UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY Class Book Volume Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. University of Illinois Library ! V.' V-< HUr -? I3S4 AUGO" 2 W ^ 1984 OCT "iW'S L161 — H41 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2015 T^c Oxfotb OvUntai device A BURMESE READER H. F. St. ANDREW St. JOHN HENRY FROWDE Oxford University Press Warehouse Amen Corner, E.C. 2lew 2)ora MACMILLAN & CO., 66 FIFTH AVENUE A Burmese Reader BEING AN EASY INTRODUCTION TO THE WRITTEN LANGUAGE AND COMPANION TO JUDSON'S GRAMMAR For the Use of Civil Service Students and others who wish to acquire the Language quickly and thoroughly BY R. F. St. ANDREW St. JOHN, Hon. M.A. MEMBER OF THE ROYAL ASIATIC SOCIETY TEACHER OF BURMESE IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD AND UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON AND LATE DEPUTY COMMISSIONER IN BURMA AT THE CLARENDON 1894 PRESS PRINTED AT THE CLARENDON PRESS BY HORACE HART, PRINTER TO THE UNIVERSITY PREFACE It is a great mistake to suppose that Burmese^ or any other language, can be learnt properly from a phrase- book, or by picking it up in the country. To acquire a language thoroughly one must first learn it as written and then turn to the colloquial. This book is the result of experience gained in seven years' teaching, and those persons, acquainted with the language, to whom it has been shown_, are unanimous in stating that it supplies a want. The objects are — 1. To supplement Judson's Grammatical Notes, which, as yet, is the simplest grammar. 2. To supply a correct and uniform text. 3. To enable students to read the characters in as short a time as is possible. If the learner were to sit down to the easiest of Burmese books with a grammar and dictionary he would make very little progress, owing to the many different meanings attached to one word. For instance, the word too means ^the son of a man's sister,' ^a hammer,' ^to be like,' ^to be dark;' goo te means ^adulterated metal,' ' to beat,' ^ to be vile,' ^ to do repeatedly.' Again, the spelling of the books published in Burma does not always correspond, as pointed out by Judson in the preface to his dictionary. I have generally followed the spelling as given by him. 200324 vi PREFACE. The Sudhammacari^ which forms Part 11^ has long been used as a text-book^ because the style is easy, and the vocabulary large. I have, however, re-arranged it so as to get all the short stories at the beginning. The translations and notes to this part will, I hope, entirely supply the place of a dictionary until the learner knows how to use one. From pp. 1-88 the words have been spaced out so as to enable the student to divide the words easily ; after that, the printing is in the usual Bur- mese style. Part III consists of extracts from various books, and I regret that it was not possible to give more, without making the book too bulky. They have been chosen with a view to enlarge the student^s vocabulary, the general complaint being that the ^Hitopadesa^ is wanting in this respect. Part IV is devoted to newspaper cuttings and docu- ments, in every-day style, connected with the work which a Civil Servant has to take up on his arrival in the country. The newspaper cuttings and petitions are not altogether what is considered good style ; but the extracts from the ^Records of the Hlutdaw,^ or High Court in Mandalay, illustrate the short, terse style in vogue in Upper Burma, which some consider the best. Hitherto the Burmese literature available to Europeans has been translations from Pali Jataka, but the field of Burmese poetry is a terra incognita beset with difficulties. Any one who can assist in elucidating this branch of the subject, which is the true literature of the people, will be doing a good service. R. F. St. ANDREW St. JOHN. Wadham College, October, 1893. CONTENTS PART I. INTRODUCTION. * PAGE Alphabet and Pronunciation: — Consonants .......... xii Vowels .......... xii Diphthongs .......... xiii Consonants and Vowel- Symbols ...... xiii Compound Consonants ........ xiv Final Consonants xvi Consonants, Vowels, and Finals ...... xviii Double Consonants ........ xx Quiescent Consonants ........ xx Tones xxi Abbreviations xxi Numerals . xxii Phonetic Changes xxii Punctuation xxiii Grammar and Syntax xxiv Nouns ........... xxiv Plural of Nouns xxiv Pronouns .......... xxv Adjectives xxv Verbs . . xxvi Syntax xxvii Negation .......... xxix Oratio Obliqua xxxi viii CONTENTS. PART 11. SUDHAMMA CARL PAGE Introduction i 1. The Two Wild Dogs 5 2. The Fox and the Otter 12 3. The Goatherd and the Ship's Captain . . . . 18 4. Ratti Ithari 24 5. The Brahman and the Wild Dog 30 6. The Three Men and the Tiger 35 7. The Barber and the Rich Man 38 8. The Potter and the Washerman 44 9. King Mahamanda 49 10. Kumar A Katthaba and PoiJya 58 11. The Four Brahmans, and 66 The Minister's Daughter's Tale 72 12. Peta and the Rich Man's Wife 89 13. Udeitsa or the Udicca Brahman and his Daughter . 100 14. The Cat, the Dog, and the Mungus 107 15. The Three Young Men and the Rich Man's Daughter. 120 16. The Rich Man and his Three Wives . . . . 123 PART III. ADVANCED SELECTIONS. 1. The Judgment of Maha Pinya Kyaw . . . . 131 2. The Brahmans and the Gardener 140 3. The Case of Wife-stealing 148 4. The Stolen Cart 158 5. The Son superior to his Father 163 6. The Chameleon 171 7. Mahajanaka and Manimekala 177 CONTENTS. ix HISTORICAL EXTRACTS. PAGE 1. Accession of King Tababya 188 2. Attempt to kill King Nabapati 189 3. Dispute with Chinese, a. d. 1471 191 PART IV. NEWSPAPER CUTTINGS. 1. Dacoity 195 2. Opium Smuggling . . . 196 3. Seduction 196 4. Gambling at Monte Cablo 198 5. Punishment fob Theft 199 6. Chabge of Kape 199 7. Assault 200 8. Case of Cheating 20T 9. Kidnapping . 201 10. Eabthquake in Japan 202 11. Death fbom the Bite of a Mad Dog .... 203 12. Pbetendeb to the Thbone 204 13. Discoveby of Minebals 205 14. Leading Abticle in * Mandalay Times ' . . . . 207 15. FiBE AT Mandalay 211 PETITIONS, ETC 1. Plaint in Civil Suit 215 2. Eequest fob Theatbical Pebfobmance . . . . 217 3. Request fob Appointment 218 4. Plaint in Civil Suit 219 5. Cbiminal Appeal 221 6. Petition begabding Fishebies . , 222 7. Petition against a Fine 224 8. Plaint in Civil Suit 225 9. Regabding Land Revenue . . . . . . . 226 10. Regabding Land Revenue . . . * . . . 228 X CONTENTS. 11. Deposition of Witness . . . . . . . 229 12. Petition to enforce Registration of Deed . . . 230 13. Request for Permit to fell Timber 232 14. Payment of Land Revenue 233 15. Regarding the Loss of Buffaloes 234 SELECTIONS FROM HLUTDAW RECORDS. 1. Rules for granting Waste Land 236 2. Petition of Nga Lawyan 242 3. Petition of Nga P'oka 243 4. Petition of Nga Yanlin and Mi K'et . . . . 245 5. Statement of T antabin Myo-6k (same Case) . . . 246 6. Examination of Tantabin Myo-6k (same Case) . . 247 7. Personal Service Bond (Exhibit in Case) . . . 249 8. Decision of Court in said Case 250 9. Report on Crops 251 10. Report on Capture of certain Dacoits . . . . 253 11. Petition of Village Headmen regarding Thoogyee . 255 Four Facsimiles of written Petitions. NOTE. P. stands for Pali, the language of Magadha, in which the Buddhist books are written. J. stands for Judson, who compiled the first dictionary and grammar. S. or Sans, stands for Sanskrit : F. for French : E. for English, th as in thin : th as in that. ERRATA. Page 88, line 19, for § read ^ ,, 140, ,, 19, for hoom read by the hoom 151, last line, for OCCJDD^ read OCg03D|) BURMESE READER PART 1. INTRODUCTION. The Mranma or Myanma (ggD language, commonly called Burmese, is a monosyllabic language, akin to Chinese, having the power of forming conglomerate compound words like the German. Some of these polysyllables cannot now be readily divided up again, owing to the original roots having become obsolete. It is, however, easy to see that the original language consisted of monosyllabic nouns, verbs, and particles or exclamations. It has adopted at various times, and is still adopting, words from the Sanskrit, Pali, English, and other languages. If easily pronounced, they are adopted in the original form, but if not, they are mutilated and adapted. The alphabet now in use is probably based on one of the ancient Southern Indian alphabets, from which the Tamil and Singalese also originated. xii BURMESE READER, BUEMESE ALPHABET. CONSONANTS. Gutturals oo ka o lea oga DD ga c nga 00 ha Palatals o tsa so s*a O) za ^ za gonya ODya Cerebrals ^ ta st^ 9 da o da C03 na G|ra Dentals OD ta CO t'a 3 da o d*a na OD la 00 tha Labials o pa o pa o ba OO b'a Q ma o wa Note, — The sign * shows that the letter is aspirated. The cerebrals^ except G| ra, which is constantly used and interchangeable with oo ya, need not be learnt at first. €jj za is seldom used, oo tha has two sounds, viz. th in thin and th in that, oo b*a is often substituted for o p*a. The second and fourth columns are aspirates of the first and third. The vowel 3D a is inherent in every consonant which stands unmodified by something else ; thus oo is ka not k. VOWELS WITH THEIR SYMBOLS. Initial. Symbol. Power. Power according to official transliteration tables. 3D a, as in America a 3DD 0 orl a, as in father a (J. §2i) CO o i, as e in tea i o ee, as in feet i e I 11 u, as ew in screw u, or 00, as in fool u u G G e, as a in fate e 1^ e, as ai in hair e DIPHTHONGS. xiii DIPHTHONGS. Initial. Symbol. Power. Power according to official transliteration tables. @ 3^ G - D G - 5 O I aw, as au in autumn aw, as aw in awful 0, as in oak aw aw (long) 0 The vowels goi g^i ^ and the diphthongs and g(^5 are usually written with 3D; as, sSi 3S1 ^ 3^1 G3DI G3DD1 G3dSiI The mark ^ over D in g - S is called G^o^S she-to, and whpn the long form is used appears thus T. The vowels and diphthongs must be practised with all the different consonants as examples given below. CONSONANTS AND YOWEL-SYMBOLS. 00 ka ooDka c8 ki c8kee ccj ku oqkoo G6Dke cr) ke o l^a ol 8 l^i Sk'ee k*u ^ Icoo Gote bice gnya goDnya ^nyi ^nyee gi^nyu gjfnyoo Ggonye ^ nye o pa ol pa 8 pi 8 pee pu poo go pe o pe G|ya Gpya yi ^yee ^yu (^yoo GG|ye ^ ye G0I gaw GoTgaw GOD tsaw GoS tsaw^ GOOD taw GOoS taw GODD yaw GCX^S yaw DIPHTHONGS. ^ go Gcl ngaw ^ tso GOOD s*aw to GOOD t'aw yo GOOD law GcTngaw ^ ngo GOoS saw so GOoS taw o§ to GCoS law 08 lo XIV BURMESE READER, When perfect in these combinations, take the table of— COMPOUND CONSONANTS (J. § 1 6) Consonants Combined forms ^-i'p^ OD o CX) CX) + o c 6 J 6J Consonants {cont.) G| -j- oo Combined forms {cont)\ . Q O + CO >6 G| + CO + o OD + 00 and combine them with the consonants, vowel- and diphthong-symbols ; thus, 0:3 kya 05|Dkya kyi kyee oqn_kyu oq||ikyoo GO^ kye kye. § chya §3 chya (§ chyi g chyee g chyu g chyoo G(g chye g chye. The aspirate o k'a with JJ or Q has the force of ch, gy, and j, and in this combination the y must not be pronounced as a vowel but as if combined with the initial consonant ; thus, 91 or (9 == cha ^ or (§ = chi. The symbol of 00 will combine with the consonants OOOOODOOOQOD 00. And the symbol of gj will combine with the consonants OOOOCODOOOQ. (g = g and words not found under g in the Dictionary should be looked for under ^ and vice versa. COMPOUND CONSONANTS. xv i:' The symbol of cx) combines only with c era ,5, « G| CO o; as, hnga g! hnga § hngi § hngee ^ hnyi ^ hnyee hme ^ hme gj>d hnaw gJ)S hnaw ^ hno GC2^ hlaw GOjS hlaw hlo. y a^G *^'--v-j combined ivith 03 Q[ gives sh. §[D sha ^ shi £ shu Gj^ she g^^d shaw ^ sho. The combinations of j with x\ ctnd Q c^i^re few, ^ hmya hmya ^ hmyi ^ hmyee ^[hmyu ^|[ hmyoo Ggi hmye ^ hmye g^d hmyaw g^S hmyaw. cgjhlya cgiDhlya hlyi hlyee cgj[_hlyu c^|[hlyoo Gcgi hlye hlye ocgjD hlyaw GcgS hlyaw hlyo. Note, — This combination is often pronounced as sh. § hngya gl hngya § hngyi g hngyee g^hngyu |[ hngyoo g^ hngye ^ hngye g^d hngyaw g^S hngyaw I hingyo. ^hmya ^Dhmya ^ hmyi ^ hmyee (^[hmyu (^[[ hmyoo G^hmye hmye g(^d hmyaw g(^5 hmyaw ^hmyo. The symbol of o will combine with most consonants ; thus, kwa § Uwi § gwee Gg ngwe g tswe mwa, but does not combine with the vowels [ [[ or diphthongs G - D G - 5 ^. With the consonants g oo and Q[ it takes a vowel- sound ; as, egnyua ^jn^ §iD yua Gg^yue c5gyue §) yue. xvi BURMESE READER. Combination of ^ and or ogj kyua ogjD kyua ogj kyui c§J kyuee GCgj kyue eg) kyue g| chyua gjD chyua ^ chyui ^ chyuee Ggj chyue gjchyue ggyua 2)Dgyua ^ gyui | gyuee gq gyue gyue Note. — The combination with Q has the same sound. Combination of j and ^. jg: hnwa hnwa ^ hnwi ^ hnwee g^ hnwe ^ hnwe g hmwa DoS auk GODDoSkauk G(g3oSchyauk ccgDoShlauk. This compound is often written with thus, GOOD = GOODoS kauk. Diphthong g — d with final 8 ng. g33d8 aung GaDo8 saung Gg|D8 chyaung g(^d8 myaung. ^ as a vowel with final oS t or 5 p. ogoS kut §5 tsut g]oS chyut (yoS pyut c^oS hlut. ^ as a vowel with final ^ n, § m or * n. Icun gS tsun og tun kyun g§ hmun eg hlun. Note. — The consonant o wa has the same force ; thus, o The above give all the sounds to be found in Burmese, but the paragraphs on consonants written under and over b 2 wun XX BURMESE READER. the lines (J. §§ 23, 24, 32, and 34) should be studied, as such words occur frequently; thus, oogoSd thimbaw, a ship. ggD oksa, goods^ things. GQ^D metta, friendship (commonly pronounced ' myitta^). CO ODD lekUana, signs, characteristics. 8g meinma, a woman. cx>c^D pada, property. (See abbreviations.) osSl inga, limbs, parts. og^o pitsee, things (commonly pronounced ^pyitsee^). c^o thamee, a daughter. The letter ^ in Pali is really a double letter nfi, hence ogDD is pronounced pinya as if o^gDD ; and thonya as if o:jg. The quiescent consonants (J. §§ 33, 34) in words abbreviated from the Pali and Sanskrit are often met with ; viz. c^oS ko from P. c7DGCX)D kayo. ^o5o mo „ P. GQGDDD mcgo. mo „ P. GQ^ Meru. ^cS bo „ P. OGCOD balo. ^oS pb „ P. OGCOD palo. oSo§§ Theeho „ P. oSoDGgD Theehalo. The permutation mentioned in J. § 35 can only be acquired by degrees, after a knowledge of the sense of a paragraph has been attained, and with the help of a competent teacher. ABB RE VIA TIONS, xxi TONES OR ACCENTS (J. §§ 37, 38, 39). The ^ below, called goddoS ^8 auk-myit, is a light sharp sound. The %^ called ooS o J»S 0^2 wut-tsa-hnit-lon, or Gol oS she-pauk, is prolonged and heavy. When the Incomes in the middle of a compound word it is dropped out in pronunciation : thus, oooDSg^ an in- terpreter, is pronounced tsagabyan, not tsagabyan. A good example of the ^ is the pronunciation of ^ because ^ as ' becoz.^ ABBHEYIATIONS (J. § 40). The most common in use are — i, sometimes a sign of possessive case (J. § 64), but more commonly an assertive affix denoting the end of a clause (J. § 108). § for ^o5 hnaik, the locative postposition (J. § 69). CjSs or CjS for co^S goodSs lee-gaung (J. § 126. 8).. ^ for G„g| yue, verbal conjunction (J. § 109). ogj|5 kyunok, for ogj^^S kyun nok, I, your humble servant (J. § 77). ccjS for ocjcoS lulin, a youth, servant. GCX)D0§jD3 for GOODoSooDo yauk-ya, a man (Lat. vir), * for oS after g — D, as good for GoodoS kauk. ^ for 6 as oooS$ thingan, oogoSd for odSsgodd thimbaw. S for ^ when short of space. 3| for 33 ^oS anet, out of. |>o5 for l^oS morning. 000 for 03 as G^GOOO yatthe, (yocoS pyatthat (J. § 33). for OD as in odcjod pada. xxii BURMESE READER. NUMERALS. 1^^345 6 7890 008 J>8 OPa GC08 clo G§DoS SJj>8 5)8 C^8 CX^^ tit hnit thon le nga chyauk k^uhnit shit ko th6nya These figures are, I think, as remarked by Sir W. Hunter of Indian figures, parts of the consonants which spell their names; thus, J=3> 9 = 9 ® = § e==§ The words 008 tit and ^8 hnit are, in composition, abbreviated to 00 ta and j> hna. For other information, see J. §§96—10^ and 128. PHONETIC CHANGES \ Certain words are not pronounced as they are written, and the laws which regulate these changes will be found below : (a) When a final consonant is followed by a nasal it is nasalized by assimilation ; as, gSSqoS eik met, to dream, becomes ein met. ggqdoSgq auk me, to long for, becomes aung me. ^8^D nit nd^ to be aggrieved, becomes nin nd. (h) Sometimes the vowel u or u is elided ; as, c^G^^cS purapaik, a note-book, hecomes parabaik. cc^G^S^uyin, a king, becomes Bayin. * These paragraphs are taken, by permission, from Mr. Tawseinko's Elementary Grammar. PUNCTUATION. xxiii ocj ^8 thu iio^ a thief, becomes thaHo. OjjoC^ ku to, a ferry, becomes kado. (c) The aspirate in ^Aa is omitted ; as, gSSg^qSs ein she mm, an heir apparent to the throne, becomes ein ye min, (d) The letters co fja, o pa, q ma are interchange- able; as, a Vee, a petticoat, becomes oo3 fa mee or oo fa mein, o3oQ (usually spelt ooDo[y) d^a pya, a dacoit, becomes d^a mya. {e) In words beginning with u or u the initial vowel takes the initial consonant of the following syllable and u is changed to n ; as, g^6 uhmin, a cave, becomes Snhmin. oGj>ooS uhnauk, brains, becomes onhnauk. oGolSo ullaung, a head, becomes okUaung, The final nasal of the first syllable is sometimes dropped ; as, 0608 san pin, hair (of head), becomes sahin. 6 GOOD tsan kaw^ a corn sieve, becomes tsagaw. oools tan Ua^ a door, becomes taga. o^obS pan pe^ a blacksmith, becomes pahe, PUNCTUATION (J. §§ 44, 45). Three marks are used in punctuation, viz. 1, 11, 11 11 The first is now seldom used, but understood after xxiv BURMESE READER. godS, is ^^^^^ written after a vocative or to separate words when necessary. The second is used in poetry and to show the end of a sentence. The third may be written for the purpose of dividing paragraphs. SHORT NOTES ON GRAMMAR AND SYNTAX. Neither nouns nor verbs are inflected. Gender, number, and case are denoted by affixes. The affix of the possessive case is often left out, the first of two nouns standing together being in the pos- sessive case ; thus, Man goat female many to = to the man^s she-goats. If the possessive affix is omitted, the noun which is in the possessive is pronounced with a short abrupt tone. As composite nouns are often made up of verb- and noun-roots placed together, they will cause some little trouble to the beginner ; thus, Sift person great = a judge. For the various kinds of composite and verbal nouns, see J. §§ 47-51. 122-125. PLURAL OF NOUNS (J. § 54). There is a peculiarity connected with the plural affix c^, which is occasionally met with, and has not been noticed by Judson. PRONOUNS, ADJECTIVES. When two or more nouns are used in conjunction, with or without the connective j^S, they may be followed by and still remain singular ; thus. Crow and deer pi. The crow and the deer. otter. cgB^S 5 ^=^^1 The dog and the Dog and otter pi. |j ^ Mother father pi. \ There can be little doubt that this affix is a modified form of the verb c^l to increase. ► The parents. PRONOUNS (J. §§ 77, 78). Personal pronouns are not much used in conversa- tion ; a polite mode of address is usually substituted for them. There is no relative pronoun, its want being supplied by a verb used participially ; thus, The making man = the man who makes. ADJECTIVES (J. §§ 79-104). The verb takes the place of an adjective. It may either precede the noun, in which case the particle good is added to it ; or, it may follow the noun ; thus, qoddSs good ^ = ^ goodSs good man = man good. xxvi BURMESE READER. Cardinal numerals cannot precede the noun, but follow it with an additional descriptive word; thus, Spear one long = a spear. Ball two round = two balls. In the case of tens, hundreds, etc., the word for ten, hundred, etc., takes the place of the descriptive ; thus, Man two ten = twenty men. Ox three hundred = three hundred oxen. Or the descriptive may follow the noun with or with- ' out the word count ; thus, Horse ridden-thing two ten : or Horse ridden-thing count three ten. VERBS (J. §§ 105-II9). Verbs are transitive, intransitive, and auxiliary. They generally run in couples {vide cog and aj|, p. xxvii), for the purpose of determining the sense more accurately, or strengthening or amplifying the action to be indicated. They have plural affixes (really verb-roots indicating entirety)^ which are often dispensed with (J. § 116). Mood and tense are expressed by auxiliary verbs and particles. They stand at the end of a clause or sentence, fol- lowed by the auxiliary and euphonic (if wanted), and the affix which denotes continuity or finality ; thus, Order give finish if, we him food cook give ought = SYNTAX. xxvii If the order was given, we ought to cook and give him food. Affixes of continuity are given in J. § 109. Affixes of finahty will be found in J. §§ 108, no, in, 113, 119. Auxiliaries and euphonies, §§117, 118. The passive voice is formed by means of the verb o to suffer^ with the verbal noun; thus, I beat; I a beating suffer. SYNTAX. The following is a typical Burmese sentence : — That time at good man two ^Q^ C§ OgDS g^oDoS^GOoS^ GGJ OgSS^ ob^O ^ town to go water hole inside to fall-over drop. 1 GOOD, the particle used to join verbs used participially to the noun which follows (J. § 114). ^ GODDoS, a word descriptive of men ; only used now as a numeral adjective (J. § 98). ^ c^, plural affix for nouns, evidently a form of c^8 ^0 increase (J. §54): might be omitted. ^ oo^, nominative affix : might be omitted. xxviii BURMESE READER, ^ the feminine affix (J. §56). When added to ^ a town, it gives the idea of chief (metropoUs) town of a district. ^ @> plural affix for verbs : may be omitted (J. § 116). cooS, euphonic affix with no meaning : might be omitted or changed for goo another euphonic, or (§8 v. to he finished. Both god and cooS are probably verbs that are now obsolete (J. § it 8). ^ GooS, past continuative affix (J. § 109) : might be ex- changed for eg] 8. ^ GG]^ 02§o, composite noun meaning a ivell, db for GDob, a noun formed from an aspirated form of the verb cr)8 to rest in (J. § 49), and used as a secondary noun with the postposition : obSc^ ■= into (J. § 74). cb8 cq|, coupled verbs, expressive of different ways of falling. Sl^j auxiliary or qualifying affix denoting sympathy or regret (J. § i E7). This may originally have been only an exclamation like Ah! indicative of pain, as there is no verb of similar meaning. b, auxiliary affix of past tense (J. § 115). 00, a euphonic abbreviation of 00^, the assertive affix (J. § 108). oo^8 a strong assertive final, or closing, affix, from NEGATION. xxix oo^ V. to establish^ meaning that what has been stated is an established fact. It is not much used now and might be omitted, oogS being substituted for oo. The whole reads : ' On that occasion two good men having gone to the town, I regret to say, fell into a well/ From the above it will be seen that the adverb of time stands first, the subject is followed by the object, and the predicate is placed last. Other adverbs, as a rule, immediately precede the verb ; as, gSS C§ OgDolI House to quickly go. He dog to exceedingly loves. For the various kinds of adverbs, see J. § 126. NEGATION. The use of the negative o ma, not, is not well explained in J. § 120. It is always placed before the chief verb, and cannot precede a verb used as an auxiliary, but if the two verbs are coupled by ^ it will precede the latter ; as, Q OgOo OdS or C^Do ^ Q CX)S Not go proper. Go not proper. XXX BURMESE READER. If there are a number of verbs used agglutinatively it may be placed before the whole compound or, for the sake of emphasis, before each member of the compound ; thus, Q oS or Not love not attached to. If the verb be compounded of a noun and a verb it must be placed before the verb ; thus, Ear erect, ear not erect. To listen, not to listen. It is sometimes used with the verb o^oS to he true ; thus. Do proper not true. It is not proper to do. When the honorific verbal affixes gooS and ^ (J. § 125. 6) are used q must always precede S^^s (96 Qoc^o^ cp (iiiio5oq|c75 ogos gryScc^o g^oS QoS OOObo^ Gp dill ^6sgO COOO GCO 00^ 008 o£ q5 c8 OOObo^ Cp (ill GCOOCX) (i ^62000 I COOOGp Ci ^6oOOO |Sc\5o og£^ Gooo oocpsa^(^s 00^ ^3(98 § gooo o§ c^r7S8sg£s ^ Q (906 oocps ^o:j>^ 808 @ (§s ogu5 oocps ^(98 (go 3q:Qo5 ^ cp (§^\\ B 2 BURMESE READER. ANALYSIS. qSsc^S a princess, fr. qSe a ruler, c§g a daughter. ogcx)oS for P. ogco^ a law code, goSa^S a decision, fr. goS V. to cut, a^S a custom, precedent. kings ^ nobles^ and judges^ etc. oSe a ruler, o good beginning with, part, of o v. to begin = etc. gdooS n. a person of note, a minister. oScxjj(^3 a judge, fr. 08 v. to sift ; ojj person ; (^2 to be great, plur. afF. fr. c^S v. to increase (J. § 54). possess, aff. (J. § 64). oooDo a word. ogD^ oooDg GOoSooDo the words of wise men o^D^ a wise man, fr. ogD P. wisdom. ^ v. to have. godSoodS strong nom. aff. (J. § 59). ^oS8^[8 (yS ooraq^ Gp c^ii should be spoken like the hurling of a thunderbolt : ^o5§(^L3 thunderbolt, fr. ^oSs for P. qqqvoz> the sky, and V. to put forth energy. ^oSs is the only word formed on this principle that takes the heavy accent. (yS V. to throw, corac^ like to (J. § 83). v. to speak, be spoken. Gp aux. v. to be suitable, should (J. § 117). assertive aff. (J. § 108) denotes a full stop or colon. should be spoken as one cuts a banana leaf with the edge of a sword : 0005] oS a double-edged sword of Indian origin, cxpl SUDHAMMACARL 3 tooth, edge. (^S by, with (J. § 67). goSoc^D the banana or plantain. 3Dg|oS a leaf, objective afF. (J. § 62). ^oS V. to cut. QSSgD GOOD GOO 00^ O08 06 oS c8 OOOOO^ ^ Gp (^11 should he spoken as a very strong wind strikes the trees. (ySs V. to be strong, violent ; go intensive afF. (J. § 1 1 7). GOOD participial connection (J. § 114). goo wind. 00^ nom. afF. (J. § 59). 00806 a tree, fr. 008 wood, sooS a plant. Nouns often have a plural force without the plur. afF. o5 to strike. 08 euphon. afF (J. § 118). 00 for 00^ the assertive or substantive affix (J. § 122). GOOOOO qj gSiOOO OOOOGp gj§6000 j>8o^3 OgSo GOOD coGpg o:^^l 00^ Judges who have at heart the happiness of this world and the hereafter, GOOOOO P. this world. gSiooo happiness, fr. g5s to be cold, 000 to be pleasant. ooooGp P. future transmigra- tions, ^hcql the heart. ogSi to put into. O0Gp2 law, fr. oo^Gp that which is firm. ooGpS o:jj(^2 a judge. 3o(y8 ^ Go:^o o:jj c§ q] cjjoS8o(gSo ^ aiming at the destruction of those who are at fault, 3o(y8 blame, fr. (y8 to throw. c^'oSSs to be destroyed. §60 verbal formative (J. § 125), fr. oogSs an act, fr. oq|6 to do. to aim at. ^ for G,g| verbal conjunction (J. § 109). Q ^oS unceasingly y Q not, ^oS to be cut. This might however be taken as qQoS (gooo) O0Gp3 undecided law. B 2, 4 BURMESE READER. ooGpS GDOj^ 80S @ (^2 c^S having sifted the law {or case) thoroughly, s^cq^^ thoroughly, fr. o^^ to be finished, come to an end (J. § 126, 3 a). 80S to sift, scrutinize. (^2 v. to be com- plete : used as an auxiliary to denote past time (J. § 108). c^S continuative afF. (J. § 109). ooGpB co^S by means 0/ the law, 00 euphonic for 00^. 3D(yS ccS> QQo [^^0 £ ^ examining and en- quiring into the faults both small and great, ocS to be small. gq2 (^$0 to question. £ to look into. goodSo gD o^S QoS ^ cp should rightly give their decisions. goodSs to be good, right. g3 = ly (J. § 126 b). a^E [goS to decide ; Q^l to make an end of. plur. afF. (J. § 116) always follows principal verb. NOTES. cxjogOD^ Sudhammacari, a Pali word meaning Hhe doer of good law.^ She is said to have been the daughter of a Raja of Kamboja, in the Panjab, of which Madda was a city. The Burmese pronounce it cxjogOD^ Thudhammatsdri. S UDHAMMA CARL 5 a:^§ GCTDOS GO @ 00^ ^G^oSsii 1. The Account of the Division of the Three Children when the Dog and Bitch quarrelled. ANALYSIS OF HEADING. GgS a dog, irrespective of gender. 083 denotes the male and Q the female (J. § 56). 3d§8o cj|D2 to quarrel, lit. 33(gSo deeds, ^^Do to be many. ^ this verbal conjunction, which is a verb meaning to associate, may be translated in several ways to suit the sense. ooDS a child, evidently the same as ooDo flesh, generally used for son. o^3 three. GOOoS numeral auxiliary for animals (J. §§ 97—98). ^8 to split. GO to divide. plur. afF. od^ part. afF. com- monly used for good. It makes the whole sentence one adjectival clause (J. § 114). 3Dg^oSo an account, cir- cumstance, from g(^d6o to draw a line (round). G5)o GOOD 'jQ'^W QCOO GgS j)8 QCYDoS CO^ Gcoo ocj^oorS I G^ ^ dill C7D0CO cooS Goo5 GgoC^o 00 GOO05 GgSO ^8 GOOoS (gOo @ G^O O^C^ Q ^ O ggoS GO @ G005 Gg^.O CoS CO QCOOS 8 Oq COS @ GgS C^S 00 Gcoo5 (^Ss 00^ GgSO 00 CO^l C QOl cl ^Sl^ j^o S GoooS ^Do dog and two bitches were born, CO for ooS one (J. § 128). ^d. to be born : Jud. only gives ^ to grow, increase ' as the meaning, but if goS means 'to bring forth/ yoS will mean Ho be brought forth.^ G^O OJC^ Q ^ Q ggoS GO GOoS GgSQ CoS OD goodS 8 cxji^odS Afterwards not being agreed they divided {their property) and each took one of the little bitches. G^DoS behind, afterwards. o:jj person, he, o:jJc^ they, Q not ; always precedes the verb (J. § 1 16)^ and if the verb be double, there are generally two, but not always. ^ to be even. go5 to be inclined in mind, to be bent : the two express compatibility of temper, go to divide. (Pro- perty is always divided on separation of husband and wife.) 8 BURMESE READER. coS to be little. 8 adv. each, apiece : used as a verb it means Ho place things in a row.^ take. odS to divide (lit. eat). GgEoSs CO goodS 00^ g§2q oo cx)^3 As regards the dog that remained over^ the bitch {said) ; GgSoSg {llwedee) the (little) dog. (^Ss to remain, in excess, objective affix used in the sense of ' with re- gard to;^ Jud. does not give this use. oo from, by (J. §71); Jud. calls this a nominative but it -is not really so, the idiom is ^it was said by.^ oo^l also on the one hand. These two words generally come before the oratio obliqua as the first part of a bracket, the verb ' to say ' being quite at the end. c 00 Nga S'a^ This may be translated either as meaning the dog's name, in which case it would be vocative ; or, as c of me, my (J. § 78), 3300 a share. c 00 (^He is) my portion. cl ooSsei (c^E S 300 00^ O^ ODDS 30GOOdS O^ (§S cg]S (oSigD ^ GOgjS §2 CgiS 305|8 CqOl oSSl C§ oB6 o§ ao§ so(g£o @ ^ clo^ o::^Gpo 9ogooo£: oql q£s Q^Gp ogos @ oc^^ -[^f) cq 0^ ^ dii OQ^ o8l CO^l 2^ (ill Oo5 O^ ^6 GC730£ 00§ !^00o5 G@o6 !?0^5: @ 00 ^^^il soGog qS^^s q c^oS gctdoSo Q8 gooog(^o6 G^o5 GOOO 90q1 00§ cl^5s C| GCo5 q£ol g(^ Ggo oo§ v00q£o1 S€|o5 c| goo5 qSol c1 OD^ GO Gos ooobog go § oos Q oc^^ cq^ § !^(§o oo GqISs C^5g9005 go GO § GOo GOD (ill gQ Ggs ^6 c| oo§ ^8 ooctS 0(5s 000 @ cx^l (in SUDHAMMACARL 13 cos oci^^ cp (ill ANALYSIS. G^o G003 3Dq1iI Ggo J)S CJJ OO^ oS^^E SoScOg ^ (gS C0S2 § 330D J|D GCO GOoS CJJ OC§ cl3[^Si cx) gcodS GCO In former times^ a fox and an otter ^ living in close friendship^ having sought food on the bank of a river ^ the otter obtained a Kyin fish. g(^ earth, g§2 dog — a fox. (jf an otter. J)S with, and (J. § 68). oSy husband or wife, fr. oS to be attached to and <^%% to rub against. SoScog a friend. 80S fr. P. Sg^d a friend ; GOg to be related to ; oSg^S 8oSgs^ a rehitionship as close as that of husband and wife. to be united : to bind together. (^S a river. ooSo bank. 33^d2 an edge, fr. ^Do to be near. 330D food. jjD to search for. godS past-continuative (J. § T09). cli a fish, usually precedes the names of all fish. [^Ss the name of the fish (kind of large gudgeon). cle(^6o pronounced ngagyin, CjJ 00 CO^l cIe^SS oSs ODDS J>8 GolSi ODS OD^ cxj (^11 The otter said^ '(/) to eat the head and body of that ngagyin,^ oSs the belly, flat (some write it <^i)gSs tough), ooDo flesh ; oSi oddE the flabby part of the belly pecu- liar to fishes and some other creatures. G0I60 a head. ODo to eat. to desire (J. § 117), used as an aux. verb. G(^GgE CO CO^g 06s CjJ^ OODE j)S GqISe cl CX>3 ODE 14 BURMESE READER, OD^ cxj £^ Gco c^if 1%^ fox olso said^ ^ I alone wish to eat the head and body!' (^11 TAe /b.^? a/zc? otter heing at variance said, ^ Let us go to the ahode of the Hare-King^ our embryo Lord,' the plural affix is often used after two or more nouns in apposition or conjunction. aogSi 33^ g8 the verbal noun, with gS or ^ to be, is often used instead of the simple verb, clc^oc^spg^our Lord, i.e. the object of worship of us (men). oqcpS any person or object worshipped, oq^ a hare (one of Gotama Buddha^s former states of existence). ogDg o:^ ^ 33 we will go, let us go ( J. § 1 1 1 ). ccf ^ qSe co^l 9§ ^ ^ Hare-King also said thus : co^l also; evidently connected with co^ to turn, 1. e. m turn (J. § 126, 8). o§ thus, in this (manner). Oo8 cB GOOdS 00^ 3^COcS G^^oS GsgSo 33^ gS OD 'Why are you two (animals) at variance F 006 thou (J. § 77). 3D00C^ ^(^dS why, on account of what? (J. § 82). inter. afF. (J. § no). 3DG0g oSy^S Q CyoS GOOdSo gS G030g(^d8 G^dS GOOD 3ool cjf 00^ cl(^83 G| GOoS Cj8oi ' Bccausc it is not right {that your) friendship be destroyed, hereafter if either the otter gets a ngagyin, CjjoS to be destroyed. g^38 future time. godS cont. gives force of 'if ^ (J. § 109). Cj82 for co^g good82 followed by another c^l either .... or (J. § 126^ 8). SUDHAMMACARL 15 Ggo oo§ ooq6i 3S (jf 00^ 3>8 ODoS oSi 003 cr:^% c^ii The fox and the otter were pleased, j)S heart. oooS to settle down, to be moderate. oSs belly. OD3 to be pleasant. The whole denoting two kinds of pleasureable sensation. oc[Gpg goddSe oq? qSs d^o goS c8 ODcx)C^ qSsi 3DQoSl oSojJ^S 00^ O^o (c^oS GOE OIJ^ Gp (^11 ThuS as the embryo Lord^ the Hare-King decided^ kings, nobles^ and judges ought to decide and give. qSi coming before nobles is translated ^ king/ but by itself merely means ' a person in authority;^ in its original sense it probably meant ^ to be old.^ ©So:jj(^3 here means ^ a judge/ from 08 to filter; it can also mean 'a general/ from 08 warfare. goE to give. i6 BURMESE READER. NOTE. The following proverbs and their explanation are at- tached to this story : — !]85 GOOO ^ « Jo Cpll |s GODO 0^ O OO GO Gpll C^5 GCOO 00 Oj^ ^ O Gpll 3S6 GODD cxjj Q §g €pii One should not arouse a sleeping person. GCOD cxjj Q 00 GO Gpii One should not cause the person who is awake to get up. o^S GCOD cxjc^ooajJ^QQ^Gpii One should not say ^ get up ^ to the person who sits. G^SylcS ooDgii As for the meaning: ^ B8^ c^oS tj^g q(^2 Gpii One should not envy another^s goods. GCODOD od5 qoS §Ss q ^ Gpii One should not be covetous. 88 qq5 godd ggD Q cx) G$ §60 II Remaining w ithout taking goods w^hich one ought to wish for : i. e. self-restraint as regards the use of our own wealth. ANALYSIS. gSS to sleep, lie down. ^3 to be awake. ^3 to cause to awake (J. § io6). o not (J. § 120). Gp to be suitable, should (J. § 117). 00 to arise, go causative afF. (J. § 117). oj^ or o:^ genitive of o:jj a person, another (J. § 78). o^S to sit. to say. ^ for verbal conjunction (J. § 40). 3^ to say. These two verbs are constantly used together either as ocj^^c^ or f^^^qj" (J. § 119). 3o8ylc^ (pro- SUDHAMMACARL 17 nounced Adeikpe) for P. o^SyloD Adhippdya, meaning, intention. The Burmese constantly write it wrongly with o & for o p. oo38 as regards (J. § 60). ggD (pronounced oksd, J. § 32) ; from P. uccayd, accu- mulations, wealth. c^oS (^^8 (^8 to feel ill-will, envy; <^oS eye; c^^8 to hate; (^8 to make an effort. The first two words c^oS cj§8 eye-hatred^ are one noun, therefore the negative q is inserted before the verb. This rule is not explained in (J. § 120), but is most im- portant, viz. : ^ When a verb is composed of a noun and verb, the negative particle must come before the verb;^ thus — oSo g(^do5 to be joyful; 0S8 q g(^doS not to be joyful: the literal meaning is 0S8 belly; g^doS to be raised, gcodod P. covetousness ; oo5 qoS (g88 (B. equiva- lent) fr. oo6 to have an appetite for; ooS to covet; §88 the verbal noun formative. 88 self (J. § 37). to wish for. 3d5 ought (J. § 117). ^ to take ; Q — cx) without (J. § 117). G$ to remain : this verb is often used with other verbs, somewhat as we use the verb to fee, and need not in such cases be translated as cl oqS g^ 00^ / work or / am working. c i8 BURMESE READER, 3. The Account of the Law-case of the Goatherd and the Captain of the Ship. ANALYSIS OP HEADING. aSoS GOjjDSo oc^coS a goatherd ; q8c£ a goat; gojidSs to herd; ocjcoS or ocjS a young man. O0Gp8 ^ to prose- cute, go to law. c^s ooGGp oogoSo 00 000006 00^ O:^^ OgoS OgOo GOD G005 OOC^gCp C7d6o 00 OOS GCpaS GOD Ciiil 006s ^0§ § q8o5 (^Oo c^o::;^ oogodooSgoc^oS^god coo5oogooo o^@o di o8o5q 00^ q8o5o8s c^oS goo5 SS q8o5q oSoSoS^ 5)5 06 od goooSs god dill O So5 O GOo GOOOG^oS OOGp^ ^§ ^ ^ OOCpS o6o^(B^S 06 GS 080:^^(^8 C§8 C§ GO GOD After it was thus decided^ the ship-captain not being satis- fed^ sent {some one) with presents and bribes to the judges daughter. G^DoS behind, after. oooSooo to be pleased. ^ for connective (J. § 109). odoSgoodS a present; fr. ODoS hand, gqodS to carry. 00^8 (pronounced 00^8 ta-zo) a bribe, go to send. c^c^ 3-0^5 GO gooog[^dS oSo:jj^8 OD§8 op^ 22 BURMESE READER. coGo53cxjj(^8 ^cp c§ ogDB GOD II Bscauss {he) sent thus very many times, the judge s daughter went to the ship- captains place. 3;>^§ a time^ fr. ^5 to meet with. g3 very (J. § 1 17) ; as a verb to exceed, ^Gp verbal noun of ^ to be (J. § 1^5. 3). GGpoS GOD cgS Q OgD8 (X) OODo GOD (^11 o8o:j^^a co^8 c c^o oo^ goodSs godS q goo c& g^ god (^11 When {she) came, without letting (her) go (he) kept (her). The judge also having demanded, saying, * I want my daughter J (he) remained without giving (her), cgiS continuative afF., often translated ' when,^ GCpoS to arrive, o — ob without (J. § 117). <^ to be able : gives the idea of permission. coOo to place, to keep, to desire. goodSo to demand, to remain = do (did not give), 3D[g6o 33^ ^ qSs 00 Gd6 od£ !?dos so5 goo go oj^ ^ oqs(^o6 GOD OOOOgSsil 26 BURMESE READER. \ ANALYSIS. GooDoooo oqcps cooS oooS godS § "^^g^OD^ ooc§ oo8§ OD^ OD ^ GODD §(^8 §JD ogS G$ c^ii //^ /Ae era of the Lord Koukkathan^ a young lady {named) Ratti Ithari divelt in a certain small toivn, GOODoooo (pronounced Kaukkaihan) for P. Kakusandho^ one of the twenty-four Buddhas. oqcpS (pronounced hpaya) fr. Cj?8 to behold with reverence, and Gp thing ; is used to denote any object of worship. cooS oooS the ascendancy or reign of, fr. cooS a hand, and cx)o5 to be up. §(^8 for P. §OGQD a market-town. g[D a village (large or small). q\% ^8 OD^ ((jS GODOg(^d8 CoS Q ^ OD ol8 GOOD §(^8 §|0 c§ ogD8 GOD (^11 Because (she) was very proud^ not being pleased with (her) husband^ (she) went to another town. q\% for P. QDG^D pride. odS a husband. well disposed towards, lit. to be clear and white ; (^^^ (clear and dark) has the same meaning. ODol8 another. 0^8 G08 ^ oSo^8 GODOg(^dS CX)§8 o8 £[6 OgS ^D8 G^ C^ii ^D8cp ogS 0(jjcc5 3S5 8S o:j J' (^0^8 0S8 J" o85 GOD qjii TAe distance being long, because (she) was weary, (she) sat down in the shade of a palm-tree. Whilst resting (she) spread (her) waist-cloth, saying^ ' (I) will put (my) child to sleep.^ 0^8 distance between two places. go8 to be far. oSo^S to be weary. 00 §8 a palm with large round fruit. 3DoS a tree, plant. 3dS[5 shade, shadow. ^d8 to stop, alight. ^ UDHA MM A CA RI, 27 c^S in, has force of whilst, oqcoS (pronounced thange) little person, child^ fr. cxj^ person, ocS> to be little. 8S for G035 will cause (J. § 117). to say (expressing intention). (^0^8 a waist-cloth (pronounced paso), 0S8 to spread. 08S to put to sleep (transitive of gSS). 0^8 C0^8 QJ COD ^ 00^8 oSs GoT § ^^8 GCO (^11 00^8 oS8 co^8 ggS cqjoS ocjcoS d85 oooS § ocj| ^ goo gco C^ii A crow also came flying and perched on a palm- fruit. The palm-fruit also heing ripe^ fell on the head of the child, and (it) died. 0^8 a crow, c^' to fly. 33oS8 a fruit. 30goT the upper part, secondary noun (J. § 74). to be ripe. d85 the top, head. 3000 oS the upper part (J. § 74). o:j] to fall, drop, goo to die, to be still. 00D8 GOO OD^ cgiS (^oS)8 o:;jcc^ oSS gc^S og8 00^8 088 Cgj ^ GOD b GOoS OoS 008 J>8 €|5 (g8 GOOD 33^ g(^oS 000 o:jjGo5 GOO OD^ii ^Having also put the child to sleep^ while the child was fast asleep^ a ripe palm- fruit falling, it died ; only because {you) quarrelled with {your) husband the child died, co^g also. coOo to place. cgi8 cont. afF., gives the force of 'having' (J. § 109). gSS to lie down. GCjjS to be sound asleep, or to place in a row; whilst. 051 30 BURMESE READER, to drop, b past afF. ( J. § 1 1 5). an act, affair, fr. after; is the ablative affix used with a verb treated as a noun (J. § 109). 33D8 to (J. § 65). 336 to hand over. G08 to give, go causative imperat. aff. (J. § 112). (Xji to say (J. § 119). [N.B. — Jfter this only short notes are given^ without translation,'] 3. ^oS Cp (go GOOO C^CgO^ ^6 GOQO 5. The Account of the very foolish Brahman and the Wild Dog. Q^i ooGGp sqqIii oqo^ cx^Gps cooS 0006 G005 I ^^^^ 9380^ 9^^° G^ dill 00 Q\ 00 ^06 GOOOGgS OOGCOo5 00§ SUDHAMMACARL 31 COO ^ 0^ (9S c^oS caDO SQOOS OOo dill ^e>5 GO06 |) CCo5 GOOo G^0o6 COOOG@o6 GOOO o£ OOo5 (ill O^ S^qI I 9^8 Q§ coctS cqo5 006 9f)Gooog1 o§ o£ ao^ ^ goo5 GoooGgo ^5 0^5 cpSoo^ ^ o£ GCO (ill 0^ Ggo 00^ G@0o6 00 Q6 9;)^5 q^Oo\ 90O2j^5 900006 oooS ^ 90000S socy^s ^ ^ so5)£ (^^JgOo o oooS 61 C0611 G^ ^6 G000£ GOS ol CX^ 0^ (ill C^COOS OO^S GgS oooos @os cg|]£ o^s 86 I oo5 00^ (^8 ^ ^6 c1 o oooSii ^5 GOo ogS 00^ soo^So ooo GOo Gooo o:^ (ill 905)6 ^g§[^osi g^l i ^0 ccy5 g| G^ 90 ^^sii cl G^cp cl Gaoo5 61 ^ Cl GOS €| 90 CX^ ^ (ill GO Ggol ^6 C700» GCX)0 0^ (X)^sii ^6 0^ cl G0006 % o oo£ OOCOOS O:^ (ill Gg§ C70 O0^§ 905]£l g^O§ C9j5 qo^s qQoS g ^ qo^s j£ cl o^ cgoS GOo5 ^6 0^ (^Oo CO^S OOOol G^S ^o5 Q c86 cq 0000^ q^^Oo oo^ goo oo5 or/5 GoooG^o6 006 oooOo 00^ oo£ cp 32 BURMESE READER, GO OD^ ^ § <^go 0^5s C§Cj5 OgO§ GCO (in CgS G^Cp GCpoS O^S GgS .CO 9^5)5 q^o«i cl o cxDoS GO cc[j5 Goqjsc^s ^% cp GO S two. 0^8 86 treasure ; 0^8 to be accumulated ; 88 to steep (?). ooS to lust after. ^8 oblique case of you (J. § 78). go8 co^ 3do^Se odd give only according as you said you will. 3D 08 an old form = ssodoS what ; cgjS intensive ; 3D D 34 BURMESE READER. (^0 cg]S where on earth? goodS to carry, ol to have with. (X) Hah ! (J. § 127). §>6 ood8 good cxjj 00^8 as for you, you are a forest-person, i.e. you are a low unculti- vated fellow. c^o^S a waist-cloth. c^ooS a cradle, sling. Q^cS to carry at the side. g[^8 a grandson. ^oS to think, note. c8§ for GC036 (J. § 118). ggD P. goods, money, accumulations. oo5 qoS to covet, both have the same meaning, cl q 0008 go od^ cg)S since you have not killed me; go euphon. afF. Goq)8(j^8 ^8 go g I am very much obliged ; Goqjo(j>)8 profit, obligation ; § intensive (according to J. § 117 qualifying) afF., but often used as an assertive and closing afF. cxjj to fetch. G4> oS sunset. 0^6 g33dS until (J. § 76). odS to wait, ol a polite affix standing for ^please.^ to reply. ooS 0^8 the whole circuit of (J. § 75). g^S to expect. 5|D qualifying afF. denoting regret (J. § 117). ^ past afF. (J. § 115). 0^8 ogD8 GODDO§jD8 a wayfarer, i. e. road-going- man. 3^ O. (y§ Q^D to relate. Gg8 cooS more than the dog (J. § 94). §J even, to search for. to be able. to believe. (y§ to return. ogoD^ wise men. odgcoo nature, disposition ; fr. P. oooddo sambhdva. q 008 good Q o^ Gp we should not believe a person who ought not to be believed. <5jj8oS8 to test, probe ; <^ to prick ; o58 to try, feel. ooS§8 to consider, cp for cqp to be suit- able, should. ooq8 just now. o^ 5 good spoken of. cggSoD8 to deceive, get round; o to bear, suffer; O2^0D8(g88 Q to be deceived ; the verb o with a verbal noun forms the passive, as §oS to beat, 30§oS o to be beaten. S UDHAMMA CARL 35 ^ 9SOoaS ^ 3q§ ^ GOOO o^ o^o GC0006 o^ di sqg(^o5sii 6. The Account of the Three Persons who lost their lives through associating inadvertently with a person who ought not to be associated with. G^o GOOO !?OQln !}QOo5 OOOSI OOGgS COOSi q5s ooos o^ 00^ ooc^o^c6 (9^ ^o s^cocS OoS @ GOD G005 00 GCOOOS COOo ODOg COOO Oo5 (ill 00 GCOOoS CTOOo <^5 ODO^COOO 0^ oo5 dill 00 GcoooS cTDOo ^ ooo^coDO oo5 (ill oooS g [§s og^S o§ 00^ 035 GOOO 9^5 00 I OqjOS GOO (i SQ^S GCg §5 Q GOD cg]5 ^0^ @ @ GOD (ill ^ CX^OS Goo5 § ccpi <^5 o3]5 93ooaS og5s 5 <^os 5)5 g8 oDooD c1o§ |)6 900:;^ ogos § 0306 I (^1 oooSc^os o^c^ctS ^ c|Goo5 c1o^ Goi ^ 0^11 0^ GCg cg]6 oD^s cyqpi 0§S (X)OS § clo§ 90^Cpo5 ^ C^oS GOOO Cq @ ^ ODOgCCOO OOoS GOOO 0^ OD^ SOO^Ss G0c5 GOD (in (^5 ODOOCtDO D 2 36 BURMESE READER, 0005 COOO 00^ Oq]0« ^5 SQO^Ss (gS GO GCO dill ^ COOgCODO OOo5 GOOO CXj^ 00^ 9Door>5 og£s gco (in c^o^ ^qoooS gooo cqpi 00^ o^o^ G^ooS c^oS GCO dill gooo 9^5 ^ C^SoqjSs GCpoS ^ GOD 02]6 G^oS o5 G930o6 035 oqs GcoooS g85 ^ G^ Q GOD dill OqjOS OD^S ODoSIgS | OOoOCp O ^ GOOOGf^o6 !^00 Co5 Cp 00^ @S ^ 0^ oqs GCOO06 o§ 036 00 GcoooS 0^ 00s ^ OOols 0§ §6 C^oS GOD dill ^8 GCOOoS GOOO O^ 0^ 00^ @ GOD GOo5 0^ @ dill OOoS OqjOSr CX^OdS 00 GODOOrS 00^ clo^ 06 ^ Ogo5 GC^0o6 G5)0 5 GOD (§11 ^5 ^6 cTo^ ^8 G00006 000 ^ GOOO oo^n t?D^ 000s clo^ C] GOo5 clo^ |8 GCOO06 GO oOo c| Q o:^ oc^^ din oo^o<^ 0g02 @ ^ GCpoS g G005 00 GCOOoS OOS dill 00 GcooryS (^£o gooo ocj^ od^: cc^6 00 GCOOoS G5)05 GOD (§11 00C3^ GOo5c7D0S OOoS I 2C|oS G[ G005 Cl |)6 O^jO S 000 OO S C| GOOO O:^ din 00 ^ GOOO GOOO 92^5 GC|5 Q C2]5 oq]^ GOOO 0^ 00 GcoooS 00s SUDHAMMACARI. 37 (9^ GCO dill CC^C05 Oq^: GCOOCtS 00^ G^jO^Ss 08 QQp g (^11 GC3T9q5 GOOO 0^ O GolSoGoToCJ^ Gp (ill NOTES. goISsgoT to associate with ; goISs to collect and unite ; QoTto keep company. 3d5 to be proper. S qualifying afF. implying inadvertence, carelessness (J. §117). sdodoS Q 0^8 to lose one^s life, lit. to come to an end from life. 3DQoS a noble ; qqqc^ may be derived from qoS, the intransitive form of goS to mark. coGgS from P. god^ (Setthi) a banker. ODggo^oS {Tekkatho) for odoooSgcod P. Takkasilo ; S. Takshacild ; the name of a celebrated town^ Taxila, (y^ country, city. 330008 skill, science. odS to learn. 33^8 bones, coc^odo P. characteristics, signs. ^5 for P. form. | for P. ^dq soul, life. (y§ 00^ ogS whilst returning, good a dense forest ; to cover. ^ numeral aff. (J. § 98). 051 d8 a tiger. Gog to find, [go^ to think, design. gooS to join. c^Ss to put in (transitive of 06 to enter). §|6 to be alive, ooooo P. time, used for ^ when.' GDOjj together with (J. § 75). odqSo a kind of elk. or G^ the barking deer. ^6 the wild ox. oooS the red deer. c^oS to bite. <^ zx^ an enemy; strife. q88 OOD8 to hinder, prevent, obstruct. 3D^Gpc5 from P. GD^Gpoo danger. ogoS to escape, godo qualifying aff. implying slight necessity or immediateness (J. § 117). 330D oS breath, life = | soul, individuality. 3D00 oSj^S = 38 BURMESE READER, to be alive. ogSojjSs a plain free from trees. gqdS the banyan tree. coc^QS an open plain, field. ODSoGp food (J. § 125). coS to be hungry, thirsty. ogS in, out of. ODols elsewhere. ^8 to wake up. 00 or 3300 presence (J. § 74). cgoS GCjjDoS to disappear; cgc5 to be concealed from view; G(Lj|DoS to be lost, disappear. 9^0 to hide oneself; g^dS to get out of the way, avoid. QQQ flesh, game. P- ^ forest, difficult road, (y^ again (J. § 117). ^Ss to remain over. coo§ another time, fr. to make. gooSoodo continuative and emphatic aff. 3G|oS the hog deer ( = roe, rae). o:j|? = to remain over. j>8o^o ogS to put into the heart, take heed ; j>8 or j)8o^8 the heart. N. B. — The Burmans often write ODGg8 as cxjjQgS because there is a word GgS to have in abundance, and so o:j{Ggo would mean ^ rich person;^ as the word is spelt with the cerebral g = "3 it is clear that it is derived from P. setthi, a banker. 7. The Account of the Barber and the Rich Man who was very much ashamed. cos6 cqo^i cooSoooS coq5 |ii oo ccooryS GOOO OOGgo 00^ 88 OCOOl ^6 ^^XX^ Q% SUDHAMMACARL 39 GCg GCO G005 OOCgS CO^S QOg^OOO^ Q^S ^ GCO dill QOg^OOO^ CO^S OOGgo Q^o ^ OOg ^5 cg]6 cl 000 Q% ^ Gcoo£« OD^ OOCTDOSlI OOGgo GOOo£§ OOGODO CC^ ooGgo 6\i qo5 c^aS god (in ooGgs oo^i 5)06 o ^ aj) cools cS o?^ gooo G@o6 ^hoc^o O 000 Oqjo6 G^ GOD cilil oools GOOO ooGgs o^ 00^ 90^£s^5s Q GOD OCJ^^ (ill 90og SOO^Ss q£s(^^S QoS GOD ODOO^Sil OOGgo Cr^ GoT GOo5 Cj^ ^ GOS GOD Goo5 c8o5c8o5 G^ GOD (in j)S (^6 oqs (^5 GQo G005 o£^(^! OD^S 0^ 0^£s 0^5 GO 00^ Cq GOD (ill OOggOOO^ 0^ CoT ^ GOS GOD GOdS 0:^5 GO 00^ O:^ GOD (ill SOO^IS ^ G]| SOO^ OOGgS ^ GOOO g(^0 £ •ogj|5 00^ oc^ ols qo5 c^oS g^ oo^ o:^ oSsjd^S 900S GO^jOO^ GOD (ill OOGgS OD^S OC7D0S 00 ^ Q 0^ ob 5)aS c^^s ^ G^oS c^5 GOD (ill q£:(^s od^§ ooggooo^ o^ o^oooS o^ ^os 9o5 c^o6 (ill oDoS g(§ (306 ^ Gol£ GoT| G^O C^oS 0^ dill OC7D0S 40 BURMESE READER. @ 61 |6li QC315 GoT I OD^S O G^O @ ol GOD dill o^oooS co^s 0^ OODOJ Cg|j5 q5s(^s gc^joctS Q gco oc^I ciiii oSs^s co^s ooGg; gqT ^ gqs gco (iin ooGgoi !?300o5 G^oS O 0005 j)6 CX^ OO^^Sn ooGgs ^ oogS cTDosii !»5]5 o5sj^^i (9^ og5 000 Qoggloo^ o^ !?05]r>S 0I goii GcilS ^ G^O GOD c8 CO Go15 OoScp !^C|5 I !?300aS G@o6 G^O OO^^S 0^ GOS GOD G005 Cl Q^S ^ GCOOS^ 00^ OOGQS oogodoctS 00^ g(9o5:(9| gooog§o6 6\% C^oS 8 G^ 00^ j>5 ^G^O O €| OO^ o^Sii co6oO^ GooSooos ^5 GOl6 f^^s cp dill 0^ (g^ ^6 o co^ii ooo^ G^o god oo^ ^ G005 C^O^ GOOO ^Q)^ | |^ OOgS ^ cg|]5 o Gcoo5s ol 9 oocoos o::^ god din O^ OCyDOS Q6§(d^S ^OS ^ <^000 3qoD5 ooGgs s^os gos din ooog^ oo od^s ooggoco^ oo^ c ols o^ c^o5 gooog^o6 ^ goo G| OOgS CC^ OOggOOO^ COS 6- UDHA MM A CA RI. 41 ceo ciiii o§ (§§ ^ oocgsoo^ §2gq15s gqOo GCO (ill 110^ G@o6 ogDo^ oogS CO ogoScp oo£^osgo 0^ oools gs^oS o ^ cpn ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^(96 o oo5 GooSco^s GOOS GGpaS GCO 00^ ^ ^ ^ @ OOOO^o II NOTES. G^c^^ooGp exceedingly; adv. formed fr. v. to take precedence, transgress, exceed. sojioS shame. QO^Doof^ (sattathe) a barber. gqgS for P. GQ3§GGp one of the former Buddhas. 83 his (J. § 77). qcx)d8 a wife. gD night (sometimes or ^^). time; the post-position § is usually omitted after a word expressing 'time.-' GOg to meet with. 3DD8 to (J. § 65). or c^8 to go out of the way ; transfer. 0^8 to give the road. ol8 the cheek. c^oS to slap. c^oS to follow (often used simply as a strengthening verb). ^c8 o|8 ^ becoming ashamed ; o|8 as a formative gives the idea of probability (J. § 1 25, 4) ; but here I think the meaning must be o to begin ; ^8 to be aroused, i. e. feelings of shame began to be aroused. ^8 to fear (because he feared that others would know about it). j>So^8 q ood cgoS G^ GCO he was unhappy; the verb g^ io remain, when coupled with another verb^ simply implies a state of continuance, and should not be translated 42 BURMESE READER. ODgSsgSs one with another (J. § 126, 3 a); gSs a single one, is an indefinite pronoun meaning self. gco cq^ the two plural affixes with the euphon. affix between. 3DO^ 33C^So in due course : to place in a row; c^Ss to measure (J. § 126, 3 b). to hear. godS <^ honorific verb ; both gooS and S 0^8 ^§ two or three times; 3d(^S time, fr. (^S to meet with. 33<^d8 o^Ss cxjS GO according as many say it is true ; cx^S to be true. 3D0gj^5 ^ ^ instead of where I ought to have given the road ; G|^q^ about to get = must, ought : 33c:^ what is for, belonging to (pronounced 33§), fr. § to throw into, heap up ; the use of here is peculiar^ and must be taken in the sense of (

S prohibitive affi (J. § 111). 3d[^5 or aj)5 a weight, five o:jj5 = three ounces, o^odc^ g^^S Why'? ooGgS (y5 ooDo This is what the rich man answered. qq^oSc^ to put to shame. ^ or „^ to unite together, g^d gco 0800 if he be set afloat, i.e. from being set afloat ; 08 euphon. aff. (J. § 118). od8 to ground, put SUDHAMMACARL 43 on. G[^3S8(y§ upside down, i.e. to change again, to be the reverse of what it ought to be. 8 inadvertently (J. § 117). 33GgjD S G| 00^ I had to undergo floating. odSsc^ gooSoodS in that case. q1§ godS pride ; ol? fr. P. qd^ pride; godS or godSs to be higher on one side (as we say, 'to put on side^). for clc^^ our. QO% to be suitable for. 3^G|S G|5 § in whatever places (J. § 51). (^Do |^ to be bruited abroad; to be diffused. Q goodSs ol b odood8 it would not be good. scjcoS a reward ; 3C^ a reward, coS fr. P. coDOD gain. ^ ^ after having done so. SgoISs; sometimes written and pronounced gGC^DSs the head. gooB to wash, i. e. he purified himself after being struck by a man of low caste. c^c^Gp c^Ss every hidden thing seen. In all matters, one should not do so as to declare them to others. Though blame be not imputed to those who are blameable, punishment will come to them, they say. ooSjjDSgo clearly:, ooS to be clear, conspicuous ; §|38 to be scarce. G008 fr. P. cx>cx) fear, calamity. N. B. — oo^Doo^, the latter part of this word is 330D^, a word used to denote one who performs certain callings. QO^D is not Burmese, but may be from P. QO^ an umbrella ; the umbrella-bearer being also the king^s barber. coGgB or o:jGgB generally denotes a person of the Vesya caste. 44 BURMESE READER. 8. The Account of the Short-tempered Potter and the Washerman. Qoo5 |n 9^soS^;oo^ oo godoctS OO^ O GC7Do52 GaDOGgo5 90G^g^ O^^g^ GOOO Qo1oO^ Qol g5 00(36 goo OO^S C^OS §0 ^6 ODg Q ^ ODgS gS g G^5 GCO 00^ CTOOSII o£s(^o 00 o5 ^ 90^)5 o£s(^oi Qo£ Goo5 cTDOo gS oo^ii oo5 gS G9005 QoToO^ g5 0I GO GOo5 Qo£ g|[ 5)6 o gS o1 GODo o::^ go^qooS goo din c^o^ G03]o(§6s 00^ ^o o6s(^s 900^0 ^ Gccyoo6 00^ o cq5ii Gcg|]oo6 00^ soo^6s ooloo^ Q06 G005 g5 GO Cj^COOS G^o6 Q06 Q gl[ cg|]6 o^s8S since; not given in (J. § 123). oo88c§ so, in consequence (J. § 82). cxjS <\ oS ^^8 G000G(cgDS because the times he had to make (them) were many ; 88 ssoqS his own work ; q od8 ^8 being unable to eat, i. e. he could not get a livelihood, cx^ 00^ Q QgS are not said to plot against another ; to be said to be (this force is not given by Judson). 88 c^c5 ODD only against their own selves. 88 § ggD ^^8 ol8 godSco^8 though one^s (to oneself) goods be few. (^©^ to plot against. o^8cb8[g88 deceit, artifice. 333} a matter, business. cpjS to do. (si ^§ ODg] cxjj as many as do. g5[d8(^^ to avoid, shun. N. B. — Q8oGgj8 oo5(yD horse-dung soap ; some say it is so called because it is made up in round lumps like horse-dung, or it may be from a plant called (^88Gg)8 stercularia. oo5(yD is a kind of fullers^ earth. 6* UDHAMMA CARL 49 9. The Account of King Mahamanda and the Watchman of the Cucumber Garden. G^o GOOO !^q1i1 GOOOOCXj^ ODoSoOCtS G005 I OC00O|0 ^ GOOO q£^ 00^ ol^jl^ODOO ^OgS ^ GCOO o£o (ill 00 G^^ 00 I 0600^ qoSoT j)£ 06 ^ GCO god5 gooo£o^ oogos cooqSo ^os | oo5 ^ G^ G 00 dill 0^ q£s C70 OD^S GOO 90 C^i oogos oooq5« q 08 q ^oS @ jfS cq GooSo q5 go (ill gopS 9Qol I o5s o^oS c^£ ogos ^ oogos 000 q5s G0I6 GODO O^ 00^ GOO GODOO^Ool OOgOo 08s o oS 61 |)6 0^ (ill 9000o5 G@o£ ODO OO^^S CX^ GQS (ill GOO GCOOO^Ool c1 o£o oD^o o:^ (9^ 0^5 oogo^ oooq5s gc16 gooo GOOoSo^ 00 OD^s ^5 Q6 go CyDOo o£o (^6 G005 !^G[g Q ^ OO 0I0 00^ s GG]^o ooo ^ «^ GODO oq 9^ ^ opoo^ 50 BURMESE READER, ^6 qIoOoS §ryS ^ q5s goo god (^n Og5s ^ 000 o GOD dill llC^ !^ qI ^QoSj^^ oo^ o § 00^ 0^ o8 ^ oogo§ cooq£o OgOS ^ 5)0^ GOD GCo5 OOgOS ODO Gdl6 OO OD^S GOO GODOO^Ool OOgOo COO Q o£ ^6ll coq5 ctd od^s o::jj^ oo gcoooS o5 odo ^ ^,o6 ^aS 00(^£ GOO GOD (§11 ^5 0D^§ GOO ^5 OOGODO cq (in NOTES. QOODQgD a Pali name; oood great; q§d slow, stupid, weak. GOODOCXj^ Vessabhu (pronounced Weitthabhii), one of the Buddhas. olG|18)aDoo name of a city or country. o8o(^ to do king, i.e. to rule over. oSoo^ warriors. ^cS fr. P. OGCOD strong ; ^cSol troops. o8 ^ to wage war, to go on an expedition, march. goodSo^ a hill-man, cultivator. cx)gD8 cucumber. QOZ> a clearing for cultivation ; q6§ to spread out, set in order ; oddoSs a garden. oo6 a stockade ; oo5 g to pitch a camp, god 3Dg|S2 Ho, you! (soldiers, sirs). o8 §oS touch, come in contact with. gqdSsi g[^8 two kinds of gongs. ^68 ooS to strike gongs — he caused it to be proclaimed by beat of gongs, V at an unseasonable time of the night; q to be wanting. sdoSe a fruit. 33G[g 3D<^ Q cx) without attendants, oo ols od^8 alone ; ol8 is used as the num. aff. for persons in authority (J. § 98). SUDHAMMACARL 51 olsooS (pronounced Icasit) waist-joint, small of the back. CjSs for co^SgoodSs (of) that one, his (J. §§ 126-1:^8): Judson classes this as an adverb, but wrongly. gogcodSs a human corpse (probably looking on it as the embryo of a future being). 3D§^c^ tendrils, vines. <^8 cgS to cover over completely. gsqoS (^8 a minister of state. ooqS 00 co^8 only just now. g6 optative aux. aff. (J. § 117). 00^ cq (§s o^S oDgo: |o5 ^6 (5)6 § GOD G005 q5o(^S 9QGCOo6s ^6 GCO ^ oSoo^ qcSol o§ 08 @ o^S c^aS8s ^ sf) oooo^sii oools Gooo oSs 00^ o£s Q ^ gQo5s c5 @ cg|]5 cl o§ §^ cx^ coryS qjoSoSs @ ^ 00000s cx^ @ ^ oogos coo G0I6 GOOO Gooo6o^ S30S ^5 cl o^ q£s 0^ oooS (§s Goo5 cl 0^ 905)5 006 gooo 93 006 oo^Qoo o^ o^ Qo5 €|£ ^ o5s (c^ Gcoo cx:^ o^ (iii oogos coo G0I6 00 CO^S SQOOS^S ocoos 01 GOo5 GOO 90O06@n cl COOo Oo£s^S OOOS OOODOSl! cl coo Og6 GgS I ^ c8 OOcbo^ cSs GODO OOgOS q5s cf^ IqS § ^COoS G@o6 c1 06s g 99 cq (9^ 93oo5(gs co^s ^5 cl 0^ 061 90GOO 0006 (§s oq)aS E 2 52 BURMESE READER. q5s Q ^ ob c| Gcoo oj^ ^ co^o:^5 ^o5 § oqs ^oS cq Gco (in o§ cq (§s ^ ^5)5 1 9^5)5 1 sQooS o g^^sdbs co6 goooh !?;)Oa)DO cl Q QO^ ^6 (§11 q5^ GOOO cq cg]£ cSof^s ooS oo6 cooo s^ooS CONOCO c^ oo5 GO ^ G5)S o5o Gooo5c ob o£s [c^ cg]5 0^ oocio OCJC @ o cc^ !?3qo5 SQ^oS § (§o ^ (q^ ^ 6| @ NOTES. g(^5 Oh ! Alas ! ooqS lord, master ; from ojj person, oS to be attached to; an owner. g8 to open; ojS to part, ccj to take by force; cqoooS to ravage. c^oSBs here means 'to be broken up and demoralised;^ cjjoSo88 is the transitive form (J. § io6). ooSgjS to adorn oneself with. 000 vocative, Eh ! aDS8€|8 to be poor ; ooSSG^g ODD8 a poor man. § to suck the breast ; ^ milk, teat. The meaning appears to be : ^ My cucumber garden in fruit, which requires as much care as a litter of sucking puppies.^ (q8 to relinquish, throw away. 33GC0 oooS to strike dead, kill. ajjoS since. <\ can, must (J. § 117), but wrongly classified as an affix. co^ocjS the nape of the neck. ^oS to make to bend down, ocj to pound (with the fist). ssj^Si gsj^S My lord, my lord. ^^8008 to hurt. C06 GCOO (J. §§ III— 112). c^o5 follow and SUDHAMMACARL 53 listen to. gddodd P. orders, oo^ to go against, oppose. fut. afF. (J. § 108). GOOD (J. § 1 17). former. goooSb old, when used for people = French ancien, ocjo to imitate^ rival, o to dare (J. § 117). 3d^oS to have the thought, i.e. to think. 9Doo5(^2 Qo^i 930^ ^c^d^i ^(5 ooctS GO (9^ GC|0 GCO (§S G005 g6 ^ Ggl 9Sc8 GOOO ^C|5 QGOo5 G9Q0O^ | G^ GO ^ 93005(^S 000§ CO QOoS G^OoS jiS 9Sg|o5 G^ooS GOOO c\:^co5 oBi^i ocS 90Q CX^5 GO^o Q OOo GOS 9o5 (ill llSori^GpS CO^S 90005(^S GOo ODOCO !^Oo6[^^ CO ^g(^o5s (^o g^o din 8o:^Gps co^i ^qoS (^^S OCOOS 0^ ^01 G0005 GCO (ill 0^ 90q1 (X^5 Gogjo GOOO 90oo5(d^^ ooOo 00^ ^ 081 coot c] GCO05s (y^ GOOOG@o6 o5s 0000^2 Or^ ^ O ^ Q GOO ^ G^ GOOOG^oS q5s(^s ^6cx^^ q 000 00^ § 6) oo^ Gg[o GOOO 0^ Qo5§^S (^8 (ill CO^ ^6 900 GCOoSs ^ ^ c1 06^ (§S G005 C] 900S Q ^ o GOD cp ooGODo o::^ Gooo6s oq (^06 Qo5^5s ^ GOD (ill II90Q05(^S OOOo co^s qSsQs g GOOO i}ogQo5s o§ 54 BURMESE READER. SQQ06(^S ^05 GO (ill CO^S 93C:^C75 ^ o6s (o| 00^ 00C7D0S (X^ Q c8 ^5 GOOO Gco Goo5 c^s go] 6 GOOO ^o6 cBs 00^ 38s ^ Od6 (il! GOO !^005(^SI g5l C7D0S OC^^o @S GOOO o5s OO^Sll Q ^0 GOOO OC7D0S O odS o:^ gco dill aoolo g|o6 | ^ gooo so<^5 ^ 00^ oD^s f^ooS^s OD^cc^S ^o5 ^ oq GCO (in !?ooo5(^^§ co^s ^og^oocp 5)oS G^ooS 00^ ^ OOQ08 00^ ^ g^i OOOS 900g^ @' ^§ ODCOOoll O ^0 C^ GOOO OOOOo 0^ og or^ § @ 000 ^ o5 03]6 o§ @6 G^ o:^ oo§ o::^ cooS §s § ^ o5^(S^s ^ goo go §§s (ill NOTES. 330^ 330^80 in due course. (§S cooS to be peaceful. GO causative auxil. verb — it is not clear who was pacified, but we must suppose the whole country. ^S§ palace, throne; 4>5oOOoS to ascend the throne. 088 to open the white umbrella (symbol of royalty). qqo8 (^8 nothing but gold, i.e. of solid gold; 3Do8 from 08 to pare off and make smooth (Judson) ; also in the form of ooS solid. qG|6 ogqdS a canopy over the throne ; q5 OQgoS g(^do5 sixteen years old; g(^3o5 to be raised, is often used to imply multiplication (J. § 102). oo5 with (J. § 69). 3d(§ constantly (J. § 126, 3 a). 0:^5 G0gj8 to attend upon. Scx^GpS a queen, wife of a king. A queen in her own right is ocjgjSq female sovereign, o od8 to pay respect. gj§ for the pur- pose of (J. § 125, 3). 3qg(§dS8 (^8 the whole of the circumstances. o:jjGboD68[^ to be a benefactor ; lit. to do good person, q ^ q goo disrespectfully ; ^ to respect; goo to be still, quiet. GooDSoOc^(^o5ooS(gS8 a good beating : this is a good specimen of a compound noun formed from a number of verbs signifying various manners of striking ; gcodSs to pound with the elbow ; oc^ to pound or hammer (with the fist) ; c^oS to slap ; ooS to strike a back-hander. (^08 to inform. 30c^oS anger; ogoS come forth. this 6 SQO:^ OgOo Q^l G005 G^JOCtS €| G^J dill fi^ogoS 000^ oops (^06 @ oqjr>S ^6 G0Q0£ Cp^ ^ 090^ €| @ ciili ll^ols o^ co^s (go5 0I oqj'n6 oos 8(Ss 00s g| (ill 11061 ^8 00^ co^s ^o5 ol oq]o5 Gcp OOGoSo 0^.0^ qjoSoBs OOOS dill llQCOOo O^ OO^S @ 0I Oq)o6 ^6 I Or^^ O^ 00^ Q GcyDoSs G^ GOO'S 9000G€| qjoScj dl (ill nssoqoq Gcoo ooggol o§o2£ ^oooS 0^5 90(96 Q C^OS ^ G| GOD OO^gSsil NOTES. cooS ^8 the arm ; used to denote ^power;^ ^8 is prob. for ^^8 to pull. cgoSop ^ in secret, behind their backs. ^j)o5 (gScp § in their eyesight, before their faces. C|S8 — CjSs either — or, both — and (J. § 126, 8). (yS 008 q6oI CO q6o the sun and moon; q5o is added as honorific. olso^S Gol So the hollow of a bamboo ; ols the bamboo plant; 0^8 round, i.e. before being split (olsoqS pronounced wdloTi)', GolSs to be defiicient; hollow, c^^o to illuminate. ^c^oS fr. P. ^c^^ a constellation. oDDGp P. stars. (§S^c| lofty Meru (J. § 33, 4); the great central mountain, to revolve round. <^ol8 B. form of P. ^3ol a race of fabulous serpent-folk. odd8 8S8 green frogs ; the usual reading is COD8858 raw flesh, but it is a mistaken one, as can be shown from Pali. ood8 or ols a frog; 868 to be green; raw. 06I the river Ganges, go^ a canoe. oooS to be accus- tomed to. g§ decorous, well-behaved. cxjjoS although. ogj§ a slave, servant, g^oogg^ good character, reputation. 3DOcjoc;j various, ocfgol S. beings. cgjS emphatic aff. ^ ^ ol OD^^8 can there be ? DO. CX:j^o1g|CX)0COO G|00|s ^6 422'^ CX)GgS 10. The Account of the Rahan Kumara Katthaba and Punya the Rich Man. G^o GOOO SQolll QOOOOCXj^ CC^Q^l COoSoCoS GOOO 9^5 I o8oo£s ocjs dill 9;)5)£ cxd^ ooos OO00G00(^ G0q]5 OO^SII 00 G^^ 00| ODGgo g86 SUDHAMMACARL 59 06 ^ Og(5o GO^o GCO Cgy5 OOQgS ocoos co^ 008s |6 9:)oqooo2 oocps (iiii €|oo|s oc^oo^i ^6 GCO (Jii oocpo Gooo (§s o^jS GoqijoSs GCO GOo5 Q ^5 O O^^S 0005 ^ 9Q^0 b dll! 00 Q\ 00^06 ooGgs co^s 06 o:^ ogos GCO G005 935)6 C|00|S 9QOOaSG@o6 OO^gSs GO« (Jll G|O0|s CO CO^S gQ5 slcOODOl qoqc^^^ o^ ooGOOo oj^ <^ ooOo oo^s gGO^oSs ^ GCOoryS ^ Gooo Gog[ 8^1co5 ^5 o^S cxd^o") o^ c^o5(§5s GO ooo5 (ill oo^t 8gDloo5 c^5 00 00 Gooo 9QG@o£s 00^ o^scb (ill QG^O SgoloyS C^oS Og^S GOo5 GCO (iiii o§ o^oS og^s Goo5 c^5 ?co^ gS GCO (ill o§ g5 cg|]£ Sc8 § 930(^ | o5 GCO (in (05 o^5 OOQoS O 00^ 00^ (^8 ^ o1o6 c^ctS Goo5 t^^o (^8§£s G(S|5 GCO (ill NOTES. oqQlG|oooooo a Pali name; kumdra usually means a youth of high station^ prince ; Kassapa (pronounced Kat- thaba). gjod^s a Buddhist monk ; fr. P. 3DG|o3 venerable. 6o BURMESE READER. a name (P. punnd^ virtuous), gooooo^ Vessabhu (pronounced Weikthabhu)^ one of the Buddhas. oSooSs 0^8 to perform the rehgious duties (of an ascetic), sd^S that reverend person. qooIgcd^ Mahd hte^ from P. good great ; GOOGGp an elder; a high rank amongst the Buddhist monks. GajjS to be v^ell known as. 06 to invite a person (to a feast). ogSs boiled rice, presented to monks (not used for others). GOgjg to feed. 300^ cocq together vrith (J. § 75). ooGpS to listen to the (sacred) law. GDD^ for P. 3D3C|gaD an object of thought, idea ; 33D^[^ to think on. §00^ P. lustful; some books have %o% which is a wrong reading, good to preach, recite. QCCpSo a monastery. o^§8 to sleep (used for monks). cx>oS able. oS intending to invite. gIooood P. a giver (pronounced taga)^ the common word used by a monk to a layman, cjocjqj^ P. c^o^gjG^D an ordinary man, a worldling : has here the sense of ^ unconverted.' OOGODD P. nature. oo§8 a louse; gGC^lSs head, i.e. the smallest imaginable portion. oc^[ P. eye. SglcoS fr. P. vinnanam, the consciousness ; both together mean ^ eyesight/ 00 od ^ something or other. ogSsco to deceive, qg^d P. mind. c^oS og^8 to instigate. c^oS to bring into contact; og^8 to shove. ^8 gooS to rouse up ; GooS to stimulate. §c8 P. joy, pleasurable sensa- tion. o5 to be joined to, at one with. odq18 q od^ not being firm in a right course ; ooqdS P. calm, self- concentration. oloS fr. P. olo:^ the elements which com- pose an individual ; some bodily and some mental, c^i oS to be destroyed, thrown into confusion. SUDHAMMACARL 6 1 S^ODoS GOOO OOg( C^5 !^5]5 C|OO^S 8o5 q!^ 0006 go5 ^ oD^^o cx^ oo£(g5 00^ ^ Goo5 905)5 €|oo^s 06 coooo cl !386 I c8s oocps ^o oo^iiclcSs ^5 o^]£ cBs | oooS GOOO OgO[ Cp (ill S05)5 C|OO^S I oo^s c1 00§S §o5|s b 0^£ ^5]o6 b 90 cr^ ^ |>6cx^s c^o^ ^(gS cl d^aS 90^0 |) 90 oooo^sii 90 ol OOGQo 0^086 GOO 6 GOOO ^oS 00^ oD^o cxoGgo ao8s 90(^5 o^ooSs Gcocin 905)6 ^ ^^^^ ^"'^ ^ ^60006 85 GODO Cp sq^QoS @ Gp (ill 0^0^ GODO OOCp^ OO^ ^o5 gjO ^gO^ O9O0 95 GODO oqo6oD5 ^ oD^ cq cp (in n NOTES. ^ a similitude, form. 33^00^ a suitor, ols num. aux. afF. (J. § 98). (^oS to desire strongly. j>SoooS to be pleased with. a dryad, i.e. fairy guardian of a tree, fr. P. a tree, and B. ^8 to rule. 8§ gcod gl for GO GQ GOOD g1 for the purpose of causing (J. § 65). ^oS g|0 the villages of the Nats; i.e. Devaland, heaven. §gl$ Neikban, for P. §gl| Nibhdnam^ Sans. Nirvana. o^DE 35 GODD Q^E road that will go to. ocjoS ooS to sweep away, make clear. F 66 BURMESE READER. 11. The Account of the Four Brahmans. ocjo^ o::^cps corTSoooS G3o5 |ii oor>5ooo 0000 QoOOOD OD(35s 00 GOOO 0^0 (goOQCOO CO^C 00 GOOO (goOOCOO OD^S 00 GCOOrySl Sumana, one of the Buddhas. aDO§ooo the town of Sankassa; for ^OGcp P. a town. Q^o P. majjhima (B. pronounce mitzima), middle, ^goo P. small, cjjco P. small, younger. 00 GOODoS — 8 to each — a piece. 3(51 (dinga) a coin. 33^32 that which is flat, used to describe coins, gg^ ^2 — (qS by reason of the affair of about to bathe, i. e. as they were about to bathe. ggD here means ^ money.^ 00 go) 60 00 <^ oo^E altogether in one heap. gdcoS a^g the youngest (J. § 95). Q>Q':i a watch of three hours. ooGp <^gg3)g O Brahmans, teachers, co aocS j[S oo§ GOOO a^oooS § in the eighteen branches of science. The names are given in the original, but being a string of Pali words are left out of this text as useless. oooS GOOO 30Gp 00 ^ Something you are skilled in. .^02 GoooS to listen, lit. to erect the ears. 30^8q madam, cl c^oooS ^6 Q 0^5 that we shall be able is not true, i.e. we are unable, oj <^ oooE if (you) say, i.e. if you ask me the reason why. ogog Gp ogS in our going, on our journey. Note that the plural affix comes between the verb and its formative, cl 80S gooooS 00,^ cr^ Q o3 He knows not whether we were crooked in intent, and we know not also whether he was crooked ; 80S GooooS is given by Judson as ' to be out of temper,^ but here it means ^ crafty.^ aoj^oS c^o gooooS G30o6 72 BURMESE READER. sufficient to cause shame. ssDODGp P. rule of practice. GDOjjgajjg Q oooS ^8 ^ we are unable (to think about) other matters. G(g d the four faces of the place^ (or, as we say,) four quarters of the heavens. gOQD go godS if you wish (cause, insist on) me to tell a parable ; goQD P. a similitude, example. The Minister's Daughter's Tale, or The Account of Four Persons, viz. the Prince, the Nobleman, the Poor Man, and the Rich Man's Daughter. G5]o GOOO |iJ o£o OOOol 9SQ05 ODOcI O^Oo£o^ 000^! ODGgS cSsi GCO° GCOOr>5 GC^I GOOO 0^ 00^ OOgDO^OO (9^ ^O sooooS ogo oo£ @ Gco Goo5 ooGQo cSs OD^S 30Gp OOS 0^£s ^oSoOOS GO dill 00 c^c8s coctS ^ CTD^S c^oSoqj gco oooogSsn o£s OOOo G930C^ G^ 00^ ^5 G005 00 QCCO ^ C7D25^ ^ 61 O:^ 0^ (iill o£s OOOo SUDHAMMACARI. 73 o^n oogo 00 g|a 6\ ol o^ii Soo ^C|5 GGpaS GOOO cl 0^ O^S §0 9D€|5 OgoS GO GCOO OC^ (^11 SQC|5 C^oS CO Oq ^ C7d6o GCO OOOOj^oll OOO^cSs COOo 9^0006 0^50 ooo5 ^ g8(5 (g^ GCO ciii q6s OOOS COgSs s86 (9^ GCO GOo5 QQ^S GGo5 oS^^s ^06 g|0 o og]5 (g^ 9^5^s ^ ^^^S- H GOD (ill OOO^OoSs CO^o 00 QOoS 0(^006 ^6 9Qg|o5 GcpoS (§s Goo5 Sod 8o5 ^ GCOO GOOOO^OS ^6 GO^OO^ GCO (ill C05 0^ G0005SO^ (in Ogj^GOoSo 00^ 9^5)5 OCOOo (^8 G^ [§fl OOg^S GOOO oogo OCTDOo O^ Ogj^GGoSo G0005so| ol Q^ll 00 QCOO ^ ^gS GOS 0I OC^ "GCO (ill !?300oS G^o6 S3g6 G0O06cO| OO^^S 00 GQS G005 OgJ^GOoSo 00^ OOCgO^CO ^1 1}Q OOOS OOS GOOO s^ol OOg^^ GOOO oogo OCTDOo GOo 8 0I OD^n 8 CO SSOO GCpoS GOOO COOCO c] 00 S3€|5 GcpoS ol o::^ q5s ooos cc[j5 GcpoS ol cc^ oogo oog^s Gos 8 ol (ill ooo^cSs co5 CO^^ oogo OOg^S ^ GOOO !?DOC0DO 00^ 74 BURMESE READER. GOc GOOO CC^ GO (^jn NOTES. 0033 son, need not be translated, cn^ all, from cr^ to come to an end. oocgo^oS Tekkatho for P. Takkasilo, Taxila, a city between the Indus and Jhelum which was a celebrated university. oogS a pencil or style. GGQDgo for G330o5oo bclow. oo ooD ^ just for a moment ; ood P. instant. oogD P. a promise, oath. 33g|o num. affix (J. § 98). ^o to instruct, inculcate, o^l I first flower, i.e. virginity. ogoS to pluck. ^oS g|0 6 to enjoy the villages of the Devas. Used to express the death of a king. 800 mother, father, i.e. parents. 80S ^ GOOD GOODo^DS the man of their choice (mind). gooODE to give in marriage. GOOoSooli to ask for. 30§6 permission, leave. 8 inadvertently (J. § 117). gooodd P. authority, obligation, oj men, in contradistinction to ^]oo|o monks, who are no longer men. gooo (J. § 117) denoting necessity. 93^5 GODO GCOOO^Oo GQ QOoS 8^ ^ (§° ^O05 OO^QOO 0^ C)^ GCTDoSsgO Oo5oo5 ^ OgO^ GCO GOo5 Q^o Og5 0^^^ ^6 GCg GCO (ill ooo^cS^ SUDHAMMACARI. 75 q5si Cl (i 930^ OOCTDO^II GOOS ODO^cSs GO ^oO^ @S OO^ CO (ill c] (i o^0o(g5s coos I ooooo^c6 !?300o5 OgO OoS GODO o6s OOOo 00 GcoooS oops ooo^c8° (g^ (9^ ccpoS GCX30 ^^S] c] 06 1^C|5 coo GODO OC^ COo5 G005 OOO Oj^ ^ SQOO O 8 GOOO G@o5 oogo c^oS 9 ccyS ssoloS gcos o::^^ | €| G^ GGOO O^ll 0^G005gc>D05s O^ G^ Gp O GCpoS G^ GOOOG^oS SoO O^ oScS^^Oo GOOO CoS O^ O^QOo 9 ^ ODO o1 00^ dll ^SO^ 00 OD^S OODOo O^ @os cgijS ooo^cSsi qSs ooos | (§ ODC^C^ 00g|s Q o1 GOll ODO cg|j£ cl 00 O^ o5 ODO G| ^ ^ ^ (ill ^SO^ ODoS ij C2cS <§ OOO^cSs ogOS GOD GOd5 G^DoSoS ^qp O^ GCpCTS (ill Gg^oS GO)6 ^06 C7D OD^S !?DODo5 OgOS OC^ GOS OOOOD so^5 Ggo5 Gdl6 ^o5 oSsi SD5)£ 06 O^ GGpoS GOD (§11 Ogj^O COOo OOolo 76 BURMESE READER, GOOD 9QG^o£o O COOll G^^^ OOObO^ G^OOS G0l6 ^o5 <^OO^S !^0S g(90 GO) (^n ^o5 CO COgS^ OOO^cS^I qSs 000^ I oogo ooobo^ (§ ^ (9^ c 06 o5 GODO or:^ 0^ ^ ogoS c^ctS din ooo^cSs co^s oogo Q Qoo::>Q>^^^ o5s[^^ ggq5 O^ GCpoS GOOO !?0ol cools GOlS ^o5 00^ 060I0 ^SgOo ^ ODO^cSs 00^ o5s(^S 06 GCpoS GCO OOOO^Sll NOTES. 0608 (pronounced sahiri) the hair of the head, not of the body. goS to rub. ssooS oo$ood clothes and orna- ments. 0^0 33(^33 o^S in an interval of the road. or ^icxj a thief. 33Gp q ojS good 8g a woman whose business is not true or honest. c1 30C^ what is for me, i. e. my booty. CjSc — c^Ss both — and, either — or (J. § 126, 8). It is not necessary to have Ga-:S before Cj8 as Judson infers. 3o[^ 30oocSc§ oo^^S What think you 30oooSq^ sometimes means 'How?^ and sometimes ^Whither'?' o^gooS g 00060 a religious or good person. c8So(^02 or o8S3[^|o to give in marriage. 0% (^dS to ask leave respectfully. qSo 0002 § — (§ ol go just as your promise to the prince was firm, so let the promise (I am about to extort) be firm, cgc^ o^oS to release; o^oS (to follow) is often used as a secondary verb to imply motion SUDHAMMACARL 11 to or from. g^ddS the banyan. All trees are supposed to have their nats or dryads (^og^s) who guard them. ogj^Q I (fem.) (J. § 77). ODoli GOOD — q cod have not come for any reason other (than this), g^ o^ ODcrio^ as before stated, oools goIS the guardian of the door. GOo to open or give entrance. S^OOoS C@o6 COO 00 ^gSs cx^ o£^[^^ QOl coo5 9^5)5 q£o(B^^i ooc^o^oS (9^ ^o !^ooo5 OgO OoS GOOO O^^IcoS COo GOOO 000^ c8° ocpS^ii oogooi^cS (g^ co ccpcTS o^5 800 O^ oS6^^0o @ GCO (§11 C^C^ oScS^^Oo GOoOOo GOOO g865)5 co5 o|(^os b ^ ^516 06 o^ !?0Ogj^5 GCpoS coo GO 00^ CC^ 0^ o^£ CXD CO^^ 95ogoS00^ ^ g OOOOOSlI 000^ c8o oogo cp GO OD^ o:^ ^ ^ 000§c8si 005 I CO^ GOOO oogo c1 (^G(?^5 oT oc^ ^ c^G(5^5 (§o a^5 ogoS c^aS GCO (ill ooo^cSs co^s ^^^g"^ B8^ ^ oq ^ coo cooS Goo5 g^^oS go16 ^o5 G^cp GcpaS GCO c^5 coc|8o5 gaS oo cbo^ 9^ 905)5 G^o5 GolS ^o5 o£si gS5 oo gcooi o ^5 CO Gcooli 90O2j^5 coos o£o ooos o?^ oogo 78 BURMESE READER. 5^5)5 G^o5 q616 ^o5 93GpQ6 ? (^n OOgO oooos Q cc3lc7S(9^ !»^£ ^o5 o5s 06 c§ coo GcpoS 61 (§ cq (in ooo§c8s COoS 00 C^oS GCO 0^ 00^ 9^)0005 5)6 oo^ii c^o^ 5)5 (§0 ^ 000^ GOO oq oDoS coo (g^ 00^ coos ^2B^ 6^ ^* 8 00C7D0S oq ^ G^oS Gdl6 ^o5 (ill !?05l5 G^ooS G0I6 ^o5i t^oorrS ^^§^ ^ oogo ocyDOo GC3laS(9^ ^ o o£ OgOo G^ G005 SodloS GCOS I 000 G| G^ GOOO Q^ll 0^G005gC7D0£o 0§ (i G^Cp !?0<^5 C§ Q GGpoS G^ Gp Oj^ ^ (ill OOO^cSs OOgO OC7D0S Ggl §000 CO (§6 C^GG^S Cg|]£ 90ooo£ oooS oqs oOo gcoo oc^ ^ ogoS c^ctS GCO (ill NOTES. o^^DoS or o^gD^ p. a promise ; according to Childers patinnd^ a vow, promise. s^ogj^S I (fern.) (J. § 77). 3?ogo5 ooGi ^ (g it is very wonderful. (^gO)S S. to worship, do honour. oogQd or j>8g(^d to begrudge. (qS eg good I should have had to be in. (^|[00D a jug with a long neck, oo o^E one pot; used as a numeral affix (J. §§ 99, 100). goodoS 00 oS oc^E to the end of your life (J. § 75). od2 gcoo eat, i.e. live on it. 000§c8s CO^S G^OoSoS CO OgOo Goo5 ^SO^ G^Cp 0§ GGpo6 GCO (ill C73 CO^S !]85 ^ G^ (ill !]85 €g5 ogS ogos goo5 c^o6 GcTDoSs 61 oqjoS 9^ 9^5)5 ^°oO^ ^ § J° a^5 c] sDoooS 00^ q5si cl cg£ 61 cooo ggO qSsi !?35]£ ^SC^ 930^ b (§11 co^ cl oogo c@o6 cl GGpaS (§11 9;)5)5 di ssc^ 93QoqjooS o Qo^ Q §£s (§ oq ^ 0^ (in §oO^ CO^S SpOgoSoD^ ^ g COCOO^II GCOOOD Cg£ (^8 ^ Cp (go GODO oogo OCOOS O^ G0I6 GO (§ ooooo^ii g^l^!^ ^'^^ 0^ o^ cl (96^0^8 Goo5 S05S(^ O €| G^ OOOO^Sil !?SCC[]£ ogOo GCO GCOO c^ctS ^ 88 od5 06 O^ G^oS 93g(^o£s C:^0S (9^ g(9o COD (ill 08 ^oO^ (i\ GgooS colS ^o5 (ii o£s (i OCOO^ (^OS 0^ §^ G§0 (§s Goo5 ooo§c8^ 8o BURMESE READER. ^ COOO 9SGp C05 ^og5^ dill 110^ OCOOS COS (ill NOTES. 3S5 ^ |>S had gone to sleep (J. § 115). ogoS goodSs ol cqjoS she might have escaped; ol euph. afF. cl ogS ol GOOD gg3 the goods I have with me (J. § 69) ; ol to have with, goddoo ogS (gS 5 05 go godd 00 go the most difficult oath in the world. ^S^d" to transgress against. 33cg]S quickly. godd 33Gp what she had done, cl I, is used to the thief ; ogj^o I, to the Brahman. q^os 00 9^)5)5 !?QQo5(^s cS^oi cl 000s q£s OOOS I dill 9QOOo5 G@o6 CXj^ Cj^ COOSll 88 |) GODO OOgO o|^§o ^ 00^ ^ spogoSaD^ ^ g 00C7D0S o::^ cl ^og6s dill 00 GCOO06 CTD !^oo5 008^1 cl Cj^ coos G^oS G0I6 ^06 O^ §og^s dill sQOooS c@o6 CXj^ OOOSII ccooojos o§ di 806 ^2B^ ^o"^? SUDHAMMACARL 8i 00 GcoooS o:^ dill 90^5 !}3oo5j^s c8si Cl G005c7D0S Co5 (ill SQODoS G^oS oj^ Cj^ooosii S3cg^ o5QoS (go GOOO Ogg(^0S 0^ GQOS GOOO GC| ^6 OC^ 00^ o::^aS sqo<^ | o oo5 gooo g(^o6 88 qcoOo 9Dg6 GOOoSs 0^6 -^Qg^ GOS ^ OgoS C^CtS 00^ COOo GCOOO^OS (i 806 00^ ^ogoS 00^ ^ § oocoos o:^ ^ogcS'-din n^gg^' 9;)ca5 sqs o:^ dill 9Soo5[B^s cSji cl gooSctdOo O^^S O?^ (ill !?30Do5 g(^o6 Or^ Cj^ CTDOoil ^oO^ (i OOGOOO 00^ SSOOoS (g| ^ SQoooS Gg^ oo^ii c^o^ cqjryS ssooS 00^ soo 0^ o oo5(g|^ ooSgl oqioS ogo5 c^oS GOD (ill ggO ^ eg 0^ OD^S Oo5ogo5 C^fyS GOD (ill oSQS^ 0^ §so:j^ oogS goS 00^ oq §og6« ^ GOOOOp g (ill NOTES. 88 o§ 5 GODD o|; g8 cf^ the promise that he had asked for, (namely) the first flower. ooS to reject. qSo o^S ooqpg 00C3S olg the ten laws or rules which govern the actions of a king. guodo^dS 80S — gS ^ being 82 BURMESE READER. able to watch over his naPs miud in a case in which a man would have found a difficulty in so doing. 3^ said in turn (J. § 117). 330g^ o5 — Ojj od^ Uke w^ater in which a very pure ruby (o^Q^o) has been w^ashed, i.e. most pure and undefiled. 33D^ P. the object of thought. OOGOOD P. the disposition. 330Do5 cf^ g«| ^ 3300 oS GgS 00^ to get his living by risking his life. oo5 to have a strong desire for. ooSg^* to reject, goodo^d P. praise; sometimes wrongly written gqodo4>d. ooo^cSs dill 0^ 9^5)5 c8si oqs godooS GOOO c^ggos 00^ c5s 000s q5^oi Ggo5 Go16 ^06 q£:i co5 q£§i ^^g6 oq^ din SSCoS^o GOOO C^SgOo Cj^OOOo ^so^ dii 0^ 0000s Qos cg[]£ ^Qo5(gs cBs CO co^s R?[o'^* GcoooS o^ C^^^Oo S^CoS^qo GCTDOo 00^ ^0 C| GOOO ggo og^o oqjoS o oo5g^s ooSogoS c^oS GOOOG@o6 ^SO^ ^o5 03^ O:^ GO30 S3C^ 6§ qcgoOo s^coSsqo ooctS | o£ ggo ^ (iiii c^j^ (^8 GoooG@o6 -^^^So c1 (J ^og£ & (§° RcB^° ssooS^qs CO o^ ogOo ^ g^J§ GODll O^i^O 0^p5 OOOo OOoTs g|^o5 o coo II cqs GcoDo6 GO30 o^ 00^ o^ SUDHAMMACARJ. 83 ooos ogo ^ op GO dill 5)5 qc^o^ oD^s qS^I^ O §11 OC^QOS C^^ ^ qS^^S ^ SpGOOOgl Og^GOoSo ODO ol (§11 !^OOo5c§ GODO ^^^^ OoS C^ggOS I § GOOO ggO OD^S G^jooS b OO^II O^^O ^0 CO^S COoS Q6 9 OD^n OOS Og^GOoSo OOgS OOols GODO SQC|5 OgOo GOd5 !^03oS GgoOCp O § ? oocoo^ cq sq6o ol godii nj^o^ 8<^5 ^0000^ C^oS GOo5 OgO^ GO ^ §S CC[]5 GOS C06 dill CO^^S ^00^5^ GCO dill 9SC§^ o6sG^Oo5 o6sO00 OO^ Q8 ^ OOO^ c8si Q G@o£(^ co6ii cl ogS goo o Gqjor>Sii cor/S § ol din sso^ 9QCj> €| g^oS goo cl OO^ll SQ03o8 GgS GODOCtS GS^dS § 0I oo^ii ooolo 9S^5 ogOo god5co^s cl ogS f^ODoS Gg^OGp § OO^ OC^ dill <^Jg^Oo OCOOl CO^^ SS^S OOgS S3O06(^S Oo8o !?QOS g(90 GO dill G % 84 BURMESE READER, NOTES. o^oScc^SgooS a body-servant ; o^cS body, ccj5 to do, attend on. as regards (J. § 69). G) 08 good ggo og^2 things difficult to obtain. 330^ (yS by the purport (of his saying that he praised the thief, etc.). goSq elder sister; a mode of address. 300^8 ^ [§S cgjS having made (your) appearance (like mine), goo a light imp. affix for politeness, oools g[^oS o coo for other reasons (I have) not come, ^oS nothing but fools (J. § 1^6, 8). oSg^S q ^ have not a spouse, cqcoh a young man, bachelor. 00 o5 gjgSs [qS 5 00^ have nothing but my hand (to give). 3300 oS Ggg oS ggo !?30o GOS C06 ol §oll 00^^ GOOO 9S€|5 OgS o^^Goo5o 000^ Q^n c^oSgooS o§ gcos gcooctS o:^^ |8o:^s (gpS @ ^5 cc^ gcooii 119;)^^ COgS^ GOOoSs (§S GOoS qggOS (d^^ O^S GCOOoS GO! GOO05^o(§ Oq 0^ ^ ([^ GODO ggO GOo GCO (ill OOO^cBs COgS^ GCOo GCOO06 GOOO C^COOS (i ggO ^ (§ ^ QQgSs G005 q5s 9^0^ GCC[]0(7S GCO (ill 93O06(3^S CO^SI !^^5 oS^ GCO^ GCOOoS GODO ^C^OS ci ^0S§5^ ggO <^ [§ GCgiJOoS q8 GCO dill ll^OOOoSo^ 86 BURMESE READER, 8c6 ^ c| oo^^s ex^ o6s[^s COS godS o^j^ Goo5 c8s 8c6 ^ oops cx^ co^orxS ceo (ill o§^6 ooog gqT^ GOS dill NOTES. oo6 or oooS dear father; oS to be attached to ; conf. to love. y§ GOD it is certain, true. The root (3 means Ho be accurate/ and so can be used in the present tense. G|So oo^ gg3 33^1 equal to the original sum. 00 S to teach or learn ; like the Old-English ' learn.^ Gco ^2 GOOD stay a little longer (J. § 117). 009 ^now^ is sometimes used in this way, i.e. 'these present.^ gi^S in this manner only, exactly in this same manner. q>o% coS ol §E give me for a little while. j)So!^S ^ 3D your hearts will be full, i.e. you will get your wishes and be satisfied. GcqjDoS to address or inform (a superior). ^D2(gSo ggD the property of error, i. e. the money regarding which an error had been committed. ooo§c8s co^s 90cp 00^ ogsoos oqjoS G@orySoc75^o5 Gooo 90cp 00^^11 c^gp^os gcos godoctS 00^ ^"^p^ @S G^ o:^ din cT qoqo^^ ooGOOo coosn gcooooi gooooi CsloO O^ (^6 GOOOG@o6 00 ^ GOOO 000[ Q^il IIGOOOOO 8gOOro5 SOGp 00^ SUDHAMMACARL 87 oo5[ SgocoS !^cpc^ o^oSog^s (ill 00^ Cg^S dill C^0§ O^oSogls GOD0C7D | o5 GCO dill O^O^ o5 GCO 0^30 ^ CX^oS oooo^oii 0^0 ^ cjqoS cgyS ^oo£ !?q§£ oooocpo^ oo£^^(§£o I go o^£ oqj co^ ODOO^Sl) OCOOS ODO^cSs G^O cg[]£ q£s Gg[ ogS ^J^3° ^ di goo GCOS ^ 000s ^ ggo 5)5 cxji GCO oc[^ cx^ GCO cg:5 qcoDo^o S8 c§ goo o^s a;^ g CCy£ 00 (^£0 GOOO ggO oq Goo5 g;po GqjooS 9 oogS oqioS 00^ qcoDos caS di ggo § cx)^ ooooos cx^ o£s Goo5 g(^5 !^5i5 o5'o(^^oI G5)S od SS ggO 88 906 000^0 O OD^ll 88 DDO 88 08 gg^ (9 (§ K)oo5(^s c8s s)^ (ill II 0^ I GCOS GCO0r>5 GOOO 4ggpo° gf^O C| @ cx^ 0^ cc|]5 q5s(^s (i c^r^orS GolS ^o5 c8'„ co^s ooo<^ goTgo (ill o5s(^s CO^S ODC^cSs 0^0 §\ 2 coooosii 93C|6 5)6 |§^^^ 9 coo cooS GOOO o5sgooqo^ o§ (i ^OOO^O 0§ 0^ 88 BURMESE READER. o8coo^ 0(900^ ^5 C006 Sqcps (^s g(^0o6 god (ill ilC^G@o6 OOGpSO^(^^ 0^ NOTES. g| 3DGp 00^ o^sco cxjjoS G^DCTSooSgoS this matter is a terrible piece of trickery. o^^8co8 to use artifice in a bad sense. g(^do5qo5 this form of g(o^3o5 to fear is only used with the formative goS. The verb qoS means Ho be attached to.^ ^^^^ — ^ their part certainly wise. c1 c^ocjQ)^ — oodS the nature of us unregenerati^ mortals, gcodoo P. covetousness. gqduo P. error, foUy, ggIoo p. sin, anger, gcodoo S^ddcoS — gooog^dS. That which is called ear-sense excites that which is called eye- sense, the eye excites the mind and it concentrates on the world and becomes at one with it, and when this is the case wisdom is diminished, and when wisdom is diminished because, without considering, one does bad actions. ooooGpo§ (thanthayawok) for P. samsardvattam^ the circle of transmigration. 83 observe the way in which this pronoun is used. 062 go5 the centre part of the umbrella from which the sticks extend, ood^ P. well, excellent. [^oS^D the eight points or faces (of the heavens). oSoGOOOQ^ an ambassador, lit. king-send-messenger. (yooo4>D P. a subject for discussion. ^ to take as an example, make a precedent of SUDHAMMACARL 89 Note. — The text is from this point printed in the ordinary Burmese manner without division. o J. ooQg?ooo^iooQgsc8sj)6Goooc\:^co£o^(ii 12. The Account of the Rich Man's Son, the Rich Man's Daughter, and the Servant Peta. G^loGOOOSDQlli a^GOQOCX^GpSCOCTSoOoSGCDSl Gooo:^oc8o^Gooo (9^og£oG<^oo2aS^£Gcoo gg o ^ GcxDO CO Gg o 000 ^ J) 6g a:) 0 o 93 o ^ ^ Gooo 00 eg S c8s 800 8 oS OCj^^oS 6 : (^0 SG O S 00 S @ G 03 00 00^211 c^soQl|ooGg^ooos^ogQ^(iiiic]o§Sa3 oaSc^o;^c^ ^ggOQG|Goo5ra^^o:^o^(i^sg6cp 00 coos 0:^0 goJ]0§.-)^oc^^ciiio^GQo6c1ogoso^o:^Q^^9S<^ £ o o oq ogo o G CO Goo5 o (too o (^6 ^ GO 00 cx^S 00 Gg « cS s ^6!?3 Q008 !^ oo^*^ ^goooc\:jod£c7o ooGg o oo§s I OD ^cTDo o c1 o^ o:^G^ c| [§n 905] 5 o qS^^sg^^ooSgooo 93o1 soo^cv2]5c1o^!^o:j^g^c| NOTES. Gooo the name of the young man is P. for a departed spirit that is condemned to haunt a place. o:^co6 a young man or bachelor, servant ; frequently written and pro- nounced $co6. ocjGQoD the name of a Buddha. gooo^qo8 name of a town. QGGjQOgo5^6GODD countless, goodo (P. Wealtfi) girl's name. 8oo8oSajj the parents being of Uke mind. ooS to, with (J. § 69). for (^cool as regards, but (J. § 60). 83 to ride in, or on any conveyance, even shoes. cooodSo p. the island of Lanka or Ceylon. 33gqdS my brother; oftenusedby wife to husband. c^oOgoScp protector. GQ^gD P. kindness, love, cx^^ or c^co industry. cxjoSgS or OLjoS^S abject; go poor; §S low. 5|o5G(c^3o5goS shame- faced. gg^^^^^^S with a desire for wealth. asoooS SUDHAMMACARI. 91 ^2?.^ throwing away life, i.e. at the risk of one^s life. 3dgj833d|3 stock-in-trade, capital. q(^dq^£^ ere long; tall is often used in this sense. gdoooSgsoo^ to have in common ; to live as husband and wife. 330^g^[^G|^[^ we have been able to live together ; G) to get, when aux- iliary, often implies ability. 00000^000(95 1 ^ScaDoa^GcooSo^oq^ (9000 §ooaSo^oo5(§scoy58so^o6Goo5ooGg^ cS s GO0Gco(§aj^^Q^ '^raooii c1 o^ ^ 6g ODO 08 00^ OOOno50€|5j^ogOS^ G^Qopor^Q^^ 0^Gg^c8?Q^ o^S^oqGcooSo^ G86ooo5\3^oo6^8so^a5a)(§§ ccyS ooolsss^^So^ ogo«(^GCO(iii Sooo^co^s 00 C73 c j5 o 5 8 ^ Q 00 0 5 00 p5 90 ^ o5 ^ 6 ^ G 00 o 5 q 06 ^ -50 Og^ OOCp ^G O^ S g£ ^ O^ ^"00 (^06 GOOOCX^S^SoOGgoCSsOO^SOOoT cGOOO !?0<^5|g^ (^Goociiii :^ 90G|5og5cOoOqpiGOOoaSocpQ^i soog^oo5s^o3f35 ooc7Do:ii clo^soc|5o^^|^c1 o§ 8oog5gc9j5c]c8s ^6oqopaog5o9;g gf^OGos ^OOOOll (i^O^GOoCyDclo§OOoGOOOo5oGp<^QoD 00 oc^ 00 G g s cB s ^ og 0 s @ G 00 G 00 5 8 00 o^ d g cq]0g5 GC|aD^o^G€|ory5 GOOoooogS sii gc^od^ 90 %% o|oo5s0^5o2So0^5G^@GOOO 90q1 00 GgSCXjS 9^ BURMESE READER. @c^5 coo^c8soo^Q£g^s^lGooOG@o£ooo 0§ oo:^o5cno§!^5]5 c8s!?;)^^Q^c|^^oo^a:;^^Gg|g oooa^oqcx^aSlg^QGCOciii cx^So^oo^ooGgso SQO S !^ Q (^0 £ ^(^S (^0 SG O o @ II OOGg : Q OD^S c8s 0^(^ ^ ^ £ 5 (^O^ (X) 6 S ^ G O S GOoS^] £ GgoOIO^|oO^C7DOSQ^oOgOsQo^OO^SlI CX)^0^^ OC^OgOS^GOSSoqo^cill ODGgoOCOCO^S oogos G qT^ ^OOO §G 000 £ I OOO S G CO di 11 NOTES. ocjooD? (pronounced thokthan) for P. cxjood^ a burial- ground. ooo(yS, oqSo^So, or ooSs^So are the common words. oooooS or asoooS certainly. §2gcodS to be en- veloped in fire, burnt. 33GOOdS<^(^oS to cremate a corpse. 00(2^08 for S. Sangraha. The Burmese use this word (pronounced thingyo) as a verb meaning to assist ; to perform funeral rites ; the Q r shows that the word came from a Sanskrit source prior to the adoption of Pali, o^cgioo^ is very like (J. § 117). gajjD^ for P. gcxj)D| a garden or pleasure-ground, gg^od^ a water-tank, pond. o^SoSgsS^S the shade of flowering shrubs. oo^S or ml to remain for a short time ; ml usually means the place in SUDHAMMACARL 93 which one stays a short time, i.e. a hut or tent. ooSio^ o5oD2 as agent for the daughter, i. e. in place of the daughter (deceased). g^d8gg| water of the banyan, i.e. water for performing a Hbation (to the dryad). d^^SC)^ for pouring out (J. § 1^5, 3). g€|q5 to draw water. oSy ^E^qoodg^dSood it is only because she has a husband. c^QO^S if not true, i.e. if she had not. 33g(^dS2<^2 all the different circumstances. (^dEgOo to give information. ^Q^ooSs to weep and wail. ogj^QC^ we, i. e. I (fem.) and my husband. O^^qI Co£<^5sQSG0O0ODGgS0O0SGCpaSGCO GOo5 8S0COOS (i !?3G^o£ S O^GOo GCO (illl (90OO § ^6ooo^8sGcoo5 ^Gooba3^o:^^Ooa^jS(^o^ 00 6 o ^ 00 8 G QOO O^G C)00 (9 ooo § o 5 ^ p5 SSo cooso^^5godgoo5cocx)0 oqjo^oSGOo god(§oc^ 90ooo5g@o6 Q^OO^^ I O:^g|00D5 O^G CgijO oS GCo5 (9000 § 6 OCOg 8 S GODO £ ^ GOOOO ^O^GCOO C\:j[90C^OSQ^@GOO0G(^O GODOOOO^SIlOOOoSoOO^^Og5 0§GCpr>SGODGOo5 CO^ S SQ^: G O o (9 ^ G OD !1 o 5 s s 06 08 GCp 08 Goo5 o£o(^oOo^ oocp^l ooo^Sgooog^oSoS^ (Jo^ goo6gooo ^o5 c8s oo^ g(^5o£ s (^s i 903^ OO^GQOOOOc8oO^GOOOO^(ii !?;)GpOCqo5n 9^5)6 Q£s(^s(ii !?ooo5(3^^oo^ooGpS3q:Qo5g£s|c8go 94 BURMESE READER, OO^QCX^oSo^QCOOll llC^COOOSO^@OSCC|j59QQ o5 o^G qTg ooScj^^ g5l ^ 3^ « ^ ^ ^ S § S-^ ^ ^? " Q^cc|]5c^sQoo5@soo^ ^Scx^soooo^oD^o^cSs ^ 5 G CO G 005q Qp5 S G 005 O 5 S 1 00 o5 G J^o 6 ^ 6 c\:^s Qooo^oo^^*a:^Go:(iiii o5o(^o!?;)S|goo5^g{^o 5so^g(9ogcogoo5oq^oGoo5o5s(^oIog@o6(^ CO 6ii oqs G CO o o6 cv^ s o^o^j ^ o a3 o^coo (^o1 G CM GOOOG^CpO^CO^S GSOOoS oIgCII 9Q^OO^0qS G CO 0 o5 O^ G 000 6 OqS ^Og 6 so o8 S o8 o G ^ 61 G Oil Og^j ^ Q QjJCOOS !^ CO o5o2 5 G ^ ^o6 G O o o1 QT^Q^ C^O^Q^OO^ SOO^So 8c|5(§S ^OOGgSOOOoO^GoT^ GOSGCOciill NOTES. coSgjSo the original husband. (yoo^S (S. Prdsdda) pyat- that, a building approached by steps ; tower, goodc^q parents-in-law. to lose (a case). l^ogS a magistrate (not much used now), oo^ to be established in. gqdodo d3 P. the path of folly or error. c8gD to be clever. (^Sg3dd8 in order that it may be completed (settled). 83QO^G^(gSogl3DC^^C^ I have a wish to hve with you, Sir. gcoS^oS§S2^[^35 we shall be much respected. c^DggDGOODO^E8§j)SQ6oDEolG|GCOD shall we not be able to enjoy (ourselves) with much wealth? cgS emphatic aff. (J. § ^%6^ 8). gd^oS^^ thinking. golcS from P. golGOOD stratagem, expedient. OOQ^ or ooc^g a line; stratagem. o^oScjioS to conceal and trifle with. cooSsjoS the hollow of the hand. ooSs c^(qSgoodg(^dS because that is so. goooq^ must (J. § 117). G<^(y|GCo§3GOoo go and wait a little (J. § 117). 3380(^2 elder sister: a respectful mode of address. few, small. o^(^ shall not have (J. § 108). elects 8goS I, too, even am a woman. 3d(^S whatever, any (J. § 82). ooS to come one above the other. 3Dg|oS3DO oS^cx)^ that which is from the leaf-stalk. 33g|oS a leaf SUDHAMMACARI. 99 330o5 a stalk or branch. Q3(^ a bud. 3sgS a flower. gdoSe or 00S083 a fruit. Note the pecuhar use of oogS after ^ in this clause. 00^ to place. oSs belly, womb. 33(^8 state, nature. c1o8g|^ I have ascertained. 33^00^ a suitor. ^ 93 O 93 O o5 ^ S G ^ Og 6 O 06 G O (i 1 1 O CO ^ S ^ O 6 § G 06 CXD ^ 0000^^ 11 93 00 ^ ^ G CO O C\5 S d^O £ O £ o S G ^ O^GqT^ G O ^ G CND G Oo5oO^ 930^5 ^^|gCo(§0:^gQo6q^@00^ |)693^1GOOQ 03 £ 00 ^ ooS o c^Sgooo G ^0 6 93 00 o5 G 00 oo6oo[^ii oSc|a2£ 93oory5c^c^o5GOii oogq^ooos oDgS s 0 s go Gooo ggo ^] o::^] o6oogo OC7D0 ^o^oqJ 06 G 000 03 £ (^£ ^ ^ 1 00^11 00 Gg o cB S oops ^ 03 £ 0^ oS CO^ 00^ GOOO gQo£ p5 G03[§^GOOOOO 6c8o 93 ^ O ^ G £ OD 0 1 93 0 I O 03 ^ (9 ^ ^ £ 00 ob 0^1938062^ gosGOO^^Goooaoo^oo^ 93806^ ^ ^ o o £ ^£ 00 1 go 00 o?^ ^ ^ (g(§^ Q 6 GOOO ' G@o 6 og |oo £ sq s c^cS GO cc^o£ ^ 3q ^ Qo5 G 03 (i 1 1 3q S Q 05 ^ o£ oS S G 0I £ ^ 06 00 S S ^ ^0SG005GCO0£§^SGO^(iiilQ£s(^o03^S93O05(d^S c8s0^8qCpS93CpO§G(^Oo6G03(ill HO^G^oSo 250 Joo(^so:;^[^^o§oog5og^cosc53^cos H % lOO BURMESE READER. QOOO 00 Gp^ 0^^QcxDOggo5)5g8^cx3(^|8g^ocj_ QO^Q^GCOOOOO^c8sOOGCOOC7SoOO^dillO 3 j8 ssglcxSo^ GcpaSco5Goo5 9Q0 o g;|s93ooo5c^ooo5 Co5^CO^^C 8oo|cn aJGCOOCTSoOO^OOOO^S'I c1 SUDHAMMACARL lOl |^8(g6^o^61ii a^o^Qo5oo|Ga30Q^o6ggo GOo5 cloDO^SgQS |)00(^6^gg0CO^o£°(i00 c^oooo^OG^GOOOOgSii cloDgSsc^rySB^I^S^o^ GGpO^G^GOOOOgSo^^^OOG^^Col^Q^ B^Og5 ^0 so^ 800 !55@cp I oco ^ oogS 0^08 ^ q ego ^ co£ O ODO ^ j> 6 G ODO 06 GqI £ SGCgjS OgO ^ @ CO ^ !^ ^ oS 5) o£oco ^ Gcociii oo6c^Q^s c^cos Gooo qco^^ 00cBc|^qG^^QI C!^5cp|oOO^Qa30 ^ ^^O gg^o s 00 ^ ^ 0I OD GODo GQs ciiii 5) £ qgoo ^ I c1 og aS^^ QQ£oqQ^GCO(iii G^oc7oosc^(^osa^£q cgo^cog5soqj£ ^^go(9^ ^G(9SGco(iiii cS^cogS^ ^o£000s(§S^ SoOG[§GQOSC|^GC|Og^^^G^GCO q^^o^cog5^GGpoSog]£ ^5)0 GgGco5 COgS^ c8^ C^GQS(iiil ^6 c8si c]o§Gdl£^GC^5 ogos(c^oo^ G^ooS cl 0§G85cp GS30o£ § ogo ^o^o^oqooGCOooqGQ^ciii ojj^qocS 0I oqo^ dill c^oc7DOSO^qga^o^gosc9]£ c8§^£(g£^q^ g|0 C05 OOCp ^ 0^(^ o 06 OOGp I oSogS OgO S GCOGOOS oocp^o^[^^oog5c8sj)£8ooa^sGaDoo£o^G6Go^o GpQ§(§oqQ^(iiiqcgo^cog5^ qcxdo5coo^(^02 6 Og 0 o ^ G Gp r>5 G CO G 00 5 [^Og 5 00 gS CO ^ ^ gj o I02 BURMESE READER. OOOoSoOO^ (^£^(^SCx5c)^GCpC75GCO(ill NOTES. COD 3 3380^ 3 GOOD oS lit. child, mother, three persons. ooc^o5gjo one of the Buddhas. gSg this is probably a class of Brahman, not a name ; the usual translation how- ever is ' the Brahman Udeitsa.^ ssoc^g^ for P. gooo^ ten millions, oijqd*^ P. a girl, young lady. 3300^5° (pro- nounced awitzari) for P. 3QDOgj|> meditation. ooSoo| close- fisted, difficult to deal with. godqSo king death, oocjoo P. (pronounced hpada) property, goods. 3S5(c^Gp their sleep- ing place : note the plural formation of a verbal noun. 3D<^^ for p. 33^^GOO0 priceless. goISegc^S to wash the (hair of the) head. o^^oS whilst, from ^aS to come in contact with. 300 o5 clothes, c^o^i a cloth worn round the waist : when people bathe they put on a small one. ooo8(S] to remember; 0008 P. heed, thought; gg0 5i£g6Gaoo5i£q^oso§i^ !^^9SC>DoSo^(36oo^^sa^Gos dill ll9QOo5(^^ 080! cl 0^086 QoS^GOOOG^^^O^ g^^jGCOOggO 5) £ (^g£ s 00^ C7D0 oooo ^08 « o§!^o ^ Qo £ s ^(9 oQSS^GOOOgloO^SOCjjSOO^CX^Q^^cill "o8oO^ GqT^GOX^OoS 93006 (^ScScCOoSsSgCXDOSl! ogjf o CO^S 8gOOOs(^8 00^11 cl O^SoO GOO 9 Goo5 ggo Q£s(d^SGosooGgooo<^^6Q^a::^Q^Go(iiii nc^o C700S S00^£§ 00 §0^ GC^SGC)^ 9.8oB^^ ^ 4^ G qT^ G Q S ^ I S £ cl O^ 00 § S Crj^ o G 00 0 g g 0 ^ § S 00 gS QSgoi C:^osoo^g6GOiooOoo8?o§o^oooQa:^5o::^ GODOOi^Q^^cill C^OOOOsd^@OSGOo5oO^O^GG|^ 104 BURMESE READER, ^aS^OCOSQOCill llC^OaD0S9s8o1oSG005c7D0S ooSs i B8^ ^ ^ ^ cco[§ II NOTES. GDOgSoOgS in the inside of = ogS in. G]g3QdS(^gco do so as to get, i.e. manage to get back the ruby. qG||6goo5 if I cannot get. 8^^ to command. ooS^pSgD conspicuously. Gcg]^o5 to inform (a person in authority higher than oneself), od^ a secretary, this much, so much (J. § 88). 8§ for G03D causative future. ofc^SSS GOODgl in order that there may not be. so^Sc^g or oo^SCjjE to accumulate (wealth). S§Eqo3DS lit. woman-child, but often, as here, used in the sense of ' unprotected female.^ ^ as much as he gives = oog| (J. § 75). ^8 for Gg]35 (J. §118). for (J. § 75) Qo:j5o^GcoD is it not so ? Goooii oo(^§8ggo:j)oo^o^c1j;)6s3oqG^QO§oiiGQS ^ ^ o GOgo G^o (§S ^ ^COO GOO ^0:^0^ Oqj 06 00 o ^ ^ § 08 o GqTgO ^ !^ Olj^OOOg 00 S GOOD Gp Og5 §(ill!^0005c^G000 53Qo^g^q£sgg0 0^(^9f)^ ^§ a:^@ ^ 93 o 06 c7d5 (§: £ Q o ^ ^ Goo5 og£ ^ GOOO 93 ^ 8^0 » O^G O S ^ 0^ O ^0^C|^ 6 OC^Q^(ill!^Qo5(^SCO^SO^go§0?^GO^§93Qo5o8s SUDHAMMACARL 105 (g£cg|]6!?3^£ggOQCooii o^^ooolsggoGcoooq GO^ GOo5ci?3C3ggOOOOn C!?dS93OG00C^^O^£ o£^ ggoQScS^Q^ll C^G^oScl JoSoOOoOO^oq !^ o o5 s c8 ^ G 00 o o CO o o q CO o s 08 s ^ 0 s GooosQol o^^o|(X)^sq£^^soq^oo^o:^Q^^^ (ill (:^OTOoso^!^Qo5(^so8s{^oso3y£cn o§^S GODO 06 co^s Sg ^ £ § Q 6 @ 00^11 8 06 cogS s oCj^l^ 00^ II 90 0^90 8 1 cogS s o:^^ 00^ II !?;) @ ^ 06 ^ £ s OD^^Oql^OOgSli 0^ggOC^G61£oC3C7S^ JCtSoOOS GODOSS^So^ O^OOo1oQcfiGOOD6a:;^^Q^(iill905]£ ggo^6oDgsoqa3g@Sgcggoo^8oDo§GCg@o ^ ^ s Gooo G @o 6 !?05] £ ggo ^ £ 90 oqo^ 1 0000 s o1 o ^ cq ^ o go ^ 0 s G o s 9 (§ s cgij £ 9Q o o5 o8oCO^0^Og^SO^C|cg|j£90O900SGOoGCO(iill o5[^SOD^S9000oS^O€|G^OO^^SOqOO^O^GoT^ GQSGOOS OO^OOg5soOO^o8o938!^C[£c^(Q^GO(ill NOTES. G^GO^E let her remain longer; (J. § 117) does not give this force ; pronounced on, GOgoGjg^B to investigate. 106 BURMESE READER, ^coDGOQ^ will cause her to be sent. 3DoooSq^GooD33 (3^6 by doing what purpose, i.e. by what means. oo5 to draw near to ; adhere. gjgSs to approach. G^ogjSooS to make acquaintance with, od3 to joke. cjSs^^oOjj in like manner. SggjSo woman -companion, i. e. both women. 33^^o5^§6o depth of purpose. GolSooS unite, put together. !^Qo6(^SOTp5sc(^5lc]o8oCOOSO^O§gOO cyDO s 0:^00 ^ 6 ooogogg s o^oS s 00 ^ GCOCiiil 9Qc8^0C|00^^Sa:^o£o(d^oCQSG005Cj^C7D0 CO ^ "1508 oO 6 G 00 o ^G|on 00^ cqc G^o o8q Q£s@SCO^SOgD^Oo0^gSgq^OS930o9D5GOo GCOGOo5!^5)£q£s(^oI^c8^0C|OO^^oOOGOSC700 CO o £ ^ o6"8 00^ ^c|oo^ cqo^ (^11 !^ oo5(^s OO 8 o CO^sSoqCpS!^Cp|G(^Oo6oOOSGCOOOOO^otl iio^G^o6o25o^ooGp§a^(^so§oo^Gg5ioo6 G G Q o ^ I o ^ o (^o5 (^Gp (i II NOTES. g(^S Oh ! 3Do8^D where, sometimes written 33§ (J. § 82). GQOgjIS I ; is more respectful than ogj^S, but Judson does not give it in grammar. qScC^oSBoo^^ Bandow says this is a figurative expression meaning ^putting the king's eye into (some one),' i.e. 'by the royal power/ .9 UDHA MM A CARL 09. OOGg^0002^6Q(go1lG@o6lQgSO^(ii 14. The Account of the Kich Man's Son, the Mungus, the Cat, and the Dog. G cyD 0 COO 0 q o:^ cp s 06 00 G 00 5 1 1 1 o 6 § 00 0 s I OOSOOO o I OOGg o 000 o I 005 S {^000 S GCO ^Gcooo6 c^oo^ oogDO^oS^^^o s;)ooo5o25o cxdS G 03 GOo5 S So^ !^ GOqjO oS 00 o5 G^O 06 ^ (§S ooQp 93 0 o ooo5 q co5 G o S Cp OOCp OD ^ 0(9000(^11 HOD ^^o§s|ooooc8ooooo^^025 03 og s GODS G 000 oSo^oo ^ 93 c§ 6q5 ^ ^ OOG(X) 0 068 S go od^ 000 CX)0 06!^ C^^ (^(ill C^9Q q1 ooGgsooooooaSooooGooSooOoGoooa^OoGO OCOOo5oOO^^C^OOOsd^93SoOGgSQC0^8oOOSl G QO 6 00 000 1 II 0 00 5 00 ^ C|5 GOg « Q 6 ^ 93 OgO c^aSooo5o3^scoSGOOoOO^Q6ooooo^o§ 0 QO £00 (i 8 06 GOg 00 GGS O^o 0030 oS 06 93 00 o5 O 25 0 00 £ 0I § oOCO O OC^ 93 00 ^O OqS (^0 O o ^ ^ I 00300 oo^sii OOGg sooos sooogs 930000693 o(^ £ ^ 6 ooogs G 03 3 o§o6 cfi^ogo o 0 03 (ill ^ Io8 BURMESE READER. I G OD O 0^0 S OOG CO 0 0600^ SSg g SO^Oq^COO 00^ O^GCg^OOOO^oll OOGgSOOOSCTDCOgSsGOOGCOO Gg!^Oo(90 00(^GOoGOD]o:^Q^diii ooGgsooosco^s 00 (90 00(^ GO S ^ 8g8 6 C^^^9D G^O 5o C^o 0^o8GOGCO(iill OOGgoQCX)^Sclco£!?SG^90C^oO^ SO 8<^5 O ^ O o5oO Q 6 Cp 00 ^ Cq005 ^GCOO £ ^ g0GO2;iSGg^^O00SGro0000^^ii00G^^^00|G^^C0oS00 O £ S 00 ^ ^OgO S G (OD G 005 G OD O 0 1 OOG CX) 0 rySoO^ G(^o£oOGCOo£o^Oq^COO(iill OOGQSOOOSOD^^ GOOGOOOO^Oolo£sG@o£ d^GCp£ SQ^ GODO CX^ GO o G005 00 GQ S 000 S GoSgOoS C700 ^ 90 00(90 OOGp G O S G OD 0 O:^ 1 1 90 00 ^ 0 00 Cp G O o ^ 90 8 0^ O^ ^ ^ S 0:j^^GOGCO(ill9o8oD^x1oD£(i90GOg90c^SO^O^c] ooOoOo^9o8c|£ooo^(^6cpoo§o::^oo£ ^gcoo£o g|g0GO2jSGgS^0C0^(iil 00G^^00|oOQ£sO0o^0g0^ GCOGooS Gcooa:5osooGOOOo£G^ono^o^£^oDo oo5ciiiooGgsooOo^£cg|]£GooGaDoo^osi 2^G(g61 C^GCp£sQ^G0D00C^GOcCg^£GGp£§O^or^^ 90%0^GODO a::^0^ op Oo5c^O^£Gg 90 CX3 (90 ODG^ GO^GCOOOC^^^oqciil 90Oo(900OCpGOS^90898(5 ogg^Godiii S UDHAMMA CARL 109 NOTES. G(gol the mungus, a kind of ferret, goododdc^ for P. GCX)Dan30QG<^D one of the Buddhas. 88c^33gcc^doS each in accordance with his own (station). g(^doS to be elevated, to be up in (some science). 3300o5cjcoS the efficacy of learning ; cjoS for P. c^od a quality. GQi(^Gp on their questioning : this is a common use of Gp not mentioned in Judson; it implies duration of action, the locative affix § or ogS being omitted. oo^d^S (pronounced kabbau) the beginning of the cycle ; 00 for P. oodqoogoI a state of sensual existence. 000008 goooo name of a city. G|Sgo^2 breast-blood, i.e. own child. SDGgo to inherit. c^oS to be suitable, ought. 3QOo(yD a coin. ^% to point out. 33GOOoS33GCp6 that which is carried, that which has a bright appearance; i.e. insignia of rank or office. ooS oo[5oOOd3 suppose you were to buy it (an old form) (J. § 109). ^ — oSgo the causative verb go governs both the verb 8 to convey, 08 to know, oog^^oo^ one day. g^^odcScoqSo mid-day rice. ooSgooSooDo if you buy. 3q8g|S5 to receive a direction. ooS to think. Q 6 Gp 00^ OC^GCTDO £s g I go S GOgj ^ Qg S ^000 oQCO (liiiCOGQSOCO^SGgS^6G@o5o^COOS^(Sog^S Q6GCO0G(^06oG@0o6o^gjGO2joGgS(illG(gon (6 no BURMESE READER. dill OD GQo O 00 Cp CO^S Og ^SOC3!?OGOg ooGg: ol^s Gooo o6^o 90ooo5 !?oc8 go oo5 o1 G 00:^1^ !^ 00 (go oc5 o Cp G O o ^ ogo s o1 G CO G OGOo5 OOG^^ CO ^ s Ggsd^COCpGOS^^COOGOCin OOG|)CO^SG@o5o^ OOCpGOS^^COOGOCill OOG^^COo5sG(go1o^OOCpGOS ^^coo Godiii GgS^6 G@0 5 c^(cj^cyoo s 6 og^s gooog(^o6og(^oo6o^^^iig^o1c^goo5c7dOoGooo o g ^ s Q 6 G 00 o G 0 6 ^ 5 ccg 6 O £ G @ 0 oS CO I oo ^ Q 6 ^ Q G i o Q G g ^ 9 CX3 ^ 6 00 ^ Oj^ ^ 00 G^odiii OOGpCO^SGOOOO^OgOo^Cg^^^^^^^ (^ilQOQpSoOOC7DOaC^OC^|l!?OOCOOOOOo|9o5GOOO G@0 6 6 CVIjj^o GOOO 90 OO ^ 6 00 Og G 000 O^OgoS C^ CTSoCOCill G[gol00^G000O^GGp(75o]^j5 g^O^@ dill OOGgcOOOoCO^SOOO^OOOCpGOS^COoSo^ GQpo8o^£GC7D05sG900£oC^GgSGOOO^Ii9;)0O(oS orj^ ^ G 00 0 1 <^ G 00 0 o aS G 0 00 o 05 o o CO aS g 5 o^ 6- UDHAMMA CARL III oog 5^ I q ^ ^coo8 g5 C7D0 o coo5 g5 o^QO^s oor^ oSolii q5o86oGOOO S3C^O^GOS00050Op5ll GoooS 00GCOCp<^COO0G000OgO^0S00^oll COrySogS ooS^QcpolGCii OLj^ooolsc^ogoSolGOCoSoc^oo G g S C>3 0 § 0 S G ^ O ^ G O § b (§ S G 00 5 G 00 0 CO oS^ O £ (o^Gcociin NOTES. <^ooD2 used after objective adversatively (J. § 6i)» QSGpc^ii this Gp is commonly called euphonic, but more properly denotes ^ probability/ oSSoggSs house-things i.e. domestic. cooDog^S forest-thing, i.e. wild. ooGp teacher, i. e. the monk whose instructions in spiritual matters she followed. sgSs = oooSs boiled rice, but applicable only to rice given to mendicants and Brahmans. ogSoO to receive rice, as Buddhist monks do. ogSsccoDSo to pour the rice into the alms-bowl, oooodq (pronounced tagama) for P. aloSooD + B. q the female giver (of alms). GCODoooo or GCODooo from P. gcodoo world, og law. There are eight worldly conditions to which man is subject, viz. gain, loss, fame, dishonour, praise, blame, happiness, suffering. g|o5 to recite. (^ScgjSoS even when I saw it. og§ to exceed, transgress, oo? go against, dis- obey. cxjjB to smear. ssoooScgoS to release alive. GOjjKjj^S the lord of gratitude, i.e. a benefactor. ooS to repay. QaSGO)30o P. a sparkling gem: or magic gem. oogSs bearing-hole, i. e. mouth. to carry in the mouth. 112 BURMESE READER, coa5g5QgSoo$?Qa:j5 about to put on hand merely not true, i.e. not merely to wear on the finger (J. § 117). GOODSooGOOGp whatever you long for. ^c^oIgo let it be very constant (there). oocgsooosco^SGoooSoo^oo^pS^jSso^S (5 G ^ I (9 000 § cr^ c 61 06 ^ o 5 s s o c 00 0 (9 ^ ooGgsooosj)6c:SsGoo5o^Gooo£|)6sGco(iii o^9;)q1 0^5 o£ s 08 oOo cpG(X)5 qcoDo soo^ ooGgsooo s d 00 CID 0 ^ G CO G 00 5 00 oT o O £ 1 1 CO 08 g o5 c^ooo ^5 ^ooGg o 000 s S3 c|5ooo1 s o^ogo s ogS (9 00O§Cg£so^o5GCO^000aD0 gOGOOOOOOOoCJ^ G {9 0 (§ s cgy 5 o £ s c8 ° CO G g ^ 00 0 s ^ 06 *| s 01 00 GCOooc^GOoCiiii 935]£c^goosr:?Qcoo5Gosa2o5^s5 ^^sii c^o^cyDO^coGgsooo^ii!^a^|5c7DOSo£sc8^Q 6oo§ o^Q^ciii oo£ o£s c^s c^^l 6co^ ^ |goo5coo£ g o£ o o5 D 06 a dwelling-place, state of existence. GoloS to sprout, come out of. good8j)So to give (a girl) in marriage : used for persons of high estate ; from goodS to bear ; _^Ss to hand over. ooolsc^Q(^Scoo5g5oo^c^a:)D(^S^ seeing nothing besides a ring. §08^2 to love. 3DOoo5GQ2ogoS ^354,^2 What will there be for asking ? i.e. How can you ask such a question? odSqSoC^Sc^^Soo^^^gooS If he really loves you, Princess. ooSG|^olqjGCOD are you allowed to wear. ooSol6|GO let me wear (J. § 112). odqIoo a little while ago. 33c8§o an attendant, one who takes care of. oSo^SgD laboriously, i. e. importunately, earnestly, (^^ol GOGOOO just let him see it (J. § 112). I 114 BURMESE READER. 5 ^ o:^ O G Gp ^ 5 G GO O OO § Cp 93 CO o5 ^ O ^ C)0^ §|G^GCO(illCOGgSOOOSCO^Sa)OC>Do5GOo5c>DryS(g5 o^qaoo sa^GcoGcx30 9;)Q6o^@OoC^£Q5sc8so^ (ill 0^ (X) o1 s o (9 OD 6oc^ Q^o1 oqj o6 (g G^o6ooc^§cp93COoS ^o<^^^£c^(§a:;^^§£ 06 G^GCO (ill 00 G^^ 00 1 C^O^O^ G^ @ Gp S3 G|5^6 of ^QGOS(^OC^oJ)6^^<^GOOOG€|Oo||^o5c8so^ o3^oocoo6oo|)Ooo^6G€|i^soDOGoo5ooaDoSoo^ 00 0 g] 06 @ S 5 00 6 S ^ O 000 o GCO (ii II OOGgS 000 SGgS GOOO G@o£ OD^ S O^OOCOoSo^^ ^OOOS Gcociii g^Go|Qoooo^c\:;^^6ooo^o1ii^o5j>£ooooo^ o1 00 ^ 1 1 G O o ol Oq ^ 06 c8 S O^ 00 ^ OD O ^ G @ 0 5 06 G 000 £ S^GOoS G @0 £ C7D OD § S CO £ o O^G 00 5 00 O o 00 £ ^ o5 c8 ! 0^ 00 I cp OD o5 og £ (g 000 §§ G ^ G 00 0 qcoDo s ^ cp o^cl ogo ^ Cj^G!^o £ o 0^0 ^ oo£ o cg^ G O S G 00 O O ^ O:^ 1 1 ^ o5 c8 S O^ OD ^ S C3 ^ 00 £ @ G O 1 1 G O £ O ^ 00 £ « G 00 0 (X) 6 o G 0 £ ^ ^ ^£ S go OgO S GOo5 q^O ^ §000 § O^GGp CtS ^ g Gooo qgoo o 00^ 0Do£ g5 o^ooS oq) oS 285 G^ 00^ o^c5cgy£oDo£30SQ5l£o^ 0006 Gcoo cc^^s 099^(^5 cb o^c^oS ooo5 ^ GCjCgSo ^ 0 ^ 000 SG 00 (ill ^e>5sG 000 Cg[] 5 G g o TO GgoOOOSO^OGf)22^^^'|^^^^'^"^^^^^'^l° cpco^cqo^ (iiii90 0oo5G@o S^^soqooGgsooos G O^G005^ OOO S Cp 0^0OGgoCX)0 o O^OOOS^OO 06 (g 6cj^oqQ^ o^ooo Qcp 0^ O^O^CgS (^S !^ ^o^ 06 OOOS ^G ooSo to create, make. 06 even. §^«^S2gD slowly, gently, osood gently. oo5 to repay. 4)S to sink. oS even (J. § 126, 8). (xjScogjS to feed. goddSooc^So every wish. soj^So^cx) a leader, I % Il6 BURMESE READER. chief. GG^cgSo a well. gjooD© to throw down. ^oSo GOODoScgjS in the morning, qg^^ yesterday. 0335g| could not sleep : J. does not give this force of in § 117. g^3 oSolcooSooDo lit. behind — having with — hand-sons, i.e. his accomplices and underlings. ooGg s 000 s CO ^ s G (^5 c8 I o5 6 cqj ctS so 00 (90 00 cp GO : 00^ oj^^co^ 0^0^ ob ^ era di II cl 9;) 00^0 oo(^ 8 GO oGooO oD^^cS ^^o ^ oq^ ^ @ § c5l ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 5§ ° 8 6 00 oS Cl O O 0 ^ G| G O 00 ^ OOCTDOSll GOOO C^OgOS^G(go1 O^OL^(§S(X|j6 c8 ^^0 ^ Oq S § S O^ 93 OCj^ G ^ @ G O di 1 1 G (g oT CTD OD ^ o cT 00 ^ G ^ cxD G ^ ^ o o s 0^ o5 00 ^ 0:^0^ di 1 1 G g o OD ^ ^ cl 00 o cgij 5 Gg[ CO G^ ^ 00 o C^oSoO^Il g(^0 £ CO OD^ S cT G^OO G^^O0oC^o8o0§O:^Q^dillG(go1oO0D^oG^§og0c1 ooocg]5ogg§oscooSg5c^Go^GooooqQ6oo^ncn COOD^^OOS GOoGO00gg0O0§ CTDOoqCtOOoggO G CO (§ 1 1 ^ o5 cS s o^ 00 ^ 00 o c1 a:^ ^ ^ o5 c8 s o^ o ^ o^ GOOO S O ^ o ogo s Goo5 cooS g 5 GOOO G@0 6c1 ooos€)§s86Gos(§ooqo5Gcooiic1oooGg[§;goG^^ 00 oG|GC7D0 £ S 00^ OqG^ol 930 S di II Gg o CO CO^ : ^5 Ci o 8 6 O^ ^^000 S Cl ^Cp O^ 00^ OOGg oOOO so^ cx3o5^a^^Q§oqcooGoo5oo£s^so^o^93(d^so^ SUDHAMMACARL 1 17 03 o5 ^ G€| C)2 £ S ^ G 005 OD CtS 000 ° O ^ CO ^ S Q GODO:^ ^ (ii II C^C^O 6c1 OO^OOGgSOOO c S 8 (5 00 CxSgoOO O^QS CO^li 900006 O^OD^SCTOoSoO^ll OGqjo oS QqjoSG|G!^o£ cl cyDo5oo^n oo5 o^oo c6 clGg|^§og0O0c<^GCyD0£cCO^o:^Q^(iii iio^90q1oo GQ0C?^0^£s02£Q|CpSQ05Ga30^^|QgGpSo5^ (ic8s(36Gooooqogoo^^og5^Gcooo£sc8^oo^ ooGps ooc5o1 o ^ (ii II o g ooo5 1 (?^ooo5 1 go go 0000^ s II coo £ o^ £ (gooo § § Gooo £ s go 000 S (i II !^ (^5 5] S o£ j)0 O^ ^ 0 OD ^ SGOq]5 GOO 00 £ 5)0 o (i II q5 cS (S s Gooo so (9 ^ (9^ I G@ g O GcxDOGQo£o:j[o§oo^co^ % oqogol ^o£sc8s(i!^ 0q5!?0Qo5c^00D0(^O:^^(ill II NOTES. o8^^D§ (pronounced tireiksari) a brute beast ; from P. 08^ three, go^ (iccha) desire. cr)|| to revile. (X^Zq three. According to J. § 98, the proper auxihary would be goodS, but ^ is often used instead. 00 oS above, more than (J. § 94), i. e. more than the three hundred pieces, g^oo and G^§og^ first ; some write g^ and others g^%, both forms are correct. odSe of those (J. § 77). oogodG)C^So the kingdom of Kamboja. o^Se country or district. ogc^S) Maddarit for Maddaraj. Il8 BURMESE READER. According to Cunningham there was a district known as Madra, in the Panjab, between the Bias and Jhelam, not far from Taxila. ogGpS> Dhammarit for Dhamma Raja, King of Law, a title often given to kings. ogODoSiqpO) ooo5 P. Dhammasattam and Rdjasattam^ books of religious law and criminal law. oooSo^S^ocoS the palace in which unmarried princesses live ; 00060^8 means that it has only one steeple roof, qcc^qoo to be famous. ooS (^l conspicuous, ^^(^^(y^c^ many countries (J. § 51). G(^goD to be well known. ogo § ^gcogc>d5g (goT C7D co^ooGg o 000 s 93 00 (go COCpo5 GO ^ ^OoS[§ o cggS GC7D0 5 : g ^ goGogj ; Gg s G O 00^ II G 000 ^ O OO ^ o Ogo5 G O 00^ II g^i ^ ^ @0 5 S (^0 o O^GOOO 06 ^ GOC^ S 5) 5 Q 6 GOOO G^O 6 OoB GC^O 00 O go (^O ^ OD oS g 5o^Cn G O S ^ g^O^GOOO ^ ^ S (9 000 § oq^Gol oS 00(^6 6oosc|oo^ ooo g^§o g o G ^ ^ o 0 ^ 06 00 ^ cq (ii 1 1 G @ o 5 ao OD ^ s G[go1 GO S GOOOO^ S 8 (5 CO^ C^^OS ODr>S O^GCpoS GCO (§11 Cl €|G^0 5 ^^000 OOGg SOOO S S^O^O 00 oC|00 ^QS^cloooG^jsgsgoG^c^rTSooso^aSoo^o:^ li G g ^ C7D 00^ ^ G(g o1 GO o ^ S ^ GqjO 06 GODGp oQo^G(^o5a:jj^c|g^Goooggoc^^so^o§^soqo§ 6" UDHAMMA CARL 1 1 9 COO @god5^ % 0^93^ s 9D3j^so^cl o^aSooo5^^so^ CoS coo ^O^olog 06 G^SGODCX^^ci II OOGgSOOO^O ^ S 8 6 CO O o Cl 00 o5 OO ^ 1 1 !^ CXD 06 CO ^ S Cl ooo5co^n cloooG^is §s gOG^^oo oC^rySoo^oc^ oqo goo ; c8 s co^ § ooGg \ ooo s o^s8 60^ Ggsoo^Gol6G5ioSG5)S§s go G^ oS OO ^ 00 S C^CtS 00^ II c8 ^^o ^ 0§ OgS coosoo£o§c>bo§oqac>q|^c^so^gc8Gcx3oa^Q§^^ oqogdl ^oSscSs^qsQoSGCOoooQ^oii MORAL. C^ G @ O 6 c8 ^ ^O ^ 00 oS OCjj^ ^ o5 G 00 5 CO ^ S 00 ^ 0 5 5 G OC^ S o O C| Gp 00 00 ^ o 1 1 NOTES. a^S^S (J. § 98), the animals in the story are represented as rational beings. goodoS to have regard to ; estimate, consider. ^§3 a palace. 6od2 to enjoy. 33^833jj^i the chief. coSoodS underlings, ol together with, cl I, is used here instead of the more polite form, because the animals are supposed to be ignorant and uneducated. GolSG^poS to guard; cJiDoS to pass lengthwise, walk backwards and forwards. go to prolong, oo^ol to pity. I20 BURMESE READER. O 3. 00Cgo0o8o00G(X)0aSc^C>3GgoO30S0qo G CO O o5 CX^ 00 p5 ^ G @ O £ S 1 1 15. The Account of the Three Sons of Rich Men, who strove for One Rich Man's Daughter. S3 eg 5 CO c Q 0 o^ £ s 1 00 G g » G CO S G CO o oS O^^OC^^din C^OOGgSGCOSGCOOr7So^CX)^!?QOg^^6 Q£@oooo^;iiooGgscqoGcooo£o§^o ooosoo G CO 0 o£ 8 ^ @ (i 1 1 00 G g ^ 00 G CO 0 o£ ^ O Cj^ CTO O S c8 S 00 G coo ctS 000 ^ G CO 00 oo§ s II S3 GQp 5 !^ oo£ £(9 p5 (iiic^ooGgsooSso^oqsGcooo£GoooooGgsoooso§ 00^ CO ^ S OOO^GO @ OC^ ^ II 00 GCOO o5 GOOO 00 Ggsooos CO co^s^SgoocliSsogioSoGO^c^^G^ G005 G coo £ o gOOO o5o1 0 ^ OC^Q^ci II 00 G g o cSsSoO 0§ CO CO^S G coo £« (§Cqo^ di II OOGCOO o£ CO CO^ S O 3 ^ 8 O ^ ^ ^ I G ^ G00593 ^ S O?^ CgoSol O ^ OC^Q^cill SOOO^CO Ol} ^ ^ GCO0£ S (§OC^Q^(^(iill 00 Gcooo£cyoco^^o 3 ^SQ(g^^Goo9GOo5o:^5c^ £ SC^G 61 £on 0^0:^0^ (ill S 00 0§ CO C0^SGCO0£ o[§ a;^Q^(iiiiooGgsc8sc\:^so 3^6Q(9^^Gooc§^a)(§ii C\:^C0£ 0§ O^ £ ^ 00 (?J^o£ gol 0^8 O0C§Q^Qc73O coooGcoooScoco^ocI oc8^Gooo^a:jj^^Gcoo£^ S UDHAMMA CARL 1 2 1 g 0 OO [?^o5 (i II (X)G CO 0 o5 CO (X) ^ S c1 O cB ^ G O OO^ ctSooco^scI oc8^Gooo^a:j^^c\:^5o^£^^OGOo6 G CO II !^ q1 02 £ <^ C ODD G 5 00 ^ c8 Q O ^ O GOOD C7D ODD ^ 9D ^ S GOD £o^ ^ £ GCO ^CX^COS 9D OOoS G^D§GOD6G^OO^g5^CqGOodill!^5l£lclc7DDS9D^o GOoSGOODO^Oqo^ciiiOI^CO 615)6 GO C^OOGODD cqGosGoo55)6^^GOc^oo§a:^Q^oo§9Do^6^G^oD og ODD 9D (^1 ob 0^000^ c8 s GO(i n 0^ ^ G g ^ 00 D S Dq S G CO D 06 O^ Og 6 GO G g S 00 D S 00 G CO D 06 00 c1 9D G ODD 6 SOO 6 S ^006 S (§^08 GOOD G^D £c1 Geo D 6 S G COD Cqo^ (iiil ODG CO D 06 CO OD^ S c1 9D SO^ C^O^GOoScI OC|GOOD 6 ^GCOD OC^Q^ci II OOGCOD ryScO co^ scT c\:^5o^6 s ^ D GOD Sep 02 6 5) 6 ^ ^00^ 8 ^ Cl QC|G 00 D 6 S G OD D Cqo^ (i II c1 O^ 0^0 G CO D oSoO^ 9D ^6s^6^!^(g62!^^(^DSOO§69DODC>S93 0^S ^^^oIlOC^O gOD 6 S cB S06 ^ D 9D ^qoSD Qo5 O^ O @ Q§O^^Oq:GCODo6oCV^SO^OgDo@GODC3j6sDG@D 6 SC^S O^Oqo g OD 6 S cB S 9DD o (9 ^ @ G CO G005 OCTDDSO^d o8(§llOOGgSOODoOOGCODo6oO^OOGgS 08 o 00 [?^o5 § G Oo5 OgD o G CO II 00 G g S OOD S 00 GCOD aS CO ^ ^ ^, S O^ Oq 5 cgQ 6 O^D o GC0(§ 11 00 Gg c 122 BURMESE READER. ooos oocoDO o5 ^ocx:)Osc\:^5 6 ^0^6 goo 6 din O:^ 5 5 S GOO 6 GOOO 0^ (ijj ODO S!?3C^ ^ 6 QOC^ GSQoScqoSoocin o^o^GOo6cpcg£ooGgsc8^ 5) £ ^ ^ G OoS GOO GOo5 CO CXj^ G^G|(§ ^ Q 6 GOOO G^o £aD ^5) 5 o o6 6 GC7D0 £ c G CO oo^ oq o g oo ^ q£ ^ c8s oqs QoSgco (ii II NOTES. to pull from another, plunder. 3DGGp8330o6BJ>S(y ^<^OD^ to be complete in appearance, i. e. beautiful. OOQ^ a messenger, go-between who arranges marriages. GO to send, ob or oooS ten. go to be complete, og^ to pass away, die. to perform funeral rites ; from a Sanskrit word meaning ^ assistance.' 33^2ogo5 to carry (her) bones. This means that — after cremation he would pick up and carry the bones that were left and deposit them in the burial-ground. cx^So^So burial-ground. 008 P. a promise. oc^5 to do up in a packet. cx^oS to take out. This is the spelling according to Judson, but the sound is the same and no dependence can be placed on spelling. GjGODOGChSc^ a Rishijogi (pronounced Yatthezawgyee), This word is from an Indian source other than Pali. cSoo^D the Himavanta forest inhabited by Rishis and fabulous animals. 335^8 my lord. j^S^^goc^oogcod do you wish (her) to be caused to be alive again ? G^coogaDD3D81 former charac- teristics and parts. 33q|SEg]6E one with another, oo^^ all (J. § 86). g]joooo2 c^clo8(§ I have become acquainted with this story, i.e. I understand. 33^8^ j5ooo5c^6g3ddS unto the seventh generation. §|SooS to associate in life. S UDHAMMA CARL 123 16. The Account of the Rich Man and his Three Wives. 93 6 O 00 £ Q 5) 0 S G 00 O 0^ ^ oS 00 0 o 00 GCO0C-)6oD§9300C^J)800oSG^0C75^Q£g|SG^a]|]£ 93 O g5 O^ O ^ 06 00 ^ CO 0 ^ C G (g O ^ G GO b G OD 5 C 93 G CX)0 £ 8 S Q qoSol Co£ II GOO ^ 000 G 61 0^93 o ^ c^o s goo^C^ II ooG^^oo Ic^Gcooor^jo : 00^ G^0^GO0GCO(iillOC00S0D^§Q5g^^O0^93o|c^0o g0 93Gg|^OOOODOOo5^000^(^8GOOOG^o£GOg C^SCXDO £ SO^|£oO 02 GOO ^G^O G 03 OCj) I S93G@SO^G^0G0DG005^^^o00(g^O^GCpaS GCO (ill C^0g5(^SO2£93COgOo5G(gOOOOSC§^O§ 00^ OOG CC|j5 ^ OC^COO 0D05oC|_| (i II C^GOO £ 0^ Q £ @CqQ £ OqGCTDO £ 00£ GOOO GO0£ GOCOO SOC^ c8 S 93 [d^ S CXD (i 11 cS * 93 CO 5cX^ OD^ o G(gO^ S ^ GOO GOD 00 ^ OD^ % QoS C|O:^GO0 £ ^ ^30 oS G 03 d II 93 O o5 00 CO ^ * 93 O 0^ Oq) £ g 0 G oTci 1 1 93 O COO CO oS ^ G 00 s oT s o^qp ^ ^ GooS^) £ (9 ^ Gcc 0000 II 93 CO go oScB^93 00 CO^SCI 93 £ ^ £ 00^ 124 BURMESE READER. cco5Q6cooo5soo§ii9Qco5c7Dcc§scTc7:j^^^ooo5oo ^CCo5QSgoOo5sOO§II!?3Co5c7DCO§SC!?QOO^CqT CO ^ O:^ ( 1 93 8 O o OD CO ^ S (ii 11 ^ 93 8 Q 00 OOO § GODOO^O ^ OOG coo r>5o^ CX^ GOOO OC7D0 SOD^ O 00 6o1 oocoo oil ^ o o^ I c1 o^o (^6 8 o5 q|[^5 G o @G0o5g^0^O^0g0 I olGOOC^^GOOOOCi^Q^cill ^9^8 0|8GCOOo5coCO^S938Q(3^SOCyDOSOO^^^CpGO co^ oc^Q^Qdi Q^so^co^ o^ £ eg £ g5c^oS eg] £oc^ oS a:;|Gg| s o 8§ 8 8 (9 ^ c§ qGcoci II cx^ o£ oj^Ggi ^ co§goq]0^ Goo5 1 oo8c^^o^o^o^o5 OOSG^GCOCiiii NOTES. o^^oS a rich man = ooGgo one of the Vaisya class. qooSq^Do of no importance, inconspicuous. oSg^oG^cgjS having married. s^o^q^o^oS^od^oodS as for what he was constantly saying. The o is euphonic for 3^ (see J. § 125,4). b to bite. §S(^o5 to cremate. sdgcodSs corpse. GolS or goodS a raft. to unite. GgjD set (me) afloat. SDO^c^^SgD many times, often. G(g5^GODGCOc^ died from a snake bite. qqg^oodcooooS even from aforetimes. to instruct. (^Sgqg^ the lower part of a river, as opposed to 3D^3 the upper part. 33CogDoSG(goooD, the first part of the word is taken from some other language. It occurs in the Bhuridat Jataka as 33CoglooG^3, but it is S UDHA MM A CARL 125 not quite clear whether it is the name of an individual or class. It is, however, commonly used in Burmese for G(gooQD2 a snake-charmer. ooGcgijS to wash the hair of the head. ocjgoodS some one's corpse. oo5 to place on. 33Co5 the middle (in age). Qo8 £ oqo6^£ G 90o£ ^ 00^ o:^G o^o o£ (ill CO £ s GOoScTOO SgoSQoSoOQO S!?3g61£ o O^GOOo£(^GCO G O O:^ 8 £ G 00 O £ ^ 8 G CO (ii 1 1 00 ^ O o og c5 ^ GOOO G@0 £ O OOoS Ob q£ ^ 06 00 06 GCO cpo £: (d^ 2 CO ^ s cp o G 00 0 G ^ 0 6 c8 ^ G 00 5 90 0 o G o o (ii 1 1 c8 s G005C0^ S CXDOO o O^C^O oGOOO G^o£(9^^£o^^ £ ^ c^g^ o ^ ^ gjo5 GODGOo5c\:^£ c^QSgco (in (g ^ £ o?^ g 5 cc[] £ oc^ o£ oq G gi o Q 6 ^ ^ G CO (i 1 1 25 ^ 126 BURMESE READER. 5 o6 G ^ @ 00 00 ^ a 1 1 C7D O CO 51 ^ CO 5 G 00 5 « 5 o c8 S CO^ S Q Olj^OD S 5 S (^^S ^ 0 ^@0 CO (iiii o 5 ^ CO^So6a^j^SC^GQTGOo5<^^oSG@OGOS(^^oGO (iiioSG^o jioQcpogSc^cx^aSaj^GgiscoS OD^ g(^0 oS CO I ^ GCOaDO Gol oS Q 5 eg CtS qj GCO Goo5(g^ ^5oo^ (^ooSsGolcTSogfi (§Gco^c\:^5cp Q6(§so^6ooGgSGS6c§oorySG(9Gco(iii NOTES. go^D^oo^ a gardener : 3DOo^ according to Judson is ' an owner/ but certainly not in this case ; it means 'one who carries on a trade/ ododE one who is skilled in a trade. oooS to present. ^Soc^c^ to drive out. goS ocSooQDS a bird-catcher. goodS to set a trap. 8 to catch. co^Do to pity; probably from oodE^d {^j) flesh is pained (for you), ego to be beautiful ; o to shine. oooDo to sport, play, from oo to dance, ODl to eat. (9^g|6 thread; gjS to draw out long, to be youthful. g)oS to take off. g^c^ooDo — g^^c^oodS in the night — in the day : adversative (J. § 6o). to be long. QCXjjooi^ lit. not Hke, i.e. to show suspicious signs (of pregnancy) ; see J. § 126, 3 (b), last paragraph. 4>dE^Do to hear, gcoood GoloS lit. wind-pleasant-hole, window^ : (j^ooSoGoIoS (also written Qcx)SoGoloS and pronounced padinhauli) window, from ^ to put the head out; 008 to place; gqgoI oS a hole. ^ or ^ to be caught, hitched. SUDHAMMACARL 127 ooQg§co5ocoosco^sc8:^6ooogooQ6oOos^ c ^ ^ § 00 ^ ^ 5 cc^ CO 5 G o s 1 1 cx^ CO 5 00 ^ so ^Og5cOo6^(7S^OOcGOCX^^(illo8oCj^@o02[j|o^CO ^S^SO^OQQCOOaSoOGgo^6 0^00 oSgCO 00^0^^ o6^c^o8(^oc^^(iiiooGgsoaDOoCo^sclo^c8sooOc Qo6|6ooQ£soOoG^@o1oo^ii^so^^a3g5Q^Goo5 o ^ oq Q 0I ^ G g 5) o 5 @ G CO 1 1 o 6 a:;^ ^ ^ 00 ^ 5) o G g ^ o @ cgi] 5 og o s ^ G CO (ii 1 1 oD Gg s co^^ 93 Gcp 5 !^ Qo£ s 1 6(9 ^ <^ 00^0^ ^ 5 ^c8s |6G3005^£sGC0(ill q£ S cBs CO^ 2 0:^5^ 6 C7D 5? GOOOG@o6!?:)^0!?QqjOoQ6GCO(illQ£^(^^CO^S^6 Oo8s!93CDoSG@o£!^^093C^Oo(g6o0^^oCqGQS (ii 1 1 CVJ 5 1 5 C7D 5 ^ ^ ^ 0 Q 8 CXD ^ OC^ !^ G @ O £ S S (g^(^o ^ Gcocii II CO 5 s c^oo(§ s CTDO s c\:j £ ^0 Goo^ 8 1 G005 Cjjcii II 00 00 5 Q S go g ^OOG g S 0^ oSl oo5 1 08 o^(^ ^ o§oo§ c ooooS d^l^^coo Qoc^^a:^ GOG0o5Cj^cin0^0^SQGOn£§0^CO§S@^CO00C^^(ill0^ o:^ 5 CO § s 00 G g s c8 s ^ 6 93 oq ^ ^ CO o oc|^ ^ 1 1 Q £ s cS s CO^ 1 0:^5 Q £ GCO G005 2^0^00^ C CO £ Q8 00^ a:j' G CO (i 1 1 0^ CC^ £ Q G 00 ^ O OD O S CO CO p5 £ G CO G 00 5 C CO £ 00 CO O o O:^ G CO (i 1 1 G (g c>^ o5 ^ 128 BURMESE READER. coD5Q6Gooo5soo^oc^Q^diii o£sc8saDCO^sc!?D CtDO C^G^O O^^OOO G^S GCOOO^ O^Q^ (ill 00 £ ^ 00 o5 @ c8 5 o ^ o;^ ^ c 8 CD o 25 0 5^ S o5 G S;)0 £ ^ ^ c1 j> 6 GO o OO o G Oo5 C CO £ Q Q 8 GOOO £ ^ Qa)oo:^Q^(iiii(:^cgi^(g£s9^^|g6QG(X)§o£*o^ cx) CO ^ s c1 o £ s OD cyD 0 s oq ^ £ Q ^ ob oqi o6 oq o g oo £ oc8 s oo^o ^9 s ^(^o5 o @Gco ai^S cgy£ogos@Gcooooo^^ii OqogOO^Q£sc8^CO^:s;)G@o£sc^SO^GOS (ill O GOO Q £ CO OCO0o(^6G0000q00^C Co£o^ G(go^aS^GooGooo G@o SoqoScb G^O o \ GOOO G@0 6 G^O G CO (i II G^O ^ O GOO GOo5 CCO £ O Q6GC7Do£cGcooo:^Q8(iiio£soo8sc7DCO^^g^o:jco£ 00^ oc^o£ ocj^Ggi s a)^oo6 s oo6g6o^o^q]aS o8 s GOOO g(^o £ g o£ Q o5 00 oo s o^ o^G oT^ Q o5^ G CO G o (i 11 0 o5 ^c|cg|] £ cl cx5 c^^roo (ill o1 Q £ g I ^ ^ ^ cl^S O 8 o8 a^Co£og> CtSg (9 SGCO (§00C7D0Sll O^Q 6^c1co£o(^6Gcx)o£sGcooo:^Q^(i llODG g o cB S 00 CO ^s^soqo:^o£s@sog]^o§^o6^c^c7ScooQGco5 o:^ CO £ CO ^ s G 00 o ^ G@o oSgooo c £0^ s8 (5 o^ 6" UDHAMMA CARL 129 00 n§ G ^ o CO 0 (i 1 1 ^ 0^ Ogj ^ G 00 5 O C7D Q G CO G930 5 ^ ^ 9^00 06 ^5 (S|GOOO G@0 SogJ ^ G005 ^6 GO o 00 o o Q8^0^' I G0o5oco5 oQSgC7D06 S GCOO oq o g 0I ^ o 5 s c8 s cxD CO p5 s o CO 0 s G 00 o 5 ^ 6 GOOD 0^ 00 Gg o c8 CO 5 o?^ G^iogS oo(^o5 GCOOO ^(^8^^5^^Goo5cog5^co5Q(c^oooii iio£sc8s^o CO ^ S q5 S (^^CXD O 8o^(^S O^G O OgoS C3 6 1 GOGp 8 (:^£o£ sc8sQGOOo^£^Goo|)Goo5o(:^sa2oScp ^ G@o£s^oog5Q6^co£Q8Gcoo£^oo^o:^oQ^ OOOII llCO^^COaS^0OGgSc8^So00^C70G000^9Q0o Q GOO€|G!^o £ (^G^ Gooo g(^o £ o rySco aS^ O,^ G| GOO^sqcQoSGOCXDOO^^il fl NOTES. OD2^G^j)8oogSj)S were already at dinner (J. § 115). ooqSo^ rice (or food) prepared and placed at table. cooS^oS to dip the hand into the dish. ooDiooS lit. the longed-for son, i. e. son-in-law (pronounced thdmet). ooSs to be separated from. ooooS a festival, assembly. QGOD^^bGOoS if in truth he had not died, sdoodd P. authority. cIqSsoddScxjgd^Sq [^cboj] o5 since I ought not to act imperiously, saying ' I am the king.^ QoS^G|^cgj8 when they had caught him. for c1c§ our: commonly used. qodd§gcod6o the old (former) wife; goddSs = F. ancien^ when used for persons. K 130 BURMESE READER. GGiogSooj^oS to perform the funeral obsequies in water. ooD is often used as a qualifying aff. in judgments with the meaning of ' admissible/ qoodS^S^ through being unable to prevent. Qc^8ogcSGp3Do(^D58 reasons of coming to an end, i.e. he would probably have died. cooS^ to have in hand, i.e. to possess. gooocjgddS to the dead person, i.e. to one 'as good as dead:^ for if the king^s servants had caught him he would have been killed. END OF SUDHAMMACARI. PAET III. More Advanced Selections, for which the Dictionary must be used. O. QOOOO^OGCX^SQoSoqSll 1. The Judgment of Maha Pinya Kyaw* [He was Minister of the King of Aracan about A. D. 1620.] 93 6 CO COO 000 § 6 930C|o6 0^ 5 s oc^cqTq^ gooo €|0^ Cj^<^C^5 §1 5 (9 ^ S 0^93 ^ ^ G|G005 C^GOOO o:^g|5q6 ^^oSoo^ oo€[GGp93 olii oooocj^^o:^ qp S G Cp G GO 5 ^ 6 Og oS G 00 5 Cj^ 00 ^ eg 6 00 5 C| 5 Goo5 Cj^Gooo o gg^o o 0DoSg5 oo^G€|o^o2j o5 ^o::^ NOTES. 3d5co England, godg^od Aracan. ^og^^ Rakkhapura, the Pali name of an Aracanese city, commonly called Gj^6 Rakhaing. qoodc^^ P. the name of a celebrated pagoda ; ocjGpS is the word generally used for ' a pagoda.^ K % 1^2 BURMESE READER, GODcg] 5 c1 s oo^c^cracx:)^ II Q^o 06 00 coo6(g5^6Goog c1s(:^GQoo5oq(§sccy5o£(^so6 QOC")5cOOOO§COOCO 2^SOG@o£oCOOS930^^^^0C[ !?0Q06(^S OCX)0 O gQGOC^5c^GOSGCD5Cj{ 0^£ QOO^ o^oGoqjSoD go^ooSq^oo^^oii 93^£q£s^o5 (X) 06 g 5 G 00 5 00 § G €| Oqj G 00 G 00 0 !^ q1 cl S 00 § 3oo5 oqc^ (5 sooo s (§ s cg|]5 Gg] oql s Goo5 ^ ^ G^o 6 S 8 90 00 o5 o^ 90 G 00 o oqj 06 03 ctS g 5 G 00 5 ^ G 06 OOoSoDOOO^ 90 C^CTOO o ^ | O^ £ o G O^O oS O^] £ go Co5^ § S 0^0^ (§ [(g6 SGp GOOO 90 G@0 5 s ^ ol OO^II 90 5)£q£:(^s o::^^^ @o5ooGG|(d^; oqijoSG@o£so^ (9§ 0^0^08 Oo£G90o£ogo(36og^SOGOO^GCg]0 aS(§ § oqj £ 0^0 00^0 s 0^90 6000 s 026 00^ ^ 90 006 90oo6op sgo5oqir>S@^ooo SGCodiii ojs^^g^ ^0§OD^S90^«^0S^£sG^§aqQGpOQgg0S0g£s 00 O S G 00 0 00 O S 00 6 OD ^ ^ 61 Og 0 S ^ O O C| o£ Q I ^ NOTES. cTcOOsj a fish. The affix is very unusual for animals. <^ to swallow. ^ power. (§(gSs to deny, cavil at, resent. @oSooG^ reputation. ^8o3^ to flock round. ADVANCED SELECTIONS. 133 c|(g ^ ^ooo6c^ o^Gp o 6 s I CO 06 g S^i^oqs ^ oScp gooog@o£qo8|o^ ctSoii ooosgodoS |>6ooog (X>rySg5c^Q£s^S9QOoQOo6(9^00^llG^Oo6(X)00^ CO §^c^coo6g5c)25og^^^osd^aq^o6oq^ocxD£5|0^ GOOOa^OO§o^01^5(§o03j£GCp£^GOGCOOO§iiC^ 00 GCOO 06 CTDGgSQ CO (90 O OOO O GOo^OoSoOO ^ ^ o 0^1 £ |) 6 og £ s o:^ 5 G o o ol o:^ Ggi o I o c8 6 s 00 ^ 00 § o £ 93 5 000 o G 03 00^ II OD o£ g 5 Og £ u (§ o 00^ 000000^ coo I 'O^QS35€|^ii ^OOOgO^OOO I Og £ S 0^^^ S ^ ^OqG CO 00^ 1 1 OC^COO o CO c^co o£ g 5o^ c|c^G (§0 £ c jf £ o £ ^06 G cq)o o£ cg[] £ !^ o o5(^^ GOo593 Oo6(^?00§c8q]59Qoo5^;sQOo 93 gSj^^O^ci 0^0 §60065)0 SG930 5 8 €|5o^ coo5g5QSoo^ii90ooaS!»Gg^C)g£c1o^8c|£oo§ ogooo5o^oD^sc^93oo5Qsoo5oo^iic1o§Q (?^0 CO g5 S 06 00^ II CO ^G|00p5 CO 06 (g5 O^ QG ^ o5 000 S C|Cgy 5 O 250 GOC^SSQ G G|cC^ o6c8 6 ^ @ 5) (^000 ^GCO C^nOQC^ s o^(^S9;)go s o^ ogo s ^o6c^oDaS(g5c>^ocoo scc^5oq@^GCO 00^ ^ 693 o1 o ogS 000 % ^gSSg^jSgco cgy £ cy^ s 00^ ^oqogos^8SG^Gooo90 0L^o£og£ooo:GCO(iiii oocp s o^(^ s co^SGc^o o£g@o £ s c^cfi cgy £ ocoo s 9;) 0 c G 00 0 oS c8 s g ^ Og ^ ^ @ o£ G CO (§ or^ 8 o5 ^6cv^^cooo^GCO(iiio(|so(^o£og£ogggooCoaSg5 O^GOqjO £ S 000 ^ O^C oS OOG CO 0 oS C|^Q0CpG|O0 1 ^ NOTES. ojSto dig. (^Q)3 p. reputation, good o5 08 g to scold. ogl to find fault. o^Eo^oS a crowds nest. gojidSoOOo^o^coS a school-boy. QOGpG|oo^oGOo5^g his teacher the abbot. ADVANCED SELECTIONS. 135 ^ oSgooq (^(X)^o (g Sco^ii c1 6 0600 |C)0 ^ O ca:^o5Goa:^^^5l5o£s9QO^GosGco(^iio5s^sco^s Qo5o(X)0 o goo goc^5o^gqT^g^o oo§cg£ 1^ Q06 c| 00 ^ ^ o oc^ c|oo I s G o o 00 ^ 0 (X) 1 1 00 o ^ oc^ GO^^C|CX3§(X^G^OGOO(iilia^CoSo^GO^(^^S^ £ s !^ ^ o 00 8 o £ 00 eg 5 a:| s 06' I G| 00 ^ G (90 G CO 03] £ S 0^o£ O^^G O ^ 08 C|00^ ^ O oooo o go Goqj5co 9;) @ |oo^ ^ oil c^o ^o s Goc^o o£ Qoo£ 5)0 o Gooo oc;^oo£ ^ (^co o£ ^ o:^ 000 o ooSoq^cg|o|s cB 6^00^^09^600^11 cg|o |s c8 6 « OO^CO o£ ^ GC^O ^00 ^ G^O oS Or^ ^ O^ (tS 02£o^co5€|^3ocpG|oo^^GOo5(5^s(lioon6o^ 00 ^ ^ o o ^ c c8 6 s 00 ^ OD o£ 00 o £ s oq 00 ^ o CC^ o5 1 1 O ^ S c8 6 S 00 ^ CO o£ CO 0^ ^ s o^ ^ s ^ ogo s 00^ II a;^^ s 0^ coo£c7o ^ s o^ o£ CO o^ 93 G 00 0 ^ 2 £GCp o£oO^ 90 G@0 £ S 90 Gp C:^ 0 S G 6 G oosG Q o ^ ^ s £ s oc^l GcoGoos 00^ a:^Qo£ (g £ NOTE. oSgoo3gqE(^^8c^5^6o05|§gcogooEoo^ it still remains to be investigated. 136 BURMESE READER, C^C75c|(iiliO^S(X)^sSSoC^o6o0^glGQCp^ |^o^GODoo^iioocpsa^(^^|6q5oaDoso^^5c^5 CO 0 1 00 GC^O 06 GOOD CO 06 g 5 ^ ^ OgO S GOOO ^ coo C)0 ^ II O 6 S 3§ o Qcx^ 9^ o5 9^o5 cx^o£ OC^ G9s5oo^o^o£sGOc\:^£o^co^:o^^oGOoOOGOo6 Oqjo6QS^0^90000^@0SGCOCgj£90O06(S^SC)O00 O ^0 GOC^5!?;)0 ^GCg]0 06 ^CplI Q(X>0 O ^0 GOi^S TO oocp % o^(^sd^GQT^o:|s ^oqcoo gooo coaS §5o^ c^o^ ooo5 ^o c]_oo ^ ^ soc^Go ^ II o^c ^ NOTES. 330^8oDC^D|o^oo^g|oS exactly the same size; ooc^D^ (pronounced thaddTi) P. form ; ssg oS gives the idea of exact- ness. 33^oS& unobservedly. crjj o5c»d2(§ usual feeding-place. qS his (J. §12658). 3^o53;jo5aj)o5ocj| oS noisily. qSbgocxjS a servant employed by the king, page. aoSc^c^ elder brother ; a polite mode of address ; the pi. aff. includes the wife. ADVANCED SELECTIONS. 137 G O § ^(S|on C)0 ^ eX^G (go 00 ^ Og 5 G O S G ODO O^C oS o^GoT^Gos(^| s cgy 5 o^^i^GooS^oSooo soo % c^oo O^Og 5 S O^Oq ^ G|on 00^ G O^JO O^G 9:) oo6(d^ s CO ^ s o:;^ o 00 ^ Gooo ^ 06 eg 5 s o^^^ GO^o8GODOgy5o6§GOO:^£o^900S!?SG@o5so^^| c^o6^^aSog£s93f ^sq^o5(^goo6g^ggoo§c7do OD (^O ^ S c8 6 S 00^ 6 I 0^ OD o5 g5o^ ^^2§" a^^so^co^sS8o^G€|^s(§GC|Q85o^GC|::^^^ @ ^ ^ (§ § £ CO o ^ OD o£ ^ ocji G qj 0 r>5 s 00 ^ CO CtS g 5 O^^ 6g 00 Q 6 8 06 OGOqi ^GOOO G (§0 £ 00^ eg £ s 90 ^ s I c1 o^ CO aS g 5 Gc^o o5 2 c|G cooo^ oq Q ^ 00 6 s G CO o o£ c8 ^ ^ 00 ^ eg £ o £ o G o o:^ £ 0§ coc^o^o§c:^!^oo5(d^^'o6GQTc£^9o5§2^coa5^ 0^90GOo£o^CXDaS90<;|5^0C|00^§SOqo8GOcOO^ll Ggl o ^ ^; c8 6 s 00 § g8 (5 CO ^ s oqc| b 00 ^ CO r^S g 5 ^ ^ G o G ^ CO § !?D Og £ S G O o£ oq ^ ^ Gp OD ^ G eg ^ £ C| 61 00 § Oi^Og o£ I! !^ 06 O 90C|5c|5(^OS ^£ 90 ^00^!^ q !^ ^gqT(§ s cq|]£o£ S (^SG^O^ Og£ ^^O05GCq|J0C7S NOTES. o^iOD^d^GODDOgSEc^ the hole in which you say you dug. SoSgoji to be appeased, satisfied. j»8g§d to regret g^ooS to lament. 33<^3D^ all together. 138 BURMESE READER, (§ S ^ ^ ^ S 00 G 00 5 § S 00 5 00 ^ ^ 0 1 1 OD oS G 00 5 C7D o5 ^ Cgj 5 G ^ OD CtS O 9 O G 00 0 G 0 6 0I S 6 S OD o s (ip c1 ^ o5 c1 c| ^ 00 ctS 00 ^ 93 G @ O 6 S ^ 0 1 1 G^ODoSoOO IG<^COO^QOOllG^^5lGC|^6a:^ ^ o1 oops II Oql SOO^O I O 500 00 go 85) 5 o^ggo o^8s o2£(96co^^Q^6(^iiGC|02£(96oD^so^6qpiic^ ^^O I C>3 ^ 0I so 0 o 0^ OD 08 O^ ^ 00 ^ 00 ^ G Cp 06 00 § ^ O GC^O 06 Q oqS C|00 § so ^ 0 CXjl^OD^ S ^11 ^ 06 O)^ oj^G 000 ocoo o o^ (^o^ o g o5 §'^ooaS@c|oo^o:^oq€|^^o1oo^ii ng5l^g5§Oo DO oS g 5gOo5gc^O o6^Cg 5 !^ O^S so (9 8 O^G 0^0 06 Q^C|O§^0nG|00^SG005cO0S€|00^0G0q|0o6GCO0£s (^G|Goo5o::'§sc1o^(^oo|s^6ooooSQ6so5Goooog o:^^ 6 (^(^Qo§(g6 2 obso ^s<^o6 ^so5ra^ NOTES. coGOoS^EooS to address a person of very high authority. g^cooSgooS the royal hand; Gjg| gold is used as an honorific term. ocj^Sod^d glory, from oq^S (pronounced port) glory, and oo^Do|> P. fame, honour. to be burnt (Uke food). ajjco^s[^^f^ii^oSco^8o^ beloved of men and gods. oooDo here means ^ proverb.^ cjogj P. ogJoS B. verily, certainly. ^^?^oloo^ it is to be taken (considered). oooSqo to belong to. ^S(§<^qoS to have a longing for. 3D^oG^ a ruler, person in authority. ADVANCED SELECTIONS. 139 ^ 0 II ^ oSgOO^Gp S O g o5 8 G005 Cj^GOOO 8^ o8ogoq§Goo5j»6^gooqj6GOoo5oo^o^go5 ^ s GOo5 @ o 930 s og ^ s 9o1 o Q (908 GOOO^'TSoSc^OOlGOoSCj^OoSoloO^II li00clj)8 g 06 Q o5 0000 ^ 0§ ^ 0 o?^ 6 O 0§ 00^ GOOO !^ o^o8oqo5oo§Q6^q5scx)c^oc^oS^sgo935gooo O^!^GC7D0£ § oSoloO^ II II OOGp 1 0^@o o§ ^ o 00 0 G 00 5 Q 8 00 ^ cfi 06 1 6 G cx^ o gOGoo5c^oGOo6ii 066^^0^ (^8 ^o^i^oqoS^Soq oloo^n iicg]o|^c8(5oOO^^og^_^6oqdloo^ii is a:^ODos^oc1sj>6oqo1oo^ii na:j^^s^oo^|j)6oq CO ^ g 6^ 0^^ s ^6 oocp ^ O^Q S 0§ ^ 0 q£ s §8o£ 2 "^oBocod, S(iGp(^oo5oGOcqo250(i^§^«(§58 €|£GpllG§;OO0 0D€)^OqjaSc8(5G000£c86 ^SOOCtS NOTES. ogoS from p. ogDGOcS to proclaim ; used either as a noun or verb. 8^§8o8rgDC^S for P. 8gDDCo5o8cgD03 the rules regulating the hves of Buddhist monks. og^i9ols the four requisites of a monk, viz. clothing, food, bedding, and medi- cine. GOODoSoS to support. cjjjCD^ to give offerings to monks. dSSgj^cxj^ a (dishonest) concealer. oSElySoSsolcoS royal punishment : gI oS from P. 3 punishments. g§oodco o^cc^oS though it was the hot weather. oSSgoodSoSSSe masses and mountains of cloud. I40 BURMESE READER. coo5^cgj5o^scgg5§^o5o^^6ooog^5soo^gooo6 9;) q1 1 1 cx^ 5 o 5 ^ ^ 06 ^ o ^ 5 ^ 0^ ^ ^ 00 0 s 51 5 !?0Go1 5 s 00 ^ 0000 o ^0 GCX^S ^ Q o5 s d^so Og^OOGpJ)8oOo6900oG|^Sg6s@GODOO^Il II 2. The Story of the Brahmans who entrusted a Sum of Money to a Gardener. [From Manu-gyeJ] G ^ GOOO SO q1 II C^] Gp CtDcS ^§ C^CJ^CODO S ^ 00 ^ q (S S GOOO 5 S COO O COO 95 OCJ^!^ G|5aD o1 s C7D OO 0 CO 5 ^ o1 Cp OD O 6 S S g CO 0 ^ G 01 6 g8 6 I G CO II q <5 s GOOo5 ^ cooo coojy^GgG^o ryS Gp C|GC00000^oll OOGCOOoS 00Cp8QC|G00oG0O0 G @ 0 6 so oq5 ^ ^ g col ^ 00 ^ eg £ G g G ^ 0 06 Gp o^|ooos^ 2^o1o^^^8Gcooo6ggoo^c1^|)6Gcoo NOTES. c^5o^S sheet lightning, cgi5§^oS forked hghtning. 008 words expressive of the sharp crack of the hghtning followed hoom of the thunder. §^0^^ to threaten. 00^0 to be violent. ^oSs^E- OD^SgD - <5[300^ : observe that the adverb is placed between the qualified noun and the verb. olepODoS Benares. (^§3good£e to beg: oddoood P. a beggar. ooGOODoSooGp8 one hundred a-piece. G30cj5 a bundle, parcel. ADVANCED SELECTIONS. 141 GC>DO 5 ^ gO^O^ Q GOCC|j£ C^CODO S GODO ^ GOO CX^^cii II C^^O oCoSoOGODO 06 Cj^COO S Q(^C^ Ogl K^^OCOS^dili CDGQTb(:7DG0009QC|5c§GCpr75^ Q<^oo£^GQC|69oo§ii^cg5<^5on 0060:^0^^(9 dill c^c^ (9^00 o5Goo5gcoo goo^o^oo^ sqcgDos ^ 00 § I Q ^ I €| CO o5 CO § S ^ OD § I C1 0^ g g 0 (9 ^ Oljl G ^ Oqo^ GOOO G@0 6oqCOO <^CO^ II Oqj £ G O ^ C^o5oq G 000 £ S GCOCi II gcoo ^ oo^co^ ^q^o SG ^0 oS G CO o ctS o^c|5 03 6 00^ § £ di I ic|5 OD Sgooo q^o s o§ OD ^ o Q 00 £ o o?^ G Q 00 gS o^ 00 £ ^ ^ ^ q ego O o ^ cqj£GOoqa)o£^5(iii qcgDo^caScog5s90^£sg OD 0 gS oo § I c1 Q £ g I ^ 0^ cqj £ oqi £ OD 0 9 oq NOTES. all together. o^ooSs the conch shell (carried by Brahmans). to pretend. oogoT the distance of a call. Qoo not enough, i.e. scarcely. gqg|S to forget (J. § 117). ssgSs friend, sir, you. g^G^OD^[§oqQ^(iii iic^ocx)OSo^Qo^cg|£ q^o s o^ GO cT 0^ a:j[ G ^ oqo G o II ^ £ Q 00 £ s G 9 c|6 oog5oqoqQ^^^GCOoo^iic1o^q|6GCX)OO^q^ • ^GoSQ^oo§ooq5GCOoii(:^c§Q^cqio£gcoogoo^ NOTES. c to wait. oo§^ to pretend, make a feint. ADVANCED SELECTIONS. 143 Cp G O S r>S GC7D 0 5 S 95 G (X)0 OC^ GCo5 00 Cp S 00 6 95oqc^lGpaoo8o6s(d^so6c^ogo^@GC^ iiolcp ctD 08 q£ o s CO p5 s gcoo^ 00^ ^6qgoo s o^ coo @ 00 ^ Q 5 5 9S CX} o5 0^ Og o5 ^ 00 ^ ^ S G o ^ G005 (;j^CO0 CO 11 C^^OSO^CO^ S QOOO (^G^O o5 S (B^S I ogil 5o^ q^o; ^j^^Sgodo oSoo^ 9oc|5oo o1 § cxD coo^gcoo^oo^GS^ogSobsG^o^ogS q6s C0005sa30OC7D0^^Gg SOOC|GCC0O00^SllCX> GCX)0 06 Cy3 Gp Q GO GOO 0 G@0 6 g coo 00 ^ 0^5 GgSooo^!^5)^c1o§i^^6GcoorySc;)^GOo5s^ G g O?^ O G O o ^ 6 Oj^Oqj 08 ^ G 005 O^ j> S G OD 0 ^ c>b c^crao ^ c o5ooG CO 0 oS 00^ SG 000 5 ; 09 ^ cp Go;c^o^oo§iiGoscpooGcooa^^osGoo5GoqjoaS(iii gcoo^oo^co5Qcoosco^s^^5o6s(B^sio^^^j)6 Gcooo§^^Gosa;^^|Gooo^oo^sii|?cg[j5q^o^ O^ Og 0 o ^ 00 G oTo 00 G 00 0 C| 5 Og 5 C| 5 ^ G ^ CO § oogS II q^o ^oC oSooGcoo oScj^coo s c1 o§(g^G|oo^ (X> ^ o ^ 95 1 o (g ^(^00^ Cj^oD^ ^ ^ 95 1 o1 o^ gg^ GOi§^a:;[G^oqGOc^c7S^qgooxaSoq§|coocxD§ii NOTES. Q00DGpO)D p. great king, go to be complete. GOODSscg^ to demand deceitfully. oISoIgo let us take away with us. 144 BURMESE READER, c|5oo^o^^ £ GOOO G@o Sq^o s c c>So^9Q |g o s c^rySGooo^oq^osGOoScc^ooSciii iio^Gcg[]oryS ^aS^ 6 ^5c^@o s c^£ o1 ctDo8 o£ s ^ S|Gco5cj^(iii q^OoO§ ggoc^gcx)ogoo^ I ^GOOO I^Qlclo^q^SGODO GOollO^Obo^OGOo ^ 6 oqi o6 o £ s q ^gp o s c o5 00 G GOOo£sc9^cpgaDO^oo§GosG^oo§ooo£nqcg G^orySGcooaS€|5co6G ooo G^cpo^c^ryScOo GCyOo£sGCO(iill5l£cj^O SO^ggOO^Qo5GO^GOOq cflQpCC0cSo£o(^s8|G005QjjCill llgCOO^ODgS (X)£oaDO^o^co§^qcgDoso^ggoc^oGos^ooo5Gooo G@o£qcgDOSG^oo£GaDOo£o^ofg^Q6G03o:^^(^^ qcgo I G ^ 0 o6 G CO 0 o6 o^ 93 ^0^1^ cp p5 ^ cv:^5 ^o<^o:^|(iiii iiG^^5)^c|CTSc:^os^coo5Goo5gcoog5 c)0§ 000^0080 c o5 ^ £ OD o5c^£ 00 ob j> S J) 8^ CO o^ Goo5oo8;co5oo§ooo^oooooo^ogj^Q6oo^aDO^ 9^5) £ oo§ s 00^ s ooosQ cx^5 @ o G|oo^ii c1 Soo 0^ NOTES. c^oSgo2goodSoGCO(^ ought to have gone with him and given. 33cg^33cg^ in turn. ooSscoS^S to see a Uttle daughter, i.e. a daughter was born. ooood all. ADVANCED SELECTIONS. 145 G (X) 0 06 93 cp ^ ^ cp o £ !^ o:^ 6 s;) Q 5 <^ 00 cx^ !?000o5 G@0 6 2^ O^ Q6€|00^ ^ S OqC O S 11 93890 C3 0^ CO ^ S CO q£|8 § 2 ^ OSOCOO S 0^008 S 900 ^0x0 (ill iic^ocdosooS^coS^osogjSo^oo (S § @S^CO G^^CTD O ^ 0 CtS G 000 co6o^ OgS 90 op 5 90 @ QO^SGOOOOqo^GOCiiiO^COOO SO^'^0 S Cg|j6 oo8sco5o^o^£sc^gg30SG^oo6Gaooo5o§(ii90c\55 9o@ooabG^(^GOD^9o890C3o^oo^oo8scaSoo §^5 S c8 6 ^ S G Oo5 (2 25 06 G 000 90 O o5 90 CO S 00 ^ 000 o^o^oo5Go(§o^o6^o(^so6o^Gooo5Ga)diiic^9oo1 00 8 s c o5 CO (x> § s 90 5] £ Q 5 s ; I q COD 0 s J) 6 G OD 0 r O^ 00 g5 g g 0 1 G 00 0 90 ol c1 0^ ^ ^ 8 G 00 0 oS G O ^ 00 O GO S OTj) g gsg^ go § S O^oS CO ^G^O GCOO 0^000 GOOO 5 oOSgOOO G@0 690 ^5Gg[ GOo5og£ 00GpS005o1 95ll90 5)£o£s(^SIGg[OOCpO^OOO^ GOOO o1o00G0DSo1sO^G900£:GOG005Cj^GC00ii NOTES. ODoSj>8g6Q^goS the above statements of the two parties. oog^SscSS to smear with turmeric (paste), spelt |>§6s by Judson. fine in texture. 3D0D3 is often used as a companion to sdooS clothes. ooGpBooS to state a law case. olooD P. a stanza. G^jDoS = g§doS six. L 146 BURMESE READER. 5o6o§(i!»o § 000 s ccx)o5 s co5 c^5 00^ s II c];o^(i!»o;ooosGC|^c^5o6oQ^sn 9;)o;^^:coooGQo6!?s5]5o5s(^s!?Do;gol95ii OQcp s oo5 ^G!»o 5 ^ 5 s cgij £ G ^0 aS cp coco !^ 00 ^0O^036sG005CjJolGC00O::^^0SG005GCg|]0O^(ill II o£s[^scogs:^S|socc5oooos(:^^Soo^^^G^oc7S Gp COOO 93 CO^O C^G^ S S O Co5cO 06 Og£ ceo S Go(§S ^ o1 Cp CtDo8 O £ S (^^ J C73 OD G 005g qTc^ s G^o ryS Gcoo 06 00 ^ coo CO o5 ^ g coo^ OD^o^(iiooSscc5oo^q^o;G^oaSGcooo8ooos o§o^@£o3]6o£s(^SG^Goo5o§o£^c^oo6o::^5 ODoSs^S^^^O ; G0o5GCg]0 0§(i II NOTES. 3DDo(^ol35 we will depend on : get our strength from. G^S to lend. g33d6(^8 to conquer, win. oocooScoTto summon. c^ooSocjS to sit with the legs doubled under one. oooSa^S^ to raise the hands placed together (as in prayer). ADVANCED SELECTIONS, 147 O go ^ G COO oSc go GOOD G^O o5gOo55i5 C|6sS3GCOo5so5siqcg30^0^ggo|GOOO!^Qlc1o^q J) SgODO 08 ^ ^ 000 g^gOO O^G O Siicl 0§ Sg OD 0 oS Q^GOo5oGOoj)6Q^OO^Q6GOOOG(^o6a3^^G9jO GCOOoSo^^Of^|5o^QG 0^000 ii^^SgODOoS^ ^o^GcoSGc^oaSciii iio1cpc:tDc8o£s(^oOD^r:^ 0000 S @0 S GO05g COO^ OOgS 00 S 2 Q^OO^ 90 5 S OC^5 Godii q CODO S ^ GOOO !?oq1 c1 o^ ^1 8 Ga)0 06 ^ ^ GO ^11 Cl q|>6GCO0 06 O p8 C^Or^O GOo ^6oc8c|£s^OO^(36GOOOG@o6^^6GCOOaSG€)^ G O ? G ODO Cq cfl Gp OD 08 O £ 6 1 G 005 (i^^ O^ODg5sq^^SGCOOa5GOG90o5oOOo5^£GOOO G@o6ggOQG|OOCpS^SG^(§OOOO^Sl!gCOOgSoO^ OD 5 Q OD 0 S 03 ^ S 00 8 S C o5 G Oqj S S G @ 0 6 q 0 S O^OgJ^^QS^C^oSGODOOOO^SlI lIC^G^oS^ OOOoOOgOOC700^cyDQSGOOOs865)5o^OO^jGOOO CV^O^SO <^90 ^OqCOO ^ 000 GOoOoSoOOO^ S 11 NOTES. o^D33GpGCODoSc Sufficient in wisdom, i.e. wise. g^doS GOoS Royal Highness, Majesty. gdgcodSs embryo : used to imply that he may hereafter be a Buddha or universal monarch, oocjodood^oo P. a person who is a bailee. L 2 148 BURMESE READER. 3. The Case of Wife-stealing. [From Mahosadhd Jdtaka.] C o1 OOOO 0 CO 93 O § ^ GCOO G CX) 0 0 S OOG CO 0 oS 00^ 88 G^GOOO g^O O ^ c OGO (^SgCOO g[000^| CO o5 C\? 5 OO 8 o § 00 0 CO 93 Q ^ ^ G 00 0 8 ^ o O S cc^ 5 CO 0 s CO oS o:j 5 cB s Q 8 ^ G c| c:^ 90 og ^ G Qo o£ CO o5(^ocj) 1 00 ^ S C^Q o O C^ 6 s ^ 1 oc)] c^oo o£ o^ G^5 oqi o£ G ^ coc)5a^ I (ii n c^!^ q1 § 8 § 93 ^ GOOO 0^ Oo£ o ^OOG CO 0 oSoo^ O ^SCp ^ co^ogo oCooGco goo5c^o^co£qcoo o j)8GC06 |£93(^6oo£GCgQGCO(iill II0^90o1go10OCX)0 COO0§ § Oo8 § O^ ^ £gC0GOo5 90 GOg 1 ^ 800 §G€| ^ o£ 00 G CO 0 1 1 c8 6 00 G CO 0 OC^ G O o 1 1 § 00 8 § 00 ^ G C| o^ 0^ 0^ co£ ocoo o ^ 8 G coo oSgQo o£ooo5 ^ ^ s 08 CgiJ £ 90 G Og I ^ ^ 8 CO 0 S 90 Ogl G^^ oSoO^ 1 1 Cl c I c85 I NOTES. (y6ooD(yS prepare what you ought to prepare. 3Dcq]^ smoothness, pleasant appearance. Go:j|3GOODg|D— oddS— ocSs country bumpkin. §o38§ P. long-back. 3d[^SooS at a suitable moment. (J. § 125, 5). c8S a turtle. 150 BURMESE READER. o^Q^diii c^ocx)oso^@o;o^5go1oocoocooo^9^ c>D § ^ I G 00 5 00 5 TO 0 s 00 o5 s c8 6 o § ^ ^ 2 oq GO o £ § 00 8 ^ 00^ so Gogicl o^<;j^ooo^^^ 6|S Go:^o£sioD5s^£o§^£s;)G^Q5g^ssoog6so6oo§ g8GoooG|§o£c1o§o^SGoqjo£sioD£^o^£o§Q^§^ obsO^ ^ CX^O^ci II SOGOg I C^O^ 00 (§ ^ C7D0 s c1 o^ OD 0 o o^co ; 0^00 06 c^^ c^o^G £ 01 00^ oqo^ (X) 0 03 § ?J0 8 ^ 00 ^ G OD 0 6 S (§ ^ S5 OC^ Cgj £ G o1 00 0 OD 00 § i oo 8 ^ so G og 1 00 o £ s 00 £ oq] o so s;) ^ ^ Cl 0^ ^ 0 61 00 § 1100 S ^CCj) G qT^gooo G^^b^ogoS G ogj o Gg s (iii i 00 8 ^ 00^ 00 o £ o 00 o(§ s Goo5oo£ o^ ^SGcooc75cg£sooooSo^o^sD^£ ^€|Q^^^^O:^ GOoCp GoloOOOOODOD^ % SSoCOO oO^S3<^£^GOC^ G 00 0 G ^0 £ so GOg 1 00 6sO G Og Q c1 0 00 O o Cj^SO 5 Og £ CC£ QG^ 9^ C| o1 00 GODO NOTES. (y OOGOO S. naturally, in the ordinary manner. GOODSG(gDS in a squatting posture. ^ is so tall, cxjjc^ a dwarf. gc^dS for ^oGcgjoS or goodS the knot of hair on the top of the head, cxjjog a bandy- legged man. oocjo^ for P. oocjod^ form, stature. 152 BURMESE READER. oo^oooDlsn cg^ogosG^ooSc^oSc^oSGoqjSgoiicI O050O^000C^!»QlQl!^00railO^oQ§;6sQ6(^6GO^ ^ 6 00 r>S oS G 00 0 o ^ s 8 6 6 6 5) 5 ^ 5 ^ s c^i 5 agj^S^oOi f^'|GaDoa:5lOoiQOG^G]^6oo^SGq]5<^ 9911006 clocTo OS c^^o^Gooo 5 olc^ Sod ^cl @ GOOoSolo^ cx^Q^^oqooo5so^oos oqioSoqocoos c^90os^Q^oQosG(^5:c8ciii§ex)8^ocooso^@os c^5 i ex^ 000 oooo^ 5| 6 ooSa^ s Soo 98 (5 1 90 GO 90 o1 o ^ <^ 5) 0 dl G 00 0 8 8 O) 5 G ol 00 00 0 03 Q coo ^ 5 o o § s 8 6 00 ^ 6 00 €| I G o^ Q 0 o G Gp 5 ; 00 § o (^^0 s o £ ^OD 5 ^ o Cy) 06 II ^ 6(§5 s (^oSoqj o6g ^ c|5o^ ^008 gooo§oo8^o^ooo@^^^6q£@£^o ooQ6905)6ooOoi 90 og^5o^ocoos ^06^06^606 ^ £ ^0 o1 ogj 5 905)6000 o ocyoo o o^c^o6 ^0 oT 95 00 o5 00 G OD o o 6 00 G 00 0 a:;^ ^ G 00 II § e>o 00 0 00 o C700 o o^(^o s cg[]6 i ex) 8 ^ 00^ 90 ooo5 1 0 ^2 ^6 CO 6 CC^O^ 0^)06 g6 00 aj oS C§GGpo6 G OD II o^§ ex) 8g NOTES. ^oS manner. ^o^Ss old and worn out. j>So to bestow (in marriage). oo^S to enjoy without surfeit. g^dS^d to be deterred by respect for. (^DoGGpSs to seduce. QoSyoS in the light of^ as. cooSoogcod quickly. ADVANCED SELECTIONS, 153 i e>D 000 COO^OO^ 00 6 S 0000 aS GCp GCO Gco5 c 0*1 00000 CO 0^006 Q OD ^ G ^ C06 § o oc^Q^ oqi oS o 6 ^ G 0 06 O <5 o 000 g8 <5 ol G 00 0 b S OgC^^^ 0 oC^^OO o Q S Og] 5 G o1 00 00 O CO ^ £ O ^ O £ Cp €| 5 o^ OgO I ^GCOCiill GoloOCOOCOOO^ ^SoOOOoScTDG^ oq] o£§ e>D 8 § o^ oq 00 og og o :(^oo^c^^ £ o2£ g^O^OO^clQCOO SO^^^Oq^ OgOoOO^OOOOO % CX^Q COOoG^o68c£G^O^GOnOjGCp£^^^GCp£lGOOo£ G (9 § G ^O oS G ^ ^ (^a^ o£(X) G 00 GS;)0 £ GC] O £ ^ 8 Goo5 CO ^ ^ ^ 6 Gooq ^ 6 93 CO ^ c oS 00 £ s Sc2£ 00 £ s 00 Gooo SoSgc^o o£^G@o oS 8 o5^ £ 000^ 00 oS ^ ^ G ^ II Qo£ o (9 1 G ^ II O 00 ^ QC|5^£ 6 CD Q6 s;) I9 6 s o ^ £ ^ £ G CO 0 G si 00 8 06 q s eg 6 s ^ ^ 8 00 (5 s oS5oo8o5c:j|o 61 8 ooo£ G^o £ ooo£^£ co^S5]£GCiiGcx:>c^co^SGooGOo::^G€|c6o^Q^|Qo£s CO 06 G 00 5 G C| c8 (5 ^ I S 08 ^ 93 Oqj £ 00 G 00 0 or^ s cqj o£ C7D (5 s 00 00 r>S CO ryS ogo ; 00 Q £ o OD 0 s ^ o ^ NOTES. 8oSg$doS to be disturbed in mind. Gol oScGpSs^.^ GcpS jumping and stamping, as if about to follow. oooS(y|gj^ioo£(y§g|^ going up and then down. ooSeqd determined, firm, eg or is here used in an alternative sense = 0^ (J. § 118). 8c^cj>Dol8ooa5 from P. 8^cjjdo18 OD^ distress of mind. c^dE to leap. 154 BURMESE READER. (X)Oo§SCX^(§[s8o5j^6Q^^C^o5GODGOo5oa^COO^ ^ S GODO 060^ ^ G CO II § eXD 8 § 0^ C^G o1 OOCOO TO 5 00 oS cq 06 O 0 1 1 cl O OD O ^ ego o ^ ^ S O^Q^ (^11 i ex) 8 ^CO^ S G o1 OOCOO CC 00 o5 0^ oq o5 00 0 S I C Og I ^ 5 O OD O S 93 00 o5 ^ 0 ^ 00 gsnc1ocx)os^6clQ^^,ogoscpo^g£^oGoqjoc7Soo^ G93o£!^ooo5g@o6ocoo ; ^ s g5c8oo^^2o:^ Q^[§so^£co^o^o^5g^6^a2^s§6c^('>5oo(§6G I OD ^ I G CO (i f I § 2X) 8 ^ 00 ^ i eX) 00 0 OD OD 06 o!^ ^ 0^0 o G CO II G 01 00C7D0 COOD^ : CO^ S ^ CXd(§S CC^ 00 o5 o^aqoS 000 o I c1 00 ^ g^S I o o 80006 1 6 ^ 6 S3 3^ 0^ 5 90 G o so 61 o (§ s ^ 8 00 1 6 61 s G o s 08 6 s § O o ^ G| 11 QO £ ^ C>0 6 <^ G 00 0 O CO 0 ^ ^ ooo5oS^o oqogo c Q^^^o cqo^ s 000 6 s ooQ^^^ o::jiaSc^aS(^ii g^o^§ e>D8^ !Go1 00000 co 0^00^ ^aSc|^9o(g£o90^j£ogOo@Go:Goo5oq^cpsGC^^ 00 00 oQp C?^C|5oO q1 o O Q Q C^GCp o6^G COOCJ^^ go 0^ g|0 000 s so G oT £ o 0^00^ CO ^ : c^o s go (i:^ s ^ @p5Qocj_^ciiii c^!^o1 o:^GpSGCoo£soop5 c^o^ NOTES. (§8 revengeful. oocjgooS bad people, cog Mr. Bandy- legs. o^cg5 to accuse. q|oQOo5s 00 from a distance. ooodS ADVANCED SELECTIONS. 155 ^ o6(^^ Q 6 ^00^ ^ * CX^G O S II G 01 0QC7D0 COO^ j>8^Soo5c\:^;a^^5^(^G@o5s|6iex)8^^soq co§sooc^o5o^^gc)oooc7do:Q6SSocoosQSg(^o 6 s c^Q^ II i ex) 000 CO ryD co^ s 2^1^^ I ^ ^o^oD^ooo cg[]£ S000S6 s ^o SGO30 co5 00§^OC^§ eO 8y 000 CO 5 ^ 05Q6 O OC^oS Q ^ ^ GCXDO OCO 0 § C^Q^(lillC^O^O§OC>OO^d^Qo^o(§SGOo5oGOOOOOOO oqQS^oo^co£o^c1(i!^3qs!^Qo5o^oo^@o^ G coo oz^G Q ^(^ II c^aj^oqs G 0)0 060^00^ 00^ 0I oc^o I Q @ooo5g oo5 g^o^o^ s Gcoo 060^ 0^9;) c8 o ^ 08 1 ao6cpG^GOOC^9:)(50 o 8 g S ^000 S o Cg[j£ G5) o §s go i ex) 8^0^ gq1?;o^oo£ Q§o^9Q cx^gq1<>d^ § s G O S (ill 5) £ 00 0 ; I S3 Og) 1 5 o § § ex) 8 ^ CX^ G CX[| CXD^ G Co5oo6 O CO 0 o 90 !^ O^G O^ ^ ^ o oq G o s G 00 5 S ex) 8 ^ CO ^ s i ex) 00 0 CO (i Q ^ O 08 (§£ o G@0 £ G005S0^00 61 S GOOO 90 O ^ C^O diiiOo£(iiSoO90OOc6'g^pG^I so 000^90 NOTES. 0)D8§O3^G^G00093€|59;)O^0^OC^(§£sG^06 C|6sQO§g5lg[^^1^'^^^^^^'^5§^^^o5GO^ Qgo^Q^(il1g^O§ieX)8gC^oSGQ^(§SGO050^O^dio C7D0 so^o ^03oo5o^9DO s ^ oSooo oGo(§o o^£ i eX) 8 ^ o^ooS5)Osgo^go1oocoocoo^goT(§sgoo5g5)?^§s (^68S93O^lSoDS:)O^0^0D^SGaD0£silQaD0o(i 90 I Q CO 0 S (li SoOG ^ C| 5 ^ O ^ CO ^ ^ GCOO 5 S G O S (il I G o1 ODCTDO OD OC §08 GOOO GOqjO o6q G cil 06 0(9^0:^05 ^ |o^£ S!?;)o:^s Gooo !^ I G^c|5^^ (ill g5io^Co1oOODOCOO^o8GOo^oGOo5c^Oq^OC7DO^ OD^ S O ^O30 o5o^!?;)0 S ^ 06000 S G of§o Cgij £ G oT 00 C7D0 OD 0^0 oSgo^I e>D 000 CO d^G oT^^oo(^6oo£ di 90 O ^ C^COO ^ CD o5^ ^ S OC^C O I1 1?0 51 £ 000 o I o^j |590 cxD o o i ex) 000 CO 00^ sop (ill oo£ (i Soocx)o ^ 90 00 oSgjO G ^ I 00 o5 so ^ ^ o oc^G o ; (ill 90 02j'|5SoOCOOS^O^GOOOg|OG^l 2^900^^ NOTES. G|82oo^ at random. o^ooooS from P. 0^0308^ (loc. of o^cx)d) an assembly. qgoIoS;^^^ without changing or equivocating. ADVANCED SELECTIONS. 157 O0§ Cqo^ (lill 005 C0£ CO 0 S ^ 00 o593 ^] 00 ^ 2^ OC^G Q S 00 oSgooS i eX) 8 ^Oj^G OOO 90 008 (§5 : G@0 6c|6 ^ 00^ 2^1 ^ § ^ ^ § ° ^ o^clgociin g^o^iex)(X)Ocoof^o6GOo^^Goo5(:^o^(i ooooso^co^soE|oooo5o^900o^o6ooo^GO^oCcy£ G ol 00 00 0 OD I i 2>D 8 ^ O^ G qTg O ^ O ^ 000 06 O^ 1^0SS0^6^0§IS^S^SOOgo6Q^G0o1oC70l^OO^g5l ^6oC7DO I j>SoO^ I ^OOGODO II Oo£ S 0§ QOZ^oScj^ll ^ CXjl^qOOOO 6 00^ S ^OOG ODO OC^O:^ Cp S G ODO £ S G c s (i li o ^00006 o^oDpS % 90^ £000 s oqoS^ I g^lS^ s 00 (X)0 soo§ ^o^og ocoo s j> £000 ^diii cv:;^ ^ £oTO O^@OC^^OD05G0o5o::^GpSG0D0£sO0§90^£^0^ 1 O^ C§00(§SOOO « so 00 o5o^00§ O QD D S O:^GQS(iliO^0OO05o§0D^S905)£000Slg5lC^ ^S|^0(ioo£o0^^olIgf(Xj^g£c700SQaDOS^SOO^SC^ @oc^| (i II 90 q1 oGcx)o 00 00 oqo 8 |oo^ i ex) 8^o^90^£sGaDOo:5josi ^S^socoosiex) 0000090 o ^ ^00^ oc^ojl^og^oS ogoS 90 o^£ s g§ @ (ii 11 oo£ ^oSogoSocoo scoo I o oQcx^oSii 900^ oogo I NOTES. OD^g^ in agreement with. ^oSogoS statement, utterance. 158 BURMESE READER. oc^ ^ 08 (§ 5 00 o5 c)o ^ cl c8 00 £ o G cx^ ^OSO^SOOGCOOil 2^S^oOO^Oo£^«SG^COg5ocqo5 CCOOO:^COS(iillS2>D8§00^0^§QOC>SGOOOG^o5 !^5)6oOO ^ I OG^ CX) ^ OC^O 1 G o1 OOCX)0 CO CO ^ : 8 S o (X) o s § ex) 00 o CO 0^ o;^ ^ o:::^ Gp s G CO 0 5 !^o^o5g£scoo6g6GcxDo£^«oq^g£sooo^@£ ^oo^£ go 8 ooSgo o ^ogoSc^rySoc^^C^ II 4. The stolen Cart. [From Mahosadhd.'] G CO 0 O^l 0 ; OOG CO O oSoD^ 00 G 000 g|0 ^ cp^ s (^ocOo8soq]r7Sogr>5ogOoGco(iiii o^93q1o8@Ooo£s 00 ^ G coo CTD @ ^ CO o5 G005 CX^Gp S GCOO £ S g£^^oqQS|cxjcps!^gg|9;)oso^oqco5cx)£5]0? G 000 (3 6 c1 g§ £ s g1 c^o^oo g cc^ cvijj^cii og £ NOTES. (^SooS to controvert. 0082 ooS to kick. 08 (^dS the B. form of P. ooG^D Sakko, the god Indra. gcodoo P. the world. 33£g|o a shoot, i.e. not yet come to maturity. ADVANCED SELECTIONS. 159 00 O CO o5 ^ 0^ o^o^ Qo::^aScSQo:^o5oo^sii g^a:j^coOoG|ooOo5]£oo^s Cq 93 CD 06 93 ^ ^ (g O S G 00 5 CO ^ S 00 Cp S 0^^ (5^ S 0^ o8Gos^?ocj_sJoog593o^£:93(9£s93^oaooso^ G O S ^93o8 S 93C^ S OgoS Q 00 ^OCOO S ^6 6 § o CO o6 o^5 o Gooo 00 oo oc^qS £ o I cx:)6 0^€|000 S C^c1 CVljj^OO GCOO o6 ^5 o ^ 5 GO!^ 11 oo5 0§ ^ 8 G CO 0 r)6€|ooo o G ^ o o6 oSo^oo oooS 8 o!^£ ^ o ^ c^aS (^G coo li S o?^ co^sqooOoG^or>5(^o5o^dgs^c^a5GO(iiii c^s^ol g|ooo^5)5oo^c\:^Q8gooogQo6o^sgoogooo o^c>S(^63q c c^co ^ ^ sx^ s G o Gooo o:^ 9;) 0 o G 0:^0 o OoQ6qOOO^^(^o5oqjo5^^G^5cyDO8 to drive fast. ooo5[^5 close, (y-^co^ to turn back. c^oSoDoSoSoooS breathing : lit. outgoing breath, l62 BURMESE READER. Q ^1 lO^ 00^ d^(^ CO^S G^O o6cO ^^(^5 o O ^ II C:^ g@o£g@o£c:^o6gooo5<^co^soqo5ii ^^oq^ ^O^GOOO ryS GOO S G Oo5o8 @0 S ^ a5o£ o8 Q 6 00^ G col cq G o c (li 1 1 o8 @ 0 o o £ s 00 ^ Q 8 1 1 cl 00 ^ oq Q S|Q^o^5§o5c8Qoso5^c^^Gooo§cqQ^coo5Goo5 oo£cfi@o s ^o6 o£ o oq)o6 90coo5g@o £gf G 000 ^o^(^c8 00 ^ gS: o:^G o o (iiioS (^0 s o £ o oqoS^ I oo£ (io go 00 £ ^0 s G o ^ c1 coH 00 ^ cx^ 0^ cgj £ c5 @ 0 s ^ o5 o £ ^ I oo £ 00 ^ G ^ 0 o£ ^ o§ o ^coo j)6a:^3qs QGOo (i iio8@o s c^)£s oo^SSoo^ (9 oq] oS Gcoo £ s co£ ^ G^ ^ o GOOD 00 oo cqoS ^ oo§ ooGp^o^Gcoo£ogo sqoQoSGooo^ oqGooo£s (^^^oGos(§so^£^o5g^ O^OgOSGCOCill NOTES. ingoing breath. c^oS^ or ^o5<^ to breathe hard, be dis- tressed in body. g(^dSg(^d5 staring, s^o^y^ P. cir- cumstances. COD euphon. afF., used sometimes in prohibitive sentences. goodSo^Egoo to praise, bless. ADVANCED SELECTIONS. 163 5. The Son superior to his Father. [From Mahosadhd,'] ^^o51^g)4si^^^^2B^^^^" ^^^^^^^^^ 3^03^93 ooSoooo o o^@o : o^£ o5 S ^ oo^c] 0^00^ ^ GCTDOS ^ I QQ^S GOo5o^CO^ S Geo O 5^ I ^5 GOo5c^C^G^OO^Cqo8ooQ6QO^^GOo5oOGg^j^^ 06 Og 0 a (§ o £ ^1 G CX) g 0 ^ ^ : 06 Q Q § S G 00 5 i 9^ o5s(d^SOO^QO^SGOo5o^OO^SGOOo£^l9QO^|5 CO ^ ^ GC7D0 5 S 1 ^ 5 G 005 (^C^ 00 6 OOQ ^ G O OgO^ C^o6cO§Q6GOOOG@o6o0^oGOo1^^9302j'|^ OOgO S ^ ^ coy £ 00 GOOO 5 GOOO 00 Gg o 90 § 90 C| ^ 6 90 5) £ o £ ^ ^ 06 og o o G 00 5 <;j^ G o ^ 5 01 00 ^ 1 1 OgOoG0009;)Ql coaS^^^oO'o£ooo£oogOoC^^GOOO oo5oo6(^6(§s Gooo o |o^o ^oSo^GOoo £ OLjj ^ogo : Goo5cj^o1iiQ£^o(^sa5G(^o£o^£o£s(^soo§oo^o Goo590O oO ^00^0 c| 0000 I Q^o G 000 o::^ o5 NOTES. 8g3co a people of India; G|S> from P. £ C^o5 GODO G ^ Cp C^j^ GCOO OC^Q^CO Jl 0^ 0^o£ ^ S Q^GOOO!^^^ G005c^ o£ J^O 0^9;) Qf^ ol II 00^ I QG005 Cj^o1llQQ^^G005c:^o£p(:^930^^5(^^O^£QO§S GOo5oO^G^Cp^Oo(§^GCo59j6cOOSI25i^^^SGOo5 G^Cp^OG^C9^a^Q^^QQ^SGOo5G^CpCgSGOo5 Cj^olil g^O§go8o^£oQ^GOOO§OOOp03^!^(§oO§ GcpoSoloogg o:^:D^(liiicS^o2£^ooGgs(^!oo§co§s GaDo£ ^ O^O^O GCX)OC>Ddl oqQ S ^ 8 €|£ o^£ ^ o£ ccy£ coGg a CO Gooo£ (?<^oq)o£ BGsoocp £^o£ s ^ 06 0 S (§ S ^ ^ ^ « G 00 5 G ^ 06 ol S O I (^5 G ^ (§ o G OD 5 ^ G ^Og)qg|0 C70COG g S ^ COO G@0 £ o 0^0 £ o (3^ S soo^gcc|]oo£ooosg€)(§sc^£o£go938|goo5(9^^ ^^oGOo5o^o£oo(^£Q£sCiGg[G^Oo£oOO^IOGO^ Q ^ : I G COgO I GCO G900 o£ I G(gO o£6]' GOOO !?D ^5 NOTES. OD^EOGOoS(^ol please put up with it, forgive me. o3S[o^^ P. name or title of Mahosadha^s father. Ggjc^^oSooo^ neither straight in front nor right behind, gco^d against the wind. gcog33DoS with the wind. ADVANCED SELECTIONS. 165 8GSCOGpS^Q5^(^SO^§CO^SO^Ggo(^o9DOoO^ 0O^0<^OOO0 oG (90 GOOD (§oGOo5oOG [^o I Od5 di coo S OGOOO 00 00 OqQ S ^ Q0I GCOO CX^ G Q o di II oS ^ O DOG g SCO g5 s 5^5)5 q£ ^(^^ I G^o oS ^ c(gGoo5€|£ s O^G^^lp (TSolcS^Q^OC^GCCljOCTSc^S SGSOOCpS^oS* ^ s ^ SO og^ ^ 600 ctSoo^ ^ooG g s (^^ ^ I oo£ 90 0 s G oq] 0 06 o o5 G 00 0 G ^ cp cB 00 Q 6 G ^ G CO 0 o:^ G^Cp^GOS(iil!OOGgo@«OO^CO^S'^(96G[gOO^o1^ Oo£sGOOOo£oGOoG^Cp|G^^OOOo(lillQGOOOOOQO Oq Q 8 ^ OO ^ CO ^ S 00 CO 06 00 ^ 00 0 O CX) ^ O^ Q 6 OO^OOOOo£f§SGOo5^0oOOo6'Gg|G005oOGOOo£ Cj^O:^ oS 00 ^ 000 Oo£ so 6 G 000 ^ 6 1€|000 S 8 S ^!?0 G g]q g|0 ^ ^ ^ oG oo5 o^ o £ s5 or^coo CO o6g oo5 091^^ G oT| ogo : G 000 ooG coo £ o^^ £ CO 06 cgij £ 00 ^ 00 ^ ^ ^^900 S SO^ g 6 o OC7D0 S^GOOOCV^ C0£ O^ O^ 90 ^£so§l0^n9||S^,s|ogOSGOOO@oO^C^o£^8G90o£ o £ ^ 5 ^ o ^ Q 00 8 ^ £ G 90 o £ o£ ^ g ^ s £ qj 0 NOTES. aj)(2 a moat, ditch. §0 or (§^3 an ass. oo^oo^g^g^ vigorous. oqjjo^S rampart. (g§ooS to bray. <^o5^g to bridle. cjjD a mat. 1 66 BURMESE READER, 0(^0)5 C^^O^ CO ^ ^ O GOOO 00 OO 0^ 5 c (§^o^o 6 ^ ^ CXjl^GOOO 5 a) [§S G005 O GOO 0 CO QO oqQ 8 1 00^ 00 G coo 5 G 000 0^0 o5a g| G oo5 ^€[oqj oS ^og 5 s o 5 GcociiiiQ^s q5§co(5so5s gS^o^^SooSg^S^oOi G 03 O 0(^0 o 1 90g| oSo G Cp o6 0^ l!» g[ Cx5g o8 gloSc^^O^ 1 0:j[SQ Go1 5^0^ 00^^ 0^Go5Gg|G0^ !^coo5g|oo1sooo6| jiSoooS^^^ogcxSGooooo O^ 00 0 o OO ^ 90 G ^ O g) q g| 0 o8 ^ O ^ ^ OO G g ^ (i GO O o OoS^jO o GCOO OqO 8 ^Oj^GOOO 00 O^ OOO % o£ 00^ o II ^ GO 0^ 00 0 » 00 ^ ^ o o o CO o £ £ G 00 o o:^ o o^ o^ £ OqjO^g0S^OaD0§908^£G(90O0§OC^GOC^5GO0(§£s» C^§SCOOOc8o|s^l0^oqi 8oOO[CX)OOOGpO^QOOo5 ^£GCOOG^C|5oqS (5^6 (9^ (^GOOOgCO^O^ ^o£c^^oo(^6oo^^scooo£sGo::^5GOo[g£oQ8oo^ 00 ^ oSii g^OqO 8 ^ 0^90 6 6 CO ^ £@ ^ ^co^ s c1o^9oosoDO^ I S 5 ^ ODD Sl3jj^ S 00693 col £ S O^ODgS (g 8 oo£ ob ^ t o^s6^ 5^ o5i (9 o£g|oS^@oc|_| ^ Gp O 6 S S GO ^ CO ^ S c8 (5 O 5 G 03 0 CO ^ ^ O ^ o o1 cp oc^ o 6 s G ool CO vOb Q cto 5 o ^ S 6 s ^ 06oO^5o(^:|C\^SG005ocX)0(38GC0(iillOGO00O0 00 OqQ 8 ^ ODgS o£ S (^^ S C:^ 06 ^0 O 000 GO ^ 0^590 5)£o5s^sc^a5^0Goo5oooooo^oocyDOcii90 ooaSG@o5^§sa:^Go^(iiii8GsoOGp&o£soo§co^s Q 8 ^ c1 J) a:^ S O 000 ^ OD^ ^ ^ (ii II 90 00 oS G^O 6 s orj^Qj^coo s II oo£ 00 ^ go o OC006 cgijS qct)5 9o£ NOTES. g^GdcjjoS to lose one's sense of propriety. 3D|o1co P. stupidity, oc^oo P. wisdom. c^aSgOGSDDS^^ thinking to deteriorate his merits. o|c^ 00 c^oSg|oS disagreeable derision. odo^oSgdo^oS what is proper. o^oO^S^oS crushingly dis- respectful, haze. oS free from. bright. 3Do:j^3 time whilst. GpcxjoSo seized by Rahu, i.e. eclipsed. ADVANCED SELECTIONS. 169 (g 5 2 o 6 CO 0 Q S ^ ^ S og o5 Q 6 1 1 CO GO 6 Q 5 (§5 S 000 S @0 S |) 60 ^ Q G OqjSll GOqj5 !^ GOO 6 o c^o6 o r>S II ^ 8oDo6oQ o5o ^ oc^ (ill o G 00 0 O 0 Oq Q 8 ^ GO ^ 5) 5 O 5 (^^ S 1 93 00 o5 G @ 0 6 1) 6 GaD5QCjJ00^^^0C^GQo(ill8G3O0Gp&o£s(^SC0^^ oq^S^ I SQoqocI Gjgoog f^o^ (§11 !^ c^r^oSo^i o5 ^1 q^^o s 1 00 Gg s o5o^ Q G cOpSooo^ 000 o ^ 000 o qj £ SG QgC^SOgS ^ 000690 g|o5(^SG0OO OqO^^ G ^ ^ooGO§£sgooc^o5iioo£<;j^coOo cx)qso5^oc^ ^5 GoooGoqjs (^^5) 5 90 o ooGQ o o^oq]c75G ^cp ^ 00 GOOoQ690C3G^Cp^OOo5G^OO§90g6oo6oo6GOo5 Goqj5o1 ooGODoo^GOo (i II QGooooooo oqoS ^ 00^ o £ s ^ s 0000 so^@o I o^j £ 905) £ o £ 1 90 Gp 0^6 ^ c?oo£ ooosoo 90 O Q o5 00 ^ 00 £ ^ o5 G 00 5 Cj^ 00 NOTES. 3Q^D2j>8o^QGcqj5 not in accordance with the report. c^oSooS to coincide. c^GOD5Q CO06 C 005 O G(X> 0 oooooqoSf 03^90 5)£o£s(^si^ag|5o^c^^£s QODOS S Oo8 S j)6c)0Gg SGcooS s ooGc*ooaS^ooaS(^ o § G OG oo5 oo^ooc^oSg coo OC^Q^[§S o^; £ G^ Cp ^(^^oC^GOoo£ a)a::|^Goooc\:^co£c^o^d^^^oqjo6 9D^£so§i(§s:^og£sc>q9o^Q^§gso^og£sGGoo§6 Q £ s o G (g c| £ s I g8 5 G o cqi o£ 00 0 ^ (§ s ^ 5) £ Q £ s GsoocpSQ£s[^soo§oqQS^i(§oGcyDo£sQ6cg|]£9^ 1 90 0 S ^ 6 Oqj5!?Q S C^o£ 00 § Oqo^cill QGOO 0 oooo oqoS I oops 90^£ o£ S I cx^S oo| (§s s ^£ooo£ 00^^90 oooc^l ^^Q£ ^ o o 6s|Q8goo1 90 OCO O^ § £ o GCOO £ S 00 o5 C7D0 S OOoS ^ 90 S o£ CX3 ^ ^ S O:^ G O S (ii 1 1 OC^ Q 8 ^ 00 0§ 00 O o I 90 OOO o^d^o:j|D thoroughbred) a blood mare. 330ooc^G| from P. oocxx) ooGGp a mule. ADVANCED SELECTIONS. 171 ogSoS cg|]£sQGpo^ 5 1 |ooo 1 0006 !?so^o5oo^a:^ ^S|^G005Cj^COg5Q0CJ06GCO0ll905]£Q£o(^ol '^S|^o^£s^oo6o61scxDC7S9Qo^o6co^ ^^cg[]£ Q S GOOO QooS S ^cSooSgcTDO £ o 61 CX3^ II £ o£ o GOC^5 O o5 S G CXD S G coo o£ 0§ 00 ^ 2^ ^GCOO 06 o^^ 008 ^£(^^aboq|aScx)c7S^5c8s oS^oo ^ ^00^0^0 ^Gco:Gcoor7So§(iis3G^59sg5ogo 00^ ocp(^o ^ GO Gooo £ oil ^I'o^ccyDO £ S GCO ^ GODO o£ O^ C^l!?S C>^ o5 Cj) 0 !^^£ Q £ S S 0I G ^O^ 6. The Chameleon. [From Mahosadhd.'] O^G ^ 0 £ COG ^^00 1 8g S 00 Cp S O £ S ^ S 00^ (^0 o go GCXDO Q 06 9;) G[g ^ 6 00 Og O GOOO 00 QO Oq NOTES. goodSe closing afF. (J. § 119), probably the verb QQOohl I demand of you. = gqggqd. 17^ BURMESE READER. Q8^o^GQl^gco§c^ogr^ogosGCOGoo5qo5oo5oo o5oo5oo§o5s(^sco1oo^c^Q£cgy5o6Qnsg|a59Q G^ciii 8g s 00 cp (S^o £ ; 00^ ooqI o g^aS ^ oo£o ooo£^SSo^G^^o5cq|aSG^Goooc^o5oo£o^^£ O^£oG000 OOQOCX:^QS|o^GQT^^8oOOoOqQ8^l g5]qo5oo £ 00^ !^ c^^co^^ s a:^Go scpoGooooo oooqQS^oo^co^s9;)5)£o£s(^,si2^qo5oo£oo^ 93^£Q£^j^sc^^£o^£c)q|sGoo5G^o£oG^o^ !^5)£aj^Gooos:)^o5(^6^^Googo935]£o£:^^!^o: Q oo 2 01 00^ oc^Q^ (i II 8 G s 00 cp (&o £ ^ (^^ : 00^ oqQ S |ocoo % o^@o % o^£ g5lc^o5oo£ 00^ ^ cx) o5^c] f?SOSQOOS3D^^^Cj^Q00 2g£s9QOr^S^oQ6GOCO&^ o^qo5oo£9Qosc^o6GajjOo£Gpo§o86ggod^ Gcoo oqo^ (li II Q Goooooo 0 oqo 8 ^ 00 ^ !»5)£ o £ ^ (gsi g^qo5oo£co5!^osoo61sGooo€)g5s86ggoo^ G O S G 00 5 CO § o !^ OC^ S ^ O ^ O (O^ o5 1! b S oo§ 000 cgy £ SSo^dic^ ^ 8 6 6 o1 00 §cqGcgy5(iii NOTES. c^oSooS (p. ooooc^odgood) a blood-sucker or chameleon, right in front of. ooDi to do reverence. ADVANCED SELECTIONS. 173 qo5oO £ 0^ 00 ? OC^ 1 00^ TO G C^O r/S II O^!^ 00 o G OoS^Q OO o5^^ C coo 0§9S Q S O^G O S Cgi] £ CXD ^ 5 00 GCOOO^Q §^§SO^Q £s(^^SGO oG005 Q GO00O3Q0 Oq Q 8 ^ 03 ^ 51 £ Q £ o ^ I 00 ^ £ G g| ^ S ^ G OO O 93 <^ o GOo5cO^S00^5GOGC>DOo£GCX)o£^o1(iioq_GO^Oo£ CC[]£8GSOOCp&o£s[^^oOO^ Q£sQGcooa:5ooOO qcSooS^oiojS Q^o5GogoGgso:^Q^[§oO^£ goqi^ |GgGC2]5oO^C7DGOS^^|sGOo5o^o£GOO(iiir:^Q£: ^£soog5o£s[^so^o^£sc^G^^^o^Q(9o5a^£Gcos G §|Sd^ 5oD one meal. giScgjE or Gg[2, this is the seed of a plant, Abrus precatorius^ used as a weight by goldsmiths. qS2qqoodo^d2 or oSigjSs an attendant. gcjoS from P. gGolooGooD a fast-day. (c^SoSs to string. 174 BURMESE READER. a^£qo5oo5cog5|^^s(iiii c^^OQlqoSooScoSco^ 00(90 d^i^OoQ^ G OD o Q g| I ODO o5 GOOO ^0 cl g go ogS s 8 (5 ^ £ OOC700 s cqoo ^ GOOO 5 ogo^^@S(iiio^G^p£cg[]c8GsoocpSQ£s^^^ <^o § go Gco o 3jj^s ooS 90 90 c[^8 00 ogoGooooo 00 0^ G oT^ goq] ^ 0^ og o£ (iiii qoSoo 5 00 ^ o 5 s 00 0 00 ^ £ coy 5 g g 0 ^ ^ 6 G 00 0 O 0 I Q 6 Cl ^ 6 Bg 2 00 CpSo5 S S OOoS 90 OOoSo^ ggO 000 ^ <^0 o ^ II c1 CO ^ ^ B8^ 51^ " ° CO g5 s ggo 5)£llo£:(^S900SOOOo^9000o5!^0:^o^G0009^ oqSScO^|6sOC7S^GCO0 Ga3OggO^590g690 02 oS O ^ C:^ O S g 0 G 00 O 8 G S 00 Cp & O £ S S g g 0 CX) 5 Oq ^ Oq] 06 06 q1 S gj o£ ^ Q 00 5 ^ 00 o5 06 q1 o g|aSq]0^|gGO^o£so^^o5cx)lQ£^Qso§G^£G^^ 8GSOOQp(§^Q£s[^SOO§C^qo5oo£(ii!^Cj^90GpO^€|5 oo|^^(^^oqjo§QGooooooo oqoS^i g^qoSooS c o5 00 ^ G 5) o I c1 og o£ G 00 5 cgy £ 06 o g| oS ^ 00 £ s ooo£^gQ I o5 G^oogS n CO q(^coo 0 G5) s J»6 QC)qii c1 NOTES. q1|goodSc^d3 to be puffed up with pride. oSooS half a pea, i.e. half an anna, a coin. GD^SGSOgoSo^ countless. ooSoj equal to. ADVANCED SELECTIONS. 175 oDOGCD5cj^oo^o^§£cq]o8o6Qlsg|0^qjo o ^c;o^ oQo£oii§s^o5co^ ^o58o5oo|Gooo£cgosoo^ ^£g^co^^o9QOdcxS93g@o£sg@oSg^oo^^^ii OoSQo£(§£^o8oolG93n£G020a5GCOO CX^GO^djil 0^ o o?^^o s £ Q Gooo 000 0 oqQ 8 |oo^ ^ @^oo£§5cocD5Goo5g^G^,oo^gqa5G^^(^8^c1 1 !?DQoGq!o^OQGoTQScV^ § GOo5 ^c6ooo5(ij^^90O0O^ 00 S O^ S 00 ^ 000 G900 £0 G 9 G 005 (So:^2oo5 to take to heart. ooS from P. practice. ADVANCED SELECTIONS. 177 7. The Discourse between Prince Mahajanaka and the Fairy Manimeliala. [From Mahajanaka J dtaha.'] cqqpSGCCo5sooGo5o og6oo^G^;o5o^5So8 ODO I OD GOg S GOo5qo1 CO ^CTD qS ^ ;)0 GCO (ill CDGa5oog6GODGOo5 ^|)6c|ryS(^6o5 cqySoqG^^o^ ^ Sep 0^5 0^5 Gcpn6oo(^6GC09So:^^ (gSsgSs G@o5o^5o9|£oo^Q6^ooGOQOc^g5o5o^oo§ S G o1 06 (g £ ^ 08 G Cp G C>D 09 ^ (i 1 1 0^ S Cp ^ GC| O 5 a)5oO Q6 O GOO £ S Qc86s 1 00(^§ qp COo5 1 ^6 GCO (i II ^^qT ^1 8 Cp GOOO 00 GOOOOOOS 0^00^ GOO^ GOOOGOOS^G@0 0§ (X>| CX^I 00[^6(^ Gogj^§§oo6soq)rySSSo^9sc^^Gpi9;)o8o9Dc8;i^o5 o^o^o^so2o5^^s(^oc|_^(iiio::^cp?Gcoo£ t oStoDoi <;j^CXDOSGCp 06 coo GOOO GCDoO^^G C^o5^£ Q ooc^oSii !^o o oqo5 Gooo GODOo^o s (i 9;) g 6 s 000 cg]5 GOO ^ c^oSg (^0 £ o (^800 ^ a:^^ 6 cv^ s ^ soq NOTES. c^S to sail. ooGc^o father's younger brother. ajjQ)^D P. twelve miles. c^Sc^S throughout, i.e. quite (J. § 76). gj^oS the planks. colSsoSSg to heel or roll over. 33o8i 330§3 several. j>8o^3g3a^ to bear in mind. N 178 BURMESE READER. GOoScj^Ool^S^C S (§5 SO^O (^11 go §cgo6G^o £ s o o5 ^ 00 I cp ^ o5 OD ^ ^ Q ^ o ob I g G o5 0 ^ 6 ^ ^ o cfi S ^ ^ ^ 06 00 8 OD 0 s ^ 6 ^ o5 ^OgOOOo (§oG005^£ o 9 ^^o5Gcx)oqQ^s^8oo^ GC|Q o£ Go[§£ s gl o§ og o5 C700 (^s go o oS ^ coSs OD 0^ £ 00 06 oP^oorySG CO (i II OOGoSo OOO S 6 Gp 0^ OO^ CO^ S GCOOO^O S O^ (i C^CO O^OD 00^^ Q (^(^Ob 1 ^6 G@0 06 (36^(^6(95^ go ^Go^l soqjo^ c1 s I c8 5i ooo| s o^(i ooQ 8 Gco o:^ ^^oDGOoooooS o ^ so::^£ oogooooo Q G OO 0 O 00 0 OO § Cp G €| 00 ^ G S cB Og 6 o 5) r >S ooQ6^£s^5s^(^^s^Gco(iiiio::^GpsG(X>o£oC^ OD g5 o^ £ og ^ 0 s I c| 5 oqi 06 ^ ^ G OD 0 93 C|5 1 S 08 OD 0 (g ^ ^ cp 00 ^ oc^ ^ o5 ^ CO £ : GO ^ o^ £ qj 0 s ^ ^ ^ Gco god5 g 1 930 s s G oq5 (^(§£ o G@o6c1 S I c85i O 00 ^ § 0^ O O S Cp ^ ^ 00 g 000 00 Q I G CO 0 o£ G 00 0 NOTES. go5 for p. gogcol accident, calamity. goodooS butter. od(^oE sugar ; this word is from a foreign source. ^o5 to knead. ogooDE to eat one^s fill. ^^oS fine in texture. coSeoo^ a sail. c85 a turtle. qoo^S a shark. oooSo-^So^jS circumference (J. § 75). g6sq|6o an intensive adverb used with words expressing redness, gooooo for P. gODo5 = fifty ADVANCED SELECTIONS. 179 93<^5o^o:^Qco(iiii iic^oogooo^6godog^p5o^6 8 CO 0 (9 § I OD G Og S G 00 5 G oT CO ^ 00 (o) 5 S CO § 00 O G^o5sGCO(iiiiCqcpSGCOo£sCO§SO^OqjGpGOOOGC|90 (9 6 ^ o ^ § ^Gcoo o5 @o s 1 000 ^ Gooo (^ocj o ob 0^5 s c^s c^£ s@o s I ^ogo ^ cp Gooo o^ o5goo5 Q 6 G oTo:|gc^o 06 1 ooG (90 £ ^1 1 90 0 9;) I Q ^ 00 £ o£ 00 G ^ £ o S 0 06 ^ qp of^ G Qp G ^ c^i Qog^^o^c^ i^^<^6oo£^oo(^£oqc(y5i^^o£(o)£ Oqj£gOGCpC7SG@o£^IGCOo£^^o5GOOOC^COO^(^6 ^|8G|a5oo5o:^so:;^;Goo5(^(iii iic^o:j^oGoo5(^c| Gooo 8€|o§cg£ o |g^^o^£ s o ^o6cg]£ so 0I o^Gg]5 ^£^G^^C^^o^OOoQ8gC70o£sGOOO OOSOgoSGOOO ogoSoo 00 ^90 f oSO 0(Sg <^ 0 oo5coo Goo5co § ^ o oq^ G 000 £ ob 000 s c ^ GC|Q6 o 02 £ o o^ G oos oq] oS gqoS NOTES. yards (about). 330g^ a summit. ooogQdSs to change from one existence to another, i.e. to die. ^gcodoS (pronounced Uanauli) a stone for supporting a cooking-pot, and also used for the points in which precious stones are set in rings. goT o^GC^DoSo^ appearing and disappearing in turns (J. § 117). ooG(yD68[y^(y^ tossed over and over. qSs a single one (J. § 103). og^^c^ to flinch. ^qS to be eager. o§ for P. a collection : applies to c^ciS as well as c^co ; i. e. by the accumulated power of his bravery and industry, etc. g^S g]S to estimate. g^c>5 for P. gGoloooo a fast. N 2 l8o BURMESE READER. G QOO oS (X*^ G (X>5 Cj^ Ci 1 1 C7D0 CO I SoO !^ ^ G ^ 0:^5 G o^j o(g5 s I o^(X)o1 ^o^ 930 s ^ 8 Q 5 00^0 s g cvj^l^Go s (§5 s 1 08 CO Gooo 06 00^ (§£s 000^ qa)5j>§ (9 ^ GOOD G coo CT^O ^ 06 O^O^O 000 CO <^ § Cp I ^ 6 g ^ ^ ^ o G CO G c CO 6 cq o G CO o cTD 61 col ^ o5 Q £ s CQSGCOSGCOO C70 O 08 GO QCOO O ^ GOOO ^o5 008 s SQO s 6 o Gcoo o^o^c^ ooo5oo£ 8 6 GOOO GO § Cp I G 61 6 000 SOOOO^ ^ II oc^cp S GCOoS ^ ^ 8g oo5 Cf^GOooq^ScioSo^S coo sociBgoq coo ^o5oo§ s 8 8o^§q1 ^ I ^o5(io^ s 8 6 o^ 000 s j§5sQ5GOGC9jO^COC^§qp^OO^O^Q6GC0 95 ^^oo:^oo<^§cpc^oQ^QOo5§£8Q8(iii n ^ S €|oS G ^O oS GCOO G ^ 00 c8 C| ^ OoB GOQ coo ^o5 008 S 00 ^0l 00 CpC^ O ^ 8 00 ^ CO G^^^^ j6 C| 06 ^ II 90 g(^0 £ § !?3 O^^^ o CC^OO^^ § Cp o^^ @ ^ 00 5 (^5 G CO G Oo5 C^o O^OOG ^0 £ o (9 ^ (9 ^ Oq S GOOO Cqcp S G CO 0 £ S O^ Q £ 03] £ 8 oS coo 5) £ 000 o 6 GOOO 00 0 ^ CO 00 0^ 000 S 00^ 90 C7D o5 NOTES. oocjGCODooolcol P. the four guardians of the world. octS GQOCoo ManimeKala, P. the jewel-girt one. P. 8ol|» a celestial mansion. ADVANCED SELECTIONS, l8i ^ Q GO 0 00 § I ^ S g ^ S ^ o G ^ S5 cT OD ^ ^ 06 90o^s^Gosoooo£o^o5G|Goooo^Qa:^o5ii ^o§goq]o6oo6oGo5gOGOoogQlsc||^g^[5s S ^ oS G 00 O oS O G 00 0 O oS 00 ^ QO O 0^ 6 00 ^ 00 0 00 5 !^ 5 G 00 0 ^ s po CO ^ G og o g 0 o5 Q 6 o:^ cp s GCOo£^^CpQOOOOO(^|(^93^£c^OgOS^of cQGOS G 00 0 G cx) 0 £ o .TD £ 00 o^ o5 OD £ (g 00 0 G| 5 oqj 06 G ao 0 £ S o5 GOOO C^CO Q 6 00 ^ ^ ^ OOG coo II o o GOOO 8 o5 Q £ 00 ^ o ^ 00 G CO 0 Q O 6 S Sf) (§ ° G 00 5 G^^sgoo::j^GpsGcoo£s900S<^o5sGco(liii 11900(90 oc^aSgOGooo ^oo<^§cp90coo5§(g£g^aSG^5 cp surface. oo^E (J. § 126, 8). (gSgioS to calculate, aim at. <5jji<^2 straightforward. Q0§ P. wish. 1 83 BURMESE READER. oqa^cliii ii^o5oo8socooso^@o?cc[j6oqGpsccoo52 i^^6€|a5^@iico^GOCcoo CX) c593 00 ^ p5 S CX^GCTDO 5 o OO £ O^G ^5^^ coo5 GOo5^o5od8 S O^^ 5 ^OCTDO S (9 ^95 GOOO o^Goo5(;j^(iii^o6ooSsigGpcx^6cpc)o^oc^ Qo5(§5^cloO^G^GCO^(iill O^G@o6oO(^|Cp 93COoS|oo6sO^O^£c^c1c^O0Oqo6(iill II ^oSooSsiGCOOCTDlg^oggcgyS^^I^^SQSdll^ 0:^0 II Cv:jl^C§ OC^ 6 Gp GOOO 5 ^ 0 CO ^ S O g ( O I OD 00 Gp 06 G ^ 0 1 <^ 06 Og oS ^ (9 S C§ o5 G^O 5 ^ I GCOOS S go ^ Oqo5 93 5 GOOO GCOOO^joSO^ C^ODOO^ SOOC^oOQ NOTES. oCj^S ever (J. § 115). oooDoOg lit. word in turn, i.e. reply. oo5 result. sooc^oOoS resultant benefits, og^y^ P. og[yG|D the present. (^oSgj^doS lit. the space before one^s eye, i.e. the present. o5ooGp P. future. <^o5ogo5 what is hidden from the eye, i. e. the future. ADVANCED SELECTIONS, 183 Oj^^ (IjJ S O 6 S Qo5 (§5 G ^ GCp ^ C>3^|> 69;) ^ I CO ^ G^OOC^ oS g O GOOO Q OOOCO I Cp I CO ^ S GCOO Q Q £ C7D O ^ ^ £ 93 00 oS G @ O 6 G CO 0 O:^ 0 S (i CO d^G O^O 0699 ^ ^ II CO (5 s ^ £ co^ Q^£oog5(^8Go 1 93a^oO^§£ooQ£cl c^co(^gooo oD^o:^Q^(Jii iio:^cpsGooo£oOcoOoO^(^OoCcy£ ^o5oo§s co^ c^^ j)6 oooS (g£ ^ [q£ ooGp s o^^o (9^GCOOGQo£g^C§Q^§^(iin II c\:^co£cJjGcooc^o°oC§(icJcog£sQo^^^Gg o^co£q^oo^ ^0 00o1oG0O0 93Cp|cx:)£Q^0r^£s ^ I d n G 0I o£ 93 G ^ 0 !^ 0 S Q £ Q G G| 09 ^ £ G CO O O 000 CO § Cp (i 93 COoS I S GCOO Co£ 930 S QjJ coo S cx)^6 so§ Q Gcp £ cyb 93 a5[o o r)£ 8 COC)OOOOOOSh^oOOo930aOqo5olGOOOOo£(iic^ coco^co^s93cpoo:^o5g£sGQo£93^^sJsg6 NOTES. 090 p. happiness. oSoS certainly. gdgodoS depth. 3DG(yo breadth. ssGpQcxjSgSBcS on account of its futility. 339l^2|3 useless, of no avail. 184 BURMESE READER. ^ o5 o 5 o ^ s C7D 0 ^ 00 0 ^ o ^ o o5 G CO 0 cq 1 1 ^ 0600 8 s oco 0 so^Qo s £ cx;^cp ; Gcoo £ s 00^ ^ 060080 1 C7D (5 SO^ OGGpaS ^GOOCj G005 OD^ S so ^8 CO £ s o5 <^ 6 G !^ 0 £ G 00 o o:^ s ^ ^ o5 00 8 o 1 90 @ £ 0^ ^ G OD 0 0 o 0^ OD O G 0 G C7D 0 £ o gOC^^OD(^OO^Q8^l C^^O^OO^SoOG^C^o^S^S !^ 5 G OD 0 !^ G Og Q £ g ^ o O^ (i 90 OD o5 1 ob ^ (9 8 00 £ (q £ o CO ^ S O O G| 1 1 G ^ 0 06 00 O I (9 ^ ^ G ^ 0 £ 00 O c1 OCJOOgS CO^ S ^00 § Gp 90 CO oS I C7D 6 S ^ GcpryS^£ aga5Q^ooooo«o:^90oooS^c^coo^ GC^OG^(g0^95lGCOOO^O^^o5Q6a^S9000oS^ Gooo 95 s 11 oo£ ^06008 ; ^ 0^90 so6oo6(^o s 00 (^6c1c^^6^8c^o:^|Goooa^90Go1£oO§oo^o 000 (^^00 o £ ^ 000 s 000 o 1 88o£ Gcooa^o o 90O0 ^6 ^^(^o^o£o8^|o:^o£90ooc7So^lGoooo2j^soq^(:^ NOTES. G[8 is a root meaning Ho wind round/ but, as an auxiliary, gives an idea 'of remaining behind;^ its various uses are well shown in this piece (J. §117). c^dSoo n. regret. GO^o to relax. (gDS (J. § 1 18) is said to be simply euphonic, but in this place (gD© clearly helps to show that 36 is 'subjunctive^ and not ' assertive.' 3^006008 one after another. ogj|Eo^3 a teak log. ADVANCED SELECTIONS. 185 o^c^ CO o ^ob G ^ G CO [g 5 s G (^0 6 o 000 00 § cp ^ o 06 8 S G 03 00 ^ OC^ ^ 6 Q £ O 06 G CO 0 !^ 0 ^ (3 6 aS 00 ^ ^ g 6 51 0 @ ^ cl 0 o (9 6 O 00 £ <^ 6 ^ G CO 0 1 1 Q 6 GOOD g(^o6 GOO GOO'S CO ^S!?;) (98306 c^oS €| 6 G 90 o £ G CO 0 o^j 0 s 0^ c^ CO cT (y^ 00 ^ (ii 1 1 C^OCTDO ^0^@0 SCg|]£ ^ 06008^00^ o£ SOOO o I 90 (^£ 0^00^ C^CO O (c^93 5 GOOO 90 Gp I C^OD ^ ^ 0 S G 95 1 0^ 0^(i C^ CO 00^ 90 Gp Q CX^ [g£ S G@0 6 C^ 90 5 G000o8g I G000£ S OO905gOOO90O(^S o^iw 90ooaS I c^o5c\:^ o 90 oq o ^cC^o6 8 o (3 £ s o^G cp 06 GOo5 CO ^ Gcpo5cp(iiiio^o58o£(io£o|ocoo^co^s^ooo5(ii) O ^000 06 90 CO o5| 5] oS ^ o5 GOOSCO^ tC|Gp (ill 00 ^ o£ oOoo o ^ 0 CO CO (5 oC^o £ Gooo 0000 00 c^§cp I Oq«00^ aj^^ C^OO G ^Gp CX^ol 9f)GC00 OZ^GQ o (§\\\ O^O ooOoC^(^OoCC[j£o:^Gp^GCOo£oOO^ ^06008^1 90 @£ OLjJOO^ C^CO^OO (g£90(§^ 0§0GGpC7S^£ QODO 90 3^o^o8oq|o£S8(i90ooo£o^OGOo£i 0.3 00 G 000 ^ G 000 0^00§ 90 C7D C>5^ 88 C^ODG 0 95 1 0^ NOTES. c^o5cc^i33g8^D[^^ in proportion to. G^GpQojj mis- placed. c8g p. business, deed. gooSco^S even, also. G^Gpo^ well directed. cjjcS idle. oo| worthless. i86 BURMESE READER, g^G(X»0(:X)|Gg|^OC[_0^c5c6Q^§[§ s c^|c^ O G 00 0 £ g| 06 03 § Q 6 G O I C j5 90 00 1 ^ ^ O § o£ 06 ogjS^jSo^oo^ajj^oG^^oSii GcooSsgo G OD 0 CO 6 90 Q 5 cS 6 o O 5 oS ^ 6 00 1 00 ^ I ^o6(q6oo| 00^ 1 8o5 Q6 @ o::^GOoo 06 (g6 03^9o5cpGOOOOO^Il^o5oo8^IC^(X)^0:|_^GOOOO^ O^di CO90 006 O^ C:^0 S go Cl G(gOC|GOOO ^ CC^oSll 00 I Gp I c1 ^ 6 90 OC^^I 8 Cp GC^ 000 s 1 oc^ ^00^ o^co ^ ^ ^ s ^00^ ogfi ^ S Cp GOOO OOGo5o 000 o O^ 00^ GODOOC^O S 0§(ii C^CO |^Cb(g £ S G (^O 6c1 ^ I c8 5 O^ 90 00 000 Q 8 @ G CO I (§ 1 1 c1 cyo 0 o G CX) 0 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ? G@o£GOOs^c^o5^oo£^o5ooSo0^9of ^(^5@5l 9o^o5oo5oo£c1^5<^(^iioo5oo^os^8(§5s^^ c1 o^Gooo£ o1 CC|]£ COgS ^ C^90590(§ oGCpaS[§6 S 90 NOTES. ocjo^cS merit, for P. o^oogcod meritorious. 06 for P. oog luck, lot in this life ; the result of past deeds. ,§[^3 abundant. cx)c5o::j5§Ss agriculture. ocj^o^oSgSo trade. c^So£[ indolent. QO% suitable. GOODaS(gS to estimate. to be wanting. 3d|s|§5(^5 close at hand. 33^o5 00600S distinctly. 0^306 the object of (my) desire. ADVANCED SELECTIONS. 187 o^^^ cooQiiQoS Q qoo5oq5 ^ g^logS o 5 c1 3^ co^ sc^(x (^o:^ 0O06 cl I ^ Gco(§ II cT 00 ^ 9^ 0^5^ 1 930o^0^5s I Q3q5 OQ^5 ^GOOOC^ C0Q6 QOOO 00 § Gp 00 (S o S Oqj o5 G OD 0 O o ^ 93 5 G 00 O c^coo^[^95oooo§oii iioq^cpsGcoo5oooo^^oscg|]5 Qc8 GQQODO^a5oo8oOO^ g^oS o 000 o C7D0 S SQC^I OC7D0 % g^og CpGOOO^ OC^^S 00 CtSoO g6 o5soOOSI9DGOOoS!^g(90 900^§6oG€|02o6^6 Oq{ o5 go CCOO 0000 00 <^ §Gp CO o5 1 ^ 6 g ^ ^ QOOO oo5 00^0^ cool s o^^ ^5 b^Gooo §^oQ|§5 s 8o5 (^6 02^^085 oqoS^ S (§5 s o ^ II 8 8 c^cp GGp oSgI^o £ o Gooo 5 1 (go6GQo6o£ I GOOO c^co j>6 (^00^ ^ I G O II GODOO^O o O^ Cp GOOO C^CO^ 6 ^ p5 £ G{^o6Goos^c^o5^g5l^^§^i^?Sg^^ab^6^ coo GOD (i II OD 6 o:^§ G^gGoqjS !^c|5 o^oo£ G 00 0 1 1 OD ^ Cl 00 oS OD 5 95 1 1 !^ 00 o5 C|5 O^ ^ G 3^ NOTES. GDgSs ability. 33Dg strength. (§8(2 steadfast. oglcSS to shrink from. sx^oS^S to draw back from. g(^dSo6o upright. i88 BURMESE READER. Short Historical Extracts. [From Maniratandp6n,~\ 1. oo^Q8o6o2£ooo^Q6sqjos^o5g^o6o^5 96 00^08 06 oo53j[S Gco5 oo5 Goc5 o§ q£ ^ cx^o 0^6 o5 @o^@cg|]5ooGC7Do£ scS(Socoo 1 o^o^i OD £ S 08 CO o1 1 G 00 0 £ Og £ S 08 OD O G 00 1 93 O ^ G 00 0 3jj[ s G (X)5 O o5 G 005 00 ^ ^ 6 00 o 00 Cp qjO S (^SOOpSsQC^^SQw^l 9^C|^1^0gOoj)6^g2o5oO§ll ^6ccJsaDgGQ^o86G^goo^ii!^oc^6c^oD^6(9g^ co^iiGosoo6og|@^[g£scog5s^oo^iiGoo5^^ G^0£Q05G0O0ODG000CO^S^0O^liC|00^00qoOno o^@^ ^ ^ 06^ ^(g£ : ^ 000600^11 CO £ s o^Q 8 G ooo NOTES. od(^q8o5 name of a place. ooc^qSoCJjd title of a king, A.D. 1364. ^oSgjDo to die: used for kings. qSoOJJD an heir to the throne. coqcodSi name of an old Burmese city. 08S0G00 a title. C|q^2oo5o name of a place. oScool (P. virtuous) a title. goddSo^Se name of a place. oSod OGOO (P. the lord of lions) a title : an old way of writing 0800008 Sihapati. gs^S^odE the Lord (eater) of Amyin. coGpcjjDE a title. gq^Es^q^ lineage. 33G|^33C^d3 ability. SGOOOOOC^Gp(& O S ^ ^o5 G005 COGgI ^1 S 5)5 ^C|Oc8 G^o5 G005 000 o Gg| G ^ 5g|000 ^ C G 000 00^ Gg] ^ ^ § ^ 6 !^ ^ o5 6 G ^ G 00 5 CjJ O ^ eg 5 00 0 o ^ 6 CCJ 5 @ G CO Cii II (J O^ ^ 06 S ^ O^oS G 0o5 O^C^ S [^9^5 00 C§ ^ G 00 Ci I i 00 £ S 0^ 90 ^ 06 Og 5 ^ I ^ 5) 5 ^ €| O cB 90 c8 ^ S G 00 5 G€||oOOOOSOO^G^SOO^CGOOOC7SQo^0^oa5.^0D cillCGOOOO^^OOO^oOOOS j)6930g(^^SC|£scp025 SOGOgSGOgSorySoDoSoD^^OC^GOD (lillGC|^^0O0O0S 00^ 0 G 000 06 ^0 eg o5 G 9j £ 90 G€|S GooSqjoS GOOOO^IIO^|GOo5^69QOgo£o25GOo5cj^GOOOCq ^ 0 ^ G oo5 G cg|]0 o£ (ii II ^ ^ s 5) £ CD ^ s G€|^^ooo 00 S O^ cgoS G93o£ cgoooctS ^oo^ooooDoSoqs Goo5 00 0 s j> 6 og 5 G 00 5 G 00 (H 1 1 ^ ^ s 00 o£ og £ o £ G 00 GOD (^11 II NOTES. c8oo8o5 for p. 3Dc8googood the ceremony of sprinkling water at a coronation. ^oSgooS the month Nattavv = December. ^D6Ooc^8 iron boundary pillars. 00^5 Turks, i.e. Chinese. ^SoogSogoS Emperor of China. 330 Ava. gooo^oooS the purport of his message was. c^oog^5g|00ogoo Nawrat^a Zaw of Pugan (a.d. ioio). 192 BURMESE READER. G o1 6 ^ G ^ 0 5 00 r>5 CCj^ S OO ^ 1 1 93 O 00 08 OCj^ S CO ^ !?Dc^5^ooc7SGooo£^Q^o:^GOC5)o(iiii 110^^(^60000 c^oo o^^oD^ ^ Q cGoo5o:^(^5 ^€|o c8 coaSooaS c25^o^9Q^,o0^g@o£o0^q^^g^c|gcd(§iic1g cgry5Q^oq^8|Goo5cj^dii iioo<^5o^oocog5^Qg| ^|^5]£oO 0§S |o3]£ 08 @o gogS GODO II (^^|^5)£ooo^^^Gooo£o^£o8oOOG(X)orySicno^oo co§^ocjj(^SGooo£^(^£s8oOOGa30o6i8^^£o0^aS8§ o ^ ^ s 5) 5 00^ £ cc|] £ co^ s cH o^ (9 ^ G 000 o 0^O0^£cg|j£ OD^ S Cl 0^GC00£ o 00^^0^£ o GO o C| Q^OC^Q^^GCodill IIC^OO00c0?^@0oG005o:^G|£ OOOOcS 00 0^(S|OD§° 000s G005 g8 (5 Gg[Q£ I OGOOOCj^ qo5goo5o^o^o^£ o£Goo5c^(iiii o^^ol ^h brother = Mr. og^o man^s name. oodS realj pure. oo^odo5d3^j>S on suspicion. o % 196 BURMESE READER. 2. Opium Smuggling. ooo^co6sog5ii8^<^ocos9QQo5:iioo<^5ooGcx)Oc'^(^ Gooo £ si ct)5 9 co!^ o:^ 5 @ 6 s 68c|£ ^ ^ o6oo§ii si 0)5 Gg OGO^ OGOOO 5 ^5 ^ 6 GOOO £ si co5 ^ cooo5 6 o GO 8 c|£ ^ ^ o5 co^ii si c()5g go^c|^ cg|£o^Gg(^c\:^5^o5so8;a^o^!^osGOSC|o^nc8^o c^co^ s ^ s G|ooc^o GOo5 §^0:^5 " q £ o 00<^5 Go1£o9^^oOo^o02£go£^oqGooo£9C)o^ii NOTES. 8sg|003Eco§ railroad, c^cod tola^ an Indian weight. ^o^ooGCog assistant magistrate. GD^SG^ODcroDGODSj^ai^S to make government property, i.e. confiscate. 9. GOgSG30o£qjo£o8s^n 3. Seduction. ^ 00 06 0000£ S 00 CX:^ o5 G OCp 0I fl O J^^GCO S c^oaS(9£G!^o£s^^s^5ooo€|5o^^£oo|sG^oc^o NEWSPAPER CUTTINGS. 197 OCjJ S ^ o OD G CO S 00 § S q 6 o €| 5 G ^ G O 0 6 o 3^ ^ CXj[OOGCO^OO§oOOGq!cSQ^GOo5o^c8^5GGp6o^ (^nCO (5 o Q ^ S ^ 0 § C^S §5 S G]_000 ^ ^8oo5 G 000 5 GQ7bgO§liq5scX)OOOD^o6o^6^(^!^^5 gj0G000 6 g|OO^GQT^OSil9C|o69G|o6^^0^G^a3^^!^C^6o ooS (X) Gooo aS cp6 o cfi^ ogo s Gcp GQlbq I ^ S @ 0^ G qTc 5 C 6 G O S |§ S Cgi] £ Cp 00 o5 q § Q 9G9l9GGsSC|00(^S^S^^SGOQ5og2GC|6ll!^GC|^ 060^0 GOo5^0aD6og5o06GOSGpliq£sO^OgC7S^o5 0 S j £ 8 O 6 G 00 5 ^ G ol 5 § Q G oT^ 0 93 cx^ 5 o Gooo£sla£^co^£Ggs1co5oo8oGOoo£GOiiGg 8la£Do8oGQoo£^£c^£93o:^5^Gooo£slGo5 ^ COO^S^QGOll^S|^GOSGOo5Cj^G^o£s^£^OSo8 CJGCOCO^II NOTES. GC^SGOODScjjoSsSs to entice and ruin. ooooSsoD news- paper. cjqSGOGp issue. G33DSo$^oS[5oDDGj5inthe Aungnan- yeiktha quarter. o^^Soo^S Bombay street. Q^S woman^s name. GqS^GOoS a market-place in Mandalay. CX)Oo| again. o^oS No. 8. oloS E. guard, police-station. GpQ)ODoS penal code. c^So section. oscGj^o^S deputy -commissioner. 3do:j5q without labour, i.e. simple imprisonment, c^o^ increasing, i.e. further, additional. BURMESE READER. 9. 53CCOo5sc>DOOS(^CX?5Ggo5sil 4. Gambling. g G Cp O 0^ o5 CV^0O0C§ (9 ^ ^ S O OS 93 GC01 6scx5 dl ? ^s^sog^ §^?>,S.^ ^ S 8 G5) s o5 cx^ 0^ c5 cooo OCXDg 6 6^9Q GC005 00 00s ^CX^5^ G^S 61 S O O O O0^^G!?:)05^ 5c|^ D3 ^ t» og o§ II o ^ ^0 o 00 5 5] 0 gcx^Sgoo GCDo 9;) 6 c85o^c^oOgooo oQ^a^co^88G^c|(S go^QS GOOO CO I ^ § C§ (9 1 CO^ 0§G(^ o6gOOO 93 q1 11 888o5j) c\:^s I QGcp 6(^:^6 oo^(^6^6s'53Gcoo5s 00 o 0 o ^ cv^ 5 G 00 0 G 0 8 CO o I o ^ c8 OO 0 [^93 G CO 0 6 S OD O 0 o ^ o O^ col G 06 1 1 00 5 Goo15^c7Doos^o::^5^Gg|s6l; j ooo^^s^cSoogS g^octSii g^s h^%'^oo oa^coaSo^5ooos ^s^GCOoSs oooOo(^o:^5Gpn qQo8g^^c|C7So25 ^ooctSoo G93o6^5G|^o:jj^SGoooG^s6ls t^o o o o o:^so6^|s ^ 5 c8 5 O ^ CO 00 CCD 0 Oq G @ 0 5 S ^ 6 00 00 6 ^ O 0 00 GOO 5 1 GC]^S 000 00I ^ G CO OO^il NOTES. GDGCODSioooDSgcx^S to gamble, bet. gcGpoc^oS Europe. coooDoS Italy. o|o8ooDC^ Monte Carlo. cards. 3 for § before. ogooD Mister, b Wells. NEWSPAPER CUTTINGS. 199 3- §°^3i(9S3l oo58c|6g@o5sii 6. Punishment for Theft. Qo5o^ooGo;o6(§oCgy5GOS^o6ogaS^aS!^G|ii n [^o|oo Gco s s Goo5^ooo5og6 s o8go § Cpii Ogo5^C7S(^OSOg5cSoOOOo55]0^5^GODOGQo6cp c^coo5q§Q9'|gc^Qsc§|^SGooo5s1a)6o 3Do6GGpo6^,o6^o6^(g63la68€|5G(^o5s^ 7. Assault. G CO ^ ^coo 0 5 3f(^^ (S^ s cTD Godl 5 go G s q §0 9 e coo o OD^sc"^ o1 o oqoS^ 6 § 06 j aS OD o5 Gcp 06 (^o:^ 6 G@o 5 sii 9 ^ o5 o1 o5 ^1 0^5 oo^^ii !»o::^^ ^ ool ^Gol 6 c^?oo5o^Go7bqo6GOo§scg|j5cpG^ooo5q§o9 ^6 OOCp S ^^^(^ S G005 O^ ^ G Gp aSll 90 GC| S ^5 O 5^^^ CCo5 ^0 00£ Og£ S o5 GO o Gp 08 000006 5)0 o ^ GOOO G@o6Goo£c^2oo5c^OGooo6slcty5o3cooGCii9o S|^GOSGCo5Cj^G@o£sO^@OSo8c|GOOOO^lI NOTES. (ySalcoS punishment. goodS jail. j^S jailer. 30051^8 ODDo one undergoing rigorous imprisonment. oc^oS for qoS a stick. NEWSPAPER CUTTINGS. 201 o. c86co^^oco5g^o£oIi 8. Case of Cheating dismissed. cgSuGpc^oooSc^io^O'lf^^i^iiGg 3 o8Goqj5c85co§ OqoqS <^^CCO I ^^oS^S 0| GOOD oS Goo5 o5 s ODQ 5 OC^Cp Si^S GCo5 OgS GCgjO oSoOO o ^ S Q^GOOO £ : 0GplI^So£^C7D(^(5^0006c^§O9OG — 9OgC^0S^6^ GQo5g^^0^o8GOOSGOS^|oC7DlcO"00§oJ)6oO§S9j8 Q£(^o(^93(^5(X)5ocoosQ8^Gosc7D6sc|aqoqs^s G@05s0qG(§0Og5^£ilGO3]0o6o00 SCpol GgC:^Oc G OO £ g ^ |9D G olog £ G Ool 5 S O O ^11 0 Co5gOI 1 8 ^aS^GOSGOo5Cj^C^o£G@o£o(^Ooo8€|GCOOO^n NOTES. ^Sso^ogj^Ss a title. ^oS^So^gcddoS Assistant- Com- missioner in charge of subdivision. ^SoSs the magistrate or judge. g. cv:^o^^;oq^s^G(§o£'oii 9. Kidnapping. eg ^ a) 00 ^ Q @0 ^ G ^^C|o£ S;) q1 GO II O ^G CO S Gpr75@£8^O^SC|5G^GG0 £ 8^ I QCOO SO^ 6S0§ ao2 BURMESE READER. q6^q5 G^9300o6 o ^ J) 8 coqiS §|o5 o^Q^o^S I ; CO o9j6sooq]oscaDo5scogsGooo5n8Sco6j)6co6 G^oGg5)0@GOc<^O^G0^5oOD^|6ilOO:^o6Q^C^ OOGg S 8 930^ S jScOoS O05gC|S 0^ S G^ o g1 S ^CXD ^ 9Q0g£oll93 00CQ0 5 OOOOCTD Q^£cp(|)SG005c)g6 Q^5cp<^SGoo5cg5o6Gos5]5sco5sob^G@o£§ Ooc8g|GCOOO^ii NOTES. cjjDoGOOdSo entice. ocSolo for od^oIs to have sexual intercourse. cgjEgls to hire. 6\<^% E. warrant. c^Scp^S the court having jurisdiction. ^SoCoSssb is being cleared up (J. § io8). oo. c?^oo^o2j^@^|Ggcoqj5o:^^(5^5GQo5^ii 10. Earthquake in Japan. oc^oS G £ o:^ I (^^5 ^ 6 gQ^:) GG|93 og o6c^o s goc^o£8soqso1s^6^o[9£o(36@Gpiio:j[9DGon£c^ OD G@ o G g !^ G [§0 O^!^ C^O o 00^ Og £ SC^OO^ ol oq)o£ Qo£ s (^sooOo ogj I GOo5(J % o§ I oq^S^ NEWSPAPER CUTTINGS. 203 CO p5 o o1 s G 00 0 08 1 0 S o5 8 s s 0I S ^ O 0 G C| ^ c^o coSgoSGQl 5so1 S GOD09Qq1ii O^^GOOO aSo€|^ (S^GQOO 5 o 000 o GOOO ^CVjJ^Gg O GOO^O^CO^ 1 9S ^SCj^ oS^o^cocqoS^oSGOoQ^^cpn ogo5Goo53j(cOo5^ (^^0^ CO ^o oq] o§ 9d(§5 s o ^ex)Oo5Gfn 00(^8 G^G(^o5^j6oOOo5sGCpo5^GCOOO^!l NOTES. QiOo^ Japan. ccgSccj^ajS an earthquake: ccxjjS the fabulous monster that causes the earthquake : probably do^i^ an eel. 3S6G(g a household, family. 3Qg(^do5 33(^d8 much. ODGG^£[ngD provisions. oSoo^ Rs. 16,000,000. cgoSGOoSjj^SooS the councillors of state, o^dddoS for P. o^ra^ quarrel. 00. C|OO^SGGo5cOo1sGgS<^SO^oSoO^GCpo1 i§ 6? Cg^ G005 Cj^OO^ 9QgQo6oI! 11. Death of a Monk from the Bite of a Mad Dog. O^GCO S ^G ^O r>S^6 1 SO OG|gO f €|5!?3 ^ o I G o1 08 ooocp Qo^ 0693 036 oil 0000 5 soqsG^ GOOO oTgooS J 0I ^c|oo ^ s §soo ^1^5) 600^ o |s c8 6 s 00^ 00 Cp G O 0 6 G ^ 00 0 CO |[ OD ^ o5 G 00 0 G g § C oS O C§s(^000SGpilCg|ooO^ ^ODGODOr>5oOliq6sGgo co5o^GG|t^scpog5oDa5c^o^a5 c^oSgooosIcoS 204 BURMESE READER. cpoD^ (X) ^^co^^ Goc^S^ goTgoT oS COOC^ 3 €|r/S Q I ^ ^ II C)0 OO S 0^ G QToq (O^ O G OCp II GolSo 9a^5GOC^5o^^6oOGOO;OGOol6silOOGOOc GOol 6 o OOG^O 6 o (^O G005cO O G|CtDOO GODO oc§^J6aD^g8§o J 3 9^^§oo^co§^Goq]5 o jc|o6G^^c26(g^cg|GodTQj^GQo5sc^@oscSc| GCOOO^Il NOTES. (y^og? to die (used for the Buddhist monks). c^oS a collection of monasteries. o8ooSoO:^8 to perform the duties of an ascetic, ol the Buddhist lent, or rainy season ; a Buddhist monk reckons his standing by the number of ol he has kept. ^Soo^g monk's name, qg^ododgood P. the nature of death, death, cg^ to pass by, i. e. to escape death, (y^o^ month of Pyatho, about January. o J. c^^S^ioscxd^^cx^SgodoqS^gcooS^q^o^ OOOS§(^OS!^g(§o6sii 12. Pretender to the Throne. § 8 e^ll O 6 GOg ^C|G0OO G GOO 6 J) 6 ^ o5 G qT3 o ^ o5 ^ oS O oS !^ G|5 G S 00 O o eg 5 1 1 8 S o5 O 6 o GCol 6 o GCp 5gto1 6 ^GOO ^ o5 OD oS^oS ^ 0?^^ § 0^6 OqjO^ (^65)0 S 00(^^G^GOOO 000 5 ^CXj[0^ S 9;)GG]i9D ogoS J 9GcoorySo^o^qc85!»^oo6oOOo;o§c^oS NEWSPAPER CUTTINGS. 205 o5o5;o8s§G^GpiioqoSGoOoG^o6oiio^o8oo q5 : COO s (gccji^Q^ s 0^0^ s 6 cog 6 o 6 QoSo^rrS ^o6@Gp 11 c|c8 5 9^)3^00 6 s oDo s 0^0006 og5 9;)@5 OOG CO S (X> 8s1 OOG CX) O 06 OC^ S 00^ (9 6 II CO o5 C^5oOGCOO 06 ^ 0 (96s 00^ go 08 ^ CtS ^0 CX^5^ GOo5 CO ^ s 000 s @cv:j[Q^s o^Q^ o o§ oor>S 1 00 q ooGcoo aS G 00 o 0^ c^ oq] s o ^ ob o5 g1 og 0 s @ G ^ 0 6 c f I q 6 : c^ o^c^oSco C3 6 s o8 2 o CO ctS o !^ c|5 ^0 qc85 9Q^00 6 S OOO S0§0^306s)^ 000 1 gQo 6 oil NOTES. g:j55|D2co(^^cxj5 to get up a rebellion. §84 E. division. SoiS^oS E. district. qSsgcodcs a usurper, embryo prince. c^c85 E. police. GOgd^S to meet face to face. oSooS to fire. 33(§5oogco2 sub-officer. coSgI H. havildar. ocooSo name of a place. o^. ooo5oogg(^cg6o<^oso^o:5[oGoTcx^5o^6 G^oS^n 13. Discovery of Minerals. §^oo^6cgoo59;)oooS<^6oGoooggoo6sqc|5gs oo^o s cg6 11 !^c^ ^ s Gool 0006 00 gg [036 s o:^s G oT c\::^5 0^6 (g 6o!^G@o 6s 93cp^6 o5 cqj g5 6 c85 2,06 BURMESE READER, 00 00 5 o O 0 00 G O 0 6 1 G C| S OD 0 o G oT^ OD ^ ^ 0 1 1 ^ ^ O0^6cG005!^00aS^£^G000G0006^O^GG|c6; G9jo£oOO§^GpllSQi^5GSOOC:^OS|GOg^GOOObso[^ bsoq5o1o5oogg[93o5ioo^o§oog593§osd^5s (9^^6 c GaTO o1 o5 00 [(^0 ; o^G ooo 6 og^ oo§o:^936od|(9^|g^c^6^goooo^o§sdgo16s o§oog0oq^0g(§o£^ii ogggosGo^oo^ogSsoj^SGoTcx^Sc^S^G^Gooo Oq^g 0^00 § ^ soo ^ OOgO [^OgS S § 00^ ^ GOOO G000G000£ GSO0C:^02 Or^GCg^ GOOSOD^S 0^ OOgOpg £ S C^O S O^OqS G oTo^GQOO 5 Gp IIQ CD 6 S Gosog1oq|o£o^o5GQsGg^nsgooc^^o^c86o^ Q6GOOOG(^o£oa:jJ^SQGoTc^^G^@G@o£oll c^solgSii^^QO^ScGooSG^ocTS^Ssn^SsogSs ^oSoO^GOOOGOOoS !^G|5gS 00^0 S^) on G^OO gg^^OO^^GOOOO 6sG^o£s(^OSO^CO^ SGCg^ g(^o£sii c^^;) (g£ CO ^ s Goqjo ctS S s Gog ; cg£ : I GC|^og £s (^o;d^o::jj^° GoTc\:^5d^£c|^o^og5 s 000 s Gc^ cv:j[([j 0^00^ OD^ s OD i^SQ q1 o 6 soo5 ^ eg ^ G o1 o5oc^^ G oTo:^ 5 o^ £ ^ G ^ Gp 1 1 S3 or^ ^ G oc^ c s o o1 s O::^ G ^5(X) £ G 000 6 00^ G ^ @G OD 00^ n NEWSPAPER CUTTINGS. i^o; NOTES. oloS for p. olocj minerals. oo^[ P. minerals (not in Childers). oScxj]^ connected with. 338088 English. 3d8co§ England. cxjgaS E. company. Go^DoSS^GOgi coal. ^o^EoodS form, unite. og^Gol oS to bore. ^ 9 • ^c^^^°(^§ ^ ^ ^ " ^^'O^S II Go5^00^ GOOO 5 8 Q ^ 06 ^5 S O o5g^0 5 S II 14. Leading Article in 'Mandalay Times' on Establish- ment of Cantonments on the River Bank, Mandalay. OC^^O OG|^ 00 1 OOQ § O I COGQO (5^ OGOOO 0^6 S (3^ o ^§(^S0^|,a5ll^^Gg GOq|5Gqj5G^(^GOOOOOGg§I c^(^c>Sioc^|oo^(^xoSoGooo a^9;)G615: 0§^6o§o5GCpg6soqSOo|SGCp5sOo5GC30oS ODOS QOoSooCpgo^QSGOOD O^GCOS[^G005(^S 6 s8 5 00 6 s ^ 0 ^ 5 00 5 ^ oS G ^ ^ cx^ 5 ^ 00 5 ^ 00 ^ GODO £ 8 6 ^ r>S GC7d5 8 c8 CXj|^(^ S O 6 S 0§ OOQg5oO^!^G@o5 SJ)600G 000 O0q00^C^ O Og J^Oo5cOOG|oS!»6lGf^^o6'|^O^gS9D^^ eg £ 1 1 Co) ^ G CO S ^ ^ 8 61 o5 ^ o G 00 5 ^ 06 3 O (5 NOTES. oooS^ cantonments. o^<^doG|^i oogSoi oogodQ)1 names of certain districts in Upper Burma. qQoS always. GCpj^S mix together. goo58o8 E. committee. QoS E. March. g|[|8oloS E. municipal. 2o8 BURMESE READER. !»Gos(^scg8iioSqcSq]|^5(^S!?;)Ogo6iigggG|go^Q ^,5o|5]5GooTo6s(^sooDog J^GOGoTdl^OO J 9 (^o8 G ^ o1 o5 g S O — 3 J) 6gOo ^ GOOO ooc^o o5^ Qo6 @Sogs oo^ ^GooSScScx^Q; o5s c^osooG(go ^6 q85 oo5 s fl scg 6 oo5g^(^^c\:^5 oo5 (^00^ Qooo5 (^'(7^soo^oGcp6o o o5(^s o:^o5q (5 ; ^o:gc^ C ^ Cp G| 5 ^ eg 6 o 00 pS 00 ^ O 5 O Cp OD 6 ^ o85 C^OgO o GODOCO 5 S 0^8060^00(3 6 930^0^ g1 s qj aS (g o s o ^ !^ G 0 5 o 93 00 o5 o o o g ^ |) 8 00 G o7]gocj^SGool 93 ^ o5 00 o5 0^? 5 0 cv^G col ^ Qo:^o5iiogi^^6oo93Ggo6so^so6§5c^soOo g GOOO 93 OD ^^Q ^,6 O ^5) 5g005q6 : (^^ oC0^S93 ^ o gC^g 8 2 606 o 93 Q 6 ^ 60 6 ^ oq] oS Goo5 8c8 cv::j[^^oo5so§ooQ?8oc>S^o5^So593Cg62g8Q^ Oo6s^OSCg6oo5G^(c^^Oo5(^OO^GOOo6c||93C^ Q^oo^o^GoTgo^SGgoSsiic^lgSs^iooS^aSoo^ NOTES. 3 o ^8 g[^doS fifty-eighth. oS^cSq[5(^3 general. to agree. oSs^dS suitable. gogoToI^ E. February, g^g P. eminent, high. (^BoS E. president. §8cS for P. a mark, boundary. NEWSPAPER CUTTINGS. 209 8 1 G 00 5 ^ ^ CD 5 S G O o5 00 00 6 o eg 5 Q o1 0 ^ Orj • oo^o^cof^soqo6GOo5G^OQ^o:;^SG^o6sii (^6sS5c7o6s^OSC26oo5^00§GOOo6o^!^C7DoS o6oSc^o1cj^i93ooaSQ|Q0^6cGoo5o^^(^c85o6o o§995^^a3g^on3^Sgo§@sgSgg'i35^S5^^ cg6oo^Gooo6(§oG^oa5^61oq]rySooo^GOOo6ii oo^^^oo^gooo6^|c^o^coc^codoq^g(^o5sii c§@S^no8ooa593cp^Q6so§GOD5^GOol93G(3 oo^ ^ 6 9 o:^ G 0D0o6 G001 G[g o 0:^06 o:^GC7o5 8c^ cxj[@so6so§ooGOOocg6oo6§6€|^^OD§^6i q5s 8 Q^o6c^gO?^<^5<5olG00^93Q(^o6sO^GCg^6 @oso8c|G@o5sii 0^9Q S prior past (J.§ 115). G30o6 ready. oqocjS Bulloch (?). 08 = C. ^8 one who holds a spirit or opium monopoly. 3DG|oSgjoS^o a distillery. S[yc^ E. report. gojdSoC^oS a collection of monasteries. NEWSPAPER CUTTINGS. 213 GOC^o6 S 0^08 I S^Og ^GOqjS GOOGOOOqS O C CO 5 ° j)6936cC7D^SGO:^o6oO^C7S| 96oGOq|o6s0^o6cg£G^ o^6@Goooo:^^SGCo5^^C:^o^oOO§ooooo6q^^c6 c^osQ6Q^o£so::^so6scoo6ooo6ooa3Q85G|Qocp gojSc^osQSoo^ii ^^Gcx^oSso^oS^oii O 0^6 gcooo6ooq6so:^|oo£soogoooo8c\35gc>dogoc^o£o (^6 ^G g 0 Gcfi ^ s oc^ CO ^ II CO ^ ^6 co^^oSsco Gcos j(^(5gcoo5gooscx3§i@oooogoo^g^^o2£"^^o G 00 5 G § 0 oS CX^^ G 91 S eg 5 G CO O £ 00 ^ 8 S 00 ^ ^ 0 1 1 00 5 s G 00 5 o1 o5 eg £ ^ ^ CO G CO o 6 00 ^ 1 1 ^ 6 00 g8 6 oDOGcoo £ Soo^ii CO ^ 9 ^0 93 ^1 £ 8coo Gcoo£^G^oo§^oiiG9j^^^£oo8^ooa5o^oq]^oTo5 ^£93^^38 ^00:^OO^II93GOD9Q^OOo8c|GCOSll Cj^% G(^S^^;00i^93Q^llOj^GC0s[^G93O^C0 JC|rySlQ^ Gco^o2£8s j[^(5oo56Gcoo£^^oo^^oiiogo 8o^onQ^Goos^9DG^G(gooS(g£eg£^o£ S^o ^ Gcooo£eg£8sGcoo£Gpiig^:oo^!;^^^og£8s[§6s NOTES. oq|3^8 great glory : the usual term for a monk or priest. c^^^cS from P. c^gGCOD a person: used to denote the head of a monastery: cf. E. parson. g6o0^8o88 the last king but one, Thibaw^s father. g330^ or G33(§ April. 4oS morning. 214 BURMESE READER. OO^ II ^c8 OD 8s ^ 0 n g g 0 C:^ O X ^ ^GOOO C|5 g|0 eg 6 Gcoo5^G9:)^6o8co6so5@oscg5(^S^Q^G(X)s[^ j^6rx)5^Q85^£!^fscg6oc^oo§iiGco(96soo^oog^^ 8: 0^GC0€]^5gO S 00(^ o§§ ^ g8 (5 Gol 6 o I Gp Gol 6s GCOOo6cg6[§5sCO^Il^C^(d^2gOGGpo6^00^llg goc^o^^oii88o5og^s<^oso^oooooo5^sc\:^5o^6 00 ^ 1 1 ^ S CO ^ 0 s ^ 0 CO o eg] 6 <^ 6 ; o ^ ; oq ^ @OO^ll9QG009QGC|prySQ^^Q^OSOc8c|GOOSll NOTES. G3D = A. c8 = B. C|5gOo to fan. g^Bc^S post meridian. J. does not offer any explanation of the meridian, but it may be connected with 3d^8o a pinnacle; source of a river. odoS^S to remove. oj^Soo^ European. PETITIONS. Petitions. Note. — The spelling of the petitions is not always according to Judson, but they are printed as in the manuscripts. 1. Plaint in Civil Suit. g^(^O^GOOOoSGCD5o5^(|)SOg5oOGpSO ^^oloS 03911 oocpso co16oo^g^OG^n oil ooo^^^^SnG^ooSo^oooco 3S in the position of j)SiOD^^gD for long years and months, i.e. for a long time. ooQDOOg P. great desire. 33^DoloS P. the future. GCOo(^S5|^[^Dg3 for a long time. '^8ooc^oo8 33c8 rising from Rs. 70 to Rs. 100. ogooDBGC^sj^S a head clerk in an office : ogQ P. first. gqdSo^Eg^ a man^s name. o^g^3 P. a period of time. 4. Plaint in Civil Suit. CX^Gp S Ogj ^ G Oo5o^ Ggl QC^ 8 G Oo5 9 01 00 ^ Oil oQ|a:j^scoQ^Gf^og5iiooGpSQ02[]^oODS O^SGC]^ 0000 [^(SOO^S 00 OC^G(^ 08 00^ 000 con O2]^G0050§GOS905^O^|G005aD96s006c^SGg J3008 o^Go^G^ono^o:^ooo^sg|00g5^6§soo c 00 0 o:jj^ o c8 ^ o1 00 ^ 1 1 jii o1o^oo^g5G^^o25ii95?oo8c^osoo^aoo^s 220 BURMESE READER. Q8o5o§G(^n6co^c7DocoiioocpsQo^oo6s;)5cg]5 O c8 93 0^5 §Gg SQ^ So1 CX^OgJ ^ GC05g COoS SQ^ol 911 OOGpSOOO^ OGOSQ935g^GOOOC§o6 C|cxD6co^d^o^G^oloo^ii 911 o§§6o1595soo6o oooor^gSGOiooS Gg J 3 O O 80^ 61 CO G^, OD O ^ 93 S ^8 COOg @6GOlO^)|GOo5o§GOSOo5cOCj_93S|§OO^C7Do5o OD^O^GOoSCj^olcX^CpSii o^cxj^cooS^oSii VERIFICATION. 3DOD o5 g S g oS OgS ol ^ 00^ 3DQ^ C^D 8 ^D33Q 5 3DOd5 6 ol g(^d6s5o?o1oo^ii c^OjjcooSgoS o jq>osj|oScx)co ojg^oSg^ji NOTES. ODGpgQoSs^S civil judge. ^So^ogSs a part of Moulmein. ooc^S a village above Moulmein ; lit. ferry. ogj^sooSo^S GGj^oooo one thousand logs of teak. (c^ioo^ rope station ; where the logs are caught in the river by a rope stretched across. Gg|3 to pay. ^ if. 33(^06 profit, gqc^o interest. PETITIONS. 221 5. Criminal Appeal of a Man in Jail at Rangoon. Q G 0^ ccv:j[3^ s ^ ^ o 93 00 o goq5 5 ol CO ^GO^ (jsGOQ5a^593c^£o5s^o5oq^cpsii on 6s^[|^s3G^^^5o£sc7Di!a2j|Goo5c^^!^GoT^ eg 1 9 00 ^ oT G qI 5 CO so 02 5 o oo 1 1 G 5 oq g| 0 1 00 0 s (go^a5Gpiicc\:jl^9^Q^o^o^Goos^SGQo5sj^6^s^ oo5^6ss;^_soo6^£<^^GOo5(^^so^^og5o8GOo§c>^o OD 1 3^ (9 8 005 5)0 SCO ^ 0^ ^ Og] ^ G005 Go7bg£ GOO si co5 8c|5 (§£ ; o^og|o1 00^ n jii Gcp 5 o:^ g|0 ogS 000^(90^08 00^ 93 0I I! o^]^ G005 S 00 g5 S G 900 06 [^GOC^o go OgS O^j 11 so 00 06 O^GCO S [^O^ S3 O^S so 00 1 S OgO S o51 G^ G@0 5 S <^0 o c^a3o5Goooo£(9olGoo5co^ssooqGoo5o§ii ^11 O^^GCoSc^SOOO^GOOCc^OoC^OoS^OOGpSC^ 00 oS G 00 o s o^ CO 0 oq Q ^ G 00 5 Cj^ CO ^ so 0^ £ s GODslco5o^8c|5 G0o5cj^GpllS0Cg|^6^0Cpo1oO^ oo£ ^ s 000 s o^d o^s og o5cps3 cq[]5 o£ s ^ o5 ooag^GOQ5(^sso3^or^oo£g£Goo5<^(§scgg£so aDo5GaD^^6§oooGosGoo5(;j^dlo^soGgo£s§^^ 222 BURMESE READER. ^ CX) ^ 0 S C 00 5 Q o5 Q o1 DD ^ G Oqj : S G 00 5 eg 5 ccxj^o^sxoqjoSGg NOTES. GDogi^o rigorous imprisonment. cocjs^S man^s name. 3Dcg)6 for 33§|S lord, bo^ Pegu. gsgo^S^SqSs Deputy- Commissioner. GGpSojj name of a village. cr>D8(y (pron. damya) a dacoit. bS^SooSjiS^o Pegu Sessions Court. GOOolcoS punishment of death. G3DDo5^GO:}|2g[D Lower Burma. 3doo oSq§gco8(^ Mandale in the upper (country). ajoSclg fowPs foot, i.e. the mark X. 6. Petition as to Right to certain Fisheries which had been let to Petitioner. N. B. — This is the same as the written petition No. 2, at end. (^oc^6(^9QG(^t^5Q£;o^£o::^GpS(^SGoo5n oqcp I ^GOo5o8oD£s[^Qo^aS(<;)Gg :g€|goc^5 G^ c s!^8€|6 goo5q 61 00 ^ Go^i s c^; 5)5 00 q5 oqcpsii (^^5:[^nc7D^5sQG(X)sia^SG^o£siSGcx^o5o 9^£95s36^o^s35)£o:^cps(|isGcococ2£— 3|6Goqj^ ^£s^aSii<5;)o!^SGg q^^— jf6oo5oqc|61oo^ii q59s£;s^ioqsG<^o£si8G^o£s^:— js^Sso^ PETITIONS. 223 Gg|CCpg|0 ooo^c\:;j^Go15^ ^GGpo6o^co^ogj^Goo5 Gcp6scpo61 iGOOs6ooo^oo^Q^^^[sicoo::^SGooo5 OqOO o GOOO 06 GOOO G@0 6 O ^ GOOO 06 Goo5 o£ o^iiGcoco^65 CD CO @o 9S £ S g|0 CXDO SOj^Gol 5 q 9 GCp 06— GOOS 6 000 S OO^ 03 5 S 93 O 0 OdI GCp aSll(^Og£ § 1 Gooo£ S C^O o ^ £oD 6 S OljjOC^oT ^OgJ ^ GOdS C^o !^ ^O O G^ C|0^ O^ Q 6 o1 ^ q £ 93 5 S G Gp 5 ^ OD ^ O 0 C|£ S I S3 £ o O^ O^ @ {^^god5 Cj^(§^cgj 6 Gcg[]5cp 0I — q 93 £ so^ o oSoq G(^£ o OD ^ ^ Q ^ I !^ 8 CO o5 O GO o 00^0 S GOdS Cj^o1 Qg593G@o£s^^S!^8c|£GaD5QdloD§GO^SC^§5)£ ooQ£a:jGpsii c^coaS^oS NOTES. Gjg|ajjS Shwegyin, on the Sittang river. cScoSs B*eelin, a town in the Shwegyin district. ^qc^oS the town, or home circle. The c^oS is a division of a district for revenue purposes. OGgoOGjco^S name of a village. oo^Ss^S — oo^620GCo8 — o^BGgDSs — Sgo:j]dSE3^68 names of fisheries or ponds, godco auction ; fisheries are let 224 BURMESE READER. by auction at the courts. Goqjic^Ss^oS to settle revenue for a period of years. 3| out of g^goj name of a village. GOo8oooD8oo^ to set apart as close fisheries. ^[8 — 000^3 fish-traps. 33^c^8 the file of the case. ooS to bail out water v^ith a scoop or dipper. j)Sooco[^Dg3DS name of a village. G^c^Si — goodSo implements for fishing Avith. GoSso^ for gdSoC^ the map of the fishery. 7. Petition from the Thoogyee of a Circle against a fine of Rs. 20 inflicted for not providing carts according to order. ^^S!?;)861 o ^o8o^|Gaoo£sg^(gooc|olii o J99^^^6ooiiq5 0^ aS eg £ 1 1 S3 5) 5 oq Gp s 0^ I ^ 5 ^ £ ^ ^ ^ Gp 1 1 00 £ @ oD oS 02 £ 1 1 o o1 s 9 5 ^ ^ ^ ^ " 9 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 9 ^ ^6^oiiooa^^^£(§£(9^c|o iioo£oq{ODoSo2£"o61o o 5 00 8 06000 c|o1 00 0^ o1 ^ II oo ['??o ^ £ oq G^ o§c§soq]5GOo5cj^Gooo|sc^osoo§^^^6^o^ooo 5 QG 000 £^£ 61 GoooG{^o6iiooCoocg|]£8— c^|s r^OOOOo5GOOo£o:^5oOSolG)Q§!^G(^o£o^^^9o8 G|£ G 005 O o1 00^ OC^Gp S II Goo£ooos(2^ PETITIONS. 229 NOTES. 000^ name of Circle. GDCooSg^D name of village. gqdSood![^ name of petitioner. o:^5<5|DOgSE — (^dooc^Ss names of tracts of cultivated land: cgSs a level piece of ground free from trees, usually cultivated. g(^q8gQ(^q>d the productiveness of the soil. gdoSsgsJ, yield of grain. ^SgS(^^£Gp on examining by threshing and measuring. odSI^ (or aji) cocS the cultivated area on which the bushel (006) was used (fell). ^5 ^5 bushels ^ = ooS basket. to be in excess. Goo E. an acre. nD|E or 3D^^S rate of assessment. 11. Deposition of Witness. OOoSgcO— CS€|o5— 9QoS^ — 9^0006— So 000000— q I 0:^06— ODoS 0:^06 ogoS^a5iio:^q£ coooG93o£oo93^oS^a5(^ 93 g 6 0^11 o£ o (3^ s qol s 93 S I C| 00 ^ II 9Q<^aS^ r>S CgySllGgOC^OsScoSOC^Q^GOOOGgoSllOglGOO'SoO 230 BURMESE READER. o O 0 C|£ sol o:jj^ C7D 11 G gOqjO o 8cOOO G 930 5 GOcoloo§i!Co30G!^o£a:j^61oo§iio jCj'^ ^^^iiolo^ CO 00 G 000 £ o ^ G O oO^ oT C>0§i" 00 o5 (g Cp 93 ^ GQ0590^ OgQGpQ)OcSo:jj(^2QS8 NOTES. ooc^SoCX)Gj6 Talaing Karen. oodood religion. c;{g Buddhist. ajjSsc^oS on oath. ogoSgoS statement. 3D G|o59|o5 to distil. qSs^Ec^oIs the four rulers, i.e. Chief Commissioner, Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner, Assistant Commissioner. 12. Petition to Registrar of Deeds. O:^ (^SO^j ^GOOS^I^CX^^ ^OOgGOoS (S|5 G^ ^0 & ^ cp^^S9o8c|£Goo5oo1oo^o:^Gp?ii G900 0§ C7D (^^ O^ o1 ^ GOOO g8 5 90 G C|0 £ 90 O oSol q][6 00 ^ OOg G005 90 C|5 OgS GO O 5 C7DGC0 § 90 O ^ ^ 6 90 g ^ G 00 5 00 6 G ^ O £ G 00 O oS CX^ 5 G ^ 5 G 00 0 98 6 o^og^ I G oo5c^s C7D 90 c^SG g 0 3 8 G o s ^ o oSoq(§s G^oaSiiq5oo qj[5^aSG90orySc70oooS^o5c^OoGG|° c^soToo^ii PETITIONS. 231 q5GOo5c7DGCO^C^OD^SOg^COQ5(^SCOG8(SoaS G^o (^11 oo5gooo o1 qj[5!?3 6 (^§Gco5o2 6 ^ q! ^ ^ oj^ G 00 0 ^ o5 o o 9^ 5 ^ oS 00 5 ^ 5 s 1 1 9S o ^ G ^0 5 CO ^ 5 S 0§ ^ O ^ OD 00 cp O ^ Q cx^ 5 ob qj <^ 06 ogl 00 oS 0^ 6 o^' oc^o go ^ ^ o^ Q oS II gqTgo^ OD^ s Q col ^ G^dl 00 § II o§(g 8 oT o o ^ ^ ^oq5(§ s GOo5cj^Gooo^q!^^9or7Sq§Q ^GiigoGs^o^^x^n q5oo q][5o^^q!^^[^c\:^5^£GO€|G9;)o5iiGoo5co G CO S 9;) ^ £ ^ G 00 5 00 00 00 ^ 00 5 ol G O o 9;) 5 ^ G qT (§ s £ oc^ ^ (1^ 93 o^ 5 s (^^ 5 0I G 90 0 5 8 1 ^ Go^co^o^GCo5(;j^olGcx^sc|'^5)£cg5o:^cpsii ^o&^cpxoqjoSGg NOTES. ^D8)(§Gp Mahommedan name, y^c^ol^ filed, attached, ^tjj^^ E. registry. q[55llOg[0^5o1o5o05)O^OGOSo1ll O p5 ob O^^O @0 S O o8<^o1 II Og] I G005 C^S^^ Gg38o6c^S0^93^So5^5olGOOOG@o6^5)£ 0C^(^ S 93 S| G005 ^ Gp ^0 ^ ol ^ O ^ G@0 5 o ^ !^ 8 ^£ G 005 O 0I OO^ GOC^ c (|'o€|5 00 Q 5 OqCp oil co^GQl5coa5^o5 o o CO— o o s^o5 II NOTES. G|8 for 5^8 lord. GajjS (or g(^s) cdS^E head man ; principal taxpayer of a village. GolS to pawn. oc§jo5c^ name of a village. anything at all. 236 BURMESE READER. Selections from Records of Hlutddw. Note. — These extracts from proceedings of the Hlutdaw, or Chief Court of Upper Burma, illustrate the Upper Burmese style and are considered to be very good. Hluttaw is the correct spelling, but the other way has become usual. Oil ^5cG0059QCg5sil93CpG005^6o5Q^6oD^G^ 06 G CO 5 O § 1 1 !^ g ^ G 00 5 C§ 06 ^ S ^ £ S (50S^^OCOSCq5GQOo5^6Q^5GOC|^^go|^ ^So^OoOD^gOGSll 1. Extracts from Rules for Grants of Waste Lands. [Copied from those in force in Lower Burma.] Oil G^cgo5G^^,£o0^c|c^^iioo(^OQGaDory5o^oo II G Q ^ Gp Og 0 5 ^ II G G C| S ^ 1 1 qGG|S€|| S Q06 £ iiG^^ oS^ SoSs^ ^£ s 93(go oO^ ^ 06 000 s soooG|Q^ii iiq£sG^orySiiG(^^£so^S3qsoo^^ NOTES. (ygD^E (from Sans. to decide. c^oS in person. 00^ fixed, constant. HLUTDAW RECORDS. ^37 Cv:j[93 0 S G Cp 08 G o1 06 Cp 93 C|5 ^ 0 II OO C7D O[^iioo9;)8olo5^oii iio^oo-i^giOG^iio^a^cTDii 00 p5 g(^ C^GIC^G^oS S ^ 611 0^5(^0 S 00 c^Ssii ooq:^cx)5oo^g^,co jod!?oc^£siio^s 00000 s 0§ o ^G g Oo5g g G o1 £ [3 6 ^11 OGOSO06 QGO S C^o6 G@o£ o J>£ll 00 65)0 S ^ 00 G (90 000 S ^6 ^£ 0^ o ogoSQGoTc^5ii q5so^5Qoo^o5 93 0^5^11 ^ooos^i c86o^ii iia:^GC|oG|o^ii iioo^^c7d5^^§^c7Soo^ G^^G|o6QCg^8!^C2£oliOGOSOo£oGOSC^o6G!»o£n G(gOQ^OOOS^8^£o^OOgC7SQGo7cg|]5lI O IIOCOO^^ ^oSqoii J II oaD^s^o6q693C|iiG^^cooS^o6G^o 000S^ll0^£^0oC|5^a^C^GOS935G|O^ll nqSsGos 9o5oo^ooc|£so^oD^sii g ^o5n o o^o5iiG^coOo936s q90€|GG|^0O0o^ii [|^a^(B^og|OQa^(^so6oDo6ooo oo^5sooos(§sog]£iicc5aj^a^ooG|£so^^^s^ GOoS NOTES. oo80GpS)a]j2j)S§3G^^G[oSooc^ commencing with the first day of the year. 9 for 900S ; the coS in Upper Burma is about :j-75 acres. c^oS each, individually. HLUTDAW RECORDS. 239 911 Ggc^o6o^^OOO^oCpll^g|00^@SO§lfOOS^S G^c^OcCg£ii3^Socq5oGOoo5co6co5^ii^[ii^o5ii oD6o5G61rySGCpaSoog5GOOOG^Q6og|j6ii ^£ 0^5 a^o^^iioQ <^ooGcoo o^ogoSc oTooo s 08^^^ 93 g 5 G OC|il ^ 000 S CX^5 GQOO £ C^O^Og oSg oT^ C^5 II 9300 O^gOGS OCOO S ^ 06 C:^0^ 930^5 Sil G0^9;)5 ^000oCq5G0005^5GO€|O05ll 911 930oa5goGSOc7Dos^ry5<^os93€|iiG^cgo6G^ £ ^ 0^ 5 OLjj CC^ 5 G 00 0 £ 0^ 0§ 93 g I G 00 5 eg o5 ji 6 G o Gcpo£ooocoiiooqc95GOOo£€|6^G^o^iioSooo^oo§ 0 S 0 II O S 000 ^(g 5 G@0 £ ^ 0^08 G OO^Cp 11 93 g ^ G 00 5 eg o5 1 6 G 0 G Gp o£ 00 ^ G ^ 0 o£ 1 1 00 oS CO ryS cc^ 5 G 00 0 6 O ^ n ^ g| oS^I £ S Q OC^ o5 1 1 93 g ^ G 00 5 eg 06 1 8 NOTES. 330^5 to appeal. OD2^iG(^ land set apart for the maintenance of an official. oS for (y8 to reject. ^^§[^ G[8o original intention. 240 BURMESE READER, s;)Gp (^6 g(^o 5 ^ c^oS 000 oo5 ^cgy £ii o 6000 ^oo ^00^06 (^^^ 5 G ooo£ Ogo6^G|a^(^^iiC^ S| ^ 0 O O^ 00 0^ OC^ CO 06 Q ^ G OO 0 9;) g I G 00 5^ ^ S 1 6 1 1 93 g ^ G OD 5 o5 ^ 00 0 S 00 ^ ^ 8 0 ^ og o5 O 8 ^ 1 1 s coS ^a^5 00 aS og £ s 00 6 s G 000 £ G cc]t Q ^ II 0 oqG|5 s G ^ C^CO^ ^ II 93 ^oG|o£ ^ 0^00 II (9 6 S ^CX^5 G 000 £ 0^00§^§^C§liq£^gOGSGOo5930^£sil^OOOS^£GO C|Q^ll 311 G^^£sd^ooqG(^5GOoo£cpii93g^Goo5c§o5 G o ccp ryS 00 G^ooSiiG Q 0^0 o 8 oooOo ooaS (X)o£cc^5gooo£goo5co§ ^11 0^00^^800000 cg£o Q^Il Q a^5 O G 000 £ C^OO ^ 90 ol IIG ^ 0^0 8 000 ^Cp 110 8 00 0 S 00 ^ |) 8 0 O j> 8 00 Q eg ^ CQ] £ i I O O ^ 05 90 ^ o£ 61 (983006 90 O^£sil90g^GOo5oo6sGOOo£GO^llG^O?^ 00 o£ 00 o£ cv::[5 G 000 £ £ II 00 00 o£ cv^ 0^11 II oo^890c§^ocv::L5Gooo£obo8ooOo0^l£" NOTES. opc^ooc^ajjCooSQOg^ not more than one-tenth. gd^S g^qSsc^oo on behalf of the government. 0^00^3)6 ood coogSoQ^ at any time whatsoever. HLUTDAW RECORDS. 241 qS s o^^ Gooo5 ^ 0^000000 ^ Qn G(^GO^CO(7S^o5oa:j[Cvq^5GQOo£o^O^^On9;)g^ GOo5cgo5^69Qqg£sQ6GOiiCg^^QSGOll1?QGCp£^ ^Go15(^G|^ll!^Gg5^GgOOSO§C§llgGOGOSC|^ll OQ(^OOGCOOo6o^0^^^g(9o£sGOo^5g|^IIOO(^ GOCp ^Cvq^5(:^cg]5n 93GCqjO 06 000 C>DOil 9SGCp£ S 93GOS!?393593^SOG(go5s^^£o0^90g6o^GO€|ll Q^SGp^f^S^OllGC^jOoSoOO^^II [^<|)SO0q0OCQ0|^^ ^ o5 II 9 ^ o5 ^(^n 5 00 £ Gp9DooS cj5go o 9^5 00^ 00 06 ^ o5 0^0 oq 90 oo£ !^ 5)0 ^ ^ cvq^S (§ ^ ^ II ^ g^o£^gc€|q§iicoo5^o5^g(9o5sgos'9o5oo^oo €|5sO^CO§^ll C^d OCOO^SO O ^o5G>CO0o90£oq90 0^5^11 GG|^ooo ^^iioDoSo ooc|£ ^000 s(§scg]5 n oo5oqooc|5 1 o^ii[^<^s^ooo5go^g|o^ii 11 g^o 0690006006^ G^O 5 S OOqO^ 0^ ^ 0 OD ^ S II 90 OOoS 0^ 000^ gOGS NOTES. G§Go2cooS^oS a grant of, or permit to cultivate, land. 3DGolS(^ to mortgage. 33GgS33Gg03o an heir. gdgcxjjdoS OQDOOD according to pleasure. coojoSgoSs^Sod^cooS^oS a certificate (or permit) of transfer or gift. R 242 BURMESE READER. 2. Petition of Nga Lawyan the Chinaman. jii oo(^5cgcooc||gc^ooS9]oSii 00(^5cGCOOC||nq]C7Sil iiOg^GOoSoaDOoSoOoSo^ii 5)§@OGol£oOo6^G^c^5o^9scg6siicoooo5oo§ii 1» Q o8o:j[^ 5g ^ ^ 5 (X> 0 G(^ o6ll G 000 <^ oSg 0:^0 'o6g 000 OO^OOllSoOoSo^GQToD^n c^o6o1 II ^ ^^(goo n og 8 oocxSd^GoT ogo^§GoooGgo6iiGooo£soo5c^c5o6ogosGGpaS GQ S^^o(^^^llOGQTQc5G(gOQ^lIo8@OoG|GOOO G@o 6 II S 00 o5c^ o^oo^ og oS eg £ c DO oo£ 5) aSoOO ^ 00^0^ Qo8c|^tl q£ X OOOOS 9^00 CG Q 0 £ (^so6ogosGgpo£o^£G^OGos^^sooocoii8ooo5o^ GOg^G002§"G^o£GOg^OOOCOll^Q£?5)0@0^llOO NOTES. manner. goS for GcgjDoSgoS (or otherwise). GOOoSoooS^cS a title. GOji^oSGooDoSj^oDS the holder of the fief of Kyauksauk. JJ^Ss^d^ to bring a complaint against a person. HLUTDAW RECORDS. 243 00 o5o^ii G eg 5 ^ S o 5ii G(go 06 G oTogo ^ 9^ §0SGS00G|5og C7Sc:^OSC^5ri9gOGOC^55)oSoOOoll ooosooooo£93oo£^o::^l[sc§^oog5o^ii ii!?soocgoo£ @oo8 ^ II !^ § Cp 00 qj[5 G€| S 000 o ^ 11 000 S t?Q00 0^5 O 5 [y^CC^5 £ II O G|5^£ G 000 O ^ Q OqoS o1 11 3. Petition of ISTga P'oka, Captain of Chief Queen's Bodyguard. t^ii 93cgy5^|soGoo5So::^GpsQQl5(^so::^c|DS3o Goo5Gog6iio^^Goo5(^xo^saooGC3]ooS^oSii OTcg|j£^^scc)Goo5So:^cpsGQl6Q:o::^cps 30 GOoSGOgOllOgj^GOoSc^SCO^oCTDOII^oSll llGG|^g^ NOTES. ODDQoq)|[3og5 to have sexual intercourse : oodq P. love, lust. Qool for 0D2 a knife. 33DaDDcx>oSo5 under the guise of authority. cxjGgE the light accent shows the possessive case, gd^o an abbreviation for GOgoGOODoS a captain or lieutenant. 244 BURMESE READER. G ooSc^ii ^06 o o5c^ 0608 5 s G oo5 (^C>D ^ C ^ 0 o6l]Cqj5 Oo5^G^OOD5!^Og£silGq!S^GOo5llc1s8llQOOSO:^^ 00^9D(^S^C(^5o^COGOgSO^ll(^GCOo£s(^SO^ G 00 0 £ o c g 1 1 0 o c o o 0^ 1 6 1 1 0:^ 0 s c 0 G og r !^ 6 0^11 q1 OgO S GCp 0611 GCXDO 5 S 0006 ^ ctS^ 06^ GOOOG@o6iJOgo5GOo5^0GCg^OaSoOOoGpllG^o£ oo§ o^^5 00068 Q c\:^5o1 II o o ^^(^ ^ ^ ^ G ^ O0611 ^ G Oq5c C^SODO n ^OrSoC^ [SOO ^ O^ 08 5 00 6 oOg S IIOC^^ 00^ 0^^ 611 G Gp £ S O o5ocX) O ^G Q^G^c^5oo^ssog5siio^£oGooo5scgiioooxo^:o O^CO II (^GCOO £s (^S GCp S^^OoS^ll 93 0 5 S C 00 00 ^ 1 1 ^ G 00 5 Q CO 5 c Ggi 08 ^ o ^ 5 og ^ o (^0 s c£ (S s Oij^ii c\::j|^ 0^0006 Qo5 GOO s GOOO G@0 611 00| §000 5 [^9^5 GOOO 5 OOCtS^ 6 Cgl cgo5Goo5^o^^qp(^8o"lc|o^!»G@o5sii 5. statement of the Myo-6k of T'antabin. 311 00^20006 ^9^5coaSoooS(^^Goo5o5soo5 og5o^9;)oSo9jo6ii 00C^Gp&09 J3 ^IIOgo6lQ^C000|s0 0G|vO5G5)ll 00 1 S 00 O 5 9^5 CO oS 00 o5 G 005 O 5 o 00 5 o ^ 0^n^(7SllGg|S0Da^093^006s0€|^C05siiQaSoSQaS O^ G Cgi] 0 O 5 o1 C 08 1 o 1 1 G g| S CO O^ 0 3^ 00 (5 ^ Cqo5oOC^o5oo8ll Og|^G005^S^G@05s93G€|SG005 cgii938|Goo5go6|6oo6sg|ryScpiio^cxSG^Gg'|0 NOTES. on the arm. ^3^5 a township officer^ Extra- Assist.-Com- missioner. ^S*^ one of the Shan States. cooSoooSg|^goo5 a page whose duty was to hand the king his tea : afterwards, a gentleman in attendance. c^oSo^Gg money given to a person for which he is bound to return personal service. HL UTDA W RECORDS. 247 Gos^iiooc^cp&ooq][6^6ooSoqG0^5^o^C(^c8 C^GoTbgO^ll ^S^^O^GGpO§OOOCX)llC^o5GaD5cOGOS oo^iibiia5soo5€|^ §;o:Goo5c^Oo0^o8^oGoa^ii^o5 Goo5 (^0 ^o^ii CGg c8 ^ o ^ o oqGGp5 s 00 s G@o5 6 0^ 5 00 ^ S G (9 0 G 00 O G @ O 6 1 1 C G^ c8 1 S G qTc 5 o8GO^Gpll^0^G005<^0S0^^S0qGGp5sO0oG@05siI !?3oSoGQo63^^^ll§SOqGGp5sOOSOO^§;OSG0005 GC|0 O GOC^5 (^0 S O^GOOO 5 ^ O Cp II C 08^ o ^ o a:;^ §;0 ^ 9S ^ 0611 9;) ^ X o5§:0 ^0^(9 ^ G O ^ n OC^ ^ go S 0 ^ 00 ^ 93 eg 5 ^ 1 1 CO 06 I G 00 ^ ^ ol 00 ^ 1 1 C Gg^ c8^s^6ggoog^^^osd^Qd8<5sQoqG|ol!i 6. Examination of the Chief Clerk in the Ordnance Department. Sn ^05cjCOC75dGO0^05o0GC|SG^C^S0^C|GC>q]5 o^GOS^rySii ooc^Gpi&o J93^iiogQolQ^OD^^Goq]5 o jc|a5 G^JI ^ o5 (T^OD 06 6 GOO^ o5 00 GG| ^ G ^ c OCj^ C|GOC^ NOTES, 5 bullets, o5o powder. cooSog^ to assault, beat, goo .^oSoDGGjg Chief Clerk of Ordnance Department. ^oS5cqg5^osGooo6 gc[o8iioo5gooo5o1^gc€|o^ 0060^00^^611^06 (5:^00 oS o oo5<^coii 00^ s 000 5 (^9^ 5 con6 00 oS^i^ G005 o5 S 006 0^0^ C73 II Oo5 ^ 05Q600^1?Q0r^5^ll §;OSC:^OS0^5)0@^llOOGOgOO§og]5llOOGOOo5oC^ !»5iiq6 s§;O^C:^oso^ii oo53j^^Gogoo5(^^^c^iiCG|(5so6 GO 5 oS^sGo:^o£s^ 00^ 93Cg5sil00|^00O 6^ 9^5 ^ G 00 0 6 O^ £ G ol 5 S C c8 1 S 1 1 o O^ G cp £ ; O 0 s ^ £ ii§;0 o o8^XG|5 oODllO^j |G00506g [90 Cpn 00^ !^ ^00 6 s Q oc^o6 00 ^ ^ 6 11 aj^^] £ 06 C|O^GO^£s(§SG^0o£i!C€|6^C\:^5)£00^S00o£^9^5 06 O^ £ 00 1 SG (90 ODO COll 00| §00 O £ ^9^600 II cc8|sc^8G|£GOD3qsG@o£:ii^3^oo5so^G^OQ^ goso8ol€|00^n NOTES. G^cgGOO^oS^cS Captain in the Shwe-hlan Regiment. oo5^c5^[5 Colonel. GoSogDS a Shan Chief ruling a State. oo5^8GOgDo5^3 Major. 3dgood8c^Sgo18s chief attendant. hlutdAw records. 249 7. Personal Service Bond of Nga P'ein and his wife Mi K'et. \\\ oo^sooo6^9^5coa5cDaS€|§Goo5o£oC)o£o§ ooc^GpSo j99^iioo(X>5sof2^'o5cooo|s9C|aS G £ 1 1 C c8 1 o 1 1 0 OD O S 8 Q 06 C7D 1 1 Oglj ^ G (X) 5 Og] ^ GOo5QO^^Olld8|o6oboOGCo5Qo5|6o6llQo5GOo dl90C^SGg8oqSs6ls^OoG€|t^3ll J<^^Gg'|0^61^ll Og]|GOo5co8^SiiOCX)Os8Qo£o^of^ll93GOOOOC^C^ ooos^iiGO^Sodl GooonGOo3o5G|^G g Soqss 61 s (90s G€|'|OGOSOj>So1llOO|sOQo5^9^5c8sQ£g|s0^o6 !^ § G| 5 o cgi] 5 1 1 q £ s c 08 1 ? 1 1 o cx) o o 8 o oS 0^ 93 8 c|5 o ^06900^5 SliOO^oOOo£(^9^5cSsQ5g|o0^aDllC 08 ^ s 1 1 o (X) 0 s 8 Q oS 0^ 0^ n 90 G o ogij ^ o o5 G ^ 00 Gp&ooos^iicc8^oii 0030^8006 c^o^iiGg8oqss6n (90 SG€|1OGOo^GO^5o00^ 00000 1108^ O^GOOS GQOOllCGg|9o5llOo8oOG€|SCC^oOo£ll NOTES. c^oSG^oofgcpS) personal service bond, ohcb civil judge. oOGOoS wife of person of rank. qoS Mrs., more honorific than Qii II So^2381 8 current rupees. QjoIoooS embroidered. q>oS <^ol bridle complete. QO%(^^B give in advance. c^od6^§8 husband and wife. oS^oj witness. od8 to write, compose. 250 BURMESE READER. 8. Decision of Court on the above Petition. Oil COOOCTScOoSCj^^oSlI Gg|SCO O^O QOO ^06 ^ G 00 S C^S !?Q^00 5 S CC|^ co5siiQo5c:;)SQC7So^j»6iioo|scoo5^9^5Gooo5^ CO 06 00 r yS €| ^ G 00 5 o 5 ^ 00 5 o ^ oij^ 0^ n cv:;^^ G 00 ^ o COOS^Oii ll!?3Q^9Qo6QC:^0sd^g^^00GO3]0o5GO (^iiaD^^OOo5^9^(SGOOo6:ODaSo3aSG|§GOG5o5o 00 5 O^CTD OD^ SnO c8 1 S I! (cP coo S S Q oSo^O^ll 93 G O 00^^ 93^6^)6 ooSoqGO^Ssii oo5Gcjo5o^c^c7So1 Oo5sgjto6Gpll8G|5oo6oO^!^ 0^5sn 0qSQ8c|5Gpll OD 06 Cg^G003qiG(^o5sil8Qo6 CO 00§; II oo^soooS ^9^5gooo 5 s 9;)GO o 00:^06 II 93 Goqjo ctSc^oSoo 5s G(^o5silODGC^Oo6^^^llOOOOCp(&Oo5GOSGo(§o Cg|] £ II 00 Og o^ ^ ^ Gp n c8 O^ GO o GOO^O ^00^ 000^c^o6c8 6 S G Oil GOO OCj^C o8^socoosSooSo^iioo^;ooo5[^9^5gooo52cooS 00 06 (S| § G 00 5 O £ o 00 5 C § 0^ 00 G 00 O^ C 08 ^ o 90 00 oS O^SGgS ft1 S 05 OGO S GOqj'SGO H 9. Report as to Crop Prospects and Food Supplies. gii Gooo£<^Q^£o^c7Diio^(^^61^g^o<^osa259ooo G G| o 0 9;) G @ 0 £ o ^ 6 og o5 G 00 5 G cgy o 06 eg 0 1 1 oqcp^o^^Goo5ooc8cogo^Gooo5cj^Q^,£o^o£s (^^0000 q£ soo£ Gp G^o ^ ^ o9o 8 Goo5o 61 oo§ o:^ GpSil 110^5 O^ (J:j61 ^g|OC^Oo90^r7SllGOOo£(5^ O J Gcx^ogioc^os^oii o J9^^^8iicooq|ii^aq^iiGoo5oo NOTES. a^SQ to inflict chastisement. oSood to understand clearly. ssoooSo^S life value. o^8o§ governor of a district, prefect. 330D0Gj^03 food supplies. 252 BURMESE READER. coSscoo^Sii ^e>5^o[9o6gjoog^^GoooG@o6iicooS CO O 0:^5 C ^ S (^0 o ^ 0 :i !^ CO 8 ^ (X)5 O ^ lis;) J)^!^ [g^ G0006 (^c|oo p59Do^5sii^o8o93o£Gooo52g^go Q8og^^^@6lG@o5^il!^OOS9QOO^OS^OllOols Oo6o3]£Ggs6l^30llQ0^5cg|j£ J^OSGqj^^OS^ 611 O O o5oO SG 000 o6(^ o1 G@0 5 ^1 €| O ^ °Od£ S (^GOC^ g|0^o5G^C^0;^0il ^e>5s§S9Q^g5^Co5g^OOg^SGOo5 CO^SilQO^OO^G^o5^G^o5sc^Os[90SllGG|8oGG|o£ GOOo5^g^GOOOG@o6ii ^exSsGODoSsOOoSoooS COaSa30C:^OS^OOODll!^^§^Co5co8co5^ilQO^OO^ GC|G 000 CtS CO oS coo C:^ 0 S ^0 II GC7D o 5 s § ^ go cx:[5 GQOOS ^C7Sc^Sil9Do8«S3o6Q8og|s@olG@o6sii S3O0^93O0^<^0S^0iiCo1s0o6o^6G ^^Oc'IOllQO^S Cg]5 J 9|[0ll 9^0SGq|S<^OSj»6ii5ooSoOoGOOOC7SQ 0I G @0 5 ^1 IG go 6 G|(5 S 9 ^118 ^ coo 9 [^<^0 S 0 11^ o5 Og5^^COoScOOG^<^Oo!^^o6iit^qOC^Q|^^C>DOllCC^ cooo5^o6cJ°o^6^€|o1goosg^o5sii9^oos9;)Oo NOTES. ^dSe — §1^3^|2 to rain. oqSc^S allotments. coScoS to be fallow. 3d|^33QdS mostly, diffusively. G^8E03^^gco that part of the month oSojg that precedes the New Year's Day: g3>d6s is therefore the last part of the past year. The speUing 05S is correct, as it means crossing the 00 or cx)| demarcating Une. ^^jgoSoSg Gaj)S33^^ past twelve o'clock at night (J. § 136). hlutdAw records. 255 11. Petition of certain Village Headmen with reference to the Thoagyee of their Circle. ooli c^(gg5c||G9Do5!^G^or>Scoo6ii(g£o§GQl5sii Oq^ Cp S I C QO 5 (9 ^ C| ^ G ^ 0 £ 93 G ^ 0 06 CO 06 1 1 ^£o^GQl6sil8|o^ollO0^8llG^cCyD^g|0GQ^006o oCOOo5llC^oSGG|oIICQ^oGOIlCOOO<^llC^6og|S!l !» G o1 £ S o1 G @ o CD 6 S X o5 G^ 00 0I S G CO 5 ^ 06 G S3 0 oS^ 00 Goo5 § s oo£ o1 oo§ o::^Gp Sil G@^ CO ^ gjO o C go G oTo^ G OOOS ^ f^G 005 00^ GOC^ I ^^^8^ § ^ O^ OGOOO oSli GOqjS g^O 0^6 ^ oSo?^ G g S 81 S 90 O GOC^5 ^ 6 G ol £|) GGp£ ^00 S II QO 5 S ^ 00 0 o I C 00 5 o 0§ 90 G oTog 5 II G g S 81 o O O O O GC^5^^ gG0005s CO SOqil GCX^^ g|0^6 00^5 o^coo|rx:)iio:j^o^^§so^s^5oo6iiQOO