"LI E> RA R.Y OF THE UN IVE.R.SITY OF ILLINOIS 975.5 C88v 1954 I.H.S. ^trgtnta Colonial JEtlttta IDirgtnia Colonial flfotlitia 1661 - 1776 EDITED BY HOUUtam Brmatrona Croster Baltimore Southern Book Co. 1954 ,* <\16 aw OR many years past, and especially since the establishment of the various Patriotic Societies, research amongst the records of Colonial Vir- ginia has been fraught with many obstacles, the most important being the destruction of county records. This, of course, is irremediable. The second difficulty is the fact, that all printed data on the subject is contained in many volumes and pamphlets, which can only be found in a few of the largest libraries. Knowing, from personal experience, the great value of a work that would contain, in one or two volumes, not only the best of what has already appeared, but new material as well, I have hesitated to attempt that which so many others were more eminently qualified to perform. Finding, however, that patience was not in this case bringing its own reward, I have taken the initiative, and, while fully conscious of its many short- comings, have placed before the public this initial volume of data relative to the Virginia Colonial Militia. I would refer those who may be desirous of studying in extenso Lord Dunmore's War — the participants in which, on the Colonial side, were soon to turn their military experience against the mother country — to the "Documentary History of Dunmore's War," so ably edited by Reuben Gold Thwaites, LL.D. Wm. Armstrong Crozier a 209 West 84th Street New York City November /, ipoj Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/virginiacolonialOOcroz Contents Land Bounty Certificates 9 Militia Rosters in Hening's Statutes at Large . 58 Lord Dunmore's War 79 Militia at the Battle of Point Pleasant ... 88 Augusta County Militia in 1742 91 Miscellaneous County Rosters 95 Militia Officers in 1680 103 Militia Officers in 1699 105 Volunteer Cavalry Association 107 Rosters of the Virginia Regiment 108 Spotsylvania County Order Books 122 Index of Counties 131 General Index 133 Land Bounty Certificates FOR SERVICE IN THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WARS. For participation in the wars of the Colony of Virginia against the French and Indians, and for service rendered by the Militia in defence of the frontiers, the King's Proclamation of 1763 granted certain amounts of land. The amount given to field officers was 5,000 acres ; to captains, 3,000 acres ; to subalterns or staff officers, 2,000 acres ; to non-commissioned officers, 200 acres ; to privates, 50 acres. The Original Warrants or Certificates of the subjoined abstracts are to be found in two MMS. Volumes, deposited in the State Land Office, Rich- mond, Va. The original spelling of proper and Christian names has been strictly adhered to. It has not been thought necessary to print the original Pro- clamation of 1763, which may be found in Hening's Statutes at Large of Virginia, Vol. VII., Appendix. CERTIFICATES. Alexr. Fowler, as assignee to Lieut. George Brooke ; served in Capt. Marcus Rankin's Company, under command of Major Gen. Sir John Irwin, Col. of His Majesty's late 74th Regt. of Foot. At Court held for Yohogania Co., Mar. 24, 1780. Alexr. Fowler, assignee of Lieut. Henry Dal way, who served in Capt. Alexr. Rigby's Co., under command of Sir John Irwin, etc., 74th Regt. of Foot. Yohogania Co., Mar. 24, 1780. John Fleming served as Lieut, in Col. Francis' Battalion of Penna. troops in Capt. Kern's company of Light Horse. Monongalia Co. Court, Mar. 14, 1780. Discharge from Adam Stephen, Col. in the Va. Regt., to James Roe, soldier in Capt. Mordecai Buckner's company of Va. At Fort Lewis, Feb. 23, 1762. Doctor Thomas Lloyd, engaged in company of Rangers in July, 1755, under command of Capt. Wm. Preston, and served until company was dis- banded in June, 1756 ; acting as surgeon to that and other companies, etc. ; engaged a second time in company of Rangers under Preston, June, 1757, and continued therein on the frontiers of Augusta until May, 1759, when company was disbanded ; acting as surgeon in said company and the neigh- 10 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA Coring companies of Rangers in garrison, etc. , all without pay. Botetourt Co. Court, 1780. Alexr. Fowler, Lieut, in Capt. Hy. Peyton's company under command of Major Gen. Sir John Irwin, commanding 74th Regt. of Foot in America, from 1758 to Dec. 7, 1763. Yohogania Co. Court, Mar. 24, 1780. Jno. Nash, Sergt. seven and one-half years in Capt. Hy. Woodward's company, Col. Washington's Regt. in the last French war. Cumberland Co. Court, Mar. 27, 1780. Jno. Vachob, soldier in Capt. Wm. Preston's company of Rangers in the late war, Great Britain and France, 1758. Augusta Co. Court, Mar. 21, 1780. John Davis, Sergt. in Capt. Wm. Preston's company of Rangers in 1758. Oreenbrier Co. Court, May 17, 1780. Wm. Evans, artificer in a detachment of the Royal train of Artillery commanded by Capt. David Hays in America, from 1758 to 1760. Yohogania Co. Court, Mar. 24, 1780. Wm. Maxey, soldier in the last Indian war in 1760, served 6 months under Capt. James Gunn. Buckingham Co. Court, Nov. 8, 1779. Wm. Long, Lieut, in Virginia service entitled to 2,000 acres of land, and I759> when company was disbanded. Montgomery Co. Court, April 5, 1780. Wm. Preston is representative of the following persons, who served in the above mentioned company of Rangers, to wit : Josiah Cummings, a cor- poral ; Thomas Saunders, a drummer ; Solly Mulliear, James Hulman, Moses Fisher, Gardner Adkins and Nicho. Smith, privates. Bond Estle, soldier in Capt. Wm. Preston's company of Rangers, 1758. Greenbrier Co. Court, Feb. 15, 1780. Thos. Galbreath, soldier in Capt. Peter Hogg's company of Rangers in the year 1758. Augusta Co. Court, Nov. 10, 1779. James Colquhond, soldier in 2nd Virginia Regiment, Col. Byrd, till pro- perly discharged in 1750. Caroline Co. Court, 1780. LAND BOUNTY CERTIFICATES II Edmund Wagner, deceased, a subaltern in the Virginia Regiment, entitled to 2,000 acres of land. Andrew Wagner is his heir. March 7, 1774. (Signed) Dunmore, Govr. Henry Dawson, soldier in a Virginia regiment in 1760 and served through the campaign under command of the late Col. Wm. Byrd. Amherst Co. Court, March, 1780. John Jones, Ensign in Col. Thomson's Penna. Regiment, Indian war about 1757, in which capacity he served through the whole war. Frederick Co. Court, July 4, 1780. James Anderson, Captain in Col. John Johnston's New Jersey Regi- ment in 1756, in which capacity he served until regiment was disbanded. Frederick Co. Court, Mar. 8, 1780. Wm. Daingerfield, Captain in Col. Byrd's Virginia Regiment till dis- banded. Afterwards in regiment commanded by Col. Adam Stephen. Spot- sylvania Co. Court, June 15, 1780. Thos. Patterson, assignee of Thomas Ealey, a soldier in war between Great Britain and France. Yohogania Co. Court, May, 1780. Wm. Christy, Ensign in 1st Bat. of Penna. troops 1760, under command of Capt. Saml. West, in Col. Byrd's regiment, and then legally discharged. Yohogania Co. Court, March, 1780. Alexr. Fowler, assignee of Lieut. Butler Stubbs, who served in last war in America in Capt. George Berkeley's company, under command of Major Gen. Sir John Irwin, Col. of His Majesty's late 74th Regiment of Foot. Yohogania Co., Mar. 24, 1780. Alexr. Fowler, assignee of Lieut. Angus MacNeill, who served in Capt. George Berkeley's company, under command of Sir John Irwin, Col. of 74th Regiment of Foot in the last war in America. Yohogania Co., Mar. 24, 1780. Benj. Temple, entitled to 2,000 acres of land, agreeable to His Majesty's Proclamation in the year 1763. Nov. 27, 1774. (Signed) Dunmore, Govr. Holt Richardson, Gent., proved before the Court that Col. Wm. Peachey was Paymaster of the 2nd Virginia Regiment in 1758. King William Co. Court, Nov. 18, 1779. Holt Richardson, Gent., proved that Thomas Elliott, Gent., was Pay- master to Col. Wm. Peachey's Batt. in the year 1759 and part of 1760. King William Co. Court, Nov. 18, 1779. William Alexander, allowed 200 acres for serving as a non-commissioned officer in Col. Byrd's 2nd Virginia Regiment. Rockbridge Court, Nov., 1779. William Morriss, Lieut, in the late war between Great Britain, France and the Indians. Goochland Co. Court, Sept., 1779. Archibald Thompson, entitled to 200 acres of land for military service as under the King's Proclamation in the year 1763. Montgomery Court, Nov., 1779. Capt. William Russell, entitled to 3,000 acres of land agreeable to the King's Proclamation in the year 1763. Dunmore, Govr. 12 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA Thomas Mastin, entitled to 50 acres of land under the King's Proclama- tion of 1763. Montgomery Court, Nov., 1779. Robert Miller, entitled to 50 acres of land under Proclamation of 1763, for military services. Montgomery Court, Oct., 1779. Samuel Newberry, entitled to 50 acres of land under Proclamation of 1763, for military services. Montgomery Court, Nov., 1779. William Hughes made oath that Matthew Roberts served in the 1st Vir- ginia Regiment under Col. Byrd, as a soldier. James City Co., Nov. 8, 1779. Matthew Riddle, soldier in the 2nd Virginia Regiment of regulars, raised within the then Colony, now Commonwealth of Virginia, according to the King's Proclamation of Oct. 7, 1763. Henrico Co. Court, Sept. 5, 1779. John Stanley and Thomas Green, Jr., who made oath that they were soldiers in the 2nd and last regiment of regulars raised in Virginia in the war between Great Britain and France. Hanover Co. Court, Sept. 2, 1779. David Poe and Simon Gillett served in the 1st Virginia Regiment in the last war as soldiers under command of Col. Wm. Byrd. James City Co., Nov. 8, 1779- Samuel Campbell served as a soldier in Capt. Wm. Preston's company of Rangers in 1758, until he was discharged. Greenbrier Co., Feb. 15, 1780. Francis Amos, served in the last French war on the Virginia frontier, one year as corporal under Capt. Fleming, and one year as corporal under Capt. Charles Scott in Col. Peachey's Regiment. Buckingham Co., Nov. 8, 1779. John Fulton, allowed 50 acres for services as a soldier in Capt. John Dick- enson's Company of Rangers in late war between Great Britain and France. Augusta Co., Mar. si, 1780. William McGehee enlisted and served in Capt. Wm. Phillip's company of Volunteer Rangers in 1763, until legally discharged. Louisa County, March 13, 1780. William Duncan, soldier in Capt. Lewis's company of Regulars in last war. Botetourt Court, March, 1780. Jacob Gooding, Captain in a corps of Rangers in 1758, under the immedi- ate command of Col. (now Gen.) Washington. Fairfax Co., July, 1780. John Bailer, Sergt. in Capt. Dickinson's company of Rangers on the fron- tiers of the Colony, 1756 and 1757. Botetourt Co., Feb., 1780. Jacob Crosthwait, soldier in Col. Byrd's Regiment in 1758. Orange Co., Aug, 26, 1779. John Wooton, soldier under Capt. James Gunn in 1st Virginia Regiment commanded by Col. Wm. Byrd in last war. Halifax Co., May 18, 1780. Joseph Wooton, soldier in 2nd Virginia Regiment under Capt. Gabriel Throckmorton in 1760 and 1761. Halifax Co., Apr. 21, 1780. Archibald Alexander, deceased, Capt. of a Company of Volunteers and marched them to Greenbrier in order to proceed against the Shawnees in the year 1757, and William Alexander is his heir-at-law. Botetourt Co. Court, Aug. 10, 1780. LAND BOUNTY CERTIFICATES I 3 Win. Dounaway, soldier from 1759 to 1762 in Virginia Regiments and was legally discharged. Bedford Court, Jan., 1780. Archibald Lamb, soldier, 1759-1762 in the Va. Regts, and was legally dis- charged. Bedford Court, Jan., 1780. John Penix, soldier in Capt. Overton's Company of Rangers in 1756 till legally discharged. Louisa County, March 13, 1780. John Johnston, soldier in a ranging company under Capt. Wm. Preston. Washington Co., March 21, 1780. Edward Harris, soldier in Capt. Meredith's Company of Rangers in the year 1760 until legally discharged. Louisa County, March 13, 1780. John Shields, soldier in Capt. John Dickinson's Company of Rangers in the year 1759 in the late war between Great Britain and France. Augusta County, March 21, 1780. William Shields, soldier in Capt. John Dickinson's Company of Rangers in the year 1759. Augusta County, March 21, 1780. Samuel Meredith, Gent., who served in the late war between Great Britain and France as Captain, certifies, that John Hodges, deceased, served in the said war as Serg. in the 2nd Virginia Regiment under command of Col. Wm. Byrd, until legally discharged. Martha Hodges, relict and administratrix. Doctor Thomas Walker served as Commissary-General seven years to the British and Colonial troops in the last war. Botetourt County, Aug. 10, 1780. Richard Burke, heir at law to Thos. Burke a soldier about twenty years ago in one of the regiments raised for the immediate defense of this state. Essex Co. Court, Feb., 1780. Philemon Hawkins, a native of Virginia, soldier in Regiment commanded by the late Col. Wm. Byrd in the late war between Great Britain and France. Prince Edward Co. Court, April, 1780. Joseph Webster, a soldier under Capt. James Gunn in Col. Wm. Byrd's Regiment in the year 1760. Henry County, May 25, 1780. Joseph Bradberry, soldier under Capt. John Lightfoot in Col. Byrd's Regi- ment in 1760. Henry County, May 25, 1780. Amos Evans, a soldier under Capt. James Gunn in Col. Wm. Byrd's Regi- ment in the year 1760. Henry County, May 25, 1780. Thomas Hayle, non-commissioned officer in or about the year 1754 in the 1st Virginia Regiment in an expedition against the Indians. Frederick County, April 11, 1780. John Trigg, Sergeant under command of Gen. Washington in the 1st Vir- ginia Regiment until same was disbanded. Berkeley Court, August, 1780. John Montgomery, soldier in Capt. Chas. Lewis' company of Rangers in the year 1758, in the war between Great Britain and France. Augusta County, Feb. 15, 1780. Christopher Fry, non-commissioned officer in the old Virginia Regiment, in which capacity he served until the Regiment was disbanded. Frederick County, March 8, 1780. ' 14 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA Saml. Poe, Sergeant in the ist Virginia Regiment and entitled to 200 acres of land under Proc. of 1763. Williamsburg, May 22, 1774. Dunmore (Govr.) George Vaughan, soldier under Capt. John Lightfoot in a regular corps raised in the state in 1758 against Fort Du Quesne. Halifax County, March 16, 1780. John Reynolds, soldier in old Virginia Regiment during late war. Fred- erick County, May 2, 1780. Augustine White, soldier in eacn of the old Virginia Regiments com- manded by Col. Byrd and Col. Stephen in the late war, until they were dis- banded ; and that he was a non-commissioned officer. Frederick County, May 1780. Colonel John Gibson (a Justice of this county) served as a Deputy Com- missary in the late war between Great Britain and France. Yohogania Co. Set Court, Feb., 1780. Bartlet Ellis, Sergeant in Va. Bat. of Regulars commanded by Col. Wm. Byrd in 1755. Richard Ellis made oath that Bartlet Ellis, together with him- self, listed under Capt. Saml. Meredith in the late French and Indian war with Great Britain, and that the said Bartlet acted as Sergeant sometime after his enlistment, and continued to act as such until the expiration of the time for which they were enlisted. Hanover County Court, April 6, 1780. John Savage, entitled to 3,000 acres of land agreeable to the King's Procla- mation in the year 1763. Feb. 24, 1774. Dunmore (Govr.) Thomas Taylor, heir-at-law to Geo. Taylor, Jnr., deceased, entitled to 2,000 acres of land for said George's service in the last war,agreeable to His Majesty's Proclamation of 1763. Williamsburg, Feb. 12, 1774. Dunmore. Francis Gibbs, soldier in Capt. Hogg's company of Rangers until duly discharged in 1758. Orange Co., May 25, 1780. Richard Vernon in the years 1755, 1756, 1757, 1758, and 1759 acted as a wagon master, forage master and assistant commissary to the troops under the command of Genls. Braddock, Forbes and Stanwix upon their several expeditions, and particularly superintended the wagons belonging to the Col- ony of Virginia. Culpeper Co. Court, May 16, 1780. Edwd. Sprigg, who is and has been a resident of this state 8 years, proved that his father, Edward Sprigg, served as Capt. in the requirement (Regt. ?) commanded by Geo. Washington, Esqr., and lost his life in the service ; and that he is heir-at-law, etc. Prince William Co., July 3, 1780. William Dempsey, a soldier in Capt. Smith's Regular Co. last war till it was disbanded. Botetourt Co. Court, March, 1780. Thos. Casady, deed., soldier in old Va. Regt. last war, Col. Washington, Commander, until legally discharged. Thos. Cassaday heir at law. Bote- tourt Co. Court, Feby., 1780. David Galloway, Jnr., soldier in Capt. Dickinson's company of Rangers in last war, till legally discharged. Botetourt Co. Court, Feby., 1780. Francis Eppes, Lieut. 2d Va. Regt. last war. (Signed) W. Byrd, May 20 , 1774. LAND BOUNTY CERTIFICATES I 5 Wm. Mann, deceased, Sergt. in Col. Peachey's Batt. in 1759. Mose* Mann, eldest son and heir. Botetourt Co. Court, Feby., 1780. Humphrey Madison, deceased, Ensign in Capt. Dickinson's Co. of Rangers in 1756, and lost his life in the service of his country. Catherine Arbuckle, wife of Wm. Arbuckle and heiress at law of Humphrey Madison, deceased. Botetourt Co. Court, Deer., 1780. Wm. Smith, soldier in Capt. Hogg's company of Rangers until duly dis- charged in 1758. Orange Co. Court, May 25, 1780. Wm. Watson, served his enlistment as a regular soldier in Capt. Overton's company of Regulars before the year 1763. Orange Co. Court, Mar. 23, 1780. Jas. McCutchin, soldier under Capt. John Blagge in Col. Byrd's Regt. in 1760. Henry Co. Court, May 25, 1780. David Lyle, Sergt. in 2d Va. Regt., Col. Wm. Byrd commanding. King William Co., April Court, 1780. John King, soldier in 2d Va. Regt., Col. Wm. Byrd commanding, until disbanded. King William Co., April 20, 1780. Geo. Stubblefield, Gent., Cadet in Adam Stephen's Regt. raised for defense of this state. Spotsylvania Co. Court, June, 1780. Jno. Fitzjarrell, Sergt. in Va. Regt. commanded by Col. Wm. Byrd in 1759 an< i 1760- Amherst Co. Court, Feby., 1780. William Camp, William King and James Lankford each knew that the other served as volunteer soldiers under Capt. Christopher Hudson in the year 1758, in war between Great Britain and France, said Camp as Corporal, and the other two as common soldiers. Hanover Co., June 1, 1780. Wm. Thorp, native of Virginia, Sergt. 1755-1762 in the late French war. Certificate signed by Chas. Scott, Brig.-Genl., that he was then regularly dis- charged. Bedford Court, Dec, 1779. John Thorp, deceased, regular soldier under Genl. Forbes in 1758, and then departed this life. Wm. Thorp, a native of Virginia and heir-at-law of John Thorp, deceased. Bedford Court, Jany., 1780. Thos. Thorp, Corporal in the late French war, 1759-1762. Bedford Court, Jany., 1780. Richard Timberlake, native of Virginia, soldier for six months under Gen. Forbes in 1758, in the late French war. Bedford Court, May, 1780. James Baker, Gent., deceased, Lieut. 1st Va. Regt. of Regulars, com- manded by Col. Geo. Washington, in 1758, and died in the service. Proved by Wm. Hughes, Hustings Court of Williamsburg, Feb. 9. 1780. Lawrence Baker, Gent., heir-at-law to the said James Baker, Gent., deceased. Surry Co. Court, April 25, 1780. Edgcomb G. Williams, soldier under Capt. Nath. Gist in Col. Adam Stephen's Regt. in 1762. Henry Co., May 25, 1780. John McKensie, Sergt. in 1st Va. Regt. until reduction of same, when he was regularly discharged. Kentucky Co., Nov. 2, 1780. John Miller, soldier in Capt. Wm. Preston's company of Rangers in 1758 *6 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA and 1759, and continued in said company until they were discharged. Green- brier Co., March 22, 1780. James Johnston, soldier in Capt. Dickerson's company of Rangers, in which he remained until discharged in 1759. Greenbrier Co. Court, March 1780. ' John Jameson, soldier in Maj. Robert Stewart's company of 1st Va. Regt. Proved by John Estle, assignee of John Jameson. Greenbrier Court, Feb. 13. 1780. Ben Lohone, entitled to 50 acres for services in last war, agreeable to proclamation of 1763. Feb. 22, 1774. Dunmore. John Estle, soldier in Capt. Wm. Preston's company of Rangers in r758. Greenbrier Co., Feb. 15, 1780. James Roe, soldier in 1st Va. Regt. Discharge dated Feb., 1762, from Col. Adam Stephen of the 2d Regt. Southampton Co., May 11, 1780. Pharel McFaddin, soldier in Col. Peachey's Va. Regt, or Frontier Bat. Buckingham Co., Nov. 8, 1779. James Burnett, soldier in Col. Peachey's Va. Regt., or Frontier Bat. Buckingham Co., Nov. 8, 1779. Martin Webb, soldier six months in Col. Peachey's Regt., or Frontier Bat. Buckingham Co., Nov. 8, 1779. Richard Baldock, deceased, Sergt. in a Regt. under the command of the then Col. Stephen in the late war between Great Britain, France and Spain. Levy Baldock, heir-at-law to the said Richard Baldock, deceased. Amherst Co. Court, Feb., 1780. Levy Baldock, soldier in Va. Regt. under command of the late Col. Wm. Byrd in the late war between Great Britain, France and Spain. Amherst Co., Feb. Court, 1780. Frederick Fitzgerald, soldier in Capt. Wm. Preston's company of Rangers in 1762. Henry Co., May 25, 1780. Thomas Kinkead, soldier in Capt. Wm. Preston's company of Rangers in 1758 and 1759. Greenbrier Co., March 21, 1780. John Hodges, Gent., is due 2,000 acres of land under the King's Procla- mation, for the services of a certain Francis Eppes during the last French wars, who was a Lieut, in 2d Va. Regt., and which said Eppes hath assigned to said Hodges. Prince William Co. Court, June 5, 1780. William Gooch, Sergt. in late war, is entitled to 200 acres under the King's Proclamation of 1763. May 7, 1774. Dunmore. William Blanton, Sergt. in 1st Va. Regt. until discharged. Greenbrier Co., Feb. 15, 1780. Edward McMullin, soldier in Capt. Dickerson's company of Rangers on the Frontier in 1758 and 1759. Botetourt Court, Feb., 1780. Thomas Kelly, Corp. in Capt. Dickerson's company of Rangers in 1757, 1758 and 1759. Botetourt Court, Feb., 1780. John McMullin, soldier in Capt. Dickerson's company of Rangers in 1758 and 1759. Botetourt Court, Feb., 1780. LAND BOUNTY CERTIFICATES 1 7 Robt. Gillespie, Senr., Sergt. in Capt. Dickerson's company of Rangers in the year 1754. Botetourt Court, Feb., 1780. Thos. Carpenter, soldier in Capt. Dickerson's company of Rangers in 1759. Botetourt Court, Feb., 1780. Jacob Parsinger, Senr., proved to this Court that he and his two sons, Abraham and Phillip, who died under age, each served in Capt. Dickerson's company of Rangers in 1757. Botetourt Court, Feb., 1780. Patrick Carrigan, soldier in Capt. Dickerson's company of Rangers in 175S. Botetourt Court, Feb., 1780. Wm. Crayton, entitled to 50 acres of land under the King's Proclamation of 1763. Jan. 22, 1774. Dunmore. Thos. Elliott, Lieut, in Va. Bat. of Regulars, commanded by Wm. Peachey, Esqr., in 1759. King William Co. Court, Jan., 1780. James Hilling, soldier in Capt. Thos. Booth's Co. 2d Va. Regt., com- manded by Col. Wm. Byrd, deceased, and served therein till said Regt. was disbanded before 1763. Hustings Court for Williamsburg, Feb. 7, 1780. Arthur Campbell, entitled to 2,000 acres of land for services in last war, agreeable to King's Proclamation of 1763. Dec. 15, 1773. Dunmore. Henry Harrison, son and heir of Capt. Henry Harrison, deceased, is entitled to 3,000 acres of land, agreeable to the King's Proclamation of 1763. Dec. 31, 1773. Dunmore. Richard Hickman, deceased, Lieut, in the Va. Regt. of Regulars com- manded by Adam Stephen, Esqr., in the year 1763, and continued in said office until said Regt. was disbanded. James Hickman, brother and heir-at- law. King William County, Jan. 20, 1780. Wm. Fleming, assistant surgeon by appointment from Gov. Dinwiddie, 1755, in 1st Va. Regt. until reduction thereof in 1762. Kentucky Co., Nov. 2, 1779. Thos. Lovett, Drummer in the Va. Regt, 1754, until reduction thereof in 1762. Kentucky Co., Nov. 2, 1779. James Hill, entitled to 200 acres of land, agreeable to the King's Procla- mation of 1763. March 1, 1774. Dunmore. James Hebdon, entitled to 50 acres of land, agreeable to the King's Procla- mation of 1763. April 21, 1774. Dunmore. John Anderson, Sergt. in 2d Va. Regt. commanded by Hon. Wm. Byrd, Esqr., agreeable to King's Proclamation of October, 1763. May 7, 1774. Dunmore. Joel Harlow, soldier in late war, entitled to 50 acres of land, agreeable to proclamation of the King in 1763. April 23, 1774. Dunmore. Nicholas Sallis (or Sallaie), soldier in Va. Regt. late war. Certificate signed by Andrew Lewis. ( No date.) Jno. Murray, deceased, Ensign in Capt. Alex. McClenachan's company of Independents on the expedition against the Indians, commanded by Col. Bou- quet in 1764. Mrs. Elizabeth Murray, widow and heir of Dr. John Murray, deceased. Augusta Co. Court, Dec. 21, 1779. 1 8 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA Thomas McGregor, soldier in Capt. Wm. Preston's company of Rangers. Augusta Co. Court, Nov. 18, 1779. James Dunlap, deceased, Lieut, in Capt. Peter Hogg's company of Rangers, and was destroyed by the enemy, French and Indians, at the fort in the upper tract on the south branch of the Potomac in the year 1758. James Brown and Adam Gutherey, nephews and heirs-at-law of said James Dunlap, deceased. Augusta Co. Court, Dec. ax, 1779. Thos. Scott, soldier in a ranging company against the Indians in 1764. Augusta Co. Court, Nov. 17, 1779. Jno. Clark, Sergt. in a ranging company against the Indians in 1764. Augusta Co., Nov. 17, 1779. James McMahon, soldier in Capt. Hogg's company of Rangers. Augusta Co., Nov. 17, 1779. Chas. Lewis, deceased, Lieut, in Capt. Preston's company of Rangers. Capt. in company of Independents on the expedition against the Indians, com- manded by Col. Bouquet in 1764. Augusta Co., Nov. 17, 1779. Henry Pigg, private in 2d Va. Regt. of Regulars in late war between Great Britain and France. Prince Edward Co., Jan. 17, 1780. Richard Foster, private in Capt. Saml. Overton's company of volunteers in the late war between Great Britain and France. Prince Edward Co., Jan. 17, 1780. Jos. Truman, private in Capt. Obediah Woodson's company of Volunteers in late war. Prince Edward Co., Jan., 1780. Alexr. Le Grand, Sergt. in company of Volunteers in late war between Great Britain and France. Prince Edward Co., Jan., 1780. Jno. Morton, Gent., Lieut, in a company of Volunteers in the late war; by order from Gov. Dinwiddie joined Maj. Andrew Lewis' detachment from 1st Va. Regt. of Regulars, and continued in the service six months. Prince Edward Co., Jan. 17, 1780. Thos. Morton, 2d Lieut, in company of Volunteers in late war between Great Britain and France, and by order joined Maj. Andrew Lewis' detach- ment of Regulars from 1st Va. Regt., and continued in service six months. Prince Edward Co., Jan 17, 1780. Chas. Croucher, soldier in Col. Adam Stephen's Va. Regt. until disbanded. Hustings Court of Williamsburg, Feb. 7, 1780. Sylvester Hughes, soldier in Capt. Robt, Stewart's company of Regulars, Col. Wm. Byrd's 2d Va. Regt., and continued therein until disbanded. Will- iamsburg, Hustings Court, Feb. 7, 1780. Edwd. Cary, entitled to 2,000 acres, agreeable to proclamation of 1763. Williamsburg, Nov. 22, 1773. J Dunmore. Morris Evington, entitled to 200 acres of land, agreeable to His Majesty's Proclamation of 1763. Williamsburg, Jan. 3, 1774. Dunmore. Francis Scott, entitled to 50 acres of land, agreeable to His Majesty's Proclamation of 1763. Jan. 31, 1774. Dunmore. LAND BOUNTY CERTIFICATES 1 9 Wm. Henderson, soldier in Capt. Alexr. McClenachan's company of Inde- pendents on the expedition against the Indians, commanded by Col. Bouquet, in 1764. Augusta Co., Nov. 19, 1779. Wm. Kinkiad, soldier in Capt. Chas. Lewis' company on the expedition against the Indians, commanded by Col. Bouquet in 1763. Augusta Co., Jan. 18, 1783. Wm. Hughes, Lieut, and Adjutant in Col. Adam Stephen's Va. Regt. in the year 1762, and served until Regt. was disbanded. Williamsburg, Feb. 9, 1780. James Ritchey, soldier in Capt. Christian's company of Rangers on the Cherokee expedition, commanded by Col. Wm. Byrd in 1760. Botetourt Court, Dec, 1779. Saml. French, Sergt. in the late war, entitled to 200 acres, agreeable to His Majesty's Proclamation of 1763. Williamsburg, May 29, 1774. Dunmore. Geo. Muse, Lieut. Col. (until properly discharged) in a Regt. raised for immediate defense of this state in 1754. Caroline Co. Court, Feb., 1780. Thos. Ayres, Sergt. in 1758 (till properly discharged) in a Regt. raised for the immediate defense of this state. Caroline Co., Feb. 10, 1780. Anthony Kenty, soldier in Capt. Saml. Meredith's company of Rangers in 1760 until legally discharged. Proved by Wm. Melton. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Chas. Jenkins, soldier in Capt. Saml. Overton's company of Rangers in 1756, till legally discharged. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Wm. Speere, soldier in late war between Great Britain and France, and remained with his regt. until disbanded. Certificate signed by Saml. Mere- dith. King William Co., Feb. 16, 1780. James Ratliff, soldier in Capt. Saml. Overton's company of Rangers in I 755- Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Geo. Sims, soldier in Capt. Saml. Overton's company of Rangers in 1755. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Andrew Jameson, soldier under Capt. John Dickinson in 1758 in a ranging company. Kentucky Court, Nov. 2, 1779. Thos. Moss, Drummer in a Regt. raised for the immediate defense of this state in 1754. Caroline Court, Feb., 1780. John McDonald, soldier in a Regiment raised for the immediate defense of this state in 1760. Caroline Court, Feb., 1780. Jno. Harvey, soldier (till properly discharged), in 1758, in a Regt. raised for immediate defense of the state. Christopher Blackburn, Sergt. in the last French war in 1754. Caroline Co., Feb. 10, 1780. Joseph Gatewood, soldier in 1st Va. Regt. commanded by Col. Geo. Washington, and continued in said service till Regt. was disbanded. Essex Co., Feb. 21, 1780. 20 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA Wm. Kernal, soldier during last war between Great Britain and France, above 20 years ago, in a Regt. commanded by Wm. Byrd, raised for immediate defense of the colony. Essex Co., Feb. 21, 1780. Jno. Letcher, soldier in a corps raised for the defense of Va., and com- manded by Geo. Washington, etc. Lucy Morton, widow of John Letcher, his heiress. Essex Co., Feb. 21, 1780. Wm. Morton, soldier in Capt. Daingerfield's company, discharged from the Va. Regt., he having the dropsy, being unfitted for the service. (Signed) Fredericksburg, July, 1763. Adam Stephen. Richd. Chapman, soldier in the Va. Regt. commanded by Col. Wm Byrd, entitled to 50 acres of land, agreeable to the King's Proclamation of 1763. Washington Co., Jan. 18, 1780. Francis Farmer, soldier in a Va. Regt. commanded by Hon. Wm. Byrd, entitled to 50 acres of land, agreeable to the King's Proclamation of 1763. Washington Co., Jan. 18, 1780. Henry Dooly, soldier in Va. Regt. under command of late Wm. Byrd, Esqr., entitled to 50 acres of land, agreeable to King's Proclamation of 1763. Arthur Campbell, assignee of John Donnelly, who served as a non-com- missioned officer in the Va. Regt. commanded by Col. Wm. Byrd, and entitled to 200 acres of land under proclamation of 1763. Washington Co., Jan. 18, 1780. Arthur Campbell, assignee of Drury Pickett, who was a non-commissioned officer in the Va. regiment commanded by Col. Wm. Byrd, and entitled to 200 acres of land under proclamation of 1763. Washington Co., Jan. 18, 1780. Arthur Campbell, assignee of Thos. Bromley, who was a soldier in Col. Wm. Byrd's regiment, entitled to 50 acres of land under proclamation of 1763. Washington Co., Jan. 18, 1780. Arthur Campbell, assignee of Richard Staunton, who was a non-commis- sioned officer in Col. Wm. Byrd's Regt., entitled to 50 acres of land under proclamation of 1763. Washington Co., Jan. 18, 1780. Arthur Campbell, assignee of Jno. Semmon, who was a soldier in Col. Wm. Byrd's Va. Regt., entitled to 50 acres of land under proclamation of 1763. Washington Co., Jan. 18, 1780. Wm. Baker, Sergt. 1st Va. Regt., commanded by Col. Geo. Washington, and continued in service until Regt. was disbanded. Proved by John Hick- man, Gent. King William Co., Feb. 17, 1780. Edward Goldman, Ensign, 2d Va. Regt. raised for immediate defense, etc., until properly discharged. Spotsylvania Co., Feb. 17, 1780. Richard Goldman, Christopher Key and Thos. Samuel made oath that Thos. Goldman is elder brother of within named Edward Goldman, and always understood that the said Thomas is heir-at-law to the said Edward Goldman, deceased. Caroline Co., Feb. 19, 1780. Reuben Munday, soldier, in 1760, till properly discharged, in Regt. raised for immediate defense of this state. Caroline Co., Feb. 10, 1780. LAND BOUNTY CERTIFICATES 2 1 Edward Sutton, soldier, in 1760, in 1st Va. Regt. raised for immediate defense of the state. Spotsylvania Co., Feb. 17, 1780. Bartlett Goodman, soldier in Capt. Throgmorton's company of Rangers in 1759, till properly discharged. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Capt. Wm. Phillips, makes oath that John Gilbert served in his company of Volunteer Rangers till legally discharged in 1763. The said Capt. Phillips declared on oath that he had not a commission, but was directed by the then Governor to raise a company of Volunteers. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Chapman White, served in Capt. Wm. Phillip's company of Volunteer Rangers in 1763, till legally discharged. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Nathaniel Branham, soldier in Capt. Wm. Phillip's Volunteer company of Rangers in 1763, till legally discharged. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Wm. Brock, soldier in Col. Stephen's Regt. for the defense of the state in 1762, until legally discharged. Orange Co., Dec. 23, 1779. Wm. Hughes, Sergt. in Capt. Wm. Phillip's volunteer company of Rangers in 1763, till legally discharged. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. John Hughes, soldier in Capt. Obediah Woodson's company of Rangers in 1755, till legally discharged, and he is since dead. Proved by oath of Col. Robt. Anderson. Wm. Hughes, heir-at-law. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Wm. Bibb, soldier in Capt. Wm. Phillip's volunteer company of Rangers in 1763, till legally discharged. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. James McGehee, soldier in Capt. Wm. Phillip's volunteer company of Rangers in 1763, till legally discharged. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Robt. Hall, soldier in Capt. Wm. Phillip's volunteer company of Rangers in 1763, till legally discharged. Louisa Co., Feb, 14, 1780. Jeremiah Silf, Sergt. in Capt. McNeal's company of Rangers in 1759, till legally discharged. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Henry Austin, Jnr., and Benj. Austin served in Va. Regt. commanded by Col. Geo. Washington. Sd. Henry as Sergt. and sd. Benj. as Corpl. until their death. Jno. Wilson Austin, heir-at-law to sd. Henry and Benj. King William Co., Feb. 16, 1780. Jacob Cleet, soldier under command of Col. Byrd in 2d Va. Regt. in 1760. Rockbridge Co., Dec. 7, 1779. Richd. Sansome, Corpl. in Capt. James Gunn's Co. 1st Va. Regt, in the last war between Great Britain and France. Served to the end of the war. Charlotte Co., Feb. 7, 1780. Butler Buckley, private in Capt. Thos. Fleming's Co. 1st Va. Regt. in last war between Great Britain and France. Served to end of war. Charlotte Co., Feb. 7, 1780. James Loggins, Corpl. in Maj. Peachey's Co. 1st Va. Regt. in last war between Great Britain and France. Served to end of war. Charlotte Co., Feb. 7, 1780. Jno. Monday, deed., and James Russell, served as soldiers in 1760 in a regt. raised for immediate defense of this state. Caroline Co., Feb., 1780. 22 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA Henry Cissel and James Cissel, deed., soldiers in 1755 in a regt. raised for immediate defense of the state till properly discharged. Caroline Co., Feb., 1780. Wm. Cissel, soldier, till properly discharged in 1755 in a regt. raised for immediate defense of the state. Caroline Co., Feb., 1780. Wm. Mitchell, soldier in a regt. raised for immediate defense of the state in 1758. Caroline Co., Feb., 1780. Gabriel Throckmorton, entitled to 3,000 acres as Captain the Va. Regt. agreeable to the King's Proc. of 1763. Feb. 24. 1770. Dunmore. Joseph Parish, Sergt. in 1758 in 2d Va. Regt. raised for immediate de- fense of the state. Spotsylvania Co., Feb. 17, 1780. Danl. Simpson, Corpl. in 1758 in 1st Va. Regt. till properly discharged. Spotsylvania Co., Feb. 17, 1780. James Cooper, soldier in Col. Byrd's Regt. in 1758. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Jno. Dal ton, soldier in Capt. Hubbard's Co. of Rangers in 1759. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Jas. Satterwhite, soldier in 1758 in a regt. raised for the immediate de- fense of the state. Caroline Co. Court, Feb. 1780. Francis Irvin, soldier in 1755 in a regt. raised for immediate defense of the state. Spotsylvania Co., Feb. 17, 1780. Wm. Lamp ton, soldier in 1760 in regt. raised for immediate defense, etc. Spotsylvania Co., Feb. 17, 1780. Lodowick O'Neal, soldier in 1758 in regt. raised for immediate defense, etc. Spotsylvania Co., 17th day, 1780. James Ratcliff, soldier in Capt. Wm. Phillip's Vol. Co. of Rangers in 1763 till legally discharged. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. James Smith, soldier in Capt. Wm. Phillip's Vol. Co. of Rangers in 1763. Wm. Smith heir-at-law of said James Smith. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Timothy Longest, soldier in 2d Va. Regt., Col. Wm. Byrd commanding; served till regt. was disbanded. Essex Co., Feb. 21, 1780. Wm. Rogers, soldier in Col. Byrd's Regt. in 1758. Orange Co., Nov. 25, 1779. James Twopence, soldier in Capt. Wm. Phillip's Vol. Co. of Rangers in 1763, till legally discharged. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Thos. Smith, soldier in 1758 and 1760 in a regt. raised for immediate de- fense, etc. Caroline Co., Feb. 10, 1780. Richard Bullard, soldier in Col. Byrd's Regt. in 1758. Orange Co. Nov. 25, 1779- Thos. Hidgcocks, soldier, till properly discharged, in 1756 in regt. raised for immediate defense, etc. Caroline Co., Feb., 1780. Wm. Barefoot, soldier in 1st Va. Regt. commanded by Col. Geo. Wash- ington, and continued in service till properly discharged. Essex Co., Feb. 21, 1780. LAND BOUNTY CERTIFICATES 23 Richd. Riddle, soldier in 1758 in a regt. raised for immediate defense, etc. Caroline Co. Court, Feb., 1780. Jno. Jones, drummer in Capt. S. Meredith's Co., Col. Wm. Byrd's Regt., and is entitled to 200 acres of land, under Regal Proc. of 1763. Mar. 26, 1774. (Signed) S. Meredith. Jno. Jones proves services as above in Hanover Co., Feb. 3, 1780. Joseph Bledsoe, Sergt, in 1st Va. Regt., Col. George Washington com- manding, and continued in same till regt. was disbanded. Spotsylvania Co. , Feb. 17, 1780. Daley Longest, soldier in 2d Va. Regt. commanded by Col. Geo. Wash- ington ; continued in same till disbanded. Essex Co., Feb. 21, 1780. James Gaines, soldier in Col. Byrd's Regt. in 1760. Orange Co., Jan. 27, 1780. Wm. Gibson, soldier in 1st Va. Regt., commanded by Wm. Byrd, Esq., until same was disbanded. Hanover Co., Feb. 3, 1780. Jno. Sampson, soldier, till properly discharged, in 1758 in regt. raised for immediate defense, etc. Caroline Co. Court, Feb., 1780. Benja. Retinoid, soldier in 1st Va. Regt. commanded by Col. George Washington. Caroline Co., Feb. 10, 1780. James Gimber, soldier in 1st Va. Regt. commanded by Col. Geo. Wash- ington, and continued in same till disbanded. Spotsylvania Co., Feb. 14, 1780. James Tinder, soldier in Col. Byrd's Regt. in 1758. Served his enlist- ment. Louisa Co., Feb. 14th, 1780. Jno. Connor, soldier in 1762 in a regt. raised for immediate defense, etc. Spotsylvania Co., Feb. 17, 1880. James Ratliff, soldier in Capt. Spotswood's Co. of Regulars in 1757, and continued till legally discharged. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Richard Longest, soldier in 2d Va. Regt., commanded by Col. Wm. Byrd, in 1758 ; continued in same till regt. was disbanded. Essex Co., Feb. 21, 1780. Richd. Branham, Sergt., till properly discharged, in 1758 in 1st Va. Regt. Spotsylvania Co. , Feb. 17, 1780. Chas. Clark, soldier in 2d Va. Regt., commanded by Col. Wm. Byrd, in 1758, and continued till regt. disbanded. Essex Co., Feb. 21, 1780. Wm. Camp, Corpl. in 1st Va. Regt., commanded by Col. Geo. Washing- ton, and continued in same till regt. was disbanded. Hanover Co., Feb. 3, 1780. Wm. Smith, soldier in 1st Va. Regt., commanded by Col. Geo. Washing- ton, and continued till disbanded. Caroline Co., Feb. ro, 1780. Geo. White (who is since dead), soldier, till properly discharged, in 1758 in a regt. raised for immediate defense, etc. Mary White, widow. Caroline Co., Feb., 1780. James Arnold, soldier, until properly discharged, in regt. raised for im- mediate defense in year 1759. Caroline Co., Feb. 21, 1780. Wm. Robinson (since dead), Sergt., till properly discharged, in 1758 in a 24 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA regt. raised for immediate defense, etc. John Robinson, heir-at-law. Caro- line Co. Court, March, 1780. Joseph Adkins, soldier 1st Va. Regt., commanded by Col. Wm, Byrd, and continued till regt. was disbanded. Essex Co., Feb. 21, 1780. Jno. Bullard, soldier in 1st Va. Regt., commanded by Col. Geo. Washing- ton, and continued in same till regt. was disbanded. Essex Co., Feb. 21, 1780. Robt. Sanders, Corpl., till properly discharged, in 1760 in a regt. raised for immediate defense, etc. Spotsylvania Co., Feb. 17, 1780. Wm. Heath, soldier in corps raised for the defense of Virginia, and com- manded by Col. Wm. Byrd, above 20 years ago, and served in same till dis- charged. Essex Co., Feb. 21, 1780. Saml. White, Jr., Corpl. 2d Va. Regt, Col. Wm. Byrd, commanding; continued in said service till his death. Certf. from Saml. Meredith. EHas White heir-at-law. King William Co., Feb. 4, 1780. Wm. Ross, soldier in 1760, till properly discharged in 1760, in 1st Va. Regt. raised for immediate defense of the state. Spotsylvania Co., Feb. n, 1780. Wm. King, soldier in 1st Va. Regt., commanded by Col. Geo. Washing- ton, and continued in same till disbanded. Hanover Co., Feb. 3, 1780. Jno. McCoy, soldier in Capt. Wm. Phillip's Vol. Co. of Rangers in 1763, and continued in same till legally discharged. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. John Sanders, soldier in Capt. Wm. Phillip's Vol. Co. of Rangers in 1763 till legally discharged. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Rich. Reynolds, soldier, till properly discharged, in the year 1760 in a regt. raised for the immediate defense of the colony. Spotsylvania Co. , Feb. 17, 1780. Michael Rice, served out enlistment as a non-commissioned officer in Col. Byrd's Regt. in 1758. Orange Co., Nov. 25, 1779. Clabourn Routhwell, soldier in Capt. Wm. Phillip's Co. of Vol. Rangers in 1763, till legally discharged. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Richd. Halbert, soldier, till properly discharged, in a regt. raised for im- mediate defense of this state. Spotsylvania Co., Feb. 17, 1780. Thos. Jones, soldier in Capt. Saml. Overton's Co. of Rangers in 1755 till legally discharged ; and also a soldier in Capt. Flemming's Co. of Regulars in 1758 till legally discharged ; and also a soldier in Capt. Jno. Posey's Co. of Regulars in 1760 till legally discharged. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Wm. Turner, soldier, till properly discharged, in year 1760 in a regt. raised for immediate defense, etc. Spotsylvania Co., Feb. 17, 1780. Benj. Turner, soldier, till properly discharged, in the year 1758 in a regt. raised for immediate defense of this state. Spotsylvania Co., Feb. 17, 1780. Morris Roberts, soldier in Capt. Jno. Fox's Co. of Rangers in 1756, till legally discharged. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Wm. Fillds (Fields?), soldier, till properly discharged, in 1758 in a regt raised for the defense of this state. Caroline Co. Court, Feb., 1780. LAND BOUNTY CERTIFICATES 2$ Chas. Knight, Sergt., till properly discharged, in 1758 in a regt. for im- mediate defense, etc. Spotsylvania Co., Feb. 17, 1780. James Samuel, soldier, till properly discharged, in 1754 in regt. raised for immediate defense, etc. Caroline Co. Court, Feb. 1780. Saml. and George Robinson, served in a corps raised for the defense of Virginia, above 20 years ago, and commanded by Col. Geo. Washington ; said Samuel as Sergt. and said George as a soldier, in the same till disbanded. Wm. Robinson, heir-at-law to his two brothers. Essex Co., Feb. 21, 1780. John Payne, Lieut, in Frontier Batt, last war, under command of Col. Byrd. Williamsburg, March, 1774. Dunmore. John Hickman, Lieut, in Va. Batt. of Regulars, commanded by Wm. Peachey, Esq., in 1759, and remained till said Batt. was discharged. Han- over Co., Feb. 3, 1780. James Twopence, soldier in Capt. Christian's Co. of Rangers in 1760, till legally discharged, Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. David Thompson, Sergt. in Col. Bouquet's Regt. in 1764. Thos. Dickinson, soldier, till properly discharged, in 1758 in regt. raised for immediate defense of this state. Caroline Co. Court, Feb., 1780. John Lemay, soldier in Capt. Wm. Phillip's Co. of Vol. Rangers in 1763, till legally discharged. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Francis Self, soldier, till properly discharged, in 1754 in a regt. raised for the defense of this state. Caroline Co., Feb., 1780. James Floyd, Sergt. in 2d Va. Regt. of Regulars, commanded by Col. Wm. Byrd, in 1758, and served till same was disbanded. King and Queen Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Benj. Isebell, soldier in Va. Batt. of Regulars, commanded by Wm, Peachey, Esq., in 1759, until disbanded. King and Queen Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Benj. Clements, served in last war between Great Britain and France as a private in Capt. Wm. Temple's Co. of 1st Va. Regt., and served till end of the war. Charlotte Co., Feb., 1780. Francis Roberts, private in Capt. Jno. McNeal's Co. 1st Va. Regt. in last war between Great Britain and France, and served to end thereof. Charlotte Co. , Feb, 7, 1780. Jno. Adams, private in Capt. Thos. Woodford's Co. 1st Va. Regt. in last war between Great Britain and France. Charlotte Co., Feb. 7, 1780. John Perrin, Sergt. in Capt. Jno. McNeal's 1st Va. Regt. in last war be- tween Great Britain and France. Charlotte Co., Feb. 7, 1780. Richd. Martin, private in Capt. Mordecai Buckner's Co. 1st Va. Regt., in last war between Great Britain and France. Charlotte Co., Feb. 7, 1780. Isam Crow, Sergt. in 2d Va. Regt. of Regulars, commanded by Col. Wm. Byrd, in 1758, until disbanded. Middlesex Co., Feb. 28, 1780. Reuben Vass, Lieut, in a Regt. of Regulars, commanded by Wm. Byrd. Esq. , in the late war between Great Britain and France. 26 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA Thomas Farah, soldier in the Va. Regt. commanded by Adam Stephen, until disbanded. King William Co., Feb. 16, 1780. Benj. Wheeler, soldier in 2d Va. Regt. of Regulars, commanded by Col. Wm. Byrd, in the year 1758, until disbanded. King and Queen Co., Feb. 11, 1780. Wm. Phillips, soldier in 2d Va. Regt. of Regulars, commanded by Col. Wm. Byrd in 1760. King and Queen Co., Feb. 14, 1790. Wm. Jones, soldier in Batt. of Regulars, commanded by Col. Wm. Peachey, in 1759, an< * continued in same till disbanded. King and Queen Co., Feb. 14, 1780. James Walden, soldier in 2d Va. Regt. of Regulars, commanded by Col. Wm. Byrd, in 1760, and continued in same till disbanded. King and Queen Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Geo. Coleman, soldier in 2d Va. Regt. of Regulars, commanded by Col. Wm. Byrd, in 1760, and continued in same till disbanded. King and Queen Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Henry Finch, entitled to 200 acres of land agreeable to the King's Proc. of 1763. Williamsburg, April 22, 1774. Dunmore. James Gunn, 3,000 acres of land agreeable to his Majesty's Proc. of 1763. Williamsburg, Dec. 17, 1773. Dunmore. Chas. Jenkins, soldier in Capt. Saml. Overton's Co. of Rangers in 1755, till legally discharged. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Miles Kenty or Canty, soldier in Capt. Thos. Fleming's Co. of Regulars, in 1758, until legally discharged ; also Sergt. in Capt. John Posey's Co. of Regulars, in 1760. Said Miles being since dead and Anthony Kenty, heir-at- law. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Honble. Wm. Byrd, Esq., entitled, as Col. of the Va. Regt., to 5,000 acres of land agreeable to the King's Proc. of 1763. Williamsburg, Nov. 5, 1773. Dunmore. John Lamb, soldier in Col. Byrd's Regt. in 1758. Orange Co., Feb. 24, 1780. Richd. Lamb, soldier in Col. Byrd's Regt. in 1758. Orange Co., Feb. 24, 1780. Wm. Cave, soldier in Col. Byrd's Regt. in 1759. Orange 'Co., Feb. 24, 1780. Wm. Hall, private, and Chas. Travis, drummer, served in King's service for the defense of this state till properly discharged. Richmond Court, Feb., 1780. Griffing Johnson, served in a corps for the defense of Va., and com- manded by Col. Wm. Byrd, and was properly discharged in 1758 ; and he again served in a corps raised for the same purpose, and commanded by said Byrd, in 1 760, and continued in same as a soldier until said regiment was disbanded. Essex Co., Feb. 21, 1780. Richd. Fouracres, soldier in 1st Va. Regt., commanded by Col. Geo. LAND BOUNTY CERTIFICATES 2J Washington, and continued in same till disbanded. Spotsylvania Co., Feb. 17, 1780. Richard Matthews, soldier in Capt. Christopher Hudson's Co. of Regu- lars, in 1758, till legally discharged ; and also corporal in Capt. Meredith's Co. of Regulars, in 1760, until legally discharged. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Wm. Smither, Sr., soldier, till properly discharged, in 1760 in a regt. raised for the immediate defense of the state. Caroline Co., Feb. 10, 1780. George Turner, soldier in 1st Va. Regt., commanded by Col. Geo. Wash- ington, and continued in same till regt. was disbanded. Caroline Co., Feb. 10, 1780. Larkin Chew, Ensign 2d Va. Regt., raised in 1758, under command of Col. Byrd, and continued therein till said regt. was disbanded ; also Lieut, in 1st Va. Regt., at that time under command of Col. Byrd, and remained therein till said regt. was disbanded ; afterwards said Chew entered the regt. commanded by Col. Adam Stephen, and served therein as Lieut, till said regt. was dis- banded. Spotsylvania Co., Feb. 17, 1780. Wm. Daingerfield, Capt. 1st Va. Regt. in 1758, under command of Col. Washington, and continued therein till it was disbanded ; and afterwards in a regt. commanded by Adam Stephen in the same capacity of Capt. Spot- sylvania Co., Feb. 17, 1780. Christopher Gist, deed., Captain of Rangers in 1756 for the defense of the frontiers, and served until said company was discharged in 175- (7?). Nathaniel Gist, heir-at-law. Nathl. Gist, Lieut, in Capt. Christopher Gist's Co. of Rangers in 1756, and served till the company was reduced in 1757 ; and also as a Capt. in Col. Geo. Washington's regt., called the 1st Va. Regt., raised in 1756 and disbanded in 1762, and that he continued in the regt. until disbanded ; also as a Capt. in the regt. commanded by Col. Adam Stephen, raised in 1762, and continued as Capt. until that was disbanded. Spotsylvania Co., Feb. 17, 1780. Jno. Bradford, Corp. in 2d Va. Regt., commanded by Col. Wm. Byrd. Certificate from Capt. Saml. Meredith. King William Co., Feb. 16, 1780. Jno. Brown, soldier in 2d Va. Regt. of Regulars, commanded by Col. Wm. Byrd, in 1758, till same was disbanded. King and Queen Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Thos. Davis, Sergt. in 2d Va. Regt., Col. Wm. Byrd commanding, in 1756, and continued till disbanded. King and Queen Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Chas. Turner, soldier in 2d Va. Regt. of Regulars, Col. Wm. Byrd com- manding, in 1758, till disbanded. King and Queen Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Wm. Barlow, soldier in 2d Va. Regt. of Regulars, Col. Wm. Byrd com- manding, in 1758, till disbanded. King and Queen Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Jno. Harvey, soldier in 2d Va. Regt. of Regulars, Col. Wm. Byrd com- manding, in 1758, till disbanded. King and Queen Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Thomas and William Cooper, both of whom served in the Va. Regt. com- manded by Col. Wm. Byrd in the war between Great Britain and France, upwards of 20 years ago, till same was disbanded. James Cooper, heir-at- law to his two brothers. Essex Co., Feb. 25, 1780. 28 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA John O'Neal, soldier in Va. Regt. commanded by Col. Wm. Peachey, till regiment was disbanded. Certificate signed by Jno. Hickman, Gent. King William Co., Feb., 1780. Edmond Foster, soldier in Capt. Saml. Overton's Co. of Rangers in 1756 until legally discharged. By cert, under hand of Capt. Saml. Meredith, it ap- pears that said Foster was soldier in Col. By rd's regiment in 1758. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Wm. Wousley (Moseley ?), soldier in Capt. Gunn's Co. of Regulars in 1758, till legally discharged, also soldier in Capt. Meredith's Co. of Rangers in 1759, till legally discharged. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. David Stewart, deceased, principal commissary on Col. Andrew Lewis' Ex- pedition against the Indians in 1758. John Stewart, son and heir. Greenbrier Co., Feb., 1780. Geo. Underwood, entitled to 200 acres of land for services in last war agree- able to Proc. of 1763. Williamsburg, April 16, 1774. Dunmore. Matthew Roberts, a free negro, who served as a soldier in 1st Va. Regt., is entitled to 50 acres of land by His Majesty's Proc. of 1763. Dec. 16, 1773. Dunmore. Wm. Foster, soldier in Capt. Saml. Overton's Co. of Rangers in 1755, till legally discharged. Said Foster also was a soldier in said Overton's Co. of Rangers in 1756, till legally discharged. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Thomas Mourning, soldier in Va. Batt. under command Wm. Byrd, Esq., in 1758, till legally discharged. Hanover Co., Mar. 2, 1780. Benj. Oliver, soldier till properly discharged in 1758, in a regiment raised for immediate defense, etc. Caroline Co., Feb. 10, 1780. Eustace Howard, soldier in 2nd Va. Reg. of Regulars, commanded by Col. Wm. Byrd in 1758, till legally discharged. Middlesex Co., Feb. 28, 1780. Jno. McKendree, Sergt. 2nd Va. Regt. of Regulars, commanded by Col. Wm. Byrd, till legally discharged. King and Queen Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Wm. Halliard, soldier in 2nd Va. Regt. of Regulars, commanded by Col. Wm. Byrd in 1758, till legally discharged. King and Queen Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Wm. Byrd, Col. 2nd Va. Regt. of Regulars till same was disbanded in 1758; also Col. in the Va. Regt. in 1759, 1760, 1761 and part of 1762. Certf. from the Hustings Court of Williamsburg. February 9, 1780. Presented by Mary Byrd, Executrix of the last will and testament of the Honble. Wm. Byrd, deceased. Jno. Smith, deceased, Lieut, in Capt. Jno. Smith's Co. of Rangers, 1756, raised in this state, and was killed at Fort Vause when attacked by the enemy, French and Indians, in that year. Abraham Smith, brother and heir-at-law of John Smith, deceased. Rockingham Co., Nov. 23, 1779. Thos. Standley, Corpl. in 2nd Va. Regt. commanded by Wm. Byrd, till same was disbanded. Certf. from Saml. Meredith, Gent. Stephen Smith, soldier in 2nd Va. Regt. commanded by Wm. Byrd, till same was disbanded. King William Co., Feb. 16, 1780. Benj. Harris, deceased, soldier in Capt. Christopher Hudson's Co. of Ran- LAND BOUNTY CERTIFICATES 29 ger9 in 1758, until legally discharged. Fredk. Harris, guardian to Overton Harris, heir-at-law to said Benj. Harris. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Chas. Barrett, Sergt. in Capt. Win. Phillip's Co. of Vol. Rangers in 1763, until legally discharged. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Robt. Goodwin, soldier in Capt. Wm. Phillip's Vol. Company of Rangers in 1763, until legally discharged. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. James Bullock, Ensign in Capt. Wm. Phillip's Co. of Vol. soldiers in 1763, until said company was discharged. Hanover Co., Mar. 2, 1780. Philip Cosby, soldier in Capt. Wm. Phillip's Co. of Vol. Rangers in 1763. Said Cosby is since dead and David Cosby is heir-at-law. Louisa Co. , Feb. 14, 1780. James Ward, deceased, Lieut, in Capt. McClannehan's Co. under com- mand of Col. Bouquet on an expedition against the Indians in 1764. Wm. Ward, son and heir of said deceased. Williamsburg, Mar. 6, 1780. Solomon Carpenter, deceased, soldier in Capt. Dickerson's Co of Rangers for protection and defense of the frontiers of Va. in 1758-59. Thos. Carpenter heir-at-law. Botetourt Court, Feb., 1780. Ezekiel Johnson, soldier in Capt. Dickerson's Co. of Rangers on frontiers of the Colony, 1757-58 and 1759. Botetourt Co., Feb., 1780. Richard Evans, soldier 1763 in war between Great Britain and France, until properly discharged. Essex Co., Feb. 21, 1780. Augustine Ramsey, soldier in war between Great Britain and France, up- wards of 20 years ago, until properly discharged. Essex Co., Feb. 21, 1780. John Sallard (Tallard?), of Richmond Co., subaltern officer in 1759, x 76o and 1 761 in regiments commanded by Col. Wm. Byrd and others, until prop- erly discharged. Richmond Co., Mar. 6, 1780. John Horn, deed. , non-commissioned officer under Col. Mercer in the late war in 1758, in which service said Horn died. John Avis, legal representative. CulpeperCo., Feb. 21, 1780. Colby Chew, Lieut, in Va. Regt. in 1758 under Col. Washington, and was wounded by the Indians by which he was drowned in the waters of the Ohio. Benj. Johnston, in behalf of Joseph Chew, legal representative of Colby Chew. Mordecai Buckner, Capt. in Col. Adam Stephen's Regt. raised in 1758 by this state, till properly discharged. Culpeper Co., Feb. 21, 1780. Neil McCauley, soldier in 1758 in Capt. John Field's company in Col. Wm. Byrd's regiment, till properly discharged. Culpeper Co., Feb. 21, 1780. James Black, soldier in 1758 under Gen. Braddock, and served until dis- charged. Culpeper Co., Feb. 21, 1780. Edward Jones, Corpl., and Wm. Jones, soldier, under Col. Geo. Washing- ton in 1758, both of whom died in the service of this state. Culpeper Co. , Feb. 21, 1780. John Summers, Sergt. in 2nd Va. Regt. under command of Col. Wm. Byrd. Williamsburg, May 7, 1774. Dunmore. 3° VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA Chas. Scott, Esq., private, Corpl., Sergt., Ensign ist Va. Regt. raised in Va. before the Proclamation of the King in 1763. General Court held in Town of Richmond, Mar. 2, 1780. Edwd. Foley, soldier in 1760, ist Va. Regt. raised for immediate defense, etc., until properly discharged. Spotsylvania Co., Feb. 17, 1780. Benjamin Temple, Lieut, in Va. Batt. of Regulars, commanded by Col. Wm. Peachey in 1759, until properly discharged. Hanover Co., Mar. 2, 1780. Holt Richeson, Lieut, in Va. Batt. of Regulars, commanded by Wm. Peachey, Esqr., in 1759, until properly discharged. Hanover Co., Mar. 2, 1780. James Riddle, non-commissioned officer in Capt. Hogg's Co. of Rangers in 1758. Orange Co., Feb. 24, 1780. Anthony Hughes, soldier in Capt. Stubb's Co., under command of Col. Byrd, in French war in 1760, until legally discharged. Fluvanna Co., Feb. 3, 1780. Capt. John Smith, entitled as Capt. of the new levies, to 3,000 acres agree- able to King's Proc. of 1763. Dec. 16, 1773. Dunmore. James May, soldier in Col. Washington's Regt. from 1756-1762 till properly discharged. Frederick Co., Mar. 9, 1780. David Kennedy, quarter-master to a troop of light horse in the service of the Colony of Va., commanded by Capt. Robert Stewart, and served therein until troop was reduced. Appointed in year 1755. In year 1756 was appointed Deputy Commissary under Dr. Thos. Walker to the troops serving on the Va. frontiers, and served about 2 years. In 1758 was appointed Quarter-master to the Va. regiment commanded by Col. Washington, and likewise appointed En- sign in the said regiment in which capacities he served until the regiment was reduced. When a regiment was raised in 1762, under command of Col. Adam Stephen, he was appointed Lieut., under which commission he likewise acted as Quarter-master until the regiment was reduced. Frederick Co. Court, Feb., 1780. Reuben Vass, Lieut, until properly discharged, in the campaign of 1758, also campaign of 1762, in different regiments raised for the defense of this state. Caroline Co. Court, Mar., 1780. Thos. Hutcherson, soldier till properly discharged in the campaign of 1760 in different regiments raised for the defense of the state. Caroline Co., Mar., 1780. Jno. Johnson, soldier in 1758 in a regiment raised for the immediate de- fense of the state, till properly discharged. Caroline Co. James Taylor, Ensign in Capt. Hogg's Co. of Rangers in 1758. Caroline Co., Mar. 9, 1780. Richd. Johnston, Gent., Lieut, in the campaigns of 1758, also in the cam- paign of 1759, in different regiments raised for immediate defense of this state. Tho9. Morris, soldier till properly discharged in 1759 in a regiment for the immediate defense of this state. Orange Co., Feby., 1780. Freeman Lewelling, John Gaulding, Chas. Howall and James Foster, sev- erally privates in late war between Great Britain and France, under command LAND BOUNTY CERTIFICATES 3 1 of Col. Wm. Byrd, and continued in service during their enlistments. Prince Edward Co., Feby. Court, 1780. Edwd. Penix, deceased, soldier under command of the late Hon. Wm. Byrd, Esqr., until he was discharged, and on his return the said Penix died. Jeremiah Penix, heir-at-law. Prince Edward Co., Feby. Court, 1780. Nathan Gibson, soldier in Capt. Christian's Co. of Rangers in 1760 till legally discharged. Louisa Co., Nov. 18, 1779. James Melton, soldier in Capt. Overton's Co. of Rangers in 1756 till le- gally discharged; also soldier in Capt. Posey's Co. in year 1758 till legally dis- charged. Louisa Co., Oct. 11, 1779. Wm. Melton, soldier in Capt. Christian's Co. of Rangers ; soldier in Capt. Overton's Co. of Rangers in 1756 ; soldier in Capt. Hudson's Co. in 1758, till legally discharged. Louisa Co., Oct. 11, 1779. Ansolem Clarkson, soldier in Capt. Overton's Co. of Rangers in 1755 till legally discharged; served twice as a Sergeant in said company in 1756 till properly discharged. Louisa Co., Oct. n, 1779. Wm. Ahorn, soldier in Capt. Overton's Co. of Rangers in 1756 till dis- charged. Louisa Co., Nov. 8, 1779. Anthony Thompson, soldier in Capt. Jos. Fox's Co. of Rangers in 1756 till legally discharged. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Dumas Lane, soldier in Capt. Christian's Co. of Rangers in 1760 till legally discharged. Louisa Co., Oct. 11, 1779. Jno. Shepperson, soldier in Capt. Overton's Co. of Rangers in 1756 till legally discharged. Louisa Co., Oct. n, 1779. Thos. Buford, deceased, Sergt. under Gen. Braddock in 1754, and was dis- charged. Sergt. again under Braddock in 1755. Lieut, under Col. Washing- ton in 1756 ; Lieut, under Col. Byrd in 1758 ; Lieut, in another regiment under Col. Byrd in 1759. James Buford, Gent., guardian of John Buford and executor of Thos. Bu- ford, deceased, aforesaid. Bedford Co., Feby. Court, 1780. Joseph Ray, Cadet in the Va. Regt., marched up to Fort Ligeneve where he wa9 appointed by Genl. Stanwix as Supt. of a company of Artificers and received Captain's pay, and continued in same station during the campaign of 1759, and until the army retired to winter quarters. Augusta Co., Nov. 17, 1779. Miles Kenty, deed., soldier in Capt. Thos. Fleming's Co. of Regulars in 1758 till legally discharged. Anthony Kenty, heir-at-law. Miles Kenty, deceased, Sergt. in Capt. Jno. Posey's Co. of Regulars in 1760 till legally discharged. Anthony Kenty, heir-at-law. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Gen. Geo. Weedon, Capt. -Lieut. 1st Va. Regt., also served in Col. Adam Stephen's Regt. from time it was raised till it was discharged, with rank of Capt. Spotsylvania Co., Feb. 17, 1780. Jacob Sharp, entitled to 50 acres of land, agreeable to the King's Proc. of 1763. March 29, 1774. Dunmore. 32 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA Thos. Poo, entitled to 50 acres of land , agreeable to the King's Proc. of 1763. May 29, 1774 Dunmore. Wm. Oglesby, soldier in Col. Byrd's Va. Regt. and thereby entitled to 50 acres of land under Proc. of 1763. Dec. 14, 1773. Dunmore. Wm. Flanders, soldier in Va. Regt. under command of Col. Wm. Byrd, and is entitled to 50 acres of land under Proc. of 1763. Dec. 14, 1773. Dunmore. Thos. Craddock, entitled to 200 acres of land as a fifer under King's Proc. of 1763. Williamsburg, June 2, 1774. Dunmore. Bartlet Ford, entitled to 50 acres of land as a soldier in the late war, agreeable to King's Proclamation of 1763. Williamsburg, June 2, 1774. Dunmore. Moses Parrish, entitled to 50 acres of land under King's Proc, 1763, as a soldier in last war. Williamsburg, May 17, 1774. Wm. Blunkall, entitled to 200 acres of land as a Corpl. in the last war agreeable to King's Proc. of 1763. Williamsburg, May 12, 1774. Dunmore. Stephen Atkins, entitled to 50 acres of land as a soldier in late war, agreeable to King's Proc. of 1763. Williamsburg, June 2, 1774. Dunmore. Chas. Jordan, entitled to 200 acres of land as a Sergt. in the late war, agreeable to King's Proc. of 1763. Williamsburg, June 2, 1774. Dunmore. Joseph Stephens, deed., Major and Engineer in 1758 in a Regt. raised for the immediate defense of this state. Richard Stevens, son and heir-at- law of said Jos. Stephens. Jno. Reeves, deed., soldier in Capt. Blagg's Company, Col. Adam Stephen's Regt. five years, and was discharged by virtue of an Act of As- sembly for that purpose. Saml. Howard, son-in-law to said John Reeves. Buckingham Co., Feb. 14, 17S0. Jno. Baker Turner, Christopher Fielding and Patrick Ritchie served as soldiers in the 1st Va. Regt. commanded by Col. Washington. Jos. Grimsley and John Brumley, soldiers in 2nd Va. Regt. commanded by Col. Byrd. Culpeper Co., Feb. 21, 1780. Wm. Poulter enlisted as a soldier under Alexr. Waugh in 1759, an( ^ served in Col. Byrd's Regt., on the frontiers of Va. Culpeper Co., Dec. 20, 1779. Hancock Eustace, Esqr., entitled to 3,000 acres of land agreeable to the King's Proc. of 1763. Williamsburg, Dec. 30, 1773. Dunmore. Wm. Peachey, Gent., served as Lieut.-Col. Commanding, of the Frontier Battl. in 1759 till same was properly discharged. Richmond Co., Mar. 6, 1780. Wm. Peachey, Gent. , Capt. in regiment commanded by Col. Geo. Washing- ton in 1755, 1756 and 1757, and continued in same till it was reduced. Rich- mond Co., March 6, 1780. Jno. Hughes, soldier in the Va. Regt. and is entitled to 50 acres of land under the King's Proc. of 1763. Williamsburg, April 15, 1774. Dunmore. Thos. Sanders, soldier in the 2nd Va. Regt. under command of Capt. Jno. Lightfoot in the last French and Indian war. New Kent Co., Mar. 9, 1780. W. Bowles, soldier in the 2d Va. Regt., Col. Wm. Byrd commanding. LAND BOUNTY CERTIFICATES 33 Certf . by Saml. Meredith, Gent. , who served as a Capt. in the late war between Great Britain and France. Chas. Tyler, heir-at-law. Henrico Co., Feb., 1780. James Moss, is entitled to 50 acres of land as a soldier in the late war, agreeable to the King's Proc. of 1763. Williamsburg, April 20, 1774. Dunmore. James Mercer, Esqr. , makes oath that two of his brothers, Geo. Mercer and John Fenton Mercer, were in the service of the State in 1754. Geo. Mer- cer as Captain and John Fenton Mercer, Ensign, in a Va. Regt. raised for the defense of the frontiers of this state commanded by Col. Joshua Fry, and continued in said service till said regiment was reduced. That in the year 1755 in the expedition against Fort Duquesne the said George commanded an in- dependent company and the said John Fenton was appointed a Lieutenant of Horse, commanded by Capt. Robert Stewart, in which service they continued till that corps was discharged. That in the old Va. Regt. commanded by Col. George Washington, the said George and John Fenton Mercer commanded companies and continued therein till the said John Fenton was killed by the enemy, and the said George was promoted to the rank of Lieut-Col. in the 2nd Va. Regt. commanded by Hon. Wm. Byrd, until the same was reduced. The said George is heir-at-law to the said John Fenton Mercer. At Genl. Crt. held in Richmond Town, Va., March 22, 1780. James Mercer, Atto. for Geo. Mercer. Chas. Dick, Esq., commissioned and acted as a commissary of provisions and horses for the Va. troops sometime in the year 1754, and continued therein until army was provided for by contract which superseded his appointment. He was also commissioned and acted in like department for the British troops in this State on the expedition against Ft. Duquesne, and so served until his appointment was superseded by occasion of the army's being supplied by con- tract. Genl. Crt., Richmond, Va., March 22, 1780. James Mercer, Esqr., deed., was an inhabitant of this State before 1745 and left same as an officer of a company raised here, on the expedition against Carthagena and returned here in 1755 as a captain in the 18th Regt. of Foot, commanded by Col. Dunbar on an expedition against Fort Duquesne. That he acted in the same regiment till his death, which happened in North America some time in the year 1758 or 1759, when he was a Major. That at the time of his death John Mercer of Stafford Co. became his heir, as his only brother who died in the year 1768, and by his will and under his title John Francis Mercer, an infant, then and still an inhabitant of this State, is entitled to the land under the King's Proc. of 1763. Genl. Crt., Richmond, Va., March 22 1780. Mordecai Buckner, Gent., Capt. till properly discharged, in a Regt. raised for immediate defense of this state under command of Col. Stephen in 1762. Essex. Mordecai Buckner, Gent. Quarter-master, till properly discharged, in 1755, i n the forces raised for immediate defense of this state, whereof Adam Stephen, Gent., was eldest Capt. Essex. Wm. Madison, deed., Corpl. in Va. Regt. under my command. Signed. March 31, 1774. W. Byrd. Thos. Arbuthnott, heir, of Essex Co., March 20, 1780. Jno. Stadler, Lieut, in Penna, Regt. under command of Col. Armstrong, entitled under King's Proc. of 1763. Jan. 8, 1774. Dunmore. 34 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA Jno. Johnson, soldier in Capt. Peter Hogg's Co. of Rangers in 1758, till legally discharged. Louisa Co., March 31, 1780. Col. Zachary Lewis, Lieut, in 1756 till legally discharged, " as recruiting officer enlisted 30 men and passed them at the general rendezvous at Win- chester in 1758, but did not get a commission of a Captain although he had an unconditional promise for the same by the late Pres. Blair. ' ' Louisa Co. , March 13, 1780. Francis Barnes, soldier in 1758 under Gen. Forbes. Culpeper Co. , Jan. 17, 1780. Thos. Murphy, soldier in 1758 under Gen. Forbes. Culpeper Co., Jan. 17, 1780. Danl. McCarty, deed. , soldier in Va. Regt. under my command, and that Sarah Raines, wife of Giles Raines, is sister and heiress-at-law of said Daniel McCarty. May 6, 1774. W. Byrd. Said McCarty served in 2nd Va. Regt. in Capt. Jno. Roote'sCo. New Kent Co., March 2, 1780. Proved by Giles Raines. Thos. Hutcheson, soldier till properly discharged in 1758 and 1760 in a regiment raised for immediate defense of the state. Caroline Co. Nathan Holloway, soldier till properly discharged in 1762 in a regiment raised for immediate defense of the state. Caroline Co., March Crt., 1780. Wm. McCormick, Lieut, in a Co. of Rangers in the Va. service in Col. Henry Bouquet's campaign. Yohogania Co., Feb., 1780. Isaac Cox, Ensign, in a corps of Rangers raised in Va. and in actual service in Col. Henry Bouquet's campaign in 1763. Yohogania Co., Oct., 1779. George McCarmick, Ensign in a Co. of Rangers in Va. service in Col. Henry Bouquet's campaign in 1763. Yohogania Co., Feb., 1780. Jacob Morris, Sergt. in the service of Va. is entitled to 200 acres of land under the King's Proc. of 1763. .Feb. 14, 1774. Dunmore. Samuel Burton, private in the regiment commanded by the late Hon. Wm. Byrd, Esq. , in the late war between Gt. Britain and France. Prince Edward Co., March, 1780. Jonathan Smith, Lieut, in the Regular service in the late war between Gt. Britain and France, in the Regt. commanded by the late Hon. Wm. Byrd, Esq. Prince Edward Co., March, 1780. Robt. Ray burn, entitled to 100 acres of land agreeable to King's Proc. of 1763. March 29, 1774. Dunmore. Thos. Hitchcock, soldier in 1763 in a regiment raised for immediate de- fense of this state, commanded by Col. Wm. Byrd. Essex Co., Feb., 1780. Newman Boulware, deed., soldier in 1760 in a regiment raised for the immediate defense of this state. Margt., Jennitt and Elizabeth Boulware, co-heirs of said Newman Boulware. Caroline Co. , March, 1780. Wm. Rennolds, soldier till properly discharged in 1758 in a regiment raised for immediate defense, etc. Caroline Co., March Crt., 1780. Thos. Thorp, Corpl. till properly discharged in 1760 in a regiment raised for immediate defense, etc. Caroline Co., March, 1780. LAND BOUNTY CERTIFICATES 35 Saml. Taylor, soldier in 1758 in a regiment raised for immediate defense, etc. Caroline Co., March, 1780. Jno. Carter, soldier in 1758 in a regiment raised for immediate defense, etc. Caroline Co., March, 1780. Lemuel Barret, entitled to 3,000 acres of land agreeable to Proc. of 1763. March 30, 1774. Dunmore. Zaccheus Cosby, soldier in Capt. Win. Phillip's Co. of Vol. Rangers in 1763, and continued in same till legally discharged. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Wm. Edwards, soldier in Capt. Walter Stewart's Co. of Regulars in 1758, till legally discharged. Louisa Co., March 13, 1780. James Cowper, enlisted under Richd. Johnson of Caroline as a soldier in 1760 ; served till legally discharged under Capt. Chas. Scott in his Co. of Regulars. Louisa Co. , March 13, 1780. James Garrett, entitled to 200 acres of land as a Sergt. in the late war agreeable to Proc. of 1763. Williamsburg, April 25, 1774. Dunmore. Jno. Lawson, entitled to 2,000 acres of land under Proc. of 1763. Williams- burg, Dec. 30, 1773. Dunmore. Robt. Hughes, soldier in Va. Regt. and is entitled to 50 acres of land under Proc. of 1763. Williamsburg, April 15, 1774. Dunmore. In winter of 1774, Lord Dunmore then governor of Va. granted a warrant for 2,000 acres of land located in Augusta Co., unto Lieut. Alex. McDonnald, which in March, 1774, said McDonnald sold unto Jno. Cary and Jno. Swan. (No date.) Thos. Price, Esq., Capt. in Penna. Regt. under command of Col. Mercer, is entitled to 3,000 acres agreeable to Proc. of 1763. February 28, 1774. Dun- more. Wm. Thomson entitled to 3,000 acres of land under Proc. of 1763. Williams- burg, April 2, 1774. Durmore. Robert Breckenridge, Gentl. , deed. , commanded a company of soldiers that was incorporated with a detachment of the 1st Va. Regt. in 1756 ; served in the expedition commanded by Col. Andrew Lewis against the Shawnees that year, till the company was disbanded. Alex. Breckenridge heir-at-law to said Robert. Botetourt Crt., Dec, 1779. John Heland, enlisted as a soldier in 1756 in the old Va. Regt. and served therein 4 years, and was discharged for infirmities as appears from his dis- charge from Col. Wm. Byrd, who then commanded the regiment. Frederick Co., March 18, 1780. James Keeling, Corpl. in the Va. Regt. of regulars, commanded by Col. Washington, raised for the last war and continued therein till sd. regt. was disbanded in 1762. Frederick Co., Mar. 8, 1780. Adam Stephen, Esqr. in 1754 appointed eldest Captain in corps raised and commanded by Col. Fry ; upon death of Col. Fry he was promoted to rank of Major or Lieut. Col. in said corps and served therein during the period for which the said corps was raised. He was appointed paymaster to the troops raised in winter of 1754 and spring of 1755, an ^ acted as such until 36 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA superseded by the appointment of Mr. Byrd in April. Under command of Genl. Braddock he acted as Capt. Commandant and eldest officer at that time in Virginia service upon the said Braddock's expedition. When Col. Washington resumed the command of the Va. Regt. he was appointed Lieut. Col. thereof and served in that capacity under said Washington and after- wards under Col. Byrd until the regiment was reduced in spring of 1762. That he commanded the Va. Regt. raised in the year 1762. Frederick Co., Mar. 8, 1780. Gabriel Throckmorton, appointed in 1758 Lieut, in a regiment commanded by Col. Byrd and served in that capacity until the same was disbanded. In 1759 he was appointed a Capt. in a Battl. raised for the defense of the front- iers, commanded by Col. Wm. Peachey, and served therein till same was dis- banded in 1760. Frederick Co., Mar. 8, 1780. Saml. Sparks, soldier in 1754 in the Battle of the Meadows and afterwards enlisted in the old Va. Regt. commanded by Col. Washington, and continued therein till same was disbanded. Frederick Co., Mar. 9, 1780. J no. Creagh, entitled to 200 acres of land as a Sergt. in late war under Proc. of 1763. Williamsburg, May 14, 1774. Dunmore. Jno. Poasdell, Sergt. in 1st Va. Regt. until same was disbanded. Stafford Co., Feb., 1780. Richd. Griffin and John Osbourn, boch soldiers in Capt. Robt. Mumford's Co.; James Owen, Thos. Chamberlyne and Stephen Mallett, in Capt. Gunn's Co.; and Saml. Bentley in Capt. Saml. Meredith's Co., belonging to Col. Wm. Byrd's regiment, and that they all served to close of the war. Mecklen- burg Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Jno. Farrar, Sergt. in Capt. James Walker's Co., in the last war in Col. Byrd's Regt. and served until legally discharged. Mecklenburg Co., Mar. 13, 1780. Thos. Matthews, soldier in Capt. James Gunn's Co.; Wm. Watts, soldier in Capt. Jno. Smith's Co. ; all belonging to the Regt. commanded by Col. Wm. Byrd ; Wm. Avery served as soldier in Capt. Jno. McNeil's Co., 1st Va. Regt. They were all soldiers in last war between Gt. Britain and France, and served to close of the war. Mecklenburg Co., Mar. 13, 1780. Dabney Carr, deed., soldier in Capt. Wm. Phillip's Co. Vol. Rangers in 1763 till legally discharged. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Michael Reasoner, entitled to 50 acres of land agreeable to Proc. of the King in 1763. Williamsburg, Feb. 14, 1774. Dunmore. Thos. Lewis entitled to 200 acres of land under Proc. of 1763. May 22, 1774. Dunmore. John Bridge entitled to 50 acres of land agreeable to Proc. of 1763. May 22, 1774. Dunmore. Jno. Hall, Sergt. in Capt. Wm. Phillip's Co. of Rangers in 1763 till legally discharged. Sd. Jno. Hall is since dead and Wm. Lipscomb is Guard, to Bliz. and Sarah Hall, co-heirs said John Hall. Louisa Co., Mar, 13, 1780. Richard Phillips, soldier in Capt. Joseph Fox's Co. of Rangers in 1755, until legally discharged. Louisa Co., Mar. 13, 1780. LAND BOUNTY CERTIFICATES 37 Jno. Freeman, soldier in Capt. Wm. Phillip's Co. of Rangers in 1763 till legally discharged. Louisa Co., Mar. 13, 1780. John Wheelor, soldier in 1758 till his death. Moses Wheelor heir-at-law to sd. John. Louisa Co., Mar. 13, 1780. Thos. Bibb, 1st Lieut, in Capt. Jos. Fox's Co. of Vol. Rangers in 1755 till legally discharged. Said Bibb is dead and Richard Phillips is his executor. Louisa Co., Mar. 13, 1780. Wm. Wheelor, soldier in 1758 till his death and Moses Wheelor is his heir-at-law. Louisa Co., Mar. 13, 1780. By the oath of Capt. Joseph Fox it appears that Capt. William Phillips enlisted and served in his Co. of Rangers in the year 1755 till legally dis- charged. Louisa Co., Mar. 13, 1780. Joseph Hopkins, Jnr., Sergt. in Capt. James Gunn's Co. of Regulars in 1759 till legally discharged. Louisa Co., Mar. 13, 1780. Chas. Hester, soldier in Capt. Wm. Phillip's Co. of Vol. Rangers in 1763 till legally discharged. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Capt. Wm. Hughes enlisted and served part of his time as a Sergt. in Capt. Wm. Phillip's Co, of Vol. Rangers in 1763 ; one of Capt. Phillip's Lieuts. being killed, the said Hughes did duty as Ensign till legally dis- charged, receiving pay of an Knsign. Louisa Co., Mar. 13, 1780. John Hill entitled to 200 acres of land as Sergt. in the late war agreeable to the King's Proc. of 1763. Williamsburg, May 17, 1774. Dunmore. John Clark served as Sergt. in 1st Va. Regt. and is entitled to 200 acres of land agreeable to the King's Proc. of 1763. Williamsburg, May 22, 1774. Dunmore. John Dickinson Littlepage, entitled to 2,000 acres of land "for his servis as ensign in ye Va. servis," agreeable to King's Proc. of 1763. Jan. 31, 1774. Dunmore. Daniel Tilman, Sergt. in Capt. Flemming's Co. under command of Wm. Peachey, Col. of the Frontier Battl. in 1758 ; until legally discharged. Flu- vanna Co., Apr. 6, 1780. George Bhrmantrout, soldier in Capt. Hogg's Co. of Rangers and con- tinued in the service until discharged in 1758. Rockingham Co., Apr. 24, 1780. Danl. Grubb, soldier in Capt. Hogg's Co. of Rangers, and continued in the service until the said company was discharged in 1758. Rockingham Co., Apr. 24, 1780. Abraham Moone, soldier in Capt. Bullett's Co. of Regulars in last war, till legally discharged. Botetourt Co., March, 1780. John Hooker, soldier in old Va. Regt. commanded by Col. Geo. Washing- ton (enlisted when same was raised), also appointed non-commissioned officer in said company in which capacity he served until it was disbanded. Fred- erick Co., Apr. 4, 1780. Stephen Blankenship, soldier in 1st Va. Regt. of Regulars, raised during the late war between Gt. Britain and France and continued in said Regt. 38 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA until he was taken prisoner by the enemy, with whom he continued till the end of the war. Genl. Crt. held in town of Richmond, Mar. 2, 1780. Wm, Jenkins, soldier in the old Va. Regt. in late war, wherein he served during the whole war. Frederick Co., May 2, 1780. Wm. Banton enlisted in 1760 in Col. Byrd's Regt. of Regulars raised during the late war between Gt. Britain and France till legally discharged. Chesterfield Co., Apr. 7, 1780. Smith Williamson, soldier in regular service in Col. Byrd's Regt. entitled to 50 acres of land. Rockbridge Co., Sept., 1779. David Graham, deceased, soldier in Capt. Wm. Preston's Co. of Rangers in late war between Gt. Britain and France in 1758. John Graham guardian to Joseph Graham. Augusta Co., Mar. 21, 1780. Jeremiah Blewford, soldier in regiment commanded by Col. William Byrd in the last Indian war in America. King George Co., Apr. Court, 1780. Linn Banks, soldier in 1759 ; Sergt. in 1760 in Va. troops under command of Col. Wm. Byrd in late war. Amherst Co., Feb., 1780. John Wiley, soldier in the regular additional troops to the Va. Regt. during the Cherokee expedition in 1760, commanded by Col. Byrd ; about six months, till legally discharged. Montgomery Co., May, 1780. John Dastforan, deed., soldier in 175S and 1759 in a company of Rangers under Robert Rutherford's command, until same was reduced. Berkeley, Court, March, 1780. Edward Luce, Sergt. in Capt. Robert. Rutherford's Co. of Rangers until same was reduced. Berkeley, Mar., 1780. Jonathan Seaman, Corpl. in 1758 and 1759 in a company of Rangers under command of Capt. Robert Rutherford, till same was reduced. Berkeley Co., March, 1780. Thos. Bright, soldier in 1758, in Capt. Robert Rutherford's Co. of Rangers till same was reduced. Berkeley Co., Mar,, 1780. Alex. Lemon, soldier in 1758 and 1759, in Capt. Robert Rutherford's Co. of Rangers till same was reduced. Berkeley Co., March, 1780. Joseph Hedge, soldier in 1758 and 1759 in Capt. Robt. Rutherford's Co. of Rangers till it was reduced. Berkeley Co., March, 1780. James Shirley, soldier in 1758 and 1759, in Capt. Robt. Rutherford's Co. of Rangers till it was reduced. ' Berkeley Co., Mar. Crt., 1780. Jacob Rush, soldier in 1758 and 1759, in Capt. Rutherford's Co. of Rangers until it was reduced. Berkeley Co., Mar., 1780. Walter Shirley, soldier in 1758 and 1759, in Capt. Robt. Rutherford's Co. of Rangers, till same was reduced. Berkeley Co., Mar., 1780. John Rouse, Sergt. in 1758 and 1759, in Capt. Robt. Rutherford's Co. of Rangers, until same was reduced. Berkeley Co., Mar., 1780. Richard Bowen, soldier in 1758 and 1759 in Capt. Robt. Rutherford's Co. of Rangers, until it was reduced. Berkeley Co., Mar., 1780. LAND BOUNTY CERTIFICATES 39 Thos. Edmondson, entitled to 200 acres of land under Proc. of 1763. Williamsburg, Apr. 18, 1774. Dunmore. Wm. Easley, soldier in last French and Indian war, eight months under Col. Wm. Peachey in 1759. Buckingham Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Joseph Shores Price, soldier in last French and Indian war under Col. Washington in 1758, one year. Buckingham Co., Mar. 13, 1780. John Easley, Sergt. in last French and Indian war ; 8 months under Col. Peachey in 1759. Buckingham Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Peter Roy, soldier in Col. Wm. Peachey's Va. Regt., 8 months in 1759. Buckingham Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Edmund Peters, Sergt. in Col. Byrd's Regt. under Capt. Thos. Fleming, 8 months in 1758. Buckingham Co., Mar. 13, 1780. Wm. Northcut, soldier in last French and Indian war ; 8 months under Col. Byrd. Buckingham Co., Mar. 13, 1780. Thos. Godfrey, soldier in last French and Indian war under Capt. Scott in 1760. Buckingham Co., Mar. 13, 1780. Benj. Goss, in last French and Indian war under Col. Byrd, 4 months in 1761. Buckingham Co., Mar. 13, 1780. Asaph Walker, soldier 6 months in last French and Indian war under Col. Byrd. Buckingham Co., Mar. 13, 1780. Saml. Connor, served in the old Va. Regt. in last war as a soldier. Botetourt Co., Apr., 1780. Jno. Edwards, soldier in Capt. Mercer's Co. of Regulars, 1st Va. Regt. in last war. Botetourt Co., Apr., 1780. John Tygert, soldier in old Va. Regt. in last war. Botetourt Co. , Apr. , 1780. George Speake, subaltern in the Va. Regt. entitled to 2000 acres of land agreeable to King's Proc. of 1763. Williamsburg, Apr. 21, 1774. Dunmore. James Alcorn, soldier in Capt. Wm. Preston's Co. of Rangers raised under Act of Assembly in 1759. Montgomery Co., Apr., 1780. Moses McCann, soldier about 6 months in the additionals to the 1st Va. Regt. during Cherokee expedition in 1760. Montgomery Co., May, 1780. Philip Watkins, soldier in Capt. John Montgomery's Co. of Vols, incor- porated with part of the Va. Regt. in 1756 under Major Lewis, to the end of the expedition. Montgomery Co., Apr., 1780. Robert Campbell, soldier in Capt. Wm. Christian's Co. of Regulars under command of Col. Byrd till end of campaign. Also soldier in Capt. Blagg's Co. of Regulars in Col. Stephen's Va. Regt. at Fredericksburg in 1762 till same was disbanded. Montgomery Co., Apr., 1780. Mordecai Buckner, entitled to 3,000 acres of land agreeable to King's Proc. of 1763. Dec. 16, . Dunmore. John Williams, soldier in 1st Va. Regt. commanded by Col. Wm. Byrd in last war. James City Co., Nov. 8, 1779. 40 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA James Rion, Jacob Huts, Thos. Ealey and Chas. Suter, soldiers under command of Col. Byrd in last war. (Signed) Abrm. Buford, Col., Petersburg, Oct. 25, 1779. Proved by James Buford in James City Co., Nov. 8, 1779. Simon Gillet, regular soldier in last war, entitled to land under King's Proc. of 1763. Oct. 26, 1779. David Poe, regular soldier in last war, entitled to land under King's Proc. of 1763. Oct. 26, 1779. Jno. Buford, Sergt. in Capt. John Field's Co. Col. Byrd's Regt. (Signed) Thos. Ridley, Major; Petersburg. Oct. 26, 1779. John Buford, heir-at-law of John. Proved by James Buford in James City Co., Nov. 8, 1779. Henry Bolton, soldier in one of the Va. Regts. in 1758 ; in Capt. Hancock Eustace's Co. Genl. Crt, Williamsburg, Oct. 21, 1779. Thos. Poe, soldier in 1st Va. Regt, in last war under command of Col. Wm. Byrd. James City Co., Nov. 8, 1779. Wm. Hughes produced commission from Fras. Fauquier, Esq., formerly Gov. of Va., dated June 8, 1762, appointing him Adjutant of Col. Adam Stephen's Regt., and another commission from said Fauquier dated May 22, same year, appointing him Lieut, in said Regt. Genl. Crt., Williamsburg, Oct. 22, 1779. Wm. Kelley, entitled to land under King's Proc. of 1763 as a soldier. Oct. 22, 1779. Robt. Johnson, deed., Surgeon, 1st Va. Regt. in last war under command of Col. Wm. Byrd. Died in Frederick Co. Will dated Oct. 6, 1763 ; Prob. Nov. 1, 1763. Robert Johnson, Jr., heir. Wm. Hughes, executor. James City Co., Nov. 8, 1779. Alex. Sayer, officer in a company incorporated with a detachment of the Va. Regt. under Maj. Andrew Lewis on two different expeditions in said Colony. Robt. Sayer, son and heir. Montgomery Co., Aug., 1779. Nimrod Newman, Fifer in the old Va. Regt. under command of Col. Byrd Bedford Co., Sept., 1779. George Rushea, soldier under Col. Byrd in 1760. Bedford Co., Sept. 1779. Wm. Shepperson, soldier in late war between Great Britain and France. Henrico Co., Nov., 1779. Thos. Druggers, soldier among the new levies under the command of Col. Byrd in 1760. Bedford Co., July, 1779. John Conner, soldier in the old Va. Regt. under Col. Washington in 1755; John Adams and Abiel Mead, soldiers under Col. Byrd in 1760. Bedford Co., Aug. 1779. Jeremiah Pierce, entitled to 2,000 acres of land under Proc. of 1763. Mont- gomery Co., Oct., 1779. Abiel Mead, soldier under Col. Byrd in 1760. Bedford Co., Aug., 1779. Martin Nalle served in an Independent Corps under Major John Field in 1764 in an expedition under Col. Bouquet against the Shawnee Indians. Cul- peper Co., Oct. 18, 1779. LAND BOUNTY CERTIFICATES 41 Turner Richardson, Sergt. in the late war. Williamsburg, Apr. 5, 1774. Dunmore. Matthew Anderson, Sergt. under Col. John Hickman in the war between Great Britain and France in 1759. Hanover Co., Oct. 7, 1779. James Harris, soldier in 2d Va. Regt. in war between Great Britain and France in 1758. Hanover Co., 1779m Major Genl. Charle9 Lee, Lieut, in the British service in America in 1755. Lieut, and Capt. of 44th Regt. from 1st campaign in 1755 to total reduction of Canada in 1760 ; afterwards promoted to rank of Major in 103rd Regt. to close of the war. Frederick Co., Nov. 2, 1779. James Parish, soldier in one of the Va. Regts. raised during the late war between Gt. Britain and France. Genl. Crt., Oct. 19, 1779. Ambrose Powell, Captain, signed a discharge August, 1756. Finley McCoy, entitled to 200 acres of land agreeable to the King's Proc. of 1763. Williamsburg, Feb. 5, 1774. Dunmore. James Phillips, entitled to 200 acres of land under Proc. of 1763. Feb. 5, 1774. Dunmore. John Furnace, soldier in Capt. Hogg's Co. of Rangers in 1758. John Furnace, son of John. Orange Co., Oct. 28, 1779. David Thompson, soldier in Col. Wm. Byrd's Regt. in 1758. Orange Co., Aug. 26, 1779. Isaac Crosthwait, served full enlistment in Col. Byrd's Regt. in 1758, Orange Co., Oct. 28, 1779. Wm. Vaughan, Sergt. in Capt. Hogg's Co. of Rangers in 1758. Orange Co., Oct. 28, 1779. Capt. Jos. Fox, commission appointing him Capt. by Robert Dinwiddie, F)sqr. He raised a company and defended the frontiers in the late French and Indian war, until he was discharged. Louisa Co., Oct. 11, 1779. Thos. Lemen, Lieut, in Capt. Wm. Cox's Co. of Rangers in campaigns of 1756 and 1757. Certificate from Adam Stephen, a Col. of one of the Va. Regts. of Regulars. Genl. Crt., Williamsburg, Oct. 3, 1779. Samuel Thomas, entitled to 200 acres of land as a Corporal in the late war, agreeable to Proc. of 1763. Williamsburg, May 13, 1774. Dunmore. Matthew Rowbottom, deceased, soldier in Col. Adam Stephen's Regiment, Capt. Thos. Bullett's Co., in late war between Great Britain and France. Gen. eral Court, Oct. 29, 1779. William Armstrong, Corporal in Co. of Rangers under Capt. Peter Hogg, late war between Great Britain and France. General Court, Oct. 28, 1779. John Lea, soldier in Capt. Christian's Co. of Rangers in 1760 in last war, until legally discharged. Louisa Co., Oct. 11, 1779. Thomas Swearengen, entitled to 2,000 acres of land agreeable to Proc. of 1763. Williamsburg, Feb. 5, 1774. Dunmore. John Rosser, entitled to 200 acres of land agreeable to Proc. of 1763. Feb. 5, 1774. Dunmore. 42 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA John Chism, soldier in 1758 under Capt. John Field in Genl. Forbes' expe- dition on the frontiers against the French and Indians. Culpeper Co. , Oct. 18, 1779. Henry Nixon, soldier in 1758 under Capt. John Field, in Genl. Forbes' ex- pedition on the frontiers against the French and Indians. Culpeper Co., Oct. 18, 1779. Philip Ross, Lieut, of an Independent Co. in Col. Bouquet's expedition against the Shawnee Indians in 1764. General Court, Oct. 26, 1779. Charles Lewis, deceased, Captain 1st Va. Regt. during the last war. On oath of Gen. George Weedon. Joseph Jones, Bsqr., guardian of John and Charles Lewis, sons of said Charles Lewis, deceased. Spotsylvania Co., Oct. 21, 1779. Moses Collier, soldier in regular service in Col. Byrd's regiment. Rock- bridge Co., Aug. 15, 1779. James Johnson, Sergt. in Capt. Jno. Roote's Co. of Regulars, which com- pany was part of one of the Va. Regts. in 1758. General Court, Oct. 21, 1779. Jesse May, soldier in one of the Va. Regts. raised during the late war be- tween Great Britain and France. Certificate from Thos. Bullett, a Capt. in that regiment. General Court, Oct. 19, 1779. Wm. Stewart Packett, Sergt. in one of the Va. Regts. raised during the late war between Great Britain and France. Certificate from Thos. Bullett, a Capt. in one of the said regiments. General Court, Oct. 19, 1779. Charles Tomkies (Tompkins ?) served in 2d Va, Regt. of Regulars, late war between Great Britain and France, as either a Lieut, or Ensign. Certf. from Wm. Peachey, Esqr., a field officer in said regiment. General Court, Oct. 19, 1779. James Mills, soldier in one of the Va. Regts. during the late war between Great Britain and France. Certificate from Thos. Bullett, a Capt. in one of the said Va. Regts. General Court, Oct. 19, 1779. Joseph Annet, soldier in one of the Va. Regts. during the late war between Great Britain and France. Certificate from Thos. Bullett, a Capt. in one of the said regiments. General Court, Oct. 19, 1779. James Jones.entitled to 2,000 acres of land agreeable to King's Proc. of 1763. (No date. Dunmore's signature torn off). Larkin Chew, Lieut, in Col. Byrd's Va. Regt., entitled to 2,000 acres of land agreeable to King's Proc. of 1763. Jan. 27, 1774. Henry Bowles enlisted in Col. Byrd's Regt. of Regulars, raised during the late war between Great Britain and France, and served till legally discharged. Chesterfield Co., May 5, 1780. John Rudd enlisted in Col. Byrd's Regt. of Regulars raised during the late war between Great Britain and France, and served until legally discharged. Chesterfield Co., May 5, 1780. Benj. Gipson enlisted in Col. Byrd's Regt. of Regulars raised during the late war between Great Britain and France, and served until legally discharged. Chesterfield Co., May, 1780. LAND BOUNTY CERTIFICATES 43 Wm. Blankinship enlisted in Col. Byrd's Va. Regt. of Regulars raised dur- ing the late war between Great Britain and France, and served until legally discharged. Chesterfield Co., April 7, 1780. Haly Talbott, Sergt. in 1760 in Col. Byrd's Regt. of Regulars, and served until legally discharged. Chesterfield Co., April 7, 1780. James Taylor, soldier under Capt. Chas. Scott, who was under command of Col. Wm. Byrd in the expedition against the Indians in 1760, and served un- til legally discharged. Pittsylvania Co., Mar. 21, 1780. Wm. Ragsdale, soldier in Capt. John McNeill's Co., under command of Col. Andrew Lewis, in expedition against the Indians in 1760. Served 5 years. Pittsylvania Co., May 16, 1780. Drury Hudgens, soldier in 1760, and Served 6 months in Capt. Charles Scott's Co., Byrd's Regt. Cumberland Co., Mar. 27, 1780. James Turner, Sergt. in 1758 in 2nd Va. Regiment, commanded by Capt. Hudson, in the late war between Great Britain and France. Goochland Co. , Feb. 21, 1780. (Ed. Note). This should be evidently "in company com- manded by Capt. Hudson," as Wm. Byrd was commander of 2nd Va. Regt. Peter Wiley, soldier in Capt. John Dickerson's Co. of Rangers for about 9 months, in the first war. Montgomery Co., May, 1780. James Acres, soldier in the 1st Va. Regt. of Foot, commanded by Col. Wm. Byrd in 1758 and 1759, for 6 months ; as soon as the six months were up he en- tered the regiment commanded by Col. Adam Stephen and served as a soldier in same. King and Queen Co., Mar. 13, 1780. Joseph Newman, soldier in one of the Va. Regts. under command of Genl. Braddock, until properly discharged. Amherst Co., April, 1780. James Wells, soldier in one of the Va. Regts. in 1760, and served to end of that campaign under command of Col. Wm. Byrd. Amherst Co., Mar., 1780. James Thompson, soldier in one of the Va. Regts. in 1758, and served un- der command of Genl. Forbes to end of that campaign. Amherst Co. , March, 1780. James Bridgetts, soldier in 1st Va. Regt. commanded by Col. Wm. Byrd, in late war between Great Britain and France. Augusta Co., Mar. 21, 1780. John Burton, soldier in 1st Va. Regt, Col. Wm. Byrd commanding, in late war between Great Britain and France. Augusta Co., Mar. 21, 1780. Wm. Thompson, soldier in the Va. Regts. in 1757, and served to end of the war under the then Col. Washington. Amherst Co., Mar., 1780. Joseph Willis, soldier in Capt. Dickinson's Co. of Rangers in 1758. Ken- tucky Co., Feb. 1, 1780. Wm. Maxwell, Sergt. 35th Regt. in America. Rockbridge Co., May, 1780. (It appears from a discharge to said Maxwell, that his company had served for fifteen years. Henry Fletcher, Lt. Col. 35th Regt. Quebec, Oct. 6, 1757). John Riley, soldier in the old Va. Regt., commanded by Col. Byrd. Rockbridge Co., May, 1780. Richard Pouston, entitled to 50 acres of land under Proc. of 1763. Oct. 11, 1774. Dunmore. 44 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA Robert Rutherford made oath in 1778, that in 1758 and 1759, Wm. Darke (now a prisoner at New York) served as a Corpl. in a company of Rangers under his command until the same was reduced. Berkeley Co., Mar., 1780. Robert Buckles, Jr. , soldier in company of Rangers commanded by Capt. Robt. Rutherford in 1758, till same was reduced. Berkeley Co., Mar., 1780. Jervice Sherly, in 1758 or 1759, soldier in a company of Rangers com- manded by Capt. Robt. Rutherford, until same was reduced. Berkeley Co., March, 1780. Geo. Hicks, Sergt. 1755-1761, in a regiment raised for the immediate de- fense of the state. Caroline Co., Mar., 1780. Matthew Abbott, Sergt. in Va. Battl. of Regulars, commanded by Col. Wm. Byrd in 1758, until same was discharged. Hanover Co., April 6, 1780. John Treadway, private in Capt. Nathl. Gist's company of Va. Regt. in last war between Great Britain and France. Charlotte Co., Mar. 6, 1780. Benj. Cage, private in Capt. Richard Doggett's company of Va. Regt., in last war between Great Britain and France. Charlotte Co., Mar. 6, 1780. John Ormsby, Esq., commissary in the service of Great Britain in 1758, 1759 and 1760. Yohogania Co., Feb., 1780. Jeremiah Edwards, soldier in 1st Va. Regt., commanded by Col. Wm. Byrd, in the late war between Great Britain and France, Augusta Co., Mar. 21, 1780. Wm. Stewart, soldier in Capt. Wm. Preston's company of Rangers in the late war between Great Britain and France in 1758. Augusta Co., Mar. 21, 1780. Robert Hall, soldier in Capt. Wm. Preston's company of Rangers in the late war between Great Britain and France in 1758. Augusta Co., March 21, 1780. Joseph Beeler, commander of a company in the last war. Ohio Co. , Mar. 7, 1780. Col. John Buchanan, deceased, Capt. of a company of enlisted men on the frontiers of Augusta from April, 1758, to May, 1759, under immediate com- mand of the then Gov. of Va. James Buchanan, heir-at-law to said Col. B. Col. James Robertson, subaltern officer in a company of enlisted men be- fore Oct., 1763, under different Captains until whole troops in that quarter were disbanded by order of the Gov. of Va., who had given the command thereof to Col. Andrew Lewis. Montgomery Co., April, 1780. Wm. Anderson, soldier in Capt. Wm. Preston's company of Rangers from 1758 until May 4, 1759, when the company was disbanded by order of the Govt. Montgomery Co., April, 1780. John Madison, Capt. of a company of Volunteers by order of the execu- tive power of Va. , for the time being on an expedition of which Col. Thomas Nash was chosen to command against the Shawnee Indians in the year 1757. Continued in said service four months when the whole corps composed of several companies of volunteers was disbanded, as the expedition was at an end for which the troops were raised. Montgomery Co., April, 1780. LAND BOUNTY CERTIFICATES 45 David Sayers, Sergt. in Capt. Alexr. Sayers' company stationed on the frontiers in 1758. Montgomery Co., May, 1780. James Board, soldier under command of Col. Byrd in 1761 and 1762. Bed- ford Co., Mar. 27, 1780. Archibald Johnson, soldier under Lieut. Benja. Temple in a regular corps raised in Va. in 1759, and also under Capt. John Stears in 1760, which service was against the Indians. Halifax Co., Mar. 16, 1780. Wm. Griffin, private in Capt. Robert Mumford's company, 1st Va. Regt., in last war between Great Britain and France. Charlotte Co., Mar. 6, 1780. Roger Cock Bailey, corporal in Capt. James Gunn's company of the Va. Regt. in last war between Great Britain and France. Charlotte Co., Mar. 6, 1780. David Hutcherson, private in Capt. Posey's company of the Va. Regt in the late war between Great Britain and France. Charlotte Co., Mar., 1780. John Young, private in Capt. James Gunn' company of 1st Va. Regt. last war between Great Britain and France. Charlotte Co., Mar. 6, 1780. Humphrey Whayne, Sergt. in a corps raised for defense of Va. in 1755. William Whayne, soldier in the said regiment, both of whom died in the service. Tabitha Whayne made oath that John Whayne is heir-at-law to the said Humphrey and William. King and Queen Co. Court, April . Blisha White, Lieut, in Capt. Joseph Fox's company of Rangers in 1755. Louisa Co., Mar. 13, 1780. Haynes Morgan, Gent., produced discharge from the 80th British Regt. commanded by Montague Wilmott, Esqr., signed by James Grant, Bsqr., Capt. commandant, part of which said regiment was raised in this state in 1758, at which time said Haynes Morgan enlisted, and he was Sergt. Major to said regiment and served 7 years, which said regiment was reduced at New York, 1764. Pittsylvania Co., April 18, 1780. John Mays, Corporal in the old Va. Regt, in the late war between Great Britain and France. Goochland Co., Feb. 21, 1780. Moses Barker, non-commissioned officer in the Va. Regt. under my com- mand, entitled to 200 acres under King's Proc. of 1763. March 12, 1774. (Signed) G. Washington. James Durham, soldier in 1758 and served 6 months under Capt. Robert Rutherford in Byrd's Regt. Cumberland Co., Mar. 27, 1780. Job Hilliard, soldier in late war, entitled to 50 acres agreeable to Proc. of 1763. Williamsburg, Mar. 3, 1774. Dunmore. James Colvin, Ensign in a company of Rangers in 1764 in the Va. service in Col. Henry Bouquet's campaign, till legally discharged. Yohogania Co. Court, Feb., 1780. Joseph Beelor, commanded a company of Rangers in the last war, raised in Va., and was stationed at Fort Cumberland for the defense of the frontier, and continued in said service till said company was recalled and disbanded. Ohio Co., March, 1780. Isaac McDonald, soldier under Major John McNeill in Col. Adam Stephen's regiment in 1762. Henry Co., March 25, 1780. 46 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA Wm. Edlington, entitled to 50 acres of land agreeable to Proc. of ^63. March 26, 1774. Dunmore. David Harfield, non-commissioned officer in late war, entitled to 200 acres of land agreeable to Proc. of 1763. Williamsburg, April 28, 1774. Dunmore. Jessy Hamblett, entitled to 50 acres of land as a soldier in late war, agree- able to Proc. of 1763. Williamsburg, April 20, 1774. Dunmore. John Lambeth, Sergt. in last war, entitled to 200 acres of land agreeable to Proc. of 1763. Williamsburg, April 28, 1774. Dunmore. Henry Townsend, entitled to 50 acres of land agreeable to Proc. of 1763. June 2, 1774. Dunmore. Jesse Martin, Ensign in the Va. Regiment in 1758. Ohio Co., March, 1780. James Ryan, deceased, soldier, till properly discharged in 1758, in a regi- ment raised for immediate defense of the state, under Col. Adam Stephen. Caroline Co., March 9, 1780. Christopher Baltimore, soldier in Capt. Fleming's company under com- mand of Colo. Wm. Peachey in 1758. Fluvanna Co., April 6, 1780. Benj. Faris, Corporal in Capt. Thomas Flemming's company under com- mand of Colo. Wm. Peachey in 1758. Fluvanna Co., April 6, 1780. John Marr (or Man) in one of the Va. regiments in last war, died in service. Danl. Man (or Marr) heir-at-law to said John. Fauquier Co., March 27, 1780. Wm. Smith, now living in Fauquier Co., was a soldier and served 5 or 6 campaigns in 1st Va. Regiment and was wounded near in defense of that fort in Oct., 1758. During great part of that time he acted as Sergt. Given under my hand this 2d day of Feb., 1780. (Signed) Adam Stephen, at that time Lt. Col. of the Va. Regiment. Robert Smith of Prince William Co., enlisted in the 1st Va. Regiment with Lieut. Wright, and that he served in my company as a soldier some consider- able time and was afterwards discharged. Given under my hand this 2d day of Feb., 1780. (Signed) Adam Stephen, at that time Lt. Col. of the regiment. Sam. Daniel, soldier in 1758, till properly discharged, in a regiment raised for the immediate defense of this state. Caroline Co., April, 1780. Francis Riley, deceased, soldier in Capt. Preston's company of Rangers last war on the frontiers of this colony, till properly discharged. James Row- land, Admr. Botetourt Co., Dec, 1780. John Pryor, soldier in Capt. Preston's company of Rangers in 1756, 1757 and 1758, till properly discharged. Botetourt Co., April, 1780. John Taylor, soldier in Capt. Dickinson's company of Rangers on the fron- tier of Va. last war. Botetourt Co., April, 1780. James Johnson, soldier in Capt. Throgmorton's company of Regulars last war, till properly discharged. Botetourt Co., April, 1780. Jno. Reaburne, soldier in Capt. Hogg's company of Rangers last war, till his company was discharged in 1759. Botetourt Co., April, 1780. LAND BOUNTY CERTIFICATES 4f James Barnett, Sergt. in Capt. Christian's company of Regulars raised in Va. last war on the Cherokee expedition under command of Col. Byrd, until properly discharged in 1760. Botetourt Co. , April, 1780. Richard Ellis, soldier under Capt. Saml. Meredith in 1758, in Col. Wm. Byrd's regiment, till properly discharged. Richard Ellis, who is so infirm as not to be able to attend Court; Bartlett Ellis made oath to the above. Han- over Co., April 6, 1780. Ambrose Powell, Gent., Staff officer in defense of this state in 1755, until legally discharged. Orange Co., April 27, 1780. Wm. Russell, Sergt. under Capt. James Gunn, under command of Col. Wm. Byrd, in the expedition against the Indians in 1760. Pittsylvania Co., March 21, 1780. Joseph Terry, Sergt. under Capt. Wm. Phillips, who was under the com- mand of Col. Andrew Lewis, in the expedition against the Indians in 1763. Pittsylvania Co. , March 21, 1780. Wm, Terry, soldier under Capt. Joseph Fox, who was under the command of Col. Andrew Lewis, in the expedition against the Indians in 1755. Pittsyl- vania Co., March 21, 1780. Wm. Robinson, Lieut, in a company of enlisted men, from July, 1763, to the March following, on the frontiers of Augusta, under command of Capt. Alexr. Sayers, when the company was disbanded by order of Col. Andrew Lewis, who then had command of the troops stationed in Augusta. Mont- gomery Co., April, 1780. Col. David Robinson, Lieut, in company of enlisted men under Capt. Alexr. Sayers, from July, 1763, to month of March following, when the com- pany was disbanded by order of Col. Andrew Lewis, who then had command of the troops stationed in Augusta. Montgomery Co., April, 1780. Francis Smith, Lieut, in a company of enlisted men on the frontier of Augusta Co., from July, 1763, to Dec, 1764, under several captains, and served till troops disbanded. Montgomery Co., April, 1780. James Dunlop, deceased, Capt. of a company of Rangers raised by Act of Assembly, from June 8, 1757, to Dec. following, being stationed on the fron- tier by order of the governor of Va. , under whose command he was, and he was killed by the savages in 1758, when in the service of his country. James Brown, Adam Gutherie, and George Armstrong, joint-heirs of said James Dunlop, deceased. Montgomery Co., April, 1780. Thos. Mason, Drummer in the Va. Bat., under command of Wm. Byrd, Esqr., in 1750. Hanover Co., April 6, 1780. John Crockett, Sergt. in Capt. John Montgomery's company of Volunteers, on the Shawnee expedition in 1756, incorporated with part of the Va. Regt. commanded by Maj. Lewis, continued in said service during the expedition. Montgomery Co., April, 1780. John Montgomery, Capt., commanded a company of Volunteers, incorpor- ated with part of the Va. Regt. on the Shawnee expedition, under command of Maj. Lewis, continued therein during said expedition. Montgomery Co., April, 1780. 48 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA Archibald Buchanan, Sergt. in Capt. Wm. Preston's company of Rangers, about 10 months in 1756 and 1757, until legally discharged. Montgomery Co., April, 1780. Wm. Carvin, soldier in Capt. John Montgomery's company of Volunteers, incorporated with part of the Va. Regt. in 1756, under Maj. Lewis, and con- tinued therein until end of the expedition. He (Carvin) also served as Sergt. in Capt. Wm. Christian's company, stationed on the frontiers, from July, 1763, to March, 1764, when he was legally discharged. Montgomery Co., April, 1780. Wm. Sayers, Ensign in a company of men stationed on the frontiers, com- manded by Capt. John Buchanan from April, 1758, to May, 1759. Montgom- ery Co., April, 1780. John Alsup, soldier, was in the Va. Regt. about three years and was legally discharged when Col. Adam Stephen commanded. Montgomery Co., May, 1780. James Adams, soldier in Capt. John Smith's company of Regulars, addi- tional troops on the Cherokee expedition in 1760, continued till end of cam- paign. Montgomery Co., April, 1780. John Alcorn, soldier in the regular additional troops to the 1st Va. Regt., during the Cherokee expedition, 1760, commanded by Col. Wm. Byrd, being about six months, and also in Capt. John Smith's company. Montgomery Co., May, 1780. Wm. Tinsley, soldier in Va. Regt., commanded by Col. Byrd, till legally discharged. King William Co., Feb. 16, 1780. James McCollister, Lieut, in the Penna. Regt. in 1763, in which capacity he served during the late French war. Frederick Co., March, 1780. Saml. Watts, soldier in 1st Va. Regt., under Capt. Thos. Bullitt, in last war. Halifax Co., April 21, 1780. Henry Francis, Sergt. 1st Va. Regt., under different commanders, and continued in said service about six and one-half years, at which time he was legally discharged by Col. Adam Stephen. Montgomery Co., May, 1780. Robt. Stanton, soldier, 2 years in 1st Va. Regt., commanded by Col. Byrd. Montgomery Co., May, 1780. John Maxey, soldier in last French and Indian war, and continued a sol- dier till legally discharged by Col., now Gen. Washington, in 1756. Powhatan Co., April 20, 1780. Joseph Montgomery, soldier in Capt. John Montgomery's company of Volunteers, incorporated in part of the Va. Regt. on the Shawnee expedition in 1756, commanded by Major Lewis, till legally discharged. Montgomery Co., April, 1780. John Hays, soldier in 1st Va. Regt. about two years, when Col. Stephen commanded it, till legally discharged. Montgomery Co., May, 1780. Edwd. Cochran, soldier upwards of three years in 1st Va. Regt., under dif- ferent commanders. Montgomery Co. , May, 1780. LAND BOUNTY CERTIFICATES 49 Thos. Barker, soldier for nearly seven years under different commanders. Montgomery Co., May, 1780. John Francis, deceased, soldier in 1st Va. Regt., commanded by Col. Washington, and continued in said service about three years, at which time he was killed by the Indians. Henry Francis, eldest brother and heir of said John Francis, deceased. Montgomery Co., May, 1780. Wm. Francis, deceased, soldier for three years in the 1st Batt. of Royal Americans, in which service he died. Henry Francis, eldest brother and heir of said Wm. Francis, deceased. Montgomery Co., May, 1780. Joseph McClung, Sergt., under command of Col. Byrd, against the Chero- kee Indians in 1760. Greenbrier Co., March 21, 1780. John Reyley, soldier in one of the old Va. Regts. under command of Maj. Andrew Lewis. Greenbrier Co. , April 19, 1780. Wm. Scott, Drummer in 1st Va. Regt. Greenbrier Co., March 21, 1780. James Shaw, soldier in Capt. Peter Hogg's company of Rangers in 1757. Greenbrier Co., April 19, 1780. Thos. McCauley, Corpl. 2d Va. Regt. in late war between Great Britain and France. Albemarle Co., April 13, 1780. Henry Davis, soldier in 2d Va. Regt. in war between Great Britain and France. Albemarle Co., April 13, 1780. Benj. Henslie, Lieut, in Va. Batt., in 1760; certificate from Col. Wm. Byrd. Henry Co., Aug., 1779. John Hern, soldier in the last war between Great Britain and France, in Capt. James Walker's company, Col. Byrd's Regt., till legally discharged. Mecklenberg Co., May 8, 1780. Saml. Miller, 9oldier in one of the Va. Regts. under command of late Wm. Byrd in last war between Great Britain and France. Amherst Co., Feb. 7, 1780. Francis Lightfoot, Sergt , in last war between Great Britain and France, Col. Mercer's company, 2d Va. Regt. Mecklenberg Co., May 8, 1780. Joseph Lambert, soldier in company commanded by Maj. Stewart, Col. Adam Stephen's Regt., in late war between Great Britain and France, till properly discharged. Mecklenburg Co., May 8, 1780. Thos. Foster, soldier in Col. Buchanan's company, stationed on the fron- tier in 1758 and 1759, till legally discharged. Montgomery Co., April, 1780. Augustine Broomley, soldier in Capt. Blagg's company till legally dis- charged. Botetourt Co., March 9, 1780. David Fream, soldier in Capt. Christian's company of Regulars in last war, till legally discharged. Botetourt Co., Dec, 1779. Robert Hutcheson, Sergt. in Capt. Claiton's company, Pennsylvania Reg- ulars, last war, at the reduction of Fort Pitt. Botetourt Co., March, 1780. Joshua Cox, soldier in Capt. John Smith's company of Regulars on the expedition of 1760, under command of Col. Byrd; served to end of campaign. Montgomery Co., April, 1780. 50 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA Hugh McNeill, Drummer in Capt. Throgmorton's company in old Va. Regt, till legally discharged. Botetourt Co., March, 1780. Julius Webb, soldier in Capt. Throgmorton's company of Regulars in old Va. Regt. till legally discharged. Botetourt Co., March, 1780. John Plumb (or Plumbly), soldier in Capt. Christian's company of Regu- lars, last war. Botetourt Co., March, 1780. James Cooper, soldier in Capt. Gist's company of Light Infantry in last war. Botetourt Co. , March, 1780. William Holley, soldier in Capt. Christopher Gist's company of Light Infantry in last war, till legally discharged. Botetourt Co., March, 1780. Peter Brannan, served in Capt. Stewart's company of Regulars in last war, till legally discharged. Botetourt Co., March, 1780. John Bowyer, entitled to 2,000 acres of land, agreeable to proclamation of 1763. Williamsburg, April 20, 1774. Dunmore. Edmund Bacon, entitled to 200 acres of land as Corporal in last war, agree- able to proclamation of 1763. Williamsburg, May 29, 1774. Dunmore. John Haynes, soldier in Capt. Throgmorton's company of Regulars in last war, till legally discharged. Botetourt Co., March, 1780. William Davis, soldier in Capt. Dickinson's company of Rangers in 1758. Kentucky Co., Feb. 1, 1780. Thos. Miller, soldier in Capt. Christian's company of Rangers in 1756, till legally discharged. Botetourt Co., March, 1780. Archibald Lockhart enlisted in the 1st Va. Regt. in 1752. Kentucky Co., Feb. 1, 1780. James Davis, soldier in Col. Byrd's Regt. in 1761. Kentucky Co., Feb. 1, 1780. Nicholas Branstone, entitled to 200 acres of land for services in last war, agreeable to proclamation of 1763. Williamsburg, Feb. 9, 1774. Dunmore. Barney Ryley, soldier in 1st Va. Regt., and continued therein until reduc- tion thereof. Kentucky Co., Feb. 1, 1780. Henry Cremore, entitled to 50 acres of land as a soldier in the last war, agreeable to proclamation of 1763. Williamsburg, April 26, 1774. Dunmore. Saml. Meredith, Capt. in the Va. Regt. under command of Col. Byrd, entitled to 3,000 acres of land, agreeable to proclamation of 1763. Williams- burg, March 9, 1774. Dunmore. Wm. Haymand, Sergt. in the old Va. Regt. ; certificate from Col. Adam Stephen. Monongalia Co., Nov., 1779. Robert Mennis, soldier under Capt. Wm. Christian, in Col. Wm. Byrd's Regt. Rockingham Co., March 28, 1780. Jacob Pence soldier in Capt. Hogg's company of Rangers from 1757 until they were discharged at Bedford. Rockingham Co., March 28, 1780. Thos. Dalley served in a Regt. in which Thos. Elliott was a commissioned officer ; certificate from Thos. Elliott, above mentioned. John Dalley, heir-at- law. Essex Co., March 20, 1780. LAND BOUNTY CERTIFICATES 5 I John Stephenson, soldier in Capt. McClanahan's Independent company, in Col. Bouquet's campaign, till legally discharged. Rockingham Co., March, 1780. David Laird, Corpl. in Capt. Hogg's company of Rangers in 1757, until it was discharged at Bedford. Rockingham Co., March 28, 1780. Lieut. Alex. McDonald, entitled to 2,000 acres of land for services in the late war, agreeable to proclamation of 1763. Williamsburg, March 3, 17 . Dunmore. Hugh Stephenson, entitled to 3,000 acres of land, agreeable to proclama- tion of 1763. Williamsburg, May 16, 1774. Dunmore. Dr. James Craik, Lieut, in Va. Regt. commanded by Col. Wm. Byrd, entitled to 2,000 acres of land, agreeable to proclamation of 1763. 5th day of Oct., 1773. Dunmore. Geo. Teator, soldier in Capt. Gist's company of Regulars, 1st Va. Regt., last war, till legally discharged. Botetourt Co., Dec, 1779. Solomon Simpson, Edward Gill, Sr., Christopher Finnie, Christopher Best, and Wm. Cross, soldiers in the 1st. Va. Regt. , last war, under command of Col. Byrd and Col. Stephens. Botetourt Co., Dec, 1779. William Leather, soldier in Capt. Bullitt's old Va. Regt., last war. Bote- tourt Co., Feb., 1780. Wm. Simpson, deceased, soldier in 1st Va. Regt., under Col. Washington, till he (said Wm. ) departed this life. Solomon Simpson, heir-at-law. Bote- tourt Co. , Feb. , 1780. John Collins, soldier in Capt. Christian's company of Rangers in 1760, on expedition commanded by Col. Byrd, against Cherokee Indians. Botetourt Co., Dec, 1779. William Ward, Lieut, in Capt. Breckenridge's company of Rangers, which was incorporated with a detachment of the 1st Va. Regt. in 1760, on expedi- tion commanded by Col. Byrd against the Cherokee Indians. Botetourt Co., Feb., 1780. John Turnley, soldier in Capt. Christian's company of Rangers in 1760, on expedition commanded by Col. Byrd against the Cherokee Indians. Bote- tourt Co., Dec, 1779. Wm. Gill, deceased, soldier in old Va. Regt, until he departed this life. Edwd. Gill, heir-at-law. Botetourt Co., Feb., 1780. John Anthony, deceased, Capt. of a company of Rangers in 1759, by par- ticular order of the Governor and under commission from him. John Anthony, heir-at-law. Bedford Co., March, r78o. John Wright, soldier under Col. Byrd in 1758, and was then dis- charged. Bedford Co., March, 1780. Justinian Wills, Sergt.-Maj. under Col. Byrd in 1758. Bedford Co., March, 1780. David Crews, Corporal in 1760 under Col. Byrd. Bedford Co., March, 1780. 52 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA James Noland, soldier under Col. Washington in 1755, and under Col. Byrd in 1762. Bedford Co., March, 1780. George Rice, staff officer in Bouquet's expedition to the westward, in the late war between Great Britain and France. Frederick Co., March 8, 1780. Wm. Hughes, entitled to 2,000 acres of land under King's Proclamation of 1763, he having served as a Lieut, in the Va. Regt. May 20, 1774. Dunmore. Alex. Waugh, Jr., Staff Officer for the Va. forces under Col. Byrd in 1758. Culpeper Co., April 17, 1780. Charles Sims, Gent. , produced in Court a commission from Francis Ber- nard, Esq., formerly governor of New Jersey, dated March 15, 1759, appointing Wm. Douglas, Maj. of a Regt. in that Province, whereof the Hon. Peter Schuyler was Col. He also produced the affidavit of Rev. David Griffith, taken before Wm. Ramsey, Esqr., a Justice of the Peace for Fairfax Co., that Wm. Douglas, commonly called Major, who formerly resided on Staten Island, did serve as an officer in the corps of the Provincials raised by New Jersey in the late war between Great Britain and France. George Beardmore served as a soldier in campaign with said Douglas in the late war of Great Britain with France. Prince William Co., April 4, 1780. Michael Counsel, entitled to 50 acres of land, agreeable to the King's Proclamation of 1763. April 1, 1774. Dunmore. James McGavock, Capt. of a company of Volunteers on an expedition against the Shawnees, Col. Thos. Nash, commander, in 1757. Continued in said service four months, when whole corps was disbanded. Montgomery Co., April 6, 1780. Nathan Wheelon, Corporal in 2d Va. Regt. in late war between Great Britain and France. Goochland Co., April 17, 1780. Sherwood Strong, deceased, soldier in late war between Great Britain and France. Sworn to by John Strong. Goochland Co., Sept. 21, 1779. James Wilkinson, soldier 2d Va. Regt., late war between Great Britain and France. Goochland Co., Feb. 21, 1780. Ludwick Shadow, deceased, Sergt. under command of Col. Henry Bou- quet, in late war between Great Britain and France. Discharge signed by said Bouquet, Nov. 5, 1762. Augusta *Co., March 22, 1780. Robert Ross, soldier in late war in expedition commanded by Col Bouquet. Augusta Co., March 22, 1780. Wm. Skillern, Ensign in Capt. Robt. Breckenridge's company, raised in Augusta Co., by order of Col. Wm. Byrd, to garrison Ft. Chiswell in the absence of the army on the expedition against the Cherokees in 1760, and con- tinued in the same till legally discharged. Botetourt Co., April, 1780. John Norris, soldier in old Va. Regt., last war, till legally discharged. Botetourt Co., April, 1780. John Young, soldier in Va. Regt. three years under Col. Byrd, till legally discharged. Montgomery Co., April, 1780. Michael Van Buskirk, Ensign to a Company of Foot in the Maryland Ser- vice, commanded by Capt. Alexander Beale. Entitled to 2,000 acres of land, LAND BOUNTY CERTIFICATES 53 agreeable to the King's Proclamation of 1763. March 19, 1774, commission from Gov. Sharp, of Md., to said Buskirk, dated May 2, 1756, to be Ensign in a corps raised by Alex. Beale, for the service of Md. Yohogania Co., Dec, 1779. James Melliory, soldier in the last war in Capt. Posey's Regular Co., till legally discharged. Botetourt Co., March, 1780. Israel Christian, served in 1759 as commissary to the Battl. commanded by Col. Peachey till legally disbanded, and afterwards occasionally for the troops of the 1st Va. Regt. in last war. Botetourt Co., April, 1780. Peter Looney, deed., Sergt. in Capt. Smith's Co. of Rangers last war, till he was taken prisoner by the French and Indians in 1756. That he did not return from his captivity for near two years. Peter Looney, heir-at-law. Botetourt Co., March, 1780. John Tatham, Sergt. in Capt. Stewart's Co. of Regulars, raised in Va. for the 1st Va. Regt., commanded by Col. Byrd, till legally discharged. Bote- tourt Co., April, 1780. James Doreus, soldier in Capt. Woodward's Co. of Regulars, last war, till legally discharged. Botetourt Co., March, 1780. Charles Ellison, Corpl. in Capt. Roote's Co. of Regulars last war, till legally discharged, Botetourt Co. , April, . William Hutcheson, soldier in Capt. Preston's Co. of Rangers in 1759, till it was legally discharged. Botetourt Co., April, 1780. Peter Wiley, soldier in Catp. Dickerson's Co. of Rangers last war, till legally discharged. Botetourt Co., April, 1780. John Wiley, soldier in Capt. Dickerson's Co. of Rangers in last war, till legally discharged. Botetourt Co., April, 1780. John Codare, soldier in Capt. Wm. Preston's Co. of Rangers, from the fall of 1755 to June, 1756. Israel Christian, representative of said Codare. Mont- gomery Co., April, 1780. Alexr. Gillespie, soldier in Capt. Chas. Lewis' Co. of Rangers in the late war in 1758. Augusta Co., March, 21, 1780. Chas. Smith, Sergt. in Capt. Wm. Preston's Co. of Rangers in the late war between Great Britain and France. Augusta Co., March 21, 1780. Saml. Allen, Capt. in Col. Wyser's Regt. in Penna. ; also a Capt. in Col. Byrd's Regt. in 1760. Henry Co., April 27, 1780. Matthew Small, soldier under Capt. Wm. Christian in Col. Byrd's Regt. in 1760. Henry Co., March, 24, 1780. Moses Going, soldier under Capt. James Gunn in Col. Byrd's Regt. in 1760. Henry Co., April 27, 1780. Francis Posey, soldier under Col. Adam Stephen in 1762. Henry Co., April 27, 1780. Thos. Earles, Sergt. under Capt. Gist in Col. Byrd's Regt. in 1760. Henry Co., April 27, 1780. Wm. Bartee, Sergt. under Capt. John Smith in Col. Byrd's Regt. in 1760. Henry Co., March 24, 1780. 54 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA John Acuts, Sergt. under Capt. Robt. Munford in Col. Byrd's Regt. in 1760. Henry Austin, entitled to 200 acres of land as Sergt. in the late war, agreeable to Proc. of 1763. Williamsburg, April 27, 1774. Dunmore. John Brown, entitled to 200 acres of land as a Corpl. in the late war, agreeable to Proc. of 1763. Williamsburg, April 28, 1774. Dunmore. John Gunnell, soldier in Capt. Temple's Co. of Rangers in Col. Byrd's Regt. in 1758. Louisa Co., April n, 1780. David Hudson, soldier in 2d Va. Regt. in the late war between Great Britain and France. Goochland Co., Sept., 1779. Joseph Bickley, Lieut, in Capt. Wm. Phillip's Co. of Vol. Rangers in 1763. Said Joseph is dead and Joseph Bickley is his heir-at-law. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. John Bethel, soldier in 1st Va. Regt., commanded by Col. Washington, about 6 months. Montgomery Co., May, 1780. David Davies, soldier in Capt. John Montgomery's Co. of Vols, during the Shawnee expedition in 1756, commanded by Major Lewis. Robt. Mont- gomery representative of said David Davies. Montgomery Co., April, 1780. Saml. Davies, soldier in Capt. John Montgomery's Co. of Vols, in the Shawnee expedition in 1756, commanded by Major Lewis. Montgomery Co., April, 1780. John Adams, Sergt. in Capt. John Smith's Co. of Regulars in the Chero- kee expedition in 1760, under Col. Byrd's command. Montgomery Co. , April, 1780. Saml. Montgomery, soldier in Capt. Jno. Montgomery's Co. of Vols, in the Shawnee expedition in 1756, commanded by Major Lewis. Montgomery Co., April, 1780. Alexr. Page, soldier in 1st Va. Regt., about 3 years, under command of Col. Stephen. Montgomery Co., May, 1780. Israel Christian, Capt. of a Co. of Vols. , by order of the executive power of Va., on an expedition of which Col. Thos. Nash was commander against the Shawnees in 1757. Montgomery Co., May, 1780. Wm. Davis, Sergt. in Capt. Wm. Preston's Co. of Rangers from July, 1755, until June, 1756, and also Sergt. in sd. Preston's 2d. Co. of Rangers about 9 months, in 1758-9. Montgomery Co., April, 1780. Wm. Montgomery, Sr., soldier in Capt. John Montgomery's Co. of Vols, incorporated with part of the Va. Regt., under command of Major Lewis, on the Shawnee expedition of 1756. Montgomery Co., April, 1780. James Buchanan, deed., Lieut, in Capt. Alexander's Co. of Vols, on an expedition against the Shawnees, in 1756, with Col. Thos. Nash commander. Continued in same about 4 months, until whole corps, consisting of several companies of Vols., was disbanded. Montgomery Co., May, 1780. James Milligan, soldier in Capt. Hogg's Ranging Co., in 1754 until dis- banded. Greenbrier Co., March 21, 1780. LAND BOUNTY CERTIFICATES 55 James Lockhart, soldier in Capt. Alexr. Sayer's Co. of Rangers before 1763, until discharged. Greenbrier Co., March 21, 1780. Wm. Hamilton, soldier in Capt. John Dickson's (Dickerson's?) Co. of Rangers in 1758 and 1759, until same was discharged. Greenbrier Co., March 21, 1780. Chas. Poor, soldier in the Va. Regt. under Col. Byrd, sometime in year 1759. Westmoreland Co., Feb., 1780. George Mothershead, soldier in 2d Va. Regt. under Col. Byrd, in 1759. Westmoreland Co., March, 1780. Wm. Wright, Wm. Provo, Vincent Rollins and Robt. Sherington, soldiers in 2d Va. Regt. in Capt. Hancock Eustace's Co., of which I was Lieut, during the campaign of 1750. (Signed) Chas. Mynn Thurston, Frederick Co., Oct. II, 1774. Thos. Shiflett, soldier in 2d Va. Regt. in late war between Great Britain and France. Albemarle Co., April 13, 1780. Bdwd. Wilkerson, entitled to 200 acres of land as Sergt. in late war, agreeble to Proc. of 1763. Williamsburg, April 28, 1774. Dunmore. Edmond Bacon, entitled to 200 acres of land as Corpl. in last war, accord- ing to Proc. of 1763. Williamsburg, May 29, 1774. Dunmore. John Bowyer, entitled to 2,000 acres of land, agreeable to Proc. of 1763. Williamsburg, April 20, 1774. Dunmore. Peter Brannan, served in Capt. Stewart's Co. of Rangers last war as until properly discharged. Botetourt Co., March, 1780. William Holly, soldier in Capt. Gist's Co. of Light Infantry last war, till properly discharged. Botetourt Co., March, 1780. Robt. Hutcheson, Sergt. in Capt. Claiton's Co. of Penna. Regulars last war at the reduction of Fort Pitt. Botetourt Co., March, 1780. David Fream, soldier in Capt. Christian's Co. of Regulars in last war, till properly discharged. Botetourt Co., Dec, 1779. Augustine Bromley, soldier in Capt. Blagg's Regular Co. last war, till properly discharged. Botetourt Co., March 9, 1780. James Cooper, soldier in Capt. Gist's Co. of Light Infantry last war, till properly discharged. Botetourt Co., March, 1780. Julius Webb, soldier in Capt. Throgmorton's Co. of Regulars in last war, till properly discharged. Botetourt Co., March, 1780. Joshua Cox, soldier in Capt. John Smith's Co. of Regulars in expedition of 1760, under command of Col. Byrd, till end of campaign. Montgomery Co., April, 1780. Richard Janet, entitled to 200 acres of land, agreeable to Proc. of 1763. Williamsburg, Feb. 14, 1774. Dunmore. Saml. Hamilton, entitled to 200 acres of land for services as Sergt, agree- able to King's Proc. of 1763. Williamsburg, Jan. 31, 1774. Dunmore. Patrick Miller, soldier in late war between Great Britain and France in Capt. Wm. Preston's Co. of Rangers in 1758. Augusta Co., Feb. 15, 1780. 56 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA Benj. Row, entitled to 50 acres of land under King's Proc. of 1763. Jan., 1774. Dunmore. John Kinkead, soldier in late war in Capt. Wm. Preston's Co. of Rangers, in 1758. Augusta Co., Feb. 15, 1780. Wm. Jackson, soldier in late war in Capt. Wm. Preston's Co. of Rangers, in 1758. Augusta Co., Feb. 15, 1780. Lofftus Pullen, soldier in late war in Capt. Wm. Preston's Co. of Rangers, in 1758. Augusta Co., Feb. 15, 1780. Robert Gwinu, soldier in late war in Capt. Wm. Preston's Co. of Rangers, in 1758. Augusta Co., Feb. 15, 1780. John Carlile, soldier in late war in Capt. Wm. Preston's Co. of Rangers, in 1758. Augusta Co., Jan. 10, 1780. Wm. Black, soldier in late war in Capt. Wm. Preston's Co. of Rangers, 1758. Augusta Co., Feb. 15, 1780. Thos. Hicklin, soldier in late war in Capt. Wm. Preston's Co. of Rangers, in 1758. Augusta Co., Feb. 15, 1780. Robt. Graham, deed., soldier in late war in Capt. Wm. Preston's Co. of Rangers in 1758. Major Andrew Lockridge, guard, of orphans of Robt. Graham, deed. Augusta Co., Feb. 15, 1780. Thomas Kinkead, soldier in late war in Capt. Lewis' Co. in the expedition commanded by Col. Bouquet, in 1764. Augusta Co., Feb. 15, 1780. Wm. Kinkead, soldier in late war in Capt. Lewis' Co. in the expedition commanded by Col. Bouquet, in 1764. Augusta Co., Feb. 15, 1780. Stephen Handcock, soldier in Col. Byrd's Regt. in 1760. Kentucky Co., Feb. 1, 1780. Uriah Humphries, soldier in last war in Capt. Posey's Co. of Regulars, till properly discharged. Botetourt Co., March, 1780. John Nixon, entitled to 200 acres of land as a Sergt., agreeable to Proc. of 1763. Williamsburg, April 16, 1774. Dunmore. William Brock, soldier in Capt. Wm. Phillip's Co. of Rangers, in 1763. Louisa Co., Feb. 14, 1780. Littleberry Lane, soldier in Col. Byrd's Regt., in 1758. Orange Co., March 23, 1780. Henry Shackleford, soldier in Capt. Hogg's Co. of Rangers, in 1758. Orange Co., Nov. 25, 1779. Patrick Fisher, Sergt. in Col. Byrd's Regt. Orange Co., March 23, 1780. Bartelott Goodman, soldier in Capt. Thos. Bullitt's Co. of Rangers, in 1762. Louisa Co., Nov. 8, 1779. John Dalton, soldier in Capt. Thos. Bullitt's Co. of Rangers, in 1762. Louisa Co., Nov. 8, 1779. LAND BOUNTY CERTIFICATES 57 Peter Clarkson, soldier in campaign of 1755 in Capt. Saml. Overton's Co. of Rangers. Albemarle Co., March, 1780. Chas. Walls (or Watts), soldier in 1758 in Col. Byrd's Regt. David Wall (or Watts), heir to said Chas. Orange Co., March 23, 1780. Chas. Pearcy, soldier in Col. Byrd's Regt. in 1759. Orange Co., Feb. 24, 1780. Jacob Baughman, soldier in 1st Va. Regt. French and Indian Wars. Kentucky Co., Feb. 2, 1780. Simon Powell, deed., Sergt. in Capt. Hogg's Co. of Rangers. Elizabeth Jennett Head, wife of James Head, and Sally Riddle, wife of Lewis Riddle, co-heiresses of Simon Powell, deed. Orange Co., Dec. 23, 1779. Achilles Whitlock, deed., soldier in 1758 in a regt. raised for the imme- diate defense of the state. John Whitlock, eldest son and heir-at-law to said Achilles. Caroline Co., March, 1780. James Chick, deed., soldier in 1760 in a regt. raised for immediate de- fense of the state. John Chick, heir-at-law of the said James. Caroline Co. , Feb., 1780. Edward Brown, soldier in 1758 in a regt. raised for immediate defense of this state. Caroline Co., Feb., 1780. John Powell, soldier in 1758 in a regt. raised for immediate defense of this state. Caroline Co., March, 1780. George Teater, Sergt. in Col. Byrd's Regt. in 1761. Kentucky Co., Feb. I, 1780. Wm. Dun, Corpl. in Va. Regt. under command of Col. Byrd. March 8, 1774. Dunmore. Martin Hewlett, Corpl. in Va. Regt. under command of Col. Byrd. April 4, 1774. Dunmore. Wm. Murrell, Sergt. in Va. Regt., entitled to 200 acres under King's Proc. of 1763. Williamsburg, Dec. 16, 1773. Dunmore. Thos. Mullen, Corpl. in Va. Regt. commanded by Col. Byrd. March io, 1774. Dunmore. Alexander Stewart, entitled to 200 acres of land, agreeable to the King's Proc. of 1763. April 1, 1774. Dunmore. ss Militia Rosters in Herring's Statutes at Large. CULPEPER COUNTY, flARCH, 1756. Wm. Russell, Lieut. Col. William Brown, Capt. John Field, Lieut. Geo. Weatherall, Serj. Francis Cooper Wm. McDaniel John Thomas Miles Murfee John Hayes John Graham Joshua Sherald Wm. Wall Jacob Browning Wm. Bo worn John Laton Rich. Burk Rich. Parks Nicholas Yager Cornelius Mitchell John Browning William Tapp Samuel Moore Source: Heniug, Vol. 7. Charles Yancey, Ensign John Strother, Capt. Francis Strother, Lieut. William Roberds, Ensign Foot Soldiers. John Willhoit James Gillison Benj. Morgan John Shropshire David Bridges John Younger John Bowman George Goggan Mordock Mackenzie Jacob Wall John Dixon Wright Daniel Delaney Alexander Baxter John Cave James Nash Wm. Twiman Joel Yarborough Stephen Rogers, Serj. John Gambill, Serj. Henry Gambill, Serj. Sallis Hansford, Serj. Francis Grant Adam Maland Adam Barler John Greson John Relsback Andrew Carpenter Lewis Fisher John Gloor Matthias Weaver Christopher Barler Timothy Swindele John Plunketpeter Matthias Rouce Wm. Yager John Grim Jacob Harroback Harmer Young Henry Gaines Lewis Ellzey, Capt. Sampson Turley, Lieut. Saml. Tillett, Corp. Geo. Shortridge Benj. Ladd Nathan Williamson Vincent Boggess Joseph Fry Daniel Thomas Benj. Hutchison FAIRFAX COUNTY, MARCH, 1756. James Tillett, Corp. Joseph Stephens, Corp. Sampson Demovill, Corp. Jerem. Hutchinson, Corp. Troopers. George Simson Holland Middleton Thomas Shore Wm. Southard Robert Watson, servant to Lewis Ellzey Thos. Simmonds Philip Grymes, Corp. Gilbert Simson, Jr., Corp. John Berkley, Junr. Francis Eaton William Pickett Jesse Martin Charles Newland Thomas West John Price HENINGS STATUTES AT LARGE 59 Richard Newall James Chamberlayne Thos. Cartwright David Thanas, Junr. Edward Davis Wm. Peake, Junr. Wm, Trammell Gilbert Simson, Junr. Wm. Scutt Wm. Musgrove Wm. Hayes Source: Hening, Vol. 7. Edward Masterson Mark Chilton Thomas Triplett William Morris Wm. Smith John Stephens Thomas Osborn Geo. Saunders Danl. Shoemaker Joseph Burson Simon Shoemaker Edward Hardin Nicholas Grymes Michael Regan, Junr. Wm. Owsley Joseph Jones Joseph Martin Wm. Stackhouse John Sinclare David Smith Clement Gamer John Dawson PRINCE WILLIAfl COUNTY, flARCH, 1756. John Frogg, Major Wm. Baylis, Capt. Richard Taylor, Lieut. of Horse Wm. Splane, Lieut, of Horse Wm. Farrow, Cornet Saml. Porter, Corp. Jacob Spilman, Corp. Wm. Whaley, Corp. Lewis Reno, Corp. Wm. Buchanan, Corp. Thomas Foard, Corp. George Kenner, Corp. Henry Floid, Serj. Foushee Tebbs, Capt. John Baylis, Capt. James Seaton, Lieut, of Foot Richard Hampton, Lieut of Foot John Nevill Rich. Matthews Benj. Wilson Stephen Maurice Thos. Marshall Rich. Marshall John Luttrell Thos. Doyle Joshua Welch Nathaniel Freeman Standley Singleton Saml. Batson John Murray Troopers. Wm. Fielder Andrew Cannaird John McMillon Henry Kemper John Fishback Clement Norman Joseph Martin Richard Byrne Peter Pierce Michael Lynn John Cornwell John Dowell Wm. Key Saml. Grigsby Robt. Nevill Thos. Gardner Chas. Smith Isaac Gibson Benj. Edwards John Coreham Griffin Matthews John Bland, Junr. Wm. Peake Wm. Berry Gilbert Crupper Wm. Barr Nath. Overal Nicholas Hill John Boiling Edward O'Neil Joseph Neal John Carter Thos. Shirley Lewis Oden Source: Hening, Vol. 7. Foot Soldiers. John Green Martin Suttie David Parsons George Rose John Low James Crocket Wm. Suttie Wm. Boiling Isaac Settle Wm. Jenings Valentine Barton Wm. Crouch Moses Coppage John Rice 6o VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA AUGUSTA COUNTY, SEPTEHBER, 1758. John Buchanan, Colonel Alex. Sayers Abraham Smith John Buchanan John Dickenson Francis Kirtley Sampson Archer Wm. Cunningham Christian Bingaman Danl. Smith John Hopkins James Henderson John Hopkins Benj. Kinley Wm. Cravens John McCoy Wm. Clark John McKay John Ozban John McCay Jonas Friend Robt. Tremble John Jameson Thos. Pritchard John Phares Robt. Mitchell Wm. Blackwood John Black Rich. Yedley John Lawn Adam Dunlop John Cosby Robt. McCoy Andrew Little Geo. Lewis John Brown, Major Captains. Ephraim Love Wm. Preston Wm. Christian Saml. Norwood David Steuart, Col. (i Capt.) Lieutenants. James Henderson Chas. Wilson Wm. Lewis James McDowell Ensigns. Cunningham John Matthews John Henderson Sergeants. Michael Henderson Peter Looney Benj. Hansley Robt. Armstrong John Davice Matt. Campbell John Bowin Corporals. Wm. Mintor Geo. Malcomb Adam Stevenson Militia. Henry Benningar Adam Harper Woolrey Coonrod Wm. Minter Wm. Cunningham Robt. McCarney Danl. McKnight John Cunningham Andrew Cunningham, Edward Watts John Smith, Major John Maxwell Andrew Hays James Dunlop Geo. Robinson John Smith Alex. Thompson Arch. Buchanan Alex. Hamilton Robt. Rennick Edwin Peterson Audley Paul Josiah Wilson James Couden John Wardlaw Alex. Buchanan Thos. Hudson David Gallaway Edward Howard Thos. Hugart Wm. Edemston Thos. McCorne Thos. Cavon John Gay Robt. Lusk Chas. Driver James Anderson James Young Wm. Rolestone Matt. Rolestone John Peterson Darby Conway Martin Cornet Jr. Thos. McNamar Thos. Peterson HENING'S STATUTES AT LARGE 6l James Fowler Saml. Semple Michael Mallow John Stephenson John Shill Matt. Paten Rich. Wilson Hugh Diver Danl. Henderson James Ramsay John Johnston Alex. Craig John Melcum Joseph Melcum Michael Props Adam Props Robt. Minice John McKay Wm, McGill, Jr. Wm. McGill, Sr. Robt. Boyd Moses Hall Peter Veneman John Young Michael Erhart Wm. Minter Rich. Wilson John Shanklin Edward Megary Paul Shever James McClure James Fowler Joseph Skidmore Nicholas Hoffman Henry Peninger Robt. Megary Henry Smith John Smith John Malcom Larkin Pearpoint James Gray Robt. Gragg Robt. Cunningham David Smith Wm. Bratton Josiah Shipman Wm. Rolestone Robt. Trimble John Stevenson John Gum Robert Gibson John Walker Christian Clement Adam Stephenson John McClure James Bell John Long Wm. McFarland John Peary Wm. Black David Scott James Steel Gilbert Christian James Meeter James Lockart John Shields John Woods Arthur Trader Robt. Patterson Robt. McGeary Matt. Black Nathan Harrison Leonard Herron Cornelius Sullivant Edward Shanklin Hugh Campbell James Skidmore Saml. Briggs Michael Dickey John Davis Thos. Nicholas James Fowler Arch. Gilkison John Malcolm Wm. Elliot Thos. Spencer Geo. Jordon Wm. McHenry Joseph Jenkins Danl. Evans Rich. Shanklin Wm. Hooks James Gamble James Alexander John Johnson Thos. Lawrence James Stephenson Danl. Remi John Farrell Wm. Kite Adam McCormick John Leonard Martin Phillips Wm. Woods James Burk Abram Earhart John Blor Geo. Watts Gasper Smith Michael Earhart Nicholas Hufman Philip Harper Valentine Castle Jacob Harper Geo. Hamer Jacob Hornbery Nicholas Frank Thomas Boyne Peter Moses Geo. Moses Adam Harper Geo. Mouse Paul Shaver Michael Frees Peter Vanimon Philip Hufman Wm. Wilson Henry Beniger John Cunrod John Malcomb James McClure John Cunningham Wm. Mintor Isiah Shipman Jacob Peterson Jacob Wiece Joseph Wiece Benj. Hagler John Hagler Postine Hagler Jacob Hagler John Wizer Henry Carr Martin Peterson Jeremiah Copper Robt. Trimble Jacob Goodman Gabl. Pickins Wm. Shaw John Young Michael Earhart, Jr. Mathias Tice Nicholas Sivers 62 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA Nicholas Havener Jacob Aberman Wm. Dyer Andrew Full John Still Michael Malow Michael Eberman John Aberman Adam Little Wm. Wilson Robt. Homes Danl. Evans David Lard Jacob Rolman Thos. Bowens Matt. Black John Crosby, Jr. Thos. Lawrence Geo. Goodman Geo. Capliner Henry Smith Michael Hogshead John Crosby, Sr. William Cunningham John Young Wm. Flemin Robt. Cunningham Thos. McComb Rich. Wilson Wm. Gragg Thos. Paterson Robt. Magery Joseph Dixton Wm. Woods Danl. Reme Geo. Hedrick John Seller John Miller Chas. Man Jacob Pence Jacob Grub Chas. Rush Conrad Kinsel Wm. Blair John Reiger James Camble Michael Malow John Stilt Adam Little John Colley John Dunkle Mathias Tice Walter Cunrod Valentine Kite Geo. Kite Geo. Dunkle Thos. Barrow Geo. Anderson Wm. Ralston James Bradshaw John Davis Andrew Full John Bingaman Danl. Price John Massey George Man Peter Miller Tetrarch Couch Jacob Moyers Stephen Hanburger Jacob Fudge Adam Hedrick Nich. Mildebarler Hy. Long James Fowler John Frazier Robt. Belche Hugh Wilson James Lawrence Wm. Hook Moses Algier Thos. Wilmouth Adam Miller Jacob Miller Jacob Man Thos. Powell Gunrod Umble Wm. Kinsey Cornelius White Nich. Null Chas. Fie John Early John Ferrel Gunrod Peterfish Jacob Runkle Peter Trusler Geo. Shillinger Arthur Trader Nath. Harrison Robt. Black Matt. Black Wm. Shannon Thos. Pointer Moses Samble Hy. Coler Jacob Richard John Richard Ury Umble Danl. Cloud Christopher Amontrout Jacob Kindler John Fulse Poston Nosier Holerick Hushman Wm. Shaw Martin Umble Geo. Moffett John Reburn James Robertson Alex. Craig Saml. Kerre John Armstrong Adam Reburn Robert Anderson Edward Ervin Fredk. Eister Mathias Dice John Dunkle Ludowick Wagoner Thos. Baskine John Baskine David Bell Robt. Trimble James Campbell Geo. Dunkle James Hamilton Wm. Ervin James Young John Young James Anderson Geo. King James Stephenson Thos. Stephenson John Stephenson Gaun Leeper Arthur Greer Adam Miller John Campbell Andrew Little Edward Ervin Wm. Dyer hening's statutes at large 6% Arch. Huston Thos. Bowne Joseph Jenkins Wm, Hooks Danl. Evins Rich. Shanklin James Hooks Arch. Hopkins John Shanklin James Fowler John Harrison John Gordon Hugh McGarey Leonard Herren Cornelius Sullivan Nathaniel Harrison David Smith Robt. McGarey Henry Downs Wm. Ross Robt. McComey Wm. Shanon Gideon Harrison Leonard Harring Alex. Craig James Alexander Thos. Mcklemare Thos. Spence John Crevens Robt. Black Saml. Hemphill Francis Alexander Wm. Long Wm. Anderson George Robinson Hugh Allen Wm. Blackwood Nathaniel Donlap James Turk Robt. Thomson Anthony Black John Black Robt. Gibson John Finley John Finley, Jr. John Patrick James Steel John Brown James Allen Saml. Henderson James Allen, Jr. John Young John Vance George Wilson Dominick Beret Hy. Hecks James Lockart Moses Thompson John Hutcheson James Gillaspey Chas. Patrick Jonathan Jones Hugh Mackclure Alex. Steuart James Cull James Bryans Abraham Keeny Abraham Duncklebery Thos. Ford Saml. Ford James Caghey Thos. Cashaday Jacob Graham John Davison John Willey Wm. Hambleton Robt. Hambleton John Gilmore Thos. Gilmore Jacob Cunningham James Simpson James Moor Geo. Croford Halbart McClurr Robt. Willey James Davis Eldad Reed Geo. Gipson Robt. Tolford David Tolford John McAlheney Benj. Davies Timothy Stoten John Putt Joseph Clerk John Bell John Crockett Danl. McBridge James Anon Gardner Adkins John Hughs John Medley John Montgomery Geo. Rowland Jacob Graham John McNeal Henry Long Wm. Kerr Sampson Sayers Saml. Bell Wm. Hog Wm. Eliot Arch. Gilkson Wm. Bell John Trimble John Graham Joseph Vauhob Robert Armstrong Wm. Mar John Clark John Wilson James Risk George Marchel Wm. Currey Caleb Hermon James Tobit Chris. Finney Robt. Carlile John Williams John Hamilton John Matthews John Bo wen, Jr. Henry Bowen Moses Bowen Reice Bowen Geo. Matthews John Campbell Robt. Dew Rich. Matthews Michael Kelly Danl. Goodwin Wm. Matthews Joshua Matthews Wm. McKinney Wm. Bo win Sampson Matthews James Wilson James Magavock John Armstrong James Gilmore Jonathan Whitley James Hughston Andrew Hall 6 4 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA Wm. Buyers Patrick Porter Wm. Lapesley Arthur McClure Saml. Todd Robt. Brackenridge Robt. Craig Saml. Carr Robt. Patterson Thos. McCome Geo. Moffett Saml. Patterson Going Leeper James Blair James Young James Patterson Alexander Craig John Blair John Hawl John Thompson Arch. Alexander Patrick Lowry John Lowry Thos. Seirl Chas. Allison Thos. Paxton James Huston Robt. Henry James Wilson John Mayers Geo. Davidson Thos. Hamilton John Plunkett James Ward, Sr. Wm. Ward Joseph Ward Alex. McMullan Robt. Allen, Jr. James Ward, Jr. James Davidson Rich. Pryar Pat. Savage Robt. Allen, Sr. Phelty Cogh Jacob Botters Robt. Thompson Patrick McCloskey Edward Cenney John Mitchel John Tinley Chas. McAnally George Anderson Wm. Polog Geo. King James Stewart Arthur Greir John King Robt. Finley Henry Murray Walter Cunningham Wm. Tencher John Robinson Andrew Hamilton Wm. Anderson Geo. Rogers Alex. McClanahan William Reed Adam Dunlop James Stephenson Alex. Walker John Hays David McCroskey John Dunlop Andrew Buchanan David Sayer John Porter David Guin James Buchanan James Culton Matt. Lindsey John Snodgrass Wm. Buchanan Wm. Reah Robt. Reah Arch. Reah James Colter Alex. Walker Thos. Gilmore John Moore David Edmiston John Robinson James Berlane Robert Stevenson Saml. McCutchison John Kilpatrick Wm. Ward John Clerk Wm. McCutchison James McCutchison James Rusk Walter Trimble John Wilson Robt. Hunter Wm. Purzins James Kenaday Wm. Kenaday James Wardlaw James Logan Saml. Huston David Moore Nathaniel Evans James McClong John McClong Hy. McCollom Robt. Steel John Sproul Moses Whiteside John Lyle, Jr. Robt. Lusk John Montgomery Arsbel Clendinin James Steenson James Hugart, Jr. James McHenry James Burnside John Salley Mathias Cleeke James Steuart David Gallaw, Jr. Saml. McMurray John Cantley James Bunton Saml. Edmiston John Cain John Clendinin Andrew Buchanan John Sprout Thos. Vance Wm. Matthis John Withlaw James Cowdown James Steele James Gay Andrew Sitolentown Dennis McNely Lawrence Murphy Geo. Barclay Robt. Grimes James Grimes Wm. Moore John Hudson John McCoy Christian Tuley HENINGS STATUTES AT LARGE 65 Saml. Davice Andrew Fitzpatrick Andrew Miscampbell Filey Yacome Saml. McDowell Saml. Lyle Patrick Lowry John Lowry Danl. Lyle John Putt Win, Carothers Wm. Taylor Francis Randols James McClung David Bryans David Gray James Colter Moses Edmiston John McFerrin James McFerrin Saml. McFerrin James Gatlive Dennis Getty Francis Reity Moses Hambleton Matt. Shaddin John Armstrong John Carr Rich. Carr Wm. Carvin Geo. Gunn Source: Hening, Vol. 7. Alex. Legat James Stevenson John Low Wm. Elate Andrew Jameson Alex. Sutherland Wm. Hamilton Patrick Cargon Thos. Smith Ralph Laferty James Hugart, Sr. James Cartmill Robt. Steuart Geo. Jameson John Cartmill John Hamilton James Milligan Rich. Mase Wm. McMullin Jeremiah Green Wm. Walker Michael Cloyd James Lee James Wahreaner Joshua McCormack James Cloyd David Mitchell Bryan McDannall David Miller James Snodgrass Edward Crump John McCulley John Stuart Alex. McElvan John Davis John Hardin John Williams Hugh Gilespy Hendrey McCollom Thos. McClunge Joseph McClunge Robt. Montgomery Saml. Montgomery James Montgomery John Montgomery Joseph Montgomery James Montgomery, Jr. Thos. McFarrin Abraham Bist Matt. Rollin Thos. Wilson Abraham Thompson James Moore Wm. Armstrong Dennis Gettey Ludowick Slodser Christopher Stoder Saml. Rolston Gabl. Jones Thos. Walker AflELIA COUNTY, SEPTEilBER, 1758. Wood Jones, Major Henry Anderson, Capt J ohn Winne. Xapt- Branch Tanner, Lieut. John Chumley Abel Mann John Baldwin James Harris John Dier Robt. Blanchet John Culpeper Richd. Hoff Wm. Forster Francis Smith James Clark, Lieut. Robt. Hall, Serg. Geo. Farley, Ensign Wm. Ford, Serg. John Fitzpatrick, Ensign Wm. Whitworth, Serg. Richd. Craddock, Serg. Hermon Thomas, Serg. John Cox, Serg. Chas. Smith Wm. Wood Wm. Hudson Christopher Hinton Geo. Hastings James Cheatham Stephen Howell Wm. Ray John Hamton Wm. Haynes Robt. Fauster Edward Farguson John Herman Chas. Mann Danl. Prisnull Thos. Wright Ambrose Cumpton Thos. Jones Joel Hurt James Hurt 66 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA Bryan Farguson Humphrey Hendrick Wm. Jackson Robt. Hinton Peter Burton John Apling Chas. Harrison John Hendrick Fredk. Reams Saml. Mann John Cooke Shem Cooke Wm. Cannon Thos. Farguson Peter Webster Richd. Farguson John Wilson James Arnold Wm. Childre James Lockett Wm. Abney Wm. Hill Jos. Burgess Source: Hening, Vol. 7. John Hammock John Minear Robt. Stady John Githings Abram West John James Farley Hermon Thomson Moses Estis John Estis Benj. Meadows Wm. Person Ralph Shelton Wm. Harris Robt. Hamm Wm. Estis John Avery Wm. Hamm James Campbell Wm. Farguson Jos. Goodman John Brasfield Rich. Fauster Wm. Burgh Wm. Hurt John Fauster Geo. Ridley James Rice Uriah Hawks Geo. Moore Richd. Hawks Bell Hulm John Moore Thos. Hulm Henry Clay James Hurt, Jr. John Loving Wm. Hutcherson Thos. Gunn John Harris Edmond Ballard Nimrod Henson James Hallis Henry Paulin Benj. Parrott Richd. Condrow John Harris, Jr. ALBEMARLE COUNTY, SEPTEMBER, 1758. Jas. Nevil, Capt. Chas. Ellis, Capt. John Hunter, Capt. Cornelius Thomas, Lieut. John Freeman, Serg. Edward Weir Thos. Powell Malcolm Allen Rich. Powell Ashcroft Roach Benj. Hensley Wm. Henson John Powell Edward Spolden Benj. Stinett Benj. Stinett, Jr. Henry Guffey Wm. Williams Solo. Carter Joshua Fowler John Hix Geo. Adam Sailing John Bryan David Davis John Woods, Lieut. Wm. Woods. Lieut. Chas. Tuly, Ensign Wm. Woods, Ensign Jacob Brown, Corp. James Randel Nicholas Pryor Caleb Burton Isham Davis Jacob Smith Wm. Shoemaker Wm. Pryor Saml. Stockton Thos. Jameson Hugh Alexander Robt. Pogece John Wallace Adam Gaudilock Michael Woods, Jr. Bartholomew Ramsey Henry Randolph Wm. Stockton James Kinkade Thos. Harbet Andrew Greer, Serg. Chas. Wakefield, Serg. Wm. Martin, Serg. David Martin, Ensign Thos. Cotrell, Corp. David Gass Abraham Howard Thos. Grubbs John Co wen Geo. Brackenridge Wm. Pogue Wm. Wakefield Henry Wakefield Chas. Hughes Aaron Hughes Langsdon Depriest John Depriest James Glen James Robertson Chas. Crawford John Bigs John McAnally Robt. McWhorter Rich. Prior HENING S STATUTES AT LARGE 6/ Mark Lively Henry Fuller Wm. Bratchy John Burk Lane Stephen Cash Philip Henson Wm. Becknel James White Source: Hening, Vol. 7. Henry Brenton Joshue Woods Alex. Jameson Danl. Maupin John Maupin Wm. Maupin Matt. Mullins Saml. Woods Wm. Whiteside James Martin Michael Morrison James Morrison Adam Lackie Alex. McMulen Lawrence Smith Matthias Hughes Michael Israel Wm. Cartie Thomas Custis, Maj. Source: Hening, Vol. 7 ACCOMAC COUNTY, SEPTEHBER, 1758. John Wise, Maj. BEDFORD COUNTY, SEPTEMBER, 1758. John Phelps John Quarles John Anthony Wm. Irvine Saml. Hairston Thos. Prateer John Hunter Wm. Edwards Ambrose Bryant Wm. Simmons Gross Scruggs Meshach Haile Rich. Andrews Jas. Callaway John Talbot Jas. McRonalds Jos. Looney Robt. Hairstone Nicholas Hays Thos. Cooper Wm. Bumpass David Rosser Rich. Tiths Math. Patterson John Alston Captains. Lieutenants. Wm. Meade Jeremiah Earley Ensigns. Thos. Gilbert Benj. Hatcher Jeremiah Yarborough Sergeants. Rich. Ragsdale Rich. Callaway Joseph Rentfroe Thos. Prather James Patterson Nath. Patterson John Hunter Danl. Gilbert Benj. Gilbert John Hardiman Rich. Edwards Elliot Lacey Chas. Harris Geo. Caldwell Head Lynch Wm. Edwards Thos. Reade Acquiller Gilbert Thos. Murry Matt. Talbot Chas. Talbot Joseph Rentfroe Saml. Hairston Robt. Hairston Wm. Irvine Ambrose Bramlett Wm. Bramlett Josias Gipson Rich. Andrews Geo. Watts Edmund Fair Jacob Anderson Wm. Chalmor James McRunnals John Thompson Abraham Mitchell Nicholas Hays John Pratt Luke Murphy James Johnston James Patterson John Neilson James Morris James Murphy 68 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA John Martin John Lawson Geo. Coldwell Wm. Hinton Jonathan Jennings John Brown Arch. Campbell Francis Siver Amhus Bramlett Robt. Martin Wm. Chalmore John Spurlock Barlet Henson John Robertson Wm. Manley Wm. Twiddy Isaac Butterworth Joseph Ryan Jas. McMurtry Rich. Phillips John Lawson Saml. Gilbert Danl. Gilbert Pharoah Ryley Wm. Fuqua John Jackson John Robertson, Jr. Jacob Anderson Patrich McDade Christ. Sitton John Hardman Charles Talbot Geo. Haynes John Richardson Josiah Richardson Evan Morgan John Morgan John Mackey, Jr. James Mackey Wm. Haynes Wm. Morgan Thos. Morgan Wm. Yates Joseph Benning John Benning Saml. Arrenton John Thomas Rich. Taylor John Moore Zach. Robertson Jonathan Richardson Peter Rawlins Peter Rawlins Robt. Shipley Robt. Shipley, Jr. Anthony Rawlins Patrick McDavid Wm. Simmons Zach. Burnley John London John Mattos Josiah Gibson Peter Jones Peter Ragsdale Geo. Abbott Nathan Tate Wm. Tate Wm. Haynes James Mackie Robt. Oglesby Geo. Smith Sandiver Cashiah Wm. Whitesite Henry Trunk Joseph Ray Rich. Woodward Thos. Pharman Jeremiah Early Jacob Henderson Ambrose Bryan Saml. Brown James Fair Chas. Bright John Watts John Handy Matt. Talbot Wm. Morgan, Jr. James Board David Preston Evan Morgan John Pyburn John Wright Geo. Grundy Moses Trenfroe Joseph Richardson Edward Choat Augustine Choat Robt. Peper Saml. Peper Philip Preston John Yates John Robertson Chas. Simmons John Daunn John Gallaway John Dixton Joseph Murty Israel Young Abraham Thompson Wm. Bramlett John Robinson Wm. Nix John Abston Wm. Anderson Jesse Paty Patrick Vance Thos. Overstreet Wm. Stone John Spenlock Geo. Smith Wm. Wooddie Jonathan Ginnings Wm. Ragsdale Peter Ragsdale Nathan Tate Wm. Tate Isaac Brown John Mattocks Peter Jones Sandesur Keiser Geo. Abet Benj. Hatcher John Mitchum John Tinker John Martiam Jonathan Jones Thos. Daws Wm. Morgan Wm. Board Patrick Halloquan John Meade Abel Meade James Alcorn James Moore John Haynes Danl. McFall James McFall James Jones Josiah Ramsey David Irvine Thos. Owen Patrick Johnson John Patrick Burks HENING'S STATUTES AT LARGE 69 John Grymes John Pyburn Thos. Hunt Jeremiah Pate John Pate Matt. Pate Anthony Pate Jacob Pate John Macky John Casey John Loson David Loson Wm. Lucks Saml. Gilbert James Bryan Wm. Layne Abraham Chandler Jesse Bryan Baranabus Arthur Geo. Hackworth Merry Carter Danl. Richardson Robt. Martin Stephen Runnals Stephen Towns Barnabus Arthur, Jr. James Talbot Augustine Leftwick John Hall Christopher Munday James Millwood John Snow Abraham Smith James Spencer Archelus McNeale John Vardeman Wm. Arthur Thos. Sexton Moses Preston Source: Herring, Vol. 7. Saml. Robertson Geo. Thomas Danl. Richardson Geo. Adams James Moore Jos. McDaniel Nathan Richardson Thos. Overstreet Wm. Handy Robt. Jones Wm. Carson Stephen Rentfroe John Anderson Wm. Davis Edward Davis Chas. Cox John Riley Wm. Puttect James Puttect James Rentfroe Nathan Pottlet Thos. Jones Wm. Crabtree John Davis James Corser David Morse Reuben Keif Wm. Dilenham Saml. Woodward Joseph McMurty Abraham McClelen Thos. Oglesby Andrew Hairston Patrick Hensey Wm. Twedey John Gallaway David Rosser James Carson Arch. Campbell Edward Ohair Robt. Jones James Callaway Saml. Robinson Hugh Crocket Thos. Baker John Orrack John Ward Jonathan Prater James Presnal Wm. Walker Wm. Phelps Wm. Montgomery James Fair Saml. Brown Rich. Woodward, Sr. Chas. Bright Edw. Bright Rich. Maples John Jones Wm. Burks Rich. Burks Boiling Burks Wm. Woodward Rich. Woodward John Woodward James Orchard Edward Watts Rich. Pritchard John House Thos. Duly James Duly Thos. Maclin James Wine John Watts Thos. Thirman James Bromlet John Bush Isaac Woodward Michael Poore Andrew Poore BRUNSWICK COUNTY, SEPTEriBER, 1758. Edward Goodrich, Capt. Vines Collier, Ensign Nathan Tatum, Serg. Frederick Maclin, Lieut. J^ptha Arthington,Ensg. John Tilman, Serg. John Parish, Lieut. Thos. Briggs, Serg. James Scott, Drummer Wm. Rose, Serg. Rich. Gower Wm. Parsons Saml. Jackson Peter Freeman Nath. Steed Edmond Barker 70 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA Isham Harris Wm. Bryan James Hargrove Robt. Wall Chas. Wall Peter Jackson Frederick Glover Thos. Mannin Mark Jackson Daniel Wall Robt. Peebles Wm. Foster Zebulun Lewis Jesse Brown Wm. Parham Nicholas Fennell Abram Martin Wm. Martin John Ramsey- John Calton Rich. Ramsey Benj. Simpson Thos. Connally Thos. Haulcum Edward Tatum Moses Tomerlin Source: Hening, Vol. 7. Edward Freeman Henry Jackson Chas. Gunter John Carlile Wm. Edwards Elias Fowler John Barnet Rich. Dobbins Joel Smith Danl. Collier Saml. Russell Robt. Gee, Jr. Wm. Cooke Wm. Gaultney Sampson Moseley Geo. Walton, Jr. Wm. Randolph Wm. Ledbetter Wm. Ledbetter, Jr. Saml. Sexton Nathan Harris Robert Gaultney Thos. Walton John Moore Robert Lanier Thos. Denton Wm. Denton Lewis Barker David Moss James Linch David Adam Roger Tilman Wm. Upchurch Thos. Nance Thos. Ravenscrop Michael Upchurch John Upchurch Geo. Wall Thos. Nance John Hailes Francis Mitchell Tobias Moore Robt. Nance David Kelly John Ray John Tilman, Sr. Joseph Parrish John Woolsey Peter Sinclair Geo. Brewer John Hix Drury Sims Mark Rollins CHESTERFIELD COUNTY, SEPTEilBER, 1758. Robt. Kennon Source: Hening, Vol. 7. CUMBERLAND COUNTY, SEPTEflBER, 1758. Robt. Slaughter, Col. Poindexter Mosby, Capt. John Payton John Parker Wm. Lightfoot John Ballenger John Field Thos. Slaughter Francis Brown Anthony Strother Francis Strother John Peyton Wm. Baker Wm. Edwards Sergeants. Rich. Doggett John Berry Thos. Ray Joshua Sherril Rueben Long Wm. Underwood Thos. Yeates, Jr. John Morgan Rich. Parker Alex. Frazier French Strother Edward Bush Wm. Slaughter, Lieut. Chas. Yancy, Ensign Hankison Read James Corder John Chisum Christopher Ziglar Mark Hardin Saml. Hensley John Bradley Rich. Parks Allen Wiley John Witherhead Edward Brown Thos. Baker HENING S STATUTES AT LARGE 71 Robt. Scott James Browning Henry Stronsafer Wm, Wall John Yancy Wm. Tutt Geo. Goggins Nath. Parker John Shingleton Chas. McQueen John Cox John Powell Source: Hening, Vol. 7. John Care Wm. Thornhill James Story Wm. Poe Oliver Towles Saml. Pannell John Banger Wm. Day Peter Rucker Wm. Hopper John Pabley Joseph Duncan John Anderson John Faver, Jr. Wm. Collin Francis Jacoby Wm. Robertson John Duncan Wm. Nalle, Jr. James Garrett James Green Peter Fleshman Jacob Broil Source: Hening, Vol. 7. ESSEX COUNTY, SEPTEMBER, 1758. Forest Upshaw, Capt. FREDERICK COUNTY, SEPTEilBER, 1758. Thos. Speak, Capt. Arch. Ruddall John Hardin Thos. Speak John Horden Henry Selser Chas. Littleton John Jones Jeremiah Odlc Moses Job Reudy Mank Geo. Bennett Jonathan Odle James Thruston Patrick McKenny Rich. Mank Henry Mank Danl. Mank Henry McKenny Nath. Bailey Peter Bailey Wm. Cross Rich. Murphy Danl. Johnson Stephen Southard Edward Linsey Lieutenants. Thos. Speake Ensigns. John Allen Sergeants. James Ireson James Grigson Geo. Rice John Miller Wm. Jacobs Josiah Ewings Thos. Conaly Isaac Linsey David James Edward Tummens Owen Wingfield Walter Shirley Jarvis Shirley Robt. Goosberry John Parke Isaac Thomas James Jack Hugh Johnston James Jones Francis Maginis James McDowell John Allen Magnus Tatt James Ireson John Champain Geo. Wright Robt. Stewart Stephen Johnson John Regin Edward Timons John Colston Solomon Littleton Thos. Robinson Edward Degell Francis McCrimer Gasper Bewtoole Hugh Stephenson Josiah Combs James Morris Joseph Pierce Edward Mergee Jacob Mergee Nicholas Mclntire Benj. Sweet Wm. Hughs 72 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA Josiah Springer Jacob Pricket Stephen Stradler Chas. Colson John Hampton Saml. Mason Peter Petanger Francis McCormack Thos. Alfort Rich. Stearman Thos. Linsey Robt. Pearis Wm. Matthew John Stephenson John Vance James Meamack James Morris Wm. Hall Wm. Miller Benj. Fullam Wm. Locard Levi Jones Edward Martin Mark Hardin Solomon Burkem Saml. Stubbs Gilbert Gordon Geo. Bell Source: Hening, Vol. 7. Joseph Lyon Thos. Allen Andrew Blackburn Wm. Stephenson John Megill Benj. Blackburn Isaac White Mat. Harbison Wm. Blackburn Bryan Money James Hughes Joseph Fleming Wm. White John Young Joseph Taucett John Cooper David Williams Leonard Cooper Joseph Carroll John Cook Wm. Wilson Saml. Vance Andrew Vance James Huston Wm. Hughes John Cooper Danl. Johnson Thos. Price James Hugh James Camp Joseph Greenway Wm. Wilson Will Elimus John Laman James Legat Henry Vanmeter Jos. Vanmeter Remembrance Williams Edward Lucas John Taylor Rich. Hawkins Joseph Wattbroke John Vance Ghink Doctor John Dickson Holloway Perry Lawrence Landar Joseph Poison Wm. Frill Robt. Buckus Anthony Turner John Magill John Cook John Duckworth Anthony Dunlevy Jesse Jackson FAIRFAX COUNTY, SEPTEflBER, 1758. Captains. Nich. Minor James Hamilton Josiah Clapham, Lieut. Wm. Trammell, Ensign Sergeants. Chas. Martin Jesse Martin Francis Summers Edward Hardin John Donaldson Wm. Calvin Saml. Phillips James Thomas Wm. Darns Joshua Meaks John Wren Wm. Shortridge Saml. Jenkins Saml. More Rich. Pell Wm. Bowling Philip Merchant Geo. Valendingham Source: Hening, Vol. 7. Robt. Bowling Isaac Hussey Benj. Williams Moses Howard James Robinson John Davis Thos. Jenkins Abraham Stiff Joseph Adams Joseph Bradley Thos. Cartwright Francis Awbrey Joshua Claypole Wm. O'Daniel Thos. Saunders Edward Rice Wm. Cottrill John Car Simon Shoemaker John Shore Joseph Martin Peter Wilson Wm. Jackson Wm. McCoy Henry Townsend Thos. Morgan Thos. Ray Wm. Massey Franklin Perry Geo. Shoemaker HENING S STATUTES AT LARGE 73 GOOCHLAND COUNTY, SEPTEMBER, 1758. Chas. Lewis, Col, Source: Hening, Vol. 7. HALIFAX COUNTY, SEPTEflBER, 1758. Robt. Wooding Peter Wilson Thos. Green Thos. Gallaway James Elkin Thos. Edwards Edward Peregoy John Lewis Peter Manin John Childers Wm. Simmons Huncrest Scarlock John Wade John Harris John Rice Thos. Norton Thos. Fern John Harris John Rice Thos. Norton Thos. Fern John Harris, Jr. Benj. Croley Source : Hening, Vol. 7. Abraham Maury, Col. Captains. Robert Wade, Jr. Lieutenants. Thos. Spragin James Dillard Ensigns. Sergeants. Privates. Rich. Moore Arch. Thompson John Blevins Clement Lee Wells Ward Nath. Hendley John Sturd James Sturd Wm. Blevins, Jr. Josiah Cox Ningum Prator Nehemiah Prator John Blevins, Sr. Wm. Asher John Garcer Wm. Rickle Joseph Morton John Lindsey James Dillard Thos. Callaway Wm. Edwards Hugh Harris John Edwards Wm. Murfee Geo. Young John Sillivant Wm. Seales Danl. Durbin Wm. Ratcliff Silas Ratcliff Wm. Satterwhite John Frederick Pickle Danl. Newman James Blevins John Talbot Thos. Wollin Pearce Gwin Wm. Cox Wm. Blevins John Williams Nath. Terry HANOVER COUNTY, SEPTEHBER, 1758. Captains. Christopher Hudson Geo. Pitt Source: Hening, Vol. 7. HENRICO COUNTY, SEPTEMBER, 1758. Thos. Mosely Source: Hening, Vol. 7. JAMES CITY COUNTY, SEPTEMBER, 1758. Wm. Vaughan, Capt. Source: Hening, Vol. 7. 74 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA KING GEORGE COUNTY, SEPTEHBER, 1758. Chas. Carter, Col. Wm. Rowley, Capt. Source: Hening, Vol. 7. LOUISA COUNTY, SEPTEHBER, 1758. Saml. Waddy, Capt. James Overton, Ensign. Henry Dickinson Clifton Rhodes Jeduthon Harper Source: Hening, Vol. 7. James Robinson Zenus Tatt Thos. Jones Nick. Meriweather Humphry Bickley LOUDOUN COUNTY, SEPTEflBER, 1758. Nicholas Minor, Capt. Francis Wilks James Willock John Owsley Source: Hening, Vol. 7. Wm. Stephens Robt. Thomas John Thomas Aeneas Campbell, Lieut. John Moss, Jr. John Moss Wm. Ross LUNENBERG COUNTY, SEPTEHBER, 1758. John Cargill Cornelius Cargill, Jr. Richard Dudgeon Wm. Hunt John McNess Bryan Coker John Flin Wm. Dudgeon Andrew Rogers Joseph Coker John Ashworth Isaac Ashworth Saml. Ashworth McKerness Good James Bardin Wm. Blanks Danl. Cargill Joel Klam James Flin Philip Goode Wm. Caldwell, Major Captains. Lieutenants. Wm. Stokes Ensigns. James Guillum Thos. Jones Joshua Wharton Sergeants. Saml. Morton Thos. Jones Peter Hamblin Jacob Gunson Privates. David Maddox Thos. Jones Francis Moore John Hankins James Fauster Gabl. Ferriss John Acuff John Hall Thos. Smith Peter Hamlin Thos. Hamlin John Abraham Degranch Pinkithman Hawkins Thos. Boldin Wm. Mitchell Jacob Womack John Colson Wm. Farrer Chas. Knight John Hammons Jacob Womack John Hains Thos. Pate James Daulton John Lett Micajah Scoggins Rich. Jones Stephen Hatchill John Pollert Wm. Parsons Alex. Richey Wm. Harvey HENING'S STATUTES AT LARGE 75 John Hight Wm. Hudson Rich. Hudson Francis Linsey Henry Prewitt Alex. Strange John Ragsdale Augustine Rowlands John Thompson Wm. Tibbs Henry Wade Aaron Williams Thos. Dandy Thos. Cargill, Jr. Edward Darby John Lucas Joseph Huse Thos. Daugherty John McConnal Talton East Leonard Keeling James Vernon Thos. Howie Barned Roberson David Logan, Jr. John East Wm. East Wm. Cunningham James Ross Robt. Sanders John Ward Thos. Keasy Thos. Moore Wm. Dickson Thos. Pollett John Caldwell Robt. Caldwell Matthew Watson Hezekiah Jarrott John Orr Robt. Martin James Caldwell John Vernor Rich. Berry Rich. Adams James Martin Danl. Slayton Wm. Anderson Wm. Philby James Doherty Source: Hening, Vol. 7. Nathan Adams David Perryman John Perrin Thos. Williams John Williams Danl. Handcock Thos. Hall Isaac Mundy Rich. Hicks, Jr. John Worsham Wm. Skelton Abram Martin Wm. Poole Geo. Levil Edward Shipley Abraham Vaughn James Lett James Worshborne John Perrin Nathan Adams Thos. Smith John Davis James Cooper James Norrell Thos. Hill Wm. Eastis Robt. Lark John Mannin Aaron Drummon Frans Atkins Edward Atkins Henry Stokes Rich. Ward Bennett Hallaway Thos. Bell James Spead Wm. Ashley Francis Norrell John Ather Thos. Leftwick Merry Carter Henry Snow Wm. Leftwick John Hall Hezekiah Hall Aquilla Hall Jacob Matthews Tarrence McDaniel John Gregory Peter Young David Parish Thos. McCormack James Thweat Nance Hitchcock Zachariah Dode John Mitchell Wm. White Edmond Hames John Twitty Matthews Saml. Glass Adam Thomson Wm. Townsend Lawrence Matthews Nathan Richeson Henry Sage Henry Talley, Jr. John Hammons John Coleman Chas. Allen, Jr. Chas. Knight Peter Knight Wm. Monroe Rich. Hamblet Saml. Wilson James Henderson John Bray John McNeal John Warren Rich. Ragsdale James Vaughan Wm. Comer Wm. Parham Vachel Dillingham Wm. Howard Ephraim Hudson James Kidd Nathan Ellis James Ellis Reuben Keith Wm. Dillingham Geo. Benn Arthur Matthews John Worsham John Hankins John Hall Robt. Hall Wm. Russell Francis Moore Abraham Womack John Mitchell J6 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA MIDDLESEX COUNTY, SEPTEHBER, 1758. Christopher Curtis, Capt. Source: Hening, Vol. 7. NANSEMOND COUNTY, SEPTEMBER, 1758. Edward Wright, Capt. Source: Hening, Vol. 7. NORTHAMPTON COUNTY, SEPTEMBER, 1758. John Haggoman, Capt. Michael Dixon John Pigot Source: Hening, Vol. 7. NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, SEPTEI1BER, 1758. William Taite, Maj. John Heath Source: Hening, Vol, 7. NEW KENT COUNTY, SEPTEMBER, 1758. Chas. Crump, Capt. Thos. Morton Source: Hening, Vol. 7. PRINCESS-ANNE COUNTY, SEPTEMBER, 1758. Christopher Wright, Capt. Source: Hening, Vol. 7. PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY, SEPTEMBER, 1758. Philemon Halcomb, Capt. John Nash, Jr., Capt. Henry Watkins, Ensign Source: Hening, Vol. 7. PRINCE GEORGE COUNTY, SEPTEMBER, 1758. Richard Bland, Col. Richard Bland, Jr., Capt. Source: Hening, Vol. 7. PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY, SEPTEMBER, 1758. Henry Lee, Col. Captains. Wm. Tebbs Thos. McClanaham John Markham, Corp. Source: Hening, Vol. 7. SURRY COUNTY, SEPTEHBER, 1758. Wm. Seward, Jr., Capt. Source: Hening, Vol. 7. SUSSEX COUNTY, SEPTEMBER, 1758. James Wyche, Capt. Source: Hening, Vol. 7. SOUTHAMPTON COUNTY, SEPTEMBER, 1758. Peter Butts, Capt. Source: Hening, Vol. 7. SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY, SEPTEMBER, 1758 Thos. Estis, Capt. Source: Hening, Vol. 7. HENING'S STATUTES AT LARGE 77 STAFFORD COUNTY, SEPTEriBER, 1758. Withers Conway, Capt. Source: Hening, Vol. 7. WESTMORELAND COUNTY, SEPTEMBER, 1758. John Martin, Maj. John Newton, Capt. Source: Hening, Vol. 7. YORK COUNTY, SEPTEMBER, 1758. Robt. Shield, Capt. John Prentis, Maj. Source: Hening, Vol. 7. AUGUSTA COUNTY, 1763. Andrew Lewis, Col. Robt. Brackenridge Edward Carwin James Hughes John Crawford Source: Hening, Vol. 8. Wm. Preston, Maj. Michael Terbolt John Armstrong Lantey Armstrong John Donnelly James Bryan Benj. Harrison, Capt. John Smith Saml. Meredith Robt. Kirkum Joseph Bates AUGUSTA COUNTY, 1759. John Smith Audley Hall, Lieut. Robert Steel James Haynes Chas. Ramsey John Greenlee James Greenlee Chas. Slinker Saml. Newbery Wm. McDonald John Robertson Henry Filbrick Joseph McClellan Source: Hening, Vol. 8. Captains. Abram Thomson James Stewart James Berry James Amox James Dooley Henry Dooley Abraham Dooley Danl. Young Edmund Young Thos. Caldwell Humphrey Baker James Hay Alex. Sayers (deed.) Joseph Ray, Sergt. Chas. Lockart Saml. Vance Alex. Collier John Cox David Cox James Arbuckle Matt. Arbuckle John Arbuckle Gilbert Christian John Gregory Arthur Campbell ALBEMARLE COUNTY, 1756. Wm. Fuqua Thomas Walker Source: Hening, Vol. 8. BEDFORD COUNTY, 1758. Wm. Irvine Source: Hening, Vol. 8. CHESTERFIELD COUNTY, 1760. Abel Farrar, Lieut. Stephen Blankenship Source: Hening, Vol. 8. 78 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA FREDERICK COUNTY, 1759. Luke Collins, Capt. Rich. Pearis Source: Hening, Vol. 8. HALIFAX COUNTY, 1759. Joshua Powell Source: Hening, Vol. 8. HALIFAX COUNTY, 1760. Geo. Boyd, Lieut. Source: Hening. Vol. 8. HALIFAX COUNTY, 1763. Robt. Wade, Capt. Peter Rogers, Lieut. James Lyon, Ensign John Link, Sergt. Henry Strugs, Sergt. John Dean Stephen Terry Rich. Murfey Joshua Jones Jonathan Jones John Bently Wm. Follas Wm. Bell Rich. Condron John Dyer Elias Brock Jacob Shepard David Boiling Berton Link Source: Hening, Vol. 8. John Login Thos. Hicks Wm. Falling John Hampton Rich. Griffin, Jr. John Smith James Symms Abram Whitter EHsha Pierce Edward Cason Larkin Cason John Jennings John Salmon James Page Bryan Nowling Frederick Edwards Edward Morgan Jacob Bouyiis Wm. Robinson Wm. Rosebury John Ray Joshua Smith John Goff Frederick Farmer David Hamby Jonathan Hamby Rich. Turner KING AND QUEEN COUNTY, 1757. John Richards Source: Hening, Vol.8. LOUDOUN COUNTY, 1757. Stephen Thatcher Thomas Bond Source: Hening, Vol.8. LOUDOUN COUNTY, 1763. Capt. Moss Lieut. Gore Source: Hening, Vol.8. LUNENBURG COUNTY, 1758. Bryan Lester Source: Hening, Vol. 8. NORFOLK COUNTY, 1758. Henry Darnell Source: Hening, Vol. 8. PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY, 1763. Wm. Bay lis Source: Hening, Vol. 8. Lord Dunmore's War, 1774. Muster rolls of companies defending the frontier. A list of Captain Daniel Smith's Company of Fincastle Militia. Daniel Smith, Captain John Kinckeid, Ensign William Bowen, Lieut. David Ward, Ensign Privates. Drury Pricket (Pucket) James Kendrick Joseph Home James Scott James Price Saml. Dollarhide Christian Bergman David Kingkeid, Jr. William Neale Robert Donalson Source: Draper MSS. Thomas Mullin Alden Williams Charles Robert Brown James Smith Archelaus Scott Joseph Olverson Samuel Vanhook (Undated I^ist, 4XX61). Burton Litton Benj. Jones Robert Griffin Thomas Price Richard Price Wm. McFarland John Courtney List of men contd. in a letter of Michael Woods to Col. William Preston. Joseph Inglish William Cliften James Williams Henry Walker Richard Woods Charles Atkins Samuel Camble Squire Gatleph Richard Herd George Scott Francis Rowan Source: Draper MSS. Robert Wiley, Snr. Thomas Wiley Samuel Astle William Lesey Jeremiah Cary Joshua Inglish Andrew Woods Adam Clendenin Adam Woods Henry Atkins Michael Woods (3QQ30). Wm. Cavanough, Snr. John Umphres John Nicklas George Sobe Peter Dingos Robert Wiley, Jnr. Thomas Haket Ishmall Babit Henry Oharron List of men contd. in a letter from Thomas Burk to Col. Preston, ye 30, 1774. Philip Martin George Martin, Jnr. George Fry, Jnr. Thomas Hale May Henry Librough Edward Hale John Lucas Charles Lucas, Jnr William Lucas Christy Martin Willinton Adkins Source: Draper MSS. (3QQ3*)- A list of Robert Doack's Company of Militia, June 2, 1774. John Stephens, Lieut. William Meek, Serjeant Andrew Thompson, Ensign William Doack, Ensign William Ward, Serjeant James Downy, Serjeant David Doack, Jnr. John Pierce Samuel E wing 79 8o VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA John Stephens Adam Walker Samuel Doack John Williams John Nowell Jacob Kinder Andrew Bronstetter Thomas Bell Moses Moor John Gilihan Martin Staily Christly Weaver John Bunshell Henry Waggoner Michael Grigger Nicholas Cloyne Patrick Johnston Charles Fullen Duncan Gullion Jacob Kinsor Michael Kinsor John King William Campbell Bezaleel Maxwell David Maxwell John Henderson Francis Catron John Downy Thomas Mead Arnold Shell Moses Gordon Samuel Moor George Kinder Hugh Robinson Peter Kinder Jacob Dobler Samuel Handly Source: Draper MSS. Michael Weaver John Messer smith Barnet Messersmith Henry Waggoner, Jnr. Peter Grigger Campbell Baily Barny Gullion John Gullion Jacob Catron Walter Kinsor William King Samuel Campbell John Maxwell Robert Stephenson William Litz Frederick Rap Jacob Catron Adam Catron Philip Catron Peter Hedrick John Cattes George Wambler Frederick Moor Jacob Hamilton Thomas Hamilton George Carr William Carr Roger Cats John Crawford John Irvine William Litz James Douglass Thomas Rodgers John Lesly George Vaut James Mitchell Philip Dutton (3QQ34). Alexander Bwing, Jr. Archibald Reagh Samuel Paxton Robert Miller George Henly Andrew Vaut Jacob Blesly John Adams Peter Catron Michael Staffy Michael Walter Mitchael Wambler Adam Boh Isaiah Hamilton Francis Hamilton Michael Catron James Carr Ben Rutherford John Vails John Diver Robert Stephenson George Douglass James Rodgers Daniel Henderson Samuel Henderson Thomas Mitchell John Nuland Alexander Ewing William Ewing John Reagh Paddy Saint Lorrance Robert Porter William Henly Christly Vaut John Carr John Blesly Fragment of Muster Roll of Capt. Wm. Campbell's Company. July, 1774. Philemon Higgins Joseph Newberry Stephen Hopton John Lewis William Hopton John Neil Richard Lyhnam John Boles Benjamin Richardson John Johnston Richard Woolsey Audlin Williamson Conrad Sterns William Richardson William Champ Source: Draper MSS. (3QQ63). A list of men in Capt. Daniel Smith's Company, 13 Aug., 1774. The following list of garrisons in the border forts is found in two docu- ments, which have been combined into one. " E. G." indicates Elk Garden; "M. S.," Maiden Spring; " W.," Whitton's Crab Orchard Fort. The first five men on the list were discharged Nov. 18th, after ninety-eight days' service. LORD DUNMORE'S WAR, 1 774 8 1 At the Elk Garden Fort. Robert Brown, Sergeant, found bread 15 days, M. S. till 23d, then W. John Lewis, listed 13th Aug. E. G. Ericus Smith, E. G. Found bread till 29th Aug. James Laughlin, E. G. " " " " William Priest, E. G. " " " " " Robert Breeze, E. G. " " " " " Benjamin Jones, E. G. Discharged 29th Aug. Samuel Priest, E. G. Discharged 29th Aug. He found bread. Thomas Jones, W. He found bread. Listed 14th; discharged 29th. Thomas Price, E. G. Found bread. Thomas Donelson, E. G. Found bread. Robert Donelson, E. G. Found bread. Richard Breeze, W. Listed 17th; discharged 29th. Thomas Brumly, M. S. James Rogers, M. S. Listed 22nd; discharged 29th. David Priest, E. G. Found bread. Henry Manadue, E. G. Found bread. James Anderson, E. G. Listed 23d; discharged 29th. Found bread.. Richard Price, E. G. Listed 23rd; discharged 29th. Found bread. John Kingkeid, E. G. Listed 14th Aug. Found bread. David Kingkeid, E. G. Listed 14th Aug. Found bread. The 29th Aug. all the above men except the first five were discharged. Mr. John Kingkeid was then appointed their Sergeant the 12th Sept. He took into pay: James Anderson Henry Manadue Richard Price Ben Jones Robert Brown, 2d Sept. David Kingkeid David Priest Robert Donelson Thomas Donelson Samuel Priest Thomas Price At the Glade Hollow Fort. Ensign Hendly Moore Mr. John Dunkin, Sergeant James McCarty "1 Archibald Scott | James Price } Listed 29th Aug. Drury Pricket | Jeremiah Able J James Scott "1 Isaac Crisman William Ferrill } Listed 19th Sept. Richard Thompson | Francis Cooper J William Pharis, 29th Aug. , discharged 25th Oct. W. Solomon Litton James Coyle "1 William Wilmoth \ 29th Sept. Joseph Horn J Richard Byrd 82 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA Abraham Cooper, Oct. 29-Nov. 18. Archibald Woods, Oct. 31-Nov. 18. William Bustar, Nov. 6-Nov. 18. Editor's Note.— The last three names are found in the second list only. They apparently enlisted after returning from the Point Pleasant expedition. At the riaiden Springs Station, 26th Aug., 1774. Mr. Robert Brown, Sergeant till 23rd Sept., then Joseph Cravens. Henry Willis. Joseph Cravens. James M'Clehany, discharged 19th Oct. 55 days. James Cravens. John Jameson, listed 29th Aug. ; discharged 19th Oct. 53 days. James Rogers. Thomas Brumly, listed 22nd Aug. ; discharged 19th Oct. 60 days. Andw. Lammy, listed 16th Aug. ; 4th Sept. Saml. Fowler came in his room. John Flintham, listed 14th Aug. ; discharged 19th Oct. 68 days. James Douglas, M. S. John Newland, W. "] Samuel Paxton, W. } Listed Sept. 14th, discharged 22nd. 8 days. Philip Dutton, W. j John Cravens, M. S., 23rd Sept. Rees Bowen, Aug. 26-Sept. 2. David Ward, Aug. 26-Sept. 2. Robert Cravens, Nov. ist-Nov. 18th. At the Upper Station. Mr. John Campbell, Ensign. Isaac Spratt, Sergeant, listed 15th Aug. George Dohorty, listed 15th Aug.; 25th Sept. went away without leave. Andrew Steel, listed 15th Aug. ; Oct. 18th discharged. 64 days. John Hambleton, listed 15th Aug.; discharged 18th Oct. 64 days. Alexander Grant, listed 15th Aug. ; deserted 8th Sept. David Bustar, listed 29th Aug. William Thompson, listed 29th Aug. Edward Sharp, 7th Sept. listed; discharged 21st. 14 days. Michael Glaves, 6th Sept. Went away without leave 7th Oct. James Fullen, 5th Sept. ; discharged 21st. 16 days. James Edwards, 5th Sept. Went away without leave 30th Sept. John Williams, 7th Sept. ; discharged 16th. 9 days. Thomas Potter, 5th Sept. Went away without leave 7th Oct. Came back. Levi Bishop, 8th Sept. ; 22nd Sept. Robert Moffet, 8th Sept. Alexander Henderson, 15th Sept. Went away 12th Oct. Francis Hambleton, 15th Sept. Went out without leave 25th Sept. Came back. John Crafford, 15th Sept.; discharged 24th. 10 days. Isaiah Hambleton, 15th Sept. ; 22nd Sept. went away without leave. Benjamin Rediford, 15th Sept. ; 26th, went away, came back Oct. 1st. Andrew Branstead, 15th Sept.; 26th, went away, came back Oct. 1st. LORD DUNMORE'S WAR, 1 774 «3 James Mitchell, 15th Sept.; 26th, went away, came back Oct. 1st. Rowland Williams, 15th Sept. Mr. Thomas Whitten, Senr., appointed Sergeant 26th Sept. Thomas Whitten, Jnr., Oct. 1st. John Grinup, Oct. 1st. Francis Hynes, Oct. 1st. Samuel Doack, listed Oct. 1st, went away 12th Oct. Thos. Rogers, listed Oct. 1st, went away 12th Oct. John Lashly, listed Oct. 1st, went away 12th Oct. William King, Oct. 1st Thos. Meads, Oct. 1st. Jacob Kindar, Oct. 1st. Daniel Henderson, Oct. 10th. Peter Kindar, Oct. 10th. Jonathan Edwards, in his brother's room, 6th Oct. Christian Bergman, 5th Oct. Michael Razor, 24th Oct. Jeremiah Whitton, 27th Oct. Aug. 1 2th. 10 days. June nth. Scouts. William Bowan, James Fowler. Thomas Maxwell, Rees Bowan. David Ward. John Kingkeid, 17 days. William Priest, 7 days. John Sharp, 10 days. William Crabtree. Samuel Hays. Robert Davis, 15 days of his time to go to Robt. Moffet. At Elk Garden, 1 Sergeant, 15 men. Fort Christian, 1 Ensign, 1 Sergeant, 15 men. Maiden Springs, Brown and Cravens and 12 men. Whittons, 1 Ensign, Spratt and Whitten and 44 men. Source: Draper MSS. (5XX2; 6XX106). A list of Capt. William Nalle's Company of Volunteers from Augusta County. September, 10th day, 1774. William Nalle, Captain Jacob Pence, Ensign Martain Nalle, Lieut. William Feavil Moses Smith Israel Meader John Grigsby Zacarias Lee Benjamin Petty Bruten Smith William Spicer Charles Brown William Bush, Sergeant Barnod Crafford, Sergeant John Bush, Sergeant Henry Miner James Washbun Sefniah Lee James Alexander Mecagh Smith Joseph Roay John Deek John Pright John Williams John Owler James Selby James Miller Abraham Rue John Chism John Null Henry Cook Shadrick Butler Thomas Brook (Confined) 8 4 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA George Rucker William Scails Yenty Jackson George Fuls George Harmon Adam Hansburger John Breden Source: Draper MSS. Robert Rains Steven Washburn Henry Owler Richard Welsh John Goodall Michael Gurden James Todd (2ZZ30). Chesly Rogers Zacarias Plunkepel William Smith John Fry Joseph Butler James Reary Jacob Null A list of John Murray's Company of Volunteers from Botetourt. September 10th, 1774. John Murray, Captain Samuel Wallace, Lieut. William Taylor, Sergeant John Larken, Sergeant Wm. McKee, Lieut. Adam Wallace, Ensign Moses Coiler, Sergeant John Simpson, Sergeant Barney Boyls, Sergeant Hugh Logan James Arnold Stephen Arnold William Moor John Nelson John Sedberry William McCorkle George Milwood Andrew Evins Joseph McBride Thomas Nail John Lapsly James Walker Ezekiel Kennedy John Jones John Moor William Simpson Thomas McClure John McClure Peter Kasheday Robert Wallace Thomas Peary John Grigs George Cummins John Eager Hugh Logan James Neely Peter Higans William Bradly William Brown *Johh BarkTy"" Isaac Trimble William Johns James Bambrige John Gilmor James Hall James Crawley Daniel Blair Thomas Burny Daniel Simkins William Lyons James Simkins Nicholas Mooney Solomon Brundige Stephen Harris Daniel Fullin David Wallace Moses Whitby James Gilmor James Cunningham John Kelsey Hugh Moor Joseph Gibson William Cochran James Logan John Logan Thomas Hedden Prisley Gill John Coiler Johnathan Watson William Neely John Milican William Connor John McGee James McCalister Andrew Wallace Peter McNeil Andrew Alden John Murray Source: Draper MSS. (2ZZ32.33). A Roll of Capt. Philip Love's Company of Volunteers. There are two lists of the company of Capt. Philip Love. The second, dated Oct. 7th, contains but one additional name — James Neeley, Cadet. Sept. 10th, 1774. Phi. Love, Capt. John Mills, Ensign Francis McElhaney, Quarter M. S. James Alexander, Sergeant Robert Owen Thomas Welch Sam. Andrews Thos. Welch, Jnr. William Scott Patrick Conner Daniel McNiell, Lieut. Wm. Ewing, Sergt. Major Sieltor Taylor, Sergeant John Craford, Sergeant John Buchanan Charles Davis, Batman Wm. Franklin LORD DUNMORE'S WAR, I774 85 Sam. Mt. Gumry (Montgomery) William Teasy John Dodd Thos. Perce Thos. Armstrong John Dunn Charles Byrne Thomas Gilberts Abraham Demonse Will Hooper Sam Savage Joseph Pain Will Armstrong Daniel McDonald James Simson Thomas Brown James Neeley Abraham Moon, Batman to Colo. Lewis George Craig, Batman to Colo. Lewis Richd. Willson, Carpenter Robt. Smith, Batman James Franklin Wm. Hanson James McDonald Richard Collins James M. Guillin John McGinness Griffin Harriss John Jones, Cadet John Markes John Robinson, Batman John Todd, Cadet Daniel Ormsbey, Batman Source: Draper MSS. (2ZZ32,33). A list of Capt. John Lewis' Company of Volunteers from Botetourt. The Draper MSS. contains two lists of this company. The difference is in the last seven names, which have been transferred from the second list, while the alternative spelling of names is derived from the same source. John Henderson, Lieut. Robert Alliet (Eliott) Ins. Samuel Glass, Sergeant William Bryans, Sergeant Peter Huff, Sergeant William Wilson, Sergeant Samuel Kstil, Sergeant John Donally, Fife Thomas Alsbury, Drum Privates. John Swoop Alexander Kelley Edward Egins James Ellison John Deniston James Stuart John Savage Christopher Welsh James Crawley (Croley) James Dulin Isaac Fisher Peter Ellenburgh Andrew Kissinger Samuel Barton William Clifton Joseph Love Leonard Huff Samuel Croley William Isum Isaac Taylor Martin Carney Peter Hendrix John Hundley Thomas Huff Thomas Edger Molastin Peregin James McNitt Nathan Farmer John Carpender Adam Caperton Mathew Creed James Charlton Mathew Polug Thomas Kanady (Canady) William Jones Richard Packwood John Arthur William Robison Samuel Huff Edward Wilson Robert Boyd John Reburn 2nd List. Matt. Jewitt William Man William Boniface Adman Cornwell Henry Boyer Robert Davis Source: Draper MSS. (2ZZ27, 28). Isaac Nickels Philip Hammon James Burtchfield Solomon White Thomas Carpender Solomon Carpender Jeremiah Carpender David Cook John Boughman Jacob Boughman Robert Bowles James Burnsides Dennis Nail Henry Howard Walter Holwell Samuel Burcks Gabriel Smithers Thomas Burnes Hugh Caperton Mathias Kisinger 86 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA A list of Capt. Buford's Company of Volunteers from Bedford Co. Thomas Dooley, Lieut. Jonathan Cundiff, Ensign Nicholas Mead, Sergeant Wm. Kenedy, Sergeant John Fields, Sergeant Thomas Fliping, Sergeant Abraham Sharp on Comd. Absalom McClanahan on Comd. William Bryant Wm. McColister James Scarbara John McClanahan James McBride John Carter William Overstreet Robert Hill Samuel Davis Zachariah Kennot Augustine Hackworth William Cook Uriah Squires Thomas Hall Source: William Hamrick Nathaniel Cooper John Cook Mr. Waugh, cadet John McGlahlen John Campbell William Campbell Adam Lin Thomas Stephens William Keer Gerrott Kelley James Ard William Deal John Bozel John Welch Draper MSS. (2ZZ36). Thomas Hamrick James Boyd James Dale Robert Ewing Francis Seed William Hackworth John Roberts Joseph White Joseph Bunch Jacob Dooley Thomas Owen John Read John Wood, cow driving Robert Boyd Captain Stewart's Company. Charles O'Haara, Sergeant Skidr. Harriman, Sergeant (From torn MS. in his own writing). James Donaley, Sergeant Daniel Workman Samuel Williams Wm. O'Harra Robert O'Harra James Paulley James Clarke John Pauley Arch. McDowell Wm. Hogan Andrew Gardner Qeavy Lockhart Samuel Sullivan Thomas Fargison John McCandless Thomas Gillespy Henry Lawrance John Crain William Dyer Edward Smith John Harris Joseph Current Wm. Clindinning Spencer Cooper Daniel Taylor Joseph Day, on Comd. Jacob Lockhart, on Comd. George Clinding John Burke Charles Keeneson William Ewing John Doherty John McNeal Joseph Campbell Source: Draper MSS. (2ZZ40). A list of Capt. Robert McClenachan's Company of Volunteers from Bote- tourt. William McCoy, Lieut. Matthew Bracken, Ensign Thomas Williams, Sergeant William Craig, Sergeant Samuel Clark, Sergeant William Jones, Drum John Harmon James Kinkaid George Kinkaid David Cutlip James Morrow, Senr. James Morrow James Gilkeson Even Evens William Stewart Edward Thomas Patrick Constantine William Custer Lewis Homes William Hutchisen Edward Barret John Williams Richard Williams James Burrens John Patten Thomas Ellias Charles Howard James Guffy Thomas Cooper William McCaslen John Cunningham Francis Boogs John Vaun Source: Draper MSS. (2ZZ39.) LORD DUNMORE'S WAR, 1 774 87 Capt. Pauling's list of Botetourt troops. Henry Pauling, Capt. Samuel Baker, Ensign Robert Findley, Sergeant Robert Watkins Philip Hanee James Dehority William Thompson William Holley Joel Doss William Ray Dangerfield Harmon Stephen Holston James Wilson Dudley Callaway, canoe David Bellew, canoe Andrew Rodgers Robert Ferrill Andrew Harrison George Simmerman Edward Gouldman, Lieut. Obediah H. Treat, Sergeant James Woods, Sergeant Thomas Wils6n Alexr. Culwell on Comd. William Gilliss Edward Ross Matthew Ratliff William Glass John Fitzhugh William Canaday John Clerk John Frazer George Davis Thomas Mecrary Richd. Rollens Mical Luney John Gibson Charles Ellison John Aggnue James Donoho Thomas Reid Joseph Whitticor Isham Fienquay, canoe David Condon, canoe Richard Remaster James King John Hutson William Macalister Jeremiah Jenkins Edward Carther Martin Baker James Lyn Source: Draper MSS. (2ZZ41). A list of Capt. Evan Shelby's Company of Volunteers from Fincastle. The original list is in Capt. Evan Shelby's own handwriting. The names of the officers as far as known were, Isaac Shelby, Lieut. ; James Robertson and Valentine Sevier, Sergeants. 1 Capt. 1 Lieut. 1 Ensign 4 Sergeants 4 Canoe Men 1 on Com. James Shelby John Say ers John Findley Henry Shaw Daniel Mungle John Williams John Carmack Andrew Terrence George Brooks Isaac Newland Abraham Newland George Ruddle Emanuel Shoatt Abram Bogard Peter Torney William Tucker John Fain Saml. Vance Saml. Fain Saml. Hensley Saml. Samples Arthur Blackburn Robert Herrill Geo. Armstrong William Casey Mark Williams John Stewart (wounded; Conrad Nave Richard Burck John Riley Elijah Robison Rees Price Richard Holliway Jarrett Williams Julias Robison Charles Fielder Benj. Grayum Andrew Goff Hugh Ogullion Barnett Ogullion Patrick St. Lawrence Jos. Hughey John Bradley Basilael Maxwell E. Shelby. Total, 45 privates, including six of Captain Herbert's men from Fincastle. 7 0ctr., 1774. Source: Draper MSS. (2ZZ37, 38). 88 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA Return of troops camped Willam Fleming. List of Wounded Men now Capt. Shelby's Company. John Stuart Reece Price John Cormick Capt. Russell's Company. John Basdel William Prince Capt. Campbell's Company. Thomas Baker Capt. Arbuckle's Company. John McMullin David Glascum John Freeland William Morris Source: Draper MSS. (2ZZ35). at Point Pleasant under command oi Colonel on my List. Octr. 23, 1774. Capt. Lewis's Company. Thos. Hoof (Huff) Thomas Carpenter Capt. Love's Company. James Alexander William Franklin Capt. McKee's Company. Stephen Arnold Capt. Stuart's Company. Charles Kinson Thomas Fourgeson Major Robertson's Company. Henry Bowyer Capt. Herbert's Company. James Newell Capt. James Harrod's Party, 1774. The men in the following list were the pioneers of Harrod's Kentucky settlement. Twenty-two of their number enlisted under Harrod and joined Col. Christian's division of Fincastle troops that arrived at Point Pleasant after the battle. Patrick Doran James Sanders Davis Glenn James Wiley John Shelp James Davis Elijah Harlan William Crow William Myres Jared Cowan John Crow James Harrod Azariah Davis Arthur Campbell William Campbell John Cowan William Fields William Martin David Williams James Kerr Silas Harlan Joseph Blackford Abraham Chapline Henry Hogan John Smith James Brown Azariah Reese Martin Stull William Garrett John Clark William Venable Source: Draper MSS. from the McAfee Papers. (i4j, 128). PARTIAL LIST OF THE OFFICERS KILLED AND WOUNDED AT THE BATTLE OF POINT PLEASANT, OCT. 10, 1774. Field Officers Killed. Col. Jno. Field. Field Officers Wounded. Col. Charles Lewis Col. Wm. Fleming. John Murray Saml. Wilson Thos. Buford John Dickison Captains Killed. Robt. McClenahan Charles Ward Captains Wounded. John Skidmore Lieut. Hugh Allen Ensign Matt. Brakin Lieut. Lard Lieut. Vance LORD DUNMORE'S WAR, 1774 Subalterns Killed. Ensign Cundiff Subalterns Wounded. Lieut. Golman Lieut. James Robison 89 Source: Niles Weekly Register, Vol, 12, p. 145. PARTIAL LIST OF OFFICERS AND MEN AT THE BATTLE OF POINT PLEASANT, Oct. 10, 1774. (K— Killed). Andrew Lewis, Brig.-General, Commanding. Colonels. Charles Lewis (K) Wm. Christian William Fleming John Field (K) Captains. Matt. Arbuckle Love James Robertson Thos. Buford Wm. McKee Wm. Russell Jno. Draper Robert McClanahan ( K) John Stewart John Dickinson Saml. McDowell Evan Shelby James Harrod Wm. Christian Wm. Shelby Herbert John Field (K) Slaughter Joseph Haynes Alex. McClanahan I. Skidmore Benj. Harrison Geo. Matthews Dan'l. Smith John Lewis John Murray (K) James Ward John Lewis 2nd Wm. Paul Sam'l Wilson Lockridge Paulin Lieutenants. Hugh Allen (K) Thos. Ingles Tate John Draper Lard Vance Goldman Robinson John Henderson Isaac Shelby Ensigns. Bracken (K) Cantiff (K) Privates. Wm. Arbuckle Simon Gerty Robinson Jno. Arbuckle Ellis Hughes Alex. Reed Blair Philip Hammond Jno. Steele Clay (K) Hickman (K) Trotter Coward Saml. Lewis James Trimble Wm. Campbell Thomas Lewis John Van Bibber Jno. Campbell Simon Kenton Peter Van Bibber 90 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA Chas. Clendenin Robert Clendenin Leonard Cooper Wm. Eastham Thomas Posey Jacob Warrick John Frog (K) Sam'l McCullock Wm. Moore Walter Newman John Pry or Commissary=General< Butcher. Sutler. James Welch Bazatell Wells Source: West Va. Hist. Mag., Vol. 2, p. 30. Augusta County Militia in 1742. Company No. 1 James Pattern, Col. John Smith, Capt. John Moffit, Lieut. Sam. Hogshead John Hogshead Will Hogshead Dan McAnear Math. Edmestan John Finley Walter Trimble John Francis Rob Ralston John Young Alex. Blair Alex. Craig Thos. Gillespy And. Erwing Benj. Erwine John Erwine Edw. Erwine John Buchanan, Capt. Will Evins, Lieut. Joseph Kanada Jams. Cooke Chas. Donooho Solo. Moffot Jas. Sunderlin Will. Sayers John Dyche Rob. Cotton Chas. Camble Sam. Walker Alex. Walker Joh. Walker Joseph Walker Cha. Hays Will Anderson, Ensign Dan Danniston, Serj. John Trimble Jas. Trimble Rob. Moffet Jas. Wright John Anderson Rob. King Rob. Poage Jas. Armstrong Rob. Patterson John Pattison Jas. Craford Jas. Lesley Will Barkins Felix Kanady Thos. Gordon And. Mitchel Jas. Robertson Company No. 2. Gabl. Pickins Rob. Leeper Sam. Moore John Miller Jas. Miller Patr. Quine Mat. Armstrong John Ramsey Dan. Danniston Sam. Northward Rob. Renick John Archer Sampson Archer James Sayers Thos. McCulough Geo. Anderson Jos. Cotton, Ensign John Mitchel, Serj. Jab. Anderson Joh. Anderson Jams. Anderson Isaac Anderson And. Hays John McCroseree Will. Buchanan Edw. Boyle Will. Humphrey Rich. Courser Sam. Dunlap Will. Louchrage Rob. Dunlap Jams. Ecken Will. Mitchell Natha. Evins John Stephenson Jas. Eken Jas. Greeblee John Paul Mat. Lyle Joh. Gray Ths. McSpedan Joh. Mathews Will. Armstrong Rob. Huddon Will. Hall Sam. Gray 9i 9 2 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA And. Martin John Edmoston Jas. Robinson Ths. Duchart Will. Quin Thos. Williams James Cathey, Capt. John Given John Case Andr. Carl .^VilLBrown David Logan John Case Sam. Case Thos. Stephenson David Stephenson John McClewer Joseph Hanna John Frame John King Hugh Camble John Christian, Capt. Wm. Christian, Lieut. John Holms Josep Reed Finley McClewer Georg. Camble Georg. Caldwell Wm. Caldwell Alex. Thompson Jas. Caldwell Isaac McCulough Jas. Armstrong Wm. Armstrong Thos. Henderson Wm. Henderson Rob. Conigham Wm. Conigham Thos. Black Wm. Johnston Joh. Davison And. Cowin Jas. Moody Jas. Willson Niol. Leeper J no. Turk Wm. Adams Will. McCoutes John Moor Will. Moor David Moor Alex. Moor And. Moor Company No. 3. Robert Joweter Michel Dickey Rob. Brown Nichol Leeper Rob. McDowel Sam Hues Wm. Hains Rob. Craig James Allan Wm. Monson James Chambers Wm. Johnston Sam. Givens James Givens Thos. Lander Isaac Taylor Michel O'Docherty Sam. McClewer Natha. McClewer John Philipmayer David Nelson Archibel Hamilton Rob. Koney James Fowler Edw. Givens James Case Georg. Anderson Nathan Underwood Georg. Anderson James Scot Andr. Cathey Fracs. Raley John McCown Company No. 4. Fran. Betty, Ensign David Mitchel Rob. Ramsay Georg. Breackinred J no. Mitchel Jno. Doake Sam. Doake Patt. Hayes And. Boyd Jas. Fulton John Fulton John Brownlee Chas. Camble Jas. Camble Will. Camble Jno. Buchanan Nathan McClewer Jas. Robinson Antho. Black Will. Lang Thos. Bell Jas. Bell Jno. Black Jas. Black Wm. Robinson John Robinson Thos. Shields Alx. Fordice And. McCord Jas. Beans Thos. Beans Anth. Hamilton David Steel Rob. Alexander And. Scot Morris Thompson John Maxwell Ths. Lewis Pat. Barney Alex. Brackinredg Rob. Brackinredg Jas. Brackinridg McCoulough Jas. Miller Rob. McClenachon John Thompson And. Russel Rand McDonel Hug. Martin AUGUSTA COUNTY, 1 742 93 Peter Showll, Capt. And. Burd, Lieut. Abram Harden John Hill Johnath. Burley John Harison Georg. Clemens Wm. Halimes Benj. Haws Zebulan Harrison John Harrison Jno. Davis J no. Taylor Thos. Lawker Joseph Burley James Gill, Capt. Wm. Sharrell Rans. Harding Wm. Willing John Johnson John Wilkins Georg. Furbush Barnaber McHenery Rich. Dictum Cornleus Dan. Murley Nicol. Cain Nicola. Brock Henry Brock Martin Shoemaker John Wilson, Capt. Sam McCallhison Nathan Luck John Shields John Green John Patterson Georg. Davidson Jno. Hunter Wm. Hunter J as. Hunter Jno. Rusk Jas. Clark Wm. Vance Rob. Crocket John Trumble Wm. King Company No. 5. Math. Skeens, Ensign Griffiths Thomas Wm. White John White Isaac Lotos Adam Sherral Wm. Sherral Rob. Caldwal Volante Severe John Miller John Cumberland Will. Briges Jacob Jacobs Wm. Carrel Company No. 6. John Dobin, Jno. Fisher John Hawlain Ths. Wilkins And. Holman Joseph Harding Georg. Legler John Ryal Joseph Dunham Abram Dunklederey Timothy Taylor Riley Moor Georg. Willes Fradrich Brock Company No. 7. Morace Offral Sa. Walace Rob. Davies John Spear Jno. Brown Thos. Peery Wm. McClantok Alex. McCorrel Wm. Johnston Rob. Young Jno. Young Jas. Young Hugh Young Jacob Lockard Ths. Kirkpatrick Patt. Cook Thos. Moor John Hodg Stephanes Harworth Absolum Harworth Jas. Harworth John Harworth John Reeson Steph. Howard Absolum Howard Joseph Howard John Benson Lieut Sam. Brown J oKn "McClai r n John Cumberland Wm. Sharrle, Sr. Wm. Sharrle, Jr. Sam Beason James Spencer Wm. Pricket Wm. Hall Wm. McClain Michel Brock Thos. West Wm. Sanies David Camble Jas. Lockard Kno. McCutcheon Wm. McCutcheon Jas. McCutcheon Rob. McCutcheon Alex. Crocket Wm. Camble Nathaniel Davis James Philip Jno. Barkley Jas. Luck Jas. Tramble Benj. Walker Wm. Leadgerwood 94 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA George Robinson, Capt. Jas. McFeron, Lieut. Dan. Mananghan Mark Eval Peter Ranfro Georg. Draper Rob. Roland Edm. Smith Fran. Kelly And. Gaughagall Henry Stiles Hen. Philip Ths. Looney Rob. Looney Dan. Looney Adm. Looney Mark Joans John McDowel, Capt. Jas. McDowel Ephe. McDowel David Dreden Alex. McClewr Jono. McClewr Holbert McClewr Sam. McRoberts Thos. Taylor Jno. McKnab And. McKnab Thos. Whiteside Jno. Aleson David Bires Alex. McClure Jno. Gray Company No. 8. Pat. Shirky, Jas. Ranfro, Jno. Smith Jno. Askins Hugh Caruthers Jno. Flower Wm. Bradshay Jas. Coal Jno. Coal Bryan Cass Wm. Craven Cornel. Dougherty Simon Acres Wm. Acres Nicol. Horsford Josh. Tasker Mealore Company No. 9. Moses McClure Patt. McKnab Jno. Cosier Wm. Hall Erwin Patterson Edw. Patterson Jno. Miles Jos. Finey Jas. Harderman Chas. Quail Sam. Wood Wm. Wood Rich. Wood Hen. Hirkam Josp. Lapsley Gilbert Camble Ensign Serj. Hen. Brown Sam. Brown Jas. Burk Wm. Bean Evins Sam. Martin Peter Kinder Stevan Evens Peter Watkins Stephen Ranfro Benj. Davis Wm. Clark Wm. Sheperd Benj. Dearon Jas. Camble Rob. Young Math. Young Long Jas. More Hugh Cuningham Jas. Cuningham Jno. Cares Fran. McCowen Hum. Beaker Jno. Peter Paley Mich. Miller Loromor Mason Jno. Mathews Source: Draper MSS., Hist. Soc. of Wisconsin. Miscellaneous County Rosters. niLITIA OFFICERS CHARLES CITY COUNTY. Sept. 17, 1655. Col. Edwd. Hill Capt. Daniel Peibles Lieut. -Col. Walter Aston Capt. Wm. Harris Capt. Richard Tye Capt. Danl. Lewellin July 2, 1661. Col Abraham Wood Capt. Edward Hill Lieut. -Col. Thos. Drewe Capt. Francis Gray Major Miller Harris Capt. Thos. Stegge, Capt. John Epes Commander of Horse. Source: Order Book. COUNTY MILITIA.-RANGERS. James City, Jan. 13, 1692. Giles Webb, Lieut. John Taliaferro, Lieut. Thomas Smith, Lieut. David Straughan, Lieut. Source: Va. State Papers, Vol.1, p. 32. LANCASTER COUNTY MILITIA, 1656 Att a court helde at James Cittie the 13th of December, 1656. Colonel, John Carter Major, Tho. Bries Lieut. -Colonel, Hen. Fleete Source: Va. Mag., Vol. 8, p. 177. RETURN OF FIELD OFFICERS FOR ELIZABETH CITY CO. November 22, 1752. John Hunter, Col. Cary Selden, Capt. John Tabb, Major of Horse Chas. King, Capt. Robt. Armistead, Major of Foot Westwood Armistead, Capt. Source: Va. State Papers, V. I, p. 247. LIST OF OFFICERS IN ESSEX COUNTY. April 9, 1753. John Corbin, Col. of Militia Fran. Smith, Major of Horse Thos. Waring, Col. of Horse Wm. Roan, Major of Foot Wm. Dangerfield, Col. of Foot 95 96 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA Captains. Forest Upshaw Fra. Waring Wm. Garnett James Jones Rich. Tyler Saml. Hipkins Wm. Covington Thos. Edmundson Simon Miller Source: Va. State Papers, Vol. I, p. 247. FAUQUIER COUNTY. May 24, 1759. Joseph Blackwell. Sheriff; Henry Churchill, Esq., Co. Lieutenant. Aug. 23, 1759. William Blackwell, Colonel; William Eustace, Major. Sept. 27, 1759. John Bell, Colonel; Elias Edmonds, William Wright, Armistead Churchill, John James, Augustine Jennings, Thomas McClanahan and Robert Ashby, Captains. March 27, 1760. Simon Miller, Captain; George Bennet, Thomas Watts, William Howell, James Foley, Lieutenants. June 27, 1760. William Little, Captain. Oct. 23, 1760. Howson Kenner, Captain ; James Seaton, Lieutenant. Nov. 28, 1760. Henry Mauzy, Lieutenant. April 23, 1 761. Thomas Harrison, County Lieutenant ; John Bell, Colonel; William Eustace, Major. May 28, 1761. John Bell, Sheriff. June 26, 1761. William Blackwell, Colonel ; John James, Robert Ashby, Captains. July 23, 1 761. George Kenner, Thomas McClanahan, Augustine Jennings, Captains ; Jacob Rector, Ensign. July 23, 1 761. William Little, Captain ; Henry Mauzy, Lieutenant ; Peter Kampser, Ensign. Aug. 27, 1761. Thomas Marshall, James Scott, Captains ; James Seaton, William Conway, Lieutenants; Original Young, Burdit Clifton, Ensigns. Sept. 24, 1761. Nimrod Ashby, Captain. Nov. 26, 1 761. Simon Miller, Captain; George Bennit, Lieutenant; James Foley, Thomas Garner, Ensigns. March 25, 1762. Martin Pickett, Bailey Johnson, Lieutenants ; William Norris, Timothy Stamps, William Neavil, Ensigns. May 27, 1762. Howson Kenner, Major. June 25, 1762. James Seaton, Captain. May 26, 1763. William Grant, Esq., Sheriff. Sept. 22, 1763. John Gibson, Captain ; Peter Grant, Thomas Raley, Lieutenants. Sept. 27, 1764. James Bell, Captain. Nov. 24, 1766. John Moffett, Captain. July 28, 1767. Charles Morehead, Captain ; John Chilton, Lieutenant. March 26, 1770. Augustine Jennings, Major. April 23, 1770. William Eustace, Colonel ; Thomas Helm, Captain. May 28, 1770. Paul Williams, Lieutenant. Oct. 22, 1770. John Ashby, Jr., Captain. May 24, 1773. Nicholas George, Captain; Richard Covington, Lieutenant. ^ ource : Order Books. MISCELLANEOUS COUNTY ROSTERS 97 Joseph Hollsclaw John Hitt Alex. Jeffries Joseph Hitt Stephen Bailey, Patrowler Thos. Jackman, Jnr. FAUQUIER COUNTY Roster of Captain Wm. Edmond's company of Virginia troops in the French and Indian war, 1761. Martin Pickett, Lieut. Wm. Ransdale Wm. Norris, Ensign Simon Morgan, Serg. Edmond Baisley, Serg. Thos. Porter, Serg. John Baisley, Serg. Saml. Simpson, Corp. Edw. Ball, Corp. Humphrey Arnold, Corp Joseph Smith Wm. Underwood Wm. Smith, Snr. John Miller Thos. Smith Wm. Robertson Henry Martin Chattin Lampkin James Lampkin Thomas Bell James Bell William Ball James Jeffries Jeffrey Johnston Herrman Hitt Wm. M. Penison J no. Morgan Wm. Pickett, Jnr. Thos. McClanahan Wm. Smith, Jnr. Richard Jackman John Russell Wm. Bragg John Boden Source: Danl. Triplett Wm. White Hugh Jaquitt Jos. Carter Charles Martin Henry Boatman Jas. Oliver George Herrin James Pendleton Jno. Pickett John Hitt, Jnr. Jno. Hitt, son of Joseph Wm. Russell Wm. Gibson Carr Bailey Simon Morgan Wm. Willson Law Taylor John Blackwell Jos. Taylor Jas. Bailey John Baisey Peter Taylor Jos. Hudnall Jas. Morgan Jno. Hudnall, Patrowler Charles Garner Wm. Norriss John Duncan, Jnr. Thos. Harrison, County Lieut. Sept. 25, 1761. Va. Hist. Mag. V. 7, p. 305. ISLE OF WIGHT CO. HILITIA At a Court held Nov. 5th, 1772. Timothy Tines, Major John Scarsbrook Wills, Captain Benj. Applewhaite, Capt. John Lawrence, Capt. In the militia of this county, severally took the oaths, etc. Source: Order Book. James Bridger, Capt. Henry Harrison, Capt. Benjamin Ely, Lieut. James Wills, Lieut. LIST OF OFFICERS IN KING AND QUEEN COUNTY. June 12, 1707. Col. John Lightfoot Col. John Walker Major John Lee (horse) Capt. John Major (horse) Capt. Jeremiah Clowdes (horse) Capt. Thomas Pettit (dragoons) Capt. Thos. Tunstall (dragoons) Source: Va. State Papers, Vol. I, p. 114. Capt. John -Collier (foot) Capt. John Gyly (foot) Capt. James Wood (foot) Capt. Thos. Walker Lieut. Rich. Norshaw Walker Cornet James Walker 9 8 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA MIDDLESEX COUNTY MILITIA, JULY 10, 1676. David Hume, Lieut. Richard Duerdine, Corpl. Walter Doconly James Gray William Rane William Forbus (Forbes) John Davis Edward Ellis Thomas Little Cornelius Lane John Hackley Ralph Whitten, Corpl. Thomas Jackson Source: Order Book. John Hunter, Sergt. Thomas Dring, Corpl. Privates. Edward Clarke William Wright James Theste William Cottrell Henry Griffith John Simpson Hugh Roberts William Harris William Wood Horsemen, Danl. Hargrove Charles Sheppard Richard Bishopp John Tembed Thomas Smith Patrick Mitchell Philip Tanxey Thomas Stone William Sumers Thomas Smith MIDDLESEX COUNTY MILITIA, 1687. Att a Court held for the County of Middlesex the 23rd day of November, 16S7. Present : Coll. Christopher Wormeley, Captain Walter Whitaker, Mr. John Wortham, Mr. Oswald Carey, Mr. William Daniell. The Court being mett together by vertue of his Excelees. Commands Signified by his letter of the 14th Instant to take an Accot. of what men in the County are Capable to finde horse and men, as likewise to serve on Foot in the Militia of this County. Upon full examination of the same doe hereby make returne as followeth : That the Persons whose names are underwritten are by this Court thought of Sufficient abilitie to finde a Man, horse and Armer : James Blaze Mr. Doodes Minor Mr. Maurice Cock William Montague Mr. Randelph Seager Jeremy Avery Tho. Lee Mr. Robt. Price Mr. Abrah. Weekes Mr. Tho. Corbin John Nash Mr. Francis Weekes Thomas Tazeley John Rickins George Goodloe Marvill Moseley Mr. John Willis Mr. Henry Thacker John Jeffreys, Esq. Thos. Williams Mr. Charles Curtis Mr. John Nicholls Col. Christr. Wormeley Mr. Robert Boodle Coll. John Armistead Widdow Batcheldor Mr. Alexander Smith Mr. Tho. Stapleton Edward Clarke Mr. John Wortham Mr. Richard Robertson Mr. Job Vause Mr. William Nicholson Mr. Henry Nicholls, Jr. Mr. Henry Wood Mr. George Reeves Mr. John Cant Ralph Wormeley, Esq. Mr. Joseph Goare Mr. Robert Dudley Mr. John Needles Mr. Tho. Hill Tho. Townsend Mr. Will Churchill Mr. Christopher Kilbell Mr. James Curtis Mr. Christopher Robinson Mr. Max Petty Wm. Brooks, Trumpetter MISCELLANEOUS COUNTY ROSTERS 99 And they say Upon further Examination that the persons underwritten are thought by this Court Capable to Serve as footmen and to finde them- selves with Armes. Henry Osborne John Summers, Drummer Thomas Bdgecock Antho. Daughton John Lohil George Guest Tho. Paine Robert Poste John Brumm William King Thomas Wood John Gutteridge John Micham Richard Allen Thomas Crispe John Brewer James Ingram Thomas Kidd Robert Williamson Robert Blakey William Mullins Abraham Brierly Nicho. Paine John Furrill Richard Reynolds John Parsons Alex. Murray John Stamper William Woodward William Downing John Smith, Mrs. Weatherby's son Nicholas Rice Thomas Munns Thomas Thompson Peter Brummell Patrick Miller William Tignor Robert Gillian Augustine Scarborow William Dudley John Sutton William Thompson William Beamont William Barber John Ross Tho. Stiff John Bell John Bristow Tho. Blewford Nicho. West Edward Dorker Robert Chewning Nicholas Fowle George Pristuall William Carter Richard Gabriell John Goodrich Tho. Guy John Beamont Andrew Williamson William Lloyall John Skeer Peter Chelton Thomas Norman John Vivion Tho. Cranke Francis Dodson John Else Willis Humphreys James Bendall Ezekiah Rhodes John Sandford Thomas Gardiner George Woolley James Dudley Tho. Dudley David Barwick William Sheppard James Pate Francis Fragoe Thos. Wetherston Michaell Musgrave NORTHAriPTON COUNTY, 1651. The following were appointed to command the military districts at a Court, May 10, 1651. Capt. Stephen Charlton of Nassawattocks. Capt. Edmund Scarborough of Occohannock. Capt. Saml. Goldsmith of Nandue. Capt. Wm. Andrews of Hungars. Capt. John Stringer of Savage's Neck. Capt. Obedience Robins. Capt. Edward Douglas of Magotha Bay. Capt. Peter Walker to command the Horse. The following were appointed to command the military districts or pre- cincts of Northampton, 9th of October, 1651. From lower end of Magotha Bay to south side of Old Plantation Creek, Cap- tain Edward Douglas. For regiment of Horse, Captain Peter Walker. From the house of Lewis Whyte to Old Plantation Creek, including John Little's house at Seaside, Major Obedience Robins. IOO VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA From house of Lewis Whyte including Savage's Neck, Captain John Savage. For Hungars Creek, Captain William Andrews. For Nuswattocks Creek, Captain Stephen Charlton. For Occahomock Creek, Captain Edmund Scarburgh. For precincts of Nandua, Captain Samuel Goldsmith. Source : Northampton Court Rec, Vols. 3 and 4, OFFICERS OF NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY MILITIA July 4, i676. Col. Codd Capt. Leod. Howson Lieut. -Col. Saml. Smyth Capt. Mattrone Major Thos. Brereton Capt. Peter Knight Capt. J no. Rogers NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, 20 September, 1676. The following officers have been in ye service since nth of July. Capt. And. Morton Serj. Jno. Trape Lieut. Jno. Browne Drummer, Jno. Payne Serj. Jno. Phillips Source : William & Mary Quarterly, Vol. 8, pp. 25, 27. RAPPAHANNOCK COUNTY, i656. Att a grand Assembly helde at James Cittie, nth December, 1656. Colonel Moore Fauntleroy Captain William Underwood Lieut. -Colonel Toby Smith Captain Fra. Slaughter Major Tho. Goodrich Captain Richard Lees Va. Mag, V. 8, No. 2, p. 177. RICHilOND COUNTY ORDER BOOK. Applications for pay for services rendered" by the Militia, under date of March 6, 1704-5 : Wm. Tayloe, Colonel & Commander Captain William Barber in Chief Captain Henry Brereton Captain Thomas Beale Captain John Tarpley Captain John Craske Captain Charles Barber October, 1704 Captain William Underwood Captain Alexander Donaphan Captain Nicholas Smith October 2, 1713, Colonel John Tayloe Captain Robert Tomlin Lieut. Thomas Barber Lieut. -Col. Charles Barber Capt. Newman Brockenbrough Captain John Tarpley, Jr. Lieut. James Russell Lieut. Francis Dowman Captain James Ingo Lieut. John Morton Cornet Thomas Nash Cornet Henry Wilson Qualified in their respective commissions by taking the required oaths. Source : Order Book. MISCELLANEOUS COUNTY ROSTERS IOI niLITIA IN SURRY COUNTY IN 1687. "This Court having considered the Capacitie and abilities of the several 1 Freeholders and Inhabitants of this county doe most humbly present his Excellency the following persons for horse and ffoott as they are here severall set downe." Ordr. of Council dated 8 br. ye 24th, 1687. Col. Phill. Ludwell, man and horse John Thompson Tho. Collier Walter Flood Tho. Flood John Watkins, Capt. Roger Potter Wm. Foreman Tho. Binns Tho. Warren Geo. Williams Tho. High Samll. Thompson Jno. Edwards James Jordan River Jordan Jno. King Sion Hill Danll. Regan Rogr. Williams Law. Fleming Ja. Byneham Geo. Blow John Byneham David Beard Jno. Golledge Fra. Sowerby Cha. Merrett Wm. Draper Jno. Steward Rich. Judkins, Junr. Joshua Proctor Robert Owen Wm. Rogers Jno. Drew Wm. Foster Wm. Howell Jno. Lathar Wm. Gray For Horse. Wm. Simons Tim. Essell, Junr. Tho. Bentley, Junr. Tho. Jolly Wm. Carpi nter Jno. Barker Tho. Tias Wm. Hunt Wm. Rose Tho. Bage Xto. Foster Ni. Meriwether Antho. Hardwicke Tho. Busby Jos. Ford Hen. Tucker Tho. Drew Robert Lancaster For Foot. Nat. Dennis Tho. Presson Jethro Barker Hincha Gillum Jno. Rankins Jno. Collier Wm. Blackborne Jer. Ellis, Junr. Wm. Wheeler Tho. Peddington Jno. Battle Ja. Watkins Max Mansell Jno. Rogers Robt. Nathan Jno. Wallis Jarvis Newton Rich. Smith Wm. Harrington Ja. Porch Tho. Farmer J a. Morish Tho. Jarrett Tim. Walker Ni. Sessorms Wm. Gwathney Math. Swann Wm. Chambers Wm. Gray Wm. Newsume Wm. Newit Jno. Holt Wm. Hancock Rogr. Delke Charles Jarrett Wm. Seward, a Quaker Tho. Partridge, a Quaker Walter Bartlett, a Quaker Jno. Barnes, a Quaker Ja. Ely Wm. Cockerham Tho. Wolves, a Quaker Jno. Shugar Tho. Waller Ja. Bruton Tho. Wright Antho. Evans Wm. Bruton Jno. Page Wm. Blith Tho. Lane, Junr. Bray Hargrave Tho. Futrill Jno. Clarke Wm. Rugsbee Rogr. Gilbert Jno. Phillips Wm. Creed e J a. Hugate Tho. Browne Robt. Hart 02 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA Jno. Spitless Wm. Crews Walter Tompkins Wm. Wray Wm. Petway Jno. Fiveash Robt. Warren Allen Warren Peter Deberry Jno. Clarke Wm. Rivers Tho. Kersey Tho. Andrews, Junr. Robt. Andrews Bat. Andrews Cha. Digby Fra. Regan Edwd. Booky John Higgs Jonah Bennett Daniel Andrews Tho. Ironmonger Wm. Nash Law. Meazle Humphrey Felps Robt. Dolling Tho. Sidway Patrick Lashly Geo. Jordan Jno. Allen Peter Bayley Jno. Middleton Geo. Nichollson Jno. Wilkinson Wm. Tillinsworth Adam Heath Wm. Harvy Cha. Briggs Jno. Roberts Wm. Dennis Richard Greene Tho. Wiggins Richard Hyde Tho. Hayward Noah Barefoot Jno. Pulesson Geo. Huson Robt. Judkins Blewit Beamont Cha. Judkins Tho. Forbush Owen Mirick Jno. Garner Jno. Sharpe Robt. Austin Tho. Battle Jno. Warpool Wm. Houlford Tho. Hux Tho. Adkins Rich. Adkins Ja. Jolly Robt. Nichollson Hen. Wych Walter Cotten Joell Barker Tho. Blunt Henry Briggs Wm. Horniford Jos. Wall Robt. Littlebery Jno. Brown Ja. Kilpatrick Tho. Ward Jno. Gray Roger Nicholls Richard Jackson Jno. Rodwell Wm. Jackson Daniel Rich Robert Craford Jonah Hickman Jno. Kindred Rich. Moonk Austin Hunnicutt Jno. Berryman Wm. Also Nathan Joyce Daniell Harryson Jeoffry Busby Nathl. Hales Bat. Figgus David Phillips Rich. Jones Hez. Bunnell Hen. Norton Tho. Perice Cha. Savage Tho. Mathars Rogr. Squier Hen. Baker Geo. Morrell, a Quaker Rich. Shaw Rich. Peirce Edwd. Nubee Michael Essell Geo. Essell Edw. Taylor Robert Inman Tho. Edwards, of Hog Island Edwd. Runee Tho. Cockerham Tho. Cooke Tho. Cotten Edwd. Grantum Tho. Sowersby Cha. White Luke Mizle Rich Jordan, Senr. Wm. Knott Edwd. Greene Tho. Blunt Jer. Ellis, Senr. Tho. Deerkin Rich Beighton Robt. Flake, Junr. Jos. Richardson Ar. Davies, Senr. Wm. Holt Wm. Goodman Phill. Shelley Jos. Thorpe, Junr. Dennis Rethden Robt. Lacy, a Quaker Robert Renolls Michael Upchurch Tho. Harebottle Ja. Griffin Jno. Greene Ar. Davis, Junr. Jos. Lane John Little Jno. Procter Jno. Davies Wm. Cocke Robert Reddick Cha. Goodrich Josias Wood Ja. Horsnell Wm. Crouch Wm. Peacock Robt. Fellows MISCELLANEOUS COUNTY ROSTERS 103 Samll. Judkins J no. Cowood Ja. Ellis Ni. Witherington Ja. Omoone Robt. House, Junr. Tho. Davis Samll. Cooke J no. Phillips, Junr. Tho. Horton Hen. Hart J no. Myles Jno. Clements Jno. Casse Jno. Warren Edwd. Napkin Wm. Rowland Wm. Hooker Ja. Cooke Wm. Pittman Tho. Pittman Nath. Cornish Tho. Clary Wm. Clary Wm. Harris Jno. Finley Ch. Williams Tho. Forver Joseph Seate Evan Humphrey Edwd. Drew Tho. White Anselm Bay ley Tho. Hart Tho. Lane, Senr. Jno. Dunfeild Ja. Reddick Walter Taylor Jno. Vincent Hen. Francis Rich. Washington Wm. Lucas Ni. Pasfeild MILITARY OFFICERS IN VIRGINIA, 1680. Col. William Bird Lieut. -Col. John Ffarrar Henrico County. Major Tho. Chamberlain Capt. Wm. Randolph Charles City County. Col. Edward Hill Capt. Dan'l Lewellin Lieut. -Col. Dan'l. Clarke Capt. John Hamlin Major John Stith Capt. Robt. Lucy Col. Tho. Ballard Major Saml. Weldon Capt. Hen. Soanes Lieut.-Col. Tho. Grendon, horse Capt. Wm. Archer, horse James City County. Capt. Wm. Hartwell Capt. Wm. White, horse Isle of Wight County. Col. Jos. Bridger, horse Major Tho. Taberer Major J. A. Powell, horse Lieut.-Col. Jno. Pitt Col. Arthr. Smith Capt. Jno. Gutridge Col. Jos. Bridger, Commander in Chief of ye horse in ye Counties of Isle of Wight, Surrey, Nanzemond and Lower Norfolk. Surrey County. Col. Thos. Swann Capt. Roger Potter Lieut.-Col. Wm. Browne Capt. Chas. Barham, horse Major Saml. Swan Nanzemond County. Col. Jno. Lear Capt. James Jossey, horse Major Bar Kerney Lieut.-Col. Tho. Milner Capt. Andrew Booth, horse Capt. Tho. Goodwin Warwick County. Col. Wm. Cole, horse and foot Capt. Rich. Whitticar Major Hum. Harwood Capt. Jno. Langhorne, horse 104 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA Col. Lemuell Mason Lieut. -Col. Robt. Bray Major Antho. Lawson Col. Charles Morrison Major Matthew Wakelin Lower Norfolk County. Capt. Jno. Niccolls Capt. Adam Keeling Capt. Wm, Robinson, horse Elizabeth City County. Capt. Antho. Armstead, horse Col. Jno. West Lieut. -Col. Geo. Lyddale Major Martin Palmer Capt. Wm. Jones Col. Jno. Page Major Otho Thorp New Kent County. Capt. Brian Smith Capt. Jno. Lewis, horse Capt. Rich. Johnson, horse York County. Capt. Fra. Page Capt. Jno. Tiplady Gloucester County. Lieut. -Col. Armestead, horse Capt. Jno. Smith, horse Col. Tho. Pate Lieut. -Col. Phill. Lightfoot Maj. Robt. Pay ton Col. August Warner Lieut. -Col. Law Smith Major Fra. Burrell Capt. Rich. Booker Col. Matthew Kemp, horse Major Hen. Whiteing, horse Capt. Symond Belford Rappahannock County. Capt. Danl. Gaines Col. Leroy Griffin, horse Capt. Tho. Gouldman, horse Col. Jno. Stone Lieut.-Col. Wm. Loyd Major Hen. Smith Capt. Saml. Bromfield Middlesex County. Col. Chr. Wormeley Lieut.-Col. Jno. Burnham Major Robt. Beverley Capt. Walter Whitticar, horse Lancaster County. Capt. Wm. Ball Capt. David Fox Col. Wm. Ball Lieut.-Col. Jno. Carter Major Edwd. Dale Westmoreland County. Col. Wm. Pierce Major Tho. Youell Lieut.-Col. Isaac Allerton Capt. Antho. Bridges Col. Richard Lee of the Horse, in ye counties of Westmoreland, Northumber- land and Stafford. Col. Tho. Brereton Lieut.-Col. Saml. Smith Major John Mattrom Northumberland County. Capt. Leonard Housen, horse Capt. Tho. Mathews Capt. John Hayne MISCELLANEOUS COUNTY ROSTERS 105 Stafford County. Col. Geo. Mason Major Andrew Gilson Lieut.-Col. Cadwalader Jones Capt. Robt. Massey Northampton County. Col. John Custis Capt. Wm. Whittington, horse Col. John Stringer Col. Jno. Robins Lieut.-Col. Wm. Waters Capt. Fra. Piggott Major. Wm. Spencer Capt. Hancock Lee Accomac County. Col. Wm. Kendoll Capt. Edmund Scarborough Lieut.-Col. John West Capt. Danl. Jenifer Major Chas. Scarborough Capt. Obedience Jonson Horse. Col. John Custis Capt. Rich. Hill Major Edmund Bouman Capt. Wm. Custis Source: Colonial Papers of Virginia, No. 63, British State Paper Office. VIRGINIA MILITIA OFFICERS, 1699. Taken from the MS. records of the Virginia Council, December 9, 169S. to May 20, 1700, now deposited in the Congressional Library. June 3, 1699. Henrico. William Byrd, Colonel and Commander in Chief; William Randolph, Lieuten- ant-Colonel; Peter Field, Major. Charles City. Edward Hill, Colonel and Commander in Chief; Edward Hill, Jr., Lieutenant- Colonel; Charles Goodrich, Major. Surrey. Benjamin Harrison, Colonel and Commander in Chief; Henry Tooker, Major. Isle of Wight. Samuel Bridger, Lieutenant-Colonel and Commander in Chief; Henry Baker, Major. Nansemond. George Norsworthy, Lieutenant-Colonel and Commander in Chief; Thomas Swann, Major. Princess Anne. Anthony Lawson, Lieutenant-Colonel and Commander in Chief; John Tho- roughgood, Major. Norfolk. Lemuel Mason, Lieutenant Colonel and Commander in Chief; James Wilson, Major. 106 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA Elizabeth City. William Wilson, Lieutenant-Colonel and Commander in Chief; Anthony Armistead, Major. Warwick. Miles Cary, Lieutenant-Colonel and Commander-in-Chief; William Cary, Major. James City. Philip Ludwell, Colonel and Commander in Chief; Henry Duke, Lieutenant- Colonel. York. Edmund Jenings, Colonel and Commander in Chief: Thomas Ballard, Lieu- tenant-Colonel; William Buckner, Major. New Kent. John Lightfoot, Colonel and Commander in Chief; Joseph Foster, Lieutenant- Colonel; William Bassett, Major. King and Queen. William Leigh, Colonel and Commander in Chief; Joshua Story, Major. Gloucester. Matthew Page, Colonel and Commander in Chief; James Ransom, Lieutenant- Colonel; Peter Beverley, Major. Middlesex. Ralph Wormeley, Colonel and Commander in Chief; Matthew Kemp, Lieuten- ant-Colonel; Robert Dudley, Major, Essex. Ralph Wormeley, Colonel and Commander in Chief; William Moseley, Lieu- tenant-Colonel; John Catlett, Major. Lancaster. Robert Carter, Colonel and Commander in Chief; Joseph Ball, Lieutenant- Colonel. Northumberland. Robert Carter, Colonel and Commander in Chief; George Cowper, Lieutenant- Colonel; Rodham Kenner, Major. Westmoreland. Richard Lee, Colonel and Commander in Chief; Willoughby Allerton, Lieu- tenant-Colonel; Francis Wright, Major. Richmond. Richard Lee, Colonel and Commander in Chief; George Taylor, Lieutenant- Colonel; Thomas Lloyd, Major. Stafford. Oeorge Mason, Lieutenant-Colonel and Commander in Chief; Thomas Owsley, Major. MISCELLANEOUS COUNTY ROSTERS IO7 Accomack. Charles Scarborough, Colonel and Commander in Chief; Richard Bay ley, Major. Northampton. John Custis, Colonel and Commander in Chief; Nathaniel Littleton, Lieuten- ant-Colonel; William Waters, Major. VOLUNTEER CAVALRY ASSOCIATION, 1756. Williamsburg, May 28. On Thursday the 20th, several Gentlemen of the Association, under Colonel Peyton Randolph, met at Fredericksburg to the number of 130, and at a Council of War held next day the following Gentle- men were chosen officers, viz. : Captains. Warner Lewis Richard Eppes Bernard Moore Nathaniel West Dandridge Charles Carter John Syme Aides-de-Camp. Presley Thornton Charles Osborne Source: Maryland Gazette, June 17, 1756. The Virginia Regiment. COMMISSIONS SENT TO COLONEL WASHINGTON FOR THE OFFICERS OF HIS VIRGINIA REGIMENT, 1754. Adam Stephens, Lt.-Col., July 20 Robt. Stobo, Major, July 20 Peter Hogg, Capt. , Mar. 9 Andw. Lewis, " Mar. 18 Geo. Mercer, " June 4 Tho. Wagener, " July 20, Wm. Poison, " July 21 Wm. Peyronney, " Aug. 25 John Savage, Lieut., Mar. 9 James Towers, - * " June 9 Wm. Bronaugh, " July 20 John Mercer, " July 21 James Craick (acting Surgeon), - - " July 23 Wm. Wright, - Ensign, July 20, Lieut, Oct. 28 Carolus Gustavus de Spildolph, - " July 21, M Oct. 29 Thos. Bullet, " July 22, " Oct. 30 Walter Stewart, " July 25, " Aug. 31 Source : Dinwiddie Papers : Vol. I., p. 319. MEMORANDUM LIST OF OFFICERS IN THE VIRGINIA REGIflENT, 1754, WITH THEIR PAY SEVERALLY. Col. Joseph Fry, Com'dr-in-Chief, 15s. per day and ^100 per annum for his table. George Washington, Esq., Lieut. -Colonel, 12s. 6d. Muse, Major, ---. 10s. Wm. Trent, Captain, 8s. Adam Stephen Captain, 8s. Robert Stobo, Captain, 8s. Peter Hogg, Captain, 8s. Andrew Lewis, Captain, 8s. Jacob Vanbraam, Lieutenant, ....__. 43. Geo. Mercer, Lieutenant, 4s. Thos. Wagener, Lieutenant, 4s. Wm. Poison, Lieutenant, 4s. John West, Jr., Lieutenant, 4s. John Savage, Lieutenant, 4s. James Craik, Surgeon, 4s. Source :, Dinwiddie Papers. Vol.il., p. 112. I08 THE VIRGINIA REGIMENT IO9 LIST OF OFFICERS entitled to land under the Proc. of Gov. Dinwiddie, their Assessment to cover the Expenses of Surveys to secure the Lands, and a List of Balances due from Sundrys on Account of their Claims to Land under the Proc. of 1754. (From Col. Geo. Washington's Ledger.) Estate of Col. Joseph Fry, /54.11.4 Col. Adam Stephen, Pd., 11.6.1 Col. Geo. Muse, Paid, Estate of Captain Robert Stobo, 46.6.7 Col. Andrew Lewis, Pd., 12.9.9 Capt. Peter Hog, - - - C. Craw'd .... 11. 6.^ Capt. Jacob Vanbraam, 40.6.7 Col. Geo. Mercer, Pd. by Mrs. Jas. Mercer, - - - - 40. 11. 11 Mr. Andrew Waggoner, - - C. Craw'd, - 953 Mr. John West, - - - C. Craw'd, .... n. 9 . 2 The Estate or Heir of Wm. Poison, C. C. 5. 14. 10 Lt. John Savage, ... C. Craw'd, ... - 20.18.2 Capt. John Bronaugh. Paid, Dr. James Craik, ... C. Craw'd, - - - - 8.3.1 John Baynes, for Jas. Tower's Heirs, C. C. 5.12.2 Heir of Wm. Wright, Paid, 11. 4.7 Capt. Thos. Bullet, n.4.7 Robt. Longdon, - - - C. C. 2.13.9 Robt. Tunstall, C. C. 1.12.9 Andr. Waggoner, C. C. 2.13.9 Richd. Trotter, C. C. 2.13.9 John David Wilpper 2.13.9 Wire Johnson, - - C. C. 2.4.8 Hugh McRoy, C. C. 2.4.8 Richd. Smith, C. C. 1.3.8 Chas. Smith, - - - - C. C. 1.15.10 Angus McDonald, - - - C. C. 1.15.10 Nathan Chapman, C. C. 1. 15.10 Joseph Gate wood, C. C. 1. 15.10 Jas. Samuel, - - - - C. C. 1. 15.10 Michael Seally, - - - - C. C. 1.15.10 Edwd. Goodwin, - - - C. C. 1.15.10 William Baily, - - - - C. C. - - - - - 1.15.10 Henry Baily, - - - - C. C. 1. 15.10 Wm. Copland, - - - - C. C. 1.15.10 Mathew Doran, C. C. 1.15.10 John Ramsay, 1.15.10 Charles James, 1.15.10 Math. Cox, 1. 15. 10 Marshall Pratt, 1.15.10 John Wilson, 1.15.10 Wm. Johnston, 1.15.10 Jno. Wilson, 1.15 10 Nathl. Barrett, 14.10 David Gorman, 14.10 110 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA Patk. Galloway, ^"1.15.10 Timothy Conway, Christian Bombgardner, 1.15. 10 John Maid, 1.15.10 John Houston, 1.15.10 John Ford, - - - - C. C 1.15.10 Wm. Broughton, - - - CC. 1.15.10 Wm. Carnes, - - - - C. C. 1.15.10 Edwd. Evans, - - - - C. C. 1.15.10 Thos. Moss, C. C. 1. 15.10 Mathew Jones, - - - - C. C. 1. 15.10 Philip Gatewood, - - - C. C. 1.15.10 Hugh Paul, C. C. 1. 15.10 Danl. Staples, C. C. 1. 15.10 Wm. Lowry, - - - ' - - C. C. 1.15.10 James Ludlow, C. C. - James Lafort, C. C. James Gwin, - - - - C. C. Joshua Jordan, - - - - C. C. Wm. Jenkins, C. C. - James Commack, C. C. 14.10 Richd. Morris, C. C. 14.10 Jno. Golson, C. C. ----- 14.10 Robt. Jones, - - - - C. C. 1.15.10 Wm. Hogan, 1.15.10 Jno. Franklin, John Bishop, Geo. Malcomb, Wm. Coleman, Richd. Bolton, Jno. Smith, Geo. Hurst, C. C. Jno. Cincaid, - - - - C. C. 1.15. 10 Andrew Fowler, 1.15.10 Thos. Napp, 1. 15. 10 The Representatives of Arthur Watts, 1.15.10 Jno. Fox, Assignee of Jesse May, 1.15.10 Francis Self, 1. 15.10 Robt. Stewart, 1.15.10 Robt. Murphy, 1.15.10 Alexr. Bonny, 1. 15.10 The Representative of Wm. Home, 1.15.10 Wm. McAnulty, 1.15.10 THE VIRGINIA REGIMENT III Report of the various companies of the Virginia Regiment under the command of Col. Washington made the 9th of July, 1754, at Will's Creek, just after the battle of the Great Meadows. Return of Captain Stobo's Company, July 9, 1754. James Carson John Goldson John James William Coffland David Welch Nathaniel Lewis John Franklin Adam Jones John Carroll Charles Smith Michael McGrath Michael Reily Patrick Durphy John Ritson Daniel McClaran Edward Graves Men Fit for Duty. William Stallons Robert McKoy Jessy Morris Joseph Gibbs Anthony Kennedy Charles Waday Henry Bayly William Deweny Nicholas Foster Jean Moore Wounded. James Good Alexander Stewart Robert McCulroy James Welch Joseph Costerton Henry Bowman Henry Neill John Bryan Jacob Gowing Benjamin Gause John Brown James; Milton William Swallow Peregrin Williams Solomon Botson (deserted) Killed in the Engagement. Thomas Fisher John Tranton Left with Sick. Richard Morris Left Lame on Road. Thomas Langdon (Sergeant) Sick in Camp. Robert Tunstile (Sergeant) James Batty Dennis Kinton John Allen Thomas Ogden Absent as Hostage. Captain Robert Stobo Source : Force MSS., Library of Congress. Return of Captain Hog's Company given the 9th of July, 1754. flen Fit for Duty. Jesse May James Samuel Joseph Milton Benjamin Hamilton Matthew Cox John Martin Nicholas Morgan Thomas Moss John Ogilby John Roe Southey Hazlip James Thomas Zachariah Smith Thomas Napp Bibby Brooke Thomas Slaughter Joseph Gate wood Briant Page 112 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA Michael Scully William Johnston Abner Hazlip William Coleman Thomas Kitson Robert Jones James Heyter Mathew Durham Joshua Burton Joseph Scott Marshall Pratt William Dean Andrew Clark Peter Effluck Duncan Farguson Thomas Chaddwick John Ramsay Andrew Fowler Wounded. Argil House David Gorman Robert Elliot Samuel Hyden Lame on the Road. John Meares Matthew Levison William Underhill Thomas Harris John Chapman Edward Goodwin James Ford Dudley Skinner James Letort Dominick Moran Left with the Wounded. John Stephens Sick in the Camp. Philip Gatewood Return made to William Bronough Source : Force MSS , library of Congress. Return of Captain Lewis's Company, July 9, 1754. John Whitman John Smith William Harbinson Robert Grymes John Poor William Poor Michael McCannon John Maston John Biddlecome Thomas Pearson Captain Lewis Lieutenant Savage John McCulley James Fulham John Rodgers Thomas Scott Gerrett Clark Men Fit for Duty. Edward Bailey John Powers James Ferguson Jabez Rowe John Mulholand Patrick Coyle John Smith John Rodgers Mathew Jones Joseph Baxter Wounded. Thomas Bird Edward Cahell Arthur Watts Nehemiah Tendell John Durham James Ludlow Thomas Foster Thomas Burney John Burk Cornelius Henley William Cranes Tarance Swinney James Smith John Field Thomas Nicholson Nathan Chapman Philip Comerly George McSwine Killed in Battle. John Ramsay THE VIRGINIA REGIMENT 113 Josias Baker Thomas Stedman Robert Murphy James Tytus John McEntire Left with the Sick. Bethow. Burns Patrick McPick John Truston Daniel Malatte James McCormack Source : Force MSS., library of Congress. A list of Captain Van Braam's Company, July 9, 1754. Killed. John Robinson William Simmons John Hamilton (Sergeant) Rudol. Brickner (Sergeant) Wile Johnston George Taylor William Gerrard Robert Bell George Merharren William Bailey Wounded, John Potter Joseph Powell Dernsey Simmons Thomas Dunahough Sick in Camp. Sick on the Road. Richard Bolton On Command. Michael Franks Absent. William Knowls James Black John Brown Men Fit for Thomas Carter (Sergeant)John Campbell John Allen (Corporal) Edward King Esechial Richardson (Drummer) Nicholas Major Godfrey Bombgarden Duty. Christopher Byarly William Mitchell John Stewart John McGuire Charles Allbury Francis Self John Johnston Charles Dunn Patrick Galloway Jacob Funkhowser Barnard Draxeller George Gobell William Carter John Thomson Thomas Hennessy Francis Rogers John Coin Edward Whitehead Hugh Paul Angus McDonald Arthur Howard Mathias Sharp Edward Minor Benjamin Spiser Per John Mercer, Ensign. Source : Force MSS., library of Congress. A return of Captain Mercer's Company, July 9, Fit for Duty. 754- James Tyrrel John Boyd William Field John Ferguson Christopher Bombgardner Claude Dallowe U4 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA Edward Evans James Dewey James Gevin Robert Bennet David Montgomery William Lowery Samuel Arsdale Nathaniel Barret Michael Walker William Broughton Robert Stewart Tim. Conway Barnaby McKan John May John Gallohour John Clements John Bisnor William Holland Hugh McKay Jacob Arrens George Gibbons Jacob Myer Fredk. Rupart Henry Ernest Alexander Pierry Thomas Burk Adam Leonard Hugh Stone Left with the Wounded. Henry Bristwoe Mark Hollis Wounded, William Gardne Joshua Jordan Killed. William Pullen Lame on the Road. John Huston William Mclntire Missing. Mathew Howard Sick in the Camp. James Daily Taken Prisoner. Absent on Leave. Christopher Helsley John Beyans Thomas Burris John Farmer Philip Walters Robert Bennet John McGuire (Signed) G. Mercer. Source : Force MSS., library of Congress. This pay roll of the Virginia Regiment is preserved among the Washing- ton papers in the Department of State at Washington. PAY ROLL OF THE VIRGINIA REQIHENT. Commencing from the 29th of May and ending July 29th, 1754. Of the Commissioned Officers. Sum Paid Colonel, /45- Lieut. -Col. George Muse till the 20th of July, .... 31. 15.0 Lieut. Adam Stephen from the 20th of July with his other pay as Major and Captain, - 31. 0.6 Major Robert Stobo, his pay as Captain and Major from the 20th of July, 25. 6.0 Captain Peter Hog, 24. 8.0 Captain Andrew Lewis, 24. 8.0 THE VIRGINIA REGIMENT 115 Captain Jacob Vanbraam, -- ^"24. 8.0 Captain George Mercer, 23.12.0 Captain Thomas Waggoner, 14. 0.0 Captain William Poison, 13. 12.0 Lieut. John Savage, 12. 4.0 Lieut. James Towers, 12. 2.0 Lieut. William Bronaugh, 9.12.0 Lieut. John Mercer, 9. ir.o Lieut. James Craik, 9.10.0 Lieut. John West, 12. 4.0 Ensign William Wright from 20th July, Ensign Carolus Sprittdolph from 21st July, - - 1. 4.0 Ensign Thomas Bullett from 23rd July, 1. 1.0 Ensign Walter Stuart from 23rd July (mistake in ye date), Major John Carlyle, Commissary of Stores, etc., - 32. 0.6 Mr. Peyrouney (Ensign and Adjutant) from 3rd June, - - 20. 7.0 Mr. Craik, Surgeon, as ditto, 12. 4.0 Sum pd. ye several Officers, .... ^'389. 9.0 PAY ROLL OF CAPTAIN ROBERT 5T0B0S COMPANY. Thomas Langdon, Serjeant, /"4.11.6 Robert Tunstall, Serjeant, 4. 11. 6 Nathan Lewis, Corporal, 3. r.o James Carson, Drummer, 3. 1.0 The following named privates each received ^2.0.8: John Jones Jesse Morris Henry Bowman John Goldson James Welsh John Harwood Joseph Gibbs Solomon Batson James Milton Adam Jones Charles Waddey William Swallow Richard Smith Henry Neale Thomas Ogden Henry Bailey Robert McCoy Michael McGaugh Benjamin Gause John Brown Peregrine Williams Jacob Going Joseph Casterson Anthony Canaday William Stallions Alexander Stewart John Carroll John Capshaw Patrick Doughy James Good PAY ROLL OF CAPT. PETER HOGS COMPANY. Edmond Waggoner, Serjeant, ^4.11.6 Richard Trotter, Serjeant, 4.1 1.6 James Thomas, Corporal, 310 Nicholas Morgan, Corporal, 3. 1.0 The following named privates each received ^2.0.8 : James Samuel Joshua Burton Samuel Hayden Robert Jones John Ogleby Zachary Smith Joseph Milton Southy Hayslap Thomas Nap Benjamin Hamilton Argyle House Bibby Brooks Joseph Scott Andrew Clark Thomas Slaughter Philip Gatewood Charles Jones Joseph Gatewood Matthew Cox Peter Afflack Brvant Patce u6 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA John Martin Marshall Pratt John Chapman James Hyler William Dean Matthew Levison Michael Scully Duncan Ferguson William Underhill Matthew Durham David Gorman Edward Goodwin William Johnston Thomas Chaddock James Megs William Coleman John Ramsay Thomas Harris Abner Hayslap Andrew Fowler John Mears Thomas Moss Robert Elliott James Letort Thomas Cellars PAY ROLL OF CAPTAIN ANDREW LEWIS' COflPANY. John McCully, Serjeant, ^4.11.6 Abraham Mashaw, Drummer, 3. 1.0 The following named privates each received ,£"2.0.8 : Robert Graham Tames Titus Thomas Pearson Josias Baker Nathan Chapman Michael McCannon John Marston John Biddlecomb James Ludlow Terence Swinney Patrick McPike John Fields Thomas Stedman John Mulholland John Burk John Smith Cornelius Henley Bartholomew Barnes Matthew Jones John Triston John Durham James Fulham Thomas Burney John Roe Robert Murphew PAY ROLL OF CAPTAIN VAN BRAAM'S COMPANY. John Hamilton, Serjeant-Major, ^4.11.6 Rodolph Brickner, Serjeant, 4. 11. 6 Thomas Carter, Serjeant, 4. 11. 6 Nicholas Major, Corporal, 3. 1.0 John Allan, Corporal, 3. 1.0 Ezekiel Richardson, Drummer, 3. 1.0 The following named privates each received ^2.0.8 : John Johnston John Thompson Thorns Donnahough William Mitchell Francis Rogers Michael Franks John Stuart Benjamin Spicer Francis Self John McGregory Edward Whitehead William Carter William Knowles Hugh Paul Richard Bolton Charles Allbury Angus McDonald Robert Bell John Campbell Arthur Howard Wile Johnson Edward King Joseph Powel John Coin James Black Dempsey Simonds William Gerrard Patrick Galloway John Potter George Taylor William Hogan PAY ROLL OF CAPTAIN GEORGE MERCER'S COMPANY. Mark Hollis, Serjeant, /"4.11.6 James Tyrroll, Serjeant, 4. 11. 6 Hugh McCoy, Corporal, - 3. 1.0 John Boydd, Corporal, 3. 1.0 Edward Evans, Drummer, 3. 1.0 THE VIRGINIA REGIMENT The following named James Dailey Robert Bennett Philip Waters William Holland David Montgomery William Lowery Samuel Arsdale Nathaniel Barrett John Ferguson privates each received George Gibbons Hugh Stone Alexander Perry John Farmer Henry Bristow Claud Dallow James Ford James Cammock John Clements ^2.0.8 : John McQuire William Broughton Thomas Burris John Gallihour John May Richard Prichard Christopher Bombgardner Henry Earnest Fredk. Rupart Enlisted Per Lieut. West. Hugh Ratchford Jasper Moorhead William Tyan George Malcomb Bryan Conner Timothy Conway The following list of officers and men of the Virginia Regt. is taken from a pay bill of a detachment sent to Augusta County under the command of Captain Andrew Lewis, commencing the 29th of July and ending the 29th of Sept., 1754: Andrew Lewis, Captain Robert Graham, Serjeant John Savage, Lieutenant Thomas Stedman, Corporal William Wright, Ensign Joshua Baker, Corporal John McKully, Serjeant David Wilkinson, Drummer Abraham Mushaw John Biddlecomb Robert Murphy Barth. Burns James Fulham John Thurstan Thomas Burney John Maston Terrence Swiney John Smith Patrick Smith John Mulholland James Cammock Patrick McPike Michael McCannon Matthew Jones Thomas Pierce Privates. Charles Waddey James Smith William Stallions Henry Bowman James Milton Jacob Gowen Henry Bailey John Brown Henry Neale Benjamin Gauze John Hart George Gibbons William Holland Thomas Burras Samuel Arsdale George Malcom Philemon Waters James Ford John Gallihon Casper Moreau John Chapman Samuel Hyden William Dean Nicholas Morgan Barnaby Ryley Nathl. Deadman Andrew Fowler John Allan (till this a Corporal) Thomas King (discharged) William Chaplain John Davis John Campbell Francis Rogers Pledge Ward n8 VIRGINIA COLONAL MILITIA MEMBERS OF THE VIRGINIA REGIMENT WHO HAVE RECEIVED BOUNTY MONEY. The following lists are preserved in the "Force Manuscripts" in the Library of Congress. On the back of each of the five rolls is the indorse- ment of Washington. A List of Captain Stobo's Company, Who Have Received His Excellency's Bounty Money. Henry Bailey Solomon Batson Henry Bowman John Brown John Carroll James Carson, drummer Joseph Casterton Patrick Duphy Nicholas Foster Benj. Gause Joseph Gibbs Jacob Going John Golson James Good Edward Graves John Harwood Adam Jones John Jones Anthony Kennedy Thomas Langden, Serj. Nathan Lewis, Corporal Michael McGroth Robert McKay James Milton Jessy Morris Richard Morris Henry Neil Thomas Ogden Charles Smith Richard Smith William Stallions Alexander Stewart William Swallow Robert Tunstall, Serjeant Charles Waddey James Welch Peregrine Williams A List of Captain Hogg's Company Who Have Received His Excellency's Bounty Money. Bibby Brooks Joshua Burton Thomas Chaddock John Chapman Andrew Clark William Coleman Mathew Cox William Dean Mathew Durham Robert Eliot Peter Kssleet Duncan Ferguson James Ford Andrew Fowler Joseph Gatewood Philip Gatewood Edward Goodwin David Gorman Benj. Hamilton Abner Haslip Southy Haslip James Hyler William Hogan Angoile House Samuel Hyden Charles Joames William Johnston Robert Jones James Letort Mathew Levison McGuire John Martin John Mears James Meggs Joseph Milton Dominick Moran Nicholas Morgan Thomas Moss Thomas Napp John Ogilby Byron Page Marshall Pratt John Ramsay John Roe James Samuel Joseph Scott Michael Scully Dudley Skinner Thomas Slaughter Zach. Smith James Thomas Richard Trotter, Serjeant William Underhill Edmund Waggoner, Serj. THE VIRGINIA REGIMENT A List of Captain Lewis's Company Who Have Received His Excellency's Bounty Money. Josias Baker, Corporal Joseph Baxter John Biddlecom Daniel Billot John Burk Bartholomew Burns Thomas Burney Edward Cahill William Cairns James Cammack Nathl. Chapman Patrick Coyl John Durham John Featon James Ferguson John Field James Fullham Robert Grimes, Serjeant Cornelius Handly William Harbinson Matthew Jones James Ludlow Michael McCannon John McCully, Serjeant Patrick McPike John Maston John Mulholland Robert Murphy Abraham Mushaw John Poor William Poor James Price John Rowe John Smith John Smith George Swiney Terence Swiney James Titus Elijah Ward Arthur Watts Thomas Wedman, Corp. John Whitman Daniel Wilkinson A List of Captain Van Braam's Company Who Have Received His Excellency's Bounty Money. John Allan, Corporal Charles Allbury Robert Bell James Balck Richard Bolton Godfrey Bomgardner Rudolph Brickner Christopher Byerly John Campbell Thomas Carter, Serjeant William Carter Mathew Chape John Coin Thomas Donahough Bernard Draxter Michael Franks Patrick Gallaway William Gerrard George Gobell John Hamilton Sergeant-Major Thomas Hennesey Arthur Howard John Johnston Wile Johnston Edward King William Kuowles John Lee Angus McDonald John Mackgrigory Edward Whitehead Nicholas Major George Markham Edward Minor William Mitchell Hugh Paul John Potter Joseph Powell Ezekiel Richardson Francis Rogers Francis Self Dernsey Simons Benjamin Spicer John Steuart George Taylor John Thornton A List of Captain flercer's Company, Who Have Received His Excellency's Bounty Honey. Samuel Arsdale Nath. Barret Robert Bennett John Bishop Charles Bombgardner John Boyd Henry Bristowe William Broughton Henry Earnest Edward Evans John Farmer John Ferguson James Ford John Gallahour Christopher Haltzley William Holland John McQuire John Maid John May David Montgomerie Jacob Myer Alexander Perry Ritchard Pritchard Frederick Rupard 120 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA Thomas Burk Thomas Burns John Clements Timothy Conway James Daly Claud Dallowe Mark Hollis, Serjeant Adam Leonard William Lowrey William Mclntire Hugh McKoy Mathew Stanard Hugh Stone James Tyrrall, Serjeant Michael Walker Philip Walters LIST OF OFFICERS OF THE VIRGINIA REGIMENT CON TAINED IN THE JOURNAL OF CAPTAIN CHARLES LEWIS. Expedition Against the French Oct. 10 — Dec. 27, 1755. The Hon. Geo. Washington Lt. Col. Adam Stevens Major Andrew Lewis. Peter Hogg Geo. Mercer Thos. Waggoner Robt. Stewart Thos. Cock Jno. Savage John McNiel Wm. Stark Thos. Bullett Walter Stewart John Blagg Hancock Eustice Captains. Mordecai Buckner John Poison Wm. Dangerfield Edwd. Hubbard Jno. Dean Source: Va. Hist. Coll.; Vol. XI, p. 213. Wm. Branough John Mercer Joshua Lewis Hy. Woodward Robt. Spotswood Lieutenants. Geo. Frazer John Edward Lomax Peter Steenburger Jno. Williams Augustine Brockenborough Ensigns. Nathl. Milner Wm. Flemming Leonard Price Nathl. Thompson Thos. Carter Carter Harrison Charles Lewis Wm. Peachy David Bell Robert McKenzie Jno. Campbell John Hall John Lowry John King James Baker Charles Smith Lee Hussis Dekizer Geo. Gordon Geo. Weeden VIRGINIA OFFICERS AT BRADDOCK'S DEFEAT, 1755. (K. Killed). (W. Wounded). Captain Stevens (W) Captain Peyronie Captain Waggoner Captain Poison (K) Captain Stewart Lieut. Hamilton (K) Lieut. Woodward Lieut. Wright (K) Lieut. Spiltdorph (K) Lieut. Stewart (W) Lieut. Waggener (K) Lieut. McNeill Source: Gentlemen's Magazine, Aug., 1755. THE VIRGINIA REGIMENT 121 To Geo. Washington, Esq. , Col. of the Va. Regt. and Commander of all the Va. Forces : The humble Address of the officers of the Va. Geo. Weedon Hy. Russell Jno. Lawson Geo. Speak Wm, Woodford Jno. McCully Jno. Sallard W. Hughes Walt. Cunningham Fort Loudoun, Dec. 3i Wm. Cocke David Kennedy Jas. Craik, Surgeon James Duncanson Jas. Roy Robt. Stewart Jno. McNeill H. Woodward Robt. McKenzie 1758. Regt. (Signed). Thos. Bullitt Jno. Blagg Natha. Gist Mord. Buckner Wm. Dangerfield Wm. Fleming Leonard Price Nathl. Thompson Chas. Smith An address on his retirement as Commander of the Va. troops, 1758. Source : Records of Columbia Hist. Soc, Vol. I, p. 24. 27 Dec. .♦ Spotsylvania Order Books. A list of the officers of the Colonial Militia of Spotsylvania County who producing their commissions before the Court of His Majesty's Honourable Justices for the County aforesaid, took the oaths as directed by law. ORDER BOOK— 1724-1730. Colonel John Robinson took the oath as Lieutenant of Spots. Co., August 5, 1729- Captain Thomas Chew and his officers, John Minor and Edward Franklyn; Captain William Johnson and his officers, Andrew Harrison and Thomas Warren, took ye oath August 5, 1729. Major Goodrich Lightfoot, Captain Robert Slaughter and his officers, Francis Kirkley and William Payton; Captain John Scott and his officers, Joseph Hawkins and John Lightfoot; Captain William Bledsoe and his officers, James Williams and George Home, took ye oath, September 2, 1729. Captain William Hansford and his officer, John Grayson, Jr., took ye oath, October 7, 1729. Henry Willis, Gent., before His Honor, William Gooch, Esq., Lt.-Gov., etc. Commission to be Lieut. -Colonel of this county, took ye oath, August 4, 1730. ORDER BOOK— 1730-1738. Robert Green, Captain; Francis Slaughter, Lieut.; John Roberts, Ensign; Abraham Field, Captain; Henry Field, Lieut.; Francis Michall, Ensign of a company of foot, took the oath February 2, 1 730-1. Benjamin Cave, Lieutenant to Captain John Scott, took the oath, Feb- ruary 2, 1 730-1. John Taliaferro, Lieut. -Colonel; Francis Thornton, Jr., Major of the Horse; Francis Taliaferro, Captain of the Horse; Richard Tutt, his Lieuten- ant of Horse; Thomas Hill, Captain of a foot company, took ye oath, October 6, 1736. Richard Phillips, Gent. , Lieutenant, and Edward Herndon, Jr. , Gent. , Cornet, produced their commissions and took the oath, etc. , as officers to a troop of horse under Captain William Waller. November 1, 1737. ORDER BOOK— 1738-1749. Mosely Battaley, Gent., produced his commission to be Captain of a com- pany of Foot in this county, and took the oath Apr., 1740. 122 SPOTSYLVANIA ORDER BOOKS 1 23 Thomas Duerson, Gent. , commissioned to be Lieut, and George Green, Gent. , commissioned to be Ensign of a company of Foot under Capt. Battaley, and took the oath Apr. 1, 1740. Francis Thornton, Jr. Gent., commissioned as Lieut. -Colonel of this county; Francis Taliaferro, Gent., commissioned to be Major of the Horse; Richard , Gent., commissioned to be Captain of a company of Horse; Rice Curtis, Jr., Gent., commissioned to be captain of a company of Horse; Joseph Hawkins, Gent., commissioned to be captain of a company of Horse. The preceding took the oath Sept. 7, 1742. Edmund Waller, commissioned to be Captain of a company of Foot; John Edwards, Gent., commissioned to be Captain of a company of Foot; Thomas Duerson, Gent., commissioned to be Captain of a company of Foot. The preceding took the oath Dec. 8, 1742. William Robinson, Gent, commissioned to be Major of Militia in this county, took the oath Sept. 7, 1743. Joseph Collins, Gent. , commissioned to be Lieutenant of a troop of Horse under Capt. Joseph Hawkins; George Carter, Gent., commissioned to be Cornet under the same. Henry Pendleton, Gent., commissioned to be Lieu- tenant of a company of Foot, under Capt. Edmund Waller; James Edwards, Gent, commissioned to be Ensign under the same. Dudley Gatewood, Gent., commissioned to be Ensign in a company of Foot, under Capt. Thomas Duer- son. The preceding took the oath Dec. 6, 1743. Henry Brock, Gent. , commissioned to be Lieutenant of a company of Foot, under Capt. Thomas Duerson, took the oath Feb. 7, 1743. John Taliaferro, Gent. , commissioned to be captain of a company of Foot, John Gordon, Gent., commissioned to be Lieutenant of a company of Foot, took the oath Dec. 4, 1744- Edward Herndon, Jr. , Gent. , commissioned to be Lieutenant of a troop of Horse, commanded by Capt. Richard Tutt, took the oath March 5, 1744. James Allan, commissioned to be Cornet of a troop of Horse, commanded by Capt. Richard Tutt, took the oath March 6, 1744. William Waller, Gent. , commissioned to be Colonel of the Horse in this county, took the oath July 4, 1749. John Spotswood, Esq., commission to be Lieut. -Colonel of this county, took the oath Aug. 1, 1749. ORDER BOOK— 1749-1755. Rice Curtis, Jr., commission to be Major of the Horse; Richard Tutt, Gent., to be Major of the Foot, took the oath Apr. 3, 1750. Moseley Battaley, Gent., commission to be Captain of a troop of Horse, took the oath Sept. 4, 1750. Joseph Collins, Gent. , commission to be Captain of a company of Foot, took the oath Nov. 6, 1750. Philemon Hawkins, Gent. , commission to be Captain of a company of Foot, took the oath Feb. 5, 1750. 124 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA John Spotswood, Esq., commission dated Nov. 18, last, as Lieut, and Chief Commanding Officer of the Militia in this county, took the oath Jan. 3, 1753. Francis Taliaferro as Colonel in this county; John Thornton as Colonel in this county; Richard Tutt as Major of Militia in this county, produced their commissions, all dated Nov. 18, 1752, and took the oath Feb. 6, 1753. Wm. Lynn, commission dated Jan. 26, 1753, as Captain of the Independent Company of Foot, composed of the Gentlemen Inhabitants of the Town of Fredericksburg, took the oath Feb. 7, 1753. John Dent, as Lieutenant and Humphrey Wallace as Ensign to Capt. William Lynn, Gent., Captain of the Independent Company of Foot, dated this day and took ye oath Feb. 7, 1753. George Washington, Esq., commission dated Dec. 13, 1752, to be Major and Adjutant of the Militia, Horse and Foot, in the counties of Princess Anne, Norfolk, Nansemond, Isle of Wight, Southampton, Surrey, Brunswick, Prince George, Dinwiddie, Chesterfield, Amelia, and Cumberland, and took the oath Feb. 10, 1753. Charles Lewis, William Miller, and Benjamin Pendleton, Gentlm., com- missioned to be Captains of Foot, and Ambrose Bullard to be Lieutenant of Foot, took the oath Sept. 4, 1753. John Crane, Gent., commission dated Feb. the nth, last, to be Captain of a troop of Horse, took the oath Nov. 6, 1754. Abraham Crittenden, William Jesse, Benjamin Whaley, Richard Harkless, James Low, Hugh Carpenter, and John Waller, came into Court and took the oath to the Government, and signed the test, etc., "soldiers," Dec, 3, 1754. ORDER BOOK— 1755-1765. William Lynn, Gent., Major, commission dated July 29, 1755. John Dent, Gent., Captain of Fredericksburg Company, commission dated July 22, 1755. Philemon Hawkins, Gent., Captain of company of Foot, commission dated July 21, 1755. Bushrod Fauntleroy, Gent., Captain of company of Foot, commission dated July 21, 1755. Lawrence Taliaferro, Gent., Lieut, of Company under Capt. Charles Lewis, commission dated July 21, 1755. Moses Bledsoe, Lieutenant of company under Capt. William Miller, commission dated July 27, 1755. Erasmus Withers Allen, Lieutenant of company under Capt. Philemon Hawkins, commission dated July 21, 1755. Aaron Bledsoe, Lieutenant of company under Capt. Benjamin Pendleton, commission dated July 21, 1755. John Herndon, Ensign of company under Capt. Miller, commission dated August 2, 1755. The preceding took the oath August 5, 1755. SPOTSYLVANIA ORDER BOOKS 12 5 The following officers produced their commissions and took the oath and subscribed the test, as by law directed, at a Court held for Spotsylvania County, May 4, 1756: Thomas Slaughter, Esq. , commission dated Apr. 26, 1756, Lieut. -Colonel and Commander of the Forces from Culpeper against ye Indians above Winchester, on this expedition. William Green, Gent., as Major under the said Slaughter ; commission dated Apr. 29, 1756. Francis Kirtley, Gent., Captain of a company of Foot, in the said forces ; commission dated Apr. 29, 1756. John Field, Gent. , Captain of a company of Foot, in the said forces ; com- mission dated Apr. 29, 1756. William Stanton, Gent., as 1st Lieutenant in said expedition ; commission dated May 4, 1756. Lewis Willis, Gent., as Captain of Foot in Spots. County, under John Spotswood, Esq.; commission dated Apr. 29, 1756. Lawrence Taliaferro, Captain of Foot in Spots. County; commission dated March 4, 1756. Aaron Bledsoe, Gent., Captain of Foot in Spots. County; commission dated Apr. 29, 1756. James Cunningham, Gent., as 1st Lieutenant of company of Foot in Spots. County; commission dated May 4, 1756. William Bell, Gent. , 2nd Lieutenant of Foot in Spots. Co. ; commission dated May 4, 1756. Beverley Winslow, Gent., as 1st Lieutenant of Foot in Spots. County; commission dated May 4, 1756. Robert Chew, Gent. , 1st Lieutenant of Foot in Spots. County; commis- sion dated May 4, 1756. James Tutt, Gent., as 1st Lieutenant of Foot in Spots. County; commis- sion dated May 4, 1756. Zachary Lewis, Jr., Gent., 1st Lieutenant of Foot in Spots. County; com- mission dated May 4, 1756. Edward Herndon, Jr., 2nd Lieutenant of Foot in Spots. County; commis- sion dated May 4, 1756. Humphrey Brooke, 2nd Lieutenant of Foot in Spots. County; commission dated May 4, 1756. John Robinson, 2nd Lieutenant of Foot in Spots. County; commission dated May 4, 1756. Spilsbe Coleman, 2nd Lieutenant of Foot in Spots. County; commission dated May 4, 1756. The following took the oath at a Court held May 5, 1756: Benjamin Pendleton, Esq., Major of the Militia in Spots. County; com- mission dated Apr. 29, 1756. 126 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA William Taliaferro, Esq., Lieut.-Colonel of Orange County; commission dated May 4, 1756. Thomas Estes, as Ensign to Capt. Fauntleroy; commission dated July a I, 1755. John Waller, the Younger, Gent. , commission to be Lieutenant of a troop of Horse in Spots. County, dated July 21, 1755; took the oath July 6, 1756. Rice Curtis, Gent., commission as Colonel of Militia of Spots. County, dated Apr. 26, 1756; took the oath July 7, 1756. Thomas Estes, Gent, commission to be Captain of a company of Foot in this county; dated March n, 1757, and John Herndon commission to be Ensign of a company of Foot; took the oath Apr. 5, 1757. Charles Lewis, Gent. , Major of the County of Spots. ; commission dated Oct. 4, 1757; took the oath Oct. 4, 1757. Richard Tutt, Colonel in the Militia of Spots. Co. ; commission dated Aug. 27, 1756; took the oath Oct. 4, 1757. Fielding Lewis, Esq., County Lieutenant of Spots. County; commission dated Oct. 15; took the oath Feb, 7, 1758, Zachary Lewis, Jr. , Gent. , Captain of company of Foot in Spots. County ; commission dated Feb. 17, 1758. George Frazer, Gent., Captain of company of Foot; commission dated March 8, 1758. Robt. Duncanson, Gent., to be Lieutenant. Hugh Lenox, Gent., to be Ensign. The above took the oaths March 8, 1758. Joseph Brock, Gent., commission dated Oct. 25, 1758, to be Captain of a company in this County. Zachary Lewis, Gent., commissson dated Oct. 23, 1758, to be Captain of a company in this County. John Crane, Gent., commission dated Oct. 25, 1758, to be Major in this County. John Carter, Gent., commission dated Oct. 25, 1758; to be Captain of a company in this County. The preceding took the oaths Apr. 3, 1759. Joseph Bledsoe, Gent., commission dated Apr. 8, 1759, to be Ensign of a company in the 14th Battalion; took the oath May 1, 1759. Fielding Lewis, Esq., commission dated Oct. 25, 1758, to be County Lieutenant. Beverley Winslow, Gent., commission dated Oct. 25, 1758, to be Captain of a company of Militia in this County. The above took the oaths June 4, 1759. Fielding Lewis, Esq., commission dated Nov. 12, 1761, as Commander in Chief of the Militia of this County. SPOTSYLVANIA ORDER BOOKS 12/ John Crane, Gent. , commission dated Nov. 12, 1761, to be Major of the Militia in this County. Joseph Brock, commission dated Nov. 12, 1761, to be Captain of a com- pany in this County. The above took the oaths March 1, 1762. Zachary Lewis, Gent., commission dated Nov. 12, 1761, to be Captain of a company in this County; took the oath Apr. 5, 1762. John Waller, Esq., commission dated Apr. 4, 1764, to be Captain of a company of Foot. John Beverley Roy, Gent., commission dated May 7, 1764, as a Lieuten- ant of a company of Foot. The above took the oaths May 7, 1764. John Lewis, Esq., commission to be Quarter Master of the Militia in this County; took the oath Aug. 1, 1763. John Waller, Gent., commission dated July 11, 1763, to be Lieutenant of a company of Militia. James Cunningham, commission dated July 27, 1763, to be Lieutenant of a company of Militia. The above took the oaths Aug. 1, 1763. George Weeden, Esq., commission dated March 1, 1764, to be Captain of a company of Militia; took the oath March 5, 1764. Zachary Lewis, Jr., Esq., commission dated Apr. 30, 1764, to be Major in the Militia; took the oath Aug. 7, 1764. Robert Chew, Esq., commission dated Sept. 3, 1764, to be Captain of a company of Militia; took the oath Sept. 4, 1764. John Crane, Esq., commission dated Apr. 3, 1764, to be Colonel in the Militia in this County. John Roan, commission dated March 5, 1765, to be Captain of a company of Militia. The above took the oaths Apr. 2, 1765. James Cunningham, commission dated Sept. 2, 1755, Ensign to Capt. Ben- jamin Pendleton; took the oath Sept. 3, 1755. George Frazer, Gent., commission dated Aug. 23, 1755, as Lieutenant of a company in the Virginia Regiment; took the oath Dec. 4, 1755. ORDER BOOK— 1768-1774. George Stubblefield, Gent., commission dated May 9, 1769, Capt. of a company of Mititia; took the oath Nov. 6, 1769. Henry Johnson, Gent, commission dated May 9, 1769, Lieutenant in the Militia of Spots. Co. ; took the oath Nov. 6, 1769. 128 VIRGINIA COLONIAL MILITIA ORDER BOOK— 1774-1782. The following proved their right to bounty lands granted by His Majesty the King to soldiers serving in defense of the Colony 1755 to 1760, etc.: Thomas Collins, Deed., Sergt. and Capt. in Capt. Charles Lewis' com- pany of a Virginia Regiment on the frontier, 1755; proved at a Court held for Spots. County, Sept. 16, 1779. Richard Johnston, Lieutenant in Col. William Byrd's Regiment in Chero- kee Expedition in 1760. Edward Ludwick (Ludwig or Led wedge) served as a soldier in 1st Vir- ginia Regiment, raised for the immediate defense of the Colony in 1756. James Richards, served as a soldier in 1st Virginia Regiment, raised for immediate defense of the Colony in 1760. Ezekiel Richardson served as Drum Major 1st Virginia Regiment, raised for immediate defense of the Colony, in 1758, also served as Drum Major in Regiment under command of Col. Adam Stephen in the year 1760. Stephen Spicer, served as a soldier in the year 1758. The above proved their services at a Court held for Spots. County, Apr. 21, 1780. George Stubblefield, Gent., served as a Cadet in the year 1762, in Regi- ment under the command of Adam Stephen. Proved at a Court held for Spots. County, June 15, 1780. At a Court held for Spots. County, February, 1780, the following proved their services in the Militia of the Colony, 1755 to 1760, raised for the imme- diate defense thereof: Edward Foley served as a soldier in 1st Va. Regiment. Edward Sutton, soldier. William Ross, soldier. Charles as Sergt. William Tins as soldier. William Lampton as soldier. Daniel Simpson as Corp. Edward Gold as Ensign in Col. Byrd's Regiment. Nathaniel Gest (or Gist) deposeth and saith that he served in the office of Lieut, in Capt. Christopher Gest's company, raised in 1756, and served until the company was and also as a Captain in Col. George Washington's 1st Va. Regiment, raised in 1756, continued as Captain until it was dis- banded. Nathaniel Gest, son and heir of Christopher Gest, deed., deposeth and saith that the said Christopher Gest was Captain of a Company of Rangers, raised in 1756, for defense of the frontier, and served until the said company was discharged in 1756. Genl. George Weeden served as a Capt. -Lieut, in 1st Va. Regiment; also served as Captain in Col. Adam Stephen's Regiment. SPOTSYLVANIA ORDER BOOKS 1 29 Larkin Chew served as Ensign in Col. William Byrd's 2nd Va. Regiment, raised in 1758; served until disbanded, and also served in 1st Va. Regiment as a Lieut. , at that time under command of Col. Byrd, served therein until it was disbanded. Afterwards entered regiment commanded by Col. Adam Stephen and served as Lieutenant until it was disbanded. William Dangerfield served as Captain in 1st Va. Regiment till disbanded, afterwards in regiment commanded by Col. Adam Stephen. Richard Halbe , soldier in Col. Byrd's and Col. Stephen's regiments. Robert Saunders, Corp. in Frontier Battalion, James Gimb , as soldier in Col. Byrd's regiment. John Conner as soldier in Col. Stephen's regiment. Richard Br , Serg. in Col. Byrd's Regiment, 1758. Ludowick Oneal, as soldier in Col. Byrd's Regiment, 1758. Joseph , Serg. 2nd Va. Regiment in 1758. Richard F. A , as soldier. Francis , as soldier. William Tur , as soldier in Byrd's Regiment. Richard Reynolds, soldier in Byrd's Regiment. Benjamin Turner, deed., soldier in Byrd's Regiment. Joseph Bledsoe, Serg. in Va. Regiment, also served as Ensign in the er Battalion. Hn&ex of Counties. Acconiac, 67, 105, 107 Albemarle, 66, 67, 77 Amelia, 65, 66 Augusta, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 84, 91, 92, 93, 94 Bedford, 67, 68, 69, 77, 86 Botetourt, 84, 85, 86, 87 Brunswick, 69, 70 Charles City, 95, 103, 105 Chesterfield, 70, 77 Culpeper, 58 Cumberland, 70, 71 Elizabeth City, 95, 104, 106 Essex, 71, 95, 96, io6 Fairfax, 58, 72 Fauquier, 96, 97 Fincastle, 79, 87 Frederick, 71, 72, 78 Gloucester, 104, 106 Goochland, 73 Halifax, 73, 78 Hanover, 73 Henrico, 73, 103, 105 Isle of Wight, 97, 103, 105 James City, 73, 95, 103, 106 King George, 74 King and Queen, 78, 97, 106 Lancaster, 95, 104, 106 Lunenberg, 74, 75, 78 77, 83, Loudoun, 74, 78 Louisa, 74 Middlesex, 76, 98, 99, 104, 106 Nansemond, 76, 103, 105 New Kent, 76, 104, 106 Norfolk, 78, 104, 105 Northampton, 76, 99, 100, 105, 107 Northumberland, 76, 100, 104, 106- Princess Anne, 76, 105 Prince Edward, 76 Prince George, 76 Prince William, 59, 76, 78 Rappahannock, 100, 104 Richmond, 100, 106 Southampton, 76 Spotsylvania, 76, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128 Stafford, 77, 105, 106 Surry, 76, 101, 102, 103, 105 Sussex, 76 Warwick, 103, 106 Westmoreland, 77, 104, 106 York, 77, 104, 106 131 General Inoe*. Abbott, 44, 68 Aberman, 62 Abet, 68 Able, 81 Abney, 66 Abston, 68 Acres, 43, 94 Acuff, 72 Acuts, 54 Adam, 70 Adams, 25, 40, 48, 54, 69, 72, 75, 80,92 Adkins, 10, 24, 63, 79, 102 Afflick, 115. Aggrnue, 87' Ahorn, 31 Alcorn, 39, 48, 68 Alden, 84 Aleson, 94 Alexander, n, 12, 54, 61, 63, 64, 66, 83, 84, 88, 92 Alfort, 72 Algier, 62 Allan, 92, 116, 117, 119, 123 Allbury, 113, 116, 119 Allen, 53, 63, 64, 66, 71, 7a, 75, 89, 99, 102, in, 113, 124 Allerton, 104, 106 Allison, 64 Alsbury, 85 Also, 102 Alston, 67 Alsup, 48 Amontrout, 62 Amos, 12 Amox, 77 Anderson, 11, 17, 21, 41, 44, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 71, 75. 81, 91, 92. Andrews, 67, 84, 99, 100, 102 Annet, 42 Anon, 63 Anthony, 51, 67 Apling, 66 Applewaite, 97 Arbuckle, 15, 77, 88, 89 Arbuthnott, 33 Archer. 60, 91, 103 Ard, 86 Armistead, 95, 98, 104, 106 Armstrong, 33, 41, 47, 60, 62, 63, 65, 77, 85, 87, 91, 92 Arnold, 23, 66, 84, 88, 97 Arrens, 114 Arrenton, 68 Arsdale, 114, 117, 119 Arthington, 69 Arthur, 69, 85 Ashby, 96 Asher, 73 Ashley, 75 Ashworth, 74 Askins, 94 Astle, 79 Aston, 95 Athier, 75 Atkins, 32, 75, 79 Austin, 21, 54, 102 Avery, 36, 98 Avis, 29 Awbrey, 72 Ayres, 19 B Babit, 79 Bacon, 50, 55 Bage, 101 Bailey (Baily), 45, 71, 80, 97, 109, 112, 113, 115, 117, 118 Baisley, 97 Baker, 15, 20, 69, 70, 77, 87, 88, 102, 105, 113, 116, 117, 119, 120 Baldock, 16 Baldwin, 65 Ball, 97, 104, 106 Ballard, 66, 103, 106 Ballenger, 70 Bailer, 12 Baltimore, 46 Bambridge, 84 Banger, 71 Banks, 38 Banton, 38 Balber, 99, 100 Barclay, 64 Bardin, 74 Berefoot, 22, 102 Barham, 103 Barker, 45, 49, 69, 70, 101, 102 Barkins, 91 Barkley (Barkly), 84, 93 Barler, 58 Barlow, 27 Barnes, 34, 101, 116 Barnet (Barnett), 47, 70 Barney, 92 Barr, 59 Barret (Barrett), 29, 35, 86, 109, 114, 117, 119 Barrow, 62 Bartee, 53 Bartlett, 101 Barton, 59, 85 Barwick, 99 Basdel, 88 Baskine, 62 Bassett, 106 Batcheldor, 98 Bates, 77 Battaley, 122, 123 Battle, 101, 102 Batty, in Batson, 59, 115, 117 Baughan, 10 Baughman, 57 Baxter, 58, 112, 118 Bayley (Baily), 102, 103, 107, m Baylis, 59, 78 Baynes, 109 Beaker, 94 Beale, 52, 100 Beamont, 99, 102 Bean, 94 Beans, 92 Beard, 101 Beardmore, 52 Beason, 93 Becknel, 67 Beeler (Beelor), 44, 45 Beighton, 102 Belche, 62 Belford, 104 Bell, 61, 62, 63, 72, 75, 78, 80, 92, 96, 97. 99, 113, 116, 119, 120 125. Bellew, 87 Bendall, 99 Beniger, 61 Benn, 75 Bennett, 71, 96, 102, 114, 117, 119 Benning, 68 Benninger, 60 Benson, 93 Beutley (Bently), 36, 78, 101 Beret, 63 Bergman, 97, 83 Berkeley (Berkley), 11, 58 Berlane, 64 133 Bernard, 52 Berry, 59, 70, 75, 77 Berryman, 102 Best, 51 Bethel, 54 Betty, 92 Beverley, 104, 106 Bewtoole, 71 Beyans, 114 Bibb, 21, 37 Bickley, 54, 74 Biddlecome, 112, 116, 117, 119 Biggs, 66 Billot, 119 Bingaman, 60, 62 Binns, 101 Bird, 112 Bires, 94 Bishop, 82, 98, no, 119 Bisnor, 114 Bist, 65 Black, 29, 56, 60, 61, 62, .63, 9» 113, 116, 119 Blackborne, 101 Blackburn, 19, 72, 87 Blackford, 88 Blackwell, 96, 97 Blackwood, 60, 63 Blagge, 15, 32, 39, 49, 55, 120 121 Blair, 34, 62, 64, 84, 89, 91 Blakey, 99 Blanchet, 65 Bland, 59, 76 Blankenship, 37, 43, 77 Blanks, 74 Blanton, 26 Blaze, 98 Bledsoe, 23, 122, 124, 125, 126, 129 Blesly, 80 Blevins, 73 Blewford, 38, 99 Blith, 101 Blor, 61 Blow, 101 Blunkall, 32 Blunt, 102 Board, 45, 68 Boatman, 97 Boden, 97 Bogard, 87 Boggess, 58 Boh, 80 Boldin, 74 Boles, 80 Boiling, 59, 78 Bolton, 40, no, 113, 116, 119 Bombgarden, 113 Bombgarduer, no, 113, 117, no Bond, 78 Boniface, 85 Bonny, no Boodle, 98 Booge, 86 Booker, 104 Booky, 102 Booth, 17, 103 Botson. in Botters, 64 Boughman, 85 Boulware, 34 Bouman, 105 Bouquet, 17, 34 , 45 Bouyiis, 78 Bowan, 83 Bowen, 38, 63, 79, 82 Bowens, 62 Bowin, 60 Bowles, 32 42, 85 *34 GENERAL INDEX Bowling, 72 Bowman, 58, ill, 115, 117, 118 Bowne, 63 Boworn, 58 Bowyer, 50, 55, 88 Boyd, 61 , 78, 85, 86, 92, 113, 116, 119 Boyer, S5 Boyle, 91 Boyls, 84 Boyne, 61 Bozel, 86 Bracken, 86, 89 Brackenridge, 64, 66, 77 Bradberry, 13 Braddock, 14, 29 Bradford, 27 Bradley, 70. 7>> 84, 87 Bradshaw, 62 Bradshay, 94 Bragg, 97 Brakin, 89 Bramlett, 67, 68 Branham, 21, 23 Brannan, 50, 55 Branstead, 82 Branstone, 50 Brasfield, 66 Bratchy, 67 Bratton, 61 Bray, 75, 104 Breakinred, 92 Breckenridge, 35, 52 Breden, 84 Breeze, 81 Brenton, 67 Brereton, 100, 104 Brewer, 70, 99 Brickner, 113, 116, 119 Bridge, 36 Bridger,97, 103, 105 Bridges, 58, 104 Bridgetts, 43 Brierly, 99 Bries, 95 Briggs, 61, 69, 93, 102 Bright, 38, 68, 69 Bristow 99, 114, 117. 119 Brock, 21, 56, 78, 93- 123, 126, 127 Brockenbrough, 100, 120 Broil, 71 Brorafield, 104 Bromlet, 69 Bromley, 20. 49, 55 Bronaugh(Bronough), 108, 109, 112, 115, 120 Bronstetter, 80 Brook (Brooke), 9, 83, 115, 125 Brooks, 87, 98, 115, 118 Broughton, 110, 114, 117, 119 Brown, 18, 27, 47, 54, 57. 58, 60, 63, 66, 6^, 69, 70, 79, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 88, 92, 93, 94, 100, 101, 102, 103, hi, 113, 115, 117, n8 Browning, 58, 71 Brownlee, 92 Brumley (Brumly), 32, 81, 82 Brumm, 99 Brummell, 99 Brundige, 84 Bruton, 101 Bryan, 66, 68, b9, 70, 77, in Bryans, 63, 65, 85 Bryant, 67, 86 Buchanan, 44, 48, 49. 54, 59. 60. 64,84,91,92 Buckles, 44 Buckley, 21 Buckner, 9, 25, 29, 33, 39, 106, 120, 121 Buckus, 72 Buford, 31, 40, 86, 88, 89 Billiard, 22, 24, 124 Bullett (Bullitt), 37, 42, 108, 109, 115, 120, 121 Bullock, 29 Bumpass, 67 Bunch, 86 Bunnell, 102 Bunshell, 80 Buntons, 64 Burcks, 85 Burd, 93 Burgess, 66 Burgh, 66 Burk, 58, 61, 79, 87, 94, 112, 114, 116, 119, 120 Burke, 13, 86 Burkem, 72 Burks, 68, 69 Burley, 93 Burnes, 85 Burnett, 16 Burney, 112, 116, 117, 119 Burnham, 104 Burnley, 68 Burns, 113, 117, 119 Burnside (Burnsides), 64, 85 Burny, 84 Burras, 117 Burrell, 104 Burrens, 86 Burris, 114, 117, 120 Burson, 59 Burtchfield, 85 Burton, 34, 43, 65, 112, 115, 118 Busby, 101, 102 Bush, 69, 70, 83 Bustar, 82 Butler, 83, 84 Butts, 76 Butterworth, 68 Buyers, 64 Byarly, 113, 119 Byneham, 101 Byrd, 10, 11, 12, «6, 28, 81, 103, 105, 128 Byrne, 59, 85 Cage, 44 Caghey, 63 Cahell (Cahill), 112, 119 Cain, 64, 93 Cairns, 119 Caldwell, 67, 74, 75, 77, 92, 93 Callaway, 67, 69, 73, 87 Calton, 70 Calvin, 72 Gamble, 62, 79, 91, 92, 93, 94 Cammack (Cammock), 117, 119 Camp, 15, 23, 72 Campbell, 12, 17, 20, 39, 60, 61, 62, 63, 66, 68, 69, 74, 77, 80, 82, 86, 88, 89, 113, n6, 117, no, 120 ladv Canady, 85, 87, 115 Cannaird, 59 Cannon, 66 Cant, 98 Cantley, 64 Caperton, 85 Capliner, 62 Capshaw, 115 Care, 71 Cares, 94 Carey, 98 Cargill, 74, 75 Cargon, 65 Carl, 92 Carlile (Carlyle), 57, 63, 70, 115 Carmack, 87 Games, no Carney, 85 Carothers, 65 Carpenter, 17, 29, 58, 85, 88, 101, 124 Carr, 36, 61, 64, 65, 72, 80 Carrigan, 17 Carroll, 72, 93, in, 115, 118 Carson, 69, in, 115, 118 Carter, 35, 59, 66, 69, 74, 75, 86, 95, 97. 99, 104, 106, 107, 113, 116, 119, 120, 123, 126 Carther, 87 Cartie, 67 Cartmill, 65 Cartwright, 59, 72 Caruthers, 94 Carvin, 48, 65 Carwin, 77 Cary, 18, 35, 79, 106 Casady, 14 Case, 92 Casey, 69, 87 Cash, 67 Cashaday, 63 Cashiah, 68 Cass, 94 Casse, 103 Cason, 78 Casterson, 115 Casterton, 118 Castle, 61 Cathey, 92 Catlett, 106 Catron, 80 Cattes (Cats), 80 Cavanpugh, 9 Cave, 26, 58, 122 Cavon, 60 Cellars, 116 Cenney, 64 Chaddock, 116, 118 Chadwick, 112 Chalmor, 67, 68 Chamberlain (Chamberlayne), 59, 103 Chamberlyne, 36 Chambers, 92, ior Champ, 80 Charapain, 71 Chandler, 69 Chape, 119 Chaplain, 117 Chapline, 88 Chapman, 20, 109, 112, 116, 117, 118, 119 Charlton, 99, 100 Cheatham, 65 Chelton, 99 Chew, 27, 29, 42, 122, 125, 127, 129 Chewning. 99 Chick, 57 Ghilders, 73 Childre, 66 Chilton, 59, 96 Chism (Chisum), 42, 70, 83 Choat, 68 Christian, 19, 39, 48, 53, 54, 60, 61, 77, 88, 89, 92 Christy, n Chumley, 65 Churchill, 96, 98 Cincaid, no Cissel, 22 Claiton, 49, 55 Clapham, 72 Clark (Clarke), 18, 23, 37, 60, 63, 65, 86, 88, 93, 94, 98, 101, 102, 103, 112, 115, 118 Clarkson, 31, 57 Clary, 103 Clay, 66, 89 Claypole, 72 Cleeke, 64 Cleet, 21 Clemens, 93 Clement, 61 Clements, 25, 103, 114, 117, 120 Clendenin (Clendinin), 64, 79, 90 Clerk, 63, 64, 87 Cliften (Clifton), 79, 85, 96 CHnding, 86 GENERAL INDEX 135 Cliudiiiniug, 69 Cloud, 62 Clowdes, 97 Cloyd, 65 Cloyne, 80 Coal, 94 Cochran, 48, 84 Cock (Cocke), 98, 102, 120, 121 Cockerham, 101, 102 Codare, 53 Codd, 100 Coffland, n 1 Cogh, 64 Coiler, 84 Coin, 113, 116, 119 Coker, 74 Coldwell, 68 Cole, 103 Coleman, 26, 75, no, 112, 116, 118, 125 Coler, 62 Colley, 62 Collier, 42, 69, 70, 77, 97, 101 Collin, 71 Collins, 51, 78, 85, 123, 128 Colquhond, 10 Colson, 72, 74 Colston, 71 Colter, 64, 65 Colvin, 45 Comer, 75 Comerby, 112 Combs, 71 Commack, no Conaly, 71 Condon, 87 Coudrow, 66 Conigham, 92 Connally, 70 Conner, 40, 117, 129 Connor, 23, 39, 84 Constantine, 86 Conway, 60, 77, 96, 110, 114, 117, 120 Cook (Cooke), 66, 70, 72, 83, 85, 86, 91, 93, 102, 103 Cooper, 22, 27, 50, 55, 58, 67, 72, 75, 81, 82, 86, 90 Coonrod, 60 Copland, 109 Coppage, 59 Copper, 61 Corbin, 95, 98 Corder, 70 Coreham, 59 Cormick, 88 Cornet, 60 Cornish, 103 Cornwell, 59, 85 Corser, 69 Cosby, 29, 35, 60 Cosier, 94 Costerton, in Cotrell, 66 Cotten (Cotton), 91, 102 Cottrell (Cottrill), 72, 98 Couch, 62 Couden, 60 Counsel, 52 Courser, 91 Courtney, 78 Covington, 96 Cowan, 88 Coward, 89 Cowdown, 64 Cowen (Cowin), 66, 92 Cowood, 103 Cowper, 35, 106 Coyl (Coyle), 81, 112, 119 Cox, 34, 41, 49, 55, 65, 69, 71, 73, 77, 109, in, 115, 118 Crabtree, 69, 83 Craddock, 32, 65 Craford (Crafford), 82, 83, 84, 91, 102 Craig, 61, 62, 63, 64, 85, 86, 91, 92 Craick (Craik), 51, 108, 109, 115, 121 Crain, 86 Crane, 124, 126, 127 Cranes, 112 Cranke, 99 Craske, 100 Craven, 94 Cravens, 60, 82, 83 Crawford, 66, 77, 80 Crawley, 84 Cray ton, 17 Creagh, 36 Creed (Creede), 85, 101 Cremore, 50 Crevens, 63 Crews, 51, 102 Crisman, 81 Crispe, 99 Crittenden, 124 Crocket (Crockett), 47, 59, 63, 69,93 Croford, 63 Croley, 73, 85 Crosby, 62 Cross, 51, 71 Crosthwait, 12, 41 Crouch, 59, 102 Croucher, 18 Crow, 25, 88 Crump, 65, 76 Crupper, 59 Cull, 63 Culpeper, 65 Culton, 64 Culwell, 87 Cumberland, 93 Cummins (Cummings), 10, 84 Cumpton, 65 Cundiff, 86, 89 Cunningham, 60, 6i, 62, 63, 64, 75, 84, 86, 94, 121, 125, 127 Cunrod, 61, 62 Current, 86 Currey, 63 Curtis, 76, 98, 123, 126 Custer, 86 Custis, 67, 105, 107 Cutlip, 86 r> Dailey (Daily), 114, 117 Dangerfield (Daingerfield), n, 20, 27, 95, 120, 121, 129 Dale, 86, 104 Dailey, 50 Dallowe (Dallow), 113, 117 Dalton, 22, 56 Dalway, 9 Daly, 120 Dandridge, 107 Dandy, 75 Daniel (Dauiell), 46, 98 Danniston, 91 Darby, 75 Darke, 44 Darnell, 78 Darns, 72 Dastforan, 38 Doughtery, 75 Daughton, 98 Doulton, 74 Daunn, 68 Davice, 66, 65 Davidson, 64, 93 Davies, 54, 63, 93, 102 Davis, 10, 27, 49, 50, 54, 59, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 69, 72, 75, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 93, 94, 98, 102, 103, 117 Davison, 63, 92 Daws, 68 Dawson, 11, 59 Day, 71, 86 Deadman, 117 Deal, 86 Dean, 78, 112, 116, 117, 118, 120 Dearon, 94 Deberry, 102 Deek, 83 Deerkin, 102 Degell, 71 Degranch, 74 Dehority, 87 Dekizer, 120 Delancy, 58 Delke, 101 Demonse, 85 Demovill, 58 Dempsey, 14 Deniston, 85 Dennis, 101, 102 Dent, 124 Denton, 70 Deprest, 66 Dew, 63 Dewey, 114 Deweny, in Dice, 62 Dick, 33 Dickenson, 12, 60 Dickerson, 29, 43 Dickey, 61, 92 Dickinson, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 25, 43, 74, 89 Dickison, 88 Dickson, 55, 72, 75 Dictum, 93 Dier, 65 Digby, 102 Dilenham, 69 Dillard, 73 Dillingham, 75 Dingos, 79 Dinwiddie, 17, 41, 109 Diver, 61, 80 Dixon, 76 Dixton, 62, 68 Doack (Doake), 79, So, 83, 92 Dobin, 93 Dobbins, 70 Dobler, 80 Doconly, 98 Doctor, 72 Dodd, 85 Dode, 75 Dodson, 99 Doggett, 44, 70 Doherty, 75, 86 Dohorty, 82 Dollarhide, 79 Dolling, 102 Donahough, 119 Donaldson, 72, 79 Donally, 85, 86 Donaphan, 100 Donlap, 63 Donelson (Donnelson), 10, 81 Donnelly, 20, 77 Donoho, 87, 91, 116 Dooley (Dolly), 20, 77, 86 Doran, 88, 109 Doreus, 63 Dorker, 99 Doss, 87 Dougherty, 94 Doughy, 115 Douglas, 52, 80, 82, 99 Douuaway, 13 Dowell, 59 Dowman, 100 Downing, 99 Downs, 63 Downy, 79, 80 Doyle, 59 Draper, 89, 94, 101 Draxeller, 113 Draxter, 119 Dreden, 94 Drew (Drewe), 95, ior, 103 Dring, 98 Driver, 60 I3 6 GENERAL INDEX Druggers, 40 Drummon, 75 Ducart, 92 Duckworth, 72 Dudgeon, 74 Dudley, 98, 99, 106 Duerdine, 98 Duerson, 123 Duke, 106 Dulin, 85 Duly, 69 Dun (Dunn), 57, 85, 113 Dunahough, 113 Dunbar, 33 Duncan, 12, 71, 97 Duucanson, 121, 126 Dunckleberry, 63, 93 Dunfield, 103 Dunham, 93 Dunkin, 81 Dunkle, 62 Dunlap, 18, 91 Dunlevy, 72 Dunlop, 47, 60, 64 Duninore, 10, 35 Duphy, 118 Dubin, 73 Durham, 45, 112, 116, 118, 119 Durphy, 111 Dutton, 80, 82 Dyche, 91 Dyer, 62, 78, 86 lED Eager, 84 Ealey, 11, 40 Earhart, 61 Earles, 53 Earley (Early), 6?, 67, 6S Easley, 39 East, 75 Eastham, 90 Eaton, 58 Eberman, 62 Ecken, 91 Edgecock, 99 Edger, 85 Edlington, 46 Edmestan (Edmeston, Edniis- ton), 60, 64, 65, 91 Edmonds, 96, 97 Edmondson, 39 Edmoston, 92 Edmundson, 96 Edwards, 35, 39, 44, 59. 67, 70, 73, 78, 82, 83, 101, 102, 123 Effluck, 112 Egins, 85 Ehrmantrout, 37 Eister, 62 Eken, 91 Elam, 74 Elate, 65 Elimus, 72 Elkin, 73 Ellenburgh, 85 EHias. 86 Eliot (Elliott), 11, 17,50, 61, 63, 85, 112, 116, 118 Ellis, 14, 47, 66, 75, 98, 101, 102, 103 Ellison, 53, 85, 87 Else, 99 Ellzey, 58 Ely, 97, 101 Eowling, 72 Epes (Eppes), 14, 16, 95, 107 Erhart, 61 Ernest, 114, 117, 119 Ervin, 62 Erwine, 91 Essell, 101, 102 Essleet, 118 Estes, 126 Estil, 85 Estis, 66, 76 Estle, 10, 16 Eustace, 32, 40, 55, 96, 120 Eval, 94 Evans (Evens), 10, 13, 29, 61, 62, 64, 86, ioi, no, 114, 116, 119 Evington, 18 Evins, 63, 84, 91, 94 Ewing, 79, 80, 84, 86 Ewings, 71 Fain, 87 Fair, 67, 68, 69 Falling, 78 Farah, 26 Fargison, 86 Fans, 46 Farley, 65, 66 Farmer, 20, 78, 85, 101, 114, 117, 119 Farrar, 36, 77, 103 Farrell, 61 Farrer, 74 Farrow, 59 Fauntleroy, 100, 124 Fauquier, 40 Fauster, 74 Faver, 71 Featon, 119 Feavil, 83 Fellows, 102 Felps, 102 Fennell, 70 Ferguson, 65, 66, 88, 112, 113, 112, 116, 117, 118, 119 Ferrell, 62 Ferrill, 81, 87 Fie, 62 Field, 40, 42, 58, 70, 88, 89, 105, 113, 119, 122, 125 Fielder, 59, 87 Fielding, 32 Fields, 24, 29, 86, 88, 116 Fienquay, 87 Figgus, 102 Filbrick, 77 Finch, 26 Findley, 87 Finley, 63, 64, 91, 103 Finey (Finney, Finnie), 51, 63, 94 Fishback, 59 Fisher, 10, 56, 58, 85, 93, in Fitzgerald, 16 Fitzjarrell, 15 Fitzhugh, 87 Fitzpatrick, 65 Fiveash, 102 Flake, 102 Flanders, 32 Fleete, 95 Flemin, 62 Fleming, 9, 12, 17, 21, 26, 39, 72, 88, 89, 101, 120, 121 Fleshman, 71 Fletcher, 43 Flin, 74 Flintham, 82 Flipping, 86 Floid, 59 Flood, 101 Flower, 94 Floyd, 25 Foard, 59 Foley, 30, 96, 128 Follas, 78 Forbes, 14, 15, 34, 42, 98 Forbush, 102 Ford, 32, 63, 65, 101, no, 112, 117, 118, 119 Fordice, 92 Foreman, 101 Forster, 65 Forver, 103 Foster, 18, 28, 30, 49, 66, 70, 101, 106, in, 112, 118 Fouracres, 26 Fowle, 99 Fowler, 9, 10, n, 61, 62, 63, 66, 70, 82, 83, 92, no, 112, 116, 117, 118 Fox, 24, 31, 36, 37, 41, 45, 47, 104, no Fragoe, 99 Frame, 92 Francis, 9, 48, 49, 91, 103 Frank, 61, 119 Franklin (Franklyn), 84, 85, 88, no, in, 122 Franks, 113, 116 Frazer, 87, 120, 126, 127 Frazier, 62, 70 Fream, 49, 55 Freeland, 88 Freeman, 37, 59, 66, 69, 70 Frees, 61 French, 19 Friend, 60 Frill, 72 Frogg (Frog), 59, 90 Fry, 13, 33, 35, 58, 79, 84, 108, 109 Fudge, 62 Fulham, 112, 116, 117, 119 Full, 61, 62 Fullam, 72 Fullen (Fullin), 80, 82, 84 Fuller, 67 Fuls, 84 Fulse, 62 Fulton, 12, 92 Furnace, 41 Funkhowser, 113 Furbush, 92 Furrill, 99 Futrill, 101 Fuqua, 68, 77 Gabriell, 99 Gaines, 23, 58, 104 Galbreath, 10 Gallahour, 114, 117, 119 Gallaw, 64 Gallaway, 60, 68, 69, 73, 119 Gallihon, 117 Galloway, 14, no, 113, 116 Gambill, 58 Gamble, 61 Gamer, 59 Garcer, 79 Gardiner, 99 Gardner, 59, 86, 114 Garner, 96, 97, 102 Garnett, 96 Garrett, 35, 71, 88 Gass, 66 Gatewood, 19, 109, no, in, 112, 115, 118, 123 Gatleph, 79 Gatlive, 65 Gaudilock, 66 Gaughagall, 94 Gaulding, 30 Gaultney, 70 Gause, in, 115, 117, 118 Gay, 60, 64 Gee, 70 George, 96 Gerrard, 113, 116, 119 Gerty, 89 Getty, 65 Gevin, 114 Gibbons, 114, 117 Gibbs, 14, in, 115, 118 Gibson, 14, 23, 31, 59, 61, 63, 68, 84, 87, 9 6, 97 Gilbert, 21, 67, 68, 69, 101 Gilberts, 85 Gilihan, 80 GENERAL INDEX *37 Gilkeson (Gilkison), 61, 63, 86 Gill, 51, 84, 93 Gillespie (Gillespey), 17, 53, 63, 65, 86, 91 Gillett, 12, 40 Gillian, 99 Gillison, 58 Gilliss, 87 Gillum, 101 Gilmore, 63, 63, 84 Gilson, 105 Gimber, 23 Ginnings, 68 Gipson, 43, 63, 67 Gist, 15, 27, 53, hi, 128 Githings, 66 Given, 92 Glascum, 88 Glass, 75, 85, 87 Glaves, 82 Glen, (Glenn), 56, 88 Gioor, 58 Glover, 70 Goare, 98 Gobell, 113, 119 Godfrey, 39 Goff, 78, 87 Goggan, 58 Goggins, 71 Going, 53, 115, 1 18 Goldman, 20 Goldsmith, 99, 100 Goldson, in, 115 Golledge, 101 Golman, 89 Golson, no, 118 Gooch, 16, 122 Good(Goode), 74, in, 115, 118 Goodall, 84 Gooding, 12 Goodloe, 98 Goodman, 21, 56, 61, 62, 66, 102 Goodrich, 69, 99, 100, 102, 105 Goodwin, 29, 63, 103, 109, 112, 116. 118 Goosberry, 71 Gordon, 63, 72, 80, 91, 120, 123 Gore, 78 Gorman, 109, 112, 116, 118 Goss, 39 Gouldman, 87, 104 Go wen, 117 Gower, 69 Gowing, in Gragg, 6i, 62 Graham, 38, 56, 58, 63, 87, 116, 117 Grant, 45, 58, 82, 96 Grantum, 102 Graves, in, 118 Gray, 61, 65, 91, 94, 95, 98, 101, 102 Grayson, 122 Greenlee, 91 Green (Greene), 12, 59, 65, 71, 73, 93, 102, 122, 123, 125 Greenlee, 77 Greenway, 72 Greer, 62, 66 Gregory, 75, 77 Gner, 64 Grendon, 103 Greson, 58 Griffin, 36, 45, 78, 79, 102, 104 Griffith, 52, 98 Grigger, 80 Grigs, 84 Grigsby, 59, 83 Grigson, 71 Grim, 58 Grimes, 64, 119 Grimsley, 32 Grinup, 83 Grubb, 37, 62 Grubbs, 66 Grundy, 68 Grymes, 58,59, 69, 112 Guest, 99 Guffey(Guffy),66, 86 Guillin, 85 Guillum, 74 Guin, 64 Gullion, 80 Gun, 61 Gunn, 10, 12, 13, 21, 26, 36, 37, 45. 47, 53. 65, 66 Gunnell, 54 Gunson, 74 Gunter, 70 Gurden, 84 Guthene (Gutherey), 18, 47 Gutridge (Gutteridge), 99, 103 Guy, 99 Gwathney, 101 Gwin (Gwinn), 56, 73, no Gyly, 97 Hackley, 98 Hackworth, 69, 86 Haggman, 76 Hagler, 61 Haile, 67 Hailes, 70 Hains, 74, 92 Hairston, 67, 69 Haket, 79 Halbert, 24 Halcomb, 76 Hale, 79 Hales, 102 Halines, 93 Hall, 21, 26, 36, 44, 61, 63, 65, 69, 72, 74, 75. 77. 84, 86, 91, 94, 120 Hallaway, 75 Halliard, 28 Hallis, 66 Halloquan, 68 Haltzley, 119 Hambleton, 63, 65, 82 Hamblett, 46, 75 Hamblin, 74 Hamby, 78 Hamer, 61 Hames, 75 Hamilton, 55, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 72, 80, 92, in, 113, 115, 116, n8, 119, 120 Hamlin, 74, 103 Hamm, 66 Hammock, 66 Hammon, 85 Hammond, 89 Hammons, 75 Hampton, 59, 72, 78 Hamrick, 86 Hamton, 65 Hanburger, 62 Hancock, 101 Handcock, 56, 75 Handly, 80, 119 Handy, 68, 69 Hanee, 87 Hankins, 74, 75 Hanna, 92 Hansburger, 84 Hansford, 58, 122 Hansley, 60 Hanson, 85 Harbet, 66 Harbinson, 112, 119 Harbison, 72 Harden, 93 Harderman, 94 Hardiman, 67 Hardin, 59, 65, 70, 71, 72 Harding, 93 Hardman, 68 Hardwicke, ior Harebottle, 102 Harfield, 46 Hargrave, 101 Hargrove, 70, 98 Harkless, 124 Harlan, 88 Harlow, 17 Harmon, 84, 86, 87 Harper, 60, 61, 74 Harriman, 86 Harring, 63 Harrington, 101 Harris, 13, 28, 29, 41, 65, 66, 67, 70, 73. 84, 85, 86, 95, 98, 103, 112, 116 Harrison, 17, 61, 62, 63, 66, 77, 87. 89, 93, 96, 97, 102, 105, 120, 122 Harroback, 58 Harrod, 88, 89 Hart, 101, 103, 117 Hartwell, 103 Harwood, 103, 115, 118 Harworth, 93 Harvey, 19, 27, 74, 102 Haslip, 118 Hastings, 65 Hatcher, 67, 68 Hatchill, 74 Haulcum, 70 Havener, 62 Hawkins, 13, 72, 74, 122, 123, 124 Hawks, 66 Hawl, 64 Hawlain, 93 Haws, 93 Hay 77 Hayden, 115 Hayle, 13 Haymand, 50 Hayne, 104 Haynes, 50, 65, 68, 77, 89 Hayes, 58, 59, 92 Hays, 10, 48, 60, 64, 67, 83, yi Hayslap, 115, 116 Hayward, 102 Hazlip, in, 112 Head, 57 Heath, 24, 76, 102 Hebdon, 17 Hecks, 63 Hedden, 84 Hedge, 38 Hedrick, 62, 80 Heland, 35 Helm, 96 Helsley, 114 Hemphill, 63 Henderson, 19, 60, 61, 63, 68, 75, 80, 82, 83, 85, 89, 92 Hendley, 73 Hendrick, 66 Hendrix, 85 Henley (Henly), 8o, 112, 116 Hennessy, 113, 119 Henry, 64 Hensey, 69 Hensley, 66, 70, 87 Henson, 66, 67, 68 Henslie, 49 Herbert, 87, 88, 89 Herd, 79 Herman (Hermon), 63, 65 Hern, 49 Herndon, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126 Herrill, 87 Herrin, 97 Herron, 61 Hewlett, 57 Heyter, 112 Hicklin, 56 Hickman, 17, 20, 25, 28, 41, 89, 102 Hicks, 44. 75. 78 Hidgeocks, 22 Higgins, 80, 84 Higgs, 102 High, 101 Hight, 75 138 GENERAL INDEX Hill, 37, 59. 66, 75, 86, 93, 95, 98, 101, 103, 105 Hilliard, 45 Hilling, 17 Hinton, 65, 66, 68 Hipkins, 96 Hirkam, 94 Hitchcock, 34, 75 Hitt, 97 Hix, 66, 70 Hodge, 93 Hodges, 13, 16 Hoff, 65 Hoffman, 61 Hogan, 86,88, no, 1x6, 118 Hog (Hogg), 10, 14, 15, 18, 30, 34, 41, 49, 63, 108, X09, in, 114, 118, 120 Hogshead, 62, 91 Holland, 114, 117, 119 Hoi ley, 50 Hollis, 114, 116, 120 Holliway, 87 Holloway, 34 Hollsclaw, 97 Holley (Holly), 55, 87 Holman, 93 Holms, 92 Holston, 87 Holt, 101, 102 Holwell, 85 Home, 122 Homes, 62, 86 Hook, 62 Hooker, 37, 103 Hooks, 61, 63 Hooper, 85 Hopkins, 37, 6o, 63 Hopper, 71 Hopton, 80 Horden, 71 Horn, 29, 79, 81, no Hornberry, 61 Horniford, 102 Horsford, 94 Horsnell, 102 Horton, 103 Houlford, ioa House, 69, 103, 104, 112, 115, 118 Houston, no Howall, 30 Howard, 28, 32, 60, 66, 72, 75, 85, 86, 93, 113, 114, 116, 119 Howell, 65, 96, 101 Howie, 75 Howson, 100 Hubbard, 22, 120 Huddon, 91 Hudgens, 43 Hudnall, 97 Hudson, 15, 27, 28, 43, 54, 60, 64, 65. 73. 75 Hues, 92 Huff, 85, 88 Hufman, 61 Hugart, 60, 64, 65 Hugate, 101 Hughes (Hughs), 12. 15, 18, 19, 21, 30, 32, 35, 37- 4°, 52, 63, 66, 67, 71, 72, 77, 89, 121 Hughey, 87 Hughstou, 63 Hulm, 66 Hulman, 10 Hume, 98 Humphries (Humphreys,), 56, 91. 99- io 3 Hundley, 85 Hunnicutt, 102 Hunt, 69, 74, 101 Hunter, 64, 66, 67, 93, 95, 98 Hurt, 65, 66 Hurst, no Huse, 75 Hushman, 62 lluson, 102 Hussey, 72 Huston, 63, 64, 72, 114 Hutcherson, 30, 45, 66 Hutcheson, 34, 49, 53, 55, 63 Hutchinson, 58 Hutchison, 58, 86 Huts, 40 Hutson, 87 Hux, 102 Hyde, 102 Hyden, 112, 117, 118 Hyler, 116, 118 Hynes, 83 I Ingles, 89 Inglish, 79 Ingo, 100 Ingram, 99 Inman, 102 Ireson, 71 Ironmonger, 102 Irvin (Irvine), 22, 67, 68, 77, 80 Irwin, 9, 10, n Isebell, 25 Israel, 67 Isum, 85 J Jack, 71 Jackman, 97 Jackson, 56, 66, 68, 69, 70, 72, S4, 98, 102 Jacobs, 71, 93 Jacoby, 71 James, 71, 96, 109, m Jameson, 16, 19, 60, 65, 66, 67, 82 Janet, 55 Jarrett, 101 Jarrott, 75 Jaquitt, 97 Jeffreys (Jeffries), 97, 98 Jenifer, 105 Jenings, 59, 106 Jennings, 68, 78, 96 Jenkins, 19, 26, 38, 61, 63, 72,87, no Jesse, 124 Jewitt, 85 Joames, 118 Job, 71 Johns, 84 Johnson, 26, 29, 30, 34, 35, 40, 42, 45, 46, 61, 68, 71, 72, 92, 96, 104, 105, 109, 116, 122, 127 Johnston, 11, 13, 16, 29, 30, 61, 67, 71, 80, 92, 93, 97, 109, 112, 113, 116, 118, 119, 128 Jolly, 101, 102 Jones, n, 23, 24, 26, 29, 42, 59, 63, 65, 68, 69, 71, 72, 74, 78, 79, 81, 84, 85, 86, 94, 96, 102, 104, 105, no, in, 112, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119 Jordan, 32, 101, 102, no, 114 Jordon, 61 Jossey, 103 Joweter, 92 Joyce, 102 Judkins, 101, 102, 103 jk: Kampser, 96 Kanada, 91 Kanady, 91 Kasheday, 84 Keasey, 75 Keeling, 35, 75, 104 Keeny, 63 Keeneson, 86 Keer, 86 Keif, 69 Kelley, 40 Keiser, 68 Keith, 75 Kelly (Kellev), 16, 63, 70, 85, 86,94 Kelse}', 84 Kemp, 104, 106 Kemper, 59 Kenaday, 64 Kendoll, 105 Keudrick, 79 Kenedy (Kennedy), 30, 84, 86, in, 118, 121 Kenner, 59, 96, 106 Kennon, 70 Ken not, 86 Kenton, 89 Kenty, 19, 26, 31 Kern, 9 Kernal, 20 Kerney, 103 Kerr, 63, 88 Kerre, 62 Kersey, 102 Key, 20, 59 Kidd, 75, 99 Kilbell, 98 Kilpatrick. 64, 102 Kindar (Kinder), 80, 83, 94 Kindler, 62 Kindred, 102 King, 15, 24, 62, 64, 80, 83, 87, 91, 92, 93, 95, 99, 101, 113, 116, 117, 119, 120 Kinckeid (Kingkeid), 79, 81, 83 Kinkade (Kinkaid), 66, 86 Kinkead, 16, 19, 56 Kinley, 60 Kinsel, 62 Kinsey, 62 Kinson, 88 Kinsor, 80 Kinton, in Kirkley, 122 Kirkum, 77 Kirkpatrick, 93 Kirtley, 60, 125 Kissinger, 85 Kite, 61, 62 Kitson, 112 Knight, 25, 74, 75. ™o Knott, 102 Knowle (Knowles), 116, 119 Koney, 92 Knowls, 113 Iyacy (I,acey), 67, 102 Jackie, 67 I