Un? VA r4 3 0112 061569593 ristmas An Annotated List ■■ oil ' ; . • ■ ; ; KSTCa lillil Corn piled by Carrie E. Scott Assistant Organizer of the Public Library M , Coi------ • ission ana ItV '•M & M|p X « , ' hf^Pr^) 1 ’’ ■ if wmM - a ^ '■ \ ? >■»-%;//' ‘ $ $*>, ’ 1 * ’ m ' Publi.W by r . K. Stewart Company fo (|^ Indiana Pederatitin nf fJiiki 1 Children’s Boohs for Christmas Presents An Annotated List Compiled by Carrie E. Scott Assistant Organizer of the Public Library Published by The W. K. Stewart Company for the Indiana Federation of Clubs Indianapolis 1912 University ^ 03-4 . \ l University 0 f Libtdrv Sc GIFT BOOKS FOR CHILDREN This is a list of one hundred books, selected by the Public Library Commission of Indiana to form a collection suitable for gifts to children. This collection is sent to the public libraries of the State for exhibition purposes and an opportunity is thus af- forded parents and friends who desire to give the best books, to see and examine some of the volumes which librarians have found are favorites with boys and girls, and which are worthy a place on the shelves of a child’s own library. In the collection there has been an attempt to meet the needs of children of all ages. The books range in scope from the picture books, rhymes and jingles for the baby up to Scott, Dickens and Stevenson for the high school boy and girl. Myths, legends, fairy tales, poetry, biography, history, travel, Bible stories, athletic stories, wholesome tales of adventure, stories of school and home life, have been included. In meeting the needs of the children, the pocket-book has also been kept in mind. The books vary in price from 25c to $2.25. The books are arranged in the following classes: Books for little children; general books for older children, divided by sub- ject; books for boys; and books for girls. Some one has said that “the best literature is none too good for children. Nowadays, the idea is pr,etty well disseminated that the choicest from all the garnered riches of the great world of literature should be given them, that they may early be possessed of thoughts and feelings that are true, large, sweet and beauti- ful.” When the far-reaching influence of a good book is con- sidered, and when that influence is intensified by ownership, what better gift can be presented to a child? What should be selected with more care? The annual output of juvenile books is great in numbers. In the Christmas shops, the bargain tables are piled high with a bewildering display of mediocre books, few of which are worthy of being owned. With care in selection, the best literature can be bought for the same money. Mr. Montrose J. Moses spoke most truly when he said, “Imperative it is in all cases that book- buying should not be a lottery, but most persistently apparent does it become that a child’s one individual book upon the Christ- mas tree or for a birthday should not represent a grown-up’s afterthought.” The child’s own desires and likings should be kept in mind and satisfied with the best. C. E. S. 3 CONTENTS Preface: Gift books for children 3 Books for little children 5 Picture books ; 5 Rhymes, jingles, poetry 6 Myths, fables, fairy tales, stories 7 Books for older children 10 Adaptations of the classics, and standard stories 10 Biography, history and travel 12 Boys’ books 13 Girls’ books 14 4 Children’s Books for Christmas Presents Annotated List Books for Little Children PICTURE BOOKS Brooks, Leonard Leslie. Golden goose book. Warne, N. Y. $2.00. The stories of the golden goose, the three bears, the three little pigs, and Tom Thumb in large print with humorous illus- trations. Published separately in paper covers at 50c each. Caldecott, Randolph. Hey diddle diddle picture book. Warne, N. Y. $1.25. One of the famous Caldecott picture books, of which there are four volumes. These can also be secured in a miniature edition for 50 cents each. Crane, Walter. Red Riding Hood’s picture book containing Little Red Riding Hood; Jack and the beanstalk; the forty thieves, with the original colored pictures. Lane, 1ST. Y. $1.25. Deming, Edwin Willard, & Deming, Mrs. Theresa. Little Red people; with numerous full page color plates after paintings in water-color, together with illustrations in black and white. Stokes, N. Y. $1.25. Greenaway, Kate. Marigold garden. Warne, N. Y. $1.50. Beautiful colored pictures and simple rhymes. Potter, Beatrix. Tale of Peter Rabbit. Warne, N. Y. 50c. This little story with its colored pictures is enjoyed by children as young as two years. Some other stories by the same author: Tale of Bepjamin Bunny. Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle. Tale of Squirrel Nutkin. Tale of two bad mice. Tailor of Gloucester. These books should be purchased in special bindings. H. R. Huntting, Springfield, Mass., sells the series in re- enforced binding with original cover designs, 50c per copy. 5 RHYMES, JINGLES AND POETRY Browning, Robert. Pied piper of Hamelin. Rand, Chicago. $1.25. An unusually attractive edition, elaborately illustrated by Hope Dunlap. Chisholm, Louey, comp. The golden staircase. Putnam, N. Y. $2.50. A well-selected anthology of poetry, containing 200 selec- tions — A. L. A. Booklist. Dier, J. C., comp. The children’s book of Christmas. Macmillan, N. y. $1.50. A compilation of verse and prose selections from the works of famous authors, describing Christmas customs and incidents in many countries. Illustrated by reproductions of master- pieces. Field, Eugene. Poems of childhood; with illustrations by Max- field Parrish. Scribner, N. Y. $2.50. One of the most beautiful books for children, both in its contents and its illustrations. Lang, Andrew, comp. Nursery rhyme book, il. by L. Leslie Brooke. Warne, N. Y. $1.50. A feast of pictures, Mother Goose verses, old tales, proverbs, lullabies, games and jingles. Pittsburgh. Mother Goose. Mother Goose’s melodies; or, Songs of the nursery, ed. by W. A. Wheeler. Houghton, Bost. $1.50. Old nursery rhymes with delightful pictures. Pittsburgh. Stevenson, Robert Louis. A child’s garden of verses; illus. by E. Mars & M. H. Squire. Rand, Chicago. 75c. One of the most attractive editions for little children. Stevenson, Robert Louis. A child’s garden of verses; with illus- trations by Jessie Willcox Smith. Scribner, N. Y. $2.50. Poems whose fanciful humor and simple rhythm appeal to children. One of the most attractive books of poetry with its colored pictures and decorative drawings in black and white. Wiggin, Kate Douglas & Smith, Nora Archibald, comp. Golden numbers; a book of verse for youth. McClure, N. Y. $2.00. One of the best classified one volume collections of poems. 6 MYTHS, FABLES AND FAIRY TALES, AND STORIES Aesop. Fables of Aesop; ed. by Joseph Jacobs. Macmillan, N. Y. $1.50. Excellent in its selection of fables. A cheap reprint edition, illus. by John Tenniel Grosset, N. Y. 25c. Alden, Raymond Macdonald. Why the chimes rang. Bobbs-Mer- rill, Indianapolis, $1.25. Unusually successful modern fairy tales, each with its alle- gory and not too obtrusive moral. N. Y. Formerly published under the title “Knights of the silver shield.” Andersen, Hans Christian. Fairy tales; tr. by Mrs. E. Lucas, and illustrated by Thomas, Charles and William Robinson. Dut- ton, N. Y. $2.50. One of the best translations for children. Andersen, Hans Christian. Fairy tales ; with illustrations by Helen Stratton. Lippincott, Phil. $1.50. Excellent edition for young children. Barrie, James Matthews. Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens. Scribner, N. Y. $1.50. A reprint of the handsome edition published in 1906 at $5.00, including sixteen of the fifty fascinating illustrations by Rackham. Brown, Abbie Farwell. Lonesomest doll. Houghton, Bost. 85c. A fanciful story of a lonely little queen, her lonely doll, her porter’s happy little daughter, and the remarkable adventures of the three. Pittsburgh. Carroll, Lewis, pseud. Alice’s adventures in Wonderland, illus- trated by Arthur Rackham, with a poem by Austin Dobson. Doubleday, N. Y. $1.40. One of the most attractive of the new editions of this famous classic. Carroll, Lewis, pseud. Alice’s adventures in Wonderland; with forty-two illustrations by John Tenniel. Macmillan, N. Y. $ 1 . 00 . The most delightful of all nonsense books and one that has already become a classic. Pittsburgh. Craik, Mrs. Dinah Maria (Mulock). Adventures of a brownie. Page, Bost. 50c. “Mystifying tale of a house brownie who lived in a coal- cellar.” 7 Craik, Mrs. D. M. (Mulock). Little lame prince, and his traveling cloak, with pictures by Hope Dunlap. Rand, Chic. $1.25. First really adequate setting for this charming story, pro- fusely illustrated with quaint, richly colored pictures, by Hope Dunlap. The typography, paper and binding are excellent, and the green and red cover will attract children. A. L. A. Book- list. A cheap reprint edition is published by Grosset, N. Y., for 25c. Grimm, J. L. K. & Grimm, W. K. Fairy tales of the brothers Grimm; tr. by Mrs. Edgar Lucas. Illus. by Arthur Rackham. Lippincott, Phil. $1.50. Excellent edition for young children. Grimm, J. L. K & Grimm, W. K. Household tales edited and partly translated by Marian Edwards. Dutton, N. Y. $2.50. Harris, Joel Chandler. Nights with Uncle Remus; myths and legends of the old plantation. Houghton, Bost. $1.50. Adventures of Brer. Rabbit and sly Brer. Fox, just as Uncle Remus told them to “the little boy.” Pittsburgh. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Wonder-book for girls and boys; with illustrations in black and white by Walter Crane. Houghton, Bost. 75c. Hawthorne’s beautiful retelling of the classical myths, with the addition of some of his own quaint fancies, is so well konwn as scarcely to need remark. Prentice. A larger, more elaborate edition with same illustrations in color is published by Houghton for $3.00. The Wonder-book and Tanglewood tales are bound to- gether in an edition, illus. by Maxfield Parrish and published by Duffleld at $2.00. Howells, William Dean. Christmas every day and other stories told for children. Harper, N. Y. $1.25. Clever little stories abounding in humor much appreciated by children. Ingelow, Jean. Mopsa the fairy, with illustrations in color by Maria L. Kirk. Lippincott, Phil. $1.50. Adventures of a little boy who flies through Fairyland on the back of an albatross. Jacobs, Joseph, ed. English fairy tales. Putnam, N. Y. $1.25. A favorite collection with children, containing more than 100 of the old folklore tales. Kingsley, Charles. Water babies; a fairy tale for a land baby; illus. by Margaret W. Tarrant. Dutton, N. Y. $2.50. Contains the history of the great and famous nation of the Do-as-you-likes, and the never-to-be-too-much studied account of the wonderful things which Tom saw on his journey to the other-end-of-nowhere. Pittsburgh. Kipling, Rudyard. Jungle book. Century, N. Y. $1.50. Fascinating stories of animal life which reveal the secrets of the East Indian jungle. 8 Kipling, Rudyard. Jus^ so stories. Doubleday, N. Y. $1.20. These delightful stories are enjoyed by children of all ages. Lagerlof, Selma. Wonderful adventures of Nils; tr. by Velma Swanston Howard. Doubleday, N. Y. $1.50. Delightful tale of a wonderful journey to the northland with the wild geese on their spring migratory flight. Contains much information about Sweden. Lorenzini, Carlo (pseud. C. Collodi). Pinocchio; the adventures of a marionette; tr. from the Italian by Walter Cramp, with many original drawings by Charles Copeland. Ginn, Bost., 50c. Capers and wonderful adventures of a modern marionette. A favorite with the children of Italy. Page, Thomas Nelson. Tommy Trot’s visit to Santa Claus. Scrib- ner, N. Y. $1.00. Tells of Tommy’s dream visit to the polar regions, where he sees Santa Claus’s shop and has many adventures. A. L. A. Perkins, Mrs. Lucy Fitch. The Dutch twins. Houghton, Bost. $ 1 . 00 . Little children will enjoy this simple story of the every day life of two little Dutch children. Very attractively illustrated. Perkins, Mrs. Lucy Fitch, comp, and illus. Twenty best fairy tales by Hans Andersen, Grimm and Miss Mulock, decorations and ill. by Lucy Fitch Perkins. Stokes, N. Y. $1.50. Excellent in its selection and illustration. Rame, Louise de la. The Nurnberg stove. (Cosy corner series.) Page, Bost. 50c. How a beautiful porcelain stove brought good fortune to a family through the efforts of a little bdy. Scudder, Horace E., ed. Book of fables and folk stories. Hough- ton, Bost. 75c. Contains many old favorites. Scudder, Horace E., comp. Children’s book; a collection of the best and most famous stories and poems in the English lan- guage. Houghton, Bost. $2.50. “Best single volume collection of children’s literature.” Sewell, Anna. Black Beauty; the autobiography of a horse. Dodge, N. Y. $1.25. The reading of this story inculcates a spirit of kindness for horses and gives a keener appreciation of their intelligence. This is an attractive edition, printed in large, clear type, with numerous full-page illustrations in color by C. W. Pancost. A good cheap edition is published by Jacobs for 25c. Smith, Elmer Boyd. The farm book. Houghton, Bost. $1.50. An informing but not in the least didactic story of two children’s stay on a farm. The full-page illustrations in cdlor enhance the value of the book. Williston, Teresa Pierce. Japanese fairy tales. Rand, Chic. 75c. Beautiful little stories for reading aloud. Illustrated in color by a Japanese artist. 9 Books for Older Children ADAPTATIONS OF CLASSICS, AND STANDARD STORIES Arabian Nights. Arabian nights, their best-known tales; ed. by Kate Douglas Wiggin and Nora Archibald Smith. II. by Max- field Parrish. Scribner, N. Y. $2.50. The standard of selection, the beautiful illustrations and the excellent make-up are the features which recommend this edi- tion, as an appropriate book for a child’s library. Bible. Old Testament. The old, old story-book. Comp, by E. M. Tappan. Houghton, Bost. $1.50. Collection of Old Testament stories given in the words of the Bible but arranged in paragraphs. The text has not been changed, except in the omission of passages not suitable for children. A. L. A. Blackmore, Richard Doddridge. Lorna Doone, a romance of Ex- moor. Luxembourg ed. Crowell, N. Y. $1.50. Tale of the savage deeds of the out-law Doones and of honest John Redd, yeoman of the downs, whose chance en- counter with Lorna makes him a soldier and a knight. N. Y. Bunyan, John. Pilgrim’s Progress; illustrated by By am Shaw. Scribner, N. Y. $2.50. A beautiful edition of this English classic, well illustrated. . Pilgrim’s Progress; told to the children by Mary MacGregor with pictures by Byam Shaw. (Told to the child- ren’s ser.) Dutton, N. Y. 50c. Good adaptation for younger children. Cervantes, Saavedra, Miguel de. Don Quixote of the Mancha; retold by Judge Parry and illustrated in color by Walter Crane. Lane, N. Y. $1.50. An attractive edition of this famous old Spanish classic. Follows text of one of the best English translations. Illustra- tions are note-worthy. Chapin, Anna Alice. Wonder tales from Wagner told for young people. Harper, N. Y. $1.25. One of the best adaptations of the Wagner stories for chil- dren. Cooper, James Fennimore. Last of the Mohicans, or a narrative of 1757, with illustrations by E. Boyd Smith. Holt, N. Y. $1.35. Second of “Leather stocking tales.” Story of adventure among northern New York Indians during French and Indian war. N. Y. 10 Defoe, Daniel. Life and strange surprising adventures of Robin- son Crusoe of York, mariner; with nearly one hundred original drawings and decorations done from sketches made in the tropics specially for this work by the brothers, Louis and Frederick Rhead. Harper, N. Y. $1.50. “If you should ever have a story of your own to tell, and want to tell it well, I advise you to take Robinson Crusoe for a model.” D. G. Mitchell. Defoe, Daniel. Life and strange surprising adventures of Robin- son Crusoe; with illustrations by E. Boyd Smith. Houghton, Bost. $1.50. This edition is illustrated with twelve colored plates and twenty-nine pen and ink chapter headings. The pictures are natural in their conception and will appeal to most boys and girls. Dickens, Charles. Christmas carol in prose; being a ghost story for Christmas, with illustrations by C. E. Brock. Dutton, N. Y. $1.00. Tells how old Scrooge, — the hasty, miserly, pinching, scrap- ing old sinner, learns to keep Christmas. Hassler. Kelman, Janet Harvey. Stories from the life of Christ, selected for the children, with pictures by F. D. Bedford. (Told to the children ser.) Dutton, NT. Y. 50c. Chapters selected from the New Testament narrative. Lamb, Charles and Lamb, Mary. Tales from Shakespeare; il. by Arthur Rackham. Dutton, N. Y. $2.50. This holiday edition has the attractions of generous size, artistic green and gold binding, a good clear type, and twelve well conceived drawings in soft coloring, done by Arthur Rack- ham. A. L. A. MacLeod, Mary. Book of King Arthur and his noble knights; stories from Sir Thomas Malory’s Morte Darthur; introduction by J. W. Hales. Stokes, N. Y. $1.50. Attractive version of the most delightful romances of the Middle Ages. Prentice. Marshall, H. E. Stories of Robin Hood told to the children by H. E. Marshall, with pictures by A. S. Forrest. (Told to the children ser.) Dutton, N. Y. 50c. Good edition for younc- children. Pyle, Howard. Merry adventures of Robin Hood, illustrated by the author. Scribner, N. Y. $3.00. Continuous narrative of the episodes of the life of the fam- ous out-law gathered from the older sources. A. L. A. Scott, Sir Walter. Ivanhoe. Luxembourg ed. Crowell, N. Y. $1.50. Brings together some of the most romantic names of the middle ages, Coeur de Leon, Robin Hood, Friar Tuck, Allan-a- Dale, Isaac of York and Prince John. Baker. 11 Shakespeare, William. Merchant of Venice; illustrated by L. E. Wright; with songs set to music by F. Markell Hardy. (Lamb- Shakespeare for the young; ed. by I. Gollancz.) Duffield, N. Y. 80c. A children’s edition in which the text of Lamb’s Tales is used as a basis and extracts freely made of passages and scenes that a child can appreciate. A. L. A. Booklist. BIOGRAPHY, HISTORY AND TRAVEL Brooks, Elbridge S. True story of Benjamin Franklin. (Child- ren’s lives of great men.) Lothrop, Bost. $1.50. Dana, Richard Henry, Jr. Two years before the mast; illustrated by E. Boyd Smith. Houghton, Bost. $1.50. A very attractive edition of the favorite book of sea travel. f A cheaper edition without portraits and plates is published by Houghton for $1.00. Finnemore, John. Switzerland (Peeps from many lands). Mac- millan, N. Y. 75c. Description of country, peasants’ homes, famous lakes, some of the legends, story of the fight for freedom, mountain climb- ing, Swiss sports, the chamois, the Fahn. A. L. A. Booklist. Hoffman, Franz. Little dauphin, translated from the German by George P. Upton. (Life stories for young people.) McClurg, Chic. 60c. Pathetic story of Louis Charles, second son of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette. Mabie, Hamilton Wright. Heroes every child should know; tales for young people of the world’s heroes in all ages. (Every child should know ser.) Doubleday, N. Y. 90c. From Perseus and Hercules to Abraham Lincoln — the hero- ism of character as well as of brave deeds. Oregon. Marshall, H. E. Scotland’s story. Stokes, N. Y. $2.50. Scottish history in story form, enriched with legend and poetry ; of uncommon charm and value. Beautifully printed, at- tractively bound and illustrated with colored pictures. A. L. A. Booklist. Nicolay, Helen. Boy’s life of Abraham Lincoln. Century, N. Y. $1.50. Authoritative in that it is based upon the standard life of Lincoln by his secretaries, J. G. Nicolay and John Hay. Well illustrated and simply told. Oregon. Richards, Mrs. Laura Elizabeth (Howe). Florence Nightingale, the angel of the Crimea. Appleton, N. Y. $1.25. A welcome addition to the inspirational biographies for older children. 12 Seelye, Elizabeth Eggleston. Story of Washington; edited with an Introduction by Edward Eggleston. Appleton, N. Y. $1.75. Tells many stories and anecdotes of Washington’s life and contains many illustrations. Pittsburgh. Sellar, Edmund Francis. Story of Nelson; illus. in color by Monro S. Orr. (Children’s heroes ser.) Dutton, N. Y. 50c. Interesting life of this gallant soldier, the hero of many boys. Tappan, Eva March. When knights were bold. Houghton, Bost. $ 2 . 00 . Spirited, interesting account of the training of knights, their customs and duties, methods of warfare, the children’s crusade, the monastic orders, merchant and craft guilds, etc., and details of medieval life in town and country. A. L. A. Will serve to make tales of chivalry more entertaining and better understood. Helpful illustrations. A. L. A. Boys' Books Adams, Joseph Henry. Harper’s outdoor book for boys. (Har- per’s practical books for boys.) Harper, N. Y. $1.75. Simple, practical directions for making things that are worth making and not beyond the powers of an energetic boy with a mechanical turn of mind. A. L. A. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. Story of a bad boy. Houghton, Bost. $1.25. Story of the author’s own boyhood, which shows a thorough understanding of boy nature. Collins, Francis Arnold. Boys’ book of model aeroplanes. Cen- tury, N. Y. $1.20. For the boy who is interested in aeroplane construction and in the story of the evolution of the flying machine. Contains useful illustrations, photographs, and diagrams. The second boys’ book of model aeroplanes by the same author gives an account of the construction of more recent models. Dodge, Mary Mapes. Hans Brinker, or the silver skates; a story of life in Holland. New Amsterdam ed. Scribner, N. Y. $1.50. Story of glittering ice and flashing skates ; and of boys and girls of plucky little Holland. Pittsburgh. Holland, Rupe-rt Sargent. Historic inventions. Jacobs, Phil. $1.50. Very readable stories of some of the great inventions which have affected our modern civilization. Hughes, Thomas. Tom Brown’s school days. Macmillan, N. Y. $ 1 . 00 . A lively record of flights, friendships, bird-nesting and poaching, foot-ball, races, and various escapades. One of the most famous stories of English school life. 13 Kipling, Rudyard. “Captains courageous ;” a story of the Grand banks. Century, N. Y. $1.50. Fishing life on the Newfoundland banks as seen by a boy washed overboard from an Atlantic liner. Pittsburgh. Pier, Arthur Stanwood. Boys of St. Timothy’s. Scribner, N. Y. $1.25. Athletic stories, which in their conservative and cumulative interest display the best qualities of boy character — manliness, kindliness, humor and affection of the American boy. Oregon. Pyle, Howard. Men of iron; illustrated by the author. Harper, N. Y. $2.00. One of the best stories of chivalry written for children. Pyle, Howard. Story of Jack Ballister’s fortunes; being the nar- rative of the adventures of a young gentleman of good family, who was kidnapped in the year 1719 and carried to the planta- tions of the continent of Virginia, where he fell in with that famous pirate, Captain Edward Teach, or Blackbeard; of his escape from the pirates and the rescue of a young lady from out their hands. Century, N. Y. $2.00. Stevenson, Robert Louis. Treasure Island; il. in color by NT. C. Wyeth. Scribner, N. Y. $2.50. A romantic story of hidden treasures, buccaneers and ad- ventures by sea and land. Pittsburgh. Twain, Mark (pseud, of Samuel Langhorne Clemens). Prince and the pauper; a tale for young people of all ages. Harper, N. Y. $1.75. Through a misadventure the boy, afterward Edward VI of England, changes places with a street waif. This book is an account of their adventures. N. Y. Twain, Mark (pseud, of Samuel Langhorne Clemens). Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Harper, NT. Y. $2.00. An edition that will appeal to boys because of its rich red binding and sixteen spirited illustrations by Worth Brehm. Girls’ Books Alcott, Louisa May. Little women; illus. by Alice Barber Steph- ens. Little, Bost. $2.00. One of the most popular girls’ books. It is the story of the jolly home life of four girls, Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy, Pitts- burgh. Burrell, Caroline Benedict. Little cook book for a little girl. Estes, Bost. 75c. Any little girl who likes to cook will be pleased with this little book of recipes which are easily followed. It is bound in white oilcloth. 14 Ellis, Katherine Ruth. Wide-awake girls. Little, Bost. $1.50. Story for older girls, of home and school life and travel in Germany and in the West. N. Y. Ewing, Juliana Horatia. Six to sixteen; illustrated by M. V. Wheelhouse. (Queen treasures ser.) Bell, London. $1.50. One of the best stories of life at an English girls’ boarding school. Jewett, Sarah Orne. Betty Leicester. Houghton, Bost. $1.25. Young girls’ summer in a New England country town after a life of travel abroad. N. Y. Lippincott, Mrs. Sara Jane (Clarke). Stories from famous bal- lads, by Grace Greenwood; ed. by Caroline Burnite. Ginn, Bost. 50c. These old ballads are full of charm and romance. Morgan, Mrs. Mary Ella (Hughes). How to dress a doll. Alte- mus, Phil. 50c. All the steps in plain sewing and every process in making a doll’s wardrobe fully explained and made clear with the help of diagrams. A. L. A. Seaman, Augusta Huiell. Jacqueline of the carrier pigeons. Sturgis, N. Y. $1.25. A story full of adventure, of the siege of Leyden in which a girl heroine and her young brother play a prominent part. Equally interesting to older boys and girls. Spyri, Johann. Heidi; translated from the German by Helen B. Dole; illus. in color and black and white. Ginn, Bost. $1.50. A delightful story of child life on the mountains of Swit- zerland. Its chief charm lies in the author’s harmonious pic- tures of the child Heidi and the out-of-door life about her. Prentice. Stein, Evaleen. Gabriel and the hour book. Page, Bost. $1.00. Story of a French peasant boy who helped Brother Stephen illuminate a book given by Louis XII to Lady Anne of Bre- tagne. Gives an idea of the processes of illumination in Middle Ages. N. Y. Wiggin, Mrs. Kate Douglas (Smith). Mother Carey’s chickens. Houghton, Bost. $1.25'. Chhrming story of the quiet life of four children and their widowed mother in a little Maine village. Specially suited to older girls. A. L. A. Yonge, C. M. Dove in the eagle’s nest. Macmillan, N. Y. $1.25. How the little burgher maiden, Christina, became mistress of Schloss Adlerstein and how the Debateable Ford was changed, to the Friendly Bridge. Pittsburgh. 15