Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/iterativeglobalf848gill UIUCDCS-R-77-848 January, 1977 //^t^L^L^t UILU-ENG 77 1737 ITERATIVE GLOBAL FLOW TECHNIQUES FOR DETECTING PROGRAM ANOMALIES by Will Dean Gillett DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN URBANA. ILLINOIS UIUCDCS-R-77-848 ITERATIVE GLOBAL FLOW TECHNIQUES FOR DETECTING PROGRAM ANOMALIES by Will Dean Gillett January, 1977 Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, Illinois Tbis work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. US EPP 74-21590 and was submitted in partial fulfillment for the Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science, 1977. Ill NOTATION The followinq notations are used throuqhout this thesis. ft The meet operation in a lattice space. V Set union. I Set intersection . C Subset. I Pit (or bitwise) OR. 5 Bit (or bitwise) AND. T Loqical op (of assertions). 6 Locical AND (of assertions) . V For all members of a set. 6 Member of a set. Th» empty set. r*i Denotes a subscript. {•#•#•> Denotes a binary relation. Tl Denotes that the value associated with the Enqlish statement is evaluated in an unspecified way. |«| Denotes the cardinality of the set or qraph. IV ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to express his sincere gratitude to his thesis advisor. Professor Thomas Wilcox, for his advice, interest, *nd insiqht on the topics covered in this thesis. Professor Wilcox continually gives his students time and interest at a level far beyond what should be expected, and it is amazing that he finds time +-o do any of his own work. A sincere thank you must also go to the other members of the t-h^is committee: Professors T. A. Murrell, D. Waltz, and J. Nieverg^lt. a special thanks goes to Professor W. Hansen for th Q oriainal idea that. l*»ad to this thesis and many helpful comments that hav^ improved it. to my colleagues, Alfred Weaver, Mary Jane Irwin, and Elaine 3riihty, a heartfelt thanks for your patience, moral support, and profound proofreading ability. Finally, to the DEC10 and IBM360 goes my true appreciation for typing the thasis and supplying a reasonable editing system with which to work. TABLP OP CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Thesis Overview 2 1.2 Tackqround On Anomalies 7 1.3 Intoractive compiler And Pedagogical Framework 9 1.4 Thesi-s Statement 13 2 CONSTRUCTS COMMONLY ASSOCIATED WITH ANOMALIES 15 2.1 Unreferenced Data 16 2.2 Uninitialized Variable 19 2.3 Program Structure 21 2.4 Common Expression Detection 21 2.5 Local Variable In Parametpr List ...22 2.6 Modification of Input Parameter ..23 2.7 Anomalies Involving Thp Value Of Variables 2U 2.8 Transfer Variable 24 2.9 Other Anomalies 26 3 DEVELOPMENT OF ITERATIVE GLOBAL FLOW TECHNIQUES 29 3.1 Framework And Assumptions 30 3.2 Unified Iterative Global Flow Technigues 34 3.2.1 Property P Propagation 49 Live Variables 56 Common Subexpressions 59 P-dominance 61 Uninitialized Variables 62 3.2.2 Invariant Assertion Analysis 63 A Specific Realization 65 Extended Realizations 89 VI Summary of Invariant Assertion Analysis 91 3.3 Search Techniques 93 3.3.1 Search For "Dereference" Points Of Dead Variables ....95 3.3.2 Search For Sources Of Initialized Variables 96 3. a Iterative Vs. Interval Analysis Techniques 97 U DETECTON OF SPFCIFIC CONSTRUCTS 99 4.1 Applications Of Property P Propaqation 100 4.1.1 Unreferenced Data 114 4.1.2 Uninitialized Variables 115 4.1.3 Proqram Structure 117 Loops 121 a. 1.3.2 IF-THEN-ELSE 123 4.1. a Subroutine Parameters 125 4.1.5 Common Expression Detection 128 4.1.5 Transfer Variables 133 4.1.7 Summary Of Property P Propaqation 137 4.2 Applications Of Invariant Assertion Analysis 1.39 4.2.1 Subscript Out Of Array Bounds 139 4.2.2 Parameter Of A FORTRAN DO Loop < 140 4.2.3 Division By Zero 141 4.2.4 Unnecessary Testinq 142 4.2.5 Non-executable Code 143 5 IMPLEMENTATION 146 5.1 Compiler/Analysis System Overview 146 5.2 Plow Graph 154 5.3 Global Flow Alqorithm 159 5. 4 V pc tors 160 5.5 Implementation Of Ass^r* ions 162 vii 6 SUMMARY 164 6.1 Conclusions 1 6S 6.2 nth^r Applications 166 6. ^ "urthpr Work 170 6.1.1 Error And Anomaly Evaluation 171 6.1.2 Heuristics Based On Experience 175 6*3. 1 Extensions Of Invariant Assertion Analysis 177 6.1.4 Arriys 177 LIST op REFERENCES 182 APPENDIX I 189 APPENDIX II 191 VI T* 191 1 INTRODUCTION This thesis develops iterative global flow techniques for the purpose of ietectinq anomalies in source proqrams. Currently existing iteritive qlobal flow techniques are presented as background; then improvements are presented, which modify the structure of Kara S Ullman's alqorithm (fKAH76 1) in order to enhance its spped of converqence. The improvements do not chanqe the basic propt-rtips of the iterative qlobal flow technique. The improved technique is applicable to a wide ranqe of qlobal flow problems, includinq those found in compiler optimization. The anomalies to be detected are associated with proqram constructs that are leqal (compile time constructs) within the source lanquaqe, but violate basic proqramminq concepts. These anomalies do not necessarily constitute errors, but are often associated with loqic or execution errors of various forms. A set of anomalies, which are lanquaqe independent and representative of th» t yDe of anomaly commonly found in students' proaratns, are ident if ied. Three specific alobal flow frameworks, which are based on the improved iterative qlobal flow technique, are developed and used as tools ir. th<=» detection of the anomalies. Detection schemes are dev^lopM that are able to find specific instances of the anomalies without any knowledge of the alqorithm the student is attemptinq to implement. These specific frameworks are also applicable to a wide range of qlobal flow problems. 1.1 Thesis Overview QSBflll Global Flow Techniques Many techniques have been developed in order to solve the problems inherent in compiler optimization. Some optimization car be performed within the confines of a sinq]e statement (fB(JS69], rpn^701); other optimizations deal with the qlobal properties of data flow thnuqhout the proqram, commenly known as global optij.lz,at ion. Two basic underlyinq techniques, interval analysis (rAHO701, fAH076"|, fALL70 1, rALL761, r COC70 1, [ EA872 1, TEAR7U1, rHEC721, rH^C73 1, r HEC7U 1, TKEN71], TULL72]) and iterative analysj (TFON75"!, r^RA751, rKAM761 # \KIL13}) dominate the field of qloba] optimization. Both use the concept of a flew graph of the source proaram a;-- a basic +-ool for p<=»rf orminq their analysis. Interval analysis decomposes the flow qraph into disjoint single entry subgraphs, which are more easily analyzed than the oriainal flow qraph. Tn essence, each sinqle entry subgraph is analyzed separately and information about the entire proqram is letermined by "splicinq" these separate analyses toqether by use <£ a sequence of ieriyed graphs. Interval analysis usually requires that the underlyinq flow qraph be reducible ([ HEC72 1, ("HEC7M), although some n^wly developed techniques have shown that, this is not always required (T ALT.76 1) . Interval analysis techniques have be^n successfully used in solvinq many compiler optimization problems, and h^vt' h<->en the predominant approach in the past. Recently, iterative qlobal flow techniqups have been developed ([KK*1 (: >'\, fKIL711) that seem to be applicable to a willecte1 from a basic computer science course that used por^pam as its major programming language. These programs were analyzed for defects involving: • inefficiency, • ineffective constructs, • style, • lanquaqe misconceptions, and • alqorithm lefects. ?.v°n thouqh these proqrams w^re final copies turned in for qradinq (so thit many of th° anomalies present in earlier versions were not pres j n f ) , a sumrisinqly larqe number of defects were found. Final sti f i ^* ica 1 analysis of the data has not. yet been completed, but preliminary analysis has revealed a number of interestinq anomalips, which have been included in this thesis. 1.3 Interactive compiler And Pedaqoqical Framework »n interactive compiler system provides a powerful tool for both thr- production proqrammer and the student learninq a new lanquai<~-. A production proqrammer can quickly qenerate modules (subroutines) of the system he is developinq and dynamically supply inpu* lata on-line. Pecause he can interact with his program, he can supply representative data to his module and, on the basis of the results obtained, can quickly debuq and modify the function beinq imDlemf n t°d . By usinq an interactive compiler, a student learninq a new lanquaqe can qe* immediate feedback about syntax errors. In this way h^ can quickly eliminate the use cf constructs that seem loqical to him but are not allowed in the lanquaqe. If the student 10 is unsure of the semantics of a given lanquage construct (or sequence of constructs), he can quickly produce a test proqram to answer the question for special cases that were not clear. As with *■ h a production proqrammer, the student can implement and test small seqments of his proqram in the process of developinq his final proqram. It is within this framework that the analysis-detection schemes Dresentpd in this thesis are intended to be implemented, on the basis of th a results of a qiven type of analysis, the student mav modify his proqram hopinq to resolve an anomaly. He can then request that the same analysis (or a different analysis) be performed to verify that the problem has been resolved. He may find that he has created other anomalies and it may take him several iterations to produce a proqram with which he is satisfied. The detection techniques presented in this thesis are equally applicable within a batch compiler system, but the followinq aspects of a batch system detract from the usefulness of the analysis-detection system. 1) The time laq (which has many components) between job submittals may break the student's line of thouqht and cause him to forqet why he made a particular modification to his program. He may, thus, reinstate a previous versio of his proqram forqettinq that this will introduce a previously resolved anomaly. 2) The student must decide at the time of submittal all analyses he wishes performed on his proqram. On the basis of tha results of one of these analyses, the student may 11 decide he wants another type of analysis performed. In ord^r to qet the second analysis, he nust submit a co»Dl?tPly n-^w -job to the system. "M In most batch systems, each time a batch -)ob is submitted all analyses, including syntax checkinq, compiler-translation and qraph generation, must be repeated. This represents a siqnificant overhead when compared to an interactive system, which can usp knowledge of the previous proqram structure to determine the current proqram structure. Th^ philosophy behind the interaction with the student is an idDortant consideration and should be developed usinq the followinq guidelines. The student should never be told that he should or Ii5t apply a qiven transformation. Instead, he should be informed that the qiv°n transformation will enhance the structure or execution of his proqram in a specific way. For instance, qiven the code sequence I = 1 Dn 10 I = 1,5 the detection schemes can determine that the value 1 assiqned to I in th*» statem^n* H I = 1" is unreferenced because the variable I is assiqned aqain in the next statement. Thus, the assiqnment Itateaent can be deleted from the proqram producinq equivalent, but aore efficient, execution. The statement ■I = 1 should be deleted" 3hoild not be presented to the student. Instead, a statement i; indicating why the assignment statement is ineffective and the effect cf deleting the statement should be presented. Since the analysis-detection system has no knowledge of the algorithm being implemented, it cannot really determine what transformations should be applied. For instance, the program bein analyzed may be only a partial solution to the problem the student is solving. In the example above the student may intend to subsequently insert code, which references (and possibly modifi°s) I, between the assignment statement and the DO statement. Thus, tellinq the student tha* he should delete the assiqnment statement nay be misleading. rt should be realized that any suqqestion qiven by the system will greatly iaflu3nce the action taken by the student. Suggestions should indicate why a given transformation might be applied and the effect of applying the transformation. The decision to apply a given transformation should always b< l3ft to the student. in this respect the philosophy behind compiler optimization and the analysis-detection system differ greatly. in compiler optimization the purpose is to make the usei proarara execute more efficiently, and transformations can be applied without informing the us a r. Since the application of transformations is essentially invisible to the user, several different transformations can be simultaneously applied within th< s^m^ region of the program producing vastly different (but sunpos^rlly ^gaivalent.) code, but, in the analysis-detection syste h°ing discussed h<^re, the purpose is to inform the student about Lous properties of his program and to indicate ways that he ca 13 improve his praqraaminq. Sir.ce the purpose is to make program transformations very visihle to the student, th^y should be presorted to the student one at a time so that he can understand each stpp cf the simplification process. At pach step, the student (anl not the system) should b* 3 the one to decide whether the * rar.sf orma tion suggested is applicable to the specific situation. 1.4 Thesis Statement Many program anomalies associated with: • programming stylp, • efficiency, and • algorithm or lanouaoe misunderstanding or misconception can he detected by an automated system having no knowledge of the user algorithm being impl^mpnted. The three basic iterative global flow frameworks to be developed in this thesis are sufficient to detrc* a largi portion of these anomalies. An intelligent compil?r system, which incorporates the technigues developed in this thesis, can be designed and iaol empn ted. Such a compiler system would be a useful tool in teaching the general technigues of computer programming and the use of specific constructs within the language. 14 Chapter 1 has presented some backqround about, why students produce thp anomalies that they do and has discussed a basic desiqr philosophy by which detection schemes miqht be incorporated. Chaotcr 2 defines and presents specific examples of anomalies produced by students that can be detected by th<= use of iterative qlohal flow analysis. chapter 3 presents the basic underlyinq techniques that are used in detectinq the anomalies defined in Chap f ^r 2. Chapter 4 develops specific detection outlines for eac of the anomalies defined in Chapter 2 usinq the tools presented in Chapter 3. Chapter 5 d«als with implementation asppcts of the techniques developed in Chapters 3 and 4 and presents a system desiqn in + o which the detection schemes can be incorporated. Chapter 6 discusses conclusions, other applications of the techniques lev=»lopf cl, and further work to be done. Appendix I formally defines th^ concept of a flow qraph and its associated nomenclature. Appendix II contains a qlossary of terms used throuqhout the thesis. 1S 2 CONSTRUCTS COI1NONLY ASSOCIATFD WITH ANOMALIFS This chapter identifies and describes specific anomalies representative of those commonly found in students' proqrams. Each is lanquaqe independent and can be detected without any knowledqe of the alqorithm the student is attemptinq to implement. These anomalies have been identified by analyzinq the set of proqrams ■entioned in Chapter 1 and by applyinq the experience obtained by workinq in a Droqram consultinq office over a period of three ye irs. These anomalies do not necessarily constitute errors, but are often associated with errors. If an error is present, it cannot be exDlicitly identified since such an identification may require some knowledqe o* the alqorithm beinq implemented. The purpose of detectinq the anomalies is to direct the student's attention to reqions of his proqram wh«=>re errors may be present. It then becomes the student's responsibility to analyze his proqram to letermine why the anomaly is present, and, if applicable, to resolve the °rror. Tn order to emphasize the reason for detectinq these anomalies anl hrir.qinq them to the student's attention, loqical errors commonly associated with each anomaly are presented alonq with specific examDles. Fiqure 2.1 contains a subroutine implementinq the binary chop method of roo* findinq and will be used to present sot)-> specific examples of anomalies to be detected. This is the type of code many beqinninq FORTRAN proqrammers produce as a final pr->iuct (i. e., turn in to bf qraded) . It should be realized that 16 L1 SCJBROUTINE BTNCHP (X L,X R , EPS, DELTA, FOOT) L2 YL = F(XL) L3 YR = F(XR) LU IF (YL*YR. GT. 0) GOTO 10 LS 20 ITER = L6 IF(ABS(XR-XL) .LE.EPS) GOTO 30 L7 XM = (XL+XR) /2. L3 YM = F(XM) L9 ITER = ITER ♦ 1 L10 DELTA = ABS(XR-XL)/2. L11 PRINT, ITER, XM, DELTA L12 IF (YL*YM. LT.O.) GOTO UO L13 XL = XM L1U YL = YM 115 GOTO 20 L16 UO XR = XM L17 YR = YM L1B GOTO 20 L19 30 ROOT = XM L20 10 RETURN L21 END Fiqur e 2. 1 SAMPLE PROGRAM the qlobal flow techniques to be developed can detect, the anomalie to b<= nresent^rt in this thesis within arbitrarily complex code sequences. Simple code spquences are used as examples in this chapter because they more- clearly display the essence of the anomaly to be detected. 2.1 Unref erencei Data Hnr^f erencrd 3ata occurs when: • at- a specific statement, S, a value, D, is assiqned to a variable, V, and 17 • that value, D, is not referenced by any statement of the proqrira subsequent to S. This can happen in a combination of two ways: 1) variable V is reassiqned a value prior to a referencp, or 2) the variable V is never referenced; i. e., an "exit" is encountered prior to a reference. This anomaly is commonly associated with the following loqic errors: • a misconception about the use of lanquaqp constructs, • a misconception about the alqorithm beinq implemented, • the us<=> of one actual variable for two loqically different variables, • the use of two actual variables for one loqical variable, and • extraneous variables left over as a result of previous alqorithm approaches. Language nisconcept ion Consider a code sequence of the form I = 1 DO 1 I = 1 , 2 Students qeneratinq this type of code typically use the followinq Loqic. The student knows that a loop is beinq constructed and that T is t hp induction variable. The induction variable must be initialized outside th^ loop and not realizinq that the DO loop Df-rfoms this action, the student supplies the initialization. 18 As a second example consider the code sequence I P ( \ . EQ . 3 ) K = 5 K = 6 The student is probably tryinq to implement an IF-THEN-ELSE. The student's loqic miqht run as follows. If K is assiqned in the IF statement, the compiler should realize that the assiqnment to K in the npxt statement should be skipped. £i:2.2EilhJ5 Misconception An example of this occurs in Fiqure 2.1. The value* of YR assiqned at L17 is not referenced within any descendant of L17. Th^ student probably included this assiqnment statement because it makes the handlinq of the movement of th° riqht end point symmetri with that of the left end point. 1H± Variably ?or Two Logical Variables Consider the code sequence DO 10 I = 1,10 SUM = DO 20 I = 1,5 S-ich a sequence renresents +he beqinninq of two nested loops. Clearly, two separate variables should be used as induction vari^bl<=s. 19 !*£> Variables For On? logical Variable Consider the code sequence SUM = DO 10 I = 1 r 5 io suns » son ♦ Mi) Th^ initialization of SIMM to zero outside the loop will be ipfct^d as unreferenced data. Extraneous Variable Consider the code sequence SWITCH = in which no farther reference to SWITCH is made. Such a variable ■av be left over from a previous approach at solvinq the problem. 2.2 Unir itialized Variable A variable, V, referenced at a specific statement, S, may be: • totally uninitialized; i. e. , no execution path from the beqinninq of th» proqram to S assiqns a value to V, or • partially uninitialized; i. e., there is at least one execution path from the beqinninq of th^ proqram to S which do«=s not assiqn a value to V. 2( This anomaly is often associated with the following logic errors: • a misconception about the algorithm, • a misconception about the use of a language construct, and • thf> us3 of two separate variables for one logical variable. Alsoiithm Misconception Consider XM referenced at L19 of Figure 2.1. Assuming XL and XR are sufficiently cIosp upon entry to the subroutine, i. e., |XR-XL| < EPS, then the flow of control might be (L1 , L2 , L3, L4J L5, L6, L19, L20) . This execution path leaves XM uninitialized when referenced at L19 and, thus, an erroneous root is returned. Language Misconception Consider the code seguence DO 10 I = 1, N 10 SUM = SUM ♦ A (I) PRINT, I, SUM Upon exit fro* th*=> DO loop (in FORTRAN), the index variable, I, i? und3fin?*d and should not be referenced in the PRINT statement. 1*9 Variably for One logical Variable Corsider the code seguence THETA = ATAN(A/R) PRINT, THEDA 21 THEDA referenced in the PPINT statement is uninitialized. The anomaly occurs because THFTA and THEDA represent the same loqical variable. 2.1 Program Structure Students will often fail to use languaqe constructs providinq specialized control structure, such as loops and IP-THEN-ELSEs. Instead, th^y use low level constructs, such as GOTOs and LABELS to implement the correspondinq hiqh level construct. This may occur Kcaase the student is unaware of, or unfamiliar with, the qiven hijh level construct, or the student may be unaware that he is simulatinq a qiven hiqh lev^l construct. In any event the student should be mad-* aware that a hiqh level construct is available to him for implementinq the desired flow cf control. Each separate lanquaqe has its own specialized control constructs, but loops and IF-THFN-ELSE constructs are almost universally present in hiqh level lanquaqes. Detection schemes for these two constructs will be developed ([BAK76]). 2.4 Common Expression Detection Students often calculate expressions with exactly the same value spv^ral places in their proqram. Such duplications can be i'l^om at ically detected. The purpose of brinqinq this to the 22 stuient's attention is not to produce more efficient code (since an optimizinq compiler will eliminate such redundant computations) but to help the student better understand how information flows througt his proqram. Example: The value of ABS(XR-XL) computed at L6 is exactly the same as that computed at L10. A temporary variable can be used to transfer this value to the two places it is use I . This anomaly usually occurs because the student approaches th< solutior to the problem piecemeal. As he adds new code sequences to his proqram, he calculates values without realizinq that they may be available from other reqions of his proqram. 2.5 Local Variable In Parameter List Students will often place a local variable of the subroutine in the parametPr list. This can often be automatically detected pv<*n if the corr*=>spondinq arqument is actually manipulated in the c^llinj routine (althouqh computations involvinq thp arqument are normally completely absent). Fxample: Th^ variable DELTA in the parameter list at L1 is probably a local variable. Since DELTA is assiqned pri< *-o my rofrrcnco, it cannot be an input variable. If tl v^lie of DELTA returned to the callinq routine is never 23 rpfarenced (see section 2.1), it cannot be an output variable, and it can be concluded that DELTA is a local variable. Local variables in a parameter list normally occur for one of -WD reasons. either the student mistakenly believes that all variables usel in the subroutine must appear in the parameter list or thr variable is a remnant of a previous approach to solvinq the problem. 2.6 Modification Of Input Parameter Tt is qen3rally considered poor proqramminq practice to modify an input parameter of a subroutine in a lanquaqe that uses call by r^f^r°nc<= to implement parameter passinq (of course, a parameter ■ay be used for both input and output) . Such a practice can cause erroneous results if the correspondinq arqument is subsequently referenced exoectinq it to have its oriqinal value. Even if the user r3alizes that the arqument has been modified, ^xtra conou ta+- ion s nay be required to recalculate the oriqinal value if this value is subsequently required. Example: XL ind XR in the parameter list at L1 are clearly input parameters since they are referenced before they are assiqned. If the values returned to the callinq routine are referenced, the proqrammer may incorrectly assume he is referencinq the oriqinal input values. If the 24 returned values are never referenced (i. e., the parameters are not output parameters) proqram anomalies may occur when the subroutine is used in a different environment . 2.7 Anomalies Involving The Value Of Variables There ar^ a number of other miscellaneous defects detectable at compile time that can be brought to the student's attention. The<=;e defects involve the execution time value of variables, and include: • array subscript out of bounds, • parameter of a DO loop < (in FORTRAN) , • division by zero, • testing a condition that is uniformly TRUE or FALSE at the point of the test, and • detection of non-executable code. ^hese and oth^r proqram anomalies can be detected by applying a specific realization of invariant assertion analysis as described in Section 2.3 Transfer Variable A variable, V, is a transfer variable if 25 • the value of an expression, X, is assiqned to V, and • a* iach reference (normally only one) to V, which contains the value of X, the defining components of X have the same value as when X was assiqned to V. The reason for det^ctinq such a situation is that the assiqnaent of X to V can be eliminated and the expression X substituted for cor respondinq references to V. Of course, the substitution for transfer variables at correspondinq references will depend on +-h» type of the variable (and the correspondinq exor^ssion) anl implicit actions associated with the assiqnment operator. Althouqh such a substitution probably produces a more efficient program, this is not *-he major reason for brinqinq this to the student's attention. The primary motivation is to help the stu1°nt understand how data flows throuqh his proqram. Examples : 1) '(XR) assiqned to YR at L3 can be substituted for YR it LU (thus, eliminatinq L3) . 2) XN assiqned to ROOT at L19 can be substituted for ROOT at L1. This eliminates L19 and since no explicit action must be performed before returninq, the GOTO 30 at L6 can be replaced by RETURN. Ther^ arB a number of proqram constructions that fall into the abovo definition of transfer variable that should n.ot be brouqht to ; student's attention. A discussion of these forms is deferred un*il Clapt^r 6. 2< The purpose of detectinq transfer variables is to identify code sequeces such as B = A A = 3 ♦ 1 (where B is not referenced further in the program) and QUOT = A/B REM = A - QUOT*B (where QDOT is not referenced further in the proqram). In the first code sequence, the student may be reluctant to write "A = A ♦ 1" because, when interpreted as an equation (which is the way many students interpret assignment statements), this implies M = 1". In order to avoid this assumed paradox, he creates the transfer variable 3. In the second code sequence, the student is implementing the iod function. In decomposinq the operation into separate steps, the student has qenerated the unneeded variable QUOT. 2.9 Other Anomalies There are a number of other types of proqram anomalies not addressed in this thesis, which include: • ar.orailias confined within a sinqle statement, and • anomalies detectable by local flow information. Thene types of anomalies are no less important than those ronsi d a red in this thesis but have been excluded because their detection dor-, not require qlobal flow analysis. The remainder oJ this section presents examples of these types of anomalies. 27 Sincjle f_tateme_nt Aaogialies Students often write erroneous arithmetic expressions. Consider a lanquaqe, such as FORTRAN, that incorporates integer division within expressions. Consider expressions of the form: R1] A**1./2. E2) (A*A + B*B)**(1/2) B31 1/2*X Such expressions seldom produce the results the student expects; expression B1 evaluates to A/2, expression E2 evaluates to the constant 1, and expression F3 evaluates to the constant 0. These anomalies can be detected by applyinq expression siuolif icat ion techniques to all expressions in the proqram. For more detail about such anomalies, see [GIL76"]. Local Anomalies Several constructs can be detected by traversinq only one edqe of the flow qraph. Consider the followinq code sequence. IF(A.EQ.B) GOTO 10 10 PRINT, C ^he evaluation of the IF durinq execution does not affect the execution path; its loqical content is completely null. Statement 10 is executed (wi*h no interveninq action) independent of the relationship of A to B, and the IF statement can be removed from ♦:h Q proqram with no affect on its execution. 28 A second construct, which probably should not be considered an anomaly but which does make the program more difficult to read, deals with the unconditional transfer of control to an unconditional transfer of control. Consider the code sequence IF(A.EQ.B) GOTO 20 20 RETURN A more understandable version of the program would replace the GOTO 20 with a RETURN. Many variants of this construct occur in students' programs; th° RETURN could have been a STOP or another GOTO. 29 3 DEVEI0P1ENT OF ITERATIVE GLOBAL FLOW TECHNIQUES This chapter levelops basic iterative qlobal flow techniques, which will be used in Chapter 4 for detecting specific proqram anomalies. Kildall's alqorithra and Kan 6 Ullman's algorithm are nr-»spn*-.ed as backqround, and an improved form of Kam S Ullman's algorithm is developed. Then two specific frameworks, property p propagation and invariant assertion analysis, which use this improved alqorithra as their underlyinq structural tool, are developed. The improved alqorithm and the frameworks based upon it ar-> applicable *o a wide variety of qlobal flow problems. The concept of a flow .graph is the basic structure upon which the qlobal flow techniques are based. The formal definition of a flow qraph and the nomenclature associated with it can be found in Appendix T. It is assumed that the source proqram beinq analy2ed has been transformed into its cor respondinq flow qraph (s), and this thesis will reference the nodes of the flew qraph instead of the source statements of the proqram. For simplicity, each node of the flow qraph can only correspond to one of the followinq elementary statements: • simple assiqnment statements (i. e., no imbedded assiqnments) , • input/output statements, • flow of control (conditional and unconditional), and 10 • invocation of subroutines (and functions) . Ml hiqh level constructs (such as DO loops, WHILE loops, IF-thf*J-ELSEs, etc.) must be transformed into their correspondinq low level constructs. 3.1 Framework And Assumptions The techniques developed in this thesis are based on the assumption that their tarqe* application is an interactive compiler system in a timesharinq environment. System resource constraints are assumed to be as follows: • Proqram Space Proqram space is limited. Proqram overlays could be used ♦o resolve the problem of a larqe proqram, but final acceptancp and use of the system make this an undesirable solution (at least overlays should be kept to a minimum) Thui, aiqorithms should be easily implemented and should be restricted to small amounts of proqram space. • Data Space A reasonably ]arq° maximum data space is possible, but since it is used in a timesharinq environmpnt, the system's use by a larqe number of students dictates that data space sizp should also be kept to a minimum. • Execution Time The system's final acceptance and use will depend, in part, on what kind of response time the student can expert. Thus, system response time to th<=> student shoul 31 b-j considered when desiqninq the structure of the alqorit hms. The techniques developed in this thesis are equally applicable to a batch system; however, the two environments are siqnif icantly different. Consider the followinq comparisons, which are discussed In 1 e t a i 1 b^ 1 o w . jQ.l2E3.ct ive System I) The student can ask for additional information if preliminary information is not sufficient . Batch System The student must set flaqs (say on a control card) to indicate the detail of information desired before he submits his -job. I T ) The student can dynamically chanqe his proqram at any point durinq the analysis. The student's proqram is fixed (except for chanqes made by the system itself) . Ill) The student is sittinq a+ the terminal waitinq for a response to his request. The student must wait throuqh three time intervals: • system queue time, • execution time, and • distribution time. 3; I) Additional Information Since in an interactive system the student can ask for supplementary information, only preliminary information should he presented initially. Tf this preliminary information is sufficien for the student to choose an appropriate action, then no further information need be collected. Otherwise, the system can be directed to collect and present more descriptive supplementary i nformat ion. Such a presentation scheme dictates that the detection alqorithms should be structured in the followinq way: Each module executed in a sequence should be capable of collectinq a specific "level" of information (of interest to the student) assuminq that all previous modules of the sequence have been executed. II) Proqraro Modification Sine** the student can modify his proqram at any time durinq tha analysis, information which has been collected but not yet pr^s^nted may be voided by an editinq chanqe. Thus, analyses should be delayed as lono as possible, but inevitably certain analyses will havf to b^ repeated each time the student chanqes hil proqram. This aqain dictates that alqorithms should have a modul?: struck ure . 33 [IT) Pesponse Time In a batch system the execution time is normally a small sroportion of the student*s total wait time. Thus, alqorithms that >x->~u*e for r°asonably lonq periods before obtaininq any results lr 3 acceptable. Such an alqorithm structure is not acceptable in in interactive system. In qeneral, it is not desirable for an interactive system to ;p^nd * larqe amount of time collectinq information (with no 3res«ntaticn to the user) and then to present a larqe amount of Information to the user (with essentially no further system action required). The user finds lonq time delays frustratinq and finds lassive amounts of information presented on the screen intimidatinq (M\R7 3"|). Such a system is also inappropriate for efficiency reasons, since the user may make a modification that nullifies a Larqe portion of the information that has been collected. Tn view of the precedinq comparisons, it is clear that the ilqorithms in in interactive environment should be modularized in i\i~h a way that information is collected at several "levels" -- »ach module adlressinq a specific "level". Another desirable ittribute is that the alqorithms use bit vectors and collect urination for the whol<=> source proqram at once in parallel; this illows an efficient use of bitwise operations available on most iachir.»s. "any of the alqorithms developed in this thesis have ° desirable properties. 34 3.2 Unified Iterative Global Plow Techniques Pecently, iterative qlobal flow techniques, capable of addressinq qeneral qlobal flow problems, have been developed. Kiliall's alqorithm (rKTL7.3T) and Kam 6 Ullman's approach (rK^N76"|) to his alqorithni are paraphrased for backqround, and an improved fcrm of Kam & Ullman's alqorithm is presented. All three alqorithms \r^ cast within a semilattice framework to be described below . Tn order to motivate the aoplicability of the qeneralized qlobal flow alqorithms to be presented, a specific qlobal flow problem, live variable analysis, is discussed. Live variable analysis determines for a specific variable, V, the reqi on of the flow qraph for which there pxis r .s a subsequent reference to the current value residinq in V. In ether words, qiven node n, does there exist, a iescendant, d, of n that references the current valu of V? Such a reference exists iff there exists a descendant, d, that references V and there exists a path from n to d that contain no assiqn point of V (since such an assiqn point destroys the current value of V). onr approach to solvinq this prohlpm is to "move backwards" (i. p., from successor to predecessor) throuqh the flow qraph markinq nodps by the followina rules. (All nod^s are oriqinally uniark^d.) 35 1) If no ie n refprences variable V, then nark all predecessors of n. 2) If node n is narked and n is not an assiqn point of variable V, then mark all predecessors of n. Tha interprets tior. is that V is live at those nodes that are marked. Several mechanisms miqht be used to implement "movinq" throuqh ♦•he flow qraph. On^ is to employ a stack to keep track of nodes that require further processinq. Another is to process all nodes in a predetemined order and to make several passes over the nodes. An obvious question is "When do we stop applyinq the rules?"; i. e . , "Wh^n loes the process converqe?" The qeneral answer is "When application of the rules causes no new node to be marked." The iterative qlobal flow techniques presented below represent a q-^neralizat ion of flow problems such as live variable analysis. The techniques incorporate a mechanism for: • a q<=neral information space (i . e. , the information to be propagated throuqh the flow qraph) , • propaqatinq the information throuqh the flow qraph, • transforminq information to correspond to internal manipulations within *he nodes, and • determininq when the analysis has converqed. 5ftilattice Framework Let I be a finite information sp_ac_e (eq., the set of bit vectors of l^nq^h 1) saMsfyinq the followinq conditions with resDec*- to the "meet" operation, ft. 36 • * : T x I -> T . • For a, b, c € T • aHa = a • a*b = bfta • a* (bfcc) = (aftb) *c. (Closure) (Idempotent ) (Commu+ati ve) (Associative) • There exists a lattice zero element, 0, such that V a e I, a * = 0. If there exists a lattice one Q) element, then it has the property that ¥ a e I, a * 1 - a. The set I and the * operation define a t-semilattice. The ft operation defines a partial ordering on I: a < b iff a*b = a; a <* b iff a < band a # b. A function f: N x N x I -> I (where N is the set of nodes of the flew graph G = (N,E,e)) is a f low function i f it satisfies the following homomorj^hisro 2rgp_e]:ty_: f(n,s,a*b) = f(n,s,a) * f(n,s,b) n,s e N, a,b 6 I. Tn the following algorithms, the meet operation can be in f orpretei as the means of transmitting and combining informatioi that flows betwpen the nodes of the flew graph. A flow function, f, reflects the internal manipulation of the information within -i-h node of the flow graph. All of the specific lattice spaces us^l wi+hin this thesis contain a lattice one element, and. 1 Thr underline indicates a lattice operation. 37 th-»r^fore, tha specification of the alqorithms assume its existence. SilJallls Algorithm Tn Fiqure 3.1: • ft is the flow qraph beinq analyzed. • e is the entry node to ft. • in is th--^ input lattice information associated with e. • LIST is a list +hat "drives" the execution of the alqorithm (<= indicates insertion and removal of elements from the LIST.) The first component of each list element specifies the nodp to which information is beinq propaqated and the second specifies thp information. • q.lat contains the lattice information associated with node FLOW1 (G,e,in) I°I £Y.e_r.Y_ q 6 G q.lat <- 1 ; LIST <- (e,in) : do while (LIST * null) (a, info) <= LIST; if -• (q.lat £ info) then q.lat <- q.lat ft info; for evrry. s e succ(q) LIST <= (s,f (q,s, q.lat)) ; rof ; fi; od ; END PL0W1 Fiqure 3. 1 SPECIFICATION OF KILDALL'S ALGORITHM When thp alqorithm hal+s, the desired flow information is attached to the nodes of the qraph in q.lat. 3 8 Kildall has proven that the algorithm converges in a finite time to the "-»xpected" result; i. e. , upon completion of the analysis, the flow information, q.lat, attached to node q represents the information obtained by traversing every possible control path from e to q. He was able to show "loose" bounds on convergence, dependent on the properties of the finite semilattice, ; T. Kildall' y avoid the "f reewheelinq" property of Kildall's algorithm by orderinq the nodes of the flow qraph in a "natural" way (reverse postorder as determined by a depth first spanninq tre?) and processinq the nodes in this order usinq multiple passes. Since the processinq order is determined (and all nodes are processed durinq each pass), the LIST is not necessary to "drive" the alqorithm. When a particular node is beinq processed, lattice information is collected from all of its predecessors and processed collectively. DFST(G,e) for every, q € G q. visit <- 'O'B; rof ; 1 <- |G|; /* number of nodes in G */ e. visit <- * 1 • B; STK <- e; iQ. while (STK # null) q <= STK; if f there exists s € succ(q) such that -»s. visit] then. STK <= q; s. visit <- • 1'B; STK <= s; else q . rpord <- 1 ; i <- 1 - 1; fi; od ; END DPST Fiqure 3.2 SPECIFICATION OF DEPTH PIRST SPANNING TREE ALGORITHM uo DFST The depth first spanninq tree (DFST) algorithm in Figure 3.2 is a restricted form of the general algorithm. Since only the order of the nodes is desired, the actual spanning tree is not generated. Drier is indicated by associating a "sequence number," g.rpord (Reverse Post ORDer) , with each node. An array (denoted by qMl) of pointers to the nodes, which encodes this ordering, will also be maintained so that nodes can be guickly accessed in the desired order. Let T = (N,E») be a particular DFST for G = (N,E,e) . An edge of 5 falls into one of three classes: 11 a forward edjje, which goes from a node to a descendant in T, 2) a back ed.ge, which goes from a node to an ancestor (including itself) in T, or 3) a cross^edge, which goes from a node to a second node not related as an ancestor or a descendant in T. The following discussion can be found in fKA!l76"|. Observation 3.1: Let. T be a DFST of G, and a,b e G. Then (a,b) is a back edge iff a.rpord < b.rpord. Observation 3.2: Let T be a DFST of G. Then every cycle in G contains at l^a.st one back edge. L«t T b^> a particular DFST of G. Let d(G f T) . the loop, connectedness of G with respect to T, be defined as the largest 41 number of back edqes found in any cycle-free path in G. This value will be used to define an upper bound on the converqence of Kam & Oilman's algorithm. It can be shown ([HEC7U]) that d(G,T) is independent of the particular DPST T chosen if G is reducible. FLPW2 (G,*,in) f°.E £Y.§II q F G q. lit <- J ; e. lat <- in ; chanqed <- • 1 ' B; do while (chanqed = M'B) chanqed <- ' P' B; for 1 <- 1 to |G| temp <- J.; f°.£ §Y2I2 P e pred(qfjl) STEP1 : temp <- tenp * f (p, q[ 1], p. lat) ; if temp # qfjT.lat then q[ 1 1. lat <- temp ; chanqed <- • 1 »B; fi: rof ; g d ; END FL0W2 Fiqure 3. 3 SPECIFICATION OF KAM & ULLHAN'S ALGORITHM Alqor ithm Kam 5 Ullman's alqorithm (Fiqure 3.3) also has some undesirable propertips. PU) Th<=r» will normally exist nodes for which no predecessor prDpaqat=»s "new" information. Since all nodes of the flow qraph are procpssed, these nodes are processed even thouqh *he>ir lattice information will, a priori, not chanqe. <*2 PS) The meet operation is performed across all predecessors to collect lattice information at the node, n, beinq processed. However, some of these predecessors may not propagate any "new" information; such predecessors need not be included in the meet operation. PM Assume f is dependent on only the source of the edqe (n,s), as is usually the case. In such a situation, node p (at STEP1) may have several successors, and f(p,x,p.lat) has the same value for each value of x. The transfer of lattice information throuqh f can be handled in one of two ways: • * (at a particular node, n) can be evaluated for each successor (of n) , or • f can be evaluated once and stored (with node n) for use later by each successor. Both are undesirable — the first because of execution time, and th? second because of unnecessary memory usaqe. Converqp nee Alqorithm PL0W2, in fact, converqes in a finite time independent of thp ordprinq of the nodes. The choice of processin ►h^ nodes in reverse postorder represents a "natural" orderinq and insures rapid convprqencp under the condition stated below. Observation 3.3 [K\^lf*'\: Alqorithm FL0W2 converqes in at most d(l,r) ♦ 2 iterations of the alqorithm if condition (*) holds: (*) (V n,S 6 N) (V x € r) (f (n,s,x) > x ft f (n,s,l) ) . 43 A method that combines the desirable properties of Kildall's alqorithm and Kaa 5 Ullman's alqorithm is presented below. This improved alqorithm directs its local attention (as done in Kildall's alqorithm) to those areas of the flow graph to which "new" inforaation is beinq propaqated and restricts its qlobal attention (as done in Kan & Oilman's alqorithm) in such a way that local stabilization does not cause "thrashinq." Ij-Piov^d Al go rithm Tho improved alqoritha in Fiqure 3.4 is very similar to that of Fiqar^ 3.3. As in Kam & nllman's approach, the DFST alqorithm is oerfornel first to determine the "natural" orderinq; then FL0W3 is applied to accomplish the qlobal flow analysis. PL0H3 (G,^,in) £<2£ fv^ry q 6 G q.lat <- J; q.mark <- M«B; rof ; e.lat <- in; do while (r q.mark = M'B for some q e Gl) for i <- 1 to |G| if qfH-BJark tjien q[ 11. mark <- T • B; for every s e succ(qfH) STEP1: t <- f (qT 1 l,s,q[ 1 ].lat) * s. lat; if t # s.lat the n s.lat <- t; s. mark <- M'B; til rof; fij rof; od ; END FLTH3 Fiqure 3.4 SPECIFICATION OF IHPPOVFD ALGORITHM uu FL0W3 us 33 a set of bits to "mark" each node to which "new" information has been propagated. Only those nodes that are "marked" are processed. let g be the node currently beinq processed. As information is propagated through a given edge, (g,s) , nole s is marked if "new" information is propagated to it. If <7.rpori* < s.rpord, then the edge (g,s) is either a forward edqe or a cross-edge; if s is "marked" it will be subsequently processed in the current pass. If g.rpord > s.rpord, then the edge (g,s) is a back edge; if s is "marked" it will be processed in the next pass (s will not be processed again in the current pass since g.rpord > s. rDor 1) . This improved algorithm allows information to be propagated through the flow graph but does not allow any node of a cycle to h<= processed mora than once within the same pass. Regions of the flo* graph in which lattice information has stabilized will not be processed because the nodes of these regions will not be "marked." Notice that in the processing of a node, g[ i ]■, lattice information is immediately "pushed forward" to all successors in contrast to Kim P. Tllman's approach which "pulls" information from all predecessors. It is this feature which eliminates undesirable properties D 5 and P* of FL0W2. T f f is 1epend<=>nt only on gf i 1 and not. on s, then the statemsrt at STFP 1 can he moved outside the for loop. r*-r,iLl thai- this indicates the reverse post order of the node as determine! by a DFST. U5 Converqpnce It will be shown that the iaproved algoritha converges in at most d (G,T) ♦ 1 passes ovpt the nodes of the flow graph if condition (*) is satisfied. Before this can be done, however, soae notation Bust be developed. Let PATH (h) be the set of paths froa node 1 to node h, PATHrn-t (h) = fp | p e PATH(h) and has at most n-1 back edges}, and BPA^Hrn-t (h) = {p | p e PATH (h) and has at most n back edges and the last edge is a back edge}. Let F = (f(n,s,») | (n,s) e E}*; i. e., the transitive closer (under composition) of all possible flow functions attached to nodes of the flow graph. Given a path g, let f i-g-, (x) be th« composition of the functions encountered along path g; eg., if g = (r,s,t), then f r gi (x) - f (s,t , f (r ,s, x) ) . Upon inspection of the improved algorithm, it is clear that on the completion of a specific pass of the algorithm, the only nodes that can possibly be "Barked" are the tails 3 of the back edges. This is true because as a node, n, is processed, its "mark" bit is turned off, and the only wav that it can be turned back on is by the processing of a subseguent node. But if a subseguent node transmits n»w information to node n, the edge through which the information was transmitted must be a back edge (by observation 3.1). Thus, in deteraining the convergence, only the set of nodes H = fh | (m,h) € E and (m,h) is a back edge} need h^ considered. 3 ^iv^n an edge (a,b), a is its head and b is its tall . 46 The proof that the improved alqorithm converges in at most 3(G,T) ♦ 1 iterations is presented in three parts. Lemma 3.1 states the information that is attached to each node upon completion of each pass of the alqoritha. Lemma 3.2 states a sufficient condition for converqence, and theorem 3.1 shows that if condition (*) holds, then the sufficient condition of lemma 3.2 is satisfied on completion of pass d(G,T) ♦ 1 of the algorithm. A variation of condition (*) is actually used in the proof of theorea 3.1. Observation 3.4 (rKA«76 1) Con-lit ion (*) (¥ f e F) (v x e T) (f(x) i x ft f(D) is equivalent to condition (**> (V f,q 6 F) (V x,y € T) (fq(y) > q(y) ft f(x) ft x) Proof: See f KAS761. L^miia 3.1 on completion of th<=» n-th iteration of the improved alqorithm q.lat = (*(f rq-. (in)) ,qePATH r n-, (q) ) if -. (q 6 H) , and Q.lat = (ft(f r q-i (in)) ,qePA.TF r n-, (q) ) ft (ft (f r Pi (in) ) ,peBPATH r nn (q) ) if q € H. (Recall that "in" is the input lattice information attached to the ~ntrv noi i (in) ) fPeBPATHr-TiT (h) ) * (* (f r q-, (in) ) ,qePATH r iH (h) ) = B. Durinq the n-th iteration of the alqorithm, B is the information attached +o node h lust after it has been processed, and A is the information transmitted throuqh the back edqes for which h is a tail. Upon completion of the n-th iteration, A A B = B is attached to the node and thus h will not have been "marked." In summary, for every h 6 H, h is not "marked" upon completion of the n-th iterations and the alqorithm halts. Theorem 3 . 1 The improved alqoritha halts after at most d(G,T) ♦ 1 iterations if condition (**) holds: (**> (* f,q 6 F) (? x,y 6 I) (fq(y) > q(y) * f(x) A X). U8 Proof : By lemma 3.2, it suffices to show that for all h 6 H and all p e BPATH r d+1-, (h) , there exists Q C PATH r d + 1 n (h) such that f rP-i (in) > (*(f r d) Since p contains more than d back edqes, it cannot be cycle free b the definition of d. Pick the hiqhest number, a, such that i r ai = i r b-, for sotie b > a. Lot p1 = (j r lT, ..., i r a-i ) , p2 = (ira-i, ..., irb-i), p3 = (i r b 1# .../ i r-r-, ) , and let pU be a path from node 1 to node ii-ai that contains no back edqes. (Such a path, pU , exists for any q 6 G -- "just follow the edqes of the DFST, T. ) Path p1 must contain at least one back edqe since ("j ra + 1-i # •••» ir-r-i ) is cycle free ani thus has at most d back edqes. Path p2 contains a 1 least onp back odqe sin^o it contains a cycle (by observation 3.2) Let x = f rP^i (in) . Th<=n f rP-i (in) = f r p3-i (f r o2-, (f r p1-, (in) ) ) (by definition) 1 f rP3i (f rPl-i (in) ft f r p2-,(x) ft x) (by (**)) - f rP*i (f rPli(in) ft f r p2-, (f r p*h (in) ) ft frP^(in)) = f r p3<|f r p1i (in) ft f rP3Tf r p2 1 f r P^i (in) ft f r P^ £ rPi* 1rb*1 l# ..., i r r-,), and p» • • = (pU, 1 r h* 1-) , ..., i rri ) 49 Each of p», p'', and p 111 are paths in G and contain at lost K - 1 back elqps, and the induction step follows. Theorem ).1 states that the improved alqoritha halts after at most i(G r T) ♦ 1 iterations. Theorem 3.2 (below) states that when th« alqorithm halts, the lattice information attached to node q represents the information obtained alonq eveo path from the entry node to node q, and is a direct consequence of the work done by Kildall. Theorem 3. 2 When the improved alqorithm halts q.lat = (A(f rPi (in)) ,pePATH(q)) V q € G. Proof: See ("KIL73]. 3.2.1 Property P Propagation The application of these iterative techniques usinq a variety of different semilattice spaces is a powerful tool, but an arbitrary semilattice structure can be very complex and the meet operation and flow function may not be trivial. Thus, the price pail for i mplementinq such techniques utilizinq an arbitrary s°ailattice may be: • larq^ and complex data structures. 50 • complicated proqramminq, and • lonq execution time. On the other hand, many of the classical qlobal flow analyses (live variable, common subexpression detection, uninitialized variable, e*-c.) can be implemented within this iterative framework by utilizing a very simple semilattice space (bit vectors), meet operation (bit AND or OR) , and flow function. Two special cases will be developed in this section. In essence, the algorithms iev^lop^d here allow bit information to propagate through the flow graph in a specific way to produce the desired results. -if-B^Lal Ziamework Assume there exists an arbitrary property P of interest. Some nobles of the flow graph are sources of property p and some are £in!s§ °f prop^r+y P. Hp are interested in determining the set of nod»s to which property p is actually, propagated within a specific flow graph . A node n obtains attribute A, the "completion" of property P, dep^nd^nt on how property P is propagated to node n. A node n proDaqatPs property P to all its successors iff either n has attribute A (which depends on property p) and n is not a sink of property P or n is a source of property P. The two methods of obtiininq attribute A that are of interest here are: ALI) A nolp n obtains attribute A iff every predecessor of n propaqates property P to it. 51 ANY) A node n obtains attribute A iff there exists at least one predecessor of n which propaqates property P to it. An intuitive idea of the use of this framework can be obtained from the followinq analoqy involvinq fluid flow: Let property P correspond to a fluid which emanates from sources of P and is absorbed at sinks of P. The fluid can flow only in the direction of the edqes and can activate a node (i. e., enter the node and be propaqated to all successors of the node) only under certain conditions, such as: • fluid must be available from at least one predecessor, or • fluid must be available from all predecessors, one way of characterizinq such a fluid flow is to specify which nodes have been activated (i. e. , have obtained attribute A) . Example: Let property P be "node n has been encountered." The only source of property p is node n, and there are no sinks of property P. If method ANY is applied, then attribute A is "n is an ancestor of this node." If ALL is applied, then attribute A is "n dominates this node." The example suqqests several qeneralizat ions. First, we are usually interested in a set of properties, (P r i-i}« For instance, we are normally interested in the ancestral or dominance relation °f §l11 f he noles — not lust a specific node n. This can be 52 accomplished by considerinq an M-tuple of properties instead of ■just a sinqle property. Second, we may wish to propaqate information from successors to predecessors (instead of vice varsa) . For example, we may be interested in the descendant relation or post dominance. Speciali zed Forms PROP-ALL (Fiqure 3.5) implements method ALL. The form of the alqorithm is the same as that of FLOW! where the information space (M-tuple), meet operation (AND), and flow functions are explicitly specified. Since the flow function is dependent on only one node, its evaluation (assigned to t1) has been moved outside the inner for loop. In PROP-ALL (Fiqure 3.5): • G is the flow qraph to be analyzed. • e is the entry (or exit) node of G. • in is the lattice information (an M-tuple) to be attached t the entry node. • X can take on one of two values, "pred" and "succ." It indicates whether the alqorithm "moves" forward or backwar throuqh the flow qraph. If X = "succ", then e is the entr node of G. If X = "pred", then e is the exit node of G. If G has more than one exit node, a new node, q, is allocated and all exit nodes are made predecessors of q; thus, q becomes the roy unique exit node. oil U: !or 'It 53 PROP-ALL (G,e,in, X) for every, q £ G q.lat <- M11 ... 1'B; /* fl-tuple */ q. nark <- • 1 'B; e . lat <- in ; do while (r q. mark = '1'B for some q e Gl) for 1 <- 1 to |G| if q[ 1 1. mark t hen qr n.mark <- 7 0»B; t1 <- qni.so | (qr 11. lat 6 (-qMl.si)) ; I°.I e.l£LI * e X-cessor (q[ 1 ]) ' t2 <- tl 6 x. lat; if t2 # x.lat then x. la*- <- t2; x. mark <- M'B; fi: rqf ; fi? pof : od ; END PROP-ALL Fiqure 3.5 SPECIFICATION OF ALL • Each of q.la*, q.so and q. si is an M-tuple, where n is the number of properties beinq considered. • q.so indicates whether node q is a source of the properties. • q.si indicates whether node q is a sink of the properties. • q.lat is the lattice information beinq determined by the analysis, and corresponds to attribute A. PROP-SOME (Fiqure 3.6) implements method ANY. Note that the only differences between PRop-SOflE and PROP-ALL are the initialization of the lattice information and the meet operation (AND vs. OR). Even thouqh these alqorithms are simple, they are capable of Derforninq most of the classical optimization analyses. Note that althouqh optimization analyses are normally performed on PROP-SOME(G,e,in,X) for every, q e G q7lat <- '000 ... 0»B; /* M-tuple */ q. mark <- • 1 *E ; e.lat <- in; do while (fq.mark = M'B for some q 6 G 1) for i <- 1 to |G| if Qr 11* nark then q[ 11. mark <- «0« B; t.1 <- qm.so | (q[il.lat. 6 (-q[1l.si>) ; fo£ every x e X-cessor (q[ 1 1) ' t.2 <- t1 I x. lat; if t? # x. lat then x. 1 at <- t 2; x.mark <- M'B; fi: rof ; fi; rof ; g d ; END PROP-SOME Fiqure 3.6 SPECIFICATION OF ANY 54 "associated" properties (such as the dominance relationship between all * he nodes), these alqorithms are qeneral enouqh that the properties beinq analyzed need not have any relationship to one another. As the number of properties addressed within a sinqle analysis is increased (i. e., as M is increased), the number of nodes processed durinq the analysis may increase, but the d(G,T) ♦ 1 converqence bound still holds. Lattice £rop.erti_es And Convergence The information space of bit vectors has the required associative and commutative properties of a lattice space under th< meet operations of bitwise AND and bitwise OP. It is easily verified that the flow function f(q.»,x) = q.so | (x 6 -«(q.si)) i • ! in PP0P_\LI. and PPOP_SOME has the required homomorphism property. Thus, these analyse^ ar p quaranteed to converqe in a ss finite tine. These particular frameworks also satisfy condition (*) , so the analysis is quaranteed to converge in d(G f T) ♦ 1 iterations of the alqorithm. Table 3. 1 verifies that condition (*) holls for PROP_ALL. A similar table can be constructed for PROP SOME. f(x) fQ) xafQ) SI so 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Table 3. 1 VERIFICATION OF (*) FOR PROP_ALL PROP_ALL and PROP_SOP"E process the nodes in a predetermined orler; i. e., reverse postorder as determined by a specific DFST. When X = "succ", this DFST is qenerated from the original flow qraDh, R. Wh^n X = "pred", this DFST is qenerated from the inverted flow qraph, 0'; i. e., the qraph obtained by reversinq the direction cf the edqes of G and makinq the exit node of G the entry node of G« . T he next four subsections present specific applications of propprty P propaqation. ^6 Live Variables The purpose of a live variable analysis is to determine those reqions of the proqram in which a specific variable, V, has a subsequent reference to the current data stored in V. A variable V is Ii¥2 at a particular node of the flow qraph if there exists a reference to the current value of V at some descendant node. Apply PFOP_SOME with in: the vector of all zeros Property P: "variable V has been referenced" Sources of P: nodes at which V is referenced Sinks of P: nodes at which V is assiqned X: "pred" Attribute A: "V is live" Analysis 3. 1 LIVE VARIABLES Analysis 3.1 presents an outline for determininq the reqion o ♦-.he flow qraph in which variables are live. Live variable analys: will he discussed in somp detail in order to present a concrete »xiOJDle cf pr>p^rty P propaqaticn and to provide a comparison betwpon Kam S Ullman's alqorithm and the improved alqorithm withil tha context of a specific flow qraph and lattice space. L2( YI SOURCE 1C0000OOO0 ^7 SINK 0001000000 L3( YR^ 0100000000 0000100000 L4( IF 0001100000 0000000000 LS (ITEP ; 0000000000 0000000001 L6( IF 1100001000 0000000000 L7( xi = 1 100000000 0010000000 L8( Y" 0010000000 0000010000 L9 (ITER= 0000000001 0000000001 L10 (DELTi L11 (PRIN' L12( IF fL13f XL L1rmation his been propaqated after processinq the node. When L6 is processed, only node 1.19 has propaqated information (1110001100) to L6. Subsequent to the processinq of L6, node L7 propaqates new information (1101001001) to Lf>. Durinq Pass 2 only nine nodes are processed (indicated by the *) . The analysis converqes durinq the second pass, indicated by the fact that "mark" is for all nodes. A comparison of Kam S Oilman's alqorithm with the improved alqorithm yields the followinq results. The improved form processes 2ft nodes in two passes. If Kan S Ullman's alqorithm had been applied, it would have processed a total of 51 nodes in three passes. Thus, in this specific example, the improved alqorithm converqes twice as fast as Kam 6 Ullman's alqorithm. No*^ *hat YR is dead at L17. This fact plus the fact that 1.17 is an assiqn point of YR means that the value of YR assiqned at L17 constitutes unreferenced da«-a (see Section 2.1). Common Subexpressions The purpose of common subexpression analysis is to determine those expressions for which the current value is still "available" *0 from a previous calculation. If such an expression is detected, subsequent calculations of the expression can be eliminated and the "available" value used instead. There are two situations which Apply PFOP_ALL with in: the vector of all zeros Property P: "expression X has been computed" Sources of P: nodes at which X is computed Sinks of P: nodes at which defining variables of X are assigned X: "succ" Attribute A: "X is recalculable" Analysis 3.2 COMMON SUBEXPRESSIONS must be satisfied for such a redundant calculation to exist: 1) each predecessor path must have a compute point of the expression, X (eg., X = A ♦ B) , and 2) ^>ach of these paths must be free of assignment to any of thp d3fininq variables of X (eq. , A and B) . *n expression, X, computed at node n is recalculable at node m if node n dominates nodo m and all paths from node n to node m are fro? of assign points of defining variables of X. Before a global flow analysis can bo performed, a prepass must be performed to d^t^rmin^ subexpressions within the program that are, in some sonne, eguivalent; i. p., candidate cemmon subexpressions. Analysis 3.2 presents an outline for determining that region of th 61 flow qraph in which an expression, X, is recalculable. The computation of an expression, X, can be eliminated at any compute point of X at which X is ^calculable. P-dominance P-dominance is a generalization of dominance. Here we are interested in those nodes which are dominated by the set of nodes with property P. A node, n, is P-dom inated if every path from e (the en+ry nole) to n contains a node which is a source of property P. Analysis 3.3 presents a scheme for determining those regions of the flow graph that are P-dominated. Apply PROP_ALL with in: the vector of all zeros Property P: property P Sources of P: sources of P Sinks of P: none X: "succ" ("pred" if we want post P-dominance) Attribute A: "this node is P-dominated" Analysis 3. 3 F-D0«1INANCE 62 Uninitialized Variables A specific case of P-dominance occurs in the detection of uninitialized variables. A variable, V, at node n is (partially or Apply PPOP_ALL with in: the vector of all zeros Property P: "variable V has been assiqned" Sources of P: nodes at which V is assiqned Sinks of P: none X: "succ" Attribute A: "variable V has been initialized" Analysis 3.4 UNINITIALIZED VARIABLES totally) uninitialized if there exists a path frcm e (the entry node) to n which does not assign a value to variable V. Thus, after determining the reqion of the proqram that is dominated by assiqnmpnts to V, any reference to V outside of that reqion constitutes an uninitialized variable. Analysis 3.4 presents a scheme for det^rmininq those reqions of the flow qraph that are dominated fcy assiqn points of variable V. 63 1.2.2 Invariant. Assertion Analysis The techniques presented in section 3.2.1 are extremely useful in qlobal flow problems because they are easily implemented and efficiently executed by makinq use of the internal binary properties and instructions available on most machines, but they can only be used when the information to be propaqated throuqh the flow qraph can be encort^d into a bit vector. It is, of course, pr^fer^ible to use these bit propaqation techniques instead of techniques that use a more complicated lattice space. A qiven complex qlobal flow problem can often be decomposed into simpler problems to which th^ bit propaqation techniques can be applied; this loqic is incorporated into several of the detection schemes presented in Chapter 4. The invariant assertion analysis presented in *-.his section addresses a very complex qlobal flow problem and requires a sophisticated lattice space and flow function. If^H-ial A ppro ach '"he objective of invariant assertion analysis is to associate »ith °ach nod-? of the flow qraph an assertion that is true (prior to -?x<=>cution of the correspondinq source statement) independent of the Particular execution path taken by the correspondinq proqram. ?h° amount (and usefulness) of the information that can be Utracted from such an assertion depends on the basic form of the ass^r^ion and the sophistication of the analysis used to produce it. 6U Assertion information is transmitted through the flow qraph in the followinq manner. Each node of the flow qraph has an injjut assertion attached to it, which is some combination of the ou tput assertion of all its predecessor nodes. As a qiven node, n, is processed, the output assertion is qenerated based on: • the input assertion, •the internal manipulation that occurs within the source statement associated with the node, and • the specific exit path (i. e., the edqe to a specific successor) throuqh which the assertion is to be transmitted. This output assertion is then transmitted to the specific successor of n and becomes part of its input assertion. The assertions mentioned above can take on a number of different forms with correspondinqly different semantics. For instance, the assertions miqht contain information about the nesting level of thp loop structure or block structure of the proqrara beinq analyzed. Of course, the nature of the assertions will determine the processing required to qenerate the output assertion as a function of the input assertion. The assertions used in the sample analysis presented in the next section contain information about the relationship of variables to constants. As an example of how such information miqht be useful, consider the problem of division by zero. iminq the assertions and analysis are capable of encodinq the relationship between variables and constants, each division 65 performed in the proqram can be checked to see if its corresponding divisor is zero. Thus, if a component of the assertion attached to A = B/C is rc-oi. then an appropriate "division by zero" statement can be presented to the studen*- . A Specific Realization This section presents a specific realization of invariant assertion analysis in which the assertions encode information about the relationship of variables to constants. This section includes ^ inscription of: • th<=> assertions (i. e., the lattice space), which are conjunctive normal forms of basic assertions, • the flow function, which is essentially the logical AND of the input assertion attached to the node and the assertion qenerated by the execution of th* 3 source statement corresponding to the node, and • * h» meet operation, which is the logical OR of the assertions propagated by predecessors. Th^» particular realization presented here was picked because it is sufficient to detect the specific anomalies that must be detected lespite its rel**ivo simplicity (compared to other realizations). 66 A discussion of various extensions of this realization is presented in Section Assertion Algorithm Fiqure 3.8 presents the specialized form of FL0W3 (Figure 3.4) ASSERT_GEN (G,e) for every q 6 G q. assert <- r FALSE!; q.mark <- • 1'B; rof ; e. assert <- ("TRUEl; do while (f q.mark = M'B for some q € G"|) for 1 <- 1 to |G| it qr 11. mark then qf 11. mark <- 'O'B; in_assert <- qf 11. assert; f.21 every. s € succ (q[ 11) STEP1: out_assert <- EXECUTE (q[ 1 1,s, in_assert) ; temp <- ou+_assert f s. assert; if temp * s. assert then s. assert <- temp; s.mark <- • 1 •R; rof ; fi: od ; END ASSERT GEN ' Fiqure 3.8 ASSERTION GENERATING ALGORITHM :: that is used in this realization of the invariant assertion analysis. Note that the flow function depends on the particular °xit edqe throuqh which the output assertion is to be transmitted. Th^r^ will be more than one exit pdqe from a node only if the nod corresponds to a conditional test; in this case the different exi <*dq*»s correspond to different exit conditions. The function EXECUTE (at ^TFP1 of Fiqure 3.8) generates an execution assertion which rf'Dresents th« rpsults of the execution of the cor respondin 67 source statement, and combines it with the input assertion to proiuce the output assertion. Isspt t ions There are three elementary types of assertions associated with this realization of invariant assertion analysis: input assertions, sxf2'itig.a assertions, and output assertions. An input assertion is attached to each node of the flow qraph and is interpreted as an issertion that is true prior to execution. When a node is processei, an execution assertion (possibly a set of execution assertions) is qenerated, which represents the essence of the action that occurs durinq the execution of the source statement correspond inq to the node. The execution assertion is based on Information extracted from the input assertion, as well as data ■anipulation that occurs within the node and may, in fact, nullify information present in the input assertion. The output assertion, which is propaqatel to a specific successor, is a combination of the execution assertion and the input assertion (possibly modified to -nak a it compatible with the execution assertion). When a qiven successor node, n, is processed, the OR of the output assertions of all predecessor nodes has b°en collected and attached to node n; this th°n becomes its input, assertion. ^he form and content of execution assertions will be discussed U*?r in this section alonq with the lefinition of the flow function. *8 Basic Assertions M§ic assertions are of the form: ::= f] 4 J TFALSEI | r TRHE 1 ::= variable ::= constant ::= < 1 f1,0,0>» fO,i,o> i > i | f0,0,1> I * I f1,0,1> Some examples of basic assertions are: rx>3i r y<8 i rz#-«i r FALSE 1 The two basic assertions f"Vf1,1,UC] and [V{0,0,0:K1 will be interpreted as fTRUET and TEALSFl, respectively. * 3asic assertions will always be enclosed in square brackets for readabilit y. 5 The parameterized forms of the relational operators are introduced so that they can be referenced in groups; i. e. r <1,x,0 stands for '<' if x = and •<• if x = 1. 69 Tnnut And Output Assertions Input and output assertions are held in conjunctive normal for*: i. e., A = Ap^ t h r 2-t ft ... ft Af-n-i, where each A r i-i is a lisjunction of basic assertions. Thus, an input assertion miqht look like: (rx>-MYr*=3 1) ft (rz#5iux=2-]) « rz=2]. Coniunctive normal form is used for the followinq reasons: D (IUr1i)«1 s 1«n) =>* (ft(A r j-,) ,j=1,k-1) ft («(A r -JT) ,j=k+1,n) (i. «., th° kth conlunct has been omitted). In other words, if an assertion in coniunctive form is known to be ♦■rue, a particular conlunct can be omitted (a heuristic mav be applied if the conlunct gets too larqe or becomes too complicated to analyze) and the remaininq assertion is still true . 2) When disjunctive normal form is used, the assertions become "f raqmented. " For instance, in applyinq invariant assertion analysis with disjunctive normal form it has been found that assertions such as the followinq are produced. ri=i i*r j=-9 wk*ii ffl>1 lftTl<10 1 ftf J=-9 1«[ K=1 i rri=i iftr j>-9iJtr ji i*r i-9 1*[ j 1 1 ftri-9iftr j represents loqical implication. 70 Of course, the fraqmented assertion generated by the use of disiunctive normal form can he reduced to this second form by a series of simplifications, but this is costly in both time and space. The coniuotive normal form seems to produce concise assertions that require littl* or no simplification. T.he Meet Op eratio n Thr> me=»t operation is loqical OR. As each node is processed, th» output assertion is transmitted to its corresponding successor s, and ORed with th<= assertion already attached to s. The collection of these ORed output assertions is taken as the input assertion when node s is processed. Since assertions are held in coninnctive normal form, the OP must be distributed over the component assertions. A standard set of simplifications is used t combine basic assertions. Pecall from the lattice theory discussion that the lattice space used by the iterative qlobal flow algorithm must be finite The lattice space of assertions presented here satisfies this condition because the number of variables used in a qiven program is finite and the number of constants representable in any qiven machine is finite. Qimolif i cat ions r .imDl if icat ions must b^ anplicd to the assertions to conserv v?m->ry space ind mak* 3 the assertions more concise (and thus more f il because information can be extracted more easily). Beside 71 the obvious use of the distributive law, commutative law, and associative law, two types of simplifications should be applied, Standard simplifications and special simpl ificat ions. A T A => A (Idempot*»nt) A I A => A A ft (A J B) => A (Absorption) A T (* ft B) => A A f TRUE => TRUE (Universal bounds) A ft TRUE => A A T FALSE => A A ft FALSE => FALSE A and B are arbitrary assertions Table 3.3 STANDARD SIMPLIFICATIONS The staniard simplifications presented in Table 3.3 represent well known transformations applicable to assertions. These simDlif ications deal with arbitrary assertions and are not dependent on the semantics of the assertions involved. These standard simplifications should be applied before applyinq the specialized simplifications. The special simplifications presented in Table 3.4 deal with the semantics of the assertions; i. e., the fact that the assertions contain information about the region of the real number line to which the value of a qiven variable is restricted. Note that only assertions that address the same variable can be simplified and that only binary simplifications of ANDs and ORs are attempted . VC2 produces 72 CONDITION INSULT If ClfO r 1 r OK2 Vfx1&x2,y1&y2,z1F,z2K1 If C1{z1&x2,C,x1&z2>C2 No simplification possible Otherwise V*x1Sx2, y 16 (CHx2,y2,z2>C2) | y2S(C2fx1,y1,zUCl) , z1&z2* Cl*(CHx2 # y2,z2>C2) ♦ C2* (C2fx1,y1,z1>d) Vfx1 ,y1,z1>d OR Vfx2,y2,z2K2 produces CONDITION RESULT If C1C2 VC1 If C1<(-»z1)S(-ix2) ,0, (-*x1)& (-*z2) >C2 No simplification possible Otherwise Vfx1|x2, y2& (C1fx2,y2,z2>C2) I y1&(C2d) ♦ C2* (C1fx2 # y2,z2>C2) Table 3.4 SPECIAL SIMPLIFICATIONS Some explanation of th^ notation used in Table 3.4 is needed. T he notation d{rel1}C2 represents a Boolean function, which is TRT 7 : iff C1 is related to C2 by the relation frell}. For instance, C1<0,1,0>C2 iff C1 is equal to C2. Thus, the AND portion of the table stages that if C1 = C2, then the simplified assertion is obtained by simply ANDinq the separate bits of the relation. (Thi combines assertions lik^» I" 1= 3 III" l>3 ].) If the constants are relate in iurh a w*y that th<» reqions on the real number line overlap but neither is i subset of the other, then no simplification can be p-r f orm0 ] fifl<10].) )th*rvise, a simplification can be performed indicated by the IS is :■ 73 formic qiven. (This combines assertions like f I<5 ]i[ I<3 ]. ) The value of the resultant constant used in this third case is dependent on the relationship of the constants (TRUE is interpreted as numeric 1; FALSE as numeric 0) , and effectively calculates either t h^ minimum or maximum of C1 and C2. The tests of the relationship of C1 and C2 must be applied in the ord«=»r presented in the table. Of course, more specialized simplifications can be developed an 1 apDlied to the assertions, but the simplifications presented her" se°m sufficient to successfully analyze the sample proqrams to which the invariant assertion analysis has been applied. Ii°* lynctior ^he ^valuation of the flow function is performed at STEP1 of ASSEPT_G5N. nefor? qoinq into the details of how execution assertions are qenerated, a short overview of the four steps that are involved in the evaluation are presented. 1) The input assertion, which is externally held in conjunctive normal form, is converted to disjunctive normal form D= (T(Drl-i) ,1=1, n) , D r 1-, = (i (D r i , k-, ) , k = 1 , m r j-, ) where D r 1,k-i are basic assertions. 2) For each D r ii , an execution assertion E r 1i = (l(E r 1,Pi) ,P = 1,Qr1-i) is qenerated, wh^re each E r 1,Pi is an elementary execution assertion. Each E r 1,p-, is determined by analyzinq the expression tree of an expression associated with the node 74 within the context of a portion of the input assertion (n r 1i) . 3) The corresponding D r 1-| and Epj-, are combined to Bake them compatible. Let f be the combininq function. Then P r -h = f(E r 1i#DrlT) = (* (f (E r 1# Pi r D r j-i ) ) , P= 1 ,q r1i ) • U) ? = (T (F r "h ) t 1 = 1 f n) is converted to coniunctive normal form and becomes the output assertion that is propaqated to a specific successor. The qeneralized loqic employed in the above steps is the followinq. The input assertion represents a statement that is true before execution of the statement correspondinq to the node; i. e., either D r 1i is true, or Dr2-» is true, ..., or D r n-i is true. For each D r 1-, an execution assertion, E r 1-«# is qenerated. This E r "h encodes the essence of the data manipulation that occured durinq the execution of the node, and is combined with D r 1i (yieldinq Pi-1-i) to determine the assertion that is true upon completion of the execution of the node. Since one of the D r "h was true before execution, one of the F r 1t must be true after execution. (T (Pr1i ) 1 1 = 1 # n) , after beinq converted to coniunctive normal form, becomes the output assertion. Steps 1 and 4 are well understood and will not be discussed. The remainder of this subsection is devoted to steps 2 and 3; I. e., how are the execution assertions qenerated, and how are the combined with the input assertion? 75 Execution Assertions Fiempntary execution assertions are of the form: ) del*a (X) =1 X = X + 1 X > 10 IF(X.GE. 10) X < 10 " noinfo(X) PEAD,X pass PRINT, X Th n particular form of the execution assertions presented here was chosen because they are sufficient to describe the data relationships produced by the three basic types of statements adir^ssei in this thesis, namely assignment statements, conditional ' T he form of a or a is qenerated; otherwise, a states that the new value of the variable is related to the old value by an additive constant. The 0 1 S2 X = X + Y r Y>0 1 ft f X=5 1 In order to qenerate the execution assertion delta(X)>0 at S2, EXECUTE must be able to: • determine that the tarqet variable (X) is an additive component of the expression on the riqht hand side of the assiqnment (thus, a resented in Tables 3.6, 3.7, and 3.8. These tables state how ksertiona attached to two expression are combined as the jxDrossions are added, subtracted, multiplied or divided to form a )pw expression, of course, a number of other operations, such as »xDon^ntiation, unary minus, minimum and maximum, square root, »tc, can be addressed in the same manner. • C2 produces fx1fx2, y 1Sy2Tx16z2Fz1&x2, z1Yz2>(C1 ♦ C2) • Cl - «i:x2 # y2,z2>C2 produces (C1 - C2) Table 3.6 ASSERTIONS COMBINED AT ♦ AND - NODES As a concrete example of how such an analysis is performed, ^onsirier the assiqnment statement "I = J ♦ 1" with input assertion (TJ=3 1 Y r J^ 1) * rJ<9 1). When converted to dis-junctive normal fori this assertion becomes fj=31 f fj>5 1 t [J<9]. The expression to b» analyzed is M J «■ 1" (see Fiqure 3.9(A)). Three separate inaLyses (shown in Fiqure 3.9(B,C,D)) are performed obtaininq the three elementary execution assertions new (I) =4, new (I) >6 , and i°w (I) <10. Certain optimizations can be applied to reduce the amount of malysis performed. For example, even thouqh the separate Usiuncts of an input assertion contain different information, *he information extracted and placed on the expression tree may be Identical for some se* of disiunct.s; only one elementary execution inalysis ne^»d be done for this set of disjuncts. Such a situation •f x1,y1,z1*d * •C2 produces RESULT CONDITION •y 2 | x1 Sz2| z1Sx2| x1Sx2, C1 > 0, C2 > z1| z2|x1Sx2> (C1*C2) •{z1|z2, y1Sy2fz15x2| x1F,z2 | z1F,z2, C1 < 0, C2 < x 1 1 x2|z1Sz2> (C1*C2) • 0, C2 < x1|z2>(C1*C2) • z1| x2>(C1*c2) •fx2|x1Fz2, y2|x1, z2|x1Fx2>0 C1 > 0, C2 = •0 Ct = 0, C2 > • r 1,k-, ire basic assertions. (In the example associated wih 81 •d / •fx2,y2 r z2>C2 produces RESULT •fx1|y1Kz2|z1&z2, x1Gx2|y1Sy2|z16z2, z 1 | x1Gx2| y16x2>(C1/C2) • fz1 |y16x2|x1Px2, z15z2|y1Ry2|x16x2 r x1 | z1£z2| y1P-z2>(C1/C2) •fx1|z1Rx2|y1Sx2 f z1ftx2|y1&y2|x1Sz2, z1| y16z2| x1&z2>(C1/C2) • fz1|xUz2|y1Sz2, x15z2|y1Sy2|z1Sx2, x1 | y1Bx2|7-1Bx2>(C1/C2) •fx1|z1&x2, y1, z1|x1Sx2>0 K<1|x16z2 f yi, x1|z1Sz2*0 •0 •0 •0 CONDITION C1 > 0, C2 > C1 < 0, C2 < C1 < 0, C2 > C1 > 0, C2 < C1 = 0, C2 > C1 = 0, C2 < C1 > 0, C2 = C1 < 0, C2 = C1 = 0, C2 = Table 3.8 ASSERTIONS COMBINED AT / NODE ♦.<• = "> (A) ♦ e>6) 1C=D (C) ♦ (»<10) J(.<9) 1(.= 1) (D) Fiqure 3.9 EXECUTION ANALYSIS EXPRESSION TREES 82 Fiqure 3.9, D r 1-, = r^=31 and T) r 2i - [ J>5 1 ft r J<9 1.) Let f be the combininq function. Then f (Er1i.Dr1i) = (i (f (E r 1»Pi ,D r1i) ) »P= 1*qr"h) • A partial evaluation of f (E r 1r Pi » Dr"h ) is shown in (EQ3.1). (EQ3.2) and (EQ3.3) further specify the evaluation, and the evaluation of f on elementary and basic assertions is shown in Table 3.9. (EQ3.1) f (R r 1«Pi»I>r1-i) = Eri/Pi & Dr1i if E r i,PT is a ; Dri-! if E|-1#Pt is a ; (EQ3.2) if E r i#Pn is a ; (EQ3.3) if E r i,p-, is a C. Then f (E r i#Pi»D r 1-i) = rvfx,y,zKl ft (»(f (E r i,PT,D r 1,k n )) ,k=1,m r lT) • (EQ3.3) f (E r i,p-,,D r i-i) = (ft ( f (E r i, Pt ,D r i, k-, ) ) , k= 1 , B r "h ) . Now that each execution assertion has been combined with its corresponding disjunct of the input assertion, the output assertio F = (T(f (Er1i,D r 1i)),1=1,n) is computed. of course, this is converted to con-junctive normal form before it is propaqated to the corresponding successor. Continuing with the example associated with Fiqure 3.9, f ■ r t=u i ft i\7=3i r ri*6i « ri5] & [j<9i. Af*«r conversion to conjunctive normal form, this becomes the A3 output assertion n^w(V) C1 r VC21 [TPUEl assertion (A) , (A) not involvinq V noinfo(V) rvfx,y,z>C] [TPUEl (A) , not (A) involvinq V lelta (V) fx1,y1,z1>d J" V{x2, v2, z2>C2 1 Vfxiyx2 # y1*y2fx1ftz2Tz1*x2, zlTz2>(CUC2) (A) , rot (A) involvinq V Table 3.9 EVALUATION OF F A few words should be said about why the function f evaluates to TRUE when E r 1»*i i- c a or a . Consider specifically the noinfo(V) entry of Table 3.9. Each r>ri#ki of D r "h represents ar assertion collected alonq a particular control path to *he rode, n r currently beinq processed. Since the execution of th<» statement cor respondi nq to node n destroys the current value of variable v # whatever information was known about V before execution is no lonqpr valid after execution. If one (or more) of the D r "j»k-i contains information about variable V, then it must be deleted from the conjunction in the output assertion beinq qenerated. This is ef feet iv^ly flon<=> by chanqinq all D r 1#ki involvinq V to TRUE. 8U L§ttic§ Properties And Convergence The information space of assertions under the meet operation of loqical OR has the associative and commutative properties required of a lattice space. Recall from the qeneral lattice theory discussion that the flow function, f, must have the homomorphism Droporty f(n,s,aftb) = f(n,s,a) ft f(n,s,b). In this framework, the meet operation is loqical OR, and the* above horaomorphi sm property stages that the followinq two results are equivalpnt . 1) Apply EXECUTE to the assertion AfB in order to obtain the output assertion. 2) Apply EXECUTE to A and B separately and OR the output assertions obtained. Upon inspection, EXECUTE has this property. Thus, we are guaranteed that the analysis converqes in a finite time. This realization of invariant assertion analysis does not, however, satify condition (*) , so processinq the nodes in reverse postordei do^s not quarantee the d(O r T) ♦• 1 upper bound on converqence. Ev€ thouqh we cannot quarantee rapid converqence, processinq the nodes in r-v^rsp postorder does provide a desirably structured framewor) in whi~h to embed the analysis. Modifications Small modifications can be made to the system of assertions presented in this section in order to "tune" the analysis to pro-luce morn lesir^ble final assertions. For instance, consider 8S th^ tuo identical proqrams (with final assertions attached) shown in ^irjures 3.10 and 3.11 and note that the attached assertions differ sliqhtly. The assertions shown in Figure 3.10 wer^ Statnent Assertion 51 READ, A TTRUE1 52 I = 1 TTRUEl S3 soi = o r 1=1 1 S<4 10 SUM = SUM ♦ A (I) ri<10] ss t = t ♦ 1 n IPfl.LF. 10) GOTO 10 f T>1 1 ft [I<111 S7 PPIN^,A(I) ri>10l Figure 3. 10 STANDARD EXECUTION ASSERTIONS St at m en t Assertion 51 READ, A fTRUE] 52 1 = 1 fTRUE] S3 sum = o r 1= 1 1 SU 10 SUM = SUM «• A(I) ri>1] * [1^10] ft (r suM=oifr i>i]) ss t=i+i ri>iiftfi 1 1 S7 PRINT, A(l) n>10] Figure 3.11 MODIFIED EXECUTION ASSERTIONS generated by applying the invariant assertion analysis exactly as previously specified in this section; specifically, the execution assertion generated by SS is delta(I)=1. The assertions shown in Piqur" 3.11 used the same analysis except that the execution 86 assertions used at. S5 was taken to be delta (I) >0 , a sliqhtly weaker assertion. Note that as a result an additional basic assertion of TI>11 is attached to SU and S5. Since this is a desirable fact to know (i. e., to have both an upper and lower bound for an index variable), the analysis of Figure 3.11 is prefered. (However, not* that the assertion f X < 1 1 1 is lost at S6.) The analysis used in Fiqure 3.11 is accomplished by modifying the execution assertions such that a can only encode the relationship of the chancre in a variable to the constant zero (instead of an arbitrary constant); i. e., ) 0. A second modification is to qenerate a was included as a possible execution assertion of a conditional test in the oriqinal specifications. However, its inclusion can delete useful information from the assertions attached to statements. In the example above, the information that I > 1 over a larqe reqion of the proqram is lost. THp reasons that a r*ion analysis, the qeneration of a sliqhtly weaker execution a~S2r*ion fhan can be> produced allows the qeneration of * p or all the *»xampl°s in which a . Extended Realizations The realization of invariant assertion analysis presented in Section is sufficient to detect the proqram defects Drespnted in Section 2.7. Because of the form of the basic assertions us-»d in Section, it is essentially impossible to determine the relationship of one variable to another; i. e., for instance, that: • one variable is equal to another, • one variable is a constant multiple of another, or • one variable differs from another by a constant. If such information is desired, the basic form of the assertions must be extended. For example, students will often use two or more variables to encode essentially the same information. A qiven variably I, may contain the value of J + 1 within a reqion of the proqram. If the student references the expression "I - 1 M within this reqion, h» can be informed of its equivalence with the value hell in the variable J. 90 One ex+ension that allows such information to be obtained is to replace assertions as follows. Let ::= new() ::= delta () ::= * and apply the basic concepts presented in Section Such an extended invariant assertion analysis is, of course, capable of encodinq mor* 3 information than the analysis presented i Section If the problem to be solved requires the ability to relate one variable to another, then such an analysis is -justified. However, a siqnificant amount of additional time and space is required to support such an extended analysis. Each basi assertion requires approximately twice as much memory space and a qreat many more assertions will be qenerated. For instance, consider a statement of the relatively simple form A = B t C ♦ D. At least three execution assertions must be qenerated for this assiqnment statement, one relatinq A to B, one relatinq A to C, ar one relatinq A to D. Clearly, the number of execution assertions qenerated has been expanded by a factor determined by the number < variables present in an expression. Knuth (TKNn75T) has shown tha*, in practice, 8Sf of the expressions used in FORTRAN proqram.' hav^ onp or less operators; i. e. , most expressions are very sininlp. However, even though complicated expressions do not occu: v-iry oft«=>n, + he mechanism for handlinq th°m must still be present 91 ^he simplification rulps presented in Table 3.U now become v°ry complicated because the basic relationships involved are more complicated and the structure of the expression tree may have to be perturbed to qenerate an assertion of the desired form. A new type of simplification must be added, which recoqnizes the transitive nature of the assertions. For instance, the assertion r A>3*B«-U "J ft [ B>2*C*1 1 must be combined to produce fA>3*B+U] ft [B>2*Cf1l S rA>6*Ct7], Other extentions to the realization of Section raiqht include: • summation notation, • relations other than the standard Boolean relations, or • built-in or user-def ined functions. But, any such extension will increase the complexity of the function EXECUTE and the set of simplifications used to combine assertions. The choice of the specific realization to implement must be determined on the basis of the amount of time and space resources available and the specifications that the invariant assertion analysis must meet. Summary Of Invariant Assertion Analysis Invariant assertion analysis is a powerful tool for collecting information about a qiven proqram. The specific amount of information tha* can be determined is a function of the realization 92 implemented and is, thus, dependent on the tine and space resources available. In ary event, such an analysis is s iqnif ica ntly more costly than the property P propaaation techniques presented in Section 3.2.1. Thus, it is less likely that invariant assertion analysis will be implemented in an interactive compilinq system. It has been included for two reasons: 1) It demonstrates the power of iterative qlobal flow techiques for solvinq complex qlobal flow problems. 2) Once an invariant assertion analysis has been performed, a number of proqram defects can be detected with minimal additional processinq. The concepts that have been presented in this section are language independent and apply to any procedure oriented languaqe. The analysis is, thus, applicable in a table driven compiler system . Two interesting observations should be made about invariant assertion analysis. First, *he qeneration of assertions takes place within thp framework of a qeneral procedure oriented language. Many assertion analysis systems are able to produce useful assertions only because they restrict their analysis to a limited realm of knowledge (T 1AT76 1) . The invariant assertion analysis presented here is able to produce useful assertions withi a reasonably qeneral framework. Second, the analysis is accomplish**-! by applvinq a local analysis at each node of the flow graoh; and propaqatinq the information obtained throuqh successor °du' Although the qlobal structure cf the proqram is available 93 in the flow qraph, no. explicit use is made of the qlobal structures of the proqrai. For instance, it is not necessary to preanalyze the flow qraph to determine loops and induction variables of loops (CKAT76 1, |"WEr,7UD or to determine IF-THEN-ELSE constructs. Only th« local structure attached at each node is needed. 3.3 Search Techniques .Several applications in this thesis involve performing a s?arch, startinq at a specific node, n, for the set of nodes with property (an arbitrary property) that are "reachable" from node n by traversinq the edqes of the flow qraph. Consider the followinq fluid flow analoqy: Assume node n is the only source of a fluid which can flow only in the direction of the edqes of the flow qraph. There are certain nod^s, called sinks, thrcuqh which fluid can exit from the system. If fluid exits at a qiven sink, the fluid is not propaqated further. One way of partially characterizinq such a system is to specify the set, S, of nodes (sinks) throuqh which fluid actually exits. The search technique shown in Fiqure 3.13 will be applied in the followinq situation: PRnp-ALL or FROP-SOME will have been applied to prDpaqate information throuqh the flow qraph. A nn^cific node, n, may be of interest because of the information, z, attached to the node. The search technique to be described can th°n be applied to determine the source(s) of the information, z. 9a In this technique, only one property is addressed within a qiven search. A simple branchinq search which visits each node no more than one? is applied. SEARCH(C,n,X;S) for e very, q € R q.mark <- •0«B; rof ; STK <- n; 5 <- 7; do while (STK * null) q <= STK; f 2£ fiery, x 6 X-cessor (q) if -*x.mark then x. mark <- • 1 • B; if x.s then S 4- S B {x} ; else STK <= x; fi; Us rgf ; od ; END SEAPCH Fiqure 3.13 SPECIFICATION OF SEAPCH In SEARCH (Fiqure 3.13): • S is t he set of sink nodes "reachable" from node n. • STK is a stack which holds those nodes not yet in terroqated • a. mark and q.s are bits where: • q.mark indicates if the node has been "marked" (i. e., already visited) , • q.s indicates if the node has property (i. e. , candidate sinks). ^hp noxt two subsections present specific applications which uso this search technique. 95 3.3.1 Search Por "Dereference" Points Of Dead Variables Hnref erenced lata occurs at a node when the node is an assiqn poin* o* a variable V, and V is dead (i. <*., not live) at the node. This information can be determined by applying the technique presented in Section The student may not understand why th a data is unreferenced. If th* 3 student requests supplementary information, a search for "dereference" points can be performed. These 'Mereference" points are either: • the en 1 of the proqram, or • a node at which variable V is assiqned prior to a reference to V. On completion o* SEARCH (in Analysis 3.5) , S contains "dereference" noles of variable V. — t Apply SEARCH with Node r: a dead assiqn point of variable V X: "succ" Sinks: nodes at which V is assiqned, and the exit nodes Analysis 3.5 DEREFERENCE POINTS 96 3.3.2 Search For Sources Of Initialized Variables Once an uninitialized variable, V # has been detected (by the technique of Section, it must still be determined whether it is partially or totally uninitialized. This can be done by Apply SEARCH with Node n: a node which references variable V but does not have attribute A (as determined by Analysis 3.4) X: "pred" Sinks: nodes at which V is assigned i Analysis 3.6 SOURCES OF INITIALIZATION searchinq for "sources" of initialization of V. If there are no such "sources", then V is totally uninitialized; otherwise, V is partially uninitialized. On completion of SFAFCH (in Analysis 3.6), if S = 2, then V is totally uninitialized; if S # j>, thpn V is partially uninitialized. 97 3.4 Iterative Vs. Interval Analysis Techniques Interval iMllsi?. luch work has been done on the use of intervals (fALL70 1 # rc^?701) to partition a flow qraph into sinqle entry subqraphs, which can be analyzed more easily than the oriqinal flow qraph. Various interval analysis techniques have been developed for n^r f orainq specific qlobal flow analyses of the underlyinq flow qr^Dh. These interval analysis techniques utilize a sequence of ifLiv^i gra phs that depend only on the structure of the underlyinq flow qraph. Techniquis usinq interval analysis concepts could have been leveloped in lieu of the iterative techniques presented in this thesis, but the followinq undesirable properties were considered sufficient to exclude interval techniques: • these techniques usually require the underlyinq flow qraph to be reducible^ (* reasonably stronq property) , • interval formation is an 0(|N|**2) process, • ^xtra memory is required for data structures associated with the intervals, derived qraphs and information produced durir. i the analysis, and * * rMucible flow qraph can always be qenerated from an arbitrary -low iraDh by a process known as node spl itt ing (fSCH7 3 1), but this 1'iDlicates certain nodes of the oriqinal flew qraph and may cause ian-igpapnt problems when interactinq with the student. 98 since th^ student can chanqe his proqran at any point durinq the analysis, techniques for maintaininq the intervals, derived qraphs and attached information would have to be developed (fGIL7601). This would require even more memory and timo resources durinq execution. Ii.2LSiiy.® Techniques The iterative techiques presented in this thesis do not have the above undesirable properties, but do possess the followinq properties: • the underlyinq flow qraph need not be reducible, • the DFST alqorithm is of order 0(|E1), • only a small amount of extra memory is required for auxiliary data structures, and • since the DPST alqorithm is reasonably efficient, it can be reapplied (with acceptable overhead) whenever the student edits his proqram. In addition, th^se iterative techniques are more easily understood by someone unfamiliar with qlobal flow analyses. 99 U DETECTION OF SPECIFIC CONSTRUCTS ^his chapter presents specific detection outlines for the anomalies presented in Chapter 2. The detection schemes presented here are to be implemen ted within an interactive compiler system. fhof address flow graphs that correspond to proqrams composed of the followinq elementary statements: • simplp assiqnment statements (i. e. , no embedded assignments) , • input/output statements, • flow of control (conditional and unconditional), and • invocation of subroutines (and functions). It is assumed that all subroutines have single entry and single exit points. When these detection techniques are applied within a high level lanquage, high level constructs must be decomposed into their elementary statements. (This can be done by using the concept of induced nodes; see Chapter 5.) The fact that subroutines are allowed as elementary statements introduces a number of interesting problems that must be solved. Por instance, while analyzing a given flow graph, G, a node corresponding to the call of a subroutine (with flow graph H) may be encountered. The analysis may depend on information that cannot be determined without an analysis of H. Three basic approaches can be t a V. e n : 1) " can b» pr^analyzed before the analysis of G is started so ♦■hat the information needed for the analysis of G is already available. 100 2) the analysis of G can be suspended, H can be analyzed, and control returned to the analysis of G, or 3) the node in G that invokes H can be replaced by the flow qraph of H. Approach 3 will not be considered because: • it is inefficient in both time and space, • •♦•he flow qraph may not be available (as with a built-in function or canned routine) , and • such an approach cannot be taken if subroutines are called recursively. All applications of property P propaqation (Section 3.2.1) will use approach 1 wh3n information must be transmitted from subroutine to subroutine. This approach can be used because property P propaqation is in a sense "static"; i. ^. , it does not depend on the value assiqned to variables of the proqram. The application oi invariant assertion analysis (Section 3.2.2) requires approach 2. 4.1 Applications of Property P Propaqation In this section, schema are developed for detectinq the constructs oresented in Section 2.1. A larqe number of bit vector s^ts will be developed. seme are basic vectors that contain information extracted directly from the nodes of the flow qraph ai 1o not depend on any qlohal flow analyses. Others are produced b' =* qiv^n qlohal flow analysis and represent either intermediate results to b*> used as input +o another analysis or final results from which anomaly information is to be extracted. Given a bit 101 vector set, VXXXXXX, the particular vector of the set attached to node n will be denoted hy VXXXXXX (n) . 2i2iC Vectors T vo specialized vectors, VECTOR0 and VECTOR1, are used to represent the set of vectors of all zeros and all ones, resoect ive ly. (Only one copy of these vectors need be maintained in BPiiory.) They are used, for instance, when a specific global flow analysis has no sinks (VECTOR0) or when a set of nodes are sinks of all properties (VECTOR1) . VVAPPEP r°prespnts a set of vectors that encodes information about V ARiab les REF erenced at a particular node of the flow qraph, Each variable used in the proqram corresponds to a particular position of the bit vector. The bit in a particular position of VVARPEP(n) is ' 1»B if the correspondi nq variable is referenced at nole n. VVARASS encodes similar information about the VJVRiables Assigned at a particular node of the flow qraph. The bit in a particular position of VVARASS(n) is M'B if node n is an assiqn point of the corresponding variable. These vectors are basic vectors for all tyDes of nodes except subroutine invocations (for which they are determined by Analysis 4. 1 and Analysis U.2). VEXISTN encodes information about the EXISTence of Nodes in ♦•he flow araph. Each position in the vector corresponds to a specific node of th» flow qraph. The bit correspondinq to node n is M'B in VEXISTN(n), and 'O'B in all other vectors of the set. VCOMPNT encodes information about the COMPUte EoiNJs of expressions. Each total expression, X, computed in the program corresponds to a position in the vector. Within this basic vector, expressions that are the "same" are not identified with one another. Thus, each instance of any expression is given a different bit position in the vector, even though two expressions may be eguivalent in some sense. The bit in VCOMPNT (n) corresponding to a given expression, X, is M'B if n is a compute point of X, and •O'B otherwise. s VASSPNT encodes information about ASSjq n PoiNTs of variables. Its content is similar to that of VVARASS, except that each separate assign point of a variable receives a separate bit position in the vector. The correspondences used in VCOMPNT and VASSPNT are coordinated so that the assign point of a variable (encoded in VASSPNT) that is assigned the value of an expression, X, corresponds to the compute point of expression X (encoded in VCOMPNT). This is useful in detecting transfer variables (see Section 1.1.6) where a truncated form of VCOMPNT is used. The sugqested ordering is, from left to right: • In VCOMPNT First those expressions assigned to variables, and second stand alone expressions (such as an expression in an IF or a subscript expression). : 10.1 In VASSPNT First those assiqn points involvinq expressions, and second assiqn points not irvolvinq expressions (such as an assiqn point in an input statement). •If termination Of Sinks And Sources In order to detect a qiven anomaly (such as unreferenced data) a series of basic qlobal flow analyses (such as live variable analysis) must be performed, but first the sinks and sources of the basic analysis must be determined. If these are not already known, *h^n an elementary analysis must fce performed to determine them. As a sDecifio example of this, consider a qeneralization of the live variable analysis presented in Section (Analysis 3.1). Such an analvsis is sufficient when subroutine invocations are not permitted. But consider a code sequence such as A = 5 CALL SUB1 (A) A = B. In order to determine whether or not the variable A is live at the statement "A = 5", we must know whether A 1 (the parameter correspond inq to A) is assiqned prior to reference within subroutine SUB1. Thus, SUB1 must be analyzed to determine this *act. Put SUB1 may call another subroutine with A* as arqument and this subroutine will have to be analyzed before SUB1 can be analyzed. Thus, thp subroutines of the proqram must be analyzed in a "hottom-uo" manner to determine the sources and sinks associated with live variable analvsis. Once the sources and sinks have been 10' determined, the live variable analyis can be performed on the subroutines of the proqram in a "top-down" manner. Before completinq the details of the live variable analysis, consider the framework in which the separate analyses of the subroutines are performed. Call Gra£h A qraph describinq the callinq dependency between the subroutines, hereafter called the ca.ll graph, can be created in which nodes of the qraph correspond to subroutines and the edqes o the qraph indicate the callinq sequence; i. e. , edqe (n,m) is an edqe of the call qraph iff the subroutine correspondinq to node n calls the subroutine correspondinq to node m. The call qraph is clearly a flow qraph whose entry node corresponds to the main procedure. it may have a very simple structure, such as a sinqle node (if only a main procedure is present) or a daq, or it may contain cycles, in which case the subroutines contain direct or indirect recursive calls. The form of the call qraph differs sliqhtly from the standard characterization of a flow qraph (as presented in this thesis) in that the call qraph may have no exit nodes. This can occur when subroutines are called recursively. Given that a particular analysis is to be perfomed on the fit qraphs of the subroutines, a suitable lattice space, meet operation, and flow function can be superimposed on the call qrap in order to coordinate the separate analyses of the component subroutines with the appropriate information linkaqe. In the following discussion, a qeneral outline is presented first; then , 105 specific applications to property P propagation are given. The call qraph, with its superimposed lattice structure, will be used f or two specific forms of analysis, bpttpm^up analysis and tp^zdowfl analysis. Specific algorithms are not presented because their forms are similar to that of PR0P_ALL and PROP_SOME. Lattice Space Given that there are N subroutines present in the program, the call graph lattice space consists of N-tuples of the elementary lattice space elements; i. e., (L r 1 l# L r 2-i, ... , LrN-t) where each L r 1-, is a member of the elementary lattice space associated with subroutine j. Refore analysis begins Q, 1., ... , J.) is attached to each node of the call graph as initialization. Rach L r 1-, will be referred to as an ELE (elementary lattice ; element.) and each N-tuple will be referred to as a SLE (super lattice element) . Each position in the N-tuple corresponds to a Darticular subroutine of the program, and it is through these slots that, one subroutine transmits information to another. In the case °* ^Qi^on-up. analysis, information is transmitted from the called subroutine to the calling subroutine, and in tpp-d own analysis, fron the calling subroutine to the called subroutine. When applied to property p propagation, each L r 1i is an M-bit vector and J is either VECTOR0 or VECTOR1 depending on whether PP0P_ALL or PROP_SOME is being applied to the flow graph of the inlividual subroutines. 10( Call Graph Meet Operation The call graph meet operation is induced by the meet operatioi (Up) used in the elementary analysis of the subroutines; i. e., (K|-1i# K t2t r • •• , K|-N-i) ft (L|-"N # 1t2-| # ••• * L|-N-i) = (K r 1-i fc r 1i ^r^Tt Kt2t ftr2-i Lr2i# ••• r K r N-| ^r^i L r N-!), where * r "h is 'the meet operation used in the analysis of subroutin i. Within th* constraints of property P propagation, the meet operations is either bitwise AND or bitwise OR. Call Graph Flow Function The discussion below presents an overview of the evaluation cl the flow function. Certain parameters are left unspecified and will be resolved in the next two subsections on Bottom-up Analysis and Top-down Analysis. The evaluation of the flow function at noc n (of the call qraph) proceeds as follows: 1) Extract information (A) from the SLE attached to n. 2) Attach (A) to the corresponding node (s) of the subroutine to bp analyzed . 1) Perform the required qlobal flow analysis on the subroutin flow qraph. U) Extract information (B) from the node(s) of the subroutin* flow graph. S) Within a copy of the SLF attached to n r replace the correspondinq information with (E) . T he v^Iup of th^ flow function is the SLE created in 5 and is nntuqitf^ ^o .successors (or predecessors). As information is 107 extracted from and inserted into the SLE, a transformation must be applied to the FLE in order to recoqnize the correspondence between the arquipnts of the callinq routine and the parameters of the called routine. The required homomorphism property of the flow function is inherited from the homomorphism property of the flow function us^d in thp analysis of the subroutine flow qraphs. The information, (A) and (B) , and the unspecified nod«s mentioned in th 3 above sequence of actions depends on whether the call qraph analysis is a bottom-up analysis or a top-down analysis. Th° approach of superimposinq a lattice structure on the call qraoh is a very qeneral approach. Within this thesis, it will only be applied to property P propaqation, but the approach is not restricted to such an application. For instance, the meet operations applied in the separate subroutine analyses need not be the same operation, and the separate analyses applied within the subroutines need not be the same analysis. The only essential requirement of the technique is that the analysis of a subroutine can be completed (once it has been started with information transmitted by the call qraph flow function) with no further introduction of information into the subroutine's lattice space. For concreteness, th° bottom-up and top-down analyses will be described within the context of property P propaqation, but the qeneral ization to a arbitrary flow analysis should be clear. 10i Bottom-up Analysis In this analysis information is propagated from successor t< predecessor of the call qraph (i. e., from called subroutine to calling subroutine) . The nodes of the call graph can be processed in any order but for reasons of efficiency should be processed in postorder of the DFST. Given a specific node (corresponding to subroutine S) of the call graph, evaluation of the flow function proceeds as follows: 1) For each subroutine, P, called within S, extract the corresponding ELE, A r Pi , from the SLE attached to node n. 2) Attach each A r Pi as a source to all nodes within the flow graph of S that invoke P. 3) Perform the global flow analysis (either PROP_ALL or PROP_SOME) on the flow graph of S. U) Extract the ELE, B r S-,, from the entry (or exit) node of tt flow graph of S. ^) In a copy of the SLE attached to node n, replace the element corresponding to S with BrS-i . This modified SLE is then propagated to all predecessors of the call graph node corresponding to S. The realization of why this technique produces the desired results should now be clear. The SLEs supply a "mailbox system" through which information is transferred. After a given subroutine has been analyzed, information is extracted from its entry (or exit) node, placed ini the corresponding slot of the SLE, and transmitted to its calling .subroutines. The callinq subroutines can then extract the information it neeis and proceeds with its analysis. 109 SLE2 SL51 propagated to node 1 attached to node 2 Figure 4. 1 EVALUATION OF F IN BOTTOM-UP ANALYSIS Figure u. 1 shows a pictorial representation of the process. In this figure the flow function is being evaluated at node 2. The information A r 3i and A r a T is extracted from SLE1 and attached as sources to the nodes of the flow graph of subroutine 2 that call subroutines 3 and 4. Upon completion of the elementary analysis of subroutine 2, the lattice information B r 2i attached to the entry (or »xit) node of the flow graph of subroutine 2 is extracted and ins=»rt«»d into a copy of SLE1 (SLE2) . SLE2 is then propagated to node 1. As information is extracted from and inserted into SLEs, the bits of the vector are transformed to recognize the correspondence between the arguments cf the calling routine and the parameters of the called routine. 110 Top-down Analysis In this analysis, information is transmitted from predecessor to successor (i. e. , from calling subroutine to called subroutine) of the call graph. The nodes of the call graph can be processed in any order but for reasons of efficiency should be processed in reverse postorder of the DFST. Given a specific node n (corresponding to subroutine S) of the call graph, evaluation of the flow function proceeds as follows: 1) Extract the ELE, A r Si , that corresponds to subroutine S from the SLE attached to node n. 2) Attach A r Si as a lattice element to the entry (or exit) node of the flow graph of S. 3) Perform the global flow analysis on the flow graph of S. 4) For each subroutine, P, called in S, collect the lattice ELE, B r P-, , attached to the callinq node in the flow graph of S. 5) Within a copy of the SLE, replace the corresponding information with B r P-i . This modified SLE is then propagated to all successors of the call qraph node corresponding to S. Lilfi Variable Analysis In order to see a concrete use of the call graph, let's retur to the live variable analysis. (The analyses developed here will be applied in several of the detection schemes presented later in thi~ chapter.) Before live variable analysis can be performed on qiven flow qraph, G, two pieces of information must be determined 11 1 about pach nod-^ of the flow qraph: 1) is variable V always assiqned by the execution of the statement corrpspondinq to the node; i. e. , does every control path within the node assiqn V?, and 2) within the execution of the statement corresponding to the node, does there exist a reference point of variable V that is not dominated by assiqn points of V? Por all elementary statements except subroutine invocations, the above information is encoded in VVARREF and VVARASS. Analyses U. 1 and 4.2 qenerate these vectors for subroutine invocations. Apply PROP_ALl in a bottom-up manner with in: VECTORO Property P: "an assiqn point of V has been encountered" Sources of P: VVARASS (modified by the call qraph analysis) Sinlcs of P: VECTORO (i . e. , none) X: "succ" Attribute A: "this node is dominated by assiqn points of V" Thp modified VVARASS set will subsequently be refered to by VVARASS'. Analvsis 4. 1 DETERMINE VVARASS' FOR SUBROUTINES 112 The body of Analysis 4.1 is applied to each subroutine of the proqram (i. e. , each node of the call graph) . Before the analysis is applied to a specific subroutine, S, the ELE for each call invoked within S is extracted from the SLE and attached as a source of property P to the corresponding node. PROP_ALL is then applied. Upon completion of PROP_ALL, the lattice information (attribute A) attached to the entry node of S is extracted and inserted in the corresponding slot of the SLE, which is then propagated to all predecessors. Analysis 4.2 is applied in exactly the same manner. Apply PROP_SOME in a bottom- up manner with in: VECTORO Property P: "a reference point of V has been encountered" Sources of P: VVARREF (modified by the call graph analysis) Sinks of P: VVARASS* X: "Dred" Attribute A: "there exists a subseguent reference to the current data contained in variable V" The modified VVARREF set will subseguently be refered to hy VVARPEF 1 . Analysis 4.2 DETERMINE VVARREF 1 FOR SUBROUTINES Now that VVARREF' and VVARASS' have been determined for the ■iroijtin* 3 invocations of the program, the live variable analysis (Analysis 4. 1) can b^ performed. The body of this analysis is 111 T~ Apply PR0P_S01E in a top-down manner with in: inserted by the call qraph analysis Property P: "a reference point of V has been encountered" Sources of P: VVAPREP 1 Sinks of P: VVAPASS 1 X: "pred" Attribute A: "variable V is live" The lattic information (attribute A) attached to the nodes become a new set of vectors, VLIVVAR. Analysis 4. 3 DETERMINE LIVE VARIABLES apDliel to the flow qraph of each subroutine flow qraph. Before the analysis is applied to a specific subroutine, S, the ELE correspondinq to S is extracted from the SLE and attached as a lattice element to the exit node of S. PROP_SOME is then applied, rjpon completion of PROP_SOMF, the lattice information (attribute A) attached to each subroutine invocation within S is extracted and inserted into the correspondinq slots of the SLE, which is then propaqated to all successors. Thp remainder of this section is devoted to developinq specific detection schemes for the anomalies presented in Chapter 2. The qeneral call qraph techniques presented above are employed in many of the detection schemes and should be well understood before continuinq. 11K 4.1.1 Unreferenced Data Unreferenced data deals with the detection of data assigned to a variable, which is not subsequently referenced by the proqram (see section 2. 1) . The qeneral approach is to find compute points of an arbitrary variable V at which V is dead. H^tection Outline S1: Determine the position of dead variables. Perform Analyses 4.1, 4.2, and 4.3. S2: Determine the set, U, of nodes for which a variable is dead at its assiqn point. U = fu | VVAFASS(U) 5 (-VLIVVAR(u) ) # VECTOBO}. S3: For each u 6 n, perform S4-S5. S4: Present "unreferenced" statement to the student. S5: If the student does not understand why the data is unreferenced (and thus requests more information), then S5a: search for the set of "dereference" points, and Perform Analysis 4.4. S (the output of SEARCH) contains the nodes at which V is "dereferenced". sSh: present "dereference" information to the student. Time And Space Summary Thrfp elementary qlobal flow analyses are performed requirinc the use of VVARPEF and VVARASS. VLIVVAR is qenerated as an output For each "dereference" request, one SEARCH analysis is performed 115 Given u e U, invoke SEARCH with G: flow graph of the subroutine in which u is present n: u X: "Slice" Sinks: nodes that assiqn variable V (VVARASS 1 ) and the exit node (if V is not live upon exit from t he subroutine) . Analysis U.U FTND "DEREFERENCE" POINTS 4.1.2 Oninitia lizel Variables The concept, of uninitialized variables deals with the i existence of a control path from the entry node, e, of the main program to a node, n (which references V) , such that the control path contains no assiqn point of V. The variable V is partially uninitialized if there exists such a control path; it is totally uninitialized if all control paths from e to n contain no assiqn point of V (see Section 2.2). Detection Outline f 116 t Apply PROP_ALL in a top-down manner with in: inserted by call qraph analysis Property P: "an assiqn point of V has been encountered" Sources of P: VVARASS 1 Sinks of P: VECTORO (i. e., none) X: "succ" Attribute A: "this node is dominated by assiqn points of V" The lattice information (attribute A) attached to the nodes becomes a new set. of vectors, VASSDOH. Analysis 4.5 REGION DOMINATED BY ASSIGN POINTS S1: Determine the reqion of the flow qraph dominated by assiqn points. Perform Analysis 4.1. (This determines VVARASS 1 , which is an input to Analysis 4.5.) Perform Analysi 4.5. S2: Determine the set, r of nodes containinq reference points of V not dominated by assiqn points of V. U = fu | VVARREP' (u) 6 (-.VASSDOM(U) ) * VECTORO}. S3: For each u e U, perform steps S4-S5. 34: Determine whether u corresponds to a totally or partialis uninitialized variable. 117 Perform Analysis 4.6. If S (the output of SEARCH) is empty, then variable V is totally uninitialized; otherwise it is partially uninitialized. 55: Present appropriate "uninitialized" statement to the student. lili Md Space Summary, Two elementary qlobal flow analyses are performed, both of which use WARASS. VASSDOH is qenerated as an output. For each uninitialized variable found, one SEARCH analysis is performed. Givpn u e n invoice SEARCH with G: flow qraph of the subroutine in which u occurs n: u X: "pred" Sinks: those nodes that assign V (WARASS') Analysis 4.6 SEARCH FOR INITIALIZATION POINTS 4.1.3 Proqram Structure There are several reasons for wanting to have information about the structure of the student's proqram. One is that other 118 analyses may depend on havinq such information. A more important reason is the ability to present information to the student about the structure of his proqram. Two specific structures will be discussed here, loops and IP-THEN-ELSE constructs. Students will often use low level constructs (i. e. , GOTOs and LABELs) to implement hiqh level constructs already available as features of the source lanquaqe. For instance, when a student who first learned FORTRAN starts proqramminq in PL/I, he may continue to implement IF-THEN- ELSE constructs by the use of GOTOs and LABELS. He may also use similar techniques to implement a DO-WHILE loop. The ability to detect, these user implemented constructs allows the detection system to comment on the student's use of lanquaqe constructs. The basic information used in detectinq these constructs is accessibility. A node, m, is acc ess ible from node n iff there exists a path from n to m that does not contain a back edqe (see Section 3.4). Recall that every cycle in the flow qraph contains at least one back edqe. The set of ncdes accessible from a qiven node, m, is the set of descendants of m that can be reached withou traversinq a back edqe. Thp concept of accessibility does not depend on the structure 1 of the call qraph and no information is transfered between subroutines. Thus, the analyses presented here are performed inlppendent of ^hp structure of the call qraph. 119 i ApdIv PROPS01E to the flow qraph of each subroutine of the proqram independent of the call qraph structure with in: VFCTORO Property P: "nod^ n has been encountered" Sources of P: only the node n (VEXISTN) Sinks of P: nodes induced by back edqes (VECTOR1 for nodes induced by back edqes; VECTORO for all others) X: "pred" Attribute A: "node n is accessible from this node" The lattice information (attribute A) attached to the nodes become a new set of vectors, VACCESS1. Analysis 4.7 DETEPHINE NO0ES ACCESSIBLE FROM A GIVEN NODE Analysis 4.7 determines for each node, n, of the flow qraph those nodes accessible from n. Analysis 4.8 determines for each node, n, of the flow qraph those nodes from which n is accessible. Within these analyses, when a qiven node, n, is processed, the bit correspondinq to node n is started propaqatinq throuqh the flow qr^Dh to its Dredecessors (or successors) . We want the bit to continue to propaqate until a back edqe is encountered. Since edq°s of the flow qraph contain no flow information, they cannot stoD the bit from propaqatir.q further; only the flow information in a node c=*n do this. Thus, for each back edqe, (m,n) of the flow 120 1 Apply PROP_SOME to the flow qraph of each subroutine of the proqram independent of the call qraph structure with in: VECTORO Property P: "node n has been encountered" Sources of P: VEXISTN Sinks of P: nodes induced by back edqes (VECTOR1 for | I nodes induced by back edqes; VECTOEO for all others) X: "succ" Attribute A: "this node is accessible from node n" The lattice information (attribute A) attached to the nodes become a new set of vectors, VACCESS2. Analysis 4.8 DETERMINE NODES FROM WHICH A GIVEN NODE IS ACCESSIBLE qraDh, an induced node 10 , p, is inserted; i. e. , a new node, p, is created, edqe (m, n) is deleted, and new edqes (m, p) and (p,n) are inserted. These* induced nodes are then made sinks of all bit propaqation, the effect beinq that the back edqes inhibit the bit oropaqation. Upon completion of analyses 4.7 and 4.8, the nodes induced by the back edqes are removed, and the oriqinal flow qraph is reinstated. ■; :i :, 10 ^ er . chapter S for more information on induced nodes, 121 .1.1.1 Loops The relationship of back edqes to loops is well docunented for vincible flow qraphs (see f HEC72 1) . In such a flow qraph, every oop is a sinqle entry cycle and every back edqe, (m,n), defines a oop. The heid of the loop, n, dominates all nodes of the loop and he latch, m, determines the scope of the loop. Within the ramework of this thesis, however, the flow qraph is not lecessarily reducible, and the characterization of loops is iliihtly different. characterization Of Loops Every cycle contains at least one back edqe, and, of course, iven a back edqe, the edqe is contained in some cycle. Cycles may av^ multiple entries since the flow qraph is not necessarily ed'icible. The back edqes of the DFST are not unique within the low qraph; i. e., two DFST's may produce different sets of back tdq^s (["HEC721). We can, however, use the back edqes of a specific *PST to define loops within the flow qraph. Ev»ry back edqe, (ra,n) defines a loop. The head of the loop, i, is one of the entry points of the cycle. The tail of the loop, , is usM ♦: o dpfine the scope of the loop, which is the set of od Q s contained within the loop. The scope of the loop consists of he head, the tail, and the set of nodes that are both accessible Ton the head and have access to the tail; i. e. , :copp = HT V (A1 I A2) , where 122 • HT is the set consistinq of the head and tail, • IV 1 is the set of nodes accessible from the head, and • A2 is the set of nodes from which the tail is accessible. Clearly, such a set of nodes is contained within a cycle since there exists a path from any node of the set to any other node of the sot. Note that this definition of a loop allows multiple entry cycles, and reduces to the conventional definition of a loop when the flow qraph is, in fact, reducible. Detection Outline 51: Determine the accessibility of nodes. Perform Analyses 4.7 and 4.8. For each node of the flow qraph, VACCESS1 and VACCESS2 define the sets A1 and A2 mentioned above. S2: For each backedqe, (m,n), of the flow qraph, perform step S3. S3: Determine the set of nodes in the loop defined by (m,n). The set of nodes contained in the loop is fm) W {n} U R, where B is the set of nodes defined by ANDinq VACCESS1(n) and VACCESS2 (m) . The different hiqh level lanquaqes each have their own specialized forms of loops; eq., FOR loops, REPEAT loops, and WHTL loops. Since such specialized loops are lanquaqe dependent, their identification will not b<=» discussed in this thesis. A qeneral > tit line for il-^ntifyinq such specialized loops is: 123 1) detTiine the induction variable of the loop, 2) determine the type of the induction variable, and 3) det=»riine where (in the loop) and how (by how much) the induction variable is modified. For moro details on induction variables, see [FON76]. Ill£ An! SJ2i the* scope of the loop. U. 1. 3.2 IF-THSN-ELSE Charact eri zation Of TF-THEN-EL5F For th-? purposes of this thesis, an IF-THEN-ELSE construct is Dreser.t if: 1) There exists a node, n, with two and only two successors, p and q, such that neither of the edqes (n,p) and (r,q) are bac {nodes accessible from p} and B = {q} W {nodes accessible from q} . This implies that there is a common reqion of the flow qraph that is reachable by traversinq a "forward" path from each exit edqe of node n. 3) There exists a lock node, r, in A I B such that all other nodes of A I B are accessible from r (i. e. , the separate "forward" paths taken from n culminate at a unique node) . Note that if there is such a node, r, then there can only be on^. The two separate cases of th*» IF-THEN-ELSE are then A I {nodes froa which r is accessible} and B I {nodes from which r is accessible}. Note that the above definition allows entry points other than node n and *xit points other than node r. Detection Outline S1 S2 S3: S«: Det3rmin3 the accessibility of nodes. Perform Analyses 4.7 and 4.8. For each node, n, of the flow qraph that has exactly two successors, p and q, such that neither (n,p) nor (n,q) are back edqes, perform S3-S5. • n Determine the nodes accessible from node n. A = {p} W {nodes encoded in VACCESS1 (p) } . B = {q} » fnodes encoded in VACCESS 1 (q) } . Let C = A I B. If C = 0, then there is no IF-THEN-ELSE (i. e. , return t to S 2) . Search for the lock node. lit 125 For »ach node, r, in C, we must check to see if C - fr} = fnodes encoded in VACCESS1 (r) } . If there is such an r, then it is the lock node (otherwise, return to S 2) . S5: Determine the separate cases of the IF-THEN-EL SE. The two cases of the IF-THEN-ELSE are A I fnodes encoded in VACCESS2(r)} and B I fnodes encoded in VACCESS2(r) } . XiftS And S_gace Suaaary Two elementary cjlobal flow analyses are performed requirinq the use of VEKISTN. VACCESS1 and VACCESS2 are produced as outputs. For »very candidate IF-THEN-ELSE an analysis is performed to verify th<* IF-THEN-FLSE and identify its two cases. U.1.U Subroutine Parameters This section addresses two specific anomalies, which occur in lanquaqes that use call-by-reference to implement parameter Dass inq : • local variables in a parameter list, and • modification of an input parameter (which is not an output parameter) . The detection of such parameter anomalies is accomplished by detersininq whether or not a variable (in the parameter list) is an inDUt and/or output variable. For the purposes of this thesis, the Apply PROP_SOME in a bottom-up manner with in: VECTORO Property P "an assiqn point of V has been encountered" Sources of P: VVARASS (modified by the call qraph analysis) Sinks of P: VECTORO (i. e., none) X: "succ" Attribute A: "there is a previous assiqnment to variable V" The lattice information (attribute A) attached to the nodes becomes a new set of vectors, VSUBASS. Analysis U.9 DET3RKINE ASSIGNMENT POINTS INSIDE SUBROUTINES « following definitions apply. An input va riab le is a parameter that: 11) has a source of initialization in an ancestor of the call to the subroutine, and 12) potentially references the value supplied by the external initialization within the subroutine. An output variable is a parameter that: 01) has an assiqn point inside the subroutine, and r>2) has a reference point in a descendant of the call to the subroutine. Mote that these definitions depend on the context in which the subroutine is called. 12 is encoded in VVARREF'. 02 is determine 127 AdpIy PROP_SOMF in a top-down manner with in: modified by call qraph analysis Property P: "an assiqn point of V has been encountered" Sources of P: VSUBASS for subroutine invocations; VVARASS for all other nodes Sinks of P: VECTORO (i. e. , none) X: "succ" Attribute A: "there is a prior assiqnment to variable V" The lattice information (attribute A) attached to the nodes bpcomes a new set of vectors, VPPIASS. Analysis 4. 10 DETERMINE ASSIGNMENTS IN PREDECESSOR NODES by the live variable analysis, and the required information is encodel in VLIVVAR. 01 is determined by applyinq Analysis 4.9, and 11 is determined by applyinq Analysis 4. 10. Detection Outline 51: Determine the input/output status of all variables in subroutine calls. Perform Analyses 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.9, and 4.10. At each node, n, that invokes a subroutine, the input status of all variables is dpterminei by ANDinq VVARPEF' (n) and VPPIASS(n); the output status is determined by ANDinq VLIVVAR(n) and VSUBASS(n). 128 S2: S3: S3a: S3b: For every paraneter, V, in each subroutine call perform step S3. If V is not an output variable, then If V is not an input variable, then "V is a local variable and should not appear in the parameter list." Otherwise, (V is an input variable but not an output variable) if V is modified inside the subroutine (determined by VSUBASS) then "V is a modified input variable. " liJSi AJ3l Sj:ace Summary Five elementary global flow analyses are performed requiring the use of VVARPEF and VVARASS. VLIVVAR, VSUBASS, and VPRIASS are generated as outputs. 4.1.5 Common Expression Detection Common expression detection, as used in this thesis, deals with +-he detection of multiply occurring expressions (or subexpressions) that: • are tr^e eguivalent, • compute the same values at execution time, and • are positioned in the program such that one or more of the occurrences can be eliminated. Some useful definitions are: 129 A defining variable of an expression X is a variable whose value is used in the computation of the expression. A iP-il! ex pre ssion in a proqram is a complete expression that does not ocrrur as a subexpression. An expression, X, computed at node n is recalculable at node m if nole n dominates node m and all paths from node n to node m are free of assiqn points of defininq variables of X. Two expressions are tree equivalent if their correspondinq parse trees are identical. This definition of tree equivalent does no*" recoqnize the associative, commutative and distributive properties of operators. It is used here because tree equivalent expressions are reasonably simple to detect. Other definitions of equivalent may be used as lonq as the equivalence of expressions can be detected. Since the purpose of this analysis is to convey information to the student (and not to make his proqram more efficient) , all subexpressions contained within the proqram need not be considered candidates for analysis. Only expressions that appear in the proqram as "total expressions" are considered. This partially resolves one of the problems normally encountered in common subexpression analysis, namely that there is normally a very larqe nunber of candidate subexpressions from which a small subset must be extracted. 130 For a qiven expression, X, the analysis must determine compute points of X at which X is recalculable • It is assumed that a prepass has been performed that determines candidate expressions and tree equivalent expressions. Pregass The prepass is performed to determine those expressions in the program that are tree equivalent and are to be used as candidates for common expression detection. We will use as basic candidate expressions all total expressions minus all expressions containinq no operators (i. e. , sinqle constants and variables). The polish postfix of each of these expressions is qenerated as a contiquous strinq, and all postfix forms are held contiquously in memory separated by some special character, say #, that cannot appear in any expression strinq. Each basic candidate expression can now be searched for in the composite strinq. If the implementation machine (and lanquaqe) has some type of scan command that crosses word boundaries, this search can be easily implemented. All matchinq expressions are tree equivalent expressions. Subexpressions that are not total expressions may have been found to match certain basic candidate expressions. Such subexpressions are considered as new independent candidate expressions, and a compute point is defined for them within the node in which they an computed . 131 A new set of vectors, VCOHEXP, is created in which each Apply PR~)P_ALL to the flow graphs of the subroutines of the program independent of the call qraph structure with in: vfctopo Property P: "a compute point of expression X has been encountered" Sources of P: VCOMEXP Sinks of P: VDEFVAR X: "succ" Attribute A: "expression X is r ecalculable" The lattice informtion (attribute A) attached to the nodes becomes a new set of vectors, VRECALC. Analysis 4. 11 DETERMINE NODES AT WHICH X IS REC ALCUL ABLE position corresponds to a compute point of each separate multiply occurring candidate expression. If node n is a compute point of a given candidate expression, X, then all bits of VCOMEXP(n) corresponding to candidate expressions that, are tree eguivalent to X are s^t to ' 1«B. Members of this set of vectors are used as sources in Analysis 4.11. A new spt of vectors, VDEFVAP, is created in which each Dosition corresponds to a compute point of each separate multiply occurring candidate expression (the same correspondence as in VCOMEXP) . If node n is a compute point of a defining variable of a candidate expression, X, then the position in VDEFVAR (n) 132 correspondinq to X is set to M'B. (VSUBASS produced by Analysis 4.9 is used to determine this information for nodes corresponding to subroutine invocations.) Members of this set of vectors are used as sinks in Analysis 4.11. Detection Outline S1: perform prepass in order to determine candidate expressions. First, perform Analysis 4.9 obtaininq VSUBASS as output. (This is necessary to determine VDEFVAR produced by the prepass.) The prepass defines two sets of vectors. VCOMEXP encodes the compute poin of candidate expressions. VDEFVAR encodes assiqn points of defining variables of the candidate expressions. S2: Determine nodes at which expressions are recalculable. Perform Analysis 4.11 obtaininq VRECALC as output. S3: Determine the position of removable common expressions. For any node, n, of the flow qraph, if the result o ANDinq VCOMEXP(n) and VRECALC(n) is nonzero, then there exist a removable common expression at that node . It™* AQ.1 HEice Summary. Two plem^n'-ary qlohal flow analyses are performed requirinq th" DSC of VVARASS, VCOMEXP, and VDEFVAR. VSUBASS and VRECALC ar< pro-luc^d as output. A prepass of the nodes is required to 1.13 determine* the content of VCOMEXP and VDEFVAR. A linear scan of the noles is used to find the removable common expressions. 4.1. 6 Transfer Variables Th° concept of a transfer variable deals with the use of an unneeded assignment to a variable in order to transfer data through the proqrara. The assignment is unnecessary in the sense that it can be eliminated by replacinq the pertinent references to the variable w it h the expression involved in the assiqnment. An exaaple of such a transfer is B = * A = B ♦ 1 . Th^ valu° of a variable V obtained at a specific assiqn point, n, is available at node m iff there exists a path from node n to m that contains no assiqn point of V. A variable V assiqned in an assiqnment statement (V <- ) at node n is used as a transfer variably if: • all reference points of V at which X is recalculable also have V (assiqned at n) available, and • the only V available at each of these reference points is the v assigned at node n. Mot 3 that *he definitions above specifically refer to the node in hich t he expression is computed and the variable is assiqned. Thus, for the purposes of this analysis, each instance of an expression that occurs several times in the proqram is considered 134 to he a separate expression. Similarly, each instance of a compute point of a variable is considered to apply to a separate variable. within a given subroutine, S, variables defined at specific assign points may be available from both subroutines that call S and subroutines called by S. For this reason, both a bottom-up and a top-down analysis are needed to collect all information about available variables. Apply PROP_SOME in a bottom-up manner with in: VFCTORO Property P: "a specific assiqn point of variable V has been encountered" Sources of P: VASSPNT (modified by the call graph analysis) Sinks of P: VUNAVATL X: "succ" Attribute A: "the specific assign point of variable V is available" Th^ lattice information (attribute A) attached to the nodes becomes a new set of vectors, VAVAIL2. The modified VASSPNT set will subseguently be referenced by VASSPNT' . Analysis 4. 12 BOTTOM-UP ASSIGN POINTS AVAILABLE In ord^r to determine nodes at which specific assign points of variables arf available. Analysis 4.1, which determines assign points (i. a. $ sinks) within subroutines, must be performed. Once An^lysin U.1 har, bpon performed, a new set of vectors, VUNAVAIL, i£ US created. Each position of *his vector set corresponds to a specific issiqn point of the variables (the sa me correspondence as in VASSPN^). For each variable, V, a vector ASSIGN(V) is defined in which all positions corresponding to any assiqn point of V is set to M»B. If node n is an assiqn point of V, th^n VUNAVAIL(n) = ISSIGWff). VUNAVAIL is used as the set of sinks in Analyses U. 1 2 an1 4.11, which determine the points at which specific assiqn poinds of variables are available. Apoly PROP_SO»iE in a top-down manner with in: inserted by the call qraph analysis Proo<3rty P: "a specific assiqn point of variable V has bppn encountered" Sources of P: VASSPNT 1 Sinks of P: VUNAVAIL X: "succ" Attribute A: "the specific assiqn point of variable V is available" The lattice information (attribute A) attached to the nodes becomes a new set of vectors, VAVAIL1. Analysis 4. 13 TOP-DOWN ASSIGN POINTS AVAILABLE 136 Detection Outline SI: Determine those reqions of the flow qraph in which specific assiqn points of variables are available. Perform Analysis 4.1 (to determine VVARASS' used to define VUNAVAIL) . Perform Analyses 4.12 and 4.13, which produce VAVAIL1 and VAVAIL2, respectively. The set of specific assiqn points available at node n is VAVAlL(n) = VAVAlH(n) | VAVAIL2(n). S2: Determine those reqions of the flow qraph in which soecific compute points of expressions (assiqned to variables) are recalculable . This is determined in a manner similar to that of Analysis 4.11 where VCOMPNT* (the truncated form of VCOMPNT; padded on the riqht with zeros for expressions that do not have a correspond inq assiqnment variable) is used as sources. Assume that the recalculable information is encoded in VRFCALC*. s3: Let R be the set of all assiqn points in the proqram. Store R as a bit vector of all M«B (with the same correspondence as that in VASSPNT')* 34. Determine the assiqn points that define transfer v ir iables. Perform the actions specified by the code in Fiqure U.2. Upon completion, the set R defines the assiqn points of transfer variables. 117 for every q ? G 1°£ §X£IY v referenced at q /* determined by VVAPREF */ /* assiqn points of V available at q */ TV <- ASSIGN(V) 8 VAVAIL(q) ; if r TV has more than one bit on 1 tjjpn R <- R S (-^TV) SIM R <- R fi (--(TV & (-VRFCALC* (q) ) ) ) ; ill f: ro rof ; Fiqure 4. 2 FIND ASSIGN POINTS DEFINING TRANSFER VARIABLES Four elementary qlobal flow analyses are performed requirinq the use of VVARASS, VASSPNT, VUNAVAIL, VAVAIL1 and a variant of VCOflPNT. A linear scan of the nodes is used to determine the assiqn points correspondinq to transfer variables. 4.1.7 Summary Of Property P Propaqation The detection schemes presented in Section 4.1 are intended to serve as verification that property p propaqation is sufficient to detect a larqi number of proqram anomalies. It is not necessarily intended that all these detection schemes be incorporated into one analysis system. Tn the development of an analysis system for a specific lanquaae, the desiqner should selectively pick those anomalies that, occur most frequently within the lanquaqe and concentrate his efforts there. Such a set of anomalies would orobably include som° of those presented in this thesis, but may also include other anomalies that are more specific to the lanquaqe itself. TMPUT (sinks & sources) ANALYSIS OUTPUT (produced by analysis) VVARREF VVARASS' VVARREF' VVAPASS VEXISTN VSUBASS VCOMEXP VDEFVAR 4.1 DETERMINE VVARASS' -•-4.2 DETERMINE VVARREF' ^T4.3 LIVE VARIABLE ANALYSIS 4.5 -- ASSIGN POINT DOMINANCE IBILITY IBILITY SSIGN POINTS 4.10 SIGNMENT 4. 11 VVARASS' VVARREF' -•- VLIVVAR -•-VASSDCM -*► VACCESS1 VACCFSS2 ■VSUBASS -^-VPRIASS -»► VPECALC RECALCULABIE EXPRESSIONS VASSPNT ^[4.12 AVAILABLE ASSIGN POINT! VAVAIL2 VASSPNT' VMNAVATL VASSPNT'' ^4.13 Fiqure 4.3 VECTOR SET INTERDEPENDENCE VAVAIL1 Fiquro u.3 presents a summary of the interdependences of th vector sets. Durinq the execution of any particular elementary iLobal flow analysis (or sequence of such) only a small number of 139 rector sets need be in immediately accessible memory at any given imp. ».2 Applications of Invariant Assertion Analysis This section discusses a detection scheme for each of the oroqram defects presented in Section 2.7. Each of these defects can be detected upon completion of the invariant assertion analysis Dresented in Section, and each of the following subsections issumps this analysis has been performed. *.2.1 Subscript Out Of Array Pounds Th° invariant assertion analysis has produced an assertion for ach node of the flew graph. At each array reference the value of •he subscript can be analyzed, within the context of the assertion ittached to the node in which the array reference occurs, to determine if the subscript is in bounds. Consider the program segment in "igure U.U; the assertions are supplied at the right. Assume A is dimensioned 10 elements long. By interrogating ►h^ abortions attached to the nodes, it can be determined that the array reference at S11 57 PRINT, A(T) fl>101 Assertion ("TRUE"! fTRUEl [i-n n>11 I [I<10] I ([SOM=0]f[I>1 ]) [I>1 1 ft f I<10] 1U0 Figure 4.4 ARRAY REFERENCE OUT OF BOUNDS However, all array out of bounds conditions are not as easily decided. Assume an array reference to A (I) between S5 and S6 and that the corresponding assertion is fl>1]. Of course, such an array reference would be out of bounds but the assertion [I>11 does not quarantee this fact; it only indicates a potential out of bounds reference. 4.2.2 Parameter Of A FORTRAN DO Loop < Thp ANSI definition of FORTRAN states that all parameters of a DO loop must be positive. After the invariant assertion analysis has bean performed, if it can be determined that a parameter of a DO loop is non-positive, an appropriate message can be presented. Consider the program segment in Figure 4. 5. J used as a parameter of t-hp DO loop at S3 is non-positive as indicated by the attached assertion . Statient si no 20 i = 1 ,1 s2 j = t -n S3 DO 20 K = 1 , J Assertion f TR0R1 ri>i 1 1 n-9] > « cr i=i ]tcji i) r i>i i & r i-9] « rjn> 1U1 SU B(T) = B(I)*A(I,K) fl>1l ft [I<101 ft N>-9] ft [J<0] i r k=i i SS 20 CONTTNUP ri>ii ft [i-9 i ft tj C, then condition C must be true and thi correspondinq branch will always be taken. If A => -»C, th condition C must be false and the correspondinq branch is never taken (and can, thus, be eliminated). If neither of these conditions holds, then more than one branch of the conditional test can occur. Consider the proqram seqnent in Fiqure 4.7. The condition, D =3, tested at S2 is uniformly false and S2 can be eliminated from le proqram. 141 Stataent Assert ion 51 TF (D.EQ. 3) GOTO 10 (A) 52 IF(D.EQ.l) B = 5 r D# 3 1 I (A) Fiqure 4.7 TJNNECFSSARY TEST CODE U.2.S Non-executable Code A rqn trpl £ath in a flow qraph is a sequence of nodes in which the first nod^> is the entry node, e, and the nth node of the sequence is a predecessor (in the flow qraph) of the ntlst node of the sequence. An execution path is a control path for which the followinq semantic condition is true: the execution conditions produced by the execution of the correspondinq proqram does not exclude the execution of the statement correspondinq to the n+1st node upon completion of the execution of the statement correspondinq to the nth node. Th°re may exist nodes of the flow qraph that are not in anj execution nath. This section presents a technique for determininq reqions of the flow qraph that are contained in no execution path. St at went Assertion S1 T = 1 r TRUE 1 S2 sni = r 1 = 1 1 S3 10 SU1 = SOB ♦ A(I) ri^1l * (f I>1 ]TrSUM = 01) S'4 1=1+1 fl>1 1 S5 ir(I.GE.O) GOTO 10 [I>11 SA f>pTNT,Sn»1 TPALSEl Piqure 4 . 8 NON-FXECUTABLE CODE urn Consider the proqram seqment in Fiqure U.8. Note that the assertion attached to S6 is FALSE. This fact guarantees that S6 is not a member of any execution path; i. e. , S6 will never be executed. Qb servatgn 4.J, Any node, n, that, after application of the invariant assertion analysis of Section has the assertion FALSE attached to it, is not a member of any execution path. Before proving this obervation, consider the followinq lemma. Lemma 4.__1 Durinq the execution of ASSFRT_GEN, if a node, n, has an input assertion D # r FALSE! and an output assertion A = [FALSE] for a qivon branch R, then 1) node n corresponds to a conditional test, and 2) the pxecution assertion, Fr1#"»T (EQ3. 1 in Section is inconsistent with the input assertion, D; i. e. , the corresponding branch R is not taken. Proof of lemma 4. 1 : After analyzinq FQ3.1 (which depends of EQ3. 2, EQ3.3 and Tabl 3.9), it is evident that the only way of obtaininq an output assertion of [ FALSE 1 qiven an input assertion D # [FALSE] is by application of +he first line of EQ3.1. This implies that the execution assertion is a - i/) as o ►J in z « c. E- I — ►J M - r O u M OS en 3 N H N U >- D ■J K ft E- U w tt 3= o < -1 a; / / / / • / / / / tS) m Bi O J M U H 3= U w a C5 Z H ^ a 05 o s H < IB OS U o z u C9 / rt w Eh U < «« Q U, 05 H W E t- Cu Z Z H M i V I \ -t -V \ ^ OS M OS X 0* =3 W *: C E- o in u 1 OS K O W (- hJ < H hJ Cj IA IT Z C -e U os H i 1 es M e- os c_> c «S H as m «s c X u u \ a CO Eh U X a to w Eh E- z \ M< J CO O h3 ra co ►< Eh in Figure 5. 1 SYSTEM CONTROL STRUCTURE 148 2) Only small programs, of # say, thirty statements or less, are to be passed across the interface. 3) Input from the student is accepted from a keyboard. 4) Output is displayed to the student on an interactive screen. Compiler-translator System The compiler system (at left in Figure 5.1) is assumed to be similar to that described in TWIL76 1. Besides stating the following three essential reguirements of the compiler system, the compiler system will not be discussed further. 1) The SYMBOL TABLE and INTERMEDIATE TEXT must contain sufficient information for the analysis system to extract what it needs. 2) The compiler system must be able to accept input source text from an intermediate file produced by the analysis system. 3) The compiler system must have some facility for the user tc reguest the invocation of the analysis system. Note that the interface between the compiler system and the analysis system is guite narrow. When control is passed from the compiler system to the analysis system, the INPOT DATA INTERFACE Bioitilo is invoked, which creates an ANALYSIS SOURCE TEXT file from the compiler SYMBOL TABLE and INTERMEDIATE TEXT. Before control i returned to the compiler system, the OUTPUT DATA INTERFACE module La invoke, which creates a source text file to be accessed by the compiler system. This flesiqn of separating what might have been common rta*a bas*» was chosen so that a change in the data structure f 1U9 of on« of the two systems does not adversely affect the underlying structure of thr» other system. As a change is incorporated into one system, only the INPUT DATA INTERFACE module and OUTPUT DATA INTERFACE module need be modified. Such a desiqn also insures that each systpm need only work with data pertinent to its own analysis, instead of data impost upon it because of importance to the other system. IniiYsis System The analysis system has ten process modules. The INPUT DATA INTERFACE module and OUTPUT DATA INTERFACE module, as discussed above, ar<= used to transform the data base used by one system into th-> lata base used by the other system. No useful analysis is performed in these modules, and they will not be discussed further. T h^ major responsibilities of each of the remaining modules is briefly discussed below. ANALYSTS MONITOR Th° ANALYSIS MONITOR coordinates the execution of all other modules of *he analysis system. It first invokes the INPUT DATA INTERFACE module, which creates the ANALYSIS SOURCE TEXT us^d to produce the flow nraph of the student's source program. It then invokes thp GRAPH GENERATOR and STRUCTURE ANALYZER, which create th^ underlying flew graph (s) and determine the ordering of the noi^s used by the GLOBAL FLOW ANALYSTS module. The INPUT/OUTPUT HANDTPR is then invoked to accept commands entered on the keyboard by the student. 150 The student will have a variety of requests that he can make. This may vary with different system designs, but the followinq set of commands is suqqested: 1) The student can request information on the operation of the analysis system. such information should include basic instruction on the operation of the analysis system and help sequences for specific analyses available to the student. 2) He can request to return to the compiler system in which case the OUTPUT DATA INTERFACE module is invoked and control is returned to the compiler system. 3) He can edit his proqram in which case the STATEMENT EDITOR is invoked. (It is suqqested that only limited editinq facilities be make available within the analysis system.) 4) He can request an analysis (or collection of analyses) to be performed in which case the ANALYSIS CONTROLLER module is invoked. 5) He can request that proqram seqments and currently pending messages be replotted on the screen. Besides the general coordination and invokinq of the processinq modules, the ANALYSIS 10NITOR is resonsible for: • initializinq the LATTICE SPACE DATA BASE, • interpretinq the results of the specific qlobal flow analyses, and • creatinq and formattinq messaqes to the student. 1S1 INPUT/OOTPUT UANDLER This module is the interface between the student and the analysis system. It has the following functions: 1) It accepts commands from the student's keyboard. ?) It displays segments of source program text (in coordination with the ANALYSIS MONITOR) on the display screen. 3) It iisDlays messages and annotations produced as a result of th-» various global flow analyses. U) It lisplays text providing basic instructions for the operation of the analysis system. GRAPH GENERATOR The GRAPH GENERATOR module scans the ANALYSIS SOURCE TEXT to produce the basic flow graph structure corresponding to the student's source program. This module must have a basic knowledge of the source languaqe in order to determine the type of statement to which each node corresponds and to determine the successors and predecessors of each node. STRUCTURE ANALYZER ^his module applies the DEST algorithm to the flow graph in orrter to determine the reverse postorder of the nod°s. It also qen-^rates the call graph used to coordinate the separate analyses of th° component subroutines. It is invoked immediately after a s^que-ce of editing functions and before any further analysis is performed. 152 STATEMENT EDITOR The student should be allowed to edit his proqram within the control of the analysis system. The editinq facilities need not he significant but such a facility should be present so that the student need not return to the compiler system to perform elementary editinq functions. Arbitrary editinq facilities should t probably not be provided because this implies that the knowledqe of i th° compiler- translator would have to be duplicated within the analysis system. The followinq editinq functions are suqqested: • the ability to delete a statement, • the ability to move a statement, and • the ability to have the analysis system implement a transformation it has suqqested. Even this limited editinq facility requires the STATEMENT EDITOR to have some knowledqe of the source lanquaqe. » .on As the STATEMENT EDITOR module performs the editinq functi requested by the student, the FLOW GRAPH and correspondi nq ANALYSIS SOURCE TEXT must be updated to reflect the editinq chanqe. After a sequence of editinq commands and before any analysis can be performed, the STRUCTURE ANALYZER module must be invoked to reflect the new structure of the FLOW GRAPH. II it 1^3 GLOBAL PLOW ANALYSIS This module is invoked to perfon one of the elementary qlobal flow analyses; i. ? . , PROP_ALL, PR0P_S0I1E, and ASSEPT_GEN. The LATTICE SPACE DATA PASE and PLOW GRAPH are accessed and the LATTICE SPACE DATA RASE in which the lattice information correspondinq to th*» nodes is held, is modified durinq the execution of the an^Lvris. The ANALYSIS CONTROLLER module, which invokes the GLOBAL PLOW ANALYSIS module, must coordinate the separate elementary qlobal flow analyses and the data used by them to successfully comnlet^ the analysis requested by the student. ANALYSIS CONTROLLER •"his module is invoked whpn the student requests an analysis to be performed. All of th^ detection outlines presented in Chapter U are coded within the ANALYSIS CONTROLLER module. A qiven analysis may require several invocations of the GLOBAL FLOW ANALYSIS module to complete the entire analysis. It is the job of *he ANALYSTS CONTROLLER module to coordinate the data maintained within thp LATTICE SPACE DATA RASE and to perform successive invocations of the GLOBAL PLOW ANALYSIS module in the correct sequence +c complete the required analysis. DIRECTIONS AND HELP This modulo is invoked when the student asks for instructions in how to operate the analysis system. It. presents information about the different options available to the student and how to be-t utilize tho system. 15a Analysis Coordination Several basic elementary analyses depend on a specific elementary analysis that may or may not have already been performed on the current source proqram. For instance, the uninitialized variable analysis of Section 4.1.2 requires that Analysis 4.1 be performed in order to obtain VECT0R3'. If Analysis 4.1 has already been performed on the currant source proqram, say because an unreferenced lata analysis was previously requested, and the results of th 3 analysis have been saved, then Analysis 4.1 need not be repeated; the previously saved results can be used. A simple mechanism can be employed to recoqnize when a require! analysis has already been performed. With each specific elementary qlobal flow analysis a bit is associated, which is initially set to 'O'B. Whenever an elementary analysis is performed, its correspond inq bit is set to M 1 . Whenever an edi^-inq function is performed, all bits are set to , , B. Durinq the execution of a detection outline, when a specific analysis is to he performed, if the correspondinq bit is • O'B, then the analysis must be performed; otherwise the analysis need not be performed (and the previously stored results can be used). 5.2 Flow Graph The nodes and edqes of the flow qraph are the basic data structures upon which all of the qlobal flow analyses are based. TV- 1 noi» structure described b*»low constitutes the minimal node 1SS structure required for implementation. The fields of the nodes are as follows: 1) Typ° of node. This field identifies the type of source statement to which the node corresponds (eq. , assiqnnent statement, transfer of control, or conditional test). The exact number of typ°s is lanquaqe dependent and a variety of different codinqs can be used to represent the different types. ?) List of successors. This field is a pointer to a list of successors of the node. The edqes of the flow qraph are thus encoded as linked lists of nodes. Additional information may be retained alor.q with the node information. For instance, additional ir.f ormmation about the edqes is necessary to qenente execution assertions for the different successors of a conditional test durinq the invariant assertion analysis. 1) List of predecessors. U) Source pointer. A pointer must be maintained to identify the source statement to which the node corresponds. In most implementations, this will point to an intermediate text form of the source statement (assuminq that the content and position of the actual source statement can be recovered from this) . S) Reverse postorder. The orderinq determined by the DFST alqorithm is held in this fi-^ld. For efficient execution an array, which 156 encodes this same information, is also maintained so that nodes can be processed quickly in the desired order. 6) Pointer to lattice element. This is a pointer the the particular lattice element currently attached to the node. In the case of property P propagation, it is a pointer to an M-bit vector. In the case of invariant assertion analysis, it is a pointer to an assertion. 7) Flow function pointer. The evaluation of the flow function is based on information associated with the node. In the case of property P propagation, two pointers are required to point to the vectors that encode source and sink information. In the case of invariant assertion analysis, a list of pointers is required, each of which points to an expression tree of an expression in the statement. 8) Source order pointer. The order in which the oriqinal source text was presented by the student should be encoded within the flow qraph. This information is required when the student is editinq his proqram. For instance, if the student deletes a GOTO statement, then the flow qraph must be modified to reflect the new flow of control, which depends on the oriqinal order of the source text. The pdq^s of the flow qraph can be implicitly specified at the noler, by maint^ininq a list of successors and predecessors at each node. 1S7 InJllCfi Nodes ^hp concepts presented in this thesis address only basic statements (i. Q . , I/O, assiqnrapnt, subroutine invocation, and transfer of control) . Por these concepts to be applied within a laniuaqe contiininq hiqh level constructs (such as DO loops, WHILE Loops, etc.), =»ach hiqh level construct should induce a set of nodes correspondi nq to its implied low level constructs. Por instance, a PORTRAN DO statement induces a node that assiqns the valup of the first parameter to the index variable of the DO loop; th° correpondinq CONTINUE statement induces a node that increments the iniex variable of the DO loop and a second node that compares th<> index variable to the upper bound. Such an implementation requires the addition of four more fields to the basic node data structure. These fields are required in order to communicate with the user in his own terms. The user knows nothinq about the underlyinq flow qraph framework that the analysis system is usinq to analyze his proqram. If the analysis system finds an anomaly within an induced node, the system must reference the node that induced it when communicatinq with the iser. Conversely, when the user edits his proqram, the system must know which in iuced nodes are affected. The new fields of the nodes 9) Tnducii node. This is a Boolean flaq indicatinq whether or not the node is an induced node. 15 10) Pointer to the iniucinq node. If the node is an induced node, then this is a pointer to the node that induced it. 11) Cosmetic node. This is a Boolean flaq indicating that the node is present for cosmetic purposes only and is to be iqnored durinq the analysis. A node that induces a set of nodes becomes a cosmetic node. 12) List of induced nodes. If the node induces a set of nodes, this list encodes the s«=>t of nodes induced. The set of source statements that induce nodes (and the type of noie induced) is lanquaqe dependent since hiqh level constructs vary between lanquaqes. This concept of induced nodes can be applied to many differe:: aspects of the lanquaqe (dependinq on its complexity) . For instance, a conditional statement that tests a compound condition should induce a set of nodes each of which tests only a simple condition. If this loqic is employed, the job of the invariant assertion analysis is made much easier because only nodes with simple conditional ^ests need be addressed. Induced no<3es should also be employed with multiple or embedded assignment statements. 1S9 5.3 Global Plow Alqorithm The alobal flow algorithms can be easily implemented in any lanquaqe in which linked lists are easily implemented and individual bits within a word are easily accessible. This section addresses the implementation of specific aspects of the qlobal flow alqor ithms . FLOW! (G,e,in) £0I §.1&L1 Q e G a. lat <- J; STEP1 : q. mark <- ' 1 'B; *». lat <- in; STKP2: do yJlii£ (rq.mark = M'B for some q € G]) for 1 «- 1 to |S| if has the form ; all other elementary assertions have three or less fields. The uniform data structure contains the followinq fields. 1) Pointer to the variable. Depenling on the implementation of the compiler, this woul probably be a pointer to the symbol table entry of the variable. 2) Pointer to the constant. Probably a pointer to the symbol table entry of the constant. 31 Relation. A three bit code can be used to determine the relation between the variable and the constant. 4) Type of assertior. A thr^e bit cod<* can be used to identify whether the assertion is: • a , • a (new assert>, • a , or • a . 161 For efficiency of processinq, the conjuctive normal form of the assertion can be held in a canonical linked list of the folLowinq for™. r ach dis-juction is held in the form of a linked list. Within the list, s are held in order sorted by flajor: pointer to variable Intermediate; pointer to constant Minor: relation •"he coniuction of dis-junctions is also held in the form of a linked list, where each conjunct is held in order sorted by ♦■he first member of the dis-junctions. Thi^ orderinq can be used to efficiently perform searches throuqh ♦ h'* assertions when assertions are beinq combined or simplified. Por instance, assume we wish to perform simplifications on basic ass a r*ions involvinq the variable X. Since the assertions in each lisluction are sorted, all basic assertions involvinq X will be iro'ipel into * reqion of the linked list. In searchinq down each linked list, once this reqion has been processed the list need not h» searched farther. m his orderinq can be efficiently implemented by holdinq the fields of the assertion contiquously in memory (ma"jor, int., minor) anl ♦reatinq th» assertion as the numerical equivalent of this bit Itrinq when d ^t^ rmi ninq its position in a linked list. In this way the thro* 1 pertinent fields of the assertion need not be addressed iPo^r at. ely. If course, an actual sort need n°ver be performed on ^ny linked list; when a basic assertion is to be inserted into a linked list it can b=» inserted into its properly ordered position. 16a 6 SUMMARY A basic flow qraph structure has been presented, and improvements to the existinq iterative qlobal flow techniques of Kildall and Kam & Ullman have been developed. A number of proqraraminq anomalies commonly found in students 1 proqrams have been identified, and the improved iterative qlobal flow techniques have been applied to the problem of detectinq specific instances of these anomalies. The detection is performed without, any knowledqe of the alqorithm the student is attemptinq to implement. The improved form of Kara K ullman's alqorithm has several desirable properties. Within each pass of the alqorithm throuqh the nodes of the flow qraph, nodes in reqions of thp qraph where lattice information has stabilized are not processed. Thus, unnecessary processinq, which sometimes occurs in Kam & Ullman' s alqorithm, is eliminated. Because of the way in which nodes are marked in order to determine whether a node must be processed, the improved alqorithm normally converqes in one less pass over the noles than Kam S nilman's alqorithm and always converqes in no more than d(G,T) ♦ 1 passes over the nodes of the flow qraph. The combination of these two properties means that the improved alqorithm in qeneral processes fewer nodes; in many cases as much as 50 percent fewer nodes. Th? improved iterative qlobal flow alqorithm has been applied within throo listinctly different frameworks. 165 1) Property P propaqation supplies an efficient framework into which many of the classical qlobal flow analyses fall. This fraaework uses bit vectors and bitwise operations to propagate information through the flow qraph. Property P propaqation has been applied to problems involvinq data flow md proqram structure. 2) A call qraph, which encodes the callinq dependency between subroutines, has been developed, and a semilattice structure has been superimposed upon it. This framework is used to transmit, information between subroutines. Explicit and implicit recursive subroutine calls do not constitute a special case and ar* 3 easily handled within this framework. ^) An invariant assertion analysis has been developed in which information is collected about the value of variables. This framework has been applied to the detection of anomalies involvinq the value of variables. A system desiqn incorporatin q these techniques has been presented alonq with a basic philosophy to be applied when interacting with the student. *>. 1 Conclusions Iterative qlobal flow techniques are a powerful tool for iet^ctinq «* viriety of anomalies in proqrams, ranqinq from data c low problems to proqram structure. 166 Detection schemes, which use the three basic frameworks that have been developed in this thesis, can be incorporated into an "intelligent" interactive compiler system capable of advising the student about specific anomlies present in his program. In this way, the student* s attention can be directed to regions of his program where logic errors may be present. 6.2 Other Applications The technigues developed in this thesis have obvious applications in compiler optimization. Many of the technigues usee in the detection schemes are taken directly from the compiler optimization discipline (»g. # live variable analysis and common subexpression detection) . The improved algorithm is applicable to th° same range of problems as the original algorithm presented by Kan & Ullman. Affiliations of, £roj>pr_t;y £ P.£<2£§.gation Sevpral of the specific anomalies to which property P propagation has been applied have a direct use in compiler optimization. Three specific examples are presented here. Unreferenced data constitutes a situation in which a complete assignment statement can be eliminated from the source program. t *rms of object code the deletion of such an assignment statement illows the elimination of the evaluation of an expression and the iinrnf-nt of this value to a variable. The elimination of the 167 evaluation of the expression can only be performed if there are no side effects associated with its evaluation. The elimination of such a source statement may uncover more unreferenced data. ^he elimination of certain forms of transfer variables can produce a small code improvement. Each transfer variable that can be eliminated allows the deletion of one load and one store instruction (assuminq a reqister machine) and frees one word of memory . The input/output status of subroutine parameters can be used to letermine the tvpe of code qenerated. Clearly, if a qiven parameter is neither an input variable nor an output variable, it need not be addressed in th^ subroutine linkaqe. This saves both execution time and space (both data and proqram space). Property P propaqation can be applied to a variety of other compiler optimization problems. For instance, consider the followinq problem: Assume we have a compiler that will perform an execution-time test to ch^ck if variables have been initialized. (Two such compilers that have this feature are PL/C and WATFIV.) k naive approach is to include the run-time test for each refprenc=> to ev»ry variable, but this is very expensive in both tim-» and space. clearly, execution-time tests need not be incluied at reference points of a variable, V, that are dominatel by assiqn points of V. Property P propaqation can bf> used to identify such reference points. The reader should havp no trouble desiqninq a detection scheme for this problem. 168 AE£li£§£i2IL§ Qf Iav§Ci3H£ Assertion Anal ysis Invariant, assertion analysis has an obvious application to the general problems of assertion qeneration and program proving. By itself, it is not a program prover, but it may prove to be a useful tool in the development of a program proving system. Invariant assertion analysis would have an interesting application within a compiler in which the ability to make assertions about variables of the program is an integral part of the source language (riOV76 1). Such a feature can be naturally incorporated into the framework of invariant assertion analysis. An in-line source assertion. A, can be considered to be an ordinar source statement whose execution assertion is A. Invariant assertion analysis has an interesting application i compiler optimization. It can determine certain regions of the source program that cannot be reached by any execution path. Thes regions can be deleted from the flow graph and need not be considered in further optimization considerations. Object code need not be generated for such regions. As presented in Section 4.2.U, uniformly true or false conditional tests can be detected. For such conditional tests, the appropriate action is predetermined, and the actual test can be deleted. Thp particular realization of invariant assertion analysis prespnted in this thesis deals with assertions that encode inf ->rmat- ion about the value of variables, but other forms of invariant assertion analysis miqht utilize assertions that encode lifforant information, say information about the ty_£e of the 1* 1 ) variable. As a concrete example of such an application, consider an array lanquaqe, such as 0L2 (fPHl72"|), which has as its ma-jor lata *ype different forms of arrays: rectangular, lower trianqular, liaqonal, tridiaqonal, Hessenburq, etc. Consider the two proqram segments in Fiqures 6.1 and 6.2. 51 M <- LT; 52 for i <- 1 to n 53 H <- M*DIAG; SH H <- M ♦ LT; S5 rof; Figure 6.1 1 IS * LOWER TRIANGULAR MATRIX 56 M <- LT; 57 for i <- 1 to n SB M «- M*DIAG; S9 M «- M ♦ R; S10 rof; Fiqure 6.2 M IS A RECTANGULAR MATRIX *ss'iip ♦-he followinq declarations for the variables: • M is an n by n r^ctanqular matrix, • LT is an n by n lower trianqular matrix. 170 • DIAG is an n by n diaqonal natrix, and • R is an n by n rectanqular matrix. In these fiqures, ♦ and * represent matrix addition and Multiplication, respectively. Note that the only difference between the two code sequent s occurs at S4 and S9; in Figure 6.1 a lower triangular matrix is added to H, and in Pigure 6.2 a rectangular matrix is added to M. Upon exit from the for. loop in Figure 6. 1 M is, in fact, a lower triangular matrix; i. e., all the entries above the main diagonal are zero. Upon exit from the fop. loop in Figure 6.2 fl is a full rectangular matrix. A realization of invariant assertion analysis, which uses assertions that encode information about array types, can be developed to determine the maximum size required for an array. When this maximum required size is found to be less than the declared size, the analysis system can automatically apply the restricted attributes to the array. Such an application of invariant assertion analysis constitutes an optimization in both time and space. 6. 3 Further Work The anomalies presented in Chapter 2 are representative examples of the type of anomaly present in student's programs, and in no way exhaust the types or forms of anomalies that occur. A large set of similar anomalies can be identified, and detection 3chem»s can be developed for them. Because there is such a large 171 set of such anomalies, attention should be directed toward those anomalies that most frequently occur in students' proqrams. This lay turn out to be lanquaqe dependent. The analysis of the machine problems aentionei in Chapter 1 is an initial approach to this problem . A basic inefficiency inherent in the detection schemes is caused by the fact that whenever any editinq is performed by the 3tu1ent, all previously determined information is discarded and the analysis beqins aqain with the DFST alqorithm. This is inefficient because the information associated with the previous proqram structure may be useful in deterraininq information about the new proqram structure. Some work has been done on this problem in the area of interval qlobal flow analysis (rGIL76U]). Similar techniques should be developed in the area of iterative qlobal flow analysis . 5.3.1 Error And Anomaly Evaluation This thesis has developed detection schemes for findinq specific instances of a number of proqram anomalies commonly founi in student's proqrams. The qeneral philosophy of the thesis has be°n that once the anomaly has been brouqht to the student's attention it becomes the student's responsibility to determine the <>rnr ( if any, that caused the ancmaly. This is a reasonable approach and constitutes a well balanced man/machine problem solvirq team. Put in some situations the student will simply not 17; be able to determine the loqic error that induced the anomaly. Thus, a more helpful system would be able to, at least in some cases, make a reasonable "quess" as to what the underlying loqic error is. The discussion below presents two examples of how the system miqht infer such information once unreferenced data has bee detected . In Section 2.1 several examples were presented that associate specific: instances of unrefprenced data with assumed loqic errors. Consider the code sequence I = 1 DO 10 I = 1,20 in which unreferenced data occurs because the index variable is initialized outside the DO loop. Such a situation can be detecte: by determining whether the one and only "dereference" point of thf unreferenced assiqnment statement is associated with the entry of DO loop. when such a conf iquration is detected, a very specific statement about the initialization that occurs at a DO statement and the fact that the index of the DO loop need not be initialize' outside the loop can be presented to the student. As a second example consider the code sequence SUM = DO 10 I = 1,5 10 SUMM = SUM ♦ A(I) in which two actual variables (SUMM and SUM) have been used for oe logical variable. In many cases of this type of error, the occurence of unreferenced lata is accompanied by a correspondinq unini* i^ liz«3 variablp anomaly (in this case, SUM is uni nitialize 173 at <;tatPiPnt 10), and the two variable names associated with the ♦•wo spparate anomalies are normally very "similar." If a measure can be developed to determine how "close" two variable names are (T i ")R 70 1> # then a specific unreferenced data anomaly and a specific uninitialized variable anomaly may be found to correspond to one another. In such a situation the system can suqqest to the student tha* he may have used two different variable names for one loqical variable. The two examples presented above are special cases in which thr student can be informed about a possible underlying loqic prror. Further work should be done to determine the characteristics of anomalies associated with specific types of lo^ic errors. The analysis of the proqram sets mentioned in :hdDtpr 1 is a step in this direction. The outcome of such an analysis will probably identify a larqe number of special cases ♦"hat must be detected (as indicated by the two examples qiven above). Such a set of special cases is undesirable because the detection of ^ach case will probably require separate code. Purth^r work should be done to uncover a uniform approach for ^orrelatinq anomalies and their underlyinq loqic errors. ItiH5fiI Variables Further work must be done to identify what specific instances of transfer variables should be brouqht to the student's attention. Th<» nurpose of detect inq transfer variables is to detect code sequences such as 171* B = A A = B ♦ 1 (where B is not referenced further in the program). Unfortunately, transfer variables (as defined in Section 2.8) are associated with other useful proqramminq techniques. Three examples of transfer variables that are associated with useful programming techniques are presented below, but further work must be done to identify others. 1) Evaluation of an invariant expression outside a loop — Given in invariant expression, X, that is referenced withi a loop, it is a common practice to assign the value of X t< a temporary variable, V # outside the loop and to reference the value of V inside the loop. Such a situation constitutes a transfer variable, but is useful for producing efficient execution. This form of a transfer variable should not be brought to the student* s attention. 2) Multiole computation of the same expression -- A transfer variable is often used to transfer the value ol an expression to sever.a.1 different positions wi+hin the proqnm. Such a use of a transfer variable may save execution time in that the value of the expression need only be evaluated once. Such a situation is clearly a useful application of a transfer variable and should not brought to the student's attention. 3) Initialization -- A standard proqramminq technique is to initialize the vali of a variable to a constant value and then reference the variable instead of the constant. Such a technique is 175 useful in parameterizinq a proqram and should not be brouqht to the stuient's attention. Bach of the three forms of a transfer variable presented above can be automat ica lly identified so that it is not brouqht to the stuient's attention. *>.1.2 Heuristics Based On Experience The anomalies presented in Chapter 2 constitute clear-cut proiram constructs that should be brouqht to the student's att^n^ion. The reason that these anomalies can be detected in a straiqht f orwa rd way (as evidenced in Chapter 4) is that their lefction does not depend on the semantics of the variables used in the proqram. There are, however, proqram constructs that constitute anomalies dependent on the semantics associated with the variables involved. (In fact, transfer variables constitute such a construct.) The techniques developed in Chapter 4 can be used as tools in the development of detection schemes for semantic-dependent anomalies also. As an example of such a semantic-dependent anomaly consider the situation in which the loop initialization has been placed inside the loop. Initialization Inside Loop. Beqinninq proqrammers will often place the initialization of a loop inside the loop itself. Por instance, consider the proqram seqient in Piqure 5.3. The label "20" at S2 should clearly be g! it t 176 51 1=1 52 20 SUM = 53 SUM = SUM ♦ A(I) SH 1 = 1*1 S5 IF(I.LE.IO) GOTO 20 Fiqure 6.3 INITIALIZATION INSIDE LOOP moved down to S3. The following heuristic miqht be employed for detecting such a situation. The assignment of a variable V at a statement S potentially constitutes a loop initialization inside a loop L if: • v assigned at S is a transfer variable, • the value of the expression assigned to V at S is invariant to loop L, and • the set of statements inside loop L at which V is referenced (for which the assignment at S is the source of the data) are all at the same loop nesting level. Of course, more restrictive conditions can be added to the three presented above. Note that the detection of such a construct does not guarantee that a loop initialization has been found inside the loop, but the probability is high that such an initialization is present. The possibility that he has placed a loop initialization inside the loop can be suggested to the student. 177 6.1.3 Extensions of Invariant Assertion Analysis As discusspd in Section extensions can be made to the realization of invariant assertion analysis presented in this thesis. p urth°r work should be done to develop more powerful forms of invariant assertion analysis. An interestinq extension of invariant assertion analysis would h» *o embed M+ race" information within the basic assertions collected at each node of the flow qraph in which information about th° source_ of the assertion is maintained. For instance, qiven that a basic assertion f T> 1 1 is attached to node n, it may be of interest to the stuient to know whv. this assertion is true at node t. Tf pointers relating the basic assertion back to the nodes that contributed information to th° assertion are maintained, then this question can be at lpast partially answered. 6.3.4 Arrays Subscripted variables have not been addressed in this thesis a* all. When a subscripted variable is encountered in the source t«xt, it is essentially ianored. Array references do not, for nance, have correspondinq bit positions in VECT0R2 and VECT0R3 as pros°n*ed in Chapter U. in order to explain why arrays have ^een essentially iqnored, a qeneral discussion on arrays and two SDacific problems are presented below. Arrays are an inteqral part of all hiqh level proqramminq lanquaqes and their omission 178 constitutes an important unresolved gap in this thesis. At the end of this section two different approaches, which supply partial solutions to the problem of handlinq arrays, are discussed, but further work must be done in this area. Consider the code sequence shown in Figure 6.4. Four explicit. S1 A(T1) = 3 52 A (12) = B + C 53 D = A (13) 54 A (14) = 5 Figure 6.4 IDENTIFYING ARRAY REFERENCES array references are shown. The problem is to determine which of the array references are references to the same element of the array A. This, of course, depends on the values of the index variables. The example given here is a very simple one if we assume, for instance, that there are no loops involved and that the index variables used are integer variables. The problem becomes much iorf complex if these assumptions do not hold. For instance, if a loop is involved, the index variables of the array references nay depend on the induction variable of the loop, and, thus, the identification of identical array element references may depend on previous executions of the loop; i. e., A (13) referenced at S3 may b~ the same array element as A(T1) assigned at S1 three iterations of *-.h^ loop aqo. If real variables are allowed as index variables, 179 th»n two array references lay reference the sane array element even though thp correspond ing index variables do not have the same value (since the real values arp truncated to determine integral indices into the array) . Tn order to clarify the problem further, consider th> two anomalies of unreferenced data and uninitialized variables. UHI§£ ££§nced 2<±1* In order to perform live variable analysis, references to identical array elements must be identified. For instance, if A (11) (at- S1) and A (12) (an S2) reference the same array element ani there are no refprencps to array A between S1 and S2 , then A(T1) is dead at S1. On the other hand, if A(I1) (at S1) and A (1-3) (at S3) reference the same array element, but A (12) (at S2) does not, *hpn A(I1) is live at S1. IlniniiialiZ^l Variables Tn order to perform an uninitialized variable analysis, identical array element references must be identified. For instance, consider the reference to A (13) at S3. In order to determine whether A (13) has been previously assigned, all assignments to array A within ancestors of S3 must be identified as to which plements of A have been assigned. ^aner-jep (rBAN7*S1) has recently developed technigues for uncoverinq data dependencies of array references with polynomial index sets within loops. These technigues have been applied to the problpa of dPterminir.g whether a loop can be "unrolled" and its 180 separate iterations executed in parallel. The techniques are capable of determininq if there exists an assignment to an array element in one iteration of the loop that is referenced in a different iteration of the loop (so that the loop cannot be executed in parallel) . This is not sufficient for the requirements of this thesis, but the underlying techniques may prove useful as a partial solution to the array identification problems involved in anomaly detection. Within his framework, Kildall ([KIL76*)) has developed a "constant propaqation and common subexpression elimination" analysis. The lattice space used in the analysis is the set of partitions of the set of subexpressions of the proqram beinq analyzed. Two expressions are placed in the same partition if their execution-time values are equal. In essence, the analysis is able to determine subexpressions that have the same value at execution time. For instance, assume that there are exactly two statements between S1 and S2 of Fiqure 6.4 and that these statements are 12 * II ♦ 1 and II = 12 - 1 Upon completion of the analysis, the lattice element attached to S2 and S3 will contain one partition in which the expressions 11, 12 - 1, and 13 are members, and another partition in which the emissions 12 and 11 ♦ 1 are members. From this information it can be concluded that the array element A (11) referenced at S1 is the same as the array element A(I3) referenced at Si and different fron *-hp array element A ( 1 2) reference at S2 . Havinq determined this information, it can be concluded that A (11) (at S1) is live. I 181 These conclusions arc based on the implicit observation that 11 was no* modified between its use as an index variable into array A (at S1) and its subsequent use within expressions. The validity of this assumption can be quaranteed by assiqninq the value of each subscript expression to a unique system-defined variable. The Hen f ical arriy element reference question can then be resolved by det^rmininq the partitions into which these system-defined variables fall. Thf* constant propagation and common subexpression elimination analysis is obviously a powerful analysis, but it is very costly in both time and space. It also is only a partial solution to the array identification problem. 182 LIST OP REFERENCES TAHO701 Aho, A. V. , Rathi Sethi, and J. D. (Jllman, "A Formal Approach to Code Optimization," SIGPLAN Notices, Vol. 5, No. 7, Jul 1970, pp 86-100. r AH07fi 1 Aho, A. and S. C. Johnson, "Code Generation for Expressions with Common Subexpressions," Third ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Lanquages, 1976, PD 19-31. TALL701 Allen, F. E. , "Control Flow Analysis," SIGPLAN Notices, Vol. 5, No. 7, Jul 1970, pp 1-19. f ALL76 1 Allen, F. E. and J. Cocke, "A Program Data Flow Analysis Procedure," CACH, Vol. 19, No. 3, Mar 1976, pp 137-1U7. FALP70 1 Alpert, D. and D. Bitzer, "Advances in Computer Based Education," Science, Vol. 167, Mar 1970, pp 1582-1590. TARD621 Arden, Bruce w., Bernard A. Galler, and Robert M. 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TMAT761 Mateti, Prabhaker, "An Automated Verification for a Class of Sorting Programs," Ph.D. thesis. Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Report UIIICDCS-R-76-832, Oct 1976. MCC67 1 McCarthy, John and James Painter, "Correctness of a Compiler for Arithmetic Expressions," Proceedings of the Symposia in Applied Mathematics, Vol. 19, 1967, pp 33-11 TMOR70 1 Morgan, H. L. , "Spelling Corrections in systems Programs," CACM, Vol. 13, No. 2, Feb 1970, pp 90-93. TNIR7U1 Nievergelt, J., E. M. Reingold, and T. R. Wilcox, "The Automation of Introductory Computer Science Courses," A. ^unther, et al. (editors). International Computing Symposium 1973, North-Holland Publishing Co., 1974. ro.TT7UJ] Osterweil, Leon and Lloyd D. Fosdick, "Automated Input/Output Variable Classification as an Aid to Validation of FORTPAN Programs," Report No. CU-CS-037-7« 187 University of Colorado, Jan 1974. 'OST74S1 Ost^rweil, Leon J, and Lloyd D. Fosdick, "Data Flow Analysis as an ft id in Documentation, Assertion Generation, Validation, and Error Detection," Report No. CU-CS-055-74, University of Colorado, Sep 1974. *?HI721 Phillips, J. Richard, "The Structure and Desiqn Philosophy of 0T./2 -- An Array Lanquaqe — Part I: Lanquaqe Overview," nriversity of Illinois, Report UIUCDCS-R-72-544, Dec 1972. "R2D69 1 Redzie jowski , R., "On Arithmetic Expressions and Trees," CAC1, (12,2), Feb 1969, pp 81-84. 'PR059") Prosser, Reese T., "Application of Boolean Matrices to the Analysis of Flow Diaqrams," Proceedinqs of the Eastern Joint Computer Conference, 1959, pp 133-138. r Ry Afi 6 1 Ryan, J., "A Direct ion- independent Alqorithm for Determininq the Forward and Backward Compute Points for a Tern or Subscript Durinq Compilation," Computer Journal, (9,2), Auq 1966, pp 157-160. fSCT7 3 1 Schi^fer, P., A ilathpmatical Theory of Global Program O ptimi zation, Prentice-Hall, 1973, Chapter 6. CTIM7S1 Tindall, Michael H., "An Interactive Compile-tirae Diaqnostic System," Ph.D. thesis. Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois, Report UTHCDCS-R-75-748, Oct 1975. r ULL721 Ullaan, J. p., "A Fast Alqorithm for the Elimination of Comaon subexpressions," Thirteenth Annual Symposium on Switchinq 6 Automata Theory, Oct 1972, pp 161-176. riRG74] Weqhreit, Pen, "The Synthesis cf Loop Predicates," CACP1, 18 (17,2), FPb 197U, pp 102-112. T«EG751 Wegbreit, Ben, "Mechanical Program Analysis," CACM, (18,9), Sep 1975, pp 528-539. r»E376 1 Wegbreit, Ben, "Goal Directed Program Transformations," Thirl ACM Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, 1976, pp 153-120. TWTL731 Wilcox, T. R., "The Interactive Compiler as a Consultant in the Computer Aided Instruction of Programming," Proceedings of the Seventh Princeton Conference in Information Sciences and Systems, Mar 1973. TWTL761 Wilcox, T. R., A. M. Davis, and M. H. Tindall, "The Dasign and Implementation of a Table Driven Interactive Diagnostic Programming System," CACM, Vol. 19, No. 11, Nov 1976, pp 609-616. 189 APPENDIX I Zl2J! Grjjp_h Back ground A liiect^i graph is a pair G = (N,E) where N is a set of n.od.e.5 and f is a set of edges which constitute a relation on N; i. ». , F C (N x N) . An edqe (a,b) is said to leave node a and fHIfr node b. Also, a is a prede ces sor of b and b is a successor »f a; a is the head of the edqe and b is the taii of the edqe. 1 E^th from node c to node d in a qraph G = (N,E) is a sequence of noips (n r 1f n r 1 n , ...r n r k-,) k > such that f (n r1 - 1-i # n r 1i) 1 < 1 < k) C E and c = n r n , d = n r k-i. A cy_cle is a path (n r 0-«, n r 1-i, ...» nr k -i) such that n r 1 = n r k-,, k > 1. A nod-?, a, is said to be an ancestor of b if there is a path from a to b; in such a case, b is said to be a descendant of a. A £1.22 2I^£h is a triple G = (N,E,e) such that (N,E) is a iir»c*ed qraph and e e N, the initial or entrv. node, has the Droperty that for every m e N there exists a path from e to m. A proqrara may be partially represented by use of a flow qraph wherp the nodes of the qraph represent statements of the proqram ind t h» edqes represent possible flow cf control. Within this thesis, it is assumed that the source proqram has been transformed D a *low qraph. Thus, the text references the nodes of the flow "raph instead of thp statpiipnts of the proqram. 190 It is assumed that all qraphs are flow graphs (i. e., have single entry points). If a qraph, G, has a set of entry points fe r 1-i ), then a flow qraph G» can be produced by creatinq a new node, d, and addinq the set of edqes {(d,e r j-,)}; d becomes the new unique entry node. It is also assumed that the flow qraphs have sinqle exit points. If the flow qraph were to have no exit point, then the corr^spondinq proqram would constitute an infinite loop since there is no way to exit, the proqram. Flow qraphs with multiple exit points can be handled similarly to qraphs with multiple entry points. 191 APPENDIX II £l°§sar.y. Of Ter ns A few useful definitions are collected here for reference* purposes. When applicable they are repeated in the section where thev are used. ' r efe rence £oint of a variable V is a node in which data stored in V is "used." Examples of such are nodes correspondinq to statements in which V is: • used in an expression, • used as the parameter of a DO loop, or • used in an output statement. An assig n point of a variable V is a node in which V is ■odified. Examples of such are nodes correspondinq to statements in which V is: • assiqn^d in an assignment statement, • used in an input statement, or • used as *he index of a D<~> loop. A co.JLE!i!i point of an expression X is a node in which the value of X is computed. A iiflnini va£i§.bi§ °f an expression X is a variable whose value is used in the computation of the expression. 19: A tota], e£jD£es,§ion in a program is a "complete" expression that occurs as an entire entity; i. e., a total expression is not lust a subexpression of a larqer expression. For instance, in tho assignment statement A = B*(OD)/F the expression "B*(C+D)/F" is a total expression, whereas "C + D" is not (unless it appears somewhere else in the proqram as a total expression) . An expression, X, computed at node n is £ecalcu_lable at node if node n dominates node m and all paths from node n to node m an free of assign points of defining variables of X. Two expressions are tree equivalent if their corresponding parse trees are identical. For instance, assume left, to right evaluation in a total expression such as A + B*C (this will be refered to as expression X) . The expression A*B is tree eguivalent to the subexpression A+B ii expression X, but B+C is not tree equivalent to the subexpressioi B+C of expression X. The reason this occurs is that in the pars* tree of expression X, B+C does not appear as a subexpression. A flow graph is reducible iff every cycle of the flow graph a single entry cycle. This is not the standard definition of reducible, but is eguivalent (fHEC721, f HKC7U ]) . 191 VITA The author. Hill nille^t, was born in San Dieqo, California on lovember 29, 1945. He receive an A. A. deqree from Oranqe Coast :oll30« in 1965 and a B.A. deqree from the University of ralifornia, Irvine in 1967. Supported by an NSF traineeship, he entered the Ph.D. proqram in Mathematics at the University of :slifornia, Irvine. In March of 1969 he was drafted, but was able bo comolete an M.A. deqree before beinq inducted into the US Army. It worked as a proqra mmer/systems analyst within the office of the Secretary of Defense for three years. Durinq the same period of tite he tauqht Mathematics in the eveninq proqram of Northern fir^inia Community Colleqe. In September of 1972 he entered the »h.D. proqiam in Computer Science at the University of Illinois, irbina. He is a member of the Association for Computinq Machinery. 13CRAPHIC DATA If 7: anJ Subt it le 1. Report No. UIUC DCS-12-77-848 3. Recipient's Accession No. 5- Report Hate [jrative Global Flow Techniques for Detecting Program bmalies January 1977 6. ,0Of(s) 8- Performing Organization Kept. No. >, jrming Organization Name and Address )>artment of Computer Science Hversity of Illinois bana, IL 61801 10. Proieci/Task/Work Unit No. 11. Contract /Grant No. Sjnsoring Organization Name and Address 13. Type of Report & Period Covered 14. mentary Notes rhis thesis develops iterative global flow techniques for the purpose of detecting nlies in source programs. Currently existing iterative global flow techniques are suited as background; then improvements are presented, which modify the structure of li Ullman's algorithm in order to enhance its speed of convergence. The improvements 3t change the basic properties of the iterative global flow technique. The improved :iique is applicable to a wide range of global flow problems, including those found impiler organization. rhe anomalies to be detected are associated with program constructs that are legal y)ile time constructs) within the source language, but violate basic programming con- );. These anomalies do not necessarily constitute errors, but are often associated t logic or execution errors of various forms. A set of anomalies, which are language bendent and representative of the type of anomaly commonly found in students' pro- 15, are identified. ^^^^^^ v fords and Document Analysis. 17a. Descriptors Low graph 2pth first spanning tree (DFST) rogram anomaly 3timization rerative global flow technique Three specific global flow frameworks, which are based on the improved iterative glo- bal flow technique, are developed and used as tools in the detection of the anomalies. De- tection schemes are developed that are able to find specific instances of the anomalies with- out any knowledge of the algorithm the student is attempting to implement. These specific frameworks are also applicable to a wide range of global flow problems. •:entifiers Open-Ended Terms 11 Fie Id /Group ••liability Statement Jlease Unlimited l-Nll 19. Security Class (This Report) "NT! A SSI F I ED 20. Security Class (This Page UNCLASSIFIED 21. No. of Pages 22. P O-70> USCOMM-OC 40329-P7I SEP 1 6 1!