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RECO JAN 2 3 L161 — O-1096 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 j~. , yijjCDCS-R-T^-68o s*f?VJL^l, LOWER BOUNDS ON MERGING NETWORKS by Andrew Chi- Chin Yao Foong Frances Yao October, I97U The Librarv "' JAN lMST5 ..viS uiucdcs-r-tH-680 LOWER BOUNDS ON MERGING NETWORKS Andrew Chi-Chih Yao Foong Frances Yao Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 6l801 Research is supported by NSF GJ-U1538 ABSTRACT Let M(m,n) be the minimum number of comparators needed in an (m,n)- merging network. It is shown that M(m,n) 2 n(£g(m+l)) /2 , which implies that Batcher's merging networks are optimal up to a factor of 2 + e for almost all values of m and n. It is also proved that M(2,n) = [3n/2], and that r = lim M(m,n)/n exists, r is determined to within 1. m m n-x» 1. Introduction An (m,n) -merging network [2] is a network in which the input consists of two sorted sets {x n £ x_ £ •• • £ x } and {y n <: y_ <: •• • $ y }, and the id m id n output is the sorted set {z_ S z_ £ ••• £ z } with {z.'s} = {x.'s, y 's}. ^ 12 m+n i j k The network is built of comparators which are themselves (l ,l) -merging networks. A comparator is usually drawn as in Figure 1, and a merging network is shown in Figure 2. One can choose any input convention that specifies how the sequence {x.'s} are to be interspersed in the {y 's}. By standard technique [3], it can be shown that a transformation exists between any two such conventions which preserves the number of comparators used. Let M(m,n) be the minimum number of comparators needed in an (m,n)- merging network. The famous "odd-even merge" by Batcher [l] readily gives the following upper bound for M(m,n), which is also the best upper bound currently known. M(m,n) | AOB | . It follows that | A-B | $ \g |A| 1. However it is easy to see that |a| = n and |b| = n. (There are n internal nodes in a binary tree with n + 1 leaves.) Therefore |A-B| :> [n/2]. This leads to | aub| = | A-B | + |b| * [n/2l + n = f3n/2l. □ 3. Lover Bound for M(m,n) The upper bound on M(m,n) as given in equation (l) can "be rewritten as follows : M(m,n) £ (n + m)Ug(m + l) + constant)/2 for m <: n. (2) In this section we shall derive a lower bound, M(m,n) 5 nUg(m + l))/2 (3) By comparing (2) and (3), we see that for any e > 0, M(m,n) is determined to within a factor of 2 + e for all sufficiently large m and n. The rest of this section is devoted to a prcof of (3). In an (m,n)-merging network, we can look at the input set as a column vector with m + n components, and each comparator as a function which, given a vector, either transposes two of its components or does not change it. We shall assume that the input vector is a permutation of (l, 2, •••, m + n) and that the x.'s are inputs to the first m lines. Thus, if a network contains I comparators, appearing in sequence from left to right as a , a , '", a , then T any input vector V = (x , • • • , x , y , • • • , y ) is transformed into T (l, 2, •••, m + n) through a chain of vectors: a a a 1 2 ^ I T where V = (l, 2, ••*, m + n) . Now, a set of r different input vectors can be viewed as forming an (m + n) x r matrix. The a. 's can then be regarded, by their columnwise actions, as transformations on (m + n) x r matrices. We will choose r = m + 1, and consider the effect of the a.'s when the following input matrix A is given : A o = n + 1 \ 1 1 n + 2 n+2 ^ 2 n+3 n+3 n + 3 n + m 1 2 n + m 2 3 n + m 3 1+ 1 2 3 1 2 3 • m m + 1 m + 2 n + 1 n + 2 m + n In the i-th column of A , the upper part is the ordered list of length m, (l, 2, '•', i - 1, n + i, n + i + 1, • • * , n + m) , and the lower part is the ordered list of length n, (i, i+1, •••, n + i - l). Let a a A — ^ A l ~ ^ A 2 Z » A. (10 be the sequence of transformations that A undergoes in an (m,n) -merging network , where \ • \ m + n m *. To derive a lower "bound on I , the number of comparators in the network, we define an entropy function: Definition h Given a vector v = (a_ 5 a,_ , •••, a J _.) where 1 d m+1 1 <: a <: m + n for all k, we define p. = |{k|a = i}| for 1 S i < m + n, and m+n E(v) = i | 1 p. Jig p. (if p. = 0, then p. lg p. is taken to be 0.) Definition 5 For the matrices A, (0 £ h <: i) defined in (h) , let m+n E( V " J £ 1 E < v j ) where v. is the j-th row vector of A, . m Lemma 6 E ( A Q ) = 2 -^ J ^ J (5) and E(A ) = (m + n) ■ (m + l)£g(m + l) (6) Proof In A , only the first m row vectors have non-zero entropies. For 1 $ j £ m, the j-th row vector of A has entropy j Jig j + (m + 1 - j )Jlg(m + 1 - j ) , hence (5) follows. Equation (6) is true because every row vector of A has entropy (m + l)Jlg(m + l). \_j For each h , A n and A n _ differ in at most two rows , thus the difference h h-1 in their entropies is bounded as implied by the following lemma. Lemma 7 Let v and v' be two vectors satisfying the conditions of Definition k, and let w and w' be obtained from v and v' by exchanging certain corresponding components. Then E(w) + E(w') £ E(v) + E(v') + 2(m + l) Proof Let p., p.', q. , q. ' denote the number of i's appearing in i l ' i l v, v', w, w' respectively. Then p. + p. ' =q. + Q. ' i = 1, 2, • • • , m + n l ill 10 Hence E(w) + E(w') - E(v) - E(v' ) = 2 q ± ig q i + 2 q i » Hg q. 1 - Z ? ± Ig v ± - Z v ± ' ig p.' i i i i v< 2 (q t + a i f )Ag(q i + q i ') - Z P; . £g Pi - E p ± ' Jig n(Jlg(m + l))/2 Proof By Lemma 6, m E(A Q ) = 2 ^ J JLg j <: m(m + l) Jig m. Thus E(A ) - E(A ) 5 (m + n)(m + l)Jlg(m + l) - m(m + l) Jig m $ n(m + l)£g(m + l) . On the other hand, Lemma 7 implies that E(A h ) - E(A _ ) £ 2(m +1) for 1 $ h $ I. 11 It follows that , „ n(m + l)&g(m + l) _ n&g(m + l) * S 2(m + 1) " 2 where il is the number of comparators in any (m,n) -merging network. 12 h. Asymptotic Behavior of M(m,n) In this section, we study the asymptotic behavior of M(m,n) for fixed m. Theorem 9 For any fixed m, lim M(m,n)/n exists. n-*° To prove Theorem 9> we shall make use of the following lemma. Lemma 10 M(m,n)/n < M(m,n )/n + mn /n for n < n. Proof Divide the inputs {y £ y £ ••• $ y } into groups S., , S^, •••, S r , i where each group, except maybe the last one, contains 1 2 I n/n n I n n elements (Figure 5). Let S contain the largest n elements, S contain the next largest n elements, etc. We can then construct an (m,n)-merging network by first merging the m elements on top with S . After that the largest n elements in the inputs are picked out at the bottom n lines. We then merge the top m elements with S~ , and so on. This implies M(m,n) < rn/n "lM(m, n Q ) $ (n/n Q )M(m, n Q ) + M(m, n Q ) Since it is clear that M(m, n ) < m n , the lemma is proved. As a consequence of Lemma 10, we obtain the following corollary. Corollary 11 M(m,n)/n <: M(m,n)/n + e(n) for fixed m, n , where e(n) -> as n -*■ °°. def Proof of Theorem 9 For fixed m, let us write R (n) = M(m,n)/n. m Since R (n) is bounded from below (say by 0), we can consider L = lim inf R (n). m m n-*» We will show that R (n) actually converges to L. m For any 6 > 0, choose an n such that R (n n ) * L + 6 m 13 m '[n/n Q l 1 n-n Q +l n Figure 5. An (m,n) -merging network built of (m,n) -merging networks. lU By Corollary 11, R (n) $ R (n_) + e(n) (8) m m <: L + 6 + e(n) for all n > n , where e(n) -*■ as n ■*■ °°. But (8) implies that lim sup R (n) £ L. m n-x» Therefore L = lim R (n). This proves the theorem. m n-H» Theorem 12 Let r = lim M(m,n)/m. Then m Ug(m + l))/2 S r m < Ug ml/2 + m/2^ g ml (9) Proof This follows from Theorem 8 and (l). Straightforward calculation will show that the difference between the upper bound and the lower bound for r in (9) is less than 1. m 15 CONCLUSION We have shown that Batcher's (m,n) -merging network is in general optimal up to a constant factor. And at least in one non-trivial case (m = 2) , we have shown that Batcher's merging network is in fact the best possible. It will be interesting to see whether Batcher's merging network is optimal for more cases; in particular, when m = 3. 16 REFERENCES [l] Batcher, K. E. , Sorting Networks and Their Applications, Proc. AFIPS Spring Joint Comp. Conf . , 32, 307-31 1 *. [2] Knuth, D. E. , The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 3, pp. 220-233. [3] Knuth, D. E., The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 3, p. 239, Exercise l6, JIBLIOGRAPHIC DATA iHEET 1. Report No. uiucdcs-r-T 1 +-68o Title and Subtitle LOWER BOUNDS ON MERGING NETWORKS Author(s) Andrew Chi-Chih Yao, Foong Frances Yao Performing Organization Name and Address University of Illinois Department of Computer Science Urbana, Illinois 61801 2. Sponsoring Organization Name and Address National Science Foundation 1800 G Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20550 3. Recipient's Accession No. 5. Report Date October, 197^ 8. Performing Organization Rept. No. 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. 11. Contract /Grant No. NSF GJ-U1538 13. TyP e °f Report & Period Covered 14. 15. Supplementary Notes 6. Abstracts Let M(m,n) be the minimum number of comparators needed in an (m,n)- merging network. It is shown that M(m,n) 5 nUg(m+l))/2, which implies that Batcher's merging networks are optimal up to a factor of 2 + e for almost all values of m and n. It is also proved that M(2,n) = [3n/2], and that r = lim M(m,n)/n exists, r is determined to within 1. m m n -x» 17. Key Words and Document Analysis. 17a. Descriptors Merging network, comparator 17b. Identifiers /Open-Ended Terms 17e. COSAT1 Field/Group 18. Availability Statement Unlimited FORM NTIS-35 (10-70) 19. Security Class (This Report) UNCLASSIFIED 20. Security Class (This Page UNCLASSIFIED 21. No. of Pages 20 22. Price USCOMM-DC 40329-P7I CO en to a. CO Hi HI ' ; " i>i£ RUffli (§■ Kg UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URB ANA 510 84 I16R no C002 no 679 164(1174 Rtporl / 3 0112 088401515 H SDHM twit ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ * H H I I I - 1 H ■ ■ iH H BH hrb n ■ H9 m w Hi Bi nl Smffl Bbbhb