Modern Methods for Mounting and Registering Printing Plates This being an exposition of facts about increasing profits on lockup and make-ready By H. B. Rouse & Company The Register Hook People Chicago THE REGISTER HOOK PEOPLE THE REGISTER HOOK PEOPLE 10 My l5f.Q. • Comparative Merits of Plate Mounting Systems NUMBER of methods and devices for ounting and registering printing plates that ive been placed on the market of late years a sure indication of the need of improve- ent. It shows that the methods or materials heretofore in use were inadequate or unsatisfactory, and that manufacturers were striving to devise something better. The multiplicity and widely varying character of the devices offered has been a source of confusion to many and it is therefore wise to analyze the whole matter, sifting the good from the bad — the practical from the impractical. All will agree that a perfect plate mounting and regis- tering system must possess certain essential features. It therefore follows that the system or method which possesses these features to the greatest degree must be the nearest perfect, and that the best devices and material for this particular system offer the best means for mounting and registering printing plates. Let us consider, then, the essential features of a perfect plate mounting system, the most important of which are — 1. An unyielding and perfectly even base. 2. Absolute and individual control of the plates. 3. Speed in clamping and releasing plates. 4. Rapidity and precision in make-up. 5. Narrow margins. (>. Rigid support for the entire plate. 7. Strength and durability without unnecessary weight. S. Ability to make up forms on the stone or on the press. Page 3 THE REGISTER HOOK PEOPLE Cut No. 1— Climax No. 1 With these essentials fixed in our minds, let us sro over each separately and see which system embodies them to the greatest extent, and which device or set of devices of that system is the most desirable. 1. An unyielding and perfectly even base insures a quick and permanent make-ready and maximum life to the plates. With a perfect base, the time usually required for make-ready may be cut in two, and a single set of plates will often answer where otherwise two or more sets would be necessary. As the time consumed in making ready must be taken from the running time of the press, it is virtually lost, and should be reduced as much as pos- sible. Nothing will do this so effect- ually as an even, rigid support for the entire plate. Cast iron is beyond question the most rigid and durable of available metals from which to make bases. It is stronger and more rigid than any known alloy, and, unlike soft steel, will not spring or distort in any way under the heaviest impression. 2. Absolute and individual control of the plate makes a perfect register possible. All guesswork must be elim- inated. To meet this requirement you must have positive means for moving each plate in any direction, as little or as much as needed; you must know for a cer- tainty just how much you have moved it; you must be able to hold it indefi- nitely in the desired position. There is only one way in which to do this, and that is with register hooks. 3. Speed in clamping and releasing plates is always de- sirable, but is of special importance on short runs where Cut No. 2 Cut No. 3 THE REGISTER HOOK PEOPLE Page 4 4 . 6. ■ *tn frequent changes of plates are necessary. The less time consumed in changing plates, the more time your press can run, and that’s what you want. R a p i d i t y i n make-up has been claimed as the one big advantage of grooved beds, many printers believing that they afforded the quickest possi- ble make-up. Our recent improve- ments in register Cut No. 4 ha ve more | hooks and bases, lioweve than overcome this supposed advantage. Narrow margins frequently enable you to effect a very considerable saving in paper and in many cases are ab- solutely necessary. The best register hooks permit much narrower margins than can be obtained in any other wav and it is generally conceded that they are the best means for holding plates for this class of work. A plate rigidly supported at all points not only insures the quickest possible make-ready but also the most per- manent one. Herein lies a big advantage of iron bases over grooved blocks, the grooves of which leave a consider- able portion of the plate unsupported, cut the underlay, and in some cases actually ruin the plates. Strength and durability are essential and should never be sacrificed for lightness, however desirable. Bases made of alloys are somewhat lighter than those made of iron but they are also much weaker and less durable. On the other hand, grooved beds are just as strong but are much heavier than hollow iron bases. The latter form an almost Cut No. 5 ideal base, being light, extremely rigid and practically in- destructible. Strength and durability are just as necessary in hooks as in bases. Register hooks are frequently subjected to severe strains and rough usage, and to prove satisfactory must be built to withstand hard service. 8. Your presses must print to earn money for you. The steadier they run, the more they earn. Hence the system of mounting plates that greatly reduces the waiting time of your presses is the most valuable one for you. With register hooks and bases you can make up forms on the stone or the press, as you prefer. When made up on the stone your press can be earning money for you on other work. The foregoing; facts cannot be refuted, although they may be denied. These facts show with unmistak- able clearness that register hooks and iron bases possess every essential mentioned to a greater degree than any other system. The facts prove that register hooks and iron bases have many advantages over any other system for mounting and registering print- ing plates, and that this system meets more completely than any other every requirement of printers who need a quick make-up and make-ready , absolute register , the nar- rowest possible margins and positive control of the plate. Think of it With register hooks and bases your forms can be made up on the stone while your presses are earning money for you on other work — and that in less time than in any other way. Cut No. 7— Champion No. 2 Cut No. 6 Champion No. 1 Page 6 Your forms can be made ready quicker, and the make- ready lasts longer, in fact lasts indefinitely. Exact register is secured in a fraction of the time otherwise required and is easily maintained. No other system permits such narrow margins. Plates can be released and clamped more quickly for underlay or changes; plates last longer. Type matter or mounted plates can be locked up and printed in the same form with the bases, frequently saving an extra impression. The equipment can be divided and used on as many presses as you like. If you print from plates you want the best system for mounting them. Indeed, you want more; you want the best obtainable equipment for that system, and that means Rouse equipment. Rouse Register Hooks and bases have long since passed the experimental stage. They are used and recommended by many of the largest and most progressive printing plants in America, including the pioneers of the three- color industry. The managers of these concerns know about all that is known on the subject and the fact that they are continually sending us repeat orders for register hooks and bases is the most convinc- ing evidence that they are the best. Rouse Bases are made of the best gray iron, accurately machined to the point system. They are as light as is consistent with the work required of them and are practically inde- structible. They are extremely rigid and will not spring or distort in any way under the heaviest impression. They present an even and unyielding Cut No. 11 No. 0 Rouse (Detail) Cut No. 8— Combination surface to the plate, thereby greatly reducing the time otherwise required for making ready, and as there are no grooves to cut or injure the underlay, and as the entire plate is rigidly supported, the make-ready lasts indefinitely, in many cases being saved for future use. The Unit System In the unit system the entire form is composed of 8x8 em units, each unit of space being occupied by either a unit base or a hook and its justifiers. This system does away with the process of making up individual pages for each plate. With the unit system you simply lift a unit base at the proper point and substitute a hook with its justifiers, obviously the work of an instant. Cut No. 9 Improved Rouse No. 0 Climax Register Hooks are all that the name implies — the best register hooks made. They are absolutely unequaled for narrow margins, Avidth of jaw, compactness, strength, durability or ease of cleaning. They are a simple, sturdy, common-sense hook, built for and able to withstand the hardest and most ex- acting service. The operating mechanism, travels Avith the jaw and can- not be covered up, hence is always accessible. This en- ables you to maintain the minimum margin. The body of the hook is made of hard drawn brass, and a threaded steel bush- ing which can be replaced in case of wear is inserted in the rear wall, as shown in cut No. 3. This construction permits a finer thread than could be safely made in brass, thus insuring a finer adjustment as Avell as the utmost durability. The jaw is made of steel the full Avidth of the body, offering the maximum clamping surface to the plate. Cut No. 10 Improved Rouse No. 1 THE REGISTER HOOK PEOPLE 119 A This effectually prevents the jaw digging into the edge of the plate and destroying the register, a common fault with other hooks. The head of the screw is somewhat smaller in diameter than the bore in the body and is let into the back of the jaw so as to leave a thin wall of steel between the head of the screw and the bore in the brass body. This intervening wall forms an effectual shield to prevent the operating pin from coming in contact with and thereby scratching or burring the bore in the brass body. The recess in the back of the jaw makes it unnecessary to allow any space for the operating pin between the back of the jaw and the plate next to it, thus permitting the narrow margin of eight points. Rouse Unit Base, 8x8 ems This feature is illustrated in cut No. 4, which shows the proper arrangement of the hooks for minimum margins. It will be ob- served that the jaws of the two hooks are in the middle of their | line of travel on a line with each other facing in op- posite directions. The screw is of hardened steel, and is keyed to the jaw, as indicated in cut No. 5, which shows the screw and jaw disengaged from the body ready for cleaning. The whole is for all practical purposes a two-piece hook — the very Brass Catches and Head Pieces 1x6 ems, 10c 1x8 ems, 12c 1x16 ems, 20c essence of strength and simplicity and the easiest possible hook to clean. The jaw has a movement of about sixteen points. MADE IN TWO SIZES No. 1, 4x6 ems, is peculiarly adapted for very small plates with extremely narrow margins, such as post cards. No. 2, 6x6 ems, is unequaled for all narrow margin work, the very smallest plates alone excepted. No. 1, 4x6 ems, 85c No. 2, 6x6 ems, 90c One Font Rouse Universal Blocks in Case (Cover removed) Champion Register Hooks are similar to the Climax in construction and allow a mini- mum margin of sixteen points between the plates. Strong, durable and convenient. Also made in two sizes. No. 1, 4x6 ems in size, is especially convenient for small plates with comparatively narrow mar- gins, while the No. 2, 6x6 ems in size, has an extra wide jaw and is very desirable for all register work where the mar- gins exceed sixteen points. No. 1, 4x6 ems, 70c No. 2, 6x6 ems, 80c Universal Hook B-L The Combination Hook is operated with either ratchet or pin, combining the speed of the one and the precision of the other. The jaw has a movement of nearly four picas, which, in addition to its un- equaled speed, makes this hook unexcelled for the general run of work. Simple, strong and durable in construction; exceed- ingly convenient in operation. Easily taken apart and reassembled; simply push out the key plate, then pull out the screw and jaw together. This is illustrated in the detail view of the No. 0 Rouse Hook, cut No. 11, the general construction of which is very similar to the Combination. Minimum margin twenty -two points. Size, 6x7 ems, 90c Universal Hook B-R The Rouse Register Hook is similar to the Combination in design, but is operated with a pin only, being intended principally for register work. Strong, compact and durable. Easily taken apart and reassembled. Made in two sizes. sixteen points. x T _ . . No. 0, 4x4 ems, 70c No. 1, 4x6 ems, 70c Minimum margin Rouse Universal Blocks The Rouse Unluecsal Block is the simplest, quickest and best scheme for mounting plates ever devised. These blocks have many advantages, the chief of which is unparalleled speed in make-up. Proof of this claim for speed may be found on pages Universal Hook A-R 12 and 13, where we show photographic reproductions of five widely varying sizes of pages, each of which was actually assembled ready to lock up in from fifteen to fifty seconds, or at the rate of sixteen pages in from five to twenty minutes. Can you match it in any other way ? The Rouse Universal Block not only offers the quickest possible make-up but permits the work to be done on the stone while your press is running on other work. These blocks also insure the quickest and most permanent make- ready as well as unequaled speed in changing plates. The hooks are extremely rapid, yet capable of fine ad- justment for register work. They are simple and strong in construction, the body being cast iron and the working parts steel. The jaw, which has a movement of about Page 12 five picas, is operated with a ratchet (the fastest known means) for clamping or re- leasing plates, and with a pin for fine register. The catches, are made of brass and can not possibly work up on the press. Allows a margin of three-eighths of an inch between plates. Bases of iron. Point system — of course. With a single set or font you can make up eight pages into about 160 different sizes, ranging from 17x25 up to and including 35x51 ems pica, and a less number of larger pages into an endless variety of shapes and sizes, all with a variation of two picas in either width or length, or both width and length. Price, per set, including steel ratchet and dustproof case that fits a printer’s stand, only $55.00. Don't waste any more time with out-of-date methods. Order at least one set to-day — now. Three styles of pins are furnished. Each is designed for a particu- lar purpose but may be used to operate any hook. The No. 1 Pin is intended for Climax and Champion Hooks, the thin end for very narrow margins, the thick end for everything else. 17x25 ems. 17 seconds from case to page The No. 2 Pin is made for the Combination, Rouse and Universal Hooks, one end to operate the screw, the other to remove the key plate in disassembling the hook for cleaning. I in No. 3 has a hook on one end for lifting sections, the other end to operate the screw. Price List IRON BASES 3x8 ems, each, 8c 8x16 ems, each, 20c 4x8 ems, each, 8c 16x16 ems, each, 36c 5x8 ems, each, 10c 4 x 24 ems, each, 24c 6x8 ems, each, 10c 6 x 24 ems, each, 24c 8x 8 ems, each, 10c 8x24 ems, each, 30c 3x 6 ems, each, 7c 16x24 ems, each, 50c 4x 6 ems, each, 8c 24x24 ems, each, 70c 5x6 ems, each, 8c 16x32 ems, each, 60c 6x 6 ems, each, 8c 24x32 ems, each, 85c 4x 16 ems, each, 12c 6 x16 ems, each, 18c 24x36 ems, each, 95c STEEL JUSTIFIERS 1x4 ems, each, 3c *2 x 6 ems, each, 5c 1x6 ems, each, 4c *2 x 8 ems, each, 5c 1x8 ems, each, 4c 2x16 ems, each, 9c 1x16 ems, each, 6c 2x4 ems, each, 4c 4x 4 ems, each, 6c BRASS JUSTIFIERS K x 4 ems, each, 2c }4x 8 eras, each, 4c X x 6 ems, each, 3c % x 10 ems, each, 6c REGISTER HOOKS Climax No. 1, 4x6 ems, each 85c Climax No. 2, 6x6 ems, each 90c Champion No. 1, 4x6 ems, each 70c Champion No. 2, 6x6 ems, each 80c Combination, 6x7 ems, each QOc Rouse No. 0, 4x4 ems, each 70 c Rouse No. 1, 6x4 ems, each 70 c Universal, 8x16 ems, each $1.00 Rouse Universal Block, complete with steel ratchet and dustproof case, each $55.00 Tool Steel Pins, either style, each 20c Stereotype Ratchets Brass blade, steel handle ... 50c All steel, hardened blade 75c *In quantities of 1,000 or more at one time, 4>£c. Rouse Register Quoins Rouse Register Quoins are designed for use in forms of mounted plates where perfect register is desired. The quoins are placed on all four sides of each page, as illus- trated in the accompanying diagram, thus any page may be moved independently in any direction without disturb- ing the other pages. The quoins are made in two sizes and permit of very narrow margins. Style No. 1 expands from 16 to 2d points, while No. 2 expands from 36 to 48 points. Key for either style 20c No. 1 Per doz., $2.00 No. 2 Per doz., $2.00 Star Wheel Sets Just the thing for fine color work. Prevents the freshly printed sheet from coming in contact with the fly sticks. Tympan Stabber HB. ROUSE fi* This is a very handy tool for locating the O position of overlays. It Hardened steel, each, 25c i , n . makes two small cuts at right angles to each other through the tympan sheet, showing the exact place to apply the overlay. Page 15 iSPi Tup frchwun Company Hill tssmsma mu mi. m . n mu mu M6 iSOOeflA&ORNSTRttT 11111 ChICflGO.USfl lllil Sept- 21, '08. H. B. Rouse & Co . , Chicago ■ Centl emen:- Sone time since v;e had occasion to use a register hook for a very close marginal circular, and purchased your Climax Marrow Margin hooks, and found than much "cetter, both as to security, rapid- ity and ease of operation, than similar hooks we have in use. If we have to add to our equipment of hooks, we should use yours in preference to any other we know of. Very truly yours, Eui)t., kept. F Hr Manz Engraving Company SThp^olliitrr^rpis HICAGO Sept. 16th. 1910 H. B. Rocce & Co., 2214 Vterd St.. Chicago. 111. Gentlemans- We oan find no fan It with 70 nr register hooks, m our press- room we have In ns© ujxerds of 12,000 register hooks, the majority of then being of your make, and we oan safely say that yonr hooks are the best for make-up and oloso margin, and stand wear and tear without perceptible decrease of effeoiency. Very truly yours. THE REGISTER HOOK PEOPLE Page 16 Page 17 Prominent Chicago Printers Who are recent buyers of Climax and Combination Register Hooks. American Colortype Co. Manz Engraving Co. R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co. Binner-Wells Co. Rogers & Company The Henry O. Shepard Co. Franklin Engraving Co. Regensteiner Colortype Co. Columbian Three-Color Co. Toby Rubovits Faithorn Printing Co. Excelsior Printing Co. Stearns Brothers & Co. W. P. Dunn Printing Co. Rogers & Smith Wagner & Hanson Co. Walton & Spencer Commonwealth Press Cameron, Amberg & Co. Metropolitan Syndicate Press Wm. Johnston Printing Co. Cone, Parker & Storfer Home Herald Co. Stevens, Maloney & Co John Thomas E. F. Harmon & Co. Reporter Press D. F. Keller & Co. Ask the users — they know Page 1 8 Estimates for Bookwork Estimate No. 1 Bases, hooks and brass catches to take 16 plates — sheet 22 x 32 48 Combination Register Hooks 90c 32 brass catches 1x8 12c 16 brass heads 1x8 12c 220 iron bases 8x8 100 iron bases 6x8 10c 70 iron bases 4x8 50 iron bases 4x6 100 steel justifiers 2x8 5c 100 steel justifiers 1x8 4c 50 steel justifiers 2x6 5c 50 steel justifiers 1x6 4c 1 steel ratchet .75 55.85 $102.36 90c $43.20 12c 3.84 12c 1.92 $48.96 2.45 $46.51 10c $22.00 10c 10.00 8c 5.60 8c 4.00 5c 5.00 4c 4.00 5c 2.50 4c 2.00 .75 55.85 Estimate No. 2 5% 50 iron bases 4x6. 1 steel stereotype ratchet . 250 60 iron bases 4x6. 1 steel stereotype ratchet. : 16 plates — sheet 25 x . 90c $43.20 12c 3.84 12c 1.92 $48. 96 2.45 $46.51 10c $30.00 10c 13.00 8c 8.00 8c 4.00 5c 5.00 5c 5.00 4c 4.00 4c 4.00 .75 73.75 3 ; 32 plates — sheet 25 x , 90c $86.40 12c 7.68 12c 3.84 $97.92 4.90 $93.02 10c $25.00 10c 10.00 8c 8.00 8c 4.80 5c 7.50 5c 5.00 4c 6.00 4c 4.00 .75 71.05 $120.26 THE REGISTER HOOK PEOPLE Page 19 Estimates for Bookwork Estimate No. ^ Bases, hooks and brass catches to take 16 plates — sheet 28 x 42 $63.84 64 Combination Register Hooks 90c $57.60 48 brass catches 1x8 12c 5.76 32 brass heads 1x8 12c 3.84 $67.20 57 . 3.36 320 iron bases 8x8 10c $32.00 160 iron bases 6x8 10c 16.00 100 iron bases 4x8 8c 8.00 80 iron bases 4x6 8c 6.40 100 steel justifiers 2x8 Sc 5.00 100 steel justifiers 2x6 5c 5.00 100 steel justifiers 1x8 4c 4.00 100 steel justifiers 1x6 4c 4.00 1 steel stereotype ratchet .75 81.15 $144.99 Estimate No. 5 Bases, hooks and brass catches to take 32 plates — sheet 28 x 4J 96 Combination Register Hooks 90c 64 brass catches 1x8 12c 5% $86.40 7.68 320 iron bases 8x8. 180 iron bases 6x8. 100 iron bases 4x6. 130 100 1 steel stereotype ratchet. 48 5% 500 iron bases 8x8.... 200 iron bases 6x8.... 150 iron bases 4x8.... 100 iron bases 4x6.... 150 steel justifiers 2x8. 100 1 steel ratchet. 12c 3.84 $97.92 4.90 10c $32.00 10c 18.00 8c 12.80 8c 8.00 5c 6.50 5c 6.50 4c 4.00 4c 4.00 .75 6 ; 16 plates — si 90c $57.60 12c 5.76 12c 3.84 $67.20 3.36 10c $50.00 10c 20.00 8c 12.00 8c 8.00 5c 7.50 5c 5.00 4c 6.00 4c 4.00 .75 $93.02 92.55 $185.51 $63.84 113.25 $177.09 THE REGISTER HOOK PEOPLE Estimates for Bookwork Estimate No. 7 Bases, hooks and brass catches to take 32 plates — sheet 33 x 46 96 Combination Register Hooks 90c 64 brass catches 1x8 32 brass heads 1x8 12c 5% 480 iron bases 8x8..... 10c 200 iron bases 6x8 , 10c 150 iron bases 4x8 100 iron bases 4x6 150 steel justifiers 2x8 5c 100 steel justifiers 2x6 5c 150 steel justifiers 1x8 4c 100 steel justifiers 1x6 4c 1 steel stereotype ratchet 90c $86.40 12c 7.68 12c 3.84 $97.92 4.90 10c $48.00 10c 20.00 8c 12.00 8c 8.00 5c 7.50 5c . 5.00 4c 6.00 4c 4.00 .75 $93.02 111.25 $204.29 Estimates for Register Work Estimate No. S 96 Climax Register Hooks No. 2. 5% 200 100 100 100 100 100 100 iron bases 6x8. iron bases 4x8. iron bases 4x6. steel justifiers 2 ke 16 plate s — sheet 22 x 32 90c $86.40 4.32 $82.08 10c $20.00 10c 10.00 8c 8.00 8c 8.00 5c 5.00 5c 5.00 4.00 6.00 66.00 $148.08 Estimate No. 9 Register hooks and bases to take 16 plates — sheet 24 x 36 96 Climax Register Hooks No. 2 90c $86.40 5% 4.32 $82.08 240 iron bases 8x8 10c $24.00 100 iron bases 6x8 10c 10.00 100 iron bases 4x8 8c 8.00 100 iron bases 4x6 8c 8.00 100 steel justifiers 2x8 5c 5.00 100 steel justifiers 2x6 5c 5.00 100 steel justifiers 1x8 4c 4.00 150 steel justifiers 1x6 4c 6.00 £0.00 $152.08 Page 2i Estimates for Register Work Estimate No. 10 Register hooks and bases to take 16 plates — sheet 25 x 38 96 Climax Register Hooks 5% No. 2. . . 90c . $86.40 4.32 $82.08 300 iron bases 8x8 10c $30.00 100 iron bases 6x8 10c 10.00 100 iron bases 4x8 8c 8.00 100 iron bases 4x6 8c 8.00 100 steel justifiers 2x8..... 5.00 J00 steel justifiers 2x6 5c 5.00 100 steel justifiers 1 x 8 4c 4.00 150 steel justifiers 1 x 6. . . . 4c 6.00 76.00 Estimate No. 11 Register hooks and bases to take 32 plat es — sheet 25 x 38 192 Climax Register Hooks No. 2.. . 90c $172.80 5% 8.64 $164.16 240 iron bases 8x8 10c $24.00 1>20 iron bases 6x8 10c 12.00 100 iron bases 4x8 8c 8.00 100 iron bases 4x6 8c 8.00 100 steel justifiers 2x8 5.00 100 steel justifiers 2x6...., 5c 5.00 100 steel justifiers 1 x 8 4c 4.00 150 steel justifiers 1x6.... 6.00 72.00 Estimate No. 12 Register hooks and bases to take 16 plates — sheet 28 x 42 128 Climax Register Hooks No. 2. . 90c $115.20 5% 5.76 $109.44 250 iron bases 8x8 10c $25.00 150 iron bases 6x8 10c 15.00 100 iron bases 4x8 8c 8.00 100 iron bases 4x6 8c 8.00 100 steel justifiers 2x8.... 5.00 100 steel justifiers 2x6.... 5c 5.00 100 steel justifiers 1x8.... 4c 4.00 200 steel justifiers 1 x 6. . . . 4c 8.00 78.00 Estimate No. 13 Register hooks and bases to take 32 plati •s — sheet 28 x 42 192 Climax Register Hooks No. 2 . . 90c $172.80 5% 8.64 $164.16 300 iron bases 8x8 10c $30.00 150 iron bases 6x8 10c 15.00 100 iron bases 4x8 8c 8.00 100 iron bases 4x6 ! . 8c 8.00 100 steel justifiers 2x8.... 5c. 5.00 100 steel justifiers 2x6.... 5c 5.00 100 steel justifiers 1 x 8. . . . 4c 4.00 200 steel justifiers 1 x 6. ... 4c 8.00 83.00 $158.08 $236.16 $187.44 $247.16 a Page 22 Estimates for Register Work Estimate No. 14 160 Register hooks and bases Climax Register Hooks No. 2.. to take 16 plates — sheet 90c $144.00 33 x 46 5% . 7.20 $136.80 32 iron bases 16 x 32 $19.20 270 iron bases 8x8 27.00 100 iron bases 6x8 10c 10.00 100 iron bases 4x8 8c 8.00 100 iron bases 4x6 8c 8.00 100 steel justifiers 2 x 8 ... . 5.00 100 steel justifiers 2 x 6 5.00 100 steel justifiers 1 x 8.. . . 4.00 200 steel justifiers 1 x 6.. . . ...... 4c 8.00 94.20 192 Register hooks ai Climax Register Hooks Estimate No. 15 nd bases to take 32 plates — sheet No. 2 90c $172.80 33 x 46 5% . 8.64 $164.16 64 iron bases 16 x 24 50c $32.00 150 iron bases 8x8 10c 15.00 100 iron bases 6x8 10c 10.00 100 iron bases 4x8 8c 8.00 100 iron bases 4x6 . 8c 8.00 $231 .00 100 steel justifiers 2x8 5c 100 steel justifiers 2x6 5c 100 steel justifiers 1x8 4c 200 steel justifiers 1x6 4c 5.00 5.00 4.00 8.00 95.00 $259.16 * $ Additional Estimates For 32 plates bookwork — sheet 32 x 44 double estimate No. 1 For 32 plates bookwork— sheet 38 x 50 double estimate No. 2 For 64 plates bookwork — sheet 38 x 50 double estimate No. 3 For 32 plates bookw^ork — sheet 42 x 56 . . . double estimate No. 4 For 64 plates bookwork — sheet 42 x 56 double estimate No. 5 For 32 plates bookwork — sheet 46 x 66 double estimate No. 6 For 64 plates bookwork — sheet 46 x 66 double estimate No. 7 For 32 plates register work---sheet For 32 plates register work — sheet For 32 plates register work — sheet For 64 plates register work — sheet For 32 plates register work — sheet For 64 plates register work— sheet 32 x 44 double estimate No. 8 36 x 48 double estimate No. 9 38 x 50 double estimate No. 10 38 x 50 double estimate No. 11 42 x 56 double estimate No. 12 42 x 56 double estimate No. 13 Page Job Press Outfits These outfits include Climax Register Hooks No. 2 and sufficient bases and justifiers to take anything within the capacity of the base. Outfit No. Size of Press Size of Base No. of Pages Kind of Work No. of Hooks No. of Catches Price 1 10 x 15 54 x 84 Picas 4 Register 24 None $30.00 2 12x18 64x100 Picas 4 Register 24 None 32.50 3 14 x20 76x112 Picas 4 Register 24 None 37.00 4 14x20 76x112 Picas 8 Register 48 None 56.00 5 10 x 15 54 x 84 Picas 4 Rook 12 12 21.00 6 12 x 18 64x100 Picas 4 Rook 12 12 24.50 7 14x20 76x112 Picas 4 Rook 12 12 28.00 8 14 x 20 76x112 Picas 8 Rook 24 24 43.50 Page 2 4