.) 281. . . A general act amending and consolidating the former statutes which are all repealed ; it was in force from its passage (R. S. 1845, 585 5.) R. S. Chap. 98, 495. Repealed; Laws 1847. (1 Mar.) 148 119. . . Trustees exempt from military duty and road labor; R. S. 1845 (1 Mar.) 594. . . General act; Laws 1848 (1 Mar.) 119. Repealed; 1 Laws 1849 (12 Feb.) 179 90. . . Partial certificates; Laws 1847 (11 Feb.) 149. And again; Laws 1853 (11 Feb.) 246. . . Fines given to school fund ; Laws 1847 (28 Feb.) 74. "And also; Laws 1853 (10 Feb.) 90. Repealed ; Laws 1857 (16 Feb ) 21)7 1)7. . . General act ; 1 Laws 1849 (12 Feb.) 153. Repealed ; Laws 1857 (16 Feb.) 21)7 97. . . Amended; Laws 1851, (15 Feb.) 127. Payment to R. M. Young for services ; Laws 1851 (17 Feb. 163. . . State superintendent; Laws 1854 (18 Feb.) 13. . . General act; Laws 1855 (15 Feb.) 51. ,sv^ Tocher* Institute. Chartered; property limited to $25,000. ; Pr. Laws 1855 (14 Feb.) 506. CHAP. 99. SHERIFFS AND CORO- XERS. Act 2 Mar. defining the duties of sheriffs and coroners; Laws 1819, 109 Jgl 13. . . Act 20 Jan., duties of coroners; Laws 1821, 22; R. S. 1833,578. . . Act 24 Jan. relief of ex-sheriffs, and especially Ephraim Hubbard, late territo- rial sheriff; R. S. 1827, 370. . . Act 12 Feb. a consolidation of former acts which are repeal- ed; R. S. 1827, 371 ; R. S. 1833, 573. . . Act 7 Feb. suits on official bonds; Laws 1831, 177; R. S. 1833, 578. Officer to act until his successor is qualified; Laws 1831, 178; R. S. 1833, 578. . Act 1 Mar. execution issued to the coroner on the failure of the sheriff ; Laws 1839, 217. . . Act 1 Feb. failing to pay over money collected ; Laws 1840, 78. CHAP. 100. SHOWS AND JUG- GLERS. Act 23 Jan. to prohibit shows of wax figures, tricks of jugglers, etc.; Laws 1829, 162; R. S. 1833, 582. CHAP. 101. SLANDER. Act 27 Dec. 1822 ; declaring certain words actionable ; nearly the same as this chapter ; Laws 1823, 82; Laws 1829, 163; R. S. 1833, 583. CHAP. 102. STEAMBOATS. Act 21 July to prevent disasters on steam- boats, similar to Ch. 102 R. S. 1845; 2 Laws 1837, 89. CHAP. 103. SURVEYORS. Act 31 Jan. appointment of surveyors for the several counties of this state; their powers and duties; Laws 1821, 62. . . Act 9 Feb., commis- sions of surveyors; Laws 1821, 117. . . Act 14 Jan. appointment and duties of county survey- ors ; foregoing acts both repealed; Laws 1829, j 172; R.S. 1833, 591. . . Act 13 Feb. supple- mental to the act of 1829 and explanatory there- of; Laws 1835, 61. . . Act 11 Feb. election of county surveyors; Laws 1835, 165. GENERAL LAWS. (55) Swamp lands Wolves. CHAP. 103a. SWAMP LANDS. Resolution concerning U. S. patents to bona -fide settlers; Pr. Laws 1855, 742. Resolution asking for law to confirm titles to land donated under act of Congress; Pr. Laws 1857 (16 Feb.) 1456. CHAP. 1035. TELEGRAPHS. Illinois and Mississippi Telegraph Company; charter amended; Laws 1852 (14 June) 4. Fur- ther amendment; Pr. Laws 1857 (6 Feb.) 268. kept in each county; Laws 1819, 169, 190; R. S. 1833,660. . . Act 4 Mar. to regulate Weights and Measures; similar to Ch. 108 (R. S. 1845.); I Laws 1843, 317. . . Weight of various arti- | cles; R. S. 1845, 532 6. . . Weight of coal ; Laws 1847 (18 Feb.) 168. . . Indian corn; Laws 1851 (15 Feb.) 112. Castor beans; Id. (17 Feb.) 194. . . General act; Laws 1853 (10 Feb.) 256. CHAP. 103d. TOWNSHIP ORGAN- IZATION. General act; 1 Laws 1849 (12 Feb.) 190. . . General act, amending and repealing the fore- going; Laws 1851 (17" Feb.) 35. Amendment; Laws 1854 (27 Feb.) 27. . . Formation of new towns boundaries; Laws 1857 (14 Feb.) 46. Altering and laying out roads; Id. (12 Feb.) 55. Vacancies in town offices; Id. (16 Feb.) 183. Highways on state line; Id. (7 Feb.) 62. CHAP. 104. TRESPASS. To prevent trespass by cutting timber ; simi- lar to this chapter; Laws 1819 (27 Feb.) 84; Laws 1829, 185; R. S. 1833, 602. Repeal of 6; R, S. 1833 (25 Feb.) 604. Jurisdiction of justi- ces under said act; Laws 1839 (12 Jan.) 42. Trespassing on canal lands; Laws 1835 (9 Feb.) 34. CHAP. 105. VENUE. Act 23 Feb. mode of changing the venue in courts of record; Laws 1819, 46. . . Act 8 Feb. notice of an application ; duty of the clerk, the expenses; Laws 1821, 113. . . Act 23 Jan. changing the venue in civil and criminal cases ; a consolidation of the former acts which are repealed; R. S. 1827, 381 ; R. S. 1833, 606. . Act 28 Feb. after the first term, similar to R. S. 1845 Ch. 105 6, 7, 15; Laws 1839, 198. . . Act 1 Feb. 1840; change of venue after appeal in cases of the right of way, similar to R. S. 1815, Ch. 105 24; Laws 1840, 36. CHAP. 109. WILLS. Act 23 Mar. administrations, and the descent of intestate estates; Laws 1819, 223, 125. . Act 2 Feb. sale of the real estate of minors in certain cases to pay the debts of their ancestors ; Laws 1821, 72. . . Act 28 Jan. executors and administrators to sell real estate to pay debts in certain cases; Laws 1823, 90. . . Act 12 Feb. amending the act of 23 Mar. 1819; Laws 1823, 27 13. . . Act 10 Jan. register's certifi- cates for land sold and transferred by executors, etc.; Laws 1825, 55. . . Act 10 Jan. appoint- ! ment of public administrators ; Laws 1825, 70. . . Act 7 Feb. executors and administrators to sell real estate to pay debts in certain cases ; former acts repealed ; R. S. 1827, 200. . . Act 28 Dec. 1826 ; revival of the above act of 10 Jan. 1825, for the "transfer of register's certificates;" R. S. 1827, 280. . . Act 23 Jan. relative to wills and testaments, executors and administra- tors and the settlement of estates ; a consolida- | tion of the former acts which are repealed ; | Laws 1829, 191 ; E. S. 1833, 611. . . Act 14 1 Feb. amends the former acts in relation to wills ; Laws 1831, 191 17; R. S. 1833, 656. . . Act 25 Feb. supplemental to the act of 1829 ; R. S. 1833, 656. . . Act 1 Mar. supplemental to the act of 1829; E. S. 1833, 659. . . Act 2 Mar. when the probate justice is himself wit- ness to a will, similar to Ch. 109 R. S. 1845 go; Laws 1839, 259. . . Act 17 Feb. settlement of estates after the division of counties ; Laws 1841, 22. . . Act 21 Feb. public administrators ap- i pointed for four years; Laws 1843, 10. . . | Act 6 Mar. widow allowed six months to file re- nunciation under the will; real estate of feme covert dying intestate; similar to Ch. 109 (E. S. 1845) 47; Laws 1843, 319. CHAP. 107. WARRANTS OF CITIES AND TOWNS. Act 4 Mar. warrants not to circulate as mo- ney, similar to this chapter in the revised stat- utes; Laws 1843, 67. CHAP. 108. WEIGHTS AND MEA- SURES. CHAP. 110. WOLVES. Act 28 Jan. to encourage the destruction of wolves; Laws 1823, 86. . . Act 15 Jan. to encourage the killing of wolves ; repeal of the above act ; Laws 1825, 116. . . Act 28 Jan. repeal of the last foregoing act; Laws 1826, 95 15. . . Act 15 Feb. bounty given to encou- rage the killing of wolves; ILaws 1837, 334. Act 10 Dec. 1839; to amend the act of 1837; Laws 1840, 155. . . Act 15 Feb. county to Act 22 Mar. standards to be provided and offer a bounty ; Laws 1843, 319. A. H T II PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. ADAMS COUNTY. County formed and boundary defined ; L. 1825 (13 Jan.) 93 2. Respecting the county revenue; L. 1826 (27 Jan.) 89. Commissioners to stake out road from Quincy to Springfield; Pr. L. 1827 (11 Jan.) 9. Act 22 Jan., survey of a road from Beard's ferry rig Rushville to Quin- cy ; L. 1829, 133 3. Repealed ; Pr. L. 1833, 178. Act 15 Feb., W. B. Gooding to convey lands belonging to M. J. McCorkle, an infant ; L. 1831, 124. Extends $2 of act 22 Jan. 1831 TL. 1831, 38] to last Monday in October 1833; L. 1833 (22 Feb.) 13. Act 25 Feb., Nancy, wi- dow of Thomas Ross to invest surplus in real estate. Pr. L. 1833, 122. Act 12 Feb., vote on removing the county seat from Quincy; L. lS:;o, 38. Act 12 Feb., records to be copied, also i deeds recorded in Rushville ; L. 1835, 159. Act 15 Jan., part of revenue law repealed a.s to said I county ; L. 1836, 231. Act 3 Mar., western j boundary the middle of the Mississippi ; 1 L. | 1837, 91. Act 12 Feb., name of Fail-field ! changed to Mendon ; L. 1839, 81. Act 17 Feb., to incorporate the Payson Academy; L. 1841, ' 10. Act 20 Jan., vote on removing the county \ seat from Quincy to Columbus; L. 1841, 94. Act 24 Feb., John L. Hunsacker to keep a ferry i across the Mississippi between Payson and Ma- ! rion City, Mo. ; L. 1841, 116. Act 1 Mar., tax j to pay money to Marquette county ; L. 1843, 92. | Act 3 Feb., to legalize certain records copied by 1 John H. Holton ; L. 1843, 208. Additional jus- I ticeand constable in Lima precinct; act 27 Feb., | L. 1845, 159. Legalizing the sale of school j lands in towns 1 N 8, 1 S 8 and 2 7 ; act 27 i Feb., L. 1845, 162. Adelphia Theological semi- i nary, incorporated by act of 26 Feb.; L. 1845, | 283. New patents to issue to H. T. Ellis, for i land in town 1 N 7 ; act 21 Feb., L. 1845, 299. i Act 16 Feb., Silas Beebe to establish ferry | across the Mississippi for 20 years, at Payson. j Pr. L. 1847, 46. Act 17 Feb., incorporating the i German Catholic Beneficent Brothers Society. Pr. L. 1847, 107. Act 28 Feb., incorporating Vjwn of Lima; boundary- defined. Pr. L. 1847, 152. Securities on the supersedeas bond of j Alonzo Pate, convicted of forgery in said circuit i court, released from payment ; act 9 Jan., L. 1849, 111. Northern Cross railroad in said .'ounty declared a state road; act 26 Feb., L. '847,103. Town of Mendon created ; election herein, act 15 Feb., L. 1851, 117. Town of *ayson to elect an additional justice and con- stable; act 17 Feb., L. 1851, 185. Act 12 Feb.. Daniel Moore granted state peddler's license for life, with conditions. Pr. L. 1851, 85. Act 12 Feb., incorporating the Mendon Branch rail- road Co. Pr. L. 1853, 44. Act 3 Feb., vacates town plat of Hartford. Pr. L. 1853, 487. Act 11 Feb., releases judgment rendered 25 Apr. 1843 against Richard Eells for secreting negro slave of Chauncey Durkee of Missouri. Pr. L. 1853, 488. Act 12 Feb., vacates part of town plat of Burton. Pr. L. 18,"3, 501. Act 12 Feb. 1853, W. Wren andH. Ballardto establish ferry across the Mississippi at mouth of Lima Lake Slough. Pr. Laws 1853, 523. Union school district created from lands in Towns 1 9, 2 9, 18 and 28; act 8 Feb., L. 1853, 186. Act 4 Mar., part of the Northern Cross R. R. appro- priated as public highway. Pr. L. 1854, 213. Act 1 Mar., directors of Union School District to appoint a treasurer. Pr. L. 1854, 221. Swamp lands in said county ; act 15 Feb., Laws 1855, 176. County court to be held on first Mon- day in each month ; L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 191. Act 14 Feb., incorporating the Quincy and Mendon plank road; complete in 5 years. Pr. Laws 1855, 479. Act 13 Feb., incorporating town of Camp Point. Pr. Laws 1857, 539. Act 13 Feb., name of John Bliss changed to Chas. Wesley Long. Pr. L. 1857, 550. Constructing a levee from Millville along the Mississippi in- to Calhouu county; for reclaiming overflowed lands ; act 10 Feb., L. 1857, 255. Act 14 Feb., Silas Brown, convicted of larceny, restored to citizenship. Pr. L. 1857, 615. Act 18 Feb., re- vived act 12 Feb. 1853, incorporating the Men- don Branch R. R Co. ; complete in 10 years, may extend to Warsaw; Pr. L. 1857, 1240. Taxation in district 2 in Melrose, to pay for school property and improvements ; act 18 Feb., L. 1859, 179. Town 29 south of Bear creek attached to a school district in town 1 9 ; act 24 Feb., L. 1859, 181. Trustees of schools in town 2 8 to purchase a lot from Marcelline Lodge ; act 24 Feb., L. 1859, 181. Act 20 Feb., incorporating the Mississippi Levee Co.; limit 20 years; Pr. L. 1861, 447. Act 22 Feb., for ex- tending road through Ellington to intersect the Qnincy and Rushville; Pr. L. 1861, 540. Act 22 Feb., incorporating the Adams County Medical Society. Pr. L. 1861, 546. Act 16 Feb., town of Fall Creek to levy special tax to pay bounties to volunteers and drafted men. 1 Pr. Laws 1865, 157. Act 16 Feb., town of Melrose to pay bounties to volunteers in U. S. service. (68) P R I V A T E AND SPECIAL LAWS. County 1 Pr. L. 1865, 104. Act 14 Feb., town of Pay- M>U to pav bounties to persons in V. S. service-. 1 Pr. L. 1865, 169. Act 16 Feb., for the erec- tion of a new court house and jail in city of Quincy. 1 Pr. L. 1SC.5. 535. Act 10 Feb., Miieiuls act 30 Feb. l*iil incorporating the Mississippi Levee Co.; complete in 15 years : to construct a railroad thereon. 2 Pr. L 1805, 1. Act 16 Feb., Incorporating the Adams County H. H. Co. 2 Pr. L. 1805, 127. Act 22 Feb., in- corporating the Adams County Agricultural :md Horticultural Society. 1 Pr. L'. ]8i;;, 41. Act 28 Feb., vacates certain avenues traversing part of sec. 24, Town 1 9 as platted by C. A. Savage. 1 Pr. Laws 1807, 55. Act 21 Feb., for the preservation of game and fish in said county and that of Hancock. 1 Pr. L. 1807,989. Act 28 Feb., repeals act 16 Feb. 1805 enabling town of Fall Creek to levy a war fund tax. 3 Pr. L. 1867, 128. Act 3 Mar., vacates part of town plat of New Liberty. 3 Pr. L. 1807, 240. Act 5 Mar., incorporating town of Keokuk Junction. 3 Pr. L. 1867, 240. Act 1 Mar., incorporating town of Mendon. 3 Pr. Laws 1867, 617. Allow- ance to sheriff for dieting prisoners ; L. 1807 (7 Mar.) 114. Act 24 Mar., to preserve the fish in said county; L. 1869, 185. Act 9 Apr., the county and Quincy to take stock in two H. R.; L. 1809, 202. Act 10- Mar., to change the name of Win. Bowles to Wm. Creed and make him heir of Thos. Creed; Laws 1809, 268. Act, 31 Mar., official circuit court reporter; L. 180!), 850. Bollard and Wren to establish a ferry across the Mississippi in said county; L. 1869 (24 Feb.) 114. ty'tiney. Act 22 Feb., incorporating the Quincy Manufacturing Co. Pr. L. 1838, 59. Act 31 Jan., trustees of town to build wharves j and establish ferries; L. 1835, 72". Act 15 Jan., ' incorporating the "Quincy Insurance Co.;" L. j 1836, 109. Act 4 Mar., incorporating the Quincy Academy ; Pr. L. 1837, 287. Town incorpora- i ted ; boundary defined; lands within town lim- its, not laid out, to be taxed no higher than they are under general law; Pr. L. 1839 (21 Feb.) 103. Act 3 Feb. 1840; city incorporated ; L. 1840, 113. Foregoing amended ; L. 1841 (7 Jan.) 57. Vacation of the plat of lots in Ran- dolph's addition ; act 26 Feb., L. 1845, 108. Road bed of the Northern Cross railroad, relin- quished by the state to the city ; act 1 Mar., L. 4845,212. Charter amended concerninar school tax; vote taken thereon; act 14 Feb., L. 1845, 327. The city erected into a common school district ; act 27 Feb., L. 1847, 151. Act, 10 Jan John Wood to lay off a part of N. W. ' , of sec. 11, Town 2 9 as a cemetery, and attach the same to the city, upon terms agreed. Pr. L. 1847, 19. Act 22 Jan., incorporating the Quin- cy Lodge No. 12 of the I. (). O. F; John Wood's conveyance of burial lots in Woodland cemete- ry, declared valid. Pr. Laws 1847, 58. Act 27 Feb., amends act 3 Feb. 1840 incorporating the city of Quincy. Pr. L. 1847, 134. Act 10 Feb.. incorporating the Quincy Mutual Fire Insurance Co.; limit 20 years. Pr. L. 1849, 48. Act 26 Jan., the German United Evangelical Protestant Congregation of the Lutheran and Reformed Confessions changed to and incorporated as the Evangelical Lutheran Church of St. John. Pr. L. 1849, 75. Acting members of organized fire companies exempt from serving on all juries ; act 12 Feb., L. 1849, 84. Resident members of any fire company exempt from all road and street labor, but not from tax on property ; act 12 Feb., L. 1849, 84. City assessor to asset's state taxes ; citv exempt from township orirani- xation ; act 15 Feb., L. 1851,121. Special tax to pay interest on bonds under act of Nov. 1S1!) ; act 17 Feb., L. 1851, 144. Act 28 Jan., farther amends act 3 Feb. 1840 incorporating city ; Pr. L. 1851, 19. Act 17 Feb., incorporating the German General Beneficial Association. Pr. L. 1851, 288. Manner of assessing and collect- in taxes; L. 1S52 (23 June) 230. Foregoing amended ; Pr. L. 1853 (24 Jan.) 449. Also, L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 132. Act !) Feb., amends act in- corporating the city ; for the improvement of streets. Pr. L. 1858, 339. Act 12 Feb., incor- porating the Quincy Savings and Insurance Co. Pr. L. 1853, 389. Act 20 Jan., city to subscribe $100,000. stock in Northern Cross railroad; issue bonds and levy tax to pay. Pr. L. 1853. 471. Act 12 Feb., incorporating the Quincy Gas Light and Coke Co., limit 25 years. Pr. L. 1858, 510. Act 9 Feb., incorporating the St. Aloysius Orphan Society of the St. Bonifacius Congregation of Quincy. Pr. L. 1853, 511. Act 10 Feb., incorporating the Railroad Bridge; Co.; across the Mississippi at Quincy ; complete in years. Pr. L. 1853, 570. Act 17 Jan., supple- mental to act 3 Feb. 1840 incorporating city of Quincy. Pr. L. 1855, 59. Act 5 Feb., incorpo- rating the Quincy English and German Semi- nary ; lands 1000 acres ; conference of M. E. Church to appoint board of visitors; Pr. L. 1855, 377. Act 15 Feb., revives act 12 Feb. 1853 incorporating the Quincy Savings and Insur- ance Co. Pr. L. 1855, 385. Act 15 Feb., amends j-2 Art. 5 original city charter; council to appoint clerk, treasurer, assessors, street commissioner, etc. Pr. L. 1855, 491. Act 13 Feb., incorporating the Quincy Water Co. ; con- demn private property; exclusive privilege of supplying water to city for 50 years; city may take stock in. Pr. L. 1855, 553. Act 15 Feb., incorporating the Quincy Wood and Coal Co ; construct plank or railroad from lands. Pr. L. 1855, <>2G. Ae,t 14 Feb., incorporating the Woodland Home for orphans and friendless. Pr. L. 1855, 008. Act 15 Feb., incorporating the Irish Benevolent Society. Pr. Laws 1855, 722. Act 29 Jan., amends act 16 Jan. 1847, au- thorizing John Wood to lay oft' a burying ground and convey same to the city ; name of Woodland Cemetery ; addition made thereto. Pr. L. 1857, 91. Act 30 Jan., reduces the acts incorporating the city to one act and amends the same. Pr. L. 1857, 156. Act 31 Jan., legalizes said city's subscription to the Northern Cross R.R. Pr. L. 1857, 229. Act 10 Feb., incorpo- rating the German Mutual Aid and Gymnastic Society. Pr. L. 1857, 338. Act 11 Feb., incor- porating the Odd Fellows, and Mason's Build- ing Association ; Pr. L. 1857, 371. Act 11 Feb., amends act 12 Feb. 1853 incorporating the Quincy Gas Light and Coke Co.; may borrow money and issue bonds. Pr. L. 1857, 433. Act 12 Feb., amends act incorporating the Quincy Wood and Coal Co.; not confined to Adams county. Pr. L. 1857, 482. Act 13 Feb., incor- porating the Quincy Academy. Pr. L. 1857, 527. Boundaries of the city extended; schools regulated ; yote to be taken thereon ; act 16 PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. (69) Quincy. Feb., L. 1857, 179. Act 16 Feb., supplemental to act 30 Jan. 1857 incorporating said city: may issue $75,000. bonds. Pr. L. 1857, 1062. Act 16 Feb., incorporating the New England Society of Quincy. Pr. L. 1857, 1065. Act 18 Feb., in- corporating the Adams Grove No. 2 of the United Ancient Order of Druids. Pr. L. 1857, 1348. Act 18 Feb., amends act 14 Feb. 185.") in- ; corporating the Woodland Home for Orphans . and Friendless; control over children surren- ' dered thereto extended ; regulations respecting the binding out of such. Pr. L. 1859, 13. Act 20 Jan., confirms act 30 Jan. 1857, to reduce the law incorporating the city of Quincy and the several amendatory acts into one, and amend the same; legalizes the acts of said city in pur- suance of said act. Pr. L. 1859,252. Act 21 Feb., incorporating the German Insurance and Savings Institution. Pr. L. 1859, 386. Act 22 ; Feb., incorporating the German Evangelical Salem's Church. Pr. L. 1861, 85. Act 20 Feb., incorporating the Hebrew Congregation K. K. Buai Avrohum. Pr. Laws 1861, 87. Act 20 Feb., city to levy a two mill tax to create a sink- ing fund. Pr. L. 1861. 246. Act 22 Feb., sup- plemental to act establishing a board of educa- tion ; appointment and salary of superintendent of public schools. Pr. L. 1861, 247. Act 2 Feb., for the establishment of a sinking fund to re- duce the city indebtedness ; special election ; council to appoint sinking fund commissioners. Pr. L. 1861, 248. Act 20 Feb.. providing for negotiation of the city bonds. Pr. L. 1861, 249. Act 20 Feb., incorporating the Board of Educa- tion ; powers and duties. Pr. L. 1861,249. Act 22 Feb., incorporating the Farmers' and Mer- chants' Insurance Co. Pr. L. 1861, 375. Act 22 Feb., corporate name of the Quincy Savings and Insurance Co. changed to the Quincy Sav- ings Bank. Pr. L. 1861, 422. Act 22 Feb., in- corporating the Tyler and Greenleaf Sewing Machine Co. Pr. L. 1861, 471. Act 21 Feb., amends act 5 Feb. 1855 incorporating Quincy English and German Seminary ; changed to the Quincy English and German College. Pr. L. 1863, 10. Act 14 Feb., said city to constitute one revenue collection district ; not to give secu- rity for costs ; collect gas tax. Pr. L. 1863, 171. ; Act 13 Feb., amends act 22 Feb. 1861 incorpora- ting the Farmers' and Merchants' Insurance Co.; business divided into two departments, Stock j and Mutual ; effect life insurance. Pr. L. 1863, j 203. Act 15 Feb., incorporating the Quincy Academy. 1 Pr. L. 1865, 5. Act 11 Feb., in- corporating the Independent German School Association. 1 Pr. Laws 1865, 34. Act 16 Feb.. incorporating the Grand Grove United Ancient Order Druids of the State of Illinois. 1 Pr. L. 1865, 74. Act 16 Feb., incorporating the Home for the Children of Deceased and Disabled Sol- diers. 1 Pr. L. 1865, 79. Act 16 Feb., incorpo- rating the Evangelical Protestant Widows' and Orphans' Aid Society. 1 Pr. L. 1865, 86. Act 14 Feb., said city to levy special tax to pay bounties to persons in the U. S. service. ' 1 Pr. L. 1865, 151. Act 16 Feb., supplemental to the foregoing; question of such special tax to be submitted to legal voters at a special election. ' 1 Pr. L. 1865, 152. Act 15 Feb., revives act 10 Feb. 1853 incorporating the Quincy Bridge Co. 1 Pr. L. 1865, 194. Act 16 Feb., incorporating the Quincy Board of Trade. 1 Pr. L. 1865, 534. Act 16 Feb., incorporating the Board of Fire Engineers ; powers and duties of. 1 Pr. L. 1865, 567. Act 11 Feb., incorporating the Quincy Horse Railway and Carrying Co. for 50 years ; 1 Pr. L. 1865, 601. Act 16 Feb., the Farmers' and Merchants' Insurance Co. may take wind and marine risks. 1 Pr. L. 1865, 646. Act 16 Feb., name of Atta Z. Orr changed to Atta Z. Adams ; said Atta Z. Adams and George Adams infant made he.irs of George and Aargery Ann Adams. 2 Pr. L. 1865, 95. Act 15 Feb., incorpora- ting the Illinois and Missouri Transportation Co. 2 Pr. L. 1865, 671. Charges of the city against rafts of lumber ; act 16 Feb., L. 1865, 101. Act 6 Feb., legalizes Quincy Railroad Bridge Co. and facilitate its construction. 1 Pr. L.1867, IPS. Act 5 Mar., I. N. Morris to lay off addition to Woodland Cemetery to be known as the Bluff' Cemetery. 1 Pr. L. 1867, 226. Act 9 Feb., amends "act 26 Jan. 1849 incorporating the Evangelical Lutheran Church of St. John ; part repealed; election of trustees. 1 Pr. L. 1867. 240. Act 21 Feb., amends act 22 Feb. 1861 chartering the German Evangelical Salem's Church; powers extended. Pr. L. 1867, 241. Act 28 Feb., extending corporate limits of said city. 1 Pr. L. 1867, 737. Act 8 Mar., city to pay its proportion of county expen- ses. 1 Pr. L. 1867, 873. Act 27 Feb., fur- ther amends act 20 Feb. 1861 establishing the Board of Education. 1 Pr. L. 1867, 913. Act 18 Feb., amends act 16 Feb. 1865 establishing a board of fire engineers ; repeals 8; assessments upon insurance companies. 1 Pr. L. 1867, 949. Act 9 Feb., incorporating the Quincy Hotel Co. 2 Pr. L. 1867, 40. Act 23 Feb., incorporating the Woman's Hospital at Quincy. 2 Pr. L. 1867, 77. Act 7 Mar., incorporating the Illi- nois Life Insurance Co. 2 Pr. L. 1867, 118. Act 5 Mar., incorporating the Quincy Union Mutual Insurance Co. 2 Pr. L. 1867,168. Act 9 Mar., incorporating the Valley Insurance Co. 2 Pr. L. 1867, 200. Act 19 Feb., to organize and define the powers of the Quincy Library. 2 Pr. L. 1867, 245. Act 22 Feb., incorporating the Library Hall Co. 2 Pr. L. 1867, 246. Act 7 Mar., incorporating the Excelsior Stove Works. 2 Pr. L. 1867, 306. Act 8 Mar., incor- porating the Dexter Manufacturing and Mer- cantile Co. 2 Pr. L. 1867, 318. Act 22 Feb., amends act 11 Feb. 1857 chartering the Odd Fellows' Building Association ; powers exten- ded. 2 Pr. L. 1867, 466. Act 7 Mar., incorpo- rating the Quincy Times Co. 2 Pr. L. 1867, 513. Act 28 Feb., incorporating the St. Louis and Quincy Packet Co. 3 Pr. L. 1867, 86. Act 8 Mar., in relation to streets in East Quincy. 3 Pr. L. 1867, 112. Quincy House. Act 1 Mar., incorporates the Quincy House Co. Pr. L. 1839, 209. Act 3 Feb., supplemental to foregoing ; L. 1840, 132. Con- veyed to the state in settlement of a claim against J. Tillson; act 23 Feb., L. 1847, 67. Sale to be made ; act 12 Feb., L. 1849, 107. Af- firming the sale to Ash and Diller : act of 7 Feb., L. 1851, 22. Act 13 Jan., confirms the survey and plat of town ; L. 1836, 231. Clayton. Act 27 Feb., town incorporated un- der act 12 Feb. 1831 [L. 1831, 82] without refe- rence to number of inhabitants. Pr. L. 1837, 107. >Act 16 Feb., incorporating town. 2 Pr. L. 165, 422. (60) PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. Agricultural College* Alexander County. Columbus. Act 10 Feb., incorporating town. Pr. L. 1H49, 129. Act 14 Feb., Incorporating town. Pr. L. 1855, 187. Act J3 Feb. 1867, i amends foregoing; to regulate the sale of liquors. 3. Pr. L. 1867, 610. AGRICULTURAL COLLEGES. Illinois Agricultural College incorporated; distribution of seminary lands; L. 1861 (21 Feb.) y. Foregoing amended; powers extended; 1 j Pr. L.1867 (12 Feb.) 1. To secure the endow- ment fund of; L. 1869 (19 Apr.) 8. Indentures | o! apprentices by the New York Juvenile Asy- lum legalized: L. 1861 (18 Feb.) 15. Donation, of public lands by Congress accepted ; L. 1808 (14 Feb.) 64. Industrial University located; L. 1867 (25 Jan.) 122. Organization and mainte- nance of said university; Id. (28 Feb.) 123. Sup- plemental to the foregoing; Id. (8 Mar.) 130. ALEXANDER COUNTY. County established; commissioners to fix county seat; Laws 1819 (4 Mar.) 113. Win. M. Alexander to dam Cache river on sec. 30, Town 115; Id. (27 Mar.) 296. Same to collect toll tor crossing his bridge across the Cache; L. 1823 (12 Feb.) 136. Appropriates $500. to improve road across the Cache bottom; L. 1829 (.19 Dec. 1828) 143 4- Acts locating county seat at America repealed ; David Haleman and others commissioners to locate county seat and give it a name ; Pr. L. 1833 (18 Jan.) 24. [No acts specially locating county seat at America appear among the printed statutes.] Confirm- inir the county seat at Unity; court house and ; public property at America sold; L. 1835 (24 ! Jan.) 142. The Vulcan Foundry chartered; j Pr. L. 1837 (1 Mar.) 195. The Unity manufac- turing Co. chartered; Id. (2 Mar.) '235. The; Cairo City and Canal Co. chartered; Pr. L.1837 (4 Mar.) 302. Foregoing amended; 12 repeal- ed; Pr. L. 1839 (IFeb.) 32. Further amend- . ed ; sell lots in Cairo under territorial act of 9 ' Jan. 1818 chartering the city and bank of Cairo; j Id. (2 Mar.) 237. Supplemental to first forego- ing; L. 1841 (17 Feb.) 125. Road from Caledo- ; nia to Santa Fee located; L. 1839 (12 Feb.) 100. : Also, from Haws' via Caledonia to Trinity; Id. (2 Mar.) 253. Wm. Clapp and John Hodges to j collect county taxes for 1839; L. 1845 (1 Mar.) 104. Taxes for 1844 remitted, by reason of loss \ from high water ; Id. (21 Feb.) 353. County to borrow $2,000. to complete public buildings; j Pr. L. 1847 (4 Feb.) 26. Suritics of Jesse J. Me- I Clendon, collector for 1839,' released condition- i ally; Id. (23 Feb.) 180. Pre-emptions granted to D. H. Brush and A. P. Gross; L. 1851 (15 Feb.) 104. Green Massey, late sheriff, allowed i ?60.; Pr. L. 1851 (15 Feb.) 34. To Win. R. Ken- : dall, ferry across the Mississippi opposite Cape Gftrardean; Id. (17 Feb.) 299. Win. Whitaker, i convicted of larceny, restored to citizenship; ' Pr. L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 443. Trustees in Town 17 1 to use school fund to erect and furnish j school house; L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 180. Acts of; school trustees Town 14 3 legalized; Pr. L. 1854 (4 Mar.) 179. To Green P. Garner, ferry : across the Cache at Unity ; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 605. Removal of county seat from Thebes to Cairo; first vote thereon; L. 1859 (18 Feb.) 41. Bridge across the- Cache at sec. 1, Town 17 1 legalized; Pr. L. 1859(24 Feb.) 15. James L. Brown, collector for 1854 5, allowed $110.84 overpaid; Pr. L. iNiil (22 Feb.) .">fi. Copies of Records "A"and"B" ]ra]i/.e Feb.) 20. Securities withdrawn in certain cases; L. 1807 (28 Feb.) 48. HKNTON COUNT V. For the creation of; boundary and organi/a- tion; L. 184:: (4 Mar.) 104.. BLIND ASYLUM. K-tablishment of; L. 1849 (13 Jan.) 39. Fore- going amended ; L. 1851 (15 Feb.) 100. Fur- ther provisions respecting ; L. 1853 (12 Feb.) clerk, released from liability for unlawful Of marriage license; L 1835 (31 Jan.) 65. Road from Greenville to Vandalia re-located in part : Id. (29 Jan.) 96. Lands of the estate of James McCrackon to be sold; L. 1836 (8 Dec. 1835) 261. County to loan its share of t lie internal improvement appropriation ; L. 1839 (12 Feb.) 76. Sale of Saline lands in said county ; Id. (2 Mar.) 212. Foregoing amended; L. 1843 (4 Mar.) 271. Amity Academy chartered ; Pr. L 1839 (2 Mar.) 247. Bond County Academy chartered; L. 1841 (19 Feb.) 9. County limits extended; Id. 80. Payment of county revenue; out of the internal improvement fund ; Id. (17 Feb.) 213. County limits extended; L. 1843 (2 Mar.) 98. The bonus of said county applied to the county school fund ; Id. (21 Feb.) 148. Four 90. Foregoing amended; two classes of trustees; | justices and constables in Amity; Id. (24 Jan.) L. 1857 (13 Feb.) 84. Appropriations for; L. j 170. Town name of Amity cba 1S.V.) (19 Feb.) 12. For 1861 2 ; L. 1861 (21 Feli.i 129. For 1863 4; L. 1863 (21 Feb.) 15. For 18656 ; L. 18(55 (15 Feb.) 16. For 18678; L. 1H67 (28 Feb.) 9. For 186970; L. 1869 (10 Mar.) >. BOOKS PURCHASED STATE. BY THE Governor to subscribe for 40 copies of Smith's Map of Illinois; L. 1821 (12 Feb.) 147. Breese Reports, 150 copies at $3. each ; L. 1831 (12 Feb.) 188. Sidney Breese allowed $75. in full for said reports; Pr. L. 1833 (28 Feb.) 116. Purple's Real Estate Statutes, 250 copies at not to exceed *3.; L. 1849 (10 Feb.) 94. Freeman's Digest, 500 copies: L. 1855 (13 Feb.) 174. Haines' Township Organization, 10 copies to each town- ship at 25 cents each ; Id. (9 Feb.) 188. In addi- tion, 1300 copies; L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 59. Pur- ple's Statutes, 1000 copies at $4. each; L. 1857, '>J;tn.) 4:!. Scales' Statutes, 2000 copies at $5. each ; Id. (16 Feb.) 158. Beecher's Breese, 500 copies at $4. each ; L. 1861 (29 Jan.) 73. Freeman's Digest, 3rd volume, 500 copies at $5.; Id. (12 Feb.) 124. Foresting amended ; L. 1863 (2 Feb.) 51. Henry & Reed's Digest, 500 copies at $7.; L. 1865 (13 Feb.) 82. Reports of the Su- preme Court, f 6. per copy ; Id. (8 Feb.) 103. Wood & Long's Digest. 500 copies at $8. 1st volume and $4. 2d volume ; L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 8. Bateman's decisions on the school law, one for Amity changed to Poca- hontas; Pr. L. 1847 (25 Feb.) 205. Borrow money and levy a tax to build a court house; L 1853 (12 Feb.) 180. Action of the county court under the foregoing, legalized; Pr. L. 1854 (22 Feb.) 76. Town name of Houston changed to Mulberry; additional justice and constable al- i lowed ; Pr. L. 1857 (7 Feb.) 272. Jurisdiction i of county court extended ; practice therein ; L. 1859 (19 Feb.) 98. To pay expenses of pause fommitutus called out bv deputy sheriff Wm. N. Stephenson July and August 1864; 1 Pr. L.1865 (16 Feb.) 541. Bond County Trust and Loan Co. chartered ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (21 Feb.) 56. Greenville. Trustees not to keep open state or county roads beyond corporate limits; Pr. L. 1839 (28 Feb.) 158. Greenville Hotel Co. chartered; L. 1841 (23 Feb.) 132. First Pres- byterian Society name changed to First Congre- gational Society; L. 1845 (21 Feb.) 318 Town chartered; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 29. Foregoing amended and extended ; boundary defined ; Pr. L. 1859 (24 Jan.) 618. Greenville Mutual Fire Insurance Co. chartered; Id. (15 Feb.) 418. Name changed to Adams Insurance Co. ; office transferred to Freeport ; Pr. L. 1863 (21 Feb.) 192. Alrnira College chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (13 Feb.) 582. Ladies' Library Association char- tered ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (23 Fe'b ) 254. Vacates an alley ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 102. BOOXE COUNTY. each board of trustees and school directors at , County created; named in memorv of Col. |l.oO each ; Id. (16 Feb.) 160. Gross' Statutes, \ i) an i e l Boone the first settler of Kentuckv ; 1 L. 1)0 copies at $8. each ; L. 1869 (10 Mar.) 30. 1837 (4 Mar.) !)(i. Boundaries defined ; L. 1839 < 2 Mar.) 242. Jefferson Institute chartered ; lo- cated Town 44 4; Pr. L. 1839 (21 Feb.) 86. County boundaries denned; L. 1843 (28 Feb.) '.'2. Pre-emption to Alfred Shattuck on lands County formed prior^ to the organization of in Town 43 4; L. 1845 (28 Feb.) 109. Special BOXD COUNTY. the state. Auditor to lease College township not to exceed 10 years; L. 1821 (31 Jan.) 60. Manufacturing Co. of Shoal Creek chartered ; L. 1823 (5 Feb.) 113. Land reconveyed to Mar- tin Jones; Id. (17 Feb.) 157 6. Samuel Hous- ton, late sheriff, time to pay the state extended; Pr. L. 1827 (13 Feb.) 27. Montgomery and Gil- liard, leasees of Shoal Creek Salines, released from conditions; Id. (T) Feb.) 29. Governor to lease Salines; R. S. 1833 (23 Jan.) 550. Roxana Baker to sell and convey real estate; Pr. L. 1833 (19 Feb.) 118. Willard Twiss, county school trustees ; LI. countv tax for 1845 6; Id. 115. Jefferson Lodge No. 7 of the I. O. O. F.; Pr. L. 1847 (1!) Feb.) 107. To Albert Alexander state pcdler's license for life, conditionally; Pr. L. 1851 (12 Feb.) 85. Jurisdiction of county court exten- ded; Pr. L. 1854 (27 Feb.) 239. Further exten- ded; L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 150. Both toregoini: re pealed; L. 1N63 (12 Feb. I 28. County to bor- row *10,000. to build court house and 'jail ; Pr. L. 1*."34 (4 Mar.) 152^ Trustees elected at next annual town meeting to supereede the present Special tax to liqui- PRIVATE ASD SPECIAL LAWS. (65) Bounties Bureau County. date county indebtedness: Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 713. Roads located and platted in townshins of Belvidere and Flora in 1856; L. 1857 (5 Feb.) 2. Asel Merrill convicted of larceny, restored to citizenship; Pr. L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 615. Time of holding county court : L. 1859 (18 Feb.) 100. For the purchase of a poor farm; Id. (24 Feb ) 209. Special tax to p&v bounty orders ; L. 1863 (14 Feb.) 25. Boone "County Agricul- tural Society chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (30 Jan.) 41. Tax levy to pay county indebtedness in- curred in rais'ingtroo'ps, legalized: 3 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 128. Concerning sales of town lots : L. 1841 (29 Jan.) 320. e. Craig Seminary of Learning char- tered; Pr. L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 238. Belvidere Semi- nary Association chartered ; purchase blocks 20 and" 27 ; Pr. L. 1347 (18 Feb.) 104. Vacates part of town plat ; Id (26 Feb.) 206. Town chartered ; L. 1852 (23 June) 252. Boone County Mutual Insurance Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1853 (27 Jan.) 373. Name changed to the Protection Insu- rance Co.; Pr. L. 1861 (18 Feb.) 347. Supervi- sors to vacate part of town plat; Pr. L. 1857 (10 Feb.) 348. Location of roads in 1856 legal- ized ; L. 1857 (5 Feb.) 82. Allen C. Fuller and others to form a Hotel Co.; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 933. Town to bridge the Kishwaukee ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 838. Boone County Monumen- tal Association chartered ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb) 450. Collection of taxes extended ; 3 Pr. L, 1867 (26 Feb.) 121. BOUNTIES. Counties of Boone, Carroll, Stephenson, Jo- Daviess, Kane, Lee, Winnebago, Bureau, Knox, Kendall, DeKalb, McHenry, Lake. Edgar, Du Page, Woodford, Stark, Warren, Marshall, Gruncly, Putnam, Kankakee, Ogle, Whiteside, Will and Henrv to levy special tax to pay boun- ties to volunteers; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (18 Jan.) 100. Towns in the counties of Rock Island, Peoria, Cook [except North, West and South Chicago], Sangamon, Kane, DuPage, Grundy, Knox, Warren, Stark, Livingston, Vermilion, Bureau, Putnam, Ogle, Henry. DeKalb, Tazewell and Marshall [act 16 Feb." 1865, Id.] to levy special | tax to pay bounties to volunteers ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 \ (2 Feb.) 102. Amends 9 of foregoing; Id. (8 j Feb.) 106. Counties of Champaign, Piatt, Ma- con, and Moultrie to levy tax to pay bounties to volunteers; Id. (2 Feb.) 106. Counties of Alexander, Pulaski, Massac. Pope. Hardln, Gal- j latin, White, Edwards, Wayne, Hamilton, Sa- | line, Johnson, Union, Jackson, Williamson, j Franklin, Jefferson, Perry, Randolph, Monroe, i Green, Washington, Marion. Fayette, Effing- , ham, Clay, Richlaml. Lawrence and Wabash to ; borrow money and lew tax to pay bounties ; Id. (6 Feb.) 109. Counties of Jasper, Clark, I Cumberland and Crawford to levy special tax to pay bounties; Id. (7 Feb.) 109. Counties of i Morgan, Scott, Logan, Calhoun and Jersey to i borrow each $100,000., to create a fund for bounties to volunteers; Id. (14 Feb.) 111. i Counties of Shelby, Douglas and St. Clair to \ pay bounties ; only $100,000. to be raised in any i one year ; Id. (9 Feb.) 113. a BROWN COUNTY. County established out of Schuyler; boun- dary and organization ; L. 1839 (1 Feb ) 53. Mt," Sterling chartered ; 1 L. 1837 (10 Feb.) 331. Changing the public square ; Id. (2 Mar.) 333. Certain town lots deede i to J. W. Ed- wards ; L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 172. Name of Centre- ville changed to Ripley; 2 L. 1837 (20 July) 94. Centreville Steam Mill Co. chartered; Id. (21 Julvi 29. County commissioners to appoint an >r; L. 1841 (17 Feb.) 34. Thomas S. Bror-k- man, collector, released from judgment: L. 1845 (28 Feb.) 115. Foregoing amended ; auditor's duty with his accounts; Pr. L. 1851 (15 Feb.) 229. La Grange plat vacated in part;L. 1845 (3 Mar.) 234. Records of law titles transcribed, certified and considered books of record ; L 1851 (1 Feb.) 18. Act 20 Jan. 1849 (L. 1849, 108) extended to said county ; Ibid. Sale of the Versailles public square; L."l851 (17 Feb.) 188. J. C. Moses, late sheriff', allowed time to pay a judgment ; L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 152. Copying the records to be com- pleted ; effect of; L. 1857 (28 Jan.) 46. Sale of swamp lands; Id. (13 Feb.) 61. Securities of Jno. C. Moses allowed two years from Feb. 1857 to make settlement; Id. (17 Feb.) 201. County subscription to Northern Cross R. R. legalized ; Pr. L. 1857 (13 Jan.) 229. Mt. Ster- ling Marine and Fire Insurance Co. chartered ; Id.^(ll Feb.) 435. Townships to support their own paupers ; Id. (19 Feb.) 1360. Additional school districts created ; L. 1859 (9 Feb.) 182. Versailles chartered ; Pr. L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 732. Tax to pay bounties to volunteers; not exceed ing $500.;" 1 Pr. L. 1865 (9 Feb.) 115. Certain lands attached to school district No. 2 Town 1 4: 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 300. Versailles Min- eral Springs Co. chartered ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (23 Feb.) 440. Election of a county surveyor ; L. 1869 (5 Apr.) 162. Duties of county Supt. of schools ; Id. (16 Apr.) 395. BUREAU COUNTY. County created ; boundary and organization ; 1 L. 1837 (28 Feb.) 93. Erection of public build- ings ; L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 228. Greenfield chanecd to La Moile ; L. 1840 (3 Feb.) 107. Plat of Fair- mont vacated ; Id. 108. Commissioners to sell school lands in Town 148; L. 1841 (27 Feb.) 258. La Moille Agricultural and Mechanical Association ; L. 1843 (6 Mar.) 16. County to borrow $5,000. to complete court house ; Id. (23 Feb.) 110. County confirmed in certain ferry privileges; Id. (3 Feb.) 144. County to extend Hugh Freny's lease of Hennepin ferry for 10 years ; P. L." 1847 (17 Feb.) 44. Records in Put- nam county to be transcribed ; certificate and effect; L. 1849 (10 Feb.) 109. Benj. Newx-11 and heirs to construct a canal from the Illinois to lake Depeau : Id. (12 Feb.) 133. Time to build extended to Feb. 1856; L. 1831 (15 Feb.) 125. Grant renewed; complete in 5 years; PrJU 1858 (7 Feb.) 273. Hogs not to fun at large; Id. (10 Jan.) 185. Clairon Cemetery Associa- tion chartered ; Pr. L. 1851 (17 Feb.) 291. Town of Gold created; L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 202. Towns to support their own paupers; vote thereon ; Id. (10 Feb ) 261. School tax in district No 1 town of Hall legalized ; L. 1855 (6 Feb.) 110. Living- (66) PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. Calhoun County Oanak. ston town plat vacated; Pr. L. 1857(7 Feb.) 271. Sale of swamp lands confirmed; Id. (18 Feb.) 1206. For transcribing the old records of sales and redemption of land from 1823 to 1854 ; Id. (18 Feb.) 1377. Jurisdiction of county court extended ; L. 1859 (21 Feb.) 90. Dover Acade- my chartered; Pr. L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 3(31. Princeton and Bureau Valley R. R. chartered ; Id (18 Feb.). 491. Preacher's Aid Society of Northern Illinois District ; Pr. L. 1801 (18 Feb.) 52. Supervisors location of a road from Arling- ton to the east county line legalized ; Id. (22 Feb.) 544. Sheffield chartered"; Id. (22 Feb.) 718. Foregoing amended ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (9 Feb.) 595. Loan in aid of volunteers legalized ; L. 1863 (12 Feb ) 2o. Plat of Providence partly vacated ; Pr. L. 1863 (13 June) 273. County in- terest bearing bonds issued in payment of boun- ties legalized ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (6 Feb.) 116. Or- ganization of First Congregational Church at Neponset legalized; Id. (16 Feb.) 236. Benj. Newell to construct a canal from Negro Creek to lake Depeau; Id. (16 Feb.) 556. Lovejoy Mon- ument Association chartered ; erect at Oakland Cemetery or village of Princeton ; 2Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 91. Chas. L.Kelsey surviving trustee to to re-convey to Francis D. Shugart property held in trust for her ; Id. (16 Feb.) 249. Road from Hennepin to mouth of Rock river re-loca- ted in part; Id. (15 Feb.) 267. Trenton changed to Sherman; Id. (16 Feb.) 584. Vacates a cer- tain street in Berlin land sold for school purpo- ses; Id. (16 Feb.) 662. Vacates plat of Kinno- wood ; Id.664. Towns of Fairfield, Mineral and Concord to bridge Green river at Gold ; 1 Pr. L. 1867(28 Feb.) 180. Bureau Co. Dairy and Cheese Co. chartered; Id. 5 Mar. 906. Bureau County Concrete Co. chartered ; 2 Pr L. 1867 (5 Mar!) 304. Wyanet and Pond Creek Railway and Car- rying Co. chartered; Id. (20 Feb.) 696. Road from Mendota to Arlington located ; Id. (23 Feb.) 822. Proceedings of school trustees Town 169 legalized ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (29 Jan.) 15. Va- cates an alley in Arlington; Id. (5 Mar.) 111. Bourbonais changed to Lovcjoy ; Id. 247. Ne- ponset corporate power? extended; Id. (25 Feb.) 455. La Moille chartered ; Id. (25 Feb.) 485. Sherman changed to Dupue ; Id. (18 Feb.) 607. Annexing for school purposes sections 4 and 5 Town 176 to Town 186; Id. (7 Mar.) 631 Wiona changed to Waldcn ; L. 1869 (26 Mar.) 297. Geo. S. Emerson, treasurer Town 16 7, released from payment of $907.99 of which he was robbed; Id. (27 Mar.) 335. Princeton. Time of levying a tax extended ; L. 1841 (25 Feb.) 84. Town chartered; Pr. L. 1819(8 Feb.) 120. Boundary fixed; construc- tion of plank road to the railroad depot ; Pr L 1853 (12 Feb.) 607. Further respecting plank road to depot; limits extended ; Pr. L. 1854 (28 Eeb.) 133. Survey of Elston's, Wiswall's and Flint's additions corrected; part of North street vacated; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Eeb.) 197. Vacates alleys in Elston's addition ; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 891. Corporate powers generally extended; Id. (18 Feb.) 1415. Foregoing amended; opening streets and public grounds; Pr. L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 661. Charter amended ; power to license; Pr L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 715. Powers further extended; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 560. And again; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (18 Feb.) 610. Princeton Semina- ry chartered ; in Town 169 ; Pr. L. 1837 (21 Feb.) 61. Part of tax for 1858 in district No. 1, remitted; L. 1859 (15 Jan. i 177. Young Men's Association chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 19. Princeton Loan and Trust Co. chartered; Id. 24. Bureau Countv Fire Insurance Co. chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1867 "(7 Mar.) 112. Prince- ton High School District chartered ; 3 Pr L 1807 (5 Feb.) 16. Tiykilica. Names of ludiantowu and Wind- sor changed to Tiskilwa; L. 1840 (3 Feb.) 107. Town incorporated ; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 154. Chartered again; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 863. Foregoing amended ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (10 Feb.) 588. Leases executed to Geo. Cattell and Calvin Stephens bv town trustees confirmed; Pr. L 1861 (20 Feb.) 723. Liberty Square vacated; Id. (22 Feb.) 724. People's Coal Co. chartered ; 2 Pr. L. 1807 (0 Mar.) 390. CALHOUN COUNTY. County formed out of south part of Pike; L. 1825 (10 Jan.) 65. Relating to county revenue ; L. 1826 (27 Jan.) 89. Appropriating $300. for roads and bridges ; L. 1831 (22 Jan.) 19. Coun- ty seat removed from Gilead to Guilford ; 1 L. 1837 (4 Mar.) 106. Foregoing repealed ; vote on its removal from Guilford; 2 L. 1837 (21 July) 14. Temporarily located at Hamburg; vote on permanent location ; Pr. L. 1847 (23 Feb.) 32. Mississippi and Illinois Canal Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1837 (20 Feb.) 21. Commis- sioners to receive subscriptions and carry fore- going into effect ; L. 1840 (29 Jan.) 48 2. Cal- houn Coal and Mining Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1837 (2 Mar.) 238. Foregoing amended ; L. 1840 (31 Jan.) 49. Share of county in internal improvement fund; L. 1839 (27 Feb.) 198. Wm. Howlett allowed $109.50 for apprehending fugitive; L. 1840 (1 Feb.) 100. Calhoun Coun- ty Agricultural Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1853 (9 Feb.) 414. Vacates plat of Lower Guilford ; Id. (11 Feb.) 516. Geo. W. Sampson, ferry ncross the Mississippi at Cape-au-Grey Rock ; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 597. Stephen Farrow, ferry across the Illinois at Columbiana; Id. (15 Feb.) 598. For transcribing certain records in Madi- son and Pike counties; Id. (6 Feb.) 709. For reclaiming overflowed lands by construction of a levee alon. Sale of seminary lands; Id. (26 Feb.) 208. Si hool l\mds paid directly to commissioners; Id c: Mar.) 235. School lands Town 18-11 sold ; Id. (21 Feb.) 320. School tax levied Town 10-8 legalized ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 118. Vacates part of plat of Sidney; L. 1845 (28 Feb.) 288. Collection of revenue for 1850 extended ; L. ism (14 Feb.) 04. Champaign and Vermil- ion Railroad and Coal Mining Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 336. Urbanna and Cham- paigu Institute chartered; Pr. L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 24. Amendment; 10 repealed; 1 Pr. L. 186/ i ;"> M ir.) '11. To pay bounties to volunteers; L. 1803 (14 Fob.) 30. Sisters of Charity of St. Jo- seph chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 93. Funding county indebtedness; Id. 537. Farm- ers' Association of Homer chartered ; 2 Pr. L. i 1865(16 Feb.) 667. County road law; L. 1867 (8 Mar.) 172. Champaign Dairy Co. chartered ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (13 Feb.) 008. Drain certain lands; Id. (6 Mar.) Oil. Champaign and Ur- bana Gas Light and Coke Co. chartered; Id. (18 Feb.) 981. Urbana and Champaign Horse Railway Co. chartered ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 2. Urbana. City chartered; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 135. Amended; Pr. L. 1861 (18 Feb.) 296. Further amendment; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (9 Feb.) 286. Urbana Seminary Society chartered; L. 1845 (26 Feb.) 357. Urbana Male and Fe- male Seminary chartered; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) :!T2. Urbana R. K. Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 522. Chiiwpnirin City chartered; Pr. L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 153 Amendment; issue bonds; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 256. First Presbyterian Church of Urbana chanced to same, of Champaign ; Id. (15 Feb.) 242. CHRISTIAN COUNTY. Count v of Dane changed to Christian ; L. 1840 (1 Feb.) 80. County borrow $2,400. to build court house; L. 1841 (26 Jan.) 03. Depreciated funds disposed of by school commissioners ; L. l*!:: 4 Mar.) 40. Assessment for 1842 legalized; L. 1845 (21 Feb.) 325. Guardian of James Ma- rion Nelson to sell lands; Pr. L. 1847(1 Mar.) 171. Cross Main St,. Taylorville, relocated ; Id. (15 Feb.) 107. Vote on adding part of Shelby county; L. 1851 (15 Feb.) 118. Vacates plat of Allenton; Pr. L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 503. Sale of swamp lands ; L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 122. Stock re- strained in Rosemond; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 1066. Foregoing repealed ; Pr. L. 1863 (31 Jan.) 262. Vacates part of plat of Mt. Auburn; Id. (18 Feb.) 1377. Copying records in othercoun- ties; L. 1850 (22 Feb.) 134. Plat of Stonning- ton vacated! Pr. L. 1863 (16 Feb.) 266. Tax to pay bounties to volunteers; bounty not exceed $500.;! Pr. L. 1865 (14 Feb.) 117." Vacates al- ley in Taylorville; 2Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 656. Relief of School fund Town 11-3; 2Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 804. Regulate publication of legal no- tices ;L. 1869 (31 Mar.) U52. Pana. Town chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 851. Amended ; regulate tippling bouses etc. ; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 715. Further amended ; elect two justices and constables; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 536. City chartered ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (13 Feb.) 288. Vacates part Hayward's division ; Pr. L. 1863 (20 Feb.) 272. Pana Hotel Co. chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (0 Mar.) 70. CLARK COUNTY. County established ; Smith Shaw, Thomas Gill and James Watts to meet atCharlesNeely's house to fix seat of justice; L. 1819 (22 Mar.) 166. Attaching part of Crawford county to Clark ; L. 1823 (23 Dec. 1822) 79. Removal of county seat from Aurora to McClure's Bluff; name to be Darwin; Id. (31 Jan.) 107. To bridge Big Creek at Bell's Mill, Stony Creek near Aurora and also Mill Creek ; L 1820 (19 Jan.) 147 12. James Farrincton to be administrator of Thos. Bullitt late of Louisville Ky.; Pr. L. 1833 (27 Dec. 1832) 198. Viucennes and Chicago road re located in part; L. 1836 (14 Jan.) 192. Foregoing repealed; 1 L. 1837 (4 Mar.) 279. Road from Darwin to county seat located ; Id. 210. Removal of county seat from Darwin to a point to be selected ; Id. (7 Jnn ) 255. After a favorable vote ; 1 L. 1837 (I Mar.) 105. Road from Darwin to New Richmond; Id. (2 Mar.) 238. Road from York to New Richmond loca- ted; 1 L. 1837 (31 Jan.) 243. Mill Creek navi- gable to Hoi lenbeck'e Mill, and Big Creek to DureirsMill; L. 1839 (16 Feb.) 123. Calvin Boyd to collect taxes for 1841 ; L. 1843(24 Feb.) 230. Unpaid taxes for 1842-3 collected by J. Lawrence and J. B. Anderson ; sales to be made by them;L. 1845 (28 Jan.) 188. Taxes refund- ed on certain school lands; L 1847 (4 Feb.) 117. Win. P. Bennett, sheriff, time to settle with state for 1846 extended; Pr. L. 1847 (23 Feb.) 180. Vacates plat of Pleasant View; Id. (27 Feb.) 210. Change of county seat, Hillibert's Point to be voted upon; L. 1840 (10 Feb.) 58. Judgment docket kept; L. 1853(10 Feb.) 260. County to aid construction of plank roads ; Pr. L. 1854 (28 Feb.) 157. 8. McClure, sheriff, al- lowed reward for apprehending W. J. Shaw charged with murder; L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 158. Vacates plat of Caryford ; Pr. L. 1857 (13 Feb.) 538. Chas Summers, ferry across the Wabash at Darwin; Id. 547. Foregoing amended ; Ed- gar Sommers to succeed ; Pr. L. 1861 (7 Feb.) 320. Vacates part of plat of Darwin ; Id. (18 Feb.) 1341. Vacates plat of Krerner; Id. (10 Feb.) 1427. County subscription to the Wabash R. R. Co.; submitted to vote; Pr. L. 1859 (21 Feb.) 623. Wcstfield College chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 17. Alvina Blackman made heir of Je- mima Dawson; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 239. Benj. F. Flasher, ferry across the Wabash at Bowen's Bluff; 1 Pr. L" 1867 (25 Feb.) 941. Marshall. Town chartered; Pr. L. 1853(10 Feb. 212. City chartered ; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Fob.) 232. Foregoing repealed ; Pr. L. 1859 (24 Feb.) PEIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. (69) Clay County Clinton County. 214. Marshall Academy chartered ; may change to Marshall College; Pr. L. 1839(2 Mar.) 177. Marshall College chartered ; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 831. Marshall Female Seminary chartered ; Pr. L. 1839 (2 Mar ) 214. Marshall Cemetery Asso- ciation chartered; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 442. Foregoing amended; jurisdiction extended over block 7 in said city; Pr. L. 1857 (13 Feb.) 548. Eagle Insurance Co. chartered ; Id. (16 Feb.) 930. CLAY COUNTY. County formed and boundary defined; L. 1825 (23 Dec. 1824) 18. Road from McCalla's bridge to Vandalia, relative to; Id. (15 Jan.) 119. Road from McCawley's bridge to Muddy Fork, $300. to improve; L. 1829 (2 Jan.) 127. County to share in proceeds of Gallatin Salines for internal improvements; L. 1831 (16 Feb.) 15 1. County court to enter land with proceeds of saline sales; L. 183) (12 Feb.) 117 7. Toll bridge over Little Wabash on Vandalia and Lawrenceville road, by Sullivan & Green; 1 L. 1837 (4 Mar.) 34. The same, on Albion and Maysviile road, by Toller and others; Id. 38. L. D.Hillerman to erect a mill dam over Little Wabash in Town 28; L. 1839 (23 Feb.) 169. The same, to S. Husalton; L. 1841 (26 Feb.) 187. Assessment for 1839 legalized ; L. 1840 (30 Jan.) 70. Collection of revenue for 1839; L. 1840 (3 Feb.) 111. Removal of county seat from Mays yille; L. 1841 (26 Feb.) 96. Louisville Expert- ing, Importing and Manufacturing Co. charter- ed; Id. (27 Feb.) 147. Erect mill dams across Little Wabash; J. Ditter and N. Levitt, Town. 48; H. Yates.Town 38; Id. (27 Feb.) 188 The same, across Raccoon creek Town. 2 7, by B. Vermilion; L. 1843 (1 Feb.) 174. The same, across Little Wabash Town 3 7, by Alex. Johnson ; Id. (2 Mar.) 176. School commission- ers of said county and that of Richland, to make settlement; Id. (3 Feb.) 272. Collection of taxes 1843; assessment for 1844 legalized; L. 1845 (26 Feb.) 163. Distribution of school fund for 1846 ; L. 1847 (16 Feb.) 115. The same ; Id. (22 Feb.) 154. The same for 1848; L. 1849 (30 Jan.) 153. Strother B. Walker, security for Ed- mund Jones, collector, released from obligations to the state; Pr. L. 1851 (17 Feb.) 261. Carmi mill, to be approved by county courts of Clay and, Wayne; L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 246. County swamp lands; L. 1855 (12 Feb.) 150. Deeds to Daniel Ingrahm for certain swamp lands; Pr. L. 1857 ('18 Feb.) 1382. Removal of county seat from Louisville to Flora; election first held; L. 1861 (18 Feb.) 81. Addition of territory from Wayne Co.; L. 1863 (21 Feb.) 84. Vote of Horter township to pay bounties legalized ; 1 Pr. L.1865 (16 Feb.) 162. Vacates an alley in Clay City ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 654. Vacates Mead's addition to Maysviile; Id. 659. Louis- ville incorporated; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (1 Mar.) 223. Flora incorporated ; Id. (27 Feb.) 421. Allow- ing Levi Hobbs $200. for returning Johnson and Hudson, charged with robbery; L. 1869 (27 Mar.) 51. Xenin.. Chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 644. Foregoing generally amended; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 168. Vacates an alley; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 654. CLINTON COUNTY. County formed from Washington, Bond and Fayette; L. 1825 (27 Dec. 1824) 27. Road from Vandalia to Kaskaskia relocated through this county; E. S. 1827 (12 Feb.) 347. To share in proceeds of Gallatin Salines, lor internal im- provements; L. 1831 (16 Feb.) 15 gl. John Kain, toll bridge across Beaver and Shoal Creeks; Id. (9 Feb.) 24. County clerk's office kept in Upper Carlyle ; Id. (15 Feb.) 48. Road from Carlyle to Charles Cox's relocated; Id. (10 Feb.) 150. Debts of Washington county di- vided between said county and Clinton under 10 act 27 Dec. 1824 (L. 1825, 27) ; Pr. L. 183 (2 Mar.) 16. Respecting road from Carlyle to Shoal Creek; Id. (20 Feb.) 141. Circuit and county clerks keep their offices at Lower Car- lyle; L. 1836 (16 Jan.) 248. Respecting public records; Id. (15 Jan.) 258. To open road loca- ted by act 1 Mar. 1839; L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 57. Sa- line appropriation changed; Id. (12 Feb.) 76. Borrow money to bui d court house and jail; Id. (16 Feb.) 110. Clinton Steam Mill Co. charter- ed; L. 1840 (8 Jan.) 41. Bridge over Shoal creek on Vincennes and St. Louis road to be free ; L. 1843 (23 Feb.) 46. Concerning the 16th section Town 1 5; Id. 276. Certain returns under the School law legalized; Id. (3 Feb.) 280. Thos. Hood to sell certain lands in town 32; L. 1845 (3 Mar.) 127. Respecting school section Town 15 ; Id. (26 Feb.) 168. Free Bridge over Shoal creek; Id. (26 Feb.) 181. Bridge across the Okaw at Keysport; L. 1847 (27 f eb.) 93. Proviso in 6 repealed ; to be built by Thos. Keys and others; L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 147. Certain school funds paid to com- missioner of Washington county; Laws 1847 (28 Feb.) 115. Augustus Martin, grocery store license at Keysport; Pr. L. 1847 (27 Feb.) 187. Henrv Sherman name changed to Henry Schwaka ; Pr. L. 1851 (15 Feb.) 193. Ferry across the Kaskaskia established by county June 9 1841, legalized; Id. 231. Foregoing amended; Washington county court to regulate rates; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 605. Extending game law ot 1855 to said county; L. 1857 (9 Feb.) 56; Gross' Stat. 1868, 324. Bonds for building wire bridge across the Kaskaskia at Clinton; L. 1861 (8 Feb.) 82. To protect wire bridge across the Kaskas- kia near Carlyle; Pr. L. 1861 (18 Feb.) 61. Re- building fail; hi. 299. Vacates streets in West- ern Addition; Pr. L. 1863 (16 Feb.) 266. Coun- ty borrow $100,000. to pay bounties to volun- teers; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 115. Also, $10,000. to rebuild jail and repair court house ; Id. 538. Trenton chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 584. Court records made up; L. 1867 (5 Mar.) 67. .Trenton Workman's Mutual Aid Society char- tered ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (9 Mar.) 139. Germania Sharpshooters' Society at Breese chartered; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (1 Mar.) 94. Clement chartered; Id. (9 Mar.) 193. Baden changed to New Ba- den; Id. (28 Feb.) 622, CarlyU Town chartered; 1 L. 1837 (lOFeb.) 531. Lower town resurveyed; L. 1841 (20 Feb.) 311. Foregoing amended; L. 1843 (I Mar.) 302. Part of town plat vacated; Pr. L. 1851 (8 Feb.) 50. Again chartered; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 272. Foregoing amended ; effect of failure to hold election ; plat resurveyed; Pr. L. 1854 (4 Mar.) 155. Further amendment ; acts declared (70) PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. Coles County Cook Cotntty. valid ; Pr. L. 1855 (13 Feb.) 46. City chartered ; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 185. Powers extended; 2 Pr. L. 18(55 (16 Feb.) 413. Chas. Slade to re- build his toll bridge; L. 1831 (9 Feb.) 27. . Car- lyle Bridge Co. chartered; Laws 1836 (16 Jan.) 4*3. Amends 3; eoinmenc'O from Franklin street; Pr. L. 1837 (27 Feb.) 108. Scott Lodge No. 79, F. ami A. Masons chartered; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 564. Clinton County Marine Fire Insurance and Hotel Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 1406. City Savings Bank chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 92. Feb) 511. City chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1867(6 Feb.) 252. Mattoon Academy chartered ; Pr. L. 1859 (21 Feb.) 367. Mattoon Female S^tni- nary chartered; Pr. L. 1863 (21 Feb ) 12. Mat- toon College chartered; Id. 15. Mattoon Gas Light and Coke Co. chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (26 Feb.) 972. Mattoon City Railway Co.. chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (23 Feb.) 20. Interna- tional Insurance Co. chartered ; Id. (8 Mar.) 216. Common Pleas Court established; L. 1869 (20 Feb.) 133. COLES COUNTY. County created; county seat located; L. 1831 , (25 Dec. 1830) 59. Share in proceeds of sale of ; Gallatin Salines; Id. (16 Feb.) 16 1. Coles, Manufacturing Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1833(1 j Mar.) 96. Joseph Barbour to highten mill clam ; on Embarrass; Id. (15 Feb.) 105. Eoad from Shelbyville to Paris relocated west of Kicka- ; poo creek; Id. (13 Feb.) 133. Shelbyville j road relocated near John Waddel's; L. 1836 (16 | Jan.) 208. Nathan Ellington late justice, acts legalized; 1 L. 1837 (28 Feb.) 153. Lands of Thos. Gordon's estate conveyed ; Id. (6 Dec. 1836) 157. Road from Charleston and Paris partly relocated; Id. (I 1 Mar.) 234. Upon same subject; Id. 281. Road from Greenup to Paris vacated; Id. (31 Jan.) 241. New Salem changed to New Albany ; Id. (3 Mar.) 329 2. Addition- al judges of election; L. 1839 (15 Feb.) 120. Embarrass and Kaskaskia Bridge Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1839 (27 Feb.) 30. Certain process issued by circuit clerk legalized; L. 1841 (26 Jan.) 62. Conservator of Daniel Linder to sell lands; Pr. L. 1847 (4 Feb.) 172. Usher F. Linder released from recognizance of Andrew Magee; Pr. L. ! 1851 (11 Feb.) 79. Records transcribed, com- pared and certified; affect of; L. 1853 (10 Feb.) ; 212. Release of John W. Brooks by Gov. , French from recognizance legalized; Pr. L. j 1853 (26 Jan.) 461. Independence changed to Oakland; Pr. L. 1855 (9 Feb.) 703. New Alba- j ny changed to Camargo ; public square vacated ; ! Pr. L. 1857 (13 Feb.) 538. Sale of school site in I New Albany ; L. 1867 (16 Feb.) 258. Redemp- ' tion of lands in Town 12 9, by Abrain High- land ; Id. (6 Mar.) 145. Road from Darwin to Charleston vacated in part; L. 1869 (27 Mar.) 876. Charleston. Town declared chartered under i general act 12 Feb. 1831; Pr. L.1839 (2 Mar.) ! 236. City chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (9 Feb.) 263. i Charleston Seminary chartered ; Pr. L. 1837 (1 Mar.) 182. To regulate; L. 1840 (3 Feb.) 181. , Repeals 6 of foregoing; L. 1841 (17 Feb.) 63. [ Surviving trustee to sell property; Pr. L. 1857 i (14 Feb.) 777. Marine and Fire Insurance Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1839 (26 Feb.) 117. Charles- j ton Lodge No. 35, F. and A. Masons; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 515. Charleston Academy char- tered ; Pr. L. 1859 (19 Feb.) 360. Union Graded School established; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 323. ; Charleston Union School District established ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (1 Mar.) 44. Mattoon. Town chartered; Pr. L. 1859 (22 Feb.) 638. Foregoing amended; Pr. L. 1861 (22 ' Feb.) 703. Again amended; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 COFFEE COUNTY. Countv organized after favorable vote; 1L 1837 (1 Mar.) 86. COOK COUNTY. County created; county seat at town of Chi- cago, as laid out and defined by the canal com- missioners; L.. 1831 (15 Jan.) 54 1. Michigan county formed from, upon favorable vote ; 1 L. 1837 (2 Mar.) 82. Borrow $ 10,009. for county purposes; L. 1839 (16 Feb.) 110. Indexing pub- lic records; L. 1843 (23 Feb.) 209. Acts of Geo. W. Smith, deputy circuit clerk, legalized; Pr. L. 1847 (28 Feb.) 217. Hogs not to run at large; Laws 1849 (10 Jan.) 185. Supervisors to borrow money to buy lots and"~build a jail ; L. 1851 (11 Feb.) 27. Circuit Court to appoint, county Port Wardens; term of office, duties, bond and fees; Id. (17 Feb.) 156. Supervisors borrow money to erect and improve public buildings; L. 1852 (15 June) 11. Attaching towns of Hanover, Barrington, Palatine and Schaumberg to Kane county; vote thereon; L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 277. Loaning money to encour- age volunteering; L. 1863 (21 Feb.) 40. Time for collecting taxes extended; Id. (12 Feb.) 83. Issue not exceeding $1,000,000. 7 per cent bonds to pay bounties to soldiers; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (2 Feb.) 118. Limit increased to $1,500,000.; Id. (15 Feb.) 120. Coroners' deputies; L. 1867(7 Mar.) 90. Respecting Juvenile Reform School ; Id. (5 Mar.) 44 26. Purchase the interest of city of Chicago in the courthouse; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 882. County judge may inter- change with judges of courts of records; L. 1869 (30 Mar.) 149. Corporations. Union Agricultural Society chartered; Pr. L. 1839 (19 Feb.) 88. Lake Michigan and Chicago Canal Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1857 (13 Feb.) 607. Northfield Mutual Fire Insurance Co. chartered; Id. (16 Feb.) 820. An Insane Asylum chartered ; corporators select name.; Pr. L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 48. Land Im- provement Co. chartered ; Id. (22 Feb.) 451. Chicago and Evanston R. R. chartered; Id. (16 Feb.) 487. Northwestern Fetilizing Co. charter- ed; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (8 Mar.) 50. Palatine Mutual Gar"- antee Insurance Association chartered ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 137. United States Clock and Brass Co. at Austin chartered ; Id. (12 Feb.) 369. Culver Coal Co. chartered; Id. (23 Feb.) 408. Chicago, Blue Island and Indiana R. R. chartered ; Id. (7 Mar.) 545. Indiana and Chi- cago R. R. chartered; Id. (5 Mar.) 548. Wash- Name of Rand changed to Des Plaines and town chartered; L. 1869 (15 Apr ) 280. Miscellaneous. Organization of county mili- tia ; two battalions and four to eight companies; officers elected 20 Mar. at David Lorton's on the Des Plaines; governor to deliver to the colonel 200 steml of arms; Pr. L. 1833 (22 Feb.) 109. Sale of land of estate of D. L. W. Jones ; 1 L, 1837 (6 Dec. 1836) 159. Sale, of the lands of Mary Myot, a|minor % by Nich. Boilrin; Id. 191. John Walsh, security of Isaac R. Gavin lat sheriff", conditionally discharged from liability; L. 1845 (21 Jan.) 167. Mary Ann Clarkson name changed to Funk ; Pr. L. 1847 (27 Feb.) 21. Allows Patrick Ballingall $100. for arrest- ing counterfeiters; Id. (28 Feb.) 214. Pre-emo- tions granted Stephen Dexter and Ebene/er W. Covey for certain lands; L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 102. A. Gitzler allowed $75. as assistant assessor; Id. (25 Jan.) 112. James Long, late treasurer, al- lowed $108. for advertising delinquent list for 1851 ; Pr. L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 439. Warrant to the administrator of J. H. Collins for $1.000. due on lost bond; L. 1887 (25 Feb.) 150. Names of Mary Francis and Frank Clark Runvan chan- ged to McVicker; heirs of James H. McVicker; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 237. Name of Thomas M. Francis changed to Tho.. F. Sellick ; Id. (28 Feb.) 235. Name of George Ludwig Theodore Peterson chanced to Christian Graden ; Id. 234. Name of M. L. McMaster changed to M. L. Wright; L. 1869 (26 Mar.) 266. County Court. Jurisdiction extended: R. F. 1845 (21 Feb.) 574. Terms of; L. 1847 (22 Feb.; 28. Election of judge, clerk and prosecuting at- torney; L. 1840 (6 Feb.) 69. Changed to Cook County Court of Common Pleas (which see) ; 2 L. 1849 (5 Nov.) 14. (12) PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS Cook County Chicago. Court f Common 1 J 1< . C routed from coun- ty court (which see) ; terms and Jurisdiction; 2 L. 1849 (5 Nov.) 14. Kcgulates practice there- in; L. 1853 (12Feb.) 172. No term on first Mon- day in Man-h : L. 185.1 (16 Jan.) 140. Business , at vacation terms: suits dismissed; judgments entered; L. 1857 (14 Jan.) 11. Changed to the Superior Court of Chicago (which see) ; L. 1850 ; (17 Feb.) 84. Superior Court. Created from Cook County ; Court of Common Pleas (which see); jurisdic- ; tion and practice; L. 1859 (17 Feb.) 84. Elec- tion of judge, clerk and his deputy ; L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 80. Jurisdiction and practice; Id. 81. j Docket fee: L. 1805 (10 Feb.) 3G. Salary of : judges; L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 70. Court*. Practice in the circuit court; L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 172; also, L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 81. Com- | pensation of county judge; L. 1859 (18 Feb.) j 103. Concerning the same; Id. (24 Feb.) 104. | Custody of property held under legal process; | L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 76. Foregoing repealed; L.I 1863 (3 Feb.) 42. Docket and jury fee; L. 1863 : (15 Jan.) 49. Bailift's for courts of record; L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 69. Terms of county court ; Id. (28 Feb.) 71. Official reporters of the courts of; Chicago; Id. (6 Mar.) 146. Foregoing amend- ed; L. 1869 (11 Mar.) 346. CHICAGO. The City. John H. Kinzie, Gordon S. Hub- bard, Ebenezer Goodrich, John K. Boyer and John S. C. Hogan incorporated as trustees of the town of Chicago; L. 1835 (11 Feb.) 204. Foregoing amended; L. 1836 (15 Jan.) 180. City chartered; 1 L. 1837 (4 Mar.) 50 192. Supplemental thereto; Id. 81; also Pr. L. 1847 (1(5 Feb.) 82. Amendment; L. 1841 (27 Feb.) 58. Repealed in part; Pr. L. 1839 (15 Feb.) 63. Limit of taxation tor city and school purposes; L. 1845 (25 Feb.) 285. Act chartering and amendments, reduced to one; Pr. L. 1851 (14 Feb.) 132. Foregoing amended; limits extend- ed ; clerk to consolidate taxes levied ; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 609. Again amended; repealing so much as authorized licenses to sell less than one quart of liquor; L. 18-"2 (23 June) 219. Foregoing repealed ; former provisions re-enact- ed; L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 91. General amendment to art 14 Feb. 1-<51 ; Pr. L. 1854 (2S Feb.) 217. Further amendment; council may establish a reform school; Pr. L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 650. Still further amends; treasurer's department estab- lished; also police courts; provides for laving out a public park: Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) "892. Foreiroinir amended; repeals public; park pro- visions; Pr. L. 1859 (19 Feb.) 25. Charter een- erally amended ; Pr. L. 1861 (18 Feb.) 118. Fur- ther amends: commitments to reform school re- culated ; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 149. Acts charter- ing and amendments, reduced to one and re- vised; Pr. L. 1803 (13 Feb.) 40. Foregoing amended: corporate powers extended; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 274. Further amended ; Id. (16 Feb.) 284. foregoing amended ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (6 Mar.) 7U8. Supplemental to act 13 Feb. .1863; general; Id. (9 Mar.) 754. Fines and forfeitures for Penalties incurred, to be paid in- to city Treasury: L. 1851 (17 Feb.) 150. Citv lim- its fixed; L. 1843 (21 Jr.n.) 04. Straighten Madi- son street: Id. (8 Feb.) 64. Regulating election precincts; Id. (1 Mar.) 65. Supplemental to an act to open a new street : Id. (4 Mar.) 66. State street extended; L. 1845 (3 Mar.) 272. Coun- cil to adjust and set'le title to wharfing privile- ges; widen Chicago river; Pr. L. 1847 (27 Feb.) 214. Foregoing amended: powers further ex- tended; Pr. L. 1853 (11 Feb.) 529. Block 39 original town, dedicated to public use as a pub- lic common and square: not to be sold or en- emnbered; countv buildings placed thereon: L. 1851 (4 Feb.) 19. Time for completing collec- tion for 1849 extended to Mar. 1850; L. 1851 (1 Mar.) 7. Board of Water Commissioners char- tered; may buy ont the Chicago Hydraulic Co. (which see); Pr. L. 1851 (15 Feb ) 213. Licen- ses ft r fire insurance agents; L. 1852 (21 June) 68. Wards to be election Precincts; L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 203. Board of Sewerage Commissioners chartered ; Pr. L. 1855 ( 14 Feb.) 93. Foregoing amended; borrow money and issue bonds; Pr. L. 1859 (14 Feb.) 533. Council to vacate streets and alleys; L. 1859 (12 Feb.) 201. Vacates part of Water street in block 2 ; Pr. L. 1855 (12 Feb.) 731. Vacates part of Water street; Pr. L. 1857 (29 Jan.) 95. Alleys vacated; made to conform to sub-additions; Id. (13 Feb.) 577. E. K. Hub- bard's subdivision of school section addition, le- galized ; Id. (16 Feb.) 1022. Acts offish inspec- tor defined and confirmed; Id. (18 Feb.) 1203. Their acts defined and confirmed: inspections at Milwaukee and Macinac recognized ; Pr. L. 1861 (20 Feb.) 148. Their pay; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (1 Feb.) 580. Board of police established: powers and duties; L. 1861 (21 Feb ) 151. For paying damages caused by building Van Buren street bridge; Pr. L. 1861 (20 Feb.) 59. Additional supervisor for each ward; L. 1861 (20 Feb.) 265 |3. City borrow $12,000. to bridge the river at State street; Pr. L. 1863 (12 Feb.) 169. Estab- lishment of sanitary measures and health resu- lations; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 590. Vacates Michigan Terrace between Maple Avenue and Brook street, in sub-division of Clean reville; 2 Pr. L. 185 (10 Feb.) 659. Construction of pre- vious acts respectinir Board of Public Works; 1 Pr. L 1S07 (7 Mar.) 100. For the location and improvement of a park in South Chicago, Hyde Park and Lake: 2 Pr. L. 1807 (27 Feb.) 472. Commitments to reform school; privileges of parents; 3 Pr. L. 187 (5 Mar.) 31. To prevent the delay of public improvements by injunction; L. 1869' (11 Mar.) 201. The submerged lands (Lake Park) : Id. (16 Apr.) 245. Resolution that Congress declare Chicago a port of entry; Id. 416. .!/" ', -ii-ifi-if C"irf. Established by city char- ter; jurisdiction concurrent with circuit court ; 1 L. l!s:!7. 75 ^>9 82. Judge exercise all the ' powers of a circuit judge: 2 L. 1837 (21 July) 15. Court abolished; high constable to make return to circuit court; can>e-< pending tried in circuit court ; Pr. L. 1839 (15 Feb.) 63. Records* Court. Established ; L. 1853 (12 Feb.)"*147. Foregoing amended; city pay ex- penses of prisoners held or convicted within the city under jurisdiction of court ; Pr. L. 1854 !'.) 150. Fees of prosecuting attorney; L. .} Fell.: 17. Cases therein transferred to other courts; writs from issued on notice; L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 147. CetMterift. A canal lot granted for a cemete- PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. Chicago Corporations. (73) ry ; 1 L. 1837 (10 Feb.) 80. Oak Wooks Ceme- tery Association; chartered; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 550. Amends and extends charter ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 227. Douglas Monument As- sociation ; charter ; Pr. L. 163 (11 Feb.) 184. Colleges, Seminaries, etc. Chicago Seminary ; charter; Pr. L. 1837 (1 Mar.) 182. Rush Medi- cal College; chartered; Pr. L. 1837 (2 Mar.) 233. Charter amended; L. 1845 (23 Dec. 1844) 177. Trustees to borrow $50,000. to liquidate indebt- edness; Pr. L 1857 (10 Fob.) 350. To fund its indebtedness; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (13 Feb.) 9. Uni- versity of St. Mary of the Lake ; charter ; L. 1845 (23 Dec. 1844) 216. St. Francis Xavier Female Academy; charter; Pr. L. 1847 (27 Feb.) 127. University of Chicago; chartered; Id. 132. And again; Pr. L. 1857 (30 Jan.) 100. Charter amended; establish an astronomical observato- ry ; Pr. L. 1863 (13 Feb.) 9. Chicago Theologi- cal Seminary ; charter ; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 375. Charter amended; may loan funds; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 918. H&hnemann Medical College ; charter; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 530. J. Young Scammon and others to establish an in- stitution of learning ; doctrines of Swedenborg taught; Pr. L.1857~(14 Feb.) 807. Presbyterian Theological Seminary of Northwest ; Id. (16 Feb.) 845. Charter amended; transfer to gene- ral assembly confirmed ; Pr. L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 24. Chicago Law Institute; charter; Pr. L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 1186. Fines and penalties im- posed and collected by any court in Cook coun- ty to be paid to' said institute ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (23 Feb.) 965. Charter amended ; effect of non- payment of assessments tipon shares of stock ; Pr. L. 1863 (14 Feb.) 9. Dearborn Seminary ; charter; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 1067. Ministerial Education Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church ; charter ; Pr. L. 1861 (18 Feb.) 50. In- dustrial School Association; charter; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 37. Baptist Theological Union ; for establishment of Baptist Theological Insti- tute ; Id. 38. Lincoln Institute ; charter; in north division ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (6 Mar.) 27. La- dies' Baptist Education Society ; charter ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 275. CHICAGO CORPORATIONS. Banks. De-posit and Investment Companies. Marine Banks consolidated ; Pr.L. 1853 (8 Feb.) 539. International Mutual Exchange and In- vestment ; charter; 1 Pr. L. 1867 )7 Mar.) 106. Guarantee and Investment Association ; char- ter; Id. 848. Safe deposit; charter; Pr. 3 L. 1867 (20 Feb.) 1. Breweries. Lill's Chicago; charter; 1 Pr. L- 186S (10 Feb.) 174. Busch and Brand's; charter; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (15 Feb.) 193. Buck's Chicago; charter ; Id. (19 Feb.) 197. Building Associations and Companies. Chica- go Building; charter; Pr. L. 1851 (1 Feb.) 39. German House; charter; Pr. L. 1857 (12 Feb.) 503. Foregoing amended ; verbal alterations; Pr. L. 1861 (20 Feb.) 466. Chicago Permanent Building; charter; Pr. L. 18,17 (18 Feb.) 1339. Chicago Building Block ; charter; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (5 Mar.) 204. Mercantile Building; charter; Id. 205. Hyde Park Hotel ; charter ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (21 Feb.) 50. City Railway Companies. Chicago City; charter; Pr. L. 1859 (14 Feb.) 530. Amend- 10. ment ; power of council over ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (6 Feb.) 597. Chicago West Division; charter; same powers conferred as by ac*> 14 Feb. 1859; Pr. L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 340. Chicago and Calu- met Horse and Dummy ; charter; 2 Pr. L. 1807 (5 Mar.) 30. Clubs. Chicago Union House; charter; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (12 Feb.) 245. Chicago Caledonian ; charter; Id. (21 Feb.) 248. Dock Companies. Cook County Marine Dry ; charter; Pr.L. 1851' (17 Feb.) 274. Chicago Dock and Canal ; charter; Pr. L. 1857 (12 Feb.) 499. Charter amended ; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 152. Chicago South Branch; charter; Pr. L. 1859 (19 Feb.) 728. The Chicago ; charter ; Pr. L. 1863 (13 Feb.) 177. Madison ; charter ; 1 Pr. L .1865 (16 Feb.) 553. Gas Light and Coke- Companies. The Chica- go ; charter ; Pr. L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 41. Amend- ment ; capital increased ; Pr. L. 1855 (9 Feb.) 642. The People's; charter; Pr. L. 1855 (12 Feb.) 614. Amendment; powers extended ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (7 Feb.) 589. Firemen, af acting. Fireman's Insurance ; charter; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 422. Charter amended; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 624. Fire- men's Benevolent Association ; charter ; Pr. L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 43. Charter amended ; 6 re- pealed ; funds distributed to orphan asylums ; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 47. Further amends ; Pr. L. 1863 (13 Feb.) 29. Benevolent Association of the Paid Fire Department; charter; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (5 Mar.) 147. Hospitals, etc. Illinois General Hospital of the Lake ; charter ; 2 L. 1849 (29 Oct.) 40. Mer- cy Hospital and Asylum; charter; L. 1852 (21 June) 53. St. James Hospital ; charter ; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 586. St. Luke's Hospital ; char- ter ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (20 Jan.) 91. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary ; charter; Id. (16 Feb.) 68. Aicled by state $5,000. annually for two years; L. 1867 (6 Mar.) 37. Appropriations in aid ; L. 1869 (25 Mar.) 43. Hydraulic Companies. The Chicago; char ter ; L. 1836 (18 Jan.) 112. May sell 'and con- vey their property ; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 721. Lake Michigan ; chartered; L. 1845 (1 Mar.) 315. Amendment ; powers extended ; Pr. L. 1847 (28 Feb.) 151. Chicago City; chartered; Pr. L. 1851 (15 Feb.) 213. Foregoing amended ; L. 1852 (15 June) 12. Supplemental to first foregoing; general powers defined ; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 564. Act chartering and amend- ments amended ; to affect a loan ; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 1051. Insurance, Companies. The Illinois; charter; Pr. L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 221. Phoenix ; charier ; L. 1841 (26 Feb.) 156. Chicago Savings; receive deposits; charter; Pr. L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 51. Chicago City; charter; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 415. Mercantile; charter; Id. (15 Feb.) 387. Garden City; charter; Id. 401. Great Western; char- ter'; Pr. L. 1857 (4 Feb.) 244. Merchants' ; char- ter ; Pr. L. 1861 (18 Feb.) 413. Amendment; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (18 Feb.) 186. Further amends ; Id. (9 Mar.) 224. Commercial; charter; Pr. L. 1861 (18 Feb.) 348. Equitable; charter; Id. (20 Feb.) 370. Ft. Dearborn; charter; Id. 374. Andnsrain; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 655. Chi- cago Merchants'; charter ; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 366. Island; charter; Id. 400. Business of PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. (73) ffiieago Corporations. ry;!L. 1837 (10 Feb.) 80. Oak Wooks Ceme- tery Association; chartered; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 550. Amends and extends charter ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 227. Pouirlas Monument As- sociation ; charter; Pr. L. 1*63 (11 Feb.) 1*4. Colleges, Seminaries, ft<". Chicago Seminary ; charter; Pr. L. 1837 (1 Mar.) 182.~ Rush Medi- cal College; chartered; Pr. L. 1*37 (2 Mar.) 233. Charter amended; L. 1845 (23 Dec. 1844) 177. Trustees to borrow $50,000. to liquidate indebt- edness; Pr. L 1857 (10 Fob.) 350. To fund its indebtedness: 1 Pr. L. 1865 (13 Feb.) 9. Uni- versity of St. Mary of the Lake ; charter ; L. 1845 (23 Dec. 1844) 216. St. Francis Xavier Female Academy; charter; Pr. L. 1847 (27 Feb.) 127. University of Chicago; chartered ; Id. 132. And again; Pr. L. 1857 (30 Jan.) 100. Charter amended; establish an astronomical observato- ry ; Pr. L. 1863 (13 Feb.) 9. Chicago Theologi- cal Seminary ; charter; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 375. Charter amended; may loan funds; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 918. Hihnemann Medical College ; charter; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 530. J. Young Scamruon and others to establish an in- stitution of learning; doctrines of Sweden borg taught; Pr. L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 807. Presbvterian Theological Seminary of Northwest ; Id. (16 Feb.) 845. Charter amended; transfer to gene- ral assembly confirmed ; Pr. L. 1861 (21 Feb.) j 24. Chicago Law Institute; charter; Pr. L. j 1857 (18 Feb.) 1186. Fines and penalties im- j posed and collected by any court in Cook couu- j ty to be paid to said Institute; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (23 : Feb.) 965. Charter amended ; effect of non- j pavment of assessments upon shares of stock ; i Pr. L. 1863 (14 Feb.) 9. Dearborn Seminary ; } charter; Pr. L. 1857(16 Feb .) 1067. Ministerial ! Education Society of the Methodist Episcopal j Church ; charter ; Pr. L. 1861 (18 Feb.) 50. In- j dustrial School Association; charter; 1 Pr. L. i 1865 (16 Feb.) 37. Baptist Theological Union; : for establishment of Baptist Theological Insti- tute ; Id. 38. Lincoln Institute : charter; in north division ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (6 Mar.) 27. La- j dies' Baptist Education Society ; charter ; 2 Pr. j L, 1867 (7 Mar.) 275. CHICAGO CORPORATIONS. Banks, Deposit and Investment Companies. Marine Banks consolidated ; Pr. L. 1853 (8 Feb.) 539. International Mutual Exchange and In- vestment ; charter; 1 Pr. L. 1867 )7 Mitr.) 106. Guarantee and Investment Association; char- ter; Id. 848. Safe deposit; charter; Pr. 3 L. 1867 (20 Feb.) 1. Breiceries. Lill's Chicasro; charter; 1 Pr. L- ! 1868 (10 Feb.) 174. BusclTand Brand's; charter: ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (15 Feb.) 193. Huck's Chicago; charter ; Id. (19 Feb.) 197. Building Associations and Companies. Chica- go Building; charter; Pr. L. 1851 (1 Feb.) 39. ' German House; charter; Pr. L. 1857 (12 Feb.) 503. Faregoing amended ; verbal alterations; Pr. L. 1861 (20 Feb.) 466. Chicago Permanent Building: charter; Pr. L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 1338. ! Chicago Building Block ; charter; 1 Pr. L. 1867 ! (5 Mar.) 204. Mercantile Building; charter; Id. 205. Hyde Park Hotel ; charter ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (21 Feb.) 50. City Railway Companies. Chicago City; charter; Pr. L. 1859 (14 Feb.) 530. Amend- 10. ; ment ; power of council over ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (6 ; Feb.) 597. Chicago West Division: charter; same powers conferred as by acS 14 Feb. 1859 ; Pr. L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 340. Chicago and Calu- met Horse and Dummy ; charter; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (5 Mar.) 30. Chtbs. Chicago Union House; charter; 1 Pr. L. 18(37 (12 Feb.) 245. Chicago Caledonian ; charter; Id. (21 Feb.) 248. Dock C''np(iniet. Cook County Marine Dry; charter: Pr. L. 1851 '(17 Feb.) 274. Chicago Dock and Canal ; charter; Pr. L. 1857 (12 Feb.) 4'J!>. Charter amended; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 152. Chicago South Branch; charter; Pr. L. 1859 (19 Feb.) 728. The Chicago ; charter ; Pr. L. 1863 (13 Feb.) 177. Madison ; charter ; 1 Pr. L .1865 (16 Feb.) 553. Gas Light and Coke Cwnpiinus. The Chica- go ; charter : Pr. L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 41. Amend- ment ; capital increased ; Pr. L. 1855 (9 Feb.) 642. The People's; charter; Pr. L. 1855 (13 Feb.) 614. Amendment; powers extended; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (7 Feb.) 589. Firemen, affecting. Fireman's Insurance; charter; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 422. Charter amended; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 624. Fire- men's Benevolent Association ; charter ; Pr. L. 1849(12 Feb) 43. Charter amended; 6 re- pealed ; funds distributed to orphan asylums ; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 47. Further amends ; Pr. L. 1863 (13 Feb.) 29. Benevolent Association of the Paid Fire Department ; charter; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (5 Mar.) 147. Hospitals, etc. Illinois General Hospital of the Lake ; charter ; 2 L. 1849 (29 Oct.) 40. Mer- cy Hospital and Asylum; charter; L. 1852 (21 June) 53. St. James Hospital ; charter : Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 586. St. Luke's Hospital ; char- ter ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (20 Jan.) 91. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary ; charter; Id. (16 Feb.) 68. Aided by state $5,000. annually for two years; L. 1867 (6 Mar.) 37. Appropriations in aid ; L. 1869 (25 Mar.) 43. Hydraulic Companies. The Chicago; char ter; L. 1836 (18 Jan.) 112. May sell and con vey their property ; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 721. Lake Michigan ; chartered ; L. 1845 (1 Mar.) 315. Amendment ; powers extended ; Pr. L. 1847 (28 Feb.) 161. Chicago City; chartered; Pr. L. 1851 (15 Feb.) 213. Foregoing amended ; L. 1852 (15 June) 12. Supplemental to first foregoing; general powers defined ; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 564 Act chartering and amend- ments amended ; to affect a loan ; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 1051. Inxu ra it cc Curnpanies. The Illinois; charter; Pr. L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 221. Phoenix ; charter; L. 1841 (26 Feb.) 156. Chicago Savings; receive deposits; charter; Pr. L. 1849 (13 Feb.) 51. Chicago City; charter; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 415. Mercantile; charter; Id. (15 Feb.) 387. Garden City: charter; Id. 401. Great Western; char- ter"; Pr. L. 1857 (4 Feb.) 244. Merchants' ; char- ter ; Pr. L. 1861 (18 Feb.) 413. Amendment; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (18 Feb.) 186. Further amends ; Id. (9 Mar.) 224. Commercial; charter; Pr. L. 1861 (18 Feb.) 348. Equitable; charter; Id. (0 Feb.) 370. Ft. Dearborn ; charter; Id. 374. Andaeain; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 655. Chi- cago Merchants'; charter : Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 366. Island; charter; Id. 400. Business of (74) PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. Chicago Corporations. Union Insurance and Trust Co. transacted in Chieimo s well as in Marion county; Id. 433. Bmncn office of the Columbian established ; Pr. j L.1868 (13 Feb.) 203. Lumberman's; charter;! 1 Pr. L. 1865 (0 Feb.) 708. Commercial; char- ! arter ; Id. (10 Feb.) G31. Amendment ; name j changed tr. Commercial of Chicago ; 2 Pr. L. H 1867 (20 Feb) 150. Commonwealth; charter; > 1 I Pr. L. **** (13 Feb.) 034. Protection; char- ter; Id7 (14 Feb.) 759. Citizen's ; two charters ; X Id. (15 Feb.) 624, 626. Knickerbocker; char- ter; Id. 696. Republic ; charter; Id. 768. Globe; charter; Id. (16 Feb.) 667. Howard; charter ; Id. 671. Lanmr; charter; Id. 698. Na- tional; charter; Id. 726. And again; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 129. Packers and Provision Dealers; charier; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 749. Safety ; charter; Id. 775. Traders; charter; Id. 788. United States ; charter ; Id. 804. Western Phoenix; charter; Id. 817. /Etna of Chicago ; charter ;2Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 115. Home; char- ier; Id. (5 Mar.) 157. Burglar; charter; Id. (8 Mar.) 207. Vesuvius; charter; Id. (28 Feb.) 230. Western Railroad ; charter; office at Chicago, Aurora or Batavia; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (9 Mar.) 209. Fir* 1 , Marine and Life. Qermania ; charter ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 662. Amendment ; name changed to Germania Insurance; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 107. . . Life. Northwestern Mu- tual ; charter ; Pr. L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 13(58. And again ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 744. Foregoing amended ; name changed to Mutual Life of Chi- cago; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 140. Illinois; charter; Pr. L. 1861 (18 Feb.) 893. Chicago Mutual ; charter; Id. (21 Feb.) 362. Provident Life and Investment; charter; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (13 Feb.) 761. Great Western; charter; Id. (15 Feb.) 665. Empire Mutual ; chatter; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 130. International; charter; Id. (7 Mar.) 98. American Mutual Health ; charter ; Id. (8Mar.)212. . . Marine and Fire. The Chi-* cago ; chartered ; L. 1836 (13 Jan.) 30. Amended ; Pr. L. 1849 (12 Fen.) 47. Again amended; stock increased; Pr. L. 1859 (4 Feb.) 384. F-ur- ther amendment; limit extended 30 years ; regu- lating deposits, loans, etc.; Pr. L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 368. Chicago Marine; charter ; Pr L. 1851 (28 Jan.) 25. Western; charter; Pr. L. 1853 (10 Feb) 370. Western Valley; charter; Pr. L. 1857 (4 Feb.) 241. Northern Illinois ; charter ; Id. (U Feb.) 456. Eureka; charter; Id. (13 Feb.) 507. ..Etna; charter; 1 Pr. L. 1865(15 Feb.) 614. . . Mutual. The Chicago; char- ter; L. 1852 (19 June) 42. Security ; chartered ; Pr. L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 393. Foregoinsr amended ; 2 I'r. f,. 1867 (7 Mar) 118. Home, Fire; char- ter; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 382. Mercantile, Fire; chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 714. Stock and ; charter; Id. 783. German, Fire of M orth Chicago ; charter ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (19 Feb.) 141. . . Trawler*. The National; charter- ed ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 731. Charter amend- ed, name changed to Chicago National; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (5 M\r.j 166. Security ; charter ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 793. Northwestern Transit; charter; Id. (16 Feb.) 748. Of Chicago; char- tered ; Id. 790. Charteramended ; name changed to Chicago Life; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (21 Feb.) 153. United States ; charter ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 809. Northwestern ; charter; Id. 825. Ship- pers; charter; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (5 Mar.) U'7. Manufacturing Companies. Cabinet Makers' Society; charter; Pr. L. 1855 (12. Feb.) 726. Association of Wagon makers; charter; Pr. L. 1857 (11 Feb.) 872. Amends charter of Chica- go Refining (organized under general law) : Pr. .1861(21 Feb.) 466. Eagle Works: charter; 1.467. Northwestern; charter; 2 Pr. .L. 1865 Id (14 Feb.) 42. National Watch ; charter;' Id. (16 Feb.) 41. Mechanical Bakery ; charter; Id. 40. Charteramended; 2 Pr. L/l 867 (22 Feb.) 330. Chicago Stone and Lime ; charter ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 31. Chicago Cotton; two charters; Id. (16 Feb.) 29, 47. Schenck Concentrated Feed ; charter; Id. 47. Ditching and Spading Machine; charter ; Id: 30. Fox River; charter ; Id. 37. Chicago Fanning; charter; Id. 32. Su- perior Steel and Iron; charter; Id. 49. Garden City Mannf. and Supply ; charter; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (13 Feb.) 371. Union Hide and Leather; char- ter; Id. (14 Feb.) 367. The Lumber ; charter; Id. (18 Feb.) 362. Chicago Truck ; charter ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (19 Feb.) 637. Lumber Dressing and ; charter ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (19 F(Jb.) 365. Illi- nois Cotton ; charter ; Id 1 . 363. Pioneer; char- ter; Id. 351. Chicago Union : charter ; Id. 284. Secor Hand Stamping; charter; Id. (21 Feb.) 355. Grigg's Excelsior Brick Machine ; char- ter; Id. 357. Mansfield Elastic Frog; charter; Id. 332. Chicago Horse Nail; charter; Id. 353. Illinois Linen; charter; Id. (22 Feb.) 358. Northwestern Silver Ware; charter; Id. 334. Pullman's Palace Car; Charter; Id. 337. Chi- cago Iron Works; charter, Id. 323. Northwest- ern ; charter ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (23 Feb.) 282. Gold- en City Planing Mill and Lumber; charter; Id. 342.- Illinois Grain Drying; charter; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (23 Feb.) 994. American Steam Genera- tor; charter; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (23 Feb.) 336. Illi- nois Soapstone Stove; charter; Id. 330. Chica- go Glass; charter ; Id. (2.". Feb.) 340. Petroleum Fuel and Light; charter; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 967. Hapgood ; charter ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 297. Beater Cotton and Hay Press; charter; Id. 296. United States Hydro-Caloric Light; charter; Id. 290. White Lead ; charter; Id. (9 Mar.) 321. Jessup Supply; charter; Id. 322. Northwestern Chemical ; charter; Id. 373. .(Etna Peat ; charter ; Id. 372. Fiber nnd Paper; charter; Id. (1 Mar.) 295. Soap and Candle; charter; Id. (6 Mar.) 308. Greatwestern Agri- cultural Tool; charter; Id. 3C5. Spading, Pul- verizing and Seeding Machine;, charter; Id. (7 Mar.) 314. Cook County Cement, Tile and Drain; Id. 313. The Illinois; charter: Id. 310. Northwestern Fertilizing; charter; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (8 Mar.) 927. Minin'j and Transportation C'tmpinie*. Chi- cago and Danville Coal changed to Chiotigo and Carbon ; Pr. L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 622. Union Stock Yard and Transit; charter; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (13 Feb.) 678. Charter amended; stock in- creased; 3Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 100. Union Warehouse and Transportation; charter; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 683. Forsythe Coal Mining; charter; Id. (16 Feb.) 63. Illinois Mining and Oil; charter; Id. 69. Illinois Petroleum and Mining; charter; Id. 71. Chicago and Berrien Shipping; charter; Id. 664. Lake Michigan, Warehouse and Transportation ; charter ; Id. 672. Chicago Artesian Well ; charter; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mir.) 51. Chicago Freight; charter; Id. (21 Feb.) 964, Anti-Incrustation ; charter; PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. (75) Chicago Corporations. 2 Pr. L. 1867 (19 Feb.) 352. Union Mining and | Prospecting ; charter : Id. 23 Feb.) 410. Com- monwealth Mining; charter; Id. 413. Lancas- ter Coaf; charter; Id. (28 Feb.) 402. Colorado I Mining and Prospecting; charter; Id. (5 Mar.) ; 388. Illinois and Montana Mining; charter; Id. (9 Mar.) 397. Chicago Tug ; charter ; 3 Pr. ; L 1867 (21 Feb.) 644. City Baggage and Trans- : fer ; charter : Id. (25 Feb.) 641. Lake Michigan j Steamboat; charter; Id. (7 Mar.) 88. Chicago Stage and Baggage ; charter ; Id. 636. Mixcdlanfous. Construction and use of I Northern Indiana and Chicago Railroad; L. ; 1852 (16 June) 14. St. George Society of Ilii- > nois ; charter ; Id. (21 June) 55. Illinois St. An ' drew Society; charter; Pr. L. 1853 (10 Feb.) I 29!). Chicago Tunnel ; charter ; Pr. L. 1855 (15 ; Feb.) 571. Harbor and Canal Improvement; i charter; Pr. L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 1341. Gruetti ! Society; charter; Id. (19 Feb.) 1360. Sociater j Arbeiter Verein of West Chicago; charter; 1 j Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 64. Damn Society; char- j ter; Id. (16 Feb.) 67. Chicago Turn Ge'meinde; ! charter; Id. 96. Chicago Arbeiter Verein; charter; Id. 63. Sharpshooters Association ; charter ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 270. Societie Francaise de Seconrs Mutuels; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (22 Feb ) 125. Name of Western Engraving ! Co. changed to Western Bank Note and En- graving Co. ; Id. (23 Feb.) 926. Piscatorial As- I sociation ; charter ; Id. 990. Scandinavian Im- migrant Aid Society: charter; Id. (25 Feb.); 132. Guarantee Association; charter; Id. (9; Mar.) &53. ffhe Oconto; charter ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 j (22 Feb.) 296. Svenska Americanavan ; char- : ter; Id. (25 Feb.) 348. Atwater Motor; char-; ter; Id. 443. Land Improvement and Irrigation; charter; Id. (1 Mar.) 241. Concordia Maenner- chor; charter; Id. (7 Mar.) 276. Vincennes ; Square Association; charter; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (1 Mar.) 83. Moral and InteKecttiaZ. Chicago Lvceum^ i charter; Pr. L. 18S9 (27 Feb.") 125. "Young j Men's Association ; chartered ; Pr. L. 1851 (30 * Jan.) 33. Amendment ; Pr. L. 1855 (9 Feb.) ; 618. Philharmonic Society ; charter ; Pr. L. 1853 (11 Feb.) 340. Young Men's Christian ! Association ; charter ; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 47. ! Charter amended; repeals 3; powers extended ; '< 2 Pr. L. 1867 (21 Feb.) 269.' Printing and Puttixhing Companies. Swedish Lutheran Publication Society in North Ameri- ca ; charter ; Pr. L. 1859 (21 Feb.) 419. Amend- ; ment ; repeals 3 ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (22 Feb.) 499. j Tribune; charter; Pr. L. 1861 (18 Feb.) 740. \ Chicago Post; charter; Pr. L. 1863 (16 Feb.) 182. Republican; charter; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (13 Feb.) 117. Illinois Staats Zeitung; charter: Id. 119. West Publishing; charter; Id. (16 Feb.) i 126. People's Anti-Monopoly Publishing; char- ' ter; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (18 Feb.) 497. Republic ' News; charter; Id. (21 Feb.) 501. National j Printing; charter; Id. (23 Feb.) 503. Post i Printing ; charter; Id. (25 Feb.) 507. Franklin ; Printing and Publishing ; charter; Id. (1 Mar.) ' 516. Chicago Age; charter; Id. (5 Mar.) 519. j Prairie Farmer ; charter ; Id. (7 Mar.) 510. Le- 1 gal News ; charter; Pr. L. 1869 (27 Feb.) . Amendment ; L-iws therein leeral evidence ; L. ! 1869 (11 Mar.) 251. Forpublishing laws of ses- ; sion for immediate use : prinia facie evidence ; appropriation for copies of laws furnished ; Id. (24 Mar.) 250, 12. Sarings Loan and Trust Companies Savings Institution and Trust ; charter; Pr. L. 1857 (10 Feb.) 389. Illinois Savings Institution ; char- ter; Id. (16 Feb.) 1006. Merchants Savings Loan and Trust; charter; Id. (28 Feb.) 82. Chi- cago Loan and Trust ; chartered ; Pr. L. 1859 (19 Feb.) 401. Charter amended; name chang- ed to Commercial Loan ; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 452. Real Estate Loan and Trust ; charter ; Id. (21 Feb.) 462. State Savings Institution ; char- ter ; Id. 555. Prairie State Loan and Trust ; charter; Id. (22 Feb.) 451. Chicago Loan and Deposit; charter; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 20. Chicago Real Estate and Land ; charter ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 239. Illinois Land and Loan ; charter; 1 Pr.L. 1867 (5 Apr.) 120. Mutual Trust Societv ; charter ; Id. (6 Mar.) 75. Internation- al Mutual Trust; charter; Id. (7 Mar.) 94. Na- tional Loan and Trust; charter; Id. (9 Mar.) 104. Secret Societies. Myron Lodge No. 1, Old Free Order of Chaldea; charter; Pr. L. 1857 (17 Feb.) 238. Charter amended; name changed to Myron Lodge No. 1 : L. 1852 (21 June) 49. Herman's Sons Lodge No. 27, Free Order of the Grand Lodge of New York: charter; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 676. Masonic Temple Associa- tion ; charter; Id. 696. Oriental Lodge No. 33, F. and A. Masons ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (23 Feb.) 960. Science and Art. Mechanics Institute; char- ter; L. 1843 (2 Jan.) 163. Charter amended; stock increased : Pr. L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 411. Chi- cago Historical Society; chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (7 Feb ) 329. Charter amended ; increase resi- dent membership ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (30 Jan.) 261. Granted 50 copies of all public documents prin- ted by the state; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 549. Art Gallery; charter; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 12. Academy of Sciences; charter; Id. 14. North- western Art and Photograph; charter; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (21 Feb.) 957. American Art Associa- tion ; charter ; Id. (28 Feb.) 958. Fine Art Col- lege ; charter; Id. (21 Feb.) 956. Astronomical Society ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (19 Feb.) 258. Trade and Commerce. Association of Tai- lors; charter; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 612. Mer- chants Exchange : charter ; Pr. L. 1857 (5 'Feb ) 245. And again; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 529. Board of Trade; charter; Pr.L 1859 (18 Feb.) 13. Merchants Association; charter; Pr. L. 1861(20 Feb.) 474. Board of Underwriters; charter; Id. (22 Feb.) 297. Ice Co.; charter; Id. 345. Chamber of Commerce; charter; Pr. L. 1863 (14 Feb) 179. Mercantile Association; charter; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 527. Stock ex- change ; charter ; Id. 531. Illinois Fruit; char- ter ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 49. Traders Empo- rium; charter; Id. 847. Weighing and Measur- ing ; charter ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 680. fidigious, Charitable, etc. Dedication of lot 7 block 38 to the Unitarians, confirmed ; L. 1841 (17 Feb.) 48. Chicago Bethel Association; edi- fice erected in 1844 vested in ; Pr. L. 1847, (27 Feb.) 131. Acts of trustees of First Presbyteri- an Society legalized ; Pr. L. 1849 (8 Feb.) 77. Chicago Orphan Asvlum; charter; 2 L. 1849 (5 Nov.y 42. North Presbyterian Church to con- vey certain city lots to Mark Skinner; Pr. L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 608. Kehilath Anshe Magrib : (76) PRIVATE AND SPECIAL, LAWS Chicago Corporation* charter; Pr. L. 1855 (12 Feb.) .>4. Hibernian Benevolent Society; Id. (14 Feb.) 706. Metho dist Episcopal Church changed to First M. E. Church; Pr. L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 012. For amended ; powers extended ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (I'd Feb.) 238. St. James' Church borrow 41U)"0. to complete edifice l A^T(ii Feb.) 801. Illinois Association of the New Jerusalem; charter; Id. (16 Feb.) 1011. Relief and Aid Society; char- ter; council may aid with appropriations; Id. 1123. Home for the Friendless; charter; Pr. L. 1859 (12 Feb.) 10. Foregoing amended ; sur- render upon habeas corpus; 1 Pr. L. 18tj."> (16 Feb.) 81. Seamen's Mutual Benevolent Socie- ty; charter; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 46. City Mission and Church Home; charter; Id. 45. General Convention of New Jerusalem; char- ter; Id. (29 Jan.) 81. Catholic Bishop ; char- ter ; Id. (20 Feb.) 78. United Sons of Erin Be- nevolent Society; Pr. L. 1863 (13 Feb.) 31.' Ministry at Large ; Id. 34. Roman Catholic Asylum of the Diocese of Catholic Bishop of Chicago; charter; Id. (29 Jan.) 25. Laborers' Benevolent Association ; charter; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (13 Feb.) 82. Old Ladies' Home; charter ; Id. (14 Feb.) 76. Nursery and Half Orphan Asy- lum; charter; Id. (15 Feb.) 84. Catholic St. Francis Society; charter; Id. 95. Roman Cath- olic Total Abstinence and Benevolent Society ; Id. (16 Feb.) 89. Redemptorist Fathers; char- ter ; Id 83. Bricklayers' and Masons' Benevo- lent Association ; charter ; Id. 65. Operative Plasterers' Protective Benevolent Society; char- ter ; Id. 87. Erring Woman's Refuge for Re- form ; charter ; Id. 98. German Masons' and j Bricklayers' Society; charter; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (16 | Feb.) 133. Washingtonian Home ; charter ; Id. i 141. Deutscher Roemisch Katholischer St. Pe- j ter's Unterstuctzungs Verein ; charter; Id. 135. j United Hebrew Relief Association; charter; Id. (25 Feb.) 130. Seamen's Benevolent Union ; charter ; Id. (5 Mar.) 149. House of the Good I Shepherd; charter; Id. (7 Mar.) 152. Institu- j tion of Protestant Deaconesses; charter; 2 Pr. ! L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 81. Chicago District Camp i Ground Association; charter; Id. 206. German ! Christian Aid Society; charter; Id. (21 Feb.) 265. Sunday School Union ; charter ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 51. Soldiers' Home; charter; Id. 81. Father Matthew Total Abstinance and Benevolent Society; charter; Id. (21 Feb.) 130. j Illinois Society for the prevention of cruelty to i animals; charter; L. 1869 (25 Mar.) 114. Wo- ! man's Home (organized under act 25 Feb. 1867 | for chartering unitary homes) ; charter amend- i erl; property exempt from taxation; Id. (16 j Apr.) 409. Miscfttaneou*. Two additional notaries ; 1 L. 1837 (16 Jan.) 175. To relieve purchasers of canal lots in 1838 ; L. 1841 (27 Feb.) 49. Certifi- cate to Updike and Talcott for a canal lot; L. 1843 (28 Jan.) 213. John Albert Spears name changed to John Albert Foss; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb j 717. Wm. Watson name changed to Wm. Sneed Watson; Pr. L. 1837 (31 Jan.) 228. Emma Frances Rice name changed to Emma Jane Bridges ; Id. (9 Feb.) 310. Henry Barkus, convicted of , restored to citizenship; Id. (18 Feb.) 1400. Lake View Avenue Co. (organ- ized under general law) ; powers extended ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 258. Mrs. Koxana Scott. widow of Col Joseph R. Scott, allowed $101.27 back p&y; Id. 249. Michigan Central R. R. enabled to hold real estate ; Id. 171. Illinois Central, Chicago Burlington and Quincy, Michigan Central and the Chicgao and Nortii- \\otcni R. R's, enabled jointly to hoW certain grounds; Id. 171. Vacates roads named; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 841. Frederick Scott restored to citizenship ; Id. (7 Mar.) 815. J. R. Steele re- stored to citizenship; L. 1869 (21 Mar.) 118. Cora Snell name changed to E. M. Sloan; Id. :', Mar.) 268. Schools and School Lands. School inspectors and trustees elected ; duties defined ; L 1835 (6 Feb.) 161. Foregoing repealed; 2 L. 1837 (20 July) 89. Vacates Heacock's plat of part of school section and confirms Blanchard's plat thereof; L. 1839 (4 Dec. 1838) 80. Relating to common schools ; Id. (1 Mar.) 215. Heacock's sub-division of block 30 School Section addi- tion legalized ; Id. (2 Mar.) 160. Recorded plat of School Section addition legalized ; L. 1843 (3 Mar.) 65. United States, jurisdiction ceded to. For three light houses; L. 1849 (11 Jan.) 99. Part of School Section addition to city; for light house and custom house purposes ; L. 1855 (13 Feb.) 139. Foregoing amended; L. 1859 (16 Feb.) 121. For a~Marine Hospital ; L. 1865 (14 Jan.) 90. For the same ; L. 1867 (11 Jan.) 175. Over 20 acres yet unpurchased, for the same ; Id. (28 Feb.) 176. Over lands joining custom house; L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 44. Barrington. Town chartered; 2 L. 1865(16 Feb.) 369. Academy chartered ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 1. Mutual Guarantee lAsurance Co. chartered ; Id. 620. Blue Island. Portland changed to Blue Is- land; L. 1843 (24 Feb.) 301. Vacates part of Rextord street; Pr. L. 1857 (10 Feb.) 374: Blue Island Avenue Plank Road may macadamize ; Id. (16 Feb.) 859. Brighton. Hotel and Stock Yard Co. charter- ed ; Pr. L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 922. Amendment ; name changed to Brighton Co.; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 62. Further amends; powers extended; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (6 Feb.) 602. Eranston. Ridgeville changed to Evanston ; L. 1857 (17 Feb.) 206. Northwestern Female College chartered; patronage M. E. Church; Pr. L. 1857 (19 Jan.) 6. 'Evanston Pier Co. chartered ; Id. (16 Feb.) 886. Evanston Semi- nary chartered ; Id. 994. Public grounds and streets vacated; boundary extended; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 440. Evanston Academy char- tered; IPr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 16. Northwest- ern Gas Lieut and Coke Co. chartered ; Id. (21 Feb.) 9"82. Evanston Hotel Co. char- tered; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (20 Feb.) 47. Evanston Philosophical Association chartered; Id. (28 Feb.) 272. Town school tax abated one-half; Id. (12 Feb.) 800. Hyde Park. Hyde Park Seminary chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (28 Jan.) 72. Town boundaries de- fined; Pr. L. 1861 (20 Feb.) 632. Foregoing amended ; powers extended ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (6 Feb.) 481. Library Association chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (2o Feb.) 254. Skating Co. char- tered; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 80. Town incor- poration acts reduced to one and amended ; Id. (5 Mar.) 344. Lab* T'jVir. Town established ; L. 1857 (17 PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. (77) Crawford County DeKalb County. Feb.) 206. Rosehill Cemetery Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1859 (11 Feb.) 29. Graceland Cemetery chartered; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 71. Forego- j ing amended; fund provided for permanent im- j provement; Pr. L. 1863 (13 Feb.) 174. Further | amends; trustees of Graceland Cemetery Im- ; provement fund chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 222. Locating a public park; 2 Pr. L. | 1865 (16 Feb.) 103. Foregoing generally amend- 1 ed; 2Pr. L. 1867 (8 Mar.) 479. Board of town trustees chartered ; Id. (16 Feb.) 484. Forego- ! ing amended and extended; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (5 ! Mar.) 157. German Pilgrim's Rest Cemetery j Association ; Id. (1 Mar.) 214. CRAWFORD COUNTY. County formed prior to the organization of the state. Cornelius Taylor, toll bridge across the Embarrass at Yellowbanks; L. 1819 (27 Feb.) 80. John S. Woodworth collect taxes lor 1818 ; Id. (22 Mar.) 164. Part of said county attached to Clark; L. 1823 (23 Dec. 1822) 79. Bridge the Raccoon, Hudson, Sugar and La- motte creeks; L. 1829 (19 Jan.) 147 12. Share in proceeds of Gallatin Salines; L. 1831 (16 Feb.) 14 1. Benj. Myers and others allowed expenses building courthouse; Pr. L. 1833(1 Feb.) 28. Road from Vincennes to Chicago changed between Palestine and Hutsonville ; L. 1835 (29 Feb.) 127. Same subject; L. 1836 (13 Jan.) 191. Road from Palestine to Howards lo- cated; L. 1839 (28 Feb.) 195. Sale of Hudson- ville lots; Id. (2 Mar.) 239. Removal of county seat from Palestine; vote thereon; L. 1843 (24 Feb.) 118. Guardian of Lucinda E. Fox to sell real estate; Pr. L. 1847 (4 Feb.) 23. Records of transcripts, etc., to be transcribed into new book; L. 1853 (11 Feb.) 211. Collection of taxes for 1847-8-9; Id. (12 Feb.) 236. Hunts- ville city charter; Pr. L. 1853 (3 Feb.) 330. Foregoing repealed ; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 917. Noaix Ninnicks, convicted of larceny, restored to citizenship; Id. (26 Jan.) 472. Vacates streets in Kobinson; Id. 472. Palestine chartered; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 62, And again; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 1139. County issue $30,000. bonds in aid of Wabash R. R. ; vote thereon; Id. (14 Feb.) 710. Alex. G. Southerland, ferry across the Great Wabash at Merom; Pr. L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 613. Joint erection and occupancy of a building by Huntsville Lodge No. 136 Masons, and directors district No. 3, Town 8 11 ; Id. (18 Feb.) 1363. Memorializing Congress to remune- rate Joseph J. Petri for effecting the deliver- ance of 70 emigrants in the mountains of Cal- ifornia; Pr. L. 1857 (28 Jan.) 1455. Jurisdiction of county court extended; L. 1863 (21 Feb.) 26. Foregoing repealed; L. 1869 )27 Mar.) 145. Sale of swamp lands legalized; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (20 Feb.) 858. Chester H. Fesh, ferry across the Wabash at Town 710; Id. (19 Feb.) 932. tion of county seat; points giving bond to be voted for; conveyance of town of DeKalb to James Gill declared valid; L. 1849 (8 Feb.) 50. Estate and heirs of Thos. Sconce, late collector, released; L. 1849 (9 Feb.) 117. Distribution of school fund for 1848; Id. (30 Jan.) 153. Same for 1850-1; L. 1851 (15 Feb.) 99. Aid ici con- struction of plank road ; Pr. L. 1854 (28 Feb.) 157. Greenup chnrtered; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 89. Greenup Lodge No. 125, F. and A. Masons chartered; Pr. Laws 1855 (15 Feb.) 708. Relo- cation of county seat ; vote thereon ; Id. (9 Feb.) 712. Location of county seat at Prairie City by county court legalized ; Pr. L. 1857 (10 Feb.) 349. Wiley Ross to bridge Muddy creek near Wood bury; Id. (16 Feb.) 1102. A. K. Bosworth to transcribe records in Coles county; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 55. Jurisdiction of county court extended; L. 1863 (21 Feb.) 26. J. H. Morgan, surity of J. H. Miller discharged from recognizance; L. 1867 (8 Mar.) 155. To regulate support of paupers; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (5 Mar.) 481. For transcribing certain public re- cords; Id. (23 Feb.) 788. Road from Shelby - ville via Neoga and Prairie City to National Road, relocated in part; Id. (23 Feb.) 817. Boundary of certain school districts changed ; 3 Pr. L. 18t>7 (9 Feb.) 22. Special bridge tax ; Id. (19 Feb.) 120. DANE COUNTY. County created; boundary and organization ; L. 1839 (15 Feb.) 104. Supplemental to fore- going; Id. (28 Feb.) 205. County name changed to Christian; L. 1840 (1 Feb.) 80. See Christian County. DEAF AND DUMB ASYLUM. Established; L. 1837 (23 Feb.) 162. Appro- priates $ 3,000. annually; L. 1847 (23Feb)47. Further concerning ; L. 1849 (3 Feb.) 93. Ad- ditional fund created; proceeds of farm; act 1847 repealed; L. 1851 (15 Feb.) 102. Further respecting; L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 90. For building north wing $6,508.13; L. 1857 (5 Feb.) 62. Fore- going amended ; number and class of directors ; Id. (13 Feb.) 84. For lighting with gas; Id. (16 Feb.) 148. For heating and lighting $8,458.12; deficiencies $16.000.; Expenses $4,500. ; L. 1859 (19 Feb.) 11. For 1859-60 $27,800. per annum ; Id. 12. For 1861-2; L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 120. For 1863-4; L. 1863 (21 Feb.) 15. For 1865-6; L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 16. For 1867-8 ; L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 9. For 1869-70 ; L. 1869 (27 Feb.) 29. Also, Id. (19 Apr.) 30. CUMBERLAND COUNTY. County created ; boundary and organization ; j Laws 1843 (2 Mar.) 94. Acts of James Ewarts, deputy county clerk, legalized; L. 1845 (27 Feb.) 180. Disposition of school funds; return of scholars in 1844; Id. (7 Feb.) 221. Reloca- DEKALB COUNTY. County created ; boundary and organiza- tion; 1 L. 1837 (4 Mar.) 97. Removal of county seat from Orange; vote thereon; L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 244. Removal of county seat from Coul- ton ville; vote thereon; L. 1840 (30 Jan.) 68. Coultonville Steam and Hydraulic Manufactur- ing Co. chartered; L. 1843 (1 Mar.) 159. School directors to raise money to build school houses; L. 1847 (28 Feb.) 158. Cemetery for heirs of Billy Ames, pec. 34 Town 44 4, established; Pr. (78) PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. >' Witt County Du Page County. L. 1851 (17 Feb.) 281. Hogs not to run at large; L. IS}!) (10 Jan.) 183. Town of Pierce created; L. 1853 (11 Feb.) 93. School directors district No. 1, Town 415, to borrow money to build school house; Id. (12 Feb.) 11)12. Town of Vic- tor created : part of Amboy added to Lee Cen- tre; Id. (14 Feb.) 204. County borrow $3,000. to build poor house and jail; Id. (12 Feb.) 235. Commissioners of highways to vacate or relo- cate state roads; Pr. L. 1854 (I Mar.) 145. . Syc- amore and Courtland K. K. chartered; Pr. L. 1859 (19 Feb.) 514. Jurisdiction of county court extended ; L. 1863 (12 Feb.) 43. Town- ships to support their own paupers; vote there- on ; Id. (13 Feb.) 46. Terms of co'-nty court; qualifications of judge; L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 29. Action of county for pavuu-nt of bounties to soldiers, legalized; 1 Pr. *L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 539. Courtland, town chartered ; 2 Pr. L. ISO.") (16 Feb.) 431. Repeals 4 of the foregoing; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (8 Mar.) 603. Somonauk, town charter- ed; Id. 578. Said town attached to Kendall county; Id. 579 Township of Sycamore to take stock in Sj'camore and Courtland R. R. ; Id. (15 Feb) 223. County court at Sycamore; L. 167 (25 Feb.) 70. County judge to exchange with any circuit judge; Id. (7 Mar.) 72. Relo- cation (,f county seat; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (12 Feb.) 858. Foregoing amended ; fixes time of holding circuit court; Id. (8 Mar.) 899. Shabbona Ma- sonic Stock Co. chartered; Id. (18 Feb.) 962. Sucamore. Alley in block 13 vacated; L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 112. Vacates certain allevs; Pr. L. 1857 (31 Jan ) 227. Town chartered; Pr. L. (15 Feb.) 112. 1859 (:>! Feb.) 686. Repeals nd and Loan Co. charter- ed; 2Pr. L. 1867'(8 Mar.) 280. Cherry Point City Woolen Manufacturing Co. chartered ; Id. (23 Feb.) 325. Edgar Mining and Oil Co. char- tered; Id. (14 Feb.) 431. Governor to appoint a county treasurer in place of J. W. Shanks de- ceased; L. 1869 (4 Mar.) 331. Pari*. Town chartered; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 199. Foregoing amended; limits reduced; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 888. Foregoing amendment repealed; Pr. L. 1859 (19 Feb.) 653. Amends amendment of 1857 (repealed by foregoing); 3 Pr. L. 1867 (5 Mar.) 235. Charter election in Mar. 1853, legalized; Pr. L. 1855 (9 Feb.) 693. To regulate sale of liquor; Pr. L. 1863 (20 Feb.) 271. Paris Seminary chartered ; Pr. L. 1837 (1 . Mar.) 182. Male and Female Seminary char- tered; Pr. L. 1851 (15 Feb.) 211. Pocahontas Tribe No. 1, Imperial Order of Red men char- tered ; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 674. Wabash Val- ley Fire and Marine Insurance Co. charlered; Pr. L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 616. Supplemental to foregoing; Id. (18 Feb.) 1242. Amends first foregoing ; name changed to Wabash Insurance (SO) PKIVATEAND SPECIAL LAWS Fayette County. Co.; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 160. Edirar Colle- giate Institute chartered; 1 Pr. L. 18(57 (* Mar.) 'M. Paris Hotel Co. chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1807 (1-1 Feb.) -I-'. Home Insurance C'o. chartered; Id. (6 Mar.) 101, 225. Farmers and Mechanics Insurance Co. chartered; Id. (5 Mar.) 104. Kansas. Name of Midway changed to Kan- sas; Pr. L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 713. Town charter- ed ; Pr. L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 628. And again; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 365. EDWARDS COUNTY. County formed prior to the organization of the state. Four commissioners to remove coun- ty seat; L. 1821 (1 Feb.) 68. Build court house and jail ; L. 1823 (14 Feb.) 146. Claims against county divided between counties of Edwards and Wabash ; L. 1826 (19 Jan.) 53. Same sub- ject; Pr. L. 1827 (16 Jan.) 11. Southern boun- dary line of Wayne and Edwards defined; L. 1829 (22 Jan.) 32." Foregoing construed ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 162. Share of proceeds of Gal- latin Salines; L. 1831 (16 Feb.) 15 1. Borrow money to build court house; L. 1852 (18 June) 22. Borrow $5,000. to buy breadstuffs for the unfortunate; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 704. Frank- lin College chartered; Pr. L. 1827 (9 Jan.) 6. Concerning s:ile of school section, Town 3 14; 1 L. 1837 '(3 Mar.) 314. Sale of school lands; L. 1839 (27 Feb.) 192. Resale of school land in Town 2 14; Id. 204. Payment of interest on school fund in Town 2 14; L. 1843 (3 Mar.) 168. Sheriff to receive $127.70 overpaid; L. 1819 (24 Mar.) 239. Sheriff released from liabil- ity for failing to p*iy over taxes; L. 1826 (19 Jan.) 58. K:insom Higgins, toll bridge across Bon Pas creek ; L. 18-J5 (9 Feb.) 83. Appro- prhites $100. to bridge Bon Pas creek; Pr. L. 1833 (1 Mar.) 5. Mills and Baker, mill dam on Little Wabnsli, Town 110; L. 1839 (12 Feb.) 117. Road, Mt. Carmel to Maysville, relocated; Id. (16 Feb.) 134. Same, Albion to Maysville; Id. (27 Feb.) 203. Bon Pas creek navigable to Wiggins Mill ; L. 1843 (4 Mar.) 245. Gray ville chartered; Pr. L. 1855 (13 Feb.) 293. New Salem chansrcd to West Salem; Pr. L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 1242. "Vacates plat of W. Salem; Pr. L. 1861 (20 Feb.) 718. 1833 (28 Feb.) 119. Distribution of school fund for 1846; L. 1847 (16 Feb.) 115. S;,m<- Mibject; Id. (22 Feb.) 154. Same subject; L. 1849 (30 Jan.) 1.1:!. Sule of school lands in Town 8 7; Id. (6 Feb.) 181. Securities of R. J. Hill, late collector, conditionally discharged from liabili- ty ; L. 1845 (3 Feb.) 199. Bridge Little Watmsh near Ewingtou; free after 10 years; Pr. L. 1847 (19 Feb.) 13. James Cartrig'ht, to dam Little Wabash at sec. 22, Town 75; Id. (17 Feb.) 40. Widow of Geo. Morris, sell real estate; Id. (26 Feb.) 185. County issue bonds in aid of con- struction of plank roads; Pr. L. 1854 (28 Feb ) 157. Granville plat vacated; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 194. Harman Faithdrop, to dam Little Wabash at sec. 36, Town 85; Id. (13 Feb.) 686. Joseph A. Dun'ap, convicted of petit lar- ceny, restored to citizenship; Pr. L. 1861 (18 Feb.) 307. John F. Washford's survey of Teii- topolis legalized; Id. (22 Feb.) 723. " Town of Mason chartered ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 507. Foregoing amended; election of police justice and constable; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 600. Isaac Gordon, mill dam on Little Wabash, Town 66 ; L. 1843 (28 Feb.) 175. H. W. Higgs, late collector, sell lands for taxes of 1840; Id. (20 Feb.) 215. Effinyhain. Towns of Efflngham andBrough- ton consolidated; Pr. L. 1859 (14 Feb.) 602. Town chartered; Pr. L. 1861 (20 Feb.) 611. Foregoing amended; Pr. L. 1863 (16 Feb.) 265. City chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (15 Feb.) 308. Ewington. Town chartered ; Pr. L. 1855(14 Feb.) 54. Foregoing amended ; Pr. L. 1857 (9 Feb) 311. Steam Mill Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1853 (11 Feb ) 514. Ewington Lodge No. 149, F. and A. Masons chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 1051. KFFINGHAM COUNTY. County established; county seat located and named by commissioners; L-iws 1831 (15 Feb.) | 50. Election for county officers at Tlios. J. Brncketts house; location of county seat ratified; attached to 4th judicial circuit; Pr. L. 1S33. (20 1 !). '32) 23. Towns 9 4, 5 and taken from Shelby and added to this; L. 1845 (26 Feb.) 164. Assessments for 1843 legalized ; Id. (4 Feb.) 199. Tax books for 1846-7, 8 and 9 examined and cor- rected ; L. 1851 (17 Feb.) 182. Removal of coun- ty seat from Ewington to Effingham ; vole there- on ; L. 1859 (18 Feb.) 4:5. I 'rovisions for pay- incut of bounties legalized; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (4 Mar.) 87'.). Win. Stevens pre-emption of part sec. 16, Town 7 5 confirmed : same extended to actual settlers on section 16 Town 7 1 ; Pr. L. FAYETTE COUNTY. County formed, county seat fixed at Vanda- lia; L. 1821 (14 Feb.) 164. Repeals 9 of fore- going; L.I 823 (12 Feb.) 128. Lots for county buildings selected; Id. (17 Feb. ) 154. To sub- scribe $ 10,000. to Okaw Bottom Plank road; L. 185;! (8 Feb.) 279. Issue county bonds in aid of plank roads; Pr. L. 1854 (28 Feb.) 157. For repairing court house; L. 1859 (12 Feb.) 210. County war bonds legalized; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (12 Feb.) 115. Compensation to sheriff for fuel and attendance upon Supreme Court; L. 1823 (31 Jan.) 97. Same subject; L. 1826 (23 Jan.) 71 ; L. 1829, 35. Same subject; Pr. L. 1833 (1 Mar.) 205. Relief of purchasers of Perry ville lots; L. 1823 (17 Feb.) 156. McLaughlin and Town- send to build mill near Vaudalia; L. 1825 (14 Dee. '24) 11. Adm'r. of James K lly to account to probate judge: Pr. L. 1827 (17 Feb.) 30. Four acres state land, opposite Vandalia, granted Harvey and Lemuel Lee, conditioned that they keep running thereon a good grist mill; Id. (12 Feb.) 35. Road from Vandalia to Maysville re- located; l f . 1831 (9 Feb.) 27 2. Same Vanda- lia to Shelby ville. relocated; Pr. L. 1833 (1 Feb.) 131. Permanently established between same points; L. 1835 (7 Jan.) 87. Same, Vandalia to Daniel Brownings located; Vandalia and Shelby ville road changed near Bowling Green; L. 1836 (18 Jan.) 195. Same, Greenville to PRIVATE ASD SPECIAL LAWS. (81) Fayettc County Franklin County. Shelbyville, alteration; L. 1839 (1 Mar.) 212. Relocation of certain state roads; L. 1810 (29 Jan.) 66. Same, Greenville and Shelbyville. relocation in part; Id. (1 Feb.) 133. Stephen T. Breeman, erect mill on college township; L. 1831 (15 Jan.) 97. Supplemental and in limita- tion of foregoing; Id. (5 Feb.) 98. Lands sold for heirs of John McClure; Id. (15 Feb.) 122. Zela Walwood's. on Bouz creek, a public mill; Fr. L. 1833 (15 Feb.) 106. Robert II. Peebles and others, settle accounts of James Hall, late state treasurer, with state bank; Id. (26Feb.)123. Special terms of circuit court; L. 1835 (24 Jan.) 33. John Robb, pardoned of manslaughter, re- leased from $50. fine; L. 1835 (13 Feb.) 68. Fay- ette Seminary chartered ; Pr. L. 1837 (1 Mar.) 182. And again; Pr. L. 1851 (15 Feb ) 235. Mary Evans, sell and convey real estate. Town 6 -1 ; L. 1839 (4 Dec. '38) 80. For enclosing the graves of state officers; Id. (12 Feb.) 88. John A. McClenahan and others, build mill dams; Id. (28 Feb.) 197. Fayette Steam Mill Co. charter- ed ; L. 1840 (18 Jan.) 19. Chaffin and Casebeer, mill dam on Kaskaskia, Town 71 ; L. 1841 (2 1 Feb.) 187. Wm. Forrister and A. Howard, mill dam on Kaskaskia, Town 83; L. 1845 (27 Feb.) 181. Adin'r. of James Hankins, late col- lector, to sell delinquent lands and complete set- tlement ; Pr. L. 1847 (30 Jan.) 172. His securi- ties conditionally released; Pr. L. 1851 (15 Feb.) 228. Additional election precinct east side Kas- kaskia; Id. (17 Fob.) 29. Joseph A. Jackson, dam on Kaskaskia sec. 36, Town 8 1 ; Id. (25 (Feb.) 41. Patent issue to J. D. McGraw for Kit of school section Town 6 3; L. 1857 (31 n.) 197. A. P. N. Doyle allowed $1,401.84, error in settlement ; time of redemption extend- ed; L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 147. Pay expenses of posse commitatus, called out by deputy sheriff Wm. N. Stephenson, in July and August 1864 ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 541. Vacates Robinson street in LaClede; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 660. Over tax for 1856 7, remitted to estate of Akin Evans, late collector; L. 1867 (8 Mar.) 155. Limits of Town 72 extended; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 616. Selling state lands Town 51 ; L. 1869 (2 Mar.) 243. M. E. Askins name changed to H. 8. E. Miller; Id. (15 Mar.) 262. Vand alia. Town chartered ; L. 1821 (15 Feb.) 176. Repeals 9 of foregoing; L. 1823 (12 Feb.) 128. Action of commissioners laying out town, confirmed; to be the capital of state for 20 years; duty of commissioners with the lands, lots, notes, deeds, etc.; L. 1821 (27 Jan.) 32. Town charter amended; L. 1825 (23 Dec. '24) 22. Va- cates streets; L. 1835 (6 Feb.) 60. Streets run- ning through out -lots; L. 1843 (2 Mar.) 302. Re- peals 5 of foregoing; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 1030. Town again chartered; Pr L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 811. Vacates streets and alleys; Pr. L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 732. Repeals 1, 2 and 3 of foregoing ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 661. Gover- nor to convey to town one and a half acres state lands for a burying: cround, and 5 lots for house of worship ; L. 1828 (12 Jan.) 131. Also, a lot to Lemuel Lee ; Id. (12 Feb.) 130. Auditor to sell town lots; Id. 140. Foregoing amended; L. 1825 (14 Jan.) 113. Foregoing extended; L. 1829 (22 Jan.) 188. Abram Starns and oth- ers, released from notes given for lots: L. 1823 (17 Feb.) 156. Securities of James Kelly, the same ; L. 1825 (14 Jan.) 103, Relief of purcha- sers generally ; E. S. 1827 (14 Feb.) 380. Lots conveyed to Thos. Redmond conditionally; L. 1831 (.10 Feb.) 119. Redmond released from fur- ther payment for; L. 1835 (7 Feb.) 69. Unsold town lo'ts; R. S. 1833 (1 Mar. '33) 605. Lots for buryinsr ground, and for buriitl of members of the legislature ; L. 1835 (6 Feb.) 60. Fayette County Mutual Labor Seminary chartered ; 2 L. 1837 (11 July) 43. Disposition of public prop- erty: L. 1839 (19 Feb.) 134. Foregoing amend- ed : vote on dissolution of the town : L. 1843 (6 Feb.) 189. Heirs of Chs. Prentice to redeem town lots ; Pr. L. 1347 (28 Feb.) 18l>. Sale by the County S'-rninary to*the county of part of the old state house and grounds, legalized; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 1030. FORD COUNTY. Countv created ; boundary and organization ; first election; L. 1859 (17 Feb.) 29. Borrow $15,000. for county buildings; Id. (19 Feb.) 33. Funding 30 per cent of county bounty orders issued Sept. 1864; tax to liquidate: 1 Pr. L lt<05 (14 Feb.) 112. Issue of $10.000. county bonds, legalized; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 890. Paxton chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 537. Scan- dinavian Evangelical Lutheran Augustana Col- lege and Seminary at Psixton, chartered; 1 Pr. L.' 1865 (16 Feb.) 21. Paxton Cemetery Asso- ciation chartered ; Id. 225. FRANKLIN COUNTY. Commissioners to fix county seat; until build- ings are erected court to be held at place desig- nated in territorial act 2 Jan. 18l8; L. 1819 (6 Feb.) 74. Xew election for sheriff by reason of tie vote; Id. (22 Mar.) 167. Five commissioners fix county seat ; L. 1821 (1 Feb.) 69. Share in proceeds of Gallatin Salines; L. 1831 (16 Feb.) 13 1. Line between Franklin and Perry ;L. 1835 (6 Feb.) 36. Benton the permanent coun- ty seat; L. 1841 (7 Jan.) 93. Restoration of re- cords destroyed by fire; L. 1845 (21 Jan.) 213. Borrow $5,000. to purchase breadstuff for the unfortunate ; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 704. Circuit clerk to transcribe record book "B"; Pr. L. 1857 (14 Jan.) 26. Sales of real estates under iudgments and decrees not of record, legalized; L. 1859 (23 Feb.) 34. Construction of county buildings; L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 124. Bonds for bridges, levees, court house and jail; L. 1863 (13 Jan.) 48. And also; Id. (10 Feb.) 48. For transcribing certain public records; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 792. Road from Vandalia to Gol- conda changed ; Pr. L. 1827 (7 Feb.) 25. Same, relocating Frankfort to Vienna in part;lL. 1837 (7 Feb.) '265. Same, Goose pond to Whit- tington's, relocated ; L. 1839 (12 Feb.) 87. Same, vacates McFarland road; L. 1843 (21 Feb.) 255. Sheriff released from penaltv for failure to pay over taxes; L. 1826 (19 Jan.) 58. W. B. Scales to adjust fee bills of S. M. Hubbard, circuit clerk, in bank case*; L. 1836 (18 Jan.) 246. County clerk to sell for taxes of 1833, and pay over; 1 L. 1837 (27 Feb.) 185. Settlement of balance due the state for taxes of 1843; L. 1845 (1 Mar.) 206. Appropriates $6,000. of swamp land fund to improve roads and bridges ; Pr. L. PKIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS Fulton Count'/. 1855 (15 Feb.) 725. Time for paying $984.14 of which M. D. Hodge, lale collector, was robbed, extended; L. 1869 (31 Mar.) 330. Pope and liaxnvay, mill dam on Biir Muddy, Town 7 2; L. 1840;* (18 Jan.) 45. Payment by J. D. Morri- son, late collector ; L. 1841 (20 Feb.) 208. E. D. living, minor, to convey certain lands; L. 1843 (28 Jan.) 7','. Wilson "Rea and John Golden, convicted of sending challenge to fight, restor- ed to citizenship; L. 1845 (27 Feb.) 180. Luke Barley granted state pedlar's license for life, with "conditions; Pr. L. 1851 (12 Feb.) 85. Bainbridge Academy chartered : Pr. L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 230. Supplemental'to foregoing; L. 1840 (I Feb.) 99. Benton Academy chartered; L. 1841 (7 Jan.) 20. Trustees of, to sell and con- \ey real estate; Pr. L. 1857 (12 Feb.) 492. Fan- cy Farm College chartered ; L. 1841 (24 Feb.) 63. Frankfort. Town incorporation, under act 12 Feb. 1831, legalized; Pr. L. 1837 (27 Feb.) 107. Improvements, 10 feet in front of lots; L. 1831 (15 Feb.) 80. Frankfort Institute chartered; L. 1886 (16 Jan.) 182. And again; Pr. L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 168. FULTON COUNTY. County formed out of Pike; L. 1823 (28 Jan.) 88. The record in Pike of deeds to land in Ful- ton legalized; L. 1825 (10 Jan.) 80. County rev- penue; L. 1826 (27 Jan.) 89. Resident land tax aid into county treasury; repeals law requiring $450. to be paid by state to county; Pr. L. 1833 (25 Feb.) 20. Taxes from residents paid into county treasury; L. 1835 (13 Feb.) 88. County commissioners to collect money loaned ; L. 1843 (1 Mar.) 110. Cannah Jones to collect unpaid taxes for 1839; L. 1841 (26 Feb.) 211. Same subject; L. 1843 (1 Mar.) 292. Lost land, "the gore," attached to Fulton and Peoria Counties; L. 1845 (28 Feb.) 267. Removal of county seat, vote thereon; Id. (3 Mar.) 288. County take stock in Peoria and Hannibal, and Jacksonville and Savanna railroads; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 860. Action of Supervisors for paying boun- ties, legalized; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.)" 123. Tax to pay bounties; Id. (9 Feb.) 124. Old public records transcribed; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 230. Various townships to take stock in railroads; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (22 Feb.) 856. County to aid Peoria and Hannibal railroad; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (6 Feb.) 670. Division and sale of school lands in Towns 3, 51, 32. 54, and 64 ratified; 1 L. 1837 (25 Feb.) 312. Management of county school fund; L. 1845 (3 Mar.) 821. Bounty fund of Orion transferred to school fund; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (8 Mar.) 162. Division of school funds in Towns 7 and 82 ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 50. Compensation of sheriff increased; L. 1869 (8 Mar. ) 400. Koad, relocation of Havanna and Macomb; L. 1836 (18 Jan.) 218. Same, from Canton to Knoxville, located in part; L. 1839 (27 Feb.) 191. Same, between Lewistown and Jackson Grove; L. 1841 (19 Feb.) 224. Same, TJtica to Tompkin's, mouth Copperas creek ; Id. (26 Feb ) 245. Same, Farmington to Charleston; Id. (27 Feb.) 248. Same, Utica to Killsa's land- ing; L. 1843 (24 Jan.) 246. Canton and Utica R. R. chartered; may construct a canal instead : Pr. L. 1837 (24 Feb.) 97. Illinois Manufactur- ing Co. chartered ; located either in Fulton or Peoria: Id. (4 Mar.) 331. Lewis Freeman, mill dam OO Spoon riser. Town 4 3:1L. J" Mar.) 160. Plat of Utica, mistake corrected ; Id. i JT i Vb.) 331. Vienna changed to Astoria; L. .' \ Jan.) 52. Fulton Mutual Fire Insurance ( '(). chartered ; Pr. L. 1839 (28 Feb.) 134. Reso- lution to locate the Peoria and Warsaw R. R. via Farmington; L. 1839, 294. A acute- tmvn plat of Washington; L. 1840 (31 Jan.) 32. A. 8. Steele to sell part of estate of O. M. Ross ; L. 1841 (26 Feb.) 307. Oliver Parlin, mill dam on Otter creek; L. 1845 (26 Feb.) 166. Sarah, Ste- phen and George W. Bohannan name changed to Atwood; Pr. L. 1847 (27 Feb.) 21. Cheney and Stockton, ferry across the Illinois, for 5 years, at Liverpool ; Id. (15Feb.)4 : i. James F. Howarth sell interest of Jas. B. Lovell's heirs to certain Bernadotte town lots; Id. (25 Feb.) 187. Delavan plat vacated; Id. (15 Feb.) 201. Ste- phen Tracy Doolittle name changed, to Stephen Tracy: Pr. Laws 1849 (8 Feb.) 14. Survey of Independence legalized; Id. (10 Feb.) 132. As- toria Seminary chartered; Pr. L. 1851 (15 Feb.) 171. Oliver Shiple name changed to Oliver Shipley ; Id. 242. Aiding Canton and Liver- pool plank road; L. 1852 (15 June) 11. Center- ville changed to Cuba; Pr. L. 1853 (26 Jan.) 479. Pleasantville changed to Ipava; Id. 479. Byron plat vacated; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 201. Vermont chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (13 Feb.) 531. Foregoing amended; foregoing restricted and defined; Pr. L. 1861 (18 Feb.) 730. Farming- ton chartered ; Pr. L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 1223. Fore- going amended ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 441. Liverpool Coal Mining Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 1372. Fairview chartered; Pr. L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 608. Liverpool chartered; Id. (19 Feb.) 637. O. M. Ross, ferry license across the Illinois at Havanna, legalized; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 821. William Phelps and others, ferry across the Illinois at Havanna; Id. 322. Vacates a park and public square in Farming- ton ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 659. Town of Asto- ria pay bounties to soldiers; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 154. Towns of Orion and Astoria, s:unc subject; Id. 155. American I [edge Trimmers Co. chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (5 Mar.) 1. Fair- view Lead Mining and Smelting Co. chartered ; Id. 381. County Soldiers Monument Associa- tion chartered ; Id. (21 Feb.) 447. Avon char- tered ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (8 Mar.) 442. Wm. D. Lew- is restored to citizenship; L. 1869 (2 Mar.) 118. John Salmons restored to citizenship; Id. (30 Mar.) 344. LeimtoiDi. Town chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 1038. Foregoing amended; limits and powers extended: Pr. L. 18-39 (21 Feb.) 635. Further amended; election of justice and con- stable; Pr. L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 678. Still further amends; regulate sale of liquor; license billiard tables; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 492. Lewistown Seminary chartered; Pr. L. 1837 (1 Mar.) 182. Auditor "to sell certain town lots; Pr. L. 1849 (26 Jan.) 111. Hiram J. Graham, ferry across the Illinois; Pr. L. 1851 (8 .Feb.) 57. Fulton Semi- nary chartered ; Pr. L. 1855 (9 Feb.) 380. Ful- ton Savings Bank chartered; Pr. L. 1863 (21 Feb.) 38. And again; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 90. Town pay bounties to volunteers; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (2 Feb.) 163. Canton. Town chartered; Pr. L. 1849 (8 Feb.) 112. Foregoing amended; 2L. 1849(3 PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. (83) Gattatin County. Nov.) 44. Philo M. Knapp, enclose certain streets and alleys in Little's addition ; L. 1841 (26 Feb.) 314. County commissioners appoint judges of election in Canton precinct; Pr. L. 1847 (16 Feb.) 42. Vacating streets: Id. (27 Feb.) 199. City chartered ; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 574. Foregoing amended; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 636. Canton College of Illinois charter- ed; Pr. L. 1837 (28 Feb.) 136. Amends forego- ! ing ; acts of trustees confirmed ; Pr. L. 1839 (9 Feb.) 37. Library Association chartered; Pr. L. 1847 (25 Feb.) 126. Canton Cemetery Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1851 (1 Feb.) 43. Foregoing amended ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 231. Mechan- ics Savings Institution chartered; Pr. L. 1855 j (14 Feb.) 705. Canton Institute chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 705. Gas Light and Coke Co. chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (12 Feb.) 971. Hotel Co. chartered ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 69. Driv- ing Park Association chartered; Id. (21 Feb.) 471. GALLATIN COUNTY. County formed prior to the organization of ! the state. Court house established in Shawnee- j town on lots purchased for public square; L. j 1819 (22 Mar.) 168. Late sheriff to collect state tax for 1816 ; Id. 168. Marmaduke S. Daven- I port to collect taxes for 1817-8; Id. (26 Mar.) j 266. Sheriff discharged from liability for fail- ! ing to collect taxes 1817-8; Id. (27 Mar.) 298. ! For building court house and jail ; L. 18S5 (17 j Jan.) 165. Foregoing repealed; Pr. L. 1827 (11 Jan.) 10. Removal of county seat to geographi- cal centre of county; L. 1826 (26 Jan.) 77. Commissioners carry provisions of foregoing in- to effect; Pr. L. 1827 (24 Jan.) 14. County clerk collect delinquent list for 1841 ; receive list from H. Bruce; L.1843 (28 Jan.) 227. Jas. M. and Michael Jones released conditionally from judgment, by school commissioners ; L. 1845 (28"Feb.) 149. Foregoing amended ; Pr. L. 1847 (27 Feb.) 188. Line of Gallatin and Hardin located ; L. 1845 (3 Mar.) 279. Assess- ments for 1846 bv John Williamson, valid; L. 1847 (1 Mar.) 75. "Part of Gallatin attached to Hardin ; Pr. L. 1847 (20 Feb.) 30. County di- vided north and south ; Eastern part still Galla- tin. Western known as Saline; location of county seats and division of county debts and school funds; Id. (25 Feb.) 34. John E. Hall collector for 1846-7 released from interest ; L. 1849 (30 Jan.) 114. Assessments in 1847, pre- vious to division of Gallatin and Saline, legaliz- ed ; also assessment by J. W. Trousdale ; Id. (2 Feb.) 114. Division of school fund between Gallatin, Hardin and Saline; Id. 180. Vote on uniting Gallatin and Saline; L. 1851 (11 Feb.) 28. Foregoing amended; L. 1852 (21 June) 106. County collector for 1846-7 released from liabil- ity ; Pr. L. 1851 (28 Jan.) 18. Line between Gallatin and White fixed; L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 265. Same subject. ; Pr. L. 1854 (28 Feb.) 143. Spe- cial tax for court house and clerks' office ; Pr. L. 1855 (9 Feb.) 732. Removal of County seat from Shawneetown to New Market ; vote there- on ; L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 208. State lands granted the county under act 22 June 1852 for disposi- tion of swamp and overflowed lands ; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 1071. Money for swamp lands ' $1,760. refunded the county; L. 1859 (23 Feb.) 148. Jurisdiction of county court extended; L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 106. J. R. Loomis complete records of circuit court; L. 1867 (6 Mar.) 68. Allowance to David Tade for taking care of Jo- seph Elliott, poor person; L. 1821 (19 Jan.) 18. Sheriff released from penalty for failing to pay overtaxes; L. 1826 (19 Jan.) 58. John Lane sell lands of Christopher Robinson dec'd, and apply proceeds; Pr. L. 1827 (3 Jan.) 5. John Marshall allowed 36.31 1, cleaning 6 boxes U. 8. arms; Id. (29 Jan.) 19. Robt.R. Eunkhouser and others released from liability to state for metal ; Id. (17 Feb.) 30. Potts and Robinett, toll bridge on Beaver creek, Ford's ferry and Equal- ity road ; L. 1831 (15 Jan.) 31. Alex. Kirkpat- rick, toll bridge on Saline creek at Equality; Id. (22 Jan.) 32. John Crenshaw, toll bridge on north fork of Saline between Equality and Shawneetown; Id. (7 Jan.) 34. J. Braughton, toll bridge on north fork Saline, at old ferry bet- ween Carmi and Equality; Id. (22 Jan.) 36. David Potts, ferry across the Saline; Id. (7 Jan.) 78. Adm'r. and heirs ot Saml. Marshall to sell real estate; Id. (1 Jan.) 118. Purchasers of lots at Equality allowed further time; Id. (9 Feb.) 121. Hampton Weed, floating bridge across the Saline; Pr. L. 1833 (2 Mar.) 8. Equa- lity and Shawneetown Turnpike chartered; Id. 87. Election of additional justice and constable: Id. (28 Jan.) 103. Securities of Henry Boyer, late sheriff, collect taxes for 1824-5 by distress ; Id. (26 Feb.) 120. Foregoing repealed; L. 1835 (7 Jan.) 77. Viola Ellis name changed to Potts; Id. (27 Feb.) 121. Sally Scroggins, widow of John Scroggins, sell real estate ; Id. 124. Jo- seph Street discharged from payment of note for $540. held by state bank at Shawneetown ; Id. (1 Mar.) 125. Guardian of heirs of Wm. P. Robinson, to sell real estate; Id. (20 Feb.) 143. Lands selected in lieu of sec. 16 town of Equali- ty ; L. 1835 (12 Feb.) 55. Rights of state, under Escheat act to estate of Edward Butler, trans- ferred to Dan. Curtin; Id. (7 Jan.) 70. Robt. Richey, ferry right confirmed; Id. (6 Feb.) 73. Alex. Kirkpatrick and Wm. Hicks, toll bridge across the Saline at Equality; Id. (14 Jan.) 81. Willis Hargrave and others, saw and grist mill at Big Ripple; improvement of navigation ; 1 L. 1837 (4 Mar.) 169. Equality Seminary char- tered; Pr. L. 1837 (1 Mar.) 182. Gallatin Aca- demy chartered ; Id. (4 Mar.) 339. New Haven chartered; Pr. L. 1839(15 Feb.) 59. Forego- ing repealed; Pr. L. 1855 (6 Feb.) 708. Repeals act locating road from Vienna to Equality, in part ; L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 255. Pisgah Academy chartered; L. 1841 (26 Jan.) 5. Bridge over Saline, on Golconda and McLeansboro road; Id. (7 Jan.) 42. Douglass and Vickers, mill dam on Rectors ford, Town 77; Id. (24 Feb.) 186. Benefit inhabitants of Town 98; deed for school lands; Id. (26 Feb.) 210. C. Gold paid for lands from which he was evicted ; L. 1843 (3 Mar.) 224. Right of escheat in lands of Dan. Curtin released to his widow; L. 1845 (27 Feb.) 292. Act chartering Shawnee City, re- pealed (original act not printed); L. 1845 (1 Jan.) 185. Mary Ann Hicks and heirs, rebuild toll bridge across the Saline at Equality; Pr. L. 1847 (11 Feb.) 5. Guardian of Wrn. Hicks' heirs, sell real estate; Id. (25 Feb.) 170. Tyler D. Hewift's adm'r to pay $400. : Id. (20 Feb.) PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS Gallatin '<(/ Survey. 17i. Saline Coal and Manufacturing Co. char- tered; repeals Saline river navigation improve- ment acts; Pr. L. 1851 (28 Jan.) 23. Foregoing amended and re-enacted for benefit of Kilihard Jewett and Joseph J. Castles; Pr. L. 1853(10 Feb.) 512. Further amends charter; sell real estate; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 656. Still further amends; stockholders entitled to certificates; Pr. L. 1857 (10 Feb.) 920. And again ; purcha- sers of its property to form a corporation; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (1(5 Feb.) "86. Shawnee Coal Co. char- tered; may build railroad to the Ohio; Pr. L. 1851 (12 Feb.) 102. Foregoing amended and extended; Pr. L. 1853 (18 Jan.) 483. Securities of John R. Smoot, late sheriff, conditionally re- leased; Pr. L. 1851 (17 Feb.) 305. Same subject; L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 106. Further amends acts chartering Shawneetown and Equality plunk road (see Part I. Ch. 82rr,, 26); tolls regulated; Pr. L. 1855 (13 Feb.) 521. Equality Salt Co. chartered; Id. (15 Feb.) ti49. Shawnee Oil Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (30 Jan.) 112. Southern Coal Co. chartered ; Id. (7 Feb.) 300. Northern Coal Co. chartered; Id. (9 Feb.) 330. Right of escheat in estate of Barney Hargrave confirmed to Silenia and Joseph Hargrave; Id. (12 Feb.) 483. Shawneetown and Equality .11. It. char- tered ; county take stock; Id. (16 Feb.) 974. Foregoing repealed; Pr. L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 501. Illinois SaitCo. chartered ; Pr. L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 1408. South Illinois Salt Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 412. Shawneetown and Eldorado R. R. chartered; Pr. L. 1861 (20 Feb.) 525. Town 109 allowed $1,400. payment for sec. 16 sold by state as saline lands; Id. (21 Feb.) 631. Saline River Bridge Co. chartered, at Ground Hog Landing; 1'Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 195. Bowlesville Mining Co. chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (13 Feb.) 53. Ohio River Saline Coal Mining and Manufacturing Co.; changed to Arundin Manufacturing and Mining Co.; Id. 85. Joseph Reynolds allowed $300. in lieu of cer- tificate of entry from Saline Commissioner; Id. (16 Feb.) 217. Sltmoneftoicn. Concerning the town; L. 1825 (10 Jan.) 75. Powers of town trustees extend- ed ; L. 1831 (22 Jan.) 176. Powers and duties of trustees; L, 1835 (12 Feb.) 40. Lots 1097-8, if escheated to state are granted to the town con- ditionally; application of proceeds; Pr. L. 1839 (SI Feb.) 128. Corporate powers extended; lease water power; tap grand rapids dam pool; Id. (23 Feb.) 129. Governor convey lots to E. ! J. Durbin; L. 1843 (23 Feb.) 172. Trustees macadamize Eddy street; L. 1841 (20 Feb.) 231. Supplemental to foregoing; Id. (27 Feb.) 355. Town chartered; boundary defined; vote there- on; Pr. L. 1847 (27 Feb.) 136. City chartered; Pr. L 1861 (22 Feb.) 259. Adm'r. of John Waggoner, sell town lots; L. 1821 (3 Jan.) 6. Town trustees, establish ferry across the Ohio; L. 1823 (14 Feb.) 142. President, directors and company of Bank of Illinois, chartered; L. 1835 (28 Dec. 1816) lo. Foregoing extended to 1 Jan. 1857; Id. (12 Feb.) 21. Said bank have branches at Jacksonville, Lawrenceville -and Alton; capital increased; 1 L. 1837 (4 Mar.) 18. In relation to specie in said bank ; L. 1843 (4 Mar.) 36. Shawneetown Insurance Co. charter- ed; L. 1830 (13 Jan.) 106. Shawneetown bank to borrow money; 1 L. 1837 (28 Feb.) 17. Lands of estate of John Cox escheated to John Logsdon and others; Id. (1 Mar.) 188. Shaw- neetown Academy chartered; Pr. L. 183!) (19 Feb.) 7!). Shawneetown Coal Mining and Man- ufacturing Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1855 (9 Feb.) 017. Foregoing amended ; Pr. L. 1857 (13 Feb.) 547. GALLATIN SALINES. See alao^Saliuee, Jackson, Gallatin, Bond and Vermilion Counties. Governor lease Salines for 2 years to Jona- than Taylor and 5 others, upon the surrender to the state of their lease from the United States; L. 1819 (6 Feb.) 7. Governor to receive rent from August to December 1818; Id. (22 Mar.) 165. Superintendent elected by general assem- bly ; L. 1821 (8 Feb.) 103. His duties, and those of the auditor; L. 1823 (3 Jan.) 70. Jonathan Taylor and securities released from payment of $1,511.11 on his lease; Id. (27 Dec. '22) 82. Re- lief otlessees ; Id. (7 Feb.) 118. Same subject; L. 1825 (11 Dec. '24) 8. Regulating ; L. 1826 (13 Jan.) 48. Same subject; superintendent's du- ties; lessees' liabilities; R. S. 1827 (2 Feb.) 360. Releasing John Henderson's lease to tavern lot; Pr. L. 1827 (6 Feb.) 23. Commissioners to se- lect 30,000 acres; R. S. 1827 (15 Feb.) 353. Foregoing amended ; R. 8. 1833 (2 Mar.) 547. Further amended; 6 repealed; commissioners elected by general assembly ; Id. (27 Feb.) 547. Sale of; proceeds applied to internal improve- ments ; L. 1831 (16 Feb.) 13 1. Foregoing amended ; L. 1835 (11 Feb ) 49. Disposition of proceeds ; Id. (31 Jan.) 43. Respecting sale ; Id. (13 Feb.) 145. H. M. Weed and V. Tite re- leased from rents ; L. 1831 (15 Feb.) 123. Right to dig for salt water; Id. (11 Jan.) 162. Super- intendent's salary; Id. (25 Dec. '30) 165. Con- cerning Gallatin and Vermilion Salines; R. S. 1833 (2 Mar.) 548. Commissioners and state's attorney take account of improvements on lot leased to Andrew Frazier and held by H. M. Weed ; Pr. L. 1833 (13 Feb.) 113. Commission- ers to refund to Robt. G. Ormsby the purchase money for 40 acres previously entered bv II. M. Weed ; Pr. L. 1833 (28 Feb.) 122. Fixing rent; L. 1835 (13 Feb.) 40. Relating to, and the lands thereto belonging; L. 1836 (16 Jan.) 203. Foregoing amended ; commissioners appointed; L. 1841 (27 Feb.) 294. Commissioner's duty under the two foregoing; L. 1845 (27 Feb.) 115. John L. Reynolds to have 80 acres; L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 285. "Leased to J. Crenshaw; L. 1841 (0 Dec. '40) 291. Discharge judgment against T. D Hewitt, late commissioner ; L. 1845 (25 Feb.) 289. Joseph Reynolds to have certain lands; Id. (3 Mar.) 300. Commissioners to prosecute certain writs; Id. 320. Rent due from John Crenshaw; L. 1847 (25 Feb.) 08. Crenshaw entitled to final acquittal upon payment of $129.; Pr. L. 1854 (27. Feb.) 77. Auditor to have books and papers ; to sell lands ; L. 1854 (28 Feb.) 17. Joseph Reynolds allowed $300. in leiu of certificate of entry; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 247. GEOLOGICAL AND MINERALOGI- CAL SURVEY. Statfi geologist, appointment and duties; L. PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. (85) Green County Grundy County. 1851 (17 Feb.) 154. Appropriating $5,000. an- nually for a survey; $500. for maps ; L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 237. Efficiency of the survey increased ; L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 10. Publication of 4th vol- ume of report ; salary for two years; L. 1869 (11 Mar.) 47. GREEN COUNTY. County formed; L. 1821 (20 Jan.) 26. Share in proceeds of Gallatin Salines ; L. 1831 (16 Feb.) 14 ^1. Justices and constables increased; Id. (14 Feb.) 49. Same subject ; Pr. L. 1833 (27 Dec. '32) 102. Same subject ; L. 1839 (24 Jan.) 51. White Hall justice's district; L. 1835 (12 Feb.) 30. Townships secure re-valuation of school lands, by three-fourths vote ; Pr. L. 1833 (13 Feb.) 201. County commissioner's court construct certain roads ; L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 257. Payment of taxes for 1839; L. 1841 (26 Feb.) 307. Records made by K. W. English legalized; L. 1843 (24 Jan.) 203. Records of sales of land for taxes transcribed etc.; L. 1847 (11 Feb.) 72. Swamp lands; L. 1857(10 Feb.) 41. Game law of 1855 extended to said countv; L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 120 ; Gross' Stat. 1868, 325". County issue bonds to encourage enlistments ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Jan.) 125. Trustees of schools Town 10 12 to lease part of school lands ; L. 1825(3 Jan.) 52. Isaac Sinclair released from contract with school trustees Town 1112 ; Id. (14 Jan.) 105. Leasing part of school section Town 9 12; L. 1826 (25 Jan.) 75. Bale of certain school lands ; L. 1835 (17 Jan.) 31. Sale of* school lands Towns 1011 and 1013 legalized; 1 L. 1837 (26 Feb.) 313. New patent issued to J. H. Weisner for part of school section Town 10 10; 2 L. 1837 (21 July) 9. Hamilton school house chartered; Pr. L. 1839 (28 Feb.) 139. Benj. King, school treasurer, Town 11 10 re- leased from liability for $554. lost by robbery ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 241. James Turney dis- charged conditionally from judgment to the state ; L. 1831 (27 Jan.) 120. Several streams examined cost of making them navigable esti- mated; Id. vl4 Feb.) 127. Bridge Macoupin creek ; Id. (15 Feb.) 158 6. Grafton Manufac- turing Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1833 (22 Feb.) 67. Road, Vandalia to Atlas, a state road ; L. 1836 (16 Jan.) 204. Jacob Fry, ferry at Guilford ; 1 L. 1837 (7 Feb.) 118. Calvin's Slough naviga- ble to Bluffdale; election of justices in Green- field and White Hall ; 2 L. 1837 (21 July.) 45. Carrollton and Bluffdale railroad and turnpike chartered ; may substitute canal from Bluffdale to Illinois river; Pr. L. 1837 (27 Feb.) 118. Grand Pass Canal Co. chartered ; Id. (28 Feb.) 129. Grafton chartered; Id. 132. Carrollton Seminary chartered; also, White Hall Semi- nary ; Id. (I Mar.) 182. Grafton and White Hall Hotel Go's. ; Id. (3 Mar.) 267. White Hall and Greenfield chartered ; Id. (4 Mar.) 307. Securi- ties of Thos. Moore released; L. 1839 (6 Feb ) 89. Fayette chartered (under act 12 Feb., L. 1831, 82); Pr. L. 1839 (19 Feb.) 66. Green County Mutual Fire Insurance Co. chartered (organized under charter of Illinois Mutual Fire Ins. Co., Pr. L. 1839, 108); Id. (2 Mar.) 11.2. New Greenfield Hotel Co. chartered ; Id. (1 Mar.) 180. Road, White Hall to the Illinois; L. 1840 (1 Feb.) 80. Bridge Macoupin creek ; L. 1841 (31 Jan.) 42. Securities of Amos Merrott, in- dicted for adultery, released ; Id. (24 Feb.) 209. Gives sheriff $100. and an office; Id. 210. Koad, Newport to White Hall and Carrollton, re-loca- ted; Id. (27 Feb.) 253. Greenfield vacated in part ; L. 1845 (28 Feb.) 287. Securities of Amos H. Squires, late treasurer, conditionally releas- ed ; Pr. L. 1847 (24 Feb.) 182. Bluffdale plat vacated ; Id. (26 Feb.) 204. Securities of Chas. Ketchens. agent internal improvement fund, liability defined; Id. (28 Feb.) 216. Bridge Macoupin creek at Randle's mill; L. 1851 (17 Feb.) 146. Win. Lorton, state pedlar's license for life, conditionally ; Pr. L. 1851 (12 Feb.) 85. Sarn'l R. Perry and others, build pier wharf on the Illinois at Columbiana ; Id; (14 Feb.) 131. Mary H. Beller name changed to Dew r ees ; also her children, Louisa J., Wni. H., Julia A., Ra- chel T., Charlotte T. and Pernina L. tfc Dewees; Id. (15 Feb.) 242. Walnut Grove Literary As- sociation chartered ; Pr. L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 521. Benj. Doolittle name changed to Benj. F. Lvth ; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 704. Hugh Jackson, sher- iff and collector, released from liability for $898.28 stolen ; L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 177. Moneys arising from liquor licenses in White Hall paid to town treasury ; Pr. L. 18t (20 Feb.) 734. Apple Creek and Illinois River Hedging and Fencing Co. chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1865 "(15 Feb.) 594. Greenfield chartered ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (26 Feb.) 403. Hollidaysburg changed to Kane; Id. (23 Feb.) 585. C'irroUton. Town corporation dissolved ; Pr. L. 1847 (28 Feb.) 210. Town chartered; Pr. L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 563. City chartered ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 625. Additional justice elec- ted ; 1 L. 1837 (3 Mar.) 176. Steam Mill Manu- facturing Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1837 (4 Mar.) 329. Carrollton Lodge No. 50, F. and A. Ma- sons; chartered ; Pr. L. 1851 (8 Feb.) 56. City Hotel Co. chartered ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (8 Mar.) 72. White HaU.Tovfn chartered; Pr. L. 1837 (19 Jan.) 6 Male and Female Academy and Orphan Institute; chartered; Pr. L. 1851 (17 Feb.) 279. Lodge No. 80, F. and A. Masons; chartered; Pr. L. 1853 (10 M*r.) 570. Town take stock in Rock Island and Alton R. R. ; Pr. L. 1857 (13 Feb.) 552. Cemetery Association chartered ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 232. GRUNDY COUNTY. County created from LaSalle ; boundary and organization; L. 1841 (17 Feb.) 74. Supple, mental to foregoing ; county seat and public buildings at Morris ; L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 154. As- sessment for 1842 legalized ; L. 1843 (3 Feb.) 15. School commissioner of LaSalle to pay over part of school fund ; L. 1845 (7 Feb.) 221. Bor- row money to construct court house and jail ; Pr. L. 1854 (4 Mar.) 153. Foregoing amended ; part applied to court house fund ; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb ) 733. Jurisdiction of county court ex- tended (under act 27 Feb., Pr. L. 1854, 239); L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 160; also Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 656. Foregoing amended ; terms of court changed ; L. 1869 (30 Mar.) 146. Changes of venue from county court ; L. 1857 (28 Jan.) 45. Supervisors dispose of swamp and overflowed lands; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 702. Supervisors provide for transcribing certain records of La (86) PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. County Hancock County. Salle county; Id. (12 Feb.) 711. Illinois river a lawful fence; L. 185!) (22 Feb.) 112. Reform school established ; 2 Pr. L. 1805 (16 Feb.) 237. Road law amended; L. 1809 (30 Mar.) :;7I. Wm. E. Armstrong, ferry across the Illinois Town :i:i 7 ; L. is-il (27 Feb.) 119. Foregoing amended; build bridge at same place; Pr. L. 1847 (18 Feb.) 4(5. Dresden plat partly vacated Pr. L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 1:M. Securities of Win. K. Armstrong, late sheriff', conditionally released ; Pr. L. 1851 (20 Jan.) 4. Constructing bridge at Morris, vote thereon; L. 1852 (22 June) 171. Hack taxes upon town lots of Kankakee relin- quished; L. 1S53 (12 Feb.) 227. Daniel Harrom, terry across the Illinois, at Sec. 15, Town 83 6 ; Pr. L. 1853 (8 Feb.) 534. Will of Geo. Brown as proved, valid ; Id. (10 Feb.) 578. Kankakee plat vacated ; Pr. L. 1855 (12 Feb.) 619. Towns of Waponsa, Branville and Greenfield levy tax to bridge the Kankakee at Wilmington; Id. (15 Feb.) 6(>7. Illinois bottom road, opposite Mor ris, improved ; L. 1857 (18 Feb ) 203. Towns of Greenfield, Braceville and Felix, and towns in Will and Kankakee counties, to vote for or. against improving the Kankakee; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 737. Win. II. Underbill and others, ferry across the Illinois at Sees. 30 and 20, Town 336 ; 1 Pr.L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 560. School director's tax, district 3, Town 34, in 1858-9 le- galized; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 321. Vote on repairing bridge at Wilmington; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (21 Feb.) 170. Gardner Coal Co. chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (22 Feb.) 411. Towns of Ervenna and Norman established for school purposes ; 3 L. 1867 (6 Mar.) 631. Morris. Certain town lots vacated; Pr. L. 1847 (17 Feb.) 204. Town chartered ; Pr. L. 1853(12 Feb.) 277. Vacates alleys; Id. 493. Town purchase of 80 acres canal lands legalized ; Id. (11 Feb.) 633. Town charter amended ; Pr. L. 1854 (1 Mar.) 195. City chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 1266. And again ; Pr. L. 1861 (18 Feb.) 218. Boundary defined; Pr. L. 1863 (12 Feb.) 170. City sell part of block 3; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) G60. City improve roads and bridges leading thereto; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (9 Feb.) 287. Fifth ward created; Id. (18 Feb.) 367. Cemetery Association chartered; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 151. Morris Bridge Co. chartered; city and town take stock ; Pr. L. 1855 (13 Feb.) 558. Foregoing amended; repeals 7 ; Pr.L. 1857 (13 Feb.) 537. Further amends ; tolls regu- lated ; iPr. L. 1865 (13 Feb.) 193. Foregoing repealed ; Id. (16 Feb.) 194. Gas Light and Coke Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 1068. Foregoing revived; 1 Pr. L. 1867(8 Mar.) 979. Grundy Academy chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 3. Morris Coal Gas Light and Oil Co. chartered ; Id. 587. National Insurance Co. chartered; Id. 724. Morris Coal and Oil Co. chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 80. between Hamilton and Saline fixed; L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 265. Same subject; Pr. L. 1854 (28 Feb.) 143. Borrow $5,000. to feed the unfortunate ; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 704. Parts of townships organize as towns and divide funds; L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 199. Swamp and overflowed lands; L. 1859 (19 Feb.) 202. Transcribing public re- cords ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 792. Fire-proof clerk's office; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (9 Feb.) 114. En- nis Mouldimr's mill on Skillett fork subject to i general law; Pr. L. 1833 (15 Feb.) 106. Con- | tract between Wm. Allen and Malina Rogers legalized ; L. 1835 (31 Jan.) 69. Appropriation! for improvement of roads; L. 1836 (13 Jan.) 186. ' Jonathan Harmeson, minor, to convey town ! lots in Independence; 1 L. 1837 (27 Feb.) 15U. i Rector Steam Mill Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1837 (4 Mar.) 308. Porter and Gh "Ison, mill dam on north fork of the Saline, Town 77 ; L. 1839 (4 Mar.) 291. David L. Erwin name changed to Bryant ; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 667. James M. Sneed restored to citizenship ; Pr. L. 1857 (28 Jan.) 80. New Breman and Middletown, plats vacated ; Id. (27 Jan.) 92. Jesse C. Du- valt name changed to Lock wood; Id. (16 Feb.) 891. John A. Wilson released from judgment; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (2 Feb.) 253. Defines a school district Town 46 ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (20 Feb.) 25. McLeangboro. School money used for build- I ing a school house; 2 L. 1837 (21 July) 16. i Foregoing repealed; L. 1839 (24 Jan.) 50. Town chartered; L. 1840 (31 Jan.) 36. Incorporation legalized ; Pr. L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 1337. Surveyor to plant certain corner stone ; plat partly vaca- ted; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 711. License mon- eys paid into town treasury; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 617. HAMILTON COUNTY. County formed from White; county seat lo- cated; L. 1821 (8 Feb.) 113. Land tax" for 1826 applied to bridging Wheeler's creek ; Pr. L. 1827 (17Feb.) 29. Share in proceeds of Gallatin Salines ; L. 1831 (16 Feb.) 15. County borrow money ; L. 1839 (4 Mar.) 291. County indebted- ness ascertained ; Pr. L. 1849 (6 Feb.) 29. Line HANCOCK COUNTY. County formed, and boundary defined ; L. 1823 (13 Jan.) 93 |3. County seat located ; L. 1831 (1 Jan.) (>:]. Wm. Gilham and two others commissioners to locate county seat ; meet at Montebello; Pr. L. 1833 (13 Feb.) 26. Supple- mental to foregoing ; Id. (22 Feb.) 20. The mid- dle of the Mississippi the western boundary; 1 L. 1837 (3 Mar.) 91. Sales of school lands can- celed ; L. 1843 (25 Feb.) 278. Sheriff to collect taxes for 1845 ; assessments for 1846-7 ; auditor furnish list of lands subject to taxation ; collec- tion of assessments for 1846 ; tax sales in 1845 redeemable in four years ; L. 1847 (26 Jan.) 76. Four years redemption under foregoing not al- lowed; Id. (28 Feb.) 78; and repeals gll there- of; Id. (26 Jan.) 42. State pay for printing deliil- quent list for 1845; L. 1849 (9 Feb.) 37. Remo- val of county seat from Carthage to Warsaw ; vote thereon; Id. (12 Feb.) 56. Ferry privilege across the Mississippi opposite Keokuk, vested in county; Pr. L. 1849 (9 Feb.) 36. Collection of taxes for 1852 regulated ; L.1853 (3 Feb.) 168. James McKee allowed $94. for publishing de- linquent list for 1851 ; Pr. L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 439. Adoption of township organization, vote there- on; Id. (20 Jan.) 486. Assessment for 1853 le- galized ; L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 189. Same for 1857 ; L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 207. Reclaiming swamp lands ; levee from Warsaw to Adams county line; L. 1861 (6 Feb.) 126. Assessments for PKIVATE AND SPECIAL, LAWS. (87) Hancock County. 1859-60 legalized ; L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 129. Coun- ty, city or town appropriations, under act 2 May 1861 to encourage the formation of volun- teer companies etc., must be authorized by a vote ; Pr. L. 1865 (2 Feb.) 125. For the preser- vation of game ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (23 Feb.) 986. For the preservation of game and fish ; Adams also included ; Id. (21 Feb.) 989. County take stock in Carthage and Burlington B. B. ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (5 Mar.) 533. Also, in two other rail- roads ; L. 1869 (9 Apr.) 202. James White, ferry across the Mississippi, at head of Des Moines rapids; Pr. L. 1833 (I Mar.) 37. Venus plat va- cated; L. 1835 (24 Jan.) 41. Thos. Moore re- leased from certain recognizances ; Id. (7 Feb.) 65. Lands of estate of James M. Mills con- veyed ; 1 L. 1837 (6 Dec. '36) 155. Mississippi Des Moines Rapids Bridge Co. chartered : Pr. L. 1837 (21 Feb.) 68. St. Mary's College char- tered; may adopt manual labor system ; Id. (1 Mar.) 187. Amzi Doolittle, ferry across the Mississippi Town 7 8; L. 1839 (22 Feb.) 159. Edward White, the same; Id. (12 Jan.) 195. Road Quincy to Macomb re-located in part; Id. (1 Mar.) 218. Des Moines Rapids Railroad chartered ; Pr. L. 1839 (19 Feb.) 75. Commerce Hotel Co. chartered ; ferry across the Mississip- pi ; Id. (28 Feb.) 152. Road, Warsaw to Peoria, location confirmed ; Id. (1 Feb.) 100. Monte- bello Manufacturing Co. chartered ; Id. (10 Dec. ? 39) 151. Peoria road, between Carthage and Warsaw, vacated ; L. 1841 (27 Jan.) 223. Gates and Higby, extend mill dam on rapids in Town 59; L. 1843 (6 Feb.) 175. Hannah Clark name changed to Bedell ; Id. (24 Jan.) 179. Road, Carthage to Dorothy's on McDonough line; Id. (1 Feb.) 247. Macedonia chartered; Id. (3 Mar.) 304. Additional justice and con- stable in Fountain Green ; Id. (6 Mar.) 307. Change part of the turnpike ; Id. (1 Feb.) 313. Conveyances tiy Joseph Smith, as trustee for the Church of Latter Day Saints, legalized ; L. 1845 (28- Feb.) 134. Additional justice and con- stable in Plymouth ; Id. 154. Nauvoo and War- saw R. R. chartered ; Pr. L. 1847 (24 Feb.) 116. Rights and privileges under foregoing charter conditionally transferred to the Warsaw and Rockford R. R. Co ; Pr. L. 1849 (10 Feb.) 85. Charter amended ; Pr. L. 1854 (3 Mar.) 160. Act 10 Feb. 1849 amended ; may connect or consoli- date with other roads ; Pr. L. 1857 (10 Feb ) 351. Original charter (24 Feb. '47) amended; borrow money; Pr. L. 1859 (11 Feb ) 483. Sale of lands and lots in Town 49 ; L. 1849 (l6 Feb.) 181. Harmon T. Wilson allowed $235.53 as the damages and expenses defending the suit of Joseph Smith for illegal arrest ; Pr. L. 1847 (19 Feb.) 178. Macedonia changed to Webster ; Id. (17 Feb ) 202. Jo Duncan town plat vaca- ted ; Id (26 Feb.) 204. Yalrome plat vacated ; Pr. L. 1849 (8 Feb.) 113. Accounts of school commissioner Michael Reckard audited; Pr. L. 1851 (12 Feb.) 104. Towns 59 and 58 uni- ted for school purposes ; L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 185. Hancock Railroad and Bridge Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 427. James Gray, ferry across the Mississippi at Appanoose; Id. (15 Jan.) 485. E. li. Clemens restored to citizen- ship ; L. 1855 (14' Feb.) 111. Collection of school tax in district No. 2, Appanoose town- ship ; Id. 184. John Sellers, convicted of larce- ny, restored to citizenship ; Pr. L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 615. Augusta chartered ; Pr. L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 535. Foregoing amended, erect town jail; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (9 Mar.) 623. Niata Dyke and Fer- ry Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1861 (20 Feb.) 323. Prairieville plat vacated; Pr. L. 1863 (20 Feb.) I 272. Town of Appanoose to pay bounties; money expended by citizens for war purposes refunded ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 153. Town of Fountain Green pay bounties to volunteers ; Id. 159. Foregoing repealed ; Jacob S. Ross, col- i lector, to return money collected ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 : (13 Feb.) 116. Town of Hancock to pay boun- ; ties to volunteers; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 161. County Bridge Co. chartered; Id. (13 Feb.) 180. j Plymouth town charter amended ; commitment : of offenders until payment of fine ; 2 Pr. L. 1866 ' (15 Feb.) 548. Des Moines Rapids Improve- j ment and Hydraulic Co. chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (21 Feb.) 96. Hancock Stone Co. char- tered; Id. (25 Feb.) 421. Hancock Branch R. R. chartered; Id. (12 June) 521. Nauvoo and La Harpe Extension of the Central Pacific R. R. chartered ; Id. (20 Feb.) 692. Thos. Kelley and Adam Carpir, convicted of larceny, restored to citizenship; Id. (28 Feb.) 813. Road, Warsaw to Carthage re-located ; Id. (7 Mar.) 843. Au- gusta School District chartered ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (5 Mar.) 29. Commerce City vacated in part ; Id. 108. James W. Coon name changed to Jackson Kindsman; L. 1869 (29 Mar.) 263. ; Sutton changed to Bently and latter chartered ; | Id. (25 Mar.) 291. Carthage. Town chartered ; Pr. L. 1837 (27 i Feb.) 107. Town survey legalized ; L. 1839 (26 ! Feb.) 118. Again chartered; officers failing to : perform; Pr. L. 1854 (28 Feb.) 216. Amend- j ment ; 2 Pr.L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 421. Moneys receiv- ed for licenses and forfeitures ennures to town ; I Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 44. Alleys vacated ; Pr. j L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 1067. The same ; 2 Pr. L. | 1865 (16 Feb.) 655. The same, in Hawley's ad- dition ; Id. 655. The same; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (28 I Feb.) 100. The same; Id. (25 Feb.) 101. Town I again chartered ; Id. (27 Feb.) 429. Carthage I Female High School and Teachers' Seminary ! chartered ; Pr. L. 1837 (15 Feb.) 31. Hancock i Lodffe No. 20, F. and A. Masons chartered ; Pr. ! L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 673. Carthage school district I enlarged; L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 197. Foregoing I amended ; disposition of fines and licenses ; 2 j Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 272. Further amended i and partly repealed; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 41. I Carthage Hotel Co. chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (23 I Feb.) 56. Warsaw. Town chartered; Pr. L. 1837 (27 i Feb.) 107. And again ; Pr. L. 1839 (12 Feb.) i 55. City chartered ; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 141. i Foregoing amended ; justices' jurisdiction under : ordinances; Pr. L. 1854 (1 Mar.) 180. Further i amends ; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 700. Still fur- ' ther amends; may take stock in railroads ; lirn- i its extended; Pr. L. 1857 (7 Feb.) 269. Act 1 chartering city with amendments reduced to i one and amended ; Pr. L. 1859 (14 Feb.) 281. i Foregoing repealed ; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 736. : Repeals original city charter (act 12 Feb., Pr. L. 1853, 141) and its amendments; Pr. L. 1863 (3 Feb. 167. For paying city indebtedness ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 523. A notary allowed; L. 1839 (12 Feb.) 88. Warsaw University char- tered; Pr. L. 1839 (19 Feb.) 73. Warsaw Ma- (88) PRIVATE AND SPECIAL, LAWI. Hancock County Henderson County. rine ami Fire Insurance Co. chartered: Id. (281 Feb.) 141. Matthews and Akliich. ferry; L. i 1840 (18 Jan.) 48. Win. English, ferry across ; the Mississippi; Pr. L. 1851 (17 Jan.) 3. Fore- going amended ; may run to Keokuk; Pr. L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 616. First foregoing extended ', 25 years ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (14 Feb.) 560. Joltn F. Charles lay off 25 acres as a cemetery ; Pr. L 1855 (16 Feb.) 444. Library Association char- ; tered ; Id. (14 Feb.) 628. Gas Light and Coke Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1861 (20 Feb.) 339. War- saw Bridge Co. chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 201. City school lands sold, title confirm- ed; L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 94. System ot graded schools established; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 287. Public school Library Society chartered ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (20 Feb.( 244. Nnuroo City chartered ; L. 1841 (16 Dec. 1840) 52. Foregoing repealed, circuit court t,o appoint a receiver to sell property of corpora tion ; L. 1845 (29 Jan.) 187. Town limits exten- ded ; Pr. L. 1847 (28 Feb.) 210. City to borrow money ; organization learali/ed ; take stock in ! rail of plank road ; L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 188. Pub- 1 lication of city ordinances; I'r. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) ; 45 Erection of city hall; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 465. City provide a cemetery; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 839. Town plat partly vacated ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (5 Mar.) 108. System of graded schools established ; Id. (28 Feb.) 58. Nauvoo House Association chartered ; L. 1841 (23 Feb.) 131. Agricultural and Manufacturing Associa- tion ; Id. (27 Feb.) 139. Citizens of county may join Nauvoo Legion ; Id. (27 Jan.) 223. Con- veyances by Joseph Smith, as trustee of the Lstter Day Saints, legalized; L. 1845 (28 Feb.) 134. Repeals 2 of act 27 Jan. 1841 respecting \ a state road ; Id. (29 Jan.) 187. Thos. H. Owens, ferry across the Mississippi ; Pr. L. 1849 (8 Feb.) 35. Foregoing amended ; Pr. L. 1853 (26 Jan.) 478. Geo. Heberting, ferry across the Mississippi; Pr. L. 1849 (10 Feb.) 36. Phineas Kimballjr, the same: 1 Pr. L. 1865 (14 Feb.) 562. United States Wine Co. chartered; 2 Pr. L, 1867 (8 Mar.) 320. Hamilton. City chartered ; Pr. L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 160. Foregoing amended; publication of Hty ordinances; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 391. Ferry Co's Addition vacated : 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 656. Vacates part of Reeves', Durkee's, Sanford's and Cox' addition to Oakwood and Hamilton; Id. 658. Incorporation uf Hamilton Mill Co. confirmed ; Pr. L. 1853 (3 Feb.) 593. Keokuk and Hamilton Bridge Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1857 (13 Feb.) 576. Keokuk and Hamil- ton Ferry and Manufacturing Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 627. Supplemental to foregoing: extended 20 years; Id. 637. Further, extension of 50 years; Pr. L. 1863 (13 Feb.)189. Hamilton College chartered ; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 889. Town tax in 1859 for school house ; L. 1859 (14 Feb.) 187. Datta* Citv City chartered; Pr. L. 1859 (18 Feb.) 126. Foregoing amended ; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 190. First foreffoing repealed; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 202. ^\Vm. II. Rolloson, ferry across the Mississippi ; Pr. L. 1853 (11 Feb.) 599. Foregoing amended: time extended 2 years; Pr. L. 1855 (lT> Feb.) 606. Benj. F. Newton, ferry across tlu- Mississippi; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 663. La JI'ir/ . An additional justice; L. 1840 (8 Jan.) 41. City chartered; Pr. L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 169. Foregoing amended ; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 218. Trustees Li Harpi.: Academy to convey property; Pr. L. 1803(20 Feb.) 10. City char- ter u^iin amended; rate ol taxation; 1 Pr. L. 1887(26 Feb.) 5r ro.U3 and bridges; 2 L. 1837 (13 June) 9. Oquawki. Town chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (11 Feb.) 472. Take stock in plank road and ferry; vote thereon ; L. 1852 (21 June) 89. Same iub- iect ; Oquawka and Washington plank road and ferry ; L 1853 (8 Feb ) 252. A. and S. Phelps, ferry across the Mississippi; L. 1839(19 Feb.) 131. Oquawka L >dge No. 123, A. F. and A. Masons; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 634. HENRY COUNTY. County formed and boundary defined; L. 1825 (13 Jan.) 94 6. Towns 12 to 18-5 attach- ed thereto ; L. 1831 (15 Jan ) 56 12. Boundary defined; until organized, attached to Knox for judicial and other purposes ; Id. (15 Jan.) 63 3. County line so changed as not to include Towns 125 and 135 ; 1 L. 1837 (4 Mar.) 89. Organi- zation of county ; Id. (2 Mar.) 90. Appropria- ting $25 J. for internal improvements; L. 1^39 (2 Mar.) 243. County seat at Geneseo instead of Richmond ; L. 1840 (1 Feb.) 60. Removal of county seat from Morristown ; L. 1843 (21 Feb.) 177. Adding Town 145 to Stark; vote there- on ; L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 55. Sheep and swine not to run at large after 1 Mar. '63; L. 1853 (27 Jan.) 152. Section 2 general act 12 Feb. L. 1849, 152, regulating col lection of road tax repealed as to said county ; L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 168. Stephen Palmer to transcribe certain public records in other counties; Pr. L. 1857 (9 Feb.) 317. Town- ship support of paupers; L. 1861 (20 Feb.) 131. Bounty tax; L. 1863 (21 Feb.) 51. Henry Hand, ferry at Cleveland across Rr>ck River ; L. 1841 (26 Feb.) 117. Cambridge Lodge No. 49, F. and A. Masons chartered ; Pr. L. 1849 (8 Feb.) 45. Young, Stokes and others, ferry across Rock river at Cleveland ; Pr. L. 1851 (15 Feb.) 220. Black Diamond Coal Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb. > 975. Andover Steam Mill chartered; Id. (18 Feb.) 1371. Henry County Mutual Fire Insurance Co. chartered; Id. 1389. Foregoing amended ; name changed to Illinois Central Insurance Co. ; office at D^catur; Pr. L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 389. Vacates old cemetery near Cambridge; Id. (20 Feb.) 65. Northwest Illinois Coal Co. chartered : in Renry and Rock Island counties ; Id. (21 Feb.) 304. Cambridge chartered ; Id. 557. Chas. Atkinson allowed $106.42 overpaid taxes ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 238. Qeo. McHenry released from liability for culling a ditch across the road in Phoenix ; Id. 214. Securities of Julius A. Pratt, late collec- tor, conditionally released; Id. 248. Same sub- ject ; time of payment extended ; L. 1869 (27 Feb.) 338. Monroeville plat vacated ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 663. Susa,u N.. SinitU n,ame 12. changed to Jennings ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (19 Feb.) 233. School powers conferred upon township of Hanna ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 41. Atkinson chartered ; Id. (7 Mar.) 269. Geneseo. Town chartered ; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 1. Foregoing amended; regulate sale of liquor; Pr. L. 1863 (16 Feb.) 265. City charter- ed; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 370. Geneseo Man- ual Labor High School chartered ; Pr. L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 163. Foregoing ampnded; rnmu changed to Geneseo Seminary; Pr. L. 1853 (11 Feb.) 488. Ofdva.Town chartered; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (16 Feb.) 570. SHiool directors enabled to convey property ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 322. Collec- tion of "revenue for 1864 in the township post- poned ; Id. 334. Remanee. Name of Beman changed to Ke- wanee; ?r. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 45. Town char- tered; Pr. L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 765. Foregoing amended ; offenders committed to callaboose ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 483. Vacates alleys; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 857. Town issue bonds in aid of a Woolen mill; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (15 Feb.) 132. Bishop Hill Colony. Chartered ; property held by trustees ; conveyances heretofore to trustees of, confirmed ; Pr. L. 1853 (17 Feb.) 328. Fore- going amended ; members of, competent wit- nesses for or against ; Pr. L. 1857 (29 Jan.) 93. HIGHLAND COUNTY. Name changed from Marquette, (which Bee) org-mization after vote thereon; L. 1847 (27 Feb.) 38. HOLMES COUNTY. Created from Champaign and Vermilion, af- ter favorable vote thereon ; L. 1857 (31 Jan.) 93. Vote being favorable, county judge to borrow $15,000. to erect public buildings; Pr. L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 1426. ILLINOIS AND AJICHIGAN CANAL. Commissioners to consider, devise and adopt such measures as may be requisite to effect the communication by canal and locks, between the navigable waters of the Illinois river and Lake Michigan ; L. 1823 (14 Feb.) 151. Incorpora- ted; L. 1825 (17 Jan.) 160. Both foregoing re- pealed; L. 1826 (20 Jan.) 63. Memorializing Congress on the importance of the work ; Id. 97. Provides for constructing; selection of lands granted by act of Congress 2 Mar. 1827 to aid the state in opening a canal to connect the Illi- nois with Lake Michigan ; L. 1829 (22 Jan.) 14. Foregoing amended ; L. 1831 (15 Feb.) 39 g$l 15. Office of canal commissioner abolished ; auditor, attorney sroneral and treasurer to ad- just affairs ; R. S. 1833 (1 Mar.) 1 13. Trespass- ing on canal lands ; L. 1835 (9 Feb.) 34. Gov- ernor to borrow $'>00.000. to effect its construc- tion ; Id. (10 Feb.) 223. Foregoing repe-vled ; governor to borrow $500,000. for its construc- tion ; L. 1836 (9 Jan.) 145, Foregoing amended ; (90) PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. /. and M. Canal - - Internal Lnprorement. commissioners elected ; 1 L. 1837 (2 Mar.) 39. Protect canal lands against trespassers; Id. (4 Mar.) 44. Supplemental to foregoinsr : Id. 48. Amends two foregoing; L. 1839 (26 Feb.) 165. Repeals in part act 9 Jan. 1836 ; extension of time of payment to purchasers of canal lands ; 2 Pr. L. 1S37 (-J1 July) 9. Sale of canal lands: Id. 10. R-p?als 10 of foregoing; L. 1* Jan.) 41. Fund commissioners to loan $300,000. I to the Canal fund; Id. (21 Jan.) 41. Accounts ! between the state and the canal settled: Id. (12 Jan.) 42. Selling water lots and privileges; Id. (22 Feb.) 150. Further provisions for selling the canal lands ; Id. 157. Loan of $4,000,000. for canal purposes; Id. (23 Feb.) 168. Supplement- al to foregoing; Id. (1 Mar.) 238. Amends the several acts in relation to ; Id. (26 Feb.) 177. Dedication of lots to public purposes; Id. (iH Feb.) 196. Foregoing amended ; L. 1840 (31 Jan.) 30. Further amended; L. 1841 (17 Feb.) 48. Relief of purchasers of c-inal lots and lands; Id. (2 Mar.) 276. Amends the several acts in relation to; L. 1840 (I Feb.) 79. J. W. Egan and others, contractors, settlement with ; L. 1841 (27 Feb.) 212. Payment of canal debts, | and provides for its completion; L. 1843 (21 j Feb.) 54. Foregoing amended ; L. 1847 (25 Feb.* 23. Further amended; penalties, how re- covered ; for injuring bank, bridge, dock etc.; re-appraisement of lands and lots; L. 1851 (14 Feb.) 93. Percentage on Section 187 returned by commissioners; L. 1843 (24 Feb.) 61. Num- ber of officers reduced; Id. (2 Mar.) 62. To pay principal and interest due the contractors; Id. (3 Mir.) 62. Improvements on canal lands re moved ; Id. (25 Feb.) 220. Jamas Ryan select canal lands in satisfaction of judgment for $8,000.; L. 1845 (I Mar.) 137. Commissioners exchange lands in Town 33 5 with J. Crotty; Id. (26 Feb.) 182. Same, pay certain moneys toCroUy; Id. (21 Feb.) 348. Loan of $1,600 000. authorized; R. S. 1845 (21 Feb. 1843) 608. Canal lands taxed and sold for taxes ; Id (29 Jan.) 590. Loan of $1,600,000.; Id. (1 Mar.) 600. Protection against trespassers upon canal land timber, rock, materials or machinery thereon; Id. (27 Feb.) 602. Lot donated to anv religious society, how used and sold ; Id. (28 Feb ) 604. Foregoing amended; L. 1847 (26 Feb.) 25. Amends amendment; lots mav be mortgaged; L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 123. Lot in "Ottawa donated to Methodist E. Church for the erection of a house of worship; L. 1847 (18 Feb.) 21. Ameri- can subscribers to the $1,600,000. loan upon same footing as foreign ; Id. (27 Feb.) 22. Suits may be brought against the State Trustee ; Id. (23 Feb.) 22. Pay balance clue the contractors ; Id. (16 Feb.) 24. Amends acts 4 Mar. 1837, 26 Feb. 1839 and 28 Feb. 1845, to protect canal , lands against trespassers; Id. (I Mir.) 24. "W. j W. Saltenstall assignee John K. Boyer, claim ' against commissioners settled ; judge Cook ' county court appoint arbitrators; Pr. L. 1847 (1 Mar.) 191. Manner of proving claim- be- fore state trustee ; L. 1847(1 Mxr) :. Win. E. Armstrong and others paid $151.50; Id. (27 Feb.) 49. Certificates to contractors whose bonds have on* coupon detached: Id. (IM-ir.) oX). School directors in Will county to relin- quish to the trustees certain lots; Id". (25 Feb.) 152. Canal indebtedness not funded with rest of state debt; Id. (28 Feb.) 161. John and Thomas Lonergan to receive $2,169. scrip for m irhinery on section 62 3: Pr. L. 1847 (18 Feb.) 176. Bonds issued to complete Northern railroad paid out of canal fund ; L. 1849 (10 Feb.) 45. Slip built on lot 3 block 2 Joliet ; Id. (12 Feb.) 46. Payment to Geo. Steel for judgment in Cook county court: Id. (10 Feb.) 85. Scrip issued to James H. Collins and Hugh T. Dickey ; Id. 85. Trustees settle with Win. \Vhaley nnd others for lots in La Salle purchas- ed in 1848 ; L. 1851 (28 Jan.) 11. Creating and leasing surplus water in Ottawa; Id. (14 Feb.) 91. State trustee refund to Adam Johnson and Wm. McGirr money erroneoulv paid ; Pr. L. 1851 (17 Feb.) 276. " H. T. Dickey, Abraham Lincoln and Noah Johnston to examine and ad- just damages for right of way and injuries in construction of canal and feeders; L. 1852 (22 June) 152. Deeds by the trustees under seal valid without proof or acknowledgment; Id. (23 June) 200. Canal scrip issue to Judah W. Rathbun to replace lost bonds; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 721 Trustees appropriate $1,500. for bridge at Seneca ; L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 104. Con- tractor's claims settled ; judges made commis- sioners; have an attorney and, clerk; Id. (14 Feb.) 161. Certificate issue to widow of E. B. Hulbert for $875.; L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 32. R. M. Young allowed $2,500. for advances and losses sustained in New York 1840 paying interest on canal bonds; Id. (14 Feb.) 93. To indemnify the state against loss from scrip funded by Joel A. Matteson; L. 1859 (19 Feb.) 190. Police regu- lations on south branch of Chicago river at Bridgeport ; L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 74. Trusses' con- tract f >r pumping water from Chicago river into canal ; Pr. L. 1861 (20 Feb.) 742. James Michie allowed $1,383. 69 being amount of orders on canal commissioners; Id. (22 Feb.) 536. Com- pletion of canal according to plans of 1836; L. 1885 (16 Feb.) 83. Trustees to sell tracts, lots and islands ; Id. 85. To improve the present canal and secure its extension through the val- leys of the Bureau and Green to the Mississippi ; L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 81. Foregoing amended; L. 1869 (25 Feb.) 60. To improve the present canal from lock 15 to the Illinois; Id. (30 Mar.) 61. Redemption and sale of certain forfeited lands and lots ; Id. (31 Mar.) 62. INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSITY. University located; L. 1867 (25 Jan.) 122. Appropriations for two years ; L. 1869 (27 Mar.) 33. INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT. A general system established ; 1 L. 1837 (27 Feb.) 121 1 56. Supplemental to foregoing; Id. (4 Mar.) 152. Further supplemental. Ibid. Survey, locition and construction of railroads; 2 L. 1837 (21 July) 45. Memorial and resolu- tion, relative to the duty of the United States to aid internal improvements; Id. (21 July) 110. General law amended; L. 1839 (1 Mar.) 89. Commissioners of public works, term of office ; Id. (2 Mar.) 97. For the issue of bonds and cer- tificates ; Ibid. To bring into the state laborers for the public works; Id. 98. Also settle with PBIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. Iroquois County Jackson County. representatives of deceased contractors ; Ibid. County commissioners' courts may recover moneys loaned ; Id. (15 Feb.) 119. Regulated in Stephenson and nine other northern coun- ties; Id. (3 Mar.) 261. Resolutions concerning a grant of land by Congress; Id. 293. Settle- ment of debts and liabilities incurred on ac- count of; L. 1840 (1 Feb.) 93. Foregoing amend- ed ; L. 1841 (14 Dec. '40) 166. Boards of com- missioners of Public Works and of Fund Com- missioners abolished ; L. 1840 (1 Feb.) 98. Re- lief of contractors upon public works; Id. (3 Feb.) 98." Edward Smith, late engineer, ac- ! counts audited and settled ; Id. 112. Board of \ auditors for settling accounts of contractors, es- ! tablished ; L. 1841 (26 Feb.) 38. Foregoing re- pealed; R. S. 1845, 467. Paying interest on the internal improvement debt; Id. (16 Dec. '40) 167. Settlers on lands purchased by the state ; Id. (27 Feb.) 191. Concerning the Great West- j ern mail route ; Id. 247. Fund commissioners to compound for and adjust demands in favor l of the stute; Id. 300. Resolution that fund com- I missioners appoint an agent at New Orleans; Id. 359. Settle the accounts of R. F. Barret, j late fund commissioner; L. 1843 (1 Mar.) 20. Also, of James W. Barrit ; Id. (4 Mar.) 148. \ Settle the internal improvement fund between i Clay and Richland; Id. (8 Feb.) 76. Office of | fund commissioner abolished ; Id. (4 Mar.) 117. | Governor e.v offido fund commissioner; Ibid. Payment to E. Willard, late member of board of j public works; Id. 226. Resolution that the late fund commissioners be settled with ; Id, 339. IROQUOIS COUNTY. Count}' located and boundary defined; Pr. L. 1833 (26 Feb.) 19. County seat located and named; L. 1835 (10 Feb ) 46. Same subject; 1 L. 1837 (16 Jan.) 109. County seat removed from Montgomery; L. 1839 (23 Feb ) 185. As- sessment for 1839 legalized ; L. 1840 (30 Jan.) 70. Levy and collection of school tax and sale of lands; L. 1847 (28 Feb.) 149. John Wilson's as- sessment in 1846 legalized; Pr. L. 1847. (4 Feb.) 7. Borrow $1.000. to complete court house; Id. (16 Feb.) 27. Collection of taxes extended 3 months; Id. (28 Feb.) 201. Tax to improve the Kankakeeand Iroquois rivers, vote thereon ; L. 1819 (12 Feb.) 185. Special tax for building a jail; L. 1851 (15 Feb.) 125. Swamp lands se- j lected; L. 1853 (3 Feb.) 93. Sheep and swine : not to run at large ; pound established; Id. (10 Feb.) 210. Foregoing repealed; L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 135. County court establish a thorough system of drainage; Pr. L. 18')5 (14 Feb.) 623. Foregoing amended ; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 925. Further amended; L. 1859 (18 Feb.) 203. Coun- ty issue $2,500. bonds to bridge the Iroquois on ' the Vincennes and Chicago road ; Id. 724. Pre- ; vious sales of school lands legalized; L. 1857 (16 ; Feb.) 235. Commissioners of highways acts in ' 1857 legalized, except in Loda; L. 1859 (21 Feb.) j 36. Jurisdiction of county court extended ; L. > 1859 (24 Feb.) 96. Foregoing repealed ; L. 1861 ; (.18 Feb.) 109. Removal of county seat from' Middleport to South Middleport; L. 1863(11 Feb.) 51. Special annual tax to liquidate indebt- edness incurred pay ing bounties; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (14 Feb.) 112. Conditional removal ,of county seat from Middleport to Watseka ; Id. (6 Feb ) 546. To perpetuate evidence of the contents of records and papers destroyed by fire 1 Pr L 1867 (28 Feb.) 902. Restoration of records of board of supervisors; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (30 Jan ) 786. Towns 2910, 11, 12, 13 and 14 attached to Kankakee; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (8 Mar.) 632. Cer- tain records of county court and board of Su- pervisors legalized; L. 1869 (9 Mar.) 151. Net- ting of fish prohibited; Id. (29 Mar.) 187. Or- ganization of school district, Town 27 10; L. 1843 (21 Jan.) 279. John Nilson, pre-tmption to certain lands; L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 102. Fore- going suspended; L. 1851 (17 Feb) 181. C. C. Venuni and others, pre-emption to certain lands; L. 1849 (12 Feb. 104. Foregoing repeal- ed; L. 1851 (17 Feb.) 181. Executor of John Nilson to settle with Robert Hill; Pr. L. 1851 (17 Feb.) 301. E. Dunning, certificate of indebt- edness in lieu of $200. lost scrip; L. 1855(14 Feb.) 191. Auditor to sell lands in towns 26 12 and 28 13; L. 1857 (13 Feb.) 89. A. B. Roff, stay of execution against for two years, upon confession of judgment; Id. (16 Feb.) 202. Grand Prairie Seminary and Commercial Col- lege chartered; at Onarga; Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb ) 23. Towns of Beaver and Papenea, levy tax for bridging the Kankakee at Aroma ; Id. 188. Foregoing repealed; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 265, G'Zl. Back taxes on Gilman lots reduced ; 2 Pr L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 335. Watsoka boundary cor- rectly defined; Id. (16 Feb.) 614. City of Wat- seka chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (19 Feb.) 655. Ranges 10 and 11 united for school purposes; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (13 Feb.) 6. Onarga chartered; Id (9 Mar.) 179. Gilman chartered; Jd. (4 Mar.) 235. County Agricultural Society, powers ex- tended; L. 1869 '(13 Mar.) 10. Trustees I. and M. Canal to deed to J. Wadleigh lands in Town 29 10; Id. (5 Apr.) 345. JACKSON COUNTY. County formed prior to the organization of the state. County line between Randolph and Jackson; L. 1823 (10 Feb.) 122. Share in the proceeds of the Gallatin Salines; L. 1831 (16 Feb.) 13. Appropriation of $500. to improve the Big Muddy applied to the improvement of a road and bridge named ; Pr. L. 1833 (25 Feb.) 4. County to borrow money to complete court house; L/1843 (1 Mar.) 111. Removal of COUH- ty seat from Brownsville; Id. (24 Feb.) 119. To restore the records burned at Brownsville; Id. (1 Feb.) 205. Certain returns under the school law legalized; Id. (3 Feb.) 280. Records of deeds to be made where former record was des- troyed by fire; L. 1845 (1 Jan.) 186. Collection of taxes for 1842; loss of public records ; Id. (21 Feb.) 324. Taxes of 1844 remitted to certain persons by reason of loss from high water; Id. 353. Muddy Saline Reservation sold for the benefit of the county; L. 1847 (28 Feb.) 113. Foregoing amended ; sigent to sell ; Pr. L. 1849 (25 Jan.) 108. Erection of a jail; L. 1863 (20 Feb.) 53. For transcribine certain public re- cords; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 282. Time of pavment by J. H. Cullv, sheriff and collector for 1807 8, extended ; L/1869 (31 Mar.) 334. Con- cerning town of Brownsville; trustees named; L. 1819 (25 Mar.) 259. John Ankeny, toll bridge (02) PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. Jasper Covnty - - - Jersey County. across the Big Muddy near Brownsville ; L. 1823 (12 Feb.) 129. Conrad Will allowed $2.200. for permanent improvement at the Mud- dy Saline: III. (14 Feb. i 14(5. Conveyances by ndni'r of Timothy Nash confirmed ; L. 1825 (6 Jan.) 68. Bridges built by subscription; L. 1831 (14 Feb.) 2,. Cashier Brownsville Bank (on\i-y certain lands to Benj. Henderson ; Id. (7 Jan.) 119. Appropriates $200. to improve road, Brownsville to Gill's ferry ; Pr. L. 1833 (25 Feb.) 4. Wm. Gill, toll bridge over Big Beau- coup creek near his terry: Id. 0. Henry Dillen- ger, same, across the same; Id. (1 Mar.) 10. County court establish ferry across Big Muddy between Indinn creek and Lick Branch : citi- zens of county pass free Wednesdays and Satur- days; Id. (18 Jan.) 30. Illinois Manufacturing Mining and Exporting Co. chartered; Id. (28 Jan.) 40. Foregoing a mended; Pr. L. 1837 (4 Mar.) 292. Avanse River Navigation Co. char- tertd; Pr. L 1833 (27 Feb.) 71. Securities of Wm. Blocker released from certain recognizan- ces; L. 1835 (7 Feb.) 66. Commission issue to Wm. Worthen as sheriff; Id. (20 Jan.) 76. Leabing the saline n serves; L. 1841 (26 Feb.) 2!>2. Foregoing amended; L. 1843 (28 Jan.) 270. Mississippi Grand Tower Bridge Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1839 (6 Feb.) 39. Securities of James Willis, late sheriff, discharged from liability upon payment in state indebtedness; L. 1849 (S Feb.) fi7. Jackson County Coal and Railroad Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 26. Securities ol John Elmore, late sheriff, con- ditionally released; Id. (3 Feb.) 439. Carbon- dale Cemetery Association chartered; Pr. L. 1855 (6 Feb ) 458. Isaac Dillinger name chang- ed to Deason; Id. (9 Feb.) 687. Carbondale College chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (5 Feb.) 265. John Hooker restored to citizenship; Id. (13 Feb.) 551. Maiphrsboro and Carbnmtale Rail- road and Coal Mining Co.; Id. (14 Feb.) 778. Stephen S. Hall and others, bridge Big Muddy near Marshall t hoals; Id. (18 Feb.) 1306. Frac- tional Town 7 5 to In- a town for school purpo- ses; L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 224. Foregoing amend- ed ; L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 183. Big Muddy naviga- ble above east line of sec. 22, Town 9 3 ; act 28 Feb. 1839 respecting its navigation, partly repealed; Pr. L. 1861 (6 Feb.) 303. De Soto College chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 6. Southern Illinois College at Carbondale char- tered; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (8 Mar.) 32. City of Mur- phy sboro chartered; Id. (5 Mar.) 681. Chalk Bank Ferry Co. chartered; Id. (18 Feb ) 930. Mt. Oubon Coal and Rnilroad Mt. Car- bon Coal Co. chartered; L. 1835 (24 Jan.) 194. Supplemental to foregoing; L. 1841 (26 Feb.) 135. The foregoing acts declared in force; con- tinue their line to BreeR'ville; Pr. L. 1851 (1 Feb.) 45. Amends foregoing; Id. (15 Feb ) 171. Supplemental to act 1 Feb. 1851 ; time to com- plete rx'encied two years; Pr. L. 1853 (10 Feb ) 536. Complete railroad in 5 ye; rs; Pr. L. 1857 (19 Jan.) 22. Name changed to Mt. Carbon Coal and R dlroad Co.; Pr. L. 1861 (6 Feb.) 303. Powers extended; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 187. Consolidate and reissue its stock ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 779. 1831 (15 Feb.) 50. County organization, coun- ty seat located: L. 1835 (19 ;Jec. '34) 154. As- sessment for 1839 legalized: L. 1841 (26 Jan.) 93. Countv assessor appoint deputy; Pr. L. 1847 (11 Feb.) 8. County borrow $1,000. to complete courthouse; Id. (4 Feb.) 27. Swamp lands; L. 1855 (12 Feb.) 150. Jurisdiction of county court extended; L. 1863 (21 Feb.) 26. Foregoing repealed; L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 37. County expend $6,000. on bridges at Newton, St. Mary's and on Ewington rnad; Pr. L. 1865 (9 Feb.)" 729. Wm. Lewis, mill c'am on Little Wabash, Town 58; L. 1811 (27 Feb.) 188. Securities of H. Vanderhof released from pen- alty; L 1845 (3 Mar.) 298. A. S. Jeffries surity lor Wm. A. Arnold, late collector, released ; Pr. L. 1853 (22 Jan.) 481. Granville changed to Tenneytown, streets changed; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) i>92. J. M. Buford released from liability on bond of J. Bridges, sheriff; L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 93. JEFFERSON COUNTY. County formed out of Edwards and White; Ambrose Maulding and 4 others to fix county seat; L. 1819 (26 Mar.) 267. Supplemental to foregoing; boundary extended; Id. (29 Mar.) 320. Election of a sheriff and coroner; L. 1821 (no date) 29. Share in the proceeds of the Gal- latin Salines; L. 1831 (16 Feb.) 15. Respecting internal improvements; L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 252. For paying the county debt, borrow money ; L. 1841 (19 Feb.) 91. Assessment in the northern division for 1840 legalized; M. (7 Jan.) 3J2. Additional justices' district; L. 1845 (3 Mar.) 239. County take stock in Marion and Jeffer- son County R lilroad ; Pr. L. 1815 (15 Feb.) 228. County clerk execute deed to R >bt. Nixon for swamplands; Pr. L. 1857(17 Feb) 1171). Road, Mt. Vernon to FairfieKl, partly relocated; L. 1839 (28 Feb.) 207. S; me, Mt. Vernon to Brownsville; L. 1841 (27 Feb.) 246. Wm. Pate, 4years pedlar's license; Pr. L 1849 (12Feb ) 56. Plat and survey < f Linchburg legalized; Pr. L. 1857(17Feb.)"ll69. Relief of C. G. Vaughn, late collector; L. 1S67 (15 Feb.) 148. Green Lawn Spring Co. chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (6 Mar.) 440. Auditor convey lands in town 24 to B. T. Wood; L. 1869 (31 Mar.) 244. Mt. Vernon. Town may become incorpora- ted: L. 1837 (10 Feb.) 331. Town resurveved; L. 1839 (19 Feb.) 135. Survey by John Storms legalized; L. 1843 (21 Feb.) 300. Town char- tered; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 693. Width of Harri- son street changed ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 513. Mt. Vernon Academy chartered; Pr. L. 1839 (15 Feb.) 67. To relieve said Academy ; L. 1843 (24 Feb.) 6. Again chartered; patronage M. E. Church; Pr. L. 1855 (6 Feb.) 376. Illinois pro- tection Insurance Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (17 Fob.) 1156. JASPER COUNTY. County created, county seat at Xewton ; L. JERSEY COUNTY. County formed ; boundary and jurisdiction ; L. 1839 (28 Feb.) 208. Foregoing amended ; L. 1840(1 Feb.) 104. Further amends; sales for taxes; bridge Macoupin creek; L. 1851 (17 Feb.) 145. Taxes of 1839, payment of ; L. 1841 (28 PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. (03) Jo Dames* County. Feb.) 307. Copying records of Green county; L. 1843 (1 Feb.) 204. County court to contract for improvement of roads; contractors incorpo- rated: court fix amount of stock; Pr. L. 1854 (28 Feb.) 150. Concerning swamp lands; L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 148. Speciaftax to build jail and fire proof offices; Pr. L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 765. For erection of county jail; 3 Pr. L. 1867(18 Feb.) 118. Construction of road, Jerseyville to the river; L. 1840 (8 Jan.) 40. Hamilton Pri- i mary School chartered; Id. (1 Feb.) 53. Fore- j going amended ; L. 1841 (7 Jan.) 259. Heirs of j G. Fiuney, redeem landsTown 6 12, condition- i ally; L. 1845 (25 Feb.) 283. Marshall Myrick name changed to Cooper; Pr. L. 1853 (22 Jan.) J 485. Pittsburg plat vacated; Id.(10 Feb.) 502. I Rindolph plat vacated; Id. 523. Fieldon ; chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (7 Feb.) 278. Foregoing \ amended; elect justice; Pr. L. 1859 (19 Feb.) i 615. And again, same subject; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (9 : Mar.) 600. Jersey County Manufacturing Co. i chartered ; Pr. L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 1412. Organi- , zation of Elza Building and Manufacturing Co. ; under general law, confirmed; Pr. L. 1859 (11 Feb.) 28. Rufus P. Blossom declared of full age; L. 1859 (16 Feb.) 124 Execution against C. H. ' Bowman, late collector, staved; payments in ; instalments ; L. 1861 (19 Feb!) 167. Judgment i against said Bowman conditionally satisfied ; L. for 1845 apportioned; L. 1845 (7 Feb.) 195. County commissioners to appoint the assessors and collectors ; Id. (21 Mar.) 324. Section 2 of the foregoing repealed ; Pr. L. 1847 (1 Mar.) 39. And again; Pr. L. 1857 (13 Feb.) 512. Juris- diction of county court extended ; R. S. 1845 (1 Mar.) 576. Tdrrns thereof; L. 1847 (22 Feb.) 28. Old county court cease after Sept. 1849; records transferred to circuit court; L. 1849 (8 Feb.) 67. Payment of B. B. Howard prosecuting attorney in said court : L. 1851 (14 Feb.) 89. Eight mill tax to pay R H. McGoon's mortgage; Pr. L. 1847 (17 Feb.) 30. County divided into 3 reve- nue districts; washing mineral dirt in Fevre riv- er a misdemeanor ; Id. (I Mar.) 39. Distribu- tion of the school fund; L. 1847 (20 Feb.) 155. County bonds issued in aid of the Galena and Chicago Union Railroad; L. 1851 (15 Feb.) 119. Duty of grand jury in liquor cases; L. 1855 (12 Feb.) 17b. Acts of county and city of Galena issuing bonds in aid of Galena and Southern Wisconsin Railroad legalized; Pr. L. 1857 (23 Jan.) 26. Towns to support their own paupers; L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 130. Tax fur erecti-gand maintaining bridges; Id. (18 Feb.) 210. Fees of county judge; L71869 (30 Mar) 150. Compen- sation of county superintendent of schools; Id. 398. John Foley allowed $200. for recapturing Geo. Madeira charged with murder; Pr. L. 18H3 1863 1(21 Feb.) 66. Jersey county Bank lesume - (25 Feb.) 124. John Phelps, ferrv across Hock business; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 38. Carrying \ river ; L. 1835(10 Feb.) 126 3. John Bales and into effect the nuncupative will of Geo. Wash- J- L. Kiikpatrick, toll bridge on Fevre river at ington, colored; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 251. Ot- \ Meeker's furnace; L. 18b6 (12 Jan. 1835 [6]) terville chartered; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 155. j 197. Jo Daviess Marine and Fire Insurance Co. JrrseyvWe. Town chartered; 2 L. 1837 ^(21 i chartered; Pr. L. 1837 (l8_Feb.) 42. Charter July) 102. And again; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) \ amended: Pr ^ L 1839 (19 Feb./ 92. Further 33. Foregoing amended; Pr. L. 1857 (13 Feb.) i amends; L. 1841 (17 Feb )loJ Hanover Aca- 587. Ancf again; fines satisfied by street labor; j de W chartered; Pr. L 1839 (12 Feb.) 42. Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 660. Pott's addition part- ly vacated; 2 Pr L. 1865 (14 Feb.) 657. Same subject ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 608. City char- tered; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (21 Feb.) 454. Jerseyville Academy chartered; Pr. L. 1837 (1 Mar.) 161. Hotel Co. chartered ; Id. 197. And again ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (18 Feb.) 37. Sale of town lots to Sam- son Williams legalized; Pr. L. 1847 (17 Feb.) , . 202. _ Building Association chartered; L. 1852 Further -mends and tin* .extended ; Pr Wa- pelio Manufacturing Co. chartered; at Apple river f.ills; subscribers to stock cf cliartend as the Rockforcl Manufacturing Co.; Pr. L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 153. Jo Daviess Mining and Sun iting Co., and Buncomb Mining and Smelting Co., chartered; Id. 187. Geo. \V. Jones, ferry from Jordan's ferry to Dubuque; L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 270. Foregoing amended : Pr. L. 1854 (28 Feb.) (21 June) 62. County Farmer's Insurance Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 402. Gnrfion. Town chartered; Pr. L. 1853(12 Feb ) 239. Sale of town lots of es'ate of J< n^s Mason (under act 24 Jan., L. 1835, 140.) ; L. 1836 (16 Jan.) 259. Wm. H. Allen, ferry across the Mississippi; Pr. L. 1853 (26 Jan.) 478. Graf- ton Manufacturing Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 613. J. L. Beirne Saw Mill and Dock Co. chartered ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (20 Feb.) 4 Stone and Transportation Co. chartered ; Id. (6 Feb.) 643. JO DAVIESS COUNTY. 1857 (11 Feb.) 463. H. H. Gear, ferry across the Mississippi opposite Tete de Mori ; L. 1840 (18 Jan.) 23. LeKers of administration to R. W. Bush on estate of James Evans confirmed; L. 1841 (24 Feb.) 209. Payment for apprehending John Dormer, escaped convict ; L. 184-J (17 Feb.) 2:14 Isaiah Cormack, convicted of laiceny, re- stored to citizenship; L. 1849 (24 Jan.) 112. Wm. M. Young and others, firry acrjss the Mississippi at sec. 27, Town 281 ; Pr. L. 1849 (10 Feb.) 37. Wapello changed to Hanover; Id. (12 Feb.) 142. Thos. S. Park*, terry across the Mississippi at Huntsville; Pr. L. 1851 (13 Feb.) 110. A. Marfield, ferry acioss the Mis- sissippi; L. 1852 (21 June) 61. Name of Fevre river changed to Galena river; L. 1853 (12 Feb ) 96. Galena and Mississippi Intersection R. R. chartered: Pr. L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 42. Galena and Mineral Point plank road chartered; Id. 166. County formed and boundary defined ; R. S. 1827 (11 Feb.) 117. Special terms of circuit court; L. 1829(25 Jan.) 52 14. Extends 2 of Amends foregoing; Pr. L. 1854 (1 Mar.) 162. act 22 Jan. L. 1831 38, concerning the erection And again; Pr. 1^1861 (21 Feb.) 479. Misste- of bridges; Pr. L. 1833 (22 Feb.) 13. County : sippi and Fevre River Portage Canal Co. char- boundaries and organization; L. 1836 (16 Jan.') i tered; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 412. Sam'I Smith, 273. County borrow money to complete court i ferry at mouth of Fevre River; Id. (9 Feb.) 528. house; L. 1840(18 Jan )22. Assessment of tax- \ Northwestern Insurance Co. chartered; Id. (10 es for 1839; L. 1841 (27 Feb.) 307. School fund I Feb.) 583. James Robinson name changed to PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. I Jo Daviess < Kane County. James C. Johnson; Pr. L. 18">7 (31 Jan.) 188. Mississippi Bridge Co. chartered; city of Galena and comity take stock; Id. (4 Feb.) 284. ' Nortli western Railroad chartered; city of Gale- na and county take stock; Id. (1 Feb.) -IT. Dunlfith and Dubuqiie bridge Co. chartered; Id. (14 Feb.) 77:5. Amends tbrogoing; time of completion extended; 1 Pr. L. 18(17 (8. Mar.) 188. Galena. Dunlcith and Minnesota Packet Co. (organized under general act 2;5 June 1852) name changed to Galena. Dubuque, Dunleilli (22 jfeb.) 785 Town uvoe bonds for and Minnesota Packet Oaj Pr. L. 1857 (18 purposes; 8 Pr. L. 1867 (26 Feb.) 134. Feb.) 1828. I nion Agricultural Society of Jo v j ess insurance Co. chartered; 1 Pr. L. Daviess, Stepbenson, La Fayette (Wis) and Green (Wis.) counties chartered; Pr. L. 1861 (16 Feb.) 34. Furegoing amended; 1 Pr. L. 1865(16 Feb.) 54. Special tax in Elizabeth to i refund moneys used to pay bounties; Id. (15 Feb.) 126. Powers of County Agricultural So- ciety extended; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 47. Oakna. Town officers, if town is incorpora- ted, need no property qualification; L. 1835 (7 Jan.) 140. Town corporate powers changed; boundary defined; I'r. L 1837 (26 Feb ) 16. Several acts chartering amended ; L. 1839 (15 Feb.) 25. Foregoing amended; Pr. L. 18o3 (26 Jan.) 475. Repeals 13 of charter; one dollar poll tax for streets ; L. 1845 (1 M .r.) 105. Same subject; Id. (28 Jan.) 183. The several acts chartering amended: L. 1852 (21 June) 77. City issue bonds in aid of Galena and Southern "Wisconsin Railroad; L. 1853 (9 Feb.) 190. Ju- risdiction ceded to the United States over the Marine Hospital, Custom House and Post Of- fice; L. 1857 (9 Jan.) 39. The several city in- corporation acts reduced to one and amended; Pr. L. 1857 (30 Jan.) 119. Foregoing amended; respecting schools and school funds; Pr. L 1861 (20 Feb.) 200. Further amends; each ward elect a supervisor; Id. (12 Feb.) 202. Still fur- ther amends; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (6 Ft-b.) 365. Fore- going amendment amended; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (20 Co. chaitered; Id. (18 Feb.) 1366. Galena Clas.-ical Institute chartered; Pr. L. 1859 (4 Feb.) 366. Librarv A'/iation chartered; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 660. Galena Mutual Fire In- surance Co. chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (14 Feb.) 657. I)e Soto Hotel Co. chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (16 Feb.) 45. Galena City Mining and Smelting Co. chartered; Iu. (5 Mar.) 384. Wnrre , Town chartered ; Pr. L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 700. Foregoing amended; Pr. L. 1861 Jo Da- 1865(16 Feb.) 685. Diinhith. Town chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 1091. F , - Pr JOHNSON COUNTY. and West Galena; L. 1861 (20 Feb.) 266 Aurora Cemetery Co. chartered; Id. (13 Feb.) 213. Aurora Fire Insurance Co. chartered; Id. (16 Feb.) 617. Aurora Library Association ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 15. West Aurora Cemetery Co. chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 218. Aurora Hotel Co. chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (9 Mar.) 38. Fox River Hydraulic and Manufacturing Co. chartered; Id. (16 Feb.) 91. Fox River Insurance Co. chartered; Id. (1 Mar.) 177. German Roman Catholic Benevo- lent Association chartered; Id. (21 Feb.) 264. Elgin. City chartered ; revising and extend- ing corporate powers ; Pr. L. 1854 (28 Feb.) 88. Further amending town incorporation acts ; acts of corporate authorities legalized ; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 185. Court of common pleas es- tablished; L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 173. Foregoing amended; one judge for the courts at Aurora and Elgin ; L. 1859 (14 Feb.) 76. Changing time of holding said court; L.1863 (12 Ft^b.) 37. Practice therein; Id. (14 Feb.) 65. Further re- specting; L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 38. Compensation of judge ; L. 1867 (8 Mar.) 76. Tax levied to pay bounties; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (6 Feb.) 148. Elgin Academy chartered ; Pr. L. 1839 (22 Feb.) 97. Foregoing amended ; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 364. City take 80 shares of stock in said Academy ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 361. Gifford and Kim- ball's dam across Fox river; L. 1839 (15 Feb.) 108. Bridge Town 41 8 kept in repair; L. 1845 (28 Jan.) 20. Vacates cemetery lot; title thereto vested in school directors No. 1 ; Pr. L. 1847 (23 Feb) 21. Indebtedness for Fox river bridge built in 1849, discharged by town ; Pr. L. 1851 (12 Feb.) 109. Geo. W. Ren-wick, build blacksmith shop at east end of the bridge ; Pr. L. 1853 (24 Jan ) 480. Waugonsha Mutual In- surance Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 403. Elgin Gas Light and Coke Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1861 (21 Feb!) 333. Elgin Insurance Co. chartered ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 637. Kane County Savings, Loan and Trust Co. chartered ; 2 Pr. L. 1855 (16 Feb.) 21. National Watch Co. chartered ; Id. (15 Feb ) 41. Elgin Hydraul- ic Co. chartered; 2 Pr L. 1867 (9 Mar.) 83. St. Charles. Charleston changed to St. Charles ; L. 1839 (9 Feb.) 73. First street re- located ; L. 1853 (24 Jan.) 297. Walnut street vacated in part: L. 1845 (18 Jan.) 194. Town chartered ; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) -32. Forego- ing amended, regulate the sale of liquor ; Pr. L. 1863 (20 Feb.) 272. School district No. 7 to borrow money to bui'd school house; L. 1857 (30 Jan.) 202. Town take s ock in St. Charles R. R. ; Pr. L. 1859 (21 Feb.) 684. Vacates part of Morrison's addition ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 658. Ira Minard and others, dam on Fox river ; L. 1840 (1 Feb.) 76. St. Charles Academy char- tered; L. 1843 (24 Jan.) 3. Literary and Medi- (96) PntVATBAND Kankakee County Kendall County. cal College of Illinois chartered ; Id. (6 Feb.) 69. St. Charles R. R. chartered; Pr. L. 1859 (18 Feb.) 506. Patavin. Cemetery Association chartered; L. 1845 (28 Feb.) 119. Alonzo T. Phillips, dam across Fox river. 18 inches high; Pr. L. 1847 (1 Mar ) 42. Van Huron street re-located; Id. (16 Jan ) 197. Batavw Institute chartered ; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb ) 5'8 Wm. Coffin, dam on Fox river; 1 Pr. L 18(55(115 Feb.) 552. Construc- tion of sidewalks; 3 PC. L. 1837 (25 Feb.) 104. KAXKAKEE COUNTY. County formed; vote thereon; L. 1851 (11 Feb.) 39. Another vote thereon ; boundary pre- scribed ; L. 1853(11 Feb.) 159. Title to swamp lands vesled in the county; county judge set- tles with Will and Iroquois counties; Pr. L. 185t(l Mar.) 100. County borrow $10,000. to complete public buildings; Id. (22 Feb.) 102. Foregoing amended ; powers of county court vested in board of supervisors; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb ) 43. Towns 30, 31 and the north % of 29 detached from Vermilion and attached to Kan- kakec conditionally; Id. (14 Feb.) 662. Sale of swamplands; L. 1837 (16 Feb) 122: Town- ship support of paupers; L. 18(51 (23 Feb.) 135. County orders issued to pay bounties legalized ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 127. County borrow money to pay war indebtedness and build fire prof vaults for records; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 887. R >ad and bridge tax legalized ; 3 Pr. L 1887 (19 Feb) 120. Towns~29 10, 11,12,13 and 14 detached from Iroquois and attached to Kankakre ; I-i. (8 M ir.) 632. Prohibits the net- ting of tisu; L. 1869 (29 Mar.) 187. Bloomfield Seminary of Learning chartered ; Pr. L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 238. Kankakee Biidge Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 399. Towns 30 and 31, 9 east levy tax to bridge the Kankakee at Wil- mington (under foregoing charter); Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb) 6(57. Balance of $3,872.80 due said bri Ige company, to be levied on towns of Reid and Wilmington in Will county and Essex and Norton in tliis county ; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 537. Towns of Essex and Norton lew special tii x to pay said bridge debt; 2 Pr. L." 1865 (16 Feb.) 339. Towns named vote for or against re- pairing said bridge; 1 Pr. L. 1887 (21 Feb.) 170. Momence Bridge Co. chartered ; L. 1852 (18 June) 24. Towns of Momence and Qaneer bor- row money to rebuild bridge at Momence (un- der foregoing charter); 1 Pr. L. 1867 (9 Mar.) 188. Auditor sell lands in Town 3012 to G. Lambert ; L. 1857 (13 Feb.) 89. Towns of Essex, Norton, Salina and Rockville, with towns in Will and Grundy, vote for or against tax to im- prove the Kankakee; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 737. Bridge tax in town of Limestone Apr. 1862 le- galized; Pr. L. 1863 (12 Feb) 277. Kankakee University chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 41. Towns of St. Anne and Aroma, special tax to bridge the Kankakee at Aroma ; Id. 188. Kan- karee Stone and Lime Co. chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (23 Feb.) 415. Aroma and Kankakee R. R. chartered : LI. (8 Mar.) 642. New assessment for 1866 in M-mteno; Id. (9 Mar.) 793. Union school district No. 5 in Manteno borrow money lo build school house; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (9 Mar.) 28. Eli Hawkins adopt Adah M. Allen ; L. 1869 (28 i Mar.) 341. . Kankakee City. Kanknkee Depot and Bour- i bonnais changed to Kankakee City and charter- ed ; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 211. Foregoing gen- erally amended after 3; Pr. L. 1801 (22 Feb.) 060. City chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (10 Feb.) i 393. Charter amended; limits and jurisdiction ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 7'0. Vacates part of Riverstreet; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) L 7. Kan- kakee School District chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 205. Foregoing amended; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (22 Feb.) 25. Kiinknkcc Male and Female Seminary chartered ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (4 Mar ) 25. Gas Light and Coke Co. chartered; Id. (23 Feb ) 985. Kankakee Insurance Co. chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 135. KEXDALL COUNTY. County created, boundary and organization; L. 18 il (19 Feb.) 75. La'Salle county school commissioner pay over share school funds; L. 1845 (7 Feb.) 221. Monthly elections for loca- ting county seat; Id. (25 Feb.) 306. Public re- cords indexed ; L. 1847 (16 Feb.) 71. County borrow $5.000. to pay county debts, vote there- on ; Pr. L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 31. County tako bonds of Ottawa, Oswego and Fox River'R. R ; L. 1852 (21 Feb.) 64. Unpaid taxes for 1849 collected ; Pr. L. 1853 (24 Jan.) 450. Records of L,a Salle affecting lands in Kendall transcribed ; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 877. Removal of county seat from Oswego, vote thereon; L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 45. Completing county buildings, time extended; L. 1861 (18 Feb.) 136. Township support of paupers, vote thereon ; L. 1863 (13 Feb.) 46. County borrow $89,000. to redeem bounty orders two acts; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (14 and 15 Feb.} 128. Foregoing amended; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (18 Feb.) 877. Action of towns paying bounties legalized ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.)' 153. Town of Somonauk detached from De Kalb and attached to this county ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 579. T. Howe, mill dam across Fox river at Yorkville ; L. 1845 (3 Mar.) 233. Michael C. Parker, the same, at Troy ; Pr. L. 1857 (10 Feb.) 350. Frederick Post, the same, in Town 366 ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (18 Feb.) 808. Towns and cities along Fox river borrow money to repair damages by the flood; Pr. L. 1857 (12 Feb. 505. Oswego Branch R. R. chartered; Id. (16 Feb.) 862. Township of Big Grove pay bounties; 1 Pr. L. 1885 (16 Feb.) 156. Kendall County Mutual Fire Insurance Co at Yorkville char- tered ; Id. (15 Feb.) 638. Northwestern Farm- ers' Insurance Co. at Lisbon chartered; Id. (16 Feb.) 743. Piano chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 542. Bristol R, R. chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (6 Mar.) 572. Hector S. Humphrey, late treasurer, released from half the judgment against him ; Id. 797. Nnoark. Georgetown changed to Newark ; L. 1843 (28 Feb.) 301. Town corporate powers ind jurisdiction extended ; Pr. L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 1328'. Town chartered; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 276. Fowler Female Institute chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (10 Feb.) 353. Charter amended ; name changed to Fowler Institute ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 19. PRIVATE AND SPECIA L LA ws. (87) Knox County . Lake County. Otncego. Vacates certain alleys ; Pr. L. 1849 i (9 Feb.) 124; Pr. L. 1853 (11 Feb.) 503 ; and Pr. ; L. 1857 (7 Feb.) 287. Corporate powers and ju- risdiction extended ; Id. (18 Feb.) 1328. Oswe- Manufacturing Co. chartered; L. 1845 (26 ! Feb.) 292. And again ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) I 44. KNOX COUNTY. County formed, boundary defined ; L. 1825 (13 Jan.) 94 8. Allowed $200. to bridge Spoon river ; L. 1831 (22 Jan.) 37. Supplemental to foregoing ; 1 L. 1837 (4 Mar.) 2(5. Formation of county of Coffee, vote thereon ; Id. (1 Mar.) 86. Extends 2 of act 22 Jan. (L. 1831, 38) con- cerning the erection of bridges, to last Monday in Oct. 1833; Pr. L. 1833 (i'2 Feb.) 13. Same subject; L. 1839 (12 Feb.) 99. Revenue paid into county treasury ; Id. (16 Feb.) 125. Remo- val county seat, Knoxville to Galesburg: L. 1863 (2 Feb.) 54 ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (14 Feb.) 548 ; L. 1869 (10 Mar.) 152. Game law 1855 extended to; L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 126; Gross' Stat. 1868, 325. Collection of taxes, time extended; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (9 Feb.) 338. Supervisors appropriate $10,000. to build a soldiers' monument ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (21 Feb.) 449. Supervisors fix rate of commutation for road labor ; also, determine what shall be a lawful fence; Id. (28 Feb.) 825. Additional justice and constable in Henderson : 1 L. 1837 (15 Feb.) 117. Henderson chartered; Id. (10 Feb.) 331. Sale of Sec. 16, Town 92 legal- ized ; L. 1839 (15 Feb.) 102. Road, Knoxville and Peoria re-located ; L. 1840 (1 Feb.) 59. Ad- ditional justice and constable in Cherry Grove L. 1841 (20 Feb.) 176. Cherry Grove Semi- nary chartered ; L. 1845 (1 Mar.) 111. Har- risonville changed to Herman and charter- ed ; L. 1852 (21 June) 108. Le Roy Wheeler and Adam Snyder, restored to citizenship; L. 1853 (8 Feb.) 96. Lapier and Walnut Grove name changed to Altona ; Pr. L. 1857 (13 Feb.) 550. Tawnship support of paupers; Id. (16 Feb.) 1090. Galesb.urg and Henderson plank road chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 109. Wm. B. Mecham, convicted of larceny, restored to citizenship; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 813. Compensatiqn of sheriff; L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 116. Knoxvitte. County seat located on S. W. 28 112. and called Henderson ; L. 1831 (15 Jan.) 62. Name changed to Knoxville ; Pr. L. 1833 (22 Dec. '32) 23. Vacates Beaton's addition ; L. 1839 (18 Jan.) 49. Town chartered ; L. 1845 (1 Mar.) 172. Amendment ; repair roads leading thereto ; Pr. L. 1849 (25 Jan.) 110. City char- tered ; no power to license sale of liquor; Pr. L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 222. Amendment ; limits exten- ded; council control common schools; Pr. L. 1854 (4 Mar.) 174. Foregoing amendment amended; special school tax; 1 Pr. L. 1865(15 Feb.) 427. Charter further amended; powers extended; 1 Pr. L.1867 (7 Mar.) 746. City take stock in Peoria and Oquawka R. R.; L. 1853 (11 Feb.) 146. Knoxville College chartered ; Pr/L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 553. Masonic and Odd Fellows' Joint Stock Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1855 (6 Feb.) 683. Ewing Female Universitv; Pr. L. 1859 (19 Feb.) 363. Galesburg. Town chartered; L. 1841 (27 Jan.) 13. 321. Foregoing amended; Id. (24 Feb.) 339. City chartered; act 27 Feb. 1854, for the better government of towns and cities to form part of. said charter; two police magistrates with exten- ded jurisdiction to $500.; Pr. L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 673. Charter amended ; grant licenses ; adjust damages for opening streets ; Pr. L. 1859 (19 Feb.) 150. Further amended; per diem of po- lice magistrates ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 594. Divides Galesburg and West Galesburg ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (27 Feb.) 411. City borrow money to erect county buildings, when county seat is lo- cated there; Pr. L. 1863 (14 Feb.) 173. Same subject; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 369. Establish system of graded schools, vote thereon ; L. 1859 (18 Feb.) 163. Foregoing amended; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 279. School tax Town 111 ; L. 1843 (4 Mar.) 292. Mutual Fire and Marine In- surance Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 1132. Merchants' and Farmers' Home Insu- rance Co. chartered; Id. (18 Feb.) 1348. Mer- chants', F&rmers' and Mechanics' Savings Bank; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 42. Gas Light and Coke Co. chartered ; Id. (18 Feb.) 334 Farmers' and Mechanics' Savings Bank of Knox Co. charter- ed; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 59. Travelers' Life and Health Insurance Co. chartered ; Id. (16 Feb.) 703. Emmaritta Orcutt name changed to Bracket! ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 237. Gales- burg Horse Railway chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (6 Mar.) 31. Galesburg Times Co. chartered ; Id. (7 Mar.) 509. Knox College. Knox Manual Labor College chartered ; located Sec. 15, 1 11 ; Pr. L. 1837 (15 Feb.) 33. Hold lands donated for 7 years ; L. 1840 (18 Jan.) 23. Foregoing amended; time extended to 10 years ; Pr. L. 1851 (15 Feb.) 38. Corporate name changed to Knox College ; trustees establish a Female Collegiate Dep't ; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 834. Adelphi of said col- lege chartered; Pr. L. 1847 (25 Feb.) 120. Lombard University. Illinois Liberal Insti- tute chartered ; Pr. L. 1851 (15 Feb.) 246. Fore- going amended ; Pr. L. 1853 (26 Jan.) 477. Cor- porate name changed to Lombard University ; original charter amended ; Pr. L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 796. Conditions of grants, bequests, etc. strictly carried out ; confer degrees etc.; Pr. L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 16. AUngdon City chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (13 Feb.) 587. Foregoing amended ; acts of officers legalized ; powers extended ; Pr. L. 1859 (19 Feb.) 34. Abingdon College chartered ; Pr. L. 1855 (13 Feb.) 536. Philomathi of said College chartered ; Pr. L. 1857 (9 Feb.) 315. Bedding Seminary and Central Illinois Female College chartered ; Id. 315. LAKE COUNTY. County created, boundary and organization ; L. 1839 (1 Mar.) 216. Collect tax levied by McHenry county ; L. 1840 (18 Jan.) 47. Remo- val of county seat, Burlington to Little Fort ; L. 1841 (17 Feb.) 95. Acts of county commis- sioner's court legalized ; L. 1843 (19 Jan.) 109. County seat located at Little Fort; Id. 115. Roads laid out by county commissioners 1 June 1845 to 10 Sept. 1845 legalized; L. 1847 (17 Feb.) 104. Taxes for 1848 legalized ; L. 1849 (12 Feb.) (98) PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. Lake County LaSalle County. 186. County license in 1848 to Hiram Hugunin and others, to build plank road, continued ; Pr. L. 1849 (8 Feb.) 30. Towns support their own paupers; L. 1851 (17 Feb.) 183. Vote in April whether towns shall support paupers; Pr. L. 1853 (26 Jan.) 464. Sheep and swine not to run at large ; L. 1853 (27 Jan.) 152. Also, L. 1859 (19 Feb.) 1 200. And also; L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 97. Jurisdiction of county court extended to $500. ; practice in and terms thereof; L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 263. Same subject ; L. 1859 (19 Feb.) 101. Su- pervisors raise money for support of volunteers; L. 1863 (14 Feb) 56. Lake County Drainage Commissioners chartered ; Pr. L. 1863 (21 Feb.) 185. Docket and jury fee; L. 1863 (15'Jan.) 49. County and towns pay a bounty of $300.;! Pr. L. 1865 (10 Feb.) 129. County aid in construc- tion of a County Soldiers' Monument; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (13 Feb.) 874. Prohibits trapping of fur ; Id. (25 Feb.) 993. Boundaries of townships changed ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (9 Mar.) 635. Middle- sex Steam Mill Co. chartered, at Half Day P. O.; L. 1840 (31 Jan.) 31. Henry W. Dorsett take the oath as sheriff; Pr. L. 1849 (9 Jan.) 27. The same, credited with $3,603. of which he Avas robbed ; Pr. L. 1851 (14 Feb.) 126. Payment to Chas. Gardner, as state's attorney ; L. 1851 (15 Feb.) 126. Election of a justice in Avon legal- ized ; L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 228. Waukegan and Antioch plank road chartered ; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 163. Foregoing amended ; changed to a railroad ; Pr. L. 1854 (1 Mar.) 181. Payment to Henry W. Blodgett, as state's attorney ; Pr. L. 1853 (26 Jan.) 441. Tristram Vincent, dam on DesPlaines at Town 43 11; Id. (11 Feb.) 579. Jurisdiction ceded to the United States over light houses at Port Clinton, Taylorport and Waukegan ; L. 1855 (13 Feb.) 139. Wauconda replatted; L. 1857 (12 Feb.) 57. Delia Murray name changed to Delia M. Ela ; Pr. L. 1857 (9 Feb.) 304. Sale of swamp lands TOAVHS 45 and 46 9 at private entry confirmed ; Id. (10 Feb.) 363. Wauconda Academy chartered ; Id. (14 Feb.) 759. Village of Antioch chartered ; Id. (16 Feb.) 1014. And again ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 347. Refunding to R. Compton from 203. Milburn Mutual Insurance Co. chartered ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 719. Vacates and re- locates road Town 4312; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (14 Feb.) 263. Streets in Cuba altered, etc.; Id. (16 Feb.) 661. Wauconda Mutual Insurance Co. chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (4 Mar.) 162. Lake County Peat Co. chartered ; Id. 386. Highland Park Building Co. chartered; Id. (23 Feb.) 845. Goodale changed to Grant; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (8 Mar.) 622. Old Milwaukee road, Town 45 12, partly re-located; L. 1869 (15 Mar.) 387. Chicago and Green Bay road, Town 43 12, partly re-located ; Id. (31 Mar.) 388. Wautegan. State street in Little Fort resur- veyed ; L. 1845 (26 Feb.) 166. Town Little Fort chartered; Pr. L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 134. Charter amended; Pr. L. 1851 (15 Feb.) 210. Amend- ing and supplementing town charter; name changed to Waukegan and substituted in all deeds; side walks and fire department ;L. 1852 (15 June) 8. Three town constables elected; L. 1851 (15 Feb.) 117. Members of tire depart- ment exempt from jury duty; Id. 124. City chartered; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 262. Again; exempt from street labor tax; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 330. Further amends; support of public schools; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (23 Jan.) 523. Issue of city bonds to pay bounties legalized; 1 Pr. L. 1SI55 (16 Fob.) 152. Borrow money to bridge Little Fort river; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 690. Foregoing amended; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 1090. Waukeiran Mutual Insurance Co. chartered ; Pr. L. ls.-,:{ (3 Feb.) 611. Charter amended; Pr. L. 1859 (19 Feb.) 399. Gas Light and Coke Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 645. Wauke- gan Academy chartered ; Pr. L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 1381. Waukegan Warehouse and Pier Co. char- tered; Pr. L. 1859 (18 Feb.) 732. Union Insu- rance Co. chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 802. Charter amended; office removed to Chi- cago; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (4 Mar.) 161. Waukegan Hotel Co. chartered; Id. (18 Feb.) 46. Illinois and Pah Kanagat Silver Mining Co. chartered ; Id. (9 Mar.) 399. Lake Forrest. City chartered ; Pr. L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 205. Lind University chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (13 Feb.) 514. Foregoing amended ; medi- cal department established; Pr. L. 1861 (18 Feb.) 18. Further amended; name changed to Lake Forrest University ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 49, 53. Hotel and Manufacturing Co. char- Pr. L. " Hainemlle. Town chartered ; Pr. L. 1847 (26 Feb.) 207. Hainesville Academy chartered ; Id. (28 Feb.) 4. Feb.) 109. Steam Mill Co. chartered; Id. (20 LA SALLE COUNTY. County formed, with county seat at Ottawa; L. 1831 (15 Feb.) 54 2. Fern' across the Illi- nois at Ottawa, vested in the county; L. 1831 (15 Jan.) 56. Foregoing repealed; Pr. L. 1833 (28 Jan.) 32. County Commissioners account to auditor expenses of keeping the Pottawatta- mie Indians charged with the massacre on In- dian creek; Pr. L. 1833(22 Feb) 19. County and circuit clerks keep their offices at their resi- dences; L. 1835(27 Jan.) 70. County commis- sioners control courtroom; L. 1840 (29 Jan.) 65. School commissioners dispose of deprecia- ted bank notes; L. 1843 (3 Mar.) 39. Assess- ment for 1841 legalized; Id. (6 Mar.) 23 2. School commissioners pay trustees of school Towns 29 and 30 1, certain moneys; L. 1845 (28 Feb.) 102. County debt funded; Id. (1 ; Mar.) 125. Sale of certain school lands; L. 1847 j (1 Mar.) 117. Proceeds of -certain school lands paid to trustees of schools in Marshall county; i L. 1849 (2 Feb ) 180. Purchase of poor farm ; i Pr. L. 1853 (26 Jan.) 474. Records of county commissioners' court and probate court indexed ; L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 167. Jurisdiction of county ! court extended; Pr. L. 1854 (27 Feb.) 239; also, L. 1865 (16 Feb.) -37. Changes of venue from , county court; L. 1857 (28 Jan.) 45. Change the terms and regulate the practice therein ; L. 1869 (6 Mar.) 146. Protection of fish in arm of i the Illinois opposite PeruN L. 1861 (22 Feb.) ! 123. Action of supervisors paying bounties le- ; gal i zed; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (6 Feb.) 131. Prohibits seining of fish in certain places; L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 118. Country take stock in railroads; 1 Pr.L. 1859 (23 Jan.) 336. Amendment; firemen i Pr. L. 1867 (6 Mar.) 866. Wm. Stadden, mill PEIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. LaSalle County. dam on Fox river; Pr. L. 1833 (12 Feb.) 106. Foregoing amended ; L. 1836 (14 Jan.) 196. Da- vid Walker confirmed in pre-emption of fracti- cal quarter named; Pr. L. 1833 (5 Feb.) 113. Geo. E. Walker, sheriff, exact hostages from Pottawattamie nation ; Id. (14 Jan.) 205. Mar- seilles Manufacturing Co. chartered ; L. 1836 (7 Jan.) 138. Franklin Manual Labor College chartered; located in either Cook or La Salle counties; Id. (16 Jan.) 160. Wni. Seeley, toll bridge on the Big Vermilion; Id. (12 Jan.) 200. James Day, toll bridge across the Illinois ; 1 L. 1837 (4 Mar.) 28. Green & Stadden, toll bridge on Fox river at Dayton ; 2 L. 1837 (20 July) 8. D. F. Hitt, mill dam "on a slough in Town 232; L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 236. Union Agricultural So- ciety chartered; Pr. L. 1839 (19 Feb.) 88. Sur- vey and plat of Dresden and Utica legalized; Id. (26 Feb.) 147. Kankakee Manuf. Co. char- tered; L. 1840 (10 Dec. '39) 135. Payment on schedules kept in Town 333 in 1839; L. 1841 (14 [Dec.] 1840) 206. Certificates of purchase issued to assignee of Conrad Sebaugh ; Id. (23 Feb.) 208. Index to records; Id. 311. Plat of Vermilionville vacated in part; Id. (14 Dec. '40) 315. LaSalle County Mutual Fire Insurance Co. chartered; L. 1843 (3 Mar.) 164. Charter amended ; Pr. L. 1857 (11 Feb.) 453. Foregoing amendment amended; Pr. L. 1859 (23 Feb.) 395. Charter again amended; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 702, Trustees of schools Town 333, proceed- ings legalized; L. 1843 (23 Feb.) 273. Enterprise plat vacated; L. 1845 (3 Mar.) 266. Boyd and Twitchell, ferrv across the Illinois Town 33 2 ; Id, (27 Feb.) 147. Foregoing extended ; Pr. L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 1336. School trustees Town 33 1, lease lands; previous leases valid; L. 1849 (25 Jan.) 182. Henry L. Owens, toll bridge across the Illinois at Salisbury; Pr. L. 1849 (15 Feb.) 9. River Board for improvement of the Illinois from the Little Vermilion to Fox River; Pr. L. 1851 (12 Feb.) 80. Foregoing amended; L. 1852 (23 June) 206. Repeal of foregoing ; L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 171. Jeremiah Crotty, ferry across the Illinois at Town 335 ; Pr. 1851 (12 Feb.) 85. Same, establish a toll gate ; Pr. L. 1857 (13 Feb.) 579. Same, ferry privilege ex- tended; Pr. L. 1861 (8 Feb.) 320. Boundaries of Earl and Meriden changed; east half Town 362 added to Earl; L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 67. Isaac , R. Hitt and others, bridge the Big Vermilion j Town 331 ; Pr. L. 1853(11 Feb.) 601. David L. Hough and others, ferry across the Illinois Town 331 ; Pr. L. 1853 (11 Feb.) 607. School fund Town 34 5 divided between Manlius and Mission; Pr. L. 1854 (28 Feb.) 145. J. Strawn deed to lands Town 33 2; L. 1855 (3 Feb.) 113. Illinois and Wisconsin Mining and Manufactur- ing Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 611. Title to lands Town 333 vested in heirs of D. Walker; L. 1857 (10 Feb.) 182. School trustees Town 33 1 borrow money to build school house; Id. (18 Feb.) 223. Diamond Coal Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (13 Feb.) 508. Big Ver- milion Coal Co. chartered ; Id. 548. Eagle Coal Co. chartered, at Tonica; Id. (14 Feb.) 826. Charter amended; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 301. And again; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 59. Starved Rock Manufacturing Co. chartered; Id. (16 Feb.) 878. Foregoing charter revived and con- tinued; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 311. Little Rock Mining Co. chartered; Id. (18 Feb.) 1331. Boun- dary of school districts on Fox river changed ; L. 1859 (22 Feb.) 188. David Strawn and others chartered as the Marseilles Bridge Co ; Pr L 1859 (21 Feb.) 18. And again; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (13 Feb.) 188. James Clark construct horse railroad on route named ; Id. (24 Feb.) 532. Ot- tawa Northern Turnpike Co. chartered; any town take stock ; Id. 720. Selah Robbins, fer- ry across the Illinois Town 33 2 ; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 327. Northwestern Agricultural Manufacturing Co. chartered; Id. (16 Feb.) 470. Germantown plat vacated; Id. (22 Feb.) 63l! Marseilles chartered; Id. (21 Feb.) 698. Char- ter amended; 3 Pr.L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 142. Otta- | wa and Vermilion Plank Road chartered : Pr j L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 669. Charter amended ; Pr L I 1863 (20 Feb.) 217. Town of Mission pay boun- ! ties; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (7 Feb.) 167. Seneca Bridge Co. chartered ; across the Illinois Town 331} i Id. (16 Feb.) 196. Town of Crotty chartered ; i 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 433. Charter amended ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (6 Mar.) 177. Ellsworth changed to Lostant; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 440. LaSalle County Saving's Loan and Trust Co. chartered ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (5 Mar.) 65. County Dairy and Cheese Co. chartered ; Id. 907. Highways" town ofRichland divided into repair sections; 2 Pr L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 72. Valley Manufacturing Co. chartered; to dam Fox river; Id. (23 Feb.) 328. Illinois Excelsior Coal Co. chartered ; Id. (5 Mar.) 383. Vermilion River Coal Co. char- tered; Id. 389. Kentucky Coal Co. chartered; Id. (25 Feb.) 417. Vermilion Coal Co. charter- ed; Id. (19 Feb.) 435. Marseilles Landand Wa- ter Power Co. chartered; Id. (9 Mar.) 810. Whitford changed to Leland and latter charter- ed; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (23 Feb.) 606. M. Meeker name changed to M. M. Turner ; L. 1869 (29 Mar.) 662. Ottaira. Canal commissioners alter town plat ; county buildings on the square ; L. 1831 (15 Feb.) 54, 56. Town chartered ; 2 L. 1837 (21 July) 96. Amended; L. 1843 (4 Mar.) 296. Further amended; proof of town incorporation unnecessary; corporation deeds and leases prima facie regular; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 572. Relief of purchasers of canal lots in 1839 ; L 1841 (27 Feb.) 49. Sales in block 11 ratified; Id. (23 Feb.) 311. Leasing water power on the I. and M. Canal ; L. 1843 (4 Mar.) 63. Day's addi- tion vacated; L. 1845 (21 Feb.) 326. Streets va- cated and grounds leased; Pr. L. 1849 (8 Feb ) 111. City chartered; Pr. L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 296. Alleys vacated in, State's addition ; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 503. Amends charter; boundary cor- rected; Pr. L. 1854 (21 Feb.) 85. Fsrther amends ; take stock in Illinois Bridge Co. ; Id. (1 Mar.) 201. Still further amends; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 466; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (5 Mar.) 691; Id. (7 Mar.) 745. City take stock in the Ottawa Manufacturing Co.; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (19 Feb.) 350. Vacates an alley in block 63 State's addition ; Pr. L. 1855 (9 Feb.) 491. Ottawa Manufactur- ing Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1837 (1 Mar.) 145; again, may dam Fox river Town 33 3 ; Pr. L 1851 (15 Feb.) 178; also, Pr. L. 1857 (13 Feb.) 580; may also dam the Illinois; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 551. Ottawa Central Bridge Co. charter- ed; across Fox River, Town 333; Pr. L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 178. Foregoing amended ; proprietors chartered as Fox River Bridge Co. ; Pr. L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 12. Wm. E. Armstrong, bridge Fox (100) PKIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. LaSalle County. river; L. 1839 (21 Feb.) 145. L. Leland, the same ; L. 1845 (1 Mar.) 268. Geo. H. jNorris, bridge the Illinois Town 33 3; failing in three years, town of Ottawa may; Pr. L. 1847 (1 Mar.) 16. Foregoing amended ; time extended one year; Pr. L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 12. Both fore- going revived and extended to Henry Green ; Pr. L. 1851 (15 Feb.) 250. Trustees L and M. Canal to donate town lot to M. E. Church ; Pr. L. 1847 (18 Feb.) 203. Town a road district; county court fix boundary; Id. (23 Feb.) 205. Rutland Bridge Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 405. Ottawa Hydraulic Co. (organized under act 10 Feb. 1849) lease by trustees I. and M.'Canal confirmed ; same, extended to La Salle County Manufacturing Co. ; Id. (11 Feb.) 427. Illinois River Bridge Co. chartered; town or city of Ottawa, county and any township may take stock ; Id. (27 Jan.) 535 ; townships take stock in; Pr. L. 1854 (28 Feb.) 99; town subscriptions legalized; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 557; town of Ottawa issue $10,000. bonds in aid of; other towns do the same ; charter amend- ed; Pr. L. 1857 (13 Feb.) 573; foregoing re- pealed ; amends act 15 Feb. 1855 ; substitute "le- galized" for "repeated"; Pr. L. 1861 (16 Feb.) 60. Ottawa school district established; Board of Education chartered ; control common schools ; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 220. Foregoing amended ; election of the board; Pr. L. 1861 (18 Feb.) 238. further amends; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 303. Trustees First Baptist church sell and convey real estate; Pr. L. 1859 (4 Feb.) 33. Ottawa Wa- ter Works chartered; Pr. L. 1861 (20 Feb.) 239. Illinois Starch Co. chartered; Id. (7 Feb.) 469. City bank of Eames, Allen & Co. withdraw cer- tificate; Pr. L. 1863 (14 Feb.) 37. German Bene- volent Society chartered; 1 Pr.L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 70. Edward S. Leland and others to erect a hotel ; Id. 607. Ottawa Petroleum and Mining Co. chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (l^Feb.) 82. Ot- tawa Loan and Trust Co. chart. Pay for Milton bridge; L. 1839 (2 | Mar.) 265. Certain public records rebound; L. j 1839 (19 Feb.) 130. Any county copy Madison county recon Is; L. 1841 (27 Feb.) 205. Collec- ' tion o"f taxes for 1843 extended; L. 1845 (24 Jan.) 183. Certain taxes for 1844 remitted be- cause of high water; Id. (21 Feb.) 353. A ments for 1845-6-7 legalized ; L. 1849 (5 Feb.) 187. Special tax to pay debts and build roads and bridges ; Id. (16 Jan.) 187. State tax in cer- | lain towns to pay for levee on American bot- j torn ; L. 1861 (12 Feb.) 14. County bounties to volunteers; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 135. Pay of county judge and his associates; L. 1867 (8 Mar.) 78. Construct county jail; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (22 Feb.) 883. Evidence of marriages, its better preservation ; Id. (7 Mar.) 926. Part of county take stock in certain railroads ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (8 Feb.) 681. Transcribing public records; Id. (28 Feb.) 790. Additional county tax; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (22 Feb.) 129. Jurisdiction over lands in Town 5 10 ceded to United States for a Na- tional Cemetery ; L. 1869 (31 Mar.) 249. Road 100 feet wide from town of Illinois to Six Mile prairie; L. 1819 (27 Mar.) 297. Madison Steam Mill Co. chartered ; L. 1821 (31 Jan.) 58. Na- thaniel Buckmaster paid dieting prisoners, etc. ; L. 1825 (15 Jan.) 108. Guardian of Olive Liver- more's heirs sell real estate ; Pr. L. 1833 (19 Feb.) 117. School trustees Town 37 re-value unsold lands ; Id. (12 Feb.) 200. Guardian of heirs of James Mason sell real estate ; L. 1835 (26 Jan.) 74. Illinois Exporting Co. chartered; L. 1836 (18 Jan.) 141. Lands of estate of Saml. Thurston sold; Id. (8 Dec. '35) 245. Road, Springfield to Alton, re-located between Fos- ter's and Wood river bridge ; 1 L. 1837 (15 Feb.) 215. Lands of estate of Wm. B. Collins sold; 2 L. 1837 (11 July) 57. Madison Mining and Man- ufacturing Co. chartered ; pay county 2% per cent, on employed capital ; Pr. L. 1837 (1 Mar.) 202. Calhoun Coal Mining Co. chartered; Id. (2 Mar.) 238. Chippewa Dry Dock Co. char- tered ; Id. 251. Sales school land Town 68 legalized ; L. 1839 (22 Feb.) 148. Madison Coun- ty Ferry Co. chartered ; L. 1840 (3 Feb.) 127 ; amendment, build road to ferry; L. 1841 (17 Feb.) 224; further amends, extended 20 years; Pr. L. 1847(11 Feb.) 45 ; existence legally recog- nized (rendered desirable by loss of office and papers by flood of 1851); Pr. L. 1854 (25 Feb.) 101 ; charter further amended ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (20 Feb.) 932. John Cooper, collector, settle with state bank notes ; L. 1845 (1 Mar.) 155. Wm. H. Berksdale and others, ferry across the Mis- sissippi, Venice to St. Louis; Pr. L. 1849 (31 Jan.) 33. Mt. Auburn plat vacated; Id. (12 Feb.) 141. Certain state lands released to Ma- tilda Powers ; L. 1843 (2 Mar.) 221. Monticello Female Seminary chartered; Id. (23 Feb.) 282; amendment, regulate sale of liquor near; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (12 Feb.) 5. Wood River Coal Mining Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1851 (17 Feb.) 286; amendment ; build railroad ; Pr. L. 1854 ( 1 Mar.) 128. Andrew Miller, $50. for preventing violation of an injunction ; Pr. L. 1851 (17 Feb.) 292. Joseph T. Gately name changed to Tot- ten; Pr. L. 1853 (26 Jan.) 463. Collinsville p'ank road allowed 5 years to complete ; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 467. Madison County Coal Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (13 Feb.) 506; amend- ment, extend railway; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 77. Madison county railroad chartered; Pr. L. 1M7 (14 FelO 638; and again, 2 Pr. L. 1865 (1.1 Feb.) 165. Towns 39 and 310 unite for school purposes; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 1136. Foregoing amended; 2 P. L. 1867(7 Mar.) 797. Town of Troy chartered : Pr. L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 1334: part of Clay street vacated; Id. 1426. Sale of American Bottom Plank road to Frederick P. Kraft confirmed ; Id. 1358 ; stock increased, may macadamize , Pr. L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 416. Trus- tees of Christian Society sell real estate at PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. (105) Madison County. Kidgely and build church at Litchfield ; Id: 34. Highla'nd and St. Louis Railroad chartered; Id. (12 Feb.) 443; charter amended; Pr. L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 496 ; further amendment, time extended ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 161. Acts of trustees Towns 47 and 57 legalized; L. 1861 (20 Feb.) 194. Thos. Judy, guardian heirs of Jacob J. Barnsback, invest in real estate ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 239. Towns 5 and 610 tax to Macadamize roads : Id. 258. State road, Town 5_8 re-located; Id. 265. Farmers' Exchange and Loan Co. chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (9 Mar.) 115. Tyler J. Irish and others, ferry across the Mississippi near Venice; Id. (25 Feb.) 939. Julia Ann Avery, wife of Edward D. Avery, convey real estate ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 795. Collection of tolls on Collinsville and St. Louis plank road ; Id. 799 ; time to repair said road extended; Id. (21 Feb.) 803. Alton and Ed- wardsville Macadamized road chartered; Id. (8 Mar.) 836. Illinois and Mississippi Stock Yard Co. chartered ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 97. Trumbull's sub-division of sec. 2, Town 5 10 vacated partly ; Id. (23 Feb.) 110. Towns 5 and 6 10, outside Alton, levy special road tax ; Id. (6 Mar.) 123. Marine chartered; Id. (8 Mar.) 479. Edwardsville. Chartering trustees of Madi- son Academy ; town boundary denned ; town trustees elected at general election ; L. 1819 (23 Feb.) 48 ; so much of foregoing repealed as de- scribes town boundaries ; Id. (24 Mar.) 246; re- peals part of first foregoing and all of amend- ment and amends; L. 1823 (7 Feb.) 116. Town chartered; Pr. L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 257; amended; acts of trustees legalized; Pr. L. 1854 (27 Feb.) 151 ; corporate powers extended ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 438; limits altered ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (22 Feb.) 515. Town take stock in Madison county rail- road ; Pr. L. 1859 (23 Feb.) 601 ; election 13 Oct. '66 authorizing said subscription legalized ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (22 Feb.) 918. Building sidewalks and street improvement ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 585. Edwardsville Library Association char- tered; L. 1823 (31 Jan.) 100. Examination, of Bank of Edwardsville ; L 1826 (26 Jan.) 81. Edwardsville Steam Mill Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1839 (12 Feb.) 69. Illlinois and Mississippi Transportation Co. chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 674; amended, condemn lands in East St. Louis ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 639. Madison County Land and Loan Co. chartered ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (8 Mar.) 99. Edwardsville Hotel Co. char- tered ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (5 Mar.) 63. Alton. Town trustees appointed ; L. 1821 (30 Jan.) 39 ; town charter amended ; L. 1823 (14 Feb.) 147. Town again chartered; Pr. L. 1833 (6 Feb.) 206; amendment; L. 1835(13 Feb.) 172; further amended; trustees' acts legalized; Pr. L. 1837 (2 Mar.) 224. Additional notary and two iustices ; 1 L. 1837 (15 Feb.) 116. City char- tered ; 2 L. 1837 (21 July) 17 gl 39; and again, Pr. L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 240 ; amendment ; charter amended; L. 1845 (28 Feb.) 101; further amends, take census every five years ; people accept or reject ; Pr. L. 1847 (13 Feb.) 76; fur- ther amends; Id. (23 Feb.) 114 ; further amends ; subscribe to Mt. Carmel and Alton Railroad ; Pr. L. 1849 (8 Feb.) 15; boundary defined ; Id. 16 ; issue bonds for improvement of river land- ing; Pr. L. 1851 (17 Feb.) 262; fines under liquor law of 1 Feb. '51 paid into city treasury;. 14. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 219 ; re-enacts act 1 Feb. 1851 prohibiting retailing of liquor ; Pr. L. 18o3 (12 Feb.) 571 ; issue bonds to build city hall ; Pr. L. 1854 (28 Feb.) 209 ; boundary extended and de- fined; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 43; city re-issue bonds matured and held by St. Louis, Alton and Chicago, and Terre Haute and Alton railroads; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 921 ; amends 13 of orgi- nal city charter ; Pr. L. 1859 (18 Jan.) 36. The several city incorporating acts reduced to one i and amended ; Id. (16 Feb.) 36 ; general amend- ment to charter ; Pr. L. 1861 (18 Feb.) 100; levy tax to liquidate city indebtedness; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 242; foregoing repealed ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 625; establish and regulate markets, recovery of fines ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 244 ; 12 of charter amended respecting public schools ; Id. (13 Feb.) 244; street .commissioner's duty, corporate powers extended ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 577. City pay part of county election and court expenses ; Pr. L. 1847 (27 Feb.) 38 ; amendment; L. 1851 (17 Feb.) 194. City court established, jurisdiction defined; L. 1859 (9 Feb.) 71; terms thereof; L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 117 ; times of holding; L. 1867 (8 Mar.) 77, and L. 1869 (10 Feb.) 119; salary of attorney $500.; Id. (1 Apr.) 50. Two justices and constables elec- ted ; L. 1835 (12 Feb.) 30. Partition of lands owned by Nathaniel Pope and others ; 2 L. 1837 (21 July) 53 ; amendment; L. 1839 (18 Jan.) 37. Manning and Higham's addition vacated in part ; Id. (20 July) 93. Alton Manufacturing Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1833 (1 Feb.) 48. Alton College of Illinois chartered ; Id. (1 Mar.) 100 ; name changed to Shurtleff College ; L. 1836 (12 Jan.) 181; trustees increased; Pr. L. 1851 (14 Feb.) 126, 250; vacancies in board of trustees filled by residents in other states ; Pr. L. 1853 (11 Feb.) 500 ; sale of liquor within one mile cf college buildings prohibited; Pr. L. 1861 (20 Feb.) 13. Alpha Zeta Society of said college chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (20 Feb.) 263. Alton Marine and Fire Insurance Co. chartered; L. 1835 (7 Feb.) 186 ; amendment, investing capi- tal stock ; Pr. L. 1837 (27 Feb.) 109 ; powers ex- tended, risks on lives, receive deposits, stock in- creased; Pr. L. 1839 (4 Mar.) 95; also, L. 1845 (20 Feb.) 328. Two justices and constables elected ; L. 1835 (12 Feb.) 30. Alton Hotel Co. chartered; Id. 208; amendment; Pr. L. 1837 (4 Mar.) 286. Alton Shot and Lead Manufactur- ing Co. chartered; L. 1836 (16 Jan.) 143. Alton Female Institute chartered; Id. (9 Jan.) 178. Beet Sugar, Silk and Vegetable Oil Manufac- turing Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1837 (27 Feb.) 150 ; amendment ; L. 1840 (29 Jan.) 48. Alton Ferry Co. chartered ; 2 L. 1837 (21 July) 40. Illinois Mutual Fire Insurance Co. chartered ; report to Legislature ; Pr. L. 1839 (23 Feb.) 108 ; amend- ment ; L. 1843 (4 Mar.) 166 ; president adminis- ter oaths; Pr. L. 1847 (13 Feb.) 76; extended 20 years; Pr. L. 1855 (13 Feb.) 387; foregoing amendment amended; Pr. L. 1861 (20 Feb.) 395; charter extended 50 years; Pr. L. 1863 (13 Feb.) 202; amendment; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 197. Illinois and Missouri Bridge" Co. chartered; L. 1841 (27 Feb.) 46. Ferry across the Mississippi established; L. 1841 (27 Feb.) 119; amendment, time extended 5 years; Pr. L. 1847(27 Feb.) 48. Hardy & McElroy, ferry across the Mississippi; L. 1845 (27 Feb.) 164. Western Marine and Fire Insurance Co. chartered ; L. 1841 (27 Feb.) 160. (106) PRIVATEAND SPECIAL LAWS. Madison County Marion County. Mechanics' Institute chartered; Pr. L. 1847 (25 Feb.) 121. Alton Cemetery chartered ; Id. (1 Mar.) 122. Jurisdiction over cemetery for sol- diers ceded to U. S. ; L. 1867 (5 Mar.) 176. Cot- ton Manufacturing Co. chartered ; L. 1845 (28 Feb.) 144. State taxes for 1839 on lots in Pope's addition remitted; Pr. L. 1847 (28 Feb.) 200. Franklin Marine and Fire Insurance Co. char- tered; Pr. L. 1851 (17 Feb.) 281 ; name changed to Alton Savings Institution and Insurance Co.; Pr. L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 385. City Mutual Insur- ance Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 362; name changed to Alton Mutual Insurance and Savings Co. ; Pr. L. 1859 (19 Feb.) 384. Alton Gas Light and Coke Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 644. Alton Hibernian Benevolent Society chartered; Pr. L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 518. Mississippi Bridge Co. chartered; Id. (12 Feb.) 577. Jacob Paul, ferry across the Mississippi ; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 924. Alton Water Works Co: chartered ; city may purchase ; Id. (18 Feb.) 1351. Alton Building and Savings Institution chartered ; Pr. L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 24. Alton and St. Louis Packet Co. chartered; Id. (18 Feb.) 413. Alton Bank to resume business; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 38. John Snowden and others, ferry across the Mississippi; Id. (20 Feb.) 318. Engine Co. No. 1 chartered; Id. (21 Feb.) 329. St. Joseph's Hospital chartered ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 94. Masonic Temple Association chartered ; Id. (10 Feb.) 205. John and Thos. Lock, ferry across the Mississippi ; Id. (13 Feb.) 566. Russell Manufacturing Co. chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 46. Alton Horticultural Society chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (18 Feb.) 42; 2 Pr. L. 1867, 36. Alton and St. Charles County Bridge Co. chartered; Id. (6 Mar.) 180. Alton Eoman Catholic Ursuline Convent of the Holy Family chartered; Id. (9 Mar.) 250. Robert C. Berry, ferry across the Mississippi ; Id. (28 Feb.) 946. Alton and Upper Alton Horse Railway and Carrying Co. chartered ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (20 Feb.) 10. Mutual Life Insurance Co. of the state chartered; Id. (7 Mar.) 107. Southern Horse Insurance Co. chartered ; Id. (1 Mar.) 183. Alton Sharpshooter's Society chartered; 8 Pr. L. 1867 (22 Feb.) 93. Upper Alton. Town chartered; Pr. L. 1837 (18 Feb.) 57 ; foregoing repealed ; L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 245. Again chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 590; foregoing revived ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (5 Mar.) 620. Additional notary and two justices; L. 1837 (15 Feb.) 116. Salu attached to Upper Alton; L. 1836 (16 Jan.) 259. Plat of Salu ad- dition changed; L. 1841 (17 Feb.) 309; further time under foregoing ; L. 1843 (24 Feb.) 295. Va- cates a certain street ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (19 Feb.) 106. Alton College chartered ; L. 1835 (9 Feb.) 177. Upper Alton Manufacturing Co. charter- ed ; Pr. L. 1839 (15 Feb.) 47. Alton Cemetery chartered ; L. 1845 (28Feb,) 118. Illinois Lite- rary and Historical Society chartered ; L. 1847 (11 Feb.) 61. Illinois Astronomical Society chartered, erect an Observatory; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 546. Highland. Town chartered ; Pr. L. 1863 (14 Feb.) 266; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (10 Feb.) 474. Govern- or re-convey certain town lots to Joseph Suppi- ger; Pr. L. 1847 (23 Feb.) 181. Helvetia Sharp- shooters' Society chartered Pr. L. 1863 (16 Feb.) 191. Workman's Mutual Aid Society chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (23 Feb.) 128. High- land Gymnastic Society chartered ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (13 Feb.) 262. CoUinvtule. Town chartered; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 50 ; Pr. L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 591 ; charter amended ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (23 Feb.) 452. Ceme- tery Association chartered ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 211. MAINE LIQUOR LAW. Submitted to vote of the people; L. 1855 (13 Feb.) 3. MARION COUNTY. County formed and boundary established; L. 1823 (24 Jan.) 49. Share in proceeds of Galla- tin Salines; L. 1831 (16 Feb.) 15 1. Applica- tion of said Saline appropriation ; L. 1835 (12 Feb.) 116; L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 273. County take stock in Marion and Jefferson county Railroad; Pr. L. 1851 (15 Feb.) 228. Issue $25,000. bonds to build court house; Pr. L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 623. Certain records copied; L. 1861 (20 Feb.) 106. Jurisdiction of county court extended; L. 1867 (9 Mar.) 73; foregoing repealed; L. 1869 (12 Mar.) 148. Road, Vandalia to Golconda, relo- cated via Salem; L. 1835 (12 Feb.) 116. Sam'l Witter, toll bridge across Skillet Fork on Fair- i field and Salem road; L. 1836 (11 Jan.) 199. j Auditor convey lands Town 2 1 to J. 8. Mar- tin and B. F. Marshall; L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 110. Marion County Fair Ground Association char- tered; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 618. Bantoul changed to Alma; Id. (6 Feb.) 692. Gainesville known as Halstlaw's addition to Central City ; Pr. L. 1857 (10 Feb.) 338. Town Central City chartered; Id. (14 Feb.) 798. School lands Town 43 sold; L. 1859 (23 Feb.) 187. Sando- val chartered; Pr. L. 1859 (18 Feb.) 673. E. B. Green and 27 others discharged from liability as surities of H. Stanton; L. 1867 (6 Mar.) 153. Etta Belle Holt name changed to Turney ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (9 Mar.) 239. City of Kinmundy char- tered; Id. (25 Feb.) 567. School directors dis- trict No. 1, Town 2 2 purchase real estate ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 79. Middleton changed to luka and latter chartered ; Id. (9 Feb.) 24. Se- em ites of James R. Waite discharged; L. 1869 (24 Mar.) 345. Salem Town chartered ; L. 1837 (10 Feb.) 331 ; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 49. City chartered ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (10 Feb.) 507; amended; survey and plat of original town by Richard Atkins legalized; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (6 Mar.) 744. Salem Female Academy chartered; L. 1841 (26 Jan.) 3. Steam Mill Co. chartered; Id. (20 Feb.) 127. Southern Illinois Female College chartered ; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 517; amended, who to vote at elections; Pr. L.1857 (18 Feb.) 1254; foregoing repealed ; Pr. L. 1859 (19 Feb.) 377. Southern Illinois College chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 29. Marion County Trust and Loan Co. chartered; Id. (8 Mar.) 117; 2 Pr. L. 1867 277. Centralia-.City chartered; Pr. L. 1859 (18 Feb.) 114; amended, particularly 1, 3, 4 and 12; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 256. Additional Po- lice magistrate; L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 75. Literary PBIVATE AND SPECIA L LAWS. (107) MwnptetU County . Massae County. and Library Association chartered 2 Pr. L. 1867 (9 Mar.) 259. Odin. Town chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 517 ; amendment; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 615. Walnut Hill. Resurvey of town legalized; Pr. L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 142. Part Smith's addition vacated ; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 691. MARQUETTE COUNTY. County created, boundary and organization ; L. 1843 (11 Feb.) 77. Name changed to High- land; organized after favorable vote; L. 1847 (27 Feb.) 38. MARSHALL COUNTY. County formed, boundary and organization ; L. 1839 (19 Jan.) 43. Vote on adding range 1 to said county; Id. (2 Mar.) 241. Part of La- Salle attached to Marshall; L. 1843 (1 Mar.) 93. Copy records from Putnam county, effect after turing Co.; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 840. School trustees, Town 13 10, ferry across the Illinois ; Pr. L. 1847 (27 Feb.) 49; foregoing renewed and extended; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 559. Board of trustees of Perpetual Fund for Tuition of In- digent youths in Henrv Female College char- tered ; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 1063; amends 1, 2 and 5 particularly; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 25. Henry City Bridge Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1857 (17 Feb.) 1170 ; amended, rates fixed, trestle ex- tended to bluff; Pr. L. 1859 (18 Feb.) 16; com- plete by 10 Jan. 1867; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 59; all foregoing amended; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (12 Feb.) 166. MASON COUNTY. County formed, boundary and organization; vote on county seat; L. 1841 (20 Jan.) 69; sup- plemental to foregoine; Id. 90. Kemoval of county seat Havana to Bath ; L. 1843 (14 Jan.) 113. School funds transferred from Tazewell and Menard; L. 1845 (1 Mar.) 235. Collection of taxes extended 3 months; Pr. L. 1847 (28 Feb.) 201. Removal of county seat from Havana ; L. 1851 (8 Feb.) 23. Draining and reclaiming cer- certified aud compared; L. 1845 (1 Mar.) 124. toin , v ands s ' pec j al tax therefore ; L. 1853 (12 Tax to pay bonds issued to Western Air Line : ^ K >. Oilft ' ^ r . ant! ^- h : nn , v,,- ' , a ^ paj r Railroad; Pr. L. 1861 (18 Feb.) 747. Issue bonds to pay bounties; Pr. L. 1865 (18 Jan.) 135. Probate records made by W. E. Cook and J. R. Chapman ; L. 1869 (25 Mar.) 152. Plat of Feb.) 246. Transcribing public records in San- firoon, Menard and Tazewell; Pr. L. 1855 (9 eb.) 718. Vote to take stock in Illinois River Railroad legalized; Pr. L. 1857 (29 Jan.) 105. Sheep and swine not to run at large after 1 Bristol vacated; L. 1840 (3 Feb.) 108; also of ^-V 1857 (14 Feb ) 200 Drainage of cer- A,,K,,^.T ia.n /o7rwH -\ Q1=;. oio^ ^fw v.otor- *?'' "- lo ' *-.* . T eu -/_ *w. i^rdindge 01 cer- Auburn; L. 1841 (27 Feb.) 315; also of Webster; Pr. L. 1847 (26 Feb.) 204. Benj. Lombard, fer- ry across the Illinois, Town 312 ; Pr. L. 1847 (1 Mar.) 50. North Illinois University charter- ed; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 500; name changed to Marshall College; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 17. Wm. M. Davenport, ferry across the Illinois mouth Crow creek; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 610. Sparland Mill and Coal Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 305. Farmers Savings Associ- ation chartered ; Id. 312. Wenona chartered ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 310. Sparland chartered; Id. (5 Mar.) 337. Lacon Town chartered ; L. 1840 (10 Dec. '89) 123; limits defined; L. 1841 (27 Feb.) 315; fur- ther amends; Pr. L. 1849 (10 Feb.) 130; to pur- chase and fill up riverfront; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 349 ; general amendment ; Pr. L. 1855 (12 Feb.) 161. City chartered ; Pr. L. 1854 (28 Feb.) 242; take stock in Lacon Bridge Co.; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 183. Lacon Manufacturing Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1837 (4 Mar.) 284. Wm. Fish- er and others, ferry across the Illinois; Pr. L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 39. Silas Ramsay, ferry across the Illinois; city get 10 per cent net proceeds; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 547. Lacon Union School District chartered; L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 188; amendment; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 77. Trus- tees Methodist E. Church to convey real estate ; Pr. L. 1857 (9 Feb.) 309. Lacon Hotel Co. chartered; Id. (11 Feb.) 423. German Work- ingman's Association chartered ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (23 Feb.) 129. Lacon Bridge Co. chartered; Id. (21 Feb.) 171. Henry. City chartered; Pr. L. 1854 (1 Mar.) 226; amendment, powers extended; Pr. L. 1859 (24Feb.)619; regulatesale of liquor; 3Pr.L.1867 (28 Feb.) 625; take stock in Cotton Jlanufac- tain lands, special tax therefor, manner of col- lectiun and disbursement; L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 104; acts of commissioners legalized; L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 143; addition tax; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 557 ; survey of county perfected and road law modified ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (9 Mar.) 830. Smith Turner, ferry across the Sangamon at Myers' i ford; L. 1843 (23 Feb.) 144. H. W. Wigginton, i the same, across the Illinois at Matanzas; Id. (3 i Mar.) 147. Thos. Cheney, tbe same, across same i at Liverpool; Pr. L.1847 (loFeb.) 43. Sale of lots i Town 20 9; Id. (2 Mar.) 172. Road, Bath to Matanzas, located; Id. (23 Feb.) 257 5. Town 205, sell school section ; Pr. L. 1847 (1 Mar.) 192. James M. Buggies, bridge the Sangamon at Petersburg and Bath road; Mason and Cass counties keep in repair; Pr. L. 1849 (12 Feb ) 13. Alfred M. Wooley and Jackson Van Vranken, state pedlers, license for life; Pr.L. 1851 (12 Feb.) 85. Mason county Farmer's Railroad charter- ed; Pr. L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 477. Pennsylvania and other towns pay $500. bounty to volunteers ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 171. Sureties of Jacob West, late sherifi', released from judgment con- ditionally; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 253. Bath. Town chartered ; Pr. L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 627; amendment; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (21 Feb.) 626. Joseph A. Phelps, ferry across the Illinois; L. 1846 (27 Feb.) 161. MASSAC COUNTY. County created, boundary and organization ; L. 1843 (8 Feb.) 74. Erect armory at Fort Mas- sac, consent therefor; R. 8. 1845 (11 Dec. '44) 607. Copying records in Pope and Johnson, (108) PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. McDonough County - McHenry County. compared and certified, effect thereof; L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 225. Fines and forfeitures go to county treasury; Pr. L. 1857 (9 Feb.) 312. Con- struct turnpike across the Cache ponds on Me- tropolis and Vienna roads; Id. (16 Feb.) 1069. Swamp lands; L. 1857 (12 Feb.) 44. S. Cope- land, ferry across the Ohio, Town 15 3; L. 1843 (28 Feb.) 146. John M. Robinson, the same, across the Mississippi at Massac; road from ferry to Wilcox, located; Id. (2 Mar.) 146. Thos. G. C. Davis, the same, across the Ohio at Brooklyn; Pr. L. 1851 (8 Feb.) 58. Adin'r of J. M. Robinson to deed property ; L. 1845 (7 Jan.) 200. Kobert Enders, adni'r John Ilynes to join with proprietors of Massac in certain conveyances; Pr. L. 1847 (26 Feb.) 7. John W. Reed, sheriff, time to pay revenue for 1846 extended 3 months; Id. (1 Mar.) 192. Pay- ment to Sam'l S. Marshall and others, for servi- ces in Massac troubles; L. 1849 (8 Feb.) 117. The same, to Anderson P. Corder, prosecuting attorney in Massac riots ; L. 1851 (14 Feb.) 89. Brooklyn chartered; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 170. Metropolitan Cemetery Association chartered; Id. 448. Emporium Real Estate and Manu- facturing Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (26 Jan.) 60. Metropolis. Plat altered ; L. 1841 (24 Feb.) 313. Town chartered; L. 1845 (25 Feb.) 200; amendment ;Pr. L. 1851 (15 Feb.) 242; further amends, license tippling houses etc., additions thereto; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 876; further amends, and city chartered; Pr. L 1859 (18 Feb.) 214; foregoing amended, qualificanion of voters; Pr. L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 235; limits extend- ed; iPr. L. 1867 (22 Feb.) 496. Wm. J. Ste- phenson allowed $114.80 as clerk of District Court 19 Sept. 1849; Pr. L. 1851 (15 Feb.) 176. \ John M. Cunningham allowed $100. as Marshall of District Court; Pr. L. 1853 (3 Feb.) 494. Lots ! 4078, block 33, deed to trustees Methodist E. Church; L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 261. Elect police justice with $150. jurisdiction; Pr. L. 1857(16! Feb.) 924. Metropolis College chartered; Pr. i L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 20. Library Association and I Historical Society chartered; Id. 552. Jonathan I'. Willis, ferry across the Ohio; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 56r>. Metropolis Seminary chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 15. McDONOUGH COUNTY. County established, boundary defined; re- main attached to Schuyler; L. 1826 (25 Jan.) 76. County seat locnted on S. E. 31. 62 and called Macomb ;L. 1831 (24 Dec. '30) 62. Sheriff allowed time to collect taxes; 1 L. 1837 (4 Mar.) 323. Payments in lieu of resident lands tax: '2 L. 1837 (21 July) 59. Records copied from Ma- dison legalised; L. 1845 (1 Mar.) 143. Assess- ments for 1850 legalized; L. 1851 (28 Jan.) 8 Tax to pay bounties to soldiers and relieve their families; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (6 Feb.) 137. In- dex to circuit court records; sectional land in- dex; 2Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 233. Tax and issue bonds to build court house; Id. (15 Feb.) 336. County Aid Sol-'iers Monument Association; 1 Pr. L/18t37 (18 Feb.) 877. For erection of new court house and jail; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 126. Refund to Q. C. Ward the amount of county funds taken from his safe by burglars; L. 1869 (27 Mar.) 339. Section 2 act 22 Jan. 1831 [L. 1831, 38] concerning roads and bridges, to l&st Monday in Oct. 1833; Pr. L. 1833 (22 Feb.) 13; supplimental to said act; L. 1837 (4 Mar.) 26. Road, Macombto Havana, changed in part; L. 1835 (27 Jan.) 124. Road, Troublesome creek via Bacons mill to Macomb and Burlington road; 1 L. 1837 (27 Feb.) 208. Road, Beards- town to Des Moines Rapids, re-locate in part ; L. 1839 (24 Jan.) 51. Sewardsville plat vacated ; Pr. L. 1847 (26 Feb.) 207. McDonough Col- lege chartered; Pr. L. 1849 (26 Jan.) 26; amend- ment; Pr. L. 1851 (23 Jan.) 11; appointment of trustees; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 585; foregoing amended; act 1851 revived; Pr. L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 369. W. T. Head, late collector, allowed credits in 1850-1 ; L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 96. Prairie City Academy chartered ; Pr. L. 1857 (30 Jan.) 117. Hill's Grove Academy chartered; Id. (16 Feb.) 880. Blandinsville Seminary and Joint Stock Education Society of the United Brethren in Christ ; Pr. L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 358. Incorpora- tion of Blandinsville confirmed and officers acts legalized; Id. 586. Middletown changed to Young; Id. 720. Creates additional voting pre- cinct in Prairie City; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 560. School district ofBladinsville established; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (4 Mar.) 28. Colchester charter- ed ; Id. (16 Feb.) 552. Industry chartered ; Id. (19 Feb.) 611. Clarksville name changed to Sciota ; L. 1869 (29 Mar.) 269. Sheridan name changed to Good Hope; Id. (31 Mar.) 290. Kate Lisk made heir of O. M. Lisk; Id. (29 Mar.) 341. Macomb. Town chartered ; L. 1841 (27 Jan.) 317; vacates part of plat; Pr. L. 1847(16 Feb.) 207 ; assessment and collection of taxes, sale of real estate for; L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 166. City chartered; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 10; incorpo- rating acts consolidated and amended ; Pr. L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 713; foregoing amended; publish statement, penalty for neglect; take stock in any Railroad; Pr. L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 213; filling vacancies; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 236; payment of fines; part of charter repealed; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 451; further amends, 4 repeal- ed; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (21 Feb.) 392; election of su- pervisors and other officers; Id. (23 Feb.) 678. Additional judges of election; L. 1839 (15 Feb.) 120. McDonough College chartered; L. 1836 (12 Jan.) 164. Macomb Mutual Insurance Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 407. Presbyter of Schuyler convey real estate to Macomb L'-xlge No. 17, A. F. and A. Masons ; Pr. L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 89. McDonough Normal and Scien- tific College chartered; 1 Pr.L 1867 (1 Mar.) 18. McDonough Home Insurance Co. chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 186. BushnM Town chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb ) 387 ; tax to pay Peoria and Warsaw Rail- way ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (5 Mar.) 127. Bushnell College chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (17 Feb.) 1175. National Brick Machine Co. chartered ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 299. Township established tor school purposes; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (13 Feb.) 6. McHEXRY COUNTY. County formed, boundary and organization; L.1836 (16 Jan.) 273; to include Lak<_ Michigan; 1 L. 1837 (I Mar.) 89; assessment for 1839 legal- PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. (109) McHenry County - - - McLean County. ized; L. 1840 (1 Feb.) 77; boundary defined; L. 1843 (24 Feb.) 91 ; removal of county seat, vote thereon; Id. (6 Feb.) 115; part of county debt paid by Lake; Id. (24 Feb.) 218 ; county seat es- tablished at Certerville; L. 1845 (2 Jan.) 198. Voters elect school directors and raise money to build school houses; L. 1847 (11 Feb.) 157. Townships support their own paupers, vote thereon ; L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 261. Borrow $15,000. to erect and repair county buildings, vote there- on ; Pr. L. 1854 (22 Feb.) 81. Special tax to build court house and jail; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 701. Removal of county seat to Algonquin, vote thereon; Id. (14Feb.)714; the same, to with- in one mile of Crystal Lake ; Id. 736. Supporting county poor; vote thereon; L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 131. Additional justices and constables; L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 144. Netting offish prohibited ; L. 1869 (29 Mar.) 187. Jurisdiction of county court ex- tended to $1,000. ; Pr. L. 1854 (27 Feb.) 239 ; amendment, 4 repealed, 11 extended; L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 123. Wm. Jackson insert middle let- ters in his name; 1839 (1 Feb.) 48. Union Ag- ricultural Society chartered ; Pr. L. 1839 (19 Feb.) 88. H. Dodd and G. Early, darn Fox riv- er, Town 43 8; L. 1845 (21 Jan.) 191. Crys- tal Lake Academy chartered ; Id. (25 Feb.) 340; trustees to sell; Pr. L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 1223. Certain constables bonds legalized ; L. 1845(11 Feb.) 345. Sale of liquor regulated ; Pr. L. 1847 (1 Mar,) 169. Thomas M. White and sureties allowed time to settle judgment; Pr. 1851 (14 Feb.) 128; further time; Pr. L. 1853 (14 Feb.) 490; auditor to settle with; L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 91. John Brink, $106. for recovering body of drown- ed convict; Id. (12 Feb.) 493. Wm. Sloan, dam Fox river at Algonquin; Id. (11 Feb.) 610. District No. 1, Town 435 to be known as Ri- ley district, directors receive portion of school tax; Pr. L. 1854 (4 Mar.) 137. Union Manufac- turing Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 977. Charter of Crystal Lake Ice Co. amended ; con- struct branch railroad; Pr. L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 381. Sumner plat vacated ; Pr. L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 718. Assessment by school directors district No. \ 19 Dec. 1862, legalized; Pr.L 1863 (17 Jan.) 257. Construction of private ditches for drainage; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 555. Clara Cook named changed to Gavitt; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (18 Jan.) 93. Triangle on the Josyln farm vacated ; Id. (16 Feb.) 663. Sale of real estate by Thos. F. John- son, guardian etc., legalized; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (20 Feb.) 900. McHenry County Manufacturing Co. chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 288. Harrard chartered; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 397. Woodstock. Name of Centreville changed to "Woodstock; part of plat vacated; Pf. L. 1851 (12 Feb.) 109; L. 1845 (3 Mir.) 179; town char- tered; L. 1852 (22 June) 154; amendment, powers generally extended; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 1073; charter conditionally repealed; Id. (17 Feb.) 1167; same subject, vote thereon; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 740. Woodstock Insurance Co. chartered; Pr.L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 366; name changed to Western World Insurance and Trust Co. ; Pr. L. 1859 (14 Feb.) 400. Conveyance by supervisors to Neill Donnelly legalized; Pr. L. 1857 (31 Jan.) 231. Woodstock University chartered ; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 26. Marengo. Town chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (9 Feb.) 331 ; amendment, establish a cemetery ; Pr. L. 1861 (13 Feb.) 691. Maringo Collegiate In- stitute chartered, appointment of trustees ; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 503. Farmers and Mechanic's Savings Bank of McHenry County chartered ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 61. McHenry. Part of Elm street vacated; L. 1845 (3 Mar.) 267. Town chartered; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 240; foregoing repealed; Pr.L. 1859 (19 Feb.) 646. John W. Smith and others, bridge Fox River; L. 1843 (3 Mar.) 177. Mc- Henry Institute chartered ; Pr. L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 1374. David S. Smith, dam Fox river; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (23 Feb.) 809. Richmond. Town chartered ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 563. Richmond Cemetery Association chartered; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 438. Rich- mond Lodge No. 143, F. and A. Masons charter- ed ; Id. 589. McLEAN COUNTY. County created, county seat to be located and called Bloomington; L. 1831 (25 Dec. '30) 57. Delinquent tax list for 1836 ; 1 L. 1 837 (3 Mar.) 95. Line between McLean and Woodford de- fined; L. 1843 (28 Feb.) 91. W. H. Hodge col- lect unpaid taxes of 1841,'^may sell lands ; Id. (21 Feb.) 217. Sheep and swine not to run at large ; L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 154. Sale of swamp lands; L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 122. Issue bonds to meet subscription to State Board of Education, vote thereon ; L. 1859 (18 Feb.) 36. County at- tached to second grand division of supreme court ; L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 25. Special tax to pay bounties; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (10 Feb.) 137; interest bearing bonds issued therefor legalized; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (21 Feb.) 883. For building a court house; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (18 Feb.) 878. Supervisors appropriate $15,000. to build soldiers' monu- ment ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (13 Feb.) 454. "The several towns enabled to raise money for war purposes; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (21 Jan.) 134. Official circuit court reporter; L. 1869 (31 Mar.) 350. Road, Blooming" on to Danville, re-located in part ; L. 1835 (6 Feb.) 121. State road, Waynesville to Herbert's; 2 L. 1837 (21 July) 82. Waynes- ville Seminary chartered; Pr. L. 1837(2 Mar.) 222. Peru plat vacated ; L. 1839 (18 Jan.) 48. Road, Bloomington to Lexington, re-location ; Id. (2 Mar.) 240. State road east from Bloom- ington ; Id. 268. Draining mill dams on Mack- inaw creek ; L. 1841 (19 Feb.) 185. LeRoy Man- ual Labor University chartered; Id. (25 Feb.) 298 Livingston plat vacated ; Id. (7 Jan.) 315. McLean County Agricultural Society charter- ed; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 423; amendment, an- nval meeting; Pr. L. 1861 (13 Feb.) 37 ; elec- tion and duties of officers; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (21 Feb ) 43. H. C. Dick<;rson restored to citizen- ship ; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 494. Littleville plat vacated ; Id. 518. LeRoy Seminary chartered ; appointment of trustees ; Id. 547. Oueida plat vacated ; Pr. L. 1855 (13 Feb.) 46. LeKoy char- tered; Pr. L. 1857(18 Feb.) 1244. Execution against sureties of J. H. Moore stayed ; L. 1859 (17 Feb.) 150. Levy school tax district No. 1, in Chenoa; Id. (24 Feb.) 178. Town22 2, di- vision iuto school districts legalized ; L. 1861 (18 Feb.) 202. John J. Erwin name changed to Mitchell; Pr. L. 1861 (7 Feb.) 3o8. McLean County Central Branch Railroad chartered ; Id. (110) PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. McLean County Mercer County. (22 Feb.) 506. Moneys recovered from sureties of Julius and Rachel'Talbert indicted for inhu- manity to their child Frank, held in trust for said child ; Id. (20 Feb.) 538. Towns of Towan- da and Danvcrs, tax to meet obligations for war purposes; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 173. Towns 242 re-surveyed; 2 Pr. L. 1805 (16 Feb.) 254. Incorporation of Chenoa legalized ; Id. 430. Bloomington and Normal Horse Kail- way chartered ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (19 Feb.) 12. As- sessment in school district No. 4, Old Town, tor 1866 legalized ; 3 Pr. L. 1867, 14. Heyworth School District chartered ; Id. (5 Mar.) 33. Pa- dua, special bounty tax levied ; Id. (1 Mar.) 122. .Saybrook chartered; Id. (7 Mar.) 148. Lexing- ton, corporate powers extended ; Id. (25 Feb.) 542. Town 252 re surveyed ; Id. (16 Feb.) 628. Part of Town 21 attached to 22 ; Id. (7 Mar.) 632. Allin name changed to Stanford ;L. 1869 (30 Mar.) 268. Concord name changed to Danvers ; Id. 273. Bloomington. Town chartered ; Pr. L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 172; supplemental to foregoing; L. 1840 (31 Jan.) 33. Incorporation under general law 10 Feb. 1849 legalized; fines and penalties paid to city treasury ; L. 1852 (19 June) 45. Al- ley vacated; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 489; also, in Morton's addition ; Id. 502. City charter amend- ed, limits extended ; Pr. L. 1854 (1 Mar.) 170 ; incorporation and acts of city council legalized ; disposition of tines and forfeitures ; Pr. L. 1855 (9 Feb.) 52; special tax to improve streets; Pr. L. 1857 (9 Feb.) 313; part of 2nd and 3rd streets vacated; Id. (13 Feb.) 509; charter amended and limits extended ; Id. (16 Feb.) 1063 ; the sev- eral acts chartering amended ; Pr. L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 112; city again chartered ; Pr. L. 1861 (13 Feb.) 104 ; general amendment ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 639 ; divided into two voting precincts ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (5 Mar.) 619. Bloomington Fe- male Seminar}' chartered; L. 1836 (9 Jan.) 175. Roads in town limits vacated; 1 L. 1837 (27 Feb.) 201. Wesleyan University chartered; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 324; amendment; Pr. L. 1857 (30 Jan.) 116. City Hotel Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 437. Gas Light and Coke Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 650. Bloom- ington Cemetery Association chartered ; Pr. L. 1867 (16 Feb.) 1023. Establishing a system of public schools ; L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 226; amend- ment; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 271; powers of Board of Education extended ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (22 Feb.) 26. Phoenix Savings, Loan and Trust Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 404. North- western Normal Academy of Music chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 4. German Benevolent Society chartered ; Id. (15 Feb.) 71. Blooming- ton Turn Verein chartered; Id. (16 Feb.) 97. Odd Fellows' Library Association chartered ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 17. McLean County Bank- ing institution chartered ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (6 Mar.) 79. Hotel Co. chartered; 2 L. 1867(19 Feb.) 48. Bloomington Insurance Co. chartered ; Id. (7 Mar.) 192, 198. Library Association charter- ed ; Id. (23 Feb.) 249. Young Men's Christian Association chartered; Id. (25 Feb.) 271. Normal. North Bloomington changed to Normal; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 517. Town chartered ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 321. Wright- onian Society chartered ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 273. MENARD COUNTY. Countv formed, boundary and organization; L. 1839 (15 Feb.) 104 ; supplemental to forego- ing; Id. (28 Feb.) 205; boundaries defined; L. 1843 (2 Mar.) 94. Assessment for 1844 legal- ized; L. 1845 (10 Feb.) 233. County school fund transferred to Mason; Id. (1 Mar.) 235. Part of Sangamon attached to Menard ; Pr. L. 1847 (28 Feb.) 39. Copy records in Sangarnon ; L. 1851 (12 Feb.) 80. Special tax to bridge the Sangamon at Petersburg; L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 22<> ; said bridge legalized; Pr. L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 534. Action in offering bounties to ivolunteers legal- ized ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 138. Special tax to pay bounties; Id. 138. Additional justice and constable in Athens, then in Sangamon ; L. 1835 (24 Dec. '34) 139. Athens Female Academy chartered ; Pr. L. 1837 (27 Feb.) 110. Old plat of Athens vacated and J. B. Watson's legalized; L. 1840 (10 Dec. '39) 155. Greensburg plat va- cated; L. 1845 (28 Feb.) 287; Pr. L. 1849 (6 Feb.) 111. Levi W. Riley, convicted of larceny re- stored; Pr. L. 1847 (16 Feb.) 174. Vote ot school district No. 1 Town 187, 20 July 1850, levying tax, confirmed ; Pr. L. 1853 (26 Jan.) 442; boundary of said district extended; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (5 Mar.) 32. Official acts of Wm. Arm- strong J. P. legalized ; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 695. Hamilton Nation, convicted of larceny, re- stored; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (27 Feb.) 813. Petersburg Town plat vacated; allevs may be closed; L. 1841 (26 Jan.) 316. Town chartered; Id. (23 Feb.) 330; amendment ; Pr.L. 1851 (17 Feb.) 261 ; also, 3 Pr. L. 1867 (23 Feb.) 565; part of plat vacated; Id. (7 Mar.) 111. Clinton Lodge No. 19, F. and A. Masons char- tered; Pr. L. 1855 (9 Feb.) 675. MERCER COUNTY. County formed, boundary defined ; L. 1825 (13 Jan.) 93 5 ; attached to Peoria; L. 1826 (25 Jan.) 76; attached to Warren; L. 1831 (27 Jan.) 68 5; organization of county, election of offi- cers ; New Boston temporary county seat ; L. 1835 (31 Jan.) 156; western boundary the mid- dle of the Mississippi ; 1 L. 1837 (3 Mar.) 91 ; j location of, county seat; Id. (4 Mar.) 107; vote i on its removal from Millersburg; L. 1839 (26 Feb.) 188; also, L. 1843 (28 Feb.) 124; its re- location ; Pr. L. 1847 (26 Feb.) 37 ; venue of cer- tain countv scat cases changed to Rock Island ; L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 229; removal from Keithsburg toAledo, vote thereon; L. 1857 (20 Feb.) 91. Pay of recorder for transcribing indexes ; Pr. L. 1847 (16 Jan.) 24. Part ofterritory detached from and added to Rock Island, vote thereon ; | L. 1849 (8 Feb.) 51. Sheep and swine not to j run at large after 1 March; L. 1857 (18 Feb.) j 194; foregoing repealed, not to run after 1 May 1859; L. 1859 (19 Feb.) 199 ; foregoing also re- pealed; L. 1861 (20 Feb.) 145. Additional tax to pay interest, vote thereon; Id. (22 Feb.) 144 Erection of court house and other buildings; Id. (21 Feb.) 145. Equalization of taxes; L. 1869 (.Mi Mar.) 406. Millersburg Seminar}- of Learn- ing chartered ; ' Pr. L.1839 (2 Mar.) 238. Robt. Burns Lodge No. 113, F. and A. Masons char- tered; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 673. Aledo Colle- PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. (Ill) Michigan County Montgomery County. giate Institute chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) j 1010. Mercer Collegiate Institute at Aledo ] chartered; 1 Pr.L. 1865(6 Feb.) 10. Banner Coal and Coal Oil Co. chartered ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 50. Towns of R'tvoli andRichland Grove levy tax to paybonnties; Id. (15 Feb.) 337. Windsor plat partly vacated ; Id. (16 Feb ) 664. Minnie A. Miller name changed to Dihel, heir of Robt. M. Dihel ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 233. Wm. Ki'e, convicted of larceny, restored ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (5 Mar.) 814. Monroe and Randolph; L. 1829 (20 Jan.) 31 ; share in proceeds of Gallatin Salines; L. 1831 (16 Feb.) 13 1 ; county seat permanently loca- ted ; Id. (15 Jan.) 66; borrow money to pay for public buildings ; L. 1841 (17 Feb.) 91 : collect unpaid taxes for 1839; L. 1843 (21 Feb.) 229; assessment for 1850 legalized ; L. 1851 (15 Feb.) 126 ; borrow money and levy tax to build court house; Id. (12 Feb.) 84; restoration of record book "C" of deeds : Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 528 ; indexes to records copied and perfected ; L. 1861 (21 Feb) 146; foregoine amended, 2 rate changed: 2 Pr. L. 1865 ( 15" Feb.) 234 ; take stock in Waterloo and Carondelet turnpike and ferry; Pr. L. 1861 (16 Feb.) 746 ; borrow $10,000. for Keithsburp. Town chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (16 J Feb.) 868; amendment, subscription to Warsaw : and Rockford Railroad legalized; establish a ! house of correction; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 675. Robt. Keith, ferry across the Mississippi ; Pr. j n ^cUon *S? repairs of county buildinss; L. 1847 (28 Feb.) 50. Green Mound Cemetery ! Id - < 21 Feb -) ' a ' P av of cnuntv and associate Association chartered; Pr. L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 545. Northwestern Masonic University char- tered ; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 486. Seth H. Rod- man, ferry across the Mississippi ; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 1021. New Boston. City chartered ; Pr. L. 1859 (21 Feb.) 239 ; amendment, elect police magistrate ; wharves, docks and ferries; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 236. Election additional justice ; Pr. L. 1847 (26 Feb.) 168. Barley Ives, ferry across the Mississippi ; Id. (13 Feb.) 42; T. P. Willets succeeds Ives; Pr. L. 1854 (28 Feb.) 213. MICHIGAN COUNTY. To be formed from Cook, upon favorable vote ; 1 L. 1837 (2 Mar.) 8>. MILITARY TRACT. State recorder's books removed to Rushville, deeds in Military Tract transcribed ; L. 1835 (9 Feb.) 157. Counties in Military Tract to tran- scribe deeds recorded elsewhere; Id. (12 Feb.) 159 $$ ; amendment, compensation for work done; L. 1836 (16 Jan.) 226; meaning as to Madison county ; 14 (18 Jan.) 247 ; "further amends, manner of transcribing said records ; L. 1843 (4 Mar.) 212 ; compared and certified ; R. S. 1845 (1 Mar.) 587. Resolution concerning bounty to soldiers in late war ; L. 1839, 295. Any countv authorized to copy records in Madi- son ; L. 1841 (27 Feb.) 205. MILTON COUNTY. County formed; boundary and jurisdiction ; vote thereon; L. 1843 (21 Feb.) 88. MONROE COUNTY. County formed prior to the organization of the state. Milton Moore and Jno. Messenger commissioners to establish line St. Clair and Monroe; L. 1821 (3 Jan.) 57; further respect- ing boundaries, removing county seat ; L. 1825 (15 Jan.) 109 ; county seat permanently estab- lished; L. 1826 (20 Jan.) 59; boundary extend- ed to embrace territory west of the Kaskaskia ; Pr. L. 1827 (9 Jan.) 8 ; establishing line between judges ; L. 1867 (5 Mar.) 77. Leasing school section Town 39; L. 1821 (2 Feb.) 70. Eliza- beth Whaley. to contract herself in marriage ; Pr. L. 1827 "(26 Dec. '26) 4. Road, Harrison- ville to the Kaskaskia located ; L. 1829 (22 Jan.) 134 ; also, Columbia to the Mississippi opposite Jefferson Barracks; Id. 135. Sale of school sec- tion Town 38 ; L. 1836 (16 Jan.) 239. Monroe Mining, Manufacturing and Exporting Co.; Pr. L. 1837 (11 Feb.) 26, 283. Mordock precinct established; L. 1845 (26 Feb.) 179. Columbia plat re-surveyed ; Id. (3 Mar.) 278. Taxes of certain persons for 1844 remitted because of loss by high water ; Id. (21 Feb.) 353. Acts of Bradlv Rust, as justice under estray law legal- ized ; "L. 1849 (2 Jan.) 75. Bluff precinct estab- lished ; L. 1853 (11 Feb.) 222; amendment; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 703. Towns 38 29 and 3 9 pavMaryA. Ames for teaching; L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 207. Harlow Ferry Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (9 Feb.) 302. Construction of Le- vee, Prairie du Pont to Harrisonville ; L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 110. Columbia chartered ; Pr. L. 1859 (19 Feb.) 597; amendment ; property taken for streets; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 431 formation of school district in Towns 2 and 3 10 ; L. 1861(21 Feb.) 195; foregoing repealed; boun- dary of district in Town 2 9 "defined: 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 313. Harrisonville Levee and Drainasre Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1861 (21 Fob.) 436; amendment; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 807. Tax in Town 2 11 to replace township funds used for school houses; Id. (20 Feb.) 692. Waterloo. Town chartered ;L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 226; plat changed ; Pr. L. 1849, 131 ; re-surveyed; L. 1845 (3 Mar.) 278; again chartered; election of town trustees 18 Dec. '54 legalized ; Pr. L. 1855 (15Feb.) 192 ; general amendment, officers' acts legalized; Pr. L. 1857 (9 Feb.) 319; consoli- dating and amending: incorporating acts ; Pr. L. 1859 (18 Feb.) 705; town elections; Pr.L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 737. Monroe Academy charter- ed; Pr. L. 1827 (17 Feb.) 30; trustees appointed; Pr. L. 1833 (26 Feb.) 111. Waterloo Gas Light and Coke Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (17 Feb.) 1158. Waterloo Saengerbund Society chartered ; Id. (18 Feb.) 1307. School districts changed ; L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 195. MONTGOMERY COUNTY. County formed out of Bond ; L. 1821 (12 Feb.) 142 ; removal of county seat from Hamilton ; L. 1823 (31 Jan.) 110 ; appropriation from Saline (112) PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS Montgomery County Morgan County. lands for internal improvement; L. 1835 (13 Feb.) 155; chool commissioner settle demand of Daniel Scherer; L. 1846 (28 Feb.) 102; collec- tion of unpaid revenue for 18357843 ; Id. (21 Jan.) 194; special tax to meet interest on bonds subscribed to Terre Haute and Alton R. R.; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 720 ; foregoing amended ; rate of taxation specified; Pr. L. 1857 (13 Jan.) 25 ; county court pay expenses of amputating Wm. M. Weatherspoon's arm, and compensation for lost time; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (18 Feb.) 802; increase county revenue ; Id. (25 Feb.) 812. Joel Smith and sureties released from judgment as lessee Shoal Creek Saline; L. 1823 (17 Feb.) 155. Road, Hillsboro to Carlinville, partly changed ; L. 1835 (6 Feb.) 126; same, Hillsboro to Honey Point, re-located in part; foregoing act repeal- ed ; L. 1836 (9 Jan.) 204 ; same, the Greenville and Sangamon re-located ; 1 L. 1837 (7 Feb.) 255. Estate of Pleasant Sheapheard sold ; Id. (6 Dec. '36) 192. Leesburg name changed to Zanesville ; L. 1839 (22 Feb.) 156. Guardian of Louiza Buzan to make settlement; Pr. L. 1851 (1 Feb.) 40. Securities of Meredith J. Block- berger, late'collector, allowed two years to make settlement; Pr. L. 1851 (15 Feb.) 234. Vacates lots named in plat of Van Burensburg ; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 850. Expenses of posse commi- tatus summoned by sheriff Wm. N. Stephenson July and Aug. 1864 ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 541. Nokomis chartered ; 3 Pr. L. 186? (9 Mar.) 602. Hulsboro. Concerning Hamilton, Armstrong, Winter and Summer streets; L. 1831 (28 Jan.) 80 ; sale of streets ; L. 1841 (23 Feb.) 313 ; town chartered; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 180; amend- ment ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 275. Oak Grove Cemetery Association chartered ; L. 1843 (23 Feb.) 15. Charter of Hillsboro Academy amend- ed; L. 1852 (21 June) 97. Literary and Theolo- logical Institute of the Far West chartered; Pr. L. 1847 (22 Jan.) 57 ; amendment, new corpora- tion formed, Illiinois State University located at Springfield ; Pr. L. 1853 (3 Feb.) 425. Hillsbo- ro Building Association chartered; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 600. Litchfield.City chartered; Pr. L. 1859 (16 Feb.) 181 ; amendment, election of magistrate, marshal! and constable ; Pr. L. 1861 (18 Feb.) 204; limits extended; Pr. L. 1867 (5 Mar.) 638. Tax levied in 1857 in school district No. 1, Town 95, to belong to Litchfield ;jPr. L. 1861 (21 Feb) 748. Elmwood Cemetery Association chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (21 Feb.) 209. Litch- field Hottl Co. chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (23 Feb.) 55. Montgomery County Fire Insurance Co. chartered; Id. (5 Mar.) 154. MORGAN COUNTY. County formed out of the attached part of Greene; L. 1823 (31 Jan.) 108; fix county seat; Id. (17 Feb.) 163 8; permanent location of county seat; L. 1825 (6 Jan.) 57; increase jus- tices and constables; L. 1831 (14 Feb.) 49; in- crease justices districts; Pr. L. 1833 (27 Dec. '32) 102; survey of public roads; L. 1831 (7 Jan.) 140; election precincts increased; L. 1835(31 Jan.) 58; line between Morgan and Sangamon determined; Id. (12 Feb.) 62; money paid on recognizances to the auditor in mistake refund- ed ; L. 1849 (9 Feb.) 37; vote to take stock in Ill- inois River Railroad legalized; Pr. L. 1857 (29 Jan.) 105; to secure the State Agricultural Col- lege; 1 Pr. L 1867 (29 Jan.) 875; for building courthouse; Id. (28 Feb.) 891; official circuit court reporter ; L. 1869 (31 Mar.) 350. Sale of sec. 16, Town 13 9,cltiim of Wm. Spencer for dam- ages; L. 1835 (13 Feb.) 71. Manchester a justi- ces' district; Pr. L. 1833 (1 Feb.) 104. State roads, location of certain; L. 1836 (18 Jan.) 184. Road, Springfield and Beardstown, relo- cation in part; Id. ^15 Jan.) 205. Estate of Jas. Evans sold; Id. (2 Jan.) 234 Lynnville char- tered under general law irrespective of number of inhabitants; Pr. L. 1837 (27 Feb.) 107; fore- going, repealed; L. 1839 (19 Feb.) 132. Grand Pass Canal Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1837 (28 Feb.) 129. The Waverly, the Sylvan Grove and the Manchester Seminaries chartered ; Id. (1 Mar.) 182. Justices and constable in Appalonia ; 1 L. 1837 (27 Jan.) 115; same subject; Id. (2 Mar.) 118. Beardstown notaries public, election of justices and constables ; Id. (15 Feb.) 116. Wat- son J. Philley name changed to Cyrus; Id. (16 Jan.) 174. Wm. Lock name changed to Wm. W. Hobbs; Id. (18 Feb.) 175. Franklin char- tered ; 2 L. 1837 (21 July) 101. Road, Jackson- ville to Naples, relocated in part; L. 1839 (9 Feb.) 83. Jarboe & Jarboe, ferry at Bridge- port; Id. (16 Feb.) 100. The Mauvaise-terre navigable to Oxville bridge ; Id. 122. Manches- ter a justices' district; Id. (19 Feb.) 130. Road, Springfield and Jacksonville, relocation in part; Id. 136. Phillips Ferry road changed in part; Id. (26 Feb.) 156. School fund Town 138; Id. (2 Mar.) 273. Certain Railroads issue policies of insurance; L. 1840 (27 Jan.) 24; amendment; Id. 52. Illinois Agricultural and Stock Asso- ciation chartered ; L. 1841 (26 Feb.) 137. Mary E. Brown, name changed to Stribling ; Id. (26 Jan.) 206; Catharine Marshall to Van Wagener and Adelia A. Scott to Trumble; Id. 211. Mere- dosia plat partly vacated ; Id. (19 Feb.) 310. Es- tate of Edward Mlodzianowski disposed of; L. 1843 (4 Mar.) 138. Road, Jacksonville to Vandalia, relocated in part; Id. (24 Feb.) 260. Levying school tax in Town 17 11 ; Id. (4 Mar.) 294 8. Levying tax in Lynnville ; Id. (3 Mar.) 301. School Commissioner pay over funds of Town 139; L. 1845 (23 Jan.) 193. Liberty and Williamsburgh town plats vacated ; Id. (28 Feb.) 287. Bethel Methodist Church name changed to Hebron; Id.^lo Jan.) 177. Trenton and Appalonia plats vacated; Pr. L. 1847 (26 Feb.) 204. Road, through sec. 16, Town 158, vacated; same, through Liberty chanced; L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 148. Liberty plat vacated; Pr. L. 1851 (28 Jan.) 28. New Lexington, name changed to Arcadia; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 491. Morgan County Agricultural and Mechanical Association chartered; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 612; Pr. L. 1861 (13 Feb.) 37; grounds exempt from taxation ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 48. Ill- inois Agricultural Implement Manufacturing Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 465. North- western Agricultural Manufacturing Co. char- tered; Id. (16 Feb.) 470. Lynnville charter- ed^ Pr. L". 1865 (15 Feb.) 493. Grayson S. Middleton, founding, heir of Grayson F. Mid- dleton; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (21 Feb.) 85. Murray ville chartered ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (22 Feb.) 289. Mere- PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. (113) Moultrie County Ogle County. dosia. chartered; Id. (25 Feb.) 303. Waverly chartered ; Id. 371. Two children of J. H. Al- derman kept in insane hospital at expense of county; L. 1869. (31 Mar.) 52. Jacksonville. Public Square enclosed, street 100 feet wide around it; L. 1836 (16 Jan.) 228 ; town chartered; L. 1840 (3 Feb.) 106; amend- ment; L. 1841 (17 Feb.) 328; supplemental to act chartering, officers acts legalized; Pr. L. 1847 (16 Feb.) 94; re-chartered; Pr. L. 1849 (10 Feb.) 124; foregoing amended, limits extended ; Pr. L. 1851 (13 Feb.) Ill; repeals 3 of forego- ing ; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 47; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (21 Feb.) 392; building court house at, town trus- tees build Illinois Hall conditionally; Pr. L. 1853 (14 Feb.) 444; part of Morgan street vaca- ted; Id. (12 Feb.) 489; road through Bibb's ad- dition vacated; Pr.L. 1854(1 Mar.) 198; vacates part of Court street; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 193. City chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (10 Feb.) 344; cor- porate limits extended half mile each way; Id. (18 Feb.) 1188; charter amended, assessment for 1857 legalized; L. 1859 (21 Feb.) 208; Dun- can's addition legalized; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 483; city re-chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (15 Feb.) 336. Illinois College chartered ; L. 1835 (9 Feb.) 177; governor, secretary of state and senator from Morgan county district ex-offlcio trustees; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 575. Jacksonville Female Academy chartered; L. 1835 (27 Jan.) 192; 1 repealed ; Pr. L. 1837 (4 Mar.) 286. Morgan County Mutual Fire Insurance Co. chartered; L. 1836 (18 Jan.) 102. Additional notary pub- lic;! L. 1837 (15 Feb.) 116. Jacksonville Me- chanics Union chartered; Pr. L. 1837 (28 Feb.) 131. Jacksonville Seminary chartered; Id. (1 Mar.) 182. Jacksonville Hotel Co. chartered ; Id. (4 Mar.) 286; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 58. Morgan Institute chartered; L. 1843 (6 Mar.) 163. Illinois Conference Female Academy chartered; Pr. L. 1847 (16 Jan.) 52; named changed to Illinois Conference Female College; Pr. L. 1851 (29 Jan.) 35. Jacksonville Mutual Life Insurance Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 54. School district of West Jacksonville levy tax to extinguish interest of Harmony Lodge No. 3 in school house; L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 168. Berean College chartered; Pr. L. 1855 (12 Feb.) 513. Jacksonville Gas Light and Coke Co. chartered; Id. (14 Feb.) 646; clause restrict- ing price repealed; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (13 Feb.) 585. Ridgely Encampment No. 9, 1. O. O. F. charter- ed ; Pr. L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 655. Jacksonville Hydraulic Co. chartered ; Id. 803. Illinois Fe- male College chartered; Pr. L. 1863 (13 June) 18. Union Fire Co. chartered ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (22 Feb.) 953. Jacksonville Railway Co. char- tered; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 4. Young Ladies Atheneum chartered ; Id. 257. Home Manu- facturing Co. chartered; Id. (5 Mar.) 302. Jack- sonville Mining Co. chartered; Id. (12 Feb.) 432; amendment; Id. (7 Mar.) 420. 1853 (12 Feb.) 459. Moultrie County Academy at Sullivan chartered; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 882. MOULTRIE COUNTY. County created, boundary and organization; L. 1843 (16 Feb.) 83; assessment for 1844 legal- ized; L. 1845 (15 Jan.) 178; probate justice hold his office at his residence; Id. 191; county seat located in Town 13 5 conditionally; Id. (29 Jan,) 202. Sullivan Academy chartered ; Pr. L. 16. NORMAL UNIVERSITY. Establishment and maintenance ; L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 298. Appropriation of the interest on | the college fund; L. 1861 (14 Feb.) 147; sup- plemental to foregoing; Id. (20 Feb.) 149. Ac- I counts for labor and material in the building; | L. 1865 (4 Feb.) 53. Declared a State institu- tion, property held in trust for the state ; L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 21. Supplemental to former acts further appropriations for; L. 1869 (10 Mar.) 32. Illinois Natural History Society chartered; museum established, propertv exempt from taxation; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.") 551 ; Philadel- phia Society of, chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 274. NORMAL UNIVERSITY SOUTH- ERN. Establishment and maintenance; L. 1869 (9 Mar.) 34. Cities and towns to secure its loca- tion; Id. (19 Apr.) 297. OGLE COUNTY. County created, boundary and organization; L. 1836 (16 Jan.) 274 5; acts of S. C. McClure, probate justice, legalized; L. 1841 (18 Feb.) 175; school fund for 1846 apportioned; L. 1847(16 Feb.) 116; hogs not to run at large ; L. 1849 (10 Jan.) 185; towns support their own paupers; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 1090. Rock River Semi- nary chartered ; L. 1841 (18 Feb.) 295; amend- ments; L. 1843 (3 Feb.) 282; L. 1845 (21 Feb.) 347; chartering Rock River University in con- nection therewith; Pr. L. 1853 (14 Feb.) 507. St. Marion name changed to Buffalo; L. 1843 (20 Feb.) 299. Hosea Hathaway, state pedlers license for life; Pr. L. 1851 (12 Feb.) 85. Secu- rities Elisha W. Dutcher, late sheriff, released from judgment conditionally; Pr. L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 492. Town of f-cott purchase school li- braries; L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 195. Mt. Morris chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (13 Feb.) 563. Rock River Seminary and Collegiate Institute at Mt. Morris charter ; Id. (16 Feb.) 1136. School dis- trict formed, Town 2311; L. 1861 (12 Feb.) 193. Forreston Cemetery Association charter- ed; Pr. L. 1861 (14 Feb.) 69. Lots in Haklam vacated, town changed to Campus; Id. (21 Feb.) 586. Release Luciuda Noe's right of dower in certain lands; 2 Pr L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 246; relief of J. C. Noe wife insane; L. 1869 (9 Apr.) 342. Dement levy special tax to build soldiers Monu- ment; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (21 Feb.) 449; town char- tered ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 142; name changed to Creston and latter chartered ; L. 1869 (1 Apr.) 274. Oregon. Florence name changed to Oregon; L. 1843 (21 Feb.) 300; vacates certain streets; Pr. L. 1851 (13 Feb ) 113. Oregon Seminary of Learning chartered; Pr. L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 238. Oregon Bridge Co. chartered; bridge Kock riv- er, voters and jurymen pass free; Pr. L. 1847 (15 (114) PRIVATE AND SPECIAL, LAWS. Okaw County - Peoria County. Feb.) 10. James H. Hanchete, bridge Rock river; Pr. L. 1851 (17 Feb.) 311. Oregon Union Institute chartered; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 497. Protection of Rock River bridge ; Pr. L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 61. Byron. Vacates certain streets ; Pr. L. 1851 (1 Feb.) 46; block 17 vacated; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 658. Byron Hydraulic Co. chartered; L. 1845 (-28 Feb.) 347. Byron Bridge Co. charter- ed; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 57. Soldiers Monu- ment, location at legalized; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (21 Feb.) 448. Grand de Tour. Town plat and additions thereto legalized; Pr. L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 616. Kock River Bridge Co. chartered ; L. 1843 (3 Mar.) 48. Grand de Tour Manufacturing Co. chartered ; Id. (4 Mar.) 158. Grand de Tour Bridge Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 607. Pdo. Town chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 1095; amendment, powers generally extended ; Pr. L. 1859 (18 Feb.) 654; further extended; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 548. Polo school district chartered; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (14 Feb.) 7. Eochdle. Town chartered; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 678. Town of Lane name changed to Rochelle, corporate powers extended; 2 Pr. L 1865 (15 Feb.) 488. Augus Bain and others chartered to build a Hotel; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 607. OKAW COUNTY. County created, boundary and organization vote thereon; L. 1841 (24 Feb.) 80. OREGON COUNTY. County formed from Sangamon, Morgan and Macoupin, vote thereon; L. 1851 (15 Feb.) 131. PEDLING. John Bross, one armed, license for life ; L 1849 (17 Jan.) 111. Name of Roderick R. Lor- ton inserted in act 12 Feb. 1851. privileges thereof also extended to Edward Kiernan. Ja cob Whitmore and Wm. H. Hartley; L. 1852 (22 June) 121. Archibald Adams, license for life; L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 170. PEORIA COUNTY. County formed out of country in vicinity of Ft. Clark; L. 1825 (13 Jan.) 85 ; respecting rev- enue ; L. 1826 (27 Jan.) 89; payment in lieu of resident land tax; 2 L. 1837 (21 July) 59; as- sessment for 1838 legalized: L. 1839 (12 Jan.) 38; county may tax the Pekin ferry; Pr. L 1839 (23 Feb.) 24; lost land, the "gore", attached to Peoria and Fulton; L. 1845(28 Feb.) 267; special tax for 1846-7, 8 and 9, for building jail ; Id. (21 Feb.) 352; public records copied ; L. 1847 (16 Feb.) 71; collection of back taxes for 1847-8 and 9; L. 1851 (15 Feb.) 105; jurisdiction of magistrates extended to $300; L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 154; special tax to build court house; Pr. L. 1855 (12 Feb.) 670; jurisdiction of county court, concurrent with circuit court in civil causes; also in Misdemeanors, the fine not exceeding $100.; L. 1S55(9 Feb.) 194; foregoing repealed; L. 1861 (18 Feb.) 109; road, Brimficld to Roch- ester, highway commissioners to alter or dis- | continue; L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 198; issue bonds for court house and. jnil; Pr. L. 1856 (9 Feb.) 319; foregoing amended ; L. 1859 (21 Feb.) 37 ; for abstracting records of tax sales; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (13 Feb.) 235; present system of indexing re- cords maintained ; Id. (16 Feb.) 234; fees of offi- cers; L. 1867 (23 Feb.) Ill ; official circuit court reporter; L. 1869 (31 Mar.) 350. James La- tham's adm'r convey real estate; Pr. L. 1827 (31 Jan.) 19. Road, Peoria and Galena, reloca- ted in part; L. 1836 (18 Jan.) 218. Cambridge plat partly vacated ; 2 L. 1837 (20 July) 93. Illi- ' nois Manufacturing Co. chartered, located in Fulton or Peoria; Pr. L. 1837 (4 Mar.) 331. Commission the sheriff lately elected; L. 1839 (12 Jan.) 40. Hudson plat vacated; Id. (18 Jan.) 49. Road, Peoria to Stephenson, change in part; Id. (19 Feb.) 131. Re-valuation of sec. 16, Town 77; Id. (22 Feb.) 149. Justices district, Town 77; Id. (1 Mar.) 211. Caledonia plat and fi rst addition to Rome vacated ; Id. 239. LaSalle Prairie Co. chartered, drain part of Town 11 8; Pr. L. 1839 (16 Feb.) 65. Wm. L. May, ferry at outlet of Lake Peoria; L. 1840 (1 Feb.) 49; also L. 1841 (23 Feb.) 113; same, bridge the Illinois, at same; L. 1845 (3 Mar.) 237; also Pr. L. 1847 (26 Jan.) 9; foregoing amended; L. 1852 (19 June) 98; run a ferry when bridge is out of or- der; Pr. L. 1853 (17 Jan.) 487. Money paid for school lands Town 85 refunded; L. 1840 (1 Feb.) 131. Farmers Exporting Co. chartered; L. 1841 (23 Feb.) 129. Wm. Mitchell, witness in contested election case, payment to; Id. (7 Feb.) 206. Peoria road near Chillicothe reloca- ted ; L. 1843 (24 Feb.) 259. Charleston plat cor- rected, name changed to Brimfield; Id. (2 Mar.) 296; town chartered; Pr. L. 18)7 (18 Feb.) 1297. Kineston plat vacated ; L. 1845 (26 Feb.) 165. Jubilen College chartered; Id. (28 Jan.) 207; re-chartered, quHlifications of officers, fore- going act repealed; Pr. L. 1847 (22 Jan.) 54; amends charter, three additionnl trustees; Pr. L. 1859 (23 Feb.) 367. Sale of school lands Town 76; L. 1845 (26 Feb.) 346. Victoria Polly Flerod Ann Green name changed to Ham- lin ; Pr. L. 1847 (27 Feb.) 21. Andrew Gray use Peoria i nd Warsaw Riilroadwest of Peoria city; Id. (1 Mar.) 195. Kickapoo Mills plat va- cated ; Id. (27 Feb.) 210. Sale of counterfeiting presses, tools, etc. taken from Rufus Webb and others; Pr. L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 81. Sureties of Wm. Compiler, absconding sheriff, conditional- ly released; Pr. L. 1851 (14 Feb.) 130; samp re- leased from judgment; Pr. L. 1853 (11 Feb.) 440. Ira T. Mann and others chartered as the Spring Bay Ferry and Dyke Co.; Id. (12 Feb.) 538. Springdale Cemetery Association charter- ed; Pr. L. 1S55 (14 Feb.) 460; repeals 7 and 9; Pr. L. 1857 (28 Jan.) 81. Smiih Frye, ferry across the Illinois Town 98; Pr. L/1855 (15 Feb.) 549. Wm. P. Bryant and others, ferry across the Illinois, Town 88; Peoria and Taze- well counties improve roads leading thereto; Pr. L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 753. Assessment in Rome school district for 1858 legalized; L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 175. Ela H. Clapp, ferry across the Illi- uois at liome; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 559. PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. (115) Peoria County. Gee, W. Andrews foundling heir of Edward A. j ment . L . 1840 (3 Feb.) 112. Peoria Marine and A,,H,. Pr L. I860 (Ib Feb.) 93. Union i Fire Insurance .Co. chartered; L. 1841 (20 Feb.) ! 151 ; amendment ; Pr. L. 1857 (15 Jan.) 22. State road in Hale's second addition vacated; L. 1843 (2 Mar.) 262. Peoria Water Co. char- tered; Id. (1 Feb.) 314. Musical Associntion chartered ; L. 1845 (7 Feb.) 273. Peoria Lodge No. 15, F. and A. Masons chartered; Pr. L. 1847 (18 Feb.) 105. Peoria Female Seminary char- tered; Id. (I Mar.) 166. Acting members of fire companies exempt from jury duty ; L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 84. Wesleyan Seminary chartered; Pr. L. 1851 (17 Feb.) 277. School trustees Town 8 8 to sell lots in Monson and Sandford's ad- dition; Pr. L. 1853 (24 Jan.) 449. Stockholders Peoria Female School Association chartered as Peoria Ft male Academy; Id. (11 Feb ) 506. Peoria Gas Light and Coke Co. chattered; Id. (12 Feb.) 516. Peoria Mutual Fire and Marine Insurance Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 426; name changed to Peoria City Fire and Ma- rine Insurance Co.; Pr. L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 395. Peoria University chartered ; appointment of trustees; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 484. Germania Fire Co. No. 3 chartered; Id. 699. Peoria city Hydraulic Co. chartered; Pr. L 1857 (11 Feb.) 426. Peoria Starch Manufacturing Co. chartered; Id. 449. Peoria Mutual Fire Insu- rance Co. chartered ; Id. 468. People's Express Co. chartered; Id. (19 Feb.) 13f>2. Pe ria Drain- age Co. chartered; Id. (18 Feb.) 1409. Ameri- can Pottery Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1859 (19 Feb.) 407. German Savines Bank chartered; Pr. L. 1861 (20 Feb.) 39. Preacher's Aid Society of the Central Illinois Annual Conference of M. E. Church chartered ; Id. (18 Feb.) 51. New Peoria Fire Co. No. 4 chartered; Id. 329. Peoria City Railway Co. chartered; Id. (21 Feb.) 342. Cen- tral City Trust Co. chartered; Id. 453. Peoria Savings Loan and Trust Co. chartered ; Id. (20 Feb.) 456. German Library Association char- ed; Id. (18 Feb.) 553. Peoria German School Association chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 36. Illinois Kiver Bridge Co. chartered ; Id. 184. Waterworks established; Id. 469. Peoria 000. bonds in aid of Peoria City Hydraulic : Horse Railway Co. chartered; Id. 600. Illi- Works, jurisdiction over vagrants, prostitutes j nois Mutual Life Insurance Co. chartered ; T^ etc.; Pr. L. 1837 (4 Feb.) 233; city charter (3 677. Peoria Mercantile Library Association Dec. '44) and amendatory acts amended, change ' chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 18. Peoria in time of city election; Pr. L. 1861 (20 Feb.) j Gazette Co. chartered; Id. (16 Feb.) 121. Peo- 244; recorder's court established; L. 1861 (22 ria Savings Bank chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (8 Feb.) 110; foregoing repealed ; L. 1863 (20 Feb.) j Mar.) 110. German Workingmen's Mutual Re- 39; each ward elect a,n additional supervisor; j lief and Insurance Co. chartered; Id. (7 Mar.) 151. Union Brewery and Coopering Co. char- tered; Id. (28 Feb.) 199. Peoria Hebrew Con- gregation Anshai Erneth chartered ; Id. (7 Mar.) 243. Central City Horse Railway Co. charter- ed; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (21 Feb.) 16. Mutual Health Assurance Association chartered; Id. (9 Mar.) 228. Peoria Manufacturing Co. chartered; Id. limits defined ;' 1 Pr. L. 1867 (1 Mar.) 622. Town i 374. Peoria and Langdon Coal and Coke Co. of Peoria divided into election precincts; L. j chartered^ Id. (5 Mar.) 406. St. Louis and Peo- 1863 (21 Feb.) 64; regulates holding of elections; 1 Pr.L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 922, Peoria Bridge Co. chartered; L. 1835 (10 Feb.) 181. Peoria Aca- demy chartered ; Pr. L. 1837 (11 Feb.) 27 ; also, Pr. L. 1855 (6 Feb.) 368. Peoria Manufacturing school districts in Akron and Hallock estab- lished ; Id. (15 Feb.) 323. Refunding to estate of J. R. Thompson taxes paid in error; L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 166. Thief Detective and Mutual Aid Association of Princeville chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (5 Mar.) 150. Schools in Town 8 8; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (6 Mar.) 36. School district No. 1, Town of Hallock, limits extended ; Id. (28 Feb.) 43. Peoria and Kickapoo Turnpike chartered; Id. (23 Feb.) 654. Peoria and Limestone Turnpike chartered; Id. (28 Feb ) 660. P. Lahargonette name changed to P. L. Mars; L. 1869 (10 Mar.) 266. Glascoe name changed to Glasford ; Id. (30 Mar.) 278. Peona. Town chartered; Pr. L. 1837 (21 Feb.) 64; amendment; 2 L. 1837 (20 July) 92; further amends, trustees elected in November; Pr. L. 1839 (26 Feb.) 13; Garrit's addition vaca- ted; L. 183'j (18 Jan) 49; general amendment to charter; L. 1841 (27 Feb.) 347. City charter ed; L. 1845 (2 Dec. '44) 224; town trustees con- struct water works; Id. (3 Mar.) 252; foregoing repealed; city to construct water works; IT. L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 16; repeals ^2 and 3 of city charter, officers acts legalized, limits extended, Mnyor to act as justice; Pr. L. 1847 (13 Feb.) 79; city to take stock in Wm. L. May's bridge; Id. (25 Feb.) 120; city issue bonds 'to Peorh and Oquawka Railroad; L. 1852(21 June) 98; said bonds not to exceed $300,000., vote thereon; L. 1853 (3 Feb.) 191 ; city charter amended, re- corder's office established, corporate powers ex- tended ; Pr L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 589; further amended and boundary defined; Pr. L. 1854 (25 Feh.) 74; general charter amendment; Pr.L. 1855 (12 Feb.) 118; vacates alley running through block 91 Voris and Lavielle's addition ; Id. (15 Feb.) 193; system of public schools es- tablished; L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 195; also, L. 1857 (29 Jan.) 231; foregoing amended; L. 1859 (18 Feb.) 174; further amends; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 467; board of city school inspectors levy tax; 3Pr. L. 1867 (6 Mar.) 123; city issue $100, L. 1861 (20 Feb.) 265 3; city charter amended, issue $10,000. bonds, city officers terra of office, time of elections, boundary; Pr. L. 1863 (12 Feb.) 167; payment of bounties; L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 149 ; repeals 8 of original charter (3 Dec. '44); also, act 3 Feb. [12 Feb.] 1863; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 469; charter further amended, and Exporting Co.; Pr. L. 1837 (2 Mar.) 241. Peoria Hotel Co. chartered; Id. 253; also, 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 608; and, 2 Pr. L. 1867 (22 ria Plow Co. chartered; Id. (18 Feb.) 482. Peo- ria Transcript Co. chartered; Id. (25 Feb.) 505. Peoria Turn Verein chartered; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (23 Feb.) 649. CMUifothe.To\vn chartered ; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 577. John H. Batchelder and others, fer- ry across the Illinois; Id. (20 Feb.) 319. Acts Feb.) 51. Peoria Commercial Insurance Co. j of trustees Methodist E. Church legalized; 1 chartered: Pr. L. 1837 (18 Feb.) 36; amend- 1 Pr. L. 1867 (8 Mar.) 244. Chillicothe Ferry (116) -PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. Perry County Pike County. Road and Bridge Co. chartered ; Id. (4 Mar.) 935. Elmirocd. Town chartered ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (27 Feb.) 412. El in wood Mining and Mnnufactur- ingfo. chartered; Pr. L. 1861 (18 Feb.) 467. Elmwnod Building Co. chartered; 1 Pr. L. Ib67 (20 Feb.) 201. PERRY COUNTY. founty formed and limits defined; R. S. 1827 (29 Jan.) 110; share in proceeds of Gallatin Sa- lines; L. 1831(16 Feb.) 15 1; line between Perry and Franklin determined; L. 1835 (6 Feb.) 36; assessments for 1843-4 legalized ; L. 1845 (11 Feb.) 348; taxes for 1843, how collect- \ ed; Id. 349; building jail; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) j 542; foregoing amended, expei d $10,000. work- ! ing road from Pinckneyville to Tiiuiaroa and to j DuQuoin; I Pr. L. 1887 (28 Feb.) 890; pay of county judge and associates; L. 1867 (5 Mar.) : 77; transcribing certain public records; 2 Pr. j L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 791; county estray law; L. j 1869 {4 Mar.) 173. Refunds taxes erroneously j paid ; L. 1835 (31 Jan.) 142. Lands of estate of) Robt. B. Murphy sold ; L. 1836 (8 Dec. '35) 234; his contract for sale of lands in Tennessee to be performejl ; 1 L. 1837 (6 Dec. '36) 156. Lands of James Woodside's estate sold; Id. (28 Feb.) 185. Elizabeth Buxton, prosecution for bigamy dis- missed and divorced from Monroe Rice; Id. (6 Mar.) 189. Road, Pinckneyville to Grand Coat Prairie, and Shawneetown to Kaskaskia chan- ged; Id. (28 Feb.) 286; same, DuQuoin to Den- mark relocated; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (4 Mar.) 842; same, Pinckneyville to Mt.Vernon, partly relo- cated; L. 1869 (31 Mar.) 386. Payton Brown, line for fireing prairie remitted; L. 1841 (26 Feb.) 211. Iowa plat vacated; Id. (24 Feb.) 313. Pinckneyville chartered; Pr. L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 716. Wall's Mining and Manufacturing Co. chartered ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 425. DuQuoin. Town plat partly vacated; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 589 ; town chartered ; Id. 590. City chartered ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (10 Feb.) 341 ; location of Southern Normal University, vote thereon; L. 1869 (19 Apr.) 298 5, 6. DuQuoin Female Seminary chartered; Pr. L. 1855 (13 Feb.) 370. Illinois Central Coal Mining Co. chartered; Id. 628. DuQuoin Coal Mining and Manufactur- ing Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1861 (20 Feb.) 299. Tnmaroa. Appleton town plat partly vacat- ed ; Pr. L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 615; name changed to Smith's addition to Tamaroa and latter charter- ed; Pr. L. 1859 (17 Feb.) 534; foregoing amend- ed; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (5 Feb.) 598; vacates streets and alleys; Pr. L. 1861 (14 Feb.) 723. PIATT COUNTY. County formed, boundary and organization, temporary county seat at Monticello; L. 1841) (27 Feb.) 71 ; supplemental provisions; Id. 91; j sale of swamp lands ; L. 1857 (16 Feb ) 122. ! Edear R Robins name changed to Monroe, heir j of Wm. Monroe; Pr. L. 1857 (31Jan.) 188. Mon- l ticelloand Bement Railway chartered; 1 Pr. L. i 1865 (15 Feb.) 598. PIKE COUNTY. County formed including territory north and west of the Illinois river; L. 1821 (3 Jan.) 59; boundaries defined; L 1823 (30 Dec. '22) 84; penalty against sheriff released, collection of taxes for 1824; L. 1825 (10 Jan.) 80; record in Pike of deeds to lands in Fulton legalized; Ibid; county revenue; L. 1826 (27 Jan.) 89; removal of county feat; Pr. L. 1827 (16 Jan.) 34; ex- tends 2 of act 22 Jan. 1831 concerning the erection of bridg- s, to first Monday in October; Pr. L. 1833 (22 Feb.) 13; Sam'l Alexander and others relocate county seat ; Id. ^21 ; theSnicarty navigable to Alias M'ills; L. 1835 (31 Jan.) 50; county town lots and buildings in Athtssold; Id. (7 Jan.) 149; revenue law as to said county partly repealed ; L 1836 (15 Jan.) 231 ; MnKee'a creek navigable to Chambersburg; 1 L. 1837 (1 Mar.) 168; sale of school lands legalized; Id. (2 Mar.) 313; for internal improvements; L. 1839 (9 Feb.) 81; fine for contempt imposed by circuit court upon county commissioners releas- ed; L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 121 ; ferry licenses worked 01. t upon the roads leading thereto; Hr. L. 1851 (12 Feb.) 104; levee from Millville along the river into Calho/n, for reclaiming overflowed lands; L. 1857 (10 Feb.) 255; special tax for bridge purposes; Pr. L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 1188; for payment of bounties; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (10 Feb.) 140; county and towns take stock in any rail- road; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 884; exempt from game laws; L. 1867 (5 Mar.) 121; Gross' Stat. 1868, 327 ; county take stock in two Railroads ; L. 1869 (9 Apr.) 202; school law of (28 Feb. '67) as to county repealed ; Id. (30 Mar ) 398. Road, Breman's ferry to Atlas, relocated; Pr. L. 1*33 (22 Feb.) 150; same, Gilead and Rushville, in Town 33 relocated; 1 L. 1837 (15 Feb.) 213; same, Carrollton and Atlas, partly relocated; 2 L. 1837 (21 July) 82; same, Griggsville to the Mississip- pi, located; L. 1839 (28 Feb ) 204; same, Phillips ferry to Pit.tsfield, and Perry to the Illinois, $500. to each; Id. (2 Mar) 283; same, Griggsville to Quincy, changed in part; L 1840 (27 Jan.) 29; vacates road located under 50 act 2 Mar. 1839; L. 1840 (1 Feb.) 52; same, new Philadelphia and Kinderhook, vacated ; Id. 129. Boonville plat vacated; L. 1836 (15 Jan.) 189. Tree Frank name changed to Frank McWorter; 1 L. 1837 (19 Jan.) 175. New Canton and Piketown Railroad chartered; Pr. L. 1837 (3 Mar.) 255. James Davis late county clerk, execution against stayed; L. 1839 (1 Feb.) 52. Augusta name changed to Florence; Id. (16 Feb.) 119. Certain railroads issue insurance policies; L. 1840 (27 Jan.) 24; foregoing amended;' Id. (1 Feb.) 52. Credit on judgment against R. Davis surity for James Davis; Id. (27 Jan.) 28. Wor- cester name changed to Barry; Id. (15 Jan.) 44. Glascock and Hawkins, ferry across the Mis- sippi opposite Hannibal; L. 1841 (27 Feb.) 123. Additional justice and constable in Florence; Id. (17 Feb.) 174. Reedfield plat vated; L. 1843 (23 Feb.) 295. Perry plat partly vacated ; L. 1845 (1 Mar.) 122. Fairfield name changed to Pleasant Hill ; Id. 135. Isaac G. Israel, build turnpike, New Canton Cincinnati; Pr. L. 1847 (27 Feb.) 194. Velasco plat vacated; Id. (28 Feb.) 211. Sale of parks and squares in Barry, pro- ceeds applied ; L. 1851 (17 Feb.) 186. Griggs- ville and Illinois River Plank Road chartered; PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. (117) Pike County . Pulaski County. Pr. L. 1851 (17 Feb.) 306. Pike County Railroad chartered under act 5 Nov. 1840, condemn pri- vate property ; Pr. L. 1854 (22 Feb.) 75; again chirtered; Pr. L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 624; time of completion extended, bridge the Illinois at Na- ples; Pr. L. 18^9 (12 Feb.) 491; time to com- plete further extended ; Pr. L. 1861 (14 Feb.) 509. School house erected district 3, Town 64; L. 1855 (13 Feb.) 110. St. Louis plat va- cated; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 195; also of Frank- lin; Id. (13 Feb.) 603; Pr. L 1857 (14 Feb.) 713. O. M. Hatch and others f rry across the Mssis- eippi, Town 48; Id. (14 Feb.) 606. Stephen 8. Taylor, state pedler's license for two years ; Id. 6-55. Barrv, alley vacated; Id. 688. School land Town 56 part patented to L.Gard; L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 171. Boss, Gay & Co. refunded $49.34 t?ix collected in 1854 in error; Id. (16 Feb.) 192. Pittstield Central Railroad chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 1056. County Agricultural So- ciety, incorporation un^er general act ]5 Feb. 1855 legalized; Id. (18 Feb.) 1837. Pike and Scott County Bridge Co. chartered, bridge the Illinois at Naples; Pr. L. 1859 (4 Feb.) 23; again chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (13 Feb.) 166. Barry chartered; Pr. L 1859 (19 Feb.) 548. Ab- bey Stafford and others, feny across the Illinois at Flint; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 325. Milton chartered; Id. (21 Feb.) 697. Chartering turn- pike or macadamized road, Perry to the Illinois opposite Naples; Id. (20 Feb.) 743. Hannibal and Naples Railroad chartered; Pr. L. 1863 (12 Feb.) 232. Wm. Ross, allowed amount of cou- pons lost by robbery; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 248 Great Western Warehouse and Transpor- tation Co. at Douglasville chartered; Id. (13 Feb.) 668. Pike County Bridge Co. chartered ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (1 Mar.) 179. W. & T. Burnett's ferry (under act 19 Feb. '59), transfer of to Jas. B. Thurman confirmed; Id. (6 Feb.) 928. Geo. W. Babbitt, ferry across the Illinois at Florence ; Id. (9 Feb.) 929. Cincinnati Ferry Co. charter- ed; Id. (27 Feb.) 943. Perry Springs Hotel and Railroad Co. chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1867(7 Mar.) 66. Louisiana and Pike County Railroad chartered ; Id. (9 Mar.) 640. Barry, I^ew Can- ton and Mississippi River Macademized Road Co. chartered ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (23 Feb.) 657. PUtsfidd. Town may incorporate with Jess than 150 inhabitants; L. 1835 (7 Jan.) 150; va- cates certain streets; Pr. L. 1847 (1 Mar.) 198; part of pi at vacated; Pr. L. 1851 (12 Feb.) 105; part of Mississippi street vacated ; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 195. Pittsfield school district formed, school house built; L. 1861 (18 Feb.) 201; sup- plemental to foregoing; Id. 202; purchase of grounds and erection of school buildings; Pr. L. 1863 (21 Feb.) 259; the three foregoing acts amended; 2Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 303. County and William Boss convey lot to Presbyterian Church ; L. 1841 (27 Feb.) 92. Pittsfield Acade- my chartered; Pr. L. 1837 (24 Feb.) 82; trus- tees of to sell buildings and grounds and pay debts; Pr. L. 1847 (22 Feb.) 3. Pittsfield Hotel Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 791. Griggfivifo. Levying taxes for school purpo- poses;L. 1841 (27 Feb.) 288; town plat partly vacated; Id. 326; vacates part of Jones & Puck- it's addition; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (26 Feb.) 617. Griggsville Female Academy chartered ; Pr. L. 1837 (7 Feb.) 20. Pike County Mutual Fire In- surance Co. chartered; Id. (24 Feb.) 88. Griggsville Cemetery chartered; Pr. L. 1847 (15 Feb.) 80. POPE COUNTY. County formed prior to the organization of the state. County share in proceeds of Galla- tin Salines; L. 1831 (16 Feb.) 13 1. Seven mile creek navignble to John Mclntier's; 1 L. 1837 (1 Mar.) 168; Lusk Creek, the s:i e, to Kill's mill ; L. 1840 (20 Jan.) 67. Boundaries of county fixed; L. 1843 (3 Mir ) 101 ; collector for 1841 to collect unpaid taxes for 1840-1; Id. (1 Mar.) 220; certain salts by school commission- er legalized ; Id. (3 Mar.) 222; purchase of poor larm and erection 6f county buildings; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (18 Feb.) 865. Amos Chipps, late sheriff, allowed $44.38 being the one per cent per day penalty for not paying overtaxes; L. 1823 (24 Jan.) 51 ; time for him to pay over extended; L. 1825 (10 Jan.) 85. Bridge Lusk creek; R. 8. 1827 (15 Feb. ''27) 360 27. Road, Belgrade to the State road near Massac or Paletto's Bluff, located; L 1829 (20 Jan.) 128 l 3. Ferry at sec. 16, Town 167 legalized ; L. 1831 (27 Jan.) 76. H. C. Shouse, convicted of murder, pay- ment for apprehending; L. 1835 (24 Dec. 1835 [1834]) 72. W. T. Rted, fi rry across the Ohio at Newport; 1 L. 1837 (3 Mar.) 119. Wm. G. W. Fitch, collector, released from payment of $30. ;L. 1841 (23 Feb.) 208. T. W. Tanner's adm'r deed lands in Town 146; L. 1845 (21 Feb.) 323. Erection of tomb stone over grave of Wm. Rhodes, late representative; Pr. L. 1847 (24 Feb.) 213. Election of school trustees Town 126, 10 Apr. '52, legalized; Pr. L. 1853 (26 Jan.) 447. Thos. P. Blair name changed to Warwick; Id. 480. John Baum and others, toll bridge over Will Creek; Id. (12 Feb.) 581. Sureties of Wm. M. Finney, late collector, re- leased from liability for amount of which he was robbed; L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 96. Newton Clark and others, toll bridge over Lusk creek ; Id. 182. Illinois Iron, Lead and Coal Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 539. Wabash Mining Co. chartered; Id. 631. Jonathan C. Willis, toll bridge across Mill creek ; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 660; two years to complete; Pr. L. 1857 (19 Jan.) 24; Philip Vineyard assignee of Willis allowed two years to complete; Pr. L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 21; further extension to Sept. 1861 ; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 59. Golconda. Town chartered ; L. 1845 (1 Mar.) 128; justice of the peace elected; Pr. L. 1855 (13 Feb.) 198; again chartered ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 460; amendment; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 621. Golconda Seminary chartered ; Pr. L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 203. Golconda Lodge No. 181, A. F. and A. Masons ; Pr. L. 1857 (11 Feb.) 464. Philip Vineyard and others, bridge Lusk creek; Pr. L. 1859 (19 Feb.) 17. J. Field, ferry across the Ohio; L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 118. Golconda Cemetery Association chartered ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 231. PULASKI COUNTY. County formed, boundary and organization ; L. 1843 (3 Mar.) 99: assessment for 1843 legal- ized; L. 1845 (25 Feb.) 299; acts of officers (118) PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. Putnam Randolph County. not keeping their offir'S at count}- seat, legal- ized ; Id. (21 Feb.) 326 ; records in Johnson and Alexander transcribed and certified; L. 1847 (11 Feb.) 73; borrow $600. to complete court house; Pr. L. 1847 (16 Jan.) 24; tax to build jail ; L. 1801 (l-J Feb.) 161; removal of county seat, Caledonia to Mound City, vote thereon; 1 Pr. L. 186.) (16 Feb.) 549; pay ol county judge and associates ; L. 1867 (-1 Mir.) 77; special as- sessment of real estate f>r 18(16; 1 Pr. L 1867 (7 .Mar.) 904; erection of new county buildings; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (9 Mar.) 115. Caledonia charter ed;2L 1837(21 July) 31. Caledoni i Railroad chartered; Id. 36; amendment, name changed to the Caledonia Kail road and Manufacturing Co.; Pr. L. 1839 (6 Feb ) 3. James D. Southard, ferry across the Ohio, Town 16 1; Pr. L. H.~>:J (12 Feb.) 51)8. Mound City Railroad chartered; Pr. L. 1855 (12 Feb) 281. Sale ot liquors in Pulaski prohibited; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) lo78 James M. Davidue an Mar.) 2fi:{; Ju Ison College chartered, in con- nection with said Academy; Pr. L. 1851 (17 Feb.) 299. Hcnnepin ferrv leased by counties 1 of Putnam and Bureau; L. 1845 (28 Feb.) 109. Hugh Teeny's lease of Hennepin ferry, county may extend 10 yea is; Pr. L. 1847 (17 Feb ) 44. Northern Illinois Agricultural College charter- ! ed; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 407. Bud Institute chartered; Pr. L. 1855(9 Feb.) 505. Benj. Newell, ferry across the Illinois at Trenton; Id. (15 Feb) 6.M. ILnn'-pin. T->wn chartered; Pr. L. 1839(2 ! M:ir.) 1 5; Hi. its extended; L. 184' (3 Feb.) ' 108; amends charter; Pr. L 1851 (17 Fi-b.) 315; acts of incorporation reduced to one and amen- ded ; L. 1852(22 June) 131; Hennepin Bridge Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1837 (3 Mar) 227. Va- cates Water street in West addition ; Pr L. 1853 (15 Feb.) 501 ; limits denned; Pr. L 1854 (1 M;ir.) 17"); town trustees, f. rry across the Illi- nois at Leefertown, former acts amended; L. 1857(17 Feb.) 90; plat partly vacated, bounda- ry denned; Pr. L. 1857 (13 Feb.) 510; act 22 j June 52 chartering amended, town trustees not to be school directors; L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 259; i charter further amended, license sale of liquor, ink artesian well; Pr. L. 1863 (14 Feb.) 203; and again ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 167. Henne- pin Union Seminary chartered; Pr. L. 1851 (17 Feb.) 312. Hennepin Union Hall chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb ) 841. GrunviUe. Town chartered; Pr. L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 631. Granville Academy chartered ; Pr. L. 1837 (31 Jan.) 14; re-chartered and foregoing repealed ; Pr. L. 1851 (12 Feb.) 106. Putnam County Mutual Insurance Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 430; name changed to American Insurance Co., office removed to Freeport; Pr. L. 1859 (19 Feb.) 396. RANDOLPH COUNTY. The division of the Illinois Territory into the counties of Randolph and St. I lair, was offi- cially recognized by Gov. Pope in April 1809 ; MS Records, Sec'y State. Non-residents' land sold by sheriff for taxes ; L. 1819 (10 Feb.) 12; county recorder made custodian of ancient books, papers etc., dated prior to 13 July 1787 ; L. 1821 (30 Jan.) 46; R. S. 1833, 502 ; for running line between Randolph and Jackson; L. 1823 (10 Feb.) 122 ; same, between Randolph and Monroe; L. 1829 (20 Jan.) 31; share in proceeds of Gallatin Salines ; L. 1831 (16 Feb.) 14 1 ; re- moval of county seat, Kaskaskia to Miller's farm; L. 1835 (12 Feb.) 58; appropriation from avails of saline lands for roads and bridges ; Id. (6 Feb.) 155 ; county commissioners alter state roads; L. 1839 (12 Feb.) 101 ; taxes for 1844 re- mitted to certain persons account of loss by high water; L. 1845 (21 Feb.) 353; re-location of county seat, vote thereon, three elections if necessary ; Pr. L. 1847 (30 Jan.) 25 ; borrow money to pay county indebtedness, vote there- on ; L. 1852 (21 June) 109 ; record books "A" to "C" transcribed; Wm. Henry to translate those in French; Pr..L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 677; foregoing repealed ; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 1070 ; removal of county seat, Chester to Evansville, vote there- on ; L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 163 ; build fire proof recor- PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. (119) Randolph County. der's office; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 543; pay of county judge and associates ; L. 1867 (5 Mar.) , 77 ; issue bonds to complete jail now building; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (5 Mar.) 891 ; county estray law ; L. 1869 (4 Mar.) 173; manner of giving legal no- tice; Id. (27 Mar.) 263; special collector for the delinquent personal tax; Id. (17 Apr.) 353. Michael Jones paid $30. for certain abstracts ; L. 1821 (6 Feb.) 93. Union College of Illinois chartered; Pr. L. 1833 (22 Feb.) 37. James Thompson allowed $54.12^ for viewing road Vandalia to Kaskaskia ; Id. (25 Feb.) 121. Tax- es erroneously paid refunded ; L. 1835 (31 Jan.) 142. Randolph Manufacturing Co. chartered; L. 1836 (16 Jan.) 136; foregoing revived ; Pr. L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 237. Moneys- of estate of John Thompson invested in wild lands; 1 L. 1837 (27 Feb.1 186; same subject, foregoing repealed; L. 1839 (9 Feb.) 75. Illinois Female Institute char- tered, at Flat Prairie ; 2 L. 1837 (20 July) 87. Liberty chartered; 1 L. 1837 (lOFeb.) 331 ; pow- ers increased ; L. 1839 (19 Feb.) 133. Liberty Steam Mill Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1839 (23 Feb.') 170. Georgetown chartered ; L. 1840 (31 Jan.) 32. Kaskaskia Beet Sugar and the Baudolph Silk Go's chartered; Id. (1 Feb.) 57. James of trustees respecting taxes legalized ; Id. (3 Mar.) 139; two recesses in plat vacated and sold ; Pr. L. 1847 (28 Feb.) 211 ; special tax to improve streets; L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 216. City chartered; Pr. L. 1855 (13 Feb.) 144; amend- ment, repair streets, etc.; Pr. L. 1859 (23 Feb.) 124; additional tax and bonds issued; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (13 Feb.) 274; disposition of fines, forfei- tures, etc.; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (9 Feb.) 286. Chester Insurance Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1839 (19 Feb.) 81. Thos. S. Bond, ferry across the Mississippi; Pr. L. 1849 (17 Jan.) 32 ; amendment, run a fer- ry flat or horse ferrv; Pr. L. 1851 (17Feb.) 289 ; fares regulated; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (12 Feb.) 929. Williams & Nevill, ferry across the Mississippi; L. 1859 (21 Feb ) 115. City Hotel Co. charter- ed; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (13 Feb.) 603. Evergreen Cemetery chartered ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (9 Mar.) 229. Foundry and Machine Shop Co. chartered ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (14 Feb.) 361. . Town trustees, ferry across the Kaskaskia; L. 1831 (14 Feb.) 79 ; amends act 6 Jan. 1818 (territorial) chartering town; L. 1841 (20 Feb.) 328. President and trustees of Kas- kaskia. Common chartered, may lease ; Pr. L. 1851 (23 Jan.) 5. Kaskaskia Bridee Co. char- Hughes Exec'r sell lands; L. 1841 (19 Feb.) 23. . , Additional justice in Plumb creek precinct; Pr ! tered ' county regulate tolls, citizens of county L. 1847 (26 Feb.) 169. Additional constable ! P a s?free ; Pr. L. 1837 (31 Jan.) fl; supplemental elected; L. 1851 (17 Feb.) 162. Georgetown I to foregoing, citizens not pass free, county take changed to Steeleville; Pr. L. 1851 (17 Feb) I ?** Id - < 4 Mar.) 331 ; amends charter; 2 L. oot T__j-_t_ T__i: ,^ , . v , ~ ' 1837 (20 Julv) 7 ; repeals 15 of charter ; Pr. L. 1839 (24 Jan.) 38. Win. Morrison and E. C. Hickox, take toll at their bridge; L. 1823(24 Jan.) 52. Menard Academy chartered ; Pr. L. 1839 (24 Jan.) 15. Knskaskia Insurance Co. 265. Randolph Plank Koad Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1853 (11 Feb.) 161; amendment, borrow $30, 000. and mortgage road; Pr. L. 1854 (28 Feb.) 236; directors may sHl and county mny pur- chase ; Pr. L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 417. Part of Front' St. in Menard vacated ; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb ) 501. Wm. Henry, ferry across the Missi-sippi at Town 68; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 604; foregoiuo- repealed: Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 325. James Walsh, ferry across the Kaskaskia at Evans- ville ; Pr. L. 1857 (13 Feb.) 546; Michael Walsh, the same ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (23 Feb ) 933. Ran- dolph Coal Railroad and Manufacturing Co. chartered, construct railroad; Id. (14 Feb.) 754; name chaneed to Chester and Chicago Branch Junction Railroad; Pr. L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 492; further amends; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 208.' Mary's River Bridge Co. chartered; Id. (22 Feb.) 20. John W. 'Brewer, ferry across the MissisMp- pi at Town 68; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 325. Union Fire Aid Insurance Co. atR -cl Bud char- terpd; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 796. Liberty name changed to Rockwood ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 493; latter chartered; Id. 572. Stuben chartered; Id. (1 Mar) 193; name changed to Insurance and Trust Co. of Illinois; L. 1840 (31 Jan.) 29; adopt mutual plan; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 386. Sparta, Town chartered; 1 L. 1837 (10 Feb.) 331 ; additional justice; 2 L. 1837 (20 July) 46 ; concerning additional justice; L. 1839 (9 Feb.) 72; town name of Columbus changed to Sparta; L. 1840 (8 Jan.) 37; town again chartered; Pr. L 1847 (28 Feb.) 155. City chartered ; Pr. L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 255; amendment, boundary de- fined, city recorder; Pr. L. 1861 (20 Feb.) '258; further amendment, subscription to railroads; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (8 Mar.) 790; common pleas court established ; L. 1869 (20 Apr.) 138. Union Acad- emy chartered; Pr. L. 1855 (13 Feb.) 373. Sparta Cemetery Association chartered ; Id. (14 Feb.) 452. Board of Education of Public Schools 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 307; amend- : Chartered ; & x r. u. too-j i m .ceu.i ov/i , uuii-iju- n^ame changed to Shiloh 11,11; Id. 562 Ramloph I raent;1 P ' r . L . 1867 (28 W) 916. Odd Fel- County Libn.ry and Historical Association | i nroa * n ,i M,^ TT.11 nnH h*nhk Anvlnm chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1867(28 Feb.) 256. Rock- wood Manufacturing <'o. chartered; Id. 293. Red Bud chartered ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 376. Coulterville name changed to Grand Cute ; L 1869 (30 Mar.) 278. School district Town 55 chartered; Id. (29 Mar.) 343. Ofotttr. Town may be incorporated with less than 150 inhabitants; L 1835(7 Jan.) 150; iucre\ se annual tax on lots; Pr. L. 1837 (16 Jan.) 3; town chartered ; Pr. L. 1839 (12 Feb.) 50; foregoing amended; L. 1840(18 Jan.) 46; former chartering acts repealed ; L. 1843 (16 Feb.) 299 ; Cole's and Erskine's addition name changed to Menard ; L. 1845 (28 Feb.) 101 ; acts lows and Masonic Hall and Orphan Asylum Association chartered ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 467. Randolph Hotel Co. chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 60. Prairie du Rocher. Town chartered ; L. 1821 (14 Feb.) 160; amendment; L. 1823 (14 Feb.) 142; trespasses on Common, how punished ; L. 1845 (25 Feb.) 307 ; for leasing Common ; Pr. L. 1851 (8 Feb.) 51 ; foregoing partly repealed, school organization confirmed; L. 1852 (21 June) 98 ; for draining wet lands in Common field ; L. 1853 (9 Feb.) 249; amends act 8 Feb. '51 ; L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 112; supplemental to said act ; appli- cation of proceeds; Pr. L. 1863 (16 Feb.) 273; town plat vacated ; Pr. L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 619. (120) PRIVATE AifD SPECIAL LAWS. Rdiff Resolutions. RELIEF. / Joel Wright and John Tillson, taxes paid in error refunded; L. 1823 (10 Feb.) 120; Corne- lius Lafferty and sureties discharged from rents clue; L. 1826(28 Jan.) 92 7; Ephraim Hub- bard, late territorial sherifl'; R. S. 1827 (24 Jan.) 370 2; Richard M. Young; Pr. L. 1827 (22 Jan ) 11; Wm. Plant and Benj. Johnson; Id. (10 Feb.) 20; James Ratcliff, credit at Shawneetown Bank for $264. ; L. 1831 (9 Feb.) 121 ; Rachel and Sylvia Hall, late captives with hostile In- dians, 80 acres each canal lands ; J. B. Camp- bell and G. E. Walker, pre-empt each 80 acres canal lands; Pr. L. 1833(2 Mar.) Ill; Wilson Lagow and Allen McGahey, each $ 18. ; Id. (18 Jan.) 112; John Taylor, $553.23; Id. (14 Jan.) 112; act for relief of Thos. Rjedmond extended two years; Id. (5Feb.)H2; guardian of heirs Willis Snyder invest in real estate; L. 1835 (17 Dec. '34) 73; James Mason's administrator make deeds; Id. (24 Jan.) 140; lands of T. G. B. S. Kirkman. minor, conveyed by Thos. C. Kirkman; 1 L. 1837 (6 Dec. '36) 181; Benj. A. Clark's administrator make collections; Id. (11 Feb.) 186; J. T. Cyrus, heir of Matthew Cyrus, upon petition; L. 1839 (4 Dec. '38) 78; C. J. Wood, further time to build mill dam; L. 1841 (17 Feb.) 207: D. B. Bush refunds taxes paid in error; L. 1843 (23 Feb.) 217; Robert Davis' ad- dinistrator pay judgments; L. 1845 (1 Mar.) 122; marriage of Joseph L. and Margaret Rud- dick; Id. (3 Mar.) 239 ; repeals act 6 Feb. '35 for relief of R. Richey ; Id. 346 ; Edward B. Tinney, $211.75; Pr. L. 1837 (20 Feb.) 178; Isaac De- mint, $94. state scrip; S. J. Sherwood, $98.66 Biime, for a leveling instrument; Id. (23 Feb.) 179; issue patent to Geo. W. Cassiday; refund to Eben Conant; Id. (24 Feb ) 181; Jtfichael Kennedy, $38,215.44 in scrip, upon assignment of certain bonds; Id. (25 Feb) 184; Francis Hannegan, a pedlar's license for life; Id. (27 Feb.) 187; heirs of Justus Post allowed $1,000. ; Id. (27 Feb.) 188 ; Patrick Strachan and Wm. D. Scott, fur certain bonds ; Id. (28 Feb.) 189; John Van Horn, $135. for making sectional state^nap; Id. (17 Feb ) 212 / ; Don Alonzo Cush- man and others, certificate state indebtedness for lost bonds ; L. 1849 (30 Jan.) 113; M. Bray- man, adra'r of Milton Carpenter, $500. for dis- tributing constitution 1848; Id. (8 Feb.) 117; Archibald Job, as stat^ house comm'r; Id. (10 Feb.) 118; Thos. H. Owens and Thos. Wells, for provisions used in Morman war; Ibid; Aren- ton J. Douglass, lost b^nd* replaced; Id. (12 Zeb.)119; Tweed and Freeman, lost warrant duplicated; same to Mntthew Sto ces ; Id. 120; Henry H. Snow, $30. ; Pr. L. 1851 (28 Jan.) 18; fur services and supplies in Hancock county troubles. Arch. Q. Brown $50., Benj. M. Pren- tice $252.40, Stephen Banning and Robert Todd each $75, Chauncey Robinson $20., John E. Johnson $70.25, P. M. Lockwood $40 38, E. A. Bedell $115.69 and Jonathan Clark $31.59; Id. (12 Feb.) 101; E. B. Rose, for arm lost in Hancock 1845 ; Id. (17 Feb.) 290; Tut bill King, certificate of state indebtedness in lieu of lost bonds; L. 1852 (21 June) 63 ; state claim against I estate of Wm. Kinney, time of payment exten- J ded, when paid lands held as security conveyed | to Wm. C. Kinney; Pr. L. 1853 (10 Feb ) 441; I Noah Johnson $278.50 and Abraham Lincoln i $149. as comm'rs on canal claims; R. E. Goodell $161.; Id. (17 Jan.) 448; Sarah B. Prentice, $400. as damages by Northern Cross Railroad ; Id. (10 Feb.) 490 ; Hart L. Stewart $768. for funding | state scrip ; Id. (4 Feb.) 491 ; W. and M. Osman $2., and Scrippe and Bross $5. for printing no- tices to canal claimants; Id. (12 Feb.) 522; M. Peck, new certificate in lieu of lost coupons; L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 96 ; Jos. and Wm. Harvey, cer- tificate in lieu of stolen scrip ; Id. 106 ; heirs of P. Redmond, $310. in lieu of Shawneetown lots; Id. 117; James A. Barrett, settle for judgment rendered in 1841 against James Shields then auditor; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb ) 695 ; Moses Tur- ner discharged from liability for cavalry arms; Id. (14 Feb.) 717; S. B. Opdycke, $295.87 taxes paid in error refunded ; L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 153; Wm. Zeigler, lost canal bond duplicated; Id. (12 Feb.) 166; taxes for 1858 remitted to residents of American Bottom account of loss by high water; L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 144; G. W. Cassidy, for land where title failed; Id. (22 Feb) 145|; John Crenshaw, discharged from judgment ac- count of loss by fire; Id. (5 Feb.) 145; W. C. Kinney, time to redeem estate of extended; Id. (24 Feb.) 149; Mrs. E. K. Bissell, widow of the governor, allowed his salary for unex- pired term; Pr. L. 1861 (30 Jan.) 535; John G. Offner, new certificate for lost one ; L. 1863 (12 Feb.) 68; H. F. McClosky, allowed for lost cou- pons upon proof; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 243 ; heirs of E. Bement, duplicate of lost bond; L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 151, and 2 Pr. L. 1867, 793; John Welsh, warrant for lost scrip; Id. (6 Mar.) 151 ; Elizabeth Lane adm'x of Samuel Horine, new bond conditionally ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (21 Feb.) 803. RESOLUTIONS. Approving of gradual emancipation; L. 1823, 185. To increase trade with the Indians ; Id. 186. Fine by Judge Hall on Gen. Jackson in 1814 refunded; L. 1843. 322. For the reduction of postage, with a memorial ; Id. 326. Settle- ment of Oregon Territory ; Id. 332. Settlement of Oregon boundary; Id." 333. Oppose renewal of patents to Cyrus H. McCormick, Moo^re & Haskell and Obed Hnssey, for reaping and mowing machines; Pr. L. 1855, 739. Members and officers have bound copy of journals and laws of 19th general assembly; Id. 739. Legal proceedings instituted against Julius Wads- worth and Wadsworth & Shelden, for balances due the state; Id. 740. Secure pensions to sol- diers of 1812 ; Id. 741. Oppose disturbing com- promise measures of 1850 and fugitive slave law; Id. 744. General incorporation laws for banking, citied and towns, insurance companies, companies for mining and working minerals, manufactures, railroads, ferries, colleges, schools, churches, libraries and benevolent societies; Pr. L. 1857, 1453. Ratification of an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, forbidding Congress to interfere with domestic institu- tions; L. 1863 (2 June) 41, To adjourn in hon- or of Lincoln ; L. 1869, 412. To investigate charges of corruption ; Id. 416. To adopt the 15th amendment to the Constitution of the Uni- ted States; Id. 417. Official reporting for the session of 1869 ; Id. 422. PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. (121) RicMand County Rock Island County. HIGHLAND COUNTY. County formed, boundary and organization ; L. 1841 (34 Feb.) 77; share in internal improve- ment appropriation ; L. 1843 (21 Feb.) 215; as- sessment and collection of taxes ; Pr. L. 1847 (11 Feb.) 8; commissioners' court issue 6 per cent, county orders ; L. 1849(10 Feb.) 53 ; spe- cial tax to pay interest on bonds issued to Ohio and Mississippi railroad ; L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 227; swamp lauds; L. 1855 (12 Feb.) 150 ; John Wolf transcribe certain records of Lawrence and Clay ; Pr. L.1857 (18 Feb.) 1327; boundaries of certain school districts; L. 1859 (23 Feb.) 188; provisions for pa3 r ment of bounties legalized ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (20 Feb.) 157; erection of court house; Id. (9 Feb.) 874. Creation of school dis- tricts, Towns 3 and 4 10, boundary of other districts changed; L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 50. South- ern Illinois Christian University at Claremont chartered ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (8 Mar.) 35. Olney. Alleys in certain additions vacated; L. 1843 (2 Feb.) 298 ; part of Morgan street va- cated ; Pr. L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 1202. City charter- ed; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (9 Mar.) 824; system of Public Graded Schools in town of; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (8 Mar.) 39; same, in city ; Id. (9 Mar.) 39. Olney Male and Female College chartered; Pr. L. 1859 (19 Feb.) 371 ROCK ISLAND COUNTY. County formed from Jo Daviess, county seat temporarily located; L. 1831 (9 Feb.) 52; John Dixon and others, comm'rs to locate county seat ; Pr. L. 1833 (1 Mar.) 17 ; county seat loca- ted and named Stephenson ; L. 1835 (12 Feb.) 159; collection of taxes for 1839; L. 1841 (18 Feb.) 306 ; county bridge Rock river near its mouth ; L. 1843 (23 Feb.) 46 ; adding part of Mercer to Rock Island, vote thereon ; L. 1849 (8 Feb.) 51 ; borrow $10,000. to liquidate county debt ; Pr. 1849 (6 Feb.) 29; amends act creating county, establish line between Rock Island and Whiteside ; Pr. L. 1853 (26 Jan.) 462 ; foregoing amended, action of single comm'r and citizens confirmed ; Pr. L. 1854 (4 Mar.) 16] ; foregoing repealed; L. 1869 (29 Mar.) 161 ; further defining said line; Id. (16 Apr.) 94; build jail and fire proof office; Pr. L. 1855 (13 Feb.) 660; sheep and swine not to run at large; L. 1859 (19 Feb.) 199; foregoing repealed: L. 1861 (20 Feb.) 145 ; for the protection of fish; Id. (22 Feb.) 122; foregoing repealed ; L. 1863 (20 Feb.) 47 ; action of supervisors in sale of lands for taxes legal- ized ; L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 183 ; jurisdiction over lands for arsenal and armory ceded to the U. S.; L. 1867 (I Feb.) 175; townships consolidated for school purposes ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (30 Jan.) 261, and 3 Pr. L. 1867 (30 Jan.) 6^7 ; tax levy in 1866 legalized; Id. 118. Spencer and Shears, mill dam on Rock Island slough; 1 L. 1837 (11 Feb.) 161; build in 3 years; L. 1839 (26 Feb.) 189. Mississippi and Rock River Canal Co. charter- ed; Pr. L. 1837 (21 Feb.) 72. Road from Hamp- ton vacated ; L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 64. Additional lots in Stephenson; Id. (6 Feb.) 78; foregoing repealed; L. 1841 (27 Feb.) 309. N. C. Wilcox. ferry opposite Bloomington ; L. 1839 (26 Feb.) 202; foregoing amended; Pr. L. 1849 (10 Feb.) 16. 37. J. Vandruff, ferrv across Rock river at his . island ; L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 268. Rock Island Mu- tual Fire Insurance Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 149 ; amendment, take risks on per- sonal property; L. 1840 (18 Jan.) 23. Stephen- son Seminary of Learning chartered; Pr. L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 238. Rock River University, at Hampton, chartered; L. 1840 (18 Jan.) 17. John Wilson, ferry across the Missis- sippi at Stephenson; L. 1841 (26 Fi;b.) 116 ; renewed for 10 years ; L. 1849 (2 Feb.) 114; privileges of foregoing extended to John W. Spencer, Thos. J. Robinson and James Grant ; Pr. L. 1857 (28 Jan.) 81 ; supplemental to fore- going, county regulate tolls; Id. (18 Feb.) 1328 ; provisions of act 28 Jan. 1857 continued 14 years ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 804. S. Prentice, ferry across the Mississippi, Town 16 6 ; L. 1841 (27 Feb.) 120. L. Wells, ferry across the Mississippi at Hampton ; L. 1845 (25 Feb.) 356; foregoing extended for 10 years ; Pr. L. 1804 (4 Mar.) 136. Acknowledgements by Wm. E. Franklin, notary public, legalized ; L. 1845 (1 Mar.) 135. J. Foster and others, wing mill dam in the Mississippi, Town 18 1 ; Id. (28 Feb.) 286. J. Cox and others, the same; Ibid. Illinois City plat partly vacated ; Quebec plat vacated; Id. 287. John Baxter, murderer of Geo. Davenport, imprisoned for life instead of hung; Pr. L. 1847 (24 Feb.) 212. Towns of Mi- lan and Hampton united; Pr. L. 1849(10 Feb.) 130. Truman R. Barlow, state pedlar's license for life; Pr. L. 1851 (12 Feb.) 85. Wm. Dick- son, bridge Rock river at Camden; Id. (15 Feb.) 189. A. J. Brown, ferry across the Mississippi at Port Byron; Id. (17 Feb.) 303; L. 1859 (21 Feb.) 117. Rock Island and Moline Plank road chartered; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 288. Moline and Rock River Plank and Macadamized Road and Bridge Co. char- tered; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 488 ; name changed to Moline Bridge Co. ; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 999; again changed to Moline and Rock River Bridge. Co.; Pr. L. 1859 (16 Feb.) 22. Black Diamond Coal Co. chartered ; Pr. L.1857 (16 Feb.) 975. Rock Island Coal and Coke Co. chartered ; Pr. L. J857 (16 Feb.) 1061. Rock River Coal Mi- ning Co. chartered; Id. 1077. Cheppeaunock Cemetery Co. chartered; Id. (18 Feb.) 1199. John Warren, bridge Rock river, Town 17 2 ; Id. 1202. Upper Mississippi Bridge Co. char- tered; Id. 1308. Wm. Marshall Sr. and others, ferry across the Mississippi, Town 19 1 ; Id. (19 Feb.) 1354. Northwest Illinois Coal Co. charter- ed, hold lands in this and Henry counties; Pr. L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 304. Randall W. Smith, Terry across the Mississippi, Town 20 2; 1 Pr.L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 562. PhilomanL. Mitchell, same, across same at Hampton; Id. 564. Coal Valley Mi- ning Co., organized under general law, powers defined; 2Pr. L. 1865(15 Feb.) 57. Rock Island Petroleum and Mining Co. chartered; Id. (16 Feb.) 84. Muscatine and Camden Railroad char- tered ; Id. 180. Town Camden Mills chartered ; Id. (13 Feb.) 393. Moline and Rock Island Horse Railroad chartered ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (21 Feb.) 18. Rock Island Woolen Manufacturing Co. char- tered ; Id. (25 Feb.) 346. Towns 20 and 212 united for school purposes ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (19 Feb.) 25. Rork Island. Town chartered; L. 1841 (27 Feb.) 348; city plat vacated; L. 1843 (20 Feb.) (122) PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. Saline County - - ~ Saline*. 299; town again chartered ; L. 1845 (17 Jan.) 203. City chartered ; Pr. L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 18; annual tax to meet interest of city bonds sub- scribed to Chicago and Rock Island Railroad ; L. 1852 (14 June) 7 ; city charter amended ; Pr. L. 1854 (28 Feb.) 199; action of council 22 Aug. 1853, regulating depot grounds, legalized ; Id. (1 Mar.) 200; city incorporating acts reduced to one and amended ; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 939; foregoing amended, municipal government de fined; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 257; further amend- ment, city not to hold railroad stock ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 506 ; provide for additonal depot grounds; 1 Pr. L- 1867 (3 Mar.) 693; Western addition partlv vacated ; Pr. L. 1861 (18 Feb.) 257 ; Briggs Place, partly vacated ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 656. Rock Island City Bridge Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1837 (11 Feb.) 29. Rock Island City Hydraulic and Manufacturing Co. chartered ; improve Rock River at Vanduffs Is- land; Pr. L. 1847 (23 Feb.) 110. St. John's Academy chartered ; Pr. L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 3. Free Lodge No. 57, F. and A. Masons chartered; Id. (8 Feb.) 45. Rock Island Bank, report for Oct. 1852 filed ; L. 1853 (1 Feb.) 228. Railroad Bridge Co. chartered, across the Mississippi ; Pr. L. 1853 (17 Feb.) 329. Rock Island and Cam- den Plank road, sale of franchises to city legal- ized; Pr. L. 1859 (23 Feb) 418; foregoing amend- ed ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 178. Rock Island Insurance Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 423; name changed to Mississippi Valley Insur- -nice Co.; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 770; further amends ; Id. 775. Rock Island Mutual Insur- ance Co. chartered ; Id. 771. Rock Island School District chartered; L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 248; amendment ; L. 1859 (22 Feb.) 173 ; further amends; L. 1861 (18 Feb.) 194, and 3 Pr. L. 1867 (18 Feb.) 23. Rock Island German and English School Society; Id. (25 Feb.) m. Rock Island Turn Gemeinde chartered; Id, (22 Feb.) 48. Mdine. Town chartered; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 76 ; amendment, 9 to read $12,000.; Pr. L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 1215 ; further amends, regulate street labor; 2Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 512; town establish ferry across the Mississippi ; Pr. L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 1365 ; same, borrow money, vote thereon; Pr. L. 1863 (20 Feb.) 273. Moline Manufacturing Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1847 (25 Feb.) 122. Moline Cemetery Association char- tered ; Pr. L. 1851 (17 Feb.) 804. Harvey P. Jones, ferry across the Mississippi ; Id. 316. Moline Water Power and Manufacturing Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 651. Trustees Town 18 1 to sell certain town lots ; L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 120. Moline Water Power Co. char- tered ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 685. Illinois Soap Stone Stove Co. chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (5 Mar.) 303. Cordova. Acts of highway commissioners le- galized ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 257. System of Graded Schools established; Id. 274. John Marshall, ferry across the Mississippi ; Pr. L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 580. SALINE COUNTY. County formed out of Gallatin, location of county seat, debts of Gallatin divided ; Pr. L. 1847 (25 Feb.) 34; assessments in 1847 before the division legalized ; L. 1849 (2 Feb.) 115 ; Saliee river navigable; Id. (25 Jan.) 133; school fund divided between Saline, Hardin and Gallatin ; Id. (2 Feb.) 180 ; union of Gallatin and Saline, vote thereon; L. 1851 (11 Feb.) 28; removal of county seat from Raleigh, vote thereon; L. 1858 (10 Feb.) 213; line between Saline and Hamilton settled; Id. 265; same subject; Pr. L.I 854 (28 Feb.) 143; removal of county seat, Raleigh to Harrisburg, vote thereon; L. 1657 (7 Feb.)"204 ; borrow money to erect public buildings; L. 1859 (14 Feb.) 38; records in Gallatin copied ; L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 184; swamp land fund; Id. (20 Feb.) 185. Saline river, improvement of navigation; 1 L. 1837(4 Mar.) 169; amendment, contracts of John Crenshaw, comm'r confirmed ; L. 1851 (13 Feb.) 94. Stephen F. Michel, to dam the Big Saline at Independence; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 579. Saline and Ohio River Railroad and Coal Mining Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 1055. Shawneetown and Eldorado Railroad chartered ; Pr. L. 1861 (20 Feb.) 525. Galatia may incorporate under general law ; Id. (21 Feb.) 630. Harrisburg chartered; Id. 636. Ra- leigh chartered ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 562. Relief of Union District No. 7; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (18 Feb.) 801. SALINES. See alq the Gallatin Salhrevvnd the conntie8 of Gil- latin, Saline, Jackson, Bond audVtrmilion. Governor lease the Muddy Salines near Brownsville ; L. 1819 (24 Mar.) 238 ; same to James Pearce; L. 1825 (3 Jan.) 49 ; same to Con- rad Will; L. 1831 (11 Jan.) 162 ; encourage the discovery of salt water; L. 1819 (4 Mar.) 114; Elijah Creal and sureties released from contract for Muddy Salines; L. 1823 (7 Feb.) 115 ; pre- vent cattle from being" injured at Salines; L. 1825(14 Dec. '24) 10; L. 1829, 142 and R. S. 1833, 546. A general law concerning the saline re- serves; eomm'rs to sell 30,000 acres saline lands; R. S. 1827 (15 Feb.'27) 353 ; foregoing amended and continued in force ; L. 1829 (19 Dee. '28) 142; foregoing amendment amended ; L. 1831 (4 Jan.) 165 ; further amends act 15 Feb. 1827 as to Gallatin and Saline ; R. S. 1833 (2 Mar. '33) 547 ; further amending said act and partly re- pealing it ; Id. 550 ; pay of eomm'rs re-selecting 5000 acres of land under above act 19 Dec. '28 ; li. S. 1833 (5 Feb. '33) 114. Persons discover- ing salt water ; L. 1831 (11 Jan.) 162. Part of proceeds of saline lands in Gallatin appropria- ted for internal improvements ; Id. (16 Feb.) 12; foregoing amended; L. 1835 (11 Feb.) 49; fur- ther respecting this sale ; L. 1831 (15 Feb.) 167. Leonard White to be commissioner; L. 1831, 166. Commissioner of Salines elected ; former section repealed; R. S. 1833 (27 Feb. '33) 547. Concerning Gallatin and Vermilion Salines ; Id. (2 Mar. '33) 548. Future discovery of salt water, encourage the manufacture of salt ; Id. (28 Jan.) 552. .Proceeds of Gallatin Salines ex- pended in Champaign, Vermilion, Green and Wabash ; L. 1835 (31 Jan.) 43. Superintendent of Gallatin and Receiver of Vermilion Salines settle with auditor; Id. (13 Feb.) 48. Receiver of Vermilion and comm'r of Gallatin Salines pay money into state treasury; Id. (7 Feb.) 51. The $2,000. proceeds of Vermilion Salines ap- propriated for improvement of Kaskaskia river, PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. (123) Sangamon County. divided among 9 counties; Id. (13 Feb.) 75. Timothy Guard and others, released from rents; L. 1836 (16 Jan.) 236. Certificates for purchas- ers of saline lands ; 1 L. 1837 (16 Jan.) 309. Sureties of T. D. Hewitt, late cornm'r, pay over moneys ; Id. (3 Mar.) 310; suit brought against his sureties ; 2 L. 1837 (21 July) 86. Applica- tion of proceeds of salines ; 1 L. 1837 (31 Jan.) 310. Residue of proceeds of Vermilion Salines how disposed of; 2 L. 1837 (22 July) 86. Sale of Vermilion and Iroquois Salines ; L. 1843 (25 Feb.) 270. Resolution respecting duty on for- eign salt ; Id. 325. Sale of Saline reserve ; L. 1847 (23 Feb.) 114. Legislative memorial to congress for the sale of lands reserved for the Ohio Salines ; Pr. L. 1847, 219. SAXGAMON COUXTY. County established and boundary defined; L. 1821 (30 "Jan.) 45; first election held at the house of John Kelly on Spring Creek; Id. (6 Feb.) 99; Robert Hamilton paid $80.75 for building a jail ; L. 1825 (7 Dec. '24) 4 ; boundary established and county seat located; Id. (23 Dec. '24) 20 ; tax to improve navigation of the Sangamon; Id- (29 Dec. '24) 48; county comm'rs license mill dams on the Sangamon ; Pr. L. 1827 (14 Feb.) 27, and L. 1831 (22 Jan.) 99 ; justices and con- stables increased ; Id. (14 Feb.) 49; comm'rs to report on the removal of obstructions to the navigation of the Sangamon; expenses paid from the proceeds of Saline lands under act 19 Jan. 1829 (L. 1829 148, appropriating $1,000. to Sangamon); Pr. L. 1833 (1 Mar.) 127; line be- tween Sangamon and Morgan determined ; L. 1885 (12 Feb.) 62; county to bridge the Sanga- mon on the Peoria road; L. 1836 (14 Jan.) 189; completion of said bridge; L. 1843 (3 Mar.) 52; erection of fire proof recorder's office north east corner of the square; 1 L. 1837 (15 Feb.) 180; certain school funds paid over to Menard, Lo gan and Dane (Christian) ; L. 1840 (27 Jan.) 91; supplemental to foregoing; Id. (3 Feb.) 92; James Shepherd collect unpaid taxes of 1840; L. 1843 (24 Feb.) 230; settlement of isaid Shep- herd's accounts; L. 1845 (28 Feb.) 117; school funds transferred to Macon county; Id. (Mar.) 223; public records copied; Id. (10 Feb.) 234; sale of certain school lands legalized ; L. 1847 (26 Feb.) 117; a part of county territory attach- to Menard; Pr. L. 1847 (28 Feb.) 39; county court to have certain records transcribed, force and effect; L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 167; record books "C.". "D.", "E." and "F." transcribed ; Pr. L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 614; supervisors action for pay- ment bounties legalized; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (2 Feb.) 142; official circuit court reporter ; L. 1869 (31 Mar.) 350; the county to constitute the 30th ju- dicial circuit; Id. (11 Mar.) 90. Sangarno Mill- ing Co. chartered; L. 1821 (14 Feb.) 151. Jas. Adams, toll bridge across the Sangamon mouth of Fancy creek; L. 1823 (24 Jan.) 47. Road, Springfield to Quiucy, comm'rs to stake out ; Pr. L. 1827 (11 Jan.) 9; same, Springfield to Paris, re-location far as David Owens' house ; L. 1829 (26 Dec. '28) 126 ; certain state roads changed; L. 1831 (14 Feb.) 152; road, Spring- field to Paris, relocation far as Judd's ferry ; Pr. L. 1833 (2 Mar.) 171 ; same, Springfield to De- catur; 1 L. 1837 (27 Feb.) 304, Id. (16 Feb.) 217, 2 L. 1837 (20 July) 63, L. 1839 (22 Feb.) 154; same, Springfield to Jacksonville, relocation in part; 1 L. 1837 (21 Feb.) 212; Peoria road, be- tween Springfield and the Sangamon, re-located; L. 1843 (25 Feb.) 260; same, from north end of i Sixth street to H. Converse's house, located ; L | 1857 (18 Feb.) 198; same, Springfield to Bearrb town, far as Pleasant Plains located ; 2 1 1 L j 1865 (15 Feb.) 267 ; same, Springfield to Bloom- : ington, re-location in part; L. 1869 (29 Mar.) ; 391. John Cameron and others, mill dam on Sangamon at Fish Trap ford, not to obstruct navigation ; L. 1829 (22 Jan.) 132. Sam') Mu- sic, toll bridge over Salt creek ; L. 1831 (7 Jan.) 35. Same, build toll biidge; L. 1835 (7 Jan.) 84. Salome Euos adm'rx, sell lands; Pr. L. 1833 (20 !eb.) 115. John Fletch- er Sr., adm'r to execute deeds to John S. ! Wilson of Kentucky; Id. (2 Mar.) 126. Bridge i over the Sangamon on Springfield and Peoria | road, not to obstruct navigation ; Id. (20 Feb.) 210. Election of senator in place Geo. Forquer dec'd; L. 1835 (12 Feb.) 29. Chatham Manual Labor School Town 146 chartered ; L. 1836 (9 Jan.) 167. John Donovan, toll bridge over Salt creek ; 1 L. 1837 (4 Mar.) 25. Sam'l Evans, same over same, Town 193; Id. (1 Mar.) 33. Stonington College of Illinois chartered; Pr. L. 1837 (18 Feb.) 54. Edinburgh Manufacturing Co. chartered; Id. (4 Mar.)^299. Sangamon Coal Bank Bridge Co. chartered; L. 1840 (3 Feb.) 102. John Primm Sr., mill dam on San- gamon at Fisher's ford ; Wm. Carpenter, same at his ferry ; L. 1841 (27 Feb.) 189. Relief of creditors of late Win. Wernway, bridge builder; Id. 212, Cicero plat vacated;" Id. (7 Jan.) 316, L. 1845 <;28 Feb.) 288. J. F. Reed, finish bridge at Jamestown; L. 1843 (3 Mar.) 51. A. J. and T. H. Vandegriff, securities of James Hume re- leased; Id. (25 Feb.) 220. Taxes in Rochester school district, pay for school house ; L. 1845 (3 Mar.) 266. Sangamon town plat vacated; Id. 267. Jesse Florney Jennett named changed to Gray; Robert J. Jeppiers to Stringfield; Pr. L. 1847 (27 Feb.) 21. Election of justices in Athens, law authorizing modified; Id. (26 Feb.) 169. Geo. Passfield, recognized for appearance of Love S. Cornwell, conditionally released; Id. (16 Feb.) 174 Nicholas A. Garland, defaulter, released on payment by James L. Lamb of $283.64; Id. (18 Feb.) 175. Cornelius Ludlam, $198.57 for labor: Id. (28 Feb.) 189. Rienze plat vacated; Pr. L. 1851 (17 Feb.) 297. Spring- field and Richland plank road chartered ; Pr. L. 1853 (11 Feb.) 181. Sangamon Agricultural and Mechanical Association chartered ; Id. 422. Leanna Knox, colored, one half lot 6 block 30 escheated to the state by death of her husband; Id. 443. Tax assessment for school house dis- trict No. 1, Town 13 5 legalized ; L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 95. A. Elliott, on recognizance for Thos. Elliott, released; L. 1855 (12 Feb.) 51. Sanga- mon Mineral Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb,) 936. Auburn chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 362. Benton changed to Williamsville and latter chartered ; Id. 373. Sangamon Coal and Manufacturing Co. at Howlett chartered; 2 i Pr, L. 1867 (5 Feb.) 404. Illinois Soldiers Capi- tal Monumental Home Association chartered; Id. (25 Feb.) 453. Wilson changed to Illiopolis; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (6 Mar.) 266 ; Illiopolis school dis- I trict established ; Id. (7 Mar.) 35. Jamestown (124) PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. Sfingamon County. changed to Hewlett; Id. (28 Feb.) 330. Dawson chartered; Id. (9 Mar.) 41'3. Bates plat va- cated; Id. (8 Mar.) (501. George L. Hunting- ton and J. 8. Vredenburg securities of E. P. Clover released ; L. 1807(28 Feb) 150. John Jackson, discharged Irom recognizance forjas. Freeman; L. 1809 (29 Mar.) 341. Springfield. Street superintendent clear the streets of trees and stumps; Pr. L. 1827 (9 Feb.) 23; plat of Calhoun made part* of Springfield and deeds legalized; Pr. L. 1833 (20 Feb.) 210; powers of town trustees extend- ed; 2 L. 1837 (20 July) 94; foregoing repealed ; L. 1839 (15 Feb.t 104. City chartered; L. 1840 (3Feb)0; charter amended ; L. 1841 (27 Feb.) 61 ; tax to pay city bonds; L. 1843 (23 Feb.) 65; new orders issued to person S for moneys paid to state bank; L. 1845 (1 Mar.) 105; charter amend- ment, power to borrow money limited, juris- diction of Mayor; Id. (26 Feb.) 285; charter amendment, grand jury take cognizance df crim- inal offenses; Pr. L. 1849 (26 Jan.) 15; charter acts reduced to one and amended ; Pr. L. 1854 (2 Mar.) 35; charter amendment, limits extend- ed, city pay county annually $800. ; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 75; amendment, county help keep up roads and bridges; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 1050; amendment, limits extended, councilmen com- pensated, negotiate city bonds; Id. (18Feb.) 1229; amendment, limits and jurisdiction extended; Pr. L. 1859 (18 Feb.) 269; foregoing amendment amended, charter election, treasury department established; Pr. L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 277; amends 33 Art. 8 of charter, council discretion as to sewers; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 522; charter amendment, managers Oak Ridge Cemetery as to nuisances; Id. 522; charter construed as to jurisdiction of circuit court over criminal cases; Id. 523. Circuit court fines collected of city residents paid to city treasury; L. 1851 (15 Feb.") 123. Jurisdiction over post office, corner 6th and Monroe, ceded to U. S. ; L. 1857 (12 Jan.) 40; other lots ceded for same purpose; Id. (16 Feb.) 2. Each ward elect supervisor with powers of township supervisors ; Pr. L. 1863 (10 Feb.) 170; town divided into election dis- tricts corresponding with city wards and one more; 1 Pr. L. 1887 (19 Feb.) 917. Vacates a street and alley; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 654. Sangamon Insurance Co. chartered ; L. 1836 (7 Jan.) 71. Springfield Academy chartered; Pr. L. 1839 (1 Mar.) 145. Spring'field Marine and Fire Insurance Co. chartered; L. 1841 (23 Feb.) 152; re-chartered; buy and sell exchange; Pr. L. 1851 (28 Jan.) 13". Obligors on a certain bond pav in scrip; Id. (27 Feb.) 300. Auditor and J. Whitney exchange lots; Id. 308. Spring- field Lodge No. 4, A. and F. Masons chartered ; L 1845 (3 Mar.) 137. Springfield Hotel Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1847 (1 Mar.) 164, 1 Pr. L. 1865 (3 Feb.) 610. Literary and Theological Institution of the Evangelical Lutherian Church, changed from Hillsboro to Springfield, name changed to Illinois University ; L. 1852 (21 June) 49; foregoing amended and partly re- pealed; Pr. L. 1853 (3 Feb.) 425. Sangamon House Co chartered; Pr. L. 1853 (27 Jan.) 456. Central Lodge No. 71, F. and A. Masons char- tered; Id. (12 Feb.) 521. Springfield Gas Light Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1854 (27 Feb.) 189; amend- ment; Pr. L. 1855 (13 Feb.) 648. Illinois Mili- tary Institute chartered, counties purchase ! scholarships, use of state arms etc.; Id. (14 Feb.) 509. Springfield Water Works Co. char- tered, sink artesian well ; Id. 544. Masonic Hall Stock Co. chartered; Id. (6 Ft- b.) 678. Litera- ry Association chartered; I'r. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) , 1012. Sangamo Insurance Co. chartered; Id. 1033; amendment, failure to pay installments; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 777. Springfield Water Works Co. chartered; city take stock; Pr L 1857 (16 Feb.) 1129. Ursuline Convent of St. Joseph chartered; Pr. L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 376; name changed to Springfield Roman Catholic Ursuline Convent of St. Joseph; 1 Pr. L. 1867 ! (22 Feb.) 249. Hutchinson Cemetery Associa- i tion chartered; Pr. L. 1861 (18 Feb) "74. Board of "Water Commissioners chartered; Id. (21 I Feb.) 285; foregoing submitted to vote ; Id. 295 ; amendment; Pr. L. 1863 (21 Feb.) 165; further, j borrow money and dam the Sangamon ; 3 Pr. ! L. 1867 (19 Feb.) 679. City Railway Co. char- j tered; Pr. L. 1861 (18 Feb.) 343. Illinois Cen- tral Mutual Insurance Co. chartered; Id. 390; name changed to Springfield Insurance Co.; 1 Pr. L. 1885 (16 Feb.) 673. Illinois Railroad and Steamboat Passenger and Live Stock Insurance Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 395. Mor- ris Lindsay, interest on postage advanced to general assembly; Id. (5 Feb.) 535. Home for the Friendless chartered; Pr. L. 1863 (12 Feb.) 27; $1,000. appropriated for; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (7 j Feb.) 81. Illinois Journal Co. chartered; Pr. I L. 1863 (16 Feb ) 211. Watchman for the pub- lie buildings; L. 1865- (9 Feb.) 133. Pioneer 1 Fire Co. No. 1 chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 i Feb.) 575. Phoenix Fire and Bucket Co. char- i tered; Id. 576. Phrenix Fire Co. No. 2 char- i tered ; 577. Young America Fire Co. char- ! tered; Id. (15 Feb.) 578. Illinois State Insurance | Co. chartered ; Id. (16 Feb.) 680; office moved t from Springfield to Lena, Stephenson Co. ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (9 Mar.) 215. Planters Insurance Co. chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 755. Travelers Insurance Co. chartered, office at Springfield or Chicago ; Id. 790. German Read- ing Association chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 16. Caroline A. Smith name changed to Gorman, heir ot Thos. G. Gorman ; Id. 96. Su- san Keedy, $200. for a barn removed from near the Arsenal; Id. 241. Springfield Saving's Bank chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 62. Journeymen Plasterers' Benevolent and Protec- tive Society chartered; Id. (21 Feb.) 123. Firemen's Benevolent Association chartered; Id. (28 Feb.) 143. Springfield Hebrew Congre : gation chartered ; Id. (25 Feb ) 242. Red Rover Hook and Ladder Co. No. 2 chartered ; Id, (9 Mar.) 954. Carson Consistory of Free Slasons chartered; Id. (20 Feb.) 961. Capital Railway Co., incorporation of confirmed; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 27. American Standard Life Insu- rance Co. chartered; Id. 126. Dubois Insu- rance Co. chartered; Id. (20 Feb.) 143. Union Investment Co. chartered; Id. (12 June) 235. Emes Lodge No. 67, Independent order of Bnai Brith chartered ; Id. (21 Feb.) 268. Illinois Ne- vada Silver Mining Co. chartered; Id. (6 Mar.) 395. Junction Coal Co. chartered; Id. 396. Northwestern News Association chartered; Id. (8 Mnr.) 495. Springfield Turn Verein charter- ed; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 650. A. B. Gilmore name changed to Mclntire ; L. 1869 (29 Mar.) 265. PRIVATE AND SPECIA L LA we. (125) Schuyler County - Secret Societies. SCHUYLER COUNTY County formed and boundary defined; L. 1825 (13 Jan.) 1)2; county seat permanently lo- cated ; L. 1826 (23 Jan.) 64 ; county revenue ; Id. (27 Jan.) 89; revenue law as to county partly repealed; L. 1836 (15 Jan.) 231 ; commissioners' court change state roads; L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 289; school comm'ra pay funus to Brown county; L. 1840 (27 Jan.) 92; Sheriff settle with county, ' time allowed; L. 1841 (18 Feb.) 207; school couim'rs dispose of depreciated funds ; L. 1843 (4 Mar.) 40 ; J. D. Maulove collect tax for 1841 ; Id. (19 Jan.) 213; John G. McHatton, collect un- paid laxe*; Id. (4 Mar.) 226; tuxes of 1844, col- lection extended ; L. 1845 (21 Feb.) 325; lecords of land titles transcribed, effect; L. 1849 (20 Jan.) 108; foregoing amended ; L. 1851 (1 Feb.) 18; assessment for 1850 legalized; Id. (28 Jan.) ; 10; county borrow $10.000. to pay ils debts; L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 145; supervisors bridge crooked creek at Birmingham ; ( Pr. L. 1857 (13 Feb ) 586; county bonds purchased with township funds; L. 1859 (21 Feb.) 39; county's subscription to Peoria and Hannibal Railroad expended within , the county; Pr. L. 1863 (11 June) 235; issue bonds to pay bounties; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (15 Feb.) i 142; towns'levy tax to pay same; Id. (16 Feb.) j 143; duties of county supt. of schools; L. 1869 ' (16 Apr.) 395. Sugar creek navi.gable to sec. 5, Town 11; Pr. L. 1833(13 Feb.) 128; same, up to Henly's mill; L. 1835 (11 Feb.) 143. Koad, i Beards ferry to Quincy; L. 1829 (22 Jan.) 133; i repealed; Pr. L. 1833, 178; same, Meredosia to ; Rushville; Id. (2 Mar.) 170. Rushville Rail- | road chartered; L. 1836 (16 Jan.) 85. Road, i Rushville to Macomb, also Rushville to Com- ! merce; 1 L. 1837 (2 Mar.) 307. Sheriff com- ; missioned; L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 277. Schuyler County Mutual Fire Insurance Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1839 (4 Feb.) 33. J. G. McHatton, $58. for apprehending Wm. Frame charged with murder; L. 1840 (1 Feb.) 99. Cedar Mill Co. chartered ; L. 1S41 (24 Feb.) 134 Elvira Pease name changed to Homey; L. 1843 (1 Mar.) 179. R. Dougherty, $174.75 for copying records of Madison county; Id. (24 Feb.)*219. Erie plat vacated; L. 1845 (3 Mar.) 234. Securities of T. Hayden released from judgment; Id. (25 Feb.) 352. Acts of justices holding commissions de- clared valid; L. 1851 (13 Feb.) 85. Frederick Ferry, Dyke and Plank Road chartered ; Pr. L. 1851 (17 Feb.) 271; amendment; Pr. L. 1854 (1 JIar.) 171. Glenwood Presbyterian Academy chartered; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 37. Hunts- ville public square vacated; Pr. L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 732. J. Dyson, late sheriff, relief: L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 149. Buena Vista surplus war fund transferred to school fund : 3 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 628. RushriUt. Town chartered; Pr. L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 196; amendment, concerning road tax; L. 1845 (25 Feb.) 285; further amends, tax to pay debts; Pr. L. 1854(4 Mar.) 154. Vacates an alley; Pr. 1847 (26 Feb.) 200. Same, Pr. L. 1851 ( 17 Feb.) 250. Same, McCreery's addition ; L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 108. State Recorder's books removed to, also records of deeds in Military Tract; L 1835 (9 Feb.) 157. Lots of estate of Alex. McAlister sold; 2 L. 1837(21 July) 51. Rushville Seminary chartered; Pr. L. 1837 (24 Feb.) 93. Rushville Insurance Co. chartered; Id. (2 Mar.) 250. Rushville Female Seminary churtered; Pr. L. 1839 (I Mar.) 191. bchuyler City Manuf. Co. chartered ; L. 1841 (17 Feb.) 182. High School Association chartered ; L. 1845 (3 Mar.) 311. Rushville Lodge No. 9, F. and A, Masons chartered; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 520. SCOTT COUNTY. County formed, county seat at Winchester; L. 1839 (16 Feb.) 126; foregoing amended; L. 1845 (28 Feb.) 116; records in Morgan county transcribed ; L. 1847 (28 Feb.) 70 ; special lax for building jail; L. 1852 (18 June) 15; Exeter re- platted ; I L. 1837 (19 Jan.) 329. Additional jus- tices and constables in Naples; L. 1839 (1 Feb.) 55. Exeter Manuf. Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1839 (1 Mar.) 189; amendment; L. 1841 (17 Feb.) 184. Certain railroads issue policies of insurance; L. 1840 (27 Jan.) 24; amended; Id. (1 Feb.) 52. Manchester, road labor therein; L. 1843 (23 Feb.) 300. Geneva pLt vacated ; L. 1845 (28 Feb.) 287. Manchester additions vacated; Id. (26 F e b.) 295. Francis G. Murray, $249.50 for labor; Pr. L. 1847 (28 Feb.) 190. * Brussels plat vacated; Id. 211. Scott County Canal Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1853 (11 Feb.) 495. Pike and Scott County Bridge Co. chartered 1 ; Pr. L. 1859 (4 Feb.) 23; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (13 Feb.) 166. M. J. Read name changed to Foashee ; L. 1869 (25 Mar.) 267. Winchester. Town chartered; L. 1843 (4 Mar.) 307; jurisdiction for road purposes; Pr. L. 1847 (1 Feb.) 201; town re-chartered; Pr. L. 1861 (21 Feb) 706; limits extended; Id. (22 Feb.) 739; town charter amended ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (18 Feb.) 609. Town a justices district ;Pr. L. 1837 (27 Feb.) 108. Winchester Seminary char- tered; Id. (1 Mar.) 182. Winchester Common and Preparatory school chartered ; L. 1841 (27 Feb.) 289. Winchester Female Seminary char- tered ; Ibid. Town constables collect delinquent taxes; L. 1845 (28 Feb.) 116. Union Insurance Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1851 (15 Feb.) 223; fore- going amended; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 386. Winchester school district issue bonds to build school house ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 333. Win- chester Cemetery Association chartered ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (20 Feb.) 208. Naples. Murray McConnel, ferry across the Illinois; Pr. L. 1851 (13 Feb.) 125. Protection j Association chartered, for building levee; L. | 1852 (21 June) 93 ; foregoing amended ; Pr. L. 1859 (19 Feb.) 419. Hotel Co. chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (23 Feb.) 51 SECRET SOCIETIES. Masonic. Grand Lodge chartered; Pr. L. 1847 (20 Feb.) 108 ; foregoing amended ; Pr. L. i 1855 (14 Feb.) 68L General Law lor chartering regularly constituted Lodges ; Pr. L. 1849 (8 Feb.) 45. Subordinate Lodges chartered ; Piasa i No. 27; Pr. L. 1847 (28 Feb.) 159; Temple No. ! 46; L. 1852 (18 June) 23; Mt. Nebo No. 76; Id. (21 June) 99. Grand Royal Arch Chapter char- ; ed; Pr. L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 402. Grand Command- j ery of Knights Templar chartered ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 I (7 Mar.) 963. (126) PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LATTS. Shdby County - State Arms. Odd Felloics. Grand Lodge chartered ; Pr. L. 1849 (8 Feb.) 46; foregoing amended; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 83. Grand Encampment char- tered; Pr. L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 1207. Temperance. Grand Division of the Sons chartered; Pr. L. 1849 (8 Feb.) 109. Grand Union of the Daughters chartered; L. 1852(19 June) 34. Grand Lodge of Good Templars chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 340. tions of Herman. Grand Lodge chartered; Pr. L. 1863 (21 Feb.) 33. Lodge No. 53, F. and A. Masons chartered ; Pr. L. 1849 (8 Feb.) 45. Vacates streets and alleys ; Pr. L. 1857 (9 Feb.) 310. Same ; Pr. L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 717. Shelbyville Seminary chartered ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (15 Feb.) 3. Cemetery Association chartered; Id. (5 Mar.) 222. Hotel Co. char- tered ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 67. SILK. Culture of encouraged; L. 1839 (1 Mar.) 212. SHELBY COUNTY. County formed; R. S. 1827 (23 Jan.) 115; share in proceeds of Gallatin Salines; L. 1831 (16 Feb.) 15 ; county erect bridge across the Kas- kaskia on Paris road; Id. (10 Feb.) 28; forego- ing repealed; Pr. L. 1833 (2 Jan.) 24; D. Harms make assessment for 1842; L. 1843 (3 Mar.) 225; sale of non-residents lands for taxes; Ibid. ; col- lector sell lands for taxes 1842-3 ; L. 1845 (28 Feb.) 108; part of Christian added to this coun- ty, vote thereon. ; L. 1851 (15 Feb.) 118; county issue bonds to pay bounties ; 1 Pr. , L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 144. Geo. H. Beeler, ferry across the Kaskaskia; Pr. L. 1833 (28 Jan.) 32. Asa Led- better's widow, sell real estate; Id. (20 Feb.) 118; other lands sold; 1 L. 1837 (20 F.eb.) 183. Heirs of John Scroggins, guardian appointed ; i Id. (27 Feb.) 125. Dan. Francisco, mill dam on '' the Kaskaskia, Town 124; L. 1835 (14 Jan.) i 45. Securities Solomon Story released ; L. 1836 [ (16 Jan.) 248. Reese & Fergason, mill dam on Robinson creek; 1 L. 1837 (15 Feb.) 162. Road, Shelby ville to Fayette county line; 1 L. 1837 i (31 Jan.) 244. Sheriff allowed time to pay over I tax of 1836 ; Id. (21 Feb.) 323. Road, Maysville to Shelby ville, re-location; 2 L. 1837 (20 July) ' 66. Essex Steam Mill Co. chartered ; Pr. L. ; 1837 (27 Feb.) 115. Shelby Steam Mill Co. chartered; Id. (4 Mar.) 319. Vesta A. Martin, ; declared full age; L. 1840 (10 Dec. '39) 135. i Nathan Lowe, tine $25. for nreing prairie re- > milted; L. 1841 (26 Feb.) 211. Relief of Jor- | dan's district, Town 104; L. 1845 (20 Dec. I '44) 202. Peter Warren and others, sureties of ' J. L. Fleming, late sheriff; Id. (28 Feb.) 271. j Wm. Nichols, J. P., to solemnize marriages; j Pr. L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 1188. Jesse York, refund- i ing for land sold without title; L. 1859 (24 Feb.) i 152. W. M. K. Eaton, schedules for 1855 at Moweaqua legalized; Id. (18 Feb.) 176. Wind- i sor chartered ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 634. Sale I of state lands; L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 131. Sigel i chartered ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 158. Oconee, same; Id. (25 Feb.) 358. Road, Mattoon to the Shelby ville and Sullivan, relocated; L. 1869 (26 Mar.) 376. Shdbyctile.Town chartered; Pr. L. 1839 (2 i Mar.) 17; charter amendment; Pr. L. 1851 (17 ; Feb.) 305; further amendment, boundary cor- ; reeled ; Pr. L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 794 ; limits extend- ed, use debtors room in county jail; Pr. L. 1861 (20 Feb.) 717. City chartered; Pr. L. 1863 (16 Feb.) 157; charter amendment, powers ex- tended; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 521; further amends charter, vacates streets and alleys; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (19 Feb.) 389. Elect additional justice; j Pr. L 1833 (27 Feb.) 105. School district elect directors; L. 1847 (26 Feb.) 152. Jackson ! SOLDIERS COLLEGE. Soldiers College at Fulton, $20,000. annually for two years, in aid; L. 1869 (10 Mar.) 40. SOLDIERS ORPHAN HOME. Chartered; L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 76; amendment ; L. 1867 (5 Mar.) 29; further amends and appro- priations for; L. 1869 (1 Mar.) 39. STARK COUNTY. County formed, boundary and organization ; L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 229; locate county seat and ex- tend county limits, after vote; L. 1840 (1 Feb.) 62; share in internal improvement fund ; Id. (29 Jan.) 65; assessments for 1839 legalized ; Id. (1 Feb.) 77 ; Toulon to be county seat ; L. 1841 (27 Feb.) 98 ; records made by B. Turner, deputy of B. M. Jackson, legalized ; L. 1845^18 Feb.) 364; township from Henry and added to this county, vote thereon ; L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 55 ; sheep and swine not to run at large; L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 154. School lands Town 126, sold by Isaac B. Es- sex, deeded by governor ; L. 1853 (8 Feb.) 151. Osceolaplat vacated; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 46. Wyoming chartered ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) Toulon. Town chartered; Pr. L. 1859 (11 Feb.) 688; amendment, offenders committed; 2 Pr. L. 1865' (16 Feb.) 583. Washington street partly vacated ; Pr. L. 1847 (26 Feb.) 204; same; Pr. L. 1851 (28 Jan.) 18. County to sell town lots; Pr. L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 133 ; and Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 526. Toulon Lodge Xo. 93, A. and F. Masons chartered ; Pr. L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 569. Trustees First Baptist Church, acts legalized ; Pr. L. 1859 (12 Feb.) 33. Supervisors sell Semi- nary ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (18 Feb.) 4. STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. Chartered; L. 1853 (8 Feb.) 230. Resolu- tions, printing and distributing reports; Pr. L. 1855,741; same, 8000 copies: Pr. L. 1857 (13 Feb.) 1454; same ; L. 1869, 414. STATE ARMS. Preserved by Quartermaster General ; L. 1847 (1 Mar.) 18. Principal and sureties on bonds of J. J. Hardin and John Henry, and H. New- PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. (127) State Bank, of Illinois State Indebtedness. ton and H. P. Crawford, conditionally dischar- ed ; L. 1849 (3 Feb.) 115. Appropriation, f 7,000. to purchase lot and build arsenal; L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 150. Purchase arms, construct magazine and repair arsenal; 2 L. 1861 (2 May) 10; fore- going repe&led; L. 1863 (14 Feb.) 56. STATE BANK OF ILLINOIS. Chartered ; L. 1819 (22 Mar.) 151 ; subscrip- tions not paid in gold or silver; Id. (27 Mar.) 299 ; re-chartered, both foregoing repealed ; L. 1821 (no date, probably 3 Feb.) 80; foregoing amended, president's salary; Id. (12 Feb.) 144; further amends, notes on hand burned, no more interest bearing issued; L. 1825 (10 Jan.) 82; and, defaulters renew notes, stay of executions in favor of bank; R. 8. 1827 (15 Feb. '27) 376 ; and again; Id. (13 Feb. '27) 377; part of 3, act 10 Jan. 1825 repealed; L. 1829 (2 Jan.) 164; amending further said act 1825; Id. (23 Jan.) 166; foregoing amendment amended ; for finally closing the bank ; L. 1831 (15 Feb.) 182 ; sup- Elemental to foregoing; R, S. 1833 (25 Feb.) 583. ubscribers to, re-chartered ; L. 1835 (12 Feb.) 7 ; supplemental to foregoing; L. 1836 (16 Jan.) 237; state take $100,000. stock; 1 L. 1837 (2 Mar.) 18 ; capital increased by $2,000,000., fur- ther respecting; Id. (4 Mar.) 18; stock taken by state alienated ; 2 L. 1837 (21 July) 5 ; further respecting; L. 1840 (31 Jan.) 15; foregoing amended ; L. 1841 (27 Feb.) 40; further concern- ing ; Ibid.; put into liquidation ; L. 1843 (24 Jan.) '21 ; supplemental to foregoing ; Id. 27 ; treasu- rer's duty with fund comm'r ; Id. (4 Mar.) 288 ; resolution, state disconnected from banks; L. 1843 (12 Dec. '42) 321 ; same, bank's accounts investigated ; Id. 323 ; bank to pay comm'r; L. 1845 (3 Mar.) 144 ; affairs closed by 1 Nov '48 ; L. 1847(1 Mar.) 20 ; trustees of, maintain suits ; L. 1849 (10 Feb.) 38; relief of assignees, time of liquidation extended to 1 Jan. '61, assignees eue, suits how maintained ; Ibid.; assignees' suc- cessors appointed, sales of real estate, compro- mises, etc.; L. 1851 (15 Feb.) 120 ; settlement with trustees, of certain account ; L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 141. Resolution, notes of state bank re- ceived at land office ; L. 1821, 188. Mortgages to, recorded; L. 1823 (18 Feb.) 179. Branch banks reports, officers' salaries, former acts con- cerning partly repealed ; Id. 181. Shawnee- town branch, examination of ; L. 1825^16 Dec. '24) 16; salary of examiners; Id. (15 Jan.) 120; resolution concerning examination ; Id. 185. Defaulting officers' salaries withheld ; L. 1826 (25 Jan.) 72. Attorney general and circuit at- torneys prosecute for bank ; Id. (27. Jan.) 88 3. Debts due to not sealed, how enforced; Id. (28 Jan.) 92 5. Bank debtors not paid by state ; L. 1829 (19 Jan.) 114; the same subject; R. S. 1833 (12 Feb.) 588; foregoing repealed; R. S. 1845, 464. Cashiers, duty with notes for collec- tion ; L. 1829 (22 Jan.) 115. Claims due bank at Shawneetown ; Id. (23 Jan.) 165. Banking house at Vandalia repaired ; Id. 170. Accounts of James M. Duncan settled; L. 1831 (16 Feb.) 19, and Id. (1 Feb.) 178 ; two foregoing amend- ed; Id. (15 Feb.) 179. Notes of burned ; Id. <1 Feb.) 180. Paper of funded; Id. 181. Accounts and notes in attorneys' hands for collection ; R. 8. 1833 (22 Jan. '29) 505. Auditor and treasur- er settle with the banks' collectors ; L. 1835 (7 Feb.) 59; foregoing repealed ; R. S. 1845, 455. Depositories of publicmoney ; 1 L. 1837 (4Mar.) 23. Duty, while specie payment is suspended; 2 L. 1837 (21 July) 6. Interest ds, Sec'y State. Special term circuit court to try prisoners charged with homicide ; L. 1819 (24 Feb.) 64; supplemental act, new sheriff to act ; Id. (2 Mnr.) 102; line between St. Clair and Monroe established ; L. 1821 (31 Jan.) 57 ; coun- ty share in proceeds of Gallatin Salines ; L. 1831 ('l6Feb.)14; revenue for 1829 collected ; Id. (1 Jan ) 131 ; present sheriff to collect said tax ; L. 1835 (7 Jan.) 60; county establish ferry across the Mississippi at St Loins ; L. 1839 (3 Mar) 176; fori-going amended, clause respecting pay- ments to the state repealed ; I'r. L. 1851 (14 Feb.) 130; commissioners' court change state roads; L. 1839 (26 Feb.) 199; taxes of certain persons for 1844 remitted account of loss by high water; L. 1845(21 Feb.) 353; assessments for 1845-6 legalized, how collected ; L. 1847(26 Jan.) 76; records in Book 1 transcribed, force and effect thereof; L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 1 10; assessments for 1847-8 legalized, excess in 1847 retained in 1849; Id. 186; borrow money to build court house and improve roads ; L. 1851 (20 Jan.) 12 ; landi forfeited to state for taxes, clerk receive redemp- tion money ; Id. (17 Feb.) 153 ; issue bonds in aid of plank roads and to build court house; L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 219; islands in the Mississippi, title conveyed to county; Id. (12 Feb.) 223; borrow money to complete court house; L. 1859 (3 Feb.) 39; same subject; L. 1861 (5 Feb.) 204 ; school district created from several towns; L. 1859 (14 Feb.) 182 ; weight and measurement of coal; L. 1861 (20 Feb.) 83; prevent stock running at large; 1 Pr. L. 1805 (16 Feb.) 55; transcribing old public records; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 235; fees of county officers; L. 1867 (18 Feb.) 110 ; pay of sheriff for dieting prison- ers ; Id. (7 Mar.) 114; fees of county and circuit clerks; Id. 115; facilitate the assessments of real estate; L. 1869 (8 Mar.) 162; amends act 14 Feb. '59 concerning swamp lands; Id. (11 Mar.) 243. Wm. A. Beaird, payment of $101.23; L. 1819 (25 Mar.) 253. Road, 100 feet wide from town of Illinois to Six Mile Prairie; Id. (27 Mar.) 297. Same, from Illinois town to High- land; L. 1825 (6 Jan.) 60 ; foregoing amended ; L. 1826 (19 Jan.) 57 3. Same, from Vandalia to St. Louis partly re-located, also from opposite St. Louis to Jacksonville, also Vandalia to Leb- anon; Pr. L. 1833 (22 Feb.) 148. Same, Belle- ville to Pulliam's ferry; L. 1836 (15 Jan.) 214. Same, Lebanon to Wiggins' ferry ; 1 L. 1837 (27 Feb.) 233. Wm. D. Noble, confined for forgery, released ; L. 1823 (30 Jan.) 96. Jo- seph Frotier, toll bridge ncross Cahokia creek opposite St. Louis; Id. (18 Feb.) 200. John Mc- Knight's administrator sell real estate; Pr. L. 1827 (15 Feb.) 28. Canal or railroad, route sur- veyed across American Bottom ; L. 1831 (28 Jan.) 44. St. Clair Turnpike Road Co. char- tered ; Pr. L. 1833 (15 Feb.) 53 ; charter amend- ed; L. 1835 (12 Feb.) 172. Thos. W. Talbott, grist mill on middle fork of Prairie de Long creek, may dig canal; Pr. L. 1833 (22 Feb.) 116. McKendreean College chartered; L. 1835 (9 Feb.) 177. McKendree College chartered; Pr. L. 1839(26 Jan.) 4. Eli Pain, sale of lands of estate ; L. 1836 (8 Dec. '35) 252. Reuben God- dard, the same ; Id. 260; Wm. G. Rogers, a mi- nor, the same; 1L. 1837 (21 Feb.) 138. Rey- nolds and Seymour, toll. bridge over Kaskaskia at Farmington ; Id. (27 Jan.) 32, and Pr. L. 1839 (24 Jan.) 38. German Library Society of said county chartered; Id. (22 Feb.) 101; said Socie- ty and the Belleville Saengerbund consolidated under name of Belleville Saengerbund and Li- brary Society; Pr. L. 1861 (18 Feb.) 548. Leb- anon Female Academy chartered, department attached to constitute the district common school; Pr. L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 247. St. Clair rail- road chartered; L. 1841 (26 Feb.) 195; charter amended; Pr. L. 1849 (9 Feb.) 81; further amends, name changed to St. Clair Railroad and Coal Co.; Pr. L. 1853 (11 Feb.) 91 ; again changed to Pittsburg Railroad and Coal Co.; j Pr. L. 1859 (19 Feb.) 511; and again to Illinois I and St. Louis Railroad and Coal ^Co.; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 203. J. P. Morris, remove drift wood from Cahokia creek ; L. 1841 (25 Feb.) 214. Shilb Meeting house tract exempt from taxation; L. 1843 (17 Feb.) 214. Brooklyn plat ! vacated ; L. 1845 (25 Feb.) 325. St. Clair Coun- ty Turnpike Co. chartered; may lease ferry Pr. L. 1847 (13 Feb.) 71 ; charter amended; PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWI. St. Clair County. western terminus fixed ; Pr. L. 1849 (26 Feb.) 103 : hold 10 acres land at each toll gate ; Pr. L. 1851 (15 Feb.) 192 ; further amends ; Pr. L. 1853 (11 Feb.) 573: connect in one year with St. Louis Dvke: Pr. L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 752; increase stock: Pr. L. 1859 (4 Feb.) 726; charter and amendments amended; Pr. L. 1861 (16 Feb.) 745 ; may use Nicholson pavement ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb. ) 653. Wm. Kinney's executor re- deem lands; Pr. L. 1847 (11 Feb.) 173. Heirs of James SI. Reynolds, guardian sell real estate ; Id. (25 Feb.) 184. St. Louis and Illinois Wire Suspension Bridge Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1849 (10 Feb.) 7. James M. Needles and others, fer- ry across the Mississippi opposite Carondelet, plank road across American Bottom; Id. (12 Feb.) 38 ; amendment, stone dyke ; Pr. L. 1851 (12 Feb.) 99. Belleville and Illinoistown Rail- road chartered ; Pr. L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 93, and L. 1852 (21 June) 114; charter amended ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 154. [See Par 1 1 Chap. 86a, 28.] Illinois Coal Co. chartered railroad from coal lands to Brooklyn ferry across the Mississippi; Pr. L.I 849 (12 Feb.) 42; amend- ment repeals ferry grant ; Pr. L. 1851 (29 Jan.) 33. Real estate o"f Wm. C. Kinney discharged from lien by state ; Pr. L. 1851 (10 Feb.) 75. David W. Hopkins, late sheriff, securities re- leased conditionally; Id. (14 Feb.) 132. Wal- nut Hill Cemetery exempt from taxation ; Id. (17 Feb.) 289 ; foregoing amended ; provisions extended to Thos. Harrison's Cemetery ; Pr. L. 1853 (26 Jan.) 465 ; use of Harrison's Cemetery legalized; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 77. Conrad Madler restored to citizenship ; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 494. Ohio and Mississippi Railroad, lo- cation of mail route at Big Silver creek chang- ed ; Id. (31 Jan.) 537. Narsisse Pensoneau and others, ferry and toll bridge across the Kaskas- kia, Town 16; Id. (12 Feb.) 540 : amendment, limit as to completion repealed ; Pr. L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 1339. Centreville and Illinoistown plank road chartered ; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 567. ' Res- olution, granting J. M. Peck duplicates of laws, reports, etc.; Id. (31 Jan.) 619. Belleville and Westficld, and Belleville and Mascoutah plank roads, organized under general act 12 Feb. '49, borrow money, issue bonds and hold real estate ; Pr. L. 1854 (1 Mar.) 166 ; sale of Belleville and Mascoutah ; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 479. Casey- ville Steam Mill Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 634. Sheriff collect school tax, Town 2 8 for 1853; L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 109. St. Clair Green name changed to Forrester ; Pr. L. 1857 (19 Jan.) 22. Phoenix Coal and Iron Co. char- tered; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 550. Si. Louis and Illinois Bridge Co. chartered, bridge the Missis- sippi at St. Louis ; Id. (15 Feb.) 601 ; charter amendment, quality of material and capacity ; Pr. L. 1857 (5 Feb.) 267. Lebanon chartered ; Id. (16 Feb.) 1116. Philip B. Fouke, ferry across the Mississippi 2 miles above the Wig- E'ns; Id. (17 Feb.) 1180. American Bottom iine, Marble and Coal Co. chartered; Id. (18 Feb.) 1209; foregoing revived ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (8 Mar.) 419. St. Louis and Belleville Manuf. and Coal Mining Co. ; Pr. L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 1413. Levee, Prairie du Pont to Harrisonville ; L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 110 ; amendment, commissioners of chartered as St. Clair and Monroe Levee and Drainage Co.; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 2; forego- ing amendment amended; 2 Pr. t,. 1867 (22 17. Feb.) 806. Urbanna name changed to Free- burg ; Pr. L.1859 (21 Feb.) 616; Freeburg char- ter amended ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (4 Mar.) 201. Mis- sissippi Warehouse Co. chartered, on Bloody Island ; Pr. L. 1863 (13 Feb.) 215. Corporators named in act 5 Feb. '64 under laws of Missouri, to organize in this state as the St. Louis and Ill- inois Bridge Co.; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 191. School district No. 3, Town 2 10, boundary de- fined ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 322. O'Fallon chartered; Id. (15 Feb.) 524. Illinois and St. Louis Bridge Co. chartered ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (21 Feb.) 168. Centreville Railroad chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 566. Mascoutah and Lebanon Railroad chartered ; Id. (1 Mar.) 594. Old Town of St. Clair, useless streets vacated; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 103. Centreville, streets vacated ; Id. 107. Bettecfflf. Town trustees appointed ; L. 1819 (27 Mar. ) 305 ; town charter amended ; L. 1823 (14 Feb.) 147 ; [town incorporated under general acts 12Feb. '31, and 31 Jan. '35]; corporate powers ex- tended ; Pr. L. 1839 (26 Feb.) 115 ; charter amend- ed ; L. 1841 (23 Feb.) 334 City chartered ; L. 1845 (26 Feb.) 359; foregoing declared in force ; Pr. L. 1847 (24 Feb.) 119; incorporation under act 10 ..Feb. '49 legalized; Pr. L. 1851 (13 Feb.) Ill; fines and forfeitures paid into citv treasury ; L. .1851 (17 Feb.) 156: issue $10,000. bonds for market house ; L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 279 ; corporate powers extended, act 3 Feb. '40 chartering Springfield, extend over this city; Pr. L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 566; general charter amendment; Pr. L. 1854 (1 Mar.) 223, and Pr. L . 1855 (15 Feb.) 53 ; moneys from licenses and fines in West Belleville paid into town treasury ; Pr. L. 1857 (5 Feb.) 264; city incorporation acts reduced to one and amended ; Pr. L. 1859 (18 Feb.) 80 ; West Belleville to borrow money; Id. (24 Feb.) 719 ; city charter amendment, cem- eteries, additions, etc.; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 115 ; corporate powers extended; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 254 ; general amendment ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (22 Feb.) 530 ; to take stock in plank roads etc.; Id. (5 Mar.) 841. Trustees Belleville Acad- emy appointed; L. 1819 (27 Mar.) 305; lease for 10 years sec. 16, Town 18 ; L. 1821 (27 Jan.) 34. Debating and Library Association char- tered ; Id. 35. Election of trustees of Literary Society and School Association legalized ; Pr. L. 1851 (28 Jan.) 19. Belleville Water Co. char- tered : Pr. L. 1853 (3 Feb.) 206. Belleville Mu- tual Fire Insurance Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 388 ; charter extended 50 years ; Pr. L. 1857 (17 Feb.) 1174. Belleville Fire Co. char- tered; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 591; name changed to St. Clair Fire Co.; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 573. Belleville Mutual Aid Society chartered ; Pr. L. 1855 (6 Feb.) 657. Belleville Gymnastic Socie- ty chartered ; Pr. L. 1857 (5 Feb.) 301. Illinois Grove No. 1, U. A. Order of Druids; Id. (10 Feb.) 366; foregoing repealed, and charters Uni- ted Brethren at Belleville ; Pr. L. 1861 (12 Feb.) 54. Hotel Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 1253. St. Clair Savings and Insurance Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 396. Oak- woods Cemetery Association chartered ; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 63. Soath Belleville Fire Co. chartered ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 574. Belle- ville Water Works Co. chartered ; 2 Pr. L. 186.5 (16 Feb.) 687. Board of Trade chartered ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 852. City Railway Co. charter- ed ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 25. Sharpshooters' (130) PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWI St. Clair County StepJienson County. Society chartered; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (20 Feb.) 90. CoJwkia. Village plat re-surveyed ; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 199. Common confirmed to in- habitants of town; L. 1819 (5 Mar.) 122; supple- mental act; Id. (25 Mar.) 1255; further supple- mental ; L. 1823 (7 Feb.) 117; first foregoing (5 Mar. '19) repealed; Pr. L. 1827 (9 Feb.) 22 ; leas- ing part of said common ; L. 1841 (17 Feb.) 65 ; foregoing amended ; L. 1843 (1 Mar.) 71 ; amends act 17 Feb. '41, further concerning leasing; Pr. L 1857(18 Feb.) 1203; supplemental to forego- ing; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (5 Mar. )_ 621. For raising a levee opposite town; Pr. L. 1827 (24 Jan.) 17; supplemental act; L. 1840 (1 Feb.) 99; amend- ment, supervisor bring action of trespass; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 1079. East St. Louis. lllinoistown chartered; Pr. L. 1859 (19 Feb.) 621, and again, may adopt name of East St. Louis; Pr. L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 646. City chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (13 Feb.) 344; charter amendment, city court created; 1 Pr. L. 18G7 (22 Feb ) 473 ; city police force es- tablished ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (22 Feb. ) 483. St. Clair Steam Mill chartered; L. 1840 (1 Feb.) 100. East St. Louis Real Estate. Loan and Trust Co. chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 57. East St. Louis Gas Light and Coke Co., two charters ; Id. 582, 584. Bail Mill chartered ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 33. Board of Trade chartered ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (21 Feb.) 852. Hotel Co. chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (1 Mar.) 61. Tribune Co. chartered; Id. (7 Mar.) 512. Broadway and Dyke Kail road chartered; Id. 556. Transfer Co. chartered; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb ) 640. East St. Louis Turn Verein chartered ; Id. 652. Elevator Ware- house Co. chartered ; Id. (6 Mar.) 670. Fayetttvitte. Thos. Pulliam and others, bridge the Kaskaskia; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 599 ; fore- going amended; Pr. L. 1857 (15 Jan.) 24. James A. Knight and others, bridge the Kaskatkia; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 698 ; amendment, charter- ed as Kaskaskia Floating Bridge Co.; Pr. L. 1857 (30 Jan.) 104. James W. Hughes and oth- ers, ferry across the Kaskaskia ; Pr. L. 1863 (13 Feb.) 190. Mascoutah. Mechanicsburg name changed to Mascoutah ; L. 1839 (16 Feb.) 126 ; tax for aide- walks, vote thereon; Pr. L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 605 ; town chartered ; Pr. L. 1857 (4 Feb.) 236 ; char- ter amendment, limits defined ; Pr. L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 646; town take stock in plank roads, etc.; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (5 Mar.) 841. German School As- sociation chartered ; Pr. L. 1855 (9 Feb.) 514. Mascoutah Savings and Insurance Co. charter- ed; Pr.L. 1861 (20 Feb.) 407. Real Estate and Savings Bank chartered ; Id. (7 Mar.) 81. Mas- coutah Turn Verein chartered ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (19 Feb.) 647. New Athens. Town name of Athens changed to New Athens ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 01. N. Pensaneau, bridge the Kaskaskia ; L. 1839 (1 Mar.) 237. D. Anderson, ferry across the Kaskaskia; L. 1845 (20 Feb.) 357 ; foregoing ex- tended 10 years ; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 603. Athens Bridge Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1853 (8 Feb.) 606. James W. Hughs and others, ferry across the Kaskaskia; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb!) 697. Wm. H. Burnett, the same ; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 842 ; foregoing amended; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (8 Mar.) 935. Prairie du Pont. A Common confirmed to the inhabitants of; L.1819 (5 Mar.) 122; supple- mental acts; Id. (25 Mar.) 256, and L. 1823 (7 Feb.) 117. Village erected into a school dis- trict ; L. 1847 (20 Feb.) 155 ; foregoing amend- ed ; L. 1849 (8 Feb.) 152. Village plat re-sur- veyed ; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 199. ST. LOUIS. City of. Allowed until 17 Feb. 1853 to com- plete works for protection of harbor, works above and below Bloody Island ; L. 1851 (17 Feb.) 150. STEPHENSON COUNTY. County created, boundary and organization; L. 1837 (4 Mar.) 96; taxes of 1839, collection; L. 1841 (18 Feb.) 306 ; extra tax levied for 1845- 6 and 7 ; L. 1845 (3 Mar.) 251 ; the sick in 184 released from road labor; Pr L. 1847 (18 Feb.) 27; borrow $50,000. to complete county build- ings ; Pr. L. 1857 (30 Jan.) 108 ; borrow money to rebuild poor house; L. 1859 (9 Feb.) 40; township support of paupers ; L. 1861 (18 Feb ) 206, and2Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 490; tax to | meet county indebtedness, vote thereon ; L. 1861 (18 Feb.) 208 ; special bounty tax levied 20 Jan. '65 legalized;! Pr.'L. 1865" (9 Feb.) 145; time for collection of taxes extended ; 2 Pr L. 1865 (9 Feb.) 338. Winslow Bridge Co. char- tered; Pr. L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 184 ; tolls fixed ; L. 1843 (4 Mar.) 51. Bridge the Pecatonica in town of Pennsylvania; Id. (1 Mar.) 47. Guar- dian of D'Kyle Stephenson, sell and convey lands ; L. 1845 (27 Feb.) 149. Harrison, name changed to Cedarville ; Pr. L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 132, and Pr. L. 1851 (17 Feb.) 277. Acts of John Howe as probate justice, and Isaac Bectel, Philip Fowler, Julius Smith and Jas. J. Rogers as justices, legalized; L. 1849 (25 Feb.) 100. West half Town 286 added to West Point; L. 1861 (17 Feb.) 187. Sam'l H. Fischer, to dam the Pecatonica, Town 286; Pr. L. 1853 (3 Feb.) 583. Trustees Bolander's school district, Towns 28 and 299, convey lands; L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 179. Cedarville Cemetery Association charter- ed; Pr.L. ,1855 (14 Feb,) 456. Freeport and Monroe Railroad chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (29 Jan.) 95, and 2 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 781. Trustees Town 289, acts in 1858 legalized ; L. 1859 (14 Feb.) 177. Union Agricultural Socitty of JoDaviess, Stephenson, LaFayette Wis. and Greene Wis. counties chartered ; Pr. L. 1861 (16 Feb.) 34 ; foregoing amended, same powers as granted County Agricultural Societies under act 21 Feb. '61 ; l"Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 54. Va- cates alley in Davis ; Pr. L. 1861 (20 Feb.) 38. W. 8. Gray, late sheriff, conditionally released from judgment; L. 1863 (13 Feb.) 67. Caleb W. Brown, to dam the Pecatonica ; Pr. L. 1863 (2 Feb.) 213. Place of holding elections in Sil- ver Creek ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (19 Feb.) 917. Daris Union School District, Town 289; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 53. Orangeville chartered; Id. (7 Mar.) 536. Buckeye Insurance Co., charter .amended, also, other township insurance co's PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. (131) StepJienson County Tazewdl County. organized under act 20 Feb. '67; L. 1869 (19 Feb.) 236. Freeport. Plat partly vacated, town re-sur- yeyed; Pr. L. 1851 (12 Feb.) 86 ; Rice's addition re-surveyed; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 48. City chartered ; Id. 122 ; charter amendment, powers extended; Pr.L. 1857 (11 Feb.) 465; issue $4,000. city bonds to cancel floating debt ; Pr. L. 1861 (20 Feb.) 199; omissions in assessment lists, cor- porate powers extended; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 863; further extended ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (9 Mar.) 747. Freeport Seminary of Learning charter- ed ; Pr. L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 238. J. A.Clark, bridge the Pecatonica; L. 1840 (27 Jan.) 26. Stephen- son County Hydraulic and Manuf. Co. charter- ed, may dam the Pecatonica ; Pr. L. 1847 (18 Feb.) 100. Young Men's Association chartered ; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 533. Hotel Co. chartered ; Id. (14 Feb.) 595. Gas Light and Coke Co. chartered; Id. 643. Freeport Manuf. Co. char- tered; Pr.L. 1857 (10 Feb.) 347. Freeporter Saengerbund chartered; Id. (17 Feb.) 1185. Savings Institute chartered; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 315. City Railway chartered ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 22. Notaries public; L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 135. City Market chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 415. Freeport School District chartered ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 ('25 Feb.) 65. Freeport Turn Verein chartered ; Id. 651. Freeport In- surance Companies: The Stephenson County Mutual Fire, chartered; Pr. L. 1863 (12 Feb.) 876 ; general amendment; Pr. L. 1861 (20 Feb.) 425. The Farmers, chartered ; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 996 ; corporate powers extended ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 613; accept installment notes; 2 Pr. L. 1807 (28 Feb.) 181. The American, home office removed from Granville Putnam Co.; Pr. L. 1859 (19 Feb.) 396; take lightning risks, as- sessments on premium notes; Pr. L. 1863(13 Feb.) 196; take premium notes and receive guaranteed capital ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 615 ; office may be taken to Chicago ; 2 Pr. L. 1867* (25 Feb.) 125. The Columbian, chartered ; Pr. L. 1861 (20 Feb.) 350; may have branch office in Chicago, clasitication of business ; Pr. L. 1863 (13 Feb.) 203 ; invest inU. 8. securities ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 161. The Tornado, chartered ; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 429 ; name changed to Fire and Tornado ; Pr.L. 1863 (12 Feb.) 197; general amendment; Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 653; name aghin changed to the Continental ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 229. The Winneshiek, chartered ; Pr> L. 1861 (18 Feb.) 433 ; guaranteed capital in- creased; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 824. The Adams, transferred from Greenville ; Pr. L. 1863 (21 Feb.) 192; may remove to Aurora; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 613; also, to Chicago; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 180. The State, chartered, must organize within a year; Pr. L. 1863(10 June) 194. The Accident, chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 612. The Citizens' Lift, chartered ; Id. 628 ; amendment, time of organization exten- ded; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (9 Mar.) 200. The Citizens' Health, chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 630 The National, chartered; Id. (15 Feb.) 728. The Freeport, chartered ; Id. (16 Feb.) 735; name changed to the German ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 124. The Relief, chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 766. The Stephenson, [act chartering not iound] general charter amendment; Id. 781. The Union, chartered; Id. (15 Feb.) 799. The Western World, chartered ; Id. (16 Feb.) 821. The Protection Life, chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 171. The Mokena, chartered ; Id. (8 Mar.) 201 TAZEWELL COUNTY. County formed and limits denned; R. S. 1827 (31 Jan. '27) 113; boundaries defined; L. 1829 (22 Jan.) 32; county seat located; L. 1831 (16 Feb.) 69, and L. 1835 (12 Feb.) 53; lease offices in court house; L. 1841 (26 Feb.) 92; records A to D transcribed; Id. (18 Feb) 204; county agent to make certain purchases; L. 1843 (3 Feb )109; school funds transferred to Mason and Woodford; L. 1845 (1 Mar.) 235; census return 9 Apr. 1846 true enumeration, distribution of school fund ; L. 1847 (26 Jan.) 41 ; relocation of county seat, erection of county buildings; L 1849 (2 Feb.) 47; foregoing amended ; L. 1859 (22 Feb.) 46; tax to build jail; L. 1851 (8 Feb.) 24; township support of paupers; Id. (17 Feb.) 194; paupers chargeable, on what towns; con- ; struction of 14, 15 and 16, Chap. 8, R. .; L. i 1852 (21 June) 113; jurisdiction of county I court extended ; L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 36 ; foregoing I repealed; L. 1859 (15 Jan.) 67; tax to pay boun- ties; IPr. L. 1865 (2 Feb.) 145; tax levies to J pay bounties legalized; Id. 146; secure the ! location of Agricultural and Mechanical Col- ' lege; Id. (16 Feb.) 543; fees of county judge; L. 1869 (25 Mar.) 149. Springfield and Peoria I road changed; Pr. L. 1833 (22 Feb ) 147. Road, Pekin and Danville, re-located ; L. 1835 (6 Feb.) 107. Same, Liberty to Tremont; L. 1836(16 j Jan.) 220. Same, Wesley City to Mackinaw, lo- ! cated; 1 L. 1837 (27 Feb.) 205. Sjiine, Spring- ; field and Ottawa, re-location; Id. (18 Feb.) 216. l Same, Peoria to Indiana line, report of locution i received; Id. (4 Mar.) 259. Same, Tremont to ! Washington, also to Dillon, located ; L. 1839(2 Mar.) 60. Same, Pekin to Crane creek, located ; i Id. 246. State road, between Pekin and Wash- ington, legalized; L. 1840 (3 Feb.) 112. Road, Oliver's Grove to Pekin, pay of locating, cornm'rs; L. 1843 (6 Feb ) 250. 'Pekin pad Tre- mont Railroad chartered; L. 1836 (13 Jan.) 90. School lands, Towns 28 2 and 252; Id. (8 Dec. '35) 228. Benj. Kellogg, Jr., toll bridge over the Mackinaw; 1 L. 1837 (2 Mar.) 36. Lib- erty changed to Dillon ; Id. (19 Jan.) 330. Han- over College chartered ; Pr. L. 1837 (27 Feb.) 101. Mackinaw and Illinois Canal Co. charter- ed; Id. 112. K. and S. Haines, mill dam on the Mackinaw, Town 242; L. 1839 (15 Feb.) 108. Auburn plat vacated ; Id. (23 Feb.) 176. Tre- mont chartered ; L. 1841 (27 Feb.) 344. J. C. & G. L. Gibson, ferry- at Wesley City; L. 1843 (3 Feb.) 143. Wm. L. May, ferry across the Ill- inois at outlet of Lake Peoria; L. 1841 (23 Feb.) 113, [see also Peoria county] foregoing amend- ed, double rates; L. 1843 (10 Feb.) 144. Far- mer's and Mechanic's Co. chartered ; Id. (3 Mar.) 155. Wesley City plat plartly vacated ; Id. 294. J. O'Brien, pay treasurer state bank notes ; L. 1845 (18 Feb.) 327. Heirs Timothy Losey, guardian invest in real estate; Pr. L. 1847 (27 Feb.) 187. James B. Worley, coroner elect, give bond by 1 Apr. ; Pr. 1853 (26 Jan.) 463. County Agricultural Society chartered ; Pr. L. 1855 (9 Feb.) 665. Peoria and Fon du Lac Coal Mining Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (14 Feb.) (132) PRIVATB AND SPECIAL LAWS Turnpikes - Union County. 809. Fon du Lac Cemetery Association char- tered; Id. (17 Feb.) 1167 Tazewell County Coal Mining Co. chartered; Id. 1178. Drain lands, Towns 224 and 5; L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 209. Wm. S. Maus, late collector, released from sales of land on execution; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 242. School directors district No. 1 Town 25, borrow money to complete school house ; Id. 305. Danforth changed to Tulla- more; Id. 437. John Davenport, taxes for 1863; L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 165. Mackinaw chartered; " Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 167. Blue Town changed to Hilton; L. 1869 (25 Mar.) 269. Pekin. Town incorporation 2 July 1835, le- galized ; Pr. L. 1837 (19 Jan.) 3 ; town chartered , establish ferry across the Illinois; Pr. L. 1839 (23 Feb.) 24; rates of ferriage; L. 1840 (1 Feb.) 51 14; charter amendment, additional justice ; L. 1843 (1 Mar.) 302; town grant of ferry to Benj. S. Prettyman confirmed; Pr. L. 1849 (10 Feb.) 129; acts of town authorities organizing under general Law of 1849 legalized ; Pr. L. 1851 (24 Jan.) 12; charter amendment; L. 1852 (19 June) 41 ; construct plank road across the bot- tom; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 570; city expend $5,000. open road to river, sale of ferry to Rail- road; Pr. L. 1854 (27 Feb.) 157; take stock in Illinois River Railroad, vote thereon legalized; Pr. L. 1857 (29 Jan.) 105; limits of city and town extended ; Pr. L. 1859 (14 Feb.) 250 ; city charter amendment ; Pr. L. 1861 (20 Feb ) 240. Hotel Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1837 (18 Feb.) 51. Tazewell Commercial and Fire Insurance Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 21. Tazewell County Commercial and Fire Insurance Co. name changed to Pekin Insurance Co.; L. 1841 (18 Feb.) 151. Election of James Har- riott as justice, and Wm. Stanberry Jr. as collector, legalized; L. 1851 (11 Feb.) 79. Pe- kin Plank Road chartered; Pr.L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 178. Pekin Water Co. chartered; Id. 417. Pe- kin Gas Light Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1861 (18 Feb.) 336; amendment; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 974. German Workingmen's Association char- tered; Id. (8 Mar.) 137. German Turner Asso- ciation chartered; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (9 Feb.) 646. Washington. Town chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (10 Feb.) 355; amendmnt, license sale of li- quor; Pr. L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 704; election and jurisdiction of police magistrate; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 611, same, Id. (10 Feb.) 612. Wash- ington Academy chartered; Pr. L. 1837 (4 Mar.) 296. Washington Seminary chartered; Pr. L. 1859 (23 Feb.) 377. Alton to Carlinville; Pr. Supplemental to charter; TURNPIKES. Embarrass. Incorporated ; from Yellow- banks Crawford county to Gifford's sign post opposite Vincennes; L. 1819 (4 Mar.) 116. CarroUton and Alton. Incorporated; Pr. L. 1833 (28 Feb.) 64. Springfield and Alton. Incorporated; Pr. L- 1833 (1 Mar.) 77. Additional commissioners; L. 1836 (28 Dec. '35) 181. Charter amended; Alton the terminus; L. 1836 (19 Dec. '35) 182. Char- ter further amended ; extend from Springfield to Bloomins;ton ; Pr. L. 1837 (2 Mar.) 248. Time of completion extended; not to compete with the state work from L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 162. L. 1841 (27 Feb.) 353. Rushvitte and Beardstown. Incorporated; Pr. L. 1833 (2 Mar.) 82. Charter amended ; L. 1835 (12 Feb.) 180. Alton, Jacksonville and Galena. Incorporated; L. 1836 (14 Jan.) 115. Wabash and Mississippi. Incorporated ; L. 1836 (13 Jan.) 120. Chicago and Fox' niver. Incorporated; via. Berry's Point and Naperville to Aurora; Pr. L. 1837 (1 Mar.) 165. Section 13 of the foregoing repealed; 2 L. 1837 (21 July) 39. White Hall and Albany. Incorporated ; Pr. L. 1837 (31 Jan.) 11. Graf ton and CarroUton. Incorporated; via. Carrpllton, Whitehall and Manchester to Jack- sonville ; extend to Springfield and branch to Jerseyville; Pr. L. 1837 (2 Mar.) 207. Darwin and Charleston. Incorporated ; Laws 1839 (3 Mar.) 229. Extended to Springfield ; L. 1841 (27 Feb.) 352. Supplemental to the fore- going; Id. 177. Relocation in part; L. 1843 (6 Mar.) 311. Quincy, Jacksonville and Springfield. Incorpo- rated ; state may purchase after 10 years; Pr. L. 1837 (1 Mar.) 143. Foregoing amended ; Pr. L. 1839 (28 Feb.) 148. Time of completion ex- tended 5 years; Pr. L. 1839 (1 Mar.) 193. Vandalia and Alton. Incorporated; condemn lands, timber, etc.; state may purchase ; Pr. L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 165. May borrow money to amount of capital ; Pr. L. 1839 (28 Feb.) 196. Vandalia and Mississippi. Incorporated ; L. 1840 (10 Dec. '39.) 139. May Borrow money to amount of capital; Pr. L. 1839 (28 Feb.) 196. Springfield and Quincy, and Bmrdstown and Warsaw. Incorporated; L. 1841 (1 Mar.) 356. Fulton. Incorporated ; Pr. L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 200. Metropolis and Vienna. Incorporated ; $20' )00. of stock exempt from taxation ; sell road- bed to any railroad company ; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 470. Waterloo and Carondelet. Incorporated ; state may purchase ; establish a ferry across the Mis- sisippi ; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 521. Charter amended ; repeals part of 8 ; legalizes acts of commissioners ; Pr. L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 774. Char- ter further amended ; counties, cities and towns to take stock ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (6 Mar.) 653. Prairie du Rocher and St. Charles Landing. Incorporated ; Pr. L. 1859 (21 Feb.) 733. Illinois and Indiana. Incorporated ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 650. Charter amended ; location in and near Chicago changed ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (5 Mar.) 664. Waterloo, Columbia and Mississippi. Incorpo- rated ; 666. establish ferry; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (6 Mar.) UNION COUNTY. County formed prior to the organization of the state. County share in proceeds of Gallati* PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. (133) Union County Vermilion County. Salines; L. 1831 (16 Feb.) 14; borrow money to complete county buildings; L. 1840 (1 Feb.) 75; A. Deardorff, acts as county clerk legalized ; L. 1845 (26 Feb.) 295 ; management of school fund; Id. (3 Mar.) 321; taxes of 1844 remitted in part, account of loss by high water; Id. (21 Feb.) ! 353; borrow $1,000. to repair court hguse; L. i 1853 (11 Feb.) 234 ; borrow $2,500. to build jail; 1 Pr. L. 1854 (4 Mar.) 167; borrow $5,000. to build courthouse; Pr. L. 1857 (19 Jan.) 25. Sheriff! discharged from liability for failing to collect j land tax ; L. 1819 (27 Mar.) 300. Isaac Wurley, indicted for murder, change of venue; Pr. Laws j 1827 (24 Jan.) 17. Road, America to Vandalia, ! relocation ; L. 1831 (7 Jan.) 141 ; examination of j said road between Jonesboro and county line south; Pr. L. 1833 (20 Dec. '32) 199. Same, Jonesboro to Snider's ferry, a state road ; L. 1835 ( A J Feb.) 122. Same, Mauville's mills to Saratoga, and Jonesboro to Fredonia, locations ; L. 1843 (20 Feb.) 252. Champion Anderson, $28.17 fo- selling bank property; L. 1835 (7 Feb.) 78. School landa, Town 123, sale of; L. 1836 (19 Pnc. '35) 230. Saratoga changed to Western Saratoga ; L. 1843 (21 Jan.) 297. Hy- geaii Sprir^- at W. Saratoga chartered ; L. 1845 (1 Mar.) 113. County Charcoal Road chartered ; Pr. L. 1847 (28 Feb. 160. Andrew Dearduff, $32.67 overpaid; Id. (24 Feb.) 181. Union Turnpike Co., chartered ; Pr. L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 104. Jonesboro Plank Road chartered; Pr. L. 1851 (13 Feb.) 112; amendment; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 467. County Agricultural and Mechani- col Society chartered ; Pr. L. 1857 (22 Jan.) 27. Union Insurance and Trust Co. chartered ; Id. (30 Jan.) 110; may be moved to Chicago; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 433. Peru plat vacated ; Pr. L. 1857 (9 Feb.) 310. B. and J. Slay, convicted of larceny, restored; L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 18. Jos. G. Webb, restored to citizenship ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (31 Feb.) 812. J. H. McElhany robbed of $9,363.68, time of payment extended; L. 1869 (13 Mar.) 337. D. Grow, released from judgment on recogni- sance ; Id. (7 Apr.) 340. Jonesboro. Town chartered ; L. 1821 (14 Feb.) 160; amendment; L. 1823 (14 Feb.) 142; Han- cock's addition vacated ; Pr. L. 1849 (8 Feb.) 112; vacates alley in Grammar's donation ; L. 1852 (18 June) 29; foregoing repealed ; L. 1855 (12 Feb.) 93. City Chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (38 Jan.) 74. Jonesboro College chartered; L. 1835 (9 i Feb.) 178; regulating; L. 1840 (3 Feb.) 131; charter amendment; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 875. Election of trustees Methodist E. Church legal- ized; Pr. L. 1851 (15 Feb.) 209. Jonesboro lodge No. Ill, F. and A. Masons chartered; Pr. L. 1855 ( 14 Feb.) 731 Anna. Town chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 342 ; amendment; 3 Pr. L. 1867 ( 8 Mar. ) 216; vacates an alley ; Id. (6 Mar.) 107. VERMILION COUNTY. County formed and boundary defined; L. 1826 (18 Jan.) 50 ; foregoing amended, county seat fixed; Pr. L. 1827 (26 Dec. '26) 3; share in pro- ceeds of Gallntin Salines; L. 1831 (16 Feb.) 14; sale of certain school lands ; L. 1839(2 Mar.) 232 ; special election for circuit clerk ; Pr. L. 1849 (11 Jan.) 28; township organization avoided af- ter adoption; L. 1851 (17 Feb.) 135; detach towns 30, 31, and 2-6 of 29 and attach them to Kankakee, conditionally; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 662; county court jurisdiction extended and practice therein ; L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 96; foregoing amended; L. 1861 (18 Feb.) 108; terms in said court; L. 1867 (7 Mar. ) 72; sale of swamp lands; L. 1857(16 Feb.) 122; sheriff's fees* L. 1869 (20 Mar.) 183. Road, Vincennesand Chica- go, relocation ; L. 1835 (10 Feb.) 119. Same, Dan- ville to County line, located ; 2 L. 1837 (20 July) 62. Improve navigation of Big Vermilion ; 1 L. 1837 (3 Mar.) 171. John Rearson, elected county judge, discharged as ad'mr of Francis Prince ; Id. (2 Mar.) 187. Additional judges of election at county seat; L. 1839 (15 Feb.) 120. Bridge the Big and Little Vermilion ; Id. (19 Feb.) 137. Sheperdstown plat vacated; L. 1840. (8 Jan.) 44. School district Town 1910; L.1841 (19 Feb.) 258. Same, Town 2010, and sale of school lands; L. 1843 (6 Feb.) 274, and L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 106. Same, Towns 1710 and 11; Id. (28 Jan.) 280. Same, Town 1810; L. 1845 (26 Feb.) 161. Thos. Short, $100. lost in settlement ; L. 1845 (28 Feb.) 107. G. Richards, convicted of perjury, restored; Id. (1 Jan.) 184. Trustees Town 19 11, received deed from Wm. Moss; Id. (17 Jan.) 193. Georgetown Seminary chartered; Id. (7 Feb.) 209. Estate of Stephen S. Collett of Indiana, partition of; Pr. L. 1847 (16 Jan.) 22. Isaac Lodowsky, surety for Wm. O'Neil, released; Id. (18 Feb.) 175. Trustees Schools, Town 20 12, execute release to Salomon Davis; Id. (1 Mar.) 191. Georgetown and Perry - ville Plank Road to bridge Big Vermilion ; Pr. L. 1851 (18 Jan.) 4. Hiram Hickman, late col- lector, settlement; L. 1851 (11 Feb.) 79. Essex established and organized; Pr. L. 1853 (8 Feb.) 160. Streets in Vermilion vacated ; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 47. Champaign and Vermilion Rail- Koad and Coal Mining Co., chartered ; Id. (14 Feb.) 386. Vermilion Coal Mining Co. charter- ed ; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 999. Assessments dis- trict 1, Town 1911, legalized ; L. 1859 (14 Feb.) 176. Part of Town 1912 ; attached to 1812 ; Id. (21 Feb.)211. Farmer' Steam Wagon Road chartered; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 310. Frac- tional sections Town 22 10 attached to 22 11, and the same, Town 2310 to 2311 ; Pr. L. 1813 (2 Feb.) 217. Wm Holden name changed to Alvan Gilbert ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 04. Ary J. Huffman name changed to Yapp; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (5 Mar.) 236. Chillicothe, town incor- poration legalized; Id. (19 Feb.) 897. Danville and Indianapolis Railway chartered ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 658. Druzilla Lacock name chang- ed to Gilbert ; L. 1869 (15 Mar.) 265. Danville. Town chartered; Pr. L. 1839 (3 Feb.) 8, and Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 22; last fore- going revived; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 1127; charter amendment, additions, sale of liquor ; Pr. L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 588; vacates part of McRobert's and Walker's addition ; 1 L. 1887 (I Mar.) 329, and Pr. L. 1857 (7 Feb.) 272; moneys from licenses paid to town treasury ; Pr. L. 1863 (20 Feb.) 273;township issue $20.000. to bridge Big Vermilion; Id. (12 Feb.) 263. City chartered ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 294 and 1 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 711. Danville Acade- my chartered ; L. 1836 (15 Jan.) 154. John Parmer and five others, commr's to bridge the Big Vermilion; PrL.,1833 (2 Mar.) 14. Danville (134) PRIVATE AWD SPECIAL LAWS. Vermilion Salines W'irren County. Coal Mining Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 587. Danville Coal and Coke Co. char- tered; Pr. L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 775. Illinois In- surance Co. chartered ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 674. Merchants' and Mechanics' Savings Bank chartered; Pr. L. 1867 (5 Mar.) 68. Savings Loan and Trust Co. chartered ; Id. (7 Mar.) 87. Danville Gas Light Co. chartered; Id. (21 Feb.) 983. Horse Railway Co. chartered ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (21 Feb.) 19. VERMILION SALINES. Relating to; L. 1823 (12 Feb.) 133 ; foregoing amended ; L. 1825 (15 Jan.) 118 ; sale of Saline reserve, use of funds ;R.S. 1827 (15 Feb. '27) 358 221 ; lease of Salines extended to!6 Dec. '32 ; Pr. L. 1827 (10 Jan.) 9 ; proceeds from sale to improve Kaskaskia river; L. 1829 (23 Jan.) 125 7; further respecting sale, disposition of proceeds, bridge the Big and Little Vermilion ; id. (19 Jan.) 143; respecting occupants of Saline lands; L. 1831 (28 Jan.) 163. Concerning the Vermilion and Gal latin Salines; R. S. 1833 (2 Mar '33 ) 348. John Powell and others, right of pre-emption ; L. 1831 (25 Dec. '30.) 117. WABASH COUNTY. County formed from Edwards ; L. 1825 (27 Dec. '24)" 25 ; claims against Edwards devided; L. 1820 (19 Jan.) 53; payment of revenue col- lected in Edwards ; Id. 28 Jan.) 95 19; com'r to adjust debts of Edwards when Wabash was formed ; Pr. L. 1827 (12 Jan.) 11 ; share in pro- ceeds ofGallatin Salines; L. 1831 (16 Feb.) 15; for removal of county seat [this act only ap- Eears in a list of private acts of session of 1829, . 1829, 240]; foregoing amended; L. 1831 (15 Jan.) 65; concerning school funds; L. 1839(2 Mar.) 233; disposition of depreciated school money ; L. 1843 (3 Mar.) 153 ; restoration of public records; L. 1859 (16 Feb.) 187; foregoing amended ; L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 270 ; bonds issued to Illinois Southern Rail Road, action of county court redeeming legalized; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (30 Jan.) 801 ; seining ol fish in the Wabash pro- hibited; L. 1867 (5 Mar.) 117. August Tugaw, dam across channel west of Coffe Island ; Pr. L. 1833 (25 Feb.) 107. Road, Mt. Carmel to Dr. Ezra Baker's, vacated and relocated; Id. ( 7 Jan.) 178. School fund, Town 214, interest thereon ; L. 1843 (3 Mar.) 168. Heira Moses Bedell, mill dam on great Wabash, Town 112; L. 1845 (28 Feb.) 116. Bon Pass Bridge Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 858. County Agricultural and Mechanical Society chartered; id. 1103. C. Cuqua, late sheriff, dis- charged from liability ; L. 1859 (21 Feb.) 146. School districts 1 and 2, Town 1 12 consolida- ted; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 312. Vincennes Draw Bridge Co. hold real estate and bridge the Wabash ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (5 Feb.) 163. G. W. Lucas and E. Baines. restored to citizenship : L. 1869 (13 Mar.) 117. Mt. Carmd.Tovrn chartered; L. 1825 (10 Jan.) 72; amendment; L. 1831 (10 Feb.) 87; further amends; Pr. L. 1833 (27 Feb.) 211; again bartered; L. 1835 (31 Jan.) 210 ; charter amend- ment; Pr. L. 1847 (11 Feb.) 71 ; and Pr. L. 1851 (17 Feb.) 323; sale of town commons; Pr. L. 1863 (12 Feb.) 595; take $50,000. stock in Ohio River and Wabash Kail Road ; Pr. L. 1854 (28 Feb.) 164. City Chartered;! Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 453. Mt. Carmel Academy chartered ; L. 183* (16 Jan.) 170. Selma town name changed to Mt. Carmel, Hiram Bell keep ferry there, road to Fox River changed; 1 L. 1837 (24 Feb.) 327. Marine and Fire Insurance Co chartered; Pr. L. 1837 (2 Mar.) 216. Female Seminary chartered; Pr. L. 1839 (23 Feb.) 93. Grimke Literary Association chartered; Id. (1 Mar.) 148. Mt. Carmel Manufacturing. Co. (2 charters) char- tered; Id. (2 Mar.) 215, and Pr. L. 1853 (14 Feb.) 432. Philomathean Society chartered ; L. 1841 (18 Feb.) 126. Rights and franchises conveyed by deed 7 May 1846 by Thos. H. Hindes executor to Abraham Russell, confirmed; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 545. WABANSIE. James Kenzie to amend town plat to con- form to survey ; Laws 1835 (26 Jan.) 41. WARREN COUNTY. County formed aud boundary defined; L. 1825(13 Jan.) 93 4; attached to Peoria; L. j 1826 (25 Jan.) 70; county seat located and : named; L. 1831 (27 Jan.) 67; extends act 22 Jan. 1831 concerning bridges, to Oct. '33 ; Pr. L. 1833 ' (22 Feb.) 13; county allowed $187.40 expenses ! capturing 4 Sac and Fox Indians charged with murdering Wm. Martin; L. 1835(7 Feh ) 76; middle of the Mississippi the western boundary; i 1 L. 1837 (3 Mar.) 91 ; sheriff pay county tax I into county treasury; Id. (2 Mr.) 194; D. McNeil, settled with for building court house ; j L. 1845 (3 Mar.) 238; bonds subscribed to Peoria and Oquawka Kail Road, tax to pay interest; : L. 1853 (11 Feb.) 171; complete numerical in- ! dex to records; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 719; juris- i diction of county court extended; L. 185U (24 ' Feb.) 96; fees o'f circuit and county clerks; L. j 1867 (7 Mar.) 1 15 ; so much of act 16 Feb. 1866, j exempting this county from the game law, re- j pealed; Id. (5 Mar.) 120; Gross' St&t. 1868, 327; i for building court house and jail; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mur.) 881; take stock in two Rail Roads; L. 1869. (9 Apr.) 202. Geneva changed to Bedford; L. 1839 (12 Jan.) 40. School Land, Town 28, valuation revoked; Id. (9 Feb.) 85. Savannah changed to Cold Brook; Id. (15 Feb.) 119. Pe- oria and Burlington road legalized ; L. 1840 (18 ! Jan.) 46. Greenfield changed to Greenbush; L. j 1843 (23 Feb.) 300. Bowling Green changed to Berwick; Id. (3 Mar.) 303. Carroll plat vacated; L. 1845 (3 Mar.) 266. Greenbush Union Acad- emy chartered; Pr. L. 1853 ( 12 Feb.) 619. Gieenbush School district established; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (26 Fb.) 73. Auditor assign certificate of purchase for 50 acres, Town 92 ; L. 1869 (31 Mar.) 58. Monmouth. Blocks re-numbered ; 1 L. 1837 (2 Mar.) 332 ; survey in 1836 legalized; Id. (2 Mar.) 333; G. H. Wright's plat of block 41 ! vacated; L. 1839(12 Feb.) 103; lot numbers, Iblock 53 changed ; Pr. L. 1847 (17 Feb.) 208. PRIVATE AITD SPECIAL LAW*. (135) Washington County Wayne County. City chartered, vote thereon ; L. 1852 (21 June) 68; city limits altered and defined ; Pr. L. 1859 (16 Fe*b.) 226; charter amendment, reorganiza- tion of city schools; Pr. L. 1863 (21 Feb.) 165; corporate powers extended; 1 Pr. L. 1885 (14 Feb.) 452, and IPr. L. 1867 (5 Mar.) 838. Ad- ditional justice and constable; 1 L. 1837 (15 Feb.) 11T. County Male and Female Seiminary chartered; Pr. L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 205. Mon- mouth Lodge No. 37, F. and A. Masons char- tered ; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 522. Monuiouth Cc-llege chartered ; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 883 ; amendment; Pr. L. 1859 (18 Feb.) 369. Mon- mouth Insurance and Loan Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 1198. Excelsior Insurance Co. chartered ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 640. Prairie State Live Stock Insurance Co. chartered ; Id. (15 Feb.) 758. County Home Insurance Co. chartered ; Id. 814. Eccritian Literary Society chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 15. Black Hawk Mining Co. chartered ; Id (15 Feb.) 52. Gas Light and Coke Co. chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (5 Mar.) 970. Union Hall Association charter- ed ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (9 Feb.) 87. Farmers' and Mechanics' Mutual Life Insurance Co. charter- ed; Id. (8 Mar.) 221. ly vacated; Pr. L. 1854 (1 Mar.) 199. Andrew Eisenmayer, plank road across Kaskaskia bot- i torn, with associates chartered as Okaw Ferry Co.; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 468. James Ingr- j ham restored to citizenship; Id. 686. Ashley ! town chartered; Pr. L. 1857(16 Feb.) 1013, and Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 557. Ferry across Kas- j kaskia near Wertenberg regulated ; 1 Pr. L. ! 1865 (16 Feb.) 559. Coloma changed to Duboig i and latter chartered; L. 1869 (1 Apr.) 270. . Town chartered; Pr. L. 1853 (11 Feb.) 351, and 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 513. ! Nashville Academy chartered ; Pr. L. 1855 (14 j Feb.) 658. Washington Lodge No. 55, F. and A. Masons chartered; Id. (9 Feb.) 685. Male and Female Seminary chartered ; Pr. L. 1859 i (23 Feb.) 370. Ccnngton. Town trustees appointed ; L. 1821 (14 Feb.) 160. William Morrison to build a toll bridge across the Kaskaskia; L. 1821 (12 ; Feb.) 145. Town charter amended ; L. 1823 (14 ! Feb.) 143. Richview. Richmond name changed to Rich- i view; Pr. L. 1855 (9 Feb.) 47; town chartered; i 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 569. Washington Semi- ! nary chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 32. WASHINGTON COUNTY. County formed prior to the organization of the state. Location of county seat, named Georgetown, sale of county buildings at Cov- ington ; Pr. L. 1827 (10 Jan.) 7 ; removal of '. county seat 19 Jan. 1829 [this act appears only j in a list of private acts in L. 1829, 240] ; said act ! amended, court held at Nashville instead of Covington; L. 1831 (9 Feb ) 66; Washington; county debts on 27 Dec. '24 divided with Clin- 1 ton ; Pr. L. 1833 (2 Mar.) 16 ; borrow money i to build a courthouse and jail; L. 1839 (16 Feb.) j 110 ; assessments and collections for 1836-7-8 j and 1841-2-3 legalized; L. 1845 (4 Feb.) 199; j revenue for 1844, how collected; L. 1847 (26 i Feb.) 75; school funds paid to comm'r of Clin- j ton ; Id. (28 Feb.) 116 ; county court hold ses- j sions in lower rooms of jail and control them ; L. 1853 (11 Feb.) 225; borrow $100.000. to pay bounties; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 115; county estray law; L. 1869 (4 Mar.) 173. Trustees j Washington Academy and town of Carlisle ap- pointed ; L. 1819 (30 Mar.) 368. Wm. Morrison, j further time to build toll bridge over Kaskas- i kia ; L. 1823 (10 Feb.) 121. John Row, grist ! mill on the Kaskaskia ; Pr. L. 1833 (1 Mar.) 12. Tabley, ferry across the Kaskaskia ; Id. (28 Jan.) ' 35. Road, Nashville to Middleton's old terrv, . located ; L. 1840 (3 Feb.) 110. Public roads all j confirmed and kept in repair; L. 1843 (24 Feb.) i 253. Concerning sec. 16, Town 15 ; Id. (26 Feb.) 276, and L. 1845 (26 Feb.) 168. Heirs of J. Moore, guardian, sell lands Town 1 3 ; Id. | (28 Feb.) 262. Thoa. A. Nichols, convicted of perjury, restored ; Id. (25 Feb.) 279. Securities of John H. McElhanon, late collector, pay in state scrip ; L. 1849 (9 Feb.) 116. Wm. Pate, 4 years pedlar's license ; Pr. L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 56. Ferrv across the Kaskaskia established 9 June 1841 "legalized; Pr. L. 1851 (15 Feb.) 231 ; fore- going amended, county court regulate rates; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 605. Nelson, ferry road part- . WAYNE COUNTY. County formed out of Edwards, commission- ers locate county seat ; L. 1819 (26 Mar.) 268; southern line of Wayne and Edwards defined: L. 1829 (22 Jan.) 32 ; share in proceeds of Galla : tin Salines; L. 1831 (16 Feb.) 15; application of Saline appropriation changed; 1 L. 1837 (2 Mar.) 93, and Id. (4 Mar.) 100 ; county borrow $5,000. to purchase breadstuff's for the unfortu- nate; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 704; territory taken from Wayne and added to Clay ; L. 1863 (12 Feb.) 84; board of supervisors ; L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 102. A. C. Mackey and others, leases on school section Town 28, released; L. 1826 (26 Jan.) 76 2. Benj. Sumpter, toll bridge on Little Wa- bash; L. 1833 (20 Feb.) 13. Eunis Maulding, ferry across Skillett Fork ; Id. (28 Feb.) 35. E. W. Jones, mill dam at Harris' Shoals; L. 1831 (4 Jan.) 98; amendment, Benj. Sumpter raise his dam; Pr. L. 1833 (22 Feb.) 107. Sam. Leech, mill dam at Harris' Shoals ; L. 1835 (14 Jan.) 45. Burnt Prairie Manual Labor Seminary, in Town 38 (partly in Wayne); L. 1836 (15 Jan.) 163. Fairfield Library Co. chartered; 2 L. 1837 (2 Mar.) 41. Proprietors selling town lots without recording plat, released; L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 268. Fairfield Institute chartered, Libra- ry Co. merged into ; Pr. L. 1889 (27 Feb.) 124. Methodist Parsonage lot in Fairfield, transfer of; L. 1843 (23 Feb.) 171. Ewing Seminary chartered; L. 1845 (21 Feb.) 354. Johnson M. Owen, convicted of larceny, restored; L. 1849 (19 Jan.) 112. Wiley Webb, toll bridge at New Massillon; Pr. L. 1851 (17 Feb.) 290. Con- cerning Carmi Mill, to be approved by countr courts of Wayne and Clay ; L. 1853 (12 Feb!) 246. John D. Walters, convicted of larceny, re- stored; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (8 Mar.) 815. Road, Fair- field to Albion, located ; Id. (23 Feb.) 819. Same, Fairfield to Noble ; Id. (25 Feb.) 821. Fairfield chartered ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 494. (136) PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS, Whit* County Whitcside County. WHITE COUNTY. County formed prior to the organization ef the state. County share in proceeds of Gallatin Salines; L. 1831 (16 Feb.) 16; re-location ef tate roads; L. 1835 (24 Jan.) 79; county Uke $5,000. stock in Carmi Bridge Co.; Pr. L. 1837 (4 Mar.) 331 ; taxes for 1846-7 collected by J. B. Blackford, delinquent list for 1846, settlement with said collector; L. 1851 (17 Feb.) 191 ; line between White and Gallatin settled ; L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 265 ; same subject ; Pr. L. 1854 (28 Feb.) 143; auditor pay interest on county school fund; L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 103, 178. Wm. McHenry re tain part of sec. 18, Town 510; L. 1819 (26 Feb.) 69. Benj. R. Smith, discharged from lia- bility as sheriff; Id. (24.Mar.) 235. Cumberland Presbyterians lease part of school section Town 58; L. 1821 (14 Feb.) 163; foregoing amend- ed; L. 1823 (18 Feb.) 180. Road, Caleb Ridge- ways to Carmi; L. 1825 (13 Jan.) 92 2 ; same, Joseph Patton's to Caleb Ridgeway's; L. 1826 (23 Jan.) 67. Same, Carmi to Collins' ferrv ; L. 1829 (26 Dec. '28) 127. Same, Carmi to Fair- field, comm'rs report; Pr. L. 1833 (28 Jan.) 129. Same, Carmi to Shawneetown, ia part; Id. (22 , Feb.) 146 ; Charles Slocumb change said road on his land ; Id. (27 Dec. "32) 195. Same, Logan's toTecumseh; 2 L. 1837(20 July) 67. Same, Carmi to Mt. Carmel, re-located near Gray ville ; L. 1841 (27 Feb.) 254. John Funkhouser, toll bridge over Skillett Fork; Pr. L. 1833 (28 Jan.) 6. David Ridgeway, released from payment of $500. note at Shawneetown State Bank; Id. (1 Mar.) 126. Sale of school lands, Town 514; L 1835 (6 Feb.) 26. C. J. Wilman and C. J. Weed, ferry on Little Wabash; Id. (7 Jan.) 80. Burnt Prairie Manual Labor Seminary charter- ed; located Town 38 ; L. 1836 (15 Jan.) 163. Towns in Range 11 attached to Range 14 for school purposes; Id. (13 Jan.) 231. John Haynes. toll bridge across Skillet Fork ; 1 L. 1837 (27 Feb.) 26. James Jessup, same across same; Id. (10 Feb.) 30. C. J. Weed, mill dam on Skillet Fork; Id. (27 Jan.) 182. Fox river, navigable to Town 414; L. 1839 (21 Feb.) 150. New Haven chartered; Pr. L. 1839 (15 Feb.) 59. Victoria changed to Philadelphia; L. 1840 (29 Jan.) 65. Remove a dam from Little Wabash ; Id. (3 Feb.) 130. Additional justice's district i created; L.1841 (24Feb.)175. Howell & Hodges, : dam the Little Wabash, Town 310 ; L. 1843 (3 j Mar.) 177. Construction of dams for mills at I Carmi and New Haven ; L. 1845 (1 Mar.) 99 ;j said mills sold; L. 1847 (27 Feb.) 59 ; foregoing j amended ; L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 246; and L. 1859 (24 i Feb.) 40. Ewing Seminary chartered ; L. 1845 ; (21 Feb.) 354. Reuben Emerson and securities released from rent of Carmi mills ; L. 1849 (27 Jan.) 113. Wabash election precinct abolished and new one formed ; Pr. L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 30. Lemuel Corwin, convicted' of larceny, restored; L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 219. Elizabeth Smith name changed to Hudson ; Pr. L. 1857 (31 Jan.) 228. Jane N. Brockett, name changed to Rice; Id. (10 Feb.) 352. C. L. Perigo, surety for H. W. Bompas, released ; L. 1869 (30 Mar.) 344. Carmi. Town chartered; L. 1819 (24 Mar.) 249; amendment; L. 1823 (14 Feb.) 147; again chartered ; L. 1840 (30 Jan.) 70; foregoing amended; L. 1841 (8 Feb.) 327 ; again chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (9 Feb.) 304; foregoing repealed; Pr. L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 591; again chartered; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (13 Feb.) 530. Public road Fack- ney's addition vacated; L. 1869 (30 Mar.) 392. Toll bridge over Little Wabash; L. 1819 (2 Mar.) 103. Allen Rudolph, toll bridge over Little Wabash; L. 1829 (20 Jan.) 12. Carmi Bridge Co. chartered; L. 1835 (6 Feb.) 218; amend- ment; Pr. L. 1839 (18 Jan.) 15 ; further amends; L. 1841 (8 Feb.) 327. Carmi Academy charter- ed; L. 1836 (16 Jan.) 158. Oraytille. Florence name changed to Gray- villa ; L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 273 ; additional justice L. 1845 (28 Jan.) 182; town chartered; Pr. L. 1851 (15 Feb.) 237, and Pr. L. 1855 (13 Feb.) 203 ; license money paid to town treasury; Id. (6 Feb.) 689; charter amended, town prison ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 471. Martin Doyle, ferry across Great Wabash ; L. 1859 (21 Feb.)"ll3. WHITESIDE COUNTY. County created, boundary and organization ; L. 1836 (16 Jan.) 274 ; vote on location of coun- ty seat ; L. 1839 (21 Feb.) 143; same subject; L. 1843 (28 Feb.) 121 ; same subject, Lyndon voted for, 3 and 4 of foregoing revived ; L. 1849 (8 Feb.) 48 ; certain moneys added to school fund for 1846; L. 1847 (16 Jan.) 119; perfecting di- viding line between Whittside and Rock Island; Pr. L. 1853 (26 Jan.) 462 ; foregoing amended, action of single comm'r and citizens; Pr. L. 1854 (4 Mar.) 161; foregoing repealed ; L. 1869 (29 Mar.) 161 ; further defining said line ; Id. (18 Apr.) 94 ; jurisdiction of county court extended t $1,600.; L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 128; foregoing re- pealed ; L. 1859 (19 Feb.) 103 g7; removal of county seat, Sterling to Morrison ; L. 1857 (7 Feb.)*236; towns and cities on Fox river, rebuild bridges lost by flood; Pr. L. 1857 (12 Feb.) 505 ; sales of swamp lands legalized ; L. 1859 (14 Feb.) 41 ; wamp land school fund apportioned ; Id. (24 Feb.) 189 ; tax for bounties legalized ; L. 1863 (12 Feb.) 85; county assist Young Men's Soldiers' Monument Association ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (8 Mar.) 454. Little Rock Academy chartered; Pr. L. 1837 (27 Feb.) 125. Illinois City plat partly vacated, name chanced to Uniontown ; L. 1840 (10 Dec. '39) 154. H. B. Cone, pre-empi lands Town 225. and J. W. Nobles, in Town 215; L. 1843 (4 Mar.) 170. Daniel Halse name changed to WinfieldD. M. Cone; Pr. L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 14. Lyndon and Como, new entry of plats; Id. 132* Public lots in Como vacated; Pr. L 1851 (14 Feb.) 127. Mississippi Railroad Bridge Co. chartered, near Fulton Lity; Pr. L. 1853 (11 Feb.) 575 ; amendment ; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 286. J. Dow and A. Adams, acts as school trustees, Town 19 4, legalized ; L. 1855 (9 Feb.) 122. Geo. H. and Alice A. Clark, name chang- ed to Dubridge ; Pr. L. 1857 (9 Feb.) 314. Wm. Murray name changed to M. Ustick; Id. (16 Feb.) 891. Rock River Coal Mining Co. char- tered ; Id. 1077. Albany, town taxes for 1860 remitted, account of tornado ; L. 1861 (22 Jan.) 12. Erie Bridge Co. chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 176. Whiteside Central Bridge Co. chartered, Town 205; Id. 202. Henry G. Pulnam and L. E. Rice, dam Rock river Town 205 ; Id. 553. Whitesifc Peat and Mining Co. PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. (137) Wiggins' Ferry Witt County. chartered ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (14 Feb.) 427. Osceola Gold and Silver Mining Co. chartered ; Id. (13 Feb.) 433. Tampico and Jordan, special boun- ty tax; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (18 Feb.) 119. Morrison. City chartered ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (27 Feb.) 595. Northwestern Insurance Co. char- tered ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 740. Baptist Church of Union Grove changed to First Bap- tist Church of Morrison; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (21 Feb.) 241. Prophetstown. New entry of town plat ; Pr. L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 132; re-survey of town plat; Pr. L. 1835 (15 Feb.) 184 ; town chartered ; Pr. L. 1859 (22 Feb.) 665. Alexander & Young, ferry across Rack river ; Pr. L. 1833 (28 Jan.) 33. Sterling. Chatham town name changed to Sterling; L. 1841 (17 Feb.) 327; Harrisburg changed to Sterling; L. 1843 (23 Feb.) 301 ; town to remain county seat until the $3,700. ex- pended on court house is refunded ; Pr. L. 1847 (16 Feb.) 29 ; town plat partly vacated ; Pr. L. 1853 (24 Jan.) 480. City chartered ; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 980; charter amendment, borrow money; Pr. L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 279; general amendment; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (5 Mar.) 695; city and certain towns erect free bridge over Rock river; Id. (9 Mar.) 843. Sterling Hydraulic and Manuf. Co., to improve Rock river ;Pr. L. 1847 (18 Feb.) 97 ; amendment ; L. 1852 (21 June) 90 ; both foregoing amended ; L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 183. Sterling Academy chartered ; Pr. L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 5. Western Union Insurance Co. char- tered; Pr. L. 1857 (11 Feb.) 367. Sterling Bridge Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (11 Feb.) 480, and 1 Pr. L. 1865 (13 Feb.) 199. Sterling Cemetery Association chartered ; Id. (16 Feb.) 226. Sterling Navigation Co. chartered ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 98. Union Printing Associa- tion chartered; Id. 125. Sterling Bank char- tered; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (9 Mar.) 113. Sterling Lit- erary Society chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (21 Feb.) 268 Fulton. City chartered ; Pr. L. 1859 (14 Feb.) 150 ; special tax to pay city bonds ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 364. Augustine Phelps' ferry privi- lege con firmed to Wm. H. Knight; Pr. L. 1853 (11 Feb.) 581. Geo. W.Sayre, ferry across the Mississippi; Pr. L.I 857 (28 Feb.) 1340. Galena and Chicago Union R. R. Bridge Co. bridge the Mississippi ; Pr. L. 1859 (18 Feb.) 15. Fulton Foundry Manuf. Co. chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 35. Illinois Soldiers' College chartered ; 1 Pr. L.) 1867 (25 Feb.) 6. Home Insurance Co. chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (6 Mar.) 189. Albany. New entry of town plat; Pr. L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 132. D. & S. Mitchell, ferry across the Missisippi;L. 1841 (26 Feb.) 118; foregoing amended and extended ; Pr. L. 1851 (14 Feb.) 126. Albany R. R. Bridge Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (14 Feb.) 668. Bapi'J City. New entry of town plat ; Pr. L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 132; partly vacates plat; Pr. L. 1853 (11 Feb.) 503, and Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 48; plat vacated; Pr. L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 1336. near town of Illinois; L. 1819 (2 Mar.) 104; same, turnpike road 100 feet wide from oppo- site St. Louis to the Bluff, move ferry to avoid sand-bar; L. 1821 (6 Feb.) 94 ; concerning rates; L. 1831 (15 Feb.) 78; redemption of the Wiggins loan; L. 1841 (27 Feb.) 246. Wiggins' Ferry Co. chartered, purchase franchises of Samuel Wig- gins ; Pr. L. 1853 (11 Feb.) 193; charter amend- ment, repeals all after 6; Pr. L. 1857 (17 Feb.) 1146 ; repeals 1 of foregoing, and re-enacts sec- tions repealed ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (12 June) 938. WIGGINS' FERRY. Samuel Wiggins, ferry across the Mississippi, 18, WILL COUNTY. County formed with county seat at Juliet ; L. 1836 (12 Jan.) 262 ; funds from sale of school lands by Cook county paid over ; 1 L. 1837 (31 Jan.) 314 ; apportionment of school fund for 1841-2 corrected; L. 1845 (26 Feb.) 167; Cook county records transcribed ; L. 1847 (11 Feb.) 72 ; certain school directors relinquish lots to trustees L and M. canal; Id. (25 Feb.) 152; records of judgments in circuit court indexed ; Id. (1 Mar.) 70; regulates sale of liquor; Pr. L. 1847 (1 Mar.) 169 ; sheep and swine not to run at large after 1 Mar.; L. 1853 (27 Jan.) 152; juris- diction of county court extended; L. 1857(16 Feb.) 145 ; jurisdiction of county judge as a jus- tice ; L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 78; foregoing amended; L. 1869 (13 Mar.) 151 ; township support of paupers, vote thereon ; L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 271; drainage of lands ; Id. (22 Feb.) 271; action of county and towns levying tax to pay bounties legalized ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (6 Feb.) 147 ; same as to towns; Id. (16 Feb.) 153; time of holding town meetings changed; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 924; county estray law; L. 1869 (27 Mar.) 176 ; net- i ting offish prohibited; Id. (16 Apr.) 188. Wooster i & Holmes, mill dam on Kankakee, Town 31 14; 1 L. 1837 (10 Feb.) 162. Vienna changed to East Buffaloa; Id. (3 Mar.) 328. Franklin Manual Labor College chartered; L. 1836 (16 Jan.) 160 ; amendment, may locate in Will ; Pr. L. 1837 (27 Feb.) 111. Middletown plat vacated ; L. 1839 (21 Feb.) 145 ; foregoing amended ; L. 1840 (18 Jan.) 47. Union Agricultural Societv chartered ; Pr. L. 1839 (19 Feb.) 88. Kankakee chartered, borrow $10,000. for bridges etc.; Id. (27 Feb.) 121. Proceedings concerning schools. Town 3510 legalized; L. 1841 (26 Feb.) 287; same, Town 3512.; L. 1843 (4 Mar.) 282. Rockville Academy chartered, Town 32 11 ; Id. (24 Feb.) 5. Plainfield public square vaca- ted; L. 1845 (1 Mar.) 121. Romeo plat vacated ; Id. (3 Mar.) 138. Erection of school house, Town 35 10; L. 1847 (16 Jan.) 159. County Literary and Historical Society ; Pr. L. 1847 (27 Feb.) 149. Chas. W. Dodd, convicted of larce- ny, restored ; Id. (22 Jan.) 172. David Bloom released from recognizance for Thos. Hendricks ; Id. (15 Feb.) 174. Robert Stephens, patent for tract of land; L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 102; foregoing amended; L. 1851 (13 Feb.) 87. Florence and Wesley, towns established ; Id. (15 Feb.) 113. Town 35 12, incorporation of for school pur- poses legalized ; Pr. L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 40. Jos. Campbell, vacates street running through his property; Id. 131. Jos. McCoy, state pedlar's license for life; Pr. L. 1851 (12 Feb.) 85. Troy, town established ; L. 1852 (23 June) 207 Trenton abolished, Manhattan and Green Gar- ( 138 ) PRIVATE AND SPECIAL LAWS. Witt County Williamson County. den created; L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 206. Alonzo Leach, late sheriff, allowed $350.; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 492. Willard Grove Cemetery Asso- ciation chartered ; Pr. L. 1855 (14 Feb.) 440. Mound Cemetery Association chartered ; Id. 454. Oakwood Cemetery chartered ; Id. (12 Feb.) 473. Plainfield Methodist E. Church, acts legalized ; Id. 689. Road, Town 879, pro- ceedings as to legalized ; L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 197. Town 36 9, acts of school trustees, and direct- ors district 1, legalized ; L. 1859 (19 Feb.) 177. Manhattan, parish of sell real estate; Pr. L. 1859 (24 Feb.) 34. Crete Farmers' Mutual In- surance Co. chartered; Pr. L.1861 (20 Feb.) 853. Wilmington, Reed, Wesley and Florence, with towns hi" Kankakee and Grundy vote on tax to improve the Kankakee; Id. (22 Feb.) 737. Plainfield College of Evangelical Associa- tion of North America changed to Northwest- ern College of etc.; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 12. DuPage, action of town re-imbursing advances toj pay recruits legalized ; Id. (16 Feb.) 156. Wheatland Cemetery Association chartered; Id. 230. Wilmington "and Monee Railroad char- tered 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 227 ; amendment; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 585. Union Mining and Manuf. Co. chartered ; Id. (6 Mar.) 377. Allan- dale Coal Mining and Manuf. Co. chartered, at Joliet or Wilmington ; Id. (19 Feb.) 428. Mo- nee, Crete and Dyer Railroad chartered ; Id. (7 Mar ) 588. Chicago and Wilmington Coal Co. to build a railroad ; Id. (21 Feb.) 707. Fred. D. S Stewart late treasurer, $3,000. lost by bank failures ; Id. (12 June) 794. DuPage and Wil- ton, tbwn bounty tax legalized ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (30 Jan.) 117. 'Frankfort, Holden's addition partly vacated ; Id. (28 Feb.) 234 Jofo*. Town of Juliet chartered; Pr. L. 1857 (1 Mar.) 194; foregoing repealed; L. 1841 (27 Jan.) 317; tax to pay town liabilities ; Id. (17 Feb.) 305; sell lots for burying grounds; Id. (27 Feb.) 49 ; Juliet name changed to Joliet ; L. 1845 (26 Feb.) 166 ; bridging the Des Plaines, vote thereon ; Pr. L. 1847 (1 Mar.) 17 ; Des Plaines street re-located ; Id. (16 Jan.) 196 ; Joliet street partly vacated ; L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 46 ; certain streets changed ; Pr. L. 1851 (28 Jan.) 31, and Id. (17 Feb.) 274; building sidewalks; Id. 263; Michigan street partly vacated ; Id. 277. City chartered; L. 1852 (22 June) 161 ; amendment, control of common schools; Pr. L. 1853 (10 Feb.) 275; water works and gas ; Pr. L. 1854 (4 Mar.) 187; incorporating acts reduced to one and amended ; Pr. L. 1857 (31 Jan.) 188 ; parts of streets vacated; Id. (18 Feb.) 1432 ; grounds vacated; Pr. L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 203; charter amendment, elect police magistrate; Id. (22 Feb.) 204; city jurisdiction for school purposes ; 1 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 392; charter amendment, tenure of office police magistrate two years, re- peals laws named; Ibid.; boundary defined ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (1 Mar.) 619; town two election pre- cincts ; Id. (7 Mar.) 924. Juliet Academy char- tered; L. 1841 (27 Feb.) 14. Juliet Seminary char- tered ; L. 1843 (4 Mar.) 284. Purports to change name of First Congregational Society ; L. 1852 (23 June) 267 ; acts of said society legalized ; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (21 Feb.) 266. James Lyon name changed to Lewis James, heir of Royal Reed ; Pr. L. 1855 (9 Feb.) 694 ; Wm. W. Field name changed to Wm. Field Reed, heir of same ; Id. (14 Feb.) 733. Joliet Insurance Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1857 (12 Feb.) 484. Joliet Gas Light Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1859 (11 Feb.) 381. Des Plaines Cemetery Association chartered; 1 Pr. I, istij (16 Feb.) 217. Joliet Manuf. Co. char- tiTdl ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (25 Feb.)343. Sharpshoot- ers' Association chartered ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (21 Feb.) 92. Loclport. Archer's addition chartered ; L. 1839 (2 Mar.) 260; village chartered; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 216 : town plat of West Lockport va- cated ; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (7 Mar.) 259. Bridge the Des Plaines; Pr. L. 1849 (12 Feb.) 12. School lots sold ; application of proceeds ; L. 1851 (17 Feb.) 185. Lorkport Cemetery Association chartered; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 548. Baptist church convey real estate; Pr. L. 1855 (6 Feb.) 087 : foregoing amended, description corrected; Pr. L. 1857 (30 Jan.) 116. Lockport Seminary chartered ; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 17. Public- School District chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 301. Wilmington. Winchester town name chang- ed to Wilmington; 2 L. 1837 (21 July) 102; tax in aid of Kankakee and Iroquois Navigation and Manuf. Co.;L. 1852(15 June) 10 ; build side- walks; Pr. L. 1853 (11 Feb.) 561; town charter oenerally amended; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 623. dmlmington Coal Mining and Manuf. Co. char- tered ; Id. (16 Feb.) 88; foregoing amended; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 416. Wilmington Manuf. Co. chartered; Id. (23 Feb.) 331. Wilmington Bridge. Towns of Wilmington and Reed, tax to improve the Kankakee and bridge the same; Pr. L. 1851 (15 Feb.) 232. Wilmington Bridge Co. chartered; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 347, and 1 Pr. L. 1867 (8 Mar.) 189. Towns of Wilmington and Reed, tax in aid of, Wilmington failing to make levy renders act void; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 667; balance of $3,872.80 dve under foregoing, levied upon towns of Reed and Wilmington, and Essex and Norton, Kankakee county ; Pr.L. 1861 (22 Feb.) 537. Wilmington levy special tax to pay bridge debts; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 339. Towns in county to repair, vote for or against ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (21 Feb.) 170. WILLIAMSON COUNTY. County created, boundary and organization ; L. 1839 (28 Feb.) 110; foregoing amended; L. 1840 (18 Jan.) 88; said act to be sent to circuit clerk; Id. 87; John Bainbridge as probate jus- tice, and E. Mclntosh as county clerk, acts legal- ized; L. 1843 (2 Feb.) 185; John R. Miller deputy recorder, acts legalized ; Pr.L. 1847 (28 Feb.) 217; transcribing records books "A," "C," "D," "E," "F" and ". Vacates alleys; L. 1840 (10 Dec. :!'.;) i::i; plat, vacated; I'r. L. 1847 (17 Feb.) 202; Elydatow a name changed to Wlnnebago; Pr. L. is:,:, ,it F.'h.) i;<):> ; vacates streets; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 102. \VOODFOUD COUNTY. County formed, county seat at Versailles ; L. 1 s * 1 1 (27 Feb.) SI; repeals 9 of foregoing ; L. 1843 (1 Mar.) 93; part of Tazewell attached to Woodford, vote thereon; Id. (17 Feb.) 86; line between McLean and Woodford; Id. (28 Feb.) !)1 ; locate county seat ; Id. 123; supplemental ; Id. (t> Mar ) 127 school fund of Tazewell trans- ferred to Woodford and Mason ; L. 1845 (1 Mar.) 235; location of county seat at Hanover legal- ized; E'Tanover changed to Mctamora; Id. (21 Feb.) 345 ; transcribing records of Tazewell and McLean; Pr. L. 1857 (18 Feb.) 1333; copying records; L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 274 ; anditor's sale of real estate ; L. 1865 (16 Feb.) 86; fees of officers; L. 1867 (28 Feb.) 112 ; take stock in railroads; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (6 Mar.) 866 ; purchase county poor farm ; Id. (9 Feb.) 875 ; removal of county seat, M 'taiuora to El Puso, vote thereon ; Id. (27 Feb.) S;)7, and Metamora to Eureka; L. 1869 (9 Feb.) 157. Tazewell changed to Spring Bay; Pr. L. is Mi (9 Feb.) 124. County Plank Road Co. chartered ; Pr. L. 1853 (12 Feb.) 249. Spring Hay Ferry and Dyke Co. chartered; Id. 538. Vniontown changed to Mantua; Pr. L. 1855 (15 Feb.) 195, and Mantua changed to Wash- burne ; Pr. L. 1857 (7 Feb.) 272. Assessment district No. 5, Cazenovm ; L. 1861 (21 Feb.) 192. Metamora chartered, officers' acts legalized ; Pr. L. 1861 (13 Feb.) 690. Kappa, Cook's addition partly vacated ; 2 Pr. L. 1865 (15 Feb.) 657. Spring Hay partly vacated; 3 Pr. L. 1867 (21 Feb.) 109. Mlnonk chartered; Id. (7 Mar.) 259. Sccor chartered; Id. (21 Feb.) 586 ; alley vaca- ted; Id. 109. Panola chartered; Id. (28 Feb.) 818. Rl Paxo. Town chartered; Pr. L. 1861 (22 Feb.) B25. City chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (27 Feb.) 792; establishing recorder's court ; L. 1869 Hi Mar.) 128, supplemental Id. 132. El Paso Academy chartered ; Pr. L. 1851 (20 Feb.) 14. Cemetery Association chartered; Id. (18 Feb.) 66. Gas Light and Coke Co. chartered; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (5 Mar.) 974. -Horse Railway and Car- rying Co. chartered; 2 Pr. L. 1867 (9 Mar.) 34. Mining and Manuf. Co. chartered; Id. (28 Feb.) 422. Eureka. Town chartered; Pr. L. 1859 (23 Feb.) 603; amendment; Pr. L. 1861 (20 Feb.) 617 ; further amendment; 1 Pr. L. 1867(22 Feb.) 919. Eureka College chartered; near to and succeed the Walnut Grove Academy ; Pr. L. 1855 (6 Feb.) 540; amendment, portion of school fund ; Id. (9 Feb.) 585. Pereclesian Society chartered ; Pr. L. 1857 (16 Feb.) 1032. Simp- son Seminary and Collegiate Institute charter- ed ; 1 Pr. L. 1867 (25 Feb.) 10. NOTE. An act chartering the town of Belvi- dere (Pr. L. 1857, 252) and an amendment thereto (Pr. L. 1859, 585) appear under the head Kane County, and an act chartering Belvidere College (Pr. L. 1837, 200), under Winnebago County. They should all have appeared under BOONE COUNTY, Belvidere. An act for the or- ganization and government of the Militia, ap- proved 2 Mar. 1833 and taking effect 2 July 1833, was not published with the Laws of 1833 but in a volume by itself. This was not ob- served until Part I had gone to press. The act is found Gale's Stat. 469. An act amending Union College charter, L. 1839 (22 Feb.) 50, should have appeared Chap. 25, Div. -. DATE DUE DEMCO 38-297