LINCOLN ROOM UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign THE |l8RAftr UNIVtKhlTY UF ILUNUIS ABRAHAM LINCOLN 1809-1865 From a photograph taken June. 1860 HISTORY of the Lincoln Family An Account of the Descendants of Samuel Lincoln of Hingham Massachusetts 1637-1920 Compiled by Waldo Lincoln A. B. President of the American Antiquarian Society WORCESTER MASSACHUSETTS Commonwealth Press 1923 ^7 3. 7.^6 5 PREFACE More than thirty years ago the writer first began collect- ing data for the history of the descendants of Samuel Lincoln, his first Lincoln ancestor in America, but the difficulty of separat- ing the several families bearing the name of Lincoln, originating in Hingham, and, so far as known, of unrelated ancestry, seemed at. that time too discouraging and the work was temporarily abandoned. The pubHcation in 1893 of a history of Hingham with a full and fairly accurate genealogy of all Hingham residents up to 1889, and the completion and publication of the Waldo Genealogy in 1902, which had engaged the writer's attention for several years, led him to resume his studies of the Lincoln families, and the present volume is the result. The Hingham genealogies provided a firm foundation and with few exceptions proved to be free from error, but every statement and date therein given has been verified or corrected by original records. There were in the little town of Hingham previous to 1640 eight settlers bearing the surname Lincoln, viz.: Daniel the husbandman and his brothers Samuel the weaver and Thomas the weaver; Daniel the sergeant; Stephen and his brother Thomas the husbandman; Thomas the miller and Thomas the cooper. All of these are thought to have come from county Norfolk, England, but so far as has been learned the several families were not interrelated. Daniel the husbandman and Thomas the weaver left no famihes, the former dying unmarried; but the other six did leave families, and as most of these remained in Hingham or Cohasset, formerly a part of Hingham, for several generations the task of assigning each family to its proper ances- tor was no easy one, but it was admirably done by the compilers of the History of Hingham. The history of the family of Samuel Lincoln possesses greater interest? for the general American public than that of most fami- lies, because it numbers among its members that distinguished and beloved commoner, the late President Abraham Lincoln, 53619? iV PREFACE whose ancestry was unknown to himself beyond his grandfather Lincoln, whose name he bore. On a visit to New England in 1848 Abraham Lincoln stopped over night in Worcester and was entertained by the writer's grandfather, ex-Governor Levi Lin- coln, neither knowing of any blood relationship but suspecting it from the numerous Biblical names common to the families of both: Abraham, Samuel, Isaac, Jacob and especially Mordecai. It was not until after the president's death, however, that any real attempt was made to establish his descent from Samuel Lincoln; and while positive proof of this descent, it may be claimed, has not yet been found and probably never will be, the circumstantial evidence is such as to leave no reasonable doubt of the correctness of the deductions drawn therefrom. This evidence is briefly given on pages 43 to 45 of this volume, and references are cited for those who wish a more complete presenta- tion of it. The notation employed in this work is the same decimal letter system used by the writer in the Waldo Genealogy, unfamiliar to most but when once understood very simple and useful, showing at a glance the generation to which a member of the family belongs, and indicating clearly the relationship between two members. The system may be briefly explained as follows: The earliest immigrant of the family, in this case Samuel Lincoln, is lettered a; his children are lettered aa, ah, ac, etc. The children of the oldest child are lettered aaa, aab, aac, etc., of the second child aba, abb, abc, etc., and so on through each succeeding generation, each descendant having as many letters as the generation to which he belongs and the letters showing exactly his line of de- scent. For example take the last name in this volume, Mordecai Abel Lincoln, adaaa bbcgb. For convenience in counting, a space, corresponding to a decimal point, is left after the fifth and tenth letters. There being ten letters he belongs to the tenth generation and is descended from ad, the fourth child of Samuel, a. To look up any of his ancestors it is only necessary to leave off a sufficient number of letters and to turn to the person indicated by those remaining, without resorting to the index or the intervening an- cestors. For instance, to learn the record of his great-grand- father, leave off the last three letters, cgb, and there is left adaaa PREFACE V hb, which is the index letter of Thomas Lincoln on page 463. Take now the index letter of President Abraham Lincoln, page 464, adaaa dh, and it is clear he and the aforesaid Thomas were own cousins, the first five letters showing they had the same grandfather. In the case of children of Lincoln women, to save space only the final letters are given and to obtain their full index letter it is necessary to affix these letters to the index letter of the mother. For example, see Deborah Lincoln, aabah, page 65. Her children are lettered from a to g, and the index letter of the oldest, John, is aabab a. The hyphenating of Christian names is an idea of the writer to prevent the possibility of mis- taking a surname used as a middle name for the actual surname, a mistake easily made in certain cases by a hasty or careless reading. This method was used in the Waldo Genealogy and is again employed here, but where initials only are given the hyphen is omitted. To indicate that the record of any person has been carried forward to the next generation the index letter of such person is printed in roman characters, all others being in italics. The index is very full and complete. Every individual is sep- arately named, full middle names being given when known, and each married woman being indexed both under her married and her maiden names when the latter is known. All descendants of Samuel Lincoln and the husbands and wives of descendants are indexed both by letter and by page, individuals indexed by page alone being mentioned only incidentally. Relationships are thus easily determined by the index, without reference to the text. Most of the data in this volume were obtained before 1914, when the work was practically finished; and the book would have been published several years ago, had not the great war inter- fered. Since the war the cost of paper and printing has been so excessive that publication has been delayed until the present, in the hope that these costs might be less. No attempt has been made, except in a few cases, to bring the records down to the date of publication, and it is a matter of regret that the war services of the members of the family are, as a rule, of necessity not in- cluded. It was hoped to make a more complete presentation of the later Pennsylvania families, but in this the writer has been VI PREFACE disappointed. Yet nearly every family has been so far traced that it is thought that few descendants, who know the names of their grandparents, will have any difficulty in tracing their ances- try back to Samuel Lincoln. By careful and repeated reading of manuscript and proof, an attempt has been made to eliminate all errors, yet undoubtedly many remain. For those made in copying official records and private manuscripts and in quotations from pubHshed books, the compiler is alone responsible. In all cases he has followed the given spelling of Christian and family names, not wishing to alter official or family records even when it seemed probable that an error had been made. Where official and family records differ as to dates, the family Bible has been considered the best authority, official records next and gravestones the least reliable of all. Frequently all dates have been given, with the authority for each. The writer wishes to acknowledge his obligation to all the members of the family and others who have assisted him, by materials and records, in this compilation. Credit has been given to each in the proper place, among the authorities cited at the end of each biography. This has seemed a more satisfactory way of indicating the sources of information than by footnotes, which was the system adopted in the Waldo Genealogy. For permission to use the two photographs of Abraham Lincoln for reproduction in half-tone, acknowledgment is made to Mr. Frederick H. Meserve of New York, from whose book, ''The Photographs of Abraham Lincoln," they have been taken. Waldo Lincoln. Worcester, Mass., January 1, 1923. CONTENTS Page First and Second Generations 1 Third Generation 28 Fourth Generation 64 Fifth Generation 135 Sixth Generation 251 Seventh Generation 399 Eighth Generation 526 Ninth and Tenth Generations 602 ILLUSTRATIONS Portrait of Abraham Lincoln, 1809-1865. From a photo- graph taken June, 1860. By permission of Frederick Hill Meserve Frontispiece Facing Page The Old Church, Hingham, Mass., erected 1681. Familiarly known as the '' Old Ship." From an undated lithograph. . 6 House of Mordecai Lincoln, 1656-1727, at Scituate, Mass. Erected about 1695. From a photograph taken in 1910. . 16 Site of Mordecai Lincoln's iron works on Bound brook, Cohasset, Mass. From a photograph taken in 1910. . . 16 House of Mordecai Lincoln, 1686-1736, at Exeter, Penn. Erected in 1733. From a photograph taken about 1909. . 46 Monument to, and grave of, the early settlers of Hingham, Mass., in Hingham cemetery 59 House of Isaac Lincoln, 1691-1771, at Cohasset, Mass. Erected in 1717. From a photograph taken in 1910. . . 59 Portrait of Levi Lincoln, Sen., 1749-1820. From an oil painting by James S. Lincoln, in the Court House, Worcester, Mass 157 Portrait of Levi Lincoln, Sen., 1749-1820. From a colored wax relief by John Christian Rauschner made in 1808. 162 Portrait of Levi Lincoln, Jun., 1782-1868. From the origi- nal by Chester Harding, painted in 1828 278 Portrait of Enoch Lincoln, 1788-1829. From an original paint- ing, artist unknown, in the State House at Augusta, Me. . 287 Death of Captain George Lincoln, 1816-1847, at the Battle of Buena Vista, Feb. 23, 1847. From a contemporary print. 417 Portrait of Frederic Walker Lincoln, 1817-1898. From a steel engraving 422 X ILLUSTRATIONS Portrait of Abraham Lincoln, 1809-1865. From a photo- graph taken Feb. 9, 1864. By permission of Frederick Hill Meserve 470 Portrait of Waldo Lincoln, of Worcester, Mass. From a photograph 539 House of Levi Lincoln, Jun., 1782-1868, at Worcester, Mass. Erected in 1836. From a photograph taken about 1865. 541 LINCOLN GENEALOGY XI ERRATA p. 145, line 24, for ''1813" read 1815. p. 256, line 17, for ''Jan." read June. line 19, omit "but her age is incorrectly given." p. 307, line 9 from bottom, for "Sept. 20, 1866" read Sept. 25, 1865. line 3 from bottom, for "Sept. 26, 1840" read Sept. 29, 1867. p. 410, line 5, for "first" read second. line 8, erase all. p. 427, line 10 from bottom, for "1876" read 1875. line 4 from bottom, for "1875" read 1876. p. 448, line 7 for " 1863' ' read 1883. p. 527, line 26, for "1878" read 1877. p. 533, line 2 from bottom, for "1899" read 1889. p. 604, line 1, for "1919" read 1918. FIRST AND SECOND GENERATIONS The birth and parentage of Samuel Lincoln, the settler in Hingham, Mass., whose family and descendants this volume will attempt to trace up to the present time, remains still in doubt. The assumption in "The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln" by Lea and Hutchinson that he was that Samuel Lincoln, son of Edward Lincoln, who was baptized at Hingham, England, Aug. 24, 1622, does not seem to be founded on suffi- ciently strong evidence to make it sure. It is in fact contradicted by the age given to Samuel on his emigration in 1637, and by the age assigned to him on his death, both of which make him born in 1619, three years before his baptism, a very unusual delay in those days and the more unlikely since Edward Lincoln's son Daniel was baptized in that year, and moreover all his other children were duly baptized at irregular intervals between 1600 and 1625. ^ The only evidence which supports the claim that the American Samuel was the son of Edward of Hingham, England, is the proved fact that he had a brother Daniel, who was probably older than himself. This brother Daniel died at Hingham, Mass., unmarried, Apr. 5, 1644, but unfortunately his age at death is unknown. There was, however, another Daniel Lincoln in the Massachusetts Hingham, a resident there as early as 1644-5, wWodied March 19, 1698-9, in his 80th year, which would make him born in 1619, and he is quite as likely to have been the son of Edward Lincoln of old Hingham as the other; and as he was certainly not the brother of our Samuel, it makes the latter's parentage the more uncertain. Until other confirmatory evidence is found, therefore, one cannot accept as proved beyond reason- able doubt the claim that Samuel was the son of Edward Lincoln of old Hingham, and that he was baptized Aug. 24, 1622. What is certain, however, is that three brothers Lincoln ^^ere among the earliest settlers of Hingham, Mass. The old- ;t of these, Thomas, is first mentioned by Daniel Gushing ''The Founders of New England," p. 77, in the following 1 2 LINCOLN GENEALOGY words: " 1633 Also Nicholas Jacob with his wife and two children, and their cosen Thomas Lincoln, weaver, came from Old Hing- ham and settled in this Hingham." He is said to have resided for about two years in Charlestown and Watertown, and he received a grant of land in Hingham at Weary-All (now Otis) Hill in 1635, and July 3, 1636, a houselot of five acres was granted him on the south side of Town (now South) street. He was twice married but the surname of neither of his wives is known. The Christian name of his first wife was Susanna, and of his second, Mary. Susanna died in March, 1641. She was un- doubtedly born in England and was probably married there. Mary died in Hingham, Dec. 21, 1683, being then ''an aged woman." Thomas died in Hingham Sept. 2, 1675, leaving no children and, probably, never having had any, as there is no record of their birth or baptism. Messrs. Lea and Hutchinson not finding his name among Edward Lincoln's sons in the baptis- mal register of old Hingham, assumed that he was born before 1600, the registers before that date having been destroyed. This is quite possible but such an assumption does not furnish any positive proof of their claim that Samuel was the son of Edward. The following deed is evidence that neither Thomas Lincoln nor his wife Mary could write well enough to sign their names: "July 14, 1664, Thomas Lincorne of Hingham husbandman and Mary his wife, for twenty pounds Starling ... to Samuel Lincorne of S^ town Mariner, two accres [of land] Lying by y® highway Side goeing to Waymouth Mill . . . which Land was given by ye s^ Town of Hingham unto y® S^ Thomas Lincorne in Satisfaction for y^ high way running through part of his home Lott signed Thomas Lincoln his X marke & a Scale Mary X Lincolne & a Seale"* her m'ke That Thomas was a brother of Samuel is proved by his will which was presented for probate at Boston, October, 1675, being without date or signature. As no mention is made in it of Samuel's daughter Rebecca it was probably made before h'^** , birth, which occurred in March, 1673, and the lack of signati ^^ ♦Suffolk County Deeds, vol. iv, fol. 195. FIRST AND SECOND GENERATIONS 3 indicates that Thomas was then too ill even to make his mark, perhaps being paralysed. Will of Thomas Lincoln of Hingham ''I Thomas Lincolne of Hingham of the County of Suffolk in New England being sick in body but of pfect memory doe make & ordaine this my laste Will & testam* in manner and forme as followeth Imp" I bequeath my Soule into the hands of al- mighty god trusting to be saved by the merritts of Jesus Christ & my body to be buryed with Christian buryall. Itm, my minde and will is that all my just debts shall be paid by my executrix hereafter mentioned Itm I give & bequeath all my movable goods unto Mary Lincolne my beloved wife to be whollye and Solely at her disposeing whome I make sole executrix of this my Last wille & testam*, I give and bequeath unto the sd Mary my sd wife my dwelling house & all my Lands Orchards and Gardens & meadowes and all the timber and wood upon the sd Lands and all my rights & privileges in Common or otherwise within the towneship of Hingham aforesd during the time of her naturall life Itm my minde and will is that after the decease of the sd Mary my wife Daniell Lincolne my nephew the sonn of Sam" Lincolne my brother shall have the house lott that I now dwele upon which was given me by ye towne of Hingham afores^ & also halfe my Salt meadow lying at a place called Abrahams well aforesd & halfe my planting Lott upon Weary-all hill & also foure shares of all my divisions of Lands Lately granted unto me by the towne of hingham afores^ and also & also [sic] foure shares of all the Common & Commonage with all the wood and timber thereupon Itm I give and bequeath unto Samuell Lincolne my nephew the eldest Sonn of my brother Samuell Lincolne the houselott that I formerly purchased of Jarvice Goold (deceased) and also the other halfe of my salt meadow & the other halfe of my Planting Lott upon s^ Wearyall Hill & also three Shares in all the aforesd devision of Lands & Com- monage with all the Timber and wood thereupon as well that which shall be laid out hereafter as that which is Layd out already Itm I give unto Samuell Lincolne my Brother five pounds Stearl- ing to bee paid by Samuell Lincolne my sd Nephew — within two 4 LINCOLN GENEALOGY yeares after the decease of the sd Mary my wife Itm I give unto Mary Lincolne the Daughter of my s^ Brother Samuell five pounds Starhng to be paid unto her by the sd Samuell Lincolne My sd Nephew within two yeares after the decease of the sd Mary my s^ wife Itm I give unto Mordicah Lincolne my Nephew the Sonn of my sd Brother five pounds Starling to be paid unto him by Samuell Lincolne my s^ Nephew as afores^. Itm I give unto Thomas Lincolne the Sonn of my Brother Samuell Lincolne twelve pounds Starling to be paid unto him by Daniell Lincolne my sd Nephew within the time afores*^. Itm I give unto Martha Lincolne the Daughter of my s^ Brother five pounds Starhng to be paid her by the s^ Daniell Lincolne within the time afores^. Itm I give unto Sarah Lincolne the Daughter of my s^ Brother eight pounds Starling to be paid her by the s^ Daniel Lincolne within the time afores^ & my minde & will is that if it shall soe happen that any one or more of the persons to whome I have given and bequeathed the above s^ Lands & legacies unto shall depart this naturall life before the time of receiving there s^ Lands or legacies that then there s^ part or parts of Lands or legacies belonging to the party or parties soe deceased shall be equally devided among the others that shall survive & further my minde & wille is that the s^ Mary my s^ wife shall have power and Liberty if she shall stand in neade to sell all or any pt of the above s^ Lands or meadows or timber or wood to supply her necessity during the time of her naturall life Edmund Pitts & Josias Lorin appeared before Jn° Leverett Esq"" Gov"" & Edward Tyng Esq' Assis* this 26*^ of 8*^ 1675 made Oath that they being present saw Tho. Lincolne at the house of the s^ Pitts when the paper was Reade to him who declared it to be his minde and that he was of a sounde disposeing minde to the best of there knowledge this done as attests freegrace Bendall Record'. 'Tresent Jn° Leverett Esq' Gov' ) ^^^^^^ 36* S"' 1675 & Edward Tyng Esq Assist J "Administragon to the estate of Thomas Lincolne Late of Hingham deceased is granted to Mary Lincolne his relict & Samuell Lincolne his nephew they bringing in an Inventory of sd estate & giveing Securitie to administer according to Law this done as attests free grace Bendall Record'." (Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. vi, fol. 98.) FIRST AND SECOND GENERATIONS 5 The second of the three Lincoln brothers was Daniel, called *'the husbandman" to distinguish him from that other Daniel Lincoln, whose death in 1699 has already been mentioned, and who was known as *'the sergeant," 'Hhe boatman," ''the sea- man," and also more significantly as ''the young man." Now as Samuel's brother, Daniel, died unmarried at Hingham, Apr. 3, 1644, he would then have been, if son of Edward Lincoln of Hingham, England, as "The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln" would have us believe, but twenty-five years old and of exactly the same age as the other Daniel Lincoln. Does not the fact that the latter was known as "the young man" make it probable that Samuel's brother Daniel was of more mature years, and that these three brothers were therefore not the sons of Edward Lincoln of old Hingham? That the Daniel who died in 1644 was the brother of Samuel, is proved by a deed dated Dec. 1, 1645, and recorded in Suffolk County Deeds, vol. iv, pp. 195, 214, by which Samuel Lincolne of Hingham, conveyed to Daniel Gushing of Hingham, "3 acres of land which was given to the aforesaid Samuel Lyncolne by his brother Daniel Lyncolne deceased . . . upon the Hill in the Palayne necke called the worlds end." a. Samuel Lincoln, the third of the three Lincoln brothers who were settled in Hingham, Mass., before 1640, was born, ac- cording to his age as given when he left England and when he died, in 1619. He had, apparently, been apprenticed to Francis Lawes, a weaver of Norwich, Eng., and sailed with him and his family from Ipswich or Yarmouth for the new world, early in 1637, being then eighteen years old. His departure is thus noted in "The Original Lists" by John-Camden Hotten, pp. 289-290: "These persons went to New England :with William : Andre wes of Ipswich M"^ of the John rand Dorothey:of Ipswich and with William Andrewes his Sone:M^ of the Rose:of Yarmouth. "[Aprill the/8th/1637]* . . . RANCIS :LAWES :bo'ne in No'^wch in No'"ff and their living Weauear/aged . . . nd LIDDEA:his wife /aged /49 yeares/with one Child MAREY: and 2 saruants. SAMUELL:LINCORNE:aged 18 yeares/and ♦The date is destroyed but the dates preceding and following are Apr. 8, 1637. 6 LINCOLN GENEALOGY ANNE:SMITH:aged 19 yeares ar desirous to passe fo^ New Eng- land to inhabitt///'' The vessel arrived at Boston June 20, 1637, and Francis Lawes went immediately, or soon, to Salem, taking with him young Lincoln, whom he must have, soon after, released from his apprenticeship since Daniel Cushing's record in ''The Founders of New England," p. 77, says: ''1637 John Tower and Samuel Lincoln came from Old Hingham and both settled at New Hingham. Samuel Lincoln living some time at Salem." The stay in Salem could not have been of many months' duration. The statement by Mr. Gushing that Samuel came from Hingham is of interest and should be true, since Gushing himself was not only from old Hingham but was baptized there in 1619, and must have known from what town Samuel came. This is the strongest evidence there is that Samuel was the son of Edward Lincoln, since the baptism of no other Samuel is recorded at Hingham. May 3,1649, Samuel Lincolne of Hingham, mariner, purchased from Gornelius Gantelbery of Hingham, cooper, a dwelling house in Hingham with two acres of land adjoining. (Suffolk County Deeds, vol. i, fol. 104.) This was probably at the time of his marriage. The lot, which seems to have expanded to five acres, was situated near the present railroad station, and was the same which was granted by the town to William Arnall in 1635. The house disappeared long ago but a part of the homestead was occupied until recently, and perhaps still is, by one branch of Samuel's descendants, the heirs of Asa Lincoln, aahcd a. By trade Samuel was, as has been said, a weaver like his brother Thomas, but he was also known and designated as a "mariner." He died May 26, 1690, at Hingham, aged 71 years. The date of his marriage and the surname of his wife have not been discovered. Perhaps the name ''Mordecai" which he gave to his third and fourth sons may sometime help to solve the mystery of his wife's parentage. Her Christian name was Martha and she died Apr. 10, 1693, at Hingham. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, pp. 459-460.) July 19, 1680. ''Whereas the Inhabitants of the Towne of ■:Adr4- \%w] t FIRST AND SECOND GENERATIONS 7 Hingham . . . lately granted to Thomas Lyncolne late of sd Hingham, weaver now dec'd, and to Samuel Lyncolne Sen^ of the sd Hingham and Brother to the sd Thomas Lyncolne . . . The Thirty Lott of Land in the Second division of Conahassett upland in Hingham afforesd, each of the sd partyes to have a part in the sd thirty Lott of Land according to his number of Shares of Commons lately granted to y™ by the sd Towne of Hingham (viz*) The sd Thomas Lincolne seven shares of the sd Lott of Land, and the sd Samuel Lincolne Sen"" five shares . . . and whereas the sd Thomas Lincolne haveing by his last will and Testament given unto Mary Lincolne his wife his house and Land in the sd Towne of Hingham during the Terme of her Natural life, and after her decease to his Two Nephews (viz*^) Dan^ Lincolne and Samuel Lincolne the two Sonnes of his Brother Samuel Lincolne S'' . . . now know All men by these presents, that they the afforesd Samuel Lincolne Sen*" and Martha his wife and the sd Mary Lincolne widdow y® relict of the sd Thomas Lincolne & y^ sd Samuel Lincolne jun*" and the sd Daniel Lincolne, the sonnes of the sd Samuel Lincolne sen"", the Nephews of the sd Thomas Lincolne deed ... for . . . Nineteen pounds and Tenn shillings of Currant Money of New England Coyne . . . have . . . sold . . . unto . . . Peter Cushing ... the aforesd Thirty Lott." the marke X of Samuel Lincolne Senior [seal] the Mark of X Marthe Lincolne [seal] Samuel Lincolne & a seale Daniel Lincolne & a seale the marke of X Mary Lincolne & [seal] her seale Children, born at Hingham:* aa. Samuel, bapt. Aug. 25, 1650. ab. Daniel, born Jan. 1 (bapt. Jan. 2), 1652-3. ac. MoRDECAi, born June 19, 1655; died July 9, 1655. ad. MoRDECAi, born June 14, 1657. ae. Thomas, born Sept. 8, 1659; died Nov. 13, 1661. *Hist. of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 460; Savage's Gen. Diet., vol. iii, p. 92; N. E. Hist. & den. Register, vol. xiii. pp. 213-5. O LINCOLN GENEALOGY a/. Mary, born March 27, 1662; died March, 1752, at Hingham. She was married Jan. 3, 1683-4, at Hingham by Jonathan Bosworth of Hull, Mass., to Joseph^, son of Joseph^ (Clement^) and Esther (Hilliard) Bates of Hingham, born Sept. 28, 1660, at Hingham; died Nov. 3, 1714, at Hingham. He purchased in 1683, of his uncle Samuel Bates for £10:10 sh. one half of lot 68 in the first division of "Conehassit," then the second precinct of Hingham, just south of Deerhill Lane, now Sohier street, of which his father owned the other half. After his father's death in 1706 he owned the whole lot, and he seems to have built a house upon the eastern end of it just before his death, which he never occupied. He lived in the second precinct on what is now Cedar street in Cohasset, near the present Hingham Hne. He was by trade a mason; constable in 1705; one of the seven men who with Mr. Hobart first signed the covenant of the First Church. Rev. Jacob FUnt calls him "a man of some distinction from his piety and useful acquirements." His will, dated July 31, 1713, probated Aug. 18, 1713, gives to his wife Mary £100 and other valuables and "the west end of my dwelling house during the time she remains my widow." It names his sons Joseph and Jonathan, who were to divide between them the greater part of his real estate; his daughters Mary Wilson, Rachel Bate and Hester Bate; and his son-in-law, George Wilson. On his grave- stone in Central cemetery, Cohasset, his name is spelled "Beat." (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 40; Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 22-3.) Children, born at Hingham : a. Mary, born Dec. 25, 1684; mar. George Wilson. h. Joseph, born May 6, 1687; mar. Deborah Clapp. c. Jonathan, born Sept. 14, 1689; mar. Susanna Beal. d. Rachel, born Feb. 3, 1691-2; mar. Thomas Phillips. e. Susanna, born Oct. 19, 1694; died Apr. 3, 1706. /. Hester, born Sept. 14, 1697; mar. Chasling Worrick. ag. Thomas, bom Aug. 20, 1664. ah. Martha, born Feb. 11, 1666-7; died Feb. 12, 1740-1, unmarried. ai. Sarah, born Aug. 13, 1669; died Aug. 30, 1669. aj. Sarah, born June 17, 1671; died Nov. 28, 1743, at Hingham, unmarried. Administration on the estate of Sarah Lincoln of Hingham, spinster, was granted to Rebeckah Nichols of Hingham, widow, "her sister," Dec. 8, 1743. (Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. xxxvi, f. 483.) She is buried at Cohasset. ak. Rebecca, born March 11, 1673-4; died Feb. 4, 1757, at Hingham. She married (1), May 14, 1695, at Hingham, John^, son of James^ {Thomas^) and Abigail (Lothrop) Clarke of Plymouth, Mass. (Landmarks of Ply- mouth, Pt. ii, p. 60.) Neither the record of his birth nor of his death has been found, but the latter occurred before June 20, 1720, when Rebecca Clarke was appointed administratrix on his estate, her petition naming all the children given hereafter. They lived at Plymouth. She married (2), June 24, 1725, at Hingham, IsraeP, son of Thomas^ and Rebecca (Jos- selyn) Nichols of Hingham, who was bapt. Sept. 1, 1650, at Hingham and died Jan. 24, 1733-4, at Hingham. She was his third wife. His fiirst wife, by whom he had five children, was named Mary; his second wife, by whom he had ten children, was Mary Sumner. He was a "weaver"; constable in 1690. He lived on Green Hill, Hull, and late in Hfe on the "Jerusalem Road," having moved his house across Straits pond on the ice before 1695, when the selectmen appointed Samuel Jacobs FIRST AND SECOND GENERATIONS 9 "to lay out a highway for Israel Nichols near his new dwelling house at Cohassett." (Hist, of Hingham, vol. iii, p. 84; The Mayflower Desc, vol. ii, p. 77; Thomas Clarke Genealogy, p. 18; Cohasset Genealogies, p. 297; N. E. Hist. & Gen. Register, vol. Ixxi, p. 254.) Children, by first husband, born at Plymouth: a. James Clarke, born March 12, 1695-6; mar. Meriba Tupper. 6. Abigail Clarke, born July 31, 1698; mar. Josiah Hathaway. c. John Clarke, born Sept. 1, 1701; mar. Rebecca Hathaway. d. Joseph Clarke, born Jan. 26, 1703-4; mar. Elizabeth Alcock. e. Martha Clarke, birth not recorded; mar. Isaac Bates. /. Mary Clarke, born Jan. 12, 1711-2; mar. Jacob Bates. aa. Samuel, son of Samuel and Martha Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., bapt. Aug. 25, 1650, at Hingham; died March, 1720-1, at Hingham in his 71st year. He was by occupation a carpenter and lived on the paternal homestead on North street, near Thaxter's bridge, in Hingham. He was selectman in 1694 and 1698. In 1675 and 1676 he was a member of Capt. Johnson's Company, and participated as cavalryman in the great Narra- gansett fight when Johnson lost his life. (N. E. Hist. & Gen. Register, vols, viii, p. 243; xxxix, pp. 76-7.) In 1679 his name appears in ''a list of foot-soldiers belonging to Hingham, who are willing to serve the country in the capacity of troopers." June 4, 1685, as a reward for services, a grant was made to '' Samuel Lyncolne and three more of Hingham, and others of other towns, of land in the Nipmuck country." He held various mihtary offices and was styled ''cornet." The ''History of Hingham," vol. ii, p. 460, says that "his will made soon after the decease of his wife provides for three sons and six daughters; also for his sister Martha while she remains a maiden." The compiler has not found this will but, according to Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. xxii, f. 146, he died intestate and ad- ministration on his estate was granted, Apr. 12, 1721, to Samuel Lincoln of Hingham, his son. He is then described as "house carpenter." He married, Apr. 29, 1687, at Hingham, Deborah^ daughter of William^ {William}) and Rebecca (Chubbuck) Hersey of Hingham, born Jan. 1, 1665-6, at Hingham; died Apr. 28, 1706, at Hingham, aged 40 years. Her grandfather William^ Hersey came to New England in 1635, and settled in Hingham early in the autumn of that year. He was freeman, 1638. He is thought to have been a native of Hingham, England. The surname 10 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Hersey is very ancient and, probably, of French origin as it appears in the Ust of those who went to England with William the Conqueror. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 298.) Thomas Chubbuck, Deborah's maternal grandfather, was a settler in Hingham in 1634 or, more probably, in 1635 when he received a grant of a house lot at Broad Cove. {Ibid., p. 122.) • Children, born at Hingham: aaa. Deborah, born June 15, 1689; died Nov. 25, 1711, at Hingham; married, Feb. 28, 1710-1, at Hingham, James^, son of Stephen^ {Stephen^) and Elizabeth (Hawke) Lincoln of Hingham, born Oct. 26, 1681, at Hingham; died there May 3, 1731. He married (2), Feb. 10, 1718-9, at Boston, Mass., Joanna^, daughter of John^ and Ruth (Joy) Low (Boston Records call her "How") of Hingham, born March 27, 1693, at Hingham, where she died Jan. 4, 1725-6, without children. He was a carpenter or "house- wright" and lived at Hingham on the paternal homestead on South street, near the corner of Hersey. His will, dated March 15, 1730-1, pro- bated May 17, 1731, names: "cousin Isaac Lincoln son of my brother David Lincoln"; "cousins David Lincoln and Matthew Lincoln"; "cousin Enoch Whiton"; "Caleb Marsh and Sarah Marsh the grandchil- dren of my sister Mary Whiton, dec'd"; "cousin Mary Beal"; "cousin Thomas Andrews"; "cousin Ruth Beal"; "cousin Abigail Lane"; "cousin Ephraim Andrews"; "cousins EHzabeth Waterman, Bithiah Lincoln, Abigail Waters, Margaret Whiton, Abigail Lane and Lydia Lane." (Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. xxix, f . 36.) Mr. Lincoln's grand- father, Stephen Lincoln, came to New England from Wymondham, county Norfolk, England, with his wife Margaret and son Stephen, in the ship "Diligent," arriving Aug. 10, 1638, and soon after settled at Hingham. He was brother of Thomas Lincoln "the husbandman," another Hingham settler. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 476.) Child, born at Hingham : a. James, born Nov. 2, 1711; died Dec. 11, 1711. aab. Samuel, born Feb. 1, 1690-1. aac. Jedediah, born Oct. 2, 1692. aad. Mary, born Sept. 18, 1694; died Feb. 20, 1714-5, at Hingham; married, Apr. 29, 1714, at Hingham, NathanieP, son of John^ {Johin}) and Hannah (Beal) Fearing of Hingham, born Jan. 2, 1679-80, at Hingham; died there Apr. 22, 1751. He married (2), Jan. 25, 1715-6, at Hingham, Sarah*, daughter of Benjamin^ (Humphrey^, John^) and Rebecca (Hersey) John- son of Hingham, born Feb. 7, 1693-4, at Hingham where she died. May 15, 1736, and by her he had four children: Sarah, Mary, Rachel and Ruth. Rachel married her cousin Enoch Lincoln, aach. Mr. Fearing was a farmer and Hved at Hingham on the paternal homestead on North street, nearly opposite the present Universalist meeting-house. He was constable, 1717; selectman, 1723. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 218.) Child, born at Hingham : a. Elijah, born Jan. 31, 1714-5; married Deborah Leavitt, aaeb. aae. Rebecca, born Aug. 11, 1697; married June 4, 1718, at Weymouth, Mass. (Weymouth Records; they were published at Hingham, Nov. 9, 1717), Abraham^ son of IsraeP {John^) and Lydia (Jackson) Leavitt of FIRST AND SECOND GENERATIONS 11 Hingham, born Nov. 27, 1686, at Hingham; died there, Jan. 21, 1767. She was his second wife. His first wife, whom he married Aug. 23, 1714, at Hingham, was Hannah^, daughter of Ebenezer' {George^, William}) and Hannah (Hersey) Lane of Hingham, born Feb. 13, 1689-90, at Hingham; died there Dec. 16, 1714, leaving one child, Abraham. Mr. Leavitt was a "cooper" and hved at Hingham on Pleasant street. "History of Hingham," vol. ii, p. 430, says that Mrs. Rebecca Leavitt survived her husband and married (2), Nov. 1, 1770, at Hingham, Nathan Stevens. This is an error. Mrs. Rebecca Stevens died at Pembroke, Mass., March 8, 1816, in her 69th year, and was therefore born about 1746. Moreover Nathan and Rebecca Stevens had five children, which is manifestly impossible for a woman of over seventy years. (See Pembroke Records.) Children, born at Hingham : o. Rebecca, bom June 22, 1720; mar. Samuel Gill. h. Deborah, born Aug. 5, 1722; mar. Eliiah Fearing, aada, aaf. Elisha, born Sept. 3, 1699. aag. Lydia, born Sept. 14, 1701; married, Dec. 17, 1724 ("Joy Family" says Dec. 7.), at Hingham, John^, son of Joseph' {Joseph^, Thomas^) and Ehzabeth (Andrews) Joy of Hingham, bom Feb. 7, 1695-6, at Hing- ham. She was admitted to the First Church, 1728. They lived at Hingham Center, on Main street near the common, but probably moved away in 1762, when they sold their house. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 398; Thomas Joy and his Descendants, pp. 68-70; Suffolk County Deeds, vol. xcviii, f. 102.) Children, born at Hingham: a. Lydia, born Oct. 5, 1725; mar. (?) Seth Edson of Bridgewater. b. John, born June 4, 1727; mar. Bethiah Sprague, March 4, 1762. ("Joy Family" says he married Sarah Homer, at Boston, where their intentions were published, Oct. 4, 1750. Bethiah must, therefore, have been a second wife, if she married him, but see his brother Benjamin, aagf.) c. Lefe (?Relief), born Sept. 21, 1729; mar. Nehemiah Washbum. d. Deborah, bom June 23, 1732; mar. Daniel Woodward. €. Mary, bora May 9, 1736. /. Benjamin, bom July 13, 1740; he is said to have married Bethiah Sprague. See John, aagh. g. Huldah, born Dec. 20, 1741; died Apr. 11, 1746. aah. Abigail, born Jan. 11, 1703-4; died July 17, 1767, at Hingham; married, Nov. 1, 1725, at Boston, Mass. (by Penn Townsend, Esq., J. P.) (Boston Records), Matthew^ son of David^ (Stephen^, Stephen^) and Margaret (Lincoln) Lincoln of Hingham, born Sept. 2, 1698, at Hingham; died there, Aug. 24, 1781. He was a farmer and lived at Hingham on South street, corner of Hersey. His will dated Apr. 21, 1781, probated Sept. 14, 1781, names all of his children and his "uncle James Lincoln, de- ceased."* (Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. Ixxx, f. 423.) His mother, Margaret Lincoln, was granddaughter of Thomas Lincoln "the cooper," who came from the west of England and settled in Hing- ham about 1635, but was, so far as known, no relation of Samuel Lin- coln, a. (Hist, of Hingham, vols, ii, p. 477; iii, p. 2.) *He was also his brother-in-law, see aaa. 12 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Children, born at Hingham: a. Stephen, born Sept. 25, 1726; mar. (1) Lydia Gushing; (2) Mrs. Lydia (Whiton) Beal. h. Noah, born Nov. 18, 1728; died Nov. 13, 1810, unmarried.* c. Elizabeth, born Aug 28, 1730; died Feb. 5, 1797, unmarried. d. Job, born Dec. 13, 1732; mar. Mercy Hersey. e. Matthew, born June 10, 1735; mar. (1) Susannah Gill; (2) Rebecca Lincoln, aacab. /. Levi, 1 ^orn March 5, 1737-8; ( ^.^^- Elizabeth Norton. g. Abigail, / \ died Sept. 7, 1813, unmarried. h. Jael, born Dec. 2, 1740; died July 5, 1781, unmarried. I. Isaiah, born Nov. 2, 1743; died Apr. 1, 1786. aai. Susanna, born Apr. 18, 1706; died March 24, 1760, at Hingham; married, June 3, 1725, at Hingham, Josiah^, son of Thomas^ {Thomas^ the cooper) and Lydia (Hobart) Lincoln of Hingham, born Apr. 10, 1699, at Hing- ham; died Jan. 23, 1774, at Hingham. He was a farmer, living at Hing- ham on Fort Hill street, near West. He was a deacon of the Ghurch; constable, 1731; and selectman, 1737, 1742 and 1743. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. iii, p. 5.) His will, dated Aug. 24, 1773, probated Feb. 4, 1774, names: sons Josiah, Hosea, Joseph and Jeremiah; daughters Lydia Waterman, Susanna and Olive Lincoln; and brother Thomas Lincoln. (Suffolk Gounty Probate Records, vol. Ixxiii, f. 397.) Ghildren, born at Hingham : a. Lydia, born Apr. 26, 1726; died Sept. 15, 1727. b. Josiah, born May 6, 1728; mar. (1) Molly Holbrook; (2) Abigail Andrews . c. Joseph, born Sept. 16, 1731; mar. Elizabeth Beal. d. Jeremiah, born Oct. 28, 1733; mar. Sarah Hersey. e. Lydia, born March 9, 1735-6; mar. Thomas Waterman, Jr. /. Susanna, born June 17, 1739; died soon. g, Isaiah, born Sept. 20, 1741 ; died before his father. h. Hosea, born May 18, 1745; died Sept. 23, 1798. i. Susanna, born July 27, 1747; married Nathaniel Lincoln of the family of Stephen Lincoln. (See aaa.) j. Olive, born Jan. 13, 1753; mar. John Beal, 3d. ab. Daniel, son of Samuel and Martha Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Jan. 1 (bapt. Jan. 2), 1652-3, at Hingham (N. E. Hist. & Gen. Register, vol. xiii, p. 214); died Apr. 29, 1732, at Hingham, aged 79 years. He was a farmer, called ''planter" in his will, a large landowner, and according to ''Cohasset Genealogies" was interested in the ''iron mills" of his brother Mordecai. He lived in the second precinct of Hingham, now Cohasset, about a quarter of a mile from the head of Little Harbor, in a house which he built about the time of his marriage; *The will of Noah Lincoln, dated May 3, 1803, probated Dec. 3, 1810, calls him "of Hing- ham, yeoman" and names: sister Abigail Lincoln, single-woman; "nephew Matthew, son of my brother Matthew Lincoln, now living in Maine"; "the other children of brother Matthew, viz: Jedediah, Shubal, Susannah, Hezekiah, Phineas and Jared." (Plymouth County Probate Records, vol. xliii, f. 320.) FIRST AND SECOND GENERATIONS 13 certainly before 1685, when the main road to Hingham was laid out. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 230; Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 460.) Among the list of men credited with service under Maj. Willard from Aug. 23 to Jan. 25, 1675, is the name of Daniel Lincolne who is credited Nov. 20, with '' £01:05:08." This list is supposed to embrace the Company of Capt. Parker, who marched with Maj. Willard to the relief of Brookfield, on Aug. 4, 1675. There being no other Daniel Lincoln who would have been of the right age to have done this service, except the subject of this sketch, the entry undoubtedly refers to him. (N. E. Hist. & Gen. Register, vol. xxxviii, p. 220.) Daniel is the first one designated in Hingham records as a Cohasset resident. This was in 1685 when he was living upon lot 71, which had been granted originally to Rev. Peter Hobart, and was in the vicinity of the present Central cemetery. In laying out Main street the committee took some of Daniel's land, and gave him in exchange about an acre and a half ''butting upon the meadow of Mary Hearsey (widow)." At the shore of Little Harbor was a landing place for Daniel Lincoln's boat, which carried his loads to and from Hingham harbor. In 1711 he was taxed on forty acres of land, a house, two horses, six oxen, four cows, twenty sheep and four swine. (Hist, of Co- hasset, pp. 165-6.) His will, dated July 7, 1727, probated May 3, 1732, names: ''beloved wife Elizabeth Lincoln"; "daughter EKza Nichols"; "grandson Moses Lincoln"; "son Hezekiah Lincoln"; "children of son Obadiah Lincoln, deceased"; "grandson Daniel Nichols"; "granddaughters Priscilla Lincoln, Susannah Lincoln"; "grand- sons Daniel Lincoln, Thomas Lincoln"; "daughter Susannah Lincoln the rehct of my son Obadiah Lincoln." Executor, son Hezekiah. (Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. xxix, f. 538.) He married, Jan. 23, 1677-8, at Hingham, Elizabeth^, daughter of Thomas^ "the husbandman" and Margaret (Langer) Lincoln of Hingham, born Dec. 2, 1656, at Hingham; died Dec. 28, 1741, at Hingham, aged 85 years. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 460.) Her gravestone in Central burying ground, Cohasset, and "Co- hasset Genealogies," p. 230, say she died Dec. 29. Her father, Thomas Lincoln "the husbandman," was brother of Stephen 14 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Lincoln (see aaa) and like him came from Wymondham, county Norfolk, Eng., and settled at Hingham in the autumn of 1638. None of his descendants in the male line, bearing the surname, now reside at Hingham, but they are quite numerous throughout New England, especially in Worcester County, Massachusetts, and in the State of Maine. He resided on Fort Hill street, ''on the upland by the highway going to Weymouth mill.'' (Ibid., vol. iii, p. 16.) His wife, Margaret, was daughter of Richard Langer, who settled at Hingham in 1636. {Ibid., vol. ii, p. 422.) Children, born at Hingham: aba. Obadiah, born Apr. 21, 1679. abb. Hezekiah, born Dec. 25, 1681. abc. Elizabeth, born Feb. 26, 1688-9; died Nov. 18, 1746, at Hingham; married, Feb. 21, 1710-1, at Hingham, NathanieP, son of IsraeP {Thomas^) and Mary Nichols of Hingham, born Sept. 6, 1685, at Hingham; died June 14, 1758, at Hingham. He was a farmer and Uved at Hingham, in the second precinct, on the "Jerusalem Road" west of his father and beyond Rattlesnake Run. He was constable in 1724. He married (2), Oct. 26, 1747, at Hingham, Mrs. Mercy (Pratt) Orcutt, widow of Samuel Orcutt and daughter of Aaron and Sarah (Pratt) Pratt of Hingham, born Dec. 6, 1703, at Hingham. He had no children by his second wife. His will, probated June 23, 1758, reserves a place "where I buried my wife for a burying place for my family." The inventory of his estate mentions two slaves (male and female). The whole estate was valued at £1358:12:2. His father, Israel Nichols, married Rebecca (Lincoln) Clarke, ok, for his third wife. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 298.) Children, born at Hingham : a. Daniel, born March 16, 1711-2; mar. Abigail Beal. h. Mary, born Apr. 22, 1714; mar. Philip James. c. Thomas, born Nov. 13, 1716; mar. EUzabeth Lincoln, ahhh. d. Elizabeth, born Dec. 25, 1719; mar. William Bailey, Jr. e. Nathaniel, born Jan. 19, 1721-2; mar. Catherine Cushing. /. Noah, born Sept. 21, 1724; mar. Elizabeth Beal. g. Martha, born Jan. 16, 1726-7; mar. John Stephenson, Jr. h. Ruth, born Nov. 23, 1732; died June 24, 1738. dbd. Isaac, born Oct. 20, 1691; died before July 7, 1727, the date of his father's will, probably unmarried. ohe. Martha, born Feb. 13, 1694-5; married, Dec. 12, 1717, at Hull, Mass., Moses^ son of DanieP {DanieV- "the sergeant") and Sarah (Nichols) Lincoln of Hingham, born Feb. 25, 1687-8, at Hingham; died there, Jan. 19, 1772. His grandfather Daniel Lincoln was also known as "the boatman," "the seaman," "the young man" and the "senior Daniel Lincoln," and may have been that Daniel, son of Edward Lincoln, who was baptized at Hingham, England, March 28, 1619, since he died March 19, 1698-9, "in his 80th year." Moses Lincoln was a farmer and lived on the paternal homestead in Hingham on Fort Hill street. He married (2), Dec. 2, 1725, at Hingham, Mehitable Townsend who died July 18, 1770, at Hingham, aged 70 years, and by whom he had five chil- FIRST AND SECOND GENERATIONS 15 dren, two of whom died in infancy: Elijah 2d, Welcome, Sarah and Sarah 2d. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, pp. 449-50.) Child, born at Hingham: a. Moses, born June 5, 1718 (bapt. May 17, 1719) ; mar. Mary Burr. Note: "History of Hingham" and "Cohasset Genealogies" both give to Daniel and EHzabeth (Lincoln) Lincoln a daughter Sarah, "birth not recorded, married Church of Little Compton," giving as authority Suffolk County Deeds, vol. Ixxxvii, f. 143. This Sarah was not Daniel's daughter, but the sister of Mary Horswell, wife of Daniel's son Hezekiah. The deed referred to is one from Hezekiah Lincoln and Mary his wife in which they name "our sister Sarah Church of Little Compton." Francis Horswell of Hingham had two daughters: Mary who married Hezekiah Lincoln and Sarah who married, Aug. 10 (or Oct. 10), 1719, Capt. Thomas Church of Little Compton, R. I. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 352.) She was his third wife and died Apr. 2, 1768, aged 73 years. March 20, 1719, Mary Lincoln, wife of Hezekiah Lincoln, and Sarah Horswell divided their father Francis' estate (Suffolk County Deeds, vol. xxxiii, f. 230-1), and Jan. 16, 1770, Thomas Church of Little Compton, "executor to the last will of Sarah Church," sold the lands taken by Sarah Horswell. {Ibid., vol. cxxiv, f. 118.) ad. MoRDECAi, son of Samuel and Martha Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born June 14, 1657, at Hingham; died Nov. 28, 1727, at Scituate, Mass. (Scituate Records, which also record his death as Nov. 12, while the date on his gravestone according to ''History of Hingham," vol. ii, p. 461, and ''Cohasset Genealogies," p. 231, is Nov. 8.) He lived in the second^precinct of Hingham, now Cohasset, though at what time he removed thither from the first precinct is unknown. It was probably not long after 1685, when his brother Daniel is called in Hingham records "of Conohasset." Feb. 25, 1691-2, Mordecai Lincoln of Hingham purchased for £7 current money of New England, of Matthew Gannet of Scituate, ''the one Half of ye Stream or brook which runneth within or through ye Land of y^ s"^ Matthew Gannett in Scituate afore^^ commonly called or known by y^ name of Bound Brook, Together with so much Land as y^ water of y^ s^ Brook shall at any time or times hereafter flow or cover and also so much Land on each Side of s^ Brook as shall be necessary for y® making of the s^ Dam or Dams & setting up a mill or mills, That is to say the one Half of y^ s"^ Land that shall be flowed & that shall be necessary & convenient for ye making a Dam or Dams & setting up a Mill or Mills on each side of ye s^ Brook and also convenient Cartway through y^ Land of y^ s^ Matthew Gannett 16 LINCOLN GENEALOGY for y^ s*^ Mordecai Lincoln his heirs and assigns & Successors forever to cart Timber Stone Boards Planks or any other thing to or from y^ s*^ mill or mills & also free liberty to y^ s*^ Mordecai Lincolne his Heirs & assigns & Successors forever to dig & cart earth clay & gravel in any of y® s*^ Land of y^ s^ Matthew Gannett that shall be necessary for y^ making & maintaining of any Damm or Damms that shall hereafter be made cross y^ s^ Brook.'' This deed was attested and sworn to by witnesses, Samuel Eells and Samuel Lincoln, Sept. 8, 1694; and was entered Apr. 28, 1719, ''Record^ & Examd." (Plymouth County Deeds, vol. xiv, f. 150.) Soon after this Mr. Lincoln built himself a house just across Bound Brook in Scituate and lived there during the rest of his life. The original house is still standing though considerably altered and enlarged to meet the requirements of modern life, but a house which he built for his son, Isaac, about 1717, just across the brook in Cohasset remains practically unchanged, and is in the possession of a descendant though no longer occupied as a dwelling. Mr. Lincoln added to his real estate by the purchase, Apr. 5, 1714, of Joseph Bayley, for £118 current money of New England, of twelve acres of salt marsh and one quarter of an acre of upland in ''Cohasset in Scituate" (Ibid., vol. xi, f. 50) ; and by the purchase, Dec. 13, 1717, of Susanna Bacon of Hing- ham, singlewoman, of ten acres of upland ''near to Bound brook" in Scituate, also three acres of salt marsh. (Ibid., vol. xiii, f. 122.) In these deeds he is described as " of Scituate, blacksmith." The privileges which he acquired from Matthew Gannett comprised three mill sites which he proceeded to utilize and improve. The upper site was at "Turtle Island" in the "Beech- wood" district. Here the brook splits to form the island, and by damming the west branch he obtained sufficient power to run a trip hammer with which to forge the iron, which he ob- tained by smelting bog iron ore which was brought from the neighboring town of Pembroke. This constituted the so-called "iron works" of which he is somewhat grandiloquently styled the proprietor. Probably the good old name "blacksmith" more accurately describes him. A pair of andirons, said to be of his workmanship, are still preserved in the old house which he gave to his son Isaac. HOUSE OF MORDECAI LIN'COLN (1606-1727), SCITUATE, MASS. Erected about 1695 From a photograph taken in 1910 SITE OF MORDECAI LINCOLN'S IRON WORKS On Bound Brook, Cohasset, Mass. From a photograph taken in 1910 FIRST AND SECOND GENERATIONS 17 The two lower mill sites he utilized for saw and grist mills, and he is said to have obtained a full week's work from this small, puny stream, by running each mill but two days in the week, retaining the water as it passed the upper mills in the ponds below, and thus making it do triple service. According to the "History of Hingham," vol. i, part ii, p. 158, an agreement was entered into. May 27, 1703, by Thomas Andrews, Daniel Lincoln, Aaron Pratt, Gershom Ewell, Mordecai Lincoln, Josiah Litch- field, Jr., and Thomas James "to set up a forge or iron works upon a stream in Thomas Andrews' lot in the third division in Conahasset"; and Jan. 13, 1703-4, another agreement recites that "Thomas Andrews, Daniel Lincoln, Thomas James, Aaron Pratt, all of Hingham, and Mordecai Lincoln, Gershom Ewell, and Josiah Litchfield, Jr., of Scituate, have a piece of land in common amongst them in the third division, upon which they have erected a dam across a stream in the same; also iron works and other buildings." It is therefore possible that Mr. Lincoln did not erect the forge and smelter, until some time after he had utiHzed the other mill sites. In 1711 he was taxed in Cohasset for an iron works and corn mill, besides one acre of meadow, three acres of farm and thirty acres of pasture. The only evi- dences now existing of the iron works are bits of slag and char- coal from the old furnace, which may still be seen at "Turtle Island." "Binney Genealogy," p. 63, in which some errors appear, says that Mordecai Lincoln was a foot soldier at Hingham in 1679, but of this I find no other evidence; and that he was a blacksmith at Hull at about the age of 23 and was taxed there, in 1680-85, 2sh. 4d for a bull, and for money in 1684. It further states that his land and residence are mentioned in a deed from Benjamin Bosworth and wife Beatrice to Robert Gould, Hull, Dec. 14, 1682. Whether he lived at Hull or not he must have returned to Hingham soon after his first marriage, the date of which has not been learned but which must have occurred about 1685, since the births of his three oldest children are there recorded. He prospered in his several occupations and left at his death, which is said to have occurred "suddenly of an appoplexy," a property which was appraised at £3099: 14s: 8d. The follow- ing abstract of his will gives all the genealogical facts contained 2 18 LINCOLN GENEALOGY therein; it was presented for probate March 27, 1728, and is re- corded in Plymouth Probate Records, vol. v, f. 518: "In the name of God Amen the third day of May Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and twenty seven Annoque R. R. Georgii ye 13th I Mordecai Lyncoln of Scituate in the county of Plimouth in New England Blacksmith being of sound mind & memory Praised be God for it I do make & ordain this my last will & Testament in manner & form following viz: prin- cipally & first of all I commend my soul to God that gave it & my body to decent buriall at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named And touching my present worldly estate all my just debts & funerall charges being fully satisfied & paid I give devise & dispose of the same in manner & form following . . . beloved wife Mary Lincoln . . . until my son Jacob shall arrive at twentyone years of age . . . two sons Isaac & Jacob ... I give to my son Mordecai one hundred and ten pounds in money or lawfull bills of credit to be paid by my son Isaac within three years after my son Jacobs arrival to twentyone years of age I give to my son Abraham sixty pounds in money or good bills of creditt besides what he hath already received to be paid by my son Jacob within three years after his arrival at the age of twenty & one years . . . son Isaac . . . the house he now dwells in in Hingham & the whole of that lott whereon the sd house standeth being the first lot in the first division in Cohaset upland . . .paying in money or bills of creditt . . . ten pounds to the oldest child of my son Mordecai when it comes of age & ten pounds more to the oldest child of my son Abraham when it comes of age and ten pounds more to the oldest child of my daughter Sarah Tower when it comes of age & ten pounds more to the eldest child of my daugh- ter Elizabeth Cole deceased when it comes of age ... to son Jacob . . . my homestead in Scituate ... To Isaac & Jacob all the rest . . . & all my interest in the Mills vizt all the Grist mill half the saw mill ... & also all my interest in Iron Works . . . excepting 18 acres of upland & swamp which I gave to my daughter Sarah Tower . . .in Cohasset . . . the two children of my late deceased daughter Elizabeth Cole one Hundred & ten pounds in money or bills of creditt . . . when the children are of age ... to Deborah Gannett my FIRST AND SECOND GENERATIONS 19 wives grand daughter eighteen pounds . . . she Hving with me or my wife till she is twenty years of age ... to Mary Gannett my wives daughter ... If either my son Isaac my son-in-law Ambrose Cole or daniel Tower shall bring up learning or liberal education either of their sons or each of them a son which they now have I allow towards his or their learning fourty pounds to each or every of the three which may be so educated to be paid by my executors ten pounds to them yearly during the four years they may remain at college ... If Isaac or Jacob go without issue . . . wife Mary and sons Isaac & Jacob executors.'^ The inventory of his estate is as follows: **A trew & perfect Inventory of all & singular the goods chattels Rights and creditts of Mordecai Lincoln late of Scituate in the County of Plimouth deceased prized at Scituate afores^ the third day of January in the year of our Lord 1727 by us the Subscribers lb s d Imprimis To his money 6 lb & apparill except shirts 16^^^ 18/ to shirts itt all comes to 24-18- Item to [illegible] 30/ to books 30/ 3- - to 2 beds & their furniture in the lower room 20-10- to one bed & furniture in the bed room 12- 5- to coverleds & sheets table cloths towels & blankets 7-13- to pewter & brass 11- - Item To Ironware in the house pots kettles hat- chett shears knives & forks & one copper frying pan 6-17- to glass bottles earthern ware & wine glasses 1- 2- to one driping pan Lanthorn & barrel (?) -13- to one spit belows money scales & Raizor -12- to scales weights milk vessel cheese bails dishes & trencher 2- 1- to tables chests one cubard chair & cheese press 4-14- to meat tubbs cyder barrels & hogsetts 1-10- to butter cheese & beer barrels 3-14- 20 LINCOLN GENEALOGY to one churn & cheese tubb 11/ to candles & hogs fat 1-6-8 1-17-8 to cotton & woll cloth 30 / to linin yarn 3 lbs 4-10- to cotton woll & flax 30/ 1-10- to meat meal malt beans & cyder 14- 9- to tobaco 17/ tools & old Iron & sheeps woll 8^^' 17/ 9-14- Item to cart rope 10/ sithes & tackling 13/ 1- 3- to Rakes forkes & hoe 6/ to cart wheels & yoaks 10^^' 10/ 10-16- to4 oxen 28 10/ 10 cows 47^^' 3 year old cattle 9^^ 10 85-10- to 4 two year old cattle 1 1^^ to three year old cattle 6^^ 17- - to 1 old horse saddle & bridle 3^^^ to two swine 2 ' ' 10 5-10- to one third part of an old gundalow 30/ to turnips & onions 8 / 1-18- Item to debts due to the Estate on bonds to hay in the barn 34 lbs 12- - to desperate debts 14-5-4 to 6000 of shingles 8-2-0 we find the deceased died seized of about two hundred acres of upland swamp & meadow land with the housing mills orchards & fences thereon 2706- - to two trunks 4^ chairs 8/ & an old bed 40/ 2-16- to a bond of seven pounds 7- - to three napkins one pair of pillow bears & 1 table cloth 12- to an old bible two shillings 2- David Little Ebenezer Mott Joseph Wade" (Plymouth County Probate Records, vol. v, f. 518.) He married (1), date and place unknown but probably in 1685, at Hull, Sarah, daughter of Abraham and Sarah (Whitman) Jones of Hull. That he was living at Hull in 1685, at the time of his first marriage, seems to be proved by a deed, dated March 5, FIRST AND SECOND GENERATIONS 21 1685, by which Mordecai Lincoln of Hull, blacksmith, purchased from Job Chamberlain of Boston shipwright, and Joannah his wife for £16,14 shillings, a meadow in Hull, near a certain place commonly called Lincoln's Rocks, containing three acres. (Suffolk County Deeds, vol. xiii, p. 451.) No record has as yet been found of the birth or death of his first wife, Sarah. The will of Abraham Jones, dated Jan. 8, 1716-17, probated March 10, 1717, after naming his six sons says: **also my will is that my will is [sic] that my son Thomas and my son Benjamin do pay six pounds each to my grandchildren that are of my daughter Linchorne deceased (that is to say) to each one three pounds and in all twelve pounds to them." (Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. xx, p. 283.) Sarah (Whitman) Jones was daughter of John Whitman of Dorchester and Weymouth, Mass. It is from Abraham Jones that the name Abraham, afterwards so celebrated, first came into the Lincoln family. Mr. Lincoln married (2), Feb. 17, 1701-2, at Braintree, Mass. (Braintree Records; also Scituate Records), Mrs. Mary (Ho- bart) Chapin, daughter of Caleb^ (Thomas^, Edmund^) and Mary (Eliot) Hobart of Braintree, born Jan. 12, 1663-4, at Braintree (Ibid.); died Apr. 19, 1743, at Scituate, aged 79 years, 3 months. (Scituate Records and gravestone in Groveland Cemetery, North Scituate; Cohasset Vital Records say she died Nov. 28, 1743, in her 73rd year.) ''History of Hingham" and "Cohasset Genealogies" say she died 1745; they also call her, before her marriage to Mr. Lincoln, a widow Gannett, an error which has persisted and evidently arose from a careless reading of Mr. Lincoln's will. Her first husband, whom she married May 9, 1688, at Braintree (by Rev. P. Thatcher), was SamueP, son of Josiah^ (Samuel^) and Mary (King) Chapin of Weymouth, born Nov. 22, 1659, at Weymouth. The date of his death has not been found. (Savage's Gen. Diet., vol. i, p. 360; N. E. Hist. & Gen. Register, vol. xiv, p. 312.) Samuel and Mary (Hobart) Chapin had a daughter Mary who married, June 30, 1712, at Scituate, Matthew Gannett, Jr. (Scituate Records), and she seems to have been mistaken in the ''History of Hingham" for her mother. July 3, 1793, a division was made between Uriah Lincoln of Cohasset, adcac, and Elkanah Gannet of Scituate of land held in common ''being 22 LINCOLN GENEALOGY part of the farm and Real Estate which Mathew Gannet late of Scituate, deed., died seized of . . . bounded west upon lands of Mr Mordica Lincoln." (Plymouth County Deeds, vol. Ixxvi, f. 187.) Elkanah was a grandson of Matthew and Mary (Chapin) Gannett, and Uriah was great-grandson of Mordecai Lincoln. Children, by first wife, born, a-c at Hingham, d at Scituate: ada. Mordecai, born Apr. 24, 1686. adb. Abraham, born Jan. 13, 1688-9. adc. Isaac, born Oct. 24, 1691. add. Sarah, born July 29, 1694; died July 7, 1754, at Hingham; married, intentions published Feb. 25, 1715-16, at Hingham, DanieP, son of Ibrook^ {Johv}) and Margaret (Hardin) Tower of Hingham, bapt. July 24, 1692, at Hingham; died Feb. 21, 1774, at Cohasset. He was a farmer; constable, 1719; and Hved in the second precinct of Hingham, now Cohasset, on King street and, later, on North Main street, just south of the house of the late Abraham-Hobart Tower. His will dated Aug. 1, 1771, was proved March 10, 1774. He married (2), Feb. 26, 1755, Persis (Stockbridge) Curtis, daughter of Samuel and Lydia (Barrell) Stockbridge of Scituate and widow of Joseph Curtis of Hanover, Mass., whom she married Oct. 3, 1751, at Scituate. She was born Jan. 22, 1707-8, at Scituate and died June 24, 1787, at Hanover. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. iii, p. 255; Cohasset Genealogies, p. 435; Scituate Records; see also "Tower Genealogy," p. 81, where some dates are differently given.) Children, botn at Hingham: a. Sarah, born June 24, 1717; mar. John Whitcomb of Scituate. h. Daniel, born June 23, 1720; mar. Bethia Nichols. c. Abraham, born Jan. 31, 1722-3; died May 9, 1736. d. Job, born Sept. 8, 1726; mar. Mary Pratt. e. Mordecai, born Aug. 6, 1729; died June 10, 1736. /. Thankful, bapt. Sept. 10, 1732; died May 2, 1733. g. Thankful, born Oct. 2, 1734; died Oct. 18, 1743. ("Tower Genealogy" and her gravestone say died Nov. 18.) Children, by second wife, born at Scituate: ode. Elizabeth, born 1703; died Sept. 14, 1724, at Scituate, aged 21 years (Cohasset Records); married Dec. 29, 1720, at Scituate, Ambrose, son of Ambrose and Silence Cole of Scituate, born Feb. 1, 1695-6, at Scituate; died 1777. (Scituate Records.) The will of Ambrose Cole of Scituate, • yeoman, dated Apr. 8, 1777, probated June 2, 1777, names: ''beloved wife" (not named); "son-in-law James Merrit, exec'r"; "four children of my son Amos Cole, deceased, viz: Ambrose, Amos, Sally and EHzabeth Cole." (Plymouth County Probate Records, vol. xxiv, f. 319.) His intentions of marriage to Elizabeth Vinal were published at .Scituate, July 21, 1739; and he was married Feb. 1, 1748-9, at Scituate to Mehitable Turner, widow of Seth Turner of Scituate, who was married to Mehitable Gould, Dec. 10, 1730, at Scituate and who died there, Oct. 10, 1743. By his third wife, Mr. Cole had a son, Benjamin, who died Apr. 28, 1751, aged 10 months, 3 weeks. (Scituate Records.) FIRST AND SECOND GENERATIONS 23 Children, bom at Scituate : a. Elizabeth, born June 26, 1721; mar. James Merritt, Jr. b. Amos, born Oct. 26, 1722; married. (See Deane's ''Hist, of Scituate," p. 238.) adf. Jacob, bapt. May 23, 1708. ("Mayflower Descendant," vol. x, p. 175.) ag. Thomas, son of Samuel and Martha Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Aug. 20, 1664, at Hingham; died Apr. 2, 1715, at Boston, Mass., ''aged 51 years." (Boston Records.) Very little has been learned about him. He was a 'Haylor" by trade and removed to Boston when quite young, certainly before 1683, since on Nov. 9, 1683, George Ripley of Boston and Sarah his wife for £40-10sh. current money, conveyed to Thomas Lincoln of Boston, Taylor, land at the Southerly end of Boston, ''near the windmill." (Suffolk County Deeds, vol. xiii, f. 38.) He probably married for the first time soon after this, if he was not already married, though nothing is known of his first wife save that her name was Mary. This is proved by a deed dated Aug. 17, 1686, by which Thomas Lyncolne of Boston, Taylor, and Mary his wife for £30 current money, mortgaged to John Richards of Boston "their messuage or tenement with all the Lands thereunto belonging . . . Neer unto the Wind Mill, Butted and bounded Southerly by the Street or highway leading from Capn Jacob Elliots corner to the Windmill and is there Forty eight foot more or less. Eastward on the land of the late John Hull Esqr deed measureing on that side in length One hundred Thirty One foot, Northerly on the land of Joseph Purmett, and measureth there in breadth fforty eight foot, Westerly on the land of Thomas Clarke, and measureth there in length One hundred Thirty One Foot." (Ibid., vol. xiv, f. 171.) This mortgage was to expire, Aug. 6, 1688, but was discharged on the margin, Nov. 9, 1693. Meanwhile his first wife had died, and he had married a second wife and, Feb. 23, 1697, Thomas Lincoln of Boston, Taylor, and Mehitabell his wife, mortgaged to Jacob Rogers of Boston, victualler, a "Messuage or Tenement, with all the Land thereunto belonging, situate lying and being at the Southerly end of the Towne of Boston aforesd near unto the Windmill, butted and bounded Southerly by the Street or Highway leading from Cap* Jacob Eliotts Corner or lane down 24 LINCOLN GENEALOGY to the s^ Windmill" consideration £36. Witness Mordecai Lincoln, probably a brother. (Ibid., vol. xviii, f. 72.) Thomas Lincoln is on the Boston tax lists for 1687, 1688 and 1691, and is named an inhabitant in 1695. His name is among the signers to a petition relating to brick buildings in Boston, dated June 11, 1697. (Boston Record Comm'rs Reports, vol. i.) He married (2), Aug. 3, 1689, at Boston, by Rev. Joshua Moody, Mehitable, daughter of Capt. John and Mehitable Frost of Boston, born July 15, 1671, at Boston. (Boston Rec- ords.) The date of her death has not been learned, but it proba- bly occurred before 1728, in which year her surviving daughters conveyed to their brother, Charles, all their interest in their father's real estate, and he in turn sold it, no reference being made to the widow's interest. She was living, Nov. 27, 1722, on which date ^'Mehetabel Lincoln of Boston, widow, one of the daughters and heirs of Capt. John Frost, late of Boston, aforesd Mariner deed . . . for £50 paid by Mary Frost of Boston widow and relict of the sd John Frost" gave a quit-claim deed to her of ''all right to the Mansion House and land of my sd late ffather . . . situate lying and being at the South end of Boston fronting on Winter Street." (Suffolk County Deeds, vol. xxxvi, f. 143.) The births of his first five children are recorded at Boston and the baptisms of the first eight are recorded at the Old South Church. There is no record of the birth or baptism of the two youngest. In the church records of the baptisms of five of the children the father is erroneously called ''Jonathan." Boston records say "a child of Thomas Lenkhorn died Jan. 14, 1707-8." This was probably John, but may have been the next older. Child, by first wife, born at Boston: aga. Martha, born June 6, 1686, bapt. Dec. 19, 1686; died soon. She is called "Mercy" in the town records. Children, by second wife, born at Boston: agh. Mehitable, born Jan. 25, 1690-1, bapt. Apr. 19, 1691. "History of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 461, says "1691-2"; Foss MS. says "Jan. 21, 1690-1." The date of her death is not known, but it was probably before 1728, as she did not join her sisters in releasing her interest in her father's estate to her brother Charles in that year. She was married July 9, 1714, at Boston, by Rev. Thomas Bridge, to Samuel, son of John and, probably, Sarah (Goss) Foss of Portsmouth, N. H., the dates of whose birth and FIRST AND SECOND GENERATIONS 25 death are unknown. His father, John Foss, was son of David-Launtseen and Anna (Hundevard) Foss from Norway who settled in Rebe, Den- mark, and died Aug. 8, 1659, a magistrate, provost and minister of the gospel. John was born Jan. 2, 1638, at Rebe, and is said to have arrived at Boston on a British war vessel, from which he deserted by jumping overboard and swimming ashore. He is first mentioned, Feb. 24, 1657, when he was granted lands in Portsmouth. He married (1) Mary Chad- bourne, who was born in 1644; (2) Jan. 25, 1686, Sarah, widow of James Goss; and (3) EUzabeth, daughter of Wilham and Jane Berry and widow of John Locke who was killed by Indians at Dover Plains June 26, 1696. (From a Manuscript Foss Genealogy with N. E. Hist. Gen. Society.) Samuel was a seafaring man and joined the church at Portsmouth, Nov. 13, 1709, and was then called "son of John and EHzabeth (Berry, Locke) Foss. His first wife, who was named Mary, joined the Portsmouth church, July 30, 1710, on which date their two children, Walter and Benjamin, were baptized. He probably lived in Boston after his second marriage, as a child of his was buried there in 1717. Child, born at Boston: a. A Child, buried July 25, 1717. age. Mary, born March 16, 1692, bapt. March 25, 1693. "History of Hing- ham," vol. ii, p. 461, says born 1693-4. She was married Sept. 26, 1717, at Boston, by Rev, Joseph Sewall, to William Allen, who was perhaps son of Joseph and Ann Allen of Boston, whose son, Wilham, was born Sept. 22, 1693, at Boston. No record has been found of the death of either Wilham or Mary, but they were both living, Dec. 23, 1728, when WiUiam Allen of Boston, mariner, and Mary his wife, children of Thomas Lincoln late of Boston, Taylor, "for £10 currt money" paid by "our brother Charles Lincoln of Boston aforesd Taylor" quit-claimed to him their interest in all the real estate "that our father Thomas Lincoln died seized of in Boston." (Suffolk County Deeds, vol, xhii, f , 131.) Children, born at Boston (Boston Records) : a. Thomas, born May 10, 1718; bapt. May 11, 1718, at Old South Church. h. Mary, bapt. Aug. 7, 1720, at New South Church. c. William, bapt. May 23, 1725, at New South Church. (The last two may not be their children.) agd. Martha, born July 18, bapt. July 21, 1695; died Nov. 13, 1753, at Hingham, in the second precinct, now Cohasset. "History of Hingham" and "Cohasset Genealogies" both say she died in 1755, but the latter says: "in her 85th year," reversing the true figures. She was married July 30, 1717, at Boston, by Samuel Lynde, Esq., J. P., to Joseph Hudson, whose parentage and birth have not been ascertained, but who is supposed to have been a native of Boston. He died in December, 1774, as his will, dated May 3, 1773, was probated Jan. 6, 1775. In it he is described as of Cohasset and it names : son John Hudson, son Ezra Hudson, two grand- sons "sons of my son Frost Hudson dec'd," son Joseph Hudson, daughter Martha Beal, daughter Mehitable Orcutt, and son Hezekiah Hudson. The last named to be executor. (Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. Ixxiii, f . 254.) He was a miller and hved in the second precinct of Hingham, on the "Jerusalem Road" near Straits pond and, in 1737, owned three- sixteenths of a cornmill at the outlet of this pond, and also one-half of a saw mill. He was constable in 1734. By a deed dated Dec. 17, 1728, and 26 LINCOLN GENEALOGY recorded Mar. 3, 1728-9, "Joseph Hudson and Martha his wife, and Sarah Lincoln singel woman all of Hi^gham and children of Thomas Lincoln, late of Boston, Taylor, deceased," conveyed "to our brother Charles Lincoln of Boston, taylor," land, etc., "that was our father's." (Sufifolk County Deeds, vol. xlvii, f. 34.) Children, born at Hingham (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 192) : a. Martha, born Oct. 14, 1717; mar. Benjamin Beal of Hingham. b. Joseph, born Dec. 19, 1719; died same day. c. Thomas, born Jan. 28, 1720-1.* d. John, born Nov. 22, 1722; died Feb. 23, 1786, unmarried. e. Joseph, born Apr. 7, 1727; mar. Elizabeth. t /. Ezra, born Dec. 12, 1729; died Feb. 3, 1814, s. p. g. Frost, born Aug. 21, 1732; mar. Sarah. h. HiTTiE, bapt. June 13, 1736; mar. Edward Orcutt of Cohasset. i. Hezekiah, born June 11, 1738; mar. (1) Mary Lincoln, aacaa. (2) Mary Woodward; (3) Abigail Marble. age. Thomas, born Nov. 12, bapt. Nov. 14, 1697; died young. agf. Elizabeth, bapt. Dec. 31, 1699; probably died young and is perhaps the child who died Jan. 14, 1708-9. agg. John, bapt. July 12, 1702; died, probably, Jan. 14, 1708-9. agh. Thomas, bapt. Aug. 6, 1704; died Jan. 28, 1723-4, at Hingham, un- married. agi. Charles. No record of his birth, baptism or death has been found. Having received from his sisters, Mary, Martha and Sarah a conveyance of their interest in their father's real estate in Boston, he sold this estate Dec. 23, 1728, when " Charles Lincoln of Boston, Taylor, son of Thomas Lincoln of said Boston, Taylor, deced ... in consideration of sixty pounds in bills of credit on the province of Massachusetts Bay . . . paid by John Hill and Thomas Hill both of Boston, distillers" conveyed to them land at the southerly end of Boston, probably the same land for- merly mortgaged by his father, as noted under his record, though differ- ently described. This sale was consented to by "Mary Lincoln, wife of Charles Lincoln of Boston taylor," and was acknowledged by both Dec. 31, 1728. (Suffolk County Deeds, vol. xliii, f. 131.) As no reference to him has been found in Boston or Suffolk County records after this date, he may have removed from Boston, or perhaps he shortly after died and his widow married as suggested below. He married, July 10, 1728, at Boston, by Rev. Samuel Checkley (Boston Records), Mary Farnum, daughter, perhaps, of Charles and Deborah (Baker) Farnam of Charlestown and born July 2, 1704, at Charlestown. Charles Farnam's or Farnham's wife Deborah was daugh- ter of John and Ruth (Walley) Baker. (Charlestown Estates, vol. i, pp. 47, 340.) Dec. 1, 1718, Mary Farnum, a minor aged about 14 years, named: "my kinsman David Farnum of Boston, merchant, to be my guardian" on estate "in right of my grandmother Ruth Baker, late of Charlestown, deceased." (Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. xxi, f. 187.) There is no record of Mrs. Lincoln's death and it is possible ♦Feb. 2, 1786, administration on the estate of Thomas Hudson of Boston, cooper, deceased intestate, was granted to Elizabeth Hudson of Boston, sempstress. Ebenezer Brown, taylor, and Martha Atwood, widow, both of Boston, sureties. (Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. Ixxxv, f . 48.) tThe will of Joseph Hudson of Boston, mariner, dated Apr. 17, 1789, probated May 11, 1789, names: wife Elizabeth; sons Joseph, William, Benjamin, and John. {Ibid., vol. Ixxxviii, f. 211.) FIRST AND SECOND GENERATIONS 27 that she is the Mary Lincoln who was married, Aug. 17, 1732, at Boston, by Rev. Thomas Foxcroft, to Thomas Jenkins. (N. E. Hist. & Gen. Register, vol. xlii, p. 155; Boston Records.) agj. Sarah, born 1712; died Oct. 1, 1777, at Granville, Mass., aged 65 years, but Granville records say "in 60th year." She joined, March 3, 1728-9, her sister Martha Hudson in conveying to her brother Charles, her in- terest in her father's real estate in Boston. She married July 28, 1731, at Hingham, Phineas', son of Aaron^ {Phineas^} and Sarah (Wright [Cum- mlngs]) Pratt of Hingham, born Dec. 31, 1709, at Hingham; died Sept. 5, 1779, at Granville. He was a " housewright " and lived at Hingham until 1740, when he sold his share in his father's estate to his brother, Aaron, and removed to Worcester, Mass., where he purchased, Sept. 8, 1740, a tract of sixty-seven acres in Worcester and, on the same date, another tract in Leicester, Mass. The former tract he sold, Sept. 4, 1742, and the latter, Dec. 13, 1742, in both deeds being described as "of a place called Bedford in the county of Hampshire, colony of Massachusetts Bay." (Worcester County Deeds, vols, xiii, p. 399; xiv, pp. 204, 236; XV, pp. 221, 582.) The name of Bedford was changed to Granville, about 1754. Phineas Pratt was selectman 1754, 1755, 1757, 1759-60, and 1765- 69. He is called "captain" in the town records. (Hist, of Hampden County, vol. iii, p. 253; Granville Records; Hist, of Hingham, vol. iii, p. 117; Worcester Records.) "Phineas Pratt," p. 66, calls Mrs. Pratt "Mary," says Mr. Pratt was a housewright, that he removed to Wor- cester and thence he or his descendants went to Connecticut. Children, born: a-f at Hingham; g at Worcester; h at Granville: a. Bernard, born Oct. 21, 1731; married Mary. b. Jared (or Gerard), born March 7, 1732-3; died June 9, 1736. c. CoNSTANTiNE, bom June 5, 1734. d. Rhoda, born Feb. 22, 1735-6. e. Sarah, born Oct. 27, 1737; died Sept. 23, 1742. /. Jared (or Gerard), born Sept. 22, 1739; mar. Dorcas Ashley. g. Olive, born Oct. 12, 1741; mar. John Tibbals. h. Phineas, born March 27, 1743; married Hannah. THIRD GENERATION aab. Samuel, son of Samuel (Samuel) and Deborah (Hersey) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Feb. 1, 1690-1, at Hingham; died March 6, 1758, at Hingham. He lived on the ancestral homestead on North street, Hingham, a carpenter by occupation. ''History of Hingham," vol. ii, p. 462, says that he held the office of ''sheriff." Probably deputy-sheriff is what is meant. His will, dated Feb. 23, 1753, was probated March 17, 1758. It is here given in full as a fair example of the wills of the period. His estate was inventoried at £136:4:8 personal; £514:6:8 real. (Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. Iviii, f. 29.) Will of Samuel Lincoln "In the name of God Amen. I Samuel Lincoln of Hingham in the county of Suffolk in New England Gent: This Twenty third Day of Feb^ A. D. Seventenn hundred & fifty three, being of a Disposing mind & memory calling to mind y^ uncertainty of my Life, Do make & ordain this to be my last Will & Testa- ment, & first & principally I give & recommend my Soul into the hands of God that gave it, hoping for a full & free pardon of all my Sins through y^ atonements of Jesus Christ my redeemer, & my body to y® Earth to be buried in a Desent Christian Burial at the Discretion of my Exec'^^ here after named, & as touching Such Worldly Estate wherewith it hath Pleased God to Bless me with in this Life, my mind & will is, y^ same should be Im- ployed & bestowed as in this my Will is hereafter expressed, Imp''^ I will that all my just Debts Legacies & Funeral charges by my Exec""^ hereafter named be Paid out of my Personal Estate, y® House, Household Goods, Given to my Daughter Margaret Excepted. Itim I give to my beloved wife Grace, the use and Improvement of y^ Great Room of my now Dwelling House, & the chamber over it with a priviledge in y® celler for her own use, also the use & Improvement of all my household Goods, which she brought with her, & three Pounds p year, & Every year. Lawful money to be by my three sons Paid hereafter THIRD GENERATION 29 named, all the above During y^ time she remains my widow. Itim I give & Bequeath to my Eldest Son Samuel Lincoln his heirs & assigns forever, my now Dwelling house. Barn Out houses & Land adjoyning, also Two Acres of y'' East Side of my meadow at marlous well so called, Bounded West with a Ditch, also one half my Land in the third Division, Provided he Re- linquishes his right in the house I give my son John. Itim I give & Bequeath to my son John Lincoln his heirs & assigns for Ever, the Dwelling House my Son Sam" now Lives in, with the Land adjoyning. Item I give & Bequeath to my three sons namely Sam" Lincoln Jonathan Lincoln & John Lincoln their heirs & assigns forever, all the Residue of my real Estate not in this will Disposed of. Equally to be Divided among them, they Paying y® Legacy given in this my Last Will & Testament equally. Item I give & Bequeath to my Daughter Deborah Thaxter, the sum of seven Pounds Lawfull money, which together with what I have formerly given her I judge to be her Sufficient Portion. Itim I give & Bequeath to my Daughter Ruth Gushing the sum of Seven Pounds Lawfull money which together with what I have formerly Given her I judge to be her Sufficient Portion, which two Legacies above, I hereby order to be paid in one year after my Decease. Itim I give & Bequeath to my Daughter Margaret Lincoln the sum of Sixty Six Pounds thirteen shillings, & four Pence Lawfull money, to [be] Paid her at her coming of age of Eighteen or marriage which shall first happen, & after my wife's Decease all the household Goods my s^ wife brought at Marriage, my mind & will is that my Daughter shall be brought up out of my Estate until she comes to the age of Eighteen, in Such a manner as my other Daughters were, & my mind & will is that my two sons Sam" & Jon^ shall have the whole Improvement of my real Estate, until my son John comes to the age of Twenty one & then the whole to be divided as afores^ they Paying what I have ordered to my wife yearly, & providing for my Daughter Margaret that Term afores*^ & after the Expiration thereof then my three sons to Provide for my Daughter Equally, until the term of Eighteen years or marriage, & if any of my children should Dy before the age of Twenty one years, or marriage my mind & will is, then that Part of my Estate I have given them shall go to my surviving 30 LINCOLN GENEALOGY sons Equally or their Legal Representatives. Item my mind & will is, that if my Daughter Margaret should Dye before her mother, then that Part of household Goods which I have given her I give to my beloved wife to be at her Disposal, & I do hereby nominate & appoint my three sons Sam^^ Lincoln, Jon* Lincoln, & John Lincoln, to be Exec^^ to this my Last will & testament, & I do hereby Disallow Revoke & Disanul all & other former Gifts, Legacys Wills & Bequests by me heretofore made, hereby Ratifying and confirming this to be my last Will & Testament & no other. In witness whereof, I do hereto Set my hand & Seal the Day & year above written ''Sam^^ Lincoln & a seal Signed Sealed & Published announced & Declared, by the s^ Sam^^ Lincoln to be his Last Will & Testament ''Benj* Lincoln, Benj* Lincoln Jun'', Eliz* Lincoln" He married (1), intentions published Feb. 27, 1713-14, at Hingham, Ruth^, daughter of DanieP {DanieP, Matthew^) and Elizabeth (Thaxter) Gushing of Hingham, born July 22, 1692, at Hingham; died Feb. 26, 1736-7, at Hingham. Her great- grandfather, Matthew^ Gushing, came from Hingham, England, and settled in Hingham, in New England, in the autumn of 1638. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, pp. 150, 152, 462.) He married (2), Jan. 25, 1740-1, at Hingham, Mrs. Grace (Stockbridge) Thaxter, daughter of Joseph and Margaret (Tur- ner) Stockbridge of Pembroke, Mass., and widow of John Thaxter of Hingham. She was born Aug. 12, 1700, at Pembroke (Pem- broke Records), and died Apr. 22, 1760, at Hingham. Her first husband, John^ Thaxter, was son of SamueP {John^, Thomas^) and Hannah (Gridley) Thaxter of Hingham, born Jan. 6, 1693-4, at Hingham; died there, Apr. 6, 1733. He was a farmer, living on South street, opposite Thaxter's bridge. They had eight children. John Thaxter was own cousin of Mrs. Ruth (Gushing), Lincoln. (Hist, of Hingham, vols, ii, p. 462; iii, p. 231.) Ghildren by first wife, born at Hingham : aaba. Samuel, born Feb. 14, 1714-15. aabb. Deborah, born Feb. 11, 1717-18, bapt. March 16 (N. E. Hist. & Gen. Register, vol. Iviii, p. 175.) ; died May 24, 1769, at Hingham; married Nov. 29, 1739, at Hingham, David*, son of David^ {SamueP, Thomas^) and THIRD GENERATION 31 Alice (Chubbuck) Thaxter, her second cousin. He was born July 19, 1709, at Hingham and died there, Oct. 2, 1791. He was a farmer and lived at Hingham on Main street; was constable, 1745. (Hist, of Hing- ham, vol. iii, p. 232.) Children, born at Hingham: a. David, born May 19, 1740; died July 30, 1785, unmarried. 6. Jonathan, born Feb. 14, 1741-2; mar. Bethia Lincoln, aacba. c. Martha, born Feb. 12„ 1743-4; mar. Benjamin Beal. d. Jacob, born Jan. 18, 1746-7; mar. Rachel Lincoln, aacbd. e. Seth, born Apr. 28, 1748; died Jan. 27, 1751-2. /. Deborah, born Oct. 9. 1750; died Sept. 16, 1751. g. Deborah, born Aug. 16, 1752; mar. Capt. James Todd. h. Seth, born May 25, 1755; mar. EHzabeth Marsh. i. Laban, born Aug. 26, 1757. Served on the armed brig "Ha- zard," 1776-7. j. Daniel, born Oct. 19, 1760; mar. Lucy Blake. aabc. Jonathan, born March 24, 1719-20. aahd. Seth, born Feb. 7, 1725-6; died June 26, 1751, at Newfoundland, un- married. aabe. Ruth, born Jan. 11, 1728-9; died Apr. 13, 1731. aabf. Ruth, born Feb. 26, 1731-2; died March 6, 1732. aabg. Ruth, bapt. Feb. 25, 1732-3; died July 6, 1761, at Hingham; married Apr. 9, 1752, at Hingham, David^ son of Abel^ {Thecrphilu^ , DanieP, Matthew^) and Mary (Jacob) Gushing of Hingham, her second cousin. He was born Sept. 7, 1727, at Hingham and died there, Feb. 14, 1800. ("Gushing Family" says "born Feb. 15.") He was a prominent citizen of Hingham, living on South Pleasant street. In 1757 he was cornet of a company which marched to the relief of Fort Wilham Henry, and in the Revolution he was successively lieutenant, captain, lieutenant-colonel, and colonel. He was selectman 1768-71, '75 and '76. He married (2), Jan. 23, 1763, at Hingham, Mabel^, daughter of Hosea* (Samuel^, Francis^, John^) and Mary (Whiting) Gardner of Hingham, born Jan. 6, 1738-9, at Hingham; died Aug. 14, 1798, at Hingham, who bore him twelve children. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii., p. 160; Gushing Genealogy, p. 42.) Ghildren, born at Hingham : a. Ruth, born Nov. 1, 1752; mar. Perez Gushing of Franklin, Mass. b. David, born July 2, 1754; mar. Hannah Gushing. c. Molly, born Sept. 26, 1756; mar. Joshua Mann of Hanover, Mass. d. Jonathan, born Apr. 13, 1759; mar. Sarah Simmons. e. Lydia, born June 2, 1761; mar. Asaph Tracy of Pembroke, Mass. aabh. John, born Aug. 14, 1735. Child, by second wife, born at Hingham: aabi. Margaret, born Jan. 23, 1741-2; living 1753 and named in her fa- ther's will, but no subsequent record has been found of her. aac. Jedediah, son of Samuel (Samuel) and Deborah (Hersey) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Oct. 2, 1692, at Hingham; died 32 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Sept. 23, 1783, at Hingham. Besides being a farmer he was a "glazier" by occupation, being so described in a deed, dated March 22, 1742, by which he sold land in the first part of third division of Conohasset. (Suffolk County Deeds, vol. Ixx, f. 113.) He lived at Hingham, on the paternal homestead near Thaxter's bridge and was constable in 1730. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 462.) His will, dated Feb. 11, 1769, probated Nov. 4, 1783, is recorded in Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. Ixxxii, f. 817. Will of Jedediah Lincoln "In the name of God Amen I Jedediah Lincoln of Hingham in the county of Suffolk in the Province of Massachusetts Bay in New England GentP this Eleventh Day of Feb^ A. D. Seven- teen Hundred and Sixty Nine knowing the uncertainty of Life do make and ordain this to be my Last Will & Testament and first and principally I give and recommend my Soul into the Hands of God, that gave it hoping for a full Pardon of all my Sins through the atone Ments of Jesus Christ my Redeemer and my Body to the Earth. And as Touching Such Worldly Estate wherewith it has pleased God to Bless me with, my Mind & Will is the same be Imploy'd & bestowed as in this my Will is here- after Expressed. Item I Will that all my just Debts & funeral Charges be Satisfied & paid by my Executor hereafter named in Convenant time After my Decease. Item I give to my Beloved Wife Mary the use & Improvement of the following Articles, (Viz) the East End of my now Dwelling House with a priviledge - in the Celler well & Garden; with what Aples She shall have Occasion for her Own use. Also the use of a Cow; & keeping of her Winter & Summer, as Also one Bed which she shall Cuse & what Other Uentiels [sic] Necessary for her own use in keeping House, during the Time she Remains my Widow. Also I give her Six pounds p year yearly & Every during the Term aforesaid ; to be paid by my Executors hereafter Named in in Meat Cornii & wood, which she shall Chuse, the foregoing Improvement, is given & Granted, to my said Wife in consideration of her Right; of Dower & power of Thirds in my Estate. Item I give & be- queath to my son Enoch Lincoln & to his heirs & Assigns forever, my now Dwelling House Out Houses & Land Adjoyning, Also THIRD GENERATION 33 the House he now Dwells in with the Out Houses & Land Ad- joyning, which I purchased of Thomas Chubbuck & M""^ Perkins, also my Land at Pleasant Hill that I purchased of Doct'^ Hearsey & M^ Nye — Also all my Meadow at Garnets Beach So Called, One half my Land at Beach Island, Also one half my Land at the Worlds End so Called, also all that Piece of Salt marsh which I purchased of Sarah Lewis, also all my wood Lot in the fourth Division So Called, & half my Wood Lot near James Hill So Called. Item I give & bequeath to my Son William Lincoln & to his Heirs and Assigns forever, all that Dwelling House Barn & Out Houses, with the Land Adjoyning that I purchased of Seth Cushing, Also all my Land at a place Called Aftens Lane — Also all my Lands at Otis Hill, half my Lands at Beach Island and half my Lands at the Worlds End. Also all my Lands over the River Lately common land, also all my Salt meadow ad- joyning to CoF Lincolns Dam at Ship lot so called, and my wood Lot at a Place Called the Great Plaine, and half my wood Lot at James's Hill, Item I give & bequeath to my Grand Daughter Rebecah Lincoln & to her Heirs and Assigns forever all my Lands that I purchased of Maj"" Thaxter at a place called Pauls Point. Item I give to Mary Hodson the Daughter of my Grand Daugh- ter Mary Hodson Deceased Eighteen pounds thirteen Shillings & four pence five pounds Six shillings & eight pence to be paid at my Decease & thirteen pounds Six Shillings & Eight pence to be paid to her at her coming to the Age of Eighteen years or Marriage which shall first Happen. Item I give & bequeath the Remainder of my Estate both Real & Personal to my Two Sons Enoch & William and to their Heirs & Assigns forever Equally to be Divided between them they paying and Providing for their Mother, what I have in this my will Ordered for her, to- gether with my Just Debts & funeral Charges & the Legacys given in this my Will, and I do hereby Nominate & Appoint my Two Sons Enoch & William Joynt Executors to this my last Will & Testament, In witness whereof I have hereto set my hand & Seal the Day & year above written ''Signed Sealed Published ''Jedediah Lincoln & a Seale ''pronounced and Declared by the s^ Jedediah Lincoln to be his last Will & Testament in presence of us when we at the Same 34 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Time at his Request & in his presence Set to our hands as Wit- nesses ''Benj^ Lincoln Joseph Andrews Benj^ Lincoln Ju*"'' Jedediah Lincoln married (1), Jan. 9, 1716-17, at Hingham (by Samuel Thaxter, Esq., J. P.), Bethia^, daughter of Enoch^ (James^) and Mary (Lincoln) Whiton of Hingham, born Jan. 20, 1694-5, at Hingham; died Sept. 24, 1734, at Hingham. Her grandfather, James^ Whiton, was an inhabitant of Hingham as early as 1647, and in 1681 was one of the larger tax-payers of the town. At his decease he owned much landed property in Scituate, Abington and Hanover, as well as in Hingham. His house was one of those burned by the Indians, Apr. 20, 1676. Bethia's maternal grandfather was Stephen Lincoln, already mentioned in the account of her aunt Deborah, aaa. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. iii, p. 290.) Mr. Lincoln married (2), June 10, 1736, at Pembroke, Mass. (Pembroke Records; Early Massachusetts Marriages, vol. ii, p. 60), widow, Mary Barker, of Pembroke, who was, without much question, daughter of David and Sarah (Gushing) Jacob of Hanover, Mass., born July 15, 1692, at Scituate (Scituate Records); who married Dec. 28, 1710, at Scituate, Francis^ son of Francis^ (Roherf) and Mary (Lincoln) Barker of Pembroke. (Ibid.) He was born Oct. 18, 1681, at Duxbury, Mass., and died in the Jerseys in 1733, and had by her eleven children. (The Barker Family of Plymouth Colony and County, p. 17; N. E. Hist. & Gen. Register, vol. liii, p. 428.) ''History of Hingham" says she died at Hingham, Nov. 22, 1775, "aged 87 years," which would make her born in 1688, but this record of age, which was probably taken from a family Bible, is very possibly an error for 82. Jedediah Lincoln and his wife, Bethia, are buried in Hingham cemetery, a double stone bearing the inscription here given. There is no stone in memory of the second wife and she is prob- ably buried elsewhere. He had no children by his second wife. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 462.) THIRD GENERATION 35 "Erected In Memory Of M'"Jedediah Lincoln and M^^ BETHIAH Lincoln his Wife She Died He Died Sep'^ the 24'^ Sep' the 23'^ 1734 1783 in the 40 *^ in the 91'* Year of he*" Year of his AGE AGE" Children, by first wife, born at Hingham: aaca. Jedediah, born Oct. 18, 1718. aacb. Enoch, born Jan. 22, 1720-1. aacc. Mary, born Oct. 7, 1724; died Feb. 3, 1752, at Weymouth, Mass. She married Feb. 21, 1750-1, at Hingham (she is called "Maria" in the rec- ord of their intentions, pubUshed at Wejniiouth Oct. 24, 1750), John^, son of John* {Johv?, John^, Richard^) and Sarah (Nash) Porter of Wey- mouth, born Sept. 8, 1729, at Weymouth; died Jaai. 15, 1769, at Wey- mouth, where he had passed his Ufe. They had no children. He mar- ried (2) Sept. 20, 1753, at Weymouth, Temperance Shaw by whom he had three children, viz.: Mary, born Jan. 21, 1754; Mercy, born Aug. 14, 1755; Survyer (Serviah?), bapt. Nov. 19, 1758. (Genealogy of the De- scendants of Richgtrd Porter, p. 35; Weymouth Records. In spite of these authorities I am inchned to beheve that the John Porter who married Mary Lincoln was the son of Joseph* [_John^, John^, Richard}~\ and Mercy [Randall] Porter, born June 23, 1725, at Weymouth; his age and the name of his daughter supporting this belief.) aacd. William, born Aug. 5, 1729. aace. Levi, born Feb. 15, 1733-4; died Dec. 2, 1734. aaf . Elisha, son of Samuel (Samuel) and Deborah (Hersey) Lincoln of Hingham, born Sept. 3, 1699, at Hingham; died Aug. 20, 1783, at Cohasset. He was a carpenter and resided on Deer Hill Lane in the second precinct of Hingham, now Cohasset. His dwelling house, which has since been occupied by successive generations of descendants and is still standing, was built by him early in the eighteenth century, from timber cut upon land bequeathed to him by his father. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 462; Cohasset Records; Cohasset Genealogies, p. 233.) His will, dated Sept. 9, 1782, probated Nov. 4, 1783, names: Levi Bate, Sarah Baily, Sabiah Nichols, Abigail Wade, Zealous Bate, Ambrose Bate, Tephilus Bate and Phineas Bate, ''children of my late Daughter Grace Bate Deceased''; Daughter Sarah 36 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Whitcomb; Daughter Achsah Whitcom; Daughter Hannah Pritchard; Brother-in-Law Josiah Lincoln; Grandchildren, Eunice, Susannah, Chloe, Winnifry, Betty, Sarah, Hepzibah and Lois, '* children of my late Son Ezekiel Lincoln, deceased"; great-grandchild Olive Orcutt, a minor; grandson Elisha Lincoln; Daughter-in-Law Elizabeth Lincoln ''the widow of my son Ezekiel Lincoln, deceased"; Grandson Elisha Lincoln, residuary legatee. Friend Capt. Job Gushing executor. The estate was inventoried at £558:3:4 Real and £78:18:0 Persona . (Suffolk County Probate Records, vols. Ixxxii, f. 822; Ixxxiii, f. 370 and original papers.) He married Jan. 16, 1723-4, at Hingham, Sarah*, daughter of Joseph^ {James^, George^) and Sarah (Marsh) Lewis of Hingham, born Dec. 15, 1703, at Hingham; died Apr. 28, 1781, at Cohasset. Her great-grandfather, George^ Lewis, came to America from East Greenwich, county Kent, England, about 1633, and lived at Scituate and Barnstable. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, pp. 441-2; Cohasset Records.) Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln and two of their children are buried in Central burying ground, Cohasset. Their stones are inscribed as follows: — ''In Memory of J M'' EHsha Lincoln t who died Aug* t y' 20 1783 t in his 85*^ year" "In Memory of t Mrs. Sarah Wife t of Mr. Ehsha Lincoln t She died April y^ 28 t 1781 in her 78'^ year" "Ehsha Lincoln J son of M"" J Ehsha & M'' J Sary Lincoln t who died J May 9*^ 1731 t aged 3 months J & 10 days" "Samuel Lincoln t son of M"" J Elisha & M""^ t Sary Lincoln t who died Sep t tember 7 1741 J aged 9 months" Children, born at Hingham: aafa, Grace, born Apr. 3, bapt. Apr. 4, 1725; died May 4, 1781, at Cohasset. (Gravestone.) She married Joshua^, son of Joshua'* (Joshua^, Joseph^, Clement^) and Abigail (Joy) Bates of Hingham, born Dec. 1, 1724, at Hingham; died June 8, 1816, at Cohasset. He Hved on Beechwood street, in the second precinct of Hingham, now Cohasset; was constable, 1755; and member of committee of inspection, 1774. He married (2) Oct. 13, 1782, at Cohasset (Cohasset and Scituate Records), Mrs. Hannah (Cowing) Pincin or Pynchon of Scituate. She was widow of Abner Pincin whom she married Apr. 22 or 23, 1770, and daughter of Job and Deborah (Gannett) Cowing of Scituate, bo^rn July 12, 1752, at Scituate; died Nov. 10, 1841, at Cohasset, as says her gravestone; but Cohasset Records say Nov. 11. Joshua and Hannah Bates had four children: Abner, Enos, Grace and Joishua. (Scituate Records; Cohasset Gene- alogies, p. 35.) i THIRD GENERATION 37 Children, born at Hingham, second precinct : a. Levi, born Aug. 15, 1748; mar. Hannah Litchfield. b. Ambrose, born July 25, 1750; died Oct. 9, 1751. c. Sarah, born June 30, 1752; mar. Abner Bailey of Scituate. d. Grace, \ ^^^ ^arch 1, 1754; ( '^"'^ '°!l°'"' ■]''^\ , e. Zealous, j I mar. Abigail Nichols. /. ZiBiAH, born Aug. 3, 1756; mar. Nathaniel Nichols.* g. Ambrose, born Sept. 3, 1758; mar. Priscilla Lincoln, abbed. h. Abigail, born Oct. 21, 1760; mar. John Wade of Scituate. i, THEOPHtLus, born May 4, 1763; mar. Sarah Tower. j. Phineas, born May 23, 1766; mar. Abigail Lincoln, adffa. aafb. Sarah, born Dec. 9, bapt. Dec. 25, 1726; died May 23, 1745, unmar- ried. aafc. Hannah, bapt. Jan. 12, 1728-9; died Aug. 21, 1741. (Gravestone says Aug. 28) aafd. Elisha, bapt. Feb. 28, 1730-1; died May 9, 1731. (Gravestone.) aafe. Elisha, bapt. March 26, 1732; died Aug. 18, 1741. (Gravestone; Co- hasset Genealogies says ''died Aug. 18, 1732." He and the older EUsha are buried in Central burying ground.) aaff. Ezekiel, bapt. Apr. 21, 1734. aafg. Levi, bapt. Oct. 10, 1736; died June, 1745. See Samuel, aafi. aafh. AcHSAH, born Nov. 3, bapt. Nov. 13, 1738; died Sept. 11, 1811, at Cohasset. "History of Hingham" says she died Sept. 17, as does her gravestone. She married Feb. 19, 1761, at Hingham, Israel, son of Israel'* (IsraeP, Robert^, John^) and Hannah (Kent) Whitcomb of Hing- ham, born Feb. 9, 1738-9, at Hingham; died June 4, 1824, at Cohasset. He was a farmer and lived on Beechwood street, Cohasset. They are buried in Beechwood cemetery. (Cohasset Records; Cohasset Genealo- gies, p. 469; Hist, of Hingham, vol. iii, p. 286; Whitcomb Genealogy, p. 57; gravestones at Beechwood.) Children, born at Hingham, second precinct : a. Hannah, born Sept. 17, 1761; mar. Samuel Oakes of Cohasset. 6. Zadoc, born Dec. 11, 1763; mar. Rachel Gray and removed to Maine. c. Jacob, born March 9, 1765; mar. Anna Pratt. d. Elijah, bapt. June 15, 1765 (1766?); died in infancy. e. Samuel, born Sept. 5, 1767; mar. Lydia Ramsdell. f. Ezekiel, born Aug. 1, 1777; died early at sea. "Cohasset Genealogies" in marrying him to Lucy Whitcomb has confused him with his nephew, Ezekiel, son of Samuel. t,|. aafi. Samuel, born Aug. 18, 1741; died Sept. 7, 1741, aged 9 months, 27 i;* days, according to a gravestone in Central burying ground, Cohasset. J,: This would make him born Nov. 11, 1740, and the date given for his i! birth is, perhaps, his baptism. "Cohasset Genealogies," following the ef "History of Hingham," gives his death as June, 1745, the same as for id' his brother Levi. 1 aafj. Hannah, bapt. May 16, 1742; died May 1, 1805, at Cohasset "in her 63rd year." (Gravestone.) She married Aug. 29, 1782, at Cohasset, Theodore^, son of OHver^ {Johv}) and Abigail (Tower) Pritchard of *In December, 1775, he had command of two sloops of war and was sent to Nassau to capture EDwder stored there. He seized nearly 100 cannon and other stores with alight resistance, and eld possession of the island a few days. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 304.) 38 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Hingham (second precinct), bapt. Dec. 12, 1762, at Cohasset; died March 11, 1814, at Cohasset. He married (2) July 28, 1811, at Cohasset, Peggy Mann. No children are recorded. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 361.) aajk. Susanna, bapt. Oct. 28, 1744; died before her father, probably young. aafl. Sarah, born May 16, 1747; died Oct. 31, 1838, at Cohasset "aged 91 years 5 ms," as says her gravestone at Beechwood. She married, Nov. 30, 1769, at Cohasset, Lot^ son of Israel* {Israel^, Roherfi, Joh'n}) and Hannah (Kent) Whitcomb of Hingham, born Apr. 10, 1746, at Hingham (Family Bible says Apr. 21) ; died May 30, 1828, at Cohasset. His gravestone at Beechwood says he died May 31, 1846, and the Church Records say June, 1828. He was a farmer, Uving at Cohasset, and built the house on Beephwood street, now (1909) owned by Ira-Norton Pratt. He was a private in Capt. Obadiah Beal's company, which marched to Dbrchester March 4, 1776, to take part in the siege of Boston. (Hist, of Coliasset, p. 293; Cohasset Genealogies, p. 471; Kent Genealogy, p. 22, which says he died May 31; Whitcomb Genealogy, p. 57.) Children, born at Cohasset: a. Elizabeth, born Aug. 16, 1770; died Dec. 11, 1772. b. Tyle, born Oct. 28, 1772; died Jan. 5, 1860, unmarried. c. Perez, born Dec. 30, 1774; mar. Priscilla Litchfield. d. Rachel, bapt. May 24, 1778; died young. c. Sally, born Aug. 24, 1779; mar. Enos Bates of Cohasset. /. ZoA, born Feb. 22, 1782; mar. John Pratt of Cohasset. g. Olive, born Sept. 23, 1784; mar. Henry Newton of Weymouth. h. Lot, born July 21, 1787; mar. Dolly Barber. i. Levi, born Aug. 19, 1791; mar. Ehzabeth Francis. aba. Obadiah, son of Daniel (Samuel) and Elizabeth (Lin- coln) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Apr. 21, 1679, at Hing- ham; died Apr. 10, 1727, at Hingham, in the second precinct, now Cohasset. In 1711 he was taxed for a house, one horse, four oxen and one cow but no land, his house probably being on his father's farm. He died before his father and his son Daniel inherited the house of his grandfather Lincoln. He married June 19, 1707, at Hingham, Susanna^, daughter of Thomas^ (Thomas^) and Susanna (Wilson) Gill of Hingham, born Nov. 10, 1683, at Hingham; died Jan. 21, 1754. She married (2) Nov. 16, 1738, at Hingham, Capt. Jonathan Goddard of Roxbury. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, pp. 269, 463; Cohasset Genealogies, p. 231; Hist, of Cohasset, p. 185.) Mr. Lincoln and his daughter Susannah are buried in Central burying ground, Cohasset. Children, born at Hingham, second precinct: dbaa. Thomas, born Feb. 17, 1708-9; died Nov. 21, 1712. abab. Elizabeth, probably died young but nothing is known of her. Her THIRD GENERATION 39 name is given by "History of Hingham"and "Cohasset Genealogies," without dates or authorities. abac. Susanna, born 1712-13; died Oct. 29, 1729, at Cohasset "in her 17tb year, " according to her gravestone in Central burying ground, which says she died Oct. 28, but the Church records say "aged 15 years." Another gravestone close by is marked "to Joanna Lincoln, died October 28, 1728 in her 16th year," and it is uncertain whether the two stones are for the same person or for sisters. abad. Daniel, born May 17, 1719, bapt. Aug. 30, 1719. (N. E. ffist. & Gen. Register vol. Iviii, p. 261.) abac. Thomas, born Jan. 14, 1722-3, bapt. Feb. 3, 1722-3. (Ibid.) abb. Hezekiah, son of Daniel (Samuel) and Elizabeth (Lin- coln) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Dec. 25, 1681, at Hing- ham; died Oct. 23, 1755, at Hingham, in the second precinct, now Cohasset, but his gravestone in Central burying ground says he died October 27. He lived near his father in the second precinct, and in 1711 was taxed for a house and three acres of land, one horse, two oxen and two cows. In 1718, when by- authority of the General Court the inhabitants of Cohasset met to provide for church and school, separate from Hingham, Hezekiah Lincoln was chosen one of a committee to provide a preacher for three months. (Hist, of Cohasset, pp. 185, 194.) His will, dated May 29, 1749, probated Nov. 14, 1755, names: sons Francis, Obadiah and Hezekiah; daughters Priscilla Beal, Elizabeth Nichols, Mary Hall, Martha Leavitt, and Sarah and Susanna Lincoln. The following provisions are rather odd: '*to my Daughters Mary and Sarah each of them a bed, w^^ they now claim as their own, & to Susanna the Bed w^^ is now used for myself with the Furniture belonging to each of s^ Beds & also to Sarah & Susanna y^ use of the Front Chamber of my dwelling House & a Priviledge in the Cellar & Well so long as they remain unmarried." ''Item I give to my Daughters all my Household Goods, excluding Priscilla above named to be equally divided to & among them except a Bed & Furniture thereto belonging w^^ my three sons now use, w^^ I give equally to them." (Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. 1, f. 643.) He married (1) Feb. 21, 1710-11, at Hingham, Percilla^ daugh- ter of John2 (John^) and Mary (Hilliard) Farrow of the second precinct of Hingham, born Apr. 4, 1680, at Hingham; died Aug. 26, 1712, at Hingham. Her grandfather, John Farrow or Farrar, came from Hingham, England, in 1635, with his wife Frances 40 LINCOLN GENEALOGY and daughter Mary, and received a grant of five acres in our Hingham. His son John, father of Percilla, was a ^'carpenter" and held the office of constable in 1672. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 215.) He married (2), his intentions being pubhshed at Hingham, Feb. 25, 1715-16, Mary, daughter of Francis and Mary (Cantlebury) Horswell of Hingham, born March 22, 1689-90, at Hingham; died Aug. 5, 1747, at Hingham, in the second precinct. A deed of Anna Cantlebury, widow of Cornelius Cantlebury of Hingham, names their five daughters, viz. : Mary, Elizabeth, Sarah, Han- nah and Hester; and states that ''Mary being married to Francis Horswell of Hingham" and the said Anna not having wherewith to pay a legacy of £10 to said Mary, she, Anna, conveyed to said Francis Horswell certain lands in Hingham, Aug. 5, 1695. (Suffolk County Deeds, vol. xxii, f . 340.) Francis Horswell was, for several years, a resident of the second precinct of Hingham and, with his first wife, Mary, is buried in Central burying ground. He died Feb. 27, 1717, in his 57th year. A deed, dated March 20, 1719, states that ''Francis Horswell, late of Hingham, yeoman, dece'd, died Intestate and made no manner of disposal of his estate, and left issue two daughters, namely Mary Lincolne wife of Hezekiah Lincolne and Sarah Horse well . . . ", (Ihid., vol. xxxiii, f. 231.) Mr. Lincoln and his two wives are buried in Central burying ground, Cohasset. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, pp. 352, 463; Cohasset Genealogies, p. 232; gravestones.) Child by first wife, born at Hingham, second precinct: abha. Percilla, born March 22, 1711-12; died May 4, 1760, at Cohasset; married Oct, 28, 1731, at Hingham, Jonathan"*, son of Lazarus^ (Jere- miah^, Joh'n}) and Susanna (Lewis) Beal of Hingham, born July 20, 1708, at Hingham; died before his second wife but the date has not been found. His wife Percilla is buried in Cedar street cemetery, her stone being the oldest in that ground, but if he is buried there no stone marks his grave. He lived in the second precinct of Hingham on North Main street, and was the first representative of Cohasset to the General Court in 1776-7. He married (2), Aug. 27, 1761, at Hingham, Mercy^ daughter of Ebenezer^ {Joh'n}) and Hannah (Gannett) Kent of Hingham and widow, first of Stephen Stodder, whom she married Nov. 29, 1717 (Hist, of Hingham says Nov. 27), and second of David Bates, whom she married June 8, 1757. By her first husband she had ten children. She was born July 31, 1708, at Hingham, second precinct, and died a widow Apr. 5, or by the church records Apr. 6, 1802, at Cohasset. (Hist, of Hing- ham, vols, ii, pp. 41, 62, 404; iii, p. 195; Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 52, 62, 214, 408.) THIRD GENERATION 41 Children, born at Hingham, second precinct: a. Percilla, born Jan. 14, 1732-3; mar. Isaiah Stodder. h. Obadiah, born March 30, 1735; died 1783 unmarried or s. p. c. Susanna, born Jan. 27, 1736-7; mar. Solon Stephenson. d. Betty, born Nov. 18, 1738; mar. Mordecai Bates. e. Mary, born July 6, 1740; mar. Jerome Stephenson. /. Tamar, born Nov. 9, 1742; mar. Daniel Nichols, Jun. g. Martha, born July 7, 1744; mar. Samuel Bates, Jun. h. Sarah, bapt. Oct. 12, 1746; mar. Joseph Bates. i. Chloe, bapt. Aug. 1, 1749; mar. John Willcutt, Jun. Children by second wife, born at Hingham, second precinct: ahhh. Elizabeth, born March 17, 1716-17, bapt. Apr. 14, 1717 (N. E. Hist. & Gen. Register, vol. Iviii, p. 173); died Oct. 12, 1778, at Cohasset, but her gravestone says Oct. 10. She married Dec. 3, 1741, at Boston, by Caleb Lyman, Esq., J. P. (Boston Records), Thomas", son of Nathaniel* (Israel"^, Thomas^) and Elizabeth (Lincoln) Nichols of Hingham, abcc, born Nov. 13, 1716; died Jan. 9, 1774, at Cohasset. He lived in the second precinct of Hingham, on the Jerusalem roacj, in a house built by himself, which was torn down in 1906, and replaced by the house of William-Deford Bigelow. He was constable in 1746. He and his wife are buried in Central burying ground, Cohasset. His great-grandfather, Thomas^ Nichols, had a grant of land in Hingham, in 1637. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. iii, p. 87; Cohasset Genealogies, p. 300.) Children, born at Hingham, second precinct: a. Elizabeth, born Jan. 23, 1742-3; died May 9, 1754. h. Lot, born Oct. 24, 1744; mar. Thankful Tower. c. Mary, born Oct. 4, 1746; died Apr. 15, 1831, unmarried. (Co- hasset church records say she died in 1830, aged 85.) d. Martha, born March 29, 1749; mar. Job Gushing of Cohasset. e. Sarah, born May 26, 1751 ; mar. Robert Young of Cohasset. /. Thomas, born Nov. 25, 1753. g. Elizabeth, born Jan. 12, 1755; died Feb. 27, 1812, unmarried. "History of Hingham," vol. iii, p. 87, says she died Oct. 9, 1821, mistaking her for her cousin Ehzabeth, daughter of Daniel and Tamar (Beal) Nichols, ahhaf. Her death is from her grave- stone. h. Priscilla, born Feb. 18, 1758; mar. Levi Tower. See abaef. abbe. Mary, born May 19, 1719; died Apr. 5, 1799, at Cohasset; married May 11, 1749, at Boston, by John Phillips, J. P. (Boston Records), James, son of Richard Hall of Boston, but his birth is not recorded there. The will of his father, Richard Hall of Boston, dated Apr. 19, 1744, probated July 3, 1744, names: sons John, George, Richard, WiUiam and Charles "to each five shillings"; daughter Constance "five shiUings"; son James "wearing apparel"; son James and daughter Mary residuary legatees. (Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. xxxvii, p. 186; Colonial Society's PubHcations, vol. xiv, p. 405.) James Hall was a poll tax payer at Hingham in 1749, and an owner of real estate there in 1752. He Uved in the second precinct, now Cohasset, on the east side of the common, in a hou^e which he built in 1750 partly of timbers from the. first church. The house was standing and occupied in 1908. He was by trade a shipwright and held the office of co'nstable in 1753-4. He probably 42 LINCOLN GENEALOGY died early in 1788, as on March 25, 1788, his son James was appointed administrator of his estate, and the personal property was allowed to his widow. His estate was appraised Apr. 11, 1788. (Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. Ixxxvii, p. 187; Cohasset Genealogies, p. 173; Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 283.) Children, bom at Hingham, second precinct: a. James, born Feb. 22, 1749-50; mar. Mrs. Persis Lincoln, ahaea. b. RiCHAKD. c. Susanna, born 1754; died Jan. 23, 1833, unmarried. d. Maby, died young. ahbd. Martha, born May 13, 1721; died Sept. 28, 1812, at Cohasset, but the Church Records say Oct. 1, 1812, aged 92. She married, Apr. 24, 1746, at Hingham, Nehemiah*, son of EUsha' {IsraeP, John}) and Sarah (Lane) Leavitt of Hingham, born Nov. 21, 1721, at Hingham; died 1771, at Cohasset, intestate. "History of Hingham" questions this date but says that his estate was settled Jan. 7, 1773. He is called both ''cooper" and "blacksmith" and was certainly the latter as he charged the town "for a pair of tongues" (tongs) "for y* school in 2nd parish." (Hist, of Cohasset, p. 178.) He lived in the second precinct of Hingham, now Cohasset, on North Main street, and held the office of constable in 1754. His paternal ancestor, John^ Leavitt, was a resident of Dor- chester, Mass., in 1634 but soon went to Hingham and had a grant of a house-lot there in 1636. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 228; Hist, of Hing- ham, vol. ii, p. 433.) Children, born at Hingham, second precinct: a. Sarah, born Dec. 10, 1746; mar. Timothy Burr of Cohasset. b. Elizabeth, born Apr. 2, 1751; mar. Daniel McLeod. abbe. Francis, born June 5, 1723. abbf. Sarah, born Aug. 7, 1725; died May 2, 1813, at Cohasset, unmarried. abbg. Obadiah, born Apr. 11, 1728; died 1762, unmarried. He is said to have been a soldier in the French and Indian war. July 8, 1762, Hezekiah Lincoln of Hingham, yeoman, was admitted administrator to the estate of Obadiah Lincoln, late of said Hingham, yeoman, deceased; Daniel Lincoln, gentleman, and Cushing Kilby, shipwright, both of Hingham, sureties. His estate was appraised, Aug. 19, 1762, at £10:5:0 personal; £46:0:0 real. (Suffolk County Probate Records, vols. Ix, p. 446; Ixi, p. 88.) abbh. Hezekiah, born Jan. 15, 1729-30. abbi. Susanna, born June 30, 1733; died Aug. 13, 1809, at Cohasset but church records say May 13. She married, March 24, 1757, at Hingham, Thomas^, son of Lazarus* {Lazarus^, Jeremiah^, Johv}) and Ruth (An- drews) Beal of Hingham, born May 6, 1732, at Hingham, second precinct; died June 15, 1805, at Cohasset. (Gravestone.) He was a farmer and lived on North Main street in the seC6nd precinct of Hingham, now Cohasset. He and his wife are buried in Central burying ground. His paternal ancestor, John^ Beal, came from Hingham, England, in 1638 with his wife, five sons, three daughters and two servants and settled in Hingham, receiving a grant of land containing six acres on what is now South street. He lived to be one hundred years old, dying in 1688. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, pp. 53,66; Cohasset Genealogies, p. 66.) Children, born at Hingham, second precinct : a. Hezekiah, born Dec. 5, 1757; mar. Ehzabeth Burr. b. David, born Apr. 5, 1760; mar. Abigail Burr. THIRD GENERATION 43 c. Ruth, born June 26, 1763; mar. (1) Zenas Stodder; (2) Levi Tower, see abaef. d. Susanna, born Nov. 29, 1765; mar. Elisha Lincoln, aafff. e. Thomas, born 1768, bapt. Feb. 5, 1775. /. Obadiah, born 1771, bapt. Jan. 26, 1772; died July 5, 1811, unmarried. g. Thankful, born 1774, bapt. Feb. 5, 1775. ada. MoRDECAi, son of Mordecai {Samuel) and Sarah (Jones) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Apr. 24, 1686, at Hing- ham; died May 12, 1736, at Amity, Pennsylvania. It was not until after President Abraham Lincoln's death that it was seriously suggested that his ancestry might be traced to one of the Hingham, Massachusetts, families. In October, 1865, the late Solomon Lincoln, senior, of Hingham, aacdd e, published an article in the "New England Historical and Gene- alogical Register," entitled '* Notes on the Lincoln Families," in which he expressed his belief that Samuel Lincoln of Hingham was most likely the ancestor of the President. He based his belief on the similarity of names of Samuel's known descendants and those of the known relatives of the President. These names were Isaac, Jacob, Thomas, Abraham and Mordecai, the last two, and especially the last, being peculiarly suggestive, for the reason that Samuel's son Mordecai had two sons, Mordecai and Abraham, who had apparently left home before their father's death, and the name Mordecai is very unusual in other New England families. The President himself had little knowledge of his ancestry. In correspondence with Mr. Solomon Lincoln in 1848 he said: *'My father's name is Thomas — my grandfath- er's was Abraham, the same as my own. My grandfather went from Rockingham County in Virginia to Kentucky, about the year 1782, and two years afterwards was killed by the Indians. We have a vague tradition, that my great-grandfather went from Pennsylvania to Virginia, and that he was a Quaker. Further than this, I have never heard anything. It may do no harm to say that * Abraham' and * Mordecai' are common names in our family." In another letter he said: "I have mentioned that my grandfather's name was Abraham. He had, as I think I have heard, four brothers, Isaac, Jacob, Thomas and John. He had three sons, Mordecai, Josiah and Thomas, the last my father. My uncle Mordecai had three sons, Abraham, James 44 LINCOLN GENEALOGY and Mordecai. Uncle Josiah had several daughters and an only son, Thomas. My father has an only child, myself of course. This is all I know certainly on the subject of names; it is however my father's understanding that Abraham, Mordecai and Thomas are old family names of ours." Mr. Solomon Lincoln himself never found any confirmation of his conjecture but in April, 1887, Samuel Shackford, Esq., of Chicago, 111., himself a descendant from Samuel Lincoln (see aacdb ca), in an article in the ''New England Historical and Genealogical Register," furnished strong circumstantial evidence that Mordecai's two sons, Mordecai and Abraham, went from New England to New Jersey and thence to Pennsylvania, where they died, leaving many descendants. The evidence discovered and presented by Mr. Shackford has since been more fully presented in ''The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln," by J. Henry Lea and J. R. Hutchinson, Boston, 1909; and "Abraham Lincoln, An American Migration," by Marion Dexter Learned, Philadel- phia, 1909, to both of which books the reader is referred. The latter sums up the case as follows: "It cannot be reasonably questioned that Mordecai Lincoln and Abraham, his brother, of Monmouth County, New Jersey, were the two sons whom Mordecai Lincoln, of Hull [sic], Massachusetts, mentioned in his will in 1727. The circumstantial evidence is quite convin- cing. First, the fact that the father gave the children at home his land, but to the two brothers, Mordecai and Abraham, their portion in cash, would indicate that they had gone away from home. Second, these two Lincolns, Mordecai and Abraham, are not found in any records of that period, except in those of Monmouth County, New Jersey. Third, these two brothers, Mordecai and Abraham, are found in New Jersey in a settlement made by New Englanders, largely from Massachusetts." To this it may be added that it is hardly conceivable that there were two Lincoln families at the same period possessing two brothers named Mordecai and Abraham, the latter name being by no means common and the former excessively rare, except in this Lincoln family. Further evidence of the connection between the Pennsylvania and Massachusetts families has recently been discovered by the writer, in the proof now offered in this volume, that Abraham's son Mordecai returned to Scituate, Massachu- THIRD GENERATION 45 setts, the home of his presumed grandfather, and was there married. (See adhf,) It is not known when Mordecai removed to New Jersey, but he was certainly hving there, a married man, Sept. 14, 1714, on which date John Bowne, uncle of Mordecai's wife, Hannah Saltar, calls her in his will, Hannah Lincon. For a copy of John Bowne's will, see ''Abraham Lincoln, An American Migration,'* pp. 10-11, and see p. 12 for a copy of a letter from John Saltar, Hannah's brother, in which he speaks of his ''brother Lincon." The settlement of John Bowne's estate involved a lawsuit which was commenced by Obadiah Bowne, the executor, against the heirs in 1716, and Mordecai Lincoln was one of the defendants. His name is variously spelled in the Court records "Lincoln," "Lincorn," "Linckorn," and "Lincon." The suit was first brought against him Feb. 28, 1716, for a debt of £140 and the plaintiff was twice non-suited. The suit was renewed Aug. 27 and Nov. 28, 1719, on both which dates the words "non est" are written against the defendant's name. May 27, 1720, the suit was brought by Bowne against Mordecai Lincoln and Richard Saltar (Lincoln's father-in-law) and was non-suited and being renewed, Aug. 27, 1720, the suit against Lincoln was withdrawn by consent of the plaintiff's attorney. Feb. 29, 1720, Richard Saltar of Freehold, Monmouth county, Province of New Jersey, in consideration "of ye sum of one hundred and fifty two Pounds Curant Money of ye Province aforesaid," sold to " Mordecai Lincon of ye Same," "four hundred are [?acres] More or Less besides allowance for barron Land and High Ways " . . . "on Machaponix River & Gravill Brook in the County of Middlesex." Six years later. May 26, 1726, Saltar sold one hundred acres more on Machaponix river to Mordecai Lincoln, but at this time Lincoln is described as "of the County of Chester in the Prov^^ of Pensilvania," whither he is supposed to have removed in the year 1720, as his name appears in the tax lists of that county in that year, the tax lists showing that in 1720 he was assessed "near y® Branches of the French Creek & Brandy wine," in 1722, in the township of Nant- meal, and in 1724 and 1725 in the township of Coventry. (Abra- ham Lincoln, An American Migration, pp. 16-19, 22, 24-26.) Feb. 28, 1723-4, he entered into an agreement with Samuel Nutt 46 LINCOLN GENEALOGY of Coventry, ^* Ironmonger," and William Branson of Philadel- phia, "Merch*," in which he is described as ^'Ironmonger," and which recites that these three had *'at their Joint Charge lately erected Built and provided one Dwelling House and a Forge with Engines belonging to their Iron Works besides other Buildings & Erections Situate Lying and being on a Certain Tract of Land at French Creek." This partnership lasted, however, only until Dec. 14, 1725, when Lincoln sold his interest to William Branson for ''Five Hundred Pounds of Current Lawful Money of America" (Ibid., pp. 22-4), but it is of great interest since it proves that he was in the same business as Mordecai Lincoln of Scituate and testifies to their relationship. Soon after this he removed to Berks county, Pennsylvania, where in 1727 he was, with Benjamin Boone and others, appointed viewer of Tulpehocken road from the Schuylkill river to Oley (Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln, p. 70), and this office he seems to have held for some years, since, in 1735, he signed the return of the reviewers of the road. In 1730, Mordecai Lincoln purchased of Thomas Millard, 303 acres of land in Exeter township, in or near a village which was then called Amity, then in Philadelphia county but now in Berks, and here he built the house, still stand- ing, which until a few years ago remained in the possession of his descendants. His will, dated Feb. 22, 1735-6, probated June 7, 1736, is as follows : "In the Name of God Amen I Mordecai Lincon of Amity in the County of philad^ in the province of pennsylv^ being Sick and weak in body but of Sound mind and Memory Do make this my last will and Testament in manner and form following revoking and hereby disanulling and making void all other and former Wills and Testaments by me made whether in word or Writing allowing this to be my last will and Testament and no other "Imprimis it is my mind that in y^ first place my Just debts be honiestly paid. "Item I give and bequeath unto My Son Mordecai Linkon the half of my land Scituate in amity and to his heirs and assigns forever "Item I give and bequeath unto my Son Thomas Linkon his c ■•== THIRD GENERATION 47 heirs and assigns forever the one half of my Land in amity aforesaid. ''With this proviso that if my present wife Mary Should prove with Child at my Decease and bring forth a son. then I order that y^ Said Land be Divided into three equall parts, And that Mordecai Shall have y® Lower most or South East part, and Thomas the Middle most and the posthumus y^ uper part: ''Item I give and bequeath unto my Daughters Hannah and Mary a Certain piece of Land at Matjaponix allread Settled on them by a deed of gift. "Item I give unto my Son John Lincon a Certain piece of Land Lying in the Jerseys Containing three hundred acres, and to his heirs and assigns forever. "Item I give and Bequeath unto my Two daughters Anne & Sarah and to their heirs and assigns forever one hundred acres of Land laying at Matjaponix in the Jersey, which Land I do order my Executrix herein after Named to Sell and divide y® mony equally between them. "And I do further order and appoint that if any one of my Children above named Should happen to dye before they arive to their full age then Such Share or Shares of y® deceased Shall be Equally Divided amongst y® Surviving Children. "Item I give and bequeath unto my beloved Wife Mary all y^ residue or remainder of My Estate goods Chatties Quick & dead To be at her disposall, and Liberty to remain on My plantati [on] at Malar Amity untill those my Children are at their Severall ages, the better to enable my Wife to bring up all my Children without wasting or ebezeling what I have left them. "And I do hereby nominate and appoint my Wife Mary Lincon my whole and sole Executrix of this my last Will and testam [ent]. "And my loving friends and Neighbours Jonathan Robeson and George Boone Trustees to assist my Executrix in & seeing this my Will and Testament well and truly perform [ed] accord- ing to y^ true Intent and Meaning thereof. "The within named Mordecai Lincon did Sign publish pro- 48 LINCOLN GENEALOGY nounce and declare that this present writing was his last will and Testament y^ 22 day of ffebruary A° Dom^ 1735 In the presence of us Mordecai Lincon Israel Robeson Solomon Coles JohnBeir' The inventory of the personal estate is as follows (for photographic reproduction of the will and inventory see ''Abra- ham Lincoln, An American Migration," pp. 26-29): "A true Inventory of all and Singular y^ Goods & Chatties and Credits of Mordecai Lincon Gent"™ Deceased praised at Amity y^ 5th day of June A^D^ 1736 by Ellis Hugh and Squire Boone Imprimis To purse and apparel £10-00-00 To His books 02-00-00 To a bed £2-10s/ / a Chest of drawers £l-10s 04-00-00 To an oval Table 00-15-00 To one bed £2-and a desk 6s 02- 6-00 To a Chest and Looking Glass 00- 6-00 To Chares and Pewter 2- 4- To three guns and wooden Ware 2-00-00 To Spining Wheels and Iron potts 1-13-00 To Two beds and Earthern ware 2-12-00 To a Saddle one bed and a Trunk 2-00-00 To a Still and Some Swine 8-00-00 To Sheep 7-00-00 To Horned Cattle 30-00-00 Horses 15-00-00 To a mare and Colt 2-00-00 To a Lumb [Loom] and Gares [Gears] 2-00-00 To a Small Cart, plow Harrow and gares [gears] 3-10-00 To Smith Tools 2-10-00 To an Iron Kittle 00-15-00 Carpenters Tools 10s/ / Haws [Hoes?] and axes 10s 1-00-00 To Negro Will 20-00-00 To Negro John for Seven years 10-00-00 £131-11-00 prised by us y^ Subscribers y® day and year above written Ellis Hugh Squire Boone" THIRD GENERATION 49 Mr. Lincoln married (1) before 1714, as is proved by the date of John Bowne's will already referred to, and probably in Mon- mouth county, New Jersey, perhaps at Freehold, Hannah, daughter of Richard and Hannah (Bowne) Salter or Saltar of Freehold. No record has been found of her birth or death, but she was probably the oldest child of her parents and born about 1692, and her death must have occurred not long after the birth of her youngest child in February, 1727, since her husband married again as early as the summer of 1729. (For notes on the Salter and Bowne families see ''The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln,'' pp. 90-97, 139.) Mr. Lincoln married (2), probably in the summer of 1729, Mary, thought to be the daughter of Andrew Robeson of Amity for the following reason: "The 'London Company' (consisting of Tobias Collet, Daniel Quain and Henry Golding) took up a tract of 1000 acres in Exeter twp., Berks co., on each side of the Schuylkill River, on a warrant issued 18, Oct. 1716, being part of 60,000 acres grtd them in Penna. by Wm. Penn, 1699. On 9, Nov. 1717 the Patent was issued. In Feb. 1718 the Co. grtd their right to Andrew Robeson, then of Roxbury twp., Phila. Co. In May 1730 this tract became vested in Mordecai Lincoln the elder who devised it to his two sons Mordecai and Thomas and a posthumous son Abraham who later became prominent in the political Hist, of Berks Co." (Extract from a letter of H. M. M. Richards of Reading to Gilbert Cope, Nov. 24, 1897.) The date of Mrs. Mary Lincoln's birth has not been learned. She died in 1783, at Amity, intestate, and March 25, 1783, her son John was appointed administrator on her estate. She married (2) before Jan. 17, 1742, one Roger Rogers, as, on that date, she gave a power of attorney to her " son-in-Law William Tallman of Amity," in which she is described as "Mary Rodgers of Exeter . . . Sole Executrix of Mordecai Lincon my deceased Husband." This power of attorney was to authorize Tallman to dispose of the one hundred acres of land in New Jersey, which she was authorized by Mordecai to sell for the benefit of his daughters, Anne and Sarah, and it was witnessed by Roger Rogers. Tallman sold the land May 10, 1743, and in the deed Mary is called "widow and sole executrix, being now the wife of 50 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Rodger Rodgers." (Philadelphia Deeds, Book D^, p. 146.) Rogers died intestate and administration was granted to Mary his widow, Dec. 22, 1758. There is no evidence of their having children. In June, 1775, Mary was administratrix on the estate of her son Thomas. (Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 70-72.) Children, by first wife, born: a-d probably at Freehold, N. J.; e, f probably at Coventry, Pa. : adaa. John, born May 3, 1716. adab. Deborah, born January, 1717-18; died May 15, 1720, at AUentown. N. J., where a monument in the old cemetery bears the following in- scription: "To the Memory of Deborah Lincoln, Aged 3 yrs, 4 mos, May 15, 1720." Her death perhaps occurred while the family was re- moving from New Jersey to Pennsylvania. (Abraham Lincoln, An American Migration, p. 21; The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln, p. 72/) adac. Hannah, date of birth unknown; died before 1769; married before Dec. 15, 1742, Joseph Millard of Amity who died in 1770. He apparently married a second wife, since administration on his estate was granted Feb. 17, 1770, to Mary Millard; and his wife Hannah was not living in 1709 when, in a quit-claim deed made by the children and heirs of Mor- decai Lincoln to establish a right of his posthumous son, Abraham, through his father's will, Joseph Millard is described ae "Esq. of Union township and husband of Mordecai's daughter Hannah then deceased." The same deed names their children, " Mordecai, Joseph, Jr., James and Barbara Millard." That Hannah was married before Dec. 15, 1742, is proved by a deed of that date, by which Hannah Lincoln, having married one Joseph Millard of Amity, conveyed her "moiety" to one William Tallman. (The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 72, 180, 194-5; Gen. & Pers. Memoirs of Chester & Delaware Counties, Penn., vol.' i, p. 404.) Children: a. Mordecai, living 1769. h. Joseph, c. James, " " d. Barbara, " " adad. Mary, date of birth unknown; died after 1769; married in 1742, Francis', son of Peter^ {Francis^) and Alice (Worrilow)Yarnall of Goshen, Pa., born Sept. 27, 1719; died after 1769 in which year he, being described as "yeoman of Reading, Pa.," with his wife Mary joined her brothers and sisters in a quit-claim deed to her half-brother Abraham. Francis Yamall was a Quaker but his wife was not and complaint of his marriage "out o'f meeting" was made at Exeter Meeting 8 mo. 7th, 1742, and testimony was formally made against him 10 mo. 30th of same year as follows: "Whereas Francis Yarnell, son to Peter Yarnall of Exeter, having but a short time past Requested of Friends to let him come undei; their care, which was granted him, but for want of being so Careful to mind the gift of God in himself as he ought to have done, he went to vain Pastimes, and took a wife of another Persuasion and took an oath before Magistrates; yet, notwithstanding what hath been acted by him. Friends care over him at several times hath been to bring him to a sense of his condition, but all seeming to work no contrition in him, therefore. THIRD GENERATION 53 Children: a. Abigail, married May 5, 1767, Adin Pancoast and died March, 1800.* h. MoRDECAi, died August, 1774, in Maryland, unmarried. c. William, mar. Susanna Parks. f d. Mary, mar. May 8, 1777, Isaac Lee. e. George, born 1759; mar. Margaret Mayberry. /. Thomas, born 1761; mar. Ann Tea. g. Jeremiah, born 1762-3; mar. Rebecca. h. Hezekiah, born 1764; mar. (1) Hannah Hughes; (2) EUzabeth Boone. Children, by second wife, born probably at Amity, Pa. : adag. MoRDECAi, born May 9, 1730. adah. Thomas, born about 1732. adai. Abraham, born Oct. 18, 1736, posthumous. adb. Abraham, son of Mordecai (Samuel) and Sarah (Jones) Lincoln of Hingham and Scituate, Mass., born Jan. 13, 1688-9, in the second precinct of Hingham, now Cohasset; died between Apr. 15 and 29, 1745, at Springfield, then in Chester but now in Dela- ware county, Pennsylvania, the dates respectively of the signing and proving of his will. He removed, probably with his brother Mordecai, to Monmouth county, New Jersey, and there purchased, Feb. 11, 1722, two hundred and forty acres of land in Cross- wicks, now in Burlington county, of Safety Boyden, and again, March 15, 1725, another two hundred acres in the same place of Abraham Vanhorn. He had probably settled in New Jersey several years before, perhaps as early as 1714 or earlier, and was certainly living in Monmouth county on Nov. 22, 1720, when he is named as one of the twenty-two jurors in the General Quarter Sessions of the Peace. These farms he conveyed, Apr. 29, 1730, to Thomas Williams of Freehold, N. J., for five hundred and ninety pounds ''current money of New Jersey,'' being described in the deed as "blacksmith." Three months previously he had purchased, Jan. 16, 1729-30, of the same Thomas Williams, three *"Adin Pancoast of Mansfield township, West New Jersey, son of John (deceased) and Mary, and Abigail Boone of Exeter township, daughter of William and Sarah, were married 5 mo. 28, 1767." (Records of Berks County Monthly Meeting.) tWilliam and his wife are called- the "founders" of Boonesborough, Md. Of his brothers the following data have been received: George mar. Aug. 6, 1781, and died June 30, 1824, in his 65th year; Thomas mar. Apr. 20, 1788, and died in 1823 ; Jeremiah was given a letter to Philadel- phia Meeting, June 27, 1781 ; his descendants are supposed to be living there; Hezekiah mar. (1) May 21, 1791, Hannah Hughes, a descendant of George and Deborah (Howell) Boone, he mar. (2) Apr. 13, 1809, Elizabeth Boone, a granddaughter of James and Mary (Foulke) Boone, and died Apr. 1, 1827, aged 63. William Boone is thought to have joined the Revolutionary army, Dec. 25, 1776. An account of this family in " The Pennsylvania German," vol. xi, p. 726, contains several errors. 54 LINCOLN GENEALOGY hundred acres of land on Crum creek, in Springfield, Penn., the consideration being three hundred and twenty pounds ''lawful money of America," and had apparently occupied this land for a year previous to the purchase. These last two deeds are printed in full in ''Abraham Lincoln, An American Migration," pp. 32-43. He continued to reside in Springfield until his death, though, from the fact that his youngest child was baptized in Christ Church, Philadelphia, in 1735 and that, after his death, all his children seem to have lived in that parish, he may have had some occupation in that city. By deeds dated March 29 and Nov. 19, 1744, he purchased from the heirs of William Clare a lot of land on Elbow Lane, Philadelphia, with two tenements or messuages thereon, for one hundred and seventy pounds, "lawful money of Pennsylvania." His will, dated Apr. 15, 1745, and possessing much genealogical value, and the inventory of his estate are here given in full. They are copied from photographic reproductions in "Abraham Lincoln, An American Migration," pp. 54, 56. "I Abraham Lincon of Springfield in the County of Chester in the province of Pensilvania Blacksmith being sick and weak in body but of well disposing mind and Memory praise be given to Almighty God therefore but in Consideration of the Uncer- tainty of this Mortal state and not knowing how it may please the Lord to deal with me at this time DO make and Ordain this my last Will and Testament in Manner and form follo'^ing First and principally I recommend my Soul into the hands of God that gave it and my body I commit to the Earth to be buried in a Christian like and decent manner at the discretion of my Execu- tors AND as Touching such Worldly Estate as it hath pleased the Lord to bestow upon me I give and dispose thereof as fol- loweth IMPRIMIS my will is that in the first place all my Just debts and funeral Expenses be duly paid and discharged ITEM I Give to my son John all and singular the Land and Premises with the Appurtenances (it being part and parcel of the Plan- tation whereon I now dwell) Lying on the North East side of the Road leading to Chester to HOLD to him my said son John his Heirs and Assigns for ever but if my son John should happen to dye before he attains to the age of Twenty one Years then my will is and I give all the said Land unto my son Abraham i THIRD GENERATION 55 his Heirs and Assigns forever ITEM I give and devise unto my son Jacob all the Residue of this my plantation Situate on the South West side of the Road aforesaid with all and Singular the Appurtenances to Hold to him my said son Jacob his Heirs and Assigns for ever PROVIDED also and Upon Condition Neverthe- less that my son Jacob Builds a Brick dwelling House for the Use of my son John at some Convenient place on the land devised to my son John as aforesaid at some time within the Term of Ten Years after the date of this my Will which House shall be Seven- teen foot Square from out to out Cellared Under and Carried Up two story high with a Cedar Roof and Windows Suitable to the Building ITEM I give and devise Unto my son Mordecai if he Returns into this province within the Term of Seven Years Next after my decease all that Messuage or Tenement which I purchased of William Clayer Situate in the City of Philadelphia TO HOLD to him my said son Mordecai his Heirs and Assigns forever but if it should so happen that my son Mordecai shall not return Return before the expiration of the Term aforesaid then my will is and I do give the said Messuage or Tenement Unto my son Isaac his Heirs and Assigns forever Provided Never- theless that my son Isaac pay or cause to be paid Unto my son Mordecai if in Case he Returns at any time after the Seven Years aforesaid the sum of ffive Pounds of Lawfull money of Pensilvania ITEM I give devise and bequeath Unto my daughter Rebecca my other Messuage or Tenement in the City of Philadel- phia (Joyning to the other before mentioned) which I purchased of Humphrey Clase and John Clayor TO HOLD to her my said daughter Rebecca and to the Lawfull heirs of her body for ever but if she should happen to dye before the Age of Twenty one Years or without Issue then my will is and I give the said Mes- suage or Tenement Unto my son Isaac his Heirs and Assigns forever ITEM I give Unto my daughter Sarah my best feather bed with furniture as also the one half part of the Linnen Usually kept in my large Chest Item I give Unto my son Abraham the sum of Thirty Six Pounds which I Lent him some time since AND further my will is that all the Residue of my Estate (after debts and Funeral Expenses paid as aforesaid and Sufficient for the Maintenance of my son John Untill he Arrives to the Age of Fourteen Years) as well Real as Personal whatsoever and 56 LINCOLN GENEALOGY wheresoever I give Unto my two sons (to witt) Abraham and Isaac to be divided in two Equal parts or portions share and share ahke AND I Nominate Constitute and Appoint my two friends (to witt) Robert Taylor of Marple in the County of Chester aforsaid and Joshua Thompson of Ridley in the County aforsaid Executors of this my last will and Testament AND I Revoke disanul and make void all and every other will and wills by me at any time heretofore made and do Ratifie & Confirm this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament IN WIT- NESS whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and Seal this fl&fteenth day of April in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and fforty ffive. — Abraham Lincon ''Signed Sealed Published and declared by Abraham Lincon the Testator to be his last will and Testament in the Presence of us ''Benanuel Lownes aff ''John Morton Jur 29 Apr 1745 "Isa: Pearson affirm" "A True Inventory of all and Singular the Good Chatties Rights and Credits which were of Abraham Lincon late of Springfield County of Chester Dec^ As they were appraised by the Subscribers at the Request of Robert Taylor and Joshua Thomson Executors of the Last will and Testament of said Deces*^ April the 30th 1745 £ s d Purse and Apparel 6:12: Bills and Bonds 68: 0: OJ. One Negro Man 20: 0: One Bed and furniture 16:10: Six large Silver Spoons 6:0:0 One Clock £12. One Desk £4. One Case of Drawers £4:10 20:10: One Looking Glass £2:10. One Large Table £1. One Case of bottles 14/0 4:4:0 Chairs £1. Walnut Chest £1 :10. Trunk 6 /O. One Sadie £1:2 3:18:0 Books 15/0. Warming pan 15/0. One Gun 15/0. One pistol 7/6 2:12: 6 Three Beds Bedding and Bedsteads 17: 3: THIRD GENERATION 57 Pewter £5:19:6. Glass & Delph Ware 11/6. Coffee Mill 5/0 6:16: One Brass Kettle £2:15:0. Candlesticks 11/0. Tin Ware 5/0 3:11: Table Linnen Sheets and Curtains 12: 8: Two Chests £1:10. One Box 5/0. Tables £1:14:0. Old Chairs 6/ 03:15: Four Iron Pots £1:14:0. Tea Kettle, Copper pot & Sauce pan £1:4:0 2:18: Andirons, pot-racks, fire Shovel and Tongs £1:2. Knives & forks 5/0 1: 7: Two Wheels, Wool, Tow, Cards, Tallow & Box Irons 2: 4:11 Baskets 9/0. Steelyards 5/0. Bottles 4/0. Frying pan&Gridle 1/0 1: 8: One Razor & flames 3/7. One Heckle 9/0. Old Irons & Money Scails 7/8 1: 0: 3 One Cloaths brush. Toasting Iron, flesh fork, Tow Combs and bags 0:17: Hogsheads, Barrels, Tubs, pails. Churn and Earthern Ware 1:10: 6 Dry'd Beef and Bacon 1:14: 23^ Smiths Tools and Grind Stone 6:14: One Cart, plow. Harrows and Sundry Implements of Husbandry 8: 1: 3 One Horse £8:10. OneMare£9. OneColt£5:10 23:0:0 One Mare and Colt £1:10. One Old Horse 5/0 1:15: One Bull £1:15. Seven Cows £21. Two Oxen £8 30:15: Six Steers £12. Five Young Cattle £6:5. Three Calves £1:10 19:15: Seventeen Sheep & Eight lambs £7:10. Four Hogs £1:10 9: 0: Wheat 95 bus: at 2/6. Oats 23 bus at 1/8 13:15:10 16 & 1 /4-Acres of Wheat and Rye at 14 / pr Acre 11:8 :10i4 3 & J^ Acres of Oats at 5/ pr Acre [sic] 0:11: Lumber 0: 1: (I 'John Davis 329:16:10 Appraised pr us ''John Hall" 58 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Nothing has been learned of Abraham's wife except that her name was Rebecca and that she died before him, as she is not named in his will. . She is supposed to have been living in 1735, when their son Mordecai was baptized at Christ Church, Phila- delphia. Mr. Lincoln is described as '' blacksmith" in the deed by which he conveyed his lands in New Jersey, and also in his will; elsewhere he is called ''yeoman." From the small value of smith's tools given in the appraisal of his property after his death, and the relatively large value of farm property, it is evident that in the latter part of his life his smithing business was subordinate to his farming. The fact, however, that he was a blacksmith is additional evidence that he was the son of Mordecai Lincoln, the blacksmith of Scituate. Children, born: a-d in Monmouth County, N. J.; e-g probably at Springfield, Pa. : adba. Abraham. adbb. Isaac. adbc. Jacob, born 1725. adbd. Sarah, named in her father's will of Apr. 15, 1745. She married Nov. 28, 1771, at Philadelphia, Pa., Samuel Pastorius a "carpenter." Nothing more has been learned of them. (Records of St. Michael's and Zion Church.) adhe. Rebecca, a minor when her father made his will, Apr. 15, 1745. She married Sept. 19, 1750, at Christ Church, Philadelphia, Pa. (Records of Christ Church; Penn. Archives, vol. viii, ser. ii, p. 15), Joseph**, son of WilHam^ {William'^, Joh'n}) and Elizabeth (Hodges) Rush of Philadelphia, born Jan. 3, 1719-20, at Philadelphia; died there Dec. 20, 1798. They lived at Philadelphia and he served as coroner, 1780-1785. He married (2) Elizabeth Hilton, who died June 13, 1805, at Philadelphia, aged 67 years, by whom he had ten children. " Alden's Epitaphs," vol. i, No. 174, says she died in 1806 but administration on her estate was granted June 18, 1805. Mr. Rush's will, dated May 1, 1796, proved Jan. 16, 1799, names his wife, Elizabeth, and nine children of whom six were by his second wife. The children named are: Elizabeth Allen, Mary Tatem, WiUiam Rush, Catharine Cochrin, Susanna Rush, Benjamin Rush, Esther Rush, Sarah Rush and James Rush. (Phila. Registry, vol. Y, p. 127; Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 67-8, 169, 172; Potts Genealogy, p. 43.) Children, born at Philadelphia: a. Elizabeth, mar. William Allen. h. Mary, mar. Joseph Tatem. c. William, born July 4, 1756; mar. Martha Wallace. He was the first native born American sculptor. (See Penn. Mag., vols, xvii, p. 325-35; xxxi, pp. 381-2.) d. Abraham, died young. - f ^^^^_«^-j^^jiHH|H|P^ . -^ HOUSE OF ISAAC LINCOLN (1691-1771), COHASSET, MASS. Erected in 1717 From a photograph taken in 1910 MONUMENT TO AND GRAVE OF THE EARLY SETTLERS OF HINGHAM, MASS. '■ In Hingham Cemetery \ THIRD GENERATION 59 adbf . Mqrdecai, born May, 1734. adbg. John. He was under fourteen years of age when his father made his will, Apr. 15, 1745, and from the solicitude with which his father pro- vided for him in that document he was evidently the youngest and fa- vorite child. He could not long have survived his father, since the land devised to him reverted to his brother Abraham and was by him, by his will dated Feb. 17, 1747, divided between his two children, Rebecca and Hester. Proof of this is furnished in "The Ancestry of Abraham Lin- coln," p. 179, but on p. 68 of the same volume he is said to have been born about 1732, and to have been living in 1759 at Amity, Penn., "a single man." In this last statement he must be confused with his cousin Abraham, adai. adc. Isaac, son of Mordecai (Samuel) and Sarah (Jones) Lincoln of Hingham and Scituate, Mass., born Oct. 24, 1691, at Hingham, second precinct; died Jan. 15, 1771, at Cohasset, and is buried with his two wives in the Central burying ground. He was called ''mariner" and lived for some time at Scituate, but during most of his life in the second precinct of Hingham, now Cohasset, in a house which his father built about 1717, and bequeathed to him in 1727. This house is probably the oldest complete house still standing in Cohasset. In 1749, Isaac Lincoln was taxed in Hingham for the following property : one house, one acre of orchard, one acre of tillage, thirteen acres of mowing, fifty-five acres of pasturage, seven barrels of cyder, twenty bushels of corn, two tons of English hay, six tons of meadow hay, three and a half tons of salt hay, twelve cow leases, one horse, two oxen, five cows and twelve sheep. (Hist, of Cohasset, p. 245.) He died intestate and Jan. 25, 1771, Isaac Lincoln, Gent°, and Mordecai Lincoln, Yeoman, both of Co- hasset District, were admitted administrators on his estate, which was inventoried at £1383:2:8 real; £124:5:4 personal. (Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. Ixx, pp. 34, 143.) He married (1), Feb. 14, 1716, at Scituate (Scituate Records), published at Hingham, Jan. 25, 1716-17, Sarah^ daughter of Abraham^ (John^, Isaac^) and Sarah (Wright) Cummings of Woburn, Mass., born Feb. 10, 1693-4, at Woburn (Cummings Genealogy, p. 7); died Sept. 17, 1720, at Hingham. He married (2), Feb. 7, 1739, at Scituate (Scituate Records; Cohasset Genealogies says Jan. 24, 1739, but this must be the date of publishment), JaeP, daughter of Joseph^ (Richard^) and Ruth (Buck) Garrett of Scituate, born Apr. 2, 1692, at 60 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Scituate; died Aug. 16, 1770, at Cohasset. Her gravestone in Central burying ground says she died Aug. 16, 1776, in her 78th year, but this must be a stone cutter's error. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 464; Cohasset Genealogies, p. 232.) Mrs. Jael Lincoln's will made *'in Virtue of an Indenture Iri-patita made and concluded between the s^ Isaac [Lincoln] Joseph Wade and myself before marriage with the s^ Isaac in which among other things he doth Covenant that I shall have Liberty during the Coverture to dispose of my Estate by my last Will and Testament in writing the marriage or coverture notwithstanding" was dated July 17, 1770, and probated Aug. 31, 1770. In it she makes bequests to a number of persons whose identity has been learned from Scituate records, when not otherwise determined, as follows: to (1) sister Ruth Wade, (2) Joseph Wade, (3) Jacob Wade, and (4) Jael Lincoln, wife of Obadiah Lincoln, £2:13:4 each; to Uriah Lincoln (ac^cac), £6:13:4, also bed and furniture thereto; to (5) Mary Cud worth, wife of John Cudworth *'my silk hood"; to (6) Huldah Bate, wife of Benjamin Bate of Chesterfield, *'my black silk gown & silk Gloves Gold Necklace Buttons and Ring my best white Apron my silk Quilt and Hays"; to (7) Anna Wade ''my case of Draws and Damask Gown"; to (8) Elizabeth White, daughter of Joseph Wade, £2:13:4, "my Russett Gown and my riding hood"; to Sarah Lincoln (adcae), daughter of Isaac Lincoln, Jun"*, ''my great looking Glass and brass Skillet"; to Peggy Lincoln (adcha) daughter of Mordecai Lincoln, "my Tea Kettle"; to Husband Isaac Lincoln, all the remainder. Uriah Lincoln (adcac), executor. (Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. Ixix, p. 245.) (1) Ruth, daughter of Joseph and Ruth (Buck) Garrett, born Dec. 24, 1680; married Joseph Wade, Jan. 4, 1705. (2) Joseph, son of Joseph and Ruth (Garrett) Wade, born Nov. 24, 1710. (3) Jacob, son of Joseph and Ruth (Garrett) Wade, born Oct. 9, 1712. (4) Jael, daughter of Thomas and Ruth (Wade) Curtis, born June 29, 1732, married Obadiah Lincoln, adfa, Aug. 19, 1755. Her mother was daughter of Joseph and Ruth (Garrett) Wade. (5) John Cudworth, Jr., and Mary Briggs were married Jan. 13, 1731. Mary, daughter of Joseph and Mary (Garrett) THIRD GENERATION 61 Briggs and granddaughter of Joseph and Ruth (Buck) Garrett, was born Oct. 9, 1711. (6) Huldah, daughter of John and Mary (Briggs) Cudworth, born Apr. 18, 1735, married, Dec. 8, 1757, Benjamin Bate of Cohasset and Chesterfield. (7) Anna, daughter of Zebulon and Mercy (Norton) Wade and granddaughter of Joseph and Mary (Garrett) Wade, was bapt. Aug. 5, 1750. (8) EHzabeth, daughter of Joseph and Rachel (Turner) Wade and granddaughter of Joseph and Ruth (Garrett) Wade, was born Oct. 24, 1736, and married, Jan. 6, 1756, Nathaniel White of Marshfield. Children, by first wife, born at Hingham, second precinct: adca. Isaac, born Aug. 5, 1717. adcb. MoRDECAi, born Feb. 9, 1718-19. adf . Jacob, son of Mordecai (Samuel) and Mary ( [Hobart] Chapin) Lincoln of Hingham and Scituate, Mass., bapt. May 23, 1708, at Scituate; date and place of his death not learned but it occurred between Sept. 15, 1779, when he made his will, and Sept. 1, 1780, when the will was probated. He lived at Scituate, probably on the paternal homestead which he inherited from his father, near the mouth of Bound brook and very near the Cohasset line. In the Hingham tax list for 1749 he was assessed only for seventy-three acres of pasturage and eighteen cow leases, but for no house or rateable poll. With his brother Isaac he inherited his father's interest in the grist mill, saw mill and iron works which his father had established, and he retained an interest or ownership in the grist mill until his death, but proba- bly sold his interest in the iron works, as there is no mention of them in his will. ''History of Hingham," vol. ii, p. 464, says: "according to tradition he removed, late in hfe, to Lancaster. Mass.," but in this it has probably confused him with his grand- son Jacob, adfad, as there is absolutely no evidence that he ever lived at Lancaster, and his will, dated a year before his death, calls him of Scituate. The will of Jacob Lincoln of Scituate, yeoman, dated Sept. 15, 1779, and probated Sept. 1, 1780, names: wife Hannah [sic, Susannah?]; son Obadiah living in Cohasset; son Caleb, to whom 62 LINCOLN GENEALOGY was left a farm in Scituate and grist mill, dam, pond and stream; son Abraham; granddaughter Mary, daughter of son Jacob Lincoln deceased; daughter Mary; daughter Lydia; and son Thomas. Mordecai Lincoln, adcb, was a witness. (Plymouth County Probate Records, vol. xxv, f. 550.) He married (1), July 16, 1730, at Scituate, Mary^, daughter of SamueP {Samuel^, William^, Thomas^) and Jane (Clap) Holbrook of Scituate, born Jan. 22, 1711-12, at Scituate; died Nov. 27, 1749, at Scituate. She was the mother of all his children. (Scituate Records.) He married (2), March 17, 1762, at Scituate (Ibid.; Early Massachusetts Marriages, vol. ii, p. 172), widow Susanna Marble of Scituate, of whom nothing is certainly known, but who was probably widow of Nathaniel Marble of Beechwoods, in the second precinct of Hingham, and if so was daughter of Chasling and Hester (Bate) Worrick of Hingham, second pre- cinct, born Aug. 29, 1718, at Hingham. See ^'Cohasset Genealo- gies,'^ pp. 270, 490. The date of her death has not been learned. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 464; Cohasset Genealogies, p. 232.) Children, born at Scituate, bapt. at Hingham: adfa. Obadiah, born June 29, 1731, bapt. Oct. 28, 1733. adfb. Jacob, born Feb. 17, 1733, bapt. Oct. 28, 1733. adfc. Galen, born Jan. 17, 1735, bapt. March 23, 1735; died Jan. 21, 1736, at Scituate, "aged 1 year 4 days" according to the town records, but Co- hasset Church records say ''Feb. 15, 1735-6 ae 13 mos." adfd. Caleb, born Jan. 8, 1737, bapt. Jan. 20, 1736-7; died Jan. 22, 1737, aged 2 weeks 2 days. (Scituate Records.) adfe. Mary, born June 1, 1738, bapt. Jan. 1, 1737-8 (sic) ; died May 30, 1834, at Scituate, aged 96 years. She married, Nov. 29, 1759, at Scituate, Joseph^, son of Joseph^ {Jonathan"^, Rhodolphus^) and EHzabeth (Sutton) Elhnes of Scituate, born March 15, 1732, at Scituate; died March 28, 1823, at Scituate, aged 91 years. He was a farmer, Hving at Scituate between Great Swamp and Mount Hope. No children are given to them in Sci- tuate records, but the "History of Scituate," p. 266, says that his son Nathaniel inherited the farm at Great Swamp and that it afterwards passed to his sons Thomas and Nathaniel. Child: a. Nathaniel, born 1766; mar. EHzabeth Wade. adff. Abraham, born Dec. 1, 1740. adfg. Caleb, born Sept. 6, 1743; died Sept. 25, 1827, at Scituate, unmarried. His will, dated Sept. 3, 1827, probated Nov. 19, 1827, is of value for the many relatives named therein., viz.: sister Lydia Stoddard {adfj), who is to receive "my homestead"; sister Mary Elmes {adfe); brother Abraham Lincoln's son Abraham {adffi)] nephew Mordecai Lincoln (adffg); nephew Caleb Lincoln {adffe); nieces Abigail Bates {adff a) and Ruth Whitcomb THIRD GENERATION 63 (adffd); children of Hannah Manson (adffb) deceased; nephew Jacob Lincoln (adfad); nieces EUzabeth Lincoln (adfab), Ruth Hay den (adfaf) and Lydia Stephenson (adfag); WiUiam Lincoln {adfae a), who is to re- ceive some real estate; children of "my late brother Thomas Lincoln" {adfh) ; Simeon Vinal* (relationship not ascertained, he was to receive real estate and was also one of the residuary legatees); Rebecca-Battles Newellf (relationship not ascertained, she was to receive $200 and was one of the residuary legateies); Amiel Studley's wife (Celia Litchfield, adfba b) and Charles-Amiel Studley (her son) ; Samuel Litchfield (adfba e) ; Lincoln Litchfield {adfba g); Hubbard Litchfield (adfba h); Rachel Litch- field {adfba c); and the residuary legatees, Lydia Stoddard, Simeon Vinal, William Lincoln, Hubbard Litchfield, Lincoln Litchfield and Rebecca-Battles Newell. Executor, William Lincoln. (Plymouth County Probate Records, vol. Ixiv, f. 349.) adfh. Thomas, born Oct. 9, 1745. Nothing has been learned of him, except that his brother Caleb's will mentions "the children of my late brother Thomas." adfi,. Elizabeth, born Oct. 11, 1747; died Nov. 16, 1751, at Scituate. adfj. Lydia, born Nov. 13, 1749, bapt. Nov. 25, 1749; date of her death not learned. She married June 21, 1767, at Hingham, second precinct, Simeon^, son of Stephen"* {Stephen^, Samuel^, John^) and Mercy (Kent) Stodder of Hingham, born Jan. 16, 1736-7, in the second precinct of Hing- ham; date of death not learned. They hved on Beechwood street, Co- hasset, near the Hingham line but removed, soon after their marriage, it is said, to Springfield, Vt. He is said to have been a soldier in the revolu- tion. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. iii., p. 199; Cohasset Genealogies, p. 409; Scituate Records.) Child, born at Cohasset: a. Thomas, born Aug. 28, 1767; mar. Sally Stodder. (Perhaps others at Springfield.) Note: Both the "History of Hingham" and "Cohasset Genealogies" omit Thomas and Ehzabeth from the children of Jacob, but add Isaac on the authority of Deane's "History of Scituate." Mr. Deane was mistaken, however, in the parentage he assigns to Isaac, who was son of Isaac'* {Solomon^, Joshua^, Thomas^ the husbandman) and Abigail (Melius) Lincoln, and was born March 5, 1742, at Scituate. As his parentage and birth are clearly given in the Scituate records it is strange that Mr. Deane made such an error. ♦Simeon, son of Simeon and Sarah (Briggs) Vinal, was born March 4, 1795, at Scituate. tRebecca, daughter of Daniel and Susanna (Battles) Newell was born July 16, 1794, at Scituate. FOURTH GENERATION aaba. Samuel, son of Samuel (Samuel, Samuel) and Ruth (Gushing) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Feb. 14, 1714-15, at Hingham; died Dec. 10, 1783, at Hingham. He lived on North street near Hobart's bridge. The *' History of Hingham'' does not indicate which of the many bridges in Hingham was known as "Hobart's." The homestead of Samuel's father and grandfather was near ''Thaxter's" bridge and perhaps that bridge bore both names. He is probably the Samuel Lincoln who was present at the siege of Louisburg in some capacity, and received pay for assisting in '^ wooding the garrison." He was a seaman by occupation and in 1754 was master of the sloop "Mermaid," of eighty-five tons burden, which was engaged in the expedition under Gen. John Winslow to secure the passes between Quebec and New England, and which fortified several places on the Kennebec. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. i, part i, pp. 253-4.) He was in later life styled "captain." His will, dated Sept. 17, 1781, probated Dec. 23, 1783, names: sons Zadock Lincoln, Seth Lincoln and Samuel Lincoln; daughters Deborah Gill, Joanna Hobart, Mary Lincoln and Jane Lincoln. To the last two he left "all the wearing apparel of my two Deceased Wife's." The executors were son Seth and friend Joseph Thaxter. (Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. Ixxxii, p. 937.) He married (1), about 1742 or 1743, Mary Bates, whose paren- tage and birth have not been learned. The "History of Hing- ham" says she was probably of Scituate or Hanover, Mass., but gives no reason for this supposition, nor proof that her surname was Bates. The Scituate and Hanover records throw no hght. She died July 3,1763, at Hingham, "in her 39th year," and was therefore born about 1723-4. He married (2), Oct. 16, 1763, at Hingham, Mrs. Frances (Jones) Lincoln, widow of Jedediah Lincoln, aaca. Her parentage has not been learned. She was born about 1723 and died July 21, 1781, at Hingham, "in her 58th year." Mr. Lincoln and his two wives are buried in Hingham ceme- FOURTH GENERATION 65 tery, with a single stone inscribed as follows: '^Here Lies the Remains of Cap* J Samuel Linclon and his two J Wives Fanna & Mary J He died t Decem'" y" t 10*^ 1783 t in the 68*^ t year of t his Age t M'"" Fanna J Linclon t Died July t Y^ 2P* 1781 t in y^ 58*^ J year of J her Age J M'' Mary J Linclon J Died July I y" 3^ 1763 J in y" 39*^ t year of t her Age." (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 464; Gravestone.) Children, by first wife, born at Hingham: aabaa. Zadock, born Dec. 18, 1744. aahab. Deborah, born Oct. 10, 1746; died Dec. 21, 1831, at Hingham; married, July 25, 1771, at Hingham, John^, son of Nathaniel^ {Nathaniel^, Thomas'^, Thomas^) and Hannah (Beal) Gill of Hingham, born Apr, 19, 1748, at Hanover, Mass., while his parents were temporarily residing there (Hanover Records.); died March 2, 1827, at Winchendon, Mass. (Winchendon Records.) He was a carpenter by occupation and lived at Hingham until after the births of his children, but finally removed to Winchendon and continued there until hie death. His ancestor Thomas^ Gill was one of the early settlers at Hingham, arriving at about the same time as Rev. Peter Hobart and receiving the grant of a house-lot of five acres, near what is now the corner of Main and South streets, in 1635. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, pp. 268, 271; Winchendon Records.) Children, born at Hingham: a. John, born Sept. 6, 1772; died June 9, 1777. b. Mary, born May 27, 1774; mar. Duncan-McBean Thaxter. c. Joshua, born June 2, 1776; mar. Lucy Cutting. d. John, born Jan. 7, 1778. e. Hannah, born Sept. 9, 1781; died Sept. 7, 1861, unmarried. /. Charles, born Feb. 7, 1784; mar. Mehitable Lewis. g. Deborah, born Oct. 4, 1787; died June 7, 1881, unmarried. aahac. Reuben, born Sept. 23, 1749; probably died before his father, s. p., as he is not named in his father's will. aabad. Seth, born Apr. 27, 1751. aabae. Mary, born May 27, 1754; date of her death not ascertained. "Hist- ory of Hingham" says that she married WiUiam Vinal of Scituate, Sept. 16, 1789, but this is an error as his wife was the daughter of Enoch Lin- coln, aacbk. Mary was living, unmarried, when her father made his will, Sept. 17, 1781. aabaf. Joanna, born Aug. 22, 1756; died Sept. 7, 1828, at Hingham; married Nov. 4, 1779, at Hingham, Daniel^, son of SamueP (Peter^, SamuePf Edmund^, Edmund^) and Lydia (Marsh) Hobart of Hingham, born March 19, 1757, at Hingham; died Apr. 15, 1795, at Hingham. His ancestor Edmund^ Hobart was a native of Hingham, England, and arrived at Charlestown with his son Thomas in 1633 and, the same year, went to "Bare Cove," Hingham, though it is thought he did not settle there per- manently until the arrival of his son the Reverend Peter. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 334.) Daniel and his wife lived at Hingham. He was a private in Capt^ James Lincoln's Independent Company which was stationed at "Crow 5 66 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Point" during most of 1775; in March, 1776, he was a private in Capt. Thomas Hersey's Company at the siege of Boston; in the following June he was a private in a Company under Lieut. Heman Lincoln which was stationed at Hull for a few days; and in 1778, he was corporal in Capt. Peter Cushing's Company which was stationed at Nantasket. This appears to have closed his military service. {Ibid., vol. i, Pt. i, pp. 286, 291, 298, 315.) Children, bapt. at Hingham: a. Reuben-Lincoln, bapt. Oct. 15, 1780; mar. Mary Hendly.* b. Daniel, bapt. May 7, 1784. c. Joseph. d. Joanna, bapt. Oct. 12, 1788; died Sept. 13, 1799. e. Calvin, bapt. June 12, 1791; died July 4, 1833, at Massillon, O. /. James, bapt. Apr. 26, 1795; died Dec. 31, 1795. aabag. Samuel, bapt. Nov. 5, 1758. aabah. Jane, born Apr. 19, 1761 ; married Ezekiel Lincoln, aabch. aabai. Charles, bapt. June 26, 1763; died before his father made his will, Sept. 17, 1781, as he is not named in that instrument. aabc. Jonathan, son of Samuel {Samuel, Samuel) and Ruth (Gushing) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born March 24, 1719-20, at Hingham; died Apr. 24, 1798, at Hingham, ^'aged seventy- eight years, thirty days." He lived at Hingham, on North street near Hobart's bridge, was a blacksmith by trade and held the office of constable in 1747. ''He was a man of great public spirit, a devout Christian and patriot. His age dis- qualified him from active service in the war of the Revolution, but he was well represented by his sons." (Records of Rev. Charles-Lincoln Morgan, aahck aa-.) His will, dated Apr. 5, 1794, probated May 22, 1798, names: sons Jonathan Lincoln, Frederick Lincoln, Royal Lincoln, Charles Lincoln, John Lincoln, Beza Lincoln and Ezekiel Lincoln; daughters Luce Beal and Susanna Beal; granddaughter Hannah Todd; grandsons Caleb Lincoln and Samuel Todd. Son Jonathan, executor. His estate was inventoried at $210.82 personal; $2448.00 real. (Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. xcvi, pp. 256, 404.) He married, Apr. 24, 1745, at Boston, by Edward Winslow, Esq., J. P. (Boston Records; Hist, of Hingham says ''April 21," perhaps the date of publishment), Susanna^, daughter of Ephraim^ (DanieV- the ''sergeant'') and Mary (Nichols) Lincoln *Feb. 6, 1819, Mary Hobart refused to serve as administratrix on the estate of Reuben L. Hobart, late of Boston, and requested that James Hendly of Boston, tinplate worker, may be appointed in her stead. Feb. 8, 1819, said Hendly represented that Reuben L. Hobart, late of Boston, a bricklayer, deceased, intestate, last lived in Boston — that said Hendly is a brother-in- law of said deceased. He was appointed administrator. (Suffolk County Probate Records, vols, cxvii, p. 53; clxx, p. 39.) FOURTH GENERATION 67 of Hingham, born June 27, 1721, at Hingham; died June 23, 1793, at Hingham. A family record says she died June 2. Her grandfather Daniel Lincoln the '^ sergeant," known also as ''boatman," ''seaman" and "the senior Daniel Lincoln," and sometimes called "the young man," is by some thought to be the Daniel who was baptized at St. Andrew's Church in Hingham, England, March 28, 1619. He was a resident of our Hingham as early as 1644-5, and was one of the proprietors among whom the common lands were divided. (Hist of Hingham, vol. ii, pp. 449, 465.) Children, born at Hingham: aabca. Lucy, born March 15, 1745-6 ; died Oct. 30, 1826, at Hingham ; married, Aug. 1, 1790, at Hingham, Benjamin^, son of Elijah* {Joshua^, Caleh^, John^) and Sarah (Jones) Beal of Hingham, born Apr. 19, 1744, at Hingham; died Aug. 6, 1814, at Hingham. They had no children. His first wife, whom he married Dec. 25, 1768, at Hingham, and by whom he had seven children, was Martha, daughter of David and Deborah (Lin- coln) Thaxter, aahbc, born Feb. 12, 1743, at Hingham; died Apr. 21, 1790, at Hingham. He served as private, ensign, lieutenant and captain in the war of the Revolution and took part in the unfortunate Quebec expedition in 1776. He hved at Hingham on North street, opposite Marsh's bridge. His wife, Lucy, was a woman of fine presence and marked administrative ability. A portrait of her is preserved by a son of Mr. Henry-Lincoln Fearing of Boston, aabce ha. aabch. Asa, born Aug. 11, 1747; died May 23, 1767, at Hingham, unmarried. aabcc. Ruth, born June 30, 1749; died May 10, 1774, at Hingham; married, July 28, 1768, at Hingham, Samuel, son of Andrew and Susanna (Hobart) Todd of Hingham, born Apr. 3, 1746, at Hingham; died Dec. 12, 1817, at Hingham. He was a private in Capt. James Lincoln's Company which marched to Cambridge on the Lexington alarm, and served under the same captain in the following year. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. i, Pt. i, pp. 278, 287.) He was a "cooper" by trade and lived at Hingham on North street. He married (2), Apr. 25, 1779, at Hingham, Sarah, daughter of Joshua and Hannah (Bramhall) Bassett of Hingham, bapt. March 27, 1740, at Hingham; died there, Apr. 7, 1786, aged 46 years. He had no children by his second wife. {Ibid., vol. iii, p. 248.) Children, bapt. at Hingham: a. Hannah, bapt. June 4, 1769; mar. Nathaniel Stodder of Passa- maquoddy. b. Andrew, bapt. Apr. 14, 1771; probably died young. c. Samuel, bapt. May 30, 1773; living 1794. aabcd. Jonathan, born Jan. 1, 1750-1. aabce. Frederick, born Dec. 13, 1752. aabcf. Royal, born Sept. 15, 1754. aabcg. Beza, born July 17, 1756. aabch. Ezekiel, born March 19, 1759. aabci. Susanna, born July 19, 1761 ; died Oct. 20, 1839, at Hingham ; married 68 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Nov. 23, 1783, at Hingham, Jainis^ son of Elijah^ {Joshua^, Cale¥, John}) and Rachel (Hobart) Beal of Hingham, half brother of her sister Lucy's husband. He was born July 21, 1760, at Hingham and died there, Jan. 11, 1787. He was a private in Capt. Seth Stowers' Company which was on duty at Nantasket for eight months in 1776, and the following year he was a private in Capt. Job Cushing's Company which was in service from December, 1776, to April, 1777. (Hist, of Hingham, vols, i. Ft. i, pp. 299, 300; ii, p. 68.) Children, bapt. at Hingham: a. Joshua, bapt. Jan. 23, 1785; mar. Christianna Simmons. h. Susan, bapt. Feb. 18, 1787; mar. EUjah Whiton, see aahce e. aabcj. John, born Nov. 15, 1762. aabck. Charles, born July 29, 1765. aabh. John, son of Samuel {Samuel, Samuel) and Ruth (Gushing) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Aug. 14, 1735, at Hingham; died June 3, 1811, at Hingham. He served as private in Maj. Samuel Thaxter's Company of Col. Gridley's Regiment, which was raised in 1756 for the French and Indian war. In 1759 he was a private in Capt. Jotham Gay's Company in Col. PownalFs Regiment. When the Lexington alarm was sounded John Lincoln was a private in Capt. Isaiah Cushing's Company of Col. Benjamin Lincoln's Regiment, which arrived too late to participate in the action, but joined the forces gathering about Boston; and he was next enrolled as sergeant in Capt. Charles Cushing's Company of Gen. William Heath's Regiment, which took part in the siege of Boston. In the Canada expedition in 1776 he served as ensign in Capt. Cushing's Company. In 1778 he was lieutenant in the expedition under Gen. Hancock to co-operate with the French fleet. In 1779 he was lieutenant in Capt. Luke Howell's Company on service in Rhode Island, and from Sept. 1, 1779, to Jan. 1, 1780, he commanded a Company in Col. Webb's Regiment. (Hist of Hingham, vol. i, Pt. i, pp. 258, 267, 277, 282, 284, 317, 321-2, 325, 327, 329.) He married, Aug. 5, 1760, at Hingham, Lydia^, daughter of Joseph^ (Peter^, John^, Nicholas^) and Ruth (Wilson) Jacob of Hingham, born 1739; died Nov. 6, 1830, at Hingham, aged 91 years. Her ancestor, Nicholas^ Jacob, according to ''Cushing's Manuscript," ''with his wife and two children and their cosen Thomas Lincoln, weaver, came from old Hingham and settled in this Hingham, 1633." It is supposed that Lydia's parents removed from Hingham before her birth as it is not recorded FOURTH GENERATION 69 there. John Lincoln and his family resided at Hingham center. (JUd., vol. ii, pp. 371, 374, 465.) Children, born at Hingham: aabha. Lydia, born Jan. 30, 1762; date of her death not learned; married (1) Aug. 20, 1783, at Hingham, Thomas^, son of Thomas^ {Benjamin'^, Thomas^, John^, Thomas^) and Bethia (Smith) Loring of Hingham, born Oct. 25, 1757, at Hingham; died Oct. 11, 1794, at Boston, but the ''Loring Family Manuscript" says 1795. He was a schoolmaster, and, toward the end of his life, a clerk, weigher and ganger at the Boston Custom House. He lived on the paternal homestead, corner of East and Leavitt streets, Hingham, until he removed to Boston. His ancestor, Thomas^ Loring, came from Axminster, England, Dec. 23, 1634, and after residing for a short time at Dorchester went to Hingham, where he drew a house-lot Sept. 18, 1635. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. iii, pp. 26, 37-8.) Lydia married (2), Aug. 1, 1813, at Boston, Silas Holbrook, who was, perhaps, son of Samuel* {William^, Cornelius'^, William^) and Elizabeth (Shaw) Holbrook, born Apr. 6, 1757, at Weymouth, Mass., and who married (1), Oct. 22, 1777, at Weymouth, Sarah Stockbridge. (Boston Records; Weymouth Records.) Children, by first husband, born a-d at Hingham; e at Boston: a. Bertha Loring, born Dec. 13, 1783; mar. Samuel Hobart. b. Charles Loring, born Sept. 26, 1785; resided at Freeport, Me. c. Reuben Loring, born Nov. 30, 1787; settled atSt. Augustine, Fla. d. Thomas Loring, born Dec. 20, or 25, 1789; removed to Wil- mington, N. C. e. Harriet Loring (posthumous), born 1795; married, it is said, Jonathan Pratt and resided at Portland, Me.* aahhh. Peggy, born Apr. 8, 1766; died May 9, 1848, at Watertown, Mass.; married, Sept. 29, 1793, at Hingham, Miles^, son of Jeremiah* {Jeremiah?, Anthony"^, William}) and Elizabeth (Whiton) Sprague of Hingham, born Feb. 3, 1762, at Hingham; died July 12, 1846, at Watertown, Mass. They removed from Hingham to Worcester, Mass., and thence, after the births of their children, to Watertown. His ancestor, William^ Sprague, accord- ing to family tradition, arrived at Salem in 1629; he removed to Charles- town, where he was an inhabitant Jan. 2, 1635-6, and probably settled at Hingham the following summer as he had a grant of land there that year "on the Playne." (Watertown Records; Hist, of Hingham, vol. iii, pp. 163-4; 169; Worcester Records.) Children, born at Worcester: a. Miles, born Oct. 20, 1794; mar. Mary W. Fuller. 6. Ebed, born Jan. 15, 1796; mar. Clarinda Curtis. c. Lincoln, born Feb. 10, 1890. d. Lydia, born Oct. 29, 1802. e. Samuel, born March 15, 1806; "Sprague Genealogy," 1913, p. 154, says he mar. a widow Rines. aahhc. Reuben, born June 17, 1769; was a mariner; never married. aahhd. Ruth, born Oct. 11, 1771; mar., June 9, 1794, at Hingham, James Weston or Wesson. He was of Freeport, Me., where their marriage was published Apr. 30, 1794. They removed to Ohio. *Who was the Harriet Loring who, according to Boston records, married, Nov. 21, 1816, at Boston, Moses Bond? 70 LINCOLN GENEALOGY aabhe. Gushing, born Sept. 3, 1773. aahhf. Pamela, born Oct. 13, 1777; married, intentions published Oct. 4, and certificate given Nov. 18, 1795, at Freeport, Me., JoeP, son of Jonathan^ {Joseph^, Joseph^, Edmund^) and Rachel (Mitchell) Chandler of North Yarmouth, Me., born July 21, 1770, at North Yarmouth. They lived at Freeport and the dates of their deaths have not been ascertained. The following from Freeport records may be his second marriage: Joel Chandler of Freeport and Eliza Stackpole of Lisbon were published July 18, 1824, and certificate given Aug. 10. (Freeport Records; Descendants of Edward Small, pp. 804, 905.) Children, born at Freeport : a. Mary, bom Sept. 18, 1796; mar. Samuel Bartol. b. Nancy-Deering, born Jan. 19, 1798; mar. Timothy-Davis Soule. She was of Portland when married. (Old Times in No. Yar- mouth, p. 975.) c. Pamela, born June 30, 1799; mar. Samuel Coleman of Salem, Mass. d. Charlotte, \ , ._ , ^ ^^^r. f e. Jane, / bornMarchG, 1802; | ^^, Timothy Pratt. /. Jacob, born Dec. 30, 1804; died Jan. 29, 1805, "aged 3 mos." (?) g. CusHiNG-LiNCOLN, bom March 12, 1806. h. Julia-Ann, born Aug. 8, 1809. . aabhg. John Barker, born Feb. 7, 1881. aaca. Jedediah, son of Jedediah {Samuel, Samuel) and Bethia (Whiton) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Oct. 18, 1718, at Hingham; died July 30, 1759, at Hingham ''in his 41st year." ** History of Hingham" gives these dates, but in the records of the Second Church at Scituate, under date of March 16, 1717-18, Rev. Nathaniel Eells states: "Being at Hingham and Preaching there after Sermon in the afternoon I Baptized severall children. - as-Jedediah Lincoln Son of Jedediah Lincoln and Bethia his wife." (N. E. Hist. & Gen. Register, vol. Iviii, p. 175.) He was a hatter by occupation and lived during most of his active life at Boston, but returned to Hingham before his death. His name occurs in the Boston records but once: "At the meeting of the Select men, Oct. 3, 1774, Mr. John Earle master of One of the Fire Engines Appeared & informed that Joseph Belcher One of his Company is Deced; & proposed Jedediah Lincoln as a suitable Person to Supply his place. Voted That the said m"" Lincoln be Admitted into mr. Earles Company accordingly, he having the Consent of Capt. Cary to whose Company he be- longs." (Report of Boston Rec. Comm'rs, vol. xvii, p. 87.) He married (1), intentions published Oct. 21, 1741, at Boston, I' FOURTH GENERATION 71 Mary, daughter of Humphrey and Mehitabel ( [Harris] Pierce) Scarlett of Boston, born Nov. 23, 1719, at Boston. ''History of Hingham," vol. ii, p. 465, and '' Wentworth Genealogy," vol. iii, p. 7, both say that she was daughter of Humphrey's second wife, Mary Went worth, who did not marry Humphrey until 1733. A more careful examination of the Boston records cor- rected this error. See ''N. E. Hist. & Gen. Register", vols, viii, p. 246; XV, p. 272. He married (2), March 12, 1753, at Hingham, Frances Jones, parentage unknown, who was born about 1723 and died July 21, 1781, at Hingham ''in her 58th year." She married (2), Oct. 16, 1763, at Hingham, Jedediah's cousin, Samuel Lincoln, aaha. Mr. Lincoln's gravestone in Hingham cemetery is inscribed as follows: "Here Lies | Buried y^ Body J of ™'' Jedediah % Lincoln ^"° who J Died July 30*^ t 1759 in y" 41^* t Year of his J Age." His first wife was probably buried in Boston; his second wife is buried beside her second husband, Samuel Lincoln. Humphrey Scarlett, father of the first Mrs. Lincoln, was an "inn-holder." His first wife, Mehitabel Pierce, was widow of Samuel Pierce of Charlestown, Mass., who married in 1711 Mehetabel, daughter of Thomas and Rebecca Harris. He was born Feb. 8, 1690, at Boston and died Apr. 24, 1714, at Charles- town. (Charlestown Estates, vol. ii, p. 757.) Children, by first wife, born at Boston, probably: aacaa. Mary, born 1742; died Dec. 25, 1763, at Hingham, in the second precinct, now Cohasset, but "History of Hingham" says Dec. 5, and her gravestone in Central burying ground says "Dec. 21st in her 22nd year." She married, Dec. 2, 1762, at Hingham, Hezekiah, son of Joseph and Martha (Lincoln) Hudson, agdi, of Hingham, born June 11, 1738, at Hingham; died before 1782. He married (2) Mary Woodward, who bore him six children and died early in 1776, and he married (3) Sept. 22, 1776, at Cohasset, AbigaiP, daughter of David^ {Gershom}) and Abigail (Joy) Marble of Scituate and Cohasset. She survived him and married (2), Apr. 30, 1782, at Cohasset, Captain Obadiah Beal of Cohasset. Mr. Hudson Hved at Cohasset on the Jerusalem road. He was a private in the Company which was stationed at Hull from Dec. 12, 1775, until Apr. 3, 1776, of which Company Obadiah Beal, who afterwards married Hudson's third wife, was heutenant. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 356: Hist, of Cohasset, p. 292; Cohasset Genealogies, p. 193.) Child, born at Hingham : a. Charlotte, born Sept. 25, 1763, bapt. Oct. 23, 1763; died un- married, according to "History of Hingham." She is called "Mary" in birth record. 72 LINCOLN GENEALOGY aacah. Rebecca, born 1744; died Dec. 6, 1822, at Hingham "in her 79th year." She married, Nov. 27, 1766, at Hingham, Matthew^, son of Matthew* (Daidd^, Stephen^, Stephen^) and Abigail (Lincoln) Lincoln of Hingham, aahe, born June 10, 1735, at Hingham; died Dec. 18, 1821, at Hingham. She was his second wife. His first, whom he married Apr. 12, 1764, at Hingham, was Susanna^ daughter of Nathaniel'* {NathanieP, Thomas^, Thomas^) and Hannah (Beal) Gill of Hingham, born July 24, 1737, at Hingham; died Aug. 13, 1764, at Hingham, leaving one child, Matthew. Mr. Lincoln was a farmer and lived at Hingham on South street, corner of Hersey. He was a private in Capt. Ebenezer Beal's Company, which marched, Aug. 15, 1757, to the rehef of Fort William Henry, which, however, had already surrendered. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. i, Pt. i, p. 263; vol. ii, p. 479.) Children, born at Hingham : a. Jedediah, born Apr. 15, 1767; mar. Susanna Beal. b. Susanna, born Nov. 29, 1769; died March 23, 1770. c. Susanna, born Jan. 28, 1771; died March 20, 1852, unmarried. d. Shubal, born Dec. 5, 1773; died Oct. 9, 1818, unmarried. e. Phineas, born Dec. 27, 1774; died March 18, 1812, unmarried. /. Hezekiah, born Nov. 6, 1777; mar. (1) Ann Wilkinson;* (2) Lucy Lewis. g. Jared, born Sept. 16, 1780; mar. (1) Silence Bates; (2) Ruth Bates. aacb. Enoch, son of Jedediah {Samuel, Samuel) and Bethia (Whiton) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Jan. 22, 1720-1, at Hingham; died June 12, 1802, at Hingham. In the early part of his life he was a mariner, and was employed in the coast- ing trade by Governor Hutchinson, for whom he had ever a strong partiality, until political differences forced him to a less favorable opinion. In later years he was a '^ glazier" by trade, but he devoted the latter part of his life to farming. Solomon Lincoln, aacdd, in his *' History of Hingham," p. 148, says of him: ''He is often mentioned in the sketch of civil history; he was a zealous and independent whig, a prudent, discreet, shrewd and sensible man." He lived on Lincoln street, Hingham, and was selectman 1754-1756 and 1781. In August, 1774, he was one of a committee chosen by the town, to draft a covenant relative to the non-consumption of all articles imported from Great Britain, to be signed by the citizens. The town adopted the covenant as reported, but stayed further proceedings until the report of the Continental Congress. On Dec. 30, 1774, Mr. Lincoln was appointed one of a committee to take into considera- tion the state of the militia, of which committee Gen. Benjamin *So named in the Boston record of her marriage, but " History of Hingham " calls her " Nan- cy Grey of Boston." Perhaps she was a widow. FOURTH GENERATION 73 Lincoln was chairman. Aug. 16, 1775, he was chosen to represent the town in the General Court then sitting at Watertown, and May 23 following, he was, with Theophilus Gushing and John Fearing, chosen representative to the next General Court, and on the same day the following instructions, prepared by a com- mittee of the town consisting of Benjamin Lincoln, Hezekiah Gushing and Deacon Joshua Hersey , were given : ''To Enoch Lincoln, Theophilus Gushing and John Fearing: Gentlemen: — You are delegated to represent the town of Hing- ham in the next General Court to be held in this colony; and although we entertain the highest sense of your integrity, pa- triotism, and Ability, of which we have given full evidence in appointing you to this weighty trust, yet as matters of the greatest importance relative to the freedom and happiness not only of this but of all of the United Colonies, on which you may wish to have the advice of your constituents, will come before you for your determination — you are instructed and directed at all times to give your vote and interest in support of the present struggle with Great Britain. We ask nothing of her but 'peace, Liberty, and Safety.' You will never recede from that claim; and agreeably to a resolve of the late House of Representatives, in case the honorable Continental Congress declare themselves independent of the Kingdom of Great Britain, solemnly to engage in behalf of your constituents, that they will with their lives and fortunes support them in the measure. You will also, as soon as may be, endeavor to procure a more equal representa- tion of this colony in General Assembly; and that it be by fewer members than at present the several towns have a right to return; and when this is effected you will give your vote for calling a new house. ''Benjamin Lincoln, Town Clerk." In May, 1777, Mr. Lincoln was chosen to represent the town alone. He was instructed to assist in forming a Constitution, on the condition, that it should be laid before the town "for their approbation or disapprobation, before the establishment thereof." But in the following June the town reconsidered their previous vote instructing the representative, and voted, "that upon mature deliberation, this town direct said representative on no terms to consent to it, but to use his influence and oppose it 74 LINCOLN GENEALOGY heartily, if such an attempt should be made; for we apprehend, this matter, at a suitable time will come before the people at large, to delegate a select number for that purpose, and that only; and that he exert his influence that such a body be formed as soon as may be." On May 18, 1778, he was again, and for the last time, chosen representative together with Joseph Thaxter, and in the following June the town voted ''not to accept of the form of government proposed by the General Court, for the State of Massachusetts Bay," and at the same time, instructions were given to the representatives, "to use his influence that a constitution be formed, at some suitable time, by a body chosen by the people for that purpose and that only J ^ In a manuscript account of Mr. Lincoln by his great-grandson, Levi Lincoln, aacbc ab, now in possession of the compiler, he is described as ''a decided and ardent whig and one of the most influential men of his party. His mind was of vigorous and masculine cast and his conversation always turned upon grave and important subjects. He was uncommonly prudent and circumspect in conduct, scrupulously avoiding error. In manner he was reserved." His will, dated May 2, 1795, probated June 21, 1802, is as follows: "I Enoch Lincoln of Hingham in the county of Suffolk and commonwealth of Massachusetts Yeoman, in consideration of the uncertainty of human life do make this my last will and testament First — I give to my wife Lydia Lincoln all the house- hold furniture which she brought me at our marriage and fifty pounds in money to be paid her at my decease provided she quit any further demands on my estate I also give her the privi- ledge of a Seat in my pew for her self so long as she lives. "Item — I give to my son Ezra Lincoln his heirs and assigns forever my land at home with my dwelling and the other build- ings standing thereon and my shop standing on the town's land together with half my neat cattle half my sheep and half my swine all my farming Utensils and my dairy utensils Also my half a pew in the meeting house he paying my sons Amos and Jedediah three pounds each — "Item — I give to my Daughters Bethia Thaxter wife of Jona- than Thaxter, Rachel Thaxter wife of Jacob Thaxter, Leah Fear- FOUETH GENERATION 75 ing wife of Hawkes Fearing each twenty pounds in money to be paid them in one year after my decease, Also I give to the children of my Daughter Sarah Gushing deceased twenty pounds to be divided equally among them — & I give to my daughter Mary Vinal wife of William Vinal the sum of twenty pounds to be paid them at the aforesaid period, I also give all my household furniture to be equally divided among my five daughters or their representatives. — **Item — I give to my six sons, viz. Enoch, Levi, Amos, Ezra, Jedediah, & Abraham their heirs and assigns forever the whole of my estate real and personal not before disposed of in this will to be equally divided among them, provided that my son Levi pay to my aforesaid wife fifty pounds at my decease and my son Enoch pay to my daughter Bethiah twenty pounds in one Year after my decease and my sons Amos, Ezra, Jedediah and Abra- ham pay to my daughters Rachel, Leah, Mary each twenty pounds and twenty pounds to the children of my daughter Sarah Gushing deceased at the aforesaid period of one year after my decease equally between them — and I hereby order my son Ezra to take in trust what I have willed to the children of my daughter Sarah Gushing deceased & put it at Interest and pay each one their proportion as they arrive the males at twenty one Years of Age and the females at eighteen or at their marriage which first takes place. "Lastly I appoint my son Ezra Lincoln sole Executor to this my last will & order him out of what I have given him to pay my debts and funeral expenses. "In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the second day of May in the year of our LORD one thousand seven hundred and ninety five. Enoch Lincoln & a seal "Signed sealed and declared by the said Enoch Lincoln to be his last Will and Testament in presence of "Thomas Andrews. Peter Loring. Benj^ Gushing." (Suffolk Gounty Probate Records, vol. c, f. 236.) His estate was appraised at $8,279.75 real; S467.55 personal. He married (1), Dec. 30, 1745, at Hingham, Rachel^, daughter of NathanieP (Joh'n?, Johv}) and Sarah (Johnson) Fearing of Hingham, born 1721, bapt. June 1, 1729, at Hingham; died May 16, 1782, at Hingham, ''aged 61 years." Her paternal 76 LINCOLN GENEALOGY ancestor, John^ Fearing, according to Cushing's manuscript, ''came from Cambridge, in old England," with Matthew Hawke and wife, ''and settled in New Hingham 1638." On her mother's side she was descended from John Johnson, an early settler at Roxbury, who came over, probably, in the fleet with Winthrop. One of his sons was Capt. Isaac Johnson who was killed in the great Narragansett fight at Mount Hope. Nathaniel Fearing was a respectable farmer and large landholder. Mr. Lincoln married (2), May 6, 1784, at Hingham, Mrs. Lydia (Hobart) Ripley, daughter of Nehemiah^ {Davi(P, Peter^, Edmund}) and Lydia (Jacob) Hobart of Hingham, and widow of Nehemiah Ripley of Hingham, whom she married June 4, 1752, at Hingham and by whom she had seven children. She was born Feb. 9, 1732-3, at Hingham and died Dec. 26, 1803, at Hingham. Mr. Lincoln and his first wife, Rachel, are buried side by side in the Hingham cemetery. The gravestones are inscribed as follows: "Erected % to the memory J of t M^ Enoch Lincoln % born Jan^ 22^ 1721 % died June 12'^ 1802 % aged 81 years." "In memory of % M'' Rachel the % wife of M' Enoch % Lincoln she died t May the 16*^ % 1782 in y^ t 62^ year of t her age." Children, by first wife, born at Hingham: aacha. Bethia, born Sept. 28, 1746; died Dec. 29, 1831, at Hingham; mar- ried, Apr. 2, 1767, at Hingham, Jonathan^, son of David^ {David^, SamueP, Thomas^) and Deborah (Lincoln) Thaxter of Hingham, aahhb, born Feb. 14, 1741-2, at Hingham; died Sept. 2, 1831, at Hingham, where they had hved. He was a private in Capt. James Lincoln's Company in 1776 and was, says "History of Hingham," in active service as artificer in the war of the Revolution. By occupation he was a "housewright." He hved on South street. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 234.) Children, born at Hingham : a. An Infant, born and died Nov. 5, 1767. b. Bethia, born Sept. 22, 1768; mar. John Lincoln, aabcj. c. Deborah, born March 21, 1771; mar. (1) Francis Thaxter; (2) Charles Lincoln, aabck. d. Sarah, born July 20, 1773. e. Jonathan, born Apr. 13, 1775; died Apr. 22, 1851, at Boston. /. Levi, born Sept. 6, 1778; mar. (1) Lydia Bond; (2) Lucy White. aacbb. Enoch, born Jan. 9, 1747-8; died March 10, 1822, at Hingham, un- married. aacbc. Levi, born May 15, 1749. aacbd. Rachel, born May 27, 1751; died Dec. 4, 1836, at Hingham; married, Oct. 9, 1775, at Hingham, Jacobs son of David* {David^, SamueP, Thorn- FOURTH GENERATION 77 as^) and Deborah (Lincoln) Thaxter of Hingham, aabhd, born Jan. 18, 1746-7, at Hingham; died June 14, 1816, at Hingham. He was a private in Capt. Isaiah Cushing's Company which marched to Cambridge at the Lexington alarm, and in 1776 was a private in Capt. Peter Cushing's Company at the siege of Boston in March, and again in June when the Company was in service guarding the coast. He lived at Hingham on Main street near the meeting-house of the First Parish. (Hist, of Hing- ham, vol. i, Pt. i, pp. 277, 292, 297; vol. iii, p. 234.) Children, born at Hingham : a. Jacob, born May 8, 1778; mar. Mary Groves. h. Seth, born Apr. 15, 1780; mar. Margaret Bennet. c. Warren, born March 3, 1782; mar. Nancy Sawyer. d. Rachel, born March 13, 1784; mar. a Mr. Jenkins of Scituate. e. Perez, born Apr. 18, 1786; mar. Mary-Ann Bennet. /. Anna, born May 11, 1788; died July 15, 1789. aacbe. Amos, born March 18, 1753. aachf. Sarah, born Oct. 29, 1754; died Jan. 25, 1795, at Hingham, married, Aug. 25, 1778, at Hingham, Daniel^, son of Daniel* (Daniel^, DanieP, DanieP, Matthew^) and Elizabeth (Lincoln) Cushing of Hingham, born Sept. 25, 1753, at Hingham; died Feb. 10, 1826, at Hingham, where he had lived. His residence was on the paternal homestead, on Main street, at the foot of "Pear Tree Hill." His mother was descended from Thomas^ Lincoln, the cooper, and on his father's side he was descended from Matthew^ Cushing who came from Hingham, England, and settled in Hingham in New England, in the autumn of 1638, arriving on the 10th of August in that year in the ship "Diligent." He was sergeant in Capt. Jotham Loring's Company at the time of the Lexington alarm, and held the same position in Capt. Job Cushing's Company which was in service from about Dec. 19, 1776, to Apr. 2, 1777; and in 1778 he was sergeant in Capt. Peter Cushing's Company. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. i, Pt. i, pp. 279, 297, 301, 315; vol. ii, pp. 150, 166; Cushing Family, pp. 127, 221, 58.) p Children, born at Hingham : ^ a. Daniel, born Oct. 13, 1778 (? 1779). ,y h. Sarah, born Aug. 30, 1781 ; died Nov. 28, 1849, unmarried. c. Elizabeth, born Aug. 18, 1784. d. Francis, born Aug. 27, 1785; mar. Betsey Sprague. e. Elijah, born October, 1786; died Dec. 5, 1786. /. Elijah, born Nov. 20, 1789. g. Edward, born November, 1792; died August or September, 1793. h. Edward, born Dec. 27, 1793. i. Levi-Lincoln, born Jan. 24, 1795; was married; and died June 6, 1876. aacbg. Ezra, born Nov. 26, 1756. aachh. Leah, born Dec. 3, 1758; died Jan. 18, 1844, at Hingham; married. May 5, 1779, at Hingham, Hawkes^, son of Hawkes'* (John^, Israel"^, Joh'n}) and Margaret (Lincoln) Fearing of Hingham, born Nov. 26, 1750, at Hingham; died June 6, 1826, at Hingham. He lived on Main street at Hingham center. His mother was descended from Stephen^ Lincoln, see aaa, and his paternal ancestor, John^ Fearing, came from Cambridge, England, to Hingham in 1638. He was called "trader" and "farmer"; was a man of prominence in town affairs and representative to the 78 LINCOLN GENEALOGY General Court from 1806 to 1811 inclusive. In March, 1776, he was clerk in Capt. Peter Cushing's Company at the siege of Boston, and in February, 1778, was a private under the same captain. (Hist, of Hing- ham, vol. i, pt. i, pp. 291, 315; vol. ii, p. 221.) Children, born at Hingham: a. Sally, born Oct. 17, 1780; died in five weeks. h. Hawkes, born Dec. 10, 1781; mar. Matilda Wilder. c. Sally, born March 16, 1784; died May 7, 1842, unmarried. d. Lucinda, born Oct. 6, 1785; mar. John-Barker Lincoln, aabhg. e. Aurelia, born Feb. 18, 1788; mar. Martin Fearing. /. David, born Aug. 28, 1789; mar. Polly-Stowers Burr. g. Lincoln, born July 22, 1792; mar. Harriet A. Williams. h. Morris, born Oct. 9, 1794; mar. Nabby-Fearing Whiton. i. Olive, born Nov. 9, 1796; died Feb. 7, 1797. j. Albert, born March 12, 1798; mar. Catherine- Cushing Andrews. (For his obituary see N. E. Hist & Gen. Register, vol. xxxi,p.231.) k. Olive, born Sept. 21, 1802; mar. Lincoln Jacob, aacbi. Jedediah, born Nov. 1, 1760. aacbj. Abraham, born Sept. 5, 1762. aacbk. Mercy, born Feb. 5, 1764; died Apr. 4, 1837; at Quincy, Mass., where she is buried. She married (1), Sept. 16, 1789, at Scituate, Wil- liam^, son of IsraeP {Israel^, Jacob^, John}) and Mercy (Cushing) Vinal of Scituate, bapt. Oct. 5, 1766, at Scituate; died Feb. 28, 1818, at Quincy, "aged 53 years." The Scituate records of this marriage call her "Mary," which may be the reason why the "History of Hingham" calls Wilham Vinal's wife the daughter of Samuel and Mary (Bates) Lincoln, aahae. He is called "captain" in the record of his death at Quincy. They probably had no children as no evidence of them has been found. She married (2), Apr. 17, 1820, at Quincy, Isaac, son of Gawm and Mary (Bell) Riddle of Bedford, N. H., born June 10, 1762, at Bedford; died Jan. 3, 1830, at Quincy. "History of Bedford" says he died Jan. 26, 1830, and that his wife Mercy was born Jan. 27, 1760, and died Apr. 5, 1837, but these are errors. Mr. Riddle was an active and public spirited citizen; captain of the first canal boat on the Middlesex canal; and a manufacturer of cotton, wool and nails at Sauhegan. He was a volunteer soldier in the Revolution under Col. Nichols, serving at West Point in 1780, and was in command of a Company of volunteers for home defence in 1814. He married (1), in 1788, Ann, daughter of Capt. James and Margaret (Waugh) Aiken of Bedford, born Nov. 12, 1764, at Bed- ford; died Apr. 6, 1804; by whom he had four or five children. He married (2), in 1806, Margaret, daughter of Jacob McGaw of Merrimac, N. H., born May 25, 1776; died Dec. 19, 1816; by whom he had three children. (Quincy Records; Hist, of the Ancient Ryedales, p. 221; History of Bedford, N. H., 1851, p. 330; Deane's Hist, of Scituate, p. 365; Mayflower Descendant, vol. i, p. 166.) aacd. William, son of Jedediah {Samuel, Samuel) and Bethia (Whiton) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Aug. 5, 1729, at Hingham; died Nov. 17, 1792, at Hingham. He was a farmer living on Lincoln street, Hingham. ''At the commencement FOURTH GENERATION 79 of the Revolutionary war he was inclined to the side of the Crown. After hostilities began he suppressed, if he did not abandon his attachment to the Royal cause. His disposition was amiable and his temper peculiarly cheerful. In his excur- sions with his elder brother, Enoch, who loved to reason, he delighted to put an array of argument to flight by some good humored jest. He possessed an inquisitive and active mind but was more desirous to be loved for kindness than admired for intellectual powers." (Manuscript by Levi Lincoln, aachc ah.) In his will, dated Nov. 4, 1792, probated Jan. 1, 1793, he names: ''son Solomon"; "three sons Otis, William and Henry"; and leaves to ''Lucy Lewis for her long and faithful services in my family," a comfortable maintenance "as long as she remains unmarried." This Lucy Lewis was daughter of Joseph^ {James^, George^) and Elizabeth ( [Vickery] Dixon) Lewis of Hingham, born Oct. 23, 1730; died Feb. 3, 1794, unmarried. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 442; Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. xci, p. 689.) He married, about 1760, probably at Scituate, Mary^, daughter of Ephraim^ {Job^, John^, John^) and Rachel (Hersey) Otis of Scituate, born 1736, at Scituate probably; died Sept. 12, 1773, at Hingham, "in her 37th year." Her paternal ancestor, John^ Otis, was a native of Barnstaple, England, and came to Hingham in New England with Rev. Peter Hobart and his company, and drew a house-lot Sept. 18, 1635. Late in life he removed to Weymouth, Mass., where he died. His son John settled in Scituate and Barnstable and left a numerous posterity. (Hist. of Hingham, vols, ii, p. 466; iii, p. 101; Deane's Hist, of Scituate, p. 317; N. E. Hist. & Gen. Register, vol. ii, p. 281.) Children, born at Hingham: aacda. William, born July 1, 1761. aacdb. Otis, born Sept. 17, 1763. aacdc. Henry, born Nov. 3, 1765. aacdd. Solomon, born Aug. 22, 1767. aacde. Frances, born Sept. 9, 1769; died Oct. 19, 1790, at Hingham; mar- ried, Dec. 19, 1789, at Hingham, Francis^, son of Benjamin^ {John'^,SamueP John?, Thomas^) and Susanna (Joy) Thaxter of Hingham, born Dec. 12, 1763, at Hingham; died Nov. 30, 1801, at Hingham. He married (2), Feb. 22, 1798, at Hingham, Deborah, daughter of Jonathan and Bethia (Lincohi) Thaxter of Hingham, aac6a c,born March 21, 1771, at Hingham; died March 25, 1858, at Boston. By her he had two children: Francis, 80 LINCOLN GENEALOGY born June 19, 1799; James, born Aug. 29, 1801. She married (2), Nov. 19, 1833, at Hingham, Charles Lincoln, aabck. Mr. Thaxter lived all his life at Hingham. In 1799 he was quartermaster in the militia. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. iii, p. 236.) Child, born at Hingham : a. Francis, born Sept. 17, 1790; died Dec. 20, 1790. aacdf. Christopher, born August, 1772; died July 25, 1775. aaff. EzEKiEL, son of Elisha {Samuel, Samuel) and Sarah (Lewis) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., bapt. Apr. 31, 1734, at Hingham; died 1776. ''Cohasset Genealogies'^ says he died Jan. 1, 1812, but this is an error, as it was his grandson Ezekiel who died on that date. It also calls him *'a soldier of the Re- volution," but if this is correct he must have been a private in Capt. James Lincoln's Company, which was engaged only in home defence the first part of 1776, the name of Ezekiel Lincoln appearing on its rolls. He is called ''farmer," but must have been a very small one as his real estate was valued at but £12 in 1771, on the Cohasset tax list. In the settlement of his estate he is described as ''joiner," and in 1773 he was employed about the Meeting House and was paid that year for "Ringing the Bell and takeing Care Meeting-house and tolling the Bell 1£ 15s.8d." (Hist, of Cohasset, pp. 276, 372; Hist of Hingham, vol. i, Pt. i, p. 287.) He lived on Sohier street, Cohasset, in a house built by his father. June 3, 1776, Elizabeth Lincoln of Cohasset, widow, was appointed administratrix on the estate of Ezekiel Lincoln, late of Cohasset, Joiner, deceased, intestate. The sureties were Jeremiah Lincoln and Job Cushing, gentlemen, both of Cohasset. (Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. Ixxv, p. 246.) He married, Apr. 25, 1754, at Hingham (Scituate Records), Elizabeth^, daughter of John^ (Israel^, Robert, John^) and Sarah (Tower) Whitcomb of Scituate, Mass., born Feb. 2, 1737-8, at Scituate {Ibid.); died March 5, 1824, at Cohasset. (Cohasset Genealogies; p. 236; Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 466, says "died March 8.") Her paternal ancestor, John^ Whitcomb, a native of Dorchester, England, was a resident of Dorchester, Mass., in 1633, but removed to Scituate in 1640 and thence to Lancaster, Mass., in 1654. (Deane's Hist, of Scituate, p. 380.) Children, born at Hingham, second precinct: aaffa. Eunice, bapt. Feb. 29, 1756; married Hezekiah Lincoln, abbh. FOURTH GENERATION 81 aafjh. Susanna, bapt. Feb. 29, 1756; died Sept. 25, 1819, at Cohasset; mar- ried, Jan. 11, 1781, at Cohasset, James^, son of James^ {Jeremiah'^, Jere- miah^, SamueP, John^) and Susanna (Humphrey) Stodder or Stoddard of Hingham and Cohasset, born Sept. 24, 1756, at Hingham (Cohasset Records); died March 11, 1833, at Cohasset. He was a shipwright and Hved on SoUth Main street, Cohasset, in a house built by his father. He built the "Betsy" in 1806; the "Two Sisters" in 1810; the "Fawn" in 1817; and the "William" in 1819, all small vessels. He was a member of the Boston Tea Party and a soldier in the Revolution, serving as private in Capt. Job Cushing's Company in 1775 from May to Aug. 1, and under the same captain from Dec. 12, 1775, to Apr. 3, 1776, a period of three months and twenty-four days for which he received jE6:16:10. Shortly after this he commanded a boatload of sailors, who captured a British vessel loaded with rum, which not knowing of the evacuation of Boston was sailing into the harbor and became becalmed off Cohasset. In December, 1776, he was again under Capt. Job Cushing in service in New York, and in 1778 served under Capt. Baxter in an expedition to Rhode Island. After Burgoyne's surrender he enlisted for three years in Capt. Noah Nichols' Company, Col. Jackson's Regiment. In 1787 he was major in the second regiment of militia. He held the office of collector in 1799 and 1822, and was on the school committee in 1801, 1806, 1809 and 1823. (Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 411, 498; Hist, of Cohasset, pp. 284, 288, 292, 294, 304, 321-2, 354, 387, 389; Hist, of Hingham, vol. i. pt. i, pp. 283, 301, 318, 331; Cohasset Records.) Children, born at Cohasset : a. Hannah, born Jan. 31, 1781; died July 8, 1872, unmarried. 6. Betsey, born Dec. 13, 1784. c. Lincoln, born Aug. 11, 1787. d. William-Humphrey, born Dec. 22, 1792; mar. Theodosia Oakes. e. James, \ ^^^^ -^^^ ^ jgQ2- / ^^^' J^'^® Worrick, aaffh e. f. Susanna, J * ' ' \ mar. Horace Hancock. aaffc. Olive, bapt. Aug. 6, 1758; died 1778, at Cohasset; married, June 11, 1777, at Cohasset, Ephraim^, son of Samuel* (Ebenezer^, John^, William^) and Susanna (Bates) Orcutt of Hingham and Cohasset, born June 6, 1754, at Hingham; died Nov. 20, 1836, at Cohasset, but the Church records say Nov. 19. He married (2), Oct. 24, 1779, at Cohasset, Ruth^, daughter of Jonathan^ (Chasling^) and Mary (Fetteridge) Worrick of Cohasset, born Dec. 29, 1755, at Hingham, second precinct; died Feb. 8, 1843, at Co- hasset; by whom he had ten children. He hved in Cohasset, on the south side of North Main street, but the house has been burned. In the Revolu- tion he served as private in Capt. Job Cushing's Company in 1775, from May until Aug. 1, and again in December, 1776, in an expedition to New York. (Hist, of Cohasset, p. 287; Hist, of Hingham, vol. i, pt. i, pp. 283, 301; Cohasset Genealogies, p. 325; Cohasset Records.) Child, born at Cohasset: a. Olive, born Feb. 10, 1778. aaffd. Winifred, bapt. Nov. 2, 1760; died probably at Freeport, Me., date unknown; married Apr. 12, 1781, at Cohasset, Thomas*, son of Cushing^ {Richard^, John^) and Huldah (Orcutt) Kilby of Hingham, second pre- cinct, born June 4, 1757, at Hingham; died Aug. 1, 1839, at Freeport, ac- cording to Freeport records, unless this date is that of the death of his son Thomas. They removed from Cohasset to Freeport after the birth of 6 82 LINCOLN GENEALOGY their daughter, Sally, in 1792, and may have lived for a time at some other place, as there is no record of them at Freeport until the birth of the twins in 1799. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 219; Cohasset Records; Freeport Records.) Children, born: a-/ at Cohasset; g, h at Freeport: a. Katherine, born Oct. 30, 1781; mar. Charles Lambert of Free- port. h. Thomas, born Jan. 30, 1784; mar. Phebe Byrom. c. Bethia, born March 18, 1787; mar. James Lambert of Bruns- wick, Me. d. HiPZABAH, born Nov. 23, 1788, Freeport records say 1789; mar. John Wilson. e. Merriel, born June 27, 1790; probably died young. /. Sally, born July 31, 1792; mar. John Gurney of Freeport. f mar. Simeon Curtis of Free- g. Harriet, h. Maria, born Dec. 11, 1799; P^""** r ^ ii t •. i,c i^ ( mar. Lendall Litchfield of ^ Freeport. aaffe. Betty, born Feb. 9, 1763, bapt. July 10, 1763; died Sept. 14, 1854, at Cohasset, according to her gravestone in Central burying ground, but "Cohasset Genealogies" says Aug. 14. She married, June 17, 1787, at Cohasset, SamueP, son of Aaron* {Aaron?, Aaron^, Phineas^) and Bridget (Collier) Pratt of the second precinct of Hingham, born Apr. 11, 1762, at Hingham; died July 12, 1832, at Cohasset. He lived on South Main street, Cohasset, in a house which he bought, March 3, 1801, of Joseph Neal. He was a member of the school committee in 1799, 1803 and 1808. (Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 344, 498; Hist, of Cohasset, p. 390; Cohasset Records.) Children, born at Cohasset: a. Paul, born May 17, 1788; mar. Anna Eustis. b. Betsy, born Apr. 29, 1792 ; mar. Samuel Snow of Cohasset. c. Polly, born June 27, 1794; mar. Henry Welsh of Boston. d. Anna, born Nov. 14, 1796; mar. Zenas Stoddard of Cohasset. e. Olive, born Dec. 30, 1798; mar. George Beal of Cohasset. /. Samuel, born May 5, 1802; mar. (1) Caroline Gaylord; (2) Elizabeth ; (3) Mary Byron. g. LuciNDA, born March 2, 1804; mar. Asa Nute of Woodstock, Vt. aafff. Elisha, bapt. Sept. 8, 1765. aaffg. Chloe, born June 15, 1767, bapt. June 5, 1768; died Nov. 10, 1828, at Cohasset, aged 61, as says her gravestone in Central burying ground. She married (1), Oct. 21, 1790, at Cohasset, Francis^, son of Jerome^ {Johv}) and Mary (Beal) Stephenson of Hingham, second precinct, and BeKast, Me., bapt. May 27, 1764, at Hingham; died, date unknown, probably at BeKast. She was his second wife, he having married (1), May 4, 1788, at Cohasset, Susanna*, daughter of David^ {David^, Gershom}) and Susanna (Tower) Marble of Hingham, second precinct, born June 26, 1764, at Hingham; died soon after her marriage, date unknown. Mr. Stephenson removed to Belfast soon after the birth of his son Francis, and, perhaps, had other children there. After his death his widow returned to Co- hasset and there married (2), Oct. 12, 1795, Abel*, son of AbeP {Ebenezer^, John^) and Hannah (Hobart) Kent of Hingham, born Apr. 19, 1766, at Hingham; died Dec. 20, 1859, at Cohasset. By his first wife, Betsy Fletcher, born Nov. 17, 1763; died Oct. 20, 1793, and whom he married FOURTH GENERATION 83 July 22, 1789; he had one child: Sally-Fletcher Kent. He was a master shipbuilder and lived on Sumner street, Cohasset. He was a member of the school committee in 1804, 1809, 1813, 1815, 1819 and 1823. His wife Chloe's gravestone calls her "wife of Deacon Abel Kent," so he must have succeeded his father in that office, who held it for many years and was one of the leading citizens of the town. In 1808 Abel, Jr., was a private in the miHtia. (Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 215, 402; Cohasset History, p. 337; Cohasset Records.) Child, by first husband, born at Cohasset: a. Francis Stephenson, born July 17, 1791. Children, by second husband, born at Cohasset: h. Isaac Kent, born May 22, 1796; mar. Sarah Worrick, aaffh d. c. Justin Kent, born March 21, 1798; died May 20, 1822, un- married. d. Perez Kent, born Jan. 10, 1800. e. Betsey Kent, born Nov. 30, 1801; mar. Charles Kent of Port- land, Me. f- Twins, ] born Dec. 25, 1803; ( ^'^^ Dec. 26, 1^3. g. ' ] ' ' \ died Feb. 11, 1804. h. Hannah-Lincoln Kent, born June 29, 1805; mar. John Hard- wick of Quincy. i. Henrietta Kent, bapt. Aug. 2, 1807. aa^h. Sally, born Aug. 2, 1772, according to "Cohasset Genealogies," but "History of Hingham" and Cohasset Church records say baptized on that date. She died Dec. 2, 1853, at Cohasset. She married, about 1793, Laban', son of Hezekiah^ {Chasling^) and Hannah (Lane) Worrick of Hingham, second precinct, born May 2, bapt. June 10, 1773, at Hing- ham; died Nov. 13, 1850, at Cohass'et. He was a shoemaker and hved on South Main street, Cohasset, in a house which he built in 1796 on land purchased of Job Gushing, Apr. 18, 1796. He was an overseer of the poor, 1837; collector, 1819, 1820, 1840 and 1841; and on the school com- mittee 1810, 1814 and 1821. (Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 491, 499; Cohasset Records.) Children, born at Cohasset: a. Hannah, born May 27, 1794; mar. Capt. John Barker. 6. Paul-Baker, born Feb. 17, 1796; mar. Rachel-Phillips Willcutt. c. Levi-Lincoln, born Apr. 4, 1798; mar. EHzabeth Woolerton. d. Sarah, born March 22, 1800; mar. Isaac Kent, aaffg b. e. Jane, born Feb. 4, 1802; mar. James Stoddard, Jr. /. Lorette, born Apr. 12, 1804; mar. (1) Charles Beal; (2) Thomas- Jefferson Browne. aaffi,. Hepzibah, born Aug. 2, 1772, but according to " History of Hingham " and Cohasset Church records baptized on this date with her sister Sally; died Jan. 8, 1857, at Cohasset, aged 85 years; married, intentions pub- hshed at Boston, Apr. 22, 1795 (Boston Records), WiUiam, son of William and Elizabeth ( [(Bailey), McNeil], Palfrey) Whittington of Cohasset; born 1775; died Feb. 20 or 21, 1829, at Cohasset. He built a house at "Sandy Cove" about 1795 and lived there. He was a school teacher and, in 1814, was part owner of a fishing vessel. In that year he was a sergeant in Capt. Peter Lothrop's Company of militia which turned out to repel a threatened British invasion, an account of which is in "History of Cohasset," p. 344, written by one of the company. His father was a 84 LINCOLN GENEALOGY native of Enp^land. He was a member of the school committee, 1817-19, 1821, 1825-27, and moderator of the town meeting in 1822. (Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 474, 501; Cohasset Town and Church Records.) Children, born at Cohasset : a. Sarah, bapt. Apr. 15, 1796; mar. Job-Tower Bates. 6. Elizabeth, born Sept. 9, 1797; mar. John-Jacob Lothrop. c. George, born Sept. 29, 1799; mar. Ann Franklin. d. William, born March 1, 1801; mar. Mary-Ann Bird. e. Irene, born Oct. 10, 1803; mar. Richard Martin of Boston. /. Hiram-Abith, bapt. Oct. 6, 1805; mar. Mary Burnham. g. Alfred, born Dec. 26, 1806; mar. Ruth Delano. h. Granville, born June 2, 1808; mar. Cordelia Wilder. i. Mary, born March 19, 1810; mar. Martin Nichols. j. Ophelia, born Feb. 21, 1813; mar. (1) Henry Lincoln, ahhec bb; (2) James Willcutt. aaffj. Lois, bapt. Nov. 11, 1775; died May 2, 1853, at Cohasset, "aged 78 years"; married, intentions published at Scituate, Feb. 25, 1792, Samuel,, son of John and Elizabeth (Perry?) Ellmes of Scituate, born Sept. 2, 1772, at Scituate; died Feb. 20, 1838, at Scituate. (Scitua Records; Cohasset Genealogies, p. 144.) Children, born at Scituate: (Records of Lincoln Ellmms, Norwell, Mass.) a. Lincoln, born Aug. 15, 1793; drowned at sea, unmarried. b. John, born Feb. 4, 1796; died young. c. Hannah, born Sept. 11, 1797; mar. Gershom Wheelwright. " Cohasset Genealogies" says his wife was daughter of Ebenezer- Woodworth and Judith (Briggs) Ellms of Scituate, born Nov. 27, 1794, but this is an error. d. Winnefred, born Dec. 11, 1800; mar. Lot Bates. e. Hipsabah, born Jan. 4, 1802; mar. Edwin Fisher of Dorchester. /. Lewis, born Feb. 5, 1804; mar. Zoa Studley. g. Martha, born March 15, 1806; mar. William Russell of Dor- chester. h. Betsey, born Sept. 19, 1808; mar. Samuel Jones of New York. i. Sarah, born Nov. 25, 1811; mar. William Mayo. j. Polly, born March 14, 1814; mar. (1) Joshua Litchfield; (2) Osborn Wood. abad. Daniel, son of Obadiah (Daniel, Samuel) and Susanna (Gill) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born May 17, 1719, at Hing- ham, bapt. Aug. 30, 1719 (N. E. Hist. & Gen. Register, vol. Iviii, p. 261); died March, 1771, probably at Cohasset, Mass., though his death is not recorded there. He was born and passed his whole life in the second precinct of Hingham, now Cohasset, and was an important and influential citizen. He held the oflace of constable in 1746 and of selectman from 1752 to 1769. On the separation of Cohasset from Hingham he became the j&rst town clerk of the new town, and was selectman and assessor the FOURTH GENERATION 85 same year. In 1768 he was a member of the committee em- powered to call meetings of the parish. He was 1st lieutenant in the company which marched to the relief of Fort William Henry, Aug. 15, 1757, and, in 1762, was captain in Col. Josiah Quincy's regiment of militia, which was known as the third Suffolk regiment. He married, March 26, 1745 (Cohasset Church Records), at Hingham, Catherine^, daughter of Richard^ (John^) and Abigail (Cushing) Kilby of Hingham, born Apr. 26, 1720, at Hingham; died Jan. 11, 1755, at Hingham. They had no children. Mr. Lincoln's will, dated Feb. 5, 1771, probated March 19, 1771, provides as follows: ''Imprimis I give & bequeath unto WilHam Kilby son of Sarah Kilby dec^ & the Heirs lawfully begotten by him forever the whole of my Estate both Real & personal of any sort or kind whatever. But in default of such Issue, my Mind & Will is that the whole of what I have given, to the said William as aforesaid, should descend to my Nephew Allyne Lincoln his Heirs & Assigns forever . . . My executor ... to improve the same for the benefit of the said William Kilby . . . in that way and manner he shall judge most for the Interest of the Child, until he comes to the age of twenty one years." Ex- ecutor, Benjamin Lincoln. (Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. Ixx, pp. 113, 144-6.) The estate was inventoried at £137:12:3 personal, and £576:10:0 real. This will is incorrectly quoted in ''History of Hingham," vol. ii, p. 463, making it appear that William Kilby was a son or grandson of Daniel Lincoln. April 19, 1771, Benjamin Lincoln was appointed Guardian unto "Wil- liam Kilby, a Minor under fourteen years of age. Son of Sarah Kilby late of Cohasset, deceased." {Ibid., p. 461.) Sarah Kilby was a sister of Daniel Lincoln's wife. "William, a son of Sarah Kilby," was bapt. July 17, 1763, at Cohasset. (Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 219, 232, 495; Hist, of Cohasset, p. 278; Hist, of Hingham, vols, i, pt. i, pp. 263, 270; ii, p. 463.) abae. Thomas, son of Obadiah (Daniel, Samuel) and Susanna (Gill) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Jan. 14, 1722-3, at Hingham; died Feb. 5, 1784, at Cohasset, Mass., and is buried '^ I in the Central burying ground. (Gravestone.) He was a farmer and lived in the second precinct of Hingham, now Cohasset, on 86 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Elm street, sometimes known as "Ship Cove Lane." He held no civil office but was moderator of town meeting in 1777. In 1749 he was taxed for 1/2 a dwelling house, 24}/^ acres of land, 1 cow and 11 sheep. In 1771 his real estate was valued at £140:14:0 for taxation. He married, June 9, 1754, at Hingham (Cohasset Records), Mrs. Rebecca^ (Allyne) Kilby, daughter of James^ (Thomas^, Samuel^, Thomas^) and Susannah (Lewis) Allyne of Barnstable, Mass., born Nov. 24, 1723, at Barnstable (Barnstable Records); died Apr. 29, 1808, at Cohasset *'aged 84 years'' (Cohasset Records), but her gravestone in Central burying ground says she died "May 1, 1808 in her 86th year." Her first husband, whom she married Jan. 12, 1748, was WilHam Kilby, brother of the wife of Thomas Lincoln's brother, Daniel, ahad. (Hist, of Cohasset, pp. 246, 275; Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 218, 233; Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 467; Genealogies of Barnstable Families, p. 10.) The last authority is mistaken in saying that Rebecca, daughter of James and Susanna (Lewis) Allyne married Rev. Josiah Crocker of Taunton, Mass. His wife was daughter of Ebenezer and Rebecca (Russel) Allen of Tisbury, Mass. (See "Ministry of Taunton," p. 37.) Mr. Lincoln's will, dated Nov. 28, 1783, probated May 4, 1784, names: wife Rebecca; "each of my children viz. — Susan- nah Lewis, Sarah Hall, Olive, Rebecca, Christopher, and Sarah daughter of my late son Allen- Lincoln." (Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. Ixxxiii, p. 419.) Children, born at Hingham, second precinct: abaea. Allyne, born Apr. 3, 1755. ahaeb. Susanna, born June 19, 1757; died May 8, 1826, at Cohasset; married, intentions published Feb. 12, 1780, at Boston, Mass., John Lewis whose parentage and date and place of birth are undetermined, but who may have been the son of James-Hawke and Lydia (Pratt) Lewis of Hing- ham, whose son, John, was born Jan. 3, 1754, at Hingham. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 444.) He died in 1805, probably at sea, certainly away from home, for Joel WUlcutt's diary under date of Dec. 20, 1805, says: "This day rec'd the melancholy news of the death of John Lewis." He was a "master-mariner" and lived on Elm street, Cohasset, in a house which he built about 1780. Captain Lewis was not a deep sea captain but commanded small schooners in the fishing business. In 1783 he owned the "Hawk" of sixty-one tons; in 1785 the "Bethiah" of sixty-two tons; in 1787 the "Betsey" of fifty-four tons; and in 1793 the "Polly" of sixty-eight tons. FOURTH GENERATION 87 How many of these he personally commanded is not stated, but his fish- ing property in 1796 was valued at about £3000. In February, 1793, a Danish ship was wrecked at Cohasset and her crew, twenty-one in number, were rescued and cared for by Cohasset people. So kindly were they treated and so great was their gratitude, that on their return to Copenhagen they gave the king such a repre- sentation of the people of Cohasset, that he sent over four large gold medals and ten of silver for various citizens, among whom one to receive a gold medal was John Lewis. Two communion cups of the First Parish Church have the following inscription: "This cup is the gift of the widow Susanna Lewis, it being the proceeds of a gold medal from the King of Denmark to her late husband Capt. John Lewis', 1824." The rest of the value of the gold medal was used to make a silver porringer for Rev. Jacob Flint by his wife, the daughter of Captain Lewis. The porringer was owned in 1898 by Abraham-Hobart Tower of Cohasset. "History of Hingham," vol. ii, p. 467, says that Susanna married (2) Rev. Jacob Fhnt of Cohasset and died May 15, 1848, in her 91st year, but this was her daughter, Susanna. (Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 153, 229-30; Hist, of Cohasset, pp. 313-14, 318-26; Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 467; Co- hasset Records.) Children, born at Cohasset: a. Mary-Parsons, bapt. June 2, 1782; mar. Samuel Brown. h. Sarah, bapt. June 6, 1784; died Sept. 11, 1823, unmarried. c. John, bapt. Feb. 3, 1788; died Sept. 24, 1793. d. Susanna, bapt. Feb. 3, 1788; mar. (1) Elijah Nickerson; (2) Rev. Jacob Flint. (See Fhnt Family, p. 41.) ^" e. Elizabeth, born 1790; mar. Prentiss Hobbs of Boston. See ahaeg b. abaec. Sarah, born Sept. 22, 1759; died Feb. 18, 1837, at Cohasset; married, intentions published May 9, 1782, at Boston, Mass. (Boston Records), Daniel Hall of Marshfield, a descendant it is said of John and Abigail ih '■ (White) Hall of Scituate, perhaps a grandson, but neither the record of his birth nor that of his death has been found. He is said to have lived first at Truro, where his children were born, and later at the "Cove" in Cohasset, but the births of his children are not recorded at Truro. According to Massachusetts rolls he was "cooper" on ship "Mars" from July 22, 1780, to March 12, 1781; "steward" on sloop "Defence," July 3, to Sept. 26, 1781; and second mate on State sloop "Wmthrop," led, May 1, 1782, to Sept. 24, 1782. (Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 176, 366.) nay Children, born at Truro (?) : a . Thomas, lost at sea February , 1806. b. Allyn, drowned in Truro harbor before Jan. 17, 1806. inly c. Abigail, born 1785; mar. (1) Capt. Caleb Knowles; (2) Capt. Zaccheus Rich. [B.'M d. George, mar. Mary Harrington, isil e. Sarah, born 1795; mar. Capt. James Rich. abaed. Olive, born Dec. 22, 1761; died 1793; married, Jan. 4, 1786, at Cohasset, Melzar^, son of Abnah^ {Prince^, Joseph^, Joseph^, Thomas^) and Sarah (Curtis) Joy of Hingham, second precinct, now Cohasset, born Feb. 9, 1758, at Hingham; died March 4, 1817, at Havana, Cuba, on ship "Nancy." He served as private in Capt. Job Cushing's Com- 88 LINCOLN GENEALOGY pany from May to Aug. 1, 1775, and in 1778 enlisted for three years under Capt. Noah Nichols. After the war he returned to Cohasset and lived there until 1787, after which his name no longer appears on the tax lists. In 1796 his name appears in the Boston directory as living on Middle street. He was a sailor and became a ship captain. He married (2), in 1795, Ann, daughter of Rev. Dr. Andrew and Elizabeth (Langdon) EHot of Boston, who was born Apr. 27, 1765, and died March 28, 1799, leaving two children: Ehzabeth-EHot and Anna. He married (3), July 30, 1800, at Boston, Mary, daughter of Rev. Dr. Andrew and Mary (Pynchem) Ehot of Fairfield, Conn., who was born in 1775 and died in 1842 or '43, leaving three children: Mary-Pynchem, Andrew- Eliot and Joseph-Franldin. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 210; Hist, of Cohasset, pp. 287, 304; Cohasset Records; Thomas Joy and his Descend- ants, pp. 74, 80.) Child: a. Harriet, mar. Jonathan Wilde. dbaee. Rebecca, bapt. May 27, 1764; died soon. ahaef. Rebecca, born Oct. 5, 1766; died June 17, 1850, at Cohasset, but "Tower Genealogy," p. 154, says June 7. She married (1), intentions published March 21, 1792, at Truro, Mass., George^, son of George^ (Leonard^) and Elizabeth (Lombard) Pike of Truro, born Aug. 23, 1761, at Truro. He was a ship captain and lived at Truro and died before March 29, 1818, when his widow married (2), at Cohasset, Levi^, son of Daniel^ {Daniel^, Ihrook^, John^) and Bethia (Nichols) Tower of Hingham, second precinct, born July 25 or 26, 1756, at Hingham; died Aug. 12, 1823, at Cohasset. She was his third wife. He married (1), Feb. 20, or 25, 1775, at Cohasset, Priscilla, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Lincoln) Nichols of Cohasset, abbbh, who was born Feb. 18, 1758, and died May 3, 1796, at Cohasset, leaving eight children. He married (2), May 7, or 17, 1799, at Cohasset, Mrs. Ruth (Beal) Stodder, widow of Zenas Stodder, and daughter of Thomas and Susanna (Lincoln) Beal of Cohasset, ahhic, and own cousin of his first wife. She was born June 25, or 26, 1763, and died Dec. 8, 1817, at Cohasset, having had four children by Mr. Stodder and three by Capt. Levi Tower. Mr. Tower was a drummer in Capt. Job Cushing's Company, serving from May to Aug. 1, 1775; also in Capt. Obadiah Beal's Company, March 4, 1776, at the siege of Boston; and again in Capt. Peter Cushing's Company which was on service for four days at Hull in December, 1776. October 7, 1789, he was commissioned captain in the militia. In 1793 he was a recipient of one of the gold medals mentioned in the account of his brother-in-law, Capt. John Lewis, abaeh. He was selectman and assessor, 1788-1792; a member of the school committee, 1791, 1793 and 1799; and representative to the General Court in 1816. He was a ''master shipbuilder" and built many vessels for the fishing business, both for himself and for others. They were small vessels, varying from 36 to 100 tons. From 1814 to 1820 he was the most prominent ship builder in the town. In 1796 his fishing property was valued at £2200 and in 1819 he owned a fleet of ten vessels engaged in fishing, and his two brigs the "Rebecca'' and the "Ann" were in the Mediterranean trade. (Hist, of Cohasset, pp. 287, 293, 296, 318-19, 322-6, 354, 398, 400, 403, 445; Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 233, 440; Cohasset Town and Church Records; Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 258; Truro Records.) FOURTH GENERATION 89 Children, by first husband, born at Truro: a. Rebecca-Allen Pike, born Nov. 10, 1797. h. Elizabeth Pike, born Sept. 25, 1800; died Dec. 5, or 6, 1820, unmarried, abaeg. Christopher, bapt. March 12, 1769. abbe. Francis, son of Hezekiah {Daniel, Samuel) and Mary (Horswell) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born June 5, 1723, at Hingham; died Oct. 29, 1762, at Hingham. He was born, and his whole life was passed, in the second precinct of Hingham, now Cohasset. He lived on South Main street, in a house which he built in 1751 or thereabouts. This was taken down in 1906, and the site was occupied in 1909 by the house of George H. Stevens. Mr. Lincoln was a carpenter and was one of the build- ers of the meeting-house in 1747. His will dated Oct. 21, 1762, probated Nov. 19, 1762, names: wife Sarah; two sons Jerom and Zenas; three daughters, Mary, Priscilla and Sarah. The execu- tors were his cousin Daniel Lincoln, abad, and his brother Heze- kiah Lincoln, abhh. His estate was appraised at £171:5:0 per- sonal; £678:10:0 real. April 22, 1763, Sarah Lincoln of Hingham, widow, was appointed guardian to Jerom Lincoln, Zeneas Lin- coln, Mary Lincoln, Priscilla Lincoln and Sarah Lincoln, all minors under fourteen years of age and children of Francis Lincoln, late of Hingham, deceased. (Suffolk County Probate Records, vols. Ixi, p. 186; Ixii, p. 42; Ixxii, p. 59.) He married, Jan. 9, 1751-2, at Hingham, Sarah^, daughter of Nehemiah^ (David^, Peter^, Edmund^) and Lydia (Jacob) Hobart of Hingham, born July 2, 1727, at Hingham, second precinct; died Oct. 11, 1815, at Cohasset and is buried in Central cemetery. She married (2), Oct. 7, 1764, at Cohasset, Deacon Isaac Lincoln, adca. Her sister Lydia was the second wife of Enoch Lincoln, aach. She was descended from Edmund Hobart, a native of Norfolk county, England, who arrived at Charlestown, Mass., in 1633; and from his son Rev. Peter Hobart, the first minister of Hingham. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, pp. 334, 467; Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 233-4; Cohasset Town and Church Records.) Children, born at Hingham, second precinct: abbea. Jerome, born Nov. 13, 1752. abheb. Mart, born Feb. 3, 1755; married Uriah Lincoln, adcac. abbec. Zenas, born Sept. 8, 1757. 90 LINCOLN GENEALOGY ahhed. Priscilla, born Jan. 12, bapt. Aug. 17, 1760; died March 2, 1841, at Cohasset; married, May 26, 1782, at Cohasset, Ambrose^, son of Joshua^ (Joshua*, Joshua^, Joseph^, Clement^) and Grace (Lincoln) Bates of Hing- ham, second precinct, aafag, born Sept. 3, 1758, at Hingham; died Apr. 30, 1833, at Cohasset, but his gravestone at Beechwood says he died Apr. 5. He Hved on Beechwood street, Cohasset, just east of the river. He served as private in Capt. Obadiah Beal's Company at the siege of Boston, and again in June, 1776, in a short service at Hull. In December, 1776, he was again at Hull as private under Capt. Peter Cushing. He served under Capt. Theophilus Wilder in the Burgoyne campaign, from Aug. 27 to Dec. 7, 1777, and kept a diary covering that period. In 1778 he was for six weeks in Capt. Baxter's Company in Rhode Island. As a civilian he was on the school committee in 1799-1803, 1808-1810 and 1812. (Hist. of Hingham, vol. i, pt. i, pp. 298, 311, 317; vol. ii, p. 48; Hist, of Cohasset, pp. 294, 296-8, 390; Cohasset Genealogies, p. 38; Cohasset Records.) Children, born at Cohasset: a. Priscilla-Stodder, born 1783, bapt. June 12, 1785; died Oct. 22, 1856, aged 73 years, as says her gravestone in Beechwood cemetery, but "Cohasset Genealogies" says she was "buried June 12, 1794." h. Ellen, bapt. June 12, 1785; mar, Mordecai-Lincoln Walhs, adcbh a. c. HoPHNEY, bapt. June 18, 1786; died Dec. 8, 1793. d. Fanny, bapt. June 28, 1801; died June 20, 1862, unmarried. e. Maria, bapt. June 28, 1801; mar. Mordecai-Lincoln Walhs as 2d wife. /. Sarah-H'obart, bapt. June 28, 1801; mar. Wilham Nichols of Watertown. g. Francis-Lincoln, born Nov. 1, 1799; mar. Esther Johnson. A. Isabella L., bapt. October, 1803; mar. William Nichols as 2d wife. i. Polly. ahhee. Sarah, born June 26, bapt. Nov. 14, 1762; died about 1796, at Scit- uate; married, Oct. 19, 1793, at Scituate, Israel^, son of Capt. Israel^ (Israel^, Jacoh"^, John}) and Mercy (Cushing) Vinal of Scituate, bapt. Oct. 5, 1766, at Scituate; died 1804 [?] at Scituate. He is, without much doubt, the Israel Vinal who married, Nov. 8, 1801, at Scituate, Miss Lydia Litchfield of Scituate, but the Scituate records and Deane's "History of Scituate" are both very confusing about the several Israel Vinals, and it is difficult to distinguish them. Plymouth county probate and land records may sometime straighten the tangle. It is, however, quite evident from the data in the following excerpts, taken from Deane's "History of Scituate" and from Scituate records, that Israel Vinal married (1), June 22, 1786, Rebecca Bailey (daughter of Amasa and Jael [Cushing] Bailey of Scituate, bapt. Oct. 2, 1768), by whom he had two children: Lydia and Sophia; that he married (2) Sarah Lincoln; and (3), Nov. 8, 1801, Lydia Litchfield (daughter of Thomas and Lydia [Cole] Litch- field of Scituate, born Apr. 5, 1761, at Scituate), who died June 17, 1825, at Scituate. Child, born at Scituate: a. Sally. FOURTH GENERATION 91 The Vinals of Scituate From Deane's "History of Scituate": Widow Anna Vinal with three children, Martha, Stephen and John, appeared in Scituate, 1636. John married EUzabeth Baker, 1664 (Feb. 2), and had: Jacob, born 1670 (Sept. 2), who married Mary Cudworth, 1695 (Feb. 12, 1695-6), and had: Israel, born 1698 (Sept. 21), who married (1) Elizabeth Booth, 1723; (2) Jemima Pope, 1743, and had: sons Israel, Esq., and Jonathan. Israel, Esq., married the daughter of Dea. Joseph Gushing and left son Israel (whose daughter Sophia was wife of Capt. John Whitney of Quincy) . From Scituate records : John Vinall and Elizabeth Backer married Feb. 2, 1664. Jacob Vinall son of John born Sept. 2, 1670. Jacob Vinall and Mary Cudworth married Feb. 12, 1695-6. Israel Vinall son of Jacob born Sept. 21, 1698. Israel Vinal and EHzabeth Booth married Jan. 30, 1723. Capt. Israel Vinal and Jemima Pope of Dorchester mar. int. Oct. 29, 1742. Israel son of Capt. Israel Vinal bp. Jan. 13, 1744. Jonathan son of Capt. Israel Vinal bp. Apr, 17, 1743. Capt. Israel Vinal Jr. and Mrs. Marcy Cushing married Sept. 25, 1750. Mercy daughter of Joseph Jr. and Lydia Cushing, born Apr. 30, 1739. Israel son of Capt. Israel Vinal Jr., bp. Oct. 5, 1766. Israel Vinal 3d and Rebecca Bailey married June 22, 1786. Israel Vinal Jr. and Sarah Lincoln of Cohasset married Oct. 19, 1793. Israel Vinal and Lydia Litchfield married Nov. 8, 1800. Israel Vinal esq. died 1794; Israel Vinal died 1804; w. of Israel died 1796; wid of Israel, esq. died 1806. Lydia Vinal, widow of Israel died June 17, 1825, aged 64. Lydia, daughter of Israel Vmal 3d and Rebecca, born Sept. 5, 1786. Sophia, daughter of Israel Vinal 3d and Rebecca, born June 30, 1788. Sally, daughter of Israel Vinal 3d and Sally, born aft. June 30, 1788. Rebeckah, daughter of Israel Vinal 3d and Lydia, born abbh. Hezekiah, son of Hezekiah (Daniel, Samuel) and Mary (Horswell) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Jan. 15, 1729-30, at Hingham; died Dec. 4, 1814, at Cohasset, formerly the second Precinct of Hingham, and is buried in Central burying ground. He was a farmer and passed all his life in Cohasset, his house being on North Main street. In 1771 his real estate was valued on the first tax Hst of the town at £192:12:00. He married, Aug. 1, 1778, at Cohasset, Eunice^, daughter of Ezekiel^ {Elisha^, SamueP, Samuel^) and Elizabeth (Whitcomb) Lincoln of Hingham, aaffa, born 1753, bapt. Feb. 29, 1756, at Hingham, second precinct; died Jan. 27, 1839, at Cohasset, aged 86 years, and is buried in Central burying ground. Their gravestones and that of their son George read as follows : 92 LINCOLN GENEALOGY "In Memory of t Mr. Hezekiah Lincoln J died Dec 4 1814 { aged 85"t "In Memory of J Mrs J Eunice X widow of t Mr. Hezekiah Lincoln J who died t Jan 27 1839 J aged 86 years" "Mr. George Lincoln t died J July 28 1857 J aged 71 years'' (History of Cohasset, p. 276; Cohasset Genealogies, p. 234; Cohasset Records; Gravestones.) Children, born at Cohasset: ahbha. Hezekiah, bapt. July 11, 1779; died Sept. 12, 1843, at Cohasset, un- married. ahhhb. Mary, bapt. Aug. 12, 1781; married Ethel or Ithel Birch of Shawan- gunk, N. Y. Nothing further has been learned of this family except the names of their children, furnished by Mrs. Emma Birch Townshend of Pine Bush, Orange Co., N. Y. Children. a. LoRETTA, mar. James Rockwell of Michigan. 6. LucENiA, born March 2, 1808; mar. EUsha Mast en. c. LucELiA, mar. Jacob Dalloway. d. Ann, mar. Jacob Crouch. e. Eliza, died in Michigan, unmarried. /. Eunice, died young. g. Emily, born 1820; mar. Benjamin Relyea. h. Eunice, born 1823; mar. James Obtrander. abbhc. Obadiah, born May 4, 1783. abbhd. George, born Sept. 2, 1785; died July 28, 1857, at Cohasset, unmar- ried, and is buried in Central burying ground. In 1808 he was a private in Capt. John Pratt's Company of Foot, and in 1814 was a private in Capt. Peter Lothrop's Company, which was called out on June 16 to repel a threatened invasion from a British ship which had been harrying the coast. (Hist, of Cohasset, pp. 337, 344.) abbhe. Martha, born June 26, 1791 ; died Feb. 5, 1868, at Cohasset; married, Dec. 3, 1814, at Cohasset, John"^, son of Thomas^ {Samuel^, Joseph^ Joseph^, Joseph^, Clement^) and Sarah (Lothrop) Bates of Cohasset, born July 14, 1787, at Cohasset; died Jan. 20, 1827, at Cohasset, but the church records say Jan. 19. He lived on North Main street, Cohasset, in Hezekiah Lincoln's house. He was in the miUtia in 1808 with his brother-in-law George Lincoln, and was also in Capt. Lothrop's Company in 1814, at the time of the threatened British invasion, (Cohasset Gene- alogies, p. 28; Hist, of Cohasset, pp. 337, 344, 348; Cohasset Records.) Children, born at Cohasset : a. Thomas, born Apr. 24, 1815 ; mar. Priscilla-Lincoln James, aafff eh. b. Mary, born Apr. 6, 1819; mar. David-Clark Chamberlain. c. Lincoln, born July 28, 1823; died March 1, 1844, unmarried. abhhf. Eunice, bapt. Sept. 13, 1795; died May 11, 1879, at Cohasset, un- married. adaa. John, son of Mordecai {Mordecai, Samuel) and Han- nah (Salter) Lincoln of Freehold, N. J., born May 3, 1716, at FOURTH GENERATION 93 Freehold; died November, 1788, at Linville's Creek, Va., and was there buried. ''The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln," on the authority of Miss M. J. Roe of Gilbert, Ohio, gives 1711 as the date of John's birth, but 1716 is now known to be correct as will be shown later. He undoubtedly went with his father to Pennsylvania, but possibly returned, later, to New Jersey, since his father left him by his will in 1735, three hundred acres of land on Cranberry brook, Middlesex county, N. J., leaving all his Pennsylvania property to his younger sons. He was, however, living in Pennsylvania Oct. 9, 1746, on which date he bought of Thomas Lloyd about fifty acres of land in Union Street, Berks county, being described in the deed as ''of Carnarvon, yeoman." The three hundred acres in New Jersey, which he inherited from his father, he conveyed, for £200, to WilHam Dye, by deed dated Nov. 8, 1748, in which he is described as "of the Township of Carnarvin in the County of Lancaster and Province of Pensel- vania weaver the son and Heir of Mordecai Lincon deceased." From 1748 to 1765 he acquired other lands in Union and Amity townships and his name appears in the Berks county tax lists from 1754 to 1765, but in this latter year he had sold the last of his lands in Pennsylvania, and he probably removed soon after to Virginia, where he purchased by deeds of lease and release, June 21 and 22, 1768, six hundred acres on the west side of Linville's creek, a few miles north of Harrisonburg, in that part of Augusta county which is now Rockingham. "Abstracts from the Records of Augusta County," vol. iii, p. 474, records this transaction thus: "22d June 1768. Zechariah McKay (and Lydia), Moses Mckay (and Mary), Robert and James McKay, of Frederic County, to John Lincoln (Linkhorn), £250., 600 acres on Linvel's creek, part of 1200 acres patented to McKay, Green and Hite, 26th March 1739, and by them conveyed to Robert McKay, 20th Jan. 1746, and by Robert devised to grantors here; Teste Michael Waren, John Jackson. Delivered John Linkhorn December, 1768." There he was living on the 7th, 11th and 12th of August, 1773, on which dates he and his wife Rebecca deeded two hundred and ten acres to their son Abraham, and two hundred and fifteen to their son Isaac. John Lincoln is generally called "Virginia John" to distinguish him, it is said, from his own cousin of the same name, 94 LINCOLN GENEALOGY the son of Abraham and Rebecca Lincoln, adbg, but as that John is thought to have died when quite young, the sobriquet may have been given to distinguish him from his nephew John, adagh. The behef of President Lincoln that his great-grand- father was a Quaker seems to be founded only on tradition, which probably was due to the intimacy and intermarriages of the Lincoln family with the Boones and others who were Quakers. (Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 76, 196, 199; Abrahani Lincoln, An American Migration, pp. 100-117.) The will of John Lincoln has been found but recently. It was probated in Rockingham county June 22, 1789. During the Civil war most of the records of that county were burned in one of the many raids which afflicted that part of Virginia, and it is supposed that the copy of Lincoln's will was among those des- troyed. Some years after its probate, however, his daughter Rebecca and her husband, John Rymel, brought a suit against her brothers, Jacob and John, the surviving executors of the will, claiming that she had been defrauded of her inheritance. The papers iji this suit are preserved in the court house at Staunton, Va., and include a copy of John Lincoln's will and of the ap- praisement of the personal estate, and through them a flood of light is thrown upon this family. The will is as follows: "In the name of God Amen I John Lincoln Sr of the parish of Rockingham in the County of Rockingham and State of Virginia, being sick, weak and infirm in body, but of perfect mind and memory, thanks be to God therefor, calling to mind the mortality of my body, and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my Last will and Testament; That is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of God, that gave it; and as for my body I recommend it to the Earth, to be buried in a Christian like and decent manner, at the discretion of my Executrix and Executors. And as touching such, worldly Estate wherewith it has pleased God to bless me in this life, I give devise and dispose of so much of the same as I am possessed of in the following manner and form. Imprimis, It is my will and I do order that in the first place all my Just Debts and funeral charges be paid and satisfied. Item. I give and devise unto Rebeckah my dearly beloved wife, the plantation I now live on, with all its Improvements & ap- * FOURTH GENERATION 95 purtenances during her natural life to be used and tilled at her pleasure, and for her profit; Save only that my Son Thomas shall have the first offer of Renting the same, or taking it upon Shares. I likewise give and bequeath to my s^ wife all my Moveables or personal Estate, excepting some Legacies hereafter mentioned, s^ Estate to be hers during her natural life also. Item. I give and bequeath to my son Abraham the sum of five shillings. Item. I give and bequeath to my Daughters, Hannah, & Lydia, and my sons Isaac & Jacob the sum of two shillings & six pence each. Item. I give and bequeath to my son John the sum of Forty pounds (with what he has already received of my son Thomas) to be paid to him by my son Thomas, in Successive yearly payments, of five pounds each which payments was to, and did begin in the Year, One thousand Seven hundred and Eighty three. Item. I give and bequeath to my Daughter Sarah the sum of five pounds, to be raised out of my personal Estate, and paid her at the death of my wife a widow. Item. I give and devise to my son Thomas, and his heirs, and assigns forever, all the Land that I now hold or have a title for, it being the Planta- tion, or tract of land which I live upon, situated, on the South East side of Linvels Creek &^. with all its appurtenances, it to become his Property and he to take possession thereof fully, completely and entirely at the Death of my s^ wife, or widow and not before. In consideration whereof he is to pay the Legacy to my son John as before said. Item. I give and bequeath to my Daughter Rebeckah, all my Household furniture or goods, and personal Estate, which shall remain after the other Legacies are paid off, and after the Death of my said wife or widow. Item. I give and bequeath to my GrandDaughter Hannah Bryan the sum of five pounds, to be raised out of my personal Estate and paid to her when she arrives at the age of Twenty one years. N. B. The Moneys or Legacies before mentioned are all to be paid in Lawful hard Money of Virginia, Excepting the first namely to my son Abraham which is to be Serling [sic]. And Lastly I do hereby nominate and appoint my s^ wife Rebeckah, and my s^ sons Jacob & John Executrix and Executors of this my Last will and Testament, hereby disanuling and making void all former and other wills by me heretofore made. Ratifying and confirming this and no other to be my Last will and Testa- 96 LINCOLN GENEALOGY ment. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this eight day of February One thousand seven hundred and Eighty six. his Signed Sealed & published John X Lincoln seal by the testator as his last will & Testament mark In the presence of ''Peter Bryan ''William Bryan "A Copy "John Bryan Teste "WilHam Bryan S. M. Williams CLK" "Cornelius Bryan'' "At a Court held for the County of Rockingham on Monday June 22 1789 This Last will & Testament of J''^ Lincoln Deceased was presented in Court & proved by the Oaths of J°° Bryan, William Bryan & Cornelius Bryan three of the witnesses & ordered to be recorded, whereupon Rebecah Lincoln, Jacob Lincoln & John Lincoln the Exrs herein named having entered into Bond with Security, Certificate is granted them to obtain Probet in due form By the Court "A copy. Teste. S. M. Williams CLK" H^ Ewin CLK" The personal estate was appraised as follows : "An Appraisal Bill of the Personal Estate of the Late deceased John Lincoln by us whose names are hereunto subscribed being first sworn according to Law viz. Half the price of a whole waggon it being in partnership £ 7.10.0 A Mare colt a dull Bay 14. 0.0 Twenty pounds in certificates 20. 0.0 An old roan mare 9. 0.0 A four year old Steer 3.10.0 A red cow 2.15.0 A red cow with a white face 2.15.0 A black cow 2.10.0 A cow 2.15.0 A plane & shear & screw 1. 0.0 Two year old calves 1.12.0 2 Hogs 1.11.0 Five sheep 2. 2.0 FOURTH GENERATION 97 Half the price of a windmill in partnership 1. 0.0 A cutting Knife and steel 3.0 Two pair traces & h . . . (?) 1 Collar & 3 Backhands 1.0.0 30 bushels of Rye at 2s per bushel 3. 0.0 Wheat in the Stack at 3s per Bushel viz 42 Bush 6. 6.0 Rye in the Stack at 2 /6 per bushel viz half the price of a six plate stove in partnership 2. 0.0 A Dough Trough 8. A chest 8. Three chairs 9. A Box for clothes 1. 2 spinning wheels 8. A Big Spinning wheel 7. A Big Kettle a Dutch Oven & 3 Potts 2. 6.0 Five Dishes & 8 pewter plates 14.0 a pen dish 3.0 A Dresser and some more furniture 15.0 A pail & Buckets 4. A Fire Tongs & Shovel 1 Tramel & a Gridiron 15. A pair of Still yards 7.0 13 Harrow teeth 4.4 Two chairs old ones 1.6 91.19.10 "This 12'^ day of Sep. 1789 A Copy "Teste, S. M. Williams Clk^ "Joseph Lair "Jacob Custer^' From the papers on file the following facts appear: Thomas, the remainder man, after the death of John Lincoln, resided with his mother, Rebecca, for ''about two years when a fire unluckily broke out in their dwelling house, and no one but women and children being at home to aid in extinguishing the flames or in removing their property, the house, furniture and wearing apparel together with a considerable sum in money was lost in the flames.'^ Rebecca then went to reside with her son Jacob, and Thomas, desiring to remove to Kentucky, with his wife Elizabeth conveyed to Jacob his interest in the planta- 7 98 LINCOLN GENEALOGY tion, the consideration being £560 of which £100 was to go to the widow, Rebecca, who gave her consent although, according to the plaintiffs in the case, she was not in a situation of mind capable of making a contract ''being about seventy years of age and her mind so much impaired as to render her utterly incapable of attending to her own interests or making any contract whereby her rights could be properly transferred." Jacob, on the other hand, asserts that "he would have been far from thinking that his mother from age, imbecility, or any other cause was incapable of making a contract." In a letter of John Lincoln, Jr., one of the defendants in this suit, written to his nephew David Lincoln June 27, 1810, he states: ''my mother had now for a considerable time been living at Hannah Harrison's, who became sick and soon bedfast; our mother very old, somewhat peevish, and a little jealous, began to view herself as rather an incumbrance where she was but did not certainly know where else to go. She made frequent applications to me to take her to my home before she succeeded. My wife, who had already experienced some of the trouble of taking care of an old person (a grandfather by the father's side) at her father's . . . stood opposed to it, . . . But Hannah Harrison was like to die and leave her mother; none of the old woman's friends were willing to be troubled with her ... a short time prior to Hannah's death my mother prevailed on me to remove her to my house . . . and shortly after she entered into a written agreement with me by which I was to find her every . . . accommodation ... as long as she lived and at her death bury her in a decent . . . manner beside her husband. . . . Your grandmother died July 21, 1806." "J°° Lincoln's will is dated Feb. 8, 1786, he deceased Nov. 1788, . . . there are £5 apiece left to Sarah Dean and Hannah Brian." John Lincoln, Jr., lived "at some distance from the widow whose plantation joined Jacob Lincoln's and with whom also she lived for a long time." John states in his before mentioned letter to his nephew that "there were burnt in T. Lincoln's house: cash $10, half a six plate stove, a chest, five chairs, a box, two spinning wheels, a big kettle, a dresser and some furniture, a fire tongs, shovel & gridiron, and a pair of stillyards." The value of these according to the appraisal was £9.6.6. FOURTH GENERATION 99 John Lincoln married, July 5, 1743, 0. S., probably in Berks county, Pa., Mrs. Rebecca (Flowers) Morris, daughter of Enoch and Rebecca Flowers, born March 30, 1720, O. S.; died July 20, 1806, probably at Linville's Creek, Va. She was widow of James Morris, by whom she had a son, Jonathan Morris, born Oct. 3, 1739. The foregoing dates and names as well as the date of John Lincoln's birth, the dates of births of his children and the family record of his son, John Lincoln, Jr., are from a manuscript record, now destroyed, which was formerly in the possession of Mrs. Rachel (Lincoln) Drake, adaaf d, and copied in 1886 by Mr. Josiah Morrow of Lebanon, Ohio, who kindly loaned his copy to the compiler, for use in this genealogy. The dates are undoubtedly correct and disprove several dates given in ''The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln" and by other authorities. As a means of permanent preservation of this important record Mr. Morrow's memorandum and copy are here printed in full: ''Dr. Isaac L. Drake of this place, has permitted me to copy the following from the family records of a branch of the Lincoln family contained in an old manuscript volume in his possession which formerly belonged to his mother, a cousin of President Lincoln's father. These records give some information concern- ing the President's ancestors which I have not seen in any account of his genealogy. The old book containing the records appears to have been used originally as a 'cyphering book' and contains tables of weights and measures and considerable arithmetical work. It also contains several pieces of poetry, original and selected. The book consists of about a quire of foolscap, sewed together and covered with leather. On the cover is plainly written 'Rachel Lincoln Jan. 29, 1807.' Rachel Drake often told her children the story of the killing of her uncle in Kentucky by an Indian and the killing of the Indian by the son of the murdered man very much as it is told in the new biography of President Lincoln. John Lincoln, Rachel's father, came from Rockingham county, Va. about 1818 to Warren county, Ohio, where he resided until his death. He was farmer and tanner with education enough to survey land and to teach his children the elementary English branches. ''Lebanon, Ohio. Josiah Morrow. "Nov. 3, 1886. i 100 LINCOLN GENEALOGY "(From an old book in possession of Dr. I. L. Drake which belonged to his mother, on the cover of which is the name Rachel Lincoln Jan. 29, 1807.) ''Memorandum of the Births of the sons and daughters of John Lincoln & Rebecca his wife are as follows : Abraham Lincoln was born May 13, 1744 (old stile) Hannah Lincoln was born March the 9, 1748 (old stile) Lidia Lincoln was born March 9, 1748 (old stile) Isaac Lincoln was born March 5, 1750 (old stile) Jacob Lincoln was born Novem. 6, 1751 (old stile) John Lincoln was born July 15, 1755 New stile Sarah Lincoln was born September 18, 1757 Thomas Lincoln was born October 23, 1761 Rebecca Lincoln was born April 18, 1767 ^'Johnathan Morris son of James Morris and Rebecca his wife was born October 8, 1739, old stile N. B. He is half brother to the above children." ''John Lincoln son of Mordecai Lincoln and Hannah his wife was born May the 3 1716 (old stile) Rebecka Lincoln (formerly Rebecka Flowers) daughter of Enoch Flowers & Rebecca his wife was born Mar. 30 1720 (old stile) Died July 20, 1806) John Lincoln and Rebekah his wife were married July 5, 1743 (Old stile)" "John Lincoln sen Died July 13th, 1835 Mary Lincoln Died May 27th 1832 "On the next page is a 'Memorandum of the sons and daugh- ters of Francis Yarnall and Mary his wife formerly Mary Lincoln' which is here omitted ''Mordecai their eldest child was born July 29, 1743 old style "Then the following record is given: "John and Mary Lincoln were solemnly joined in marriage Bonds by the Reverend Mr. Carmichael June 27, 1782. FOURTH GENERATION 101 "Memorandum of the births of the sons and daughters of John and Mary Lincoln (formerly Mary Yarnall). ''Jesse Lincoln was born July 17 about 3 1/2 o'clock in the afternoon in the year 1783 ''Hannah Lincoln was born May the 11 about 6 o'clock in the morning in the 1785 "Abraham Lincoln was born April 6 about 5 o'clock in the morning (being good Friday) in the year 1787 "(This son died Nov. 23, 1789) "Mordecai Lincoln was born Nov. 7th about 3 o'clock in the morn, in the year 1788 "Rachel Lincoln was born July 21 about 2 o'clock in the after- noon in the year 1790 "Isaac Lincoln was born Oct 27 about 1 o'clock in the after- ^^ j noon in the year 1792 "1 "Phebe Lincoln was born Oct. 23 about 11 o'clock in the after- noon in the year 1794 "Ann Lincoln was born Nov. 28 about 4 o'clock in the after- noon in the year 1796 ^^ "Mary Lincoln was born Decem. 18th about 6 o'clock in the afternoon in the year 1798 "Juliana Lincoln was born Sept. 13 about 4 o'clock in the 12J1 morning in the year 1801 "John Lincoln was born June 7 about 5 o'clock in the morning in the year 1807" Children, born, a-h in Berks county. Pa.; i in Rockingham county, Va.: adaaa. Abraham, born May 13, 1744, old style. adaab. Hannah, born March 9, 1748, old style; died about 1803. She married a Mr. Harrison, possibly Robert, who gave a deed to John Lincoln, Sep- tember, 1790, and was probably mother of a daughter, Hannah, who married a Mr. Bryan and was named in her grandfather's will. adaac. Lydia, born March 9, 1748, old style. She was named in her father's llgil will but it is not known whether she was married. jqIi adaad. Isaac, born March 5, 1750, old style. adaae. Jacob, born Nov. 6, 1751, old style. Jadaaf. John, born July 15, 1755. ad(w^. Sarah, born Sept. 18, 1757. She is named in her father's will, and married a Mr. Dean, but nothing further is known of her. adaah. Thomas, born Oct. 23, 1761. adaui. Rebecca, born Apr. 18, 1767; died September, 1840, near Greenville, Tennessee; married, Apr. 26, 1786, in Rockingham county, Va., John i 102 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Rimel, whose birth and parentage are unknown. "History of Rocking- ham County" in the record of marriages calls John Rimel 's wife "Mar- garet Lincoln," an obvious error as John Lincoln had no daughter Mar- garet, and the lawsuit against his estate was brought by John and Rebecca Rimel. John Rimel died sometime between Feb. 27, 1823, and Dec. 21, 1832, in Greene county, Tenn., whither he had removed before Oct. 24, 1808, when, being then called of Greene county, he purchased 142 acres of land "on some of the Draughts of Birds Branch and Middle Creek being part of a tract of land granted to Thomas WiUiamson by the State of North Carolina by a patent bearing date 17th July 1794." Subsequently, in 1809 and 1813, he acquired 234 acres more "on Higgins branch of Horse Creek and on the south side of Nolachucky river." (Greene County Deeds, Books 8, p. 299; 9, p. 210; 10, p. 185.) Dec. 21, 1832, Jacob Hoyle, administrator of John Rimel, deceased of Greene county, in a deed given to George Rimel of Sevier county, Tenn., witnesses "that said Rimel, deceased, did in his life time on Feb. 27, 1823, execute a bond in which he bound himself to make to his two sons, John Rimel and George Rimel, a deed in fee simple to several tracts of land all connected, on one of which the said Rimel, deceased, lived, on Horse Creek, includ- ing a saw and grist mill; the aforesaid Rimel died intestate and without having executed the title . . . now said Jacob Hoyle, administrator, so far as authorized ... in compliance with said bond , . . conveys ... to said George a part of the tract . . . containing 51 acres." {Ibid., Bk. 18, p. 271.) On record in the Will Books of Greene county is the following: "Mch. 2, 1841 An instrument of writing purporting to be the nuncupative will of Rebecca Rimel, dec'd, was produced in Court for probate by Jacob Sea- ton for himself and Sally Seaton his wife, Betsy Miller, Polly Bird, John Williamson and Dorcas his wife, by which it appears a notice had been is- sued to Jacob Rimel, Isaac Rimel, John Rimel, George Rimel, John Good, John Fillers and Betsy his wife, Asa Bailey and DeUla his wife, and Jacob Good." The will was allowed March 11, 1841, and is as follows: "We Polly Mock and Elisabeth Broyls do state the nuncupative Will of Rebecca Rimel was made by her on the 18th day of September 1840 in our presence, to which we are especially required to witness, by the testator herself in the presence of each other, that it was made in her last sick- ness in Alexander Broyls house where she was five weeks, where she was surprised by sickness and breathes no more. And the same is as follows to wit, it was her desire that her effects should be disposed of after her decease in the following manner, that all her effects to be equally divided among her daughters-this 6th October 1840. her "Elisabeth X Broyls mark her "Polly X Mock" mark The witnesses further testified that her reason for this disposition of her effects was that " her sons had got their share." From the foregoing list of citations for the probate of the will, and from the marriage records of Greene county, a list of children has been made, it having been assumed that John Good, Jacob Good, John Fillers and FOUKTH GENERATION 103 Asa Bailey were either grandchildren or had married grandchildren of Rebecca Rimel, and represented deceased children whose names are unknown. Children, arranged in arbitrary order: a. Isaac, mar. Kezia WilHamson, Sept. 9, 1819. 6. John, mar. Sarah Wilhamson, he'd July 27, 1825. c. Polly, mar. (1) Samuel Swatzel; Sept. 25, 1822; (2) a Mr. Bird. d. Jacob, mar. Christena Willhoite, Oct. 17, 1823. e. Abraham, mar. Alpha Fannon, Dec. 30, 1824. /. Elias, mar. Jenny Dunkin, July 22, 1825. g. Dorcas, mar. John Wilhamson, July 27, 1825. h. Sally, mar. Jacob Seaton. i. Betsey, mar. a Mr. Miller. j. George, removed to Sevier county, Tenn. adag. MoRDECAi, son of Mordecai (Mordecai, Samuel) and Mary (Robeson) Lincoln of Freehold, N. J., and Amity, Pa., born May 9, 1730, at Amity; died March, 1812, at Uniontown, Pa., and is there buried in a private burial ground, now the property of his great-grandchildren, John and Elizabeth Canon. Sometime between 1781, when his name appears as a tax payer in Berks county. Pa., and Jan. 4, 1787, when he bought a lot of land in Derry township, in a town called Fredericktown, Dauphin county. Pa., of Peter Friedly and wife, he removed from Berks county to Dauphin county and remained there until about 1794, in which year on May 17, he with his wife Mary, being described as of Union township in the county of Fayette, yeoman, sold this Fredericktown property to Valentine Hummel of Derry township, innkeeper. Meanwhile on Apr. 23, 1791, John Harris, gentleman, of Harrisburg, Pa., sold to Mor- decai Lincoln, innkeeper, of Hummelstown, lot Number 11 on Chestnut street, Harrisburg, containing about one quarter of an acre and, on the same date, Mordecai and Mary Lincoln conveyed this property "together with the houses, kitchens, barns, stables and buildings" to George Reddick. The property was evidently an inn. Mordecai signed his own name but his wife signed with her mark. Fredericktown is now, and was evidently then, known as Hummelstown. It is a post-borough of about one thousand population, about nine miles east of Harrisburg. Whether he ever lived in Harrisburg is uncertain, but he may have done so before removing to Fayette county, whither he was accompanied by his wife Mary, his two sons 104 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Benjamin and John, his two daughters Nancy and Sarah, and their husbands Jacob Giger and John Jones. "Four miles from Uniontown, in what is now North Union township, Lincoln bought, June 9, 1791, a tract of land, called 'Discord,' from Isaac Pearce, patentee. It contained 320J^ acres and allowance, and the price paid was £500. (Fayette County Deeds, vol. iii, p. 138.) In addition to this he procured a patent, Aug. 23, 1791, from the commonwealth for another tract of land, called 'Union Green' containing probably 200 or 250 acres. The two combined comprised all or nearly all the land now owned and occupied by John and Elizabeth Canon, the late John Jones and John Hankins. Lincoln built the old part of the house in which his great-granddaughter EHzabeth Canon now lives." ''He was sixty years of age when he settled in Fayette county — a tall, strong, vigorous, large-boned, angular old man, having all the distinguishing facial and physical characteristics of the Lincoln blood; prominent nose and ears . . . heavy, over- hanging eyebrows and sturdy chin. He was prudent, industrious, law-abiding, and notably methodical in the business affairs of every-day life. . . . His love of order and system is disclosed in the manner in which he kept his 'Family Book,' which is still in possession of the Jones family. He carefully kept accounts with all of his children, and made everything even between them in his will. The following extract from his book enumerates the number and value of the articles with which he dowered his daughter Sarah when she married John Jones: d. "Given to my Daughter Sarah . . £ s. One case Drawers 6 10 One dining table 3 One tea table 2 5 One bed and Bed cloaths 10 One cow 5 One pot and one kettle 16 One tea kettle 15 One saddel 5 A half dozen knives and forks 5 One skimmer, ladel & flesh fork 6 One tub 7 6 6 dr. 6J 1 5 6 10 1 10 37 7 10 7 1 2 6 FOURTH GENERATION 105 To cash To frying pan To pewter To 2 cows To 3 sheep 45 10 4" The foregoing quotations and most of the information of this family are taken from a pamphlet entitled ''The Lincolns of Fayette County," by John S. Ritenour, no date. The will of Mordecai Lincoln, dated Feb. 22, 1811, and recorded in Fayette county records, vol. i, p. 273, is as follows: ''Upon the twenty second day of February in the year of our Lord Eighteen Hundred and Eleven. I Mordecai Lincoln Sr., of Union township, Fayette county and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania being far advanced in years but of sound mind and memory do make and ordain this my last Will and Testa- ment, revoking all other will or wills heretofore by me made. ''1th I Recommend my soul unto Almighty God who gave it and my body to the dust its original, there to be Interd in a decent manner by my Representatives. ''2dly of those Worldly Goods which it has pleased God to Endow me with I leave and bequeath In the following manner Twt. ''3dly Heave and [bequeath] unto my Son Benjamin Lincoln the sum of one dollar to be paid by my Daughter Sarah Jones in one year after my Deceace. 'Item — 4thly I Also leave and bequeath unto my son John Lincoln six pounds annually of Interest Drawn from a bond I have on my son Benjamin Lincoln Until said bond becomes Due from and after my Deceace. "Item — 5th I leave and bequeath unto Mary Lincoln wife of my son John the Residue of Interest on said Bond untill it becomes due after such monies is taken out of said Bond as shall appear a legal Compensation for the services of my Executors During their Executorship and the Interest of the Residue to be aplyed for the use and support of her five youngest children twt John, Nancy, laferty, paterson & abby, and the aforesaid bond I 106 LINCOLN GENEALOGY require to be put in the hands of my Executors and when it becomes due I devise the One third part of said bond unto my son John Lincoln to be paid to him in the space of one year after said bond becomes due. Also I devise the third part of said Bond unto Mary Lincoln wife of my son John to be paid in maner and form aforesaid. I also devise and bequeath the Residue or other third part of said bond unto the five youngest children of my son John Lincoln whose names are heretofore recited or the surviving part of them when they arrive to age and in case of the death of any of them to be Equally divided amongst the Survivors to be paid in maner and form as aforesaid. 'Item 6th — I leave and bequeath unto my daughter Nancy Giger one dollar to be paid by my daughter Sarah Jones in addition to what I have heretofore paid to my daughter Nancy to be paid to her after my decease. ''Item 7th — I also devise and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Jones all the uses and profits of the tract of land she now lives upon, to be held and enjoyed by her for eight years from and after this date, but if myself and my wife Mary should live until after the expiration of eight years in such case my daughter Sarah Jones is to enjoy all the profits and benefits of said tract until our decease, and at my and my wife's decease my daughter Sarah is to be at the expense of our interment and all other expenses to carry this will into execution and at my decease I also leave to my daughter Sarah all the movable property I may be possessed [of] at my death. "Item 8th — I also leave and bequeath unto my grandson William Jones all the above tract of land to take into possession at the expiration of the term granted to my daughter Sarah Jones, or after my decease to be held and enjoyed by him, his heirs and assigns forever, his paying out thereof unto, my grand- son John Jones the sum of one hundred pounds when the said John arrives at the age of twenty-two years. "I now hereby constitute William Swearington my executor of all this my will and testament revoking all will or wills hereto- fore by me made, in testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this Twenty-second day of February, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eleven. "Mordecai Lincoln (seal)" FOURTH GENERATION 107 ''Signed, sealed in the presence of us — ''Samuel McClean ''Samuel Smith." It is said that Mr. Lincoln kept a store in early life and, during the Revolutionary war was connected with the commissary or quartermaster department of the army. He was evidently an innkeeper at Fredericktown, and perhaps continued in that business at Uniontown. He married, in 1755, in Berks county, Mary Webb (or Ward?), whose parentage and birth have not been learned. She was possi- bly daughter of John and Mary (Boone) Webb, see ''The Ances- try of Abraham Lincoln," p. 101, but some think her name was Ward not Webb. She died March, 1814, at North Union, Pa., aged 81 years, after being an invalid for the last thirty years of her life, and was buried by the side of her husband on the farm at North Union. (The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln, p. 74; N. E. Hist. & Gen. Register, vol. xli, p. 156; The Lincolns of Fayette County, passim; Old Account Book of Mordecai Lincoln.) Mr. Lincoln disposed of a part of his land at North Union before his death, selhng 170^ acres to his son Benjamin, Oct. 3, 1809, for £400 and 90^4 acres to his son Thomas, Feb.'5, 1811, for £200. The remainder of the tract he left by will to his grand- son, William Jones, whose descendants still own it. Mordecai and his wife Mary had, however, conveyed to their daughter, Sarah Jones, eighty-eight acres of "Discord," Oct. 3, 1809, for a consideration of £200. (Fayette County Deeds, Book F, p. 314; Book H, pp. 244, 274.) The gravestones of Mordecai Lincoln and his wife at North Union, are inscribed as follows : "Mordica Lincoln Sr t Died t March A. D. 1812 J Aged 82 Years" "Mary t Wife of J Mordica Lincoln t Died t March A. D. 1814 t Aged 81 years." In the same yard are the graves of their daughter Sarah and i her husband John Jones, and their granddaughter, Mary (Jones) Butler, the stones being inscribed thus : "John Jones % Died t May A. D. 1802 | Aged 46 Years." 108 LINCOLN GENEALOGY ''Sarah t Wife of J John Jones Died t Jan. 25th 1838 J Aged 78 Years & 11 Mos." "Sacred t to the } Memory of Mary t Butler Consort oft Joseph Butler who J departed this life July 30th 1830 t Aged 43 years 8 months & 5 days t Free daughter of affliction she t Inured to Pain and Misery J Mourned a long night of grief and fear J A legal night of forty three year J In sure and steadfast hope to rise J And claim a mansion in the skies J A christian here her flesh laid down J The Cross exchanging for a Crown" Children, born in Berks county, Pa. : adaga. Benjamin, born Oct. 29, 1756. adagb. John, born March 28, 1758, but Ritenour's pamphlet says Oct. 25. adage. Nancy, bom Nov. 22, 1759; died at Uniontown and was buried on her father's farm but no stone marks her grave. She is sometimes called "Ann," but her father's will calls her Nancy. Her birth is given by Mr. Ritenour as Nov. 22, 1769, but all other authorities, including her father's old account book, which notes the births of all the children, say 1759. She married, probably in Berks county, Jacob Giger, and she and her husband accompanied her father to Fayette county. They are said to have removed to Ohio, near Chillicothe. Children: a. John. b. Henry. c. William. d. Lewis. e. Charles. /. Thomas. g. Polly. h. Sarah, mar. Samuel Shull about 1810. A son Henry-Giger ShuU died April, 1889, at Gallon, O., leaving a son, M. L. Shull, who was hving a few years ago at Longmont, Colo., a justice of the peace. adagd. Hannah, born Dec. 31, 1761; died young, in Berks county. Mr. Lea in "The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln," p. 74, states that he beUeves "this child (Hannah) represents the mysterious Hannaniah whom we find in Kentucky in May, 1785, assisting Abraham Lincoln and his son Josiah in the survey of his farm in Jefferson County." Further investigation by Mr. Henry-Philip Lincoln, adahf daa, leaves Uttle doubt that Hannaniah was the eldest son of Thomas Lincoln, adah, which confirms the claim of Dr. H. E. Robinson as stated in a note on page 75 of the said "Ancestry." adage. Sarah, born Feb. 25, 1767; died Jan. 25, 1838, at Uniontown; married in Berks county, Pa., John Jones of Berks county, who was born in Wales in 1756, and died May, 1802, at Uniontown, aged 46 years. They accom- panied her father to Fayette county, John Jones being one of the wit- nesses to the deed of May 17, 1794, by which Mr. Lincoln disposed of his Fredericktown property. Mr. Jones lived in North Union on the tract where are now the Youngstown Coke Works. Children, born: a, b in Berks county; c-e at North Union: a. Mary, born Nov. 25, 1787; mar. Joseph Butler. I FOURTH GENERATION 109 h. William, born Jan. 5, 1789; died Apr. 21, 1872, unmarried. c. Eleanor, born Nov. 25, 1792; mar. Isaac Patterson. d. Nancy, born June 25, 1796; mar. Daniel Canon. e. John, born Oct. 8, 1802; mar. Jane VanHorn. Mordecai Lincoln is said by tradition to have had another daughter, whose name is thought to have been Deborah, who died in Berks county, young and unmarried. This may refer to Mordecai's little sister, Deborah, who died at AUentown, N. J. See adab. The dates of birth of Mordecai's children are taken from the ''Family Book" previously referred to. Only five children are named, and a grandson, Thomas. adah. Thomas, son of Mordecai {Mordecai, Samuel) and Mary (Robeson) Lincoln of Amity, Pa., born about 1732, probably at Amity; died 1775, probably in the month of May as administration on his estate was granted, June 16, 1775, to his mother, Mary Rogers, his widow renouncing. A deed of his brother Mordecai, dated March 29, 1773, which mentions ^'land of the late Thomas Lincoln, but now Michael Zeister's" makes it appear that he was dead at that time, but an indenture of ''Mary Rogers administratrix of all and singular the goods and chattel rights and credits which were of Thomas Lincoln late of the town of Reading in the county of Berks, yeoman, deceased, at the time of his death, who died intestate" makes the following statement, by which it, clearly appears that he was living a year later: ''whereas the said Mary Rogers by Indenture dated May 4th 1774, did grant etc. to Thomas Lincoln (in his life time)." Mordecai's deed should probably read "land late of Thomas Lincoln" and was perhaps wrongly copied into the records. Thomas inherited from his father one third of the latter's lands in Amity or some- thing over three hundred acres. This tract Thomas and his wife Ehzabeth sold, Nov. 4, 1760, to Michael Zeister. (Reading Deeds, Bk. 2, f. 175.) He had probably removed before that date to Reading, Pa., as he was taxed in Reading in 1759. He was elected sheriff of Berks county, Oct. 2, 1758, being the third to hold that office, but he does not appear to have been re-elected. According to "The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln" he was in 1758 representative for Berks county in the Pennsylvania General Assembly, but this has not been confirmed. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Mary Davis, born Sept. 1, 1729. She survived her husband, but the date of 110 LINCOLN GENEALOGY her death has not been learned. (Memorials of the Walkers, p. 101. The will of Mary Davis, widow, dated Apr. 1, 1763, names her ''daughter Elizabeth Lincoln.") Thomas Lincoln's mother, Mary Rogers, as his administratrix, in a petition in Orphans' Court, June 10, 1775, recites, that all his children were minors and seized of messuage and lands in Exeter ''adjoining lands of Mordecai Lincoln" their uncle. (The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 75, 183-4; Abraham Lincoln, An American Migra- tion, pp. 72-80.) Children, born: a, h probably at Exeter; c-g at Reading: adaha. Hannaniah. adahb. Thomas, born November, 1758. adahc. Mishal, born Nov. 9, 1761. adahd. Sarah, married Joshua Davis. They lived at Lost Creek settlement, Juniata county, Pa., near what is now McAUisterville. A granddaughter, Mrs. Mary S. Adams, is said to have been living in 1896, at Newport, Perry county, Pa. Children : a. Nancy, mar. John Haugh-a-wont. h. Elijah. c. Hannaniah. d. Elizabeth, mar. a Mr, Nelson. e. Mary, mar. a Mr. Green. /. Susan, mar. WilHam Sharon. g. James. h. Lincoln. His descendants are said to be living at Lima, Ohio. i. Sarah, mar. Samuel Sharon.* adahe. Mary. Nothing is known of her. adahf. Joseph, born about 1770. adahg. Elizabeth. Nothing is known of her. adai. Abraham, son of Mordecai {Mordecai, Samuel) and Mary (Robeson) Lincoln of Amity, Pa., born Oct. 18, 1736, at Exeter, Pa. (Monday at 7 p. m.); died Jan. 31, 1806, at Exeter (Friday at 7.15 a. m.). The somewhat full information of this family has been obtained, largely, from the old ''Account Book" of Abraham Lincoln, first kept by him and continued by later members of the family. It was recently, and perhaps is ;j now, in the possession of Harrison-Gilbert Lincoln, adaii be, but it was copied some years ago by Henry-Philip Lincoln, adahd daa, who distributed blue prints of it to members of the family. *William and Samuel Sharon were brothers, sons of Samuel Sharon of Fayette township. Samuel was born Feb. 23, 1785, and died about 18G2. William was born March 2, 1792. His son, William W. , was living, 1886, at McAUisterville as was Mrs. Mary S. Adams. FOURTH GENERATION 111 Mr. Lincoln inherited from his father one third, or about three hundred acres, of the Amity farm and probably lived there all his life. He ran a sawmill, which stood on the race running through his land and his brother Mordecai's, as early as 1758 and con- tinued to do so until into the seventies. He became a man of considerable importance, being elected county commissioner in October, 1772, in which office he continued until 1779. In 1771 he was supervisor of roads and appears as sub-lieutenant in Berks county, March 21, 1777. From 1782 to 1785 he was repre- sentative in the General Assembly and served on the important committee of grievances. He was a member of the State conven- tion of 1787 and of the constitutional convention of 1789-90. After the close of the Revolution he was selected to make the address to Washington at Philadelphia. ' He married, July 10, 1760, at Exeter, Anne^, daughter of James^ {George^) and Mary (Foulke) Boone of Oley, Pa., born Apr. 3, 1737, 0. S., at Oley (Sunday, 5 p.m.); died Apr. 4, 1807, at Exeter (Saturday, 2.10 p. m.). She and her husband are buried at Exeter. Her marriage was ''out of meeting," for which ''disorderly act" she was disciplined by Exeter Monthly Meeting and she acknowl- edged her error Aug. 27, 1761. Anne Boone was own cousin of Daniel Boone, the Kentucky pioneer. Her father and her uncle John Boone were the only surviving members of the Boone family who remained in Pennsylvania. (The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 75-6, 102-3, 174-6; Abraham Lincoln, An American Migration, pp. 80-99.) By the census of 1790 Abraham had in his family three free white males sixteen years old and upwards; two under sixteen; and five free white females. This accounts for himself and wife, four sons and four daughters, showing that one of his daughters, besides Rachel, had died before 1790 or else was married and I had left home. The natural supposition is that Anna had died before the birth of her sister Ann, in spite of family tradition. Both Abraham and his wife died intestate and administration was granted to their sons Mordecai and Thomas, on the estate of the former, Feb. 17, 1806, and on that of the latter, Feb. 25, 1808. (Berks County Wills, with Hist. Society of Penn.) For a more extended sketch of Abraham see Penn. Magazine, vol. xi, pp. 220-1. I oni 112 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Children, born at Exeter: adaia. Mary, born Sept. 15, 1761 (Tuesday, 10 p. m.); probably never married, but nothing definite has been learned of her. adaib. Martha, born Jan. 25, 1763 (Tuesday, 10 a. m.); died unmarried. adaic. Mordecai, born Jan. 11, 1765 (Friday, 7.15 a. m.). adaid. James, born May 5, 1767 (Tuesday, 10 a. m.). adaie. Anna, born Apr. 19, 1769 (Wednesday, 7 a. m.); died before 1790, un- married. It has been generally assumed that as she had a sister named "Ann" she must have died young, but members of the family say she lived to maturity but never married. adaif. Rachel, born March 24, 1771 (Sunday, 6.19 a. m.); died July 19, 1775 (Wednesday, 1.50 p. m.). adaig. Phebe, born Jan. 22, 1773 (Friday, 8.05 p. m.); died June 12, 1852; married (1), 1792, David^, son of Caleb^ (David^) and Hannah (Samuels) Jones of PaoH, Pa., born May 26, 1766, at PaoH. She married (2) Hugh Service. David Jones's sister Elizabeth married Phebe's brother James, and administration on the estate of Caleb Jones of Carnarvon, Pa., was granted Feb. 1, 1809, to John Morgan, James Lincoln and James Good, his sons-in-law. (Berks County Wills, Abstracts with Hist. Soc. of Penn. ; Genealogy of David Jones, pp. 87-100.) Children, by first husband: a. Thomas-Lincoln Jones, born Jan., 1793; mar. Sarah Graham. h. Hannah Jones, born June 8, 1794; mar. Jesse Lincoln, adagh d. c. Ann Jones, born Feb. 27, 1796; mar. Thomas Gabriel. d. Martha Jones, born Apr, 27, 1798; mar. Archibald Piersol. e. Samuel Jones, born July 18, 1800; died Nov. 1, 1859, unmarried. /. Elizabeth Jones, born Jan. 10, 1803; mar. John Kimber. g. Phebe Jones, born Apr. 20, 1805; mar. Emmor Kimber. adaih. Ann, born Oct. 19, 1774 (Wednesday, 11.25 a. m.); died Nov. 9, 1824, at Reading, Pa.; married (1) a Mr. Glasgow of whom nothing has been learned and by whom she probably had no children. She married (2), Nov. 22, 1807, George-Michael Probst of Reading, born 1771; died Aug. \\ 28, 1826, at Reading, aged 55 years. She was his second wife. He lived at Reading and was at first a cabinet-maker but, later, was a brewer. By his first wife Mr. Probst had a son George, born Sept. 1798; died March, 1829, aged 30 yrs. 6 mos. 15 days. (Family Records and Bible.) Children, by second husband, born at Reading : a. Elizabeth Probst, born Oct. 1, 1808; died Aug. 22, 1865, un- married. h. Catharine Probst, born Oct. 22, 1810; mar. Benjamin Stahle. c. William Probst, born May 4, 1812; mar. Eliza Fisher. adaii. Thomas, born March 12, 1777 (Wednesday, 2.10 a. m.). adaij. John, born Oct. 21, 1779 (Thursday, 3.10 a. m.); died Apr. 4, 1864, atj Exeter, unmarried. He lived with his nephew, John-DeHaven Lincoln, adaii h. adba. Abraham, son of Abraham {Mordecai, Samuel) and Rebecca Lincoln of Springfiield, Pa., born in Monmouth county,] New Jersey; died, probably at Philadelphia, Pa., after Sept. 14, 1747, when he acknowledged a mortgage deed, given by. FOURTH GENERATION 113 himself and his brother Jacob and wife Anne, by which they conveyed title to land in Springfield township, ''which Abraham Lincoln y^ farther of y^ s^ Abraham and Jacob Parties hereto by his Last Will and Testament of the 15th Day of April 1745 Devised unto this s^ son Jacob in ffee." In this document Abraham is described as *'of the City of Philadelphia, Cord- wainer," in which terms he is also described in a deed dated May 1, 1744, by which he purchased a piece of ground on the north side of Jones' alley in Philadelphia, measuring thirty-three feet, seven inches front by thirty feet depth, on which he agreed, ''within the space of two years next ensuing the date hereof," to erect ''one good tenantable dwelling house of brick or stone, two stories high above ground with a cellar under the same." It is probable that he was married at about this time and intended this house for his own residence. He made his will Feb. 17, 1747, and probably died that year or the next. The will itself has dis- appeared from the Philadelphia registry but is referred to in a Deed, dated Apr. 13, 1772, given by his son-in-law James Carter and Rebecca his wife, by which they convey land in Springfield township. This Deed recites the title from Robert Taylor down to Abraham Lincoln, Sr., and that part of the will of the latter which gives a part of the land to his son John, with the proviso that if John died in his minority the land should go to his brother Abraham, which was the case. The Deed further recites that Abraham Lincoln, Jr., made his will in which he says: "Item, I give my soul into [sic] Almighty God and my body to be De- cently Buried and after my Just Debts and Funeral Expences be Paid then it is my Will and Desire that my Plantation be Equally Devided between my two Children when they Come to age Rebecca Lincon and Hester Lincon . . . as by the Same Will remaining in the register General's Office at Philadelphia Dated February the seventeenth One Thousand Seven Hundred and forty Seven, Recourse being thereunto had may appear." (Abraham Lincoln, An American Migration, pp. 57-62; The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 67, 179-80; Chester County Deeds, vol. x, p. 114.) Just one year after his purchase of the estate on Jones' alley Abraham sold one half of it to his brother Isaac, with the proviso that the well and necessary house should be used by both parties. 8 114 LINCOLN GENEALOGY In this deed he was joined by his wife Esther, who made her mark. (Philadelphia Deeds, Bk. A. M. 39, p. 234.) The date of Abraham's marriage has not been learned, but that his wife was Esther Hilton, sister of Elizabeth Hilton who married Joseph Rush as his second wife, his first wife having been Abraham's sister Rebecca, is evident from her will as will appear later. ''The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln," p. 67, too hastily assumes that her name was Anne and that she had three children, because the baptismal register of Kingsessing Swedes' Church, Philadelphia, says that "Anna Linckhorn born 8 August, bapt. 23 September 1753, was daughter of Abram and Ann Linckhorn," overlooking the fact that all the evidence goes to prove that ''Abram" is a clerical error for Jacob. Mrs. Esther Lincoln married (2), by license issued at Phila- delphia, Feb. 2, 1748-9, Patrick Tommins (Tonin or Truin) who died before her and by whom she probably had no children. (Penn. Magazine of Hist. & Biog., vol. xxxii, p. 486.) Her will, dated Aug. 16, 1799, calls her Hester Tommins of Philadelphia, widow, and names: "sister Elizabeth Rush, son in law and executor James Carter; granddaughters Hester Parry and Elizabeth Carter"; also ^^Mary Alerton" and ''Rebecca Lincon." (From Abstracts of Wills with the Hist. Society of Penn.) Children, born at Philadelphia: adbaa. Rebecca, born probably about 1745, and died between Apr. 13, 1772, when she gave a deed with her husband of land in Springfield inherited from her father, and July 22, 1793, the date of her husband's will. She married, March 7, 1763, Ucensed Feb. 15, at First Baptist Church, Philadel- phia, James Carter, who died in August, 1795. His will, dated July 22, 1793, proved Aug. 15, 1795; calls him of Abington, gentleman, and names : eldest daughter Hester, wife of Roland Parry, younger daughter Elizabeth Carter, sister Sarah Ferrill, grandson' Carter Parry, and brother WilHam. (Philadelphia Registry, Bk. X, f . 313; The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 67, 169, 171.) Children: a. Hester, mar. Roland Parry. b. Elizabeth, mar. Ebenezer Hockling, Feb. 1, 1796, at First Baptist Church, Philadelphia. The date seems to show that the date ascribed to Mrs. Tommins's will must be the date of its probate and not of its making. adbab. Hester, died before 1772, probably unmarried and certainly with- out children. adbb. Isaac, son of Abraham {Mordecai, Samuel) and Rebecca Lincoln of Springfield, Pa., born in Monmouth county, • FOURTH GENERATION 115 New Jersey; died between Aug. 7, 1759, and July 7, 1772, probably at Philadelphia. The first mention that has been found of him is on May 1, 1745, when his brother Abraham conveyed to him a part of his estate on Jones' Alley, Philadelphia, describing him as **a carpenter of Philadelphia." This estate he and his wife Mary sold Feb. 23, 1747, and he was then described as a ''house carpenter." He inherited from his father a piece of real estate on Elbow Lane in Philadelphia, conditional upon the continued absence of his brother, Mordecai, for seven years after the death of his father, which occurred in April, 1745. Mordecai did not return to Pennsylvania, and Feb. 14, 1754, Isaac and his wife conveyed this estate to George Westcott, being still described as ''of Philadelphia, carpenter." A few years later he seems to have removed to the "Northern Liberties" and to have had financial reverses, as in the Pennsylvania Gazette of March 16, 1758, sheriff James Coultas advertised for "sale by publick Vendue, a commodious Brick Messuage or Tenement, with a Kitchen and Piazza and lot of Ground, situate in the Northern Liberties, containing at front on Street 20 Feet and in Depth 84 Feet, subject to a Ground-rent of Forty ShilHngs per annum; late the Estate of Isaac Lincoln, seized and taken in Execution." The next year, Aug. 7, 1759, he and his wife Mary, "of Philadelphia, carpenter," conveyed to Joseph Wharton of Wicaco, an estate on Cedar street, Philadelphia. (Philadelphia Deeds, vols. A. M. 39, p. 234; G. 9, p. 182; A. M. 60, p. 607; J. 9, p. 408.) He married, Dec. 31, 1746, at Philadelphia (Records of Christ Church), Mary Shute, whose parentage, birth and death have not been learned. It is supposed that they had no children as no evidence of any has been found. Mrs. Lincoln married (2), July 2, 1772, at Arch Street Meeting, Philadelphia, Ebenezer Robinson, a bricklayer of Philadelphia. She was evidently a Quaker and among the witnesses to the marriage were Mary, Thomas and Rebecca Shute, who were probably brother and sisters of Mrs. Lincoln, and Sarah and Samuel Pastorius, sister and brother-in-law of Isaac Lincoln. (Records of Arch Street Meeting; see also The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 67, 172-3; Abraham Lincoln, An American Migration, pp. 62-5.) 116 LINCOLN GENEALOGY adbc. Jacob, son of Abraham {Mordecai, Samuel) and Rebecca Lincoln of Springfield, Pa., born 1725, in Monmouth county, New Jersey; died June 5, 1769, at Kingsessing, now a part of Philadelphia, Pa., aged 44 years. He lived at Kingsessing and was a scythe maker, being so described in the deed mentioned under his brother, Abraham, by which he and his wife Anne, with his brother Abraham, mortgaged the farm in Springfield township which he had inherited from his father, the date of the deed being Sept. 14, 1747. Jacob Lincoln died intestate and his widow, Ann, renounced administration in favor of Philip Price, July 1,1769. (PhiladelphiaRegistry, vol. H, p. 63.) Philip Price of Kingsessing, in his account book dated 12-15, 1787, mentions Rebecca Linkhorn and her sister Ann Bowman and frequently mentions Jacob Linkhorn, these being children of Jacob, Senior. (Records of Gilbert Cope, Westchester, Pa.) He married, June, 1747, at Old Swedes Church, Kingsessing, Anne^, daughter of Mounce^ {Gaumer^, Peter^) and Catharine (Boon) Rambo of Kingsessing, born 1728; died Feb. 8, 1819, at Kingsessing, aged 91 years.* Jacob and Anne Lincoln are both buried in the burying ground at the Old Swedes Church, their gravestones being thus inscribed: *'In J memory of J Jacob Lincoln % who departed this life J June 5th 1769 J Aged 44 years." "In J Memory of { Ann Lincoln J who departed this life t February 8th 1819 J Aged 91 years t wife of Jacob Lincoln." Mounce (Swedish for Moses) Rambo in his will, dated Apr. 5, 1760, says: "I give to my daughter Ann the wife of Jacob Linn- con the sum Twenty Pounds of Lawful Money of Pennsylv^. Item. I give to my Grandson Abraham Lincon y^ sum of Twenty Pounds Money afs^, to be paid to him when he attains to y^ age of Twenty one Years, but in Case he should Die in his Minority unmarried and without Issue Then I give the same Twenty to be divided Equally to & amongst the other Children of my Daughter Ann Lincon that shall be Born at y^ Time of my decease." Katharine Rambo of Kingsessing, widow of Mounce, in her Will dated March 23, 1761, mentions her daughter Ann but not ♦Mounce Rambo's father, Gaumer Rambo, married Anna, daughter of Peter Koch and died in 1723. His father Peter Rambo was born 1609 in Sweden and died in 1698 in Pennsylvania. His father was named Gaumer. Catharine Boon was daughter of Swan Boon and Brigitta Swanson, who was daughter of Swan Swanson and Catharine his wife. (Records of Joseph H. Paschall, Chester Heights, Pa.) 1 FOURTH GENERATION 117 her last name or anything about her children. (Records of Gil- bert Cope, Westchester, Pa.) Jacob and Anne Lincoln had eight children, the baptisms of six of them being recorded at the Old Swedes Church, though Anna is erroneously called the daughter of Abram and Ann. The following entry from Orphans' Court of Philadelphia, Docket No. 27, pp. 479, 500, proves their other two children, Abraham and Moses : The petition of Abraham, EHzabeth and Mary Lin- coln, dated March 28, 1821, says they are children of Abraham eldest son of Jacob, that Ann widow of Jacob was then deceased, and that the issue of Jacob and Ann were six children to wit: Abraham, Moses, Rebecca (now Rebecca Bravard widow), Mary (now wife of Benj. Evans), and Jacob. It will be noticed that only five children are named in the docket; John and Catharine were dead and perhaps Anna also. June 10, 1754, Jacob Lincoln of Kingsessing, scythemaker, and Ann his wife conveyed 4 acres and 28 perches of land in Kingsessing on the road from Darby to Philadelphia, to John Towers, being part of the land conveyed to said Jacob, March 11, 1752, by Robert Barnard. (Philadelphia Registry, vol. I, 10, p. 126.) Jacob Lincoln was constable in Lower Darby in 1749. Children, born at Kingsessing: adbca. Abraham, born about 1749. adhcb. Catarina, born June 16, bapt. June 30, 1751; died Feb. 13, 1757, aged 5 years. (Old Swedes Church Records.) adbcc. Anna, born Aug. 8, bapt. Sept. 23, 1753; died probably before 1821, and certainly before Sept. 3, 1832, the date of her sister Rebecca's will. She married, before 1787, a Mr. Bowman or Boughman and is the Ann Bowman, sister of Rebecca Lincoln, mentioned by Philip Price in his Account Book. Two of her children are named in her sister Rebecca's will, and the following inscription on a gravestone in Old Swedes Cemetery, Kingsessing, may refer to a third: " In t Memory of J Isaac Boughman t who died March 24th 1 1813 t in the 30th year of his t age." Children: a. Peter. b. Ann, mar. a Mr. Culin. jadhcd. John, born Feb. 1, bapt. March 28, 1756; died Dec. 27, 1756, aged 11 months. (Old Swedes Church Records.) adbce. Rebecca, born Dec. 11, 1757, bapt. March 27, 1758; died, probably in May, 1834, at Philadelphia, her will being proved May 14, 1834. She married, May 16, 1801, in the Third Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia, Ebenezer Bravard, whose parentage and birth have not been learned, but ^ who died before March 28, 1821, when Rebecca is described as "widow." \ They probably had no children, certainly none survived her. Her will, \ 118 LINCOLN GENEALOGY dated Sept. 3, 1832, proved May 14, 1834, names: "nephews George Lincoln and Michael Lincoln, sons of my brother Moses"; "sister in law Ehzabeth Lincoln the widow of my deceased brother Abraham"; "Bro- ther Moses Lincoln"; "sister Mary Evans"; "Nephew Joseph Evans son of my sister Mary"; "nephew Peter Bowman and niece Ann Cuhn, children of my deceased sister Ann Boughman"; "Nephews John, Israel and WiUiam Lincoln, sons of my deceased brother Jacob"; "Ann and Sarah Lincoln daughters of my deceased nephew John Lincoln, and I appoint their grandmother Elizabeth Lincoln their guardian during their minority"; "Mary, Samuel and Elizabeth Lincoln, children of my de- ceased nephew Jacob Lincoln, and I appoint their grandfather Benjamin Tage [?] their guardian during their minority " ; " niece Rebecca Carpenter daughter of my deceased brother Abraham"; "Ehzabeth Danhoward, widow of George Danhoward, Katharine Koon and Ehza Wharton, formerly Ehza Moore" (these three probably friends not relatives); "residue to my nephews and nieces, name ly : — Isaac, Abraham, Mary and Sarah Lincoln and Ann Paschall, children of my deceased brother Abra- ham; Jacob, George and Michael Lincoln, children of my brother Moses; Joseph, Peter and Nathan Evans, Mary Garey and Ann Bond, children of my sister Mary Evans; Ann Culin, daughter of my deceased sister Ann Bowman; and Mary Davis, daughter of my deceased brother Ja- cob." Executors James Stewart, grocer, Wilham Nassau, tobacconist, and William Dalzell, all of Philadelphia. Nassau dechned to serve. (Phila. Registry of Wills, vol. 11, p. 198.) adbcf. Moses, born about 1759. adbcg. Mary, born Aug. 17, bapt. Oct. 2, 1763; died after Sept. 3, 1832, the date of her sister Rebecca's will; married, July 6, 1786, at Philadelphia (Lincoln Magazine, vol. i, p. 55), Benjamin Evans, born 1751; died July 13, 1834, at Ridley, Chester county. Pa. He was a farmer. They lived at Ridley. He was a minuteman during the Revolution and served under Washington in 1780. (Penn. Archives, Ser. v, vol. v.) Children, born : a, d, f, g in Chester co. ; h at Harrisburg; c, e in Delaware CO., Pa.: a. Joseph, born May 27, 1787; mar. Mary Aflick. b. Mary, born Nov. 10, 1790; mar. Alexander Geary. c. Ann-Lincoln, born Jan. 22, 1793; mar. Amos Bond. d. Benjamin, born Jan. 26, 1795; died before Sept. 3, 1832, un- married. e. Nathan, born Apr. 25, 1797; mar. Emily Worrell. /. Peter, born Apr. 23, 1799; mar. Mary Davis. g. Jacob, born Nov. 7, 1802; died young. adbch. Jacob, born Apr. 1, bapt. May 15, 1766. adbf. Mordecai, son of Abraham (Mordecai, Samuel) and Rebecca Lincoln of Springfield, Pa., born May, 1734, bapt. Aug. 3, 1735, at Christ Church, Philadelphia, Pa., aged 15 months (Records of Christ Church) ; died Nov. 30, 1772, at Middletown Upper Houses, now Cromwell, Connecticut, aged 38 years. (Gravestone.) He was baptized again at Middletown Upper FOURTH GENERATION 119 Houses, privately on account of illness, Oct. 13, 1771. (Cromwell Church Records.) When his father made his will in 1745, he was absent from Pennsylvania and had not returned on the fourteenth of February, 1754, on which date his brother Isaac conveyed the real estate on Elbow Lane, Philadelphia, which had been bequeathed to Mordecai by his father, conditional upon his return to Pennsylvania within seven years of his father's |i decease, which occurred the last of April, 1745. Isaac's convey- ance states 'Hhe said Mordecai did not return into the said Province within the term aforesaid limited nor at any time since So that the estate in the premises is vested in the said Isaac Lincon." (Abraham Lincoln, An American Migration, p. 64.) Mordecai's fate was long unknown, but there can be no doubt that he went to his relatives in Massachusetts, settled first at Taunton and removed after his marriage, probably about 1765, to Middletown Upper Houses. The age on the gravestone of that Mordecai corresponds exactly with that of Abraham's son, and there is no other Mordecai yet found, to whom it could apply. It furnishes additional evidence of the Massachusetts origin of the two brothers, Mordecai and Abraham Lincoln. We know from his marriage record that he was living at Taunton in 1758, but his occupation while there has not been learned. He was living at Middletown Upper Houses Feb. 24, 1765, as his oldest child was baptized there on that date and, on Nov. 27, 1766, he purchased of Reuben Plum of Middletown and Mary his wife "for seventy five dollars lawful money . . . land on the west side of the Great River in said Middletown in the North Parish, at a Place Called the Pines, Containing about Thirty acres . . . bounded . . . Easterly on a Lamas Highway or on Land belonging to John Gipson, WilKam Strick- land and Elijah Miller, Westerly on Land belonging to the Heirs of Edward Shepard Dec^, Northerly on Weathersfield Line or Bounds, Southerly on a Highway." (Middletown Land Records, vol. xxi, p. 13.) In this deed he is described as ''now . )f Middletown." He married, Nov. 30, 1758, at Scituate, Mass., Abiah^, daugh- er of John^ (Nathaniel, Samuel^) and Abiah (Waterman) Eels )f Scituate, born about 1737, at Scituate; died May 15, 1817, it Middletown Upper Houses, aged 80 years. Neither her 120 LINCOLN GENEALOGY birth nor baptism is included among those of the other children of John Eels in Scituate records, but that she was his daughter is proved by a deed recorded in the Plymouth County Registry of Deeds, vol. liii, f. 2G, by which: ''Oct. 30, 1760, Mordecai Lincoln of Taunton, labourer, and Abiah his wife conveyed to Nehemiah Porter of Scituate one ninth of eighteen acres, set off to the heirs of John Eels of Scituate deceased, in the division of the real estate of Rev. Nathaniel Eels." From this it appears that John Eels left nine heirs. The baptisms of eight children are recorded as follows: Waterman, 1732; Hannah, 1734; John, 1738; Lusanna, 1742; Sarah, 1743; Lenthall, 1745; Joseph, 1747; Abigail, 1750. Abiah, born in 1736 or '37, was apparently baptized, for some reason, elsewhere than at Scituate. It could not have been the widow who married Mordecai, as she would have inherited one third of the real estate of her husband. Abiah married (2), May 8, 1777, at Middletown, Daniel, son of William and Sarah (Savage) Savage of Middletown, born Oct. 11, 1742, at Middletown and died there Jan. 17, 1812. His first wife was Martha Norton, whom he married Sept. 8, 1774, and by whom he had no children. She died Feb. 28, 1776, at Middletown. Abiah had two children by her second husband: Daniel, born July 26, 1778; and Abiah, born Aug. 11, 1780. Mordecai Lincoln, his wife Abiah and her second husband, Daniel Savage, are all buried in the old cemetery at Cromwell. Their gravestones read as follows: ''In Memory of J M'^ Mordica Linkton J who Departed this t Life Nov' 30'^ J AD 1772 J in the 39'^ Year J of his Age." "In J Memory of t Abiah Savage J wife of J Daniel Savage t who died May 15 1817 J ae 80." "In Memory of J Daniel Savage J who departed this life t Jan 17'^ 1812 J in the 70'^ year J of his age." The will of Mordecai Lincoln, dated Oct. 11, 1771, probated Jan. 6, 1772, describes him as of Middletown and names: wife Abiah; sons William and Joseph- Waterman; daughter Hannah; and makes his wife executrix. The inventory of his estate shows £75 real; £59:15:5 personal. (Middletown Probate Records, vol. iii, p. 39.) - Children, born at Middletown Upper Houses: adbfa. William, born 1765, bapt. Feb. 24, 1765. I :J FOURTH GENERATION 121 adhfb. Joseph-Waterman, bapt. Nov. 1, 1767; survived his father, but nothing more is known of him. adbfc. Hannah, bapt. Feb. 4, 1770; died Jan. 18, 1774. There may have been others born at Taunton, but no record has been found of them. If any they probably died young. adca. Isaac, son of Isaac (Mordecai, Samuel) and Sarah (Cummings) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Aug. 5, 1717, at Hingham, second precinct; died March 1, 1776, at Cohasset, Mass., where he had passed his whole life. He was a farmer and lived on South Main street, in a house which he built in 1740 a little north of his father's. He was one of the active and public spirited citizens of the second precinct of Hingham and, as he bore the brunt of the work for the separation of the precinct from Hingham, he is sometimes called ''the father of the town." He was for twenty years deacon of the Cohasset church and was often engaged in town affairs. He was constable in 1747, selectman in 1753, and after the separation, from 1770 to 1775. He was first moderator of the town of Cohasset in 1770 and again in 1774 and 1775; town clerk in 1771 and 1772; on the committee of inspection in 1774; and a member of the com- mittee of correspondence in 1775. In 1771 his real estate was assessed for taxation for £297:0:0. He married (1), Dec. 24, 1741, at Hingham, Ruth^, daughter of Lazarus^ (Lazarus^, Jeremiah'^, Joh'n}) and Ruth (Andrews) Beal of Hingham, born March 10, 1722, at Hingham, second precinct; died March 6, 1763, at Hingham. He married (2), Oct. 7, 1764, at Hingham, Mrs. Sarah^ (Ho- bart) Lincoln, daughter of Rev. Nehemiah^ {Davi(P, Peter^, Edmund^) and Lydia (Jacob) Hobart of Hingham, and widow of Francis Lincoln, ahhe. She was born July 2, 1727, at Hingham and died Oct. 11, 1815, at Cohasset. Mr. Lincoln and both his wives, and several of his children, are buried in Central burying ground, Cohasset, where his gravestone erroneously calls him at death "aged 52 years.'' (Hist of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 468; Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 234, 495; History of Cohasset, passim; Cohasset Records.) April 1, 1776, Uriah Lincoln was admitted administrator on estate of Isaac Lincoln, late of Cohasset, deceased, intestate. The estate was appraised at £251:9:8 personal; £1164:10:2 real, June 1, 1776, but it was not until Apr. 14, 1795, that decree was 122 LINCOLN GENEALOGY issued to divide the estate among the heirs, viz., to widow her dower; to eldest son a double share; to rest of the children a single share; and the estate was divided among Sarah Lincoln, widow; Uriah Lincoln, eldest son; James Lincoln, Cummings Lincoln; Sarah, wife of Abraham Lincoln; Ruth, wife of James Jenkins; Abigail, wife of Noah Nichols; Mary, wife of Gideon Jenkins; and Chloe Lincoln. (Suffolk County Probate Records, vols. Ixxv, pp. 106, 152, 155, 221; xciii, pp. 612, 615.) Children, by first wife, born at Hingham, second precinct: adcaa. Isaac, born Oct. 26, 1742; died Feb. 2, 1743-4. adcab. Cummings, born Nov. 27, 1744; died Nov. 22, 1765, unmarried. adcac. Uriah, born Sept. 27, 1746. adcad. James, born June 30, 1748; died Aug. 16, 1748. adcae. Sarah, born Sept. 17, 1749; married Abraham Lincoln, adff. adcaf. James,!, ^ a i7t;i o / died Apr. 16, 1752. adcag. Ruth, j ^^^^ ^^^- ^' ^^^^'^'> \ died Dec. 5,1803, at Scituate; married, Dec. 15, 1774, at Cohasset (Scituate Records), James^, son of James^ (Edward^, Thomas'^, Edward^) and Mary (Vinal) Jenkins of Scituate, born July 3, 1749, at Scituate; died Dec. 20, 1831, at Scituate. His ancestor Edward^ Jenkins, was one of the "Conihasset" partners in 1646, a freeman in 1647, and an early settler at Scituate. (Deane's Hist, of Scituate, p. 294; Scituate Records.) The will of James Jenkins of Scit- uate, yeoman, dated Sept. 20, 1831, probated March 6, 1832, names: daughters Polly, Ruth and Lucy; two sons Cummings and Isaac; and son-in-law Amos Bates. (Plymouth County Probate Records, vol. Ixxii, f. 74.) Children, born at Scituate: a. Polly, born Nov. 5, 1775; mar. Nehemiah Curtis. h. Ruth, born June 15, 1777; died June 16, 1779. c. James, born Sept. 16, 1779; died May 4, 1797. d. Cummings, born May 19, 1782; mar. (1) Rachel Cole; (2) Mrs. Betsy DiU. e. Isaac, born Oct. 19, 1784; Uving 1831. /. Ruth, born Feb. 14, 1788; mar. Amos Bates of Hanover, Mass. g. John, \, ,, , ^ itho / died Nov. 17, 1792. h. Lucy, / ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^' ^^^2; | ^-^^ ^^^ 26, 1792. i. Lucy, born June 11, 1794; mar. Nathaniel Damon of Marshfield, Mass. adcah. Abigail, bapt. Aug. 11, 1754; died Jan. 29, 1846, at Cohasset; mar- ried, Feb. 28, 1776, at Cohasset, Noah^, son of Noah^ {Nathaniel^, Israel^, Thomas^) and Elizabeth (Beal) Nichols of Hingham, abcf, born Jan. 28, 1754, at Hingham, second precinct; died June 30, 1833, at Cohasset. He was a housewright and wheelwright, and lived on North Main street, Cohasset, near King street, in a house that had been his father's. He was a captain in Stevens' battalion of artillery, Dec. 16, 1776; and captain in the second Continental artillery in 1778, and continued in that service until Apr. 3, 1780, when he resigned. (Hist, of Cohasset, pp. 304, 310; Cohasset Genealogies, p. 305.) FOURTH GENERATION 123 Children, born at Cohasset ; a. Susannah, born Dec. 14, 1775. b. Elizabeth, born Apr. 11, 1778. c. Daniel-Burril, born Dec. 23, 1781; mar. Elizabeth Gowan. d. William, born Sept. 28, 1784. e. Isaac, born August, 1787; died July 26, 1790. /. Abigail, born Dec. 15, 1791; mar. Charles Locke of Lexington, Mass. g. Isaac-Lincoln, born Oct. 1, 1794; a soldier in War of 1812. h. Lazarus, born Sept. 15, 1797; died Apr. 13, 1823, unmarried, adcai. Lazarus, born Oct. 3, 1756. adcaj. Mercy, born Nov. 19, 1758; died Dec. 21, 1845, at Scituate; married, Dec. 9, 1776, at Cohasset, Gideon^, son of James^ (Edward^, Thomas^ Edward}) and Mary (Vinal) Jenkins of Scituate and brother of her sister Ruth's husband. He was born Sept. 21, 1753, at Scituate and died there May 27, 1830. (Scituate Records.) Children, born at Scituate: a. Peleg, born Jan. 10, 1779; mar. (1) Mary-Thomas Young; (2) Mrs. Polly (James) Cole. b. Luther, born Dec. 3, 1780; mar. (1) Leah Webb; (2) Mrs. Lucy (Vinal) Colher; (3) Mrs. Mercy-Little (Otis) Curtis. c. Nancy, born March 3, 1783; mar. Davis Jenkins. d. Gideon, born July 28, 1785. e. Mercy, born March 19, 1789; mar. Capt. Nehemiah Manson. /. JosiAH, born Dec. 1, 1791. g. Solon, born Dec. 1, 1793; mar. Hannah-Chandler Cole. h. Shadrach, born Jan. 14, 1796; died 1799. i. Clarissa, born Oct. 29, 1799; mar. Charles Cook. j. Chloe, born March 6, 1802; mar. Thomas Vinal. adcak. James, born Apr. 22, 1761. Children, by second wife, born at Hingham, second precinct: adcal. Chloe, born Aug. 17, 1765; married Jacob Lincoln, adfad. adcam. Cummings, born Oct. 16, 1768; died Apr. 10, 1857, at Cohasset, unmarried. He was a farmer. His gravestone in Central burying ground says he died Apr. 3, 1857. Massachusetts State Records say he died Apr. 2, 1857, aged 88 years, 5 months, 17 days, which corresponds with his birth. adcb. MoRDECAi, son of Isaac {Mordecai, Samuel) and Sarah (Cummings) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass,, born Feb. 9, 1718-19, in the second precinct of Hingham, now Cohasset; died March 29, 1809, at Cohasset. He was buried in Central burying ground, and his gravestone says he died March 29, 1808, aged 91 years. He lived on South Main street, Cohasset, in a house which he built about 1745 and which was taken down in 1826, when the WalKs house was built. He is called a ''farmer, " and in 1749 he was taxed on one half a house, one half acre of 124 LINCOLN GENEALOGY orchard, two acres of tillage, two of mowing, and sixteen of pasture; one horse, three cows and seven sheep. In 1771 his real estate was assessed at £92:8:0 so that his farming must have occupied but a portion of his time, and in 1781 he sold his pasture land at "the S. W. end of the lot of land whereon my Dwelling House stands" to Caleb Lincoln of Scituate, adfg. In this deed his wife is called ''Marget Lincoln." (Suffolk County Deeds, vol. clxi, f. 272.) He married, Nov. 27, 1746, at Scituate (Scituate Records), Margaret Caldwell or Calwell, of whose parentage nothing has been learned. She is called Mary Calwell in the intentions of marriage and Margarett Caldwell in the marriage record. The name is otherwise unknown in the records of Scituate and Hingham. She died March 19, 1801, at Cohasset, aged 72 years according to her gravestone in Central burying ground. This would make her born about 1728. The Church records, however, call her aged ''77 years." Margret, daughter of James and Abigail Colman, was born Oct. 30, 1728, at Scituate. There is no record of her death or marriage and it is barely possible that she is the Margaret Calwell who married Mordecai Lincoln. (Hist, of Cohasset, pp. 245, 275; Cohasset Genealogies, p. 235; Cohasset Records; Scituate Records.) Children, born at Hingham, second precinct: adcha. Peggy, born Feb. 5, 1747-8; died Jan. 2, 1794, at Cohasset; married, Nov. 13, 1774, at Cohasset, John^, son of John^ {John^, John^, John^, George^) Sutton of Scituate, born 1749, bapt. Aug. 20, 1758, at Scituate; died Nov. 3, 1826, at Cohasset, but their gravestones in Central burying ground say that she died Dec. 30, 1793, and that he died Nov. 2, 1826, aged 77 years. He was a "master-mariner" and lived on South Main street, corner of Beechwood street, Cohasset. He served as private in Capt. Job Cushing's Company from May to Aug. 1, 1775. In 1784 he was captain of the " Beckey," a schooner of fifty-four tons built at Scituate, but in 1795, though he was her owner, he no longer sailed her. He was a member of the school committee in 1784. He married (2), Nov. 8, 1795, at Cohasset, Mrs. Alice (Stephenson) Cole, daughter of Luther and Lucy (Beal) Stephenson of Cohasset and widow of Enoch Cole of Scitu- ate, by whom she had two children. She was bapt. Apr. 10, 1768, at Cohasset and died May 29, 1860, at Cohasset. As she had six children by Mr. Sutton, he had finally fourteen children in his family. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 422; Cohasset Records; Scituate Records.) Children, born at Cohasset: a. Tamar-Lincoln, born June 19, 1776; mar. Joel Willcutt. b. John, born Jan. 10, 1778. FOURTH GENERATION 125 c. Betty, born May 21, 1780; died September, 1805, at Boston. d. Andrew, born Apr. 4, 1782. e. Anna, born Dec. 19, 1784; mar. Charles Cunningham of Boston. /. Peggy, born Apr. 26, 1787. adcbh, Isaac, born Oct. 18, 1749; died Oct. 25, 1749. adcbc. Sarah, born Nov. 11, 1750; died Jan. 28, 1750-1. adchd. Nanne, born Nov. 16, 1751; died May 16, 1837, at Cohasset, un- married. adcbe. George, born Feb. 16, 1753; died May 4, 1753. adcbf. Sally, born May 19, 1754; died Nov. 20, 1833, at Cohasset; married (1), June 9, 1778, at Scituate, George^, son of Peter^ (Thomas^, George^, Thomas^, Joh'n}) and Mary (Orcutt) Humphrey of Hingham, second precinct, born Apr. 25, 1753, at Hingham; died before July 13, 1783, the date of baptism of his posthumous child. He was a private in Capt. Job Cushing's Company, which was in service from May to Aug. 1, 1775. He was a mariner and lived at Cohasset. Boston, Aug. 4, 1784, Sally Humphries of Cohasset, widow, was appointed administratrix on the estate of George Humphreys, late of Cohasset, mariner, deceased intestate. (Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. Ixxxiii, p. 812.) She married (2), Sept. 13, 1789, at Cohasset, Peter Humphrey, brother of her first husband, born Oct. 6, 1759, at Hingham; died Nov. 4, 1793, at Cohasset. His first wife was Mary, daughter of Samuel and Mercy (Beal) Bates, whom he married Apr. 3, 1787. George and Peter Hum- phrey are supposed to be descended from Thomas Humphrey of Pema- quid, who was probably son of John and Susan Humphrey who came from England in 1634. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, pp. 360-63; Hist, of Cohasset, p. 287; Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 195-6; Cohasset Records; Scituate Records.) Children by first husband, born at Cohasset: a. George Humphrey, bapt. Sept. 24, 1780. 5. Harriet Humphrey, bapt. July 13, 1783, posthumous; died young. Children by second husband, born at Cohasset : c. Peter Humphrey, \ , . , , o x o i -rr^o d. Harry Humphrey, / *™«' ^apt. Sept. 8, 1793. e. Harriot Humphrey, bapt. Sept. 15, 1793. adchg. Susanna, born Apr. 25, 1755; died Aug. 28, 1755. adchh. Susanna, born Apr. 28, 1756; died Jan. 18, 1842, at Cohasset; mar- ried, Jan. 20, 1778, at Scituate, Ezekiel WalHs or Wallace of Cohasset of whose birth and parentage nothing has been learned. He died about 1784; was a mariner and lived in the house of his wife's father at Co- hasset. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 462.) Children, born at Cohasset: a. MoRDECAi-LiNCOLN, bapt. Aug. 8, 1779; mar. (1) Elldn Bates, abhed b; (2) Maria Bates, abbed e. b. Charlotte, bapt. Oct. 20, 1782; mar. Josiah White. c. Ezekiel, posthumous, bapt. July 4, 1784; mar. Henrietta, Lincoln, adcac h. adcbi. George, born July 25, 1757; died Aug. 7, 1757. adcbj. Tamar, born Apr. 2, 1759. She probably died unmarried. adcbk. MoRDECAi, born Aug. 5, 1760; died 1783, probably at sea. November 13, 1783, Mordecai Lincoln of Cohasset, yeoman, was appointed ad- 126 LINCOLN GENEALOGY ministrator on the estate of his son Mordecai Lincoln, Jun*", late of Cohasset, mariner, deceased intestate. (Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. Ixxxii, p. 831.) adcbl. Mary, born Apr. 25, 1762; died Apr. 4, 1852, at Cohasset, unmarried. adcbm. Lucena, born May 25, 1763; married, Feb. 1, 1781, at Scituate, Francis', son of Josiah^ {Josiah*, Nicholas^, Josiah}, Lawrence^) and Abigail (Studley) Litchfield of Scituate, born Sept. 25, 1760, at Scituate; died there Feb. 27, 1842, aged 81 years. He was a private in the second Plymouth county regiment, his term expiring Jan. 10, 1778; also in Capt. Joseph Cliffs Company in the Rhode Island campaign, which marched July 29, 1778, and was discharged Sept. 13, 1778; also in Capt. William Barker's Company in March, 1781, on service in Rhode Island. (Scituate Records; N. E. Hist. & Gen. Register, vol. ix, p. 210; Early Mass. Marriages, vol. ii, p. 176; Cohasset Genealogies, p. 257; Mass. Soldiers & Sailors in the War of the Rev., vol. ix, p. 861.) Children, born at Scituate: a. George, born July 10, 1780; mar. (1) Polly Damon; (2) Lucy Randall. h. Lewis, born Aug. 16, 1782; mar. (1) Lucy Studley; (2) Mrs. Susan Wall; (3) Mrs. Betsey Stetson. c. Francis, born July, 1789; mar. (1) Eunice Litchfield; (2) So- phia Patten; (3) Mrs. Ruth (Snow) Pratt. d. Lucy-Lincoln, born 1793; mar. Perez French. e. Mary, born Oct. 27, 1795. /. Billings, born Sept. 27, 1798; mar. (1) Mary Simmons; (2) Thankful Simmons. g. Harriet, born Dec. 5, 1800; mar. Samuel-Oakman Ruggles. h. Betsey, born May 17, 1805; mar. Freeman Simmons. i. Ann, born Dec. 23, 1808; died July 5, 1844, unmarried. adfa. Obadiah, son of Jacob {Mordecai, Samuel) and Mary (Holbrook) Lincoln of Scituate, Mass., born June 29, or 30, 1731, at Scituate; bapt. Oct. 28, 1733, at Hingham, second precinct, now Cohasset; died Apr. 15, 1802, at Cohasset (Family Bible with Mrs. William Lincoln, adfae ad, but Cohasset Church records say April 18). After his marriage he lived for a while in Scituate, but later in Cohasset, in a house which he built on South Main street, south of Beechwood street, which was taken down about 1900. Family tradition says that he was one of a company sent to the relief of Fort William Henry in 1757, but as at that time he was living in Scituate and had been married but two years, it seems more probable that the Obadiah Lincoln, who was sergeant in Capt. Ebenezer Beal's Company which marched to the relief of Fort William Henry, was his cousin Obadiah, ahhg, who was unmarried and to whom this service is credited in '' Cohasset Genealogies," p. 232. (See Hist, of Cohas- FOURTH GENERATION 127 set, p. 278.) The same authority credits this cousin Obadiah, abhg, with being a member of the committee of correspondence in 1775, but as he died in 1762 this honor undoubtedly belongs to the subject of this sketch. Both the ''History of Hingham" and ''Cohasset Genealogies" give him a wife Elizabeth, the former stating that she was his first wife and that he ''may have had a second wife, Jael," and the latter calling Elizabeth his second wife and the mother of all his children save the oldest, Galen. Scituate records, however, clearly state that the second child, Elizabeth, was daughter of Jael; and as the will of Mrs. Isaac Lincoln, adc, dated July 17, 1770, gives a legacy to "Jael Lincoln wife of Obadiah Lincoln," and as Jael, according to the family Bible did not die until 1814, there seems to be no room for a wife Elizabeth and probably there never was one. "History of Hingham" also gives Obadiah a daughter Huldah, born Jan. 20, 1767, but this was his daughter- in-law Huldah, wife of his son Amos, who was born on that date. He married, Aug. 19, 1755, at Scituate (Scituate Records), JaeP, daughter of Thomas^ (Thomas'^, Richard^) and Ruth (Wade) Curtis of Scituate, born June 29, 1732, at Scituate {Ibid.; Family Bible says Feb. 5); died Oct. 18, 1814, at Cohasset. (Family Bible.) Her ancestor, Richard^ Curtis, who was one of four brothers who came early to New England, was a proprietor of lands at Marblehead, Mass., in 1648, and in the same year pur- chased lands at Scituate. Jael's mother was sister of Mrs. Isaac Lincoln, adc. (Deane's Hist, of Scituate, p. 251; Cohasset Genealogies, p. 235; Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 468; Scituate Records; Cohasset Records.) Children, born: a, h at Scituate; c-g at Cohasset: adfaa. Galen, born Feb. 5, 1756. adfah. Elizabeth, born July 5, 1758; married Jerome Lincoln, abbea. adfac. Maky, born Apr. 2, 1760; married Zenas Lincoln, abbec. adfad. Jacob, born Oct. 9, 1761. adfae. Amos, born Oct. 13, 1763. Jacob and Amos, the only children whose births are recorded in Cohasset, are called sons of Obadiah and Eliza- beth. Most authorities, including the Family Bible, say Amos was born Oct. 11, 1763. adfaf. Ruth, born Oct. 11, 1765; died Aug. 19, 1851, at Harvard, Mass.; married, June 12, 1789, at Scituate (N. E. Hist. & Gen. Register, vol. Ix, p. 338), Benjamin^, son of EzekieP {Joh'n}) and Betty (Lincoln) Hayden of Scituate, born Aug. 7, 1765, at Scituate; died Feb. 8, 1851, at Harvard. He was in early life a mariner and lived at Scituate until 128 LINCOLN GENEALOGY about 1800, when he removed to Sterling, Mass., where he purchased, March 22, 1800, of his brother-in-law, Jacob Lincoln, adfad, a farm of about thirty acres lying partly in Sterling and partly in Leominster, which he increased in 1803 by a purchase of twenty acres from Andrew Putnam. Here he lived until 1815 when he removed to Harvard where he passed the rest of his life, on a farm of forty-five acres which he bought, Nov. 22, 1815, of Josiah Haskell, selling his farm in Sterling, Dec. 4, 1815, to William Morris of Sterling. (Worcester County Deeds, vols, cxcvi, pp. 611-13; ccii, p. 311.) Mr. Hayden was descended through his mother from Thomas Lincoln "the husbandman," of Hingham. His will, dated Aug. 5, 1850, probated March 4, 1851, names: wife Ruth; daughter Fanny; and friend Augustus Safford to whom he left "in consideration of his faithful services and the love I have for him" one half of his real and personal estate. (Worcester County Probate Files.) Children, born at Scituate : a. Fanny, born 1790; died Sept. 19, 1860, unmarried. b. James, born Dec. 4, 1795; died young, probably. adfag. Lydia, born Feb. 8, 1768; died June 5, 1840, at Lancaster, Mass.; married, date and place unknown, Martin^, son of Solon^ (John^) and Susanna (Beal) Stephenson of Hingham, second precinct, born 1766, at Belfast, Me. ; died March 20, 1839, at Lancaster. See abbac. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 402; Lancaster Records; Gravestones.) The will of Martin Stephenson of Lancaster, dated Jan. 23, 1832, probated May 22, 1839, names: Wife Lydia Stephenson to whom he gives all his prop- erty, including "the farm of 40 acres where I now live"; children: Betsy the wife of John Burpee; Galen-Lincoln Stephenson; Lucy Stephenson; John-Martin Stephenson; and the children of "my daughter Polly Safford, deceased." Appraisal: real estate SIOOO, personal estate $358.59. (Worcester County Probate Files.) Children, born: a-d at Cohasset; e-g at Lancaster: a. Polly, born 1795; mar. George Safford. She was bapt. with her sisters, Betsy and Lydia, Jan. 16, 1802. b. Betsy, bapt. Jan. 16, 1802; mar. John Burpee of Sterling. c. Lydia, born 1799; died Aug. 5, 1827, aged 28 years, unmarried. d. Galen-Lincoln, bapt. Oct. 23, 1803; mar. Sarah Baldwin. e. Thomas-Curtis, bapt. June 8, 1806; died Sept. 23, 1808. /. John-Martin, bapt. June 4, 1809. g. LucY-RuGG, bapt. June 3, 1810; living 1832, unmarried, adfah. Obadiah, born Sept. 4, 1769. adfb. Jacob, son of Jacob {Mordecai, Samuel) and Mary (Holbrook) Lincoln of Scituate, Mass., born Feb. 17, 1733, at Scituate, bapt. Oct. 28, 1733, at Hingham; died 1764, at Somers- worth, New Hampshire, whither he had removed about 1760. It is difficult to learn the facts about his life, all the records being meagre and unsatisfactory, but from those we have it is evident that he was twice married; that his first wife died soon after marriage; that he had a daughter Mary, probably by his first FOURTH GENERATION 129 wife; that he was a mariner; that he removed to Somersworth; and that he died there about 1764. The following are extracts from such records as have been found : ''Jan. 7, 1760, Joshua Roberts of Berwick in ye county of York, yeoman, for and in consideration of ye sum of sixty-six pounds thirteen shillings and four pence L money . . . paid ... by Jacob Lincoln Junr of Somersworth in ye Prov^ of New Hampshi^ mariner . . . have . . . sold . . . unto ye sd Jacob . . . about eleven acres and a half lying and being in Somersworth aforesd" etc. A warranty deed signed by Joshua Roberts and Ruth Roberts his wife. (New Hampshire Province Deeds, vol. Iviii, f. 462-3.) ''At a court of probate held at Portsmouth on the 27th Day of July 1764 administration of the estate of Jacob Linton [sic] late of Somersworth in said Province mariner deceased was granted ta Samuel Lord the 3rd who gave bond," etc. (New Hampshire Probate Records, vol. xxiii, f. 277.) A warrant was issued in common form to Moses Carr and Moses Stevens to take an inventory of the estate of Jacob Linton [sic] deceased who made return as follows: "a true inventory of the Real Estate of Jacob Linton Late of Somers- worth Mariner Deceased as shown us the subscribers, by Samuel Lord the 3d admnr of said Estate the 20th Day of October 1764 — ''To Eleven & half of Land Including the Buildings on the same at £130 pr acre 1495-0-0 old tenor ''Moses Carr 1 . . „ "Moses Stevens / Appraisers (Ihid., fol. 424.) "An additional Inventory of the Estate of Jacob Lincoln late of Somersworth mariner deceased, given in by Mr Saml Lord Tertius Administrator of said Estate this 26th Day of April 1768 To a Case of Draws 30/ £ 1 10 To two Beds, Underbeds, Bedsteads, Cords & Beding 12 To 1 Blanket 5/4 Chests 12/ 3 Tables 10/ a Chest Draws 12/ 1 19 To 6 Pewter Dishes 10/ 13 Pewter Plates 11/8 Chairs 10/ 1 11 To 2 Pewter Basons 2 Porringers 6 Spones 5/ one Iron Pot 4/6 9 6 9 130 LINCOLN GENEALOGY To 1 Iron Kettle 2/ two Hoes Pan Ax 3/ to a Cow 70/ 3 15 To 1 /2 Ton Hay 20/ to his wearing Apparel viz a Broad Cloth Coat 60/ a serge Jacket 6/ a pr Breeches 10/ to an old Coat & Jacket & Chints Do 13/2 pr old Breeches 3 / and old Beaver hat 8 / 6 To a Wigg 15/ a Quadrin 12/ his library 12/ 1 19 To one pr Handirons 8 / a TeaKettle 6 / 2 fire Shovels 6 / 10 To two pr Tongs 5/ to 5 Earthern Plates 1/ to a Gridiron /8 6 8 To a Trammel 3 /6 to an old frying pan 1 / to pr Bel- lows /3 4 9 To a Box Iron & Heater 6 / a small Glass 1/6 2 Wheels 1/ 8 6 To a Meal Trough 2/ a Lignum Vitae Mortar 1/6 Wooden Platter /3 3 9 31 7 2 ''Moses Carr 1 . • „ Appraisers Moses Stevens ^ (Ibid., vol. XXV, fol. 177.) ''Province of New Hampshir. Pursuant to a warrant from the Honorable the Judge of Probate of Wills and for the Province of New Hampshire appointing us the subscribers a committee to set off to Mr Silas Nowell and Rachel his wife her dower in the real estate of Jacob Lincoln late of Somersworth Mariner deceased late Husband of sd Rachel we have accordingly set off to the sd Silas & Rachel three acres of land with the buildings on the same . . . which we judge to be a full third part of said real estate. Somersworth June 29, 1768. "Moses Carr 1 "Moses Stevens [ Committee" "Ichabod Rollin- J {Ibid., f. 209.) The following from the probate records of Plymouth county, Mass., has evidently confused the children of Jacob, Sr., and Jacob, Jr.: ''Mary Lincoln, under fourteen years, Thomas Lincoln over fourteen years and Lydia Lincoln above fourteen years, all of Scituate and children of Jacob Lincoln of Scituate and of Sumer- FOURTH GENERATION 131 worth, N. H., deceased'* were placed under guardianship of ^Hheir brother, Obadiah Lincoln of Hingham to take inheritance in right of their aforesaid father, deceased, of their grandfather Samuel Holbrooke deceased." Dated December 18, 1764. (Vol. xviii, f. 209-11.) As Mary, daughter of Jacob, Sr., was born in 1738, was married in 1759 and did not die until 1834, she Qannot be the Mary referred to in the foregoing, who was under fourteen years in 1764. Undoubtedly the Mary who was put under guardianship was the daughter of Jacob, Jr., and the papers relating to the guardianship were carelessly drawn. He married (1), Jan. 24, 1758, at Hingham (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 264), Abigail Curtis, of whom nothing has been learned. She was, perhaps, daughter of John and Abigail (Waters) Curtis of Scituate, whose marriage at Hingham, Sept. 23, 1728, is recorded at Scituate. Of his second wife, Rachel, nothing is known save that she married (2) Silas Nowel who died Apr. 14, 1776, at Somersworth but is called then of Berwick, Me. (N. E. Hist. & Gen. Register, vol. Ixxiv, p. 191.) Child, by first wife: adfba. Mary, probably born in 1759 as she was over fourteen years of age in 1774 according to the following: "Province of New Hampshire Straf- ford ss. At a Court of Probate holden at Dover within & for the said county of Strafford on the 14th day of Decern^ 1774 before the Hon^ie Henry Rust Esq Judge of the Probate of Wills &c for the said county Joseph Prime of Berwick in the County of York Gentleman was elected and allowed to be Guardian unto Mary Lincoln a minor upwards o fourteen years of age who gave bond for the faithful discharge of that trust according to law "Attest John Wentworth Jun Reg E" (Strafford County Probate Records, vol. i, f. 85.) She is named in her grandfather Jacob's will dated Sept. 15, 1779, but is not named in her uncle Caleb Lincoln's will dated Sept. 3, 1827, though five of her children are. It is probable that she died before that date. She married, March 19, 1780, at Scituate, Abner-Hersey^, son of Isaac^ {Nicholas^, Josiah"^, Lawrence^) and Hannah (Hersey) Litchfield of Scituate, born 1758, at Scituate, bapt. Apr. 22, 1759, at Scituate; died Aug. 6, 1821, at Scituate, aged 64 years. He was a soldier in the Revolu- tion; was captured and taken to HaUfax, but escaped. He hved at Scituate. (Scituate Records; N. E. Hist. & Gen. Register, vol. ix, pp. 185, 209; Early Massachusetts Marriages, vol. ii, p. 176; Records of Mr. WUford J. Litchfield, Boston.) Children, born at Scituate: a. Jacob, born Dec. 21, 1780; mar. Anna Stoddard. 6. Celia, born June 19, 1783; mar. Amiel Studley of Scituate. 132 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Rachel, born Dec. 6, 1785; died Jan. 2, 1864, unmarried. Hersey, born Oct. 6, 1788; mar. (1) Eunice Witherell; Hannah-Hersey Litchfield. Samuel, born May 29, 1791; mar. Roxanna Shattuck. Abner, born Sept. 24, 1793; mar. Sarah-Kilby Litchfield. Polly, Hubbard, (2) Lincoln, bornAug.11,1796 mar. Perez Litchfield, mar. (1) Eliza Litchfield; (2) Martha (Brown) Litch- field. mar. (1) Isabella Merritt; (2) Adehne Hatch. adff. Abkaham, son of Jacob (Mordecai, Samuel) and Mary (Holbrook) Lincoln of Scituate, Mass., born Dec. 1, 1740, at Scituate; died Sept. 29, 1823, at Cohasset, Mass. He served as private in Capt. Obadiah BeaPs Company which marched to the siege of Boston, March 4, 1776. He Hved at Cohasset, on Beech- wood street, in a house which he built, probably in 1770. He was a farmer, and in 1771 his real estate was assessed for £89:2:0. (Hist, of Cohasset, pp. 275, 293.) He married, Aug. 19, 1770, at Cohasset, Sarah^, daughter of Isaac^ {Isaa&, Mordecai^, Samuel^) and Ruth (Beal) Lincoln of Hingham, adcae, born Sept. 17, 1749, at Hingham, second precinct; died Sept. 4, 1818, at Cohasset. Abraham Lincoln and his wife are buried in Central burying ground, Cohasset. (Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 235-6; Cohasset Records; Scituate Records; Gravestones; births of the children are from the family records of George-Henry Lincoln, adffe ch.) Children, born at Cohasset: adffa. Abigail, born Oct. 28, 1770 (?1771), bapt. May 29, 1774; died July 15, 1836, at Springfield, Vt.; married. May 31, 1789, at Cohasset, Phineas^, son of Joshua^ {Joshua*, Joshua^, Joseph^, Clement^) and Grace (Lincoln) Bates of Cohasset, aafaj, born May 23, 1766, at Hingham, second pre- cinct; died Nov. 1, 1843, at Springfield, Vt. They lived at first at Beech- woods, Cohasset, but removed in 1790 to Springfield, making the journey on a sled drawn by a yoke of oxen and one horse. They were two weeks making the journey, which a deep snow, badly drifted, made very tedious. Mr. Bates was chosen deacon of the Congregational church at Spring- field in April, 1811, and held the office until his death. (Cohasset Genealo- gies, p. 39; Hist, of Springfield, Vt., pp. 218-221; Little Genealogy, p. 283; Family Records.) Children, born: a at Cohasset; b-l at Springfield: a. Anna, born Dec. 17, 1789; mar. Allen Bates. b. Davis, born Sept. 5, 1792; mar. Rachel Tower. c. Sally, born Dec. 16, 1794; mar. Stoddard Tower. d. Lincoln, born Feb. 24, 1797; mar. Margaret Mackay. FOURTH GENERATION 133 e. Abigail, born July 4, 1799; mar. Jacob Ellis. /. Sybil, born May 10, 1802; mar. Ormus-Mandel Whipple. g. Phineas, born Jan. 29, 1805; mar. Nancy Sherwin. h. Gracia, bom May 10, 1808; mar. John Chipman. i. Theophilus, born Feb. 14, 1810; died Jan. 9, 1892. j. Esther, born Sept. 24, 1812; mar. Stoddard Tower, widower. k. Nancy, born Feb. 28, 1815; mar. Rev. George-Henry Atkinson. I. Lydia C., born Aug. 16, 1818; mar. Rev. Lewis Grout. adfjh. Hannah, born Oct. 17, 1772, bapt. May 29, 1774; died Sept. 5, 1816, at Scituate; married, May 10, 1794, at Cohasset (published same date at Scituate), Nehemiah, son of John and Miriam (Curtis) Manson of Scituate, born 1760, at Scituate; died Nov. 13, 1832, at Scituate, aged 72 years. He is said to have been a captain in the Revolution, but it is a question whether his title of "captain" is not wholly due to his com- mand of the Scituate schooner "Hannah" some time after the war. The "History of Cohasset" calls him "Captain Nehemiah Manson of Cohasset" though he seems always to have lived at Scituate. He mar- ried (2), Dec. 4, 1817, at Scituate, Mercy, daughter of Gideon and Mercy (Lincoln) Jenkins of Scituate, adcaj e, born March 19, 1789, at Scituate; by whom he had five children. (Scituate Records; Hist, of Cohasset, p. 313.) Children, born at Scituate: a. John, born July 9, 1794; bapt. Feb. 1, died Feb. 2, 1802. h. Thomas-Lincoln, born Nov. 19, 1796; mar. Mary Turner. c. Ruth, born Feb. 7, 1799; bapt. June 9, died June 13, 1801. d. Ruth, born Jan. 30, 1803; mar. Martin Lincoln, ahhea m. e. John, born July 9, 1805; mar. Ann-Stephen EUms. /. Nehemiah, born March 30, 1808; mar. EHzabeth-Tilestone (Jen- kins) Jenkins. g. George, born Sept. 8, 1810; mar. Sarah-Wales James. h. Joel-Lincoln, born Apr. 18, 1813; mar. Mary Jenkins. The sons were all deep sea captains. adffc. Thomas, born Sept. 1, bapt. Sept. 11, 1774; died June 21, 1799, at Cohasset, unmarried, (Family Records.) adffd. Ruth, born Dec. 24, 1776, bapt. May 18, 1777; died July 9, 1864, at Springfield, Vt.; married, Nov. 26, 1801 (Thanksgiving Day), at Co- hasset or perhaps, Boston, Shubael^, son of Joseph^ {Israel*, Israel^, Robert^, John^) and Hannah (Nichols) Whitcomb of Cohasset, born Feb. 27, 1771, at Cohasset; died March 30, 1848, at Springfield. At the age of fourteen he went to Boston, where he worked for seven years at the carpenter's trade; he then removed to Thomaston, Me., where for three years he was employed on General Knox's mansion, Montpelier. He then returned to Boston, was married and built a brick house on Lyman Place near the old Leverett jail. He removed in 1812 to Spring- field, Vt., where he bought a farm which is still in the family (1902). After his marriage he lived at Watertown, Mass., until 1806. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 470; Whitcomb Family, pp. 56-70; Hist, of Springfield, Vt.) Children, born: a at Watertown; b, c at Boston; d-h at Springfield: a. Hannah, born May 2, 1806; mar. Jeremiah Ellis.* b. Lincoln, born Jan. 4, 1808; mar. Emmeline (Balch) Heath.* *George-Henry Lincoln's records and "Hist, of Springfield" say Hannah was born May 28, 1806, and Lincoln June 4, 1808. 134 LINCOLN GENEALOGY c. Henry-Knox, born Apr. 8, 1810; mar. Lucy-Maria Snell. d. Jairus-Lincoln, bom Aug. 19, 1812; mar. Phebe Davis. e. Sarah, born May 11, 1814; mar. John H. Spencer. /. Joseph,!, . „_ -oi/? / "^^r. Susan A. (Haskell) Bowen. h. Ellen-Maria, bom March 12, 1820; mar. John H. Spencer widower. adffe. Caleb, bora Jan. 22, 1779, bapt. Jan. 31, 1779. adfff. Samuel, born June 21, bapt. June 24, 1781; died 1811, unmarried. adffg. Mordecai, bom Sept. 10, 1783, bapt. Nov. 9, 1783. adffh. Joel, bom Oct. 16, 1785, bapt. June 11, 1786; died Dec. 14, 1805. adffi. Abraham, born Jan. 12, bapt. June 15, 1788. adffj. Eleazer, bom Aug. 2, 1791, bapt. Aug. 2, 1792; died June 15, 1808. adffk. Jairus, bom March 4, bapt. July 6, 1794; lost at sea, June, 1811. FIFTH GENERATION aabaa. Zadock, son of Samuel (Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and. Mary (Bates) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Dec. 18, 1744, at Hingham (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 464); died June 13, 1813, at Bath, Me. (Gravestone.) He removed to Maine and settled at Georgetown, purchasing there, May 10, 1770, of John Partridge a tract of two hundred acres in that part which is now Bath. (Lincoln County Deeds, vol. vii, f. 207.) He is described as ''mariner" and "merchant" but must have been also a farmer if he cultivated his land, as he presumably did. He left no will, and Ebenezer Clap of Bath was appointed administrator on his estate, Aug. 10, 1814. (Lincoln County Probate Records, vols, xvi, pp. 211-2; xvii, p. 290.) On the same date his estate was appraised at $895.79 personal and $3000 real, there being then but 170 acres of land. January 9, 1816, on petition of David Drummond and Jane Drummond in her right as an heir, the several heirs at law of Zadock Lincoln were notified to appear and show cause why the real estate should not be divided. This notice was read to Susan Lincoln, daughter of said Zadock; to Mrs. Mary Mary [sic; Mrs. Mary Low evi- dently intended] another daughter; and to Mrs. Mary Lincoln, widow of said Zadock, Jan. 23, 1816; Frances Lincoln, daughter of said Zadock was notified March 6, 1816; and as William Lincoln, one of the heirs, was out of the Commonwealth, Ebenezer Clap was appointed to represent him Jan. 9, 1816. A division was made Apr. 19, 1816, giving to his widow Mary Lincoln one third part of the land, excepting from the lot so conveyed "the lot conveyed by said Zadock to his daughter Jane Drummond," certain rights in the house and one third of a pew in the South meeting house in Bath. The rest of the estate was divided between William Lincoln, Mary Low, Francis [sic] Lincoln, Susan Lincoln and Jane Drummond. There is a plan of the farm in the records which shows it to have extended from the river across Washington and High streets and to have been bounded on the east by Marshall street, the house being on the western 136 LINCOLN GENEALOGY side of the farm. A memorandum states that this farm was conveyed by James Gilson of Boston to John Sullivan of George- town, July 4, 1749, and contained then two hundred acres. Nothing has been learned of the birth and parentage of his wife, nor has any record been found as yet of the birth and death of his children Susan and William. Susan sold a part of her in- herited land Dec. 31, 1821, to Ezekiel Drummond of Georgetown, but a search of the Lincoln county and Sagadahoc county records reveals no disposition of William's inheritance, nor of the remainder of Susan's. William, who was out of the State in 1816, was presumably a sailor and, perhaps, never returned to Bath. No living descendant of Zadock has yet been found from whom information may be obtained. Zadock and his wife and his daughter Mary are buried in Maplegrove cemetery, Bath ; one large slate stone being inscribed as follows : "In memory of J Capt. Zadock Lincoln J who died J June 13, 1813 t aet 68 J also his widow Mrs. Mary Lincoln | who died Nov. 20, 1829 t aet 86." Bath records say she died Nov. 24, 1829, aged 85. Next to this stone is one bearing the following inscription: "Mrs. J Mary Low t died May 21, 1850 t ae 81 t widow of Capt. Jacob Low | a revolutionary officer." Children, born at Bath: aabaa a. Mary, born September, 1768; died May 21, 1850, at Bath; married Jacob Low of Bath. He is called on his wife's gravestone a * ' revolutionary officer." A deed dated Aug. 7, 1798, calls him "trader" and "deputy sheriff" of Bath. December 7, 1818, Mary Low, "widow," sold the land she inherited from her father. She is then called of Bath. No children are recorded at Bath. (Lincoln County Deeds, vol. civ, f . 64.) aabaa b. Frances, born 1770; died July 25, 1834, at Bath. (Bath Records; Cemetery Records say she died July 20, and her gravestone says she was aged 64 years.) The will of Frances Lincoln of Bath, "singlewoman," dated Apr. 10, 1834, gives her property to her sister Susan Gardner and to Gilbert Infant of Bath, in trust for Samuel Lincoln of Bath. The will was proved Feb. 18, 1835, andGeorge Gardner of Hallowell was appointed administrator with will annexed and, either then or later, was made trustee in place of Gilbert Infant. February 19, 1840, a petition of Robert Babb, as one of the kindred of Samuel Lincoln, recites that George Gardiner was appointed trustee of the estate of said Samuel of Bath "decreed to him by will of his late mother Frances Lincoln deceased," that said trustee has died and asks for another appointment; Charles Crocker was thereupon appointed. (Lincoln County Probate Records, vols, xxxiv, f. 216; xl, f. 463; xlviii, f. 551.) From this it would appear FIFTH GENERATION 137 that Samuel was an illegitimate son of Frances. He married, March 26, 1839, at Bath, Miss Ann Babb of Bath, perhaps sister of the aforenamed Robert, and had a child born March, 1840, who died Sept. 20, 1841, "aged one year six months." (Bath Records.) No further records have been found of either Samuel or his wife. aabaa c. Susan, married, Aug. 26,il829, at Bath (Bath Records), Capt. George Gardiner of Hallowell, Me., born March 19, 1766, in Great Britain; died May 11, 1839, at Hallowell. (Hallowell Records.) He is called ** master-mariner" in a deed of Apr. 29, 1833. July 1, 1835, he and Susanna, his wife, of Hallowell, conveyed the land in Bath set off to said Susanna as her share of the real estate of her late father, Zadock Lincoln. (Sagadahoc County Deeds, vols, vii, f. 328; x, f. 490.) Accord- ing to Hallowell records he married (1) Martha, daughter of William and Mary Baxter of Hailburn, county Cheshire, England, by whom he had four children: Mark, born Feb. 10, 1789; Mary, born June 24, 1792; Luke, born Oct. 15, 1793; and Ehza, born Sept. 9, 1795. George and Susan (Lincoln) Gardiner had no children. aahaa d. Jane, born Nov. 27, 1786; died June 11, 1829, at Bath (Grave- stone); married, Dec. 17, 1807, at Bath (Bath Records), David Drum- mond of Bath, born June 5, 1778, at Georgetown; died March 7, 1829, at Bath. (Cemetery Records and Gravestone; the latter erroneously gives his age as 41 years.) They are buried in Maplegrove cemetery. Children, born at Bath: a. Hannah-Jane, born Nov. 12, 1808. h. Mary-Lincoln, born Jan. 15, 1811; died Sept. 23, 1847, un- married. c. William-Butler, born Jan. 5, 1813. d. Charles-Elwell, born March 13, 1815. e. Julia-Ann, born Oct. 7, 1817. /. James, born Feb. 2, 1820; mar. Rebecca M. g. EzEKiEL, born Aug. 17, 1822; mar. Susan W. h. Frances-Harriet, born May 3, 1825. i. Emma-Ann-Elizabeth, born Feb. 10, 1828. aahaa e. William. Nothing has been learned of him save that he was out of the commonwealth in 1816, but was then living, and was also living Aug. 16, 1825, when a final distribution of his father's property was made to his mother and his sisters. (Lincoln County Probate Records, vol. xxvi, f. 253.) aabad. Seth, son of Samuel (Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Mary (Bates) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Apr. 27, 1751, at Hingham; died March 6, 1839, at Hingham. He was sergeant in Capt. Thomas Hersey's Company at the siege of Boston in March, 1776; a private under Lieut. Heman Lincoln at Hull on June 23, 1776; and a private under Capt. Peter Cushing at Nantasket in February, 1778. He was a tanner by trade and lived at Hingham on North street, near Hobart's bridge. He was constable in 1787. 138 LINCOLN GENEALOGY He married (1), Oct. 6, 1774, at Hingham, Mary^ daughter of Elijah'* (NathanieP, John^, John}) and Deborah (Leavitt) Fearing of Hingham, born Feb. 7, 1749-50, at Hingham; died Apr. 23, 1815, at Hingham. He married (2), Dec. 21, 1818, at Hingham, Mrs. Chloe^ (Whiton) Fearing, daughter of Jacob'* {Isaac? j Matthew^, James^) and EKzabeth (Marble) Whiton of Hingham, and widow of Elijah Fearing. She was born, 1768, at Hingham and died there June 2, 1827, aged 59 years. Her first husband, whom she married Nov. 9, 1788, at Hingham, was brother of Seth Lincoln's first wife. He was born Oct. 26, 1763, at Hingham and died there, June 27, 1812, without issue. Mr. Lincoln had no children by his second wife. (Hist, of Hingham, vols, i, part i, pp. 293, 298, 315; ii, pp. 219, 469; iii, p. 295.) Children, by first wife, born at Hingham : aahad a. Abel, born Apr. 10, 1775; died May 10, 1777. aabad h. Abel, born Oct. 18, 1777; died Oct. 10, 1824, at New Orleans, La., probably unmarried. aahad c. Mary, born May 3, 1780; died Oct. 10, 1867, at Hingham; married, Jan. 24, 1808, at Hingham, Caleb^, son of Caleb^ {Samuel^, Peter*, Samuel^, Edmund^, Edmund^) and Lydia (Marsh) Hobart of Hingham, born May 2, 1783, at Hingham; died July 16, 1865, at Hingham. He was a furni- ture manufacturer; lived on South street, Hingham, and was deacon of the First Parish, succeeding his father in that office. (Hist, of Hing- ham, vol. ii, p. 346-7.) Children, born at Hingham : a. Lydia-Marsh, born Apr. 19, 1809; died Nov. 20, 1831, un- married. b. Seth-Lincoln, born Jan. 14, 1811; mar. Louisa-Caroline Muzzy. c. Mary-Fearing, born Jan. 24, 1813; died March 19, 1905, un- married. d. Sarah- Ann, born May 21, 1815; died Apr. 6, 1905, unmarried. e. Caleb, born Oct. 21, 1817; mar. Eliza W. Ellis. (See "Records of WilUam Spooner," p. 488.) /. Elijah-Fearing, born Oct. 4, 1821; died July 4, 1864, near Point of Rocks, Virginia; a soldier in the Civil war. g. Catherine-Harris, born Apr. 9, 1824; died May 5, 1905, un- married. aabad d. Deborah, born Aug. 19, 1783; died May 2, 1852, at Bridgewater, Mass.; married, Dec. 2, 1815, at Hingham, Artemas, son of Moses and Ruth (Foster) Hale of Winchendon, Mass., born Oct. 20, 1783, at Win- chendon; died Aug. 3, 1882, at Bridgewater, where they had Uved. He was representative to the General Court, 1827-1832; State senator 1833-4; a representative in the 29th and 30th Congresses; delegate to the con- stitutional convention in 1853; and presidential elector in 1864. (Win- chendon Records; Reminiscences and Memorials of the Men of the Re- FIFTH GENERATION 139 volution, p. 357; Descendants of Thomas Hale, p. 346.) Massachusetts Vital Records say he was aged 98 years, 5 months and 2 days when he died, which would make his birth March 1, 1784. Children, born at Bridgewater: a. Caroline-Augusta, born June 26, 1818; died Jan. 31, 1841. h. Deborah-Lincoln, born June 13, 1820; died July 18, 1877, unmarried, aged, say Mass. Vital Records, 56 jts. 11 mos.25 days. c. Artemas, born Nov. 26, 1822; mar. Harriet Howard. aahad e. Seth, born Jan. 19, 1787; died March 28, 1802. aahad /. Rebecca, born Oct. 26, 1789; died July 18, 1864, at Hingham, married John®, son of John^ (John*, Benjamin^, Joseph^, Robert^) and Rebecca (Munroe) Muzzy of Lexington, Mass., born June 22, 1780, at Lexington; died Dec. 7, 1843, at Lexington. He resided at Lexington on the Concord road. After his death his widow returned to Hingham. (Hist, of Lexington, vol. ii, p. 483; Lexington Records.) Child, born at Lexington: a. JuLLA. A., born Nov. 4, 1815; died Feb. 24, 1880, at Hingham, unmarried. aahad g. Sally, born Feb. 19, 1792; died Dec. 14, 1861, at Hingham; mar- ried. May 10, 1821, at Hingham, Isaac, son of Isaac and Welthea (Winsor) Little of Pembroke, Mass., born Nov. 18, 1796, at Pembroke; died May 31, 1864, at Hingham. He was for many years proprietor and landlord of the Union Hotel, now Cushing House, at the corner of North and Cottage streets, Hingham. He was, for a time, senior partner of the firm of Little & Morey. He was styled "captain." (Pembroke Records; Hist, of Hingham, vol. iii, p. 24.) Children, born at Hingham : a. Cornelia, born Apr. 2, 1823; mar. Benjamin Butler. b. A SON, born Feb. 7, 1825; died in three days. c. Samuel, born Aug. 15, 1827; mar. Elizabeth Malbon. d. Sarah, born June 3, 1830; died June 4, 1905, at Boston. e. Henry-Otis, born Apr. 20, 1832; mar. Mary-Catherine Hersey. aabad h. Samuel, born Nov. 27, 1794; died Sept. 8, 1797. aabag. Samuel, son of Samuel (Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Mary (Bates) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., bapt. Nov. 5, 1758, at Hingham; died Sept. 8, 1793, at sea while on passage from Philadelphia to New York. He served as private in Capt. James Lincoln's Company, which was stationed during the greater part of 1776 at Crow Point, Hingham, guarding the coast. He served also on the armed brig "Hazard," a vessel carrying sixteen guns and belonging to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. She made three cruises and captured many prizes, but in August, 1779, was burned to prevent her falling into the enemy's hands. Just how long Mr. Lincoln served on her is not known. He became a ''master-mariner" or sea cap- tain after the war. He lived at Hingham, on North street. 140 LINCOLN GENEALOGY He married, March 9, 1784, at Hingham, Celia^, daughter of James^ {Jarnes^, Samuel^, Edmund'^, Edmund'^) and Deborah (Sprague) Hobart of Hingham, born March 6, 1761, at Hingham; died Jan. 15, 1835. She married (2), May 8, 1808, at Hingham, Capt. George Price, who is called "of Charlestown" in the record of his marriage. They removed to Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1818. (Hist, of Hingham, vols, i, pt. i, pp. 286, 307; ii, p. 469; iii, p. 119.) Children, born at Hingham: adbag a. Samuel, born July 15, 1784; died May 27, 1793. aabag d. Charles, born Oct. 1, 1785; died abroad or at sea, unmarried, it is supposed, certainly without issue. aabcd. Jonathan, son of Jonathan {Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Susanna (Lincoln) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Jan. 1, 1750-1, at Hingham; died Dec. 15, 1821, at Hingham. He was a private in Capt. James Lincoln's Company which marched to Lexington, Apr. 19, 1775, and was in service thirteen days. He was sergeant under the same captain while the company was stationed at Crow Point during eight months of 1776; and again served as private in Capt. Peter Cushing's Company at the defence of Nantasket in February, 1778. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. i, pt. i, pp. 278, 286, 315.) He was a blacksmith and lived at Hingham on North street. The will of Jonathan Lincoln of Hingham, blacksmith, dated Apr. 4, 1821, probated Jan. 1, 1822, names: daughter Hannah Lincoln; wife Lydia Lincoln; son Asa; son Gorham; son Jonathan; daughter-in-law Deborah, wife of Nichols; granddaughters Anna, Deborah and Mary, children of Nichols; daughter Lydia Souther; and grandson Nichols Lincoln. (Plymouth County Probate Records, vol. liv, f. 242.) He married, Oct. 31, 1776, at Hingham, Lydia^, daughter of Nathaniel'^ {Nathaniel^, Israel^, Thomas^) and Catherine (Cush- ing) Nichols of Hingham, born Sept. 30, 1753, at Hingham; died there, June 16, 1821. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, pp. 469-70.) Children, born at Hingham: aabcd a. Asa, born May 29, 1778. aabcd b. Nichols, born Aug. 6, 1780. aabcd c. Lydia, born May 21, 1783; died July 19, 1856, at Quincy, Mass.; married, Jan. 20, 1805, at Hingham, John^, son of John^ {Joseph"^, Joseph^) and Deborah (Leavitt) Souther of Hingham, born Sept. 13, 1781, at FIFTH GENERATION 141 Hingham; died March 28, 1878, at Boston, Mass. He was a ship-builder and lived on Ship street, Hingham, until 1815, when he removed to Quincy. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. iii, p. 158.) Children, born: a-e at Hingham; /-j" at Quincy: a. John-Lincoln, born Feb. 2, 1806; mar. (1) ; (2) Cynthia Spear. h. William-Lincoln, born March 7, 1808; died July 8, 1867, at Roxbury. c. Henry, born May 6, 1810; mar. Eliza Phelps (or Phipps?) d. George, born March 21, 1813; died Oct, 19, 1837, unmarried. e. Frederick, born Apr. 11, 1815; mar. Ann Bent. /. Lydia-Lincoln, born March 6, 1817; mar. Thomas-William Averill. g. Charles-Nichols, born May 11, 1819. h. Hannah-Lincoln, born July 27, 1821; mar. Emery Souther of Boston. i. Catherine-Cushing, born Jan. 20, 1824; mar. William E. Appleton. j. Edward-Brush, born Jan. 29, 1827; mar. (1) Sarah H. Adams; (2) Mary E. Chubbuck. aabcd d. Gorham, born March 2, 1787. adbcd e. Jonathan, born Apr. 13, 1789; died Oct. 3, 1841, lost at sea in schooner "Nelson." He was unmarried. State records of his death describe him as "hatter," which trade he probably followed when not at sea. aahcd /. Hannah, born Jan. 19, 1792; died November, 1822, at Hingham, unmarried. Her will, dated Oct. 18, 1822, probated Dec. 3, 1822, names brother Asa Lincoln; sister Lydia Souther; Nichols Lincoln, Ann-Maria Lincoln, Deborah Lincoln and Mary-Thaxter Lincoln, "children of my deceased brother Nichols Lincoln"; brother Gorham Lincoln; brother Jonathan Lincoln; Charlotte Lincoln, daughter of brother Asa; and Hannah Lincoln, daughter of brother Asa. (Plymouth County Probate Records, vol. Ivi, f. 285.) aabce. Frederick, son of Jonathan {Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Susanna (Lincoln) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Dec. 13, 1752, at Hingham; died May 18, 1811, at Wey- mouth, Mass. (Weymouth Records.) He was a private in Capt. James Lincoln's independent company which was in service from Jan. 1, 1776, to some part of July, and possibly much longer, guarding the coast. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. i, pt. i, p. 286.) After his marriage he removed to Weymouth, where his children were born, but about 1795 he removed to Gorham, Maine, with his brother John. He returned, however, to Weymouth and passed the remainder of his life there. He married, exact date not learned but intentions published at Weymouth, Jan. 30, 1779, and the marriage recorded after 142 LINCOLN GENEALOGY March 18, 1779, at Weymouth, Tabitha^ daughter of Peter^ {Ezra?, John^, John^) and Abigail (Pratt) Whitmarsh of Wey- mouth, born Nov. 2, 1751, at Weymouth; died Aug. 25, 1829, at Weymouth. (Weymouth Records.) Weymouth Church records say ''Frederick Lincoln, Sr. died in a fit of intoxication from drinking a qt of wine.'' Children, born at Weymouth: aabce a. Peter, born Jan. 3, 1780. aabce b. Frederick, born Sept. 16, 1781. aabce c. Ezekiel, born March 17, 1783. aabce d. Betsey, born July 11, 1785; died Feb. 21, 1860, at Hingham; married, Dec. 3, 1820, at Hingham, intentions published at Weymouth, Nov. 5, 1820, Bela^, son of John^ {Elisha*, Daniel\ Daniel^, Matthew^) and Olive (Lincoln) Gushing of Hingham, born Jan. 4, 1774, at Hingham; died Dec. 7, 1838, at Hingham. His mother was descended from Thomas Lincoln, the cooper, and was sister of Major-General Benjamin Lincoln. Bela Gushing was a wheelwright and lived on Main street, South Hing- ham. Betsey was his second wife. He married (1), Dec. 5, 1803, at Hingham, Susanna, daughter of Jotham and Susanna (Wilder) Whiting of Abington, Mass., born March 9, 1774, at Abington; died Aug. 27, 1818, at Hingham. By her he had three children: Mary, Susan and John. He had no children by his wife Betsey. (Weymouth Records; Abington Records; Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 166; Genealogy of the Gushing Family, p. 58.) aabce e. Mary, born Nov. 5, 1787; died Sept. 10, 1859, at Hingham; married, Jan. 31, 1813, at Weymouth (Weymouth Records), Elijah^ son of Elijah^ (David*, David^, Matthew^, James^) and Lydia (Lincoln) Whiton of Hingham, born Dec. 29, 1779, at Hingham; died June 19, 1841, at Hingham. His mother was descended from Thomas Lincoln, the hus- bandman. Mr. Whiton was a "packet-master" and hved at Hingham on the corner of Main and Gentral streets. He married (1), Dec. 18, 1808, at Hingham, Susan, daughter of Jairus and Susanna (Lincoln) Beal of Hingham, aabci b, born Feb. 18, 1787, at Hingham; died Aug. 1, 1812, at Hingham. They had one child: Susan-Lincoln, born Dec. 27, 1809, who married, June 30, 1839, Ebenezer Pratt of Boston, and died Dec. 15, 1846. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. iii, p. 303.) Ghildren, born at Hingham: a. Elijah-Lincoln, born Jan. 15, 1814; mar. Rachel-Gushing Lincoln, aabcd ab. b. Bela-Herndon, born Feb. 14, 1816; mar. (1) Hannah-Rich- mond Whiton; (2) Mary-Gatherine (Hersey) Little, c. Frederick, born May 4, 1818; mar. Sarah-Harding Waters. d. Mary-Lincoln, born Apr. 19, 1820; mar. Sidney Sprague. e. Lucy, born Oct. 9, 1822; mar. Luther Sprague, Jr. /. Erastus, born Jan. 11, 1826; mar. Priscilla Burr. g. John-Ghadwick, born Aug. 21, 1828; mar. Ann-Ma/ia Sprague. aabce f . Lot- Whitmarsh, born May 29, 1790. aabce g. Lucy, born May29, 1790;diedOct. 10, 1871, at Weymouth, unmarried. aabce h. Jairus, born Nov. 15, 1792. Sometimes called Jairus B. FIFTH GENERATION 143 aabcf. Royal, son of Jonathan {Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Susanna (Lincoln) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Sept. 15, 1754, at Hingham; died March 29, 1837, at Cornish, Maine. He was a private in Capt. James Lincoln's Company which marched to Lexington, Apr. 19, 1775. The Company was in service thirteen days and travelled thirty-six miles "from and to home." He was also a private in the independent company under the same captain, which was in service from May, 1775, to Jan. 1, 1776, guarding the coast and stationed either at Crow Point or at Broad Cove. He served also, in 1776 and 1777, on the Commonwealth's armed brig '^ Hazard," already mentioned under Samuel Lincoln, aabag, for which service he received a pension under the act of June 7, 1832. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. i, pt. i, pp. 278, 286, 308.) Mr. Lincoln was a farmer. He removed to Gorham, Maine, with his family, after the birth of his youngest child, probably at the same time as his brother John, and thence removed to Cornish. He married, Feb. 11, 1779, at Weymouth (Weymouth Records), his intentions being published at Hingham, Oct. 10, 1778, Je- rusha^, daughter of Josiah^ {Thomas^, Roherf, Roherf) and Thankful (Humphrey) Waterman of Weymouth, born Apr. 22, 1758, at Weymouth (Ibid.); died March 30, 1848, at Cornish. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln are buried at Cornish, their gravestones being thus inscribed: — ''In memory of J Royal Lincoln t who died t Mar. 29, 1837 t Aet 82." ''Jerusha J wife of t Royal Lincoln J died J March 30 1848 t Ae 90 y'rs." Mr. Lincoln, when at Gorham, was for some years a trader at the village. He pur- chased and occupied the farm once owned by William Lakeman. (Hist, of Gorham, p. 631; Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 470.) Children, born at Hingham: aabcf a. Royal, born Oct. 18, 1779. aahcf h. Ruth, born Feb. 16, 1781; died June 25, 1853, at Bridgeton, Maine; married, Feb. 3, 1800, at Gorham (Gorham records erroneously give the year as 1780, the intentions were pubHshed Dec. 14, 1799), George^ son of George^ (George^, Ebenezer^, James^, George^) and Mary (Davis) Lewis of Barnstable, Mass., born March 28, 1775, at Barnstable; died Sept. 19, 1857, at Bridgeton. He was major in the militia. After his marriage he bought and cleared the farm in Bridgeton in the district known as "Hio," now, 1903, owned by his grandson, Edward-Lincoln Lewis, where he spent the remainder of his life, except several years passed in Gorham. (Hist, of Gorham, p. 614.) 144 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Children, born: a-e at Bridgeton;/ at Gorham: a. Royal-Lincoln, born Nov. 11, 1800; mar. Mary Marrett. h. Harriet-McLellan, born July 15, 1802; mar. Rev. Jacob Bray. c. LoTHROP, born Sept. 4, 1805; mar. Mary Jones. d. Tabitha-Longfellow, born Sept. 23, 1807; mar. Stephen Willey. c. Jerusha-Lincoln, born Nov. 4, 1811; mar. Benjamin Cleaves. /. Sarah-Peabody, born Aug. 23, 1817; mar. Aaron Woodbury. aahcf c. Sophia, born Jan. 31, 1784; died June 2, 1812, at Gorham, Maine; married, Nov. 29, 1806, at Gorham, James^, son of Josiah^ (Stephen^, Moses*, Stephen^, Benjamiv?, John^) and Hannah (Hanscom) Swett of Gorham, born Aug. 21, 1784, at Gorham; died P^eb. 8, 1859, at Gor- ham. He was a shoemaker and, at one time, in trade. He lived at Gor- ham until the death of his first wife, then went to Eastport, Me., and the British Provinces, but returned to Gorham before 1817. He married (2), July 12, 1817, at Gorham, Hannah, daughter of Bryan and Anna (Morton) Martin of Gorham, born May 22, 1798, at Gorham; died Sept. 3, 1828, at Gorham. He married (3) Aurelia, daughter of Capt. Josiah and Prudence (Davis) Jenkins of Gorham, born Aug. 21, 1787, at Gor- ham; died Feb. 23, 1849, at Gorham, aged 61 years. Mr. Swett Hved, during the latter part of his life, at the village near the graveyard, in a house which was burned in 1875. (Hist, of Gorham, p. 784.) Children, born at Gorham: a. Hannah, born Nov. 4, 1807; died June 3, 1810. h. Josiah, born Dec. 22, 1809. c. Parsons, born Nov. 2, 1811; died Dec. 25, 1811. aabcf d. Cotton, born Nov. 23, 1785. aabcj e. Thankful, born Oct. 28, 1787; died Oct. 25, 1831, at Cornish, unmarried. She is buried at Cornish, and her gravestone is inscribed as follows: "Thankful t dau. of Royal & J Jerusha Lincoln t died Oct. 25, 1831 t aged 44 years." Gorham records say she died Oct. 26. aabcf f. Jerusha, born Apr. 16, 1790; died Apr. 8, 1872, at Cornish; mar- ried, Jan. 3, 1821, probably at Cornish but the town records have been burned and the dates are from family records, William, son of William and Susanna (Byles) Woodbury of Beverly, Mass., born Nov. 28, bapt. Dec. 6, 1789, at Beverly; died Oct. 3, 1881, at Cornish. (Beverly Records and Gravestone.) He was a hatter and settled at Bridgeton, Me., where he followed his trade. After the birth of his children he removed to Cornish and was miller for his brother-in-law. Cotton Lincoln. Both he and his wife are buried at Cornish, their monument being thus in- scribed: "William Woodbury J born in Beverly J Nov. 28, 1789 | died Oct. 3, 1881 t his wife J Jerusha Lincoln | born in Hingham | Apr. 16, 1709 X died Apr. 8, 1872." Children, born at Bridgeton (Family Bible) : a. Susan-Byles, born Dec. 4, 1821; died Oct. 18, 1890, at East Denmark, Me., unmarried. b. Thankful-Lincoln, born July 23, 1823; mar. Rev. Albion K. P. Small. c. Emma-Chapman, born Dec. 8, 1825; mar. (1) George Rounds; (2) Daniel Lowell, both of Bridgeton. d. Miranda-Church, born June 3, 1828; died Sept. 10, 1829. FIFTH GENERATION 145 e. Ormond-William, born Jan. 1, 1830; mar. Ann-Augusta Bur- leigh. Living, 1910, at Cornish. Has the family Bible. /. Calvin-Edwards, born Apr. 22, 1832; mar. Sarah Barker. aahcf g. Susanna, born Aug. 18, 1793. According to Wejnnouth records she was baptized at Weymouth, Aug. 18, 1793, and was therefore, per- haps, born there. She died July 11, 1855, at Gorham, where she married, July 1, 1814, according to the family records but Sept. 20, 1813, if the "History of Gorham" is correct, Calvin, son of Calvin and Mary Edwards of Ashby, Mass., born Jan. 16, 1791, at Ashby; died Dec. 6, 1870, at South Natick, Mass. He went to Gorham about 1810. He was a cabinet- maker and after some years engaged in the manufacture of organs. Later he removed to Portland, Me., and became a manufacturer of pianos. At Gorham he Hved for some time after his marriage in the Thacher house, and afterwards in the Storer house. He married (2) Mrs. Louisa F. Locke, called in the Portland records "of South Natick, Mass.," by whom he had a daughter, Grace, born Dec. 21, 1857; died May 19, 1870. Portland records say the intentions of this marriage were published there Jan. 1, 1853, but this must be an error for 1856 or 1857, since his first wife did not die until 1855, and there is no evidence of a divorce. Mrs. Locke was undoubtedly widow of James W. Locke of Natick, who had by wife Louisa F., a son James-Frederick, born Sept. 1, 1841. (Natick Records; Hist, of Gorham, p. 480; Portland Records.) Children, born at Gorham: a. Sophia L., born Apr. 4, 1813; mar. Hollis Randall of Portland. b. Mary H., born Nov. 29, 1816; mar. William Edwards of South Natick. c. Thankful-Lincoln, born Feb. 3, 1818; died Apr. 24, 1819. d. Henry-Smith, born Jan. 6, 1820; mar. Jane G. Hemenway. e. Martha, born May 9, 1823; died March 15, 1847, unmarried. /. Clarissa R., born May 30, 1825; mar. Levi Wetherbee of Boston. g. Elizabeth M., born Aug. 18, 1829; mar. Dr. George-Cook Lincoln of Natick, a descendant in the sixth generation from Thomas Lincoln, the husbandman. h. George-Calvin, born Nov. 10, 1831; died Aug. 28, 1832. aahcf h. Eliza-Beal, born Dec. 10, 1794, bapt. Dec. 14, 1794, at Weymouth, Mass., and so perhaps born there; died Aug. 20, 1872, at Boston, Mass.; married, May 8, 1822, at Gorham, James-Mosher^, son of Isaac^ (John^) and Jenny (Mosher) Carsley of Gorham, born Jan. 28, 1798, at Gorham; died Dec. 27, 1866, at Boston, whither the family had removed from Gorham. His grandfather, John Carsley, is thought to have been son of John and Dorcas (Hamblen) Casely of Barnstable, Mass., born Feb. 14, 1740, at Barnstable. (Hist, of Gorham, p. 423; Barnstable Famihes, vol. i, p. 149; Bible with William-Woodbury Carsley.) Children, born at Gorham: a. Abigail-Phinney, born June 11, 1823; mar. Thomas-Stewart Furman. h. William-Lincoln, born March 4, 1824; died March 22, 1824. c. William-Lincoln, born June 8, 1825; died June 24, 1825. d. Royal-Lincoln, born Jan. 16, 1828; died Aug. 20, 1862, at Rox- bury, Mass., unmarried. His name was changed, Jan. 12, 1856, to Royal Lincoln. e. Eliza-Jane, born Aug. 9, 1831 ; mar. George H. Everett. 10 146 LINCOLN GENEALOGY /. William-Woodbury, born Apr. 18, 1833; mar. Mary-Caroline Greely. He was christened Woodbury and took the name of William when 21. g. James-Henky, born March 14, 1835; died July 19, 1836. " History of Gorham" says: born March 21 and died July 9. oohcf i. William, born Apr. 24, 1796; died Sept. 4, 1797. aabcg. Beza, son of Jonathan {Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Susanna (Lincoln) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born July 17, 1756, at Hingham; died March 18, 1835, at Boston, Mass. In December, 1776, he marched under Capt. Job Gushing to join the army in New York State. A diary of this march was kept by Lieut. Thomas Burr. (Hist, of Hingham, voL i, pt. i, pp. 300-1.) He is said to have served, later, on the staff of General Benjamin Lincoln. At the close of the war he followed his trade of "shipwright" and, later, received an appointment as *' inspector" at the Boston Gustom House, an office which he held for twenty years, until 1810. He engaged afterwards in the fishery business at Hingham. In personal appearance he was squarely built, of medium height, resembling in his features his namesake and nephew, Beza Lincoln, aahck h. (Records of Rev. Gharles-Lincoln Morgan, aabck aa.) Mr. Lincoln's will, dated May 23, 1830, with codicil dated Dec. 8, 1830, was probated Apr. 13, 1835. In it he mentions "my wife" and "my four children" and names: son Rufus W. Lincoln; late brother Ezekiel deceased; daughter Sally; daughter Lucy; and daughter Susannah Thaxter. (Plymouth Gounty Probate Records, vol. Ixxvii, f. 114.) He married, Nov. 22, 1783, at Weymouth (so says the Family Bible but Weymouth records say Nov. 21, 1782, at First Ghurch, and their intentions were published at Hingham, June 1, 1782), Sarah^, daughter of Samuel^ {Samuel^, Henry^, Samuel^) and Elizabeth (Holbrook) Ward of Weymouth, Mass., born May 9, 1757, at Weymouth; died June 23, 1848, at Boston, aged 91 years. (Hist, of Hingham, vols, ii, p. 470; iii, pp. 274-5; Wey- mouth Records; N. E. Hist. & Gen. Register, vol. ii, p. 409; Bible Record with Mrs. Mary- Warren [Lincoln] Fish, aahcg deb.) Ghildren, born at Hingham (History of Hingham omits the first two children and gives the same dates for the baptisms of the last two that the Bible record gives for their births) : aabcg a. Eliza, ) bom Aug. 11, 1784; both died in infancy. aabcg b. Sukey, / & ' ' FIFTH GENERATION 147 aabcg c. Susanna, born Oct. 21, 1785; died Dec. 31, 1867, at Hingham; married, March 13, 1813, at Hingham, George^, son of Seth^ {David*, David}, SamueP, Thomas^) and Elizabeth (Marsh) Thaxter of Hingham, born May 31, 1785, at Hingham; died Jime 5, 1863, at Hingham. He was a ship-master and lived at Hingham, on the paternal homestead on North street, opposite Marsh's bridge. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 237.) Children, born at Hingham: a. Susan-Lincoln, born Apr. 3, 1814; mar. James-Lewis Hunt. h. David, born March 28, 1816; died Aug. 25, 1817. c. George-Warren, born Feb. 19, 1819; died Jan. 31, 1856, at New Orleans, La. d. Sophia B., born May 1, 1821; died Dec. 26, 1866, unmarried, aabcg d. Rufus- Warren, born Oct. 10, 1787. aahcg e. Sally, born Jan. 7, 1790; died May 24, 1795. aabcg f. Warren, born Jan. 11, 1792; died June 3, 1795. aabcg g. Lucy, born Jan. 18, 1794; died June 1, 1795. aabcg h. Sally, born March 13, 1797; died Oct. 6, 1881, at Hingham in her 85th year, unmarried. aabcg i. Lucy, born Nov. 7, 1799; died Nov. 8, 1880, at Boston, aged 81 years; married Oct. 11, 1825, at Hingham, Duncan-McBean^, son of Duncan-McBean' {Samuel^, Samuel^, Samuel'^, Samuel^, John^, Thomas^) and Mary (Gill) Thaxter of Hingham, aabab b, born May 12, 1797, at Hingham; died Aug. 28, 1888, at Somerville, Mass. In early life he was a school teacher in Hingham, and later became an oflQcer in two or more banking institutions in Boston, where he lived until finally removing to Somerville. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 238; Mass. Vital Records.) Child, born at Hingham: o. Duncan-McBean, born Aug. 15, 1828; mar. Harriet Sherburne. aabch. Ezekiel, son of Jonathan (Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Susanna (Lincoln) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born March 19, 1759, at Hingham; died Jan. 30, 1828, at Hingham. He was a private in Capt. James Lincoln's Company in 1776, while it was engaged in guarding the coast, and in September, 1777, he was a private under Capt. Moses French in an expedition to Rhode Island. He afterwards served on the Commonwealth's armed brig "Hazard" during one or more of its cruises and is said to have been taken prisoner and confined in Dartmouth prison. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. i, pt. i, pp. 287, 308, 310.) After the war he was, for some time, in service on the U. S. Revenue Cutter at Boston as executive officer. The "History of Hingham" says he was in the U. S. marine service and calls him "master-mariner." Later he engaged in the flour and grain business at Hingham. In personal appearance he was a stout, full chested man, of medium height. He had good business ability. (Rev. Charles-Lincoln Morgan, aahck aa.) 148 LINCOLN GENEALOGY He married, Oct. 1, 1787, at Hingham, Jane^, daughter of Samuel'* {SatnueP, SamueP, Samuel^) and Mary (Bates) Lincoln of Hingham, aahah, his own cousin. She was born Apr. 19, 1761, at Hingham and died there Nov. 17, 1851. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 471; Mass. Vital Records.) Mr. Lincoln died intestate and March 4, 1828, Rufus Lincoln of Boston, aahcg d, merchant, was admitted administrator on his estate. The will of Jane Lincoln of Hingham, widow, dated Oct. 6, 1851, presented for probate Nov. 24 and allowed Dec. 1, 1851, names: seven grandchildren, viz.: Jane-Russell Lincoln, aabce ha; Samuel-James Lincoln, aahce hb; Mary-Elliot Lincoln aahch da; Catherine-Russell Lincoln, aabch db; Helen-Frances Lincoln, aabch dc; Emma-Cushman Lincoln, aabch dd; and George-Russell Lincoln, aabch de; nieces, Hannah Gill, aabab e, Deborah Gill, aabab g, and Rebecca Muzzy, aabad f; daughter Jane Lincoln; son Ezekiel Lincoln; and son-in-law Jairus B. Lincoln, executor. (Plymouth County Probate Records, vols. Ixi, f. 176; xciii, f. 498.) Children, born at Hingham : aabch a. Russell, born Dec. 15, 1787; died Feb. 17, 1788. aahch h. Jane, born Apr. 11, 1789; married Jairus Lincoln, aabce h. aahch c. Russell, born Oct. 19, 1792; died Apr. 15, 1835, at Charlestown, Mass. He was never married. He was engaged with his brother, Ezekiel, and his cousin, Jairus Lincoln, in the trading and shipping business with a branch house in Philadelphia. April 25, 1836, Ezekiel Lincoln of Phil- adelphia, Pa., merchant, was appointed executor on the estate of Russell Lincoln, merchant, "last an inhabitant of Boston and died in Charlestown, Mass., on or about the 18th of April 1835," Ezekiel being brother of said deceased. August 22, 1836, a petition was granted for the distribution of the estate of Russell Lincoln among the mother and brother and sister of said deceased, viz., Jane Lincoln the mother; Ezekiel Lincoln the bro- ther; and Jairus B. Lincoln and his wife Jane Lincoln in her right, the sister of said deceased, being all the heirs at law. (Suffolk County Pro- bate Records, vols, clxxvi, p. 197; ccccxl, p. 137.) aabch d. Ezekiel, born July 31, 1796. aabch e. Catherine, born May, 1804; died Oct. 1, 1804. Family tradition says there was also a son, Samuel, who was lost at sea when 18 years old. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. iii, p. 359.) aabcj. John, son of Jonathan (Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Susanna (Lincoln) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Nov. 15, 1762, at Hingham; died March 22, 1842, at North Yarmouth, Me. He was a mariner in early life and rose to the position of FIFTH GENERATION 149 '' shipmaster '^ or sea captain, going on many foreign voyages. He removed with his family to Gorham, Me., about 1795 and purchased, in 1804, a farm at West Gorham, thereafter devoting himself to farming. Later in life he removed to North Yarmouth and lived there until his death. In person he so much resembled his brother Charles that he was often mistaken for him. He married, Apr. 20, 1792, at Hingham, Bethia^, daughter of Jonathan^ {David'^, David?, Samuel^, Thomas^) and Bethia (Lin- coln) Thaxter of Hingham, aacba h, born Sept. 22, 1768, at Hingham; died May 9, 1843, at North Yarmouth. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 471; Hist, of Gorham, Me., p. 631.) Children, born: a, b at Hingham; c-i at Gorham: adbcj a. Sally-Thaxter, bapt. May 12, 1793, but "History of Gorham" says born on that date; died Apr. 23, 1828, at Gorham aged 35 years (Gravestone) ; married, Sept. 17, 1811, at Gorham, Toppan, son of Edward and Sarah (Smith) Robie of Chester, N. H., born Jan. 27, 1782, at Candia, N. H.; died Jan. 14, 1871, at Gorham. (Gravestone.) Mr. Robie was descended in the sixth generation from Henry Robie, who came from England in 1639, settHng first in Dorchester, Mass., and was one of the early settlers in Exeter, N. H. Toppan Robie removed to Gorham before 1800 and was first a clerk in the store of John Horton, but after a short while went into the employ of Daniel Cressey, a leading trader in Gorham. In September, 1802, he formed a partnership with Sewall Lancaster and, in 1815, in company with his brother Thomas, formed the firm of T. & T. S. Robie which for twenty years was widely known as active and square deaUng retail merchants. He retired from business in 1850. In the War of 1812 he commanded a company of militia and marched to Portland in 1814, for the defense of that city. He was for fifty years trustee of Gorham Academy, and long its treasurer; and for many years was trea- surer of the Congregational Parish and of its Ministerial Fund. He held many local offices; was for six years, 1813-1819, representative to the Massachusetts General Court; in 1820 and 1821 representative to the Maine Legislature; and in 1837 was a member of the Executive Council under Governor Kent. He married (l),Oct. 8, 1804, Lydia, daughter of Benjamin and Prudence Brown of Chester, N. H., born 1782; died Feb. 23, 1811, at Gorham, leav- ing two children: Harriet, born Aug. 9, 1805, who married Oliver Lin- coln, aahck g, and Francis B., born Aug. 19, 1809. He married (3), November, 1828, Mrs. EHza (Stevens) Cross, daughter of WilHams Stevens of Portland and widow of Capt. William Cross who died Feb. 14, 1819, at Gorham. She died Nov. 2, 1865, at Gorham, aged 83 years. (Hist, of Gorham, pp. 743-4.) Children, born at Gorham: a. Charles, born July 30, 1812; mar. Emily March. h. George, born Oct. 1, 1816; mar. Frances-Maria Barrett, c. Frederick, born Aug. 12, 1822; mar. (1) Mary-OHvia Priest; (2) Martha-Ellen Cressey. For Memoir see "Memorials of Maine," 1916, pp. 70-74. 160 LINCOLN GENEALOGY aa5Q7 b. John, bapt. Apr. 5, 1795, but "History of Gorham" says born on that date. He was lost at sea in the winter of 1818. He was a mariner and unmarried. aabcj c. Samuel, born June 28, 1797. aahcj d. Maria, born Dec. 23, 1798; died July 2, 1885, at Maiden, Mass., unmarried. (Mass. Vital Records.) aahcj e. Harriet, born Apr. 25, 1800; died, at New York, N. Y., many years after her husband and at an advanced age. It is thought she died between 1882 and 1885. She married, Aug. 30, 1818, at Gorham, Wil- liam, son of John and Tabitha (Longfellow) Stephenson of Gorham, born 1785 at Portland, Me., died Aug. 7, 1849, at Brooklyn, N. Y., aged 63 years. He kept a hotel at Gorham in the old Thacher house, but removed to Portland in 1832 and kept a hotel there Thence he removed to New York City. His father was a sea captain who removed to Portland from New York and thence to Gorham, but returned to Portland in 1784. (Hist, of Gorham, p. 773.) Children, born at Gorham: a. Tabitha-Longfellow, born June 21, 1819; died at New York City, unmarried. h. John-Lincoln, bom Dec. 18, 1821; married and lived at Elmira, N. Y. c. Anna-Maria, born Dec. 9, 1823; married a Mr. Butler of New York City. aahcj /. Bethia-Thaxter, born Apr. 4, 1803, died Sept. 16, 1896, at Portland, Me.; married (1), Aug. 2, 1827, at Gorham, Alexander-McLellan^, son of Ai2 {Jeremiah^) and Eunice (McLellan) Staples of Gorham, born Oct. 26, 1803, at Gorham; died Oct. 10, 1844, at St. Mary's, Georgia. He was a sea captain and removed to Portland, probably before his marriage, as his children were all born there. The Staples family was originally of Kittery, Me., whence they removed to Scarboro, Me. Ai Staples settled in Gorham in 1790. Mrs. Bethiah Staples married (2), it is said at Chelsea, Mass., but the date has not been learned, Samuel-Denny, son of Samuel and Hannah (Kenny) Green of Leicester, Mass., born Feb. 7, 1788, at Leicester (Leicester Records); died March 14, 1882, at Chelsea. (Mass. Vital Records.) He was engaged in insurance business at Chelsea. (Hist, of Gorham, p. 771; Portland Records; Records of Mrs. Joseph-Henry Webster, aabcj fd.) Children, born at Portland (the first three are buried at Gorham) : a. Lydia-Ann-Thaxter, born June 12, 1828; died Feb. 5, 1833. b. Statira-Curtis, born May 17, 1830 ; died July 20, 1832. c. John-Alexander, born Sept. 20, 1833; died May 19, 1842. d. Harriet-Stephenson, born March 29, 1835; mar. Joseph-Henry Webster. e. Charles-Alpheus, born Nov. 6, 1839; mar. Maria Hay. /. Lincoln-Thaxter, born June 27, 1843; died May 9, 1872, un- married. He is called also ''John-Lincoln-Thaxter" in Portland records. His gravestone says he died May 8. aabcj g. Catherine, born May 3, 1808; died May 6, 1894, at Yarmouth, Me.; married, between Apr. 1, 1838, and Apr. 1, 1839, at Yarmouth (County Comm'rs' Records at Portland), or perhaps at Pownal, Me., Joseph, son of Seth and Rebecca (Wood) Sweetser of Pownal, born May FIFTH GENERATION 151 27, 1812, at Pownal; died Nov. 25, 1887, at Maiden, Mass. He was a ship builder at Jonesboro, Me., but removed to Chelsea, Mass., where he kept a hotel; and thence removed to Maiden where he kept the Evelyn House. He and his wife are buried at Maiden. They had no children, but adopted a daughter, Ann-Maria, who married a Mr. Berlin and was living, 1911, at Maiden. She has furnished the dates of the deaths of both Mr. and Mrs. Sweetser and of his birth. aabcj h. Levi-Thaxter, born March 29, 1811. aahcj i. Mary- Ann, born Aug. 25, 1813; died Oct. 1, 1861, at Yarmouth, Me. ; married, Feb. 21, 1855, at Yarmouth (County Comm'rs' Records at Port- land; the intentions were pubhshed Sept. 26, 1854, at Portland), Oliver, son of Oliver and Eunice (Fletcher) Hale of Harvard, Mass., and Water- ford, Me., born June 20, 1803, at Waterford; died Jan. 16, 1866, at Waterford. Mary-Ann was his second wife, he having married (1), Nov. 2, 1832, at Waterford, Harriet Waite, who died Aug. 30, 1853; and he mar- ried (3), Dec. 6, 1863, at Waterford, Ruth-Jane, daughter of Aram and Ruth (Morse) Brown of Waterford. Mr. Hale spent most of his life on his farm at Waterford, but for a few years after the death of his first wife he was engaged in general commission business at Portland, in company with his oldest son, under the firm name of O. & H. W. Hale. He had no children by his second and third wives. (Records of his daughter, Mrs. Henry L. [Harriet E.] Houghton, Portland; Hist, of Waterford, p. 249; Hale Genealogy, p. 336.) aabck. Charles, son of Jonathan {Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Susanna (Lincoln) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born July 29, 1765, at Hingham; died Oct. 17, 1852, at Boston. The fol- lowing account of him is from a manuscript record of this branch of the family by Rev. Charles-Lincoln Morgan, a great-grandson, see aabck aa: ''He received a common school education; was an apt learner and improved well the scant advantages afforded by the public schools at that time. At the age of fourteen he was apprenticed to a Mr. Hersey, a shoe-maker. Having served seven years, he continued for a while longer with Mr. Hersey and then set up in business for himself in a shop on Purchase street, Boston, where his excellent work brought him business and prosperity. He was a man of unusual intelligence and took an active interest in the welfare of the town. He was a member of a military company known as the 'Republican Volunteers,' which marched to join the forces under General Lincoln at the breaking out of Shays's rebellion, but did not reach the scene of action until the insurgents had surrendered. Soon after his marriage, in company with his brother-in-law, Elijah Leavitt, he built a frame house on Fort Hill. In 1799, on the breaking out of yellow fever in Boston, he removed with his family to 152 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Hingham, relinquished his business in Boston, and engaged in grocery business, in which he continued until 1810, when receiving an appointment as inspector in the Boston Custom House, he returned with his family to Boston, and occupied a house in Prince street, believed to be the same in which Major Pitcairn died from wounds received at the battle of Bunker Hill. He made various removals, finally living in a 'rough cast' house, on the site of the present Cushman school ground, in which he died. He continued to hold the office of inspector for twenty years until 1830, when he was removed by President Jackson under the 'spoils system.' From 1830 to 1838 he was a representative in the General Court. He was an enthusiastic whig; of great public spirit and intensely patriotic. Socially he was very popular. His character was of the highest type, his integrity irreproachable, and his word as good as his bond. He was devoutly religious and both a member and regular at- tendant of the New North church. He first saw his future wife, Mary Barry, when she sat in the singers' seats of the church on Church Green. The portrait of Charles Lincoln, in the posses- sion, 1910, of Mrs. Horace Dodd, his granddaughter, aabck /e, shows a face of decided force, benevolence and purpose." He married (1), May 6, 1789, at Boston, Mary^, daughter of John^ (Charles^) and Mary (Blake) Barry of Boston, born March 17, 1766, at Boston (some records say March 16); died Dec. 17, 1831, at Boston. (Boston Records.) In ''WiUiam and Esther Barry" she is called ''very beautiful," and Rev. Mr. Morgan says of her: "she had dark hair and a full face, and was regarded a handsome woman." Mr. Lincoln married (2), Nov. 19, 1833, at Hingham, Mrs. Deborah^ (Thaxter) Thaxter, daughter of Jonathan^ {David^j David^, SamueP, Thomas^) and Bethia (Lincoln) Thaxter of Hingham, aacba c, and widow of Francis Thaxter, see aacde. She was born March 21, 1771, at Hingham, and died March 25, 1858, at Boston. Her will, dated March 24, 1858, probated Apr. 19, 1858, calls her "of Boston, widow," and names: "Mary | Pierce daughter of my late husband"; "Deacons of the Church i of the First Parish in Hingham"; "James-Francis, son of Charles Lincoln, Jr., deceased and Francis-James son of Frederick and f Susan Crosby, as they bear the names of my deceased sons"; FIFTH GENERATION 153 ''John Richardson my grand-nephew"; ''nieces Maria Lincoln, Harriet Stephenson, Bethiah Staples and Mary- Ann Hale, daughters of my late sister Bethiah"; "niece Catharine Sweet- ser"; ''niece Susan Crosby"; "niece Abby Lincoln"; "nephews Levi son of my late brother Jonathan, Samuel Lincoln and Levi T. Lincoln"; "Mrs. Nancy wife of Warren Lincoln"; "Beza Lincoln son of my late husband." (Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. clvi^, p. 242.) The will of Charles Lincoln of Boston, "Esquire," dated June 21, 1847, probated Nov. 15, 1852, names: "beloved wife Deborah Lincoln"; "son Charles now deceased"; "his children that may be living at the time of my decease"; "remaining children, Warren Lincoln, Oliver Lincoln, Beza Lincoln, Mary Pierce and Eliza Lincoln." Executors, "sons Warren Lincoln, Guilder; Beza Lincoln, Flower Merchant, both of Boston; and my Brother in Law Levi Thaxter of Watertown." (Ibid., vol. cP, p. 214.) John Barry, father of Mary Barry, was son of Charles and Mary (Vose?) Barry and was born in Boston in June, 1734. His father is said to have come from Ireland to Virginia early in the eighteenth century, and thence to have removed to Boston. Mary^ Blake, who married John Barry, was daughter of Jona- than"* (Jonathan^, Edward^, William^) and Mary (Bennett) Blake. William^, her first ancestor, came from Pitsminster, England, to Dorchester about 1636. (Rev. Charles-Lincoln Morgan's Manu- script; also ''William and Esther Barry," pp. 59, 64, 70; Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 471.) Children, by first wife; born: a,f-h at Hingham; h-e at Boston; bapt. a-d at Boston : aabck a. Mary, born July 27, 1791, bapt. Aug. 7, 1791; died Aug. 7, 1870, at South Scituate, Mass.; married, Jan. 13, 1816, at Boston (Boston Records. Mr. Morgan says Jan. 14), Josiah, son of Nicholas and Anna (Tuttle) Pierce of Boston, born Jan. 8, 1790, at Boston; died Feb. 21, 1839, at Boston and was buried in " Central Ground." (Boston Records.) He was a mason by trade, Uke his father, and is remembered as a man of worth and character. Mr&. Mary Pierce was an attractive woman, with a character of unusual force and sweetness, and of profound religious faith. Children, born at Boston : a. Marianne, born Aug. 2, 1816; mar. David Morgan.* *Their son, Rev. Charles-Lincoln Morgan, to whom the writer is indebted for the very full and complete records of this family, prepared, some years ago, a full account of this branch of the family with the intention of publishing it, which, unfortunately, he has never done. 154 LINCOLN GENEALOGY b. Eliza-Lincoln, born Oct. 14, 1818; mar. Samuel-Curtis Cud- worth. c. JosiAH, born Nov. 20, 1820; died Oct. 30, 1821. d. Henri etta-Lamson, bom Sept. 4, 1822; mar. Andrew-Harris Francis. e. Sarah-Robie, born May 29, 1826; mar, Moses-Reuben Greeley, aabck b. Charles, born March 2, 1793, bapt. March 10, 1793. aabck c. John, born March 25, 1795, bapt. March 22 Isic'], 1795; died in 1813, being lost at sea. He was a young man of fine physique and genial disposition. aabck d. Eliza, born March 25, bapt. Apr. 2,1797; died Sept. 2, 1883, at Bos- ton, unmarried. A nervous affection disabled her for any active work or responsibilities. aabck e. William, born Dec. 30, 1798, bapt. Jan.6, 1799; died March 8, 1825, at Boston, unmarried. (Boston Records.) He was a young man of very fine appearance, with courtly manners, and was a general favorite. He was for some time member and clerk of the Boston Fusileers. Marching with the company at the funeral of Governor Eustis, he contracted a cold which induced consumption. At the time of his death he was betrothed to Miss Catherine Wilde. aabck f. Warren, born Dec. 6, 1801. aabck g. Oliver, born May 30, 1805. aabck h. Beza, born Apr. 20, 1809 ; died March 20, 1900, at Boston, unmarried . He was educated at Christ Church Academy and at the Boston Latin School, which latter he left at the age of fifteen. In 1824 he became a clerk in the drug store of Robert Fenelly and, in 1828, on the death of Mr. Fenelly he purchased the business and conducted it for four years, when he entered into partnership with Frederick Doane in the wholesale drug business. This partnership was dissolved in about a year and, two years later, he became a partner of Daniel Bartlett in the flour business. Mr. Bartlett was succeeded by Joseph Mead and he, in turn, by Capt. Jairus Beal of Hingham. The firm of Lincoln & Beal continued in the flour business for thirty years at the corner of Commercial and Richmond streets, but, after Mr. Beal's death, Mr. Lincoln closed the store and opened an office for commission business in the old Exchange building in State street, removing later to Exchange place where he continued in business up to his eighty-seventh year. Through his long business life he was ever the very soul of honor, while justice, humanity and generosity marked his whole career. He was a most ardent patriot and in politics a devoted Republican. In 1847 he united with others to form the First Unitarian Society of East Boston, but, in later life, he was a regular attendant at the Old South Church until, removing with his brother to Appleton street, he became a member of the Church of the Disciples, which relationship continued until his death. He was identified with many associations for the public welfare, and became a life member of the New England Historic Genealogical Society in 1878. "For unostentatious but efficient service in every cause his judgment approved, for ceaseless devotion to the highest and best in every phase of fife, for every virtue which gives to manhood grace and strength, Beza Lincoln will be cherished in memory as one of the ideal men whom to know was to honor and love." (From memoir by Rev. Charles-Lincoln Morgan in N. E. Hist, & Gen. Register, vol. Ixv, pp. Ixi-lxiii.) FIFTH GENERATION 155 aabhe. CtrsHiNG, son of John (Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Lydia (Jacob) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Sept. 3, 1773, at Hingham; died Nov. 3, 1861, at Warwick, Mass., but the ''History of Warwick" says Nov. 9. He married (1), Sept. 22, 1814, at Northfield, Mass., Mrs. Roxanna (Wood) Moody, daughter of Barzillai and Mary (Shattuck) Wood of Northfield and widow of Abijah Moody, whom she married June 8, 1807, at Northfield. She was born Dec. 15, 1787, at Northfield and died before Feb. 27, 1823, when Mr. Lincoln married (2), at Warwick, Mrs. Mary (Smith) Gale, daughter of Abner Smith of Warwick and widow of Jesse Gale, to whom she was published Nov. 19, 1794, at Warwick and who died June 18, 1817, at Warwick. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 465; Hist, of Warwick, pp. 209, 216, 224; Hist, of Northfield, pp. 482, 566; Mass. Vital Records.) Gushing Lincoln served one year on the school committee. He was a farmer. He and his second wife, Mary, and Jesse Gale are buried in Warwick cemetery, the body of Mary lying between her two husbands. The inscriptions on the stones are as follows: "Gushing Lincoln t died t Nov. 8, 1861 t AE. 87." "Mary t wife of J Gushing Lincoln J died t Nov. 30, 1859 t AE. 85." "Mr. J Jesse Gale t died t 18 June 1817 t AE 45 t Whilst at my calling as I wrought J By Gods supreme decree t Rapacious death rushM quick as thought t And snatch'd my life from me." The will of Gushing Lincoln of Warwick, yeoman, dated Apr. 2, 1850, petition for its probate, dated March 11, 1862, names: "beloved wife Mary Lincoln"; gives "to my son Jotham Lincoln five dollars"; "to John G Gale my respected neighbor all the rest and residue of my real and personal estate," and names him as executor. No reason has been found for this somewhat extraordinary disposition of his property, but the following letter shows that his son thought it to be proper, and it is also of value as showing that there were no other children. "To Charles Mattoon, Esq., Judge of Probate, etc. Sir: Being the only child of the late Gushing Lincoln I hereby certify that I shall make no objection to the provisions of his last will and testament. May 12, 1862. [signed] Jotham Lincoln." (FrankHn Gounty Probate Files.) 156 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Child, by first wife, born at Northfield: aabhe a. Jotham, born Feb. 15, 1815. aabhg. John-Barker, son of John {Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Lydia (Jacob) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Feb. 7, 1781, at Hingham; died July 29, 1832, at Hingham. He was a mariner by occupation and sailed a packet between Hingham and Boston. He lived at Hingham Center. He married, Jan. 1, 1809, at Hingham, Lucinda^, daughter of Hawkes^ (Hawkes"^, John^, IsraeP, Johri^) and Leah (Lincoln) Fearing of Hingham, aachh d, born Oct. 6, 1785, at Hingham; died March 14, 1840, at Hingham. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, pp. 471-2; Family Records of Mrs. Edith [Lincoln] Allen, aahhg ee.) Mr. Lincoln's will, dated Feb. 28, 1829, probated Aug. 28, 1832, names: wife Lucinda; four sons, John, Albert, Samuel and William; and two daughters, Lucinda and Lydia. Mrs. Lincoln died intestate and administration on her estate was granted, Apr. 14, 1840, to her son John Lincoln. Samuel and William Lincoln, children of John B. Lincoln, were placed under guar- dianship of John Lincoln, Aug. 25; 1840. (Plymouth County Probate Records, vols. Ixxii, p. 379; xA, p. 338; viiiL, p. 196.) Children, born at Hingham: aabhg a. John, born Apr. 24, 1810. aabhg b. Lucinda, born May 3, 1812; died Sept. 12, 1894, at Hingham; married, Apr. 8, 1834, at Hingham, John-Holland, son of Sparrow and Mary (Holland) Nickerson of Hingham, born Dec. 7, 1805, at Hingham; died Sept. 26, 1852, at Hingham. His father was from Chatham, Mass. They had no children. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. iii, p. 91.) aabhg c. Lydia-Jacob, born Aug. 20, 1814; died Dec. 31, 1882, at Hing- ham; married, Dec. 9, 1837, at Hingham, Ebed^, son of Moses^ {Moses^, Isaac*, Josiah^, Anthony'^, William^) and Polly (Hersey) Sprague of Hingham, born Nov. 23, 1810, at Hingham; died there, June 10, 1894. They hved on Main street, "Liberty Plain," South Hingham. He was a farmer. (Ibid., p. 176, in which an error is made in caUing their child, "Joseph.") Child, born at Hingham : a. Ebed, born Nov. 4, 1840; died June 16, 1894, unmarried. aabhg d. Albert, born May 21, 1818. aabhg e. Samuel, born Dec. 13, 1821, but "History of Hingham" says Nov. 13, 1820. aabhg f. William, born June 8, 1828; died March 29, 1868, at Hingham, unmarried. He was insane at death. (Mass. Vital Records.) l.i:Vl LINCOLN'. Seniok 1749-1820 From (III oil paintini] by Jame.'i S. Lincoln FIFTH GENEKATION 157 aacbc. Levi, son of Enoch (Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Rachel (Fearing) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born May 15, 1749, at Hingham according to Hingham records, but all other records say May 5; died Apr. 14, 1820, at Worcester, Mass. (Worcester Records.) At an early age he showed a strong taste for study, but his father, unwilling to favor one son more than another, apprenticed him at the usual age to Jeremiah Lincoln, a blacksmith of Hingham and a great-grandson of Thomas Lincoln, the cooper. He remained with him until December, 1767, when, having shown a strong distaste for his trade and a marked love for reading and study, in which he indulged during the hours usually allotted to sleep, his friends headed by the venerable Dr. Ebenezer Gay persuaded his master to relinquish his time, and his father to allow him to fit for and enter Harvard College. He studied for six months with Mr. Dunbar, the teacher of the public grammar school of Hingham, and was able to enter college the following summer, with the expectation of his friends and himself that he would enter the ministry. This purpose was deflected to the law by his hearing, on a casual visit to the courts, an eloquent address by the elder Adams. After gradua- tion in 1772 he studied law, first with Daniel Farnham, Esq., at Newburyport, Mass., and later with Joseph Hawley, Esq., at Northampton, Mass., from which town he marched with the minute men to Cambridge on the occasion of the Lexington alarm. On the passing of the immediate emergency he returned to Northampton, was admitted to the bar in Hampshire county and immediately after settled in Worcester, where he passed the remainder of his life. Here he at once took a prominent position and developed that decision of character, energy of purpose, capacity to lead and popular address which marked his career through life. From that time until compelled to retire from active life by almost total loss of sight some forty years later, he was in almost constant public service, either for the town, the state or the nation and, at the same time, carried on an extensive law practice which is said to have exceeded that of any other member of the bar. '^He was," says Joseph Willard in ''An Address before the Members of the Worcester County Bar," "without question, at the head of the bar, from the close of the Revolution till he left our courts at the commencement 158 LINCOLN GENEALOGY of the present century. His professional business far exceeded that of any other member of the bar. He was retained in every case of importance; and for many years, constantly attended the courts in Hampshire and Middlesex. His great command of language, his power in searching out the truth from unwilling witnesses, in analyzing, arranging and presenting to the mind the evidence of the case, rendered him a highly popular advocate, and gave him great success in jury trials." In December, 1775, on the reopening of the courts after their suspension, he was appointed Clerk and, on resigning this office in January, 1777, he was commissioned Judge of Probate, which office he held until 1781. At a town meeting, March 4, 1776, he was chosen a member of the committee of correspondence, inspection and safety, which position he held for one year. March 11, 1777, he was on a committee to instruct the representatives. February 2, 1778, he was on a committee to draw up a petition and remonstrances. The petition was accepted and he was appointed to attend the General Court to prefer said petition. In 1779 he was specially designated to prosecute the claims of the govern- ment to the large estates of the refugees confiscated under the Absentee Act; and was commissioner to expedite the payment of the Continental tax. August 18, 1779, he was elected a delegate to a State convention to form a new constitution. September 1, 1779, he was moderator of the town meeting. In February, 1781, he was elected by the Legislature, under the Confederation, representa- tive in the Continental Congress, but the honor was declined. October 22, 1781, he was on a committee "to remonstrate against a Roads being Laid out by the Courts Committee through parte of the Town of Worcester." May 12, 1783, he was on a committee to prepare an answer to a letter received from the Committee of Correspondence of the Town of Boston and to prepare instructions for the representatives. In this year, 1783, he was called by the Supreme Court to the degree of Barrister at Law, a judicial distinction only conferred in Worcester county after the Revolution, upon himself and Judge John Sprague. March 5, 1792, he was chosen a member of the school committee. March 2, 1795, he was placed on a committee to district the town into school squadrons. May 7, 1796, he was chosen representa- tive to the General Court, to which office he was re-elected May FIFTH GENERATION 159 15, 1797. In this latter year he was elected senator and seems to have served in both capacities, his name being recorded both as senator and representative in the Journals of the General Court, and while holding these offices *' exerted strong influence in the legislative action, particularly in the modification of the judicial and school systems." In the Fall of 1800, Hon. Dwight Foster having resigned his seat in the national house of representatives, a special election was held, August 20, to fill the vacancy. The law then requiring a majority to elect, there was no choice, which again happened at a second election held October 20, though on both occasions Mr. Lincoln received a plurality. At the general election on November 3, Mr. Lincoln was elected to the next congress, and at a third special election to fill the vacancy held December 18, he received a majority of the votes cast and took his seat in the last session of the sixth congress. He was, soon after, selected by President-Elect Jefferson to form one of his cabinet and on March 5, 1801, he was appointed Attorney-General of the United States. Mr. Madison, who had been appointed Secretary of I State, not arriving in Washington until May, Mr. Lincoln served as provisional Secretary of State until his arrival. After nearly I four years' service Mr. Lincoln resigned his office, and Mr. Jeffer- son on learning of his determination to do so wrote him the following letter, expressive of the confidential relations which ; existed between them. The original of this letter is now in the possession of the compiler of this genealogy. ''Washington Dec. 28, 04 1 ''Dear Sir "I received last night your letter of the 26th proposing to resign your office and I received it with real affliction. It would have been my greatest happiness to have kept together to the end of my term our executive family : for our harmony & cordial- ity has really made us but as one family, believing too that another four years will consolidate the basis on which we are building the political & physical happiness of our country, I did wish to see my associates sharing each in that honest fame & heartfelt satisfaction with which such an achievement must reward them, yet I am a father and have been a husband. I know the sacred duties which these relations impose the feelings 160 LINCOLN GENEALOGY they inspire, & that they are not to be resisted by a warm heart. I yield therefore to your will, you carry with you my entire approbation of your official conduct, my thanks for your services, my regrets on losing them, and my affectionate friendship. "I must now turn to the painful task of finding a successor, altho you had prepared me for this event, I am as much un- provided as if it were now for the first time mentioned. I see not who is to fill the chasm, but this labor is my lot. be yours that of a domestic felicit}^, of health & long life, and with this wish accept my affectionate salutations & assurance of great & constant esteem & respect. [signed] "Th. Jefferson "Levi Lincoln esq'* But his public life was not yet ended. In the spring of 1806 he was elected a member of the governor's council and in 1807 and 1808 he was lieutenant-governor of the commonwealth with Governor James Sullivan at whose death, Dec. 10, 1808, he became acting governor for the remainder of the term, which then ended in May. In 1809 he was candidate for the governor- ship but was defeated. In May, 1810, and again in May, 1811, he was elected to the council, and in the latter year was appointed associate justice of the Supreme Court of the United States by President Madison, who wrote to him as follows: "You will see by the commission which will be forwarded from the Department of State, that I have taken the liberty of nominat- ing you to the Senate as successor to Judge Gushing, notwith- standing your remonstrances against .a recall into the national service. I was induced to this step, not only by my personal wishes, but by those of others, between whom and yourself exists all the reciprocal respect that can add weight to them, and particularly by their persuading themselves, that your patriotism would acquiesce in an appointment, however contrary it might be to your previous inclinations. I venture to flatter myself that in this we may not be disappointed: and that, in every event, you will regard the liberty I have taken in imposing the dilemma upon you, with the indulgence due to my motives, and to the great esteem and sincere friendship of which I prayB^ you to accept my renewed assurance." frcD This flattering appointment he was obliged to decline bylN? FIFTH GENERATION 161 reason of failing eyesight, which afterwards resulted in almost total bHndness and enforced his final retirement from public life. On hearing of his decision Mr. Jefferson wrote him as follows: ''Be assured your place is high among those whose remembrance I have brought with me into retirement and cherish with warmth. I was overjoyed when I heard you were appointed to the supreme bench of national justice, and as much mortified when I heard you had declined." Partial restoration of sight enabled Mr. Lincoln to pass the remainder of his life in the cultivation of his farm and in classical studies, of both which pursuits he was passionately fond. His farm, consisting of 152 acres, was on both sides of the Boston turnpike, now Lincoln street, and the mansion house, removed many years ago, is still (1921) standing at the corner of Grove and Lexington • streets. Among the many legal cases in which Mr. Lincoln was en- gaged as counsel none, perhaps, was more important or had such far reaching results as the celebrated, but now almost forgotten, case of Jennison versus Caldwell, for enticing away a ^ negro slave named Quork Walker, which was tried on appeal in 1781 before the Superior Court of Judicature. There is no full report of the trial but Mr. Lincoln's brief is preserved among the manuscripts of the American Antiquarian Society. Basing his argument on the laws of nature and of God, on an article in . the ''Body of Liberties" of 1643, and on the first article in the . Bill of Rights adopted by the people of Massachusetts in 1780, he deduced that no man in this State could claim to be the master of another. Judgment was rendered for the Caldwells, Mr. Lincoln's clients, and the final effect of this was a verdict before j the Supreme Judicial Court in 1783, which forever abolished > slavery in Massachusetts. In an obituary notice in the "Spy," Apr. 26, 1820, a few days after Mr. Lincoln's death, is the follow- ing reference to this case : "How few of our rising politicians have been taught that the first practical comment on the introductory clause of the Bill of ; Rights was first given by a Worcester jury: That it was here - first shown, by the irresistible eloquence of Lincoln, that all men were in truth born free and equal, and that a Court sitting under the authority of our Constitution could not admit as a 11 162 LINCOLN GENEALOGY justification for an assault, the principle of Master and Slave: That it was the memorable verdict obtained upon this trial which first broke the fetters of negro slavery in Massachusetts, and let the oppressed free. This deed of Judge Lincoln, even if it stood alone, ought to consecrate his memory with every free- man." It is a remarkable fact that the abolition of slavery in Massa- chusetts, thus peaceably brought about by the eloquence and arguments of one descendant of Samuel Lincoln, the Hingham settler, was followed some eighty years later, in the midst of a civil war, by the act of another descendant. President Abraham Lincoln, which forever abolished slavery in the whole United States. (See Hist, of Worcester County, Boston, 1879, pp. 66-69; Proceedings Mass. Hist. Soc'y, 1873-5, pp. 293-8; also Collections of ditto, vol. xxxix, pp. 333-346, for further account of these trials.) Mr. Lincoln married, Nov. 25, 1781, at Lancaster, Mass. (by Rev. Timothy Harrington), Martha^, daughter of DanieP {Cor- nelius^, Cornelius^, Cornelius^) and Rebecca (Salisbury) Waldo of Worcester, born Sept. 14, 1761, at Boston, Mass., died March 28, 1828, at Worcester. "It is a circumstance worthy of note, that she was followed to the grave by two sons, who are now Governors of the States of Massachusetts and Maine, and by another son and son-in-law, who are senators of Massachusetts, and a brother who has held the same station." (From the Worcester Spy, Apr. 2, 1828.) They are both buried in Rural cemetery, Worcester. There is no portrait of Mrs. Lincoln known to be in existence. The only life portrait of Mr. Lincoln is a high relief in wax, said to have been executed by C. Rauschner, a Russian Pole, while Mr. Lincoln was lieutenant-governor, and now in the possession of Waldo Lincoln, his great-grandson. From this several oil portraits have been made, one of which is in the office of the Attorney-General at Washington. Children, born at Worcester: aacbc a. Levi, born Oct. 25, 1782. aacbc b. Daniel-Waldo, born March 2, 1784; died Apr. 17, 1815, at Worces- ter, unmarried. "He graduated at Harvard College, 1803, read law with his father, established himself in Portland, Me., was appointed by Gov. Sullivan, County Attorney of Cumberland; was in practice in Boston from April, 1810, to July, 1813; and then resumed business LEVI LINCOLN, Senior 1749-1820 From a wax portrait by John Christian Rauschner FIFTH GENERATION 163 in Portland. An oration delivered at Worcester, July 4, 1805, and one before the Bunker Hill Association, July 4, 1810, are the only printed memorials of the splendid genius he possessed." (Hist, of Worcester, p. 271.) A volume of his letters is in the possession of his great-nephew, Waldo Lincoln. An obituary notice of him in the Worcester "Aegis," Apr. 19, 1815, says: "The loss of this gentleman is a calamity which reaches beyond the circle of his connections and acquaintances. Society is deprived of the most distinguished talents and virtues. In the at- tainments of the scholar, in the accomphshments of the gentleman, in the noble enthusiasm of the patriot, in all the best quaHties and affec- tions of the human heart, few in our country have equalled, scarce any exceeded him. All who knew him were his friends, all who remember him are his mourners. "Vitae summa brevis spem nos vetat inebrare longam." aacbc c. Martha, born Oct. 19, 1785; died Apr. 19, 1822, at Charlestown, Mass.; married, May 23, 1814, at Worcester, Leonard-Moody^, son of James^ (Leonard^, Phineas^, James^, James^) and Sarah (Dickenson) Parker of Shirley, Mass., born Jan, 9, 1789, at Shirley; died Aug. 25, 1854, at Shirley. He graduated at Dartmouth College, 1808, and studied law in the office of Levi Lincoln at Worcester. He practised his profes- sion at Charlestown, Mass., and Shirley, was a representative in the General Court in 1829, 1830 and 1851, and was State senator in 1818, '19, '26-'28, '36, '37 and 1840. In 1820 he was a member of the Con- stitutional convention and in 1830 succeeded General Boyd as Naval Officer at Boston, which office he held until 1834. (Hist, of Shirley; Massachusetts Manuals; Jennison Papers in Am. Ant. Society's library.) Children, born at Charlestown : a. Martha-Lincoln, born Aug. 4, 1815; died Oct. 2, 1835, un- married. 6. Elizabeth- Waldo, born May 9, 1817; mar. Francis-Harrison Kinnicutt. c. Sarah-Rebecca, born March 16, 1822; mar. Joseph Mason. aacbc d. John-Waldo, born June 23, 1787. aacbc e. Enoch, born Dec. 28, 1788. aacbc f. Waldo, born July 10, 1790, but his gravestone says June 10; died Aug. 25, 1795, at Worcester. aacbc g. Rebecca, born Jan. 11, 1792; died Jan. 10, 1855, at Worcester; married, Apr. 24, 1817, at Worcester, Rejoice^, son of Isaac^ (John^ Abner^, Samuel"^, Roger^) and Hester (Grennell) Newton of Greenfield, Mass., born Oct. 18, 1782, at Greenfield; died Feb. 4, 1868, at Worcester. He graduated at Dartmouth College in 1807; studied law with Hon. Francis Blake in Worcester and was admitted to the bar in 1810. "New- ton Genealogy," p. 708, says he studied with Judge Joseph W. Newcomb and E. H. Wills. In any case immediately after admission to the bar he associated himself in professional business with Mr. Blake, which connect,ion continued until April, 1814. In 1818 he was appointed County attorney, succeeding Mr. William-Charles White, which office he filled with ability and resigned in 1825. He was representative in the General Court in 1829, 1830 and 1831, and State senator in 1834. In 1826 he formed a partnership with his brother-in-law, William Lin- coln, aacbc j, which lasted until the latter's death in 1843. In 1842 he was appointed a commissioner in bankruptcy and held the office until 164 LINCOLN GENEALOGY the law was repealed under which the appointment was made. He had great equanimity of character, and never lost or gained a case but the result was precisely what he expected. Hence he was perfectly satisfied with the result of every case. He was honest, confiding and capable, and discharged all the duties pertaining to his various offices with ability and fidelity, and to the entire satisfaction of his constituents. He was an occasional writer in the Federal papers, and an oration delivered by him, July 4, 1814, to the citizens of Worcester was published. He was for forty-seven years a member of the Worcester Fire Society, a social organization, and was long a member and officer of the American Anti- quarian Society. He was grandson of John Newton who was from Durham, Conn., and married a Pickett. (Waldo Genealogy, p. 278; Jennison Manuscripts; Reminiscences of Worcester Fire Society, No. 4, p. 37; N. E. Hist. & Gen. Register, vol. xxiii, p. 84; "Rev. Roger Newton," pp. 14-18.) Children, born at Worcester: a. Daniel-Lincoln, born Nov. 24, 1818; died June 30, 1820. b. Levi-Lincoln, born Aug. 20, 1820; died Oct. 21, 1847, un- married. c. Hester, born June 1, 1823; mar. John-Walcott Wetherell. aacbc h. Waldo, born Jan. 8, 1799; died same day. aucbc i. Waldo, born Apr. 26, 1800, gravestone says Apr. 21; died Aug. 13, 1803. aacbc j. William, born Sept. 26, 1801. aacbe. Amos, son of Enoch (Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Rachel (Fearing) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born March 18, 1753, at Hingham; died Jan. 14, 1829, at Quincy, Mass. (Quincy Records and Records of Frederic- Walker Lincoln, aacbe da, but Boston Records say Jan. 19, and another record says the 15th.) When a young man he was apprenticed to Thomas Crafts of Boston to learn the carpenter trade, and with young Thomas Crafts took part in the '' Boston Tea Party." They obtained their disguises through the assistance of the senior Mr. Crafts who, it is said, at family prayers that night prayed for ''the young men out on their perilous errand. '^ At the breaking out of the Revolution, Lincoln was commissioned, May 10, 1776, lieutenant in the artillery company commanded by Thomas Crafts, Jr. ; was promoted to be captain and continued in the service until Feb. 26, 1779, when, in company with the other officers of the regiment, he resigned for the reason that the legislature had failed to redress their grievances. March 23, 1779, he was commissioned captain in the corps of artillery commanded by Col. Paul Revere, and continued in that service until May 4, 1780. Meanwhile he was commissioned, Apr. 9, 1780, captain FIFTH GENERATION 165 of a company of matrosses and was discharged Aug. 21, 1783, after a service of thirty-nine months, fifteen days, thus having seen almost unbroken service for over seven years. (Mass. Soldiers and Sailors in Rev. War, vol. ix, p. 799.) During this service he was at the battle of Bunker Hill attached to Stark's regiment; was in the actions at Bennington, Brandy wine and Monmouth; and was at one time aid to Governor Hancock. He commanded the company at Fort Independence which fired the salute at the first celebration of Independence Day in Boston, July 4, 1777. At the close of the war he returned to his trade of carpenter and was master-workman at the erection of the State House on Beacon Hill. He Hved at Boston until near the end of his life, when he removed to Quincy. (Crafts Family, p. 74; Memorial of Frederic- Walker Lincoln, p. 10; Life of Paul Revere, p. 647.) He married (1), Jan. 14, 1781, perhaps at Boston where his intentions were recorded in November, 1780, Deborah, daughter of Paul and Sarah (Orne) Revere of Boston, born Apr. 3, 1758, at Boston; died Jan. 3, 1797, at Boston. (Life of Paul Revere, p. 25, but the records of Frederic-Walker Lincoln give the dates Apr. 8, and Jan. 8, respectively.) He married (2), his intentions being recorded at Boston May 24, 1797, Elizabeth Revere, sister of his first wife, born Dec. 5, 1770, at Boston; died, say the Family records, Apr. 11, 1805, at Boston, but Boston records say Apr. 12. He married (3), July 26, 1805, intentions recorded at Boston, July 4, Mrs. Martha (Howard) Robb of Boston, whose parentage has not been learned but who was widow of Thomas Robb, whose intentions to marry Patty Howard were pubUshed at Boston, June 9, 1785. He was born Nov. 5, 1757, at Boston, the son of James Robb, whose wife is called in Boston records Ann Tolait, which is thought to be intended for Fleet. Thomas and Martha Robb had a daughter Martha, whose will recorded in Suffolk County Probate Registry, vol. cccclxxxi, p. 27, names many Howard and Lincoln relatives. Mrs. Martha Lincoln was born in 1766, and died July 12, 1816, at Boston, aged 50 years. Children, by first wife, born at Boston: aacbe a. Louis, born Dec. 7, 1781; died young. 16G LINCOLN GENEALOGY aacbe b. Francis, born March 29, 1783, baptized "Frank" Apr. 6, 1783, at New South Church, Boston. aacbe c. Sally, born March 6, 1785, bapt. March 13, 1785, at New South Church; Hving, 1816, when she was called "Sarah-Lewis" in Paul Re- vere's will, and was then apparently unmarried, aacbe d. Louis, born March 4, 1787, bapt. March 11, 1787, at New South Church. aacbe e. Deborah-Revere, born March 30, 1789, bapt. Apr. 10, 1789, at New South Church; died May 14, 1826, aged 37 years, "from Canton and buried at Copps Hill," Boston, unmarried. aacbe f. Polly, born March 16, 1791; died young. aacbt g. Paul-Revere, born July 13, 1792, probably died young as he is not named in his grandfather Paul Revere's will, 1816. aacbe h. Amos, born Sept. 1, 1794. aacbe i. Frederic- Walker, bom June 12, 1796. Children, by second wife: aacbe j. Mary-Vinal, born Dec. 27, 1797; died Oct. 15, 1826, at Quincy; married, Apr. 10, 1826, at Quincy, Nathan Josselyn of Quincy, who first married her sister, Frances-Revere, and as a third wife her sister, Eliza- Maria. Mary-Vinal had no child. (Quincy Records.) aacbe k. Frances-Revere, bom Dec. 19, 1799; died March 29, 1825, at Quincy (Quincy Records); married, Dec. 25, 1822, at Boston, by Rev. Paul Dean, Nathan^, son of Eleazer^ (Abraham*, Nathaniel^, Henry^, Abraham^) and Bethia (Bourne) Josselyn of Hanover, Mass., born Jan. 15, 1794, at Hanover; died Oct. 5, 1851, at Charlestown, Mass. (Boston Records; Hist, of Hanover, p. 341; Mass. Vital Records.) He married (2) her sister Mary-Vinal and (3) her sister Eliza-Maria. He had still a fourth wife, Eliza Bronsden, by whom he had four children: Ehza- Maria, born Dec. 3, 1831; Josephine, born Apr. 15, 1833; Lucretia- Smith, born Dec. 17, 1835; and Nathan- Webster, born Sept. 26, 1841, all recorded at Quincy. He is called "ship-carpenter." Child, bom at Quincy: a. Nathan-Lincoln, born Apr. 11, 1824; died Oct. 19, 1825. aacbe 1. Abraham-Orne, born June 18, 1801. aacbe m. Eliza-Maria, born March 15, 1803; died May 27, 1830, at Quincy; married, Dec. 27, 1827, at Quincy, Nathan Josselyn of Quincy, who had previously married her sisters, Frances-Revere and Mary-Vinal. Children, born at Quincy : a. Mary-Vinal, \, ., ^ ,__„/ died March 3, 1829. b. Frances-Revere, / ^^^^ Nov. 3, 1828; { aacbe n. Maria-Revere, born Dec. 26, 1804; probably died young as she is not named in her grandfather Paul Revere's will, 1816. Children, by third wife: aacbe o. Anna-Matilda, bom June 2, 1806; died Apr. 28, 1812, at Boston. aacbe p. Lucy- Augusta, born July 22, 1808; died Nov. 19, 1872, at Worces- ter, Mass., unmarried. (Worcester Records.) aacbe q. Caroline-Howard, born Oct. 3, 1810; died May 25, 1817, at . Boston. FIFTH GENERATION 167 aacbg. Ezra, son of Enoch (Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Rachel (Fearing) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Nov. 26, 1756, at Hingham; died Jan. 11, 1829, at Hingham. He died intestate and March 19, 1829, Ezra Lincoln of Boston, printer, was appointed administrator on his estate. (Plymouth County- Probate Records, vol. Ixi, p. 274.) He was a printer but in a deed dated Oct. 28, 1793, by which he and his wife conveyed to his brother, Jedediah Lincoln of Boston, housewright, one half part of a division house near Cross street, Boston, "part of the real estate of which Samuel Treat of Boston died seized," he is called "of Hingham, housewright.'' During most of his active life he lived at Boston. He married, June 27, 1784, at Hingham, by Rev. Daniel Shute, RacheP, daughter of Benjamin^ (Solomon^, Matthew^, DanieP, Matthew^) and Ruth (Croade) Cushing of Hingham, born Nov. 18, 1755, at Hingham; died July 13, 1797, probably at Boston but perhaps at Hingham, since she is buried in Hingham ceme- tery, where her gravestone is inscribed as follows: "In memory of t Mrs Rachel Lincoln t Wife of t M'" Ezra Lincoln J died July 13 1797 J Aged 41 Years J and 8 Months." (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 472; Genealogy of the Cushing Family, p. 44; Hist, of Pembroke, N. H., pp. 55, 57; Suffolk County Deeds, vol. clxxxiii, f. 232.) Children, born: a at Boston; b, c at Hingham: aacbg a. Chaelotte, born Oct. 4, 1785, bapt. Oct. 16, 1785, at New South Church; married Asa Lincoln, aabcd a. aacbg b. Rachel, born May 2, 1787; di^d May 10, 1864, at Hingham, un- married. Administration on her estate was granted to Lowell Lincoln, aacbg ck, Aug. 10, 1864. (Plymouth County Probate Records.) aacbg c. Ezra, born Oct. 13, 1789. aacbi. Jedediah, son of Enoch {Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Rachel (Fearing) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Nov. 1, 1760, at Hingham; died Dec. 29, 1820, at Boston, Mass. (Family Bible, but Boston records say Dec. 28.) He lived at Boston and is described as '' wood- wharfinger '^ in the probate records, but in a deed dated Oct. 28, 1793, by which he bought part of a ''division House '^ on Cross street, Boston, of his brother Ezra, he is called "housewright." (Suffolk County Deeds, vol. clxxxiii, f. 232.) He died intestate, and administration on his estate was 168 LINCOLN GENEALOGY granted Jan. 8, 1821, to Mary Lincoln, his widow. The first account of the administratrix was approved, May 12, 1823, by A. E. Lincoln; J. R. Lincohi; Mary Lincoln; and F. W. Lincoln, guardian to Elizabeth Lincoln, Charles Lincoln and Adeline Lincoln, minors; all heirs at law to Jedcdiah Lincoln, deceased. The second account was approved, July 18, 1825, by Alex*" R. Lincoln; Mary Lincoln; and Joshua R. Lincoln. (Suffolk County Probate Records, vols, clxxi, p. 63; cxxi^, p. 358; cxxiii^, p. 36.) He married (1), Oct. 27, 1785, at Boston, intentions published Sept. 30, at Boston, Betsey^, daughter of Robert^ (Benjamin^) and Mary ( [White] Clark) Edwards of Boston, born Feb. 27, 1764, at Boston; died Nov. 13, 1796. (Family Bible; Boston Records say born Apr. 27, 1765; ''Bronsdon & Box Families," p. 44, says born Feb. 27, 1765.) He married (2), July 15, 1797, at Boston (Family Bible; Boston Records say July 16, by Rev. John Lathrop), Mary, daughter of Paul and Sarah (Orne) Revere of Boston, born March 19, 1768, at Boston (Boston Records; Life of Paul Revere, p. 25; Family Bible says 1770); died Aug. 12, 1853, at Hingham. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 466; Mass. Vital Records.) Her will, dated June 1, 1838, probated Aug. 30, 1853, names: two daughters, Mary Riddle and Adeline, wife of William-Otis Lincoln; brother Joseph W. Revere of Boston; father Paul Revere; and makes Solomon Lincoln of Hingham, executor. (Plymouth County Probate Records, vol. xcv, p. 401.) Children, by first wife, born at Boston: aacbi a. Alexander-Edwards, born July 12, 1786. aacbi b. Betsey, born Jan. 5, 1788; died Apr. 23, 1803, at Boston. (Boston Records say died Apr. 27.) aacbi c. Jedediah, born Aug. 18, 1789; died Apr. 24, 1809. Boston records say he died March 24, 1810. aacbi d. Robert, born Nov. 8, 1791; died February, 1821, unmarried. aacbi e. George, born Aug. 27, 1793; died March 3, 1818, unmarried. Bos- ton records say that "Charlotte, of the family of Jedediah, died Apr. 3, 1819 aged 25." This is probably an error of name and date for George. The dates of the births and deaths of these children are from the family Bible, which was owned by Charles-Lincoln Riddle, aacbi gc. The Boston records frequently differ. When the family Bible and town records disagree, preference must be given to the Bible. aacbi f. Samuel, born Aug. 11, 1795; died Oct. 20, 1820, unmarried. FIFTH GENERATION 169 Children, by second wife, born at Boston: aacbi g. Mary, born Sept. 28, 1798; died Aug. 11, 1876, at Hingham; mar- ried, July 2, 1826, at Hingham, David, son of Isaac (Gawm) and Ann (Aiken) Riddle of Bedford, N. H. (see aacbk), born Aug. 27, 1797, at Bedford; died July 23, 1835, at Merrimac, N. H. Mr. Riddle entered Dartmouth College in 1814 but soon retired therefrom, on account of ill health, and made a voyage to Russia. Later he engaged in business with the Boston house of Isaac Riddle & Sons. After his death his family removed to Hingham from Merrimac, where they had Hved dur- ing his life. (Hist, of the Ancient Ryedales, pp. 230, 237; Hist, of Hing- ham, vol. iii, p. 131.) Children, born at Merrimac : a. Mary E., born Apr. 16, 1827; living 1906, unmarried. 6. Oilman, born Oct. 18, 1828; died Sept. 11, 1835. c. Charles-Lincoln, born Dec. 7, 1830; mar. Frances-Eliza Field.* d. Adeline L., born Apr. 11, 1833; living 1906, unmarried. aacbi h. William-Henry, born Apr. 19, 1800; died Oct. 9, 1817. aacbi i. Joshua-Revere, born Apr. 7, 1802; died Aug. 6, 1826, at Boston, unmarried. He was buried at Copps Hill, tomb No. 7. aacbi j. Betsey, born Feb. 13, 1805; died Jan. 3, 1828, unmarried. aacbi k. Charles-Augustus, born Dec. 19, 1806; died July 12, 1829, un- married. Boston records say died July 13. aacbi I. Serena-Lambert, born Dec. 19, 1808; died May 11, 1811. Boston records say she died May 21, 1812, aged 3, and was buried at No. 7 Copps Hill. aacbi m. Adeline, born Aug. 3, 1810; married William-Otis Lincoln aacdd d. aacbj. Abraham, son of Enoch (Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Rachel (Fearing) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Sept. 5, 1762, at Hingham; died July 2, 1824, at Boston, Mass., whither he had gone to attend a meeting of the Governor's Council, of which he was a member. He removed to Worcester, Mass., soon after his brother Levi, and became an apothecary, generally going under the title of " Doctor.'' " Carl's Tour in Main Street," chapter v, says: 'Hhere was a wooden building standing at the southwest corner of Lincoln Square, about where the bank wall *Mr. Riddle died Feb. 8, 1907. His will, dated June 26, 1906, names: sisters Mary E. Riddle and Adeline L. Riddle; son Charles- Wisner Riddle; wife Frances-Eliza Riddle. (Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. dcccxcv, p. 18.) The following obituary is from the Boston "Transcript" : "There passed away from this world on Feb. 8 one of those faithful souls whose modesty prevented his real worth from being known to all except those few whose privilege it was to meet him intimately. Charles-Lincoln Riddle was born on Dec. 7, 1830. His mother was Mary Lincoln, the eldest grandchild of Paul Revere, whose sterling character of justice, faithfulness and uprightness were easily discernible in his great-grandson, Charles L. Riddle. Mr. Riddle entered the Webster Bank the day it opened for business in 1853, and remained a faithful servant of the institution, until it was merged with the Atlas Bank, in 1904 — a period of 51 years — when he retired from active business. One of Mr. Riddle's business friends remarked of him that no man of more sterling integrity was ever seen on State street. In 1904 he celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of his marriage with Frances E. Field, a daughter of the late Barnum Field, a prominent Boston teacher. He died as he lived, quietly and peacefully, and the memory of his life is the best legacy he could have left to his family and friends." He had the family Bible of Jedediah Lincoln. 170 LINCOLN GENEALOGY now terminates in front of the court houses. It was then a grocery; but my father said that it had been noted for many years in his day as the headquarters of the democratic poHticians of Worcester. Dr. Abraham Lincoln, he said, kept an apothecary shop there, and there the poHtics of the day were discussed. My father said that Dr. Lincoln loved politics and segars equally well; and all day long he would sit with his heels up, smoking his much loved 'Indian weed.' " Under the federal administration of President Adams Mr. Lincoln was supervisor of the revenue for Worcester county. About 1801 he became attached to the dominant anti-federal party and was placed at the head of the municipal concerns of the town as chairman of the selectmen, a station to which he was annually elected from 1809 to 1824. He also represented the town in the State legislature, serving as representative con- tinuously from 1809 to 1823, and the last year was elected to the State senate. In 1820 in company with his nephew, Levi Lincoln, Jr., and Edward D. Bangs he was elected a delegate to the State onstitutional convention. January 1, 1784, the following advertisement appeared in the ''Massachusetts Spy," published at Worcester, probably for the first time: "To be sold at J Abraham Lincoln's Store J A little North of the Court House, J in Worcester, t A General assortment t of Drugs and Medi- J cines. Also J West-India Goods, Rock t Salt, &c. &c. t Where Cash, or any of the above t Articles at Cast [sic] Price will be given for J Ashes, in any quantities, on their deli- J very at said Store, or any place that may t be more convenient to the Seller. J Worcester, December 30*^ 1783." The following obituary is from the "National Aegis" of July 7, 1824: ''Mr. Lincoln's death was of the most sudden occurrence. He had been engaged in the session of the Council during the day, apparently in good health and spirits. Towards evening he mentioned to a Friend who called upon him, at his lodgings, that he had experienced some degree of faintness, on going to the State House in the morning, and was obliged to call a carriage, but that he then felt entirely recovered. Almost immediately and while in conversation, he was observed to be falling, and in less than an hour was a corpse. FIFTH GENERATION 171 *'No event which it has been our painful affair to record, has been met with a more keen sensation of surprise and distress, than the melancholy intelligence of the sudden death of this gentleman, by the Inhabitants of this town. The expression of every countenance upon its annunciation, was that of unfeigned sorrow and mourning, and the deep and solemn silence of afflicted feeling testified to the regard entertained for his person, and the respect in which his memory will long be cherished. For many years the life of Doct. Lincoln has been intimately associated with the most important concerns of the Town — He had long been, and was, at the time of his decease, Chairman of the Board of Selectmen, and of the Overseers of the Poor, and Chairman of the Board of Assessors. On almost all occasions of the pubHc meetings of the Citizens, as if by a common preference, he was made their presiding officer. He had repeatedly been elected to represent the Town in the Legislature of the Commonwealth, and by the suffrages of the Representatives of the whole people, he was elevated from that station, to a seat at the Council Board. In every situation, to which he was called, he acquired a reputa- tion for capacity in business, and fidelity in its discharge, which secured to him the most entire and universal confidence. His political course was consistent and dignified, — theoretically and practically that of a plain and inflexible Republican. No man now living among us, has made such personal sacrifices to vindi- cate the principles of the government, and no man had less of self in the accomplishment of poHtical objects. There was in him no indirectness of purpose, no resort to dishonorable means of gratification, but frank and explicit in the avowal of his sentiments, and scrupulously honest in his conduct, even in times of great excitement, which are happily past, and under circumstances of distressing responsibility, he maintained a high degree of influence with his political friends, and enjoyed the respect of his political opponents. In the relations of private life, there are the poor, and the afflicted. Friends, Neighbors, and Acquaintances to bear witness, by their tears of grateful re- membrance to the frequent offices of tender attention and kind- ness, which his benevolent and sympathetic heart suggested. By them, by the Inhabitants of the Town generally, with almost every one of whom, his business and public stations led to asso- 172 LINCOLN GENEALOGY ciation and intercourse, and by the people of the Commonwealth at large, who in him possessed a faithful and devoted servant, his death will bo long deplored, and his memory held in honorable recollection." The following characterization is from ''Reminiscences of the Worcester Fire Society," series 1, p. 30, by his nephew, Levi Lincoln, Jr.: "Instructed in the knowledge and composition of medicines by Dr. Benjamin Green, then a physician of repute in town, he commenced the business of a druggist, which, with a just confidence, on the part of physicians and others, in his skill and scrupulous care, and honest dealing in compounding and dispensing, he continued through life . . . His store stood in front of the location of Antiquarian Hall, within the present line of the street; and for many years and at the time of his death he lived in the old family Bigelow mansion under the hill, nearly opposite the Court House . . . He was a man of warm and generous feelings, reliable in his attachments, but strong in his prejudices. An active and influential politician in high party times, with many devoted party friends he had bitter political opponents. A direct bold straight-forwardness, in what were his convictions of right and duty, was the marked characteristic of his conduct; and however the measure which he advocated might be condemned by any, the sincerity of his professions, and his integrity and personal honor were never doubted . . . He was a portly gentleman . . . He was quite bonhommie in his manner, fond of fun and somewhat given to practical jokes." Mr. Lincoln died intestate and his estate was inventoried at $6677.77. He married, Jan. 7, 1787, at Worcester, Nancy^, daughter of Timothy^ (DanieP, Joshua^, John^) and Anna (Andrews) Bigelow of Worcester, born Jan. 2, 1765, at Worcester; died Apr. 29, 1839, at Worcester. Her will, dated June 9, 1827, probated June 1, 1839, gave to her ''beloved daughters Sally Lincoln and Harriet Whitney the wife of Francis Whitney" $1 each, ''because they are already better provided for than my other daughters," and gave to "my beloved daughters Nancy Lincoln and Charlotte Lincoln" all the rest residue and remainder. Tyler Bigelow of Watertown executor. The estate was appraised at $1791. May 14, 1839, Francis Whitney and Harriet Whitney FIFTH GENERATION 173 assented to the probate of the will. (Worcester County Probate Files.) Children, born at Worcester: aacbj a, Nancy, born July 19, 1788; died Dec. 3, 1872, at Shrewsbury, Mass., unmarried. She and her sister Charlotte are buried in Rural cemetery, Worcester. Her will, dated Dec. 3, 1867, filed for probate March 31, 1873, was executed at Rutland, Vt. In it provision was made for the erection of a monument to the memory of her father, mother, sister and brother (already buried) and of herself in Rural cemetery, Worcester, and for the care of the lot, and a number of bequests were made to distant relatives; $1000 was given to the Children's Friend Society of Worcester and "kinsman Rev. Norman Seaver of Rutland, Vt.," was made residuary legatee. (Worcester County Probate Files.) aacbj b. Sarah, born Dec. 7, 1789. She was never married but the date of her death has not been learned. It must have occurred after 1827. aacbj c. Harriet, born Apr. 29, 1791; died June 20, 1853, at Watertown, Mass.; married (1), Jan. 1, 1816, at Watertown, Francis^, son of Nathaniel- Ruggles^ (Simon^, Daniel*, Benjamin^, John^, John^) and Abigail (Froth- ingham) Whitney of Watertown, born June 29, 1788, at Watertown; died Jan. 18, 1845, at Watertown. She married (2), Dec. 15, 1847, at Watertown, Tyler^, son of David* {Daniel^, Joshua^, Johin}) and Deborah (Heywood) Bigelow of Worcester, her own cousin, who was born Aug. 13, 1778, at Worcester and died May 23, 1865, at Watertown. His first wife, whom he married Nov. 26, 1806, at Worcester, was Harriet's aunt, Clarissa, daughter of Hon. Timothy and Anna (Andrews) Bigelow, born Dec. 29, 1781, at Worcester; died March 1, 1846, at Watertown, leaving eight children, of whom George-Tyler became chief justice of the supreme court of Massachusetts. Harriet Lincoln had no children by either husband. (Watertown Records; Whitney Genealogy, p. 158.) aacbj d. Andrew, born Jan. 2, 1794; died Aug. 27, 1796. aacbj e. Charlotte, born July 25, 1797; died Sept. 9, 1866, at Worcester, unmarried, aacda. William, son of William {Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Mary (Otis) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born July 1, 1761, at Hingham; died Oct. 29, 1839, at Marlborough, N. H. (Hist. of Marlborough; New Hampshire Vital Records erroneously say he died Oct. 23, 1830; Ashby Records say he died at Ashby.) He removed first to Dedham, Mass., and was living there at the time of his marriage, but soon after removed to East Sudbury, Mass., now Wayland, and lived there until the summer of 1792 when he removed with his family to Marlborough, where he purchased of Samuel Collins the Joslin place which, in 1885, was owned by Murray Fitch. Tradition asserts that he planted the elm tree near Mr. Fitch's house which, in 1885, was the most beautiful shade tree in the town. He was a farmer, but the 174 LINCOLN GENEALOGY ''History of Marlborough" says he was a tanner; lived in 1794 in the northwest district; kept a tavern in 1800; was a member of the Library Society in 1795; and of the Universali'st Church in 1816. He married, June 5, 1787, at Hingham,* JaeP, daughter of Joseph^ {Solomon*, Matthew^, Daniel^, Matthew^) and Sarah (Leavitt) Gushing of Hingham, born Apr. 6, 1764, at Hingham; died Oct. 30, 1840, at Ashby, Mass. (Hist, of Marlborough, N. H., pp. 138, 148, 184, 193, 560; Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 466; Dedham Records.) Children, born: a-c at Wayland, Mass.; d-h at Marlborough, N. H.: aacda a. William, born May 2, 1788; died Dec. 27, 1813, in Ohio, probably unmarried. aacda b. Polly-Otis, born Feb. 21, 1790; died June 30, 1855, at Ashby, Mass.; married, intentions published June 27, and certificate given July 12, 1814, at Ashby, EzekieP, son of Benjamin^ (James^) and Susanna (Martin) Cohnan of Ashby, born Feb. 22, 1784, at Ashby; died Dec. 5, 1854, at Ashby, aged 70 years, 9 months, 13 days, if his birth is correctly given in the Ashby records, but Massachusetts Vital Records say he died Dec. 10, 1854, aged 70 years, 10 months and 13 days, which would make his birth Jan. 27, 1784. They had no children, but an adopted son, Henry- Wiley Colman, was living in 1913, at Lynn or Nahant, a physician or druggist. Mr. Colman's father, Benjamin, sixth child of James Colman, was bapt. in Lunenburg, Mass., Aug. 3, 1749, and married, Dec. 25, 1770, Susanna, daughter of John Martin. Benjamin was a prominent citizen of Ashby, town clerk 1794-8. John Martin, born Oct. 12, 1740, married Betty Chaplin of Lunenburg, March 3, 1761. He was son of John Martin who removed from Ipswich, Mass., 1739. (Hist, of Ashburnham, Mass., pp. 639, 809.) aacda c. Sally, born May 16, 1792; died Apr. 8, 1876, at Marlborough; married, Nov. 11, 1813, at Marlborough according to "History of Marl- borough," but "Whitcomb Genealogy" says Dec. 2, 1813, Simeon'^, son of Levi* {Jo¥, Jonathan^, Jonathan^, Jonathan^, John^) and Hannah (Baker) Whitcomb of Nelson, N. H., born May 28, 1790, at Nelson; died Jan. 1, 1869, at Marlborough. He lived for many years on a farm near the "pine woods," then removed to the place occupied in 1885 by his daughter Hannah. For forty-six years he was a member, and for thirty-eight years an officer, of the Congregational Church in Marl- borough. He was of a social disposition, had much firmness of character and possessed a sound judgment. (Hist, of Marlborough, p. 680; Whit- comb Genealogy, p. 249; Fairbanks Genealogy, p. 441; Descendants of John White, vol. i, p. 462.) Children, born at Marlborough: a. William-Lincoln, born Aug. 1, 1814; died Sept. 24, 1815. ♦Hist, of Hingham says Jan. 3; Hist, of Marlborough says June 3; Dedham records say their intentions were published at Dedham, Jan. 5, 1787, and they were married at Hingham, June 5, 1787, by Benjamin Gushing, Justice of the Peace. J FIFTH GENERATION 175 b. Sally-Lincoln, born Apr. 9, 1816; died Aug. 12, 1818. c. Jael-Cushing, born Apr. 6, 1818; mar. Harvey Wyman. d. WiLLiAM-CusHiNG, bom Feb. 20, 1820; mar. Harriet-Lincoln Wheeler, aacda he. e. Sarah-Leavitt, born Feb. 14, 1822; mar. George-Wilder Fair- banks. /. Albert-Simeon, born March 8, 1824; mar. (1) Elvira Farrar; (2) Martha K. WilHs. g, Hannah-Baker, born June 22, 1827; mar. John B. Eastman. h. Henry-Lincoln, born July 13, 1831; died March 6, 1838. i. Harlan-Page, born July 5, 1837; died Oct. 30, 1838. aacda d. Leavitt, born March 24, 1795; died Sept. 17, 17.96. aacda e. Leavitt, born June 22, 1797. aacda f. Henry, born Dec. 4, 1800; died June 25, 1822. aacda g. Fannie, born Sept. 26, 1803; died Aug. 5, 1888, at Ashby, Mass.; married, Dec. 3, 1823, at Ashby, William, son of Josiah and Mary (Bar- rett) Whitney of Lincoln, Mass., born July 20, 1798, at Lincoln; died Sept. 4, 1894, at Ashby, where he had lived. He was a farmer. (Ashby Records; Stearns Family, p. 145; Whitney Genealogy, p. 288, which says he was married Dec. 23, 1823.) Children, born at Ashby: a. Myron, born Jan. 11, 1826; died Oct. 28, 1826. h. Henrietta-Frances, born Sept. 5, 1827; died Nov. 26, 1841. c. John-Putnam, born March 6, 1831; mar. Urania-Anderson Stearns. d. Myron- William, born Sept. 6, 1836; mar. Eleanor Breasha. He was a noted bass singer and died Sept. 19, 1910. e. Harriet-Maria, born Oct. 27, 1845; mar. Alonzo-Augustus Carr. aacda h. Harriet, born June 20, 1807; died Oct. 13, 1894, at Concord, Mass.; married, Jan. 20, 1829, at Ashby, intentions pubHshed Jan. 2, 1829, at Concord, Abiel-Heywood^, son of Ephraim^ {Ephraim^, David^, Edward^, John^, George^) and Sarah (Parkman) Wheeler of Concord, born Feb. 13, 1807, at Concord; died Sept. 8, 1896, at Concord. She is called of Ashby in the Concord records and was probably married there. They lived at Concord. He was a farmer. (Concord Records; Mass. Vital Records; Wheeler Family, p. 95.) Children, born at Concord: a. Henry-Lincoln, born Feb. 5, 1830; mar. Adelaide BHss. h. Charles-Parkman, born Nov. 6, 1832; mar. Ella Jaqueth. c. Harriet-Lincoln, born Jan. 10, 1834; mar. WiUiam-Cushing Whitcomb, aacda cd. d. Sarah-Elizabeth, born May 10, 1840, but ''Desc'ts of John White" says 1838 and that George was born 1840; mar. George WilHam Schaumberg. e. George-Francis, born Feb. 2, 1842; mar. AHce Rattray. /. Ephraim, born July, 1843; died Sept. 2, 1846. g. Mary-Coleman, born May 15, 1846. aacdb. Otis, son of William {Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Mary (Otis) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Sept. 17, 176 LINCOLN GENEALOGY 1763, at Hingham; died Oct. 10, 1846, at Perry, Me. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. iii, p. 360; Perry Records say died September, 1846.) He was a shipwright by occupation while he lived at Hingham, but at Perry he must have devoted most of his time to farming. It is uncertain just when he removed to Perry, but it was probably in the summer of 1797, since in a deed dated May 2, 1797, Otis Lincoln of Hingham, shipwright, and EHzabeth his wife, conveyed to Solomon Lincoln of Hingham, yeoman (his brother), land in Hingham, and also one undivided half of a pew in the North Meeting House owned in common with Enoch Lincoln (his uncle). (Suffolk County Deeds, vol. clxxxviii, f. 9.) In a deed dated Feb. 24, 1797, he mentions his *'late shipyard'* (Ibid., f. 239) and on the same date he purchased of Martin Lincoln of Hingham, paying therefor four hundred and fifty pounds, five hundred and fifty acres of land ''lying in township number one in the east division adjoining Passamaquoddy bay." (Washington County, Me., Deeds, vol. iv, f. 276.) This land had been purchased by Martin Lincoln, Feb. 20, 1788, of Benja- min Lincoln of Hingham, Thomas Russell and John Lowell of Boston for fifty pounds lawful money. (Ibid., vol. i, f. 121.) The land lay at Birch Point in the town of Perry and took in all of the point south of what is now the county road going to Pembroke, and was well timbered with hard and soft wood. He first built a log house near the shore, at the head of a httle cove opposite Red Island, in which he lived until 1798, when he built the first frame house on the point, which is still standing. For twenty years there were no roads, and to reach the settlements he was obliged either to go by horseback through the woods and round the shore, or by water to Eastport, or Moose Island as it was then called. His farm is said to have contained one thousand acres; if so he must have added to his original purchase. As his sons became of age he distributed this home farm among them and when he died the only real estate he owned was a house and lot in Eastport, which he left to his daughters. (Ibid., vols. XX, f. 439, 440; xxi, f. 441.) He is described by one who knew him as ''a fine looking man fully six feet tall and well propor- tioned, and a good Christian gentleman. In politics he was a very pronounced whig. The Lincoln family were all church going people and did a great deal in the county to make people FIFTH GENEEATION 177 better/' (Eastport Sentinel, March 13, 1901.) He does not seem to have been prominent in town affairs, probably because he lived so far from the village. He was moderator of the town meeting held Apr. 6, 1818, and, with Moses Lincoln a descendant from Daniel Lincoln, the sergeant, was chosen assessor. His will, dated May 3, 1845, names: sons Solomon, Otis, Wil- liam, Thompson, Robinson and Ezekiel; daughters Mary Gard- ner, Ehzabeth Applebee, Frances Pattangale and Rachel Mason. His estate was appraised at $514 real (being the estate in East- port), and S1261 personal. (Washington County Probate Files.) No record of his marriage has been found but it probably took place in Nova Scotia, as his wife was a native of that country. Many of the young men in Hingham went on fishing voyages, even when regularly employed in other pursuits, and the inter- course between Massachusetts Bay towns and Nova Scotia was uninterrupted. Probably on one of these trips Mr. Lincoln saw and married his wife, and perhaps lived in Nova Scotia for a time, as the birthplace of his first three children is uncertain and Solomon, the second child, is said to have been born in that Province. He married, about 1789, Elizabeth, daughter of Archibald Thompson of Conomy, Nova Scotia, born June 3, 1771, at Conomy or Truro, N. S.; died Feb. 25, 1842, at Perry. (Perry Records and Gravestone.) The following letter from Mrs. Lincoln's brother tells all that has been learned of the Thompson family: ''Conomy August 18th, 1815 "Dear Brother and Sister ''Your letter of June 5th last came to hand about 7 or 8 weeks ago and it gave us all great satisfaction to hear of your welfare &c we never have been favor'd with a line from you since the Commencement of the late unhappy War which took place between G. Britain & the U. States of America. I wrote you twice that Spring previous to the Commencement of hostilities and sent you a long letter last summer (about a year ago) but you do not mention the receipt of it — We also have been highly favor d by Divine Providence during this War which is so happily ended — as we have enjoy d all the Blessings of Peace and only heard the Sound of War at a distance; thro' the channel of 12 178 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Newspapers &c. Your Father & Mother are much in the same State as when we wrote you — the increased burthen of advanced age and infirmities sit heavy on their Grey hairs. Mother is much afflicted with a humor in both her legs that probably will never be cured. Andrew, Arch & their concerns are well, Brother James has removed from Stewack to Musquadobit and they were in health at the last accounts. Rob* Gammels eldest Son (Andrew) Died last Winter of a Consumption — Mr. Gammil lost his Wife and 5 Children before & of the same Complaint — Sister Nancy Coxe was very ill by the last accounts we had from Stewacke pr: letters we had from our Josh. & Arch, who are working this Season at Stewacke (pronounced Sowack) our youngest Son is 3 months old — We have 1 1 children now living — Joshua, Arch^, Andrew, Susan, Nancy, Robin", Saml., Otis, Eliza, Wilson — & John — there is no scarcity in this Place of Provisions — thanks be to God for all his tender & bountiful mercies to us undeserving unthankful, mortals — how Great and munificent is the Common Father of the Universe to his Children, wheresoever scattered abroad or divided in Distant and various climes and Regions of this Globe. 0! that we were wise and under- stood how to consider properly and to prepare duly for our latter end — Dear Brother, Sister &c. it would give us great joy to per- sonally converse with you but circumstances seem at present to prevent it — Andrew Thompson has two children by his present Wife he wrote you last Summer from Partridge Island and has not yet been favor'd with a letter in return — My Wifes Father and Mother are well and desire to join in Love to you all — three of their Sons — Peleg, Joh^i & Saml. are married and settled within gunshot of us — all our Friends were well at Sowack except Mrs. Coxe; We wish to hear from you by letter soon — and should like to know how your Daughter Mary is and all her Concerns do not fail to write to us and to your Parents not having to add, except — that our Children send their best wishes and Love to you all ''We are ''Dear Bro' & Sister "Yours most sincerely Robinson Thompson Issabella Thompson write by way of Windsor or Colequid by the Plaster Vessels who FIFTH GENERATION 179 are Constantly passing and repassing { And^ Murdock sends his respects to you ''Mr. Otis Lincoln "& Eliza Lincoln ''Passamaquoddy '^ Children, born: a, c unknown; h in Nova Scotia; d at Hingham; e-j Sit Perry: aacdb a. Mary, born Oct. 12, 1790; died Oct. 11 (or 17), 1875, at Charlotte, Me.; married, published Nov. 1, certificate given Nov. 19, 1810, at East- port, Me., Warren, son of Warren and Mary (Dunbar) Gardner of Dennys- ville. Me., born May 26, 1787, at Dennysville; died Apr. 21, 1856, at Charlotte, where they had lived. He was a farmer. Mr. and Mrs. Gardner are both buried at Charlotte, their gravestones being inscribed as fol- lows: "Warren Gardner J died t Apr. 21, 1856 J Ae 68 Yrs. t Blessed are the dead who J die in the Lord." " Mary L. Gardner t wife of | War- ren Gardner J died Oct. 11, 1875 t Ae 85 Yrs. t They rest from their labors and t their works do follow them." (Eastport Records; Charlotte Records; Dennysville Records.) Children, born at Charlotte: a. Eliza-Thompson, born Dec. 2, 1812; died May 10, 1834. She is thought to have been married to a Mr. Ward. b. Charles- Warren, born May 19, 1815; mar. Mary C. Fisher. c. Benjamin A., born Nov. 22, 1817; mar. Rebecca-Morse Fisher. d. Amos-Allen, born Sept. 21, 1819; mar. Louisa-Maria Jackman. e. John C, born Jan. 5, 1822; mar. Mary R. /. Mary-Lincoln, born Apr. 23, 1824; mar. Benjamin Jackman. g. Susan-Maria, born Feb. 1, 1827. h. Silas-Lincoln, born Nov. 10, 1833 Zsic, 32 (?)]; died July 25, 1833 Zsic, 34 (?)]. i. Eliza- Warren, born Sept. 5, 1836; died Oct. 13, 1837. aacdb b. Solomon, born June 27, 1792. aacdb c. Elizabeth, born Aug. 3, 1794, probably at Hingham; died May 28, 1884, at Eastport, Me. She is buried at Eastport and her grave- stone gives her birth and death as here given, but ''History of Hingham," vol. iii, p. 360, says she was born Aug. 10, and died Apr. 28. Perry records give her birth like the gravestone, which reads as follows: ''In memory of { Ehzabeth t daughter of t Otis and Ehzabeth $ Thompson Lincoln t born at Hingham, Mass. t Aug. 3, 1794 t died May 28, 1884 t married J Capt. Samuel Schackford J Dec. 12, 1818 J who died at Demarara % Aug. 31, 1820 and second t Capt. Sylvanus Appleby J Oct. 17, 1825." She married (1), Dec. 20, 1818, at Eastport (Eastport Records; Perry Records and the gravestone say Dec. 12, but the minister's certificate is filed at Eastport and says the 20th), SamueP, son of John^ {SamueP, Joshua^, William^) and Esther (Woodwell) Shackford of Eastport, born Sept. 28, 1786, at Eastport; died Aug. 31, 1820, at Demarara, South America. He was a ship captain. (Eastport Records; Capt. John Shackford and Family, p. 7.) 180 LINCOLN GENEALOGY She married (2), Oct. 17, 1825, at Eastport, Capt. Sylvanus Appleby of Eastport, parentage not ascertained, born June 14, 1787, in New Brunswick; died Jan. 12, 1834, at Eastport. (Eastport Records and Gravestone.) He was also a ship cai)tain. His first wife, whose name was Susan, was born June 1, 1792, in New lirunswick and died Oct. 16, 1824, at Eastport, according to Eastport records, but her gravestone gives her death as Oct. 10. By her, Capt. Appleby had four children recorded at Eastport: Eliza-Ann, born Jan. 21, 1816; Gleason, born Mav 20, 1818; Susan-Maria, born Sept. 7, 1820; and Sarah, born Sept. 7, 1822. Child, by first husband, born at Eastport: a. Samuel Shackfoih), born Feb. 22, 1821; mar. Mary-Maria Tinkham. He was the first to prove the descent of President Abraham Lincoln from Samuel Lincoln. See N. E. Hist. & Gen. Register, vol. xli, pp. 153-7. Children, by second husband, born at Eastport: h. Zelinda-Ray Appleby, born June, 1827; mar. Caleb-Stetson Huston. c. George Appleby, died at Charleston, S. C, of yellow fever, unmarried. aacdh d. Frances, born Oct. 13, 1796. Her birth is recorded twice in Perry records, the second time as 1795. She died Dec. 26, 1864, at Pembroke, Me., where she is buried. She married, about 1816-7, Na- than^, son of Moses^ {Daniel*, Richard?, Nathaniel^, Richard^) and Cather- ine (Wright) Pattangall of Windham, Me., born July 11, 1790, at Wind- ham; died March 10, 1866, at Pembroke. They lived at Perry, near the old Lincoln homestead. Mr. Pattangall was a farmer; often held town office and occasionally taught school in the winter. He was sergeant in Capt. Bodwell's Company, Col. Ryerson's regmient, Massachusetts militia, at Portland from Sept. 5 to Nov. 5, 1814. He is buried at Pem- broke with his wife. (Perry Records; Pattangall Genealogy, p. 177; Gravestones; Eastport Sentinel, March 13, 1901.) Children, born at Perry: a. Otis-Lincoln, born Apr. 18, 1818; mar. (1) Susan-Maria Apple- by; (2) Rebecca Crowell; (3) Bethia C. (Baker) Wheldon. 6. Catherine-Elliott, born July 9, 1819; mar. Charles Hayden. c. William-Robinson, born Oct. 6, 1821; mar. Frances- Mehitable Foster. d. Nathan-Page, born Dec. 6, 1823; mar. Laura-Frances Harris. e. Elizabeth-Thompson, born Nov. 14, 1825; mar. Ebenezer- Erskine Mason, aacdh ja, her cousin. /. Ezra-Lincoln, born May 4, 1829; mar. (1) Sarah-Caroline Hobart; (2) Arethusa Longfellow. g. Frances-Elnathan, born Apr. 29, 1833; mar. William-Thomas Hobart. aacdb e. Otis, born June 22, 1799. aacdb f. William, born July 9, 1801. aacdb g. Thompson, born Apr. 20, 1803. aacdb h. Robinson, born May 8, 1805. aacdb i. Ezekibl, born Apr. 24, 1807. aacdb j. Rachel, born Feb. 28, 1810; died Apr. 29, 1889, at Woodlawn, Va.; married, intentions published Aug. 16 and certificate given Sept. FIFTH GENERATION 181 1, 1827, at Eastport, Me., John, son of Robert-Tufton and Sarah (Gil- man) Mason of Hampton, N. H., born July 6, 1799, at Hampton; died Sept. 21, 1888, at Woodlawn. He was a planter at Woodlawn, Fairfax county, Va., near Mount Vernon, whither he removed from Eastport about 1840, by way of Haddonfield, N. J. (Records of Mrs. Ebenezer- Erskine Mason.) Children, born: a-e at Eastport;/, g at Haddonfield; h at Woodlawn: a. Ebenezer-Erskine, born Aug. 25, 1829, but Eastport records say Aug. 17; mar. Elizabeth-Thompson Pattangall, aacdh de. b. Ezra-Lincoln, born Oct. 13, 1831; died Feb. 24, 1834. c. John-Lincoln, born March 31, 1834; died Dec. 16, 1834. d. Sarah-Elizabeth, born Dec. 6, 1836. e. Otis-Tufton, born Apr. 10, 1838; mar. Sarah E. Henderson. /. William-Henry, born Sept. 6, 1841; mar. Anna-Frances Cox. g. Anna-Newman, born Oct. 23, 1844; mar. Rev. George W. McCullough. h. Mary- Washington, born Oct. 30, 1851; mar. WilUam Hunter. aacdc. Henry, son of William (Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Mary (Otis) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Nov. 3, 1765, at Hingham; died May 28, 1857, at Nantucket, Mass. ''He was fitted for college, partly at the grammar school in Hingham under the instruction of Eleazer James, and partly by Dr. Joshua Barker of Hingham. He graduated at Harvard in 1786 and afterwards studied divinity with Rev. William Shaw of Marsh- field, Mass. He was ordained pastor of the Congregational church in Falmouth, Mass., Feb. 3, 1790; and continued his labors there with great fideHty, and to the entire acceptance of his people, until Nov. 26, 1823, when, at his own request, his pastoral connection was dissolved, and he removed to Nan- tucket, where he resided during the remainder of his life, in the family of his son-in-law, Dr. Elisha-Pope Fearing. "He was at the time of his death, with one exception, the oldest clergyman in Massachusetts. Mr. Lincoln was a gentle- man of the old school, of fine personal appearance, always re- markably neat in his dress, of an affable and social disposition, and, above all, a sincere Christian. For a few years before his death, his eyes were dimmed, so that he was unable to read; but his mental faculties were unclouded to the last. He was a bighly popular preacher, a fine speaker; and his sermons were 3haracterized by sound, practical, good sense. '^ (Necrology of Mumni of Harvard College, p. 106; Freeman's Hist, of Cape :^od, vol. i, p. 669.) 182 LINCOLN GENEALOGY He married, Apr. 26, 1790, at Falmouth, Susannah**, daughter of Timothy'* {John^, Job^, William^) and Susannah (Robinson) Crocker of Falmouth, born February, 1768, bapt. Feb. 21, 1768, at Falmouth; died July 29, 1819, at Falmouth aged "51 years 5 months." Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln are buried in the Old burying ground at Falmouth. The following are the inscriptions on their gravestones: " In memory of J Rev. Henry Lincoln { Pastor of the First J Congregational Society J in this town J from Feb. 3, 1790 J to Nov. 26, 1823 J He was born in Hingham J Nov. 3, 1765 t graduated J at Harvard College 1786 J and died at Nantucket JMay 28, 1857 J Servant of God! Well done; J Rest from thy loved employ." "Sacred t to the memory J of t Susanna Crocker t wife of J Rev. Henry Lincoln J who died J July 29, 1819 t aged 51 Years | 5 months | Precious in the sight of the Lord J is the death of his saints." (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 467; Nan- tucket Records: Records of Solomon Lincoln, aacdd e; Freeman's Hist, of Cape Cod says Mrs. Lincoln died July 29, 1817, aged 51 years 7 months.) Children, born at Falmouth: aacdc a. Frances, born Dec. 30, 1790, bapt. Feb. 6, 1791; died May 6, 1876, at Cambridge, Mass.; married, May 1, 1814, at Falmouth, Richard, son of Paul and Merah (Coffin) Mitchell of Nantucket, born Aug. 24, 1791, at Nantucket; died Nov. 14, 1868, at Cambridge. He was a ship owner and merchant. They lived at Nantucket but removed in later life to Cambridge. (Nantucket Records; Family Records of Mrs. Emily [Mit- chell] Fowle.) Children, born at Nantucket: a. William-Henry, born July 7, 1816; mar. Ann Shiverick. h. Susan-Lincoln, born Aug. 1, 1817; mar. George-Howland Folger. c. Richard, born Feb. 4, 1819; mar. Charlotte-Frances Morton. d. Amelie-Hill, born Oct. 21, 1820; died Apr. 21, 1886, unmarried. e. John-Lincoln, born Jan. 4, 1822; died May 13, 1855, unmarried. /. Mary- Ann, born Sept. 30, 1825; mar. George-Howland Folger, widower. g. Lincoln, born 1827; died Nov. 15, 1850, unmarried. h. Frances-Lincoln, born Feb. 1, 1830; died June 27, 1839. aacdc h. William-Henry, born Aug. 9, 1792, bapt. Aug. 26, 1792; drowned March 8, 1798, aged 5 years, 7 months. (Gravestone.) aacdc c. Susanna-Crocker, born Feb. 21, bapt. March 9, 1794; died July 11, 1878, at Nantucket, unmarried. (Mass. Vital Records.) aacdc d. Mary-Ann, born Apr. 18, bapt. May 1, 1796; died Jan. 8, 1882, at Wareham, Mass., "aged 85 years, 8 months, 12 days" (Ibid.); married, FIFTH GENERATION 183 May 31, 1818, at Falmouth, Elisha-Pope, son of Benjamin and Saloam (Pope) Fearing of Wareham, born Oct. 11, 1785, at Wareham; died June 25, 1876, at Nantucket. He was a physician and lived at Nantucket. He is buried at Wareham. They had no children. aacdc e. Henry, born June 13, 1798. aacdc f . John-Crocker, born Aug. 16, bapt. Aug. 17, 1800. aacdc g. William, born March 7, bapt. July 3, 1808. aacdd. Solomon, son of William {Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Mary (Otis) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Aug. 22, 1767, at Hingham; died Dec. 21, 1831, at Hingham. He was a farmer and lived on North street, Hingham, near Fountain square. He seems to have held no civil office, but during the war of 1812, when a military spirit was much in evidence, although there were four militia companies in Hingham, the citizens exempted by law from military duty formed themselves into three com- panies of infantry and one of artillery, the whole constituting a battalion, and in one of these companies, the North Ward, Solomon Lincoln held the office of ensign. It does not appear that these companies were ever called upon for active service, even at the time of the Cohasset alarm. Mr. Lincoln's will, dated Apr. 2, 1825, probated March 6, 1832, calls him ''yeoman" and names: wife Lydia; sons William-Otis and Solomon. (Plymouth County Probate Records, vol. Ixxii, p. 73.) He married, Oct. 4, 1791, at Hingham, Lydia^ daughter of Jesse^ (Cale¥, Cale¥, Joseph'^, Clement^) and Abigail (Barnes) Bates of Hingham, born Feb. 22, 1772, at Hingham; died May 7, 1853, at Hingham. Her paternal ancestor, Clement Bates, embarked at London for New England, Apr. 6, 1635, with his wife Anna and five children. He went to Hingham about the time that Rev. Peter Hobart arrived there and received a grant of land on Town, now South street, Sept. 18, 1635. On her mother's side she was descended from another early Hingham settler, Thomas Barnes, who had a grant of land in 1637, on Bachelor, now Main street, containing three acres. (Hist, of Hingham, vols, i, part i, p. 333; ii, pp. 23, 38, 472.) Children, born at Hingham : aacdd a. Mary, born Jan. 5, 1792; died Sept. 24, 1818, at Hingham, by drowning. She was unmarried. aacdd h. William, born Oct. 24, 1794; died Feb. 25, 1795. 184 LINCOLN GENEALOGY aacdd c. Lydia, born Apr. 20, 1797; died Oct. 21, 1802. aacdd d. William-Otis, born Aug. 25, 1801. aacdd e. Solomon, born Feb. 28, 1804. aafff. Elisha, son of Ezekiel {Elisha, Samuel, Samuel) and Elizabeth (Whitcomb) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., bapt. Sept. 8, 1765, at Hingham, in the second precinct, now Cohasset; died Jan. 19, 1830, at Cohasset. He was a farmer and lived at Co- hasset on Sohier street, in a house built by his grandfather, Elisha Lincoln. He married (1), in 1786, Susanna^, daughter of Thomas^ {Lazarus^, Lazarus^, Jeremiah^, John}) and Susanna (Lincoln) Beal of Cohasset, ahhid, born Nov. 29, 1765, at Hingham, second precinct; died Oct. 14, 1811, at Cohasset. He married (2), Dec. 22, 1812, at Cohasset according to Co- hasset records but '^ Cohasset Genealogies" says Dec. 2, Betsy^ (James) Lincoln, widow of Christopher Lincoln of Cohasset, ahaeg, and daughter of Galen^ (Thomas^, Thomas^, Francis^, Philip^) and Bette (Beal) James of Cohasset, born Oct. 7, 1778, at Cohasset; died Feb. 15, 1864, at Cohasset. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 67; Cohasset Genealogies, p. 240; Cohasset Records.) Children, by first wife, born at Cohasset: aafff a. Ezekiel, bapt. Oct. 7, 1788, according to ''Cohasset Genealogies," but Cohasset records say Oct. 19. He died, according to Boston records, Jan. 3, 1812, at Boston, unmarried, and was buried in lot No. 42, Copps Hill burying ground, aged 25 years. "Cohasset Genealogies," p. 240, in marrying him to Betsey Fillebrown has confused him with Ezekiel, son of Frederick Lincoln of Weymouth, aabce c. It gives the date of his death as Dec. 30, 1811, which is probably correct, the date given in Boston records being, very likely, the date of his burial. aafff b. Lewis, bapt. Oct. 26, 1794; died Dec. 12, 1802, at Cohasset "in his 10th year," according to his gravestone in Central burying ground Cohasset. aafff c. Elisha, bapt. Sept. 13, 1795. aafff d. Susanna, j f died Sept. 18, 1839, at Co- I born Mar. 23, 1801; I hasset, unmarried. I bapt. Oct. 27, 1801; aafff e. Priscilla, J i died Sept. 12, 1878, at Cohasset, aged 77 years, 5, months, 20 days (Mass. Vital Records); married, Feb. 29, 1828, at Cohasset, Ebenezer'', son of Galen^ {Thomas*, Thomas^, Francis"^, Philip^) and Bette (Beal) James of Cohasset, born Feb. 1, 1796, at Cohasset; died May 18, 1856, at Cohasset. He was own brother of her step-mother. He lived on King street, Cohasset, and was a farmer. In June, 1814, at the time of the alarm about a British invasion, Ebenezer James was a private in the militia company commanded by FIFTH GENERATION 185 Capt. Peter Lothrop, and served with that company in guarding the coast. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 202; Hist, of Cohasset, p. 344; Cohasset Rec- ords.) Children, born at Cohasset : a. Susanna-Beal, born Dec. 22, 1828; mar. John-Quincy- Adams Peakes. 6. Priscilla-Lincoln, born Aug. 6, 1832; mar. Thomas Bates, abbhe a. c. Galen, born May 31, 1834; mar. Hannah- James Marshall, aafff ha. aafff /. Sarah-Lewis, bapt. Oct. 23, 1803; died Dec. 15, 1841, at Cohasset; married, Feb. 25, 1828, at Cohasset, Moses^, son of Ephraim^ {Ejphraim?, Ephraim^, Daniel^) and Anna (Hodder) Lincoln of Cohasset, born Jan. 12, 1802, at Cohasset; died Jan. 5, 1892, at Cohasset. His ancestor, Daniel^ Lincoln, was known as "boatman" and as "the young man" when first a resident of Hingham in 1644-5. Moses Lincoln lived on the "Jerusalem road," near Straits pond. He married (2), Nov. 21, 1860, at Watertown, Mass., Eliza, daughter of Asa and Eliza (Stone) Pratt of Watertown, born 1820, at Watertown; died March 20, 1880, at Cohasset. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 249; Cohasset Records.) Children, born at Cohasset: a. Mary-Frances, born Aug. 4, 1829; mar. Stephen-Puffer Marsh. b. Daniel W., born May 20, 1832; mar. Lydia-James Gushing. c. Moses, born Jan. 13, 1835; mar. (1) Abbie Morse; (2) Martha Morrill. aafff g. Lewis, born February, 1808. Children by second wife, born at Cohasset: aafff h. Elizabeth-Lewis, bapt. Aug. 7, 1814; died Feb. 22, 1851, at Dor- chester, Mass.; married, July 31, 1834, at Boston, Mass., by Rev. Alexan- der Young, Samuel, son of Joseph and Esther (Wilson) Marshall of Dorchester, born March, 1806, at Dorchester. (Boston Records; Dor- chester Records.) Children, born at Dorchester: o. Hannah- James, born July, 1839; mar. Galen James, aafff ec. b. A CHILD, born August, 1842; died Sept. 15, 1842, "aet. 1 mo." c. Ann-Maria, born September, 1844; died May 18, 1845. aafff i. Ezekiel, born 1816, bapt. Oct. 13, 1816; died Apr. 6, 1837, at Boston, unmarried, aged 21 years. (Boston Records.) aafff j. Abigail, died May 20, 1822, at Cohasset. (Cohasset Church Records.) abaea. Allyne, son of Thomas (Ohadiah, Daniel, Samuel) and Rebecca ( [Allyne] Kilby) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Apr. 3, 1755, at Hingham, in the second precinct now Cohasset; died 1778, in prison at Halifax, Nova Scotia, according to "Cohasset Genealogies," but according to "History of Co- hasset," p. 290, in Dartmoor prison, England. He lived at Cohasset, in his father's house on Elm street. In June, 1776, he 186 LINCOLN GENEALOGY served two days as private in Capt. Obadiah Deal's Company, on coast guard duty at Hull. He was a seaman and tradition says that "he was taken from a vessel which the British captured and was carried to England, where he was placed in Dartmoor prison, from which he never returned." (Hist, of Cohasset, p. 290.) He married, Nov. 23, 1775, at Cohasset, Persis^, daughter of Daniel'' (DanieP, Ibrook^, Joh'n}) and Bethia (Nichols) Tower (see addh) of Hingham, second precinct, born Aug. 1, 1759, at Hingham; died Sept. 29, 1828, at Cohasset and is buried in Central burying ground. It is said that during the siege of Boston, when it was impossible to obtain suppHes from that blockaded port, she sailed one of the Cohasset vessels across the bay to Gloucester, all the men being away at the siege, and obtaining the needed supplies there successfully ran the blockade back to Cohasset. (Tower Genealogy, p. 157.) She married (2), May 21, 1786, according to Cohasset records but other records say Jan. 4, 1786, at Cohasset, James^, son of James^ {Richard^) and Mary (Lincoln) Hall of Hingham, ahhca, born Feb. 22, 1749-50, at Hingham; died Apr. 3, 1819, at Boston and is buried at Cohasset. (Gravestone.) He was an artillery officer under General Knox in the war of the Revolution; captain in 1780; was at Monmouth, Valley Forge and Yorktown; and an "aid to General Washington." He was, afterwards, a member of the Society of the Cincinnati. He lived at Cohasset on the east side of the Common, in a house built by his father partly of the timbers of the first church. The house is still, 1913, standing. Mr. and Mrs. Hall had eight children: Henry-Knox; James; George; Abraham-Tower; Abraham and Isaac, twins; Samuel; Mary; and Henry-Knox, 2nd. (Halls of New Eng., p. 648; Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 174, 236.) August 9, 1782, Persis Lincoln of Cohasset, widow, was admitted administratrix on the estate of Allin Lincoln, late of Cohasset, mariner, deceased intestate. The inventory of his estate, dated Aug. 14, 1782, shows that he left: real estate, house and half an acre of land, £80; personal estate £26:10. (Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. Ixxxi, pp. 379, 630.) Child, born at Cohasset: abaea a. Sarah, born Feb. 28, 1778, bapt. Oct. 18, 1778; died May 14, 1867, at Cohasset "aged 89 years, 2 months, 15 days"; married, Apr. 25, FIFTH GENERATION 187 1802, at Cohasset, intentions published at Scituate, May 31, 1801, James^, son of Isaac^ (William*, Gershom^, Thomas'^, Thomas^) and Tamsen (Hayden) Collier of Scituate, Mass., born Aug. 29, 1775, at Scituate; died Aug. 15, 1850, at Scituate. His ancestor, Thomas^ Collier, was one of the early planters at Hingham and had a lot of five acres granted him on what is now West street, Sept. 18, 1635. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 135.) Mr. Collier was a mariner, ship owner and trader. He lived" at Cohasset, on Elm street, until 1845 when he returned to Scituate and passed the rest of his life there. In 1803 he was owner and captain of the "Light HoFse"; in 18,06 he commanded the "William Tell" of Scituate, a vessel of 258 tons in which he perhaps visited Antwerp, as his portrait, painted in that city at about that time, is still in the possession of his grandchil- dren. Later he bought a wharf in Cohasset and became a vessel owner as well as master, as in 1814 the schooner "Little Sarah" was registered at the Boston Custom House with James Collier as builder, owner and master. In 1821 he was again registered as her captain, and in 1824 of the "Young James." These, like the "EHzabeth," built in 1829, were named for his children. Not wishing his sons to follow the sea, he gave four of them trades, which they promptly put aside and became sailors and master-mariners. Interesting accounts of the careers of three of them, George, James and Christopher, with their portraits, may be found in "Cohasset Genealogies." (Cohasset Records; Scituate Records; Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 109, 537-8, 553-5, 561-72.) Children, born at Cohasset : a. James, born about 1806; dijed young. h. Allyn-Lincoln, born April, 1808; died June 4, 1808, "aet. 2 mos." c. George- Washington, born June 26, 1809; mar. Anna Togue. d. Sarah, born Apr. 29, 1811; mar. Samuel Bates. e. James, born Aug. 6, 1813; mar. Joanna Bates. /. Allyn, born Dec. 13, 1815; mar. Susan-Carohne Howe. g. Henry, born Feb. 11, 1818; mar. Susan-Lothrop Willcutt. h. Christopher, born Nov. 12, 1819; mar. Hepsibah-Lincoln Bates. i. Elizabeth, born Feb. 6, 1822; mar. Alexander Williams. abaeg. Christopher, son of Thomas (Obadiah, Daniel, Samuel) and Rebecca ( [AUyne] Kilby) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., bapt. March 12, 1769, at Hingham, in the second precinct, now Cohasset; died in 1804, being Ibst at sea. He lived at Co- hasset, on Elm street, and was a master-mariner or sea captain. In 1803 he was owner and master of the ''Columbia" and it was in this vessel probably that he was lost. He married, Nov. 25, 1798, at Cohasset, Betsey^ daughter of Galen^ (Thomas'^, Thomas^, Francis^, Philip^) and Bette (Beal) James of Cohasset, born Oct. 7, 1778, at Cohasset; died Feb. 15, 1864, at Cohasset. She married (2), Dec. 22, 1812, at Cohasset, 188 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Elisha Lincoln of Cohasset, aafff. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 236 ; Cohasset Records.) Children, born at Cohasset: ahaeg a. Betsey, horn 1800, bapt. Jan. 30, 1802; died Dec. 29, 1802, "aged 2y" says her gravestone. abaeg b. 11ariuet-Joy, born 1803, bapt. Apr. 24, 1803; died Feb. 18, 1847, at Boston, Mass., aged 44 years; married, Dec. 25, 1825, at Cohasset, Prentiss^, son of Nathan'' (Nathan^, Josiah}, Josiah}) and Lydia (Child) Hobbs of Weston, Mass., born Jan. 30, 1790, at Weston; died November, 1858. She was his second wife. He married (1), Oct. 30, 1815, at Co- hasset, Ehzabeth, daughter of John and Susanna (Lincoln) Lewis of Cohasset, ahaeh e, born 1790, at Cohasset; died March 31, 1817, at Cohasset without children. His will, dated Aug. 18, 1858, probated Nov. 9, 1858, calls him of Brighton, Mass., and names: " Mrs. Betsy Lincoln of Cohasset the mother of my deceased wife"; "each of my three daughters, Abby R. Manning wife of WilHam W. Manning of Cambridge, LiUie Hobbs, and Elizabeth Hobbs"; and "son Joshua B. F. Hobbs." (Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 230, 237; Cohasset Records; Boston Records; N. E. Hist. & Gen. Register, vol. ix, p. 259; Weston Births, Deaths and Marriages, p. 570; Middlesex County Probate Files.) Children, born at Boston: a. Prentiss, born March, 1827; died 1849, in Cahfornia, unmarried. b. Harriet-Lincoln, born 1829; died Aug. 26, 1856, at Brighton, unmarried. c. Abigail-Ripley, born 1831; mar. WiUiam W. Manning of Cambridge. d. Lydia, born 1836; mar. S. Welles Holmes of Watertown. e. Joshua-Barker-Flint, born 1837; died Jan. 5, 1865, unmarried. /. Elizabeth-Lewis, born 1839; mar. William-Wirt Howe of Boston. abbea. Jerome, son of Francis {Hezekiah, Daniel, Samuel) and Sarah (Hobart) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Nov. 13, 1752, in the second precinct of Hingham, now Cohasset; died Dec. 11, 1832, at Cohasset. He was a farmer and lived at Co- hasset, on South Main street, in a house which was built by his father in 1751 and which was taken down in 1906. In 1775 he was a private in Capt. JUb Cushing's Company, which was stationed at Roxbury, Mass., for over two months. In 1777 he served on coast guard duty at Hull, Mass., for a few days under Capt. Obadiah Beal, and was with the army at Valley- Forge and at the battle of Morristown. July 1, 1781, he was commissioned lieutenant in the militia in the company com- manded by Capt. Nathaniel Nichols. In 1788 he was chosen to provide a ^'school marster" for the Mill street district. In 1792 FIFTH GENERATION 189 he was appointed collector of the ministerial tax and received four pence for each pound collected. He was moderator in 1790; selectman 1793-5; assessor 1793-5; collector 1795, 1799; and on the school committee 1788, '90, '92, 1802, '04, '06 and 1812. He married, Apr. 13, 1778, at Cohasset, EKzabeth^ daughter of Obadiah^ {JacoW, MordecaP, Samuel^) and Jael (Curtis) Lincoln of Cohasset, adfah, born July 5, 1758, at Scituate; died Dec. 2, 1850, at Cohasset, aged 92 years, 5 months, but the family Bible says she died in November. (Hist, of Cohasset, pp. 287, 296, 305, 336, 354, 365, 383; Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 237, 497; Cohasset Records.) Children, born at Cohasset: abbea a. Daniel, born Sept. 14, 1778; died March 3, 1863, at Cohasset, un- married. He was a carpenter. ahhea b. Rachel, born July, 1780; died Jan. 26, 1790. Cohasset church records call her Mary and say she died in 1780. abbea c. Jerome, born Aug. 23, 1782. abhea d. Levi, born Feb. 21, 1785; nothing has been learned of him. abbea e. Francis-Mayhew, born Oct. 13, 1786; died Dec. 26, 1859, at Cohasset. He was a private in Capt. Peter Lothrop's Company of mihtia which turned out to repel the threatened British invasion in June, 1814. His intention of marriage to Elizabeth F. Rand was pubHshed at Scituate, Apr. 5, 1832, but Mrs. Hannah (Lincoln) Damon, abbea cae, his great- niece, says he never married but died an old bachelor. His marriage to Miss Rand, therefore, never got beyond the intentions. abbea f. Isaiah, born Dec. 25, 1787; died Nov. 28, 1814, in prison at Hahfax, Nova Scotia. He was a sailor on the fishing schooner ''Nancy" which was captured by a British vessel and taken to Halifax. Two of the crew were allowed to go, but the rest were held as prisoners of war. The fol- lowing April, Capt. Wallace of the schooner returned to Cohasset, bring- ing poor Lincoln's pocket book, and telling how the unfortunate fisherman had perished the previous November, in the "lousy dungeon" at Halifax. (Hist, of Cohasset, p. 350.) abbea g. Priscilla, born Oct. 18, 1789; died Apr. 19, 1797. abbea h. Silas, born Feb. 22, 1791; died Oct. 6, 1829, at Cohasset, unmarried. He was a private in Capt. Peter Lothrop's Company of militia, during the alarm of June, 1814. abbea i. Rachel, born Jan. 26, 1793; died Apr. 19, 1797. abbea j. Elizabeth, born Oct. 23, 1794; died Aug. 11, 1882, at Cohasset; married, Nov. 26, 1819, at Cohasset, Job^ son of Job^ {Samuel^, Matthew^, Daniel^, Mathew^) and Abigail (Pierce) Cushing of Cohasset, bapt. Apr. 30, 1786, at Cohasset; died Oct. 5, 1867, at Cohasset. He was a farmer and lived in the paternal home on Spring street, Cohasset. In 1808 he was a private in Capt. John Pratt's Company of foot, and in 1814 was sergeant in Capt. Peter Lothrop's Company which was called to repel invasion by the British in June of that year. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 123; Hist, of Cohasset, pp. 337, 344.) 190 LINX^OLN GENEALOGY Children, })orn at Cohasset: a. Charlks, horn Jan. 30, 1821; mar. Susan Staples. h. Ahkjail-Bailey, born July 1, 1823; died July 18, 1885, un- married. c. Samuel, l)orn Dec. 8, 1825. d. Mahtin-Lincoln, born Sept. 6, 1828; mar. Emily M. e. JoH, born March 1, 1831; mar. Salome Abbott. /. Mahy-Elizaheth, born Sept. 16, 1833; mar. Charles A. Craw- ford. g. Otis-Phipps, born May 19, 1836; died Aug. 22, 1836. ahhea k. Amos, born Apr. 11, 1796; died Apr. 26, 1798. A gravestone in Central burying ground says he died Apr. 27, 1797, ''aged 10 yrs. 3ms." Can tliis be an error for his brother Levi, whose death has not been learned? If the gravestone is correct Amos must have been a twin of Isaiah. ahhea I. Mary, born Sept. 20, 1797; died Dec. 30, 1877, at Cohasset, un- married. abbea m. Martin, born Aug. 14, 1799. ahhea n. Anna, born June 13, 1801; died May 6, 1886, at Cohasset, unmar- ried. abbec. Zenas, son of Francis {Hezekiah, Daniel, Samuel) and Sarah (Hobart) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Sept. 8, 1757, at Hingham, in the second precinct now Cohasset; died Dec. 19, 1820, at Cohasset. He was a carpenter and Hved at Cohasset. In December, 1776, he served four days as private in Capt. Peter Cushing's Company on coast guard duty at Hull, Mass.; and he was a private in the army at the surrender of Burgoyne. His only civil office was as a member of the school committee, on which he served 1799-1801, 1803 and 1807. In 1799 he was on a committee to build a tower and steeple on the meeting-house. He married, June 10, 1781, at Cohasset, Mary^, daughter of Obadiah^ {Jaco¥, Mordecai^, Samuel^) and Jael (Curtis) Lincoln of Scituate, Mass., and Cohasset, adfac, born Apr. 2, 1760, in the second precinct of Hingham; died Feb. 22, 1822, at Cohasset. but Cohasset church records say Feb. 27. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln and three of their children: John-Hobart, Allen and Betsy, are buried in Central burying ground, Cohasset. (Hist, of Cohasset, pp. 297-8, 372; Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 237, 498; Gravestones.) His service in the army in the Burgoyne campaign was as private in Capt. Theophilus Wilder's Company, Col. Benjamin Gill's regiment, in which he enlisted Aug. 24, 1777, and was FIFTH GENERATION 191 discharged Nov. 29, 1777. He enlisted again Dec. 20, 1777, in Capt. Thomas Nash's Company which served until March 1, 1778, at Fort Hill, Boston. (Mass. Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolution, vol. ix, p. 823.) Children, born at Cohasset: dbbec a. Allen, born June 14, 1782; died Aug. 16, 1798. abbec b. Joseph, born Nov. 23, 1783. ahhec c. Sarah, born Sept. 13, 1785; died Jan. 1, 1873, at Cohasset; married, Jan. 30, 1814, at Cohasset, John^, son of Jonathan^ (Samuel^, Joseph'^, Joseph^, Joseph^, Clement^) and Susanna (Orcutt) Bates of Cohasset, born July 11, bapt. July 21, 1782, at Cohasset; died Oct. 5, 1842, at Cohasset. He was a trader, Uved at Cohasset and had no children. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 26.) abbec d. John-Hob art, born Aug. 9, 1787; died Dec. 27, 1793. abbec e. Henry, born Aug. 13, 1789; died Sept. 26, 1825, unmarried. He was drowned at sea, according to Cohasset church records. abbec f. Thomas, born July 11, 1791. abbec g. Zenas, born Apr. 4, 1793; died Oct. 2, 1832, at Cohasset, unmarried. Cohasset church records say he was drowned at sea. He was a private in Capt. Peter Lothrop's Company of militia, which was on duty in June, 1814, to repel the expected British invasion. (Hist, of Cohasset, p, 345.) abbec h. Mary, born Dec. 16, 1794; died Oct. 21, 1889, at Cohasset, un- married. abbec i. Priscilla, born Sept. 1, 1796; died Sept. 2, 1878, unmarried, at Co- hasset. abbec j. Betsey, born Aug. 4, 1801; died Sept. 29, 1801, according to her gravestone and ''Cohasset Genealogies" but Cohasset records say 1811. abbhc. Obadiah, son of Hezekiah {Hezekiah, Daniel, Samuel) \ and Eunice (Lincoln) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born May 4, 1783, at Cohasset, bapt. July 27, 1783; died May 26, 1844, at Cohasset. (Mass. Vital Records say he was drowned May 25; gravestone says he died May 24; Cohasset Genealogies says May [ 26.) In June, 1814, he served as private in Capt. Peter Lothrop's Company of militia which was called on to repel a threatened British invasion. He held no civil office. He lived on ^'The Ridges" now part of the '^ Jerusalem road," Cohasset. He married, about 1803 or 1804, Tamar^ daughter of DanieP {Daniel^, NathanieF, Israel^, Thomas^) and Tamar (Beal) Nichols of Cohasset, see ahhaf, born Dec. 14, 1782, at Cohasset; died Oct. 31, 1865, at Cohasset, ''aged 82 yrs. 10 mos." (Gravestone.) Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln, with their daughter Susannah, are buried in Central burying ground, Cohasset. In the State records of his death he is described as '' seaman." (Cohasset Genealogies, 192 LINCOLN GENEALOGY pp. 238, 302; Hist, of Cohasset, p. 344; Hist, of Hingham, vol. iii, p. 89.) Children, born at Cohasset: aabhc a. Levi, born June 28, 1805; died about 1828, at New Orleans, La., according to "Colmsset Genealogies" but some members of the family say that he went West and was never heard from. ahbhc b. Sauau, born Sept. 30, 1807; died Sept. 16, 1878, at Cohasset "a widow"; married, Apr. 15, 1830, at Cambridge, Mass., Benjamin, son of William and Asenath (Hopkins) Shaw of Milford, N. H., born Feb. 19, 1805 ; date of his death not ascertained. They hvcd at Cambridgeport and at Canton, Mass. He was a blacksmith. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 238; Records of Arthur- Augustus Shaw, abbhc bg.) Children, born: a, b at Cambridge; d at Milford;/, g at Canton; c, e unknown : a. George-Nichols, born July 22, 1831; went to California; married. b. Sarah-Asenath, born Jan. 10, 1833; mar. Edwin-Augustus Nut- ting. c. Benjamin-Franklin, born Dec. 7, 1835; mar. Martha-Annie Webber. d. Harriet-Lincoln, born Dec. 2, 1837; mar. Charles-Francis Conant. e. Robert-Beals, born Sept. 9, 1840; died about 1865, unmarried. /. Mary-Lincoln, born Feb. 14, 1842; mar. Jonathan Linfield. g. Arthur-Augustus, born July 22, 1845; mar. Mary-Maria Chase. abbhc c. Mary-Birch, born Nov. 30, 1809; died Aug. 16, 1893, at Cohasset, "aged 83 years, 8 months, 17 days" (Mass. Vital Records); married, Nov. 11, 1857, at Boston, Michael, son of Andrew Anthony of Boston, born 1822 in Ireland. (Ibid.) He may be the Michael Anthony, a laborer, aged 35 years, parents unknown, who died Dec. 26, 1860, at Provincetown, Mass. (Ibid.) The record of his marriage calls him aged 35 in 1857 and "a waiter." "Cohasset Genealogies" calls her "Mary- Beal" and her husband "A. Neale." Members of the family say that she. married Michael- Anthony Neale but know nothing of him. It is probable that she assumed the name of "Neale" after his death and on her return, to Cohasset, for reasons of her own. They had no children. In the record of her marriage she is called aged 32 years. abbhc d. Robert-Beals, born June 2, 1811. abbhc e. Harriot, born Sept. 9, 1813; died Sept. 13, 1860, at Salem, N. H.; married, March 4, 1841, at Boston, Mass., Joel-Parsons, son of Joel and Lydia (Hains) Fletcher of Salem, born 1813 at Pelham, N. H.; died Apr. 19, 1849, at Salem. They lived at Boston and Salem. He was a stone- cutter and was engaged in the granite business in Boston, near the present North Station. He died intestate and his widow asked, Sept. 30, 1850, that WilHam W. Clark of Salem be appointed administrator, and his; petition gives the date of death here given. The estate was declared, insolvent. (Boston Records; Cohasset Genealogies, p. 238; Records oi Joel-Parsons Fletcher, abbhc ed; Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. cxlviii2, p. 187; ccxxii, p. 14; Fletcher Genealogy, 1881, p. 438, which has many errors on this family.) FIFTH GENERATION 193 Children, born: a-c at Boston; d at Salem, N. H.: a. Susanna-Lincoln, born 1842; mar. Edward Butters. h. Levi-Lincoln, born 1844; never married. c. Emma-Frances, born March, 1846; died Oct. 4, 1847, aged 18 months. d. Joel-Parsons, born Nov. 10, 1848; mar. Cora- Augusta Taylor. alibhc /. Susannah, born Apr. 12, 1816; died Jan. 31, 1871, at Canton, Mass., unmarried. In the record of her death she is called "Susanna B." She is buried at Cohasset. cbhhc g. Tamar-Nichols, born June 3, 1819; died June 6, 1896, at Salisbury, Mass.; married. May 26, 1842, at Cohasset, Harlan-Pillsbury, son of Daniel and Sarah (Blake) Griffin of Danville, N. H., born Feb. 22, 1814, at Danville; died July 8, 1887, at Danville. He was a stone-cutter and shoemaker and lived at Danville, but was of Milton, Mass., when married, and in the Milton record of their marriage she is also called of Milton. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 238; Records of Harlan-Boyden Griffin, abbhc gh.) Children, born at Danville: a. Margaret-Forbes, born March 20, 1844; died March 18, 1845. b. Harlan-Boyden, born Apr. 6, 1846; mar. (1) Florence- Alphadele Cook; (2) Flora-Letitia-Selina Bartlett. c. Emma-Adelaide, born May 4, 1850; died Feb. 28, 1872, un- married. dbhhc h, Daniel-Bray, born Aug. 11, 1823; died Jan. 29, 1892, at Cohasset, unmarried. "Cohasset Genealogies" calls him "Daniel-Beal." adaaa. Abraham, son of John (Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) f and Rebecca ( [Flowers] Morris) Lincoln of Rockingham county, Va., born May 13, 1744, in Berks county, Pa.; died between May 7, 1785, and Oct. 14, 1788,* probably in Jefferson county, Ky., having been killed by Indians, as will be related later. He accompanied his father to Virginia and was, as early as 1770, a 1 captain in the Virginia militia. He is also called ''captain" at a court-martial held in Staunton, Va., in 1776, and his name appears as ''captain" in the Augusta county records in 1777, and in the Rockingham county records in 1779. (Virginia Militia in the Revolution, pp. 183, 230-3.) Whether he was in active service in the Revolution is uncertain. He received from his father, Aug. 12, 1773, a gift of two hun- dred and ten acres of land on Linville's creek, being a portion of his father's original purchase, and acquired fifty-two adjoining acres by purchase. This farm he and his wife, Bathsheba, sold Feb. 18, 1780, being about to remove to Kentucky where, ac- *As this book goes to press, word comes from Rev. Louis A. Warren that he has found a document in the Nelson County, Ky., court house stating: "Abraham Lincoln departed this life in May, 1786." 13 194 LINCOLN GENEALOGY cording to Daniel Boone's Survey Book, now owned by the Wis- consin Historical Society, he had made an entry of one thousand acres of land as early as July, 1776. He received for his Vir- ginia farm five thousand pounds, current money of Virginia, which sum, according to Miss Tarbell, was then equivalent to about seventeen thousand dollars, but this, of course, was paper money. In the deed conveying this farm the name of Abraham's wife is spelled indifferently Bershaba, Bashaba, Bathshaba, Bathshabe and Bathsheba, and she signed herself ''Batsab Lincon." This deed was recorded June 17, 1780, but without the privy examination and renunciation of dower by the wife, as the law required. More than a year later, Sept. 8, 1781, a commission was issued for her examination, she being ** unable to travel to our sd County Court of Rockingham." In this commission she is thrice called '' Barbara," but in the report of the commissioners and its record, dated Sept. 24, she is called ^'Barshaba" and ''Bershebe." (Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 187-191; Abraham Lincoln, An American Migration, 118- 127.) Just when Abraham removed to Kentucky is uncertain, but he probably went there immediately after selling his Virginia farm, as on March 4, 1780, he paid into the public treasury of Ken- tucky one hundred and sixty pounds for Land Office Warrant No. 3334, which entitled him to four hundred acres of land and, on the same date, secured two other warrants, Nos. 3333 and 3335, which entitled him to eight hundred acres more, for which he presumably paid twice as much or three hundred and twenty pounds. The first-named warrant is preserved in the collection of R. T. Durrett of Louisville, Ky., now owned by the University of Chicago, and is reproduced on page 22 of *'The Early Life of Abraham Lincoln" by Miss Ida M. Tarbell. The field notes of the survey under this warrant, reproduced on page 23 of the same work, are dated May 7, 1785, and are signed by *' Ananiah" and "Josiah Lincoln, C. C." (chain carriers), and by ''Abraham Lincoln, marker.'^ Under these warrants grants were made to Abraham Lincoln as follows: "By virtue of treasury warrants Nos. 3333 and 3335 issued the fourth day of March seventeen hundred and eighty there is granted by the Commonwealth of Virginia unto Abraham Lin- FIFTH GENERATION 195 coin a certain parcel of land containing eight hundred acres by- survey bearing the date of the twelfth day of October seventeen hundred and eighty four lying and being in the county of Lin- coln on Green River about six miles below Green River Lick and bounded as foUoweth to wit: Beginning at a buckeye on the river bank being a comer of William Montgomery and running down the river with the meanders as is laid down in the Plat to a sugar tree ... to have and to hold to the said Abraham Lincoln and his heirs forever. In witness whereof the said Beverly Randolph, Esquire, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia hath hereunto set his hand and caused the seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed at Richmond this sixteenth day of May one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven." ''James Garrard Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky to all to whom these presents shall come greeting; know ye that by virtue and in consideration of a Land Office Treasury War- rant No. 3334 there is granted by the said Commonwealth unto Abraham Lincoln a certain tract or parcel of land containing 400 acres by survey bearing date of May 7, 1785 — lying and being in Jefferson County on the fork of Floyd's Creek now called the Long Run and bounded as foUoweth to wit: beginning about 2 miles up the said fork from the mouth of a fork of the same for- merly called Fells Fork at a sugar tree standing on the side of the same marked 'SB' and extending thence East three hundred poles to a poplar and sugar tree North two hundred and thirteen and a third poles to a beech and dogwood, West three hundred poles to a white oak and hickory, South two hundred and thir- teen and a third poles to the beginning: with its appurtenances to the said Abraham Lincoln and his heirs forever. In witness whereof the said James Garrard, Governor of the Common- wealth of Kentucky hath hereunto set his hand and caused the seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed at Frankfort on the second day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety eight and of the Commonwealth of Ken- tucky the seventh." On the margin is written: "Examined and delivered to Mor- decai Lincoln, April 26, 1799." Besides these two tracts Lincoln also entered, according to I Boone's Survey Book, previously referred to, Dec. 11, 1782, on a 196 LINCOLN GENEALOGY treasury warrant No. 5994, five hundred acres more whose loca- tion is uncertain, but which are probably identical with the five hundred acres in Campbell, now Pendleton, county, which were not surveyed according to Nicolay and Hay until Sept. 27, 1798, and patented June 30, 1799; and were sold June 8, 1808, by "Mordecai Lincoln heir at law to Abraham Lincoln." (Washington County Deeds, vol. C, f. 462.) This is all the land in Kentucky, amounting to seventeen hundred acres, of which there is positive evidence of being owned by Abraham Lincoln. Lea and Hutchinson in ''The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln" credit him with thirty-two hundred acres ''of the finest farming land in the world," but of these the ownership of one thousand acres is problematical, and five hundred acres are clearly counted twice, while the description is purely imaginary and may or may not be true. If Lincoln went to Kentucky in 1780, he probably went alone to look up a desirable place to live, and having selected two loca- tions, undoubtedly under the advice of his friend and kinsman Daniel Boone, returned to Virginia to escort his family to their new home. Their removal was certainly postponed until after Sept. 8, 1781, when his wife was visited at her home in Rocking- ham county by a commission to obtain her renunciation of dower, and may have been deferred until October, 1784, when, as has been shown, the lot on Green river was surveyed. They had certainly removed before May 7, 1785, the date of survey of the land in Jefferson county, for Abraham himself was the marker in this survey and his son Josiah was one of the chain carriers. This makes it fairly certain that he made his new home on this latter tract, which was situated a few miles from the present city of Louisville, rather than on the larger tract in Lincoln county, for his son, Josiah, was not more than twelve or thirteen years old when the Jefferson county land was sur- veyed, and if living in Lincoln county would hardly have been employed so far from home. Moreover, this agrees with the family tradition. Whatever the date of his removal, Lincoln did not long survive to enjoy and improve his Kentucky lands. The year of his death is as uncertain as the year of his emigration, and has been variously given by historians as occurring from "soon after I FIFTH GENERATION 197 1780," to 1788. His grandson, the President, placed it from family tradition in 1784, but from the fact that Abraham acted as marker in the survey of his farm in May, 1785, his death must have occurred after that date, and from the further fact that an administrator of his estate was appointed Oct. 14, 1788, he was certainly not living then and it is most likely that his death occurred in that year. Whatever the date, according to tradition, which for want of better authority may be accepted as true, he was shot and instantly killed, while working in the clearing with his three sons, by an Indian in ambush. Mordecai, the oldest son, ran to the cabin for his rifle. Josiah ran to the nearest fort for assistance, but Thomas, the youngest boy, remained near his father and was on the point of being seized by an Indian when Mordecai, who had secured his gun, shot the Indian through the heart and Thomas escaped to the cabin. Assistance arriving soon after from the fort, the remaining Indians were driven away and the family rescued. Mr. R. T. Durrett of Louisville gave to Miss Tarbell for her "Early Life of Abraham Lincoln" a so-called copy of the ap- pointment, by the Nelson county court, Oct. 10, 1788 [sic], of an administrator of Mr. Lincoln's estate and of four apprais- ers, some of whose names are incorrectly given. He furnished also a copy of the appraisal, dated March 10, 1789, in which some unimportant errors appear. Miss Tarbell does not state where Mr. Durrett obtained the copy of the appointment of the administrators and appraisers, but as it differs in several par- ticulars from the original, a certified copy has been obtained from the Nelson county clerk which is as follows: "At a Court held for Nelson County the fourteenth day of October in the year of Our Lord One thousand seven hundred and eighty eight, "Present "Benjamin Pope, James Rodgers Gabriel " Cox and James Baird Gent. On Motion of John Caldwell who made oath according to law and with Richard Parker his surety entered into and ac- knowledged this Bond in the penalty of £1000 conditioned as the law directs certificate is granted him for obtaining letters of Administration on the estate of Abraham Lincoln deed in due form. 198 LINCOLN GENEALOGY "Ordered that John Alvey, Peter Sybert, Christopher Barlow and William Slack any three of them being first sworn before a magistrate of this County do appraise in current money the slaves (if any) and personal Estate of Abraham Lincoln deed and return the Appraisement to the Court." "State of Kentucky 1 c: . "County of Nelson / "I, Morgan Gilkey Clerk of the Nelson County Court, do certify that the foregoing is a true Copy of the records in my office in Order Book 'B' page 60. "Given under my hand the August 28th, 1916. [signed] "Morgan Gilkey Clerk "by W.J. RobyD. C." There is no known reason why administration should have been granted in Nelson county, if Lincoln was living at the time of his death in Jefferson county, and was killed there. No record has as yet been found of his owning land in Nelson county, nor of any act of his administrator in settlement of his estate in any county after the appraisal of his personal estate, which is dated March 10, 1789. His widow, Bathsheba, removed to Washington county, which adjoins Nelson county, with her children after his death. If she had any dower rights they ap- parently were not enforced, as all the land records found confirm the tradition that the oldest son, Mordecai, inherited all his father's lands, to the exclusion of the other children and the widow, under the existing laws of primogeniture. The following appraisal of the personal estate is from a careful copy, by the compiler of this genealogy, of the original record at Bardstown. (Appraisements, vol. i, p. 48.) "Pursuant to an order of Court appointing the Subscribers Appraisers to the Estate of Abram Lincoln, Deed, being first sworn, proceeded as follows: — £ One Sorrel Horse Appraised to 8 Black Horse 9 One Red Cow & Calf 4 Brindle Cow & Calf 4 Red Cow & Calf 5 s d 10 10 10 FIFTH GENERATION 199 lbs Brindle bull yearling Brindled heifer yearling Bar Shear plow and Tackling Three Weeding hoes Flax wheel Pair of Smoothing Irons One Dozen pewter plates Two pewter Dishes Dutch Oven and Cale [sic] Weighing 15 Small Iron Kettle and Cale weighing 12**^^ Foot adds Hand saw One Inch Auger Three quarter Do Half Inch Do Drawing knife Curring Knife Curriers Hook and barking Iron Old Smooth bore Gun Riffle do Do do Two pott Trammells I One Feather Bead & furniture Ditto One Bed of Turkey feathers and furniture Stakeing Iron Candlestick One Ax ! 1 1 2 5 7 6 6 15 1 10 17 6 15 12 10 5 6 4 6 3 3 10 6 10 5 3 10 14 5 10 8 5 1 10 1 6 1 6 9 £68 16 6 "Peter Sybert ** Christopher Barlow ''John Alvey At a Court held for Nelson County the 10th day of March 1789 "This Inventory & app. of the Estate of Abraham Lincoln deed was ret. & ord to be recorded ''Test "Isaac Morrison Cle." Mr. Lincoln married, license given June 9, 1770, in Augusta county, Va., Bathsheba^, daughter, it is claimed, of Leonard^ 200 LINCOLN GENEALOGY (Bdhucl^f Jofm^) Herring of Bridgcwater, Va., whose birth and death have not been learned. The marriage Hcense is printed in ''Abstracts from the Records of Augusta County," vol. ii, p. 277, but unfortunately the name of the bride is not given In claiming that her name was Bathsheba Herring the writer is aware that he is contradicting every biographer of President Lincoln since Nicolay and Hay, on the authority of Hon. J. L. Nail of Missouri, first claimed that Abraham Lincoln married Mary Shipley and that she was the mother of his children. Mr. J. Henry Lea, in searching for data for "The Ancestry of Abra- ham Lincoln," seems to have been the first to notice that in the deed by which Abraham sold his lands in Virginia, his wife is called Bathsheba, but he did not learn of the record of Abraham's marriage license, and accepted too hastily unsupported state- ments as to the dates of birth of Abraham and his children. On the facts as he had them Lea concluded that Mary Shipley was Abraham's first wife and the mother of four of his children; that she died about 1778; that Abraham married Bathsheba Herring as his second wife about 1779, and that she was the mother of Thomas who. Lea claimed, was born Jan. 20, 1780, ignoring the age which President Lincoln in his family Bible ascribed to his father at his death, which would place Thomas's birth on Jan. 6, 1778, and apparently ignorant that Nancy, the youngest child of Abraham, was born March 25, 1780. Mr. Lea assumed that it was Bathsheba's confinement with Thomas in January, 1780, which accounted for her inability to attend the County Court in February, 1780, and in September, 1781. He expresses a doubt whether she ever went to Kentucky and survived her husband, for the reason that, as the mother of Thomas, she would have defended that youth from the abuse and neglect which, according to tradition, he suffered at the hands of his elder brothers. Honorable J. L. Nail of Carthage, Mo., the great-grandson of Abraham Lincoln by his younger daughter, Nancy, persuaded Nicolay and Hay that Abraham married Mary Shipley. Mr. Nail's sister, Mrs. Louise Hardaway of Jasper, Mo., informed the writer that ''she remembers very distinctly her great-grand- mother Lincoln who lived to be near one hundred years old) and died at the house of her daughter Nancy, and is buried ini FIFTH GENERATION 201 Mill Creek grave yard in Hardin county, Kentucky, but no stone marks her grave." Mrs. Hardaway was not positive that Abraham's wife was named Mary, but that was the impression which she always had, and she was certain that it was not Bath- sheba but that, whatever her name, she was the mother of all the children. Major George Chrisman of Rockingham county, Va., informed the writer that his great aunt, Betsy Herring, a maiden lady and a niece of Leonard Herring the reputed father of Bathsheba, always said that Mordecai Lincoln was son of Abraham and Bathsheba. This was confirmed by Mr. John Herring, a cousin of Major Chrisman. To reconcile these conflicting statements it was, until recently, the theory of the writer that Bathsheba was Abraham's first wife and the mother of all his children; that she fell ill after the birth of her youngest child, Nancy, which occurred March 25, 1780, from which illness she died soon after renouncing her dower rights; that Abraham, having sold his Virginia farm and purchased lands in Kentucky, to which he had made all prepara- tions to remove, found himself a widower with five children, two of whom were in absolute need of a mother's care, and that he therefore married for a second wife, and probably before leaving for Kentucky, Mary Shipley, who was therefore the step-mother of all the children but was looked upon by the younger children as their own mother, Nancy certainly being able to remember no other. This theory has been proved false, just as this book is going to press, by the recent discovery, among some old papers in the Kentucky State Capitol at Frankfort, of a number of early tax lists including those for Washington county for the years 1792, 1795 and 1800. These discredit the statements of Mr. Nail and Mrs. Hardaway and establish the fact that Bathsheba survived her husband and was certainly living in 1792 in Wash- ington county, where she was taxed on Oct. 16, as owning one horse and ten cattle but no land, and as having one white male in her family between the ages of 16 and 21. This could not have been Thomas, who was but fourteen years old in 1792, and must have been Josiah, proving that he was born between 1771 and 1776 and not on July 10, 1766, as given in ''The An- cestry of Abraham Lincoln," p. 84. Mordecai, the oldest son, 202 LINCOLN GENEALOGY was taxed on the same day as his mother, being designated as a white male above 21, and must therefore have been born before Oct. 16, 1771. As he was taxed for one hundred acres of land, one horse and two cattle and he and his mother were listed on the same day, it is safe to assume that the family was living together, the mother owning most of the live stock. In 1795 the family had apparently separated, as Josiah and Thomas are listed separately and Bathsheba's name has disappeared, nor does it re-appear in the list for 1800. She may have removed from Washington county or perhaps was living with her daugh- ter Mary, or she may have died, though the recollection of Mrs. Hardaway is that her great-grandmother lived to a great age, in which she may be right, for though she and Mr. Nail are evidently mistaken as to her name they may be correct in other particulars. These tax lists, as to whose discovery and contents the writer is indebted to the courtesy of Reverend William E. Barton, are of the utmost importance as rendering it practically certain that' Abraham had but one wife, whose Christian name was Bathshe- ba, who was the mother of all his children and survived him at least until 1792. That her surname was Herring is probable, though her parentage and descent, as previously given, are by no means proved. It is taken from the account of the family in *'The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln," which seems to be based largely on tradition and is not yet supported by documentary evidence. According to ''Abstracts from the Records of Augusta County," vol. ii, p. 276, Leonard Herron was granted a marriage license in August, 1761. This may have been a second marriage, but if not he could not have had a daughter old enough to be married in 1770. The condition of the Rockingham county records makes it extremely doubtful that Bathsheba's parentage will ever be proved. See, however, a letter from Charles-Griffin Herring in ''The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln," pp. 202-3. Children, born in Rockingham county, Va. : adaaa a. Mordecai, born about 1771. adaaa b. Josiah, born about 1773. adaaa c. Mary, dates of her birth and death unknown. She is said to have married Ralph, son of Philip and Anne Crume of Nelson county, Ky., of whom nothing has been learned. The following deeds on record in Nelson County, Bk. 7, pp. 264-272, may be found useful in tracing i i ^ FIFTH GENERATION 203 this family. They are all from Philip Crume, St., and his wife Ann, and the consideration in each is one shilling. The grantees are probably children of Philip Crume. September 10, 1797, to Unice Crume, 72 acres on Mill Creek, Nelson CO. December 28, 1797, to Moses Crume, 60 acres at Beech fork, Nelson CO. September 10, 1797, to Philip Crume, Jr., 80 acres at Mill creek. December 29, 1797, to Abraham Burkhead of Washington co., land in said county on south side of Beech fork. September 10, 1797, to Benedick Lucas, 75 acres on Sunfish run, Nelson co. September 10, 1797, to Daniel Crume of Washington co., land on Sunfish run. Nelson co. December 28, 1797, to Jesse Crume, 43 acres on Bear creek, Nelson co. September 10, 1797, to Ralph Crume of Nelson co., land on Sunfish run and branch of Beech fork. September 10, 1797, to Elizur Birket of Nelson co., 72 acres in said county. December 28, 1797, to Moses Crume, 46 acres on Mill creek, a branch of Beech fork. December 29, 1797, to Mary Crume, widow and rehct of WiUiam Crume deceased, and Sarah Crume and Phebe Crume, infants of said deceased, land on Mill creek. Also the following from Nelson county wills, Bk. A, p. 470: The will of PhiUp Crume, senior, of Nelson county, Ky., dated Apr. 16, 1801, names: wife Anne; children: John, Peggy, Nancy, Keziah and Squire; sons: Ralph, Phihp, Daniel, Jesse, heirs of son WiUiam deceased, and Moses; daughters: Susannah, Mary, Elizabeth, Sarah and Unice; and mentions "all the land and other property already given by me to them and which they are now in possession of." Children: a. William, married Louella Jones.* b. A DAUGHTER, married a Mr. Cox. adaaa d. Thomas, born Jan. 5, 1778. The "Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln" says Jan. 20, 1780, but without good authority. adaaa e. Nancy, born March 25, 1780; died Oct. 9, 1845, at or near EHza- bethtown, Ky., according to her gravestone, but the family Bible says she died Oct. 7, 1843. She married, Jan. 12, 1801, in Washington county, Ky., Wilham, son of James and Joanna Brumfield of Washington county, born June 15, 1772; died May 31, 1858, at or near EHzabethtown. He was a farmer. They are buried in the old graveyard at Mill creek. The stone at Mr. Brumfield's grave is unmarked, but Nancy's bears the following inscription: "Nancy Brumfield, wife of William Brumfield departed this Life October 9, 1845 at 7 o'clock aged 65 Yrs. 6 months 14 days." Mrs. Abraham Lincoln is said to have been buried in the same yard, but no stone marks her grave. Nancy's marriage certificate at SpriiOjgfield, Ky., reads as follows: "I hereby certify that marriage was solemnized by me between WiUiam ♦They had a son James who married Sallie Popham and had a son, William -Popham Crume, and a daughter Elizabeth who married a Hoskinson. George L. Crume, now living at Columbia, Ky., is a son of William-Popham Crume. E. H. Cox of Vine Grove, Ky., is a grandson of the daughter who married Cox. This family seems to be ignorant of any Lincoln connection. 204 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Brownfield and Anna Lencolman the 12th inst. according to the rites and ceremonies of the Christian church. Given under my hand January the 13th 1801 " signed "Thomas Kyle" The names Brumfield and Brownfield seem to be interchangeable in the Washington county records. The writer is indebted to Mrs. Louise (Nail) Hardaway of Jasper, Mo,, for some of this information. Children, born near Elizabethtown: a. Polly. 6. Elizabeth, born Dec. 3, 1804; mar. William P. Nail. c. Susan. d. LucRETiA, mar. a Mr. Austin. She had the family Bible. Two sons named Lloyd and Brown were last living in Meade county, Ky. adaad. Isaac, son of John (Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Rebecca ( [Flowers] Morris) Lincoln of Linville, Rockingham county, Va., born March 5, 1750, in Berks county. Pa.; died June 10, 1816, at Watauga, Tenn., ''age about 64 years." August 12, 1773, he was given by his father a part of the home farm adjoining that part given to his brother Abraham on the same date. He held the office of constable in Augusta county, Va., before 1773, as on May 18, 1773, Norton Gunn was appointed constable vice Isaac Lincoln. (Abstracts from the Records of Augusta County, vols, i, p. 171; iii, p. 533.) Mr. Lincoln married Mary Ward, who was born about 1758 and died Aug. 27, 1834, at Watauga, ''age about 76 years." Isaac and his wife are buried in a country graveyard in Watauga valley, and their gravestones bear the following inscriptions: "Sacred J to the memory of J Isaac Lincoln J who departed this life June the 10th J 1816 J Age about 64 years." "Sacred t to the memory of J Mary Lincoln t who departed this life August 27, 1834 J age about 76 years." Isaac Lincoln acquired a large farm in the Watauga valley, containing about fifteen hundred acres. He had no children, and he left all his property to his wife, by whom the farm was devised to her nephew William Stover. It was on this farm that Presi- dent Andrew Johnson died July 31, 1875, and it was also on this farm that Thomas Lincoln, father of President Abraham Lin- coln, is said to have worked as a farm hand for his uncle Isaac and to have met and wooed his first wife, Nancy Hanks; but this latter tradition is probably untrue as there is no evidence that Nancy Hanks ever lived in Tennessee. f I FIFTH GENERATION 205 A letter written by James-Hamilton Lincoln, adaaf ac, dated Chattanooga, Tenn., Jan. 13, 1887, has the following account of Isaac's family : "He lived in upper East Tennessee, I cannot say what County . . . had only one child, a son, and when the little fellow was three years old, one day his father had gone to the sugar orchard and the boy tried to follow him. This was the last that was ever heard of him. Some people living across the river from where he lived thought for several days that they could hear the crying of a child very indistinctly, but not knowing of a child being lost paid no attention to it. Several years afterwards the bones of a child were found in a cave, corresponding in size to the lost boy. This was all that was ever known about it, and this was the last of Isaac Lincoln's family.^ He never had any other children." adaae. Jacob, son of John {Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Rebecca ( [Flowers] Morris) Lincoln of Rockingham county, Va., born Nov. 6, 1751, at Carnarvon, Pa., probably; died Feb. 20, 1822, at Linville's Creek, Va. These dates are from Jacob's Bible and his gravestone. The record in his son Abraham's Bible says he was born Aug. 18, 1751, and died Jan. 20, 1822. He was a lieutenant in the Continental army during the Revolution, for which office he qualified March 26, 1781. (Abstracts from the Records of Augusta County, vol. ii, p. 367; Hist, of Rockingham County, p. 84.) He accompanied his father to Virginia and passed the rest of his life there at Linville's Creek, his farm ad- joining that on which his father lived at his death, though it is not known how he came into possession of it as he did not inherit it from his father, though he may have received it from him as a gift. After his marriage he built a small log house where he left his wife while he served in the army. Later he built a fine brick house not far from the log cabin, which is still standing, though not in the possession of a descendant. He married, Aug. 29, 1780, in Rockingham county (Hist, of Rockingham County), Dorcas, daughter of David and Dorcas Robinson of Rockingham county, born March 15, 1763, at Lin- ville's Creek; died there Jan. 25, 1840. ''Dorcas Robertson [sic] — dow of David Robertson of Rockingham County for and in consideration of . . . natural love and affection which 206 LINCOLN GENEALOGY 1 have for my daughter Dorcus Lincoln wife of Jacob Lincoln" conveyed to her children ''three negroes Gate, Squire and James and all my household furniture. April?, 18 IL" (Burnt Records, Rockingham County, vol. i, p. 555.) It is said that Dorcas's father was not pleased with the marriage and was not reconciled to it until after the birth of her first child. Family tradition has it that it was a runaway match, but different reasons are given for this, one being that it was on account of parental opposition, another that the groom took offense at the bride's brothers being improperly dressed for the wedding and so ran off with her to another town. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln are buried in a family graveyard on the home farm, their gravestones being thus inscribed : *'To the t Memory t of t Jacob Lincoln J who was born on the 18th t day of November 1751 and | departed this life on the t 20th day of February 1822 t Aged 71 years 9 months % and 2 days." "Sacred J to the Memory of t Dorcas Lincoln { who departed this Life t on the 26th day of t January 1840 t aged 76 years t 10 months and 10 days" Children, born at Linville (Family Bible) : adaae a. David, born June 28, 1781. adaae b. John, born Dec. 21, 1782; died July 17, 1818, unmarried. adaae c. Lydia, born March 26, 1785; died Apr. 1, 1800, unmarried. adaae d. Mary, born March 9, 1787; married a Mr. Henton and was living in April, 1840, at Shelbyville, Ky., as a letter from her testifies. adaae e. Dorcas, born Nov. 21, 1788; died August 24, 1862, at Newmarket, Va.; married, Dec. 11, 1806, at Linville, John, son of Jacob Strayer of Rockingham county, Va., born May 26, 1780; died Jan. 7, 1861, at Newmarket. He was the leading merchant of Newmarket. February 10, 1837, John Strayer and Dorcas his wife of Shenandoah county con- veyed to Abraham Lincoln of Rockingham county, in consideration of $2600, money of Virginia, all their interest in "land purchased by Jacob Lincoln, Sr. of Rockingham county of Tanis Vanpelt and on which said Jacob lived at the date of his will," and also all their interest in other lands and property which was to be divided "equally between the said Dorcas Strayer, Abigail Coffman and Elizabeth Chrisman," the testator's three daughters. (Burnt Records of Rockingham County, vol. xii, p. 316.) John Strayer was a large landholder and owned many negro slaves. His father, Jacob Strayer, died Nov. 24, 1834, but his wife's name is unknown and is not given in the family Bible, the records of which begin with the marriage of John Strayer and Dorcas Lincoln. All of John Strayer's children, except the oldest, Mrs. Pennybacker, are buried at Newmarket. FIFTH GENERATION 207 Children, born at Newmarket (Records of William R. Strayer, Washington, D. C.) : a. Amanda, born Jan. 10, 1808; mar. Derrick-Dehaven Penny- backer. h. Caroline, born Sept. 20, 1809; mar. Rev. Mr. Oswald. c. Hiram-Lincoln, born Sept. 2, 1811; died Sept. 29, 1812. d. Calvin, born Aug. 1, 1813; died Sept. 20, 1814. e. Jacob-Williamson-Lincoln, born July 10, 1815; died 1835, unmarried. /. Emily-Susan, born Feb. 1, 1818; died Feb. 2, 1853, unmarried. g. Elizabeth, born May 18, 1821; died Feb. 13, 1824. h. JoHN-RoMULUS, born July 28, 1823; died Dec. 27, 1859, un- married. i. Catherine-Mary, born June 27, 1825; died July 25, 1846, unmarried. j. Henrietta, born July 31, 1827; died Oct. 11, 1857, unmarried. k. Alfred-Gossler, born Aug. 20, 1829; died Oct. 30, 1855, un- married. I. Joseph-Beveridge, born Oct. 5, 1832; mar. Fannie-Clarissa Rodes. adaae /. Rebecca, born Jan. 3, 1790; died Dec. 25, 1860, at Franklin, W. Va.; married (1) Matthew Dyer of Franklin. He was a farmer and lived at Franklin. She is said to have married (2) a Mr. Harding of Martins- burg, W. Va., but this may be an error as she ip called Rebekah Dyer in the record of her death in the family Bible of Jacob Lincoln. She had no children by either husband. adaae g. Hannah, born March 5, 1793; died Apr. 1, 1825, at Luray, Va. ; married at Linville, Joseph Evans. He was from eastern Virginia and died not long after his wife at St. Louis, Mo. He was a merchant and lived at Luray. Children, born: a, c at Luray; b at Linville: a. Caroline-Elizabeth, born Jan. 25, 1821; mar. Moses Ham- mond. 6. Josephine-Rebecca- Ann, born Apr. 27, 1823; mar. David Coffman, adaae jb. c. Hannah-Lucinda-Dorcas-Cynthia, born Apr. 1, 1825; died July 9, 1825. adaae h. Jacob, born Aug. 12, 1795. adaae i. Abraham, born March 15, 1799. adaae j. Abigail, born June 20, 1801; died Jan. 29, 1882, at Dayton, Va.; married, Oct. 6, 1818, at Linville, Joseph, son of David and Eliza- beth (Strickler) Coffman of Page county, Va., born Jan. 23, 1793, in Page county; died September, 1872, at Dayton. He was a farmer and merchant and lived at Dayton, and they are both buried there but no stones mark their graves . Children, born at Dayton (Coffman Family Bible) : a. Jacob-Lincoln, born Aug. 9, 1819 ; died August, 1868, unmarried. 6. David, born Dec. 30, 1820; mar. Josephine-Rebecca- Ann Evans, adaae gb. c. Hiram, born June 19, 1823; mar, (1) Mary Burtner; (2) Eliza- beth Burtner; (3) Mrs. Margaret (Long) Messick. d. Joseph, born May 16, 1825; died Jan. 12, 1828. 208 LINCOLN GENEALOGY e. Joseph-Strickler, born Jan. 19, 1831; mar. Hannah-Frances Coffman. adaae k. Elizabeth, born Nov. 3, 1803; died Jan. 4, 1824, at Linville, but is buried at Cook's Creek (New Erection), Va. She married, May 24, 1821, at Linville, Joseph, son of John and Ann (Harrison) Chrisman of Edom, Va., born 1798, at Edom; died in Lafayette county, Mo. He married for a second wijfe. Miss Jane Chrisman of Frederick county, Va., and removed, about 1837, to Lafayette, Mo., where he raised a large family. He was a farmer. (Records of George Chrisman, Harrison- burg, Va.) Child, born at Linville : a. John, or Joseph, but always called "Jack"; married and had a daughter, Mary, who was living, 1915, at Bozeman, Mont. adaaf. John, son of John {Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Rebecca ( [Flowers] Morris) Lincoln of Rockingham county, Va., born July 15, 1755, probably at Carnarvon, Pa.; died July 13, 1835, at Lebanon, Ohio. He Hved at Turleytown, Va., about twelve miles from Harrisonburg, where he owned a grist mill and a bark mill which ran by water, and a tan yard. He was a deputy sur- veyor of the county according to the ''History of Rockingham County," which records on page 106 that ''Garvin Hamilton and Ralph Loftus, having been appointed by a former Court to examine Mr. John Lincoln in regard to his abilities as deputy surveyor of the County, reported that they had found nothing to hinder his being admitted to the office." He served on a jury 26th July 1796, concerning a piece of land "on the waters of Linvill's creek." In the suit of Henry Whisler vs. John Lincoln, mention is made of a title bond dated 17th September 1799, by John Lincoln to Henry Whisler of Rockingham, and a deed, 20th April 1802, by Henry Whisler and Ann of Rockingham to John Lincoln for 76 acres in Brock's Gap. (Abstracts from the Rec- ords of Augusta County, vols, i, p. 481; ii, p. 186.) He was one of the executors of his father's will and as such was sued by his sister Rebecca, which suit with the papers in the case have pre- served much of the family history, which would otherwise have been lost. About 1819, he removed with most of his children to Ohio, and bought a farm of 181 acres for S3, 985 near Lebanon, at a village called Red Lion, and there passed the remainder of his life. He carried thither from Virginia fine fruit trees, one of which, a pear tree, was still bearing in 1907. He married, June 27, 1782 (by the Rev. Mr. Carmichael), and FIFTH GENEKATION 209 probably in Rockingham county, Mary, daughter of Francis and Mary (Lincoln) Yarnall of Berks county. Pa., his own cousin, adadd. She was born March 29, 1760, in Pennsylvania and died May 27, 1832, at Lebanon. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln are buried in the Baptist cemetery at Lebanon and their gravestones are inscribed as follows: "In t Memory of J John Lincoln | who departed this life % July 13, 1835 Aged % 79 Yrs 11 mos & 28 t days % My flesh shall slumber in the ground % Till the last Trumpets joyful sound % Then burst the chains with sweet % surprise % And in my Sa- viour's image rise." ''In t Memory J of J Mary Lincoln % who departed this life % May 27, 1832 % Aged 72 years 1 % month & 28 days % Death thou hast conquered me 1 1 by thy darts am slain { But Christ shall conquer thee { And I shall rise again." Mr. John Lincoln was a very devout member of the Baptist church as were his sons Isaac and John, as is shown by letters to their brother Mordecai, still preserved in the family. His will, dated Dec. 29, 1830, probated Aug. 31, 1835, is on record in Bk. vi, p. 158, of Warren County, Ohio, Wills. The following is an abstract of it: ''I John Lincoln of Warren Co. in the State of Ohio . . . being aged and infirm ... do make . . . this my last will . . . that is to say First ... I commit my soul into the hands of God ... I give ... to Mary my dearly beloved wife half the plantation I now live on with all its appurtenances, also my large family Bible, Butterworths Concordance, Dr. Gills exposition of the New Testament in three volumes, her choice of three other books out of my library ... I give . . . unto my son Jesse and my daughters Nancy Williams, Phebe Miller and Juliana Hicks each of them one tenth part of my estate the two last . . . first . . .settling with my executors the amount of sixty dollars each, being money I paid their husbands over and above their shares when making the first dividend among my several children, that paid to Ezra Hicks to bear interest from and after the twentieth day of November 1825 . . . and that paid Samuel Miller to be on interest from the 10th of October 1827 ... I also give . . . unto my son Mordecai one tenth part of my estate . . . but if he should 14 210 ' LINCOLN GENEALOGY take his son John C. Lincoln out of my custody ... in about six months or less as I have reason to expect he will, then he is to become indebted to my estate two hundred dollars . . . and whereas he and my son Jesse aforementioned had such a good trade given them while under age and my two youngest sons Isaac and John had none and in other respects they have ren- dered me peculiar services therefore I give ... to said Isaac and John three twentieths or one and a half tenth of my estate, I also give to my son John my large family Bible after the death of my wife. "I also give unto my grandson Isaac Carrier, son of Henry Carrier and Hannah his wife deceased all my stock in the Shanan- doah Company consisting of four shares of fifty dollars each, his father to draw the dividends . . . until his said son comes of age. . . . *'I also give unto my three other grandchildren by the same father and mother, to wit — Jesse Carrier, Milton Carrier and Polly Carrier one tenth part of my estate ... as they severally come of age . . . the ages of said grandchildren are recorded in my family Bible. . . . '^I also give . . .to my grandson Isaac Drake son of Lewis Drake and Rachel his wife one tenth of my estate . . . my two sons Isaac and John and my son in laws Lewis Drake and Ezra Hicks my executors . . . made the seventy sixth year of my age . . . this 29th day of December 1830. ..." Children, born in Rockingham county, Va. : adaaf a. Jesse, born July 17, 1783. adaaf b. Hannah, born May 11, 1785; died September or October, 1822. Her sister Rachel, in her diary, says she heard of Hannah's death in Virginia Oct. 25. She married Henry Carrier, of whom nothing has been learned. The chijidren are named in their grandfather Lincoln's will. Children: a. Isaac. b. Jesse. c. Milton. d. Polly. adaaf c. Abraham, bom Apr. 6, 1787; died Nov. 23, 1789. adaaf d. Mordecai, born Nov. 7, 1788. adaaf e. Rachel, born July 21, 1790; died Aug. 20, 1845, at Red Lion, Ohio; married, Aug. 22, 1822, at Lebanon, Ohio, Lewis, son of Joseph and EUzabeth (Crow) Drake, born June 19, 1766, in New Jersey; died March 20, 1849, at Lebanon. They lived about four miles from Lebanon, near Red Lion. He was a farmer. She was his second wife. His first wife FIFTH GENERATION 211 was named Mary, but it is uncertain whether her surname was Evans or Russell. She died July 28, 1821, at Lebanon, having borne eleven children, viz.: (i) Samuel, Nov. 7, 1792; (ii) Margaret, Jan. 22, 1795; (iii) Priscilla, Jan. 12, 1797; (iv) Joseph, Dec. 8, 1798; (v) Elizabeth, May 10, 1801; (vi) Mary, June 5, 1803; (vii) John, Aug. 10, 1805; (viii) Lewis, Aug. 5, 1807; (ix) Isabel, Aug. 18, 1809; (x) William-Henry, May 14, 1811; and (xi) Charlotte, Sept. 9, 1814. Lewis Drake and his two wives are buried in the old Baptist cemetery at Lebanon. Their gravestones are thus inscribed: "In t Memory of J Mary t Consort of t Lewis Drake Sen $ Who de- parted this life t July 28, 1821. Aged t 50 Years." Then follow four lines of verse. "In t Memory of t Lewis Drake Sen t who died Mar. 20, 1849 J Aged 82 Years 9 mo & 1 t day." Verse from Revelations, xiv, 13. "In t Memory of t Rachel t Consort of % Lewis Drake Sen t who de- parted this life t Aug. 20, 1845 Aged t 55 Years & 29 days." Then follow four lines of verse. A letter from Rachel Drake to her brother Mordecai, dated Feb. 23, 1827, contains interesting information of the family. It says: "I was at Father's two weeks since . . . brother Isaac is teaching school . . . I think Pheby looks better — she has a fine harty yong daughter 3 months old and calls it Eusebe . . . Isaac and Samuel [Miller] has bought land near together, on flatrock [Shelby Co.] Ind. near where our sons Samuel and Joseph Drake live, about 100 miles from here . . . Samuel expects to move to his M section sometime this Summer ... I have not seen brother and sister Hi'x for about three months . . . We heard from brother and sister WiUiams a few weeks ago . . . John and Lewis [Drake] wishes to be remembered to you — Lewis has been going to Latin school and John to english when he was not busy on the farm." Child, born at Red Lion, Ohio : a. Isaac-Lincoln, born June 6, 1823; mar. Sarah Evans. adaaf f . Isaac, born Oct. 27, 1792. adaaf g. Phoebe, born Oct. 23, 1794; died November, 1839, at Red Lion, Ohio; married, Sept. 18, 1821, at Lebanon, Ohio (Lebanon Records), Samuel MiUer whose birth, death and parentage have not been learned. He was a farmer and lived at Red Lion, except for a short time at Flat Rock, Ind., whither they removed in 1827. A letter from Phoebe's father to his son, Mordecai, dated Feb. 13, 1830, says: "Samuel Miller and wife have got tired of Flat Rock settlement where they lived. He has sold his place ... we expect he is on the road now with his family moving in here. . . . Since writing this Miller and family have moved in. Their children are a son and two daughters"; and a letter from John Lincoln, Jr., to his brother Mordecai, dated Nov. 8, 1839, says: "Sister Phebe is dead, she was struck with the palsy sometime in August . . . was ill eleven weeks. Her children, Emily is in her sixteenth year and Eusebe in her fourteenth — Harrison is the oldest." In a letter dated Aug. 23, 1821, before her marriage, Phoebe calls Mr. morrel study nice man." "1 Children, born at Red Lion: ^ a. Harrison, mar. Sarah-Ann Kirby, Apr. 3, 1847. »f b. Emily, born 1824. ff c. Eusebe, born November, 1826. 212 LINCOLN GENEALOGY adaaj h. Nancy- Ann, born Nov. 25, 1796; died Jan. 13, 1863, probably at Eaton, Ohio; married, Dec. 25, 1824, at Lebanon (according to Warren county, Ohio, records, but members of the family say they were married at Eaton), William, son of William and Hannah (Evans) Williams of Lebanon, born Aug. 30, 1781, probably in Delaware; died Sept. 30, 1866, at Eaton. He was a farmer and lived at Eaton. The Williams family Bible says that William Williams, Sr., was born Aug. 26, 1733, and is buried in Kirby cemetery, near Lebanon, and that Hannah Evans was born Dec. 28, 1747. The year of their marriage is torn. The entry reads Dec. 20, 17 — . The family is of Welsh descent, but it is not known who was the first immigrant or when he came. It is thought that William WiUiams, Jr., and his brother David were born in Delaware. The latter was a carpenter and helped build Commodore Perry's fleet on Lake Erie. (Records of Dr. Cassius Mincer, Bradford, Ohio, adaaf hd.) Children, born at Eaton: a. Jesse, born Dec. 31, 1825; married and had two children. h. Mary, born Nov. 27, 1827; mar. Peter Wright. c. Miranda, born Aug. 6, 1829; mar. a Mr. Brown. d. Hannah-Lincoln, born Oct. 6, 1830; mar. Robert Mincer. e. Rachel, born June 23, 1832; mar. Martin McToner. /. Nancy-Ann, born Feb. 21, 1837; mar. Alfred-Kelley Miller. g. Sarah-Jane, born May 31, 1844; died young probably. adaaJ i. Mary, born Dec. 18, 1798; died it is said at Greenville, Tenn., date unknown but about 1822, certainly before her father made his will, Dec. 29, 1830, and without children, since neither she nor her children are named in that will. She married, May 28, 1822, at Lebanon, Jacob T. Wyrick of Tennessee, of whom nothing is known. (Lebanon Records.) adaaf j. Juliana, born Sept. 13, 1801; married, Sept. 19, 1822, at Lebanon (Lebanon Records), Ezra Hicks, whose parentage, birth and death have not been learned. They are named in her father's will, and Ezra Hicks was one of the executors. They lived at or near Lebanon but are said to have removed to Putnam county, Ohio. A letter from John Lincoln, Jun., to his brother Mordecai, dated Red Lion, Warren Co., Ohio, Nov. 8, 1839, says: "Ezra Hicks and his family have all had the fever ague, at one time there were nine down at once." From this it would appear that they had several children, but the names of three only have been learned. Children : a. Amanda, never married. 6. John, lived at KaHda, Ohio. c. Lewis, a colonel in the Civil war. adaaf k. John, born June 7, 1807. adaah. Thomas, son of John {Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Rebecca ( [Flowers] Morris) Lincoln of Rockingham county, Va., born Oct. 23, 1761, in Pennsylvania probably; died about 1819, near Lexington, Ky. After his father's death he lived with his mother on the home farm, which he was to inherit after her death, but about two years later, in 1791 or 1792, the house with FIFTH GENERATION 213 all its contents was destroyed by fire and, soon after, Thomas decided to go to Kentucky and he, therefore, sold his reversiona- ry interest in the farm to his brother Jacob. Thomas purchased, on Nov. 14, 1792, of Lewis Craig and EHzabeth his wife 290 acres of land on the waters of the south fork of Elkhorn river, about four miles from Lexington, Fayette county, Ky. The consideration was £400 current money of Kentucky. (Fayette County Deeds, Bk. 3, p. 149.) On this farm he passed the re- mainder of his life. He married, Sept. 23, 1782, in Rockingham county, Elizabeth Casner, whose parentage, birth and death have not been learned. (Hist, of Rockingham County, p. 445.) She is said to have been of German descent and to have possessed a beautiful character. Her married life, however, was not happy, her husband being, it is said, of intemperate habits, and on Jan. 17, 1809, in a deed of trust to John O'Nan of Shelby county, Ky., their son-in-law, Thomas Lincoln and EHzabeth his wife for the reason that ''de- vious controversies has arisen between 'the said Thomas Lincoln and Elizabeth his wife, in so much that the said Elizabeth has come to a final determination to reside with her husband no longer, and he the said Thomas wishing her to have sufficient support for her maintenance" made over to the said O'Nan three slaves, a quantity of live stock and farming tools and much household furniture, with bonds for money and other property ''for the special use and benefit of my said wife and he shall at my death convey the same to her — or provided we should ever be divorced he is then to convey it to the said Elizabeth Lincoln." (County Court Records, Bk. D, p. 98.) On the same date Thomas Lincoln conveyed to "Margaret Onan, EHzabeth Rice, Catharine Lincoln, Abraham Lincoln, George Lincoln, John Lincoln, David Lincoln and Hannah Lincoln aU of which being the lawful children of said Thomas and residing in Fayette county (except Margaret Onan of the county of Shelby) . . . all that . . . land ... in the county of Fayette on the water of the south fork of Elkhorn containing 290 acres . . . it being the land the said Thomas now lives on. But it is ex- pressly understood that the said Thomas Lincoln reserves a life interest in the . . . land and does not yield possession till his decease. (Ihid., p. 125.) 214 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Later in the year a reconciliation seems to have been effected and an indenture, dated Aug. 15, 1809, between Thomas Lincoln and Elizabeth his wife and David Rice "witnesseth that the said Elizabeth and David agree with said Thomas that said Elizabeth shall return to the farm of the said Thomas and bring with her ye property which she took away with her when she left said Lincoln . . . that said Thomas . . . agrees . . . that he . . . will receive the said Elizabeth, into his family and treat her kindly and provide for her and the children, and in case he should fail to treat his said wife Elizabeth as a wife ought to be treated said Thomas agrees to depart from the family estate or farm and take nothing but a horse, saddle and bridle and all his clothes, leaving the rest of the estate to his wife and children and never to return unless by a consent of said Elizabeth and David ..." Provision is further made in this indenture for ar- bitration in case of any disagreement as to the marital behavior of Thomas or in case of the decease of Elizabeth before her hus- band. {Ibid., p. 255.) How long this reconciliation lasted does not appear. Descendants of the family say that Mrs. Lincoln left her husband and went to Missouri to live with her son John and died near Liberty, Mo. July 5, 18 15^ the life interest of Thomas Lincoln in 88 acres of his farm was attached and sold by the sheriff, and on the 2nd of September following, Thomas conveyed his life interest in the remaining 200 acres to George Lincoln, his son, and David Rice, his son-in-law. {Ihid., Bk. M, p. 291.) Mr. Lincoln probably died in 1819, as between Aug. 17, 1819, and Jan. 14, 1822, all the children conveyed their interest in the home farm to Elisha Warfield, yet he may have died before June 29, 1818, on which date Abraham conveyed his share to his brother George, being joined in this deed by his wife Agatha. The farm is described as that ''on which Thomas Lincoln for- merly lived and was conveyed to said Abraham by said Thomas in conjunction with his seven other children, possession to be had at the decease of said Thomas." {Ibid., Bks. R, p. 364; S. pp. 436, 504, 506; U, pp. Ill, 192, 407; V, p. 232.) Mr. Lincoln had certainly died before Dec. 11, 1820, when ''On motion of George Lincoln, one of the children of Thomas Lincoln, de- ceased," commissioners were appointed to divide the land in FIFTH GENERATION ' 215 Fayette county, which said decedent conveyed by deed to his children, amongst them, agreeably to said deed. The whole of said children appeared in court, Hannah Lincoln appearing by her guardian, and all consented thereto. (Fayette County Order Books, vol. 4, p. 504.) The names of Thomas's children have been learned from the foregoing deeds, and nothing has been ascertained of any of the daughters save what is given in the deeds. It is presumed that they are named in the order of their births in the deed by which Thomas conveyed to them his farm. Children, born: a-e in Rockingham county, Va.; f-h near Lexington, Ky. : adaah a. Elizabeth, married, before Jan. 17, 1809, David Rice, who was then, and as late as Sept. 2, 1815, living in Fayette county but, on Sept. 4, 1819, they had removed to Woodford county, Ky. adaah b. Margaret, married, before Jan. 17, 1809, John Onan of Shelby county, Ky., where they were still living Sept. 9, 1819. adaah c. Catharine, married, between Jan. 17, 1809, and Aug. 4, 1820, Christian Coffman. On the last named date they were living in Rocking- ham county, Va. It was their daughter, EHzabeth, who married Preston Lincoln, adaae ah. adaah d. Abraham. He married before June 29, 1818, when he, with his wife Agatha, living then in Fayette county, Ky., sold his interest in his father's estate. He removed to Clay county. Mo., in 1823. adaah e. George, born Apr. 15, 1792. adaah f. John. He was living, Aug. 17, 1819, in Missouri and was ap- parently unmarried then, as no wife joined with him in his conveyance of his interest in his father's farm. He may, however, have been a widower as he is said to have married and to have left a son, Casner Lincoln, who, as an orphan, was brought up by his uncle Abraham. John is said to have lived near Liberty, Mo., on a farm adjoining that of his brother George. Child: a. Casner. adaah g. David, born May, 1800. adaah h. Hannah, married, after Dec. 11, 1820 (when she, under her maiden name, consented to the appointment of commissioners to divide her father's estate) and before Jan. 14, 1822 (when with her husband she conveyed her interest in that estate), Thomas Gatewood of Fayette county, Ky. He was perhaps son of Peter Gatewood, senior, and Sarah his wife of Fayette county or, possibly, his grandson. The will of Peter Gatewood, sen'r, of Fayette county, dated Jan. 15, 1821, names: wife Sarah, daughter Elizabeth Gatewood, son Thomas Gatewood, son Larkin Gatewood, grandson Nathaniel Gatewood, granddaughter Roena Gate- wood, son John Gatewood, son Henry Gatewood, son Peter Gatewood, and daughter Catey Decman. (Fayette County Will Books, E, p. 494.) 216 LINCOLN GENEALOGY adaga. Benjamin, son of Mordecai (Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Mary (Webb) Lincoln of Uniontown, Fayette county, Pa., born Oct. 29, 1756, in Berks county, Pa.; died Oct. 6, 1821, at North Union, formerly a part of Uniontown, whither he had accompanied his parents in their migration from Berks county. He was a farmer and cattle dealer, living at North Union on Hankins farm. He married, about 1784, probably in Berks county, Elizabeth Oaves (or Oves), born 1766; died Dec. 29, 1846, at Dunbar, Pa., aged eighty years. They are both buried in the family graveyard at North Union, their gravestones being inscribed as follows: ''In 1 memory of { Benjamin Lincoln J who departed this t life October 6th 1821 J aged 64 years." ''EHzabeth Lincoln t died Dec. 29th 1846 J aged 80 years.'' October 3, 1809, Mordecai Lincoln and Mary, his wife, sold to Benjamin Lincoln 170^ acres of land, the same being part of ''Discord" and part of "Union Green," the former of which, the deed recites, Mordecai had purchased of Isaac and Sarah Pearse, June 9, 1791, and the latter he had received by grant of the State of Pennsylvania, Aug. 23, 1791. To this deed Mary Lincoln made her mark. In a deed, dated Apr. 27, 1820, by which Benjamin and his wife Elizabeth sold part of "Discord," Eliza beth made her mark. (Fayette County Deeds, Books F, p. 314 M, p. 496.) In 1821, Mr. Lincoln went west to buy cattle and soon after his return died of typhoid fever. Mrs. Lincoln then sold the Hankins farm and bought a smaller farm in Dunbar. It is a family tradition that the family Bible was burned in a school house fire, where it had been kept for use in religious services. The small farm in Dunbar, which Mrs. Lincoln purchased after her husband's death, she bought of the administrators of Thomas Davis, March 1, 1823, and she sold it, Jan. 12, 1830, for four hundred dollars to her son Mordecai. (Ibid., Bk. R, p. 345.) By the census of 1790, there were living in Benjamin's family at that time, one free white male over sixteen, two under sixteen, and two free white females; which accounts for himself and wife, his sons Thomas and Abraham and his daughter Nancy. Elizabeth (Oaves) Lincoln is said to have been of Pennsylvania German parentage and to have been born in or near Reading or FIFTH GENERATION 217 Harrisburg, but her parents are unknown. On petition of Elizabeth Lincoln, widow and relict of Lincoln of township, deceased, setting forth that Henry Lincoln, son of Elizabeth Lincoln, is a minor under 14, the Court appointed Andrew Porter, Esq., his guardian, June, 1823. (Orphans' Court Records, Fayette County, Vol. ii, p. 81.) From the foregoing it appears that Benjamin and Elizabeth Lincoln had a son Henry, the youngest of the family, who has not generally been credited to them. It is probable that he died before reach- ing manhood. Children, born at North Union: adaga a. Thomas, born Aug. 10, 1785. adaga b. Nancy, born before 1790; died at Uniontown, Pa.; married (1), about 1810, Daniel Woodnancy, who died about a year after his marriage, being killed by being thrown from a horse. He lived at Uniontown, and is said to have been buried in the Lincoln burying ground at North Union, but no stone marks his grave. April, 1814, Thomas Lincoln, administrator on the estate of Daniel Woodnancy, presented his account, which was allowed. April, 1815, William Swearingen was appointed guardian of "Rhoda Woodnancy, minor child of Daniel Woodnancy, deceased, until she shall arrive at the age of fourteen years." {Ibid., vol. i, pp. 147, 159.) She married (2), March 9, 1813, at North Union, John-Henry, son of Ludwig and Catherine-Gertrude (von Feilgers) Zearing of Millerstown, Pa., born at Millerstown; died Jan. (or June) 30, 1857, at North Union. He was a farmer and blacksmith. They lived on the side of the moun- tain in North Union. Mrs. Nancy Zearing is described as "a very fine looking old lady and as intelligent as one can find anywhere." Her parents eloped from Nanden Dillenburge in 1756, being but 17 years of age, and were married in Philadelphia. They lived at Millerstown but died at the home of their daughter, Catherine Lowrie, in Dunbar, Pa. Child, by first husband: a. Rhoda Woodnancy, born about 1812; mar. Gabriel Lanman. Children, by second husband, born at North Union: b. Elizabeth Zearing, born Jan. 10, 1814; never married. c. Benjamin Zearing, born May 12, 1816, d. George Zearing, born Jan. 15, 1817; mar. Olive White. e. Hannah Zearing; mar. Henry Pendleberg. /. Sarah Zearing; mar. Robinson Layton. g. Mary Zearing; mar. Ashville Snyder. h. William Zearing, born 1832; died July, 1901, unmarried. adaga c. Abraham, born before 1790. adaga d. Sarah, married James Russell. They removed to Ohio and thence to Versailles, 111., and had six or seven children, but nothing further has been learned of them. adaga e. Mary, married James Hagan. They removed to Ohio and thence to Covington, Ky. They had four children, one of whom died and was 218 LINCOLN GENEALOGY buried somewhere on the Ohio river, but nothing further is known of them. adaga f. Hannah, born Feb. 19, 1797; died Feb. 10, 1889, at Uniontown, Pa.; married, June 5, 1819, at Uniontown, Isaac-Laning, son of Jacob and Anne (Ovis) Hunt of Dunbar, Pa., born June 25, 1791, at East Liberty, Dunbar township. Pa.; died Nov. 23, 1836, at Dunbar, where he had lived in White School district. He was a farmer and shoemaker, a man of marked characteristics and strong common sense. Though not large he possessed great physical strength and courage. He was a Democrat in pohtics and was twice elected County Commissioner, holding that office when he died. (Fayette and Greene Counties, p. 60; Family Bible.) Children, born at Dunbar: a. Jacob, born March 21, 1820; died Sept. 15, 1836. b. Benjamin-Lincoln, born Feb. 15, 1822; mar. Sarah Thompson. c. Daniel, bom Feb. 2, 1824; died Dec. 18, 1852. d. Isaac-Laning, born Aug. 23, 1827; mar. Ilvira Inks. e. MoRDECAi-LiNCOLN, bom Jan. 18, 1829; died Jan. 26, 1855. /. Sarah, born May 28, 1831; mar. James Darby. g. Thomas-Lincoln, born Sept. 1, 1833; mar. Caroline Hendrick- son. h. William, born Feb. 2, 1836; mar. Margaret Sembower. adaga g. Mordecai, born 1801. adaga h. Elizabeth, born 1804; died at Dunbar, Pa.; married James^ son of John2 (Thomas^) and Sarah (Preston) Junk of North Union, Pa., born June 4, 1804; died July 3, 1877, at Dunbar, where he had lived. He was a farmer. The will of James Junk of Dunbar township, dated May 2, 1877, proved July 1 Zsic2, 1877, names: wife EUzabeth;son John Junk; son Samuel Junk; son Thomas Junk; daughter Sarah Junk; son Henry Junk to whom he left "the farm on which I am now living . . . when he fulfils the following obhgations, viz; — to pay all debts against me ... to give his mother EUzabeth Junk a decent hving." (Fayette County Wills, Book v, p. 102.) Most of their descendants are said to be now, 1915, living in Illinois. Of their children, John, Samuel and Thomas went west; Henry lived at North Union but died at Dunbar Dec. 20, 1892. (Gen. & Biog. of Fayette and Greene Counties, vol. iii, p. 702.) Children, born at Dunbar: a. John. • b. Samuel. c. Thomas, born 1824; living, 1917, at Henderson, 111. d. Sarah, died unmarried. e. Henry. /. Robert, died young. adaga i. Phoebe, born Sept. 30, 1806; died Aug. 18, 1884, at Connellsville, Pa.; married, June 10, 1824, at Dunbar, Pa., Henry, son of Andrew and Sarah (Miller) Yeagley of Dunbar, born Nov. 1, 1797, in New Jersey; died June 18, 1884, at Connellsville. His parents removed to Dunbar from New Jersey. He was a farmer and Uved at Connellsville until after the birth of his son Henry, when he removed to North Union, Pa., returning to Connellsville before his death. (Records of Mrs. Edmund Dunn, adaga if.) FIFTH GENERATION 219 Children, born: a, b at Connellsville; c-g at North Union: a. George, born June 20, 1825; mar. Eliza McCray. b. Henry, born May 13, 1827; mar. Sarah Dibert. c. Andrew, born March 24, 1831; mar. Mary L. Criley. d. Elizabeth, born June 9, 1834; died Sept. 12, 1857. (Grave- stone.) e. Sarah, born Oct. 15, 1835; mar. Peter-Jacob Stauffer. /. Rhoda-Louisa, born June 3, 1839; mar. Edmund Dunn. g. Benjamin-Lincoln, born March 25, 1841; mar. Jane Flanigan. adaga j. Henry. He was under 14 years of age in 1823. Probably died young. adagb. John, son of Mordecai {Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Mary (Webb) Lincoln of Uniontown, Pa., born March 28, 1758, in Berks county, Pa., died at Uniontown and is buried in the family burying ground at North Union. He was a farmer. He married Mary Lafferty of Philadelphia, Pa., of whom nothing has been learned. (Lincolns of Fayette County, pp. 17, 18. 20-3.) A petition in Orphans' Court, Fayette county, December, 1848, by Patterson Lincoln, adagb h, gives much information of John Lincoln's children. The petition recites that his (Patter- son's) brother John Lincoln died in the year 1846, in the State of Missouri, intestate, leaving a widow, Matilda, who resides in Howard county. Mo., but no children or Hneal heirs, his heirs being five brothers, five sisters and the children (eight in num- ber) of one other deceased sister, whose names and residences "so far as known to yr petitioner are as follows, viz: — Mordecai Lincoln of Richland county, Ohio; LafTerty Lincoln of Greene county, Ohio; William Lincoln of New York; Jesse Lincoln of Uniontown; Patterson Lincoln of Fayette county; Hannah wife of John P. Sturgis of Uniontown; Nancy wife of James Ralston of Richland county, Ohio; Jemima wife of John Oldshue of county, Indiana; Mary wife of Jacob Springer of Union Township; Abigail Lincoln of Uniontown; David Shaw, surviving husband of Sarah Shaw who was Sarah Lincoln who died before the said John, he residing in MononghaHa county, Virginia (now West Virginia), her children being, Roland Shaw, WilUam B. Shaw, John Shaw, Robert Shaw, Mary Jane Shaw, Sarah Shaw, Hester wife of James Springer, and Elizabeth Shaw, all of whom reside in Fayette county except said John who resides in Pontotoc county, Mississippi, and Robert who re- 220 LINCOLN GENEALOGY sides in Mononghalia county, Va., and all of whom are of full age except said Elizabeth, John and Robert, who are minors over the age of fourteen." (Records of Orphans' Court, Fayette County, vol. iv, p. 276.) Although the father and mother and several of the children of this family are said to have been buried in the Lincoln burying ground at North Union, the only stone standing is to the first Abigail, which reads as follows: *'In J Memory t of } Abigail Lincoln } who departed J this life April t 5th 1807 aged 17 t Years." The census of 1790 gives to John Lincoln's family at that time, two free white males aged sixteen or over, one under sixteen, and two free white females; from which it would appear that two of his sons and one of his daughters were born before that year. Children, born at Uniontown: adagh a. Mordecai, died in Ohio, unmarried. adagh h. Jemima, born before 1790; married John Oldshue and both died before the Civil war, near Waveland, Ind. He was a farmer. They removed to Ashland, Ohio, and later to Crawfordsville, Ind. He was a lieutenant in Capt. Lyme's Company of Pennsylvania miHtia in the War of 1812. Of their children little is known save their names; Lincoln became an eminent physician in Pittsburgh, Pa. James removed to Mississippi and lived at Aberdeen. Martha died unmarried at Browns- ville, Pa., and is buried at North Union. Jacob lived near Waveland, Ind. Nothing has been learned of the others. Children, born: a-d unknown; e-j at Ashland, Ohio: a. Jane. b. Mary. c. Nancy. d. Eliza. e. Lincoln, born Dec. 8, 1820; mar. Martha- Ann West. /. John. g. James, lived at Aberdeen, Miss.; was married. h. Martha J., born Feb. 21, 1827; died June 4, 1846, unmarried. i. Jacob, lived near Waveland, Ind.; was married. j. Daniel, died young. adagh c. John, died in 1846, in Missouri, intestate. He married Matilda Aldridge, who survived him. They had no children. She was living in 1848, in Howard county. Mo. adagb d. Jesse, born Aug. 27, 1787. adagb e. Abigail, born 1789; died Apr. 5, 1807, aged seventeen years, being killed by the falling limb of a tree, adagb f. William, born Oct. 11, 1790. adagb g. Hannah, born July 11, 1792; died Apr. 4, 1872, at Uniontown; married, about 1812, John-Phineas Sturgis of Uniontown, born May 23, FIFTH GENERATION 221 1791, at Uniontown; died Jan. 2, 1871, at Uniontown, where they had lived. They are both buried in Uniontown cemetery with three sons and a daughter. Children, born at Uniontown: a. Alfred-Gallatin, born March 11, 1813; mar. Sabra-Lucinda Miner. h. Phineas M. c. Mary-Ann, mar. Addison-Shannon Vance. d. Leah-Jane, born 1821; mar. William-Mandeville Ritenour. See adagb jg. e. William-Barnes, born Apr. 5, 1822; died Feb. 25, 1839. /. A SON, died 1825 in infancy. g. Ann-Maria, mar. Robert-Jones. h. James-Sansom, mar. a Miss Clement. adagb h. Patterson, born about 1794. adagh i. Mary, born Dec. 27, 1796; died Apr. 20, 1858, at Uniontown; married, about 1838, Jacob^, son of Dennis^ {Dennis^, Jacob^, Christopher^) and Elizabeth (Small) Springer of Uniontown, born July 14, 1777, in Fayette county; died Dec. 6, 1852, at Uniontown. She was his third wife and had no children. His first wife was Elizabeth Jenkins. Jacob and his wives are buried in the Baptist cemetery, Uniontown. adagh j. Sarah, born March 11, 1799; died Nov. 16, 1836, at Uniontown; married, at Uniontown, David-Downey, son of Robert and Jane (Downey) Shaw of Uniontown, born May 15, 1797, in Fayette county; died March 26, 1852, at Morgantown, W. Va. His parents were natives of Ireland. Three of their children were living when the Ritenour pamphlet, "The Lincolns of Fayette County," was published: Mary- Jane Shaw; Mrs. Hester Springer and Mrs. EHzabeth-Augusta Ritenour of Uniontown. a. Mary-Jane, born May 17, 1819; died Sept. 13, 1904, unmarried. b. Roland, born Feb. 19, 1821; mar. Rebecca Hogsett. c. William, born March 13, 1823; died unmarried, in West Virginia. d. Sarah- Ann, born Jan. 19, 1825; mar. William E. Bodley. e. Hester, born Nov. 20, 1826; mar. James-Hidden Springer. /. Robert-Patterson, born Feb. 17, 1829; mar. Mary- Jane Gamble. g. Elizabeth- Augusta, born Feb. 9, 1831; mar. William-Mande- ville Ritenour, his second wife. See adagb gd. h. John-Lincoln, born Apr. 17, 1833 ; died 1913, at Dellslow, W. Va. I. David-Downey, born March 17, 1835; died Nov. 16, 1836. adagb k. Nancy, born Oct. 18, 1802; married, Dec. 25, 1828, James Ralston. She was his second wife. They settled first at Ashland, Ohio, where they lived until 1835, when they removed to Plymouth township, Richland county, Ohio, and lived on a farm three miles southwest of the village, then called Paris, but since changed to Plymouth. Children, born: a-c at Ashland; d-h at Plymouth: a. John-Lincoln, born Dec. 8, 1829. b. Robert, born Feb. 15, 1832; died in infancy. c. Err, born Jan. 23, 1834; died at Weston, W. Va. d. Mary, born June 8, 1836. e. Silas, born Oct. 11, 1838. /. Jane, born Oct. 9, 1840; married. 222 LINCOLN GENEALOGY g. Martha, born March 31, 1843; died in Texas, unmarried. h. Ann, died Feb. 25, 1849. adagb 1. Lafferty, born 1806. adagb m. Abigail, died Jan. 13, 1850, unmarried, at Uniontown and is buried in the Lincoln burying ground at North Union, but no stone marks her grave. adaha. Hannaniah, son of Thomas {Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Elizabeth (Davis) Lincoln of Reading, Pa., born about 1756, probably at Exeter, Pa. In 1775-6, he was a sergeant in Capt. George Naylis's Company, Colonel William Thompson's regiment, and was commissioned, Oct. 4, 1776, first lieutenant in Col. William Cooke's 12th Penn. regiment. He was promoted to a captaincy May 20, 1777, and resigned Oct. 17, 1777, after the battle of Brandywine. (Hist. Reg. of Officers of the Continental Army, new ed. 1914.) Soon after leaving the army he went to Boone's settlement in Kentucky and by Boone's Survey Book, in the possession of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, it appears that " Jainry the 17th 1783 Hannaniah Lincoln Enters 8972J^ acres of Land on two tresury Warrants No 8323 and 12409 Beginning on Kantuckey River at the Lower Ende of a Large Botom Where CoF Donelson Stopt his Line at a Large Camp and trees Nocked on the River bank Runing north two Miles then Este so far that Right angles to the river and Down the same will include the Quntity." And apparently under date of Apr. 22, 1785, there were ''Survayd for Hannanighah Lincoln 1000 acres." (The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 200-1.) In what county these acres were situated has not been ascer- tained, but on May 7, 1785, he was acting as chainman in a survey of 400 acres in Jefferson county, Ky., for his cousin, Abraham Lincoln, adaaa, and in 1787 he seems to have been living in Nelson county, Ky., as his marriage bond is filed there. October 28, 1794, he is described as of Hardin county, Ky., in a deed by which he conveyed to Robert Mosley two ''inlotts" in the town of Hartford, Nos. 90 and 91, and two "outlotts" containing three acres each, which he had purchased Apr. 30, 1792, of Gabriel Maddison of Fayette county, Ky., for £3 ''and the fully complying with terms proposed by Robert Baird for the encouragement of settling the Town of Hartford on Rough Creek." (Hardin County Deeds, vol. A, p. 55; Nelson County Deeds, vol. 4, p. 476.) FIFTH GENERATION 223 Mr. Lea in '^The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln" (see notes on pp. 74, 75 and 82) claims that Hannaniah was son of Mordecai, adag, and Mary (Webb) Lincoln, being identical with their child Hannah who was born Dec. 31, 1761, but he gives no vaKd reason for this belief. There are several arguments against it, one of the strongest being that Mordecai was a very methodical man and kept a ''Family Book," in which he kept accounts with all his children and gave a record of their births. If his child had been a boy it is not likely that he would have called him Hannah in this record, as he does; and if the child had lived to maturity it is probable that his father would have made some mention of him either in the ''Family Book" or in his will, which he did not. It is supposed by descendants of Mordecai that the child Hannah died young, before the family moved to Fayette county. On the other hand Richard-Van Buskirk Lincoln, adahc aa, sl descendant of Thomas Lincoln, in a letter to Henry-Philip Lincoln, adahd daa, dated Jan. 1, 1895, says: "I heard my grandfather Mishal Lincoln speak of his brother Hannaniah and uncle Mordecai." . . . "Knowing that Presi- dent Abraham was a native of Kentucky and that my grand- father's brother, Hannaniah, had settled in Kentucky ... I wrote to Abraham at Springfield in April 1860 and soon after- wards received from him a reply by which it appears that Han- naniah was a cousin of his grandfather and that Abraham's father and my father were second cousins." The president also stated in this letter that Hannaniah had sons Austin and Davis whom he "remembered to have seen." No record has been found of the births of Thomas's children nor of his marriage, but it is known that his son Thomas was born in November, 1758, and Mishal in 1761, and Hannaniah is supposed to have been the oldest child and therefore born about 1756, which would make him more likely to have been the lieutenant commissioned in 1776, than if a son of Mordecai, born in 1761. Finally the unusual name of Hannaniah is never found among the descendants of Mordecai, whereas Thomas had two ; grandchildren of that name, viz.: a son of his daughter Sarah, I and a son of his son Thomas. No record has been found of Hannaniah in Kentucky after 1794, but it is stated by Nicolay and Hay in their "Life of 224 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Abraham Lincoln," vol. i, p. 5, that he joined Boone in his Missouri purchase in 1798, which may account for his disap- pearance from Kentucky. He most probably had a family, and there is reason to believe that the Lucy Lincoln who married Jonathan Hills at Elizabethtown was a daughter, and perhaps Rebecca Lincoln, who married William Kellem, was another. The descendants of Lucy are confident that her mother was a Jeffreys, which is confirmed by the name of her oldest child. They are, however, entirely ignorant of any Lincoln relatives, which may be explained by assuming that Hannaniah took his older children with him to Missouri, leaving the baby Lucy and perhaps Rebecca to be brought up by their mother's family in Hardin county. He married (his marriage bond, dated Feb. 9, 1787, is recorded at Bardstown, Nelson county, Ky.) Sarah Jeffreys, of whom absolutely nothing has been learned. The following children are assigned to them without positive proof that they were theirs. It is probable that Rebecca, who was married in 1811, was born no earlier than 1791, and is placed first, with the two boys named by President Lincoln between her and Lucy. There may, of course, have been others. Children : adaha a. Rebecca, married, November, 1811, in Hardin county (by Thomas Whitman and recorded at Bardstown) William Kellem. It is presumed that they either moved away or had no children as the name is unknown to any member of her sister Lucy's family. adaha h. Austin, remembered by President Lincoln. adaha c. Davis, remembered by President Lincoln. adaha d. Lucy, born Apr. 27, 1799; died May 6, 1872, at Ehzabethtown, Ky.; married, Oct. 4, 1817, at Elizabethtown, Jonathan Hills, who was born June 17, 1792, in Rutherford county, N. C, and died Dec. 30, 1856, at Elizabethtown. He was a cabinet-maker and lived at Elizabethtown. They were married by Alex. McDougall. (Ehzabethtown Records; Family Bible; Records of Miss Ehza-Hills Lasley, adaha dl-\-.) Children, born at Elizabethtown: a. William-Jeffreys, born June 27, 1818; died Nov. 16, 1818. b. Sarah, born Dec. 4, 1819; mar. Buford Mclntire. c. John, born Feb. 6, 1822; mar. Maria Shipman. d. Margaret, born Oct. 15, 1823; mar. James McGill. e. Sena, born Apr. 17, 1825; mar. David Ambrose. /. James, born Jan. 6, 1827; mar. Julia Stiff. g. Charles, born Nov. 23, 1828; died Sept. 17, 1830. h. Elizabeth, born Nov. 20, 1830; died Aug. 26, 1832. i. Mary-Priscilla, born Jan. 30, 1833; mar. Richard Moreman. FIFTH GENERATION 225 j. Malvina, born July 27, 1835; died Apr. 13, 1854, unmarried. k. Eliza-Rebecca, born Sept. 29, 1837; living, 1916, unmarried. I. Lucy-Jane, born Oct. 23. 1840; mar. Manoah-Smith Lasley. m. Martha, born Jan. 29, 1843; died Jan. 25, 1851. adahb. Thomas, son of Thomas (Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Elizabeth (Davis) Lincoln of Reading, Pa., born November, 1758, probably at Exeter, Pa.; died July, 1819, aged 61 years, 8 months. He enhsted May 8, 1777, in the 13th Penn- sylvania regiment; was ensign; and resigned July 4, 1778. He was in camp at Valley Forge and was in the battle of Brandy- wine. (Hist. Reg. Officers of Cont. Army, new ed. 1914.) He is said to have been in charge of powder wagons at Brandywine and to have been captured at Guilford Court House; and it is further reported that, on being mustered out of service in New York City, he, with three companions, walked to Atglen, Pa., without stopping overnight. In 1781, he was living near Radnor, Pa., but in that year he was taxed in Treddyffrin township, Chester county, Pa. In 1813, he bought land in Sadsbury town- ship of George Hollis, blacksmith, but he lived mostly, or, perhaps it should be said, finally, at Pennington ville, now Atglen. He was by trade a tailor. He married, about 1780, Priscilla, daughter of Joseph and Margaret (Thomas) Dickinson, born 1754; died Apr. 24, or 26, 1824, aged 70 years. Her mother, Margaret, widow of Joseph ' Dickinson, purchased a property at Radnor, from Louis German, Oct. 16, 1769, which property was sold, by deed dated Aug. 17, 1801, by her children to Joseph Lincoln, the husband of one of them (Ehzabeth), the consideration being $1000. The deed recites that Margaret died intestate and gives the names of her children as: Azariah, German (or Jermyn), Priscilla wife of Thomas Lincoln, Margaret wife of Joseph Taylor, and Eliza- beth wife of Joseph Lincoln. Margaret^ (Thomas) Dickin- son was daughter of Thomas^ {William}) and Sarah (Jermyn) Thomas. Administration on Mr. Lincoln's estate was given, Aug. 5, 1819, in Chester county, to Azariah and Samuel Lincoln, his sons, and his residence at death is given as West Fallowfield, Pa. (Records of Henry-Philip Lincoln, adahd daa, Anna T Lincoln, adahb bee; and James-Minor Lincoln.) 15 226 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Children; perhaps in different order: adahh a. Elizabeth, married, May 4, 1802, at Coatesville, Pa., George Hollis of Chester county, Pa. He was a blacksmith and removed to Ohio. Children : a. Washington, mar. Sally-Ann. b. Thomas, went West, married and had children. c. Hannah, bom March 7, 1807; mar. John Temple. d. Ann, born Sept. 11, 1811; mar. Joseph Maitland. e. William, born May 22, 1818; mar. Elizabeth-Coats Hollis. adahb b. William. adahb c. Joseph, born Dec. 4, 1782; died Feb. 12, 1862, "aged 79 years, 2 months, 8 days," at Montfort, Wisconsin, at the house of his nephew, James-Moore Lincoln, adahb fa. He was buried at "Old Rock Church" and the dates of his birth and death are taken from his gravestone. He was never married. He is said to have been "the best read and most learned member of the family but a peculiar man and rather stubborn." It is also reported that he enlisted in the army in the War of 1812, but, when in New Jersey, deserted. Several members of the family have confused him with his brother William. adahb d. j Thomas, born 1790. adahb e. \ Priscilla, born 1790, twin of Thomas. She married James Steigers, who was of Welsh descent. Their son Joseph lived at one time at Clarion, Pa. Children; perhaps in different order: a. Joseph, married and had a son John. b. Sarah-Ann, born June 11, 1811; mar. Enoch Johnson. See adahb fa. Jacob, married and had a son who died in Libby prison. Lydia, mar. Amos Nichols. Elizabeth, mar. Edward Nichols. Priscilla, died young. James, died young. James, 2nd. William. Mary, mar. a Mr. Pittman. Samuel, \ ^^^^ ^ 26, 1793. azariah, j German or Jermyn, said to have died young at Philadelphia. Sarah, married Edward Nichols. They are said to have Hved at Canton, Ohio. Note: Mrs. Sarah-Elizabeth (Lincoln) Whitescarver, adahb faa, says that there was another son named Ananias (Hannaniah?), twin of German, "a noble young man of excellent character, who left home and was never after heard of." The census of 1790 says there were then in Thomas's family, two free white males aged sixteen or over, three under sixteen, and four free white females. This may mean that, allowing for himself, his wife and a male servant, three of his sons and his three daugh- ters were born before that date. adahc. Mishal, son of Thomas (Mordecai, Mordecai, Sam- uel) and EHzabeth (Davis) Lincoln of Reading, Pa., born Nov. c. d. e. /. 9- h. i. J- adahb f. adahb g- adahb h. adahb i. I I FIFTH GENERATION 227 9, 1761, at Reading; died Aug. 11, 1849, near Laurelton, Union county. Pa., where he had Hved during the latter part of his life. After the Revolution he settled first at Bellefonte, Center county, Pa., but later moved to Union county. He was a farmer. He married, probably in 1781, Rachel Thompson of Mifflinburg, Pa., born Oct. 24, 1760, near Mifflinburg; died June 28, 1848, in Hartley township. Union county. (Records of Henry-Philip Lincoln, adahd daa, and James-Minor Lincoln.) During the Revolution he served for six months in General Sullivan's expedition against the Indians in the southern part of New York State, which was sent out in revenge for the mas- sacre at Wyoming. He was also at Fort Freeland, on the west branch of the Susquehanna, when Captain Brady was killed by the Indians in 1779, and assisted in carrying him into the fort. Having thus become somewhat familiar with the country in the vicinity of the West Branch he purchased, immediately after the war, a large tract of land in Buffalo valley, in Union county, about one mile east of Mifflinburg, to which he removed in 1783, with his wife and oldest child. From 1817 to 1820, he was one of the commissioners of Union county. He and his wife are buried in the Lewis graveyard in Limestone township. (From a letter of Richard-VanBuskirk Lincoln, adahc aa, to James- Minor Lincoln; see also Hist. Susq. & Juniata Valleys, vol. ii, p. 1395.) The census of 1790 gives him one free white male over 16 years, one under 16 years, and two free white females and places him in Northumberland county. Pa. This accounts for himself and wife, his son John and a daughter. The names of but three children have been obtained. There were probably others born between John and Thomas, who may have died young. Children, born: a in Berks county; b, c in Union county: adahc a. John, born Jan. 30, 1782. (One record says June 30.) adahc b. Thomas, born Nov. 1, 1795. adahc c. Sarah, born Dec. 30, 1796; married Michall or Michael Roush of Mifflinburg, They hved at Milton, Pa., but none of their posterity now live in Pennsylvania. adahf . Joseph, son of Thomas (Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and EHzabeth (Davis) Lincoln of Reading, Pa., born about 1770, at Reading; died 1816-17, at Radnor, now Ithan, Delaware 228 LINCOLN GENEALOGY county, Pa. He was a tanner by trade and lived at Radnor. He married, in 1789, Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph and Margaret (Thomas) Dickinson, born about 1759; died July 20, 1835, at Rising Sun, Md. She was sister of Priscilla Dickinson who married Joseph's brother, Thomas. Joseph Lincoln was taxed at Radnor in 1789, but in 1817 the property was taxed in the name of his wife, Elizabeth Dickin- son Lincoln. In 1801 he purchased land at Radnor of his wife's brothers and sisters. Among the latter was Priscilla who married his brother Thomas. The deed is dated Aug. 17, 1801, and the property consisted of three acres of land and a stone house for which he paid $1000, but for which he was assessed only $525. His wife's mother, Margaret Dickinson, purchased it as a widow of one Louis German, by deed dated Oct. 16, 1769. It is supposed that Joseph was buried in the Friends burying ground at Radnor, but there is no proof of it as he was not a Friend and no record was kept of the burial of others than Friends. Mrs. Lincoln was buried in the West Nottingham Friends burying ground, near Rising Sun. (Records of Henry- Philip Lincoln, adahd daa.) By the census of 1790, there were then living in his family one free white male of 16 years or over, one under 16, and two free white females. Children, born at Radnor: adahf a. Margaret, born 1790; died 1884; married, May 30, 1815, at Philadelphia, Major-John MacVeagh, The marriage is recorded in the records of the First Reformed Dutch Chm-ch. He was a farmer. They lived at Phoenixville, Pa. Children, born at Phoenixville : a. Nathan, mar. DeUla or DeHa, who was living, 1895, at Phoenix- ville. b. Rebecca, mar. James McCarty, who was living, 1895, at Read- ing, Pa. c. Elizabeth, mar. Henry McCarty. d. Mary-Ann, mar. William Phelan. e. Wayne, born Apr. 19, 1833; mar. (1) Letty-Miner Lewis; (2) Virginia-Rolette Cameron.* /. Ellen, died unmarried. g. Franklin, married Emily Eames. *He was christened " Isaac- Wayne " but was always known as Wayne. He was Attorney General of the United States under President Garfield. His brother Franklin was Secretary of the Treasury under President Taft. See "Who's Who in America," 1912-13, for further particulars of both. Mr. Wayne MacVeagh informed the writer that there are many errors in this account of his parents' family but he refused to correct them or to furnish further informa- tion. FIFTH GENERATION 229 adahf h. Mary, born 1796; died Dec. 1, 1842, at Rising Sun, Cecil county, Md., aged 46 years; married, about 1817, Jeremiah, son of Stephen and Sarah (MacVeigh) Stephens of Valley Forge, Pa., born 1794; died Feb. 15, 1862, at Rising Sun in his 69th year. They lived at Rising Sun. He was a farmer. (Lewis Walker and Descendants, p. 191; Records of Miss Elizabeth R. Stephens of Rising Sun.) Children, born at Rising Sun: a. Sarah, born Oct. 10, 1818; mar. Hiram Brown. h. Elizabeth, born Oct. 31, 1820; mar. Elisha Brown. c. Eleanor-MacVeigh, born March 14, 1823; died Jime 30, 1889, unmarried. d. Henry-Woodman, born Dec. 25, 1825; died Apr. 9, 1875, unmarried. e. Joseph-Lincoln, born Nov. 24, 1828; mar. Philena Lee. /. Rebecca, born Aug. 19, 1831; died Sept. 15, 1831. g. John L., born May 29, 1833; mar. Elizabeth Rutledge. adahf c. John, born Apr. 18, 1800. adahf d. Abel-Thomas, born May 12, 1803. , adaic. Mordecai, son of Abraham (Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Anne (Boone) Lincoln of Exeter, Pa., born Jan. 11, 1765 (Friday at 7.15 a. m.), at Exeter; died Sept. 12, 1822 (Thurs- day at 5.50 p. M.), at Exeter, and administration on his estate was granted, Nov. 23, 1822, to his brothers John and Thomas. He married, May 5, 1812 (Tuesday), JuHan, daughter of George and Margaret Boone, born Feb. 5, 1780; died March 6, 1858, at Allentown, Pa. As her name is also given as ''JuHan Mayberry," she was perhaps a widow when she married Mr. Lincoln. They lived at Exeter. (The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln, pp. 174-5; Bartow Family, p. 302; Berks County Wills.) Children, born at Exeter: adaic a. Rachel, born May 6, 1813 (Friday at 6 p. m.); died same day. adaic b. Ann, 1 born Aug. 1, 1814 f died Aug. 4, 1814 (Thursday, 8 a. m.) — adaic c. Abraham, [ (Monday, 2.50 a. m.) 1 died Aug. 8, 1815 (Tuesday, J I 10 p. M.) adaic d. Margaret, born July 21, 1817; died Aug. 13, 1817. adaic e. Margaret, born May 12, 1820; died 1868; married, Dec. 7, 1841, Bartholomew Barto of Indianapohs, Ind., born March 30, 1820, in Pennsylvania. He removed to Indianapolis in 1834, with his parents, but after his marriage he lived at Reading, Pa. He was aged 21 years, 8 months and 7 days at the time of his marriage. Children: a. Harrison, living, 1913, at San Francisco, Calif. b. Isaac. c. Mary, mar. a Mr. Shannaman of Reading. 230 LINCOLN GENEALOGY adaid. James, son of Abraham {Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Anne (Boone) Lincoln of Exeter, Pa., born May 5, 1767, at Exeter; died Dec. 11, 1860, at Carnarvon, Pa., aged ninety-three years, seven months and six days, and was buried at Montgomery, Pa., Dec. 13, 1860. He Hved at Carnarvon and was a farmer. He married, March, 1792, EHzabeth^ daughter of Caleb^ {David}) and Hannah (Samuels) Jones of Paoli, Pa., born Aug. 11, 1771; died Dec. 28, 1839, at Carnarvon. (Genealogy of David Jones, pp. 87, 106-9.) Children, born at Carnarvon: adaid a. Caleb, born March 4, 1793. adaid b. John, iDorii Apr. 5, 1796. adaid c. Samuel, born July 13, 1798. adaid d. Mordecai, born March 23, 1802; died Dec. 4, 1855, unmarried. adaid e. Hannah-Samuels, born May 14, 1806; died May 28, 1881; married, Aug. 30, 1846, William Balentine. Children: a. Jacob-Byler, born Sept. 6, 1847. h. Thomas-Lincoln, born Aug. 28, 1850; died May 18, 1899. adaid f. Anne Boone, born Feb. 14, 1809; died Sept. 24, 1894, unmarried. adaid g. Abraham, born July 12, 1812. adaid h. Davld-Jones, born Jan. 29, 1816. adaii. Thomas, son of Abraham (Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Anne (Boone) Lincoln of Exeter, Pa., born March 12, 1777 (Wednesday at 2.10 a. m.), at Exeter; died Dec. 27, 1863, at Exeter, aged 86 years, 9 months, 15 days. He lived at Exeter and was a farmer. He married Alice, daughter of Abraham Dehaven of Morgan- town, Lancaster county. Pa., born June 25, 1770, in Lancaster county; died Dec. 29, 1836, at Exeter. (Records of Henry- Philip Lincoln, adahd daa.) Children, born at Exeter: adaii a. Martha, born Nov. 22, 1811; died Oct. 12, 1858, at Exeter, aged 46 years, 10 months, 20 days, and is buried in the sixth grave of the fifth row in Exeter cemetery. She married John, son of Daniel Kaub of Exeter, who died March 17, 1878, at Lorane, Pa. He was a contractor and builder. They lived at Exeter. (Records of Augustus-Lincoln Kaub, adaii aa.) Children, born at Exeter: a. Augustus-Lincoln, born March 17, 1832; mar. Linda-Barbara Stine. FIFTH GENERATION 231 b. Washington-Lincoln, born Feb. 22, 1837; died about 1894, unmarried. „ adaii b. John-Dehaven, born Jan. 1, 1815 (Sunday). adbca. Abraham, son of Jacob (Abraham, Mordecai, Samuel) and Anne (Rambo) Lincoln of Kingsessing (now part of Phila- delphia), Pa., born about 1749, probably at Kingsessing; died Oct. 19, 1811, at Kingsessing, "aged 60 years.'' He married EHzabeth Shrum, who was born Jan. 17, 1772, and died Feb. 14, 1855, at Kingsessing. He and his wife, with their daughters Mary and Elizabeth, are buried in the Old Swedes cemetery at Kingsessing. The stones are inscribed as follows: ''In Memory of J Abram Lincoln J who departed this life t Oct. 19*^ 1811 t in the 60th Year of his Age J Also Elizabeth t Daughter of J Abram & Elizabeth Lincoln { aged 20 Months t Though lost to sight t To Memory dear." "In Memory of t Elizabeth Lincoln t who departed this life t Feb^. 14, 1855 | in the 83'^ Year of her age t She has left this World & gone to rest t To be with God forever blest." "In Memory of J Mary Lincoln J born January 8*^ 1799 t Died May 2'''^ 1872 t Before the throne | Washed in the blood of the Lamb." The age of Abraham as given on his tombstone must be an error unless he was twin of his sister "Catarina." He was evi- dently the oldest child of Jacob. Elizabeth Shrum was a member of the Old Swedes Church at Kingsessing and a most pious woman. She had a very strong face and her portrait is cherished by her descendants. Her Bible and writings were all in German. Of her parentage nothing has been learned beyond the fact that her father, who lived on the Grays Ferry road, went to the Revolutionary war and never returned. She was his only child. In the list of "Swedish settlers born in Sweden and living in 1693," compiled by the rector of the Old Swedes Church of which Elizabeth Shrum was a communicant through all her life, the name of Cleas Schram appears. It is not unlikely that he was an ancestor of Elizabeth Shrum. (Communicated by Mrs. Katharine-Rebecca Styer, adbca bbd.) Administration on the estate of Abraham Lincoln, deceased, was granted, Nov. 1, 1811, to Elizabeth Lincoln, widow, and 232 LINCOLN GENEALOGY John Lincoln. Sureties were Jacob Nitzell of Kingsessing and Rebecca Bravard of Philadelphia. (Phila. Registry, vol. K, p. 449.) The names of his eight children as given in Orphans' Court Records, Philadelphia, No. 28, March, 1821, are as follows: John, Catherine, Ann (now wife of Abraham Paschall), Isaac, Mary (all of age in 1821), Abraham, Rebecca, Sarah (all minors in 1821). Children, born at Kingsessing: adbca a. John, born Aug. 19, 1790. adhca b. Catharine, born Sept. 5, 1792; died March 23, 1876, at Concord, Pa.; married, Oct. 21, 182i, at Philadelphia, Pa. (at First Presbyterian Church), Henry, son of John and Frances (Hodge) Paschall of Blockley township, Pa., born Aug. 28, 1746, in Blockley township, near Darby; died May 13, 1835, at Kingsessing. She was his second wife. He married (1), May 24, 1770, at Darby meeting, Ann, daughter of Nathan and Ann (Knowles) Garrett of Darby, born Sept. 24, 1752, at Darby; died Dec. 1, 1820, at Kingsessing. (Delaware County Deaths.) She was generally known as Ann P. Garrett. Mr. Paschall removed to Wilmington, Del., soon after his first marriage, but, later, resided within the limits of Darby meeting. In the latter part of his life he occupied an old stone house, now the parsonage of the Old Swedes Church, St. James of Kingsessing, on Darby road. He was known as Dr. Paschall, and had quite a medical practice, but was a self-educated man. In deeds dated Nov. 19, 1797, however, he is called "inn-keeper." He had eleven children by his first wife. (Lloyd Family, pp. 223-4; Records of Mrs. Katharine-Rebecca [Paschall] Styer, adbca bbd; Sharpless Family, p. 895, which confuses him with Abraham-Johnson Paschall who married Catherine's sister Ann, adbca c; Phila. Deeds, Bk. D, 69, pp. 413, 414.) Children, born at Kingsessing: a. Joseph, born March 23, 1823; mar. Eliza Lincoln, adbcf bd. b. Henry-Lincoln, born Apr. 18, 1829; mar. Anna-Thompson Pancoast. adbca c. Ann, born Apr. 19, 1795; died Jan. 1, 1864, at Upper Darby, Pa.; married, before 1821, Abraham- Johnson^, son of Benjamin* {Benjamin^, Thomas^, Thomas^) and Martha (Johnson) Paschall. He was a black- smith. They lived at Upper Darby. (Sharpless Family, p. 895; Records of Miss Hannah James.) Children, born at Upper Darby: a. Benjamin, born Jan. 29, 1817; mar. Ehzabeth Smedley. b. Elizabeth, born June 25, 1819; mar. Levi Malin. c. Jesse, born Jan. 10, 1822; mar. Harriet Rogers. d. Mary, born Oct. 28, 1824; died 1880, unmarried. e. Abraham, born March 20, 1827; mar. Caroline Horton. /. Martha, born Dec. 13, 1829; died 1905, unmarried. g. Ann, born March 8, 1833. h. Isaac, born May 10, 1836; mar. Mary-AmeUa Acker, adbca d. Isaac, born May 2, 1797. adbca e. Mary, born Jan, 8, 1799; died May 2, 1872, unmarried, in Delaware county. Pa. Another record says "died June 2." Her will, dated Apr. 1, FIFTH GENERATION 233 1872, calls her of Paschallville in Philadelphia and names: "Sarah A. Carpenter my niece, John L. Carpenter, Nathan H. Carpenter son of Joseph Carpenter, Edmund Carpenter and Frank L, Carpenter, my nephews, children of my sister Rebecca Carpenter; Elizabeth Malin, Mary Paschall, Martha Paschall and Isaac Paschall the children of my sister Ann Paschall; Lincoln Carpenter son of Frank L. Carpenter; Sarah Ogden my niece and wife of Amory Z^ic] Ogden." (Philadelphia Wills, vol. 74, p. 516.) adbca f. Abraham, born Sept. 5, 1802. adhca g. Rebecca, born Jan. 11, 1805; died Dec. 7, 1839, at Philadelphia; married, Jan. 5, 1826, at Kingsessing, Isaac Carpenter of Philadelphia. (Am. Daily Advertiser, Jan. 7, 1826.) She was his second wife. By his first wife, who was named Catherine, he had four sons : Henry, William, Charles and Isaac, as is shown by the following deed, dated March 25, 1839, by which Isaac Carpenter and Rebecca his wife, Henry Carpenter and Mary his wife, William Carpenter and Ann his wife, Charles Carpenter all of Philadelphia, and Isaac Carpenter, Jr., of the District of South- wark, shoemaker, the said Henry, WilHam, Charles and Isaac, Jr., being children of Catherine Carpenter, deceased, the former wife of said Isaac Carpenter, conveyed to James Mitchell a three-story brick house and land thereto belonging on Spruce street, Philadelphia. The deed recites that "said Catherine hath lately died leaving four only children to inherit one full fifth part of the within named premises, subject to the estate for life of their father, the said Isaac Carpenter." (Philadelphia Deeds, Book G. S. 6, p. 310.) Children : a. John-Lincoln, removed to Ohio, married and was living, 1872. b. Sarah- Ann, living 1872, unmarried. c. Edmund, living 1872. d. Joseph, killed at Pittsburg Landing, 1862; was married. e. Frank-Lincoln, married and was living, 1872. adbca h. Elizabeth, born 1807; died 1809, aged twenty months. adbca i. Sarah-Nitsel, born Jan. 27, 1810; died Dec. 14, 1881, at Upper Darby; married, 1833, at Philadelphia, Nathan-Jones, son of Levi and Mary (Jones) Lukens of Upper Darby, born Nov. 27, 1791, at Upper Darby; died there July 31, 1868. They lived at Upper Darby. He was a farmer. Children, born at Upper Darby: a. Levi, born Aug. 31, 1835; mar. Mary-Elizabeth Shaffner. b. Elizabeth-Lincoln, born May 9, 1837; mar. John Levis. adbcf. Moses, son of Jacob {Abraham, Mordecai, Samuel) and Anne (Rambo) Lincoln of Kingsessing, Pa., born 1759, at Kingsessing; died Feb. 22, 1835, at Kingsessing, aged 79 years according to his gravestone. If this is correct he must have been born in 1755, or else was twin of his brother John and born Feb. 1, 1756. It is singular that he is the only child, after the oldest, Abraham, whose baptism is not recorded. ''Deaths in Delaware County," recorded in the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 234 LINCOLN GENEALOGY says he died "2d mo. 23rd day 1835," but does not give his age. He married, March 19, 1795, at Kingsessing in the Old Swedes Church, Barbara Kinch, who was born in 1772, and died Feb. 28, 1804, at Kingsessing, ''aged 32 years." He settled in Lower Darby in 1788 and was Overseer of the Poor in 1795. Administration on the estate of Moses Lincoln was granted to Jacob Lincoln, March 11, 1835, George and Michael Lincoln, sureties. Net value of the estate $1,372.66. (The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln, p. 169.) Moses and his wife are buried in the Old Swedes cemetery at Kingsessing, their gravestones being inscribed as follows: — ''In Memory of J Moses Lincoln {who departed this life % February 22^. 1835 J aged 79 years." "In Memory of t Barbara Lincoln | wife of Moses Lincoln t who departed this life t February 28*^. 1804 J aged 32 Years." Children, born at Darby: adbcf a. Jacob, born 1795. adbcf b. George, born Sept. 21, 1798. His gravestone at Darby says 1793, but this must be a mistake of the stone cutter. adbcf c. Michael, born May 22, 1801. Note: Some authorities think that Moses married a second wife by whom he had Moses-Maris Lincoln, whose gravestone stands next to that of Moses inscribed thus — " Sacred t to J the memory of J Moses Maris Lincoln | who departed this life j January 22, 1839 J aged 19 years 11 months J and 10 days J Rest in Peace." If this is correct that second wife may have been the Ann Richmond whose gravestone stands next to that of Moses' son Jacob inscribed — "Sacred t to J the memory of J Ann Richmond J who departed this life | November 16, 1858 J in the 62nd year of her age t Rest in Peace." If so she too must have married again. From her age she was more likely a daughter of Moses than a wife, Mrs. Styer, adbca bbd, says there were also sons Moses and Isaac, but this has not been confirmed, but Moses-Maris may be one of these. adbch. Jacob, son of Jacob, (Abraham, Mordecai, Samuel) and Anne (Rambo) Lincoln of Kingsessing, Pa., born Apr. 1, 1786, bapt. May 15, 1786, at Kingsessing; died September, 1822, at Kingsessing and was buried Sept. 14. (Delaware County Deaths with Hist. Soc. of Penn.) His will, dated March 22, and proved Sept. 17, 1822, calls him Jacob Lincoln, senior, of King- sessing. By it he made the following bequests: 'Ho son Moses fifty dollars to be paid in equal payments of ten dollars a year FIFTH GENERATION 235 the first payment to be made one year after my decease"; 'Ho son Jacob one hundred dollars" (on same terms) '^ provided . . . that if either of my said sons Moses or Jacob . . . bring . . . charges against my estate for any service what- ever, or if my son Jacob should, bring any charges for repairs or buildings on lot where he now resides, then these gifts to be void . . . and the money to be equally divided amongst my four youngest sons"; ''to son Samuel" a small lot land; "to daughter Mary" a small house lot on Darby road, "my son Jacob now resides in it. I also give her one feather bed, bed- stead and saccon" [sic] ''bottom, two pair blankets, two pair sheets, one bolster, two pillows, and one coverlet, the best in my possession"; "to four youngest sons viz: John, Charles, Israel and William, the land where I now reside . . . nine or ten acres more or less which I purchased of Stephen and Ann Pas- chall . . . also marsh meadow land purchased of Thomas J. Paschall . . . also a small lot of land with an unfinished house ... on Derby road, adjoining the lot devised to son Samuel ... to be divided . . . when the youngest arrives at the age of twenty one years." He names "my mother in law Hester Taylor" and makes John Gibson "guardian of the persons and property of my minor children." (Philadelphia Wills, Book 7, p. 534.) May 12, 1794, Jacob Lincoln of Kingsessing, yeoman, and Mary his wife, conveyed to William Glover for fifty pounds, land in Kingsessing bounded on land of said Glover's, on other land of Jacob's and on land of Jacob Nitsell, containing five acres and seventy-three square perches, being part of a lot of land conveyed June 14, 1784, by Robert Towers and Margaret his wife to Stephen Paschall, Jr., and devised by him in his will of May 12, 1790, to his wife Ann, and by her conveyed to said Jacob Lincoln, March 20, 1792. This deed Jacob signed with his mark, but his wife signed her name. (Philadelphia Deeds, Bk. E. F. 5, p. 66.) Jacob, however, was able to write, as his name was affixed to a deed dated Apr. 27, 1797. (Ibid., Bk. D. 71, p. 370.) The land acquired from Mrs. Ann Paschall was pur- chased by Jacob just before his marriage, and it is evident from his will that he made his home upon it until his death. He married, Apr. 11, 1792, at Philadelphia (Records of Old 236 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Swedes Church), Mary Taylor, whose birth, death and parentage have not been learned, but it is evident from Jacob's will that she died before him and that her mother's name was Hester. All that is known of Jacob's children has been learned from his will and that of his sister, Rebecca Bravard, and from the deeds by which they conveyed the land devised to them by their father. Children, born at Kingsessing: adbch a. Moses, named in his father's will but probably died unmarried before his aunt, Mrs. Bravard, made her will in 1832. adbch b. Jacob, died Jan. 19, 1826, probably, certainly before Sept. 3, 1832, the date of Mrs. Bravard's will. He married a daughter of Benjamin Tage, who was appointed by Mrs. Bravard as guardian of Jacob's three children. Children : a. Mary. b. Samuel. c. Elizabeth. adbch c. Samuel, died, probably, before Sept. 3, 1832, the date of his aunt's, Mrs. Bravard's, will, as he is not named in that instrument. He was Living unmarried Jan. 2, 1824, on which date he conveyed to William Hope for $160 the "small lot of land" devised to him by his father. In this deed he is called "of Kingsessing, Trader." (Philadelphia Deeds, Bk.I.H.8,p.601.) adbch d. Mary, married Oct. 17, 1825, at Philadelphia, John Davis of Kingsessing. (Records of First Reformed Protestant Dutch Church.) She was living in 1832, when she was named as one of the residuary legatees of her aunt Mrs. Bravard. adbch e. John. He was living Nov. 18, 1829, in the district of Southwark, a cordwainer, when he conveyed to Mrs. Bravard in consideration of $550 his one fourth part of the land devised to him by his father. He was then unmarried. (Philadelphia Deeds, Bk. G. W. R. 36, p. 25.) He was also living Sept. 3, 1832, the date of Mrs. Bravard's will. adbch f. Charles, probably died before Sept. 3, 1832, the date of his aunt Bravard's will, as he is not named in that instrument; but he was living May 2, 1832, when with his wife, Eliza, he conveyed to Mrs. Bravard his one fourth interest in the land devised to him by his father. {Ibid., Bk. A. M. 22, p. 542.) adbch g. Israel. August 22, 1835, he, then living in Philadelphia, a cord- wainer, with his wife Martha-Ann, conveyed to Charles WilHs his un- divided one fourth part of " the small lot of land with an unfinished house," devised to him and his brothers by his father; and on Oct. 12, 1835, they conveyed to Rachel Farrell for $550 his one fourth interest in the lot of nine or ten acres devised to him and his brothers. The consideration in the former deed was $90. (Ibid., Bks. A. W. 68, p. 51; G. S. 7, p. 396.) Nothing is known of his wife except her Christian name. adbch h. William, died Oct. 9, 1856, probably, but this may be the date of death of his cousin Wilham, adbcf aa. He is named in his aunt Bravard's FIFTH GENERATION 237 will dated Sept. 3, 1832, and was living, unmarried, Apr. 28, 1837, on which date he conveyed to Rachel Farrell for $525 his one fourth interest in the lot of nine or ten acres devised by his father to him and his brothers. (Ibid., Bk. G. S. 7, p. 396; see also Bk. S. H. F. 13, p. 126.) adbfa. William, son of Mordecai (Abraham, Mordecai, Samuel) and Abiah (Eels) Lincoln of Middletown, Conn., born 1765, at Middletown, bapt. Feb. 3, 1765, at Middletown; died March 31, 1847, at Middletown Upper Houses, now Cromwell, Conn. He lived at Middletown Upper Houses and was a farmer. March 21, 1807, William Savage of Middletown, father of Mrs. Abiah Lincoln's second husband, ''for love and affection that I have and do bear unto my nephew William Lincoln of said Middletown," conveyed to him three pieces of land in Middletown, 'Ho wit my home lot containing four and a half acres . . . also my Timber Hill lot . . . containing thirty five acres . . . also my lot by the quarry . . . containing thirty five acres. (Middletown Land Records, vol. xxxviii, p. 203.) He married, about 1800, probably at Southington, Conn., Lois, daughter of Daniel and Phebe (Woodruff) Pardee of South- ington, born 1773, at Southington; died Sept. 12, 1846, at Middletown Upper Houses, aged 73 years. (Records of the Congregational Church, Cromwell.) If she is buried at Crom- well no stone marks her grave. Mr. Lincoln is buried in the old cemetery at Cromwell, his gravestone being inscribed as follows: "William Lincoln t died t March 31, 1847 t aged 82 years." His death is also recorded in the Records of the Congregational Church, where he is called "aged 83," so he may have been born in 1764, and perhaps at Taunton, Mass. Mr. Lincoln died intestate, and his son, John-Egbert, was appointed administrator on his estate, Apr. 8, 1847. His proper- ty was inventoried at $9033.22. (Middletown Probate Records, vol. vii, p. 379.) Children, born at Middletown Upper Houses: adbfa a. John-Egbert. He was living in Middletown as late as May 4, 1848, when he, with his brother Asa S., released their claim to the home- stead and one half the dwelling house, formerly of WilHam Lincoln (their father) to their sisters Abiah E. and Phebe- Waterman Lincoln. (Middletown Land Records, vol. 76, p. 327.) He is said to have removed later to Belvidere, 111., where he was joined by his two sisters. He never married. 238 LINCOLN GENEALOGY adbfa b. Daniel-Savage, born June 21, 1802. adhfa c. Joseph-Waterman, born 1803; died Nov. 21, 1825, aged 22 years, and was buried in the old cemetery at Cromwell. His gravestone is thus inscribed: "In | Memory of t Joseph W. Lincoln | Son of William & t Lois Lincoln J who died Nov. 21, 1825 t AET 22." He was never married. adbfa d. Abiah-Eels, removed to Belvidere, 111., to live with her brother and died there unmarried. adbfa e. William M., born 1810. adbfa f. Asa S., born 1814. adhfa g. Phebe-Waterman, removed to Belvidere, 111., to live with her brother and sister, and died there unmarried. adhfa h. A child, born September, 1819; died Jan 2, 1820, aged 4 months. (Congregational Church Records.) adcac. Uriah, son of Isaac {Isaac, Mordecai, Samuel) and Ruth (Beal) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Sept. 27, 1746, at Hingham, second precinct, bapt. Oct. 12, 1746; died Apr. 18, 1826, at Cohasset, Mass., according to his gravestone; but the church records say Apr. 8. He Hved at Cohasset on South Main street, in a house built by his grandfather. He was a farmer, but carried on a successful and prosperous tannery near the mouth of Bound brook. He was a deacon of the church and a man of prominence in town affairs; being moderator, 1784, '86, '89, '94, '99, 1800 and 1802; selectman and assessor, 1787-8, 1790-1800, 1803-1810; treasurer, 1786-1800; and a member of the school committee, 1781, 1801 and 1803. He married, Jan. 9, 1773, at Cohasset (Family Bible; Cohasset Records and Cohasset Genealogies say Jan. 7), Mary^, daughter of Francis^ {Hezekiah^, Daniel^, Samuel^) and Sarah (Hobart) Lincoln of Cohasset, ahheh, born Feb. 3, 1755, at Hingham, second precinct; died March 3, 1793, at Cohasset. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln are buried in Central burying ground, Cohasset. (Cohasset Records; Cohasset Genealogies, p. 238.) Children, born at Cohasset: adcac a. Betsey, born Aug. 1, 1773; died Sept. 2, 1817, at Cohasset, un- married. (Gravestone in Central burying ground; Church Records say died Aug. 2.) adcac b. Francis, born Sept. 13, 1775. adcac c. Meriel, born Nov. 19, 1777; died Jan. 13, 1855, at Cohasset, but her gravestone sa,ys Jan. 11 and '^Phineas Pratt" says Jan. 10. She married, Oct. 8, 1809, at Cohasset, Ezekiel^, son of Aaron* (Aaron^, Aaron^, Phineas^) and Bridget (Collier) Pratt of Cohasset, born May 20, 1780, at Cohasset; died Oct. 9, 1860, at Cohasset. He lived in the south half of his father's house, on South Main Street, Cohasset, and was FIFTH GENERATION 239 greatly loved for his skill as a physician. He served on the school com- mittee in 1814. He married (1), about 1800, Clara, daughter of Thomas and Ruth (Nichols) Lothrop of Cohasset, born June 17, 1780, at Cohasset; died Feb. 10, 1809, at Cohasset; by whom he had three children; Jane, born Oct. 26, 1801; Ezekiel, born Apr. 8, 1805; and Nichols, born Feb. 10, 1809. These two sons and two by his second wife, Henry and Francis- Lincoln, all became master-mariners, and an interesting account of their careers as such may be found in "Cohasset Genealogies," pp. 555-9. (Cohasset Records; Cohasset Genealogies, p. 345; Phineas Pratt, pp. 86, 90.) Children, born at Cohasset: a. Mary-Lincoln, born July 17, 1810; mar. David Wilson, b. Henry, born Sept. 23, 1812; mar. Eunice-Burr Lothrop, adcac eh. c. Francis-Lincoln, born March 14, 1814; died March 25, 1816. d. Ezekiel, born Dec. 9, 1816; died December, 1862. e. Francis-Lincoln, born Sept. 14, 1818; mar. Sarah Stoddard. /. Henrietta-Lincoln, born Apr. 1, 1820; mar. James Bates. adcac d. Isaac, born Jan. 26, 1780. adcac e. Priscilla, born Sept. 25, 1782; died Feb. 15, 1846, at Cohasset; married, Jan. 7, 1810, at Cohasset, Anselm^, son of Thomas^ {Thomas'^, Thomas^, Joseph?, John^) and Ruth (Nichols) Lothrop of Cohasset, born Dec. 2, 1771, at Cohasset, but "Cohasset Genealogies" says Feb. 5; died May 27, 1853, at Cohasset. He lived on King street, near North Main street, Cohasset. He became a master-mariner and in 1797 was master of the "Priscilla" and in 1816 of the "Three Sisters," both owned by Levi Tower, the latter a vessel of 92 tons in the fishing fleet. He was an assessor, 1819; overseer of the poor, 1819 and 1837; and a member of the school committee, 1809, 1814-16, 1818, and 1827. He married (1), Oct. 17, 1794, at Cohasset, Eunice, daughter of Isaac and Mary (Beal) Burr of Cohasset, born Apr. 26, 1774, at Cohasset; died there May 9, 1809; by whom he had three children: Clara, born Oct. 15, 1796; James-Burr, born Aug. 17, 1800; and Anselm, born Sept. 16, 1805. (Cohasset Genealo- gies, pp. 262, 499; Hist, of Cohasset, pp. 382, 400; Cohasset Records.) Children, born at Cohasset: a. Uriah-Lincoln, born Dec. 16, 1811; died Sept. 1, 1839. b. Eunice-Burr, born June 19, 1813; mar. Capt. Henry Pratt, adcac cb. c. Elizabeth-Lincoln, \ ]^)ornFeb 18 1815* / °^^^' ^^^^^^^ Hall. d. Priscilla-Lincoln, / ' ' ' I died November, 1876. e. George-Beal, born July 21, 1816; died Nov. 16, 1816. /. George-Beal, born July 7, 1818. g. Marcia-Dunlap, born Sept. 24, 1820; mar. Abraham Tower. h. CuMMiNGS-LiNCOLN, born Nov. 24, 1822; mar. Ann B. Johnson. i. RuTH-NiCHOLS, born May 18, 1825; mar. James Battles. adcac f. Polly, born Dec. 7, 1784; died July 30, 1792. adcac g. Sally, born Feb. 28, 1787; died May 23, 1797, but her gravestone says May 28. J adcac h. Henrietta, born July 29, 1789; died Nov. 12, 1864, at Cohasset, but her gravestone in Central burying ground says Nov. 2; married, Nov. 16, 1830, at Cohasset, Ezekiel, son of Ezekiel and Susanna (Lincoln) J Wallis of Cohasset, adcbh c, bapt. July 4, 1784, at Cohasset; died March jj 20, 1859, at Cohasset. He lived at Cohasset in a house built about 1836, 240 LINCOLN GENEALOGY on the site of the Mordecai Lincoln house. In June, 1814, he served as private under Capt. Peter Lothrop during the alarm over a British invasion. In the following September he commanded the fishing schooner "Nancy" which was captured by the British, and he and Isaiah Lincoln, abhea /, were taken to Halifax and imprisoned, the latter dyihg in Novem- ber. Wallis returned to Cohasset the next April and in 1817 was in conmiand of the pinky "Fawn," a fishing vessel of 50 tons belonging to Peter Lothrop. He had no children. (Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 462, 537; Hist, of Cohasset, pp. 345, 350, 400; Cohasset Records.) adcai. Lazarus, son of Isaac {Isaac, Mordecai, Samuel) and Ruth (Beal) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Oct. 3, 1756, at Hingham, in the second precinct, now Cohasset; died Dec. 5, 1796, lost at sea in a severe storm. He lived at Cohasset and was a '' mariner." The diary of Ambrose Bates, aafag, names him as a messmate in the army at the capture of General Bur- goyne's forces. (Hist, of Cohasset, p. 298.) He served as private in Capt. Peter Cushing's Company which was assembled at Hull, Dec. 14, 1776, for four days; also under Capt. Moses French from May 15, 1777, to July 15, 1777, in Rhode Island; also under Capt. Theophilus Wilder in Col. Benjamin Gill's regiment, for three months and six days in the Northern Department, enlisting Aug. 24, 1777, and being discharged Nov. 29, 1777; he also enlisted Dec. 20, 1777, in Capt. Thomas Nash's Company which served until March 1, 1778, at Fort Hill, Boston. (Mass. Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolution, vol. ix, p. 811.) He married, Sept. 17, 1781, at Cohasset (Hist, of Hingham says Sept. 7), Fsmny^, daughter of Gushing^ {Richard^, Johv}) and Huldah (Orcutt) Kilby of Hingham, born July 29, 1763, at Hingham, second precinct; died Sept. 3, 1846, at East Abington, now Rockland, Mass. '' History of Hingham," vol. ii, p. 406, says she was born Aug. 7, 1763, which is the date of her baptism. Massachusetts Vital Records say she died Sept. 4. They lived on North Main street, Cohasset, in a house which her father inherited from his uncle, John Jacob, in 1753. She married (2), Dec. 21, 1801, at Cohasset, Deacon IsraeP Litchfield of Scituate as his second wife. He was son of Josiah^ (Nicholas^, Josiah^, Lawrence^) and Susanna (Morey) Litchfield of Scituate, born July 3, 1753, at Scituate; died Jan. 15, 1840, at Scituate. His first wife, by whom he had nine children, and who died May 31, 1799, was Sarah Cass. By his wife Fanny FIFTH GENERATION 241 he had two children: Serissa, born Apr. 14, 1803; and Alfred, born Nov. 18, 1804. He was an important and influential citizen of Scituate. For an account of his life and extracts from his diary which he kept in the years 1774 and '75, see "The Litchfield Family in America," pp. 311-375. After his death his widow went to live with her daughter Serissa at Rockland, Mass. (Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 218, 238; Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 406; Scituate Records; Family Bible.) Children, born at Cohasset: adcai a. Samuel-Kilby, born Oct. 10, 1782; died Nov. 23, 1783. adcai b. John, born Jan. 15, 1784. adcai c. Samuel-Kilby, born June 26, 1785; died Feb. 8, 1806, unmarried. He is buried in Central burying ground, Cohasset, where his gravestone says he died '' in his 21st year." The family Bible must therefore be wrong in giving the date of his death as 1809. adcai d. Lot, born Apr. 19, 1789; died Aug. 27, 1825, at Malone, N. Y., unmarried, or without children unless Erastus-Churchill Lincoln born in 1811 was his son; see "Shurtleff Descendants," vol. i, p. 524. He was a mason and lived at Malone. adcai e. Anna, born Oct. 31, 1791 ; died July 4, 1851, at Albion, Pa. ; married, Oct. 13, 1812, at Scituate (Scituate records, but the Family Bible says Oct. 12), Luther, son of Lawrence and Rachel (Clapp) Litchfield of Scituate, born Sept. 23, 1789, at Scituate; died Oct. 6, 1852, at Decatur, Mich., being killed by the fall of a tree. He was a tanner by trade, but of a somewhat roving disposition, especially during the last twenty years of his life, but wherever he lived he followed his trade of tanner. (Family Records.) He removed first to Springfield, Vt., and afterwards lived at Duane and Malone, N. Y., and, later, in various places, among others Lancaster, Mass. The family Bible is in the possession of his son, Elwin-Lewis Litchfield of Acworth, Ga. Children, born: a, b at Scituate; c-h at Springfield, Vt.; i-k at Duane, N. Y.; Z at Albion, Pa.: a. Howland, born Jan. 5, 1814; mar. Ann Gary. h. Fanny-Kilby, born Aug. 13, 1815; mar. Horace Place. c. Edwin-Lawrence, ] f mar. Mary-Ray Tink- er. Elwin-Lewis, | ^^^" ^^^' ^^' ^^^^' ^ mar.EHzabeth-Strick- J I land Smith. e. Liba-Lincoln, born May 23, 1819; mar. Sarah Weisz. /. Asa, born July 16, 1821; mar. Maryetta Bonsteel. g. A CHILD, born July 25, 1823; died Sept. 14, 1823. h. Rachel- Anna, born Aug. 27, 1824; mar.Elizer-Brown VanTassel. ^. Rehtse-Louisa, born Nov. 22, 1827; mar. Robert Blair. j. Sarah-Ann, born Sept. 27, 1829; mar. Andrew-Jackson Mason. k. Ruth-Beal, born July 12, 1831; mar. Owen-Only Ticknor. I. Laban-Hersey, born Mar. 24, 1839; mar. Elizabeth-Maria Cowdin. adcai f. Anslem, born Jan. 19, 1794. 16 242 LINCOLN GENEALOGY adcak. James, son of Isaac (Isaac, Mordecai, Samuel) and Ruth (Beal) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Apr. 22, 1761, at Hingham, in the second precinct, now Cohasset; died May 23, 1835, at Cohasset. In 1778, at the age of seventeen, he served for five months and twenty days as a private in the Rhode Island campaign. (Hist, of Cohasset, p. 307.) He be- came a miller and lived at Cohasset, on South Main street, in a house built in 1787 and now, 1912, owned by Thomas- Warren Doyle, his great grandson, adcak bah. He married, Feb. 20, 1788, at Bridge water, Mass., AbigaiP, daughter of Seth^ (Thomas^, Jaco¥, Experience^) and Mary (Wade) Mitchell of Bridgewater, born Sept. 9, 1762, at Bridge- water; died Dec. 6, 1839, at Cohasset. (Early Massachusetts Marriages, vol. ii, p. 147; N. E. Hist. & Gen. Register, vol. xlvi, p.^167.) Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln are buried in the Central burying ground, Cohasset, their gravestones being inscribed as follows: ''James Lincoln died May 23, 1835 aged 74 yrs." ''Abigail wife of James Lincoln died Dec. 6, 1839 aged 77 yrs." (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 239; Hist, of Bridgewater, p. 244; Cohasset Records; Sampler of Mrs. Chloe [Lincoln] Whitcomb, adcak e.) "Daughters in the American Revolution," vol. xiv, pp. 125-6, says that Mr. Lincoln was a fifer in Col. Benj. Lincoln's regiment, but also calls him son of James^ (Isaac^, David^, Stephen^, Stephen^) Lincoln of Hingham. The gravestones at Cohasset clearly prove that this is an error as James, the son of James of Hingham, was born Dec. 4, 1757, and there is no evidence that he ever lived at Cohasset or ever had a wife Abigail, or in fact ever married at all. Children, born at Cohasset: adcak a. Lucia, born July 24, 1789; died May 9, 1838, at Cohasset, un- married. The date of her death is from her gravestone and "Cohasset Genealogies" ; Cohasset records say she died May 8. " Cohasset Genealo- gies" says that the oldest child was named James, and that he was probably born at Bridgewater. Absolutely no other authority has been found for this, and members of the family are positive that there was no child named James. adcak b. Wabren, born Nov. 2, 1792. adcak c. Maria, born Jan. 4, 1795; died Feb. 6, 1872, at Cohasset, unmarried. adcak d. Sally, born May 10, 1797; died Feb. 10, 1798. FIFTH GENERATION 243 adcak e. Chloe, born Dec. 21, 1798; died July 16, 1866, at Cohasset; married, May 9, 1819, at Boston, by Rev. Paul Dean (Boston Records), Thomas- Jefferson^, son of SamueP {Israel^, Israel^, Israel^, Robert^, JohrO-) and Lydia (Ramsdell) Whitcomb of Hanover, Mass., born June 14, 1801, at Han- over; died Feb. 9, 1877, at Canisteo, N. Y. (Whitcomb Family, p. 95.) Mr, Whitcomb passed his boyhood at Hingham, attending school at Derby academy and church at the "Old Ship," as the first church is familiarly called. After his marriage he lived in Boston and studied for the ministry under Rev. Paul Dean, who was known as a "restorationist." He became a Universalist minister and had his first pastorate at Roches- ter, Vt. About 1835 he went to New York State and estabhshed, in the city of Hudson, the first Universahst Sunday School in that state. From Hudson he went to Schenectady and thence to several different places, among them Victor, Cortland, Springville, Newport, Alexander, Webster and Canisteo, in which last place he died at the age of seventy-six. (Records of Miss Caroline-Maria Vedder, adcak eaa.) Children, born: a, b at Boston, Mass., c at Hudson, N. Y.: a. Sarah-Maria, born July 25, 1820; mar. Edinund-Burke Vedder. b. Lucia-Caroline, born May 23, 1823; mar. Joseph-Dibble Hoyt. c. Mary- Abigail, born Nov. 27, 1837; mar. Cyrus-Wilmarth Richardson. adcak f. Mary-Mitchell, born Feb. 4, 1807; died Aug. 1, 1847, at Cohasset, unmarried. adfaa. Galen, son of Obadiah (Jacob, Mordecai, Samuel) and Jael (Curtis) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Feb. 5, 1756, at Scituate, Mass.; date of his death unknown. It is supposed that he was captured while in the army and died in prison; and as his wife married again in 1778, she presumably had definite information of his death. He was a private in Capt. Job Cush- ing's Company of which the muster roll is dated Aug. 1, 1775. He enlisted May 16, and his service lasted two months and twenty-one days. He was also under the same captain Dec. 18, 1775, when an order for a bounty coat or its equivalent in money was issued. (Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolu- tion, vol. ix, p. 804; Hist, of Cohasset, p. 287.) He married, Aug. 13, 1775, at Scituate (Scituate Records), Olive^, daughter of Samuel* (Samuel^, Josiah^, Lawrence^) and Priscilla (Vinal) Litchfield of Scituate, bapt. June 4, 1758, at Scituate (Ibid.); died Jan. 31, 1821, at Cohasset. She married (2), May 22, 1778, at Cohasset, Jared^, son of Amos^ {Prince\ Joseph^, Joseph^, Thomas^) and Patience (Bates) Joy of Cohasset, born Dec. 19, 1749, at Cohasset; died Nov. 29, 1792, at Cohasset. I He was a member of the '^Boston Tea Party" and a soldier in the Revolution, being a private in Capt. Job Cushing's Company 244 LINCOLN GENEALOGY in the summer of 1775. They had five children: Lot, Warren, Lillis, Olive and Elisha. (Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 210, 235; Scituate Records.) Child, born at Cohasset. adfaa a. Galen, bapt. Oct. 27, 1776; probably died yoting. adfad. Jacob, son of Obadiah {Jacob, Mordecai, Samuel) and Jael (Curtis) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Oct. 9, 1761, at Hingham, in the second precinct, now Cohasset; died Apr. 30, 1850, at Lancaster, Mass. He was a soldier in the Revolution and was allowed a pension for eleven months, fifteen days, actual service as a private in the Massachusetts troops. His application for a pension is dated Nov. 20, 1832. He built a house at Cohasset on South Main street, south of his father's, in which he lived after his marriage until about 1800, when he removed to Lancaster, where he owned and occupied a farm on George hill, in the westerly part of the town, containing about seventy acres. He died intestate and his estate was in- ventoried at $2217.53. A bill against the estate was presented by his daughter Polly and allowed, amounting to $1560, for "services in taking care of Jacob Lincoln six years up to the time of his death. May 2, 1850, and also taking care of his son Jacob and performing all the labor of his household during the same six years." A further charge of $215 ''for services 43 weeks since the death of my father in taking care of Jacob and the estate '^ was not allowed. (Worcester County Probate Files.) He married, about 1792, Chloe, daughter of Isaac {Isaac, Mordecai, Samuel) and Sarah (Hobart) Lincoln of Cohasset, adcal, born Aug. 17, 1765, at Hingham, in the second precinct; died July 10, 1829, at Lancaster. Lancaster church records say that she died of ''general decay, aged 63 years." Her gravestone at Lancaster is inscribed as follows: "In memory of J Mrs. Chloe Lincoln, J wife of Mr. Jacob Lincoln t who died t July 10, 1829 t AE. 63." No stone marks the grave of her husband, whose record as a soldier is given as follows in "Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors of the Revolution," vol. ix, p. 800: "private Captain Silas Webb's company, Col. Brooks's reg't of Guards; joined Nov. 16, 1777, service to April 3, 1778, 4 months 18 days at Cambridge guarding FIFTH GENERATION 245 troops of convention." He also served from Aug. 5, 1778, to Sept. 14, 1778, and he must have seen other service as his pension was granted for a service of eleven months. Children, born: a-c at Cohasset; d-g at Lancaster: adfad a. Polly, born Feb. 3, 1793; died Apr. 3, 1857, at Lancaster, un- married. adfad b. Martin, born Jan. 23, 1795. adfad c. Cummings, born June 19, 1797; died Jan. 4, 1822, at Lancaster, unmarried. (Town records; Church records and gravestone say Jan. 5.) adfad d. Martha- Ann-Chloe, born Sept. 4, 1799; died Sept. 11, 1882, at Chelsea, unmarried. Her name as given by her parents was Chloe, but was changed June 12, 1824, to Martha- Ann-Chloe; she was then a "mantua-maker." Her will, dated Nov. 28, 1868, probated Oct. 16, 1882, names: sisters Mrs. Betsey Barnes and Miss Maria Lincoln. (Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. dxh, p. 29.) adfad e. Betsey, born Dec. 1, 1801; died Feb. 24, 1894, at Chelsea, Mass.; married, Oct. 2, 1825, at Boston (by Rev. Paul Dean), Edwin Barnes, born 1801, in Connecticut; died Sept. 15, 1877, at Chelsea, aged 76 years. (Massachusetts Vital Records.) They Hved, at first, at Boston until after the births of their children and removed, later, to Chelsea, where they continued to Hve until their deaths. He was a tailor doing business at Quincy market, Boston, until 1872, after which year his name no longer appears in the Boston directories. Children, born at Boston: a. Edward-Lincoln, b. Edwin-Cummings, i ^^^ ^ ' ' died about 1855, at New Orleans, unmar- ried. mar. (1) Harriette Clarke; (2) Lura A. Booth, c. Arthur. adfad f. Maria, born July 15, 1804; died Sept. 30, 1892, at Chelsea, Mass., unmarried. (Ibid.) Her will, dated Feb. 7, 1883, probated Nov. 3, 1892, names: Mrs. Electa N. L. Walton, wife of George A. Walton of Newton; Aunt Betsey L. Barnes of Chelsea, widow of the late Edwin Barnes; niece Mary M. Lincoln of Newton, single; Washington Blackmer of Chelsea. (Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. dclxiii, p. 42.) g. Jacob, born May 14, 1809; died Dec. 30, 1858, at Lancaster, un- married. (Massachusetts Vital Records.) adfae. Amos, son of Obadiah (Jacob, Mordecai, Samuel) and Jael (Curtis) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Oct. 13, 1763, at Hingham, in the second precinct, now Cohasset (Hist, of Hingham says Oct. 11); died Sept. 24, 1801, at Cohasset. He lived at Cohasset on South Main street, in the house built by his brother Jacob, the latter removing to Lancaster about 1800. He married, Aug. 14, 1785, at Cohasset, Huldah^, daughter of 246 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Gushing^ {Richard^, John^) and Huldah (Orcutt) Kilby of the second precinct of Hingham, born Jan. 20, bapt. Oct. 4, 1767, at Hingham; died Feb. 26, 1829, at Cohasset. (Cohasset Geneal- ogies, pp. 218, 239; Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, pp. 406, 469; Lincoln Family Bible.) Ghild, born at Gohasset: adfae a. William, born Oct. 24, 1785. (So recorded.) adfah. Obadiah, son of Obadiah {Jacob, Mordecai, Samuel) and Jael (Gurtis) Lincoln of Gohasset, Mass., born Sept. 4, 1769, in the second precinct of Hingham, now Gohasset; died Sept. 22, 1797, at Scituate, Mass. He lived at Scituate and was a mariner. He is called ''Gapt.^^ in the Scituate record of his death and in 1795 was master of the fishing vessel ^' Mason," owned by Elisha Doane of Gohasset. He married, Nov. 7, 1793, at Scituate, Marcy^, daughter of Israel^ (Israel, Jaco¥, John^) and Marcy (Gushing) Vinal of Scituate, bapt. June 5, 1768, at Scituate; died 1797, at Scituate. Her ancestor John^ Vinal was brought by his mother, widow Anna Vinal, with a brother and sister ''into New England in the year 1636, and into the town of Scituate the same year." Administration on the estate of Obadiah Lincoln of Scituate, mariner, was given to William Vinal, Jr., of Scituate, Dec. 4, 1797. The estate was insolvent. William Vinal, Jr., was son of Gapt. Israel Vinal and brother of Mrs. Marcy Lincoln. (Go- hasset Genealogies, p. 235; Hist, of Gohasset, p. 326; Scituate Records; Hist, of Scituate, p. 365; Plymouth Gounty Probate Records, vol. xxxiv, p. 142.) Ghild, born at Gohasset: adfah a. William-Vinal, born Oct. 21, 1796. adffe. Galeb, son of Abraham (Jacob, Mordecai, Samuel) and Sarah (Lincoln) Lincoln of Gohasset, Mass., born Jan. 22, bapt. Jan. 31, 1779, at Gohasset; died May 25, 1856, at Go- hasset. He lived at Gohasset until after the birth of his second child in 1807, when he removed to Dorchester, Mass. After the death of his first wife he removed to Watertown, Mass., where he lived until 1830, when he returned to Gohasset and, FIFTH GENERATION 247 in the following year, built a house for himself on Beechwood street, near his father's. He was a ''millwright" and something of an architect until his return to Cohasset, after which he devot- ed himself to farming. He married (1), intentions published at Boston, Sept. 25, 1804, Nancy^, daughter of Zechariah^ (Zechariah^, Zechariah?, John^l) and Molly (Pratt) Bicknell of Weymouth, Mass., born Oct. 17, 1782, at Weymouth; died Apr. 19, 1814, at Dorchester. He married (2), May 25, 1817, at Watertown, Elizabeth, daughter of William and Betsey (Leverett) Robbins of Brighton, Mass., born Sept. 3, 1792, at Brighton; died March 11, 1849, at Cohasset. She is called of Watertown in her marriage record. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 239; Boston Records; Weymouth Records; Dorchester Records; Watertown Records; Cohasset Records; records of George-Henry Lincoln, adffe cb.) The dates of birth of the children by his first wife, incorrectly given in ''Cohasset Genealogies" and Cohasset records, are now correctly furnished by Mr. George-Henry Lincoln of Providence, R. I., who has been of great assistance in collecting the records of this branch of the family. It is rather singular that these four children were born on the seventh of September, October, November and December, successively, on four al- ternate years. Children, by first wife, born: a, h at Cohasset; c, d at Dor- chester : adffe a. Sarah, born Sept. 7, 1805; died Dec. 4, 1828, at Weymouth; married, Oct. 18, 1826, at Newton, Mass., Jared^, son of Abner^ {Ahner^, Ebenezer"^, Ehenezer^) and Nabby (Pratt) Pratt of Weymouth, born March 27, 1805, at Weymouth; died May 13, 1831, at Weymouth. (Newton Records; Weymouth Records.) Child, born at Weymouth: a. Caleb, born Aug. 5, 1827; went on a whaling trip and was never heard of afterwards. adffe h. Nancy-Bicknell, born Oct. 7, 1807; died Jan. 10, 1881, at Yonkers, N. Y.; married. May 22, 1827, at Watertown, Rufus-Wells, son of Charles and Sarah (Wells) Dickinson of Hadley, Mass., born Feb. 14, 1800, at Hadley; died March 18, 1863, at Westerly, R. I. He was a woolen manu- facturer. Children; born a~c at Webster, Mass.; d-g at East Greenwich, R. I.; /i at Bozrah, Conn. : a. Nancy-Bicknell, born March 12, 1828; mar. (1) Chauncy- Henry Mosher; (2) Charles-Chidsey Wickes. h. Rufus-Wells, born Oct. 1, 1830; mar. Lucy Pratt. 248 LINCOLN GENEALOGY c. Sarah- Adams, born Aug. 22, 1832; died Oct, 14, 1887, unmarried. d. Emeline-Corbett, born Oct. 17, 1834; mar. Ambrose-Sanford Lockwood. e. William-Greene, born June 11, 1836; mar. Elizabeth DeForest. /. Eliza-Lincoln, born Jan. 10, 1839; mar. William-Hiscox Chap- man. g. Lucy-Ashley, born November, 1841; mar. Charles-Alfred Tappan. h. Mary-Fitch, born May 11, 1843; mar. Clark-Hiscox Chapman, adffe c. Thomas, born Nov. 7, 1809. adffe d. Samuel, born Dec. 7, 1811. Children, by second wife, born: e-k at Watertown; /, m at Cohasset : adffe e. Eliza, born June 3, 1818; died Oct. 24, 1876, at Brooklme, Mass.; married, Jan. 1, 1843, at Boston, Erast us- Winchester, son of Erastus and Sarah L. (Winchester) Champney of Boston, born July 27, 1812, at Brookline, died Aug. 20, 1872, at Boston. They lived at Boston. He is called "clerk." The petition of Ehza Champney for administration on his estate says that he died on the date here given, leaving as next of kin, Anna E., a minor child. The petition of Anna E. Champney of Boston for administration on the estate of her mother gives the date of her death as here given. (Suffolk County Probate Records, vols, cccclix, p. 230; ccccxci, p. 453; Records of Mrs. Jennett Tilden, adffe j.) Children, born at Boston: a. Sarah-Eliza, born Oct. 13, 1843; died Feb. 21, 1849. h. Anna-Eliza, born May 28, 1853; mar. Amos Blodgett. adffe f. Lucy, born Aug. 23, 1819; died Apr. 30, 1847, at Cohasset; married, August, 1844, at Providence, R. I., William Leverett of Charlestown, Mass., born July, 1817, at Charlestown; died Feb. 17, 1885, at New- Bedford, Mass. They lived at Providence, where he was a "carriage trimmer." He deserted his wife after two or three years and married again, but nothing is known of his second wife. (Massachusetts Vital Records; Records of Mrs. Jennett Tilden, adffe j.) Child, born at Cohasset: a. James, born August, 1846. adffe g. Mary, born June 1, 1821; died Dec. 16, 1896, at Scituate, Mass.; married, Nov. 2, 1845, at Providence, R. I., Leonard, son of Israel and Christiana-Amelia (Carpenter) Drown of Rehoboth, Mass., born Dec. 12, 1819, at Rehoboth; died May 5, 1862, at WilKamsburg, Va., being it is said the first man to be killed under a flag of truce during the Civil war. He was of Providence when married but removed in 1854 to New Hamp- shire and Uved at Concord and Penacook. He was a blacksmith. He was captain of Company E, second New Hampshire infantry, in the Civil war. (Records of Mrs. Mary-Leonard [Drown] Drake.) Children, born: a, b at Providence, R. I. ; c at Penacook, N. H. : a. Lucy-Lincoln, born Aug. 4, 1847; living, 1911, unmarried. 5. Israel, born July 30, 1852; died June 14, 1879, unmarried. c. Mary-Leonard, born Feb. 20, 1860; mar. Benjamin-Franklin Drake. adffe h. Jennett, \ , ^ . r,o iqoq. / died March 2, 1824. adffe i. Annette, / ^' ' I died July 10, 1903, at Scituate, FIFTH GENERATION 249 Mass.; married, May 9, 1867, at Cohasset, Samuel-Curtis, son of Curtis and Rebecca (Lawrence) Sheple of Groton, Mass., born Apr. 15, 1825, at Pepperell, Mass.; died Sept. 1, 1893, at Groton. They lived at Groton. He was a farmer. She was his second wife and had no children. (Massa- chusetts Vital Records call him 32 years old when married and sixty-eight years, four months, seventeen days at death. Cohasset records say the twins were born Oct. 26, and that Jennett died March 1. adffe j. Jennett, born June 30, 1826; married, June 1, 1862, at Cohasset, Thomas^, son of Christophers {John', Thomas^, John^, Joseph'^, Nathan- iel^, Joseph^, Nathaniel^) and Asenath (Bailey) Tilden of Scituate, born Apr. 1, 1827, at Scituate; died there Aug. 20, 1906. They lived at Scitu- ate. He was a farmer and held town office. He was agent of the Hing- ham Insurance Company. His paternal ancestor, Nathaniel^ Tilden, came from Tenterden in Kent, England, with his family before 1628. He was chosen ruling elder of the first church in Scituate in 1634, and had a house lot on Kent street. The name of his wife is unknown. Mrs. Jennett Tilden was living in 1911, at Scituate. (Hist, of Scituate, p. 353; Cohasset Records.) Children, born at Scituate: a. Thomas-Lincoln, born Oct. 26, 1866; living 1913, unmarried. h. Charles-Henry, born March 2, 1869; mar. Miriam Cooper. adffe k. Caleb, born Sept. 6, 1828. He was living, 1913, at Cohasset, un- married. He bore a striking resemblance to the portraits of President Abraham Lincoln. adffe 1. Abraham, born Feb. 3, 1830. adffe m. Levi, born Oct. 24, 1831; died June 20, 1864, being killed in the last battle of the Civil war before Lee's surrender. He was a private in the Ninth Massachusetts artillery. He was not married. Mrs. Jennett Tilden says he was killed June 18. Information of this family has been obtained from Abraham Lincoln, adffe I, and from his daughter, OHve- Augusta. adffg. MoRDECAi, son of Abraham {Jacob, Mordecai, Samuel) and Sarah (Lincoln) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Sept. 10, bapt. Nov. 9, 1783, at Cohasset; died Aug. 30, 1868, at Cohasset. He lived at Cohasset and was a farmer. He married, after 1840, Mrs. Ruth^ ( [Collier] Willcutt) Tower, daughter of Jonathan^ {William'^, Gershom^, Thomas^, Thomas^) and Abigail (Long) Collier of Scituate, Mass., born Sept. 21, 1789, at Scituate; died March 14, 1852, at Cohasset. She married (1), July 3, 1808, at Scituate (Scituate Records; Cohasset Genealogies says 1807), Daniel, son of John and Chios (Beal) Willcutt of Cohasset, ahbai, born July 4, 1780, at Cohasset; died Sept. 10, 1810, at sea (Cohasset church records say Sept. 17), by whom she had one child: Parmela, born 1810; died Aug. 31, 1832, at Cohasset. She married (2), Sept. 23, 1827, at Cohasset, Asa-Cushing, 250 LINCOLN GENEALOGY son of Jesse and Rebecca (Gushing) Tower of Cohasset, bapt. March 25, 1787, at Cohasset; died Apr. 5, 1840, at Cohasset. She was his second wife, his first, Charlotte Mann, having died March 23, 1826, leaving seven children. By Mr. Tower she had one child: Alvan Tower, born Sept. 13, 1832, who was a soldier in the Civil war and died June 8, 1862, at Fortress Mon- roe, Va. She had no children by Mr. Lincoln. (Cohasset Geneal- ogies, pp. 236, 443, 477; Cohasset Records; Scituate Records; Tower Genealogy, p. 391.) adffi. Abraham, son of Abraham (Jacob, Mordecai, Samuel) and Sarah (Lincoln) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Jan. 12, bapt. June 15, 1788, at Cohasset; died Dec. 19, 1869, at Water- town, Mass., aged 81 years, 11 months and 6 days. He removed to Watertown before his marriage and passed the rest of his Hfe there. He was a millwright. He married, Jan. 2, 1825, at Watertown, Mary^, daughter (presumably) of Thaddeus^ {Ehenezer^, Ebenezer^, Phineas^, Phineas^f Johin}) and Sarah (Warren) Upham of Leicester, Mass., and Watertown, N. Y., born Apr. 3, 1791, at Leicester; died Nov. 18, 1859, at Watertown, Mass. She is called of Watertown, Mass., in her marriage record, and in the State record of her death she is said to have been born at Leicester and to have been aged 69 years at her death. This would make her born in 1791, and there is no other Mary Upham whose birth is recorded at Leicester at about that time. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln are buried in the Common cemetery, Watertown. (Leicester Rec- ords; Watertown Records; State Records; Records of George- Henry Lincoln, adffe cb, Upham Family, pp. 97, 131.) Children, born at Watertown: adfl a. A son, unnamed, born Jan. 31, 1826; died Feb. 6, 1826. adffi h. Hannah-Manson, born Feb. 14, 1828 (?) ; died Jan. 30, 1885, unmarried. Her age is given in the State vital records as 54 years at the time of her death. This would make her born in 1831, which in view of the date of her brother Abraham's birth seems unlikely. Probably 54 is an error for 57. She died at Boston, Mass. adffi, c. Abraham-Jairus, born May 30, 1830; died Feb. 18, 1894, at Boston, unmarried; aged 64 years. (Mass. Vital Records, in which his mother is called Mary Upton.) SIXTH GENERATION aabcd a. Asa, son of Jonathan (Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Lydia (Nichols) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass.; born May 29, 1778, at Hingham; died July 27, 1840, at Hing- ham. He was a carpenter and lived at Hingham on North street, opposite Fountain square. His will, dated Apr. 30, 1831, probated Aug. 25, 1840, names: daughters Charlotte- Gushing Lincoln, Rachel-Gushing Lincoln, Garoline-Hayden Lincoln and Hannah Lincoln; wife Gharlotte, executrix. (Ply- mouth Gounty Probate Records, vol. Ixxxii, p. 278.) He married, Dec. 27, 1807, at Hingham, Gharlotte, daughter of Ezra (Enoch, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Rachel (Gush- ing) Lincoln of Hingham, aacbg a, born Oct. 4, 1785, at Boston, Mass.; died Dec. 22, 1862, at Hingham. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 472; Hingham Records; see Hist, of Pembroke, N. H., p. 57.) Ghildren, born at Hingham: aabcd aa. Charlotte Gushing, born Oct. 22, 1808; died Oct. 18, 1896, at Hingham, unmarried. aabcd ah. Rachel-Gushing, born Oct. 30, 1811; died June 5, 1896, at Hing- ham; married, Jan. 1, 1840, at Hingham, Elijah-Lincoln^, son of Elijah^ {Elijah^, David^, David^, Matthew^, James^) and Mary (Lincoln) Whiton of Hingham, aabce ea, born Jan. 15, 1814, at Hingham; died Dec. 12, 1881, at Hingham. They lived at Hingham on North street, near Fountain square. He was a hatter, and later a dealer in boots and shoes. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. iii, p. 307.) Ghildren, born at Hingham: a. Dexter-Brigham, born March 14, 1842; died Apr. 24, 1880, unmarried. b. Gharlotte-Lincoln, born Feb. 26, 1844; died Feb. 27, 1854. c. Mary-Lincoln, born Aug. 6, 1848; living 1912, unmarried. aabcd ac. Garoline-Hayden, born May 2, 1815; died Nov. 10, 1895, at Hingham; married, Oct. 23, 1838, at Hingham, Rufus^ son of Rufus^ (Rufus^, Jonathan^, Jonathan*, Andrew^, Andrew^, William^) and Abigail- Allen (Hersey) Lane of Hingham, born Nov. 19, 1815, at Hingham; died May 2, 1889, at Hingham. They lived on the paternal homestead, on South street, Hingham. He is called "clerk'' in "Hilstory of Hingham." (Lane Family, vol. ii, p. 119; Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 422.) Ghildren, born at Hingham: a. Abby- Allen, born October, 1839; died Apr. 9, 1845. b. Oscar-Dana, born March 29, 1845; died Sept. 2, 1848. 252 LINCOLN GENEALOGY c. RuFUS- Allen, born March 17, 1850; mar. Mary-Agnes. d. Caroline-Lincoln, born Apr. 26, 1855; mar. Charles-Osborn Bouve. aahcd ad. Hannah, born June 16, 1819; died Feb. 22, 1889, at Hingham, unmarried. aabcd b. Nichols, son of Jonathan (Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Lydia (Nichols) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Aug. 6, 1780, at Hingham; died Jan. 19, 1819, being lost at sea on that date in the wreck of the schooner "Martha'* of Hingham, on the Isles of Shoals. From this it is evident that he was a "mariner" and was probably engaged in the fisheries. He married, in 1810, Deborah^, daughter of John^ (Joseph^, Joseph^) and Deborah (Leavitt) Souther of Hingham, born Sept. 29, 1783, at Hingham; died March 24, 1865, at Boston, Mass., "in her 82nd year." She was appointed guardian, March 5, 1822, to Ann-Maria, Deborah, Nichols and Mary Lincoln, minors under the age of fourteen years, children and heirs of Nichols Lincoln, late of Hingham. (Plymouth County Probate Records, vol. li, p. 170.) These children were all named in their aunt Hannah's will, dated Oct. 18, 1822. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 469; Hingham Records; Mass. Vital Records.) Children, born at Hingham: aahcd ha. Ann-Maria, born Feb. 17, 1812; died Aug. 30, 1886, at Chelsea, Mass., "aged 74 years, 6 months and 13 days^'; married, Feb. 28, 1830, at Hingham, Frederick, son of James and Desire (Otis) Curtis of Scituate, Mass., born Dec. 23, 1807, at Scituate; died Apr. 27, 1884, at Taunton, Mass., "aged 77 years." He was a shipwright but is called "carpenter" in the record of his death, which also gives his birthplace as South Scituate. The births of their children are all recorded at Scituate, but they were not all born there. (Scituate Records; Mass. Vital Records.) Children, born: a at Quincy; b at Hingham; c, e at Scituate; d at Charlestown, Mass.: a. Frederick-Nichols, born Oct. 21, 1831; mar. Susan Ransford. h. Albert-Cushing, born July 4, 1834; removed West. c. Anna-Maria, born June 20, 1836; mar. Andrew J. Heath. d. Francis J., born June 25, 1840; mar. Isabel Holly. e. Henry W., born Jan. 11, 1846; mar. Emma Underwood. aabcd bb. Deborah-Leavitt. aabcd be. Nichols, born Oct. 4, 1816. aabcd bd. Mary-Thaxter. aabcd d. Gorham, son of Jonathan (Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Lydia (Nichols) Lincoln of Hingham, { SIXTH GENERATION 253 Mass., born March 2, 1787, at Hingham; died June 19, 1869.. at Hingham. Mr. Lincoln was at first a blacksmith, but after- wards became interested in navigation and, late in life, was a farmer. He was deacon of the third parish. He lived at Hing- ham on East street, corner of Summer. He married, Feb. 10, 1811, at Hingham, Mary^, daughter of Stephen^ {Stephen^, Stephen'^, Peter^, Daniel'^, Matthev:^) and Mary (Binney) Gushing of Hingham, born Nov. 9, 1788, at Hingham; died Jan. 26, 1843, at Hingham, ''aged 54 years." So say the Hingham records, but History of Hingham says she died Nov. 3, 1835, in her 47th year, and ''Gushing Genealogy" says she was born Nov. 9, 1783, an evident misprint. The will of Gorham Lincoln, dated Apr. 26, 1864, probated July 19, 1869, names: four daughters, EHzabeth G. Abbott, Sarah B. Lincoln, Mary L. Binney and Gatherine K. T. Lincoln. (Plymouth Gounty Probate Records, vol. cvi., p. 82; Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 472; Gushing Genealogy, p. 40; The Binney Family, pp. 79, 82, 141.) Ghildren, born at Hingham: aahcd da. Mary-Ann-Binney, born Sept. 5, 1811; died Oct. 22, 1822. aahcd db. Lydia-Nichols, born Jan. 12, 1813; died Jan. 22, 1835, at Hing- ham, unmarried. "History of Hingham" says she died Feb. 22. aabcd dc. Gorham-Prentice, born Sept. 16, 1816; died Jan. 14, 1833, at Boston, Mass. (Boston Records.) aabcd dd. Elizabeth-Gushing, born Jan. 21, 1819; died Sept. 27, 1900, at Boston; married (1), Dec. 9, 1841, at Hingham, William-Edward^ son of James-Gutler'^ (Elisha^, Elisha^, Elisha^, Hezekiah^, Ephraim^, Joh'n}) and Susannah- Wendell (Hewes) Doane of Gohasset, Mass., born Dec. 18, 1812, at Gohasset; died Nov. 4, 1852, at San Francisco, Gal. (Go- hasset Genealogies, pp. 135-6; Doane Family, p. 424; Mass. Vital Records.) She married (2), Feb. 16, 1857, at Brookline, Mass., John-Golby«, son of Nathan^ {Josep¥, George^, Thomas^, George^) and EKzabeth (Golby) Abbott of Goncord, N. H., born Feb. 19, 1810, at Goncord. She was his third wife. In 1857 he was, according to the State record of his marriage, a merchant, and both he and Mrs. Doane were then living at Brookline. He married (1), Aug. 11, 1836, at Lynn, Mass., Lydia-Maria, daughter of Aaron and Mary (Fillebrown) Breed of Lynn, born Feb. 22, 1816, at Lynn; died Apr. 20, 1838, at Lynn, leaving one child: Lydia-Almira, born Nov. 20, 1837, at Lynn. Mr. Abbott married (2), June 29, 1842, at Lynn, being at that time called of St. Louis, Mo., Mary-Ellen, daughter of James and Betsy (Rich) Fuller of Lynn, born Sept. 1, 1821, at Lynn. Mrs. Ehzabeth-Gushing Abbott is buried at Lynn, probably in Pine Grove cemetery. She is said to have had one or more children by Mr. Abbott, but no record has been found of them. (Lynn Records; Hist. 254 LINCOLN GENEALOGY of Concord, N. H., pp. 621-2; Gen. Register of the Abbot Family, p. Ill; Mass. Vital Records.) Children, by first husbandk born: a, c at Cohasset; b at Hingham: a. William-Edward Doane, born Dec. 28, 1842.* b. Mary-Lincoln Doane, born Aug. 1, 1845; mar. Edward L. Fuller.* c. Gorman-Lincoln Doane, born Nov. 2, 1849. aabcd de. An infant, born and died in 1820, unnamed. aabcd df. Sarah-Binney, born Nov. 19, 1821 (Hingham Records; Hist, of Hingham says Nov. 20); died June 24, 1884, at Hingham; married, Oct. 10, 1844 (but "Binney Family" says Oct. 12, 1843), at Hingham, Henry- Wares, son of Jairus^ (Hawkes^, David^, David^, Davids, Stephen^, Stephen^) and Mary-Cotton (Ware) Lincoln of Hingham, born Oct. 12, 1821, at Hingham; died Sept. 24, 1887, at Boston, Mass. He was a pharmacist and lived at Hingham and Boston. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 486; Mass. Vital Records.) Children, born at Boston: a. Elizabeth-Waterhouse, born March 7, 1847; died Aug. 13, 1849. b. A DAUGHTER, born and died Feb. 20, 1849. c. Charles-Elliot-Ware, born Oct. 31, 1850; died Nov. 9, 1853. d. Lydia- Abbott, born May 6, 1857; died Sept. 5, 1869. e. Henry- Ware, born July 22, 1867. aabcd dg. Mary-Ann-Binney, born June 20, 1824 (Hist, of Hingham says 1823); married, Oct. 1, 1855, at Hingham, Charles^, son of John^ {Amos^, Amos^f John^, John^) and Judith-Cooper (Russell) Binney of Boston, Mass., born Oct. 23, 1825, at Boston; died April, 1887, at Rochester, N. Y., where they had been living. He is called a "book-keeper," and in the State record of his marriage and in "Binney Family" his name is given as " Omar." (Hingham Records; Hist.'of Hingham; Binney Family.) Child, born at Dorchester, Mass. : a. Catherine-Lincoln, born Dec. 2, 1859; living, 1885, unmarried. aabcd dh. Catherine-Kilby-Thaxter, born Aug. 29, 1825; died March 29, 1904, at Boston, unmarried. aabce a. Peter, son of Frederick (Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Tabitha (Whitmarsh) Lincoln of Weymouth, Mass., born Jan. 3, 1780, at Weymouth; died Sept. 21, 1839, at Wey- mouth, where he had lived. He was a shoemaker. He married, June 14, 1812, at Weymouth, Anna®, daughter of Urban^ (John'^, John^ ?, Edward^ ?, Edward^ ?)t and Hannah (Holbrook) Bates of Weymouth, born Aug. 21, 1783, at Wey- mouth; died May 31, 1861, at Weymouth, *'aged 77 years, 9 months, 7 days," say the Mass. Vital Records, which would ♦"Doane Family" says William-Edward was born Dec. 2, 1848, and calls Mary-Lincoln " Mary-Elizabeth." In the record of her marriage she is called Mary C. tThis line is made up from Weymouth records, but the first three generations are yet to be proved. SIXTH GENERATION 255 make her born Aug. 6, 1783. (Weymouth Records; Mass. Vital Records; Bates Genealogy, p. 37.) Children, born at Weymouth: aabce aa. Peter-Whitmarsh, bapt. Sept. 2, 1813; died Oct. 17, 1813. aabce ab. Jairus-Beals, born March 23, 1815. aahce ac. Anna-Bates, born March 26, 1817; died Oct. 27, 1895, at Wey- mouth; married^ Apr. 10, 1839, at Weymouth, John^, son of Elkanah^ Elkanah^, Elkanah^, Johv?, Johv?, John^) and Anna (Lambert) Binney of Hingham, Mass., born May 1, 1816, at Hingham; died Oct. 2, 1890, at Weymouth. They Hved at Weymouth. He was a "shoe-cutter." (Weymouth Records; Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 81; Family of Nathaniel Clarke, p. 80; Binney Family, pp. 104, 160.) Children, born at Weymouth: a. Sarah, born 1840; died Sept. 4, 1841. b. John-Francis, \ , ^^„ ,yr„,, o lo/to. / mar. Lizzie-Herbert Ray. c. Fanny-May, / ^^'^ ^^^ ^' ^^^2' I died Aug. 27, 1842. d. Eliza- Ann, born Dec. 7, 1843; mar. Augustus Clarke. aabce ad. Peter-Whitmarsh, born Aug. 2, 1820. aabce ae. Oliver, born March 20, 1824. aabce b. Frederick, son of Frederick (Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Tabitha (Whitmarsh) Lincoln of Weymouth, Mass., born Sept. 16, 1781, at Weymouth; died Aug. 17, 1846, at Boston, Mass. He was a bricklayer by trade and lived at Boston on Prince street. He married (1), Nov. 25, 1802, at Boston, Hepzibah, daughter of Gibbins and Elizabeth (Scammell) Bouve of Boston, born 1777; died Oct. 14, 1831, at Boston, ''aged 54 years," and was buried at Weymouth. The gravestones of Mr. Alexander Scammell and his wife Mary are in Copps Hill cemetery, Boston. He died Dec. 27, 1766, aged 64; she died Aug. 15, 1760, aged 57. They were probably grandparents of Hepzibah Bouve. Gibbins Bouve and Elizabeth Scammell were married Nov. 28, 1765, at Boston and were undoubtedly parents of Hepzibah (notice the names of her children: Alexander- Scammell, Elizabeth-Scammell and Oliver-Gibbins). Alexander Scammell married (2) Elizabeth Lithcoe, intentions published December, 1760, at Boston, and in his will dated Sept. 12, 1766, names: wife Elizabeth, daughter Susannah Rust wife of Na- thaniel Rust, and daughter Elizabeth Bovey. He married (2), May 22, 1832, at Boston, Mrs. EHza (Hyler) Holbrook, widow of Silas Holbrook of Weymouth who died Dec. 6, 1824, at Weymouth, aged 23 years. He was son of 256 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Samuel Holbrook, and his intentions of marriage to Eliza Hyler of Boston were published at Weymouth, March 20, 1824. They had a daughter, Eliza-Ann Holbrook, who married Albert Man- ning of Boston. Mrs. Eliza Lincoln is said to have gone West after her husband's death, and his grandchildren know nothing of her. She did not get on well with her step-children. The will of Frederick Lincoln, bricklayer, dated Aug. 4, 1846, probated Sept. 28, 1846, names: ''my four children George-Han- del Lincoln, Alexander-Scammell Lincoln, Elizabeth Gushing now the wife of Samuel Gushing, and Garoline Snelling now the wife of Enoch Snelling''; also ''beloved wife EHza Lincoln," who was made residuary legatee and executrix. (Boston Rec- ords; Weymouth Records; Suffolk Gounty Probate Records, vol. cxliv^, p. 109; Family Bible with Mrs. Bernard- Whitman Lawrence, aahce bhh.) Ghildren, by first wife, born at Boston: aabce ha. Elizabeth-Scammell, born Jan. 23, 1803; died Nov. 1, 1876, at Boston, "aged 73 years, 4 months, 7 days," say Mass. Vital Records, but her age is incorrectly given. She married, Jan. 30, 1823, at Boston (Boston Records), Samuel-Nichols, son of Samuel-Nichols and Patience (Singleton) Gushing of Boston, born July 14, 1799, at Boston (Ibid.); died Apr. 1, 1867, at Scituate (Family Records). Mr. Gushing was a shipwright, at one time in partnership with Jairus Pratt. They went into voluntary bankruptcy Aug. 9, 1842, by petition dated May 28, 1842. (Suffolk Gounty Deeds, vol. cdxcii, fol. 106.) He was living, Nov. 18, 1846, at Boston, when with his wife he gave a mortgage on an estate on Prince street. {Ibid., vol. dlxvii, fol. 264.) He separated from his wife and went to hve at Scituate, where he djed. He is buried at Woodlawn cemetery, Boston. The petition for probate of the will of Elizabeth S. Gushing, late of Boston, widow, says she died Nov. 1, 1876, leaving as next of kin: Elizabeth, wife of WilHam H. Jennison of Glouces- ter; Ann M., wife of John H. Putnam of Boston; Sarah E. Gushing of Boston; Frederick O. Gushing of Plymouth; and Martin V. B. Gushing of Marblehead, all children. These children are all named in her will, dated Dec. 2, 1874. (Suffolk Gounty Probate Records, vols, cdxci, p. 396; cdxcii, p. 31.) Mr. Gushing lived on Prince street in Boston. Ghildren, born at Boston: a. Elizabeth, born Apr. 9, 1824; mar. William H. Jennison of Gloucester. b. Ann-Maria, born June 27, 1826; mar. John-Howard Putnam. c. Sarah, born Feb. 9, 1828; died May 10, 1839. d. Ellen, born Aug. 27, 1830; died July 16, 1837. e. Frederick-Oliver, born Feb. 1, 1832; mar. Frances -Elizabeth Gurrant. /. Garoline-Hepzibah, born May 17, 1833; died Jan. 17, 1853, unmarried. SIXTH GENERATION 257 g. Martin- Van Buren, h. Thomas-Bouve, ► born Sept. 28, 1838; mar. Elizabeth Thompson, died Sept. 17, 18 6 2, unmar- ried; killed at the battle of Antietam. i. Sarah-Ellen, born Feb. 28, 1841; living 1912, unmarried. j. James-Knox-Polk, born Nov. 27, 1844; died March 26, 1874, unmarried. aabce bh. Frederick-Oliver, born Feb. 25, 1805; died July 8, 1830, at Matanzas, Cuba, of yellow fever, unmarried. aabce be. Alexander-Scammel, born Apr. 14, 1807; died after 1888 in the West, unmarried. He had a college education and became a teacher of music. It is thought by the family that he removed to Illinois. aabee bd. Maria H., born Feb. 20, 1809; died Oct. 9, 1809. aabee be. Maria H., born Aug. 20, 1810; died May 31, 1832, at Boston, unmarried, and was buried at Weymouth. aabce bf. Thomas-Bouve, born Feb. 25, 1814. He went to sea as a sailor when a young man and never returned. So far as the family know he never married, aabce bg. George-Frederick-Handel, born Jan. 8, 1816. aabce bh. Caroline-Matilda, born Aug. 30, 1818; died June 9, 1909, at Boston; married, March 24, 1845, at Boston (by Rev. Sebastian Streeter), Enoch-Howes, son of Enoch-Howes and Sarah-Dargue (Jones) Snelling of Boston, born Sept. 8, 1816, at Boston; died Nov. 24, 1877, at South Scituate, Mass. He was a painter and glazier and lived at Boston. (Boston Records; Mass. Vital Records; Mrs. Bernard- Whitman Lawrence, aabce bhb.) Children, born at Boston: a. James-Fowler, born May 16, 1847; hving, 1912, unmarried; in California. b. Edith-Louisa, born Sept. 28, 1851; mar. Bernard- Whitman Lawrence. c. Carrie-Maria, born Nov. 23, 1859; living, 1912, unmarried. aabce bi. Oliver-Gibbins, born Aug. 20, 1821; died March 21, 1824. He is also called " George-Gibbins " in the family Bible, which is owned by Mrs. Bernard-Whitman Lawrence. He was buried at Copps Hill burying ground. No. 68. (Boston Records.) aabce c. Ezekiel, son of Frederick (Jonathan, Samuel^ Samuel, Samuel) and Tabitha (Whitmarsh) Lincoln of Weymouth, Mass., born March 17, 1783, at Weymouth; died Nov. 20, 1839, at Boston, Mass., ''aged 57 years." He died of small-pox and was buried at Weymouth. He lived at Boston and was by oc- cupation a mason. He married, intentions published Nov. 9, 1808, at Boston, Elizabeth^, daughter of John^ (John^, John^, Thomas^) and Elizabeth (Gould) Fillebrown of Hull, Mass., and Boston, born 17 "258 LINCOLN GENEALOGY March 9, 1782, at Hull; died Aug. 29, 1870, at Charlestown, Mass. They were living, in 1813, on Prince street, Boston, and she was still living there in 1848, at Number 56, (Boston Rec- ords; Mass. Vital Records; Hull Records; Fillebrown Genealogy, p. 22.) Children, born at Boston: aabce ca. Elizabeth-Fillebrown, born 1810; died June 30, 1880, at Boston in the "Old Ladies Home." She married, May 9, 1848, at Boston, by Rev. Sebastian Streeter, WiUiam Sinclair of Boston. He was a widower when he married her, but no further information has been obtained of him. They had no children. aabce cb. William, born 1812. aabce cc. Augusta, born about 1815. She married, in California, Captain George Claxton, a sea captain of California, of whom nothing is known. She died in California without children. (Family Records.) aabce cd. John-Fillebrown, born March 9, 1817. aabce ce. Louisa- Jane, born Dec. 26, 1820; died Aug. 29, 1906, at Boston in the "Home for Aged Women," and is buried at Chelsea, Mass. She married, Feb. 27, 1839, at Boston, James-Lawrence Fowler, who was born in 1817 in Maine and died Jan. 30, 1885, at Somerville, Mass. He was a pilot. (Mass. Vital Records.) Children: a. Franklin, born Jan. 16, 1842; mar. Beatrice B. Gurney. h. Edith, born December, 1843; died July 14, 1846. aabce cf. Emeline, died Feb. 17, 1857, at West Roxbury, Mass.; married, Sept. 26, 1841, at Boston, by Rev. Sebastian Streeter, Willard-Fairbanks, son of Richard and Mary (Holbrook) Lethbridge of Roxbury, Mass., born at Roxbury; died March 13, 1855, at Charlestown, Mass. He was a paper-hanger and Uved at West Roxbury. (Boston Records; Family Records of Willard-Henry Lethbridge; Shattuck Memorials, p. 209.) Children, born: a, b at Boston; c at West Roxbury: a. Susan-Fairbanks, born Dec. 12, 1842; died Jan. 26, 1888, un- married. b. Willard-Henry, born Oct. 10, 1845; hving, 1912, unmarried. c. Franklin, born July 26, 1853; died Apr. 9, 1890, unmarried. aabce eg. Henry, removed to Orange, N. J., and was a teacher of music there. He married but had no children. His widow is said to have been hving in 1913, in New York City. aabce f. Lot-Whitmarsh, son of Frederick (Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Tabitha (Whitmarsh) Lincoln of Weymouth, Mass., born May 29, 1790, at Weymouth; died Aug. 28, 1861, at Weymouth. Massachusetts Vital Records in recording his death call him "single." "History of Hingham," vol. ii, p. 470, says he died August 29. Weymouth church rec- ords give the date of birth of the "wife of Lot W. Lincoln" as 1789. I SIXTH GENERATION 259 He married, May 9, 1824, at Boston, by Rev. Paul Dean, Lucinda, daughter of Sylvanus and Elizabeth (Graham) Gates of Spencer, Mass., born July 28, 1791, at Spencer; died March 27," 1826, at Boston, Mass., and was buried at Roxbury, Mass. In his marriage record Mr. Lincoln is called *'of Hingham," but he was probably living at Boston, and he continued to live there until after his wife's death. He eventually returned to Wey- mouth and was living there when he died. (Boston Records; Weymouth Records; Spencer Records; Stephen Gates and Descendants, pp. 75, 146.) Child, born at Boston: aabce fa. Lucinda, born 1825; died March 26, 1851, at Chelsea, Mass.; married, March 29, 1846, at Boston, by Rev. Sebastian Streeter, Francis, son of Francis and Dolly (Crosby) Low of Brewster, Mass., born May 29, 1824, at Brewster. (Brewster Records, also recorded as May 21.) In the Boston record of their marriage she is called "Lucinda G.," so perhaps her full name was Lucinda-Gates Lincoln. Mr. Low was a rigger in company with his father, Francis, and his brother William on Union wharf, Boston, in 1857, when he is named in his father's will. (Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. clviii, p. 436.) He married (2), Apr. 8, 1852, at Boston, Mrs. Margaret (Robinson) PhilUps, daughter of Andrew and Sarah Robinson of Geneseo, N. Y., where she was born about 1827. By her he had certainly one child t Charlotte F., born Feb. 21, 1853, at Chelsea. Mr. Low Uved at Chelsea. (Mass. Vital Records.) Child, born at Chelsea: a. Albert F., born Dec. 7, 1850. aabce h. Jairus, son of Frederick (Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Tabitha (Whitmarsh) Lincoln of Wey- mouth, Mass., born Nov. 15, 1792, at Weymouth; died Nov. 14, 1870, at Hingham, Mass. He removed to Hingham and was a ''shipmaster," living on North street near Thaxter street. He is called in ''History of Hingham" "Jairus B" and perhaps as- sumed the "B" to distinguish him from other Jairus Lincolns of entirely different families, who were cotemporaries of his in Hingham. In 1863 and 1864, he was president of the Boston Marine Society. He married (1), Sept. 4, 1821, at Weymouth, Jane^, daughter of EzekieP (Jonathan"^, Samuel^, Samuel^, Samuel^) and Jane (Lincoln) Lincoln of Hingham, aabch b, his own cousin, born Apr. 11, 1789, at Hingham; died Apr. 15, 1852, at Hingham. He married (2), May 2, 1856, at Boston, Mass. (Mass. Vital 260 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Records say Apr. 30), Sarah-James^, daughter of SamueP (James^, David^, David^, Jacoh^, Johv}) and Abigail (James) Beal of Boston, born Nov. 28, 1812, at Boston; died June 22, 1890, at Hingham, ''aged 77 years, 6 months, 25 days." (Weymouth Records; Mass. Vital Records; Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, pp. 53-69, 473.) Mr. Lincoln's will, dated Oct. 18, 1869, probated Nov. 28, 1870, names: wife Sarah J.; son-in-law Henry L. Fearing; sister Lucy Lincoln; three grandchildren, Sarah-Jane, Samuel-James and Edwin-Thayer Fearing. (Plymouth County Probate Rec- ords, vol. cxl, p. 124.) Children, born probably at Hingham: adbce ha. Jane-Russell, born 1826; died May 7, 1864, at Boston, aged 37 years, according to her gravestone in Hingham cemetery. She married, Oct. 16, 1856, at Hingham, Henry-Lincoln^, son of Hawkes^ {Hawkes°, Hawkes*, John^, IsraeP, Joh'n}), and Matilda (Wilder) Fearing of Hing- ham, see aachh h, born Nov. 2, 1832, at Hingham; died Jan, 3, 1886, at Boston. Mr. Fearing was a merchant and lived at Hingham and at Boston. His business was ship-chandlery. In rehgion he was a staunch Unitarian. He married (2), Dec. 13, 1865, at Boston, Helen- Augusta, daughter of Rev. Henry-Adolphus and Augiista-Holyoke (Moore) Miles of Hingham, born Sept. 6, 1840, at Lowell, Mass.; hving, 1912, at Newton, ^- Mass. (Mass. Vital Records.) Children, born: a at Hingham; h, c at Boston. a. Sarah-Jane, born July 10, 1858; died Jan. 11, 1896, unmarried. b. Samuel-James, born Nov. 19, 1859; mar. Mary-Belle Connors. c. Edwin-Thayer, born Nov. 30, 1861; mar. Alice-Choate In- graham. aabce Kb. Samuel-James, born August, 1829; died Feb. 8, 1855, unmarried, "aged 25 years, 6 months." (Mass. Vital Records.) aabcf a. Royal, son of Royal {Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Jerusha (Waterman) Lincoln of Gorham, Me., born Oct. 18, 1779, at Hingham, Mass. ; died Sept. 5, 1865, at Port- land, Me., where he had lived. He was a ''dry-goods merchant." He married, Jan. 28, 1805, at Portland, by Rev. Elijah Kel- logg, Harriet^, daughter of Capt. William^ (Bryce^) and Jane McLellan of Portland, born 1779; died Sept. 27, 1847, at Portland, aged 69 years. Harriet's mother, Jane, was Capt. McLellan's third wife. (Portland Records.) Children, born at Portland: aabcf aa. Jane, born Oct. 31, 1805; died March 1, 1879, at Rockland, Me., unmarried. SIXTH GENERATION 261 aahcj ah. Harriet-McLellan, born Jan. 23, 1807; died June 8, 1893, at li Portland; married, Sept. 28, 1829, at Portland, William-Dodge, son of Stephen and Rebecca (Dodge) Little of Portland, born Apr. 14, 1807, at Portsmouth, N. H.; died June 5, 1893, at Portland. They were buried on the same day. He was a dry-goods merchant and, later, in the com- mission and insurance business. He was county treasurer, president of the Common Council, and a member of the State legislature. They lived at Portland. (Family Records; Portland Records; Little Genealogy, p. 422, which says she was born Jan. 27.) Children, born at Portland: a. Henry-Augustus, born May 4, 1831; mar. Mary-Ann Knight. h. Martha-Merrill, born July 2, 1833 ; mar. John-Edward Currier. c. Joseph- Vaill, born Oct. 20, 1834; died Dec. 25, 1835. d. Thomas-Jones, born Feb. 9, 1837; mar. AmeHa Hixon. e. Cornelia- Woodhull, born Apr. 6, 1839; mar. (1) Sargent- Prentiss Coe; (2) Joseph-Hale Coffin. /. Emily-Shaw, born July 25, 1840; died Apr. 16, 1844. g. Harriet-Lincoln, born Jan. 24, 1842; mar. James- Watt Steven- son. h. Jane-Lincoln, born Sept. 4, 1843; mar. Francis-Hale Coffin. i. William-Frederick, born May 28, 1845; mar. Helen Graham. aadcf ac. Royal- Waterman, born Aug. 25, 1809. aabcf ad. Elizabeth-Hopkins, born June 24, 1811; died Sept. 21, 1894, at Eugene, Ore.; married, before 1856, Alonzo A. Skinner, who was born in Ohio and died about 1877, in Oregon. They lived at Eugene. He was admitted to the bar at Ravenna, Portage county, Ohio, in 1840; was commissioned prosecuting attorney of Putnam county, Ohio, in 1842; removed to Oregon and was circuit judge of that territory in 1846; in 1851 he was an Indian agent; and in 1866-8 he was associate justice of the supreme court of the State of Oregon. They had no children of their own but adopted two daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Sawyer, aabcf ah, Louisa-Harding and Emma-Maria. (Oregon Hist. Soc'y Quarterly, vol. ii, p. 330; Records of Reuben-Frank Sawyer, aabcf ahf.) ! aadcf ae. William- Waterman, born Apr. 16, 1814. aabcf af. Mary, born March 27, 1816; died January, 1824. aabcf ag. Sophia-Merrill, born Aug. 10, 1818; died Feb. 14, 1889, at Eu- gene, Ore.; married, Feb. 2, 1854, at Portland, Me., George-Frederick- Mellen^, son of George^ (John^) and Lydia-Hersey (Barnes) Coe of Port- land, born June 22, 1829, at Portland; died May 24, 1869, at Portland. He was a soldier in the Civil war. He was a painter by trade and lived at Portland. (Portland Records; Family Records.) Child, born at Portland: a. Harriet-Lincoln, born 1856; diied July 23, 1875, at Portland, unmarried, "aged 19 years." (Portland Records.) aabcf ah. Anna-Louisa, born Jan. 17, 1820; died May 6, 1865, at Bath, Me.; married, May 31, 1847, at Portland, but family records say June 1, Reuben, son of Nathan and Harriet (Little) Sawyer of Portland, born Feb. 25, 1822, at Portland; died Nov. 8, 1863, at Detroit, Mich. He was a captain in the third Maine regiment of infantry in the Civil war and, afterwards, in the invalid corps at Detroit. He was a book-binder and merchant, and lived at Portland and at Bath. (Portland Records ; Family Records.) 262 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Children, born at Bath (Bath records give sUghtly different dates): a. Julia-Putnam, bom May 22, 1848; mar. Daniel-Henry Towle. h. David-Tilden-Stinson, born July 14, 1851; died July 26, 1859. c. Louisa-Harding, born Jan. 17, 1853; mar. (1) Edward Barrett; (2) Charles St. Clair. d. Emma-Maria, born Aug. 16, 1854; mar. Charles A. Winchester, e. Frank-Lincoln, born Nov. 28, 1859; died Sept. 13, 1862. /. Reuben-Frank, born Jan. 29, 1864; Uving, 1911, at Portland, unmarried. aabcf d. Cotton, son of Royal {Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Jerusha (Waterman) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., and Gorham and Cornish, Me., born Nov. 23, 1785, at Hingham; died Apr. 17, 1846, at Cornish. Mr. Lincoln settled at Cornish in 1815, and lived there until his death. He kept a general store and ran a mill. His house is now, 1910, a hotel. He married, July 30, 1818, at Cornish, Betsey, daughter of Joseph-Miller and Betsey (Chadbourn) Thompson of Cornish, born March 20, 1786, at Sanford, Me.; died May 27, 1875, at Cornish, according to the date on her gravestone, but her grand- daughter, Fanny-Clark Lincoln, says she died May 25, 1874. She and her husband are buried at Cornish, their gravestones reading as follows: "Cotton Lincoln % died % April 17, 1846 % AE 60 y'rs." ''Betsey Thompson { wife of t Cotton Lincoln t died J May 27 1875 X AE 89 yrs.^' Betsey's father and mother are also buried in Cornish cemetery and, as the town records of Cornish have been burned, the in- scriptions are here given: ''Joseph M. Thompson t born in Exeter, N. H. t Nov. 12, 1751 t was a soldier of the J revolution, in the battle % of Bunker Hill, and first % settler of this place % died % Nov. 18, 1840.'' "Betsey, wife of % Joseph M. Thompson % born in Sanford % Oct. 6, 1751 I died % Sept. 28, 1827." (Family Records; Grave- stones.) Children, born at Cornish: aabcf da. Thompson, born Apr. 30, 1819. aahcf db. Sarah-Jane, born Feb. 2, 1821; died Sept. 7, 1904, at San Francisco, Calif., whither she had gone to live with her daughter. She married, Nov. 10, 1839, at Cornish, Daniel-Wilson, son of John and Abigail (Wilson) O'Brion of Cornish, born Aug. 10, 1810, at Cornish; died Oct. 12, 1896, at Cornish, where he and his wife are buried. He lived at Port- SIXTH GENERATION 265 land, Fryeburg and Cornish, Me., and was a merchant. (Gravestones; Family Records.) Children, born at Fryeburg: a. Ellen, born Sept. 14, 1840; died Jan. 14, 1843, "aet. 2 y'rs 3m." b. Clara-Ellen, born Nov. 25, 1843 ; mar. Dr. William F. Southard, c. Charles-Carroll, born Feb. 2, 1849; mar. Hattie-Ehza Bailey. aabcf dc. Martha-Elizabeth, born March 13, 1823; living, 1912, at Los Angeles, Calif.; married, May 24, 1846, at Hiram, Me., Benjamin- FrankHn, son of Benjamin and Ehza (Jewett) Bucknall of Hiram, born Oct. 21, 1821, at Hiram; died March 19, 1859, at Centerville, Cahf ., where they had lived. Both he and his wife were physicians. (Family Records.) Children, born at Centerville: a. Frances, born Feb. 25, 1856; mar. John Reed of Los Angeles. h. Benetta, born Sept. 13, 1857; died May 2, 1861. aabcf dd. Oscar, born Oct. 7, 1824; died Nov. 17, 1894, at Augusta, Me., but is buried at Cornish. His gravestone bears no dates. He was educated as a physician and practised his profession at Prescott, Ariz. He never married. aabcf de. Ann-Lucette, born Jan. 27, 1826; died at San Francisco, Calif.; married, in 1855, at Cornish, Ezra, son of Amos and Betsey (Andrews) Towle of Freedom, N. H., born March 16, 1826, at Freedom; died at Red Bluffs, Colo., after his wife's death. He was a trader. He lived first at Freedom but removed after 1858 to Murphy's, Calif., but returned to Cornish. Later he went back to CaUfornia and hved at San Francisco or Oakland until his wife's death, when he went to Red Bluffs to live with a brother. (Family Bible with Miss Fanny-Clark Lincoln; New Hampshire Records; Family Records.) Children, born: a at Freedom, N. H.; 6 at Centerville, Calif.: a. Edward, born February, 1856; died October, 1858, "aet. 2 years." b. Nellie-Lincoln, born June 17, 1860; mar. WilHam Powell. aabcg d. Rufus- Warren, son of Beza (Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Sarah (Ward) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., 'born Oct. 10, 1787, at Hingham; died June 21, 1865, at Hing- ham. He lived at Hingham on North street, nearly opposite Hobart's bridge. He was a ''mason" by occupation and later a trader and afterwards had an interest in the mackerel fisheries. In 1842, he was appointed postmaster, which office he held for sleven years. He married, Oct. 1, 1820, Damietta-Dennison, daughter of Salma and Abigail (Monroe) Clapp of Chesterfield, Mass., born March 8, 1802, at Chesterfield, though the record of her death says she was born at Boston; died June 2, 1889, at Hingham, 'aged 87 years, 2 months, 25 days." (Mass. Vital Records.) Her father was born at Chesterfield, but her mother was a Qative of Roxbury, Mass. Mr. Lincoln had his name changed, 264 LINCOLN GENEALOGY March 6, 1810, from ''Rufus" to ''Ruf us- Warren," he being then of Boston. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 473; Family Bible; Mass. Vital Records.) Children, born at Hingham: aabcg da. Sarah- Ward, born May 5, 1821; died Sept. 7, 1904, at Hingham, unmarried. aabcg db. Beza-Holbrook, born March 13, 1823. aabcg dc. Rufus- Warren, born June 8, 1825. aabcg dd. Damietta-Clapp, born June 18, 1827; died Sept. 6, 1906, at Cin- cinnati, Ohio, unmarried. After the death of her sisters she sold the old house and went to live with her niece, Mrs. Ozro-Meacham Fish, aabcg deb. aabcg de. George-Bronson, born Nov. 10, 1829. aabcg df. Lucy-Ann-Lombard, born Aug. 21, 1831; died Jan. 11, 1893, or 1894, at Hingham, unmarried. aabcg dg. Amasa-Lyman, born Sept. 22, 1833. aabcg dh. Mary-Tidmarsh, born Nov. 27, 1836; died Sept. 13, 1904, at Hingham; married, Sept. 14, 1862, at Hingham, Francis- Winsor, son of Winsor, 2d, and Mary G. Hatch of Worcester, Mass., born July 30, 1838, at Worcester; died, it is said, after 1900, at Worcester, but his death is not recorded there. In 1862, he was a produce merchant in Boston and, later, a grain commission merchant, but lived at Hingham. They had no children. aabch d. Ezekiel, son of Ezekiel (Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Jane (Lincoln) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born July- Si, 1796, at Hingham; died January 3, 1869, at Worcester, Mass. He passed an active business life at Philadelphia, Pa., and was the founder of the first steamship line between Philadelphia and Boston, the predecessor of what was known later as the Winsor Line. Towards the end of his life he returned to Hingham, and lived on Main street, near the old meeting house. He married, Nov. 4, 1835, at Boston, Mass., Mary-Fleet®, daughter of Ephraim^ (Andrew"^, Andrew^, Andrew^, Andrew^) and Mary (Fleet) Ehot of Boston, born Nov. 10, 1808, at Boston according to Boston records, but ''Eliot Family" says Oct. 11. She died Apr. 9, 1897, at Hingham. Mrs. Lincoln's grandfather, Rev. Andrew Ehot, was eminent as a patriot and divine. Many of his letters are preserved in the collections of the Massachusetts Historical Society. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, pp. 473-4; Eliot Family, p. 45; Daughters of the Am. Revolution, vols, i, p. 361; iii, p. 158; v, p. 308; Boston Records; Mass. Vital Records; Bos- ton Evening Transcript, Apr. 30, 1910.) SIXTH GENERATION 265 Children, born: a at Boston; h-e at Philadelphia: aahch da. Mary-Eliot, born Sept. 6, 1836; died Dec. 19, 1909, at Pasadena, Calif., unmarried. She lived with her parents, at or near Philadelphia, until 1866, when she removed with them to Massachusetts, making her home in Hingham. After her mother's death she spent some time in Europe and, 1906, removed to Pasadena where she passed three quiet, happy years among congenial friends. She was active in charitable and missionary societies and was a charter member of Old Colony Chapter, D. A. R., of Hingham. She possessed unusual abihty as an organist. adbch dh. Katharine-Russell, born July 23, 1838; Hving, 1915, at Los Angeles, Calif,; married, Oct. 25, 1864, at Philadelphia, Charles-Henry, son of Charles-Henry and Alice-Burrington (Wight) Alden of Bristol, R. I., born Apr. 28, 1836, at Philadelphia; died June 7, 1906, at Pasadena, Calif., and is buried in the National cemetery at Arlington, Va. He graduated at Brown University in 1856, and received the degree of M. D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1858. In June, 1859, he was employed under contract in the medical department of the United States army, and in the following Jime was commissioned as- sistant surgeon. From that time he served continuously, passing through various grades of the department, until his retirement, on account of age, Apr. 28, 1900, from the grade of assistant surgeon general, with the rank of colonel. In 1904, he was promoted to the rank of brigadier general. In July, 1859, he accompanied the troops to New Mexico and served in the Navajo campaign. In July, 1861, he was taken prisoner by the Confederates near Las Cruces, N. M., but was subsequently released on parole and was ordered to duty in the surgeon general's office at Wasliington. He was released from parole in October, 1862, and from that time was actively engaged with the medical work of the army until the end of the war. In 1867, he was in the field in Wyoming with the 30th Infantry and, after service in various parts of the West, in 1877 accompanied the Nez Perce expedition and was present at the battles of Clearwater and Kamiah. From November, 1877, until the spring of 1882, he was with the army medical board in New York and, after a short service in Dakota and Minnesota, went to the Military Academy at West Point. In 1888, he was made medical director of the depart- ment at Dakota and in August, 1890, was a delegate to the tenth inter- national cQngress at Berlin. From August, 1893, until his retirement he was stationed at Washington as principal assistant to the surgeon gene'ral, and was in charge of the hospital corps. He was first president of the Army Medical School, founded in 1893, and his lecture on the "Duties of Medical Officers" is regarded as a standard. In November, 1896, he was a delegate to the Pan-American medical congress in Mexico, and in September, 1899, was elected president of the Association of the MiUtary Surgeons of the United States. After his retirement he con- tinued to live in Washington until 1903, when ill health compelled his removal to Pasadena, where he continued to live until his death. (Wash- ington Evening Star, Apr. 28, 1900; The Wights, p. 114; Family Records.) Children, born: a at Philadelphia, Pa.; h at Hingham, Mass.; c at Fort Gratiot, Mich.; d at Walla Walla, Wash.: a. Alice-Wight, born Nov. 27, 1865; unmarried, 1915. h. Charles-Henry, born Sept. 27, 1867; unmarried, 1915. 266 LINCOLN GENEALOGY c. Mary-Lincoln, born March 3, 1872; died Jan. 19, 1879. d. Eliot, born Dec. 12, 1874; mar. Etta Estill. aahch dc. Helen-Frances, born Nov. 30, 1839; died Aug. 26, 1867, at Dublin, N. H.; married, June 1, 1864, at Philadelphia, Charles- Willing, son of William and Louisa (Brooks) Duane of Philadelphia, born Dec. 20, 1837, at Philadelphia; died June 19, 1915, at Ventnor, N. J. He was a direct descendant of Benjamin Franklin; William J. Duane, former Secretary of the Treasury; Richard Bache, former Postmaster General; John Inskeep, former mayor of Philadelphia; Colonel William Duane, who commanded the troops near Philadelphia in the war of 1812; and on his mother's side, of Samuel Brooks, a noted Philadelphia merchant. Mr. Duane graduated at the University of Pennsylvania in 1858 and then entered the Episcopal Seminary at Alexandria, where he was a classmate of Phillips Brooks, of whom he became a lifelong friend. Dur- ing an active life of fifty years in the ministry he was successively rector of Trinity parish, Swedesboro, N. J.; Zion Church, Philadelphia; St. Andrew's Church, West Philadfelphia ; and Christ Church, Boston, Mass., of which he was rector for seventeen years, and while at Boston was annual lecturer at Trinity Church under the Price Foundation. During the latter part of his life he traveled extensively, both in this country and abroad, and retired from active work in the ministry in 1909. He married (2), Sept. 1, 1870,. at Weymouth, Mass., his first wife's sister, Emma-Cushman Lincoln, who survived him. (Philadelphia PubUc Ledger, June 20, 1915.) Children, born at Swedesboro . a. Virginia, born Apr. 25, 1865; died May 21, 1865. 6. Russell, born June 15, 1866; mar. Mary-Burnside Morris. aahch dd. Emma-Cushman, born June 12, 1843; living, 1915, at Philadelphia; married, Sept. 1, 1870, at Weymouth, Mass., Rev. Charles- Willing Duane, who had previously married her sister, Helen-Frances. (See her record.) Children, born at Swedesboro : a. William, born Feb. 17, 1872; mar. Caroline-Ehse Ravenel. h. Helen-Frances, born Jan. 26, 1874; died Jan. 26, 1879. c. Louisa, born Jan. 9, 1879; mar. Bodine Wallace. aahch de. George-Russell, born March 9, 1848; died Sept. 29, 1913, at Paris, France, unmarried. He was graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as a mining engineer in 1871, and from 1873 to 1881 was connected with the Pennsylvania Steel Works at Harrisburg, Pa., as head of its chemical department. Subsequently he became con- nected with a steel company at Pittsburgh, where he remained until 1892, when he was appointed instructor in chemistry at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, which position he held until 1897, when he removed to Europe, passing his winters in London, Paris and Berlin and his summers in Switzerland, devoting much of his time to historical research. (Harrisburg, Pa., Patriot, Oct. 2, 1913.) aabcj c. Samuel, son of John (Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Bethia (Thaxter) Lincoln of Gorham, Me., born June 28, 1797, at Gorham (Gorham Records); died Sept. 20, 1870, at Portland, Me. (Portland Records.) He lived for some SIXTH GENERATION 267 years after his first marriage at West Gorham, where he was a ''trader." He removed, later, to Portland, where he went into trade and passed the rest of his life. (Hist, of Gorham, p. 203.) He married (1), July 8, 1827, Eliza, daughter of Daniel and Hannah (Clement) Fogg, born 1801; died Dec. 15, 1828, at Gorham, "aged 27 years," and is there buried. She had no children. He married (2), Dec. 30, 1830, at Westbrook, Me. (County Commissioners' Records), Jane-Robinson, daughter of Stephen and Barbara (Ross) Thomas of Portland, born July 1, 1800, at Portland; died Oct. 1, 1872, at Portland. She was widow of Stephen-Longfellow Lewis, whom she married Jan. 11, 1822, at Portland, and by whom she had two children: Tabitha and Mary. (Portland Records; Information of Mrs. Emily W. Oxnard, Portland.) Children, by second wife, born: a at Gorham; h at Portland: aahcj ca. Eliza, born December, 1831; died Oct. 19, 1833, at Gorham, "aged 1 year and 10 months." (Gravestone at Gorham; Gorham Records say "aged 22 months.") (wbcj cb. Edward-Ross, born Dec. 27, 1838; living, 1910, at Portland, where he has always lived. He was a sail maker. At the first call for troops in the Civil war he enlisted in Company A, 1st Maine infantry, as private and served for three months. In 1862, he was in the Quarter- master's department at Washington, as a tent maker, for three or four months. He married, Jan. 14, 1873, at Chelsea, Mass., Ellen, daughter of James and Lucy- Woodbury (Gushing) Dyer of Portland, born Oct. 25, 1835, at Portland; living 1910. They have had no children. (Record(S of Edward Ross Lincoln.) aabcj h. Levi-Thaxter, son of John {Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Bethia (Thaxter) Lincoln of Gorham, Me., born March 29, 1811, at Gorham; died July 27, 1886, at Augusta, Me. He lived, first, at Yarmouth, Me., and kept a hotel there until his marriage, when he gave up the hotel and kept a store until about 1868. He then removed to Portland and went into the wholesale grocery business, being a member of the firm of York & Lincoln. He married, Dec. 22, 1852, at Portland, by Rev. J. W. Chicker- ing, Mary- Ann, daughter of Nathaniel and Thankful ( [Burnham] Bagley) Brown of Portland, born Aug. 18, 1816, at Portland; 268 LINCOLN GENEALOGY died Aug. 25, 1899, at Falmouth, Me., aged 83 years and 10 days. She is buried at Deering, Me. (Portland Records; Records of Mrs. Carrie-Thaxter [Lincoln] Thurston, aabcj ha.) Children, born at Yarmouth: aahcj ha. Cakrie-Thaxter, born March 20, 1854; married Dec. 13, 1882, at Maiden, Mass., CharleSrBrown , son of Brown and Harriet (Chapman) Thurston of Portland, Me., born June 10, 1843, at Portland. They are living, 1910, at Portland. He enlisted, Dec. 2, 1861, as private in Com- pany H, 13th Maine infantry; was promoted sergeant Aug. 28, 1863; and was discharged Jan. 6, 1865. In 1870, he engaged in the ice business at Portland, from which he retired in 1906. From 1908 to 1911 he was city auditor of Portland. (Thurston Genealogy, 2d ed., p. 181; Family Records.) Children, born at Portland: a. Edwin-Brown, born Aug. 26, 1887; living, 1910, unmarried. b. Arthur-Lincoln, born Sept. 7, 1891; living, 1910, unmarried. aabcj hb. John-Robie, born Jan. 19, 1857. aabck b. Charles, son of Charles {Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Mary (Barry) Lincoln of Boston, Mass., born March 2, 1793, at Boston; died June 15, 1843, at Charlestown, Mass. (History of Hingham says June 16), having been murdered by a convict while he was warden of the Massachusetts State Prison. He received his education partly in Hingham and partly in Boston. He began his business career with his uncle, Samuel Barry, a hatter, and later continued for himself in the same business until he received the appointment, in 1828, of deputy warden in the State prison at Charlestown. In 1832, he was appointed warden of the prison, in which office he continued until his death. In personal appearance he greatly resembled his father. He was a man of unblemished character, of the strictest integrity, and devout religious faith. At the time of his death he was a member of the Winthrop Congregational Church (orthodox) of Charlestown. He was a member of the Boston Fusileers, of which company he had been ensign and heutenant and was a prominent candidate for the captaincy. (Records of Rev. Charles-Lincoln Morgan, aahck aa.) The ''Boston Post" for June 16, 1843, has the following account of his murder: ''Yesterday afternoon, the State Prison, at Charlestown, was the theatre of a most sudden and dreadful murder. A little after 5 o'clock, Mr. Lincoln, the warden, in company with Mr. Moses Jaquith, of this city, went into the shoemaker's shop for the SIXTH GENERATION 269 purpose of seeing a prisoner named Thorn on some private busi- ness, but just as Mr. Lincoln was about to speak to Thorn, Abner Rogers, another prisoner, who stood a httle behind Mr. L, stepped up, and plunged a shoe-knife into his back. Mr. L. then turned to face the assassin, who followed up the assault by- stabbing him in the neck. The blow severed the carotid artery, and Mr. L died almost instantly, without uttering a word. ''Before he received the mortal wound, he had raised his sword cane to Rogers, who, after striking the last time, dropped the knife and seized the cane. Several of the convicts spontaneously sprang to Mr. L's assistance, and wrested the cane from Rogers, whom they seized and secured, but not until the sword cane had been broken in the scuffle. ''Notwithstanding the sudden and astounding nature of the tragedy, no confusion arose in the shop. After lending the ne- cessary aid to Mr. Sargent, officer of the shop, and Mr. Jaquith, the prisoners returned to their employments. Rogers who is under sentence for six months as a second comer has been some- what refractory of late, and was yesterday forenoon subjected to the discipline of the shower bath. His present sentence will expire on the 29th of September." The "Boston Advertiser" of the same date says: "Mr. Lin- coln was a man remarkable for his mildness and suavity of demeanor, of sound integrity and high character, and had won the esteem of the Judges of our Courts, the officers with whom he was in contact, and of the whole community." He married (1), Nov. 15, 1821, at Dorchester, Mass., Martha- Blake, daughter of Nathaniel and Rachel (Wilde) Minott of Dorchester, born Jan. 12, 1799, at Dorchester; died Dec. 2, 1838, at Charlestown. (Dorchester Records; Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 471; Mass. Vital Records.) He married (2), June 9, 1840, at Charlestown, Mrs. Susan- Patterson (Coolidge) Low of Boston, daughter of Luther and Louisa (Patterson) Coolidge of Boston and widow of Isaiah Low of Boston, who died Nov. 7, 1834, at Beverly, Mass. She was born Sept. 29, 1806, at Boston and died Nov. 10, 1898, at Washington, D. C, where she had lived for many years. Isaiah Low was son of John and Elizabeth (Stone) Low of Beverly, where he was born Nov. 28, 1802. (Guild, Guile, Gile Family, 270 LINCOLN GENEALOGY p. 186; Beverly Records; Shattuck Memorials, p. 241; Charles- town Records; Information of James P. Low, Washington, D. C.) Children, by first wife, born a-d at Boston; e-h at Charles- town: aabck ba. Charles-Nathaniel-Minot, born Aug. 28, 1822. aabck bb. Martha-Elizabeth, born Sept. 8, 1823; died Dec. 9, 1898, at Jamaica Plain, Mass., unmarried. After her father's death she be- came a teacher in the Charlestown public schools, in which occupation she continued until failing health compelled her to retire. She passed the latter part of her life with her brother Charles. She was a member of the Central Congregational Church of Jamaica Plain. aabck be. Catherine-Wild, born Oct. 2, 1824; died Jan. 5, 1858, at East Boston. She was educated in the pubhc schools of Charlestown and, after her father's death, taught in the grammar school of Charlestown and then in East Boston, until her marriage. She was of an extremely independent and forceful character, sprightly, full of life, very fond of music and a good singer. She married, Apr. 13, 1857, at Charlestown, Elbridge-Kirkwood, son of John and Sylvia-Sampson (Turner) Sparrell of Medford, Mass., born Oct. 4, 1832, at Medford; died July 29, 1874, in the West. They Uved at East Bo^on. He was a surveyor in 1857. He married again, twice, but had no children. (Mass. Vital Records; Medford Records; Records of Rev. Charles-Lincoln Morgan.) aabck bd. William-Oliver, born June 5, 1827. aabck be. Sarah-Minot, born Oct. 9, 1828; married, Nov. 17, 1852, at Charlestown, Lawrence, son of Nichols and Anne (Cushing) Litchfield of Hingham, Mass., and East Boston, born Dec. 26, 1829, at Cohasset, Mass. They lived for many years at Jamaica Plain, Mass., and; later, at Cambridge, Mass., but in 1894 they were living in Philadelphia, Pa., and in 1911 they were again Uving in Cambridge. In the record of their marriage he is called "book-keeper." Later he became a contractor! and builder. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. iii, p. 22; Mass. Vital Records; New Eng. Hist. & Gen. Register, vol. ix, p. 218; Family Records.) Child, born at Jamaica Plain: a. Mary-Elizabeth, born May 9, 1854; unmarried, 1911. aabck bf . Henry-Barry, born Jan. 13, 1830. aabck bg. Harriet-Clementina, born Nov. 5, 1831; died June 5, 1896, at South Paris, Me.; married (1), May 10, 1855, at Charlestown, George- Washington, son of Parker and Hannah (Goldsmith) Whittle of Wolf- borough, N. H., born 1829, at WoKborough; died March 24, 1866, at Maiden, Mass. They lived at Charlestown and Maiden. He was a "varnisher" at the time of his marriage, "aged 26." She married (2), June 17, 1877, James P. Dunham. He was a farmer. They had no childl-en. (Mass. Vital Records; Records of Minot-Lincoln Whittle.) Children, by first husband, born at Charlestown: a. MiNOT-LiNCOLN Whittle, born Jan. 15, 1856; mar. Clara How. b. George-Grant Whittle, born March 10, 1865; died July 15, 1865. aabck bh. James-Francis, botn Apr. 13, 1836. SIXTH GENERATION 271 Child, by second wife, born at Charlestown: aahck hi. Caroline, born Nov. 13, 1841. She was christened "Susan- Caroline" but has dropped the "Susan." She married, Oct. 8, 1868, at Jamaica Plain, Mass., Phineas-Kellogg^, son of Calvin^ (Jesse^, Jacob*, Israel^, Samuel^, John^) and Sally (Kfellogg) Guild of Halifax, Vt., born March 9, 1827, at Halifax; died June 10, 1891, at Santa Barbara, Calif. At the age of 17 he left home on foot to seek employment as a teacher. Later he studied medicine, taking the degree of M. D. at the University Medical College of New York City in 1853, paying his way at intervals by teaching. He began the practice of medicine at Liberty, N. Y., but a year or two later took a post-graduate course at Woodstock, Vt., and thence removed to Plainfield, 111., where he had a large practice which he rehnquished to serve as assistant surgeon in the 52nd regiment, Illinois Volunteers, in the Civil war. Later he was surgeon of the 120th regiment. Compelled to resign his commission by reason of ill health, contracted at the siege of Vicksburg, he settled, in 1864, at Jamaica Plain, whence, after having acquired a large and successful practice, declining health caused his removal, in 1875, to Santa Barbara, where he continued to practise his profession until his death. Mrs. Lincoln took up the study of medicine at Hahnemann Medical College, San Francisco, and received the degree of M. D. in 1888. She practised her profession in Santa Barbara until her husband's death in 1891, when she removed to San Francisco, where she continued to practise it until 1906, when she and her family lost all their personal possessions by the earthquake and fire. She then gave up her profession and returned to Santa Barbara, where she is now, 1912, living. (Guild, Guile, Gile Family, p. 186; The Kelloggs, p. 398; Records of Mrs. CaroHne [Lincoln] Guild.) Children, born: a-c at Jamaica Plain; d at Shirley, Mass.; e at Santa Barbara, CaHf.: a. Bertha, born Sept. 5, 1869; living, 1911, unmarried. b. Mabel-Kellogg, born Jan. 24, 1871; living, 1911, unmarried. c. Emmelyn-Ticknor, born May 7, 1872; mar. George-Summers Lull. d. Phineas-Kellogg, born July 3, 1874; mar. Ahce Dewing. e. Almira-Hall, born Oct.* 22, 1879; mar. John McKeon. aabck f. Warren, son of Charles (Jonathan, Sainuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Mary (Barry) Lincoln of Boston, Mass., born Dec. 6, 1801, at Hingham, Mass.; died Apr. 12, 1885, at Boston. He finished his education at an early age and, having served an apprenticeship at the gilding and framing business with Kidder & Carter of Charlestown, Mass., set up in that business for himself, on Washington street, Boston, near Dock square. His work was of such superior quality that he greatly prospered, and through it he came into contact with many lead- ing artists of his time and became the owner of numerous fine *The Kellogg and Guild genealogies both erroneously say "November." The latter says "November 2, 1877." 272 LINCOLN GENEALOGY paintings. He was of slender frame and nervous temperament. He lived first on Unity street, corner of Tileston; then on Hull street; next on Salem street, near the North church; and finally on Appleton street. He bore a spotless reputation throughout his business career. Both he and his wife were members and conscientious supporters of the Unitarian church. He married, Jan. 1, 1828 (Boston records say 1829), at Charles- town, Nancy ^, daughter of Ebenezer® (Ehenezer', Aaron^, Aaron^, Hoses'^, Abraham}) and Sally (Bowers) Parker of Charlestown, born Nov. 6, 1806, at Charlestown; died Aug. 23, 1883, at Boston. ''The many graces of character and the warm sympathetic nature of his wife, Nancy, endeared her to every member of the family connection. Her resources for the entertainment of her friends, and especially for the children, every one of whom found a warm place in her heart, were inexhaustible." (Mass. Vital Records; Boston Records; Rev. Charles-Lincoln Morgan, aahck aa.) Administration on the estate of Warren Lincoln, last of Boston, who died Apr. 12, 1885, intestate, leaving no widow and as next of kin, Annie M. Wilbur, Boston, daughter; Evalina B. Foster, South Scituate, daughter; Susan B. Dodd, Boston, daughter; was granted to Joshua Lovett of Boston, Apr. 20, 1885. (Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. dlxix, p. 456.) Children, born at Boston: aahck fa. Caroline-Parker, born July 18, 1829; died Aug. 25, 1833, at Boston. aahck fb. Ann-Maria, born March 31, 1831 ; died March 21, 1906, at Boston; married, Sept. 7, 1854, at Woburn, Mass., Edward-Payson, son of Rev. Harvey-Backus and Anne (Toppan) Wilbur of Newburyport, Mass., born Dec. 24, 1832, at Newburyport; died Jan. 7, 1901, at Boston (Mass. Vital Records say Jan. 6), aged 68 years, 14 days. He began business in the fancy-goods line in Boston but, later, changed to commission business. He was a member of the Boston Common Council, 1872-4; was elected representative to the Legislature in 1883-4, and served two terms as State senator, 1885 and 1886, and two terms as civil service commissioner. They lived at Boston. (Mass. Vital Records; Rev. Charles-Lincoln Morgan.) Children, born at Boston: a. Edward-Lincoln, born Apr. 25, 1856; died Nov. 1, 1857. b. Elinor-Lincoln, born Sept. 28, 1858; died July 24, 1900, unmarried. aahck fc. Warren-Parker, born July 31, 1833; died Dec. 17, 1862, at Minneapolis, Minn., while a member of the 3rd regiment Minnesota t SIXTH GENERATION 273 infantry. He was educated in the Boston public schools and removed to Minneapolis about 1855. He was not married. aahck fd. Evalina-Barry, born March 22, 1836; married (1), Sept. 27, 1860, at Boston, Oliver-Fessenden, son of Oliver and Harriet (Robie) Lincoln of Boston, aabck ga, her own cousin. He was born Dec. 11, 1830, at Boston and died July 5, 1866, at Gorham, Me. He went upon several sea voyages and, in 1860, engaged in the fruit and produce business, in which he remained until his death. They had no children. She married (2), Apr. 13, 1873 (Mass. Vital Records say Apr. 8), at Boston, Seth Foster of Norwell, Mass., who first married her sister, Mary- Eliza, whose record consult. Mrs. EvaHna Foster was Hving, 1911, at Boston. (Foster Genealogy, pp. 949, 965; Family Records.) Child, born at Boston: a. Warren-Lincoln, born June 30, 1877; died Nov. 11, 1879. aabck fe. Susan-Beals, born Feb. 16, 1838; died July 23, 1911, at Brookline, Mass.; married, Nov. 20, 1865, at Boston, Horace, son of Benjamin and Maria M. (Faxon) Dodd of Boston, born Nov. 11, 1835, at Boston; living, 1911, at Brookline. He was educated in Boston public schools. In 1851, he entered into the employ of Edward Coverly & Son, dealers in hatters' goods. In 1863, he went into the wholesale clothing house of Chamberlin & Currier. In 1865, he became partner of G. P. Rowell to conduct an advertising agency and edit the "Dial." In 1867, he bought out his partner and conducted the business alone. (Mass. Vital Records; Family Records.) Child^ born at Charlestown, Mass.: a. George-Lincoln, born May 3, 1868; mar. Pauline-Isabelle Rowe. aabck ff. Mary-Eliza, born March 13, 1841 (Family records say March 14); died Aug. 20, 1872, at Boston; married, Jan. 1, 1867, at Boston (Mass. Vital Records say at South Scituate), Seth, son of Daniel and Relief (Sampson) Foster of Scituate, Mass., born Feb. 14, 1830, at Scituate; died Jan. 20, 1908, at Boston. He lived at Norwell, formerly South Scituate, Mass., and was, for many years, in the stage and express business on the route between North Marshfield and Boston. After 1854, he carried the United States mail. He married (2), Apr. 13, 1873, his first wife's sister, Evahna-Barry, by whom he had no children. (Mass. Vital Records; Foster Genealogy, pp. 949, 965; Scituate Records; Family Records.) Children, born: a at South Scituate; b at Boston: o. Seth, born Aug. 15, 1869; died same dky. b. Edith-Lincoln, born Aug. 17, 1872; died Oct. 19, 1872. aabck g. Oliver, son of Charles {Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Mary (Barry) Lincoln of Boston, Mass., born May 30, 1805, at Hingham, Mass.; died Jan. 8, 1879, at Wor- cester, Mass. He began business as a clerk in Boston and then engaged in the silk business, at the corner of Kilby and State streets. Later he removed to New York and engaged in whole- sale domestic dry-goods business. Becoming interested in law, 18 274 LINCOLN GENEALOGY he went to Cincinnati, Ohio, and studied for two years in the office of a friend (a Mr. Fox), but during the third year his mind became unbalanced through the death of his wife, and the re- maining years of his Hfe were spent in retirement. He married, Aug. 29, 1829, at Gorham, Me. (Gorham Rec- ords; Family records say Aug. 19), Harriet^, daughter of Toppan^ (Edward^) and Lydia (Brown) Robie of Gorham, born Aug. 9, 1805, at Gorham; died June 16, 1832, at Boston. (Records of Rev. Charles-Lincoln Morgan, aahck aa.) The petition of Beza Lincoln of Boston for administration on the estate of Oliver Lincoln of Boston, deceased, says that Oliver died Jan. 8, 1879, leaving no widow and as only next of kin : Warren Lincoln, Beza Lincoln and Eliza Lincoln of Boston, brothers and sister; Charles N. M. Lincoln, Martha E. Lincoln, Sarah M. Litchfield wife of Lawrence Litchfield, Henry B. Lincoln and James F. Lincoln of said Boston, Eliza Cudworth wife of Samuel C. Cudworth of South Scituate, Henrietta L. Francis widow, and Sarah R. Greeley wife of Moses R. Greeley of Weymouth, William O. Lincoln of Bridgeport, Conn., Harriet C. Dunham wife of James Dunham of Norway, Me., and Susan C. Guild wife of Phineas K. Guild of Santa Barbara, Calif., nephews and nieces of the said deceased. Beza Lincoln was appointed administrator the same day. (Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. dxi, p. 358.) Children, born at Boston: aahck ga. Oliver-Fessenden, born Dec. 11, 1830; died July 5, 1866, at Gorham, Me. He was a "clerk" when married and was engaged later in the fruit and produce business in Boston. He married, Sept. 27, 1860, at Boston, his own cousin, Evalina-Barry, daughter of Warren and Nancy (Parker) Lincoln of Boston, aahck fd, who was born March 22, 1836, at Boston and was Uving there in 1912. They had no children. She married (2) Seth Foster of Scituate, Mass. (Mass. Vital Records; Scituate Records; Information of Gov. Frederick Robie of Portland, Me., see aahck fd.) aahck gh. Harriet, born June, 1832; died Aug. 15, 1832, at Boston, "aged two months." (Mass. Vital Records.) aabhe a. Jotham, son of Cushing (John, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Roxanna ([Wood] Moody) Lincoln of Northfield, Mass., born Feb. 15, 1815, at Northfield; died July 26, 1885, at Orange, Mass., "aged 70 years, 5 months, 12 days." (Orange SIXTH GENERATION 275 Records.) He lived at Warwick, Mass., until late in life, when he removed to Orange where he continued to live until his death. At Warwick he was a farmer, perhaps also a carpenter as he is said to have been a cabinet-maker by trade afterwards. Mrs. Adelaide (Lincoln) Foster, aahhg af, says of him: ''Uncle Cush- ing's son Jotham was a favorite cousin of my father and spent one summer with us. One day I called him 'Abe' and he said 'that is what they call me at the shop; Honest Abe.' His complexion was clear pink and white, and his eyes sapphire blue ; his features were refined and his hair silvery white, when I knew him, which was when he was about seventy years old. His resemblance to Abraham Lincoln, nevertheless, was striking. He had a son whose name I must have heard but cannot recall. Jotham lived and worked at cabinet-making at Athol, Mass., and I think the son married and lived there. I have never seen him." Mr. Lincoln's will, dated Apr. 5, 1885, names: grandson Harry Oaks; son Herman C. Lincoln. The petition for probate, dated Aug. 1, 1885, states that he died July 26, 1885, leaving as only next of kin, Herman C. Lincoln of Orange, son; and Harry Oaks of Orange, grandson. Rufus D. Chase of Orange was appointed guardian ad litem for Harry Oaks, a minor. (Franklin County Probate Files.) He married Adaline F., daughter of Asa and Sarah (Clements) Bancroft of Warwick, born 1825, at Warwick; died May 26, 1876, at Orange, "aged 51 years." Her father was a native of War- wick, but her mother was born at Petersham, Mass. The will of Adaline F. Lincoln, wife of Jotham Lincoln of Orange, dated Jan. 26, 1876, names her husband as sole executor and heir and says "to my grandson Harry D. Oaks I have nothing more to give he having used his portion in his bringing up, and to my son Herman C. Lincoln I have nothing more to give, trusting that his father will do right by him." The petition for probate, dated June 20, 1876, says she died May 26, 1876, leaving as sole heirs and only next of kin: Jotham Lincoln, husband; Herman C. Lincoln, son aged 12 years; Harry Oaks grandson, aged 3 years. (Ibid.) Jotham and his wife and daughter are buried in Warwick cemetery. Their gravestones are thus inscribed: "Jotham Lincoln t died t July 26, 1885 t aged 70 yrs." 276 LINCOLN GENEALOGY " Adaline F J wife of J Jotham Lincoln J died May 26, 1876 t aged 51 yrs." *' Josie Oakes J dau of J Jotham & Adaline F. { Lincoln J died Dec. 14, 1873 J aged 28 yrs." Children, born at Warwick: adbhe aa. Josephine, born Sept. 4, 1845; died Dec. 14, 1873, at Orange, Mass., *'aged 23 years, 3 months, 10 d&ys." (Orange Records.) She married Jefferson G., son of Albert and Abigail Oaks of Northborough, Mass., and Vernon, Vt,, born Sept. 23, 1838, at Northborough; died July 3, 1897, at Athol, Mass., "aged 58 years, 9 months, 10 days." (Mass. Vital Records; Marlborough, Mass., Records.) He is called ''farmer" in the record of his death in which his father is called "John," and both his parents are said to be natives of Vernon. He had a second wife. He lived during the life of his first wife at Vernon, Vt., and Winchester, N. H. He is thought to have lived after his second marriage at New Salem, Mass., and to have died there. Child: a. Harry, born 1872-3; living, 1912, at WiUiamstown, Mass. aabhe ab. Herman Gushing, born Aug. 2, 1863. aabhg a. John, son of John-Barker {John, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Lucinda (Fearing) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Apr. 24, 1810, at Hingham; died Jan. 7, 1890, at Hingham. He was a farmer in early life and lived on Pleasant street, Hingham, but later he sold his farm and resided on Middle street. In 1844 he is called ''rope-maker," and in 1846 "butcher." He married (1), Jan. 8, 1837, at Hingham, Rachel-Burr^, daugh- ter of Isaac^ (Isaac', Isaac^, Josia¥, Anthony^, William^) and Mary (Burr) Sprague of Hingham, born Nov. 11, 1813, at Hing- ham; died Oct. 22, 1852, at Hingham. He married (2), Dec. 7, 1853, at Madrid, N. Y., Laura-Maria, daughter of Leonard and Sally B. Simmons of Madrid, born Aug. 18, 1822, at Madrid; died Nov. 2, 1871, at Hingham, ''aged 49 years, 2 months, 15 days." (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 474; Hingham Records; Mass. Vital Records; Records of John Lincoln, aahhg aa.) He had no children by his second wife. Children, born at Hingham: aabhg aa. John, born Oct. 24, 1837. aabhg ab. Ellen, born May 25, 1839; living, 1911, at Hingham, unmarried. aabhg ac. Mary, born Sept. 7, 1841 ; died Apr. 7, 1874, unmarried. aabhg ad. Henry, born Apr. 7, 1844; died March 30, 1845. aabhg ae. Isabel, born May 1, 1846; died Dec. 24, 1899, at Hingham, un- married. SIXTH GENERATION 277 aahhg af. Adelaide, born Dec. 31, 1847; married, Dec. 31, 1889, at Hing- ham, Walter-Burr9, son of Timothys {William'', Timothy^, John^, Elisha^, Hatherly^, Timothy^, Edward^) and Emma-Frances (Burr) Foster of Hingham, born June 7, 1863, at Hingham. At the time of his marriage he was a carpenter, but he is now, 1911, a civil engineer. They hve at Hingham Center. Mrs. Foster has the family Bible. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 233; Scituate Record^; Hist, of Scituate, p. 270; Mass. Vital Records.) They have no children. aahhg ag. A son, born March 12, 1850; died March 13, 1850. aabhg d. Albert, son of John-Barker (John, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Lucinda (Fearing) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born May 21, 1818, at Hingham; died Oct. 10, 1908, at Hingham. He was a machinist and Hved at Chelsea, Cambridgeport and Boston, Mass., until late in life when he returned to Hingham and became a small farmer, living on Leavitt street. He married, Sept. 22, 1844, at Boston, by Rev. Sebastian Streeter, Frances-Gordon^, daughter of Levi^ (Moses^) and Nancy (Gordon) Currier of South Weare, N. H., born July 11, 1810, but the ''History of Weare'' says 1806, at South Weare; died May 31, 1879, at Hingham, ''in her 69th year." (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 472; Boston Records; Mass. Vital Records; Family Records.) Children, born at Boston: aabhg da. Edwin, born June 1, 1846; died Aug. 4, 1849, at Boston, aabhg db. Henry, born March 5, 1852. aabhg e. Samuel, son of John-Barker (John, Samuel, Samu- el, Samuel) and Lucinda (Fearing) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Dec. 13, 1821, at Hingham; died Nov. 9, 1885, at Hingham. He was a carpenter and lived at Hingham on Main street. He is called "butcher" in 1849, in the record of the birth of his twin sons. He married, May 16, 1845, at Hingham, Apphia-Jordan, daughter of William and Sarah (Lord) Snow of Bath, Me., born May 19, 1820, at Bangor, Me.; died Dec. 11, 1908, at Hingham. [Family Records of Mrs. Edith [Lincoln] Allen, aahhg ee; Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 474, says he was born Nov. 13, 1820, was narried May 15, 1845, and died Oct. 9, 1885, and that she died Dec. 12, 1908; Mass. Vital Records give her birthplace as Sears- )ort, Me., and say she died at Somerville, Mass.) 278 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Children, born at Hingham: aabhg ea. Lucinda-Fearing, born Jan. 18, 1849; died Feb. 3, 1849. aabhg eh. A son, \ ^^^^ j^^^ jq jg^g. / ^ied Dec. 11, 1849. aabhg ec. Frank, J ' ' 'I living, 1911, at Hingham. He is a carpenter. He married, Nov. 27, 1877, at Hingham, Ruth-Ann^, daughter of Allen- Augustus' (Allen^, Barnabas^, Israel*, Israel^, Joseph"^, Thomas^ the cooper) and Phoebe-Gorham (Childs) Lincoln of Hingham, born Sept. 19, 1847, at Hingham; living, 1911. They have no children. aabhg ed. Annie, born Apr. 9, 1852; died July 6, 1884, at Hingham, unmar- ried, according to Mass. Vital Records. Family records say she was born Apr. 8, and died July 7. axihhg ee. Edith, born May 4, 1861; married, Dec. 22, 1901, at Somerville, Mass., Lewis-Eldred, son of Julius-Bently and Mary-Samantha (Bowen) Allen of Moira, N. Y., born Nov. 15, 1859, at Moira. They are living, 1911, at Dorchester, Mass. He is a store-keeper. They have no children. aacbc a. Levi, son of Levi (Enoch, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Martha (Waldo) Lincoln of Worcester, Mass., born Oct. 25, 1782, at Worcester; died May 29, 1868, at Worcester. He graduated at Harvard College, 1802; studied law and was ad- mitted to the bar in Worcester in 1805. He was elected to the State senate in 1812. In 1814, he was elected representative to the General Court from the town of Worcester and continued to be re-elected until 1822, except three years when he declined being a candidate. In 1822, he was speaker of the House. In 1820, he was a member of the convention to amend the State constitution. In 1823, he was elected lieutenant-governor and the same year was chosen one of the presidential electors and cast a vote for John-Quincy Adams. In 1824, he was appointed an associate justice of the supreme judicial court of Massachu- setts but held this office for a short time only, being nominated and elected, in 1825, governor of Massachusetts, receiving 35,000 out of 37,000 votes cast. He entered upon the duties of this office on the last Wednesday of May, 1825, and was continuously re-elected governor for seven years, until November, 1833, when he voluntarily withdrew from being longer a candidate. In February, 1834, he was chosen representative to Congress to supply the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Hon. John Davis, who had succeeded Mr. Lincoln as governor, and was re-elected to the three succeeding Congresses. In 1841, he was appointed collector of the Port of Boston by President Harrison and held that office until September, 1843. He was LEVI LINCOLN, Junior 1782-1868 From an original portrait by Chester Harding I SIXTH GENERATION 279 again State senator in 1844 and 1845, being president of the senate in the latter year. In 1848, he was appointed by the legislature a Presidential elector and was chosen to preside over the electoral college. In 1864, he was for the third time chosen elector and cast his vote for his distant kinsman, Abraham Lincoln. ''Although he retired from public life in 1845, and declined the place of senator in Congress when it was offered to him in 1854, he continued to be called upon, from time to time, to serve for brief periods in responsible and important public trusts." In 1847, he served upon a commission to revise the militia laws of the State; in 1848, he became the first mayor of the City of Worcester; and in 1854, he was appointed to a com- mission to examine into the condition of the insane in the com- monwealth. For twenty-eight years, 1824 to 1852, he was president of the Worcester Agricultural Society, and the number of local offices and appointments which he held are too numerous to record. He received the degree of LL. D. from Williams College in 1824 and from Harvard in 1826. The foregoing account of his public life is mostly taken from the ''Genealogy of the Waldo Family," pp. 276-7. For a detailed sketch of his life and character, reference is made to a "Memoir of Hon. Levi Lincoln," published by the Massachusetts Historical Society; and a "Memorial of Levi Lincoln," prepared by the family. From these and from prominent newspapers pubUshed at the time of his death the following characterization has been extracted. The zeal and energy with which he entered into the business of his profession earned him a merited success, and the skill with which he conducted the cases entrusted to him won him a position, in a few years, among the leaders of the Worcester bar, at a time when that bar was noted for the character and talents of its members. His success before a jury was particularly notable, though in argument before the court he showed great ability. The duties and the rewards of the profession alike appealed to him, and he never forgot the period during which he was connected with it, nor abandoned until late in life the idea of returning to it. The public applauded his selection for the Supreme Court, to which he was appointed while lieutenant-governor, a non- 280 LINCOLN GENEALOGY partisan assignment which marked the cessation of the bitter political feeling which had divided the people for many years. As a young man Mr. Lincoln was, like his father, a zealous ''republican" and through his eloquence, popular address and family connection became one of the prominent men of that party. This prominence attracted to him, in the bitter partisan politics of that day, considerable censure from those opposed to him. In 1814, being in the minority in the legislature, he opposed the resolution which called the Hartford convention and drew up the protest against it, which was signed by seventy- five members besides himself, yet this protest was refused a place upon the Journal of the House. By 1820, however, this political harshness had largely ceased and, in 1822, he was elected speaker of a House of different politics from himself, in which office few have equalled him in the qualities which constitute an able and acceptable speaker. In 1824, party feeling in Massachusetts had practically disappeared and, on the death of Governor Eustis in the following year, Mr. Lincoln, who declined a Democratic nomination in order not to interfere with concordant action by the two parties, received a unanimous vote as candidate for governor in the federal convention, which had voted not to make a party nomination. He thus became the governor of the State without entangling party obligations, and that he performed its duties to the satisfaction of the people is evident from the uninterrupted succession of his elections, practically without opposition, until his voluntary withdrawal from being longer a candidate, in 1833. In 1827, he received in the State senate twenty-six out of thirty-nine votes for United States senator, but before the House could concur he positively declined to be a candidate, with the result that Daniel Webster was elected at the next session of the legislature. Had Mr. Lincoln accepted the office the whole course of history might have been changed. For an interesting speculation on this topic by the late Senator Hoar see Mass. Hist. Soc. Collections, Ser. 2, vol. xv, pp. 233-7. As a Congressman he displayed the same dihgence, attention to business and independence of action which characterized him as governor. He was a frequent debater, and some of his speeches were pubhshed. The House respected him, and he respected SIXTH GENERATION 281 it by never indulging in bitter language or undignified retort; and as he was always well prepared on the subject which he discussed and was never prolix or dull he could always command attention. He had the distinction shared by few public men, of being chosen to his highest offices independently of party votes, and of being the medium through which old party issues ceased to have vitality, but he had political principles and he never concealed or yielded them. Some of his remarks on representation were quite as advanced as anything that is known at the present day. In the constitutional convention of 1820 he said: ''Our govern- ment is one of the people, not a government of property. Rep- resentation is founded on the interests of the people. It is because they have rights that they have assumed the power of self government. Property is incompetent to sustain a free government. In a government of freemen, property is valuable only as the people are intelligent. Were it not for a government of the people, the people would be without property. But it is contended that this system is justified by another principle. Representation and taxation have been described as twin brothers. But this principle has not been fully understood. It does not follow that there shall be an unequal representation, that taxation may be represented. It is only necessary that all who are taxed should be represented, and not that they should be represented in proportion to their tax.'' His great interest in agriculture was shown as president of the Agricultural Society and in his admirably managed farm. His interest in education was manifested in various ways. He was president of the Board of Trustees of Leicester Academy, over- seer of Harvard College, one of the founders of the American Antiquarian Society of which he was vice-president at his death, but beyond public and official addresses and messages he left little that was published. His messages were full, clear and direct, but sometimes diffuse. His manner was easy, graceful and dignified, though at times it partook somewhat of the stately. He was always self-possessed and, in private, was free, social, and often playful. He was not capable of doing a rude or ungentle- manly act from carelessness, bad temper, or want of familiarity with good breeding. His form was erect, his step firm and elastic, 282 LINCOLN GENEALOGY and all his movements were graceful. His bearing was that of a gentleman of the old school, and he was never betrayed into language or conduct unbecoming one of that class. Several por- traits of him exist; the best, by Chester Harding, taken when he was governor, is in possession of his grandson Waldo Lincoln, the compiler of this genealogy. He married, Sept. 6, 1807, at Worcester, Penelope- Winslow^, daughter of William^ (William'^, Nicholas^, Caleh'^, Robert^) and Mary (Chandler) Sever of Kingston, Mass., and Worcester, born July 21, 1786, at Worcester; died Apr. 2, 1872, at Worcester. She was sixth in descent from Governor Edward Winslow of Ply- mouth, Mass., and was descended in the same degree from Herbert Pelham, first treasurer of Harvard College, whose daughter Penelope married Edward Winslow's son Josiah, who was also governor of Plymouth. Herbert Pelham through his mother Penelope West, daughter of Thomas West, Lord Dela- ware, was of most distinguished lineage, her descent being clearly and indisputably traced, through the Plantagenet kings, to Alfred the Great and the Saxon kings of England. Mrs. Lincoln was on her mother's side also of distinguished American ancestry, the Chandlers having been for many years the leading family of Worcester county, and the Severs being almost equally emi- nent in Plymouth. Mrs. Lincoln was a very capable woman, a noted housekeeper and cook. Her abilities in an emergency and the resources of a housekeeper one hundred years ago are exemplified in the following anecdote. Governor Lincoln, who was much given to entertaining, included in his invitations to a dinner party the captain of one of the Worcester militia com- panies, a pompous and self-important man. Awaiting with his wife the arrival of his guests, the governor heard a drum ap- proaching, and presently the captain appeared at the head of his company, which, to the amazement of Mr. Lincoln, filed through the gate and continued to the house. Turning to his wife, he said in great distress, ''What shall we do, the fool has brought his whole company to dinner.'' Mrs. Lincoln with perfect calmness replied: ''Give yourself no concern, my dear. Keep the gentle- men engaged for half an hour and there will be plenty for all." She kept her word, and the captain and his company never knew the embarrassment they occasioned. A crayon portrait of her SIXTH GENERATION 283 is in the possession of the writer, who remembers her as a tall, handsome woman and exceedingly deaf. ''She shared," says Governor Emory Washburn in his memoir of Governor Lin- coln, ''the tastes and views of her husband and was a fit associate and companion for one who enjoyed so highly the comforts and elegancies of a well-ordered home/' Children, born at Worcester: aacbc aa. Sarah-Warren, bapt. May 2, 1808; died "aet. 11 days." She is called "Sarah-Sever" in the church records. aacbc ah. Levi, born Aug. 22, 1810; died Sept. 1, 1845, at Worcester, un- married. He entered West Point Military Academy, but remained there only a short time and, Nov. 1, 1827, became a midshipman in the United States navy, from which he resigned June 3, 1836. His dress sword is in the possession of the writer. aacbc ac. William-Sever, born Nov. 22, 1811. aacbc ad. Daniel- Waldo, born Jan. 16, 1813. aacbc ae. Penelope-Sever, born July 1, 1815; died Nov. 1, 1904, at Worcester; married, May 24, 1843, at Worcester, by Rev. Dr. John Brazer of Salem, Mahlon-Dickerson^, son of David-Sealy^ {Abraham^, Israel^, Thomas^, Thomas^) and Sarah (Sealy) Canfield of Morristown, N. J., born Nov. 26, 1798, at Stanhope, N. J.; died Jan. 5, 1865, at Ferro- monte, N. J. He studied medicine with Dr. Samuel-Swezy Seward of Florida, N. Y., and, afterwards, practised his profession at Bargaintown and May's Landing, Atlantic county, N. J., and at Succasunna, N. J., and was a daring and successful physician and surgeon. He was collector of the Port at May's Landing, and member of the Council (State legis- lature) for Atlantic county, 1840-1. He gave up his practice in 1853, and turned his attention to scientific farming at Succasunna, where he lived for many years. He was buried at Evergreen cemetery, Morris- town. The marriage was unhappy, and they were divorced after a few years and Mrs. Canfield returned to Worcester. He married (1), Apr. 18, 1827, Louisa-CorneUa Seward at Florida, N. Y., by whom he had five children, viz.: Augustus, born Aug. 12, 1828, died Feb. 19, 1829; Augustus, born Dec. 4, 1829; died Oct. 25, 1867, unmarried; Francis- AUyn, born Feb. 20, 1832, died Jan. 14, 1876, unmarried; Caroline- Corneha, born July 25, 1834, married (1), Aug. 6, 1853, John-Lawrence Schoolcraft and had three children, married (2), Feb. 4, 1862, Joseph- Gilmore Beattie and had seven children 5 and Mary-Seward, born Sept. 15, 1837, died March 10, 1839. (Thomas Canfield and Matthew Cam- field, pp. 80, 168, and Charts.) Child, born at Worcester: a. Penelope-Winslow-Sever, born Dec. 30, 1845; died Nov. 17, 1903, at Worcester, unmarried. aacbc af . George, born Oct. 19, 1816. aacbc ag. Anne-Warren, born Aug. 28, 1818; died July 24, 1846, at Worces- ter, unmarried aacbc ah. John- Waldo, born Dec. 2, 1820; his name was changed, Apr. 14, 1846, to Edward-Winslow. 284 LINCOLN GENEALOGY aacbc d. John- Waldo, son of Levi (Enoch, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Martha (Waldo) Lincoln of Worcester, Mass., born June 23, 1787, at Worcester; died Oct. 2, 1852, at Worcester. He was educated in the public schools of Worcester, being obliged to forego the advantages of a collegiate education on account of a marked impediment in his speech which it was supposed would prevent his practising any of the learned profes- sions. He submitted without a murmur, but by assiduous prac- tice so far conquered the infirmity that in later years no one would have suspected that he was ever a sufferer from it. At the age of fourteen he was placed as an apprentice in the hard- ware store of his uncle Daniel Waldo, and received there a train- ing in strict habits of business, which had a marked influence upon all his after life. At the age of twenty-one he entered into busi- ness for himself on Main street, a few doors north of Central street, and the Worcester ''Spy" for Nov. 9, 1808, contains the following advertisement: ''John Waldo Lincoln Informs his Friends and the Public, that he has commenced business in a Store, a few rods south of the Worcester Bank where he offers for sale a handsome assort- ment of Hardware, Piece and West India Goods As the greater part are of his own importation, he flatters himself that he can supply those who may favor him with their custom on as rea- sonable terms as they can procure at any Store in this town. Worcester November 7, 1808. "Wanted immediately at the above Store, as an Apprentice, a Lad about fourteen or fifteen years of age, who can be well recommended." In February, 1822, he gave up this business and sold out his stock by auction, devoting himself thereafter to agricultural pursuits in which he took the greatest pleasure. He inherited from his father a fine farm in the village of Quinsigamond, and owned also a large sheep farm in Oakham, Mass., where he ex- perimented in raising merino sheep. He contributed many arti- cles on agricultural subjects to the local newspapers, and an essay of his on the feeding of cattle was deemed of such dis- tinguished merit that it was republished in England. He sought to make his farm a model and conducted advanced experiments in irrigation, and so competent was he deemed that his appoint- SIXTH GENERATION 285 ment as a commissioner on the newly established board of agriculture, not long before his death, was considered a matter of course. He succeeded his brother Levi as president of the Worcester County Agricultural Society and was deeply in- terested in its affairs until his death. Like his father and his brothers he was well adapted by char- acter and disposition for public service; and though not called to such distinguished positions as they, he performed all the duties of the several offices which he filled, with a zeal and in- tegrity which won him the love and confidence of his fellow citizens. As a young man he became a member of the Worcester Light Infantry and rose to be its captain, which office he held when that company was summoned to the defense of Boston on Sept. 14, 1814. It returned on Oct. 31, following, after a blood- less campaign, but the ability and promptness which Captain Lincoln displayed on this occasion won him the confidence and regard of the State's executive. Three years later Mr. Lincoln became lieutenant-colonel of the sixth regiment of the seventh division of Massachusetts militia, which position he retained for several years; and he continued through life to take a warm interest in the militia and in military affairs. After his death the Worcester Light Infantry passed a series of resolutions from which the following are extracted : ''Resolved, That in him were combined all the qualities of gentleman, citizen and soldier. Always affable and courteous as a gentleman, honest, kind and public spirited as a citizen, and firm and patriotic as a soldier, his acquaintances deplore the loss of a most agreeable companion, the community an efficient and devoted member, and we a firm friend, benevolent patron, and most respected past commander. ''Resolved, That, under all circumstances, he has been the firm and consistent friend of the military system, laboring for its advancement and perfection with a characteristic devotion. That in him a bright star has fallen from the military constella- tion, and a firm pillar been taken from the militia edifice; but the consolation remains, that his 'good deeds live after him,' which neither time nor circumstances can sully, but shall shine with increasing lustre as time advances." In 1824, he was elected a representative to the General Court, 286 LINCOLN GENEALOGY where he continued for four years, and was then sent to the State senate, representing the district there for the five following years, and again served in the House for another year. During much of this time his brother Levi was governor of the State. He was appointed to be one of the commissioners in charge of the construction of the Blackstone canal, which connected Worcester with Providence, R. I., and was a member of the first board of directors of the canal company. Of the railroad company which succeeded to the location and franchise of the canal company he was also a director. He was one of the county commissioners from 1836 to 1842, and for many years was chairman of the board of selectmen of the town; and when Worcester became a city in 1849, he was a member of the first board of aldermen. From 1844 to 1851, he was high sheriff of Worcester county, by which office he has been best remembered. He filled it with great strength, dignity and ability, introducing many needed reforms into the management of the jail and house of correction and improving, thereby, the moral condition of the inmates. He was one of the founders and the principal benefactor of the Orphan's Home, now the Worcester Children's Friend Society, giving to it a large and commodious house thoroughly furnished under his own careful supervision, thus supplying evidence that though seemingly stern and unap- proachable he possessed a warm and sympathetic heart which was open to the appeals of the poor and needy and unfortunate. He is described as **of medium height, of a florid complexion, high forehead and erect carriage, a man of strong friendship, although very undemonstrative in expressing his feelings." After his death a sermon was delivered by his pastor, Rev. Alonzo Hill, from the text: "All ye that are about him, bemoan him; and all ye that know his name, say, How is the strong staff broken, and the beautiful rod!" This sermon was published and from it and from a short sketch published in "Reminiscences and Biographical Notices of the Worcester Fire Society," Fifth Series, this account of him has been extracted. His portrait is owned by the Worcester Children's Friend Society. He was never married. I ENOCH LINCOLN 1788-1829 From a painting n the State House at Augusta, Me. SIXTH GENERATION 287 aacbc e. . Enoch, son of Levi (Enoch, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Martha (Waldo) Lincoln of Worcester, Mass., born Dec. 28, 1788, at Worcester; died Oct. 8, 1829, at Augusta, Me. He was never married, though betrothed for several years to Miss Mary-Chadbourne Page of Fryeburg, Me. The follow- ing account of his life was written by his brother William, and is taken from the ''History of Worcester," pp. 244-6, and is a good example of the latter's terse and vigorous writing. Other biographical notices of Mr. Lincoln may be found in the ''Maine Historical and Genealogical Recorder," vol. iii, p. 139, and in the Worcester newspapers published at the time of his death. "He entered the sophomore class of Harvard College in 1806. One of those unhappy commotions, which have disturbed the repose of the ancient seat of learning in Cambridge, occurred in 1808, and he voluntarily withdrew from the University during his senior year. His professional studies were pursued in the office of his brother, Levi Lincoln. He was admitted attorney in 1811, and commenced business in Salem, Mass. In 1812, he returned to Worcester, and practised here until the spring of 1813, when he settled in Fryeburg, Maine. While resident there he published 'The Village,' a poem descriptive of the beautiful scenery of the fairest town on the stream of the Saco, of the wild and romantic region around, and of the social con- dition of the population of the youthful state.* In 1815 he was appointed deputy by Hon. William P. Preble, then District Attorney of the United States. In 1819, he was elected to Congress, and removed to Paris, the capital of the county. He continued to represent the district of Oxford in the national legislature until 1826. He was elected governor of Maine for three years succeeding that date, with the approbation of the two political parties, and with unanimity almost unprecedented in times of feverish excitement. In the spring of 1829, he de- cHned being again candidate, intending, in retirement, amid the pursuits of agriculture dear to him from education, in the cultivation of the natural sciences, with the flowers and fields he loved, and the literary avocations he delighted to follow, to seek means of usefulness and happiiiess. In the autumn, induced by ardent desire to promote the cause of education, he *The Village; a poem with an Appendix. Portland. Published by Edward Little and Co., 1816. C. Norris & Co., printers, pp. 180, 16 mo. 288 LINCOLN GENEALOGY visited Augusta, to address the Female Academy, founded there by a philanthropic citizen. Suffering from severe sickness, the performance of the task exhausted his strength, and he became a martyr to the effort. He retired from the exercises to the house of a friend, where he died, three days after, at the age of forty years. ''His proclamations were marked with purity and expansive liberality of sentiment, and terse felicity of expression.* Official correspondence, vindicating, with decision and dignity, the rights of the state, was published among the documents of the contested north eastern boundary. His contributions to the press were characterized by singular elegance of style, masculine energy of thought, and comprehensive views. An extended work, illustrative of the history and resources of Maine was left un- finished in manuscript. t "In his moral constitution there were elements brighter than gifts of genius. Overflowing kindness of disposition, ready to do good to every human being, was associated with rectitude of judgment, and united to qualities giving to benevolence its highest value. The stedfast sense of justice was never debased by personal interest or feeling, or darkened by sectarian or party prejudice. Manly intrepidity, fearing nothing but the con- sciousness of doing wrong, was unshaken by the dread of un- deserved censure or popular excitement." Mr. Lincoln was buried with military honors, in a tomb erected for the purpose, on the grounds adjoining the State House at Augusta. One company of artillery, one of riflemen, and four of light infantry performed the escort duties, and a funeral oration was pronounced by Rev. Dr. Nichols of Portland. During the movement of the procession the bells were tolled and minute guns were fired. It was estimated that as many as four thousand people attended, a larger number than had ever been collected in Augusta on any previous occasion. At a meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Portland the following vote was passed : *0ne of his Thanksgiving proclamations was so brief and comprehensive and was so popular that it was printed by his admirers on satin for general circulation. t" His poetical lucubrations appeared in the 'National Aegis' at Worcester over his signa- ture 'Zeno' and in the 'Patriot' at Boston in 1809, over that of 'Sylvester.' They were of a satirical character. The former gave offense to his female friends. At a later period he por- trayed the character of women in better terms." (Jennison Papers in Am. Ant. Soc. library.) SIXTH GENEKATION 289 ''Whereas it has pleased the Almighty Ruler of the Universe in a sudden and affecting manner to remove by death one of our fellow citizens, who by the purity of his heart and the benevolence of his character has endeared himself to all who know him; and as this highly respectable individual has for several years enjoyed the highest honors the State could bestow, it seems highly proper that this town should join in the respect to be paid to his memory, it is therefore ''Voted: that as a tribute of respect to the memory of Gover- nor Lincoln, the Selectmen and Representatives of this town be requested to attend his funeral at Augusta, and that such further measures be adopted to express the deep sense which the in- habitants feel on this mournful occasion, as the Selectmen may think proper." In accordance with the foregoing the selectman passed the following votes, at a meeting held Oct. 15, 1829: "Voted, to recommend that the bells of the several churches in town should be tolled on Thursday next, the day of the funeral of Governor Enoch Lincoln at Augusta, from one o'clock till sunset — and that the citizens be requested to suspend their business in the afternoon of said day, and that it be also recommended to hoist the flags of the shipping in the harbor on half mast as on Saturday last. "Voted, that the preceding recommendation be published in the several papers printed in this town." An oil portrait of Mr. Lincoln by an unknown artist is in the State House at Augusta. The American Antiquarian Society has five volumes of letters to him and one volume of his historical papers. For a more extended sketch of his life with a lengthy review of his poem, "The Village," see Maine Historical So- ciety's Collections, second series, vol. i, pp. 137-157; also ihid., series one, vol. i, pp. 305-340. aacbc j. William, son of Levi (Enoch, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Martha (Waldo) Lincoln of Worcester, Mass., born Sept. 26, 1801, at Worcester (Worcester records erroneously say 1802) ; died Oct. 5, 1843, at Worcester. He joined the junior class at Harvard College in 1820, and graduated in 1822. He then studied law with his elder brother Levi, and the latter's partner, 19 290 LINCOLN GENEALOGY John Davis, and was admitted to the Worcester bar in 1825. In the following year he formed a partnership with his brother- in-law, Rejoice Newton, which continued until his death. He was much interested in antiquarian research, and was at various times hbrarian, corresponding secretary, secretary for domestic correspondence, and member of the committee of publication of the American Antiquarian Society. A voluminous and ready writer he was, at one time, editor of the ''National Aegis," and with Christopher-Columbus Baldwin published the ''Worcester Magazine and Historical Journal," which, however, reached only its second volume, but contains much historical matter relating to Worcester county. In 1837 he published a "History of Worcester"; a very complete and accurate history of the town from its settlement to that year, which still continues to be the standard book of reference for local historical students. In 1837 and 1838, he edited, under the authority of the State legislature, "The Journals of each Provincial Congress of Massa- chusetts in 1774 and 1775, and of the Committee of Safety," a volume of 738 pages. From 1832 until his death he was secretary of the Worcester County Institution for Savings. From 1835 to 1840, he was a member of the State legislature and, in 1838, was appointed a trustee of the State Lunatic Hospital at Wor- cester. He was a member of the Massachusetts Historical So- ciety and was connected with many other societies and institu- tions, before which he was a frequent speaker, though but few { of his addresses and poems (of which it is known that he wrote some) are now extant. He began his public speaking at the early age of fourteen when he delivered an oration, July 4, 1816, "in commemoration of American Independence," which was printed. He was an active member of the Worcester Agricultural Society, and for several years was chairman of the judges of swine, his reports as such being "crisp and luscious as the choicest bits which those animals furnish for the table." The following ex- tracts from one of those reports show his humorous style : "Massachusetts is a glorious commonwealth. Her renown heretofore has been wreathed with the valor of her warriors, the wisdom of her statesmen, and the worth of her citizens. If hereafter, in the vicissitudes of human affairs, patriotism shall grow faint, and public and private virtue become impaired, the SIXTH GENERATION 291 fame of our own beloved State may rest secure on the greatness of her pigs; and the lustre of her people, if unhappily it grows dim, be rekindled by the solid excellence of the inmates of the pens. . . . ''In approaching the pleasant society of females, the loveliness of form and feature, sometimes leads admiration away from the handsomeness of doings to the grace of beings. The incorrupti- bleness of the court permitted no such seduction. The sow of Messrs appeared before them with ten 'sweet pledges' of maternal affection, frolicking merrily, and taking the young responsibility of feeding plentifully. The venerable matron, mother of this decimal family of suckers, who played over and around her, of the greatest boar of the festival, and of another troop of chubby, white-haired children, was thrice blessed in being worthy of the first premium of five dollars. The second premium was awarded to Mr. for a sow, beginning life by acquiring the rudiments of good breeding in Holden, and subsequently gaining legal settlement in Worcester." Mr. Lincoln is described as of medium height, of well-knit frame and sprightly gait, with keen and twinkling eyes and i dignified and affable manner. He was never married though ^' iat one time betrothed. The only portrait ever taken of him was a miniature which was, at one time, in the possession of his J fiancee, but no trace of it has been found for many years. A i notice which appeared in the ''Massachusetts Spy" of Oct. 11, 1843, thus speaks of him: "Liberally gifted by nature, accompHshed by varied study, and prodigal of personal toil, the midnight lamp now lighted him along the bye-paths of learning into trackless corners and antiquated haunts, and now gleamed upon the page that sparkled with the pungent wit and lively humor of his flowing composi- tions. . . . He has sown broadcast the seeds of meritorious recollections, which spring up and overshadow all others; and when those who remember him with affection shall be beside him in the grave, his works will remain a graceful and honorable ^'memorial of his abihties." aacbe b. Francis, son of Amos (Enoch, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Deborah (Revere) Lincoln of Boston, Mass., born 292 LINCOLN GENEALOGY March 29, 1783, at Boston; died Aug. 27, 1849, at Boston. He became a crockery merchant, with his place of business on Long Wharf and afterwards, for the greater part of his business Hfe, on India Wharf. At the time of his marriage he lived on Nassau street but, later, removed successively to South Bennett, Essex, Kneeland and Dover streets and was living in the last named when he died. In 1846, he was appointed superintendent of burials, and in that year he is described in the City Directory as ''undertaker." He held the office until about three months before his death, when he resigned on account of ill health. He was a member of the Boston Light Infantry in 1814. He married, February, 1807, at New South Church, Boston (intentions published Jan. 1, 1807), Eliza-Langdon^, daughter of Ebenezer^ {Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^, Nathaniel^, WiU liawP) and Joanna (Langdon) Frothingham of Boston, born 1783, at Boston; died Aug. 22, 1868, at Boston ''aged 85 years." (Mass. Vital Records; Boston City Directories; Boston Daily Advertiser, Aug. 29, 1849; Frothingham Genealogy, pp. 58, 62, 117; Gen.^s & Estates of Charlestown, vol. i, p. 384; New Eng. Hist. & Gen. Register, v*ol. xviii, p. 202.) October 15, 1849, Eliza Lincoln was appointed administratrix on the estate of "her late husband, Francis Lincoln, Gent, late of Boston." (Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. ccxxi, p. 262.) Children, born at Boston: aache ha. Francis, born 1808; died Sept. 22, 1878, at Boston, aged 70 years, * unmarried. The petition of Aaron D. Hubbard of Boston for administra- tion on the estate of Francis Lincoln, late of Boston, a bachelor, says he died Sept. 22, 1878, intestate, leaving as next of kin, Mary-Frothing- ham Lincoln of Boston, sister, and Elizabeth-Frothingham Lincoln of Somerville, sister. (Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. dvii, p. 469.) aache bh. Elizabeth-Frothingham, born May, 1809; died Feb. 13, 1888, at Somerville, Mass., unmarried; The petition of Ephraim L. Frothing- ham of Milton for appointment as administrator on the estate of Elizabeth Frothingham Lincoln, spinster, of Boston, deceased, recites that she died Feb. 13, 1888, leaving as only next of kin her sister, Mary-Frothing- ham Lincoln of Boston. {Ibid., vol. dcvi, p. 283.) aache he. Arthur, born June, 1810; died Sept. 12, 1810, "aged 11 weeks." aacbe hd. Mary-Frothingham, born Sept. 12, 1811; died May 25, 1897, at Boston, unmarried. Her will, dated June 14, 1888, probated June 24, 1897, names her cousin Ephraim-Langdon Frothingham as sole heir and legatee, and executor. {Ibid., vol. dccxxix, p. 42.) SIXTH GENERATION 293 aacbe be. Abby-Frothingham, born Oct. 11, 1815, bapt. Feb. 5, 1816, at First Church; died Aug. 13, 1850, at Boston, unmarried, "aged 30 years, 10 months, 2 days," according to Mass. Vital Records, but the years must be an error. aacbe bf. Joanna-Frothingham, born February, 1817, bapt. Nov. 23, 1820, at First Church; died Dec. 17, 1876, at Boston, unmarried, "aged 59 years, 10 months." aacbe bg. Langdon, bapt. Nov. 23, 1820, with his si^er Joanna at First Church; died young. Gravestone at Mt. Auburn calls him Langdon- Frothingham. aacbe bh. John-Bumstead, born 1822, bapt. Apr. 21, 1822, at First Church; died Sept. 13, 1848, at Boston, unmarried, "aged 27 years," and was buried in the family lot of Jedediah Lincoln, aacbi, No. 7, Copps Hill. (Boston Records.) aacbe d. Louis, son of Amos (Enoch, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Deborah (Revere) Lincoln of Boston, Mass., born March 4, 1787, at Boston; died Dec. 20, 1827, at Boston. He was a sail maker, having his loft successively on Howards wharf, Lewis wharf and Eustis wharf in Boston. According to the Boston directory for 1816, his house was then on North street, but no residence is given in other years, and from probate records it is probable that he lived during most of those years in Charles- town, Mass. He married (1), May 20, 1810, at Boston, Rebecca-Hill Butler, who was born 1786, and died Nov. 6, 1812, at Boston, ''aged 26 years." She is buried, as are her husband and his second wife, in lot Number 7, Copps Hill burying ground. He married (2), Nov. 26, 1815, at Burlington, Mass., Mary- Hathorne Knight, who is called ''of Burlington'' in Woburn records where her marriage is recorded. She died May 23, 1825, at Boston, but the Boston records describe her as "from Canton, Mass." He married (3), Jan. 22, 1826, at Burlington, Abigail-Reed, daughter of Samuel and Mary (Reed) Walker of Burlington, born July 3, 1801, at BurHngton; died Aug. 24, 1885, at Woburn, Mass., "aged 84 years, 1 month, 21 days." She married (2), Oct. 3, 1833, at Charlestown, James, son of David and Mary (Frothingham) Fosdick of Charlestown, born Jan. 8, 1789, at Charlestown; died there Sept. 26, 1854. They had two children: Mary-Abby, born Oct. 25, 1834, and Lincoln, who died June 9, 1843, aged 4 years, 8 months. Mr. Fosdick's first wife, by whom 294 LINCOLN GENEALOGY he had seven children and who died in 1833, was Sophia Goodell. (Boston Records; Woburn Records; Estates & Gen.'s of Charles- town, vol. i, p. 358.) Mr. Lincoln had no children by his first and third wives. January 8, 1828, Abigail R. Lincoln of Charlestown represents that Louis Lincoln, sail maker, who last dwelt in Charlestown within one year last past died intestate . . . that she is the widow of said deceased and asks to be appointed administratrix. She was so appointed and gave bonds with Francis Lincoln of Boston and Frederic W. Lincoln of Canton as sureties. Her account shows that one third of the estate was retained by her as widow and two thirds was paid to Frederic W. Lincoln as guar- dian of the two children and heirs of said deceased. February 19, 1828, Frederic W. Lincoln certified ''that Frederick W. Lincoln and Harriet M. Lincoln are minors under the age of 14 years and children of Louis Lincoln, late of Charlestown, sail maker, dec'd ; that the mother of said minors is also deceased, that the Pet'r is the uncle of said minors^' and asked to be appointed : guardian, and he was so appointed with Joseph W. Revere of Boston and Thomas Tolman of Canton as sureties. (Middlesex , County Probate Files.) Children, by second wife, born at Boston: aacbe da. Frederic-Walker, born Feb. 27, 1817. aacbe db. Harriet-Moody, born May 6, 1819; died July 22, 1844, at Canton, Mass.; married, Dec. 23, 1839, at Canton, Ezra^, son of Ezra® j {John^, John^, John^, John^, George^) and Hannah (Poor) Abbot of Andover, Mass., born Nov. 27 or 29, 1808, at Andover, bapt. Dec. 4, 1808; died Apr. 21, 1872, at Canton. He graduated at Harvard Medical School in 1837, and practised his profession at Canton. He married (2), Nov. 24, 1852, at Bath, Me., Caroline-Howard, daughter of Abra- ham-Orne and Hannah-Sprague (Wales) Lincoln of Bath, aacbe Iby born July 4, 1824, at Bath; died Apr. 21, 1881, at Andover; by whom he had three children. (Andover Records; Canton Records; Essex Anti- quarian, vol. i, p. 100; Abbot Family, p. 4; Desc'ts of George Abbot, p. 674; Pickering Genealogy, p. 1037.) Child, born at Canton : a. Ezra-Lincoln, born June 2, 1841; mar. Margaret Armstrong. aacbe h. Amos, son of Amos {Enoch, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Deborah (Revere) Lincoln of Boston, Mass., born Sept. 1, 1794, at Boston; died Jan. 2, 1829, at Boston. He is described in the Boston directories until 1828, the year before SIXTH GENERATION 295 his death, as a "painter," living on Prince street, corner of Hano- ver, with his shop at 61 Ann street. In 1828, however, he is called a "grocer" at 137 Ann street, his residence being as before. He was buried in Copps Hill burying ground. He married, Nov. 9, 1817, at Marblehead, Mass., Rebecca- Trevett, daughter of Jonathan-Glover and Sally (Trevett) Bartol, of Marblehead, born Apr. 24, 1798, at Marblehead; died Jan. 5, 1858, at Boston, "aged 65 years" say Massachusetts Vital Records. She married (2), Apr. 14, 1839, at Boston, by Rev. Thomas M. Clark, Philip Brown and had a daughter Rebecca, who is said to have married Jerome Redding of Boston. (Boston Records; Marblehead Records.) Children, born at Boston: aacbe ha. Amos, born September, 1818, bapt. Dec. 13, 1818, at Christ Church. aacbe hb. Samuel-Russell-Trevett, born 1820, bapt. March 15, 1829 [szc], at Christ Church, probably an error for 1820. I aacbe he. Rebecca, born May, 1823, bapt. March 21, 1823 [.sic"}, at Christ Church; died March 30, 1824, at Boston, "aged 10 months" say the Boston records, in which either her age is wrongly given or there is an error in the date of baptism. Note: In the absence of birth records the following probate records are valuable: Dec. 14, 1829, Nathan Josselyn, aacbe k, of Quincy, Mass. petitioned to be appointed guardian of Amos and Samuel T. Lincoln, minors under fourteen, children of Amos Lincoln, late of Boston. Re- becca T. Lincoln, the mother, joined in the request. February 22, 1836, Rebecca T, Lincoln, widow, petitioned to be appointed guardian of Amos and Samuel T. Lincoln, her children, over fourteen. (Suffolk County Probate Records, Vols, ccclxxvi, p. 103; ccclxxvii, p. 247.) aacbe i. Frederic-Walker, son of Amos {Enoch, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Deborah (Revere) Lincoln of Boston, Mass., born June 12, 1796, at Boston; died Jan. 10, 1871, at Boston, after a brief illness of three days. He lived at Boston but had a summer home at Canton, Mass., near the works of the Revere Copper company, with whose business he was for many years identified in connection with the late Mr. Joseph W. Revere. In his younger days he was an active Whig and took a deep interest in military affairs. He was senior aid-de-camp to -Governor Emory Washburn, whence he derived the title of Colonel, by which he was thereafter always known. He held imany other offices of honor and public trust, and in private life 296 LINCOLN GENEALOGY was much esteemed, while his business was characterized by in- tegrity and frankness. (Boston Daily Advertiser, Jan. 12, 1871.) He married, August, 1819, at Boston, AmeHa, daughter of John-Day and Lucy (Clark) Howard of Boston, born Nov. 6, 1797, at Boston; died March 27, 1874, at Boston, according to the family records of Frederic- Walker Lincoln, Jr., aache dab, but Massachusetts Vital Records and her gravestone at Mount Auburn say she died March 25. She was probably a niece of Mrs. Martha (Howard) Robb, the third wife of Amos Lincoln and step-mother of Frederic- Walker Lincoln. They had no children. aacbe L Abraham-Orne, son of Amos {Enoch, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Eliza (Revere) Lincoln of Boston, Mass., born June 18, 1801, at Boston; died July 25, 1839, at Bath, Me., according to his gravestone though the cemetery records say July 28, but this is probably the date of burial. Mr. Lincoln removed to Bath before his marriage and was a sail maker, being so described in a deed, dated June 9, 1836, in which he and his wife Hannah S. conveyed an estate in Bath. (Sagadahoc County Deeds, vol. xii, f. 465). He left no will, and administra- tion on his estate was granted to Hannah S. Lincoln, his widow, Aug. 20, 1839. (Lincoln County Probate Records, vol. xxxix, p. 283.) He married, July 25, 1822, at Bath, Hannah-Sprague, daughter ( of Atherton and Caroline (Sprague) Wales, who were probably of Damariscotta, Me. She was born in 1798 and died Apr. 16, 1867, at Bath, ''aged 69 years." She married (2), Oct. 9, 1857, ' at Bath, Deacon David, son of Henry and Sarah (Henry) Sewall of Bath, born Feb. 6, 1780; died Nov. 24, 1869, at Bath. His first wife, who was named EHzabeth C, died Dec. 27, 1855, at Bath, ''aged seventy three years, two months." Mr. Lincoln and four of his children are buried in Maplegrove cemetery at Bath, the gravestones being lettered as follows: "Mr. t Abraham O. Lincoln t died t July 25, 1839 J aet. 38." "Frederic R. J son of t Abraham & Hannah t S. W. Lin- coln, died t Jan. 13, 1843 t ae. 19 yrs. 9 mos." "Abraham O t son of Abraham 0. & t Hannah S. Lincoln t died April 6th J 1834 { aged 4 years 8 months." SIXTH GENERATION 297 'Trances J. t dau. of t Abraham O. & Hannah | S. Lincoln, died t Dec. 6, 1845 J aged 19 yrs. & 9 mos." *'AmeHa H | dau. of Abram O. J & Hannah S. J Lincoln, died I Mar. 5, 1856, J aet 22 yrs." No stone marks the grave of Mrs. Hannah-Sprague ( [Wales] Lincoln) Sewall, though her body is buried in the same cemetery. (Desc'ts of Ezra Abbot, p. 674; Maine Hist. & Gen, Reg., vol. vi, p. 479; Bath Records; Family Bible; Gravestones; Cemetery Records.) Children, born at Bath: aache la. Frederic-Revere, born Apr, 13, 1823; died Jan. 13, 1843, un- married. aacbe lb. Caroline-Howard, born July 4, 1824 (or 1825); died Apr. 21, 1881, at Andover, Mass.; married, Nov. 24, 1852, at Bath, Ezra, son of Ezra and Hannah (Poor) Abbot of Andover, born Nov. 27, 1808, at Andover; died Apr. 21, 1872, at Canton, Mass., where they had Uved. He was a physician. She was his second wife, he having married (1) her cousin, Harriet-Moody Lincoln, aache dh, which see. (Desc'ts of George Abbot, pp. 675, 826.) Children, born at Canton: a. John-Howard, born June 24, 1855; mar. Jessie-Lincoln Gunnill. b. George, born March 29, 1860; mar. Agnes-Margaret Radford. c. Lucy-Amelia, born May 5, 1864; mar. Samuel-Dale Stevens. aacbe Ic. France s-Josselyn, born March 8, 1826; died Dec. 6, 1845, at Bath, unmarried. aacbe Id. Levi-Louis, born Dec. 4, 1827. aacbe le. Abraham-Orne, born Aug. 31, 1829; died Apr. 6, 1834. aacbe If. Augustus-Clark, born March 12, 1831. aacbe Ig. Hannah-Amelia, born Apr. 25, 1832 (or 1833); died March 5, 1856, at Canton, unmarried. (Mass. Vital Records.) aacbg c. Ezra, son of Ezra (Enoch, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Rachel (Gushing) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Oct. 13, 1789, at Hingham; died Feb. 1, 1850, at Boston, Mass. He removed to Boston when a young man and became a printer, his printing office being, for the greater part of his life, at number 14 Congress street. He lived during his whole married life on Myrtle street at number 38. He and his wife were members of the Park Street Church. In politics he was a strong Whig. He married, Nov. 19, 1814, at Boston, by Rev. Thomas Bald- win, Chastine, daughter of Samuel and Nancy Hartwell of Lancaster, N. H., born May, 1792, at Lancaster; died Jan. 24, 1875, at Boston, ''aged 82 years, 8 months." Her father was a 298 LINCOLN GENEALOGY native of Lunenburg, Mass., but her mother was born in Ire- land. (Mass. Vital Records; Boston Records; Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 472; Hist, of Pembroke, N. H., p. 57; Family Records.) Mr. Lincoln's will, dated March 19, 1847, probated March 4, 1850, names: wife Chastine Lincoln; son Hartwell; house on Myrtle street; sister Charlotte Lincoln of Hingham; daughter Adeline Lincoln; daughter Chastine Cushing, wife of Andrew Gushing; granddaughter Chastine L. Cushing; children, Chastine Cushing, Adeline Lincoln, Ezra Lincoln, Hartwell Lincoln, Catherine Lincoln, Jerom Lincoln and Lowell Lincoln. Son Ezra executor. (Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. cxlviii^ p. 119.) Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln are buried at Hingham, their gravestone being inscribed as follows: *'Ezra Lincoln J died Feb. 1, 1850 t aged 60 years t Chastine t wife of Ezra Lincoln J died Jan. 24, 1875 { aged 82 years.'' Their children Emeline, Lowell, Adeline and the two Hartwells are also buried in Hingham cemetery. Children, born at Boston: aacbg ca. Chastine, born Feb. 6, 1816; died Dec. 10, 1889, at Boston; married, Nov. 1, 1842, at Boston, Andrew^, son of George^ {Georg^, Joseph'^, Joseph^, Johv}, Matthew^) and Nancy (Cushing) Cushing of South Scituate, now Norwell, Mass., born Sept. 24, 1814, at South Scituate ; died Nov. 6, 1892, at Boston. He was city missionary of Boston, where he Uved,^ and an original member of Mount Vernon Church, of which he was deacon. He and his wife are buried at Mount Auburn. (Scituate Records; Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, pp. 150-2; Family Records of Chastine-Lincoln Cushing, aachg caa; Boston Records, which say they were married Nov. 18.) Children, born at Boston: a. Chastine-Lincoln, born Oct. 12, 1844; hving, 1910, unmarried. b. Andrew-Lincoln, born 1848; died August, 1850. aacbg cb. Adeline, born July 15, 1817; died Jan. 1, 1890, at Boston, un- married. Her will, dated June 12, 1889, probated Feb. 3, 1890, names: "family lot in the cemetery at Hingham," nieces, Helen-Stevens Jordan, Clara L. Lincoln, Chastine Cushing, and Ethel Lincoln; nephews, Lowell Lincoln, Ezra Lincoln, and Jerome B. Lincoln; grandnieces, Helen Jordan and Marion Jordan; Andrew Cushing; and "brother Lowell Lincoln in trust for my brother Hartwell Lincoln." (Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. dcxxv, p. 75.) aacbg cc. Ezra, born March 12, 1819. aacbg cd. Hartwell, born April, 1821; died Dec. 5, 1822, "aged 1 year, 8 months." (Gravestone.) aacbg ce. Hartwell, born Feb. 9, 1823; died Apr. 8, 1899, in a sanatorium near Baltimore, Md., unmarried. SIXTH GENEKATION 299 aachg cf. Emeline, born February, 1825; died July 15, 1829, "aged 4 years, 5 months." (Gravestone.) aachg eg. Catherine, born March 20, 1827; died Oct. 27, 1909, at Boston; married, June 26, 1850, at Boston, Benjamin-Frankhn, son of Benjamin and Matilda (Sprague) Stevens of Boston, born March 6, 1824, at Boston; died Apr. 10, 1908, at Boston. He was president of the New England Mutual Life Insurance Company and lived in Boston. He went round the world in 1844-7, on the U. S. frigate "Constitution" as clerk to her commander. Captain John Percival. An account by him of this journey was pubhshed in "The United Service Magazine" and was reprinted in 1904. (Mass. Vital Records; Records of Mrs. Helen-Lincoln [Stevens] Jordan.) Children, born at Boston: a. Helen-Lincoln, born Apr. 21, 1851; mar. James-Clark Jordan. b. John-Percival, born Apr. 3, 1853; died May 5, 1854. c. Henry-Clifford, \ ,^^„ ^, n lot-r. / died March 24, 1871. d. Henrietta, / ^"^ O"'' "' ^^^^' \ died Aug. 21, 1858. aacbg ch. Jerom, born July 16, 1829. aacbg d. A child, died unnamed. aacbg cj. Lowell, born October, 1832; died Aug. 8, 1835, "aged 2 years, 10 months." (Gravestone.) aacbg ck. Lowell, born June 28, 1836. aacbi a. Alexander-Edwards, son of Jedediah {Enoch, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Betsey (Edwards) Lincoln of Boston, Mass., born July 12, 1786, at Boston; died Apr. 3, 1832, at Boston. These dates are from the family Bible; "Bronsdon and Box FamiHes," p. 44, says he was born Aug. 23, 1783; Boston records say he died Apr. 4, 1832. In the Boston directories from 1818 to 1827, he is described as "wharfinger" and "wood- wharfinger" on Lynn street. His name does not appear after 1827. He married, June 2, 1816, at Boston, by Rev. Paul Dean, Sarah Watts, who was born in 1790 and died Oct. 9, 1831, at Boston, "aged 41 years." If they had more than one child, evidence of them is yet to be found. (Boston Records.) Child: aacbi aa. Jedediah, born 1817; died Feb. 2, 1825, "aged 8 years," at Boston. aacda e. Leavitt, son of William {William, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Jael (Gushing) Lincoln of Marlborough, N. H., born June 22, 1797, at Marlborough; died Dec. 17, 1887, at New Ipswich, N. H. He was a "cordwainer" and farmer. After his first marriage he seems to have lived for a while at Townsend, 300 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Mass., since on March 8, 1825, he, being then described as "cordwainer of Townsend," with Sibyl, his wife, conveyed land and buildings in Townsend. They probably removed about this time to Ashby, Mass., and there remained until the Spring of 1852, being described in deeds dated June 29, 1846, Dec. 9, 1847, July 9, 1850, Apr. 2, and May 17, 1852, as ''of Ashby," in all of which deeds he, with his wife Sibyl, conveyed real estate in Ashby. On Sept. 2, 1852, however, they conveyed 24 acres in the west part of Townsend, being then described as ''of Winchendon, Mass." On Oct. 28, 1853, being still "of Winchendon," they conveyed 21 acres in Ashby; and Apr. 13, 1860, Leavitt Lincoln of Winchendon and Sibyl his wife conveyed land and appur- tenances one half mile south of Ashby meeting house. (Middle- sex County Deeds, vols, cclxiii, f. 445; ccccxcv, p. 273; dxxiii, f. 219; dlxxxviii, f. 296; dclccvi, f. 256; dclxix, f. 51; dcxlvii, f. 171; dclxix, f. 82; dcccxxxvi, f. 571.) From Winchendon, where he appears to have lived until the death of his first wife, he returned to New Ipswich and probably continued to live there until his death. He married (1), about 1820, SybiP, daughter of Thomas^ (Timothy^, John^, John^, John}) and Deliverance (Blanchard) Heald of New Ipswich, born Apr. 7, 1792, at New Ipswich; died Jan. 17, 1864, at Winchendon. (Hist, of New Ipswich, p. 460; Mass. Vital Records.) He married (2) Mrs. Mary (Heald) Shattuck, widow of Francis Shattuck of New Ipswich, who died Apr. 8, 1842. She was sister of his first wife; was born Feb. 29, 1796, at New Ipswich, and died Dec. 9, 1874. She had two children by Mr. Shattuck but none by Mr. Lincoln. (Hist, of New Ipswich, p. 605; Shattuck Memorials, p. 346; Records of Mrs. Alonzo A. Carr, aacda ge.) He married (3), June 6, 1876, at New Ipswich, BeHnda Mc- Donough, a maiden lady who is said to have been a native of Ireland and who was then 49 years old. She died in the winter of 1894-5, at New Ipswich. (Mass. Vital Records; Hist, of Marlborough, N. H., p. 560.) Children, by first wife, born at Ashby: aacda ea. Maria-Heald, born 1823 ; died Apr. 23, 1846, at Ashby, unmarried. She was admitted to the church at Ashby in 1842. » ,. I SIXTH GENERATION 301 aacda eb. Henry M., born June 2, 1827; died Aug. 5, 1853, at Westminster, Mass., unmarried. He was admitted to Ashby Congregational Church in 1843. He was a physician, "a young man of urbane manners and much medical skill," and in 1852 removed to Westminster, succeeding to the practice of Dr. John White. aacda ec. Cyrus S., born 1829; died Apr. 1, 1849, at Ashby, unmarried. He was a house painter. aacda ed. Mira S., born 1833; died May 29, 1849, at Ashby "aet. 16." aacda ee. William, born Oct. 3, 1840. He was a physician; was twice mar- ried, his first wife being a Winchendon lady. He had a son who was also a physician, and is said to have lived at Wabasha, Minn. aacdb b. Solomon, son of Otis {William, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Elizabeth (Thompson) Lincoln of Perry, Me., born June 27, 1792, in Nova Scotia (perhaps at Truro); died Sept. 10, 1849, at Perry, aged, according to his gravestone, '^56 years, 8 months," which would make him born in January, 1793. (Perry Records.) His father gave him, July 10, 1814, one hundred acres of land from his homestead, calHng him ''yeoman'' in the deed. (Washington County Deeds, vol. xx, f. 440.) On this farm he passed his life. He was elected a member of the First Parish of Perry, Apr. 7, 1828. (Bangor Hist. Recorder, vol. ix, p. 40.) He married, intentions published Nov. 8, 1818, at Perry and certificate given Nov. 24, 1818, at Lubec, Me., Eleanor M., daughter of Jacob and Martha (Cook) Gove of Lubec, born Dec. 29, 1794, at Lubec; died Nov. 13, 1873, at Perry. (Lubec Records; Perry Records, which say she was born in 1792.) Children, born at Perry: aacdb ha. Mary-Martha, born Oct. 4, 1819; died Dec. 7, 1849, at Eastport, Me.; married, Nov. 25, 1844, at Eastport, George^, son of SamueP {Samuel^) and Jane (Cockran) Leighton of Eastport, born Apr. 9, 1820, at Eastport; died Aug. 28, 1876, at Lowell, Mass. He was a carpenter and lived at Eastport until 1860, when he removed to Lowell, where he passed the remainder of his life. He married (2), Apr. 25, 1852, at Eastport, his first wife's sister, Elizabeth, aacdb be. Mrs. Mary-Martha Leighton and her son Frederic are buried in Eastport cemetery. The gravestones are inscribed as follows : "Mary M. % wife of % George Laighton t died % Dec. 7, 1849 J Ae 30 yrs. 2 mos. % Frederic % their son % died Oct. 15, 1849 % Ae 18 mos." (Eastport Records; Records of Mrs. EUzabeth Leighton.) Children, born at Eastport: a. Mary-Matilda, born Feb. 22, 1846; mar. William-John Wood. b. Frederic, born April, 1848; died Oct. 15, 1849. axicdb bb. James-Edward, born Oct. 8, 1821; died July 5, 1870, at Perry, unmarried. He became insane. 302 LINCOLN GENEALOGY aacdb he. Elizabeth, born July 28, 1824; living, 1911, at South Chelmsford, Mass. ; married, Apr. 25, 1852, at Eastport, Me., George Leighton, who had previously married her sister Mary-Martha. See aacdb ha. Children, born: a-c at Eastport; d, e at Lowell, Mass.: a. A CHILD, born Aug. 21, 1853; died Aug. 27, 1853, unnamed. h. Sarah-Capen, born Dec. 8, 1855; living, unmarried, 1911. c. Ellen-Eliza, born Aug. 1, 1858; died May 11, 1860. d. Lucy-Jane, born Nov. 17, 1861; died Oct. 20, 1889, unmarried. e. Ellen-Elizabeth, born Jan. 10, 1864; died Aug. 4, 1864. aacdb bd. Solomon-Henry, born Sept. 3, 1826. aacdh he. Lydia-Ellen, born Nov. 20, 1829; died Aug. 10, 1902, at Perry; married, Jan. 21, 1855, at Perry, John, son of John and Mary (Molle- neaux) Doring of Eastport, Me., born Aug. 13, 1824, at Indian Island, New Brunswick; died Apr. 29, 1907, at Perry. Eastport records call him son of William Doring who came from Ireland, but the family say this is an error. He was adopted when a boy by Robinson Lincoln, aacdh h. He became a farmer and lived in Perry at Birch Point. He was selectman for several years and was a much respected and influential citizen. His will, dated Sept. 20, 1902, filed Jan. 3, 1908, names: daughters Elizabeth A. Doring, Mary E. Gardner and Jessie Doring; sons Frederick W., Robin- son L. and John-Henry Doring. (Washington County Probate Files; Perry Records; Family Records.) Children, born at Perry: a. Ida-May, born Nov. 10, 1855; died March 1, 1873. h. John-Henry, born Jan. 26, 1857; living, 1911, unmarried. c. Frederic- William, born Sept. 23, 1859; mar. Mary Cooke. d. Mary-Ellen, born May 8, 1861; mar. Byron-Leonard Gardner. e. Robinson-Lincoln, born Apr. 24, 1864; mar. Venetia Glen- dinning. /. Laura-Matilda, born Jan. 9, 1868; died Dec. 26, 1873. g. Jessie, born May 21, 1870; living, 1911, unmarried. h. Elizabeth- Appleby, born Apr. 22, 1874; living, 1911, unmarried. aacdb e. Otis, son of Otis {William, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Elizabeth (Thompson) Lincoln of Perry, Me., born June 22, 1799, at Perry; died March 23, 1874, at Perry. He lived at Perry and was a farmer, but in a deed dated Nov. 22, 1820, by which his father gave him one hundred acres of his homestead land, he is described as ''cordwainer." (Washington County Deeds, vol. xx, f. 440.) He was member and treasurer of the First Parish of Perry. He married, March 28, 1824, at Edmunds, Me., Mary- Richards, daughter of Benjamin-Richards and Mehitable-Lewis (Hersey) Jones of Dennysville, Me., born May 2, 1802, at Dennysville; died Apr. 4, 1892, at Eastport, Me. (Perry Rec- ords; Bangor Hist. Recorder, vols, vii, pp. 46, 133; ix, p. 40; Family Records.) SIXTH GENERATION 303 Children, born at Perry: aacdb ea. Caroline-Jones, born Sept. 17, 1827; died Jan. 24, 1897, at Charlotte, Me.; married, May 24, 1854, at Perry, Daniel-Johnson, son of Ebenezer and Sally (Johnson) Fisher of Charlotte, born Sept. 14, 1829, at Charlotte; living, 1910, at Potsdam, N. Y. He lived at Charlotte and was a farmer. He held all the town offices and was representative to the State legislature in 1866 and 1883. His four sons were all Universalist ministers. (Fisher Genealogy, 1898 ed., pp. 204, 309.) Children, born at Charlotte: a. Daniel-Lincoln, born March 11, 1855; mar. Clara- Aspinwall Barnes. b. Lewis-Beals, born Apr. 30, 1857; mar. Fanny A. Shaw. c. Lee-Howard, born Jan. 9, 1860; mar. Mary-EHzabeth Blaisdell. d. Mary-Eva, born March 22, 1862; mar. Fremont-Jesse Sprague. e. Thomas-Baldwin-Thayer, born July 22, 1865; mar. Nellie B. Littlefield. aacdb eb. George-Otis, born May 5, 1830. aacdb ec. Lewis-Jones, born Apr. 6, 1832; died Nov. 18, 1906, at Whiting, Me. He lived at Eastport and Lubec, Me. He married (1), about 1860, at Machias, Me., Lydia-Jane, daughter of James and Lucretia B. (Crane) Gilpatrick of Whiting. She was born July 1, 1839, at Whiting and was living in 1911, at Minneapolis, Minn. He was divorced from her on the ground of desertion Jan. 4, 1893, and married (2), May 23, 1903, at Machias, Lucretia, daughter of Hatevil and Rebecca (Crane) Bell of Whiting, born June 22, 1836, at Whiting; died Dec. 8, 1908, at Whiting. The petition of Lucretia B. Lincoln of Whiting, dated Apr. 8, 1907, repre- sents that Lewis J. Lincoln, who last dwelt in Whiting, died Nov. 18, 1906, intestate, leaving a widow (the petitioner) and as only living heirs at law: Herbert R. Lincoln of Eastport, brother; Otis Lincoln of Milton, Mass., brother; Eva L. Sabine of Lowell, Mass., sister; children of George O. of unknown whereabouts, a brother; and children of Caroline of un- known whereabouts, a sister. (Washington County Probate Files.) Mr. Lincoln had no children. (Information of Mrs. J. A. Lambe, Whiting, Me.) aacdb ed. Mary-Otis, born Apr. 26, 1834; died March 14, 1852, at Perry, unmarried. aacdb ee. Herbert-Richmond, born Sept. 3, 1836. aacdb ef . Otis, born March 20, 1842. aacdb eg. Eva-Richards, born March 8, 1844; living, 1910, at Lowell, Mass.; married, Sept. 1, 1869, at Springfield, Mass., Edward- Andrews, son of EUphalet- Young and Paulina-Fletcher (Coney) Sabine of Eastport, Me., born Feb. 17, 1842, at Eastport. He is, 1911, a book salesman. They live at Lowell, 258 Varnum avenue. They have no children. aacdb f. William, son of Otis (William, Jedediah, Samuel, ^Samuel) and Elizabeth (Thompson) Lincoln of Perry, Me., born July 9, 1801, at Perry; died March 24, 1878, at Dennysville, Me. He was a carpenter. He removed from Perry to Eastport, Me., and thence to Dennysville, where he engaged in farming. 304 LINCOLN GENEALOGY He married, Oct. 3, 1824, at Eastport, Maria L., daughter of David Copp of Eastport, born Dec. 5, 1804, at Eastport; died Apr. 9, 1877, at Dennysville. David Copp and his wife are thought to have come from New Brunswick. Mrs. Copp, whose Christian name is unknown, was a Peavey. (Perry Records; Dennysville Records; Eastport Records; Records of Albert- Edward Lincoln, aacdh fcb.) Children, born: a, b at Eastport; c, d at Perry:* aacdh fa. Charles-Otis, born Dec. 18, 1825; died June 15, 1849, at East- port, unmarried. aacdb .fh. William-Henry, born July 10, 1829; died Feb. 20, 1836. aacdb fc. Albert-Robinson, born Oct. 3, 1831. aacdh fd. Maria-Eli^beth, born Jan. 11, 1841; died Jan. 15, 1861, at Dennysville; married, intentions published Nov. 9, 1859, at Dennysville, Frederick-Jamess, son of Ebenezer' {Ehenezer^, Ehenezer^, Thomas^, AheP, SamueP, Thomas^) and Hannah-Cushing (Wilder) Gardner of Dennysville, born July 9, 1837, at Dennysville; died there March 16, 1910. They had no children, but by a second wife, Mary-Cooper, he had two daughters: Maria L. and Harriet C. Mr. Gardner was a black- smith by trade and a soldier in the Civil war. aacdb g. Thompson, son of Otis (William, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Elizabeth (Thompson) Lincoln of Perry, Me., born Apr. 20, 1803, at Perry; died Feb. 3, 1891, at Perry. He was a farmer and lived at Perry and for over fifty years was deacon of the Congregational church there. In a deed to him dated Aug. 10, 1820, by which his father gave him one hundred acres of his homestead, he is described as "yeoman." (Washington County i Deeds, vol. xx, f. 439.) He married, Dec. 18, 1826, at Dennysville, Me., Sarah- Leighton, daughter of Benjamin-Richards and Mehitable-Lewis (Hersey) Jones of Dennysville, born Apr. 29, 1804; died Decem- ber, 1890, at Perry. She was sister of his brother Otis's wife. (Perry Records; Bangor Hist. Recorder, vol. vii, p. 133; Maine Hist. & Gen. Register, vol. ix, p. 17; Records of William-Henry Lincoln, aacdh gf.) His sons were all sailors. Children, born at Perry: aacdh ga. Benjamin-Thompson, born Dec. 24, 1827; died Apr. 21, 1852, at sea, near China, unmarried. aacdh gb. Franklin-Jones, born Jan. 5, 1829 (his birth is also recorded; as Dec. 4, 1829, in Perry records); died Aug. 31, 1850, on the Isthmus of Panama, unmarried. Some say that he was murdered ♦Dennysville "Centennial," pp. 108-110, calls these children of William Lincoln the chil-BfL dren of his brother Otis. | ' 2fi SIXTH GENERATION 305 b ^■piacdb gc. John-Melvin, born Aug. 25, 1833. aacdb gd. Amelia-Robinson, born Nov. 6, 1834; died May 19, 1911, at Machias, Me.; married, Sept. 28, 1855, at Wilton, Me., Samuel-Belcher, son of David and Lydia-Ann (Belcher) Hunter of Strong, Me., born July 18, 1830, at Strong; living, 1911, at Machias. He was educated as a physician at Jefferson Medical College, where he received the degree of M.D. in 1854. He was surgeon of the 7th Maine infantry regiment in the Civil war, and was in continuous service during the war, generally at the front. After the war he was on the examining board for pensions, which office he held until his health failed. He was also acting assistant surgeon of the Marine Hospital until he was eighty years old. When married he was living at Farmington, Me. (Records of Mrs. Lydia- Ann [Hunter] Knowlton, aacdh gdb.) Children, born: a at Steuben, Me.; h at Belfast, Me.: a. Sarah-Lincoln, born July 3, 1857; living, 1911, unmarried. b. Lydia-Ann, born May 22, 1864; mar. Clarence-Hinckley Knowlton. aacdb ge. Wakefield-Gale, born May 15, 1837; died about 1856 (or 1858), at sea, unmarried. aacdb gf . William-Henry, born Nov. 2, 1839. aacdb h. Robinson, son of Otis {William, Jedediah, Samuel^ Samuel) and Elizabeth (Thompson) Lincoln of Perry, Me., born May 8, 1805, at Perry; died Feb. 5, 1852, at Perry. His father gave him, Nov. 4, 1829, eighty-five acres of land on his home [farm, and in this deed Robinson is called ''gentleman." In other deeds he is described as ''yeoman." (Washington County Deeds, vol. xxi, f. 101.) He lived at Perry and was a farmer. He was chosen a member of the First Parish of Perry, Apr. 7, 1828. (Bangor Hist. Recorder, vol. ix, p. 40.) He died intestate, and his estate was appraised at $2500 real; $840 personal. (Washington County Probate Files.) He married, Nov. 10, 1830, at Perry, by Rev. Bennet Roberts, I Eunice R., daughter of Daniel and Jane (McNeil) Swett of I Perry, born Aug. 13, 1809, at Perry; died Apr. 25, 1858, at Perry. (Perry Records; Records of Mrs. Annie-Robinson [Lincoln] [ Brown, aacdb hf.) Mrs. Eunice Lincoln married (2), Oct. 7, 1852, at Perry, John D. Gibson of Perry. The will of Eunice L. Gibson, wife of I John D. Gibson of Perry, dated Jan. 21, 1858, probated June 9, 1859, names: husband John D. Gibson; daughters Caroline- Augusta Lincoln, Susan M. Lincoln and Anne R. Lincoln; and late son John-Mason Lincoln. (Washington County Probate Files.) Mr. Gibson evidently married again as a petition of 20 306 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Frances J. Gibson of Perry recites that John D. Gibson, late of Perry, died Oct. 9, 1870, leaving as his widow the petitioner. (Ibid.) Children, born at Perry: aacdh ha. Martha-Ann-Robinson, born July 6, 1831; died Sept. 15, 1834. aacdb hb. A child, born Nov. 14, 1833; died same day. aacdh he. John-Mason, born Nov. 8, 1834; died Oct. 27, 1854, at Perry, unmarried. aacdb hd. Caroline-Augusta, born March 9, 1837; died July 10, 1869, at Perry; married (intentions published Sept. 2, and certificate given Oct. 24, 1861, at Perry) Jethro-Brown, son of James and Sarah (Brown) Nutt of Perry, born May 25, 1836, at Perry; hving, 1911, at Perry, a merchant and postmaster. He married (2), Sept. 1, 1872, at Dennys- ville, Me., Miss Ellen-Caroline Leighton of Pembroke, Me. Children, born at Perry: a. Ruth-Brown, born Nov. 1, 1862; died Sept. 19, 1865, at Pem- broke. b. Sarah-Augusta, born Aug. 16, 1864; mar. Hermon Leighton. c. James-Robinson, born Oct. 3, 1866; died March 15, 1869, at Perry. d. Caroline-Augusta, born Apr. 22, 1869; died Oct. 1, 1869. aacdb he. Susan-Maria, born March 15, 1839; died March 26, 1868, at Perry; married, Oct. 24, 1861, at Perry, Levi-Prescott, son of Jethro and Eliza-Ann (Nutt) Brown of Perry, born Aug. 4, 1838, at Perry; living, 1910, at Detroit, Mich. He married (2) his first wife's sister, Annie- Robinson Lincoln, aacdb hf. Children, born at Perry: a. Mason-Lincoln, born July 17, 1864; mar. Marie Vanier. b. Jethro, born March 24, 1867; mar. Lillian-Lillias Gibson. aacdb hf. Annie-Robinson, born May 23, 1845; living, 1910, at Detroit, Mich.; married, Jan. 2, 1869, at Pembroke, Me., Levi-Prescott Brown, who first married her sister, Susan-Maria Lincoln, aacdb he. Child, born at Perry: a. Annie-Louise, born Dec. 11, 1869; mar. James-Edward Leslie. aacdb i. Ezekiel, son of Otis {William, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Elizabeth (Thompson) Lincoln of Perry, Me., born Apr. 24, 1807, at Perry; died Jan. 16, 1885, at Perry. He lived at Perry and was a farmer. He married (1), June 2, 1833 (intentions published May 18, and certificate given June 2, 1833, at Perry), Sophia, daughter of Job and Susan (Kingsley) Gibbs of New Bedford, Mass., born Oct. 26, 1807, at Cherryfield, Me.; died Apr. 23, 1847, at Perry, but Family records say 1846. He married (2), June 20 or 22, 1848, at Perry, Susan Haymon of Robbinston, Me., whose birth and parentage are unknown SIXTH GENERATION 307 and who died Feb. 4, 1853, at Perry. She is called ''Sophia" in Perry records. He married (3), Sept. 17, 1854, at Perry, Maria, daughter of "1 Jonathan and Deborah Watson of Robbinston, born Feb. 8, 1817, at Robbinston; died March 31, 1895, at North Perry. They were divorced. He married (4), in 1863 (intentions published Oct. 19 and certificate given Dec. 4, 1863, at Perry), Mrs. Hannah E. Nor- wood of Pembroke, Me., of whom nothing has been learned. All dates except of the first marriage are from Perry records. Some of the family assert that Mr. Lincoln was never divorced from his third wife and that the fourth marriage was illegal. The will of Ezekiel Lincoln, filed Feb. 3, 1885, names: wife Hannah E.; grandson John D. Kilby; children, Elvira L. Kilby, Amanda S. Hasey, Nathan P. Lincoln, Sophia Andrews, George P. Lincoln, and John H. Lincoln; and says of them, ''having already provided for these children I give them nothing." John D. Kilby was sole executor. (Washington County Probate Files.) Children, by first wife, born at Perry: aacdb ia. Elvira-Kingsley, born Jan. 30, 1834; died Sept. 30, 1904, at Perry, according to Perry records, but family records say born June 30 and died Sept. 29, 1905. She married, Apr. 16, 1857, at Dennysville, Me., Cyrus-Hamlin, son of John and Lydia (Wilder) Kilby of Dennysville, born Nov. 29, 1828, at Dennysville; died there March 23, 1903. They lived at Dennysville but were divorced. She then returned to Perry, and he removed to the western part of the State. (Perry and Dennys- ville Records.) Children, born at Dennysville: a. John D., born Dec. 4, 1859; died Nov. 28, 1882, unmarried. b. Lincoln-Hamhn, born July 28, 1862; died Nov. 15, 1880, at Dennysville, unmarried, but family records say he died Apr. 2, 1881. c. Annie-Sophia, born July 29, 1865; died Nov. 4, 1882, unmarried. aacdb ib. Amanda-Sophrona, born May 26, 1837 (or 1838, by family records); died Nov. 9, 1883, at Bangor, Me.; married, Sept. 20, 1866, at Bangor, Thomas-Brown, son of Ehjah-WiUiams and Hannah (Martin) Hasey of Bangor, born 1830, at Bangor; died Jan. 27, 1875, at Boston, Mass., "aged 37." They lived at Bangor where he was in charge of a vinegar factory. Child, born at Bangor: a. Harry-Leonard, born Sept. 26, 1840; mar. Bernice Murphy, aacdb ic. Nathan-Pattangall, born Sept. 26, 1840. Family records say born Sept. 16, 1841. 308 LINCOLN GENEALOGY aacdh id. Sylvanus-Gibbs, born Feb. 27, 1843, family records say 1844; died August, 1864, of wounds received in battle. He was a member of the 1st regiment, Maine Heavy Artillery. He was not married. aacdh ie. Sophia-Gibbs, born Aug. 26, 1847; living, 1914, at Auburn, Me.; married, June 9, 1875, at Manchester, N. H., John-Calvin, son of John and Sarah (Gibbs) Andrews of Lubec, Me., born Dec. 17, 1836, at Lubec; died June 3, 1879, at Lubec. He was educated at Kents Hill Seminary and taught school as principal of Calais High School for several years before marriage. He became a traveling salesman. They lived at Lubec, but after his death his widow removed to Boston. Child, born at Lubec: a. Fred-Lincoln, born March 10, 1876; mar. Bertha-Randolph Hatfield. Children, by second wife, born at Calais, Me. : aacdh if. Lucy, born about 1850; never married. She was living at Ames- bury, Mass., about 1893. aacdb ig. John-Howard, born Apr. 10, 1852. Children, by third wife, born at Perry: aacdb ih. George-Pottle, born Oct. 6, 1856. aacdh ii. Clarissa-Nodding, born Aug. 28, 1859; died probably before her father as she is not named in his will. aacdc e. Henry, son of Henry {William, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Susannah (Crocker) Lincoln of Falmouth, Mass., born June 13, 1798, at Falmouth; died May 9, 1882, at Brookhne, Mass., ''aged 83 years, 11 months." At the age of seventeen he entered the employ of Mr. Leonard French, a noted grocer of Boston, whose daughter he afterwards married. He began business on his own account at an early age, being engaged in the grocery business until 1831, when he formed a partnership with his brother William, under the name of H. & W. Lincoln, to do a commission business, largely from Nantucket and New Bedford. In 1838, William left the firm and Henry continued the business with Mr. Pliny E. Kingman, being successful for several years but eventually meeting with reverses which resulted in the loss of all his property. Having settled satisfactorily with his creditors, he formed a partnership with his son, William- Henry, and established a line of southern packets in which business he was quite successful. He served for several years, 1835-6, 1850-2, as a member of the Common Council from wards four and six, and was a director of the Asylum for the Insane at South Boston. When in active SIXTH GENERATION 309 business he was a director in the North Bank and in the New England Marine Insurance Company, and a trustee of the Seamen's Friend Society. He was a merchant of the old school and was always regarded as a standard of mercantile integrity. He commanded the respect of all who knew him, and was often called on to arbitrate cases of claims difficult of settlement. In private life his genial, kindly nature attracted troops of friends, his life was a bright example of the power of faith, and as a friend and neighbor he was ever true and kind. (From a newspaper obituary.) He married, Aug. 5, 1832, at Boston, Charlotte-Ann-Lewis, daughter of Leonard and Charlotte (Lewis) French of Boston, born March 5, 1813, at Boston; died May 21, 1891, at Brookline, ''aged 78 years, 2 months, 16 days." They lived in Boston, on Hancock street, until 1856, when they removed to Longwood in Brookline. (Boston Records; Mass. Vital Records, in which Mrs. Lincoln is erroneously called ''Caroline.") Children, born at Boston: aacdc ea. Wiluam-Henry, born June 13, 1835. aacdc eh. Fanny-Mitchell, born May 4, 1837; living, 1911, at Brookline; married, March 25, 1858, at Brookline, Henry-Lincoln, son of William and Harriet (Leland) Richardson of Bath, Me., born November, 1819, at Bath; died March 28, 1866, at New York, N. Y. ''He graduated at Bowdoin College in 1839 and in early life practised law. His attention being directed to commercial law, and the adjudication of marine losses, he soon became an expert in such matters, and removed to Boston where his attainments at once found a wider field. Soon after his removal here he entered upon an extensive mercantile business, and the firm of which he was a member" (Page, Richardson & Company) "immediately became prominent. Mr. Richardson was a very intelligent, high-toned merchant, noted for his enterprise, sagacity, foresight, and decision of character." (Boston Evening Transcript, March 29, 1866.) He went to New York on business the Friday before his death in usual health, and on Sunday had a dangerous attack of congestion of the lungs which proved fatal. He lived at Brookline. (Richardson Memorial, p. 627; Mass. Vital Records; Family Records of Mrs. Fanny-Mitchell [Lincoln] Richardson.) Children, born: a at Boston; h-d at Brookline: a. William-King, born June 27, 1859; living, 1911, unmarried. h. Grace, born Nov. 9, 1861; mar. Leverett-Saltonstall Tucker- man. c. Arthur, born Aug. 15, 1863; died March 12, 1867. d. Fanny-Leland, born June 15, 1865; mar. Louis Curtis. aacdc ec. Richard-Mitchell, born Dec. 26, 1838. 310 LINCOLN GENEALOGY aacdc ed. Charlotte-Lewis, born July 30, 1841; died Aug. 4, 1859, at Brookline, unmarried. aacdc ee. Roland-Crocker, born Feb. 17, 1843; graduated at Harvard College in 1865; was admitted to the Suffolk bar in 1871, and has prac- tised his profession since then in Boston. He was hving, 1911, at Forest Hills, but his summer home was at Manchester, Mass. He married, Nov. 3, 1880, at Boston, AHce-North, daughter of John- Henry and Maria-Rebecca (Tevis) Towne of Philadelphia, Pa., born Nov. 13, 1853, at Philadelphia; living, 1911. They have no children. (Towne Genealogy, p. 179; Bench and Bar of Mass., vol. iii, p. 524; Mass. Vital Records; Family Records.) aacdc f. John-Crocker, son of Henry {William, Jedediah Samuel, Samuel) and Susannah (Crocker) Lincoln of Falmouth, Mass., born Aug. 16, bapt. Aug. 17, 1800, at Falmouth; died Dec. 2, 1882, at Falmouth, ''aged 82 years, 3 months, 15 days.'' ''Captain Lincoln began life as a sailor, working his way up till he reached the position of captain. After leaving the sea his attention was turned to the West, and having been very success- ful he returned to Falmouth, where he has since remained. Although not engaged actively in business of late, he took a ' deep interest in town and church affairs. He has been for years < a member of the Congregational church, and was a highly re- spected citizen, and by his social qualities won a large circle of friends." (New Bedford Standard, Dec. 7, 1882.) He married (1) Sarah, daughter of Solomon and Temperance (Palmer) Davis of Falmouth, born July 21, 1806, at Falmouth; died July 9, 1864, at Falmouth. ] He married (2), Apr. 17, 1867, at Falmouth, Mrs. Sarah-Butler i (Shiverick) Nye of Falmouth, daughter of William and Olive,* (Butler) Shiverick of Falmouth. The Christian name of her first husband has not been learned. She was born, according to Falmouth records, Sept. 7, 1813, at Falmouth and died Aug. 3, 1883, at Falmouth aged, say Massachusetts Vital Records, 69 years, 8 months, and 26 days, which would make her born Nov. 7, 1813. (Falmouth Records; Mass. Vital Records.) Children, by first wife, born at Falmouth : aacdc fa. William, born Jan. 14, 1833; died Sept. 1, 1846, at Falmouth, "aged 13 years, 7 months, 17 days." aacdc fh. Susan-Crocker, born May 13, 1838; married 1858, or 1859, at New York, N. Y., Ezekiel-Gould, son of Adam-Price and Sarah (Lillie) Ward of SchuylerviUe, N. Y., born Oct. 9, 1812, at Schuylerville; died Jan. 2, 1906, at Andover, Mass. She was his second wife and they were SIXTH GENERATION 311 divorced. By his firso wife, Mrs. Eliza Hazen, he had one child, William. He was a dentist and lived at New Bedford, Falmouth and Fairhaven, Mass. His father was a native of Norridge Lock, Conn.; his mother was born at Eastover, N. Y. Children, born: a, b, f at New Bedford: c-e at Falmouth: a. Sarah-Lincoln, born Oct. 21, 1860; died Nov. 4, 1860. b. Andrew-Lincoln, born March 4, 1862; died Nov. 18, 1887, unmarried. c. EzEKiEL-GouLD, bom March 8, 1865; living, 1911, in British Columbia. d. A SON, born Dec. 23, 1866; died in British Columbia, unmarried. e. Charlotte-Price, born Aug. 8, 1868; mar. Franklin Pearson. . Frederick, born May 8, 1870; living, 1911, in British Columbia, married. aacdc fc. John-Henry, born Oct. 25, 1841; died Jan. 4, 1864, at Titusville, Pa., from an accident, ''aged 22 years, 2 months, 9 days," unmarried. aacdc fd. Andrew-Crocker, born March 27, 1846; died June 24, 1861, at Havana, Cuba, "aged 15 years, 2 months, 27 days," which record if correct would make his birth March 28, 1846. He is called "mariner" in Massachusetts Vital Records, which give the date of his death June 28, 1861. aacdc g. William, son of Henry {William, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Susannah (Crocker) Lincoln of Falmouth, Mass., born March 7, 1808, at Falmouth; died May 23, 1901, at Brook- line, Mass., being the oldest inhabitant of that town. The following account of him is from the Boston ''Evening Tran- script" of May 24, 1901: "After spending some time in the Falmouth schools he went to Derby Academy, Hingham, Mass., and was there graduated in 1821, having been fitted for college when he was only thirteen years old. He did not go to college, however, but went into Deacon James Loring's printing office in Boston. After serving a year in the office he went West and, later, took a position in John Butterfield's store in Caledonia, N. Y. In 1826 he returned to Boston and worked in the store of Joshua Sears. In 1829 he entered the commission business on his own account, dealing in Nantucket and New Bedford oil, and built up an extensive trade. From 1831 to 1837, he was associated in this business with his brother Henry, but in the latter year he sold out to his brother and, joining with Major John Littlefield at Central wharf, estab- lished the New Orleans packet line, which soon became the principal line of Boston. ''When the gold fever broke out in Cahfornia in 1849, he 312 LINCOLN GENEALOGY severed his connection with the Kne and, with his brother, formed Hnes of packets to CaHfornia and Australia. He built and sailed twenty ships and barques, retaining the managing interest in all of them. Finally the business proving somewhat disastrous, he returned to the oil business. At this time ex- tensive discoveries in oil and petroleum wells were made, and Mr. Lincoln was the second man to go into the manufacture of coal oil in this country, forming a partnership with William D. Philbrick, establishing an agency in Titusville and building a refinery at East Boston. After the dissolution of the firm Mr. Lincoln built a large plant in East Cambridge. The business required the equipment of a fleet of schooners to ply between Boston and Philadelphia for the transportation of petroleum. In 1872 the factory was destroyed by fire, and then Mr. Lincoln and his son, William-Edwards, entered the real estate business in which they afterwards continued. *'For about forty-five years Mr. Lincoln lived in Brookline, whither he removed from Boston in 1856. For eighteen years he was an assessor, and for most of the time chairman of the board. He was one of the committee of citizens to superintend the building of the town hall, for many years he was a director of the Brookline Savings Bank, and for forty years was deacon of the Harvard Congregational church." He married, Apr. 7, 1840, at Boston, Mary-Moore, daughter of David and Mary (Moore) Francis of Boston, born Nov. 13, 1814, at Boston; died Dec. 1, 1870, at Brookline. Her father, a native of Boston, was of the noted book firm of Munroe and Francis. Her mother was a native of Charlestown, Mass. (Bos- ton Records; Mass. Vital Records; Family Records.) Children, born at Boston: aacdc ga. David-Francis, born Jan. 4, 1841; living, 1911, at Boston, un- married. He was educated in the Boston Latin School and at Harvard university, taking the degree of A.B. in 1861, and those of A.M. and M.D. in 1864. He served in the United States navy in 1862, and was acting assistant surgeon for eighteen months; was house surgeon at Boston city hospital 1864-5; studied in Berlin and Vienna 1865-7; prac- tised his profession as specialist until 1881; and then, for a number of years, was lecturer at Hobart college. Since 1893, he has lived at Boston. He is the author of several works on hygiene; "Electro-Therapeutics," 1874; "School and Industrial Hygiene," 1880; "Hygienic Physiology," 1893; "Sanity of Mind," 1900; and has contributed minor articles on I SIXTH GENERATION 313 similar subjects to several publications. (Lamb's Biog. Diet., U. S. vol. v; Who's Who in America, 1909.) aacdc gb. William-Edwards, born July 17, 1842. aacdc gc. Charles-Parker, born May 11, 1845; died Dec. 31, 1849, at Boston. aacdc gd. Mary, born Jan. 16, 1849; died June 7, 1849, at Boston, aacdc ge. James-Otis, born Feb. 1, 1851. aacdc gf . Walter-Moore, born Nov. 10, 1852. aacdc gg. Henry, born Nov. 20, 1854; died May 28, 1859, at Brookline. aacdd d. William-Otis, son of Solomon (William, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Lydia (Bates) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Aug. 25, 1801, at Hingham; died June 22, 1884, at Hingham. He was a carriage builder and, afterwards, a farmer. He lived at Hingham on the paternal homestead, North street, near Fountain square. He was overseer of the poor. He married, Dec. 23, 1835, at Hingham, AdeHne, daughter of Jedediah (Enoch, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Mary (Revere) Lincoln of Boston, Mass., aacbi m, his second cousin. She was born Aug. 3, 1810, at Boston, and died Apr. 5, 1870, at Hingham. (Hingham Records; Mass. Vital Records; Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 474.) Children, born at Hingham: aacdd da. William-Otis, born Apr. 20, 1838. aacdd db. Mary-Augusta, born March 14, 1840; died Nov. 12, 1846. aacdd dc. Lydia, born Apr. 22, 1845; living, 1911, at Hingham, unmarried. aacdd dd. Revere, born Dec. 2, 1846. aacdd de. Mary, born Nov. 14, 1851; married, June 4, 1878, at Hingham, Ernest- Wilbur^, son of Alfred^ (Allen^, Barnabas^, Israel'^, Israel^, Joseph'^, Thomas^ the cooper) and Mary-Lee (Curtis) Lincoln of Hingham, born March 4, 1853, at Hingham. He was a pharmacist. They were living, 1893, at Hingham on North street, near Fountain square. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. iii, p. 15.) Children, born at Hingham: a. Alice-Revere, born Apr. 4, 1879. b. Elliott-Curtis, born May 24, 1884. aacdd e. Solomon, son of Solomon (William, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Lydia (Bates) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Feb. 28, 1804, at Hingham; died Dec. 1, 1881, at Hingham. He graduated at Brown University in 1822, and became a lawyer, living at Hingham on Main, near Water street. He was repre- sentative to the General Court, 1829 and 1841; State senator, 1830-1; United States Marshal, 1841-4; master in chancery, 314 LINCOLN GENEALOGY 1842-3; Register of Probate pro tern, for Plymouth county, 1853; and was appointed bank commissioner in 1849. In addition to these poHtical offices he was cashier of the Webster Bank and of its successor the Webster National Bank of Boston, 1853-69, and its president 1869-76. He was a member of the Massachu- setts Historical Society and of the New England Historic Genea- logical Society; and president of the Hingham Cemetery Asso- ciation and of the Hingham Agricultural and Horticultural Society. He was much interested in historical and genealogical study, and as early as 1827, when town histories were compara- tively rare, he wrote the ''History of Hingham,'' a small volume of 183 pages. He contributed occasionally to the New England Historical and Genealogical Register, and was the first to call attention to the probability that President Abraham Lincoln was a descendant from Samuel Lincoln. He married, Nov. 13, 1837, at Hingham, Mehitable^, daughter of Welcome^ {Welcome^, Moses^, Daniel^, DanieU the sergeant) and Susanna (Gill) Lincoln of Hingham, born Dec. 1, 1808, at Hingham; died Sept. 21, 1873, at Hingham. (Hist, of Hing- ham, vol. ii, pp. 455, 474-5; Hist, of Plymouth County, Lewis, 1884, vol. i, p. 53; N. E. Hist. & Gen. Register, vol. xxxvi, p. 414.) Children, born at Hingham: aacdd ea. Solomon, born Aug. 14, 1838. aacdd eb. Arthur, born Feb. 16, 1842. aacdd ec. Francis-Henry, born Apr. 14. 1846. aafff c. Elisha, son of Elisha {Ezekiel, Elisha, Samuel, Samuel) and Susanna (Beal) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., bapt. Sept. 13, 1795, at Cohasset; died Nov. 14, 1839, at Cohasset and is buried in Central burying ground. (Cohasset Records.) He was a private in Capt. Peter Lothrop's Company of militia in 1814, which assembled in June of that year to repel an ex- pected British invasion, but it must have been his father who was a member of Capt. John Pratt's Company of foot in 1808, as he would have been too young. (Hist, of Cohasset, pp. 338, 344.) He was a farmer and lived at Cohasset, on Sohier street, in a house built by his great-grandfather. He married, Nov. 5, 1820, at Cohasset (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 243, erroneously says 1825), Sarah^, daughter of Aaron^ SIXTH GENERATION 315 {Jazaniah^, Jazaniah^, Israel^, Thomas^) and Susannah-Davis (Humphrey) Nichols of Cohasset, born May 29, 1800, at Co- hasset; died Sept. 28, 1875, at New Haven, Conn. She is buried with her husband in Central burying ground. Their monument, which makes an error in the date of his death, is inscribed as follows : ^'Father & Mother J Elisha Lincoln t died | Nov. 13, 1839 J Aged 44 Years. J Sarah | his Wife J died Sept. 28, 1875 J Aged 75 Years | Tho' lost to sight to memory dear." Children, born at Cohasset: aafff ca. Susannah-Nichols, born July 15, 1824; died March 21, 1899, at Cohasset; married, Feb. 8, 1844, at Cohasset, Samuel- Allen^, son of Stephen® {Aaron^, Jazaniah^, Jazaniah^, Israel-, Thomas^) and Catherine (Russell) Nichols of Cohasset, her first cousin. He was born March 26, 1819, at Cohasset, and died there May 15, 1909. He lived on Sohier street, Cohasset, and was a nurseryman and florist. In the record of his marriage he is called a "mason." (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 311, corrected by Miss Caroline-Frances Nichols; Cohasset Records.) Children, born at Cohasset: a. A CHILD, born Apr. 7, 1845; died Apr. 8, 1845. 6. Martin, born July 25, 1846; mar. Emily Fitts. c. Caroline-Frances, born March 23, 1848; living, 1911, un- married. d. Sarah-Lincoln, born Feb. 19, 1850; died May 31, 1850. e. A DAUGHTER, bom Apr. 20, 1851; died May 5, 1851. /. A SON, born May 7, 1852; died May 8, 1852. g. A SON, born Apr. 24, 1853; died Apr. 25, 1853. h. Samuel-Herbert, born May 30, 1854; died Oct. 22, 1877, un- married. i. James-Franklin, born May 26, 1857; died Nov. 25, 1857. j. Willie, born March 15, 1863; died March 17, 1863. k. Susan-Lincoln, born Jan. 4, 1866; died Oct. 9, 1866. aajfj cb. Samuel-Nichols, born Feb. 18 (or 13?), 1826; died March 29, 1887, at New Haven, Conn. He was a mason by trade and lived at New Haven. He married, intentions published Aug. 15, 1851, at Co- hasset, Emeline E. Bacon, who is called of Boston in the marriage inten- tions, and named "Joanna E." in Cohasset records. She was born February, 1829, and died May 22, 1875, at New Haven, "aged 46 years, 3 months." (New Haven Records; Cohassfet Records.) Children, born at New Haven: a. A SON, born Jan. 5, 1857; died in infancy. b. A SON, born Feb. 4, 1861; died in infancy. aafff cc. Elisha L, born June 10, 1829; died May, 1908, at Cohasset; married, Dec. 25, 1853, at Cohasset, Caroling- Augusta-Elizabeth', daughter of James® {Jo¥, Thomas*, Aaron^ Aarom?, Phineas^) and Betsey (Willcutt) Pratt of Cohasset, born Oct. 2, 1831, at Cohasset; died there Dec. 23, 1896. He is called "carpenter" in the record of his marriage. They had no children. 316 LINCOLN GENEALOGY aafff cd. Sarah-Nichols, born Feb. 29, 1832; died Dec. 14, 1888, at New Haven, Conn.; married, Nov. 20, 1851, at Cohasset, Uriah, son of John and Temperance (Gushing) Penny of Hingham, Mass., born 1824, at Hingham; died Oct. 18, 1889, at New Haven, "aged 65 years." His parents settled in Hingham soon after the War of 1812. He removed to Cohasset after his marriage and, later, to New Haven. He is called "carpenter" in Massachusetts Vital Record's. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 332; Cohasset Records; New Haven Records.) Children, born at Cohasset: a. Charles-Henry, born Feb. 8, 1853; died Apr. 10, 1898, un- married. He is called Charles L. in New Haven records. h. Sarah-Ellis, born Feb. 11, 1854; died August, 1900, unmarried. aafff g. Lewis, son of Elisha (Ezekiel, Elisha, Samuel, Samuel) and Susanna (Beal) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born February, 1808, bapt. 1811, at Cohasset; died Dec. 20, 1883, ''aged seventy-five years, ten months," at Cohasset. He was a farmer at Cohasset. He built a house on Sohier street, on land inherited from his father, in which he lived and which is now, 1911, occupied by his son, Frederick-Lewis. He married, Dec. 13, 1831, at Cohasset, Mary-Avery^, daugh- ter of Nathan^ {Josep¥'^, Nathaniel) and Sally (Wilson) Souther of Cohasset, born March 4, 1811, at Cohasset; died there March 5, 1894. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 244; Cohasset Records; Family Records of Sarah-Lewis Lincoln, aafff gha.) Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln and their daughter, Sarah-Lewis, are buried in Central burying ground, Cohasset. The gravestones are inscribed as follows: ''Father % Lewis Lincoln % died J Dec. 20, 1883 I aged 75 yrs 10 mos. % Mother % Mary Avery % died % Mar. 5, 1894 % aged 82 yrs." ''Sarah Lewis | wife of Jotham B. Beal t died Mar. 19, 1873 X aged 29 yrs. 4 mo." Children, born at Cohasset: ««/// Qfi' Harriet-Souther, born Jan. 14, 1833; living, 1913, at Brockton, Mass.; married, Sept. 18, 1853, at Cohasset, Gorham-Parsons^, son of PauP {Zealous^, Joshua^, Joshua^, Joshua?, Joseph^, Clement^) and Priscilla (Tower) Bates of Cohasset, born Feb. 11, 1825, at Cohasset; died July 3, 1891, at East Boston, Mass. He was a ship carpenter. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 46; Mass. Vital Records; Family Records.) Children, born at Cohasset : a. Harriet-Melinda, born Apr. 13, 1854; died Apr. 9, 1857. b. Gorham-P ARSONS, born Aug. 26, 1855; died Sept. 5, 1855. c. Priscilla-Tower, born Sept. 13, 1856; mar. John Field. SIXTH GENERATION 317 d. Zealous, born March 27, 1858; died "aged six years." e. Lewis-Lincoln, born March 24, 1861; died September, 1912, unmarried. /. Hattie-Parsons, born Nov. 19, 1862; mar. William Dawes of Brockton, aa/// Q^' Mary-Elizabeth, born Aug. 9, 1836; living, 1911, at Dorchester, Mass.; married, Dec. 26, 1856, at Cohasset, Leandfer^, son of Daniel^ {Christopher'^ , DanieP, Joshua^, Andrew^, Jeremiah^, Jeremiah'^, John^) and Hannah-Leavitt (Burbank) Beal of Hingham, Mass., born Nov. 27, 1834, at Hingham; died Nov. 30, 1906, at Dorchester. He removed to Boston and entered into the wholesale clothing business in 1862, the firm name being successively: Parkhurst, Miner & Beal; Miner, Beal & Co.; Miner, Beal & Hackett; and Miner, Beal & Co. He was a member of the Boston Common Council, 1882-3; director of North National Bank, 1888-91; director of the Boston Merchants Asjsociation, 1896; vice-presi- dent of the Boston Five Cents Savings Bank; treasurer of the Boston Industrial Home; treasurer and deacon of Clarendon Street Baptist Church; and member of the Baptist Social Union, the Economic Club of Boston, the Bostonian Society, and the New England Historic Genealogi- cal Society. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 76; Records of Herman-Lincoln Beal, aafff gbc.) Children, born: a at Cohasset; b~h at Boston; i at Swampscott, Mass.: a. Eugene-Willis, born Aug. 31, 1858; mar. Ethel M. Brooks. b. Francis-Leander, born Nov. 9, 1860; mar. Annie L. Miller. c. Herman-Lincoln, born Nov. 14, 1862; mar. Carrie-Jarvis White. d'. Harry- WiNSLOW, born Feb. 29, 1864; died Sept. 24, 1864. e. Mary-Gertrude, born May 29, 1865; mar. Eben-Dennis Seccomb.* /. Sarah-Ellen, born July 30, 1866; died Oct. 11, 1870. g. Edith-Loring, born Oct. 20, 1867; living, 1911, unmarried.* h. Harriet-Ripley, born Jan. 1, 1869; living, 1911, unmarried. i. Clara-Gowing, born July 30, 1873; living, 1911, unmarried. aafff gc. Ezekiel, born June 20, 1839; died Apr. 13, 1840. oa/// gd. Ellen, born June 11, 1841; died Apr. 14, 1842. aafff ge. Sarah-Lewis, born Nov. 20, 1843; died March 19, 1873, at Cohas- set; married, Aug. 7, 1865, at Cohasset, Jotham-Burrell^ son of Caleb^ (Caleb'', Daniel^, Joshua^, Andrew*, Jeremiah^, Jeremiah^, John^) and Martha-Lincoln (Burrell) Beal of Cohasset, born Apr. 19, 1841, at Co- hasset; living, 1911, at North Cohasset. In the record of their marriage he is called "salesman" and she "sempstress." He removed to Boston after her death, married (2) Emma-Frances Packard of Quincy, Mass., and later removed to Maine, where he died Apr. 7, 1913, at Union. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 74.) Children, born at Cohasset :t a. Henry-Lincoln, born Jan. 25, 1867; mar. Rose Brown. 6. Jennie- Warren, born Jan. 21, 1869; mar. Elmer-Ellsworth Smith. ♦Massachusetts Vital Records say Mary was born May 15, 1865, and call Edith-Loring "Edith-Angell" and give her birth Jan. 30, 1867. fCohasset Genealogies" gives them a third child, Benjamin, but this is an error. He was son of William M. and Henrietta M. Beal. 318 LINCOLN GENEALOGY ao/// gf. Irene-Beal, born June 18, 1849; died Aug. 18, 1908, at Boston, but Miss Sarah-Lewis Lincoln says Aug. 24, 1908, at Forest Hills, Mass. She married, June 8, 1876, at Cohasset, James- Warren, son of James- Madison and Catherine-Turner (Daniels) Harlow of Kingston, Mass., born Jan. 15, 1847, at Kingston, but "Shurtleff Family," vol. ii, p. 358, says "born March 26, 1847." He died Feb. 24, 1901, at Cohasset, where they had lived. He was a locomotive engineer. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 180; Mass. Vital Records.) Child, born at Cohasset: a. Sadie- Warren, born Jan. 20, 1878; died Jan. 25, 1878. ««/// QQ' Ellen- Augusta, born Apr. 24, 1850; died Aug. 20, 1902, at Cohasset; married, Apr. 12, 1876, at Cohasset, George- William^", son of Peter-Cammett9 {John^, Jedediah"^, Jesse^, Amos^, Richard*, John^, Richard^, Richard^) and Mary-Ann (Baker) Kimball of Cohasset, born May 27, 1851, at Cohasset; living, 1909, at Cohasset on South Main street. His father was proprietor of the well known ''Kimball House" on Pleasant Beach. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 219; Kimball Genealogy, p. 1075; Mass. Vital Records.) Child; born at Cohasset : a. Peter-Cammett, born July 11, 1879; mar. Nettie-Grace Litch- field, aafff gh. Frederick-Lewis, born Feb. 8 . 1856. abbea c. Jerome, son of Jerome {Francis^ Hezekiah, Daniel^ Samuel) and Elizabeth (Lincoln) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Aug. 23, 1782, at Cohasset; died September, 1822, at New Orleans, La., while he was serving in the United States navy, in the Marine corps. He married, Aug. 27, 1804, at Cohasset, Nancy^ daughter of Joseph^ (Aaron^, Aaron^, Phineas^) and Relief (Bourne) Pratt of Cohasset, born June 11, 1784, at Cohasset; died March 6, 1868, at Cohasset. She married (2), March 30, 1831, at Cohasset, Ziba Wood of Cohasset, who is said to have come from Vermont. He was born about 1775, and died Feb. 14, 1859, at Cohasset. He hved on Beechwood street. His first wife, whom he married Apr. 25, 1796, at North Bridgewater, Mass., was Abigail, daughter of William and Dorcas (Smith) Shaw of North Bridge- water. She was born Jan. 29, 1775, at Bridgewater, and died July 21, 1827, at Cohasset. By her Mr. Wood had six children, born at Cohasset except the youngest, who was born at Bridge- water. (Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 240, 343, 486; Cohasset Records; Hist, of Bridgewater, pp. 292, 354; Hist, of No. Bridge- water, p. 642.) Mr. and Mrs. Wood are buried in Beechwood cemetery, Cohasset. SIXTH GENERATION 319 Children, born at Cohasset: abbea ca. Francis-Mayhew, born Dec. 20, 1804. abhea cb. Newcomb-Bourne, born July 24, 1806; lost at sea in 1830, according to his gravestone, but in 1834, according to other authorities. He was a sailor and was never married. abhea cc. Luretta-Cushing, born Apr. 27, 1808; died Feb. 20, 1880, at North Weymouth, Mass., and is buried in Beechwood cemetery, Cohasset. She married, Sept. 24, 1826, at Cohasset, according to Scituate records but her daughter Mary says 1827, Alexander, son of Alexander and Bethiah (Litchfield) Clapp of Scituate, born Feb. 1, 1807, at Scituate. He was a blacksmith and Hved at Weir River, Hingham, Mass., but removed from there about 1849 and was last heard from in Los Angeles, Calif. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 129; Scituate Records; Records of Mary-Abby-Cushing [Clapp] Brinkman, abbea ccg.) Children, born at Hingham: a. Charles-Cushing, born Oct. 13, 1828; mar. Mary-Jane Tuttle. b. Willi AM- Wall ACE, born Oct. 12, 1832; mar. Anne-Otis Lane. c. George-Alexander, born 1835; died Sept. 7, 1907, unmarried. d. Elizabeth- Ann, born Feb. 6, 1838; mar. Francis Overton. e. Albert-Otis, born March 31, 1840; mar. Abby Binney. /. Emeline-Franklyn, born Oct. 8, 1842; mar. Calvin-Shepard Hall. g. Mary-Abby-Cushing, born Feb. 22, 1846; mar. James-George- Waddell Brinkman. abbea m. Martin, son of Jerome {Francis, Hezekiah, Daniel, Samuel) and Elizabeth (Lincoln) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Aug. 14, 1799, at Cohasset; died Oct. 20, 1890, at Cohasset. He was a farmer and lived at Cohasset on South Main street, in a house which he built just south of his father's. He acquired the title of ''captain" from service in the State militia, in which he was an officer from 1823 to 1830, being commissioned ensign, March 20, 1823; heutenant. May 31, 1823; and captain, June 17, 1828, from which last position he was honorably discharged March 18, 1830. He was one of the leading citizens of the town and for nearly fifty years was almost continuously in public office. He was school committeeman, 1825, 1829, 1830; collector, 1827, 1836; selectman and assessor, 1828-30, 1837-47, 1852-3, 1863, 1868-71, and 1873, and overseer of the poor during the same years except 1863, 1868 and 1869; moderator, 1841, 1846-7, 1852-4, 1863; and representative to the General Court, 1841, 1842 and 1870. In his younger days he transacted simple law business as justice of the peace. He was at one time president of the Cohasset Mutual Fire Insurance 320 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Company, and in later life president of the Cohasset Savings Bank. He was a man of good judgment, with conservative ideas, and much respected by his fellow citizens. He was intensely patriotic and during the Civil war was active in re- cruiting. Slow of speech and of few words he typified in the dignity of his bearing the Puritan of the preceding century, a type now seemingly extinct. In spite of a severe disposition he possessed a certain sense of humor; and it is related of him that at a meeting of the selectmen to make up the annual ac- counts for the town book, he suggested that James-Hall Nichols, who had recently married Miss Ruth Snow of South Main street, must have a bill against the town which had not been presented, namely, for removing snow from South Main street. He married (1), Nov. 11, 1827, at Scituate, Mass., Ruth, daughter of Nehemiah and Hannah (Lincoln) Manson of Scituate, adffh d, born Jan. 30, 1803, at Scituate; died March 12, 1828, at Cohasset. Her father is erroneously called ''John'' in ''Cohasset Genealogies," p. 502. He married (2), Dec. 3, 1834, at Cohasset, Nancy^, daughter of Davis^ (Joshua^) and Nancy (Jenkins) Jenkins of Scituate and Cohasset, born Oct. 25, 1807, at Scituate; died Apr. 4, 1887, at Cohasset. Captain Martin Lincoln's portrait may be found in Cohasset Genealogies, p. 502. (Cohasset Records; Scituate Records; Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 240-1, 502-3; Records of Miss Annie-Elizabeth Lincoln, ahhea mi.) Child, by first wife, born at Cohasset: abhea ma. Martin, born March 6, 1828; died March 16, 1828. Children, by second wife, born at Cohasset: abbea mb. Martin-Jerome, born Apr. 17, 1836. ahbea mc. Davis-Jenkins, born Apr. 21, 1837; died Sept. 13, 1837. ahhea md. James-Davis, born Apr. 12, 1838; died Oct. 28, 1908, at West- borough, Mass., in the insane hospital, where he had been for about two months. He was a mason and farmer and lived at Cohasset. He married, Nov. 26, 1868, at Cohasset, Eliza-Hall^, daughter of Thomas-Nichols^ (Nichols^, Levi^, Daniel*, Daniel^, Ibrook'^, John^) and Jane (Bates) Tower of Cohasset, born July 17, 1841, at Cohasset; died Aug. 4, 1870, at Cohasset in childbirth. She is buried in Central burying ground. They had no children. (Tower Genealogy, p. 567.) ahhea me. Luther-Jenkins, born Feb. 11, 1840; died Nov. 28, 1840. ahhea mf. Henry-Harrison, born May 12, 1842; died Aug. 27, 1842. ahhea mg. Ruth-Marion, born June 30, 1843; died Sept. 21, 1843. SIXTH GENERATION 321 abbea mh. Charles-Cushing, born Jan. 8, 1847. abbea mi. Annie-Elizabeth, born Apr. 18, 1852; living, 1911, at Cohasset, unmarried. abbec b. Joseph, son of Zenas (Francis, Hezekiah, Daniel, Samuel) and Mary (Lincoln) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Nov. 23, 1783, at Cohasset; died Oct. 14, 1869, at Cohasset. He lived at Cohasset on Elm street, in the house of his father-in- law, Thomas Nichols. In 1807, he was among those named, in a petition for the town to accept a fire engine and buckets, who would procure and pay for them. In 1808, he was a private in Captain John Pratt's Company of foot, and in June, 1814, served as a private in Captain Peter Lothrop's Company of militia, which was called out to repel a threatened British invasion. He was one of the original members of the Social Debating Society, which was formed in 1828. He married, Sept. 30, 1810, at Cohasset, Mary-Humphrey^, daughter of Thomas^ (Noa¥, Nathaniel, Israel"^, Thomas^) and Anna (Nichols) Nichols of Cohasset, born Apr. 8, 1792, at Cohasset; died Jan. 23, 1867, at Cohasset, or Jan. 25, according to Massachusetts Vital Records. (Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 241, 305; Cohasset Records; Hist, of Cohasset, pp. 338, 344-5, 520, 524.) Children, born at Cohasset : abhec ha. Sarah, born Apr, 29 (or 30), 1811; died 1891, in the West; married, Dec. 1, 1831, at Cohasset, Mighill, son of Joseph and Deliverance (Lane) Smith of Rowley, Mass., born at Rowley; died 1885 or 1886, in California. He lived at Woburn, Mass., and at Boston, Mass., until about 1851, when he removed with his family to California. He is said to have kept a hotel at Cohasset, but the "History of Cohasset" and "Cohasset Gen- ealogies" make no mention of it. The latter authority says their children were born at Woburn and Boston, but none are recorded in Woburn records. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 386; Family Records.) Children, born at Woburn and Boston: a. Charlotte-Elizabeth, born Dec. 15, 1832; died Apr. 25, 1838. 5. Charles P., born Oct. 11, 1834; died Apr. 18, 1838. c. Sarah- Ann, born Sept. 18, 1836; died young, probably at Boston . d. Charlotte-Elizabeth, born July 30, 1839; mar. Otis-Vinal Sawyer. €. Charles-Mighill, born Apr. 24, 1842; mar. Mary Bromley. /. Henry-Lincoln, mar. Caroline-Louise Wahle. abbec bb. Henry, born Oct. 1, 1812. ahhec be. Mary-Nichols, born May 23, 1816; died June 29, 1849, at Cohasset; married, Nov. 9, 1839, at Cohasset, William-David, son of 21 322 LINCOLN GENEALOGY David and Susannah (Robertson) Eaton of Deering, N. H., born June 26, 1818, at Hillsborough, N. H.; died June 27, 1877, at Boston, Mass. He removed to Boston at the age of fourteen or fifteen and entered into business, but at the age of twenty-one he lost all his savings through the defalcation of a merchant, who held them. He then entered the police department and, July 17, 1852, was appointed deputy-chief. He was promoted, May 20, 1854, to the captaincy of station four. While on duty at Fort Hill he received an injury which, ultimately, caused his death. He retired from the department and in September, 1860, went into the provision business. He married (2), Oct. 12, 1853, Anna-Maria, daughter of Luther and Elizabeth (Lewis) Parker of Exeter, N. H., born Oct. 1, 1828, at Boston; died Apr. 22, 1888, at Brooklyn, N. Y. By this marriage he had one child: Anna-Maria, now living, a widow, at Brook- lyn. (Records of Charles-Henry Eaton, abhec bcc.) Children, born: a, b at Cohasset; c at Boston: a. Willi AM- Wallis, born July 18, 1840; died July 18, 1861, un- married. b. Mighill-Smith, born July 18, 1840, twin of William- Wallis ; changed his name to George-Albert and mar. (1) Fanny O. Dwyer; (2) Emily-Catherine Wood. c. Charles-Henry, born Nov. 30, 1844; mar. Eva-Moody Sherriff. abbec bd. Abigail-Tower, born Oct. 4, 1817; died Feb. 29, 1892, at Cohasset; married, Dec. 14, 1836, at Boston, Mass., by Rev. George Ripley, War- ren, son of Isaac and Mary Marsh of Windsor, Me., born Oct. 9, 1809, at Windsor; died Oct. 13, 1867, at Boston, "aged fifty eight years, four days." He was a stable keeper. His first wife, whose name was Lucy, died June 29, 1836, at Boston, aged twenty-three, and was buried at Mount Auburn. By her he had a son, George W., who survived him. The petition of Zenas D. Lincoln of Boston, dated Oct. 21, 1867, for administration on the estate of Warren Marsh, stabler, of Boston, shows that the said Marsh died Oct. 13, 1867, leaving a widow Abigail T Marsh, and as only next of kin: George W. Marsh of Chelsea; Frederic A. Marsh of Brookline; Henry L. Marsh, "now at sea"; and Ada F. Marsh of Boston, a minor, all children of said Marsh. His estate was valued at $12,187.42. (Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. ccxxxii, p. 757, and original papers; Boston Records; Family Records of Frederic- Alonzo Marsh.) Children, born: a-d at Boston; e at Quincy, Mass.: a. Louisa-Frances, born November, 1839; died Aug. 23, 1840. b. Frederic-Alonzo, born 1841; mar. Mary A. Woodbury. c. Henry-Lincoln. d. A child, died in infancy. e. Ada-Frances, born 1852; mar. David L. Richards, abbec be. Joseph, born Dec. 15, 1819. abbec bf. Samuel-Nichols, born May 2, 1821; died June 4, 1900, unmar- ried. abbec bg. Zenas-Dallas, born Sept. 23, 1823. abbec bh. Thomas, born Aug. 3, 1825; died Aug. 18, 1825. abbec bi. Louis-Nichols, born Jan. 27, 1827. abbec bj. Joel-Wilcutt, born Jan. 19, 1829; died June 5, 1873, at Cohasset, and is buried in Central burying ground. He was living in Boston when married and was then described as "carpenter." He married, May SIXTH GENERATION 323 1, 1853, at Cohasset, Priscilla-Nichols^, daughter of Levi^ (Levi^, Daniel*, Daniel^, Ibrook^, John^) and Abigail (Nichols) Tower of Cohasset, born Dec. 11, 1824, at Cohasset; died July 12, 1904, at Roxbury, Mass., where she was then living. She is buried at Cohasset. They had no children. (Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 241, 441; Tower Genealogy, p. 407; Mass. Vital Records, which say they were married May 8, 1853, at Boston, that he died June 7, 1873, and that she was born Dec. 19, 1824. ahhec hk. John-Hobart, born Jan. 25, 1831; died Sept. 26, 1847, at Boston, and was buried at Cohasset. (Boston Records.) abbec bl. Ezekiel-Wallis, born Nov. 26, 1832. abbec f. Thomas, son of Zenas {Francis, Hezekiah, Daniel, Samuel) and Mary (Lincoln) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born July 11, 1791, at Cohasset; died Apr. 26, 1828, at Cohasset. He was a school teacher and lived in Cohasset in his father's house on South Main street. He married, Nov. 2, 1811, at Cohasset, Nancy Simons, who was a native of Scotland and came to America with her parents when about sixteen years old. She is so called in the records of* their marriage, but '^ Cohasset Genealogies," p. 241, calls her Nancy Norcross and says she married (2) a Mr. Simons. Perhaps he was her first instead of her second husband. She is said to have died in New Hampshire while her son Allen was in college, 1835-9. (Cohasset Records.) Children, born at Cohasset: ahbec fa. Myra, born May, 1812; died March 3, 1882, at Cohasset; married, June 21, 1832, at Cohasset, Calebs, son of Nathan^ (Josep¥-^, Nathaniel^) and Sally (Wilson) Souther of Cohasset, born Oct. 29, 1802, at Cohasset; died July 11, 1843, at sea. He was a mariner and lived at Cohasset, on Elm street. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 395.) Children, born at Cohasset: a. John B., born Sept. 1, 1833: mar. Cornelia F. May. 6. Sarah-Wilson-Hobart, born Aug. 27, 1835; mar. Lewis Will- cutt. c. Allen-Lincoln, born Jan. 21, 1838; died Sept. 22, 1866, un- married. d. Myra-Elizabeth, name changed, later, to Lucy-Richardson, born May 20, 1840; mar. John Loring of Boston. abbec fb. Allen, born Nov. 24, 1814. abbec fc. Ruth, born November, 1815; died March 15, 1819. abbec fd. Thomas, born Dec. 9, 1817. abbec fe. Charles, born 1819; drowned Aug. 4, 1827, in Little Harbor, Cohasset. abbhc d. Robert-Be als, son of Obadiah {Hezekiah, Heze- kiah, Daniel, Samuel) and Tamar (Nichols) Lincoln of Cohasset, 324 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Mass., born June 2, 1811, at Cohasset; died Apr. 26, 1884, at Boston, Mass. He lived at Boston and was an ''iron manu- facturer," called ''iron-moulder" in the record of his death. He is buried at Cohasset. He married, Sept. 30, 1840, at Boston, Susan, daughter of James and Susannah (Reynolds) Knott of Boston, born Dec. 19, 1819, at Boston; died Sept. 5, 1902, at Boston. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 238; Boston Records; Family Records.) The petition of Robert B. Lincoln, dated May 1, 1884, for administration on the estate of Robert B. Lincoln late of Bos- ton, deceased, says that the latter died Apr. 26, 1884, leaving a widow, Susan Lincoln, and as only next of kin Louisa Lincoln, single, of Boston, daughter and "your petitioner" his son. (Suffolk County Probate Records, vol. dlix, p. 450.) Children, born at Boston: ahhhc da. Louisa, born Feb. 3, 1842; living, 1911, unmarried. abbhc db. Robert-Be als, born Nov. 3, 1844. abbhc dc. George-Henry, born July 3, 1846. adaaa a. Mordecai, son of Abraham (John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Bathsheba (Herring) Lincoln of Augusta county, Va., and Jefferson county, Ky., born 1771,* in Virginia; died December, 1830, at Fountain Green, Hancock county, 111., due to exposure suffered in riding several miles during the first day of the "deep snow," which occurred in the latter part of December, 1830. He was buried in a rude coffin hollowed out from a large log. His grave is in section 29, Fountain Green township, but is unmarked. All authorities agree that by the law of primogeniture, then in force in Kentucky, Mordecai inherited all of his father's real estate, and this is confirmed by several real estate transactions by which Mordecai disposed of all the lands known to have be- longed to his father, in all of which transactions he is described as "son and heir at law of Abraham Lincoln." One of these deeds, on record at Louisville, Book U, p. 251, is as follows: *Mr. Lea in "The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln," p. 84, says that he was born in 1764, but his authority for this date is not good. President Lincoln, in a letter to Mordecai Lincoln of Greeneville, Tenn., dated Apr. 1, 1854, says that his uncle Mordecai was fourteen years old when he shot the Indian who killed his father. If this event took place in 1785, as has been supposed, Mordecai would have been born in 1771, about a year after his father's marriage (the date of which was unknown to Mr. Lea), and would have been 21 years old when married, which seems reasonable and natural. In the tax list for Washington county for 1792, recently discovered, he is listed as over 21 years, showing that he must have been born in 1771 or earlier. SIXTH GENERATION 325 "This indenture made this second day of April one thousand eight hundred and twenty two between Mordecai Lincoln son and heir at law of Abraham Lincoln deceased and Mary his wife now at Louisville in the county of Jefferson and State of Ken- tucky of the one part and Benjamin Bridges Senr of the same County and State of the other part witnesseth that whereas the said Mordecai Lincoln did by his bond bearing date the 12th day of January 1797 bind himself to convey to the said Benjamin Bridges Senr by deed with covenant of general warrantee four hundred acres of land lying in the County aforesaid on long run, a water of Floyds Fork near where Huges [sic] Station was, which tract of land was entered surveyed and patented to and in the name of the said Abraham Lincoln deceased. That the consideration for the said four hundred acres of land was and is four hundred pounds for which the said Bridges executed his two bonds or notes to said Lincoln for two hundred pounds each the first made due and payable on demand being dated the said 12th day of January 1797 and the second bond or note bearing the same date payable the first day of February 1798 both of which Bonds have been paid by said Bridges to said Lincoln and the first bond has been taken up and the second bond the said Lincoln says he has lost or mislaid so that he cannot now deliver the same up to the said Bridges — And whereas there is a surplus in the said tract of land of about seventy six acres and for which surplus the said Bridges has this day paid to said Lincoln two hundred dollars the receipt whereof he doth hereby acknowledge and the said Lincoln intends by these presents to convey to said Bridges the whole of the land contained in their the patents boundaries of the said four hundred acres Therefore this Indenture witnesseth that the said Mordecai Lincoln and Mary his wife for and in consideration of the said sums of four hundred pounds and Two Hundred dollars to them in hand paid in manner aforesaid the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowl- edge. Hath granted bargained and sold aliened released en- feoffed conveyed and confirmed and by the presents doth grant bargain and sell alien release enfeoff convey and confirm unto the sd Benjamin Bridges, Senior and to his heirs and assigns the said tract or parcel of land, with the appurtenances containing about four hundred and seventy six acres be the same more or 326 LINCOLN GENEALOGY less and bounded as follows. Beginning about two miles up the fork of Floyds fork from the mouth of a fork of the same formerly called Tias [?] fork at a Sugar tree standing on the [b] order of the same marked S. B^ and extending thence east three hundred poles to a poplar and sugar tree north two hundred and thirteen and third poles to a beech and dogwood West three hundred poles to a white oak and hickory south two hundred thirteen and a third poles to the beginning according to the patent bound- aries of the said four hundred acres of land all the estate right title interest claim and fee of the said Lincoln and wife of in and to the said tract or parcel of land with the appurtenances. To Have and To Hold the same unto the said Benjamin Bridges Senior and to his heirs and assigns — To his and their only proper use benefit and Behoof forever and the said Mordecai Lincoln and Mary his wife do covenant and agree to and with the said Benjamin Bridges Junior [sic] and with his heirs and assigns that they the said Lincoln and wife will and their heirs executors and administrators shall warrant and forever defend the said tract or parcel of land, with the appurtenances unto the said Bridges and to his heirs and assigns forever against the claim or claims of all and every person or persons whatever lawfully claiming or to claim the same. In witness whereof the said Lincoln and wife have hereto set their hands and seals on the day and year first written. ''signed Mordecai Lincoln [seal] ''Mary Lincoln [seal]" The foregoing deed is here given in full, because it not only gives valuable evidence concerning Mordecai, but also describes^ in full the land on which his father is supposed to have settled, and to have met his death. By a second deed, dated Dec. 24, 1803, Mordecai Lincoln, "heir at law to Abraham Lincoln deceased" of Washington county, conveyed to Christopher Riffe a "tract of land lying and being in the county of Lincoln on Green River about six miles below Green River Lick and containing eight hundred acres," the consideration being "four hundred pounds lawful money of the State." This is the tract granted to Abraham Lincoln May 16, 1787, under treasury warrants Nos. 3333 and 3335. (Lincoln County Deeds, Bk. E, p. 130.) SIXTH GENERATION 327 By a third deed, dated June 8, 1808, and recorded at Spring- field, Ky., Deed Book C, p. 462, Mordecai and his wife Mary, being described as of Washington county, sold for five shillings all their right and title to **one certain tract or parcel of land con- taining by survey five hundred acres, which survey was made and patented in the name of Abraham Lincoln, now deceased, and Mordecai Lincoln, aforesaid, is his legal heir, the land laying in the county of Pendleton, tho surveyed and patented while the county of Campbell, and situated southwest side of Licking [river] and bounded by east branch of blanket creek and by said river." From the price it is evident that Mordecai's title to this tract was not good, and it may be that this land was set over to Abraham's widow as her dower and that the foregoing deed was given to clear the title. On Apr. 4, 1797, three months after the sale of the Jefferson county land, Mordecai purchased of Terah Templin, for one hundred pounds, three hundred acres of land in Washington county "on the waters of Cartwright Creek and the beech fork, being part of an entry of six hundred acres patented by said Terah." (Washington County Deeds, Bk. A, p. 473.) In this deed he is described as of Washington county. This land he apparently sold Feb. 4, 1802, to Welford Haven for two hundred pounds, he and his wife both signing the deed and described as of Washington county. The land is said to ''corner to Josiah Lincoln's land." (Ibid, Bk. B, p. 515.) He must have purchased other land of this same Templin patent, though no deed has been found of its transfer to him, since he and his wife sold one hundred and three acres of it to John Kelly, Dec. 7, 1807. (Ibid., Bk. C, p. 311; see also pp. 240 and 352.) The writer has been informed by Reverend William E. Barton of Oak Park, 111., just before going to press, that Mordecai was taxed on Oct. 16, 1792, in Washington county as a white male above 21 years, having 100 acres of land, 1 horse and 2 cattle, but that in 1800, according to the tax list of that year, his land had increased to 300 acres in Washington county, 1950 acres (950?) in Madison county on the Kentucky river, and 1154 acres in Hardin county on Green river. He was also taxed in 1800 on 5 horses but no slaves. By a later tax list, formerly thought to be for 1811 but now claimed to be for 1805, he was assessed on 328 LINCOLN GENEALOGY August 6 for 275 acres of land and 2 horses in Washington county; 940 acres of land, 1 black over 16 and 2 horses in Madison county; and 1130 acres of land and 1 horse in Hardin county. Most of his land he inherited from his father; but he may have had some of it from his wife, who is said to have inherited much land in Washington and Madison counties. All accounts agree in describing Mordecai as a prosperous and influential citizen, sheriff of his county and, according to rumor, a member of the State legislature, but this last has not been officially confirmed. He is spoken of as a man of some genius, of a powerful sense of humor and with a fund of amusing stories, like his distinguished nephew. If he was, as described by General Linder, ''as tender hearted as a woman and, to the last degree charitable and benevolent," it is difficult to believe that Lea is justified in accusing him of deserting his brother Thomas, while a helpless child, and leaving him 'Ho beg, starve, or steal, as he might elect." Were this accusation true, it is hardly likely that the President would have had "a very high opinion of his uncle" as General Linder testifies he had, since it is not likely that Thomas would have forgiven such treatment, and would probably have communicated his feelings to his son. See "The Early Life of Abraham Lincoln," p. 29, by Ida M. Tarbell, and "The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln," pp. 82, 124, by Lea and Hutchinson. Herndon's "Biography of Abraham Lincoln," p. 10, says: "The tragic death of his father filled Mordecai with an | intense hatred of the Indians — a feeling from which he never recovered. It was ever with him like an avenging spirit." Sim- ilar statements may be found in other lives of Lincoln, but Mr. Herndon's only authority seems to be a correspondent from Grayson county, Ky., whither Mordecai removed from Washing- ton county and where he is said to have lived, about fifteen miles from Litchfield, until about 1829, when he removed to Hancock county. 111., settling at Fountain Green, where some of his descendants are still living. His family give him the title of "Major" and claim that he was with Jackson at New Orleans, but this has not been confirmed. He married, in 1792 (by WilHam DeRohan), Mary Mudd, whose birth and parentage have not been learned. The marriage is recorded, without month or day, at Bardstown, Ky. After SIXTH GENERATION 329 her husband's death she Hved with her son, Mordecai, near Fountain Green, where she died about 1859. She is said to have inherited considerable property from her parents, was a devout Roman CathoHc and is buried in the old Catholic cemetery near Fountain Green. (Information furnished by Mrs. Mary-Rowena Bowman, adaaa abc; Records of Jefferson, Washington and Nelson Counties, Ky.) Children, born in Washington county, Ky. : adaaa aa. Abraham. adaaa ab. James-Bradford. adaaa ac. Mordecai, died June 15, 1867, at Fountain Green, unmarried. His estate was valued at $5 personal and $75 real, and Benjamin F. Williams was appointed administrator. (Hancock County, 111., Records.) adaaa ad. Elizabeth, married Benjamin Mudd, who removed with his wife and eleven children to Scotland county. Mo., where he left to each of his children eighty acres of land. His descendants are said to be still living near Memphis, Mo. adaaa ae. Mary-Rowena, married George Nicely and left three living children. She is buried in a lost grave at Nauvoo, 111. Some of her descendants are baid to be living near Memphis, Mo. adaaa af. Martha, married Washington Neighbors. She had no children and is buried in the Catholic cemetery at Fountain Green, 111. adaaa b. Josiah, son of Abraham (John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Bathsheba (Herring) Lincoln of Augusta countj^ Va., and of Jefferson county, Ky., born about 1774, in Virginia; died September, 1835, in Harrison county, Ind., probably at Blue River. Mr. Lea in ''The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln," p. 84, says that he was born July 10, 1766; but his authority is not good, and there is now every reason to believe that he was born eight or ten years later. According to a tax list for Wash- ington county, Ky., for 1792, he was living, on October 16, with his mother, Bathsheba, and between 16 and 21 years of age. This proves that he was born between 1771 and 1776. On May 14, 1795, he was taxed under his own name and called aged 21 or more. The two hsts prove him to have been born in 1773 or 1774. Little is known of his life in Kentucky, whither he removed with his father at an early age. He became a farmer and, with his brother Mordecai, is thus described: ''I knew Mordecai and Josiah Lincoln intimately. They were excellent men, plain, moderately educated, candid in their manners and intercourse 330 LINCOLN GENEALOGY and looked upon as honorable as any men I have heard of." (Letter of Henry Pittle, June 17, 1865; see ''Herndon's Life of Abraham Lincoln/' vol. i, p. 7.) Mr. Lea cites this testimony of Mr. Pittle and in the face of it accuses Mordecai and Josiah of ill treating their brother Thomas, in the following words: *' Taking advantage of the old Enghsh law of primogeniture then in force in Kentucky, the two elder brothers ousted their infant half-brother" — as Lea supposed him to be — ''from all rights of inheritance in his father's estate . . . and the un- happy child was left to the tender mercies of strangers in a wilderness swarming with savage beasts and still more savage men." (''The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln," pp. 83-4.) What- ever truth there may be in this statement as regards Mordecai, there is not a particle of evidence in the land records of Wash- ington, Jefferson, Hardin or Nelson counties that Josiah ever inherited any of his father's lands, nor in any other records that he abandoned or mistreated his brother Thomas. Mr. Lea was drawing entirely on his imagination and has done a great injustice to one who by all testimony was a worthy and honorable citizen. He seems to have owned no land in Washington county until Oct. 9, 1809, when he purchased of Mathew Walton and Frances his wife, all being described as of Washington county, about "sixty acres on the waters of Beech fork of Salt river," and adjoining his brother Mordecai's field. This land he sold Oct. 5, 1811, to John Kelly, he and his wife Catharine both signing with their mark. (Washington County Deeds, vols. C, p. 441; D, p. 35.) Not long after this he removed with his family to Harrison county, Ind., and there acquired a farm of 160 acres in the township of Blue River by patent dated May 8, 1815, on which he lived until his death.* The court records of Harrison county reveal that letters of administration on his estate were granted by the clerk in vacation to John Crutchfield and John Brisco, and were confirmed by the court the third day of November term, 1835. These adminis- trators called in Peter Byerly and George Hup to appraise the personal effects, who were duly sworn to that purpose Sept. 19, ♦The records of the General Land Office in Washington show that the northwest M. 160 acres, section 12, township 2 south, range 2 east, district of Jeffersonville, State of Indiana, was entered by Jesse Hollowell on Dec. 15, 1810, with cash certificate No. 727, Dec. 13, 1814. Patented to Josiah Lincoln, assignee. May 8, 1815. Patent recorded vol. 11, p. 581. SIXTH GENERATION 331 1835, and they swore to their appraisal on the same date. The inventory is as follows: "one Filly Sll.OO one Sheap 1. one Cow 10.50 Corn 20.00 one lot of ry 2.00 wheate 1.00 one saddle 4.00 Casting & pot tramel 2.25 one bedd and bedding * 7.00 one beadstick & Cord 1.50 4 Chiear 1.00 one Check Real . 1.00 two tubes .50 one shuvel plain 1.00 one spinning wheel 1.00 old Iron 12J^ one bell and hand saw 25 two Boock & hammer 25 one Corn how 123^ one table 1.00 ^'$66.50'^ At November term of court, third day, 1835, in the case of "John Crutchfield and Babby his wife and others, heirs at law of Josiah Lincoln, deceased, on Partition of Real Estate, vs. Thomas Lincoln and Catharine Lincoln, heirs at law of Josiah Lincoln deceased, it is ordered on motion of Catharine Lincoln that Isam Denton be appointed her guardian at litem, the said Catharine being an infant under the age of twenty one years" . . . and commissioners were appointed "to divide the landed property . . . and report at next term of Court." August term, 1836, second day, the commissioners to divide the landed property of Josiah Lincoln, deceased, report: "the landed property consisted a part of the north west quarter of section twelve on township two south of the base line and on range two east of the second principal meridian ... lot number one allowed to Katharine Lincoln a minor under the 332 LINCOLN GENEALOGY age of twenty one years ... lot number two allowed to Thomas Lincoln ... lot number three to John Crutchfield and Babby Crutchfield his wife ... lot number four to Jacob Lincoln ... lot number five to John Briscoe and Nancy Briscoe his wife ... lot number six to Isom Denton and Elizabeth Denton his wife, which several lots embrace all the landed property belonging to sd estate and the persons among whom it is divided are all the persons known as legal heirs there- to." (Probate Order Book C.) Mr. Lincoln married, Feb. 26, 1801, in Washington county, Ky., Catharine, daughter of Christopher and Barbara Barlow of said county. The dates of her birth and death have not been learned. The marriage certificate is recorded at Springfield, Ky., and reads as follows: "I hereby certify that a marriage was solemnized by me between Josiah Lincoln and Catharine Barlow on the 26th inst. according to the rites and ceremonies of the Christian Church. Given under my hand February 27th 1801. Thomas Kyle.'' The will of Christopher Barlow of Washington county, dated June 5, 1837, probated June 26, 1837, names: "wife Barbary" and provides that 'Hhe remaining part (if any)" of his estate ''be equally divided among my children hereinafter mentioned," and names his ''heirs viz. Rosannah Keeling, Katharine Lincon, Elizabeth Spencer and Jacob M. Barlow, Jerusha Adams also." He provides also for the freedom of some of his slaves and for the sale of others. (Washington County Will Books, vol. F, p. 460.) Mrs. Lincoln evidently died before her husband, since she is not provided for in the settlement of his estate, or, at any rate, before the property was divided in August, 1836, yet her father seems not to have known of it in the following June. Children, born : a-d in Washington county, Ky . ; e, / at Blue River, Ind.: adaaa ha. Barbara, born about 1802; married, Nov. 4, 1819, in Harrison county, Ind., by Isom Givin, minister of the Gospel, John Crutchfield. They lived at Blue River, and were living in 1836. adaaa bb. Thomas, born 1806. adaaa be. Elizabeth, born about 1809; married (license given July 17, 1826, in Harrison county but the marriage is not recorded there) Isom Denton. They were living in Blue River township in 1836, and are said to have left many descendants. SIXTH GENERATION 333 adaaa hd. Nancy, born March 2, 1810; died July 31, 1842, at Blue River; married, March 15, 1827 Chcensed March 13), by Edward Davy, J. P., at Blue River, John Briscoe, who was born Jan. 13, 1806. They lived at Blue River. He was a farmer. (Records of Charles F. Briscoe, a grandson.) Children, born at Blue River : a. A DAUGHTER, died in infancy. h. Lettie-Ann, born Aug. 14, 1831; mar. Jonathan Cole. c. Anthony- Wayne, born Oct. 4, 1833; mar. Margaret-Jane Soppenfield. d. A daughter, died aged 13 years. e. Francis-Marion, born March 20, 1838; mar. Sallie Totton. /. A DAUGHTER, died in infancy. adaaa be. Jacob, born July 16, 1815. adaaa hf. Katharine, born about 1817; married (Ucense given Dec. 28, 1836, in Harrison county, but the marriage is not recorded there) John SuUenger. adaaa d. Thomas, son of Abraham (John, Mordecai, Mor- decai, Samuel) and Bathsheba (Herring) Lincoln of Augusta county, Va., and of Jefferson county, Ky., born Jan. 6, 1778, in that part of Augusta county which is now Rockingham county; died Jan. 17, 1851, on his farm at Goose Nest prairie, not far from Farmington, Coles county. 111., and is buried in Shiloh cemetery, three and a half miles from the homestead. His monument, erected many years after, bears the following inscription : ''Thomas Lincoln | Father of t The Martyred President t Born I Jan. 6, 1778 t Died t Jan. 15,* 1851." Thomas Lincoln is generally described in all the published biographies of his son as a shiftless rover who failed in all his undertakings, an unsuccessful farmer who brought up his children in poverty and neglect, and who was, on the whole, a rather unworthy parent of so great a son. This reputation is largely due to the description of his person and character in Herndon's "Life of Lincoln," pp. 11 and 12, which is here quoted in full, because, though partly unjust in the light of later discoveries, it is evidently based on information given by personal acquain- tances, perhaps in part by the President himself. "He was we are told," says Herndon, "five feet ten inches high, weighed one hundred and ninety five pounds, had a well *This is evidently a stone cutter's error. The date in the family Bible is Jan. 17. Farming- ton is a village near Charleston. Lea in " The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln," p. 85, on poor authority says he was born Jan. 20, 1780; the date here given is from the family Bible. 334 LINCOLN GENEALOGY rounded face, dark hazel eyes, coarse black hair, and was slightly stoop-shouldered. His build was so compact that Dennis Hanks used to say he could not find the point of separation between his ribs. He was proverbially slow of movement, mentally and physically; was careless, inert and dull; was sinewy and gifted with great strength; was inoffensively quiet and peaceable, but when roused to resistance a dangerous antagonist. He had a liking for jokes and stories, which was one of the few traits he transmitted to his illustrious son; was fond of the chase, and had no marked aversion for the bottle, though in the latter case he indulged no more freely than the average Kentuckian of his day. At the time of his marriage to Nancy Hanks he could neither read nor write; but his wife, who was gifted with more education, and was otherwise his mental superior, taught him, it is said, to write his name and to read — at least, he was able in later years to spell his way slowly through the Bible. In his religious belief he first afiiliated with the Free-Will Baptists. After his removal to Indiana he changed his adherence to the Presbyterians — or Predestinarians, as they were then called — and later united with the Christian — vulgarly called Campbellite — Church, in which latter faith he is supposed to have died. He was a carpenter by trade, and essayed farming too; but in this, as in almost every other undertaking, he was singularly unsuccessful. He was placed in possession of several tracts of land at different times in his life, but was never able to pay for a single one of them. The farm on which he died was one his son purchased, providing a life estate therein for him and his wife. He never fell in with the routine of labor; was what some people would call unfortunate or unlucky in all his business ventures — if in reality he ever made one — ." In partial contradiction to these statements is the testimony of Christopher-Columbus Graham of Louisville, who states that ''Tom Lincoln was a carpenter, and a good one for those days, when a cabin was built mainly with the axe, and not a nail or bolt or hinge in it, only leathers and pins to the door, . . . Tom had the best set of tools in what was then and is now Washington county." In further contradiction is the fact that, in spite of having been thrown on his own resources by his father's death when a young boy, on Sept. 2, 1803, when he was but SIXTH GENERATION 335 twenty-five years old, he purchased for £118 of John-Tom Slater, 238 acres, ''part of 1600 acre survey patented to William May . . . with all its appurtenances, barns, stables, ways, houses, waters and conveniences." In this deed he is described as of Hardin county, and the land was about eight miles north of Elizabethtown in Hardin county. (Hardin County Deeds, vol. B, p. 253.) This land he and his wife Nancy, still of Hardin county, sold for £100, Oct. 27, 1814, to Charles Milton or Melton, ''being the same land conveyed by John-Tom Slater to said Lincoln, Sept. 2, 1803, on Mill creek." (Ibid., Vol. E, p. 193.) To this last deed Thomas Lincoln signed his name but his wife, Nanc3% made her mark, and while this does not prove that the latter was unable to write her name, it does show that she was not so superior in education to her husband as has been claimed, and had, probably, not taught him to read and write. That Thomas was of a roving disposition cannot be denied and that, like other rolling stones, he gathered no moss is not strange, but he inherited his desire for change from a long line of ancestors, not one of whom passed his life where he was born, and most of whom were pioneers with a pioneer's longing for new fields to conquer. Samuel Lincoln, born in England, removed to Hingham, Mass.; his son Mordecai, born in Hingham, re- moved to Scituate; Mordecai, his son, born in Scituate, removed to New Jersey and thence to Pennsylvania; John, his son, born in New Jersey, removed to Pennsylvania and thence to Virginia ; and iVbraham, his son, and father of Thomas, born in Penn- sylvania, removed to Virginia and thence to Kentucky. Nor is it probable that any one of these, settlers all of them in a partly, and some of them in a wholly, unbroken wilderness, was able to bring up his wife and children in much greater comfort than wg-s Thomas, whose poverty, though characteristic of the lands and times in which he lived and which was, probably, httle worse than that of his neighbors, has been held up as a shame and disgrace by most of the President's biographers. Yet one need not go as far as Mr. Lea, who in his chapter on "Thomas Lincoln — The Man" in "The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln," pp. 123-134, in his desire to disprove the characterization of earlier biographers makes him out a better man than the facts seem to warrant. The reader, however, is referred to that chap- 336 LINCOLN GENEALOGY ter for a more intimate account of Thomas's life than can be given here. Further testimony that he was not the altogether worthless character of the biographers is furnished by his appointment as road surveyor in 1816, shortly before his removal to Indiana. It was a very minor office, but he must have had some credit in the community to have received even that. His appointment is on record at Elizabethtown and reads as follows: *' Monday 18th May 1816. Ordered that Thomas Lincoln be and he is hereby appointed surveyor of that part of the road leading from Nolen to Bardstown which lies between the Bigg hill and the rolling fork in place of George Redman and that all the hands that assisted said Redman do assist said Lincoln in keeping said road in repair." Of the early life of Thomas Lincoln, after his father's death, nothing authentic has been learned. He is said to have been abandoned by his brothers and left to shift for himself; but as his mother and sisters were living, and he was, at most, but ten years old when his father was killed, and his brothers were not then of age and were but a few years older than he, there is probably no truth in the report. In 1795 he was taxed in Wash- ington county under his own name, as a white male between 16 and 21 years, and in 1800 he was taxed in the same county as above 21 years and owning a horse, being listed on July 14. As his brothers Mordecai and Josiah were listed in that year on September 11 and May 14 respectively, it would seem that the three were not then living together. In the tax list for 1806, which was formerly thought to be for 1811, Thomas was taxed on two horses and was evidently living in Washington county and farming in a small way. All accounts agree that he learned the trade of carpenter in the shop of Joseph Hanks at Elizabeth- town, which is in Hardin county, and that he practised his trade there until after the birth of his daughter Sarah in 1807. He then, it is claimed, removed to the farm near Hodgenville, in what is now Larue county, and not, for some unexplained reason, to the farm which he had purchased of John-Tom Slater in 1803, which was still in his possession and which, one would think, he would naturally have occupied, especially as it is said to have been a much better farm than the one near Hodgenville. It is SIXTH GENERATION 337 ^ evident that if he ever lived on the Slater farm it must have been for a very short while. During this period of Thomas Lincoln's life, and probably until his removal to Indiana in 1816, he was a carpenter as well as a farmer, and it is not unreasonable to suppose that he changed his dwelHng place to suit the exigencies of his trade. It is now known that before his removal to the Hodgen- ville farm he was engaged in the building of Denton Geoghegan's mill which resulted in two lawsuits, in one of which he was the plaintiff and in the other the defendant, both of which were decided in his favor. After his removal to the Hodgenville farm he is said to have been employed by George Brownfield, and it is now generally agreed that he lived there until after the birth of his son Abraham in 1809. His next remove was to a farm on Knob creek in Hardin coun- ty, about fifteen miles from the Hodgenville farm, and across Muldraugh's hill, called the ''Bigg hill" in his appointment as road surveyor, whither he is said to have removed in 1813. This farm, which was part of a tract of ten thousand acres, he occupied on lease; and a suit of ejectment was brought against him and other occupants of the tract, Jan. 1, 1815, which was not brought to trial until June 9, 1818, when judgment was rendered for the defendants. Meanwhile Mr. Lincoln, not waiting for a settle- ment of the dispute, had left the State. Lamon, whose story seems to have been accepted by the later biographers of Abraham Lincoln without proper investigation, evidently confused this Knob creek farm with the farm purchased of John-Tom Slater in 1803, and also with the farm near Hodgenville. He describes it as containing 238 acres and situated six miles from Hodgenville, and he further says: ''This" [second] "farm he" [Thomas] "had pretended to buy from a Mr. Slater. The deed mentions £118 . . . the deed was made to him Sept. 2, 1813 [sic] and Oct. 27, 1814 he conveyed 200 acres of it to Charles Milton for £100." (Life of Abraham Lincoln, Lamon, p. 13; see also "Paternity of Abraham Lincoln," by Wm. E. Barton, pp. 251-263.) In 1816, after having made a preliminary journey to select a place for settlement, he removed his family to a farm about a mile and a half east of Gentryville in Spencer county, Ind. This farm, which was situated in the midst of a dense forest, required clearing and proved to be not only unfertile but rather 22 338 LINCOLN GENEALOGY unhealthful, yet here Thomas remained, in spite of his ^'roving disposition," until March, 1830, when he removed to Macon county. 111., with his family and a party of relatives, and settled about ten miles west of Decatur. Here he remained, however, but a short time, being driven away by the prevalence of fever and ague, and, in 1831, he was living on a forty-acre farm on Goose Nest prairie, in Coles county, near the village of Farming- ton, where he continued to live until his death. His son Abraham had, however, left him in 1830 to seek his own fortunes. He married (1), June 12, 1806 (Washington County Records), on Beech Fork, Washington county, Ky., Nancy, daughter, it is claimed, of Joseph and Nancy (Shipley) Hanks of Amelia county, Va., and Elizabethtown, Ky., born Feb. 5, 1784, in Amelia county. She died Oct. 5, 1818, at Gentryville, Ind. Few women honestly married have been so maligned as she, and strangely enough all the calumnious stories of her origin and marriage have been due to the credulity of one man, whose opportunities for learning the truth from the lips of the living were unequalled, but who seems to have put undue faith in the statements of Dennis Hanks, who appears to have gone out of his way to calumniate and belittle both Nancy and her husband. Mr. William H. Herndon in the preface to his "Life of Abraham Lincoln" says: "My long personal association with Mr. Lincoln gave me special facilities in the direction of obtaining materials for these volumes. Such were our relations during all that portion of his life when he was rising to distinction, that I had only to exercise a moderate vigilance in order to gather and! preserve the real data of his personal career." Yet Herndon and Lamon, who used Herndon's collections in writing his "Life of Lincoln," both believed until 1882, when the marriage record of Thomas and Nancy was discovered in Washington county, that both Abraham and his mother were illegitimate; and Herndon goes so far as to say that Abraham himself told him in 1850, "the only time when Mr. Lincoln ever referred to his ancestry," that his mother "was the illegitimate daughter of Lucy Hanks and a well bred Virginia farmer." Elsewhere Mr. Herndon tells us that "Mr. Lincoln usually had but little to say of himself, the lives of his parents, or the history of his family before their removal to Indiana. If he mentioned the subject at all, it was SIXTH GENERATION 339 with great reluctance and significant reserve. There was some- thing about his origin he never cared to dwell upon." In 1900 Mrs. Caroline Hanks Hitchcock published "Nancy Hanks, The Story of Abraham Lincoln's Mother," in which she attempts to prove that Nancy was the eighth and youngest child of Joseph and Nancy (Shipley) Hanks; that they removed from Virginia to Kentucky about 1789 and settled near Eliza- bethtown; that her father died in 1793 leaving a will, dated Jan. 9, 1793, in which he names his wife and all his children and leaves to ''my daughter Nancy one heifer yearling called Peidy"; that after her mother's death Nancy went to live with her moth- er's sister, Mrs. Richard Berry, who was Lucy Shipley before her marriage; and that this Richard Berry, calling himself ''garden," with Thomas Lincoln, signed the marriage bond of Thomas and Nancy Hanks two days before the marriage, which marriage is recorded in the records of Washington county at Springfield, certified to by Jesse Head, D. M. E. Ch. (Deacon Methodist Episcopal Church). The bond, which is printed in facsimile in Miss Tarbell's "Life of Lincoln," vol. i, p. 10, reads as follows: "Know all men by these presents that we Thomas Lincoln and Richard Berry are held and firmly bound unto his Excellency the governor of Kentucky for the Just and full sum of fifty pounds Current money to the payment of which well and truly to be made to the said governor and his successors we bind ourselves our heirs &c. Jointly and severally firmly by these presents. Sealed with our seals and dated this 10*^ day of June 1806. The Condition of the above obligation is such that whereas there is a marriage shortly intended between the above bound Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks for which a license has issued now if there be no lawful cause to obstruct the said marriage then this obligation to be Void or else to remain in full force & virtue in law "Witness "Thomas Lincoln [seal] "John H. Parrott "Richard Berry [seal] * 'garden" Since the pubHcation of Mrs. Hitchcock's book its statements have generally been accepted as true. If they are, it is incon- ceivable that Abraham, who was in his tenth year when his mother died and had lived nearly all that time near his mother's relatives, should have believed that either he or his mother was 340 LINCOLN GENEALOGY illegitimate, or should have been told by his father, or even by- Dennis Hanks, that his mother was the daughter, legitimate or illegitimate, of Lucy Hanks, of whose existence no evidence has thus far been produced. Yet it is to be regretted that Mrs. Hitchcock has not presented more conclusive evidence to prove that Joseph Hanks's daughter, named in his will, was born, as stated, on February 5, 1784, and was the Nancy who married Thomas Lincoln in 1806. Unfortunately Mrs. Hitchcock's statements concerning Mr. and Mrs. Richard Berry are con- tradicted by the fact, recently communicated to the writer, that Richard Berry, Sr., died in 1798, his will being recorded in Will Book A, p. 134, in which his wife is called Rachel. Nor was the wife of the younger Richard, who was probably the signer of the marriage bond, named Lucy but Cally or Sally, his marriage to Cally Ewing being recorded. There was therefore no ''kind Uncle Richard and Aunt Lucy," as they are called by Mrs. Hitchcock, for Nancy to have lived with ''until she was married," and this rather casts a doubt upon all of Mrs. Hitchcock's con- clusions. It is hoped that further investigations may prove them correct. It is to be noted that Thomas signed the bond with his name and not with a mark, showing that if Nancy taught him to write it was before they were married. Mrs. Hitchcock attempts to prove that Nancy's father, Joseph Hanks, was descended from Benjamin Hanks of Pembroke, Mass.; but this she has not made clear, and many believe that his ancestor was John Hanks of Gwynedd, Penn., who died in 1731. (See "The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln," pp. 112-120.) Mrs. Nancy Lincoln is de- scribed as "above the ordinary height in stature, weighed about 130 pounds, was slenderly built, and had much the appearance of one inclined to consumption. Her skin was dark; hair dark brown; eyes gray and small; forehead prominent; face sharp and angular, with a marked expression of melancholy which fixed itself in the memory of everyone who ever saw or knew her. . . . She was in disposition amiable and generally cheerful. Mr. Lincoln himself said ... of his mother . . . she was highly intellectual by nature, had a strong memory, acute judg- ment, and was cool and heroic." See Herndon's "Life of Lin- coln," p. 13. It is worth while to remember that Abraham was SIXTH GENERATION 341 but nine years old when his mother died and that his opinion of her was given in 1851, thirty-three years after her death. Mrs. Hitchcock says the traditions of Nancy Hanks's appearance at the time of her marriage ''agree in caUing her a beautiful girl. She is said to have been of medium height, weighing about one hundred and thirty pounds, with light hair, beautiful eyes, a sweet sensitive mouth, and a kindly and gentle manner." She is generally spoken of as superior to her husband, by both nature and education, and as having led an unhappy married life by reason of the hardships she was compelled to undergo. But it should be remembered that she was the daughter, as well as the wife and mother, of a pioneer, and had been used, from earhest childhood, to the hardships of a pioneer's hfe. She may have been unhappy with her husband; many wives in far better circumstances and surroundings have been so; yet, if her character was as described above, it is reasonable to suppose that she made the best of her uncomfortable lot and was not altogether wretched. Thomas Lincoln married (2), Dec. 2, 1819, at Elizabethtown, Ky. (Hardin County Records), Mrs. Sarah (Bush) Johnston, daughter of Christopher Bush of Hardin county and widow of Daniel Johnston of Elizabethtown, whom she married March 13, 1806, and who had died in October, 1818. She was born Dec. 13, 1788, in Kentucky and died Dec. 10, 1869, at the old homestead : in Coles county, 111. She is said to have brought much household furniture with her, which increased the comforts of the family, and is described as ''a woman of energy, thrift and gentleness" and is thought to have had a great influence in moulding the character of her stepson. By her first husband she had three children: John, Sarah and Matilda, but she had none by Mr. ! Lincoln. For further particulars of Thomas Lincoln and Nancy Hanks the reader is referred to the several biographies of Abraham Lincoln and, more particularly, to ''The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln," pp. 123-134, by Lea and Hutchinson; ''Life of Abraham Lincoln, "vol. i, by Miss Tarbell; The "Paternity of Abraham i Lincoln," chaps, xxvii, xxviii and xxix, by William E. Barton; and "Nancy Hanks, The Story of Abraham Lincoln's Mother," by Mrs. Caroline Hanks Hitchcock. 342 LINCOLN GENEALOGY The dates of birth of the children of Thomas and Nancy (Hanks) Lincoln are from a facsimile of a page in Thomas Lin- coln's family Bible, but the entries were all made by Abraham Lincoln. The page is partially destroyed, so that all the dates are not clear. Sarah has generally been miscalled Nancy, because the first line of the record of her birth has been torn off. It is evident that it originally read: '* Sarah daughter of Thos & Nancy Lincoln was born Feb. 10th 1807," Just as the entry of Abraham's birth reads: ''Abraham Lincoln, Son of Thos & Nancy Lincoln was born Feb. 12th 1809." Sarah's death reads: ''Sarah daughter of Tho® Lincoln, wife of Aaron Grigsby died . . .uary 20, 1828," and it is uncertain whether she died in January or February. Lamon misread it May. Children, born: a at EHzabethtown; h, c at Hodgenville, Ky.: adaaa da. Sakah, born Feb. 10, 1807; died January or February 20, 1828, at Gentry ville, Ind., in childbed. She married, Augu&t, 1826, at Gentry- ville, Aaron Grigsby of Spencer county, Ind., born 1801, died 1831. They lived at Gentryville and had no children. They are both buried in "Old Pigeon Cemetery," Gentryville, and Aaron's birth and death are taken from his gravestone. Herndon's "Life of Abraham Lincoln" says of Sarah, "she was thick-set, had dark brown hair, deep gray eyes, and an even disposition. In contact with others she was kind and con- siderate, her nature was one of amiability, and God had endowed her with that invincible combination — modesty and good sense." adaaa db. Abeaham, born Feb. 12, 1809. adaaa dc. Thomas. The only authority for his birth seems to be Hern- don's "Life of Abraham Lincoln," p. 5, where he is said to have lived for a few days, but no authority is cited. He id not mentioned in the family Bible. Dr. Christopher-Columbus Graham also mentions the child Thomas in "Early Life of Lincoln," p. 232. adaae a. David, son of Jacob (John, Mordecai, Mordecaij Samuel) and Dorcas (Robinson) Lincoln of Lin ville, Va., born June 28, 1781, at Linville; died Apr. 26, 1849, at Lacey Spring, intestate. He was a farmer and lived at Dayton, Va., and Lacey Spring, Va., at which latter place he kept an inn in an old two- story log house, which is said to have been erected in colonial times and was burned in February, 1898. In 1835, he was one SIXTH GENERATION 343 of the commissioners to form a new regiment, the 145th Virginia militia. (History of Rockingham County, pp. 120, 202.) He married, Dec. 6, 1808, Catherine Bright, who was born Feb. 6, 1784, and died May 15, 1873, at Lacey Spring. (Records of Dr. John-Edward Lincoln, adaae aha, and Virginia-Catherine [Lincoln] Taylor, adaae aga.) Children, born at Dayton, Va. : adaae aa. John-Strother, born Dec. 30, 1809; died Aug. 5, 1878, in Illinois. He married and had a large family of which nothing has been learned. The following from Rockingham county, Va., Burnt Records, vol. xxii, p. 232, gived the only information of his wife that has been obtained: "September 28, 1849." . . . "and the said John S. Lincoln and Hester Ann his wife, being one of the legal heirs of the said David Lincoln, and as such is entitled to an equal undivided eighth part of the aforesaid land" . . . conveyed the same "to Benjamin F., Jacob and Abraham Lincoln." adaae ab. Preston, born Dec. 11, 1811. The date is also given as May 15 and Dec. 18. lodaae ac. Benjamin-Franklin, born Nov. 12, 1813; died Sept. 10, 1864, at Lacey Spring, unmarried. He served as private in Company H, 10th Virginia cavalry, in the Civil war. ladaae ad. Dorcas, born Aug. 16 or 18, 1815; died March 20, 1894, at Bristol, Va. She married at Lacey Spring, Smith, son of Dorman and Margaret (Kyle) Lofland of Harrisonbux-g, Va., born 1812, near Harrison- burg; died October, 1881, at Bristol. He was a farmer and lived at Lacey Spring and Jonesboro, Tenn., until the Civil war. He then removed to Wytheville, Va., and later to Bristol. (Family Records of Mrs. Anna-McKelvin [Lofland] Gibboney, adaae adg.) Children, born: a-i at Lacey Spring; j at Jonesboro: a. James-Preston, born 1839; died 1848. h. Margaret-Catherine, born May 3, 1841; mar. StClair Armen- trout. c. Mary-Jane, born November, 1842; mar. James H. Baldwin. d. Henrietta, born March 14, 1845; mar. Robert G. Baldwin. e. Frances-Elizabeth, born Nov. 14, 1847; died March 27, 1894, unmarried. /. Dorman-David, born Oct. 30, 1849; mar. Ida Smith. g. Anna-McKelvin, born May 28, 1852; mar. J. Haller Gibboney. h. Cornelia-Smith, born May 19, 1854; mar. Robert Gibboney. i. Franklin-Lincoln, born Feb. 2, 1856; mar. Sallie Rumple. j. Ada-Winslow, born Sept. 2, 1862; died Jan. 4, 1916, unmarried. ^aae ae. Betsey-Ann, born Feb. 1, 1817; died Sept. 2, 1904, at Clifton Hall, near Lacey Spring; married, June 13, 1837, at Lacey Spring, Peter-Perry, son of Philip and Elizabeth (Koontz) Koontz of Mount Valley, Va., born March 1, 1803, near Lacey Spring; died June 27, 1861, about four miles east of Lacey Spring in Plains township, where he had lived. He was a farmer and surveyor, a magistrate and much honored and respected. (Records of Mrs. Ann-Eliza [Koontz] Kibler, adaae aed.) 344 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Children, born at Clifton Hall, Plains Township, Va. : a. Diana-Catherine, born March 27, 1838; died Sept. 28, 1840. h. David-Edward, born June 24, 1839; mar. a Miss Johnson. c. Reuben-Franklin, born Jan. 22, 1841; mar. Ann Thomas. d. Ann-Eliza, born July 2, 1843; mar. Isaac Kibler. e. Mary-Elizabeth, born Nov. 25, 1845; mar. Albert-Curtis Lincoln, adaae aha. f. Philip-Peter-Perry, born May 3, 1848; mar. Carrie West. g. WiLSON-AsBURY, born Dec. 6, 1850; mar. Mary Strole. h. Abraham- William, born Oct. 28, 1853; mar. (1) Dale-Lillie Speck; (2) Lucy-Bell Speck. adaae af. Abigail, born Jan. 14, 1819; died July 18, 1881, at Waco, Texas; married (1) John Shaver or Shafer and lived in Plains Township, Va. She married (2) John Baldwin. Children, by first husband: a. Smith Shaver. b. Lincoln Shaver. Child, by second husband: C. A SON. adaae ag. Jacob-Nicholas, born Apr. 3, 1821. adaae ah. Abraham, born Dec. 19, 1822. Also given Dec. 22 and Dec. 23. adaae h. Jacob, son of Jacob {John, Mordecai, Mordecaiy Samuel) and Dorcas (Robinson) Lincoln of Linville, Va., born Aug. 12, 1795, at Linville; died 1848, in Ohio. He married Mrs. i Nancy (Lionberger) Rhodes, daughter of David and Mary Lionberger of Luray, Va., and widow of Joseph Rhodes. She was born Oct. 6, 1794, at Luray and died March 2, 1867, in the ; Asylum for the Insane at Staunton, Va., where she had been confined for twenty-five years. Her first husband, Joseph Rhodes, was killed while building a barn for his father-in-law. By him she had two children, Hamilton, born Sept. 15, 1813, and Ann, born Aug. 12, 1815. Children, born at Linville Creek, Va. : adaae ha. Dorcas, born July 24, 1822; died Aug. 26, 1892, at Fairfield, Va.; married, Dec. 30, 1847, George Tisinger, born Sept. 1, 1816, near Woodstock, Va. ; died May 22, 1887, near Raphine, Va. He was a farmer and blacksmith. They lived at Raphine. Child, born at Raphine : a. Anna-Eliza- Virginia, born Sept. 17, 1852; mar. John- William Wallace. adaae hh. Rebecca, twin of Dorcas, born July 24, 1822; died Oct. 9, 1904, at Newmarket, Va.; married, Oct. 11, 1849, at Rockbridge, Va., Beal- Steambergen, son of Jacob and Edith (Rynard) Pence of Edinburg, Va., born May 19, 1824, at Edinburg; died Apr. 12, 1907, at Newmarket. He was a farmer. They lived at Mount Jackson, Va. SIXTH GENEEATION 345 Children, born: a, h at Edinburg; c-e at Woodstock, Va.: a. Mary-Lavenia, bom Sept. 24, 1855. h. John-Lincoln, born Apr. 10, 1857. c. Ida-Angeline, born Jan. 16, 1863; mar. Isaiah Printz. d. Charles-Lee, born Jan. 9; 1864. e. Alice-Rebecca, born March 5, 1866; mar. Otto-Haining Henkel. adaae he. John, born May 24, 1824; died Nov. 10, 1889, at Linville Creek. He was burned out in Sheridan's raid and always hated President Lin- coln. He married Nancy Driver, who died Feb. 19, 1905, at Linville Creek. He was a farmer. They lived at Linville Creek and are buried near Singers Glen, Va. They had no children. adaae hd. Martha, born June 2, 1826; died June 29, 1848, at Luray, Va., unmarried. adaae he. Josephine, born June 12, 1828; died Oct. 27, 1899, at Tye River, Va.; married (1), after Aug. 30, 1849, Samuel Stover of Page County, Va. She married (2) Thomas Almond or Allman of Luray, Va. She had no children by her second husband. Children, by first husband: a. Elizabeth Stover. b. Nannie Stover. adaae hf . Jacob-Broadus, born Sept. 8, 1830. adaae hg. Angeline, born March 2 (or 5), 1832; died July 18, 1901, at Luray, Va.; married, Dec. 12, 1848, at Luray, Lorenzo-Sibert, son of Isaac and Martha-Hill (Grayson) Printz of Luray, born May 31, 1826, at Luray; died March 19, 1886, at Luray, where he had lived. He was a farmer. (Records of Mrs. Lavinia-Arribella [Printz] Printz, adaae hga.) Children, born at Luray: a. Lavinia-Arribella, born Dec. 30, 1849; mar. John-David Printz. 6. Ida-Annie, born Dec. 12, 1854; died Nov. 29, 1855. adaae hh. David, born May 18, 1833; died at Santa Fe, N. M., unmarried. adaae hi. Abraham-Randolph, born June 14, 1835. adaae i. Abraham, son of Jacob (John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Dorcas (Robinson) Lincoln of Linville, Va., born March 15, 1799, at Linville; died June 13, 1851, at Linville. He lived on Linville's creek, about four miles north of the village of Edom, and was a farmer. He never held political office but was a colonel in the Virginia militia. He married, Oct. 26, 1826, at Linville, Mary, daughter of John and Mary (Robinson) Homan of Linville, born Oct. 24, 1802, at The Plains, Rockingham county, Va.; died March 8, 1874, at Linville. She and her husband are buried in the Lincoln family burying ground at Linville, their gravestones bearing simply the records of birth and death as here given. (Family 346 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Bible of Jacob and Abraham Lincoln; Records of Miss Kate Pennybacker, adaae iae.) Children, born at Linville: adaae ia. Mary-Elizabeth, born Nov. 11, 1827; died May 14, 1905, at Linville; married (1), Sept. 10, 1844, at Linville, Richard-Snow, son of David-Spencer and Jerusha (King) Maupin of Albemarle county, Va., where he was born Nov. 17, 1816. He died Dec. 7, 1855, at Linville and is buried in the Lincoln burying ground there, as is his wife. He was a physician and lived at Linville. She married (2), Aug. 20, 1865, at Linville, John-Dyer, son of Isaac-Samuels and Sarah- Ann (Dyer) Pennybacker of Harrisonburg, Va., born March 20, 1833, at Franklin, W. Va.; died March 17, 1904, at Richmond, Va., while on a visit there. He was a graduate of the University of Virginia, became a lawyer and served a term in the State legislature. He was quite a brilliant man. His -father was United States senator from Virginia. The Maupins were French Huguenots. Children, by first husband, born: a, b at Linville; c at Edom, Va.: a. Abraham-Lincoln Maupin, born June 24, 1845; mar. Emma Campbell. h. A DAUGHTER, bom March 31, 1850; died same day. c. Dorcas-Sarah-Emeline Maupin, born Sept. 2, 1851; mar. Jacob-Broadus Lincoln, adaae hf, as his third wife. Children, by second husband, born at Linville: d. Mary-Lee Pennybacker, born Aug. 24, 1866; living, 1914, unmarried. e. Kate-Abigail Pennybacker, born May 30, 1868; living, 1914, unmarried. /. John-Dyer Pennybacker, born Nov. 18, 1870; living, 1914, unmarried. adaae ih. Dorcas-Lavina, born Oct. 19, 1829; died July 31, 1830, and is buried in the family burying ground at Linville. adaae ic. Caroline-Amanda, born Oct. 9, 1831; died May 5, 1899, at Harri- sonburg, Va.; married, Sept. 4, 1851, at Linville, John-Price, son of Archibald and Sarah (Price) Brock of Lacey Spring, Va., born May 17, 1823, at Lacey Spring; died Dec. 1, 1892, at Newmarket, Va. They lived at LinvUle and Newmarket. He was a prosperous farmer, stock raiser and cattle dealer. In early life he was an officer in the regular army and served in the Mexican war. At the outbreak of the Civil war he was cap- tain of the Valley Rangers, and he served as such for about a year in the Confederate army. He then entered the commissary department where he served until the end of the war. He, his wife and four children are buried in the Lincoln burying ground at Linville, but no dates are on the stones of the three youngest children. (Family Bible of Mrs. William-Moritz Lowenbach, adaae icf.) Children, born at Newmarket: a. A SON, born June 17, 1852; died same day. b. Charles-Archibald, born March 28, 1854; mar. (1) Elizabeth Hevener; (2) Anna Windle. c. Abraham-Edwin but always known as John E., born Apr. 27, 1856; mar. Elizabeth Rice. SIXTH GENERATION 347 d. Arizona-Frances- Virginia-Josephine-Rebecca, born May 13, 1858; died March 26, 1863. e. Mary-Dakota D., born Oct. 13, 1860; died May 30, 1863. /. Sarah-Aramenta-N ANNIE, bom June 24, 1863; mar. William- Morris Lowenbach. g. Carrie-Lincoln M., born about 1865; died "aged 4 yrs. 1 mo. & 6 days." The Bible record of her birth is destroyed. h. Rebecca- Allemode-LaClyde, born Feb. 28, 1868; mar. Charles- Andrew Carskadon. i. Edna-Earle, born Aug. 24, 1869; mar. Charles M. Long. j. Hugh-Archibald-Lincoln, born April, 1871; mar. Annie R. Maynard. adaae id. Josephine-Rebecca, born Oct. 2, 1833; died Oct. 11, 1903, at Staunton, Va.; married, Feb. 16, 1858, at Linville, William Chapman of Staunton, who died Jan. 22, 1894, at Staunton. They lived at Staunton. He was a dentist. His parents are said to have lived in West Virginia. Dr. and Mrs, Chapman are buried at Staunton. Children, born at Staunton: a. Mary-Lincoln, born Jan. 8, 1859; died May 30, 1879, unmarried. b. Carrie D., born Aug. 29, 1860; died June 21, 1862. adaae ie. Dorcas-Sarah, born March 24, 1837; died Dec. 7, 1852, at Lin- ville, unmarried, and is buried in the Lincoln burying ground. adaaf a. Jesse, son of John {John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Mary (Yarnall) Lincoln of Lebanon, Ohio, born July 17, 1785, in Rockingham county, Va.; died about 1857, at Clarktown, White county, Tenn., and is buried at Sparta, Tenn. He removed from Virginia to Greeneville, Tenn., as early as Jan. 18, 1816, on which date John Balch of Greeneville conveyed to Jesse Lincoln of the same place for sixty dollars, six acres of land on the south side of Greeneville and adjoining said town. (Greene County Deeds, Book 11, p. 224.) He removed to Eagle Furnace, Roane county, Tenn., and was interested in iron mines. He owned a big iron furnace, also a general merchandise store and a large plantation, which was run by his overseer. He became quite wealthy but met with reverses and lost his property. A letter from his wife dated at Eagle Furnace, June 15, 1850, says they were then living there. Subsequently he removed to Clarktown for his health. He married, in 1821, at Jonesboro, Washington county, Tenn., Nancy, daughter of Joseph and Mary (Harbison) Brown of Washington county, born 1801, at Jonesboro; died March, 1884, at Chattanooga, Tenn. She was living, Apr. 28, 1873, at Lookout Mountain, Tenn., on which date she wrote a letter to , 348 LINCOLN GENEALOGY her sister in which she says: ''WilHam Barton [adaaf dd] and his son are hving in Chattanooga. Hamilton [her son] married last December Miss Charity E. Lea — her middle name is Emma — Hugh [another son] is not married." Mrs. Lincoln's father, Joseph Brown, emigrated from Lon- donderry, Ireland, to Charleston, S. C. He subsequently settled in Jonesboro. He was a soldier in the Revolution as were two brothers of his wife Mary Harbison. (Family Records.) Children, born: a at Thompson's Station; 6, c at Sparta, Tenn. : adaaf aa. Hugh-Brown, born Apr. 22, 1832; died Nov. 11, 1903, at Thomp- son's Station. He was a farmer and lived at Thompson's Station. He graduated at the University of Tennessee and was a lieutenant in the 43rd regiment Tennessee volunteers in the Confederate army during the Civil war. He married Mrs. Henrietta (Baugh) Scales, who died before him. They had no children. She was a widow of Joseph Scales. Mr. Lincoln was an elder in the Presbyterian church. adaaf ab. John-Mordecai, born Sept. 18, 1842. adaaf ac, James-Hamilton, born May 12, 1848. adaaf d. Mordecai, son of John (John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Mary (Yarnall) Lincoln of Linville, Va., and Lebanon, Ohio, born Nov. 7, 1788, at Linville; died Apr. 29, 1851, at Greene ville, Tenn. When quite young he went to Hardy county, Va., now W. Va., and there married his first wife, who died not long after the birth of their second child. Leaving the infant with his father, Mr. Lincoln, taking his little girl on the saddle with him, rode to Carter county, Tenn., to visit his uncle Isaac in 1814 or 1815. He was so pleased with the beauty of the country that he purchased "Fish Spring Farm" on Stony creek, sent to Virginia for his goods and settled down as farmer and store-keeper. After some years he removed to Greeneville, where he purchased an interest in the leading store, but retained his mountain farm as his summer home. He was one of the founders of the Episcopal church in Greeneville and was well known from the valley of Watauga to Charleston, S. C, whither he went on frequent business trips, always travelling on horse- back. ''His gracious hospitality and loving disposition endeared him to all." He is buried in the old cemetery at Greeneville, beside his second wife. SIXTH GENERATION 349 He married (1), near Moorefield, Va. (now W. Va.), Clara, daughter of William and Catherine (See) Paul of Hardy county, Va. (now W. Va.), born about 1794; died December, 1815, aged about 21 years. She was a wealthy heiress, her father having left her several plantations and numerous slaves, which fortune is thought to have come from her grandmother See. He married (2), at Knoxville, Tenn., Sophia- Williams, daugh- ter of Frederick and Katherine (Steidinger) Heiskell of Rock- bridge county, Va., born 1800, in Rockbridge county; died June, 1873, at Greeneville of cholera. (Records of Hugh-Lawson- White Gross, adaaf dag, and of Miss Sophie-Bettie Brown, adaaf dfb.) The will of Mordecai Lincoln, dated March 12, 1851, and tallowed May 5, 1851, and recorded at Greeneville is as follows: ''I Mordecai Lincoln do make and publish this as my last will ' and Testament hereby revoking and making void all other wills by me made at any time — *' First I direct that my funeral expenses and depts be paid as soon after my death as possible out of any money that I may die possessed of or may come first into the hands of my executor. '^Secondly — I give and bequeath to my daughter Paulina E. Groce and to the heirs of my son John C. Lincoln, now deceased, that is to say to my daughter Perlina E. Groce five dollars and to the heirs of my son John C. Lincoln five dollars to be divided between them. My reason for not giving them more is because they have already had at least four thousand dollars each in : slaves and the proceeds of the sale of a large tract of land in Hardy County in the State of Virginia. ''Thirdly — I give and bequeath to my grandson Mordecai Lincoln Barton, my landed property consisting of two tracts, "' situate in Carter County, Tennessee, near the fish spring and whereon John Berry now lives. *' Fourthly — I give and bequeath to my daughter Mary Sophia Lincoln my lot of ground joining the Academy on the east and James Johnston on the south and west and also all my slaves, that is Roseanna, Elbert F. Severe, Hugh Duglass, Martha and her child, George W., Matilda, Francis, Marrion and the youngest child of Roseanna Sam by name, and also all my land, lots, buildings, situate in the town of Greeneville or neighbourhood. 350 LINCOLN GENEALOGY ''Fifthly — I give and bequeath to my dear wife Sophia W. Lincoln the use and service of Roseanna and Hugh Duglas, the rents and profits of my tan yard and the hire [of] Elbert Severe and any more money that my Executor may think she needs, and also the use of my Brick House, garden and other things thereunto belonging, and at her death all money, depts, lands, lots and property of every description to revert to my daughter Mary Sophia Lincoln. "Lastly — I nominate and appoint William R. Brown my executor to this my last will. In witness whereof I do hereunto set my hand and seal this twelfth day of March, 1851. *'M. Lincoln [seal] "My handwriting can be proven by Thomas Lane, Jr., Wm. West, James Britten, Wm. M. Loury, B. McDaniel and various ^^^"^^ "M. Lincoln.- (Greene County Wills, Book I, p. 368.) Children, by first wife, born in Hardy county, Va. (now W. Va.) : adaaf da. Paulina-Emily, born May 30, 1813; died Aug. 31, 1891, at Sparta, Tenn. In later life she prefixed the name of Clara to her name. She is called Perlina in her father's will, but her name is properly spelled Paulina after her mother. She married (1), in 1828, at Hagerstown, Md., William Dinges of Front Royal, Va., whose parentage and dates of birth and death have not been learned. He was a widower with a daughter about twelve years old when he married Miss Lincoln, who was living with her grandmother Paul at the time and ran away to Hagerstown to be married. Mr. Dinges was a blacksmith and lived and died at Front Royal. After his death his widow removed to Sparta, where she married (2), in 1838, Milton B., son of Jacob and Sarah (Farrington) Gross of Sullivan county, Tenn., born about 1817, in SuUivan county; died March, 1855, at Sparta, where he had lived. He was a saddler and farmer. (Records of Hugh-Lawrence- White Gross, adaaf dag.) Children, by first husband, born at Front Royal : a. WiLLiAM-MoRDECAi DiNGES, bom Jan. 22, 1829; mar. Amanda Faucher. h. Isaac-Henry Dinges, born 1831; died 1855, unmarried. c. Emily-Oneal Dinges, born September, 1834; mar. (1) Marion Simrill; (2) Charles Neal; (3) Edward Turner. d. David-Washington Dinges, born July 2, 1836; mar. Nora Crutchfield. Children, by second husband, born near and at Sparta: e. Jesse-Lincoln Gross, born Jan. 8, 1839; mar. (1) Julia Sea- horn; (2) Melvina Wallace; (3) /. A daughter, died in infancy. g. Hugh-Lawrence- White Gross, born Jan. 28, 1842; mar. Mrs. Fanny (Boone) Paschall. SIXTH GENERATION 351 h. Thomas-Montgomery-Brown Gross, born May 11, 1844; un- married, 1916. i. A DAUGHTER, died in infancy. j. Ann-Eliza Gross, born March 5, 1849; mar. Joseph-Malcolm Games. adaaf db. John-Craigin, born Nov. 7, 1815. Children, by second wife, born at Greeneville : adaaf dc. Catherine M., born Dec. 18, 1819; died Sept. 20, 1825. adaaf dd. Sarah- Amelia, born Feb. 11, 1825; died June 13, 1850, at Greene- ville; married, June 1, 1841, at Greeneville, by Rev. F. A. McCorkle, William Barton, a native of Virginia whose parentage and birth have not been learned. He was a physician of some ability and lived at Greeneville untU after his wife's death, when he removed to Sparta and, finally, to Alexandria, Tenn., where his son had settled. Though at one time pos- sessed of considerable property, he was unfortunate and became quite impoverished and died, about 1902, in the poor house at Nashville, Tenn., of softening of the brain. Child, born at Greeneville: a. Mordecai-Lincoln, born May 1, 1842; mar. (1) Etta Baird; (2) Sarah DeBow. adaaf de. Louisa-Ann, born Feb. 1, 1829; died June 11, 1839. adaaf df. Mary-Sophia, born March 3, 1833; died June 6, 1867, at Greene- ville; married, Jan. 15, 1852, at Greeneville, William-Ramsey, son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Alexander) Brown of Greeneville, born Feb. 17, 1816, at Greeneville; died Aug. 2, 1902, at Greeneville, where he had always lived. His parents were from Ireland. He married (2), April, 1869, at Greeneville, Mrs. Mary (Johnson) Stover, widow of Col. Daniel Stover and youngest daughter of ex-President Andrew Johnson, by whom he had no children. This marriage proved to be an unhappy one, and they finally separated. (Records of Miss Sophie-Bettie Brown, adaaf dfb.) The children are all living, 1916, at Greeneville and are all very deaf. Children, born at Greeneville : a. Augusta-Lincoln, born Feb. 23, 1853; unmarried, 1916. b. Sophie-Bettie, born Oct. 30, 1854; unmarried, 1916. c. William-Heiskell, born Dec. 7, 1857; unmarried, 1916. d. Mary-Gertrude, born Sept. 12, 1864; mar. David Wilds. adaaf f. Isaac, son of John (John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Mary (Yarnall) Lincoln of Linville, iVa., and Lebanon, Ohio, born Oct. 27, 1792, in Rockingham county, Va.; died Nov. 2, 1867, at Red Lion, Ohio. In early life he taught school and, later, was a surveyor and farmer. He lived at Red Lion, a village about five miles from Lebanon. He served as a private in the War of 1812, being probably the Isaac Lincoln of Capt. Robert McGilPs Company, 38th regiment, Virginia volunteers, who entered service July 8, 1813. (Hist, of Rocking- 352 LINCOLN GENEALOGY ham County, which also mentions an Isaac Lincoln, a private in Capt. Thos. Hopkins's Company, 116th regiment, Virginia volunteers, who entered service July 7, 1813.) Mr. Lincoln was a devoted member of the Baptist church; before his death he was declared insane. He and his wife are buried in the ceme- tery at Red Lion, but two of his children are buried in the old Baptist cemetery at Lebanon. He married, March 4, 1834, at Lebanon (Lebanon Records), Mary (Seaman) Martin, a widow whose first husband's name has not been learned, nor the names and residence of her parents. She was born Dec. 10, 1802, at Washington, Pa.; and died Apr. 18, 1859, at Red Lion. The inscriptions on the gravestones are as follows: '^saac Lincoln J died t Nov. 21, 1867 J aged J 75 Yrs 26 Ds." "Mary Lincoln J died t April 18, 1859 J Aged 56 Yrs 4 t mos & 8 d." ** Abigail H. | Daughter of J Isaac & Mary | Lincoln J died % Nov. 8, 1849 t Ae 6 yrs 6 mos t & 3 d's." ''Infant Son of t I & M Lincoln | Born Dec. 26, 1842 J Died J Jan. 17, 1843." Children, born at Lebanon: adaaffa. Lethea, born 1835 (?) ; died 1853, at Lebanon, unmarried. adaaffb. Rachel-Irene, born 1837 (?); died 1899, at Lebanon, unmarried. She was declared insane, Feb. 28, 1882, and John-Lawrence Swink, her brother-in-law, was declared her guardian. adaaf fc. Orpha-Theresa, born Aug. 17, 1838; living, 1916, harmlessly insane. She married, Dec. 22, 1859, at Lebanon, John-Lawrence, son of Enos- Jones and Eliza- Wise (Stickleman) Swink of Deerfield, Va., born July 14, 1836, in Augusta county, Va.; died March 11, 1908, at Lebanon. He was a farmer, living at Red Lion, near Lebanon. (Records of Clar- ence-John Swink, adaaf fee.) Children, born at Lebanon : a. Lucy-Bell, born June, 1861; died September, 1861. b. WiRTER-LiNCOLN, bom March, 1863; died November, 1877. c. David-Reed, born September, 1865; died April, 1868. d. Elizabeth-Louella, born Aug. 10, 1870; unmarried, 1916. e. Clarence-John, born Apr. 10, 1877; mar. Arvilla Goodwin. adaaf fd. A son, born Dec. 26, 1842; died Jan. 17, 1843. adaaf fe. Abigail H., born May 5, 1844 (?); died Nov. 8, 1849. Her age is given on her gravestone as "6 yrs 6 mos & 3 d's," but this must be an error either for 5 years or, perhaps, for 8 or even 9 years. adaaf k. John, son of John (John, Mordecai, Mordecaiy Samuel) and Mary (Yarnall) Lincoln of Linville, Va., and Leba- SIXTH GENERATION 353 non, Ohio, born June 7, 1807, in Rockingham county, Va.; died at Le Claire, Iowa, soon after the Civil war. He removed to Iowa and was living, Oct. 6, 1860, at Le Claire, Scott county, according to a letter of that date written to his nephew, Dr. Isaac-Lincoln Drake, of Lebanon. He was a farmer and, like his brother Isaac, a very earnest and pious Baptist. But little has been learned of him, as he seems to have got out of touch with his relatives after his removal from Ohio. In a letter to his brother Mordecai at Greeneville, Tenn., dated ''Near Red Lion, Warren Co., Ohio, Oct. 3, 1838," he says: ''I was married the 13th of last February to Miss Sarah Hart who lived five or six miles distant"; and Nov. 8, 1839, he wrote from the same place: ''I have a young daughter that will be ten months old the 3d of next month, we call her Margarete H. Lincoln . . . Brother Isaac and his family were well when I left home, Nancy" his sister ''was down this Fall and Billy" her husband "was down since . . . Mr. Drake seems to be failing and Rachel" another sister "does by no means promise for long life." His father left to him by his will the old family Bible, which undoubtedly contained much information of the family; but it has not as yet been found. He left two daughters and no son; and of these daughters, one of whom probably had the Bible, liothing has been learned. Mr. J. D. Barnes of Le Claire says that he attended district school kept by John Lincoln in 1851. He married, Feb. 13, 1838, in Warren county, Ohio, Sarah Hart, of whom nothing has been learned. (Lebanon Records.) Children, born at Red Lion: adaaf ka. Margarete H., born Feb. 3, 1839. adaafkh. A daughter. One daughter married John Linden and removed to Nebraska. Two granddaughters were said to be living in 1917, at Newton, Iowa. adaah e. George, son of Thomas {John, Mordecai, Mor- decai, Samuel) and Elizabeth (Casner) Lincoln of Rockingham county, Va., and Fayette county, Ky., born Apr. 15, 1792, near Lexington, Ky.; died Apr. 28, 1848, at Council Bluffs, Iowa. He was a volunteer in the War of 1812, and took part in the battle of River Raisin and in several other battles. He served in the Canada campaign and was twice taken prisoner. He was a blacksmith and farmer and continued to live near Lexington 23 354 LINCOLN GENEALOGY until December, 1822, when he removed to Clay county, Mo., settling on a farm a few miles from Liberty, which town he was instrumental in organizing. Here he passed the rest of his life except for a short time when he lived at St. Joseph, Mo. He built one of the first grist mills in Clay county and added milling to his other occupations. He was an industrious, prudent and generally successful man. He and his wife are described as *' people of great force of character, liberal in their views, chari- table and intensely religious." In 1847, his health failing, he went to the Rocky Mountains to recuperate; but, returning, he could get no further than Council Bluffs, where he died. He married, about 1819, near Lexington, Juliann, daughter of Peter* and Fanny (Wharton) Gatewood of Fayette county, Ky., born Feb. 16, 1802, in Fayette county; died Sept. 5, 1892, at Plattsburg, Mo. She inherited a large estate in Kentucky from her father, which she sold Feb. 26, 1859, reserving the family burying ground. (Fayette County Deeds, vol. 35, p. 80.) She left at her death one hundred lineal descendants, viz. : eight children, forty-six grandchildren and forty-six great-grand- children. (Records of Mrs. Julia [Lincoln] McMichael, adaah eo; Portrait and Biog. Record of Clay, Carroll, Chariton and Linn Counties, Missouri, pp. 263-4.) Children, born: a, h at Lexington, Ky.; c-o at Liberty, Mo.: adaah ea. Ann-Taliaferro, bora Aug. 21, 1820; died 1853, in Clay county, Mo.; married John A. Beauchamp. Children : a. John A., living, 1916, at Joplin, Mo. h. Robert, living, 1916, at Kansas City, Mo. and perhaps others. adaah eb. John-Karsner, born Dec. 21, 1821. adaah ec. Robert-Taliaferro, born Sept. 29, 1823. adaah ed. Fanny, born Aug. 16, 1825; died Nov. 16, 1903, at Plattsburg, Mo.; married, May 1, 1844, at Liberty, Mo., Isaac-Newton, son of John and Margret (Doniphan) Hockaday of Greenup, Ky., born Aug. 23, 1817, at Greenup; died Apr. 2, 1874, at Plattsburg, where they had lived. He was a farmer and, later, a merchant. Children, born: a at Liberty; h-d in CUnton county, Mo.; e, /at Platts- burg; g at Atchison, Kan.: a. Richard-Woodville, born Feb. 6, 1845; mar. (1) Betty Whit- tington; (2) Emma Craig. h. Dora, born June 6, 1853; mar. William-Thomas Clay. *Peter Gatewood's will, dated Apr. 18, 1848, names: wife Fannie; daughter Julia Ann Lincoln; deceased daughter Lucy D. Howard's children; Peter G. Lincoln, of whom he says "because he has lived with me from infancy to manhood"; and relative Lucy Ann Taliaferro. (Fayette County Wills, Book S, p. 244.) SIXTH GENERATION 355 c. William-Doniphan, born Aug. 5, 1855; mar. Louise R. Canby. d. James- Winn, born Dec. 28, 1856; mar. Mary Rice. e. Jennie-Sullivan, born Sept. 6, 1858; mar. Thomas-Benton Gill. /. Edwin, born Feb. 15, 1861; mar. Urilla Kunkle. g. Isaac-Newton, born July 14, 1867; mar. Birdie-Pixley Bohart. adaah ee. Peter-Gatewood, born Feb. 22, 1827. adaah ef. Jane-Cordelia, born Aug. 19, 1828; died Jan. 26, 1860, at Lib- erty; married, 1845, at Lexington, Ky., John-Leland, son of Thomas and Anne (Pattie) Howard of Maysville, Ky., born 1801, at Maysville; died Nov. 28, 1893, at Kansas City, Mo., aged ninety-two years. He was a lawyer, having studied the profession under Chief -Justice Marshall. He lived at Lexington, Ky., and, later, at Liberty, Mo. She was his second wife. His first wife was Lucy Gatewood, sister of Mrs. George Lincoln and aunt of his second wife. Children, born at Lexington : a. Julia-George, born Jan. 12, 1846; mar. James Hurt. h. Annie-Pattie, mar. Milton Hightoner. c. Ernest-Doniphan, is married and has four children. adaah eg. William- Wharton, born Feb. 18, 1830; died unmarried. adaah eh. Edward, born Dec. 26, 1831; died Sept. 1, 1833. adaah ei. Lemuel-Saunders, born Aug. 12, 1833. adaah ej. Lucy-Gatewood, born Nov. 28, 1834; died Apr. 14, 1915, at Ne- braska City, Nebr.; married, June 5, 1853, at Liberty, Thomas-Kellar^ son of James^ {Thomas'^, Roberf) and Nancy (Kellar) Bradley of Platte City, Nebr., born 1825, at Lexington, Ky.; died 1903, at Nebraska City. Mr. Bradley, after "investigating the gold fields of California as a forty- niner," settled in Liberty and engaged in mercantile business. Later he removed for a short time to Plattsburg, Mo., and, in 1864, went with his family to Nebraska City, where he continued in mercantile business for about twenty years and then, until he retired, was interested in grain, real estate and insurance. He was regarded as a typical example of a southern gentleman. Mrs. Bradley was of a noble and charitable charac- ter, a devoted member for over fifty years of the Christian Church, and of a very lovable disposition. (Nebraska Daily Press, Apr. 15, 1915.) Children, born: a-e at Plattsburg; /-gr at Nebraska City: a. Eugene-Kellar, born 1855; mar. Bedie F. Catron. b. Graham-Lincoln, born 1856; mar. Guinnie Uttertrep. c. George, born 1858; living, 1916, in Arizona. d. NEWTON,\bornl861;{f^}897. e. Fanny, J ' I died 1865. /. Marshall, \ , iqa-t. / died 1908. A r born 1867; \ ■,- ■, j g. A son, J I died same day. h. Julia, born 1876; living, 1915, unmarried, at Nebraska City. adaah ek. George-Thomas, born Oct. 9, 1836. adaah el. Charles-Howard, born Feb. 15, 1839. adaah em. James-Edwin, born Sept. 27, 1840. adaah en. A son (unnamed), born June 19, 1842; died same day. adaah eo. Julia, born Feb. 27, 1845; married. May 5, 1864, at Liberty, John-Morgan, son of Thomas and Hannah (Morgan) McMichael of Plattsburg, Mo., born March 16, 1838, at Xenia, Ohio; died 1906, at Kansas City, Mo. They lived a greater part of the time at Liberty, but for some time at Plattsburg. Mr. McMichael was a merchant and a 356 LINCOLN GENEALOGY lawyer and, for a time, editor of the Plattsburg "Lever." He was an able writer, and the ''Lever" ranked as one of the best country papers in the State. He served as representative from Clinton county in the State legislature, and was once candidate for governor but failed of election. Mrs. McMichael was living, 1915, at Rogers, Ark. Children, born: a at Liberty; b-e at Plattsburg;/ at Buena Vista, Colo. : a. Lenore, born Feb. 2, 1865; died July 16, 1889, unmarried. b. Fanny, born Sept. 11, 1866; died Oct. 23, 1867. c. Julia, born Jan. 6, 1868; Uving, 1915, unmarried. d. Clara, born Oct. 27, 1869; died July 15, 1889, unmarried. e. Thomas, born Apr. 7, 1874; died Jan. 30, 1901, unmarried. /. John-Morgan, born Nov. 2, 1884; living, 1915, unmarried. adaah g. David, son of Thomas (John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Elizabeth (Casner) Lincoln of Fayette county, Ky., born May, 1800, near Lexington, Ky.; died May 5, 1862, near Liberty, Clay county, Mo. He was a farmer and lived about one mile from Liberty, whither he had removed before his chil- dren were born. He was living in Missouri, June 23, 1821, on which date he, being described as of Missouri, conveyed to Elisha Warfield his "one eighth part of that tract of land con- veyed to him and others by his father, containing about 295 J acres in Fayette county on the waters of South Elkhorn," but as this deed was acknowledged by him in Fayette county on the same date he was evidently at home on a visit. (Fayette^ County Deeds, Bk. U, p. 407.) On Nov. 10, 1828, he was ap- pointed administrator on the estate of Lewis Gatewood, de- ceased, of Fayette county, who was probably the father of David's wife. (Fayette County Order Books, vol. 7, p. 134.) For the settlement of this estate he returned to Kentucky with his wife; and his son Isaac- Wells was born there in 1829; but they went' back to Missouri soon after and remained there until their deaths. He married, Dec. 10, 1822, at Lexington, America-Sanders, daughter, probably, of Lewis Gatewood of Fayette county, born May, 1800, in Fayette county; died Aug. 20, 1865, near Liberty. She is called Maria in the marriage record at Lexington. (Information of David-Lincoln Stoutimore, adaah gad, and James-Claiborne Lincoln, adaah gda.) Children, born: a-c, e-j in Clay County, Mo.; d in Fayette County, Ky.: SIXTH GENERATION 357 adaah ga. Amanda F., born July 14, 1824; died Aug. 21, 1865, near Platts- burg, Mo.; married, Feb. 1, 1843, at Liberty, Mo., Josiah, son of Casper and Catharine (Trout) Stoutimore of Salem, Va., born Apr. 22, 1818, at Salem; died July 3, 1900, at Plattsburg. He was a farmer. They lived on a farm about five miles south of Plattsburg. Children, bom near Plattsburg : a. George B., born Dec. 30, 1843; died Sept. 24, 1860. b. Francis D., born Sept. 21, 1845. c. America E., born May 4, 1848; died Oct. 20, 1851. d. David-Lincoln, born Jan. 13, 1850. e. Isaac-Newton, born Sept. 5, 1852. /. Virginia- Ann, born May 30, 1854; died Nov. 11, 1856. g. Charles-Claiborne, born Dec. 22, 1855; died Nov. 14, 1856. h. William-Henry-Harrison, born Jan. 22, 1858. i. Jonathan-DeWit, born Oct. 1, 1860; died Apr. 12, 1911. j. JosiE, born Aug. 1, 1863; died Aug. 13, 1865. adaah gb. Elizabeth T., born Jan. 14, 1826; died Oct. 10, 1828. adaah gc. Mary T., born Jan. 2, 1828; died at St. Joseph, Mo.; married a Mr. Thomason. Children : a. William F., born June 26, 1845; was married. I b. America-Agnes, born Feb. 26, 1847. adaah gd. Isaac-Wells, born Oct. 31, 1829. ' adaah ge. Frances-Katharine, born Oct. 31, 1831; died at Liberty, Mo.; married William Estus of Liberty. 5 adaah gf. Claiborne-Bird, born Feb. 25, 1833; married and had two daughters. * : adaah gg. Harriet-Delucy, born Sept. 1, 1835; died Sept. 26, 1856. D adaah gh. Larkin F., born July 16, 1836; died Feb. 24, 1840. ^ adaah gi. Thomas-Gate wood, born March 20, 1840; died Apr. 25, 1840. adaah gj. Mordecai, died in infancy.* )• '■ 1*1 adaga a. Thomas, son of Benjamin (Mordecai, Mordecai, ^ ' Mordecai, Samuel) and Elizabeth (Oaves) Lincoln of North '' ■ Union, Pa., born Aug. 10, 1785, at North Union; died Oct. 28, ^' 1864, at Carmichaels, Pa. Between 1800 and 1808, he learned " the fulling business with Jonathan Hanks, near Garard's Fort, "i/j Greene county, Pa., his father owning, at that time, three hun- jj dred acres of land in Whiteley township, Greene county, on ^'' which was a woolen mill. He returned to Fayette county in ^'v 1808, and in 1810 purchased an interest in a paper mill near '^' Connellsville, Pa. Owing to bad management by his partner \ this business was wrecked; and, on Feb. 6, 1811, his father sold ■^ to him ninety and a quarter acres from ^'Discord" and "Union i Green," and he devoted himself to farming, uniting with this IK ; *Mr. Stoutimore does not give Mordecai among the children. Mr. James-Claiborne Lincoln i names Mordecai but omits Elizabeth and Larkin, gives no middle initial to Amanda, Mary ' and Thomas, and calls Frances-Katharine, "Katharine." 358 LINCOLN GENEALOGY the trade of blacksmithing. A part of this farm he sold, Dec. 24, 1814, and the remainder he, with his wife Mary, conveyed Apr. 27, 1820, to John F. Foster. (Fayette County Deeds, Book F, p. 446; Book M, p. 496.) He removed to Greene county and continued to farm there until 1853, when he removed to Car- michaels, where he continued to live until his death. He married, in 1812, Mary Evans, whose parentage has not been learned, nor her birthplace. She was born May 9, 1791, and died Oct. 3, 1870, at Carmichaels. She was living at the time of her marriage with Mr. John Handshaw or Henshaw; hence some have thought her name to have been Handshaw, but family papers in the possession of Mr. Horace-Greely Lincoln establish her name as Evans. (Records of Horace-Greely Lin- coln, adaga agf.) Children, born: a-d at North Union; e-g at Carmichaels: adaga aa. James-Handshaw, born Sept. 15, 1813. adaga ah. Elizabeth, born Nov. 4, 1815; died Apr. 15, 1911, at Smithfield, Pa.; married, January, 1843, at North Union, William, son of William Carson of North Union, a native of Ireland. He was born at Dunbar, Pa. ; and died Dec. 5, 1871, at North Union, where he had lived. He was a carpenter. Children, born at North Union : a. Mary-Bianco, born Apr. 16, 1845; mar. Joseph-Crawford Seaton. h. Lucius- Alexandria, born Nov. 28, 1846; mar. Fannie Gaddis. c. Sara-Frances, born Nov. 30, 1849; mar. Harry-Benjamin McNey. d. Annie-Elizabeth, born July 26, 1851; mar. John- William Moore. e. Luther-Lincoln, born March 14, 1854; mar Jennie-Lydia Crow. /. Smith-Fuller, born Oct. 17, 1857; died July 4, 1881, unmarried. g. Matilda, born Sept. 20, 1859; died Feb. 29, 1860. adaga ac. Ann, born May 1, 1817; died March, 1844, unmarried. adaga ad. Mary, born Feb. 13, 1819; died Dec. 17, 1899, unmarried. adaga ae. Matilda, born Nov. 30, 1820; died May 4, 1910, at Carmichaels; married (1) James Watson; (2) A. Grim. She had no children. adaga af. Sarah, born Jan. 28, 1823; died in 1906, at Coal Center, Pa.; married at Carmichaels, Luther, son of Luther and Eliza (McClain) Axtell of Washington, Pa., born 1821, at Washington; died March, 1886, at Coal Center, where they had lived. He was a Cumberland Presby- terian minister. b Children, born at Jacktown, Pa. : ^ a. Sebastian, died aged 12 years. 6. Thomas-Lincoln, born 1851; died Sept. 26, 1904. r c. Mary-Eliza, born August, 1853. | SIXTH GENERATION 359 d. Luther-Melancthon, born Jan. 9, 1855; mar. Lillian-May Gregg, adaga ag. Thomas-Boone, born March 16, 1825. adaga c. Abraham, son of Benjamin (Mordecai, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Elizabeth (Oaves) Lincoln of North Union, Pa., born at North Union; died in 1864, at Lemont, Pa. He lived on the ''Old Bailey" farm, on the side of the mountain in North Union. He married Martha Cole, of whom nothing can now be learned except that she died before her husband, of a cancer. Some of the family say that Mr. Lincoln died in the late forties. The family Bible, if any ever existed, cannot now be found, and no dates have been preserved. Abraham seems to have been the black sheep of the family, and none of the information here given of his children has been confirmed. It was all obtained by personal interviews, and much of it cannot be considered reliable. Mrs. Sophia Barnes was the only one of Abraham's children who was living in 1915, and her memory was very poor. Children, born at North Union: adaga ca. Sarah, died at Dunbar, Pa. ; married Samuel Martin. They lived at Dunbar. Children, born at Dunbar: a. Jasper. 6. Luther; was married. c. John. d. James. e. Lincoln; was married. /. Elizabeth; married George Darnell. g. Martha; married a Mr. Harding. h. Calvin. and four others. adaga cb. Elizabeth; married Charles Steward and died in Missouri. He was a millwright. They had many children, of whom nothing is known. adaga cc. Phoebe, born Feb. 9, 1823; died Aug. 29, 1893; married OHver Blackburn, who was born July 6, 1805, and died Sept. 24, 1884. They lived at Percy, Pa. He was a cooper and was in the army during the Civil war. (Dates furnished by a granddaughter, Mrs. R. W. Jones of Uniontown, Pa.) Children, born at Percy: a. Phoebe; mar. (1) Allen Stewart; (2) Daniel Cole. b. James, born March 22, 1847; was married. c. Kate; married Jacob Cole. d. Martha; married Aaron Renshaw. e. Ellen; married Silas Hebb. /. Mary- Jane; died unmarried. 360 LINCOLN GENEALOGY g. John; married and removed to California. h. George; married Frances Joab. adaga cd. Benjamin. He went to Missouri, married and had two daughters. He has not been heard from for twenty-five years or more. adaga ce. Hannah; died May 24, 1865, at Lemont, Pa.; married Benjamin Kernoghan or Cunningham, who died in 1902. He was a farmer. They hved near Lemont. Children, born at Lemont: o. Abraham; was twice married. His first wife was a Miss Ogle. b. Martha-Elizabeth, born Nov. 16, 1850. c. William. d. George, born Apr. 3, 1853. e. Sturgeon. /. Mary-Catharine, died July 12, 1874. g. Robert, born Apr. 10, 1858; living, 1915, unmarried. h. Rhoda, born Dec. 15, 1860; died Apr. 7, 1870. adaga cf. Catherine; married (1) William Swords; (2) David Minick; (3) Patrick Reagan. She had no children by her third husband. Children, by first husband: a. Lincoln Swords. h. George Swords; living, 1915, at Brownsville, Pa. c. Martha Swords; married William Boyd. Children, by second husband : d. John Minick; living, 1915, at Brownsville, Pa. adaga eg. Mary; died March, 1907, at Hopwood, Pa.; married, Dec. 23, 1858, at Dunbar, Pa., William, son of Henry and Elizabeth (Coal) ' Jacobs of Dunbar, born 1838 at Dunbar. He was a coal miner. They | lived at Hopwood. Children, born: a at Lemont; 6, c at Hopwood: a. Emma, born Aug. 15, 1862; mar. George Uhvy. 6. Hannah, born Apr. 30, 1866; mar. John Morgan. c. William, born Dec. 21, 1869; mar. Elizabeth Hixon. (Family Records of William Jacobs, Jr.) ! adaga ch. Sophia, born Sept. 6, 1826; living, 1915, at Hopwood, Pa.; mar-; ried, 1862, at Uniontown, Pa., John, son of Thomas and Eliza (Trader) ' Barnes of Hopwood, born about 1828; living 1915. During the Civil war he served for about a year in the infantry, under General Briggs, in the Shenandoah valley. He was a miner. Children, born in Preston county, Va. : a. John-Franklin, born July 15, 1863; unmarried 1915. 6. Benjamin, born Apr. 3, 1866; mar. Margaret Gofif. c. Eliza- Jane, born Sept. 5, 1868; mar. Ewing Noble. d. Martha, born July 2, 1872; mar. Theodore Arensburg. e. Alice-Lou-Myrtle, born Apr. 24, 1875; living, 1915, unmar- ried. adaga g. Mordecai, son of Benjamin {Mordecai, Mordecaij Mordecai, Samuel) and Elizabeth (Oaves) Lincoln of North Union, Pa., born 1801, at North Union; died Oct. 2, 1851, at Dunbar, Pa. He lived in Dunbar township, about two and a SIXTH GENERATION 361 half miles from Dunbar post office, on a small farm of about forty acres. He married, Nov. 22, 1830, at Dunbar, Jane, daughter of Jasper and EKzabeth (Oves)* Gilpin of Oakland, Md., born July 2, 1805, at Oakland; died Aug. 3, 1873, at Dawson, Pa., in her 68th year. They are both buried in the Lincoln graveyard at North Union, with two of their children. The stones are inscribed as follows: "Mordecai Lincoln | died Octo. 2nd 1851 { aged 50 years." "Jane { wife of J Mordecai Lincoln J died t Aug. 2, 1873 t in her 68th year." (A quotation follows too faint to read.) ''Nancy A. | Dau. of Mordeca & Jane { Lincoln { died t June 15, 1865 J in her 29th year." (A faint quotation follows.) ''Phoebe A. Lincoln t died Feb. 5th 1852 J aged 3 days." Mr. Lincoln died intestate. At the time of his death he was preparing to sell his farm and remove to Illinois. In addition to farming he worked at cabinet-making, and he left his family in moderate circumstances. The farm in Dunbar, on which he lived, was sold to him by his mother, Elizabeth Lincoln, Jan. 12, 1830, a few months before he was married. The con- sideration was $400. Elizabeth had purchased the farm March 1, 1823. (Fayette County Deeds, Book R, p. 345; Information of Mrs. Elizabeth [Lincoln] Haldeman, adaga ge.) The will of Jane Lincoln of Dawson Borough, Fayette county, was dated July 26, 1873, and proved Aug. 9, 1873. By it she provides as follows: "after all debts are paid Abigail must have $150, after which Rhoda Watson my daughter must have $1. and Edward Lincoln $1. and Mordica Lincoln $1. and Benjamin Lincoln $1. and Thomas Lincoln $1. The balance of my estate to be equally divided among my three girls, viz. Abigail, EHza and Matilda." Administration was granted to Abigail Lincoln. (Fayette County Wills, vol. iv, pp. 457-8.) A petition of Jehu B. Watson in right of his wife Rhoda Wat- son, daughter of Mordecai Lincoln, deceased, dated in March, 1870,. gives further information of this family. The petition recites that Mordecai Lincoln died on the — day of October 1852 [sic] intestate, leaving a widow, Jane Lincoln, and the following children: Rhoda married to the petitioner, Mordecai Lincoln, ♦So given but perhaps by error, confusing her with Mordecai's mother. 362 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Eliza Lincoln, Edward Lincoln, Matilda Lincoln, Benjamin Lincoln and Abigail Lincoln, all of whom reside in Fayette county except Benjamin Lincoln who resides in Oswego, Kansas [sic]; Agnes Lincoln who died since her father, unmarried and without issue; and Henry Lincoln who also died since the death of his father, leaving a widow Hulda Lincoln and one child Charles F. Lincoln, who is a minor and has no guardian and resides with his mother. (Fayette County, Orphans' Court Records, vol. 8, p. 86.) The family Bible of Mordecai Lincoln cannot be found, and the dates of the births of the children are not all known. They are given here in the right order, however, on the authority of members of the family. Children, born at Dunbar: adaga ga. Henry, bom 1832. adaga gb. Rhoda, born Feb. 11, 1834 (her son says 1836) ; died Feb. 18, 1901, in South Union township, Pa,; married, Sept. 3, 1857, at Uniontown, Pa., Jehu-Brownfield, son of Benjamin and Lidia (Sutton) Watson of Uniontown, born Apr. 19, 1832, at Uniontown; died Oct. 23, 1887, at Uniontown. In his younger days he was a teamster on the old turnpike, between Uniontown and Cumberland. Later he was a farmer. They lived at Uniontown. Her will, dated Sept. 12, 1896, proved March 6, 1902, names: daughter Jennie; sons Charles, Henry and Robert; daugh- ter Fannie; and names son Charles executor. (Fayette County Wills, vol. xii, p. 316; Family Records of William-Henry Watson, adaga gha.) Children, born: a-g at Dunbar; h at Pennsville, Pa.: a. William-Henry, born Sept. 15, 1858; mar. Mary Smith. b. Mary-Frances, born Oct. 20, 1860; mar. John Robinson. c. Benjamin-Milton, born Oct. 7, 1862; died Apr. 7, 1866. d. Robert-Hagan, born Aug. 24, 1864; mar. Anna Sutton. e. James-Darby, born Oct. 28, 1866; died Jan. 27, 1889, unmarried. /. Lydia-Jane, born Feb. 12, 1869; mar. William Read. g. MiNEBANCA, born Feb. 20, 1872; died Apr. 22, 1892, unmarried. h. Charles-Ewing, born Oct. 17, 1876; mar. Eva Burnworth. adaga gc. Nancy- Agnes, born 1836; died June 15, 1865, unmarried. adaga gd. Mordecai, born Sept. 1, 1838. adaga ge. Elizabeth, born March 10, 1842; married, Nov. 1, 1870, at Dawson Station, Pa., Edward-Allen*, son of Thomas-Abraham' {Peter- Shirley^, Peter^) and Mary-Louisa (Baldwin) Haldeman of Uniontown, Pa., born Oct. 2, 1848, near Uniontown. He was educated in the public schools and attended one term at Madison and Jefferson college. He learned the carriage and wagon making business in his father's shop and established a factory of his own, which he sold in the early eighties and removed to Kansas, settling first in Ottawa county and engaging in farm- ing and stock raising on an extensive scale. In 1890, he was elected prosecuting attorney of Ottawa county on the Democratic and Populist SIXTH GENERATION 363 ticket and, though not a lawyer, filled the office with ability. During his term of office he conducted the prosecution of an important murder case, against some of the ablest lawyers of Ottawa and SaUne counties, to a successful conclusion and secured a conviction of murder in the second degree. In 1904, he removed to Concordia in Cloud county, where he is now, 1915, living. He has taken an active part in Democratic politics for more than fifty years, and his services have been in demand as lec- turer and campaign speaker. On his father's side he is of German an- cestry, his great-grandfather, Peter Haldeman, coming from Germany at an early date. Peter was an ironmonger and was active in developing the iron industries of the colonies; his son, Peter-Shirley Haldeman, served in the War of 1812, and was badly wounded. On his mother's side Mr. Haldeman is descended from David Morgan, a distinguished pioneer, revolutionary patriot and Indian fighter, and the first permanent settler in Monongalia county, W. Va. (Records of Mrs. Elizabeth CLincoln^ Haldeman.) Children, born: a-c at Dawson; d at Frost Station, Pa.; e at Stewarts- town, W. Va.: a. Thomas-Abraham, born Sept. 12, 1871; mar. Cora-Maud Vittor. b. Stephen-Brown, born Feb. 28, 1873; mar. Bell Stuterville. c. Louisa-Jane, born Feb. 27, 1875; mar. Lewis-Elmer Commer. d. Charles-Baldwin, born Feb. 9, 1877; mar. Estella Keyle. e. Benjamin-Lincoln, born Dec. 27, 1880; mar. Nellie-May Harrington. adaga gf. Edward-Gilpin, born Aug. 27, 1844. adaga gg. Matilda-Frances, born March 15, 1846; died 1887, at Dunbar; married, Dec. 1, 1870, at Dunbar, Stephen, son of Thomas Craig of Laurel Hill Church, Fayette county. Pa., where he was born. He was a farmer at Dunbar and removed, later, to Ohio, where he died. They had no children. adaga gh. Benjamin-Franklin, born June 11, 1847. adaga gi. Thomas-Jefferson, born July 7, 1849. adaga gj. Abigail, born Oct. 5, 1850; married, Jan. 18, 1877, at Greensburg, Pa., David- William, son of David and Susan-Margaret (Pearl) Powell of West Virginia, born Apr. 12, 1851, in West Virginia. They lived for a year after marriage at Springfield, Ohio, but removed to Pittsburgh, Pa., where they were both living in 1915. He has always been a railroad switchman. Children, born at Pittsburgh: a. Philip-Thales, born May 30, 1878; mar. Edna Kennerseg. 6. Stephen-Lincoln, born Feb. 14, 1880; unmarried, 1915. c. Henry-George, born Oct. 20, 1882; unmarried, 1915. d. William, born Sept. 2, 1885; mar. Emily- Wells Scheller. c. Charles-Francis, born Sept. 27, 1887; mar. Olive-Frances Woodburn. /. Rhoda-Estella, born Aug. 26, 1890; unmarried, 1915. adaga gh. Phoebe A., born Feb. 2, 1852; died Feb. 5, 1852. adagb d. Jesse, son of John (Mordecai, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Mary (Lafferty) Lincoln of Uniontown, Pa., born 364 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Aug. 27, 1787, at Uniontown; died Dec. 18, 1869, at Uniontown, aged 82 years. He was a farmer and passed his whole Hfe in Fayette county. He married, Feb. 14, 1811, at Morgantown, Pa., Hannah^, daughter of David^ {Cale¥, David}) and Phebe (Lincoln) Jones, adaig b, of Morgantown, born June 8, 1794, in Berks county, Pa.; died June 17, 1877, at Uniontown. (Genealogy of David Jones, pp. 88-90; ''The Lincolns of Fayette County," pp. 20-1.) Jesse Lincoln died intestate. The will of Hannah Lincoln of Uniontown, dated June 8, 1873, proved June 20, 1877, names: daughter Phoebe Bogardus; daughters Mary- Ann Carroll, Margaret Oberlin and Martha McCauley; son John; Hetty Lincoln, daughter of son John now of Lancaster, Ohio. Executor W. Wilson. (Fayette County Wills, Book v, p. 102.) Her property was inventoried at $1196.81. Jesse and his wife are buried in the Lincoln burying ground at North Union, Pa., their stones being thus inscribed: ''Jesse Lincoln t died t Dec. 18, 1869 J in 82 Year J of his Age.'' "Hannah t Wife of t Jesse Lincoln t Died t June 17 1877 J Aged 83 years t 8 days." Children, born: a, 6, e-m at Uniontown; c, d at Morgantown, Pa.: adagb da. Jacob-Lafferty, born June 28, 1812 — another record says June 12 — died during the Civil war. He married Martha Parke (or Parker). They hved in eastern Pennsylvania and had no children. adagb db. Mary- Ann, born Dec. 20, 1813; died February, 1877, at Millbrook, Ohio; married Jacob Carroll. Children: a. Alice; married a Mr. Huston. 6. Lincoln; was married. adagb dc. Margaret, born Feb. 28, 1816; died Feb. 9, 1821, at Uniontown. adagb dd. David-Jones, born June 29, 1818; died in 1846, by drowning. He married in 184 — Harriet Keller but had no children, adagb de. Benjamin-Franklin, born Sept. 17, or 20, 1820. adagb df. Margaret, born May 13, 1824; died July 29, or 31, 1881, at Urbana, Ohio; married Simon OberHn. Child: a. Jesse-Lincoln, died yoimg. adagb dg. Phebe, born Apr. 30, 1826; died Dec. 24, 1901, at Vanderbilt, Pa. (Fayette County Wills, Book 29, p. 492, but another record says March 2, 1892); married, March 26, 1846, at Uniontown, Philip-Schuyler Bo- gardus. They lived at Uniontown. He was a carriage trimmer. His father was of Philadelphia, Pa. SIXTH GENERATION 365 Children, born at Uniontown : a. WiNFiELD-ScoTT, bom Sept. 16, 1847; living, 1914, unmarried. h. Philip-Schuyler, born Sept. 8, .1849; died Aug. 14, 1856. c. Hannah, born March 13, 1851; died Aug. 27, 1856. d. Martha-Emily, born Jan. 18, 1853; died July 9, 1854. e. Benjamin-Franklin, born Aug. 20, 1854; died Aug. 19, 1856. /. Jesse-Lincoln, born Sept. 26, 1856; mar. Annie Lantz. g. Samuel-Lincoln, born Nov. 3, 1858; mar. Emily-Elizabeth Williams. h. Caroline- Winters, born Dec. 30, 1860; mar. John-Parkhill Shallenberger. i. Amanda, born July 13, 1863; died Jan. 28, 1864. adagb dh. John-Patterson, born Feb. 18 or 28, 1828. adagh di. Martha-Louise, born May 5, 1830; died November, 1914, at Urbana, Ohio; married (1) Jesse-Taylor Bailes of Brownsville, Pa., who died at Brownsville by drowning. They lived at Uniontown. She married (2), Dec. 29, 1859, John C. McCauley of Urbana, where he died about 1912. Child, by iGirst husband : a. William-Jesse Bailes, born May 5, 1854; died Aug. 21, 1856. Children, by second husband: h. Harry-Lincoln McCauley, born Dec. 2, 1860; died Jan. 4, 1863. c. Benjamin-Lincoln McCauley, born Feb. 19, 1864; died May 18, 1880. adagb dj. Richard-Stokes, born Feb. 18, 1832. adaqb dk. Amanda, born Sept. 5, 1834; died Jan. 31, 1863, unmarried. adagh dl. Edward, born Jan. (or Feb.) 13, 1837; died Oct. 8, 1838. adagh dm. Samuel-Jones, born May 13, 1840; left home and was never heard of afterwards. He was in the U. S. navy during the Civil war. adagb f. William, son of John (Mordecai, Mordecai, Mor- decai, Samuel) and Mary (Lafferty) Lincoln of Uniontown, Pa., born Oct. 11, 1790, at North Union, Pa.; died February, 1867, at Westville Center, N. Y. He served in the War of 1812 at the battle of Plattsburg. After the war he went to Grand Isle, Vt., and thence to Westville Center in Franklin county, N. Y., where he passed the rest of his life. He was a farmer. He married, March, 1832, at Westville Center, Diadama, daughter of Ira and Diadama Briggs of Westville Center, where she was born in 1810, and where she died in 1867. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln adopted a boy, Reuben Chellis, who was born Jan. 31, 1854, and who was living, 1915, at Malone, N. Y. (Records of WiUiam-Harrison Lincoln, adagh fb.) Children, born at Westville Center: adagb fa. Ira-Briggs, born Apr. 1, 1833. He served as a member of Battery D, 1st New York light artillery, in the Civil war and was honorably dis- 366 LINCOLN GENEALOGY charged May 25, 1865. He then settled in Saginaw, Mich., where he has resided ever since. He was engaged in the lumber business but is now, 1915, retired. He married, August, 1864, at Westville Center, Ann-Eliza (Taylor) Foy, daughter of Horace and Lucetta (Erskine) Taylor of Bridgeport, Vt., born March 27, 1843, at Weybridge, Vt.; Hving, 1915. They have had no children. By her first husband Mrs. Lincoln had a daughter, Lillian Foy. adagb fb. William-Harrison, born Dec. 14, 1837. adagh fc. Mary-Jemima, born May 21, 1839; died in 1880 at Saginaw, Mich. She married (1), at Westville Center, Robert King of Westville, a farmer. No record of his death has been found. She married (2), in 1878 at Saginaw, a Mr. Giles, said to have been an employee on a steamer on the great lakes and a Roman Catholic. A daughter was born to them on the steamer and the mother died. The father's people took the child and she has been lost sight of by the Lincoln family. Child, by first husband, born at Westville : a. George F. King, born Sept. 14, 1862. adagb fd. Lydia, born Jan. 7, 1842; died Nov. 20, 1877, at Westville Center; married (1), at Westville Center, Charles N., son of Charles and Olive (Briggs) Johnson of Westville Center, where they continued to live. He kept a general store. She married (2), March 14, 1872, at Chicopee, Mass., Andrew-Witherspoon, son of John and Sarah (Martin) Learment of Westville Center, born 1838, at Moons, N. Y.; living, 1916, in Dakota. (Records of Mrs. Frederick-Russell Hitchcock, adagb fdb; Mass. Vital Records.) Children, by first husband, born at Westville Center: a. Mary-Libbie Johnson; died about January, 1866. 6. May-Lib Johnson (usually called Elizabeth-Libbie), born Feb. 28, 1866; mar. Frederick-Russell Hitchcock. Children, by second husband, born: c, d at Chicopee; e at Westville: c. Andrew A. Learment, born Nov. 26, 1873; died Jan. 11, 1874. d. A son, born Nov. 26, 1874; died same day. e. A CHILD, still-born November, 1877. adagb fe. Oscar-Samuel, born Oct. 10, 1844. He served in the Civil war and was honorably discharged from service in May, 1865. He married at Carrollton, Mich., Lucy Deno, but the marriage was not a happy one and they separated after a few years. They had no children. In 1900 he went to the Black Hills and has not been heard from since. adagb h. Patterson, son of John {Mordecai, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Mary (Lafferty) Lincoln of Uniontown, Pa., born about 1794, at Uniontown; died in Nebraska. He was a farmer and passed the first half of his life in Union township, where he and his brother John purchased, Oct. 20, 1829, of James Hankins and Mary his wife, fifteen acres of land, which the two brothers continued to hold in common until John^s death in 1846. Patterson then presented a petition in Orphans' Court for procedure to enable him to sell the land. This petition SIXTH GENERATION 367 already quoted under the notice of his father, John, adagh, gives considerable information of Patterson's brothers and sisters. On June 16, 1853, Patterson Lincoln and Margaret his wife gave a deed of the whole lot, in which they recite the foregoing facts; but the transaction was not completed until March 20, 1857. Soon after selling his lands in Fayette county he is said to have removed West and to have lived, finally, in Nebraska, where he died at an advanced age. He married, about 1845, in Fayette county, Margaret Hedden of Upper Middletown, Pa., of whom nothing further has been learned. The following list of their children is given on the authority of the late James-Minor Lincoln of Wareham, Mass. No one has as yet been found who can give further information of this family. (Fayette County Deeds, Book R, p. 249; Book 6, p. 548; Book 29, p. 434.) Children : adagb ha. Daniel-Boone, born about 1846. He served in the Union army in the Civil war. adagh Kb. John. adagh he. Mary- Jane. adagh hd. William, adagh he. Err-Ralston. adagh hf. Abigail. adagb 1. Lafferty, son of John (Mordecai, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Mary (Lafferty) Lincoln of Uniontown, Pa., born in 1806, at Uniontown; died in 1869, in Hamilton county, Ohio, aged 63 years. He married in Greene county, Ohio, Mary-Jane Hemmick and was living in Greene county in 1848. The only information that has been obtained of this family was collected by the late James-Minor Lincoln of Wareham, Mass., a descendant from Thomas Lincoln, the miller, who devoted many years to the compilation of a genealogy of his ancestor's family. He believed until a few years before his death that the President was of his family and therefore had done some work on the Pennsylvania Lincolns, the results of which he kindly turned over to the writer. Lafferty's children, like those of his brother Patterson, have been entirely lost to their Pennsylvania cousins. 368 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Children: adagh la. John. adagh lb. David. adagh Ic. William. adagh Id. Charles. adagh le. Augustus. adagh If. George. adahb b. William, son of Thomas (Thomas, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Priscilla (Dickinson) Lincoln of Atglen, Pa., date of birth unknown; died at Platte ville, Wis. He is said to have had a twin sister, Amelia, but this is not confirmed. The dates of birth and death of his brother Joseph have been by some incorrectly assigned to him. He married (1) Lydia Myers, who died in 1815. He married (2) Elizabeth DuRoss, who was, perhaps, of Romansville, Ches- ter county, Pa., but more probably of Montgomery county. William Lincoln was a cabinet-maker by occupation. He lived at Atglen but late in life removed to Platteville, where several of his brothers had already settled. (Information of Miss Anna T Lincoln, adahb hde.) Children, by first wife, born at Atglen: adahh ha. Sarah; married and went to the South. Her husband was a black- smith. adahb bb. George-Vashtine, born Nov. 11, 1811. adahb be. Thomas, born March 7, 1813. Children, by second wife, born in Lancaster county. Pa. : adahb bd. German-Dickinson, born Apr. 9, 1822. adahh he. Margaretta, born May 22, 1826; died Oct. 2, 1896, at New York City; married Lewis Evans. He was a farmer. They lived at West Ches- ter, Pa., and Wilmington, Del. The marriage proved unhappy and they separated. Child, born at West Chester: a. Annie-DuRoss, born Oct. 27, 1845; mar. Joseph Bellah. Some members of the family think there was another son, William, the youngest of the family. adahb d. Thomas, son of Thomas (Thomas, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Priscilla (Dickinson) Lincoln of Atglen, Pa., born in 1790, in Chester county. Pa; died March 30, 1862, at Montfort, Wis., aged 72 years. He was a stone mason by trade. SIXTH GENERATION 369 |, He was twice married and but little is known of either wife. B The first was a Miss McNeal, whom he married in Pennsylvania about 1815, and who died there in 1823. His second wife was a widow, Mrs. Susan Hudson, by whom he had no children and of whose birth, parentage and death nothing has been learned. Some of the family think her maiden name was Susan Moore. t (Information of Martha-Elizabeth Lincoln, adahh fag.) Children, by first wife, born in Chester county. Pa. : adahh da. Elizabeth, born 1817; died Nov. 1, 1901, at Fairport, Mo., un- married, adahb db. Samuel, born May 7, 1819. adahb dc. John, born 1821. adahb f. Samuel, son of Thomas (Thomas, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Priscilla (Dickinson) Lincoln of Atglen, Pa., born Sept. 26, 1793, at Atglen; died Aug. 31, 1849, at Mount Vernon, Ohio. He was a blacksmith and farmer and lived, first, near Parkesburg, Pa., but later removed to Mount Vernon and passed the rest of his life there. He is said to have been twice married but nothing is known of his first wife. He married (2), March 13, 1831, Eliza, daughter of James and Mary- Jane (Eagle) Moore of Chester county, Pa., born March 14, 1810; died Feb. 23, 1899, at Amity, Mo., where she had been living for two years, with her son James. She married (2), Jan. 20, 1853, Jacob Ilgenfritz but by him had no children. He had children by a first wife who were raised by Mrs. Lincoln. Her mother, Mary-Jane Eagle, was of German extraction. (Records of Mrs. Edith-Olivia [Lincoln] Beatty, adahb fad,) I Children, born: a, h near Parkesburg; c, d unknown: adahb fa. James-Moore, born May 13, 1832. adahb fb. John-Wesley, born Oct. 19, 1835. ' adahb fc. Mary-Elizabeth, born Sept. 20, 1841; died Oct. 10, 1843. > I adahb fd. Samuel-Humphrey, born Feb. 3, 1845; died Apr. 16, 1845. I adahb g. Azariah, son of Thomas (Thomas, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Priscilla (Dickinson) Lincoln of Atglen, 1^1 Pa., born Sept. 26, 1793, at Atglen; died Oct. 9, 1862, at Mont- i' fort, Wis., "aged sixty nine years, thirteen days." (From ,. gravestone at ''Old Rock Church.") He Hved at Atglen until 1833, when he removed to Wayne county, Ohio, and thence, 24 370 LINCOLN GENEALOGY in 1839, to Lawrence county, 111., where he lived for four years. In 1843 he again removed, this time to Platteville, Wis., whence, later, he went to Montfort where he passed the remainder of his life, Montfort being then known as Wingville. He was a farmer and blacksmith. (Information of Abraham-Dickinson Lincoln, adahb gcd.) He married, Oct. 28, 1819, at Atglen, Mary, daughter of John and Margaret (Dickinson) Miles of Chester county, Pa., born March 10, 1795; died Nov. 30, 1877, at Montfort, aged eighty- two years, eight months, twenty days. (Records of James- Minor Lincoln, Wareham, Mass., and Henry-Philip Lincoln, adahf daa.) Children, born at Atglen: adahh ga. John, born Oct. 23, 1820; died Aug. 17, 1822. adahb gb. Thomas, born Jan. 7, 1822. adahb gc. Dickinson, born Oct. 11, 1823. adahb gd. Elizabeth, born Apr. 16, 1825; died Oct. 28, 1896, at Platteville, Wis.; married, Nov. 20, 1845, at Belmont, Wis., Putnam, son of James^ and Nancy (McLure) David of Iowa coimty, Wis., born June 12, 1818, in Center county. Pa.; died March 9, 1908, at Platteville. They lived at, Platteville. He was a farmer. They had no children. (Records of Clara-, Elizabeth Smith, adahb ghf.) > adahb ge. Joseph-Hgllis, born Feb. 10, 1827. adahb gf. Margaret, born Oct. 25, 1829; died Apr. 21, 1858, at Livingston, Wis. ; married, 1857, at Livingston, Oliver-Perry, son of James and Nancy- (McLure) David of Livingston, born Oct. 27, 1828, at Jeromeville, Ohio; died Sept. 19, 1908, at Montfort, Wis. He was a farmer. They had na children. (Ibid.) i adahb gg. Samuel, born May 11, 1831 ; died 1894. He was married and had at' daughter Emily, who was living, 1915, at Stitzer, Wis. adahb gh. Sarah-Priscilla, born Oct. 22, 1833; died Nov. 8, 1866, at Livings-^ ton. Wis. ; married, Apr. 29, 1852, at Livingston, Walter-Lorraine, son of Ralph T. and Louisa-Lavina (Simons) Smith, born June 12, 1829, in Ohio; died Sept. 13, 1865, at Marshall, Iowa. He was a farmer. They lived for a short time in Noble county, Ind., removing before 1854 to Iowa county. Wis., near Livingston. {Ibid.) Children, born: a in Noble Co., Ind.; b, c, e, /, in Iowa Co., Wis.; d at Montfort, Wis. : a. Albert-Francis, born Oct. 4, 1852; mar. Ahce-Jane Dinsdale. b. Mary-Lavina, born Oct. 18, 1854; mar. James- Allen Hartsook. c. Putnam-David, born Aug. 11, 1857; mar. Mabel Prescott d. Lucy-Adelia, born July 31, 1859; mar. Joseph- Alexander Jeffery. e. Agnes-Irene, born Apr. 18, 1862; died Jan. 18, 1887, unmar- ried. /. Clara-Elizabeth, born Feb. 12, 1866; living, 1915, unmarried SIXTH GENERATION 371 adahc a. John, son of Mishal {Thomas, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Rachel (Thompson) Lincoln of Laurelton, Pa., born Jan. or June 30, 1782, in Berks county. Pa.; died Aug. 19, 1862, at Laurelton, "aged eighty years." He was taken by his parents to Buffalo Valley (then in Northumberland, now in Union county), the year after his birth, and received whatever school education he had at Mifflinburg, in the subscription schools then in vogue. After his marriage he owned and resided on a farm about three miles southeast of Mifflinburg. In 1826 his father-in-law gave him a farm in Hartley township, now owned by John-Lincoln Knight, adahc abb, on which he made his home until his death. For nearly a half century he and his wife were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. The cozy church building with cemetery attached, known as the Lincoln Methodist Episcopal Church or Lincoln Chapel, was named in his honor, being located on land given by him for that purpose. (From memoranda furnished by Richard-VanBuskirk Lincoln, adahc aa, to James-Minor Lincoln of Wareham, Mass.; Hist, of Susquehanna and Juniata Valleys, vol. ii, p. 1396.) He married, June 3, 1819, Hannah, daughter of Richard and Hannah (Kelly) VanBuskirk of Mifflinburg, Pa., born March 20, 1801, at Mifflinburg; died March 20, 1880, near Swengel, Lewis township. Pa., "aged seventy nine years." (Records of James- Minor Lincoln, Wareham, Mass.) Children, born at Mifflinburg: adahc aa. Richard-VanBuskirk, born Dec. 18, 1822. adahc ah. Rachel-Thompson, born Jan. 13, 1825; died Oct. 17, 1875, near Laurelton, Pa.; married, June 29, 1842, Samuel H. Knight of Hartleton Borough, Union county. Pa. He was a physician. Children: a. Hannah, born June 14, 1843; died 1860. 6. John-Lincoln, born June 7, 1849. adahc ac. Catherine-Elizabeth, born Oct. 20, 1829; married, June 3, 1846, W. R. HaKpenny of Hartley township, Pa., or perhaps of Lewisburgh, Pa. They lived in Union county, Pa. Children : a. Mary-Hannah, born Aug. 10, 1847. b. John-Lincoln, born May 7, 1850. c. James-Milton, born June 6, 1853. adahc b. Thomas, son of Mishal {Thomas , Mordecai, Mor- decai, Samuel) and Rachel (Thompson) Lincoln of Mifflinburg, 372 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Pa., born Nov. 1, 1795, at Mifflinburg; died 1852, at Circleville, Pickaway county, Ohio, whither he had removed in 1840. He married but nothing has been learned of his wife. Letters to members of this family have received no attention. Children : adahc ha. Solomon; married at Circleville, Ohio, Malinda Morris and re- moved to Mt. Pulaski, 111., in 1853. Children : a. John. h. Rachel. adahc hb. John, married, in 1853, at Circleville, Malinda Morris, a niece of his brother Solomon's wife. He removed to Mt. Pulaski, 111., and was president of the First National Bank there. He had four children, one of whom, C. W. Lincoln, was cashier of the same bank. adahc be. Sarah, married, in 1853, at Circleville, Samuel Morris, brother of her brother Solomon's wife. They removed to Mt. Pulaski, 111. They had six children: three at Circleville and three at Mt. Pulaski. adahc bd. Rose, married Samuel Morris, brother of her brother John's wife. They lived at Circleville, where he was cashier of the Third National Bank. adahf c. John, son of Joseph {Thomas, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Elizabeth (Dickinson) Lincoln of Rising Sun, Md., born Apr. 18, 1800, at Radnor, Pa.; died June 25, 1864, at Rising Sun. He learned cabinet-making with Abner Taylor, whom he followed to Maryland and in whose shop, at Rising Sun, he worked for many years. He then purchased from Nathan Haines, two hundred and forty acres of land near Rising Sun and, later, from the same an adjoining tract of the same size, which became the Lincoln homestead. In connection with farming he became a tanner. He married, May 22, 1823, at Rising Sun, Francina, daughter of Henry and Mary E. (Knight) Reynolds, born Dec. 2, 1804; died Sept. 11, 1861, at Rising Sun. (Oxford, Chester county, Pa., ''Press," June 18, 1903; Records of John-Joseph Lincoln, adahf cea.) Children, born at Rising Sun: adahf ca. Mary-Eliza, born June 8, 1824; died Aug. 14, 1893, at Rising Sun; married, Dec. 23, 1847, at Rising Sun, Ellis-Pusey, son of John- Wardell and Deborah (Brown) Passmore of Nottingham, Pa., born Aug. 4, 1823, at Nottingham, where he died after 1903. He was a farmer and chrome-miner, and was living in 1903. He was a Friend and held no military or civil office. (Records of Lincoln-Knight Passmore, adahf cab.) SIXTH GENERATION 373 Children, born at Rising Sun : a. John-Wardell, born Dec. 11, 1848; mar. Alice M. Martindale. h. Lincoln-Knight, born Sept. 2, 1850; mar. Ellen F. Faxon. c. Leroy-Chase, born Jan. 8, 1854; mar. Rebecca E. Hunt. d. Emma-Frances, born Nov. 16, 1855; mar. John D. Haines. e. Charles-Sumner, born July 11, 1858; mar. Susan M. Came. /. Walter-Channing, born Dec. 1, 1860; mar. Lillian P. Haines. g. Ellis-Pusey, born Feb. 1, 1869; mar. Emily-Pusey Shelmire. adahf cb. Joseph-Henry, born Feb. 11, 1826. adahf cc. Rebecca-Frances, born Jan. 5, 1828; died March 1, 1909, at Rising Sun; married, Aug. 13, 1846, at Philadelphia, Pa., Joseph-Hutton, son of Edwin and Margaret (Hutton) Haines of Rising Sun, born March 27, 1825, at Rising Sun; died Nov. 2, 1867, at Danville, N. Y. They lived at Rising Sun. He was a miller and farmer. Children, born at Rising Sun : a. John-Lincoln, born Oct. 21, 1847; mar. Nellie Taft. b. Anna-Frances, born Aug. 26, 1849; mar. Basil-Haines Brown. c. Elizabeth-Dickinson, born Oct. 14, 1851; mar. Charles Brown. d. Margaret-Hutton, born March 11, 1854; living, 1914, un- married. e. Ida-Ella, born Sept. 28, 1857; mar. William Addison. /. Sarah-Stubbs, born July 30, 1859; mar. William Smith. g. Rachel-Emma, born Dec. 21, 1860; mar. George McKinsey. h. Joseph-Hutton, born Dec. 27, 1866; living, 1914, unmarried. adahf cd. Elizabeth, born Feb. 2, 1830; died Nov. 8, 1893, at Rising Sun; married, Feb. 20, 1859, at Oxford, Pa., Jonathan, son of Isaac and Mira (Haines) Reynolds of Rising Sun, born March 29, 1829, at Rising Sun; died there March 19, 1908. They lived at Rising Sun. He was a farmer. (Records of Isaac-Wayne Reynolds, adahf cdh.) Children, born at Rising Sun: a. Mary-Emma, born Oct. 19, 1860; died Apr. 9, 1891, unmarried. b. Isaac- Wayne, born Oct. 26, 1863; mar. Letitia Paxon. adahf ce. Abel-Thomas, born Nov. 27, 1831. adahf cf. Margaret-Worthington, born March 27, 1834; living, 1913, at Rising Sun; married, July 22, 1862, at Philadelphia, Pa,, James-Henry, son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Kinsey) Scott of Baltimore, Md., born June 15, 1838, at Baltimore; died Nov. 21, 1869, at Rising Sun. He was a dentist. They lived at Baltimore. (Records of Margaret-Worthington [Lincoln] Scott.) Children, born at Baltimore : a. George-Miltenberger, born June 14, 1863; died Oct. 11, 1874. b. Margaret-Lincoln, born 1868; died aged three months. c. Florence-May, born May 1, 1870; died Oct. 5, 1890, unmarried. d. Sarah-Anna, born Dec. 1, 1872; mar. (1) Walter-Richard Buffington; (2) Samuel Entrikin. adahf eg. Francina-Knight, born Jan. 22, 1836; living, 1913, at Oxford, Pa.; married, June 5, 1860, at Philadelphia, Pa., Isaac-Stubbs, son of Jacob- Reynolds and Hannah-Brown (Stubbs) Kirk of Oxford, born Aug. 14, 1834, at East Nottingham, Pa.; died Jan. 6, 1908, at Fremont, Pa. He was educated at the District school; the Pugh Boarding School of East Nottingham; and the Henry Ridgeway Boarding School of Bordentown, N. J. He then bought a property in West Nottingham, where he con- 374 LINCOLN GENEALOGY ducted a general store and a farm. In 1856, a post office being established in the township by the name of Fremont, he was appointed postmaster and held the office for fifty years, until the establishment of rural delivery caused abolishment of minor offices. He was a mineralogist of ability and a collector of Indian relics and of postage stamps, of both of which he had a fine collection. (Records of Mrs. Clara-Lincoln [Kirk] Pugh, adahf cgb.) Children, born at Fremont : a. Jennie-Hannah, born May 20, 1861 ; mar. William-Preston King. h. Clara-Lincoln, born March 2, 1866; mar. Harold-Brown Pugh. c. Charles-Benton, born Jan. 11, 1870; mar. Elizabeth Rogers. d. Pinckney- Jacob, born Feb. 28, 1875; mar. Mary Stubbs. adahf ch. Lydia-Elmirah, born Aug. 13, 1838; married, Feb. 20, 1859, at Oxford, Pa., Edwin H., son of Haines and Phebe-Dinah (Moore) Rey- nolds of Rising Sun, born March 4, 1837, at Rising Sun, where they were living in 1914. He is a farmer and plumber. (Records of Miss Margaret Reynolds, adahf chh; Smedley Family, p. 48.) Children, born at Rising Sun: a. Ella-Frances, born March 23, 1860; mar. Edwin-Marshall Hunt. 6. Margaret, born March 10, 1862; living, 1914, unmarried. c. Sarah-Rosene, born Sept. 7, 1864; mar. Benjamin-Passmore Stubbs. d. Elizabeth, born Jan. 1, 1866; mar. Ulysses-Grant Brown. / CoRNELtT"^' } ^^^ ^^^^' ^^*^ ^^^ ^^ infancy. g. Janette, born Aug. 8, 1872; mar. John- Welch Dix. adahf ci. Cornelia, born July 12, 1840; living, 1914, at Pleasant Grove, Pa.; married, Oct. 14, 1885, at New York, N. Y., Joseph-Rich, son of Joseph and Rachel (Cutler) Blackburn of Pleasant Grove, born Feb. 14, 1832, at Pleasant Grove; died there Feb. 4, 1909. They were Friends in belief, "just and upright in all their deaUngs." They lived at Pleasant Grove. He was a farmer. They had no children. (Records of Mrs. Cornelia ^ Blackbiu-n.) i adahf cj. Benton, born June 11, 1842; living, 1914, at Fremont, Pa., im- * married. • adahf ck. Rachel-Housekeeper, born May 7, 1845; married, June 4, 1868, ; at Philadelphia, Pa., Charles H, son of John and Mary (Jackson) Piatt of Wilmington, Del., born Nov. 10, 1845, at Wilmington. He is a book- keeper. They were living in 1914, at Helena, Mont. (Records of Mrs. Rachel-Housekeeper [Lincoln] Piatt.) Children, born: a, b at Rising Sun, Md.; c-e at Avondale, Pa.: a. Mary-Cornelia, born March 9, 1870; living, 1914, unmarried h. Florence-Francina, born Oct. 6, 1872; living, 1914, unmarried. c. Elizabeth-Reybold, born Oct. 23, 1878; Hving, 1914, unmarried, d. John-Lincoln, born June 6, 1881 ; living 1914, unmarried. e. Helen, born Jan. 28, 1887; living, 1914, unmarried. adahf cl. William-Penn, born Apr. 29, 1850; died May 21, 1850. adahf d. Abel-Thomas, son of Joseph {Thomas, MordecaiM^ Mordecai, Samuel) and Elizabeth (Dickinson) Lincoln of Rising!^"' SIXTH GENERATION 375 Sun, Md., born May 12, 1803, at Radnor, Delaware county. Pa.; died May 17, 1869, at Philadelphia, Pa. He was a cabinet- maker and lived at Philadelphia. In later life he became a grocer. In a deed given by Abel and his wife, Sept. 18, 1845, he is described as a ** grocer of the Northern Liberties." He married, March 7, 1826, at Chestnut Level, Pa., RacheP, daughter of Philip^ (Thomas^) and Mary (Hickman) House- keeper of Milltown, Chester county. Pa., born Dec. 16, 1799, at Milltown; died Apr. 20, 1890, at Philadelphia. Her mother Mary^ Hickman was daughter of Benjamin^ {Benjamin^, Ben- jamin^) and Lucy (Cheyney) Hickman. She was born Apr. 16, 1776; died Apr. 13, 1845, and married Philip Housekeeper, Jan. 19, 1796. (Records of Henry-Philip Lincoln, adahf daa.) Children, born at Philadelphia: adahf da. Charles-Shippen, born June 30, 1827. adahf db. John-Taylor, born Apr. 6, 1829; died Nov. 8, 1851, unmarried. adahf dc. Henry-Philip, born Oct. 5, 1831 ; died Oct. 12, 1854, unmarried. adahf dd. George- Washington, born July 21, 1835; died Jan. 16, 1857, unmarried. adahf de. William-Penn, born Aug. 11, 1839; died July 31, 1848. adaid a. Caleb, son of James (Abraham, Mordecai, Mor- decai, Samuel) and Elizabeth (Jones) Lincoln of Carnarvon, Pa., born March 4, 1793, at Carnarvon; died Sept. 12, 1831. He married, March, 1818, Margaret- AmeHa, daughter of Clemson and Margaret- Amelia (Moore) Henderson, born July 4, 1800; died March 11, 1871. She married (2) John Long, by whom she had a son, George. (Genealogy of David Jones, p. 106.) Children : adaid aa. Elizabeth, born March 3, 1820; died Apr. 1, 1875; married, March 11, 1841, Richard Pierce. Children : a. John, born Dec. 9, 1841; died Dec. 1, 1844. 6. James-Lincoln, born Nov. 26, 1845; mar. Ella-Ruth Gaul, c. Margaret-Amelia, born Aug. 20, 1851; mar. Henry-Kupp Spotts. I adaid ab. Samuel, born Aug. 26, 1823. adaid ac. John, born Apr. 16, 1826; left home and has never been heard from since. adaid b. John, son of James (Abraham, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Elizabeth (Jones) Lincoln of Carnarvon, Pa., born 376 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Apr. 5, 1796, at Carnarvon; died July 17, 1867, at Churchtown, Pa. He was a farmer and lived between Churchtown, Lancaster county, and Morgantown, Bucks county, Pa. He married, Nov. 17, 1814, Hannah^, daughter of John^ (Jonathan^, David}) and Elizabeth (Graham) Jones of Reading Forge, Pa., born Oct. 16, 1793; died Apr. 2, 1869, at Churchtown. (Genealogy of David Jones, pp. 42-3; 106-7.) The will of John Jones of East Nantmeal, Pa., dated Jan. 11, 1816, names: ** daughter Hannah," to whom is left a legacy ''during the life- time of her husband John Lincoln, afterwards to be paid to her or her children." (Chester County Wills and Administrations, Abstracts of, with Hist. Soc'y of Penn.) Children, born at Churchtown: adaid ha. James, born Oct. 9, 1818; died in infancy, adaid bb. George-Jones, born Oct. 28, 1821. adaid be. Thamazine, born Oct. 10, 1822; married, Dec. 26, 1841, Samuel- Miles Cresswell. Children : a. Hannah-Elizabeth, born 1842; mar. J. Howard Jacobs. h. James-Ross, born May 31, 1843; died March 29, 1848. adaid hd. Rees-Evans, born May 30, 1825; died Oct. 8, 1858, unmarried. | adaid he. Elizabeth, born March 2, 1829; died Nov. 16, 1872, unmarried. , adaid c. Samuel, son of James {Abraham, Mordecai, Mor- . decai, Samuel) and Elizabeth (Jones) Lincoln of Carnarvon, Pa., i born July 13, 1798, at Carnarvon; died Apr. 28, 1882, at Church- i town. Pa. He lived at Churchtown and was a farmer. He is \ described as a man of earnest purpose and enterprising energy, ; filled with a spirit of thrift and industry. He was ever foremost ' in matters of pubHc zeal and took a keen interest in the pro- gressive spirit of the age, cheerfully accepting the burden of such public trusts as came to him in the performance of which he was zealous and faithful. He was for many years identified with the interests of Carnarvon, of which town he was a promi- nent citizen and highly esteemed. He lived, after his marriage, on the Jackson homestead, near Joanna Furnace. (Hist, of Lancaster County, Pa., p. 696.) He married, Dec. 24, 1835, at Lancaster, Pa., Maria, daughter of Thomas and Margaret (Hughes) Jackson of Berks county, Pa., born Dec. 14, 1802, at Robeson township. Pa.; died Aug. 6, SIXTH GENERATION 377 1848, at Morgantown, Pa. (Genealogy of David Jones, pp. 107- 8; Records of Elizabeth [Lincoln] Hertzler, adaid cc.) Children, born at Churchtown: adaid ca. Edward, born Sept. 12, 1837; died June 5, 1912, at Churchtown; married, March 3, 1874, at Lancaster, Pa., Sarah-Ann, daughter of John and Hannah (Cox) Tripple of Churchtown, born Feb. 12, 1844, at Church- town; Uving, 1914. They Uved at Churchtown. He was a farmer. They had no children. adaid cb. Margaret, born Jan. 1, 1840; married, June 14, 1860, Abner- Evans, son of Jesse and Margaret (Allen) James of Loag, Pa., born Sept. 8, 1831, at Loag. They are Uving, 1914, afElverson, Pa. He is a farmer. Children, born: a, h not reported; c at Isabella, Pa.: a. Edward-Lincoln, born Sept. 7, 1861; died Sept. 14, 1865. h. Clarence- Alan, born Aug. 30, 1866; mar. Elizabeth- Jane Millard, c. Bessie-Lincoln, born Nov. 11, 1875; mar. Isaac-Trego Mc- Farland. (See Bailey Family, p. 306.) adaid cc. Elizabeth, born Sept. 8, 1842; married, Nov. 28, 1872, at Lan- caster, Pa., John-Zook, son of John and Martha (Reeser) Hertzler of Churchtown, born Feb. 17, 1843, at Churchtown. They are living at Churchtown. He is, 1914, a miller and justice of the peace. Children, born at Morgantown, Pa. : a. Alice-May, born June 19, 1875; mar. George-Henry Muhlen- berg. h. Edward-Fend ALL, born Nov. 30, 1880; mar. Anna-Mae Millard. adaid g. Abraham, son of James {Abraham, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Elizabeth (Jones) Lincoln of Carnarvon, Pa., born July 12, 1812, at Carnarvon; died Feb. 11, 1900, at Whitehall, near Churchtown, Pa. He married, Nov. 25, 1838, at Churchtown, Sarah-Anderson'', daughter of David^ {John^, David^) and Mary D. (McCalmant) Jenkins of Churchtown, born June 23, 1819, at Churchtown; died Feb. 17, 1900, at Churchtown, where they had lived. (Jen- kins Family Book, p. 98; Genealogy of David Jones, p. 108.) Child, born at Churchtown: adaid ga. Elizabeth-Jones, born Nov. 10, 1840. She was living, 1904, at Churchtown, unmarried, but is reported to have died before 1913. adaid h. David-Jones, son of James (Abraham, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Elizabeth (Jones) Lincoln of Carnarvon, Pa., born Jan. 29, 1816, at Carnarvon; died Apr. 10, 1886, at Birdsboro, Pa. 378 LINCOLN GENEALOGY He married, Apr. 15, 1847, Mary-Ives, daughter of Mark Davis. (Gen. of David Jones, pp. 108-9.) Children, born at Birdsboro: adaid ha. Clara, born Sept. 16, 1848; died Feb. 28, 1912, at Leesport, Pa.; married, Aug. 17, 1873, at Birdsboro, Jeremiah-Starr, son of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Starr) Parvin of Leesport, born Sept. 17, 1841, at Lees- port; died there Dec. 26, 1909. They lived at Leesport. He was engaged in the manufacture of leather. (Records of Henry-Philip Lincoln, adahf daa, and of Mary-Ives Parvin, adaid had.) Children, born at Leesport : a. Edward-Lincoln, born Nov. 29, 1874; mar. Elizabeth- Weida Raser. b. Elizabeth-Starr, born Feb. 2, 1877; mar. Richard- Warren Knight. c. George-Brooke, born Oct. 23, 1878; mar. Mary Noecker. d. Mary-Ives, born Feb. 26, 1883 ; living, 1913, unmarried. e. Benjamin, born Aug, 8, 1887; living, 1913, unmarried. /. Lucia, born Oct. 10, 1891; living, 1913, unmarried. adaid hb. James, born May 1, 1851; died Apr. 16, 1893, unmarried. He was a physician. adaid he. William-Ives, born Sept. 16, 1852. adaid hd. George-Jones, born March 16, 1854; died July 14, 1855. adaid he. Mary-Davies, born Apr. 14, 1856; living, 1913, unmarried at Birdsboro. adaid hf. Anne-Boone, born June 10, 1858; living, 1913, unmarried at Birds- boro. adaid hg. Elizabeth, born Dec. 9, 1862; married (1), May 21, 1885, Douglas Smith. She married (2), June 7, 1894, Henry-Knabb Harrison. They were living, 1913, at Birdsboro. Child, by first husband: a. William Smith, born Oct. 22, 1886 ; died July 4, 1888. adaii b. John-Dehaven, son of Thomas (Abraham, Mor- decai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Alice (Dehaven) Lincoln of Exeter, Pa., born Jan. 1, 1815 (Sunday), at Exeter; died June 27, 1895, at Lorane, Exeter township, where he had passed his life. He was a farmer. He married, Jan. 24, 1837, at Exeter, Sarah, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth (Deeter) Gilbert of Exeter, born Jan. 4, 1811, at Exeter; died Apr. 15, 1895, at Lorane. (Family Bible of Harrison-Gilbert Lincoln, adaii he.) Children, born at Exeter: adaii ba. Amelia, born March 28, 1838; died Dec. 14, 1895, unmarried. adaii bb. Alfred-Gilbert, born Apr. 21, 1839. adaii be. Harrison-Gilbert, born July 28, 1840. adaii bd. Elizabeth, born Nov. 20, 1841; married, Oct. 6, 1864, at Reading, SIXTH GENERATION 379 Pa., Samuel-Romig, son of Mathias and Rachel (Romig) Hafer of Exeter, born July 8, 1840, at Exeter. They were living in 1913 at Reading. He was book-keeper for Hafer Brothers, produce dealers. Children, born: a-d at Exeter; e at Birdsboro, Pa.: a. Ammon-Lincoln, born June 3, 1866; mar. Nellie Lebkicker. h. Adele-Lincoln, born Nov. 20, 1868; mar. John Siegfried. c. Samuel-Lincoln, born Sept. 20, 1870; mar. Ida Endy. d. Mathias-Lincoln, born July 20, 1873; mar. Cora Brensinger. e. Rachel-Lincoln, born Sept. 14, 1876; mar. Harry McKinney. adaii be. John-Gilbert, born March 7, 1843. adaii bf. Richard-Gilbert, born Dec. 5, 1844. adaii hg. Martha, born Dec. 12, 1846; living, 1913, at Reading, Pa.; mar- ried, Dec. 22, 1865, at Reading, David, son of Daniel and Catharine (Heming) Focht of Robeson, Pa,, born Oct. 30, 1842, at Robeson; died Nov. 7, 1875, at Birdsboro, Pa. He was at first a butcher, but later kept a candy store. They had no children. adaii bh. Ann, born Feb. 16, 1849; living, 1913, at Reading with her sister Martha. She married, Nov. 17, 1870, at Reading, John-Frederick, son of Joel and Margaret (Jones) Reifsnyder of Exeter, born Apr. 22, 1849, at Unionville, Pa. ; died March 17, 1905, at Reading. He lived at Reading and was a produce dealer. They had one daughter who died in infancy. (Hist, of Berks County, Pa., vol. i, p. 596.) adaii hi. Sarah, born May 24, 1851 ; living, 1913, at Reading with her sisters, Martha and Ann. She married, in 1875, at Reading, Lewis P., son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Spayd) Ruth of Bern township. Pa., born June 5, 1852, at Bern; died Nov. 15, 1883, at Reading. He lived at Reading and was a laborer. (Records of Mrs. Sarah [Lincoln] Ruth.) Children, born at Reading : a. Elizabeth, born March 12, 1876; mar. Frederick Haas. h. Clarence, born May 12, 1877; married Gertrude Brown. adaii hj. Mary, born Aug. 24, 1852; living, 1913, at Reading, Pa.; married, Dec. 26, 1872, at Reading, Daniel, son of Daniel and Susan (Eidel) Biehl of St. Lawrence, Pa., born 1849, at Oley, Pa.; died Jan. 28, 1893, at Reading. He lived at Reading and was a policeman. Children, born at Reading: a. Henry-Thomas, born Sept. 22, 1873; died Sept. 22, 1874. h. Sarah-Esther, born Apr. 3, 1876; mar. Harry S. Schuck. c. Susan-Rebecca, born Oct. 2, 1877; mar. J. Harvey Lengel. d. Martha-Lincoln, born Aug. 8, 1879; mar. George T. Brown. e. Mary-Lincoln, born Nov. 15, 1883; mar. William-Joseph Stout. adaii hk. Oscar, born Feb. 16, 1855; died Apr. 25, 1857. adbca a. John, son of Abraham (Jacob, Abraham, Mordecaij Samuel) and Elizabeth (Shrum) Lincoln of Kingsessing, Pa., now part of Philadelphia, born Aug. 19, 1790, at Kingsessing; died Dec. 20. 1824, at Philadelphia, intestate, and administration on his estate was granted to his widow, Martha Lincoln, Jan. 8, 1825; sureties Isaac Lincoln and George Gesner, both of Philadel- 380 LINCOLN GENEALOGY phia. His estate was valued at $800. (Philadelphia Adminis- trations, Book N, p. 25.) He married Martha-Biddle Fimple, of whom nothing has been learned. According to the *'Ogden Genealogy" they were of Haverford, Pa. (Records of Mrs. Katharine-Rebecca [Paschall] Styer, adbca hbd.) Children, born at Kingsessing: adbca aa. Ann, married a Mr. Dylks. adbca ab. Sarah-Nitzel, born Sept. 4, 1820; married, Apr. 25, 1842, Anning- Asburys, son of Joseph* {Aaron^, Stephen^, David^) and Lucretia (Gorman) Ogden of Newark, Del., born Apr. 24, 1817, at Newark; died May 4, 1894, at PaschallviUe, Pa. He was a builder and, later, a merchant. They lived at PaschallviUe. (The Quaker Ogdens, p. 128.) Children, born at PaschallviUe: a. John-Lincoln, born Jan. 29, 1843; mar. Jennie Wright. b. George-Lybrand, born Nov. 12, 1845; mar. Selina Sharp. c. James-Asbury, born March 7, 1848; mar. Helen- Virginia Nor- ton. adbca d. Isaac, son of Abraham (Jacob, Abraham, Mordecai, Samuel) and Elizabeth (Shrum) Lincoln of Kingsessing, Pa., now part of Philadelphia, born May 2, 1797, at Kingsessing; died July 8, 1867, at Waynesville, Ohio, whither he removed from Darby, Pa., having first lived for a few years at Cincinnati, Ohio, where his two daughters were born. He was a farmer. He removed to Waynesville in 1828, and ''did much hard labor in opening up his farm from the woods." The farm is still, 1914, in the family, being occupied by his grandson. He married (1), Sept. 12, 1821, at Philadelphia (Records of First Reformed Church), Margaret Smith, who was born at Darby, and died March 24, 1829, at Waynesville. He married (2), May 27, 1830, at Waynesville, Eliza, daughter of John Robertson of Ohio, born Sept. 7, 1791, in Stafford county, Va.; died Aug. 3, 1849., at Waynesville, aged 58 years. Her father was a Scotchman and was drowned at sea while returning to his native land for a visit. (Records of Mrs. Katharine- Rebecca [Paschall] Styer, adbca bbd; and Isaac- Wilber Lincoln, adbca dec.) Children, by first wife, born at Cincinnati: adbca da. Elizabeth, born Sept. 2, 1822; died June 15, 1889, at New Burhng- ton, Ohio; married, Sept. 8, 1842, at Waynesville (Lebanon, Ohio, Rec- SIXTH GENERATION 381 ords), John, son of Absolom and EUenor Chenoweth of Waynesville, born Aug. 27, 1815; died Nov. 5, 1865, at Harveysburg, Ohio. He was a farmer. They lived at Waynesville, Corwin and Harveysburg, Ohio. (Family Records.) Children, born : a-c at Waynesville ; d-f at Harveysburg. a. Isaac-Lincoln, born July 16, 1843; died Jan. 2, 1863. h. Margaret-Ellenor, born Jan. 7, 1845; mar. John-Hisey Gard. c. Eliza-Jane, born June 22, 1847; mar. Eli-Smith Carroll. d. John- William-Henry, born Aug. 24, 1851; died Feb. 4, 1854. e. Mary-Elizabeth, born Sept. 6, 1854; mar. Benjamin-Milton Anson. /. Charles- Absolom, born Feb. 11, 1860; mar. Mary- Adeline White. adhca db. Jane, born March 7, 1826; died Jan. 4, 1888, unmarried. Child, by second wife, born at Waynesville: adbca dc. John-Robertson, born June 10, 1831. adbca f. Abraham, son of Abraham {Jacob, Abraham, Mordecai, Samuel) and Elizabeth (Shrum) Lincoln of Kingsessing ( Pa., now part of Philadelphia, born Sept. 5, 1802, at Kingsessing; died Sept. 19, 1892, at Waynesville, Ohio. When a young man he learned the wagonmaker's trade but he removed, in 1824, to Waynesville, where he became a farmer and lived until his death. He married, Nov. 15, 1834, at Waynesville (Lebanon, Ohio, Records), Ruth, daughter of Zachariah and Elizabeth (O'Neal) Prater of Waynesville, born Aug. 17, 1816, near Waynesville; died there Apr. 19, 1893. (Records of Mrs. Katharine-Rebecca [Paschall] Styer, adbca bbd.) Children, born at Waynesville: adhca ja, Joseph, born Jan. 17, 1836; died Feb. 20, 1867, at Waynesville, un- married. adhca jh. Elizabeth, born June 17, 1838; died Apr. 2, 1897, at Waynesville; married. May 10, 1853, at Waynesville, Albert-ElHot Warwick of Waynes- ville, a disreputable character who by cruel and abusive treatment of his wife and children drove his wife into a fit of insanity in which she killed him with an axe. For this crime she was imprisoned in the peni- tentiary but was finally pardoned. Children, born at Waynesville: a. Evelyn-Ophelia, born March 5, 1854; mar. Cassius-Clay Cleaver. h. Joseph- WiLKiNS, born Feb. 16, 1856; mar. Ella Turner. c. Clayton-Raymond, born Jan. 9, 1858; mar. Kate Bloom. d, Carrie-Emma, born June 3, 1860; mar. Albert-Samuel Taylor. 382 LINCOLN GENEALOGY e. Lizzie-Ada, born Jan. 5, 1862; mar. George- William Goodie. /. Ruth- Anna, born July 4, 1865; mar. George-Martin Daugherty. adbca fc. Benjamin, born March 8, 1844. adbcf a. Jacob, son of Moses (Jacob, Abraharrif Mordecai, Samuel) and Barbara (Kinch) Lincoln of Darby, Pa., born 1795, at Darby; died Nov. 18, 1848, at Darby. He lived at Darby and was a stone-mason as shown by a deed, dated March 25, 1840, by which Jacob Lincoln of Darby, stone-mason, and Eliza his wife conveyed to Thomas A. Potts of Kingsessing for $1200 land in Paschallville, formerly belonging to Dr. Henry Paschall and which he conveyed to said Jacob, March 22, 1826. (Philadelphia Deeds, Bk. G. S. 16, p. 46.) He is buried in the Old Swedes Cemetery at Kingsessing, now part of Philadelphia, Pa. His gravestone is inscribed as follows : "Sacred J to the memory of % Jacob Lincoln % who departed this life t November 18*^ 1848 t in the 53'^ year of his age t Rest in Peace.'' His will, dated Feb. 21, 1848, proved Dec. 5, 1848, leaves: "To wife Eliza and son William all money in hand or due me at my death. To son William the plantation in Upper Darby on , which he resides containing 21 acres, and my lot in Darby, bought of David Lewis, containing 18 acres. To wife the plan- tation we live on in Darby containing 24 acres during her life , and afterwards to son William. Remainder to William. Execu- ; tors: wife Eliza and son William." (The Ancestry of Abraham ( Lincoln, p. 170.) I From the foregoing it is learned that his wife's name was ; Eliza and that she survived him. It is also evident that if they ] had other children, none but WilHam was Hving in 1848. Mrs. Lincoln married (2), before Sept. 24, 1856, Anthony J. Jordan, as appears by the petition for administration on the estate of her son William. Child, born at Darby: adbcf aa. William; died before Sept. 24, 1856, intestate. Administration on the estate of WilUam Lincoln was granted to Elizabeth P. Lincoln, Oct. 23, 1856. Her petition in Orphans' Court, dated Sept. 24, 1856, calls her widow and administratrix of William Lincoln and sets forth: "that said William Lincoln died intestate, leaving no issue and as next of kin his mother Eliza Lincoln, now wife of Anthony J. Jordan; George Lincoln, an uncle: and the children of Michael Lincoln, a deceased uncle SIXTH GENERATION 383 viz.; Isaac and Jacob Lincoln, Anna-Eliza wife of Daniel Trites, Rebecca wife of James Hutchinson, and Elizabeth Lincoln a minor under 21." (The Ancestry of Abraham Lincoln, p. 179.) He married, Dec. 16, 1845, at Doe Run, Pa., Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph and Mary-Ann (Hope) Phipps of Lancaster county, Pa., born 1824, in Lancaster county. She married (2) Atwood Powell. (Bailey Family, p. 363.) They had no children. adbcf b. George, son of Moses (Jacob, Abraham, Mordecai, Samuel) and Barbara (Kinch) Lincoln of Darby, Pa., born Sept. 21, 1798, at Darby; died Aug. 20, 1877, at Darby ''in his 80th year." His gravestone says he was born in 1793, but this must be an error of the stone-cutter. He was a farmer and lived at Darby where he was supervisor of roads during nearly all of his active adult life. He married, Nov. 9, 1820, at Upper Darby, Phoebe-Speek- man, daughter of Henry and Margaret Hoofstitler of Upper Darby, born Aug. 20, 1800, at Upper Darby; died May 30, 1888, at Darby. They are both buried in the old Darby cemetery called ''Mt. Zion," their gravestones being inscribed as follows: ''My Husband J George Lincoln t born Sep. 21st 1793 J died Aug. 20th 1878." ' "In Memory of t Phebe S. Lincoln J died May 31, 1888 t aged 88 years." (Records of Clara- Virginia [Gilbert] Taylor, adbcf bia; George- Lincoln Gilbert, adbcf bid; The Quaker Ogdens, p. 126, which erroneously calls Mrs. Lincoln, Phebe-Shillingford. The grave- stone inscriptions do not agree with the family Bible record.) Children, born at Darby: adbcf ba. John, born Sept. 9, 1821. adbcf bb. Henry, born Dec. 7, 1822; died Oct. 7, 1825. adbcf be. James, born Nov. 26, 1824; died Nov. 13, 1826. adbcf bd. Eliza, born Nov. 6, 1826; died June 22, 1899, at Kanopolis, Kan. ; married, Jan. 8, 1845, at Darby, Joseph, son of Henry and Catherine (Lincoln) Paschall, formerly of Concord, Delaware county. Pa., adbca ba, born March 23, 1823, at Darby; died July 8, 1894, at Kanopolis, whither they removed in 1876. Children, born: a-c at Paschallville ; d-h at Concordville, Pa.: a. George-Henry, born Sept. 26, 1845; mar. Mary N. Lane. b. Joseph, born Feb. 16, 1848; died young. c. Beulah- Worth, born Sept. 9, 1849; mar. Erskine Becker. d. Catharine-Lincoln, born May 24, 1852; mar. George W. Gilkinson. 384 LINCOLN GENEALOGY e. Joseph-Albin, born Dec. 31, 1854; mar. (1) Nellie Sherman; (2) Ellen Weise. /. Moses-Lincoln, born Dec. 15, 1857; mar. Jane M. Lane. g. Anna-Frances, born Sept. 19, 1860; mar. Abraham Wise. h. Eliza-Irene, born March 10, 1865; died 1872. adbcf be. Moses, born Oct. 24, 1828. adbcf hj. Jacob, born Dec. 13, 1830; died Oct. 26, 1832. adbcf bg. George, born May 31, 1834; died Apr. 3, 1835. adbcf bh. William, born May 28, 1836; died Feb. 20, 1838. adbcf bi. Phoebe, born July 16, 1838; married, May 25, 1859, at Darby, George-Frederick, son of George and Hetty (Chambers) Gilbert of Philadelphia, Pa., born July 18, 1833. They are living, 1915, as they have always, in the Borough of Yeadon, Pa., Lansdowne P. O. He was a farmer but is now retired. (Records of Mrs. Clara- Virginia [Gilbert] Taylor.) Children, born at Lansdowne: a. Clara- Virginia, born Feb. 12, 1860; mar. Edward-Thompson Taylor. h. Phoebe-Ella, born June 24, 1861; died March 24, 1863. c. Estelle, born Apr. 14, 1864; mar. Horace- Armand Dunk. d. George-Lincoln, bom June 25, 1866 ; mar. Gertrude Vandergrift. adbcf c. Michael, son of Moses {Jacob, Abraham, Mordecai, Samuel) and Barbara (Kinch) Lincoln of Darby, Pa., born May 22, 1801, at Darby; died Oct. 16, 1844, at Darby. He was a farmer and lived at Darby. He died intestate and administration on his estate was granted to his brother Jacob, Jan. 6, 1846. His wife's name was Rebecca but nothing has been learned of her save what is on her gravestone. She was born in 1801, and died June 14, 1865, at Darby in her 64th year. Mr. Lincoln is buried in the Old Swedes cemetery at Kingsessing, now part of Philadelphia, but his wife is buried in the old burying ground at Darby. Their gravestones bear the following inscriptions: ''Sacred t to the Memory of | Michael Lincoln J who de- parted this life t October 16th 1844 J aged 43 years 4 months t and 24 days J Rest in peace." "Our Mother tin Memory of J Rebecca R t Relict of the late t Michael Lincoln t who departed this life t June the 14*^ 1865 t in the 64*^ year of her age t Tho' lost to sight to memory dear { Remain in peace." Children, born at Darby: adbcf ca. Isaac R. adbcf cb. Jacob. He is said to have married and to have had a daughter Laura, who became a nurse and was living, 1915, at Logan, Pa., un- married. SIXTH GENERATION 385 adhcf cc. Ann-Eliza, married, before 1851, Daniel Trites, but nothing has been learned of them. Children : a. Jacob-Lincoln, born Aug. 14, 1851; died Apr. 28, 1858.* h. A DAUGHTER, mar. Isaac Custer and was living, 1915, at Colwin, Pa. adhcf cd. Rebecca, died Feb. 21, 1879, at Philadelphia; married James Hutchinson. Administration on the estate of Rebecca Hutchinson, who died Feb. 21, 1879, was granted March 4, 1879, to Mary- Ann Hutchinson, 1632 Walnut St. Bond $2000. Sureties: Sarah Harkness and Margaret (Hutchinson, all of Philadelphia. (Philadelphia Administrations, Bk. W, p. 111.) ddhcf ce. Elizabeth, under age in 1856. adbfa b. Daniel-Savage, son of William (Mordecai, Abra- ham, Mordecai, Samuel) and Lois (Pardee) Lincoln of Middletown Upper Houses, now Cromwell, Conn., born June 21, 1802, at Middletown Upper Houses; died Feb. 6, 1871, at Cromwell, where he had passed his life. He was a farmer and wheelwright ., and is said to have been a fine workman at his trade. I He married, Nov. 28, 1822, at Middletown, Conn., Florilla^, daughter of SamueP (Samuel^) and Ruth (Goodrich) Buck of Chatham and Portland, Conn., born July 31, 1803; died Oct. 31, 1884, at Berlin, Conn., but was buried at Cromwell in the new cemetery by the side of her husband and two of their children. Their gravestones are thus marked : "Daniel S. Lincoln J died J Feb. 6, 1871 t aged 69 J Florilla i B. his wife J died Oct. 31, 1884 J aged 82." ''Children of J Daniel S & J Florilla Lincoln J Eliza M. J died Nov. 9, 1859 % aged 32 J Sherman | died Jan. 10, 1871 t aged 39." Isaac B. Lincoln was appointed, Feb. 28, 1871, administrator on the estate of Daniel S. Lincoln, his father, the widow declin- ing. The estate was appraised at $3080.50. (Records of Con- gregational Church, Middletown Upper Houses; Gen. of Samuel Buck Families of Portland, Conn., p. 23; Middletown Probate Records.) Children, born at Cromwell: adbfa ha. Sherman, born Nov. 16, 1823; died Oct. 20, 1830, at Cromwell and is buried in the old cemetery. His gravestone is inscribed as *Hi3 gravestone at Darby reads thus: "Erected J to the memory of t Jacob L. son t of Darnel & Anna-Eliza Trites J who died April 28th A. D. 1858 t aged 6 years 8 months & 14 days. ' ' 25 386 LINCOLN GENEALOGY follows: "Sherman t son of | Daniel S. & J Florilla Lincoln f died Oct. 21, 1830 t ae 7 yrs." adhfa bb. Hannah M., bora July 19, 1825; died March 3, 1887; married, Oct. 12, 1846, at Middletown, Hiram Morgan of Berlin, Conn. He was a blacksmith. Children : a. Clarence-Augustus, died aged 11 months. b. Edgar, living, 1916, at Berlin. adbfo be. Eliza M., born Sept. 15, 1827; died Nov. 9, 1859, at Cromwell, unmarried. adbfa bd. Isaac-Buck, born Dec. 26, 1829. adbfa be. Sherman, born 1832; died Jan. 10, 1871, at Cromwell. He enlisted Apr. 19, 1861, in the 1st regiment Connecticut Volunteer Infantry for three months, and was mustered out July 31, 1861. He re-enlisted as cor- poral, Aug. 19, 1861, in Company B, 7th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry, was reduced to the ranks Sept. 1, 1863, re-enlisted as veteran Dec. 22, 1863, was captured at Hatcher's Run, Va., June 17, 1864, paroled March 4, 1865, and was honorably discharged July 20, 1865. He is said to have been married in Portland, Conn., but nothing definite has been learned of his wife. adbfa bf. A child, died May 24, 1834, in infancy. adbfa bg. Daniel-Savage, born January, 1843. adbfa bh. Edward-Buck, born May 26, 1847; died Aug. 16, 1847, aet. 3 i mos. Cromwell records say he was born in 1848. j adbfa e. William M., son of William {Mordecai, Abraham, Mordecai, Samuel) and Lois (Pardee) Lincoln of Middletown Upper Houses, now Cromwell, Conn., born 1810, at Middletown; died previous to 1880, at Cromwell, but there is no record of his ; death. He was a farmer, lived at Cromwell and was of rather^ dissipated habits. He married before 1840, probably at Portland, Conn., Julia- ^ Ann Caldwell of Portland, born 1812. She is said to have diedi after 1880, a widow. At the time of the birth of their daughter, ) Mary-Jane-Savage, she was aged 35, and Mr. Lincoln was aged 37. (Middletown and Cromwell Records; Cromwell Church Records.) Children, born at Cromwell: adbfa ea. Joseph, born 1840. He enlisted Sept. 5, 1862, in Company F, 24th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry, and served until Sept. 30, 1863. He is called a ''sailor" in his marriage record. He married, July 4, 1866, at Middletown, at the age of 26, Mrs. Mary E. Northorp, who was then 24 years old. No further record has been found of them. adbfa eb. William H., died February, 1843. adbfa ec. Mary-Jane-Savaqe, born Nov. 27, 1847; died Dec. 7, 1852» ; adbfa ed. Ella, born March 15, 1850. SIXTH GENERATION 387 adbfa ee. William, born June, 1852; died Dec. 6, 1852, aet. 6 months. adbfa ef. A child, born July 24, 1853; probably died young. adbfa eg. John, born Oct. 3, 1855; died Oct. 30, 1855. adbfa f. Asa S., son of William (Mordecai, Abraham, Mor- decai, Sa^nuel) and Lois (Pardee) Lincoln of Middletown Upper Houses, now Cromwell, Conn., born 1814, at Middletown; died Feb. 13, 1869, at Cromwell, ^'aged 55 years." He was a farmer and lived at Cromwell. He married about 1840, probably at Westbrook, Conn., Lucy Post of Westbrook, born 1820, at Westbrook; died May 17, 1894, at Cromwell, ''aged 74 years." (Cromwell Records.) Mr. Lincoln's will, dated Dec. 17, 1867, probated March 25, 1869, names only his wife Lucy P. His estate was inventoried at $6032.25. (Middletown Probate Records, vol. xxiv, p. 259.) Children, born at Cromwell: adbfa fa. A child, died Nov. 1, 1841, in infancy. adbfa fb. Annie-Sarah, born Sept. 14, 1843; married, Dec. 27, 1859, at Cromwell (Cromwell Church Records say 1858), John-Demming, son of Ellelar and Aurelia Botelle of Cromwell, born Oct. 6, 1837, at Cromwell. His father was a native of France. After their marriage they lived at Cromwell until after 1886. They then removed to Waterbury, Conn., but are now, 1916, living at Oakville, Conn. Mr. Botelle was in earlier life a travelling salesman but, later, became an auctioneer. (Family Records.) Children, born at Cromwell : a. Lincoln-Bela, born Nov. 22, 1861; died 1871. b. Albert H., born Dec. 12, 1863; mar. Edith Marendaz. c. Fanny, born Jan. 13, 1866; mar. Michael Gleason. d. Edward M., born Oct. 2, 1867; mar. Mabel Adams. e. Lucy, born July 1, 1869; died Apr. 24, 1881. /. Grace, born Oct. 31, 1872; mar. George Boden. g. Herbert-John, born Oct. 28, 1874; mar. Bertha Stoddard. h. Bela-Lincoln, born Oct. 15, 1876; living, 1916, unmarried. i. Ida-Wilcox, born Oct. 4, 1878; Uving, 1916, unmarried. j. Gertrude-May, born Apr. 22, 1880; died Aug. 3, 1900, un- married. k. Sarah S., born Apr. 10, 1883; died Oct. 22, 1884. I. Pearl- Amelia, born Apr. 11, 1886; mar. Charles-Christopher Schreier, adbfa fc. Mary L., born 1846; died at Deep River, Conn.; married, May 7, 1865, at Cromwell, Edward C, son of Jairus and Eunice (Southworth) Moore, born 1838, at Deep River; died at Deep River, where they had hved. They had no children. She was 19 and he was 27 years old when married. adbfa fd. Lucy A., born 1849; married, Nov. 27, 1873, at Cromwell, Charles H. Jones, a native of New Brunswick, born 1849 and described as a 388 LINCOLN GENEALOGY laborer in the marriage record. They were both twenty-four years old when married. They had no children. adbfa fe. Asa S., born 1852 ; died Oct. 20, 1867, " aged fifteen years." adbfa ff. John-Egbert, born Aug. 17, 1855; died Feb. 26, 1857. adhfa fg. Belle E., born May 10, 1858; died at Deep River, Conn.; married, June 22, 1876, at Cromwell, W. Arthur, son of John Lane of Deep River, born 1850, at Winthrop, Conn.; living, 1915, at Middletown. He was a merchant, twenty-six years old when married. Children : a. Anna-May, born 1878; died unmarried. b. Herbert, died unmarried. adbfa fh. Charles-Russell, born Oct. 30, 1862. adcac b. Francis, son of Uriah (Isaac, Isaac, Mordecai, Samuel) and Mary (Lincoln) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Sept. 13, 1775, at Cohasset; died May 29, 1850, at Cohasset. He was a farmer and tanner and lived in Cohasset on South Main street, in a house which he built in 1806, just north of one built by Mordecai Lincoln, ad, for his son Isaac. He carried on his father's tannery business until the loss of an eye, in 1816, com- pelled him to abandon the works. He was a member of the school committee in 1807, 1818 and 1826. He married, Nov. 29, 1804, at Cohasset, Peggy^ daughter of Peter^ (Daniel'^, Nathaniel, Israel^, Thomas^) and Molly (Tower) Nichols of Cohasset, born Apr. 19, 1778, at Cohasset; died Oct. 22, 1858, at Cohasset. (Family Bible with Francis Lincoln, adcac hah; Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 242, 303; Cohasset Records, which differ sometimes from the Family Bible.) Child, born at Cohasset: adcac ba. Isaac, born Nov. 12, 1805. adcac d. Isaac, son of Uriah (Isaac, Isaac, ikfordecai, >SamweO and Mary (Lincoln) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Jan. 26, 1780, at Cohasset; died March 6, 1868, at Brunswick, Me. He graduated at Harvard College in the class of 1800, and was its last surviving member. He studied medicine and began practice in 1804 at Topsham, Me., but soon removed to Brunswick where he was in successful practice for more than fifty years, though he retired from active business some time before his death. He received an honorary degree of M.D. from Bowdoin College in 1831; was a member of the medical faculty of the Maine Medical] SIXTH GENERATION 389 School from 1820 to 1867, and in 1865 was chosen an overseer of Bowdoin College. He was a prominent citizen of the town and a leader of the Congregational Church. He was elected to the Governor's Council but declined to serve. ''A man of high char- acter and of sterling integrity, but remarkably firm and decided in his opinions — genial always and cheerful to the last days of his life." He married, Aug. 24, 1820, at Brunswick, Marcia-Scott, daughter of John and Mary (Tapham) Dunlap of Brunswick, born July 12, 1799, at Brunswick (Cohasset Genealogies and Brunswick records say July 22) ; died Feb. 2, 1833, at Brunswick. (New Eng. Hist. & Gen. Register, vols, xxiii, p. 201; xxiii, p. 86; Hist, of Brunswick, pp. 760-1; Bangor Hist. Recorder, vol. vi, p. 41; Cohasset Genealogies, p. 242; Brunswick Records.) Children, born at Brunswick: adcac da. John-Dunlap, born June 1, 1821. adcac db. Mary-Elizabeth, born May 13, 1823; died March 8, 1908, at Bath, Me.; married, May 24, 1848, at Brunswick, John-Green, son of William and Harriet (Leland) Richardson of Bath, born Dec. 16, 1823, at Bath; died Aug. 29, 1894, at Bath. He is erroneously called John J. in the record of his marriage at Brunswick. He lived in Bath and was in business there until 1857 when he went to Liverpool, England, where he remained until 1874 when he returned to Bath. He was mayor of Bath 1878-9 and presidential elector in 1883. "Richardson Memorial" is in error in saying that he was postmaster of Bath in 1873, as he never held that office in any place. He was a great-nephew of Governor King, Maine's first governor. (Richardson Memorial, p. 627; Bath Records; Records of Miss Marcia Richardson, adcac dha.) Child, born at Bath: a. Marcia-Dunlap, born May 3, 1849; living, 1910, at Bath, unmarried. adcai b. John, son of Lazarus (Isaac, Isaac, Mordecai, Samuel) and Fanny (Kilby) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Jan. 15, 1784, at Cohasset; died Dec. 31, 1832, at Wilmington, N. C, and is buried in Central burying ground, Cohasset. ^'Co- hasset Genealogies" says he died at sea; but this probably means on one of his voyages, as the Cohasset records clearly state that he died at Wilmington and, moreover, his body was brought to Cohasset for burial. He was a master-mariner or sea captain. He lived at Cohasset, in the Cushing Kilby house on South Main street. "Cohasset Genealogies," p. 548, says: ''The name of 390 LINCOLN GENEALOGY John Lincoln is given as captain of the following vessels in the registers of the Boston Custom House, but as the name continues on the records after the death of the Cohasset John Lincoln, we cannot be sure that these vessels were actually commanded by him: Schooner EHza, May, 1819; schooner Mary Ann, 1822; brig Boston, 1823; brig Billow, 1824; brig Chilo, 1828; brig Wave, 1831." He married (1), Aug. 2, 1807, at Scituate, Mass., Deborah- Otis*, daughter of SnelP (Issachar^, Joseph^) and Charlotte (Otis) Wade of Scituate, born May 25, 1786, at Scituate; died Apr. 11, 1818, at Cohasset. He married (2), Feb. 7, 1819, at Cohasset, Elizabeth^, daugh- ter of James^ {James^, Jeremiah'^, Jeremiah^, Samuel^, John}) and Susanna (Lincoln) Stoddard of Cohasset, aafh h, born, Dec. 13, 1784, at Cohasset; died Jan. 9, 1848, at Cohasset. Both wives are buried in Central burying ground. (Cohasset Geneal- ogies, p. 242; Cohasset Records; Scituate Records; Gravestones.) Children, by first wife, born at Cohasset: adcai ha. Deborah, born June 2, 1808; died May 8, 1897, at Cohasset; married, Dec. 2, 1829, at Cohasset, John^, son of Gershom^ {Aaron^ , Aaro'n? , Aaron"^, Phineas^) and Ruth (Lothrop) Pratt of Cohasset, born July, 1801, at Cohasset; died Jan. 1, 1865, at Cohasset, "aged sixty-three years, six months." He was a mariner but his death was due to a railroad accident. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 350.) Children, born at Cohasset: a. Otis-Lincoln, born Aug. 26, 1830; mar. Naomi-Downs Pettis. b. John L., born May 11, 1833; mar. Paulina-Snow Joy. adcai hb. Charlotte-Otis, born Nov. 5, 1811; died June 6, 1813, but the church records say June 5. adcai be. Otis-Wade, born Oct. 31, 1817; died Feb. 25, 1818. He is errone- ously called Otis-Ward in his birth record. Children, by second wife, born at Cohasset: adcai bd. James-Carter, born Nov. 23, 1819; died Oct. 30, 1822. His gravestone in Central burying ground says "aged 5 years." adcai be. Susannah-Stoddard, born Aug. 21, 1822; died Sept. 13, 1880, at Cohasset; married, Dec. 13, 1840, at Cohasset, Henry', son of Henry* (David^, Anthony^, John^, John}, Nicholas^) and Deliverance (Dyer) Snow of Cohasset, born Sept. 18, 1810, at Cohasset; died Apr. 25, 1904, at Cohasset. His birth is erroneously given as 1814 in Cohasset records. He was a master-mariner and lived at Cohasset on South Main street, in a house which he built south of his father's. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 391.) Children, born at Cohasset : a. A SON, born Apr. 17, 1841; died May 6, 1841. b. James H., born June 28, 1842. SIXTH GENERATION 391 c. Ann-Frances, born Aug. 24, 1844; died July 5, 1869, unmarried. d. Susan-Elizabeth, born Oct. 20, 1846; mar. Leonard A. Giles. e. Ruth-Nichols, born June 29, 1848; mar. James-Hall Nichols. /. Charlotte-Otis, born Nov. 8, 1850; mar. George W. Mealy. g. Benjamin-Lincoln, born Aug. 2, 1853; died Jan. 24, 1859. adcai bf. Betsey- Wade, born Dec. 16, 1824; died March 22, 1828. Her gravestone says "died March 22, 1826 aged 3 years." adcai bg. John-James, born Aug. 5, 1827. adcai f. Anslem, son of Lazarus (Isaac, Isaac, Mordecai, Samuel) and Fanny (Kilby) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Jan. 19, 1794, at Cohasset; died Oct. 19, 1888, at Malone, N. Y. He is called ''Anselm" in Cohasset Genealogies and Cohasset Records, but he called himself Anslem and named his son the same. He removed to Malone and was a tanner and shoemaker. He married, Jan. 28, 1829, at Colchester, Vt., Hannah, daugh- ter of Paul and Sabrina (Spencer) Clapp of Colchester, born Nov. 19, 1811, at Colchester; died Sept. 21, 1861, at Malone. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 238; Winslow Family, vol. ii, p. 594; Records of George-Morton Lincoln, adcai fba.) Children, born at Malone: adcai fa. Emily-Bean, born July 3, 1831; died Oct. 14, 1865, unmarried. adcai fb. John, born July 26, 1833. adcai fc. Alfred, born July 10, 1836; died Apr. 11, 1869, at Malone, un- married. adcai fd. Mary-Anna, born Dec. 31, 1839; died Nov. 29, 1842. adcai fe. Fanny-Kilby, born July 20, 1843 ; living, 1912, unmarried. adcai ff. Anslem, born Oct. 26, 1845. adcai fg. Warren, born February, 1848; died Dec. 24, 1851. adcai fh. Ellen-Maria, born June 23, 1853; living, 1912, unmarried. adcak b. Warren, son of James (Isaac, Isaac, Mordecai j Samuel) and Abigail (Mitchell) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Nov. 2, 1792, at Cohasset; died Nov. 12, 1823, at Cohasset. He lived at Cohasset in a house built by his father and now owned by his grandson, Thomas Doyle, on South Main street. He married, about 1818, Hannah Hobbs, who was born in March, 1800, and died Jan. 30, 1867, at Cohasset, ''aged sixty six years, ten months." She married (2), Nov. 3, 1837, at Arlington, Mass., Daniel Faloon who died of an accident Jan. 21, 1854, at Arlington, though Boston records say he died there and was buried in South Ground. He is described in the record 392 LINCOLN GENEALOGY of his death as ''a laborer from Ireland, aged forty years." There is no record of his having any children. (Cohasset Gen- ealogies, p. 242; Cohasset Records; Arlington Records; Mass. Vital Records.) Children, born at Cohasset: adcak ha. Mary- Ann, born March 23, 1819; died Apr. 15, 1900, at Cohasset; married (1), July 18, 1852, at Cohasset, Thomas, son of Daniel Doyle of Ireland, born 1817, in Ireland; died Aug. 13, 1857, at Cohasset. He was a master-mariner and lived at Cohasset on South Main street, in the house which belonged to his wife's father. Captain Doyle was commander of the schooners Antelope and Abigail, the brigs Eliza Burgess and Almatia, and the bark Maryland. Cohasset records say he was thirty-five years old when married. Mrs. Doyle married (2), Aug. 2, 1862, at Cohasset, Captain Alden Simmons of Duxbury, a widower with one son. He died in 1880, having had no child by Mary-Ann. (Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 139, 561.) Children, by first husband, born at Cohasset: a. Warren-Lincoln Doyle, born Jan. 1, 1855; died June 8, 1856. h. Thomas- Warren Doyle, born May 23, 1857; living, 1909, at Cohasset. adcak hb. James- Warren, born Aug. 25 or 26, 1820; died May 6, 1901, at Boston, Mass.; married Rebecca, daughter of Joseph and Zerviah (Sweet- land) Sherburn of Industry, Me., born July 12, 1809, at Industry; died May 1, 1901, at Boston. They are both buried at South Gardiner, Me. He was a mason by trade. He moved to Boston when about seventeen years old and lived there until his death. They had no children. (Mass. Vital Records.) adfad b. Martin, son of Jacob (Obadzah, Jacob, Mordecai, Samuel) and Chloe (Lincoln) Lincoln of Cohasset and Lancaster, Mass., born Jan. 23, 1795, at Cohasset; died Dec. 9, 1878, at Westfield, Mass. He went to New York State in 1816, but returned to Lancaster, where his parents had settled soon after his birth, in 1826, and became principal of the Academy. In 1836 he removed to Boston to teach in a private school on Shawmut avenue. He remained there until 1849, when he removed to Champion, N. Y., where he engaged in farming. He returned again to Massachusetts in 1875, living at Westfield until his death. He was engaged in the War of 1812, but did not see active service. He was sometimes called *' captain. '* He is said to have had the physical features of President Lincoln. He married, Nov. 1, 1818, at Watertown, N. Y., Susan- White, daughter of Adam and Margaret (White) Freeman, born May 2, 1799, near Utica, N. Y.; died May 7, 1893, at Newton, Mass., SIXTH GENERATION 393 "aged ninety four years, five days." (Records of Miss Mary- Alice Walton, adfad bee; Mass. Vital Records.) Children, born: a, b at Alexandria; e at Watertown, N. Y.: adfad ba. Martin-Volney, born Dec. 22, 1819. adfad bb. Mary-Maria, born March 19, 1821; living, 1912, at Black River, N. Y.; married, July 22, 1891, at Newton, Mass., Lewis-Harris, son of Horace and Phila (Harris) Loomis of Champion, N. Y,, born 1823, at Champion; died June, 1901, at Lyndonville, N. Y. Since his death she has lived at Black River. He was a farmer. He married (1), Apr. 20, 1852, EUza P. Sheldon, who died March 2, 1890. They had no children but adopted as a daughter, Etta Townsend, who was born March 17, 1857; married a Mr. Brown and is now, 1912, a widow. adfad be. Elect a-Nobles, born May 12, 1824; died March 15, 1908, at West Newton, Mass.; married, Aug. 27, 1850, at Watertown, N. Y., George-Augustus, son of James and Elizabeth (Bryant) Walton of Wake- field, Mass., born Feb. 20, 1822, at Wakefield; died Nov. 7, 1908, at West Newton. He was educated in Lexington Academy, Reading Academy and Bridgewater Normal School where he graduated in 1844. He received the degree of A.M. at Williams College in 1869. He was a teacher in various towns in Massachusetts and, from 1871 to 1896, was agent of the State Board of Education. He was a member of the American Institute of Instruction from 1846, and has been its treasurer and president. Was alderman of the City of Lawrence. He was the author of numerous books on Arithmetic and of various educational papers and reports. His wife was also a teacher until her marriage. She was a graduate of Lexington, Mass., Normal School. They lived at Lawrence, Westfield and West Newton. (Records of Miss Mary- Alice Walton, adfad bee; Who's Who in America, 1908-9.) Children, born at Lawrence: a. Harriet-Pierce, born Sept. 2, 1852; mar. James-Robert Dunbar. 6. George-Lincoln, born March 15, 1854; living, 1912, unmarried. c. Edgar-Bryant, born Oct. 8, 1856; died Sept. 8, 1858. d. Frederick, born Feb. 14, 1859; died May 5, 1860. e. Mary-Alice, born Jan. 13, 1865; living, 1912, unmarried. adfae a. William, son of Amos {Obadiah, Jaeob, Mordeeai, Samuel) and Huldah (Kilby) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Oct. 24, 1785, at Cohasset; died Sept. 20, 1869, at Cohasset. He was a farmer and lived at Cohasset on South Main street, in a house previously occupied by his father and built by his uncle Jacob. He married, Jan. 2, 1814, at Scituate,* Becky, daughter of Haywood and Judith (Bailey) Pierce of Scituate, born Apr. 3, 1785, at Scituate; died Apr. 15, 1867, at Cohasset. (Cohasset *Pierce Genealogy says they were married Sept. 25, 1813, but this is probably the date of the intentions. 394 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Genealogies, p. 243; Cohasset Records; Scituate Records; Pierce Genealogy, 1889, p. 63; Mass. Vital Records.) Children, born at Cohasset: adjae aa. William, born Nov. 2, 1814; died Jan. 11, 1817, and is buried in Central burying ground, where his gravestone says he died June 11, 1817, "aged 2 yrs. 2 ms. 9 ds." adfae ah. Huldah, born July 3, 1817; died Aug. 13, 1833. adfae ac. Betsey-Pierce, born Dec. 28, 1819; died Nov. 1, 1872, at Cohasset; married, Oct. 10, 1859, at Cohasset, William, son of Edward and Cather- ine Donnelly of York, Pa., born December, 1818 or 1819; died 1880, in Colorado. He was aged forty when married. He was a printer in York or Newcastle, Pa., but removed to Cohasset, where he lived in the Obadiah Lincoln house on South Main street, occupied in 1912 by Mrs. Esther-Eliza Lincoln, adfae ad. Children, born at Cohasset: a. William-Lincoln, born Jan. 8, 1861; living, 1885, in Idaho unmarried. h. Edward-Pierce, born Nov. 13, 1862; living, 1911, at Iditarod, Alaska, unmarried. A Roosevelt rough rider, c. George-Granville, born Jan. 29, 1864; living, 1911, at Seattle, Wash., unmarried. Cohasset records say born Jan. 20. adfae ad. William, born Dec. 22, 1821. adfae ae. Rebeckah, born June 25, 1824; died Jan. 29, 1843, at Cohasset, unmarried. "Cohasset Genealogies" says died Jan. 22. adfae af. Hannah-Jane, born July 14, 1826; died Dec. 8, 1872, at Hematite, Mo.; married, Aug. 14, 1855, at Cohasset (Family Bible; Cohasset Records say Aug. 13), Alexander- Watson, son of Robert Smith of Scot- land, born 1816 or 1817, at Eglan, Scotland. No record of his death has been found but he was drafted into the army and was missing after the battle of Hatch's Run, Va. He was a farmer from Thomasville, Ontario. They lived there for three months after their marriage and then removed to Canastota, N. Y., and thence to Norton, Mich. Mr. Smith is said to have been thirty-eight years old when married. They had no children. (Records of Mrs. William Lincoln, adfae ad.) adfah a. William- Vinal, son of Obadiah (Obadiah, Jacob, Mordecai, Samuel) and Marcy (Vinal) Lincoln of Scituate. Mass., born Oct. 21, 1796, at Cohasset, Mass.; died March 8, 1865, at Quincy, Mass. He was put under guardianship of his uncle, WilHam Vinal of Scituate, Oct. 4, 1802. He hved at Quincy after his marriage and is called "trader" in the Massa- chusetts Vital Records. He married, Nov. 26, 1838, at Quincy, Mrs. Mary (Sampson) Packard, daughter of Joshua and Lucy (Holbrook) Sampson of Braintree, Mass., and widow of Samuel Packard who died Apr. 18, 1837, at Quincy, and by whom she had two children. She SIXTH GENERATION 395 was born Sept. 9, 1810, at Braintree, but the date of her death has not been learned. (Mass. Vital Records; Quincy Records; Sampson Family, p. 71; Giles Memorial, p. 466; Winslow Family, vol. i, p. 178; Vinton Memorial, p. 186; Plymouth County Probate Records, vol. xxxii, p. 192.) Children, born at Quincy: adfah aa. Mary-Vinal, born Dec. 24, 1839; married, Aug. 25, 1867, at Quincy, Horace W., son of Joshua and Adaline Phelps of Braintree, born 1840, at Braintree. He was living at Weymouth, Mass., when married and was a "bootmaker." adfah ah. Lucy-Frances, born Oct. 16, 1841; married, Feb. 5, 1874, at Quincy, John-Thomas, son of Lewis and Polly (Hathaway) McLauthUn of Duxbury, Mass., born March 12, 1838, at Duxbury. He was a "ship- joiner" and in 1876 was Hving at East Boston. Later he is called "car- penter" and his name appears in the Boston directories until 1904, after which date it disappears. adfah ac. Mercy-Maria, born July 1, 1843; died July 12, 1865, at Quincy, unmarried . 4 adffe c. Thomas, son of Caleb {Abraham, Jacob, Mordecai, Samuel) and Nancy (Bicknell) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Nov. 7, 1809, at Dorchester, Mass.; died March 17, 1891, at Providence, R. I. Dorchester records, as published by the Boston Record Commissioners, give his birth as Sept. 2, 1810, which may have been the date of his baptism. ''Cohasset Genealogies" also gives incorrect dates of birth for all the children of Caleb and Nancy (Bicknell) Lincoln. As given here they are from the family Bible. Mr. Lincoln lived at the time of his marriage at East Cambridge, Mass., but soon removed to Providence, where he passed the remainder of his life. He engaged in the manufacture of soap, at first with S. R. Jackson under the firm name of S. R. Jackson & Co., and later with his brother Samuel, when the firm name became T. & S. Lincoln. He married, Dec. 3, 1835, at Watertown, Mass., Lucy-Cool- idge^, daughter of Asa*^ {John^, John^, Ebenezer^, Simon^, Simov}) and Mary (Coolidge) Stone of Newton, Mass., born July 8, 1815, at Watertown; died Dec. 12, 1909, at Providence, ''in the full possession of all her faculties, although in her ninety fifth year." (Providence Records; Newton Records; Watertown Records; Gen.'s and Hist, of Watertown, pp. 586-7, 951; Boston Evening Transcript, Dec. 13, 1909; Records of George-Henry Lincoln, adffe cb.) 396 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Children, born : a at Cambridge, Mass. ; h-g at Providence : adffe ca. Francis-Stone, bom Sept. 11, 1836. adffe cb. George-Henry, born Nov. 18, 1838. adffe cc. Emma-Bicknell, born Sept. 19, 1841; living, 1911, at Providence, unmarried. adffe cd. Thomas-Manson, born Dec. 29, 1843. adffe ce. Lydia-Maria, born Sept. 19, 1846; married, Apr. 28, 1869, at Providence, Herbert-Mortimer, son of Jefferson-Liberty and Mary- Amanda (Gardner) Kimball of Providence, born Sept. 10, 1845, at Coventry, R. I. "Kimball Family" says he was born Sept. 5, and gives March 19, 1870, as the date of his son's birth. He and his wife were both living, 1911, at Providence. He was in the life insurance business. (Providence Records; Kimball Family, p. 805.) Child, born at Providence : a. Herbert-Francis, born Feb. 18, 1870; died Nov. 19, 1871. adffe cf. Richmond-Jackson, born Jan. 3, 1849; died Nov. 23, 1900, at Cranston, R. I., unmarried. adffe eg. Charles-Edward, born March 10, 1853. adffe d. Samuel, son of Caleb {Abraham, Jacob, Mordecai, Samuel) and Nancy (Bicknell) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Dec. 7, 1811, bapt. March 20, 1814, at Dorchester, Mass., died Dec. 21, 1859, at Providence, R. I. He lived at Providence where he was at first in the grocery business, but, being un- successful in that, he was taken into partnership by his brother Thomas in the soap business, the firm name being T. & S. Lincoln. He married (1), Apr. 16, 1835, Hannah-Prentiss, daughter of William Perry of Brookline or Brighton, Mass., born March 13, 1811; died July 31, 1837, at Providence. Providence records call her "aged 24 years." He married (2), Nov. 1, 1838, at Cumberland, R. L, Olive, daughter of Amos and Olive (Darling) Cook of Cumberland, born Jan. 4, 1815, at Cumberland; died May 3, 1862, at Provi- dence, ''aged forty-seven years, two months, twenty-nine days." (Dorchester Records; Providence Records; Records of George- Henry Lincoln, adffe cb; Family Bible of Clarence-Henry Lin- coln, adffe df.) Children, by first wife, born at Providence: adffe da. Sarah-Elizabeth, born Jan. 29, 1837; died Sept. 17, 1838, at Providence. She is said to have been buried at Brighton, Mass., with her mother, but their deaths are recorded in Westminster Congregational Church, Providence. SIXTH GENEKATION 397 Children, by second wife, born at Providence: adffe db. William-Perry, born Sept. 17, 1839; died Sept. 27, 1861, un- married. adffe dc. Charles-Edmund, born Sept. 3, 1844; died July 23, 1845. adffe dd. Samuel-Darling, born Sept. 19, 1846; died Feb. 17, 1865, while a private in the 10th regiment, Rhode Island infantry, on duty in the Civil war. He married, Feb. 12, 1865, at Woonsocket, R. I., Laura- Ashbury, daughter of Hanson and Eliza-Ann (Marsh) Arnold of Woon- socket, where she was born. She married (2) a Mr. Sage, a well-known trunk dealer in Boston, and was living, 1912, at Sharon, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln had no child. adffe de. Lovell-Bicknell, born March 16, 1850; died July 9, 1867. adffe df . Clarence-Henry, born Dec. 2, 1853. adffe dg. Levi-Cook, born Apr. 15, 1858. adffe L Abraham, son of Caleb {Abraham, Jacob, Mordecai, Samuel) and Elizabeth (Robbins) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Feb. 3, 1830, at Cohasset; died Oct. 20, 1912, at Cohasset. He was a mason by trade and for twenty-one years was in the employ of William C. Poland of Boston. He lived first at Rox- bury, Mass., where he was resident in 1852 and 1853. He afterwards lived at Cambridgeport for a while, but, in 1856, was living in Boston and, in 1867, he returned to Cohasset where he passed the remainder of his life. At Cohasset he lived on Beech- wood street, in a house built by his father. ''Cohasset Geneal- ogies" says that he was a soldier in the Civil war, but his daugh- ter says this is an error. He married (1), Apr. 1, 1852, at Boston, Sarah-Janette, daughter of Earl P. and Juline (Everett) White of Norton, Mass., born March 10, 1824, at Norton; died Oct. 23, 1853, at Cohasset. She is called ''of Boston" when married. He married (2), Nov. 17, 1853, at Boston, Mary-Jane, daugh- ter of Robert and Eliza (Campbell) Galbraith of St. John, New Brunswick, born Aug. 11, 1831, at St. John; died Apr. 15, 1901, at Cohasset. She is also called "of Boston" when married. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 243; Mass. Vital Records; Norton Records; Records of Abraham Lincoln and of his daughter, Mrs. Olive-Augusta [Lincoln] Richards.) Child, by first wife, born at Cohasset: adffe la, Charles- White, born May 19, 1853; died Dec. 25, 1860. Children, by second wife, born: b at Cohasset; c at Boston: 398 LINCOLN GENEALOGY adjfe lb. Lizzie-Robbins, born July 31, 1854, according to Family records, but "Cohasset Genealogies" and Cohasset records both say June 12. She was living, 1911, at Cohasset. She married, Dec. 11, 1873, at Co- hasset, Horace-Kingman, son of Shadrach-Sever and Mary- Jane (King- man) Marden of Weymouth, Mass., born Oct. 2, 1851, at Weymouth; died Feb. 23, 1897, at East W^eymouth. They lived at Cohasset on Beechwood street, but the marriage proved unhappy and they separated. He was an organ builder. Child, born at Cohasset: a. Harry-Nixon, born Nov. 29, 1878; living, 1911, unmarried. adffe Ic. Olive-Augusta, born May 2, 1856; married, Nov. 28, 1877, at Cohasset, Frank-Winslow, son of Ebenezer-William and Clarissa- Emeline (Richards) Richards of Wej^mouth, Mass., born Feb. 17, 1854, at Weymouth. They were living, 1911, at Weymouth. He was a car- penter. Child, born at Cohasset : a. Fred-Lincoln, born Aug. 1, 1878; mar. Florence-Eveline Sulis. SEVENTH GENERATION aabcd be. Nichols, son of Nichols {Jonathan, Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Deborah (Souther) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Oct. 4, 1816, at Hingham; died May 31, 1885, at Danvers, Mass. He was a shoemaker and lived at Danvers, having removed thither before his marriage. He married, June 5, 1849, at South Scituate (now Norwell), Mass., Lucy- Ann, daughter of Charles and Rhoda (Reed) Briggs of Scituate, born Aug. 7, 1827, at South Scituate; died Nov. 17, 1878, at Danvers. She was insane at the time of her death. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln and two of their children are buried in the cemetery at Danvers Center. Their gravestones bear the following inscriptions : ''Nichols Lincoln { died May 31, 1885 % aet 68 yrs 7 mos % 23 dys." ''Lucy A. Wife of % Nichols Lincoln t died Nov. 17, 1878 % aet 51 yrs 8 mos t 10 dys." ''Lucy Ann % Dau of Nichols & % Lucy Ann Lincoln J died Sept. 13, 1853 | aet 1 yr 11 mos." "Alvah Lincoln t died Dec 10 1881 t Aet 27 yrs 4 mos." (Danvers Records; Scituate Records; Mass. Vital Records; Gravestones at Danvers.) Children, born at Danvers: aahcd bca. Lucy-Ann, bom Oct. 14, 1851; died Sept. 13, 1853. aabcd hcb. Alvah-Thaxter, born Aug. 4, 1854; died Dec. 10, 1881, at Danvers; married, May 28, 1876, at Boxford, Mass., Anna R., daughter of Tobias-Davis and Mary-Ann (Townsend) Reed of Topsfield, Mass., born Sept. 4, 1856, at Topsfield; died Jan. 18, 1878, at Danvers. He was a cordwainer. They lived at Danvers and had no children. Massachu- setts Vital Records have an erroneous record of their marriage; they also say that Mr. Lincoln died in 1880, and that his sister, Emma- Souther, was born in 1856. aahcd hcc. Emma-Souther, born Aug. 31, 1857; married, Dec. 2, 1877, at Danvers, Jerome-Porter, son of Joel F. and Eliza (Thompson) Phelps of Danvers, born Aug. 7, 1853, at Danvers. His father was a shoemaker born at Northfield, N. H.; his mother was a native of Salem, Mass. He is described as a "shoecutter" at the time of his marriage. They were living, 1911, at Rochester, N. H. (Mass. Vital Records; George-Henry Lincoln, aahcd bed.) 400 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Children : a. Arthur-Chester. h. Annie-May, living, 1911, unmarried, aabcd bed. George-Henry, born June 14, 1869. aabce ab. Jairus-Beals, son of Peter {Frederick, Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Anna (Bates) Lincoln of Wey- mouth, Mass., born March 23, 1815, at Weymouth; died May 1, 1879, at Weymouth. He is described as *' bootmaker" in 1844, but in the record of his death he is called ''farmer." He lived at Weymouth. He married, Apr.* 17, 1842, at Weymouth, Priscilla-Shaw^ daughter of David^ {Samuel^) and Polly (Shaw) Pratt of Wey- mouth, born Jan. 22, 1822, at Weymouth, baptized there Apr. 6, 1828; died Nov. 26, 1898, at Weymouth, ''aged seventy six years, ten months, four days." (Weymouth Records; Mass. Vital Records.) Children, born at Weymouth: aabce aba. Charles-Jairus, born Apr. 1, 1844. aahce abb. Harriet-Priscilla, born June 29, 1846; living, 1912, at Wey- mouth, unmarried. aabce abc. David-Pratt, born Oct. 19, 1855. aabce ad. Peter- Whitmarsh, son of Peter {Frederick, Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Anna (Bates) Lincoln of Weymouth, Mass., born Aug. 2, 1820, at Weymouth according to Weymouth records; died July 12, 1902, at Boston, Mass., "aged eighty-one years, eleven months, six days," say Massachu- setts Vital Records, which would make him born on Aug. 6, 1820. He was a "cordwainer" or shoemaker and later was in the boot and shoe business at Boston. He is buried at North Weymouth. He married, Nov. 23, 1842, at Weymouth, Nancy-Jane, daughter of Thomas and Nancy (Spence) Porter of Boston, born September, 1819, at Boston; died May 26, 1895, at Boston. (Weymouth Records; Mass. Vital Records, which say they were married Dec. 1, 1842.) Children, born: a-d at Weymouth; e-i at Boston. aahce ada. Charles- Augustus, born Aug. 30, 1843; died Sept. 12, 1843. *So say Weymouth records, but Massachusetts Vital Records say June. SEVENTH GENERATION 401 aahce adb. George-Edward, born Oct. 12, 1844; died Oct. 14, 1848. aabce adc. Sarah-Jane, born Nov. 3, 1845; died Jan. 1, 1899, at Weymouth, unmarried. aahce add. John T. (or F.), born Nov. 13, 1847; died Aug. 15, 1848. aahce ade. Ella A., born Aug. 5, 1849; died Oct. 6, 1849. Her birth record gives her no middle initial; State records call her "a son." aahce adj. Nancy-Jane, born Oct. 16, 1850; died Oct. 23, 1851. aahce adg. George-Peter, born Nov. 24, 1854; died Oct. 13, 1855, at Boston, "aged ten monthc^^, nineteen days." He is called George W. in State records. aahce adh. Warren T., born March 11, 1857; died Aug. 8, 1857. aabce adi. Abraham, born Nov. 7, 1860; died Sept. 2, 1889, at Pembroke, Mass., having taken poison by mistake. He was a "shipper" and un- married. aabce ae. Oliver, son of Peter {Frederick, Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Anna (Bates) Lincoln of Weymouth, Mass., born March 20, 1824, at Weymouth; died Apr. 7, 1893, at Wey- mouth, ''aged sixty-nine years, seventeen days/' He is called "shoemaker" in the Massachusetts Vital Records, except in the record of his death when he is said to be ''retired." He lived at Weymouth. He married (1), Dec. 4, 1848, at Weymouth, Jane-Thaxter, daughter of John and Mary- Ann Burrell of Charlestown, Mass., or Weymouth, born June, 1824; died Aug. 27, 1849, at Wey- mouth. She is erroneously called daughter of John and Mary- Ann Randall in the record of her death in Massachusetts Vital Records. He married (2), July 24, 1851, at Weymouth, Hannah-Pratt, daughter of Ebed and Sophia (Nash) Dunbar of Weymouth, born Feb. 19, 1829, at Weymouth; died Sept. 11, 1902, at Wey- mouth. (Weymouth Records; Mass. Vital Records; Records of Mrs. Edith-Lillian [Lincoln] Case, aabce aehh.) Children, born at Weymouth: aahce aea. Abigail-Frances, born Feb. 26, 1852; died Aug. 11, 1902, at Weymouth, unmarried. aabce aeb. Frederic, born May 16, 1854. aabce aec. LaForrest., born July 21, 1857. aabce bg. George-Frederick-Handel, son of Frederick (Frederick, Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Hepzibah (Bouve) Lincoln of Boston, Mass., born Jan. 8, 1816, at Boston; died at Albany, N. Y., before the Civil war. He lived at Boston 26 402 LINCOLN GENEALOGY until about 1849, when he removed to Albany and was employed in the post-office there. In 1840-1 he was engaged in the grocery and provision business in Boston. He married, Nov. 28, 1839, at Boston, by Rev. Paul Dean, Margaret L., daughter of Morton and Elizabeth Beal of Boston, born June, 1818, at Boston; died Dec. 28, 1869, at Boston, having returned to Boston after her husband's death with her daughter. Her father was born at Hingham, Mass. ; her mother at Waltham, Mass. She is called ''aged fifty one years, seven months'' in the record of her death. (Boston Records; Mass. Vital Records; Records of Mrs. Bernard- Whitman Lawrence, aahce bhb.) Children, born at Boston: aahce hga. Francis-Henry, born July, 1841; died Aug. 28, 1849, at Boston. aabce bgb. Elizabeth-Be al, born 1844; died Oct. 22, 1911, at Boston, unmarried. aabce cb. William, son of Ezekiel (Frederick, Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Elizabeth (Fillebrown) Lincoln of Boston, Mass., born 1812, at Boston; died March 23, 1866, at Boston, ''aged fifty-four years." He lived at Boston and was a *'calker" and ''graver." He married, Nov. 11, 1834, at Boston, by Rev. Sebastian Streeter, Nancy Barber, who was born in 1815; died Apr. 25, 1842, at Boston and was buried at Weymouth. (Boston Rec- ords.) Children, born at Boston: aahce cha. William. He died after 1905. It is thought that he was married but nothing definite has been learned of him. aahce chb. Adrianna, born 1838; died March 17, 1880, at Hingham, Mass.; married, Nov. 16, 1858, at Hingham, Josiah^, son of Daniel' (Josiah^, Daniel*, Josiah^, Anthony^, William^) and Tamar (Stoddard) Sprague of Hingham, born May 21, 1834, a,t Hingham; living, 1912, at Hingham Centier. He was a "painter" when married. He married (2), June 7, 1883, at Hingham, Sarah, daughter of Joshua and Almira (Humphrey) Leavitt of Hingham, born in 1846, by whom he had a daughter, Myra- Ellen, born July 27, 1887. (Hist, of Hingham, vols, ii, p. 437; iii, p. 177; Mass. Vital Records.) Child, born at Hingham: a. Fred-Lincoln, mar. Annie W. Vinal. aahce chc. Mary.* *A Mary, daughter of William Lincoln, was born at Boston Jan. 16, 1849; and died there June 7, 1849; but unless he had a second wife she could not have been daughter of this William. SEVENTH GENERATION 403 aabce cd. John-Fillebrown, son of Ezekiel (Frederick^ Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Elizabeth (Fillebrown) Lincoln of Boston, Mass., born March 9, 1817, at Boston; died May 7, 1857, at Quincy, Mass. His gravestone at Mount Auburn says he was born March 8. He was a merchant tailor, doing business in Boston but living at Harrison Square, Dorchester, Mass., from 1846 to 1851, and perhaps longer, but eventually removing to Quincy, where he was living in 1856, when his daughter Hattie was born, though she was born at Charlestown, Mass. He was first lieutenant in the Boston Light Infantry, and prominent in the militia. He married, Sept. 14, 1840, though Boston records say 1841, at Boston, Ellen-Deane, daughter of John and Mary (Deane) Simonds of Boston, born Nov. 10, 1822, at Boston; died May 22, 1908, at Dorchester, Mass. She married (2), Nov. 7, 1867, at Reading, Mass., Robert B., son of Frederick W. and Harriet H. Moores of Hudson, N. Y., born June 18, 1824, at New York, N. Y.; died by drowning in Neponset river March 28, 1874, '^aged fifty years, nine months, ten days." He was a lieutenant in the United States navy, but is called ''upholsterer" in the record of his death. (Boston Records; Mass. Vital Records; Records of Edward-Turner Lincoln, aabce cdb, who has the family Bible.) Children, born: a at Boston; b-d at Dorchester; e at Charles- town : aabce cda. George-Edmands, born Oct. 27, 1841. aabce cdb. Edward-Turner, born May 19, 1846. aabce cdc. Mart-Edmands, born Oct. 23, 1847; died July 19, 1849. aabce cdd. Mary-Emma, born July 13, 1851; married, Aug. 22, 1871, at Quincy, Mass., William-Penn, son of Henry and Elizabeth (Smith) Barker of Quincy, born June 3, 1843, at Quincy; died Jan. 1, 1910, at Quincy. He was a granite worker. She is living, 1912, at Dedham, Mass., with her daughter Lillian. Children, born at Quincy: a. Lillian-Lincoln, born Jan. 25, 1873; mar. Arthur-Peter Benson. b. Herbert- Willi AM, born May 1, 1877; mar. Anne Roberts. c. Stella, born July 26, 1888; living, 1912, at Quincy, unmarried. aabce cde. Hattie-Louise, born Feb. 10, 1855; married, Sept. 15, 1879; at Quincy, Mass., Andrew- Wayland, son of Andrew and Caroline (Gower) Hayes of Lebanon, Me., born Aug. 9, 1856, at Sanford, Me.; died Feb. 13, 1894, at Brighton, Mass. He was a lawyer. They lived at Quincy, Revere and Brighton. She is living, 1912, at Dorchester. 404 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Children, born: a at Quincy; b at Revere; c at Brighton: a. Gertrude-Lincoln, born Oct. 22, 1881; died October, 1885. h. Helena- Vest A, born July 10, 1885; living, 1912, unmarried, c. Lincoln, born Apr. 21, 1894. aabcf ac. Royal- Waterman, son of Royal (Royal, Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Harriet (McLellan) Lincoln of Portland, Me., born Aug. 25, 1809, at Portland; died Nov. 18, 1891, at Brunswick, Me. He lived at Portland. He was a jour- nalist and became city editor of the ''Portland Press." For a number of years he was employed in the Portland post-oflSce. He married, June 21, 1856, at Portland, Hannah-Mehitabel, daughter of Thomas and Julia (Vose) Brewer of Robbinston, Me., born Nov. 19, 1831, at Robbinston. She was living, 1911, at South Framingham, Mass. (Portland Records; Brunswick Records; Family Bible.) Children, born : a-f at Portland ; g at Rockland, Me. : aabcf aca. Henrietta-Brewer, born Nov. 11, 1857, according to the family Bible, but Portland records say Aug. 17, 1858. She was living, 1911, at South Framingham, with her mother, unmarried. aabcf acb. Carrie-Downs, born Oct. 19, 1859; married, Jan. 26, 1886, at Brunswick, Me., John-Henry, son of Henry-Merritt and Lucy (Curtis) Dunning of Brunswick, who died, July 16, 1905, at Brunswick. He was engaged in newspaper work at Brunswick and Bath, Me. His widow was living, 1911, at South Framingham. Child, born at Brunswick: a. Frances-Lincoln, born Jan. 28, 1895. aabcf ace. Mary-Balkon, born March 2, 1862; died Aug. 8, 1863. aabcf acd. Henry-Brewer, born March 18, 1864; died March 19, 1864. aabcf ace. Mary-Elizabeth, born Feb. 11, 1866, according to the family Bible, but Portland records say June 16, 1865. She married, Sept. 21, 1899, at South Framingham, Mass., Howard-George, son of George- Aholiab and Laura-Whitehouse (Decker) Sawyer of Norridgewock, Me., born Oct. 19, 1866, at Norridgewock. They are living, 1911, at Medford, Mass. He is employed as supervisor in the out-patient department of the Boston city hospital. They have no children. aabcf acf. George-Gifford, born Jan. 1, 1872; living, 1911, unmarried at South Framingham, Mass. He is employed by the Dennison Manufac- ! turing Company. aabcf acg. Fred-Royal, born Dec. 13, 1878; married, June 1, 1910, at South Framingham, Mass., Elsie-Minnie, daughter of Mervin-Emory and: Minnie-Elizabeth (Eames) French of South Framingham, born May 23, 1888, at South Framingham, where they were living in 1911. 1 aabcf ae. Willi am- Waterman, son of Royal (Royal, Jona- than, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Harriet (McLellan) Lincoln SEVENTH GENERATION 405 of Portland, Me., born Apr. 16, 1814, at Portland; died March 3, 1901, at Newark, N. J. He removed to Savannah, Ga., before his marriage and was in the wholesale and retail drug business there. He married, Sept. 6, 1852, at Portland, by Rev. James Pratt, Mary-Waite, daughter of George and Mary (Thorla) Lewis of Portland, born Dec. 21, or 31, 1817, at Portland; died Jan. 10, 1910. (Portland Records; Records of George- WilHam Lincoln, aabcf aea.) Children, born at Savannah : aabcf aea. George-William, born Oct. 4, 1854. aahcf aeb. Frank-Thorla, born July 5, 1856; died June 27, 1900, at Savan- nah, where he had lived. He was a physician and was never married. aabcf da. Thompson, son of Cotton (Royal, Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Betsey (Thompson) Lincoln of Cornish, Me., born Apr. 30, 1819, at Cornish; died Oct. 4, 1881, at Cor- nish. He was originally named Joshua-Thompson, but not 1 liking the name ''Joshua'' he dropped it. He fitted for college ; at the Parsonfield Academy of Limerick, Me., and the Bridge- } ton, Me., Academy. He entered Norwich University in 1837, 'c and graduated with the degree of A.B. in 1839. He then read law ii in the office of C. R. Ayer of Cornish and was admitted to the bar f at Alfred, Me., in the spring of 1844, but his health failing he 'f never practised that profession. Later he studied medicine and jv was the inventor of numerous remedies and specifics. He lived 5: at Cornish and is buried there. I He married, March 2, 1841, at Cornish, Hannah-Farrar- ' Jewett, daughter of Ira and Lydia (Jewett) Clark of Cornish, born July 8, 1819, at Cornish; died there June 28, 1909. (Hist. of Norwich Univ., p. 218; Records of Miss Fanny-Clark Lincoln, aahcf dab.) Children, born at Cornish: aabcf daa. Laura-Flint, born March 18, 1845; living, 1913, at Everett, Mass.; married. May 28, 1873, at Portsmouth, N. H., John-Frank, son of George-Frank and Mary-Frances (Moulton) Rand of Cornish, born Apr. 8, 1849, at Parsonfield, Me.; died March 27, 1905, at Cornish, where he had lived. He was a carriage painter. He enlisted in 1864 in Company F, 32nd Maine infantry, and was in eleven big battles. Child, born at Cornish : 406 LINCOLN GENEALOGY a. Alice-Lincoln, born March 21, 1874; mar. George-Edwai Hut chins. aahcj dab. Fanny-Clark, born March 18, 1849; living, 1910, at Cornish, unmarried. She is a dress-maker. aabcf doc. Martha, born Oct. 1, 1851; died Aug. 31, 1852. aahcf dad. Benjamin-Clark, born Sept. 30, 1860. He married, July 15, 1890, at Boston, Mass., Olive-Irvette, daughter of Henry-Bennett and Amanda (Stone) Pike of Cornish, born Feb. 14, 1861, at Cornish. They were living 1910, at Boston. He was employed in the office of Boston Music Hall. They have no children. aabcg db. Beza-Holbrook, son of Rufus-Warren {Beza^ Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Damietta-Dennison (Clapp) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born March 13, 1823, at Hingham; died July 10, 1878, at Concord, N. H. He was a coach-trimmer and lived at Concord. He enlisted Aug. 26, 1864, for one year as private in Company E, 1st heavy New Hampshire artillery; was promoted to be quartermaster ser- geant and was honorably discharged May 30, 1865, by General Orders, No. 53. He married, Dec. 25, 1844, at Boston, Mass., Martha-Jose- phine, daughter of Levi and Mary-Ann (Nash) Forester of Boston, born Oct. 3, 1824, at Boston; died Sept. 27, 1897, at Providence, R. I. (Boston Records; Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 473; Records of Miss Fanny-Forester Lincoln, aahcg dbb.) Children, born: a at Boston; b-f at Concord: aabcg dba. Edwin-Saville, born July 11, 1847. aabcg dbb. Fanny-Forester, born July 12, 1851; living, 1911, at Maiden, Mass., unmarried. She was then employed by the Maiden and Melrose Gas Company. aabcg dbc. Harry-Ward, born Feb. 27, 1854. aabcg dbd. / George-Lyman, born Jan. 13, 1857. aabcg dbe. \ Etta-Lyman, born Jan. 13, 1857; married, June 7, 1883, at Maiden, Mass., Everett, son of George Stevens of Steuben, Me., born Nov. 3, 1847, at Steuben; died Sept. 24, 1906, at Maiden. His mother was a Miss Allen. He was a brick-mason and lived at Maiden, where his widow was living in 191 1. He enlisted in 1863 as private in Compan; K, 2nd regiment, Maine volunteer cavalry. Child, born at Maiden : a. George-Everett, born June 10, 1889; mar. Agnes-Lillian Wat son. aabcg dbf. Annie-Leaver, born Feb. 27, 1864; living, 1911, at Maiden, | Mass., unmarried. aabcg dc. Rufus-Warren, son of Rufus-Warren (BezaA Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Damietta-Dennison SEVENTH GENERATION 407 (Clapp) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born June 8, 1825, at Hingham; died Sept. 6, 1874, at Boston, Mass. He lived at Boston and in the record of his marriage, in 1850, he is called a ** furniture dealer," but in 1857, and in the record of his second marriage and of his death, he is called '' coachman." He married (1), according to Massachusetts Vital Records, Apr. 13, 1850, at Charlestown, Mass., Mary, daughter of Pati'ick and Rosanna McKenly of Charlestown. She is called twenty years old, which would make her born in 1830. But the State vital records have also the following record which conflicts with this, viz.: ''Rufus W., son of Rufus W. Lincoln, a coachman of Boston aged 31 years, born at Hingham, and Mary, daughter of Patrick McKenly of Boston, aged 29 years born at Boston, were married Jan. 31, 1857, at Boston; it being his first, her second marriage." This entry has two possible explanations, neither of which, however, may be true; first: that the name ''Mary" is an error in one case or the other and that Mr. Lincoln married two sisters, in which case there is another error in calling the second marriage his first ; second : that Mary had been secretly married, previous to 1850, and was committing bigamy in her first marriage to Mr. Lincoln and, her first husband dying, she was legally married to Mr. Lincoln in 1857. No record has been found of her death, nor of the birth of any child. He married (2), July 23, 1867, at Boston, Eugenia L., daughter of Isaiah and Lucretia Barbour of Camden, Me., born 1842, at Camden, being called twenty-five years old at the time of her marriage. No record of her death has been found. (Mass. Vital Records.) Child, by second wife, born at Boston: aabcg dca. Addie-Kimball, born Sept. 26, 1869. Nothing has been learned of her. aabcg de. George-Bronson, son of Rufus-Warren (Beza, Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Damietta-Dennison (Clapp) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Nov. 10, 1829, at Hingham; died July 25, 1914, at Boston. He lived at Boston and was a varnish-maker, but had retired from business before his death. He married, Jan. 15, 1874, at Weymouth, Mass., Emma-Ham- 408 LINCOLN GENEALOGY lin, daughter of Leavitt and Mary L. (Pratt) Torrey of Wey- mouth, born March 18, 1849, at Weymouth; died Jan. 26, 1916, at Boston and was buried at Hingham. They were married by Rev. W. P. Tilden of Boston. At the time of her marriage she was Hving at Abington, Mass. (Mass. Vital Records; Records of Mrs. Mary- Warren [Lincoln] Fish, aabcg deb.) Children, born at Boston: aahcg dea. Charles-Eliot, born Apr. 5, 1880. He graduated at Dwight school, Boston; since then has always been engaged in clerical office work. For the ten years previous to 1912, he was with the United Shoe Machinery Company. He married, Feb. 22, 1903, at Boston, Bertha D, daughter of William-Harrison and Caroline-Matilda (Newton) Eaton of Worcester, Mass., born June 11, 1857, at Worcester. They were living, 1912, at Dorchester, Mass. They have no children. (Records of Charles-Eliot Lincoln.) aabcg deb. Mary- Warren, born Jan. 29, 1883; married, Oct. 29, 1904, at Cambridge, Mass., Ozro-Meacham, son of Carlton-Rittenhouse and Ida (Meacham) Fish of Cambridge, born Sept. 21, 1881, at Brandon, Vt. From 1904 to 1906, they lived at Cincinnati, Ohio, but since then they have lived at Somerville, Mass., where they are now, 1911, residing. He is a travelling salesman for the firm of Wells, Richardson & Co., of Burlington, Vt. (Records of Mrs. Ozro-Meacham Fish.) Child, born at Somerville : a. Ozro-Meacham, born June 10, 1909. aabcg dec. George-Bronson, born March 23, 1885; died July 22, 1893. aabcg ded. Ward-Clapp, born July 19, 1893; living, 1912, unmarried. aabcg dg. Amasa-Lyman, son of Rufus- Warren (Beza, Jona- than, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Damietta-Dennison (Clapp) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Sept. 22, 1833, at Hingham; died Feb. 9, 1897, at Santa Barbara, Calif. At the age of eighteen he entered the employ of the Hingham Bank and, afterwards, that of the Shawmut Bank, Boston. About 1857 he went to the Massachusetts Bank, Boston, with which he remained until 1869, when he removed to Santa Barbara. After one year on a ranch he started the First National Bank of Santa Barbara, be- coming its cashier, in which position he remained until his death. He was county treasurer for eight years and city treasurer for about fifteen years. He married, June 12, 1862, at Boston, Abbie-Smith, daughter of Johnson and Mary (Foster) Patrick of Kalamazoo, Mich., born Apr. 4, 1841, at Kalamazoo; died March 26, 1902, at Santa SEVENTH GENEKATION 409 Barbara. (Mass. Vital Records; Records of Henry-Patrick Lincoln, aabcg dgh.) Children, born: a, b at Boston; c at Santa Barbara: aabcg dga. Lyman-Putnam, born July 6, 1863. aabcg dgb. Henry-Patrick, born Sept. 18, 1865. aabcg dgc. John-Spencer, born Aug. 11, 1874. aabcj hb. John-Robie, son of Levi-Thaxter (John, Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Mary-Ann (Brown) Lincoln of Portland, Me., born Jan. 19, 1857, at Yarmouth, Me. He was, in 1910, a hack-driver in the employ of Fernald &, Sawyer of Portland. He married, Nov. 2, 1880, at Portland, Juha-Hall, daughter of Nelson-Colhngwood and Grace (Hamlin) Robbins of Portland, born Jan. 18, 1858, at Falmouth, Me. They were living, 1910, at Portland. (Portland Records; Records of John-Robie Lin- coln.) Child, born at Portland: aabcj hba. Robie-Thaxter, born March 18, 1883. aabck ba. Charles-Nathaniel-Minot, son of Charles (Charles, Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Martha-Blake (Minot) Lincoln of Charlestown, Mass., born Aug. 28, 1822, at Boston, Mass. ; died Nov. 9, 1889, at Jamaica Plain, Mass. He was educated in the Charlestown public schools, after which he was first engaged in the foreign money department of the Suffolk Bank of Boston. In 1847 he entered the employment of the Mer- chants Bank of Boston, where he remained until July, 1884, serving for five years of this period as note teller and five years as receiving teller. He then served for a few months as cashier of the Hingham National Bank. He was for many years a deacon of the Central Congregational Church of Jamaica Plain. "He was a modest, generous, faithful man, conscientious and just in all his dealings." He married (1), Apr. 8, 1847, at Charlestown, Mary- Ann, daughter of Henry and Olive-Pratt (Turner) Shattuck of Deer- field and Amherst, Mass., born Apr. 30, 1820, at Amherst; died Apr. 8, 1860, at West Roxbury, Mass. He married (2), Oct. 29, 1863, at Amherst, Marcia-Maria, 410 LINCOLN GENEALOGY daughter of Isaac-Howard and Lydia (Turner) Bangs of Am- herst, born Feb. 5, 1829, at Leverett, Mass.; died July 20, 1906, at Boston. (Mass. Vital Records; Shattuck Memorials, p. 241; Records of Rev. Charles-Lincoln Morgan, aahck aa.) Children, by first wife, born at Jamaica Plain: aahck haa. Charles-Beza, born Dec. 29, 1864; died Oct. 12, 1865. aabck bab. Elbridge-Bangs, born Aug. 18, 1866. Child, by second wife, born at Jamaica Plain: aabek hac. Mary-Shattuck, born Dec. 6, 1869; died June 29 or 30, 1875. aabck bd. William-Oliver, son of Charles {Charles, Jona- than, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Martha-Blake (Minot) Lincoln of Charlestown, Mass., born June 5, 1827, at Boston; living, 1911, at Allston, Mass. He attended the pubHc schools until the age of fifteen when he was apprenticed to Otis Tufts, a builder of steam engines and printing presses. At the age of nineteen he removed to East Boston, the shops being removed thither, and at the age of twenty-three h.e was made foreman of the works. He remained with the Tufts until 1850 when the business was closed, and he then accepted the superintendency of the manufactory of William Carleton, with whom he re- mained for twenty-two years, living at Jamaica Plain, Mass. After Mr. Carleton's death in 1874 he accepted the position of general superintendent of the Bridgeport Brass Company's works and resided at Bridgeport, Conn., for five years. Owing to changes in the company he then removed to Fairhaven, Mass., assuming charge of the Fairhaven Iron Works. In 1886 he was made treasurer of the American Tool and Machine Company of Boston and removed to Allston, where he was living in 1911. He was a member of the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanics Association and served on the board of judges of awards for steam machinery. At Jamaica Plain he was a member of the Mather Congregational Church and was a member of its standing com- mittee. He was afterwards connected with the South Congre- gational Church of Bridgeport and of the Allston Congregational Church. He married, Nov. 10 or 27, 1850, at Chicopee, Mass., Sarah- Jane, daughter of James and Ehzabeth Luey of Cornish, N. H., SEVENTH GENERATION 411 born June 1, 1830, at Cornish; died Aug. 12, 1909, at AUston. In the State records of the births of her children she is said to have been born at Dorchester, Mass. (Records of William- OHver Lincoln.) Children, born: a, b at East Boston; c, d at Jamaica Plain: aahck bda. Ellen-Augusta, born Sept. 30, 1851; living, 1911, with her father, unmarried. aabck bdh. Edward-Louis, born March 28, 1853. He was educated in the public schools, graduating from the High school at the age of sixteen. He then served for two years as clerk in the office of the Philadelphia Steamship Company, and in 1871 became an assistant in the National Bank of Commerce of Boston. In 1878 he was appointed receiving teller and in 1883 assistant cashier, which position he held until 1896. He removed to New York City before 1902 and was living there in 1911, called "manager." He married, Sept. 19, 1881, at Boston, Anna, daughter of Edward and Anna (Doyle) Wyman of Boston, born Feb. 4, 1862, at Boston. They were living, 1911, at New York, N. Y. They have no children. aabck bdc. Charles-Mlnot, born Sept. 15, 1859; died Dec. 13, 1901, at Atlanta, Ga., unmarried. aabck bdd. Katharine-Marie, born Nov. 25, 1864; living, 1911, with her father, unmarried. aabck bf. Henry-Barry, son of Charles {Charles, Jonathan^ Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Martha-Blake (Minot) Lincoln of Charlestown, Mass., born Jan. 13, 1830, at Charlestown; living, 1911, at Jamaica Plain, Mass. He was educated in the public schools of Charlestown and Dorchester, Mass., and at an early age entered the employ of the Suffolk Bank of Boston, where he remained for one year in the foreign money department. He then entered the employ of Messrs. James W. Page & Company, selling agents for several cotton manufacturing companies of New England, and has since remained in that business, but in 1863 was connected with the treasurer's instead of the selling department. He removed from Charlestown to Jamaica Plain in 1858, and has resided there since then. He married. May 11, 1852 (Mass. Vital Records say May 4), at Charlestown, Helen-Maria, daughter of Zachariah and Mary (Foster) Shedd of Charlestown, born June 19, 1832, at Charles- town; died Nov. 29, 1885, at Jamaica Plain. (Records of Rev. Charles-Lincoln Morgan, aahck aa.) Children, born: a, h at Charlestown; c, d at Jamaica Plain: 412 LINCOLN GENEALOGY aahck bfa. Henry-Moorhead, born Apr. 17, 1855; died Oct. 7, 1855. aabck bfb. Helen-Maria, born Apr. 17, 1856; living, 1911, with her father, unmarried. Massachusetts Vital Records say she was born Sept. 17, 1856. aabck bfc. Lawrence-Litchfield, born Sept. 18, 1858. aabck bfd. Fred E, born Feb. 16, 1866; living, 1911, with his father, unmarried. aabck bh. James-Francis, son of Charles {Charles, Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Martha-Blake (Minot) Lincoln of Charlestown, Mass., born Apr. 13, 1836, at Charlestown; died March 11, 1899, at Neponset, Mass. He was educated in the Charlestown and Dorchester public schools and began business life in February, 1859, and continued in various lines until his death. He lived at Neponset, a village in Dorchester. He married, Oct. 28, 1858, at Neponset, Josephine, daughter of George and Betsy (Adams) Clapp of Quincy, Mass., born Dec. 8, 1835, at Quincy; died Oct. 26, 1907, at Boston, where she was then living and aged, say the Massachusetts Vital Records, *' seventy-two years, ten months, and eighteen days," which would make her born Dec. 8, 1834. Children, born at Dorchester: aabck bha. Walter F., born Dec. 14, 1860; died March 10, 1889. aabck bhb. William-Henry, born Jan. 14, 1865; living, 1911, at Neponset. He is married. aabck bhc. Martha-Blake-Minot, born Jan. 24, 1871; died July 29, 1871. aabhe ab. Herman-Cushing, son of Jotham {Gushing, John, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Adeline F. (Bancroft) Lin- coln of Warwick, Mass., born Aug. 2, 1863, at Warwick. At the age of six years he removed with his parents to Orange, Mass., where he attended school until the age of fifteen, after which, for four years, he was employed on various farms in the vicinity. Since then he has been employed on the Boston and Maine railroad, being, in 1912, a freight conductor between East Deerfield, Mass., and Rotterdam Junction, N. Y. He was living in 1912 at Zoar, Mass., but had previously lived at North- field, Fitchburg and North Adams, Mass. He married, Dec. 21, 1887, at Erving, Mass., Lula-DeEtta, daughter of Ezekiel- Woods and Mary-Adeline (Sibley) Jaynes SEVENTH GENERATION 413 of Rowe, Mass., born Dec. 17, 1867, at Rowe. (Records of Herman-Cushing .Lincoln.) Children, born: a at North Adams; h at Charlemont, Mass.: aahhe aba. Hazel- Adeline, born Dec. 23, 1888; living, 1912, unmarried. aahhe abb. Rot-Bancroft, born June 15, 1897. aabhg aa. John, son of John {John-Barker, John, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Rachel-Burr (Sprague) Lincoln of Hing- ham, Mass., born Oct. 24, 1837, at Hingham; living, 1911, at Northbridge, Mass., whither he removed in 1869. He has always been a farmer. He was overseer of the poor at North- bridge for several years, and has been highway surveyor. He was sergeant in Company G, 13th regiment, Connecticut volun- teer infantry, in the Civil war. He married, Nov. 21, 1866, at Hingham, Hannah-Maria^, daughter of Orin^ (Reuben^, Willard'^, John^, Paul^, Richard^) and Hannah-Mayo (Hopkins) Sears of Hingham, born March 29, 1836, at Brewster, Mass.; died July 9, 1888, at Northbridge. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. i, part i, p. 363; vol. ii, p. 474; Mass. Vi- tal Records; Records of John Lincoln.) Children, born: a at Hingham; b at Northbridge: aabhg aaa. Winthrop, born June 29, 1868. aabhg aab. Louisa, born Nov. 10, 1872; living, 1911, unmarried. aabhg db. Henry, son of Albert {John-Barker, John, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Frances-Gordon (Currier) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born March 5, 1852, at Boston; died Jan. 5, 1890, at Hingham. He lived at Hingham and was a book-keeper. He married, Nov. 6, 1879, at Boston, Mass., Mary-Shepard, daughter of William-Frederick and Caroline (Fernald) Blanchard of Chelsea, Mass., born Sept. 9, 1854, at Chelsea; living, 1911, at Hingham Center, on Leavitt street. Her father was a native of Searsport, Me., her mother of Winterport, Me. (Records of Mrs. Henry Lincoln.) Children, born at Hingham: aabhg dba. Frederick-Edwin, born Nov. 3, 1880. aabhg dbb. Frances, born June 20, 1883; married, Dec. 16, 1908, at Hing- ham, Gurdon-Tucker, son of Josiah-Benjamin and Carrie-Dexter (Col- burn) Newell of Newton, Mass., born Feb. 23, 1883, at Newton Upper 414 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Falls, Mass. They were living, 1911, at Hingham Center. He was a bank clerk. No children. aacbc ac. William-Sever, son of Levi {Levi, Enoch, Jede- diah, Samuel, Samuel) and Penelope- Winslow (Sever) Lincoln of Worcester, Mass., born Nov. 22, 1811, at Worcester; died Nov. 8, 1889, at Worcester. He graduated at Bowdoin college in 1830; studied law at Worcester with Newton & Lincoln, both of the partners being his uncles. He was admitted to the bar in September, 1833, and settled as a lawyer in Millbury, Mass., and afterwards at Alton, 111., where he was city attorney. He returned to Worcester before 1847, and became a farmer at Quinsigamond village, owning the farm formerly belonging to his uncle John- Waldo Lincoln, and afterwards known as the ''Bal- lard farm." After a few years he sold the farm, gave up farming and went into the city to live, but a few years later he bought another farm in the vicinity of Tatnuck village and there re- sided until his death. In 1858 he was ''city marshall" of Wor- cester, as the chief of police was then called. In 1859 he was elected president of the Worcester County Agricultural Society, which office he held for many years. He was particularly in- terested in raising pure-blooded Jersey cattle and eventually had a fine herd. He was commissioned, June 3, 1862, lieutenant colonel of the 34th regiment, Massachusetts volunteer mihtia, then recruiting for the war, was promoted colonel, Oct. 14, 1864, and for meri- torious services in the Shenandoah valley was confirmed briga- dier general June 23, 1865. He was wounded in the right shoulder at the battle of Newmarket, May, 1864, and was taken prisoner. While on his way to Anderson ville he made his escape, and in his "History of the Thirty-Fourth Regiment" he tells the story of his thrilling adventures while on his way to the Union lines. His right arm was permanently disabled, and he never entirely recovered from the effects of the wound and exposure. He married, Oct. 22, 1835, at Worcester, Elizabeth', daughter of George-Augustus^ {Joseph^, Joseph"^, John^, Joseph^, John}) and Louisa (Clap) Trumbull of Worcester, born Aug. 31, 1816, at Worcester; died Feb. 15, 1900, at Worcester. (Family Rec- ords; Worcester Records; Trumbull Genealogy, pp. 29-31.) SEVENTH GENERATION 415 Children, born: a, 6, at Alton; c, d at Worcester: aacbc aca. William, born Sept. 25, 1839; died Aug. 13, 1869, at Worcester, unmarried. He served as private in the Worcester Light Infantry, sixth Massachusetts regiment, which responded to the call for three- months volunteers in April, 1861; but as he did not leave Worcester with the company, but with the third battalion of rifles which left some days later, it is uncertain if he joined the regiment in time to accompany it on its historical march through Baltimore on Apr. 19. He was promoted to be sergeant. He returned home much broken in health, and his death was eventually due to hardships endured in this service. aacbc acb. Levi, born Apr. 27, 1844. aacbc ace. George-Trumbull, born Feb. 5, 1847; died Feb. 7, 1869, at Worcester, unmarried. aacbc acd. Winslow-Sever, born Oct. 31, 1848. aacbc ad. Daniel- Waldo, son of Levi (Levi, Enoch, Jede- diah, Samuel, Samuel) and Penelope-Winslow (Sever) Lincoln of Worcester, Mass., born Jan. 16, 1813, at Worcester; died July 1, 1880, at New London, Conn., being killed by being thrown accidentally from the observation train at the Harvard- Yale boat race, and run over by the cars. He received his education at Leicester academy and Harvard college where he received the degree of A.B. in 1831. After graduation he studied law and was admitted to the bar of Worcester county in 1834. For a short time thereafter he was associated with his uncle, William Lincoln, aacbc j, on the staff of the '' Worcester Aegis," and then purchased a small farm of about twenty acres on the west side of Worcester, and there devoted himself for nearly thirty years to fruit and flower culture. His farm, though a barren piece of land when he purchased it, became under his exquisite taste a beautiful estate. It comprised the land now bounded by Pleasant, Piedmont, Austin and Bellevue streets and has long been entirely built over. Mr. Lincoln was especially interested in the culture of the pear, and at one of the annual exhibitions of the Worcester Horticultural Society he exhibited one hundred and sixty named varieties of that fruit. In politics he was, during his early years, a Whig but on the breaking up of that party he became a Democrat and so re- mained during the remainder of his life, though in his latter years he was inactive in political affairs. He was a member of the State legislature in 1846 as representative; alderman of I the city of Worcester in 1858 and 1859; and mayor in 1863 I 416 LINCOLN GENEALOGY and 1864, being defeated for a third term by a narrow margin, owing to the bitterness engendered against all Democrats, no matter how patriotic, by the events of the Civil war. In 1865 he was chosen trustee of the Worcester Public Library, and at the time of his death was chairman of the sinking fund commissioners of Worcester. He was a director of the Citizens, later Citizens National, Bank from 1855 to 1872, and of the Worcester National Bank from 1879 until his death; a trustee of the Worcester County Institution for Savings, and for much of the time a member of the board of investment; a trustee of Rural Cemetery; director of the Worcester Gas Light Company; trustee of Memorial Hospital; and for several years trustee of the Worcester Polytechnic Institute and its first secretary. He had been president of the Worcester County Agricultural Society and of the Worcester County Horticultural Society. He took an active interest in the local militia and for years was an active member of the Worcester Light Infantry, of which company he was elected ensign, March 15, 1837; lieutenant, July 4, 1837; and captain, Apr. 28, 1838, serving with great credit and honor until his resignation Feb. 11, 1841. He became a director of the Boston and Worcester Railroad Company in 1858, and was its vice-president, and practically its president in 1867-8, when Hon. Ginery Twichell the presi- dent was in Congress. On its consolidation with the Western Railroad Company as the Boston and Albany Railroad Com- pany, he was elected vice-president and in 1878, on the retire- ment of Chester Chapin, was placed in the position of presi-< dent, holding that office until his death, and showing in it the great executive ability which has been a marked characteris- tic of the family. He resided on his farm on Pleasant street until 1867, when he removed to Ashland street, to the house built by his wife's father, on the estate afterwards of the late J. Edwin Smith, where he lived until 1873, when he removed to his late father's mansion on Elm street, now, 1922, owned by his son, the com- piler of this genealogy. He married, Nov. 30, 1841, at Worcester, Frances-Fiske^ daughter of Francis-Taliaferro^ {Pliny^, Noa¥, James^, Thomas^) and Mary-Buckminster (Fiske) Merrick of Worcester, born SEVENTH GENERATION 417 Oct. 5, 1819, at Worcester; died Apr. 8, 1873, at Boston, Mass., where the family had been passing the winter, as had been their custom for several years. Mrs. Lincoln was a very lovely woman, of slight, frail figure. Her portrait by George Fuller is, though somewhat idealized, an excellent likeness of her. There are several portraits of Mr. Lincoln, none of which are entirely satisfactory. (Family Records.) Children, born at Worcester: aachc ada. Frances-Merrick, born July 1, 1843; living, 1922, at Worces- ter, unmarried. She has been much interested in charities and was a trustee of the Worcester Lunatic Hospital for many years. She is now a trustee of the Worcester Art Museum. aachc adh. Mary-Waldo, born Sept. 15, 1845; married Oct. 18, 1870, at Worcester, Joseph-Estabrooks, son of Isaac^ {Phineas^, Isaac^, Simon*, Simon?, Samuel^, Dolor^) and Mary-Holbrook (Estabrook) Davis of Worcester, born Sept. 27, 1838, at Worcester; died Oct. 27, 1907, at Boston, Mass. He was as a young man employed as a clerk in Boston and then went to Buenos Ayres, where he was in business for several years, returning to Worcester about 1864. He then associated himself in business with the Washburn Iron Company of Worcester, which was engaged in the re-rolling of railroad iron and the manufacture of car wheels, and remained with them until 1882. About 1890 he removed with his family to Boston and resided there until his death. His widow is now, 1922, living there. Children, born at Worcester: a. Lincoln, born March 31, 1872; mar. Catharine-Bradlee Crown- inshield. 6. Mabel, born March 25, 1875; mar. John-Reed Post. aachc ode. Anne-Warren, born Feb. 6, 1848; died July 21, 1849. aacbc add. Waldo, born Dec. 31, 1849. aacbc af. George, son of Levi (Levi, Enoch, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Penelope-Winslow (Sever) Lincoln of Worcester, Mass., born Oct. 19, 1816, at Worcester; died Feb. 23, 1847, at the battle of Buena Vista, Mexico. He was educated at Leicester academy, but got into some boyish scrape there and was sent to sea with Captain James- Warren Sever, his mother's cousin. He sailed to China and returned under the mate, having a very hard time. He made a second voyage and had a similar experience. He returned with the vessel to Holland, where he left it, made his way to Paris and thence returned home. He had had enough of the sea and was appointed by President Jackson, through his father's influence, to a lieutenancy in the United States army, and was immediately 27 418 LINCOLN GENEALOGY " sent to Florida, where he arrived a few days after the Fort jjki Dade massacre. In the Mexican war he distinguished himself at the battle of Resaca de la Palma, by rescuing Lieutenant Jordan from a number of Mexicans, killing two of the enemy unaided, and three others with the assistance of his sergeant. For this gallantry he was promoted, June 18, 1846, to be assistant adjutant general, with the brevet rank of captain. His friends in Worcester presented him with a very handsome dress sword, as a testimonial of their admiration of his bravery, which sword he never received, being killed before it reached him. It is now owned by his nephew, Waldo Lincoln, as is also the dress sword which he used in service. At the battle of Buena Vista, Captain Lincoln, who was a member of the 3rd U. S. infantry, was attached to the staff of General Wool. During the action he was mounted on a magnificent white horse, and by his dis- tinguished appearance drew more than his share of the enemy's fire, being mistaken, it is thought, for General Taylor, and, while leading a charge, was shot through the heart. His remains were taken to Worcester, being escorted thither by a detach- ment of Kentucky volunteers, with whose officers he had been on intimate terms, and were honored by a military funeral which was long remembered by the inhabitants of Worcester. Political feeling ran very high in Worcester during the Mexican war and it is said that, during Captain Lincoln's funeral, a Mr. Leander Eaton, who kept a store on Main street through which the procession passed, hung out a sign reading, ^'No homage to murderers." There is no portrait of Captain Lin- coln in existence, but his brother, Edward- Winslow, described! him to the writer as being six feet two inches tall, with very large blue eyes and very handsome. A colored print of the scene of his death was published and is here reproduced. He married. May 24, 1839, at Ogdensburg, N. Y., Nancy, daughter of Silvius and Nancy-Mary (Devillers) Hoard of Ogdensburg, born Oct. 26, 1820, at Antwerp, N. Y.; died Sept. 4, 1852, at Worcester. She married (2), June 25, 1850, at Worcester, Hon. Stephen Salisbury of Worcester as his second wife. She had no children by him. Her grandfather was Louis de Villers, a native of France, who came out in Rochambeau's expedition to aid this country in the war of the Revolution. SEVENTH GENERATION 419 (Family Records; see ''Worcester Aegis/' March 3, 1847, for poems relating to Capt. Lincoln; ibid., March 10, 1847, and ''Worcester Spy" of same date for correspondence about the sword; "Aegis," Apr. 7, 14, May 12, July 14 and 21, for descrip- tion of the battle of Buena Vista and the funeral.) Child, born at Worcester: aacbc afa. Georgianna-Devillers, born May 10, 1840; died Dec. 28, 1861, at Worcester, She was first named "Anne-Devillers" and her name was changed Apr. 26, 1847, by the legislature. She was a very tall and strikingly beautiful woman. She married, Jan. 8, 1861, at Worcester, Francis-Blake^, son of George-Tilly^ (Thomas^, Tilly^, Oba- dia¥, Jaco¥, Edward^, Edmund^) and Elizabeth-Chandler (Blake) Rice of Worcester, born Apr. 12, 1835, at Worcester; died May 25, 1913, at Boston, Mass., where he had been living for a number of years. They had no children. He married (2), June 20, 1869, at Boston, Sally-Blake, daughter of Romeo and Sarah-Chandler (Blake) Austin of Boston, born Jan. 28, 1841, at Boston; living, 1922, at Boston; by whom he had four children: Francis-Blake, Gertrude-Austin, George-Tilly, and Arthur. aacbc ah. John- Waldo, son of Levi (Levi, Enoch, Jedediah, i, Samuel, Samuel) and Penelope- Winslow (Sever) Lincoln of t|' Worcester, Mass., had his name changed, Apr. 16, 1846, by the \\. Massachusetts legislature to Edward-Winslow. He was born II Dec. 2, 1820, at Worcester and died Dec. 15, 1896, at Worcester. 'fi He graduated at Harvard college in 1839, and then went to 'ji Alton, 111., where he studied law with his brother, WilHam-Sever; H{ was admitted to the bar and, for a time, acted as prosecuting III attorney for the city. In 1845 he returned to Worcester, gave 7 up the practice of law and purchased an interest in the ''Aegis'' ^J! newspaper and became its editor. In 1849 he was appointed Hi postmaster by President Taylor and held that office for four I years. He then spent some time in Illinois and, returning to i'' Worcester, became editor of the ''Bay State," a short-lived '' pubHcation. He devoted the remainder of his life to horticul- * ture, being from 1860 until his death secretary of the Worcester *' County Horticultural Society. In 1870 he was made chairman "' of the commissioners of shade trees and public grounds, and, ■ later, of its successor, the Parks Commission. To his wise fore- '' ! sight and personal supervision, Worcester is indebted for many " of its beautiful parks. Mr. Lincoln was a forcible and ready 420 LINCOLN GENEALOGY writer, witty, keen and scholarly, and his annual reports were always read with interest and pleasure. He became in later life extremely deaf, an affliction which befell many of the family. He married (1), March 29, 1848, at Philadelphia, Pa., Sarah- Rhodes, daughter of George-Rhodes and Elizabeth (Paddleford) Arnold of Providence, R. I., born March 29, 1827, at Providence; died July 1, 1856, at Worcester. He married (2), August 4, 1858, at Bristol, R. I., Kate-Von- Weber, daughter of Ward and Mary (Von Weber) Marston, born July 1, 1833, at Charlestown, Mass.; died Dec. 19, 1903, at Worcester. Her father. Ward Marston, was lieutenant colonel of the United States marines. (Family Records.) Children, by first wife, born: a at Worcester; h-d in Illinois: aacbc aha. Eliza-Paddleford, born Aug. 31, 1850; died May 7, 1851. aacbc ahb. John-Waldo, born Oct. 30, 1852. He was educated in the Worcester public schools and the Worcester Polytechnic Institute, class of 1871, as a civil engineer. On leaving school he became a rodman; on the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad under Mr. Frank Firth. In 1875 he went to San Francisco, Calif., where he engaged in the com' mission business and was a member of the Produce Exchange. From 1877 to 1881, he was paymaster and cashier of the Northern Pacificrj railroad, stationed at Ainsworth and Spokane, Wash. Later he followed) his profession of civil engineer on the Croton aqueduct, New York, and in Florida and Oregon. Exposure due to a severe experience in an Oregon survey necessitated his retirement. Since 1887 he has led the quiet life of an orchardist, and in 1901 he retired to Ocean Park, Calif., where he has since resided. He was a director, since organization in; 1905, of the First National Bank of Ocean Park and president of the| Santa Monica Bay hospital. He married, Oct. 31, 1876, at San Francisco, Sarah-Rosetta, daughtei^ of John-Michael and Sarah-Rosetta (Noah) Eberline of Roseburg,' Ore., born July 27, 1852, at Des Moines, Iowa. Mr. Eberline, whose father was a general in the Bavarian army, bore the same name as hisj father and was educated in the Bavarian military school. He came to America in 1838 at the age of nineteen, lived at various places. North and South, finally dying, July 9, 1881, at Roseburg. His wife died at Des Moines, Aug. 9, 1852, and Mr. Eberline then emigrated to Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln are living at Ocean Park. They have no children aacbc ahc. Arnold, born Oct. 27, 1853; died July 27, 1854. aacbc ahd. Charles-Frederic, born June 16, 1856; died June 17, 1856 Children, by second wife, born at Worcester: ■ill aacbc ahe. Annie-Marston, born Oct. 15, 1859; living, 1921, at Worcester,B''fif! unmarried. ■iljj aacbc ahf. Marian-Vinal, born May 17, 1862; married (1), Sept. 18, 1884, afH| Worcester, Edward-Langdon, son of Theodore-Peacock and Eliza-Turneij (Howe) Bogert of New York, N. Y., born Aug. 18, 1852. The marriage' SEVENTH GENERATION 421 proved an unhappy one and they were divorced Feb. 24, 1896, at New York. He died in 1910. She married (2), Dec. 19, 1901, at Worcester, Marsden-Jasael, son of Horatio-Nelson and Malvina (Wilson) Perry of Rehoboth, Mass., born Nov. 2, 1850, at Rehoboth, By his first wife, Jessie McGregor, from whom he was divorced, he had no children. Mr. and Mrs. Perry are living, 1921, at Providence and Newport, R. I. He is a successful and wealthy financier, much interested in Colonial furniture and silver. He was formerly especially interested in Shakesperiana, of which he succeeded in collecting one of the finest collections in the world, and at that time the largest in the United States. Children, by first husband, born at Providence: a. Edwakd-Langdon Bogert, born Aug. 28, 1885; living, 1921, unmarried. h. Pelham-Winslow Bogert, born July 19, 1895; living, 1921, unmarried. Child, by second husband, born at Providence: c. Marsden-Jasael Perry, born Sept. 5, 1902. aacbc ahg. Marston, born June 23, 1864. aachc ahh. Adaline-Sever, born June 17, 1867; married, Dec. 12, 1907, at New York, N. Y., Henry-Joseph, son of Henry-Joseph and Mary (Hamill) Graham of Belfast, Ireland, born Feb. 13, 1867, at Belfast. He lived in England until emigrating to this country about thirty years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Graham have been engaged in stock-raising since their mar- riage, raising several fine cows and horses every year for exhibition and sale. They are living, 1922, at Scarsdale, N. Y. Mr. Graham is of Scotch descent. They have no children. aacbc ahi. Helen, born Apr. 8, 1870; Hving, 1922, unmarried. aachc ahj. Pelham-Winslow, born Dec. 13, 1873. He graduated at Wor- cester Polytechnic Institute in 1892, and was for some time thereafter employed by the J. Russel Marble Co. of Worcester, a paint and chemi- cal house. He then became connected with Norcross Brothers, builders and contractors, with whom he remained for some years, first at Brown- ville. Me., then at Manchester, Vt., and finally at Cleveland, Ohio. He is now, 1922, with the Salduro Potash Co. at Salduro, Utah. He mar- ried (1), Aug. 5, 1900, at Boston, Mass., while living at Brownville, Mary E., daughter of Timothy and Ellen (McCarthy) Coffey of Boston, who was born in 1873 at Boston. They were divorced in 1912, and in 1913 he married a second wife, named Elizabeth. He has had no children. aachc ahk. Katharine- Von Weber, born Apr. 15, 1876; died Oct. 11, 1895, at Worcester, unmarried. aacbe da. Frederic- Walker, son of Louis (Amos, Enoch, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Mary Hathorne (Knight) Lincoln of Boston, Mass., born Feb. 17, 1817, at Boston (his monument at Mt. Auburn says Feb. 27); died Sept. 13, 1898, at Boston. He was educated in Boston public schools and, after the death of his parents, in a private school at Canton, Mass. He was then apprenticed to Mr. Gedney King, maker of nautical in- struments on State street, Boston. He continued with him and 422 LINCOLN GENEALOGY his successor, Charles-Gedney King, until 1839 when he began business on his own account on Commercial street. He continued for forty-three years, as maker of nautical and surveying in- struments and dealer in seamen's charts and equipments, until 1882, when he accepted the position of manager of the Boston Storage Company, which position he held until his death. He was president of the Massachusetts Charitable Mechanics Association from 1854 to 1856, and its treasurer for a term beginning in 1880, and in connection therewith was president of the Revere House Corporation. He was a member of the State legislature in 1837 and 1838, and again in 1872 and 1874. He was appointed on the board of harbor commissioners in 1868 and was chairman of the board for several years. He was chair- man of the board of overseers of the poor, and in 1878 its treas- urer also. In December, 1857, he was elected mayor of Boston to serve the following year and was again elected in 1858, 1859 and 1862 and each year thereafter until 1865, thus serving for seven years, a longer term than that of any other incumbent of the office. He was energetic and prompt in suppressing the draft riots during the Civil war, his services being recognized by his election to membership in the military order of the loyal legion. He was a director of the Continental National Bank; trustee of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and of the Museum of Fine Arts; president of the Franklin Savings Bank; president of the Massachusetts Charitable Fire Society, and member of other institutions; treasurer of the Young Men's Benevolent Society; member of the Boston Light Infantry; a founder of the Commercial Club in 1869 and its first president. In 1854 he became a director of the Bunker Hill Monument Association and, for several years, was its president. For more than thirty-five years he was treasurer of the Second Unitarian Church, at whose services he was always a punctual attendant. He received an honorary degree of master of arts from Harvard and Dartmouth universities. He was a member of the New England Historic Genealogical Society from 1847 until his death, though never active in its proceedings. He was of good height, compactly built and of muscular firmness and vigor. ''To good judgment, punctuality, firmness and unquestioned integrity, he added a courteous and genial manner that disarmed opposi- FREDERIC WALKER LINCOLN 1817-189S From a steel engraving SEVENTH GENERATION 423 tion and greatly promoted success in upholding the interests he represented. He was a model citizen and a consistent Christian gentleman." For a complete biography of his life see "In Memoriam, Frederic Walker Lincoln," Boston, 1899. He was buried at Mount Auburn. He married (1), May 18, 1848, at Boston, according to Boston records,* Emeline^, daughter of Jacob^ {Jacoh^, Stephen^, Stephen^, John') and Mary-Ann (Hall) Hall of Boston, born Nov. 9, 1827, at Boston; died July 21, 1849, at Boston. He married (2), June 20, 1854, at Boston, Emily-Caroline^, daughter of Noah^ (David^, David^, David^, Stephen^, Stephen') and Sally (Howe) Lincoln of Boston, born Feb. 7, 1827, at Boston; died March 26, 1901, at Brookhne, Mass. During her residence in Boston she was a constant attendant upon the Second Church in Copley square, and was closely in touch with all the charitable work of the society. (Boston Records; Mass. Vital Records; N. E. Hist. & Gen. Register, vol. liv, pp. xcv- xcvii, 229; Tribute to Noah Lincoln; Halls of New England, p. 345; Records of Frederic- Walker Lincoln, aacbe dab.) Child, by first wife, born at Boston: aacbe daa. Harriet-Abbot, born Feb. 10, 1849; died May 17, 1902, at Baltimore, Md.; married, Nov. 18, 1872, at Boston, George-Austin, son of George and Hepsy-Ann (Seaver) Coolidge of Boston, born Apr. 12, 1845, at Dedham, Mass.; died July 4, 1911, at Belmar, N. J. He was at one time a publisher but had had no occupation for many years. They lived at Boston, Washington, D. C., and Englewood, N. J. Children : a. Emelyn-Lincoln, born Aug. 9, 1873; living, 1911, unmarried. h. Frederic- Austin, born Aug. 26, 1877; living, 1911, unmarried. c. Ernest-Hall, born May 4, 1881; mar. Jean-Mellen Thurston. d. George-Percival, born Oct. 25, 1884; mar. Mabel-Moore Duhring. Children, by second wife, born at Boston: aacbe dab. Frederic-Walker, born Aug. 29, 1855. aacbe dac. Mart-Knight, born March 12, 1858; died March 8, 1901, at Brookline, unmarried. aacbe dad. Louis-Revere, born June 29, 1862. aacbe ha. Amos, son of Amos {Amos, Enoch, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Rebecca-Trevett (Bartol) Lincoln of *N. E. Hist. & Gen. Register, vol. ii, p. 325, says May 29; "Halls of New England" says May 19; a family record says May 20. 424 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Boston, Mass., born September, 1818, at Boston; died July 17, 1870, at Boston in the lunatic hospital. He lived at Boston, his name first appearing in the Boston directories in 1849, when he is described as ''ostler"; from 1852 to 1859 he is called ''laborer"; and from 1860 to his death he was janitor of the Franklin school, living on Newlands street. He married, Apr. 2, 1849, at Boston, by Rev. Otis A. Skinner, Mary-Ann Call, born August, 1812, at York, Me., though her marriage record says she was born at Wiscasset, Me.; died July 9, 1896, at Boston, in the Old Ladies Home. She was aged eighty- three years, eleven months when she died, and Mr. Lincoln's age at death is given as fifty-one years, ten months. (Boston Records; Mass. Vital Records.) Children, born a, c at Boston; h at Quincy, Mass.: aacbe haa. Amos A., born Jan. 14, 1851. aacbe hah. Ada-Tyler, born Jan. 18, 1853; died Feb. 12, 1855, at Boston. aacbe hac. Louis-Russell, born March 30, 1856; died Oct. 17, 1883, at Boston. He succeeded his father as janitor of the Franklin school. He lived at Boston and is called Louis T. in the Boston directories and also in the Quincy, Mass., records, so perhaps he changed his name to Louis- Trevett. He married, June 8, 1882, at Quincy, Nancy-Elizabeth, daughter of James and Margaret D. (Taylor) Burke of Quincy, born Apr. 12, 1861, at Quincy; died Oct. 23, 1885, at Quincy, aged twenty-four years, six months, eleven days. Her father, James Burke, who was half brother to Mary- Ann Call, the mother of Louis-Russell Lincoln, was born at York, Me.; her mother was born at Boston. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln had no children. (Mass. Vital Records; Quincy Records.) aacbe hb. Samuel-Russell-Trevett, son of Amos (Amos, Enoch, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Rebecca-Trevett (Bartol) Lincoln of Boston, Mass., born in 1820, at Boston; died Dec. 7, 1873, at Boston, aged fifty-two years. He died in the poor- house at Rainsford island. In 1854 he is described as ''baker, living at Boston." His daughter thinks that he had other children by his second wife, and that he perhaps married a third wife; but she knows little of him after his separation from her mother. He married (1), Nov. 7, 1842, at Boston, Mary-Ann, daughter of Baslee and Emma (Jennison) Bennett of Boston, born Apr. 15, 1822, at Boston; died Sept. 6, 1865, at Dedham, Mass., aged SEVENTH GENERATION 425 forty-three years, four months, twenty-one days. They separat- ed and were, apparently, divorced. He married (2), May 3, 1854, at Boston, Susan, daughter of Henry and Susan (Pickett) Lewis of Lynn, Mass., and widow of Isaac Mansfield of Lynn, whom she married June 9, 1839, at Lynn and who died Apr. 7, 1849, at Lynn of dislocation of the vertebrae. He was son of John 3d and Lydia-Husey (Breed) Mansfield of Lynn, where he was born Nov. 29, 1821. Susan Lewis was born Oct. 18, 1821, at Lynn. No record of Mrs. Susan Lincoln's death has been found. (Boston Records; Mass. Vital Records; Lynn Records; Records of Mrs. Lucy-Emma [Lincoln] McClennan, aacbe hhh.) Children, by first wife, born: a unknown; b at Charlestown, Mass. : aacbe hba. Mary-Elizabeth, born Jan. 3, 1842; died Oct. 1, 1868, at Cam- bridge, Mass. ; married, Jan. 25, 1863, at Dedham, Mass., Albert-Loammi, son of Loammi- Walker and Laurana (Pincin) Phipps of Dedham, born 1840, at South Dedham. He was a blacksmith and removed to Cambridge before September, 1868. (Mass. Vital Records.) Children, born : a at Dedham ; h at Cambridge : a. Charles- Walker, born Jan. 13, 1865; died Apr. 9, 1869. b. George-Albert, born September, 1868; killed July 24, 1885, at Jamaica Plain, Mass., on Boston & Providence railroad. aacbe hbb. Lucy-Emma, born Nov. 29, 1844; married, June 23, 1868, at Charlestown, Albert, son of Robert and Mary-Ann (Pigeon) McClennen of Charlestown, born Dec. 13, 1837, at Boston, Mass.; died Jan. 30, 1906, at Boston. He lived at Boston and was by trade a machinist. He served for three years during the Civil war as able seaman on board the flagship "Minnesota." His widow was living, 1911, at Boston. Children, born at Boston : a. Emma-Gertrude, born June 9, 1869; died Apr. 17, 1870. b. Arthur-Raymond, born March 23, 1871; living, 1911, un- married. aacbe Id. Levi-Louis, son of Abraham-Orne (Amos, Enoch, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Hannah-Sprague (Wales) Lincoln of Bath, Me., born Dec. 4, 1827, at Bath; died May 29, 1903, at Portland, Me. He hved first at Bath, but removed to Skowhe- gan. Me., about 1865 and bought a house there of Abner and Philander Coburn. At that time he was conductor on a train on the Portland and Kennebec railroad which necessitated his passing the night at Skowhegan. In 1868 he was transferred to another train and removed to Portland, selling his house in 426 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Skowhegan. He later became superintendent of the Portland and Kennebec railroad, and on its consolidation with the Maine Central railroad, was made assistant superintendent of that road, and removed to Augusta, Me. He next became superin- tendent of the Bangor and Bucksport railroad, and, later, of the Rumford Falls railroad, and in 1896 was living at Rumford Falls. He finally gave up active business, bought a place in Portland near the Westbrook line, and passed the rest of his life there. He married (1), Aug. 22, 1853, at Brunswick, Me., Rachel- Ann, daughter of John and Mary (French) Noble of Brunswick, born Feb. 10, 1831, at Brunswick; died Dec. 21, 1861, at Bath. He married (2), June 14, 1864, at Boston, Mass., Lydia- Nichols, daughter of Nathaniel-Nichols and Susan (Lincoln) Bates of Boston, born March 19, 1835, at Boston; died Feb. 27, 1896, at Rumford Falls. She was descended through her mother from Stephen Lincoln of Hingham. (Portland Records; Bruns- wick Records; Bath Cemetery Records; Cohasset Genealogies, p. 28; Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 479; Records of Rev. Howard- Abbot Lincoln, aache Idd; Gravestones in Maplegrove Cemetery, Bath.) Children, by first wife, born at Brunswick: aache Ida. Frank-Louis, born July 27, 1855; died Feb. 23, 1899, at Portland, unmarried. He was a travelling agent for a railroad. He is buried at Bath, Me. aache Idh. Mary-Amelia, born Feb. 25, 1860; died Dec. 14, 1903, at Port- land, unmarried. Children, by second wife, born: c, d at Skowhegan; e, f at Augusta : aache Idc. A son, born Apr. 20, 1865; died Apr. 23, 1865. aache Idd. Howard-Abbot, bom July 22, 1867. He graduated at Amherst college in 1892 and studied for the ministry at Andover Theological Sem- inary where he received the degree of B.D. in 1904. In 1911 he was min- ister of the Congregational church at Wiscasset, Me. He married, July 19, 1910, at Newtonville, Mass., Blanche-Winifred, daughter of Royal- Hopkins and Elizabeth (Carlisle) Wadleigh of Newton, Mass., born May 17, 1871, at Newton. (Records of Rev. Howard-Abbot Lincoln.) No children. aache Ide. Walter-Bowdlear, born July 30, 1872; died Sept. 12, 1872, at Augusta, but is buried at Bath. aacbe Idf. Levi-Bates, born Feb. 5, 1875. SEVENTH GENERATION 427 aacbe If. Augustus-Clark, son of Abraham-Orne (Amos, Enoch, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Hannah-Sprague (Wales) Lincoln of Bath, Me., born March 12, 1831, at Bath; died May 23, 1902, at Benton Station, Me. He is buried at Bath. He was a railroad conductor on the Portland and Kennebec railroad, living at Bath and, for a short time, at Skowhegan, Me. He afterwards removed to Portland, Me., and on being made station agent at Benton removed thither, and lived there until his death. In his later years he was a signal tender. He' married (1), March 29, 1853, at Bath, Emma-Jane Wil- liams, an English woman who came to America with an aunt. Her father never came to this country and his name is not known to the family, nor is there any record of her birth. Her mother afterwards came to the United States and died here. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln were divorced about 1856 and she married (2) Thomas Joy, and was thought to have died at Charlestown, Mass., about 1870, but the following record from Massachusetts Vital Records probably refers to her: ''Emma Joy, widow, aged forty-five years, six months, born in England and daughter of Edward and Mary A. (surname unknown), living at 46 Walker street, Boston, died Nov. 13, 1880, at Boston." He married (2), Oct. 5, 1857, at Bath, Mrs. Harriet-Maria (White) Bean, daughter of William-Henry and Susan-Maria (Thornton) White of Bath, and divorced wife of I. X. Bean of Portland by whom she had a son, Edward. She was born Jan. 4, 1838, at Portland and was living, 1911, at Benton Station. (Bath Cemetery and Town Records; Records of Mrs. Anna- Amelia [Lincoln] Hall, aache Ife, and Mrs. Augusta-Clark [Lin- coln] Woodward, aache IJa) Child, by first wife, born at Bath: aache If a. Augusta-Clark, born Jan. 8, 1854; married, Dec. 29, 1876, at Brunswick, Me., William-Given, son of Horace and Mary-Elizabeth (Thomas) Woodward of Brunswick, born Nov. 1, 1848, at Brunswick; died Jan. 9, 1901, at Brunswick, where he had always lived. He was a carpenter and farmer. She was living, 1911, at Brunswick. Child, born at Brunswick: a. Harry-Lincoln, born Nov. 23, 1875; mar. Priscilla Talbot. Children, by second wife, born: h-e at Bath;/, g at Portland: aacbe Ifb. Frederic-Revere, born Nov. 6, 1858. aache Ifc. Harriet-Maria, born Apr. 21, 1860; died March 4, 1905, at Ben- 428 LINCOLN GENEALOGY ton, Me.; married, March 1, 1884, at Benton, Ozro, son of Joseph and Almedia (Gerald) Brown of Benton, born March 20, 1854, at Benton; living there in 1911. He is a farmer. Child, born at Boston : a. Eael-Lincoln, born Nov. 28, 1885; mar. Ruby-Grace Whitman. aache Ifd. George-Augustus, born July 16, 1862; his whereabouts unknown to the family in 1911. In 1898 he was a steam and gas fitter and was hving at East Kingston, N. H. He married, June 16, 1898, at Exeter, N. H., Jennie M. Crockett, a divorced woman, living at the time of her marriage at East Kingston. She was born at Malone, N. Y., and as she is called aged 41 when married she was born in 1857. (New Hampshire Vital Records.) aache Ife. Ann a- Amelia, born July 21, 1865; married (1), Nov. 24, 1885, at Skowhegan, Me., Herbert, son of Emerson Kilgore of Skowhegan. He was living, 1911, at Skowhegan and was foreman of the lasting department of a shoe shop. They were divorced and she married (2), Nov. 24, 1898, at Bath, Arthur-White, son of Oliver-Gray and Frances (White) Hall of Augusta, Me., born Aug. 12, 1866, at Rockland, Me. He is a printer, hving, 1911, at Rockland. They were divorced in 1902. She is living, 1911, at Rockland and is forewoman of a shop. Child, by first husband, born at Benton, Me. : a. Ida-Lincoln Kilgore, born July 4, 1887; mar. Verne Battese. Child, by second husband, born at Rockland: b. Arthur-Francis Hall, born July 12, 1900. aacbe Iff. Carrie-Abbot, born Sept. 15, 1867, though Portland records say 1869; died Nov. 2, 1894, at Dexter, Me.; married, Oct. 14, 1890, at Fair- field, Me., Ernest-Eugene, son of Joseph H. and Betsey-Roxanna (Larra- bee) Warren of Dexter, born Dec. 19, at Parkman, Me. He was in 1911 a printer, living at Holyoke, Mass. He lived for a year and a half after leaving home at Waterville, Me., and then moved to Dexter and was one of the proprietors of the "Dexter Gazette." For the ten years previous to 1911 he was in the printing business at Holyoke as treasurer and manager of the Anker Printing Company. Mrs. Warren is buried at Bath. He married (2) Miss Julia-Louisa Judd, who died before 1911, without children. Child, born at Dexter: a. Carl-Reed, born Oct. 9, 1894; died Dec. 18, 1895. aache Ifg. Harry-Irven, born January, 1871; died Apr. 25, 1876, at Port- land, but is buried at Bath. aacbg cc. Ezra, son of Ezra (Ezra, Enoch, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Chastine (Hartwell) Lincoln of Boston, Mass., born March 12, 1819, at Boston; died June 15, 1863, at Belmont, Mass. He was educated in the Boston public schools and in 1835 won a Franklin medal at the English high school. He became by profession a civil engineer and for some time was a commissioner of patents. He filled several offices of honor and trust; representative in the General Court 1850, 1851 and 1852; SEVENTH GENERATION 429 member of the common council from ward 10, in 1847, 1851 and 1852; aide to Governors Briggs and Clifford; one of the com- missioners on Boston harbor; and State engineer on the Rhode Island boundary and the Hoosac tunnel. On the incoming of a RepubUcan administration in 1861, he was appointed assistant treasurer of the United States in Boston, and held that office when he died. He was an active and earnest politician but extended his urbanity to opponents as well as friends. His moral character was unblemished and he left no personal enemies. (Boston Daily Advertiser, June 16, 1863.) He married (1), Jan. 4, 1844, at Boston, Helen-Elizabeth, daughter of Charles and Elizabeth (Rand?) Sprague of Boston, born 1819, at Boston; died March 30, 1851, at Boston, ''aged thirty two years." (Sprague Family in America, p. 227.) He married (2), Dec. 2, 1856, at West Roxbury, Mass., Phebe- Maria, daughter of William and Margaret-Elizabeth (Kupfer) Blake of Jamaica Plain, Mass., born May 2, 1835, at Boston; died Jan. 21, 1892, at New York, N. Y. (Mass. Vital Records.) Children, by second wife, born: a at West Roxbury; b at Boston: aacbg cca. Chables-Sprague, born Aug. 23, 1857. He removed to New York city in 1878 and remained there until 1888, when he removed to Superior, Wis., where he lived for twelve years. In 1900 he went to St. Paul, Minn., and has lived there since. He is, 1911, an editor in the employment of the West Publishing Company. He married, Dec. 14, 1892, at Stillwater, Minn., Mary-Sophronia, daughter of John-Johnson and Pernicia-Ann (Ranno) Robertson of Stillwater, born Oct. 12, 1868, at Stillwater. They have no children. (Records of Charles-Sprague Lincoln.) aacbg ccb. Helen-Maria, born Oct. 3, 1859; living, 1910, at New York, N. Y., unmarried. She is an invalid. aacbg ch. Jerom, son of Ezra (Ezra, Enoch, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Chastine (Hartwell) Lincoln of Boston, Mass., born July 16, 1829, at Boston; died Feb. 23, 1896, at San Francisco, Calif., whither he removed soon after his marriage and where he passed the rest of his life. He was a merchant. He married, Sept. 14, 1854, at Brookline, Mass., Philinda- Gates, daughter of Daniel and Philinda-Gates (Prouty) Bates of Boston, born March 9, 1837, at Boston; living, 1910, at San Francisco. (Mass. Vital Records; Family Records of Miss 430 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Chastine-Lincoln Gushing, aacbg caa; and of Mrs. Philinda- Gates Lincoln.) Ghildren, born at San Francisco: aacbg cha. Jerome-Bates, born July 29, 1863; died July 4, 1899, unmarried. aacbg chb. Ethel, born June 1, 1873; married Nov. 17, 1909, at San Francis- co, John-Ralston, son of Alexander and Clara (Smith) Hamilton of Cana- da, born Oct. 21, 1870, at San Francisco. He is an architect. They were living in 1910 at San Francisco. aacbg ck. Lowell, son of Ezra {Ezra, Enoch, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Ghastine (Hartwell) Lincoln of Boston, Mass., born June 28, 1836, at Boston. He was educated in the Boston public schools and entered the employ of Lawrence, Stone & Gompany, manufacturers' agents in Boston, in 1852, with whom he remained four years. In 1856 he went with James M. Beebe of Boston; in 1859 he was admitted as partner in the firm of E. R. Mudge & Gompany of Boston and, in 1868, was put in charge of their New York branch and removed to New York. In 1880 he was a partner in the house of Joy, Lincoln & Motley with whom he remained until 1885, when he joined the firm of Gatlin & Gompany with whom he still remains. He is, 1910, a director in the German- American Insurance Gompany and of the Mechanics National Bank of New York, and trustee of the Greenwich Savings Bank. He married, Dec. 22, 1863, at Boston, Glara-Amanda, daughter of Loring and Amanda-Sophia (Forbes) Lothrop of Boston, born Nov. 18, 1842, at East Gambridge, Mass. They were living, 1910, at New York, N. Y. (Nat'l Gyclopedia of Am. Biography, vol. x, p. 85; Forbes-Forbush Genealogy, p. 75; Mass. Vital Eecords; Records of Lowell Lincoln.) Ghildren, born: a-c at Boston; d-f at New York: aacbg cka. Lowell, born Oct. 1, 1864; died Oct. 3, 1864. aacbg ckb. Lowell, born Dec. 15, 1865. aacbg ckc. Arthur-Huntington, born June 27, 1867; died Sept. 28, 1884. aacbg ckd. A child, unnamed, born and died Apr. 21, 1869. aacbg eke. Ezra, born Jan. 11, 1871 ; died Aug. 16, 1907, at Locust, N. J., un- married. aacbg ckf. Clara-Lothrop, born Feb. 6, 1874; married, Sept. 22, 1896, at New York, James-Parrish, son of Dr. Charles-Carroll and Helen (Par- rish) Lee of Maryland and New York city, born June 6, 1870, at New York. He graduated at Harvard college in 1891 ; studied law and in 1910 was practising that profession in New York, where they were residing. SEVENTH GENERATION 431 Children, born at New York : a. Clara-Lothrop, born March 22, 1898. h. Helen, born Apr. 11, 1900. c. Charles-Carroll, born Nov. 27, 1902. d. Mildred, born Oct. 28, 1909. aacdb bd. Solomon-Henry, son of Solomon (Otis, William, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Eleanor M. (Gove) Lincoln of Perry, Me., born Sept. 3, 1826, at Perry; living, 1910, at Perry with his third wife. He is a farmer. He married (1), Feb. 20, 1855, at Perry, Anna M. White, adopted daughter of Thomas and Lydia Lowell. She was born May 20, 1835, at Perry; and died there May 21, 1868. He married (2), March 25, 1869, at Perry, Helen-Martha, daughter of Joel and Hannah (Guptil) Knowlton of Charlotte, Me., born Feb. ^7, 1840, at Cherryfield, Me.; died Oct. 10, 1871, at Perry. He married (3), July 10, 1873, at Perry, Mary-Jane, daughter of John and Harriet (Wilt) Campbell of Bass River, New Bruns- wick, born Dec. 10, 1838, at Bass River; living, 1910. She was called of Perry in 1873, when she was married. (Perry Records; Records of William-Henry Lincoln, aacdh gf.) Children, by first wife, born at Perry: aacdh bda. Ellen-Maria, born June 9, 1856; died Oct. 1, 1859. aacdb bdb. George-Lowell, born May 9, 1858; died Nov. 22, 1859. aacdb bdc. Alice, born Feb. 18, 1860. She was really an adopted child, the daughter of Lydia Hall. She married (1) John O'Brien ; (2) Milton Briery; (3) Don Matthews. aacdb bdd. Adelbert, born Sept. 1, 1862; living, 1910, with his father, un- married. aacdb bde. Henry, born May 12, 1865; died July 5, 1881. Children, by second wife, born at Perry: aacdb bdf. Bertha- Adelaide, born June 10, 1870; married, Feb. 26, 1894, at Perry (also given as Feb. 17), John- Augustine, son of Thomas and Mary (Kirk) Mitchell of St. John, New Brunswick, born Nov. 2, 1871, at St. John. They were living, 1910, at Perry. Children, born at Perry: a. Walter- Augustine, born Dec. 25, 1894. h. Harry-Allen, born March 21, 1896. c. Nellie-May, born Apr. 3, 1897. d. John-Lester, born July 7, 1900; died Sept. 9, 1907. e. Doris-Blanche, born March 30, 1904. /. Alice-Josephine, born June 29, 1906. g. William, born March 31, 1910. 432 LINCOLN GENEALOGY aacdh hdg. Walter, \ ^^^^ q^^ g 1871- 1 ^^^^^S, 1910, at home, unmarried. aacdb bdh. Nellie, / * ' '\ married, Dec. 2, 1908, at Blacks Harbor, New Brunswick, Robert, son of William and Elinor (Foley) Thompson of Queenstown, Ireland, born Sept. 2, 1849, at Blacks Harbor. He is a carpenter. They were living, 1910, at Penfield, New Brunswick. Child, born at Blacks Harbor: a. Challoner-Guilford, born Oct. 2, 1909. Children, by third wife, born at Perry: aacdb bdi. Mary- Alma, born Aug. 23, 1873; living, 1910, at home, unmarried. aacdb bdj. Harriet- Amelia, born June 12, 1875; married, Dec. 7, 1897, at Perry, Arthur-Eugene, son of William and Viola (Johnson) Gilson of Perry, born March 24, 1875, at Perry. They are living, 1910, at Boston, Mass. Children, born: a, e at Eastport, Me. ; b-d at Perry; /at Taunton, Mass. : a. Teres a-Lenore, born March 18, 1899. b. Lewis-Donovan, born Jan. 19, 1901. c. Alda-May, born June 12, 1903. d. Annie-Bern ADETTE, born Aug. 13, 1905 (Aug. 11 in Perry records). e. Brooks-Lincoln, born July 19, 1907. /. Elton-Leroy, born Apr. 7, 1909. aacdb eb. George-Otis, son of Otis {Otis, William, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Mary-Richards (Jones) Lincoln of Perry, Me., born May 5, 1830, at Perry; died Apr. 11, 1899, at Milton, Mass., where he had lived. The record of his death in Massa- chusetts Vital Records makes the singular error of calling his mother Ruth Stevens, and giving his father's birthplace as Liverpool, Nova Scotia. He was a farmer. During the Civil war he was a private in Company E, 31st Maine infantry. He married, May 13, 1855, at Eastport, Me., Paulina, daughter of Jacob and Caroline (Pierce) Stannels of Eastport, born March 2, 1830, at Eastport; died Jan. 20, 1898, at Eastport. (Eastport Records; Perry Records; Records of Edmund-Sabine Lincoln, aacbd ebg.) Children, born: a, h at Eastport; c at Aroostook; d at Patten; e-g at Dennysville, Me.: aacdb eba. Jacob-Stannels, born March 31, 1856. aacdb ebb. George-Herbert, born May 15, 1858; ib dead. He was married and his widow was living in 1912 at Chicago, 111. aacdb ebc. Charles, born June 3, 1860; died Jan. 27, 1861, at Aroostook. aacdb ebd. Charles-Otis, born June 23, 1862 (he himself says June 25). He was living in 1913 at Eureka, Calif., a merchant in books and station- ery. He married in 1882 at Eastport, Fannie, daughter of Charles and SEVENTH GENERATION 433 Elizabeth (Boynton) Bell of Eastport, bom Nov. 16, 1863, at Eastport; living, 1913. They have no children. aacdb ebe. Lewis-Jones, born July 1, 1865; died Aug. 17, 1867, at Dennys- ville. aacdb ebf. Frederick, born Jan. 27, 1868; died Apr. 26, 1876, at Eastport. aacdb ebg. Edmund-Sabine, born Jan. 20, 1869. aacdb ee. Herbert-Richmond, son of Otis {Otis, William, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Mary-Richards (Jones) Lincoln of Perry, Me., born Sept. 3, 1836, at Perry. He lived until about 1890 at Perry on the old Otis Lincoln farm; then removed to Eastport, Me., and was living there in 1911. He has always been a farmer. He served for nine months during the Civil war as private in Company D, 43d Massachusetts infantry, being enrolled Aug. 25, 1862, and discharged July 30, 1863. He married (1), Nov. 1, 1863, at Dedham, Mass., Caroline- Matilda, daughter of Belcher-Sylvester and Hannah (Whiting) Wood of Dedham, born Sept. 18, 1839, at Dedham; died Oct. 25, 1876, at Perry. He married (2), Dec. 19, 1878, at Eastport, Mrs. Lizzie-Smith (Hibbert) Norton, daughter of John and Eliza (Smith) Hibbert of Perry, and widow of Seth B. Norton of Pembroke, Me. She was born Aug. 24, 1843, at Perry and died there July 3, 1890. He married (3), Apr. 30, 1892, at Lubec, Me., Mrs. Mary- Knight (Hanscom) Hoyte of Machias, Me., daughter of Peter and Lydia (Huntly) Hanscom of East Machias and widow of Otis Hoyte of Machias. She was born Jan. 28, 1851, at East Machias and was living, 1911. (Perry Records; Dedham Rec- ords; Records of Herbert-Richmond Lincoln.) Children, by first wife, born: a at Perry; h at Dedham: aacdb eea. George-Albert, born Oct. 21, 1864. aacdb eeb. Warren-Silvester, born Feb. 12, 1867; living, 1911, at Cam- bridgeport, Mass., where he was a watchman in one of the factories. He removed from Eastport to Tewksbury, Mass., and lived there until the death of his wife. In Tewksbury he was a farmer. He married, Sept. 30, 1896, at Tewskbury, Emilia-Carlson, daughter of Martin and Maria (Carlson) Ahlberg of Lowell, Mass. They are so named in the record of her death, but in her marriage record they are called John and Harriet. She was born Jan. 21, 1868, in Sweden, and died Sept. 14, 1899, at Lowell "aged thirty-one years, seven months, twenty-four days." They had no children. (Mass. Vital Records.) 28 432 LINCOLN GENEALOGY aacdh hdg. Walter, \ ^^^^^ q^^ g 1871- 1 ^^"^^^S> 1910, at home, unmarried. aacdb hdh. Nellie, / " ' 'I married, Dec. 2, 1908, at Blacks Harbor, New Brunswick, Robert, son of William and Elinor (Foley) Thompson of Queenstown, Ireland, born Sept. 2, 1849, at Blacks Harbor. He is a carpenter. They were living, 1910, at Penfield, New Brunswick. Child, born at Blacks Harbor: a. Challoner-Guilford, born Oct. 2, 1909. Children, by third wife, born at Perry: aacdb hdi. Mary- Alma, born Aug. 23, 1873; living, 1910, at home, unmarried. aacdh hdj. Harriet- Amelia, born June 12, 1875; married, Dec. 7, 1897, at Perry, Arthur-Eugene, son of William and Viola (Johnson) Gilson of Perry, born March 24, 1875, at Perry. They are living, 1910, at Boston, Mass. Children, born : a, e at Eastport, Me. ; b-d at Perry;/ at Taunton, Mass. : a. Teresa-Lenore, born March 18, 1899. b. Lewis-Donovan, born Jan. 19, 1901. c. Alda-May, born June 12, 1903. d. Annie-Bern ADETTE, born Aug. 13, 1905 (Aug. 11 in Perry records). e. Brooks-Lincoln, born July 19, 1907. /. Elton-Leroy, born Apr. 7, 1909. aacdb eb. George-Otis, son of Otis (Otis, William, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Mary-Richards (Jones) Lincoln of Perry, Me., born May 5, 1830, at Perry; died Apr. 11, 1899, at Milton, Mass., where he had lived. The record of his death in Massa- chusetts Vital Records makes the singular error of calling his mother Ruth Stevens, and giving his father's birthplace as Liverpool, Nova Scotia. He was a farmer. During the Civil war he was a private in Company E, 31st Maine infantry. He married. May 13, 1855, at Eastport, Me., PauHna, daughter of Jacob and Caroline (Pierce) Stannels of Eastport, born March 2, 1830, at Eastport; died Jan. 20, 1898, at Eastport. (Eastport Records; Perry Records; Records of Edmund-Sabine Lincoln, aacbd ebg.) Children, born: a, h at Eastport; c at Aroostook; d at Patten; e-g at Dennysville, Me. : aacdb eba. Jacob-Stannels, born March 31, 1856. aacdb ebb. George-Herbert, born May 15, 1858; ib dead. He was married and his widow was living in 1912 at Chicago, 111. aacdb ebc. Charles, born June 3, 1860; died Jan. 27, 1861, at Aroostook. aacdb ebd. Charles-Otis, born June 23, 1862 (he himself says June 25). He was living in 1913 at Eureka, Calif., a merchant in books and station- ery. He married in 1882 at Eastport, Fannie, daughter of Charles and SEVENTH GENERATION 433 Elizabeth (Boynton) Bell of Eastport, bom Nov. 16, 1863, at Eastport; living, 1913. They have no children. aacdb ebe. Lewis-Jones, born July 1, 1865; died Aug. 17, 1867, at Dennys- ville. aacdb ebf. Frederick, born Jan. 27, 1868; died Apr. 26, 1876, at Eastport. aacdb ebg. Edmund-Sabine, born Jan. 20, 1869. aacdb ee. Herbert-Richmond, son of Otis {Otis, William, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Mary-Richards (Jones) Lincoln of Perry, Me., born Sept. 3, 1836, at Perry. He lived until about 1890 at Perry on the old Otis Lincoln farm; then removed to Eastport, Me., and was living there in 1911. He has always been a farmer. He served for nine months during the Civil war as private in Company D, 43d Massachusetts infantry, being enrolled Aug. 25, 1862, and discharged July 30, 1863. He married (1), Nov. 1, 1863, at Dedham, Mass., Caroline- Matilda, daughter of Belcher-Sylvester and Hannah (Whiting) Wood of Dedham, born Sept. 18, 1839, at Dedham; died Oct. 25, 1876, at Perry. He married (2), Dec. 19, 1878, at Eastport, Mrs. Lizzie-Smith (Hibbert) Norton, daughter of John and Eliza (Smith) Hibbert of Perry, and widow of Seth B. Norton of Pembroke, Me. She was born Aug. 24, 1843, at Perry and died there July 3, 1890. He married (3), Apr. 30, 1892, at Lubec, Me., Mrs. Mary- Knight (Hanscom) Hoyte of Machias, Me., daughter of Peter and Lydia (Huntly) Hanscom of East Machias and widow of Otis Hoyte of Machias. She was born Jan. 28, 1851, at East Machias and was living, 1911. (Perry Records; Dedham Rec- ords; Records of Herbert-Richmond Lincoln.) Children, by first wife, born: a at Perry; b at Dedham: aacdb eea. George-Albert, born Oct. 21, 1864. aacdb eeb. Warren-Silvester, born Feb. 12, 1867; living, 1911, at Cam- bridgeport, Mass., where he was a watchman in one of the factories. He removed from Eastport to Tewksbury, Mass., and lived there until the death of his wife. In Tewksbury he was a farmer. He married, Sept. 30, 1896, at Tewskbury, Emilia-Carlson, daughter of Martin and Maria (Carlson) Ahlberg of Lowell, Mass. They are so named in the record of her death, but in her marriage record they are called John and Harriet. She was born Jan. 21, 1868, in Sweden, and died Sept. 14, 1899, at Lowell "aged thirty-one years, seven months, twenty-four days." They had no children. (Mass. Vital Records.) 28 436 LINCOLN GENEALOGY man who had saved others, but would not save himself'; and he was laid to rest beneath the folds of the flag he loved so well." He married (1), Sept. 14, 1854, at Eastport, Me., EHzabeth- Jacobs, daughter of Samuel J. Clarke of Eastport, perhaps also of New Haven, Conn. She died Dec. 3, 1855, at Dennysville and is buried at Eastport. She had no children. He married (2), Feb. 19, 1857, at Dennysville, Deborah- Reynolds, daughter of Solomon and Eliza (Wilder) Foster of Dennysville, born Feb. 27, 1832, at Dennysville; died there March 3, 1901, ''aged sixty-nine years, four days." (Perry Records; Dennysville Records; Records of Albert-Edward Lincoln, aacdb fcb.) Children, by second wife, born at Dennysville: aacdb fca. Elizabeth-Maria, born Nov. 11, 1857; married, Jan. 15, 1884, at Dennysville, Augustus- Jerome, son of Jerome-Bonaparte and Olive- Esther (Blanchard) Elkins of Oldtown, Me., born Nov. 1, 1856, at Lincoln, Me. He graduated at the University of Maine in 1877, taking the degree of Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering. They lived at Fergus Falls, Minn., from 1884 to 1892, and since then have lived at Minneapolis, Minn. He is a book-keeper. (Records of Mrs. Elizabeth- Maria Elkins.) Child, born at St. Paul, Minn.: a. Phyllis-Maxwell, born Jan. 1, 1890; unmarried, 1911. aacdb fcb. Albert-Edward, born Oct. 15, 1859. aacdb fee. Mary-Gilligan, born Sept. 18, 1866; died same day. aacdb fed. Harry-Foster, born Aug. 31, 1867. aacdb fee. Olive-Elkins, born Oct. 3, 1875; married, Oct. 6, 1909, at Minneapolis, Minn., Edgar-Arnold, son of James-Roscoe and Ellen- Elizabeth (Arnold) Swain of Minneapolis, born May 17, 1868, at Sara- toga, Minn. They lived first at Minneapolis where he was a tailor, but in 1913 they were living at Twodot, Mont., where he was a Congrega- tional minister and missionary. (Records of Mrs. Olive-Elkins [Lincoln] Swain.) Child, born at Minneapolis: a. Edgar- Arnold, born Feb. 23, 1911; died March 7, 1911. aacdb go. John-Melvin, son of Thompson (Otis, William j Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Sarah-Leighton (Jones) Lincoln of Perry, Me., born Aug. 25, 1833; died Jan. 8, 1866, being lost at sea on the coast of Florida with his whole family, while on his way to Florida where he had intended to settle. He lived at Pembroke, Me., and like all his brothers was a sailor. He served in the Civil war and was first lieutenant in Company F, 6th Maine infantry, and captain in the 2nd Maine cavalry. SEVENTH GENERATION 437 After the war, deciding to emigrate to Florida, he took passage in the brig ''Neva" of East Machias, Me., which sailed from New York for Jacksonville and, arriving off St. John's bar and having taken aboard her pilot, was unable to cross the bar in a terrible gale from the northeast and was lost with all on board. He married, June 1, 1855, at Pembroke, Mehitable-Ellen, daughter of Bela and Mercy (Hersey) Wilder of Pembroke, born Apr. 11, 1837, at Pembroke; died Jan. 8, 1866, at sea. (Perry Records; Boston and Maine newspapers for January, 1866; Records of William-Henry Lincoln, aacdb gf.) Children, born at Pembroke: aacdb gca. John-Thompson, born 1859; died Jan. 8, 1866. aacdb gcb. Lewis- Wadsworth, born 1861; died Jan. 8, 1866. aacdb gcc. William-Henry, born 1863; died Jan. 8, 1866. aacdb gf . William-Henry, son of Thompson (Otis, William, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Sarah-Leighton (Jones) Lincoln of Perry, Me., born Nov. 2, 1839, at Perry; living, 1911, at Perry but in poor health. He was in early life a sailor but, later, became a farmer. He was orderly sergeant in Company F, 6th Maine infantry, from 1861 to 1864, and was wounded in the battle of St. Mary's Heights, Va. He is a much respected citizen of Perry and, though a great sufferer from cancer of the throat, always cheerful. He has taken a great interest in this compilation and has furnished considerable information about the Perry branch of the family. He married, June 20, 1865, at Dennysville, Me., Sarah-Maria, daughter of John and Sarah-Leighton (Hersey) Campbell of Pembroke, Me., born March 9, 1846, at Pembroke; died Apr. 4, 1911, at Perry. (Perry Records; Records of William-Henry Lincoln.) Children, born at Perry: aacdb gfa. Ida-Ella, born Apr. 28, 1866; living, 1910, at Perry; married, July 5, 1888, at Perry, Herbert-Stanley, son of Stanley and Harriet (Stoddard) Frost of Perry, born Dec. 6, 1867, at Perry; died Jan. 4, 1904, at Perry, where he had always lived. He was a farmer. Children, born at Perry : a. Austin-Leroy, born June 12, 1889; unmarried, 1910. b. William-Stanley, born Apr. 7, 1891. c. Ethel-May, born Aug. 24, 1894. d. Lincoln-Stoddard, born Oct. 7, 1903. 438 LINCOLN GENEALOGY aacdb gfb. Nellie-Mat, born Aug. 8, 1868; married, June 27, 1894, at Perry, Frank-Herbert, son of Joseph and Ann-Maria (Wedgewood) Woodbury of Litchfield, Me., born June 10, 1869, at Litchfield. He is a jeweler. They were living, 1911, at Gardiner, Me. They have no children. aacdh gfc. Sarah-Campbell, born July 29, 1872; married, June 24, 1896, ab Perry, Stephen-Emerson, son of James and Mary (Vose) Cox of Rob- binston. Me., born Feb. 28, 1866, at Robbinston, where they were living in 1911. He is a merchant and in 1911 was town clerk and postmaster. Children, born at Robbinston: a. Gertrude-Lincoln, born Sept. 30, 1903. h. Helen-Geneva, born Apr. 10, 1907. aacdh gfd. John-Thompson, born Apr. 3, 1879; died Aug. 28, 1899, from drowning in the river at Perry. aacdb gfe. Annie-May, born March 23, 1887; married, Oct. 29, 1908, at Perry, Oscar-Elmer, son of Robert and Laura (Leach) Newcomb of Perry, born Aug. 4, 1880, at Perry. They are living, 1911, at Perry. He is a farmer. Child, born at Perry: a. Laura- Annie, born Oct. 11, 1909. aacdb ic. Nathan-Pattangall, son of Ezekiel (Otis, Wil- liam, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Sophia (Gibbs) Lincoln of Perry, Me., born Sept. 26, 1840, at Perry. He enlisted Sept. 6, 1861, at Readville, Mass., in the 1st Massachusetts cavalry, Company G, and was honorably discharged in Boston, May 16, 1865. His regiment was a part of the Army of the Potomac. In June, 1864, he was captured in a cavalry raid near Orange Court House, Va., and was imprisoned at Andersonville until March 25, 1865, when all the prisoners were released. In 1866 he was a farmer living at West Roxbury, Mass., but, later, he removed to Bridgewater, Mass., and was living there in 1913. He married, March 28, 1866, at West Roxbury, Serena- Morgan, daughter of Andrew and Nancy-Ann (Gove) Brown of Newburyport, Mass., born May 3, 1839, at Pittston, Me., though her marriage record says she was born at Newburyport; living, 1913. (Perry Records; Mass. Vital Records; Records of Nathan-Pattangall Lincoln.) Children, born: a at Newburyport; b at Vineland, N. J.; c at Cambridge, Mass. : aacdb ica. Winthrop-Clinton, born July 22, 1867. (Mass. Vital Records say July 22, 1866, at Boston.) aacdb icb. Lillian-Gertrude, bom July 13, 1869; married, Apr. 4, 1900, at East Douglas, Mass., Walter-Edgar, son of Edmund and Barbara (Aldrich) Carpenter of East Douglas, born Oct. 20, 1856, at East Douglas. SEVENTH GENERATION 439 They were living, 1914, at East Douglas. He is a farmer. (Records of Mrs. LiUian-Gertrude Carpenter.) Children, born at East Douglas : a. Walter-Lincoln, born Jan. 22, 1901. b. Barbara-Serene, born Sept. 26, 1902. c. Edgar-Nathan, born Aug. 24, 1904; died Aug. 31, 1904. d. RoswELL-DoNALD, born Feb. 17, 1907. e. Margara-Lorraine, born Apr. 24, 1908. /. Edgar-Aldrich, born Feb. 28, 1914. aacdb ice. Clara-Eudora, born Feb. 11, 1877; living, 1914, at Bridgewater, Mass., unmarried. She is a teacher and has taught in Texas, Georgia, Illinois, Rhode Island and Massachusetts. aacdb ig. John-Howard, son of Ezekiel (Otis, William, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Susan (Haymon) Lincoln of Perry, Me., born Apr. 10, 1852, at Calais, Me.; died Feb. 10, 1905, at St. Stephens, New Brunswick, being attacked with heart disease on the train, while returning from work on which he had been engaged in New Brunswick. He was a farmer and, later, a granite worker. He lived at Robbinston, Me., and, after July, 1888, in the village of Red Beach. He married (1), Nov. 8, 1873, at Perry, Mary-EHza, daughter of John and Nancy (Carlow) Trumbull of Robbinston, born July 14, 1846, at Robbinston; died there Jan. 28, 1876. He married (2), March 9, 1878, at Perry, Martha, daughter of Robert and Martha- Ann (Smith) Golding of Perry, born Aug. 22, 1855, at Perry; living, 1911, at Red Beach, Robbinston. (Perry Records; Records of Mrs. Martha [Golding] Lincoln.) Child, by first wife, born at Robbinston: aacdh iga. Bertha, born Jan. 13, 1875; married, May 18, 1901, at Red Beach, William, son of Clowds and Agnes (Kennedy) Warnick of Red Beach, born Oct. 19, 1872, at Red Beach. He is, 1911, captain of a sloop. His father, Clowds Warnick, was a native of St. John, N. B. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln were living, 1911, at Red Beach. Child, born at Red Beach: a. Ernest-Howard, born March 3, 1903. Children, by second wife, born: h-J at Robbinston; g at Red Beach : aacdb igb. Gorham-Edgar, born Apr. 2, 1879. aacdb igc. Robert-Golding, born Jan. 14, 1881. aacdh igd. Louis-DeWolf, bom Dec. 22, 1882. aacdb ige. Andrew, born Dec. 13, 1884; died Sept. 13, 1888. aacdb igf. Charles- Willis, born June 5, 1888. aacdb igg. William-Curtis, born Jan. 2, 1893. 440 LINCOLN GENEALOGY aacdb ih. George-Pottle, son of Ezekiel {Otis, William, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Maria (Watson) Lincoln of Perry, Me., born Oct. 6, 1856, at Perry; living, 1911, at Perry. He is a farmer. He married, Jan. 6, 1878, at Perry, Clementina, daughter of William and Lidia (Hurd) Hibbard of Perry, born May 14, 1846, at Perry; living, 1911. The Perry records are much con- fused as to this marriage and the date may be Dec. 6, 1877. Their intentions were published Nov. 26, and certificate was given Dec. 1, 1877. Child, born at Perry: aacdb iha. Charles, born Dec. 28, 1878; living, 1911, at Portland, Me., where he was in the employ of the Eastern Steamship Company. He is married but no particulars have been obtained. He calls himself "Charles W." aacdc ea. William-Henry, son of Henry (Henry, William, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Charlotte-Ann-Lewis (French) Lincoln of Boston, Mass., born June 13, 1835, at Boston; living, 1911, at Brookline, Mass. He was then a shipping merchant and steamship agent in Boston. In 1861 he joined in partnership with Frank N. Thayer under the firm name of Thayer & Lincoln as ship-chandlers and ship-owners. Between 1866 and 1882 the firm built or purchased forty ships. In 1870 they established a line of fortnightly sailing ships between Boston and Liverpool, England. In 1872 they established a steamship line to Liverpool and, in 1876, became interested in the Leyland line of steamships of which Mr. Lincoln became the Boston agent and, later, a director. In 1879 he established the Allan line to Glasgow. He was one of the best-known men in the trans-Atlantic trade in Boston; every movement for the commercial improvement of the city has had his endorsement, and he was highly esteemed by the business men of Boston. He has held many offices of trust and honor. From 1857 to 1861 he was secretary of the Young Men's Christian Association and in 1860 its vice-president. He was for many years a director in the National City Bank. In 1873 he was first elected a member of the Brookline school board in which he remained for twenty-two years, being for sixteen years its chairman. From 1890 to 1899 he was a member of the SEVENTH GENERATION 441 board of park commissioners of Brookline, finally declining a re-election. He was president of the Brookline Savings Bank from 1877 to 1904, when he resigned the office; a member of the State nautical commission from 1892 to 1896, and its chairman for two years; president of the Boston Commercial Club, 1883 to 1886; president of Boston Chamber of Commerce, 1900 to 1904; director of the Boston Insurance Company from 1881; and a member of the corporation of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology from 1895. He was a trustee of Wellesley College; trustee and president of the Episcopal Theological School at Cambridge; and president of the Economic Club of Boston from its formation in 1901. When a young man he joined the Inde- pendent Corps of Cadets and in May, 1862, was sworn into the service of the United States and went to Fort Warren on garrison duty. In July of the same year he was mustered out of service, with the company. He married, Apr. 21, 1863, at New York, N. Y., Celia-Frances, daughter of James- Wiggin and Eliza-Folsom (Robinson) Smith of New York, born July 1, 1838, at New York; living, 1911. (Records of William-Henry Lincoln.) Children, born at Brookline: aacdc eaa. Henry, born Feb. 25, 1864; living, 1911, at Palestine, Tex. He engaged in hotel business, first at Los Angeles, Calif., and later at San Francisco, Calif., in which business he was very successful. He left that business to go into mining in Nevada and, later, into farming in Texas, in which latter occupation he says that he and his friends were ruined by George-Graham Rice, "now on trial in New York as one of the swindlers of the Scheftel outfit." He is at present, 1911, manager of the ''Highland Farms" at Palestine, but says that he intends to return, early in 1912, to the hotel business, ''for which nature has adapted him." He married, May 7, 1910, at Houston, Tex., Anna-Mae, daughter of Jacob and Ada- line (Buchanan) Billette of Newport, Ky., born Feb. 16, 1885, at New- port. (Records of Henry Lincoln.) aacdc eab. Helen-Frances, born Apr. 8, 1866; married, Jan. 6, 1904,* at Brookline, Burdette-Loomis, son of Henry-Martyn and Sarah-Jane (Clos- son) Arms of Springfield, Vt., born Sept. 27, 1869, at Springfield. He is a graduate of the University of Vermont. He is a physician, a specialist in bacteria. The marriage was unhappy and they are separated. No chil- dren. (Hist, of Springfield, Vt., pp. 293-4.) aacdc eac. Alexander, born Oct. 31, 1873. aacdc ead. Elsie, born July 18, 1875; married, Apr. 18, 1899, at Brookline, Samuel-Cushing, son of Gilbert-Russell and Althea (Train) Payson of Watertown, Mass., born Apr. 20, 1875, at Belmont, Mass. They are ♦Massachusetts Vital Records say 1905 and that Mr. Arms was then aged 34. 442 LINCOLN GENEALOGY living, 1911, at Brookline. He is treasurer of the American Finishing and Machine Company. Children, born at Brookline: a. William-Lincoln, born June 3, 1901. h. Edith-Cushing, born March 31, 1904. aacdc ec. Richard-Mitchell, son of Henry {Henry, Wil- liam, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Charlotte-Ann-Lewis (French) Lincoln of Boston, Mass., born Dec. 26, 1838, at Boston. He was engaged in mercantile business in Boston until 1865 when he removed to the West and engaged in stock ranching in Texas and Colorado until 1894, when he returned to Massachusetts and settled in Southborough. He married, March 9, 1876, at Rosita, Colo., Virginia-Mabel, daughter of William-Lewis and Mary-Elizabeth (Lacey) Mur- ray of Sweetwater, Tenn., born July 19, 1859, at Springfield, Mo. They are living, 1911, at Southborough. (Records of Richard-Mitchell Lincoln.) Children, born at Gardner, Colo. : aacdc eca. Henry-Richardson, born Nov. 30, 1876. aacdc ecb. Charlotte, born March 4, 1878; married, Nov. 5, 1901, at Southborough, Mass., Harry- Austin, son of Henry- Austin and Mary- Ceha (Rhymes) McMaster of Southborough, born March 13, 1876, at Sharon, Mass. They are living, 1912, at Southborough. He is a mer- chant. Children, born at Southborough: a. Edith, born Dec. 21, 1908. h. Charlotte, born Sept. 4, 1910. c. Virginia, born Apr. 24, 1912. aacdc ecc. Mary-Elizabeth, born Apr. 26, 1880; married, June 10, 1908, at Southborough, Mass., Walter-EUis, son of Charles-Augustus and Laura- Josephine (Ellis) Fiske of Marlborough, Mass., born Feb. 16, 1880, at Chelsea, Mass. They were hving, 1912, at Southborough. He was then in the shoe manufacturing business. Child, born at Southborough: a. Walter-Ellis, born June 8, 1910. aacdc ecd. Mabel, born March 1, 1883; died Apr. 7, 1883. aacdc ece. Richard, born Sept. 9, 1884; living, 1912, unmarried. aacdc gb. William-Ed wakds, son of William (Henry, Wil- liam, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Mary-Moore (Francis) Lincoln of Brookhne, Mass., born July 17, 1842, at Boston, Mass. He has always been engaged in real estate and insurance business, and in 1911 was treasurer of the Brookline Savings Bank. SEVENTH GENERATION 443 He married, Oct. 20, 1880, at Brookline, Caroline-Alma, daughter of Zenas-Franklin and Julia-Frances (Tilden) Brett of Brookline, born Oct. 4, 1850, at Wareham, Mass. They are living, 1911, at Brookline. (Mass. Vital Records; Records of William-Edwards Lincoln.) Children, born at Brookline: aacdc gha. William-Otis, born Aug. 29, 1881; died May 31, 1899. aacdc ghb. Helen-Alma, born March 11, 1883; married, Dec. 18, 1915, at Brookline, Augustus, son of Augustus W. and Martha (Perkins) Locke, born Aug. 22, 1883. He graduated at Harvard college in 1904 with the degree of A.B., and in 1913 received the degree of B.S. as mining geolo- gist. They were living, 1915, in Montana. (Hist. & Genealogy of Capt. John Locke, p. 481.) aacdc ge. James-Otis, son of William (Henry, William , Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Mary-Moore (Francis) Lincoln of Brookline, Mass., born Feb. 1, 1851, at Boston. He was educated in the Brookline public schools and at Harvard col- lege where he received the degree of A.B. in 1873, and A.M. in 1881. He then studied in the Berkeley Divinity school where he graduated in 1884. He taught for one year at De Veaux college. Suspension Bridge, N. Y., and then for six years at St. Mark's school, Southborough, Mass. He was made deacon, 1884; priest, 1885, and served at Williamstown, Mass., Troy and Whitehall, N. Y., and at Topeka, Kan. Since 1893 he has been resident professor at the Church Divinity school of the Pacific coast at San Mateo and San Francisco, Calif. He and Mrs. Lincoln founded St. Dorothy's Rest for Convalescents, in 1901, at Camp Meeker, Calif., in memory of their daughter Dorothy. This charity, which is especially for children, is held by the Protestant Episcopal bishop of California as corporation sole, and is managed by five managers. Mr. Lincoln is the treasurer. He married, Oct. 6, 1885, at Middle Haddam, Conn., Nelhe- Olmsted, daughter of Robert and Sarah (Knox) Pitkin of New Orleans, La., born Nov. 8, 1860, at New Orleans. They were living, 1911, at San Francisco. (Mass. Vital Records; Records of Rev. James-Otis Lincoln; Pitkin Genealogy, p. 70, which says Mrs. Lincoln was born Nov. 8, 1861.) Children, born: a at Troy, N. Y.; 6 at Kansas City, Mo.: 444 LINCOLN GENEALOGY aacdc gea. Katharine, born Sept. 22, 1886; died Sept. 29, 1886. aacdc geb. Dorothy-Pitkin, born Dec. 10, 1891; died Feb. 19, 1900, at San Francisco. aacdc gf . Walter-Moore, son of William (Henry, William, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Mary-Moore (Francis) Lincoln of Brookline, Mass., born Nov. 10, 1852, at Boston, Mass. He married (1), Nov. 27, 1883, at Cambridge, Mass., Susan- Congdon, daughter of Avery-Tucker and Lydia-Atearn (Mor- ton) Allen of Nantucket, Mass., born Sept. 2, 1847, at Nantucket; died June 2, 1902, at Brookline. He married (2), Sept. 21, 1903, at Medford, Mass., Elisabeth- Lincoln^, daughter of Job^ {Jo¥, Jo¥, Samuel"^, Matthew^, DanieP, Matthew'^) and Salome (Abbott) Gushing of Medford, born Sept. 13, 1865, at Medford. See abbea je. They were living, 1911, at Brookline. (Records verified by Walter-Moore Lincoln.) Children, by first wife, born: a at Medford; b at Auburndale, Mass. : aacdc gfa. Morton-Francis, born Apr. 11, 1888; died Aug. 3, 1888. aacdc gfb. Mary, born March 14, 1890; died Jan. 5, 1891, at Auburndale. Child, by second wife, born at Brookline: aacdc gfc. William, born Dec. 27, 1906. aacdd da. William-Otis, son of William-Otis (Solomon, William, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Adeline (Lincoln) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Apr. 20, 1838, at Hingham; died Apr. 14, 1907, at Hingham. His early life was spent in Hingham and he always lived there even while in business in Boston, his home being on South street, near Thaxter's bridge. In the Civil war he was commissary sergeant of Company A, 1st Massachusetts cavalry. After the war he became connected with Wadsworth & Howland in Boston, dealers in paints and varnishes, and retired from active business about fifteen years before his death. For several years he was town auditor. He was a devoted layman of the Episcopal church, his activities not being confined to St. John's parish, Hingham, which he was largely instrumental in founding about 1882, and to which he gave unselfish and faithful service as vestryman and treasurer SEVENTH GENERATION 445 until his death. He was interested in the churches in the diocese, was annually elected a delegate to the diocesan convention, and had been appointed to important committees. He was a member of Edwin Humphrey Post, G. A. R., and of Old Colony Lodge, F. and A. M. He married, Aug. 17, 1870, at Albany, N. Y., Mary-Rogers, daughter of John-Rogers and Sarah-Royce (Haskell) Hoar of Pawtucket, R. I., born June 11, 1841, at Warren, R. I.; living, 1911, at Hingham. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. i, pt. i, p. 349; vol. ii, p. 475; Newspaper Notice, April, 1907; Records of Selwyn-Randall Lincoln, adcdd dae.) Children, born: a-d at Boston; e at Hingham: aacdd daa. Flora-Page, born Feb. 19, 1873; died July 31, 1873. aacdd dab. Helen-Revere, born Aug. 17, 1875; died May 9, 1876. aacdd dac. Lillian-Haskell, ] ( both graduated, Wel- i born July 9 1877-]^^^^^^ College, 1899; aacdd dad. Blanche-Adeline, f I both living, 1911, un- J I married. aacdd dae. Selwyn-Randall, born Dec. 3, 1879. aacdd dd. Revere, son of William-Otis {Solomon, William, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Adeline (Lincoln) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Dec. 2, 1846, at Hingham; died Oct. 9, 1910, at Oak Park, 111., where he had been a resident for twenty- two years and was much respected. He enlisted at Readville, Mass., July, 12, 1864, in Company F, 5th Massachusetts in- fantry, for one hundred days' service and was mustered in July 28, 1864. He served with his regiment at Fort McHenry, Baltimore, Md., on garrison duty and in guarding prisoners, and new recruits who were being sent to their regiments, and was mustered out Nov. 16, 1864, at Readville, by reason of expiration of service. He then became a clerk in a mercantile house in Boston, but removed to Chicago, 111., in 1884, and became a buyer in the linen department of Schlesinger & Mayer's store, a position he held for eight years, when he undertook a similar position with Marshall Field & Company, with whom he remained until his death. In his business relations he was known as a man loyal to duty and to his associates. He was a member of the G. A. R., the Columbian Knights, and General Grant council Royal Arcanum. He had held all the offices in 446 LINCOLN GENEALOGY the lodge and was selected several times as delegate to the grand council. He belonged to no church. He married, Aug. 5, 1868, at Woonsocket, R. I., Amanda- Melvina, daughter of Horace-Martin and Anna-Helen (Maxey) Pierce of Woonsocket, born Apr. 16, 1847, at Woonsocket; living, 1910, at Oak Park. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln had no children, but a young woman, named Isabel R., lived with them and was generally regarded as their daughter. (Records of Mrs. Revere Lincoln.) aacdd ea. Solomon, son of Solomon (Solomon, William, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Mehitable (Lincoln) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Aug. 14, 1838, at Hingham; died Oct. 15, 1907, at Boston, Mass. He graduated at Harvard college in 1857, and was the valedictorian of his class. He was tutor at Harvard in Greek, Latin and mathematics from 1858 to 1863, at the same time studying in the Law school, receiving the degree of A.M. in 1860 and of LL.B. in 1864. He was immediately admitted to the bar and for the next eighteen years he practised law in partnership with Stephen-Bradshaw Ives, Jr., at Salem, Mass., and Boston, but after 1882 was alone. He served as aide on Governor Talbot's staff 1874-9, and in the last year was commissioner to the meeting of governors of the original thirteen states. He was president of the trustees of the Boston public library from 1899 to his death, having been vice-president for the two previous years. In 1882 he was elected an overseer of Harvard college, and for several years was president of the board. He had been president of the Boston bar association and was a prominent member of the American bar association. He was a member of the Massa- chusetts Historical Society and of the American Antiquarian Society; director of the Boston Athenaeum; president of the Unitarian club; and president of the Bunker Hill Monument Association. As a lawyer his practice was large and lucrative but always scrupulously honorable. ''Personally he combined a fine dignity with many genial qualities. His presence was notable and the outer man was an index of the character of which it was the temple.^' (Boston Evening Transcript, Oct. 16, 1907; N. E. Hist. & Gen. Register, vol. Ixii, p. Ixxvi.) He SEVENTH GENERATION 447 was buried at Haydenville, Mass., but a cenotaph was erected to him at Hingham. He married, Feb. 15, 1865, at WiUiamsburg, Mass., Ellen B., daughter of Joel and Isabella- Weir (Smith) Hayden of Hayden- ville, Mass., born 1838 at Haydenville, died March 18, 1897, at Boston. Her father was lieutenant-governor of the State in 1863-6. (Mass. Vital Records.) Child, born at Salem, Mass. : aacdd eaa. Bessie, born June 28, 1868; married, Apr. 17, 1900, at Boston, Mass., Murray- Anthony, son of Edward-Edmund and Susan (Anthony) Potter of Clifton Springs, 111., born March 15, 1871, at Clifton Springs; died May 17, 1915, at Lancaster, Mass., his summer home, his winter home being in Boston. He graduated at Harvard college in the class of 1895, and was a graduate student from 1896 to 1899, receiving the degree of A.M. in 1897, and Ph.D. in 1899. At the time of his marriage he was teaching at Dartmouth college, but returned to the Harvard faculty after one year and became a member of its teaching staff as assistant professor of Spanish and French. He published two or three Spanish text books for use in his classes. Mrs. Potter is, 1922, living in Boston. They had no children. aacdd eb. Arthur, son of Solomon (Solomon, William, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Mehitable (Lincoln) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Feb. 16, 1842, at Hingham; died Dec. 11, 1902, at Boston, Mass. He graduated at Harvard college in 1863, and then entered the law school, receiving the degree of A.M. in 1866, and of LL.B. in 1865. He practised his profession in Boston, first entering the office of Lothrop & Bishop Jan. 1, 1866, but in the following January opening an office alone. In November, 1867, he became a partner with Lothrop and Bishop, the firm name being Lothrop, Bishop & Lincoln, and continued a member of this firm until its dissolution in 1879, after which he was in practice by himself. In 1876 he delivered the Memorial Day address at Hingham. In 1879 and 1880 he was representa- tive to the General Court from the first Plymouth district. On July 30, 1877, he was commissioned judge advocate, with the rank of captain, on the staff of Brigadier General Eben Sutton, and on March 3, 1882, he resigned and was discharged. He was manager, secretary and treasurer of the Boston dispensary; treasurer of the industrial School for Girls at Dorchester, Mass. ; clerk and treasurer of the Proprietors of the Social Law Library 448 LINCOLN GENEALOGY in Boston; trustee of the Derby academy, Hingham; trustee and president of the Hingham pubHc hbrary; trustee of the Massachusetts State library; director of the Hingham Mutual Fire Insurance Company; and director and secretary of the Alumni Association of Harvard college. He is buried at Hingham. He married, Dec. 17, 1863, at Boston, Serafina^, daughter of Joseph-George^ {George^, Joseph^, Benjamin'^, Thomas^, Joh'n?, Thomas^) and Serafina (Martinez) Loring of Malaga, Spain, born Aug. 27, 1849, at Malaga; living, 1914, at Boston. Her grandfather, Mr. George Loring, who was a native of Hingham, settled in business at Malaga, lived a long life there and left a large family of children, of whom Joseph-George, who was born in 1818, was the only one to come to this country, which he did in 1856 and settled in Boston. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. i, pt. i, p. 374; pt. ii, p. 332; vol. ii, p. 475; vol. iii, p. 35; Boston Evening Transcript, Dec. 12, 1902; Records of Mrs. Arthur Lincoln.) Child, born at Boston: aacdd eba. Serafina, born Sept, 2, 1884. She has always been called "Se- rita," the Spanish diminutive of Serafina. She married, Oct. 4, 1911, at Boston, Matthew, son of Nelson-Slater and Isabel-Hazard (Bullock) Bartlett of Boston, born Apr. 2, 1879, at Boston. He graduated at Harvard college in 1901. They live at Beverly Farms, Mass. Child, born at Brookline, Mass. : a. Serita, born Dec. 9, 1912. aacdd ec. Francis-Henry, son of Solomon {Solomon, Wil- liam, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Mehitable (Lincoln) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Apr. 14, 1846, at Hingham; died July 7, 1911, at Boston, Mass. He was educated at Derby academy, Hingham, and at Harvard college, receiving the degree of A.B. in 1867, and A.M. in 1871. In 1873 he was elected secretary of his class, retaining the office until his death. After graduation he was associated with the dry-goods firm of A. Hamilton & Company of Boston until they were burned out in the great fire of 1872. He then went into the real estate business with Alexan- der S. Porter and in June, 1873, opened an office for himself to conduct general real estate and insurance business. In this he continued during his life, but he had many outside interests. He was president and director of the Hingham Mutual Fire SEVENTH GENERATIO^^ 449 Insurance Company; president of the Massachusetts Mutual Fire Insurance Union; president and trustee of the Hingham Institution for Savings; director of the Hingham Cemetery; and trustee of Loring Hall in Hingham and of the Hingham public library. He served for many years on the school committee of Hingham. He belonged to the Society of Colonial Wars; the Massachusetts Society of the Sons of the American Revolution, of which he was long State historian; the Bunker Hill Monument Association, which he had served as treasurer; the Colonial Society; the New England Historic-Genealogical Society; and the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel among the Indians and Others of North America. He was also treasurer of the American Unitarian Association. He contributed nine chapters to the History of Hingham, being the greater portion of part two of volume one and all of great historical value. He was much interested in the family genealogy and was expected to be of great assistance in the compilation of this volume. He lived all his life in Hingham. He married, June 1, 1875, at Hingham, Anna-Francis^, daugh- ter of Abner-Loring^ (John^, John^, James^, John^, John?, Richard^) and Lydia- Jacobs (Ripley) Baker of Hingham, born March 22, 1845, at Hingham; living, 1913, at Hingham. (Boston Evening Transcript, July 7, 1911; Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, pp. 19, 475.) Child, born at Hingham: aacdd eca. Francis-Henry, born Dec. 2, 1876. aafff gh. Frederick-Lewis, son of Lewis (Elisha, Ezekiel, Elisha, Samuel, Samuel) and Mary-Avery (Souther) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Feb. 8, 1856, at Cohasset. He is a car- penter, living, 1909, at Cohasset on Sohier street. He married, July 1, 1886, at Cohasset, Mary-Adella, daughter of James-Edward and Catherine-Amelia (Walker) Ward of North Alton, Nova Scotia, born Oct. 6, 1869, at North Alton; living, 1909. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 246; Records of Sarah-Lewis Lincoln, aafff gha.) Child, born at Cohasset: ««/// gha. Sarah-Lewis, born March 2, 1887; living, 1909, at Cohasset, un- married. 29 450 LINCOLN GENEALOGY abbea ca. Francis-Mayhew, son of Jerome {Jerome, Fran- cis, Hezekiah, Daniel, Samuel) and Nancy (Pratt) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Dec. 20, 1804, at Cohasset, though ^'Cohasset Genealogies" says Jan. 7, 1805, probably the date of baptism. He died June 29, 1862, at Cohasset. He was a farmer and lived at Cohasset on Beechwood street, corner of Doane street, but in the record of his death he is called "carpenter." " Cohasset Genealogies " is in error in stating that he was wrecked on the fishing schooner "Maine" in 1846 in Massachusetts Bay, when his son Ezekiel was lost, having confused him with his son, Francis-Mayhew, Jr. He married, June 7, 1824, at Scituate, Mass., Sarah^, daughter of SamueP (William'^, John^, Thomas^, Thomas^) and Hannah (Studley) Hyland of Scituate, born March 23, 1797, at Scituate; died May 13, 1863, at Cohasset. Both Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln are buried in Beechwood cemetery and their gravestones are thus inscribed: "Francis M. Lincoln J died June 29, 1862 | aged 57 years, t Ezekiel his son lost at sea t Aug. 16, 1846 J aged 11 yrs." "Sarah t wife of t Francis M. Lincoln t died May 13, 1863 t aged 66 yrs." (Cohasset Records; Cohasset Genealogies, p. 244; Scituate Records; Hist, of Cohasset, pp. 428-431.) Children, born at Cohasset: abhea caa. Almira, bom July 24, 1824; died Apr. 5, 1903, at Cohasset; married, Feb. 18, 1844, at Cohasset, Thomas Williams who was born April, 1818, in England and died Sept. 28, 1890, at Cohasset. His parents died in his childhood and he came to America alone. He was a mariner living, at the time of his marriage, at Boston, but he removed immediately to Cohasset and became a fisherman and farmer. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 482.) Children, born at Cohasset : a. George, born May 7, 1845; died Dec. 4, 1899, at Tewksbury, Mass. h. Louisa-Jane, born Aug. 10, 1847; mar. William Litchfield. c. James-Franklin, born Sept. 8, 1849; mar. Mary-EUzabeth Rich. d. Samuel-Lincoln, born Sept. 10, 1851; mar. Augusta Burbank. e. Sarah-Francis, born July 27, 1854; mar. Robert-Lorenzo Curtis. /. Nancy-Caroline, born Oct. 28, 1856; died Nov. 4, 1873, un- married. g. Ezekiel-Thomas, born Sept. 1, 1859; mar. Caroline-Adelaide Manuel. h. Ida-May, born Jan. 6, 1862; mar. Howard-Ellms Litchfield. SEVENTH GENERATION 451 i. Charles-Herbert, born Sept. 13, 1866; mar. Jennie Walker. j. Wallace-Clarence, born Dec. 4, 1870; mar. Addie Leonard, abbea cab. Isaiah, born Jan. 31, 1826. abbea cac. Francis-Mayhew, born Apr. 29, 1827. abbea cad. Samuel, born Jan. 1, 1828. abhea cae. Hannah, born Dec. 7, 1830; living, 1911, at Cohasset; married, Nov. 24, 1853, at Hingham, Mass. (according to Massachusetts Vital Records but the intentions were published at Cohasset Nov. 26), Frank- lin-Jacobs^, son of Isaac-Newton^ (Stephen^) and Judith-Litchfield (Da- mon) Damon of Scituate, Mass., born Apr. 10, 1826, at Scituate; died May 29, 1882, at Cohasset. He was a blacksmith and lived at Cohasset on Pleasant street. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 127; Scituate Records.) Children, born at Cohasset: a. Ida-May-Cushing, born May 1, 1854; died Jan. 12, 1861. b. Franklin- Wall ACE, born Dec. 23, 1855; died Sept. 6, 1861. c. Marietta-Lincoln, born Apr. 24, 1858; died Sept. 7, 1862. d. Newcomb-Lincoln, born Oct. 31, 1860; mar. Ameha-Ripley Snow. e. Edward-Jacob, born Aug. 2, 1869; died June 29, 1876. ahbea caf. Eliza-James, born Nov. 16 or 18, 1832; died Jan. 11, 1894, at Norwell, Mass.; married, Dec. 26, 1851, at Cohasset, George-Edward, son of WilUam-Garrett and Margaret (Powers) Ainslie of Halifax, Nova Scotia, born Jan. 20, 1831, at Halifax; died Feb. 6, 1905, at Norwell. They are buried in Beechwood cemetery, Cohasset. He was first a mariner but, later, a shoemaker. They lived at first at Cohasset but removed to Norwell after the birth of their children. (Cohasset Genealo- gies, p. 2; Mass. Vital Records.) Children, born at Cohasset: a. Susan-Ellen, born Oct. 12, 1852; mar. Wilbur-Francis Gardner. b. Henrietta-Maria, born March 22, 1855; mar. William- Wallace Apts. c. George- William, born July 30, 1857; mar. Belinda Arnold. d. Atwood-Ingalls, born March 23, 1860; mar. Sarah Haskell. e. A SON, born Sept. 30, 1862; died soon. /. Mary-Eva, born July 16, 1868; mar. Ben jamin-Se well Litchfield. g. Henry- Wilbur, born Dec. 31, 1870; died same day. h. A CHILD, born March 15, 1873; died March 16, 1873. i. Albert- Wallace, born June 10, 1875 ; mar. Mary-Jane Emerson. abbea cag. Mary, born Feb. 2, 1835; living, 1911, at Beechwoods, Cohasset; married, Nov. 27, 1853, at Cohasset, William-Osborn^, son of Osbom^ (Ziba^) and Silence-Tower (Lincoln) Wood of Cohasset, born Oct. 11, 1827, at Cohasset; died there Feb. 21, 1904. His mother was descended from Daniel Lincoln, the sergeant. He was a shoemaker. They lived at Cohasset on King street. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 488.) Children, born at Cohasset: a. Mary-Snow, born Sept. 11, 1854; died Sept. 19, 1858. b. Emma-Melville, born June 1, 1856; died Sept. 9, 1858. c. Cyrus- William, born Nov. 6, 1859; mar. Martha-Franklin Curtis. d. Martha-Cottle, born March 9, 1867; mar. Henry-Herbert Gardner.* ♦Cohasset Genealogies gives them Emma E., but this is said to be an error. 452 LINCOLN GENEALOGY ahbeacah. Ezekiel, born Aug. 30, 1837; drowned in the wreck of the "Maine," Aug. 16, 1846. ahbea cai. Ellen-Maria, born June 20, 1839; living, 1911, at Beechwoods, Cohasset; married (1), published Dec. 6, 1856, at Cohasset, Silas-Damon^, son of Freeman^ {Silas^, Daniel^, Josiah*, Nicholas^, Josiah^, Lawrence^) and Lucy (Damon) Litchfield of Scituate, Mass., born Oct. 29, 1830, at Scituate; died Aug. 25, 1910, at Scituate. He was a shoemaker. They lived at Beechwoods, but the marriage proved unhappy and they were divorced in 1869. She married (2), May 20, 1871, at Cohasset, Warren*, son of Silas^ {Silas^, Silas^) and Ruth (Cook) Newcomb of Hingham, Mass., born March 16, 1832, at Hingham; died Feb. 17, 1904, at Cohasset. She was his second wife, he having married (1), Nov. 30, 1854, Ann-Maria Arnold, who died July 21, 1867, and by whom he had two children. He served in the Civil war in Company D, Massachusetts heavy artillery. He was a shoemaker and lived at Cohasset. (Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 258, 296; Scituate Records; Mass. Vital Records; Hist, of Hingham, vol. iii, p. 81.) Children, by first husband, born at Scituate : a. Lizzie-Maria Litchfield, born Oct. 24, 1857; died June 27, 1860. 6. Mary-Elizabeth Litchfield, born Aug. 12, 1862 (or Oct 29); mar. William- Webster Bates. c. Silas-Damon Litchfield, bom Apr. 19, 1864; mar. Lily W. (Petersen) Eldred. Children, by second husband, born at Cohasset : d. Ellen-Frances Newcomb, born July 26, 1869; mar. Joseph Ruso. e. Hattie-Colberth Newcomb, born Oct. 20, 1872; living, 1911, unmarried.* abbea mb. Martin-Jerome, son of Martin (Jerome, Francis, Hezekiah, Daniel, Samuel) and Nancy (Jenkins) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Apr. 17, 1836, at Cohasset; living, 1911, at Taunton, Mass., whither he had removed from Cohasset about 1864. He is a machinist. He married, Jan. 30, 1862, at Cohasset, Ann-Jane^ daughter of George^ (James^, James^, Richard^) and Cynthia (Collier) Hall of Cohasset, born Jan. 31, 1839, at Cohasset; living, 1911. (Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 175, 244; Cohasset Records; Hails of New England, p. 650, which says Ann-Jane was born Jan. 30, 1839.) Children, born: a at Cohasset; b-e at Taunton: abbea mba. Edward-Hall, born May 24, 1863. abhea mbb. Winslow-Hall, born March 17, 1865; died Sept. 6, 1865. abbea mbc. William-Ellis, born June 27, 1868; died Nov. 10, 1868. *A family record says she was born 1873 and that Silas-Damon Litchfield was born in 1866. SEVENTH GENERATION 453 abbea mbd. George-Martin, born March 28, 1873. ahbea mhe. Charles-James, born July 8, 1878; living, 1911, unmarried. abbea mh. Charles-Cushing, son of Martin (Jerome, Francis, Hezekiah, Daniel, Samuel) and Nancy (Jenkins) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Jan. 8, 1847,* at Cohasset; died May 16, 1913, at New York. He was a merchant and lived at Brooklyn, N. Y. He married, Jan. 8, 1874, at Dover, N. H., Flora-Estella, daughter of Ivory and Olive (Plummer) Hayes of Brooklyn, born June 3, 1854; died Sept. 9, 1907, at Westport, Conn. (Records of Miss Annie-Elizabeth Lincoln, ahbea mi.) Children, born at Brooklyn: abbea mha. Edith-Estelle, born Oct. 21, 1874; died Feb. 2, 1875. abbea mhb. Florence-Hayes, born March 7, 1876; died Nov. 15, 1889, at Springfield, Mass. abbea mhc. Fred-Jerome, born March 6, 1881. abbea mhd. Harry-Francis, born Oct. 14, 1882. abbec bb. Henry, son of Joseph (Zenas, Francis, Hezekiah, Daniel, Samuel) and Mary-Humphrey (Nichols) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Oct. 1, 1812, at Cohasset; died Nov. 9, 1842, at Boston, Mass., and was buried at Cohasset. He was, according to his son Richard, a carpenter and builder and lived at Boston, but ''Cohasset Genealogies'' says that he lived on Elm street, Cohasset, and that his children were born there. He married, Nov. 24, 1839, at Boston, by Rev. Edwin Burn- ham, Ophelia, daughter of William and Hepzibah (Lincoln) Whittington of Cohasset, aaffi j, born Feb. 21, 1813, at Co- hasset; died Oct. 17, 1898, at Dedham, Mass. She married (2), Jan. 18, 1852, at Cohasset, James, son of Thomas and Susannah (Stoddard) Willcutt of Cohasset, born Sept. 27, 1801, at Co- hasset; died there Dec. 8, 1864. He was a cooper and lived on Elm street, Cohasset. His first wife, Priscilla-Nichols Lothrop, by whom he had five children, died Aug. 3, 1845, at Cohasset. (Cohasset Records; Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 245, 479-80; Boston Records.) *The Cohasset records call the child of hia parents born on this date Andrew-Jackson, but this is an error of the records according to all the members of the family, who agree that Martin had no child of that name. 454 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Children, born at Cohasset: abbec bba. Richard-Henry, born Oct. 12, 1840. ahbec hhb. Alfred-Whittington, born March 25, 1843, but "Cohasset Genealogies" says March 2. He died Jan. 24, 1875, at Cohasset, un- married. He was a salesman. He served in the Civil war in the U. S. navy as a landsman on the S. S. "Montgomery." abbec be. Joseph, son of Joseph (Zenas, Francis, Hezekiah, Daniel, Samuel) and Mary-Humphrey (Nichols) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Dec. 15, 1819, at Cohasset; died Jan. 28, 1880, at Boston, Mass. He lived at Boston and was a carpenter. He married, July 6, 1840, at Boston, by Rev. Robert Turnbull, Elizabeth, daughter of William-Henry and Elizabeth (Northey) Neville of Boston, born March 10, 1822, at Boston; living, 1911, at Roxbury, Mass., with her son Winthrop, and remarkably well preserved at the advanced age of ninety years. Her father was an Englishman by birth and a skilled wood-carver. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 241; Boston Records; Mass. Vital Records; Rec- ords of Mrs. Elizabeth [Neville] Lincoln.) Children, born at Boston: dbhec hea. Guy-Alvin-Theodore, born Oct. 27, 1850; died July 29, 1895, at Boston, unmarried. He was a homceopathic physician. dbhec beb. Lucy-Josephine-Elizabeth, ] r died Dec. 13, I born Sept. 5,* 1857;] 1857. abbec bee. Winthrop-Dallas, J [ he is living, 1911, at Roxbury, Mass., with his mother, unmarried. He is employed by Doud, Blake and Company, wholesale druggists, in Boston. abbec bg. Zenas-Dallas, son of Joseph {Zenas, Francis, Hezekiah, Daniel, Samuel) and Mary-Humphrey (Nichols) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Sept. 23, 1823, at Cohasset; died March 22, 1902, at Cohasset. He was in 1861 engaged in the clothing business in Boston, Mass., and lived there, but he returned to Cohasset and was engaged in the coal business. He married (1), Apr. 17, 1850, at Cohasset, Frances-Ellen, daughter of Charles and Ann Coney of Portland, Me., born March 15, 1830, at Portland; died Jan. 9, 1871, at Cohasset. Her father was a native of Roxbury, Mass.; her mother was born at Haverhill, Mass. He married (2), Nov. 27, 1890, at Cohasset, Nina-EKzabeth, ♦Massachusetts Vital Renords say Sept. 21. SEVENTH GENERATION 455 daughter of Joseph-Henry and AHce-Susan (Crawford) Higgins of Charlestown, Mass., born June 28, 1868, at Charlestown; living, 1911, at Cohasset. She has had no children. Mr. Lincoln and his first wife are buried in Central burying ground, Cohasset. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 245; Mass. Vital Records.) Child, by first wife, born at Boston: abbec bga. Fanjjt-Ellen, bom May 4, 1861; died Nov. 19, 1871, at Cohasset. abbec bi. Louis-Nichols, son of Joseph {Zenas, Francis ^ HezeJciah, Daniel, Samuel) and Mary-Humphrey (Nichols) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Jan. 27, 1827, at Cohasset; died Aug. 10, 1899, at Cohasset. He lived at Cohasset on Elm street, in the house of his father and of his grandfather Nichols. He was engaged in coal business with his brother, Zenas-Dallas. He was selectman, 1870-1877; assessor for the same period and an overseer of the poor, 1871-1877. He married, Nov. 15, 1850, at Cohasset, Eliza-Ann, daughter of John and Abigail Livingston of Boston, Mass., born 1827 at Boston; died Dec. 28, 1903, at Cohasset *'aged seventy-five years." (Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 245, 509; Mass. Vital Records.) Child, born at Cohasset: abbec bia. Effie-Florence, born Sept. 25, 1852; died Oct. 21, 1872, at Co- hasset, unmarried. abbec bl. Ezekiel-Wallis, son of Joseph (Zenas, Francis, Hezekiah, Daniel, Samuel) and Mary-Humphrey (Nichols) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Nov. 26, 1832, at Cohasset; died July 14, 1871, at Boston, Mass. He was a *' salesman'* and lived at Boston. He married, Oct. 12, 1854, at Boston, Nancy-Franklin, daughter of Thomas- Webb and Sarah-Duxbury (Wyatt) Brown of Boston, born May 30, 1835, at Boston; living, 1911. (Co- hasset Genealogies, p. 241; Mass. Vital Records; Records of Leon-Girard Lincoln, ahhec hla.) Child, born at Boston: abbec bla. Leon-Girard, born June 27, 1856; living, 1911, at Boston, an as- sistant wharfinger at 50 Central wharf. He married, Aug. 17, 1907, at Boston, Frances-Louisa, daughter of Charles-Harris and Louisa-Frances 456 LINCOLN GENEALOGY (Adams) Smith of Boston, born Sept. 25, 1862, at Boston. Her father was born at Foxborough, Mass., her mother at Medford, Mass. They have no children. abbec fb. Allen, son of Thomas (Zenas, Francis, Hezekiah, Daniel, Samuel) and Nancy (Norcross) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Nov. 24, 1814, at Cohasset; died July 5, 1889, at Woburn, Mass. He was a graduate of Dartmouth college in the class of 1839, and was an intimate friend of Edward Webster, son of Daniel Webster. In his college days he published a "Student Account Book," showing in those days a bent of mind of which he availed himself in his business life. He entered the ministry and became pastor of the Congregational church at Gray, Me., where he remained for fourteen years until 1859 or 1860, when he accepted the pastorate of a mission church in Lynn, Mass., which he held for about four years. His voice failing he retired from the ministry and entered business life as book-keeper for a roofing company, which position he held until about a year before his death, living at Woburn. He married (1), May 20, 1840, at Manchester, N. H., Lucy, daughter of Stephen and Almira (Kendall) Richardson of Woburn, born Jan. 11, 1820, at Woburn; died July 25, 1846, at Gray. "Vinton Memorial" and "Richardson Memorial" give May 21 as the date of marriage. In their intentions, pub- lished at Cambridge, Mass., Apr. 11, she is called of Goffstown, N. H. He married (2), Aug. 17, 1847, at Auburn, Me., Julia-Ann, daughter of Asa and Mary (Beals) Holmes of Auburn, born May 5, 1821, at Minot, Me.; died Oct. 10, 1855, at Gray. The Portland, Me., Commissioners' records give Aug. 7 as the date of the marriage, but this was probably the date of publishing the intentions. He married (3), Apr. 16, 1856, at Woburn, Martha, daughter of Joseph and Patty (Pierce) Gardner of Woburn, born July 2, 1816, at Woburn; died Dec. 28, 1891, at Woburn. (Mass. Vital Records; New Hampshire Records; County Commissioners' Records at Portland, Me.; Woburn Records; Medway Records; Vinton Memorial, p. 233; Richardson Memorial, p. 444; Pierce Genealogy, 1882, p. 107; Records of Miss Julia-Holmes Lincoln, abhec fbc.) SEVENTH GENERATION 457 Children, by first wife, born at Gray: ahhec fba. Lucy-Allen, born Aug. 7, 1842; died Apr. 21, 1883, at Woburn; married, Nov. 1, 1865, at Woburn, Cyrus-Bowen, son of Cyrus and Ellen Richardson of Cambridge, Mass., born, 1842, at Cambridgeport. He was an engineer, living, 1865, at WolDurn and then aged twenty-three years. Children : a. Charles-Marshall. b. Frank-Lincoln, born Aug. 21, 1878. c. Lucy-Allen, born Jan. 6, 1883; died Aug. 19, 1883. abbec fbb. A son, born and died June 7, 1846. Children, by second wife, born at Gray: abbec fbc. Julia-Holmes, born Apr. 2, 1850; living, 1911, unmarried. abbec fbd. Charles-Hobart, born Oct. 6, 1855. Child, by third wife, born at Gray: abbec fbe. Joseph-Gardner, born Dec. 4, 1858; died Jan. 22, 1877, at Am- herst, Mass., where he was attending college. abbec fd. Thomas, son of Thomas {Zenas, Francis, Hezekiah, Daniel, Samuel) and Nancy (Norcross) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Dec. 9, 1817, at Cohasset; died May 22, 1882, at Somerville, Mass. He lived at first at Saugus, Mass., and at the time of his marriage is described as an ^'expressman." He afterwards removed to Somerville and was engaged in the fur- niture and upholstery business with A. H. Allen in Dock square, Boston. He married, June 14, 1840, at Medford, Mass., Harriet, daughter of John and Abigail Tufts of Somerville, born Sept. 19, 1819, at Somerville; died June 24, 1883, at Taunton, Mass., in the Insane Hospital, having become insane after her husband's death. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 242; Saugus Records; Medford Records; Goldthwaite Genealogy, pp. 258, 315; Records of Mrs. Edward-Maynard Lincoln, abbec fdc.) Children, born at Saugus: abbec fda. Mary P., born 1841; died Apr. 19, 1891, tat Boston; married, Apr. 8, 1862, at Lynn, Mass., Nathan- Albert, son of Elbridge (or Eldridge) and Eliot Merriam of Billerica, Mass., born 1840, at Boxford, Mass. They lived at Somerville and at Charlestown, Mass. He was a farmer. (Mass. Vital Records.) Child, born at Lynn : a. Harriet E., born March 26, 1868; died March 16, 1875, at Boston, ''aged 7 years, 11 months, 18 days." abbec fdb. Madeline, born May 4, 1848 (Mass. Vital Records say 1849; family records say 1847); died June 28, 1910, at Dorchester, Mass.; 458 LINCOLN GENEALOGY married, Nov. 24, 1875, at Charlestown, Mass., Simon, son of Jacob and Mary-Ann ( [McCloud] Burns) Goldthwaite of Bangor, Me., born Apr. 22, 1851, at Bangor. He is, 1911, in the furniture and upholstery business in Roxbury district, Boston, living at Dorchester. He married (1) Annie B., daughter of George B. and Mary Robertson, who died Feb. 15, 1873, at Somerville. Children, born at Somerville: a. Alice-Lincoln, born Aug. 25, 1876; mar. Sewell-Albert Carroll. h. Berenice-Frances, born Apr. 20, 1881; living, 1911, unmarried. c. Ralph-Percival, born Oct. 14, 1882; mar. Lillian Heyward. abbec fdc. Edward-Maynard, born Sept. 25, 1858. abbhc db. Robert-Beals, son of Robert-Beals {Ohadiahj Hezekiah, Hezekiah, Daniel, Samuel) and Susan (Knott) Lincoln of Boston, Mass., born Nov. 3, 1844, at Boston; died June 9, 1909, at Waltham, Mass. He was a machinist in early life but became a manufacturer of machinery and was president of the Waters Governor Company. He lived at Boston. He married, Oct. 8, 1866, at Boston, Helen-Francenia, daugh- ter of Ira-Rowell and Louisa (Daniels) Philbrick of Boston, born Jan. 9, 1845, at Nashua, N. H.; living, 1912, at Boston. (Mass. Vital Records; Records of Mrs. Helen-Francenia Lincoln.) Children, born: a, e-g at Boston; b-d at Kittery, Me.: ahhhc dba. Frederick-Herbert, born May 28, 1867; died July 11, 1910, at Philadelphia, Pa. He was an electrical engineer and lived at Philadelphia. He married, Apr. 16, 1890, at Richmond, Ind., Addie, daughter of Josiah-Campbell and Rebecca (Young) Long of Richmond, born Apr. 19, 1865, at Richmond; living, 1912. They had no children. ahhhc dhh. Edith-Hattie, born Jan. 25, 1870; living, 1912, unmarried. ahhhc dhc. Susan-Russell, born March 22, 1872; married, Jan. 31, 1898, at Waltham, Mass., Nathan-Ellsworth, son of Nathan and Susan-Hardy (Chadbourne) Smith of Waltham, born Jan. 31, 1866, at Lexington, Mass. They are living, 1912, at Waltham. He is a farmer. Children, born at Waltham: a. Mabel-Edith, born Aug. 3, 1898. 6. Nathan, born Nov. 11, 1900. ahhhc dhd. Fannie-Biddle, born Aug. 25, 1874; married, July 31, 1907, at Worcester, Mass., Harry-Austin, son of Taylor-Fillmore and Maria- Jane (Hall) Smith of Wakefield, Mass., born Apr. 11, 1877, at Melrose, Mass. They are living, 1912, at Waverly, Mass. He is a book-keeper. Child, born at Roxbury, Mass.: a, Florence-Jeannette, born Feb. 24, 1908. ahhhc dhe. Edward-Reynold, born July 4, 1878; married, Sept. 14, 1905, at Waltham, Mass., Ethel-Agnes, daughter of Clarence-Llewellyn and Edith (Ashley) Wentworth of Waltham, born Feb. 22, 1883, at Waltham. They are living, 1912, at Waltham. He is a book-keeper. They have no children. SEVENTH GENERATION 459 ahbhc dbf. Alice-Louise, born May 30, 1882; living, 1912, unmarried. dbbhc dbg. Robert-Beals, born May 11, 1885; died May 3, 1892, at Boston. abbhc dc. George-Henry, son of Robert-Beals {Ohadiah, Hezekiah, Hezekiah, Daniel, Samuel) and Susan (Knott) Lin- coln of Boston, Mass., born July 3, 1846, at Boston. He is, 1911, an iron-founder, living at Boston. He married, Oct. 29, 1871, at Boston, Adeline-Louise, daughter of Charles-Andrew and Adeline (Tall) Bodge, of Boston, born June, 1851, at Boston; living, 1911. Massachusetts Vital records call her aged twenty-five years when married. (Mass. Vital Records; Boston Records; Records of George-Henry Lincoln.) Child, born at Boston: abbhc dca. George-Luther, born Oct. 8, 1874. He graduated at Harvard college in 1896, taking the degree of A.B., and in 1897 he received the degree of A.M. In 1899 and 1900 he was instructor in French at Leland Stanford University, and in the latter year was appointed assistant professor of French at Kansas University, which position he resigned in 1905, returning to Cambridge where he pursued a graduate course at Harvard until 1909, when he was appointed instructor in Romance languages. He is living, 1911, with his father in Boston. He married, July 27, 1910, at Madrid, Spain, Elizabeth-Marian, daughter of William- Hooker and Alice (Gordon) Gulick of Madrid, born Aug. 5, 1879, at Santander, Spain. Mr. Gulick is an American by birth. (Records of George-Luther Lincoln.) adaaa aa. Abraham, son of Mordecai {Abraham , John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Mary (Mudd) Lincoln of Washington county, K}^, born probably in Washington county; died March, 1852, at Fountain Green, Hancock county. 111., whither he is said to have removed before 1830. His name first appears in the Hancock county records March 15, 1836, when he and his wife Elizabeth sold for $100 the north west 3^ of the south west 34 of section 25 township 6, containing forty acres. He was then called of Hancock county and the deed was wit- nessed by Benjamin Mudd, who was probably his wife's brother. (Hancock County Deeds, Book B, p. 221.) Mr. Lincoln was a farmer and held the office of justice of the peace, which shows that he was a man of standing in the community. His will dated Oct. 14, 1851, filed for probate March 25, 1852, calls him of Fountain Green and names: daughters Mary-Jane 460 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Lincoln, Parmelia Lincoln and Ellen Lincoln, to whom is left *'the farm upon which I now reside -so long as they remain un- married"; sons Hezekiah Lincoln and Nicholas Lincoln, to whom is left ''one horse saddle and bridle worth $75. and to each one yoke of oxen"; and son Robert Lincoln to whom is left "such sums of money as I may have given him." Mr. Lincoln married Elizabeth Mudd, of whom nothing has been learned. She was probably a cousin and evidently died before him as she is not named in his will. Four of their children are buried at La Harpe, 111., their gravestones being inscribed as follows: ''Nicholas t Lincoln t 3rd Son & 6th child t of t Abraham % Lincoln | of Fountain Green J Township { Died J Mar. 7, 1888 t aged t 53 y's, 9 Ms. t & H Ds. t Eternal Rest grant to him O Lord t And let perpetual light shine on him." "Mary J t Lincoln t 2nd Dau. & 3rd Child t of t Abraham % Lincoln { Died t Aug. 29, 1888 t Call not back the dear de- parted t Anchored safe where storms are o'er. J On the border land we left them J Soon to meet and part no more." "Hezekiah Lincoln J Died t Sept. 25, 1888 J Aged J 59 Yrs. 1 Mo. 16 Ds." "PermeHa A. J Lincoln t Died t Dec. 12, 1895." Children, born: a-e in Kentucky; /-gr in Illinois: adaaa aaa. Priscilla, married John Smith and removed to Kentucky, where her only daughter was born whose children were living in 1895 at Springfield, Ky. Mrs. Hezekiah Lincoln says that she never removed to Illinois, with her parents, but remained in Kentucky and was married there. Child, born in Kentucky: a. Priscilla-Florida, married (1) John Anderson; (2) Charles C. McGill. adaaa aab. Parmelia, died Dec. 12, 1895, at La Harpe, 111., unmarried. The petition of Charles C. McGill of Springfield, Ky., represents that Permelia Lincoln, late of Hancock county, 111., died at La Harpe Dec. 12, 1895, intestate, leaving real and personal estate . . . and no husband nor brothers and sisters; that her sole and only heirs, so far as known, are John O. L. Anderson, Clement C. McGill, Mary E. McGill and Robert J. McGill, all of whom are minor children of Priscilla-Florida, who was a daughter of Priscilla Smith, who was a sister of Permelia Lincoln, deceased, all of which children now live in Springfield, Ky., and are under age. Your petitioner, the father of the three last and step father of the first . . . etc. (Probate Records of Hancock County, 111.) SEVENTH GENERATION 461 adaaa aac. Mary-Jane, died Aug. 29, 1888, at La Harpe, 111., where she is buried. adaaa aad. Robert, died Sept. 5, 1868, in Hancock county, 111., unmarried and intestate, and George W. Bachelder was appointed his administrator. In the settlement of his estate the following are named as his only heirs at law: "Mary Jane Lincoln of whom said administrator is conservator, Hezekiah Lincoln, Nicholas Lincoln, Priscilla Smith, Pamelia Lincoln, and Ellen Sullivan, being his brothers and sisters." adaaa aae. Hezekiah, born Aug. 9, 1829; died Sept. 25, 1888, at La Harpe, 111. He was a farmer, lawyer and merchant, living first at Fountain Green, on the old homestead, and, later, at La Harpe. His will, dated Sept. 23, probated Oct. 23, 1888, names wife Phoebe A. Lincoln and leaves to her '*my undivided one half interest in the home farm at Foun- tain Green, known as the 'Abraham Lincoln Farm.' " He married, Jan. 14, 1869, at Peoria, 111., Phoebe-Ann, daughter of Peter and Ann (Hyers) Brewer, born Nov. 26, 1833, at Williamson, N. Y.; living, 1916, at La Harpe. They had no children. (Information of Mrs. Hezekiah Lincoln; Hancock County Records.) adaaa aaj. Nicholas, born May 24, 1834; died March 7, 1888, unmarried, at La Harpe, 111., where he is buried. adaaa aag. Ellen, died before Dec. 12, 1895, at Fort Worbh, Tex., married, Nov. 28, 1861, in Hancock county. 111., John Sullivan. They removed to Texas and lived at Dallas and Forth Worth. (Hancock County Records.) They had no children. adaaa ab. James-Bradford, son of Mordecai {Abraham, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Mary (Mudd) Lincoln of Washington county, Ky., and Hancock county, 111., born in Washington or Grayson county, Ky.; died November, 1837, at Fountain Green, 111. He received no school education but, nevertheless, is said to have been better educated in the common branches of learning than most men of his time with whom he was associated. He was a carpenter by trade and lived in Grayson county, Ky., until October, 1829, when he removed to Sangamon county. 111., and thence in 1831 to Fountain Green, Hancock county. 111., where he passed the few remaining years of his life. He held the office of U. S. Land Commissioner; was county commissioner of Hancock county, and was the first justice of the peace of that county. From the records of Hancock county we learn that on Dec. 28, 1835, he purchased of John Williams for S50 the southeast }/i of the southeast }/i of section 35, township 36 north, contain- ing 40 acres, and in the same month he sold, with his wife Frances, for $100 to Jonathan Prior, 80 acres in township 6. (Hancock County Deeds, Book B, pp. Ill, 117.) He died in- 462 LINCOLN GENEALOGY testate and on Nov. 13, 1837, Daniel Prentiss gave bonds as administrator on the estate of James B. Lincoln. (County Clerk's Records.) He married in 1821 in Grayson county, Ky., Frances, daughter of William and Frances (Childers) Day of Grayson county, born Jan. 1, 1799, in Mercer county, Ky.; died Nov. 1, 1884, at Fountain Green. This family are all Roman Catholics, having inherited that religion from James-Bradford's mother, Mary (Mudd) Lincoln, who was a devout member of that church. (Records of Mrs. Mary-Rowena [Lincoln] Bowman, adaaa ahc.) Children, born : a-c at Leitchfield, Ky . ; d in Sangamon county, 111., e, f at Fountain Green: adaaa aha. Thomas-Jefferson, born Apr. 20, 1822; died Apr. 26, 1914, at Fountain Green. He lived on the home farm at Fountain Green. He married (license given Jan. 1, 1855), Martha-Jane Bures. adaaa abb. Elizabeth, born 1825; died in Allen county, Kan.; married William Dickerson. adaaa abc. Mary-Rowena, born Oct. 22, 1827; died January, 1918, at Tennessee, 111.; married (1), Jan. 16, 1848, according to the county records but Mrs. Bowman says Jan. 21, 1847, at Fountain Green, Wil- liam, son of John and Mary (French) Lovely of Colchester, 111., born at Maysville, Ky.; died June, 1853, at Fountain Green. He was a farmer. She was brought by her parents from Kentucky to IlUnois when she was three years old and lived until her second marriage at Fountain Green. She married (2), Apr. 18, 1861, at Macomb, 111., Charles-Newton, son of John and Catherine (Zwingler) Bowman of Madison county. Term., born July 14, 1818, at Jackson, Tenn.; died Sept. 6, 1904, at Tennessee, 111., where he had lived. He was a farmer. This family are all Roman Catholics. Child, by first husband, born at Fountain Green: a. William Lovely, born Sept. 24, 1853; mar. Amanda Burrow. Children, by second husband, born at Tennessee, 111. : b. Eliza Bowman, born Apr. 23, 1862; mar. George Scheifly. c. Robert-Lee Bowman, born May 7, 1864; died September, 1882. d. Rosa-May Bowman, born Oct. 13, 1866; died Sept. 17, 1867. e. Emily-Nora Bowman, born July 17, 1868; died Dec. 20, 1870. /. Charles-Newton Bowman, born Nov. 1, 1870; died Nov. 24, 1870. g. Thomas-Edward Bowman, born Sept. 24, 1871; mar. Evaline Hardy. adaaa abd. Emily-Susan, born April, 1830; died May 20, 1892, at Fountain Green, unmarried. adaaa abe. James-Riley, born 1832; died Nov. 12, 1906, at Carthage, HI. He married Margaret Tibbons (or Gibbons). adaaa abf. Charles-Prentiss, born 1837; died Apr. 4, 1858, at Fountain Green, unmarried. SEVENTH GENERATION 463 adaaa bb. Thomas, son of Josiah (Abraham, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Catherine (Barlow) Lincoln of Harrison county, Ind., born 1806, in Washington county, Ky.; died Jan. 26, 1849, in Harrison county, Ind. He was a farmer and lived most of his life in Harrison county. On Oct. 21, 1840, he purchased of his brother and sisters, '^all their right, title and claim, as the heirs of Josiah Lincon deceased, in the northwest quarter section, N° 12, of Township N° 2, South of range N° 2 East, in Harrison Co. Ind." being the home farm, the consideration being three hundred dollars. (Harrison County Land Records, Bk. N, p. 219.) He married about 1825 at Leavenworth, Crawford county, Ind., Sarah, daughter of Benjamin and Mary (BuUington) Weathers of Crawford county, born about 1810 in Crawford county; died Feb. 18, 1892, in Harrison county. (Records of Joseph-David Lincoln, adaaa hbcg.) Children, born at Milltown, Ind. : adaaa bba. Rachel, born Apr. 8, 1827 (one record says July 12, 1829); died July 10, 1908, at Handcock Chapel, Ind. She was married Aug. 26, 1847, by Samuel M. Ott, J. P. in Harrison county, to Joseph-Davis Ott of Handcock Chapel, where he was born Aug. 12, 1826, and died Sept. 20, 1908, having passed his whole life there. He was a farmer. (Records of Henry-Thomas Ott, adaaa bbac.) Children, born at Handcock Chapel : a. Amanda-Marthaette, born Sept. 13, 1848; mar. John-Robert Totton. 6. Sarah-Elizabeth, born Jan. 4, 1850; died Oct. 21, 1850. c. Henry-Thomas, born Aug. 8, 1852; mar. Harriet- Anna Seacat. d. John-Patterson, born July 7, 1854. e. Mary-Abigail, born May 27, 1856; mar. Edward Routh. /. Joseph-Marion, born June 20, 1858. g. Harriet- Anne, born Feb. 10, 1860; living, 1916, unmarried. h. Hester-Rosanna, born Oct. 3, 1863. i. George-McLean, born Dec. 1, 1866; mar. Dora Campbell. j. Florence-May, born May 3, 1869; died May 6, 1869. adaaa bbb. Benjamin, born Jan. 3, 1830. adaaa bbc. Mordecai, born March 2, 1832. adaaa bbd. Jacob, born about 1834. adaaa bbe. Washington, born Oct. 25, 1835. adaaa bbf. Warden, born March 4, 1841. adaaa bbg. Joseph, born Dec. 30, 1842. adaaa hhh. William, died long ago. Was married and had a son but nothing is known of him. adaaa bbi. James, born Jan. 29, 1848. 464 LINCOLN GENEALOGY adaaa be. Jacob, son of Josiah (Abraham, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Catherine (Barlow) Lincoln of Harrison county, Ind., born July 16, 1815, at Blue River, Ind.; died Aug. 10, 1889, in Wayne county, Mo. He removed from Indiana to Missouri and was a farmer. He married, Nov. 20, 1839, in Harrison county, Ind., Martha Gibbs of Crawford county, Ind., born Jan. 9, 1820, in Crawford county; died in Harrison county after 1865. (Information of Joseph Lincoln, adaaa beg, and Jonathan-Jones Lincoln, adaaa bef.) Children, born in Harrison county: adaaa bea. Maky, born Aug. 15, 1840; died March 18, 1885, in Wayne county, Mo. She married and had six children, but nothing further is known of her. adaaa heb. Thomas, born March 13, 1842. adaaa bee. William, born Sept. 25, 1844, adaaa bed. James-Washington, born Feb. 6, 1846; died Oct. 6, 1896, in Wayne county. Mo. He married, Oct. 10, 1872, in Harrison county, Ind., Martha J. Kennedy. adaaa bee. Elizabeth, born Apr. 6, 1848. adaaa bef. Jonathan-Jones, born Sept. 26, 1850. adaaa beg. Joseph, born Nov. 6, 1852. adaaa beh. Matilda, born Sept. 20, 1857; died July 6, 1884, in Harrison county, unmarried. adaaa bei. Katharine, born Jan. 10, 1860; married, Feb. 16, 1882, in Harrison county, Isaac-Wilford, son of John-Jacob and Julian-Ann (Soner) Walk of Harrison county, born Sept. 5, 1854, in Harrison county; died Jan. 21, 1911, at Arab, Mo. He was a farmer. She is living, 1916, at Arab. (Records of Mrs. Katharine [Lincoln] Walk.) Children, born: a, b in Harrison county; c-h at Arab: a. Charles-Eddy, born Apr. 26, 1883; mar. Ettie McDonald. b. Andy-Grover, born Oct. 21, 1884; died Sept. 9, 1891. c. Ivy-May, born Apr. 12, 1887; died Jan. 9, 1888. d. Claude-Elmer, born May 29, 1889; died Oct. 26, 1897. e. Lola-Florence, born Sept. 16, 1893; died Feb. 11, 1912, un- married. /. Dessy-May, born Feb. 29, 1896; mar. Edgar-Lee Sweet. g. Chloe-Marie, born Nov. 27, 1898. h. Oscar- Alonzo, born Nov. 28, 1901. adaaa bej. Charles, born March 6, 1862. adaaa bek. Rosanna, born Jan. 12, 1865; died Apr. 16, 1886, in Harrison county, unmarried. adaaa db. Abraham, son of Thomas (Abraham, John, Mor- decai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Nancy (Hanks) Lincoln of Ken- tucky, Indiana and Illinois, born Feb. 12, 1809, near Hodgenville, SEVENTH GENERATION 465 Ky.; died Apr. 15, 1865, at Washington, D. C, while President of the United States, the victim of an assassin's bullet. Little has been learned of his early life and education. His first teacher is said to have been Zachariah Riney, whose school he attended for two or three months at the age of seven, and his second was Caleb Hazel, with whom he studied for about three months. If it is true that ''the boy actually learned to write an intelligent letter at this time," as claimed by his biographers, he must have been very precocious. After the removal of the family to In- diana he went to school successively to Hazel Dorsey, Andrew Crawford and a Mr. Swazey, the last named keeping a school about 1826, four and a half miles from Lincoln's home. After this Lincoln was entirely self taught. In 1816 his father removed with all his family to Indiana and settled in Spencer county, near Gentryville, and in 1825 Abraham was employed by James Taylor for nine months, at six dollars per month, his principal employment being the management of a ferry boat across the Ohio at Anderson's creek. The next year he was employed by Mr. Gentry at Gentryville, and was sent by him to New Orleans in charge of a flat-boat laden with produce. For this service he received eight dollars per month. In 1830 the family removed to Macon county. 111., and settled on the Sangamon river, about ten miles from Decatur, where they arrived on March 1. Here he first assisted his father to build a cabin and then, being twenty- one years of age, went to work on his own account, acquiring at this time the title of ''rail-splitter" by which he was familiarly called in his political campaigns. His father removed in the spring of 1831 to Coles county. 111., and Abraham never returned to live under the paternal roof. In 1831 he made a second flat-boat trip to New Orleans, with his cousin John Hanks and his step-brother John Johnson, with a cargo of hogs. They were employed by Denton Offutt of New Salem, 111. They built the boat on Spring creek and rafted it to the Sangamon and thence to the Mississippi. On neither of these flat-boat trips is there any evidence of an adventure in behalf of kidnapped negroes, such as has recently been depicted in moving pictures. On returning from this trip Lincoln became a clerk in Mr. Offutt's store at New Salem and first acquired the sobriquet "Honest Abe," by his scrupulously fair treatment 30 466 LINCOLN GENEALOGY of all customers. That fall he served as clerk of elections, his first public office. In April, 1832, he enlisted in a militia company from Sanga- mon, 111., for the Black Hawk war, and was chosen its captain on April 21, but the volunteers proved unsatisfactory and were mustered out on May 27. Lincoln immediately re-enlisted as a private in Capt. Elijah Iles's Company of independent rangers for twenty days, the mustering officer being Major Robert Anderson who, thirty years later, defended and surrendered Fort Sumter. On the expiration of this service Lincoln was again mustered in, on June 20, as a member of an independent company under Capt. Jacob M. Early which was disbanded on July 10, three weeks before the massacre of Bad Axe ended the war. During his whole service Lincoln saw no actual fighting. In the fall of this year he ran for the legislature on the Whig ticket but was defeated. He then went into partnership with William F. Berry in keeping a general store. Berry turned out to be a worthless drunkard, and, as Lincoln had little business capacity, the enterprise failed within a year, and it was not until 1849 that he discharged all the resulting obligations. On May 7, 1833, he was appointed postmaster of New Salem by President Jackson and held that office until 1836, when it was abolished. He is said to have kept the office in his hat, the revenue not being sufficient to pay for larger quarters. After his failure in business he became deputy land surveyor to John Cal- houn, who was the official surveyor of Sangamon county, which position he retained until his removal to Springfield, 111., at the same time he commenced the reading of law, having been during all his life a constant student and voracious reader of all the books and newspapers he could lay his hands on. In 1834 he was elected to the legislature and was re-elected in 1836, 1838 and 1840, after which he declined to be again a can- didate, though he was again elected in 1854 but resigned before taking his seat. In the campaign of 1836 he established his reputation as a public speaker and at the following session he first met Stephen A. Douglas in debate. It was at this session he subscribed a protest against pro-slavery resolution and com- menced his anti-slavery record. He was admitted to the bar in the autumn of 1836 and removed SEVENTH GENEKATION 467 to Springfield the following spring, where, on Apr. 27, 1837, he became the law partner of Major John T. Stuart. This partner- ship continued until Apr. 14, 1841, Stuart having been elected to Congress, and Mr. Lincoln formed a business association with Judge Stephen T. Logan of Springfield which was dissolved Sept. 20, 1843; and on the same day he became senior partner in a new firm with William H. Herndon, which was never formally dissolved except by Mr. Lincoln's death. In 1840 Mr. Lincoln became involved in a quarrel with James Shields, who held Lincoln responsible for certain articles which had appeared in the. Sangamon ''Journal," which offended Mr. Shields. The writer of the articles was really a young woman, a friend of Lincoln's and by many thought to have been Miss Mary Todd, to whom Lincoln was then, or soon after, affianced and who afterwards became his wife. Mr. Shields challenged him to fight a duel and Lincoln selected broadswords as the weapons, and took preparatory instruction in that arm. The duel was prevented by the action of mutual friends, at the scene of the proposed fight on Bloody island. In 1844 he was a candidate for presidential elector for Henry Clay. In 1846 he was elected representative to Congress by a majority of 1511, the only Whig member from Illinois. In 1848 he was a member of the national Whig convention. In this year, after the adjournment of Congress on Aug. 14, he went to New England and made various campaign speeches. In the course of this journey he stopped at Worcester, Mass., and was entertained at dinner by ex-Governor Levi Lincoln, aacbc a, a distant cousin, though the family connection was unknown to them both. In 1852 he was again on the Whig electoral ticket, this time for General Scott, and was defeated for the third time. In October, 1854, he made a powerful speech against Mr. Douglas at Springfield on the Kansas-Nebraska bill, and did this again at Peoria. This was instrumental in bringing about the election of a Whig legislature ; and Lincoln and Lyman Trumbull were candidates for the nomination to the United States senate, but Lincoln withdrew and Trumbull was chosen. On May 29, 1856, he assisted in organizing the Republican party of Illinois, and his name was presented to the national Republican con- vention for vice-president, but he was defeated by Mr. Dayton. 468 LINCOLN GENEALOGY In 1858 he had his remarkable contest with Mr. Douglas for the senatorship, in which at first they attended each other's meetings in order to reply later, and finally met each other in seven joint meetings at Ottawa, Freeport, Jonesboro, Charleston, Gales- burg, Quincy and Alton. The result was a Democratic legisla- ture and the election of Douglas, though Lincoln's popular vote was four thousand over Douglas's. Late in 1859 and early in 1860 he made several journeys through various portions of the country on lecturing tours, visiting Ohio, Kansas, New York and New England. Mean- while his name became prominently mentio;ied for the presiden- tial nomination, his principal competitor being William H. Seward. The Republican convention met at Chicago, June 16, 1860, in an immense building called the "Wigwam." Lincoln's name was placed in nomination by the Illinois delegation, and on the first ballot he received 102 votes to 173J^ for Seward, the remaining votes being divided among several other candidates. On the third ballot Lincoln was triumphantly nominated, and in the ensuing election he received 180 votes in the electoral college to 123 for his three opponents, the Democratic votes being divided between Douglas and Breckenridge, the Whig candidate, John Bell, receiving 39. Lincoln's popular vote, however, was far from being a majority of the whole vote cast, his three oppo- nents receiving nine hundred and thirty thousand votes more than he, and the joint vote of the two Democrats exceeding Lincoln's by nearly three hundred thousand. At his re-election in 1864, however, the seceding states of course not voting, he received a popular majority of over four hundred thousand. It is unnecessary here to relate any of the incidents of his official life as President, or the circumstances of his tragic assassi- nation at the hands of John- Wilkes Booth, which filled the whole nation with mourning. These have been told and retold in his many biographies to which the reader is here referred, none of which, however, are to be entirely relied upon for the incidents of his early life, or for the details of his parentage and ancestry. Shortly after his nomination to the presidency Mr. Lincoln furnished to Mr. J. W. Fell a brief account of his life. The manu- script of this has been preserved. It bears no date. On March 20, 1872, it was certified to by David Davis, Lyman Trumbull SEVENTH GENERATION 469 and Charles Sumner as being in the handwriting of Abraham Lincoln and is undoubtedly authentic. It has been published in facsimile several times and is here given in full : ''I was born Feb. 12, 1809, in Hardin County, Kentucky. My parents were both born in Virginia, of undistinguished families, second families perhaps I should say — My mother, who died in my tenth year, was of a family of the name of Hanks, some of whom now reside in Adams, and others in Macon coun- ties, Illinois. My paternal grandfather, Abraham Lincoln, emigrated from Rockingham County, Virginia, to Kentucky, about 1781 or 2, where, a year or two later he was killed by indians, not in battle, but by stealth, when he was laboring to open a farm in the forest — His ancestors, who were quakers, went to Virginia from Berks County, Pennsylvania — An effort to identify them with the New England family of the same name, ended in nothing more definite, than a similarity of Christian names in both famihes, such as Enoch, Levi, Mordecai, Solomon, Abraham and the like. ''My father, at the death of his father, was about six years of age; and he grew up, literally without education — He removed from Kentucky to what is now Spencer County, Indiana, in my eighth year — We reached our new home about the time the State came into the Union — It was a wild region, with many bears and other wild animals still in the woods. — There I grew up — There were some schools, so called; but no qualification was ever required of a teacher, beyond 'readin, writin', and cipherin' to the Rule of Three — If a straggler, supposed to under- stand latin, happened to sojourn in the neighborhood, he was looked upon as a wizzard — There was absolutely nothing to excite ambition for education. Of course when I came of age I did not know much — Still somehow, I could read, write and cipher to the Rule of Three, but that was all — I have not been to school since — The little advance I now have upon this store of educa- tion, I have picked up from time to time under the pressure of necessity — ''I was raised to farm work, which I continued till I was twenty two — At twenty one I came to Illinois, and passed the first year in Illinois, Macon County — Then I got to New Salem at that time in Sangamon, now in Menard County, where I re- 470 LINCOLN GENEALOGY mained a year as a sort of Clerk in a store — Then came the Black Hawk war; and I was elected a Captain of Volunteers — a success which gave me more pleasure than any I have had since — I went the campaign, was elated [elected?], ran for the Legislature the same year (1832) and was beaten — the only time I ever have been beaten by the people — The next and three succeeding biennial elections, I was elected to the Legislature — I was not a candidate afterwards. During this Legislative period I had studied law, and removed to Springfield to practice it — In 1846 I was once elected to the lower House of Congress — Was not a candidate for re-election — From 1849 to 1854, both in- clusive, practiced law more assiduously than ever before — Always a whig in politics, and generally on the Whig electoral ticket, making active canvasses — I was losing interest in politics, when the repeal of the Missouri Compromise aroused me again — What I have done since then is pretty well known — **If any personal description is thought desirable, it may be said, I am, in height, six feet, four inches, nearly; lean in flesh, weighing, on an average, one hundred and eighty pounds; dark complexion, with coarse black hair, and grey eyes, — no other marks or brands recollected — ''Yours very truly "Hon. J. W. Fell A. Lincoln" He married, Nov. 4, 1842,* at Springfield at the residence of Ninian W. Edwards, brother-in-law of the bride, Mary^, daughter of Robert-Smith^ (Levi^) and Ann-Eliza (Parker) Todd of Lexington, Ky., born Dec. 13, 1818, at Lexington; died July 16, 1882, at Springfield of paralysis. ''She was of the average height, rather compactly built, had a well rounded face, rich dark brown hair, and bluish-grey eyes. In her bearing she was proud, but handsome and vivacious. Her education had been in no wise defective; she was a good conversationalist, using with equal fluency the French and English languages. When she used a pen, its point was sure to be sharp, and she wrote with wit and ability. She not only had a quick intellect but an in- tuitive judgment of men and their motives. Ordinarily she was affable and even charming in her manners; but when offended or *This date is from Lincoln's family Bible and is accepted by most authorities, but " Bard Family," pp. 446-7, says the marriage occurred March 4, 1842, and gives the birth of Mary Todd as Dec. 12, 1818. ABRAHAM LINCOLN 1809-1865 From (I jiliotupnph taken FebriKiry 9, 186J, I SEVENTH GENERATION 471 antagonized, her agreeable qualities instantly disappeared beneath a wave of stinging satire or sarcastic bitterness, and her entire better nature was submerged. In her figure and physical proportions, in education, bearing, temperament, history — in everything she was the exact reverse of Lincoln." (Herndon's "Abraham Lincoln," vol. i, p. 194.) Children, born at Springfield: adaaa dba. Robert-Todd, born Aug. 1, 1843. adaaa dbb. Edward-Baker, born March 10, 1846; died in infancy. adaaa dbc. Willi am- Wall ace, born Dec. 21, 1850; died Feb. 20, 1862, at Washington, D. C, in the White House. adaaa dbd. Thomas, born Apr. 4, 1853; died July 15, 1871, at Chicago, 111. adaae ab. Preston, son of David (Jacob, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Catherine (Bright) Lincoln of Lacey Spring, Va., born Dec. 11, 1811, at Dayton, Va.; died Apr. 17 (or May 15), 1848, at Dayton. He is buried at New Erection, Va. He was a farmer and lived at Dayton and at Mt. Crawford, Va. He married at Mt. Crawford, Elizabeth, daughter of Christian and Catharine (Lincoln) Coffman of Dayton, born Feb. 10, 1814, at Dayton; died Apr. 9, 1856, at Dayton. She married (2) a Mr. Morris, by whom she had one son, Walter, who died at White Sulphur Springs, Va. Mrs. Catharine (Lincoln) Coffman was daughter of Thomas (John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Elizabeth (Casner) Lincoln of Lexington, Ky., adaah c. (Records of Mrs. Virginia-Catherine [Lincoln] Taylor, adaaf aga, and of Mrs. Luther E. Chapman, adaae ahhc.) Children, born at Mt. Crawford: adaae aba. Albert-Curtis, born Apr. 25, 1840 (or 1839). adaae abb. Josephine-Elizabeth, born Jan. 9, 1842;* died May 1, 1908, at Lacey Spring, Va.; married, June 30, 1859, at Washington, D. C, John-William, son of John-William and Susan (Miller) Stearn of Lacey Spring, born Aug. 3, 1836, at Mill Creek, Va.; living, 1915, at Lacey Spring. He is a cordwainer and harness-maker. (Records of John- William Stearn.) Children, born at Lacey Spring: a. Susan-Pansy, born Apr. 1, 1860; died Dec. 19, 1861. 6. Charles-Albert, born Jan. 10, 1862; mar. Betty Fridley. c. Virginia-Davis, born Apr. 2, 1866; mar. Luther E. Chapman. *Mr. Stearn says that Josephine-Elizabeth and her twin sister Mary-Catherine were born in 1841, but this is hardly likely if their brother Albert was born in 1840. 472 LINCOLN GENEALOGY d. Bishop- We AVER, born Feb. 12, 1872; mar. Lucy Doval. e. Stuart-Samuel, born Aug. 7, 1878; mar. Maud Vanpelt. adaae abc. Mary-Catherine, twin of the foregoing, born Jan. 9, 1842; died aged about eight years. adaae ahd. Fanny-Elizabeth, born Aug. 11, 1844; died Nov. 18, 1909, at Lima, Ohio; married at Lacey Spring, John-Dickerson, son of Gabriel and Delilah (Cole) Wood of Lacey Spring, born Dec. 3, 1837, at Lacey Spring; died Apr. 5, 1914, at Harrisonburg, Va. He was a farmer. They lived at Lacey Spring. (Records of Fred-Edward Wood, adaae ahda.) Child, born at Lacey Spring: a. Fred-Edward, born March 24, 1872; living, 1914, at Lima, Ohio. adaae ahe. Isabel. She died at Crawfordsville, Ind. She is said to have married John Ruebush and to have had a son, Frank, who served one or two terms in the regular army, and whose last known address was Crawfordsville. adaae ahf. David-Franklin. He is said to have died, unmarried, at Kansas City, Mo. adaae ag. Jacob-Nicholas, son of David (Jacob, JohUy Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Catherine (Bright) Lincoln of Lacey Spring, Va., born Apr. 3, 1821, at Dayton, Va.; died Feb. 21, 1880, at Lacey Spring. He was found unconscious at his mill door by his brother Abraham, suffering from a wound on the head, and died without recovering consciousness. It is supposed he had been left for dead by his assailants. Two men were tried for the crime and were found guilty and sent to the peniten- tiary. Mr. Lincoln was a farmer and miller and lived at Lacey Spring. He married, Oct. 16, 1849, at Broadway, Va., Caroline- Thomas, daughter of Michael and Leannah (Thomas) Homan of Broadway, born July 19, 1828, at Broadway; living, 1914, at Lacey Spring in excellent health and in full possession of her faculties. (Records of Mrs. Virginia-Catherine [Lincoln] Tay- lor, adaaf aga.) Children, born at Lacey Spring: adaae aga. Virginia-Catherine, born Aug. 2, 1850; married. May 21, 1868, at Lacey Spring, John- Wesley, son of Zachary and Nancy (Eppard) Taylor of Stonewall, Va., born Oct. 28, 1835, at Stonewall. He received the degree of A.M. at Randolph-Macon college in 1860; served as private in Company I, 2nd Virginia infantry, in 1862 for about a year, and then became a farmer and surveyor. Since his marriage he has been a teacher and principal of the Lacey Spring school. He and his wife are living, 1914, at Lacey Spring. They have no children. SEVENTH GENERATION 473 adaae agh. Mary-Leannah, born Oct. 22, 1852; married, May 30, 1872, at Lacey Spring, Jefferson-Jacob, son of Jacob-Bright and Elizabeth (Coiner) Nicholas of Stonewall, Va., born Aug. 13, 1847, at Port Republic, Va. He is a farmer and miller. He served in McNeal's regiment, C.S.A., near the close of the Civil war. He and his wife are living, 1914, at Port Republic. Children, born at Port Republic: a. Bessie-Lincoln, born Sept. 6, 1873; mar. Stuart M. Yancey. b. Carrie-Taylor, born Nov. 23, 1875. c. Jacob-Bright, born Oct. 4, 1879; died Sept. 8, 1894. d. JoHN-HoMAN, born Feb. 7, 1882; living, 1916, unmarried. e. Grover-Cleveland, born Oct. 22, 1884; mar. Rosalie Baxter. /. Edna-Virginia, born March 6, 1887; died May 8, 1896. adaae age. Harvey-Preston, born July 11, 1855. adaae agd. Elizabeth-Theresa, born Dec. 18, 1859; married, Nov. 27, 1879, at Lacey Spring, Charles-Henry, son of Jacob-Bright and Elizabeth (Coiner) Nicholas of Port Republic, Va., born Oct. 10, 1853, at Port Republic. They have lived at Lacey Spring but recently removed to Harrisonburg, Va., where they are now, 1914, residing. (Records of Mrs. Elizabeth-Theresa [Lincoln] Nicholas.) He is a farmer and miller. Children, born at Lacey Spring: a. William-Franklin, born June 10, 1882; mar. Bernice-Luin Moore. b. Elizabeth-Lincoln, born Nov. 12, 1883; living, 1914, unmarried. c. Georgia- Winifred, born Feb. 3, 1891; living, 1914, unmarried. adaae age. Herod-Franklin, born Nov. 26, 1861; died Jan. 29, 1863. adaae agf. Effie-Amelia-Florence, born May 23, 1864; married, Oct. 15, 1885, at Lacey Spring, Philip-Miller, son of Simon and Margaret (Miller) Coiner of Waynesboro, Va., born July 15, 1853, at Waynesboro. He is a farmer. They are living, 1914, at Waynesboro. Children, born at Waynesboro : a. Casper-Cecil, born Oct. 8, 1886; living, 1914, unmarried. b. Hortie-Margaret, born Sept. 30, 1889, living, 1914, unmarried. adaae agg. Caroline-Homan, born Oct. 23, 1866; married, Dec. 7, 1886, at Lacey Spring, John- William, son of John and Sally (Bowers) Weaver of Lima, Ohio, born March 22, 1864, at Lima. He is a mechanic and is employed in the railroad shops at Lima, where they are now, 1914, living. Children, born at Lima : a. Rhea-Lovetta, born Nov. 18, 1887; living, 1914, unmarried. b. Robert-Lincoln, born Sept. 24, 1894; living, 1914, unmarried. adaae agh. Nora- Abigail, born Oct. 2, 1869; living, 1914, unmarried. adaae agi. Jacob-Thomas, born Apr. 3, 1872. adaae ah. Abraham, son of David {Jacob, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Catherine (Bright) Lincoln of Lacey Spring, Va., born Dec. 19, 1822, at Dayton, Va.; died May 5, 1905, at Harrisonburg, Va. He was a farmer and lived at Lacey Spring until his wife's death. He was captain of a company of 474 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Virginia militia in the Civil war, serving at Winchester, and was a heavy sufferer by the destruction done in the Valley during the war. After the war he became the first postmaster of Lacey Spring. As an instance of his unassuming modesty it is related that when the government decided to establish a post office at what is now Lacey Spring, Mr. Lincoln was asked by the department to suggest a name and, at the desire of his friends he wrote suggesting Lincoln Spring, from the spring so called, which gushed from the ground in great volume im- mediately below his house. His writing not being very good the officials misread the name and without further inquiry named the spring Lacey instead of Lincoln, and Mr. Lincoln, though urged to have the error corrected, refused to do so on the ground that, as he said, one name was as good as the other. Though having no middle name he always signed his name ''A. B. Lincoln." He married, July 10, 1855, at Bristol, Tenn., Mary-Elizabeth, daughter of Edward and Mary (Henton) Hughes of Bristol, born June 26, 1836; died Dec. 25, 1902, at Lacey Spring. (Rec- ords of Jetson-Jackson Lincoln, adaae ahc; Family Bible with Mrs. Lucy-Knox [Lincoln] Bradford, adaae ahe.) Children, born at Lacey Spring: adaae aha. John-Edwakd, born July 22, 1856. adaae ahb. Diana-McKelva, born Oct. 26, 1858; died May 3, 1862. adaae ahc. Jetson-Jackson, born Apr. 27, 1863. adaae ahd. Samuel- Walden, born Oct. 30, 1864; is a farmer living, 1914, at Broadway, Va,, near Lacey Spring. He married, at Lacey Spring, Ella-Lee Long of Melrose, Linville township, Va. They have four children. adaae ahe. Lucy-Knox, born Apr. 30, 1869; married, Dec. 27, 1892, at Lacey Spring, Robert-Winfield, son of James-Mortman and Elizabeth (Miller) Bradford of Orkney Springs, Va., born Aug. 17, 1857, at Orkney Springs. He is a machinist. They are living, 1914, at Harrisonburg, Va,, which has always been their home except in 1912-13 when they lived at McGaheysville, Rock county, Va. (Records of Mrs. Lucy- Knox [Lincoln] Bradford.) Children, born: a, c-f at Lacey Spring; b at Harrisonburg: a. Norris-Lincoln, born July 24, 1895. b. Edith-Lucile, born Feb. 29, 1898; died Oct. 25, 1905. c. Claude-Winfield, born Aug. 5, 1900. d. Miller-Hughes, born Oct. 18, 1903. e. Mary-Elizabeth, born Feb. 12, 1905. /. Catherine-Knox, born June 2, 1906. SEVENTH GENERATION 475 adaae ahf. Katie-Bright, born Nov. 15, 1875; married S. S. Gordon, of whom nothing is known. She was thought to be living, 1914, either at New Orleans, La., or at Denver, Colo. They have had no children. adaae hf . Jacob-Broaddus, son of Jacob (Jacob, John, Mor- decai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Nancy ( [Lionberger] Rhodes) Lincoln of Linville, Va., born Sept. 8, 1830, at Linville Creek; died Feb. 17, 1898, at Tye River, Nelson county, Va. He was a farmer and lived in Rockbridge county, Va., near Lexington. He married (1), Nov. 22, 1853, at Fairfield, Va., Mary-Isa- bella, daughter of William-Woodson and Eliza (Holtzman) Jasper of Rockingham county, Va., and later of Huntington, W. Va., born in Rockingham county; died Aug. 24, 1879, at Lexing- ton. Mrs. Jasper's father, James Holtzman, and his wife Bar- bara came from Germany. He married (2), Oct. 18, 1880, at Tye River, Mrs. Sarah (Jones) Shipman, daughter of George and Sarah (Pendleton) Jones of Tye River, and widow of John Shipman of Newmarket, Va., who died Jan. 28, 1858, at Newmarket in the twenty-eighth year of his age. She was born Apr. 22, 1836, at Tye River, and died there Oct. 18, 1890. He married (3), Dec. 14, 1892, at Linville Creek, Dorcas- Sarah-Emeline, daughter of Richard-Snow and Mary-Elizabeth (Lincoln) Maupin, adaae iac, of Linville Creek, born Sept. 2, 1851, at Linville Creek; living, 1915, at New York City, but with a summer home at Tye River. Mr. Lincoln had no children by his second and third wives. (Records of Mrs. Jacob-Broadus Lincoln.) Children, by first wife, born : a at Raphine, Va. ; b-i at Lexing- ton: adaae hfa. William-Efpiah, born Apr. 27, 1855. adaae hfb. John-David, born Nov. 24, 1856. adaae hfc. George-Thomas, born Feb. 1, 1859; died in infancy. adaae hfd. Ida-Eliza, born May 20, 1861; married, 1879, at Harpers Ferry, Va., Erasmus, son of David and Susan (Miller) Pultz of Lexington, born Sept. 5, 1856, at Lexington. He is a farmer. They are living, 1915, at Lexington. Children, born at Lexington: a. AsHBY-LiNCOLN, bom March 23, 1881. h. Graham-Moore, born July 21, 1883. c. Mamie-Bell, born Oct. 17, 1885. d. Jacob-DeWitt, born Apr. 12, 1887. 476 LINCOLN GENEALOGY adaae hfe. Sallie- Josephine, born Aug. 25, 1863; died in infancy. adaae hff. Mattie-Belle, born Nov. 30, 1865; married, March 4, 1884, at Lexington, Charles-Preston, son of Greenberry and Mary-Hans- barger (Anderson) Rodes of Afton, Va., born Sept. 10, 1856, at Afton. They Hved for ten years after marriage at Terre Haute, Ind., and then returned to Lexington, where they are now, 1915, hving. He is a farmer. Children, born: a-c at Terre Haute; d at Lexington: a. Mary-Anna, born Nov. 24, 1885. h. Charles-Lincoln, born Jan. 29, 1889; mar. Mamie-Rhodes Printz. 'c. Helen-Margaret, born Jan. 19, 1895; died Aug. 7, 1895. d. Robert-Preston, born Dec. 4, 1904. adaae hfg. "Baby," died in infancy. adaae hfh. Ashby- Abraham, born Dec. 23, 1871. adaae hfi. Charles-Broaddus, born Apr. 4, 1873. adaae hi. Abraham-Randolph, son of Jacob (Jacob, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Nancy ( [Lionberger] Rhodes) Lincoln of Linville, Va., born June 14, 1835, at Linville Creek; died Oct. 20, 1875, at Denver, Colo., where he had lived. He was for a time county treasurer, but retired before his death. He married at Independence, Mo., Celia-Helen, daughter of Dr. Joshua and Lucretia-Lurena (Drake) Hobbs. She was born at New Franklin, Mo.; and died June 24, 1910, at Boonville, Mo., where she had been living with her daughter. The family records having been destroyed by fire, other dates are not ob- tainable. (Records of Mrs. Nancy [Lincoln] Wallace.) Child: adaae Ma. Nancy; married Arthur- Andrew Wallace. They are living, 1914, at Boonville, Mo., and have no children. adaaf ab. John-Mordecai, son of Jesse (John, John, Mor- decai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Nancy (Brown) Lincoln of Eagle Furnace, Tenn.; born Sept. 18, 1837, at Eagle Furnace; died Aug. 25, 1914, at Nashville, Tenn. He was educated in the Marysville, Tenn., preparatory school and the University of Tennessee. He entered the Confederate army at the age of nineteen, at first in the infantry, later in the cavalry. He served through the entire war and was in prison at Camp Douglas for two years. He was made deaf by the hardships he endured in the war. He had no settled home, nor had he any definite oc- cupation. He taught school some and farmed a little, but did neither very long. In 1883 he was living at Chattanooga, Tenn. SEVENTH GENERATION 477 He married, probably in Washington county, Tenn., Mrs. Sarah (Guinn) Wright, daughter of Thomas Guinn of Washing- ton county. Her first husband's Christian name has not been learned, nor the dates of her birth and death. Her mother, Mrs. Thomas Guinn, was a daughter of Sydney Hale of Washington county, who is said to have belonged to the Massachusetts Hales. (Records of Miss Nannette-Brown Lincoln, adaaf ahd.) Children, born in Greene county, Tenn. : adaaf aha. Felix-Zollicoffer, born Aug. 22, 1868; married, Sept. 10, 1886, at Gainesville, Ga., Barrington-Symrad, son of William-Monroe and Mary-Earle (Hackett) Sharp of Ringgold, Ga., born July 5, 1861, at Atlanta, Ga. They are living, 1917, at Atlanta. He is in the whole- sale dry-goods business. They belong to the Presbyterian church. Children, born at Atlanta: a. Elizabeth-Emily, born March 22, 1888. b. McAllen, born Oct. 19, 1891. c. Helen, born July 3, 1896. d. Robert, born 1899; died aet. 1 year. e. Barrington-Symrad, born 1901 ; died aet. 6 months. adaaf abh. Tennessee, born Apr. 22, 1870; living, 1917, at New York, N. Y., unmarried. adaaf abc. Ada-Lee, born Aug. 25, 1873; married Campbell-Douglas, son of John-Daniel Easterlin of Charleston, S. C, born in 1875 at Charleston. He was educated at Porter Military Academy, Charleston. They were living, 1917, at New York City. Children, born at Atlanta, Ga. : a. John-Daj^iel, born Aug. 29, 1897; mar. Helen Booth. b. Douglas-Lincoln, born Aug. 30, 1899. He was a first class seaman in the U. S. navy in the World war. adaaf abd. Nannette-Brown, born Sept. 8, 1875; hving, 1917, in New York City, unmarried. She is a magazine writer. adaaf abe. Hugh-Brown, died Aug. 28, 1915, unmarried. adaaf ac. James-Hamilton, son of Jesse (John, John, Mor- decai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Nancy (Brown) Lincoln of Eagle Furnace, Tenn., born May 12, 1848, at Sparta, near Eagle Furnace; died June 8, 1899, at Chattanooga, Tenn. He fell from his office window and fractured his skull. He was a dentist doing business at Chattanooga, but living at Lookout Mountain till a short time before his death. He was educated at the Uni- versity of Tennessee. He married (1), Dec. 19, 1872, at Ringgold, Ga., Charity- Emma, daughter of Preston-Jornegan and Mary-Henderson (Peck) Lea of Ringgold, born Jan. 10, 1851, near Knoxville, 478 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Tenn., or according to another authority at Dandridge, Tenn. She died July 24, 1879, at Lookout Mountain. They Hved on an estate of ten acres *'on the slope of Lookout Mountain" and *'on the old military road said to have been made by General Andrew Jackson about 1812," which estate was conveyed, Apr. 21, 1873, by Robert Cravens to Mrs. C. Emma Lincoln, wife of J. H. Lincoln. (Hamilton County, Tenn., Deeds, vol. 0, Book B, p. 230.) This estate was sold. May 30, 1912, by Jesse Lin- coln and wife Mayme Lincoln, W. P. Lincoln and wife Lula Goodwin Lincoln, and Hugh B. Lincoln (single) ''only surviving heirs of C. Emma Lincoln (deceased)," and was acknowledged at Electra, Tex., by Hugh B. Lincoln and by Jesse Lincoln and his wife Mayme, and at Sour Lake, Tex., by W. P. Lincoln and wife Lula Goodwin. (Ibid., vol. xi, book O, p. 182.) He married (2), Sept. 6, 1881, at Ringgold, Ida-Beatrice, daughter of William-Monroe and Mary-Earle (Hackett) Sharp of Ringgold, born March 16, 1853, at Roswell, Ga.; living, 1917. (Records corrected by Mrs. Adelia-Lane [Lincoln] Garretson, adaaf acd.) Children, by first wife, born at Lookout Mountain: adaaf aca. Jesse, born Nov. 19, 1873; living, 1912, at Electra, Tex.; married at Corsicana, Tex., Mayme Presley. adaaf acb. William-Preston, born Jan. 3, 1875; living, 1912, at Electra, Tex. ; married at Corsicana, Tex., Lula Goodwin. Children : adaaf acba. Abraham, born May 9, 1901. adaaf acbb. Willie-Beatrice, born March 16, 1906. adaaf ace. Hugh-Brown, born March 5, 1877; living, 1912, at Electra, Tex., immarried. Children, by second wife, born at Lookout Mountain: adaaf acd. Adelia-Lane, born Feb. 10, 1883; married. May 9, 1914, at Houston, Tex., Warren-Harris Garretson. They are living, 1917, at Beaumont, Tex. He is president of the Chamber of Commerce. She is the society editor of a Beaumont newspaper. No children. adaaf ace. Robert- Abraham, born May 31, 1885. adaaf acf . Frederic-Albert, born Dec. 28, 1887. adaaf db. John-Craigin, son of Mordecai (John, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Clara (Paul) Lincoln of Greeneville, Tenn., born Nov. 7, 1815, in Hardy county, Va. (now West Virginia); died Dec. 24, 1849, at Memphis, Tenn. SEVENTH GENEKATION 479 He lived at Greeneville and at Eagle Furnace, Tenn., and at Memphis. He was a merchant. He was brought up by his grandfather Lincoln in Lebanon, Ohio, until he was over fifteen years of age, and then went to his father's in Greeneville. He married, Dec. 7, 1837, at Sparta, Tenn., Jane, daughter of William and Melinda (Jarvis) Usrey of Sparta, born March 18, 1822, at Sparta; died May 4, 1880, in Smith county, Tenn. She married (2), Sept. 10, 1848, at Sparta, Nicholas Mercer, a physician at Alexandria, Tenn., who died Feb. 19, 1868, at Alexandria, and by whom she had two children, viz.: Flora, born Aug. 23, 1851, and Effie, born March 10, 1854. She mar- ried (3), Feb. 15, 1874, at Alexandria, Isaac Jones, a farmer living in Smith county, who died there Jan. 27, 1880. She was his second wife and had no children by him. (Records of Mrs. Josephine [Lincoln] Davis, adaaf dbb.) Children, born a, b at Eagle Furnace; c at Memphis: adaaf dba. William-Henry, born Feb. 5, 1840. adaaf dbb. Josephine, born Jan. 22, 1843; married, Oct. 18, 1876, in Smith comity, Tenn., Robert-Gilbert, son of John and Catherine (Redwine) Davis of Rowan county, N. C, born Oct. 15, 1819, at Rowan comity; died Aug. 7, 1901, in Smith county. He was a farmer living in Smith county. After his death his widow lived at Alexandria, Tenn., until 1912 when she removed to Nashville, Tenn., where she now, 1916, resides with her daughter. (Records of Mrs. Josephine [Lincoln] Davis.) Children, born in Smith county : a. Roberta, born July 17, 1877; mar. George-Rowland Boyd. b. Charles-Lincoln, born Nov. 27, 1879; mar. Willie-May Oliver. c. William-Gat, born Oct. 1^, 1881 ; mar. Irene Rutland. d. Hale-McClellan, born June 3, 1885; living, 1916, unmarried, adaaf dbc. Lewis-Craigin, born May 10, 1845. adaah eb. John-Karsner, son of George (Thomas, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Juliann (Gate wood) Lincoln of Liberty, Mo., born Dec. 21, 1821, near Lexington, Ky.; died Apr. 13, 1903, at Plattsburg, Mo. A newspaper obituary says he was born Dec. 29. He was taken by his parents from Kentucky to Clay county. Mo., at the age of six months and, in 1844, he settled on a farm near Plattsburg in Clinton county where he passed the rest of his life, except for ten years, from 1849 to 1859, which he and his family passed in Kentucky. He built up a splendid farm of about seventeen hundred acres, which was cultivated and im- 480 LINCOLN GENEALOGY proved to a high degree. *'He was a good neighbor, generous and charitable, honest and just minded," possessing an out- spoken disposition and great public spirit. A strong admirer of Jefferson Davis he was grievously disappointed by the failure of the Southern Confederacy, to which he never became really reconciled. He was a Democrat of the old school and always an earnest supporter of his party's policies and, though seeking no office for himself, was ever an active supporter of his political friends. He married, Jan. 15, 1845, at Liberty, Mo., Elmira-Taylor, daughter of Cullen and Louisiana (Schrader) Melone of Liberty, born June 11, 1828, at Liberty; died March 1, 1903, at Platts- burg. (Records of Mrs. John-Karsner Lincoln, Jr., adaah ebd.) Children, born: a, h at Liberty; c, d at Lexington, Ky.: adaah eha. Georgia, born Nov. 25, 1847; married, Dec. 24, 1882, on Ex- celsior farm, four miles south of Plattsburg, Mo., Benjamin-Owen, son of Benjamin and Juliet (Owen) Weller of Henderson, Ky., born Jan. 9, 1844, at Henderson. They have lived at Dallas, Tex., but are now, 1917, residing at Plattsburg. (Records of Mrs. Georgia [Lincoln] Weller.) Children, born at Dallas : a. John-Theron, born Apr. 21, 1883; died Dec. 7, 1886. 5. Elmira-Juliet, born Feb. 22, 1889; mar. John- Walker Stark, adaah ebb. Cullen-Melone, born Jan. 5, 1850. adaah ebc. Ella B, born Feb. 25, 1852; married, June 5, 1877, on Excelsior farm, near Plattsburg, Mo., Washington Adams. He is a lawyer. They are living, 1917, at Kansas City, Mo. Child, born near Plattsburg: a. John- Washington, born Aug. 21, 1882; living, 1917, unmarried, adaah ebd. John-Karsner, born Apr. 6, 1854. adaah ec. Robert-Taliaferro, son of George {Thomas, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Juliann (Gatewood) Lincoln of Liberty, Mo., born Sept. 29, 1823, at Liberty; died Oct. 22, 1876; married in Clay county. Mo., a Miss Sally Thomp- son and had six children, perhaps in different order from that here given. Children : adaah eca. George, born June 3, 1852; living, 1916, at Trinidad, Colo. He is married and has two children. Children : a. Birdie V. b. William-Harry. adaah ech. Stephen. SEVENTH GENERATION 481 adaah ecc. Lucy. adaah ecd. Edward. adaah ece. Samuel. adaah ecf. Walter. adaah ee. Peter-Gatewood, son of George (Thomas, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Juliann (Gatewood) Lincoln of Liberty, Mo., born Feb. 22, 1827, at Liberty. He was remem- bered in the will of his grandfather, Peter Gatewood of Fayette county, Ky., with a legacy of $2000 ''because he has lived with me from infancy to manhood." He married, July 31, 1849, in Fayette county, Ky., Mary- Ann Nelson, of whom nothing further has been learned except that she was a niece of John-Leland Howard who married Peter's sister, Jane-Cordelia. Their marriage is recorded at Lexington, Ky. They removed to Missouri and both died there before their only child was twelve years old. Child: adaah eea. Edwina, married a Mr. Copeland and died s. p. adaah ei. Lemuel-Saunders, son of George {Thomas, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Juliann (Gatewood) Lincoln of Liberty, Mo., born Aug. 12, 1833, at Liberty; died March 24, 1907, at Excelsior farm, Plattsburg, Mo. He married, Dec. 7, 1854, Sarah, daughter of John-Trimble and Julia- Ann Allen of Kentucky, born in 1834; died Oct. 21, 1914, at Fort Smith, Ark. Mr. Lincoln made his home at Ex- celsior farm, formerly the home of his brother, John-Karsner, now the home of Benjamin-Owen Weller, adaah eba. They are said to have had five children but the names of two only have been learned. Children, born at Liberty: adaah eia. Caroline, born 1856; died Oct. 21, 1914, at Fort Smith, Ark.; married, 1883, at Versailles, Ky., James-Chiles, son of Joseph-Chambers and Mary (Chiles) Irwin of Mt. Sterling, Ky., born, 1842, in Kentucky; living, 1915, at Fort Smith. He has been a lumberman, cattle dealer and ranchman. They lived at Versailles, Ky., Flag Ranch, Comanche county, Kan., and at Fort Smith. (Records of Julia-Lincoln Irwin, adaah eiaa.) Children, born: a, c at Flag Ranch; h at Versailles; d at Fort Smith: a. Julia-Lincoln, born Oct. 31, 1884; living, 1915, unmarried. 31 482 LINCOLN GENEALOGY h. Francis-Allen, born Oct. 21, 1886; living, 1915, unmarried. c. Joseph-Chambers, born Aug. 14, 1888; mar. Ruth-Catheryn MacLeod. d. Susan, born July 18, 1893; living, 1915, unmarried. adaah eih. Anna, married L. L. Timmons and was living, 1915, at Mt. Steriing, Ohio. adaah ek. George-Thomas, son of George {Thomas, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Juliann (Gatewood) Lincoln of Liberty, Mo., born Oct. 9, 1836, near Liberty; living, 1917, two and a half miles from Benton ville, Ark., where he is engaged in fruit growing. He attended William Jewell college at Liberty, but did not graduate and in May, 1861, enlisted in the Con- federate army and served through the war. He held the rank of captain and was attached to Colonel Joe Blackburn's regiment at one time, but for how long has not been learned. He married (1), June 20, 1859, at Liberty, Virginia-Morton, daughter of George-Morton and Elizabeth-Curd (Lewis) Pryor of Clay county, Mo., born July 18, 1839, near Liberty; died, 1861, at Liberty. Her father, George-Morton Pryor, was born Feb. 20, 1804, in Trimble county, Ky. ; his wife, EHzabeth-Curd Lewis, was born Aug. 4, 1810, in Jessamine county, Ky. He married (2), in 1864, Mrs. Mattie (Halsey) Davis, widow of Dr. Green B. Davis of northern Louisiana, and daughter of Abraham A. and Elizabeth (LeFlore) Halsey of Rankin, Miss., and New Orleans, La. She was born about 1837 in Carroll county. Miss., and died at Fort Smith, Ark. (Thomas Halsey and Descendants, p. 339.) He married (3), near Winona, Miss., Ellen S., daughter of Dr. William J. Sykes of Winona, born 1848, at Winona; died Dec. 13, 1910, at Bentonville. He married (4), November, 1916, Mrs. Mary Lucas of May- field, Ky. Mr. Lincoln had no children by his last three wives. (Records of George-Thomas Lincoln and Mrs. George-Morton Lincoln, adaah eka.) Child, by first wife, born at Liberty: adaah eka. George-Morton, born Feb. 5, 1861, adaah el. Charles-Howard, son of George {Thomas, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Juliann (Gatewood) Lincoln of SEVENTH GENERATION 483 Liberty, Mo., born Feb. 15, 1839, at Liberty; died Jan. 15, 1915, at Plattsburg, Mo. He served as first lieutenant in the Con- federate army under General Sterling Price. He was a farmer but had retired at the time of his death. He lived at Plattsburg. He married, Aug. 20, 1863, at Liberty, Angle, daughter of George and Julia- Ann Smith of Winchester, Va., where she was born. (Records of Benjamin-Owen Weller, adaah eha.) Children, born at South Plattsburg, Mo. : adaah ela. Flotd, born June 24, 1864; died 1882, at Plattsburg. adaah elb. Russell, born March 30, 1866. Has been married but has separated from his wife. adaah elc. Margaret, born July 16, 1869; living, 1920, at Kansas City, Mo. She is said to have married Magnus W. Barber of that place. adaah eld. Charles-Howard, born Sept. 15, 1874. He has been twice married. adaah ele. Angie, adaah elf. Julia, born Aug. 27, 1879; married a Mr. Williams, but they are separated. She is Hving, 1920, at Plattsburg. They had one child. married Col. Willis Wood, who is dead. She is living, 1920, at Kansas City, Mo. adaah em. James-Edwin, son of George {Thomas, JohUy Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Juliann (Gatewood) Lincoln of Liberty, Mo., born Sept. 27, 1840, near Liberty; died March 18, 1896, at Liberty. He was educated in Clay county. Mo., graduating at William Jewell college in 1860. He then studied law at the Louisville, Ky., law school, where he graduated in 1862. He immediately opened a law office in Liberty but soon after went to Montana, where he engaged in trade until 1864, when he returned to Liberty and resumed the practice of law in partnership with Henry L. Routt, which partnership continued until 1867, when it was dissolved and Mr. Lincoln took as a partner Colonel W. H. Woodson, with whom he continued until 1873, after which he conducted his practice alone. In 1871, he was elected city attorney of Liberty and, in 1872, prosecuting attorney for Clay county, in which latter office he continued two years, declining a re-election. In 1876, he was chosen representative in the General Assembly and took an ac- tive part in all the proceedings, being chairman of the special committee appointed to amend and conform the laws to the new 484 LINCOLN GENEALOGY constitution, which had just been adopted. In 1878, he was elected probate judge of Clay county, to which office he was re-elected in 1882, without opposition, but from which he resigned in 1884, and was then appointed by the Governor a curator of the University of Missouri, in which position he served for four years. He then removed to Colorado and es- tablished a bank at Buena Vista, the firm name being Lincoln, Hockaday and Co., but his health failing he sold out this business and returned to Liberty and resumed the practice of law, and purchasing the Liberty "Tribune" he edited it from May, 1888, to May, 1890. In September, 1895, he became editor of the Liberty "Herald '^ and so continued until his death. He was, until 1894, a member of the Democratic party, but in that year he joined the Populist party. He was from his youth an ardent temperance advocate and never faltered in his allegiance to the men who were fighting the saloons in Clay county. In religious connection he was a member of the Christian church, which he joined while in college. He was a Free Mason, becoming a member of Liberty Lodge in 1862, and, in 1873, became identified with Liberty commandery of Knights Templar. "Tried by all the tests, Mr. Lincoln was a good man and a good citizen. Faithful in all the relations of life, very kindly in feelings toward his fellow men, a good neighbor and friend, genial and pleasant in intercourse, always courteous, respectful of the opinions of others and firm in his own, of large public spirit, loving his country with a native's largest measure of love, without bitterness towards enemies or harshness towards rivals, never claiming as much as he merited, conceding to others all they could justly claim, he was in manners and spirit a gentleman of whom his kindred and friends may well be proud.'' (From an obituary notice in the Liberty Herald.) He married, Dec. 7, 1865, at Liberty, Margaret-Pixley, daughter of Greenup and Catherine (Pixley) Bird of Liberty, born Oct. 2, 1845, at Liberty; living, 1915, at Bowling Green, Mo. (Records of Mrs. James-Edwin Lincoln.) Children, born at Liberty: adaah ema. Lora-Bird, born 1866; died Aug. 29, 1869. adaah emb. Katharine-Bird, born May 10, 1873; married, June 30, 1900, SEVENTH GENERATION 485 at Liberty, Robert-Lee, son of Col. M. E. and Mary-Ellen (Duncan) Motley of Bowling Green, Mo., born December, 1873, at Hartford, Mo. He graduated at William Jewell college in 1892, and at Ann Arbor in 1894. He is a lawyer and has been probate judge of Pike county. Mo., since 1902. They are living, 1915, at Bowling Green. Mrs. Motley is a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and is General Federation secretary for Missouri. She is a contributor to " The Missouri Woman." Children, born at Bowling Green: a. Dorothy-Margaret, born Oct. 3, 1902. h. Blanche-Duncan, born Dec. 1, 1907. adaah emc. Gatewood-Saunders, born Aug. 5, 1875. adaah emd. James-Edwin, born June 1, 1879. adaah erne. Charles-Princeton, born March 27, 1885; died September, 1888. adaah gd. Isaac-Wells, son of David {Thomas, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and America-Sanders (Gatewood) Lincoln of Clay county, Mo., born Oct. 30, 1829, in Fayette county, Ky., where his parents were temporarily living; died at Saint Joseph, Mo. He went to California in 1849, but remained there about a year and a half only, returning to Clay county where he was a farmer and breeder of fine horses until 1862, when he removed to Saint Joseph where he passed the remainder of his life. He was for a number of years the proprietor of the Pacific House in Saint Joseph, but did not run it himself. He was inventor, patentee and sole proprietor of a combination dough kneader, flour chest and sifter, which went by his name, and he was later engaged in manufacturing, making all kinds of machinery. He married, Sept. 20, 1860, in Clay county, Marie-Louisa, daughter of Charles and Agnes ( [Davenport] Barnett) Gilkey of Lexington, Ky., born Sept. 29, 1841, at Lexington; living, 1920, with her daughter at Independence, Mo. (Records of James- Claiborne Lincoln, adaah gda; Hist, of Buchanan County, Mo., p. 870.) Children, born: a at Liberty, Mo.; b-e at Saint Joseph: adaah gda. James-Claiborne, born Apr. 5, 1862. adaah gdb. William-David, born May 3, 1864. adaah gdc. Sallie-Knight, born Nov. 16, 1869; living, 1920, at Inde- pendence, Mo. She married Fleming Pendleton. adaah gdd. Doniphan-Rice, born Feb. 12, 1874; living, 1920, unmarried. adaah gde. Isaac- Wells, born Aug. 9, 1878; living, 1920, at Chicago, 111., and is engaged in the lumber business, being president and treasurer 486 LINCOLN GENEALOGY of the Lincoln Lumber Company. He married, Nov. 22, 1918, at South Bend, Ind., Kathryn-Gould, daughter of Arthur-Henry and Ada-Ger- trude (Rice) Wait, born March 30, 1885, at Stiu-gis, Mich. adaga aa. James-Handshaw, son of Thomas {Benjamin, Mordecai, Mordecaiy Mordecai, Samuel) and Mary (Evans) Lincoln of Carmichaels, Pa., born Sept. 15, 1813, at North Union, Pa.; died March 6, 1877, at Le Roy, III., according to his nephew, Horace-Greely Lincoln, adaga agf, but his granddaugh- ter, Una-Mae Daugherty, adaga aaga, says he was born in February and that he was aged 62 years, 22 days, when he died. If she is correct he must have died in March, 1875. Mr. Lincoln taught school for a Mr. Mason who promised to give him a classical education, but Mr. Mason's sudden death prevented this. Several years later Mr. Lincoln became part owner of a newspaper published at Brownsville, Pa., but be- coming tired of this he went as second clerk on the steamboat "Forsythe" to St. Louis, Mo., in 1837, where he secured em- ployment on the ** Globe-Democrat," of which paper he after- wards became, it is claimed, part or complete owner. Meeting with reverses he removed, between 1840 and 1842, to Le Roy, where he passed the rest of his life, engaged in the drug business. He married, Sept. 12, 1841, at Buckels Grove, McLean county, 111., Nellie Merrifield, who was born Nov. 5, 1820, in Green county, Ohio, and died March 21, 1898, at Le Roy. (Records of Horace-Greely Lincoln, adaga agf.) Children, born a, c-g at Le Roy; b at Buckels Grove: adaga aaa. Thomas-Abraham, born June 21, 1843. adaga aab. Benjamin-Franklin, born March 6, 1845; died in Nebraska. He was married and had three daughters. adaga aac. Mary-Ellen, born Apr. 7, 1847; married Alexander Dixon and was living, 1919, at Le Roy. Child: a. A daughter, married Aldo Smith. adaga aad. Mordecai, born Jan. 27, 1849; died Feb. 25, 1896, at Gaines- ville, Mo., unmarried. adaga aae. Edgar C, born Oct. 8, 1852; living, 1918, at Farmer City, 111., unmarried. adaga aaf. James T., born Oct. 8, 1855; died July 22, 1916, at Bloomington, 111., unmarried. adaga aag. Emma-Eliza, born June 7, 1862; died Feb. 11, 1907, at Maryville, Mo.; married, Feb. 21, 1882, at Ridgeway, Mo., George-Byron, son of George and Mary (Wilson) Daugherty of Callensburg, Pa., born Oct. 17, SEVENTH GENERATION 487 1851, at Callensburg; living, 1918. He is with the Business Men's Acci- dent Insurance Co. They lived at Ridgeway, Mine LaMotte and Mary- ville. Mo. (Records of Miss Una-Mae Daugherty.) Chad: a. Una-Mae, mar. Porter-Palmer Bowsher, Leon, Va. adaga ag. Thomas-Boone, son of Thomas {Benjamin, Mor- decai, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Mary (Evans) Lincoln of Carmichaels, Pa., born March 16, 1825, at North Union, Pa.; died Feb. 14, 1901, at Carmichaels, Cumberland Township, Pa., whither he removed after his marriage and where he passed the rest of his life. He followed farming for several years and, later, was a large stock dealer. He married, in Cumberland Township, Mariah-Jackson Hart of Cumberland, born Nov. 11, 1826, at Cumberland; died March 25, 1879, at Carmichaels. (Records of Horace-Greely Lincoln, adaga agf.) Children, born at Carmichaels: adaga aga. Virgil-Ashmead, born Nov. 6, 1847; died Sept. 8, 1877, at Carmichaels, unmarried. He was a teacher. adaga agh. James-Silliman, born June 18, 1850; died March 14, 1903, at Carmichaels, where he had lived. He was a carpenter and cabinet- maker. He married Susan Groomes. They had no children. adaga age. Thomas-Lionel, born Feb. 17, 1856; died Aug. 24, 1902, at Mountain Lake Park, Md. He was by profession an attorney-at-law, also an author and writer. He married Harriet Flenniken, who died before Apr. 30, 1900, on which date he, then living at Carmichaels, gave a quit-claim deed to lands acquired from the Flennikens, the deed being witnessed by his nephew, Robert-Todd Lincoln, adaga agda. (Fayette County Deeds, vol. 194, p. 500.) He had no children. adaga agd. Charles-Jennings, born Nov. 5, 1857. adaga age. Luther-Axtell, born Sept. 15, 1859; living, 1915, unmarried. He is a physician and pharmacist. adaga agf. Horace-Greely, born Oct. 10, 1863. adaga agg. William-Grim, born May 27, 1865; living, 1915, unmarried. He is a music teacher. adaga ga. Henry, son of Mordecai (Benjamin, Mordecai, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Jane (Gilpin) Lincoln of Dun- bar, Pa., born, 1832, at Dunbar; died about 1861 or 62, probably at Dunbar. He married, Apr. 10, 1856, at Smithfield, Pa., Huldah, daugh- ter of Jesse and Susanna Leech of Smithfield, who was born about 1831, at Smithfield. They lived for a few years at Smith- i 488 LINCOLN GENEALOGY field but separated about five or six years after marriage, each going to his own family, and Mr. Lincoln died soon after. In March, 1863, Jesse Leech removed to Allen county, Ohio, and Mrs. Lincoln went with him, taking her son Charles. She afterwards married a wealthy physician and was living, 1915, at Los Angeles, Calif., aged eighty-four years. (Information of Mrs. Elizabeth [Lincoln] Haldeman, adaga ge, and Mrs. Annie- Elizabeth [Carson] Moore, adaga abd.) A deed dated Jan. 14, and recorded July 13, 1870, says: Henry Lincoln of Fayette county *4n consideration of certain debts paid for him by Jane Lincoln (his mother) as also his care and expense accrued in this his present and perhaps his last sickness," quit claims all title to one tenth part of the land on which Mordecai Lincoln (his father) died intestate, to Jane Lincoln. No wife signed this deed. (Fayette County Deeds, Book 22, p. 425.) Children, born at Smithfield: adaga gaa. Charles-Benton-Fremont, died in 1912 or 1913, at Los Angeles, Calif. He remained with his grandfather until maturity, receiving a common school education. He then entered the employ of the Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad Company, in the ticket office at Lima, Ohio. After a few years he procured a position with the Southern Pacific Railroad Company at Denver, Colo., where he remained for three or four years, when he removed to San Francisco, Calif., serving the same company until 1905, in several positions among which was that of general passenger accountant of the entire system. When the new railroad, commonly known as Senator Clark's road, was built from Salt Lake City to Los Angeles, he left the Southern Pacific and entered the employ of the new road, being in the general offices at Los Angeles, and remained there until his death. He married at Denver a Miss Kerr. (Information of Snyder Leech, of Smithfield, Pa.) adaga gab. A daughter, who died about the same time as her father, aged two years. adaga gd. Mordecai, son of Mordecai {Benjamin, Mordecai^ Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Jane (Gilpin) Lincoln of Dunbar, Pa., born Sept. 1, 1838, at Dunbar; died Jan. 14, 1912, at Uniontown, Pa. He was for sixteen years a teacher in the district schools; after that a farmer and agent for nursery stock. In 1861, he enlisted in Company C, 85th Pennsylvania infantry, and was discharged in September, 1862, for incapacity, having SEVENTH GENERATION 489 been wounded in the hand. He was frequently called Mor- decai S Lincoln, but apparently had no middle name, and perhaps used the initial ''S" to distinguish him from his father. He married, Apr. 23, 1863, at Uniontown, Mary-Elizabeth, daughter of Edward and Mary (Martin) Rose of North Union, Pa., born Oct. 11, 1848, at North Union; living, 1915, at Union- town. After their marriage they lived at North Union for twenty-five years, then for twelve years at McLellantown, Pa., until 1900, and after that at Uniontown. (Records of Mrs. Mor- decai Lincoln.) Children, born at North Union: adaga gda. Edward-Rose, born June 3, 1864. adaga gdh. Charles-Henry, born June 3, 1867; married, June 26, 1890, Lizzie, daughter of Conrad and Elizabeth (Bowman) Deffenbaugh of Nicholson, Pa. He is an engineer on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. They are living, 1915, at Connellsville, Pa. They have no children. adaga gdc. Mary-Jane, born Oct. 8, 1869; married, Oct. 17, 1890, Isadore- Lincoln, son of David and Mary (Poundstone) Kauffman of Jumonville, Pa., born 186- at Jumonville. They are living, 1915, at Uniontown, Pa. He is a plumber. Children: a. Mabel-Marie, born Apr. 2, 1895; unmarried, 1915. h. Catherine, born Aug. 15, 1897; unmarried, 1915. c. Kenneth, born July, 1908. adaga gdd. Sarah-Ann, born May 16, 1871; living, 1915, unmarried. adaga gde. Clara, born July 22, 1877; died Apr. 26, 1878, and is buried in the Lincoln burying ground at North Union. adaga gdf. Belle, born July 4, 1879; died Jan. 24, 1880, and is buried in the Lincoln burying ground at North Union. adaga gdg. Lillian-Hogsett, born June 24, 1881; married, Jan. 30, 1904, at Brownsville, Pa., James-Bailey, son of James and Elizabeth (Moxley) Davis of Tippecanoe, Pa., born July 13, 1880, at Tippecanoe. They are living, 1915, at Uniontown, Pa. He is a clerk in a shoe store. Children, born at Uniontown : a. Charles-Lincoln, born Dec. 17, 1905. h. Robert-Franklin, born Dec. 21, 1908. c. James-Bailey, born March 21, 1911. adaga gdh. Harry-Benjamin, born May 4, 1884; married, Apr. 23, 1905, at Waynesburg, Pa., Mary, daughter of Gordon and Henrietta (Campbell) Howard of Waynesburg. They are living, 1915, at Connellsville, Pa. He is a locomotive engineer on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. They have no children. adaga gf. Edwakd-Gilpin, son of Mordecai {Benjamin^ Mordecai, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Jane (Gilpin) Lincoln of Dunbar, Pa., born Aug. 27, 1844, at Dunbar; died 490 LINCOLN GENEALOGY July 14, 1906, at Dunbar, where he had passed his whole life. He was a stone-mason. He married about 1867, at Uniontown, Pa., Lucy- Ann, daugh- ter of Zebley and Mary (Sweitser) Moast of Mount Braddock, Pa., born in 1855. They were married before Jan. 6, 1868, on which date Edward G. Lincoln and Lucy his wife of Dunbar conveyed to Joseph T. Shepler of Dunbar one half acre of land and a one story house ''now occupied by said Lincoln.'^ (Fayette County Deeds, Book xxxvii, p. 363.) On Jan. 13, 1908, the homestead in Dunbar was sold and the deed signed by the following: Lucy Lincoln, B. F. Lincoln and Cora Lincoln, Ella Stutler and Hiram Stutler her husband, Matilda Keffer and Albert Keffer her husband, Elias H. Lin- coln and Alice Lincoln his wife, Charles Lincoln and Elizabeth Lincoln his wife, M. J. Lincoln and Isabella Lincoln his wife, all of Dunbar Borough, Connellsville and Dunbar township. (Ihid.y Book cclxxxii, p. 47.) Mrs. Lincoln married (2), December, 1914, at Dunbar, John Gengerich of Brownsville, Pa., where they are now, 1915, living. (Information of Mrs. Mary-Elizabeth [Rose] Lincoln, agada gd.) Children, born at Dunbar: adaga gfa. Benjamin-Fkanklin, born May 28, 1869. adaga gfb. Nellie-Jane, born Jan. 22, 1872; married (1), Aug. 27, 1897, at Dunbar, William-Jacob, son of Thomas-Jefferson and Hannah (Davis) Farr, born about 1868; died March 6, 1898, at Dunbar, aged about 30 years. He was a blacksmith and lived at Dunbar. They had no children. She married (2), Oct. 14, 1902, at Dunbar, Hiram-Lakin, son of William-Winfield and Olive (Pope) Stutler, who was born in Doddridge county, W. Va. They are living, 1915, at Dunbar. He is a car finisher. Children, by second husband, born: a, b at Coalton, W. Va.; c-e at Dunbar: a. Hayward-Lawrence Stutler, born Apr. 20, 1904. b. William-Edward Stutler, born March 6, 1906. c. Cecil-Ernest Stutler, born Jan. 2, 1908. d. Nellie-Estelle Stutler, born Aug. 2, 1910. e. Lilla-Pearl Stutler, born Jan. 6, 1914; died Apr. 18, 1914. adaga gfc. Matilda-Craig, born Aug. 3, 1874; married Albert Keffer. He is a carpenter. They Uve, 1915, at Brownsville, Pa. ( married EUzabeth Alder- son; lives at Dunbar. A stone-cutter, married Alice Rout; lives at Hampton, Va. A stone-mason. adaga gfd. Charles-Edward, adaga gfe. Elias-Hudson, born June, 1877; SEVENTH GENERATION 491 adaga gff. James-McCain, born 1879; married Isabella McCain. They are living, 1915, at Peachem P. O., Dunbar. He is an engineer. adaga gh. Benjamin-Franklin, son of Mordecai (Benjamin^ Mordecai, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Jane (Gilpin) Lincoln of Dunbar, Pa., born June 11, 1847, at Dunbar. At the age of sixteen he commenced to teach school in Fayette county, Pa., at which he continued for three years. He then went for a year to Michigan University at Ann Arbor, and at the age of twenty went to La Salle county, 111., where he taught school for two years. He then studied law at Ottawa, 111., and was admitted to the bar in 1872. Since then he has practised his profession. In 1890 he was elected county judge for La Salle county, which office he held for four years. He then formed a partnership with William H. Stead, under the firm name of Lincoln & Stead, which continued until Mr. Stead's- election as Attorney General of the State in 1905, since which he has practised alone. For several years he was Mr. Stead's chief assistant and participated in the preparation of several very important cases. He has built up a large and successful law practice and, aside from that, was chiefly instrumental in establishing on a permanent basis Ot- tawa's most important industrial institution, the Federal Plate Glass factory. He married (1), Apr. 24, 1873, at Ottawa, Nellie, daughter of Russell-Kendall and Susan (Wakey) Brown of La Salle county, born Nov. 24, 1855, in La Salle county; died Nov. 13, 1885, at Ottawa. He married (2), Feb. 3, 1887, at Ottawa, Mary-Elizabeth, daughter of William and Mary-Elizabeth (Hise) Osman of Ottawa, born Dec. 24, 1858, at Ottawa. Her parents were na- tives of Pennsylvania and removed to Illinois about 1840, before their marriage. Mr. Osman was editor for over fifty years of "The Ottawa Free Trader." Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln are living, 1915, at Ottawa. (Records of Benjamin-Franklin Lincoln.) Children, by first wife, born at Ottawa: adaga gha. Walter-Kendall, born Oct. 11, 1876. adaga ghh. Maude-Anne, born Nov. 12, 1879. She is unmarried. She spent four years in Vienna and Paris in the study of piano music. She is now, 1915, living at Hollidaysburg, Pa., where she has charge of the depart- ment of music in a school in that city. 492 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Child, by second wife, born at Ottawa: adaga ghc. Katherine-Mary, born Feb. 2, 1892; living, 1915, unmarried. adaga gi. Thomas-Jefferson, son of Mordecai {Benjamin, Mordecai, Mordecai^ Mordecai, Samuel) and Jane (Gilpin) Lincoln of Dunbar, Pa., born July 7, 1849, at Dunbar; died Jan. 3, 1900, at South Connellsville, Pa. These dates are from the family Bible, except that his birth is given therein as 1847, which is probably an error for 1848 or 1849, the latter perhaps more likely. He was a stone-mason and lived at Dunbar. He married, June 30, 1870, Margaret-Ellen Yaw, who was born Oct. 31, 1851, and died Jan. 1, 1908, or 1909. March 11, 1876, Thomas J. Lincoln and Ellen his wife of Con- nellsville sold land in Dawson, Pa., for $600. In this deed she signs herself Maggie E. Lincoln. On March 23, 1885, and May 24, 1887, Margaret E. Lincoln and Thomas J. Lincoln, her husband, sold land in West Vanderbilt, Pa., purchased in 1883 of Joseph Oglenee and Rebecca his wife of East Liberty, Pa. (Fayette County Deeds, Books 32, p. 94; 65, p. 183; 72, p. 488.) Children, born at Dunbar: adaga gia. Mary-Elizabeth, born Jan. 27, 1871; died in a home for the feeble minded. adaga gib. Joseph H., born Sept. 11, 1872; died Oct. 5, 1872. adaga gic. James-Dernell, born March 22, 1875. adaga gid. William-Rogers, born Oct. 18, 1878. adaga gie. George-Washington, born Apr. 1', 1881. He is a brick-layer by trade and was living until 1916, at Connellsville, Pa., but removed that year to Youngstown, Ohio. He is married and has one child. adagb de. Benjamin-Franklin, son of Jesse {John, Morde- cai, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Hannah (Jones) Lincoln of Uniontown, Pa., born Sept. 17 or 20, 1820, at Uniontown; died Feb. 8, 1868, at Columbus, Ohio. He was married and his wife's name was Martha, but nothing further has been learned of her save that she is said to have married (2) a Mr. Huston. (Genealo- gy of David Jones, pp. 88-9.) Children : adagh dea. Belle. She died in 1916 or 1917, at St. Petersburg, Fla. She married John Miller. adagh deb. Edith, married Willis Pyatt and was living, 1916, at St. Peters- burg, Fla. SEVENTH GENERATION 493 adafb dh. John-Patterson, son of Jesse {John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Hannah (Jones) Lincoln of Uniontown, Pa., born Feb. 18, 1828, at Uniontown. He married (1), in 1852, Amy Trout. He married (2), Sept. 15, 1882, Ellen Kennedy, by whom he had no children. (Genealogy of David Jones, pp. 89-90.) Child, by first wife: adagb dha. Hester, born Oct. 17, 1853; married, Apr. 16, 1873, John-Henry Collins. They were said to be living, 1915, at Lancaster, Fairfield county, Ohio. Children : a. Helen-Rebecca, born Aug. 2, 1874. h. Rosalia- Amy, born Jan. 25, 1875; mar. Albert J. Rundio. adagb dj. Richard-Stokes, son of Jesse {John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Hannah (Jones) Lincoln of Uniontown, Pa., born Feb. 18, 1832, at Uniontown; died in 1871, being lost in a severe snowstorm that winter in the mountains of West Virginia. His body was never recovered. He was a tin- smith and lived at Uniontown. He served in the Union army in the Civil war. He married, Apr. 10, 1857, at Uniontown, Hannah-Ann, daughter of Leroy and Sallie (Sutton) Haymaker of Uniontown, born Oct. 9, 1830, at Uniontown; died Dec. 30, 1909, at Union- town. (Genealogy of David Jones, p. 90; Records of Leroy- Sherman Lincoln, adagh dje.) Children, born at Uniontown: adagh dja. Margaret-Jane, born Sept. 27, 1858; married, July 15, 1874, at New Salem, Pa., Lacy-Evans, son of George and Ruth (Moore) Dearth of New Salem, born Jan. 2, 1856, at New Salem. They are living, 1915, near New Salem. He is a farmer. Children, born near New Salem : a. Minnie-Lincoln, born Nov. 4, 1875; living, 1915, unmarried. b. Sallie-Pearl, born May 26, 1877; living, 1915, unmarried. c. George-Baird, born June 28, 1883; living, 1915, unmarried. d. Blanche-Moore, born June 26, 1890; living, 1915, unmarried. e. Marguerite-Evans, born Apr. 9, 1892; living, 1915, unmarried. adagb djb. Richard-Ellsworth, K^^.^ -^ 24 1861*^^®^ June, 1861. adagb djc. Jesse-Leroy, / y ^ » \ ^^jg^j June, 1861. adagb djd. Sallie-Haymaker, born June 24, 1862; living, 1915, at Union- town, unmarried. adagb dje. Leroy-Sherman, born Aug. 21, 1866. 494 LINCOLN GENEALOGY adagb fb. William-Harrison, son of William (John, Mor- decai, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Diadama (Briggs) Lincoln of Westville Center, N. Y., born Dec. 14, 1837, at West- ville Center. He was a farmer, living at West Constable, N. Y., until about 1886, when he removed to Plattsburg where he was living in 1915, and where he was working for the city as foreman. He married, March 31, 1862, at Bombay, N. Y., Frances- Louisa, daughter of Stephen- Vanranselar and Mary-Araminta (Trumbull) Parr of Bombay, born March 7, 1844, at Bombay; hving, 1915. (Records of William-Harrison Lincoln.) Children, born: a-d at West Constable; e at Plattsburg: adaghfha, Frances-Eloise, bom March 31, 1863; married, Jan. 24, 1884, at Lyon Mountain, N. Y., George-Henry, son of Joseph-Conrad and Mary (Ayres) Myers of Dannemora, N. Y., born Nov. 19, 1856, at Dannemora. Mary Ayres was descended from Robert Ayres, a sergeant in the Revolu- tion, who was the messenger, according to family tradition, who conveyed to Jane McCrea a message from her lover, Lieut. David Jones, urging her to submit to an Indian escort to convoy her to Burgoyne's army to be married. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln are living, 1916, at Plattsburg. He is a merchant. Children, born at Lyon Mountain: a. Helen-Mary, born Sept. 8, 1885. h. Florence-Edna, born Jan. 21, 1887; mar. John H. Brandt. c. Mary-Frances, born Jan. 30, 1889; died Sept. 15, 1910. d. Charles-Ralph, born Aug. 3, 1893. adagh fbb. Charles-Egbert, born Feb. 7, 1865; married, Nov. 18, 1895, at Lee, Mass., Mary, daughter of Langham and Anna (Summerfield) Booth of Albany, N. Y., born Jan. 1, 1870, at Liverpool, England. Her parents came from England with their family in the early seventies. Mr. Lincoln has been connected with the United States Railway mail service for thirty years. He is now, 1916, chief clerk of that service at Albany, where he has lived since Jan. 15, 1912. They have no children. adagb fbc. Edna- Alice, born June 29, 1867; married, Jan. 29, 1903, at Plattsburg, Eugene-Malcome, son of James and Catherine (Wilkins) Bishop of Mayfield, N. Y., bom Oct. 9, 1848, at Mayfield. They were living, 1915, at Gloversville, N. Y. He was a glove manufacturer, and died early in April, 1916. They had no children. adagb fbd. Helen-Mary, born Jan. 18, 1871; married, Jan. 5, 1909, at Gloversville, N. Y., William- Wilson, son of William-Henry and Margaret- Elizabeth (Betts) Conaughty of Cohoes, N. Y., born Dec. 7, 1859, at Cohoes. They have lived since marriage at Watervliet, N. Y. He is a "railroad man." They have no children. afgbfbe. Daisy-Mat, \ ^^ p ^ jg^g / died June 6 1877 adagb fbf. Dora-Dell, J ' ' I died June 15, 1876. adagb fbg. William- Andrew, born June 14, 1878; died same day. adagb fbh. William-Henry, born Aug. 20, 1886; died Feb. 21, 1913, unmar- ried. SEVENTH GENERATION 495 adahb bb. George-Vashtine, son of William {Thomas, Thomas, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Lydia (Myers) Lin- coln of Atglen, Pa., born Nov. 11, 1811, at Atglen; died Oct. 19, 1888, at Philadelphia, Pa. He was a farmer and passed practi- cally his whole life on a farm about four miles from Atglen, near Parkesburg. He married, Sept. 4, 1834, at Lancaster, Pa., Mary, daughter of Stacy and Mary (Smith) Morris of New Jersey and Pennsyl- vania, born Nov. 14, 1810, in Chester county, Pa.; died Apr. 5, 1896, at Philadelphia. Her will dated Aug. 22, 1893, says she was then living in Philadelphia and names her six living children. (Philadelphia Wills, vol. 185, p. 417.) Her grandfather, Edward Smith of Philadelphia, was a sea-captain; her father, Stacy Morris, was born Apr. 7, 1780, and her mother, Mary Smith, was born in May, 1786. (Records of Samuel- Wilson Lincoln, adahb hhi.) \ Children, born at Atglen: adahh hha. Ruth-Ann, born June 28, 1835; died May 28, 1902, at Philadel- phia; married, Sept. 19, 1872, at Parkesburg, Pa., John, son of James Stewart of county Tyrone, Ireland, born in 1833, in Ireland; died May 17, 1903, at Philadelphia, where he had lived. He was a painter. They had no children. adahh bhh. Newton, born October, 1837; died October, 1837. adahb bbc. Thomas-Osborn, born Nov. 6, 1839; died Apr. 19, 1842. adahb bbd. Lydia-Priscilla, born Oct. 15, 1841; died March 15, 1863, at Parkesburg, Pa., unmarried. adahb bbe. Sarah-Jane, born Feb. 22, 1844; living, 1916, at East Downington, Pa.; married, Nov. 25, 1869, at Parkesburg, George- Washington Wagner, born June 29, 1829, at Compassville, Chester county, Pa. ; died Jan. 30, 1893, at Philadelphia. They lived first at Parkesburg, where he was a farmer, but removed, later, to Philadelphia. Child, born at Parkesburg : a, Grace-Olivia, born Feb. 3, 1871 ; mar. William Carey. adahb bbf. Olivia-Elizabeth, born Sept. 29, 1845; living, 1913, at Atglen; married, Nov. 18, 1869, at Parkesburg, Pa., Andrew-Jackson, son of Charles and Nancy (Kirkpatrick) Irwin of Parkesburg, born March 2, 1837, at Newcastle, Del.; died July 22, 1912, at Atglen. They lived at Atglen and he was by trade a blacksmith. He served in the Civil war, a member of Company L, Pennsylvania volunteer calvalry. He was at one time postmaster of Atglen. Children, born at Atglen : a. Ruth-Lillian, born Apr. 26, 1871 ; mar. John Thompson. b. Anna-Elizabeth, born Feb. 6, 1873; died Feb. 21, 1873. c. Mary-Lincoln, born Jan. 23, 1876; living, 1913, unmarried. d. Helen-Cecilia, born May 5, 1885; living, 1913, unmarried. 496 LINCOLN GENEALOGY adahh hhg. Mary-Cecilia, born Apr. 6, 1847; died Oct. 23, 1913, at Chicago, 111. ; married, Apr. 26, 1883, at Parkesburg, Pa., Alfred-Lea, son of Joseph and Mary-Ann (Caldwell) Carey of Chester county. Pa., born Oct. 1, 1841, in Delaware county. Pa.; died Dec. 23, 1892, at Philadelphia, Pa. He was a lawyer. They lived at Philadelphia. They had no children. adahh bhh. George-Eckert, born Sept. 2, 1848; died January, 1918, at Chicago, 111. He left his father's farm as a boy and became an apprentice in the printing establishment of Ashmead and Company, Philadelphia, the first office in the United States to use a power printing press. On the completion of his apprenticeship in his twenty-first year, Mr. Lincoln took a trip to the far West and then travelled back and forth across the country, working as a printer in many towns and cities. He was at one time part owner of the ''North Missouri Courier" of Hannibal, Mo., and, afterwards, publisher of a chain of Colorado mining town news- papers. Tiring of the printing business he joined the "J & J" outfit as a plainsman and, in this capacity, travelled through the West and Northwest, particularly in the Black Hills region. In 1880 he went on the road selling printing material and in 1886 entered the employ of the Mergenthaler Linotype Company, becoming its Chicago agent in 1902, which position he held until his death. He married (1), March 17, 1870, at Hannibal, Mary-Loreno, daughter of Philip and Barbara (Miller) Heiss of Hannibal, born 1850, at Hannibal; died in 1908, at St. Louis, Mo. They were divorced in 1875, having had one child who died an infant in 1871. Philip Heiss was a native of Paris, France, and emigrated to Hannibal where he died before his daughter's marriage. Mr. Lincoln married (2), Feb. 28, 1889, at Philadelphia, Mary, daughter of Washington and Mary (Vandever) Yates of Philadelphia, born Nov. 9, 1845, at Philadelphia. They had no children. adahb bbi. Samuel- Wilson, born July 18, 1852. adahb be. Thomas, son of William (Thomas, Thomas, Mor- decai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Lydia (Myers) Lincoln of Atglen, Pa., born March 7, 1813, at Atglen; died March 4, 1857, at Gordonville, Pa. He was a cabinet-maker and lived at Leacock and Gordonville, Lancaster county, Pa. He married at Reading, Pa., Elizabeth, daughter of John and EKzabeth (Good) Erb of Strasburg, Pa., born July 16, 1823, at Strasburg; died Feb. 17, 1910, at Intercourse, Pa. (Records of Mrs. Margaret-Priscilla [Lincoln] Rutter, adahh bee.) ■ Children, born: a, d at Leacock; b, c at New Milltown; e at Gordonville : adahh hca. George-Lewis, born Feb. 16, 1841; died May 1, 1860, unmarried. adahh hcb. Elizabeth- Ann, born Nov. 9, 1842; married, Dec. 9, 1875, at Lancaster, Pa., Jonathan-Roland, son of Cyrus and Elizabeth-Anna (Eaby) Miller of Millcreek, Pa., born Sept. 25, 1841, at Millcreek. He was in the harness business for twenty-eight years at Intercourse, Pa., all died before 1914. SEVENTH GENERATION 497 then a farmer at Spring Garden, Pa. They are living, 1914, at Intercourse. Children, born at Intercom'se: a. Margaret-Mae, born June 22, 1878; mar. Harry-Reaux-Martin Kissenger. h. Joseph-Clyde, born Apr. 14, 1883; mar. Elsie-Reidenbach Eberly. adahb bcc. Emma-Frances, born Dec. 2, 1844; died in the Spring of 1902; married James Scott. Children: a. Ira, b. Daisy, c. Ralph, d. Howard, 6. Lewis, /. James, living, 1917, at Lancaster, Pa. g. Grover, living, 1917, at Gordonville, Pa. adahb bed. John-Erb, born Aug. 1, 1847. adahb bee, Margaret-Priscilla, born Sept. 16, 1849; living, 1914, at East Downington, Pa.; married, Dec. 27, 1871, at Compassville, Pa., Jacob R., son of Eli and Elizabeth (Skiles) Rutter of Intercourse, Pa., born Nov. 14, 1842, at Milltown, Pa.; died June 23, 1911, at Intercourse, where they had lived. He was a farmer. He held the office of County Com- missioner from 1893 to 1896, and was a bank director. Children, born at Intercourse : a. Minnie-Lytle, born Sept. 29, 1872; mar. John-Harry Martin. b. Elizabeth-Skiles, born Aug. 15, 1874; mar. Frederick Leibfreid. c. Jacob-Blance, born Apr. 9, 1876; died Apr. 11, 1879. d. Eli, born Jan. 11, 1878; died Apr. 17, 1879. e. William-Evans, born Jan. 24, 1880; mar. Lydia-Magdaline Bair. . Carrie-Lincoln, born Oct. 22, 1882; mar. Walter-Franklin Mylin. g. Harriet-Cleveland, born Nov. 8, 1884; died Dec. 29, 1901. h. Effie-Thornton, born Feb. 23, 1889; mar. Park-Leaman Plank. i. Maggie-Carey, born Dec. 4, 1890; died Nov. 3, 1891. adahb bd. German-Dickenson, son of William ( Thomas, Thomas, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Elizabeth (Duross) Lincoln of Lancaster county, Pa., born Apr. 9, 1822, in Sadsbury township, Lancaster county; died Dec. 11, 1891, at Wilmington, Del., where he had Hved. He was a ship-joiner. He married (1), Sept. 2, 1846, at Wilmington, Rachel-Potts, I daughter of William and Rachel (Dubois) Holston of Naaman's Creek, Newcastle county, Del., born 1824, at Naaman's Creek; died Apr. 15, 1864, at Wilmington. He married (2), Jan. 18, 1866, at Wilmington, Mary-Rebecca, daughter of Henry-Gregg and Rachel-Logan (Brown) Missimer 32 I 498 LINCOLN GENEALOGY of Strickersville, Pa., born Feb. 23, 1844, at Strickersville. This family is buried in Brandywine cemetery. (Records of Miss Anna T Lincoln, adahh hde.) Children, by first wife, born at Wilmington: adahb bda. William-Taylor, born Aug. 30, 1848; died Apr. 14, 1906, at Wil- mington, unmarried. adahb bdb. Mary-Emma, born 1851; died Nov. 8, 1860. adahb bdc. Harry, born 1857; died July 23, 1859. adahb bdd. Lillie-Jane, born June 14, 1860; married, March 29, 1894, at Wilmington, Hubert- Armitage, son of Francis-Asbury and Keziah-Jane (Stewart)* Roop of Wilmington, born June 30, 1846, at Pencador Hun- dred, Del. They are living, 1919, at Wilmington. He is a job printer. Child, born at Wilmington: a. Alice-Lincoln, born Oct. 20, 1897. Children, by second wife, born at Wilmington: adahb bde. Anna T, born June 13, 1870; Hving, 1919, at Wilmington, un- married. adahb bdf. Harry-Davis, born July 5, 1875 ; died March 30, 1878. adahb db. Samuel, son of Thomas {Thomas, Thomas, Mor- decai, Mordecai, Samuel) Lincoln of Montfort, Wis., by his first wife. Miss McNeal. He was born May 7, 1819, in Chester coun- ty. Pa.; and died June 10, 1888, at Custer, S. D. He was a farmer and tanner and lived successively in Illinois, at Mont- fort, Wis., in Iowa, Missouri, and at Custer. He married, in 1852, at Montfort, Sarah-Jane, daughter of James and Sarah (Pennington) David. Some say the name was Daniel not David. James David or Daniel is said to have been a native of Massachusetts. Sarah- Jane was born July 15, 1834, in Ohio and was living in 1915. The two oldest children are buried at a place known as the *'01d Rock Church," a little country church near Montfort, which was built in 1849. Many Lincolns are said to be buried there. (Records of Miss Mattie Lincoln, adahg fag.) Children, born : a-g at Montfort; h-k in Iowa: adahb dba. John, born 1853; died Feb. 11, 1856. adahb dbb. Mary, born 1855; died Sept. 9, 1859. adahb dbc. Lavina, born 1857; died 1871. adahb dbd. Lodena, born 1859 ; married a Mr. McFarland of Moorcrof t, Wyo. adahb dbe. Oliver, 1 , 1861* I ^^^^ ^^ 1912(?). adahb dbf. Olive, / ' I died in infancy. *Keziah-Jane Stewart was descended from the old Delaware family of Ferris. >l SEVENTH GENERATION 499 adahb dbg. Frances, born 1864; married H. Hickman of Moorcroft, Wyo. adahb dbh. Grant, born 1866; living, 1920, at LaGrande, Ore. He is mar- ried. adahb dbi. Addie, born 1868; died 1868. adahb dbj. Emma, born 1871; died 1882. adahb dbk. Charlotte, born 1874; living, 1920, at Billings, Mont., unmar- ried. adahb dc. John, son of Thomas {Thomas, Thomas, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) Lincoln of Montfort, Wis., by his first wife. Miss McNeal. He was born in 1821, in Chester county, Pa., and died November, 188-, at Gloucester, N. J. He was a ship- carpenter and lived at Wilmington, Del., until about 1874, when he removed to Gloucester. He married, March 19, 1857, at New Hope, Pa., EHzabeth Lovett, whose parentage has not been learned. She was born Feb. 15, 1833, and died March 10, 1914, at Gloucester. (Rec- ords of Miss Anna T Lincoln, adahb hde.) Children, born: a-i at Wilmington; j at Gloucester: adahb dca. Samuel-Thomas, born Dec. 10, 1859; died Nov. 7, 1861. adahb deb. George-Washington, born May 3, 1860; died July 16, 1860. adahb dec. Matilda-May, born June 4, 1861; died Apr. 12, 1919, at Glouces- ter; married, Jan. 10, 1885, at Gloucester, William, son of Robert and Mary (Thomson) Gardiner, born Feb. 19, 1862, at Glasgow, Scotland. He is an electrician, living, 1920, at Gloucester. Children, born at Gloucester: a. John-Wallace, born Aug. 24, 1886; mar. Mrs. Ella (Shallcross) Cline. 6. Robert-Lincoln, born June 12, 1893; died January, 1894. adahb dcd. Frank- Alvin, born Apr. 10, 1863. adahb dee. John- Wesley, born March 10, 1865; married, Jan. 1, 1916, at Gloucester, Mrs. Elizabeth (Agner) Whartenby, daughter of Conrad and Sarah Agner of Philadelphia, Pa., born in 1862, at Philadelphia. They are living, 1920, at Gloucester. He is a pipe-fitter. They have no children. adahb dcf. William-Dickinson, born Jan. 4, 1867; died May 1, 1889, at Gloucester, unmarried, adahb dcg. Robert-Allen, born Oct. 11, 1868. adahb deh. Margaret- Jane, born March 31, 1871 ; married, Jan. 14, 1894, at Leominster, Mass., Frank-Andrew, son of Harvey and Sarah (Palmer) Bradley of Dickinson Center, N. Y., born Sept. 28, 1864, at Dickinson Center. He is a machinist. They were living, 1920, at Fitchburg, Mass. Children, born at Fitchburg: a. Ethel-Elizabeth, born Oct. 28, 1894; mar. (1) Steven Russell; (2) Rexford-LeRoy Myers. 6. Frank-Lincoln, born May 14, 1900. adahb dei. Howard, born Jan. 1, 1874; died Jan. 25, 1914, at Gloucester. 500 LINCOLN GENEALOGY He married Eva Mohring, who is living, 1920, at Gloucester. They had one child: o. Anna. adahb dcj. Harry-Reaves, born May 3, 1876. adahb fa. James-Moore, son of Samuel (Thomas, Thomas, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Eliza (Moore) Lincoln of Mount Vernon, Ohio, born May 13, 1832, near Parkesburg, Pa.; died March 4, 1901, at Amity, Mo. He removed with his parents to Ohio and thence to Wisconsin, Illinois, Iowa and Missouri, finally settling at Amity. He was a farmer. He married, Sept. 3, 1857, at Montfort, Wis., Hannah- Elizabeth, daughter of Enoch and Sarah-Ann (Steigers) Johnson, adahh eh, born Sept. 23, 1832, in Chester county, Pa.; died Feb. 18, 1915, at Amity. (Records of Edith-Olivia [Lincoln] Beatty, adahh fad.) Children, born: a-c at Montfort, Wis.; d at Millersburg, 111.; e in Iowa; /, g at Amity: adahb faa. Sarah-Elizabeth, born Feb. 1, 1859; married, Nov. 9, 1882, at Osborn, Mo., James-Christopher, son of Charies-Strawther and Catharine- Ann (Dunn) Whitescarver of Stanberry, Mo., born Feb. 28, 1858, at Hiawatha, Kan. They are living, 1915, at Olathe, Kan. He is a teacher. Children, born at Stanberry : a. Etta-Elizabeth, born Nov. 4, 1884; living, 1915, unmarried. 5. Clara-May, born Feb. 3, 1888; living, 1915, unmarried. adahb fab. Ettie-Frances, born June 7, 1861; married, Sept. 15, 1881, at Osborne, Mo., Maltimore-Edward, son of Robert-Edward and Anna- Maria (Anderson) Beane of Kilmarnock, Va., born July 18, 1859, at Kil- marnock. They are living, 1915, at Rock Island, Tex. He is a farmer. (Records of Mrs. Beane.) Children, born: a at Maysville; b at Barton; c at Lamar; d, e at Amity, Mo.;/, g at Rock Island, Tex.: a. James-Robert, born Sept. 25, 1882; mar. Iris Curry. 6. Atha-Elizabeth, born Nov. 15, 1885. c. Raleigh-Edward, born Oct. 14, 1888. { d. Claude-Lincoln, born May 29, 1890. e. Guy-Arval, born Sept. 7, 1895. ' /. Bessie-Lue-Emma, U^^^ j^^ 1 Iggg^ g. Jesse-Leo, J adahb fac. Emma-Louisa, born Sept. 6, 1862; died March 6, 1891; married, March 12, 1885, at Osborne, Mo., Adam-Henry, son of John and Annie Ferguson of Canada, born near Toronto. He is a farmer, living, 1915, at Amity, Mo. « Children, born at Amity: ^ a. John-Samuel, born Apr. 12, 1887; mar. Mary-Louisa Matters, i b. Arthur-Harold, born Feb. 3, 1889; living, 1915, unmarried." SEVENTH GENERATION 501 adahb fad. Edith-Olivia, born Oct. 9, 1864; married, Sept. 15, 1891, at Amity, Mo., George-Henry, son of John and Caroline (Nixon) Beatty of Fergus, Canada, born Feb. 9, 1865, at Fergus. They are living, 1915, at Monte Vista, Colo., where Mr. Beatty is proprietor of the Hotel Grand, but he is in poor health and his wife runs the business. Children, born at Monte Vista: a. Omie-Lincoln, born Nov. 29, 1892; died Feb. 18, 1898. b. Olin-George, born May 20, 1894. c. Hannah-Olivia, born July 12, 1899. d. John-Henry, born Aug. 14, 1901. adahb fae. Samuel-Enoch, born Aug. 6, 1869. adahb faf. James- Wesley, born Sept. 23, 1871; living, 1915, at Del Norte, Colo., unmarried. adahb fag. Martha-Elizabeth, born Nov. 5, 1874; living, 1915, at Amity, unmarried. adahb gb. Thomas, son of Azariah (Thomas, Thomas, Mor- decai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Mary (Miles) Lincoln of Montfort, Wis., born Jan. 7, 1822, at Atglen, Pa.; died June 1, 1890, at Mount Gilead, Ohio. He Hved in Grant and Iowa counties, Wis., and at Mount Gilead. He was a farmer and merchant. He married, Apr. 10, 1844, in Iowa county, Wis., Rachel- Malinda, daughter of William and Sarah (Fought) Kay of Iowa county, born Dec. 4, 1824, in Richland county, Ohio; died Apr. 27, 1896, at Mount Gilead. (Records of Azariah- William Lincoln, adahh gbc.) Children, born: a-e in Iowa county; / at Montfort; g at Mount Gilead: adahb gba. Mary-Elizabeth, born Dec. 19, 1845; died Feb. 24, 1900, at Mount Gilead; married, February, 1863, at Boscobel, Wis., Thomas, son of Thomas and Mary (Symmons) Coles of Coburgh, Canada, born Aug. 19, 1840, at Cornwall, England; died Aug. 19, 1890, at Belief ontaine, Ohio. They lived at Boscobel. He was a tinner. Child, born at Boscobel: a. Richard-Ernest, born Oct. 3, 1864; mar. Frances-Louise Donaldson. adahb gbb. Sarah- Ad aline, born Dec. 22, 1847; married, March 29, 1869, at Mount Gilead, Lehigh, son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth (Sheffer) Dakan of Reeder's Mills, Iowa, born March 17, 1840, at WilHamsport, Ohio; died Feb. 15, 1909, at Logan, Iowa. He was a farmer. They lived at Mount Gilead and Logan. Children, born: a-c at Mount Gilead: d at Logan: a. William-Lockwood, born Apr. 29, 1870; mar. Mary Larson. b. Nellie, born Dec. 22, 1871; mar. Clark Cooper. 3. Harry-Lester, born July 27, 1874; mar. Mame Stoker. d. Pearl, born Sept. 27, 1875; mar. Thomas Doyle. 502 LINCOLN GENEALOGY adahb gbc. Azariah- William, born Sept. 25, 1851. adahb gbd. Joel-Kay, born Apr. 22, 1853. adahb gbe. David-Hollis, born Apr. 28, 1855. adahh gbf. Lydia- Augusta, born Nov. 5, 1857; died Feb. 25, 1914, at Delaware, Ohio; married, Jan. 1, 1885, at Mount Gilead, Ohio, John M., son of Isaac and Mary (Finley) Hull of Morrow county, Ohio, born May 15, 1857, in Congress township, Morrow county. They lived at Mount Gilead until 1901, when they moved to Mount Vernon and thence, in 1909, to Washington Court House and, in 1911, to Delaware. He is a dealer in fast horses and follows the circuit races. Children, born at Mount Gilead: a. Thomas, born Apr. 22, 1886; mar. Flossie-May Hart. b. Mary, born March 2, 1888; Uving, 1915, unmarried. adahh ghg. Jessie-Belle, born Sept. 20, 1864; died Apr. 13, 1916, in the Deaconess Hospital at St. Louis, Mo., and was buried at Mount Gilead. She married (1), Feb. 15, 1889, at Mount Gilead, John-Harvey-Carlton, son of Amos B. and Laura-Carlton (McFarland) Lerch of Mount Gilead, born March 12, 1864, at Ringgold, Pa.; died Aug. 15, 1896, at Mount Gilead, where they had lived. She married (2), Sept. 24, 1908, at Logan, Iowa, Zachary-Taylor, son of Edwin-Allen and Hannah-Maria (Hosford) Bradley of Canton, 111., born Oct. 31, 1848, at Canton. She was his second wife. They lived at Springfield, Mo. He is a jeweler. She had no children by either husband. adahb gc. Dickinson, son of Azariah (Thomas, Thomas, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Mary (Miles) Lincoln of At- glen, Pa., born Oct. 11, 1823, at Atglen; died Nov. 1, 1913, at Pueblo, Colo. He went with his father from Atglen to Wayne county, Ohio, in 1833, and thence in 1839 to Lawrence county, 111., and in 1843 to Platteville, Wis. After his marriage he settled in Mifflin, Wis. He was a farmer. He married, July 3, 1851, at Mifflin, Elizabeth, daughter of William and Sarah (Fought) Kay of Iowa county, Wis., born Nov. 11, 1833, in Wayne county, Ohio; living, 1915. (Records of Abraham-Dickinson Lincoln, adahb gcd.) Children, born at Mifflin : adahb gca. Eva-Malissa, born Apr. 6, 1853; died Jan. 18, 1860. adahb gcb. William, born Aug. 10, 1854; died Sept. 10, 1854. adahb gcc. Margaret-Ellen, born July 16, 1858; died Feb. 3, 1860. adahb gcd. Abraham-Dickinson, born July 3, 1861. adahb ge. Joseph-Hollis, son of Azariah (Thomas, Thomas, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Mary (Miles) Lincoln of Mont- fort, Wis., born Feb. 10, 1827, at Atglen, Pa.; died July 2, 1906, at Montfort. He was a wheelwright and blacksmith and always lived at Montfort. SEVENTH GENERATION 503 He married, Dec. 15, 1861, at Montfort, Margaret, daughter of Thomas and Ehzabeth (Twining) Laird of Montfort, born Dec. 4, 1841, in Delaware; died May 16, 1871, at Boscobel, Wis., but the ''Kirk Family," p. 236, says she died May 19, 1871. (Records of Azariah-Thomas Lincoln, adahb ged.) Children, born at Montfort: adahb gea. Mary-Elizabeth, born Oct. 5, 1862; married, at Montfort, Stephen-Harvey Taylor. They are living, 1920, at Lancaster, Wis., and are reported to have had six children. adahb geb. Eva-Orilla, born Nov. 13, 1864; living, 1915, at Fredericksburg, Pa. adahb gee. John-Thomas, born June 6, 1866; died Dec. 15, 1869. adahb ged. Azariah-Thomas, born June 20, 1868; living, 1921, at Troy, N. Y. He is a consulting and analytical chemist at the Rensselaer Poly- technic Institute, with which institution he has been connected since 1908, first as assistant professor of chemistry, and since 1912 as professor of physical chemistry. He received the degree of B.S. at the University of Wisconsin in 1894; M.S. in 1898; and Ph.D. in 1899. He was assistant in chemistry at the same university 1896-8, and Fellow in chemistry, 1898-9; research assistant in physical chemistry, Cornell University, 1899-1900; instructor in chemistry, University of Cincinnati, 1900-1; University of Illinois, 1901-2; and assistant professor of chemistry, Uni- versity of Illinois, 1903-8. He has published many important articles on chemistry. He married, June 30, 1904, at Mansfield, Ohio, Jennette-Emeline, daughter of William-Barney and Emeline (Grove) Carpenter of Mans- field, born 1868, at Newville, Ohio. They have no children. (Who's Who in America, 1920-1.) adahc. aa. Richard-VanBuskirk, son of John {Mishal, ){■ Thomas, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Hannah (VanBuskirk) nR Lincoln of Laurelton, Pa., born Dec. 18, 1822, in Hartley town- Isjship, Pa.; died June 18, 1901, at Laurelton. He attended sub- scription schools and MifSinburg, Pa., Academy until he was sixteen years old, when he entered the sophomore class at Dickin- son college, Carlisle, Pa., where he graduated in 1841, the second in his class of twenty-three members. After graduation he taught school for a number of years until 1845, after which he followed the occupation of farming. He was school director for many terms and a justice of the peace for twenty-five years. He was county commissioner from 1855 to 1860, and filled ttnany county ofl&ces. In politics he was, in early life, a Whig, but pn the formation of the Republican party he at once became an active member thereof and was, at one time, a candidate for 504 LINCOLN GENEALOGY State senator and, in 1876, a candidate for Congress, but the district being Democratic he failed of election though running several hundred votes ahead of his ticket. He was one of the organizers of the Mifflinburg Bank and continuously one of its directors. He was owner of three fine farms, containing four hundred and eighty acres of land under a high state of cultiva- tion. (Hist, of Susquehanna and Juniata Valleys, vol. ii, p. 1396; Records of John- Wesley Lincoln, adahc aaa.) He married, Aug. 18, 1852, at Mifflinburg, Anna-Maria, daughter of Samuel and Mary (Wolfe) Pellman of Berks county. Pa., born May 29, 1831, near Mifflinburg; died May 4, 1909, at Mifl[linburg. Their home was at Laurelton. (Records of James- Minor Lincoln, Wareham, Mass.) Children, born at Laurelton: adahc aaa. John- Wesley, born May 24, 1853. adahc aah. Samuel-Pellman, born Oct. 5, 1856; died July 29, 1866. adahc aac. Mark-Halfpenny, born Sept. 13, 1860; died Nov. 26, 1898, at Philadelphia, Pa. He was a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania Medical School, became a physician and lived at Natrona, Pa., and at Philadelphia. He married, Apr. 14, 1886, Carrie H., daughter of Crom- well and Sarah H. (Taylor) Pierce of Laurelton, born 1865 in New York State. They had no children. adahc aad. Hannah-Mary, born Sept. 7, 1863; died Feb. 10, 1900, at Milton, Pa.; married, Sept. 7, 1887, S. B. Evans. He was a minister of the Methodist-Episcopal church at Lockhaven, Pa. They lived in Hartley township. Union county. Pa. Children: a. LuciLE, born June 2, 1889. h. Vincent-Goodsell, born July 11, 1890. c. Grace-Winifred, born Nov. 18, 1893. d. Marian-Gray, } born Nov. 6, 1895. e. Miriam-Gertrude, J adahc aae. Louis-Pellman, born Aug. 8, 1866. adahc aaf. Rufus-VanBuskirk, born Apr. 17, 1871. adahc aag. Anna-Rebecca, born Feb. 16, 1873; living, 1913, unmarried. adahf cb. Joseph-Henry, son of John {Joseph, Thomas, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Francina (Reynolds) Lincoln of Rising Sun, Md., born Feb. 11, 1826, at Rising Sun; died Feb. 23, 1904, at Rising Sun. He was a farmer and lived at Rising Sun, on' 'Pigeon Hill." He married (1), Jan. 4, 1856, at Lancaster, Pa., Sarah- Anna, daughter of John and Annie (Cutler) Stubbs of Peach Bottom, SEVENTH GENERATION 505 Pa., born Sept. 18, 1826, at Peach Bottom; died Sept. 30, 1889, at Rising Sun. He married (2), March 30, 1892, at Richardsmier, Md., EHzabeth, daughter of Stephen and Rebecca (Stubbs) Richards of Richardsmier, born Jan. 7, 1848, at Rising Sun; Kving, 1913, at Colora, Cecil county, Md. (Records of Annie-Stubbs [Lin- coln] Stubbs, adahf cha; Smedley Family, p. 528.) Children, by first wife, born at Rising Sun: adahf cha. Annie-Stubbs, born Nov. 30, 1856; married, May 17, 1881, at Rising Sun, Isaac-Hopper, son of Vincent-Gilpin and Elizabeth (Pierson) Stubbs of Delta, Pa., born Oct. 25, 1855, at Delta. They are living, 1913, at Delta. He is a merchant. Children, born at Delta: a. Harvie-Lincoln, born Apr. 25, 1885; mar. Clarence Galbreath. 6. Rupert-Isaac, born Feb. 24, 1888; mar. Cornelia Winterson. adahf cbh. Harvie-Gilpin, born Dec. 18, 1860; died Aug. 24, 1875, at Rising Sun. adahf ce. Abel-Thomas, son of John (Joseph, Thomas, Mor- decai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Francina (Reynolds) Lincoln of Rising Sun, Cecil county, Md., born Nov. 27, 1831, at Rising Sun; died March 2, 1885, at Sharon Farm, Farmington, Md. He entered Union college, N. Y., in the class of 1857, but left college at the end of his junior year and went to Missouri, where he became a surveyor. He then went to California, where he was a gold miner. He returned East and settled at Oak Hill, Lancaster county, Pa., removing later to Farmington, where he continued to live until his death. He was a farmer, dairyman and miner of chrome. At Oak Hill he was proprietor of the Hub Spoke Works. He married, Feb. 16, 1864, at Philadelphia, Pa., Elizabeth, daughter of Nathan and Lydia (Pierce) Haines of Oak Hill, born June 10, 1840, at Oak Hill. She married (2), Nov. 9, 1895, at Philadelphia, Henry-Longfellow, son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Hackett) Brinton of Birmingham, Pa., born Aug. 5, 1836, at Birmingham; living, 1913, at Philadelphia in Kirkbrides asylum. His wife is living, 1913, at Oxford, Pa. (Bailey Family, p. 549.) Child, born at Oak Hill: adahf cea. John-Joseph, born Oct. 11, 1865. 506 LINCOLN GENEALOGY adahf da. Charles-Shippen, son of Abel-Thomas {Joseph, Thomas, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Rachel (Housekeeper) Lincoln of Philadelphia, Pa., born June 30, 1827, at Philadelphia; died Apr. 11, 1901, at Philadelphia. He was educated in the Philadelphia public schools; studied law with John Cadwallader and was admitted to the bar. He practised his profession until 1857, when he was appointed assistant coiner of the United States Mint, which office he held until 1862, when he was appoint- ed deputy clerk of the United States district court, and in 1865 was appointed clerk, which office he held until his death. He married, May 27, 1857, at Oxford, Pa., Anna^, daughter of Jacob^ {Jaco¥, Jaco¥, Henry^, Henry^) and Anna (Moore) Reynolds of Rising Sun, Md., born July 23, 1835, at Rising Sun; died Feb. 2, 1908, at Philadelphia. Henry^ Reynolds emigrated in 1676 from Chichester, England, to Burlington, N. J. Anna^ Moore was daughter of Joseph^ (Joseph^, Andrew^) and Mercy (Cutler) Moore, born Aug. 31, 1793, in Cecil county, Md.; died Sept. 19, 1874, at South Vineland, N. J. Her ancestor, Andrew^ Moore, emigrated from Ballinacree, Ireland, in 1723. (Records of Henry-Philip Lincoln, adahf daa.) Children, born at Philadelphia: adahf daa. Henry-Philip, born March 4, 1858. adahf dab. William-Reynolds, born Jan. 28, 1862. adahf dac. Walter-Rodman, born Apr. 9, 1867. adahf dad. Mary-Agnes, born June 28, 1871 ; died March 31, 1875. adahf dae. George-Washington, born Feb. 22, 1873. adaid ab. Samuel, son of Caleb {James, Abraham, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Margaret-Amelia (Henderson) Lincoln, born Aug. 26, 1823. He married, Jan. 13, 1853, Rachel, daughter of Lot and Martha (Jenkins) Rogers of Churchtown, Pa. Her mother, Martha Jenkins, was a native of Churchtown and was born there, in 1805. (Genealogy of David Jones, p. 106; Jenkins Family Book, p. 95; Records of James-Minor Lincoln, Wareham, Mass.) Children : adaid aha. Martha-Rogers, born Dec. 4, 1853. adaid abb. Margaret-Hudson, born May 12, 1856; died Dec. 1, 1865. adaid abc. James-Boone, bom Aug. 16, 1859. adaid abd. Lot-Rogers, born Sept. 17, 1861; married, June 1, 1899, Mary- Ermina Buchanan. "Jenkins Family Book" calls him Linford-Rogers. SEVENTH GENERATION 507 adaid bb. George- Jones, son of John (James, Abraham, [Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Hannah (Jones) Lincoln of Churchtown, Pa., born Oct. 28, 1821, at Churchtown; died June 28, 1860. He married, Jan. 9, 1855, Emily- Virginia Mawson. (Genealo- gy of David Jones, p. 107.) Children : adaid bba. George-Jones, born Feb. 27, 1857. adaid bbh. Helen-Conoly, born Aug. 19, 1858; married, Sept. 15, 1885, || William-Hammersley Gilroy. Children : a. Robert-Lincoln, born Nov. 11, 1887. b. Gladys-Draper, born Oct. 16, 1891. adaid bbc. Rosalie-Morgan, born March 28, 1860; died Nov. 11, 1866. adaid he. William-Ives, son of David-Jones {James, Abra- ham, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Mary-Ives (Davis) Lin- coln of Birdsboro, Pa., born Sept. 16, 1852, at Birdsboro. He lives, 1913, at Birdsboro and is cashier of the First National Bank there. He married, June 12, 1901, at Pottsville, Pa., Emily-Burling, daughter of Louis-Paleskie and Mary (Evans) Garrigues of Pottsville, born Nov. 8, 1872, at Pottsville; living, 1913. (Rec- ords of William-Ives Lincoln; Genealogy of David Jones, p. 108.) Child, born at Birdsboro: adaid hca. Mary-Garrigues, born Jan. 9, 1909. adaii bb. Alfred-Gilbert, son of John-Dehaven (Thomas, Abraham, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Sarah (Gilbert) Lin- coln of Exeter, Pa., born Apr. 21, 1839, at Exeter; living, 1913, at Lorane, Exeter township, where he has passed his whole life. He worked for about twenty years on the railroad, but since then has been a farmer. He was road-master of Exeter from 1895 to 1898, and, again, from 1905 to 1913; he served also as school director for Exeter 1895-8, and 1908-11. In 1863, he served for three months as private in Company K, 48th regi- ment, Pennsylvania infantry. He married, Aug. 5, 1860, at Reading, Pa., Anna-Louisa, daughter of Samuel-Warren and Mary (Yost) Hemmig of 508 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Spring township, Pa., born Oct. 1, 1841, at Spring; living, 1913. (Records of Albert-Gilbert Lincoln.) Children, born at Lorane: adaii bha. Sarah-Clara, born May 19, 1861; living, 1913; married, March 1, 1884, at Reading, Pa., Caleb-Ruth, son of Samuel-Quinter and Elizabeth (Ruth) Killian of Robeson, Pa., born Nov. 9, 1861, at Robeson; died July 31, 1912, at Robeson. They lived at Reading, where he was a **spannerman" in a rolling mill. Children, born a-d at Robeson; e-h at Reading: a. Samuel-Lincoln, born Aug. 16, 1885; living, 1913, unmarried. b. Ralph-Lincoln, born Sept. 11, 1887; mar. Nora Holl. c. Oscar-Lincoln, bom Feb. 27, 1890; died Apr. 13, 1894. d. Alfred-Lincoln, born Feb. 24, 1892; died June 16, 1902. e. Caleb, born Sept. 24, 1894. /. Luke, born July 25, 1897. g. Mark, born Dec. 22, 1899. h. Heister, born Aug. 5, 1903. adaii bbb. Oscar-Hemmig, born Apr. 2, 1863. adaii bbc. Mary-Catherine, born May 27, 1865; married, Nov. 20, 1886, at Reading, Pa., Charles-Carl, son of Eli and Jane (Parker) Boughter of Pottstown, Pa., born June 6, 1865, at Reading. They are living, 1913, at Reading. He is employed in an iron mill. Child, born at Robeson, Pa. : a. Carl, born March 18, 1893; Uving, 1913, unmarried. adaii bbd. Anna-Amelia, born Nov. 5, 1867; married. May 26, 1894, at Reading, Pa., Cyrus, son of Jonathan and Sarah (Huyett) Ruppert of Exeter, Pa., born Nov. 14, 1865, at Neversink, Exeter township. They are living, 1913, at Neversink. He is a farmer. Children, born at Exeter: a. Adam-Lincoln, born Oct. 20, 1894; died Oct. 25, 1894. b. Earl-Lincoln, born Oct. 2, 1895. c. Clara, born Apr. 25, 1898; died Aug. 17, 1898. d. Helen-Lincoln, born Aug. 29, 1899. e. George-Lincoln, born Jan. 9, 1902; died Nov. 27, 1902. /. Frank-Lincoln, born Feb. 8, 1904. g. Florence, born Oct. 21, 1906. adaii bbe. Margaret-Permilla, born Dec. 1, 1872; died June 2, 1910, at Neversink, Exeter township. Pa.; married, June 19, 1892, at Reading, Henry-Moyer, son of John and Sarah (Moyer) Hafer of Exeter, born Oct. 20, 1870, at Lorane; hving, 1913, at Neversink. He is a carpenter. Children, born at Neversink: a. Sarah-Lincoln, born Dec. 25, 1893; living, 1913, unmarried. b. LouiSA-LiNCOLN, born Jan. 17, 1895; living, 1913, unmarried. c. Agnes-Lincoln, born June 29, 1896; living, 1913, unmarried. d. Bertha-Lincoln, born July 22, 1897; living, 1913. e. Clayton-Lincoln, born Aug. 17, 1898; living, 1913. /. John-Lincoln, born Jan. 12, 1900; died Dec. 25, 1901. g. DoRA-LiNCOLN, born June 12, 1901. h. Irma-Lincoln, born July 2, 1903; died Apr. 16, 1909. i. Victor-Lincoln, born March 20, 1904. SEVENTH GENERATION 509 j. Martha-Lincoln, born Nov. 9, 1905. k. Alice-Lincoln, born Dec. 19, 1907. I. Henry-Lincoln, born Apr. 13, 1909. m. Margaret-Lincoln, born May 16, 1910; died July 23, 1910. adaii bhf. Bertha-May, born Sept. 2, 1881 ; married, Apr. 14, 1906, at Read- ing, Pa., Harry-Llewellyn, son of Harry and Rebecca (Price) Boone of Exeter township. Pa., born March 21, 1879, at Stonersville, Exeter, one half mile north of thebirthplace of Daniel Boone, the Kentucky pioneer. They are living, 1913, at Lorane. He is a stone-mason. Children, born: a, h at Neversink, Pa.; c at Lorane: a. Grace-Minerva, born Nov. 1, 1906. 6. Robert, born Feb. 27, 1909. c. Wayne, born Aug. 15, 1910; died Aug. 23, 1911. adaii be. Harrison-Gilbert, son of John-Dehaven (ThomaSy Abraham, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Sarah (Gilbert) Lincoln of Exeter, Pa., born July 28, 1840, at Exeter. He was a farmer, living at Exeter until 1885, when he removed to Reading, Pa., where he has since been employed by Huyett Brothers, box-makers, as a teamster. He owns the original notebook of his great-grandfather, Abraham Lincoln, to which reference has been previously made; see adai. He married, Dec. 20, 1870, at Reading, Hannah, daughter of Joseph and Esther (Tobias) Ritter of Exeter, born Aug. 30, 1851, at Reading. They were both living, 1913, at Reading. (Records of Mrs. Harrison-Gilbert Lincoln.) Children, born at Poplar Neck, Pa. : adaii hca. Sally-Andora, born June 11, 1871; married (1), Dec. 31, 1890, at Reading, Pa., Edwin-Harrison, son of Fidel and Amelia (Wentzel) Webber of Reading, born Jan. 13, 1869, at Reading; died Oct. 23, 1902, at Read- ing, where he had always lived. He was a salesman in the hardware business. She married (2), May 2, 1912, at Reading, Christin-Christian, son of George and Ellen (Christian) Esterly of Exeter, Pa., born Dec. 15, 1869, at Exeter. They are living, 1913, at Reading. He is a grocer. Children, by first husband, born at Reading: a. Harrison-Fidel Webber, born Dec. 17, 1891; mar. Emma Mo wry. 6. Robert-Emery Webber, born March 1, 1898. c. Esther-Irene Webber, born Jan. 9, 1901. Child, by becond husband, born at Reading: d. John-Lincoln Esterly, born Aug. 12, 1913. adaii bch. A son, born July 20, 1872; died July 21, 1872. adaii bcc. A son, born May 3, 1873 ; died same day. adaii bed. Esther-Nora, born Feb. 5, 1876; living, 1913, unmarried. She is a nurse at Ramapo Sanatorium. 510 LINCOLN GENEALOGY adaii hce. Martha, born Jan. 4, 1882; living, 1913, at Reading, unmarried. She is book-keeper of the Pennsylvania Shoe Company. adaii bcf. A daughter, bom Jan. 12, 1890; died same day. adaii be. John-Gilbert, son of John-Dehaven (Thomas ^ Abraham J Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Sarah (Gilbert) Lincoln of Exeter, Pa., born March 7, 1843, at Exeter; died July 19, 1876, at Exeter, where he had passed his life. He was employed on the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. He married Catherine, daughter of Daniel and Susan (Eidel) Biehl of St. Lawrence, Pa., born at Mt. Penn., Pa. She married (2) Charles Leimbach and they are living, 1913, at St. Lawrence. (Records of Mrs. Harrison-Gilbert Lincoln, adaii be.) Children, born at Exeter: adaii hea. Howard. He lives, 1913, at Reading, Pa. adaii beh. Walter, living, 1913, at Reading, mimarried. adaii bee. Susan-Permilla, is married and lives, 1913, at Philadelphia, Pa. adaii bed. Harrison-Tilden, living, 1913, at Reading. adaii bf. Richard-Gilbert, son of John-Dehaven (Thomas, Abraham, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Sarah (Gilbert) Lincoln of Exeter, Pa., born Dec. 5, 1844, at Exeter. He was educated in the public schools of Exeter and in the Buttertown school. After a few years of farming he opened the "Red Lion" Hotel at Baumstown, Pa., and remained there thirteen years. He then removed to Birdsboro, Pa., where he was em- ployed in a company store as clerk for three years, and then for a similar length of time with the E. & G. Brooke Iron Company. In 1886 he removed to Reading, Pa., where he has since lived, being first employed as clerk in the freight depot of the Philadel- phia and Reading Railroad. Since 1892 he has been in the em- ploy of Reuben Hoffer, in the lumber business. Mr. Lincoln is a Democrat and has served as tax collector of the ninth ward. In religion he is a member of St. Stephen's Reformed Church. He is an Odd Fellow. In 1909 he was owner of the old Lincoln homestead in Exeter. (See page 46.) He married, May 26, 1866, at Reading, Hannah- Young, daughter of George and Catherine (Young) Stoner of Exeter, born July 26, 1844, at Exeter; living, 1913. (Records of Richard- Gilbert Lincoln; Hist, of Berks County, vol. ii, p. 1147.) SEVENTH GENERATION 511 Children, born at Exeter: adaii bfa. Roswell-Stoner, born Nov. 24, 1866; living, 1913, at Reading, unmarried. adaii bfb. Virginia, born July 24, 1868; living, 1913, at Reading, unmarried. adbca dc. John-Robertson, son of Isaac (Abraham, Jacob, Abraham, Mordecai, Samuel) and Eliza (Robertson) Lincoln of Waynesville, Ohio, born June 10, 1831, at Waynesville; died Aug. 1, 1895, at Waynesville. He lived and died on his father's farm, a farmer. He married, March 24, 1870, at Waynesville, Harriet-Ann, daughter of George and Eunice (Kelley) Zell of Waynesville, born Oct. 30, 1837, at Crosswick, Warren county, Ohio. She is living, 1915, at Waynesville on the old farm with her son. (Records of Mrs. Katharine-Rebecca [Paschall] Styer, adbca bbd, corrected by Isaac-Wilber Lincoln, adbca dec.) Children, born at Waynesville: adbca dca. Eunice-Eliza, born July 22, 1872; married, Sept. 21, 1898, at Waynesville, Frank, son of Christopher and Jane (Decker) Miltenberger of Franklin, Ohio. They are living, 1916, at Lytle, Ohio. He is a farmer. Children: o. Mildred, born Aug. 28, 1902. 5. MiLO, born Jan. 16, 1912. adbca deb. Grace-Ann, born March 10, 1876; married, June 10, 1899, at Waynesville, John-Henry, son of Nathaniel and Susan (Ellis) Smith of New Vienna, Ohio, born Dec. 20, 1869, at New Vienna. They are living, 1916, at Wa5niesville. He is a barber. She is a milliner. They have no children. adbca dec. Isaac-Wilber, born Oct. 12, 1877. He married, Nov. 3, 1915, at Waynesville, Mrs. Mabel (Anson) Hammer, daughter of Frank Anson of Waynesville and widow of Jesse Hammer of Waynesville. She was born March 17, 1893, near Waynesville. He is a farmer. They are living, 1916, at Waynesville. adbca fc. Benjamin, son of Abraham (Abraham, Jacob, Abraham, Mordecai, Samuel) and Ruth (Prater) Lincoln of Waynesville, Ohio, born March 8, 1844, at Waynesville. He is a farmer. He married, Jan. 8, 1890, at Morrow, Ohio (by Rev. Charles A. Hicky of St. Francis de Sales Church), Frances- Ann, daughter of James and Mary (Purcell) Brown of Oregonia, Ohio, born Dec. 1, 1864, in Warren county, Ohio. They are living, 1915, at Lebanon, Ohio. (Records of Benjamin Lincoln.) 512 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Child, born at Lebanon: adbca fca. Mary-Ruth, born Dec. 12, 1893. adbcf ba. John, son of George (Moses, Jacob, Abraham, Mor- decai, Samuel) and Phoebe-Speekman (Hoofstitler) Lincoln of Darby, Pa., born Sept. 9, 1821, at Darby. He married, Feb. 22, 1849, at Darby, Maria, daughter of George and Sarah Brandt. Their grandson, Alfred-Wiles Lincoln, thinks that they are buried in the Old Swedes cemetery at Kingsessing, Pa., but no stones mark their graves there. They are said to have had several children, but no trace has been found of any save Alfred. Children, born at Darby: adbcf baa. Alfred. and others. adbcf be. Moses, son of George (Moses, Jacob, Abraham, Mordecai, Samuel) and Phoebe-Speekman (Hoofstitler) Lincoln of Darby, Pa., born Oct. 24, 1828, at Darby; died July 14, 1879, at Darby. He was a farmer and lived at Darby. For many years he was tax collector for the town. He married. May 6, 1858, Amanda, daughter of Amer and Rebecca (Weed) Ogden of Paschallville, now part of Philadel- phia, Pa., born Feb. 27, 1838; died June 10, 1905, at Darby. They are buried in the old burying ground at Darby. His gravestone bears the following inscription: ''In Memory t of t our father J Moses Lincoln { born Oct. 24, 1828 t died July 14, 1879 t in the 51'* year of his age t Whilst in this tomb our father lies t His Spirit rests above; t In realms of bliss it never dies J But knows a Savior's love." No stone has been erected to Mrs. Lincoln. (Family Bible with Mrs. Mary-Rebecca [Lincoln] Garrett, adbcf bea; The Quaker Ogdens, p. 126; Sharpless Family, p. 854; Gravestone.) Children, born at Darby: adbcf bea. Mary-Rebecca, born Sept. 5, 1859; married, June 16, 1881, at Paschall, Philadelphia, Pa., Jesse-Sharpless, son of Edwin-Thatcher and AHce-Ann (Priest) Garrett of Williston, Pa., born July 27, 1857, in Oregon, while his parents were in the gold regions of that State; died June 19, 1907, at Lansdowne, Pa. He was in the paper-making business, em- I SEVENTH GENERATION 513 ployed in his father's mill. They lived at Lansdowne, where she is now, 1915, living with all her unmarried children. Children, born at Lansdowne : a. Laura- Alice, born Feb. 10, 1883; living, 1915, unmarried, b. Franklin-Lincoln, born June 5, 1885; died May 30, 1892. c. Florence-Amanda, born Apr. 19, 1887; living, 1915, unmarried. d. RoBERT-PusEY, bom Nov. 15, 1889; living, 1915, unmarried, e.. Jesse-Sharpless, born May 5, 1892; died May 10, 1892. /. George-Sharpless, born Oct. 27, 1893 ; living, 1915, unmarried. g. Henry-Lyndall, born Apr. 2, 1896; living, 1915, unmarried. h. Edna-May, born Nov. 25, 1898. adbcf beb. George-Henry, born Jan. 23, 1861. adbcfbec. Anna-Phoebe, born Nov. 23, 1862; married, Nov. 23, 1881, at Darby, William, son of John and Mary McConneU of Darby, born Sept. 28, 1854, at Chester, Pa. They are living, 1915, at West Philadelphia. He is a machinist and is employed in Brill's Car Shops. (Records of Mrs. Anna-Phoebe [Lincoln] McConnell.) Children, born at Darby: a. Bessie- Amanda, born Dec. 24, 1882; mar. William-Harry King. b. Harry-Bonsall, born Dec. 15, 1884; mar. Lida Leeds. c. Susan-Bailey,] Hiving, 1915, unmarried. d. Louisa-Jones, r born Dec. 29, 1886; j mar. George-Conant J I Kaufmann. e. Charles-Maxwell, born Jan. 14, 1888; mar. Rose-Lelia Small. adbcf bed. Amer-Ogden, born Dec. 25, 1864. adbcf bee. Joseph-Howard, born Nov. 20, 1866. adbcf bef. Sadie-Countas, born Jan. 10, 1869; married, Aug. 28, 1891, at Camden, N. J., Louis-Daniel, son of John and Eliza (Carver) Blythe of Darby, born July 3, 1871, at Darby. They are living, 1915, at Darby. He is a painter. Children, born at Darby : a. Amanda-Lincoln, born July 31, 1893; living, 1915, unmarried. 6. Horace-Lincoln, born July 3, 1896; died Oct. 28, 1907. c. RoY-Louis, born March 17, 1899. d. Ida-May, born Oct. 11, 1902. e. Lidie-Carver, born Sept. 14, 1905. /. Louis-WiLMER, born June 17, 1907. adbcf beg. Willi am-Ogden, born Oct. 21, 1871. adbcf beh. Paschall-Hoopes, born Dec. 24, 1872; died July 5, 1873. adbcf bei. Clara-Gilbert, born Jan. 6, 1874; married (1) Dec. 25, 1891, at Camden, N. J., Charles-Edward Blythe of Darby, born November, 1871 (?), at Darby; died in 1900 at Darby. They lived at Darby. He was a machinist. She married (2), July 3, 1907, at Darby, Charles- Markley, son of Caleb and Sarah (Markley) Staley of Darby, born Oct. 19, 1865, at Darby. They are living, 1915, at Darby. He is in the real estate business. Mr. and Mrs. Staley have no children. Children, by first husband, born at Darby: a. William-Lincoln Blythe, born June 25, 1892. b. Charles-Baird Blythe, born July 24, 1896; died Jan. 16, 1897. c. Ralph-Edward Blythe, born May 18, 1898. adbcf bej. Horace-McKee, born March 16, 1875; died Aug. 23, 1898, un- married. 33 I 514 LINCOLN GENEALOGY adbcf hek. Jessie-Amanda, born May 9, 1878; married, March 15, 1899, at Darby, John, son of Oram and Mary-Jane (McClain) Bleacher of Darby, born Sept. 14, 1878, at Darby. They are living, 1915, at Darby. He is a granite-cutter. Children, born at Darby: a. Mazie-Jane, born Aug. 31, 1900. b. Leroy-Clyde, born July 19, 1903. c. Alberta-May, born Jan. 6, 1906. d. Ohram-Abram, bom Sept. 14, 1908. I adbcf ca. Isaac R., son of Michael {Moses, Jacob, Abraham, i|^ Mordecai, Samuel) and Rebecca Lincoln of Darby, Pa. He was jji living, Sept. 24, 1856, when he is named as an heir of his cousin, iiji William Lincoln, adbcf aa. He married Elizabeth Noble, who died Oct. 31, 1883, at Darby and is buried there in the old burying ground, her gravestone being inscribed as follows: ''Mother t Elizabeth Noble t wife of :|^ t Isaac R. Lincoln t died Oct. 31, 1883.'' Children: adbcf caa. Susan; she was living, 1915, in California, unmarried. adbcf cab. Anna, married a Mr. Fields and is said to be living, 1915, at North Woodbury, N. J. adbfa bd. Isaac-Buck, son of Daniel-Savage {William,'. Mordecai, Abraham, Mordecai, Samuel) and Florilla (Buck) Lincoln of Cromwell, Conn., formerly Middletown Upper! Houses, born Dec. 26, 1829 at Cromwell; died Feb. 4, 1911, at' Middletown, Conn. He was a house wright and carpenter and lived at Cromwell. He married, Oct. 3, 1860, at Cromwell, Augusta-Caroline, daughter of Heman L. and Emily (Eno) Nearing of Middletown,' born Dec. 20, 1840, at Middletown; living, 1916, at Waterburyj^i Conn. Mr. Lincoln is buried in the new cemetery at Cromwell with! three of his children, in the same lot as his father and mother His monument bears the following inscription: "Isaac B. Lin- coln J died t Feb. 4, 1911 t aged 82." (Records of Howard- Nearing Lincoln, adbfa bdf.) Children, born at Cromwell: adbfa bda. Herbert-Henry, born Nov. 1, 1862. adbfa bdb. Hattie A., born Jan. 31, 1866; died June 10, 1866. SEVENTH GENERATION 515 adhfa bdc. Hattie-Simons, born Dec. 8, 1867; mar. Nov. 5, 1896, at Middle- town, Conn., Norman-Porter, son of Thomas-Knowlton and Almira (Mills) Work of Hartford, Conn., born Feb. 14, 1864, at Hartford. He was, when married, secretary of the Young Men's Christian Associa- tion at Hartford. They were living, 1919, at Yonkers, N. Y. He was a teacher. Children, bom a, b at Hartford; c, d at Yonkers: a. Lincoln-Thomas, born Dec. 28, 1898. b. Harold-Knowlton, born May 22, 1901. c. Ruth-Lincoln, born Jan. 11, 1904. d. Alice-Mills, born Dec. 25, 1911. adhfa bdd. A son, born Nov. 6, 1871 ; died same day. adbfa bde. Remington-King, born Aug. 22, 1873; died Apr. 16, 1906, un- married. adbfa bdf. Howard-Nearing, born May 30, 1880. adbfa bdg. Edward G., born Apr. 9, 1883; died Aug. 5, 1883. adbfa bg. Daniel-Savage, son of Daniel-Savage (William, Mordecai, Abraham, Mordecai, Samuel) and Florilla (Buck) Lincoln of Cromwell; formerly Middletown Upper Houses, Conn., born January, 1843, at Cromwell; died Nov. 14, 1897, at Zoar, Mass., ''aged 54 years, 10 months.'^ He enlisted Sept. 10, 1862, in Company F, 24th regiment, Connecticut volunteer infantry, and served until Sept. 30, 1863. He was a moulder by trade. He married (1) Katharine Dorflinger of Middletown, Conn., who was born in 1858 at Middletown. He is said to have mar- ried (2) Amanda Collins of Collinsville, Conn., from whom he was divorced. Children, by first wife, born at Cromwell: adbfa bga. Daniel-Bertie, born Feb. 12, 1888; died Sept. 5, 1888. ; adbfa bgb. Charles-Cleveland, born Sept. 4, 1893; living, 1919, at Middle- town. adbfa fh. Charles-Russell, son of Asa S. {William, Mor- decai, Abraham, Mordecai, Samuel) and Lucy (Post) Lincoln of Cromwell, formerly Middletown Upper Houses, Conn., born Oct. 30, 1862, at Cromwell; living, 1916, at Cromwell. He is a farmer but works sometimes at the moulder's trade. He married, Jan. 12, 1904, at Cromwell, Mrs. Laura-Caroline (Larsen) Anderson, daughter of Rasmus and Mahn (Hansen) Larsen of Denmark and widow of William Anderson of Portland, Conn., who died March 24, 1897, and by whom she had a son 516 LINCOLN GENEALOGY and two daughters. She was born July 13, 1870, at Odeneser Fyn, Denmark. (Records of Mrs. Charles-Russell Lincoln.) Children, born at Cromwell: adhfa fha. Lucy-Isabella, born Jan. 12, 1905; died Jan. 24, 1905. adhfa fhb. Asa-Carl, born Sept. 2, 1906. adcac ba. Isaac, son of Francis {Uriah, Isaac, Isaac, Mor- decai, Samuel) and Peggy (Nichols) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Nov. 12, 1805, at Cohasset; died March 10, 1883, at Co- hasset. He was a farmer and lived at Cohasset in a house built by Mordecai Lincoln about 1717, which he inherited from his grandfather, Uriah Lincoln. He married, Nov. 27, 1827, at Cohasset, Sarah^, daughter of Daniel' {Zealous^, Joshua^, Joshua^, Joshua^, Joseph?, Clement^) and Sarah (Tower) Bates of Cohasset, born Dec. 18, 1809, at Cohasset; died there Oct. 13, 1890. (Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 40, 245; Cohasset Records; Records of Francis Lincoln, adcac hah.) Children, born at Cohasset: adcac haa. Uriah, born Aug. 25, 1828; died Dec. 20, 1857, unmarried. adcac hah. Francis, born Nov. 17, 1830; died Feb. 28, 1916, at Cohasset. He was a carpenter but retired before his death. He lived at Boston from 1846 to 1887, and was never married. adcac bac. Daniel-Webster, born Apr. 9, 1833. adcac had. Sarah- Vinal, born Apr. 30, 1835; died Dec. 10, 1895, at Chelsea, Mass.; married, Feb. 1, 1858, at Cohasset, James-Thomas', son of Waterman^ {Joseph^, Caleb*, Joseph^, Joseph^, John^) and Rebecca (Gan- nett) Bailey of Scicuate, Mass., born March 17, 1833, at Scituate (Bailey- Genealogy, p. 362, says 1823); died June 8, 1910, at Scituate station, but was living at the time at Cohasset with Francis Lincoln. He was at first a gold-beater but, later, went into the roofing business with his brother-in- law, John-Hobart Lincoln. He lived at Chelsea until he retired from business. They had no children. (Cohasset Records; Scituate Records.) * adcac bae. Isaac- Warren, born Sept. 3, 1837; died Sept. 18, 1839. adcac baf. John-Hobart, born March 15, 1840. adcac hag. Isaac-Newton, born Nov. 8, 1842; died Feb. 6, 1872, at Lynn, Mass. He was a shoemaker and lived at Lynn. He married, Oct. 18, 1866, at Lynn, Lydia-EUen, (laughter of George and Harriet (Downing) Breed of Lynn, born Apr. 24, 1845, at Lynn. They had no children. She married (2), Apr. 27, 1892, at Lynn, Ira-Newton, son of Daniel and Persis (Stevens) Plumer of Goffstown, N. H., born Feb. 8, 1857. They are living, 1911, at West Lynn. He was then a motorman on the Boston and Northern Electric Railroad. They have no children. (Records of Mrs. Ira-Newton Plumer.) i SEVENTH GENERATION 517 adcac bah. James-Dallas, born Feb. 4, 1845; died Nov. 11, 1910, at Cohasset in the old Lincoln house, where he had lived. Massachusetts Vital Rec- ords erroneously say he was born May 4, 1844. He was never married. adcac bai. George-Henry, born Dec. 16, 1847. adcac baj. Lovell-Bicknell, born Aug. 9, 1850. adcac da. John-Dunlap, son of Isaac (Uriah, Isaac, Isaac, Mordecai, Samuel) and Marcia-Scott (Dunlap) Lincoln of Brunswick, Me., born June 1, 1821, at Brunswick; died June 3, 1877, at Brunswick, in the old mansion built by his father, in which he had been born and bred and had passed his life. He graduated at Bowdoin college in 1843 and three years later received the degree of M.D. at the Maine Medical School. He at once commenced the practice of his profession, being associated with his father until the latter's death in 1868, and obtained a thorough and comprehensive understanding of his occupation, acquiring a wide reputation as a physician. The following brief abstract is taken from a lengthy obituary notice published in the "Boston Evening Transcript" at the time of his death: ''After success was assured and his professional engagements were all engrossing, he found time to keep even with the age in new discoveries and appliances for the amelioration of human suffering. He was long a member of the school committee of Brunswick, was for many years and at his death a member of the board of overseers of Bowdoin college, served on the faculty of the Maine Medical School and for years was one of the Repub- lican State central committee. He held various town offices, was director of the First National Bank from its organization, and to his efforts is due much of the excellent condition of the roads and public grounds of the town. "But these functions were his relaxation, his real devotion was to his profession. His daily practice being in a radius of twenty miles, from early morning till night, and not infrequently at night, he was riding from farm to farm, not only giving advice and medicine, but, by his genial presence, mirthful ways and keen sense of humor, cheering the sick room and giving impulse and new inspiration to all the households he visited. He was ever ready with his sage advice in practical matters, and his long intimacy with families made him a frequent peacemaker in social and public quarrels. No man called on him in vain. 518 LINCOLN GENEALOGY No matter how stormy or dark the night, if there was suffering humanity that needed his skill, he proceeded on his errand of mercy without delay. Many and many a time has he driven at the dead of night in such a storm as often comes up on our bleak coast, ten miles to the dreary shore and then been rowed to some lone island, to tend a sick child; and no reward which this world affords can fulfill the prayers of the mother as he wrapped his cloak about him and went out into the darkness, unpaid save in thanks and the satisfaction to his own warm heart." He married, June 11, 1862, at Portland, Me., EUen-EHzabeth- Longfellow, daughter of Gen. Samuel and Deborah (Chandler) Fessenden of Portland, born Apr. 21, 1833, at Portland; died Nov. 27, 1890, at Brunswick. (Brunswick Records; Portland Records; Hist, of Brunswick, pp. 760-1; Records of Mrs. Mary- Richardson [Lincoln] Baxter, adcac dab.) Children, born at Brunswick: adcac daa. Isaac, born March 29, 1863; living, 1910, at Aberdeen, S. D., where he is in real estate business with A. E. Boyd, under the firm name j of Lincoln and Boyd. He married, June 30, 1906, at St. Paul, Minn., Mrs. Margaret (Ringrose) McHugh, who was born Nov. 8, 1863, at ; Appleton, Wis. No record has been received of her parentage or first hus- ; band. They have no children. j adcac dab. Mary-Richardson, born Jan. 24, 1865; married, Sept. 29, 1886, at Brunswick, Hartley-Cone, son of James-Phinney and Sarah-Kmball « (Lewis) Baxter of Portland, Me., born July 19, 1857, at Portland. He i graduated at Bowdoin college in 1878, and is a member of the Phi Beta Kappa. They are living, 1910, at Brunswick. He is in business as a com packer. Children, born at Brunswick : a. Sarah-Lewis, born Feb. 9, 1890. b. Ellen-Lincoln, born Aug. 22, 1891. c. John-Lincoln, born May 28, 1896. d. Emily-West, born May 7, 1898. adcac dac. Charles-Stuart-Fessenden, born Aug. 13, 1869. adcai bg. John-James, son of John {Lazarus, Isaac, IsaaCj Mordecai, Samuel) and Elizabeth (Stoddard) Lincoln of Co- hasset, Mass., born Aug. 5, 1827, at Cohasset; died July 10, 1893, at Cohasset. He was a carpenter and ship-joiner. He lived at Cohasset on South Main street. He married, Dec. 15, 1851, at Cohasset, Ruth-Bates, daughter of John and Hannah (Worrick) Barker of Cohasset, see aaffh a, born March 1, 1832, at Cohasset; died Jan. 16, 1911, at Taunton, SEVENTH GENERATION 519 Mass. Her father, John Barker, was one of Cohasset's deep- sea captains. He was an Itahan and changed his name from Batista to Barker, and was commonly known as Teesta Barker. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln are buried at Cohasset, their monument being inscribed simply with their names and with the dates of birth and death as here given, except that Mrs. Lincoln^s death is given "Jan. 16, 1912." (Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 17, 246; Cohasset Records; Mass. Vital Records.) Children, born at Cohasset: adcai bga. Wyman-Russell, born July 28, 1852. adcai bgh. Clara-Frances, born May 2, 1854; married, May 3, 1875, at Cohasset, Stillman-Hewens, son of Edward and Hannah (Hewens) Willis of Easton, Mass., born Dec. 14, 1846, at Easton. He was at the time of his marriage a locomotive engineer, living at Boston. They have no children. (Mass. Vital Records.) adcai bgc. John-Anselm, bom Nov. 23, 1856; married Mrs. Mary (Bright- man) Gifford. They live, 1913, at Hyde Park, Mass. They have no children. adcai hgd. James-Carter, born March 26, 1862; died Oct. 21, 1862. adcai bge. Fanny-Kilby, born Dec. 22, 1863; married, March 14, 1883, at Hingham, Mass., William-Elmer, son of George and Caroline-Elizabeth (Groves) Crocker of Provincetown, Mass., born 1860, at Provincetown. In 1883 he was called "yachtsman." They were living, 1913, at Cohasset on South Main street. He is a "utility man." (Mass. Vital Records; Cohasset Genealogies, p. 118.) Child, born at Cohasset ; a. Bessie-Lincoln, born Aug. 18, 1884; mar. Henry-Beals Bates. adcai bgf. Harry- Willard, born Sept. 30, 1872. He married, Dec. 18, 1900, at Cohasset, Mary-Jane, daughter of Patrick and Ellen (Keefe) Downes of Cohasset, born Feb. 11, 1870, at Cohasset. He is a master-builder. They are living, 1913, at Cohasset on South Main street. They have no chil- dren. (Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 139, 246.) adcai fb. John, son of Anslem {Lazarus j Isaac, Isaac, Mor- decai, Samuel) and Hannah (Clapp) Lincoln of Malone, N. Y., born July 26, 1833, at Malone; died Jan. 17, 1908, at Malone, where he had passed his life. He was a leather manufacturer and dealer, of the firm of Lincoln and Miller. He married, Oct. 18, 1870, at Williston, Vt., Mary-Hunting- ton, daughter of Albert-Jonathan and Mary-Anna (Morton) Fuller of WilHston, born March 4, 1848, at Williston; living, 1911, at Malone. (Winslow Family, vol. ii, p. 594; Records of Mrs. John Lincoln.) 520 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Children, born at Malone: adcai fba. George-Morton, born July 31, 1872. adcaifbb. Frederic-Fuller, born June 13, 1875. He was educated at Franklin academy, Malone, and at Vermont University, where he gradu- ated in 1897, and immediately took a position on the "New York Sun" as a reporter, continuing in that position two years. For one year he was assistant secretary of the committee for perpetuating the Dewey arch. For six years he was employed on the "Army and Navy Journal" as advertising manager. In December, 1906, he purchased an interest in the "Cement Age," and is president of the company which publishes that magazine and in charge of its business department. He is a member of the Congregational church and in politics an independent Republican. He is, 1912, unmarried and lives in New York City. adcai fbc. Anna-Mary, born Apr. 15, 1881; married, Sept. 21, 1908,* at Malone, Orville-William Kellogg, son of Luman-Edwin and Emily- Augusta (Lawrence) Phelps of Fort Jackson, N. Y., born Sept. 29, 1878, at North Lawrence, N. Y. His mother married (2) a Mr. Kellogg and he legally took that name. He is a furniture dealer at Plattsburg, N. Y., where they are living, 1911. She was educated at Franklin academy, Malone, and at the Burnham school, Northampton, Mass. She also took a course and graduated at the Boston School of Gymnastics, after which she taught physical culture for one year in the Young Women's Christian Association at Dayton, Ohio. Child, born at Plattsburg: a. Mary-Isabel, born Dec. 9, 1910. adcai ff. Anslem, son of Anslem (Lazarus, Isaac, Isaac, Mordecai, Samuel) and Hannah (Clapp) Lincoln of Malone, N. Y., born Oct. 26, 1845, at Malone; living, 1912, at Malone, where he is employed in the tannery and leather mills. He married, Apr. 11, 1876, at Malone, Emma-Jane, daughter of Alexander and Adeline-Elizabeth (Hawley) Spicer of Malone, born Nov. 10, 1852, at Malone; Hving, 1912. (Records of Mrs. John Lincoln, adcai fh.) Children, born a at Burke; h-d, f-h at Malone; e at Nicholville, N. Y.: adcai fa. John- Anslem, born March 19, 1877; living, 1912, at Bozeman, Mont., unmarried. He is a ranchman. adcai ffh. Jessie-Mary, born Dec. 7, 1879; living, 1912, unmarried. adcai ffc. Edwin-Litchfield, born Dec. 12, 1881; died Sept. 23, 1884. adcai ffd. Lucy-Agnes, born July 6, 1884; living, 1912, at Belgrade, Mont., unmarried. She is a teacher. adcai fe. Charles-Sanford, born Apr. 7, 1888; living, 1912, unmarried. adcai fff. Willard-Moore, born March 16, 1893; living, 1912, at Bozeman, Mont., unmarried, with his brother, John- Anslem. adcai ffg. Sarah-Adeline, born Feb. 20, 1896; living, 1912, unmarried. ♦"Genealogy and Family History of Northern New York" says Sept. 28, 1907. SEVENTH GENERATION 521 adfad ba. Martin- Volney, son of Martin (Jacob, Ohadiah, Jacob, Mordecai, Samuel) and Susan- White (Freeman) Lincoln of Lancaster, Mass., born Dec. 22, 1819, at Alexandria, N. Y.; died Oct. 4, 1885, at Boston, Mass. He engaged first in book- binding and, later, became publisher of ''The True Flag," a weekly paper issued at Boston, where he lived. He married (1), Apr. 6, 1843, at Boston, Eliza-Jackson, daughter of Thomas and Susan-Elizabeth (Thayer) Copeland of Savannah, Ga., and Boston, born Oct. 26, 1818, at Savannah; died Feb. 12, 1872, at Boston. He married (2), Oct. 8, 1872, at Boston, Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth G. (Joy) Severance of Boston, born Aug. 30, 1835, at Boston; died Sept. 1, 1903, at Montague, Mass., "aged sixty-eight years, two days." She was buried at Boston. Her father was born at Gill, Mass., her mother at Townshend, Vt. She had no children. (Mass. Vital Records.) Children, by first wife, born at Boston: adfad baa. Susan-Elizabeth, born March 25, 1847, she says at West Newton, Mass., but her birth is not recorded there. She married, Apr, 30, 1884, at Boston, Eliot-Belknap, son of Edward-Richards and Nancy- Pierce (Reed) Mayo of Boston, born July 3, 1848, at Boston; died June 21, 1896, at Canton, Mass. He was in real estate business and lived at Boston. She is living, 1912, at Jamaica Plain, Mass. (Records of Mrs. Susan-Elizabeth [Lincoln] Mayo.) Children, born at Boston: a. Lincoln, born Sept. 26, 1885. h. Amy-Eliot, born June 9, 1889. adfad bab. Charles-Rapp, born May 27, 1849. adfae ad. William, son of William (Amos, Obadiah, Jacob, Mordecai, Samuel) and Becky (Pierce) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Dec. 22, 1821, at Cohasset; died Aug. 26, 1864, at Norton, Mich. He was a farmer and lived at Cohasset on South Main street, in the house of his father. In 1864 he went West with his family, intending to live at Norton, but he died soon after his arrival and the family returned to Cohasset. He married, May 5, 1850, at Cohasset, Esther-Eliza^, daughter of Francis-Lincoln^ (Ambrose^, Joshua^, Joshua'^, Joshua^, Joseph^, Clement^) and Esther (Johnson) Bates of Cohasset, born March 19, 1828, at Boston, Mass.; living, 1911. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 246; Cohasset Records; Family Records.) 522 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Children, born at Cohasset: adfae ada. Walter-Foster, born June 3, 1851. adjae adb. Henry-Thomas, born Nov. 7, 1844; living, 1911, at Cohasset, unmarried, with his mother and sister. He is a mason by trade. adfae adc. George-Cummings, born Aug. 22, 1856. adfae add. Priscilla-Bates, bom June 16, 1860; living, 1911, unmarried. adffe ca. Fkancis-Stone, son of Thomas {Caleb, Ahrahaniy Jacob, Mordecai, Samuel) and Lucy-Coolidge (Stone) Lincoln of Providence, R. I., born Sept. 11, 1836, at Cambridge, Mass.; died May 5, 1905, at Providence. He was educated in the public schools of Providence and was in the soap manufacturing business with his father. He lived at Providence. He married. May 1, 1861, at Newport, R. I., Mary-Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph and Mary-Cathlin (Moore) Cottrell of New- port, born July 28, 1839, at Newport; died Sept. 13, 1877, at Providence. (Records of George-Henry Lincoln, adffe cb; Providence Records.) Children, born at Providence: adffe caa. Annie-Cottrell, born March 24, 1864; married, June 30, 1897, at Providence, Edwin-Luther, son of Edwin-Luther and Mary (Hillman) Barney of New Bedford, Mass., born Apr. 14, 1870, at New Bedford. They are living, 1911, at New Bedford. He is a lawyer; clerk of the District Court. They have no children. adffe cab. Francis-Herbert, born Oct. 11, 1865; died Sept. 12, 1866, at Providence. Providence records say he was born Oct. 13, 1865. adffe cac. Mary-Elizabeth, born Dec. 11, 1867; living, 1911, at Providence, unmarried. She is a school teacher. adffe cad. Helen-Francis, born Sept. 6, 1869; died Nov. 7, 1870. adffe cb. George-Henry, son of Thomas {Caleb, Abraham, Jacob, Mordecai, Samuel) and Lucy-Coolidge (Stone) Lincoln of Providence, R. I., born Nov. 18, 1838, at Providence. He was a soap manufacturer at Providence from 1853 to 1877, then a box manufacturer under the name of Elmwood Paper Box Company until 1908, when he retired. He is Kving, 1915, at Providence, with his daughter, Mrs. Charles- Weed North. He married, Nov. 23, 1859, at Providence, Clarissa-Emily, daughter of Thomas and Rosa-Anna (Wright) Greenwood of Attleboro, Mass., born Apr. 15, 1843, at Attleboro; died Apr. 14, 1914, at Providence. Her parents were Enghsh, but emigrated SEVENTH GENERATION 523 to this country soon after their marriage. (Records of George- Henry Lincoln.) Children, born at Providence: adffe cba. Henry-Greenwood, born Sept. 14, 1860, but Providence records say May 14. He was living, 1912, unmarried. He is in business with B. B. and R. Knight at Pontiac, R. I. adffe chb. Lucy-Coolidge, born Nov. 22, 1861; married, Oct. 20, 1886, at Providence, Ashbell-Tingley, son of Beriah and Lucretia (Cole) Wall of Providence, born March 1, 1861, at Providence. He is president of the A. T. Wall Company, manufacturers of jewellers' supplies in Providence. He graduated at Brown university in 1885. They are living, 1912, at Providence. Children, born at Providence: a. Helen-Lincoln, born Feb. 28, 1888; mar. Emerus-Donaldson Clapp. b. Constance-Cole, born Dec. 28, 1890; living, 1912, unmarried. c. Ashbell-Tingley, born Feb. 2, 1892; a student, 1911, at Princeton, N. J. adffe chc. Minerva-Wright, born Dec. 29, 1869; married, Oct. 21, 1890, at Providence, Charles- Weed, son of Gideon-Leeds and Sarah-Ann (Weed) North of Rockville, Conn., born Sept. 1, 1865, at Rockville. They are living, 1911, at Providence. He is superintendent of the National Ring Traveller Company. (Genealogy of the Bostwick Family, p. 857.) Children, born at Providence : a. Mildred-Brown, born Feb. 16, 1893; unmarried, 1911. 6. Howard-Lincoln, born Feb. 15, 1894; a student, 1911. adffe cbd, Howard-Bicknell, born Oct. 3, 1871; died March 17, 1873. adffe cd. Thomas-Manson, son of Thomas (Caleb, Abraham, Jacob, Mordecai, Samuel) and Lucy-Coolidge (Stone) Lincoln of Providence, R. L, born Dec. 29, 1843, at Providence. He was in the soap manfacturing business with his father and uncle at Providence, and lived at Providence until 1910 when he re- moved to East Greenwich, R. I., where he and his wife were both living in 1911. He married, Apr. 5, 1866, at Providence, Augusta-Eugenie, daughter of Daniel-Anthony and Mary-Sampson (Bogman) Prentice of Providence, born July 13, 1846, at Blackstone, Mass. (Providence Records; Records of George-Henry Lincoln, ad^e cb.) Child, born at Providence: adffe cda. Louis-Manson, born May 13, 1870. adffe eg. Charles-Edward, son of Thomas (Caleb, Abra- ham, Jacob, Mordecai, Samuel) and Lucy-Coolidge (Stone) 524 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Lincoln of Providence, R. I., born March 10, 1853, at Providence. He was for many years a reporter for the ''Providence Journal," and a correspondent of the ''Boston Herald." He is now, 1911, manager of the Providence board of trade "Journal," living at Providence. He married (1), May 29, 1875, at Albany, N. Y., Julia-Maria, daughter of Ichabod-Henry and Elsie (Briggs) Ross of Black- stone, Mass., born Apr. 10, 1858, at Blackstone; died July 10, 1885, at Providence. Her mother was a native of Warwick, R. I. He married (2), July 11, 1886, at Providence, Ada-Maude, daughter of Archibald-Arnold and Harriet (Kirby) McLaughlin of Montreal, P. Q., born June 22, 1861, at Montreal; living, 1911. Her father was from Greenock, Scotland; her mother was a native of Boston, Mass. (Providence Records; Records of George-Henry Lincoln, adffe cb.) Children, by first wife, born at Providence: adffe cga. William-Crowell, ) , a oq ic7a / ^®^ •^^^- 26, 1886. adffe cgh. Frank-Boynton, / ^^^ ^^^ ^^' ^^'^'^ \ living, 1911, unmar- ried. In the Spanish war he enlisted at Providence in Battery A and served during the war. He then enlisted as musician and served for three years at Fort Adams, R. I. In 1910 he enlisted as musician in Battery A, National Guard, for three years. adffe cgc. Ralph-Hamilton, born Aug. 29, 1881 ; died Apr. 6, 1886. Child, by second wife, born at Providence: adffe cgd. Hope-Kirby, born Oct. 17, 1889; living, 1911, unmarried. adffe df. Clarence-Henry, son of Samuel (Caleb, Abraham, Jacob, Mordecai, Samuel) and Olive (Cook) Lincoln of Providence, R. I., born Dec. 2, 1853, at Providence. He lived at Providence until May 14, 1862, when he removed to Cumberland Hill, R. I., where he remained until May 12, 1875. He then removed to East Blackstone, Mass., where he is now, 1911, living. He is a farmer. He married (1), Dec. 2, 1874, at Woonsocket, R. I., May- Anna-Adelaide, daughter of Christopher and Abigail-Triphena (Hope) Schultz of Boxboro, Mass., born Feb. 14, 1854, at Boxboro; died Aug. 1, 1892, at East Blackstone. He married (2), Oct. 16, 1895, at Woonsocket, Amy-Gaskill (Daniels) Norwood, daughter of Andrew-Jackson and Amy- i 1 SEVENTH GENERATION 525 Gaskill (Darling) Daniels of Blackstone, Mass. She was born Jan. 26, 1862, at Blackstone and married (1) Eugene Martin of Woonsocket and (2) a Mr. Norwood of Blackstone. She has no children by Mr. Lincoln. (Records of Clarence-Henry Lincoln.) Children, by first wife, born at East Blackstone: cdffe dfa. Abby-Hope, born March 18, 1879; married, Sept. 27, 1899, at East Blackstone, Horace-Richmond, son of Francis-Nicholas and Nancy-Arm- strong (Paine) Thayer of Blackstone, born Sept. 3, 1873, at Blackstone. He graduated at Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1898, and at Lehigh University in 1906. He is, 1911, professor of civil engineering at Carnegie Technical School, Pittsburgh, Pa., and they are living at Pitts- burgh. (Records of Mrs. Abby-Hope [Lincoln] Thayer.) Children, born: a, b, d at Pittsburgh; c at South Bethlehem, Pa. : a. Clarence-Richmond, born June 11, 1901. h. Francis-Lincoln, born June 16, 1903; died Nov. 5, 1903. c. Donald-Francis, born Feb. 2, 1905; died May 5, 1905. d. Richard-Nelson, born June 5, 1907. adffe dfb. Samuel-Bicknell, born May 14, 1882. adffe dfc. Ralph-Edward, born Oct. 16, 1884. adffe dg. Levi-Cook, son of Samuel (Caleb, Abraham, Jacob, Mordecai, Samuel) and Olive (Cook) Lincoln of Providence, R. L, born Apr. 15, 1858, at Providence. He is living, 1913, at Providence, where he is State manager of the Manhattan Life Insurance Company. He previously lived at Woonsocket, R. I. He married, Apr. 27, 1877, at Woonsocket, Anjanette, daugh- ter of Joseph-Riley and Cornelia (Skinner) Bailey of Woonsocket, born Dec. 4, 1858, at Higganum, Conn.; died Aug. 1, 1913, at Providence. (Records of Levi-Cook Lincoln.) Child, born at Woonsocket: adffe dga. Florence-Cornelia, born May 14, 1878; married, Oct. 17, 1900, at Woonsocket, Eugene-Capron, son of Luther-James and Ellen (Capron) Hamlett of Woonsocket, born Feb, 3, 1874, at Woonsocket. They were divorced in 1909. They had no children. She is living, 1911, at Woon- socket. EIGHTH GENERATION aabcd bed. George-Henry, son of Nichols {Nichols, Jona- than, Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Lucy- Ann (Briggs) Lincoln of Dan vers, Mass., born June 14, 1869, at Dan vers. He removed to East Rochester, N. H., but is living, 1911, at Roches- ter, N. H. He is a shoe-cutter. He married, Aug. 29, 1891, at Rochester, Susie-Ella, daughter of Emerson-Greenleaf and Mary-Elizabeth (Emmons) Thompson of Kennebunk Port, Me., where she was born. (Records of George-Henry Lincoln.) Children, born: a at Springvale, Me.; b-d at East Rochester: aabcd hcda, Raymond-Emerson, born March 9, 1894. aabcd bcdb. Harold-George, born June 23, 1896. aabcd bcdc. Gladys-Maie, born Aug. 5, 1898. aabcd bcdd. Fred-Eugene, born Jan. 5, 1900. aabce aba. Charles-Jairus, son of Jairus-Beals {Peter, Frederick, Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Priscilla- Shaw (Pratt) Lincoln of Weymouth, Mass., born Apr. 1, 1844, at Weymouth; died Aug. 26, 1911. He graduated at Harvard college, 1865, and from 1867 to 1869 was engaged in professional study at Columbia college school of mines. He was instructor at the EngKsh high school in Boston, Mass., from 1871 to 1885; headmaster of the East Boston high school 1885 to 1889; and of the Dorchester, Mass., high school, 1889 until his death. He was a deacon of Phillips Congregational Church, Boston, 1878 to 1888; and was a member of the Brookline, Mass., school com- mittee from 1887 to 1891. He Hved at Brookhne from 1885 to 1891, the rest of his mature life at Boston. At the time of his death he was engaged in looking up dates and names for this genealogy, in which he was much interested. He married, Apr. 5, 1871, at Boston, Lucy-Ellen, daughter of Alvan and Lucy- Whitney (Day) Simonds of Boston, born March 9, 1845, at Boston; living, September, 1911, at Braintree, Mass. (Weymouth Records; Mass. Vital Records; Records of Charles- Jairus Lincoln.) m EIGHTH GENERATION 527 Children, born at Boston: aabce abaa. Marion-Whitney, born June 9, 1874; graduated at Radcliffe college in the class of 1897; married, Dec. 28, 1898, at Dorchester, Mass., Leslie-Manly, son of Ariel-Manley and Florence-Matilda (Bates) Cain of Dorchester, born Oct. 20, 1872, at Dorchester. He was educated in the Dorchester schools. They are living, 1911, at Brookline, Mass. He is a salesman. Children, born at Dorchester: a. LiNCOLN-SiMONDS, bom Aug. 21, 1903. b. Elizabeth, born Jan. 19, 1908. aabce abab. Maude-Winthrop, born Jan. 7, 1876; graduated at Radclifife college, class of 1898; married, June 22, 1903, at Dorchester, Mass., Arthur-Welles, son of John-William and Mary-Ellen (Wells) Kirk- patrick of Dorchester, born June 24, 1879, at Newburyport, Mass. He was educated in Boston. They are living, 1911, at Braintree, Mass. He is a salesman. His father was a native of Nova Scotia. Children, born at Braintree: a. Priscilla, born July 19, 1908. b. Gordon- Welles, born June 21, 1910. aabce abc. David-Pratt, son of Jairus-Beals (Peter, Fred- erick, Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Priscilla-Shaw (Pratt) Lincoln of Weymouth, Mass., born Oct. 19, 1855, at Weymouth. He was at first a mason by trade and lived at Weymouth until a few years ago, when he removed to Maine. He is now, 1912, a farmer living at Atkinson, Me. He married (1), Nov. 28, 1878, at Weymouth, Cordeha-Etta, daughter of Horace-Mann and Mary-Julia (Parker) Makepeace of Weymouth, born March 18, 1857, at Weymouth; died there May 28, 1897. He married (2), March 1, 1899, at Weymouth, Clara- Went- worth Makepeace, sister of his first wife, born June 11, 1863, at Weymouth; living, 1912. (Mass. Vital Records; Records of Charles- Jairus Lincoln, aahce aba.) Children, by first wife, born at Weymouth: aabce abca. Jairus-Horace, born Oct. 9, 1878. aabce abcb. A son, born May 24, 1880; died May 25, 1880. aabce abac. Mildred, born March 28, 1884; married, Sept. 21, 1904, at Braintree, Mass., Irving- Weston Morgan, son of Freeman- Weston and Augusta (Norton) Fairbanks, but an adopted son of Michael and Sarah- Jane Morgan. He was born Oct. 23, 1874, at Gorham, Me., and was living at Braintree when married. He is a shoe-cutter. They are living, 1911, at Weymouth. Children, born: a at Braintree; b at Weymouth: a. Harold-Fairbanks, born Aug. 26, 1905. b. Alice, born Dec. 28,. 1908. 528 LINCOLN GENEALOGY aahce abed. Royal, born Jan. 25, 1886; died Jan. 25, 1894. aabce abce. Charles-Harold, born Oct. 23, 1892. aahce abcf. Esther, born Nov. 16, 1895. Children, by second wife, born at Weymouth: aabce abcg. Etta-Harriet, born Jan. 7, 1900. aabce abch. Leslie-Parker, born Jan. 12, 1901. aabce abci. David-Roosevelt, born Aug. 14, 1902. I aabce aeb. Frederic, son of Oliver (Peter, Frederick, Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Hannah-Pratt (Dunbar) Lincoln of Weymouth, Mass., born May 16, 1854, at Weymouth; died Aug. 9, 1902, at Warren, Mass., where he had lived for the previous twenty-five years, having been employed for twenty- three years at the Knowles Steam Pump Works as a draughts- man. *'He was very strict in all his ways, never used liquor or tobacco, and was much beloved by all who knew him." He married, Dec. 24, 1881, at Springfield, Mass., AHce-Grace, daughter of Francis-Edward and Sarah-Maria (Penhallow) Lewis of Windham, Conn., born May 23, 1861, at Windham. She married (2), Dec. 30, 1903, at Hartford, Conn., Frederick- Wilham Fortune of Springfield, a blacksmith. She is living, 1912, at Springfield. (Records of Mrs. Edith-Lillian [Lincoln] Case, aabce aehb.) Her father, Francis-Edward Lewis, died in 1900 at Leonard's Bridge, Conn. /'He was a soldier and much of a wanderer, living nowhere very long." His wife died in 1864 at Windham. Children, born at Warren: aabce aeba. Oliver-Francis, born Aug. 28, 1882. aabce aebb. Edith-Lillian, born June 27, 1884; married (1), Nov. 18, 1903, at Springfield, Mass., Samuel-Ernest Berrett, son of Charles- Marcus and Ida E. (Soule) Smith of Springfield, born Aug. 25, 1883, at Springfield. His real name was Ernest- Welcome Smith, but he was adopted by his father's sister at the age of seven and his name was changed. The marriage proved unhappy and they were divorced March 16, 1904. She married (2), May 23, 1905, at Enfield, Conn., George- Bacon, son of John-Cahoun and Mary-Bassett (Bacon) Case of Hyannis, Mass., born Sept. 24, 1864, at Centerville, Mass.; died Apr. 20, 1912, at Springfield. He was an expert accountant. They lived at Springfield. Mr. Berrett was a polisher in the Wesson gun shop. Child, by first husband, born at Springfield: a. Frederick-Ernest Lincoln, born Aug. 24, 1904; died Feb. 12, 1905. i EIGHTH GENERATION 529 Children, by second husband, born at Springfield: b. Gladts-Zitella-Alice Case, born Apr. 9, 1907. c. Nathaniel-Bacon Case, born June 5, 1910; died Jan. 3, 1911. d. A DAUGHTER, stUlbom Apr. 21, 1912. aabce aebc. Clarence-Frederick, born March 26, 1887. aabce aehd. Viola-Zitella, born Dec. 30, 1893; married, July 29, 1911, at Windsor Locks, Conn., Charles-Leighton, son of Charles-Marcus and Emma (Underwood) Dean of Oakland, Calif., born Jan. 6, 1895, at Springfield. He is a book-keeper. They are living, 1912, at Spring- field. aabce aebe. Milton-Webber, born Oct. 24, 1895. aabce aec. La Forrest, son of Oliver (Peter, Frederick , Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Hannah-Pratt (Dunbar) Lincoln of Weymouth, Mass., born July 21, 1857, at Weymouth. He is a shoe-cutter, living, 1912, at East Weymouth. He married, March 10, 1886, at North Scituate, Mass., Martha-AdeHa, daughter of Nathaniel-James and Abigail-Joy (Litchfield) Vinal of North Scituate, born Feb. 2, 1859, at North Scituate; living, 1912. (Records of La Forrest Lincoln.) Children, born at East Weymouth: aabce aeca. La Forrest-Webster, born Sept. 19, 1886; living, 1912, un- married. aabce aecb. Gladys- Adelia, born Nov. 28, 1889; living, 1912, unmarried. aabce aecc. Florence-May, born July 25, 1893; living, 1912, unmarried. aabce aecd. Helen- Abigail, born Oct. 13, 1895; living, 1912, unmarried. aabce cda. George-Edmands, son of John-Fillebrown (Eze- kiel, Frederick, Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Ellen- Deane (Simonds) Lincoln of Quincy, Mass., born Oct. 27, 1841, at Boston, Mass. ; died July 22, 1877, at Somerville, Mass. He was when married a clerk by occupation, but is called "rail-road conductor*' in the record of his death. He was a private in Company B, 5th Massachusetts infantry, in the Civil war and his death was due to malarial consumption, contracted while in the army. He lived at Somerville. He married, Jan. 15, 1868, at Boston, Susan-Louise, daughter ^ of Henry-Parker and Susan (Currier) Edgar of Charlestown, Mass., born Dec. 19, 1842, at Charlestown; living, 1912, at East Somerville. (Mass. Vital Records; Records of Mrs. Susan- Louise Lincoln.) 34 530 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Children, born at Somerville: aabce cdaa. Henry, born Dec. 14, 1868; died same day. aabce cdab. Frank-Antonio, born Aug. 21, 1870; died Feb. 8, 1880. aabce cdac. Josephine-Rice, born Sept. 7, 1873; living, 1912, with her mother, unmarried. aabce cdad. Ida-Louise, born July 19, 1875; living, 1912, with her mother, unmarried. aabce cdb. Edward-Turner, son of John-Fillebrown {Eze- kielf Frederick, Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Ellen- Deane (Simonds) Lincoln of Quincy, Mass., born May 19, 1846, at Dorchester, Mass. He ran away from home when thirteen years old; went West and became a train-boy on the Illinois Central railroad. He then went to the Plains and became a pony express rider. At the breaking out of the Civil war he enlisted, Apr. 23, 1861, in Company H, 11th Illinois infantry, and was mustered out at Cairo, 111., in August, 1861. He immediately re-enlisted, Aug. 5, 1861, in Company C, 2nd Illinois light artil- lery, and served until Aug. 3, 1863. During all this service he was detached from his Company and served as a spy, most of the time being within the Confederate lines. He was finally captured at Waverly, Tenn., tried by court martial and sentenced to be shot the next morning. During that night, however, he succeeded in escaping and made his way into the Union lines, where he reported to General Grant, who refused to let him serve longer as a spy, but had him appointed as master's mate in the navy; and in this capacity he served on the Mississippi river, in the secret service of the United States, until January, 1865, when he resigned. He then entered the secret service in Wash- ington and, in that capacity, arrested Mr. and Mrs. Surratt for complicity in the assassination of President Lincoln. He re- mained in the service until 1908, when failing health compelled him to resign. After the war he served in Pennsylvania against the notorious whiskey ring and, later, in Kentucky on the same business. In 1893 he was employed at Chicago at the World's Fair. For the last ten years he has been engaged in insurance business in Boston, but during the first six years as a blind to his real occupation. He married. May 22, 1873, at Louisville, Ky., Mary-AKce, daughter of Thomas-Robinson and Isabel (Vandegraf) Daniell EIGHTH GENERATION 531 of Louisville, born Aug. 4, 1850, at Louisville. They are living, 1912, at Somerville. (Records of Edward-Turner Lincoln.) Children, born at Louisville: aabce cdba. Walter-Daniell, born Aug. 7, 1874. He married, Oct. 3, 1901, at Scranton, Pa., Mabel-Harriett, daughter of Wyatt and Celia (St. John) Kelley of Martin, N. H., born 1883, at Lowell, Mass. They are living, 1912, at Roxbury, Mass. He is a photographer. No children. (Mass. Vital Records.) aabce cdhb. Eunice- Viola, born Jan. 21, 1876; married, June 17, 1902, at Maiden, Mass., Edward-Sidney, son of John-Davis and Mary-Annie (Bates) Parker of Salem, Mass., born Dec. 13, 1871, at Salem. He is in the leather business. They were living, 1912, at Everett, Mass., but were about to move to Phillipsburg, Mont. (Records of Mrs. JEdward- Sidney Parker.) Chndren, born at Everett: a. Robert-Lincoln, born Feb. 29, 1904. b. Josephine, born Nov. 12, 1905. c. Florence-Bates, ) , ^^ on mn-r d. Margeet, 'I born Nov. 30, 1907. aabce cdbc. Thomas-Ransom, born Sept. 6, 1877; living, 1912, unmarried. He is a teacher of music. aabce cdbd. Elmer-Ellsworth, born Aug. 6, 1884; living, 1912, unmarried. He is a motorman on an electric railroad. aabcf aea. George-William, son of William- Waterman (Royal, Royal, Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Mary- Waite (Lewis) Lincoln of Savannah, Ga., born Oct. 4, 1854, at Savannah. He graduated at Trinity college in 1875, and at Berkeley divinity school in 1878. He is a priest of the Episcopal church and is living, 1911, at Germantown, Pa. He married (1), Nov. 29, 1883, at Columbus, Ohio, Jennie- EKzabeth, daughter of James and Martha (Hall) Kershaw of Columbus, born Apr. 12, 1859, at Columbus; died November, 1889, at Columbus. He married (2), Jan. 7, 1892, at Philadelphia, Pa., Julia- Jenks, daughter of Charles and Margaret (Jenks) Handy of Philadelphia. (Records of Rev. George-William Lincoln.) Children, by first wife, born at Columbus: aabcj aeaa. Thorla, born Feb. 10, 1885; living, 1911, unmarried. aabcf aeab. Elizabeth, born March 10, 1887; living, 1911, unmarried. aabcg dba. Edwin-Saville, son of Beza-Holbrook (Rufus- Warren, Beza, Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Martha- adbcg dbab. Harry-Grealy, aabcg dhac. Hattie-Green, 532 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Josephine (Forester) Lincoln of Concord, N. H., born July 11, 1847, at Boston, Mass. He is living, 1912, at Nashua, N. H. and calls himself a 'laborer/' He enlisted Aug. 24, 1864, in Company E, 1st New Hampshire heavy artillery, and was honor- ably discharged, June 15, 1865, at Washington, D. C. He married, Dec. 29, 1868, at Andover, Me., Jennie-May, daughter of David and Sarah-Shaw (Morton) Morse of Andover, born Sept. 3, 1847, at Andover; living, 1912. (Records of Edwin- Saville Lincoln.) Children, born: a at Concord; h-d at Nashua: aabcg dbaa. Lillian- Josephine, born March 16, 1871; married, Nov. 29, 1890, at Nashua, Leon-Oliver, son of Loren S. and Harriet (Bray) Dow of Essex, Vt., born May 23, 1872, at Essex Junction, Vt. He is a me- chanic. They are living, 1912, at Maiden, Mass. They have no children. f living, 1912, unmarried, born Aug. 15, 1873; \ A painter. i died November, 1885. aabcg dbad. Ethel-Forester, born Dec. 16, 1885; married, Dec. 16, 1907, at Nashua, Herman, son of Henry and Ellen (Turner) Cherry of Leyton- stone, England, born Oct. 1, 1883, at Leytonstone. He is a stationary engineer. They are living, 1912, at Nashua. They have no children . aabcg dbc. Harry- Ward, son of Beza-Holbrook {Rufus- Warren, Beza, Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Martha- Josephine (Forester) Lincoln of Concord, N. H., born Feb. 27, 1854, at Concord. He is a last-maker. He married, May 15, 1879, at Natick, Mass., Ella-Frances, daughter of Henry and Hannah (Haywood) Ramsdell of Am- herst, Mass., born Sept. 14, 1856, at Maiden, Mass. They are living, 1911, at Providence, R. I. (Records of Harry- Ward Lincoln.) Children, born at Maiden: aabcg dbca. Clarence-Arthur, born Jan. 3, 1881; died March 3, 1881. aabcg dbcb. Harry-Francis, born Oct. 19, 1884. He married, Apr. 14, 1910, at Providence, R. I., Ellen-Theresa, daughter of John-Joseph and Mary-Elizabeth (Mullen) McKenna of Warwick, R. I., born July 14, 1883, at Warwick. aabcg dbd. George-Lyman, son of Beza-Holbrook (Rufus- Warren, Beza, Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Martha- Josephine (Forester) Lincoln of Concord, N. H., born Jan. 13, EIGHTH GENERATION 533 1857, at Concord; living, 1911, at Concord, engaged in furniture business. He married, July 20, 1881, at Concord, Clara-Louise, daughter of Daniel and Ann-Rebecca (Webster) Wyman of Hillsboro, N. H., born Feb. 18, 1856, at Hillsboro; living, 1911. (New Hampshire Records; Records of George-Lyman Lincoln.) Children, born at Concord: aabcg dbda. Wyman-Forester, born Dec. 20, 1882; living, 1911, unmarried. aabcg dbdb. Robert- Webster, born Jan. 4, 1892; died Nov. 11, 1901. aabcg dbdc. Eleanor-Louise, born March 14, 1894; died Dec. 18, 1894. aabcg dga. Lyman-Putnam, son of Amasa-Lyman {Rufus- Warren, Beza, Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Abigail- Smith (Patrick) Lincoln of Santa Barbara, Calif., born July 6, 1863, at Boston, Mass. He was by trade a machinist. He lived at one time at Philadelphia, Pa., but is at present, 1911, living, and has been for some years, in the Hawaiian islands. He is postmaster and tax collector at Hookena, and is also a dealer in coffee. He married. May 12, 1897, at Kailua, Kona, Hawaii, Henrietta Kepilino, who was born Dec. 13, 1878, at Honakua, South Kona, Hawaii. Mr. Lincoln gives the name of his wife's father as Kala-Kepihno Holua and of her mother as Haalou-Kaleikoa Kamakai. (Records of Henry-Patrick Lincoln, aabcg dgh.) Children, born at Hookena, Kona, Hawaii: aabcg dgaa. Howard-Amasa, bom Feb. 11, 1898. aabcg dgab. Abbie-Lucy, born Aug. 22, 1899. aabcg dgac. Arthur-Lyman, born July 8, 1901, aabcg dgad. Harry-Gordon, born Sept. 15, 1903. aabcg dgb. Henry-Patrick, son of Amasa-Lyman (Rufus- Warren, Beza, Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Abigail- Smith (Patrick) Lincoln of Santa Barbara, Calif., born Sept. 18, 1865, at Boston, Mass. He entered the service of the First National Bank of Santa Barbara in January, 1884, as messenger, and was promoted from one position to another until after the death of his father in 1897 he was elected cashier, which position he still holds, 1911. He married, Dec. 3, 1899, at Santa Barbara, Annie-Merton, daughter of William-Henry and Jamesena (Jameson) Stanwood 534 LINCOLN GENEALOGY of Santa Barbara, born Oct. 31, 1867, at Brunswick, Me. They are living, 1911, at Santa Barbara. (Records of Henry-Patrick Lincoln.) Children, born at Santa Barbara: aahcg dgha. Warren-Stanwood, born Aug. 27, 1897. aabcg dghb. Margaret- Jameson, born Sept. 7, 1899. aabcg dghc. Anna-Blake, born Aug. 30, 1904. aabcg dgc. John-Spencer, son of Amasa-Lyman (Rufus- Warren, Beza, Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Abigail- Smith (Patrick) Lincoln of Santa Barbara, Calif., born Aug. 11, 1874, at Santa Barbara. He attended Leland Stanford university but left before graduation to go into business. He has been with Nathan Bentz, Japanese art goods importer, all his business life. He married, Apr. 18, 1903, at Santa Barbara, Louise, daughter of William-Henry and Jamesena (Jameson) Stanwood of Santa Barbara, born Nov. 4, 1876. They are living, 1911, at Santa Barbara. (Records of Henry-Patrick Lincoln, aahcg dgb.) Children, born at Santa Barbara: aabcg dgca. Frances, born Feb. 29, 1904. aubcg dgcb. Marian, born Sept. 1, 1905. aabcj hba. Robie-Thaxter, son of John-Robie {Levi-Thax- ter, John, Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Julia-Hall (Robbins) Lincoln of Portland, Me., born March 18, 1883, at Portland. He is, 1910, a motorman on the railroad between Melrose and Boston, Mass. He married, Dec. 25, 1903, at Portland, Sarah-Legrow, daugh- ter of Frederic and Jennie (Legrow) Pollock of Deering, Me., born May 10, 1884, at Woodford, Me. They are living, 1910, at Melrose, Mass. Her father, Frederic Pollock, is a native of \ Nova Scotia. (Records of John-Robie Lincoln, aahcj hh.) Children, born at Portland: aabcj hbaa. Donald-Jason, born March 7, 1905. aabcj hbab. William-Robie, born Dec. 4, 1906. aabck bab. Elbridge-Bangs, son of Charles-Nathaniel- Minot (Charles, Charles, Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Mary-Ann (Shattuck) Lincoln of Jamaica Plain, Mass., born EIGHTH GENERATION 535 Aug. 18, 1866, at Jamaica Plain. He was educated in the public schools, but from 1886 to 1888 was engaged in the grocery busi- ness. He then entered Berkeley school to fit for college, and entered the college of liberal arts, Boston university, from which he graduated in 1893. During the following year he was principal of the high school at Antrim, N. H. He returned to Boston and entered into insurance business. He was living, 1911, at Hyde Park, Mass., but removed in 1913 to Pacific Beach, Calif. He married, Oct. 20, 1898, at Boston, Mrs. Margaret-EHzabeth (Greene) Merrill, daughter of Julius A. and Abigail-Antoinette (Burridge) Greene of Templeton, Mass., born Nov. 29, 1870, at Templeton. Her first husband, whom she married July 20, 1891, at South Framingham, Mass., was Frank- Allen, son of John-Foster and Frances M. (Allen) Merrill of Athol, Mass., where he was born Apr. 21, 1872. Her father was a native of Farmington, Me. ; her mother was born at Templeton. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln are reported to have had two children. (Mass. Vital Records; Records of Rev. Charles-Lincoln Morgan, aahck aa.) aabck bfc. Lawrence-Litchfield, son of Henry-Barry {Charles, Charles, Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Helen- Maria (Shedd) Lincoln of Jamaica Plain, Mass., born Sept. 18, 1858, at Jamaica Plain. He married, July 12, 1883, at Jamaica Plain, Lillian-Cora, daughter of John-Jackson and Lydia (Eldredge) Shaw of Jamaica Plain, born Feb. 27, 1864, at West Roxbury, Mass. Her father was a native of York, Me., her mother of CHnton, Me. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln are living, 1911, at North Cambridge, Mass. He is a clerk. (Mass. Vital Records; Records of Rev. Charles- Lincoln Morgan, aabck aa.) Child, born at Boston, Mass. : aahck bfca. Lillian-Shaw, born Sept. 26, 1884; married, May 1, 1908, at Boston, William-Partelow, son of James-Clegg and Mary-Burns (Partelow) Ingham of Wakefield, Mass., born Nov. 12, 1879, at Wake- field. They are living, 1913, at North Cambridge. He is a buyer. They have no children. aabhg aaa. Winthrop, son of John (John, John-Barker, John, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Hannah-Maria (Sears) 536 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born June 29, 1868, at Hingham. He removed to Northbridge, Mass., with his parents and became a carpenter. After his marriage he returned to Hingham and is now, 1911, Hving at Hingham Center, on Hobart street. He married, Apr. 22, 1893, at Braintree, Mass., Lucy-Jane^, daughter of Samuel-Cushing^ (Daniel^, Daniel^, Joseph'^, Joseph^, Joseph^, Nathaniel^) and Sarah-Jane (Tower) Souther of Hing- ham, born May 9, 1873, at Hingham; Hving, 1911. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. iii, p. 159; Cohasset Genealogies, p. 447; Records of Winthrop Lincoln.) Children, born at Hingham: aahhg aaaa. John-Winthrop, born Apr. 2, 1894. aabhg aaab. Grace-Isabel, born Jan. 11, 1896. aabhg aaac. Arthur-Earle, born Apr. 29, 1898. aahhg aaad. Harold-Wilbur, born Nov. 6, 1903. aabhg aaae. Ralph-Freeman, born Nov. 16, 1906. aahhg aaaf. Lucy-Ellen, born May 13, 1908. aahhg aaag. Roy-Lester, born June 1, 1910. aabhg dba. Fredekick-Edwin, son of Henry {Albert, 'John- Barker, John, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Mary-Shepard (Blanchard) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born Nov. 3, 1880, at Hingham. He is a bookkeeper. He married, June 11, 1907, at Randolph, Mass., Mary-Flor- ence, daughter of Franklin- Willard and Ida-Adelia (McCarty) i Hayden of Randolph, born Nov. 23, 1879, at South Braintree, \ Mass. They are living, 1911, at Hingham. (Records of Mrs. Henry Lincoln, aabhg db.) Child, born at Randolph: ; aahhg dhaa. Edna-Phyllis, born June 21, 1908. I aacbc acb. Levi, son of William-Sever {Levi, Levi, Enoch, • Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Elizabeth (Trumbull) Lincoln - of Worcester, Mass., born Apr. 27, 1844, at Alton, 111.; died Jan. 17, 1902, at Boston, Mass., after a brief illness, being attacked with pneumonia while on a business trip. He was commissioned July 18, 1862, second lieutenant in Company E, 34th Massa- chusetts infantry, of which his father was, first, lieutenant colonel and, afterwards, colonel. He was raised to first lieutenant Nov. 9, 1862, and was discharged for disability Aug. 3, 1864, EIGHTH GENERATION 537 after brave and distinguished service for two years. In 1875 he was made captain of the Worcester Light Infantry and, two years later, retired from the volunteer service. He was at one time president of the regimental association, and commander of the Union Veteran Camp, and was a member of the Loyal Legion. After the war he held a position in the Boston custom house and was afterwards engaged in business in Boston and Worcester. The greater part of his life was passed in Worcester. He married, Oct. 21, 1867, at Holden, Mass., Mary-Susan^, daughter of Lyman-Allen^ (Asa^) and Susan-Hyde (Walker) Maynard of Brookfield, Mass., born Dec. 26, 1844, at North Brookfield, Mass.; died Nov. 21, 1903, at Worcester. (Family Records; Mass. Vital Records.) Children, born: a at Boston; b at Worcester: aacbc acba. William-Sever, born Apr. 11, 1870. aacbc acbh. Charles-Levi, born. Oct. 16, 1871; died Aug. 19, 1872, at Center Harbor, N. H. aacbc acd, Winslow-Sever, son of Wilham-Sever {Levi, Levi, Enoch, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Elizabeth (Trumbull) Lincoln of Worcester, Mass., born Oct. 31, 1848, at Worcester; died May 25, 1902, at Worcester. He was educated in Worcester public schools and then associated himself with his father in running the home farm, which he inherited on his parents' death. He was a skilful farmer and, like his father. Was much interested in pure-blooded cattle and had a fine herd of Jerseys in which he took great pride. He was always partial to the militia and for a number of years was captain of the Worcester Light Infantry, which his great-uncle, his uncle and his brother had also at one time commanded. He married, Jan. 1, 1881, at Worcester, Helen-Blake, daughter of Edwin-Augustus and Lydia-McLellan (Blake) Webber of Chicago, 111., born Nov. 28, 1858, at Chicago; living, 1921, at Worcester. Previous to her marriage she was a school teacher, and she has always been interested in educational affairs, serving for several years on the school committee of Worcester. (Family Records.) Children, born at Worcester: aachc acda. Margaret- Winslow, born July 17, 1882; married, Aug. 20, 1913, at Worcester, William, son of Henry-Sullivan and Emeline-Joseph- 538 LINCOLN GENEALOGY ine (Perham) Marcy of Belmont, Mass., born Feb. 15, 1872, at Troy, N. Y. He graduated at the Troy Polytechnic Institute in 1893 and passed the next four years in California as agent of the Nickel Plate Railroad line. Returning to the East he engaged in coal business in company with Thomas-Edward Sterne, under the firm name of The Scranton Coal Company, with office and yards in Worcester, and he has lived in Worcester ever since, with the exception of a few years in New York City. Retiring from the coal business he was for a few years in the employ of the Reed-Prentice Company, manufacturers of machine tools, but since 1919 has been with the Crompton and Knowles Loom Works. They are living, 1921, in Worcester. Children, born at Worcester: a. Helen, born June 7, 1914. b. Lincoln, born Feb. 29, 1916. aacbc acdb. Elizabeth-Trumbull, born Nov. 28, 1883; married, Oct. 8, 1906, at Worcester, George-Sumner, son of Charles-Sumner and Eliza- beth-Spring (Holbrook) Barton of Worcester, born Nov. 4, 1881, at Worcester. He graduated at Harvard college in 1903 and immediately after associated himself with the Rice, Barton and Fales Machine and Iron Company of Worcester, makers of paper-making machinery, of which company he has been president and treasurer since the death of his father. They are living, 1921, at Worcester, with a summer residence at Boylston, Mass. Children, born at Worcester: a. Janet, born July 27, 1907. h. George-Sumner, born March 31, 1910. c. Charles-Sumner, born Oct. 9, 1912. d. Trumbull, born Aug. 8, 1917. e. Peter, born Nov. 20, 1921. aacbc acdc. Penelope- Winslow, born June 20, 1888; married, July 19, 1917, at Worcester, Richard-Saltonstall, son of William-Greenleaf-Apple- ton and Laura (Saltonstall) Pattee of Quincy, Mass., born Aug. 4, 1889, at Quincy. He graduated at Harvard college in the class of 1911, then entered the Harvard law school, where he received the degree of LL.B. in 1915, and began the practice of law in Boston. He entered the service of the United States as infantry private Sept. 5, 1917, and was assigned to Company M, 302nd infantry regiment, 76th Division, at Camp Devens, Mass. He was promoted sergeant Sept. 21, and detached to Officers' Training School at Camp Devens, May 15, 1918; was transferred to Officers' Training School at Camp Lee, Va., Aug. 26, and assigned to 154th Depot Brigade at Camp Meade, Md., Sept. 5. He was honorably discharged Jan. 10, 1919. He returned to his profession and is now, 1922, with Ropes, Gray, Boyden and Perkins of Boston. They live at Cohasset, Mass. Child, born at Worcester: a. Penelope-Pelham, born June 24, 1918. aacbc acdd. Winslow-Sever, born Apr. 30, 1893. aacbc acde. Edward-Blake, born May 4, 1898; died Nov. 29, 1908. aacbc add. Waldo, son of Daniel- Waldo (Levi, Levi, Enoch, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Frances-Fiske (Merrick) Lincoln b WALDO LINCOLN From a photoyrapfi EIGHTH GENERATION 539 of Worcester, Mass., born Dec. 31, 1849, at Worcester. He was educated in the private and public schools of Worcester and at Harvard college, where he graduated in the class of 1870. After graduation he studied chemistry for one year in Lawrence scienti- fic school at Cambridge. In January, 1872, he entered into part- nership with his cousin, Joseph-Parker Mason of Worcester, see aachc cc, under the firm name of Mason and Lincoln, for the sale of iron, steel and heavy hardware. This business proving uncongenial to Mr. Lincoln he sold his interest, two years later, to his partner and, with William-Everett Cutter, Harvard 1869, engaged in the manufacture of copperas and Venetian red from the waste sulphuric acid of the Washburn and Moen Manufac- turing Company of Worcester, manufacturers of wire. This partnership continued, under the name of W. E. Cutter and Company, until 1889 when it was dissolved, Mr. Cutter retiring on account of impaired health, and Mr. Lincoln continued the business alone, under the name of The Ferric Chemical and Color Company, until 1893 when he sold the business to the Washburn and Moen Manufacturing Company. Since then he has passed his time in historical and genealogical studies and in travel. In May, 1894, he sailed for Europe with his whole family, excepting his eldest son, then a student at Harvard college, and did not return until June, 1896, the time being divided between England, France, Germany and Italy, with excursions to Switzerland, Sweden and Denmark. In 1903 he again visited Europe with his wife and daughters, travelling in Italy, Algeria and Spain. In 1908, with his wife and younger daughter he started for a trip around the world, but after visiting Egypt, India, Ceylon and Burmah, his daughter, Dorothy, was attacked with typhoid fever and died at Singapore on the first of April, 1909, and the bereaved parents hurried home. Since then he and his wife have made several trips to the West Indies, passing two winters there and one in California. In 1902 he published the "Geneal- ogy of the Waldo Family'' in two volumes, a work on which he had been engaged for several years and in the compilation of which he travelled extensively through New Hampshire, Ver- mont, Connecticut and New York. He has given much time during the last twenty years to the preparation of the present volume. 540 LINCOLN GENEALOGY He is a member of the American Antiquarian Society, the Massachusetts Historical Society, the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, the New England Historic Genealogical Society, the American Historical Association, the Prince Society, the Club of Odd Volumes and of several historical societies of minor importance. In 1906 he was elected second vice-president of the American Antiquarian Society and in October, 1907, its president, to the duties of which office he has since devoted much of his time and attention. Passing the winter of 1912-3 in the British West Indies, he was able to secure for the Society's library a large and valuable collection of West Indian newspapers, covering the period from 1790 to 1880, a collection impossible to dupHcate. He was for several years a director of the Merchants and Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Worcester, of the Worcester Gas Light Company, the Central National Bank of Worcester, and of the Providence and Worcester Railroad Com- pany and, for ten years, trustee and treasurer of the Worcester Polytechnic Institute. He is at present, 1921, a member of the board of investment of the Worcester County Institution for Savings, a trustee of the Memorial Hospital, the Home for Aged Men and the Rural Cemetery, and chairman of the trustees of trust funds of the City of Worcester. From 1910 to 1913 he was chairman of the Massachusetts State Art Commission, to which position he was appointed by Governor Draper in 1910. From 1889 to 1895 he was director of the Worcester Public Library. In politics he was a Democrat until the breaking up of that party over the silver question, since which time he has had no strong party affiliations, though he was in full sympathy with the poKcies of President Wilson. In 1892 he was on the Democratic electoral ticket, which in Massachusetts was defeated, though successful in the nation at large. In 1896 he was a delegate to the Gold Democratic convention at Indianapolis, and was a candidate for secretary of state of Massachusetts on the Gold Democratic ticket of that year and received a highly complimentary vote. In religion he is a Unitarian, and since his marriage has been a member and active supporter of the First Unitarian Church of Worcester. He has been a member, and was for two years president, o 00 rH ^ p w -3 ^ I EIGHTH GENERATION 541 the Quinsigamond Boat Club of Worcester, and member of the New York Democratic Club and the New York Reform Club of New York City, the Algonquin Club and the Union Club of Boston, and the Colonial Club of Cambridge, Mass. He is at present, 1922, a member of the Worcester Club, the Tavern Club of Boston, and the Tatnuck Country Club of Worcester of which he was a founder and, for seven of the first nine years of its existence, president. He was for several years a member of the Oquossuc Angling Association of Rangeley, Me. During the great war the Worcester Club was particularly active in patriotic service and Mr. Lincoln, whose three sons were in the army, was its president. He married, June 24, 1873, at Worcester, Fanny^, daughter of George^ (John-Wilkes^, Peter^, Joseph^, John^, William}) and Josephine (Rose) Chandler of Worcester, born Jan. 5, 1852, at Worcester. She was educated in private schools in Worcester; Geneva, Switzerland; and New York City. She is an accom- plished French scholar and an exceedingly good judge of paint- ings and other works of art. She retains to the present day much of the beauty for which she was noted in youth and middle age. She has borne for many years the trying affliction of extreme deafness with extraordinary amiability. Her portrait and that of Mr. Lincoln, both by the late Frederic P. Vinton of Boston, are in the possession of members of the family. After the death of his father Mr. Lincoln occupied the old family mansion on Elm street, which was built by his grandfather in 1836 and, though somewhat altered and enlarged, is still, through its classical lines, its commanding situation and beautiful surroundings, one of the most striking and imposing residences in central Massachusetts. Children, born at Worcester: aacbc adda. Merrick, born May 25, 1875. He was educated in public and private schools in Worcester and at Harvard university, where he re- ceived the degree of A.B. cum laude in 1896 and of M.D. cum laude in 1900. After graduation at the Medical school he passed eighteen months as house ofl&cer of the Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston and then studied for a year in Germany and Vienna. He then began the general practice of medicine in Worcester, in which he still continues, specializing to a large extent in the diseases of children. From 1909 to 1912 he was city physician and he has been since 1911 on the visiting 542 LINCOLN GENEALOGY medical staff of Memorial hospital, having been previously on its dis- pensary staff, and for some years on the visiting staff of the city hospital. He has contributed articles to medical journals and in 1916 published a pocket treatise on the feeding of infants. On May 19, 1917, he was commissioned first heutenant in the Medical Reserve Corps of the United States army, and was commissioned cap- tain in the Medical Corps Apr. 24, 1918, and major July 5, 1919. He entered active service July 13, 1917, and was engaged until August in examining candidates for the second reserve officers* training camps. He then passed three weeks at the training camp for medical officers at Fort Benjamin Harrison and on Aug. 27 was sent to Camp Custer, Michigan, as member of infantry regimental detachment 37 of the 85th Division. From Sept. 6, 1917, to Feb. 19, 1918, he served in the detached medical department of the 340th infantry, and for the next month was connected with the 339th Ambulance Corps and the Quartermaster Corps at Camp Custer. On March 15, he was ordered to General Hospital 13 at Dansville, N. Y., where he remained until Apr. 19, when he was ordered to St. Mary's hospital, Hoboken, N. J., on temporary duty. On May 4, he was ordered to the Base Hospital, Camp Mills, Mineola, N. Y., where he remained until Sept. 16, 1919, when he was honorably discharged at Port of Embarkation, Hoboken. While at this hospital he was at first ward surgeon, then assigned to the supervision of the new hospital buildings as administrator and in charge of medical patients; from Dec. 20, 1918, to Jan. 10, 1919, he was acting chief of medical service; from Jan. 11 to June 19, assistant chief of medical service; and from June 20 to his discharge, chief of medical service. He married, Apr. 29, 1908, at Worcester, Mary, daughter of Charles- Henry and Mary (Grant) Bowker of Worcester, born March 23, 1884, at Worcester. When her husband was ordered to the Base Hospital at Mineola she accompanied him thither, and was actively engaged as sec- retary in the Y. M. C. A. hut stationed at the Base Hospital, which hut was turned into a ward for pneumonia patients during the epidemic of influenza. She continued in this service until May, 1919. They have no children. Dr. Lincoln and his brothers are of the fifth consecutive generation in the Lincoln family to graduate at Harvard college, a record which is equalled by few other families and surpassed by but two. aacbc addh. Josephine-Rose, born Feb. 28, 1878; married, Aug. 10, 1904, at Worcester, Frank-Farnum, son of George-Kelley and Maria-Louisa (Farnum) Dresser of Southbridge, Mass., born Oct. 10, 1872, at South- bridge. He graduated at Harvard college in the class of 1894, and received the degree of A.M. in 1897. He studied at the Harvard law school, 1895-7; was admitted to the bar in Worcester and at once began practice there. He is a member of the firm of Smith, Gage and Dresser and recognized as a leader of the Worcester bar. He is an authority on the law of employers' liability and has published a book on that subject. He is living, 1922, in the old Lincoln mansion on Elm street. Children, born at Worcester: a. Louisa, born Oct. 25, 1907. 6. RosE-LiNCOLN, born Oct. 9, 1909. c. Waldo-Lincoln, born March 28, 1916. d. Frances-Merrick, born Dec. 1, 1918. EIGHTH GENERATION 543 aachc addc. Mary, born and died Dec. 27, 1878. aacbc addd. Daniel- Waldo, born Sept. 2, 1882. He graduated at Harvard college in 1904, and received the degree of LL.B. at the Harvard law school in 1907. He was admitted to the bar and at once began practice at Worcester, first in the ofl&ce of Choate, Hall and Stewart and, later, in partnership with Charles H. Derby under the firm name of Derby and Lincoln. This partnership was dissolved in 1916 and since then Mr. Lincoln has been alone. He was a member of the Worcester Common Council 1913-4, alderman 1915, and representative in the General Court 1916-7. He attended the oflBcers' training camp at Plattsburg, N. Y., from May 11, 1917, to Aug. 15, 1917, when he received a commission as first lieu- tenant in the infantry reserve corps and was assigned immediately to the 76th Division, and on Sept. 29 was attached to Company B, 301st regiment of infantry. The division was at Camp Devens, Mass., until July 4, 1918, when it was sent to France and was then broken up, being used as a replacement division. Lieutenant Lincoln was stationed in the classification camp at St. Amand Mond Rond, department of the Cher, and was the executive officer. Early in November the division was ordered to the front, but before it started the armistice was declared and on Nov. 12 Lieutenant Lincoln was transferred to the 163rd in- fantry, 41st or "Sunset" Division, which was stationed at St. Georges, department of Loire et Cher, and was in command of Company I. On Jan. 25, he left for home via Brest, and sailed, Feb. 5, on the cruiser "Huntington," arriving at Hoboken on Feb. 16, and was honorably discharged on the twenty-first at Camp Dix. He returned to Worcester and resumed the practice of his profession. He married, Dec. 29, 1917, at Worcester, Harriet-Brayton, daughter of Dr. Charles-Lemuel and Mary-Janette (Brayton) Nichols of Worces- ter, born Sept. 8, 1891, at Worcester. They have no children. aachc adde. George-Chandler, born Aug. 6, 1884. He graduated at Harvard college with the degree of A.B. in 1905, and for the ensuing two years was engaged in telephone business at Kansas City, Mo. He then entered the Harvard medical school, receiving the degree of M.D. in 1911, and for eighteen months thereafter served as house officer in the Worcester City Hospital, following this with a similar service in the Boston Dispensary. He then commenced general practice in Worces- ter, but in 1916, deciding to specialize in obstetrics, he took a nine months' course in the Boston Lying-in Hospital and returned to Worcester in the winter of 1917. In the following April he enlisted in the Medical Reserve Corps of the United States army, and was commissioned first heutenant on May 19. He sailed for France on July 28, and was attached to Base Hospital 101 at St. Nazaire, where he remained until Feb. 28, 1919, when he was ordered to the University of Toulouse for a course of instruction. He was commissioned captain Sept. 2, 1918, and major May 2, 1919. Soon after this he was ordered home and arrived at Boston June 9, and was honorably discharged at Camp Dix on June 13. He is now, 1922, practising his profession at Worcester, making a speciaUty of obstetrics, and is a staff officer of Memorial Hospital. He married, June 8, 1921, at Woodstock, Conn., Dorothy-Hardy, daughter of Rufus-Byam and Alice-Lyndon (Bowen) Richardson of Woodstock, born Feb. 7, 1887, at Hanover, N. H. She went to France 544 LINCOLN GENEALOGY in February, 1918, as assistant to Miss Winifred Holt in her work among blinded French soldiers, and was stationed in Paris and Vichy. In October, 1918, she was put in charge of the re-education of the blinded soldiers of the American Expeditionary Forces at Base Hospital 8 at Savenay, and remained there for five months, until March, 1919, when she returned to America and went to Baltimore as Red Cross worker at Evergreen, Red Cross Institute for the Blind, where she remained for one year. aacbc addf. Dorothy, born March 4, 1890; died Apr. 1, 1909, at Singapore, Straits Settlements, while on her way round the world with her parents. Her body was brought to America and is buried in Rural cemetery, Worcester. Beautiful in body and more lovely in character, her death brought desolation to her parents and great grief to a large circle of relatives and friends. The play room for the children at Memorial Hospital, Worcester, is dedicated to her memory. aacbc ahg. Marston, son of Edward-Winslow {Levi, Levi, Enoch, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Kate- Von Weber (Mars- ton) Lincoln of Worcester, Mass., born June 23, 1864, at Wor- cester. He was educated in the Worcester public schools as far as the third year in the High School and then took a year's business course in the Franklin Institute at Philadelphia, Pa. He then studied law for two years at Providence, R. I., after which he was for nearly ten years in a real estate office in New York City. He then returned to Providence, where he was employed by the Narragansett Electric Light Company and was, later, treasurer of the Providence, Fall River and Newport Steamboat Company. His health failing, he went to Denver, Colo., where he was assistant purchasing agent of the Denver Tramway company. He finally returned to Providence and is now, 1922, note teller with the Union Trust Company. He married, Dec. 8, 1898, at Fall River, Mass., Clara-Ida, daughter of William-Henry and Mary-Maria (Phelps) Parker of Fall River, born June 30, 1874, at Pittsfield, Mass. They are hving, 1922, at Providence. Child, born at Edgewood, R. I. : aacbc ahga. Edward-Winslow, born Oct. 30, 1900. Now, 1922, a senior in Brown University. aacbe dab. Frederic-Walker, son of Frederic- Walker (Louis j Amos, Enoch, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Emily-Caroline (Lincoln) Lincoln of Boston, Mass., born Aug. 29, 1855, at Bos- EIGHTH GENERATION 545 ton. He entered into business in connection with the firm of Henry W. Peabody and Company, in Boston, in 1883, and remained in their Boston house until 1891, when he was trans- ferred to their New York house, with which he was still connected in 1913. He married, Feb. 21, 1895, at New York City, Philena, daugh- ter of William-Packer and Florence (Kelly) Prentice of New York, born June 28, 1868, at New York. Her father was a native of Albany, N. Y. ; her mother was born at Naples, Italy. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln are living, 1913, at New York, (Records of Frederic- Walker Lincoln.) Children, born at New York: aache daba. Florence, born Jan. 17, 1897. aache dabb. Frederic-Walker, aacbe dabc] Mary-Knight, ' / ^^^^ ^^^' 1^, 1898. aacbe dabd. Philena-Hope, born June 29, 1901. aacbe dabe. Emily-Caroline, born March 31, 1906. aacbe dad. Louis-Revere, son of Frederic- Walker (Louis, Amos, Enoch, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Emily-Caroline (Lincoln) Lincoln of Boston, Mass., born June 29, 1862, at Bos- ton. He was treasurer of the Lux Engraving Company of Boston, Hving at Brookline, Mass., but in 1896 he formed a partnership with Fred H. Perry under the name of Lincoln and Perry and engaged in printing business. In 1902 the firm was dissolved and he continued in business alone, under the name of the Shawmut Company, but in 1904 this business was merged with that of the Shawmut Paper Manufacturing Company, and he removed to Walpole, N. H., to take charge of the business there, and was living there in 1911. He married, Oct. 5, 1892, at Boston, Edith-Buckingham, daughter of John-Crafts and Johanna-Paige (Emmons) Morse of Boston, born Apr. 7, 1864, at Boston; living, 1911. (Mass. Vital Records; Crafts Family, pp. 360, 777.) Children, born at Brookline : aacbe dada. Evert-Wendell, born Dec. 21, 1898; died Dec. 23, 1898^ aacbe dadb. Paul-Revere, born May 8, 1901. aacbe haa. Amos A., son of Amos (Amos, Amos, Enoch, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Mary-Ann (Call) Lincoln of 35 646 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Boston, Mass., born Jan. 14, 1851, at Boston. He was a "team- ster" and lived at Boston until 1889, his name appearing in the Boston directories until that date, except from 1878 to 1887, when he was probably living elsewhere. He is said to have re- moved to New York City, and after having been divorced from his first wife to have married again, but nothing definite has been learned of him after 1889. The records of his son's death and of his daughter's marriage say they were both born in Boston, but their births are not recorded there nor in Massachusetts Vital Records, and it is possible they were not born in the State. He married, Apr. 1, 1877, at Boston, Mary-Abbie, daughter of Coleman and Mary A. Hemingway of Grafton, Me., born, 1853, at Grafton, though in the record of her son's death she is said to have been born at Portland, Me. She is said to have been divorced from Mr. Lincoln, but whether before or after his removal to New York is not known. No record has been found of her death. (Mass. Vital Records; Boston Directories.) Children, born at Boston (?) : aacbe haaa. Addie L., born 1878; married, Oct. 1, 1898, at the age of 20, ' at Orange, Mass., Albert-Luther, son of Otis-Ebenezer and Olive-Richard- i son (Cole) Covell of Colebrook, N. H., born Aug. 20, 1880, at Colebrook. i At the time of their marriage he was a "teamster" living at Orange; she was a "housemaid," also living there. They are separated. They \ had no children. < aacbe haab. George W., born February, 1881; died Nov. 15, 1881, at Boston, ' aged nine months. aacbe Idf. Levi-Bates, son of Levi-Louis (Ahraham-Orne, ; Amos, Enoch, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Lydia-Nichols i (Bates) Lincoln of Portland, Me., born Feb. 5, 1875, at Augusta, Me. He is a civil engineer. He married, June 18, 1902, at Portland, Sarah-Alice, daughter of Charles and Sarah-Ann (Young) Jackson of Portland, born Feb. 23, 1877, at Deering, Me. They lived at Portland until 1910, and then removed to Rumford Falls, Me., where they now, 1913, reside. She is described as "sempstress" when married. (Portland Records.) Children, born: a at Portland; h at Rumford Falls; c at Houlton, Me.: • ( EIGHTH GENERATION 547 aacbe Ufa. Frank-Louis, born Sept. 22, 1903. aacbe Idfb. Alice-Revere, born Dec. 17, 1906. aacbe Idfc. Roger-Bates, born Aug. 12, 1911. aacbe Ifb. Frederic-Revere, son of Augustus-Clark (Ahra- ham-Orne, Amos, Enoch, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Harriet- Maria ( [White] Bean) Lincoln of Benton, Me., born Nov. 6, 1858, at Bath, Me. He is a railroad signal tender living, 1911, at Benton Station, Me. He married, June 11, 1890, at Waterville, Me., Martha- Ann, daughter of Daniel and Louisa (Hall) Hunt of Troy, Me., born Jan. 31, 1856, at Troy, living, 1911. (Records of Mrs. Anna- Amelia [Lincoln] Hall, aacbe Ife.) Child, born at Benton Station: aacbe Ifba. Augustus-Clark, born March 15, 1891. He married Eliza Murry of Fairfield, Me., and was living, 1911, at Fairfield. aacbg ckb. Lowell, son of Lowell (Ezra, Ezra, Enoch, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Clara-Amanda (Lothrop) Lincoln of New York, N. Y., born December 15, 1865, at Boston, Mass.; died Sept. 19, 1906, at New York. He graduated at Harvard college in the class of 1886. He was, when he died, a member of the firm of Charles Hathaway and Company, bankers, in New York City. He married, Nov. 24, 1896, at New York, Anna-Jackson, daughter of Dr. Jackson and Mary-Anna (Bogert) Steward of New York, born Aug. 16, 1869, at New York; living 1911. (Records of Lowell Lincoln, Sr.) Children, born: a, c at New York; b at Locust, N. J.: aacbg ckba. Mary-Anna-Ludlow, born Aug. 18, 1897. aacbg ckbb. Lowell-Lothrop, born July 4, 1899. aacbg ckbc. Jackson-Steward, born Feb. 28, 1902. aacdb eba. Jacob-Stannels, son of George-Otis {Otis, Otis, William, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Paulina (Stannels) Lincoln of Eastport, Me., born March 31, 1856, at Eastport. He is in the milk business, living, 1912, at Milton, Mass., on Highland street. He married, Apr. 28, 1886, at Rockland, formerly East Abing- ton, Mass., Emily-Rolf e, daughter of Turner-Reed and Lydia- 548 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Jane (Lindsey) Holbrook of East Abington, born March 25, 1855, 1 at East Abington. (Records of Mrs. Jacob-Stannels Lincoln.) Children, born at Milton: aacdb ebaa. Pauline, born May 18, 1887; living, 1912, unmarried. aacdh ehah. Holbrook, born Jan. 8, 1889; living, 1912, unmarried. aacdb ehac. Jacob-Arthur, born May 2, 1891; died Sept. 25, 1891. aacdb ebad. Edith-May, born May 8, 1894; unmarried, 1912. aacdb ebae. Ruth-Stannels, born July 25, 1897; unmarried, 1912. aacdb ebg. Edmund-Sabine, son of George-Otis (Otis Otis, William, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Paulina (Stannels) Lincoln of Eastport, Me., born Jan. 20, 1869, at Dennysville, Me. He removed to Milton, Mass., and is employed, 1911, as shipper in the chocolate factory of Walter Baker and Company, He married, June 8, 1898, at Charlestown, Mass., Frances- Maud, daughter of John- Wilson and Margaret-Rosetta (Ru- dolf) Monroe of Dorchester, Mass., born Aug. 8, 1873, at Bridge- water, Nova Scotia. She was a milliner at the time of hei marriage. They are living, 1911, at Mattapan, Mass. (Mass Vital Records; Records of Edmund-Sabine Lincoln.) Children, born at Dorchester: aacdb ebga. Robert-Edmand, born May 17, 1899. aacdb ebgb. Dorothy-Maie, born Feb. 18, 1903. aacdb ebgc. Charles-Ernest, born March 24, 1912. aacdb eea. George- Albert, son of Herbert-Richmond (Oti^ Otis, William, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Caroline-Matild; (Wood) Lincoln of Eastport, Me., born Oct. 21, 1864, at Perry Me. He was educated at Boynton high school, Eastport, froil which he graduated in 1885; at Phillips Exeter academy, wherj he graduated in 1888; and at Sioux City, Iowa, law school where he graduated in 1893. He has been a lawyer and travellin] salesman. He has lived successively at Sioux City; Wayne Nebr.; Mitchell, S. D.; and is now, 1912, living at WorthingtoB Minn. He married, June 14, 1892, at MinneapoHs, Minn., Stella| May, daughter of Josiah-Nelson and Angelina (Darling) Chene;. of Garden City, Minn., born Feb. 25, 1863, at Garden City living, 1912. Her father was a native of Londonderry, Vt.' EIGHTH GENERATION 549 her mother was born at Lucerne, N. Y. (Records of George- Albert Lincoln.) Child, born at Wayne: aacdb eeaa. Gladys- Victoria, bom Oct. 23, 1894; unmarried, 1912. aacdb efb. Franklin-Philbrook, son of Otis (Otis, Otis, William, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Julia-Sophia (Jones) Lincoln of Perry, Me., born Nov. 14, 1867, at Perry, but Perry records say Nov. 4. He was in 1897 a railroad fireman but is now, 1911, janitor of the Milton, Mass., high school. He married, Nov. 3, 1897, at Woods Hole, Mass., Eliza-Swift, daughter of Joseph- William and Hannah-Boyden (Swift) Gardner of Falmouth, Mass., born Jan. 25, 1877, at Woods Hole. They are living, 1911, at Milton. (Mass. Vital Records; Records of Franklin-Philbrook Lincoln.) Child, born at Milton: aacdb efba. Dorothy-Frances, born Sept. 17, 1903. aacdb fob. Albert-Edward, son of Albert-Robinson (Wil- liam, Otis, William, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Deborah- Reynolds (Foster) Lincoln of Dennysville, Me., born Oct. 15, 1859, at Dennysville. He is a farmer, living, 1911, at Dennys- ville. I He married, Nov. 1, 1881, at Dennysville, Ellen-Mehitable, ^daughter of Benjamin-Reynolds and Adaline (Eastman) Jones ' of Dennysville, born Jan. 26, 1864, at Dennysville; living, 1911. ^ (Dennysville Records; Records of Albert-Edward Lincoln.) Children, born at Dennysville: aacdb fcba. Philip-Jones, born Sept. 26, 1882; died Jan. 23, 1910, at Dennysville, unmarried. aacdb fcbb. Alice-Foster, born Oct. 6, 1885; died May 16, 1906, at Dennys- ville; married, March 11, 1905, at Dennysville, Earl-Rollins, son of John-Ralph and Olive (Barnard) Higgins of Machias, Me., born Jan. 9, 1882, at Calais, Me. He is living, 1911, at Dennysville and is engaged in the lumbering business. He married (2), May 9, 1908, Ethel Johnson. Mrs. Alice-Foster Higgins had no child save one stillborn in May, 1906. ,, aacdb fcbc. Mary-Otis, born March 11, 1890; unmarried, 1911. aacdb fcbd. Donald-Morton, born Jan. 22, 1894. Qf aacdb fcbe. Priscilla-Eastman, born Nov. 17, 1895. iti aacdb fcbf. A daughter, born and died Aug. 1, 1898. . jacdb fcbg, Albert-Robinson, born Nov. 13, 1900. 2acdb fcbh. Nellie-Kilby, born Aug. 23, 1905. 550 LINCOLN GENEALOGY aacdb fed. Harry-Foster, son of Albert-Robinson {Wil- liam, Otis, William, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Deborah- Reynolds (Foster) Lincoln of Dennysville, Me., born Aug. 31, 1867, at Dennysville, according to Dennysville records, but he himself says Aug. 30. He graduated with the degree of B.S. at the University of Maine in 1888, and in 1889 received the degree of Mechanical Engineer in electricity. He started in his profession with the Thompson-Houston Company and in 1889 built the first complete electric light and power plant in Cuba, at the city of Cardenas. He has superintended the con- struction of several electric railroads, but his largest and most im- portant work, previous to 1911, was the construction of a paper- mill plant at Grand Falls, Newfoundland, in 1907. He is living, 1911, at Boston, Mass., but has a summer home at Dennysville. He married, Oct. 6, 1892, at Millbury, Mass., Florence-Eva, daughter of Rufus-Revilo and Josephine-Augusta (Sutton) Crane of Millbury, born Apr. 14, 1868, at Millbury; living, 1911. (Records of Henry-Foster Lincoln.) Children, born: a at Leicester, Mass.; b at St. Albans, Vt.: aacdb fcda. Dorothy, bom July 19, 1895. aacdb fcdb. Helen, born March 28, 1902. aacdb ica. Winthrop-Clinton, son of Nathan-Pattangall (Ezekiel, Otis, William, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Serena- Morgan (Brown) Lincoln of Bridge water, Mass., born July 22, 1867, at Newburyport, Mass. He was engaged in the drug business from 1887 to 1905, and then entered the college of medicine of Boston University, where he received the degree of M.D. in 1909, and has since then been practising medicine at Providence, R. I. He has lived also at Vineland, N. J., and at East Cambridge, Mass. He married, Jan. 21, 1894, at Providence, Marie-Rosina, daughter of John and Ella (Blackman) Seissler of Providence, born Oct. 8, 1874, at Sharon, Mass. (Records of Winthrop- Clinton Lincoln.) Children, born at Providence: aacdb icaa. Winthrop-Seissler, born Oct. 10, 1894. aacdb icab. John-Nathan, born Aug. 5, 1897. aacdb icac. Stephen-Mason, born Aug. 8, 1905. I EIGHTH GENERATION 551 aacdb igb. Gorham-Edgar, son of John-Howard {Ezekiel, Otis, William, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Martha (Golding) Lincoln of Red Beach, Me., born Apr. 2, 1879, at Robbinston, Me. He is an engineer and machinist, Hving, 1911, at Red Beach. He married, Oct. 7, 1904, at Calais, Me., Mabel, daughter of John and Alice (Crowley) Sawyer of Jonesport, Me., born Aug. 21, 1883, at Jonesport; living, 1911. (Records of Mrs. Martha {Golding] Lincoln, aacdh if.) Children, born at Red Beach: aacdb igba. Ethel, born Aug. 30, 1905. aacdb igbb. Howard-Andrew, born Jan. 14, 1907. aacdb igbc. Kenneth, born Aug. 30, 1908. aacdb igc. Robert-Golding, son of John-Howard {Ezekiel^ Otis, William, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Martha (Golding) Lincoln of Red Beach, Me., born Jan. 14, 1881, at Robbinston, Me. He is a stone-cutter living, 1911, at Red Beach. He married, Aug. 8, 1904, at St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Bessie Fisher of Robbinston, born May 25, 1889, at Eastport, Me.; living, 1911. (Records of Mrs. Martha [Golding] Lincoln, aacdh if.) Children, born at Red Beach: aacdb igca. Francina, born Oct. 30, 1905. aacdb igcb. Margaret, born Aug. 31, 1908. aacdb igcc. Robert, born March 3, 1911. aacdc eac. Alexander, son of William-Henry (Henry , Henry, William, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Celia-Frances (Smith) Lincoln of Brookline, Mass., born Oct. 31, 1873, at Brookline. He graduated at Harvard college in the class of 1895, and received the degree of A.M. in 1896, and of LL.B. in 1902. He is, 1911, a member of the law firm of Whipple, Sears and Ogden of Boston and lives at Boston. He married, June 22, 1909, at North Easton, Mass., Eleanor, daughter of Oliver and Emma (Benson) Ames of St. Paul, Minn., born Feb. 8, 1880, at St. Paul; living, 1911. (Records of William-Henry Lincoln, aacdc ea.) Child, born at Boston: aacdc eaca. Alexander, born May 25, 1910. 552 LINCOLN GENEALOGY aacdc eca. Henry-Richardson, son of Richard-Mitchell {Henry, Henry, William, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Vir- ginia-Mabel (Murray) Lincoln of Southborough, Mass., born Nov. 30, 1876, at Gardner, Colo. He continued to live in Huerfano county, Colo., until 1893, when he removed to South- borough and became a farmer and was living there in 1912. He married, Aug. 29, 1900, at Southborough, Grace-May, daughter of Charles-Leonard and Emma-Baker (Davison)* Hawkins of Southborough, born Jan. 21, 1878, at Putnam, Conn. (Records of Richard-Mitchell Lincoln, aacdc ec.) Children, born at Southborough: aacdc ecaa. Raymond-Henry, born July 3, 1902. aacdc ecah. Ethel-May, born March 28, 1904. * aacdc ecac. Richard-Hawkins, born Apr. 21, 1906. aacdc ecad. Ruth-Pearl, born Oct. 14, 1910; died July 16, 1911. aacdc ecae. Charles-William, born May 14, 1912. aacdd dae. Selwyn-Randall, son of William-Otis {William- Otis, Solomon, William, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Mary- Rogers (Hoar) Lincoln of Boston and Hingham, Mass., born Dec. 3, 1879, at Hingham. He is, 1911, engaged in insurance business at Boston, but lives at Hingham and is town auditor, having succeeded his father in that office. He is battalion ser- geant major in fifth regiment, Massachusetts infantry. He married, June 11, 1902, at Hingham, Adelaide-Gertrude, daughter of John-Thomas and Eunice (Henley) Copithorn of Cambridge, Mass., born Apr. 8, 1879, at Cambridge; living, 1911. (Records of Selwyn-Randall Lincoln.) Children, born at Hingham: aacdd daea. Cathleen, born Nov. 12, 1903. aacdd daeb. William-Otis, born June 19, 1905. aacdd daec. Pauline-Revere, born Apr. 19, 1909. abbea cab. Isaiah, son of Francis-Mayhew {Jerome, Je- rome, Francis, Hezekiah, Daniel, Samuel) and Sarah (Hyland) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Jan. 31, 1826, at Cohasset; died Nov. 25, 1910, at Cohasset. He lived at Cohasset on Doane street, corner of Beechwood. In early life he was a mariner and was wrecked in the schooner "Maine" in 1846 with his brothers, Ezekiel and Francis-Mayhew, when that vessel was run into EIGHTH GENERATION 553 by the Cunard steamship "Hibernia," at the entrance to Massa- chusetts bay, and his brother Ezekiel was lost. Isaiah after- wards became a farmer, giving up seafaring Hfe, and in some records he is called ''shoemaker.'' He married, Nov. 22, 1849, at Scituate, Mass., Martha- Stockbridge, daughter of Meshech and Temperance (Stoddard) Litchfield of Scituate, born July 26, 1831, at Scituate; died Feb. 9, 1895, at Cohasset. (Cohasset Records; Cohasset Gene- alogies, p. 247; Hist, of Cohasset, pp. 428-431; Scituate Records.) Children, born at Cohasset: ahbea caba. Mary-Elmina, born Jan. 31, 1850; married, Nov. 26, 1871, at Cohasset, James-Edward^, son of James^ {James*, Isaac?, Isaac^, George^) and Susan (Parsons) Dennison of Boston, Mass., born Jan. 21, 1845, at Boston. They are living, 1911, at Medford, Mass. (Descendants of George Dennison, p. 349; Cohasset Genealogies, p. 133.) Children, born: a-c at Cambridge, Mass.; d at Cohasset: a. Edward-Bernard, born Feb. 28, 1872. h. Florence-Lincoln, born Feb. 2, 1876. a Irene-Louise, born Dec. 15, 1878; mar. Arthur-Cameron Green. d. Martha-Almira, born July 13, 1883. ahbea cabb. Orianna- Augusta, born May 26, 1853; married, Dec. 18, 1873, at Cohasset, WilHam-Otis^, son of John^ {Nathan', Joseph^, Joseph^, Joseph*, Joseph^, Joseph^, Nathaniel^) and Abigail-Kent (Tower) Souther of Cohasset, born July 4, 1851, at Cohasset. He is an ice-dealer living, 1911, at Cohasset on King street. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 396.) Children, born at Cohasset: a. John- Albert-Lincoln, born July 28, 1874; died July 5, 1875. b. Orianna- August a, born Aug. 5, 1876; mar. Arthur-Lincoln Marshall. c. William-Otis, born Feb. 8, 1879; mar. Louise Stoddard. d. David, born June 1, 1881; mar. Mabel-Louisa McKenzie. e. Bertha-Orilla, born Oct. 18, 1883; Hving, 1911, unmarried. abbea cabc. Bertha-Louise, born May 21, 1858; died June 18, 1906, at Cohasset; married. May 1, 1879, at Cohasset, Edwin-Gleason^ son of William-Temple-Stanley2 {William^) and Elizabeth-Calief (Damon) Stewart of Cohasset, born July 9, 1852, at Cohasset. He was hving, 1911, at Cohasset on Beechwood street, and died in 1916. He was a butcher. (Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 405-6.) Children, born at Cohasset: a. Ella-Louise, born May 4, 1880; mar. Frank-Loverell Hunting. b. Georgianna-Almena, born Sept. 30, 1882; unmarried, 1911. c. A DAUGHTER, bom and died Feb. 16, 1894. abbea cabd. Isaiah-Austin, born May 16, 1864. ahbea cabe. Chester-Franklin, born July 9, 1867; died Oct. 12, 1867. He is called "Charles F." in the State record of his death. ahbea cabf. Alma G, sometimes called "Alma-Goddess," born Nov. 8, 1868; married, Sept. 5, 1890, at Brookville, Mass., Herbert- Warren, son 554 LINCOLN GENEALOGY of Warren and Josephine (Tilden) Tirrell of Weymouth, Mass., born May 14, 1866, at Weymouth. He is a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and in 1911 was in the employ of the Regal Shoe Company. They were then Uving at East Weymouth, Mass. Children, born at Brockton, Mass. : a. Jennie-Baker, born Feb. 24, 1891. h. Martha-Josephine, born June 18, 1895. abbea cabg. William-Irving, born Oct. 5, 1871. alibea cahh. Martha-Maria, bom March 23, 1875; died Apr. 18, 1916, at North Scituate, Mass.; married, Dec. 2, 1903, at Cohasset, Wilbur- Austin, son of William-Davis and Sarah-Frances (Hobson) Carter of Scituate, born Nov. 23, 1879, at Scituate. He was in 1911 in the employ of Stone and Webster, Boston, Mass., and lived at North Scituate. Children, born at North Scituate: a. Martha- Whitney, born May 30, 1914; died Jime 6, 1914. h. Wilbur-Austin, born Apr. 5, 1916. abbea cabi. Elijah-Franklin, born Dec. 14, 1879. abbea cac. Francis-Ma yhew, son of Francis-Mayhew {Je- rome, Jerome, Francis, Hezekiah, Daniel, Samuel) and Sarah (Hyland) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Apr. 29, 1827, at Cohasset; died March 7, 1905, at Hingham, Mass. He was a shoemaker, sometimes called a "mechanic." He lived at Hing- ham on Beal street. He is buried in Fort Hill cemetery. It was he and not his father who was wrecked on the fishing schooner ''Maine" in 1846, with his brothers Isaiah and Ezekiel, when he and Isaiah were saved and Ezekiel was lost. " Cohasset Genealo- gies," p. 244, says it was his father. (Hist, of Cohasset, pp. 428-431.) He married (1), Jan. 14, 1847, at Cohasset, Caroline-Franklin^, daughter of Lewis^ (Jessaniah^, Nathaniel^, Joshua"^, Joshua^, Joseph^, Clement^) and Deborah (Litchfield) Bates of Cohasset, born Jan. 22, 1832, at Cohasset; died there Sept. 10, 1848, and is buried in Beechwood cemetery. She had no children. He married (2), Apr. 24, 1850, at Cohasset (Mass. Vital Rec- ords say at Hingham), Mary- Ann, daughter of Lewis and Almira- Olive (Dunham) Anderson of Boston, Mass., born July 6, 1832, at South Boston; died Oct. 30, 1908, at Hingham, aged seventy- six years, three months, twenty-four days. The record of the birth of her son, Lewis-Francis, says she was born in Scituate, Mass. (Cohasset Records; Mass. Vital Records; Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 43, 244; Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, p. 475.) i EIGHTH GENEKATION 555 Children, born at Scituate: ahhea caca. Caroline-Frances, born July 9, 1854; married (1), Nov. 4, 1874, at Quincy, Mass., Robert S., son of Horatio G. and Keziah (Has- kins) Cameron of Plymouth, Mass., born Oct. 9, 1853, at Plymouth, The marriage proved unhappy and they were divorced and she resumed her maiden name. Mr. Cameron was a "nailer." She married (2), Jan. 1, 1877, at Braintree, Mass., Charles-Herbert, son of Pelham W. and Harriet (Swift) Maxim of Fall River, Mass., born in 1854 at Fall River. He also was a nailer and lived at Weymouth, Mass. Mrs. Maxim, who again resumed her maiden name, was living, 1912, with her daughter, at Dorchester, Mass. She is a nurse. Child by first husband, born at Hingham : a. Edith- Viola Cameron, bom 1875; mar. Oliver-Stodder Hay- ward. Child, by second husband, born at Hingham; h. Dwight-Thornton Maxim, born March 13, 1877; died Apr. 15, 1903, unmarried. ahhea each. Lewis-Francis, born Sept. 25, 1856; died, 1909, at Hingham. He married (1), Nov. 20, 1876, at Cohasset, Mary-E.-Celia, daughter of WilUam M. and Mary-Elizabeth (Bonney) Crowell of Hingham, born, 1858, at Hingham. They were divorced, and the "History of Hingham" says that she married (2) James Nash and (3) Francis Copeland; but no record of these marriages has been found. Mr. Lincoln married (2), Aug. 7, 1886, at Hingham, Mary-Lyon, daughter of Enos D. and Mary- Jane (Pratt) Raymond of Weymouth, Mass., born Sept. 16, 1863, at Weymouth. He was a shoemaker and lived at Hingham. He had no children by either wife. abbea cacc. Alfred-Stone, born July 16, 1859. abbea cad. Samuel, son of Francis-Mayhew {Jerome, Jerome^ Francis, Hezekiah, Daniel, Samuel) and Sarah (Hyland) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Jan. 1, 1828, at Cohasset; died Feb. 15, 1906, at Hampton, Va., in the Soldiers' Home and was buried with military honors. He served for three months during the Civil war in Company A, 42nd regiment, ]\I. V. M. He was a shoemaker before his marriage and lived at South Weymouth, Mass. He married, Apr. 29, 1857, at South Weymouth, Mary-Ann, daughter of Elisha and Sylvia (Gurney) Sampson of Turner, Me., born Apr. 4, 1829, at Turner; died Jan. 1, 1908, at Whitman, Mass. (Mass. Vital Records; Records of Mrs. Martha-Maria [Lincoln] Carter, ahhea cahh.) Child, born at South Weymouth : ahhea cada. Augusta-Maria, born Nov. 3, 1858; married, Juae 16, 1879, at Whitman, Mass., James-Andrew, son of John Kennedy of Weymouth, 556 LINCOLN GENEALOGY born June 29, 1852, at Cornwallis, Nova Scotia; died Nov. 16, 1891, at Whitman. He was a farmer. They lived at Whitman and had no children. Mrs. Kennedy was living at Whitman in 1911, and was then agent of the Animal Rescue League, and secretary for Whitman of the Massachusetts Audubon Society. abbea mba. Edward-Hall, son of Martin-Jerome {Martin, Jerome, Francis, Hezekiah, Daniel, Samuel) and Ann-Jane (Hall) Lincoln of Taunton, Mass., born May 24, 1863, at Cohasset. He is living, 1912, at Snohomish, Wash., having lived previously at Port Blakeley and Winslow in the same State. He is a wagon- maker and dealer in blacksmiths' and wagon-makers' supplies. He married. May 23, 1896, at Port Blakeley, Jennie-Catherine, daughter of Elof and Ane (Jensen) Elofson of Port Blakeley, born Nov. 10, 1878, at Veile, Denmark. (Records of Edward- Hall Lincoln.) Children, born at Seattle, Wash. : abbea mbaa. Charles-Henry, born March 31, 1897. abbea mbab. George- Winslow, born May 1, 1899. abbea mbac. Annie-Eleonora, born Jan. 21, 1901. abbea mbd. George-Martin, son of Martin- Jerome (Mar- tin, Jerome, Francis, Hezekiah, Daniel, Samuel) and Ann-Jane (Hall) Lincoln of Taunton, Mass., born March 28, 1873, at Taunton; died Sept. 21, 1910, at Taunton. He was a book- keeper and lived at Taunton. He married, Feb. 22, 1899, at Taunton, Mabel-Louise, daugh- ter of George-Francis and Elizabeth-Jane (Wilmarth) Champney of Taunton, born Apr. 25, 1871, at Taunton; living, 1911, at Taunton. (Mass. Vital Records; Records of Martin-Jerome Lincoln, abbea mb.) Child, born at Taunton: abbea mbda. Edward-Leland, born July 12, 1899. abbea mhc. Fred-Jerome, son of Charles-Cushing (Martin, Jerome, Francis, Hezekiah, Daniel, Samuel) and Flora-Estella (Hayes) Lincoln of Brooklyn, N. Y., born March 6, 1881, at Brooklyn. He is living, 1911, at Cohasset. He married, Oct. 20, 1906, Jennie-Louise, daughter of Gustave and Hilma-Justine (Johnson) Lawson of New York, N. Y., born EIGHTH GENERATION 557 Aug. 16, 1885, at Brooklyn; living, 1911. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 245; Records of Miss Annie-Elizabeth Lincoln, ahbea mi.) Children, born at Cohasset: • abhea mhca. Dorothy-Davis, born Aug. 30, 1908. ahhea mhch. James-Martin, born Sept. 22, 1909. abbea mhd. Harry-Francis, son of Charles-Cushing (Mar- tin, Jerome, Francis, Hezekiah, Daniel, Samuel) and Flora- Estella (Hayes) Lincoln of Brooklyn, N. Y., born Oct. 14, 1882, at Brooklyn. He is a clerk, 1911. He married, Oct. 20, 1909, at Cohasset, Mass., Marietta- Foster, daughter of Charles-Frederick and Clarinda-Rebecca (Foster) Bennett of Ottawa, 111., born Nov. 21, 1884, at Ottawa. (Records of Miss Annie-EHzabeth Lincoln, abbea mi.) Child: abhea mhda. Charles-Francis, born March 14, 1911. abbec bba. Richard-Henry, son of Henry (Joseph, Zenas, Francis, Hezekiah, Daniel, Samuel) and Ophelia (Whittington) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Oct. 12, 1840, at Boston, Mass. He was a private in Company A, 45th regiment, Massa- chusetts volunteer infantry, in the Civil war. He has been a piano-maker but is now, 1911, retired. He married, Jan. 7, 1867, at Cohasset, Mary-Elizabeth^, daughter of Elias^ (Thomas^, Thomas^, Thomas^, Thomas^, John^, Thomas^) and Mary-Cecilia-Turner (Townsend) Bourne of Cohasset, born May 15, 1843, at Boston. They are living, 1911, at East Dedham, Mass. (Cohasset Genealogies, pp. 82, 245; Records of Richard-Henry Lincoln.) Child, born at Boston: abhec bbaa. Henry-Wadsworth, born Jan. 1, 1871; died Aug. 15, 1885, at Boston. abbec fbd. Charles-Hob art, son of Allen (Thomas, Zenas, Francis, Hezekiah, Daniel, Samuel) and Julia-Ann (Holmes) Lincoln of Woburn, Mass., born Oct. 6, 1855, at Gray, Me.; died Sept. 20, 1904, at East Bridgewater, Mass. He was superin- tendent of a roofing company and lived at Woburn. 558 LINCOLN GENEALOGY He married, Jan. 7, 1890, at Newton, N. H., Ida-Berenice, daughter of Jotham-Merett and Mary-Jane (Snow) Tabbut of Newton, born Dec. 9, 1866, at Centerville, Me.; died May 14, 1897, at Melrose, Mass. (New Hampshire State Records; Woburn Records; Mass. Vital Records say married Jan. 9.) Child, born at Woburn: abbec fbda. Alpha-Berenice, born Oct. 11, 1891. abbec fdc. Edward-Maynard, son of Thomas (Thomas, Zenas, Francis, Hezekiah, Daniel, Samuel) and Harriet (Tufts) Lincoln of Somerville, Mass., born Sept. 25, 1858, at Saugus, Mass. He is living, 1911, at Everett, Mass. For the previous fourteen years he was night watchman for the National Biscuit Company and lived at Somerville and Cambridge, Mass. He married, Sept. 25, 1880, at Charlestown, Mass., Annie- Emily, daughter of Thomas and Harriet (Hardy) Lindsey of Glasgow, Scotland, born May 6, 1861, at Glasgow; living, 1911. She came to this country in 1871 without her parents to live with an aunt. (Records of Edward-Maynard Lincoln.) Children, born: a-c at Somerville; d at Cambridge: abbec fdca. Thomas-Franklin, born May 20, 1881. He is an artist, living, 1913, at Boston, Mass. He married, Nov. 1, 1905, at Lexington, Mass., Harriet-Holbrook, daughter of Alvans-Thomas (or Alvano-Thomas) and Laurietta Nickerson of Lexington, born Sept. 1, 1881, at Campobello, Mass.; living, 1913. They have no children. (Mass. Vital Records.) abbec fdcb. Sidney-Lindsey, born Jan. 3, 1884; living, 1911, at Everett, Mass., unmarried. He is a baggage master on the Boston and Maine railroad at Boston. abbec fdcc. Harriet-Priscilla, born Jan. 13, 1886; living, 1911, unmarried. abbec fdcd. Ernest-Francis, born Dec. 31, 1896. adaaa bbb. Benjamin, son of Thomas (Josiah, Abraham, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Sarah (Weathers) Lincoln of Milltown, Ind., born Jan. 3, 1830, at Milltown; living, 1916, at Oakland City, Ind., where he was a farmer. He remembered nothing of his grandfather. He died in 1920. He married, July 20, 1854, in Harrison county, Ind., Angeline, daughter of Shird Burton of Harrison county, born October, 1837, in Harrison county; died there Sept. 2, 1879. (Information of Benjamin Lincoln.) EIGHTH GENERATION 559 Children, born in Harrison county: adaaa bbba. Sarah, born Sept. 2, 1855; died July 9, 1886, at Oakland City, unmarried. adaaa bhhb, Rachel, born March 23, 1858; died Oct. 14, 1885. adaaa bbbc. Thomas, born July 23, 1860; died June 20, 1900, at Oakland City. adaaa bbbd. Mary, born Oct. 16, 1862; died Dec. 10, 1899, in Knox county, Ind. adaaa bbbe. George- Washington, born Jan. 2, 1865. adaaa bbbf. Hester, born Oct. 20, 1869; married a Mr. Dill. They were living in 1916 at Oakland City. adaaa bbbg. Margaret, born March 23, 1873; at Depauw, Ind.; married, Jan. 7, 1891, at Oakland City, Ind., William-Jesse, son of A. G. and Mary E. Rutledge of Wheeler, Okla., born Oct. 23, 1871, at Fort Branch, Ind. He is an electrician. They have lived at Oakland City and Petersburg, Ind., but are now, 1916, living at Loogootee, Ind. Children, bom: a, b, d at Oakland City; c, e, at Petersburg: a. Nellie, born May 4, 1891; mar. W. M. Haskins. b. Ralph-Lincoln, born Sept. 1, 1894; mar. Marie Hornbrook. c. Ruth-Hester, born Nov. 2, 1897; died Aug. 28, 1901. d. Ray-Jesse, born June 16, 1900. e. Mary-Isabel, born Sept. 16, 1909. adaaa bbbh. Eva, born July 28, 1875; married E. J. Catterill. They were hving, 1916, at Oakland City, adaaa bbc. Mordecai, son of Thomas {Josiah, Abraham, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Sarah (Weathers) Lincoln of Milltown, Harrison county, Ind., born March 2, 1832, at Milltown; died there March 9, 1911. He was a farmer and passed his whole life in Harrison county. He married (1), Oct. 13, 1853, at Milltown, Mary-Elizabeth, daughter of James Spencer of Milltown, born Feb. 13, 1836, at Milltown; died there June 27, 1877. He married (2), Jan. 22, 1878, at Milltown, Mary Schoonover. (Records of Joseph-David Lincoln, adaaa hhcg.) J-| Children, by first wife, born: a at Hancock, Ind.; h-j at Mill- town: adaaa bbca. James-Thomas, born Sept. 22, 1855. adaaa bbcb. Major-Wetherford, born Dec. 13, 1858. adaaa bbcc. Rachel-Elizabeth, born June 27, 1860; died Feb. 8, 1902, at St. Louis, Mo.; married, Sept. 5, 1878, at Milltown, James-Monroe, son of Louis and Mary-Elizabeth (Summers) Gott of Mt. Carmel, 111., born Sept. 18, 1857, at Milltown. He is, 1917, an engine despatcher on the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad, living at Chicago, 111. They lived at Mt. Carmel; De Soto, Mo.; and St. Louis. 560 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Children, born: o, b at Mt. Carmel; c at De Soto: a. Rose-Ada, born July 10, 1880; mar. George-Lytton Sexton. b. Shelby-Lee, born July 1, 1883; mar. Lenora Coghlin. ■ c. Mabel-Monroe, born Dec. 25, 1893; mar. Elmer Erickson. adaaa bbcd. Sarah-Jane, born March 15, 1862; died Jan. 8, 1863. adaaa bbce. Martha- Ann, born Nov. 21, 1863; married at Mt. Carmel, 111., Theodore-Harley, son of Worster P. and Elizabeth- Ann (Reed) Kingsbury, born at Mt. Carmel. They are living, 1916, at Mt. Carmel. He is in the real estate business. Children, born at Mt. Carmel: a. Everett-Earl, born Jan. 11, 1886; mar. Ethel Glick. b. Grace-May, born Feb. 29, 1888; mar. Anthony Kuehn. c. Elsie-Cordelia, born Oct. 27, 1889; mar. Charles Gardner. d. Vern-Eldon, born Apr. 4, 1896; living, 1916, unmarried. adaaa bbcf . William-Sherman, born Oct. 22, 1865. adaaa bbcg. Joseph-David, born July 31, 1867. adaaa bbch. Melissa-Etta, born Oct. 15, 1870; married, Apr. 17, 1888, at Mt. Carmel, 111., Socrates-Kelley, son of Charles H. and Aspasia-Ann Christian, born Dec. 5, 1859, in Illinois. They are living, 1916, at Little Rock, Ark. He is a machinist. Children, born: a, b at De Soto, Mo.; c, d at Poplar Bluff, Mo.: a. Maggie-Fern, born June 24, 1889; mar. Edward-Leslie Salyears. b. Maud-Irene, born May 7, 1891; died Dec. 15, 1894. c. Ruth-Marie, born Sept. 11, 1895; mar. Guy-Edward Turpin. d. Corinne-Kelley, born June 22, 1898. adaaa bbci. Mary-Ellen, born Nov. 13, 1872; married, Apr. 20, 1892, at Poplar Bluff, Mo., Marion-Ellsworth, son of Thomas- Jefferson and MaUnda (Smith) Sanders of Kentucky, born Feb. 28, 1861, in Saline county. Mo. They are living, 1917, at Poplar Bluff. He is a mechanic. (Records of Mrs. Mary-Ellen Sanders.) Children, born at Poplar Bluff: a. Lincoln-Ellsworth, born Apr. 26, 1894. b. Alvin-Vernette, born Jan. 26, 1896. adaaa bbcj. Harriet-Eveline, born Sept. 27, 1874; married, June 25, 1910, at Roscoe, Tex., Edward-Allen, son of Edward-Allen and Kate (Stewart) Warren of Camden, Ark., born July 9, 1869, at Camden. They are living, 1917, at Snyder, Tex. He is a job printer. They have no children. (Records of Mrs. Harriet-Eveline Warren.) Children, by second wife, born at Milltown: adaaa bbck. Amanda-Emeline, born Nov. 26, 1878; married Norman Bush. They were living, 1916, at Louisville, Ky. He was a clerk in a depart- ment store. adaaa bbcl. Altha-May, born Jan. 30, 1880; married, Dec. 5, 1901, at Cory- don, Ind., WilHam-Simon, son of Fred and Lutetia (Byrum) Bergman of Marengo, Ind., born July 11, 1872, at EngHsh, Ind. They are living, 1916, at Depauw, Ind. He is a plasterer. Children, born: a-e at Milltown, Ind.; /at Depauw: a. Anna-Kathleen, born Sept. 9, 1902. v Ernest-Knoefel, born Dec. 25, 1903. |j| Harry- Wayne, born Aug. 18, 1907. ' b. EIGHTH GENERATION 561 d. Viola-Fern, born March 17, 1909. e. Norman-Joseph, born March 6, 1911. . William-Lee, bom Jan. 26, 1916. adaaa bbd. Jacob, son of Thomas (Josiah, Abraham, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Sarah (Weathers) Lincoln of Milltown, Harrison county, Ind., born about 1834, at or near Milltown; died at Ottawa, Kan., whither he had removed. He was a farmer. He married, Oct. 11, 1855, in Harrison county (County Records), Elizabeth Hupp. They were married by Daniel Fowle, minister of the Gospel. Children. The name of but one has been reported. There are others. adaaa bbda. George-Thomas. He was living, 1916, at Richland, Kan., and a son-in-law, Henry Hedrick, was living at Quenemo, Kan. adaaa bbe. Washington, son of Thomas (Josiah, Abraham, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Sarah (Weathers) Lin- coln of Milltown, Harrison county, Ind., born Oct. 25, 1835, at Milltown; died Sept. 27 or 29, 1915, at Milltown. He was a farmer and lived at Milltown and Depauw, Ind. He married (1), February, 1862, in Washington county, Ind., Deborah, daughter of William and Matilda (Jones) Denton of Harrison county, born Feb. 12, 1845, in Harrison county; died March 10, 1873, at Milltown. He married (2), July, 1884, at Milltown, Deborah-Ann, daugh- ter of Allen and Clara (Foster) Denton of Harrison county, born Aug. 28, 1853, in Harrison county; living, 1916, at Depauw. She was own cousin of his first wife, their fathers being brothers and also brothers of Isom Denton who married Washington Lincoln's aunt, Elizabeth Lincoln, adaaa be. (Records furnished by various members of the family, but with varying dates.) Children, by first wife, born: a at Depauw; 6-/ at Milltown: adaaa bbea. William-Thomas, born Jan. 16, 1863. adaaa hheb. Mary-Ann, born June 23, 1864; died Jan. 19, 1905, at Mill- town; married, May 11, 1884, at Milltown, Charles-Mitchell, son of Thomas and Mary-Ann (Rankin) Byrley of Cory don, Ind., born at Corydon or Bradford, Ind.; living, 1916, at Milltown. He is a farmer. (Records of Charles-Edward Byrley, adaaa hbebb.) 36 562 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Children, born at Milltown: a. Eva-Florence, born Jan. 31, 1885; mar. William-Warner Byrley. h. Charles-Edward, born March 11, 1887; mar. Dora-Emma Jenkins. c. William-Chester, born July 28, 1889; died May 9, 1890. d. Cora-Alice, born July 28, 1891; unmarried, 1916. adaaa bbec. Joseph, born Dec. 22, 1865; died October, 1866. adaaa bbed. Margaret, born Sept. 11, 1867; living, 1916, at English, Ind,; married (1), Nov. 25, 1886, at Milltown, William Way of Milltown, who died Dec. 20, 1894, at English. She married (2), July 21, 1895, at Marengo, Ind., Henry Leach. She married (3), a Mr. Landers, or Landrill, who was Uving, 1916, at Saltillo, Ind., by whom she had no children. Children, by first husband, born at English: a. Alva-Washington Way, born Aug. 20, 1887; died 1906. b. William-Ilva Way, born Oct. 24, 1889; died August, 1890. c. Irva-Franklin Way, born May, 1891. d. Pearl-Lucinda Way, born June 4, 1893; mar. a Mr. Doyle. Child, by second husband, born at Milltown : e. Fay Leach, born Apr. 7, 1896. adaaa bbee. Zeroda, born June 17, 1869; died May 10, 1896; married, March 4, 1891, at Fredericksburg, Ind., Louis Simpson. They Uved at Palmyra, Ind., and had three children all of whom died before 1916. He married a second wife who also died before 1916, when he was still hving at Palmyra. adaaa bbef. Alice, born March 2, 1871; married, Feb. 7, 1892, at Marengo, Ind., Willford, son of Jerry and Leah (Hobson) Allen of Paoh, Ind., born Jan. 23, 1867, at Paoh. He is a farmer. They were living, 1916, at Woodrow, Ark. Children, born: a-c at Marengo; d at Bradford, Ind.; e at Dalton City, 111.;/, g at Bethany, 111.: a. A SON, born Dec. 20, 1892; died same day. b. Elsie-Irene, born March 24, 1894; mar. Isaac-Thomas Lemarr. c. Herschel-Edward, born Nov. 15, 1896; died July 11, 1898. d. A SON, born Jan. 1, 1901; died same day. e. Cecil-Leland, born Jan. 14, 1907. /. Frona-Mabel, 1 ^^^^ ^ 29, 1909; | f'^^' ^^^l' g. A SON, j J f J ]^ ^^^ same day. Children, by second wife, born at Depauw : adaaa bbeg. Ethel, born Sept. 27, 1885; died Feb. 4, 1912, at Depauw, Ind.; married, Oct. 5, 1907, at Corydon, Ind., James-Roscoe, son of William and Hester (Hughes) Conrad of Depauw, born in Harrison county, Ind.; living, 1916, at Depauw. He is a farmer. Child, born at Depauw: a. William-Washington, born Dec. 18, 1909. adaaa bbeh. John-Clarence, born Aug. 20, 1890; living, 1916, at Milltown, unmarried. adaaa bbei. Charlotte-Mabel, born Feb. 8, 1892; Uving, 1916, unmarried. EIGHTH GENERATION 563 L adaaa bbf. Warden, son of Thomas (Josiah, Abraham, ;' John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Sarah (Weathers) Lincoln of Milltown, Harrison county, Ind., born March 4, 1841, at Fredericksburg, Ind. He enlisted in the 17th regiment, Indiana volunteer infantry, in 1861 and was honorably dis- charged in 1862. He was taken prisoner in one of the battles in Tennessee, he doesn't remember which, and was confined for six months in Libby prison. He is a farmer, living, 1916, at Depauw, Ind. He married, Apr. 20, 1865, according to the county records though his son says Apr. 11, 1864, at Fairdale (now Ramsey), I Ind., Rachel- Ann, daughter of John and Catherine Hurbaugh of Fairdale, born Nov. 2, 1846, at Fairdale; living, 1916. (Rec- ords of Warden Lincoln and his son Frank-Abraham.) Children, born at Leavenworth, Ind. : adaaa bhfa. Catharine, born Dec. 9, 1867; died March 17, 1887, unmarried, adaaa bbfb. Henry-Philip, born Oct. 11, 1869, also given as Nov. 11. adaaa bhfc. Charles, born Sept. 11, 1871; living, 1916, at Milltown, Ind. adaaa bbfd, William, born Apr. 1, 1876. adaaa bbfe. Willard-Emmanuel, born Jan. 6, 1879. adaaa 66//. Lelia, born May 4, 1883; married Apr. 1, 1900, at Depauw, Ind., John-Roscoe, son of Charies C. and Nancy C. (Spencer) Canoles ^ of Milltown, born Dec. 18, 1881, near Milltown. They are living, 1916, at Milltown. He is a farmer. Children, born near Milltown: a. Mary-Etta, born March 2, 1901. 6. Bella-Florence, born Apr. 8, 1903. c. Stella-Rachel, born Aug. 9, 1904. d. Herman-Gilbert, born Nov. 15, 1907. e. Blanche-Roseline, born Sept. 28, 1913. ; adaaa bbfg. Frank-Abraham, born Aug. 16, 1886; living, 1916, at Depauw, Ind., unmarried. adaaa bhfh. Florence-Mary, bom Sept. 1, 1889; married, Oct. 18, 1911, at Corydon, Ind., William-Harvey, son of Samuel and Sarah (Denbo) Austin of Pilot Knob, Ind., born Jan. 22, 1883, at Pilot Knob. (Harrison County Records, which say she was born in 1888.) They are living, 1916, at Milltown, Ind. He is a farmer. Child, born at Pilot Knob: o. Mabel-Irene, born Aug. 16, 1912. adaaa bbfi. Edward, born May 20, 1891. adaaa bbg. Joseph, son of Thomas (Josiah, Abraham, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Sarah (Weathers) Lincoln of Milltown, Harrison county, Ind., born Dec. 30, 1842, at ^ Milltown; living, 1916, at Milltown and calls himself a "laborer." 564 LINCOLN GENEALOGY He married, Sept. 5, 1872, at Corydon, Ind., Melissa, daughter of James and Mary-Flora (Ott) Daugherty of Harrison county, born May 16, 1844, in Harrison county; living, 1916. (Records of Joseph Lincoln.) Children, born in Harrison county: adaaa hhga. Carrie, born July 7, 1873; married (1), March 18, 1894, at Milltown, Ind., Edward-Francis, son of John- William and Sarah (Lang) Lonigan of Milltown, born Apr. 21, 1869, in Harrison county; died Apr. 14, 1902, at Milltown. He was foreman in a saw mill. They lived at Milltown. She married (2), Sept. 23, 1903, at Milltown, George- Andrew Tower, who was born in 1856. They are living, 1916, at Milltown. Children, by first husband, born: a, c at Milltown; b at Marengo, Ind.: a. Guy-Lincoln Lonigan, born Aug. 2, 1895. b. Anna-Mabel Lonigan, born Apr. 10, 1898. c. Jessie-Maud Lonigan, born Sept. 5, 1901. Children, by second husband, born: d, j at Milltown; e-g at Temple, .^ , Ind. ; h at Freewater, Ore. ; i at Maunie, 111. : d. Charles-Noel Tower, born Dec. 8, 1904. e. John-Franklin Tower, born Sept. 5, 1906. , /. Mildred-Arlene Tower, born March 17, 1908. j g. Paul-Henry Tower, born June 7, 1909. j i h. Harriet-Hope Tower, born March 30, 1911. U " i. George-Andrew Tower, born Feb. 22, 1913; died Aug. 5, 1913.' jf j. Lloyd-Merlin Tower, born Feb. 7, 1916. adaaa bbgb. James F, born Oct. 4, 1878. adaaa bbi. James, son of Thomas (Josiah, Abraham, John^ Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Sarah (Weathers) Lincoln of Milltown, Harrison county, Ind., born Jan. 29, 1848, at Milltown. He has lived during most of his adult life in Knox county, Ind. For five years he was foreman in a handle factory, then for a number of years he was a farmer, and since 1906 he has been in the grocery business at Vincennes, Ind., where he is now, 1922, Hving. He says of this branch of the family: "The truth about the Lincoln family of this part of the country is, there are none wealthy, nor college graduates, but they are noted for their honesty." He married, March 12, 1871, at Fredericksburg, Washington county, Ind., Harriet-Ann, daughter of William-Linley and Sarah-Lovisa (Graves) Elliott of Fredericksburg, born March 25, 1854, in Washington county. (Records of James Lincoln.) Children, born: a in Harrison county; b-d in Martin county; e-g in Dubois county; h, i in Knox county, Ind.: EIGHTH GENERATION 565 adaaa bbia. Minerva, born Dec. 14, 1872; married, Aug. 20, 1891, James- Robert, son of Ephraim and Lovina (Johnson) Gilmore of Knox county, Ind., born Jan. 11, 1868, in Knox county. He is a farmer. They are Hving, 1922, at Vincennes. Children, born at Vincennes: o. Edith-Florence, born Aug. 20, 1892. b. Edna-Pauline, born Apr. 27, 1894. c. Denny-Oliver, born Oct. 16, 1898. d. Mary-Annalee, born July 13, 1900. e. Mildred-Ethelyn, born Oct. 29, 1902. /. James-Elliott, born June 27, 1904. g. Francis-La VERE, born June 13, 1906. h. Harold-Maurice, born Jan. 26, 1909. i. John-William, born Apr. 5, 1912. adaaa bbib. Mahulda, born Oct. 4, 1874; married. May 25, 1902, at Vin- cennes, Howard-William, son of Jeremiah and Elizabeth (Wheeler) Humphreys of Gibson county, Ind., born May 25, 1883, at Hazleton, Ind. He is a farmer. They are living, 1922, at Hazleton, Ind. Children, born at Hazleton: a. HoLLis-MoRDECAi, bom July 5, 1905. h. Ralph-Franklin, born Dec. 31, 1908. c. Harriett-Elizabeth, born Oct. 6, 1912. d. Sophia-Lucille, born Feb. 20, 1914. adaaa bbic. Lawrence, born Dec. 23, 1876. adaaa bbid. Ralph-Prosser, born May 3, 1880. adaaa bbie. Sophia-Opal, born Apr. 30, 1883; married, July 24, 1902, at Vincennes, Elmer-Burton, son of Decker and Sarah (Reel) Cantwell of Vincennes, born March 5, 1882, in Knox county. He is a farmer and k' dairyman. They are living, 1922, at Vincennes. Children, born at Vincennes : a. Donald-Lincoln, born Feb. 5, 1903. b. Legia-Naomi, born Oct. 5, 1904. c. Mary-Annalee, born June 1, 1906. d. Charles-Frederick, born March 11, 1908. e. Edgar-Clifford, born Aug. 3, 1910. /. Cathryn-Maude, born Sept. 2, 1914. g. Sylvia-Ruth- Ann, born Oct. 5, 1916. adaaa bbif. Nathan-Harrison, born Apr. 4, 1885. adaaa bbig. Amanda-Stella, born Feb. 11, 1887; married, July 23, 1906, at Vincennes, Clarence, son of Reuben and Margaret (Flock) Townsley tl I of Vincennes, born July 30, 1882, in Knox county. He is an iron-moulder. They are living, 1922, at Vincennes. Children, born at Vincennes: a. Elmer-Roland, born Dec. 6, 1907. b. Orval-Clarence, born June 17, 1909. c. Charles-Bernard, born Nov. 13, 1914. d. Margaret-Lillian, born June 29, 1921. adaaa bbih. Daisy-Maude, born Aug. 4, 1889; married, Apr. 11, 1909, at Vincennes, Fred-Allen, son of Shadrach and Julia-Ann (Eskew) Parker of Patoka, Gibson county, Ind., born March 18, 1882, in Gibson county. He is a barber. They are Uving, 1922, at Vincennes. They have no children. ill 566 LINCOLN GENEALOGY adaaa hhii. Edgar-Thomas, born Oct. 18, 1891. He is a barber, Kving, 1922, at Vincennes. He married, June 25, 1913, at Vincennes, Minnie- Sadie, daughter of Jasper and Mary (Lindsey) Catlett of Vincennes, born Oct. 20, 1893, at Flat Rock, 111.; died Feb. 22, 1920, at Vincennes. They had no children. adaaa bef. Jonathan-Jones, son of Jacob (Josiah, Abra- ham, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Martha (Gibbs) Lincoln of Harrison county, Ind., and Wayne county, Mo., born Sept. 26, 1850, in Harrison county. He removed to Mis- souri about 1880 and is now, 1916, living at Arab, Wayne county, Mo. He is a farmer. He married, in Wayne county, Annie, daughter of Darius Cato of Wayne county, born June 9, 1864, in Wayne county; died June 18, 1897, at Arab. (Records of Jonathan-Jones Lincoln.) Children, born: a in Knox county, Ind.; h-j at Arab: adaaa hefa. Ettie-Frances, born Apr. 15, 1877; married a Mr. Sturgeon. They were living, 1916, at Oran, Scott county. Mo. adaaa befb. Ada-May, born Feb. 14, 1881; died Aug. 15, 1882. adaaa befc. Effie-Pearl, born Nov. 9, 1882; died Aug. 15, 1883. adaaa befd. Olberson, born July 8, 1884; Uving, 1916, unmarried. adaaa befe. Grover- James, born July 25, 1886; died March 30, 1906. adaaa beff. Katharine-May, born June 19, 1887; died Jan. 19, 1911, un- married. adaaa befg. Albert-Sidney, born March 2, 1889. He was married Nov. 11, 1909, but no particulars have been obtained. adaaa befh. Maude-Bell, born Nov. 17, 1895; married. May 10, 1912, at Arab, Charles Caines or Games. adaaa befi. Gharles, born June 8, 1897; died June 25, 1897. adaaa befj. Mary-Louise, born June 16, 1900. adaaa beg. Joseph, son of Jacob (Josiah, Abraham, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Martha (Gibbs) Lincoln of Harrison county, Ind., and Wayne county. Mo., born Nov. 6, 1852, in Harrison county. He is a farmer, living, 1916, at Depauw, Ind. According to the records of Harrison county he was twice married, first on Apr. 18, 1875, by Archibald Boslin, J. P., to Martha I. Cook, and second, on Sept. 24, 1879, by E. P. Stevens, M. G., to Rebecca Jones. He himself does not mention his first marriage and calls his wife Rebecca Edmonson of Harrison county, giving no date. |l| I %] EIGHTH GENERATION 567 Children, by second wife, born in Harrison county: adaaa hega. Marinda-Ellen, born June 29, 1880; unmarried, 1916. adaaa begb. Charles-Wesley, born Apr. 8, 1884; died Nov. 1, 1888. adaaa dba. Robert-Todd, son of Abraham (Thomas, Abra- ham, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Mary (Todd) Lincoln of Springfield, 111., born Aug. 1, 1843, at Springfield. He was educated at Illinois State university, 1853-9; at Phillips Exeter academy; and at Harvard college, where he was graduated in 1864. He entered the Harvard law school but left it to enter the army, serving until the end of the war as captain on General Grant's staff. He then resumed the study of law and was ad- mitted to the Illinois bar in 1867 and practised at Chicago. He was a delegate to the Republican State convention in 1880, presidential elector the same year, secretary of war 1881-5, and United States minister to Great Britain, 1889-93. After the death of George M. Pullman in 1897 he became president of the Pullman Company, which position he held until 1911 when he resigned and became chairman of the board of directors. He is now, 1919, a director also of the Commonwealth Edison Company, the Continental and Commercial National Bank of Chicago, the Pullman Trust and Savings Bank, and of the John Crerer Library. He resided at Chicago until 1913 and has since lived at Washington, D. C, with a summer residence at Man- chester, Vt, He married, Sept. 24, 1868, at Washington, Mary, daughter of James and Ann-Eliza (Peck) Harlan of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, born Sept. 25, 1846, at Iowa City, Iowa. Her father, who was born Aug. 26, 1820, in Clark county. 111., died Oct. 5, 1899, at Mt. Pleasant. He was by profession a lawyer and was one of the prominent founders of the Republican party. He was United States senator from Iowa, 1856-65; secretary of the interior, 1865-7; and again senator, 1867-73. His last official duty was rendered as chief -justice of the second court of Alabama claims. (Records of Robert-Todd Lincoln.) Children, born at Chicago : adaaa dbaa. Mary, born Oct. 15, 1869; married, Sept. 2, 1891, at London, England, Charles, son of William-Bradley and Julia (Burhans) Isham of New York, N. Y., born July 20, 1853, at New York. He is a lawyer. They are living, 1919, at New York. 568 - LINCOLN GENEALOGY Child, born at New York: a. Lincoln, born June 8, 1892. adaaa dbah. Abraham, born Aug. 14, 1873; died March 5, 1890, at London, Eng. adaaa dhac. Jessie, born Nov. 6, 1875; married (1), Nov. 10, 1897, at Mil- waukee, Wis., Warren, son of Warren and Luzina (Porter) Beckwith of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, born Aug. 8, 1873, at Mt. Pleasant. They were divorced in 1907. She married (2), June 22, 1915, at Manchester, Vt., Frank-Edward, son of Edward-Whiting and Alice (Thomas) Johnson of Norwich, Conn., born July 5, 1873, at Norwich. He is a well-known geographer, connected at one time with the National Geographic Society of Washington, but now, 1919, in the diplomatic service. Children, by first husband, born: a at Mt. Pleasant; h at Riverside, III.: a. Mary-Lincoln Beckwith, born Aug. 22, 1898. h. Robert-Lincoln Beckwith, born July 19, 1904. adaae aba. Albert-Curtis, son of Preston {David, Jacob, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Elizabeth (Coffman) Lincoln of Mount Crawford, Va., born Apr. 25, 1839, or 1840, at Mount Crawford; died Aug. 26, 1878, at Leadville, Colo. He was a merchant at Lacey Spring, Va., but on his removal to Colorado he became a miner. He was captain in the 17th Virginia cavalry, Company I, from the outbreak of the Civil war until its close and was a near friend of Fitzhugh Lee. So say the family records, but the ''History of Rockingham Coun- ty" says he was a member of Company G, 10th Virginia cavalry, known as the "Valley Guards." After his marriage he was sheriff of Rockingham county for several terms. He married, in 1867, at Clifton Hall, near Athlone, Va., Mary- Elizabeth, daughter of Peter-Perry and Betsey-Ann (Lincoln) Koontz of Clifton Hall, adaae aee, born Nov. 25, 1845, at Clifton Hall; died Nov. 10, 1914, at Lacey Spring. ''Mrs. Lincojn was a member of the Methodist church, having been connected with that denomination since her childhood. The last seven or eight years of her life she resided with her son at Cape Girardeau, Mo., but returned to Lacey Spring shortly before her death to visit her daughter, Mrs. Strickler, at whose house she died after a brief illness. She was well and favorably known to a large circle of acquaintances at Lacey Spring." (From a newspaper obituary; Family records of Mrs. Albertie- Mae [Lincoln] Strickler, adaae abad.) Children, born: a-c at Lacey Spring; d at Clifton Hall: EIGHTH GENERATION 569 adaae ahaa. Anna-Belle, born Nov. 8, 1867; married, March 6, 1898, at Carterville, Mo., Albert-Leonard, son of John-Tabro and Annie A. (Haney) Bayless of Springfield, Mo., born Nov. 9, 1872, at Springfield. Mr. Bayless is a machinist. They are living, 1915, at Joplin, Mo. (Rec- ords of Mrs. Anna-Belle [Lincoln] Bayless.) Children, born at Joplin: a. Cora-Belle, born Apr. 20, 1900; died Nov. 10, 1900. b. Alva-Lincoln, born Dec. 2, 1901. c. Frank-Leonard, born Jan. 2, 1904. d. Elizabeth-Gretchen, born Dec. 15, 1905. e. Opel-Ivey, born Apr. 8, 1908. adaae ahab. Frank-Fitzhugh, born March 9, 1869. He says 1868, but this must be an error. He has hved at St. Francis, Ark. ; Cape Girardeau, Mo.; Pleasanton, Tex.; and in various other places in these three States, but is now, 1915, living at Stephens, Ark. He has been a railroad station agent and telegrapher for twenty-two years but intends soon to take up farming. He married. May 10, 1905, at Foster, Mo., Maude-Minnie, daughter of William-Wakefield and Andromicha-Wright (Cummins) Russell of Rockville, Ind., born Feb. 25, 1866, at Rockville. They have no children. (Records of Frank-Fitzhugh Lincoln.) adaae abac. Elizabeth-Gertrude, born May 17, 1872; died July 24, 1914, at Lacey Spring, unmarried. adaae abad. Albertie-Mae, born Oct. 16, 1874; married, July 27, 1899, at Lacey Spring, Luther-John, son of Benjamin-Franklin and Melvina (Stephens) Strickler of Lacey Spring, born Aug. 15, 1873, at Lacey Spring. They are living, 1915, at Lacey Spring. He is a farmer. (Records of Mrs. Strickler.) Children, born: a at St. Francis, Ark.; b-d at Lacey Spring: a. Raymond-Rush, born Dec. 31, 1901. b. Mary-Gertrude, born Oct. 14, 1904. c. Eula-Lucile, born Feb. 22, 1910. d. Ethel-Irene, born May 28, 1912. adaae age. Harvey-Preston, son of Jacob-Nicholas {David, Jacob, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Caroline-Thomas (Homan) Lincoln of Lacey Spring, Va., born July 11, 1855, at Lacey Spring. He is a farmer and carpenter, living, 1914, at Lacey Spring. He married, Feb. 27, 1877, at Lacey Spring, Henrietta-Fran- ces, daughter of William C. and Adeline-Margaret (Cave) Grandle of Lacey Spring, born Apr. 27, 1857, at Mauzy, Va.; [living, 1914. (Records of Harvey-Preston Lincoln.) Children, born at Lacey Spring: adaae agca. Ernest-Erdine, born Oct. 2, 1877. He is a wholesale and retail dealer in butter and eggs at Philadelphia, Pa., where he and his wife are now, 1914, living. He was for a while at Pittsburgh, Pa. He married, Oct. 18, 1911, at New Market Va., Kathleen-Malinda, I 570 LINCOLN GENEALOGY daughter of Edgar-Leigh and Ellen (Larrick) Zirkle of New Market, born Dec. 4, 1889, at New Market. They have no children. adaae agcb. Odessa-Oleon, born Aug. 6, 1879; married, Aug. 14, 1907, at Washington, D. C, Harry R., son of Perry-Samuel and Arbelia (Sibert) Coffelt of Edinburg, Va., born Jan. 3, 1882, near Edinburg. He is a painter and decorator. They are living, 1914, at Dayton, Va. Child, born at Grafton, Pa. : o. Harry-Lincoln, born June 1, 1912. ddaae agcc. Nini-Sibyl, born Feb. 23, 1883; living, 1914, unmarried. adaae aged. William-Wesley, bom Oct. 18, 1884. He married, July 20, 1908, at Pittsburgh, Pa., Edna-Earle, daughter of Albert-Sample and Susan-Thompson (Foster) Moreland of Pittsburgh, born July 6, 1883, at Pittsburgh. They are living, 1914, at Washington, D. C. He is a salesman. They have no children. adaae agce. Edward-Return, born Sept. 17, 1891. He married, Jan. 1, 1914, at Harrisonburg, Va., Mary-Cornelia, daughter of Frank-Ward and Stella (Sponsellor) Switzer of Marshall, Mo., born Nov. 8, 1890, at Slater, Mo. They are living, 1914, at Harrisonburg. He is a hardware merchant. adaae agcf. Eunice-Ad aline, born Sept. 29, 1895; living, 1914, unmarried. adaae agi. Jacob-Thomas, son of Jacob-Nicholas {Davidj Jacob, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Caroline-Thomas (Homan) Lincoln of Lacey Spring, Va., born Apr. 3, 1872, at Lacey Spring. He removed to Lima, Ohio, in 1891, and since 1896 has been a contractor, builder and general superintendent of constructing buildings. He married, Oct. 26, 1898, at New Market, Va., Emma- Catherine, daughter of Samuel D. and Hetty (Rimer) Hupp of Forestville, Va., born May 22, 1876, at Forestville. They are living, 1914, at Lima. (Records of Jacob-Thomas Lincoln.) Children, born at Lima: adaae agia. Ralph-Augustus, bom Aug. 11, 1899. adaae agih. Opal-Marie, born Dec. 20, 1902. adaae aha. John-Edward, son of Abraham {David, Jacobs John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Mary-Elizabeth (Hughes) Lincoln of Lacey Spring, Va., born July 22, 1856, at Lacey Spring. He studied medicine at Bellevue Hospital medical college, New- York City, where he received the degree of M.D. in 1876. For two years he lived at Cacapon Springs, Hampshire, W. Va., but returned to Lacey Spring after his marriage, and has lived there since, practising his profession. He is a member of the County EIGHTH GENERATION 571 Board of Health and of the Shenandoah Valley Medical Society, of which he was president in 1912. He married, Oct. 22, 1878, at Yellow Spring, W. Va., Amanda- Alice, daughter of Asa and Rebecca (McKeever) Kline of Yellow Spring, where she was born June 9, 1859. (Records of John- Edward Lincoln.) Children, born at Lacey Spring: adaae ahaa. Asa-Liggett, born May 10, 1891. He received the degree of A.B. at Elon college in 1910 and of A.M. in 1911. He is now, 1914, studying medicine at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. He is not married. adaae ahab. Robert-Edson, born Oct. 3, 1894. In 1914 he was engaged in automobile business at Harrisonburg, Va., unmarried. adaae ahc. Jetson-Jackson, son of Abraham (David, Jacob, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Mary-Elizabeth (Hughes) Lincoln of Lacey Spring, Va., born Apr. 27, 1863, at Lacey Spring. He was educated at Elon college. North Carolina, where he re- ceived the degrees of M.A. and Ph.B. He is now, 1914, principal of Wakefield, Va., High School. He married, Dec. 29, 1886, at Linville, Va., Sallie-Stuart, daughter of Emanuel and Penelope-Catharine (Jennings) Sipe of Sparta, Va., born May 25, 1869, at Sparta. Her father was in command of the 12th Virginia cavalry under General Jeb Stuart in the Civil war. (Records of Jetson-Jackson Lincoln.) Children, born at Port Republic, Va. : adaae ahca. Abraham-Lucius, born Sept. 16, 1887. He is, 1914, State inspector of schools in the department of public instruction, Richmond, Va. He has the degree of A.B. from Elon college. adaae ahcb. Jennings-Sipe, born June 22, 1892. He received the degree of A.B. from Elon college, and, in 1914, was a student at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. adaae hfa. William-Effiah, son of Jacob-Broaddus (Jacob, Jacob, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Mary-Isabella (Jasper) Lincoln of Lexington, Va., born Apr. 27, 1855, at Raph- ine, Va.; is living, 1915, at Staunton, Va. He is a farmer. He lived at Lexington, Va., until after the birth of his children. He married. May 29, 1877, at Rockbridge Baths, Va., Sallie- Ann, daughter of John L. and Hannah-Martha (McGuffin) 572 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Shewey of Nashville, Kan., born Apr. 21, 1858, at Fairfield, Va.; living, 1915. (Records of William-Effiah Lincoln.) Children, born at Lexington: adaae hfaa. Rosa-Johrton, born June 19, 1878; living, 1915, unmarried. adaae hfah. Mary-Isabel, born May 7, 1881; married, Oct. 28, 1905, at Washington, D. C, John-DeRosset, son of James-Osborne and Anna (McCullough) Moore of New Hanover county, N. C, born Aug. 27, 1878, in Gaston county, N. C. They are living, 1917, at Glen Allen, Va. Children, born: a at Staunton; b, c at Richmond, Va.: a. John-Lincoln, born Nov. 8, 1906. b. James-Osborne, born Dec. 28, 1908. c. Maurice-McCullough, born July 24, 1912. adaae hfac. Percy- Woodson, born July 25, 1884. adaae hfad. Nannie-Margaret, born Dec. 13, 1886; married, Jan. 30, 1907, at Staunton, Va., James- Wesley, son of Elisha-Hobson and Mary- EHzabeth (MuUins) Merricks of Charleston, W. Va., born Apr. 18, 1882, at Griffithsville, W. Va. They are living, 1917, at Charleston. He was educated at Dunsmore business college, Staunton, and has been employed by the Standard Oil Company since May 18, 1904. Children, born at Charleston : a. James- Wesley, born Apr. 27, 1908. 6. Robert-Lincoln, born March 31, 1913. ada^e hfae. Florence-Lillian, born March 27, 1889; died June 21, 1889. adaae hfaf. Janette-Ann, born May 3, 1896; married, Feb. 16, 1916, at Staunton, Va., John-Preston, son of Edward-Sylvester and Josephine (Cook) Wickline of Fairfax, Va., born Oct. 26, 1893, at Clifton Forge, Va. He graduated at Dunsmore business college, Staunton, and is a book-keeper and farmer. They are living, 1917, at Fairfax. adaae hfb. John-David, son of Jacob-Broaddus (Jacob, Jacob, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Mary-Isabella (Jasper) Lincoln of Lexington, Va., born Nov. 24, 1856, at Lex- ington. He is a farmer, living, 1917, at Buena Vista, Va. He married (1) Willie, daughter of William Hill. Her mother's maiden name was Brant. He married (2) Mrs. Lula (Adams) Brown. (Information of Mrs. Jacob-Broaddus Lincoln, adaae hf.) Child, by first wife: adaae hfba. William-Brant, born about 1882. Child, by second wife: adaae hfbb. John-Henry. He is living, 1917, at Buena Vista. adaae hfh. Ashby- Abraham, son of Jacob-Broaddus (Jacob, Jacob, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Mary Isabella EIGHTH GENERATION 573 (Jasper) Lincoln of Lexington, Va., born Dec. 23, 1871, at Lex- ington. He has lived at Tye River, Va., since he was twelve years old. He is a farmer. He married, June 1, 1910, at Lowesville, Va., Julia-O'Neal, daughter of Cubus and Rebecca-Rodes (Waddill) Whitehead of Lowesville, where she was born May 3, 1884; living, 1917. (Records of Abraham-Ashby Lincoln.) Children, born at Tye River: adaae hfha. Jacob-Broaddus, born May 9, 1911. adaae hfhb. Sallie-Rebecca, born Aug. 11, 1913. adaae hfi. Charles-Broaddus, son of Jacob-Broaddus (Ja- cob, Jacob, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Mary-Isabella (Jasper) Lincoln of Lexington, Va., born Apr. 4, 1873, at Lexing- ton. He has passed most of his life at Tye River, Va., but he and his wife are now, 1915, living near Scottsville, Albemarle county, Va. He is a farmer. He married, Sept. 14, 1890, at Washington, D. C, Kate-May, daughter of William-Andrew and Elizabeth (Mays) Bowles of New Glasgow, Va., born Oct. 29, 1873, at New Glasgow. (Rec- ords of Charles-Broaddus Lincoln.) Children, born at New Glasgow: adaae hfia. Isabel, born Sept. 14, 1891; married, Dec. 18, 1907, at Arling- ton, Va., George W. Moses. adaae hfib. Mamie-Elizabeth, born Feb. 4, 1896; married, Dec. 1, 1913, at Alta Vista, Va., A. Waverly Wingfield. adaaf ace. Robert- Abraham, son of James-Hamilton (Jesse, John, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Ida-Beatrice (Sharp) Lincoln of Chattanooga, Tenn., born May 31, 1885, at Lookout Mountain, Tenn. He lived until 1902 at Chatta- nooga, where he was employed in the trunk-making business. He then removed to Texas and is a contractor for drilling oil wells. He married, Aug. 17, 1916, at Austin, Tex., Eugenia-Bryant, daughter of and Eugenia D. (Whitfield) Outlaw of Lilac, Tex., born June 26, 1896, at Lilac. Her father, whose name for some reason has not been given, was a native of North Carolina. Her mother was a Kentuckian. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln are Hving, 574 LINCOLN GENEALOGY 1917, at Burkburnett, Tex. (Information of Mrs. Robert- Abraham Lincoln.) Child, born at Burkburnett: adaaf acea. Roberta-Beatrice, born Sept. 11, 1917. adaaf acf . Frederick- Albert, son of James-Hamilton (Jesse, John, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Ida-Beatrice (Sharp) Lincoln of Chattanooga, Tenn., born Dec. 28, 1887, at Lookout Mountain, Tenn. He lived until 1902 at Chattanooga and then removed to Texas. He is a machinist. He married, March 31, 1915, at Beaumont, Tex., Leona-Adria, daughter of Percy-Elwyn and Nellie (Norman) Parminter, born July 8, 1895, at Everett, Wash. Her father is deceased; her mother resides, 1917, at Fort Morgan, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln are Hving, 1917, at Electra, Tex. (Records of Mrs. Frederick-Albert Lincoln.) Children, born: a at Beaumont; b at Electra, Tex.: adaaf acfa. Marguerite-Beatrice, born Nov. 17, 1915. adaaf acfb. Millicent-Roma, born Oct. 24, 1917. adaaf dba. William-Henry, son of John-Craigin (Mordecai, John, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Jane (Usrey) Lincoln of Memphis, Tenn., born Feb. 5, 1840, at Eagle Furnace, Tenn.; died June 10, 1910, in Smith county, Tenn. He was a merchant and Hved at Alexandria, Tenn., and in Smith county. He married (1), Nov. 21, 1867, in Rutherford county, Tenn., Lee, daughter of George and Emma (Pirtle) Moore. He married (2) Mrs. Alameda (Dougherty) Kennedy of Cannon county, Tenn. She died June 19, 1910, in Smith county. (Rec- ords of Mrs. Josephine [Lincoln] Davis, adaaf dbb.) Children, by first wife, born at Alexandria: adaaf dhaa. Mattie-Joe, born July 25, 1868; died Aug. 10, 1898, at Gordons- ville, Smith county, Tenn.; married, Jan. 5, 1888, in Smith county, Campbell, son of Luther and Betty (Crutchfield) Oliver of Smith county. He is a farmer, living, 1916, at Gordonsville. Children, born in Smith county: a. Willie-Lee, born Nov. 22, 1889; mar. Frank Roy. b. Arnett-Stanton, born Aug. 27, 1894; mar. Mai Morgan. adaaf dbab. William, born Jan. 6, 1873; died June 29, 1873. EIGHTH GENERATION 575 Children, by second wife: adaaf dbac. Gussie-Lou, bom May 10, 1889; married, Sept. 22, 1911, at Murfreesboro, Tenn., William, son of Charles and Lena (Young) Mur- phy. He is a farmer. They are Hving, 1916, in Lebanon, Wilson coimty, Tenn. They have no children. adaaf dbad. Abraham, born 1892; died 1904. adaaf dbc. Lewis-Craigin, son of John-Craigin (Mordecai, John, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Jane (Usrey) Lincoln of Memphis, Tenn., born May 10, 1845, at Memphis; died Feb. 5, 1893, at Conway, Ark. He was a lawyer, living, first, at Alexandria, Tenn., but removed to Conway before his marriage. He married, Jan. 13, 1881, at Conway, Effie, daughter of J. E. and Esther (Kerr) Martin of Conway, born Nov. 24, 1863, in Faulkner county. Ark.; living, 1916, at Conway. (Records of Mrs. Effie [Martin] Lincoln.) Children, born at Conway: adaaf dbca. Jesse-Hampton, bom Aug. 16, 1886; living, 1916, unmarried. adaaf dbcb. Roberta- Alice, born May 7, 1889; died May 11, 1890. adaah ebb. Cullen-Melone, son of John-Karsner (George, Thomas, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Elmira-Taylor (Melone) Lincoln of Liberty, Mo., born Jan. 5, 1850, at Liberty. He graduated from the law department of Kentucky University in 1869, and has practised his profession at St. Joseph, Mo., and at Tucson, Ariz., at which latter place he is now, 1915, living. He married (1), May 24, 1870, at St. Joseph, Willie-Jane, daughter of William T. and Jane G. (Hay den) Harris of St. Joseph, born 1850, at St. Joseph, and is living there now, 1917. They separated many years ago and were divorced. He married (2) Mrs. Julia (Brown) Colston, by whom he has no children. (Records of Cullen-Melone Lincoln.) Children, by first wife, born at St. Joseph: adaah ebba. Drury-Harris, born Apr. 9, 1873. He was educated at the St. Joseph High School and is now, 1917, a real estate dealer at St. Louis, Mo. He married, Apr. 6, 1910, at St. Louis, Ruth-Eugenia, daughter of Tilley-Alexander and Fannie (Thrash) Martin of St. Louis, born May 18, 1874, at Dalton, Mo. They live at St, Louis and have no children. adaah ebbb. Boatner-Chapman, born May 11, 1875; living, 1917, at Los Angeles, Calif., unmarried. 576 LINCOLN GENEALOGY adaah ebd. John-Karsner, son of John-Karsner {George^ Thomas^ John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Elmira-Taylor (Melone) Lincoln of Liberty and Plattsburg, Mo., born Apr. 6, 1854, at Lexington, Ky. He is a farmer, living, 1915, near Plattsburg. He married, Oct. 26, 1886, at McFall, Mo., Bash, daughter of John-McClure and Margaret-Elizabeth (Perry) Graham of Albany, Mo., born Aug. 11, 1860, at Trenton, Mo.; living, 1915. (Records of Mrs. John-Karsner Lincoln.) Child, born at Plattsburg: adaah ebda. Graham-Cullen, born Dec. 2, 1890; unmarried, 1915. adaah eka. George-Morton, son of George-Thomas (George, Thomas, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Virginia- Morton (Pryor) Lincoln of Bentonville, Ark., born Feb. 5, 1861, at Liberty, Mo. He passed his youth in Missouri; his early manhood in New Mexico, Arizona and Alaska, where he was a mining prospector; and since 1907 has lived at Benton- ville, where he has been engaged in fruit growing with his father. He married, March 31, 1908, at Bentonville, Emma-Gerard, daughter of John-Newton and Margaret-Trimble (Hays) , Lyle of Bentonville, born Jan. 6, 1874, at Fulton, Mo.; living, ' 1916. (Records of Mrs. George-Morton Lincoln.) Children, born at Bentonville: adaah ekaa. Nellie-Pryor, born March 16, 1909; died May 25, 1913. adaah ekab. George-Lyle, born Nov. 6, 1910. ^ adaah ekac. John-Morton, born Aug. 28, 1912. adaah ekad. Charles-Gatewood, born Feb. 23, 1914. adaah ekae. Thomas-Pryor, born Aug. 9, 1915. adaah emc. Gatewood-Saunders, son of James-Edwin (George, Thomas, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Margaret-Pixley (Bird) Lincoln of Liberty, Mo., born Aug. 5, 1875, at Liberty. He entered William Jewell college, but receiving an appointment to the United States Naval Academy he entered that institution, where he graduated with honor in 1898, receiving the rank of ensign. On the breaking out of the Spanish war he was promoted as lieutenant on board the t«ri EIGHTH GENEKATION 577 i U. S. S. ^'New Orleans" and was with Admiral Sampson at the taking of Fort Moro. He was promoted lieutenant com- ! mander, 1908; commander, 1914; and captain, 1918. In 1915 he was in command of the ''Dolphin"; from 1915 to 1917 he was at the head of the department of electrical engineering and physics in the United States Naval Academy. From August, 1917, to August, 1918, he was in command of the ''Powhatan," transporting troops to France; and from September, 1918, to October, 1919, he commanded the U. S. S. "St. Louis," for the first two months escorting troop convoys to the English coast. He married, June 20, 1900, at Liberty, Enfield, daughter of Robert-Miller and Enfield (Peters) Stogdale of Liberty, born Sept. 12, 1881, at Liberty. Her father was a native of Virginia. (Records of Gatewood-Saunders Lincoln ; Who's Who in America, vol. xi, p. 1725.) Child: adaah emca. Christine-Lee, born June 22, 1902. adaah emd. James-Edwin, son of James-Edwin (George, * Thomas, John, Mordecaz, Mordecai, Samuel) and Margaret- Pixley (Bird) Lincoln of Liberty, Mo., born June 1, 1879, at Liberty. He has been engaged in railroad service since twenty ' years of age and is now, 1915, agent of the Kansas City and St. Joseph Electric Railway. He married, Sept. 1, 1909, at Liberty, Martha-Roy, daughter of Richard-Lee and Martha-Roy (Wilson) Raymond of Liberty, I born Dec. 26, 1881, at Liberty. She is a graduate of Liberty Ladies College and is secretary of General Doniphan chapter of the daughters of the American Revolution. They are Hving, \ 1915, at Liberty. They have no children. adaah gda. James-Claiborne, son of Isaac- Wells (David, ii Thomas, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Marie-Louisa (Gilkey) Lincoln of Saint Joseph, Mo., born Apr. 5, 1862, near Liberty, Mo. • From 1888 until 1906 he was engaged in railroad business, hving until 1889 at Atchison, Kan.; from 1889 to I 1905 at Saint Louis, Mo.; and from 1905 to 1906 at Kansas 37 578 LINCOLN GENEALOGY City, Mo. From 1906 to 1912 he was traffic manager of the Saint Louis Merchants Exchange and then removed to New York City, where he became traffic manager of the New York 'x Merchants Association, which office he still holds. He is living, 1920, at Wykagyl Park, New Rochelle, N. Y. He married (1), May 29, 1884, at Saint Joseph, Annie- Shannon, daughter of Moses E. Lard of Lexington, Ky., born Apr. 4, 1863, at Saint Joseph; died Sept. 12, 1899, at Saint Joseph. He married (2), May 27, 1911, at Saint Louis, Mrs. Helen (Benedict) Burnett, daughter of Emory-Jay and Amelia- Margaret (Scott) Benedict of Memphis, Tenn., and widow of James P. Burnett. She was born June 26, 1876, near Lancaster, Wis., and died Jan. 3, 1917, at New Rochelle. (Records of James-Claiborne Lincoln; Who's Who in America, vol. xi, p. 1725.) Children, by first wife, born: a, b at Saint Joseph; c at Saint Louis: adaah gdaa. James-Claiborne, born Aug. 17, 1889; married, May 28, i 1913, at Saint Louis, Margaret Frazer. They are living, 1920, at New ; York, N. Y., and have two daughters. i adaah gdab. Silas- Woodson, born June 22, 1891; died July 2, 1911, at Saint Louis. , adaah gdac. Mary-Louise, born Sept. 24, 1894; living, 1920, unmarried, i adaah gdb. William-David, son of Isaac- Wells (David^ ■ Thomas, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Marie-Louisa- (Gilkey) Lincoln of Saint Joseph, Mo., born May 3, 1864, at' Smithville, Clay county. Mo. He lived at Saint Joseph until j 1889 when he removed to Omaha, Nebr., where he has resided! ever since. He is, 1920, car service agent of the Union Pacific Railroad. He married, May 21, 1885, at Lexington, Ky., EUa-Lightburn, daughter of Alexander-Tennett and Virginia (Oots) Parker of Lexington, born Feb. 11, 1865, at Lexington. (Records of William-David Lincoln.) Children, born: a, b at Saint Joseph; c at Omaha: adaah gdba. William-David, born July 18, 1886; died Dec. 31, 1892. adaah gdbb. Louise, born Sept. 2, 1887; died Dec. 26, 1892. adaah gdbc. Frank-Buckingham, born March 11, 1904. EIGHTH GENERATION 579 adaga aaa. Thomas- Abraham, son of James-Handshaw {Thomas, Benjamin, Mordecai, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Nellie (Merrifield) Lincoln of Leroy, 111., born June 2 or 21, 1843, at Leroy; died Sept. 21, 1899, at Gainesville, Mo. He was a druggist and lived at Gainesville. He married, Jan. 2, 1882, at Albany, Mo., Margaret- Alice, daughter of Steven-Decatur and Manda (Moore) Rardin of Ridge way, Mo., born Nov. 12, 1858, near Gainesville, where she is now, 1919, living. (Records of James-Stephen Lincoln, adaga aaaa, and of Una-Mae Daugherty, adaga aaga, who gives June 21 as the date of his birth.) Child, born at Ridge way: adaga aaaa. James-Stephen, born Oct. 1, 1886. He married, Nov. 3, 1906, at Gainesville, Mo., Nora-Arbel Cain. They are living, 1919, at Portland, Ore., and have no children. adaga agd. Gharles- Jennings, son of Thomas-Boone (Thomas, Benjamin, Mordecai, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Mariah- Jackson (Hart) Lincoln of Garmichaels, Pa., born Nov. 5, 1857, at Garmichaels, where he is living, 1915. He is an accountant. He married Elizabeth Doty. (Information of Horace-Greely Lincoln, adaga agf.) Children, born at Garmichaels: : adaga agda. Robert-Todd. He is married and living, 1915, at Santa Cruz, Calif. \ adaga agdh. Clifford. He is living, 1915, at Carmichaels, unmarried. adaga agf. Horace-Greely, son of Thomas-Boone {Thomas, Benjamin, Mordecai, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Mariah- Jackson (Hart) Lincoln of Garmichaels, Pa., born Oct. 10, 1863, at Garmichaels. He is living, 1915, at Washington, Pa., and calls himself a "manager.'^ He married Frances Nickerson. (Information of Horace- Greely Lincoln.) Ghildren : gfa, Ralph-Nickerson. Living, 1915, unmarried. adaga agfb, Marie. Living, 1915, unmarried. I adaga agfc. Thomas. Living, 1915, unmarried. adaga agfd. Kathryn. Living, 1915, unmarried. 580 LINCOLN GENEALOGY adaga gaa. Chakles-Benton-Fkemont, son of Henry {Mordecai, Benjamin, Mordecai, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Huldah (Leech) Lincoln of Smithfield, Pa., born at Smith- field; died 1912 or 1913, at Los Angeles, Calif. He remained with his grandfather Lincoln until maturity, receiving a com- mon school education. He then entered the employ of the Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad Company, in the ticket office at Lima, Ohio. After a few years he procured a position with the Southern Pacific Railroad Company at Denver, Colo., where he remained for three or four years. He then removed to San Francisco, Calif., serving the same company until 1905 in several positions, among them general passenger accountant of the entire system. When the new railroad, commonly known as Senator Clarke's road, was built from Salt Lake City to Los Angeles he left the Southern Pacific and entered the employ of the new road, being in the general offices at Los Angeles, and remained there until his death. He married at Denver a Miss Kerr, but nothing has been learned of her or of any children. (Information of Mr. Snyder Leech, Smithfield.) adaga gda. Edward-Rose, son of Mordecai (Mordecai, Benjamin, Mordecai, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Mary- Elizabeth (Rose) Lincoln of North Union, Pa., born June 3, 1864, at North Union. He is a farmer, living, 1915, at New Salem, near Brownsville, Pa. He married, Dec. 22, 1887, at Masontown, Pa., Etta-Belle daughter of William and Caroline (Leclare) Franks of Mason- town, born May 22, 1869, at McClellandtown, Pa. (Family Records of Edward-Rose Lincoln.) Children, born: a, b at McClellandtown; c-e at Mt. Brad- dock;/, g at Nicholson; h, i at Franklin, Pa.: adaga gdaa. Mary-Elizabeth, born Feb. 2, 1889; married, June 22, 1914, Lyman B. Jackson. They are living, 1915, at Martinsburg, Pa. adaga gdah. Elmer-Ray, born June 25, 1890. adaga gdac. William-Edward, born June 15, 1892; died Aug. 25, 1903. adaga gdad. Olive-May, born Feb. 1, 1896. adaga gdae. Carl-Clifford, born March 21, 1899. adaga gdaf. Etta-Bearl, born Nov. 16, 1901. adaga gdag. Della-Frances, born Nov. 4, 1905. EIGHTH GENERATION 581 adaga gdah. Russell, born July 3, 1907. adaga gdai. Hazel-Irene, born Sept. 16, 1909. adaga gfa. Benjamin-Franklin, son of Edward-Gilpin {Mordecai, Benjamin, Mordecai, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Lucy- Ann (Moast) Lincoln of Dunbar, Pa., born May 28, 1869, at Dunbar. From 1900 to 1907 he owned a farm at Sum- merfield. Pa., on which he lived. He then removed to Pitts- burgh, where he remained for two years, and since then he has lived at CoUinsville, Pa. He is, 1915, a worker in concrete, employed on one of the railroads. He married, May 28, 1891, at Cumberland, Md., Cora-Ahce, daughter of James-Madison and Sarah-Jane (Lancaster) Tissue of Summerfield, Pa., born Jan. 12, 1870, at Summerfield. (Rec- ords of Mrs. Cora-Alice Lincoln.) Children, born a at Dunbar; b, c at CoUinsville; d, e at Sum- merfield : adaga gfaa. Lucy-May, born Apr. 4, 1892; married, May 2, 1910, at Fair- chance, Pa., Elmer-George, son of William and Josephine (Linfield) Wild of Martinsburg, W. Va., born Sept. 15, 1885, at Martinsburg. They live, 1915, at Hanlin Station, Pa. He is a farmer. Children, born at CoUinsville, Pa. : a. Ida-May, born Feb. 3, 1912. b. Benjamin-Elmer, born March 12, 1915. adaga gfab. Benjamin-Franklin, born Oct. 19, 1894; unmarried 1915. 1 adaga gfac. Edward-Madison, born Sept. 8, 1897. adaga gfad. Winfield-Scott, born Oct. 23, 1900. adaga gfae. Thomas J, born Apr. 13, 1903. adaga gha. Walter-Kendall, son of Benjamin-Franklin {Mordecai, Benjamin, Mordecai, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Nellie (Brown) Lincoln of Ottawa, 111., born Oct. 11, 1876, at Ottawa. He was educated in the Ottawa public schools and after graduating from the high school studied law for three years in the office of Lincoln and Stead at Ottawa. He is now, 1915, a member of the prominent law firm of Stead, Lincoln and Fitch of Chicago, 111., but since 1912 he has lived at Lagrange, 111. He married, July 29, 1909, at Chicago, Ruby-Hunt, daughter of Ward-Hunt and LilHe-Loretta (DePue) Dean of Washington, D. C, born Apr. 1, 1882, at Washington. (Records of Walter- Kendall Lincoln.) 582 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Children, born: a, b at Chicago; c at Lagrange: adaga ghaa. Jane, born July 15, 1910. adaga ghab. Anne-Elizabeth, born Dec. 1, 1911. adaga ghac. Barbara, born Oct. 21, 1913. adaga gic. James-Dernell, son of Thomas-Jefferson (Mor- decai, Benjamin, Mordecai, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Margaret-Ellen (Yaw) Lincoln of Dunbar, Pa., born March 22, 1875, at Dunbar. He lived after his marriage until 1907 at Connellsville, Pa., but is now, 1915, living at Hopwood, Pa. He is foreman in the car shops of the West Pennsylvania Railway. He married, Dec. 24, 1896, at Hopwood, South Union, Pa., Betsey- Viola, daughter of William and Ehzabeth (Fell) Kis- singer of Brownfield, Pa., born Aug. 28, 1878, at Brownfield. (Records of Mrs. Betsey- Viola Lincoln.) Children, born at Connellsville: adaga gica. Edith-Myrtle, born Jan. 2, 1898. adaga gicb. James-Preston, born Jan. 4, 1900. adaga gicc. Helen-Pauline, born Jan. 27, 1903. adaga gid. William-Rogers, son of Thomas- Jefferson {Mor- decai, Benjamin, Mordecai, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Margaret-Ellen (Yaw) Lincoln of Connellsville, Pa., born Oct. 18, 1878, at Dunbar, Pa., has passed most of his hfe at Connells- ville, where he is now, 1915, living, but has lived also at Pitts- burgh, Pa., and at Philadelphia. He has been a brick con- tractor but is now a mason. He married, July 4, 1903, at Connellsville, Tillie-May, daugh- ter of William and Lurisia (Reece) Zimmerman of Connellsville, born Oct. 18, 1883, at Moyer, Pa.; died May 13, 1914, at Con- nellsville. (Records of William-Rogers Lincoln.) Children, born: a, c at Connellsville; h at Pittsburgh: adaga gida. Margaret, born Sept. 17, 1904. adaga gidh. William-Zimmerman, bom Feb. 25, 1908. adaga gidc. Robert M, born Feb. 24, 1912. adagb dje. Leroy-Sherman, son of Richard-Stokes (Jesse, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Hannah-Ann (Haymaker) Lincoln of Uniontown, Pa., born Aug. 21, 1866, at Uniontown. He has lived at Uniontown, Connellsville and EIGHTH GENERATION 583 Confluence, Pa., and for two years lived at Harrison, Mich. He is now, 1914, manager of the Lincoln Lumber Company of Uniontown. He married, Nov. 7, 1889, at Wilkinsburg, Pa., Ella, daughter of William-Leroy and Louisa-Ann (Snyder) McClernan of Monongalia county, W. Va., born March 21, 1867, in Monon- galia county; died May 7, 1908, at Confluence. (Records of Leroy-Sherman Lincoln; Genealogy of David Jones, p. 90.) Children, born: a, b at Wilkinsburg; c, d at Connellsville ; e, f at Confluence : adagb djea. Louisa-Elizabeth, born Aug. 28, 1891. adagh djeb. Leroy-Sherman, born June 9, 1893. adagh djec. Henry-Huston, born Feb. 10, 1896. adagh djed. Ellen-Clark, born Sept. 30, 1899. adagb djee. Hannah-Margaret, born March 3, 1902. adagb djef. Virginia-Thorn, born March 20, 1908. adahb bbi. Samuel- Wilson, son of George- Vashtine {Wil- liam, Thomas, Thomas, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Mary (Morris) Lincoln of Parkesburg, Pa., born July 18, 1852, at Atglen, Pa.; living, 1913, at Philadelphia, Pa. He was a locomotive engineer on the Pennsylvania Railroad from 1876 to 1880; then for seven or eight years he turned his attention to farming. He afterwards went to New York City for a short time, but returned to Philadelphia and has worked since then in the passenger department of the Pennsylvania Railroad. For twenty years he was ticket inspector and is now, 1913, attendant in the library of the trainsmen's building. He married (1), March 18, 1880, at Parkesburg, Hannah- Elvina, daughter of Henry and Mary-Dehaven (Squib) Kendig I of Sadsburyville, Pa., born Sept. 9, 1856, at Sadsbury ville ; died Sept. 2, 1881, at Parkesburg. She had no child. He married (2), March 19, 1891, at Philadelphia, Margaret- Jane, daughter of John and Eliza (Keys) Patrick of Philadelphia, born Apr. 29, 1860, at Philadelphia; died March 17, 1892, at Philadelphia. Her father was a native of Ireland. (Records of Samuel- Wilson Lincoln.) Child, by second wife, born at Philadelphia: ! I i . I adahb bbia. Ruth-Elizabeth, born Jan. 24, 1892; living, 1913, at Philadel- ^^ \ phia, unmarried. 584 LINCOLN GENEALOGY adahb bed. John-Erb, son of Thomas {William, Thomas, Thomas, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Elizabeth (Erb) Lincoln of Gordonville, Pa., born Aug. 1, 1847, at Leacock, Pa.; died Aug. 15, 1908, by suicide while suffering from mental aberration, at Saint Louis, Mo., where he had been living for some years. He is called *' foreman" in the Saint Louis record of his death. His home is given as 4960 Washington boulevard, and in 1909 his widow was living at the same place; but her name does not appear in later directories of Saint Louis. He was twice married. His first wife's name was Dolly Ep- stein; and his second wife, who was his widow, is called in the Saint Louis directories ^^Ada B." Mr. George-Eckert Lincoln, adahb hbh, says that John-Erb's second wife was a widow with children when he married her and was a parson's daughter, but he does not remember her name. It is uncertain which wife was the mother of his children. Children, probably by first wife: adahb hcda. Pauline. She is said to have married John Moone of Saint Louis. adahb bcdb. Beatrice. She was living, 1909, unmarried. Child, probably by second wife: adahb bcdc. Robert, died young. adahb dcd. Frank- Alvin, son of John (Thomas, Thomas, Thomas, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Elizabeth (Lovett) Lincoln of Gloucester, N. J., born Apr. 10, 186- at Wilmington, Del. He is a machinist, living, 1920, at Gloucester. He married, Nov. 27, 1892, at Chester, Pa., Ellen, daughter of ^ Thomas and Ellen (Meahan) Spencer, born Oct. 31, 1861, at Philadelphia, Pa. (Records of Miss Anna T Lincoln, adahb bde.) Children, born: a at Chester; b at Gloucester: adahb dcda. Ellen-Elizabeth, born Sept. 28, 1893; married Frank M. Kittenger. v< Children : a. Frank-Lincoln, born Aug. 4, 1915. b. John-Alvin, born June 3, 1919. adahb dcdb. Margaret-May, born March 23, 1897; unmarried 1920. adahb dcg. Robert- Allen, son of John {Thomas, Thomas y Thomas, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Elizabeth (Lovett) ■rfj; ofp EIGHTH GENERATION 585 Lincoln of Gloucester, N. J., born Oct. 11, 1868, at Wilmington, Del. He is a general contractor, living, 1920, at Gloucester. He married, Sept. 17, 1905, at Trenton, N. J., Mary-Elizabeth, daughter of Clement-Whitall and Mary-Rebecca (Stetser) Wallace of Red Bank, N. J., born May 4, 1882, at Red Bank. (Records of Miss Anna T Lincoln, adahh hde.) Children, born at Gloucester: adahh dcga. Clement-Robert, born Oct. 22, 1906. adahb dcgb. John, born March 26, 1910. adahh dcgc. Mary-Elizabeth, born Sept. 18, 1914. adahb fae. Samuel-Enoch, son of James-Moore (Samuel, Thomas, Thomas, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Hannah- Elizabeth (Johnson) Lincoln of Amity, Mo., born Aug. 6, 1869, in Iowa. Ete is a farmer, living, 1920, at Osborn, Mo. He married, Dec. 12, 1894, at Osborn, Delia-May, daughter of Daniel and Adeline Coil, born Apr. 11, 1875. (Records of Miss Martha-Elizabeth Lincoln, adahb fag.) Children, born at Osborn: adahh faea. Daniel-Lewis, born Jan. 20, 1896; died Oct. 20, 1918, in France, from wounds received in the Argonne forest. He enlisted May 29, 1917, at Kansas City, Mo., in the 1st Missouri Ambulance Company, 110th sanitary train, 35th division. He was in training at Fort Riley and Fort Sill for nearly a year and left the United States about May 17, 1918. He was wounded Sept. 30 while in action in the Argonne, by a piece of shell which struck him in the breast and penetrated his lung; and he died Oct. 20 at the Base Hospital. His body was brought home and is buried in the cemetery at Osborn. adahh faeh. James-Hubert, born Feb. 10, 1898. adahh faec. Maude-Olivia, born Sept. 16, 1901. adahb gbc. Azariah- William, son of Thomas (Azariah, Thomas, Thomas, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Rachel- Malinda (Kay) Lincoln of Mount Gilead, Ohio, born Sept. 25, 1851, in Iowa county. Wis. He was graduated from the Ohio Wesleyan university, Delaware, Ohio, in June, 1875; and was superintendent of the public schools at Chesterville, Ohio, from 1876 to 1878, and of the Mount Gilead pubHc schools in 1882 and 1883. In 1884 he removed to Springfield, Mo., and has there practised the profession of law ever since. He was judge of probate for Greene county, Mo., from 1886 to 1894, and judge of the circuit court (criminal division) of that county from 1902 586 LINCOLN GENEALOGY to 1907. He is now, 1915, in partnership with his son Harold- Thomas Lincoln. He married, Apr. 21, 1885, at Mount Gilead, Jennie-Margaret, daughter of Henry-Hamilton and Isabel-Ugenia (Swaner) Adams of Springfield, born Sept. 13, 1863, at Mount Gilead; living, 1915. (Records of Azariah- William Lincoln.) Children, born at Springfield: adahb gbca. William-Adams, born Jan. 31, 1886. adahb gbcb. Harold-Thomas, born Nov. 11, 1888. adahb ghcc. Elwyn-Russell, born Oct. 26, 1896; died Oct. 27, 1913. adahb gbd. Joel-Kay, son of Thomas (Azariah, Thomas, Thomas, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Rachel-Malinda (Kay) Lincoln of Mount Gilead, Ohio, born Apr. 22, 1853, in Iowa county. Wis.; living, 1916, at Mount Gilead. He married, Aug. 14, 1878, at Mount Gilead, Alta, daughter of James and Rebecca-Jane (Stevens) Schanck of Franklin township, Morrow county, Ohio, born June 6, 1858, at Franklin. (Records of Azariah- William Lincoln, adahb ghc.) Child, born in Congress township, Ohio: adahb gbda. Mary-Blanche, born Dec. 8, 1880. adahb gbe. David-Hollis, son of Thomas (Azariah, Thomas, Thomas, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Rachel-Malinda (Kay) Lincoln of Mount Gilead, Ohio, born Apr. 28, 1855, in Iowa county. Wis. He is living, 1916, at Marion, Ohio, where he is cashier of the City National Bank. He married, March 25, 1878, at Williamsport, Ohio, Sylvia- Delphine, daughter of James and Lydia (Hull) Vanatta of WiUiamsport, born Aug. 22, 1856, at Williamsport; died Sept. 24, 1908, at Marion. (Records of David-HolKs Lincoln.) Children, born at WilHamsport: adahb gbea. Beryl, born Dec. 27, 1878; married, Aug. 27, 1903, at Marion, Ohio, Harry-Christopher Scherff. adahb gbeb. Annie, born Sept. 28, 1880; married, Sept. 27, 1904, at Marion, Ohio, James- William Knapp. adahb gcd. Abraham-Dickinson, son of Dickinson (Aza- riah, Thomas, Thomas, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Eliza- 1 EIGHTH GENERATION 587 beth (Kay) Lincoln of Mifflin, Wis., born July 3, 1861, at Mifflin. He was educated in the public schools of Mount Gilead, Ohio, and of Montfort and Boscobel, Wis. In the winters of 1882 and 1883, he taught a country school two miles from Castle Rock, Wis., known as Oak Ridge District. In the spring of 1883 he secured employment in ice and spring water business at Denver, Colo., where he remained until December, when he removed to Grand Island, Nebr., securing employment with a furniture and undertaking establishment with which he remained until the following spring, when he engaged in a confectionery and ice- cream business with his father, who had removed to Grand Island. This business they sold in 1885 and removed to Minne- apolis, Kan., where they engaged in a bakery and confectionery business which they carried on until 1890, when, with his father and William Hemenway, his father-in-law, he removed to Cottage Grove, Ore., at that time a small village, and entered into partnership with Mr. Hemenway, under the firm name of Lincoln and Company, to carry on a grocery business. In 1894 he served as first chief of the fire department; and in 1895 he was elected city clerk, which office he held for one year. In 1901, his wife having died and he being afflicted with rheumatism, for which he was advised to seek a dry climate, he sold his business in Cottage Grove and removed to Pueblo, Colo., where he has since resided, being emploj^ed at present, 1915, as a locomotive painter by the Denver and Rio Grande railroad company. He married (1), Sept. 16, 1888, at Minneapolis, Kan., Rose- Jane, daughter of WilHam and Kathareen (McCarger) Hemen- way of Cottage Grove, Ore., born Jan. 7, 1870, at Minneapolis; died March 9, 1900, at Cottage Grove. He married (2), Aug. 18, 1910, at Pueblo, Mary-Etta, daughter of John- Alexander and Martha (Purdy) Kenton of Kansas City, Kan., born Apr. 8, 1871, at Kansas City. Her parents were natives of Kentucky. (Records of Abraham-Dickinson Lincoln.) Children, by first wife, born at Minneapolis, Kan. : adahb gcda. Grace-May, born Sept. 6, 1889; married, July 31, 1907, at Cottage Grove, Ore., Harry-Ashley, son of John-Richard and Elinor (McAllister) Matteson of Morris, 111., born July 20, 1882, at Morris. They are living, 1915, at Seattle, Wash. He is a civil engineer. Child, born at Seattle: a. John-Lincoln, born May 4, 1909. 588 LINCOLN GENEALOGY adahb gcdb. Ernest- William, born July 22, 1891; living, 1915, at Seattle, unmarried. adahc aaa. John- Wesley, son of Richard- VanBuskirk (John, Mishal, Thomas, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Anna-Maria (Pellman) Lincoln of Laurelton, Pa., born May 24, 1853, at Laurelton. He was educated in the public schools of Laurelton, the Mifflinburg academy and the Bloomsburg State normal school. After leaving the normal school he worked on his father's farm during the summer and taught school in the winter, until the fall of 1875, when he entered the employ of the Mifflinburg Bank, of which in 1877 he was elected cashier, which office he still held in 1913. He lives at Mifflinburg. He married, Oct. 7, 1880, Gertrude, daughter of Robert and Caroline (Bergstrasser) Reed of Union county, Pa., and Tiffin, Ohio, born Sept. 19, 1856, near Laurelton. (Records of John- Wesley Lincoln.) Child, born at Mifflinburg: adahc aaaa. Marie-Reed, born July 9, 1886; married, Sept. 24, 1913, at Mifflinburg, E. Irland Lawshe. They are living, 1913, at Altoona, Pa. adahc aae. Louis-Pellman, son of Richard- VanBuskirk {John, Mishal, Thomas, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Anna- Maria (Pellman) Lincoln of Laurelton, Pa., born Aug. 8, 1866, near Laurelton. He attended Dickinson college, Carlisle, Pa., from 1883 to 1886, and then, for four years, was a country school teacher. From 1890 to 1892, he was engaged in business as a salesman and, since 1892, he has been in the employ of the Carnegie Steel Company, in various capacities at the Homestead Steel Works. He is now, 1913, superintendent of the structural steel department at Munhall, Pa., where he lives. He married, Dec. 24, 1896, at Mifflinburg, Pa., Celeste-Jane, daughter of James-Henry and Anna (Trump) Albright of Laurel- ton, born Nov. 30, 1869, at Laurelton. (Records of Louis-Pell- man Lincoln.) Children : adahc aaea. Richard-VanBuskirk, born Dec. 2, 1900. adahc aaeb. Anna-Albright, born July 18, 1903. adahc aaec. Louis-Pellman, born Aug. 10, 1906. ' EIGHTH GENERATION 589 adahc aaf. Rufus-VanBuskirk, son of Richard-VanBus- kirk {John, Mishal, Thomas, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Anna-Maria (Pellman) Lincoln of Laurelton, Pa., born Apr. 17, 1871, at Laurelton. He graduated at Dickinson college, Carlisle, Pa., in 1895, and at the law college in 1896, and was admitted to the bar in 1897. He lived at Iron Mountain, Wyo., from 1898 to 1900; at Denver, Colo., from 1900 to 1911; and since then has lived at Escondido, Calif., where he now, 1914, resides. He is in real estate business. He married, Jan. 14, 1911, at Denver, Nora-Bell, daughter of Charles-Edmund and Nora-Bell (Berry) Taylor of Denver, born March 12, 1876, at Jersey City, N. J. (Records of Rufus- VanBuskirk Lincoln.) Child, born at Escondido: adahc aaja. Nora-Anne, born Dec. 17, 1912. adahf cea. John- Joseph, son of Abel-Thomas {John, Joseph, Thomas, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Elizabeth (Haines) Lincoln of Oak Hill, Pa., born Oct. 11, 1865, at Oak Hill. He graduated at Lehigh university in 1889 with the degree of C.E., and became a civil engineer. After graduation he was, for three years, on the United States Geological Survey and for one year a member of the firm of Harris and Lincoln, mining and civil engineers at Elkhorn, W. Va. In 1895 he was appointed chief engineer and superintendent of the Crozer Land Association of Elkhorn, which position he still, 1913, holds. He is also general manager of the Crozer Coal and Coke Company and of the Up- land Coal and Coke Company, both of Elkhorn. He married, Oct. 11, 1899, at Mayberry, W. Va., Rachel- Lloyd, daughter of Edward-Stanley and Clayanna (Lloyd) Hutchinson of Newton, Pa., born May 21, 1873, at Altoona, Pa. (Records of John-Joseph Lincoln; Bailey Family, p. 549; Kirk Family, p. 444.) Children, born at Elkhorn: adahf ceaa. Lloyd-Stanley, born July 20, 1900; died Feb. 21, 1911, at Bluefields hospital, Va., and is buried at Newtown, Pa. adahf ceab. John-Joseph, born Dec. 30, 1901. jdahf ceac. Elizabeth-Hutchinson, born Dec. 26, 1905. adahf cead. Pemberton-Hutchinson, born Oct. 15, 1912. 590 LINCOLN GENEALOGY adahf daa. Henry-Philip, son of Charles-Shippen (Ahel- Thomas, Joseph, Thomas, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Anna (Reynolds) Lincoln of Philadelphia, Pa., born March 4, 1858, at Philadelphia. He graduated at university of Pennsyl- vania in 1880, with the degree of B.S., and is by profession a civil engineer. He has, since graduation, been in the employ of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company and is now, 1913, a division superintendent with headquarters at Williamsport, Pa., where he lives. He married, March 10, 1885, at Rahway, N. J., Sarah, daugh- ter of Robert-Coddington and Elizabeth (Perrin) Brewster of Rahway, where she was born, March 7, 1864. (Records of Henry- Philip Lincoln.) Children: adahf daaa. Robert-Brewster, born Apr. 16, 1888; died Sept. 1, 1888. adahf daab. Marion, an adopted daughter, born June 1, 1905. adahf dab. William-Reynolds, son of Charles-Shippen {Abel-Thomas, Joseph, Thomas, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Anna (Reynolds) Lincoln of Philadelphia, Pa., born Jan. 28, 1862, at Philadelphia. He studied medicine at the university of Pennsylvania, receiving the degree of M.D. in 1888. After graduation he studied at Vienna, Austria, and at Boston, Mass., and then practised his profession at Philadelphia until 1895; when he removed to Cleveland, Ohio, where he now, 1913, resides. He is a specialist in the diseases of the ear, nose and throat. He married, Aug. 20, 1890, at Philadelphia, Virginia-May, daughter of Alexander Gibb of Philadelphia, born May 15, 1868, at Philadelphia; living, 1913. (Records of Henry-Philip Lincoln, adahf daa.) Children, born: a at Philadelphia; h-e at Cleveland: adahf daba. Donald, born Feb. 3, 1894. adahf dahb. Anna-Reynolds, born Oct. 15, 1896. adahf ddbc. Mary, born Sept. 25, 1898. adahf dahd. Charles-Shippen, born Feb. 22, 1903; died July 29, 1904. adahf dabe, Virginia, born June 21, 1905. adahf dac. Walter-Rodman, son of Charles-Shippen (Abel- Thomas, Joseph, Thomas, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and i\ EIGHTH GENERATION 591 Anna (Reynolds) Lincoln of Philadelphia, Pa., born Apr. 9, 1867, at Philadelphia. He graduated at university of Pennsylvania with the degree of A.B. in 1887, and in 1890 received the degree of M.D. He continued his study of medicine at Vienna, Austria, and at Boston, Mass., and became a gynecologist. He lived for some years at Cocoa, Fla., but after his marriage retired from his profession and removed to Point Pleasant, W. Va., where he was living in 1913. He married, June 3, 1909, at Point Pleasant, Alice-Ella'^, daughter of James^ (James^, Philip^) and Ella-Catherine (Mc- CuUough) Capeheart of Point Pleasant, where she was born, Nov. 5, 1882. (Records of Henry-Phihp Lincoln, adhaf daa.) Child, born at Point Pleasant: adahf dam. James-Capeheart, born Sept. 13, 1912. adahf dae. George- Washington, son of Charles-Shippen (Abel-Thomas, Joseph, Thomas, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Anna (Reynolds) Lincoln of Philadelphia, Pa., born Feb. 22, 1873, at Philadelphia. He became, first, a pharmacist but studied medicine at Jefferson Medical College of the university of Pennsylvania, and received the degree of M.D. in 1902. He had previously received the degree of Ph.G. in 1897 from the Philadelphia college of pharmacy. He practised at first at Philadelphia but, later, removed to Cynwyd, Montgomery county. Pa., where he is now, 1913, living. He married, June 24, 1908, at Medford, N. J., Effie-JuHa, daughter of Israel- Wilkins and Lillie-Willits (Jones) Garwood of Medford, born Feb. 23, 1886, at Medford; living 1913. (Rec- ords of Henry-Philip Lincoln, adahf daa.) Child, born at Cynwyd: ddahf daea, George-Reynolds, born Jan. 29, 1911. adaid abc. James-Boone, son of Samuel {Caleb, JameSj Abraham, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Rachel (Rogers) Lincoln, born Aug. 16, 1859. He is a physician, living, 1913, at Lancaster, Pa. He married, Oct. 5, 1898, Alice-Zook Evans. (Genealogy of David Jones, p. 106.) 592 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Child: adaid abca. Margaret-Evans, born June 21, 1899. adaid bba. George- Jones, son of George- Jones {John, James, Abraham, Mordecai, Mordecat, Samuel) and Emily- Virginia (Mawson) Lincoln, born Feb. 27, 1857. He was for a number of years agent of the Chicago, Milwaukee and Saint Paul Railroad at Philadelphia, Pa., but in 1919 was Hving at Seattle, Wash. He married, Sept. 22, 1885, Adelaide-Cook Franklin. (Gene- alogy of David Jones, pp. 42, 197.) Children, born at Philadelphia: adaid hbaa. Clifford-Franklin, born Dec. 9, 1886. adaid hbab. Allan-Mawson, born June 18, 1888. adaid hbac. • George-Jones, born Apr. 16, 1890. adaid bbad. Edith-Marian, born Nov. 22, 1895. adaid bbae. Margaret-Hoxson, born Aug. 19, 1897. adaii bbb. Oscar-Hemmig, son of Alfred-Gilbert (John- Dehaven, Thomas, Abraham, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Anna-Louisa (Hemmig) Lincoln of Lorane, Exeter township, Pa., born Apr. 2, 1863, at Lorane. He is living, 1913, at Potts- town Landing, Pa., where he keeps a store and coal yard. He married, July 26, 1886, at Reading, Pa., Elizabeth, daugh- ter of John and Mary-Seifert (Wicklein) Ruth of Robeson, Pa., born July 29, 1860, at Robeson; living, 1913. (Records of Alfred- Gilbert Lincoln, adaii bb.) Children, born: a at Robeson; b, c at Coalsville; d at Reading; e at West Reading; / at Potoxon, Pa.: adaii bbba. Robert-Ruth, born Oct. 21, 1887. adaii bbbb. Louisa-Grace, born Aug. 22, 1889; living, 1913, unmarried. adaii bbbc. John-Ruth, born May 29, 1892; living, 1913, unmarried. adaii bbbd. Harvey-Ruth, born July 22, 1894. adaii bbbe. George-Ruth, born Aug. 15, 1898. adaii bbbf. Elizabeth, born Apr. 19, 1902. adbcf baa. Alfred, son of John (George, Moses, Jacob, Abraham, Mordecai, Samuel) and Maria (Brandt) Lincoln of Darby, Pa. He married Ida, daughter of George and Mary Young of Darby. When their youngest son was about eight years old Mr. Lincoln disappeared and was never heard from EIGHTH GENERATION 593 afterwards. After several years Mrs. Lincoln married again and died Apr. 7, 1907, at Paschallville, Pa. Children, born at Darby: adhcj baaa. John, born about 1875. He is married and has two daughters. He was living, 1919, at Astoria, Long Island City, N. Y. adbcf baab. Alfred- Wiles, born Nov. 12, 1880. adbcf beb. George-Henry, son of Moses (George, Moses, Jacob, Abraham, Mordecai, Samuel) and Amanda (Ogden) Lincoln of Darby, Pa., born Jan. 23, 1861, at Darby; died July 4, 1911, at Darby. He was a motorman and lived at Darby. He married (1), at Darby, Fanny Young of Darby, who died March 8, 1898, at West Philadelphia, Pa. He married (2), June 26, 1904, at Darby, Hannah-Jane, daugh- ter of Washington and Margaret (Dawson) Taylor of Oxford, Chester county. Pa., and widow of George-Hammond Wiser of Darby. She is living, 1915, at Darby. She had no children by Mr. Lincoln. (Records of Mrs. George-Henry Lincoln.) Children, by first wife, born at Darby: adbcj beba. Mary-Ellen, born Nov. 16, 1891; married, June 26, 1910, at Darby, Alexander, son of David and Martha Founds of Darby. They are living, 1915, at Darby. He works in a chemical laboratory. Child, born at Darby : a. David, born Oct. 19, 1913. adbcf bebb. George-Henry, born Nov. 10, 1893; living, 1915, at Darby, unmarried. adbcf bebc. Ida, died in infancy. adbcf bebd. William-Weaver, born March 8, 1898. adbcf bed. Amer-Ogden, son of Moses {George, Moses, Jacob, Abraham, Mordecai, Samuel) and Amanda (Ogden) Lincoln of Darby, Pa., born Dec. 25, 1864, at Darby. He is i living, 1915, at Darby and is employed in the paper mill at Lansdowne, Pa. He married, Dec. 24, 1887, at Chester, Pa., Martha-Emma, daughter of George and Margaret Covington of Chester county, I Pa., born Oct. 7, 1865, in Chester county. (Records of Amer- Ogden Lincoln.) Children, born at Darby: adbcf beda. Clarence- Amer, born Nov. 25, 1888; Hving, 1915, at Darby unmarried. He is a carpenter. 38 )ffl 594 LINCOLN GENEALOGY adbcf bedb. Horace-William, born May 23, 1890. adbcf hedc. Raymond-Taylor, bom Feb. 14, 1894; unmarried 1915. adbcf hedd. Herbert-Randolph, born Apr. 4, 1897. adbcf bede. Norman-Covington, born Jan. 17, 1899. adbcf bee. Joseph-Howard, son of Moses (George, Moses, Jacob, Abraham, Mordecai, Samuel) and Amanda (Ogden) Lincoln of Darby, Pa., born Nov. 20, 1866, at Darby. He is living, 1915, at Darby. He is a teamster. He married, May 22, 1892, at Darby, Harriet-Cook, daughter of Ephraim and Harriet (Cook) Fithian of Camden, N. J., born Feb. 14, 1873, at Camden. (Records of Mrs. Joseph- Howard Lincoln.) Children, born at Darby: adbcf beea, Mary- Amanda, born Oct. 10, 1893; married, Dec. 23, 1909, at Camden, N. J., John, son of Patrick and Margaret Dougherty of Darby, born 1886, at Darby. They are living, 1915, at Darby. He works in a coal yard. Children, born at Darby: a. John, born Aug. 12, 1910. 6. Mary-Edna, born Sept. 2, 1912. c. Harriet-Elizabeth, born Apr. 11, 1915. adbcf beeb. Joseph-Howard, born Sept. 9, 1895; unmarried, 1915. adbcf beec. Oscar-Moses, born Aug. 18, 1897. adbcf beed. Charles-Herman, born Oct. 31, 1903. aabcf beee. Jessie-Florence, born Aug. 21, 1907. adbcf beef. George- Washington-Henry, born July 16, 1912. adbcf beg. William-Ogden, son of Moses (George, Moses, Jacob, Abraham, Mordecai, Samuel) and Amanda (Ogden) Lincoln of Darby, Pa., born Oct. 21, 1871, at Darby; died Oct. 13, 1901, at Darby. He was by trade a mason and lived at Darby. He married, Sept. 4, 1892, at Darby, Lillian, daughter of Edmond H. and Elizabeth (Stewart) Taylor of Darby, where she was born March 21, 1874, and where she died May 29, 1905. (Records of Mr. Edmund H. Taylor, Darby.) Children, born at Darby: adbcf bega. Willi am-Edmond, born Aug. 16, 1893; unmarried, 1915. adbcf begb. Robert-Herman, born Feb. 10, 1895; unmarried, 1915. adbcf begc. Russell-Phipps, born June 29, 1898. adbcf begd. Harry-Lewis, born Dec. 18, 1899. EIGHTH GENERATION 595 adbfa bdf. Howard-Nearing, son of Isaac-Buck (Daniel- Savage, William, Mordecai, Abraham, Mordecai, Samuel) and Augusta-Caroline (Nearing) Lincoln of Cromwell, Conn., born May 30, 1880, at Cromwell. He graduated at the New York college of pharmacy in 1900 and is now, 1919, a druggist, living at Middletown, Conn. He married, July 24, 1907, at New York, N. Y., Ina-Belle, daughter of Frederick-Nelson and Katherine (Lawrence) Porter of Danbury, Conn., born Apr. 24, 1887, at Danbury; living, 1919. (Records of Howard-Nearing Lincoln.) Child, born at Middletown: adbfa hdfa. Elizabeth-Esther, bom July 23, 1908. adcac bac. Daniel- Webster, son of Isaac (Francis, Uriah, Isaac, Isaac, Mordecai, Samuel) and Sarah (Bates) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Apr. 9, 1833, at Cohasset; died Jan. 14, 1900, at Weymouth, Mass. He was a shoemaker and lived during most of his adult life at Weymouth, but for a few years at Stoneham, Mass. He retired from business before his death. He was a private in the Lincoln Light Infantry of Hingham, Mass., which went to the seat of war for three months, Apr. 17, 1861. He afterwards enlisted in the 32nd regiment, Mas- sachusetts volunteer infantry, for three years and served until sometime in 1863, when he was discharged for disability. He married, Aug. 16, 1863, at Weymouth, Mary-Ann^, daughter of Nahum^ (Sylvanus^, Daniel^, Daniel^, SamueP, James^, James^) and Meribah (Orcutt) Whiton of Weymouth, born March 29, 1845, at Weymouth; died there July 12, 1905. (Mass. Vital Records; Weymouth Records; Cohasset Genealo- gies, p. 245; Hist, of Hingham, vol. iii, p. 301; Records of Francis Lincoln, adcac hah.) Children, born at Weymouth: adcac baca. Henrietta-Wallis, born Aug. 29, 1864; married, Dec. 29, 1883, at East Weymouth, Edwin-Ellsworth, son of Ehsha and Sarah (Mead) Bass of Rockland, Mass., born Apr. 15, 1861, at Rockland; died Nov. 29, 1890, at East Weymouth. He was a travelUng salesman and lived at Stoneham and at Lynn, Mass. She is living, 1911, at Lynn, and is employed in one of the shoe shops. Child, born at Stoneham: a. Wallace-Lincoln, born Nov. 27, 1886; died July 27, 1887, at Marlborough, Mass. 596 LINCOLN GENEALOGY adcac bach. Fannie- Webster, born Nov. 5, 1866; married, Aug. 17, 1887, at Lexington, Mass., Henry-Lincoln, son of Edward-Francis and Clara- Louisa (Cass) Buswell of Stoneham, Mass., born July 27, 1866, at Stone- ham. They are living, 1911, at Orient Heights, Mass. He runs a general store. Child, born at Stoneham: a. Francis-Lincoln, born Dec. 24, 1896. i adcac baf. John-Hob art, son of Isaac (Francis, Uriah, Isaac, Isaac, Mordecai, Samuel) and Sarah (Bates) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born March 15, 1840, at Cohasset; died May 10, 1894, at Chelsea, Mass. He was a gravel-roofer in company with his brother-in-law, James-Thomas Bailey, adcac bad, having their place of business in Chelsea. He lived at Chelsea. He married, Nov. 24, 1868, at Chelsea, Margaret-Ellen, daughter of John- Albert and Eliza-Sparrow (Downing) Thurston of Lynn, Mass., born Sept. 8, 1845, at Lynn. She married (2), Sept. 15, 1903, at Lynn, Jesse, son of John-Prout and Almira (Crosman) Sutherland of Lisbon, Me., born Feb. 13, 1837, at Freeport, Me. They are living, 1911, at Lynn. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 246; Thurston Genealogy, 2nd ed., p. 283; Mass. Vital Records; Records of Mrs. Ira-Newton Plumer, adcac hag.) Child, born at Chelsea: adcac hafa. Hapriet-Maria, born Sept. 5, 1870; died March 28, 1901, at Lynn, unmarried. adcac bai. George-Henry, son of Isaac (Francis, Uriah, Isaac, Isaac, Mordecai, Samuel) and Sarah (Bates) Lincoln of , Cohasset, Mass., born Dec. 16, 1847, at Cohasset. He lived i at Weymouth, Mass., until after his second marriage and was ; a shoemaker. He then removed to Scituate, Mass., and was ; a painter and carpenter, doing some farming. He is now, 1911, living at North Scituate. He married (1), June 16, 1874, at Scituate, Lucy-Ellen, daughter of John and Lucy-Dunbar (Studley) Marsh of Scituate, born June 15, 1853, at Scituate; died Feb. 27, 1875, at Wey- mouth. He married (2), Jan. 7, 1877, at Scituate, Martha-Jane, daughter of William-James and Susanna (Gushing) Newcomb EIGHTH GENERATION 597 of Scituate, born Oct. 2, 1854, at Scituate; living, 1911. (Co- hasset Genealogies, p. 246; Scituate Records; Mass. Vital Records; Records of Francis Lincoln, adcac hah, and of Mrs. George- Henry Lincoln.) Child, by first wife, born at Weymouth: adcac baia. A daughter, born Feb. 22, 1875; died Feb. 23, 1875. Children, by second wife, born at Scituate: adcac baib. Harry-Newton, born .Jan. 20, 1879. adcac haic. Charles-Cushing, born May 14, 1889; living, 1911, at Boston, unmarried. adcac baj. Lovell-Bicknell, son of Isaac (Francis, Uriah, Isaac, Isaac, Mordecai, Samuel) and Sarah (Bates) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Aug. 9, 1850, at Cohasset. Until 1879 he was a shoemaker and Kved at Cohasset. Since his marriage he has lived at North Scituate on what was a part of his father's farm, and since 1880 has been a farmer. He married, Jan. 1, 1869, at South Scituate, Mass., Mercy- Thomas, daughter of Joseph-Ensign and Hannah (Howard) Merritt of Scituate, born May 14, 1853, at Scituate; living, 1911. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 246; Mass. Vital Records; Records of Francis Lincoln, adcac hah, and of Lovell-Bicknell Lincoln.) Children, born at Scituate: adcac baja. Nellie-Thomas, born Nov. 23, 1879; married, Nov. 30, 1904, at Scituate, Harry, son of James-Cummings and Henrietta (Bates) Merritt of Scituate, born March 27, 1880, at Scituate. They are living, 1911, at North Scituate. He is a farmer. They have no children. adcac bajh. Florence-Bates, born June 27, 1884; married. May 3, 1908, at Scituate, Elmer-Stanley, son of Samuel-Lincoln and Augusta (Bur- bank) Williams of Cohasset, Mass., abbea caad, born Apr. 10, 1882, at Cohasset. The marriage proved unhappy and they have separated. She is living, 1911, with her father. They had no children. adcac bajc. Bertha-Lovell, born Jan. 4, 1889; living, 1911, unmarried. adcac dac. Charles-Stuart-Fessenden, son of John-Dun- lap (Isaac, Uriah, Isaac, Isaac, Mordecai, Samuel) and Ellen- Elizabeth-Longfellow (Fessenden) Lincoln of Brunswick, Me., born Aug. 13, 1869, at Brunswick. He graduated at Bowdoin college in 1891; received the degree of M.D. at Central univer- 598 LINCOLN GENEALOGY sity, Kentucky, 1894; was an interne at Salem, Mass., hospital, 1894-5; practised medicine at Louisville, Ky., 1895-9; and since then has been a missionary physician and teacher at St. John's college, Shanghai, China. He was editor of the "China Medical Journal," 1903-7, and was again chosen to that position in 1911, to hold it until 1913. He has been a member of the executive committee of the American Association of China, 1905-6, 1910-1. He married, Dec. 15, 1903, at Shanghai, Williette-Woodside, daughter of George-Robert and Martha-Josephine (Cowan) Eastham of Harrisonburg, Va., born Dec. 28, 1877, at Harrison- burg. They are living, 1911, at Shanghai. (Records of Charles- Stuart-Fessenden Lincoln.) Children, born: a, 6 at Shanghai; c at Harrisonburg: adcac daca. Marcia-Dunlap, born Dec. 1, 1905. adcac dacb. John-Dunlap, born Aug. 25, 1907. adcac dace. Eleanor-Fessenden, born Jan. 31, 1911. adcai bga. Wyman-Russell, son of John- James {John, Lazarus, Isaac, Isaac, Mordecai, Samuel) and Ruth-Bates (Barker) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born July 28, 1852, at Cohasset; died Apr. 20, 1914, at Cohasset. He was a conductor on the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad. He married, July 2, 1878, at Cohasset, Eliza, daughter of Thomas and Jennie (McQueanie) Fraser of West River, Nova Scotia, born 1855 at West River. They lived at Cohasset on Spring street. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 247; Mass. Vital Records.) Children, born at Cohasset: adcai hgaa. James-Russell, born Nov. 25, 1880; died June 11, 1884. adcai bgab. Margaret-Eliza (an adopted daughter), born May 1, 1891. adcai fba. George-Mokton, son of John (Anslem, Lazarus, Isaac, Isaac, Mordecai, Samuel) and Mary-Huntington (Fuller) Lincoln of Malone, N. Y., born July 31, 1872, at Malone. He graduated from Franklin academy, Malone, in 1890. He was then employed for nine years, 1890-9, in the Farmers National Bank of Malone, and from 1899 to 1903 he was with Farson, Leach and Company, bankers of New York City. He is now, EIGHTH GENEEATION 599 1911, and has been since February, 1903, treasurer of the F. W. Lawrence Company, wholesale dealers in general merchandise at Malone. He served from Jan. 26, 1892, to Dec. 20, 1897, in the 27th separate company. New York national guard. He married, June 28, 1906, at Malone, Mabel-Bettina, daughter of Fayette-Washington and Mary (Sargent) Lawrence of Malone, born Feb. 26, 1876, at Bangor, N. Y.; living, 1911. (Records of George-Morton Lincoln.) Child, born at Malone: adcai fhaa. George-Morton, born Feb. 2, 1910; died Feb. 7, 1910. adfad bab. Charles-Rapp, ^on of Martin- Volney (Martin, Jacob, Obadiah, Jacob, Mordecai, Samuel) and Eliza-Jackson (Copeland) Lincoln of Boston, Mass., born May 27, 1849, at Boston. He removed to New York City in 1873 and remained there until 1893, when he went to Chicago, 111., but returned to New York in 1897 and again removed to Chicago in 1909 and has been there ever since. He has always been in the sleeping car business, and is now, 1912, assistant to the general superintendent of the Pullman Company. He married, Nov. 10, 1881, at New York, Charlotte-Wells, daughter of Alfred-Elias and Pauline (Schutt) Brevoort of Fishkill Village, N. Y., born March 29, 1847, at Fishkill Village; living, 1912. (Records of Charles-Rapp Lincoln.) Child, born at Arlington, N. J. : adfad baha. Helen-Brevoort, born May 9, 1885; married, Jan. 9, 1907, at New York, John-Serpell, son of Frederic and Marion-Orlena Avery of Rochester, N. Y., born Aug. 2, 1876, at Rochester. He received the degree of M.E. at Cornell university in 1899; was general manager of the Rockland Light and Power Company of Nyack, N. Y., until 1912; and is now, 1913, secretary and treasurer of the Bridgeford Machine Tool Works of Rochester. (Records of Mrs. Helen-Brevoort Avery.) Children, born at New York : a. John, \, ,. o mno / died Nov. 13, 1908. 6. Lincoln, / ^^^^ Nov. 2, 1908; { ^^-^^^ ^^^^ adfae ada. Walter-Foster, son of William (William, Amos, Obadiah, Jacob, Mordecai, Samuel) and Esther-Eliza (Bates) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born June 3, 1851, at Cohasset. He was living, 1911, at Concord, N. H. He has no regular 600 LINCOLN GENEALOGY occupation but ''is ready for whatever piece of work comes first to hand." In other words he is what is called in the country ''a handy man." He married, Sept. 24, 1884, at Brooklyn, N. Y., Caroline- Maria, daughter of Edwin-Huntington and Lucy-Jane (Brown) Barton of Brooklyn, born Aug. 22, 1851, at Brooklyn; living, 1911. (Cohasset Genealogies, p. 246; Records of Walter- Foster Lincoln.) Children, born at Hopkinton, N. H. : adiae adaa. Howard-Walter, born Dec. 14, 1891. adfae adah. Fannie-Esther, born Feb. 13, 1894. adfae adc. George-Cummings, son of William {William, Amos, Ohadiah, Jacob, Mordecai, Samuel) and Esther-Eliza (Bates) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Aug. 22, 1856, at Cohasset. After his marriage he lived at Council Grove, Kan., for a few years but removed to Portland, Ore., and in 1911 was living at Prosser, Wash., where he had a small ranch. He married, March 18, 1884, at Council Grove, Arabella- May, daughter of William and Sylvesta (Whitehead) Whitcomb of Scituate, Mass., Altoona, 111., and Council Grove, born May 3, 1865, at Altoona. (Records of Mrs. Esther-Eliza Lincoln, adfae ad.) Mrs. Lincoln's mother, Sylvesta Whitehead, was a native of Breogar, England. Children, born at Council Grove: adfae adca. Irene, born Jan. 1, 1885; married, June 30, 1908, at Portland, Ore., Ralph-Riggs, son of Ezra and Grace (Riggs) Poppleton of Mountain ( View, Calif., born June 12, 1881, at Monmouth, Ore. He graduated at University of Oregon, 1908, and is now, 1911, an electrical engineer living at Oswego, Ore. Child, born at Portland: a. Grace-May, born June 6, 1909. adfae adcb. Warren, born March 24, 1887; a student, 1911, at State college, Pullman, Wash. adffe cda. Louis-Manson, son of Thomas-Manson (Thomas, Caleb, Abraham, Jacob, Mordecai, Samuel) and Augusta-Eu- genie (Prentice) Lincoln of Providence, R. I., born May 13, 1870, at Providence. He graduated at Brown university in 1892. He is a dealer in machinery, living, 1912, at Providence. EIGHTH GENEKATION 601 He married, June 12, 1901, at Providence, Emelyn-Irwin, daughter of Orsemus A. and Caroline-Leland (Irwin) Taft of Providence, born Nov. 4, 1872, at Providence; living, 1912. (Providence Records; Records of George-Henry Lincoln, adffe ch.) Children, born at Providence: adffe cdaa. Helen-Eugenia, born May 31, 1903. adffe cdab. Caroline-Taft, born March 28, 1911. adffe dfb. Samuel-Bicknell, son of Clarence-Henry (Sam- uel, Caleb, Abraham, Jacob, Mordecai, Samuel) and May- Anna- Adelaide (Schultz) Lincoln of East Blackstone, Mass., born May 14, 1882, at East Blackstone. He was educated in the public schools of Blackstone and of Woonsocket, R. I., and at the university of Maine, where he graduated as a civil engineer. From 1906 to 1908 he was a member of the firm of Seagrave and Lincoln, engineers, at Woonsocket. Since then he has done general engineering work in Massachusetts, Connecticut and the Southern States. He is living, 1916, at Evanston, 111. He married, July 17, 1909, at Moosup, Conn., Carolyn- Louise, daughter of Charles-Henry and Julia M. (Toomey) Whipple of BelHngham, Mass., born Aug. 29, 1882, at BelHng- ham; living, 1916. (Ibid.) Child: adffe dfba. Robert-Bicknell, born March 19, 1914. adffe dfc. Ralph-Edward, son of Clarence-Henry (Samuel, Caleb, Abraham, Jacob, Mordecai, Samuel) and May- Anna- Adelaide (Schultz) Lincoln of East Blackstone, Mass., born Oct. 16, 1884, at East Blackstone. He is living, 1911, at Whitins- ville, Mass., and is a book-keeper. He married, Sept. 14, 1907, at Brooklyn, N. Y., Leslie- Al- berta, daughter of James-Russell and Berta-Evans (Barnes) Bigelow of Los Angeles, Calif., born June 6, 1886, at Blackstone, Mass.; Hving, 1911. (Records of Ralph-Edward Lincoln.) Child, born at Whitinsville : adffe dfca. Richard-Edward, born Jan. 26, 1910. NINTH AND TENTH GENERATIONS aabce abca. Jairus-Horace, son of David-Pratt {J aims- Beats, Peter, Frederick, Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Cordelia-Etta (Makepeace) Lincoln of Weymouth, Mass., born Oct. 9, 1878, at Weymouth. He is an express messenger, living, 1911, at Weymouth. He married, Oct. 28, 1907, at Weymouth, Florence-Alberta, daughter of William-Franklin and Mary-Holmes (McFann) Bartlett of Weymouth, born Dec. 8, 1887, at Weymouth; living, 1911. (Records of Miss Harriet-Priscilla Lincoln, aahca abh.) Child, born at Weymouth : aahce ahcaa. Marguerite, born Sept. 8, 1908. aabce aeba. Oliver-Francis, son of Frederic (Oliver, Peter, Frederick, Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Alice-Grace (Lewis) Lincoln of Warren, Mass., born Aug. 28, 1882, at War- ren. He was educated at the Warren high school and took a course in electrical science with the Scranton correspondence school. He is an electrician; has lived at Lynn, Mass., and New York City, but is now, 1912, living at Hartford, Conn. He married, June 21, 1904, at Lynn, Mary-Evangeline, daughter of Carl and Mary (Robishan) Jenson of Halifax, Nova Scotia, born Dec. 4, 1888, at Halifax; living, 1912. (Rec- ords of Mrs. Edith-Lillian [Lincoln] Case, aahce aebh; Mass. Vital Records say Mary-Evangeline was born at Dartmouth, Nova Scotia.) Children, born: a-c at Springfield, Mass.; d-e at Hartford: aahce aehaa. Dorothy-Evangeline, born Jan. 5, 1905. aabce aebab. Shirley- Ada, born March 21, 1907; died July 15, 1907. aabce aebac. A son, born May 29, 1908; died same day. aahce aehad. Aida-Golden, born Nov. 10, 1909. aahce aebae. Carl-Frederick, born Dec. 8, 1911. aabce aebc. Clarence-Fredekick, son of Frederic (Oliver, Peter, Frederick, Jonathan, Samuel, Samuel, Samuel) and Alice- NINTH AND TENTH GENERATIONS 603 Grace (Lewis) Lincoln of Warren, Mass., born March 26, 1887, at Warren. He is living, 1912, at New York City. He is a chauf- feur and *'is a good, honest, temperance man; loved by every one." He married, Aug. 19, 1908, at Enfield, Conn., Josephine-Amy, daughter of Rufus-Putnam and Josephine (Messier) Wands of Springfield, Mass., born Sept. 24, 1886, at Suffield, Conn.; living, 1912. (Records of Mrs. Edith-Lillian [Lincoln] Case, aahce aehb.) Child, born at Springfield : aabce aebca. Marion-Josephine, born Sept. 4, 1909. aacbc acba. William-Sever, son of Levi {William-Sever, Levi, Levi, Enoch, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Mary-Susan (Maynard) Lincoln of Worcester, Mass., born Apr. 11, 1870, at Boston, Mass. He was for several years landlord of the Paxton Inn at Paxton, Mass., but gave that up in 1910, and purchased a small farm in Boylston, Mass., where he is now, 1922, living, though he was engaged in trucking business at Worcester for a year or two, in company with his son. He married, March 14, 1894, at Worcester, Villroy-Augusta, daughter of Edward-Payson and Sarah-Jane (Bullock) Goulding of Worcester, born March 5, 1872, at Worcester; living, 1922. (Family Records.) Child, born at Boston, Mass. : aacbc acbaa. Levi, born Aug. 8, 1894. aacbc acdd. Winslow-Sever, son of Winslow-Sever (Wil- liam-Sever, Levi, Levi, Enoch, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Helen-Blake (Webber) Lincoln of Worcester, Mass., born Apr. 30, 1893, at Worcester. He enhsted June 26, 1916, in Battery B, First Massachusetts field artillery, as private; was commis- sioned second lieutenant in the Second Massachusetts field artillery. May 12, 1917; first lieutenant, Sept. 13, 1917; and captain, July 30, 1918. He went to France with the 102nd U. S. field artillery, Sept. 18, 1917, and was stationed at Soissons, Toul and Chateau-Thierry front, from Feb. 1 to Aug. 12, 1918. He was sent home Sept. 1, 1918, unattached, and ordered to 604 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Camp Kearney with the 42nd field artillery and remained there until discharged Feb. 21, 1919. He returned to Worcester and entered into the employ of the Rice, Barton and Fales Machine and Iron Company, with which company he remained until the summer of 1920, when he removed to Highland, Calif., where he has a small ranch. He married, Sept. 7, 1919, at Jackson, Ohio, Frances, daughter of John-Ellsworth and Blanche (Armstrong) Jones of Jackson, born Dec. 7, 1893, at Jackson; living, 1922. Child, born at Worcester: aacbc acdda. Ann, born Feb. 19, 1920. abbea cabd. Isaiah- Austin, son of Isaiah {Prancis-M ay- hew, Jerome, Jerome, Francis, Hezekiah, Daniel, Samuel) and Martha-Stockbridge (Litchfield) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born May 16, 1864, at Cohasset. After his marriage he lived for a while at Somerville, Mass., but is now, 1911, living at Mount Blue, Norwell, Mass. He is a shoe-worker. He married, Sept. 19, 1894, at Cohasset, Mabel-Gertrude, daughter of James-Henry and Josephine (Palmer) Pinkham of Cohasset, born Sept. 3, 1874, at Somerville; hving, 1911. (Rec- ords of Isaiah-Austin Lincoln.) Children, born at Norwell: abbea cabda. Herbert-Austin, born Jan. 27, 1898. abbea cabdb. Helen-Gertrude, born May 8, 1904. abbea cabdc. Bertha-Louise, born Oct. 27, 1907. abbea cabg. William-Irving, son of Isaiah (Francis-May- hew, Jerome, Jerome, Francis, Hezekiah, Daniel, Samuel) and Martha-Stockbridge (Litchfield) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Oct. 5, 1871, at Cohasset. He is in business, 1911, with W. 0. Souther, Jr., 6 Province Court, Boston, but lives at North Scituate. He married, Jan. 16, 1901, at Scituate, Mass., Edwina-Lewis, daughter of Charles and Martha-Jane (Webb) Seaverns of Scituate, born March 12, 1878, at Scituate; living, 1911. (Rec- ords of William-Irving Lincoln.) Children, born at Scituate: abbea cabga. Alma-Chipman, born May 24, 1902. abbea cabgb. Martha-Kathleen, born Dec. 19, 1905. NINTH AND TENTH GENERATIONS 605 abbea cabi. Elijah-Franklin, son of Isaiah {Francis-May- hew, Jerome, Jerome, Francis, Hezekiah, Daniel, Samuel) and Martha-Stockbridge (Litchfield) Lincoln of Cohasset, Mass., born Dec. 14, 1879, at Cohasset. He is living, 1911, at Cohasset on Beechwood street. He is in the spring-water business. He married, Aug. 27, 1906, at Cohasset, Ellen-Harriet, daugh- ter of Carl-August and Anna-Maria (Johanson) Johanson of Carls-Krona, Sweden, but by Swedish custom her name was Carlson rather than Johanson. She was born Aug. 22, 1883, at Carls-Krona, and came to America in June, 1900, with a sister. (Records of Elijah-Franklin Lincoln.) Children, born at Cohasset: abhea cahia. Lawrence-Franklin, born Nov. 27, 1906. alibea cahib. Viola-Maria, born Feb. 16, 1908. abbea cabic. Jeannette-Carlson, born Aug. 1, 1909. abbea cacc. Alfred-Stone, son of Francis-May hew {Francis- Mayhew, Jerome, Jerome, Francis, Hezekiah, Daniel, Samuel) and Mary- Ann (Anderson) Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., born July 16, 1859, at Scituate, Mass. In 1893 he was a shoemaker and living at Hingham on Beal street, but nothing has been learned of this family since that date. He married, July 13, 1879, at Hingham, Mary-Jane^ daughter of John J.2 (Henryi) and Hannah (Mulligan) Hawke of Hingham, born Dec. 10, 1858, at Boston, Mass. Her father was a native of Ireland. (Hist, of Hingham, vol. ii, pp. 295, 475; Mass. Vital Records.) Children, born at Hingham: abbea caeca. Alfred-Hawkes, born Dec. 5, 1880; died Oct. 13, 1881. abbea caccb. Bertram-Francis, born Apr. 22, 1884. abbea caccc. A son, born and died July 10, 1889. adaaa bbca. James-Thomas, son of Mordecai {Thomas, Josiah, Abraham, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Mary- Elizabeth (Spencer) Lincoln of Harrison county, Ind., born Sept. 22, 1855, at Hancock, Ind. He lived at Milltown, Ind., until after 1880 and then removed to Overbrook, Kan., and later to Madison, Kan., where he is now, 1916, living. He is a farmer. He married, Feb. 21, 1878, at Milltown, Annie-Ellen, daughter 606 LINCOLN GENEALOGY of Philip-Henry and Rebecca-Green (Bates) Bye of Sharp, Ind., born Jan. 12, 1858, at Sharp; hving, 1916. Her father was a private in Company F, 144th regiment, Indiana volunteer in- fantry, in the Civil war and was discharged July 7, 1865. (Rec- ords of James-Thomas Lincoln.) Children, born: a, b at Milltown; c at Overbrook: adaaa hhcaa. Mary-Florence, born Dec. 21, 1878; married, Feb. 21, 1900, at Olpe, Kan,, Conrad, son of John- William and Christina (Lauten- schlager) Eidman of Emporia, Kan., born Jan. 1, 1875, at Oakville, 111. He is a farmer. They are living, 1916, at Plymouth, Kan. Children, born: a, h at Olpe; c, d at Madison; e-g at Plymouth: a. Anna-Leon A, born Dec. 26, 1900; died Nov. 26, 1914. 6. Edith-May, bom May 31, 1903. c. Alice-Maurine, born Sept. 30, 1906. d. Floyd-Thomas, born Dec. 26, 1908. e. Chester-William, born June 30, 1911; died Sept. 30, 1912. /. Nellie-Frances, born July 9, 1913. g. Dorothy-Josephine, born Feb. 2, 1916. adaaa bhcab. Henry-Mordecai, born Sept. 20, 1880; living, 1916, unmarried. He is engaged in stock-raising and farming with his brother, in Green- wood county, Kan. He served in Company F, 40th U. S. volunteer infantry, from Sept. 22, 1899, to May 16, 1901, when he was discharged to take a job as horseshoer in the Quartermaster department, where he worked until July 15, 1913. adaaa bbcac. Frederic-Ernest, born Jan. 31, 1888. adaaa bbcb. Major- Wetherford, son of Mordecai (Thom- as, Josiah, Abraham, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Mary-Elizabeth (Spencer) Lincoln of Harrison county, Ind., born Dec. 13, 1858, at Milltown, Ind.; died Jan. 19, 1910, at Chanute, Kan. After his marriage he lived in Colorado, where he was a carpenter contractor. He married, Feb. 10, 1890, at Colorado Springs, Colo., Mary- EKzabeth, daughter of Daniel and Catherine (Kelly) O'Keefe of White Oak Springs, Wis., where she was born May 3, 1851. She is living, 1917, at Newton, Kan. (Records of Mrs. Mary- Elizabeth [O'Keefe] Lincoln.) Children, born at La Junta, Colo. : adaaa bbcba. Agnes-Catherine, born Sept. 27, 1891; married, Feb. 21, 1916, at Newton, Kan., William-Harvey, son of William and Mary (Wheatly) Reid of Kansas City, Kan., born Feb. 8, 1890, at Towanda, Kan. He is a clerk. They live, 1917, at Newton. Child, born at Emporia, Kan. : a. William-Joseph, born Jan. 21, 1917. NINTH AND TENTH GENERATIONS 607 adaaa bhcbh. John-Mordecai, born Dec. 11, 1893; living, 1917, unmarried, at Emporia, Kan. He is a brakeman. adaaa bbcf. William-Sherman, son of Mordecai (Thomas, Josiah, Abraham, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Mary- Elizabeth (Spencer) Lincoln of Harrison county, Ind., born Oct. 22, 1865, at Milltown, Ind. He removed to Kansas, living in Osage and Jefferson counties, but is now, 1916, living at Nickerson, Reno county. He is a farmer. He married, Apr. 6, 1893, at Thompsonville, Kan., Flora- Dell, daughter of Wallace-Ezekiel-Clark and Sarah-Ann (Evans) Mitchell of Ashland, Ohio, born Oct. 25, 1870, at Aleppo, Pa.; living, 1916. (Records of William-Sherman Lincoln.) Children, born: a, b at Quenemo; c, d at Alden, Kan.: adaaa bbcfa. Wiley-Ethelbert, born Jan. 29, 1895. adaaa bbcfb. Clifford-Mitchell, born Nov. 28, 1896. adaaa bbcfc. Sarah-Marjorie, born Nov. 3, 1904. adaaa bbcfd. Evalyn-Mae, born Nov. 1, 1906; died Oct. 24, 1907. adaaa bbcg. Joseph-David, son of Mordecai (Thomas, Josiah, Abraham, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Mary-Elizabeth (Spencer) Lincoln of Harrison county, Ind., born July 31, 1867, in Harrison county. He lived at Spencer, Harrison county, until about 1906, when he removed to Mill- town, Crawford county, Ind., where he is now, 1916, living. He is a farmer. He married, Oct. 29, 1890, at Whiskeyrun, Ind., Cora, daugh- ter of Abel R. and Sarah-Elizabeth (Craig) Breeden of Milltown, born Apr. 28, 1871, at Scot, Harrison county, Ind. (Records of Joseph-David Lincoln.) Children, born: a at Milltown; b, c at Spencer: adaaa bbcga. Stella, born Feb. 29, 1892; married, Dec. 24, 1912, at Mill- town, Joseph M., son of Douglas and Clara E. (Summers) Taylor of Spencer, born Dec. 16, 1889, at Spencer. They are living, 1916, at Spencer. He is a farmer. Child, born at Spencer: a. Dorothy E., born Nov. 8, 1915. adaaa bbcgb. Mordecai-Abel, born March 15, 1894. adaaa bbcgc. Theresa-Eveline, born July 30, 1900; died Feb. 9, 1901. adaaa bbea. William-Thomas, son of Washington (Thomas, Josiah, Abraham, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and 608 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Deborah (Denton) Lincoln of Depauw, Ind., born Jan. 16, 1863, at Milltown, Ind. He removed to Missouri in 1886 and settled in Bates county, at Adrian, where he is now, 1916, living. He is a farmer. He married, March 23, 1889, at Fort Scott, Kan., Laura- Elcena, daughter of Preston and Emily-Jane (Evans) Tegarden of Fort Scott, born Aug. 19, 1866, in Orange county, Ind.; living, 1916. (Records of William-Thomas Lincoln.) Children, born at Adrian: adaaa bbeaa. Ada-Etherage, born July 23, 1890; married Apr. 23, 1916, at Adrian, Gilbert-Haley Cummings. adaaa bbeab. Eve-Marie, born Aug. 19, 1891. adaaa bbeac. Helen-Geraldine, born Sept. 16, 1895. adaaa bbead. Howard-Thomas, born March 31, 1898. adaaa bbeae. Glen- Washington, born March 5, 1901. adaaa bbeaf. Harry-Preston, born July 9, 1904. adaaa bbfb. Henry-Philip, son of Warden (Thomas, Jo- siah, Abraham, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Rachel- Ann (Hurbaugh) Lincoln of Depauw, Ind., born Oct. 11, 1869, at Leavenworth, Ind. He is a farmer, living, 1916, at Milltown, Ind. He married, March 26, 1893, at Milltown, Mamie-Maria, daughter of John- Wesley and Caroline (Brawley) Swarens of Milltown, where she was born Oct. 27, 1873. (Records of Henry- Philip Lincoln.) Child, born at Milltown: adaaa bbfba. Homer-Fielden, born Feb. 1, 1894; living, 1917, at Lament, Iowa, unmarried. adaaa bbfd. William, son of Warden (Thomas, Josiah, Abraham, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Rachel- Ann (Hurbaugh) Lincoln of Depauw, Ind., born Apr. 1, 1876, near Leavenworth, Ind. He is a farmer and lived for over thirty years at Milltown, Ind., but is now, 1916, living at Depauw. He married, in 1894, at Milltown, AHce-Olive, daughter of Thomas and Lucinda (Burgess) Murr of Milltown, born Dec. 11, 1876, at Milltown; living, 1916. (Records of WiUiam Lin- coln.) I NINTH AND TENTH GENERATIONS 609 Children, born at Mill town: adaaa hhfda. Grace, born Sept. 13, 1894. adaaa bbfdb. Mabel, born Nov. 30, 1895; married, Aug. 28, 1913, at Cory- don, Ind., Shelby E., son of E. J. and Alice (Schoonover) Bye of Milltown, born July 15, 1895, at Milltown. They are living, 1916, at Milltown. He is a farmer. His father was a native of London, England. adaaa bbfdc. Helen, born Oct. 21, 1900. adaaa bbfdd. Lillian, born Nov. 14, 1903. adaaa bbfde. Lena, born Sept. 15, 1908. adaaa bbfe. Willard-Emmanuel, son of Warden (Thomas, Josiah, Abraham, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Rachel- Ann (Hurbaugh) Lincoln of Depauw, Ind., born Jan. 6, 1879, at Milltown, Ind. He is a farmer, living, 1916, near Milltown. He married, Dec. 6, 1903, at Milltown, Rosa-Bell, daughter of Louis-Henry and Amelia- Ann (Priest) Mullen of Ireland, Ind., born Nov. 9, 1880, at Ireland; living, 1916. Child, born near Milltown: adaaa bbfea. Eva-Gwendoline, bom Sept. 13, 1910. adaaa bbfi. Edward, son of Warden (Thomas, Josiah, Abraham, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Rachel- Ann (Hurbaugh) Lincoln of Depauw, Ind., born May 20, 1891, at Milltown, Ind. He is a farmer and has always lived near Milltown. He married, June 11, 1912, at Corydon, Ind., Eva-May, ^ daughter of Louis-Henry and Amelia-Ann (Priest) Mullen of Ireland, Ind., born March 3, 1891 at Ireland; living, 1916. (Records of Edward Lincoln.) Children, born at Milltown: adaaa bbfia. Jesse, born March 31, 1913. adaaa bbfib. Bernice, born March 11, 1915. adaaa bbgb. James F, son of Joseph (Thomas, Josiah, Abraham, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Melissa (Daugherty) Lincoln of Milltown, Ind., born Oct. 4, 1878, in Harrison county, Ind. He is a drayman, living, 1916, at Mill- town. He married, Dec. 27, 1903, at Milltown, Lola, daughter of 39 610 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Lewis-Cass and Julia (Priest) Pfeiffer of Crawford county, Ind., born Dec. 18, 1884; living 1916. (Records of James F Lincoln.) Children, born at Milltown: adaaa hbgha. Gordon-Pfeiffer, born Dec. 25, 1905. adaaa hbgbb. Pauline, born Dec. 21, 1907. adaaa bbgbc. Olive, born Apr. 5, 1910. adaaa bbgbd. James-Morris, born Dec. 7, 1912. adaaa bbic. Lawrence, son of James {Thomas, Josiah, Abraham, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Harriett- Ann (Elliott) Lincoln of Vincennes, Ind., born Dec. 23, 1876, in Martin county, Ind. He is a grocer in company with his father, living, 1922, at Vincennes. He married, Oct. 14, 1908, at Vincennes, Jessie, daughter of John and Lissa (Blister) Schultz of Vincennes, born June 2, 1883, at Vincennes. (Records of James Lincoln, adaaa hhi.) Children, born at Vincennes: adaaa bbica. Ralph-Albert, born Aug. 14, 1909. adaaa bbicb. Martha-Louise, born March 20, 1912. adaaa bbicc. Robert-Eugene, born Oct. 25, 1918. adaaa bbid. Ralph-Prosser, son of James {Thomas, Jo- siah, Abraham, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Harriett- Ann (EUiott) Lincoln of Vincennes, Ind., born May 3, 1880, in Martin county, Ind. He is a grocer, living, 1922, at Hazleton, Ind. He married, March 31, 1901, at Hazleton, Edith, daughter of Allin W. and Jane (Colman) Anderson of Union, Ind., born Apr. 17, 1885, at Union; died Dec. 31, 1917, at Hazleton. (Rec- ords of James Lincoln, adaaa bbi.) Children, born: a, d-g at Hazleton; b, c, h at Decker, Ind.: adaaa bbida. James-Anderson, bom Feb. 4, 1904. adaaa bbidb. Clarence-Blanchard, born May 20, 1905. adaaa bbidc. Virgil-Edgar, born May 5, 1907. adaaa bbidd. Dimple-Mae, born Apr. 20, 1909. J adaaa bbide. Robert-Burl, \, ^ o iaia / died 1917. I adaaa bbidf. Roscoe-Murl, / ^^'''' ^^^' ^' ^^^"' I died May, 1911. adaaa bbidg. Helen-Irene, born March 17, 1915. adaaa bbidh. Bessie-Maude, born Aug. 25, 1914. adaaa bbif. Nathan-Harrison, son of James {Thomas, Josiah, Abraham, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and I NINTH AND TENTH GENERATIONS 611 Harriett- Ann (Elliott) Lincoln of Vincennes, Ind., born Apr. 4, 1885, in Dubois county, Ind. He is a machinist, living, 1922, at East Lake, Tenn. He married, Oct. 23, 1908, Lavina, daughter of Alexander and Lucinda (Robidson) Gibbs of Gibson county, Ind., born June 19, 1885, in Pike county, Ind. (Records of James Lincoln, adaaa bbi.) Children, born: a, h at Greencastle, Ind.; c at East Lake: adaaa bbifa. Dallas-Abraham, born Feb. 25, 1910. adaaa bhifb. Delores-Adeline, born Aug. 20, 1912. adaaa bbifc. John-Russel, born Jan. 18, 1920. adaae hfac. Percy- Woodson, son of William-Effiah (Jacob- Broaddus, Jacob, Jacob, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Sallie-Ann (Shewey) Lincoln of Staunton, Va., born July 25, 1884, at Lexington, Va. He served for three years, 1904-7, in Troop H, 14th regiment of cavalry. United States army, in the Philippines and California. He is now, 1917, a merchant at San Francisco, Calif. He married, May 21, 1907, at San Francisco, Lillian, daughter of Edward and Lucia (Ludwig) Steiger of Sonoma, Calif., born July 6, 1884, at Sonoma; living, 1917. (Records of Percy- Woodson Lincoln.) Children, born at San Francisco: adaae hfaca. Janet-Sallie, adaae hfacb. Ruth-Lillian, / ^^"^ ^^''' ^^^ 1908. adaae hfacc. Claire, born July 28, 1909; died Sept. 12, 1910. adaae hfacd. John-Percy, born Jan. 25, 1912. adaae hface. Susan-Anne, born Sept. 15, 1917. adahb gbca. William- Adams, son of Azariah- William (Thom- as, Azariah, Thomas, Thomas, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Jennie-Margaret (Adams) Lincoln of Springfield, Mo., born Jan. 31, 1886, at Springfield. He was educated at the Spring- field high school and passed two years in Drury college. He is an "abstractor" and is living, 1916, at Kansas City, Mo. He married. May 6, 1908, at Springfield, Pauline, daughter of Foster-Nathaniel and Mamie-Edith (Fisher) Burns of Tulsa, Okla., born Jan. 19, 1891, at Springfield; living, 1916. (Records of William-Adams Lincoln.) 612 LINCOLN GENEALOGY Child, born at Springfield: adahb ghcaa. William-Burns, bom Jan. 26, 1910. adahb gbcb. Harold-Thomas, son of Azariah-William( T/iom- as, Azariah, Thomas , Thomas, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Jennie-Margaret (Adams) Lincoln of Springfield, Mo., born Nov. 11, 1888, at Springfield. He attended the high school and Drury college at Springfield and in 1906 entered the law depart- ment of the university of Missouri, from which he was graduated in 1909 with the degree of LL.B. He passed the State bar ex- amination in January, 1909, and was admitted to practice at that time, but continued in school until graduation the following May. He entered into practice of his profession at Springfield, with his father, and was city tax attorney for two years and served one term as assistant prosecuting attorney. Since then he has been engaged in private practice. He married, Dec. 6, 1910, at Springfield, Margaret-Louise, daughter of Matthew and Lizzie Sims of Ash Grove, Mo., born March 15, 1890, at Ash Grove. They are living, 1915, at Spring- field. (Records of Harold-Thomas Lincoln.) Child, born at Springfield: adahb ghcha. Margaret-Louise, bom Sept. 28, 1911. adaii bbba. Robert-Ruth, son of Oscar-Hemmig {Alfred- Gilbert, John-Dehaven, Thomas, Abraham, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Elizabeth (Ruth) Lincoln of Pottstown Landing, Pa., born Oct. 21, 1887, at Robeson, or Gibraltar, Pa.; died July 20, 1912, at Phoenixville, Pa., where he had lived. He graduated from the West Chester high school in 1906; studied electricity with the Scranton correspondence school and became a telegraph operator for the Pennsylvania railroad. He was also a signal repairman. He married, Oct. 28, 1910, at Lenape, Pa., Hazel-Rees, daugh- ter of Albert-Baldwin and Jennie- Virginia (Green) Huey of Lenape, born June 23, 1890, at Lenape. (Records of Mrs. Robert- Ruth Lincoln.) Child, born at Phoenixville: adaii hbhaa. Ruth- Jessie, bom Aug. 12, 1911. NINTH AND TENTH GENERATIONS 613 adbcf baab. Alfred- Wiles, son of Alfred {John, George, Moses, Jacob, Abraham, Mordecai, Samuel) and Ida (Young) Lincoln of Darby, Pa., born Nov. 12, 1880, at Darby. He has always lived at Darby except for a short time when he lived at Sharon Hill, Pa. His present address, 1919, is Woodbine avenue. Darby. Until August, 1918, he was a florist but since then has been a pipe fitter at the Baldwin Locomotive Works. He married, Feb. 12, 1902, at Darby, Lillian-May, daughter of Henry and Mary (Schofield) Schuyler of Gloucester, N. J., born Apr. 18, 1884, at Gloucester. (Records of Alfred-Wiles Lincoln.) Children, born: a-c, e-i at Darby; d at Sharon Hill: adhcj baaba. Alfred-Wiles, bom Dec. 7, 1902. adbcf baabb. Edward-Henry, born June 19, 1904; died Oct. 14, 1907. adbcf baabe. Alexander-Scott, bom Jan. 5, 1906; died Jan. 24, 1906. adbcf baabd. Edward-Henry, bom Nov. 30, 1908. adbcf baabe. Lillian, born Sept. 28, 1911; died Dec. 5, 1916. adbcf baabf. Marietta, bom March 2, 1913. adbcf baabg. Dorothy, bom May 13, 1916; died Dec. 13, 1917. adbcf baabh. Elizabeth, bom Aug. 13, 1917; died January, 1918. adbcf baabi, Henry, bora March 8, 1919. adbcf bedb. Horace- William, son of Amer-Ogden (Moses, George, Moses, Jacob, Abraham, Mordecai, Samuel) and Martha- Emma (Covington) Lincoln of Darby, Pa., born May 23, 1890, at Darby. He is mason by trade and lives at Camden, N. J. He married Ida P., daughter of Samuel and Clara Jones of Darby. Child: adbcf bedba. Ruth. adcac baib. Harry-Newton, son of George-Henry (Isaac, Francis, Uriah, Isaac, Isaac, Mordecai, Samuel) and Martha- Jane (Newcomb) Lincoln of Scituate, Mass., born Jan. 20, 1879, at Scituate. He was living, 1911, at North Scituate, Mass., with his father. He was then employed at Lawley's boat yard at South Boston, Mass. He married, Feb. 4, 1901, at Gloucester, Mass., Nellie-Joseph- ine, daughter of Perry and Nellie (Tarr) Perkins of Gloucester, 614 LINCOLN GENEALOGY born March 8, 1882, at Gloucester. (Records of Mrs. Harry- Newton Lincoln.) Children, born at Boston, Mass. : adcac baiba. Dorothy-Louise, born Nov. 22, 1901. adcac haibb. Richard-Newcomb, born Sept. 22, 1906. aacbc acbaa. Levi, son of William-Sever {Levi, William- Sever, Levi, Levi, Enoch, Jedediah, Samuel, Samuel) and Villroy- Augusta (Goulding) Lincoln of Boylston, Mass., born Aug. 8, 1894, at Boston, Mass. In 1916 he was a corporal in the Worcester Light Infantry, Company C, 2nd Massachusetts regiment, which Company was mustered into the service of the United States on June 21, 1916. The regiment went to Columbus, N. M., and was under General Pershing's command. Lincoln was promoted to be sergeant July 1, 1916. In the sum- mer of 1917 he attended the Plattsburg school for officers and received his commission as second lieutenant, Aug. 15, 1917. He was attached to the 303rd machine gun battalion and was stationed at Camp Devens, Mass. He was commissioned first lieutenant Dec. 31, 1917, and was sent to Pittsburgh, Pa., as instructor in the University training detachment. He was honorably discharged Dec. 27, 1918. After the war he returned to Worcester and was employed for a time in the shops of S. Porter & Co., last manufacturers. He then engaged in the trucking business with his father, but is now, 1922, in the employ of the Livingston Motor Co. at Worcester. He married, Dec. 25, 1917, at Ayer, Mass., Josephine-Marion, daughter of Frederick-Brainard and Marion-Inez (Lee) Barnard of Charlestown, Mass., born July 16, 1895, at Brighton, Mass. (Family Records.) Child, born at Worcester: ciacbc acbaa a. Levi, born Aug. 18, 1918. adaaa bbcac. Frederic-Ernest, son of James-Thomas (Mordecai, Thomas, Josiah, Abraham, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Annie-Ellen (Bye) Lincoln of Madison, Kan., born Jan. 31, 1888, at Overbrook, Kan. He is a farmer, living, 1916, at Madison. i NINTH AND TENTH GENERATIONS 615 He married, Aug. 24, 1910, at Emporia, Kan., Lizzie, daughter of George W. and Hattie E. (Rosebrooks) Miller of McFall, Mo., born Aug. 19, 1892, at McFall; living, 1916. (Records of Frederic-Ernest Lincoln.) Child, born at Madison: adaaa bbcac a. Fern-Bell, born Feb. 19, 1915. adaaa bbcgb. Mordecai-Abel, son of Joseph-David {Mor- decai, Thomas, Josiah, Abraham, John, Mordecai, Mordecai, Samuel) and Cora (Breeden) Lincoln of Milltown, Ind., born March 15, 1894, at Spencer, Ind., where he is now, 1916, living. He is a farmer. He married, Sept. 15, 1915, at Corydon, Ind., Mary-Gertrude, daughter of George and Adaline (Burgess) Wiseman of Spencer, born Jan. 25, 1898, at Spencer. (Records of Joseph-David Lincoln, adaaa bbcg.) Child, born at Spencer: adaaa bbcgb o. Geneva, born March 9, 1916. Finis INDEX OF PERSONS Italic letters following a name indicate that the person bearing that name is either a descendant or married a descendant of Samuel Lincoln of Hingham, Mass., the number of letters corresponding to the generation in which the person belongs. Such names may be found under the index letters given and on the page to which the figures following refer. Names not followed by index letters are only men- tioned incidentally. For full explanation of the notation employed, see the preface. Names of authorities in the parenthetical notes are not indexed. ABBOT— Abbott Agnes-Margaret (Radford) aacbe Ibb 297 Caroline-Howard (Lincoln) aacbe lb 294 297 Elizabeth (Colby) 253 Elizabeth Cushing ([Lincoln] Doane) aabcd dd 253-4 Ezra 294 297 Ezra aacbe lb 294 297 Ezra-Lincoln aacbd dba 294 George 253 294 George aacbe Ibb 297 Hannah (Poor) 294 297 Harriet-Moody (Lincoln) aacbe db 294 297 Jessie-Lincoln (Gunnell) acube Iba 297 John 294 John Colby aabcd dd 253 John-Howard aacbe Iba 297 Joseph 253 Lucy-Amelia aacbe Ibc 297 Lydia-Almira 253 Lydia-Maria (Breed) 253 Margaret (Armstrong) aacbe dba 294 Mary-Ellen (Fuller) 253 Nathan 253 Salome abbea je 190 444 Thomas 253 ADAMS Betsy 412 Ella B. (Lincoln) adaah ebc 480 Henry-Hamilton 586 Isabel-Ugenia (Swaner) 586 Jennie-Margaret adahb gbc 586 Jerusha 332 John 157 170 John-Quincy 278 John-Washington adaah ebca 480 Louisa-Frances 455-6 Lula adaae hfb 572 Mabel adbfa fbd 387 Mary S. 110 and note Sarah H aabcd cj 141 Washington adaah ebc 480 ACKER Mary-Amelia adbca ch 232 ADDISON Ida-Ella (Haines) adahf cce 373 William adahf cce 373 AFLICK Mary adbcg a 118 AGNER Conrad 499 Elizabeth adahb dee 499 Sarah ( ) 499 AHLBERG Emilia-Carlson aacdb eeb 433 Maria (Carlson) 433 Martin 433 AIKEN Ann 78 169 James 78 Margaret (Waugh) 78 AINSLIE Albert-Wallace abbea cafi 451 Atwood-Ingalls abbea cafd 451 Belinda (Arnold) abbea cafe 451 Eliza-James (Lincoln) abbea caf 451 George-Edward abbea caf 451 George-William abbea cafe 461 Henrietta-Maria abbea cafb 451 Henry-Wilbur abbea cafg 451 Margaret (Powers) 451 Mary-Eva abbea caff 451 Mary-Jane (Emerson) abbea cafi 451 Sarah (Haskell) abbea cafd 451 Susan-Ellen abbea cafa 451 William-Garrett 451 ALBRIGHT Anna (Trump) 588 Celeste-Jane adahc aae 588 James-Henry 588 ALCOCK Elizabeth akd 9 ALDEN Alice-Burrington (Wight) 265 Alice-Wight aabch dba 265 Charles-Henry 265 Charles-Henry aabch db 265-6 Charles-Henry aabch dbb 265 Eliot aabch dbd 266 Etta (Estill) aabch dbd 266 Katherine-Russell (Lincoln) aabch db 265-6 Mary-Lincoln aabch dbc 266 ALDERSON Elizabeth adaga gfd 490 ALDRICH Barbara 438 ALDRIDGE Matilda adagb c 219 220 ALERTON Mary 114 ALEXANDER Elizabeth 351 ALLEN— AUyne miss 406 Aaron H. 457 Alice (Lincoln) adaaa bbef 5Q2 Ann ( ) 25 Avery-Tucker 444 Cecil-Leland adaaa bbefe 562 Ebenezer 86 Edith (Lincoln) aabhg ee 278 Elizabeth (Rush) adbea 58 Elsie-Irene adaaa bbefb 562 Frona-Mabel adaaa bbeff 562 Frances M. 535 618 INDEX OF PERSONS ALLEN cont'd Herschel-Edward adaaa bbefc 562 James 86 Jerry 562 John-Trimble 481 Joseph 25 Julia- Ann ( ) 481 Julius-Bentley 278 Leah (Hobson) 562 Lewis-Eldred aabhg ee 278 Lydia-Atearn (Morton) 444 Margaret 377 Mary agcb 25 Mary (Lincoln) age 25 Mary-Samantha (Bowen) 278 Rebecca abae 86-9 Rebecca (Russel) 86 Samuel 86 Sarah adaah ei 481-2 Susan-Congdon aacdc gf 444 Susannah (Lewis) 86 Thomas 86 Thomas agca 25 Willford adaaa bbef 562 William age 25 William agcc 25 William adbea 58 ALLMAN— Almond Josephine ([Lincoln] Stover) adaee he 345 Thomas adaae he 345 ALLYNE see Allen ALVEY John 198 199 AMBROSE David adaha de 224 Sena (Hills) adaha de 224 AMES Eleanor aacdc eac 551 Emma (Benson) 551 Oliver 551 ANDERSON Allin W. 610 Almira-OIive (Dunham) 554 Anna-Maria 500 Edith adaaa bbid 610 Jane (Colman) 610 John adaaa aaaa 460 John O. L. 460 Laura-Caroline (Larsen) adbfa fh 515-6 Lewis 554 Mary-Ann abbea cac 554-5 Mary-Hansbarger 476 Priscilla-Florida (Smith) adaaa aaaa 460 Robert 466 William adbfa fh 515-6 ANDREWS— Andrewes Abigail aaib 12 Anna 172 173 Bertha-Randolph (Hatfield) aacdb tea 308 Betsey 263 Catherine-Gushing aacbh j 78 Elizabeth 11 Ephraim 10 Fred-Lincoln aacdb tea 308 John 308 John-Calvin aacdb ie 308 Joseph 34 Ruth 42 121 Sarah (Gibbs) 308 Sophia-Gibbs (Lincoln) aacdb ie 307 308 Thomas 10 17 75 William 5 ANSON Benjamin-Milton adbca dae 381 Frank 511 Mabel adbca dec 511 Mary-Elizabeth (Chenoweth) adbca dae 381 ANTHONY Andrew 192 Mary-Birch (Lincoln) abbhc c 192 , Michael abbhc c 192 Susan 447 APPLEBEE —Appleby Eliza-Ann 180 Elizabeth ([Lincoln] Shackford) aacdb c 177 179-80 George aacdb cc 180 Gleason 180 Sarah 180 Susan ( ) 180 Susan-Maria aacdb da 180 Sylvanus aacdb c 179-80 Zelinda-Ray aacdb cb 180 APPLEBY see Applebee APPLETON Catherine-Gushing (Souther) aahcd ci 141 William E. aabcd ci 141 APTS Henrietta-Maria (Ainslie) abbea cafb 451 William- Wallace abbea cafb 451 ARENSBURG Martha (Barnes) adaga chd 360 Theodore adaga chd 360 ARMENTROUT Margaret-Catherine (Lofland) adaae adb 343 St. Clair adaae adb 343 ARMS Burdette-Loomis aacdc eab 441 Helen-Frances (Lincoln) aacdc eab 441 Henry-Marty n 441 Sarah- Jane (Closson) 441 ARMSTRONG Blanche 604 Margaret aacbe dba 294 ARNALL William 6 ARNOLD Ann-Maria 452 Belinda abbea cafe 451 Eliza-Ann (Marsh) 397 Elizabeth (Paddleford) 420 Ellen-Elizabeth 436 George-Rhodes 420 Hanson 397 Laura-Ashbury adffe dd 397 Sarah-Rhodes cuicbc ah 420 ASHLEY Dorcas agje 27 Edith 458 ASHMEAD Isaac 496 ATKINSON George-Henry adffa k 133 Nancy (Bates) adffa k 133 ATWOOD Martha 26 note AUSTIN Brown adaaa edb 204 Florence-Mary (Lincoln) adaaa bbfh 563 Lloyd adaaa eda 204 Lucretia (Brumfield) adaaa ed 204 Mabel-Gertrude (Pinkham) abbea cabd 604 Mabel-Irene adaaa bbfha 563 Romeo 419 Sally-Blake 419 Samuel 563 Sarah-Chandler (Blake) 419 Sarah (Denbo) 563 William-Harvey adaaa bbfh 563 AVERILL Lydia-Lincoln (Souther) aabcd cf 141 Thomas- William aabcd cf 141 INDEX OF PERSONS 619 AVERY Frederic 599 Helen-Brevoort (Lincoln) adfad baba 599 John adfad babaa 599 John-Serpell adfad baba 599 Lincoln adfad babab 599 Marion-Orlena ( ) 599 AXTELL Eliza (McClain) 358 Lillian-May (Gregg) adaga afd 359 Luther 358 Luther adaga af 358-9 Luther-Melancthon adaga afd 359 Mary-Eliza adaga afc 358 Sarah (Lincoln) adaga af 358-9 Sebastian adaga afa 358 Thomas-Lincoln adaga afb 358 AYER C. R. 405 AYRES Mary 494 Robert 494 BABB Ann 137 Robert 136 137 BACHE Richard 266 BACHELDER George W. 461 BACON Emeline E. aafff c6 315 Joanna E. aafff c6 315 Mary Bassett 528 Susanna 16 BAGLEY Thankful (Burnham) 267 BAILES see Bayless Jesse-Taylor adagb di 365 Martha-Louise (Lincoln) adagb di 365 William-Jesse adagb dia 365 BAILEY see Bayley Abner aafac 37 Amasa 90 Anjanette adffe dg 525 Asa 102 103 Asenath 249 Caleb 516 Cornelia (Skinner) 525 Delila ( ) 102 Elizabeth 83 Elizabeth (Nichols) abed 14 Hattie-Eliza aabcf dbc 263 Jael (Gushing) 90 James-Thomas adcac bad 516 596 John 516 Joseph 516 Joseph-Riley 525 Judith 393 Rebecca 90 91 Rebecca (Gannett) 516 Sarah (Bates) aafac 35 37 Sarah-Vinal (Lincoln) adcac bad 516 Waterman 516 William abed 14 BAIR Lydia-Magdalene adahb bcee 497 B Etta adaaf dda 351 James 197 Robert 222 BAKER Abner-Loring 449 Anna-Frances aacdd ec 449 Bethia C. aacdb da 180 Deborah 26 Elizabeth 91 Hannah 174 BAELER cont'd John 26 449 James 449 Lydia-Jacobs (Ripley) 449 Mary-Ann 318 Richard 449 Ruth (Walley) 26 Walter 548 BALCH Emmeline adffd b 133 John 347 BALDWIN Abigail ([Lincoln] Shaver) daae af 344 Christopher-Columbus 290 Henrietta (Lofland) adaae add 343 James H. adaae adc 343 John adaae af 344 Mary-Jane (Lofland) adaae adc 343 Mary-Louisa 362 Robert G. adaae add 343 Sarah adfah d 128 Thomas 297 BALLENTINE Hannah-Samuels (Lincoln) adaid e 230 Jacob-Byler adaid ea 230 Thomas-Lincoln adaid eb 230 William adaid e 230 BANCROFT Adaline F. aabhe a 275-6 Asa 275 Sarah (Clements) 275 BANGS Edward-Dillingham 170 Isaac-Howard 410 Lydia (Turner) 410 Marcia-Maria aabck ba 409-10 BARBER Christopher 198 199 Dolly aaflh 38 Magnus W. adaah elc 483 Margaret (Lincoln) adaah elc 483 Nancy aabce cb 402 BARBOUR Eugenia L. aabcg dc 407 Isaiah 407 Lucretia ( ) 407 BARKER Anne (Roberts) aabce cddb 403 Elizabeth (Smith) 403 Francis 34 Hannah (Worrick) aaffh a 83 518 Henry 403 Herbert-William aabce cddb 403 John aaffh a 83 518 519 Joshua 181 Lillian-Lincoln aabce cdda 403 Mary-Emma (Lincoln) aabce cdd 403 Mary (Jacob) aac 32 34 Mary (Lincoln) 34 Robert 34 Ruth-Bates adcai bg 518-9 Sarah aabcf ff 145 Stella aabce cddc 403 Teesta 519 William 126 William-Penn aabce cdd 403 BARLOW Barbara ( ) 332 Catharine adaaa b 330-3 Christopher 332 Jacob M. 332 BARNARD Frederick-Brainard 614 Josephine-Marion aacbc acbaa 614 Marion-Inez (Lee) 614 Olive 549 Robert 117 INDEX OP PERSONS BARNES Abigail 183 Alice-Lou-Myrtle adaga ehe 360 Arthur adfad ec 245 Benjamin adaga chb 360 Berta-Evans 601 Betsey (Lincoln) adfad e 245 Clara-Aspinwall aacdb eaa 303 Edward-Lincoln adfad ea 245 Edwin adfad e 245 Edwin-Cummings adfad eb 245 Eliza-Jane adaga chc 360 Eliza (Trader) 360 Harriette (Clarke) adfad eb 245 J. D. 353 John adaga ch 360 John Franklin adaga cha 360 Lura A. (Booth) adfad eb 245 Lydia-Hersey 261 Margaret (Goflf) adaga chb 360 Martha adaga chd 360 Sophia (Lincoln) adaga ch 359 360 Thomas 183 360 BARNETT Agnes (Davenport) 48 BARNEY Annie-Cottrell (Lincoln) adffe caa 522 Edwin-Luther 522 Edwin-Luther adffe caa 522 Mary (Hillman) 522 BARRELL Lydia 22 BARRETT Edward aabcf ahc 262 Frances-Maria aabcj ab 149 Louisa-Harding (Sawyer) aabcf ahc 262 Mary 175 BARRY Charles 152 153 John 152 153 Mary aabck 152-4 Mary (Blake) 152 Mary (Vose) 153 Samuel 268 BARTLETT Daniel 154 Flora-Letitia-Selina abbhc gb 193 Florence-Alberta aabce abca 602 Isabel-Hazard (Bullock) 448 Mary-Holmes (McFann) 602 Matthew aacdd eba 448 Nelson-Slater 448 Serafina (Lincoln) aacdd eba 448 Serita aacdd ebaa 448 William-Franklin 602 BARTO Bartholomew adaic e 229 Harrison adaic ea 229 Isaac adaic eb 229 Margaret (Lincoln) adaic e 229 Mary adaic ec 229 BARTOL Jonathan-Glover 295 Mary (Chandler) aabhf a 70 Rebecca-Trevett aacbe h 295 Sally (Trevett) 295 Samuel aabhf a 70 BARTON Caroline-Maria adfae ada 600 Charles-Sumner 538 Charles-Sumner aacbc acdbc 538 Edwin-Huntington 600 Elizabeth-Spring (Holbrook) 538 Elizabeth-TrimibuU (Lincoln) aacbc acdb 538 Etta (Baird) adaaf dda 351 George-Sumner aacbc acdb 538 George-Sumner aacbc acdbb 538 BARTON cont'd Janet aacbc acdba 538 Lucy-Jane (Brown) 600 Mordecai-Lincoln adaaf dda 349 361 Peter axicbc acdbe 538 Sarah-Amelia (Lincoln) adaaf dd 351 Sarah (DeBow) adaaf dda 351 Trumbull aacbc acdbd 538 William adaaf dd 348 351 WilUam E. 202 327 341 BASS Edwin-Ellsworth adcac baca 595 Elisha 595 Henrietta- Wallis adcac baca 595 Sarah (Mead) 595 Wallace-Lincoln adcac bcu:aa 595 BASSETT Hannah (Bramhall) 67 Joshua 67 Sarah 67 BATE— Bates Abigail aafah 35 37 Abigail adffa e 133 Abigail (Barnes) 183 Abigail (Joy) 36 Abigail (Lincoln) adffa 37 62 132-3 Abigail (Nichols) aafae 37 Abner 36 Allen adffa a 132 Ambrose aafab 37 240 Ambrose aafag 35 37 90 521 Amos adcag f 122 Anna aabce a 254 Anna c^ffa a 132 Anna ( ) 183 Anna (Bates) adffa a 132 Benjamin 60 61 Bessie-Lincoln (Crocker) adcai bgea 519 Betty (Beal) abbad 41 Caleb 183 Caroline-Franklin abbea cac 554 Clement 8 36 90 92 132 183 191 316 516 521 554 Daniel 429 516 David 40 Davis adffa b 132 Deborah (Clapp) afb 8 Deborah (Litchfield) 554 Edward 254 Ellen abbed b 90 126 Enos aafle 36 38 Esther adffa j 133 Esther-Eliza adfae ad 394 521-2 Esther (Hilliard) 8 Esther (Johnson) abbed g 90 521 Fanny abbed d 90 Florence-Matilda 527 Francis-Lincoln abbed <; 90 521 G or ham-Parsons aafff ga 316-7 Gorham-Parsons aafff gab 316 Grace 36 Grace aafad 37 Grace (Lincoln) aafa 35 36-7 90 132 Gracia adffa h 133 Hannah ([Cowing] Pynchon) 36 Hannah (Holbrook) 254 Hannah (Litchfield) aafcM 37 Harriet-Melinda aafff gaa 316 Harriet-Souther (Lincoln) aafff ga 316-7 Hattie-Parsons aafff gaf 317 Henrietta 597 Henrietta-Lincoln (Pratt) adcac cf 239 Henry-Beals adcai bgea 519 Hepsibah-Lincoln abaea ah 187 Hester aff 8 62 Hophney abbed c 90 Huldah (Cudworth) 60 61 Isaac ake 9 INDEX OF PERSONS 621 BATE— Bates cont'd Isabella L. abbed h 90 Jacob akf 9 James adcac cf 239 Jane 320 Jessaniah 554 Jesse 183 Joanna abaea ae 187 Job-Tower aaffi a 84 John 254 John abbhe 92 John abbec c 191 Jonathan 191 Jonathan afc 8 Joseph 8 36 90 92 132 183 191 316 516 621 554 Joseph af 8 Joseph afb 8 Joseph abbah 41 Joshua 36 90 132 316 516 521 654 Joshua aafa 36-7 90 132 316 516 Levi aafaa 35 37 Lewis 554 Lewis-Lincoln aafff gae 317 Lincoln abbhe c 92 Lincoln adffa d 132 Lot aaffj d 84 Lydia aacdd 183-4 Lydia C. adffa I 133 Lydia-Nichols aacbe Id 426 Margaret (Mackay) adffa d 132 Maria abbed e 90 125 Martha (Beal) abbag 41 Martha (Clark) ake 9 Martha (Lincoln) abbhe 92 Mary 125 Mary afa 8 Mary aaba 64-6 78 148 Mary abbhe b 92 Mary-Annie 531 Mary (Clark) akf 9 Mary-Elizabeth (Litchfield) abbea caib 452 Mary (Lincoln) af 8 Mercy (Beal) 125 Mercy ([Kent] Stodder) 40 Mordecai abbad 41 Nancy adffa A; 133 Nancy (Sherwin) adffa g 1S3 Nathaniel 554 Nathaniel-Nichols 426 Olive aaflg 38 Patience 243 Paul 316 Philinda-Gates aacbg ch 429-30 Philinda-Gates (Prouty) 429 Phineas aafaj 35 37 132-3 Phineas adffa ff 133 Polly abbed i 90 Priscilla (Lincoln) abbed 37 90 Priscilla-Lincoln (James) aafff eb 92 185 Priscilla-Stodder abbed a 90 Priscilla (Tower) 316 Priecilla-Tower aafff gac 316 Rachel afd 8 Rachel (Tower) adffa b 132 Rebecca-Green 606 Ruth aacab g 72 Ruth (Jenkins) adcag f 122 Sally adffa c 132 Sally (Whitcomb) aafle 38 Samuel 8 92 125 191 Samuel abbag 41 Samuel abaea ad 187 Sarah aafac 35 37 Sarah adcac ba 516-7 Sarah (Beal) abbah 41 Sarah (Collier) abaea ad 187 BATE— Bates cont'd Sarah-Hobart abbed f 90 Sarah (Lincoln) abbec c 191 Sarah (Lothrop) 92 Sarah (Tower) aafai 37 516 Sarah (Whittington) aaffi a 84 Silence aacab g 72 Susan (Lincoln) 426 Susanna 81 Susanna afe 8 Susanna (Beal) afc 8 Susanna (Orcutt) 191 Sybil adffa f 133 Theophilus aafai 35 37 Theophilus adffa i 133 Thomas 92 Thomas abbhe a 92 185 Urban 254 William-Webster abbea caib 452 Winifred (EUmes) aaffj d 84 Zealous aafae 35 37 316 516 Zealous aafff gad 317 Zibiah (Sabiah) aafaf 35 37 BATTEESE Ida-Lincoln (Kilgore) aacbe Ifea 428 Verne aacbe Ifea 428 BATTLES James adcac ei 239 Ruth-Nichols (Lothrop) adcac ei 239 Susanna 63 note BAUGH Henrietta adaaf aa 348 BAXTER Ellen-Lincoln adcac dabb 518 Emily-West adcac dabd 518 Hartley-Cone adcac dab 518 James-Phinney 518 John-Lincoln adccK dabc 518 Joseph 81 90 Martha 137 Mary ( ) 137 Mary-Richardson (Lincoln) adcac dab 518 Rosalie adaae agbe 473 Sarah-Kimball (Lewis) 518 Sarah-Lewis adcac daba 518 William 137 BAYLESS see Bailes Albert-Leonard adaae abaa 569 Alva-Lincoln adaae abaab 569 Anna-Belle (Lincoln) adaae dbaa 569 Annie A. (Haney) 569 Cora-Belle adaae abaaa 569 Elizabeth-Gretchen adaae abaad 569 Frank-Leonard adaae abaac 569 John-Tabro 569 Opel-Ivey adaae abcMe 569 BAYLEY see Bailey Joseph 16 BEAL Abigail abca 14 Abigail (Burr) abbib 42 Abigail (James) 260 Abigail ([Marble] Hudson) 71 Andrew 317 Annie L. (Miller) aafff gbb 317 Benjamin 317 note Benjamin agda 26 Benjamin aabca; aabbc 31 67 Bette 184 187 Betty abbad 41 Caleb 67 68 317 Carrie-Jarvis (White) aafff gbc 317 Charles aaffh f 83 Chloe abbai 41 249 Christiana (Simmons) aabci a 68 Christopher 317 Clara-Gowing aafff gbi 317 622 INDEX OF PERSONS BEAL cont'd Daniel 317 David 260 David abbib 42 Ebenezer 72 126 Edith-Angell 317 note Edith-Loring aafff gbg 317 and note Elijah 67 68 Elizabeth aaic 12 Elizabeth ahcf 14 122 Elizabeth ( ) 402 Elizabeth (Burr) abbia 42 Emma-Frances (Packard) 317 Ethel M. (Brooks) aafff gba 317 Eugene-Willis aafff gba S17 Francis-Leander aafff gbb 317 George aaffe e 82 Hannah 10 65 72 Hannah-Leavitt (Burbank) 317 Harriet-Ripley aafff gbh 317 Harry-Winslow aafff gbd 317 Henrietta M. ( ) 317 note Henry-Lincoln aafff gea 317 Herman-Lincoln aafff gbc 317 Hezekiah abbia 42 Jacob 260 Jairus 154 Jairus aabci 68 142 James 260 Jennie-Warren aafff geb 317 Jeremiah 40 42 121 184 317 John 40 42 67 68 121 184 260 317 John aaij 12 Jonathan abba 40-1 Joshua 67 68 317 Joshua aabci a 68 Jotham-Burrell aafff ge 316 317 Lazarus 40 42 121 184 Leander aafff gb 317 Lorette (Worrick) aaffh f 83 Lucy 124 Lucy (Lincoln) aabca 66 67 Lydia (Whiton) aaha 12 Margaret L. aabce bg 402 Martha abbag 41 Martha (Hudson) agda 25 26 Martha-Lincoln (Burrell) 317 Martha (Thaxter) aabbc 31 67 Mary 10 239 Mary abbae 41 82 Mary-Elizabeth (Lincoln) aafff gb 317 Mary-Gertrude aafff gbe 317 Mercy 125 Mercy ([Kent] [Stodder] Bates) 40 Morton 402 Obadiah abbab 38 41 71 88 90 132 186 188 Obadiah abbif 43 Olive (Lincoln) aaij 12 Olive (Pratt) aaffe e 82 Percilla abbaa 41 Percilla (Lincoln) abba 39 40-1 Rachel (Hobart) 68 Rose (Brown) aafff gea 317 Ruth 10 Ruth adca 121-3 132 Ruth abbic 43 88 Ruth (Andrews) 42 121 Samuel 260 Sarah abbah 41 Sarah-Ellen aafff gbf 317 Sarah-James aabce h 260 Sarah (Jones) 67 Sarah-Lewis (Lincoln) aafff ge 316 317 Susan aabci b 68 142 Susanna afc 8 Susanna abbac 41 128 Susanna abbid 43 184-5 BEAL cont'd Susanna aacab a 72 Susanna (Lewis) 45 Susanna (Lincoln) abbi 42-3 88 184 Susanna (Lincoln) aabci 66 67-8 142 Tamar abbaf 41 191 Thankful abbig 43 Thomas abbi 42-3 184 Thomas abbie 43 88 William M. 317 note BEALS Mary 456 BEAN— Beane Anna-Maria (Anderson) 500 Atha-Elizabeth adahb fabb 500 Bessie-Lue-Emma adahb fabf 500 Claude-Lincoln adahb fabd 500 Edward 427 Ettie-Frances (Lincoln) adahb fab 500 Guy-Arval adahb fabe 500 Harriet-Maria (White) aacbe If 4.27 -Q I. X. 427 Iris (Curry) adahb faba 500 James-Robert adahb faba 500 Jesse-Leo adahb fabg 500 Maltimore-Edward adahb fab 500 Raleigh-Edward adahb fabe 500 Robert-Edward 500 BEATTIE— Beatty Caroline-Cornelia ([Canfield] School- craft) 283 Caroline (Nixon) 501 Edith-Olivia (Lincoln) adahb fad 501 George-Henry adahb fad 501 Hannah-Olivia adahb fade 501 John 501 John-Henry adahb fadd 501 Joseph-Gilmore 283 Olin-George adahb fadb 501 Omie-Lincoln adahb fada 501 BEAUCHAMP Ann-Taliaferro (Lincoln) adaah ea 354 John A. adaah ea 354 John A. adaah eaa 354 Robert adaah eab 354 BECKER Beulah-Worth (Paschall) adbcf bdc 383 Erskine adbcf bdc 383 BECKWITH Jessie (Lincoln) adaaa dbdc 568 Luzina (Porter) 568 Mary-Lincoln adaaa dbdca 568 Robert-Lincoln adaaa dbdcb 568 Warren 568 Warren adaaa dbdc 568 James M. 430 BELCHER Joseph 70 Lydia-Ann 305 BELL Charles 432 Elizabeth (Boynton) 433 Fannie aacdb ebd 432 Hatevil 303 John 48 468 Lucretia aacdb ec 303 Mary 78 Rebecca (Crane) 303 BELLAS Annie-Du Ross (Evans) adahb bea 368 Joseph adahb bea 368 BEND ALL Freegrace 4 BENEDICT Amelia-Margaret (Scott) 578 Emory-Jay 578 Helen adaah gda 578 INDEX OF PERSONS 623 BENNET— Bennett Baslee 424 Charles-Frederick 557 Clarinda-Rebecca (Foster) 557 Emma (Jennison) 424 Margaret aacdb b 77 Marietta-Foster abbea mhd 557 Mary 153 Mary-Ann aacbd e 77 Mary-Ann aacbe hb 424-5 BENSON Arthur-Peter aabce cdda 403 Emma 551 Lillian-Lincoln (Barker) aabce cdda 403 BENT Ann aabcd ce 141 BENTZ Nathan 534 BERGMAN Altha-May (Lincoln) adaaa bbcl 560-1 Anna-Kathleen adaaa bbcla 560 Ernest-Knoefel adaaa bbclb 560 Fred 560 Harry-Wayne adaaa bbclc 560 Lutetia (Byrum) 560 Norman- Joseph adaaa bbcle 561 Viola-Fern adaaa bbcld 561 William-Lee adaaa bbclf 561 William-Simon adaaa bbcl 560-1 BERGSTRASSER Caroline 588 BERLIN Ann-Maria (Sweetser) 151 BERRETT Edith-LiUian (Lincoln) cuibce aebb 52S Samuel-Ernest aabce aebb 528 BERRY Cally (Ewing) 340 Elizabeth 25 Emma-Louise (Carver) 434 Gertrude-Abby aacdb efc 434 Jane ( ) 25 John 349 Joseph-Louis 434 Lucy (Shipley) 339 340 Nora-Bell 589 Rachel ( ) 340 Richard 339 340 William 25 William F. 466 BETTS Margaret-Elizabeth 494 BICKNELL John 247 Molly (Pratt) 247 Nancy adffe 247-8 395 Zechariah 247 BIEHL Catherine adaii be 510 Daniel 379 510 Daniel adaii bj 379 Henry-Thomas adaii bja 379 Martha-Lincoln adaii bjd 379 Mary (Lincoln) adaii bj 379 Mary-Lincoln adaii bje 379 Sarah-Esther adaii bjb 379 Susan (Eidel) 379 510 Susan-Rebecca adaii bjc 379 BIGELOW Anna (Andrews) 172 173 Berta-Evans (Barnes) 601 Clarissa 173 Clarissa (Bigelow) 173 Daniel 172 173 David 173 Deborah (Hey wood) 173 George-Tyler 173 Harriet ([Lincoln] Whitney) aacbj c 173 BIGELOW cont'd James-Russell 601 John 172 173 Joshua 172 173 Leslie- Alberta adffe dfc 601 Nancy aacbj 172-3 Timothy 172 173 Tyler aacbj c 172 173 William-Deford 41 BILLETTE Adaline (Buchanan) 441 Anna-Mae aacdc eaa 441 Jacob 441 BINNEY Abby abbea cce 319 Amos 254 Anna-Bates (Lincoln) aabce ac 255 Anna (Lambert) 255 Catherine-Lincoln aabcd dga 254 Charles aabcd dg 254 Eliza-Ann aabce acd 255 Elkanah 255 Fanny-May aabce ace 255 John 254 255 John aabce ac 255 John-Francis aabce acb 255 Judith-Cooper (Russell) 254 Mary 253 Lizzie-Herbert (Ray) aabce acb 255 Mary-Ann-Binney (Lincoln) aabcd dg 253 254 Omar 254 Sarah aabce aca 255 BIRCH Ann abbhb d 92 Eliza abbhb e 92 Emily abbhb g 92 Ethel abbhb 92 Eunice abbhb f 92 Eunice abbhb h 92 Ithel abbhb 92 Loretta abbhb a 92 Lucelia abbhb c 92 Lucenia abbhb b 92 Mary (Lincoln) abbhb 92 BIRD Catherine (Pixley) 484 Greenup 484 Margaret-Pixley adaah em 484-5 Mary-Ann aaffi d 84 Polly ([Rimel] Swatzel) adaai c 102 103 BIRKET see Burkhead Elizur 203 BISHOP Catherine (Wilkins) 494 Edna-Alice (Lincoln) adagb fbc 494 Eugene-Malcome adagb fbc 494 James 494 Robert R. 447 BLACKBURN Cornelia (Lincoln) adahf ci 374 Ellen adaga cce 359 Frances (Joab) adaga cch 360 George adaga cch 360 James adaga ccb 359 John adaga ccg 360 Joseph 374 482 Joseph-Rich adahf ci 374 Kate adaga cce 359 Martha adaga ccd 359 Mary-Jane adaga ccf 359 Oliver adaga cc 359-60 Phoebe adaga cca 359 Phoebe (Lincoln) adaga cc 359-60 Rachel (Cutler) 374 BLACKMAN Ella 550 624 INDEX OF PERSONS BLACKMER Washington 245 BLAIR Rehtse-Louisa (Litchfield) adcai ei 241 Robert adcai ei 241 BLAISDELL Mary-EUzabeth aacdb eac 303 BLAKE Edward 153 Ehzabeth-Chandler 419 Francis 163 Jonathan 153 Lucy aabbj 31 Lydia-McClellan 537 Margaret-Elizabeth (Kupfer) 429 Mary 152 153 Mary (Bennett) 153 Phebe-Maria aacbg cc 429 Sarah 193 Sarah-Chandler 419 William 153 429 BLANCHARD Caroline ((Fernald) 413 Deliverance 300 Mary-Shepard aabhg db 413-4 Olive-Esther 436 William-Frederick 413 BLEACHER Alberta-May adbcf bekc 614 Jessie-Amanda (Lincoln) adbcf bek 514 John adbcf bek 514 Leroy-Clyde adbcf bekb 514 Mary-Jane (McClain) 514 Mazie-Jane adbcf beka 514 Ohram-Abram adbcf bekd 514 Oram 514 BLISS Adelaide aacda ha 175 BLISTER Lissa 610 BLODGETT Amos adffe eb 248 Anna-Eliza (Champney) adffe eh 248 BLOOM Kate adbca fbc 381 BLYTHE Amanda-Lincoln adbcf befa 513 Charles-Baird adbcf beib 513 Charles-Edward adbcf bei 513 Clara-Gilbert (Lincoln) adbcf bei 513 Eliza (Carver) 513 Horace-Lincoln adbcf befb 513 Ida-May adbcf befd 513 John 513 Lidie-Carver adbcf befe 513 Louis-Daniel adbcf bef 513 Louis-Wilmer adbcf beff 513 Ralph-Edward adbcf beic 513 Roy-Louis adbcf befc 513 Sadie-Countas (Lincoln) adbcf bef 513 William-Lincoln adbcf beia 513 BODEN George adbfa fbf 387 Grace (Botelle) adbfa fbf 387 BODGE Adeline-Louise abbhc do 459 Adeline (Tall) 459 Charles- Andrew 459 BODLEY Sarah-Anne (Shaw) adagb jd 219 221 William E. adagb jd 221 BODWELL Bailey 180 BOGARDUS Amanda adagb dgi 365 Annie (Lantz) adagb dgf 365 Benjamin-Franklin adagb dge 365 Caroline- Winters adagb dgh 365 BOGARDUS cont'd Emily-Elizabeth (Williams) adagb dgg 365 Hannah adagb dgc 365 Jesse-Lincoln adagb dgf 365 Martha-Emily adagb dgd 365 Phebe (Lincoln) adagb dg 364-5 Philip-Schuyler adagb dg 364-5 Philip-Schuyler adagb dgb 365 Samuel-Lincoln adagb dgg 365 Winfield-Scott adagb dga 365 BOGERT Edward-Langdon aacbc ahf 420-1 Edward-Langdon aacbc ahfa 421 Eliza-Turner (Howe) 420 Marian-Vinal (Lincoln) aacbc ahf 420-1 Mary-Anna 547 Pelham-Winslow aacbc ahfb 421 Theodore-Peacock 421 BOGMAN Mary-Sampson 523 BOHART Birdie-Pixley adaah edg 355 BOND Amos adbcg c 118 Ann-Lincoln (Evans) adbcg c 118 Harriet (Loring) 69 note Lydia aacba f 76 Moses 69 note BONNEY Mary-Elizabeth 555 BONSTEEL Maryetta adcai ef 241 BOON— Boone Abigail adafa 52 53 and note Anne adai 1 1 1-2 Ann (Lea) adaff 53 Benjamin 46 52 note Bertha-May (Lincoln) adaii bbf 509 Brigitta (Swanson) 116 note Catharine 116 and note Daniel 52 and note 111 194 195 196 222 224 Deborah (Howell) 52 53 note Dinah adaeb 52 Elizabeth adafh 53 and note Elizabeth (Boone) adafh 53 and note Fanny adaaf dag 350 George 47 52 53 note 111 229 George adafe 53 and note Grace-Minerva adaii bbfa 509 Hannah (Hughes) adafh 53 and note Harry 509 Harry-Llewellyn adaii bbf 509 Hezekiah adafh 53 and note James 53 note 111 Jeremiah adafg 53 and note Julian adaic 229 Margaret (Mayberry) adafe 53 229 Mary 107 Mary adafd 52 53 Mary (Foucher) 53 note 111 Mary (Maugridge) 52 Mordecai adafb 52 53 Rebecca ( ) adafg 53 Rebecca (Price) 509 Robert adaii bbfb 509 Sarah (Lincoln) adaf 52 53 and note Squire 48 Susanna ( ) 52 note Susanna (Parks) adafe 53 Swan 116 note Thomas adaff 53 and note Wayne adaii bbfc 509 William adaf 52-3 53 note William adafe 53 and note BOOTH Anna (Summerfield) 494 INDEX OF PERSONS 625 BOOTH cont'd Elizabeth 91 Helen adaaf abca 477 John-Wilkes 468 Langham 494 Liira A. adfad eb 245 Mary adagb fbb 494 BOSLIW Archibald 566 BOSWORTH Beatrice 17 Benjamin 17 Jonathan 8 BOTELLE Albert H adbfa fbb 387 Annie-Sarah (Lincoln) adbfa fb 387 Aurelia ( ) 387 Bela-Lincoln adbfa fbh 387 Bertha (Stoddard) adbfa fbg 387 Edith (Marendaz) adbfa fbb 387 Edward M. adbfa fbd 387 Ellelar 387 Fanny adbfa fbc 387 Gertrude-May adbfa fbj 387 Grace adbfa fbf 387 Herbert- John adbfa fbg 387 Ida-Wilcox adbfa fbi 387 John-Demming a4bfa fb 387 Lincoln-Bela adbfa fba 387 Lucy adbfa fbe 387 Mabel (Adams) adbfa fbd 387 Pearl-Amelia adbfa fbl 387 Sarah S. adbfa fbk 387 BOUGHMAN see Bowman BOUGHTER Carl adaii bbca 508 Charles-Carl adaii bbc 508 Eli 508 Jane (Parker) 508 Mary-Catherine (Lincoln) adaii bbc 508 BOURNE Bethia 166 Elias 557 John 557 Mary-Ceciha-Turner (Townsend) 557 Mary-Elizabeth abbec bba 557 Relief 318 Thomas 557 BOUVfe— Bovey Caroline-Lincoln (Lane) aabcd acd 252 Charles-Osborn aabcd acd 252 Ehzabeth (Scannell) 255 Gibbins 255 Hepzibah aabce b 255-6 BOWEN Mary-Samantha 278 Susan A. (Haskell) adffd f 134 BOWERS Sally 272 473 BOWKER Charles-Henry 542 Mary aacbc adda 542 Mary (Grant) 542 BOWLES Elizabeth (Mays) 573 Kate-May adaae hfi 573 William-Andrew 573 BOWMAN — Boughman Ann adbcc b 117 Anna (Lincoln) adbcc 116 117 118 Catherine (Zwingler) 462 Charles-Newton adaaa abc 462 Charles-Newton adaaa abcf 462 Eliza adaaa abcb 462 Elizabeth 489 Emily-Nora adaaa abce 462 E valine (Hardy) adaaa abcg 462 Isaac 117 40 BOWMAN— Boughman cont'd John 462 Mary-Rowena ([Lincoln] Lovely) adaaa abc 462 Peter adbcc a 117 118 Robert-Lee adaaa abcc 462 Rosa-May adaaa abed 462 Thomas-Edward adaaa abcg 462 BOWNE Hannah 49 John 45 49 Obadiah 45 BOYD A. E. 518 George-Rowland adaaf dbba 479 John-Parker 163 Martha (Swords) adaga cfc 360 Roberta (Davis) adaaf dbba 479 William adaga cfc 360 BOYDEN Roland-William 538 Safety 53 BOYNTON Elizabeth 433 BRADFORD Catherine-Knox adaae ahef 474 Claude-Winfield adaae ahec 474 Edith-LucUle adaae aheb 474 Ehzabeth (Miller) 474 James-Mortman 474 Lucy-Knox (Lincoln) adaae ahe 474 Mary-Elizabeth adaae ahee 474 Miller-Hughes adaae ahed 474 Norris-Lincoln adaae ahea 474 Robert-Winfield adaae ahe 474 BRADLEY Bedie F. (Catron) adaah eja 355 Edwin-Allen 502 Ethel-Elizabeth adahb dcha 499 Eugene-Kellar adaah eja 355 Fanny adaah eje 355 Frank-Andrew adahb dch 499 Frank-Lincoln adahb dchb 499 George adaah ejc 355 Graham-Lincoln adaah ejb 355 Guinnie (Uttertrep) adaah ejb 355 Hannah-Maria (Hosford) 502 Harvey 499 James 355 Jessie-Belle ([Lincoln] Lerch) 0 John 10 73 75 76 77 138 156 260 Leah (Lincoln) aacbh 74 75 77-8 156 Lincoln aacbh g 78 Lucinda aacbh d 78 156 Margaret (Lincoln) 77 Martin aacbh e 78 Mary 10 Mary aabad 138-9 Mary-Ann (Lincoln) aacdc d 182-3 Mary-Belle (Connors) aabce hab 260 Mary (Lincoln) aad 10 Matilda (Wilder) aacbh b 78 260 Morris aacbh h 78 Nabby-Fearing (Whiton) aacbh h 78 Nathaniel aad 10 75 76 138 Olive aacbh i 78 Olive aacbh k 78 Polly-Stowers (Burr) aacbh f 78 INDEX OF PERSONS 641 FEARING cont'd Rachel aacb 10 75-8 Ruth 10 Sally aacbh a 78 Sally aacbh c 78 Saloam (Pope) 183 Samuel-James aabce hab 260 Sarah 10 Sarah-Jane aabce haa 260 Sarah (Johnson) 10 75 FELL Elizabeth 582 Jesse W. 468 470 FENELLY Robert 154 FERGUSON Adam-Henry adahb fac 500 Annie ( ) 500 Arthur-Harold adahb facb 500 Emma-Louisa (Lincoln) adahb fac 500 John 500 John-Samuel adahb faca 500 Mary-Louisa (Matters) adahb faca 500 FERNALD mr. 409 Caroline 413 FERRILL Sarah (Carter) 114 FESSENDEN Deborah (Chandler) 518 Ellen-Elizabeth-Longfellow adcac da 518 Samuel 518 FETTERIDGE Mary 81 FIELD— Fields Anna (Lincoln) adbcg cab 514 Barnum 169 note Frances-Eliza aacbi gc 169 John aafff gac 316 Marshall 445 Priscilla-Tower (Bates) aafff ^oc 316 FILLEBROWN Elizabeth aabce c 184 257-8 EHzabeth (Gould) 257 John 257 Mary 253 Thomas 257 FILLERS Betsy ( ) 102 John 102 FIMPLE Martha-Biddle adbca a 380 FINLEY Mary 502 FIRTH Frank 420 FISH Carlton-Rittenhouse 408 Ida (Meacham) 408 Mary-Warren (Lincoln) aabcg deb 264 408 Ozro-Meacham aabcg deb 264 408 Ozro-Meacham aabcg deba 408 FISHER Bessie aacdb igc 551 Caroline-Jones (Lincoln) aacdb ea 303 Clara-Aspinwall (Barnes) aacdb eaa 303 Daniel-Johnson aacdb ea 303 Daniel-Lincoln aacdb eaa 303 Ebenezer 303 Edwin aaffj e 84 Eliza adaih c 112 Fanny A. (Shaw) aacdb eab 303 Hipsabah (EUmes) aaffj e 84 Lee-Howard aacdb eac 303 Lewis-Beals aacdb eab 303 Mamie-Edith 611 Mary adffd g 134 41 FISHER cont'd Mary C. aacdb ab 179 Mary-Elizabeth (Blaisdell) aacdb eac 303 Mary-Eva aacdb ead 303 Nellie B. (Littlefield) aacdb eae 303 Rebecca-Morse aacdb ac 179 Sally (Johnson) 303 Thomas-Baldwin-Thayer aacdb eae 303 FISKE Charles-Augustus 442 Laura-Josephine (Ellis) 442 Mary-Buckminster 416 Mary-Elizabeth (Lincoln) aacdc ecc 4*2 Walter-Ellis aacdc ecc 442 Walter-Ellis aacdc ecca 442 FTTCH Joseph E. 581 Murray 173 FITHIAN Ephraim 594 Harriet (Cook) 594 Harriet-Cook adbcf bee 594 FITTS Emily aafff cab 315 FLANIGAN Jane adaga ig 219 FLEET Mary 264 FLENNIKEN Harriet adaga age 487 FLETCHER Betsy 82 Cora-Augusta (Taylor) abbhc ed 193 Emma-Frances abbhc ec 193 Eunice 151 Harriot (Lincoln) abbhc e 192-3 Joel 192 Joel-Parsons abbhc e 192-3 Joel-Parsons abbhc ed 193 Levi-Lincoln abbhc eb 193 Lydia (Hains) 192 Susanna-Lincoln abbhc ea 193 FLINT Jacob 8 Jacob abaeb d 87 Susanna ([Lewis] Nickerson) abaeb d 87 FLOCK Margaret 565 FLOWERS Enoch 99 100 Rebecca adaa 99 100 Rebecca ( ) 99 100 FOCHT Catharine (Heming) 379 Daniel 379 David adaii bg 379 Martha (Lincoln) adaii bg 379 FOGG Daniel 267 Eliza aabcj c 267 Hannah (Clement) 267 FOLEY EUnor 432 FOLGER George-Howland aacdc ab; aacdc af 182 Mary-Ann (Mitchell) aacdc a/ 182 Susan-Lincoln (Mitchell) aacdc ab 182 FORBES Amanda-Sophia 430 FORESTER Levi 406 Martha-Josephine aabcg db 406 Mary-Ann (Nash) 406 FORTUNE Alice-Grace ([Lewis] Lincoln) aabce aeb 528 Frederick-William aabce aeb 528 642 INDEX OF PERSONS FOSDICK Abigail-Reed ([Walkerl Lincoln) aacbe d 293-4 David 293 James aacbe d 293-4 Lincoln 293 Mary-Abby 293 Mary (Frothingham) 293 Sophia (Goodell) 294 FOSS Anna (Hundevard) 25 Benjamin 25 David-Launtseen 25 Elizabeth ([Berry] Locke) 25 John 24 25 Mary ( ) 25 Mary (Chadbourne) 25 Mehitable (Lincoln) agb 24 25 Samuel agh 24 25 Sarah (Goss) 24 25 Walter 25 FOSTER Adelaide (Lincoln) aahhg af 275 277 Clara 561 ., ,,,,.., - Clarinda-Rebecca 557 -*-- - Daniel 273 'i'^"^i;'^".. Deborah-Reynolds aacdb fc 436 ' ■" D wight 159 Edith-Lincoln aabck ffb 273 ~ Edward 277 Elisha 277 EUza (Wilder) 436 Evalina-Barry ([Lincoln] Lincoln) aabck fd 272 273 274 Frances-Mehitable aacdb dc 180 Hatherly 277 John 277 John F. 358 Mary 408 411 Mary-Eliza (Lincoln) aabck ff 273 Relief (Sampson) 273 Ruth 138 Seth aabck ff 273 274 Seth aabck ffa 273 Solomon 436 Susan-Thompson 570 Timothy 277 Walter-Burr aabhg af 277 Warren-Lincoln aabck fda 273 ' William 277 FOUGHT Sarah 501 502 FOULKE Mary 53 note 111 FOUNDS Alexander adbcf beba 593 David 593 „„ David adbcf bebaa 593 „ _ .'^^'V Martha ( ) 593 <'^- •^f"«^J. Mary-Ellen (Lincoln) adbcf bebd 5^3 FOWLE Daniel 561 FOWLER Beatrice B. (Gurney) aabce cea 258 Edith aabce ceb 258 Franklin aabce cea 258 James-Lawrence aabce ce 258 Louisa-Jane (Lincoln) aabce ce 258 FOX . ,:^-^ixi£i::.- FOXCROFT .f,4. v^ Thomas 27 FOY Ann-Eliza (Taylor) adagb fa 366 > , . , Lillian 366 ^^^D^({^^ ' FRANCIS ^^"'^'^ *' ^ * Andrew-Harris aabck ad 154. David 12 8Sd FRANCIS cont'd Elizabeth aafli 38 j , ,- , o^. Henrietta-Lamson (Pierce) aabck ad 154 274 Mary (Moore) 312 Mary-Moore aacdc g 312-3 FRANKLIN Adelaide-Cook adaid bba 592 Ann aaffi c 84 Benjamin 266 FRANKS Caroline (Leclare) 580 Etta-Belle adaga gda 580-1 William 580 FRASER— Frazer Eliza adcai bga 598 Jennie (McQueanie) 598 Margaret adaah gdaa 578 Thomas 598 FREEMAN Adam 392 Margaret (White) 392 Susan-White adfad b 392-3 FRENCH Charlotte-Ann-Lewis aacdc e 309-10 Charlotte (Lewis) 309 Elsie-Minnie aabcf acg 404 Leonard 308, 309 ^ ^^^ Lucy-Lincoln (Litchfield) adcbm d 12b Mary 426 462 Mervin-Emory 404 Minnie-Elizabeth (Eames) 404 Moses 147 240 Perez adcbm d 126 FRIDLEY— Friedly Betty adaae abbb 471 Peter 103 FROST Austin-Leroy aacdb gfaa 437 Ethel-May aacdb gfac 437 Harriet (Stoddard) 437 Herbert-Stanley aacdb gfa 437 Ida-Ella (Lincoln) aacdb gfa 437 John 24 Lincoln-Stoddard aacdb gfad 437 Mary ( ) 24 Mehitable ag 23-4 Mehitable ( ) 24 Stanley 437 , ^^^ William-Stanley aacdb gfab 437 FROTHINGHAM Abigail 170 Ebenezer 292 Eliza-Langdon aacbe b 292-3 Ephraim-Langdon 292 Joanna (Langdon) 292 Mary 293 Nathaniel 292 William 292 FULLER Albert-Jonathan 519 Betsey (Rich) 253 Edward L. aabcd ddb 254 George 417 James 253 Mary-Anna (Morton) 519 Mary-Ellen 253 Mary-Huntington adcai fb 519-20 Mary-Lincoln (Doane) aabcd ddb 254 Mary W. aabhb a 69 FURMAN , , , _ Abigail-Phinney (Carsley) aabcf ha 145 Thomas-Stewart aabcf ha 145 GABRIEL Ann (Jcnes) adaig c 112 Thomas adaig c 112 GADDIS Fannie adaga abb 358 INDEX OF PERSONS 643 GAGE Thomas-Hovey 542 GALBRAITH— Galbreath Clarence adahf cbaa 505 Eliza (Campbell) 397 Harvie-Lincoln (Stubbs) adahf cbaa 505 Mary-Jane adffe I 397-8 Robert 397 GALE Jesse 155 John G. 155 Mary (Smith) aabhe 155 GAMBLE Mary-Jane adagb jf 221 GAMMEL Andrew 178 Robert 178 GANNETT Deborah 18 36 Elkanah 21 22 Hannah 40 Mary (Chapin) 19 21 22 Matthew 15 16 21 22 Rebecca 516 GARD John-Hisey adbca dab 381 Margaret-EUenor (Chenoweth) adbca dab 381 GARDINER— Gardner Abel 304 Amos-Allen aacdb ad 179 Benjamin A. aacdb ac 179 Byron-Leonard aacdb bed 302 Charles adaaa bbcec 560 Charles-Warren aacdb ab 179 Ebenezer 804 Eliza 137 Eliza-Swift aacdb efb 549 Eliza-Thompson aacdb aa 179 Eliza-Warren aacdb ai 179 Ella ([Shallcross] Cline) adahb dcca 499 Elsie-Cordelia (Kingsbury) adaaa bbcec 560 Francis 31 Frederick-James aacdb fe 304 George aabaa c 136 137 Hannah-Boyden (Swift) 549 Hannah-Cushing (Wilder) 304 Harriet C. 304 Henry-Herbert abbea cagd 451 Hosea 31 John 31 John C. aacdb ae 179 John-Wallace adahb dcca 499 Joseph 456 Joseph-William 549 Louisa-Maria (Jackman) aacdb ad 179 Luke 137 Mabel 31 Maria-Elizabeth (Lincoln) aacdb jd 304 Maria L. 304 Mark 137 Martha abbec fb 456-7 Martha (Baxter) 137 Martha-Cottle (Wood) abbea cagd 451 Mary 137 Mary-Amanda 396 Mary C. (Fisher) aacdb ab 179 Mary-Cooper ( ) 304 Mary (Dunbar) 179 Mary-Ellen (Doring) aacdb bed 302 Mary (Lincoln) aacdb a 177 179 Mary-Lincoln aacdb af 179 Mary R. ( ) aacdb ae 179 Mary (Thomson) 499 Mary (Whiting) 31 Matilda-May (Lincoln) adahb dec 499 Patty (Pierce) 450 GARDINER— Gardner cont'd Rebecca-Morse (Fisher) aacdb ac 179 Robert 499 Robert-Lincoln adahb dccb 499 Samuel 31 304 Silas-Lincoln aacdb ah 179 Susan-Ellen (Ainslie) abbea cafa 451 Susan-(Lincoln) aabaa c 136 137 Susan-Maria aacdb ag 179 Thomas 304 Warren 179 Warren aacdb a 179 Wilbur-Francis abbea cafa 451 William adahb dec 499 GARFIELD James-Abram 228 note GARRARD James 195 GARRETSON Adelia-Lane (Lincoln) adaaf acd 478 Warren-Harris adaaf acd 478 GARRETT Alice-Ann (Priest) 512 Ann 232 Ann (Knowles) 232 Edna-May adbcf beah 513 Edwin-Thatcher 512 Florence- Amanda adbcf beac 513 Franklin-Lincoln adbcf beab 513 George-Sharpless adbcf beaf 513 Henry-Lyndall adbcf beag 513 Jael adc 59-61 Jesse-Sharpless adbcf bea 512-3 Jesse-Sharpless adbcf beae 513 Joseph 59 60 61 Laura- Alice adbcf beaa 513 Mary 60 61 Mary-Rebecca (Lincoln) adbcf bea 512-3 Nathan 232 Richard 59 Robert-Pusey adbcf bead 513 Ruth 60 61 Ruth (Buck) 59 60 61 GARRIGUES Emily-Burling adaid he 507 Louis-Paleskie 507 Mary (Evans) 507 GARWOOD Effie-Julia adahf dae 591 Israel- Wilkins 591 Lillie-Willits (Jones) 591 GARY Ann adcai ea 241 GATES Elizabeth (Graham) 259 Lucinda aabce f 259 Sylvanus 259 GATEWOOD America-Sanders adaah g 356-7 Catey 215 Elizabeth 215 Fanny (Wharton) 354 Hannah (Lincoln) adaah h 215 Henry 215 John 215 Juliann adaah e 354-6 Larkin 215 Lewis 356 Lucy D. 354 note 355 Nathaniel 215 Peter 215 354 481 Roena 215 Sarah ( ) 215 Thomas adaah h 215 GAUL Ella-Ruth adaid aab 375 GAY Ebenezer 157 644 INDEX OF PEKSONS GAY cont'd Jotham 68 GAYLORD Caroline aaffc f 82 GAREY— Geary Alexander axlbcg b 118 Mary (Evans) adbcy 6 118 GENGERICH John adaga gf 490 Lucy-Ann ([Moast] Lincoln) adaga gj 490 GENTRY James 465 GEOGHEGAN Denton 337 GERALD Almedia 428 GERMAN Louis 225 228 GESNER George 379 GIBB— Gibbs Alexander 590 611 Job 306 Lavina adaaa hhif 611 Lucinda (Robidson) 611 Martha adaaa he 464 Sarah 308 Sophia aacdh i 306-8 Susan (Kingsley) 306 Virginia-May adahf dab 590 GIBBONEY Anna-McKelvin (Lofland) adaae adg 343 Cornelia-Smith (Lofland) adaae adh 343 J. Haller adaae adg 343 Robert adaae adh 343 GIBBONS Margaret adaaa abe 462 GIBBS se Gibb GIBSON Eunice R. ([Swett] Lincoln) 305-6 Francis J. ( ) 306 John 235 John D. 305-6 Lillian-Lillias aacdb heb 306 GIFFORD Mary (Brightman) adcai bgc 519 GIGER Charles adage e 108 Henry adage b 108 Jacob adage 104 108 John adage a 108 Lewis adage d 108 Nancy (Lincoln) adage 104 105 106 108 Polly adage g 108 Sarah adage h 108 Thomas adage f 108 William adage e 108 GILBERT Clara-Virginia adbcf bia 384 Elizabeth (Deeter) 378 Estelle adbef bic 384 George 384 George-Frederick adbcf bi 384 George-Lincoln adbcf bid 384 Gertrude (Vandergrift) adbef bid 384 Henry 378 Hetty (Chambers) 384 Phoebe-Ella adbcf bib 384 Phoebe (Lincoln) adbcf bi 384 Sarah adaii b 378-9 GILES Leonard A. adcai bed 391 Mary-Jemina (Lincoln) adagb fc 366 Susan-Elizabeth (Snow) adcai bed 391 GILKEY Agnes ([Davenport] Barnett) 485 Charles 485 GILKEY cont'd Marie-Louisa adaah gd 485-6 Morgan 198 GILKINSON Catherine-Lincoln (Paschall) adbcf bdd 383 George W. adbcf bdd 383 GILL Benjamin 190 240 Charles aabab f 65 Deborah aabab g 65 148 Deborah (Lincoln) aabab 64 65 Hannah aabab e 65 148 Hannah (Beal) 65 72 Jrnnie-Su'livan (Hockaday) adaah ede 355 John aabab 65 John aabab a 65 John aabab d 65 Joshua aabab e 65 Lucy (Cutting) aabab e 65 Mary aabab b 65 147 Mehitable (Lewis) aabab / 65 Nathaniel 65 72 Rebecca (Leavitt) aaea 11 Samuel aaea 11 Susanna 314 Susanna aba 13 38-9 Susanna aahe 12 72 Susanna (Wilson) 38 Thomas 38 65 72 Thomas-Benton adaah ede 355 GILMAN Sarah 181 GILMORE Denny-Oliver adaaa bbiac 565 Edith-Florence adaaa bbiaa 565 Edna-Pauline adaaa bbiab 565 Ephraim 565 Francis-Lavere adaaa bbiag 565 Harold-Maurice adaaa bbiah 565 James-Elliott adaaa bbiaf 565 James-Robert adaaa bbia 565 John-William adaaa hbiai 565 Lovina (Johnson) 565 Mary-Annalee adaaa bbiad 565 Mildred-Ethlyn adaaa bhiae 565 Minerva (Lincoln) adaaa bbia 565 GILPATRICK James 303 Lucretia B. (Crane) 303 Lydia-Jane aacdb ec 303 GILPIN Elizabeth (Oves) 361 Jane adaga g 361-3 Jasper 361 GILROY Gladys-Draper adaid bbbb 507 Helen-Conoly (Lincoln) adaid bkb 507 Robert-Lincoln adaid bbba 507 William-Hammersley adaid bbb 507 GILSON Alda-May aacdb bdje 432 Annie-Bernadette aacdb bdjd 432 Arthur-Eugene aacdb bdj 432 Brooks-Lincoln aaedh bdje 432 Elton-Leroy aacdb bdjf 432 Harriet-Amelia (Lincoln) aacdb bdj 432 James 136 Lewis-Donovan aacdb bdjb 432 Teresa-Lenore aacdb bdja 432 Viola (Johnson) 432 William 432 GIPSON John 119 GIVIN Isom 332 INDEX OF PERSONS 645 GLASGOW Ann (Lincoln) adaih 112 GLEASON Fanny (Botelle) adbfa fhc 387 Michael adhfa fhc 387 GLENDINNING Venetia aacdh bee 302 GLICK Ethel adaaa bbcea 560 GLOVER William 235 GODDARD Jonathan 38 Susanna ([Gill] Lincoln) 38 GOFF Margaret adaga chb 360 GOLDING— Goulding Edward-Payson 603 Henry 49 Martha aacdb ig 439 Martha-Ann (Smith) 439 Robert 439 Sarah-Jane (Bullock) 603 Villroy-Augusta aacbc ccba 603 GOLDSMITH Hannah 270 GOLDTHWAITE Alice-Lincoln abbec fdba 458 Annie B. (Robertson) abbec fdb 458 Berenice-Frances abbec fdbb 458 Jacob 458 Lillian (Heyward) abbec fdbc 458 Madeline (Lincoln) abbec fdb 457-8 Mary-Ann ([McCloud] Burns) 458 Ralph-Percival abbec fdbc 458 Simon abbec fdb 458 GOOD Elizabeth 496 Jacob 102 James 112 John 102 GOODELL Sophia 294 GOODLE George-William adbca fbe 382 Lizzie-Ada (Warwick) adbca fbe 382 GOODRICH Ruth 385 GOODWIN Arvilla adaaf fee 352 Lula adaaf aca 478 GOOLD— Gould Elizabeth 257 Jarvice 3 Mehitable 22 Robert 17 GORDON Alice 459 Katie-Bright (Lincoln) adaae ahf 475 Nancy 277 S. S. adaae ahf 475 GORMAN Lucretia 380 GOSS James 25 Sarah ( ) 24 25 GOTT James-Monroe adaaa bbcc 559-60 Lenora (Coghlin) adaaa bbccb 560 Louis 559 Mabel-Monroe adaaa bbccc 560 Mary-Elizabeth (Summers) 559 Rachel-Elizabeth (Lincoln) adaaa bbcc 559-60 Rose-Ada adaaa bbcca 560 Shelby-Lee adaaa bbccb 560 GOULD see Goold GOULDING see Golding GOVE Eleanor M. aacdb b 301-2 Jacob 301 Martha (Cook) 301 Nancy-Ann 438 GOWAN Elizabeth adcah c 123 GOWER Caroline 403 GRAHAM Adaline-Sever (Lincoln) aacbc ahh 421 Bash adaah ebd 576 Christopher-Columbus 334 342 Elizabeth 259 376 Helen aabcf abi 261 Henry-Joseph aacbc ahh 421 John-McClure 576 Margaret-Elizabeth (Perry) 576 Mary (Hamill) 421 Sarah adaig a 112 GRANDLE Adeline-Margaret (Cave) 569 Henrietta-Frances adaae age 569-70 William C. 569 GRANT Mary 542 Ulysses-Simpson 530 567 GRAVES Sarah-Louisa 564 GRAY— Grey Nancy aacab f 72 note Rachel aafhb 37 Roland 538 GRAYSON Martha-Hill 345 GREELEY— Greely Mary-Caroline aabcf hf 146 Moses-Reuben aabck ae 154 274 Sarah-Robie (Pierce) aabck ae 154 274 GREEN— Greene Abigail-Antoinette (Burredge) 535 Arthur-Cameron abbea cabac 553 Benjamin 172 Bethia-Thaxter ([Lincoln] Staples) aahcj /150 Hannah (Kenny) 150 Irene-Louise (Dennison) abbea cabac 553 Jennie-Virginia 612 Julius A. 535 Margaret-Elizabeth abbck bab 535 Mary (Davis) adahd e 110 Samuel 150 Samuel-Denny aabcj f 150 GREENWOOD Clarissa-Emily adffe cb 522-3 Rosa-Anna (Wright) 522 Thomas 522 GREGG Lillian-May adaga afd 359 GRENNELL Hester 163 GREY see Gray GRIDLEY Hannah 30 Jeremiah 68 GRIFFIN Daniel 193 Emma-Adelaide abbhc gc 193 F lora-Letitia-Selina (Bartlett) abbhc gb 193 Florence-Alphadelle (Cook) abbhc gb 193 Harlan-Boyden abbhc gb 193 Harlan-Pillsbury abbhc g 193 Margaret-Forbes abbhc ga 193 Sarah (Blake) 193 Tamar-Nichols (Lincoln) abbhc g 193 646 INDEX OF PERSONS GRIGSBY Aaron adaaa da 342 Sarah (Lincoln) adaaa da 342 GRIM A. adaga ae 358 Matilda ([Lincoln] Watson) adaga ae 358 GROCE— Gross Ann-Eliza adaaf daj 351 Fanny ([Boone] Paschall) adaaf dag 350 Hugh-Lawrence-White adaaf dag 350 Jacob 350 Jesse-Lincoln adaaf dae 350 Julia (Seahorn) adaaf dae 350 Melvina (Wallace) adaaf dae 350 Milton B. adaaf da 350-1 Paulina-Emily ([Lincoln] Dinges) adaaf da 349 350-1 Sarah (Farrington) 350 Thomas-Montgomery-Brown adaaf dah 351 GROOMES Susan adaga agb 487 GROUT Lewis adffa I 133 Lydia C. (Bates) adffa I 133 GROVE— Groves Caroline-Elizabeth 519 Emeline 503 Ma ry aacbd a 77 GUILD Alice (Dewing) aabck bid 271 Almira-Hall aabck bie 271 Bertha aabck bia 271 Calvin 271 Caroline (Lincoln) aabck bi 271 Emmelyn-Ticknor aabck bic 271 Israel 271 Jacob 271 Jesse 271 John 271 Mabel-Kellogg abbck bib 271 Phineas-Kellogg aabck bi 271 274 Phineas-Kellogg aabck bid 271 Sally (Kellogg) 271 Samuel 271 Susan-Caroline (Lincoln) aabck bi 271 274 GUINN Sarah adaaf ab 477 Thomas 477 GULICK Alice (Gordon) 459 Elizabeth-Marian abbhc dca 459 William-Hooker 459 GUNN Norton 204 GUNNELL Jessie-Lincoln aacbe Iba 297 GUPTEL Hannah 431 GURNEY Beatrice B. aabce cea 258 John aaffd f 82 Sally (Kilby) aaffd f 82 Sylvia 555 HAAS Elizabeth (Ruth) adaii bia 379 Frederick adaii bia 379 HACKETT C. H. 317 Elizabeth 505 Mary-Earle 477 478 HAFER Adele-Lincoln adaii bdb 379 Agnes-Lincoln adaii bbec 508 Alice-Lincoln adaii bbek 509 Ammon-Lincoln adaii bda 379 HAFER cont'd Bertha-Lincoln adaii bbed 508 Clayton-Lincoln adaii bbee 508 Cora (Brensinger) adaii bdd 379 Dora-Lincoln adaii bbeg 508 Elizabeth (Lincoln) adaii bd 378-9 Henry-Lincoln adaii bbel 509 Henry-Moyer adaii bbe 508 Ida (Endy) adaii bdc 379 Irma-Lincoln adaii bbeh 508 John 508 John-Lincoln adaii bbef 508 Louisa-Lincoln adaii bbeb 508 Margaret-Lincoln adaii bbem 509 Margaret-Permilla (L;ncoln^ adaii bbe 508-9 Martha-Lincoln adaii bbej 509 Mathias 379 Mathias-Lincoln adaii bdd 37D Nellie (Lebkicker) adaii bda 379 Rachel-Lincoln adaii bde 379 Rachel (Romig) 379 Samuel-Lincoln adaii bdc 379 Samuel-Romig adaii bd 379 Sarah-Lincoln adaii bbea 508 Sarah (Moyer) 508 Victor-Lincoln adaii bbei 508 HAGAN James adaga e 217-8 Mary (Lincoln) adaga e 217-8 HAINES— Hains Anna-Frances adahf ccb 373 Edwin 373 Elizabeth adahf cc 505 Elizabeth-Dickinson adahf ccc 373 Emma-Frances (Passmore) adahf cad 373 Ida-Ella adahf cce 373 John D. adahf cad 373 John-Lincoln adahf cca 373 Joseph-Hutton adahf cc 373 Joseph-Hutton adahf cch 373 Lillian P. adah f caf 373 Lydia 192 Lydia (Pierce) 505 Margaret (Hutton) 373 Margaret-Hutton adahf ccd 373 Mira 373 Nathan 372 505 Nellie (Taft) adahf cca 373 Rachel-Emma adahf ccg 373 Rebecca-Frances (Lincoln) adahf cc 373 Sarah-Stubbs adahf ccf 373 HALDEMAN Bell (Stuterville) adaga geb 363 Benjamin-Lincoln adaga gee 363 Charles-Baldwin adaga ged 363 Cora-Maud (Vittor) adaga gea 363 Edward-Allen adaga ge 362-3 Elizabeth (Lincoln) adaga ge 362-3 Estella (Keyle) adaga ged 363 Louisa-Jane adaga gee 363 Mary-Louisa (Baldwin) 362 Nellie-May (Harrington) adaga gee 363 Peter 362 363 Peter-Shirley 362 363 Stephen-Brown adaga geb 363 Thomas-Abraham 362 Thomas-Abraham adaga gea 363 HALE Artemas aabad d 138-9 Artemas aabad dc 139 Caroline-Augusta aabad da 139 Deborah (Lincoln) aabad d 13S-9 Deborah-Lincoln aabad db 139 Eunice (Fletcher) 151 H. W. 151 Harriet (Howard) aabad dc 139 INDEX OF PERSONS 647 HALE cont'd Harriet (Waite) aabcj i 151 Martha-Amelia 434 Mary-Ann (Lincoln) aahc i 151 153 Moses 138 Oliver 151 Oliver aabcj i 151 Ruth (Foster) 138 Ruth- Jane (Brown) aabcj i 151 Sydney 477 HALFPENNY Catherine-Elizabeth (Lincoln) adahc ac 371 James-Milton adahc ace 371 John-Lincoln adahc acb 371 Mary-Hannah adahc aca 371 W. R. adahc ac 371 HALL Abigail abaec c 87 Abigail (White) 87 Abraham 186 Abraham-Tower 186 Allyn abaec b 87 Ann-Jane abbea mb 452-3 Anna-Amelia ([Lincoln] Kilgore) aacbe Ife 428 Arthur-Francis aacbe Ifeb 428 Arthur-White aacbe Ife 428 Calvin-Shepard a66ea cc/ 319 Charles 41 Constance 41 Cynthia (Collier) 452 Daniel abaec 87 Elizabeth-Lincoln (Lothrop) adcac er 239 Emeline aacbe da 423 Emeline-Franklyn (Clapp) abbea cc/ 319 Frances (White) 428 George 40 186 452 George abaec d 87 Henry-Knox 186 Isaac 186 Jacob 423 James 186 452 James abbe 41-2 186 James abbea 42 186 John 41 57 87 423 John-Loomer 543 Louisa 547 Lydia 431 Maria-Jane 458 Martha 531 Mary 186 Mary abbed 42 Mary-Ann 423 Mary-Ann (Hall) 423 Mary (Harrington) abaec d 87 Mary (Lincoln) abbe 39 41-2 186 Oliver-Gray 428 Persis ([Tower] Lincoln) abaea 42 186 Richard 41 186 452 Richard abbcb 42 Samuel 186 Sarah abaec e 87 Sarah (Lincoln) abaec 86 87 Stephen 423 Susanna abbcc 42 Thomas abaee a 87 William 41 William adcac ec 239 HALSEY Abraham A. 482 Elizabeth (LeFlore) 482 Mattie adaah ek 482 HAMBLIN Dorcas 145 HAMILL Mary 421 HAMILTON Alexander 430 Alonzo A. 448 Clara (Smith) 430 Ethel (Lincoln) aaebg chb 430 Garvin 208 John-Ralston aacbg chb 430 HAMLETT Ellen (Capron) 525 Eugene-Capron adffe dga 525 Florence-Cornelia (Lincoln) adffc dga 525 Luther-James 525 HAMLIN Grace 409 HAMMER Jesse 511 Mabel (Anson) adbca dec 511 HAMMOND Caroline-Elizabeth (Evans) adaae ga 207 Moses adaae ga 207 HANCOCK Horace aaffb / 81 John 68 165 Susannah (Stodder) aafbf /81 HANDSHAW John 358 HANDY Charles 531 Julia- Jenks aabcf aea 531 Margaret (Jenks) 531 HANEY Annie A. 569 HANKINS James 3 John 104 Mary ( ) 366 HANKS Benjamin 340 Dennis 334 338 340 John 340 465 Jonathan 357 Joseph 336 338 339 340 Lucy 338 340 Nancy adaaa d 204 334-42 Nancy (Shipley) 338 339 HANSCOM Hannah 144 Lydia (Huntley) 433 Mary-Knight aacdb ee 433 Peter 433 HANSEN Mahn 515 HARBISON Mary 347 348 HARDAWAY Louise (Nail) 200 201 202 204 HARDIN— Harding Chester 282 Margaret 22 Martha (Martin) adaga cag 359 Rebecca ([Lincoln] Dyer) adaaf / 207 HARD WICK Hannah-Lincoln (Kent) aaffg h 83 John aaffg h 83 HARDY Evaline adaaa abcg 462 Harriet 558 HARKNESS Sarah 385 HARLAN Ann-Eliza (Peck) 567 James 567 Mary adaaa dbd 567-8 HARLOW Catherine-Turner (Daniels) 318 Irene-Beal (Lincoln) aafff gf 318 James-Madison 3 IS 648 INDEX OF PERSONS HARLOW cont'd James-Warren aafff gf 318 Sadie-Warren aafff gfa 318 HARRINGTON Mary abaec d 87 Nellie-May adaga gee 363 Timothy 162 HARRIS mr. 589 John 103 Jane G. (Hayden) 575 Laura-Frances aacdb dd 180 Mehitabel 70 71 Phila 393 Rebecca ( ) 71 Thomas 71 William T. 575 Willie-Jane adaah ebb 575 HARRISON Ann 208 Elizabeth ([Lincoln] Smith) adaid hg 378 Hannah 101 Hannah (Lincoln) adaab 98 101 Henry-Knabb adaid hg 378 Robert 101 William-Henry 278 HART Flossie-May adahb gbfa 502 Mariah-Jackson adaga ag 487 Sarah adaaf k 353 HARTSOOK James-Allen adahb ghb 370 Mary-Lavina (Smith) adahb ghb 370 HARTWELL Chastine aacbg c 297-9 Nancy ( ) 297 Samuel 297 HASEY Amanda-Sophrona (Lincoln) aacdb ib 307 Bernice (Murphy) aacdb iba 307 Elijah-Williams 307 Hannah (Martin) 307 Harry-Leonard aacdb iba 307 Thomas-Brown aacdb ib 307 HASKELL Josiah 128 Sarah abbea cafd 451 Sarah-Royce 445 Susan A. adffd f 134 HASKINS Keziah 555 Nellie (Rutledge) adaaa bbbga 559 W. M. adaaa bbbga 559 HATCH Adeline adfba i 132 Francis-Winsor aabcg dh 264 Mary G. ( ) 264 Mary-Tidmarsh (Lincoln) aabcg dh 264 Winsor 264 HATFIELD Bertha-Randolph aacdb iea 308 HATHAWAY Abigail (Clarke) akb 9 Charles 547 Josiah akb 9 Polly 395 Rebecca akc 9 HAUGH-A-WONT John adahd a 110 Nancy (Davis) adahd a 110 HAVEN Welford 327 HAWKE Elizabeth 10 Hannah (Mulligan) 605 Henry 605 John J. 605 HAWKE cont'd Mary-Jane abbea cacc 605 Matthew 76 HAWKINS Charles-Leonard 552 Emma-Baker (Davidson) 552 Grace-May aacdc eca 552 HAWLEY Adeline-Elizabeth 520 Joseph 157 HAY John 196 200 223 Maria aabcj fe 150 HAYDEN Benjamin adfaf 127-8 Betty (Lincoln) 127 Catharine-Elliott (Pattangall) aacdb db 180 Charles aacdb db 180 Ellen B. aacdd ea 447 Ezekiel 127 Fanny adfaf a 128 Franklin-Willard 536 Ida-Adelia (McCarty) 536 Isabella-Weir (Smith) 447 James adfaf b 128 Jane G. 575 Joel 447 John 127 Mary-Florence aabhg dba 536 Ruth (Lincoln) adfaf 63 127-8 Tamsen 187 HAYES— Hays Andrew 403 Andrew-Wayland aabce cde 403-4 Caroline (Gower) 403 Flora-Estella abbea mh 453 Gertrude-Lincoln aabce cdea 404 Hattie-Louise (Lincoln) aabce cde 403-4 Helena-Vesta aabce cdeb 404 Ivory 453 Lincoln aabce cdec 404 Margaret-Trimble 576 Olive (Plummer) 453 HAYMAKER Hannah-Ann adagb dj 493 Leroy 493 Sallie (Sutton) 493 HAYMON Sophia aacdb i 307-8 Susan aacdb i 306-8 HAYS see Hayes HAYWARD — Haywood see Heyward Edith-Viola (Cameron) abbea cacaa 555 Hannah 532 Oliver-Stodder abbea cacaa 555 HAZEL Caleb 465 HAZEN Eliza 311 HEAD Jesse 339 HEALD Deliverance (Blanchard) 300 John 300 Mary aacda e 300 Sybil aacda e 300-1 Thomas 300 Timothy 300 HEATH Andrew J. aabcd bac 252 Anna-Maria (Curtis) aabcd bac 252 Emmeline (Balch) adffd b 133 William 68 HEBB Ellen (Blackburn) adaga cce 359 Silas adaga cce 359 INDEX OF PERSONS 649 HEDDEN Margaret adagh h 367 HEDRICK Henry 561 HEISKELL Frederick 349 Katherine (Steidinger) 349 Sophia-Williams adaaf d 349-51 HEISS Barbara (Miller) 496 Mary-Loreno adahb bbh 496 Philip 496 HEMENWAY— Hemingway Coleman 546 Jane G. aabcf gd 145 Kathareen (McCarger) 587 Mary A. ( ) 546 Mary-Abbie aacbc haa 546 Rose-Jane adahb gcd 587-8 William 587 HEMING Catharine 379 HEMMICK Mary- Jane adagb I 367-8 HEMMIG Anna-Loiiisa adaii bb 507-9 Mary (Yost) 507 Samuel-Warren 507 HENDERSON Clemson 375 Margaret-Amelia adaid a 375 Margaret-Amelia (Moore) 375 Sarah E. aacdb je 181 HENDLY James 66 note Mary 66 HENDRICKSON Caroline adaga fg 218 HENKEL Alice-Rebecca (Pence) adaae hbe 345 Otto-Haining adaae hbe 345 HENLEY Eunice 552 HENRY Sarah 296 HENTON Mary 474 Mary (Lincoln) adaaf d 206 HERNDON William-Henry 328 333 338 340 342 467 HERRING Bathsheba adaaa 193-204 Bethnel 200 Betsy 201 Charles-Griffin 202 John 200 201 Leonard 199 200 201 202 HERSEY mr. 151 Abigail-Allen 251 Deborah aa 9 10 Ezekiel 33 Hannah 131 Joshua 73 Mary ( ) 13 Mary-Catherine aabad ge 139 142 Mehitable-Lewis 302 304 Mercy 437 Mercy aahd 12 Polly 156 Rachel 79 Rebecca 10 Rebecca (Chubbuck) 9 Sarah aaid 12 Sarah-Leighton 437 Thomas 66 137 William 9 HERTZLER Alice-May adaid cca 377 Anna-Mae (Millard) adaid ccb 377 Edward-Fendall adaid ccb 377 Elizabeth (Lincoln) adaid cc 377 John 377 John-Zook adaid cc 377 Martha (Reeser) 377 HEVENER Elizabeth adaae icb 346 HEWENS Hannah 519 HEWES Susannah-Wendell 253 HEYWARD— Heywood see Hayward Deborah 173 Lillian abbec fdac 458 HIBBARD— Hibbert Clementina aacdb ih 440 Eliza (Smith) 433 John 433 Lidia (Hurd) 440 Lizzie-Smith aacdb ee 433-4 William 440 HICKMAN Benjamin 375 Frances (Lincoln) adahb dbg 499 H. adahb dbg 499 Lucy (Cheyney) 375 Mary 375 HICKS Amanda adaaf ja 212 Ezra adaaf j 209 210 211 212 John adaaf jb 212 Juliana (Lincoln) adaaf j 209 211 212 Lewis adaaf jc 212 HICKY Charles A. 511 HIGGINS Alice-Foster (Lincoln) aacdb fcbb 549 Alice-Susan (Crawford) 455 Earl-Rollins aacdb fcbb 549 Ethel (Johnson) aacdb fcbb 549 John-Ralph 549 Joseph-Henry 455 Nina-Elizabeth abbec bg 454-5 Olive (Barnard) 549 HIGHTONER Annie-Pattie (Howard) adaah efb 35" Milton adaah efb 355 HILL— Hills Alonzo 286 Charles adaha dg 224 Eliza-Rebecca adaha dk 225 Elizabeth adaha dh 224 James adaha df 224 John 26 John adaha dc 224 Jonathan adaha d 224 Julia (Stiff) adaha df 224 Lucy-Jane adaha dl 225 Lucy (Lincoln) adaha d 224 Malvina adaha dj 225 Margaret adaha dd 224 Maria (Shipman) adaha dr 224 Martha adaha dm 225 Mary-Priscilla adaha di 224 Sarah adaha db 224 Sena adaha de 224 Thomas 26 William 572 William-Jeffreys adaha da 224 Willie adaae hfb 572 HILLIARD Esther 8 Mary 39 HILLMAN Mary 522 650 INDEX OF PERSONS HILLS see Hill HILTON Elizabeth 58 114 Esther adba 114 HISE Mary-Elizabeth 491 HITCHCOCK Caroline (Hanks) 339 340 341 Elizabeth-Libbie (Johnson) adagb fdb 366 Frederick-Russell adagb fdb 366 May-Lib (Johnson) adagb fdb 3 66 HIXON Amelia aabcf abd 261 Elizabeth adaga cgc 360 HOAR George-Frisbie 280 John-Rogers 445 Mary-Rogers aacdd da 445 Sarah-Royce (Haskell) 445 HOARD Nancy aacbc af 418-9 Nancy-Mary (Devillers) 418 Silvius 418 HOB ART Bertha (Loring) aabha a 69 Caleb 21 138 Caleb aabad c 138 Caleb aabad ce 138 Calvin aabaf e 66 Catherine-Harris aabad eg 138 Celia aabag 140 Daniel aabaf 65 Daniel aabaf b 66 David 76 89 121 Deborah (Sprague) 140 Edmund 21 65 76 89 121 138 140 Elijah-Fearing aabad cf 138 Eliza W. (Ellis) aabad ce 138 Frances-EInathan (Pattangall) aacdb dg 180 Hannah 82 James 140 James aabaf f 66 Joanna aabaf d 66 Joanna (Lincoln) aabaf 64 65-6 Joseph aabaf e 66 Louisa-Caroline (Muzzey) aabad cb 138 Lydia 12 Lydia aaeb 76 89 Lydia (Jacob) 76 89 121 Lydia (Marsh) 65 138 Lydia-Marsh aabad ea 138 Mary ad 21 Mary (Eliot) 21 Mary-Fearing aabad ce 138 Mary (Hendly) 66 and note Mary (Lincoln) aabad c 138 Nehemiah 76 89 121 Peter 8 13 65 76 79 89 121 138 183 Rachel 68 Reuben-Lincoln aabaf a 66 and note Samuel 65 138 140 Samuel aabha a 69 Sarah abbe 89-91 121 238 244 Sarah-Ann aabad cd 138 Sarah-Caroline aacdb df 180 Seth-Lincoln aabad cb 138 Susanna 67 Thomas 21 65 William-Thomas aacdb dg 180 HOBBS Abigail-Ripley abaeg be 188 Celia-Helen adaae hi 476 Elizabeth (Lewis) abaeb e 87 188 Elizabeth-Lewis abaeg bf 188 Hannah adcak b 391-2 Harriet-Joy (Lincoln) abaeg b 188 HOBBS cont'd Harriet-Lincoln abaeg bb 188 Joshua 476 Joshua-Barker-Flint abaeg be 188 Josiah 188 Lydia abaeg bd 188 Lucretia-Lurena (Drake) 476 Lydia (Child) 188 Nathan 188 Prentiss abaeg b 87 188 Prentiss abaeg ba 188 HOBSON Leah 562 Sarah-Frances 554 HOCKADAY mr. 484 Betty (Whittington) adaah eda 354 Birdie-Pixley (Bohart) adaah edg 355 Dora adaah edb 354 Edwin adaah edf 355 Emma (Craig) adaah eda 354 Fanny (Lincoln) adaah ed 354-5 Isaac-Newton adaah ed 354-5 Isaac-Newton adaah edg 355 James-Winn adaah edd 355 Jennie-Sullivan adaah ede 355 John 354 Louise R. (Canby) adaah edc 355 Margaret (Doniphan) 354 Mary (Rice) adaah edd 355 Richard-Woodville adaah eda 354 Urilla (Kunkle) adaah edf 355 William-Doniphan adaah edc 355 HOCKIING Ebenezer adbaa 6 114 Elizabeth (Carter) adbaa 6 114 HODDER Anna 185 HODGE— Hodges Elizabeth 58 Frances 232 HOFFER Reuben 510 HOGSETT Rebecca adagb jb 221 HOLBROOK— Holbrooke Cornelius 69 Eliza-Ann 256 Eliza (Hyler) aabce b 255-6 Elizabeth 146 Elizabeth (Shaw) 69 Elizabeth-Spring 538 Emily-Rolfe aacdb eba 547-8 Hannah 254 Jane (Clapp) 62 Lucy 394 Lydia-Jane (Lindsey) 547-8 Lydia ([Lincoln] Loring) aabha 69 Mary 258 Mary adf 62 Molly aaib 12 Samuel 62 69 131 256 Sarah (Stockbridge) 69 Silas 255-6 Silas aabha 69 Thomas 62 Turner-Reed 547 William 62 69 HOLL Nora adaii bbab 508 HOLLAND Mary 156 HOLLIS Ann adahb ad 226 Elizabeth-Coats adahb ae 226 Elizabeth-Coats (Hollis) adahb ae 226 Elizabeth (Lincoln) adahb a 226 George adahb a 225 226 INDEX OF PERSONS 651 HOLLIS cont'd Hannah adahb ac 226 Sally-Ann ( ) adahb aa 226 Thomas adahb ab 226 Washington adahb aa 226 William adahb ae 226 HOLLOWELL Jesse 330 note HOLLY Isabel aabcd bad 252 HOLMES Asa 456 Julia-Ann abbec fb 456-7 Lydia (Hobbs) abaeg bd 188 Mary (Beals) 456 S. Welles abaeg bd 188 HOLSTON Rachel (Dubois) 497 Rachel-Potts adahb bd 497-8 William 497 HOLT Winifred 544 HOLTZMAN Barbara ( ) 475 Eliza 475 James 475 HOLUA Kala-Kepilino 533 HOMAN Caroline-Thomas adaae ag 472-3 John 345 Leannah (Thomas) 472 Mary adaae i 345-7 Mary (Robinson) 345 Michael 472 HOMER Sarah aagb 11 HOOFSTITLER Henry 383 Margaret ( ) 383 Phoebe-Speekman adbcf b 383-4 HOPE Abigail-Triphena 524 Mary-Ann 383 William 236 HOPKINS Asenath 192 Hannah-Mayo 413 Thomas 352 HORNBROOK Marie adaaa bbbgb 559 HORSWELL Francis 15 40 Mary abb 15 40-2 Mary (Cantlebury) 40 Sarah 15 40 HORTON Caroline adbca ce 232 John 149 HOSFORD Hannah-Maria 502 HOTTEN John-Camden 5 HOSKINSON Elizabeth (Crume) 203 note HOUSEKEEPER Mary (Hickman) 375 Rachel adahf d 375 Philip 375 Thomas 375 HOW— Howe Clara aacbk bga 270 Eliza-Turner 420 Elizabeth-Lewis (Hobbs) abaeg bf 188 Sally 423 Susan-Caroline abaea af 187 William-Wirt abaeg bf 188 HOWARD Amelia aacbe i 296 Anne (Pattie) 355 Annie-Pattie adaah efb 355 Ernest-Doniphan adaah efc 355 Gordon 489 Hannah 597 Harriet aabad dc 139 Henrietta (Campbell) 489 Jane-Cordelia (Lincoln) adaah ef 355 481 John-Day 296 John-Leland adaah ef 355 481 Julia-George adaah efa 355 Lucy (Clark) 296 Lucy D. (Gatewood) 354 note 355 Martha aacbe 165-6 296 Mary adaga gdh 489 Thomas 355 HOWE see How HOWELL Deborah 52 53 note Luke 68 HOWLAND Charles F. 444 HOYLE Jacob 102 HOYT— Hoyte Joseph-Dibble adcak eb 243 Lucia-Caroline (Whitcomb) adcak eb 243 Mary-Knight (Hanscom) aacdb ee 433 Otis 433 HUBBARD Aaron D. 292 HUDSON Abigail (Marble) agdi 26 71 Benjamin 26 note Charlotte aacaa all Elizabeth 26 note Elizabeth ( ) agde 26 and note Ezra agdf 25 26 Frost agdg 25 26 Hezekiah agdi 25 26 71 Hittie agdh 25 26 John 26 note John agdd 25 26 Joseph 26 note Joseph agd 25 26 71 Joseph agdb 26 Joseph agde 25 26 and note Martha agda 25 26 Martha (Lincoln) agd 25 26 27 71 Mary aacaa a 33 Mary (Lincoln) aacaa 26 33 71 Mary (Woodward) agdi 26 71 Mehitable agdh 25 26 Sarah ( ) agdg 26 Susan (Moore?) adahb d 369 Thomas agde 26 and note William 26 note HUEY Albert-Baldwin 612 Hazel-Rees adaii bbba 612 Jennie-Virginia (Green) 612 HUGH— Hughes Edward 474 Ellis 48 Hannah adafh 53 and note Hester 562 Margaret 376 Mary (Henton) 474 Mary-Elizabeth adaae ah 474-5 HULL Flossie-May (Hart) adahb gbfa 502 Isaac 502 John 23 John M. adahb gbf 502 Lydia 586 LydJa-Augiista (T.inooln) adohb gbf 502 652 INDEX OF PERSONS HULL cont'd Mary adahb gbfb 502 Mary (Finley) 502 Thomas adahb gbfa 502 HUMMEL Valentine 103 HUMPHREY— Humphreys Almira 402 Elizabeth (Wheeler) 565 George 125 George adcbf 125 George adcbf a 125 Harriet adcbf b 125 Harriett-Elizabeth adaaa bbibc 565 Harriot adcbf e 125 Harry adcbf d 125 HoUis-Mordecai adaaa bbiba 565 Howard-William adaaa bbib 565 Jeremiah 565 John 125 Mahulda (Lincoln) adaaa bbib 565 Mary (Bates) 125 Mary (Orcutt) 125 Peter 125 Peter adcbf 125 Peter adcbf c 125 Ralph-Franklin adaaa bbibb 565 Sally (Lincoln) adcbf 125 Sally ([Lincoln] Humphrey) adcbf 125 Sophia-Lucille adaaa bbibd 565 Susan ( ) 125 Susanna 81 Susannah-Davis 315 Thankful 143 Thomas 125 HUNDEVARD Anna 25 HUNT Anne (Ovis) 218 Benjamin-Lincoln adaga fb 218 Caroline (Hendrickson) adaga fg 218 Daniel 547 Daniel adaga fc 218 Edwin-Marshall adahf cha 374 Ella-Frances (Reynolds) adahf cha 374 Hannah (Lincoln) adaga /218 Ilvira (Inks) adaga fd 218 Isaac-Laning adaga f 218 Isaac-Laning adaga fd 218 Jacob 218 Jacob adaga fa 218 James-Lewis aabc.g ca 147 Louisa (Hall) 547 Margaret (Sembower) adaga fh 218 Martha-Ann aacbe Ifb 547 Mordecai-Lincoln adaga fe 218 Rebecca E. adahf cac 373 Sarah adaga ff 218 Sarah (Thompson) adaga fb 218 Susan-Lincoln (Thaxter) aabcg ca 147 Thomas-Lincoln adaga fg 218 William adaga fh 218 HUNTER Amelia-Robinson (Lincoln) aacdb gd 305 David 305 Lydia-Ann aacdb gdb 305 Lydia-Ann (Belcher) 305 Mary-Washington (Mason) aacdb jh 181 Samuel-Belcher aacdb gd 305 Sarah-Lincoln aacdb gda 305 William aacdb jh 181 HUNTING Ella-Louise (Stewart) abbea cabca 553 Frank-Loverell abbea cabca 553 HUNTLY Lydia 433 HUP— Hupp Elizabeth adaaa bbd 561 HUP— Hupp cont'd Emma-Catherine adaae agi 570 George 330 Hetty (Rimer) 570 Samuel D. 570 HURBAUGH Catherine 563 John 563 Rachel-Ann adaaa bbf 563 HURD Lidia 440 HURT James adaah efa 355 Julia-George (Howard) adaah efa 355 HUSTON Alice (Carroll) adagb dba 364 Caleb-Stetson aacdb cb 180 Martha ([ ] Lincoln) adagb de 492 Zelinda-Ray (Appleby) aacdb cb 180 HUTCHINS Alice-Lincoln (Rand) aabcf daaa 406 George-Edward aabcf daaa 406 HUTCHINSON Clayanna (Lloyd) 589 Edward-Stanley 589 J. R. 44 196 328 341 James adbcf cd 383 385 Margaret 385 Mary-Ann 385 Rachel-Lloyd adahf cea 589 Rebecca (Lincoln) adbcf cd 383 385 Thomas 72 HUTTON Margaret 373 HUYETT Sarah 508 HYERS Ann 461 HYLAND Hannah (Studley) 450 John 450 Samuel 450 Sarah abbea ca 450-2 Thomas 450 William 450 HYLER Eliza ao,bce b 255-6 ILES Elijah 466 ILGENFRITZ Eliza ([Moore] Lincoln) 369 Jacob 369 INFANT Gilbert 136 INGHAM James-Clegg 535 Lillian-Shaw (Lincoln) aabck bfca 535 Mary-Burns (Partelow) 535 William-Partelow aabck bfca 535 INGRAHAM Alice-Choate aabce hac 260 INKS Ilvira adaga fd 218 INSKEEP John 266 IRWIN Andrew-Jackson adahb bbf 495 Anna-Elizabeth adahb bbfb 495 Caroline-Leland 601 Caroline (Lincoln) adaah eia 481-2 Charles 495 Frances-Allen adaah eiab 482 Helen-Cecilia adahb bbfd 495 James-Chiles adaah eia 481-2 Joseph-Chambers 481 Joseph-Chambers adaah eiac 482 Julia-Lincoln adaah eiaa 481 INDEX OF PERSONS 653 IRWIN cont'd Mary (Chiles) 481 Mary-Lincoln adahb bbfc 495 Nancy (Kirkpatrick) 495 Olivia-Elizabeth (Lincoln) adahb bbf 495 Ruth-Catheryn (McLeod) adaah eiad 482 Ruth-Lillian adahb bbfa 495 Susan adaah eiad 482 ISHAM Charles adaaa dbaa 567-8 Julia (Burhans) 567 Lincoln adaaa dbaaa 568 Mary (Lincoln) adaaa dbaa 567-8 William-Bradley 567 IVES Stephen-Bradshaw 446 JACKMAN Benjamin aacdb af 179 Louisa-Maria aacdb ad 179 Mary-Lincoln (Gardner) aacdb af 179 JACKSON Andrew 122 328 417 466 478 Charles 546 John 93 Lydia 10 Lyman B. adaga gdaa 580 Margaret (Hughes) 376 Maria adaid c 376-7 Mary 374 Mary-Elizabeth (Lincoln) adaga gdaa 580 Michael 81 S. R. 395 Sarah- Alice aacbe Idf 546-7 Sarah-Ann (Young) 546 Thomas 376 JACOB— Jacobs David 34 Elizabeth (Coal) 360 Elizabeth (Hixon) adaga cgc 360 Emma adaga cga 360 Hannah adaga cgb 360 Hannah-Elizabeth (Cresswell) adaid bca 376 Henry 360 J. Howard adaid bca 376 John 68 240 Joseph 68 Lincoln aacbh k 78 Lydia 76 89 121 Lydia aabh 68-70 Mary 31 Mary aac 32 34 Mary (Lincoln) adaga eg 360 Nicholas 268 Olive (Fearing) aacbh k 78 Peter 68 Ruth (Wilson) 68 Samuel 8 Sarah (Cushing) 34 William adaga eg 360 William adaga cgc 360 JAMES Abigail 260 Abner-Evans adaid cb 377 Bessie-Lincoln adaid cbc 377 Betsev abaeg 184-5 187-8 Bette (Beal) 184 187 Clarence-Alan adaid ebb 377 Ebenezer aafff e 184-5 Edward-Lincoln adaid cba 377 Eleazer 181 Elizabeth-Jane (Millard) adaid ebb 377 Francis 184 187 Galen 184 187 Galen aafff ec 185 JAMES cont'd Hannah-James (Marshall) aafff ha 185 Jesse 377 Margaret (Allen) 377 Margaret (Lincoln) adaid cb 377 Mary (Nichols) abcb 14 Philip 184 187 Philip abcb 14 Polly adcaj a 123 Priscilla (Lincoln) aafff e 184-5 Priscilla-Lincoln aafff eb 92 185 Sarah-Wales adffb ^ 133 Susannah-Beal aafff ea 185 Thomas 17 184 187 JAMESON Jamesena 533 534 JAQUETH— Jaquith Ella aaeda hb 175 Moses 268 JARVIS Melinda 479 JASPER Eliza (Holtzman) 475 Mary-Isabella adaae hf 475-6 William-Woodson 475 JAYNES Ezekiel-Woods 412 Lula-DeEtta aabhe ab 412-3 Mary-Adeline (Sibley) 412 JEFFERSON Thomas 159 160 161 JEFFERY Joseph-Alexander adahb ghd 370 Lucy-Adelia (Smith) adahb ghd 370 JEFFREYS Sarah adaha 224 JENKINS Aurelia 144 Betsy (Dill) adcag d 122 Chloe adcaj j 123 Clarissa adcaj i 123 Cummings adcag d 122 David 377 Davis adcaj c 123 320 Dora-Emma adaaa bbebb 562 Edward 122 123 Elizabeth 221 Elizabeth-Tilestone adffb f 133 Elizabeth-Tilestone (Jenkins) adffb f 133 Gideon adcaj 122 123 Gideon adcaj d 123 133 Hannah-Chandler (Cole) adcaj g 123 Isaac adcag e 122 James 122 123 James adcag 122 James adcag c 122 John 377 John adcag g 122 Joshua 320 Josiah 144 Josiah adcaj f 123 Leah (Webb) adcaj b 123 Lucy adcag h 122 Lucy adcag i 122 Lucy ([Vinal] Collier) adcaj b 123 Luther adcaj b 123 Martha 506 Mary adffb h 133 Mary D. (McCalmant) 377 Mary (Lincoln) 27 Mary-Thomas (Young) adcaj a 123 Mary (Vinal) 122 123 Mercy adcaj e 123 133 Mercy (Lincoln) adcaj 122 123 133 Mercy-Little ([Otis] Curtis) adcaj b 123 Nancy abbea m 320-1 Nancy adcaj c 123 320 Nancy (Jenkins) adcaj c 123 320 654 INDEX OF PERSONS JENKINS cont'd Peleg adcaj a 123 Polly adcag a 122 Polly ([James] Cole) adcaj a 123 Prudence (Davis) 144 Rachel (Cole) adcag d 122 Rachel (Thaxter) aacbd d 77 Ruth adcag b 122 Ruth adcag f 122 Ruth (Lincoln) adcag 121 Sarah-Anderson adaid g 377 Shadrach adcaj h 123 Solon adcaj ^ 123 Thomas 27 122 123 JENKS Margaret 531 JENNINGS Penelope-Catharine 571 JENNISON Elizabeth (Cushing) aabce baa 258 Emma 424 Nathaniel 161 William H. aabce baa 256 JENSEN— Jenson Ane 556 Carl 602 Mary-Evangeline aabce aeba 602 Mary (Robishan) 602 JERMYN Sarah 225 JEWETT Eliza 263 Lydia 405 JOAB Frances adaga cch 360 JOHANSON Anna-Maria 605 Anna-Maria (Johnson) 605 Carl-August 605 Ellen-Harriet 605 JOHNSON miss adaae aed 344 Alice (Thomas) 568 Andrew 204 351 Ann B. adcac eh 239 Benjamin 10 Charles 366 Charles N. adagb fd 366 Edward-Whiting 568 Elizabeth-Libbie adagb fdh 366 Enoch adahb eb 226 500 Esther abbed g 90 521 Ethel aacdb fcbb 549 Frank-Edward adaaa dbdc 568 Hannah-Elizabeth adahb fa 500-1 Hilma-Justine 556 Humphrey 10 Isaac 9 76 Jessie ([Lincoln] Beckwith) adaaa abdc 568 John 10 76 465 Lovina 565 Lydia (Lincoln) adagb fd 366 Martha 232 Mary 351 Mary-Libbie adagb fda 366 May-Lib adagb fdb 366 Olive (Briggs) 366 Rebecca (Hersey) 10 Sally 303 Sarah 10 75 Sarah-Ann (Steigers) adahb eb 226 500 Viola 432 JOHNSTON Daniel 341 James 349 John 341 Matilda 341 JOHNSTON cont'd Sarah 341 Sarah (Bush) adaaa d 341 JONES Abraham 20 21 Adaline (Eastman) 549 Ann adaig c 112 Ann-Maria (Sturgis) adagb gg 221 Benjamin 21 Benjamin-Reynolds 549 Benjamin-Richards 302 304 Betsey (EUmes) aaffj h 84 Blanche (Armstrong) 604 Caleb 112 230 364 Charles H. adbfa fd 387-8 Clara ( ) 613 David 112 230 364 376 494 David adaig 112 364 Eleanor adage c 109 Elizabeth adaid 112 230 Elizabeth adaig f 112 Elizabeth (Graham) 376 Ellen-Mehitable aacdb fcb 549 Frances aaca 64-5 71 Frances aacbc acdd 604 George 475 Hannah adaid b 376 Hannah adaig b 112 364-5 Hannah (Runnels) 434 Hannah (Samuels) 112 230 Henry 434 Ida P. adbcf bedb 613 Isaac 479 Jane (VanHorn) adage e 109 Jane ([Usrey] [Lincoln] Mercer) 479 John 376 John adage 104 107 108-9 John adage e 104 106 109 John-Ellsworth 604 Jonathan 376 Julia-Sophia aacdb ef 434 Lillie-Willits 591 Lucy A. (Lincoln) adbfa fd 387-8 Luella adaaa ca 203 Margaret 379 Martha adaig d 112 Mary 233 Mary adage a 108 Mary aabcf be 144 Mary-Richards aacdb e 302-3 Matilda 561 Mehitable-Lewis (Hersey) 302 304 Nancy adage d 109 Phebe adaig g 112 Phebe (Lincoln) adaig 112 364 Rebecca adaaa beg 566 Robert adagb gg 221 Samuel 613 Samuel aaffj h 84 Samuel adaig e 112 Sarah 67 Sarah ad 20 21 Sarah adaae hf 475 Sarah-Dargue 257 Sarah (Graham) adaig a 112 Sarah-Leighton aacdb g 304-5 Sarah (Lincoln) adage 104 105 106 107 108-9 Sarah (Pendleton) 475 Sarah (Whitman) 20 21 Thomas 21 Thomas-Lincoln adaig a 112 William adage b 106 107 109 JORDAN Anthony J. adbcf a 382 Charles D. 418 Eliza ([ ] Lincoln) adbcf a 382 Helen 298 INDEX OF PERSONS 655 JORDAN cont'd Helen-Lincoln (Stevens) aacbg cga 298 299 James-Clark aacbg cga 299 Marion 298 JOSSELYN Abraham 166 Bethia (Bourne) 166 Eleazer 166 Eliza (Bronsden) 166 Eliza-Maria 166 Eliza-Maria (Lincoln) aacbe m 166 Frances-Revere aacbe mb 166 Frances-Revere (Lincoln) aacbe k 166 Henry 166 Josephine 166 Lucretia-Smith 166 Mary-Vinal aacbe ma 166 Mary-Vinal (Lincoln) aacbe j 166 Nathan aacbe j 166 295 Nathan-Lincoln aacbe ka 166 Nathan- Webster 166 Nathaniel 166 Rebecca 8 JOY Abigail 36 71 Abnah 87 Amos 243 Andrew-Eliot 88 Anna 88 Ann (Eliot) 88 Benjamin aagf 11 Bethia (Sprague) aagb 11 Charles H. 430 Deborah aagd 11 Elisha 244 Elizabeth (Andrews) 11 Elizabeth-Eliot 88 Elizabeth G. 521 Emma-Jane ([Williams] Lincoln) 427 Harriet abaed a 88 Huldah aagg 11 Jared 243-4 John aag 11 John aagb 11 Joseph 11 87 243 Joseph-Franklin 88 Lefe aagc 11 Lillis 244 Lot 244 Lydia aaga 11 Lydia (Lincoln) aag 11 Mary aage 11 Mary (Eliot) 88 Mary-Pynchem 88 Melzar abaed 87-8 Olive 244 Olive (Lincoln) abaed 87-8 Olive ([Litchfield] Lincoln) 243-4 Patience (Bates) 243 Paulina-Snow adcai bab 390 Prince 87 243 Ruth 10 Sarah (Curtis) 87 Sarah (Homer) 11 Thomas 11 87 243 427 Warren 244 Susanna 79 JUDD Julia-Louisa 428 JUNK Elizabeth (Lincoln) adaga h 218 Henry adaga he 218 James adaga h 218 John 218 John adaga ha 218 Robert adaga hf 218 Samuel adaga hb 218 JUNK cont'd Sarah adaga hd 218 Sarah (Preston) 218 Thomas 218 Thomas adaga he 218 KAMAKAI Haalou-Kaleikoa 533 KAUB Augustus-Lincoln adaii aa 230 Daniel 230 John adaii a 230-1 Linda-Barbara (Stine) adaii aa 230 Martha (Lincoln) adaii a 230-1 Washington-Lincoln adaii ab 231 KAUFMAN— Kauffman Catherine adaga gdcb 489 David 489 George-Conant adbcf becd 513 Isadore-Lincoln adaga gdc 489 Kenneth adaga gdcc 489 Louisa- Jones (McConnell) adbcf becd 513 Mabel-Marie adaga gdca 489 Mary-Jane (Lincoln) adaga gdc 489 Mary (Poundstone) 489 KAY Elizabeth adahb gc 502 Rachel-Malinda adahb gb 501-2 Sarah (Fought) 501 502 William 501 502 KEEFE Ellen 519 KEELING Rosannah 332 KEFFER Albert adaga gfc 490 Matilda-Craig (Lincoln) adaga gfc 490 KELLAR— Keller Harriet adagb dd 364 Nancy 355 KELLEM Rebecca (Lincoln) adaha a 224 William adaha a 224 KELLEY— Kelly Catherine 606 Celia (St. John) 531 Eunice 511 Florence 545 Hannah 371 John 327 330 Mabel-Harriett aabce cdba 531 Wyatt 531 KELLOGG Anna-Mary (Lincoln) adcai fbc 520 Elijah 260 Mary-Isabel adcai fbca 520 Orville- William adcai fbc 520 Sally 271 KELLY see Kelley KENDALL Almira 456 KENDIG Hannah-Elvina adahb bbi 583 Henry 583 Mary-Dehaven (Squib) 583 KENNEDY Agnes 439 Alameda (Dougherty) adaaf dba 574-5 Augusta-Maria (Lincoln) abbea cada 555-6 Ellen adagb dh 493 James-Andrew abbea cada 555-6 John 555 Martha J. adaaa bed 464 KENNERSEG Edna adaga gja 363 KENNY Hannah 150 656 INDEX OF PERSONS KENT Abel 82 Abel aafSg 82-3 Betsey aaf{g e 83 Betsey (Fletcher) 82 Betsey (Kent) aaffg e 83 Charles aaffg e 83 Chloe ([Lincoln] Stephenson) aaffg 82-3 Ebenezer 40 82 Edward 149 Hannah 37 38 Hannah (Gannett) 40 Hannah (Hobart) 82 Hannah-Lincoln aaffg h 83 Henrietta aaffg i 83 Isaac aaffg b 83 John 40 82 Justin aaffg c 83 Mercy 40 63 Perez aaffg d 83 Sally-Fletcher 83 Sarah (Worrick) aaffh d 83 KENTON John-Alexander 587 Martha (Purdy) 587 Marv-Etta adahb gcd 587 KEPILINO Henrietta aabcg dga 533 KERNOGHAN see Cunningham Abraham adaga cea 360 Benjamin adaga ce 360 George adaga ced 360 Hannah (Lincoln) adaga ce 360 Martha-Elizabeth adaga ceb 360 Mary-Catherine adaga cef 360 Rhoda adaga ceh 360 Robert adaga ceg 360 Sturgeon adaga cee 360 William adaga cec 360 KERR miss adaga gaa 488 Esther 575 KERSHAW James 531 Jennie-Elizabeth aabcf aea 531 Martha (Hall) 531 KEYLE Estella adaga ged 363 KEYS Eliza 583 KIBLER Ann-Eliza (Koontz) adaae aed 344 Isaac adaae aed 344 KIDDER mr. 271 KILBY Abigail (Gushing) 85 Annie-Sophia aacdb iac 307 Bethia aaffd c 82 Catherine abad 85 Gushing 42 81 240 246 Cyrus-Hamlin aacdb ia 307 Elvira-Kingsley (Lincoln) aacdb ia 307 Fanny adcai 240-1 Harriet aaffd g 82 Hipzabah aaffd d 82 Huldah adfae 245-6 Huldah (Orcutt) 81 240 246 John 81 85 240 246 307 John D. aacdb iaa 307 Katherine aaffd a 82 Lincoln-Hamlin aacdb tab 307 Lydia (Wilder) 307 Maria aaffd h 82 Merriel aaffd e 82 Phebe (Byrom) aaffd b 82 Rebecca (Allyne) abae 86 Richard 81 85 240 246 KILBY cont'd Sally aaffd f 82 Sarah 85 Thomas aaffd 81 Thomas aaffd 6 81 82 William 85 86 Winifred (Lincoln) aaffd 81-2 KILGORE Anna-Amelia (Lincoln) aacbe Ife 428 Emerson 428 Herbert aacbe Ife 428 Ida-Lincoln aacbe Ifea 428 KILLIAN Alfred-Lincoln adaii bbad 508 Caleb adaii bbae 508 Caleb-Ruth adaii bba 508 Elizabeth (Ruth) 508 Heister adaii bbah 508 Luke adaii bbaf 508 Mark adaii bbag 508 Oscar-Lincoln adaii bbac 508 Nora (HoU) adaii bbab 508 Ralph-Lincoln adaii bbab 508 Samuel-Lincoln adaii bhaa 508 Samuel-Quinter 508 Sarah-Clara (Lincoln) adaii bba 508 KIMBALL Amos 318 Ellen-Augusta (Lincoln) aafff gg 318 George-William aafff gg SIS Herbert-Francis adffe cea 396 Herbert-Mortimer adffe ce 396 Jedediah 318 Jefferson-Liberty 396 Jesse 318 John 318 Lydia-Maria (Lincoln) adffe ce 396 Mary-Amanda (Gardner) 396 Mary-Ann (Baker) 318 Nettie-Grace (Litchfield) aafff gga 313 Peter-Cammett 318 Peter-Cammett aafff gga 318 Richard 318 KIMBER Elizabeth (Jones) adaig f 112 Emmor adaig g 112 John adaig / 112 Phebe (Jones) adaig g 112 KINCH Barbara adbcf 234 KING Bessie-Amanda (McConnell) adbcf beca 513 Charles-Gedney 422 Gedney 421 George F. adagb fca 366 Jennie-Hannah (Kirk) adahf cga 374 Jerusha 346 Mary 21 Mary-Jemima (Lincoln) adagb fc 366 Robert adagb fc 366 William 389 William-Harry adbcf beca 513 William-Preston adahf cga 374 KINGMAN Mary-Jane 398 Pliny E. 308 KINGSBURY Elizabeth-Ann (Reed) 560 Elsie-Cordelia adaaa bbcec 560 Ethel (Click) adaaa bbcea 560 Everett-Earl adaaa bbcea 560 Grace-May adaaa bbceb 560 Martha-Ann (Lincoln) adaaa bbce 560 Theodore-Harley adaaa bbce 560 Vern-Eldon adaaa bbced 560 Worster P. 560 INDEX OF PERSONS 657 KINGSLEY Susan 306 KINNICUTT Elizabeth-Waldo (Parker) aacbc cb 163 Francis-Harrison aacbc cb 163 KINSEY Elizabeth 373 KIRBY Harriet 524 Sarah-Ann adaaf ^a 211 KIRK Charles-Benton adahf cgc 374 Clara-Lincoln adhf cgb 374 Elizabeth (Rogers) adahf cgc 374 Francina-Knight (Lincoln) adahj eg 373-4 Hannah-Brown (Stubbs) 373 Isaac-Stubbs adahf eg 373-4 Jacob- Reynolds 373 Jennie-Hannah adahf cga 374 Mary 431 Mary (Stubbs) adahf cgd 374 Pincknev-Jacob adahf cgd 374 KIRKPATRICK Arthur-Welles aabce abab 527 Gordon- Welles aabce ababb 527 John-William 527 Mary-Ellen (Wells) 527 Maude-Winthrop (Lincoln) aabce abab 527 Nancy 495 Priscilla aabce ababa 527 KISSINGER Betsey- Viola adaga gic 582 Elizabeth (Fell) 582 Harry-Reaux-Martin adahb bcba 497 Margaret-Mae (Lincoln) adahb bcba 497 William 582 KITTENGER Ellen-Elizabeth (Lincoln) adahb dcda 584 Frank-Lincoln adahb dcdaa 584 Frank M. adahb dcda 584 John-Alvin adahb dcdab 584 KLINE Amanda-Alice adaae aha 571 Asa 571 Rebecca(McKever) 571 KNAPP Annie (Lincoln) adahb gbeb 586 James-William adahb gbeb 586 KNIGHT Elizabeth-Starr (Parvin) adaid hab 378 Hannah adahc aba 371 John-Lincoln adahc abb 371 Mary-Ann aabcf aba 261 Mary E. 372 Mary-Hathorne aacbe d 293-4 Rachel-Thompson (Lincoln) adahc ab 371 Richard-Warren adaid hab 378 Samuel H. adahc ab 371 KNOTT James 324 Susan abbhc d 324 Susannah (Reynolds) 324 KNOWLES Abigail (Hall) abaec c 87 Ann 232 Caleb abaec c 87 KNOWLTON Clarence-Hinckley aacdb gdb 305 Hannah (Guptil) 431 Helen-Martha aacdb bd 431-2 Joel 431 Lydia-Ann (Hunter) aacdb gdb 305 KNOX Henry 133 186 Sarah 443 42 KOCH Anna 116 note Peter 116 note KOON Katharine 118 KOONTZ Abraham-William adaae aeh 344 Ann (Thomas) adaae aec 344 Ann-Eliza adaae aed 344 Betsy-Ann (Lincoln) adaae ae 343-4 568 Carrie (West) adaae aef 344 Dale-Lillie (Speck) adaae aeh 344 David-Edward adaae aeb 344 Diana-Catherine adaae aea 344 Elizabeth 343 Elizabeth (Koontz) 343 Lucy-Bell (Speck) adaae aeh 344 Mary-Elizabeth adaae aee 344 568-9 Mary (Strole) adaae aeg 344 Peter-Perry adaae ae 343-4 568 Philip 343 Philip-Peter-Perry adaae aef 344 Reuben-Franklin adaae aec 344 Wilson-Asbury adaae aeg 344 KUEHN Anthony adaaa bbceb 560 Grace-May (Kingsbury) adaaa bbceb 560 KUNKLE Urilla adaah edf 355 KUPFER Margaret-Elizabeth 429 KYLE Margaret 343 Thomas 204 332 LACEY Mary-Elizabeth 442 LAFFERTY Mary adagb 219-22 LAIR Joseph 97 LAIRD Elizabeth (Twining) 503 Margaret adahb ge 503 Thomas 503 LAKEMAN William 143 LAMBERT Bethia (Kilby) aaffd c 82 Charles aaffd a 82 James aaffd c 82 Katherine (Kilby) aaffd a 82 LAMON Ward-Hill 337 338 342 LANCASTER Sarah- Jane 581 Sewall 149 LANDERS mr. 562 Margaret ([Lincoln] [Way] Leach) adaaa bbed 562 LANDRILL mr. 562 LANE Abigail 10 Abigail-Allen (Hersey) 251 Abby-Allen aabcd aca 251 Andrew 251 Anna-May adbfa fga 388 Anne-Otis abbea ccb 319 Belle E. (Lincoln) adbfa fg 388 Caroline-Hayden (Lincoln) aabcd ac 251- 2 Caroline-Lincoln aabcd acd 252 Deliverance 321 Ebenezer 11 George 11 658 INDEX OF PERSONS LANE cont'd Hannah 11 83 Hannah (Hersey) 11 Herbert adhfa fgb 388 Jane M. adhcf bdf 384 John 388 Jonathan 251 Lydia 10 Mary-Agnes ( ) aabcd ace 252 Mary N. adbcf bda 383 Oscar-Dana aabcd acb 251 Rufus 251 Rufus aabcd ac 251-2 Rufus-Allen aabcd ace 252 Sarah 42 Thomas 350 W. Arthur adbfa fg 388 William 11 251 LANG Sarah 564 LANGDON Elizabeth 88 Joanna 292 LANGER Margaret 13 14 Richard 14 LANMAN Gabriel adaga ba 217 Rhoda (Woodnancy) adaga ba 211 LANTZ Annie adagb dgf 365 LARD Annie-Shannon adaah gda 578 Moses E. 578 LARRABEE Betsey-Roxanna 428 LARRICK Ellen 570 LARSEN— Larson Lam-a-Caroline adbfa fh 515-6 Mahn (Hansen) 515 Mary adahb gbba 501 Rasmus 515 LASLEY Lucy-Jane (Hills) adaha dl 225 Manoah-Smith adaha dl 225 LATHROP John 168 LAUTENSCHLAGER Christina 606 LA WES Francis 5 6 Liddea 5 Mary 5 LAWRENCE Bernard-Whitman aabce bhb 257 Edith-Louisa (Snelling) aabce bhb 257 Emily-Augusta 520 Fayette-Washington 599 Katherine 595 Mabel-Bettina adcai fba 599 Rebecca 249 Mary (Sargent) 599 Samuel 430 LAWSHE E. Irland adahc aaaa 588 Marie-Reed (Lincoln) adahc aaaa 588 LAWSON Gu stave 556 Hilma-Justine (Johnson) 556 Jennie-Louise abbea mhc 556-7 LAYTON Robinson oda^a bf 217 Sarah (Zearing) adaga bf 217 LEA— Lee Charles-Carroll 430 Charles-Carroll aacbg ckfc 431 Charity-Emma adaaf ac 348 477-S LEA— Lee cont'd Clara-Lothrop aacbg ckfa 431 Clara-Lothrop (Lincoln) aacbg ckf 430-1 Fitzhugh 568 Helen aacbg ckfb 431 Helen (Parrish) 430 Isaac adafd 53 James Henry 44 196 200 223 324 note 328 329 330 333 note 335 341 James-Parrish aacbg ckf 430-1 Marion-Inez 614 Mary (Boone) adafd 53 Mary-Henderson (Peck) 477 Mildred aacbg ckfd 431 Philena adahf be 229 Preston-Jornegan 477 Robert Edmund 249 LEACH— Leech Arthur B. 598 Fay adaaa bbede 562 Henry adaaa bbed 562 Huldah adaga ga 487-8 Jesse 487 488 Laura 438 Margaret ([Lincoln] Way) adaaa bbed 562 Susanna ( ) 487 LEARMENT Andrew A. adagb fdc 366 Andrew-Witherspoon adagb fd 366 John 366 Lydia ([Lincoln] Johnson) adagb fd 366 Sarah (Martin) 366 LEARNED Martin-Dexter 44 LEAVITT Abraham 11 Abraham aae 10 11 Almira (Humphrey) 402 Deborah 140 252 Deborah aaeb 10 11 138 Elijah 151 Elisha 42 Elizabeth abbdb 42 Hannah (Lane) 11 Israel 10 42 John 10 42 Joshua 402 Lydia (Jackson) 10 Martha (Lincoln) abbd 39 42 Nehemiah abbd 42 Rebecca aaea 11 Rebecca (Lincoln) aae 10 11 Sarah 174 402 Sarah abbda 42 Sarah (Lane) 42 LEBKICKER Nellie adaii bda 379 LECLARE Caroline 580 LEE see Lea LEECH see Leach LEEDS Lida adbcf becb 513 LeFLORE Elizabeth 482 LeGROW Jennie 534 LEIBFRIED Elizabeth-Skiles (Rutter) adahb bceb 497 Frederick adahb bceb 497 LEIGHTON Elizabeth (Lincoln) aacdb be 301 302 Ellen-Caroline 306 Ellen-Eliza aacdb bcc 302 Ellen-Elizabeth aacdb bee 302 Frederic aacdb bab 301 George aacdb ba 301 302 INDEX OF PERSONS 659 LEIGHTON cont'd Hermon aacdb hdb 306 Jane (Cockran) 301 Lucy-Jane aacdb bed 302 Mary-Martha (Lincoln) aacdb ba 301 302 Mary-Matilda aacdb baa 301 Samuel 301 Sarah-Augusta (Nutt) aacdb hdb 306 Sarah-Capen aacdb bcb 302 LEIMBACH Catherine ([Biehl] Lincoln) adaii be 510 Charles adaii be 510 LELAND Harriet 309 389 LEMARR Elsie-Irene (Allen) adaaa bbefb 562 Isaac-Thomas adaaa bbefb 562 LENGEL J. Harvey adaii bjc 379 Susan-Rebecca (Biehl) adaii bjc 379 LENNON Gabriel adaga ba 217 Rhoda (Woodnancy) adaga ba 217 LEONARD Addie abbea caaj 451 LERCH Amos B. 502 Jessie-Belle (Lincoln) adahb gbg 502 John-Harvey-Carlton adahb gbg 502 Laura-Carlton (McFarland) 502 LESLIE Annie-Louise (Brown) aacdb hfa 306 James-Edward aacdb hfa 306 LETHBRIDGE Emeline (Lincoln) aabce cf 258 Franklin aabce cfc 258 Mary (Holbrook) 258 Richard 258 Susan-Fairbanks aabce cfa 258 Willard-Fairbanks aabce cf 258 Willard-Henry aabce cfb 258 LEVERETT Betsey 247 James adffe fa 248 John 4 « Lucy (Lincoln) adffe f 248 William adffe f 248 LEVIS Elizabeth-Lincoln (Lukens) adbca ib 233 John adbca ib 233 LEWIS Alice-Grace aabce aeb 528-9 Charlotte 309 David 382 Ebenezer 143 Edward-Lincoln 143 Elizabeth 322 Elizabeth abaeb e 87 188 Elizabeth-Curd 482 Elizabeth ([Vickery] Dixon) 79 Francis-Edward 528-9 George 36 79 143 405 George aabcf b 143-4 Harriet-McLellan aabcf bb 144 Henry 425 James 36 79 143 James-Hawke 86 Jane-Robinson (Thomas) aabcj c 267 Jerusha-Lincoln aabcf be 144 John abaeb 86-7 88 188 John abaeb c 87 Joseph 36 79 Letty-Miner adahf ae 228 Lothrop aabcf be 144 Lucy 79 Lucy aacab f 72 Lydia (Pratt) 86 Mary 267 LEWIS cont'd Mary (Davis) 143 Mary (Jones) aabcf be 144 Mary (Marrett) aabcf ba 144 Mary-Parsons abaeb a 87 Mary (Thoria) 405 Mary-Waite aabcf ae 405 Mehitable aabab f 65 Royal-Lincoln aabcf ba 144 Ruth (Lincoln) aabcf b 143-4 Sarah aaf 33 36-38 Sarah abaeb b 87 Sarah-Kimball 518 Sarah-Maria (Penhallow) 528 Sarah (Marsh) 36 Sarah-Peabody aabcf bf 144 Stephen-Longfellow 269 Susan aacbe hb 425 Susan (Pickett) 425 Susanna 40 86 Susanna abaeb d 87 Susanna (Lincoln) abaeb 86-7 188 Tabitha 267 Tabitha-Longfellow aabcf bd 144 LILLIE Sarah 310 LIME— Lyme Isaac 220 LINCOLN Abbie-Lucy aabcg dgab 533 Abbie (Morse) aafff fc 185 Abbie-Smith (Patrick) aabcg dg 408-9 Abby-Frothingham aacbe be 293 Abby-Hope adffe dfa 525 Abel aabad a 138 Abel aabad b 138 Abel-Thomas adahf d 229 374-5 Abel-Thomas adahf ce 373 505 Abiah (Eels) adbf 119-21 137 Abiah-Eels adbfa d 237 238 Abigail 153 Abigail aah 11 72 Abigail aahg 12 Abigail adcah 122-3 Abigail adffa 37 132 Abigail aafff j 185 Abigail adaae j 207-8 Abigail adagb e 220 Abigail adagb m 105 219 222 Abigail adaae af 344 Abigail adaga gj 361 362 363 Abigail adagb hf 367 Abigail (Andrews) aaib 12 Abigail (Curtis) adfb 131 Abigail-Frances aabce aea 401 Abigail H. adaaf fe 352 Abigail (Lincoln) aah 11 72 Abigail (Melius) 63 Abigail (Mitchell) adcak 242-3 Abigail-Reed (Walker) aacbe d 293-4 Abigail-Tower abbec bd 322 Abraham adb 18 22 43 44 53-9 94 113 119 Abraham adai 49 50 53 59 110-2 509 Abraham adba 54 55 56 58 59 112-4 115 116 117 Abraham adff 62 122 132-4 Abraham aacbj 75 78 169-73 Abraham adaaa 43 93 95 100 101 108 193-204 206 222 324 and note 325 326 327 335 469 Abraham adbca 116 117 118 231-3 Abraham adffi 62 134 250 Abraham adaae i 205 207 345-7 Abraham adaaf c 101 210 Abraham adaah d 213 214 215 Abraham adaga c 216 217 359-60 Abraham adaic c 229 Abraham adaid g 230 377 660 INDEX OF PERSONS LINCOLN cont'd Abraham adbca f 117 118 232 273 381-2 Abraham adffe I 249 397-8 Abraham adaaa aa 43 329 459-61 Abraham adaaa db 43 94 99 162 180 200 204 223 224 249 275 279 314 324 note 328 337 338 339 340 341 342 345 392 435 464-71 530 Abraham adaae ah 343 344 472 473-5 Abraham aabce adi 401 Abraham adaaf acba 478 Abraham adaaa dbab 568 Abraham adaaf dbad bib Abraham-Dickinson adahb gcd 502 586-8 Abraham-Jairus adffi c 250 Abraham-Lucius adaae ahca 571 Abraham-Orne aacbe I 166 294 296-7 Abraham-Orne aacbe le 296 297 Abraham-Randolph adaae hi 345 476 Achsah aafh 36 37 Ada B. ( ) adahb bed 584 Ada-Etherage adaaa bbeaa 608 Ada-Lee adaaf aba 477 Ada-Maude (McLaughlin) adffe eg 524 Ada-May adaaa befb 566 Ada-Tyler aacbe hab 424 Adaline F. (Bancroft) aabhe a 275-6 Adaline-Sever aacbe ahh 421 Addie adahb dbi 499 Addie-Kimball aabcg dca 407 Addie L. aacbe haaa 546 Addie (Long) abbhc dba 458 Adelaide aabhg af 275 277 Adelaide-Cook (Franklin) adaid bba 592 Adelaide-Gertrude (Copithorn) aacdd doe 552 Adelbert aacdb bdd 431 Adelia-Lane adaaf acd 478 Adeline aacbi m 168 169 313 Adeline aacbg cb 298 Adeline (Lincoln) aacbi m 168 169 313 Adeline-Louise (Bodge) abbhc dc 459 Adrianna aabce ebb 402 Agatha ( ) adaah d 214 215 Agnes-Catherine adaaa bbeba 606 Aida-Golden aabce aebad 602 Alameda ([Dougherty] Kennedy) adaaf dba 574-5 Albert aabhg d 156 277 Albert-Curtis adaae aba 344 471 568-9 Albert-Edward aacdb fcb 436 549 Albert-Robinson aacdb fc 304 434-6 Albert-Robinson aacdb fcbg 549 Albert-Sidney adaaa befg 566 Albertie-Mae adaae abad 568 569 Alexander aacdc eac 441 551 Alexander aacdc eaca 551 Alexander-Edwards aacbi o 168 299 Alexander-Scammell aabce be 255-6 257 Alexander-Scott ad6c/ baabc QIS Alfred 313 Alfred adcai fc 391 Alfred adbcf baa 512 592-3 Alfred-Gilbert adaii bb 378 507-9 Alfred-Hawkes abbea caeca 605 Alfred-Stone abbea cacc 555 605 Alfred-Whitington abbec bbb 454 Alfred-Wiles adbcf baab 512 593 613 Alfred-Wiles adbcf baaba 613 Alice aacdb bdc 431 Alice adaaa bbef 562 Alice (Dehaven) adaii 230-1 Alice-Ella (Capeheart) adahf dac 591 Alice-Foster aacdb fcbb 549 Alice-Grace (Lewis) aabce aeb 528-9 Alice-Louise abbhc dbf 459 Alice-North (Towne) aacdc ee 310 Alice-Olive (Murr) adaaa bbfd 608-9 LINCOLN cont'd Alice- Revere aacdd dea 313 Alice-Revere aacbe Idfb 547 Alice (Rout) adaga gfe 490 Alice-Zook (Evans) adaid abc 591-2 AUan-Mawson adaid bbab 592 Allen 278 313 Allen abaea see Allyne Allen abbec a 190 191 Allen abbec fb 323 456-7 Allen-Augustus 278 Allyne abaea 85 86 185-7 Alma-Chipman abbea cabga 604 Alma G abbea cabf 553-4 Almira abbea caa 450-1 Alpha-Berenice abbec fbda 558 Alta (Schanck) adahb gbd 586 Altha-May adaaa bbcl 560-1 Alvah-Thaxter aabcd bcb 399 Amanda adagb dk 365 Amanda-Alice (Kline) adaae aha 571 Amanda (Collins) 515 Amanda-Emeline adaaa bbck 560 Amanda F. adaah ga 357 Amanda-Melvina (Pierce) aacdd dd 446 Amanda (Ogden) adbcf be 512-3 Amanda-Sophrona aacdb ib 307 Amanda-Stella adaaa bbig 565 Amasa-Lyman aabcg dg 264 408-9 Amelia 368 Amelia adaii ba 378 Amelia (Howard) aacbe i 296 Amelia-Robinson aacdb gd 305 Amer-Ogden adbcf bed 513 593- America-Sanders (Gatewood) adaah g 356-7 Amey-Gaskill ([Daniels] [Martin] Nor- wood) adffe df 524-5 Amos aacbe 74 75 77 164-6 296 Amos adfae 127 245-6 Amos aacbe h 166 294-5 Amos abbea A; 190 Amos aacbe ha 295 423-4 Amos A. aacbe haa 424 545-6 Amy (Trout) adagb dh 493 Ananias 226 note Andrew aacbj d 173 Andrew aacdb ige 439 Andrew-Crocker aacdc /d 311 Angeline adaae hg 345 Angeline (Burton) adaaa bbb 558-9 Angle adaah ele 483 Angle (Smith) adaah el 483 Anjanette (Bailey) adffe dg 525 Ann adaih 111 112 Ann adaaf h 101 see Nancy -Ann Ann adaic b 229 Ann adbca c 118 232 Ann adaga ac 358 Ann adaii bh 379 Ann adbca ao 118 380 Ann aacbe acdda 604 Ann (Babb) 137 Ann (Boone) adai 111-2 Ann-Boone adaid f 230 Ann-Eliza adbcf cc 383 385 Ann-Eliza ([Taylor] Foy) adagb fa 366 Ann-Jane (Hall) abbea mb 452-3 Ann-Lucette aabcf de 263 Ann-Maria aabcd ba 140 141 252 Ann-Maria aabck fb 272 Ann-Taliaferro adaah ea 354 Ann (Wilkinson) aacab f 72 Anna adaie 111 112 Anna adbcc 114 116 117 Anna abbea n 190 Anna adcai e 241 Anna adaah eib 482 INDEX OF PERSONS 661 LINCOLN cont'd Anna adhcf cab 514 Anna adahb dcia 500 Anna-Albright adahc aaeb 588 Anna-Amelia aacbe Ife 428 Anna-Amelia adaii hbd 508 Anna (Bates) aabce a 254-5 Anna-Bates aabce ac 255 Anna-Belle adaae abaa 569 Anna-Blake aabcg dgbc 534 Anna-Frances (Baker) aacdd ec 449 Anna (Hodder) 185 Anna-Jackson (Steward) aacbg ckb 547 Anna-Louisa aabcf ah 261-2 Anna-Louisa (Hemmig) adaii bb 507-9 Anna M. (White) aacdb bd 431 Anna-Mae (Billette) aacdc eaa 441 Anna-Maria (Pellman) adahc aa 504 Anna-Mary adcai fbc 520 Anna-Matilda aacbe o 166 Anna-Phoebe adbcf bee 513 Anna R. (Reed) aabcd bcb 399 Anna-Rebecca adahc aag 504 Anna (Reynolds) adahf da 506 Anna-Reynolds adahf dabb 590 Anna T adahb bde 498 Anna (Wyman) aabck bdb 411 Anne adae 47 49-52 Anne-Boone adaid hf 378 Anne-Devillers aacbe afa 419 Anne-Elizabeth adaga ghab 582 Anne (Rambo) adbc 113 114 116-8 Anne-Warren aacbe ag 283 Anne-Warren aacbe ode 417 Annette adffe i 248-9 Annie aabhg ed 278 Annie adahb gbeb 586 Annie (Cato) adaaa bef 566 Annie-Cottrell adffe caa 522 Annie-Eleanora abbea mbac 556 Annie-Elizabeth abbea mi 321 Annie-Ellen (Bye) adaaa bbca 605-6 Annie-Emily (Lindsey) abbec fdc 558 Annie-Leaver aabcg dbf 406 Annie-Marston aacbe ahe 420 Annie-May aacdb gfe 438 Annie-Merton (Stanwood) aabcg dgb 533-4 Annie-Robinson aacdb hf 305 306 Annie-Sarah adbfa fb 387 Annie-Shannon (Lard) adaah gda 578 Annie-Stubbs adahf cba 505 Anslem adcai f 241 391 Anslem adcai ff 391 520 Apphia-Jordan (Snow) aabhg e 277-8 Arabella-May (Whitcomb) adfae adc 600 Arnold aacbe ahe 420 Arthur oac6e be 292 Arthur aacdd eb 314 447-8 Arthur-Earle aabhg aaac 536 Arthur-Frederick aacdb eed 434 Arthur-Huntington aacbg eke 430 Arthur-Lyman aabcff dgac 533 Asa aa6c6 67 Asa aabcd a 6 140 141 167 251-2 Asa-Carl adbfa Aft 516 Asa-Liggett adaae ahaa 571 Asa S. adbfa f 237 238 387-8 Asa S. adbfa fe 388 Ashby-Abraham adaae hfh 476 572-3 Augusta aabce cc 258 Augusta-Caroline (Nearing) adbfa bd 514-5 Augusta-Clark aacbe Ifa 427 Augusta-Eugenie (Prentice) adffe cd 523 Augusta-Maria abbea cada 555-6 Augustus adagb le 368 Augustus-Clark aacbe If 297 427-8 LINCOLN cont'd Augustus-Clark aacbe Ifba 547 Austin adaha b 223 224 Azariah adahb g 225 226 369-70 Azariah-Thomas adahb ged 503 Azariah- William adahb gbc 502 585-6 Barbara adaaa ba 332 Barbara adaga ghac 582 Barbara (Kinch) adbc/ 234 Barnabas 278 313 Bash (Graham) adaah ebd 576 Bathsheba (Herring) adaaa 193-204 329 Beatrice adahb bcda 584 Becky (Pierce) adfae a 393-4 Belinda (McDonough) aacda e 300 Belle adaga gdf 489 Belle adagb dea 492 Belle E adbfa fg 388 Benjamin 30 34 68 72-3 85 142 146 151 176 242 Benjamin adaga 104 105 107 108 216-9 Benjamin adaga cd 360 Benjamin adbca fe 382 511-2 Benjamin adaaa bbb 463 558-9 Benjamin-Clark aabcf dad 406 Benjamin-Franklin adaae ac 343 Benjamin-Franklin adaga gh 361 362 363 491-2 581 Benjamin-Franklin adagb de 364 492 Benjamin-Franklin adaga aab 486 Benjamin-Franklin adaga gfa 490 581 Benjamin-Franklin adaga gfab 581 Benjamin-Jones aacdb eee 434 Benjamin-Thompson aacdb 6ra304 Benton adahf ej 374 Bernice adaaa bbfib 609 Bertha aacdb iga 439 Bertha-Adelaide aacdb bdf 431 Bertha D (Eaton) aabcg dea 408 Bertha-Louise abbea cabe 553 Bertha-Louise abbea cabdc 604 Bertha-Lovell adeae bajc 597 Bertha-May adaw' bbf 509 Bertram-Francis abbea caecb 605 Beryl adahb gbea 586 Bessie aacdd eaa 447 Bessie (Fisher) aacdb igc 551 Bessie-Maude adaaa bbidh 610 Bethia aaeba 31 74 75 76 79 149 152 Bethia (Thaxter) aacba b 76 149-51 Bethia-Thaxter aabcj /ISO Bethia (Whiton) aae 34-5 70 Bethiah 10 Betsey aabce d 142 Betsey aacbi 6 168 Betsey aaebi j 168 169 Betsey abaeg a 188 Betsey adcac a 238 Betsey-Ann adaae ae 343-4 568 Betsey (Edwards) aacbi 168 Betsey (James) abaeg 184-5 187-8 Betsey ([James] Lincoln) aafff 184-5 Betsey-Pierce adfae ae 394 Betsey (Thompson) aabcf d 262-3 Betsey-Viola (Kissinger) adaga gic 582 Betsey-Wade adcot bf 391 Betsy abbec j 190 191 Betsy adfad e 245 Betty 127 Betty aaffe 36 82 Beza aabcg 66 67 146 Beza aabck h 146 153 154 274 Beza-Holbrook aabcg db 264 406 Birdie V. adaah ecaa 480 Blanche-Adeline aacdd dad 445 Blanche-Winifred (Wadleigh) aacbe Idd 426 Boatner-Chapman adaah ebbb 575 662 INDEX OF PERSONS LINCOLN cont'd C. W. adahc bba 372 Caleb 66 Caleb adfd 62 Caleb adfg 61 62-3 124 131 Caleb adffe 62 134 246-9 395 Caleb adaid a 230 375 Caleb adffe k 249 Carl-Clifford adaga gdae 580 Carl-Frederick aabce aebae 602 Caroline aabck bi 271 Caroline adaah eia 481-2 Caroline-Alma (Brett) aacdc gb 443 Caroline-Amanda adaae ic 346-7 Caroline-Augusta aacdb hd 305 306 Caroline-Augusta-Elizabeth (Pratt) aafff cc 315 Caroline-Frances abbea caca 555 Caroline-Franklin (Bates) abbea cac 554 Caroline-Hayden aabcd ac 251-2 Caroline-Homan adaae agg 473 Caroline-Howard aacbe g 166 Caroline-Howard aacbe lb 294 297 Caroline-Jones aacdb ea 303 Caroline-Maria (Barton) adfae ada 600 Caroline-Matilda aa5ce bh 257 Caroline-Matilda (Wood) aacdb ee 433 Caroline-Parker aabck fa 272 Caroline-Taft adffe cdab 601 Caroline-Thomas (Homan) adaae ag 472-3 Carolyn-Louise (Whipple) adffe dfb 601 Carrie adaaa bbga 564 Carrie- Abbot aacbe Iff 428 Carrie-Downs aabcf acb 404 Carrie H. (Pierce) adahc aac 504 Carrie-Thaxter aabcj ha 268 Casner adaah fa 215 Catarina adbcb 117 231 Catharine adaah c 213 215 471 Catharine adaaa bf 331 Catharine adaaa bbfa 563 Catharine (Barlow) adaaa b 330-3 Catherine aabch e 148 Catherine aabcj g 150-1 Catherine adbca b 232 383 Catherine aacbg eg 298 299 Catherine adaga cf 360 Catherine (Biehl) adaii be 510 Catherine (Bright) adaae a 343-4 Catherine-Elizabeth adahc ac 371 Catherine (Kilby) abad 85 Catherine-Kilby-Thaxter aabcd dh 253 254 Catherine M. adaaf dc 351 Catherine-Wild aabck be 270 Cathleen aacdd daea 552 Celeste-Jane (Albright) adahc aae 588 Celia-Frances (Smith) aacdc ea 441-2 Celia-Helen (Hobbs) adaae hi 476 Celia (Hobart) aabag 140 Charity-Emma (Lea) adaaf ac 348 477-8 Charles agi 24 25 26 27 Charles aabai 66 Charles aabck 66 68 76 80 149 151-4 Charles aabag b 140 Charles aabck b 152 153 154 268-71 Charles adbch f 235 236 Charles abbec fe 323 Charles adagb Id 368 Charles aacdb ebc 432 Charles aacdb iha 440 Charles adaaa bej 464 Charles adaaa bbfc 563 Charles adaaa befi 566 Charles-Augustus aacbi fc 169 Charles-Augustus aabce ada 168 169 400 Charles-Benton-Fremont adaga gaa 362 488 LINCOLN cont'd Charles-Beza aabck baa 410 Charles-Broaddus adaae hfi 476 573 Charles-Cleveland adbfa bgb 515 Charles-Cushing abbea mh 321 453 Charles-Cushing adcac baic 597 Charles-Edmund adffe dc 397 Charles-Edward adffe eg 396 523-4 Charles-Edward adaga gfd 490 Charles-Egbert adagb fbb 494 Charles-Eliot aabcg dea 408 Charles-Elliot-Ware aabcd dfc 254 Charles-Ernest aacdb ebgc 548 Charles F. abbea cabe 553 Charles-Francis abbea mhda 557 Charles-Frederic aacbe ahd 420 Charles-Gatewood adaah ekad 576 Charles-Harold aabce abce 528 Charles-Henry adaga gdb 489 Charles-Henry abbea mbaa 556 Charles-Herman adbcf beed 594 Charles-Hobart abbec fbd 457 557-8 Charles-Howard adaah el 355 482-3 Charles-Howard adaah eld 483 Charles-Jairus aafece aba 400 526-7 Charles-James abbea mbe 453 Charles-Jennings adaga agd 487 579 Charles-Levi oocbc ac6/) 537 Charles-Minot aabck bdc 411 Charles-Nathaniel-Minot aabck ba 270 274 409-10 Charles-Otis aacdb fa 304 Charles-Otis aacdb ebd 432-3 Charles-Parker aacdc pc 313 Charles-Prentiss adaaa abf 462 Charles-Princeton adaah erne 485 Charles-Rapp adfad bab 521 599 Charles-Russell adbfa fh 388 515-6 Charles-Sanford adcai ffe 520 Charles-Shippen adahf da 375 506 Charles-Shippen adahf dabd 590 Charles-Sprague aacb^ cca 429 Charles-Stuart-Fessenden odcac dac 518 597-8 Charles- Wesley adaaa begb 566 Charles-White adffe la 397 Charles-William aacdc ecae 552 Charles-Willis aacdb igf 439 Charlotte 168 Charlotte aacbg a 167 251-2 298 Charlotte aacbj e 172 173 Charlotte aacdc ecb 442 Charlotte ada/i6 dbk 499 Charlotte-Ann-Lewis (French) aacdc e 309-10 Charlotte-Cushing aabcd aa 141 251 Charlotte-Lewis aacdc ed 310 Charlotte (Lincoln) aacbg a 167 251-2 298 Charlotte-Mabel adaaa bbei 562 Charlotte-Otis adcai bb 390 Charlotte-Wells (Brevoort) adfad bab 599, Chastine aacbg ca 298 Chastine (Hartwell) aacbg c 297-9 Chester-Franklin abbea cabe 553 Chloe aaffg 36 82-3 Chloe adcai 122 123 244-5 Chloe adcak e 243 Chloe adfad d 245 Chloe (Lincoln) adcai 123 244-5 Chloe ([Whiton] Fearing) aabad 138 Christine-Lee adaah emca 577 Christopher aacdf 80 Christopher aftae^? 86 89 184 187-8 Claiborne-Bird adaah gf 357 Claire adaae hfacc 611 Clara adaid ha 378 INDEX OF PERSONS 663 LINCOLN cont'd Clara adaga gde 487 Clara-Amanda (Lothrop) aacbg ck 430-1 Clara-Eudora aacdb ice 439 Clara-Francis adcai bgb 519 Clara-Gilbert adbcf bei 513 Clara-Ida (Parker) aacbc ahg 544 Clara-Lothrop aacbg ckf 298 430-1 Clara-Louise (Wyman) aabcg dbd 533 Clara (Paul) adaaf d 349-51 Clara-Wentworth (Makepeace) aabce abc 527-8 Clarence-Amer adbcf beda 593 Clarence-Arthur aabcg dbca 532 Clarence-Blanchard adaaa bbidb 610 Clarence-Frederick aabce aebc 529 602-3 Clarence-Henry adf/e df 397 524-5 Clarissa-Emily (Greenwood) adffe cb 522-3 Clarissa-Nodding aacdb ii 308 Clement-Robert adahb dcga 585 Clementina (Hibbard) aacdb ih 440 Clifford adaga agdb 579 Clifford-Franklin adaid bbaa 592 Clifford-Mitchell adaaa bbcfb 607 Cora-Alice (Tissue) adaga gfa 490 581 Cora (Breeden) adaaa bbcg 607 Cordelia-Etta (Makepeace) aabce abc 527-8 Cornelia adahf ci 374 Cotton aabcf d 144 262-3 CuUen-Melone adaah ebb 480 575 Cummings adcab 122 Cummings adcam 122 123 Cummings adfad c 245 Gushing aabhe 70 155-6 275 Cyrus S. aacda ec 301 Daisy-Maude adaaa bbih 565 Daisy-May adagb /be 494 Dallas- Abraham adaaa bbifa 611 Damietta-Clapp aabcg dd 264 Damietta-Dennison (Clapp) aabcg d 263-4 Daniel 1 5 14 42 66 67 177 185 311 451 Daniel a6 3 4 7 12 13-5 17 Daniel abad 13 38 39 84-6 89 Daniel abbea a 189 Daniel-Bertie adb/a bga 515 Daniel-Boone adagb ha 367 Daniel-Bray abbhc h 193 Daniel-Lewis adahb faea 585 Daniel-Savage adbfa b 238 385-6 Daniel-Savage adbfa bg 386 515 Daniel W. aafff fb 185 Daniel-Waldo aacbc b 162-3 Daniel- Waldo aacbc ad 283 416-7 Daniel- Waldo aacbc addd 543 Daniel-Webster adcac bac 516 595-6 David 10 11 72 242 254 423 David adaae a 98 206 342-4 David adaah g 213 215 356-7 David adaae hh 345 David adagb lb 368 David-Francis aacdc ga 312-3 David-Franklin adaae abf 472 David-Hollis adahb gbe 502 586 David-Jones adaid h 230 377-8 David-Jones adagb dd 364 David-Pratt aabce abc 400 527-8 David-Roosevelt aabce abet 528 Davis adaha c 223 224 Davis Jenkins abbea mc 320 Deborah aaa 10 34 Deborah aabb 29 30 31 67 76 77 Deborah adab 50 109 Deborah aabab 64 65 Deborah adagf (?) 109 Deborah aabad d 138-9 LINCOLN cont'd Deborah adcai ba 390 Deborah-Ann (Denton) adaaa bbe 561-2 Deborah (Denton) adaaa bbe 561-2 Deborah (Hersey) aa 9 10 Deborah-Leavitt aabcd 66 140 141 252 Deborah (Lincoln) aaa 10 Deborah-Otis (Wade) adcai 6 390 Deborah (Revere) aacbe 165-6 Deborah-Revere aacbe e 166 Deborah-Reynolds (Foster) aacdb fc 436 Deborah (Souther) aabcd b 140 252 Deborah ([Thaxter] Thaxter) aacba c 76 80 152-3 Delia-Frances adaga gdag 580 Delia-Mae (Coil) adahb fae 585 Deloras-Adeline adaaa bbifb 611 Diadama (Briggs) adagb f 365-6 Diana-McKelva adaae ahb 474 Dickinson adahb gc 370 502 Dimple-Mae adaaa bbidd 610 Dolly (Epstein) adahb bed 584 Donald adahf daba 590 Donald-Jason aabcj hbaa 534 Donald-Morton aacdb fcdb 549 Doniphan-Rice adaah gdd 485 Dora-Dell adagb fbf 494 Dorcas adaae e 206-7 Dorcas adaae ad 343 Dorcas adaae ha 344 Dorcas-Lavina adaae ib 346 Dorcas (Robinson) adaae 205-8 Dorcas-Sarah adaae ie 347 Dorcas-Sarah-Emeline (Maupin) adaae iac 346 475 Dorothy aacbc addf 539 544 Dorothy aacdb fcda 550 Dorothy adbcf baabg 613 Dorothy-Davis a66ea mhca 557 Dorothy-Evangeline aabce aebaa 602 Dorothy-Frances aacdb efba 549 Dorothy-Hardy (Richardson) aacbc adde 543-4 Dorothy-Louise adcac baiba 614 Dorothy-Maie aacdb ebgb 548 Dorothy-Pitkin aacdc geb 443 444 Drury-Harris adaah ebba 575 Edgar C. adaga aae 486 Edgar-Thomas adaaa bbii 566 Edith aa6/i0 ee 278 Edith adagb deb 492 Edith (Anderson) adaaa bbid 610 Edith-Buckingham (Morse) aac6e dad 545 Edith-Estelle a66ea mha 453 Edith-Hattie o66/ic dbb 458 Edith-Lillian oa6ce ae66 528-9 Edith-Marian adaid bbad 592 Edith-May aacdb ebad 548 Edith-Myrtle adaga gica 582 Edith-Olivia ada;i6 fad 501 Edmund-Sabine aocd6 e6^ 433 548 Edna-Alice adagb fbc 494 Edna-Earl (Moreland) adaae aged 570 Edna-Phyllis aabhg dbaa 536 Edward 1 2 4 5 6 14 Edward adaah eh 355 Edward adagb dl 365 Edward adaid ca 377 Edward adaah ecd 481 Edward adaaa 66/* 563 609 Edward-Baker adaaa dbb 471 Edward-Blake aacbc acde 538 Edward-Buck adbfa bh 386 Edward G. ad6/a bdg 515 Edward-Gilpin adaga gf 361 362 489-91 Edward-Hall a66ea TO6a 452 556 664 INDEX OF PERSONS LINCOLN cont'd Edward-Henry adhcf baabb 613 Edward-Henry adbcf baabd 613 Edward-Leland abbea mbda 556 Edward-Louis aabck bdb 411 Edward-Madison adaga gfac 581 Edward-Maynard abbec fdc 458 558 Edward-Return adaae agce 570 Edward-Reynold abbhc dbe 458 Edward-Rose adaga gda 489 580-1 Edward-Ross aabcj cb 267 Edward-Turner abbce cdb 403 530-1 Edward-Winslow aacbc ah 283 418 419-21 Edward-Winslow aacbc ahga 544 Edwin aabhg da 277 Edwin-Litchfield adcai ffc 520 Edwin-Saville aabcg dba 406 531-2 Edwina adaah eea 481 Edwina-Lewis (Seaverns) abbea cabg 604 EflBe-Amelia-Florence adaae agf 473 Effie-Florence abbec bia 455 Effie-Julia (Garwood) adahf dae 591 Effie (Martin) adaaf dbc 575 Effie-Pearl adaaa befc 566 Elbridge-Bangs aabck bab 410 534-5 Eleanor (Ames) aacdc eac 551 Eleanor-Fessenden adcac dace 598 Eleanor-Louise aabcg dbdc 533 Eleanor M. (Gove) aacdb b 301-2 Eleazer adf/j 134 Electa-Nobles ad/ad be 245 393 Elias-Hudson adaga gfe 490 Elijah 15 Elijah-Franklin abbea cabi 554 605 Elisha aaf 11 35-8 91 184 Elisha aafd 36 37 Elisha aafe 37 Elisha aafff 36 43 82 184-5 188 Elisha aafff c 184 314-6 Elisha L aafff cc 315 Eliza aabcg a 146 Eliza oabcA; d 153 154 274 Eliza adffe e 248 Eliza aabcj ca 267 Eliza adbcf bd 232 383-4 Eliza ( ) adbcf a 382-3 Eliza ( ) adbch f 236 Eliza-Ann (Livingston) abbec bi 455 Eliza-Beal aabcf h 145-6 Eliza (Fogg) aabcj c 267 Eliza (Eraser) adcai bga 598 Eliza-Hall (Tower) abbea md 320 Eliza (Hyler) Holbrook aabce b 255-6 Eliza-Jackson (Copeland) adfad ba 521 Eliza-James abbea caf 451 Eliza-Langdon (Frothingham) aacbe b 292-3 Eliza M. adbfa be 385 386 Eliza-Maria aacbe m 166 Eliza (Moore) adahb f 369 Eliza (Murry) aacbe Ifba 547 Eliza-Paddleford aacbc aha 420 Eliza (Pratt) 185 Eliza (Robertson) adbca d 380-1 Eliza-Swift (Gardner) aacdb efb 549 Elizabeth 30 77 Elizabeth ab 13-5 Elizabeth abc 13-4 41 Elizabeth ade 18 22 Elizabeth agf 26 Elizabeth aahc 12 Elizabeth abab 38 Elizabeth abbb 14 39 41 88 Elizabeth adfi 63 Elizabeth adahg 110 Elizabeth adfab 63 127 189 Elizabeth aacd6 c 179-80 LINCOLN cont'd Elizabeth abbea j 189 Elizabeth adaae k 208 Elizabeth adaah a 215 Elizabeth adaga h 218 Elizabeth ada/i6 a 226 Elizabeth ad6ca A 117 231 233 Elizabeth aacdb be 301 302 Elizabeth adaaa ad 329 Elizabeth adaaa be 332 561 Elizabeth adaga ab 358 Elizabeth adaga cb 359 Elizabeth adaga ge 361 362-3 Elizabeth adahb da 369 Elizabeth adahb gd 370 Elizabeth ada/i/ cd 373 Elizabeth adaid aa 375 Elizabeth adaid be 376 Ehzabeth adotd cc 377 Elizabeth adaid hg 378 Elizabeth adaii bd 378-9 Elizabeth odbca da 380-1 Elizabeth adbca fb 381-2 Elizabeth adbcf ce 383 385 Elizabeth adbch be 118 236 Elizabeth adaaa abb 462 Elizabeth adaaa bee 464 Elizabeth aabcf aeab 531 Ehzabeth adou' 666/ 592 Elizabeth adbcf baabh 613 Elizabeth ( ) 127 Elizabeth ( ) aacbc ahj 421 Elizabeth ([Agner] Whartenby) adahb dee 499 Elizabeth (Alderson) adaga gfd 490 Elizabeth-Ann adahb bcb 496-7 Elizabeth (Beal) aaic 12 Elizabeth-Beal aa6ce 6^6 402 Elizabeth (Casner) adaah 97 213-5 471 Elizabeth (Coffman) adaah ca 215 471-2 Elizabeth-Cushing aabcd dd 253-4 Elizabeth (Davis) adah 109-10 Elizabeth (Dickinson) adahf 225 228-9 Elizabeth (Doty) adaga agd 579 Elizabeth (DuRoss) adahb b 368 Elizabeth (Erb) adahb be 496-7 Elizabeth-Esther ad6/a bdfa 595 Elizabeth (Fillebrown) aa6ce c 257-8 Elizabeth-Fillebrown aa6ce ca 258 Elizabeth-Frothingham aac6e 66 292 Elizabeth-Gertrude adaae abac 569 Elizabeth (Haines) adahf ce 505 Elizabeth (Hawke) 10 Elizabeth-Hopkins aabcf ad 261 Elizabeth (Hupp) adaaa bbd 561 Elizabeth-Hutchinson adahf ccac 589 Elizabeth-Jacobs (Clarke) aacd6 fc 436 Elizabeth (Jones) adaid 230 Elizabeth-Jones adaid ga 377 Elizabeth (Kay) adahb ge 502 Elizabeth-Lewis aafff h 185 Elizabeth (Lincoln) a6 13-5 Elizabeth (Lincoln) ad/a6 63 127 189-90 Elizabeth-Lincoln (Gushing) aaedc gf 444 Elizabeth (Lovett) adahb dc 499 Elizabeth M. (Edwards) oo6c/ gg 145 Elizabeth-Maria oacd6 fea 436 Elizabeth-Marian (Gulick) abbhc dea 459 Elizabeth (Mudd) adaaa aa 459-61 Elizabeth (Neville) a66ec be 454 Elizabeth (Noble) ad6c/ ea 514 Elizabeth (Norton) aahf 12 Ehzabeth (Oaves) adaga 216-9 361 Elizabeth (Phipps) ad6c/ aa 382-3 Elizabeth (Revere) aac6e 165-6 Elizabeth (Richards) adahf cb 505 Elizabeth (Robbins) adffe 247 248-9 INDEX OF PERSONS 665 LINCOLN cont'd Elizabeth (Ruth) adaii bbb 592 Elizabeth-Scammell aabce ba 255 256-7 Elizabeth (Severance) ad/ad ba 521 Elizabeth (Shrum) adbca 118 231-3 Elizabeth (Stoddard) adcai b 390-1 Elizabeth T. adaah gb 357 Elizabeth-Theresa adaae agd 473 Elizabeth (Thompson) aacdb 176-81 Elizabeth (Trumbull) aacbc ac 414-5 Elizabeth-TrumbuU aacbc acdb 538 Elizabeth-Waterhouse aabcd dfa 254 Elizabeth (Whitcomb) aaff 36 80-4 91 Ella adbfa ed 386 Ella A. aabce ade 401 Ella B. adaah ebc 480 Ella-Frances (Ramsdell) aabcg dbc 532 Ella-Lee (Long) adaae ahd 474 Ella-Lightburn (Parker) adaah gdb 578 Ella (McClernan) adagb dje 583 Ellen aabhg ab 276 Ellen aafff gd 317 Ellen adaaa aag 460 461 Ellen-Augusta aafff gg 318 Ellen-Augusta aabck bda 411 Ellen B. (Hayden) aacdd ea 447 Ellen-Clark adagb djed 583 Ellen-Deane (Simonds) aabce cd 403 Ellen (Dyer) aabcj cb 267 Ellen-Elizabeth adahb dcda 584 Ellen-Elizabeth-Longfellow (Fessenden) adcac da 518 Ellen-Harriet (Carlson) abbea cabi 605 Ellen-Harriet (Johanson) abbea cabi 605 Ellen (Kennedy) adagb dh 493 Ellen-Maria adcai fh 391 Ellen-Maria aacdb bda 431 Ellen-Maria abbea cai 452 Ellen-Mehitable (Jones) aacdb fcb 549 Ellen B. (Sykes) adaah ek 482 Ellen (Spencer) adahb dcd 584 Ellen-Theresa (McKenna) aabcg dbcb 532 Elliott-Curtis aacdd deb 313 Elmer-Ellsworth aabce cdbd 531 Elmer-Ray adaga gdab 580 Elmira-Taylor (Melone) adaah eb 480 Elsie aacdc ead 441-2 Elsie-Minnie (French) aabcf acg 404 Elvira-Kingsley aacdb ia 307 Elwyn-Russell adahb gbcc 586 Emelia-Carlson (Ahlberg) aacdb eeb 433 Emeline aabce cf 258 Emeline aacbg cf 298 299 Emeline E. (Bacon) aafff c& 315 Emeline (Hall) aacbe da 423 Emelyn-Irwin (Taft) adffe cda 601 Emily adahb gga 370 Emily-Bean adcai fa 391 Emily-Burling (Garrigues) adaid he 507 Emily-Caroline aacbe da 423 Emily-Caroline aacbe dabe 545 Emily-Caroline (Lincoln) aacbe da 423 Emily-Rolfe (Holbrook) aacdb eba 547-8 Emily-Susan adaaa abd 462 Emily- Virginia (Mawson) adaid bb 507 Emma adahb dbj 499 Emma-Bicknell adffe cc 396 Emma-Catherine (Hupp) adaae agi 570 Emma-Cushman aabch dd 148 266 Emma-Eliza adaga aag 486-7 Emma-Frances adahb bcc 497 Emma-Gerard (Lyle) adaah eka 576 Emma-Hamlin (Torrey) aabcg de 407-8 Emma-Jane (Spicer) adcai ff 520 Emma-Jane (Williams) aacbe If 427 Emma-Louisa adahb fac 500 Emma-Souther aabcd bcc 399-400 LINCOLN cont'd Enfield (Stogdale) adaah emc 577 Enoch aacb 10 32 33 35 65 72-8 79 89 176 Enoch aacbb 75 76 Enoch aacbc e 163 287-9 Ephraim 66 185 Erastus-Churchill 241 Ernest-Erdine adaae agca 569-70 Ernest-Francis abbec fdcd 558 Ernest- Wilbur aacdd de 313 Ernest-William adahb gcdb 588 Err-Ralston adagb he 367 Esther aabce abcf 528 Esther-Eliza (Bates) adfae ad 394 521-2 Esther (Hilton) adba 114 Esther-Nora adaii bed 509 Ethel aacbg chb 298 430 Ethel aacdb igba 551 Ethel adaaa bbeg 562 Ethel-Agnes (Wentworth) abbhc dbe 458 Ethel-Forester aabcg dbad 532 Ethel-May aacdc ecab 552 Etta-Bearl adaga gdaf 580 Etta-Belle (Franks) adaga gda 580-1 Etta-Harriet aabce abcg 528 Etta-Lyman aabcg dbe 406 Ettie-Frances adahb fab 500 Ettie-Frances adaaa befa 566 Eugenia-Bryant (Outlaw) adaaf ace 573- 4 Eugenia L. (Barbour) aabcg dc 407 Eunice aaffa 36 80 Eunice abbhf 92 Eunice- Adaline adaae agcf 570 Eunice-Eliza adbca dca 511 Eunice (Lincoln) aaffa 80 91-2 Eunice R. (Swett) aacdb h 305-6 Eunice- Viola aabce cdbb 531 Eva adaaa bbbh 559 Eva-Gwendoline adaaa bbfea 609 Eva-Malissa adahb gca 502 Eva-May (Mullen) adaaa bbfi 609 Eva (Mohring) adahb dci 500 Eva-Orilla adahb geb 503 Eva-Richards aacdb eg 303 Evalina-Barry aobcfc fd 273 274 Evalina-Barry (Lincoln) aabck fd 273 274 Evalyn-Mae adaaa bbcfd 607 Eve-Marie adaaa bbeab 608 Evert-Wendell aac6e dada 545 Ezekiel aaff 36 37 80-4 91 Ezekiel aabch 66 67 146 147-8 259 Ezekiel aabce c 142 184 257-8 Ezekiel aabch d 148 264-6 Ezekiel aacdb i 177 180 306-8 Ezekiel aafff a 80 184 Ezekiel aafff i 185 Ezekiel aafff gc 317 Ezekiel abbea cah 450 452 552 553 554 Ezekiel-Wallis abbec bl 323 455-6 Ezra aacbg 74 75 77 167 251 Ezra aacbg c 167 297-9 Ezra aacbg cc 298 428-9 Ezra aacbg eke 298 430 Fannie aacda g 175 Fannie (Bell) aacdb ebd 432-3 Fannie-Biddle abbhc dbd 458 Fannie-Esther adfae adab 600 Fannie-Forester aabcg dbb 406 Fannie-Webster adcac baeb 596 Fanny adaah ed 354-5 Fanny (Chandler) aacbe add 541-4 Fanny-Clark aabcf dab 262 406 Fanny-Elizabeth adaae abd 472 Fanny-Ellen abbec bga 455 Fanny (Kilby) adcai 240-1 666 INDEX OF PERSONS LINCOLN cont'd Fanny-Kilby adcai fe 391 Fanny-Kilby adcai bgc 519 Fanny-Mitchell aacdc eb 309 Fanny (Young) adbcf beb 593 Felix-Zollicoffer adaaf aba 477 Fern-Bell adaaa bbcac a 615 Flora-Dell (Mitchell) adaaa bbcf 607 Flora-Estella (Hayes) abbea mh 453 Flora-Page aacdd daa 445 Florence aacbe daba 545 Florence-Alberta (Bartlett) aabce abca 602 Florence-Bates adcac bajb 597 Florence-Cornelia adffe dga 525 Florence-Eva (Crane) aacdb fed 550 Florence-Hayes abbea mhb 453 Florence-Lillian adaae hfae 572 Florence-Mary adaaa bbfh 563 Florence-May aabce aecc 529 Florilla (Buck) adb/a b 385-6 Floyd adaah ela 483 Frances aacde 79-80 Frances aabaa b 135 136-7 Frances aacdb d 180 Frances aacdc a 182 Frances aabhg dbb 413-4 Frances adahb dbg 499 Frances aabcg dgca 534 Frances-Ann (Brown) adbca fc 511-2 Frances (Day) adaaa ab 461-2 Frances-Ellen (Coney) abbec bg 454-5 Frances-Eloise adagb fba 494 Frances-Fiske (Merrick) aacbc ad 416-7 Frances-Gordon (Currier) aabhg d 277 Frances (Jones) aaca 64-5 71 Frances (Jones) aacbc acdd 71 604 Frances ([Jones] Lincoln) aaba 64-5 Frances-Josselyn aacbe Ic 297 Frances-Katharine adaah ge 357 Frances-Louisa (Parr) adagb fb 494 Frances-Louisa (Smith) abbec bla 455-6 Frances-Maud (Monroe) aacdb ebg 548 Frances-Merrick aacbc ada 417 Frances (Nickerson) ada{7a agf 579 Frances-Revere aacbe ^- 166 Francina aacdb igca 551 Francina-Knight adahf eg 373-4 Francina (Reynolds) adahf c 372-4 Francis abbe 39 42 89-91 121 238 Francis aacbe b 166 291-3 294 Francis adcac b 238 388 Francis aacbe ba 292 Francis adcac bab 516 Francis-Henry aacdd ec 314 448 Francis-Henj-y aabce bga 402 Francis-Henry aacdd ecu 449 Francis-Herbert a(Z//e cab 522 Francis-Mayhew o66ea e 189 Francis-May hew abbea ca 319 450-2 Francis-Mayhew abbea cac 450 451 552 554-5 Francis-Stone adffe ca 396 522 Frank aabhg ec 278 Frank-Abraham adaaa bbfg 563 Frank-Alvin adahb dcd 499 584 Frank- Antonio aabce edab 530 Frank-Boynton adffe cgb 524 Frank-Buckingham adaah gdbc 578 Frank-Fitzhugh adaae abab 569 Frank-Louis aacbe Ida 426 Frank-Louis aacbe Idfa 547 Frank-Thorla aabcf aeb 405 Franklin-Jones aacdb gb 304 Franklin-Philbrook oacdb e/b 434 549 Fred E aabck b/d 412 Fred-Eugene aabed bcdd 526 Fred-Jerome abbea mhc 453 556-7 LINCOLN cont'd Fred-Royal aabcf acg 404 Frederic aabce aeb 401 528-9 Frederic-Ernest adaaa bbcac 606 614-5 Frederic-Fuller adcai fbb 520 Frederic-Revere aacbe la 296 297 Frederic-Revere aacbe Ifb 427 547 Frederic-Walker aacbe i 166 168 294 295-6 Frederic-Walker aacbe da 294 421-3 Frederic-Walker aacbe dab 296 423 544-5 Frederic-Walker aacbe dabb 545 Frederick aabce 66 67 141-2 184 Frederick aabce b 142 255-7 Frederick aacdb ebf 433 Frederick-Albert adaaf acf 478 574 Frederick-Edwin aabhg dba 413 536 Frederick-Ernest aabce aebba 528 Frederick-Herbert abbhc dba 458 Frederick-Lewis aafff ff A 316 318 449 Frederick-Oliver aabce bb 257 Galen adfc 62 Galen adfaa 127 243 Galen adfaa a 244 Gatewood-Saunders adaah emc 485 576-7 Geneva adaaa bbcgb a 615 George abbhd 91 92 George adcbe 125 George adcbt 125 George aacbi e 168 George adaah e 213 214 215 353-6 George adbcf b 118 234 382 383-4 George aacbc af 283 417-9 George adagb If 368 George adbcf bg 384 George adaha eca 480 George- Albert aacdb eea 433 548-9 George-Augustus aacbe Ifd 428 George-Bronson aabcg de 264 407-8 George-Bronson aabcg dec 408 George-Chandler aacbc adde 543-4 George-Cook aabcf gg 145 George-Cummings adfae adc 522 600 George-Eckert adahb bbh 496 584 George-Edmands aabce cda 403 529-30 George-Edward aabce adb 401 George-Frederick-Handel aabce bg 256 257 401-2 George-Gibbins aabce bi 257 George-Giflford aabcf acf 404 George-Hem-y abbhc dc 324 459 George-Henry adffe cb 247 396 522-3 George-Henry aabcd bed 400 526 George-Henry adbcf beb 513 593 George-Henry adcac bai 517 596-7 George-Henry adbcf bebb 593 George-Herbert aacdb ebb 432 George-Jones adaid bb 376 507 George-Jones adaid hd 378 George-Jones adaid bba 507 592 George-Jones adaid bbac 592 George-Lewis adahb bca 496 George-Lowell aacdb bdb 431 George-Luther abbhc dca 459 George-Lyle adaah ekab 576 George-Lyman oabcj; dbd 406 532-3 George-Martin abbea mbd 453 556 George-Morton adaah eka 482 576 George-Morton adcai fba 520 598-9 George-Morton adcai fbaa 599 George-Otis aacdb eb 303 432-3 George-Peter aabce adg 401 George-Pottle aacdb ih 307 308 440 George-Reynolds adahf daea 591 George-Russell aabch de 148 266 George-Ruth adaii bbbe 592 George-Thomas adaah ek 355 482 George-Thomas adaae hfc 475 I INDEX OF PERSONS 667 LINCOLN cont'd George-Thomas adaaa bbda 561 George-Trumbull aacbc ace 415 George- Vashtine adahb bb 368 495-6 George W. aacbe haab 546 George-Washington adahf dd 375 George-Washington adaga gie 492 George-Washington adahb deb 499 George-Washington adahf dae 506 591 George-Washington adaaa bbbe 559 George-Washington-Henry adbcf beef 594 George- William aabcf aea 405 531 George-Winslow abbea mbab 556 Georgia adaah eba 480 Georgianna-Devillers aacbc afa 419 German adahb h 226 German-Dickenson adahb bd 368 497-8 Gertrude-Abby (Berry) aacdb efc 434 Gertrude (Reed) adahc aaa 588 Gladys-Adelia aabce aecb 529 Gladys-Maie aabcd bcdc 526 Gladys-Victoria aacdb eeaa 549 Glen- Washington adaaa bbeae 608 Gordon-Pfeiffer adaaa bbgba 610 Gorham aabcd d 140 141 252-4 Gorham-Edgar aacdb igb 439 551 Gorham-Prentice aabcd dc 253 Grace aafa 90 132 Grace adaaa bbfda 609 Grace-Ann adbca deb 511 Grace-Caroline aacdb efa 434 Grace-Isabel aabhg aaab 536 Grace-May adahb gcda 587 Grace-May (Hawkins) aacdc eca 552 Grace ([Stockbridge] Thaxter) aab 28-31 Graham-Cullen adaah ebda 576 Grant adahb dbh 499 Grover-James adaaa befe 566 Gussie-Lou adaaf dbac 575 Guy-Alvin-Theodore obbec bea 454 Hannah ( ) adf 61 Hannah ao/c 37 Hannah aafj 36 37 38 Hannah adac 47 50 51 Hannah adaab 95 98 100 101 Hannah adagd 108 223 Hannah adbfc 120 121 Hannah adffb 133 320 Hannah aabcd f 140 141 Hannah adaae g 207 Hannah adaa/ 6 101 Hannah adaah h 213 215 Hannah adaga f 218 Hannah adog^b ^ 219 220-1 Hannah aabed ad 141 252 Hannah adaga ce 360 Hannah abbea cae 189 451 Hannah-Amelia aacbe Ig 297 Hannah-Ann (Haymaker) adagb dj 493 Hannah (Clapp) adcai / 391 Hannah E. ([ ] Norwood) aacdb % 307 Hannah-Elizabeth (Johnson) adahb fa 500-1 Hannah-Elvina (Kendig) adahb bbi 583 Hannah-Farrar-Jewett (Clark) aabcf da 405-6 Hannah (Hobbs) adcah b 391-2 Hannah-Jane adfae af 394 Hannah-Jane ([Taylor] Wiser) adbcf beb 593 Hannah (Jones) adaid b 376 Hannah (Jones) adaig 6 112 364-5 Hannah M. adbfa bb 386 Hannah-Manson adffi b 250 Hannah-Margaret adagb djee 583 Hannah-Maria (Sears) aabhg aa 413 Hannah- Mary adahc aad 504 Hannah-Mehitabel (Brewer) aabcf ac 404 LINCOLN coui'd Hannah-Pratt (Dunbar) aabce ae 401 Hannah-Prentiss (Perry) adffe d 396 Hannah (Ritter) adaii be 509-10 Hannah (Salter) ada 44-53 100 Hannah-Samuels adaid e 230 Hannah-Sprague (Wales) aacbe I 294 296-7 Hannah (VanBuskirk) adahc a 371 Hannah- Young (Stoner) adaii bf 510-1 Hannaniah adaha 108 110 194 222 Harold-George aabcd bcdb 526 Harold-Thomas adahb gbcb 586 612 Harold-Wilbur aabhg aaad 536 Harriet aabcj e 150 Harriet aacbj c 172 173 Harriet aacda h 175 Harriet aabek gb 274 Harriet-Abbot aacbe daa 423 Harriet-Amelia aacdb bdj 432 Harriet-Ann (Elliott) adaaa bbi 564-6 Harriet- Ann (Zell) adbca dc 511 Harriet-Brayton (Nichols) aacbc adde 543 Harriet-Clementina aabek bg 270 Harriet-Cook (Fithian) adbcf bee 594 Harriet-DeLucy adaah gg 357 Harriet-Eveline adaaa bbcj 560 Harriet (Flenniken) adaga age 487 Harriet-Holbrook (Nickerson) abbec fdca 558 Harriet- Joy abaeg 6 188 Harriet (Keller) adagb dd 364 Harriet (McLellan) aabcf a 260-2 Harriet-McLellan aa6c/ rt6 261 Harriet-Maria aacbe Ifc 427-8 Harriet-Maria adcac bafa 596 Harriet-Maria ([White] Bean) aacbe If 427-8 Harriet-Moody aacbe db 294 297 Harriet-Priscilla aabce abb 400 Harriet-Priscilla abbec fdce 558 Harriet (Robie) aabek g 149 273 274 Harriet (Tufts) abbec fd 457-8 Harriot aabhe e 192 Harriot-Souther aafff ga 316-7 Harrison-Gilbert adaii be 110 378 509-10 Harrison-Tilden adaii bed 510 Harry adahb bdc 498 Harry-Benjamin adaga gdh 489 Harrv-Davis adahb bdf 498 Harry-Foster aacdb fed 436 550 Harrj'-Francis abbea mhd 454 557 Harry-Francis aabeg dbcb 532 Harry-Gordon aabeg dgad 533 Harry-Grealy aabeg dbab 532 Harry-Irven aacbe Ifg 428 Harry-Lewis adbcf begd 594 . Harry-Newton adcac baib 597 613-4 Harry-Preston adaaa bbeaf 608 Harry-Reaves adahb dcj 500 Harry-Ward aabeg dbc 406 532 Harry-Willard adcai bgf 519 Hartwell aac6ff cd 298 Hartwell oocbff ce 298 Harvey-Preston adaae age 473 569-70 Harvey-Ruth adaii bbbd 592 Harvie-Gilpin adahf ebb 505 Hattie A. adbfa bda 514 Hattie-Green aabeg dbac 532 Hattie-Louise aabce cde 403-4 Hattie-Simons adbfa bdc 515 Hawkes 254 Hazel-Adeline aabhe aba 413 Hazel-Irene adaga gdai 581 Hazel-Rees (Huey) adaii bbba 612 Helen aacbc ahi 421 Helen aacdb fcdb 550 Helen adaaa bbfdc 609 668 INDEX OF PERSONS LINCOLN cont'd Helen-Abigail aabce aecd 529 Helen-Alma aacdc gbb 443 Helen ([Benedict] Burnett) adaah gda 578 Helen-Blake (Webber) aachc acd 537-8 Helen-Brevoort adfad baba 599 Helen-Conoly adaid bbb 507 Helen-Elizabeth (Sprague) aacbg cc 429 Helen-Eugenia adf/e cdaa 601 Helen-Francenia (Philbrick) abbhc db 458-9 Helen-Frances aabch dc 148 266 Helen-Frances aacdc eab 441 Helen-Francis adf/e cad 522 Helen-Geraldine adaaa bbeac 608 Helen-Gertrude abbea cabdb 604 Helen-Hale (Story) aacdb eec 434 Helen-Irene adaaa bbidg 610 Helen-Maria aabck bfb 412 Helen-Maria aacbg ccb 429 Helen-Maria (Shedd) aabck 6/411-2 Helen-Martha (Knowlton) aacdb bd 431-2 Helen-Mary adagb fbd 494 Helen-Pauline adaga gicc 582 Helen-Revere aacdd dab 445 Heman 66 137 Henrietta adcac h 125 239-40 Henrietta ([Baugh] Scales) adaa^ aa 348 Henrietta-Brewer aabcf aca 404 Henrietta-Frances (Grandle) adaae age 569-70 Henrietta (Kepilino) aabcg dga 533 Henrietta-Wallis adcac baca 595 Henry aacdc 79 181-3 Henry aacda f 175 Henry aacdc e 183 308-10 311 Henry abbec e 191 Henry adaga j 217 219 Henry aabce eg 258 Henry aabhg ad 276 Henry aabhg db 277 413-4 Henry aacdc gg 313 Henry abbec bb 84 321 453-4 Henry adaga ga 362 487-8 Henry adbcf bb 383 Henry aacdb bde 431 Henry aacdc eaa 441 Henry aabce cdaa 530 Henry adbcf baabi 613 Henry-Barry aabck bf 270 274 411-2 Henry-Brewer aabcf acd 404 Henry-Greenwood ad//e cba 523 Henry-Harrison abbea mf 320 Henry-Huston adogb djec 583 Henry M. aacda eb 301 Henry-Moorhead aabck bfa 412 Henry-Mordecai adaaa bbcab 606 Henry-Patrick aobcg? dgb 409 533-4 Henry-Philip adaTi/ dc 375 Henry-Philip ado;^/ daa 108 110 223 506 590 Henry-Philip adaaa bbfb 563 608 Henry-Richardson aacdc eca 442 552 Henrj'-Thomas adfae adb 522 Henry-Wadsworth abbec bbaa 557 Henry-Ware aabcd df 254 Henry-Ware aabcd dfe 254 Hepzibah aaffi 36 83-4 453 Hepzibah (Bouv6) aabce b 255-6 Herbert-Austin abbea cabda 604 Herbert-Henry adbfa bda 514 Herbert-Randolph adbcf bedd 594 Herbert-Richmond aacdb ee 303 433-4 Herman-Gushing aabhe ab 275 276 412-3 Herod-Franklin adaae age 473 Hester adbab 59 113 114 Hester adagb dha 364 493 LINCOLN cont'd Hester adaaa bbbf 559 Hester-Ann ( ) adaae aa 343 Hezekiah abb 13 14 15 39-43 Hezekiah abbh 39 42 80 88 91-2 Hezekiah abbha 92 Hezekiah aacab f 12 note 72 Hezekiah adaaa aae 460 461 Holbrook aacdb ebab 548 Homer-Fielden adaaa bbfba 608 Hope-Kirby adffe cgd 524 Horace-Greeley adaga agf 358 486 487 579 Horace-McKee adbcf bej 513 Horace-William adbcf bedb 594 613 Hosea aaih 12 Howard adahb dci 499-500 Howard adaii bea 510 Howard-Abbot aacbe Idd 426 Howard-Amasa aabcg dgaa 533 Ho ward- Andrew aacdb igbb 551 Howard-Bicknell adffe cbd 523 Howard-Nearing adhfa bdf 515 595 Howard-Thomas adaaa bbead 608 Ho ward- Walter adfae adaa 600 Hugh-Brown adaaf aa 348 Hugh-Brown adaaf abe 477 Hugh-Brown adaaf ace 478 Huldah od/oe o6 394 Huldah (Kilby) adfae 127 245-6 Huldah (Leech) adaga ga 362 487-8 Ida adbcf bebc 593 Ida-Beatrice (Sharp) adaaf ac 478 Ida-Berenice (Tabbut) abbec fbd 558 Ida-Eliza adaae hfd 475 Ida-Ella aacdb gfa 437 Ida-Louise aabce cdad 530 Ida P. (Jones) adbcf bedb 613 Ida (Young) adbcf baa 592-3 Ina-Belle (Porter) adbfa bdf 595 Ira-Briggs adagb fa 365-6 Irene odfae adca 600 Irene-Beal oa/// ff/318 IsaacwlO 63 234 note 242 Isaac abd 14 Isaac adc 16 18 19 22 59-61 127 388 Isaac adbb 55 56 58 113 114-5 119 Isaac adca 59 60 61 89 121-3 132 244 Isaac adaad 43 93 95 100 101 204-5 348 Isaac adcaa 122 Isaac adcbb 125 Isaac adaaf f 101 209 210 211 351-2 353 Isaac adbca d 118 232 379 380-1 Isaac adcac d 239 388-9 Isaac adcac ba 388 516-7 Isaac adcac daa 518 Isaac-Buck adbfa bd 385 386 514-5 Isaac-Newton adcac bag 516 Isaac R. adbcf ca 383 384 514 Isaac-Warren adcac bae 516 Isaac-Wells adaah gd 356 357 485-6 Isaac- Wells adaah gde 485-6 Isaac- Wilber adbca dee 511 Isabel aabhg ae 276 Isabel adaae abe 472 Isabel adaae hfia 573 Isabel R. 446 Isabella (McCain) adaga p// 490 491 Isaiah aaht 12 Isaiah aaig 12 Isaiah abbea f 189 190 240 Isaiah abbea cab 451 552-4 Isaiah-Austin abbea cabd 553 604 Israel 278 313 Israel adbch g 118 235 236 Jackson-Steward aacbg ckbc 547 Jacob adf 18 19 23 62-3 130 131 Jacob adbc 55 58 113 114 116-8 231 INDEX OF PERSONS 669 LINCOLN cont'd Jacob adfb 62 128-32 Jacob adaae 43 94 95 96 97 98 100 101 205-8 213 Jacob adhch 116 117 118 234-7 Jacob adfad 61 63 123 127 128 244-5 Jacob adaae h 207 344-5 Jacob adbcf a 118 234 382-3 384 Jacob adbch 6 118 235 236 Jaeob adfad g 244 245 Jacob adaaa be 332 333 464 Jacob adbcf cb 383 384 Jacob adbcf bf 384 Jacob adaaa bbd 463 561 Jacob-Arthur aacdb ebac 548 Jacob-Broaddus adaae hf 345 346 475-6 Jacob-Broaddus adaae hfha 573 Jacob-Lafferty adagb da 364 Jacob-Nicholas adaae ag 343 344 472-3 Jacob-Stannels aacdb eba 432 547-8 Jacob-Thomas adaae agi 473 570 Jael aahh 12 Jael (Curtis) adfa 63 127-8 189 190 Jael (Gushing) aacda 174-5 Jael (Garrett) adc 59-61 Jairus 254 Jairus adffk 134 Jairus aabce h 142 148 259-60 Jairiis B aabce h 259 Jairus-Beals aabce ab 355 400 Jairus-Horace aabce abca 527 602 James 65 67 76 80 139 140 141 143 147 242 James aaa 10-11 James aaaa 10 James adaid 112 230 James adcad 121 James adcaf 122 James adcak 122 123 242-3 James adaid ba 376 James adaid hb 378 James adbcf be 383 James adaaa bbi 463 564-6 James-Anderson adaaa bbida 610 James-Boone adaid abc 506 691-2 James-Bradford adaaa ab 43 329 461-2 James-Gapeheart adahf daca 591 James-Garter adcai bd 390 James-Garter adcai bgd 519 James-Glaiborne adaak gda 357 note 485 577-8 James-Glaiborne adaah gdaa 578 James-Dallas adcac bah 517 James-Davis abbea md 320 James-Dernell adaga gic 492 582 James-Edward aacdb bb 301 James-Edwin adaah em 355 483-5 James-Edwin adaah emd 485 577 James F. adaaa bbgb 564 609-10 James-Francis aabck bh 152 270 274 412 James-Hamilton adaaf ac 205 348 477-8 James-Handshaw adaqa aa 358 486-7 James-Hubert adahb faeb 585 James-McGain adaga off 490 491 James-Martin abbea mhcb obi James-Minor 367 371 James-Moore adahb fa 226 369 500-1 James-Morris adaaa bbgbd 610 James-Otis aacdc ge 313 443-4 James- Preston adaga gicb 582 James-Riley adaaa abe 462 James-Russell adcai bgaa 598 James-Silliman adaga agb 487 James-Stephen adaga aaaa 579 James T. adaga aaf 486 James-Thomas adaaa bbca 559 605-6 James-Warren adcak bb 392 James-Washington adaaa bed 464 LINCOLN cont'd James- Wesley adahb faf 501 Jane aabah 64 66 148 259 Jane aabaa d 135 137 Jane aabch b 148 259-60 Jane aabcf aa 260 Jane adbca db 381 Jane adaga ghaa 582 Jane-Cordelia adaah ef 355 481 Jane (Gilpin) adaga g 361-3 488 Jane (Lincoln) aabah 66 148 259 Jane (Lincoln) aabch b 148 259-60 Jane-Robinson ([Thomas] Lewis) aabcj c 267 Jane-Russell aabce ha 148 260 Jane-Thaxter (Burrell) aabce ae 401 Jane (Usrey) adaaf db 479 Janet-Sallie adaae hfaca 611 Janette-Ann adaae hfaf 572 Jared aacab g 12 note 72 Jeannette-Carlson abbea cabic 605 Jedediah aac 10 31-5 70 Jedediah aaca 35 64 70-2 Jedediah aacbi 74 75 78 167-9 293 313 Jedediah aacab a 12 note 72 Jedediah aacbi c 168 Jedediah aacbi aa 299 Jemima adagb 6 219 220 Jennett adffe h 248 249 Jennett adffe j 249 Jennette-Emeli ne (Carpenter) adahb ged 503 Jennie-Catherine (Elofson) abbea mba 556 Jennie-Elizabeth (Kershaw) aabcf aea 531 Jennie-Louise (Lawson) abbea mhc 556-7 Jennie M. (Crockett) aacbe Ifd 428 Jennie-Margaret (Adams) adahb gbc 586 Jennie-May (Morse) aabcg dba 532 Jennings-Sipe adaae ahcb 571 Jeremiah 157 Jeremiah aaid 12 80 Jermyn adahb h 226 Jerom aacbg ch 298 299 429-30 Jerome abbea 89 127 188-90 Jerome abbea c 189 318-9 Jerome-Bates aacbg cha 298 430 Jerusha aabcf f 144 Jerusha (Waterman) aabcf 142-6 Jesse adaaf a 101 209 210 347-8 Jesse adagb d 112 219 220 363-5 Jesse adaaf aca 478 Jesse adaaa bbfia 609 Jesse-Hampton adaaf dbca 575 Jesse-Leroy adagb djc 493 Jessie adaaa dbac 568 Jessie- Amanda adbcf bck 514 Jessie-Belle adahb gbg 502 Jessie-Florence adbcf beee 594 Jessie-Mary adcai ffb 520 Jessie (Schultz) adaaa bbic 610 Jetson-Jackson adaae ahc 474 571 Joanna 39 Joanna aabaf 64 65-6 Joanna E. (Bacon) aafff c6 315 Joanna-Frothingham aacbe bf 293 Joanna (Low) aaa 10 Job aahd 12 Joel adffh 134 Joel-Kay adahb gbd 502 586 Joel-Willcutt abbec bj 322-3 John agg 24 26 John aabh 29 30 31 68-70 John adaa 47 49 50 51 52 92-103 335 John adbg 54 55 59 94 113 John aabcj 66 68 76 141 143 148-51 John adaaf 43 94 95 96 98 99 100 101 208-12 670 INDEX OF PERSONS LINCOLN cont'd John adagb 94 104 105 106 108 219-22 367 John adaij 112 229 John adbcd 117 233 John aabcj 6 150 John aabck c 154 John aabhg a 156 276-7 John adaae b 206 John adaaf k 101 209 210 211 212 352-3 John odaa/i /213 214 215 John adagb c 105 219 220 366 John adahc a 227 371 John adahf c 229 372-4 John adaid b 230 375-6 John adbca a 118 232 379-80 John adbch e 118 235 236 John adcai b 24:1 389-91 John aabhg aa 276 413 John adaae he 345 John adagb hb 367 John adagb la 368 John adahb dc 369 499 John adahb ga 370 John adahc bb 372 John adaid ac 375 John adbcf ba 383 512 John adbfa eg 387 John adcai fb 391 519-20 John adahb dba 498 John adahc baa 372 John adahb dcgb 585 John adbcf baaa 593 John-Anselm adcai bgc 519 John-Anslem adcai ffa 520 John-Barker aabhg 78 156 John-Bumstead aacbe bh 293 John-Clarence adaaa bbeh 562 John-Craigin adaaf db 210 349 351 478-9 John-Crocker aacdc f 183 310-1 John-Davie adaae hfb 475 572 John-Dehaven adaii 6 112 231 378-9 John-Dunlap adcac da 389 517-8 John-Dunlap adcac dacb 598 John-Edward adaae aha 474 570-1 John-Egbert adbfa a 237 John-Egbert adbfa ff 388 John-Erb adahb bed 497 584 John-Fillebrown aabce cd 258 403-4 John-Gilbert adaii be 379 510 John-Henry aacdc /c 311 John-Henry adaae hfbb 572 John-Hobart abbec d 190 191 John-Hobart abbec bk 323 John-Hobart adcac baf 516 596 John-Howard aacdb ig 307 308 439 John- James adcai bg 391 518-9 John-Joseph adahf cea 505 589 John-Joseph adahf ceab 589 John-Karsner adaah eb 354 479-80 481 John-Karsner adaah ebd 480 576 John-Mason aacdb he 305 306 John-Melvin aacdb gc 305 436-7 John-Mordecai adaaf ab 348 476-7 John-Mordecai adaaa bbcbb 607 John-Morton adaah ekac 576 John-Nathan aacdb icab 550 John-Patterson adagb dh 364 365 493 John-Percy adaae hfacd 611 John-Robertson adbca dc 381 511 John-Robie aabcj hb 268 409 John-Russel adaaa bbifc 611 John-Ruth adaii bbbc 592 John-Spencer aabcg dge 409 534 John-Strother adaae aa 343 John T. aabce add 401 John-Taylor adahf db 375 John-Thomas adahb gee 503 John-Thompson aaedb gca 437 LINCOLN cont'd John-Thompson aacdb gfd 438 John- Waldo aacbe d 163 284-6 414 John- Waldo aacbe ah 283 419 John- Waldo aacbe ahb 420 John- Wesley adahb fb 369 John-Wesley adahb dee 499 John- Wesley adahc aaa 504 588 John-Winthrop aabhg aaaa 536 Jonathan aabc 29 30 31 66-8 Jonathan aabcd 66 67 140-1 Jonathan aabcd e 140 141 Jonathan-Jones adaaa bef 464 566 Joseph 278 313 Joseph aaic 12 Joseph adahf 110 225 227-9 Joseph abbec 6 191 321-3 Joseph adahb c 226 Joseph abbec be 322 454 Joseph adbca fa 381 Joseph adbfa ea 386 Joseph adaaa bbg 463 563-4 Joseph adaaa beg 464 566-7 Joseph adaaa bbec 562 Joseph-David adaaa bbeg 560 607 Joseph-Gardner abbec fbe 457 Joseph H. adaga gib 492 Joseph-Henry adahf cb 373 504-5 Joseph-Hollis adahb ge 370 502-3 Joseph-Howard adbcf bee 513 594 Joseph-Howard adbcf beeb 594 Joseph-Waterman odb/6 120 121 Joseph-Waterman adbfa c 238 Josephine aabhe aa 276 Josephine adaae he 345 Josephine adaaf dbb 479 Josephine-Amy (Wands) aabce aebc 603 Josephine (Clapp) aabck bh 412 Josephine-Elizabeth odooe abb 471-2 Josephine-Marion (Barnard) oacfec acbaa 614 Josephine-Rebecca adoae td 347 Josephine-Rice aabce cdae 530 Josephine-Rose aacbe addb 542 Joshua 63 Joshua-Revere aacbi i 168 169 Joshua-Thompson aabef da 405 Josiah aai 12 36 Josiah oai6 12 Josiah adaaa b 43 44 108 194 196 197 201 202 327 329-33 336 463 Jotham aabhe a 155 156 274-6 Julia adaah eo 355-6 Julia adaah elf 483 Julia-Ann (Caldwell) adbfa e 386-7 Julia-Ann (Holmes) abbec fb 456-7 Julia ([Brown] Colston) adaah ebb 575 Julia-Hall (Bobbins) aabcj hb 409 Julia-Holmes abbec fbc 457 Julia-Jenks (Handy) aabef aea 531 Julia-Maria (Ross) adffe eg 524 Julia O'Neal (Whitehead) adaae hfh 573 Julia-Sophia (Jones) aacdb ef 434 Juliana adaaf j 101 209 212 Julian (Boone) adaic 229 Julian (Mayberry) adaic 229 Juliann (Gatewood) adaah e 354-6 Kate-May (Bowles) adaae hfi 572 Kate-Von- Weber (Marston) aacbe ah 420-1 Katharine adaaa bf 331 333 Katharine aacdc gea 444 Katharine adaaa bei 464 Katharine-Bird adaah emb 484-5 Katharine (Dorflinger) adbfa bg 515 Katharine-May adaaa beff 566 Katharine-VonWeber aacbe ahk 421 Katherine-Marie aa6cA; 6rfd 411 INDEX OF PERSONS 671 LINCOLN cont'd Katherine-Mary adaga ghc 492 Katherine-Russell aabch db 148 265-6 Kathleen-Malinda (Zirkel) adaae agca 569-70 Kathryn adaga agfd 579 Kathryn-Gould (Wait) adaah gde 486 Katie-Bright adaae ahf 475 Kenneth aacdh igbc 551 Lafferty adagb I 105 219 222 367-8 LaForrest aabce aec 401 529 LaForrest-Webster aabce aeca 529 Langdon aacbe bg 293 Larkin F. adaah gh 357 Laura adbcf cba 384 Laura-Ashbury (Arnold) adffe dd 397 Laura-Caroline ([Larsen] Anderson) adbfa fh 515-6 Laura-Elcena (Tegarden) adaaa bbea 608 Laura-Flint aabcf daa 405-6 Laura-Maria (Simmons) aabhg a 276 Lavina adahb dbc 498 Lavina (Gibbs) adaaa bbif 611 Lawrence adaaa bbic 505 610 Lawrence-Franklin abbea cabia 605 Lawrence-Litchfield aabck bfc 412 535 Lazarus adcai 123 240-1 Leah aacbh 74 75 77-8 156 Leavitt aacda d 175 Leavitt aacda e 175 299-301 Lee (Moore) adaaf dba 574 Lelia adaaa bbff 563 Lemuel-Saunders adaah ei 355 481-2 Lena adaaa bbfde 609 Leon-Girard abbec bla 455-6 Leona-Adria (Parminter) adaaf ac/ 474 Leroy-Sherman adagb dje 493 582-3 Leroy-Sherman adagb djeb 583 Leslie-Alberta (Bigelow) adffe dfc 601 Leslie-Parker aabce abch 528 * Lethea adaaf fa 352 Levi aace 35 Levi aafg 37 Levi aahf 12 Levi aacbc 75 76 157-64 169 Levi aacbc a 162 170 172 278-83 285 286 287 289 467 Levi abbea d 189 190 Levi abbhc a 192 Levi adffe m 249 Levi aacbc ab 74 283 Levi aacbc acb 415 536-7 Levi aacbc acbaa 603 614 Levi aacbc acbaa a 614 Levi-Bates aacbe Idf 426 546-7 Levi-Cook adffe dg 397 525 Levi-Louis aacbe Id 297 425-6 Levi-Thaxter aabcj h 151 153 267-8 Lewis aafff b 184 Lewis aafff g 185 316-8 Lewis-Craigin adaaf dbc 479 575 Lewis-Francis abbea cacb 554 555 Lewis-Jones aacdb ec 303 Lewis-Jones aacdb ebe 433 Lewis-Wadsworth aacdb gcb 437 Lillian adaaa bbfdd 609 Lillian adbcf baabe 613 Lillian-Cora (Shaw) aabck bfc 535 Lillian-Gertrude aacdb icb 438-9 Lillian-Haskell aacdd dac 445 Lillian-Hogsett adaga gdg 489 Lillian-Josephine aabcg dbaa 532 Lillian-May (Schuyler) adbcf baab 613 Lillian-Shaw aabck bfca 535 Lillian (Steiger) adaae hfac 611 Lillian (Taylor) adbcf beg 594 Lillie-Jane adahb bdd 498 LINCOLN cont'd Linford-Rogers adaid adb 506 Lizzie (Deffenbaugh) adaga gdb 489 Lizzie (Miller) adaaa bbcac 615 Lizzie-Robbins adffe lb 398 Lizzie-Smith ([Hibbert] Norton) aacdb ee 433-4 Lloyd-Stanley adahf ceaa 589 Lodena adahb dbd 498 Lois aaffj 36 84 Lois (Pardee) adbfa 237-8 Lola (Pfeiffer) adaaa bbgb 609-10 Lora-Bird adaah ema 484 Lot adcai d 241 Lot-Rogers adaid dbd 506 Lot-Whitmarsh aabce / 142 258-9 Louis aacfee a 165 Louis aacbe d 166 293-4 Louis-Dewolf aacdb igd 439 Louis-Manson adffe cda 523 600-1 Louis-Nichols abbec bi 322 455 Louis-Pellman adahc aae 504 588 Louis-Pellman adahc aaec 588 Louis-Revere aacbe dad 423 545 Louis-Russell, aacbe hac 424 Louisa a66/ic da 324 Louisa aa6/i£? oo6 413 Louisa-Ann adaaf de 351 Louisa-Elizabeth adagb djea 583 Louisa-Grace adaii bbbb 592 Louisa-Jane aaftce ce 258 Louise adaah gdbb 578 Louise (Stanwood) aa6cg rf^c 534 Lovell-Bicknell adffe de 397 Lovell-Bicknell adcac baj 517 597 Lowell aacbg cj 299 Lowell aacbg ck 167 298 299 430-1 Lowell aacbg oka 430 Lowell aacbg ckb 430 547 Lowell-Lothrop aacbg ckbb 547 Lucena adcbm 126 Lucia adcaA; a 242 Lucinda aabhg b 156 Lucinda aabce fa 259 Lucinda (Fearing) aacbh d 78 156 Lucinda-Fearing aabhg ea 278 Lucinda (Gates) aabce f 259 Lucretia (Bell) aacdb ec 303 Lucy aabca 66 67 68 Lucy aabce g 142 260 Lucy aabcg g 147 Lucy aabcg i 146 147 Lucy adaha d 224 Lucy adffe f 248 Lucy aacdb if 308 Lucy adaah ecc 481 Lucy A. adfe/a fd 387-8 Lucy-Agnes ar^cai //d 520 Lucy-Allen abbec fba 457 Lucy-Ann aabcd bca 399 Lucy- Ann (Briggs) aabcd be 390-400 Lucy- Ann-Lombard aabcg df 264 Lucy-Ann (Moast) adaga gr/ 490-1 Lucy- Augusta aacbe p 166 Lucy-Coolidge adffe ebb 523 Lucy-Coolidge (Stone) adffe c 395-6 Lucy (Deno) adgba fe 368 Lucy-Ellen aabhg aaaf 536 Lucy-Ellen (Marsh) adcac bai 596-7 Lucy-EUen (Simonds) aabce aba 526-7 Lucy-Emma aacfte hbb 425 Lucy-Frances ad/a^ 0,6 395 Lucy-Gatewood adaah ej 355 Lucy-Isabella adbfa fha 516 Lucy-Jane (Souther) aabhg aaa 536 Lucy-Josephine-Elizabeth abbec beb 454 Lucy-Knox odaoe ahe 474 Lucy (Lewis) aocab / 72 672 INDEX OF PERSONS LINCOLN cont'd Lucy-May adaga g/aa 581 Lucy (Post) adb/a / 387-8 Lucy (Richardson) abbec fb 456-7 Lula ([Adams] Brown) adaae hfb 572 Lula-DeEtta (Jay nes) aab/ie a6 412-3 Lulu (Goodwin) adaaf acb 478 Luretta-Cushing abbea cc 319 Luther-Axtell adaga age 487 Luther-Jenkins abbea me 320 Lydia 142 Lydia aag 1 1 Lydia aaia 12 Lydia aaie 12 Lydia adfj 62 63 130 Lydia aabha 69 Lydia adaac 95 100 101 Lydia adfag 128 Lydia aabcd c 140-1 Lydia aacdd c 184 Lydia adaae c 206 Lydia aacdd dr 313 Lydia adagb fd 366 Lydia-Abbott aabcd dfd 254 Lydia- Augusta adahb gbf 502 Lydia (Bates) aacdd 183-4 Lydia (Gushing) aaha 12 Lydia-Ellen aacdb be 302 Lydia-Ellen (Breed) adcac bag 516 Lydia-EImirah adahf ch 374 Lydia (Hobart) 12 Lydia ([Hobart] Ripley) aacb 74 76 89 Lydia (Jacob) aabh 68-70 Lydia-Jacob aabhg c 156 Lydia-James (Gushing) aafff fb 185 Lydia-Jane (Gilpatrick) aacdb ec 303 Lydia-Maria adffe ce 396 Lydia (Myers) adahb b 368 Lydia (Nichols) aabcd 140-1 Lydia-Nichols aabcd db 253 Lydia-Nichols (Bates) aacbe Id 426 Lydia-Priscilla adahb bbd 495 Lydia ([Whiton] Beal) aaha 12 Lyman-Putnam aabcg dga 409 533 Mabel aacdc ecd 442 Mabel adaaa bbfdb 609 Mabel ([Anson] Hammer) adbca dec 511 Mabel-Bettina (Lawrence) adcai fba 599 Mabel-Gertrude (Pinkham) abhea cabd 604 Mabel-Harriet (Kelley) aabce cdba 531 Mabel-Louise (Ghampney) abbea mbd 556 Mabel (Sawyer) aacdb igb 551 Madeline abbec fdb 457-8 Mahulda adaaa bbib 565 Major-Wetherford adaaa bbcb 559 606-7 Malinda (Morris) adahc ba 372 Malinda (Morris) adahc hh 372 Mamie-Elizabeth adaae hfib 573 Mamie-Maria (Swarens) adaaa bbfb 608 Marcia-Dunlap adcac daca 598 Marcia-Maria (Bangs) aabck ba 409-10 Marcia-Scott (Dunlap) adcac d 389 Marcy (Vinal) adfah 246 Margaret 11 77 101 Margaret aabi 28 29 30 31 Margaret adaah 6 215 Margaret adahf a 228 Margaret adaic d 229 Margaret adaic e 229 Margaret adagb dc 364 Margaret adagb df 364 Margaret adahb gf 370 Margaret adaid cb 377 Margaret arfaoA elc 483 Margaret aacdb i(7c6 551 Margaret adaaa bbbg 559 LINCOLN cont'd Margaret adaaa bbed 562 Margaret adaga gida 582 Margaret ( ) 10 Margaret-Alice (Rardin) adaga aaa 579 Margaret-Amelia (Henderson) adaid a 375 Margaret (Galdwell) adcb 124-126 Margaret-Eliza adcai bgab 598 Margaret-Elizabeth ([Greene] Merrill) aabck bab 535 Margaret-Ellen adahb gcc 502 Margaret-Ellen (Thurston) adcac baf 596 Margaret-Ellen (Yaw) adaga gi 492 Margaret-Evans adaid abca 592 Margaret (Frazer) adaah gdaa 578 Margaret (Hedden) adagb h 367 Margaret-Hoxson adaid bbae 592 Margaret-Hudson adaid abb 506 Margaret-Jameson aabcg dgbb 534 Margaret-Jane adagb dja 493 Margaret-Jane adahb dch 499 Margaret-Jane (Patrick) adahb bbi 583 Margaret L. (Beal) aabce bg 402 Margaret (Laird) adahb ge 503 Margaret (Langer) 13 14 Margaret (Lincoln) 11 Margaret-Louise adahb gbcba 612 Margaret-Louise (Sims) adahb gbcb 612 Margaret-May adahb dcdb 584 Margaret-Permilla adaii bbe 508-9 Margaret-Pixley (Bird) adaah em 484-5 Margaret-Priscilla adahb bee 497 Margaret ([Ringrose] McHugh) adcac daa 518 Margaret (Smith) adbca d 380-1 Margaret (Tibbons or Gibbons) adaaa abe 462 Margaret-Winslow aacbc acda 537-8 Margaret-Worthington adahf cf 373 Margarete H. adaaf ka 353 Margaretta adahb be 368 Marguerite aabce abcaa 602 Marguerite-Beatrice adaaf acfa 574 Maria aabcj d 150 153 Maria adcak c 242 Maria adfad f 245 Maria (Brandt) adbcf ba 512 Maria-Elizabeth aacdb fd 304 Maria H. aabce bd 257 Maria H. aabce be 257 Maria-Heald aacda ea 300 Maria (Jackson) adaid c 376-7 Maria L. (Gopp) aacdb f 304 Maria- Revere aacbe n 166 Maria (Watson) aacdb i 307-8 Mariah-Jackson (Hart) adaga ag 487 Marian aabcg dgcb 534 Marian-Vinal aacbc ahf 420-1 Marie adaga agfb 579 Marie-Louisa (Gilkey) adaah gd 485-6 Marie-Reed adahc aaaa 588 Marie-Rosina (Seissler) aacdb ica 550 Marietta adbcf baabf 613 Marietta-Foster (Bennett) abbea mhd 557 Marinda-Ellen adaaa bega 567 Marion adahf daab 590 Marion-Josephine aabce aebca 603 Marion-Whitney aabce abaa 527 Mark-Halfpenny adahc aac 504 Marston aacbc ahg 421 544 Martha a/i 4 8 9 Martha abe 14 Martha aga 24 Martha a^d 25 26 27 71 Martha abbd 39 42 Martha abbhc 92 INDEX OF PERSONS 673 LINCOLN cont'd Martha adaib 112 Martha aacbc c 163 Martha adaii a 230-1 Martha adaaa af 329 Martha adaae hd 345 Martha adaii bg 379 Martha aabcf dac 406 Martha adaii bee 510 Martha ( ) o 6 7 Martha ( ) adagb de 492 Martha-Adelia (Vinal) aabce aec 529 Martha-Ann adaaa bbce 560 Martha-Ann ( ) adbch g 236 Martha-Ann-Chloe adfad d 245 Martha-Ann (Hunt) aacbe Ifb 547 Martha-Ann-Robinson aacdb ha 306 Martha-Biddle (Fimple) adbca a 379-80 Martha-Blake (Minott) aabck b 269-70 Martha-Blake-Minot aabck bhc 412 Martha (Cole) adaga c 359-60 Martha-Ehzabeth aabcf dc 263 Martha-Elizabeth aabck bb 270 274 Martha-Elizabeth adahb fag 501 Martha-Emma (Covington) adbcf bed 593-4 Martha (Gardner) abbec fb 456-7 Martha (Gibbs) adaaa be 464 Martha-(Golding) aacdb ig 439 Martha ([Howard] Robb) aacbe 165-6 296 Martha I. (Cook) adaaa beg 566 Martha J. (Kennedy) adaaa bed 464 Martha-Jane (Bures) adaaa aba 462 Martha-Jane (Newcomb) adcac bai 596-7 Martha-Josephine (Forester) aabcg db 406 Martha-Kathleen abbea cabgb 604 Martha (Lincoln) abe 14 Martha-Louise adagb di 365 Martha-Louise adaaa bbicb 610 Martha-Maria abbea cabh 554 Martha (Morrill) aafff fc 185 Martha (Parker) adagb da 364 Martha-Rogers adaid aba 506 Martha-Roy (Raymond) adaah end 577 Martha-Stockbridge (Litchfield) abbea cab 552-4 Martha (Waldo) aacbc 162-4 Martin 176 Martin abbea m 133 190 319-21 Martin adfad b 245 392-3 Martin abbea ma 320 Martin-Jerome abbea mb 320 452-3 Martin- Volney adfad ba 393 521 Mary 10 34 Mary af 4 8 Mary aad 10 Mary age 25 26 Mary aacc 35 Mary abbe 39 41-2 186 Mary adad 47 50-1 209 Mary adfe 62 131 Mary aabae 64 65 Mary aacaa 26 71 Mary abbeb 89 238-40 Mary abbhb 92 Mary adahe 110 Mary adaia 112 Mary adbcg 117 118 Mary adcbl 126 Mary adfac 127 190-1 Mary adfba 62 128 130 131-2 Mary aabaa a 135 136 Mary aabad c 138 Mary aabce e 142 251 Mary aabck a 153-4 Mary aacbi g 168 169 Mary aacdb a 178 179 43 LINCOLN cont'd Mary aacdd o 183 Mary abbea I 190 Mary abbec h 191 Mary adaaa c 202-3 Mary adaae d 206 Mary adaaf i 101 212 Mary adaga e 217-8 Mary adaj^b i 219 221 Mary adahf b 229 Mary adbca e 117 118 231 232-3 Mary adbch d 118 235 236 Mary adffe g 248 Mary aabcf af 261 Mary aabhg ac 276 Mary aacdc ^d 313 Mary aacdd de 313 Mary adaga ad 358 Mary adaga eg 360 Mary adaii bj 379 Mary adbch ba US 236 Mary aabce cbc 402 Mary aacdc gfb 444 Mary abbea cag 451 Mary adaaa bea 464 Mary adahb dbb 498 Mary aacbc addc 543 Mary adaaa bbbd 559 Mary adaaa dbaa 567-8 Mary adahf dabc 590 Mary ( ) 2 3 4 7 Mary ( ) ag 23 Mary ( ) aabaa 135-7 Mary ([ ] Barker) aac 32 34 Mary ([ ] Lucas) adaah ek 482 Mary-Abbie (Hemingway) aacbe haa 546 Mary-Adella (Ward) aafff gh 449 Mary-Agnes adahf dad 506 Mary-Alice (Daniell) aabce cdb 530-1 Mary-Alma aacdb bdi 432 Mary-Amanda adbcf beea 594 Mary-Amelia aacbe Idb 426 Mary-Ann aabcj i 151 Mary- Ann aacdc d 182-3 Mary-Ann adagb db 364 Mary-Ann adcak ba 392 Mary-Ann adaaa bbeb 561-2 Mary-Ann (Anderson) abbea cac 554-5 Mary-Ann (Bennett) aacbe hb 424-5 Mary-Ann-Binney aabcd da 253 Mary-Ann-Binney aabcd dg 254 Mary-Ann (Brown) aabcj h 267-8 Mary-Ann (Call) aacbe ha 424 Mary-Ann (Nelson) adaah ee 481 Mary-Ann (Sampson) abbea cad 555-6 Mary-Ann (Shattuck) aabck ba 409-10 Mary-Ann (Whiton) adcac bac 595-6 Mary- Anna adcai fd 391 Mary-Anna-Ludlow aacbg ckba 547 Mary-Augusta aacdd db 313 Mary- Avery (Souther) aafff g 316-8 Mary-Balkon aabcf ace 404 Mary (Barry) aabck 152-4 Mary (Bates) aaba 64-6 78 148 Mary-Birch abbhc c 192 Mary-Blanche adahb gbda 586 Mary (Booth) adagb fbb 494 Mary (Bowker) aacbc adda 542 Mary ([Brightman] Gifford) adcai bgc 519 Mary (Burr) abea 15 Mary-Catherine adaae abc 471 note 472 Mary-Catherine adaii bbc 508 Mary-Cecilia adahg bbg 496 Mary-Cornelia (Switzer) adaae agce 570 Mary-Cotton (Ware) 254 Mary (Gushing) aabcd d 253-4 Mary-Davies adaid he 378 674 INDEX OF PERSONS LINCOLN cont'd Mary E. ([- ] Northorp) adhfa ea 386 Mary E. Celia (Crowell) abbea each 555 Mary E. (Coffey) aachc ahj 421 Mary-Edmands aabce cdc 403 Mary-Eliot aabch da 148 265 Mary-Eliza aabck ff 273 Mary-Eliza adahf ca 372-3 Mary-Eliza (Trumbull) aacdb ig 439 Mary-Elizabeth aafff gb 317 Mary-Elizabeth adaae ia 346 475 Mary-Elizabeth adahb fc 369 Mary-Elizabeth adcac db 389 Mary-Elizabeth aabcf ace 404 Mary-Elizabeth aacbe hba 425 Mary-Elizabeth aacdc ecc 442 Mary-Elizabeth adaga gia 492 Mary-Elizabeth adahb gba 501 Mary-Elizabeth adahb gea 503 Mary-Elisabeth adffe cac 522 Mary-Elizabeth adaga gdaa 580 Mary-Elizabeth adahb dcgc 585 Mary-Elizabeth (Bourne) abbec hba 557 Mary-Elizabeth (Cottrell) adffe ca 522 Mary-Elizabeth (Hughes) adaae ah 474-5 Mary-Elizabeth (Koontz) adaae aee 344 568-9 Mary-Elizabeth (O'Keefe) adaaa bbcb 606-7 Mary-Elizabeth (Osman) adaga gh 491-2 Mary-Elizabeth (Rose) adaga gd 489 Mary-Elizabeth (Spencer) adaaa bbc 559-60 Mary-Elizabeth (Wallace) adahb dcg 585 Mary-Ellen adaga aac 486 Mary-Ellen adaaa bbci 560 Mary-Ellen adbcf beba 593 Mary-EImina abbea caba 553 Mary-Emma aabce cdd 403 Mary-Emma adahb bdb 498 Mary-Ermina (Buchanan) adaid a6d506 Mary-Etta (Kenton) adhab god 587 Marv-Evangeline (Jenson) aabce aeba 602 Mary (Evans) adaga a 358-9 Mary (Farnum) agi 26 27 Mary (Fearing) aabad 138-9 Mary-Fleet (Eliot) aabchd 264-6 Mary-Florence adaaa bbcaa 606 Mary-Florence (Hayden) aabhg dba 536 Mary-Frances aafff fa 185 Mary-Frothingham aacfee hd 292 Mary-Garrigues adaid hca 507 Mary-Gertrude (Wiseman) adaaa bbcgb 615 Mary-Gilligan aocdfe /cc 436 Mary (Harlan) adaaa dba 567-8 Mary-Hathorne (Knight) aacbe d 293 Mary ([HealdJ Shatiuck) aacda e 300 Mary (Holbrook) adf 62 Mary ([Hobart] Chapin) ad 18 19 21-3 Mary (Homan) adaae i 345-7 Mary (Horswell) abb 15 40-2 Mary (Howard) adaga gdh 489 Mary-Humphrey (Nichols) abbec b 321-3 Mary-Huntington (Fuller) adcai fb 519- 20 Mary-Isabel adaae hfab 572 Mary-Isabella (Jasper) adaae hf 475-6 Mary-Ives (Davis) adaid h 378 Mary ([Jacob] Barker) aac 32 34 Mary-Jane adagb he 367 Mary-Jane adaaa aad 459 460 461 Mary-Jane adaga gdc 489 Mary-Jane (Campbell) aacdb bd 431-2 Mary-Jane (Downs) adcai bgf 519 Mary-Jane (Galbraith) adffe I 397-8 Mary-Jane (Hawke) abbea cace 605 LINCOLN cont'd Mary-Jane (Hemmick) adagb I 367-8 Mary-Jane-Savage adbfa ec 386 Mary-Jemima adagb fc 366 Mary-Knight aacbe dac 423 Mary-Knight aacbe dabc 545 Mary-Knight ([Hanscom] Hoyte) aacdb ee433 Mary L. adbfa fc 387 Mary (Lafferty) adagb 105 106 219-22 Mary-Leannah adaae agb 473 Mary-Lee (Curtis) 313 Mary (Lincoln) abbeb 238-40 Mary (Lincoln) adfac 127 190-1 Mary (Lincoln) aacdd de 313 Mary-Loreno (Heiss) adahb bbh 496 Mary-Louise adaaa befj 566 Mary-Louise adaah gdac 578 Mary-Lyon (Raymond) abbea cacb 555 Mary (McKenly) aabcg dc 407 Mary-Maria ad fad bb 245 393 Mary-Martha aacdb ba 301 302 Mary (Miles) adahb g 370 Mary-Mitchell adcak f 243 Mary-Moore (Francis) aacdc g 312-3 Mary (Morris) adahb bb 495-6 Mary (Mudd) adaaa a 325-9 462 Mary-Nichols abbec be 321-2 Mary (Otis) aacd 79-80 Mary-Otis aacdb ed 303 Mary-Otis aacdb fcbc 549 Mary P. abbec fda 457 Mary-Rebecca adbcf bea 512-3 Mary-Rebecca (Missimer) adahb bd 497- 8 Mary (Revere) aacbi 168-9 313 Mary-Richards (Jones) aacdb e 302-3 Mary-Richardson adcac dab 518 Mary (Robeson) ada 47 49-53 Mary-Rogers (Hoar) aacdd da 445 Mary-Rowena adaaa ae 329 Mary Rowena adaaa abc 462 j Mary-Ruth adbca fca 512 Mary (Scarlett) aaca 70-2 Mary ([Sampson] Packard) adfah a 394-5 < Mary (Schoonover) adaaa bbc 559-61 i Mary ([Seaman] Martin) adaaf f 352 Mary-Shattuek aabck bac 410 ? Mary-Shepard (Blanchard) aa6/jf7 d6 413-4 Mary (Shute) adbb 115 Mary ([Smith] Gale) aabhe 155 Mary-Sophia adaaf df 349 350 351 Mary-Sophronia (Robertson) aacbg cca 429 Mary-Susan (Maynard) aacbe acb 537 ? Mary T. odaaA gc 357 Mary (Taylor) adbc/i 235-7 Mary-Thaxter aabcd bd 140 141 252 Mary-Tidmarsh aabcg dh 264 , Mary (Todd) adaaa db 470-1 i Mary (Upham) adffi 250 ^ Mary-Vinal aac6e j 166 S Mary-Vinal ad/a^i aa 395 Mary-Waite (Lewis) aa6c/ at' 405 Mary-Waldo aacbe adb 417 Mary (Ward) adaad 204-5 Mary- Warren aabcg deb 264 408 Mary (Webb) adag 103-9 216 223 Mary (Yarnall) adadd 51 100 101 209-12 Mary (Yates) adahb bbh 496 Matilda adaga ae 358 Matilda adaaa beh 464 Matilda (Aldridge) adagb c 219 220 Matilda-Craig adaga gfc 490 Matilda-Frances adaga gg 361 362 363 Matilda-May adahb dec 499 Matthew 10 12 note 72 INDEX OF PERSONS 675 LINCOLN cont'd Matthew aah 11 Matthew aahe. 12 72 Mattie-Belle adaae hff 476 Mattie ([Halsey] Davis) adaah ek 482 Mattie-Joe adaaf dbaa 574 Maude-Anne adaga ghb 491 Maude-Bell adaaa befh 566 Maude-Minnie (Russell) adaae ahab 569 Maude-Olivia adahb faec 585 Maude- Winthrop aabce abab 527 May-Anna- Adelaide (Sehultz) adf/e df 524-5 Mayme (Presley) adaaf aca 478 Mehitable agb 24 25 Mehitable aacdd e 314 Mehitable-Ellen (Wilder) aacdb gc 437 Mehitable (Frost) ag 23 24 Mehitable (Lincoln) aacdd e 314 Mehitable (Townsend) 14 Melissa (Daugherty) adaaa bbg 564 Melissa-Etta adaaa bbch 560 Mercy aacbk 75 78 Mercy adcaj 122 123 133 Mercy (Hersey) aahd 12 Mercy-Maria ad/ah ac 395 Mercy-Thomas (Merritt) adcac haj 597 Meriel adcac c 238-9 Merrick aacbc adda 541-2 Michael adbcf c 118 234 382 384-5 Mildred aabce abcc 527 Millicent-Roma adaaf acfb 574 Milton-Webber aabce aebe 529 Minerva adaaa bbia 565 Minerva- Wright adffe cbc 523 Minnie-Sadie (Catlett) adaaa bbii 566 Mira S. aacda ed 301 Mishal adahc 110 223 226-7 Molly (Holbrook) aaib 12 Mordecai ac 6 7 Mordecai arf 4 6 7 12 15 16-23 24 43 44 46 58 335 388 516 Mordecai ada 18 22 43-53 91 100 119 335 Mordecai arfag 46 47 49 53 103-9 110 111 216 223 Mordecai adbf 44 55 58 59 115 118-21 Mordecai adcb 59 60 61 62 123-6 240 Mordecai adaic 111 112 229 Mordecai adcbk 125-6 Mordecai adffg 62 134 249-50 Mordecai adaaa a 43 195 196 197 198 201 202 324-9 330 336 Mordecai acJaa/ d 101 209 210 211 212 348-51 353 Mordecai adaga g 216 218 360-3 488 Mordecai adagb a 219 220 Mordecai adaid d 230 Mordecai adaaa ac 44 329 Mordecai adaah gj 357 • Mordecai adaga gd 361 362 488-9 Mordecai adaaa bbc 463 559-61 Mordecai adaga aad 486 Mordecai-Abel adaaa bbcgb 607 615 Morton-Francis aacdc gfa 444 Moses 177 234 note 314 Moses abe 14-5 Moses abea 13 15 Moses adbcf 117 118 233-4 and note Moses aafff f 185 Moses adbch a 234 235 236 Moses aafff fc 185 Moses adbcf be 384 512-3 Moses-Maris 234 note Myra abbec fa 323 Nancy adage 104 106 108 Nancy aacbj a 172 173 Nancy adaaa e 200 201 203-4 Nancy adaga 6 216 217 LINCOLN cont'd Nancy adagb k 105 219 221-2 Nancy adaaa bd 333 Nancy adaae hia 476 Nancy-Agnes adaga gc 361 362 Nancy-Ann adaaf h 101 209 212 353 Nancv (Barber) aabce cb 402 Nancy (Bicknoll) adffe 247-8 395 Nancy-Bicknell adffe b 247-8 Nancy (Bigelow) aacbj 172-3 Nancy (Brown) adaaf a 347-8 Nancy (Driver) adaae he 345 Nancy-Elizabeth (Burke) aacbe hac 424 Nancy-Franklin (Brown) abbec bl 455-6 Nancy (Gray) aacab f 72 note Nancy (Hanks) adaaa d 334 335 336-42 Nancy (Hoard) aacbc a/ 418-9 Nancy-Jane aabce ad/ 401 Nancy-Jane (Porter) aabce ad 400-1 Nancy (Jenkins) abbea m 320-1 Nancy ([Lionberger] Rhodes) adaae h 344-5 Nancy (Norcross) abbec f 323 Nancy (Parker) aabck f 153 272-3 274 Nancy (Pratt) abbea c 318-9 Nancy (Simons) abbec f 323 Nanne adcbd 125 Nanette-Brown adaaf abd 477 Nannie-Margaret adaae hfad 572 Nathan-Harrison adaaa bbif 565 610-1 Nathan-Pattangall aacdb ic 307 438-9 Nathaniel aaii 12 Nellie aacdb bdh 432 Nellie (Brown) adaga gh 491 Nellie-Jane adaga gfb 490 Nellie-Josephine (Perkins) adcac baib 613-4 Nellie-Kilby aacdb fcbh 549 Nellie-May aacdb gfb 438 Nellie (Merrifield) adaga aa 486-7 Nellie-Olmsted (Pitkin) aacdc ge 443-4 Nellie-Pryor adaah ekaa 576 Nellie-Thomas adcac baja 597 Newcomb-Bourne abbea cb 319 Newton adahb bbb 495 Nicholas adaaa aa/ 460 461 Nichols aabcd b 140 141 252 455 Nichols aabcd be 140 141 252 399-400 Nina-Elizabeth (Higgins) abbec bg 454-5 Nini-Sibyl adaae agcc 570 Noah 423 Noah aahb 12 Nora-Abigail adaae agh 473 Nora-Anne adahc aafa 589 Nora-Arbel (Cain) adaga aaaa 579 Nora-Bell (Taylor) adahc aaf 589 Norman-Covington adbcf bede 594 Obadiah aba 13 14 38-39 Obadiah abbg 39 42 126 127 Obadiah adfa 60 61 62 126-8 131 189 190 394 Obadiah abbhc 92 191-3 Obadiah adfah 128 246 Odessa-Oleon adaae agcb 570 Olberson adaaa befd 566 Olive 142 Olive aaij 12 Olive aaffc 81 Olive abaed 86 87-8 Olive adahb dbf 498 Olive adaaa bbgbc 610 Olive-Augusta adffe Ic 249 398 Olive (Cook) adffe d 396-7 Olive-Elkins aacdb fee 436 Olive-Irvette (Pike) aabcf dad 406 Olive (Litchfield) adfaa 243-4 Olive-May adaga gdad 580 Oliver aabck g 149 153 154 273-4 676 INDEX OF PERSONS LINCOLN cont'd Oliver aabce ae 255 401 Oliver adahb dbe 498 Oliver-Fessenden aabck ga 273-4 Oliver-Francis aabce aeba 528 602 Oliver-Gibbins aabce bi 255 257 Olivia-Elizabeth adahb bbf 495 Opal-Marie adaae agib 570 Ophelia (Whittington) abbec bb 84 453-4 Orianna-Augusta abbea cabb 553 Orpha-Theresa adaaf fc 352 Oscar aabcf dd 263 Oscar adaii bk 379 Oscar-Hemmig adaii bbb 508 592 Oscar-Moses adbcf beec 594 Oscar-Samuel adagb fe 366 Otis aacdb 79 175-181 Otis aacdb e 177 180 302-3 304 and note Otis aacdb ef 303 434 Otis aacdb efc 434 Otis-Wade adcai be 390 Pamela aabhf 70 Parmelia adaaa aab 460 461 Paschal-Hoopes adbcf beh 513 Patterson adagb h 105 219 221 366-7 Paul-Revere aacbe p 166 Paul-Revere aacbe dadb 545 Paulina-Emily adaaf da 349 350-1 Paulina (Stannels) aacdb eb 432-3 Pauline aacdb ebaa 548 Pauline adahb bcda 584 Pauline adaaa bbgbb 610 Pauline (Burns) adahb gbca 611-2 Pauline-Revere aacdd daec 552 Peggy aabhb 69 Peggy adcba 60 124-5 Peggy (Nichols) adcac b 388 Pelham-Winslow aacbe ahj 421 Pemberton-Hutchinson adahf cead 589 Penelope-Sever aacbe ae 283 Penelope-Winslow (Sever) aacbe a 282-3 Penelope-Winslow aacbe acde 538 Percilla abba 13 39 40-1 Percilla (Farrow) abb 39-41 Percy-Woodson adaae hfae 572 611 Persis (Tower) abaea 42 186-7 Peter aabce a 142 254-5 Peter-Gate wood adaah ee 354 note 355 481 Peter-Whitmarsh aabce aa 255 Peter-Whitmarsh aabce ad 255 400-1 Phebe adaig 112 364 Phebe adagb dg 364-5 Phebe-Maria (Blake) aacbg cc 429 Phebe-Waterman adbfa g 237 238 Phoebe adaaf g 101 209 211 Phoebe adaga i 218-9 Phoebe adaga ee 359-60 Phoebe adbcf bi 384 Phoebe A. adaga gk 361 363 Phoebe-Ann (Brewer) adaaa aae 461 Phoebe-Gorham (Childs) 278 Phoebe-Speekman (Hoofstitler) adbcf b 383-4 Philena-Hope aacbe dabd 545 Philena (Prentice) aacbe dab 545 Philinda-Gates (Bates) aacbg ch 429-30 Philip- J ones aacdb fcba 549 Phineas aacab e 12 note 72 Polly aacbe f 166 Polly adeac f 239 Polly adfad a 244 245 Polly-Otis aacda b 114: Preston adaae ab 215 343 471-2 Priscilla abbed 37 89 90 Priscilla aafff e 184-5 Priscilla abbea g 189 Priscilla abbec i 191 LINCOLN cont'd Priscilla adahb e 226 Priscilla adcac e 239 Priscilla adaaa aaa 400 Priscilla-Bates adfae add 622 Priscilla (Dickinson) adahb 225-6 228 Priscilla-Eastman aacdb fcbe 549 Priscilla-Nichols (Tower) abbec bj 323 Priscilla-Shaw (Pratt) aabce ab 400 Rachel aacbd 31 74 75 76-7 Rachel ado?;/ Ill 112 Rachel aacbg h 167 Rachel aacdb j 180-1 Rachel abbea b 189 Rachel abbea i 189 Rachel adaaf e 99 100 101 353 Rachel adaie a 229 Rachel adaaa bba 463 Rachel adahc bab 372 Rachel adaaa bbbb 559 Rachel ( ) adfb 130 131 Rachel-Ann (Hurbaugh) adaaa bbf 563 Rachel-Ann (Noble) aacbe Id 426 Rachel-Burr (Sprague) aabhg a 276-7 Rachel (Gushing) aacbg 167 251 Rachel-Gushing aabed ab 142 251 Rachel-Elizabeth adaaa bbcc 559-60 Rachel (Fearing) aacb 10 75-8 Rachel (Housekeeper) adahf d 375 Rachel-Housekeeper adahf ck 374 Rachel-Irene adaaf fb 352 Rachel-Lloyd (Hutchinson) adahf cea 589 Rachel-Malinda (Kay) adahb gb 501-2 Rachel-Potts (Holston) adahb bd 497-8 Rachel (Rogers) adaid ab 506 Rachel (Thompson) adahc 227 Rachel-Thompson adahc ab 371 Ralph-Albert adaaa bbica 610 Ralph-Augustus adaae agio 570 Ralph-Edward adffe dfc 525 601 Ralph-Freeman aabhg aaae 536 Ralph-Hamilton adffe cgc 524 Ralph-Herbert aacdb eec 434 Ralph-Nickerson adaga agfa 579 Ralph-Prosser adaaa bbid 565 610 Raymond-Emerson aabcd bcda 526 Raymond-Henry aacdc ecaa 552 Raymond-Taylor adbcf bedc 594 Rebecca aA; 2 8 14 Rebecca aae 10 Rebecca adbe 55 58 114 Rebecca aacab 12 33 72 Rebecca abaee 88 Rebecca abaef 86 88-9 Rebecca adaai 94 95 100 101-3 208 Rebecca adbaa 59 113 114 Rebecca adbce 114 116 117-8 232 Rebecca aabad f 139 Rebecca aacbe g 163-4 Rebecca adaae f 207 Rebecca adaha a 224 Rebecca adbca ^ 118 232 233 Rebecca aacbe he 295 Rebecca adaae hb 344-5 Rebecca adbcf cd 383 385 Rebecca ( ) adb 58 94 Rebecca (R ) adbcf c 384-5 Rebecca ([AllyneJ Kilby) oboe 86-9^ Rebecca (Edmonson) adaaa beg 566-7 Rebecca ([Flowers] Morris) adaa 93-103 Rebecca-Frances adahf cc 373 Rebecca-Hill (Butler) aacbe d 293 Rebecca (Jones) adaaa beg 566 Rebecca (Lincoln) aacab 12 72 Rebecca (Sherbvirn) adcak bab 392 Rebecca-Trevett (Bartol) aacbe h 295 Rebeckah adfae ae 394 Rees-Evans adaid bd 376 INDEX OF PERSONS 677 LINCOLN cont'd Remington-King adbfa bde 515 Reuben aabac 65 Reuben aabhc 69 Revere aacdd dd 313 445-6 Rhoda adaga gb 361 362 Richard aacdc ece 442 Richard-Edward adffe dfca 601 Richard-Ellsworth adagb djab 493 Richard-Gilbert adaii bf 379 510-1 Richard-Hawkins aacdc ecac 552 Richard-Henry abbec bba 453 454 557 Richard-Mitchell aacdc ec 309 442 Richard-Newcomb adcac baibb 014 Richard-Stokes adagb dj 365 493 Richard-VanBuskirk adahc aa 223 371 503-4 Richard-VanBuskirk adahc aaea 588 Richmond-Jackson adffe cf 396 Robert aacbi d 168 Robert adaaa aac 460 461 Robert aacdb igcc 551 Robert adahb bcdc 584 Robert-Abraham adaaf ace 478 573-4 • Robert-Allen adahb dcg 499 584-5 Robert-Beals abbhc d 192 323-4 Robert-Beals abbhc db 324 458-9 Robert-Beals abbhc dbg 459 Robert-Bicknell adffe dfba 601 Robert-Brewster adahf daaa 590 Robert-Burl adaaa bbide 610 . Robert-Edmund aacdb ebga 548 Robert-Edson adaae ahab 570 Robert -Eugene adaaa bbicc 610 Robert-Golding aacdb igc 439 551 Robert-Herman adbcf begb 594 Robert M. adaga gidc 582 Robert-Ruth adaii bbba 592 612 Robert-Taliaferro adaah ec 354 4S0-1 Robert-Todd adaaa dba 471 567-8 Robert-Todd adaga agda 487 579 Robert-Webster aabcg dbdb 533 Roberta-Alice adanf dbcb 575 Roberta-Beatrice adaaf acea 574 Robie-Thaxter aabcj hba 409 534 Robinson aacdb /i 77 180 302 305-6 Roger-Bates aacbe Idfc 547 Roland-Crocker aacdc ee 310 Rosa-Bell adaaa bbfe 609 Rosa-Bell (Priest) adaaa bbfe 609 Rosa-Johrton adaae hfaa 572 Rosalie-Morgan adaid bbc 507 Rosanna adaaa bek 464 Roscoe-Murl adaaa bbidf 610 Rose aofa/ic 6rf 372 Rose-Jane (Hemenway) adahb gcd 587 Roswell-Stoner adaii bfa 511 Roxanna ([Wood] Moody) aabhe 155-6 Roy-Bancroft aab/ie abb 413 Roy-Lester aa6/ifir aaog 536 Royal aabcf 66 67 143-6 Royal aabcf a 143 260-2 Royal aabcf hd Mb Royal aabce abed 528 Royal-Waterman aabcf ac 261 404 Ruby-Hunt (Dean) adaga gha 581-2 Rufus aabcg d 264 Rufus-VanBuskirk adahc aaf 504 589 Rufus- Warren aabcg d 146 147 148 263-4 407 Rufus-Warren aabcg dc 264 406-7 Russell aabch a 148 Russell aabch c 148 Russell adaah elb 483 Russell adaga gdah 581 Russell-Phipps adbcf begc 594 Ruth aahe 31 Ruth aabf 31 LINCOLN cont'd Ruth aabg 29 31 Ruth aabcc 67 Ruth aabhd 69 Ruth adcoff 122 123 Ruth adfaf 127-8 Ruth adffd 133-4 Ruth oabc/ 6 143-4 Ruth aabec fc 323 Ruth adbcf bedba 613 Ruth-Ann aabhg ec 278 Ruth-Ann oda/i?) bba 495 Ruth-Ann (Lincoln) ao&/tff ec 278 Ruth (Bates) aacab g 72 Ruth-Bates (Barker) adcai bg 518-9 Ruth (Beal) adca 121-3 132 Ruth ([Collier] [Willcutt] Tower) adffg 249-50 Ruth (Cushing) aab 30-1 Ruth-Elizabeth adahb bbia 583 Ruth-Eugenia (Martin) adaah ebba 575 Ruth-Jessie adaii bbbaa 612 Ruth-Lillian adaae hfacb 611 Ruth (Manson) abbea m; adffb d 133 320-1 Ruth-Marion abbea mg 320 Ruth-Pearl aacdc ecad 552 Ruth (Prater) adbca f 381-2 Ruth-Stannels aacdb ebae 548 Sadie-Countas adbcf bef 513 Sallie-Ann (Shewey) adaae hfa 571-2 Sallie-Haymaker ada£?6 djd 493 Sallie-Josephine adaae hfe 476 Sallie-Knight adaah gdc 485 Sallie-Rebecca adoae /i/Zife 573 Sallie-Stuart (Sipe) adaae ahc 571 Sally aaffh 36 83 Sally adc6/ 125 Sally aabad g 139 Sally aabcg e 147 Sally oabcf? h 146 147 Sally aac6e c 166 Sally aacda c 174-5 Sally adcac g 239 Sally adcak d 242 Sally-Andora ndan' bca 509 Sally (Howe) 423 Sally-Thaxter aabcj a 149 Sally (Thompson) adaah ec 480-1 Samuel 136 137 148 Samuel o 1 2 3 4 5-8 11 43 44 91 335 Samuel oa 3 4 7 9-12 16 91 Samuel aab 9 10 28-31 Samuel aaba 29 30 64-6 71 78 148 Samuel aafi 36 37 Samuel aabag 64 66 139-40 143 Samuel ad/// 134 Samuel aabad ft 139 Samuel aabag a 140 Samuel aabcj c 150 153 266-7 Samuel aabhg e 156 277-8 Samuel aabci f 168 Samuel adahb f 225 226 369 Samuel adaid c 230 376-7 Samuel adbch c 235 236 Samuel adffe d 247 395 396-7 Samuel adahb db 369 498-9 Samuel adahb gg 370 Samuel adaid ab 375 506 Samuel adbch bb 118 236 Samuel abbea cad 451 555-6 Samuel adaah ece 481 Samuel-Bicknell adffe dfb 525 601 Samuel-Darling adffe dd 397 Samuel-Enoch adahb fae 501 585 Samuel-Humphrey adahb fd 369 Samuel-James aabce hb 148 260 Samuel-Jones adagb dm 365 678 INDEX OF PERSONS LINCOLN cont'd Samuel-Kilby adcai a 241 Samuel-Kilby adeni c 241 Samuel-Nichols aafff cb 315 Samuel-Nichols abbec hf 322 Samuel-Pellman adnhc aab 504 Samuel-Russell-Trevett aacbe hb 295 424-5 Samuel-Thomas adahb dca 499 Samuel-Walden adaae ahd 474 Samuel-Wilson adahb bbi 496 583 Sarah 15 Sarah ai 8 Sarah aj 4 8 Sarah add 18 22 Sarah agj 26 27 Sarah aafb 37 Sarah aafl 35 36 38 Sarah abbf 39 42 Sarah adaf 47 49 52-3 Sarah adbd 55 58 115 Sarah aacbf 75 77 Sarah abaec 86 87 Sarah ahbee 89 90 Sarah adaap 95 98 100 101 Sarah adage 104 105 106 107-8 Sarah adahd 110 223 Sarah adcae 60 122 132-4 Sarah adcbc 125 Sarah aacbj b 172 173 Sarah abaea a 86 186-7 Sarah abbec c 191 Sarah abbhc b 192 Sarah adaga d 217 Sarah adagb j 219 221 Sarah adahb i 226 Sarah adahc c 227 Sarah adffe a 247 Sarah abbec ba 321 Sarah adaaa da 336 342 Sarah adaga af 358-9 Sarah adaga ca 359 Sarah adahb ba 368 Sarah adahc be 372 Sarah adaii bi 379 Sarah adaaa bbba 559 Sarah-Adaline adahb gbb 501 Sarah-Adaline adcai ffg 520 Sarah-Alice (Jackson) aacbe Id/ 546-7 Sarah (Allen) adaah ci 481-2 Sarah-Amelia adaaf dd 351 Sarah-Anderson (Jenkins) adaid g 377 Sarah-Ann adaga gdd 489 Sarah-Ann (Tripple) arfaid ca 377 Sarah-Anna (Stubbs) arfaA/ ch 504-5 Sarah (Bates) adtac ba 516-7 Sarah-Binney oabca' d/ 253 254 Sarah-Binney (Lincoln) aabcd dj 254 Sarah (Brewster) adahf daa 590 Sarah ([Bush] Johnson) adaaa d 341 Sarah-Butler ([Shiverick] Nye) aacdc f 310 Sarah-Campbell aacdb gfc 438 Sarah-Clara adaii bba 508 Sarah (Cummings) adc 59 Sarah (Davis) aacdc / 310-1 Sarah-Elizabeth adffe da 396 Sarah-Elizabeth adahb faa 226 note 500 Sarah (Gilbert) adaii b 378-9 Sarah ([Guinn] Wright) adaaf ab 477 Sarah (Hart) adaaf k 353 Sarah (Hersey) aaid 12 Sarah (Hobart) abbe 89-91 121 244 Sarah ([Hobart] Lincoln) abbe 89 121-3 238 244 Sarah (Hyland) abbea ca 450-2 Sarah-James (Beal) aabce h 260 Sarah-Jane aabcf db 262-3 LINCOLN cont'd Sarah- Jane aabce adc 401 Sarah-Jane adahb bbe 495 Sarah-Jane adaaa bbcd 560 Sarah-Jane (David) adahb db 498-9 Sarah- Jane (Luey) aabck 6d 410-1 Sarah-Janette (White) adffe I 397 Sarah (Jeffreys) adaha 224 Sarah (Jones) ad 20 21 Sarah ([Jones] Shipman) adaae hf 475 Sarah-Legrow (Pollock) aabcj hba 534 Sarah-Leighton (Jones) aacdb g 304-5 Sarah (Lewis) aaf 36-8 Sarah-Lewis aafff / 185 Sarah-Lewis aafff ge 316 317 Sarah-Lewis aafff gha 318 449 Sarah-Lewis (Lincoln) aafff f 185 Sarah (Lincoln) adcae 122 132-4 Sarah-Maria (Campbell) aacdb gf 437-8 Sarah-Marjorie adaaa bbcfc 607 Sarah-Minot aabck be 270 Sarah (Nichols) 14 Sarah (Nichols) aafff c 314-6 Sarah-Nichols aafff cd 316 Sarah-Nitsel adbca i US 232 233 Sarah-Nitzel adbca ab 118 380 Sarah-Priscilla adahb gh 370 Sarah-Rhodes (Arnold) aacbe ah 420 Sarah-Rosetta (Eberline) aacbe ahb 420 Sarah-Vinal adcae bad 516 Sarah (Ward) aabcg 146-7 Sarah-Ward aabcg da 264 Sarah-Warren aacbe aa 283 Sarah (Watts) aacbi a 299 Sarah (Weathers) adaaa bb 463 Selwyn-Randall aacdd dae 445 552 Serafina aacdd eba 448 Serafina (Loring) aacdd eb 448 Serena-Lambert aacbi Z 169 Serena-Morgan (Brown) aacdb ic 438-9 Seth aafed 31 Seth aabad 64 65 137-9 Seth aabad e 139 Sherman adbfa ba 385-6 Sherman ad6/o be 386 Shirley-Ada oofcce aebab 602 Shubal aaco6 d 12 note 72 Sidney-Lindsey abbec fdcb 558 Silas abbea h 189 Silas-Woodson adaah gdab 578 Silence (Bates) aacab g 72 Silence (Tower) 451 Solomon 63 Solomon aacdd 72 79 176 183-4 Solomon aacdb b 177 179 301-2 Solomon aacdd e 43 44 168 183 184 313-4 Solomon adahc ba 372 Solomon aacdd ea 314 446-7 Solomon-Henry aacdb bd 302 431-2 Sophia aabcf c 144 Sophia adaga ch 360 Sophia (Gibbs) aacdb i 306-8 Sophia-Gibbs aacdb ie 308 Sophia (Haymon) aacdb i 307-8 Sophia-Merrill aabcf ag 261 Sophia-Opal adaaa bbie 565 Sophia-Williams (Heiskell) adaaf d 349- 51 Stella adaaa bbcga 607 Stella-May (Cheney) aacdb eea 548-9 Stephen 10 11 12 13 34 72 77 242 254 423 426 Stephen aaha 12 Stephen adaah ecb 480 Stephen-Mason aacdb icac 550 Sukey aabcg b 146 Susan 426 Susan aabaa c 135 136 137 INDEX OF PERSONS 679 LINCOLN cont'd Susan adbcf caa 514 Susan-Anne adaae hface 611 Susan-Beals aabck fe 273 Susan-Caroline aabck bi 271 Susan-Congdon (Allen) aacdc f/f 444 Susan-Crocker aacdc fb 310-1 Susan-Elizabeth ad fad baa 521 Susan (Groomes) adaga agb 487 Susan (Haymon) aacdb i 306-8 Susan (Knott) abbhc d 324 Susan ([Lewis] Mansfield) aacbe ha 425 Susan-Iiouise (Edgar) aabce cda 529-30 Susan-Maria aacdb he 305 306 Susan ([Moore] Hudson) adahb d 369 Susan-Patterson ([Coolidge] Low) aabck b 269-71 Susan-Permilla adaii bee 510 Susan-Russell abbhc dbc 458 Susan-White (Freeman) adfad b 392-3 Susanna aai 12 Susanna aabc 66-8 Susanna aafk 38 Susanna aaif 12 Susanna aaii 12 Susanna abac 38 39 Susanna abbi 13 39 42-3 88 184 Susanna aabci 66 67 68 142 Susanna aaffh 36 81 390 Susanna abaeb 86-7 188 Susanna adcbg 125 Susanna adcbh 125 239 Susanna aabcf g 145 Susanna aabcg c 148 147 Susanna aacab b 72 Susanna aacab c 12 note 72 Susanna aafff d 184 Susanna ( ) 2 Susanna (Beal) abbid 43 184-5 Susanna (Beal) aacab a 72 Susanna-Crocker aacdc c 182 Susanna (Gill) 314 Susanna (Gill) aba 13 38-9 Susanna (Gill) aahe 12 38-9 72 Susanna (Lincoln) aai 12 Susanna (Lincoln) aabc 66-8 Susanna (lancoln) aaii 12 Susanna ([Worrick] Marble) adf 61 62 Susannah abbhc f 191 193 Susannah (Crocker) aacdc 182 Susannah-Nichols aafff ca 315 Susannah-Stoddard adcai be 390-1 Susie-Ella (Thompson) aabcd bed 526 Sybil (Heald) aacda e 300-1 Sylvanus-Gibbs aacdb id 308 Sylvia-Delphine (Vanatta) adahb gbe 586 Tabitha (Whitmarsh) aabce 142 Tamar adcbj 125 Tamar (Nichols) abbhc 191-3 Tamar-Nichols abbhc g 193 Tennessee adaaf abb 477 Thamazine adaid be 376 Thankful aa?)c/ e 144 Theresa-Eveline adaaa bbcgc 607 Thomas 1 2 3 4 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 63 68 77 128 142 145 157 278 313 367 Thomas ae 7 Thomas ag 4 S 23-7 Thomas age 20 Thomas agh 26 Thomas abaa 38 Thomas abae 13 39 85-9 Thomas adah 46 47 49 50 53 108 109-10 223 Thomas adfh 62 63 130 Thomas odaaA 43 95 97 98 100 101 212-5 471 (^' LINCOLN cont'd Thomas adahb 110 223 225-6 228 Thomas adaii 111 112 229 230-1 Thomas adffc 133 Thomas abbec f 191 323 Thomas adaaa d 43 197 200 201 202 203 204 328 330 333-42 Thomas adaga a 107 109 216 217 357-9 Thomas adahb d 226 368-9 Thomas adahc 6 227 371-2 Thomas adffe c 248 395-6 Thomas abbec bh 322 Thomas abbec fd 323 457-8 Thomas adaaa bb 44 331 332 463 Thomas adaaa dc 342 Thomas adahb be 368 496-7 Thomas adahb gb 370 501-2 Thomas adaaa beb 464 Thomas adaaa dbd 471 Thomas adaaa bbbc 559 Thomas adaga agfc 579 Thomas-Abraham adaga aaa 4S6 579 Thomas-Boone adaga ag 359 487 Thomas-Bouv6 aabce bf 257 Thomas-Franklin abbec fdca 558 Thomas-Gatewood adaah gi 357 Thomas J adaga gfae 581 Thomas-Jefferson adaga gi 361 383 492 Thomas- Jefferson adaaa aba 462 Thomas-Lionel adaga aac 487 Thomas-Manson adffe cd 396 253 Thomas-Osborn adahb bbc 495 Thomas-Pryor adaah ekae 576 Thomas- Ransom aabce cdbc 531 Thompson aacdb g 177 ISO 304-5 Thompson aabcf da 262 405-6 Thorla aabcf aeaa 531 Tillie-May (Zimmerman) adaga gid 582 Uriah adcac 21 22 60 89 121 122 238-40 516 Uriah adcac baa 516 Villroy-Augusta (Goulding) aacbc ccba 603 Viola-Maria abbea rabib 605 Viola-Zitella aabce aebd 529 Virgil- A shmead adaga aga 487 ^___Virgil-Edgar adaaa bbidr 610 ""^ \irsvniar~adg,ii hfb 511 Virginia adahf dabe 590 Virginia-Catherine adaae aga 472 Virginia-Mabel (Murray) aacdc ec 442 Virginia-May (Gibb) adahf dab 590 Virginia-Morton (Pryor) adaah ek 482 Virginia-Thorn adagb djef 583 Wakefield-Gale aacdb ge 305 Waldo aacbc f 163 Waldo aacbc h 164 Waldo aacbc i 164 Waldo aacbc add 162 163 282 417 418 538-44 Walter aacdb bdg 432 Walter adaah ecf 481 Walter adaii beb 510 Walter-Bowdlear aacbe Ide 426 Walter-Daniell aabce cdba 531 Walter F. aabck bha 4:12 Walter-Foster adfae ada 522 599-600 Walter-Kendall adaga gha 491 581-2 Walter-Moore aacdc ge 313 444 Walter-Rodman adahf dac 506 590-1 Ward-Clapp aabca ded 408 Warden adaaa bbf 463 563 Warren aabcg / 147 Warren aabck f 153 154 271-3 274 Warren adcak b 242 391-2 Warren adcai fg 391 Warren adfae adcb 600 Warren-Parker aabck fc 272-3 680 INDEX OF PERSONS LINCOLN cont'd Warren-Silvester aacdb eeb 433 Warren-Stan wood aahcg dgba 534 Warren T. aabcc adh 401 Washington adaaa bbe 463 561-2 Welcome 15 314 W^iley-Ethelbert adaaa bbcfa 607 Willard-Emmanuel adaaa bbfe 563 609 Wlllard-Moore adcai iff 520 William 368 William aacd 33 35 78-80 William aacda 79 173-5 W^illiam adbfa 120 237-8 William aabaa e 135 136 137 William aabcf i 146 William aabck e 154 William aabhg f 156 William aacbc j 163 164 287 289-91 414 415 William aacda a 174 William aacdb f 177 180 303-4 and note William aacdc (/ 182 308 311-3 William aacdd b 183 William adagb f 219 220 365-6 William adahb b 226 368 William adbch h 118 235 236 William adfae a 63 246 393-4 William aabce cb 258 462 William aacda ee 301 William aacdc fa 310 William adagb hd 367 William adagb Ic 368 William adbcf aa 236 382-3 514 William adbcf bh 384 William adbfa ee 387 William adfae aa 394 William adfae ad 394 521-2 William aabce cba 402 William aacbc aca 415 William aacdc gfc 444 William adaaa bbh 463 William adaaa bee 464 William adahb gob 502 William adaaa bbfd 563 608-9 William adaaf dbab 574 William-Adams adahb gbca 536 611-2 William-Andrew adagb fbg 494 William-Brant adaae hfba 572 William-Burns adahb gbcaa 612 William-Crowell adffe cga 524 William-Curtis aacdb igg 439 William-David adaah gdb 485 578 William-David adaah gdba 578 William-Dickinson adahb dcf 499 William-Pjdmond adbcf bega 594 William-Edward adana gdac 580 William-Edwards aacdc gb 312 313 442-3 William-Effiah adaae hfa 475 571-2 William-Ellis abbea mbc 452 William-Grim adaga ogg 487 William H. adbfa eb 386 William-Harrison adagb fb 366 494 William-Harry adaah ecab 480 William-Henry aacbi h 169 William-Henry aacdc b 182 William-Henry aacdb fb 304 William-Henry aacdb gf 305 437-8 William-Henry aacdc ea 30S 309 440-2 William-Henry aabck bhb 412 William-Henry aacdb gcc 437 William-Henry adaaf dba 479 574-5 William-Henry adagb fbh 494 William- Irving abbea cabg 554 604 William-Ives adaid he 378 507 William M. adbfa e 238 386-7 William-Ogden adbcf beg 513 594 Wllliam-Olivcr aabck hd 270 274 410-1 William-Otis aacdd d 168 169 183 184 313 LINCOLN cont'd William-Otis aacdd da 313 444-5 William-Otis aacdc gba 443 William-Otis aacdd daeb 552 William-Penn adahf cl 374 William-Penn adahf de 375 William-Perry adffe db 397 William-Preston adaaf acb 478 William-Reynolds adahf dab 506 590 Wllliam-Robie aabcj hbab 534 William-Rogers adaga gid 492 582 William-Sever aacbc ac 283 414-5 419 William-Sever aacbc acba 537 603 William-Sherman adaaa bbcf 560 607 William-Taylor adahb bda 498 William-Thomas adaaa bbea 561 607-8 William- Vinal adaA a 246 394-5 William-Wallace adaaa dbc 471 William-Waterman aabcf ae 261 404-5 William-Weaver arfbr/ 6(;6d 593 William-Wesley adaae aged 570 William-Wharton adaah eg 355 William-Zimmerman adaga gidb 582 Willie-Beatrice odaa/ acbb 478 Willie (Hill) arfaae hfb 572 Willie- Jane (Harris) adaah ebb 575 Williette-Woodside (Eastham) adcac do 598 Winfield-Scott adaga gfad 581 Winifred aa//"r? 36 81-2 Winslow-Hail abbea mbb 452 Winslow-Sever aacbc acd 415 537-8 Winslow-Sever aacbc acdd 538 603-4 W^inthrop aabhg aaa 413 530-8 Winthrop-CIinton aacdb ica 438 550 Wlnthrop-Dallas abbec bee 454 Winthrop-Seissler aacdb ir.aa 550 Wyman-Forester aabcg dbda 533 Wyman-Russell adcai fe^a 519 598 Zadock aabaa 64 65 135-7 Zenas abbec 89 127 190-1 Zenas abbed g 191 Zenas-Dallas abbec bg 322 454-5 Zeroda adaaa bbee 562 LINDEN John 353 LINDER Usher F. 328 LINDSEY Annie-Emily abbec fdc 558 Harriet (Hardy) 558 Lydia-Jane 547-8 Marv 566 Thomas 558 LINFIELD Jonathan ahbhc bf 192 Josephine 581 Mary-Lincoln (Shaw) abbhc bf 192 LIONBERGER David 344 Mary ( ) 344 Nancy adaae h 344-5 LITCHFIELD Abigail- Joy 529 Abigail (Studley) 126 Abner adfba f 132 Abner-Hersey adfba 131-2 Adeline (Hatch) adfba % 132 Alfred 241 Ann adcbm i 126 Anne (Gushing) 270 Ann (Gary) adcai ea 241 Anna (liincoln) adcai e 241 Anna (Stoddard) adfba a 131 Asa adcai ef 241 Benjamin-Sewell abbea caff 451 Bethiah 319 Betsey adcbm h 126 INDEX OF PERSONS m LITCHFIELD cont'd Betsey (Stetson) adcbm 6 126 Billings adcbm f 126 Celia adfba 6 63 131 Daniel 452 Deborah 554 Edwin-Lawrence adcai ec 241 Eliza adfba h 132 Eliza (Litchfield) adfba h 132 Elizabeth-Maria (Cowdin) adcai el 241 Elizabeth-Strickland (Smith) adcai ed 241 Ellen-Maria (Lincoln) abbea cai 452 Elwin-Lewis adcai ed 241 Eunice adcbm o 126 Eunice (liitchfield) adcbm c 126 Eunice (Witherell) adfba d 132 Fanny-Kilby adcai eb 241 Fanny ([Kilby] Lincoln) 240-1 Francis adcbm 126 Francis adcbm c 126 Freeman 452 George adcbm a 126 Hannah aafaa 37 Hannah (Hersey) 131 Hannah-Horsev adfba d 132 Hannah-Hersey (Litchfield) adfba d 132 Harriet adcbm g 126 Hersey adfba d 132 Howard-Ellms abbea caah 450 Rowland adrai ea 241 Hubbard adfba h 63 132 Ida-May (Williams) abbea caah 450 Isaac 131 Isabella (Merrett) adfba i 132 Israel 240-1 Jacob adfba a 131 Joshua aaffj j 84 Josiah 17 126 131 240 243 Laban-Hersey adcai el 241 Lawrence 126 131 240 241 243 452 Lawrence aabck be 270 274 Lendall aaffd /t 82 Lewis adcbm, b 126 Liba-Lincoln adcai ee 241 Liiy W. ([Peterson] Eldred) abbea caic 4:52 Lincoln adfba i 63 132 Lizzie-Maria ahbea caia 452 Louisa-Jane (Williams) abbea caah 450 Lucena(Lincoln) adcbm 126 Lucy (Damon) 452 Lucy-Lincoln adcbm d 126 Lucy (Randall) adcbm a 126 liucy (Studley) adcbm b 126 Luther adcai e 241 liydia 90 01 Lydia (Cole) 90 Maria (Kilby) aaffd h 82 Martha (Brown) adfba h 132 Martha ([BrownJ Litchfield) adfba h 132 Martha-Stockbridge abbea cab 553-4 Mary adcbm e 126 Mary-Elizabeth aabck bea 270 Mary-Elizabeth abbea caib 452 Mary-Eva (Ainslie) abbea caff 451 Mary (Lincoln) adfba 131-2 Mary-Ray (Tmkcom) adcai ec 241 Mary (Simmons) adcbm f 126 Maryetta (Bonsteel) adcai ef 241 Meshech 553 Nettie-Graoe aafff gga 318 Nicholas 126 131 240 452 Nichols 270 Olive adfaa 243-4 Perez adfba g 132 Polly adfba g 132 Polly (Damon) adcbm a 126 Polly (Ellmes) aaffj j 84 LITCHFIELD cont'd Polly (Litchfield) adfba g 132 Priscilla aaflc 38 Priscilla (Vinal) 243 Rachel adfba c 63 132 Rachel-Anna adcai eh 241 Rachel (Clapp) 241 Rehtse-Louisa adcai ei 241 Roxanna I'Shattuck) adfba e 132 Ruth-Bcal adcai ek 241 Ruth ([Snow] Pratt) adcbm c 126 Samuel 243 Samuel adfba e 63 131 Sarah-Ann adcai ej 241 Sarah (Case) 240 Sarah-Kilby adfba f 132 Sarah-Kilby (Litchfield) adfba f 13? Sarah-Minot (Lincoln) aabck be 270 274 Sarah (Weisz) adcai ee 241 Serissa 241 Silas 452 Silas-Damon abbea cai 452 Silas-Damon abbea caic 452 Sophia (Patten) adcbm c 126 Suean (Wall) adcbm 6 126 Susanna (Morey) 240 Temperance (Stoddard) 553 Thankful (Simmons) adcbm f 126 Thomas 90 William abbea caab 450 LITHCOE Elizabeth 255 LITTLE Amelia (Hixon) aabcf abd 261 Cornelia aabad ga 139 Cornelia-Woodhull aabcf abe 261 David 20 Edward 287 note Elizabeth (Malbon) aabad gc 139 Emily-Shaw aabcf abf 261 Harriet 261 Harriet-Lincoln aabcf abg 261 Harriet-McLellan (Lincoln) aabcf ah 261 Helen (Graham) anhcf^ abi 261 Henry-Augustus aabcf aba 261 Henry-Otis aabad ge 139 Isaac 139 Isaac aabad g 139 Jane-Iiincoln aabcf abh 261 Joseph- Vaill aabcf abc 261 MafTtha-Merrill aabcf abb 261 Mary-Ann (Knight) aabcf aba 261 Mary-Catherine (Hersey) aabad ge 139 142 Rebecca (Dodge) 261 Sally (Lincoln) aabad g 139 Samuel aabad gc 139 Sarah aabad gd 139 Stephen 261 Thomas-Jones aabcf abd 261 Welthea (Winsor) 139 William-Dodge aabcf ab 261 William-Frederick aabcf abi 261 LITTLEFIELD John 311 Nellie B. aacdb eae 303 LIVINGSTON Abigail ( ) 455 Eliza-Ann abbec bi 455 John 455 LLOYD Clayanna 589 Thomas 93 LOCKE Abigail (Nichols) adcah f 123 Augustus aacdc gbb 443 Augustus W. 443 Charles adcah f 123 682 INDEX OF PERSONS LOCKE cont'd Elizabeth (Berry) 25 Helen- Alma (Lincoln) aacdc gbh AAZ James-Frederick 145 James W. 145 John 25 Louise F. ( ) 145 Martha (Perkins) 443 LOCKWOOD Ambrose-.-^anford adffe bd 248 Emeline-Corbott (Dickinson) adfje bd 248 LOFLAND Ada-Winslow adaae adj 343 Anna-McKelvin adaae adg 343 Cornelia-Smith adaae adh 343 Dorcas (Lincoln) adaae ad 343 Dorman 343 Dorinan-David adaae adf 343 Frances-Elizabeth adaae ade 343 Franklin-Lincoln adaae adi 343 Henrietta adaae add 343 Ida (Smith) adaae adf 343 James-Preston adaae ada 343 Margaret-Catherine adaae adb 343 Margaret (Kyle) 343 Mary-Jnne adaae adc 343 Sallie (Rumple) adaae adi 343 Smith adaae ad 343 LOFTUS Ralph 208 LOGAN Stephen T. 467 LOMBARD Elizabeth 88 LONG Abigail 249 Addie aabhc dba 458 Charles M. adaae ici 347 Edna-Earle (Brock) adaae ici 347 Ella-Lee adaae ahd 474 George 375 John adaid a 375 Josiah-Campbell 458 Margaret adaae jc 207 . Margaret-Amelia ([Henderson] Lincoln) adaid a 375 Rebecca (Young) 458 LONGFELLOW Arethusa aacdb df 180 Ellen-Elizabeth adcac da 518 Tabitha 150 LONIGAN Anna-Mabel adaaa bbgab 5G4 Carrie (Lincoln) adaaa bbga 564 Edward-Francis adaaa bbga 564 Guy-Lincoln adaa,a bbgaa 564 Jessie-Maud adaaa bbgac 564 John- William 564 Sarah (Lang) 564 LOOMIS Eliza P. (Sheldon) 393 Horace 393 Lev/is-Harris adfad bb 393 Mary-Maria (Lincoln) adfad bb 393 Phila (Harris) 393 LORD Samuel 129 Sarah 277 LORIN— Loring Benjamin 69 448 Bertha aabha a 69 Bethia (Smith) 69 Charles aabha b 69 George 448 Harriet 69 note Harriet aabha e 69 James 311 LORIN— Loring cont'd John 69 448 John abbec fad 323 Joseph 448 Joseph-George 448 Josias 4 Jotham 77 Lucy-Richardson (Souther) abbec fad 323 Lydia (Lincoln) aabha 69 Peter 75 Reuben aabha c 69 Serafina aacdd eb 448 Serafina (Martinez) 448 Thomas 69 448 Thomas aabha 69 Thomas aabha d 69 LOTHROP Abigail 8 Amand-Sophia (Forbes) 430 Ann B. (Johnson?) adcac eh 239 Anselm 239 Anselm adcac e 239 Clara 239 Clara-Amanda aacbg ck 430-1 Cummings-Lincoln adcac eh 239 Elizabeth-Lincoln adcac ec 239 Elizabeth (Whittington) aaffi b 84 Eunice (Burr) 239 Eunice-Burr adcac eb 239 George-Beal adcac ee 239 George-Beal adcac ef 239 James-Burr 239 John 239 John-Jacob aaffi b 84 Joseph 239 Loring 430 Marcia-Dunlap adcac eg 239 Peter 83 92 185 189 191 240 311 321 Priscilla (Lincoln) adcac e 239 Priscilla-Lincoln adcac ed 239 Priscilla-Nichols 453 Ruth 390 Ruth (Nichols) 239 Ruth-Nichols adcac ei 239 Sarah 92 Thomas 239 Thornton K. 447 Uriah-Lincoln adcac ea 239 LOURY William M. 350 LOVELY Amanda (Burrow) adaaa abca 462 John 462 Mary (French) 462 Mary-Rowena (Lincoln) adaaa abc 462 William adaaa abc 462 William adaaa abca 462 LOVETT Elizabeth adahb dc 499 Joshua 272 LOW Albert F. aabce faa 259 Charlotte F. 259 Dolly (Crosby) 259 Elizabeth (Stone) 269 Francis 259 Francis aabce fa 259 Isaiah 269 Jacob aabaa a 136 Joanna aaa 10 John 10 269 Lucinda (Lincoln) aabce fa 259 Margaret ([Robinson] PhiUips) 259 Mary (Lincoln) aabaa a 135 136 Ruth (Joy) 10 Susan-Patterson (Coolidge) aabck b 269- 71 William 259 INDEX OF PERSONS 683 LOWELL Daniel aahcf fc 144 Emma-Chapman ([Woodbury] Rounds) aabcf fc 144 John 176 Lydia ( ) 431 Thomas 431 LOWENBACH Sarah-Aramenta-Nannie (Brock) adaae. icf 347 William-Moritz adaae icf 347 LOWNES Benanuel 56 LOWRIE Catherine (Zearing) 217 LUCAS Benedick 203 Mary ( ) adaah ek 482 LUDWIG Lucia 611 LUEY Elizabeth ( ) 410 James 410 Sarah-Jane aahck bd 410-1 LUKENS Elizabeth-Lincoln adbca ib 233 Levi 233 Levi adbca ia 233 Mary-Elizabeth (Shaffner) adbca ia 233 Mary (Jones) 233 Nathan-Jones adbca i 233 Sarah-Nitsel (Lincoln) adbca i 233 LULL Emmelyn-Ticknor (Guild) adbck bic 271 George-Summers aabck bic 271 LYLE Emma-Gerard adaah eka 576 John-Newton 576 Margaret-Trimble (Hays) 576 LYMAN . Caleb 41 Lyme see Lime LYNDE Samuel 25 McAllister Elinor 587 McCAIN Isabella adaga gff 490 491 McCALMANT Mary D. 377 McCARGER Kathareen 587 McCarthy— McCarty Ellen 421 Elizabeth (MacVeagh) adahf ac 228 Henry adahf ac 228 Ida-Adelia 536 James adahf ab 228 Rebecca (MacVeagh) adahf ab 228 McCAULEY Benjamin-Lincoln adagb die 365 Harry-Lincoln adagb dib 365 John C. adagb di 365 Martha-Louise ([Lincoln] Bailes) adagb di 364 365 McCLAIN— McClean Eliza 358 Mary-Jane 514 Samuel 107 McCLENNEN Albert aacbe hbb 425 Arthur-Raymond aacbe hbbb 425 Emma-Gertrude aacbe hbba 425 Lucy-Emma (Lincoln) aacbe hbb 425 Mary-Ann (Pigeon) 425 Robert 425 McCLERNAN Ella adagb dje 583 Louisa-Ann (Snyder) 583 William-Leroy 583 McCLOUD Mary-Ann 458 McCONNELL Anna-Phoebe (Lincoln) adbcf bee 513 Bessie-Amanda adbcf beca 513 Charles-Maxwell adbcf bece 513 Harry-Bonsall adbcf becb 513 John 513 Lida (Leeds) adbcf becb 513 Louisa-Jones adbcf becd 513 Mary ( ) 513 Rose-Lelia (Small) adbcf bece 513 Susan-Bailey adbcf bece 513 William adbcf bee 513 McCORKLE F. A. 351 McCRAY— McCrea Eliza adaga ia 219 Jane 494 McCULLOUGH Anna 572 Anna-Newman (Mason) aacdb jg 181 Ella-Catherine 591 George W. aacdb jg 181 McDANIEL B. 350 McDonald Ettie adaaa. beia 464 Mcdonough Belinda aacda e 300 McDOUGALL Alexander 224 McFANN Mary-Holmes 602 McFARLAND Bessie-Lincoln (James) adaid cbc 377 Isaac-Trego adaid cbc 377 Laura-Carlton 502 Lodena (Lincoln) adahb dbd 498 McGAW Jacob 78 Margaret 78 McGILL Charles C. adcMa aaaa 460 Clement C. 460 James adaha dd 224 Margaret (Hills) adaha dd 224 Mary E. 460 Priscilla-Florida ([Smith] Anderson) adaaa aaaa 460 Robert 351 Robert J. 460 MCGREGOR Jessie 421 McGRUFFIN Hannah-Martha 571 McHUGH Margaret (Ringrose) adcac daa 518 McINTIRE Buford adaha db 224 Sarah (Hills) adaha db 224 MACKAY— McKay James 93 Lydia ( ) 93 Margaret adffa d 132 Mary ( ) 93 Moses 93 Robert 93 Zechariah 93 McKEEVER Rebecca 571 McKENLY Mary aabcg dc 407 Patrick 407 684 INDEX OF PERSONS McKENLY cont'd Rosanna ( ) 407 McKENNA Ellen-Theresa aabcg dbcb 532 John-Joseph 532 Mary-Elizabeth (Mullen) 532 Mckenzie Mabel-Louise abbea cabbd 553 McKEON Almira-Hall (Guild) aabck bie 271 John aabck bie 271 McKINNEY Harry adaii bde 379 Rachel-Lincoln (Hafer) adaii bde 379 McKINSEY George adahf ccg 373 Rachel-Emma (Haines) adahf ccg 373 McLaren Ian 435 Mclaughlin Ada-Maude adffe ce 524 Archibald-Arnold 524 Harriet (Kirby) 524 McLAUTHLIN John-Thomas adfah ab 395 Lewis 395 Lucy-Frances (Lincoln) adfah ab 395 Polly (Hathaway) 395 McLELLAN Bryce 260 Eunice 150 Harriet aabcf a 260-2 Jane ( ) 260 William 260 McLEOD— MacLeod Daniel abbdb 42 Elizabeth (Lea\'itt) abbdb 42 Ruth-Catheryn adaah eiac 482 McLURE Nancy 370 McMASTER Charlotte aacdc ecbb 442 Charlotte (Lincoln) aacdc ecb 442 Edith aacdc ecba 442 Harry-Austin aacdc ecb 442 Henry-Austin 442 Mary-Celia (Rhymes) 442 Virginia aacdc ecbc 442 McMICHAEL Clara adaah eod 356 Fanny adaah eob 356 Hannah (Morgan) 355 John-Morgan adaah eo 355-6 John-Morgan adaah eof 356 Julia adaah eoc 356 Julia (Lincoln) adaah eo 355-6 Lenore adaah eoa 356 Thomas 355 Thomas adaah eoe 356 McNEAL— McNeil miss adahb d 369 Elizabeth (Bailey) 83 Jane 305 McNEY Harry-Benjamin adaga abc 358 Sara-Frances (Carson) adaga abc 358 McQUEANIE Jennie 598 McTONER Martin adaaf he 212 Rachel (Williams) adaaf he 212 MacVEAGH— MacVeigh Delila ( ) adahf aa 228 Elizabeth adahf ac 228 Ellen adahf af 228 Emily (Eames) adahf ag 228 Franklin adahf ag 228 and note Isaac- Wayne adahf ae 228 note MacVEAGH cont'd Letty-Miner (Lewis) adahf ae 228 Major-John adahf a 228 Margaret (Lincoln) adahf a 228 Mary-Ann adahf ad 228 Nathan adahf aa 228 Rebecca adahf ab 228 Sarah 229 Virginia-Rolette (Cameron) adahf ae 228 Wayne adahf ae 228 and note MADDISON— Madison Gabriel 222 James 159 160 MAITLAND Ann (Hollis) adahb ad 226 Joseph adahb ad 226 MAKEPEACE Clara-Wentworth aabce abc 527-8 Cordelia-Etta aabce abc 527-8 Horace-Mann 527 Mary-Julia (Parker) 527 MALBON Elizabeth aabad gc 139 MALIN Elizabeth (Paschall) adbca cb 232 233 Levi adbca cb 232 MANN Charlotte 250 Joshua aab(7c 31 Molly (Gushing) aabgc 31 Peggy 38 MANNING Abigail-Ripley (Hobbs) abaeg be 188 Albert 256 Eliza-Ann (Holbrook) 256 William W. abaeg be 188 MANSFIELD Isaac aacbe hb 425 John 425 Lydia-Hersey (Breed) 425 Susan (Lewis) aacbe hb 425 MANSON Ann-Stephen (Ellms) adffb e 133 Elizabeth-Tilestone ([Jenkins] Jenkins) adffb f 133 George adffb g 133 Hannah (Lincoln) adffb 63 133 320 Joel-Lincoln adffb h 133 John 133 John adffb a 133 John adffb e 133 Mary (Jenkins) adffb h 133 Mary (Turner) adffb b 133 Mercy (Jenkins) adcaj e 123 133 Miriam (Curtis) 133 Nehemiah adffb 123 133 320 Nehemiah adffb f 133 Ruth adffb c 133 Ruth adffb d 133 320-1 Sarah-Wales (James) adffb g 133 Thomas-Lincoln adffb b 133 MANUEL Caroline- Adelaide abbea caag 450 MARBLE Abigail agdi; aacaa 26 71 Abigail (Joy) 71 David 71 82 Elizabeth 138 Gershom 71 82 Nathaniel 62 Joseph-Russel 421 Susanna 82 Susanna (Tower) 82 Susanna (Worrick) adf 62 MARCH Emily aabcj aa 149 MARCY Emeline-Josephine (Perham) 537-8 INDEX OF PERSONS 685 MARCY cont'd Helen acbca acdaa 538 Henry-Sullivan 537-8 Lincoln acbca acdab 538 Margaret-Winslow (Lincoln) aacbc acda 537-8 William aachc acda 537-8 MARDEN Harry-Nixon adffe Iba 398 Horace-Kingman adffe lb 398 Lizzie-Robbins (Lincoln) adffe lb 398 Mary-Jane (Kingman) 398 Shadrach-Sever 398 MARENDAZ Edith adbfa fbb 387 MARKLEY Sarah 513 MARRETT Mary aabcf ba 144 MARSH Abigail-Tower (Lincoln) abbec bd 322 Ada-Frances abbec bde 322 Caleb 10 Eliza-Ann 397 Elizabeth aabbh 31 147 Frederic-Alonzo abbec bdb 322 George W. 322 Henry-Lincoln abbec bdc 322 Isaac 322 John 596 Louisa-Frances abbec bda 322 Lucy ( ) 322 Lucy-Dunbar (Studley) 596 Lucy-Ellen adcac bai 596-7 Lydia 65 138 iMary ( ) 322 Mary A. (Woodbury) abbec bdb 322 Mary-Frances (Lincoln) aafff fa 185 Sarah 10 36 Stephen-Puffer aafff fa 185 Warren abbec bd 322 MARSHALL Ann-Maria aafff he 185 Arthur-Lincoln abbea cabbb 553 Elizabeth-Lewis (Lincoln) aafff h 185 Esther (Wilson) 185 Hannah- James aafff ha 185 John 355 Joseph 185 Orianna-Augusta (Souther) abbea cabbb 553 Samuel aafff h 1S5 MARSTON Kate-Von-Weber aacbc ah 420-1 Mary (Von Weber) 420 Ward 420 MARTIN Amey-Gaskill (Daniels) adffe df 524-5 Anna (Morton) 144 Bryan 144 Betty (Chaplin) 174 Calvin adaga cah 359 Effie adaaf dbc 575 Elizabeth adaga caf 359 Esther (Kerr) 575 Eugene 525 Fannie (Thrash) 575 Hannah 144 307 Irene (Whittington) aaffi e 84 J. E. 575 James adaga cad 359 Jasper adaga caa 359 John 174 John adaga cac 359 John-Harry adahb bcea 497 Lincoln adaga cae 359 Luther adaga cab 359 Martha adaga cag 359 MARTIN cont'd Mary 489 Mary (Seaman) adaaf f 352 Minnie-Lytle (Rutter) adahb bcea 497 Richard aaffi e 84 Ruth-Eugenia adaah ebba 515 Samuel adaga ca 359 Sarah 366 Sarah (Tancoln) adaga ca 359 Susanna 174 Tilley- Alexander 575 MARTINDALE Alice M. adahf caa 373 MARTINEZ Serafina 448 MASON mr. 486 Andrew-Jackson adcai ej 241 Anna- Frances (Cox) aacdb jf 181 Anna-Newman aacdb jg 181 Ebenezer-Erskine aacdb ja 180 181 Elizabeth-Thompson (Pattangall) aacdb dc 180 181 Ezra- Lincoln aacdb jb 181 John aacdb ; 181 John-Lincoln aacdb jc 181 Joseph aacbc cc 163 Jo9eph-Parker 539 Mary- Washington aacdb jh 181 Otis-Tufton aacdb je 181 Rachel (Lincoln') aacdb j 177 180-1 Robert-Tufton 181 Sarah-Ann (Litchfield) adcai ej 241 Sarah E. (Henderson) aacdb je 181 Sarah-Elizabeth aacdb jd 181 Sarah (Oilman) 181 Sarah-Rebecca (Parker) aarbc cc 163 Wilham-Henry aacdb jf 181 MASTEN Elisha abbhb b 92 Lucenia (Birch) abbhb b 92 MATTERS Mary-Louisa adahb faca 500 MATTESON Elinor (McAllister) 587 Grace-May (Lincoln) adahb gcda 587 Harry-Ashley adahb gcda 587 John-Lincoln adahb gcdaa 587 John-Richard 587 MATTHEWS Alice ([Lincoln] [O'Brien] Briery) aacdb bdc 431 Don aacdb bdc 431 MATTOON Charles 155 MAUGRIDGE Mary 52 MAUPIN Abraham-Lincoln adaae iaa 346 David-Spencer 346 Dorcas-Sarah-Emeline adaae iac 346 475 Emma (Campbell) adaae iaa 346 Jerusha (King) 346 Mary-Elizabeth (Lincoln) adaae ia 346 475 Richard-Snow adaae ia 346 475 MAWSON Emily- Virginia adaid bb 507 MAXEY Anna-Helen 446 MAXIM Caroline-Franklin ([Lincoln] Cameron) abbea caca 555 Charles-Herbert abbea caca 555 Dwight-Thornton abbea cacab 555 Harriet (Swift) 555 Pelham W. 555 686 INDEX OF PERSONS MAY Cornelia F. abhec faa 323 William 335 MAYBERRY Julian adaic 229 Margarot adafe 53 MAYER Dpvid 445 MAYNARD Annie R. adaae icj 347 Asa 537 Lyman-Allen 537 Mary-Susan aacbc acb 537 Susan-Hyde (V/alker) 537 MAYO Amy-Eliot adfad baab 521 Edward-Richards 521 Eliot-Belknap adfad baa 521 Lincoln adfad baaa 521 Nancy-Pierce (Reed) 521 Sarah (Ellmes) aaffj i 84 Susan-Elizabeth (Lincoln) adfad baa 521 William aaffj i 84 MAYS Elizabeth 573 MEACHAM Ida 408 MEAD Joseph 154 Sarah 595 MEAHAN Ellen 584 MEALY Charlotte-Otis (Snow) adcai bef39l George W. adcai bef 391 MELLUS Abigail 63 MELONE CuUen 480 Elmira-Taylor adaah eb 480 Louisiana (Schroder) 480 MELTON see Milton MERCER Effie 479 Flora 479 Jane ([Usrey] Lincoln) 479 Nicholas 479 MERRETT Isabella adfba i 132 MERRIAM Elbridge 457 Eliot ( ) 457 Harriet E. abbec fdaa 457 Mary P. (Lincoln) abbec fda 457 Nathan-Albert abbec fda 457 MERRICK Frances-Fiske aacbc ad 416-7 Francis-Taliaferro 416 James 416 Mary-Buckminster (Fiske) 416 Noah 416 Phiny 416 Thomas 416 MERRICKS Elisha-Hobson 572 James-Wesley adaae hfad 572 James-Wesley adaae hfada 572 Mary-Elizabeth (Mullins) 572 Nannie-Margaret (Lincoln) adaae hfad 572 Robert-Lincoln adaae hfadb 572 MERRIFIELD Nellie adaga aa 486-7 MERRILL Frances M. (Allen) 535 Frank-Allen aabck bab 535 John-Foster 535 MERRILL cont'd Margaret-Elizabeth (Greene) aabck bab 535 MERRITT Elizabeth (Cole) adea 23 Hannah (Howard) 597 Harry adcac baja 597 Henrietta (Bates) 597 Isabella 132 James adea 22 23 James-Cummings 597 Joseph-Ensign 597 Mercy-Thomas adcac baj 597 Nellie-Thomas (Lincoln) adcac baja 597 MESSICK Margaret (Long) adaae jc 207 MESSIER Josephine 603 MILES Augusta-Holy oke (Moore) 260 Helen-Augvista aabce ha 260 Henry-Adolphus 260 John 370 Margaret (Dickinson) 370 Mary adahb g 370 MILLARD Anna-Mae adaid ccb 377 Barbara adacd 50 Elizabeth-Jane adaid ebb 377 Hannah (Lincoln) adac 50 James adacc 50 Joseph adac 50 Joseph adacb 50 Mary ( ) 50 Mordecai adaca 50 Thomas 46 MILLER Alfred-Kelley adaaf hf 212 Annie L, aafff gbb 317 Barbara 496 Belle (Lincoln) adagb dea 492 Betsey (Rimel) adaai i 102 103 Cyrus 496 Elijah 119 Elizabeth 474 Elizabeth-Anna (Eaby) 496 Elizabeth-Ann (Lincoln) adahb bcb 496-7 Elsie-Reidenbach (Eberly) adahb bcbb 497 Emily adaaf ^6 211 Eiisebe adaaf gc 211 George W. 615 Harrison adaaf ga 211 Hattie E. (Rosebrooks) 615 John adagb dea 492 Jonathan-Roland adahb bcb 496-7 Joseph-Clyde adahb bcbb 497 Lizzie adaaa bbcac 615 Margaret 473 Margaret-Mae adahb bcba 497 Nancy-Ann (Williams) adaaf hf 212 Phoebe (Lincoln) adaaf {? 209 211 Samuel adaaf & 209 211 Sarah 218 Sarah-Ann (Kirby) adaaf ga 211 Susan 471 475 MILLS Almira 515 MILTENBERGER Eunice-Eliza (Lincoln) adbca dea 511 Christopher 511 Frank adbca dea 511 Jane (Decker) 511 Mildred adbca dead 511 Milo adbca dcab 511 MILTON— Melton Charles 335 337 INDEX OF PERSONS 687 MINCER Hannah-Lincoln (Williams) adaaf hd 212 Robert adaaf hd 212 MINER George A. 317 Sabra-Lucinda adagb ga 221 MINICK Catherine ([Lincoln] Swords) adaga cf 360 David adaga cf 360 John adaga cfd 360 MINOTT Martha-Blake aabck b 269-70 Nathaniel 269 Rachel (Wilde) 269 MISSIMER Henry-Gregg 497 Mary-Rebecca adahb bd 497-8 Rachel-Logan (Brown) 497 MITCHELL Abigail adcak 242-3 Alice-Josephine aocdb bdff 431 Amelie-Hill aacdc ad 182 Ann (Shiverick) aacdc aa 182 Bertha-Adelaide (Lincoln) aacdb bdf 431 Charlotte-Frances (Morton) aacdc ac 182 Doris-Blanche aacdb bdfe 431 Experience 242 Flora-Dell adaaa bbcf 607 Frances (Lincoln) aacdc a 182 Frances-Lincoln aacdc ah 182 Harry- Allen aacdb bdfb 431 Jacob 242 James 233 John-Augustine aacdb bdf 431 John-Lester aacdb bdfd 431 John-Lincoln aacdc ae 182 Lincoln aacdc ag 182 Mary-Ann aacdc af 182 Mary (Kirk) 431 Mary (Wade) 242 Merah (Coffin) 182 Nellie-May aacdb bdfc 431 Paul 182 Rachel 70 Richard aacdc a 182 Richard aacdc ac 182 Sarah-Ann (Graves) 607 Seth 242 Susan-Lincoln aacdc ab 182 Thomas 242 431 Wallace-Ezekiel-Clark 607 Walter-Augustine aacdb bdf a 431 William aacdb bdfg 431 William-Henry aacdc aa 182 MOAST Lucy-Ann adaga gf 490-1 Mary (Sweitser) 490 Zebley 490 MOCK Polly 102 MOHRING Eva adahb dci 500 MOLLENEAUX Mary 302 MONROE— Munroe Abigail 263 Edmund 312 Frances-Maud aacdb ebg 548 John-Wilson 548 Margaret-Rosetta (Rudolf) 548 Rebecca 139 MONTGOMERY William 195 MOODY Abijah 155 Joshua 24 Roxanna (Wood) aabhe 155 MOONE John adahb bcda 584 Pauline (Lincoln) adhab bcda 584 MOORE— Moores Andrew 506 Anna 506 Anna (McCuUough) 572 Annie-Elizabeth (Carson) adaga abd 358 Augusta-Holyoke 260 Bernice-Luin adaae agdb 473 Edward C. adbfa fc 387 Eliza 118 Eliza adahb f 369 EUen-Deane ([Simonds] Lincoln) aabce cd403 Emma (Pirtle) 574 Eunice (Southworth) 387 Frederick W. 403 George 574 Harriet H. ( ) 403 Jairus 387 James 369 James-Osborne 572 James-Osborne adaae hfabb 572 John-DeRosset adaae hfab 572 John-Lincoln adaae hfaba 572 John-William adaga abd 358 Joseph 506 Lee adaaf dba 574 Manda 579 Margaret-Amelia 375 Mary 312 Mary-Cathlin 522 Mary-Isabel (Lincoln) adaae hfab 572 Mary-Jane (Earle) 369 Mary L. (Lincoln) adbfa fc 387 Maurice-McCullough adaae hfabc 572 Mercy (Cutler) 506 Phebe-Dinah 374 Robert B. aabce cd 403 Ruth 493 Susan adahb d 369 MORELAND Albert-Sample 570 Edna-Earl adaae aged 570 Susan-Thompson (Foster) 570 MOREMAN Mary-Priscilla (Hills) adaha di 224 Richard adaha di 224 MOREY Susanna 240 Thomas 139 MORGAN Alice aabce abccb 527 Charles-Lincoln aabck aa 151 153 Clarence-Augustus adbfa bba 386 David 363 David aabck aa 153 Edgar adbfa bbb 386 Hannah 535 Hannah (Jacobs) adaga cgb 360 Hannah M. (Lincoln) adbfa bb 386 Harold-Fairbanks aabce abcca 527 Hiram adbfa bb 386 Irving-Weston aabce abcc 527 John 112 John adaga cgb 360 Mai adaaf dbaab 574 Marianne (Pierce) aabck aa 153 Michael 527 Mildred (Lincoln) aabce abcc 527 Sarah-Jane ( ) 527 MORRILL Martha aafff fc 185 MORRIS mr. 471 James 99 100 688 INDEX OF PERSONS MORRIS cont'd Jonathan 99 100 Malinda adahc ba 372 Malinda adahc bb 372 Mary adahb bb 495 Mary-Burnside aabch deb 266 Mary (Smith) 495 Rebecca (Flowers) adaa 99 100 Rose (Lincoln) adahc bd 372 Samuel adahc be 372 Samuel adahc bd 372 Sarah (Lincoln) adahc be 372 Stacy 495 Walter 471 William 128 MORRISON Isaac 199 MORROW Josiah 99 MORSE Abbie aafff fc 185 David 532 Edith-Buckingham aacbe dad 545 Jennie-May aabcg dba 532 Johanna-Paige (Emmons) 545 John-Crafts 545 Ruth 151 Sarah-Shaw (Morton) 532 MORTON Anna 144 Charlotte-Frances aacdc ac 182 John 56 Lydia-Atearn 444 Mary-Anna 519 Sarah-Shaw 532 MOSES George W. adaae hfia 573 Isabel (Lincoln) adaae hfia 573 MOSHER Chauncy-Henry adffe ba 247 Jenny 145 Nancy-Bicknell (Dickinson) adffe ba 247 MOSLEY Robert 222 MOTLEY Blanche-Duncan adaah embb 485 Dorothy-Margaret adaah emba 485 Katharine-Bird (Lincoln) adaah emb 484-5 M. E. 485 Mary-Ellen (Duncan) 485 Robert-Lee adaah emb 485 Thomas 430 MOTT Ebenezer 20 MOULTON Mary-Frances 405 MOWRY Emma adaii bcaa 509 MOXLEY Elizabeth 489 MOYER Sarah 508 MUDD Benjamin 459 Benjamin adaaa ad 329 Elizabeth adaaa aa 459-61 Elizabeth (Lincoln) adaaa ad 329 Mary adaaa a 328-9 462 MUDGE E. R. 430 MUHLENBERG Alice-May (Hertzler) adaid cca 377 George-Henry adaid cca 377 MULLEN Amelia-Ann (Priest) 609 Eva-May adaaa bbfi 609 Louis-Henry 609 MULLEN cont'd Mary-Elizabeth 532 Rosa-Bell adaaa bbfe 609 MULLIGAN Hannah 605 MULLINS Mary-Elizabeth 572 MUNROE see Monroe MURDOCK Andrew 179 MURPHY Bernice aacdb iba 307 Charles 575 Gussie-Lou (Lincoln) adaaf dbac 575 Lena (Young) 575 William adaaf dbac 575 MURR Alice-Olive adaaa bbfd 608-9 Lucinda (Burgess) 608 Thomas 608 MURRAY— Murry Eliza aacbe Ifba 547 Mary-Elizabeth (Lacey) 442 Virginia-Mabel aacdc ec 442 William-Lewis 442 MUZZY Benjamin 139 John 139 John aabad f 139 Joseph 139 Julia A. aabad fa 139 Louisa-Caroline aabad cb 138 Rebecca (Lincoln) aabad f 139 148 Rebecca (Munroe) 139 Robert 139 MYERS Charles-Ralph adagb fbad 494 Ethel-Elizabeth ([Bradley] Russell) adahb dcha 499 Florence-Edna adagb fbab 494 Frances-Eloise (Lincoln) adagb fba 494 George-Henry adagb fba 494 Helen-Mary adagb fbaa 494 Joseph-Conrad 494 Lydia adahb b 368 Mary (Ayres) 494 Mary-Frances adagb fbac 494 Rexford-LeRoy adahb dcha 499 MYLIN Carrie-Lincoln (Rutter) adahb beef 497 Walter-Franklin adahb beef 497 NALL Elizabeth (Brumfield) adaaa eb 204 J. L. 200 201 202 Louise 200 201 202 204 William P. adaaa eb 204 NASH James 555 Mary-Ann 406 Mary E. Celia ([Crowell] Lincoln) abbea caeb 555 Sarah 35 Sophia 401 Thomas 191 240 NASSAN William 118 NAYLIS George 222 NEAL— Neale A. 192 Charles adaaf dac 350 Emily-Oneal ([Dinges] Simrill) adaaf dac 350 Joseph 82 Mary-Birch (Lincoln) abbhc c 192 Michael-Anthony 192 INDEX OF PERSONS 689 NEARING Augusta-Caroline adhfa bd 514-5 Emily (Eno) 514 Heman L. 514 NEIGHBORS Martha (Lincoln) adaaa af 329 Washington adaaa a/ 329 NEnSON Elizabeth (Davis) adahd d 110 Mary Ann adaah ee 481 NEVILLE Elizabeth abbec be 454 Elizabeth (Northey) 454 William-Henry 454 NEWCOMB Ann- Maria- (Arnold) 452 AnnieMay (Lincoln) aacdb gfe 438 Ellen-Frances abbea caid 452 Ellen-Maria (|Lincoln] Damon) abbea cai 452 Hattie-Colberth abbea caie 452 Joseph W. 163 Laura-Annie aacdb gfea 438 Laiu-a (Leach) 438 Martha-Jane adcac bai 596-7 Oscar-Elmer aacdb gfe 438 Robert 438 Ruth (Cook) 452 Silas 452 Susanna (Cushing) 596 Warren abbea cai 452 William-James 596 NEWELL Carrie-Dexter (Colburn) ^13 Daniel 63 note Frances (Lincoln) aabhg dbb 413-4 Gurdon-Tucker aabhg dbb 413-4 Josiah-Benjamin 413 Rebecca-Battles 63 and note Susanna (Battles) 63 note NEWTON Abner 163 Caroline-Matilda 408 Daniel-Lincoln aacbc ga 164 Henry aaflg 38 Hester aacbc gc 164 Hester (Grennell) 163 Isaac 163 John 163 164 Levi-Lincoln aacbc gb 164 Olive (Whitcomb) aaflg 38 Rebecca (Lincoln) aacbc g 163-4 Rejoice aacbc g 163-4 290 414 Roger 163 Samuel 163 NICELY George adaaa ae 329 Mary-Rowena (Lincoln) adaaa ae 329 NICHOLAS Bernice-Luin (Moore) adaae agdb 473 Bessie-Lincoln adaae agba 473 Carrie-Taylor adaae agbb 473 Charles-Henry adaae agd 473 Edna- Virginia adaae agbf 473 Elizabeth (Coiner) 473 Elizabeth-Lincoln adaae agda 473 Elizabeth-Theresa (Lincoln) adaae agd 473 Georgia-Winifred adaae agdc 473 Grover-Cleveland adaae agbe 473 Jacob-Bright 473 Jacob-Bright adaae agbc 473 Jefferson-Jacob adaae agb 473 John-Homan adaae agbd 473 Mary-Leannah (Lincoln) adaae agb 473 Roselie (Baxter) adaae agbe 473 William-Franklin adaae agdb 473 44 NICHOLS col 78 Aaron 314 316 Abigail 323 Abigail aafae 37 Abigail adcah f 123 Abigail (Beal) abca 14 Abigail (Lincoln) adcah 122-3 Amos adahb ed 226 Anna 321 Anna (Nichols) 321 Bethia addb 22 88 186 CarolineSFrances aafff cac 315 Catherine (Cushing) abce 14 140 Catherine (Russell) 315 Charles-Lemuel 543 Daniel 191 388 Daniel abca 13 14 Daniel a66o/41 191 Daniel-Burril adcah c 123 Edward adahb i 226 Edward adahb ee 226 Elizabeth 41 Elizabeth abed 14 Elizabeth abbba 41 Elizabeth abbbg 41 Elizabeth adcah & 123 Elizabeth (Beal) abcf 14 122 Elizabeth (Gowan) adcah c 123 Elizabeth (Lincoln) abc 13 14 41 Elizabeth (Lincoln) abbe 14 39 41 88 Elizabeth (Steigers) adahb ee 226 Emily (Fitts) aafff cab 315 Hannah 133 Harriet-Brayton aacbc addd 543 Ichabod 288 Isaac adcah e 123 Isaac-Lincoln.-odcaA g 123 Isabella L. (Bates) abbed h 90 Israel 388 Israel aA; 8 9 14 41 122 140 191 315 321 James-Franklin aafff cai 315 James-Hall adcai bee 320 391 Jazaniah 315 Lazarus adcah A 123 Lot abbb 41 Lydia aabcd 140-1 Lydia (Steigers) adahb ed 226 Martha abcg 14 Martha abbbd 41 Martin aaffi i 84 Martin aafff cab 315 Mary 66 Mary abcb 14 Mary abbbc 41 Mary ( ) 8 Mary-Humphrey abbec b 321-3 Mary-Janette (Brayton) 543 Mary ([Pratt] Orcutt) 14 Mary (Sumner) 8 14 Mary (Whittington) aaffi i 84 Molly (Tower) 388 Nathaniel 188 388 Nathaniel abc 14 41 122 140 191 321 Nathaniel abce 14 140 Nathaniel aafaf 37 Noah 81 88 122 321 Noah abcf 14 Noah adcah 122-3 Peggy adcac b 388 Peter 388 Priscilla abbbh 41 88 Rebecca (Josselyn) 8 Rebecca ([Lincoln] Clark) ak 8 14 Ruth 239 Ruth abch 14 Ruth-Nichols (Snow) adcai bee 320 391 Sabiah (Bate) aafaf 35 37 690 INDEX OF PERSONS NICHOLS cont'd Samuel- Allen aaSfS co 315 Samuel-Herbert aajff cah 315 Sarah 14 Sarah abbbe 41 Sarah aafff c 314-6 Sarah-Hobart (Bates) abbed f 90 Sarah (Lincoln) adahb % 226 Sarah-Lincoln aafff cad 315 Stephen 315 Susan-Lincoln aafff cak 315 Susannah adcah o 123 Susannah-Davis (Humphrey) 315 Susannah-Nich .>ls (Lincoln) aafff ca 315 Tamar abbhc 191-3 Tamar (Beal) abbaf Al 191 Thankful (Tower) abbbb 41 Thomas 8 14 41 122 140 191 315 321 388 Thomas abcc 14 41 88 Thomas a666/ 41 William abbed /; abbed h 90 William adcah d 123 Willie aafff caj 315 Zibiah (Bates) aafaf 37 NICKERSON Alvans-Thomas 558 Elijah abaeb d 87 Frances adaga agf 579 Harriet-Holbrook abbec fdca 558 John-Holland aabhg b 156 Laurietta ( ) 558 Lucinda (Lincoln) aabhg b 156 Mary (Holland) 156 Sparrow 156 Susanna (Lewis) abaeb d 87 NICOLAY John-George 196 200 223 NITSELL— NitzeU Jacob 232 235 NIXON Caroline 501 NOAH Sarah-Rosetta 420 NOBLE Eliza-Jane (Barnes) adaga chc 360 Elizabeth adbcf ca 514 Ewing adaga chc 360 John 426 Mary (French) 426 Rachel-Ann aacbe Id 426 NOECKER Mary adaid hac 378 NORCROSS James- Alonzo 421 Nancy abbec f 323 Orlando-Whitney 421 NORMON Nellie 574 NORRIS Charles 287 note NORTH Charles- Weed adffe cbc 522 523 Gideon-Leeds 523 Howard-Lincoln adffe cbcb 523 Mildred-Brown adffe cbca 523 Minerva-Wright (Lincoln) adffe cbc 522 523 Sarah-Ann (Weed) 523 NORTHEY Elizabeth 454 NORTHORP Mary E. adbfa ea 386 NORTON Augusta 527 Elizabeth aahf 12 Helen-Virginia adbca abc 380 Lizzie-Smith (Hibbert) aacdb ee 433-4 Martha 120 NORTON cont'd Mercy 61 Seth B. 433 NORWOOD Amey-Gaskill ([Daniels] Martin) adffe df 524-5 Hannah E. ( ) aacdb i 307 NOWELL Rachel ([ ] Lincoln) 130 131 Silas 130 131 NUTE Asa aaffe g 82 Lucinda (Pratt) aaffe g 82 NUTT Caroline-Augusta aacdb hdd 306 Caroline-Augusta (Lincoln) aacdb /id 306 Eliza-Ann 306 Ellen-Caroline (Leighton) 306 James 306 James-Robinson aacdb hdc 306 Jethro-Brown aacdb hd 306 Ruth-Brown aacdb hda 306 Sarah-Augusta aacdb hdb 306 Sarah (Brown) 306 NUTTING Edwin-Augustus abbhc bb 192 Sarah-Asenath (Shaw) abbhc bb 192 NYE mr. 33 Sarah-Butler (Shiverick) aacdc f 310 OAKES— Oaks Abigail ( ) 276 Albert 276 Hannah (Whitcomb) aafha 37 Harry aabhe aaa 275 276 Jefferson G. aabhe aa 276 John 276 Josephine (Lincoln) aabhe aa 276 Samuel aafha 37 Theodosia aaffb d SI OAVES— Oves Elizabeth 361 Ehzabeth adaga 216 217-9 OBERLIN Jesse-Lincoln adagb dfa 364 Margaret (Lincoln) ada^b df 364 Simon adagb df 364 O'BRIEN Alice (Lincoln) aacdb bdb 431 John aacdb bdc 431 O'BRION Abigail (Wilson) 262 Charles-Carroll aabcf dbc 263 Clara-Wilson aabcf dbc 263 Daniel-Wilson aabcf db 262-3 Ellen aabcf dba 263 Hattie-EUza (Bailey) aabcf dbc 263 John 262 Sarah-Jane (Lincoln) oo6c/ db 262-3 OFFUTT Denton 465 OGDEN Aaron 380 Amanda adbcf be 512-3 Amer 512 Amory 233 Anning-Asbury adbca ab 380 David 380 George-Lybrand adbca abb 380 Helen-Virginia (Norton) adbca abc 380 Hugh-Walker 551 James-Asbury adbca abc 380 Jennie (Wright) adbca aba 380 John-Lincoln adbca aba 380 Joseph 380 Lucretia (Gorman) 380 Rebecca (Weed) 512 INDEX OF PERSONS 691 OGDEN cont'd Sarah-Nitzel (Lincoln) adbca ab 233 380 Selina (Sharp) adbca abb 380 Stephen 380 OGLE miss adaga cea 360 OGLENEE Rebecca ( ) 492 Joseph 492 O'KEEFE Catherine (Kelly) 606 Daniel 606 Mary-Elizabeth adaaa bbcb 606-7 OLDSHUE Daniel adagb bj 220 Eliza adagb bd 220 Jacob adagb bi 220 James adagb bg 220 Jane adagb ba 220 Jemima (Lincoln) adagb 6 219 220 John adagb b 219 220 John adagb bf 220 Lincoln adagb be 220 Martha-Ann (West) adagb he 220 Martha J. adagb bh 220 Mary adagb bb 220 Nancy adagb be 220 OLIVER Arnett-Stanton adaaf dbaab 574 Betty (Crutchfield) 574 Campbell adaaf dbaa 575 Luther 574 Mai (Morgan) adaaf dbaab 574 Mattie-Joe (Lincoln) adaaf dbaa 574 Willie-Lee adaaf dbaaa 574 Willie-May adaaf dbbb 479 ONAN John adaah b 213 215 Margaret (Lincoln) adaah b 213 215 O'NEAL Elizabeth 381 OOTS Virginia 578 ORCUTT Ebenezer 81 Edward agdh 26 Ephraim aaffc 81 Hittie (Hudson) agdh 25 26 Huldah 81 240 246 John 81 Mary 125 Mehitable (Hudson) agdh 25 26 Mercy (Pratt) 14 Meribah 595 Olive aaffe a 36 81 Olive (Lincoln) aaffc 81 Ruth (Worrick) 81 Samuel 14 81 Susanna 191 Susanna (Bates) 81 William 81 ORNE Sarah 165 168 OSMAN Mary-Elizabeth adaga gh 491-2 Mary-Elizabeth (Hise) 491 William 491 OSTRANDER Eunice (Birch) abbhb h 92 James abbhb h 92 OSWALD Caroline (Strayer) adaae eb 207 OTIS Charlotte 390 Desire 252 Ephraim 79 Job 79 John 79 OTIS cont'd Mary aacd 79-80 Mercy-Little adcaj 6 123 Rachel (Hersey) 79 OTT Amanda-Marthaette adaaa bbaa 463 Dora (Campbell) adaaa bbai 463 Florence-May adaaa bbaj 463 George-McLean adaaa bbai 463 Harriet-Anne adaaa bbag 463 Harriet-Anna (Seacat) adaaa bbac 463 Henry-Thomas adaaa bbac 463 Hester-Rosanna adaaa bbah 463 John-Patterson adaaa bbad 463 Joseph-Davis adaaa bba 463 Joseph-Marion adaaa bbaf 463 Mary-Abigail adaaa bbae 463 Mary-Flora 564 Rachel (Lincoln) adaaa bba 463 Samuel M. 463 Sarah-Elizabeth adaaa bbab 463 OUTLAW Eugenia-Bryant adaaf ace 573-4 Eugenia D. (Whitfield) 573 OVERTON Elizabeth-Ann (Clapp) abbea ccd 319 Francis abbea ccd 319 OVES see Oaves OVIS Anne 218 OWEN Juliet 480 PACKARD Emma-Frances 317 Mary (Sampson) adfah a 394-5 Samuel adfai a 394 PADDLEFORD Elizabeth 420 PAGE James W. 411 Samuel 309 Mary-Chadbourne 287 PAINE Nancy-Armstrong 525 PALFREY Elizabeth ([Bailey] McNeil) 83 PALMER Josephine 604 Sarah 499 Temperance 310 PANCOAST Abigail (Boone) adafa 52 53 and note Adin adafa 52 53 and note Anna-Thompson adbca bb 232 John 53 note Mary ( ) 53 note PARDEE Daniel 237 Lois adbfa 237-8 Phebe (Woodruff) 237 PARKE Martha adagb da 364 PARKER Aaron 272 Abraham 272 Alexander-Tennett 578 Ann-Eliza 470 Anna-Maria abbec be 322 Clara-Ida aacbc ahg 544 Daisy-Maude (Lincoln) adaaa bbih 565 Ebenezer 272 Edward-Sidney aabce cdbb 531 Elizabeth (Lewis) 322 Elizabeth- Waldo aacbc cb 163 EUa-Lightburn adaah gdb 578 Eunice-Viola (Lincoln) aabce cdbb 531 Florence-Bates aabce cdbbc 531 692 INDEX OF PERSONS PARKER cont'd Fred-Allen adaaa bbih 565 James 13 163 Jane 508 John-Davis 531 Josephine aabce cdbbb 531 Julia-Ann (Eskew) 565 Leonard 163 Leonard-Moody aacbc c 163 Luther 322 Margery aabce cdbbd 531 Martha adagb da 364 Martha (Lincoln) aacbc c 163 Martha-Lincoln aacbc ca 163 Mary- Annie (Bates) 531 Mary-Julia 527 Mary-Maria (Phelps) 544 Moses 272 Nancy aabck f 272-3 274 Phineas 163 Richard 197 Robert-Lincoln aabce cdbba 531 Sally (Bowers) 272 Sarah (Dickenson) 163 Sarah-Rebecca aacbc cc 163 Shadrach 565 Virginia (Oots) 578 William-Henry 544 PARKHURST Edward 317 PARKMAN Sarah 175 PARKS Susanna adafc 53 PARMINTER Leona-Adria adaaf acf 574 Nellie (Norman) 574 Percy-Elwyn 574 PARR Frances-Louisa adagb fb 494 Mary-Araminta (Trumbull) 494 Stephen- Vanranselar 494 PARRISH Helen 430 PARROTT John H. 339 PARRY Carter adbaa aa 114 Hester (Carter) adbaa a 114 Roland adbaa o 114 PARSONS Susan 553 PARTELOW Mary-Burns 535 PARTRIDGE John 135 PARVIN Benjamin 378 Benjamin adaid hae 378 Clara (Lincoln) adaid ha 378 Edward-Lincoln adaid haa 378 Elizabeth (Starr) 378 Elizabeth-Starr adaid hob 378 Elizabeth-Weida (Raser) adaid haa 378 George-Brooke adaid hac 378 Jeremiah-Starr adaid ha 378 Lucia adaid haf 378 Mary-Ives adaid had 378 Mary (Noecker) adaid hac 378 PASCHALL Abraham adbca ce 232 Abraham-Johnson adbca c 232 Ann 235 Ann adbca eg 232 Ann (Garrett) 232 Ann (Lincoln) adbca c 118 232 233 Anna-Frances adbcf bdg 384 Anna-Thompson (Pancoast) adbca bb 232 PASCHALL cont'd Benjamin 232 Benjamin adbca ca 232 Beulah-Worth adbcf bdc 383 Caroline (Horton) adbca ce 232 Catherine (Lincoln) adbca b 232 383 Catherine-Lincoln adbcf bdd 383 Eliza-Irene adbcf bdh 384 EUza (Lincoln) adbcf bd 232 383-4 Elizabeth adbca cb 232 Elizabeth (Smedley) adbca ca 232 233 Ellen (Weise) adbcf bde 384 Fanny (Boone) adaaf dag 350 Frances (Hodge) 232 George-Henry adbcf bda 383 Harriet (Rogers) adbca cc 232 Henry adbca b 232 382 383 Henry-Lincoln adbca bb 232 Isaac adbca ch 232 233 Jane M. (Lane) adbcf bdf 384 Jesse adbca cc 232 John 232 Joseph adbca ba 232 383-4 Joseph adbcf bdb 383 Joseph- Albin adbcf bde 384 Martha adbca cf 232 233 Martha (Johnson) 232 Mary adbca cd 232 233 Mary-Amelia (Acker) adbca ch 232 Mary N. (Lane) adbcf bda 383 Moses-Lincoln adbcf bdf 384 Nellie (Sherman) adbcf bde 384 Stephen 235 Thomas 232 Thomas J. 235 PASSMORE Ahce M. (Martindale) adahf caa 373 Charles-Sumner adahf cae 373 Deborah (Brown) 372 Ellen F. (Faxon) adahf cab 373 EUis-Pusey adahf ca 372-3 EUis-Pusey adahf cag 373 Emily-Pusey (Shelmire) adahf cag 373 Emma-Frances adahf cad 373 John- Warden 372 John-Wardell adahf caa 373 Leroy-Chase adahf cac 373 Lincoln-Knight adahf cab 373 Lillian P. (Haines) adahf caf 373 Mary-Eliza (Lincoln) adahf ca 372-3 Rebecca E. (Hunt) adahf cac 373 Susan M. (Came) adahf cae 373 Walter-Channing adahf caf 373 PASTORIUS Samuel adbd 58 115 Sarah (Lincoln) adbd 58 115 PATRICK Abbie-Smith aabcg dg 408-9 Eliza (Keys) 583 John 583 Johnson 408 Margaret-Jane adahb bbi 583 Mary (Foster) 408 PATTANGALE— Pattangall Arethusa (Longfellow) aacdb df 180 Bethia C. ([Baker] Wheldon) aacdb da 180 Catharine-Elliott aacdb db 180 Catherine (Wright) 180 Daniel 180 Elizabeth-Thompson aacdb de 180 181 Ezra-Lincoln aacdb df 180 Frances-Elnathan aacdb dg 180 Frances (Lincoln) aacdb d 177 180 Frances-Mehitable (Foster) aacdb do 180 Laura-Frances (Harris) aacdb dd 180 Moses 180 Nathan aacdb d 180 INDEX OF PERSONS 693 PATTANGALE— Pattangall cont'd Nathan-Page aacdb dd 180 Nathaniel 180 Otis-Lincoln aacdb da 180 Rebecca (Crowell) aacdb da 180 Richard 180 Sarah-Caroline (Hobart) aacdb df 180 Susan-Maria (Appleby) aacdb da 180 William-Robinson aacdb dc 180 PATTEE Laiira (Saltonstall) 538 Penelope-Pelham aacbc acdca 538 Penelope-Winslow (Lincoln) aacbc acdc 538 Richard-Saltonstall aacbc acdc 538 William-Greenleaf-Appleton 538 PATTEN Sophia adcbm c 126 PATTERSON Eleanor (Jones) adage c 109 Isaac adage c 109 Louisa 269 PATTIE Anne 355 PAUL Catherine (See) 349 350 Clara adaaf d 348-51 William 349 PAXON Letitia adahf cdb 373 PAYSON Althea (Train) 441 Edith-Cushing aacdc eadb 442 Elsie (Lincoln) aacdc eab 441-2 Gilbert-Russell 441 Samuel-Cushing aacdc ead 441-2 William-Lincoln aacdc eada 442 PEABODY Henry- Wayland 545 PEAKES John-Quincy- Adams aa/ff ea 185 Susannah-Beal (James) aafff ea 185 PEARCE— Pearse see Pierce Isaac 104 216 Sarah 216 PEARL Susan-Margaret 363 PEARSON Charlotte-Price (Ward) aacdc /be 311 Franklin aacdc fbe 311 Isaac 56 PEAVEY miss 304 PECK Ann-Eliza 567 Mary-Henderson 477 PELHAM Herbert 282 Penelope 282 Penelope (West) 282 PELLMAN Anna-Maria adahc aa 504 Mary (Wolfe) 504 Samuel 504 PENCE Alice-Rebecca adaae hbe 345 Beal-Steambergen adaae hb 344-5 Charles-Lee adaae hbd 345 Edith (Rynard) 344 Ida-Angeline adaae hbc 345 Jacob 344 John-Lincoln acaae hbb 345 Mary-Lavenia adaae hba 345 Rebecca (Lincoln) adaae hb 344-5 PENDLEBERG Hannah (Zearing) adaga be 217 Henry adaga be 217 PENDLETON Fleming adaah gdc 485 Sallie-Knight (Lincoln) adaah gdc 485 Sarah 475 PENHALLOW Sarah-Maria 528 PENN William 49 PENNINGTON Sarah 498 PENNY Charles-Henry aafff cda 316 Charles L. aafff cda 316 John 316 Sarah-Ellis aafff ccb 316 Sarah-Nichols (Lincoln) aafff cd 316 Temperance (Cushing) 316 Uriah aafff cd 316 PENNYBACKER Amanda (Strayer) adaae ea 206 207 Derrick-Dehaven adaae ea 207 Isaac-Samuels 346 John-Dyer adaae ia 346 John-Dyer adaae iaf 346 Kate-Abigail adaae iae 346 Mary-Elizabeth ([Lincoln] Maupin) adaae ia 346 Mary-Lee adaae iad 346 Sarah-Ann (Dyer) 346 PERCIVAL John 279 PERHAM Emeline-Josephine 537-8 PERKINS mrs. 33 Martha 443 Nellie-Josephine adcac baib 613-4 NeUie (Tarr) 613 Perry 613 Thomas-Nelson 538 PERRIN Elizabeth 590 PERRY Elizabeth 84 Fred H. 545 Hannah-Prentiss adffe d 396-7 Horatio-Nelson 421 Jessie (McGregor) 421 Malvina (Wilson) 421 Margaret-Elizabeth 576 Marian-Vinal ([Lincoln] Bogert) cbc ahf 421 Marsden-Jasael aacbc ahf 421 Marsden-Jasael aacbc ahfc 421 Oliver-Hazard 212 William 396 PERSHING John- Joseph 614 PETERS Enfield 577 PETERSON Lily W. abbea caic 452 PETTIS Naomi-Downs adcax baa 390 PFEIFFER Julia (Priest) 610 Lola adaaa bbgb 609-10 Lewis-Cass 610 PHELAN Mary-Ann (MacVeagh) adahf ad 228 William adahf ad 228 PHELPS Adaline ( ) 395 Annie-May aabcd bccb 400 Arthur-Chester aabcd bcca 400 Eliza aabcd cc 141 Eliza (Thompson) 399 Emily-Augusta (Lawrence) 520 694 INDEX OF PERSONS PHELPS cont'd Emma-Souther (Lincoln) aabcd bcc 399- 400 Horace W. adfah aa 395 Joshua 395 Jerome-Porter aahcd bcc 399-400 Joel F. 399 Luman-Edwin 520 Mary-Maria 544 Mary-Vinal (Lincoln) adfah aa 395 PHILBRICK Helen-Francenia abbhc db 458 Ira-Rowell 458 Louisa (Daniels) 458 William D. 312 PHH^LIPS John 41 Margaret (Robinson) 259 Rachel (Bates) afd 8 Thomas afd 8 PHIPPS Albert-Loammi aacbe hba 425 Charles- Walker aacbe hbaa 425 Eliza aabcd cc 141 Elizabeth adbcf aa 382-3 George- Albert aacbe hbab 425 Joseph 383 Laurana (Pincin) 425 Loammi-Walker 425 Mary-Ann (Hope) 383 Mary-Elizabeth (Lincoln) aacbe hba 42 PICKETT Mary 164 Susan 425 PIERCE — Peirce see Pearce Abigail 189 Amanda-Melvina aacdd dd 446 Anna-Helen (Maxey) 446 Anna (Tuttle) 153 Becky adfae a 393-4 Caroline 432 Carrie H. adahc aac 604 Cromwell 504 Eliza-Lincoln aabck db 154 Elizabeth (Lincoln) adaid aa 375 Ella-Ruth (Gaul) adaid aab 375 Haywood 393 Henrietta-Lamson aabck ad 154 Horace-Martin 446 James-Lincoln adaid aab 375 John adaid aaa 375 Josiah aabck a 153-4 Josiah aabck ac 154 Judith (Bailey) 393 Lydia 505 Margaret-Amelia adaid aac 375 Marianne aabck aa 153 Mary (Lincoln) aabck a 152 153 Mehitabel (Harris) 70 71 Nicholas 153 Patty 456 Richard adaid aa 375 Samuel 71 Sarah H. (Taylor) 504 Sarah-Robie aabck ae 154 PIERSOL Archibald adaig d 162 Martha (Jones) adaig d 112 PIERSON Elizabeth 505 PIGEON Mary-Ann 425 PIKE Amanda (Stone) 406 Elizabeth abaef b 88 Elizabeth (Lombard) 88 George 88 George abaef 88-9 PIKE cont'd Henry-Bennett 406 Leonard 88 Olive-Irvette aabcf dad 406 Rebecca- Allen abaef a 89 Rebecca (Lincoln) abaef 88-9 PINCIN see Pynchon Laurana 425 PINKHAM James-Henry 604 Josephine (Palmer) 604 Mabel-Gertrude abbea cabd 604 PIRTLE Emma 574 PITCAIRN John 152 PITKIN Nellie-Olmsted aacdc ge 443-4 Robert 443 Sarah (Knox) 443 PITTLE Henry 330 PITTMAN Mary (Steigers) adahb ej 226 PITTS Edmund 4 PIXLEY Catherine 484 PLACE Fanny-Kilby (Litchfield) adcai eb 241 Horace adcai eb 241 PLANK Effie-Thornton (Rutter) adahb bceh 497 Park-Leaman adahb bceh 497 PLATT Charles H. adahf ck 374 Elizabeth-Reybold adahf ckc 374 Florence-Francina adahf ckb 374 Helen adahf eke 374 John 374 John-Lincoln adahf ckd 374 Mary-Cornelia adahf cka 374 Mary (Jackson) 374 Rachel-Housekeeper (Lincoln) adahf ck 374 PLUM Reuben 119 PLUMER— Plummer Daniel 516 Ira-Newton adcac bag 516 Lydia-EUen ([Breed] Lincoln) adcac bag 516 Olive 453 Per sis (Stevens) 516 POLAND William C. 397 POLLOCK Frederic 534 Jennie (Le Grow) 534 Sarah-Legrow aabcj hba 534 POOR Hannah 294 297 POPE Benjamin 197 Jemima 91 Olive 490 Saloam 183 POPHAM Sally 203 note POPPLETON Ezra 600 Grace-May adfae adcha 600 Grace (Riggs) 600 Irene (Lincoln) adfae adca 600 Ralph-Riggs ad^ae adca 600 PORTER Alexander S. 448 Andrew 217 INDEX OF PERSONS 695 PORTER cont'd Frederick-Nelson 595 Ina-Belle adbfa bdf 595 John 35 John aacc 35 Joseph 35 Katherine (Lawrence) 595 Luzina 568 Mary 35 Mary (Lincoln) aacc 35 Mercy 35 Mercy (Randall) 35 Nancy- Jane aabce ad 400-1 Nancy (Spence) 400 Nehemiah 120 Richard 35 Samuel 614 Sarah (Nash) 35 Survyer 35 Temperance (Shaw) 35 Thomas 400 POST John-Reed aacbc adbb 417 Lucy adbfa f 387-8 Mabel (Davis) aacbc adbb 417 POTTS Thomas A. 382 POTTER Bessie (Lincoln) aacdd eaa 447 Edward-Edmund 447 Murray-Anthony aacdd eaa 447 Susan (Anthony) 447 POUNDSTONE Mary 489 POWELL Abigail (Lincoln) adaga gj 363 Atwood adbcf aa 383 Charles-Francis adaga gje 363 David 363 David- William adaga gj 363 Edna (Kennerseg) adaga gja 363 Ehzabeth ([Phipps] Lincoln) adbcf aa 383 Emily-Wells (Scheller) adaga gjd 363 Henry-George adaga gjc 363 Nellie-Lincoln (Towle) aabcf deb 263 Olive-Frances (Woodburn) adaga gjeSQS Philip-Thales adaga gja 363 Rhoda-Estella adaga gjf 363 Stephen-Lincoln adaga gjb 363 Susan-Margaret (Pearl) 363 William aabcf deb 263 William adaga gjd 363 POWERS Margaret 451 POWNALL Thomas 68 PRATER Elizabeth (O'Neal) 381 Ruth adbca f 381-2 Zachariah 381 PRATT Aaron 14 17 27 82 238 316 318 390 Abigail 142 Abner 247 Anna aafhc 37 Anna aaffe d 82 Anne (Eustis) aaffe a 82 Asa 185 Bernard agja 27 Betsy aaffe b 82 Betsey (Willcutt) 315 Betty (Lincoln) aaffe 82 Bridget (Collier) 82 238 Caleb adffe aa 247 Caroline-Augusta-Elizabeth aafff cc 315 Caroline (Gaylord) aaffe f 82 Clara (Lothrop) 239 Constantine agjc 27 PRATT cont'd David 400 Deborah (Lincoln) adcai ba 390 Dorcas (Ashley) agje 27 Ebenezer 142 247 EUza 185 Eliza (Stone) 185 Elizabeth ( ) aaffe f 82 Eunice-Biu-r (Lothrop) adcac eb 239 Ezekiel 239 Ezekiel adcac c 238-9 Ezekiel adcac cd 239 Francis-Lincoln adcac cc 239 Francis-Lincoln adcac ce 239 Gerard see Jared Gershom 390 Hannah ( ) agjh 27 Harriet (Loring) aabha e 69 Henrietta-Lincoln adcac of 239 Henry adcac cb 239 Ira-Norton 38 Jairus 256 James 315 405 Jane 239 Jane (Chandler) aabhf e 70 Jared agjb 27 Jared agjf 27 Jared adffe a 247 Job 315 John aaflf 38 189 314 321 John adcai ba 390 John L. adcai bab 390 Jonathan aabha e 69 Joseph 318 Lucinda aaffe g 82 Lucy adffe bb 247 Lydia 86 Mary addd 22 Mary ( ) agja 27 Mary (Byron) aaffe f 82 Mary-Jane 555 Mary L. 408 Mary-Lincoln adcac ca 239 Mercy 14 Meriel (Lincoln) adcac c 238-9 Molly 247 Nabby 247 Nabby (Pratt) 247 Nancy abbea c 318-9 Naomi-Downs (Pettis) adcai baa 390 Nichols 239 Olive agjg 27 Olive aaffe e 82 Otis-Lincoln adcai baa 390 Paul aaffe a 82 Paulina-Snow (Joy) adcai bab 390 Phineas 27 82 238 315 318 390 Phineas agj 27 Phineas agjh 27 Polly aaffe c 82 Polly (Shaw) 400 Priscilla-Shaw aabce ab 400 Relief (Bourne) 318 Rhoda agjd 27 Ruth (Lothrop) 390 Ruth (Snow) adcbm c 126 Samuel 400 Samuel aaffe 82 Samuel aaffe f 82 Sarah 14 Sarah agje 27 Sarah (Lincoln) agj 27 Sarah (Lincoln) adffe a 247 Sarah (Pratt) 14 Sarah (Stoddard) adcac ce 239 Sarah ([Wright] Cummings) 27 Susan-Lincoln (Whiton) 142 Thomas 315 696 INDEX OF PERSONS PRATT cont'd Timothy aabhf e 70 Zoa (Whitcomb) aaflf 38 PREBLE William P. 287 PRENTICE— Prentiss Augusta-Eugenie adffe cd 523 Daniel 462 Daniel-Anthony 523 Florence (Kelly) 545 Mary-Sampson (Bogman) 523 Philena aacbe dab 545 William-Packer 545 PRESCOTT Mabel adahb ghc 370 PRESLEY Mayme adaaf aca 478 PRESTON Sarah 218 PRICE Celia ([Hobart] Lincoln) aabag 140 George aabag 140 Philip 116 117 Rebecca 509 Sarah 346 Sterling 483 PRIEST Alice-Ann 512 Amelia- Ann 609 Julia 610 Mary-Olivia aabcj ac 149 PRIME Joseph 131 PRINTZ Angeline (Lincoln) adaae hg 345 Ida-Angeline (Pence) adaae hbc 345 Ida-Annie adaae hgb 345 Isaac 345 Isaiah adaae hbc 345 John-David adaae hga 345 Lavinia-Arribella adaae hga 345 Lavinia-Arribella (Printz) adaae hga 345 Lorenzo-Sibert adaae hg 345 Mamie-Rhodes adaae hf/b 476 Martha-Hill (Grayson) 345 PRIOR Jonathan 461 PRITCHARD Abigail (Tower) 37 Hannah (Lincoln) aafj 36 37 38 John 37 Oliver 37 Peggy (Mann) 38 Theodore aafj 37 38 PROBST Ann ([Lincoln] Glasgow) adaih 112 Catharine adaih b 112 Eliza (Fisher) adaih c 112 Elizabeth adaih a 112 George 112 George- Michael adaih 112 William adaih c 112 PROUTY Philinda-Gates 429 PRYOR Elizabeth-Curd (Lewis) 482 George-Morton 482 Virginia-Morton adaah ek 482 PUGH Clara-Lincoln (Kirk) adahf cgb 374 Harold-Brown adahf cgb 374 PULLMAN George-Mortimer 567 PULTZ Ashby-Lincoln adaae hfda 475 David 475 Erasmus adaae hfd 475 Graham-Moore adaae hfdb 475 PULTZ cont'd Ida-Eliza (Lincoln) adaae hfd 475 Jacob-DeWitt adaae hfdd 475 Mamie-Bell adaae hfdc 475 Susan (Miller) 475 PURCELL Mary 511 PURDY Martha 587 PURMETT Joseph 23 PUTNAM Andrew 128 Ann-Maria (Gushing) aabce bob 256 John-Howard aabce bab 256 PYATT Edith (Lincoln) adagb deb 492 Willis adagb deb 492 PYNCHEM— Pynchon see Pincin Abner 36 Hannah (Cowing) 36 Mary 88 QUAIN Daniel 49 QUINCY Josiah 85 RADFORD Agnes-Margaret aacbe Ibb 297 RALSTON Ann adagb kh 222 Err adagb kc 221 James adagb k 219 221-2 Jane adagb kf 221 John-Lincoln adagb ka 221 Martha adagb kg 222 Mary adagb kd 221 Nancy (Lincoln) adagb k 219 221-2 Robert adagb kb 221 Silas adagb ke 221 RAMBO Anne adbc 114 116-8 Anna (Koch) 116 note Catharine (Boon) 116 and note Gaumer 116 and note Mounce 116 and note Peter 116 and note RAMSDELL Ella-Frances aabcg dbc 532 Hannah (Haywood) 532 Henry 532 Lydia aafhe 37 243 RAND Alice-Lincoln adbcf daaa 406 Elizabeth 429 Elizabeth F. 189 George-Frank 405 John-Frank aabcf daa 405-6 Laura-Flint ( Lincoln) aabcf daa 405-6 Mary-Frances (Moulton) 405 RANDALL Hollis aabcf ga 145 John 401 Lucy adcbm a 126 Mary-Ann ( ) 401 Mercy 35 Sophia L. (Edwards) aabcf ga 145 RANDOLPH Beverly 195 RANKIN Mary- Ann 561 RANNO Pernicia-Ann 429 RANSFORD Susan aabcd baa 252 RARDIN Manda (Moore) 579 INDEX OF PERSONS 697 RARDIN cont'd Margaret-Alice adaga aaa 579 Steven-Decatur 579 RASER Elizabeth-Weida adaid haa 378 RATTRAY Alice aacda he 175 RAUSCHNER John Christian 162 RAVENEL Caroline-Elise aabch dda 266 RAY Lizzie-Herbert aabce acb 255 RAYMOND Enos D. 555 Martha-Roy adaah emd 577 Martha-Roy (Wilson) 577 Mary-Jane (Pratt) 555 Mary-Lyon abbea cacb 555 Richard-Lee 577 READ see Reed Lydia-Jane (Watson) adaga gbf 362 William adaga gbd 362 REAGAN Catherine ([Lincoln] [Swords] Minick) adaga cf 360 Patrick adaga cf 360 REDDICK George 103 REDDING Jerome 295 Rebecca (Brown) 295 REDMAN George 336 REDWINE Catherine 479 REECE Lurisia 582 REED — Reid see Read Agnes-Catherine (Lincoln) adaaa bbcba 606 Anna R. aabcd bcb 399 Caroline (Bergstrasser) 588 Elizabeth-Ann 560 Frances (Bucknall) aabcf deb 263 Gertrude adahc aaa 588 John aabcf deb 263 Mary 293 Mary-Ann (Townsend) 399 Mary (Wheatly) 606 Nancy-Pierce 521 Rhoda 399 Robert 588 Tobias-Davis 399 William 606 William-Harvey adaaa bbcba 606 William-Joseph adaaa bbcba a 606 REEL Sarah 565 REESER Martha 377 REIFSNYDER Ann (Lincoln) adaii bh 379 Joel 379 John-Frederick adaii bh 379 Margaret (Jones) 379 RELYEA Benjamin abbhb g 92 Emily (Birch) abbhb g 92 RENSHAW Aaron adaga ced 359 Martha (Blackburn) adaga ccd 359 REVERE Deborah aaebe 165-6 Elizabeth aaebe 165-6 Joseph W. 168 294 295 Mary aacbi 168-9 313 Paul 164 165 166 168 169 note REVERE cont'd Sarah (Orne) 165 168 REYNOLDS Anna adahf da 506 Anna (Moore) 506 Cornelia adahf chf 374 Edwin H. adahf ch 374 Elizabeth adahf chd 374 Elizabeth (Lincoln) adahf cd 373 Ella-Frances adahf cha 374 Francina adahf c 372-4 Georgiana adahf che 374 Haines 374 Henry 372 506 Isaac 373 Isaac-Wayne adahf cdb 373 Jacob 506 Janette adahf chg 374 Jonathan adahf cd 373 Letitia (Paxon) adahf cdb 373 Lydia-Elmira (Lincoln) adahf ch 374 Margaret adahf chb 374 Mary E. (Knight) 372 Mary-Emma adahf cda 373 Mira (Haines) 373 Phebe-Dinah (Moore) 374 Sarah-Rosene adahf chc 374 Susannah 324 RHODES— Rodes Ann 344 Charles-Lincoln adaae hffb 476 Charles-Preston adaae hff 476 Fannie-Clarissa adaae el 207 Greenberry 476 Hamilton 344 Helen-Margaret adaae hffc 476 Joseph 344 Mamie-Rhodes (Printz) adaae hffb 476 Mary-Anna adaae hffa 476 Mary-Hansbarger( Anderson) 476 Mattie-Belle (Lincoln) adaae hff 476 Nancy (Lionberger) adaae h 344-5 Robert-Preston adaae hffd 476 RHYMES Mary-Celia 442 RICE Ada-Gertrude 486 Arthur 419 David adaah a 214 215 Edmund 419 Edward 419 Elizabeth adaae ice 346 Elizabeth-Chandler (Blake) 419 Elizabeth (Lincoln) adaah a 213 215 Francis-Blake 419 Francis-Blake aaebe afa 419 George-Graham 441 George-Tilly 419 Georgianna-de-Villers (Lincoln) aacbc afa 419 Gertrude-Austin 419 Jacob 419 Mary adaah edd 355 Obadiah 419 Sally-Blake (Austin) 419 Thomas 419 Tilly 419 RICH Abigail ([Hall] Knowles) abaec c 87 Betsey 253 James abaec e 87 Mary-Elizabeth abbea caac 450 Sarah (Hall) abaec e 87 Zaccheus abaec c 87 RICHARDS Ada-Frances (Marsh) abbec bde 322 Clarissa-Emeline 398 Clarissa-Emeline (Richards) 398 698 INDEX OF PERSONS RICHARDS cont'd DaAMd L. abbec bde 322 Ebenezer-William 398 Elizabeth adahf cb 505 Florence-Eveline (Sulis) adffe lea 398 Frank-Winslow adffe Ic 398 Fred-Lincoln adffe lea 398 John 23 Olive-Augusta (Lincoln) adffe Ic 398 Rebecca (Stubbs) 505 Stephen 505 RICHARDSON Albert E. 408 Alice-Lyndon (Bowen) 543 Almira (Kendall) 456 Arthur aacdc ebc 309 Charles-Marshall abbee fbaa 457 Cyrus 457 Cyrus-Bowen abbec fba 457 Cyrus-Wilmarth adcak ec 243 Dorothy-Hardy aacbc adde 543-4 Ellen ( ) 457 Fanny-Leland aaede ebd 309 Fanny-Mitchell (Lincoln) aacdc eh 309 Frank-Lincoln abbec fbad 457 Grace aacdc ebb 309 Harriet (Leland) 309 389 Henry-Lincoln aacdc eb 309 John 153 John-Green adcac db 389 Lucy abbec fb 456-7 Lucy-Allen abbec fbae 457 Lucy-Allen (Lincoln) abbec fba 457 Marcia-Dunlap adcac dba 389 Mary-Abigail (Whitcomb) adcak ec 243 Mary-Elizabeth (Lincoln) adcac db 389 Rufus-Byam 543 Stephen 456 William 309 389 William-King aacdc eba 309 RICHMOND Ann 234 note RIDDLE Adeline L. aacbi gd 169 Ann (Aiken) 78 169 Charles-Lincoln aacbi gc 168 169 Charles- Wisner 169 note David aacbi g 169 Frances-Eliza (Field) aacbi gc 169 Gawm 78 169 Gilman aacbi gb 169 Isaac aacbk 78 169 Margaret (McGaw) 78 Mary (Bell) 78 Mary E. aacbi ga 169 Mary (Lincoln) aacbi g 168 169 Mercy ([Lincoln] Vinal) aacbk 78 RIFFE Christopher 326 RIGGS Grace 600 RIMEL— Rymel Abraham adaai e 103 Alpha (Fannon) adaai e 103 Betsey adaai i 102 103 Christena (Willhoite) adaai d 103 Dorcas adaai g 102 103 Elias adaai f 103 George adaai j 102 103 Isaac adaai a 102 103 Jacob adaai d 102 103 Jenny (Dunkin) adaai f 103 John adaai 94 101-3 John adaai b 102 103 Kezia (Williamson) adaai a 103 Polly adaai c 102 103 Rebecca (Lincoln) adaai 94 101-3 Sally adaai h 102 103 RIMEL cont'd Sarah (Williamson) adaai 6 103 RIMER Hetty 570 RINEY Zachariah 465 RINGROSE Margaret adcac daa 518 RIPLEY George 23 322 Lydia (Hobart) aacb 76 Lydia-Jacobs 449 Nehemiah 76 Sarah ( ) 23 RITENOUR Elizabeth-Augusta (Shaw) adagb jg 219 221 John-Sturgis 105 108 Leah- Jane (Sturgis) adagb gd 221 William-Mandeville adagb gd 221 RITTER Esther (Tobias) 509 Hannah adaii be 509-10 Joseph 509 ROBB Ann (Tolait) 165 James 165 Martha 165 Martha (Howard) aacbe 165-6 296 Thomas 165 ROBBINS Betsey (Leverett) 247 Elizabeth adffe 247-9 Grace (Hamlin) 409 Julia-Hall aabcj hb 409 Nelson-Collingwood 409 William 247 ROBERTS Anne aabee ccdb 403 Bennet 305 Joshua 129 Ruth ( ) 129 ROBERTSON Annie B. abbec fdb 458 Eliza adbca d 380-1 George B. 458 John 380 John-Johnson 429 Mary ( ) 458 Mary-Sophronia aacbg cca 429 Pernicia-Ann (Ranno) 429 Susannah 322 ROBESON Andrew 49 Israel 48 Jonathan 47 Mary ada 47 49-53 ROBIDSON Lucinda 611 ROBIE Charles aacbj aa 149 Edward 149 274 Eliza ([Stevens] Cross) 149 Emily (March) aabcj aa 149 Frances-Maria (Barrett) aabcj ab 149 Francis B. 149 Frederick aabcj ac 149 George aabcj ab 149 Harriet aabck g 149 273 274 Henry 149 Lydia (Brown) 149 274 Martha-Ellen (Cressey) aabcj ac 149 Mary-Olivia (Priest) aabcj ac 149 Sally-Thaxter (Lincoln) aabcj a 149 Sarah (Smith) 149 Thomas S. 149 Toppan aabcj a 149 274 INDEX OF PERSONS 699 ROBINSON Andrew 259 David 205 Dorcas adaae 205-8 Dorcas ( ) 205 Ebenezer adhh 115 Eliza-Folsom 441 H. E. 108 John adaga gbb 362 Margaret 259 Mary 345 Mary-Frances (Watson) adaga gbb 362 Mary ([Shuts] Lincoln) adbb 115 Sarah ( ) 259 Susannah 182 ROBISHAN Mary 602 ROBY W. J. 198 ROCHAMBEAU count de 418 ROCKWELL James abbhb a 92 Loretta (Birch) abbhb a 92 RODES see Rhodes ROE Mary-Josephine 51 93 RODGES— Rogers Abner 269 Elizabeth adahf cgc 374 Harriet adbca cc 232 Jacob 23 James 197 Lot 506 Martha (Jenkins) 506 Mary ([Robeson] Lincoln) ada 49 50 52 109 110 Rachel adaid ab 506 Roger ada 49 50 52 ROLLIN Ichabod 130 ROMIG Rachel 379 ROOP Alice-Lincoln adahb bdda 498 Francis-Asbury 498 Hubert-Armitage adahb bdd 498 Keziah-Jane (Stewart) 498 Lillie-Jane (Lincoln) adahb bdd 498 ROPES John-Codman 538 ROSE Edward 489 Josephine 541 Mary-Elizabeth adaga gd 489 Mary (Martin) 489 ROSEBROOKS Hattie E. 615 ROSS Barbara 267 Elsie (Briggs) 524 Ichabod-Henry 524 Julia-Maria adffe eg 524 ROUNDS Emma-Chapman (Woodbury) aabcf fc 144 George aabcf fc 144 ROUSH Michall adahc c 227 Sarah (Lincoln) adahc c 227 ROUT— Routt Alice adaga gfe 490 Henry L. 483 ROUTH Edward adaaa bbae 463 Mary-Abigail (Ott) adaaa bbae 463 ROWE Pauline-Isabelle aabck fda 273 ROWELL George P. 273 ROY Frank adaaf dbaaa 474 Willie-Lee (Oliver) adaaf dbaaa 474 RUDOLPH Margaret-Rosetta 548 RUEBUSH Frank adaae abea 472 Isabel (Lincoln) adaaf abe 472 John adaaf abe 472 RUGGLES Harriet (Litchfield) adcbm g 126 Samuel-Oakman adcbm g 126 RUMPLE Sallie adaae adi 343 RUNDIO Albert J. adagb dhab 493 Rosalie-Amy (Collins) adagb dhab 493 RUNELL Andromicha-Wright (Cummins) 569 RUNNELS Hannah 434 RUPPERT Adam-Lincoln adaii bbda 508 Anna-Amelia (Lincoln) adaii bbd 508 Clara adaii bbdc 508 Cyrus adaii bbd 508 Earl-Lincoln adaii bbdb 508 Florence adaii bbdg 508 Frank-Lincoln adaii bbdf 508 George-Lincoln adaii bbde 508 Helen-Lincoln adaii bbdd 508 Jonathan 508 Sarah (Huyett) 508 RUSH Abraham adbed 58 Benjamin 58 Catharine 58 Elizabeth adbea 58 Elizabeth (Hilton) 58 114 Elizabeth (Hodges) 58 Esther 58 James 58 John 58 Joseph adbe 58 114 Martha (Wallace) adbec 58 Mary adbeb 58 Rebecca (Lincoln) adbe 58 114 Sarah 58 Susanna 58 William 58 William adbec 58 RUSO Ellen-Frances (Newcomb) abbea caie 452 Joseph abbea caie 452 RUSSELL Catherine 315 Ethel-Elizabeth (Bradley) adahb dcha 499 James adaga d 217 Judith-Cooper 254 Martha (Ellmes) aaffj g 84 Maude-Minnie adaae abab 569 Rebecca 86 Sarah (Lincoln) adaga d 217 Steven adahb dcha 499 Thomas 176 William aaffj g 84 William-Wakefield 569 RUST Henry 131 Nathaniel 255 Susannah (Scannell) 255 RUTH Clarence adaii bib 379 Elizabeth 508 Elizabeth adaii bbb 592 700 INDEX OF PERSONS RUTH cont'd Elizabeth adaii bia 379 Elizabeth (Spayd) 379 Gertrude ( Brown) adaii bib 379 John 592 Lewis P. adaii hi 379 Mary-Seifert (Wicklein) 592 Samuel 379 Sarah (Lincoln) adaii hi 379 RUTLAND Irene adaaf dbhc 479 RUTLEDGE A. G. 559 Elizabeth adahf bg 229 Margaret (Lincoln) adaaa bbbg 559 Marie (Hornbrook) adaaa bbbgb 559 Mary E. ( ) 559 Mary-Isabel adaaa hbbge 559 Nellie adaaa bbbga 559 Ralph-Lincoln adaaa bbbgb 559 Ray-Jesse adaaa bbhgd 559 Ruth-Hester adaaa bbbgc 559 William-Jesse adaaa bbbg 559 R UTTER Carrie-Lincoln adahb beef 497 Effie-Thornton adahb bceh 497 Eli 497 Eli adahb heed 497 Elizabeth (Skiles) 497 Elizabeth-Skiles adahb bceb 497 Harriet-Cleveland adahb bceg 497 Jacob-Blance adhb bcec 497 Jacob R. adahb bee 497 Lydia-Magdalene (Bair) adahb bcee 497 Maggie-Carey adahb beei 497 Margaret-Priscilla (Lincoln) adahb bee 497 Minnie-Lytle adahb bcea 497 William-Evans adahb heee 497 RYERSON William 180 RYNARD Edith 344 SABINE Edward-Andrews aacdb eg 303 Eliphalet-Young 303 Eva-Richards (Lincoln) aacdb eg 303 Paulina-Fletcher (Coney) 303 SAFFORD Augustus 128 George adfag o 128 Polly (Stevenson) adfag a 128 SAGE Eliza-Ann ([Arnold] Lincoln) 397 Oliver F. 397 ST CLAIR Charles aahcf ahc 262 Louisa-Harding ([Sawyer] Barrett) aabcf ahc 262 ST JOHN Celia 531 SALISBURY Nancy ([Hoard] Lincoln) aacbe af 418 Rebecca 162 Stephen 418 SALTAR— Salter Hannah ada 44-53 Hannah (Bowne) 49 John 45 Richard 45 49 SALTONSTALL Laura 538 SAL YEARS Edward-Leslie adaaa bbcha 560 Maggie-Fern (Christian) adaaa bbcha 560 SAMPSON Elisha 555 Joshua 394 Lucy (Holbrook) 394 Mary adfah a 394-5 Mary-Ann abbea cad 555-6 Relief 273 Sylvia (Gvu-ney) 555 William-Thomas 577 SAMUELS Hannah 112 230 SANDERS Alvin-Vernette adaaa bbcib 560 Lincoln-Ellsworth adaaa bbeia 560 Malinda (Smith) 560 Marion-Ellsworth adaaa bbci 560 Mary-Ellen (Lincoln) adaaa bbci 560 Thomas-Jefferson 560 SARGENT mr. 269 Mary 599 SAVAGE Abiah 120 Abiah ([Eels] Lincoln) adbf 120 Daniel adbf 120 Martha (Norton) 120 Sarah 120 Sarah (Savage) 120 William 120 237 SAWYER mr. 409 Alice (Crowley) 551 Anna-Louisa (Lincoln) adbcf ah 261-2 Charlotte-Elizabeth (Smith) aabec bad 321 David-Tilden-Stinson aabcf ahb 262 Emma-Maria aabcf ahd 261 262 Frances-Lincoln aabcf acba 404 Frank-Lincoln aabcf ahe 262 George-Aholiab 404 Harriet (Little) 261 Howard-George aabcf ace 404 John 551 Julia-Putnam aabcf aha 262 Laura-Whitehouse (Decker) 404 Louisa-Harding aabcf ahb 261 262 Mabel aacdb igb 551 Mary-Elizabeth (Lincoln) aabcf ace 404 Nancy aacbd c 77 Nathan 261 Otis-Vinal abbec bad 321 Reuben aabcf ah 261-2 Reuben-Frank aabcf ahf 262 SCALES Henrietta (Baugh) adaaf aa 348 Joseph adaaf aa 348 SCAMMELL Alexander 255-6 Elizabeth 255 Elizabeth (Lithcoe) 255 Mary ( ) 255 Susannah 255 SCARLETT Humphrey 70 71 Mary aaca 70-2 Mary (Wentworth) 71 Mehitable ([Harris] Pierce) 70 SCHANCK Alta adahb gbd 586 James 586 Rebecca-Jane (Stevens) 586 SCHA.UMBERG George-William acbcda hd 175 Sarah-Elizabeth (Wheeler) aacda hd 175 SCHEIFLEY Eliza (Bowman) adaaa abcb 462 George adaaa abcb 462 1 INDEX OF PERSONS 701 SCHELLER Emily-Wells adaga gjd 363 SCHERFF Beryl (Lincoln) adahb gbea 586 Harold-Christopher adahb gbea 586 SCHLESINGER Leopold 445 SCHOFIELD Mary 613 SCHOOLCRAFT Caroline-Cornelia (Canfield) 283 John-Lawrence 283 SCHOONOVER Alice 609 Mary adaaa bbc 459-61 SCHRADER Louisiana 480 SCHRAM Cleas 231 SCHREIER Charles-Christopher adbfa fbl 387 Pearl-Amelia (Botelle) adbfa fbl 387 SCHUCK Harry S. adaii bjb 379 Sarah-Lincoln (Biehl) adaii bjb 379 SCHULTZ Abigail-Triphena (Hope) 524 Christopher 524 Jessie adaaa bbic 610 John 610 Lissa (Blister) 610 May-Anna-Adelaide adffe df 524-5 SCHUTT Pauline 599 SCHUYLER Henry 613 Lillian-May adbcf baab 613 Mary (Schofield) 613 SCOTT Amelia-Margaret 578 Daisy adahb bccb 497 Elizabeth (Kinsey) 373 Emma-Frances (Lincoln) adahb bcc 497 Florence-May adahf cfc 373 George-Miltenberger adahf cfa 373 Grover adahb bccg 497 Howard adahb bccd 497 Ira adahb bcca 497 James adahb bcc 497 James adahb beef 497 James-Henry adahf cf 373 Lewis adahb bcce 497 Margaret-Lincoln adahf cfb 373 Margaret-Worthington (Lincoln) adahf cf 373 Ralph adahb bccc 497 Samuel 373 Sarah-Anna adahf cfd 373 Winfield 467 SEACAT Harriet-Anna adaaa bbac 463 SEAGRAVE Arnold 601 SEAHORN Julia adaaf dae 350 SEALY Sarah 283 SEAMAN Mary adaaf f 352 SEARS Hannah-Maria aabhg aa 413 Hannah-Mayo (Hopkins) 413 John 413 Joshua 311 Orin 413 Paul 413 Reuben 413 Richard 413 SEARS cont'd Willard 413 William-Richard 551 SEATON Jacob adaai h 102 103 Joseph-Crawford adaga aba 358 Mary-Bianco (Carson) adaga aba 358 Sally (Rimel) adaai h 102 103 SEAVER see Sever Hepsey-Ann 423 Norman 173 SEAVERNS Charles 604 Edwina-Lewis abbea cabg 604 Martha-Jane (Webb) 604 SEACOMB Eben-Dennis aafff gbe 317 Mary-Gertrude (Beal) aafff gbe 317 SEE Catherine 349 SEISSLER Ella (Blackman) 550 » John 550 Marie-Rosina aacdb ica 550 SEMBOWER Margaret adaga fh 218 SEVER see Seaver Caleb 282 James-Warren 417 Mary (Chandler) 282 Nicholas 282 Penelope- Winslow aacbc a 282-3 . Robert 282 William 282 SEVERANCE Elizabeth adfad ba 521 Elizabeth G. (Joy) 521 Samuel 521 SERVICE Hugh adaig 112 Phebe ([Lincoln] Jones) adaig 112 SEWALL David aacbe I 296 Elizabeth C. ( ) 296 Hannah-Sprague ([Wales] Lincoln) aacbe I 296-7 Henry 296 Joseph 25 Sarah (Henry) 296 SEWARD Louisa-Cornelia 283 Samuel-Swezy 283 William Henry 468 SEXTON George-Lytton adaaa bbcca 560 Rose-Ada (Gott) adaaa bbcca 560 SHACKFORD Elizabeth (Lincoln) aacdb c 179-80 Esther (Wood well) 179 John 179 Joshua 179 Mary-Maria (Tinkham) aacdb ca 180 Samuel 179 Samuel aacdb c 179-80 Samuel aacdb ca 44 180 William 179 SHAFFNER Mary-Elizabeth adbca ia 233 SHALLCROSS Ella adahb dec 499 SHALLENBERGER Caroline-Winters (Bogardus) adagb dgh 365 John-Parkhill adagb dgh 365 SHANNAMAN Mary (Barto) adaic ec 229 SHARON Samuel 110 note 702 INDEX OF PERSONS SHARON cont'd Samuel adahd i 110 and note Sarah (Davis) adahd i 110 Susan (Davis) adahd / 110 William adahd / 110 and note William W. 110 note SHARP Barrington-Symrad adaaf aba 477 Barrington-Symrad adaaf abae 477 Elizabeth-Emily adaaf ahaa 477 Felix-Zollicoffer (Lincoln) adaaf aba 477 Helen adaaf abac 477 Ida-Beatrice adaaf ac 478 McAUen adaaf abab 477 Mary-Earle (Hackett) 477 478 Robert adaaf abad All Selina adbca abb 380 William-Monroe 477 478 SHATTUCK Francis 300 Henry 409 Mary 155 Mary-Ann aabck ba 409-10 Mary (Heald) aacda e 300 Olive-Pratt (Turner) 409 Roxanna adbfa e 132 SHAVER Abigail (Lincoln) adaae af 344 John adaae af 344 Lincoln adaae afb 344 Smith adaae afa 344 SHAW Abigail 318 Arthur-Augustus abbhc bg 192 Asenath (Hopkins) 192 Benjamin abbhc b 192 Benjamin- Franklin abbhc be 192 David-Downey adagb j 219 221 David-Downey adagb ji 221 Dorcas (Smith) 318 Elizabeth 69 Elizabeth-Augusta adagb jg 219 220 221 Fanny A. aacdb eab 303 George-Nichols abbhc ba 192 Harriet-Lincoln abbhc bd 192 Hester adagb je 219 221 Jane (Downey) 221 John-Jackson 535 John-Lincoln adagb jh 219 220 221 Lillian-Cora aabck bfc 535 Lydia (Eldredge) 535 Martha-Annie (Webber) aabhc be 192 Mary-Jane adagb ja 219 221 Mary-Jane (Gamble) adagb jf 221 Mary-Lincoln abbhc bf 192 Mary-Maria (Chase) abbhc bg 192 Polly 400 Rebecca (Hogsett) adagb jb 221 Robert 221 Robert-Beals abbhc be 192 Robert-Patterson adagb jf 219 220 221 Roland adagb jb 219 221 Sarah-Ann adagb jd 219 221 Sarah-Asenath abbhc bb 192 Sarah (Lincoln) abbhc b 192 Sarah (Lincoln) adagb j 219 221 Temperance 35 William 181 192 318 WiUiam adagb ;c 219 221 SHEDD Helen-Maria oofecA: 6/411-2 Mary (Foster) 411 Zachariah 411 SHELDON Eliza P. 393 SHELMIER Emily-Pusey adahf eag 373 SHEPARD Edward 119 SHEPLER Joseph T. 490 SHEPLE Annette (Lincoln) adffe i 248-9 Curtis 249 Rebecca (Lawrence) 249 Samuel-Curtis adffe i 249 SHERBURNE Harriet aabcg ia 147 Joseph 392 Rebecca adcak bb 392 Zerviah (Sweetland) 392 SHERIDAN Philip-Henry 345 SHERMAN Nellie adbcf bde 384 SHERRIFF Eva-Moody abbec bee 322 SHERWIN Nancy adffa ff 133 SHEWEY Hannah-Martha (McGuffin) 571-2 John L. 571-2 Sallie-Ann adaae hfa 571-2 SHIELDS James 467 SHIPLEY Lucy 339 Mary 200 201 Nancy 338 339 SHIPMAN John adaaf hf 475 Maria adaha dc 224 Sarah (Jones) adaae hf 415 SHIVELY Eliza (Bowman) adaaa abcb 462 SHIVERICK Ann aacdc aa 182 Olive (Butler) 310 Sarah-Butler aacdc / 310 William 310 SHRUM Elizabeth adbca 231-3 SHULL Henry-Giger adage ha 108 M. L. adage haa 108 Samuel adage h 108 Sarah (Giger) adage A 108 SHUTE Daniel 167 Mary 115 Mary adbb 115 Rebecca 115 Thomas 115 SIBERT Arbelia 570 SIBLEY Mary- Adeline 412 SIEGFRIED Adele-Lincoln (Hafer) adaii bdb 379 John adaii bdb 379 SIMMONS — Simonds— Simons— Symmona Alden 392 Alvan 526 Betsey (Litchfield) adebm h 126 Christiana aabci a 68 Ellen-Deane aabce ed 403 Freeman adebm h 126 John 403 Laura-Maria aabhg a 276 Leonard 276 Louisa-Lavina 370 Lucy-Ellen aabce aba 526-7 Lucy-Whitney (Day) 526 Mary 501 Mary adebm / 126 INDEX OF PERSONS 703 SIMMONS cont'd Mary-Ann ([Lincoln] Doyle) adcak ba 392 Mary (Deane) 403 Nancy abbec f 323 Sally B. ( ) 276 Sarah aabgd 31 Thankful adcbm / 126 SIMPSON Louis adaaa bbee 562 Zeroda (Lincoln) adaaa bbee 562 SIMRILL Emily-Oneal (Dinges) adaaf dac 350 Marion adaaf dac 350 SIMS Lizzie ( ) 612 Margaret-Loviise adahb gbcb 612 Matthew 612 SINCLAIR Elizabeth-Fillebrown (Lincoln) aabce ca 258 William aabce ca 258 SINGLETON Patience 256 SIPE Emanuel 571 Penelope-Catharine (Jennings) 571 Sallie-Stuart adaae ahc 571 SKINNER Alonzo A. aabcf ad 261 Elizabeth-Hopkins (Lincoln) aabcf ad 261 Cornelia 525 Otis A. 424 SLACK William 198 SLATER John-Tom 335 336 337 SMALL Albion K. P. aabcf fb 144 Elizabeth 221 Rose-Lelia adbcf bece 513 Thankful-Lincoln (Woodbury) aabcf fb 144 SMEDLEY Elizabeth adbca ca 232 SMITH Abner 155 Agnes-Irene adahb ghe 370 Albert-Francis adahb gha 370 Aldo adaga aaca 486 Alexander-Watson adfae af 394 Alice-Jane (Dinsdale) adahb gha 370 Angie adaah el 483 Anne 6 Bethia 89 Caroline-Louise (Wahle) abbec baf 321 Celia-Frances aacdc ea 441-2 Charles-Harris 455-6 Charles-Marcus 528 Charles-Mighill abbec bae 321 Charles P abbec bab 321 Charlotte-Elizabeth abbec baa 321 Charlotte-Elizabeth abbec bad 321 Clara 430 Clara-Elizabeth adahb ghf 370 Deliverance (Lane) 321 Dorcas 318 Douglas adaid hg 378 Edward 495 Eliza 433 Elizabeth 403 Eliza-Folsom (Robinson) 441 Elizabeth (Lincoln) adaid hg 378 Elizabeth-Strickland adcai ed 241 Elmer-Ellsworth aafff geb 317 Ernest-Welcome aabce aebb 528 Fannie-Biddle (Lincoln) abbhc dbd 458 SMITH cont'd Florence-Jeannette abbhc dbda 458 Frances-Louisa abbec bla 455-6 Frank-Bulkeley 542 George 483 Grace-Ann (Lincoln) adbca deb 511 Hannah-Jane (Lincoln) adfae af 394 Harry-Austin abbhc dbd 458 Henry-Lincoln abbec baf 321 Ida adaae adf 343 Ida E. (Soule) 528 Isabella-Weir 447 James- Wiggin 441 Jennie-Warren (Beal) aafff geb 317 John adaaa aaa 460 John-Edwin 416 John-Henry adbca deb 511 Joseph 321 Julia-Ann ( ) 483 Louisa-Frances (Adams) 455-6 Louisa-Lavina (Simons) 370 Lucy-Adelia adahb ghd 370 Mabel-Edith abbhc dbca 458 Mabel (Prescott) adahb ghc 370 Malinda 560 Margaret adbca d 380-1 Maria-Jane (Hall) 458 Martha-Ann 439 Mary 495 Mary aabhe 155 Mary adaga gba 362 Mary (Bromley) abbec bae 321 Mary-Lavina adahb ghb 370 Mighill abbec ba 321 Nathan 458 Nathan abbhc dbcb 458 Nathan-Ellsworth abbhc dbc 458 Nathaniel 511 Priscilla-Florida adaaa aaaa 460 Priscilla (Lincoln) adaaa aaa 460 461 Putnam-David adahb ghc 370 Ralph T. 370 Robert 394 Samuel 107 Sarah 149 Sarah-Ann abbec bae 321 Sarah (Lincoln) abbec ba 321 Sarah-Priscilla (Lincoln) adahb gh 370 Sarah-Stubbs (Haines) adahf ccf 373 Susan (Ellis) 511 Susan-Hardy (Chadbourne) 458 Susan-Russell (Lincoln) abbhc dbc 458 Taylor-Fillmore 458 Walter-Loraine adahb gh 370 William adahf ccf 373 William adaid hga 378 SNELL Lucy-Maria adffd c 134 SNELLING Caroline-Matilda (Lincoln) aabce bh 256 257 Carrie-Maria aabce bhc 257 Edith-Louisa aabce bhb 257 Enoch-Howes 257 Enoch-Howes aabce bh 256 257 James-Fowler aabce bha 257 Sarah-Dargue (Jones) 257 SNOW Amelia-Ripley abbea caed 451 Ann-Frances adcai bee 391 Anthony 390 Apphia-Jordan aabhg e 277-8 Benjamin-Lincoln adcai beg 391 Betsy (Pratt) aaffe b 82 Charlotte-Otis adcai bef 391 David 390 Deliverance (Dyer) 390 Henry 390 704 INDEX OF PERSONS SNOW cont'd Henry adcai be 390-1 James H. adcai beb 390 John 390 Mary-Jane 558 Nicholas 390 Ruth adcbm c 126 Ruth-Nichols adcai bee 320 391 Samuel aaffe b 82 Sarah (Lord) 277 Susan-EHzabeth adcai bed 391 Susannah-Stoddard (Lincoln) adcai be 390-1 William 277 SNYDER Ashville adaga bg 217 Louisa- Ann 583 Mary (Zearing) adaga bg 217 SONER Julia-Ann 464 SOPPENFIELD Margaret-Jane adaaa bdc 333 SOULE Ida E. 528 Nancy-Deering (Chandler) aabhf a 70 Timothy-Davis aabhf a 70 SOUTHARD Clara-Ellen (O'Brion) aabcf dbb 263 William F. aabcf dbb 263 SOUTHER Abigail-Kent (Tower) 553 Allen- Lincoln abbec fac 323 Ann (Bent) aabcd ce 141 Bertha-Orilla abbea cabbe 553 Caleb abbec fa 323 Catherine-Cushing aabcd ci 141 Charles-Nichols aabcd eg 141 Cornelia F. (May) abbec faa 323 Cynthia (Spear) aabcd ca 141 Daniel 536 David abbea cabbd 553 Deborah aabcd b 252 Deborah (Leavitt) 140 252 Edward-Brush aabcd cj 141 Eliza (Phelps) aabcd cc 141 Emery aabcd ch 141 Frederick aabcd ce 141 George aabcd cd 141 Hannah-Lincoln aabcd ch 141 Hannah-Lincoln (Souther) aabcd ch 141 Henry aabcd cc 141 John 140 252 553 John aabcd c 140-1 John-Albert-Lincoln abbea cabba 553 John B. abbec faa 323 John-Lincoln aabcd ca 141 Joseph 140 252 316 323 536 553 Louise (Stoddard) abbea cabbc 553 Lucy-Jane aabhg aaa 536 Lucy-Richardson abbec fad 323 Lydia (Lincoln) aabcd c 140-1 Lydia-Lincoln aabcd c/ 141 Mabel-Louisa (McKenzie) abbea cabba 553 Mary- A very aafff ^ 316-8 Mary E. (Chubbuck) aabcd cj 141 Myra-Elizabeth abbec fad 323 Myra (Lincoln) abbec fa 323 Nathan 316 323 553 Nathaniel 316 323 536 553 Orianna-Augusta abbea cabbb 553 Orianna-Augusta (Lincoln) abbea cabb 553 Sally (Wilson) 316 323 Samuel-Cushing 536 Sarah H. (Adams) aabcd cj 141 Sarah-Jane (Tower) 536 Sarah-Wilson-Hobart abbec fab 323 SOUTHER cont'd William-Lincoln aabcd cb 141 William-Otis abbea cabb 553 William-Otis abbea cabbc 553 604 SOUTHWORTH Eunice 387 SPARRELL Catherine-Wild (Lincoln) aabck be 270 Elbridge-Kirkwood aabck be 270 John 270 Sylvia-Sampson (Turner) 270 SPAYD Elizabeth 379 SPEAR Cynthia aabcd co 141 SPECK Dale-Lillie adaae aeh 344 Lucy-Bell adaae aeh 344 SPENCE Nancy 400 SPENCER Elizabeth 332 Ellen adahb dcd 584 Ellen-Maria (Whitcomb) adffd h 134 Ellen (Meahan) 584 James 559 John H. adffd e 134 Mary-Elizabeth adaaa bbc 559-60 Nancy C. 563 Sabrina 391 Sarah (Whitcomb) adffd e 134 Thomas 584 SPICER Adaline-Elizabeth (Hawley) 520 Alexander 520 Emma-Jane adcai ff 520 SPONSELLOR Stella 570 SPOTTS Henry-Kupp adaid aac 375 Margaret- Amelia (Pierce) adaid aac 375 SPRAGUE Adrianna (Lincoln) aabca ebb 402 Ann-Maria aabce eg 142 Annie W. (Vinal) aabce cbba 402 Anthony 69 156 276 402 Bethia aagb 11 Betsey aacbf d 77 Caroline 296 Charles 429 Clarinda (Curtis) aabhb b 69 Daniel 402 Deborah 140 Ebed aabhb b 69 Ebed aabhg c 156 Ebed aabhg ca 156 Elizabeth (Rand) 429 Elizabeth (Whiton) 69 Fred-Lincoln aabce cbba 402 Fremont-Jesse aacdb ead 303 Helen-Elizabeth aacbg cc 429 Isaac 156 276 Jeremiah 69 John 158 Josiah 156 276 402 Josiah aabce ebb 402 Lincoln aabhb c 69 Lucy (Whiton) aabce ee 142 Luther aabce ee 142 Lydia aabhb d 69 Lydia- Jacob (Lincoln) aabhg c 156 Mary (Burr) 276 Mary-Eva (Fisher) aacdb ead 303 Mary-Lincoln (Whiton) aabce ed 142 Mary W. (Fuller) aabhb a 69 Matilda 299 Miles aabhb 69 Miles aabhb a 69 INDEX OF PERSONS 705 SPRAGUE cont'd Moses 156 Myra-EUen 402 Peggy (Lincoln) aahhh 69 Polly-Hersey 156 Rachel-Burr aabhg a 276-7 Samuel aabhb e 69 Sarah (Leavitt) 402 Sidney aabce ed 142 Tamar (Stoddard) 402 William 69 156 276 402 SPRING Mary (Zearing) adaga bg 211 SPRINGER Christopher 221 Dennis 221 Elizabeth (Jenkins) 221 Elizabeth (Small) 221 Hester (Shaw) adagn je 219 221 Jacob 221 Jacob adagb % 219 221 James-Hidden adagb je 219-221 Mf^y (Lincoln) adagb % 219 221 soufe Mary-Dehaven 583 STACKPOLE Eliza 70 STABLE Benjamin adaih 6 112 Catharine (Probst) adaih 6 112 STALEY Caleb 513 Charles-Markley adbcf bei 513 Clara-Gilbert (Lincoln] Blythe) adbcf U-i 513 Sarah (Markley) 513 STANNELS Caroline (Pierce) 432 Jacob 432 Paulina aacdb eb 432-3 STANWOOD Annie-Merton aabcg dgb 533-4 Jamesena (Jameson) 533 534 Louise aabcg dgc 534 William-Henry 533 534 STAPLES Ai 150 Alexander-McLellan aabcf f 150 Bethia-Thaxter (Lincoln) aabcf /ISO 153 Charles-Alpheus aabcf fe 150 Eunice (McLellan) 150 Harriet-Stephenson aabcj fd 150 Jeremiah 150 John-Alexander aabcj fc 150 John-L8ncoln 150 Lincoln-Thaxter aabcj ff 150 Lydia-Ann-Thaxter aabcj fa 150 Maria (Hay) aabcj fe 150 Statira-Curtis cuibcf fb 150 Susan abbea ja 19() STARK Elmira-Juliet (Weller) adaah ebab 480 John 165 John- Walker adaah ebab 480 STARR Eizabeth 378 STAUFFER Peter-Jacob adaga ie 219 Sarah (Yeagley) adaga ie 210 STEAD J. Walter 581 William H. 491 581 STEARN Betty (Fridley) adaae abbb 471 Bishop-Weaver adaae abbd 472 Charles- Albert adaae abbb 471 John-William 471 John-William adaae abb 471-2 45 STEARN cont'd » Josephine-Elizabeth (Lincoln) adaae abb 471-2 Lucy (Doval) adaae abbd 472 Maud (Vanpelt) adaae abbe 472 Stuart-Samuel adaae abbe 472 Susan (Miller) 471 Susan-Pansy adaae abba 471 Virginia-Davis adaae abbe 471 STEARNS Urania-Anderson aacda gc 175 STEIDINGER Katherine 349 STEIGER— Steigers— Stiger Edward 611 Elizabeth adahb ee 226 Jacob adahb ec 226 James adahb e 226 James adahb eg 226 James adahb eh 226 John adahb eaa 226 Joseph adahb ea 226 Lillian adaae hfac 611 Lucia (Ludwig) 611 Lydia adahb ed 226 Mary adahb ej 226 Priscilla adahb ef 226 Priscilla (Lincoln) adahb e 226 Sarah-Ann 500 Sarah-Ann adahb eb 226 William adahb ei 226 STEPHENS— Stevens Agnes-Lillian (Watson) aabcg dbea 406 Benjamin 299 Benjamin-Franklin aacbg eg 299 Catherine (Lincoln) aacbg eg 299 E. P. 566 Ebenezer 122 Eleanor-MacVeigh adahf be 229 Eliza 149 Elizabeth adahf bb 229 Elizabeth (Rutledge) adahf bg 229 Etta-Lyman (Lincoln) aabcg dbe 406 Everett aabcg dbe 406 George 406 George-Everett aabcg dbea 406 George H. 89 Helen-Lincoln aacbg cga 298 299 Henrietta aacbg cgd 299 Henry-Clifford aacbg cgc 299 Henry- Woodman adahf bd 229 Jeremiah adahf b 229 John L. adahf bg 229 John-Percival aacbg cgb 299 Joseph-Lincoln adahf be 229 Lucy-Amelia (Abbot) aacbe Ibc 297 Mary (Lincoln) adahf b 229 Matilda (Sprague) 299 Melvina 569 Moses 129 130 Nathan 11 Persis 516 Philena (Lee) adahf be 229 Rebecca ( ) 11 Rebecca adahf bf 229 Rebecca-Jane 586 Ruth 432 Samuel-Dale aacbe Ibc 297 Sarah adahf ba 229 Sarah (MacVeigh) 229 Stephen 229 William 149 STEPHENSON— Stevenson Alice 124 Anna-Maria aabcj ec 150 Betsy adfag 6 128 Chloe (Lincoln) aaffg 82-3 Francis aaffg 82-3 706 INDEX OP PERSONS STEPHENSON cont'd Francis aaffg a 82 83 Galen-Lincoln adfag d 128 Harriet (Lincoln) aahcj e 150 153 Harriet-Lincoln (Little) aabcf abg 261 James-Watt aabcf abg 261 Jerome abbae 41 82 John 82 128 150 John abcg 14 John-Lincoln aabcj eb 150 John-Martin adfag f 128 Lucy (Beal) 124 Lucy-Rugg adfag g 12S Luther 124 Lydia adfag c 128 Lydia (Lincoln) adfag 63 128 Martha (Nichols) abcg 14 Martin adfag 128 Mary (Beal) abbae 41 82 Polly adfag a 128 Sarah (Baldwin) adfag d 128 Solon abbae 41 128 Susanna (Beal) abbae 41 128 Susanna (Marble) 82 Tabitha (LongfeUow) 150 Tabitha Longfellow aabcj ea 150 Thomas-Cm-tis adfag e 128 William aabcj e 150 STERNE Thomas-Edward 538 STETSER Mary-Rebecca 585 STETSON Betsey ( ) adcbm b 126 STEVENS see Stephens STEVENSON see Stephenson STEWARD Anna-Jackson aacbg ckb 547 Charles adaga cb 359 Elizabeth (Lincoln) adaga cb 359 Jackson 547 Mary-Anna (Bogart) 547 STEWART— Stuart Allen adaga cca 359 Bertha-Louise (Lincoln) abbea cabc 553 Edwin-Gleason abbea cabc 553 Elizabeth 594 Elizabeth-Calief (Damon) 553 Ella-Louise abbea cabca 553 Georgianna-Almena abbea cabcb 553 James 118 495 John adahb bba 495 John T. 467 Kate 560 Keziah-Jane 498 and note Phoebe (Blackburn) adaga cca 359 Ralph-Aldace 543 Ruth-Ann (Lincoln) adahb bba 495 William 553 William-Temple-Stanley 553 STICKLEMAN Eliza-Wise 352 STIFF Julia adaha df 224 STIGER see Steiger STINE Linda-Barbara adaii aa 230 STOCKBRIDGE Grace aab 30 Joseph 30 Lydia (Barrell) 22 Margaret (Turner) 30 Persis add 22 Samuel 22 Sarah 69 STODDARD— Stodder Anna adbfa a 131 Anna (Pratt) aaffe d 82 STODDARD cont'd Bertha adbfa fbg 387 Betsey aaffb 6 81 Elizabeth aaffb b 390-1 Hannah aaffb a 81 Hannah (Todd) aabcc a 67 Harriet 437 Isaiah abbaa 41 James 81 390 James aaffb 81 390 James aaffh e 81 83 Jane (Worrick) aaffh e 81 83 Jeremiah 81 390 John 63 81 390 Lincoln aaffb c 81 Louise abbea cabbc 553 Lydia (Lincoln) adfj 62 63 Mercy (Kent) 40 63 Nathaniel aabcc a 67 Per cilia (Beal) abbaa 41 Ruth (Beal) abbic 43 88 Sally adfja 63 Sally (Stodder) adfja 63 Samuel 63 81 390 Sarah adcac ce 239 Simeon adfj 63 Stephen 40 63 Susannah 453 Susannah aaffb / 81 Susanna (Humphrey) 81 Susanna (Lincoln) aaffb 81 390 Tamar 402 Temperance 553 Theodosia (Cakes) aaffb d 81 Thomas adfja 63 William-Humphrey aaffb d 81 Zenas abbic 43 88 Zenas aaffe d 82 STODDER see Stoddard STOGDALE Enfield adaah emc 577 Enfield (Peters) 577 Robert-Miller 577 STOKER Mame adahb gbbc 501 STONE Amanda 406 Asa 395 Ebenezer 395 Eliza 185 Elizabeth 269 John 395 Lucy-Coolidge adffe c 395-6 Mary (Coolidge) 395 Simon 395 William W. 430 STONER Catherine (Young) 510 George 510 Hannah-Young adaii bf 510-1 STORY Helen-Hale aacdb eec 434 Herbert-Austin 434 Martha-Amelia (Hale) 434 STOUT Mary-Lincoln (Biehl) adaii bje 379 William-Joseph adaii bje 379 STOUTIMORE America E. adaah gac 357 Amanda F. (Lincoln) adaah ga 357 Casper 357 Catharine (Trout) 357 Charles-Claiborn adaah gag 367 David-Lincoln adaah gad 357 Francis D. adaah gab 357 George B. adaah gaa 357 Isaac-Newton adaah gae 357 Jonathan-DeWit adaah gai 357 INDEX OF PERSONS 707 STOUTIMORE cont'd Josiah adaah ga 357 Josie adaah gaj 357 Virginia-Ann adaah gaf 357 William-Henry-Harrison adaah gah 357 STOVER Daniel 351 Elizabeth adaae hea 345 Josephine (Lincoln) adaae he 345 Mary (Johnson) 351 Nannie adaae heb 345 Samuel adaae he 345 William 204 STOWER Seth 68 STRAYER Alfred-Gossler adaae ek 207 Amanda adaae ea 207 Calvin adaae ed 207 Caroline adaae eb 207 Catharine-Mary adaae ei 207 Dorcas (Lincoln) adaae e 206-7 Elizabeth adaae eg 207 Emily-Susan adaae ef 207 Fannie-Clarissa (Rodes) adaae el 207 Henrietta adaae ej 207 Hiram-Lincoln adaae ec 207 Jacob 206 Jacob- Williamson-Lincoln adaae ee 207 John adaae e 206-7 John-Romulus adaae eh 207 Joseph-Beveridge adaae el 207 STREETER Sebastian 257 258 259 277 402 STRICKLAND William 119 STRICKLER Albertie-Mae (Lincoln) adaae abad 568 569 Benjamin-Franklin 569 Elizabeth 207 Ethel-Irene adaae abadd 569 Eula-Lucille adaae abadc 569 Luther-John adaae abad 569 Mary-Gertrude adaae abadb 569 Melvina (Stephens) 569 Raymond-Ru>sh adaae abada 569 STROLE Mary adaae aeg 344 STUART see Stewart STUBBS Annie- (Cutler) 504 Annie-Stubbs (Lincoln) adahf cba 505 Benjamin-Passmore adahf chc 374 Cornelia (Winterson) adahf cbab 505 Elizabeth (Pierson) 505 Hannah-Brown 373 Harvie-Lincoln adahf cbaa 505 Isaac-Hopper adahf cba 505 John 504 Mary adahf cgd 374 Rebecca 505 Rupert-Isaac adahf cbab 505 Sarah-Anna adahf cb 504-5 Sarah-Rosene (Reynolds) adahf chc 374 Vincent-Gilpin 505 STUDLEY Abigail 126 Amiel adfba 6 63 131 Celia (Litchfield) adfba 6 63 131 Charles-Amiel 63 Hannah 450 Lucy adcbm 6 126 Lucy-Dunbar 596 Zoa aaffj f 84 STURGEON Ettie-Frances (Lincoln) adaaa be fa 566 STURGIS Alfred-Gallatin adagb ga 221 Ann-Maria adagb gg 221 Hannah (Lincoln) adagb g 219 220-1 James-Sansom adagb gh 221 John-Phineas adagb g 219 220-1 Leah- Jane adagb gd 221 Mary-Ann adagb gc 221 Phineas M. adagb gb 221 Sabra-Lucinda (Miner) adagb ga 221 William-Barnes adagb ge 221 STUTERVILLE Bell adaga geb 363 STUTLER Cecil-Ernest adaga gfbc 490 Hayward-Lawrence adaga gfba 490 Hiram-Lakin adaga gfb 490 Lilla-Pearl adaga gfbe 490 Nellie-Estelle adaga gfbd 490 Nellie-Jane ([Lincoln] Farr) adaga gfh 490 Olive (Pope) 490 William-Edward adaga gfbb 490 WiUiam-Winfield 490 STYER Katharine-Rebecca (Paschall) adbca bbd 234 SULIS Florence-Eveline adffe lea 398 SULLENGER John adaaa bf 333 Katharine (Lincoln) adaaa bf 333 SULLIVAN Ellen (Lincoln) adaaa aag 461 James 160 162 227 John 136 John adaaa aag 461 SUMMERFIELD Anna 494 SUMMERS Clara E. 607 Mary-Elizabeth 559 SUMNER Charles 46 Mary 8 14 SURRATT John H. 530 Mary E. 530 SUTHERLAND Almira (Crosman) 596 Jesse adcac baf 596 John-Prout 596 Margaret-Ellen ([Thurston] Lincoln) adcac baf 596 SUTTON Andrew adcba d 125 Alice ([Stevenson] Cole) 124 Anna adcba « 125 Anna adaga gbd 362 Betty adcba c 125 Eben 447 Elizabeth 62 George 124 John 124 John adcba 124-5 John adcba 6 124 Josephine-Augusta 550 Lidia 362 Peggy adcba f 125 Peggy (Lincoln) adcba 124-5 Sallie 493 Tamar-Lincoln adcba a 124 SWAIN Edgar-Arnold aacdb fee 436 Edgar-Arnold aacdb fcea 436 Ellen-Elizabeth (Arnold) 436 James-Roscoe 436 Olive-Elkins (Lincoln) aacdb fee 436 708 INDEX OF PERSONS SWANER Isabel-Ugenia 586 SWANSON Brigitta 116 note Catharine ( ) 116 note Swan 116 note SWARENS Caroline (Brawley) 608 John-Wesley 608 Mamie-Maria adaaa bbfb 608 SWATZEL Polly (Rimel) adaai c 103 Samuel adaai c 103 SWAZEY mr. 465 SWEARINGEN — Swearington William 106 217 SWEET Dessy-May (Walk) adaaa heij 464 Edgar-Lee adaaa heif 464 SWEETLAND Zerviah 392 SWEETSER Ann-Maria 151 Catherine (Lincoln) aahcj g 150-1 153 Joseph aahcj g 150-1 Rebecca (Wood) 150 Seth 150 SWEITSER Mary 490 SWETT Aurelia (Jenkins) 144 Benjamin 144 Daniel 305 Eunice R. aacdh h 305-6 Hannah aahcf ca 144 Hannah (Hanscom) 144 Hannah (Martin) 144 James aabcf c 144 Jane (McNeil) 305 John 144 Josiah 144 Josiah aabcf cb 144 Moses 144 Parsons aabcf cc 144 Sophia (Lincoln) aabcf c 144 Stephen 144 SWIFT Hannah-Boyden 549 Harriet 555 SWINK Arvilla (Goodwin) adaaf fee 352 Clarence-John adaaf fee 352 David-Reed adaaf fee 352 Elizabeth-Louella adaaf fed 352 Enos-Jones 352 Eliza-Wise (Stickleman) 352 John-Lawrence adaaf fe 352 Lucy-Bell adaaf fca 352 Orpha-Theresa (Lincoln) adaaf fc 352 Wirter-Lincoln adaaf fcb 352 SWITZER Frank- Ward 570 Mary-Cornelia adaae agce 570 Stella (Sponsellor) 570 SWORDS Catherine (Lincoln) adaga cf 360 George adaga efb 360 Lincoln adaga cfa 360 Martha adaga cfc 360 William adaga cf 360 SYBERT Peter 198 199 SYKES Ellen S. adaah ek 482 WiUiam J. 482 SYMMONS see Simmons TABBUT Ida-Berenice abbec fbd 558 Jotham-Merett 558 Mary-Jane (Snow) 558 TAFT i Caroline-Leland (Irwin) 601 Emelyn-Irwin adffe cda 601 Nellie adahf cca 373 Orsemus A. 601 William-Howard 228 note TAGE miss adbeh b 236 Benjamin 118 236 TALBOT Priscilla aaebe Ifaa 427 Thomas 446 TALIAFERRO Lucy-Ann 354 note TALL Adeline 459 TALLMAN Ann adaei 52 Ann (Lincoln) adae 51-2 Anna adaek 52 Benjamin 51 Benjamin adaeb 51 52 Dinah (Boone) adaeb 52 Hannah adaej 52 Mary adaee 52 Mary adaef 52 Patience adaea 52 Patience (Durfee) 51 Peter 51 Sarah adaed 52 Thomas adaee 52 Thomas adaeg 52 William adae 49 50 51 52 William adaeh 52 TAPHAM Mary 389 TAPPAN Charles-Alfred adffe bg 248 Lucy-Ashley (Dickinson) adffe bg 248 TARBELL Ida M. 194 197 328 339 341 TARR Nellie 613 TATEM Joseph adbeb 58 Mary (Rush) adbeb 58 TAYLOR Abner 372 Albert-Samuel adbca fbd 381 Ann-Eliza adagb fa 366 Carrie-Emma (Warwick) adbca fbd 381 Charles-Edmund 589 Clara E. (Summers) 607 Clara-Virginia (Gilbert) adbcf bia 384 Cora-Augusta abbhc ed 193 Dorothy E. adaaa bbcga a 607 Douglas 607 Edmond H. 594 Edward-Thompson adbcf bia 384 Elizabeth (Stewart) 594 Hannah-Jane adbcf beb 693 Hester ( ) 235 236 Horace 366 James 465 John- Wesley adaae ago 472 Joseph 225 Joseph M. adaaa bbcga 607 Lillian adbcf beg 594 Lucetta (Erskine) 366 Margaret D. 424 Margaret (Dawson) 593 Margaret (Dickinson) 225 Mary adbeh 235-7 Mary-Elizabeth (Lincoln) adahb gea 503 INDEX OF PERSONS 709 i TAYLOR cont'd Nancy (Eppard) 472 Nora-Bell adahc aaf 589 Nora-Bell (Berry) 589 Robert 56 113 Sarah H. 504 Stella (Lincoln) adaaa bbcga 607 Stephen-Harvey adahb gea 503 Virginia-Catherine (Lincoln) adaae aga 472 Washington 593 Zachary 418 419 472 TEA Ann adaff 53 TEGARDEN Emily-Jane (Evans) 608 Laura-Elcena adaaa bbea 608 Preston 608 TEMPLE Hannah (HoUis) adahb ac 226 John adahb ac 226 TEMPLIN Terah 327 TEVIS Maria- Rebecca 310 THAXTER major 33 Alice (Chubbuck) 31 Anna aacbd f 77 Benjamin 79 Bethia aacba b 76 149-51 153 Bethia (Lincoln) aacba 31 74 75 76 79 149 152 Daniel aabbj 31 David 30 76 147 149 152 David aabb 30 31 67 76 147 149 152 David aabba 31 David aabcg cb 147 Deborah aabbf 31 Deborah aabbg 31 Deborah aacba c 76 80 152-3 Deborah (Lincoln) aabb 29 30 31 67 76 77 79 Deborah (Thaxter) aacba c 76 79-80 152-3 Duncan-McBean aabab b 65 147 Duncan-McBean aabcg % 147 Duncan-McBean aabcg ia 147 Elizabeth 30 Elizabeth (Marsh) aabbh 31 147 Frances (Lincoln) aacde 79-80 Francis 79 Francis aacde 76 79-80 152 Francis aacde a 80 George aabcg c 147 George-Warren aabcg cc 147 Grace (Stockbridge) aab 30 Hannah (Gridley) 30 Harriet (Sherburne) aabcg ia 147 Jacob aabbd 31 74 76-7 Jacob aacbd a 77 James 80 John 30 79 147 Jonathan aabbb 31 74 76 79 149 152 Jonathan aacba e 76 153 Joseph 64 74 Laban aabbi 31 Levi 153 Levi aacba / 76 153 Lucy (Blake) aabbj 31 Lucy (Lincoln) aabcg i 147 Lucy (White) aacba / 76 Lydia (Bond) aacba f 76 Margaret (Bennet) aacdb b 77 Martha aabbc 31 67 Mary-Ann (Bennet) aacbd e 77 Mary (Gill ) aabab b 65 147 Mary (Groves) aacbd a 77 Nancy (Sawyer) aacbd c 77 THAXTER cont'd Perea aacbd e 77 Rachel aacbd d 77 Rachel (Lincoln) aacbd 31 74 76-7 Samuel 30 34 68 76 79 147 149 152 Sarah aacba d 76 Seth aabbe 31 Seth aabbh 31 147 Seth aacbd b 77 Sophia B. aabcg cd 147 Susan-Lincoln aabcg ca 147 Susanna (Joy) 79 Susanna (Lincoln) aabcg c 147 Thomas 30 76 79 147 149 152 Warren aacbd c 77 THAYER Abby-Hope (Lincoln) adffe dfa 525 Clarence-Richmond adffe dfaa 525 Donald-Francis adffe dfac 525 Francis-Lincoln adffe dfab 525 Francis-Nicholas 525 Frank N. 440 Horace-Richmond adffe dfa 525 Nancy-Armstrong (Paine) 525 Richard-Nelson adffe dfad 525 Susan-Elizabeth 521 THOMAS Alice 568 Ann adaae aec 344 Barbara (Ross) 267 Jane-Robinson aabcj c 267 Leannah 472 Margaret 225 228 Mary-Elizabeth 427 Sarah (Jermyn) 225 Stephen 267 Thomas 225 William 225 THOMASON America-Agnes adaah gcb 357 Mary T. (Lincoln) adaah gc 357 William F. adaah gca 357 THOMPSON— Thomson Archibald 177 178 Andrew 178 Betsey aabcf d 262-3 Betsey (Chadbourn) 262 Challoner-Guilford aacdb bdha 432 Elinor (Foley) 432 Eliza 178 399 Elizabeth aacdb 176-81 Elizabeth aabce bag 257 Emerson-Greenleaf 526 Isabella 178 James 178 John 178 John adahb bbfa 495 Joseph-Miller 262 Joshua 56 178 Mary 499 Nancy 178 Mary-Elizabeth (Emmons) 526 Nellie (Lincoln) aacdb bdh 432 Otis 178 Rachel adahc 227 Robert aacdb bdh 432 Robinson 178 Ruth-Lillian (Irwin) adahb bbfa 495 Sally adaah ec 480-1 Samuel 178 Sarah adaga fb 218 Susan 178 Susie-Ella aabcd bed 526 William 222 432 Wilson 178 THORLA Mary 405 710 INDEX OF PERSONS THORN mr. 269 THORNTON Susan-Maria 427 THRASH Fannie 575 THURSTON Arthur- Lincoln aabcj hob 268 Brown 268 Carrie-Thaxter (Lincoln) aabcj ha 268 Charles-Brown aabcj ha 268 Edwin-Brown aabcj haa 268 Harriet (Chapman) 268 Eliza-Sparrow (Downing) 596 Jean-Mellen aacbe daac 423 John-Albert 596 Margaret-Ellen adcac baf 696 TIBBALS John agjg 27 Olive (Pratt) agjg 27 TIBBONS (or Gibbons) Margaret adaaa abe 462 TICKNOR Owen-Only adcai ek 241 Ruth-Beal (Litchfield) adcai ek 241 TttDEN Asenath (Bailey) 249 Charles-Henry adffe jb 249 Christopher 249 Jennett (Lincoln) adffe $ 249 John 249 Joseph 249 Josephine 554 Julia-Frances 443 Miriam (Cooper) adffe jb 249 Nathaniel 249 Thomas 249 Thomas adffe j 249 Thomas-Lincoln adffe ja 249 William P. 408 TIMMONS Anna (Lincoln) adaah eib 482 L. L. adaah eib 482 TINKCOM Mary-Ray adcai ec 241 TINKHAM Mary-Maria aacdb ca 180 TIRRELL Alma G (Lincoln) abbea cahf 563-4 Herbert- Warren abbea cabf 553-4 Jennie-Baker abbea cabfa 654 Josephine (Tilden) 654 Martha-Josephine abbea cabfb 664 Warren 554 TISINGER Anna-Eliza-Virginia adaae haa 344 Dorcas (Lincoln) adaae ha 344 George adaae ha 344 TISSUE Cora-Alice adaga gfa 490 681 James-Madison 581 Sarah-Jane(Lancaster) 681 TOBIAS Esther 509 TODD Andrew 67 Andrew aabcc b 67 Ann-Eliaa (Parker) 470 Deborah (Thaxter) aabbg 31 Hannah aabcc a 66 67 James aabbg 31 Levi 470 Mary adaaa db 467 470-1 Robert-Smith 470 Ruth (Lincoln) aabcc 67 Samuel aabcc 67 Samuel aabcc c 66 67 Sarah (Bassett) 67 TODD cont'd Susanna (Hobart) 67 TOGUE Anna abaea ac 187 TOLAIT Ann 165 TOLMAN Thomas 294 TOMLINSON Ann adadc 51 and note John 51 note TOMMINS Esther ([Hilton] Lincoln) adba 114 Hester ([Hilton] Lincoln) adba 114 Patrick adba 114 TOOMEY Julia M. 601 TOPPAN Anne 272 TORREY Emma-Hamlin aabcg de 407-8 Leavitt 408 Mary L. (Pratt) 408 TOTTON Amanda-Marthaette (Lincoln) adaaa bbaa 463 John-Robert adaaa bbaa 463 Sallie adaaa bde 333 TOWER— Towers Abigail 37 323 Abigail-Kent 653 Abraham 239 Abraham addc 22 Abraham-Hobart 22 87 Alvan 250 Asa-Cushing 249-50 Bethia (Nichols) addb 22 88 186 Carrie ([Lincoln] Lonigan) adaaa bbga 664 Charles-Noel adaaa bbgad 564 Charlotte (Mann) 250 Daniel add 19 22 88 186 320 328 Daniel addb 22 88 186 320 323 Elisa-Hall abbea md 320 Esther (Bates) adffa j 133 George-Andrew adaaa bbga 664 George-Andrew adaaa bbgai 564 Harriet-Hope adaaa bbgah 664 Ibrook 22 88 186 320 323 Jane (Bates) 320 Jesse 250 Job addd 22 John 6 22 88 117 186 320 323 John-Franklin adaaa bbgae 664 Levi 323 Levi abaef 41 43 88 239 320 323 Lloyd-Merlin adaaa bbgaj 564 Marcia-Dunlap (Lothrop) adcac eg 230 Margaret ( ) 235 Margaret (Hardin) 22 Mary (Pratt) addd 22 Mildred-Arlene adaaa bbgaf 664 Molly 388 Mordecai adde 22 Nichols 320 Paul-Henry adaaa bbgag 564 Persis abaea 42 186-7 Persis ([Stockbridge] Curtis) add 22 Priscilla 316 Priscilla (Nichols) abbbh 41 88 Priscilla-Nichols abbec bj 323 Rachel adffa b 132 Rebecca (Gushing) 250 Rebecca ([Lincoln] Pike) abaef 88 Robert 235 Ruth ([Beal] Stodder) 43 88 Ruth ([Collier] Willcutt) adffg 249-60 Sally (Bates) adffa c 132 INDEX OF PERSONS 711 TOWER cont'd Sarah adda 22 80 Sarah aafai 37 516 Sarah-Jane 536 Sarah (Lincoln) add 18 22 Stoddard adf/a c; add fa j 132 133 Susanna 82 Thankful addf 22 Thankful addg 22 Thankful ab666 41 Thomae-Nichols 320 TOWLE Amos 263 Ann-Lucette (Lincoln) aahcf de 263 Betsey (Andrews) 263 Daniel-Henry aabcf aha 262 Edward aabcf dea 263 Ezra aabcf de 263 Julia-Putnam (Sawyer) aabcf aha 262 Nellie-Lincoln aabcf deb 263 TOWNE Alice-North aacdc ee 310 John-Henry 310 Maria-Rebecca (Levis) 310 TOWNSEND Etta 393 Mary-Ann 399 Mary-Cecilia-Turner 557 Mehitable 14 TOWNSHEND Emma-Birch 92 TOWNSLEY Amanda-Stella (Lincoln) adaaa bbig 665 Charles-Bernard adaaa bbigc 565 Clarence adaaa bbig 565 Elmer-Roland adaaa bbiga 565 Margaret (Flock) 565 Margaret-Lillian adaaa bbigd 666 Orval-Clarence adaaa bbigb 665 Reuben 565 TRACY Asaph aabge 31 Lydia (Cushing) aabge 31 TRADER Eliza 360 TRAIN Althea 441 TREAT Samuel 167 TREVETT Sally 295 TRIPPLE Hannah (Cox) 377 John 377 Sarah-Ann adaid ca 377 TRITES miss adbcf ccb 385 Ann-Eliza (Lincoln) adbcf cc 383 885 Daniel adbcf cc 383 385 Jacob-Lincoln adbcf cca 386 TROUT Amy adagb dh 493 Catharine 357 TRUMBULL Elizabeh aacbc ac 414-5 George-Augustus 414 John 414 439 Joseph 414 Louisa (Clapp) 414 Lyman 467 468 Mary-Araminta 494 Mary-Eliza aacdb ig 439 Nancy (Carlow) 439 TRUMP Anna 588 TUCKERMAN Grace (Richardson) aacdc ebb 309 Leverett-Salstonstall aacdc ebb 309 TUFTS Abigail ( ) 457 Harriet abbec fd 457-8 John 457 Otis 410 TUPPER Meriba aka 9 TURNBULL Robert 454 TURNER Edward adaaf dac 350 Ella adbca fbb 381 Ellen 532 Emily-Oneal ([Dinges] [Simrill] Neal) adaaf dac 350 Lydia 410 Margaret 30 Mary adffb b 133 Mehitable ( ) 22 Olive-Pratt 409 Rachel 61 Seth 22 Sylvia-Sampson 270 TURPIN Guy-Edward adaaa bbchc 560 Ruth-Marie (Christian) adaaa bbchc 560 TUTTLE Anna 153 Mary-Jane abbea cca 319 TWICHELL Ginery 416 TWINING Elizabeth 503 TYNG Edward 4 UHVY Emma (Jacobs) adaga cga 360 George adaga cga 360 UNDERWOOD Emma 529 Emma aabcd bae 252 UPHAM Ebenezer 250 John 250 Mary adffi 250 Phineas 250 Sarah (Warren) 250 Thaddeus 250 USREY Jane adaaf db 479 Melinda (Jarvis) 479 William 479 UTTERTREP Guinnie adaai ejb 355 VANATTA James 586 Lydia (Hull) 586 Sylvia-Delphine adahb gbe 586 VANBUSKIRK Hannah adahc o 371 Hannah (Kelly) 371 Richard 371 VANCE Addison-Shannon adagb gc 221 Mary-Ann (Sturgis) adagb gc 221 VANDEGRAF Isabel 530-1 VANDERGRIFT Gertrude adbcf bid 384 VANDEVER Mary 496 VANHORN Abraham 53 Jane adage e 109 VANIER Marie aacdb hea 306 712 INDEX OF PERSONS VANPELT Maud adaae abbe 472 Tanis 206 VANTASSEL Elizer-Brown adcai eh 241 Rachel-Anna (Litchfield) adcai eh 241 VEDDER Edmund-Burke adcak ea 243 Sarah-Maria (Whitcomb) adcak ea 243 VICKERY Elizabeth 79 VINAL Abigail-Joy (Litchfield) 529 Anna ( ) 91 246 Annie W. aabce cbba 402 Chloe (Jenkins) adcaj j 123 Ehzabeth 22 Elizabeth (Baker) 91 Elizabeth (Booth) 91 Israel 78 90 91 246 Israel abbee 90 91 Jacob 78 90 91 246 Jemina (Pope) 91 John 78 90 246 Jonathan 91 Lucy adcaj 6 123 Lydia 90 91 Lydia (Litchfield) 90 91 Marcy adfah 246 Martha 91 Martha-Adelia aabce aec 529 Mary 122 123 Mary aacbk 75 Mary (Cudworth) 91 Mercy (Gushing) 78 90 91 246 Mercy (Lincoln) aacbk 75 78 Nathaniel-James 529 Priscilla 243 Rebecca (Bailey) 90 91 Rebeckah 91 Sally abbee a 90 91 Sarah (Briggs) 63 note Sarah (Lincoln) abbee 90 Simeon 63 and note Sophia 90 91 Stephen 91 Thomas adcaj j 123 William aacbk 65 75 78 246 394 VINTON Frederic-Porter 541 VITTOR Cora-Maud adaga gea 363 VON FEILGERS Catherine-Gertrude 217 VON WEBER Mary 420 VOSE Julia 404 Mary 150 438 WADDILL Rebecca-Rodes 573 WADE Abigail (Bates) aafah 35 37 Anna 60 61 Charlotte (Otis) 390 Deborah-Otis adcai h 390 Elizabeth 61 Elizabeth adfea 62 Issachar 390 Jacob 60 John aafah 37 Joseph 20 60 61 390 Mary 242 Mary (Garrett) 61 Mercy (Norton) 61 Rachel (Turner) 61 Ruth 60 127 WADE cont'd Ruth (Garrett) 60 61 Snell 390 Zebulon 61 WADLEIGH I Blanche-Winifred aacbe Idd 426 I Elizabeth (Carlisle) 426 Royal-Hopkins 426 WADSWORTH Marcus M. 444 WAGNER George-Washington adahb bbe 495 Grace-Olivia adahb bbea 495 Sarah-Jane (Lincoln) adahb bbe 495 WAHLE Caroline-Louise abbee baf 321 WAIT— Waite Ada-Gertrude (Rice) 486 Arthur-Henry 486 Harriet aabcj i 151 Kathryn-Gould adaah gde 486 WAKEY Susan 491 WALDO Cornelius 162 Daniel 162 284 Martha aacbc 162-4 Rebecca (Salisbxiry) 162 WALES Atherton 296 Caroline (Sprague) 296 Hannah-Sprague aacbe I 294 296-7 WALK Andy-Grover adaaa beib 464 Charley-Eddy adaaa beia 464 Chloe-Marie adaaa beig 464 Claude-Elmer adaaa beid 464 Dessy-May adaaa beif 464 Ettie (McDonald) adaaa beia 464 Isaac- Wilford adaaa bei 464 Ivy-May adaaa beic 644 John-Jacob 464 Julia-Ann (Soner) 464 Katharine (Lincoln) adaaa. bei 464 Lola-Florence adaaa beie 464 Oscar-Alonzo adaaa beih 464 WALKER Abigail-Reed aacbe d 293-4 Catherine-Amelia 449 Jennie abbea caai 451 Mary (Reed) 293 Quork 161 Samuel 293 Susan-Hyde 537 WALL Ashbell-Tingley adffe ebb 523 Ashbell-Tingley adffe cbbc 523 Beriah 523 Constance-Cole adffe cbbb 523 Helen-Lincoln adffe cbba 523 Lucretia (Cole) 523 Lucy-Coolidge (Lincoln) adffe ebb 523 Susan ( ) adcbm 6 126 WALLACE— Wallis Anna-Eliza- Virginia (Tisinger) adaae haa 344 Arthur-Andrew adaae hia 476 Bodine aabch ddc 266 Charlotte adcbh b 125 Clement- Whittall 485 Ellen (Bates) abbed b 90 125 Ezekiel 189 Ezekiel adcbh 125 239 Ezekiel adcbh c 125 239-40 Henrietta (Lincoln) adcac h 125 239-40 John- William adaae haa 344 Louisa (Duane) aabch ddc 266 Maria (Bates) abbed e 90 125 INDEX OF PERSONS 713 WALLACE cont'd Martha adhec 58 Mary-Elizabeth adahb dcg 585 Mary-Rebecca (Stetser) 585 Melvina adaaf dae 350 Mordecai-Lincoln adcbh a 90 125 Nancy (Lincoln) adaae hia 476 Susanna (Lincoln) adcbh 125 239 WALLEY Ruth 26 WALLIS see Wallace WALTON Edgar-Bryant ad/ad bcc 393 Electa-Nobles (Lincoln) adfad be 245 393 Elizabeth (Bryant) 393 Frances ( ) 330 Frederick adfad bed 393 George-Augustus adfad be 245 393 George-Lincoln adfad bcb 393 Harriet-Pierce adfad baa 393 James 393 Mary-Alice adfad bee 393 Mathew 330 WANDS • Josephine-Amy aabce aebc 603 Josephine (Messier) 603 Ruf us- Putnam 603 WARD Adam-Price 310 Andrew-Lincoln aacdc fbb 311 Catherine-Amelia (Walker) 449 Charlotta-Price aacdc f be 311 Eliza (Hazen) 311 Eliza-Thompson (Gardner) 179 EUzabeth (Holbrook) 146 Ezekiel-Gould aacdc fb 310-11 Ezekiel-Gould aacdc fbc 311 Frederick aacdc fbf 311 Henry 146 James-Edward 449 Mary adag 107 Mary adaad 204-5 Mary-Adella aafff gh 449 Samuel 146 Sarah aabeg 146-7 Sarah (LilUe) 310 Sarah-Lincoln aacdc fba 311 Susan-Crocker (Lincoln) aacdc fb 310-1 William 311 WARE Mary-Cotton 254 WARFIELD Elisha 214 356 WARNICK Agnes (Kennedy) 439 Bertha (Lincoln) aacdb iga 439 Clowds 439 Ernest-Howard aacdb igaa 439 William aacdb iga 439 WARREN Betsey-Roxanna (Larrabee) 428 Carl-Reed aacbe If fa 428 Carrie- Abbot (Lincoln) aax^h^ lf/i2S Edward-Allen 560 Edward-Allen adaaa bbcj 560 Ernest-Eugene aacbe Iff 428 Harriet-Eveline (Lincoln) adaaa 6bc; 660 Joseph H. 428 Julia-Louiaa (Judd) 428 Kate (Stewart) 560 Louis A. 193 note Michael 93 Sarah 250 WARWICK Albert-EUiot adbca fb 381-2 Carrie-Emma adbca fbd 381 Clayton-Raymond adbca fbc 381 Elizabeth (Lincoln) adbca fbZSl WARWICK cont'd Ella (Turner) adbca fbb 381 Evelyn-Ophelia adbca fba 381 Joseph- Wilkins adbca fbb 381 Kate (Bloom) adbca fbc 381 Lizzie- Ada adbca fbe 382 Ruth-Anna adbca fbf 382 WASHBURN Emory 283 295 Lefe (Joy) aagc 11 Nehemiah aagc 11 WASHINGTON George 111 186 WATERMAN Abiah 119 Ehzabeth 10 Jerusha aabcf 142 Josiah 143 Lydia (Lincoln) aaie 12 Robert 143 Thankful (Humphrey) 143 Thomas 143 Thomas aaie 12 WATERS Abigail 10 131 Sarah-Harding aabee ee 142 WATSON Agnes-Lillian aabeg dbea 406 Anna (Sutton) adaga gbd 362 Benjamin 362 Benjamin-Milton adaga gbc 362 Charles-Ewing adaga gbh 362 Deborah ( ) 307 Eva (Burn worth) adaga gbh 362 James adaga ae 358 James-Darby adaga gbe 362 Jehu-Brownfield adaga gb 361 362 Jonathan 307 Lidia (Sutton) 362 Lydia-Jane adaga gbf 362 Maria aaedb i 307-8 Mary-Frances adaga gbb 362 Mary (Smith) adaga gba 362 Matilda (Lincoln) adaga ae 358 Minnebanca adaga gbg 362 Rhoda (Lincoln) adaga gh 361 362 Robert-Hagan adaga gbd 362 William-Henry adaga gba 362 WATTS Sarah aacbi a 299 WAUGH Margaret 78 WAY Alva-Washington adaaa bbeda 562 Irva-Franklin adaaa bbedc 662 Margaret (Lincoln) adaaa bbed 562 Pearl-Lucinda adaaa bbedd 562 William adaaa bbed 562 William-Ilva adaaa bbedb 562 WEATHERS Benjamin 463 Mary (Ballington) 463 Sarah adaaa bb 463 WEAVER Caroline-Homan (Lincoln) adaae agg 473 John 473 John- William adaae agg 473 Rhea-Lovetta adaae agga 473 Robert-Lincoln adaae aggb 473 Sally (Bowers) 473 WEBB John 107 Joseph 68 Lean adeaj b 123 Martha-Jane 604 Mary adag 107-9 223 Mary (Boone) 107 Silas 244 714 INDEX OF PERSONS WEBBER Amelia (Wentzel) 509 Edwin-Augustus 537 Edwin-Harrison adaii bca 500 Emma (Mowry) adaii bcaa 508 Esther-Irene adaii bcac 509 Fidel 509 Harrison-Fidel adaii bcaa 509 Helen-Blake aacbc acd 537-8 Lydia McClellan (Blake) 637 Martha-Annie abbkc be 192 Robert-Emery adaii bcab 509 Sally-Andora (Lincoln) adaii bea 609 WEBSTER Ann-Rebecca 533 Edward 456 Daniel 280 456 Harriet-Stephenson (Staples) aabej /d 150 Joseph-Henry aabcj fd 160 WEDGEWOOD Ann-Maria 438 WEED Rebecca 512 Sarah-Ann 523 WEISE Ellen adbcf bde 384 WEISZ Sarah adcai ee 241 WELLER Benjamin 480 Benjamin-Owen adaah eba 480 481 Elmira-Juliet adaah ebad 480 Georgia (Lincoln) adaah eba 480 John-Theron adaah ebaa 480 Juliet (Owen) 480 WELLS Henry 408 Mary-Ellen 527 Sarah 247 WELSH Henry aaffe c 82 Polly (Pratt) aaffe c 82 WENTWORTH Clarence-Llewellyn 458 Edith (Ashley) 458 Ethel-Agnes abbhc dbe 458 John 131 Mary 71 WENTZEL Amelia 509 WEST Carrie adaae aef 344 Martha-Ann adagb be 220 Penelope 282 Thomas 282 William 350 WESTCOTT George 115 WETHERBEE Clarissa R. (Edwards) aabcf gf 145 Levi aabcf gf 145 WETHERELL see Witherell Hester (Newton) aacbc gc 164 John-Walcott aacbc gc 164 HARTENBY WElizabeth (Agnef) adahb dee 499 HARTON WEliza (Moore) 118 Fanny 354 Joseph 115 HEATLY WMary 606 HEELER WAbiel-Heywood aacda h 175 Adelaide (Bliss) aacda ha 175 Alice (Rattray) aacda he 175 Charles-Parkman aacda hb 175 WHEELER confd David 175 Edward 175 Elizabeth 565 Ella (Jaqueth) aacda hb 175 Ephraim 175 Ephraim aacda hf 175 George 175 George-Francis aacda he 175 Harriet (Lincoln) aacda h 175 Harriet-Lincoln aacda he 175 Henry-Lincoln aacda ha 175 John 175 Mary-Coleman aacda hg 175 Sarah-Elizabeth aacda hd 175 Sarah (Parkman) 175 WHEELWRIGHT Gershom aaffj c 84 Hannah (Ellmes) aaffj c 84 WHELDON Bethia C. (Baker) aacdb da 180 WHIPPLE Carolyn-Louise adffe dfb 601 Charles-Henry 601 Julia M. (Toomey) 601 Ormus-Mandel adffa f 133 Sherman Leland 651 Sybil (Bates) adffa f 133 WHISLER Ann ( ) 208 Henry 208 WHITCOMB Abram adffd ^ 134 Achsah (Lincoln) aafh 36 37 Albert-Simeon aacda cf 175 Anna (Pratt) aafhc 37 Arabella-May adfae adc 600 Chloe (Lincoln) adcak e 243 Dolly (Barber)--aa/Z/i 38 Elijah aafhd 37 Elizabeth aaff 80 91 Elizabeth aafla 38 Elizabeth (Francis) aafli 38 Ellen-Maria adffd h 134 Elvira (Farrar) aacda cf 175 Emmeline ([Balch] Heath) adffd h 133 Ezekiel 37 Ezekiel aafhf 37 Hannah aafha 37 Hannah adffd a 133 and note Hannah (Baker) 174 Hannah-Baker aacda eg 174 175 Hannah (Kent) 37 38 Hannah (Nichols) 133 Harlan-Page aacda ci 176 Harriet-Lincoln (Wheeler) aacda he 176 Henry-Knox adffd c 134 Henry-Lincoln aacda ch 176 Israel 37 38 80 133 243 Israel aafh 37 243 Jacob aafhc 37 Jael-Cushing aacda ec 176 Jairus-Lincoln adffd d 134 Job 174 John 37 38 80 133 174 243 John adda 22 Jonathan 174 Joseph 133 Joseph adffd f 134 Levi 174 Levi aafli 38 Lincoln adffd b 133 and note Lot aafl 38 Lot aaflh 38 Lucia-Caroline adcak eb 243 Lucy 37 Lucy-Maria (Snell) adffd c 134 INDEX OF PERSONS 715 WHITCOMB cont'd Lydia (Ramsdell) aafhe 37 243 Martha K. (Willis) aacda cf 175 Mary-Abigail adcak ec 243 Mary (Fisher) adffd g 134 Olive aaflg 38 Perez aaflc 38 Phebe (Davis) adffd d 134 Priscilla (Litchfield) aaflc 38 Rachel aafld 38 Rachel (Gray) aafhh 37 Robert 37 38 80 133 243 Ruth (Lincoln) adffd 62 133 Sally aafle 38 Sally (Lincoln) aacda c 174-5 Sally-Lincoln aacda cb 175 Samuel aafhe 37 243 Sarah adffd e 134 Sarah-Leavitt aacda ce 175 Sarah (Lincoln) aafl 35 36 38 Sarah-Maria adcak aa 243 Sarah (Tower) adda 22 80 Shubael adffd 133 Simeon aacda c 174-5 Susan A. ([Haskell] Bowen) adffd f 134 Sylvester (Whitehead) 600 Thomas-Jefferson adcak e 243 Tyle aaflb 38 William 600 William-Cushing aacda cd 175 William-Lincoln aacda ca 174 Zadoc aafhh 37 Zoa aaflf 38 WHITE Abigail 87 Anna M. aacdh bd 431 Carrie- Jarvis aafff gbc 317 Charlotte (Wallace) adcbh h 125 Elizabeth (Wade) 60 61 Earl P. 397 Frances 428 Harriet-Maria aacbe If 427-8 John 301 Josiah adcbh b 125 Juline (Everett) 397 Lucy aacba f 76 Margaret 392 Mary 168 Mary- Adeline adbca'^'daf 381 Nathaniel 61 Olive adaga bd 217 Sarah-Janette adffe I 397 Susan-Maria (Thornton) 427 William-Charles 163 William-Henry 427 WHITEHEAD Cubus 573 Julia-O'Neal adaae hfh 573 ■ Rebecca-Rodes (Waddill) 573 Sylvesta 600 WHITESCARVER ' Catharine-Ann (Dunn) 500 Charles-Strawther 500 Clara-May adahb faab 500 Etta-Elizabeth adahb faaa 500 James-Christopher adahb faa 500 Sarah-Elizabeth (Lincoln) adahb faa 226 note 500 WHITFIELD Eugenia D. 573 WHITING Hannah 432 Jotham 142 Mary 31 Susanna 142 Susanna (Wilder) 142 WHITMAN John 21 WHITMAN cont'd Ruby-Grace aacbe Ifca 428 Sarah 20 21 Thomas 224 WHITMARSH Abigail (Pratt) 142 Ezra 142 John 142 Peter 142 Tabitha aabce 142 WHITNEY Abigail (Frothingham) 170 Benjamin 173 Daniel 173 Eleanor (Breasha) aacda gd 175 Fannie (Lincoln) aacda g 175 Francis aacbj c 172 73 Harriet (Lincoln) aacbj c 172 173 Harriet-Maria aacda ge 175 Henrietta-Frances aacda gb 175 John 91 173 John-Putnam aacda gc 175 Josiah 175 Mary (Barrett) 175 Myron aacda ga 175 Myron-William aacda gd 175 Nathaniel-Ruggles 173 Simon 173 Sophia (Vinal) 91 Urania-Anderson (Stearns) aacda gc 175 William aacda g 175 WHITON Ann-Maria (Sprague) aabce eg 142 Bela-Herndon aabee ei 142 Bethia aac 34 35 Charlotte-Lincoln cuibcd abb 251 Chloe aabad 138 Daniel 595 David 142 251 Dexter-Brigham aabcd aba 251 Elijah 142 25 L Elijah aabce e 68 142 251 Elijah-Lincoln aabce ea 142 251 Elizabeth 69 Elizabeth (Marble) 138 Enoch 10 34 Erastus aabce ef 14:2 Frederick aabce ec 142 Hannah-Richmond aabce eb 142 Hannah-Richmond (Whiton) aabee eh 142 Isaac 138 Jacob 138 James 34 138 142 251 595 John-Chad wick aabce eg 142 Lucy aabce ze 142 Lydia aaha 12 Lydia (Lincoln) 142 Margaret 10 Mary-Ann adcac bac 595-6 Mary-Catherine ([Hersey] Little aabce e 142 Mary (Lincoln) 10 34 Mary (Lincoln) aabce e 142 251 Mary Lincoln aabce ed 142 Mary-Lincoln aabcd abc 251 Matthew 138 142 251 Maribah (Orcutt) 595 Nabby-Fearing aacbh h 78 Nahum 595 Priscilla (Burr) aabce ef 142 Rachel-Cushing (Lincoln) aabcd ab 142 251 Samuel 595 Sarah-Harding (Waters) aabce ec 142 Susan (Beal) aabci b 68 142 Susan-Lincoln 142 Sylvanus 595 716 INDEX OF PERSONS WHITTINGTON Alfred aaffi g 84 Ann (Franklin) aaffi c 84 Betty adaah eda 354 Cordelia (Wilder) aaffi h 84 Elizabeth aaffi b 84 Elizabeth ([Bailey] [McNeil] Palfrey) 83 George adffi c 84 Granville aaffi h 84 Hepzibah (Lincoln) a^ffi 453 Hiram- Abith aaffi / 84 Irene aaffi e 84 Mary aaffi i 84 Mary-Ann (Bird) aaffi d 84 Mary (Burnham) aaffi f 84 Ophelia aaffi j 84 453-4 Ruth (Delano) aaffi g 84 Sarah aaffi a 84 William 83 William aaffi 83-4 453 William aaffi d 84 WHITTLE Clara (How) aabck bga 270 George-Grant aabck bgb 270 George-Washington aabck bg 270 Hannah (Goldsmith) 270 Harriet-Clementina (Lincoln) aabck bg 270 Minot-Lincoln aabck bga 270 Parker 270 WICKES Charles-Chidsey adffe ba 247 Nancy-Bicknell ([Dickinson] Mosher) adffe ba 247 WICKLEIN— W^ickline Edward-Sylvester 572 Janette-Ann (Lincoln) adaae hfaf 572 John-Preston adaae hfaf 572 Josephine (Cook) 572 Mary-Seifert 592 WIGHT Alice-Burrington 265 WILBUR Ann-Maria (Lincoln) aabck fb 272 Anne (Toppan) 272 Edward-Lincoln aabck fba 272 Edward-Payson aabck fb 272 Elinor-Lincoln aabck fbb 272 Harvey-Backus 272 WILD— Wilde Benjamin-Elmer adaga gfaab 581 Catharine 154 Elmer-George adaga gfaa 581 Harriet (Joy) abaed a 88 Ida-May adaga gfaaa 581 Jonathan abaed a 88 Josephine (Linfield) 581 Lucy-May (Lincoln) adaga gfaa 581 Rachel 269 William 581 WILDER Bela 437 Cordelia aaffi h 84 Eliza 436 Hannah-Cushing 304 Lydia 307 Matilda aacbh b 78 260 Mehitable-Ellen aacdb gc 437 Mercy (Hersey) 437 Susanna 142 Theophilus 90 190 240 wn.DS David adaaf dfd 351 Mary-Gertrude (Brown) adaaf dfd 351 WILKINS Catherine 494 WILKINSON Ann aacab f 72 WILLARD Joseph 157 Simon 13 WILLCUTT Betsey 315 Chloe (Beal) abbai 41 249 Daniel 249 James aaffi j 84 453-4 Joel adcba a 86 124 John abbai 41 249 Lewis abbec fab 323 Ophelia ([Whittington] Lincoln) aaffi j 84 453-4 Parmela 249 Priscilla-Nichols (Lothrop) 453 Rachel-Phillips aaffh b 83 Ruth (Collier) adffg 249 Sarah- Wilson-Hobart (Souther) ai>bec fab 323 Susan-Lothrop abaca ag 187 Susannah (Stoddard) 453 Tamar-Lincoln (Sutton) adcba a 124 Thomas 453 WILLEY Stephen aabcf bd 144 Tabitha-Longfellow (Lewis) aabcf bd 144 WILLHOITE Christena adaai d 103 WILLIAMS Addie (Leonard) abbea caaj 451 Alexander abaea ai 187 Almira (Lincoln) abbea caa 450-1 Angle (Lincoln) adaah ele 483 Augusta (Burbank) abbea cobad 450 597 Benjamin F. 329 Caroline-Adelaide (Manuel) abbea caag 450 Charles-Herbert abbea caai 451 David 212 Edward 427 Elizabeth (Collier) abaea ai 187 Elmer-Stanley adcac bajb 597 Emily-Elizabeth adagb dgg 365 Emma-Jane aacbe If 427 Ezekiel-Thomas abbea caag 450 Florence-Bates (Lincoln) adcac bajb 597 George abbea caaa 450 Hannah (Evans) 212 Hannah-Lincoln adaaf hd 212 Harriet A. aacbh g 78 Ida-May abbea caah 450 James-Franklin abbea caac 450 Jennie (Walker) abbea caai 451 Jesse adaaf ha 212 John 461 Louisa-Jane abbea caab 450 Mary adaaf hb 212 Mary A. ( ) 427 Mary-Elizabeth (Rich) abbea caac 450 Miranda adaaf he 212 Nancy-Ann adaaf hf 212 Nancy-Ann (Lincoln) adaaf h 209 211 212 353 Nancy-Caroline abbea caaf 450 Rachel adaaf he 212 S. M. 96 97 Samuel-Lincoln abbea caad 450 597 Sarah-Frances abbea caae 450 Sarah- Jane adaaf hg 212 Thomas 53 Thomas abbea caa 450-1 Wallace-Clarence abbea caaj 451 William 212 William adaaf /i 211 212 353 WILLIAMSON Dorcas (Rimel) adaai g 102 103 John adaai g 102 103 Kezia adaai a 103 INDEX OF PERSONS 717 WILLIAMSON cont'd Sarah adaai 6 103 Thomas 102 WILLIS Charles 236 Clara-Frances (Lincoln) adcai bgb 519 Edward 519 Hannah (Hewens) 519 Martha K. aacda cf 175 Stillman-Hewens adcai bgb 5i9 WILLS E. H. 163 WILMARTH Elizabeth-Jane 556 WILSON Abigail 262 David adcac ca 239 Esther 185 George afa 8 Hipzabah (Kilby) aaf/d d 82 John aaf/d d 52 Malvina 421 Martha-Roy 577 Mary 486 Mary (Bates) afa 8 Mary-Lincoln (Pratt) adcac ca 239 Ruth 68 Sally 316 323 Susanna 38 W. 364 Woodrow 540 WILT Harriet 431 WINCHESTER Charles A. aabcf ahd 262 Emma-Maria (Sawyer) aabcf ahd 262 Sarah L. 248 WINDLE Anna adaae icb 346 WINGFIELD A. Waver ly adaae hfib 573 Mamie-Elizabeth (Lincoln) adaae hfib 573 WINSLOW Edward 66 282 John 64 Josiah 282 Penelope (Pelham) 282 WINSOR Welthea 139 WINTERSON Cornelia adahf cbab 505 WINTHROP John 76 WISE Abraham adbcf bdg 384 Anna-Frances (Paschall) adbcf bdg 384 WISEMAN Adaline (Burgess^ 615 George 615 Mary-Gertrude adaaa bbcgb 615 WISER George-Hammond adbcf beb 593 Hannah-Jane (Taylor) adbcf beb 593 WITHERELL see Wetherell Eunice adfba d 132 WOLFE Mary 504 WOOD Abigail (Shaw) 318 Barzillai 155 Belcher-Sylvester 433 Caroline-Matilda aacdb ee 433 Cyrus-William abbea cage 451 . Delilah (Cole) 472 Emily-Catherine abbec beb 322 Emma-Melville abbea cagb 451 WOOD cont'd Fanny-Elizabeth (Lincoln) adaae abd 472 Fred-Edward adaae abda 472 Gabriel 472 Hannah (Whiting) 433 John-Dickerson adaae abd 472 Julia (Lincoln) adaah elf 483 Martha-Cottle abbea cagd 451 Martha-Franklin (Curtis) abbea cage 451 Mary (Lincoln) abbea cag 451 Mary-Matilda (Leighton) aacdb baa 301 Mary (Shattuck) 155 Mary-Snow abbea caga 451 Nancy ([Pratt] Lincoln) 318 Osburn 451 Osborn aaffj j 84 Polly ([Ellmes] Litchfield) aaffj j 84 Rebecca 150 Roxanna aabhe 155-6 Silence-Tower (Lincoln) 451 William-John aacdb baa 301 William-Osborn abbea cag 451 Willis adaah elf 483 Ziba 318 451 WOODBURN Olive-Frances adaga gje 363 WOODBURY Aaron aabcf bf 144 Ann-Augusta (Burleigh) aabcf fe 145 Ann-Maria (Wedgewood) 438 Calvin-Edwards aabcf ff 145 Emma-Chapman aabcf fc 144 Frank-Herbert aacdb gfb 438 Jerusha (Lincoln) aabcf f 144-5 Joseph 438 Mary A. abbec bdb 322 Miranda-Church aabcf fd 144 Nellie-May (Lincoln) 'aacdb gfb 438 Ormond- William aabcf fe 145 Sarah (Barker) aabcf ff 145 Sarah-Peabody (Lewis) aabcf bf 144 Susan-Byles aabcf fa 144 Susanna (Byles) 144 Thankful-Lincoln aabcf fb 144 William 144 William aabcf f 144-5 WOODNANCY Daniel adaga b 217 Nancy (Lincoln) adaga b 217 Rhoda adaga ba 217 WOODRUFF Phebe 237 WOODSON W. H. 483 WOODWARD Augusta-Clark (Lincoln) aacbe Ifa 427 Daniel aagd 11 Deborah (Joy) aagd 11 Harry-Lincoln aacbe Ifaa 427 Horace 427 Mary agdi 26 71 Mary-Elizabeth (Thomas) 427 Priscilla (Talbot) aacbe Ifaa 427 William-Given aacbe Ifa 427 WOODWELL Esther 179 WOOL John-Ellis 418 WOOLERTON Elizabeth aaffh c 83 WORK Alice-Mills adbfa bdcd 515 Almira (Mills) 515 Harold-Knowlton adbfa bdch 515 Hattie-Simons (Lincoln) adbfa bdc 515 Lincoln-Thomas adbfa bdca 515 Norman-Porter adbfa bdc 515 718 INDEX OF PERSONS WORK cont'd Ruth-Lincoln adhfa bdcc 515 Thomas-Knowlton 515 WORRELL Emily adbcg c 118 WORRICK Chasling aff 8 62 81 83 Elizabeth (Woolerton) aaffh c 83 Hannah aaffh a 83 518 Hannah (Lane) 83 Hester (Bates) aff 8 62 Hezekiah 83 Jane aaffh e 81 83 Jonathan 81 Laban aaffh 83 Levi-Lincoln aaffh c 83 Lorette aaffh f 83 Mary (Fetteridge) 81 Paul-Baker aaffh b 83 Rachel-Phillips (Willcutt) aaffh b 83 Ruth 81 Sally (Lincoln) aaffh 83 Sarah aaffh d 83 Susanna adf 62 WORRILOW Alice 50 WRIGHT Catherine 180 Jennie adbca aba 380 Mary (Williams) adaaf hb 212 Peter adaaf hb 212 Rosa-Anna 522 Sarah 27 59 Sarah (Guinn) adaaf ab 477 WYATT Sarah-Duxbury 455 WYMAN Ann-Rebecca (Webster) 533 Anna aabck bdb 411 Anna (Doyle) 411 Clara-Louise aabcg dbd 533 Daniel 533 Edward 411 Harvey aacda cc 175 Jael-Cushing (Whitcomb) aacda cc 175 WYRICK Jacob T. adaaf i 212 Mary (Lincoln) adaaf % 212 YANCEY Bessie-Lincoln (Nicholas) adaae agba 473 Stuart M. adaae agba 473 YARN ALL Alice (Worrilow) 50 Ann (Tomlinson) adadc 51 Francis 50 Francis adad 50-1 100 209 Francis adadb 51 Jesse adadc 51 Leah ( ) adada 51 Mary adadd 51 100 101 209-12 Mary (Lincoln) adad 50-1 100 209 Mordecai adada 51 100 Peter 50 YATES Mary adahb bbh 496 Mary (Vandever) 496 Washington 496 YAW Margaret-Ellen adaga gi 492 YEAGLEY Andrew 218 Andrew adaga ic 219 Benjamin-Lincoln adaga ig 219 Eliza (McCray) adaga ia 219 Elizabeth adaga id 219 George adaga ia 219 Henry adaga i 218-9 Henry adaga ib 218 219 Jane (Flanigan) adaga ig 219 Mary L. (Criley) adaga ic 219 Phoebe (Lincoln) adaga i 218-9 Rhoda-Louisa ada^a t/219 Sarah adaga ie 219 Sarah (Miller) 218 Sarah (Dibert) adaga ib 219 YORK Rufus R. 267 YOST Mary 507 YOUNG Alexander 185 Catherine 510 Fanny adbcf beb 593 Ida adbcf baa 592-3 George 592 Lena 575 Mary ( ) 592 Mary-Thomas adcaj a 123 Rebecca 458 Robert abbbe 41 Sarah-Ann 546 Sarah (Nichols) abbbe 41 ZEARING Benjamin adaga c 217 Catherine 217 Catherine-Gertrude (von Feilgers) 217 Elizabeth adaga bb 217 George adaga bd 217 Hannah adaga be 217 John-Henry adaga b 217 Ludwig 217 Mary adaga bg 217 Nancy ([Lincoln] Woodnancy) adaga b 217 Olive (White) adaga bd 217 Sarah adaga bf 217 William adaga bh 217 ZEISTER Michael 109 ZELL Eunice (Kelley) 511 George 511 Harriet-Ann adbca dc 511 ZIMMERMAN Lurisia (Reece) 582 Tillie-May adaga gid 582 William 582 ZIRKLE Edgar-Leigh 570 Ellen (Larrick) 570 Kathleen-Malinda adaae agca 569-70 ZWINGLER Catherine 462 ♦