mm. ^L I B R.ARY OF THE UNIVLR.SITY Of ILLINOIS NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY. A Contribution Toward a Bibliography On North American Fur Animals LEE E. YEAGER PuilishtJ by Aulhorily of /A« STATE OF ILLINOIS DwiGHT H. Green Governor DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION Frank G. Thompson Director BIOLOGICAL NOTES NO. i6 ILLINOIS NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY Theodore H. Frison, Chiei Urbana Illinois state of Illinois Dwi^lit PI, Green, Governor Departin.ent of Registration and Education Prank G, Thompson, Director A GOITTRIBTJTIOIJ TOV.ARD A BIBLIOGRAPIfY Oil IIORTK AIIERICAK FUR AEIMALS Lee E, Yeager Published hj Authority of the State of Illinois ITatural History Survey Theodore H, Prison, Chief Biological ITotes IIo. 16 Urbana, Illinois December, 1941 C II T E N T S -f INTRODUCTIOII' -■-;>.-"-''-%„ -.^.-'.- .-"-^,-.'- -.--.---.--..-^ 1 ACKiraVLEDGliENTS - - ~ . . ... ^,_.\. . . > .. -.>._..-.,_..-.; .;._. _ 5 LIST OP REFEREIICES ' - - ..' .\'.',-\\' _.'...-..... . _ ^ - _ _ 6 HISTORICAL --..-_ -_- -,- . Exploration and Settlement Fur Trade ---..----. FUR'ANIML CONSERVATION - - ..-.,-...._ .-.-...- - 6 6 12 15 FUR AiTlilAL r.:ANAGE:iEIIT ..- . ..- - - - -..-.- - -,,;*.--.- - -^ _; 20 '. General (manacement discussed or implied)..- - .- _■-■;--;- 20 Surveys and Fauna! Lists - , - - - - ,-_.- - - - - -^■■■.i r^, v^-:, 26 Habits, Life History and Biology - .- ..- ,- - ..- - - - - - - 34 Habitats - - - '- - .- - .- - ,.- - - .- .- - .- ..- .- .- .,- - - -. - 36 Signs, Tracks and Tracking, - -..-.-..-,-..-.- ._,,>..-..„---;;.■, „ 33 Food Studies ----__--__-___________ 33 Breeding and Reproduction.- _--.---.-- - - - - -■ - -' - ,39 Parasites and Disease ------------______ 40 Cycles and Populations --.-.-.- - - - - - .- - - - ..- .- - 46 Distribution ----------_--_______>_ 43 Predatory Animals -------..--.--._-_■--____ 49 General -----------------_-_---_ 49 Juanagenent ----------------__-_ 51 Control ------------------------ 53 Bounty System -----------------_-__ 57 Production and Economics ------------____ 53 Laws and Seasons -----------_---_--_- 62 Traps, Trapping and Fur Handling -----_--__-_ 64 Field and Laboratory Teclmiques ------------- 74 FUR FARIilNG ------------------------ 75 General ------------------------- 75 Badger ------------------------- 79 Beaver ------------------------- 30 Fisher _---------_------------__ 80 Foxes ------------------_-----_ 81 Lynx -------------------------- 86 Marten ------------------------- 36 L^nk --_----------------_---_-- 87 Huskrat ------------------------- 91 Opossusn ------------------------- 92 Otter -------------------------- 92 Raccoon ------------------------- 92 Skunlcs ------------------------- 93 Va'easel, Fitch and Ferret ---_-------_-__- 94 Chinchilla ----------------------- 95 FUR UTILIZATI0:T AND TECHNOLOGY -------------- 95 SPECIFIC PUR ANII.u'^.LS ------------------- 97 Badger ------------------------- 97 Beaver ------------------------- 99 Bobcat, Lynx and House Cat --------_-__-_- 109 iii Contents Fisher -- -----_---_--____ 113 Foxes - -■ •- -•- -■--- _-•---__ -•-■■---•_■__ _ _ 113 Pvir Seals ------------------ - . - - -. - .,118 liarten-- -■-■■---•-■-■-- - -■---■---■-•---•-■- _ -_'_■_ 123- ilinl: ------------------------- 125 Muskrat - - - - - - ------- -•- _----•-■- - - - - - - 126 Opossiira ----- --------------- -- __ 135 Otter ^- - - - _-•-■-■■-•--- ----- -•_-_-■■-■- - ---.,' 145 Raccoon ----- - -•-•-■■--- - J-^i ■•■•,.■ 'i- ■■_■_'_ '- ^ ■■_ .. -.i:^- 145 Ringtail Cat - - - - ------ -■-■-•-■-•-•_■-•-■---- '"l' ■ 148 Sea Otter ----------------------- . .148 Slmnlcs ----■--■---■-- - ■- -•■- - - - - ■-■152 V;easel ------ ------------------- 155 Wolf and -Coyote - •- ■- - ■- - - ■- -- '- - - - - - - •" " ..-,--- ^^^ v;olverine - - -- ■-- - - - - ----•-----.--■-- -f'-l 166 Miscellaneous ------ ------___-_-- -■-.■. 167 Chinchilla ----- - - - - - - - - - - •- ,- -, 167 - Ferret ■-_■_-■---- - - _-_-__ _ _______ 168 ■ Kole ■- ■- - - - ■- - - - - - •- - - '^ - - - - ■>- - - -'-r' - . 169 SUPPLSIIENTARY -LIST - - - ■- - - - - -- - - - - - -,- - - ^. -.' - 171 FIGURES - - - ----------- •■- - ■- ■- ■- - -■ - - - - - - - -■;-■■ 173 LIST OF -PERIODICALS CITED -------- - "- - - ------ - ' 175 IV A COITTRIBITTION TO'VARD A BIDLIOGI^iPIIY on NORTE ALEIilGAlI PUR AIIIMLS Lee E. Yea^er Illinois Natural History Survey INTRODUCTIOIT This bibliography is designed to bring together in ref- erence forra a large part of the material on Ilorth Anerican fur animals. Although it is intended particxilarly for workers who do not have access to the matchless files of the U. S. Fish and V.'ildlife Service or to other more or less complete reference lists, the compiler hopes that the bibliography v.'ill be of some use to all students dealing with the fur resource. The classification scheme provides for two main kinds of references, general and specific. The general references Include headings under which are listed all titles of a general nature and those that do not deal primarily with a single species or a dis- tinct fur-animal group. In addition, they include sections on parasites and diseases, fur farming, and fur utilir;ation and technology, subjects so distinctive that it seems advisable to list together all references thereon. Under specific references, the only headings used are the common names of the fur animals. References dealing with two or more species or groups are usually listed under each species involved. In, both general and specific references,, the arrangement under headings is by author in alpha- betical order, and the order under authors having more than one title is chronological.- ' ' ' 1 Listing of rei"je.r.ences..:Iia.s. iean made specific whenever possible, in -the..43eli-e.f tliat .such an arrangeriaent,. '.in a "bibliog- raphy lacking extensive cross references, v/ill prove the nost convenient for the largest nitmber of risers. Thus, such important subjects as breeding and roprodviction carry only a few references, and physiology and similar subjects are not included in the clas- sification. Most titles that might be included under tl-iese head- ings are listed undibr the designated f^ir animal in' the specif Ic references, ■ .■ A fcv/ grottps, notably rabbits, bears and mountain lions, have reluctantly been excluded, 'chiefly because of the ' extenisive- ness of the litoiraturc on rabbits 'and the unimportance of bears and lions as fur animals, Becavise of the availability of a good bibliography by Phillips, cited later in this Introduction, fur seals here are dealt vrith chiefly after 1925, which closes the date of title inclusion in Phillips' work. Pew of the very large number of state papers, documents and reports 'on seals and fur otters are included.^ " Tlicsc may be found in the Catalog of the Public DocuTiionts , also cited in this Introduction, Foreign species are excluded except for the introduced chinchilla; arid foreign references are not lls-ted except 'v/here they have a direct appricatlon to our native forms or report on L^'orth American- •• ' species introduced into other lands. It has been necessary "to choose between various types of material, and some borderline works have been kept or rejected more or less arbitrarily. The hundreds of popular articles on trapping and fur animals which have appeared in -outdoor and agri- cultural magazines are in most instances omitted, although their 3 net value nay bo greater than is sonetlines recognized. Purely taxonomlc works and niost of the large nuiriber of local lists of nainmals have largely been left out. Many .scientific notes have been included. There is no pretense at completeness, although it is believed that most of the important references are given. It has been impossible to check all state and instltutionai publica- tions, and valuable papers have thus txndoubtedly been missed. The' method of citation has purposely been simplified largely for brevity, but also for convenience and uniformity. A key to most of the abbreviations used will be found in the ap- pended List" of Periodicals Cited. The number of pages given for ■ books is approximate, since no account is taken of preface pages. Plates, along with figures, photographs, maps and dia- grams, are considered as Illustrations and are simply listed as such 'in the citations. Authors' names are given in the initial rather than the full form. In regard to editions, the latest has been used v/henever possible, but it has been impractical • to be consistent in this respect. In some instances .it has not been' possible to secure complete reference data, especially for certain foreign publications. These titles are followed by an asterisk. -.^ Parentheses have befen used' to. denote doubtful autheh-. ticity or other infomiation not supplied in the reference work itself. Thus, (LI'Gilllvray, S.) indicates , that t?ie author's name v/as not on the original publrcaoion or that there is some question of authorship; ,(1918) indicates that no, date of publication is ' ' given in the reference vi'ork, but that the probable date of ptibli- cation has been learned from, other sources. In references for , which no publisher is cited, the publisher is in most cases the author . 4 ■•■•'■■■ Devoted in part to North AniGrlcan Tur animals are four • recent biblioGi'aphies, tv;o iinmenselv useful abstracting organs and two ptibllcatidns of the U. S. Superintendent of Docuipents^ . These . ei^ht works are considered so valuable for reference pvirposes that they are cited separately below. One of the abstracting organs is the v;ell laiov.Ti Biolo.':!;ical Abstracts , issued monthly-j with a com-, ■ plete index at the end of each jeav. The second, V.'ildlif e Heview, includes only wildlife' "literature, and is probably, the most useful abstracting organ generally available to American fur workers. It is issued four or five tines -annu-ally. Catalog of . the Public Documents has appeared by voliimes, one for each, national Congress, 1895 to date. Fortunately one of the bibliographies, Phillips, includes an excellent section on fur seals., and numerous lists of references to game and fur anii'aal laws' and wildlife conservation, all through 1925. Ciithbertsoh & Ewors have compile d. the most extensive list bf references on the history of the fur trade knov/n to the v/ritor. Tlieso eight references, are as follows: ■■ Biological Abstracts. 1926-date. University of Pennsyl-; vania, Philadelphia. Published in five sections. Price varies by sections; §25.00 per oomplete voliime, ■ single • s.\xbscriptlon. Volume 15 in 1941. Cuthbertson, Stuart, and Jolin C, Ewers, 1939, A preliminary bibliography on the /vmerlcan fur trade, U. S, Department of the Interior, ITational Park Service, 191 pp, (Mimeographed.) ' . ,, _ ■ • Gaines, Stanley 11., _et a_l. 1938. Bibliography on soil ero- ■ sion and soil and water conservation. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Miscellaneous Publication No. 312. 651 -np^ - U. S. Government Printing Office, V.'ashington, D. C. ?;0.60, from Superintendent of Documents, lVashington> D. C; Phillips, John C, 1930. /jnerican game mammals and birds; .a. catalo.gue of books, 1582 to 1925, sport, natural history and conservation, Houghton I'lfflin Co., Boston and New York. 638 pp. $10.00. Renner, F. G., et_ al^. 1938, A selected 'bibliography on . nanagenent, of v;entorn ranges, livestock and wildlife. U. S, Department of Agricultiire, Iliscollancous Publica- ' tion IIo. 281. 468 pp. U, S. Govorninent Printing Office, V/ashingtbn, D. C. 50,45, from Superintendent- of Documents, V.'ashlngton, D, C. U, S. Superintendent of Doc-uments, '1896-date, Catalog of the public docuinents of the , . . . , Congress and of all De- partments of the Governnent of the United States for the period from i!arch-4, 1893, to date (being the "Comprehen- sive Index" provided for by the Act approved January 12, 1895). U. S. Government Printing Office, V/'ashing'ton, D, G, U, S, Superintendent of Doc^jments, January, 1895-date, Monthly catalog,' United States public documents, v U.i S* Government Printing Office," V/ashington, D. G. i5l.50vper year. Wildlife Review, September, 1935-date, U. 'S. Department of the Interior, Pish and Wildlife Service, Vrash-ington, D, C. Averages abotxt 30 pp, per issu.c; issvied irregularly. (Mimeographed.) Free, (Ffumbcrs 1-21' issued-by the U, S, Department ■ of Agriculture;- nicnbers 22-ol by' the. U. S. Department of the Interior; all by the Bureau ©f Biologi- cal Survey, nrevioxis to consolidation of bureaus into Fish and V;il'dlifc Service, June, 1940. From those who may use this bibliography, I sincerely invite' notice of errors r.nd omissions. Suggestions for its improvement will bo received with thanks, ' ■ • ' 4 ACKITOV.XEDGMENTS I am indebted to Dr, Franlr G, Ashbrook' and Dr. V;, X, ilcAtee of the U. S. Pish and Vn.ldlife Service,* V.'ashingt on, D. C, for the loan of a useful English bibliography on fur animal breeding and for helpful su.ggestions. lir. W. H-, Scott, of the Y/isconsin Conservation Department contributed a number of obscure titles. Ilr. James S. Ayars, Editor of the. Illinois Natural History Survey, has contributed much to the uniformity of cita- tion and orc^ariisation of the bibliography. I could not have compiled these references without the aid of my -wife, Agatha G. Yeager, who devoted hundreds of hours to varieus parts of the work. Scores of individuals, publishers, li.brat'iaAS ajid .certain organizations aided in checking references not' available, for dl- re'ct attention. I herewith expres's iny ^ppr&ciation. '■.■ , ■ ''■ ■■' •£■ 'l S-'T F R E P E R'.E;.II. C E S' ■ ■'■ ■ ' ■ ii t * .V, , '..'... : .'' •'•''..■''.■ ■■' •,;■' '::'_:„,:: ^^''--"r • :■■,'■ nisTORicAL-- . :,' ■;'.': ;:.:.' - "' •^'.- ".'■"■".'''" '■"'" Exploration and Settleraejit ' . * ' ' ' For a larger list of references •see Cuthbert;56n & -Ewers, cited in the Introduction*, Adam, 'G.Ti. aSB^-, Tlie Canadian north-v/est. , Rose Publishing' Co., TorontOi 390-pp/, illus. .. ' ;. ^ ■ ■ ./^.j . •■:;•;■ Alter,, J. C. (1925.) James Bridger, trapper, frontiersman, scout and guide,: • Shepard Book Co. , ■Salt Lake City> Utah-, ' '546pp., illus. •■■ ■' '■'.:.y" V'. ;,, ., ,. . ;■_;■ Andersbn, T. G, ■ 1882, i^ers'ona.l narrative' of' paptain Thomas G, Anderson. V:i3 *' State Kist . Soc; Rep-^. 'and .Col . ,.: 1880-1832, ■9 :13V-206.f. ■■'■:'".'•;'" ;; • r--^"';^^- .-^ i-'^ ;: , ■• Ballantyne, R, M, 1846, Hudson' S'^ Bayr or/' B.'very-day life in the wilds of North America, V/. Blackwood & Sons, Edinburgh, 328 pp., illus,-" '■■'■■■■ • •■ .' . ■■•■-. Bancroft, H. il. 1S34. 'History -of the Northwest Coast.- A.» .L,; ,. Bancroft & Co., San Francisco. 2 vols,, illus, Bancroft, H, H. 1884-90. History of California. The History Co,, San Francisco, 7 vols,, illus. Bartlett, C. H. 1.904. Tales of Kankakee Land, Charles Scribner's Sons, IleW York, 232 pp.-., illus;-;-,, Bf-adbury, J, 1819. -Travels in the Interior :of' America in the . , . years 1309, 1810, and 1311, Sherwood, Neely 5s Jones, London. 364 pp,, illus. ■ ".: .•,:-', ■•.,.•: ;, ■ ;; Buck, S, J, 1917* Illinois 'in 1818. Review Printing and.-, ., ,, Stationery Co., Decatur, 111, 362 pp., illus, Cartwright, .G. 1792, A journal of transactions and events, during a residence of nearly' sixteen years' on- the foast„of; ;■ Labrador, .Allln & Ridge, Hewark, Eng. 3 vols., illus, Cattermole, E. G, (188?.) Famous frontiersmen, pioneers and scouts:' Live's and marvelous- exploits of he'roes, trappers,, explorers, adventurers, scovits and Indian fighters, M. A, ■ Donohue £c' Co'., Chicago. 540 pp., illus i - , . ■ -■ ■. Coalc, C. B, 1878. The life and adventures Of V/ilburn V^aters, G. V;, Gray & Co., RiclTmond, Va, 2G5 pp. Historical -- Lxplorr.^ Ion and '^•ot tlemcnt V Cocknini, V." M. 1907, Pioneer history of Inc;iana,' Pr^ss of • Oa!:land City Journal, Oakland City, Ind. 533 pp., illtis. Col ton, ^.■:. 1051. 'Airco years \n California. ' A. S. Barnes & Co., ilcv/ York. 456 pp., illiis, Goncavi, 11. A. 1923. Life and sport on .the north 'shore of the lower Saint Lavronce and Gulf. Daily TolcGraph Printing 'House, Quebec. 440 pp.., illus. _ . • .. . , , • ' Coutant, C. G, 1899. The history of 'yoning from the earliest known discoveries. Chaplin, Spafford o: I.Iathlscn, Laramie, 'Vyo. 712 pp., illus. . . . ' ,, Co'vvic, 1. 1913.^ Tlie- coi;ipany of adventurers. V.'lllian Brigss, Toronto, 515 pp., illus. ... Coyner, D. i:, 1359. The lost trappers. Anderson, Gates i: ^ V.right, Cincinnati. 255 pp. , , .... Croniso, T. F. 1868. Tlie natural v/ealth of California. K. II. .Bancroft ccCo., San Francisco and lIcv; York. 596 pp.., illus. Drannan, V.', F. 1902. Tl:irty-onc years on the plains and In the no-ontains, ^odes c: HcGlure i'uhlishing Co.,. Chicago. 586 pp., illtis. Edv/ards, S. E, . 18c6. The Ohio htintcr: or, a brief sketch of the frontier lifo_ of Samuel E. Edv/.ards, the great bear and door hunter of the state of Ohio, rLCviev; and Herald Steam Press Print, Battle_ Crook, I'ich. 240 pp., frontis. Ellis, E. S. (1390.) The life of Kit Carson. Hew York Publishing Co., Hev/ York. 260 pp., illus., Fairfield, A. H. 191C. Fairfield's pioneer history of Lassen "County, California. H, S. Crocker Co., San Francisco. 506 pp., illus. F'arquhar, F. P., ed. 1930, Up and dor/n California in 1860-1854. Yale TTnivcrslty Pros:?, ITcv, Conn. 601 pp., illus, Fremont, J, C. 1850, Ihc exploring expedition into the Rocky Mountains, Oregon and California, .Derby f. Co., Buffal.o, .N, Y. 45G pp.-, il?.u?. ' . ■ Graham, A. A., comp. 1883. History of Fairfield and Perry counties, 0hi.o. '". I. Boors C: Co., Chicago.. 5 pts.. , 596 pp., illus. ' ... Grinncll^ G. B. 1911. Trails of the pathfinders. .Charles Scribnor's Sons, liow York.. 450 pp.., illus. . ■ Grlnncll, G.^B. 1913. Beyond the old frontier. Charles, Scribnor's Sons, ITov.' Yor]:, 374 pp., illus. . Q Ei53toi-*lcal -- Exploration and Settle:nent' Grinnell, G, 3., ed, 1913, Hunting at hlcli altitudes. .Harper Sc Bros*, Hew York, 511 pp..> ill\is. ' • • •. Grinnell, G. B., ed, 1914. The wolf hunters, Charles Scribner's ■' Sons, He\7 York* 3*03 pp., illus. ' ' ' . Hardy, I.!. 1910. A fall fur hunt in Maine, Forest and Stream, May 14:769; Hay 20:850. • • - ■ ' Harlan, R. 1825, Fauna Araerlcana. Anthony Finley, Philadelphia, 318 pp. (Hatfield, E. )" 1089. Stories of Hatfield, the pioneer. Ledger Co., Hew Albany, Ind, 278. pp., illus. • Hearne, S. 1795. A journey frora Prince of VJales'-s Port 'to the northern Ocean. A. Stralian L T. Cadell, London. 458 pp., illus. Hill, H. M., Jr. 1831. History of Licking 'County, Ohio. A. A, Graham £: Co,, ..Hev/ark, Ohio, 822 pp., illus. Hind, H. Y." 1060. "Narrative of the Canadian Hedt River exploring expedition of 1857, and of the Assiniboine and Saskatchewan exploring expedition of 1858. Longman., Green, Longman & Roberts, London, ' 2 vols,, illus. ' ,; Hittell, T, H. 1926. The adventures of .James, Capen Adams, mountaineer and grisr^ly bear hunter, of California., ■ Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 373 pp., illus. Kobbs, J, 1872. Y/ild life in 'the far '^iest. Y/i'ley, VJaterman & Eaton, Hartford, Conn. 438 pp., illus. . , Hubbard, G. S. 1888. Incidents and eivents in tile life of ' ' ' Gurdon Saltonstall Hubbard. Collected from personal narra- . tions and . other sources and arranged by 'his nephevj, Henry E. Hamilton. Rand I'cHally 2: Co., Chicago'^ *189' pp. Hubbard, G. S. 1911. The autobio^'raphy of Gtirdon Saltonstall • Hubbard, Pa-pa -K.a-ta-be, , "the swift 'walker"; with an introduc- tion by Caroline I.I. Ilcllvalne. R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co., Cliicago. 182 pp. Jaines, T. ; V/alter B. Douglas, "ed. 1916. Jaraes' three 3^ears ,■ among the Indians and Mexicans. T.Iissouri Historical Society, St. Louis. 316 pp. Jones, H. E. 1308." The squirrel hunters of Ohio. Robert' Clark & Co., Cincinnati. 363 pp. Kennedy, Sir V.'. 'R, 1381. Sporting notes in Newfoundland. J. C. Withers, St. Jolins, H. P. 103 pp; Kirtland, J. P. 1838. Report on the zoology of Ohio; Ohio ■ Geol. Surv. 2nd Ami. Ken., pp. 157-77. Historical -- licploration and Settlement 9 Laixt, A. C, 1915, Pioneerr, of the Pacific Coast, Glasgow, Brook &,Co,, Toronto., 139 Pp,, illus, . .... Laut, A. G, (1918.) The conquest of the great !Torthv/est. George IT. Doran Co., Nev/ Yor-k. Gth od., 2 vols, in.l, Leonard, Z. 1339, Narrative of the adventures of Zenas Leonard. D. V;, T'loore, Clearfield, Pa. 400 pp. Leonard, Z. 1904, Leonard's narrative. The Bvirrows Bros. Co., Cleveland, 317 pp,, illus, Lewis, M. , and V.\ Clsirk; R, G, Thv/aites, ed, 1904-05, Original Journals of the Lev/is and Clark expedition, 1GQ4-1805. .Dodd, Mead k Co., Hevr York. 7 vols. Long, John, Indian trader. 17.91. Voyages and travels of an Indian interpreter and trader, London, 2?5 pp., illus. Long, John, Indian Trader;- II, M, (;,uaife, ed. 1902. Long's voyages and travels in the years 1768-1788, R. R. Donnelley Seasons Co., Chicago. 238. pp., nap, * McCaleb, '!' . P, 1921, Ring: a frontier dog. Prentice-hall, llev/ York, 189 pp., 111ns, (i.I'Gillivray, S,) 1817. A narrative of occiirrences in the Indian countries of Ilorth. /unerioa. B. IIcMillan, London,, 152 pp. Mackenzie, Sir A. 1911. Vqyage from Montreal on the River St. Lav;rence," through the continent of ITorth /^j^ierica, to the Frozen and I'aclfic ocea.ns, in the years 1789 and 1793. The Courier ^'ress, Ltd., Toronto, 2 vols., illus., McMillan, D. E. 1925. Four years in the v;hite north, Medici Society of A-ncrica, Boston and IJev York, . 2nd eel. 423 PP.* illus. Ma.coim, J, 1333. M.anitoha and the great IIorth--p;est . Thonas C. Jack, London, 687 pp. . . Mearcs, J, 1790, Voyages nade in the year 1788 and 1789, from China to the north-v;est coast of America. . Logographlc Press, London. 372 pp., illus. (Milnor, '"., Jr.) 1830. Memoirs of the Gloucester Fox Hunting Club. J. Dobson, Philadelphia. 56 pp., illus. Mulhern, D, S. 1891, Donald Stephenson's roniniscencos. VI. G, Jolmston I: Co., Pittsburgh. 246 pp. Murray, A. r, ' 1910. Joiirnal of the Yulion, 1847-48. Can, Arch. Pub. 4. Governncnt Printing }jurcaii, Ottawa, Ont, 125 p.p, . illus. .10 Historical -- L;:xplo;rat;lon and Settlement Nlcolay, C. G. "l846. The oirespn Territory. C. Knicht &_Co.,_. London. 226 j^p., illuG, * ■ . , ' .. ' Ogden, P. S. 1D09.. Journals of Poter Skene Ogden, 1825-26, 1826-27. Ore. Hist. C'Uart .' 10( 4) r ool-G5. ■ , ' ■ Parlanan, F. 1892. The Oregon Trail. Little, Brown cc Co., Boston. 411 op., illus. Pattle, J. 0. 1847. The huntoi's of KentiiG^ry; .or, the trials and toils of trappers and trader:^, during an expedition to the iLOclcy r.ountalns. Hew Mexico and California, V.'. II. Graham, ITew York* 100 pp. , ■ _ _ .. . Fetors, De '"■. C. 1S59. The life and advent-ares of Kit Cai-^son, the ITestor of the Rocky nountalns. V;. R. C. Clark & Meeker, Hev; York. . 534 pp.,, illns. Pike, T.', (I!.). 1395. Through the s\ibarctic forest; a record of a canoe jou'rney from Fort "'rancol -to the Pelly Lnkes,- and dovm the Y'ulcon Biver to the Bohrln;:; Sea, 2dv;ard Arnold, London, 295 pp., lllus. Pike, \:, (II.) 1917. The barren ground of- northern Canada, E. r. Diitton c. Co., Hew York, 554 pp.,- lllus. Pine, G. y-', 1C75. Beyond the \est. T... 24. The fvir-hunters of the far '"est- a narrative of adventures in the Oregon and Roch-y no-untains. R. R. -Donnelley L Sons Co., Chicago. 317 pp. Russell, O, l'?3.4. -Jcaimal of a trapper; or, nine years in the Rock-/ i.Io-antains, 1834-43. Co., Boiso"", Idali-o. ' 105 pp. Sc-haff, TJ. • 1005. Etna and Ilirhersville. Riverside Press, Cambridge, ilass. 157 pp., illus. (Schoolinfj, Sir V;.) 1920. The Governor and conpany of adventur- ■ ers of "England tradin,'- into Hudson's Day diirin^ two hundred and fifty -years, 1670-1920. Hudson's Bay Co., London. 129 pp. , illus. Seton, E. T. 1911. The arctic prairies, Charles Scribner's ■Sons, Ilev; Yor]:. 415 pp., ill^-'::. Seymour, E. S. 1350. Sketches of Minnesota, the ITew En^^'land of the "est. Ilarpor c; Bros., Ilev/ York. 201 pp., -".llus. Sheldon, C. 1019. "Ohe wilderness of the Upper Yukon. Cliarles Scribner's Sons, 'iacv/ York. 354 pp., illus, Sheldon, G. 1930. The ^vilderness of Dcnali. Charles Scribner's Sons, I'ev; York. 402 pp., illus. Stuc!:, 11. 1914. Ten th.ousand niles v/ith a dog sled. Charles Scribner's Sons, ircv; York, 420 pp., illtis. Stuck, I-. 1917. Vo^ragos on the YrJ:on and its tributaries. Charles Sci-ibncr's Sons, Yev/ York. 397 pp., illus. Stuck, Y, 1920. A ^vinter circuit of our Arctic Coast. Charles Scribner's Sons, Ilev; York. 350 pp., illiAS. •Sullivan, II. S. 1934, The tra-^rels of Jedediar. S-nith; a docu- Lientary outline including the journal of the great A]aerican pathfinder. Yino Arts Press, Santa Ana, Calif. 195 pp., illus. Talbot, Y. A. 1324. ■ Pive \"ears' residence In the Canadas: including a tour •th^-'ough part of the United States of Ar.-erica in the year 1023. Longnan, Yurst, Rees, Ome , Brov.-n 'c Creen, London. 2 vols., illus. 'Thompson, D. j J. D. Tyrrc".!, ed, lOlS. David Thonpnon's nar- rative of his e::ploration3 in T/estern /Lraerica, 1704-1812. Tiie ChajTolain Society, T-:-)ronto, 5G2 "..r^. ^'^ Klstorical -- I'^xr Trade Thompson, Z. 1042, History of Vermont, natural, civil and statis- tical, Stacy c: Jameson, Burlington, Vt; 711 pp., illus, Tollemacho, S. Jl, R, L, 1012. Reminiscences of the Yukon. Edward Arnold, London, 316 pp,,. illus. Tome, P. 1854, Pioneer life; or, thirty years a hunter. Buffalo, H, Y, 230 pp,, illus. Van Osdel, A. I... (1922.) Historic landiTiarlrs, Being a history of early explorers and fnv traders (Yankton, S, D, ) 400 pp., illus, V.'ashburn, 5. 1912, Trails, trappers and tender-feet in the new • empire of western Canada. 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' John Wiley £: Sons, _ Inc . ,^ Nev; York; also. Chapman cc Hally Ltd., London. 597 pp., illus. Allen, J. A. 1892. The geograT^hical distribution of North /jnerican maimals. Am. Mus.-Nat. Hist. Eul. 4(l) :199-243. Anderson,' R. "H. 1934. The distribution,^ abundance and- economic Importance of the game 'and fur-bearing mammals of v/e stern North America. 5th Pacific Sci. Cong. Can,. Proc. ,_ 1933, ^5:405^-75,. :,. UriiverSity of Toronto Press, Toronto. Illus, '■„ : Blair, W. P. 1939. Paunal relationships and geographic distribution 'Of maimjlls in Oklahoma. Am._ I.Iidland Nat. SSCl): 85-133.. Dice, L. R. 1927. The transfer of game and fur-bearing' mammals from state to state, \7lth siDccial reference to the cottontail rabbit. • Jour, iviamnal. 8(2):90-6. Dixon, J. 1929. Artificial distribution of fu.r-bearing mammals. -Jour. Mcjnmal. 10(4) : 358-9. Predatory Animals - General 49 Orinnell, J. 1914. 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Life. 48: 181-2. Illus. -- Game Management -- • Anderson, G. 1937. Enemies of the caribou. Beaver 268(1) :30-2, Illus, Hudson's Bay Co., V.'innipeg. Anonymous. 1916, Game and gam.e vermin in New York. Am. Game Protect. Assn. Bui. 5(2) :10. Anonyiiious. 1938. North Carolina wildlife conservation. N. C. Div, Game and Inland Pish, 2(6):l-5. Illus. Barker, E. S. 1932. Nev; I.Icxico's scaled quail study. 19th Am. Game Conf. Trans., pp. 404-7. Barker, S. S., and S. 0. Barker. 1921, Predatory animals and the game supply in Hew llexico. Am. Game Protect. Assn. Bui, 10(1): 6-8. Illus. Seed, W. S. 1938, Do fur bearers affect upland game birds in v/inter? 3rd N. Am. '.."ildlife Conf, Trans., pp, 508-10, Bennett, L. J. 1938. The blue-winged teal. Collegiate Press, Ames, la. 144 pp., illus. Blakey, K. L. 1937. The wild turkey on the Missouri Ozark range, U, S. Bur, Biol, Surv. BS-77. 32 pp,, illus". 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Studies on the nesting cycle of the California valley quail in 1937, Calif. Fish and Game 24(4) :318-40. Gorsuch, D. *M. 1934. Life history of the Gambel quail in' Arizona. Ariz. Univ. Biol. Sci. Bui. 2. 89 pp., illus. Gray, A. E. 1928. V.Taat the Biolor^ical Survey is doing to conserve wild life in Hew Ilexico. N. I!. 'Cons. l(3):4-5, 27. Illus. Jories, ■ J. D. 1932. Wild life, in. the national forests. H.- M, Rec. and Hlghv;ay Mag. 10(11): 17-9, 47. Kalrabach, "u, R. ' 1937. Crov;-waterfoHl relationships. U.- S. Dept. Ag. Circ. 433. 35 pp., illus. Ivomarek,' S, V. 1937. Mai-n;u&l •rela.tionshlps -to upland game and other wildlife. 2nd IT. Am. Wildlife Conf. Trans., pp. 561-9. Koma'rck, E. V. 1939. A progress report on- southeastern mammal studies. Jour. Ilamraal. 20(3): 292-9. Lelimann, V,. V;. \ 1935.- The I'eiatlcn of predators to quail increase. Assn. Game, Fish and Cons. 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V/ool Grow. 19(Fcb.):32. Anonymous. 'l935. Practical predator control, featuring coyote trapping. New Mexico Department of Game and Fish, Santa Fe. 16 pp., illus, Anthony, II. E. 'l931. "The control of predatory mammals. Sci. n.s. 74(1916) :288-30. Anthony, H. S., and Committee. 1931. Report of the committee on problems of predatory mammal control. Jour. Mammal. 12(3):340-4, Barnes, YJ. G. 1915, Fighting predatory animals on the v/estern • ranges. Breed. Gaz. 67:705-6, ^^ . Predatopy Anlnaiis -'Coiitrol Beoki J., A-., r 1930, .Pr.edator Gohtrol. 17th Ain. "Game .^Garif, 'Jikn®'. , pp/ 155:-:60". ^*r - ..:. ,r-. .iri.ri:. Bell, r. B. 1D21. liimting down the stock killers. F. S.. Djept,,--:Ag, Yrbk. ,1920r239-300. IllusV "■;_ ^ ' .• ' " •:• ,..■■'-■-■•■-' • - ■ ' # ■ - * Bell, W. B. 1922. How the U, S. Government safeguards she^■p.L ; ' •:-" ' raising. Katl. Wool. Grow. 12(11) : 19-21. '_ _-,:;:•-.•. Bell, Y/. B. 1926. Wolf and coyote control. Producer 7(9):5-4.V . ^' - ., (io);6-8.. ^ • . • .; ;.vo- ^ • Blair, F, D. 1928. "Ver^iln" control in game conservation,:. Finsy--'"- Feather& and ■I'\ir 56:22, 24-5, 33-4. Illus. . \ :.,'.■ ' j :•; ,.. ••■: Bre'ckenridge,:7rt,' J. 1938. A review of predator control. Kinn. Cons. 57(Ma7):iO-l, 23-6. Illus, .■ . ., ,.-.j: Cahalcthe,' V. If, 1939. The evolution of predator' control policy in the national parks. Jo^ir. V/ildlife Mgt. 3(3) _:229-37.... . ,■ • - Day,' 'A'.''!-, ' 1932. ■Jifindbook for hunters of predatory" animals, ¥; S.-'Bur; Biol. Surv, 52 pp., illus. Day, A. fi. 1934. Predator-trap dovloe safe-guards species that are harr.iless. U. S. Dept. Ag. -Yrbk. l-934r299-300. Day, A. M,,,; and A. P. ITelaon, 1929 ,' '7ild life conservation and conti^ol 5.n VJyomlng under the leadership of 'the United States Biological Survey, 32 pp., illus, (Ho pvihlisher givoA. ) • ^ ' '■ ' ■ ' ■ ■' '',.■'-'■ ' ' ' , - .- - ■ - • ■ ■ ^ . DetJlci''' R.^- BV' ■; 193B. , Gueiist'boo of vermin. Hitting the happy me'divmi in pVedator contro] . Country Life o,nd Sport. 73(5):37-9, 103-6. Illus. --- ■ , , ...•:' Fisher, A.~''K. 1917.' ^Plans f or 'exterr.ilnntlon' of predatory wild animals. Am. Natll Live Stock Assn. 20th Ann, Proc. , pp. .47-5§j • Gabri 'co:?. • . '/■ ;;^ ;'■'_/. . . ' .• :' /i^-'-' Garlough*,' P. "E,' 1937. Research studies in the control of destruc- tive maimaals. 2nd IT. Am. V/ildlife Conf. Trans,, pp. 303-JO,, .:;• Goldtnan, E,' A. *i932. Tlio control of injurious mammals, Sci, n.s. 75(1942) :309-ll. , _.,■■ . ,_ ^ /; / ,.:■■:• Gordon^ VS"; 'IE* V192•3.^• Jiovf 'P-cftns^ylvarila controls veriniri. Am. Gaine Pro"toct. Assn; Btii'. 12(l):7-il. Illus, _, . .: ■ _ .• . ' < ■■ Gosa, E. 'J.- 1938.' ■ Predator trapping. '%.''%■ %agj''l6('ll) : 27, *37. Predatory Animals - Control Gray, A. E. 1930. Ppodatory animal control and Its relation to gane Conservation. Ark. Cons. 7(2): 8. Green, D. D. 1940. Controlling predatory antnlals. Am. \7ildllfe 29(l):55-40. Illu3. •Kail, E.- R. 1926. Ilev/ nethod of predatory •marar.ial control. Calif. Pish and Game 12(3) :154, Hall, E. R. -1930. -Predatory mamrial destruction. Jour.' Maimnal. 11(3): 362-72. • - ' Hall, E. R. 1931. The poisoner again. A reply to V«; C; Henderson's defense of the Biolocical Survey in tlie December ijJsue "of Outdoor Life. Outd. Life 67(4) :26-7, 82-4; (5)23-9, 62-3. Illus. Harding, A. R. 1922. Poisoning fur animals. Outd. Life' 49:42-3. • Henderson, \'l, C. 1930. -The other side of the poison ca:se.- Outd. Life 66:22-3, 65-7.' • • • • Holland, R. -P. 1921. State vermin control. Am. 'Game Protect. Assn. Bui. 10(l):12--r;. Illus. Howell, A. D. 1950. The oolson brigade of the Biological Survey. Outd. Life 66:30-3, Jardine, V.'.- I.I. 1929, Control of predatory animals. .Ten-year program for "J. S. House Docvunent 496. U. S. Government Printing ( Office,.. Washington, D. G. 17. pp. Key, L. A. 1936. Vifhere 'are we heade'd with veraiin control? Ohio Outd. News 2(3) :2. Leavitt, S, 1930. Control of pre'datory animals. Hearing before tho Committee on Agriculture, House of Representatives, 71st C-ongross, 2nd session on K. R. 9*599. Ap-ril .29,^ 30", and May 1, 1930, Serial 0, pp. 1-100. Leavitt, S. 1931. Control of predatory animals.' Su'perintendent of Documents, Vmshington, D. C. 192 pp. Llgon, J. S. 1'923. The predatory animal 'control division. Hich. State Dcpt., Cons. 1st Bien. Rep. (1921-22) :299-530. Logvie, C. E, 1937. Docs predator control pay? Pa. Game HcV;s 8(8) :11, 31, Illus. Mace, B. H, 1916. Predatory animals "being Ifilled on California National Forest. Calif. Pish and Game 2(4) : 215-4. lIcGulrc, -E. ■ 19S2.' ' V.'ho is right about polGoning. Outd. Life 70(6):24-7. Illus'. '■ - ' • ' • Musgravc, H. E. ' 1919. " Destruction' to liv'est'ock by ^Irod'atory animals and' their practical" mcahs of destruction. Ariz. Cattle Grow. Assn. Proc. 12:111-3, 56 Predatory Anr-als - Control Nelson, E..\7. 1913, Ext eiTiina ting predatory animals. Am. -Sheep Breed, and Wool Grow. 38(2);90-l. .Also:- 1918. llatl. V/ool Grow. G(3-^ :14-6. • ■ - ' • ■ ' "Nevada State fiabies Coranisslon. 1917-34. • Bien. Reps. ,■ 1917-18 to 1953-34, inclxisive. 75 pp. (total). Carson City, Nev. (E. R. : ■ • . Sans Is author of main body of all reports after 1925-24.-) Pettis, D. E. 1927. Shall v;e trap or poison? Ariz, v/lld Life l(3.):5-6. . - • • ■ Poole, C, G. 1931, Ten years of predatory animal control. Calif, ,. Dept.,, Ar... Monthly Jiul. ^0(7): 467-9. - . - ■ Poole, G,. G., 1933. Soire facts about predatory animal control. Calif. Fish and Game 19(1): 1-9. Illus. Poole, C. G., and 1j'. C, Jacobsen. 1929. Predatory animal control. - -Calif.- Dept. Ac. Tionthly Bui. 18(12) :704-5. • ■ •■ Qtilnn, D. 1930. The United States .Blolo;;^ical Survey. Destruction, .;.. .not scientific investigation and conservation, nov; Its-chief activity. Published by Emergency Conservation Commission, New York. 23 pp. ' Redlngton, P. G. 1929. Policy of the United States Biological Survey In rep:ard to pr'edatory mammal control. Jour. Maimnal. 10(3);.276-9." ; ' ' • ■ ^ Redington, P. G. 1930. Federal . wildrlife activities- in 1930. 17th Am. Game Conf. Trans., pp. 39-48. ■ • « ■ ' Redington, P. G. 1930. The federal program, of v.dld-life- control. Natl. V/ool. Grow. 20(12) ;41-2. Ill^is. Redingtgn, .P; ..G:. ..1931. .Federal program, of wild-life control. Producer ;12(3):6-3. .... Redington, P. G., and S. P. Young. 1931. Information for the g-aidanco of field raen and cooporators of the -Bureau- of Biological Survey engaged in the control of injurious rodents and predatory maminals. U. S. Dept. Ag. Misc. P\ib. 115. 8 pp. 'Reese, A. II, , 1957.. The. destruction of "vermin." Sci. Monthly 45:349-55. Roberts, B. G. 1939. Trapi^ing game predators. Game Breed, and Sport. 43(12) :180-1, 188-9. Illus. » ■ * * * Sans, E. R. .1.9.27. 'Report on control of predatory animals and rodents in the state of ITevada In 1925 and 192S, Nev. 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Amendment of regtilations 4, 18 and 19 of the reg\ilations r.e.specting animal-s,: land fur-bearing' animals, game' birds, 'hoh-gaine birds, .and nests and eggs of .birds in Alaska,-' U. S, Bur, Biol, Surv, Alaska Game Coram, Circ. 12, cup. 1. 3 pp. ,■■: - ■ ::■■ ■ ■ ' ■ '■■".{■ Anonymous. 1956. Regulations relating to game, land fur animals and birds in. Alaska.: --1956-37. , U...-.S.' Bui'. -.Biol.. S.urv.. Masita- •G-ame C*om::ii."GircV 13.' 32^ pp. ' :-■'-■ : .' ■:■■'' Anonymous. .1057. , RciTulations I'clatlng to, game, land, fur- anlm.als- - ■•■■■ andbirds,' in Alaska, ■ 1957'-5a> ■... U:-.. S;-..Bur:. Bii^l,. Surv.: Alaska ' Ganio Comni. Circ, 14. 52 pp. , . , • , )■ . ' - ; • ■-:'.' ' 'i ■ ■• ' ■ ■ .''■■-■'«'- ' Anonyriio'us. 1958. ' Ho giiia.t ion's :ro,.iating-,. to game, land' fur ' animals 'and "birds in flas.ka',. 193B-:39, ' ,,U.. S. Bur, Biol,. Surv, Alaska - Ga:ne Comm, Circ, 15'. 52 pp. Anonymous,' • 1Q59..^ 'Regulations to- game, -land fiir animal's- and birds 'in Alaska, ,.l'959-4gi .y^.; ; Si,,: Bixrv Biol..^': Surv. -Alaska -' Game Coxm-n. ' Circ. ^ l7. 54 pp, Arnold, B. H. ' ' 1927. " ^'ranoing laiv's for the coining season,.' Fur''' Jour. 1(5) :56-42, Laws and Seasons ' ^^ Ashbrook, P. G.,-andF. L. Earnshaw. 1925. Laws relating' to fur animals for the season 1925-26, U. S. Dept. Ag,' Farm. Bui. 1469, 28 pp. Ashbrook, F, G., and F. L-, Eai-nshav/. 1926. Laws relating to fur aninals for the season 192S-27, U. S. Dept. Ag. Fann, Bui. 1515, 27 pp. Ashbrook, F. G., F. L. Earnshaw and F. G. Grl:aes. 1927. Laws relating to- fxir aniitials for the season 1927-28, U. S. Dept, Ag. Farm, Bui. 1552. 27 pp. Cory, V.'. Y/, 1929. An ordinance respecting' the exportation of furs from the North V.'est Territories- passed by the North 'Vest Ter- ritories Council in the year 1929. Ottavm. 5 pp. Denmead, T.^ B.r\d F, L; Earnshaw. 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P., and P. G. Griraes. 1931, Gaine lav/s for the season 1931-32,- • U. S. Dept, A3. Parii. Bui. 16S4. 52 "pp. Sheldon, H. P., and P. G. Grjraec. 1931. Laws relating to fur animals- for the : season 1931-32. U. S. Dept. Ag. Fam. Bui. 1685, 30 pp. . ■ , Sheldon, H. ■ Pv, .and F, G. Grimes. 1932, Game laws for the season 1952-33. U. S. Dept. Ag. :^, 151.. 34 pp." Shel-don, H. 'P,, and P. G, Grimes. 1953. Game lav/s for the season: 1933-34, U. S. Dept, Ag. Pan:). Bui, .1717/ 40 pp'. Sheldon, il. P.,, and F. G. Grimes,. 1934, Game lavv's for the. season -,.: 1934-35,. IT. 5. ..Dopt. Ag, Farm,- Bui. 1742'. 38 pp'. Sheldon, II. P., and F, G, Grimes. 1935. Game laws for the season •-.'. 19.35-36. ■ A suntniary . of fed.eral, state and provincial statutes, U. S. Dept.. Ag.- Far?!. Bui, 1755. 38. pp..' Sheldon, H. P,,.nnd.-?. G. Grimes. 193G, Game iRv;s for the season ,1936-37^ U. S. Dept. Ar'i Farm.' Bui. 17S6. 37 pp. ;■;.-■■• ■ . ■■ 1'raps , Trappin g, and Pur. Kandlinp; Abraham, I. (1913.) I. Abi-ahiim trapper's g-aido. (I. Abraham, St. : Louis.) 96 pp., illus. Alexander, T, (18C7,) Tony Alexander's practical huntor's and .trs;.ppDr'5 guide,, L. Pence, ITew; York. 121 pp., , illus,_ Alexander, T, 1924, Experiences of a trapper and htmter, from youth, to, .C>ld, age. , (, Ore. ) • 119 pp.,. illus. _ Allen, V;. rl, (1924.) Allen's trapping secrets, Kakas Bros., Inc, J3oston. .50 pp.-, illu3.. .... Allison, L, J. (1916.') The story of throe boy trappers. '(Shop of .the Gricjr Pr.esa., Ghic^ago , ) .(36) pp., illus,, Andersch, L. 1906. Andorsch Bros.' 'hunters 'and t^ap'pers g-uide il- ;i.uGtr,ati;ag tjie fur bearing -animals -of Nprth America and the skins of which have marlget va3.up. Kimball-Storcr C.o. , Mirjioapo'lis. 431 pp., illus. Traps, Trap^idng and r-'ui'' Handlinc • ®^ Anderson, C, (No date.) Secrets of trapping. East. Otis, Mass. Anonyrnous. (No date.) The trapper's handbook. Reliable Book Service, CTinborland, Md, 70 pp. Anonymous, (1871.) 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Modern trapping, J. K. Conner, Gordo, Ala, 152' pp., illus. ■,■...■-• • . Corhin, B. 1900. Corbin's advice; or, the wolf hunter's guide. The Tribune Co., Bismarck,' N. , D, 75 pp., illus. . . Gosse, E. A. 1916. Odd jobs for v/omen; the woman trapper. Rural N. Y. 75:124. ■ . • ' Critchell-Builock, J. C. 1930. An expedition to sub-arctic • Canada. Can. Field-Nat. 44(6):142-5. Curtis, H. 1939. How to make your trapline- pay. Successful Farra, 37(Dec . ) :62-4. Dailey, E. J, 1925. Traplines and trails, Hunter-Trader-Trapper Co., Goltu'iibus, Ohio. 242 pp., illxis. Daunt, A.- 1893. The.three^ trappers .,: T. Nelson & Sons, London. . • ; ,Illu§, .;.,•,..:.■ Dean, E.-P, : (No.. date,- ) ■ Trappers ' secrets, .Y/llliamsport, Pa. Dearborn, N, 1919, .Trapping on the fantiw U. S. Dept, Ag. YrbJc, 1919:451-84. Illus. 'Dixon, .J,. 1922. Directions for. the tanning and dressing of furs, Calif, Ag. Exp, Sta. 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Life in the backwoods. London Steroscopic li Photograph Qo, ' 42 leaves of plates f^nd descriptions, Tumor-Turner, "J, 1388. Three years' hunting. an(^ trapping in Aner^lca and- the groat Ilorth-Viest. I.iaclure & Co., London, 182 pp. , .illus. • ' . * ■ ^Jv'allace, "A. F. '(1908,-) Land .cruising and pros-pecting, A. R, .Kardin^ .P\ibllshing Co., Columbus, "Ohio, 175 pp.-, illus. Vv'ells, K. P, 1890. City boys in the v;oCds; or^ a, trapping venture in I.Iaino, Harper & Eros., Now York. 277 -pp., 'illus. Vt'erich, J. L. 1923. Pioneor hunters of- the Kankakee. Chronicle Printing Co., Logansport, Ind. 197 pp., illus. VJhoeler, R. S. 1918. Furs for the youngsters.- Gountry Gent, 83:50.. Illus. •Vood, "Dick" (psoixd.) 1919.' Trapper 's guide. -Triumph Trap Co., Oneida, K. Y. 62 pp., illus. *74- FlGld anc i^aboratopy Tcclinlques VIood, R. K. 1918. General trapping methods.- Kimball's Dairy Pann. 1,6:607. ■ - \;ood, R. K. 1918. Trapping the cor'mon fur bearers. Orange- Judd F'ai'ri. 65:506. . ■■ ■ ■• Woodcock, E. 11, 1905. Trapping the fLir-boaring animals, Coxxder sport. Pa. 24 pp. Woodoock, E. il., conp.- 1907. Woodcock's method of trapping the fur-bearing aniraais. Coudersport, Pa. 56 pp. • Woodcock, E. IT, 1915. Fifty years a hunter and trapper. A. R, Harding Publishing Co., Columbus,- Ohio. -318 pp., illus. Young, S. 1917. Daring deeds of hunters and -trappers , Seeley, Service u Co., Ltd., London. 247 pp., illus. Young, S. P. .1933. Hints on mountain lion trapping.- U. S. Dopt, Ag. Loaf. 94. 8 pp., illus. Field and Laboratory Tccliniquos Anderson, R. LI, 1932. Methods of collecting and preserving vertebrate animals. Can. llatl. llus. Bui. 69 Biol, Ser. 18. 141 pp., illus, ... Ashbrook, F. G. 1936. Marking vdld animals for -identification. U. S. Bur. Biol. Surv. ES-57. 3 pp.,- illus. Bailey, V. 1936. A humane method of killing mammals. Jour. Marmnal, 17(3):283-4, (Bell, v;. B., ot al . ) 1937. Methods in v/ildlife censuses. Am. Statis. 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Mcmmal . 13( 2) :117-26, ■ Leighton, A. rl,_ 1933, Notes on. the relations of boavers to one another and to- the muskrat-. Jour. ■I.Iamr.ial-, 14(1.) :27-35, ■...::,■■; Lcigliton, A. H, 1955. Notes on the behavior of Norwegian beaver. Jour. I'ammal. 16(3) :189-91, ' - ., " : ■. . ■ .' . , -. Leonard, J. V.'. 1938, Mow I.Iichigan hcjidlcs the beavor-trout problem,- I!ich,- Cons,' 7(8) :11. Illus, • ..V .■ «..■.: ;1--; Logan, S,.M, 1926, Unnecessary'' destruction of beavor. Big Horn •3-(3):3> 5. ■ Illus. • - ' ■ ■: ■ ■ . ■ . . , < Luttringcr,-L. A.,- Jr. ■' 1934. The^ renaissance, of the. bcavej?, i.Axrt.'.- Forests 4b(3):138» • ■ • • ■ ' . .: ..;... llcClurc, S. \7. 1938, Comracnts; dam-building Idaho beaver already ' pay-ing- dlividends , _^ Ifotl^^^ . .- .' ,.■;.: Beaver 105 MacGlllivray, J' 1923.. Mickey the beaver. ITatl. Geog. Hag. ^54: 741-5S. Illus. . e . e^ LiacMilian, U. 1936. Beaver slaughter in the Indian efa. ' Forest and Outd. 34(12) :367-S. 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'RTley, sj 1921', • Some • observations :on^.'beaver culture ///ith reference to the national forocts. Jour, MaiTimal, 2(4)' :197-206, Rlateen, :.•■. ■••II." lSCf3.V'-;Be.aver^iwa7.s.i';.-.-0iitins I'ag. •^KG) :667-73. , Illus, J : -J- Roberts'>' T«..'S.'--' 1935. .Introduction .of the /beaver into Itasca State Park. ?'inn. Cons. 21:10, 23-4. .;■..■;■..':' ,-..'' '/ ." Roberts, T, '-S, - -■193V, .How. two -..captive ■; young beavers constructed a food pile. I'inn. Acad. Sci. Proc. 5:24-7. * .- , , * ' .' •Pollings, ^B.'- .1^534 "■■■ B-^aveirri-r-iiiiaker, Of r history. Hat. Kag, 22(5): 210-2. Illus. * . — • Hose, F, 11. lCS3-i-''/ Colorado>avor.. CdIo.; ;Gamo and Fish IPro'tbct. Assn. Bui. 3(3) :2-5. Roth, A. R. 1938, Mating of beavers, .-Jour.. J'ammal', ■ i9(iJ-:!L08, Ruedemann,''!?-!'^' and. uw 'J.v Schoonmalc.Or, ■. ■. 19.38,. Beaver-dams §i.s. ,•.,.. ; geologic agents. Sci. n.s. 88(2292) :523-5. '.'''.. -li^l:-;) r-^'" " Ruhl, ■#.••' t).v'2-«.'d 'P. SV= L&VQ joy., .• IQSQw; .:. 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Fish and Game 14(2):173.- Illus* Young, S. -P. 1928. -Boticat kills deer. Jourv I.Iammal. 9(l):64-5. Young, S,. P.. _, 1931.» . Hints on bobcat trapping; U. S.- Dept; Ag. Leaf. 78. 6 pp., illus, • ■ • ■ ^ - - • ■ , - . .... ■ ~ ' ' Fisher Ashbrook, F, G., and B, I'l. Arnold. 1927. Fur-bearing -animals of the United States: Thei .fisher. ■ Fur Jour. l(6):24-5. Illus. Canada, Department Interior, (ITo date.) The -fisher as a Canadian fur resource. Can. Dept. Int. iJat. Develop. Bui., Ottawa. 5 pp. (Mimeographed.) ■ Jotter, F. V, 1918. The fisher, in the Trinity National Forest, Calif. Fish and Game 4(3):155. Llitchell, C. I.I. 1935. Fisher '-experienoos. -Am. Fur Breed. 8(3) :8. Scheffer, -V. B. 1938. Tlotes on wolverine and fisher in the state of '.'.'ashington. llurrelet 19(1-2) :8-10. Ulus. Schoonmaker, V.',. J, 1938. • The fisher as a -foe of the porcupine in New York State. Jour. Ilammal. 19(3):373-4. Foxes Anonymous,- (No date.) The fox in Nev; Hampshire-. N. E. 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Wilson Bui, 52(4) :278'-9, Illus', •Baynes, E. .H, 1923, A fqx as a house guest. ^ Nat. Mag. l(4):10-3, Benson, S, 3, .1938, ITotes on kit foxes ( Vulpes macrotis ) from Mexico. Biol, Soc, V;ash. Proc. 51:17-24, Bertram, G, C, L,, and D, Lack, 1938, Notes on the animal ecology of Bear Island, Jour. Anim. Ecol. 7(l):27-52. Illus. Boitsov, L. V, 1937. Introduction of Arctic foxes. Leningrad • Arct. Inst, Trans. 65:7-144, Illus.' -::• '■ Browni E. A, (1918,) Brown's fox book. Nashua, N. ?I. 15 pp. ► ■ ■ • ■ Canada, Department Interior. (ITo date.) 'hie blue fox as a Canadian fur resoixrce. Can. Dept. Int. Nat, Develop. Bur. Bui;, Ottawa, • 9' PP« '■ . . . ■ Chaddock, T, T. 1959, Report on gray and red fox stomach examina- tions, Xils, Cons,. Bui. 4(9):5o-4. "' ^ Gottam, C, 1937, Speed of the gray fox. Jour, Mammal. 18(2):240-1. Critchell-3ulloc]c, J. C. 1930, An expedition to sub-arctic Canada, 1924-25. Vi/hlte fox. Can. Field-Nat. -44(9) :210. Crosnan, J. B, 1927, Notes on' the foo'd of the red fox, Boston Soc, Nat, Hist. Bui, 42:8-9, Cross, E. C. 1940, Periodic fluctuations in numbers of the red • fox in Ontario, Jour, Mammal. 21(3) : 294-306. Illus. Cross, E, C, 1941, Colour phases of the red fox ( Vulpes fulva ) in Ontario. Jour, I.Iar.Tmal. 22(l):25-39. Illus. Dale, T. F, 1906, The fox, Longmans, Green & Co., "London and New . ■ York, 238 -op. . . •■ -De' Vaay, J. .L, 1923, Arctic fox shot in Cape Breton. Can. Field-Nat, 37(6) :118, . • V ' • Dickey^ D. R, 1923, Evidence of interrelation. between fox and caribou. Jour, Mammal, 4(2):121-2, ' . . ' Dixon> J, .5, .■ 1933, Red fox attacked by a golden- eagle. Jour. Mammal. 14(3) :257. ■ Edmonds, J. 1928. The food of the. red fox ( Vulpes fulva fulva ). Can, Field-Nat, 42:92. " ' 115 Poxes Errington, P. L, 1933; Bobv/hite winter survival in an area heavily populated with grey foxes, Iowa State Col. Jour. Sci, 8(1): 127-30. . . • • ' _ Errington, P. L, 1935. Pood habits of mid-west foxes. Jour. Mammal. 16(3) :192-200. Errington, P. L. 1937. Pood habits of Iowa red foxes during a drouglit summer. Ecol. 18(1):53-61. Errington, P. L, 1937. Food habits of the red fox in Iowa. Am. Y.'ildlife 26(1): 5-6, 13. Illus. Errington, P. L. 1937. Han&gement of the red fox in Iowa. Am. Wildlife 26(2) :24, 30-1., Also: 1938. Pa. Game Hews 9(7) :12, 31.. Illus. Errington, P. L., and R. M. Berry. 1937. Tagging studies pf red foxes. Jour. Mammal, 18(2) : 203- 5. Sverhart, J, B. 1874. The fox chase. Porter & Coates, . Philadelphia. 30 pp., illus. (Verse.) Finiiie, R. 1939. Filming musk-oxen and Arctic foxes. Mat. Mag, 32(6):309-12. Illus. ' ' Pugate, R. 1939. Swift fox den found. Murrelet 20(2J:44. Gianini, C. A. 1923. Caribou and fox. Jour. Mammal.. 4(4):253-4. Given, J. L. 1933. The grey fox of the United States. Field (London) 161(4198) :1345. Illus. Grater, R. K. 1939. The desert kit fox moves his family. Nat. Notes 6(4):77-81. Illus. Grinnell, G. 3. 1923, Poxes in captivity, . Jour. Mammal. 4(3):184. Hall, R. 0. 1935. Spontaneous supercontractibn of animal hair. Hat. (London) 136(3427) : 29. . . . Hamilton, '7. J,, Jr.- 1935. Notes on' food of red foxes in New York and New England. Jour. Ilami-nal. 16(l):16-21. ... Hamilton, V;, J., Jr., N. V;. Plosley and A. E. 'MacGregor. 1937. Late summer and early fall foods of the red fox in central Massachusetts. Jour. Maromal, 18(3):366-7. Harding, A. R. , ed. 1906, Fox trapping. A, R. Harding Publishing Co.,. Columbus> -Ohio. ■ 179 i>p., illus. , . . Harding, A. R. 1922. Foxes and fox trapping. Outd. Life 49:108-9. Hatfield, D. M. 1939. Winter food habits of' foxes in Minnesota. Jour. Mammal. 20(2):202-6. ,. . . • 116 Poxes Ililly- J.;-E> ,.1940,. . h senile!,;!s;r*ay fox,., Jour. IVIammal. 21(2) :217-8. Huey, L. IT, 1938. Kit fox 'and camera*. Nat. Mag, 31(10) :587-8. Illus. Iljin, N. A. 1923, Seasonal dimorphism of colour 'in the Arctic "' fox (trans, title.). Honcow Sooliar!:. Lab, Exp, Biol, Trans; 2:239-49. Illus.-ic . , y^ *^,:.-/jv,,4 r-,orv« ., ...,,..:■ Iljin, H. A, 1934. The inhe'ritance "of ' the colour in foxes. Zool. .-.Zhur. 13(4):701-13.-::- . .._.. Johnson, G. B, 1938, The private life of a Virginia fox, Va. .Wild. Life 2(2): 2-3. Judge, J, 1909, The blue foxes of the 'Pribilof Islands, Am, Breed, Assn, Rep, 5:525-40. Judge, J, 1911, The blue f oxeg 'qf St^, 'Paul iarid Otter islands, Alaska. Am. Breed, Assn, ftep, 7:275-9.' " ■ ' Keith, E, P. 1908. Foxology. : Paul .Belden, * New York, ' 16 pp. K§nnedyj A. H, 1933.- Studies, on the .normal blood, of foxes, Ont, Dept, Game and Fish. Bui, 6, 47 pp,, illus. * / ." ' Kennedy,: A, i Ki 1935. A graphical, study of the blood, of normal foxes. Can, Jotir, Res. 12(6) :796-30'2. ■ Le Souef, A, S, 1924, The fox menace and it^ effect on our native animals,. N. X> Zool,-Soc* Bui, 27:69,, 71* Lisle, C, 1938. The red fox. " Frontiers 3(i) :7-10.' Illus.' • Lonnbergi 'E,' 1926', Pjallravst'aramen i Svfrige* 1926,, 'Ski'. 1 ' •■'■ Naturskdyddsa, 7:1-23. •■■...- - - Lutz, H, 1929, Polarfuchse der freien VJildbahn Islands,' ■Pelztierzucht- 5:209.. .... —..•■., ■..,-. Marsh, D, B. 1938, The influx of 'the red'f bx' and^ its colour phases into. tho. Barren, Lands,,. Can, Piel.d-Nat. 52(4):60-l. Mast, J. F. 1936. Trapping the grey fox.* li. R. Morris, Ontario, C^lf,, 44 .ppj.:>, illus. ^ , ...,, K '■■. ■■■ Moxley, J. T. 1S7(). .Th^ a^rt- of ■killing' foxes' with poison, ' ^ Owosso, Mich. 8 p*p','' ' ' '■' ' ^ '' ■ ' ' ■' •■• ■■ MurieV'A, '1935.' t^ollov/ing fox 'trails.- * illch. ,Univ',; Mu's. Zool. Misc. Pub. 32, 45 pp,,' illus, ■■• ' * '^ .-..,■;, ,. Nelson, A, L,' '1933,* A' preliminary report' on' the v/iTate'r' food of .--yiiTgi-r^la foxes..,-/) Jour,.; M^ranml.,. 14(11^:40-3. ...^ .,. . .. Neliron, A, L., and 0. 0, Kandley. 19*38". Be'ha'vlor' bf "gray 'foxes in raiding quail nesta. Jour. V;ildllfe Mgt, 2(3):73-8, Poxes •^■'•'^ Osgood, W. -H./ E, .A... Preble^ 'and G. H. Parker; 1915/. .The fur seals and other life of the Pribllof Islands,. Alaska, in 1914, U. S. . Bur. Fish. Bui., Doc. 820, 34:105-16. Paramonov, A. A. 1929, The white fox and white fox indus'try in U. , S,.-S. R, (Trans, title.) Leningrad. -«^ Platte's, C. 1939, Hello, Mr. Reynard! Minn. Cons, 64:11, 32, 34. 'Pbdock, R.' I. 1912, On the moulting of the Arctic fox in the Society's gardens. Zool, Soc. London Proc. 1912:55-60. Re6ve, J. -S. -1921, - Radnor reminiscences.. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, 204 pp., illus. Roberts, C. G. D. 1905, Red fox. L. C, Page ScCo.; Boston, 340 pp., illus. .. . • Rowlands, I. V;., and A. S. Parkes. 1935. The reproduc'tiye proces- ses of certain mairmials. VIII. Reproduction in foxes ( Vulpes spp.). Zool. Soc. London Proc, pt. IV, pp. 823-41. Illus. Schmidt., V',. 1926, Varfarbung bei Kreuzungsfuchsen. Pelztierzucht Sedlak, S. V. 1-939. •■Sir Reynard -r- the. fox.. ■ Pa... Game .News ro('7): .13, 25. ;:iiius. ■■ .: ^ ■ \ ■ ' . ./■', ■-■••' ■'■■•■' ■":'': ' ■ . . Se.ton, E, T, 1909, /Th# biography of a silver fox; _or 'Domino Reynard of Goidur 'Torn,' Century Co., 'New York.. 209 pp., "illus. Seton, E. T. 1920. Pood of the red fox. Jour. Mammal. 1(3.):140, Seton, E. T, 1923. The mane on- the tall of the gray fox. Jour. Mammal. 4(3):18G-2. Illus.' . . . ." • Shaffer, D.'C; -1929, Red fox<, master- mind pf the forest. Am. Forests and'Forest Life ■ 35:135-7, 174. lilus. 'Sheldon, C. 1921. A fox aesoclating with mountain sheep on the Kenai Peninsula, Alaska. Jour. Mammal. 2(4)":234. "Shufeldt, R. \Y, 1^20. Foxes' '— and what we }cnow of them. Am. 'Forestry 26:B7o-81. Illus. .Smith, II. A. P. 1923. Friendship between fox and caribou. Jour. 'Mariinai. 4(I?):122-&. ' ■ ' . Stephens, C. A. (1873.) Fox-hunting, as recorded by Raed,' Porter ^ ■ & CoateSv.i'hiladelDhia. Illus.,' (Fiction.) Torres, J. K, 1939. Tree-climbing technique of a gray fox. Jour, ^..Mammal, ,20(2): 256. " Udall, R. R. 1912. Best sets foy foxes and. other. animal^.,- ildall Raw Pur Co., V/olcott, Vt. 13 pp. 118 Pur Seals Vorobyeva, K, E. 1932, Instruction for the collection of materials on study ar\d hunting of the Arctic fox ( Alopex lagopus^ L, ) . . IjeniAgrad Arct, Inst. Trans* 2:12.-;:- • Wade, D, E. 1940. Some more foxy business. Pa.' Game News '11(6): 6-7, 29. -Illus. . ■■ V'/ard, W. V. 1931. Foxing the fox by flashlight. Camera <:.'dventure s on Santa Cat;alina .Islajid.; .Nat. Mag. 18(5):291-4. Ulus. Williams, S, II, '1930. The distribution of foxes in Pennsylvania, Jour, .Mammal. .11(3) :313-4. , . .' . ' * ' • \7oQdcoclt, E, Fi (1905. ), Trapping the fox. Ladona, Pa.. 6 pp. ■ Vifright, M. 0. 1927, Tlie fox and the fence — what is a sanctuary? Bird-Lore 29(5) :403-4. . . , . ...... Yeager, L. E. 1938. Tree-climbing by a gray fox. Jour, Mammal. 19(3) :376. , . . ., . . ...... Fur Sea]^ (chiefly after 1925 ) For bibliography previous to 1925 see Phillips" (cited in Introduction), pp. 424-48. Also, U. S. Commission of Fisheries rReports-.give annual summaries, chiefly by Ward T. Bower, on fur, - seals in Alaska, 1909 to date, A good bibliography on fur Seals, 1868-1914, inclusive, is given in U, S. Bureau of Fisheries Bulletin, Vol. 34, Doc. No. 820, 1915. For a complete list of state papers- and docxunents see the Catalog of the Public Documents Ccilsed in Introduction and sometimes referred to as the "Comprehensive Index") 1893 to date, . . Allen, J. 1902, The hair seals of the North Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea. An. Mus. Nat. Eist. Bui. 16:459-99. .:'.'. AllQn, J.. A., and C. Bryant. 1870. -Eared seals ....,, Harvard Univ. Hus. Corap., Zool. Bui. ^2( 1) :1-108^ ■ Illus. '. ■ '• "' Anonymous. 1936.: Pood of fur seals. II. S, Bur, Fish, Bui, 252.- 6 pp. . ' . . . ■ . ■ .'-.:■" Arngld, 9. Mi, Jr^, and K. J. McMuLlen.. 1927. The _ order of the Pinnepediaj the hair and fur seals of the world, ' Fur Jour, l(5):32-4, 36, 37. Bartlett, R. A. 1927. Newfoundland seals, ' Jour , . Iflammal ^ 3(3): 207-12. Bonnet, P, 1928. Report ■ on the /seals and -sea lions of Cdlifornia. Calif. Dept. Hat. Resources Dlv. Fish' a.nd Game Fishl Bui. 14. . 62 pp., iilus, Bov/er, \'J. T. 1923, Alaska fishery and fur seal industries in 1922. U. S, Bur* Fis:.,-; Rep. 1923, pp. 1-118., Illus. Pur Seals _ 119 Bov;er, W. T. 1925. Alaska fishery and fur-seal industries in 1925. U. S. Bur, Fish. Doc. 973, pp. 47-140. Bower, ^V. T. 1925'. Pur-seal indust^-y.' Alaska fishery and fur-seal industries in 1925. U. S. Goramr. Pish'. Rep. 1926, Bur. Fish. Doc. 1008, pp. 140-60. Bov/er, V;, T. 1927. Pur-seals of the Prlbilof Island^, Alaska. Pur Jour. l(4):28-9, 40-2, 47. Illus. BbY;er,-V/. T, 1951. Alaska fishery and fur-seal Indvistrips. in 1930. U. S. Bur. Fish. Adrtiin. Rep. 2. 100 pp. Bov/er, V/. T. 1952. Alaska fishery and fur-s'eal Industrie's in 1931. U. -S. Bur, Fish. Admin. Rep. .7. 89 pp. Bbv/er, W. T. .1933. Alaska fishery and fur-seal industries in 1932. U. S. Bur. Fish, Admin. Rep. 11. 72 pp. Bower, W. T. 1934. ' Alaska fishery and fur-seal industries in 1933. U. S. Bur. Pish, Admin. Fep. 16, pp. 239-306. Bower, W. T^ 1935. Alaska fishery and fur-seal industries in 1934. U. S. Bur. Fish. 'Admin. Rep. 19.. 67 pp. ^ ... Bower, \7,,T.. 1936. Alaska fishery and fur-seal industries in 1935. U. S, Bur. Fish. Admin. Rep. 23. 65 pp. Bower, V/. T. 1937. Alaska fishery and fur-seal industries in 1936. U. S. Bur. Fish. 'Admin. Rep. 28, pp. 279-340. Bower, \'L T. 1938. Alaska fishery and fur-seal industries in 1937. U. S. Bur. Fish. Admin. Rep. 51, j;>j^. 71-142. Bower, V/. T. 1941. Alaska fishery and fur-seal industries in 1939. • U. S. Bur. Fish. Rep. 40, pp. 97-184. Illus. Brooks, A. 1937. Fur seals off California. Jour. Mammal. 18(1) :99. Christoffers, 11. J. 1931: Computation of fur seals, Pribilof Islands, 1930. TJ, S. Bur* Fish.. Admin. Rep. 2, pp. 100-8. Christoffers, 11. J. 1932. Computation of fur seals, Pribilof Islands, 1931. U. S. Bur. Pish. Admin. Rep. 7, pp. 89-95. Christoffers, II, J. 1953, Computation of fur seals, Pribilof Islands, 1932. U. 'S. Bur. Fish. Admin. Rep. -11,- pp. 72-8. Christoffers, K. J. 1934. Computation of fur seals, Pribilof Islands, 1933. U. S. Bur. Pish. Ad^nln. Rep.. 16, pp. 306-12. Christoffers, PI. J, 1935, Computation of fur seals, Pribilof Islands, 1934, U. S. Bur. Fish, Adm'in. r^op, 1-9, pp. G7-73. Christoffers, l\, J. 1936, -Computation of fur seals, Pribilof Islands, 1935. U. S. Bur. Fish. Admin. Rep. -23^ pp. 65-71. •- 120. • "pvip Seals ■-■■^^■■.■. ;-.^^',;i;.^. ...;,_•■. .....^ .. .,, , _^.. Christoffers, K. J* 1927.; '-C6inputat Ion ■oi',■l■u^■.se.als} 'Pribiaofr". ..•,.,....., pisl^ncig, J936. U. S, Bur. Fish.' Admin. Re J:. 28, • pp; &41»-6. "'" ■:^'^; ■■;' ■,..: .y''^::>: ■•"'--'^-•■- ..:.v-^-)-;-\-'; ^. v.. ... - ;.•: .•.,.,..,. Cihrlstbrrer's, ■H. -Jv"'- ISSa." XJoinputation of" fuKBeais-i: Pribd-l&f Islands, 1937. U. S, Bur. Fish." Adiuln/i^J^ep', Si, ■ ;p-pv'-^^^^^ . .... , .. .. ' "'^ "•'■■■ • : .••--/,' ,/.-.^- cTlar;.':'/ c;.' 'i'lV''^ •i'"015V -t :.G^^^^^ our fur seals. Scl. n.s. 42(1087) :G18..;; fr I. ,' " /■. "V' ;. •■'■"';■:; ,«V '■' ^'f'---:; 'Clark,' G,' 'A. -igiS-i, -"'The: making 'o:f'"ia -frur seal , census . Am. Mus. Jour, 15:13-7. Illus. .:•; :;',M \::..,.''-s:' XV.:,.;::, '\':-:: *^ .'',;.-.- * ■■ ■ ''■'■'■ •■'■'- - ■ ;- ■: .■:-•-■; .'■ ■ ■ cremons, •Wr'li,-'&hd-'tJ;,-'.:Vi--yvilb^^^^^^ fur seal off the coast of Britieh C&luiiitia,r,.J:Jo*a^,::;i\Wrtf!i,al,,;.14(l). <'43r®. ••. '"' 'ciemehbV'^^;^''i^'.,^-'^. -t^^'Hart' anr(a^:0;»rl^ I93G. Analysis of stomach contents •of; fiir s.cals, .taken' off- the 'ivest- c.ofi-sti, of' '• ;.:;:;• ..:■■ Vanc.ouyer .Island in April and May,' 1935. 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Illus., . Ashbrook, P, G., and H. J. Mcl.Iullen. 1928. Pur-bearing animals of ■the .United States: The raccoon. Pur :Jour. 2<3):3.0-l, 59-61>. ; ■ irius. * . ■ ■' .'. -■ '■ ' . ' . ' Raccoon 147 Bergtold, Vl , II, 1925. Unusual nesting of a raccoon. Jour. Mammal, 6(4):2S0-1. ... » Bierens De Ilaan, J. A, 1932. Uber das sogenannte "V/aschgn" des V/aschbaren ( Procyon lotor ), nebst einigen Bemerlmngen uber die Fomen und die Bedeutung der tierlschen Splele. 'Biol, Zentbl. 52(3):329-43. Bissonnette, T. H. ,' and A. G. Csech. 1937. Modification of nam- malian sexual cycles. VII. Fertile matings of raccoons in Decenber instead of February induced by increasing daily periods • of li^rht. Roy. Soc. London Proc,, ser, B./ no. 827, 122:246-54, Bissonnette, T. H., and A, G. Csech. 1933. Sexual photoperiodicity of raccoons on lov.' protein diet and second litters' in the same breeding season. Jour, Mammal. 19(3):342-8. Illus. Bissonnette, T. PI., and A. G,' Csech, 1939. A third" year of modified breeding behavior v;ith raccoons, Ecol, 20(2) :156-62. Canada Departtient of the Interior. (IIo date,') The raccoon as a Canadian fur resource. Can. Dept, Int, Nat, Develop, Bur. Bui, 6 pp, (Mimeographed,) Elder, J, li, , and II. \V, IJissen, 1933. Delayed alternation in raccoons, Joiir, Compar. Psych. 16(1) :117-35. Giles, L, V.'. 1939. Fall food habits of the raccoon in central Iowa, Jour, Mammal. 20(l):68-70. Giles, L. V.'. 1940. Food habits of the raccoon in eastern Iowa. Jour, 'Vildlife I.Igt. 4(4):375-82. Hamilton, VJ, J,, Jr. 1936, Tlio food and breeding habits of 'the raccoon. Ohio Jour, Sci, 36(3) :131-40, Illus. Kennedy, A, H, 1935, Cytology of the blood of normal mink and raccoon. III. Ilorphology and numbers of the blood elements in raccoon. Can. Jour. Res, 12(4) :495-507. "Illu?. ' Kuechler, 0., comp, (1924.) 'Cooning with 'cooncrs. Hunter- Tradcr-Trapper Co., Colvimbus, 0. 217 pp., illus, Millard, C. 1939, Raccoon experiment, V/is, Cons. Bui, 4(3):28-9. Illus, Pichot, P, A, 1916, Aninaux a fourrures. Le raton, Soc, Natl, d' Acclim. de France Bui. 63:67-72. Illus, Rutledge, A. 1921. Vendettas of the marsh. Outlook 127:379-82, ' Shiras, G., III. 1911, A flashlight story of an albino porcupine and of a cunning but unfortunate coon, Natl, Geog, Hag, 22(6) :572-96, •■'-^■148 Sea' Otter • Shlrasv" Gv, I-II. ' 1920^ A raccoon exp-lores new country.. Hbv/. one of these pioneers visited a camp on the south shore ^f Lake, Superior, and was encouraged to remain. Forest and Stream 90:10-1, 44. Shixfeidt, R. T;. ■ 1919, The raccoons, of ..Horth. America; -Am., Forestry > *■ ^5 (oia-): 1^51-6. Illus.' ..:;■. Stuber, J. U,, 1.932. 'Goon propagation in Ohio, 19th Am, Game "Gonf. Trans', ,■ pp. 328-35, . ... . . f.i.u'i-V '■ ■■?flTitnev;--L, F, 1931, The raccoon and its hunting. Jotir, Mammal, • ■ - l2Ci):29^38, ....... '"^'' \'?hitn'eY, L.' F. 1933, 495-6. ^- -^ • • ■ . . ■ -.- • ■' ■■•■- •■■«■■,■:•■/•■■.,. , ' , ' Zeches, H, F. 1928. Winter dens for raccoons. Am* Pur Breed, 1(6):9. Ringtail Cat Atkinson, A, A, 1934. Our friend, the ring-tall,. Hat, Mag*" 24(3):110-2. ,Illtis, Fisher, E, M. 1933, A note oh. Ba a sari sous . Jour, Mammal, 14(3): 257, Fry, VJ, 192S. -The 'California "ring-tailed. cat, Galif, Pish and , Game 12(2):77-8. Hersehler, J. E.-' 1929, Rlng-tailod cats at Glapier Point, Yo Semite Wat. Notes 8J5-6; . ■ ' . .• .. . : Mich'deiy S. •1935, Adventures v/ith a' pair of ring-tailed- c^tej;;.; Yosemite Il&t; Notes 14(8):61-3. Illus. .. •. - "- ■ ' ■■ • ■ ' ■■ ■ • ■ ,.•■:■■■ ■■■:■. .....: . ,:•■:•'.; Sea Otte r . n • : ". ;. ) ,:;.i'. .:>■■.■"■ i.any references on. sea otters, .are given': in, PhillipiS.- r'; (cited in the" i'ntroductlon) under- Pur Seals, pp^ ■424-48,; and;,, In U, S. CoLimis.3ion of Fisheries Reports under Alaska Fisheries and Fur- Seal" Industry, 1909 to date. For a complete ' list, of, state- /; papers and documents see t'.'.e Catalog of the Tublic T'ocumcnts (cited -■in t'';e' ■I:>troc!li©ti.'Gnf l^'.tC .tiy dB.t6. ■ r. ,. ,..i..L .i.;"i (,;:: ^-:-.: ..:.■::? Allen, A. 1910, Hunting the sea otter. Horace C'ox,: London, 188 pp., illus. Sea Otter ^-^^ Allen, J. A. 1898. The sea otter. Am. Nat* 32:355^8. Ancirev/s, C. L.' ,1937. The decline of the sea otter* ITat. Jvlag,- 29(2): 107-8. Illua.- Anonymous, 1394. Investigations on sea otter and fur seal, Japan Dept, Ag. and Com. Fish, Soc, Txih., Tolcyo, -104 pp,, lllus. Anonymous. 1938. Reappearance of the sea otter off the coast of Calif 6rnia; Soc; Preserv, Fauna Empire Jour., Hertford, n.s., pt. 35, iri. 39-43. • . . ■ AnonjT^ious. 1933, Return of the sea otters* Vv'estways 30(9):14-5. lllus, • . . Anonymotis, 1938. (Soa otters along the coast of T'onterey County, California.) Jour. I.Iani.ial. 19(41:525-5. Also: 1938. Life 4(25) :30. Ayer, LI. Y, 1938. VvTiat do you knov; about:- The sea otter. Frontiers 3(l):24-6. lllus. ■ Barabash-Nikif or"ov, I. 1955. The sea otters of. the Comraander Islands. Jour. I.Iarainal. 16(4) :255-61. Bolin, R, L, 1933. Reappearance of the' southern sea otter along the California coast. Jour, rlar.imal. 19(3):301-3. Bryant, H. C. 1915, Sea- otters near Point Sur. Calif. Fish and Game 1(2) : 134-5. Gushing, J. E., Ji'. 1939. Sea otters and ahalones. Jour. Mammal. 20(3): 371. • 'Elliott, "K, V:, 1875, A- report upon the- condi-tion of affairs in the Territory of Alaska. Hoiase Executive Document 83, 44th Congress, 1st session, Washington, D. C. 277 pp, Eyerdan, V;, J, 1933. Sea otters in the Aleutian Islands. Jour. Mamraal. 14(1):70-1. Parnsworth, G. 1917. Soa otters near Catallna Island. Calif. Fish and Game 5(2) :90. ... Fisher,' E.' LI, ■1939. Habits of -the southern sea .otter. .Jour. .Hamnal. 20(l):21-36. lllus. Fisher, E.' M, '1940, A -sea otter v/ith gastric perforations. Jour. Llainmal. 21(3): 357-9, lllus. Fisher, -'Bi -TI. 1940. Early life of a sea otter pup. Jour. Mammal, • ' 21(2):132-7, lllus. • . . . ■ Little John, C, .1916. " Eabits and hunting of the sea otter. Calif. Fish and Game 2(2):79-82. ' • - . . . ■ 150 Sea Otter Luttrlnger, I. A., Jr. 1938. Milady's coat. Pa, Game News 8(llT:14-5, Illus.* . . •.• Lyon, G, 1937, Pennipeds and a sea otter from the Point Mungu shell mound of California', Calif. Univ. Puhs. Biol. Sci. "1(8) :i53-68. Illus, McCracken,' ' H, 1920, ViTien the sea otter flourished. Forest and Stream 90:2^8, 332-3,' ■ •' McCracLen, II, -1925, The mysterious, sea otter. Nat, Mag. '5(3): lSS-72. Illus. • ' MacDonald, -.A. S, .. 193B-, Pacific pelts. Sea otters ^chpose California "coast. 'Oakland, Calif, 12 pp., illus, * '_ , Murie, 0. J, 1940.- Notes on the sea otter. Jour. Mammal, 21(2): 119-31. iiitis. ,; . ■ •■ Murphy, M. F. 1959. Sea otter — past and present. Hat, T-ag, 32(3):425-8. Illus. . ^ Newcombe, V;, A, 1929, The sea- otter' ( Enhydra lutris lutris Linn.). Rep, Prov,. LIus. Hat. .Hist., Victoria, 1928, _pp. fl2-fl4, Illus. Ogden, A. 1932. The Calif ornias in' Spain'' s Pacific otter trade, 1775-95. Pacific Hist. Rev. 1:444-69, _ _. Ogden, A, 1953,* Russian sea-otter and seal hunting on the Califor- nia coast, 18C3-41. Calif. Hist, Soc, Quart. 12(3) :29-51. Oyer, P. H, 1917, Sea otters seen near Monterey, Calif, Fish and Game 3(2) :88. Pichot, P. A. 1915. Animaux a fourrures. La 1 outre de mer ( En}iydra .marina)-. Soc. Hatl, d'Acclirii. de Franco Bui. 62:11-5, Pocock, R. i. 1929. Some external characters ,of the sea-otter ( Enliy dra lut r i s ) . Zool.' 5oc. London Proc, 1928:983-91, Illus, Rydell, C, ' 1924. Adventures of Carl Rydell; t% autobiography of a seafaring nan, E. Arnold & Co., London. '308 pp., illus, Scammon, C. U', 1S74, The marine mam:'.ials of the north-western coast of North Araerica, described and illustrated . . . John H. Carmany .': Co., London. - 319 pp., illus. (Soa otter, pp. 168-75.) Snow, J. E, 1910. In forbidden seas; recollections of sea-otter hunting in the Kurils, E. Arnold & Co., London.. 303 pp., illus. Taylor, V.', p, 1914, The problem of aquatic adaptation in* the Carnivora as Illustrated in the, osteology and evolution of the soa-ottcr, Calif. Univ. Geol. Sci. 7(26):465-95, .'Illus, Treasury Department, 1895. seal, sea-otter and salmon fisher- : ies. tj, S. Trcas. Dopt, Revenue" Cutter Scrv,* Doc. 1850. 78jpp, Sea Otter ' 151 Treasury Department. 1897, Regulations governing sea-otter htmtinn; and vessels erip^.o^ed in transporting sea-otter hunting parties (in Alaska v/aters) in 1898. "U. S. "Treas." Dept. Docs. 1995. A pp. Treasury Department.' 1899, Same as above, 1899, U, S. Treas. Depf. Docs, 2103," 4 pp. Treasury Department. 1900. Sarae as above, 1900. U. S. Treas, Dept. "4 pp. Treasury Department. 1901. Same as above, 1901, U. S. Treas. Dept . 6 pp . United States Congress, House. (1912.) An act to give effect to tHe convention betv;een the governments of the United States, Great Britain, Japan and Russia for the preservation and protec- tion of the fur seals and sea otter which freqiient the waters of the lIortH Pacific Ocean, "concluded at Washington, July 7, 1911. 62nd Congress, 2nd session, II. R. 16571 (Public. 320)., V/ashington, D, C, 4 pp. United States Congress, House Committee on Foreign Affairs, 1912, Protection of fur seals and sea otter. Hearings before the Com- mittee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives Jan, 3-4, 1912, on H. R. 16571. Washington, D. C. 150 pp. United States Congress, House Coraiiittee on Ways and Mean's. _ 1895, Fur-bearing animals In Alaska Report, 53rd Congress, 3rd session. House Report 1849 to accompany H, R, 8909. Washington, D. C. 3 pp. United States Congress, House Committee on Ways and Means, 1896. Fur-bearing animals in Alaska' ._.... Report. 54th Congress, Is't session. House Report "451, _ t'o accompany H._ R. 3206. V/ashington, D. C. 2 pp. United States Congress, House poramittee on Y-'ays and Means, 1902. Fur-bearing animals in Alaska. 57th Congress, 1st session. House Report 2303, pt. 1, to accompany H. R. 13387. Washington, D. C. " 8 pp. ' United' States Congress, House Committee on V/ays and Means. 1902. Fur-bearing animals in Alaska. 57th Congress, 1st session. House Report 2303, pt. 2, to accompany H, R.. 13387,. Washington, D. C. 5 pp. United States Congress^ House_ Committee^ on V/ays and Means, (1908.) Propagation of_ fur-bearing animals in Alaska Report. 60th Cohgi'esc, ' 1st session, House Report 136S, to accompany H. R. 18933. Washington, D. C. 6 pp. United States Treaties, etc. 1911. Fur seal protection, 62nd Congress, 1st session. Senate Docur.ient 75, Washington, D. C, . 11 PP • . . . . . . Y/illiams, C, S, 1938, Notes on food of the sea otter. Jour. Mammal. 19(l):105-7. 152 "•■' 'S'-haiiks 'AlSbotty 'i^•^■'Li■■•■'''d9^9•i'■• "Oia Mister Kigh-P®'Areri A "blabk skUnlc Makes ' '• engagihg ■ house ■^ef, - 'Nkt »■ Hi'stv 43 (-3 ) :l44-*9-. ■ . Illns vv^ '••_■•*•' - ; ;• Aldrich, T. B, 1S96. A chemical study of the secretion of the anal glands of Mephitis jnephitlca (corrtnon sloink), with remarks on the physiological properties ■ of this 'secretion, - Jour. Expt,- Med, ■ 1: 323-40. ♦ . - - ••• ■ ' .■'■■■ Allen,-!); h. -1936. • The 'slaink has "been, libelled. Klchw ■C-ons.'v-. ; 5(11): 4. Illus. • : =■ < ■' - Allen, D. iJ, '1937, The slcurik: a boon' or pest? Mich. Corjs;. 7(4):3, 9-10. Illus. .; , ^ \ • ■ Alleni D. L, ■ 1939. '■ Winter- habits of llichlcan s;lcuhk3- ■':.:. - ■■ danada Department' of the Interior, (ilo date.) ' The s?runk as a .' <■''-■' Canadian fur -resource'. Cai>. Dept. Int. ITat. Develop. Bu-r;' Bui., Ottav;^,' 3 *pp,- (Ifimebgraphed.-) ""'■'■ , "■• ■'"■: • ' » - ■ ■ . Chamberlain, K, F. 1928, The insect food of the dusky skunk, - -Nv Y." State rius.Handb'. 4:93-100, < •~ C&ley H. E. ■ 1921, -A ■sv/imming slcunk. •. Vvis. .Cons, 3(4) :6, Corsan, G, K, 1930. Sulphur Jack — the ogg-eater (sl-nink). Am, • -Field 113(19): 487-8, ■• ;■ ■ •■ - 5 Cuyl'e'r'y IV', i:,' 1924. Obsorvations oh -the hab.l'ts of the striped skunk, ( Mephitis mesomelas varians ) . Jour. Mainraal, 5(3):180-9, •• 'Detl^fsenV- J. A., and' P.' M.- Kororook. 1921. S]:unk breeding,, with •' '"notes -on mutations and their ■ genetic behavior. Jour, Hered, l^(-6:)-: 242- 54, villus',. • _ ■■■ : . :. ' . Dice, L, R. 1921, Erroneous ideas concerning slainks. Jour, :Mamnalr.-'S(r)^:'58. ;' •: ^ . .'. ; , ■. ". ;,-^.i i^-.;' Dice, L. R. 1926. Sl-jpank eats kittens. Jour, Mammal, 7 (2)': 131. Dickey, D. R,. 1929. The spotted skunk of the Channal Islands of Southern California. Biol. Soc. V.' Proc. 42:157-9.. ^ Dixon, E. (ITo date.) Dl:con method for trappin.i^ skunl:. Unlonville, Ont, . ... Drake, !■!, 1939. A skunk, half-dozen. Tat. Mag. 32.(9).: 506-6. Illus. Finley, V\ L., and I. Pi'nley. 1924. The gentle wood-pussy. Nat. I.I^.g, ,4(3;):141-2, 186. Ulus. . . . ,. . » . • • Gates, '.V, H. 1937, Spotted slcunks and bobcat. Jour. Mamnal. . ,13(2):240, ■ ...... . .... llall, E, R, 1933. Notes on the spotted skunks (genus Spilogale ) , with accounts 'Of nev/- species from' Mexico and. Costa Rica. = Ann. and* Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser-. 11, l(5)j510-5.. • .■ ' Hamilton, Vvf, J.., Jr. 1929. The winter food, of the. eastern" skunk. Am. Fur Breed. 11(1) :4. ., Hamilton,. IV. J^,, Jr.. 1931. Sl-cunks as grasshopT^or destroyers. Jour, Econ. Snt, 24(4) :918. Hamilton,. V;, J., , Jj*. ^ 193$.. Sea.3onal food of slcunks in New York.'' Jour. Haraiial. 17(3):240-G. .■Hamilton, VJ, J,,..Jt; 1937. V* inter- activity of.the skunk, Ecol.' 18(2):32G-7. , • - .. . ■ . -Howell,. A.. H. ■• 1901. Revision of the slranlrs. of. the genus -Chincha' (Mephitis). U, S. Dept. Ag. N. Am. Fauna -26. 55 pp., illus. Howell, A.. H. i9CCi Revision of the. s^nAiH-cs of-the genus ■ Spilogale . r. S. Dept. Agi.-N. Ara. Fauna. 26. 55 pp», illus, . ' Hov-^ell, .A. .H. . , 1911.0. .The Florida, cpotted' an acrobali;. Jour. Mar.Trial. 1(2) sSG. ' Jellison," v;," L, *1931. Little spotted skunk, Spilorale gracilis ■ saxat,llin , recorded for Montana. -Jour.- Mammal . 12(3):314, - Johnson, C, "e. 1921. The '"hand- stand" habit of the spotted slcunk. , .. :.Jour. Mar!ii:ia3,.2< 2 1:87*9. . , . . ■ •■ .• Jones, H. \i,, Jr. 1939. V.'intor studies of skunl-:s in Pennsylvania, ... ■ Jour. .Mar.imal.. 20(2) :254-6,- . . ••■•.,,' Kelker, G, II, 1937, Insect food of ;:3l-n.mks , Jour, Maimmal. 18(2): ^ ■ 164-70;.. ; . , ....;.. • ,. . ■ . ' < ;■ ■ ■■ ; •■ Lantz, D. E, 1923, Economic value of North American 3kunl<:s, IJ, S, ,- Dept,, Ag.; Fs.n'ii. -Bui. 5.37.. '24- pp'., .illus. . ....■■ Latimer, N, E. 1937. 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Mag. 7(5):275- 8.. ..Illug. : - Sedlak, S, V, 1939. A plea for the .skunl<:. Pa'. Gajiie' ITews^ 10(3) :8. Illus, . ■ - ■ ■ ■ ■ Seiko, L. F. 1937. Food habits of lov/a skunks in the fall- of 1936. Jour, \yildlife Ilgt. 1(3-4) :70-6. * Seiko, L. F, 1938. Hibernation of the striped skunk .in .Iowa. Jour. Mam?ial. 19(3) : 320-4, ' _;^': .. . ■ - ' * Seiko, L, P. 1938, Notes on. the den ecology of the striped skunk in lov/a. Am. Midland Nat. 20(2) : 455-63. Illus'. Seton, E. T. 1920, Acrobatic skurjcs. Jour. Mamraal. 1(5):140. " Seton, 'E, T. 1922. More acrobatic sloanlcs. Jour. Marm-aal. 3(-l):-53, Shav7, V;. T. 1923, ,.. The spring -and. sujmner- activities of the dusky skunk in capiivity. N.'Y. State Kus. Handb. 4:5-92.. Sherwood, .V;,. E. 1931, The ways of Spilogale. Nat. Mag. 17(4) :224. Illus . ' _..-.•■ Shufeldt, R. V/. 1922. How slmnks defend themselves. Am. Forestry 28(337)":25-9, 41. Illus, . ' -■ ' Sokolowslcy, A. 1928, Zt;r' Biologie der Stinktiere, Pelirtierzucht 4:78-9. 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Columbus, Ohio, c --Outfit. Hudson's Ba^?- Co., V/innlpeg, — Outers' Recreation. Chicago, — Outing Magazine. Albany, N. Y, --Outlook, 'New York, --Annual Report. Oxford University Bureau of Animal Populations-, Oxford, England, — Official Document. Pennsylvania State Board of Agriculture, Harrisburg. — Bulletin, Pennsylvania Board. of Game Commissioners, Harrisburg, — Research Bulletin, Pennsylvania Board of Game Commissioners, Harrisburg, 198 ., Periocilcals Cited Pa,:; G-am©,-.'P:onpi. Bui*-- 1 •; .1 ; Pa t Game , lievv'S -a-Bulletin, Peiinsylvania Game. Com- ,,;<■; mission, liaprisburg. ;•.-.. •.•^■.<.0-T."!"Pennsylvania Qatjie- News,, Peryisyl- y-.^;-; vania Board of Game Gornmlssion- ers, Ilarrisburg; ■'•i Pacific Ei;st^«r:Hey'ixj'.-v;-:;,-.;i /.;v.:: 4 :...'■ ■ - ■ - r. "",■■■■■ ■■■- ■ ■ ■■ -■ P£icifiG S.Gi* Cong, Can, frpc. Pan-Pacific Sci. Cong", Proc, Pan-Pacific. Union Bul« Parasitol, ■ . Paris Acad, des Sci. Compt. 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Ill, ' :.:.-,,j-.T.Pedagogical Seminary. ..•.:;';/■. u or ce s w c r , 1,1:. r.p ,' ■■--.Die Pelstierzucht, ?;ona,'taschrift fur Zucht von Pelztleren. . : , Leipzig. , ■ • :, : ■'■ ;■ -.--Proceedings. Academy of Na.tural Sciences of Philadelphia, . ,.... Philade3,phia. . .;■• ..',;;.' ■■■v/l^'i' * ■ * --Physiological Reviews. American Physiological Society, Baltimore. — PlantenziektenJoindlger Dienst, Verslagon en I.Iededeclingen. "Jagoningen, ITetherlands. ... < ■ • • ■ ; — Popixlar Science Monthly, New York. ,-. HrPractical Fai^nor.- Philadelphia-,' -.-'" (Suspended July, 1921. Now Heart of the Home.) Periodicals Cited 199 Prakt. Bl. f. Pflanzenbau u. — Praktische Blatter fur Pf lanzenbau Pflanzenscliutz Producer (Denver) :'ov. Rep. Psych, Abst, Quart. Jour. Micros, Sci, und Pflanzenschutz. Stuttgart, Munich.- --Produ.cer. Denver, Colo, Prov. Soc. Nat, Kist. Can. Ann. --Annual Report. Provincial Society of Natural History of Canada, Victoria, B. C. — Psychological Abstracts. 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Of. r Sportsman • i-.O J STjiccessful, F^rm>.;f.-,:;;;:i .• ■; ■ J ti ,;,"! Suddeut, Landw, Tierzucht ■: r '■ '■■■■■ f-! ! ■■■"■ . ■■ . ■ ■ i. ..^ > . -^ ■ . ^1, ... . , , .> '.-■-- ,i Tech, Assn, Ftir Incl, Jour, — Southern Agriculturist*, Nashville, Tenn* --Southwes't Wilds and* V.'atersi Oklahoma City, Okla, (Later W i 1 d s and Wa t e r s , ) --Sportsman, " Concord, IT, H, .-.j-Successful Farming, Des Moines, Iowa , II - -Suddeut sche Landv/irtschaftliche Tier zu cht . __ Muni oh and__ , Kano v© r , --Journal, Technical Association of the Fur Indus.try, Brooklyn, ■:' Ij Y ' ' ■ ........ Tenn. Ag, Col, Rural Res, Monog, — Rural Research Monograph, Unlver- ■<■,: . ■ .... sity of Tennessee, College of Ag- riculture, luioxville. Termesset, llozl. Tex. Dopt, Ag," Bui. -J. Te^';"TTane, Fish and Oyster" Cornm, Bui, Tex . " (/ ," ' Yi sii - a'h<3. Oys't e r Comm, Monthl'y S-al," Tijdschr, over Plant tenziekt en Toronto tjniv.," StudLos: Biol.' ". Toronto Unlv, S'tucTies' Iilst. and Econ».,S;er,.,-\ ;-„,.■ Trapper and Sportsman -• y !l II — Termoszettudomanyi Kozlony. .... , Budapc 3t,_ Hungary, -^ ,, .■, _ - — Bulletin, Texas Department of Ag- r.lculture> Austin, --Bulletin, Texas Game, Fish and OjT-ster Commission, Austin. — Monthly Bulletin, Texas GameV ' Fish and Oyster Coranission, Austin, : . , ,, , • ■: — Tijdschrirt over Plantonziekten, Xoderlandsche- .Phytopathologlsiche Voreeniging, Wagehingo'n, ^ ,',^';' ' " Ketherlands. --University of Toronto Studies-,'"" Biological Series, Toronto, — University of Toronto Studies, IIi,ntor^,r and Fconomics ^S.ories-r..> Toronto. — Trapper and Sportsman. Ariierican Trappe_?.-!S: Aaaociation^/ -Inp v"' ■- Denver, Colo, ' ""' Periodicals Cited 203 Trenton ITat, Hist, Soc. Jour. U. S. Bur, Biol. Surv. Game Coram. Cire, Alaska U. S, Bur. Biol. Surv. Bi- U. S. Bur. Biol. Surv. BS- U. S. Bur. Biol, Surv. 3ul. U..S. Bixr. Biol. Surv. Circ. U. S. Bur. Biol, Surv. Leaf. U. S. Bvir. Fish, Admin. Rep. U. S. Bur. Fish. Bui. U. S. Bur. Fish. Doc. ■ Journal. Trenton, Natural History Society, Trenton, rl, J. (Now Bulletin. New Jersey Natural History Society, Trenton.) ■Circular. Alaska Game CoTmnission, Bureau of Biological Survey, U, S, Department of Agriculture, \Va shingt on, D . C , -;;- -Bureau of Biological .Survey B1-. U. S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C, -Bureau of Biolojrlcal Stirvey, Wildlife Research and Management Leaflet BS-. U. S. Department of Agriculture, V'lashington, D. C, -Bulletin, Bureau of Biologijcal Survey, U, S. Department of Ag- riculture, V.'a shingt on., D. C, -Circular. Bureau of Biological Survey, U. S. Department of Ag- riculture, \7ashington, D. C, ■Leaflet. Bureau of Biological Survey, U. S, Department of. Ag- riculture, l/ashington, D, C, -Administrative Report, .Bureau of Fisheries, U. S. Department of Commerce, Y.'ashlngton, D. C.-:;-!;- -Bullctln. Bureau of. Fisheries, U, S. Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C. -Document, Eureavi of. Fisheries-, U. S, Department of Commerce, Washington, D. C. -:.-The Bureau of Biological Survey was transferred from the Departmeiat of Agriculture to the Department of the Interior, July 1,.1939.- On July.l, 1940, it became part of the 'Fish and V.'iidlife Service, U. S. Department of the Interior. *H*The Bureau of Fisheries v;as transferred from the Department of. Commerce to the Department of the Interior, July 1, 1939. On July 1, 1940, it hecame part of the Fish and Wildlife Service, U. S. Department of the Interior. 204 U. S. Biir. Pish "■ ff^* 7 \ * :. ,'1 PerlodicsiLs'- Cited: . .. . ..s-rReport^ :,.I3ti3;'eau of ' S'isherie-s, TJ,'" • */' \ ■ S. department of Goiranerce, ■;., / Washington, D. G. U. S, "Bur;' '■Re6iari.,"'RecTa.m, Era —Reclamation Era, Bureau of .Reclamation, U* S« Department ' ■ of the Interiorv, Washington, U, 8t Comm, Pi sb -and Pish,- ' — Commissioner's Report, U. S, Com- Commr. Repi jnission of Fish and Fisheries, " ' .-.L-i ■y'v.'- •' ■■' I:-'^ Washington, D, C, ,_->••£; f.^[.■;' '.'- ' '^ ' "' ■■ ■;;■ Ui Si Comirir, Pish'-, Rep;' ~ ■ — Report of the Commissioner of .Fisheries, .Bureau of Fisheries; ,■;:•:■■/':; ■^''- •■ . _ . U, S, Department of Commerce, r?ti.'>;tri;^.ii-:Ji:^'. >•''■;,.■• ■,' - , / ' ;. Washington, D, C, li, 5i Paily-'Cort-suijTier and Trade —United States Dally ConsiAiner . and Rep, Trade I^eport,,' D.' C,' IT. -S.', -.Ag; Ann, 'Rep, .'• --Annual Report, U. S, Department ,: . ' ^- ' ■ of Agriculture, ^/.Tashington, . D. , C,, ^..^., . , . (For ipsa.) .:•■ ■ . ■ •' • • ■ •■■ U. S, .Dept",..Ag-, 3ul, ' ' •'■■■■': -^Bulletin, U. S. Department of Ag- .V . ' riculture, V.'ashlngton, D, C, U, S, .DQpt-,-Ag; Circ, ' '.; . --Circular, U, 5, Department of Ag- - -... .■ -':■■• ■ • • '. ,. riculturo, V.'ashlngton, D, C, ,■-.■<■'' ^ ■'■ - •' ' , . . U. S. Dept, Ag, Dcpt. Bui. , —Dep.a.rtmei;t .Bulletin, « 'U, -S." Depart-' .■■•..■■■: '■ ' • .. . /.', mcnt of Agriculture, Yv'ashington, U. S, Dept, Ag.Parm, BuJ.^ ., , , --,Parm.ors' Bulletin'.. -'- D^.-^S,' Depdrt'- . rr-;; J; ■-■"'•."■■•' - '■'■■ ■•-'•■ ■^■••;' = "■ mont of Agriculture, Vjashlngton, ;--^^^- - ■■■■ ''v^^ ::,.,.;:■,*,■ D. c. U. S. Dept, Ag, Leaf. .. ,.. .-,-Leaflet. U. S. Department of Ag'-' ';"'^ , , ,', ■"' ' riculture, V-'ashlngton, D, C. U. S, Dept, Ag, I.Iisc-Circ', ■ — Hlscellaneovis Circular. U. S, Department of Agricu.lture, V/ashlngton, D, C,_ .1.. ^'j'-' "■i*"''^''' U, Sf*-Pept,. ;Ag«^:i,^lsc';' 'Pub',V, \ ..' ,' ''-'^.■Iscellaneous ■ PulD^ioatioru' "'jti*; '^'.'i>; ---■ ■■,■; ■:ilL'it'^.iS' ■ Depa-rtment of ' Agriculture;,^ ..'•:;_., vVashingt^sn,; Di-C-, ^ ' ■"■■"'■^" U. S. Dept. Ag, II, Aiii, Pamia. ... ... .-.7.,l!orth.A^e-3?,ican Fauna,' Bureau 'of. V.c ^::.:-j-]j_^^;V^'--: ";;;:,:■ ■\:;;; :..;.: :vVr Biological,,. Sttrve^y IJ. ' S./^ De-. 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