Union dooiia ( » «» • «" • *, • • it for \ } i ••• t V • - * t '/j •' *• • \ GREATER NEW = AND ENVIRONS RADIUS TWENTY MILES — NEW JERSEY INCLUSIVE PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE Union dooiia iimionj -puhlteljutg (Eontpang (incorporated) 15 n Nassau §tmt, Nrto fork CHARLES HEALY, President HARRY GEACH, Sec.-Treas. WM. H. BERRYMAN, Editor V. A. TAYLOR, Adv. Manager THE POST-OFFICE ADDRESS OF TFIE ABOVE OFFICERS IS THE ADDRESS OF THE COMPANY CONSULT THE INDEX ON LAST PAGE ' V-V\ UL.. a rr\ v Copyright, 1907, by the Union Goods Directory Publishing Company ALL RIGHTS RESERVED -4-$ g o9 Vc UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 3 UNION LABEL BULLETIN •' < 'MispT ' ' ' ..> ■ > -»\ tn'onof Amcicr.. ■•>'■ ■■} o at- ' us 5, •y*n-v* \ * .a r VH« • liigSii I-tejFNl] s. tJnioii*m$dd Olgfc.V fcjd| p §** -:lAEEL' •,%» or JSj ! $$:■■ : UfflOfcr> :• >.;%>* 1 UNtOM IAS El vv,«A0?y», ^3§§^ AM ALGAMATED .-WOODWORKERS INTERNATIONAL Of AMERICA. *HSiLia^^u2E£- liieas' \|V made p -’-^ o- V mi fa 'MlM ' /jr^'T' A- . Copyright by the American Federation of Labor. All rights reserved. DEMAND THE UNION LABEL UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 5 Ammratt Jfoiteratinn of ICahor 423-425 G St., N. W., Washington, D. C. EXECUTIVE COUNCIL Samuel Gompers, President. Frank Morrison, Secretary. John B. Lennon, Treasurer, Bloomington, 111 . James Duncan, 1st Vice-Pres., Hancock Bldg., Quincy, Mass. John Mitchell, 2d Vice-Pres., 1 11 1 State Life Bldg., Indian- apolis, Ind. Jas. O’Connell, 3d Vice-Pres., 402-407 McGill Bldg., Wash- ington, D. C. Max Morris, 4th Vice-Pres., P. O. Box 1581, Denver, Colo. D. A. Hayes, 5th Vice-Pres., 930 Witherspoon Bldg., Phila- delphia, Pa. Daniel J. Keefe, 6th Vice-Pres., 407-408 Elks’ Temple Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Wm. D. Huber, 7th Vice-Pres., State Life Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Jos. F. Valentine, 8th Vice-Pres., Commercial . Tribune Bldg., Cincinnati, O. N«w fork (fptttral Stehrratrh Utuatt Meets 2:30, every Sunday, University Settlement, cor. Eldridge & Rivington Streets. OFFICERS Chas. Delaney, President. John S. Henry, Rec. Secretary. Wm. A. CoAKLEY,Vice-President. Herman Robinson, Fin. Secretary. Ernest Bohm, Cor. Secretary. Morris Brown, Treasurer. James B. McCabe, Sergeant-at-Arms. Urooklgn Central Hahor Union 951 Willoughby Avenue. Meets every Sunday, 2:30 P. M. OFFICERS James Cunningham, President. Daniel SuLLiVAN,Vice-President. William Schofield, Rec. Sec. Adelbert K. Atherton, Fin. Sec. William Clayton, Cor. Sec. Joseph Beere, Roll Clerk. Philip J. Mathews, Treasurer. Lawrence McMahon, Serg.-at-A. NEW JERSEY ESSEX TRADES COUNCIL— Henry Hilfers, Secretary, 68 South Orange av., Newark. Meets every Friday at Michel’s Hall, 66 South Orange av., Newark. HUDSON COUNTY CENTRAL LABOR UNION— Joseph P. O’Lone, Secretary, 809 Bloomfield, Hoboken, N. J. Meets every 2d and 4th Thursdays in each month at Groeschell’s Hall, corner Beacon and Oakland avs., Jersey City Heights, N. J. UNION COUNTY TRADES COUNCIL— Meets 1st and 3d Thurs- days of each month at 709 Elizabeth av., Elizabeth. George J. Reiss, Secretary, 17 East Grant av., Roselle Park, N. J. UNITED TRADES AND LABOR COUNCIL— James Matthews, Secretary, 107 Market, Paterson. FEDERATED TRADES COUNCIL OF THE ORANGES— J. C. Taylor, Secretary, 26 Taylor, Orange. Meets every Tuesday at 22 Cone, Orange. A WORD FROM THE EDITOR U NIONISM, as applied to labor organizations, has from its inception been instilled with the idea that its entire efforts must be concentrated upon the boycotting of its enemies. During the course of growth and progression of the labor movement the true and tried have been brought to a realizing sense of the duty they owe to the employers who have de- fended their cause by giving them employment at the hours and wages exacted. The path of the employer of union men has not been strewn with roses, as is the common belief of most of us. It is, and has been, a nip-and-tuck encounter with a more subtly organized combine than we have been able to realize. An explanation of this situation will be given in subsequent issues. The production of a union goods directory has been a crying need for some time past. We have been re- galed with all sorts of literature in the nature of a boycott. In our opinion, to most effectually boycott an unfair product is to patronize the producer of fair- made goods. It is in accordance with this line of thought that we have produced a list of retail dealers from whom may be had goods made or manufactured under fair, sanitary and auspicious conditions. We do not cater to any particular union, but include all unions within the jurisdiction of the American Federation of Labor. This directory has been compiled through trials and tribulations, as all those who have been engaged in similar undertakings well know. We therefore ask those who may be prone to adverse criticism to con- sider the gigantic proposition which we have under- taken. We would greatly appreciate the announce- ment of any inefficiency in the compilation or the omission of information which would make it more complete and worthy of the cause it advocates if forwarded in time for the next issue. UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 7 BAKERIES. Insist on getting the label. If your dealer does not handle it, patronise one who does. Do not patronise restaurants or boarding-houses unless they handle Union-label bread and crackers. Xntarnatioim! The small design is found on all union-made bread, cakes and small packages of crackers and candies. The large de- InfrfntfJnnil sign is found on all large packages or bar- rels containing union- made candy, cakes and crackers. BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY WORKERS’ INTERNA- TIONAL UNION OF AMERICA. Officers: F. H. HARZBECKER, Secretary, JOHN GUILD, Treasurer, 161-163 E. Randolph Street, Chicago, 111 . Local Secretaries: 1. Wm. Koch, 1729 2d av. 3. Hy. Rauh, 117 Troutman, B’n 22. Max Freund, 310 E. 73d 71. B. Lazares, 129 Thames, B’n 1 12. J. Hoffman, 1925 Dean, B’n 1 13. G. Geils, 20 Bayard 144. A. Diedrich, 85 Morris, Yonkers 163. J. Prashker, 20 Moore, B’n 164. F. Hildebrandt, Av. D & nth, Unionport 169. C. Weber, 820 E. 145th 261. P. Tynan, 448 W. 125th 269. G. G. Kimmerle, S. 8th av., Mt. Vernon 305. A. Goldblum, 230 E. 99th. 394. Ch. Gillis, 1 72 Sullivan Retail Stores Selling Union-Made Bread, Etc. MANHATTAN AND BRONX Amberg, A 725 Courtlandt av, Ampfer...2d av., bet. 100th & 101st Armbruster 120 2d av. Auf der Heide....ist av., 46th-47th Bach, A ....694 9th av. Baer, A 576 Courtlandt av. Ballschuss. .Av. A, bet. 86th & 87th Baumann, Chr 348 W. 37th Bayerl & Dschada, Home st.-Forest av Benner & Henning. .83d, ist-2d av. Berg, C. W 3803 3d av. Bergen, 1 342 W. 39th Berls, C 2443 Jerome av. Berls, O ...1001 Crotona av. Berls, O...1318 Jennings, cor. Bristow Bernius, J. . Courtland av., I53d-I54th Bertram, A Jennings & Bristow Bieth, E...3d av., bet. I54th-i55th Bieth, J. 3002 3d av. Boede 1st av., bet. 93d & 94th Bolz, Ch. L. .Tremont & Clinton av. Carlow, G Jerome av. & 189th Carlow, G Cauldwell av. & 163d 8 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY BAKERIES. Ceroenka, W 777 Elton av. Denker 71 1 2 d av. Dey & Dey 3 2 2d av. Deyerberg, E.... Willis av., nr. 143d Diegel, G 817 Westchester av. Docen, W. ..3d av., bet. i66th-i67th Domstadt 74 2d av. Dorn, N. ...1st av., bet. 88th & 89th Dorn, T Av. A, bet. 79th & 80th Ebert, L Westchester Village Eck, K 730 Melrose av. Erbsmehl, R 531 Courtlandt av. Feck, Chr 1682 Av. A Fendrych, C. 0 3d av. & 151st Finger & Muetze, Tremont-Wash. av. Fischner, Fr 346 W. 44th Fleck, F. C. ..165th, near Forest av. Frey, A 679 9th av. Gansler, A 470 10th av. Geidel, E 2028 Webster av. Geidel, E. ...Morris av., i6ist-i62d Gentner, J. ...165th st. & Union av. Gilcher, 0 144th st. & Brook av. Gill 2d av., bet. 109th & noth Glum, S Courtlandt av. & 159th Goas, H 2d av., bet. 91st & g2d Goetz, 1 1435 2d av. Gonner, T. W. 0 1140 2d av. Grathmahl, T...Av. A, bet. 86th-87th Greiss, Wm...Ave. A, bet. 8ist-82d Guggenbuhl, F 616 E. 138th Guillermain, J 416 Brook av. Haas 2d av., bet. 95th & 96th Hampe, H 600 Kingsbridge rd. Hanemann, G...3d av., i7oth-i7ist Hansult, J West Farms Hassoll, 0 890 Morris av. Haupt, Ch. ..2d av., bet. 60th & 61st Hebestreit, H. Morris P’k av., Van Nest Hebestreit, H...i6ist, nr. Forest av. Hecker, C 3052 3d av. Heidelberger, H. ..Av. A, 84th-85th Heimann, H..E„ 141st, n. Crimmins av Held, P 901 E. 165th Henning 424 E. 9th Henninger 269 Av. A Herberger. . .2d av., bet. 89th & 90th Hettenbach, F. ...697 Courtlandt av. Hetzel, F. .Av. A, bet. 85th & 86th Hildebrand, T. F 542 E. 138th Holl 2d av., bet. 87th & 88th Hollaender, G. M..3d av., i67th-i68th Hueftle, A 857 Willis av. Junker, Ch Brook av. & 146th Kandler, M Beach av. & 156th Karr, W. ..163d st. & Caldwell av. Kemmer, J.. Morris P’k av., Van Nest Kissling, A 302 W. 145th Klotz, 1 599 10th av. Kraut, C 638 E. 138th Kueuier, J 777 Melrose av. Kuchmann. .2d av., bet. 80th & 81st Landenberger, 1 642 10th av. Lang, F 1105 1st av. Lischke, C 423 Willis av. Maichel, Ch 1728 Lexington av. . — Continued. Maier 777 2d av. Maier, J. .Melrose P’k av., i6ist-i62d Maier, G... Willis av., bet. I42d-i43d May 431 E. 5th Menkhoff, A. ...149th & Bergen av. Metzger 3d av., bet. 92d & 93d Moschineck 1035 2d av. Mueller, J....Avs. C & D, Westch’r Muller, A. . . Stebbins av., cor. 169th Muller, C. ..Van Nest av., Van Nest Muller, E 677 E. 168th Murry, 1 524 10th av. National Bakery 1758 2d av. Nat. Bakery.. Webster av., i68th-i69th Nembach 1602 2d av. Neuner, A. ..46th, bet. 1st & 2d av. Neuschaefer, E. D.. 144th & Mott av. Otto, T. ...1st av., bet. 60th & 61st Peter, G 900 Courtlandt av. Peterle, A... 59th, bet. 1st & 2 d av. Pilz, A 3d av. & 168th Rehmann, R Washington av. Renner, A 167 Willis av. Rieke, H St. Ann’s av. & i52d Ries, Ch...2d av., bet. 120th & 121st Roland, C West Farms Rosenbusch, E 969 Columbus av. Roth, I ...515 W. 49th Roser, J. .138th, Willis- Alexander av. Schaaf, T 1771 1st av. Schmalkuchen, E. ..cor. 7ist*ist av. Schmebyle, G 1st av., 54th-55th Schick, V 1028 Westchester av. Schilling, A 1726 2d av. Schinkel, Ch 519 9th av. Schleif, H 817 Westchester av. Schoeminger. . 2d av., bet. 93d & 94th Schoeninger 1479 Av. A Schopp, H 1186 2d av. Schroeder, H 272 Alexander av. Schroeder, M 148 & Bergen av. Schumacher, A 795 1st av. Schumann, J 2337 2d av. Schwab, E 1st av., bet. 6sth-66th Schwenger, W. ..184th & Jerome av. Specht, Ch. . . .2d av., bet. 82d & 83d Stanislaw, D 144th & Willis av. Stark 16 1st av. Steinmetz, G West Farms Stickel. . . .2d av., bet. 87th & 88th Stolz, F. . 481 Brook av. Strauss, H...ist av., bet. 82d & 83d Suttor, A. ..3d av., bet. 83d & 84th Syds 62 1st av. Tauss, W. B 5i4 E. 184th Teuscher, F 544 10th ar. Theobald, S., 184th & Wash’gton av. Thomann, M. ..3d av., bet. 87th-88th Unger, N. J 147th & Brook av. Viertel 3d av., bet. 89th & 90th Vollmer, G 944 Washington av. Wack, Jos 777 E. 156th Walter, W Alexander & 139th Weber Bros. .666, 694, 752 10th av. Wetzel, P. 4 2 9 W. 44th Wolf, A 2207 Southern Blvd UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 9 BAKERIES. Wolz, G..East End av., bet. 82d-83d Wuensche, G 753 Union av. Wuensche, J 156th & Union av. Wunderlich, E. ...i72d & Brook av. Zeller, L. ...1st av., bet. 51st & 52d Zink, Ch i52d & Courtlandt av. Zittel, C 3052 3d av. BROOKLYN Apman & Meyer.. 34-36 Troutman Baesel, Jos 885 Glenmore av. Bauer, Gottlieb 38 Morgan av. Bechtold, Jos 65 Irving av. Bissert, Geo 244 Hamburg av. Blatt, Ed 204 St. Nicholas av. Boiler, Leo 234 Stanhope Borngiesser, H 1353 Greene av. Braun, Louis... 283 Onderdonk av. Breisacher, Fritz. . . .264 Central av. Breuning, Fred 258 Wyckoff av. Bruckner, G 176 Onderdonk av. Brumm, G 1684 Myrtle av. Burkhard, Jos 386 Hamburg av. Dahl, Wm 38 Hamburg av. Dunkel, Adolph.. 137 Evergreen av. Feickert, Adolf 96 Cedar Feser, Nick 285 Wyckoff av. Fleisher, R 231 Troutman Friedle, Wm 198 Hamburg av. Gelbcke, G 163 Central av. Geuss, John 179 Irving av. Goes, Henry 188 Wyckoff av. Grouert, Albert 254 Irving av. Hanish, Paul.... 1002 Flushing av. Heckele, Louis 881 Grand Heppe, Henry 2372 Pitkin av. Hetzel, Frank.... 120 Hamburg av. Jaeger, John 295 Irving av. Kaufman, Isidor. .235 Grandview av. Kessinger, C. .186 Knickerbocker av. Knauth, Geo 158 Wyckoff av. Kohler, John 25 Hamburg av. Kreess, Jacob 237 Central av. Kreuter, John 1263 Myrtle av. — Continued. Leonhard, John 157 Central av. Lypold, W 1227 Myrtle av. Markert, P. .Woodbine & Knick. av. Masopust, Frank.. 118 Evergreen av. Meyer, Wm 504 Evergreen av. Mich, Mary... 86 Knickerbocker av. Michel, Rud. ... Cypress & Bleecker Miller, Harry 337 Central av. Paul, Max 139 Central av. Rank, H 157 Wyckoff av. Reiff, Paul 206 Irving av. Reinheimer, T. .125 St. Nicholas av. Rustmann, John 1583 Halsey Sandie, Wm. .353 Knickerbocker av. Sauerbrey, Ad. ...565 Hamburg av. Schafer, Ch. .296 Knickerbocker av. Scheffler, Louis 52 Bremen Schlesinger, John.... 135 Irving av. Schmidt, J... Myrtle & Webster avs. Schmidt, P 205 Helen Schneider, C. .373 Knickerbocker av. Schneider Gotlieb 42 Floyd Scholl, Chas. ...260 St. Nicholas av. Schwarz, Henry. ... 184 Central av. Seiss, C 242 Humboldt Steinhauser, H. ...Emma & William Steitz, T 216 Wyckoff av. Weckesser, Julius. ... 958 Myrtle av. Weibach, Chas 213 Wyckoff av. Weiler, CI1..199 Knickerbocker av. Widder, Fred. ...92 St. Nicholas av. Wugemach 123 Wyckoff av. Wygand, Frank... 269 Hamburg av. Zimmerman, C 160 Irving av. Zoller, Albert 199 Irving av. NEWARK, N. J. Mangels & Schmidt Court, cor. Hunterdon ELIZABETH, N. J. Braun 419 Trumbull Paashan 4th, cor. Franklin Zuber 3d, cor. Livingston If you love your family, join the union of your craft. If you love your home, buy union-made goods. If you love humanity, work for the labor cause. Every time you purchase an article without the union label you injure a trade unionist THIS SPACE IS OPEN FOR ADVERTISERS 10 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY BARBER SHOPS. This is a facsimile of the Journeymen Barbers ’ Union Shop Card. Do not patronize a Barber Shop that does not display this card. JOURNEYMEN BARBERS’ INTERNATIONAL UNION Officers: President, JACOB FISCHER, Sec.-Treas., Security Trust Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Local Officers: 251. New York City — Geo. Weber, Pres., E. i22d; James Lom- bardi, Vice-Pres., 191 Mott; Philip Palmer, Treas., 64 E. 86th; Gus Behrens, Rec.-Sec., 1483 2d av. ; Chas. Marcks, Cor. & Fin. Sec., 1626 2d av. Meets 1st and 3d Tuesdays, 9:30 P. M., 214 E. 41st. Shops Employing Union Barbers MANHATTAN & BRONX Angelica, N 976 1st av. Anton, Adam. .266 Southern Boulv. Apell, Louis 459 Pearl Arnold, G 394 West Bauer, C 455 W. 38th Bauman, F 245 E. 55th Beissel, F 356 E. 88th Bender, J. G 843 2d ave. Bender, Peter 355 E. 84th Bleicher, W 118 Christopher Boben, S 817 1st av. Brand, C 350 E. 9th Brand, F 465 3d av. Busch, Michael 1317 2d av. Carnesi Bros 245 E. 75th Carried, A 504 E. 171st Castka, Emil 340 E. 73d Castka, Joseph 355 E. 77th Cavalin, Chas 2233 3d av. Cizek, Frank 340 E. 71st Clapp, Louis 401 E. 8th Curuso, Andrea... 982 Columbus av. De Bold, Gus J 127 7th av. Deubert 657 B’way Di Marzo, Carmine 111 4th av. Dietrich, M 206 E. 38th Dietzel, Joseph 400 E. 72d Dorler, J 2023 Lexington av. Dvorak, Joseph 408 E. 73d Ebinger, Chris. F...1485 Brook av. Eichner, Theo 17 1 E. 92d Ehlenberger, John 790 nth av. Eichner, J 171 E. 92d Eisenbrand, E 1635 Av. A Entress, E 1256 2d av. Erbe, J 1892 Park av. Essman, Henry 441 nth av. Fenichel, M 232 Av. A Ferminiello, G 1734 ad av. Fillat, i\dolf 789 2d av. Flack, Pet 3395 3d av. Fohe, Frank 1825 2d av. Freund, A 1515 Ave. A Gagliartie, John. 208 E. 54th Gasco, N 1750 2d av. Genero, G 1734 2d av. Gerbino, B. C 967 1st av. Geremia, Frank 437 W. 38th Gierke, H 1311 Washington av. Giandalone, J 763 St. Ann’s av. Greenwald, J 1869 2d av. Grieco, M 967 Columbus av. Grube, F 835 1st av. Gutman, Emil 356 E. 88th Gunther, D 1483 2d av. Haberer, Frank 964 Boston av. Hall, 325 E. 73d Hassig, J 174 E. 136th Hemmer, J 2133 Madison av. Herling, B 1529 2d av. Herman, J 825 E. 134th Jahelka, Joseph 401 E. 73d Kalb, J 3529 3d av. Karoli, John 1710 2d av. Kessler, Gus 266 W. 144th Knauber, Jacob 631 E. 161st Koernig, G 3704 3d av. Kohlhof, A 307 E. 83d Kriesel, Charles 1363 Av. A Krizek, Joseph 437 E. 73d Lamac, Jac 347 E. 73d Lockhart, A 1458 2d av. Lopes, Thomas 661 1st av. Lucks, Abe 1 87 % 7th Maddir, J. & J.,,.1745 Madison ay. UNION GOODS DIRECTORY ii BARBER SHOPS— Continued. Manna, Salvatore 88 1 3d av. Marcks, C 1626 2d av. Margnitz, Wm 335 Willis av. Martin, Geo. E. ..878^ Prospect av. Marretto, L 1297 1st av. Marquart, Peter 584 Yz E. 134th Mayer, John 424 E. 75th Mayer, John 301 E. 88th Mock, A 613 Westchester av. Morschauser, G 1211 1st av. Morziello, D 216 Greene Newman, 1 21 Spruce Nickolaus, J 345 E. 92d Non-Tip 21 Spruce Novotny, Joseph 325 E. 71st Ohmen, J 1812 2d av. Oppermann, Herbert. ... 1626 2d av. Pantoliano, C 1030 1st av. Peter & Paul 216 Ave A Pernicaro, Frank 852 2d av. Peroutka, Anton 413 E. 71st Perron, G 340 E. 45th Plescia, B 1679 Av. A Porto, D 633 1st av. Rader, M 105 W. 106th Ritter, John 201 E. 100th Romano, L 340 E. 70th Rose, O., Havemeyer-Ellis av., U’p’t Rosen, J 87 E. 4th Rosenzweig, Joseph 1206 2d av. Ruhe, Wm 306 E. 92c! Russo, D 471 Grand Sahr, Carl 3146 3d av. Scheu, Phil 1074 1st av. Schmettrer 479 E. 88th Schlamp, H 827 1st av. Schneider, L 2183 5th av. Schramm, Rudolph 1359 3d av. Schoenbour, A 1290 1st av. Scholz, Paul 1604 2d av. Schugowitsch, A. .608 St. Ann’s av. Schumacher, Paul 174 E. 90th Schweitzer, S 1679 Av. A Seguroth, P 589 10th av. Simon, J 997 1st av. Slance, Frank 401 E. 70th Smith, M 2002 2d av. Sonnenshein, F 84 E. 4th Speck, Ch 196 William Steiner, A 1 849 2d av. Stopeck, P 338 W. 39th Tarentino Spuyten Duyvel Uhl, Otto 396 2d av. Von Lear, C 1195 1st av. Voza, Dennes 1720 1st av. Waechter, J 1483 2d av. Wellendahl, W 300 E. 92d Wershe, Reinhard, 301 E. 56th Wies, George F 2023 3d av. Wirth, Jacob 133 Alexander av. Zeller, William 201 E. 52d Zimmermann, R 402 E. 69th Spread the gospel of unionism among the unorganized. In the same measure that it takes root, it will benefit you. A good union man and a violin have much in common. They keep on improving with age, until they become almost priceless. The union label is organized labor’s long-range, quick-firing gun. With it we can reach the most distant non-union factory. One good thing is noticed in the trade-union movement, and that is the rapid organization of label leagues all over the country. It cannot be too often stated that the label is organized labor’s strongest weapon and greatest organizer. Demand the label at all times. The women do two-thirds of the shopping, and the merchants know it. One woman can do more propaganda work by asking for the union label than ten men. They have a way of asking for an article that carries conviction. Make it a fad with the women to insist on union label goods, and union clerks and organized labor will receive the biggest boom ever known. Peck & Co., 822 Broadway, New York, manufacture men’s union=labeI clothing. 12 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY BILL POSTERS. To committees in charge of entertainments , balls , picnics , etc., and to labor unions •' When having your bills and other printed matter put up, see that this label is attached to the poster. It is a guarantee that the work was done by union billposters. NATIONAL ALLIANCE OF BILLPOSTERS AND BILLERS OF AMERICA. Officers: JOHN SUPPLEE, President, Philadelphia, Pa. WM. J. MURRAY, Secretary, Room ii, B’way Theatre Bldg., New York. Locals and Secretaries: 2. New York City — Wm. McCarthy, 426 W. 42d. 18. Newark — A. H. Mahar, 209 Bergen. 30. Jersey City — Wm. Moran, care Academy of Music. 33. Brooklyn — Bert D. Simmons, 485 Hudson av. Union Billposters NEW YORK Cahn & Grant B’way & 40th Lachmann, J. M 313 W. 42d All New York Theatres Employ Union Billposters. BLACKSMITHS. INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF BLACKSMITHS AND HELPERS. Officers: JAMES W. KLINE, General President, GEO. J. WERNER, General Sec.-Treasurer, 57 0 -S 8 s Monon Bldg., Chicago, 111 . Local Lodge, Officers and Meeting Nights: 185. Perth Amboy — Wm. Coleman; Joseph Arsenault, 241 Front, Perth Amboy, N. J. Sweet=Orr Overalls are union=made and are for sale in all sections of the city. UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 13 BOILERS, ETC. Look for the Label of the INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF BOILER MAKERS, IRON SHIP BUILDERS AND HELPERS OF AMERICA w — — 3 * THIS ms HIM Is issued by authority of the Brotherhood of Boiler Makers and Iron Ship Builders of America* and when placed on work guaran- tees that it is the product of union labor. ffip? jj ^ (j (fond Sec'f-Treas. 6 rand Prts.-Crganlnr.^ Officers: GEO. F. DUNN, President, 354 N. Arsenal av., Indianapolis, Ind. WM. J. GILTHORPE, Sec.-Treas., 314 Portsmouth Bldg., Kansas City, Kan. Local Lodges, Officers and Meeting Nights: 338. Brooklyn — Wm. Senift, 537 55th; M. M. Hart, 145 Adelphi. 2 d and 4th Friday, Day’s Hall, 54th and 3d av. 200. Staten Island — Dan Goettell, 34 Swan, Tompkinsville; H. Stolzenthaler, 45 Hannah, Tompkinsville. 1st and 3d Wednesday, Stuhl’s Hall, 4 Monroe av., Tompkinsville. 33. Bayonne — Wm. F. Cockran, 593 Ave. B; Elmer T. Smith, 127 W. 27th. 2d and 4th Friday, Odd Fellows’ Hall, 15 E. 21st. BOOKBINDING. INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF BOOKBINDERS. Officers: ROBERT GLOCKLING, President, JAMES W. DOUGHERTY, Sec., 132 Nassau Street, New York. Business Agents Michael Newman, 20 Duane Jos. A. Prout, 87 Nassau, R. 512 Thos. O’Brien, 76 Lafayette Locals, Officers and Meeting Places: 1. New York — J. P. Hand; Frank E. Carter, 5 Spencer court, Brooklyn. 1st and 5th Friday, Florence Bldg., 1st and 2d avs. 6. New York — F. R. Hadencamp, 1515 Fulton, Brooklyn. 9. New York — Ed. J. Bagnell, 736 49th, Brooklyn. 11. New York — John Foell, 81 Linden, Brooklyn. 22. New York — Jos. A. Prout, 87 Nassau; Jas. A. Monaghan, 283 Eliza- beth. Tues., 12 St. Mark’s pi. 43. New York — Rose Phalzgraf, 335 E. 20th. 62. Newark — Jacob Rush, 451 Broad. 77. New York — J. J. Mahoney, care Haddon & Co., 214 William; W. R. McKim, 18 Longwood av., New Rochelle. 2d and 4th Friday, 70 E. 4th, 1 19. New York — Henry F. Patrey, 449 E. 116th. 14 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY BOOKBINDING.— Continued. Gold Leaf. Am. Gold Leaf Co 234 W. 50th Henke, R 175 Park row Hickson, S 559 Broome Keely, J. J 115 3d av. Scardifield, F 457 E. 134th Shultz & Son.... 25 St. Mark’s pi. Vallean Mfg. Co 560 Broome Union Books — Self Educational Van Nostrand, Messrs. D., & Co., 27 Murray Baker & Taylor Co 37 E. 17th Munn & Co 361 B’way Wehman Brothers American News Co. . .39-41 Chambers Ammon & Mackle 81 Chambers Audel, Theo., Co 63 5th av. Brentano’s Union sq. Bunnell, J. H., & Co 20 Park pi. Comstock, W. T 23 Warren Lipkind, Louis 37 Vandewater McGraw Pub. Co 114 Liberty Syndicate Trading Co 2 Walker List of Union Magazines and Periodicals Academic Herald Monthly Action Monthly Advance Styles Monthly Advertising Agent Monthly Advocate & Guardian. . Semi-monthly Aerogram Monthly Ainslee’s Magazine Monthly Album of Fur Novelties Monthly All-Story Monthly American Amateur Photo. . .Monthly American Architect Weekly American Banker Weekly .American Bank Reporter. . Semi-ann’l American Bottler, The Monthly American Brewer, The Monthly American Cloak Album. . . .Monthly American Druggist. . . .Semi-Monthly American Economist Weekly American Engineer Monthly American Esperanto Monthly American Exporter, English.. Monthly American Exporter, Spanish.. Monthly American Family Journal. .Monthly American Gentleman Monthly American Grocer Weekly American Home Monthly. .Monthly American Household Monthly American Jour, of Surgery.. Monthly American Magazine Monthly American Messenger Monthly American Musician Weekly American Newspaper Direc. .Yearly American, N. Y Daily American Queen Monthly American Silk Journal, The.. Monthly American Skirt Album Monthly American Waist Albums, Monthly Apples of Gold Monthly Architects & Builders’ Jour. ..Yearly Architects’ & Builders’ Mag. Monthly Architectural Record Monthly Archives of Pediatrics Monthly Argosy Monthly Arms and the Man Weekly Army and Navy Journal. .. .Weekly Army and Navy Life Monthly Asiatic Journal Monthly Association Men Monthly Automobile Weekly Automobile Magazine Monthly Babyhood Monthly Badroad Man’s Magazine. . .Monthly Baker and Taylor Monthly Bankazine Monthly Baptist Examiner Weekly Barbers’ Journal Monthly Barnard Bulletin Monthly Bayside Log Book, The. .. .Monthly Bayside Review Weekly Beacon, The Monthly Beauty Fash. Co. Catalogue. .Monthly Bedford Public, The Weekly Benziger’s Magazine. Monthly Bicycling World & Motorcycle Re- view Weekly Bill Poster Monthly Blue Book, Automobile Yearly Boiler Maker Monthly Bond News Daily Bookbinder ( International) . Monthly Book Buyer Monthly Booklo ver’s Magazine Monthly Bookman Monthly Bookseller, Newsdealer & Stat.S.-M. Borough of Queens Advertiser.. Wkly Botschafter Monthly Bowery Boy Weekly Bradstreet’s Weekly Brave and Bold Weekly Brewers’ Journal Monthly Bridge Monthly Brighter Day, The Quarterly Broadway Magazine Monthly Broadway Review, The Weekly Bronx Democrat, The Weekly Bronx Home News Weekly Brooklyn Citizen Daily White Rolls Cigarettes are strictly union=made and bear the union label. UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 15 DRAKE’S MECHANICAL BOOKS ARE ALWAYS UP-TO-DATE S °DEALERS LL ( SEE p°age 0SITE ) Complete Descriptive Catalogue Now Ready — FREE FOR THE ASKING FREDERICK J. DRAKE & CO. — CHICAGO — — Telephone, 1200-3 Beckman Established since 1876 Isaac Goldmann Co. — {Printers — , Modern Facilities for Flat-Bed and Webb Perfecting Press Printing. Composition in All Modern Languages on Linotype Machines. 200, 202 AND 204 WILLIAM STREET Cor. Frankfort NEW YORK Printers of this Directory Telephone, 515-J Bnshwick IIIIIMI MARTIN & WALLS Dyeing, Scouring and Dry Cleaning DYERS AND SCOURERS OF LADIES’ AND GENTS’ GARMENTS. DRAPERIES. ETC. 1188 BROADWAY - - BROOKLYN, N. Y. When purchasing, mention Union Goods Directory. i6 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY UNION MAGAZINES AND PERIODICALS.— Continued. Brooklyn Times Daily Brooklyn Weekly News. .. .Weekly Browning King’s Monthly Bulletin of Aeolian Co Monthly Bullinger’s Monitor Guide. .Weekly Bullinger’s Post. & Ship. Guide.. Yrly Busy Bee Monthly Butchers’ Advocate Weekly Cadenza Monthly Camera Work Monthly Carpenter and Joiner Monthly Carpentry and Building. . .Monthly Carpet Trade Review Monthly Carsin’s Magazine W eekly Cassell’s Little Folks Monthly Cassell’s Magazine Monthly Cassell’s Quiver Magazine . . Monthly Cast, The Weekly Caterer Monthly Catholic Deaf-Mute Monthly Catholic News Weekly Cent Per Cent Monthly Central Station Monthly Charities and the Commons. Monthly Charities Directory Monthly Chart Monthly Chat (Adv.) Monthly Chat Weekly Cheerful Moments Monthly Christian Herald Weekly Christian Intelligencer Weekly Christian Nation Weekly Christian Work & Evangelist.Weekly Chronicle, The Financial Daily Church Bulletin Monthly Church News, The Monthly Churchman, The Weekly Circle, The Monthly City Life Weekly City Mission Monthly Monthly City Record Daily Civic Federation Review, Nat.Bi-M. Clew’s Circular Weekly Club Women’s Weekly Weekly Cold Storage Monthly Collier’s Weekly Weekly Commercial Vehicle Monthly Common People, The Monthly Communicant, The Monthly Concerning Municipal Ownership. M Conjurer’s Magazine Monthly Converted Catholic Monthly Cooper Union Chemical. .. .Monthly Cosmopolitan Magazine. . . .Monthly Costume Royale Monthly Courier des Etats-Unis Daily Credit Men Monthly Crescent (Ath. Club, Brooklyn).. M Cripple-News Quarterly Cuba Review and Bulletin. .Monthly Current Literature Monthly Daily Bible Monthly Daily News Daily Decorative Furnisher Monthly Democrat, Sunday Weekly Der Deutsche Vorkampfer. .Monthly Desk Edition Semi-Annual Diamond Dick Quarterly Diamond Dick, Jr Weekly Dietetic Gazette Monthly “Dividends” Monthly Dominant Monthly Dramatic Mirror Weekly Dramatic News Weekly Dress Monthly Drygoods Monthly Dry Goods Economist Weekly Dry Goods Guide Monthly Dry Goods Journal Monthly Eagle, Brooklyn Daily Echo Monthly Echo, The Bi-monthly Echo, The (Brooklyn) Monthly Echo, The Brooklyn Weekly Eden Musee Catalogue Monthly Edison Bulletin, The Monthly Electrical Age Monthly Electrical Review Weekly Electrical World & Engineer. Weekly Electrochemical Monthly Electrotypers & Stereo. Journal. .M. Elite Styles Monthly Elks Antler Monthly El Viajero (The Salesman) .Monthly Engineering & Contracting. .Weekly Engineering Magazine Monthly Engineering News Weekly Engineering Record Weekly Engineering Review Monthly English Gentleman Monthly Equitable News Monthly Evening Journal, The Daily Evening Mail Daily Evening Sun Daily Evening Telegram Daily Evening World Daily Everybody’s Magazine Monthly Every Where Monthly Eye Opener, The Semi-monthly Fabrics Monthly Factory Inspector Monthly Fame Monthly Fame and Fortune Weekly Family Circle, The Monthly F amily Doctor Monthly Family Story Paper Weekly Fashions, Fancy Goods & Notions.M Federal Reporter Monthly Field and Stream Monthly Financial Age Weekly Financial World Weekly Firemen’s Herald Weekly Fishing Gazette, The Weekly Food News Monthly Foreign Buyer (Amer. Ed.) Monthly Foreign Buyer (Foreign Ed.)....M. Forest and Stream Weekly Foresters’ Magazine, The. ..Monthly Foresters’ Review, The. .. .Monthly Frank Merriwell Weekly Freeman’s Journal .Weekly Freight Monthly UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 1 7 UNION MAGAZINES AND PERIODICALS.— Continued. . Freiheit Weekly Fruitman Weekly Furniture Trade Review. . .Monthly Furniture World Weekly Fur Trade Monthly Gaelic American, The Weekly Gardener’s Chronicle Monthly Garment Buyer Monthly Gas Logic Monthly Geyer’s Stationer Weekly Girls’ Friendly Magazine. .. Monthly Globe, The Daily Golden Hours Monthly Literature Monthly Good Roads Monthly Good Roads Magazine Monthly Grace Chapel Chimes Monthly Gunter’s Monthly Monthly Hamburg- American Gazette . Monthly Hapgood’s Opportunities.. .Monthly Happy Days Weekly Hardware Monthly Harlem Argus Weekly Harlem News, The Weekly Harlem Reporter, The Weekly Harmsworth’s Self-Educator.Monthly Harper’s Bazar Monthly Harper’s Magazine Monthly Harper’s Weekly Weekly Hartshorn’s Roller Quarterly Hat Review Monthly Hay, Flour and Feed Monthly Heating and Ventilating Maga- zine Monthly Helper Monthly Hendrick’s Comm. Reg Yearly Herald, N. Y Daily Hints Monthly Hlas Lidu Daily Home Journal Patt. Style Book.... Quarterly Home Talk Weekly Home Talk Monthly Horseless Age Weekly Hospitaler, The Monthly Hotel Reporter Daily Hotel Review Monthly House Furnishing Review. .Monthly Housewife Monthly H. P. H Monthly Ice Cream Trade Journal. .Monthly Ideal House Monthly Illustrated Companion Monthly Illustrated Milliner, The. . .Monthly Independent Magazine Weekly India Rubber World Monthly Industrial Monthly Monthly 4 ? Ingersol-Rand Bulletin Monthly Insurance Advocate Monthly Insurance Engineering Monthly Insurance Index Monthly Insurance Journal Semi-monthly Insurance Press W eekly Insurance Times Monthly Intercollegian, The Monthly Intercollegiate Monthly Interior Decoration Monthly Intern. Art Studio Monthly Intern. Review, Dun’s Monthly Int. Steam Engineer, The. ..Monthly Investment Herald Monthly Irish World Weekly Iron Age Weekly It Weekly Item, The Weekly Jewellers’ Circular Weekly Journal of Commerce Daily Judge Weekly Judge’s Library Monthly Judge’s Quarterly Quarterly Junior Toilette Monthly Kindergarten Magazine .... Monthly Knights of Columbus, New York Chapter # Semi-monthly Labor Unionist, The Weekly Ladies’ Weekly Weekly Ladies’ World Monthly La Tribune Medicale Monthly La Voz del Norte Monthly Law J ournal Daily Leader, The Weekly Le Bon Ton .Monthly Ledger, The Weekly L’Elegance Parisiene Monthly Leslie’s Weekly Weekly Les Parisiennes Monthly Liberty Boys of ’76 Weekly Library Journal Monthly Life Weekly Life and Fire Year Book. .. .Yearly Life Association News Life Insurance Monthly... .Monthly Life Insurance News Monthly Liquor Dealers’ Rec., The. .Monthly Liquor, Temp, and Justice. .Weekly L. I. Medical Journal Monthly Lumber Trade Journ. ..Semi-monthly Lumberman Monthly Luther League Monthly Luther League Topics Monthly Machinery Monthly Magpie Monthly Manual of Statistics Yearly Manufacturers’ Journal Monthly Manufacturing Quarterly Marble Workers Monthly Market News Monthly Marine Journal Weekly Martindale Yearly Masonic Standard Weekly McCall Bazar of Fashions. .Monthly McCall Large Catalogue . . . S-Annual J. J. Bagley & Co., Detroit, Mich., manufacture fine=cut and smoking tobacco— union=labeled, of course. i8 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY UNION MAGAZINES AND PERIODICALS.— Continued. McCall Ready Ref. Cata. . S.- Annual McCall’s Magazine Monthly Medical Monthly Medical and Hist. Journal. Quarterly Medical Record Weekly Medical Review Monthly Merchant’s Review W eekly Merck’s Report Monthly Messenger, The Monthly Metal Industry Monthly Metal Worker Weekly Metaphysical Quarterly Metropolitan Monthly Metropolitan Oddfellow Monthly Metrostyle and Themodist Music.. M. Might and Main Weekly Military Journal Semi-Monthly Mining Reporter Weekly Mining Topics Semi-Monthly Modern Mexico Monthly Modern Theatre Monthly Money Saver Monthly Monthly Auction Trade Journal. .M. Morning Telegraph Daily Morning Telegraph Chart Book..M a Mother Earth Monthly Motor Monthly Motor Boat Semi- Weekly Motorcycle, The, Illus Monthly Motor World Weekly M. S. & B. Magazine Monthly Mt. Vernon Leader Weekly Municipal Journal Monthly Munsey Monthly Museum of Nat. History. . .Monthly Musical Age Weekly Musical America Monthly Musical Courier Weekly Musical Courier Extra Weekly Music Trade, The Weekly Music Trades Weekly National Advocate, The. . . .Monthly National Home Jour. The.. Monthly National Provisioner Weekly Navy, Gail and Ax Monthly New Era Monthly Newsdealer, The Monthly Newspaperdom Semi-Monthly New York Age Weekly New York Clipper Weekly N. Y. Life Ins. Journ Semi-M. New York Listy Daily New York Lutheran, The.. Monthly N. Y. Med. Journal Weekly N. Y. Plattdiitsche Post Weekly N. Y. Railroad Club Monthly N. Y. Realty Journal Weekly N. Y. Schwabisches Wochenblatt. W. N. Y. State Jour, of Med.. Monthly New York Times Daily New Yorkin Uutiset Weekly New York Weekly Weekly Nick Carter Weekly North American Review. . . .Semi-M. North American Weekly, The...W. North Bergen Progress. . . .Monthly North Side News Daily Notification Sheet, Dun’s. . .Weekly Observer Weekly Observer, The (Richmond Hill).W. Obstetrics Monthly Ocean, The Monthly Old Dominion Line Pilot. .Monthly Old Sports Weekly Oil, Paint & Drug Reporter. Weekly Olive Trees Monthly One Type at a Time Only, The Semi-Monthly Outlook, The Weekly Optical Journal Monthly Paper Box Maker Monthly Paper Maker Semi-Monthly Paper Mill Weekly Paper Trade Journal Weekly Parish Interests, Our Lady of Lourdes Monthly Paris Modes Fashion Sheet Paris Modes Magazine Monthly Parish House Bulletin, The.Monthly Parish Messenger, The. .. .Monthly Parish News, The Monthly Parish Record Monthly Pearson’s Magazine Monthly Peerless Envy Monthly Peerless Fashion Sheet. . . .Monthly Penman Art Journal Monthly People’s Home Journal. . . .Monthly People’s Magazine, The. .. .Monthly Pharmaceutical Era Weekly Philosopher Monthly Photographer Weekly Photographic T rades Monthly Pickings from Puck .Quarterly Pictorial Review Fashion Sheet.. M. Pictorial Review Magazine. Monthly Pink Book (Financial Age). Monthly Pitman’s Monthly Playground, The Monthly Playthings Monthly Pluck and Luck Weekly Plumbers’ Trade Jour . . . S.-Monthly Pocket List of Ry. Officials. . .Ouar. Police Gazette, The . . , Weekly Popular Magazine, The. . . .Monthly Post Card & Nov. Trade. .Monthly Post Card Dealer Monthly Pottery Gazette, The Monthly Press, N. Y Daily Princeton Tiger, The Monthly Printers’ Ink Weekly Printing Trades’ News Monthly Progress Quarterly Progressive Monthly Monthly Publishers’ Weekly Weekly Puck Weekly Puck’s Monthly Monthly Puck’s Quarterly Quarterly g ueen’s Borough Argus. . .Monthly acing Calendar Weekly Racing Weekly Weekly Railroad Gazette Weekly Railroad & Loco. Engineering. . .M. UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 19 UNION MAGAZINES AND PERIODICALS.— Continued. Railway Maintenance Monthly Real Estate Directory Yearly Real Estate R. & S Weekly Real Est. Rec. of Westchest. Co.W. Record, The Monthly Record and Guide Weekly Recreation Monthly Reference Book, Dun’s Reformed Church, The. . . .Monthly Review, The Weekly Review of Reviews Monthly Richmond Hill Record Weekly Rider and Driver Weekly Roach’s Financial Facts. .. .Weekly Romaanilehti Monthly Royal Cross, The Quarterly Rural New Yorker Weekly Saint Andrew’s Chronicle. .Monthly St. Bartholomew’s Messenger. Quar. Sartorial Art Journal Monthly Satura Quarterly School Weekly School Work Quarterly Scientific Amer. & Supple. .Weekly Scrap Book Monthly Scribner’s Magazine Monthly Seaside Life Weekly Secret Service Weekly Senior Toilette Monthly Settlement Journal Monthly Sheridan’s Men and Women.... M. Shipping Weekly Short Stories Monthly Silver Cross Monthly Sis Hopkins Monthly Smith Gray’s Ways. ..Semi-Monthly Smith’s Magazine Monthly Smoke, The Monthly Snap Shots Monthly Social Register Social Service Monthly Society Weekly Soda Fountain Monthly Solidarity Monthly South America Monthly Southern Investor Monthly Spalding’s Athl. Library ... Monthly Spalding’s Offi. Base Ball Guide.. Y. Spectator, The Weekly Spice Mill Monthly Spirit of Missions, The. .. .Monthly Spring Lake & Lakewood. . .Weekly Standard & Vanity Fair. .. .Weekly Standard UniQn (Brooklyn). .Daily Star, Long Island Daily State Sentinel, The Monthly Stationer Weekly Stevens College Tri-Monthly Street Railway Journal. . . .Monthly Style & Amer. Dressmaker. Monthly Success Magazine Monthly Successful American Quarterly Sun, The Daily Sunday Companion Monthly Sunshine Monthly Sunshine Bulletin Monthly Supply World Monthly Table and Home Quarterly Tales Monthly Tales from Town Topics Quar. Talking Machine World. . .Monthly Tammany Times Weekly Tattler Monthly Tea and Coffee Trade Journal... M. Tea Leaf Monthly Teachers’ Monograph Quarterly Technical Literature Monthly Telegraph Age, The Monthly Telephone Journal Weekly Temperance Quarterly Textile Weekly Theatre Magazine Monthly Theosophical Quarterly Things Chemical Monthly Third Rail Monthly Thomas’ Drug Book Yearly Thomas’ Grocery Book Yearly Thomas’ Hardware Book. . . .Yearly Thomas’ Manufacturers’ Book...Y\ Thomas’ Weekly Review. . . .Weekly Times, N. Y Daily Tip-Top Weekly Tip-Top Quarterly Quarterly Tobacco Weekly Tobacco Journal, U. S Weekly Todd Scrap Book Monthly Tomahawk, The Tousey Libraries Weekly Tourist Educator Monthly Trade Directory (Automobile) . . .Q. Trade Review Tri-Weekly Trained Nurse Monthly Travel Magazine, The Monthly Treasury of Religious Thought.. M. Tribune Daily Trotter and Pacer Weekly Typewriter Topics Monthly Underwood’s Counterfeit Rep.Bi-M. Underwood News Monthly U. S. W. V. Bulletin Weekly Union Magazine, The Weekly Union Printer, N. Y. . Semi- Weekly Universal Engineer Monthly Upholsterer, The Monthly Van Norden Magazine Monthly Variety Weekly Voice of Mission Monthly Voice of the Retail Druggist. .. .M. Volks-Zeitung Daily Volunteers’ Gazette Weekly Wall Street Journal.. Daily Wallpaper News & In. Dec., The.M. Unionists’ wives — who spend the family money — should de= mand the union label. 20 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY UNION MAGAZINES AND PERIODICALS.— Continued. War Cry Weekly Ward, The Monthly Waste Trade Weekly Water and Gas Monthly Water Lily, The Monthly Wayside Tales Monthly Weekly Bull, of Clothing Trade. .W. Weekly Record Weekly Weekly Review, Dun’s Weekly Weekly Underwriter Weekly Westerleigh Union, The .. Quarterly Whittaker’s Bible Class Manual.. Q. Whittaker’s Picture Lessons Q. Whittaker’s Sunday School Les..Q. Whittaker’s Teacher’s Assistant. . Q. Wide-Awake : Weekly Wild West Weekly Wilshire’s Magazine Monthly Wine Press Monthly Woman Monthly Woman’s Own Magazine. . . .Weekly Woman’s Work Monthly Woodcarver Monthly Word, The Monthly Work and Win Weekly Vvorker, The Weekly World, N. Y Daily Young Christian Soldier, The...W. Young Christian Soldier, The....M. Young Soldier Weekly Young Rough Riders Weekly Young Women’s Christian Ass’n.M. Youth’s Temp. Banner, The....M. BOOTS AND SHOES. This stamp is found in the sole or lining of every shoe made by union men. It guarantees that the shoe is not convict or scab made. BOOT AND SHOE WORKERS’ UNION Officers: JOHN F. TOBIN, President. CHAS. L. BAINE, Sec.-Treas., 246 Summer Street, Boston, Mass. Local Officers: Brooklyn — John B. Geary, 1153 Myrtle av. New York — J. Wehneke, 323 E. 68th. Newark — H. B. Fouratt, 18 5th. This is the union re- pair-shop stamp. See that it gets on your shoes when they are be- ing repaired. It shows that the repairer belongs to the union. BROOKLYN Fay Bros 1022 B’way UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 21 BOOTS AND SHOES.— Continued. Retail Stores Selling Union-Stamped Boots and Shoes MANHATTAN & BRONX Adler, S. & J 186 E. 125th Adler, S. & J 106th & 3d av. Barr & Co 3 E. 42d Bates, A. J., & Co 176 Duane Baumoehl, H. M. .88 Amsterdam av. Baumoehl, H. M..145 Amsterdam av. Benedetti Bros. .1247 Amsterdam av. Berkowitz & Meirowitz. . 1569 1st av. Bloom, R 2324 3d av. Boersch, R 65 Grand Burger, Louis 1975 3d av. Coniglio, Vine.. 584 Amsterdam av. Coward, J. S.... 268-274 Greenwich Douglas, W. L. Shoe Co., 250 W. 125 Douglas. . .433 B’way, cor. Howard Douglas 755 B’way, cor. 8th Douglas 853 B’way, cor. 14th Douglas 1349 B’way, cor. 36th Douglas 1447 B’way, cor. 41st Douglas. .. .2202 3d av., cor. 120th Douglas 974 3d av. Douglas. . .2779 3d av., bet. 146-147 Douglas 250 W. 125th Douglas 345 8th av. Douglas 95 Nassau Douglas 356 6th av., cor. 22d. Ellinger, R 1523 3d av. Ellis, S.... Depot sq., White Plains Emanuel, A 1453 2d av. Fantell, S. F 1348 1st av. Frazin & Oppenheim. .6tn av. & 18th Frazin & Oppenheim. .6th av. & 21st Friedenstein & Son, S. . . .574 3d av. Glaser, Alfred 1077 1st av. Goldsand, Henry 1392 3d av. Goldstein, J 848 Columbus av. Greenfield, Phillip 877 8th av. Gruninger, C. F 720 10th av. Harris, A 350 3d av. Hervey, L. E 446 W. 125th Hirsch, Nathan 1838 3d av. Kalm, J 1714 3d av. Kassell, Ed 2598 8th av. Kehoe, Wm., & Son. .167 Greenwich Kirschner, 1 338 E. Houston Klein, M 1808 3d av. Lambert, M 39 Courtlandt Madden, J. J. 2797 3d av. Marks, Benj 2139 8th av. Marks, Harry 2695 3d av. Marx, B 2139 8th av. Marx, H 2695 3d av. Masiello, Jos 1545 3d av. May, A., & Co... 828 Columbus av. McSherry, P. J. ..726 Columbus av. Munnich, Chris 217 Willis av. Oppenheimer, H 1426 1st av. Paul, N. A., & Co 2 Courtlandt Pick, Gus 1334 1st av. Pick, Leopold 1562 2d av. Pick, Mrs. L 1607 1st av. Pincus, P., Railroad av.. White Plains Regent Shoe Store i486 3d av. Reisman, L 748 Columbus av. Reiss, Alex 284 Bowery Ringgold, E., & Co 1142 B’way Rosenfeld, D. S 2161 8th av. Rosenfeld, E 426 3d av. Rothenberg & Co 34 W. 14th Shire, L. D 446 Columbus av. Shire, M. B 1 1 1 Lenox av. Strauss, S 2415 8th av. Topper, Jos 2100 3d av. U. S. Shoe & Leather Co. .167 6th av. Uzkovitz, J 2177 8th av. Waldorf 976 3d av. Waldorf 419 6th av. Waldorf 13 Columbus av. Waldorf 393 8th av. Waldorf 209 Greenwich Waldorf 194 Park row Waldorf 246 Bowery Walk-Over 179 B’way Walk-Over 252 W. 125th Walk-Over 1177 B’way Weinberg, S 165 St. Ann’s av. Wright, W. J 124 W. 125th BROOKLYN Allgaier Bros 715 B’way Baker, H. A 1720 B’way Beck 2051 Fulton Brennan, W. G 303 B’way Byrne 967 Manhattan av. Clark 1567 B’way Damm, Geo. . . 446 Knickerbocker av. Davis, W Fulton & Washington Douglas. . .708 B’way, cor. Thornton Douglas. . 1367 B’way, cor. Gates av. Douglas 421 Fulton, cor. Pearl Douglas 478 5th av. Emerson Shoe Store. .B’way & Bed- ford av. Engel 447 Myrtle av. Fay Bros 1022 B’way Frith 917 Manhattan av. Friedman 302 5th av. Gallegher & Blanly. .3d av., 5ist-52d Greenblatt, L 1159 Myrtle av. Guarantee 2713 Atlantic av. Guggisberg 180 Woodward av. Henke 415 B’way Kemler 1371 B’ wav Markert 609 Grand Meade 139 Myrtle av. Sweet=Orr Overalls are imion=made and are for sale in all sections of the city. 22 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY BOOTS AND SHOES.— Continued. Meyer & Son 301 Grand Meyer & Son 1113 B’way McDougall 149 Myrtle av. McDougall 197 Flatbush av. Morrell Bros 1841 Fulton Morrell Bros 1860-2 Fulton Morrell Bros 929 Fulton Orchard 2693 Atlantic av. Phillips, Geo 817 Myrtle av. Phillips. .47 Jackson av., L. I. City Uzman & Kannofsky 694 B’way Waldorf 764 B’way Waldorf 1419 B’way Waldorf 430 5th av. Waldorf 387 Fulton Waldorf 1187 Fulton Waldorf 21 1 Grand Waldorf 882 Manhattan av. Waldorf 5112 3d av. Walk-Over 565 Fulton Waukease 132 5th av. SHOE POLISH (Label stamped on cover of box.) Douglas, W. L ., & Co.Fulton & Pearl WHITE PLAINS Ellis, Sam Depot sq. Pincus, P Railroad av. “Smart Shop” 25 Oracoaupum Wheeler, E Railroad av. White, suc’r to Cox. .. Railroad av. YONKERS Waldorf 1 Getty sq. ELIZABETH Tuchler Bros 96 Broad Waldorf Broad NEWARK Peabody, T. A., Market, opp. Wash. Waldorf Broad PATERSON Douglas, W. L 192 Market Lowenthal’s 108 Main Waldorf 146 Market PASSAIC Franck Shoe Co. HOBOKEN Waldorf 207 1st JERSEY CITY Douglas, W. L 18 Newark av. vValdorf 132 Newark av. BROOMS. This blue label appears on all union-made brooms and whisk brooms and guarantees that they were not made by convicts in a prison factory. The label is placed under the wire at the finish of the broom and not pasted on. INTERNATIONAL BROOM AND WHISK MAKERS’ UNION Officers: J. M. HOFFMAN, President, 174 Spalding Street, Lockport, N. Y. A. A. BROWER, Sec.-Treasurer, Box 536, Amsterdam, N. Y. Locals and Secretaries: 14. Amsterdam, N. Y. — Geo. Meaker, 55 Union. 21. Lockport, N. Y. — Philip Oxner, 88 Vine. 79. Amsterdam, N. Y. — Albert Gode, 37 Glen av. 88. Rochester, N. Y. — Wm. Brucks, care A. C. Dobbertin. UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 23 BROOMS.- Retail Stores Selling BROOKLYN 77 Atlantic av., cor Hicks 2681 Atlantic av., bet. Vermont & New Hampshire Bath av. & Bay 19th, Bath Beach 120 Bridge, cor. Prospect 359 Broadway, cor. Keep 587 Central av. 805 Coney Island av., bet. Av. C & D 515 Court, cor. 9th 429 Court, nr. 3d pi. 618 DeKalb av., cor. Nostrand av. 108 5th av., cor. Baltic 187 5th av., cor. Berkeley pi. 297 5th av., cor. 2d 401 5th av., cor. 7th 535 5th av., cor. 14th 5801 5th av., cor. 58th 669-671 5th av., cor. 20th 4*7*7 7th av. 370 7th av. 3923 Fort Hamilton av., cor. 40th 1445 Fulton, cor. Tompkins av. 1592 Fulton, opp. Sumner av. 1750 Fulton, nr. Utica av. 1928 Fulton, nr. Ralph av. 2138 Fulton, nr. Rockaway 222 Greenwood av., cor. E. 3d 440 Hicks, cor. Harrison 194 Kmgsland av., cor. Driggs av. 995 Manhattan av., cor. Huron -Continued. Union-Made Brooms 850 Manhattan av., opp. Noble 1085 Manhattan av., cor. Dupont 481 Myrtle av., cor. Hall 648 Myrtle av., cor. Franklin av. 135 Nassau av., cor. Oakland 2*72 Prospect Park West, cor. 17th 220 Reid av., cor. Jefferson av. bx.ore rd., Sheepshead Bay 147 Smith, cor. Bergen 241 Smith, cor. Douglass 121 3d av., cor. St. Marks pi. 476 3d av., cor. 10th 4001 3d av., cor. 46th 5302 3a av., cor. 53d 5623 3d av., cor. 57th 415 Union 359 Van Brunt, nr. Dikeman 638 Wythe av., cor. Wilson Abraham & Straus 420 Fulton Batterman B’way & Graham av. Berlin B’way & Willoughby Deterling Nostrand & Senot Klein waiter 299 Harmon Meyer 416 B’way Price & Rosenbaum. .B’way & Ralph Stubbe 585 Hamburg av. MANHATTAN Bloomingdale 59th & 3d av. Koch, H. C. F., & Co. .132 W. 125th Rothenberg 14th & 6th av. 14th St. Store 14th & 6th av. BRUSHES. This is the label of the Brushmakers’ International Union. You can get it by asking for it. It is on all kinds of brushes but tooth brushes. BRUSHMAKERS’ INTERNATIONAL UNION Officers: M. H. BRADY, President, 1108 Pine Street, St. Louis, Mo. J. M. McELROY, Secretary, 1822 Stiles Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Locals and Secretaries: 2. Peter F. Bischoff, 315 Monastery, W. Hoboken, N. J. 6. Ed. A. Nelson, 140 Oakland, Brooklyn, N. Y. 12. H. Wadsworth, 40 De Witt ave., Belleville, N. J. ^[g' lumoN labeT> MANHATTAN AND BRONX Blumenthal, H 432 E. 71st Gerhardt, C 591 Hudson Kappeler, J. M. ..1038 Stebbins av. Mahler, P., & Sons 299 Pearl Mitchell, E 271 Pearl Nelson, E. A 140 Oakland BROOKLYN Cahill, R 192 Fulton Haurahan, T 2748 Atlantic av. Paterson & Kaufman. 805 Lex’g’n av Ryan, J. M >...111 Grand NEW JERSEY Bischoff, P. F 315 Monastery, West Hoboken Dixon & Caffrey.38 Bergen, Newark Newfeld, O. ..409 Lewis, Union Hill Wadsworth, H 40 De Witt av., Belleville 24 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY BRIDGES AND IRON WORK Should be built by men who wear the button of the INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF BRIDGE AND STRUCTURAL IRON WORKERS Officers: F. M. RYAN, President, J. J. McNAMARA, Sec.-Treasurer, 422-424 American Cen- tral Life Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. Local Lodges, Officers and Meeting Nights: 11. Newark — W. Brown; L. P. Russell, 54 Stradford pi. Friday, 248 Halsey. 35. Brooklyn — John W. Kelly; Robert Hart, 77 So. Fifth. Friday, Arcanum Hall, 407 Bridge. 40. New York — Jeremiah McCarthy; R. B. Davison, 154 E. 54th. Wednes- day, 154 E. 54th. 42. New York — John Worm; Geo. Greger, 307 E. 81st. Tuesday, 1551 2d av. 45. Jersey City — John J. Dolan; A. Bussow, 713 Malone, W. Hoboken. Friday, Hawke’s Hall, 13th and Erie. 52. New York — Chas. Herrschaft; W. Gamble, 1551 2d av. Friday, 243 E. 84th. The union label is the means by which you can help your fellow-workers in other trades. Be sure that you consult the Union Goods Directory before you or your wife sally forth to spend your weekly allowance. J. J. Bagley & Co., Detroit, Mich., manufacture fine=cut and smoking tobacco — union=labeled, of course. UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 25 CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. This is the label of the UNITED BROTHERHOOD OF CARPENTERS AND JOIN- ERS OF AMERICA. WM. D. HUBER, President, FRANK DUFFY, Secretary, P. O. Box 187, Indianapolis, Ind. Business Agents: New York City — L. E. Storey, 248 E. 121st; John J. Towers, 178 East 87th; Konst Eckert, 243 E. 112th; John Rice, 523 W. 50th. Brooklyn— Henry Erickson, 288 Degraw; Jos. Gleason, 60 Georgia av. ; Geo. Hellen, 142 E. 59th; E. Bradley, 585 Hamburger. Bronx — Chas. H. Bausher, 1370 Franklin av. ; Chas. Schratt, 1836 Arthur av. ; Thos. Dalton, 3309 3d av. Long Island City — Jas. Asher, Mill and Concord, Morris Park; Wm. Paw- lowich, 157 15th av. ; Geo. Lynch, 142 E. 59th. Staten Island — Chas. Lange, 81 Gordon, Stapleton. Jersey City — J. R. Burgess, 452 Hoboken av. ; H. Bertolf, 538 Elm, West Hoboken. Elizabeth — J. T. Cosgrove, 843 Elizabeth av. Newark — J. M. McLean, 259 So. 10th; C. C. Mowell, 107 Oraton. Paterson — Krine Englishman, Helvetia Hall, Van Houten. New Rochelle — J. E. Martin, 51 Warren. Rahway — L. A. Springer. White Plains — J. G. Knapp, 4 Baker av. Yonkers — Wm. Wyatte, 179 Ashburton av. Local Unions and Meeting Nights: BRONX STATEN ISLAND 567 — 144 Canal, Stapleton. Mon. 606 — Fink’s Hall, W. New Brigh- ton. Mon. 1388 — Engine House, Huguenot. 2d and 4th Tues. BROOKLYN 12 — 951 Willoughby av. Mon. 32 — 951 Willoughby av. Wed. 109 — 443 Atlantic av. Mon. 126 — 760 Manhattan av. 1st and 3d Wed. 147 — Liberty av. and Wyona. Tues. 175 — 574 Broadway. Wed. 40 — Beck’s Hotel. 1st and 3d Mon. 172 — Masonic Hall, Westchester. Mon. 387 — 639 Van Cortlandt av. Tues. 464 — 2994 3d av. Tues. 478 — 761 E. 166th. Tues. 593 — nth, bet. White Plains rd. & 233d, Williamsbridge. Tues. JAMAICA 613 — Fraternity Hall. Wed. LONG ISLAND CITY 34 — 432 Steinway av. 2d and 4th Tues. The union label means health for the workers* 26 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY CARPENTERS AND JOINERS.— Continued. 247 — Court and State. Mon. 258 — Howard av. & Madison. Mon. 291 — 995 Willoughby av. Mon. 381 — 15 McDougal. Mon. 451 — 315 Washington. Mon. 471 — Fifth av. and Union. Mon. 639 — 53d and 3d av. Mon. 425 — Surf av. and 16th, Coney Island. Tues. MANHATTAN 51 — 183 E. 107th. Mon. 56 — (Parquet Floor Layers) — 240 E. 80th. Wed. 64 — S. E. cor. 48th and 3d av. Mon. 240 — 243 E. 84th. Tues. 285 — (Framers) — 321 E. 73d. Wed. 309- — (Cabinet Makers) — 321 E. 73d. Tues. 340 — 341 W. 47th. Tues. 375 — (Framers) — 243 E. 84th. Tues. 382 — 243 E. 84th. Tues. 457 — 321 E. 73d. Wed. 468 — 149 E. 1 6th. Mon. 473 — Christopher & Hudson. Mon. 476 — (Machine Woodworkers) — 243 E. 84th. Tues. 497 — 243 E. 84th. Mon. 509 — 414 6th av. Mon. 513 — 243 E. 84th. Tues. 575 — (Stairbuilders) — 67th and 3d av. 1st, 3d and 5th Tues. 707 — 240 E. 80th. Mon. 715 — 67 and 69 W. 125th. Mon. 724 — 1032 1st av. Mon. 727 — 98 Forsyth. Mon. 774 — 156 E. 54th. Wed. 1548 — (Butchers’ Fixtures) — 424 W. 49th. Tues. 1565 — 308 E. 113th. Mon. 1717 — 203 E. 56th. Wed. 1747 — 165 E. 125th. Mon. 1790 — (Cabinet Makers) — 84 E. 4th. Wed. Manufacturers of Union-Label Fixtures. BROOKLYN Ballance 80 Wallabout Cobb, Geo. W. . .Willoughby, nr. Ft. Green Pk. Engelhardt, C. W 29 Lawton Furguson, R. B. ..Lee av.-Wallabout Goetz, Jos 102 Engert av. Greiner, J. . . .Dodworth, nr. B’way Heckelmann, A. & M..262 Johnson av. Holler, Jack. ... 15-19 Kosciusko pi. Kirsch, F. J 532 Bushwick av. Lawrence, R.. Ralph & Fairview av., Ridgewood Heights Lindblad & Co West & Java Mortensen, A.. 516-518 Hamilton av. Mulligan, Geo West & Java Pepler & Schefler..5i Washington av Ryan, D 22d & 23d, 3d av. Schwartz, Chas Flushing av. Scott & Co., N. B... 440-442 Adelphi Seaman & Son.. Grand & Myrtle avs. Smith & Son, H.. .256 St. James pi. Staib & Co., W. V..646 Atlantic av. Steingoetter & Co., L. .13-19 Thames Worn & Co., Wm. F 73 George NEW YORK CITY Farrell, Thos 626 10th av. Jackson & Co 10th av., 14th McLean, Jas 510 W. 34th Nilson, J. R 444 W. 14th White, Wm. E. ..Barrow & Hudson WOOD CARVING. INTERNATIONAL WOOD CARVERS’ ASSOCIATION. Officers: JOHN S. HENRY, Secretary, 1220 3d av., New York City. Local Branches, Officers and Meeting Nights: Wood Carvers’ and Modelers’ Association. AUGUST SCHREMPF, President. M. SUSSMAN, Vice-President. AUGUST SCHREIBER, Rec.-Sec’y. GEO. DANITZ, Fin.-Sec’y. FRED HEUN, Treasurer. ADAM SACKS, Serg’t-at-Arms. Meets 1 st, 3d and 5th Friday, Labor Temple, 243 E. 84th St., New York. For list of retailers see Woodworkers. UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 27 CARRIAGES AND WAGONS This is the label of the INTERNATIONAL CARRIAGE AND WAGON WORKERS WM. MACPHERSON, President, 6419 Parnell av., Chicago, 111 . JOHN H. BRINKMAN, Sec.-Treas., 520 6th Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. Locals and Secretaries: 5. New York City — John D. Atherton, 774 Wendover av. 73. New York City — Chas. Zavadil, 1453 1st av. 127. New York City — J. G. Hoehn, 413 E. 87th. 135. Brooklyn — John Bergman, 257 St. Mark’s av. 140. Jersey City — Wm. Koschei, 77 Webster av. 1 5 1. Newark — Fred Jackel, 282 Littleton av. 155. Brooklyn — John A. Clerke, 1202 Decatur. 177. New York City — Chas. Hagen, 111 W. 101st. List of Fair Firms MANHATTAN AND BRONX Babon, Wm 233 E. 80th Barry 28 E. 29th Bolton, F 106 Lawrence Buckler, Julius. . . .1241 Stebbins av. Bunge 1 18 W. 52d Callahan Sons, Edw. ..46th & B’way Carey. .. .66th, 8th & Columbus avs. Cole & Whoop 48 W. 67th Columbia Auto Co 205 W. 80th Continental Stable Co. ..850 7th av. Day & Son 109 7th av. Dieser 112 Stanton Ehrler, Mall 141 W. 33d Eicke & Adams. .39th, ioth-nth avs. Ermice, Keelaut & Co. ..141 E. 23d Fien & Knecht 552 E. 144th Fischer & Bauer 64th & 2d av. Hall, Robert. .. .62d & Madison av. Hammerich 136th & So. Blvd Haug, Charles 62 Grove Herbeck, Chas. E 1395 Av. A Kalla, J. S 71 1 1 st av. Knoeller, Chas 118 E. 63d Kolinski, J 73d & East River Kozlick & Neubauer 451 E. 38th Leimdorf, J 68th & North River Luckosh, John. . . .70th & East River Meyer, George 64th & 2d av. McAuliffe . . 54th, bet. 6th & 7th avs. Moore & Munger 602 W. 52d Mott Haven Carriage Co. New York Journal 504 Water N. Y. Dash & Fender Co. Oleyer, A. ..64th, bet. 2d & 3d avs. Reinhard 133d & Lawrence Rooney & Tierney.. 51st, 6th*7th avs. Roos, John 431 E. 91st Scholz & Taubar 1161 1st av. Scott, Wm W. Houston Seaich, Wm. H 32d & 4th av. united States Dash & Fender Co. Wagner 15th & 9th av. Willis 2 & 4 E. 39th Wood, Fred. R., & Son.. 219 W. 19th BROOKLYN Bolzner, Charles 317 Covert Burkley, J... Cypress av., nr. Cooper Burger, Landolin. . .255 Johnson av. Culver, William. ...1147 DeKalb av. Habersham Bros 64 Bedford av. Hof & Hickman. .Grand, nr. New- town Creek Keirath, Chris St. Nicholas av. nr. Myrtle Kistner, August 1758 Fulton Klotzback, H.. Cypress av., nr. Myrtle Matheis, Hy., & Son.. 41 Central av. Meyer, Harry 1147 DeKalb av. Scholl, Anton 405 Flushing av. Schwenk, John.. 1140 Willoughby av. Silver, successor to Votteler Bros., Knickerbocker av. & Ingraham Sior, Henry 245-247 Floyd Sonleiter, Lorenz 175 Grove 28 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY CEMENT WORKERS. This is the emblem of the AMERICAN BROTHERHOOD OF CEMENT WORKERS Officers: ALFRED TRACY, President, i oo i 38th Street, Brooklyn. HENRY ULLNER, Sec.-Treasurer, 1122 Market Street, San Francisco, Cal. Locals and Secretaries: 13. Newark — Frank Zmiyka, 232 Springfield av. 18. Astoria — J. L. Kirley, 1 Woolsey av. 34. New York City — Martin Goellnitz, 316 E. 63d. 67. Bronx — Carl Krukowski, 438 E. 181st. CLOTH HATS AND CAPS. This is the only genuine label of the UNITED CLOTH HAT & CAP MAKERS OF NORTH AMERICA Officers: MAX ZUCKERMAN, Secretary, M. HALZSAGER, Organizer, 62 E. 4th Street, New York. Retail Stores Selling Union-Made Caps NEW YORK CITY The Surprise Store.. 138- 146 W. 14th The Surprise Store.... 3d av. & 83d The Surprise Store. . 523-529 8th av. Corn 549 8th av. Doniger Bros 21 W. 4th Fox & Lederer 27 E. 23d Landesdorff 9 E. 4th Rosen & Goldstein. .. .65 W. B’way Sachman 554 Hudson Seigel 25 E. 4th Simonson, Lichtenstein & Pechner, 34 W. 4th Walner & Son 208 Wooster BROOKLYN Barnett 661 Myrtle av. Bay 1025 Flushing av. Hershaft 691 B’way Shick 362 Knickerbocker av. Bush & Gerts pianos bear the union label. Write for cata= log. Bush Temple, Chicago. UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 29 CIGARS. This label is an emblem of cleanliness, honest labor and fair wages . When you take a cigar from a box bearing the blue label you know that it was made by union men in clean fac- tories. The label does not appear on cigars made in tenement houses. Look for the blue union label. Ask for union-made cigars. CIGAR MAKERS’ INTERNATIONAL UNION OF AMERICA iy Auuomy ot ths Mawf . __ Union-made Cigars. j-.'Weu'a ,( [„ hosxjmtijw r-i amuc/l mumk rw , y tv /*•»>«; Officers: G. W. PERKINS, President, 820 Monon Bldg., Chicago. GIBSON WEBER, Treasurer, 1704 Gratz Street, Station C, Philadelphia, Pa. Local Unions and Secretaries: NEW YORK CITY 13. H. Michaels, 1487 5th av. 87. Jas. Orr, 1309 Bedford av., B’klyn. 90. Ad. Groelinger, 241 E. 84th. 1 01. G. Longo, 553 Hancock, L. I. City. 132. T. Billingheimer, 19 1 Reid av., B’klyn. 141. I. Wodicka, 321 E. 73d. 144. M. Brown, 190 Bowery. 149. E. Fay, 404 Ralph, B’klyn. John Cesser, 235 Linden, B’klyn. 213. H. Vital, 433 80th. J. C. Hilsdorf, 246 1st av. 251. C. L. Lindlau, 208 E. 81st. 292. T. E. Silvester, 1258 Decatur, B’klyn. 448. M. Parez, 166 E. 107th. NEW JERSEY 3. H. Walther, 370 Main, Paterson. W. A. Cook, 28 Washington, Paterson. 8. W. Oakley, 45 Columbia av., Hoboken. M. Schuencke, 111 Park av., Hoboken. 1 1 7. A. E. Hangs, 12 1 South, Orange. 131. H. Huish, 197 Olean av., Jersey City. 138. H. F. Hilfers, 68 So. Orange av., Newark. 147. L. Paulsen, 205 Bergenline av., Union Hill. 234. H. Delius, 8th, No. Bergen. Retail Stores Selling Union-Made Cigars MANHATTAN AND BRONX Ahner, F 2420 Lorillard Andrle 418 E. 72d Barth 168 Bowery Bartles & Whiteley 120 3d av. Carrieri, A 504 E. 171st Cooper Lunch Counter.. 15 Bible H’s Cohen, N 71 Cooper sq. Cook Cigar Store 98 7th av. Drake, W. F 188 West End av. Gilberg Bros 51 1 Lenox av. Glen Island Hotel. .Courtland & West Hanson Bowery & Rivington Helm, B 8th av. & 14th Houkm....8th av., bet. 17th & 18th Joe’s Restaurant 7 3d av. Katz & Meyer 136^ Newark Kamiouer, S 56 E. 8th Lelyveld, J 1444 5th av. Litvock 541 Lenox av. Liebman, J 201 W. 125th Mermelstein, J 533 Lenox av. Miller, J 662 3d av. Nogeli, F 482 Lenox av. Plunkett’s Sons, Thos ....22 Bowery Rahmann, C 163 7th Rand & Frach 3853 3d av. Rumler 692 3d av. Saqui’s 775 Tremont av. Schaefer, J 158 W. 19th Schaefer, J 315 E. 34th 30 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY CIGARS. — Continued. Serveiss, H 547 3d av. Sprung, A. H ‘2702 3d av. Union Store 203 E. 23d Union Cigar Store.. 1702 Madison av. Worthacker, J 192 8th av. Wallach 124 E. 14th Weissman, Geo 468 Lenox av. Weinberg & Fresco.... 81 Park row Wessell, Geo 844 Columbus av. BROOKLYN Barend, S 282 Bedford av. Ferd’s Cigar Store.. 1201 Myrtle av. Flanzenbaum, D 500 7th av. Jones & Davis 249 Washington Klein, Herman 397 5th av. Wehmann, C..Reid av. & Van Brunt PATERSON Morgan, C. W 153 u way NEWARK Arbuckle & Co 106 Bleeker Arndt, Julius 75 Baldwin Axt, Fred 97 South 8th Bedford, F 51 Columbia Baechlin, Oscar 122 Parker Bergman, Jos.... 357 Springfield av. Bach, Fred 287 Wallace Bruns, Wm 508 So. Orange av. Buchert, Geo 366 15th av. Buchert, Peter 666 Bergen Bruns, Gerhart. .. .286 W. Kinney Binder, A 98 Ferguson Brauns, Martin 12 1 Quitman Beike, Henry 396 Walnut Boehm, Barbara 835 So. 16th Carris, Sol 64 Belleville av. Danielson, Herman 95 Ferry Dilly, Louis 95 Bank Dietz, D., Sr.... 109 Springfield av. Duffy, James 32 So. 21st Ellbrecht, H., Sr 179 13th av. Eskin, Chas 382 Broad Englert, P. 0 481 So. nth Freudenthal & Adler. . . .278 Market Finn, Benedict. .. 364 Springfield av. Friedeberg, B 22 Academy Frenchman Sons 71 Mulberry Fernau, Henry 497 So. nth Fleishman, I.. 435 Broad Frank & Son 497 Broad Frankfurter, J 40 Blum Franz, J 803 E. 161st Fritz, Harry.... 236 Springfield av. Glutting, Adam.. 1 89 So. Orange av. Glutting, J. G. . . .154 Bloomfield av. Gross Bros 139 Mulberry Gutman, Morris 492 So. 12th Geisheimer, Her. F 252 Orange Guth, H 388 Grove, Irvington Gahr, Jacob 116 Hamburg pi. Gutchke, Aug 69 Holland Gurley, Dan 389 So. Orange av. Hildebrand, E 257 Belmont av. Hock, Jos 302 15th av Hahn, Louis 580 So. nth Herzberg, H....166 Bloomfield av. Hilfers, Fred i 8 j 4 Holland Hemhauser, J 375 So. 6th Hedden, A 169 Orange Habich, F 59 Ridgewood av. Juengling, E 20th, Irvington Joest, A., Sr 605 So. nth Jaeckel, R 786 So. 14th Jahn, W 159 Ferry Kronenberger, J 33 Darcy Kraft, J 37 Beacon Luz, F. L., & Co 14 Green Lyons, Abe 304 Market Luttchau, W....675 Springfield av. Mueller, Frank.... 35 Hamburg pi. Mintz, 0 200 Bruce Matt, Edw 850 Summer av. Monis, Samuel 225 Ferry Miller, Geo 25 Magnolia Mellon, Wm 96 Sussex av. McDonough, W 42 Peat Mayer, David 498 Market Nadel, Samuel 56 Beacon Nadel, H., Cigar Co... 103 Wallace Neirmaier, A 415 So. 6th Ott & Kull 105 Hunderton Piche, Geo 322 Washington Pfaff, J. & A 33 Dickerson Pape, Emil 251 Elm Perment, F 165 Hamburg pi. Puelm, W 160 13th av. Pulaski, F., 126 Harrison av., Har- rison, N. J. Rosen, H 855 Broad Rittershoeffer, J 228 16th av. Roth, H. W 217 Milford av. Rosenthal, J 44 Jones Stone, H 184 Market Stumm, N 416 Lafayette Schneider, R 132 Wickliffe Sleight & Schmidt. ... 14 Arlington Solky, M 72 Howard Sobel, M 187 Spruce Schweitzer, G 7 Mulberry Serbe, F n Bowery Sauter, W 57 Avon pi. Saul, J. A 69 Stone Schweikert, A 118 Bragaw Spahn, H 5 Beacon Schroeder, Aug. .397 So. Orange av. Sager, LI 133 Springfield av. Saul, G. A 149 Spruce Sheid, Chas 126 Wright Schmitt, John 63 Pierce Thier, Peter 451 Springfield av. Vanderhoven, C 272 15th av. Waldheim, C.164 Elm, Arl’ton, N. J. Weberbauer, F 340 Bergen Woehler, C 637 So. 10th Wakefield, J 172 South Wedel, M 420 So. 7th Weigand, J 175 William Zwipf, H., Sr 40 Magnolia UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 3i CLERKS. No store is a union store unless this card is on display. This means just what it says. RETAIL CLERKS’ INTERNATIONAL PROTECTIVE ASSO= CIATION Officers: H. J. CONWAY, President, Chicago. MAX MORRIS, Sec.-Treasurer, Denver. Local Unions and Meeting Nights: 97. New York City — 12 St. Mark’s pi., 2 d and 4th Tuesday. 496. New York City — 154 E. 54th, 2d and 4th Sunday. 1057. New York City — 197 Lexington av., 1st and 3d Monday. New York City — 124th near 3d av., 1st and 3d Monday. 624 — Mt. Vernon. 598 — Yonkers. 1074 — Stapleton, S. I. 768 — Newark, N. J. 806 — Newark, N. J. 990 — Jersey City, N. J. 1 1 12 — Hoboken, N. J. 574 — Orange, N. J. The Following Stores Employ Union Clerks MANHATTAN AND BRONX Bauman 118th & 3d av. Cailan 121st & 3d av. Casey Bros 10th av. & 42d Cowperthwaite & Sons.. Park av.-i25th East India Tea Co. ..54th & 3d av. Jacobson’s 118th & 3d av. Jordan, Moriarty & Co... 15^ E. 23d Lucos Bros ....124th & 3d av. Ludwig Baumann & Co. .8th av.-35th Lennon & Meyers 151 E. 23d 414 Amsterdam av. 484 Amsterdam av. 495 Amsterdam av. 1420 Amsterdam av. 817 Amsterdam av. 900 Amsterdam av. 1775 Amsterdam av. 1262 Amsterdam av. 32 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY A GOOD many people do not know that the Egg-O-See Cereal Company is the only cereal food concern that has the official label of the Cereal Workers’ Union of America upon the boxes containing its products. The factories of this company, at Quincy, 111., and Buffalo, N. Y., are models of cleanliness. Their employees are healthy, happy and well-paid, and are enthusiastic in their praise of the fair conditions under which they work. Not only does this firm place the union label on its cereal products, but it ALSO uses the printers’ union label on its printing, and the lithographers’ union label on its lithographic work. The success of the Egg-O-See Company has been phenomenal, due to their fair treatment, both of employees and the buying public. More Egg-O-See is sold to-day than any other cereal food in America. Every time you purchase a package of Egg-O-See, you do three things: First, you boost unionism; second, you knock Post, the union hater; third, you get the best cereal food on the market. See their advertise- ment on the second page of cover. Let us practise what we preach, and thus help those who help us. When purchasing, mention Union Goods Directory. UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 33 CLERKS. — Amsterdam av. & 67th 985 Columbus av. 79 Canal 902 Columbus av. 337 Lenox av. 458 Lenox av. 76 Manhattan av. 929 Teller av. 705 Tremont av. 1034 Westchester av. 179 Willis av. 282 Willis av. 562 2d av. 657 2d av. 2047 3d av. 1881 3d av. 2174 5th av. 2071 8th av. 2266 8th av. 2390 8th av. 2515 8th av. 2652 8th av. 2721 8th av. 2788 8th av. 330 9th av. 450 9th av. 721 9th av. 792 10th av. 851 10th av. YONKERS Roftes 10 Main JERSEY CITY Greene, J. W., & Co., Grove & R.R. av BROOKLYN 77 Atlantic av., cor. Hicks 2681 Atlantic ave., bet. Vermont & New Hampshire 120 Bridge, cor. Prospect 359 Broadway, cor. Keep 515 Court, cor. 9th 429 Court, near 3d pi. 618 DeKalb av., cor. Nostrand av. 108 5th av., cor. Baltic 187 5th av., cor. Berkley pi. 297 5th av., cor. 2d 401 5th av., cor. 7th Continued. 534 5th av. 535 5th av., cor. 14th 669-671 5th av., cor 20th 4105 Fort Hamilton av., nr. 41st 1445 Fulton, cor. Tompkins av. 1592 Fulton, opp. Sumner av. 1750 Fulton, nr. Utica av. 1928 Fulton, nr. Ralph av. 2138 Fulton, nr. Rockaway 222 Greenwood av., cor. E. 3d 448 Hicks, nr. Harrison 194 Kingsland av., cor. Driggs av. 995 Manhattan av., cor. Huron 850 Manhattan av., bet. Cayler & Greenpoint av. 1085 Manhattan av., cor. Dupont 84 Myrtle av. 481 Myrtle av., cor. Hall 648 Myrtle av., cor. Franklin av. 135 Nassau av., cor Oak 272 Prospect Park West, cor. 17th 220 Reid av., cor. Jefferson av. 147 Smith, cor. Bergen 241 Smith, cor. Douglas 1 21 32 8th av., cor. 141st 2721-3 8th av., nr. 145th 2788 8th av., cor. 148th 330 9th av., cor. 29th 450 9th av., cor. 35th 721 9th av., cor. 49th 792 10th av., cor. 53d 438 10th av., bet. 34th & 35th 851 10th av., cor. 56th 414 Amsterdam av., cor. 80th 484 Amsterdam av., nr. 84th 595 Amsterdam av., cor. 89th 817 Amsterdam av., cor. 100th 900 Amsterdam av., cor. 104th 1262 Amsterdam av., nr. i22d 1420 Amsterdam av., cor. 130th 1741 Amsterdam av., nr. 146th 1775 Amsterdam av., cor. 148th 2095 Amsterdam av., cor. 164th 836 Columbus av., 101st 902 Columbus av., nr. 104th 985 Columbus av., bet. 108th & 109th Lenox av., 127th 337 Lenox av., 127th 458 Lenox av., cor. 133d 76 Manhattan, near Amsterdam av. 929 Teller av., cor. i62d 465 Tremont av., Wash.-Park avs. 705 Tremont av., cor. Park 410 E. 138th, nr. Willis av. 2521 Webster av., cor. Fordham rd. 1002 Westchester av., bet. 156th & Union av. 179 Willis av., cor. 136th 282 Willis av., cor. 139th FURS. This is the label of the ITERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FUR WORKERS OF THE 'IITED STATES AND CANADA Officers: HUGO V. KOCH, President, 600 St. Anthony av., St. Paul, Minn. A. V. McCORMACK, Sec.-Treas., P. O. Box 124, Toronto, Ont., Can. irther information will appear in the next number. UNION MADE The union label makes for an eight=hour day, 42 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY STEAM FITTING. INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF STEAM, HOT WATER, AND POWER PIPE FITTERS AND HELPERS. Officers: JOHN RIEGERT, President, Maplewood, St. Louis Co., Mo. W. F. COSTELLO, 118 Crown, New Haven, Conn. Business Agents: i. New York City — Samuel Richardson, 257 E. i22d. 1. Brooklyn — Jas. Roach, 48 Prospect. 1. New Jersey — Thos. J. Wheelan, 232 E. 89th, New York City. 37. Newark — P. E. Crowe, 108 Market. 40. Newark — B. Vanvalkenburgh, 236 Washington. 80. New York City — Jas. J. Nugent, Brevoort Hall, 154 E. 54th. 80. New York City — Wm. P. Kennealty, Brevoort Hall, 154 E. 54th. Local Branches, Officers and Meeting Nights: 1. New York City — J. J. Fitzgerald, 410 W. 29th. Friday, Hawbeek Hall, 147 E. 53d- 23. Jersey City — Jos. P. Mulligan, 301 Montgomery. 1st and 3d Thurs., Franklin Hall, Montgomery and Warren. 37. Newark — Geo. Martin, 13 Rowland. Monday, Heifrecht’s Hall, 108 Market. 39. Yonkers — J. D. Phillips, 143 Buena Vista av. 1st and 3d Friday, 21 B’way. 40. Newark — Louis Purdy, 54 Ellicott. Thursday, Electrical Workers’ Hall, 236 Washington. 42. Perth Amboy — N. J. Hanson, 650 State. 1st and 3d Tuesday, Dana Hall. 57. Mount Vernon — F. B. Anderson, 315 So. 8th av. 2d and 4th Friday, Labor Lyceum. 67. Paterson — Jas. Cosgrove, 115 Spruce. 80. New York City — Michael Mann, 226 1st av. Tuesday, Brevoort Hall, 154 E. 54th. The Typographical Union has scored a clean victory in its fight for the eight-hour day, although opposed by a vast combination of capitalists. To win that fight cost the union $3,000,000, the money being raised by assessment among its members. The strug- gle lasted eighteen months. Many would probably suppose that it left the union exhausted, at the end of its resources. Instead it left it more powerful financially and numerically than ever before, and the members were prepared to continue the struggle indefi- nitely. The capitalists who fought the printers were the only real sufferers . — Schenectady Leader. A well-established union label — the flag of the American union. UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 43 CLOTHING FOR MEN. Ready-Made. — This label is machine-stitched on ready-made clothing , overalls , shirts , duck wear, flannel wear and other clothing. Special Order. — This label appears on made-to-order men } s clothing. It is sewed on inside pockets of coat and vest, and in hip pockets of trousers. UNITED GARMENT WORKERS OF AMERICA Officers: T. A. RICKERT, President, Room 418, 275 La Salle Street, Chicago. B. A. LARGER, Secretary, Rooms 116-117 Bible House, New York. Locals and Meeting Nights: NEW YORK CITY Buttonhole Makers’ Union; office, 62 Pitt. Children’s Jacket Makers’; office, 437 Grand; meets every Wednesday. Children’s Jacket Pressers’; 62 Pitt. Meets every Wednesday. Knee Pants Makers’; 73 Ludlow. Meets every Friday. Pants Makers’ Union; 62 Pitt. Meets every Wednesday. Basters’ Union; 63 Ludlow. Meets every Tuesday. Pressers’ Union; 21 Suffolk. Meets every Thursday. Clothing Cutters’; 2d av. & 1st. Meets every Friday. Clothing Cutters’; 761 E. 166th. Meets every Friday. Vest Makers’; 98 Forsyth. Meets every Friday. BROOKLYN Children’s Jacket Makers’; 43 Manhattan av. Meets every Friday. Pants Makers’; 26 Manhattan av. Meets every Wednesday. Coat Tailors and Pressers; 113 Moore. Meets every Friday. Tailors and Pressers; 1817 Pitkin av. Meets every Tuesday. Clothing Cutters; 951 Willoughby av. Meets every Wednesday. Tailors’; 101-103 Grand. Meets every Wednesday. Lithuanian Pressers; 73 Grand. Meets 1st and 3d Wednesday. Pressers; 53 Morrell. Meets every Wednesday. Pants Makers’; 36 Morrell. Meets every Monday. Pants Makers’; 1711 Pitkin av. Meets every Wednesday. List of Fair Clothing Manufacturers NEW YORK Brand Bros Carhartt, H Aarons & Co., Adolph.. 104 Bleecker Cohen, Son & Co.., Adler Bros 1566 B’way Collin & Zucker Appelt & Herbst 39 E. 12th Cosel Clothing Co. Baum & Co 20 Waverly pi. Ehrman & Stern., . .568 B’way 79 E. 130th . . . .35 Bond . . .25 E. 4th . .687 B’way 44 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY CLOTHING FOR Ernst & Juawrence. Hays, Levi & Co no 5th av. Hoffman, Rothchild & Co.. 568 B’way Kaim, H 118 W. 130th Levy & Schattman Levy & Friedenthal. . . . 181 Mercer Loewenstein & Bro 428 B’way Manheim, M. L. Marcowitz Pants Co. Newman, Sol 590 B’way Peck & Co 822 B’way Roggen & Eisenstein. . . 43 E. B’way Rose & Co 405 B’way MEN. — Continued. Schattman Bros 6 Gt. Jo Shiller & Sons Shattman & Kraker....30 Lafay< Sweet, Orr & Co 819 B’\ Tobias & Mendelson. .382 Lafay< Union Overall Co. Weigent & Co 21 E. Hous Yale Pants Co 830 B’> PATERSON, N. J. Levi, Jacob, & Co. Simon & Cohen Retail Dealers in Union-Made Overalls MANHATTAN AND BRONX The Surprise Store.. 138- 146 W. 14th The Surprise Store. . . .3d av. & 83d The Surprise Store. . 523-529 8th av. Bernheim & Co 127th & 3d av. Cairns, Wm 2869 Webster av. Cohn, Max 112-113 South Fistere, Jos 288 Hudson Gutman, B 2233 3d av. Hervey, L. E 414-416 W. 125th Infeld, Wm 189 Greenwich Jacobs, J 56 E. 125th Johnson, A. V. King & Boyle.. 97th & Columbus av. Lang, S 88-90 Bowery Levey, S. D 1320 3d av. Loaiza, W., & Co 54-5^ Broad Morrison Bros 285 Hudson Siegel-Cooper Co 6th av. & 19th Sinsheimer, Z 742 Tremont av. Spaulding, A. G., & Bro.. .29 W. 42d Tichenor, N. B 350 B’way Weinstein, D 2493 3d av. BROOKLYN Altman Bros. . . Alzamora & Co Burden & Co Derx, Martin Kohser, E. L 1319 B’ 1 Lipshitz, M 368 5th Nicholdson, J 646 Gates Rowgow, D. I., & Co.. 1019 Manhat Sternmeyer, Henry 913 B’ Wald, J. M 1019 Manhattan ASTORIA Marks & Co 137-139 ^ FLUSHING Fuerst, W. S 53 3 V JAMAICA Friedman, E. ..39 Borden av., X Monroe, E Jamaica, I Saperstein, I. ..297 Fulton st., I Schweikart, G. .35 Vernon av., I STATEN ISLAND Bodine, J., & Son Elm 1 Egbert, Geo. L Tompkins Isaacs, M. M W. New Brig Mord, A Cli Mord, M New Brig! Ransen, Louis. . . .Mariners Ha Tompkins, Robt. J. . Port Richn Weisburg, Hy Port Richrr 1952 Fulton 1731 B’way 783 Manhattan av. 693-695 B’way Retail Dealers in Union-Made Clothing MANHATTAN AND BRONX The Surprise Store. .138-146 W. 14th The Surprise Store. . . .3d av. & 83d The Surprise Store. .523-529 8th av. Bernheim Co 37th & B’way Bernheim Co 127th & 3d av. 14 th Street Store Gumpel & Son 533 8th av. Gumpel & Son 767 8th av. Gumpel & Son 251 6th av. Gumpel & Son 2314 3d av. Gumpel & Son 2290 3d King Bros Bowery near Ble Lafayette Clothing Co., 143d & 3 Maxim Clothing Co. ..146th & 3c Morris Clothing Co. ..i52d & 3d Joseph Clothing Co. ..129th & 3c Rickards^ Co 4 2 3 6th Rosenstein, Tremont av, bt. 3d S Star Clothing Co. ...148th & 3d Tobias, Wm 2236 3d Union House $ply Co., 151st & 3 S. 4th av., Mt. Ve: White Rolls Cigarettes are strictly union=made and bear union label. UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 45 NEW FALL AND WINTER FASHIONS «T THE SURPRISE STORE New goods are coming in daily from our factory. All the latest and most approved fashions are repre- sented; every new fabric and every new pattern is included. The vari- eties are practically unlimited and every garment is made up under our own direct supervision and sold at the lowest possible prices. Very Fashionable Winter Suits and Overcoats for Men, $5, $7.50, $10, $12, $15, $20 These groups of Men’s Suits and Overcoats comprise every new and proper model, in plain effects and every rich pattern in every new color tone. All made up in the very lat- est fashions and tailored by the most capable craftsmen, and guaranteed in every respect. Boys’ Winter Knee Pant Suits $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, $4, $5 Boys’ Heavy Winter Overcoats $2.50, $3, $3.50, $4, $5 THE SURPRISE STORE’S DOUBLE GUARANTEE BINDS EVERY SALE Should any purchase for any rea- . son fail to please, the money is at ' ' once returned or the goods cheer- ^ fully exchanged. All clothing i bought at The Surprise Store is pressed and kept in good repair for one year free of charge. WATCH FOR OUR WEEKLY SURPRISE SPECIAL SALES IN THE FRIDAY EVENING JOURNAL FOUR STORES 523-529 8th Ave. Between 36th And 37th Sts. 138*146 West 14th St. Between 6th And 7th Aves N.W.Cor.3d Ave And 83d St. One Block From L Station. i When purchasing, mention Union Goods Directory. 46 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY CLOTHING FOR BROOKLYN Fields & Co 5022 3d av. McKeon, J. S 103 B’way JERSEY CITY Arnold Co 40 Newark av. Harris Clothing Co Yonkers Geo. H. Horton, Yonkers & Tarryt’n Edson Lewis, Yonkers & Mt. Vernon MEN. — Continued. A. Rabinowitz Port Chester H. Hirschbich Port Chester I. Goldberg Port Chester S. Kaiser & Bro Port Chester Paul Pinens White Plains Sam. Ellis White Plains Gordon Bros White Plains S. Baum New Rochelle A. Weiner New Rochelle H. Abrams New Rochelle S. Margules Mamaroneck LADIES’ WEAR. This is the label of the INTERNATIONAL LADIES’ GARMENT WORKERS’ UNION. Officers: MORTIMER JULIAN, Pres., J. A. DYCHE, Sec.-Treas., 25-27 Third av., New York. Local Unions, Officers and Meeting Nights: 11. Brooklyn — Thatford and Pitkin avs. ; Monday. 1. New York City — 96 Clinton; Tuesday. 9. New York City — 96 Clinton; Tuesday. 35. New York City — 62 Pitt; Saturday. 17. New York City — 96 Clinton; Monday. 23. New York City — 96 Clinton; Thursday. 12. New York City — Univ. Settlement Bldg.; Thursday. Clothing Firms Using Above Union Label. MASSACHUSETTS Gardner, Mrs Brockton Eastern Skirt Co Boston Godstein, Wolf Boston 4 * CO CO 00 CO cn * ^39/^ueO BY AUTHOftfTY OF _ Ga!>MENT" 0RKERs GLOVES. This label will be found stamped on inside of dress gloves and cotton label stitched on inside of working gloves. INTERNATIONAL WuftHLGlOVEW0RKt fts / OF AMERICA. I UNION LABEL) GLOVE WORKERS’ UNION AMERICA Officers: President, AGNES NESTOR, Sec.-Treasurer, Room 506, Bush Temple of Music, Chicago, 111 . OF REGIST-VtRED UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 47 GLOVES.— Continued. Retail Stores Selling Union-Made Gloves NEW YORK CITY Finegold & Spera 66 1 3d av. Finkelstein, I. 780 7th av. Frank, B 702 3d av. Frank, N 155 E. 42d Goldman, E 138 E. 42d Guarantee Cloth. Co. .127th & 3d av. Hermanson, H 554 Morris av. Infeld, Wm 189 Greenwich Isaacs, A 188 Bowery Isaacs, Wm 86 Bowery Lion Store, The 2777 3d av. Loewy, R 2723 3d av. Rosenberg, J. ...101 Amsterdam av. Rosenberg, L 1718 1st av. Rosenstein & Co., M. ..2787 3d av. Stern, L. B 1094 3d av. Stodola, J 149 Willis av. NEWARK Simons, A. L 229 Market Smith, H. N 214 Market JERSEY CITY Stevens, G. A 72 Newark av. LONG ISLAND CITY Friedman, E 31 Borden av. Schweikert, G 35 Vernon av. Taft Bros Jackson av. & 4th Men’s Dress Gloves. Bissell 1640 Madison av. Bower 12 E. 42d Coiter 3225 3d av. Hoos 2976 3d av. Kurzman 60th & Columbus av. Mechanic Bros 3300 3d av. Millhauser 5 William Toncada 8 Astor House Veir 2995 3d av. Women’s Gloves. Union Glove Co., 65 Columbia, Utica Men’s Working Gloves. Goldberg 2373 3d av. Goldmann, E., 42d (Lex. & Park av.) Guarantee.. 127th & 3d av. Hackett, Carhart. .. 125th & Park av. Isaac 86 Bowery Posner 283 Hudson av. Stodola 149 Willis av. GRANITE CUTTERS GRANITE CUTTERS’ INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA Officers: THOS. JOHNSTON, President, JAS. DUNCAN, Sec.-Treasurer, Hancock Bldg., Quincy, Mass. Granite Firms Employing Union Men NEW YORK Baird, Matthew 433 E. 92d Booth Bros B’way, Fulton Brown-Pirie. . 135th, Mott Hav. Can. Caterson, R. .. .Woodlawn Cemetery Catulla & Co., R. ..Woodlawn Cem. Cosgrove Bros. ..57th, North River Davey Morgan Park av.*i35th Dutton, J. E Greenpoint av. Emmett-McConnell .... i4oth-5th av. Havender, O... Woodlawn Cemetery Haran, P. M Kings Co. Herow Granite Co. .Willow & Cy- press avs., 133d Hynes, Jno Bond & Union Bush & Gerts pianos bear the union label. Write for cata- log. Bush Temple, Chicago. 48 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY GRANITE CUTTERS— Continued. Keller, . H Woodlawn Cemetery Lazzari-Barton..Woodlawn Cemetery McGrath & Co., M. .8ist, E. End av. Neary & Sons Co., P., Greenpoint av Orr Bros Review av. Penney-Bunt. . . .So. Boulevard, nr. Brook av. Perry Stone Co 14th, E. River Rodgers, J. C.... 155th & Ams. av, Ryan Parker Cons. Co., Riverside D. Smith & Co., Jos 428 E. 23d White Granite Co. .West av., Pigeon BROOKLYN Arnold, W. R., 56 Milton, Greenp’t Benvenue Gran. Co., Greenpoint av. Bermel, F Lutheran Cemetery Bonori, B Calvary Cemetery Clancy Bros Calvary Cemetery Cosgrove, Jno Kings Co. Dunn, Patrick... .Calvary Cemetery Goldener, R Calvary Cemetery Hall, A. J Kings Co. Hall, Thos Kings Co. Kearns Bros Calvary Cemetery Kelly, Wm Kings Co. Kusterko, Albert Kings Co. Leighton-Turner Kings Co. McKenna, A Calvary Cemetery Murray & Sons, A. ..Calv. Cemetery Rowans, Chas. . . .Calvary Cemetery Ryan, Jas Kings Co. Vollmer, Henry Kings Co. Walsh, Jos. F Kings Co. Wanek, Thos Kings Co. MASPETH, L. I. Adler & Sons HOBOKEN Couch, Thos 15th ASTORIA Dyer & Son, J. N. GLASSWARE, ETC. This is the label of the AMALGAMATED GLASS WORKERS’ INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION Officers: WM. FIGOLAH, Secretary, 55 No. Clark, Chicago, 111 . Local Unions, Officers and Meet- ing Nights: 36. E. J. Connell, Pres.; H. G. Deitz, Sec., 244 Grove, Brook- lyn. 2d and 4th Monday, 235 E. 57th. Art Glass and Hard Metal Firms Employing Union Labor and Retailing its Output . NEW YORK CITY Castle-London Co., M. ..133 W. 24th Church Glass & Dec. Co.. 28 W. 30th Colgate Art Glass Co., 8 Gansevoort Cornell, C. J 156 W. 23d Cornell & Co., J. C. ..401 W. 124th Decor. Glass Co. .46 Wash. sq. So. Dodge, R 102 E. 25th Dougherty, J 435 W. B’way Duffner-Kimberly Co 11 W. 32d Duryea- Potter 534 W. 58th Durhan, G 105 E. 59th Geissler, R 56 W. 8th Grimm, A. C 155 E. 23d Hamilton, G 426 W. B’way Handel Co 64 Murray Harris Bros.. Cor. Globe, Westch. av. Heinigke-Bowen 24 E. 13th Hillenbrand, E. F 312 W. 34th UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 49 GLASSWARE, ETC.— Continued. Lamb, J. & R 23 6th av. g uinn, J. F 2192 B’way ae & Co., G 173 Prince Rawle, M 1605 B’way Sellers, B 80 Bible House Spiers, R. W 859 6th av. Tiffany Studios. .. .347 Madison av. Walter, C., Jr 687 Jackson av. BROOKLYN Arnold-Locke. ... Pineapple & Fulton Buck, 0 6 Hudson pi. Hansleiter & Co., J 182 Fulton Jones Dec. Co., F Hudson av., Concord Keller, J 1050 B’way Lamb, M. T 44 Bergen Maisch, A. J Myrtle av., nr. Cypress av., Evergreen Passarge & Co 338^4 Gates av. Shaw & Co., H. S 107 B’way Steiezle, C 104 So. 8th Summers, C 239 Nassau Theisen, V 69 Liberty Tuchhorn, P 366 Atlantic av. LONG ISLAND CITY Adlot, H. J Webster av. CORONA Tiffany Studios HOLLIS Zundel, E Hillside av. JERSEY CITY Heinemann, F Paterson Plank R., Hudson Blvd., W. Hoboken NEW ROCHELLE Burger, O. C 4 Lawton CONNECTICUT Bridgeport Art Glass Co. . Bridgeport HATS. This union label for hats is printed on buff-colored paper in black ink. Genuine labels are sewed in all union-made hats under the sweatband. UNITED HATTERS OF NORTH AMERICA Officers: JOHN A. MOFFITT, President, 24 Lincoln Place, Orange, N. J. MARTIN LAWLOR, Secretary, 11 Waverley Place, New York. Locals and Meeting Nights. 7. Brooklyn — Fidelity Hall, Nos- trand and De Kalb aves. 8. Brooklyn — 899 Kent av. (office). Retail Stores Selling MANHATTAN. The Surprise Stores, 138-146 W. 14th The Surprise Stores, 523-529 8th av. The Surprise Stores, 3d av. & 83d Cassell Rivington & Ludlow Hawes Hat Co 853 B’way Kaufman 8th av. & 39th Long 3 d av. & 148th Marcus Houston & Suffolk Morris & Comiske 142 Clinton Union-Made Hats. Patton Liberty & Church Silverstein 38 Delaney Siska 1357 1st av. Wanamaker’s 4th av. & 9th BROOKLYN Davis 349 B’way Haecker’s 905 B’way Herrschaft 691 B’way Homan 1395 B’way Lyons Bros 3d av. & 54th 50 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY HATS. — Continued. Meseritz 779 Flatbush av. Rowan 472 5 th av. Schmitz 481 Fulton Schrieber 2601 Atlantic av. Union Hat Store 1375 B’way Wiener 690 B’way BAYONNE Grotsky & Gutterman. . . .476 Av. D ELIZABETH Cohan 106 Melott 107 Whelan Broad Broad 52 3d JERSEY CITY Mark Davis Sons & Co 304 9th NEWARK Bamberger & Co Market PATERSON Simon 229 Market ROSEVILLE Macksey Roseville & Orange LONG ISLAND. Friedman 31 Borden av. Klages 37 Vernon av. WHITE PLAINS. Ellis Depot sq. Gordon Bros Railroad av. N. Y. Dry Goods Co. White Plains ra Pincus Railroad av. Schirmer & Sons.... 63 Railroad av. “Smart Shop” 25 Oracoanpum HORSESHOERS. Emblem of Journeymen Horseshoers. INTERNATIONAL UNION OF JOURNEYMEN HORSE- SHOERS OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA. Officers: HERBERT MARSHAL, President, ROADY KENEHAN, Secretary, 1548 Wazee Street, Denver, Colo. Locals : 1. New York, N. Y. — Wm. Slattery, 125 E. 85th, New York City; Daniel Sheehan, 8 Vandam, New \ork City. 1st and 3d Thursday, Groll’s Hall, 147 East 53d. 7. Brooklyn, N. Y. — Chas. Harvey, 161 Prince; Joseph Curran, 1003 De Kalb av. 1st and 3d Friday, Labor Lyceum Hall, 945 Wil- loughby av. 8. New York City, N. Y. — 20. Brooklyn, N. Y. — 22. Newark, N. J. — Hugh Harrity, 120 Bowery; Bernard Flatley, 51 Brill. 1st and 3d Wednesday, 94 Market. 59. Jersey City — Chas. Holpin, 417 York; Wm. J. Kernan, 320 8th. 1st and 3d Wednesday. 73. Yonkers, N. Y. — S. H. Lawrence, 174 Yonkers av. 82. Paterson, N. J. — Thomas Young, 135 Slater; Henry Aver, -28 Pearl. 84. New Rochelle, N. Y.— 93. White Plains and Tarrytown, N. Y. — White Rolls Cigarettes are strictly union=made and bear the union label. UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 5i HORSESHOERS.— Continued. List of Union Horseshoeing Shops Where the Stamp of the Journeymen Horseshoers’ Union , the J. H. U., will be recognized. NEW YORK (WEST SIDE). American Ice Co.. 20th, North River American Ice Co.... 43d & nth av. Beadleston & Woerz, Chas. & Gr’nw. Bennett 39th, 10th & nth avs. Brennan 59th, W. of nth av. Brazendale. . . .nth av., 29th & 30th Brennan 15th & 10th av. Biscuit Co. 14th, bet. 9th & 10th avs. Buckley 54th, 7th av. & B’way Buckley . .67th, 8th & Columbus avs. Cannon’s 26th, 10th & nth avs. Casey 67th & Columbus av. Casey 59th & Boulevard Carlan 78th & B’way Carroll 131st and nth av. Chapman 33d, E. of 10th av. C. O’Connell 62d & Boulevard Corbett Greenwich & Jane Courtney 33d, near '8th av. Cramer Greenwich & Clarkson Dalton 98th, E. of B’way Dempsey 427 W. 127th Dept. St. Cl’n, 130th, B’y & nth av. Dept. St. Cl’ning, 52d, nth av&NR Dept. St. Cl’ning, 77th, B’y&Ams.av. Dept. St. Cl’ning.i5th, 9th & 10th av Drysdale 18th, 9th & 10th avs. Dunlap Ex Charles & Hudson Dunn 95th & B’way Dwyers, Matt 311 W. 140th Egan 31st, 10th & nth avs. Faggert & Knapp, 130th, 8th & St. N. Fitzpatrick. 14th, bet. 9th & 10th avs. Foley & Sullivan. .Wash’n, nr. Canal Fords, Dan 647 W. 131st Garvey & O’Connor, i42d & Lenox av Gow 2 1 st, E. of 7th av. Graham 18th, -6th & 7th avs. Irwin 25th, E. of 10th av. James Welsh. . . .B’way, 47th & 48th Heally 130th & 131st & 12th av. Howe Amsterdam av. & 163d Hutchinson 127th & Lenox av. Kelly 52d, 6th & 7th avs. Keneally 10th av., 31st & 32d Kerrigan 37th, 9th & 10th avs. Kuster 308 W. 38th Leighton 42d, 10th & nth avs. Lion Brewery, 108th & Columbus av. Lubrock 10th av., 55th & 56th Lynch Washington & King Mahoney. . 137th, 5th & Lennox av. Mangin Hubert & West McAllister B’way, 50th & 51st McArdle. .. .Edgecombe av. & 158th McCarty 125 W. 49th McGrath, P 326 West McGrath & Reagan, 56th, 10 & n av Meade’s Trans. Co., Charles & West Meenagh 52d, 6th & 7th avs. Miller & Kennedy . 129th & Man. av. Molloy 748 Greenwich Moffitt Cortlandt & Washington Moran 156th & Amsterdam av. Morton Stable Morton & Wash. Murrane 489 Greenwich Murry 30th, 9th & 10th avs. Murphy 54th, 6th & 7th avs. Nicholl 25th, W. of 6th av. Noone West End av. & 68th N. Y. Cab Co. .44th, 5th & 6th avs. O’Connell, John 349 W. 141st O’Neil 58th, 7th av. & B’way Powers 55th, B’way & 8th av. 8 uinn, Peter. .. .B’way, 55th & 56th eilley nth ana 10th av. Robinson. .. 12 1st & St. Nicholas av. Roeberge, 100th, 8th & Columbus av. Roeberge 30th, 6th & 7th avs. Siegel-Cooper Co., 17th, 7th & 8th av Smith & Van Note, 56th, 6th&7th av. Wallace 18th, W. of 7th av. Wanamaker. .. Christopher & W. 4th Weir 115 W. 32d Wm. Bradley, 48th, 10th & nth avs. Yenney 38th, 9th & 10th avs. NEW YORK (EAST SIDE) American Ice Co.. 91st & East River American Ice Co., 128th & E. River Am. Ex. Co., 42d & 43d, E. 3d av. Am. Ice Co., 156th & Westchester av Barnett 64th, 2d & 3d avs. Barry Water, near Gouvenneur Borden’s Con. Milk, 117th, 2d & 3d av Borden’s Con. Milk, 34th, 2d&3d av Blodgett 3368 Park av. Blodgett 400 Morris av. Burns Bros. .Delancey & East River Cavanagh 63 d, Lex. & Park avs. Clarke 603 E. 16th Conroy. . .41st, 3d & Lexington avs. Conway. .60th, 3d & Lexington av. Conway’s. .74th, 3d & Lexington avs. Courtney 40th & 2d av. Creamer’s. . . .77th, Lex. & Park avs. Croake, Matt 25th & 1st av. Cummings 47th st., East River Dept. Street Cleaning. 17th & Ave. C Dept. Street Cleaning, 80th & E. R. Dept. St. Cl’ning, 116th & Pleas, av. Dept. Street Cleaning. .44 Hamilton Dept. Street Cleaning. .. 48th, E. R. Dogherty 164th & 3d av. Donohue 24th, 2d & 3d avs. Doyle, 109th, Lexington & Park avs. Everard’s, 135th, Madison & 5th avs. Fallon 64th & 1st av. Fallon. .Lincoln av., 135th & 136th Fanning 91st, 2d & 3d avs. 52 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY HORSESHOERS.— Continued. Fitzgerald Lex. av., 6oth & 6ist Fitzgibbons. .N. Chambers & Cherry Gaffney 18th, Aves. A & B Gallon 85th, 2 d & 3d avs. Gunn, T 21 Pearl Healy 73d, 3d & Lexington avs. Hughes, 41st, Park & Lexington avs. Hughes & Mixell.24th, 3d & Lex. av J. D. & T. E. Crimmins, 68th & E. B. Kelly. .. .80th, 1st av. & East River Kelly, John 303 E. 28th Lawrence & Sheridan, 64th, 2d & 3d av Masielo, Angelo 330 E. noth McArdle & White 524 E. 17th McArdle 27th, 2d & 3d avs. McAvoy & Chapman, 123d & Lex. av McCourt, 41st, 3d & Lexington avs. McGee 13th, W. of 3d av. Milne, James. .. 134th & Willow av. Mitchell. . 136th, Madison & 5th avs. Mixell. . . .Lexington av., 23d & 24th Murphy i62d & Cortland av. Nemphis 149th & 3d av. N. Y. Journal Water & Pike O’Brien. ... 186th & Washington av. O’Rourke 56th, 1st & 2d avs. Perry & Reed, Park av.,ii2th& 1 13th Quilty, John 83d, near 3d av. Quinlivan, 85th, 3d & Lexington av. Riordan Water & Corlears Riordan, B 57 Sheriff Russell .. .75th, 3d & Lexington avs. Savage’s 23d, nr. Ave. A Schaffer 902 Westchester av. Scherble 638 E. 13th Seaich’s Liv. Stable, 31st, 3d&Lex.av Spillane, Steve 643 E. 135th Storey 25th, 2d & 3d avs. Sullivan 201 E. 46th Tuteltaub, Herman 99 Essex U. S. Mail Stable, 15th, Aves. A & B Weber Stable. .. 120th, 2d & 3d avs. Westscott’s Express Co., 231 E. 47th Woods. .. .32d, 3d & Lexington avs. BROOKLYN. Abraham & Straus, Bolivar, n. Ray Am. Ice Co Smith, n. Hamilton Am. Ice Co., Ft. Amity, n. Columbia Am. Ice Co Kent av. & Rush Am. Ice Co., Oak & West, Gr’npoint Am. Sugar Co., Union av. & N. 13th Arbuckle Bros. .. .Plymouth, n. Jay Barrett, L. S 488 Clermont av. Bernhardt, Chas 166 N. 4th Blyman John 862 Grand Borden Con. Milk, Gates & Ralph av Borden C. Milk, DeKalb & Lewis av Borden C. Milk, Sterling pi & 6th av. Borden C. Milk, Ft. Hamil. av. & 60 Borden C. Milk, N. J. & Liberty av. Brittan, Joseph 105 Stuben B’klyn U. Gas Co., Plymouth n. Gold Brotheridge, Joseph. .166 Carlton av. Campbell, A., Jamaica av. n. Penn. Cannavan, Jas. .200 Greenpoint a Cannavan, Joljn Greenpoint a Coughlin, Lawrence. . . .405 Leona Curran & O’Shea 150 N. 8 Logan, J., Van Brunt, n. Vernon a Daley, J., 55 Flatbush av., n. 3d a Daly, Owen, Flushing, n. Fr’klin a Degan, Wm 546 Ha Delaney, Thos. .. Warren, n. Nevi Dempsy, John. .Met. & Graham a^ Denig, John, Flush. & Knicker. a^ Devlin, John, Franklin n. St. M. a Dooling, Thos 828 Bedford a Dorris, P., Atlantic av., Cum.&S.C Drum & Co 1694 Fult Devoe, Chas.. Grand, Maspeth, L. Early, Wm., Metropol. av., Quee Eppstein, Joseph 22 Sie* Falkner, Edw 191 Greenpoint a Fitzpatrick, John North g Force, W. H Jay, n. Wai Fuchs, A., Stockholm, n. Irving j G allagher, J.. Myrtle av., Ridgewo Harkins, A Met. av. n. burm Gillan, Michael 326 Bo Glenn, J., 9 Col. Hts. & Fulton n. Gunn, Patrick 513 Warr Guttenberg, V., Thr’p av. n. Bartl Guilderman, C., Lib. av. & Enfh Moran, Patrick, 121 Metropolitan ; Harris, Isaac, Flatb. av. n. Malbc Hellert, L. .Grand, n. Newtown C Herlihy, Daniel, 153 41st, Bay Ric H ever in, J., St. Nich. av. n. Myr Heverin, J Met. av. n. Furm Hildebrand, J....Lib. av. n. Pow Hildebrand, John.. 1239 De Kalb ; Hoar, C., 108 Spencer, n. Myrtle . Huber, C., Star & Knickerbocker ; Maxwell Ellery n. B’w India Wharf Brew., Ham. av. n. 1 Jezierski, M., Johnston av., Winff Johnson, Frederick, Bergen & 3d Kane, J., & Son Bergen, n. Bo Kelly, Frank 67 So. < Kelly, John 532 Dougl Kelly, John, So. 8th n. Bedford Kelly, John J. 16 College Kiernan, Patrick 41 Bri( Krapp, V. S College Po Kuhns, Fred 9° Wall Kuns, Henry P. ...242 Johnson Loughlin & McNally, Jeff. & Ra Ligan, John 151 Fr< Leydan, P Baltic & Colum Geils, John, Liberty av., East N. McCartin & Valentine, 252 Hun McDonald, F., Washburn’s, B’d McDonald, Matt 236 Johnson McDonald, Steven. .. .330 Gates McGrath, Est. of P 43 Hei Mackey, Patrick 4 J 9 Fa Maher, Jas. E 62 Albany Mannahan, J Wyckoff May, J., Stuyvesant av. n. Gr’ne Manning, Thos. . . .Nevins n. Un UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 53 HORSESHOERS.— Continued. Muller, M., Knick’r & DeKalb avs. Meade’s, P., Son, Humboldt-Driggs Muller, Bernard, Flushing av., Ast. Mullrolland, Alex, Est..io4 Huron Munce, J 917 Grand Murphy, P 52 De Kalb av. Murphy, T 57 No. 9th McGrath & McSheffry, 484 Leonard Neuman, C., Zeidler & Flushing avs. Norton & Gorman, Douglass, 3d&4th Ober, Albert 37 Liberty O’Brien, John 4th av. & 27th O’Connell 15th, Coney Island Parr Hendrix & New Lots rd. Pedolsky, Elihue, Vesta av., B’ville Peters, John 13 Bergen Peters, Michael 570 Kent av. Ranghetti, Joseph 27 Union Rilley, And., Flushing & Bushw. avs Ruddy, Wm., Windsor pi. n. 7th av. Rooney, T-, 104 Jackson av., L. I. C. Rumph, I. C., Conklin av., Canarsie Reilly, J Grant, Flatbush Snyder Richmond Hill Seidell. . .Flushing & Nostrand avs. Schmeder, Dennis 39 Cooper Schuler, Robert 190 Noll Shaw, Thos 46 N. 3d Shults, J. H., Lynch, n. Harrison av. Sinnott, Martin, Parkville, Ocean B. Slavin & Brooks. ... 771 Atlantic av. Steed, Thos 9 Tompkins av. Sullivan, Patrick, Waverley n. Gates Tutty, Jas., Sandford, n. Myrtle av. Vetter, Joseph 169 Grove Voet, Andrew. .. .Hope & Union av. Weir, Campbell. .Park av. & Canton JERSEY CITY AND HOBOKEN. Anbrey, T 273 Grand Ashe, H Jordan av. & Montg. Baldwin, C 666 Grand Brennan, W Guttenberg Clare, J Patterson av., Hoboken Connors, T 483 Henderson Desmond, C Cottage, Bayonne Fitzpatrick, J 7th & Henderson Hahn, E. .Tormele av., W. Hoboken Hartnett, L 16 Frazier pi. Hudson Coal Co., Grand & Jersey av Hunter, Thos 66 Gregory Lawrence Ave. D, Bayonne Leonard, John., 651 Communipaw av. O’Mara, M 18 Manhattan av. U. S. Express Co., 8th & Henderson U. S. Express Co., Communipaw av. Wells Fargo Ex. Co.... 8th & Cole Wright & Co 8th & Provost Zehnich & Hymm..4th & Newark avO NEWARK. Baker, Wm 29 Richard Brown & Muirhead 11 Oliver Brown, S. R 98 Burnet Chapman, J 71 Hayes Clumb, J 18 Clifton av. Cox, H 95 James Duffy, Frank South Eierson, W 106 Verona av. Frank & Lamrny. ... 175 Belmont av. Gordon, Joe Main & 14th Jennings, Mrs., J 148 Bowery Kerwin, Mrs., D 48 Jackson Ketcham & Weston., Wash, av., Bell. Kramer, John.... 178 Bloomfield av. Ludwig, J 22 Camfield McCallum, Mrs., I. B....25 Rector McGuinness, Michael 81 River Moole, John Monroe Mullin, M. F 59 Mechanics Parks, J. H 45 Wickliffe Perry, P 109 14th av. Schmitter, Geo 72 Belmont av. Schumacher, E 3 Belmont av. Sheridan, L. J 141 McWhorter Stock, Henry 221 Waverley av. Wolfe, Adam 213 W. Kinney Yvoodruff, S. D 144 Pacific Woodword, W 13th & 5th av. EAST NEWARK. Monaghan, P., Grand av. & E. R. R. Yeager, Adam 5th av. EAST ORANGE. Gordon. Joe 41 Main Fanning, Gerald 7 Bowlin Watkins, Dan 262 Main ORANGE. Crowley, J. H 17 Lincoln av. Doran, Pat No. Centre Fanning, P., Central av. & Central pi Fanning, S. & M 2654 Cone ELIZABETH. Zucker & Williams. .. .7 So. Union BLOOMFIELD. Ward, D 648 Bloomfield av. MONTCLAIR. Brunner, T Bloomfield av. Crawley, Tom Midland av. BELLEVILLE. Ketcham & Weston. .Washington av. MORRISTOWN -Tunnis, B. M., & Co., South & Mad. J. J. Bagley & Co., Detroit, Mich., manufacture fine-cut and smoking tobacco — union=labeled, of course. 54 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY UNION HALLS, RESTAURANTS, ETC. Here are the union buttons of the HOTEL AND RESTAURANT EM- PLOYES* INTERNATIONAL AL- LIANCE AND BARTENDERS’ INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE OF AMERICA. Officers: T. J. SULLIVAN, Pres., JERE L. SULLIVAN, Secretary, Commercial Tribune Bldg., Cincinnati, O. Bartenders’ Button Business Agents: Bartenders’ — Philip Barenburg, 721 Melrose av., New York, N. Y. Waiters’— H. Kleinman, 12 St. Mark’s pi., New York. List of Local Union Halls and Officers FRANK DUNNELL, President, 147 E. 53d. HENRY KOSSOW, Secretary, American Hall 8th av. & 42d Arlington Hall.... 23 St. Marks pi. Beethoven Hall 210 E. 5th Bohemian Hall 321 E. 73d Clinton Hall 151 Clinton Ebling’s Casino. . 1 56th-St. Ann’s av. Everett Hall 31 E. 4th Grand Cen. Palace, Lex. av. & 43d Grolls Hall 145-147 E. 53d Harlem Arcade 21 1 E. 124th Harlem Terrace 210 E. 104th Labor Temple 243 E. 84th Lexington Opera House. 145 E. 58th Lyric Hall 725 6th av. Manhattan Casino. . 155th & 8th av. Manhattan Lyceum 66 E. 4th Mueller’s Bronx Casino.. 3d av., opp. i5Sth Murray Hill Lyceum.. 160 E. 34th New Ams. Op. House, 334 W. 44th New Star Casino 115 E. 107th N. Y. Turn Hall. .85th & Lex. av. Palm Garden 150 E. 58th Plaza Assembly Rms. ..no E. 59th Socol Hall 420 E. 71st Sulzer’s Westchester Pk..Westchster Tammany Hall 141 E. 14th Terrace Garden 145 E. 58th Webster Hall. 119 E. nth Yorkville Casino 210 E. 86th Zeltner’s Morrisania Pk. & Casino, 170th & 3d av. List of Union Bars. Burke, P. M 326 E. 21st Club launch Room 84 E. 10th Herbt, Geo., Jr 498 Hudson Meindel, Geo 99 2d av. Rand & Trach 3853 3d av. Socol Hall 420 E. 71st The Oasis 77 Park row BROOKLYN Riley, Andrew. ... 1000 Nostrand av DEFINITIONS. Mail ex phono graph — Graft taken by “telegraph” companies for mailing, repressing and ’phoning “telegrams.” Dress-suitograft — “Telegraft,” from “telegrams” crowded into dress-suit cases and leisurely moved from one city to another. — Fair Play. UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 55 TBLBPHONB, 1298- L RAILROAD HOUSE G. SHULTIS, Prop. UNION ALES, WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS 321 GROVE STREET - - JERSEY CITY MANUFACTURER ENDORSES THIS DIRECTORY Port Huron, Mich., August io, 1907. Mr. H. Geach, New York, N. Y. Dear Sir : — Reply to your letter of July 29 has been delayed on account of the writer’s absence from the city. * * * The writer wishes Jo state that your scheme appeals to him. In visiting the secretaries of carpenters’ unions we find numerous notices of goods that are on the unfair list, but nothing is said about the goods that are fair, and it seems to me that if anyone who buys fair goods should be interested in knowing what they are, and where they can be bought it is the union man, for if he don’t insist on having these goods, who will? The writer will take personal charge of our campaign in New York, when started, and will take pleasure in calling on you at that time * * * Very truly yours, I. KRAUS, Est. Telephone, 1728 Orchard Manufacturer of Society Goods a Specialty - Flags to Hire The only Union Shop in Greater New York. We employ members B. B. & R. M. U. L. 12249 =A. F. ofL— BANNERS BADGES & REGALIAS 125 CLINTON STREET NEW YORK For Balls , Picnics , So- cieties, Campaign Clubs, Parades & Conventions 56 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY JEWELRY, ETC. Pendants , rings , pins , charms , bracelets , chains, in gold, silver and gold plated, gold, silver and gold filled watches, clocks, eye- glasses, spectacles and optical goods. INTERNATIONAL JEWELRY WORKERS’ UNION OF AMERICA Officers: RICHARD PETERSON, President, 192 Lemon Street, Buffalo, N. Y. WM. SCHADE, Sec., Box 1 41, Philadelphia, Pa. Locals: 1. New York, N. Y. — 149 E. 16th, 2d & 4th Sat. 2. Newark, N. J. 14. Brooklyn, N. Y. 23. New York, N. Y. Firms Using the Label Birkner, I., & Son, New York, N. Y. Dunn, T. J., & Co. New York, N. Y. Soldarity Watch Case Co. .Brooklyn Retail Stores Selling Union-Made Jewelry Lehr, Louis 79 Nassau Solidarity Watch Case Co. 3 M’den la. Wendell & Co 95 William UNION LABEL REGISTERED COLLARS, SHIRTS, CUFFS, ETC. Union laundries have this label printed on the price list which accompanies the laundered clothes. It is also machine stitched on shirts and stamped on collars and cuffs. INTERNATIONAL UNION OF SHIRT, WAIST & LAUNDRY WORKERS Officers: J. W. SMILEY, President. JOHN J. MANNING, Sec., 602 2d av., Troy, N. Y. MANPIATTAN & BRONX Adler Bros .308 E. Houston Albert, A Albrecht Alexander Ansorge Aronson 2137 3d Ball, S. H Barbash Baum Bierman Black Bobkes 1524 1st av. Bockman 3467 3d av. Brin 2396 1st av. Burgheim Bros 2212 3d av. Burnett 2335 1st av. Calula, M 18 Bowery Cohen 413 W. 125th Colcord, F. A 42 South Co-onerative Store 303 Grand Corn, Chas 3631 3d av. Daum 148 1 st av. Davis 921 8th av. UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 57 COLLARS, SHIRTS, CUFFS, ETC.— Continued. Diehl 1814 Amsterdam av. Diner 885 9th av. Dobkin, J 653 10th av Dwark & Son 68 Delaney Ebb 141st & St. Ann’s av. Eile 16 Ave. B Eisner 252 Catherine Eranbt 154 Park row Feinberg 222 Front Feinstein 289 10th av. Feldman 1400 2d av. Felstein 41 1 8th av. Fishel 1456 1st av. Foster’s Sons 729 9th Fowler, Wm 2688 3d av. Frank & Co 2689 8th av. Freiberger 237 Stanton Friedenberg 226 Henry Geller 101 Norfolk Gluck 251 Ave. A Greenberg 4035 3d av. Greenberg 584 Columbus av. Greenthal 833 8th av. Goldman 138 E. 42d Goldstein 155th & Union av. Goodall 472 nth av. Goodfriend nth & Ave. A Goodman 540 Lenox av. Griffen 519 W. 26th Gross 474 10th av. Guarantee Clothing Co., 127 & 3d av. Gutterman 627 10th av. Haag 629 9th av. Hahn 1167 3d av. Halober 350 West Hein & Dates 2052 3d av. Helltheir, H 728 Courtlandt av. Hervey 416 W. 125th Hesse, Henry 308 Grand Hoffman 107 1st av. Hoffman Bros 55 Ave. A Holters, M 2731 8th av. Ichel 2879 3d av. Joachimson 276 Bowery Johnson 322 9th av. Joseph 222 Ave. B Joseph Clothing Co... 3d av. & 128 Kahn 283 Grand Kahn, M. M 30 Cortlandt Katz 3d av. & 50th King Bros 310 Bowery Klein. 1716 3d av. Klinkinstein 59 Ave. A Krantz 1726 2d av. Kreisler 39th & 3d av. Labowitz, 1 44 1st av. Laughlin 732 10th av. Lechtman & Livingston. .346 3d av. Lese & Son 54 Catherine Levy 3008 3d av. Libermuth, T 846 3d av. J Lieberman 521 8th av. Lindenbaum 819 1st av. Loberbaum 8 Ave. B ^FLustig 1372 1st av. v- Lyons & Chabot 3d av. & 150th Margolis 104 2d av. Martyny 1329 1st av. Meyer 1532 Amsterdam av. Michaels 2331 8th av. Misel Bros 9 Manhattan Morris 180 1st av. Morris 2176 2d av. Morris & Comisky 142 Clinton Moskowitz i486 1 st av. Obalanda 76 1st av. Oppenheimer 2777 2d av. Pray, W. F 2705 8th av. Prochazka 1391 Ave. A Roane Bros 126 10th av. Roepke, D 1494 2d av. Rowne Bros 67 Amsterdam av. Runkel 3713 3d av. Schlicht, L 1302 3d av. Schnakenberg 366 Bowery Sherman, R 437 6th av. Shillinger 1358 3d av. Silberkrans 1574 1st av. Simimiman 2 Park pi. Slimer 1807 2d av. Stehlik 1416 Ave. A Steinman 3909 3d av. Stodola, J 149 Willis av. Store 45 3d av. Surprise Stores 138 W. 14th Surprise Stores 523 8th av. Surprise Stores 3d av. c. 83d Theimer 1344 1st av. Theimer, A 1344 1st av. Thorman 1533 Ave. A Tiger 529 Brook av. Towers 1344 1st av. Travis 3369 3d av. Weiskopf & Newman. ... 563 9th av. Weissman, B 3780 3d av. Werbin & Shedlinsky 381 B’way Westchester Cloth. Co., 3d av. c. 144 Whitcover 1861 2d av. Whitcover 855 2d av. Wolf 2656 8th av. Wolff no Chambers Yeska, J 142 Park row BROOKLYN Abrams, A 87 Sands Baff, Aaron 220 5th av. Bittman 582 Hamburg av. Bregstinen, M 737 3d av. Brosseau, G. P., 3723 F. Hamilton av DeGraw, W. H 91 B’way. Derx, M 693 B’way Derx, Martin 693 B’way Peck’s clothing have two labels, the union label and Peck’s label — look for both. UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 58 COLLARS, SHIRTS, CUFFS, ETC.— Continued. Dreyer, L 282 Smith Friedman, Benj 675 Myrtle av. Gold Bros 79 Manhattan av. Halpern Bros 849 B’way Howe, Jas. R 291 B’way Isaacs, E 290 Columbia Kabot, Sam 3843 Fulton Kispert, Mrs. W...174 Graham av. Klondyke Dry Goods Store, 368 5th av Lipkowitz, H. H 463 Grand Lipshitz, M 368 5th av. Lipshitz, M 18 Cook Mahler, H. A 1450 Fulton Moschkowitz, S., 190 Manhattan av. Rafel, Isaac 195 Nassau av. Rosenthal, H 277 Columbia Ross, Wm 636 Wythe av. Rothenberg & Son 236 Lee av. Schmidt, Chas 250 Van Brunt Schulman, Mrs. B..328 Van Brunt Seidner, M....1102 Manhattan av. Setomar, H 573 3d av. Shapiro, Wm 575 5th av. Smith, Henry 1566 Fulton Solomon, M 562 5th av. Solomon, E 497 Central av. Stahl, P 1355 Greene av. Stork, L 703 3d av. Teevan, Jos. P 242 Hoyt Weis & Hansen 256 Columbia Witte, G. A., Jr 1851 B’way STATEN ISLAND Bernstein, J Stapleton Brown, J. J Port Richmond Harris, Jacob Stapleton Kraneer, H Tompkinsville Levinson, H Tottenville ROSEVILLE, N. J. Mocksey Roseville & Orange WHITE PLAINS, N. Y. Pincus Railroad av. HARNESS, ETC. This is the label of the UNITED BROTHERHOOD OF LEATHER WORKERS ON HORSE GOODS. Officers: JACOB G. HUBER, President. JOHN J. PFEIFFER, Sec.-Treas., 436 Gibraltar Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Local Branches, Officers and Meeting Nights: 91. Newark — E. Zimmerman, 100 Orchard; Wm. Milligan, 16 Warren pi. 1st and 3d Tuesday, Michel’s Hall, 66 So. Orange av. 95. New York City — E. J. Baker, 52 Montauk av. ; L. M. Byrnes, 334 E. 34th. 1st and 3d Wednesday, Labor Lyceum, 342 W. 42d. List of Firms Using the Above Label. NEW YORK Brookwell-Crane 27 W. 30th Burke & McDermott. .. 52d & B’way Dahlke, F 532 W. B’way Farouhar, D 2d av. & 24th Haug, Geo 155 E. 75th Kerr, Jno. H 9 E. 30th Mayer, Robt 1373 Vyse av. McDougall Co., J. G 421 2d av. Moore, Sam’l 7th av. & 51st Moseman & Bro., C. M., 126 Chmb’s Reisner, Leo 2415 1st av. Solomon, Henry 554 W. B’way Stout, Jno., 75th, Lex. & Park avs. BROOKLYN Burns, W. S 144 Atlantic av. Kutscher, W. H..106 Hamilton av. Trainor, J 94 Boerum pi. UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 59 HARNESS, ETC.— Continued. NEWARK Abelee, Emanuel Ashenbach & Son, Wm. J Heydecke, Fred. W Huber, Sr., J.. 6 o }4 Springfield av. Roubaud, Geo 202 Market Schriek, Walter C JERSEY CITY Hemp fling, J 163 Pavonia av. HARTFORD Brazel & Co., C. H BOSTON Gearty, T. F... Decatur & Liverpool FI ayes, D. J Roxbury H. & C. Co., 886 Harrison av Schafer, J. J Sullivan, Dan 99 E. Dedham BALTIMORE Keating, Bernard J LITHOGRAPHIC PRINTING. This is the label of the LITHOGRAPHERS’ INTERNATIONAL PROTECTIVE AND BENEFICIAL ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA Officers: FRANK GHERING, President, New York. JAS. McCAFFERTY, Sec.-Treas., Philadelphia. Lithographers’ Label Local Unions, Officers and Meeting Nights: No. 1, New York — W. F. Long, Pres.; Wm. Dickinson, Sec., 25 Third av. 2d and 4th Monday, 69 St. Mark’s pi. Lithographic Artists’, Engravers’ and Designers’ League, 1st and 3d Mon- day, 69 St. Mark’s pi. Lithographic Stone and Plate Preparers’ Union, 1st and 3d Monday, 10 1 Av. A. International Ass’n of Lithographic Apprentices & Pressfeeders; W. A. Coakley, General President, 43 Centre st. Local No. 1 meets at 193 Bowery on 1st and 3d Thursday. W. A. Coakley, Pres.; Henry Kranz, Rec. Sec., 19 1 Throop av., Brooklyn. Label NEW YORK Amer. Bank Note Co. .86 Trinity pi. Amer. Can Co 447 W. 14th Amer. Label Co 35 Cooper sq. Bescher, John 102 Beekman Dohm Litho. Co 61 Courtlandt Eastern Litho. Co 67 Duane Empire Litho. Co 33 Sullivan Exp. & Dom. Can Co. ..608 W. 43d Gillin Print Co 608 W. 43d Gloechner & Faust 134 Mott Harris, A. C., Co 21 Cliff Hart, Chas 36 Vesey Offices Heywood, Strasser & Voigt 155 Leonard Hug & Boscowitz 510 E. 73d Huhn, Frederick 67 Duane Illustrated Postal Cord Co. 9 Walker Koebler, A. J 265 W. B’way Kreuger & Braun 324 E. 23d Kunin Litho. Co 231 William Lee Litho. Co 126 Walker Lipfert, Wm 176 Worth Lutz & Scheinkman. . . . 158 William Mayer & Lavenson 503 E. 72d Maverick & Wissinger . . 132 White N. Y. Metal Ceiling Co.. 537 W. 24th 6o UNION GOODS DIRECTORY LITHOGRAPHIC PRINTING.— Continued. Oberley & Newell 52 Park Petrie, Schmidt & Bergman. .. .227 Bleecker Rosenthal 41 1 Pearl Simplex Litho. Co. ...37th & 1st av. Schlessinger, L 372 South Schoener & Heilman 46 Gold Schlegel, Geo 138 Centre Seiter & Kappes 141 E. 25th Sloan & Co. (J. V.)....2i3 W. 26th Stock, Chas 123 Chambers Stang Co 30 Lafayette pi. Steiner, W., Sons & C0..116 E. 14th Wood, M. Rusling 218 William BROOKLYN Amer. Copper Co 19 Verona Brooklyn Metal Dec. Co. . . . 44th & 2d av. Electric Chem. Engr. Co. ..450 19th Metallic Dec. Co Ft. 37th Savage Mfg. Co Ft. 37th Tin Plate Dec. Co 176 Front NEW HAVEN, CONN. Benton- Armstrong Co. Munson & Co. National Folding Box & Paper Co. NEWARK, N. J. Clark Thread Co. Nat. Litho. Co. .William & Shipman Whitehead & Hoag PASSAIC, N. J. Passaic Metalware Co. FLATBUSH, L. I. Schwenke, O. L Clarendon rd. WALL PAPER. This label is printed on the margin of wall paper made by union men and it appears on about every foot of wall paper. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MACHINE PRINTERS AND COLOR MIXERS. c^M.R&.C.M.ofUS.CF, ^UNION-MADE CD' Officers: A. BARTHOLOMEW, President. CHAS. McCRORY, Secretary, 352 41st Street, Brooklyn. The Following Firms Sell Union-Made Wall Paper Mairs & Co. 68 Sackett HOBOKEN, N. J. Hoffs, Benton, Heath & Co....i8th Potter Wall Paper Mills 15th HACKENSACK, N. J. Campbell W. P. Co. .Hackensack av. MANHATTAN Beck & Co 281 5th av. Beck & Co 206 W. 29th Gledhill Co., W. P 541 W. 34th BROOKLYN Graves & Co 929 3d av. Graves & Co 397 Bridge White Rolls Cigarettes are strictly union=made and bear the union label. UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 61 MACHINERY, TOOLS, ETC. his is the new label of the Machinists , color pink , and will be found on machinery and tools made by members of HE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MACHINISTS Officers: JAMES O’CONNELL, President. GEORGE PRESTON, Sec.-Treas., 402 McGill Bldg., Washington, D. C. Business Agents: New York City — Jas. A. Schofield, 23 Park row, Rooms 55 and 56. Brooklyn — F. Hirtzell, 386 Rodney. Newark, N. J. — J. Sonnabend, 128 Market. Local Lodges, Officers and Meeting Nights: Electrical Lodge — William E. Riecken, 533 Trinity av., Bronx; E. R. Roff, 438 Linwood, Brooklyn. Friday, 427 2d av., New York City. New York City — J. V. O’Connor, 307 W. 118th; J. E. Lehner, 33 W. 17th. Friday, McGovern Hall, 43d & 9th av. New York City — A. Koehn, 250 Custer av., Jersey City; H. Sinker, 343-47 84th. Every Monday, 243 E. 84th. New York City — A. Zowoboda, 529 E. 83d; Wm. Winkeler, 822 E. 146th. Thursday, 243 E. 84th. New York City — A. J. Taranto, 1142 60th, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; B. Hope, 1947 B’way. Thurs., 306, Arcade Bldg. New York City — J. P. Brown, 591 Prospect av. ; G. A. Tracy, 12 Brown pi. Friday, Metropolitan Theatre Hall, i42d and 3d av. New York City — A. Lang, 184 Sheppard av., Brooklyn; J. J. McKin- ley, 225 Woodbine, Brooklyn. Friday, 67 St. Mark’s pi. New York City — M. B. Sargent, 412 E. 124th; C. J. Feil, 325 6th, Brooklyn. Tuesday, 127 Park row. New York — Chas. . Blauken, 124 Bedford av., Brooklyn; G. H. Stilgen- bauer, 151-3 Clinton. 2d and 4th Tuesday, Clinton Hall, N. Y. City. New York — J. B. Maxwell, 1655 Madison av. ; J. J. Hildebrand, 303 E. 94th. Swedish Lodge, Brooklyn — C. Mortenson, 839 Bergen; A. Rosin, 3809 12th av. 2d and 4th Saturday, Municipal Hall, 3902 3d av. Brooklyn. — D. M. McMahon, 215 Carroll; Jas. McCrindle, 5104 6th av. Tuesday, Lincoln’s Hall, Court and Sackett. Brooklyn — E. F. Siviter, 106 Rapelye; C. Deitrich, 7411 3d av. Brooklyn — Wm. E. Smith, 553 Lorimer; J. Dorr, 156 Engert av. Friday, Hall, Eckford, cor. Driggs av., Greenpoint. Brooklyn — A. Kalvier, 331 Ralph; H. Goerke. Tuesday, 949 Wil- loughby av. Brooklyn — J. P. Connors, 254 Imler pi., Elizabethport, N. Y. ; H. Walker, 295 3d, Elizabethport, N. Y. Jersey City — L. J. Froming, 125 York; J. J. Richards, 254 Mercer. Friday, Edna Hall, Newark and 3d. Newark, N. J. — J. O. Soemer, 76 Richelieu terrace; D. Crowell, 308 Central av., E. Newark. 2d and 4th Tuesday, 491 Broad. Newark, N. J. — T. A. Edwards, 109 Sumner ay.; W. Samuel, 127 Halsey. Thursday, Weisman’s Hall, 207 Ferry. Newark, N. J. — T. D. Mueller, 403 Littleton av. ; G. E. While, 8 Globe. Every Thursday, 5 S. Orange. Newark, N. J. — Chas. Schenter, 11 Standard pi., Irvington; L. Fischer, 114 N. 5th st., Harrison, N. J. 2d and 4th Wednesday, 310 Springfield. Newark, N. J. — Edw. Cox, 134 Jas.; F. Schurer, 17 Elliott. Yonkers — F. Littlefair, 151 Waverly; A. Ponken, Box 385. Friday, Wiggins’ Hall, 24 N. Broadway. 62 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY MACHINERY, TOOLS, ETC.— Cont. 156. Harrison Lodge — T. Brannegan, 340 2d, E. Newark; C. E. Patterson, 1 16 Tichnor, Newark, N. J. 2d and 4th Thursday, Evans’ Hall, Kearney, N. J. 167. Plainfield, N. J. — Jno. Cline, 108 W. 2d; A. McKechine, 223 Plain- field av. 2d and 4th Monday, 204 W. Front. 175. Yonkers — E. McMahon, 40 Croshaw av. ; B. Jones, 34 Linden. 2d and 4th Tuesday, 20 Warburton av. 188. Paterson, N. J. — H. Hunt, 6 Graham av. ; S. J. Bergen, 39 Thomas. Every Thursday, Helvetia Hall, Van Houten. 367. Perth Amboy, N. J. — A. W. Tyrrell, 21 Kearney av. ; J. W. Gleim, 165 Broad. 1st and 3d Monday, 138 Smith’s Union Hall. 378. Union Hill, N. J. — H. J. G. Borchert, Jr., Weehawken, P. O. Box 93; Thos. J. Meehan, 111 14th, Hoboken. 1st and 3d Thursday, O. F. Hall, 517 Union pi. 417. Port Richmond, Staten Island — N. McKeller, 10 Lafayette av., Port Richmond; A. Hunter, 19 Prospect, Stapleton, S. I. 2d and 4th Monday, G. A. R. Hall. 398. Trenton, N. J. — A. B. Wilson, 238 Pearl; David S. Mayhew, 224 S. Hott. Wednesday, Camera’s Hall, Broad. 659. Passaic, N. J. — M. Maguth, 87 Van Winkle; A. Bidwell, 375 Pauleson av. 1st and 3d Tuesday, Emerald Hall. 693. Roselle, N. J. — H. P. Peterson, Aldene, N. J. ; Henry Korb, 19 Bedford av., Waverly Park, N. J. Retail Stores Selling Union-Made Tools NEW YORK CITY Barron, Jas. S., & Co. ..160 Duane Beggs, Jas., & Co 9 Dey Boltwood & Co 195 10th av. Brueser, F. J., & Co.. ..2318 8th av. Bunnell, J. H., & Co. ..76 Cortlandt Burnett, S. 0 288 Fulton Curtiss, Geo. B 84 Chambers Davega, I., Jr 802 3d av. Delinsky, H 141 Bowery Dienst, A. P., & Co. .. 140th & 3d av. Eberhart, M., & Son Co., 76th-istav. Edel, Chas., & Son.... 3367 3d av. Fairbanks Co., The 31 1 B’way Fox Bros. & Co 126 Lafayette Frank & Bro 97 6th av. Frasse, Peter A., & Co. ..95 Fulton Frasse Co., The 38 Cortlandt General Supply Co., N. Y..40 John Gerstner, A. W 634 8th av. Gesswein, F. W., Co 39 John Gillespie, Benj 728 3d av. Goepel, C. F., & Co.... 137 E. 13th Gorman Supply Co 134 E. 25th Hammacher, Schlemmer & Co. ..209 Bowery Heller, H 180 Willis av. Hooper & Gilbert 307 8th av. Hull, Grippen & Co 312 8th av. Jacob, A. N 272 Bowery Keller, L. H., & Co 64 Nassau Kohlmeier, J. M 1173 2d av. Landon & Co 2136 3d av. Leng’s Son & Co., J. S...4 Fletcher Manhat. Elec. Sup. Co. .32 Cortlandt Manhat. Hdw. & Bic. Co. .497 3d av. Metropolitan Hdw. Co 32 Vesey Mann & Co., Chas 2352 3d av. Manning, Maxwell & Moore.. 85 Lib- erty. McCoy, Jos. T., Co 26 Warren Montgomery & Co 105 Fulton Motley, Green & Co 43 John Neal & Brinker 18 Warren N. Y. Sporting Goods Co.. 61 Nassau Nicholson, Edward 431 6th av. Nicklin, Wm. F 163 Park row Olmstead, Frank A 2582 3d av. Olney & Warrin 36 Dey Patterson Bros 27 Park row Patterson, Gottfried & Hunter, 146 Centre Patterson, Harral & Gray, 85 Chambers Pershall, D. B 369 3d av. Pollock, Alexander 203 West Prentiss Tool & Sup. C0..115 Liberty Reed & Auerbacher. . . .229 Bowery Rogers, H. A 19 John Russell & Erwin Mfg. Co. .47 Cham- bers Scheuer, M., & Son.. 192 Park row Scholz, C. F., & Son.... 1988 3d av. Sherman, Brown, Clements Co., 78 Murray Sickells & Nutting Co. ..35 Barclay Gordon Smith Co., J. .84 Chambers Stanley & Patterson. .32 Frankfort Bush & Gerts pianos bear the union label. Write for cata- log. Bush Temple, Chicago. UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 63 MACHINERY, TOOLS, ETC.— Cont. White, Van Glahn & Co. .17 Chath- am sq. Witte, F. T., Hdw. Co.. 106 Chambers Weber. Edw 2535 3d av. Zundel, R. W 47 Whitehall BROOKLYN Anson, John 53 Hamilton av. Atkinson, R. J 1183 B’way Bliss, James W. ..892 Manhattan av. Bunce, John 106 Fulton Barnett, S. 0 288 Fulton Cornell, S. W 121 Court Giba, B 198 Nassau av. Harris & Wellenkamp. .288 Fulton Hinaiev & Pendleton.. 59 Greenp’t av Kiley, T. W., & Co 61 Grand Langenburg, A. & G..1213 Myrtle av Lundequist, W. H., Co., 43 Hamilton av. Marlow, Wm....7S9 Manhattan av. O’Mara, J. J 1385 B’way Ring, Chas. E 40 S. 8th Rohlfs, H. W~ & Son. . .47th-3d av. Rubino, Geo. C., & Co. ..463 3d av. Runge, Henry 2148 Fulton Scharfenberg Bros Myrtle av. Schneider, Geo. R 847 B’way Shevlin, M. J 613 Fulton Victors, Henry 1041 Fulton Waterman, H. B 398 7th Greenfield, Adolph, 83 Springfield av. Johnson-Mandeville Co... 496 Broad Johnson, W. T., & Co. Ludlow, Matthias 97 Market Machnet & Doremus Mears, T. C 422 Springfield av. Rising & Thorne 475 Broad Roe & Conover 200 Market HOBOKEN Moller, Wm 107 Miller av. Ross Bros 1014 Washington LONG ISLAND CITY Brodie, Wm 31 Vernon Grieshaber, H. 0 957 10th av. YONKERS Twine, H. L 14 Warburton av. Wood, L. K 57 Main ELIZABETH Clark Hdw. Co 85 Broad Elizabeth Hdw. Co 202 Broad Jacob Martin & Co., 459 Elizabeth av. Frank Hand Co 80 3d JERSEY CITY Brill, F. B 82 Montgomery Gibbons, Ern. A. .Hudson & Morris Lutjen, H. E 296 Central av. Menagh, John S. ...134 Newark av. Miller, M 626 Newark av. Stone Bros 387 West Side av. Wood, Geo. W 186 Newark av. WEST NEW BRIGHTON Koenig, H. W 115 Richter RICHMOND Burger & Ochs.. 39 Rich av., P. R. PASSAIC NEWARK Banister & Pollard 206 Market Faitoute, E. C. Barton, A. R 302 Main Forsyth Hdw. Co 358 Passaic Hubinger, Chas 263 Passaic N. J. Eng. & Sup. Co., 1 77 Main av. THE SILENT STRIKE Look at the clothes you are about to buy. If they have the union label, complete your purchase. If not, let them lie on the counter unbought. Letting them alone is your silent strike. You can exert it against scores of articles of wear and of household utility. Millions of working people — the trades-unionists and their families — can do the same. This silent strike they can carry on all the year around. The beauty of the silent strike is that you lose no time, no money, no sleep. You are getting full pay while you are striking, and doing effective work. Your family, instead of being a drawback to the success of this strike, is a benefit. They can help you in it by always asking for “label goods” and in urging their friends to do the same. 64 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY NEW N AL 2Q Pages w. hearst 20 Pages Fortunately the Printers Are Fighters — and HAVE MONEY They Wont Be Starved Out by Pinch-Penny Employers. The printers’ strike begins to-day. A year and a half ago the workers notified the employers that after January I, 1906, they would insist upon the eight-hour day in all job and book concerns. The employers have chosen to fight. They think they want die “open shop,” which means the right to hire scabs and put the men to fighting each other, cutting wages, stealing each others’ jobs, etc. The men don’t propose to fight each other. They mean to fight together. They have begun the fight, and they are going to win, because they are in the right. Eight hours of concentrated work is enough. Eight hours working at a typesetting machine, with a pot of molten metal sending fumes into the lungs, is enough. Eight hours of work will give all the product that the employer should get, and all that the man should do. At the end of a working life, the man who works eight hours per day will have set actually more ems of type than the man working nine hours. For the extra hour tires the man, lowers his vitality and shortens life. The employer may say: “I would rather work them out quickly and get new ones,” but the work- man, strange to say, has different views. In the Argentine, where horses were so cheap, it was the fashion to buy them for the street car lines and literally work them to death — it hardly paid to feed them. It did not pay at all to take care of them. The horses had to stand it. They had no union, no intelligence, no funds. The printers have all three. Already Big Six alone has contributed over one hundred thousand dollars to the fight of the men for eight hours. That has a refreshing sound, hasn’t it? It is pleasant for a change to hear of men that work having a little ready cash to put their hands on. It gets rather tiresome to hear always of the Wall Street gamblers that don’t work having all the money in sight. The printers are also raising a nice little fu of fourteen thousand dollars a week just now carry on the strike, and they can double that, if th have to — and then treble it. They wont be starved to death. And they wont be scared to death by the e ployers’ threat ‘‘to put girls in their places.” In the first place, the girls cannot do the wo. In the second place, the girls will prove mighty i reliable “scabs,” as the employers will find out. T average girl puts decency above money. In the third place, right wins in this world , a men so mean and heartless as to brag of putting we women and girls at a task fit only for strong rr are bound to lose a fight. Cowardice always los We shall keep track of this strike carefully. A we shall take pleasure in observing and telling wh ones among the publishers that talk so finely of m ality and good citizenship help out honest worke and which ones go into the scab business, and i working of girls in place of men. All over the country we shall soon be deaf with “the open shop” idea, that dearest heart’s w of the treacherous, labor-hating Civic Federation. A few big men, having wheedled a few Ial leaders, none too strong-minded, into joining the are now talking of tire open shop, of importing C nese coolies, quite calmly, as though these were open questions. They are not open questions. They have b< settled in this country once and for all. And labor leaders who discuss them, and who treat th as open questions, in their frantic desire to hobr with such fine “union” men as August Belmont, \ find themselves out of their leadership, unless a li shall dawn upon them. The workers are tired of seeing their lead sitting in council with managers of scab enterprif They know that the leader who would not meet a treat with the owner of a small East Side scab tai shop has no business hobnobbing with the owner a scab railway system. The workers are fortunate in having such n as the printers to lead off in this big fight for preservation of the labor union idea, good wages a reasonable hours. The printers will win. When the fight is over, we advise them to sen mze closely the leaders who have made it a busin of late to deal on friendly, “society” terms with th enemies, thus getting the "open shop,” scab lab Chinese coolie idea spread broadcast. When purchasing, mention Union Goods Directory. UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 65 MEATS. This label is displayed in all meat markets operated under union conditions. AMALGAMATED MEAT CUTTERS AND BUTCHER WORKMEN OF NORTH AMERICA Officers: E. W. POTTER, President, HOMER D. CALL, Sec.-Treasurer, Lock Box 317, Syracuse, N. Y. mm UNION MARKET THIS IS TO CERTIFY. That this Meat Market U conflicted la accordance with the rales of the Amalgamated Meat Cutter* and Butcher Worknwn of North America. A. F. of L. Therefore we commend it to the patronage of all Locals and Secretaries: 5. New York, N. Y.— J. J. Spence, 319 E. 45th. 21 1. Brooklyn, N. Y. — L. Fisher, 955 Willoughby av. 269. Brooklyn, N. Y. — I. Weiler, 113 Leonard. 273. New York, N. Y.— William Pakes, 416 E. 70th. 342. Brooklyn, N. Y. — Gottlieb Maurer, 101 Suydam. 360. Elizabeth, N. J.— Christian Schmidt, Jr., 554 Marshall. 421. Newark, N. J. — August Hein, 733 So. 14th. 422. Newark, N. J. — Adam Metzler, 245 So. 19th. 435. Jersey City, N. J. — Geo. McArthur, 285 5th. Union Butchers Throughout Greater New York. enz, Fr 1012 2d av. ossler, Chas 5 2d av. appel, Louis 302 1st av. inkel. Ch 823 10th av. ppinger, Wm 546 9th av. inger, Wm 866 2d av. ischer Co 2325 2d av. ischer, Fr ..2398 8th av. arthe, J. H 182 Ave. B e }? S , Geo 1650 3d av. S u S ’ i saac 37 Essex >rth, G. 59 i S t av. ll J& e ricli, G no Amsterdam av. ij 7 o Amsterdam av. Oldman & Schweisheimer. .83 3d av. Dmmel, Chr 1016 2d av. rimm, L 1427 2d av. -iinzfelder, Nic 2916 3d av. artman, P 580 Courtlandt av. auff,. Fr 4 i Av. A artwig, Aug 90 Av. A endel, Chr 1507 Av. A ■errman, M 950 1st av. aloch, J. 1569 2d av. issle, Gotti 200 Av. B Kast, H 269 William Kern, G 496 9th av. Kerner, A 526 10th av. Klingler, Wm 2634 3d av. Knauer, G 151 1st av. Kopf, F ....506 1st av. Krotz, Ch 996 1st av. Neker, Chas 139 Av. A Lindner, Ch 98 1st av. Pache, Oscar 1744 2d av. Pantle, El 1825 2d av. Rauscher, G 262 William Reichert, Ch 104 W. Houston Reubold, D 1805 2d av. Riedel, Max 532 9th av. Riedel, E 510 10th av. Schonaker, J 662 10th av. Siither, F 829 1st av. Schmidt, Ch 432 Pearl Schroeder, Peter 719 E. nth Spenger, John 263 10th av. Spitzhoff, Ph 659 9th av. § ta 5 1 !’ S tt0 2332 3d av. Stahl, Otto 339 E. 46th Stenger, P i 475 is t av. 66 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY FLEISCHMANN’S Compressed YEAST HAS NO EQUAL When purchasing, mention Union Goods Directory. UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 67 MEATS. — Continued. Wolbert, John. 1043 2d av. Woelfle & Pfeifer 1530 2d av. Wittman, G 338 E. io2d Ziegler, C 183 Ave. A Ziegler, Fr 48 Carmine Zimerman, M., Co.. 3 18 E. Houston Meat Markets. Bertsch, J Dorfeld, Richard.. Grab, John Horbogen, John N. Kallman, Rich McVeigh, D Roos, Wm Utter Vogel Bros Wider, Ernest ..552 9th av. ,342 E. 46th. . .872 2d av. . 1287 1st av. • 547 9th av. .586 10th av. 441 W. 41st • 335 i B’way . . 11 2 8th av. . .853 1st av. BROOKLYN Appel, F. B...331 Knickerbocker av. Bachmann 85 Suydam Baltenberger, H....203 Fairview av. Bamberger, S 10 Hamburg av. Bauman, J. A.... 246 Hamburg av. Baunach, L. . Cypress & Greene avs. Beck, L...‘ 1019 Flushing av. Blum Bros 13 1 Manhattan av. Bohringer, G 338 Hamburg av. Fachsenhaar, J 319 Central av. Franz, A 321 Covert av. Garlick, H 164 Wyckoff av. Gebele, A 300 Covert av. Gitterman, A 333 Hamburg av. Greenberg, J 770 Broadway Grimm, H 201 St. Nicholas av. Grimm, P 583 Hamburg av. Guertler, H... Wyckoff av. & Halsey Hauser, F 85 Suydam Henel, W....508 Knickerbocker av. Hess, F 349 Humboldt Hill, W 336 Covert av. Holtz, 0 245 Central av. Horner, J....366 Knickerbocker av. Keck, C Bremen Kehrer, H..St. Nicholas & Himrod Ledogar, L 481 Central av. Levy, A 1303 Myrtle av. Loschert, C 107 Central av. Keicher, F 211 Stanhope Kemp & Petry 218 Wyckoff av. Koch, H 659 Evergreen av. Kossman, J 37 Central av. Kunz, J... Myrtle & VVilloughby av. Mayer, A Irving av. & Himrod Mayer, W 284 Onderdonk av. Mehling, A.... 1134 Willoughby av. Merkel, W. & H. .Woodw’d & Ralph Ritter, C 296 Central av. Rosenberg Bros.. 385 Knickerbocker Rosenberg Bros. . . .635 Hamburg av. Roth, P 1556 Myrtle av. Schaible. 343 B’way Schoenberger’s 119 Stockholm Schwartz, A Broadway & Hart Schwartz, A. ..Broadway & Schaefer Schwartz, A 3063 Fulton Sporbert, P 314 Hamburg av. Stern, J 955 Flushing av. Wagenbrenner, J...1242 Myrtle av. Weil, H 1274 Gates av. Wyler, A 1449 Myrtle av. THE UNION LABEL. The Union Label is the guide-post of union labor. It points the safe way in buying. It shows the wage-worker where to find friends among employers. The Union Label means solidar- ity and fraternity. The Union Label means the best wages, the shortest hours. It means that labor is done under the best con- ditions. When you buy goods with the Union Label you will know these goods are not made in a tenement sweat-shop. The Union Label represents a union effort to abolish child labor, it means a shorter workday, it means better wages, it means more humanity in the factory, it means a living wage, and if a united effort was made and the workers as a class insisted 3n Union Label goods, strikes, reduction of wages, industrial warfare would soon be at an end. The general demand for he Union Label means a general improvement. One of the first union labels— Old Glory, 68 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY CANS, SHEET METAL WORK, ETC. This is the label of the AMALGAMATED SHEET METAL WORKERS’ INTERNATIONAL ALLIANCE. Officers: M. O’SULLIVAN, President, 104 Grant, Pittsburg, Pa. JOHN E. BRAY, Sec.-Treas., 325 Nelson Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. 1 1. 53 - 29. 64. 287. 218. 55 - 126. 177. 109. 59 - 142. 185. Local Unions, Officers and Meeting Nights: New York City— Fred Paulitsch, 330 E. 35th; Jos. F. Connelly, 25-27 3d av. Thursday, Labor Temple, 243 E. 84th. New York City— Thos. McNamara, 86 Tremont, Brooklyn; Otto Gaul, 309 Twenty-first, West New York, N. J. 2d and 4th Saturday, 67 St. MtV k er S noIi-Wm. Helwig, 512 S. 5th av.; John Whalen, Pelham. New Rochelle— Thos. O’Donnell, 44 Warren; Wm. Hemtz, 4 Bomfoe pi. 1st and 3d Thursday, 207 Main. _ _ T .. White Plains — W. H. Hazel, 10 Terrace av. ; F. D. Case, 2 Intervail. 1st and 3d Thursday, Lexington Hall. . , , , , Yonkers— Wm. Skidgell, 131 Waverly; H. J. Smith, 93 Maple. 2d and 4th Tuesday, 23 N. B’way. „ A , Bayonne— M. T. Gill, 21 W. 10th; Jas. Connors, 20 W. 21st. 1st and 3d Thursday, Murray’s Hall, 19th and Ave. D. Newark — John Williamson, 71 Ferry; Wm. Fitshner, 246 Mulberry. Monday, 874 Broad. , , Newark— Jno. W. Sweeney; William Ronnan, 154 Green. 1st and 30 Thursday, 108 Market. _ . T Passaic — Peter Johnson, 35 Lodi av., Wallington; Louis Janstetter 165 Columbia av. Monday, Fogerty’s Hall, 73 State. Paterson— Wm. Sutkins, 199 Water; S. P. Van Heeste, 454 Union av Thursday, B’way and Washington. _ „ A Elizabeth— Jas. F. Hardiman, 69 Parker rd; G. Glover, 944 E. Grand 1 st and 3d Monday, Herman Hall, 9 E. Scott pi. Orange — G. Britton, Ridghurst rd., W. Orange; Jno. Noaks, 56 Oak wood av. 2d and 4th Wednesday, 356 Main. The trades-unionist who pays 25 cents in dues and then goes out and spends $2.50 for some article made in a sweat-shop, or by non-union labor, resembles a man trying to fill a barrel by pouring in water from a pint measure in one hand, while he dips it out with a gallon pail in the other. Reason is the weapon of organized labor, and Justice is it: goal. But the weapon can be made sharper and the distance tc the goal shorter by the earnestness, activity and loyalty of its members. UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 69 ©4* Union (Sooba ™ tlimlonj === Jffnr (Bmrtrr Nm fork anil Environs fubrltoljrbi Hontljlg A&nrrtiautB ftattB on AppHration ©4* (Dnlg publication that reaches members of all the labor organizations of New York City and environs — New Jersey inclusive. ©4* GDttl# publication that contains facts of information for every union man and woman in every labor organization in New York City and environs. ©Ire GDnlg Publication that tells union men and women what are union-made goods, and just where to find them on sale. publiii4*b bg 14 * Union (Snobs Sircctorg Publishing © 0 . 3ttrorgoral*b 150 Nassau &trrrt $>w fork (Eitg When purchasing, mention Union Goods Directory. 70 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY MUSICIANS. This label on a card of membership pertains to and is the union credentials of THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF MUSICIANS. Officers: JOSEPH N. WEBER, President, 1344 Broadway, Cincinnati, O. OWEN MILLER, Secretary, 3535 Pine, St. Louis, Mo. Local Unions and Officers: 310. New York — Musical Mutual Protective Union; M. F. Smith, Pres.; Frank Evans, Sec., 2 10-2 14 E. 86th, Manhattan. The jurisdiction of this local includes Greater New York, Hudson and Bergen Counties of New Jersey. 16. Newark — G. J. Vandenburg, Sec., 363 Hunterdon. 1st Sunday in January, April, July and October, at 303 Plane. PAINTERS AND DECORATORS. Demand this label when you order a sign painted. BROTHERHOOD OF PAINTERS, DECORATORS, AND PAPERHANQERS OF AMERICA. International Officers: J. C. BAHLHORN, President. J. C. SKEMP, Sec. Treas., Drawer 199, Lafayette, Ind. Bush & Gerts pianos bear the union label. Write for cata- log. Bush Temple, Chicago. UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 7 1 PAINTERS AND DECORATORS — Continued. Locals and Meeting Nights: BROOKLYN 670. — 951 Willoughby av. Tuesday. 992. — 1711 Pitkin av. Thursday. 1006. — 457 Fulton av. Friday. MANHATTAN 51. — 644 8th av. Monday. 261. — 214 E. 41st. Wednesday. 442. — 85 E. 4th. Tuesday. 490. — 644 8th av. Tuesday. 499. — 203 E. 56th. Tuesday. 701. — 8th av. & 23d. 1st & 3d Monday. 803. — 326 E. 2 1st. 1st & 3d Tues- day. 848. — 243 E. 84th. Monday. Friday. 2d and 4th Fri- BRONX 454. — 149th and 3d av. Monday. JAMAICA 1035. — 230 Fulton. Tuesday. LONG ISLAND CITY 1 2 1. — Hubner’s Hall, Freeman av. and Academy. Monday. STATEN ISLAND 530. — 30 Bay, Tompkinsville. Last Tuesday. ion. — 209 E. B’way. 1078. — 342 W. 42d. day. INTERNATIONAL Officers: PHOTO=ENGRAVERS. This is the label of the PHOTO=ENGRAVERS’ NORTH AMERICA UNION OF MATTHEW WOLL, President, 6212 May, Chicago, 111 . H. E. GUDBRANDSEN, Sec.-Treas., 2830 14th av. So., Minneapolis, Minn. Local Unions and Officers: 1. New York City — John A. McKenna; Otto Bartels, 1 Beekman. 28. Newark — Chas. F. Sutkamp, 462 Belmont av. Union Photo-Engraving Shops NEW YORK CITY American Press Ass’n..45 Park pi. Barnes-Crosby 134 W. 14th Bartlett & Co 119 W. 25th Bormay & Co 20 Rose Central Bureau Eng 157 William Chemical Eng. Co 18-20 Oak Christian Herald Bible House Collier’s. 416 W. 13th Color-Plate Eng. Co 313 W. 43d Commercial Eng. Co 88 Walker Consolidated Eng. Co 8 Jones Electric City 1 Madison sq. Electro-Light Eng. Co. ...411 Pearl Empire State Eng. Co. .190 William Filmer Eng. Co 135 W. 17th Galvanotype Eng. Co. .218 William Hagopian Eng. Co 3 Great Jones Harper’s Franklin sq. Harding Eng. Co 23 E. 8th Imperial Color Co 124 White Jones Eng. Co 137 E. 25th Kitab Eng. Co 401 Lafayette Knickerbocker Eng. Co. ..656 B’way Manhattan Eng. Co 251 William McClure’s Magazine. ... 141 E. 25th McCall’s Magazine 236 W. 37th Moss Eng. Co.. Puck Bldg., Houston Mott Eng. Co 32 Union sq. Munsey’s Magazine 141 E. 25th National Eng. Co 18 Reade CONSULT THE INDEX ON LAST PAGE 72 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY PHOTO-ENGRAVERS. New York Herald Herald sq. New York American 2 Duane New York Press 11 Spruce New York World World Bldg. New York Tribune. . .Tribune Bldg. North American Eng. Co.. 225 4th av. Peerless Eng. Co 35-37 E. 8th Phoenix Eng. Co 152 E. 23d Photo-Crome 162 Leonard Powers Eng. Co 1 1 Frankfort uadri Color Eng. Co. .310 E. 23d ingler’s Barclay & Church Roval Eng. Co 42 W. 15th Salvat. Army, War Cry.. 120 W. 14th — Continued. Scientific Eng. C0..23-25 City Hall pi. Standard Eng. Co. . . 40th & 7th av. Sterling Eng. Co. 96 Reade Suffolk Eng. Co 225 4th av. Tuchromatic Eng. Co 12 Spruce Union Eng. Co 111 Nassau Walker Eng. Co 141 E. 25th Williams Eng. Co. .Fulton-Greenwich BROOKLYN Brooklyn Eagle Washington Hartell Eng. Co 1031 Grand McClure’s Syndicate.. . .72 Raymond U. S. Printing Co 91 N. 3d PIANO AND ORGAN WORKERS. This label is found on all pianos and organs made by union men. When buying a piano be sure the label appears on the instru- ment. PIANO, ORGAN, AND MUSICAL INSTRUMENT WORK- ERS’ INTERNATIONAL UNION OF AMERICA. Officers: CHAS. DOLD, President, 849 N. Irving av., Chicago, 111 . Local Unions, Officers and Meeting Nights: 6. New York City — F. W. Chillemi, 2215 2d av. 1st and 3d Monday, 331 E. 112th. 14. New York City — Fred Schrumpf, 430 E. 87th. 1st and 3d Thursday, Faulhaber’s Hall, 1551 2d av. 15. New York City — Alex. Nagler, 509 Lenox av. 2d and 4th Thursday, Faulhaber’s Hall, 1551 2d av. 16. New York City — A. Lintner, 919 E. 133d. 1st and 3d Thursday, Bru- packer’s Hall, 444 Willis av. 17. New York City — Wm. Diehl, 676 Tenth av. 1st and 3d Tuesday, Faul- haber’s Hall, 1551 2d av. 18. New York City — Thos. J. Burke, 344 E. 62d. 1st and 3d Monday, Faulhaber’s Hall, 1551 2d av. 26. Long Island City — Frank Genninger, 475 B’way. 1st and 3d Wednes- day, Fessler’s Hall, Steinway & Flushing avs. 27. Brooklyn — Henry Greb, 665 Humboldt. 2d and 4th Thursday, Labor Lyceum, 949 Willoughby av. 32. Town of Union, N. J. — P. Rottman, 510 Morgan, Union Hill. 2n and 4th Wednesday, Beier’s Hall, 404 Main. UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 73 LABORS BATTLE ROYAL Nature starts all her children, rich and poor, physically equal. This, broadly speaking, is the opinion of many leading physi- cians. If the number of children born healthy and strong is not greater among the well-to-do classes than among the poor- est, then it presents to us a very significant fact which com- pletely revolutionizes many notions as to the great disadvan- tages of being born in the tenement. What happens to the tenement child after its birth is quite another story. Nature is not responsible for that. She has done her best. If poverty or indifference or ignorance or sin blight her fair work, she stands uncondemned. But nature is not content in accepting a position in which she is simply ex- onerated. The violation of her law is followed by an unfor- giving pursuit, until the full penalty has been inflicted, for with nature there is no forgiveness of sin. And nature makes no class distinctions. This equality at birth does not long favor the child of the slum and the tenement. Vital statistics quickly prove this statement, for the burden and the penalty of poverty and its accompanying evils fall most heavily upon the child. The lack of proper nourishment, of suitable clothing, of healthy sanitary conditions, make life precarious for the babe who must suffer on account of their absence. When such a state becomes chronic, the chances for life are exceedingly small. Death’s scythe sweeps relentlessly through the ranks of little children, whose cry for food has chilled a thousand mothers’ hearts. Then are hushed a thousand babies’ voices, who suffered long because there was no skilful hand to nurse, and no healing draft to cure. There is no battle more royal than the saving of the child. To bring color to the wan cheek, to bring brightness to the dulled eye, to so much as bring a smile to the face that already bears the mark of pain and suffering — this is a task worthy of the best that is in any man. To organized labor has this work been given. No other mis- sion can ever mean more than this. Strong should be the sup- port given the trade unions in their endeavor to blot out the curse of child labor. And blighted should be every arm that is raised in protest against the warfare which means the salvation of little children from a bondage that is crushing out life and hope. — Rev. Charles Stelzle. 74 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY PIANO AND ORGAN WORKERS— Continued. Dealers in Instruments Bearing Above Label. CONNECTICUT Gallup, J. M., & Co Hartford Hine, N. W New Haven Morris, C. H Bridgeport MASSACHUSETTS Freeman, A. J.521 Wash’ton, Boston Houghton & Dutton Boston Richard, Seth, & Co Worcester NEW YORK Hazelton Bros.... 68 University pi. Simpson Crawford Co. .307 6th av. Piano Tuner. Cabarino 165 Ave. B In purchasing Pianos or other Musical Instruments the purchaser should at all times insist upon seeing the label, as practically all dealers in musical instruments handle NON-UNION or NON-LABEL instruments. A UNION Piano, Organ or Musical Instrument is superior to any Instrument of like make and price. Always insist on the Label; buy no others. Label Instruments are the best. Dealers in Union-Label Pianos New York City Pittsburg Hazelton Bros.... 68 University pi. Simpson Crawford Co Chicago Allington, E. D Freeport Brockett Music Co Carmi Bruce-Surles Co Springfield Bush & Gerts Weed & Dayton Bush Tem. of Music, Clark & Chi. av Dean, W. E Joliet Duke Bros Henry Elliott Elevator Co Elliott Ewing, W. M Champaign Francis, J. D Girard Fuller, G. G Kankakee Giles Bros Quincy Griggs Music Co., P. M...Kewanee Harden Bros Sterling Held, Mrs. Bella.. Elgin Hellerman, E. D.. Frankfort Station Heyde, J. B ..Marion Janson & Jooston Pontiac Lovell, L. C .Sycamore Meyer, August 849 Lincoln av. Meyer & Weber.... 169 Wabash av. Miles, Miss Renah Clinton Moore, J. Howard Tuscola Moore, M. H Petersburg Spencer, H. O Galesburg Thearle & Co., F. G. ...455 W. 63d. Vance, Alex Capron Heinrich’s Piano Co Hoffman & Co., J. M.,537 Smithfield Philadelphia Allen, J. F 1715 Chestnut Litt Bros NEW YORK Cassedy, Geo. A Schenectady Clay Cox & Co., G Rochester Loud, Robert L Buffalo Martin & Co., J. W Rochester Moran, A. A .Monticellc Schwackhamer, J. C. .Niagara Falls Sims, G. E Cantor ILLINOIS Heiss, W. F Aurora Knapp Bros Bellevilk CONNECTICUT Gallup & Co., J. M Hartforc Hine, N. W New Haver Morris, C. H Bridgeport DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Pfeiffer, D. G Washingtor INDIANA Bridge, J. C Loganspor Brown, C. F Rockpor Hassmer, A. J Lawrencebur* Joost, Prof. A ..Fort Waym UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 75 40,000 Itttmt- iHair Pianos i&ttovb of % lustf $c (Sorts Pta«0 (Ho. of tu$o. ®I;o 0ttlg llttum-SIahrt Piano mabo in tlf 0 ontiro Host tfT We have a beautiful display now on exhibit at ^ I the Jamestown Exposition in the Federation of Labor Booth in the Social Economy Building. Do not fail to visit it if you go to Jamestown, and if you are interested in the only high-grade Union-label piano on earth write us for catalog, terms and prices, and no matter where you are located we will respond promptly and you will get full information regarding the best piano bearing the Union label, made by Union workmen, and used by Union musicians all over the United States, and especially sought for in schools, conservatories, theatres, halls and public places where durability, high-grade expert labor, and fine workmanship are fully appreciated. Pianos sold on easy payments in all parts of the United States. Write for catalog and mention this ad. Sitfi h & pattfl 01 0 . iUtali ®mplr nf iHusir (Eljtragn, 3 U. When purchasing, mention Union Goods Directory. 76 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY Kinman, W. D Elwood Lagow, A. W. . Princeton Lederer, W. F .Valparaiso Meguire, E. D Kokomo Pearson Music House . . Indianapolis Pitts, Wm. A. ........ .La Fayette Sherwood, Will H Linton Stevens, J. E. Lebanon Stout, Frank C Greensburg York, C. S . Brazil MASSACHUSETTS Freeman, A. J...521 Wash., Boston Houghton & Dutton Boston Richard & Co., Seth Worcester MISSOURI Beier & Son, F St. Louis Booth, H. M Rich Hall Duckworth, C. G Lancaster Excelsior Co Cape Girardeau Fine & Reed Odessa Garner, G. A Sikeston Gill Music Co Montgomery City Goetze Piano Co Moberly Hagen, J. E St. Joseph Hamilton Specialty Co De Soto Helmer, A. E Rockport Holt Co., J. G Kansas City Hoeber & Meinershager, Higginsville Kansas City Music Co. .Kansas City Kleekamp Bros St. Louis Klote, J. P Edina Lamar Music Co Lamar Leibrandt, C. A Cameron Martin Music Co., J. E., Springfield Matters, E. R Neosho Moore, A. W Kansas City Nichols, H. F Marshall Parkes Music Co Louisiana Sauter Bros De Soto Smith & Co., G. W Centralia .St. Charles . . . .Nevada Poplar Bluff OHIO Barr, J. L Mansfield Bates Music Co .....Madison Brownell, O. S Akron Chatterton, C. P Williamsburg Gross, W. O Eaton Hansberger Bros Baltimore Hart Piano Co Cleveland Miller, Chas Fremont Morris, F. M Nelsonville Penn, J. R Sandusky Pilgrim Music Co Hamilton Skeels, W. L Columbus Sutton’s Music Store Xenia Welton, J. C Ashville OREGON Eiler’s Piano House Portland PENNSYLVANIA Burdick, C. A Southport Collins, E. A Albion De Forrest & Son, M. C., N. Castle Guernsey, J. W Scranton Guernsey, W Wilkesbarre Kirk, Johnson & Co Harrisburg Weaver Piano Co York RHODE ISLAND Billings, E. C Providence Goff & Darling Providence VIRGINIA Payne, W. C Charlotteville Ruebush-Kieffer Co Dayton DEALERS IN UNION LABEL PIANOS.— Continued. St. Charles Music Co. Stevens, H. R Winkler, Aug Trades unions have always stood for the highest grade of workmanship. The most skilled, efficient and best workmen are members of the unions of their respective trades. They are more intelligent along higher, broader and more progres- sive lines than the professional non-unionists. This class of non-unionists is not on an average lacking in intelligence or an average degree of skilled workmanship, but their line of rea- soning is so narrow and so selfish that they overlook their greater interests in chasing their smaller interests. Trades unions are the guiding star in which the ambition, aspi- ration and hopes of labor are all centered; they will not fail us. UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 77 A FEW OF THE “COSMOPOLITAN’S” Big Features for 1908 2 DUANE STREET 10c. MONTHLY A Great Oppenheim Series “The Long Arm of Mannister” is undoubtedly the most interesting and original series of stories that has appeared since “The Adven- tures of Sherlock Holmes.” Mr. Oppenheim by his ingenious and thrilling plots has won the position in the affections of the reading public once held by Conan Doyle. The first story appears in this issue; the second, “Traske and the Bracelet,” will be published in November. Illustrations by noted artists. The ten separate stories comprising “The Long Arm of Mannister” will be the most unique magazine fiction feature of the year. A NEW SERIAL BY A NEW AUTHOR The Kingdom of Earth By ANTHONY PARTRIDGE This author’s name is still unknown to the American reading pub- lic. But the first instalment of his brilliant novel, “The Kingdom of Earth,” which appears in the November Cosmopolitan, will show that he is indeed a “comer.” “The Kingdom of Earth” is the re- markable love romance of a European prince and a beautiful and talented American girl. This story is full of exciting adventure and unusual complications brought about by the high station of the hero, and moves to its climax in baffling mysteries that are not fully solved until the very end. Altogether “The Kingdom of Earth” is an ideal serial story. The illustrations will be by that most charm- ing of American illustrators, A. B. Wenzell. The New “Wolfville” Stories The lovers of “Wolfville” are legion, and their numbers have been materially increased since the Cosmopolitan has been running this new series of Mr. Lewis’s stories. They need no advertisement. When one has been read, eagerness for the others follows as a natural result. The new “Wolfville” stories will be continued dur- ing a large part of the year 1908, with illustrations by the most suc- cessful of the new portrayers of Western life, W. Herbert Dunton. The Latest News from Mars Prof. David Todd is returning from South America, where he has been most successful in his observations of our next-door neighbor in the heavens. It is expected that he will be able to throw new light on many of the mooted points in regard to the physical fea- tures of Mars and the question of existence of life upon its surface. The results of these wonderful observations will be written by Pro- fessor Todd for the Cosmopolitan, with photographs taken under the most favorable conditions of proximity. When purchasing, mention Union Goods Directory, 78 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY PLUMBING SHOPS. This is the emblem of the UNITED ASSOCIATION OF JOURNEYMEN PLUMBERS, GAS FITTERS, STEAM FITTERS AND STEAM FITTERS’ HELPERS OF THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA Officers: JOHN R. ALPINE, President, THOS. M. DOOLEY, Sec-Treasurer, 401 Bush Temple of Music, Chicago, 111 . Local Unions, Officers and Meeting Nights: 96. Brooklyn — R. D. Cameron, 350 Fulton. Mon., Bijou Hall, Smith near Fulton. 86. Mt. Vernon — Matthew F. Donohue, 607 Locust. 2 d and 4th Friday. 1 5 1. New Rochelle — Lester J. Hains, 113 Horton av. ; Lawrence Ruhl, 14 2d. 2d and 4th Monday, Burkhart Hall, Main. 379. New York City — M. Shollhaurer, Westchester av. & Ave. C, West- chester; Albur. Dieschsel, 458 E. 167th. Monday, Schall’s Assembly Rooms, 3393 3d av. nr. 166th. 480. New York City — Geo. McGuire, 3 E. 17th; Frank A. Kiernan, 3 E. 17th. Friday, Teutonic Hall, 160 3d av. 241. New York City — Wallace Abrams, 232 Warren, Newark; Fred Schluter, 425 9th av. 2d Friday, 2 Chambers. 498. New York City — James Mullarkey, 440 W. 37th; Edward J. Duffy, 103 E. 125th. Wed., Labor Temple, 243 E. 84th. 299. White Plains — Edwin Coss, 6 Lexington av. ; E. jounghaus, 20 Spring. 2d and 4th Thursday, Junior Order Hall, Lexington. 152. Yonkers — Frank Dodds, 133 Riverdale av.; Jno. L. Walsh, 6 Dale pi. Monday, 48 Warburton av. 181. Bayonne — Stephen Allen, 342 Boulevard; James Loomis, 36 W. 24th. Thursday, Murray’s Hall, 283 Ave. D. 122. East Orange — C. J. Dignum, 12 White, W. Orange; A. Shipman, 638 Warren, Newark. Monday, 336 Main, Orange. 245. Elizabeth — E. W. Connell, 135 Catharine; Harry Wachti, 850 3d av. 2d and 4th Monday, Washington Hall, 843 Elizabeth av. 326. Hackensack — Ernest Zimmerman, 17 John. 14. Jersey City — Jas. MacTague, 47 Stuyvesant av. ; E. Nelson, 623 Ocean av. Thursday, Council Hall, 452 Hoboken. 274. Jersey City — Thos. A. Cone, 10 St. Paul’s av. ; Geo. Hamilton, 54 Bright. Tuesday, Heller’s Hall, Five Corners. 24. Newark — P. J. Monaghan, 166 Avon av. ; John Knispel, 424 Springfield av. Tuesday, 48 William. 475. Newark — Wm. Makinson, 15 Cabinet; T. J. Badgley, 48 William, Irvington. 1st and 3d Thursday, 48 William, Newark. 124. Passaic — C. A. Baker, 156 Maple av., Wallington, N. J. 1st and 3d Tuesday, Plumbers’ Hall, Passaic. 49. Paterson — Patrick McLaughlin, 231 Mill; C. W. Feeny, Helvetia Hall, Paterson. Thursday, Druid’s Hall, 100 Market. UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 79 PLUMBING SHOPS.— Continued. Where Union Plumbing Work Is Guaranteed NEW YORK Armstrong, James 52 Dey Bolger, Paul S 378 Park av. Boyd, John 151 W. 68th Brown, A. H. . . . 726 Lexington av. Byrne, Thos. J 377 4th av. Byrne & Murphy 890 Park av. Bryant Co., Alex....i Madison av. Conklin, Wm. J 169 W. 29th Cooney, John W 355 W. 26th Da'rmstadt, Chas 356 W. 43d De Voe, H. B 515 Columbus av. Golding, Monroe M 1933 B’way Griffin & Sedden 323 W. 44th Guy, James /to 3 Amsterdam av. Hill & Son, Wm 618 6th av. Hosford, Leonard D....68 Beekman Jack & Co., W. Y. .730 Lexington av. Jasper & Goebel 108 E. 126th Kieley & Stahl 1123 B’way Knight & Son, T. N. ..221 W. 49th Lasette & Murphy 2267 B’way Mills & Bro., H. P 554 W. 4*d McCabe & Co., E. J. ..862 Park av. McCullagh, James 218 W. 36th McDermott, W. J..93 Lexington av. McGrath, John J 162 W. 27th Quick, Wm. H 51 John Reynolds, A. W 2110 B’way Reynolds, Frank 832 3d av. Rossman, J. A. .31st & Lexington av. Spellman, W. H 130 W. 28th Stroll & Huber 438 W. 51st Swain, Thos 452 4th av. Tucker, John 248 4th av. Tuomey, Thos. J 1242 3d av. Van Tine, Thos. H 79 6th av. Vail, Est. of W. ..108 University pi. Welstead, John J 141 E. 27th STEREOTYPERS. NEW YORK STEREOTYPERS’ UNION NO. 1 Office, Rooms 189-190 Pulitzer Bldg. Officers: JAMES J. WILLIAMS, President, WILLIAM B. REYNOLDS, Sec. Meets 1st and 3d Wednesdays of each month at 8 P. M., at University Settle- ment Bldg., 184 Eldridge, corner of Rivington. Newspaper and Job Stereotype. NEW YORK CITY American, New York 2 Duane American Press Assoc. . . 47 Park pi. Globe, The 7 Dey Goldmann, Isaac, Co. ...200 William Herald, New York Herald sq. Herold, New Yorker. .22 N. William Journal, N. Y. Evening.... 2 Duane Journal, Wall Street 42 Wall Journal of Commerce 32 B’way Jewish Abend Post.... 228 Madison Jewish Daily News. . . .185 E. B’way Jewish Daily Forward.. 175 E. B’way Jewish Morning Jour. ..228 Madison Mail & Express. ... B’way & Fulton National Press 2 Duane News, Daily 444 Pearl Press, The 7-11 Spruce Ragowski, Henri 444 Pearl Rapid Printing Co 21 Rose Staats Zeitung, Evening. . .Tyron row Staats Zeitung, Morning. .Tyron row Strauss, F. V. 108 Wooster Sun, Evening Nassau Sun, Morning Nassau Telegram, Evening Herald sq. Telegraph, Morning. .8th av. & 50th Times, New York Times sq. Tribune, New York Nassau Volkszeitung, New York. .15 Spruce World, N.Y. Morning.. Pulitzer Bldg. World, N.Y. Evening.. Pulitzer Bldg. Warheit, The 153 E. B’way Zeitung, New Yorker.. 22 N. William CONSULT THE INDEX ON LAST PAGE 8o UNION GOODS DIRECTORY STEREOTYPERS.— Continued. BROOKLYN Chat, The Weekly 16 Wierfield Citizen, Brooklyn. . .Fulton & Adams Eagle, B’klyn Daily. . Wash.-Johnson McClure’s Newspaper Syndicate, 72 Raymond Standard Union Washington Times, Brooklyn 24 B’way JERSEY CITY Journal, Jersey City. .37 Montgomery HOBOKEN Observer, Hoboken. .80 Washington LONG ISLAND CITY Star, L. I ....41 Borden av. Job Electrotype. NEW YORK CITY Burr Printing House 18 Jacob Collier Publishing Co. ..518 W. 13th Craske, Chas 441 Pearl Crosley, Thos. H 19^ Rose Cressett Co Franklin sq. De Nyse Sons 13 Frankfort Drummond, Robert 446 Pearl Empire City Electro. . . .251 William Felt, J. P 2 Duane Flower, Edwin 216 William Franklin Electro Co. . . .Franklin sq. Globe Electro Co 18-20 Rose Harper Brothers Franklin sq. Haggerty, P. F 407 Broome Herald Electro Dept Herald sq. Hornby, Robert 275 Mulberry Hopkins Co 314 E. 23d Hurst, Charles 2 Duane ohnston Sons, Jas. A. ..324 E. 23d ohnston, George J 32 W. 13th Journal Elec. Dept. .12 Bridge Arch Little, J. J 10 Astor pi. Lovejoy Co 446 Pearl Love joy Co 326 W. 41st Methodist Book Concern.. 150 5th av. Munsey, F. A 141 E. 25th McCafferty, H. F 42 Bond New York Life Ins. Co 61 Elm Raisbeck Co 24 Vandewater Ringler, F. A 23 Barclay Rodd Electro Co 134 William Street & Smith 79-89 7th av. Trow Pub. Co 213 E. 12th World El. Dept., N. Y.. 15 Frankfort Wynkoop-Hallenbeck 347 Pearl BROOKLYN Trow Pub. Co 707 Kent av. RAHWAY, N. J. Boden & Quinn WESTCHESTER, N. Y. Catholic Protectory NEWARK, N. J. Central Electrotype Foundry Bouillivant & Snell 22 Prospect Union Electrotyping Shops American Lithograph Co. Burr Printing House 18 Jacob Collier Publishing Co.. 5 18 W. 13th Craske & Co 441 Pearl Crosley & Co 19 Rose Cressett Co. ..Police Gazette Bldg., Franklin sq. De Nyse Sons 14 Frankfort Empire City Elect. Co. ..251 William Felt & Co., J. P 25 .Rose Flower, Edwin 216 William Franklin Elect. Co 340 Pearl Globe Company 18-20 Rose Haggerty, P. F 407 Broome Harper Bros Franklin sq. Hopkins, S. B 314 E. 23d Hornby, Robert 275 Mulberry Hurst, Cnarles 2 Duane Johnston, George S 30 W. 13th Little, J. J 10 Astor pi. Lovejoy Co 328 W. 41st Lovejoy & Co 446 Pearl McCafferty & Co 141 E. 25th Munsey, F. A 141 E. 25th New York Life Ins. Co.. 49 Lafayette Raisbeck Bros 24 Vandewater Ringler & Co., F. A 23 Barclay Rodd, Edgar R 134 William Street & Smith 7th av. & 15th Trow Publishing Co 213 E. 12th WESTCHESTER, N. Y. Catholic Protectory Remember the union label is the emblem of honor and justice. Ask for it. UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 81 STOVES AND RANGES. This label is found pasted on bottom oven plate or inside of oven door of union-made stoves and ranges. STOVE MOUNTERS AND STEEL RANGE WORKERS’ INTERNATIONAL UNION OF NORTH AMERICA Officers: D. W. OTTINGER, President, J. H. KAEFER, Sec.-Treasurer, 166 Concord Av., Detroit, Mich. Local Union, Officer and Meet- ing Night. 8 2, Jersey City — Fred Kneer, 495 Ocean av. ; 2d Tues., Bunnell’s Hall, Communipaw av. & Van Horne. Following Firms Are Using Above Label ALABAMA MISSISSIPPI Standard Stove Works. . . .Columbus NEW YORK Co-operative Stove Co Buffalo Gold Coin Stove & Range Co... Troy Summit Stove Works Geneva OHIO Woodruff, J., & Sons Salem PENNSYLVANIA ra. Stove Works Ellwood City Anniston Stove Co Anniston Gunter Stove Works. ... Bridgeport Sheffield Stove Works Sheffield GEORGIA Southern Co-oper. Stove Co. ..Rome Union Stove & Mfg. Co Dalton ILLINOIS Charleston Foundry Co Matoon Western Stove Co Peoria INDIANA Frazer Stove Co Indianapolis BUY FROM THE UNION EMPLOYER, OR — West Boylston, Mass., July 11, 1907. Mr. H. Geach, New York. Dear Sir- — Your letter of 8th received; in reply would say I gave notice to the machinist union a few days ago to terminate my label agreement at the end of 30 days, as I have not built any union machinery in the last 18 months, as I have not found any- one that used union-made machinery, so I expect to go back to running a non-union shop. Yours truly, P. S. — I enclose stamp ; would like a copy of the Directory. 8 2 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY SUSPENDERS. This label of the American Federation of Labor is attached to all union-made suspenders. The label is your only guarantee in buying suspenders. SUSPENDER MAKERS’ UNION, LOCAL NO. 9560 OFFICE — 98 Forsyth Street, N. Y. JOS. FREEDMAN, Sec., 137 Goerck. Firms Using the Label On Suspenders Blechman & Sons, S 16 Allen Eisenstein, S 98 Attorney Greenberg, S 22 Orchard Knickerbocker Susp. Co. 548 B’way Morris Bros 575 B’way Retail Stores Selling BROOKLYN Altman Bros 1952 Fulton Derx, Martin 693 B’way Fields & Co 5022 3d av. Levy, Sam. D 1320 3d av. Lipshitz, M 368 5th av. MANHATTAN Aronstein, P 2137 3d av. Arnold, F. P. ..1932 Amsterdam av. Ball, S. H 141-143 6th av. Burgheimer Bros 2212 3d av. Catler. John 3201 3d av. Cohen, B 2364 3d av. Co-operative Store 313 Grand Corn, Chas 3631 3d av. Cyge, S 417 E. Houston Cohen, Max 113 South Danmore, B 885 8th av. Daum, Louis 107 1st av. Forster, M 566 Grand Foster’s Sons 725 9th av. Gates, C. L 2052 3d av. Hardy in Co 585 8th av. Perfection Suspender Co... 12 White Rosenthal, Louis 474 B’way Schaffer, S 32 Walker Yale Suspender Co 452 B’way Union-Label Suspenders Heller, Louis 1424 3d av. Holters, M 2731 8th av. Hoyt, H. T 530 Grand Isaac, Wm 88 Bowery Jartsky, L 212 Bowery Kahn, M. M 30 Cortland Klein, Sig 50 3d av. Lachtman & Levingstone. .346 3d av. Lebermuth, J 846 6th av. Liberman, Wm 521 8th av. Morris & Comisky 142 Clinton Rachman, A 46 Delaney Roepke, D 1494 2d av. Schlacht, L 1302 3d av. Schallinger, Geo. L....1358 3d av. Sherman, R 437 6th av. Silberman & Frank. .. .2468 8th av. Strenman, Jos 3713 3d av. Stodola, J 149 Willis av. Sulzberger, M 1114 3d av. Teitle, S 22 South Tenzer, Phil 33054 Grand Terhune, A. H 2351 8th av. Weinberg, Jos 230 Av. A Westchester Cloth’g Co.. i44th*3d av. Yeska J 142 Park row OUR MOTTO * — Let Organized Labor focus its purchasing power on its own output. UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 83 CUSTOM TAILORS. This is the label of the custom tailors, and if you do not get this label in your custom-made clothes you are patronizing firms who hire non-union labor. JOURNEYMEN TAILORS’ UNION OF AMERICA Officers: JOHN B. LENNON, Secretary, Box 597, Bloomington, 111 . Custom Tailors’ Label Local Union, Officers and Meeting Nights: 390. United Journeymen Tailors — C. F. Johnson, 418 4th av. ; A. Neff, Cor. Sec., 522 E. 8th. 2d and 4th Monday, 231 E. 38th. Where Union-Made Custom Clothes May be Obtained. Bastable & Co 5th av. & 31st Bell, J. W 372 5th av. Cahn Bros 736 B’way Carroll, J 277 5th av. Connick, A 244 5th av. Cooper & Co 52 B’way Croney & Lent 244 5th av. Everall 327 5th av. Fox, M. 1 1123 B’way Ginney, J 34th & 5th av. Heckman. Chas 329 5th av. Hornung, Chas 152 B’way Mannowitch, M....sth av. n. 44th Nahm, Lennon & Dam.. 372 5th av. Parsons & Wallander..34th & 5th av. Pearson, Chas. P 233 5th av. Ponchez, A 257 5th av. Powell, John 469 5th av. Rap & Wunder 39 W. 42d Rock, M 315 5th av. Schanz, J 18 W. 38th Stone 5th av., 27th & 28th Tappen & Peirson 315 5th av. Tenent 34 W. 34th Vetzel 2-4 E. 44th Weiss & Co 402 5th av. Welsh & Donaldson 425 5th av. Wessman 477 5th av. West & Co 31 New Whitaker 518 5th av. Wulf & Co 396 5th av. DEMAND THE LABEL. TEXTILE WORKERS! ATTENTION! Rochester, N. Y., July 20, 1907. H. Geach, Dear Sir and Bro — I am very much pleased with your senti- ments in present issue of “Journal” — hence this short note. Perhaps you will remember the press accounts of our Secretary of State Johnny Whalen wearing all label goods when he took the oath of office. In view of this fact I have written at least 20 letters to differ- ent parts of the country in an endeavor to get Gents’ Hosiery and Underwear with the label on; and now I want to sound you on the subject. Do you know where I can get them ? Thanking you in advance for the anticipated courtesy, I am, sir, Fraternally yours, Care of “Herald,” Rochester, N. Y. 84 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY TEAMSTERS. This is the button worn bv members of the INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF TEAMSTERS Officers: THOS. L. HUGHES, Secretary, Room 51, 147 Market, Indianapolis, Ind. Local Unions, Officers and Meeting Nights: 763 Brooklyn — Owen McNamee; Thos. Connaughton, 911 Bergen. 2d and 4th Sunday, Court and State. 98. New York — 142 7th; Sunday. 164. New York — 21 Suffolk; 2d and 4th Monday. 342. New York — 64 E. 4th; 1st and 3d Sunday. 449. New York — 515 Hudson; 1st and 3d Sunday. 453. New York — 763 1st av. ; 2d and 4th Saturday. 506. New York — 229 E. 47th; Sunday. 553. New York — 49th, 8th av. ; Saturday. 584. New York — 147 E. 53d; 1st and 3d Saturday. 607. New York — 147 E. 53d; Sunday. 643. New York — 806 8th av. ; Monday. 644. New York — 206 E. Broadway; 1st and 3d Sunday. 645. New York — 161 8th av. ; 2d and 4th Sunday. 654. New York — 806 8th av. ; Sunday. 669. New York — 408 W. 41st; 1st and 3d Tuesday. Union Stables BROOKLYN Bader Sons, Louis. .497 Liberty av. Bates, Emmet D 294 tloyd Bennett & Son, L. ..295 Flatbush av. Bennett, Watson L., 73 Ft. Green pi. Bernhard, Valentine 142 Union Bullock, Chas. E. .3909 4th av.-39th Clarin, Michael 529 Court Conly, Jas 550 Myrtle av. Connelly, Jas Dean, nr. Court Cornell Bros Smith & 3d Cornley-McCabe Myrtle av. Deininger, M. F 1774J4 Fulton Donnelly, Thos 74 Hudson av. Duffy, Jas. F 512 3d av. Englert, Geo 113 Evergreen av. Farrell Sons, Peter 99 3d av. Gallagher, Patrick 64 Sherman Glenning Sons, Jno 64 Herbert Hart, Jos. L 496 Court Herbst & Son, Fred 695 3d av. Hons, Henry 243 8th Lewis, Wm. B 361-65 Clinton McClean, Jeremiah 221 York McClean, Wm 77 Hudson av. McKennar & Son, P. .. Flatbush av. McLean, Jno 74 Tompkins av. Moore, W. F. 65 Penn Norford & Son, W...517 Classon av. Norris, B ....98 Tompkins av. O’Connell, Daniel 4 J S 44th O’Hara, E. 507 Flatbush av. Redmond, Jos 90 King Roesler, Bernard. . .464 Carlton av. Schafer, Jacob 3d av., nr. 39th Selle, Fred. E 684 5th av. Sherman-Rader 135 Varet Shufeld-Strotel 384 Van Brunt Smith, Kennart Sterling pi. Tracy, Jas. W 1597 Fulton Tracy, Jno. C 908 Kent av. Washburn 1117 Bedford av. Weil, Jaques 309 Grand The union label makes for cleanliness, UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 85 TOBACCO, CIGARETTES, ETC. This blue label is pasted on all packages of union-made tobacco ; also on chewing tobacco. If there is no label on a package , it is not union-made. THE TOBACCO WORKERS’ INTERNATIONAL UNION scud by ineAutfumfo of the t _ JIDBACOO WORKERS^^^^^ INTERNATIONAL I UNION. Officers: HENRY FISCHER, President, E. LEWIS EVANS, Sec.-Treasurer, 55-56 American NatT Bank Bldg., Louisville, Ky. Local Unions and Meeting Nights: 41, New York City — 97 Columbia, Sat. Union Brands Sun Cured, Red Band, Wild Fruit, Compass, Hazel Nut, Prime Mess,' Elephant, Lime Kiln Club, Single-Foot, Honey Flake, Buckingham, Clam Bake, Gold Shore, Long Tom, Egg Nog. Union-Label Tobaccos Fine Cut. — Globe, High Court, Nerve, Express, Target, Hope, Blue Label, Blue Line, Detroit, Fearless, Sweet Myrtle, Anti- Trust, World, D. T. C., Laurus Natural Leaf, Milk Maid, Base Ball, Blue Moon, Ripe Peach, Hatchet, Willie Harris, World Beater, Farmer’s Delight, Wigwam, Canoe, Globe. Plugs. — Delmonico, Fame, The Five, Nerve Navy, Hand Made, Globe, Snow Apple, High Court, Eden, In Line, Fruit Juice, Primo, Trust? Nit, Hope Navy, Our Nation, Central Union, Uni- form, Right Good, Sensible Sliced, Pride of Richmond, Belle of New England, Richmond Best Navy, Luxury, Fair Play, Bos- tonian, Wineberry, B-D, Dipper, Wine Sweet, White Rock. Smoking. — Hand Made, Roman Mixture, Gold Flake, Blue Label, Hope, Globe Union Made, Navy Jack, Sam and John, K. of L., Pickaninny, Canada Royal Navy, 5 Cent, Police, American Girl, Pipe Dream, 8-Hour Union, Buckingham, Fifth Avenue, Millionaire, Globe, Wolverine, Navy Clippings, Jack Pot, Duke of York, Gold Flake, Blue Label, Fame, Globe, All Leaf, Sweet Rose, Hope, Adam, Bismark, Oronoco, Standard Time, Tige, Now or Never, Harpoon, Pride of Reidsville, Hamburg, Easy Chair, Sweet Violet, Duke of York Mixture, Globe Mixture, Hope Mix- ture, Uncle Tom, Spot Cash, Red Jacket, Don Juan, Blue Label, King, Fruit Juice, Dan Tucker, Pug, Heron, Fruits and Flowers, Queen of Virginia, North Star, Central Union, Long Tom. Union-Label Cigarettes White Rolls, Fifth Avenue, Millionaire, Egyptian Heroes, Baron de Hirsh, Turkish Students. 86 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY INSIST ON THE LABEL WHITE ROLLS CIGARETTES “THE ONLY” Independent Union Made Handled by all dealers favoring Unionism. Insist on your dealers having them. & & lO FOR 5c THE LABEL ON EVERY PACKAGE When purchasing, mention Union Goods Directory. UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 8 7 TOBACCO, CIGARETTES, ETC.— Continued. Retail Stores Selling Union-Made Tobacco and Cigarettes MANHATTAN AND BRONX Ahner, Fred 2420 Lorillard Anderle 418 E. 72d Barth 168 Bowery Bartles & Whiteley 120 3d av. Biewaski, J 724 E. 163d Brewer, A 352 St. Ann’s av. Cohen, N 71 Cooper sq. Cohen, R 117 Orchard Colonial Tobacco Co.... 1554 3d av. Cook’s Cigar Store 98 6th av. Crass, A 603 E. 133d Davis Bros 607 Lenox av. Drake, W. F 188 West End av. Eifler, H 405 Bleecker Fair, T 2803 8th av. Feinstein, B 1472 Amsterdam av. Fisher, A 729 7th av. Forester, R 690 Tremont av. Franz, J 803 E. 161st Galgano, G 728 E. 166th Grienfield, M 1019 Barton av. Gilberg Bros 511 Lenox av. Goldstein, M 102 W. 134th Goodwin, T 523 Canal Gruenberg, A. W 14 Delancey Gruberg 462 10th av. Halaber Bros 421 West Helms, B 8th av. & 14th Hillman, A. H., Co 439 Pearl Homer, W 722 Cortlandt Horowitz, L 217 E. 2d Houkin 8th av., bet. 17th & 18th Hurwitz, J 516 Lenox Jacob, Charles 473 9th Tanello 492 10th Joe’s Restaurant 7 3d Jonas, C 542 W. 125th Kamioner, S 56 E. 8th Kaufman, A 499 Brook av. Kelly, J 641 Morris av. Klein, E. A 801 3d av. Klaus, J 362 E. 143d Kugler, M 138 Orchard Kuenstler, H 297 10th La Grange, D 76 9th av. Last, J 606 E. 138th Leavy, L 88 Greenwich Lely veld, J 1444 5th av. Lehman, H 897 8th av. Leoni 251 Spring Levi, J 9th av. & 34th Liebman, J 201 W. 125th Lipkowitz, J., Hamilton pl.W. 144th Lippland, L. 182 West Litvock 541 Lenox av. Luches, C 88 8th av. Mandel, J 150 West Meissner, C 422 Amsterdam av. Miller, W 662 3d av. Menekau 132 Alexander av. Mermelstein, J 533 Lenox av. Meyergold, M 4216 3d av. Miata 691 10th av. Mikel 528 10th av. Nagele, T 486 Lenox Neigan, T 189 W. 10th Park & Tilford B’way & 21st Pereira, A 371 Bowery Rohmann, C 163 7th Rumler, Phil 692 3d av. Saniter, R 71 1 Tremont av. Saqui’s 775 Tremont av. Schaefer, F 315 E. 34th Schaefer, John 158 W. 19th Schaverim, C 160 7th av. Schroeder 727 10th av. Serveiss, H 547 3d av. Silverstone, M 1464 5th av. Simons, M., & Son. . B’way-Bleecker Sovitz, M 788 St. Ann’s av. Sprung, A. H 2702 3d av. Tropauer, W. J. ..714 Lexington av. Union Cigar Store.. 1702 Madison av. Wallach 124 E. 14th Weinstein, M. .1512 Washington av. Weinberg & Fresco.... 81 Park row Weissman, Geo 468 Lenox av. Wessell, G 844 Columbus av. Wilcox, E 412 7th av. Worthacker, G 192 8th av. BROOKLYN Baldwin, S. P. . . B’way, nr. Hooper Barend, S 282 Bedford av. Ferd’s Cigar Store.. 1201 Myrtle av. Flanzenbaum, D 5007 5th av. Freedman, H 359 7th av. Klein, H 397 5th av. Otto, G 25 B’way Seidenzahl Estate 25 B’way Vinegead, H 190 7th av. LONG ISLAND CITY Brisloff, C 13 Borden av. ELIZABETH, N. J. Lowy, M 28 W. Grand The union label means sanitary conditions in workshops. Before purchasing, consult this directory. 88 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY TRAVELERS’ GOODS, LEATHER NOVELTIES, ETC. Here are the labels of the TRAVELERS’ GOODS AND LEATHER NOVELTY WORK- ERS’ INTERNATIONAL UNION OF AMERICA Paper Label for Trunks . Stamp Label for Leather Goods. Officers: MURT MALONE, President, 240 Jefferson av., Oshkosh, Wis. CHAS. J. GILLE, Sec.-Treasurer, 1446 N. 19th, St. Louis, Mo. Local Unions and Officers: 2. Newark — Geo. W. Schlipf, 206 13th av. 3 3. New York City — John Guyre, 302 W. 36th. PRINTING. The German Printers’ Eight-Hour Label GERMAN-AMERICAN TYPOGRAPHIA No. 7. MANHATTAN AND BRONX A — Goldmann, Is., Co. .200 William B — Schmetterling, “Der Fiihrer,” 344 Bowery C — Oehler, J 87 Frankfort D — Speyer, George I. ..183 William E — N. Y. Volkszeitung. . . 15 Spruce F — Co-operative Press. ... 15 Spruce G — Weiss Printing Co. ..116 Fulton H — Wieser, William.. 108 Park row K — Bartholdi, E 721 E. 143d L — Woodstock Print. Co. .885 Jack- son av. Bartsch, H 87 Frankfort Q — Amer. Schweizer-Ztg. . 187 Green- wich Badische Landes-Zeitung, Lodge & Ass. Record 319 Pearl V — N. Y. Morgen- Journal N. Y. Staatszeitung Tryon row N. Y. Herold, N. Y. Zeitung, Revue, 22-24 N. William BROOKLYN M — Bartel, Ph.. 639-641 Bushwick av. N — Schilling, Hy. . . .1444 Myrtle av. P — Brooklyn Courier Myrtle av. Brooklyner Fr. Presse. .35 Myrtle av. LONG ISLAND CIT\ S — Long Isl. Beobachter . .532 B’way UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 89 FRANK EARLE PARHAM ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW 27 WILLIAM STREET 1 NEW YORK When purchasing, mention Union Goods Directory, go UNION GOODS DIRECTORY PRINTING. INTERNATIONAL TYPOGRAPHICAL UNION OF NORTH AMERICA Officers: JAMES M. LYNCH, President, J. W. BRAMWOOD, Sec.-Treas., 640 Newton Claypool Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind. All genuine labels have a num- ber attached — clearly printed. Locals, Officers and Meetings: 6. New York — James J. Murphy; C. M. Maxwell, 74 Lafayette. 1st Sun- day, Yorkville Casino, 210 E. 86th. 7. New York — Hermann Andree, 14 N. William. German . 8. Newark — Joseph A. Heim, 364 Bergen. 11. Newark — James A. Gibney, 215 Elm. 83. New York — Nicholas Rosenauer, 1456 Webster av. ; Samuel Schoenfeld. 2d and 4th Friday, 206 E. B’way. Hebrew. 94. Jersey City — K. M. Forbes, 27 Gardner av. 103. Newark — Edward H. Ashton; Elmer Throssell, R. 18, 189 Market, no. Union Hill — John A. Rank, Weehawken P. O. 131. New York — Charles Jerabek, 1390 2d av. Bohemian . 150. Elizabeth — Wm. F. Pender, 114 Reid. 195. Paterson — J. C. Sigler, 253 S. 2d. 235. Rahway — Harry Gage, 43 River. 261. New York — N. Lampignani, Box 188, Coytesville, N. J. Italian. 323. Hoboken — J. J. Soffel, 408 Washington. 387. Mount Vernon — C. F. Moehring, 46 South 424. Orange — John Gallagher, 300 S. nth, Newark. 468. Yonkers — J. D. Hickerson, 2 Colin. 642. Hackensack — Alfred Kastner, 13 Clinton. Union-Label Printing Establishments’ Label Offices With Numbers. MANHATTAN AND BRONX 1, Liekens, F. Victor, 644 9th av. 2, Brown, M. B., Co., 49 Park pi. 3, Mitchell, Wm. P., 133 William 5, O’Brien, C. J 227 William 6, Kiesling Bros 623 E. 148th 7, Burke Bros 414 Madison 8, Roy Press 190 Fulton 9, Litwak, Julius 185 Bowery n, O’Brien, J. J., & Sons... 122 E. 23a 12, Lenz, Rudolph. .64 Bible House 13, LiDschitz, Isaac 180 Grand 15, Concord Print’g Co. .374 Broome 16, N. Y. Bond & Tick. C0..161 Wash. 17, McCusker, John A. .503 W. 37th 19, Freytag Print. Co. ..118 Walker 20, Goldman Co., Isaac.. Cor. Frank- fort & William 21, Kruger Bros 232 Canal 22, Lier, Frank 410 E. 71st 25, Berkeley Press 218 William 26, N. Y. Am. & Jour., 232 William 29, O’Brien Pr. Co., J. J., 10 Barclay 30, O’Connor, John J. ..459 W. 30th 32, Pratt, The J. W. Co... 52 Duane 33, Wieser, Wm 108 Park row 34, Willett Press, The. .. .5 W. 20th 39. Friedman, H. J 215 Bowery 46, Schrieber, S 161 Broome 47, Blumenberg Press. . .218 William 48, Vol. of America. .. .38 Union sq. 52, Francis Press, Chas. .30 W. 13th 53, McQuade, John J. ...314 E. 46th The union label means better work, UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 9i TICKETS IN ROLLS COUPON TICKETS DUE STAMPS TRADE LABELS REVENUE STAMPS TELEPHONE CONNECTION CONSECUTIVELY NUMBERED SPECIAL PRINTING CERTIFICATES OF STOCK SPECIAL MACHINERY When purchasing, mention Union Goods Directory. 92 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY PRINTING.— Continued. 54, Williams Print. Co. .3 7th- nth a v. 55, Atkin, Wm. P., & Co... 36 Gold 56, Saronson & Son.. 185 E. B’way 58, Dux Co., Jacob 315 W. 42d 61, Edelmuth & Miller. .240 E. 76th 62, Met. Job Print.. .213-227 W. 26th 63, Gildersleeve Press.. 17 Vandew’t’r 64, McAuliffe & Booth Press, 124th & 8th av. 65, Schlesinger, M., 64 St. Mark’s pi 68, Morning Telegraph. . soth-8th av. 69, Gillin Printing Co., 608 W. 43d 75, Davis, Edw. A 1947 3d av. 79, Heiss, F. W., Pearl & Park row 80, Empire Printing Co. .315 W. 53d 81, Gaus, Theo., & Sons.. 42 Franklin 88, Printers’ Ink 45 Rose 89, Technical Press.... 258 William 92 Schmetterling, M. ...344 Bowery 95, Harris Bros 36 Washington 97, N. Side News, 149 & Bergen av. 101, Kane Brothers 342 Canal 102, Funk, Geo. T....531 Hudson 103, Arcanum Press.... 147 E. 84th 104, Horn, John 839 10th av. 107, Auerbach, R 126 Essex 108, Geiger, John 425 E. 15th 11 2, Speyer, G. J 183 William 1 19, Co-operative Press... 15 Spruce 120, Rogowski, H 442 Pearl 121, Redfield Brothers. .. 31 1 W. 43d 123, O’Connor, M. A ...22 N. William 126, Erskine Press 22 E. 13th 127, Hewitt, W. G. ..24 Vandewater 130, Young, Charles P 98 John 136, Moorhouse, W. M., “The Mecca Press” 134 W. 26th i? 7 * Daly, John 267 10th av. 138, Baurheim, Ernest. .248 E. 80th 139, Trow Print. C0..201-213 E. 12th 142, Davie Press.. 19th, cor. 8th av. 144, The Keystone Press.. 229 E. 70th 145, Rehahn Print. Co. .132 W. 28th 149, Stuyvesant Press.... 78 E. 10th 154, Mail & Express 9 Murray 160, Brown, Charles. . . .565 Hudson 171, Mercer Printing Co. .409 E. 14th 172, Richmond County Herald, Stapleton, L. I. 173, Duane Press.... 24 Vandewater 176, Cassidy, John 221 Fulton 183, Opp, B 451 W. 42d 185, Jennings, W. N. .362 W. B’way 187, Drew & Lewes 93 Cliff 188, Senia, J. Grant.... 75 W. 125th 193, Levy, William 440 E. 86th 195, Donnelly, J. A 851 9th av. 199, Little & Co., J. J.. 10-20 Astor pi. 201, New York Listy...i39o 2d av. 203, Sperber & Tucker. .93 Attorney 204, Hlas, Lidu 43 E. 72c! 206, Wynkoop-Hallenbeck - Crawford Co 497-505 Pearl 207, Joffe Bros 166 Madison 210, Amer. Press Ass. .45-47 Park pi. 21 1, Miner Litho. Co.. 342 W. 14th 214, Hahn, J. F 126 William 215, Koob & Muller. .. .549 E. 134th 216, Steinmetz, G 925 3d av. 217, Sachs & Steinfeld. . 12 Jefferson 218, Salvat’n Army..i20-i24 W. 14th 22 1, Mercan. Print. Co. .84th-2d av. 223, Unity Press 218 William 224, Kalkhoff Co., n New Chambers 225, Riverside Press.... 5 40 1st av. 227, Browne Bros 413 W. 59th 228, Becker, John G. ..222 W. 67th 230, Lentz, John H 1270 2d av. 231, Sherwood, A. G. .434 Lafayette 234, Bronx Sentinel. .Mad. av. & 2d, Westchester 238, Eisler & Co 227 Canal 239, Arthur Mount. Co. .111 Liberty 242, Unit. Gar. Workers.. 232 W. 14th 243, N. Y. Herald, B’way & 35th 244, Harlem Press.. 1872 Lex’gton av. 246, Gleason, Wm. F. ..509 W. 41st 247, The Reich Press.... 66 Suffolk 248, Wickmann, A 172 Broad, Richmond, S. I., N. Y. 249, Overhage, Paul. .24 & 26 E. 21st 250, The Half-Tone Pr..326 W. 41st 251, Union Photo-Eng. Co., 338 Pearl 252, Stillman-Appellate Printing Co., 51 Broad 254, Garrick Press.... 133 W. 24th 255, Wagner Press. .318-320 E. 23d 2 <6, The R. & H. Press.... 44 Gold 258, Hayes Printing Co. .242 W. 41st 260, Scarlino, Louis.... 204 E. 108th 261, Moehring, John C....21 Av. A 263, Bauerman, F. A. ...511 W. 43d 264, Parsons & Co. .7-8 Chatham sq. 265, Houston Press. ..15 E. Houston 266, Silverstein & White.. 2 17 Forsyth 269, Fleming Press.... 32 Union sq. 270, Weber, Wm. J. ..12-14 Warren 27 1, Nathan, Cl. S...9-11 Franklin 273, Schilling Press.... 137 E. 25th 276, C.O.D. Print. Hse..i737 Av. A 278, Schwartz, Wm. ...238 Eldridge 279, The Hopp Press. . . .370 8th av. 283, Opp, P. R. ..448 Amsterdam av. 285, McQuade, Jos. F. ..207 E. 34th 286, Empire City Job Print.. 2 Dover 287, Burr Printing House.. 12 Jacob 289, Klebold Press. . 137-139 E. 25th 290, Colon. Print. Co.. 102 W. 100th 291, Scharaga, Abr 26 Stanton 296, Eagan, Thomas F. ..148 E. 42d 297, Sanders, Herman.... 8 Wooster 299, McConnell Print. Co., 238 Wm. 300, Scarlino, F. ..114th, nr. 1st av. 301, Fulton Press 825 E. 166th 302, Lifshitz, Ezekiel 49 Canal 303, Art Col. Pr. Co.. 812 Greenwich 304, Regimental Press. .220 W. 13th 305, Baia, Dionisio. . . .334 E. 112th 307, New Star Press. .1714 Lex’n av. 308, Partridge, E. S 358 W. 22d UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 93 “IN UNION IS STRENGTH " I^e McCALL PATTERNS sold in the United States than of any other make, Because They combine STYLE, ACCURACY AND SIMPLICITY McCALL’S MAGAZINE £ subscribers than any other ladies’ magazine in the world, Because It is the most necessary ladies’ magazine published. McCALL’S MAGAZINE costs only 50 cents a year. Subscriptions taken by any of the merchants who handle McCall Patterns. The McCall Company, 236-246 W. 37th St. NEW YORK Merchants Selling Union Dress Patterns NEW YORK CITY Bach & Co. . .62d & Amsterdam av. Blumstein, L. M 230 W. 125th Cohen, Hy. . 151st & Amsterdam av. Cohn, Henry.... 524 Amsterdam av. Feiner & Schwartz, 1713 Madison av. Frank, L. & A 1512 1st av. Hochhauser, Peter 1715 1st av. Lyons & Chabot 150th & 3d av. Nichthauser, Sigm 2081 8th av. Popper, Edward 1618 1st av. Sansom, William 17 E. 59th Schoenbrun, B 1887 3d av. Silverstone Bros.. 744 Westchest’r av. Steinel & Korth 2271 3d av. Stolle, Chas 106 W. 125th The Fair, Harris Friedman, Prop., 218 St. Ann’s av. Wertheimer, L 140th & 8th av. Zimmerman, R 464 3d av. BROOKLYN Broadway Bazaar, The.. 1185 B’way Brody, Julius 17 Manhattan av. Cohn Bros B’way & Van Buren Ferretti, Bartol A., Evergreen, 282 Cypress av. Goldberg & Malament, 5th av & 58th Kleinteich, George.. 397 Bedford av. Linder & Berger 1924 Fulton Lipsich, L 4711 3d av. Namm, I. A 452 Fulton Nurnberg, Jacob. .357-359 Knicker- bocker av. Silver, F 91 Utica av. Stern’s, Jacob, Sons. .765 Manhat- tan av. (Greenpoint). Yancovitz, Jacob 1621 B’way Zimmerman, H 172 5th av. 94 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY PRINTING. 310, Cherouny Printing Co... 27 Van- dewater 312, Bennett, D. S. . .324-326 E. 23d 313, Shupaugh, AI..1531 Amsterd.av. 315, The Markey Press. .614 E. 138th 310, Woodstock Printing Co 885 Jackson av. 320, Walsh, Cornelius. .303 E. 85th 324, Woodward, A. E 42 Bond 326, Winbourn, W. B. ..205 E. 116th 327, Nat’l Printing & Engraving Co., 244 W. 49th 329, Swiss Pub. Co. ..187 Greenwich BROOKLYN OFFICES 23, Eldredge, F. M 330 Grand 36, Woehr, John 60 Bergen 38, Rosenkranz,. W. C...331 Adams 40, Brooklyn Citizen. .. .397 Fulton 41, Moore, John L. . .354 Graham av. 42, Collison, P. J., & Co.. 337 Adams 66, Collyer, Frank. .3d av., cor. 7th 74, Saltzman, Louis.. 48 Graham av. 84, Jones Brothers 156. Water 99, Pertsch, Wm. A... Flushing av., Corona, L. I. 106, Tempany & Hirt..2o8 Willo’by 1 1 4, Hesse Bros 150 Central av. 133, Kessel Bros 7 Debevoise 141, Brook’n Rec’d..2674 Atlantic av. 143, Le Doux, J., Jr., 1264 Myrtle av 146. Lampe, E. C..2680 Atlantic av. 150, Nessler, E. A. ..132 Throop av. 153, McKinney Press. .13th & E av., L. I. City 157, Althus, Jr 76 Bartlett 16 1, Luick, J 376 Graham av. 167, Mintzer, M. ..79 Manhattan av. 175, Schneider Press, 343 Hamb’g av 182, Home Talk Pub. Co.. 4911 3d av. 185, Bayside Review.. 1831 Bath av., Bath Beach Continued. 194, Ben. Franklin Press. .286 Clas- son av. 197, Kehoe, James E 41 5th av. 198, Klein, B., Jr 107 Meserole 219, King, John H 310 Fulton 220, Lycett, William 335 Fulton 235, Clark, William J 135 Union 237, Manhattan Press, 595 Man. av. 241, Isaacson, Morris. ... 510 B’way 259, B’klyn W’kly News.. 4708 3d av. 262, Sander & Co. ...1497 Gates av. 267, Holton Print. Co. .99 Myrtle av. 268, Schilling, Hy..i444 Myrtle av. 272, Osborne, Wm. ..571 Boulevard, Rockaway Beach 274, Tiffany Press. .. 570 Graham av. 277, Grayzel & Co 134 Watkins 280, Lewis Bros no Watkins 281, L. I. Star Pub. Co. .41 Borden av., L. I. City 284, Fordensky, J. ..1820 Pitkins av. 288, The Pearl Press 375 Pearl 294, Kinsella, Michael V. .383 Pearl 295, Borough Publishing Co. .Leffets av., Richmond Hill 298, Berry, Robt. C 458 Court 306, Standard Printing Co.. 961 Glen- more av. 309, Kramer Press 340 Covert 311, Newbert, G. M..805 Flushing av. 316, Doyle Pub. Co 330 Fulton 317, Frosch, George 555 Linden 318, Murray Bros 487 Fulton 321, Brady, Jno. B 136 No. 7th 322, Cassidy, E. P. & S. W., 161 Rockaway av. 323, Owl Print 368 Central av. 325, Kessel, J. F., Print. Co. .1204 Myrtle av. 328, Elite Press 545 Van Buren 330, Maresea, Philip 564 Hicks 331, Dietz, Chas 413 Covert av. Pa is sticking on stickers — He’s a labor skate — “ 23 ” for the Teapot, Pa’s hours are only eight; Mother is interested, So is sister Ann, The label goods at our house Helps my old man. Buy no sweat=shop goods. Demand the union label, UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 95 PRINTING. This is the label of the ALLIED PRINTING TRADES COUNCIL. Officers: GEO. W. JACKSON, President. THOS. J. CANARY, Secretary. 76 Lafayette st., N. Y. City. Room 25. ALL GENUINE LABELS HAVE A NUMBER ATTACHED. The following organisations are affiliated : Typographical Union No. 6, 76 Lafayette st. German- American Typographia Union No. 7, 14 North William st. Hebrew- American Typographia Union No. 83, 153 East Broadway. Photo-Engravers’ Union No. 1, 1 Beekman st. Int. Brotherhood of Bookbinders Local No. 1, 20 Duane st. Bohemian Typographical Union No. 13 1. Mailers’ Union No. 6, 13 Chambers st. Paper Cutters’ Union No. 119, 76 Elm st.. Room 9. Gold Layers’ and Stampers’ Union. New York Printing Pressmen’s Union No. 51, 147 Fourth av. Franklin Association No. 23, 35 City Hall Place. Stereotypers’ Union No. 1, Room 52 Pulitzer Building. Local Paper Rulers’ No. 9, Heese Hall, Frankfort and William sts. Newspaper Webb Pressmen Union No. 25, 1 Beekman st. Italian Typographical Union No. 262, 8 Franklin st. Job Press Feeders’ Union No. 1, 49 Henry st. New Jersey Allied Printing Trades Councils: Secretaries: Elizabeth — E. H. Feller, 141 Jaques. Newark — F. J. Ostertag, 51 1 Bergen. Paterson — H. V. Boothby, c-o. Daily News, Passaic. Rahway — Harry Gage, 43 River. FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, ETC. UPHOLSTERERS' INTERNATIONAL UNION OF NORTH AMERICA. Officers: ANTON J. ENGEL, Secretary, 28 Greenwood Terrace, Chicago, 111 . Locals and Officers: 33. Brooklyn — J. Munterick, 246 Devoe. The YELLOW LABEL is found on all the Upholstered Furniture manufactured by competent workmen in sanitary and healthful workrooms. 96 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY FURNITURE, MATTRESSES, ETC. To provide against purchasing and using furniture uphol- stered in penitentiaries and sweat shops, see that The Yellow Label is attached to the article. If you do not see The Yellow Label when purchasing uphol- stered furniture ask the dealer for it. List of stores where Union Label Furniture can be bought: BROOKLYN. Batterman, H. Brockway, Geo. H. Brooklyn Furniture Co.. 553 Fulton Burden & Co 783 Manhattan av. Cowperthwait Co.. Fulton & Flatbush Duff, Peter... 253 Columbia Fraas & Miller 133 B’way Fehmel & Hillenbrand. Fennell & Pye. Fifth Ave. Furn. Co.... 534 5th av. Fischer Co., Geo. S. Ginsburg, K. Goehringer, Wm., Jr. (Ridgewood). Grasmann, F 1065 B’way Hummel & Glaser ... 1501 Myrtle av. Kendrich & Co., C. T.949 Myrtle av. Long Island Furniture Co. Mason, Isaac 115 Myrtle av. Matthew’s Son, A. D....398 Fulton Mills Bros 1704 B’way Nelson, N. Rochford Furniture Co. Schwarz, Geo. J....1279 Myrtle av. Schwarz, John A 838 B’way Siewert & Son, F...1400 Myrtle av. Speer, J. A. E. Unseld, Peter H...801 Flushing av. Woolsey & Son Co., S. W.193 Grand NEW YORK CITY. Albert & Co., Jos 251 First av. Baumann & Bro., L 3225 3d av. Bloomingdale Bros. . . .59th & 3d av. Casey Bros. Cowperthwait & Co.... 104 W. 14th. Cowperthwait & Sons. .193 Park row Cowperthwait & Sons... 66 E. 125th Fennell & Co., Geo 2860 3d av. Flint Co., Geo. C 43 W. 23d Ott, John 1972 3d av. Robert Miller’s Son Simpson, Crawford & Co. 307 6th av. The Pantasote Co 26 W. 34th LONG ISLAND CITY Gaily, L Astoria, 197 Main Hennings, Borbech & Heyser, 662 Steinway av. Walsh, Thomas 18 Jackson av. Your conscience will never bother you if you call for the union label. The union label supersedes the boycott by concentrating the “purchasing power” upon union products. A trade-union without financial sources is like an engine with- out steam, the machinery is there, but the power to put it in motion is lacking. Sense and cents are as necessary for the successful running of a trades-union as they are for the successful running of any other institution. Child labor is a disgrace. Help to crush it by shunning non- union products and by demanding the union label. Don’t save a few cents on scab goods which represent the life blood wrung from little children. UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 97 WOOD WORKERS. AMALGAMATED WOOD WORKERS’ INTERNATIONAL UNION OF AMERICA Officers: JOHN G. MEILER, Secretary, 407-410 Bush Temple of Music, Chicago, 111 . Local Unions and Meeting Nights: 133. Brooklyn — (Chair Makers) 42 Grand; 2d and 4th Monday. 70. New York City — (Cigar-Box Makers) 233 E. 38th; 2d and 4th Thurs- day. 122. New York City — (Box Makers and Sawyers) 393 2d av. ; 2d and 4th Tuesday. 172. New York City — (Store-Fixture Workers) 145 E. 53d; Thursday. 209. New York City (Veneer Sawyers) 503 E. 6th; 1st and 3d Saturday. 244. New York City — (Picture-Frame Makers) 83 Forsyth; 2d and 4th Monday. Manufacturers of Picture Frames , Bars, Store Fixtures , Etc., Bearing Union Label NEW YORK BROOKLYN Brunswick- Balke Co 227 4th av. Daniels-Rutstein 5 E. B’way Neubest, Jos. F....805 Flushing av. In most cases the union label is a small affair, but when you consider what it stands for, what condition it represents, what happiness and comfort it secures, what misery and heart-ache it relieves, what impudence and arrogance it checks, what bright ray of hope it gives to the toilers — then you will realize that it is of the highest importance; that it represents honesty and fair dealing, and is the agent of love and liberty, a friend of right and a foe of wrong. Let not your unionism only hold sway in the union hall, but teach its objects at home. You will thus increase the demand for the goods that bear the label. 98 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY What Are You Doing With Your Union Wages? If you belong to the Union and are buying SCAB hats, shoes, shirts, collars, suspenders, clothes, etc., you are supporting SCABS with the union wages you went on strike to maintain. The UNION GOODS h== DIRECTORY^ tells you WHERE you may purchase union-made goods of the best quality for the same prices that you are now paying for scab products. Do you want to know just WHERE you can buy union- made goods? Fill in the subscription blank below and mail with $1.00 to-day. CLUB RATES ON APPLICATION The Union Goods Directory Publishing Co. (Incorporated by Union Workingmen) 150 Nassau Street New York City 190 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY PUB. CO. 150 Nassau Street, New York. Please send the UNION GOODS DIRECTORY for year , commencing with the issue , to Full payment enclosed. $1.00 a year in advance. UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 99 Directory of Organizations affiliated with the Central Federated Union of New York and = Vicinity == Actors’ National Protective Union No. i. Actors’ National Protective Union No. 14. Actors’ National Protective Union No. 15. Amalgamated Blue Stone Cutters. Amalgamated Society of Carpenters No. 1. Amalgamated Society of Carpenters No. 2. Amalgamated Sheet Metal Workers No. 11. Amalgamated Sheet Metal Workers’ International Alliance No. 177. Amalgamated Ladies’ Garment Cutters No. 10. Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workers No. 269. Amalgamated Wood Workers No. 249. Amalgamated Wood Workers No. 210. Amalgamated Wood Workers, Chairmakers, No. 133. Amalgamated Gold Beaters. Amalgamated Wood Workers No. 172. Amalgamated Waiters No. 1. American Federation of Musicians No. 310. Arcadian Workers. Architectural Brass and Bronze Workers No. 204. Architectural Structural Iron Workers. Asphalt Block and Bitulithic Pavers No. 19. Association of Foremen and Assistants. Atlantic Coast Marine Fireman. Atlantic Coast Seamen. Awning Makers’ Protective Union. Barbers’ Union No. 251. Barbers’ Union No. 507. Bartenders’ Union No. 1. Beer Pump Workers No. 20. Beer Drivers’ Union No. 1. Belvidere Council. Bill Posters No. 1. Bohemian Butchers and Bologna Makers. 100 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY HATS FOR MEN THAT KNOW WHAT A GOOD HAT IS McCANN’S HATS NUMBER 210 BOWERY When purchasing, mention Union Goods Directory. UNION GOODS DIRECTORY ioi C. F. U. ORGANIZATIONS. — Continued. Bookbinders’ L. U. No. I. Bookkeepers and Assistants. Box Machine Sawyers No. 8 7 , Box Makers and Sawyers. Boot and Shoe Workers. Boilermakers’ Helpers. Bottlers and Drivers No. 347. Brass Pump Workers No. 296. Brass Molders of Greater New York. Brass Molders No. 1. Brass Workers No. 87. Brewers’ Union No. 1. Brickhandlers’ Union. Bridge Tenders’ Union of Harlem River. Bronx Assembly. Brotherhood of Butcher Workmen No. 174. Brotherhood of Carpenters No. 32. Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators and Paper Hangers No. 454. Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators and Paper Hangers No. 499. Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators and Paper Hangers No. 848. Brotherhood of Painters No. 848. Brotherhood of Painters No. 442. Brotherhood of Painters, Decorators and Paper Hangers No. 51. Brotherhood of Painters No. 454. Brushmakers’ International Union No. 2. Building Material Drivers No. 654. Building Trades Section. Cable Splicers. Calf Butchers’ Protective Union. Cap Cutters. Cap Liningmakers No. 23. Carriage and Wagon Workers. Carriage and Wagon Workers No. 127. Carpet Upholsterers No. 70. Cattle Butchers No. 5. Ceramic Mosaic and Encaustic Tile Layers. 102 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY HARPER’S Magazine Mrs. Humphry Ward’s NEW NOVEL The Testing of Diana Mallory WILL BEGIN IN THE NOVEMBER NUMBER OF Harper’s Magazine In this remarkable new novel the author of “Lady Rose’s Daughter” and “The Marriage of William Ashe” has reached the highest point in the development of her genius. Her new story is a story of to-day, a love-story with a young heroine of fascinating charm, about whom there hangs a mystery, which is revealed as the story progresses. Mrs. Ward’s story will be illustrated by the famous English artist William Hatherell, R.I. AT ALL NEWS-STANDS When purchasing, mention Union Goods Directory. UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 103 C. F. U. ORGANIZATIONS.— Continued. Cement and Asphalt Workers. Cigar Box Makers. City Gardeners and Florists. Cloth Hat and Cap Makers. Cloth Examiners and Spongers. Commission Drivers and Helpers No. 449. Concrete Form and Centre Setters No. 18. Compact Labor Club. Coppersmiths’ Union. Cracker Factory Workers No. 373. Decorative Glass Workers No. 36. Dock Builders’ Association. Double Drum Hoister Runners. Distillers and Rectifiers No. 10,754. Edison Association of Wool Workers. Egg Inspectors. Electrical Workers No. 20. Electrical Workers No. 3. Elevator Constructors and Millwrights No. 1. Emmett Association of Rock Drill and Tool Sharpeners. Enterprise Association of Steamfitters. Foremen Blasters No. 11,955. Foundrymen’s Association. Franklin Association No. 23, I. P. P. and A. U. Furniture Packers’ Prot. Gardeners’ and Florists’ Union. Gilders’ Union. Glaziers’ Union No. 284. Gold Pen Makers. Grain Workers’ Association No. 10,477. Granite Cutters’ Union. Greater New York Sign Painters No. 701. Grocery Clerks’ Union. Hardwood Finishers No. 442. Haverstraw Bay Boatmen. Hebrew Actors No. 7. Hebrew Variety Actors No. 5. Herbert Waiters No. 11. Hexagon Labor Club Tile Layers’ Helpers No. 53. Highway Laborers. 104 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY C. F. U. ORGANIZATIONS.— Continued. Hotel Porters’ Association. House Shorers and Movers. Inside Electrical Workers. Insulators and Asbestos Workers. International Association of Machinists No. 15. International Bakers and Confectioners No. 1. International Bakers and Confectioners No. 7. International Bakers and Confectioners No. 50. International Brotherhood of Firemen No. 56. International Bakers and Confectioners No. 164. International Bakers and Confectioners No. 258. International Bakers and Confectioners No. 261. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers No. 270. International Bakers and Confectioners No. 22. International Cigar Packers No. 251. International Cigar Packers No. 213. International Cigarpackers No. 215. International Cigarmakers No. 13. International Cigarmakers No. 90. International Cigarmakers No. 141. International Cigarmakers No. 144. International Compressed Air and Foundation Workers. International Coopers’ Union No. 27. International Coopers’ Union No. 60. International Ladies’ Garment Workers No. 12. International Longshoremen, Marine and Transport Workers’ Association No. 658. International Steam Engineers No. 20. International Steam Engineers No. 296. Iron Chippers’ Union. Jewelers’ Protective Association. Job Press Feeders. Journeymen Horseshoers. Journeymen Stone Cutters. Journeymen Soap Stone Cutters. Journeymen Tailors’ Union. Knickerbocker Association. Lamplighters’ Union. Last Makers No. 258. Leather Workers No. 54. UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 105 When purchasing, mention Union Goods Directory. io6 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY C. F. U. ORGANIZATIONS.— Continued. Leather Workers, Horse Goods, No. 95. L. I. Pilots’ Association. Lithographers Apprentices and Feeders. Lumber Handlers, Tallymen and Inspectors’ Union No. 658. Machine Stone Workers. Mailers’ Union No. 6. Manhattan Ferrymen’s Protective Association. Marble Mill Hands Customers Union. Marine Cooks’ and Stewards’ Association. Mattress and Upholstered Box Spring Bed Makers’ Union. Metal Polishers No. 34. Metal Polishers No. 12. Metal Polishers No. 89. Metallic Lathers No. 46. Miscellaneous Section. Music Engravers’ Union. National Alliance of Amalgamated Painters and Decorators. Newspapers and Mail Deliverers. New York Letter Carriers. New York Newspaper Web Printing Pressmen No. 25. New York Printing Pressmen No. 51. New York Plate Printers No. 5. Ornamental Plasterers. Overall Workers. Packers, Headers and Handlers. Paper Cigarette Makers. Paper Handlers. Paper Hangers. Park Employees’ Protective Association No. 12,044. Patternmakers Association. Pavers’ Union No. 1. Pavers’ Local Union No. 4. Pearl Button Makers. Piano and Organ Workers No. 14. Piano and Organ Workers No. 17. Piano and Organ Workers No. 18. Pipe Caulkers and Tappers. Pipe Cutters, No. 11,667. Plasterers’ Laborers’ Union. Plasterers’ Laborers of Greater New York. UNION GOODS DIRECTORY io 7 C. F. U. ORGANIZATIONS.— Continued. Plasterers' Union. Plumbers No. 2. Plumbers and Gas Fitters No. 498. Plumbers’ Helpers. Photo-Engravers’ Union. Print Cutters’ Association No. 1. Progress Association of Steamfitters’ Helpers. Railroad Iron Workers and Track Layers. Range Mounters and Setters. Reliance Labor Club. Retail Furniture Clerks No. 1,057. Riggers’ Protective Union. Rockmen and Excavators. Sheep Butchers’ Prot. No. 10. Ship and Marine Riggers. Shirt Makers’ Union. Shirt Waist and Laundry Workers. Sign and Pictorial Painters No. 701. Skirt Makers’ Union. Skirt Makers No. 23. Skirt Operators No. 78. Slate and Tile Roofers. Stereotypers’ Union No. 1. Stove Mounters. Submarine Divers. Suspender Workers. Tar, Felt and Water Proof Workers. Theatrical Protective Union. Theatrical Calcium Light Operators’ Union. Theatrical Protective Union No. 1. The Commercial Telegraphers’ Union. The Hat and Cap Leather Sweat Band Cutters’ Union. Tide Water Boatmen’s Protective Union. Tip Printers’ Union. Travellers’ Goods and Leather Novelty Workers No. 19. Travellers’ Goods and Leather Novelty Workers No. 26. Typographical Union No. 6. Typographia No. 7. Typographical Union No. 83. L T nited Brotherhood of Carpenters No. 51. io8 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY C. F. U. ORGANIZATIONS.— Continued. United Brotherhood of Carpenters No. 309. United Brotherhood of Carpenters No. 387. United Brotherhood of Carpenters No. 468. United Brotherhood of Carpenters No. 473. United Brotherhood of Carpenters No. 474. United Brotherhood of Carpenters No. 476. United Brotherhood of Carpenters No. 478. United Brotherhood of Carpenters No. 513. United Brotherhood of Carpenters No. 727. United Brotherhood of Carpenters No. 772. United Brotherhood of Carpenters No. 1,548. United Brotherhood of Tailors. United Brewers’ Association No. 59. United Building Material Drivers No. 657. United Clothing Cutters and Trimmers No. 4. United Clothing Salesmen. United Hatters of North America. United Housesmiths’ and Bronze Erectors’ Union. United Housesmiths’ and Bridgemen’s Union No. 40. United Journeymen Pie Bakers. United Neck Wear Cutters. United Neck Wear Makers. United Pie Salesmen. United Portable and Safety Engineers No. 184. United Tight Work Coopers No. 2. Upholsterers No. 44. Upholsterers No. 39. Wall Paper Color Mixers. Wall Paper Machine Print Color Mixers. Wood Block Pavers No. 10. Wood Carvers and Modelers. Wood, Wire and Metal Lathers No. 271. Whitestone Association. Wholesale Groceries and Flour, International Brotherhood of Teamsters No. 240. Wire Workers No. 9,414. Women’s Trade Union Club. W. S. Br. Seamen. UNION GOODS DIRECTORY 109 O’Sullivan Rubber Heels £TT These Heels of New Rubber are a posi- *' tive relief to all who walk or stand. Nurses are obliged to wear them in the sick-room. If it is a fact that they make you step lighter and more buoyant and feel happier in mind and body, adopt them for your own benefit, but be sure and get O’Sullivan’s. They are the only heels that are made of new rubber. If your dealer cannot supply you, send 35 cents and diagram of your heel to the manufacturers, O’Sullivan Rubber Co. Lowell, Mass. When purchasing, mention Union Goods Directory. no UNION GOODS DIRECTORY OFFICIAL Washington, D. C., January io, 1907. Dear Sir and Brother: At the Minneapolis Convention of the American Federation of Labor, a delegate from the Central Labor Council of James- town, N. Y., introduced a resolution, No. 142, which was fav- orably considered and approved by the convention. It is as follows: “WHEREAS, The two millions and a half of trade unionists in America, representing millions of consumers, whose aggre- gate purchasing power will reach $2,000,000,000 annually; and “WHEREAS, It is recognized that the union label — the em- blem of honest toil — is indeed a powerful but peaceful and humane weapon in the hands of trade unionists, and that a con- sistent demand for union labeled products does not only pre- vent strikes, but will also abolish sweat-shops, convict and child labor, and thus prevent industrial panics from time to time; and “WHEREAS, To greatly increase the sale of union labeled products, and to enable the trade unionists to learn where they can purchase same; therefore be it “RESOLVED, That the American Federation of Labor, in the twenty-sixth annual convention assembled, instruct its offi- cials to suggest to all Central Bodies to obtain a list of all union labeled articles handled by merchants in their respective locali- ties, and that said bodies to have same published from time to time in a (pocket size) union label bulletin, giving the list of union labeled articles, and names of each merchant handling same, for distribution among members and friends of organized labor in their respective localities for information, and that the expense for such bulletins be met by organizations publishing same.” SAM’L GOMPERS, President, American Federation of Labor. As long as workingmen continue to buy non-union-made goods, just so long will respect for them be less and merchants continue to handle that class of goods whose existence pro- claims labor’s servility. It signifies that human life is becom- ing more highly prized in the production of human commodi- ties than mere profit; it warns you that by patronizing a firm who does not uphold it, you assist in building up the business of a tyrant who extracts a fortune from the drudgery and degradation of his fellow-men. Therefore, create the demand. Ask for a union label wherever you go, whatever you pur- chase. Even though you are aware that a label is not on the market, nevertheless demand it. Demand governs supply. UNION GOODS DIRECTORY hi -*• INDEX Page Allied Printing Trades 95 American Federation of Labor.. 5 Bakeries 7, 8, 9 Barbers 10, 11 Barrels and Casks 34 Bartenders 54 Beds and Mattresses 95, 96 Billposters 12 Blacksmiths 12 Bohemian Printing 90 Boilers, etc 13 Books 14-20 Bookbinders 13 Boots and Shoes 21, 22 Breakfast Food 39, 41 Bridges and Iron Work 24 Brooms 23 Brushes 23 Butchers 65, 67 Caps ' 28 Carpenters & Joiners, Brother- hood 25, 26 Carriages and Wagons 27 Carvers, Wood 26 Cement Workers 28 Cigars 29, 30 Central Federated Union, N. Y. 5 Central Labor Union, Brooklyn. 5 Clerks, Stores employing Union 31, 33 Cloth Hats and Caps 28 Clothing for Men 44-46 Collars and Cuffs... 56-58 Color Mixers 60 Coopers , 34 Curtains 35 Decorators and Painters 71 Dress Patterns 93 Electrical Workers 37 Electrotypers 80 Engineers, Steam 36 Engravers, Photo 71, 72 Engravers, Watch Case 36 Page Essex Trades Council, Newark.. 5 Federated Trades Council of the Oranges 5 Feeders, Press 95 Firemen, Stationary 38 Fixtures 26 Flour and Cereal Workers 39 Foundry Work 38 Furniture 96 Furs 41 Garment Workers, Ladies’ 46 Garment Workers, United 43 German Printing 88 Glassware, etc 48, 49 Gloves 47 Gold Layers and Stampers 95 Granite Cutters 47, 48 Halls, Union 54 Harness 58, 59 Hats, Men’s 49, 50 Hebrew Printing 90 Horseshoers 51-53 Hotels and Restaurants 54 Hudson County Central Labor Union 5 Iron Work. 24 Italian Printing 90 Jewelry 56 Job Press Feeders 95 Laundry Workers 56 Leather Novelties 88 Leather Workers, Horse Goods. 58, 59 Lithographic Printing 59, 60 Magazines 14-20 Mailers 95 Machine Printers 60 Machinery. Tools, etc 62, 63 Mattresses 95, 96 Meat 65, 67 Metal Workers, Sheet 68 Musicians 70 Novelties, Leather 88 1 12 3 0112 042771789 UNION GOODS DIRECTORY INDEX — Continued. Page Overalls 44 Painters and Decorators 71 Paper Cutters 95 Paper Rulers 95 Paperhangers and Painters 71 Patterns, Dress... 93 Periodicals 14-20 Photo-Engravers 71, 72 Pianos 72, 74 Pressmen, 51 95 Pressmen, Webb, 25 95 Printing, Bohemian 90 Printing, German 88 Printing, Hebrew 90 Printing, Italian 90 Printing, Lithographic 59, 60 Printing Trades, Allied 95 Restaurants 54 Saddles, etc 58, 59 Shirts and Collars 56*58 Signs 7i Page Shoes and Slippers 21, 22 Steam Engineers.. 36 Steam Fitters 42 Stereotypers 79, 80 Stoves and Steel Ranges 81 Suspenders 82 Tailors, Custom 83 Teamsters 84 Telegraphers, Commercial 36 Tobacco 85-87 Tools and Machinery 62, 63 Travelers’ Goods 88 Trunks 88 Typographical 90 Upholsterers 95, 96 Union County Trades Council.. 5 United Trades & Labor Council. 5 Wagons and Carriages 27 Wall Paper 60 Watch Cases 36 Wood Workers 97 If the union men AND WOMEN BELONGING TO THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LABOR CONCENTRATED THEIR IMMENSE PURCHASING POWER ON THEIR OWN OUTPUT THE LABOR PROBLEM WOULD BE SOLVED