Library of Conftre&s. "E>i blio on employers' liability and Workman's compensation :*cjun ■m & Dote°°«mped below- U.S. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS SELECT LIST OF REFERENCES ON TRUSTS, 1907-1911 (Last printed list, 1907) Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates U. S. Library of Congress. SELECT LIST OF REFERENCES ON TRUSTS, 19o7-1911 ,as9T;§noO lo YiJSicfiJ .3 .U Iiei-Voei t 3T3UfIT r AO zzomns'l&l %0 T3IJ T03J33 ,433 tJ IK 3s V Q Go. v Select Li3t of references on Trusts 19o7-19ll 1 1 j iX 30 5 CO 3a<£.7 , „ Etiovi 33S.1 Cco> - Books Berglund, Abraham The United States steel corporation. Hew York: The Columbia Univ. press, the Macmillan co. Agents, 1907. 483 178p. (Studies in history, HD9 519.U6B5 economics and public law, edited by the faculty of political science of Columbia univ. v.27, no. 2; Burton, T. E. Corporations and the state. N.Y. : D. Appleton & Co. 1911. 248p. HD2795.B86 1)3%^ C~n Yvp^x-' Cooke, F. H. ' The law of combinations, monopolies and labor unions. 2d ed. Chicago: Callaghan & Co. 466p. Dow, Jones & Co., N.Y . comp . A decate in U.S. steel. N.Y.: Dow, Jones & Co. 1911. 45p. HD9519.U6D7 3o5 Co 'S.Zti 7. 33ZJ t . ~5\59 ET C<5lA ■ 8 33S.S 10 L57 yyi E Eoon- Gt. Brit. Royal commission on shippin g r ings . Report of 1 the Royal CommissTTon . . . London: Printed for H.M. Stationery off., by Darling & son, 1909. 5v. in 2. (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 4668-4670; 4685-4686) HE823.A2 1909 Hottenstein, M. S. The Sherman anti-trust law. An address delivered Oct. 11, 1910. (Allentown, Pa., 1910) 30p. HD2778.H85 Jacobstein, Meyer The tobacco industry in the U.S. N.Y. : The Columbia univ. press, the Macmillan co. agents, 1907. 206 p. (Studies in history, economics and public law, edited by the faculty of political science of Columbia univ., v.26, no. 3) HD9135.J2 Johnson, John G. Standard oil company of New Jersey et al., appellants, against the U.S. of America, appellee. Brief for appellants... John G. Johnson, John G. Milburn. . . of counsel . . . New York: C. G. Burgoyne (1909?) 3v. HD2780 . S506D6 Supreme court of the U.S. Oct. 1ierm,lS09. no. 725 Kellogg, F. B. Standard oil company of New Jersey et al., appellants, v. U.S. of America, appellee. Transcript of ... argument on behalf of the U.S. (Washington Govt, print, off. 1911) 76p. HD2780 . S506D86 No. 398 in the U.S. Supreme court, Oct. term, 1910 # Levy, Hermann Monopoly & competition; a study in English industrial organization. London: ’'acm. co . 1911. 333p. Ordered. '■ »: t Ui V-v-L.' \ aietnT no E©cns*i©to'i to i&i3 uc-©i.©3 i tQl-VoZt e^ooli 'iiErtfiicfA K baul'$'zs& . flol iaxo'TXoo isois esiBiS osi ntU arij a&££l'-iO£-f eiit , aaexq . vinU BicfawloO ©dT :^"toT woF 3^8U GX6 3GR .vxoiaid nr roibnig/ .q8?X * S ’0£X tBinasA .00 °' dU to adi v:cf fcoiibe t wBl oildirq bius tolaonooe ^S.v .vim/ isi dizuL to ao.rr.oi08 Isoi^iioq i? 08 03 r.jr» asa.eevsaH .3 .T t floixnS . sisis otfi bas efloiifiioqxoO * 3 8£S - UCX , qO & ft<*is l - * - S' ahJ) S r.5=£c . if8 rr 0 fi . qicoc .y.H . . oO i> eorrot> .1 'TKe^T&.B ni disoob A ?a3u.6xeea>i * -W w/ v .« » w , q 2 A , ItQt .oO & esnoG t woO : -I.H ../mix a «iq :M rr no noise igicoo IbtoF r mS ** “ . , . noTe c i tftxoD I sq oft iwTo xxoqoj. vcf . .tto vxsnoiifiiB »;•."! xot betnix^ :nobr?oI ataqp'i . inemsilT-r/t) .$ at -vc^.eoSX moe A sniixe^i ' -cS 8£ • 0V6b-od3-^ .bw . .1 aa.'tiioo .8 . ' t niaien9*ion baxsvileb eeexbbB nA .’s si iouxi-i;’ oa aooxsdS tui 33H*8VVSaH .qOS (019 £ k -bH .% jixxwv RC-CY, . 33?.^ U w3gjv Rocjy\- *See also no. 24 vj . eevscH .a .K t t‘YoXJ * 5 :o stioJ . -rc ! cS . OJtS X . enoe . • • • " . nlseiboiisq aiiolxsv crarci fcstniicjBX yIJis'T n .0 ,T» i inii ,£ t 8#fljBll3qq.6 t -I b to reft to xnacao© IX o r^-t5 r t . . n . . . dSli < - :• C i • ' • • ' - r - '•* '-3 • . t twsIiaqqE 'to il-edso ixo easosG.aevsciK . t sox . xiox t s*Yoasys »o .0 sx .:-t ,E t 'tsuif* 9 -XX svlos ot tqwetts ns •ono.Ldo'rq a^oiTsiiA IstiV . a Tie Idol n ot 3 on K br*s . n 1 otfs I * 'io an ox .to sup) .of £8£ .BO::' l , e-toe & ’ ''acitcl 0 * J . • . T . ►? YK.*0HH ' ( jeb s£t $x , 910fc09rf? t $I?T9«00ft ■: : ^aedOQGqa : veils.': tlevsoc .sol o& fceiiXjG YlosoXr bite ritlfis 1 ? ste-ioqrco© ot afctfels* 8VH.8OI0K .yS ,3081 .00 .dftrq e'lJttxnretil triaimO eOV : . Y . Y .Ynjsrjrtoo Xio hi&bnui? a$i ot ^flfiqHoo Xio fcxejbnBta erit to asciossib edt fflosl , TOOX .rji/A .eaefcJi odd cots b ?hjb aeevclqrae SV 3 V 3 ,C 6 VSaH , qG£ . VQSi jsoti 0^018 .8 (.Y.Y) ax 5 , .3€€ f ±e • /wjytj .jYO V. ' O' . L nnf oT> t ncvi I X xrS 3;1X13T9V03 ^OXJLT'I XBgoX Olft I 3JT0I t.GXOq'iOO ilB0il9mA e ••Txct rftir , tae^isnsax neitBsi£ip;iip ©tfasoqoo© . ; r . o J: t o 1 1 •:. t X i h n j 3 .qScX , 0X9X . or bflfi n c ts £ qqA .0 r.Y.Y - 3 X •r>- jdH u< ' ■ f_T .TOO to USO'I iJb . 3 • b 7 o .ft cio snoi tnioqioo 'to i s n oi e e i mnofc e d i to oqo H . -fi t a iibi. i: tj/ s I o*x t o . V08X 3A. I638QH .vS . V09X .tto .tffiiq .tvoO : aot^x ideeV VI r.sw S(j£iyU 31 arft no ^ac'itBxoqiot to xenoitBiiiiraoO s it to txoqe'T , v‘it*Jjtai ooo£dot SOei SA6T.C3VSCTH ,yI .eCSX .tto . taiiq ,‘tvcO : oot.'.rtida?^ s’.ses Yj< r /y X) -rrryo3 no ootti’gv'O" .SSf/Or- . 8*8‘X'-lfl0£ civ ' - ■ it 89 vi : ol ~£XS . yx oo c^oitaoB . IX : f X,S c '.rii53. . .o 7* yoli ,088 tOB *>■ -rtto . 38 . j X°X .lid . tni^q . tvoO :aot8*Jtrd«fcW s.fiJ39q 8vsw no 9 9ttx;g^oX — — k . dsY . . . 8X9 v ”Otg OOOBOOt TotoTT:VI 9*Ht CIO E>’ililOdH . 30 X . B . OcXOGH (065 . ocu . ot nneS .©©B 8 tel .giioO ;t - OS 1 U Y\3‘i)'L Eec>l- - 3 - 21 Senate . Committee on t he j udicia ry . Absorption of the Tennessee ooal & iron co. Views of Messrs. Culberson, Kittredge, Overman, Raynor, Bacon, Nelson and Foraker. .. together with the hearings held before a sub- committee, in relation to the absorption of the Tennessee coal & iron co . , by the U.S. Steel corporation... Washington: Govt, print, off. 1911. 106 p. .(63d Gang. 1st sess. Senate. Doc.44) HD3769.S8A5 19o9c Formerly issued as Report 1110, pt.3. Sen. 60th Cong. 3d sess. 33 Hearings... relating to the absorption of the Tennessee coal, iron, and railroad company bv the U.S. steel corporation (Jan. 33-33, 39, Feb. 3, 1909) Washington: Gcvt . print, off. 1909. 83 p. HD3769.S8A5 1903 b 23 Court s Federal anti-trust decisions. Prepared and edited by James A. Finch. Washington: Govt, print, off. 1907. 2v. HD2780.A2 U.S. Congress. House . Committee on rul es. Violations of Antitrust act of 1890. Rearin; a . . .on House resolution no. 139... '"ash. Govt, print, off. 1911. 119 p. HD2773 1911 Dep t , of justic e Civil and criminal cases instituted by the U.S. under the Sherman antitrust law of Jul$ 2, 1890, and the Act to regulate commerce, approved Feb. 4, 1887, as amended, including the Elkins act. Oct.$, 1908. Washington: Govt, print, off. 1908. 36 p. HD2780.A2 1908 24 25 26 27 No. 118. The U.S. of Amer. , appellant, v. The Amer. tobacco Co. et al ., appellees . No. 119. The Acer. M " " tt Appellants, v. the U. S. of Amer., Appellee. Concluding argument of the attorney gen. on behalf of the U.S. (wash. Govt, print, off. 1911) 39 p. HD2780. T6A6 Standard oil company of New Jersey et al., appellants, v. U.S. of America, appellee. Oral argument of the attorney gen. o n behalf of the U.S. (Wash. Govt, print, off. 1911) 25p . HD2760 . S506D85 No. 398 in the U.S. Supreme court, October term, 1910 28. 0 Standard oil co. of N. J. et al., appellants, vl U.S. of Amer. aprellee. Reply brief for the U.S. (Wash. Govt, print, off. 1911) 68p. HD2780.S506D82 HD2780 . S506D83 29 The Standard oil co. of N.Y., retitioner, v. the U.S. Petition for a writ of certiorari to the U.S. Circuit court of appeals for the second circuit. Brief in opposition. ("Washington: Govt, print. off^ D ^^g) s ^| 0 g g No. 775 in the U.S. Supreme Ct. Oct. term, ls&tl910 ( , 8" . yxsioiX jjl 9'^' no ooddiaiCToO . 9 toss'? to si , rJ \ oo nont * Icoc~ ©9®e~©nne*T id? To noi d.qxosdA. kn& nos X©$! t hoobS < tOLiyxft K rrBrsrcovO t o^boz.&t Is «, crosTod Xw$ -*d;;u v oTOxacf bioii fcvnlxoqri sdfr dir xof'.dssod . . -xeiaxol e©3»9cn©T arid jc- noddgxoadj? ad* od rtoltBlsi ni. ^eaddlesrsoo .... -xot taed3 .3 .U ©rid Yd t .oo noni f> Xfico dei.scx^O JbS3) . q 301 .1181 .Vio . dniiq . dvoO ;aot%altf93% . 0 •:i,-t03 .a©£ .a, dq .OXIi dxoqsa do bw/cet tl***!^ 5 .eroa feS . .to ... ds . . ' ■ id -v d ■'> scwoz ■ X .. ;. ,: .dni'^q , dYoO. rnod^fliffaJlf- .. d - . X 5A3S. : ":S\?a-.r jdT.OoO cc^bu vcT bedibs boa JbsxBqoTq . anode ioeb desrcd-dd ••'•■• Icxojbs^ ♦ rioni 1 * .A . • . / y • : czcfyaldiM S'.s^ie SS£r/tl «oo3 :;a.c8V3GH IdGl 5VYS0H -.o?. Lj.i t CO aod d i ^ 7y ri • - • rise!: TCS8f ’to to.. ieviitJaF To enoidsXolY . . .€£ X . on :j oi $ uloc s*x .■> ell .1X81 .Xio .dMxq . dveC .ric£ w e oi: dsr rr Xo . & ©C srid tebnu .0.0 &-.U yd beta di deni eocoo izniid fl vit) od d oA add bm> ( G631 *3 tlul* lo.vel damdidds aaaneri3 ^bob •r.aB SB < Y83X .ds'? bovosqcyo t ©oi©(«arop etsXt^ST .3001 ^S.toG . .dos. aiiiiXS arid vu : . ,q 8S .8081 -tlo .daixq itvoQ :nedg fldrin&Y’ as ©dT *T < dfiSXXBq'V:'. t . • • ... oriT .011 . qT-t . aosXis"qo . - occc.dod .z&m/i , .3 j ©dd .v < ©dai|IX©qqA * 8 * . * • • . 3 . U erfd x o 1 Xjs ri ©d no . neg von'i odds .q 85 (1181 ,'iio •dnllq .dvoO .riaair) T8 t odnelXe .:;qc ^.Xs d© Y9G19T, ro: Oo Yfixqraoo Ido bminod? *©©XX©qq .noXne^A Or .0.3 . 7 . ■;■• O- . r.0 ' . . x.: '0r r n 0 .n<53 i^modda r rO , txtioo • ©fffeiqbB . 3.U ©rid At . • .It t edaaXXsqqB ,.Ie id© *t» .0 to . oo Zlo bxsi. .8, .nallaqqfi .x©wA “to .3.0 . ~38 (11C1 Alo .d.'. ixq . dvoO .rif-s f> S8aaog3.08TOT. odd ♦ v , iBno.cdids.T ^.T.iflo .oo XX o lx .8.U ©rid 07 iTsxoidx o Oo dlx^ £ xol noididr/ T .F:.U > 0 iiG . dii/oxio r. noose edd xo'l eXfl©qq.t> lo dxuor dlxfcxtC a •W5q(;^ : q Q n t “° • * vc0 'noiy } n.ifl::rr) 1 A 31 U.S Eccyi - Laws, statutes , etc . The Sherman antitrust law with amendments and list of decisions thereunder or relating thereto Hash. Govt, print, off. 1911. 50 p. HD2778.A5 1911 32 Suprem e c ourt The Standard oil oo. of N. J. et al,, appellants v. lce> the U.S. Opinion of the court delivered by Mr. Chief Justice White. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice Harlan. Washington: Govt, print, off. 1911. 43 p. (62d Cong. 1st sess Senate Dec. 3 4 ) IID3780 . S506E5 33^ 33 Wi 34 US 36 &icn 37 $32.^ 93c 38 33m Walker, A. H. History of the Sherman law of the U1S. of Amer. N.Y: The Equity press, 1910. 320 p. HD2776.W3 The "unreasonable" obiter dicta of Chief Justice White in the Standard oil case; a critical review. HD2780.S7W3 N.Y. 1911, 21p. Watson, D. T. and o ther s Standard oil co . et al., appellants, vs. the U.S. Brief on the law on mart of appellants. Pittsburg: Smith brcs. co. inc . , Franklin print (1910) 28S p. In the Supreme court of the U.S. HD2780.S506D62 Oot. term, 1909 no. 825. ... Standard oil co. et al., appellants, vs. the U.S, A ■ endix to brief on the law for appellants. Pittsburg Smith bros. co. inc., Franklin print. (1910) 38 p. In the Supreme court of the U.S. Oct. term, 1909, no. 735 Wiafcer sham, G. w. Recent interpretation of the Sherman act. An address before the Mich, state bar assoc. July 6, 1911. Hash: (Govt. rint. off.) 1911. 18 p. (U.S. 62d Cong. 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 83) HD2778.W6 Wyman, Bruce- Control of the market; a legal solution of the trust problem. New York: Moffat, Yard & co. 1911 282 p. HD2795.W97 Reprinted in part, from the Green bag and from the treatise Publio service corporations. Youngman, Anna. The economic causes of great fortunes. New York: The Bankers pub. co . 1909. 185 p. HB821.Y8 39 1907 Montague, G. H. The shibboleth of "restraint of trade". Electie magazine, Jan. 1907- v.148: 18-23. I r,o ocoEtdoS . z&'-xk silt . v .tft.oXs * A. , . t^tjA. lo .S. r - i ' ; ) ,a.u toy \Bii 8 L* . - 8T0.K <«* (oici .v:o .a -it i Oiv't < mss t. too txucO diK^s erg .8.U ©fit 0 .x t C?Xl ^•'••i.X . • 9 x__l < rfr.ti/t* f t. < o"3i I .2 .IT tail las atxxeraJb > rftiw wsl fanttfaB a&iejefri Otexerft $£iifelsi to xaJbcrueT out ocoiexo;->X> jtlGI 2 A..-m?SCT3 03 .1191 .11® . : c iiq f t7®0 . •e.sY f\ -fyto3 txuco e rgoiguS j etas: leo .3 tt Xs to .T» * if lo . oo tTo OTsLaiitB -XT ‘ieidO . t?: yef bexoviisfc tT.nco exit lo noxniqO .8.0 ©-it .rrlitill soUpsjI . xM vcf floinxqo ^aitnoeaiC .s 4 ‘ >r< toX .aa©Q fcr.C) .q E* .1X91 .lie .taixq ; tvoO : nota'flixtosir . ■ . ( ±£ • ne<3 etJJ«»8 2 // 30/3 S^.OV VS n ,‘ r .A i To;j.CoT 7 :Y,H .xestA lo .810 7 lo wsl rtfiKiaiia ©rft lo vTotBlH .q 005 ,0191 t 8S6iq o/fT v v _ Y-S’/Ec r| |W • JL3^' V* 0X ©ti.-y eoltaoT, YsirfO lo atoll) xsticio r * eldfifroesa-r/iu” ©rfT SWV 8 . 08 V 2 CK .TsJcver X/Boitlio b ;©&£© iio £>*?.fcu$t 3 o it . :t 1S ,r £S net a T ea t o fcflfi .T .Cl ^'*' ,8. J 0 fit .tV 4 «tflSlX9Tq£ t «XB tO .00 - i; O c T* tari- ff Ix.aS : *rxucfa ■ tx .etaslloqqe to txa xo wbX s/ft nc l^xio (mi) taixq cilteT'n , . odi .co . e ,rd . .8.U Oiit lo tiuoo eare-xqjjfc. Qi .3SS . otr 0091 jsrxs-t .toO .2. a © 1 oe&Tl-t.3 xjA . tr>B noarro/iS Sift lo HoitstoxqTStijX .1191 . 3- yX oT# .coses too &t&t& .dc<’ r xdt bSS . } . oi . 1151 (. . (38 . ooOf . ats/isS ,«sse te C 85 eu roi 3 ©out 9 . n 0 rv > ?C . EGsXcfo’xq toxrxt ©fit lo roilLfioo Ib”ioI £ «oOziT£'/T slit Jc 1 onto o» ^.c. idOH. X- 1 .00 ^ MsT t tBlloM :^tcY W 0 «: eXt fnoTl b£LX geef nsoiO s : ••' *OTl v tx£ :r.i tstnlT •;© . . ©rjol J BTOqTOO OOIVTSi Oil dU rT SSltfiOTt '? •? c t =>s&'rt .snrA t oY . l 'v.ftT 0 l # 00 '-.£ TO f?rOJLT .:0 Ci-rfOTOOS or'T 0Y.188SK .q 38 1 . '081 .00 . tiwj 8T©"'fi£.a tr: : toY v'Y 8 £ . "sfcSTt lo J'i .CfeTtoST’’ lo rit©I OCfo'XlfQ ©ll? .H .0 t 6£fSBtno!? V081 . c S-8 i : 8 A 1 . V VC01 . r. st- t or i «£ - •. : r 1 1 r © X 1 rr 40 05| V.31 330,5 \-.Z\ Ecov)- .30 5 n 3\e Eon 41 42 43 44 L- 45 46 zj47 48 330.5 49 T? -NT . \B Ec/SV)- 5o /51 53 051 M* v.39 OS| An 2C5 sx vr.3 \ 53 54 55 l 56 190 Li]q Ckn ^f‘ 4 Trusts: what are they? 7hat are their 616-632 ^ th Arr ‘ erican revie,7 > Mar. 15, 1907. v.18*: 19 °I^°? y ' The solution of the trust: its evil element and the true remedy. Arena, May, 1S07, v.37: 477-484. 19o7 Beveridge, A. J. Trusts and their treatment- reeula+^n not extermination. — Dissolution and prevention! W J Brvan * Header. May- June, 1907. v.9: 573-586, 666-668! Yan * 1S0 Z hp R *i?j!; ey > w * z * Industrial concentration as shown by G51-658 U3 ’ Quarterly j° ur nal of economics, Aug. 1907 v.21 Montague, G. H. The Standard oil co. and the pipe lines Yale review, Aug. 1907, v.16: 156-171. x ISO? The oil trust on trial Independent, Sept. 36, 1907, v.63: 715-716. 1S °?7 I? v ? y ' Fl D ‘ The Standard-oil fine. N °rtn American review. Sept. 1907. v.186: lo9-114. !S0? Howland, H. J. Standard oil. Outlook, Sept. 28, 1907. v.87: 157-176 190 unionf e ^d H h^ts! he attitUde ° f the 8tate 7^ Political science quarterly. Sept. 1907, v.23: 385-400. l9 °La^ gUe 4 G ' H * Transportation phase of the oil 449-469^’ Journal of political economy, Oct. 1907, w. 19o 3 Ireland, H. B. Standard oil . van Borden magazine, Nov. 1907, v.2: 89-94. ^ Higginson, H. L. Justice { to the corporations Atlantic monthly, Jan. 1908, v? lol: 9-16 T. 7. Reply to Archbold’s plea for mercy Government, Jan. -Feb. 1908, v.2: 317-233, 326-337 Y 1S08 French, 7. E. The U.S. trust. Arena, Mar. 1908, v.39: 307-314 190 tenar'ar. r ilo8! r v:3l" da f35-3« SUPreraa0y: Whioh 3ha11 U be? 19 °ereat n ^i.U 0 JvU C ‘ R :< and responsibilit iee of the great W^oorporationa. Biblical world. Mar. 1908, v.31: B9P Indep r ^den?; |H!hf eri ° an “ try ‘ . 4 — ^ -f c ; i f , , V © 0 ii 0 £ ti t J '■ J- . if**: M*l * " j,a 'i ; vc,.v ,voei .*««*• j( Pl L fm- ajj <»f ^ ^ : . . «c woi'n 8t- aoitai^nsoii'o ^ .wmhoo t.t* :£.v TO' -t .*».* vBoiKeBots to i^.. 3aa _j 3a °1 s* 1^0 /ta rt-v $>* iBlit no loin* Ho i® 1 tse.v *we: ,es .*-«oe ,*«>i»8<*tai . MUt XI 0-tt£fcnsJ3 3 nT . Ct ■ Ut-$9t ;88X.r «V09i .» ?8 , 9«-Val :«•.▼ • «** as -He 3 ,io,>Xti/, „ , m cr H i^siSflS VCOi- sfc»it s&iswo* o*o*a «•'* ’ :0 ,w " Hi “''. *»•»** t'ie anoiitu .To*-ens :CS.v t Voej£.*qeB , T Xie*tEO«P aoasloe Iaci * ^ /is 25:1 lo 98 Bdl r.oitsino'teo^J "'^+ eU Lni . g , Tvoel .too ,ip»oaoo» Xaoi*xX«. ,o 1Bcrui ' ,g #v ?09i .voH ,on.i;^B3«.e ^-.c- i - 1 * . , , , t T *T rrog «£ •; ' 2 ^ 1 30 $i .snoi^oqioo^^i- U xl&tQW ol tuzltk . • T C' AO !“ . r n TT m t I O 0 f T f j JWVX l\ ' ■ . . '■ 1 ' . • r n oflf .£ . s' ,80ei ,2 -1»»' ,*oot>* < 3 , 0 c£‘ Vi IS-.V I Y>~> 3 ■ sot . xV a iff C 4 * x T T 51, v oc i; ^ 6c va Cw >C a a >f A s/ 150 < K y sas U /f- y 02 a u 56 ^ 57 ^58 330 « 5 59 giT ^2.2. £ccyi- 332, c5 60 CF \~zi Ec• . a$ tiz9ba*qpb!fl i 4 a'ioI 80QX \ 0 'A .ciXio?f rc ' xqUbT 800X iBoixxxo^r ■3 A 0 * » #• r' A ri V oO OX (?5 T- P itfixi oq-ioo ;3X t 33.- ■& , x od*f 803 X 08 ?Q,?F r r>Xo*l©m(jioO It . x°i-toX rsv 1*1? '0 . ai ■ m-wm . ■ . soneioe Igloos boa XfiDllUoq to YT:ehaD>:: n^otxe.1008 tiis; . ocnsios; I.uoi Xiloq to y^ 9 * 5 * 0 * 5 oaotTS^A .esanif.i/o €£-££ :£5*v .3091 ,y!VL , aXaardfc sa nox^aXei&al lo ©eoqiUT htw x&i^eoa r A .J .3 XkvlS jO'-X sXfinnA . ecii©ic€j Xbioob bus I^oi'JXXoq to x^oL't'ki ac>o.ti:):nA .SO-SO : S£ • ? . f • i. , • •iLt) 59 ^ *nc • T <. *' ■ eifina A , ©onsioe Xsiooe bne XsoitfXXo'i to via&aca rreoiieaiA ,338-0*8 : S5* v V 300X \ ,00 Xjto blsbne^S © '3 ;fl0xta*oqx©e »3'*Sl ;W .0 t e\r»X 80GX t OG20.«-XVaOX :3i,v ,309X . tq®G- . £U& s'gfeo'* 1 .80 VOX- £30 OX £3 ./sole: oe£ oafiO Xio «*>3 ■ ,‘ . >3 ^/TXrnefcno'I 800X ; , si •;?:?. wfil vnedlA oiitacIM .iioltid-9 r^oc tsoxXI&T bocTolirl .H t ©l*ne*/ 3001 : 80 73 \ iuboxtooiA ^ooeox to snoileoi;; IsiriO .’’ ,X t 389S r X''fc %0-!t : <8031 . X o3 , qXiaXiJsap ©ccrs . >cq Xaoi . iiot . f T.r^iLoq . > . . -i.' ”* v (/# 88 -\ . Xooq mo »4ot odt In* itoXm/ ’ >.* tnzzl srfV .J • • . ieX'-83X : SOX . v <8 '“'OX .XoO t Yldtaoi. * A . •• »x ftsanadO off X ‘ ' » ' 030-383: !«,▼ <8'03X .XoO ,- • j • ■:_>>■'■ *J .S .ew^tbcA 60SX u .(Toi hid XXRf'oO ©XX :> c ©stt®£o .08 g-M8 : SO X 80 eX .XoO f *elv^ aeottest A riX^o'i 38 \ 0? A XV -1 ..c.cotq r.'o7 -•■<’ • .oojt.-? oX .Tank arf* ni noXc io®b©£lT 0 r» bO tiU 13 uov • •• » •f'* •'••«*• - * * • • ' ' , . n. . XVSX-G38X :V3.v .803X V X^X . vo? { ©XoXnoiilo Ifii©JSsn.c^ 3o.s Ft r e .' J y L ilor 332.C5 oc V.7, % fc Cd^- L our 74 75 * . 76 Lcuxr- L, -CLiA_r 77 78 79 l 0_a-O“ 80 330.5 ^ 3 *1 (JLAAT , 84 L 85 330-5 86 3 T ‘fecfll- l 87$$ 305 88 N R 4 Ec^vi- 89 'L 90 3 19 "b °r The Federal anti-trust act and minority holdings o.i the shores of railroads by competing companies Harvard lay review, Dec. 1906, v. 33:114-138 ° companies. 19 °9 Moody, John. The great American industrials, woody 's magazine, Jan. -Dec, 1909, v.7,8 12o9 Canfield, G.F. In a large corporation an illegal combination or monopoly under the Sherman anti-trust act? wolumuia la*? review, Feb. 1909, v. 9:95-115. ^oil^se 6 ' Tii?; Fu ? ishmen * of a corporation: the Standard oil . line is raw review, Feb. 1909, v. 3:446-453 Vio J or - Should the anti-trust act be amended? Harvard law review, May, 1909, v.23: 49S-500. ' 19 °World^'vork K (LoeL^ e T« Stan ?t^ oil o°- d °®e its business, oria s 7orK (London) May, 1909, v.125: 585-603. Tbe ro >' al commission on shipping rings. Financial review of reviews, July, 1909, v. 7:25-34 ^ l^o^ 0 ^?, Ho?; oootrol the trusts with justice to oot.^MoSj^S.^wSSS* property - Central la " 1909 MacGregor, D.H, Shipping conferences, economics journal, Dec. 1909, v.19: 503-516 19o| Montague, G.H. The defects of the Sherman anti-trust b* Yale law journal, ' Dec . 1909. v. 19: 88-109 anti-truat law. 1910 Noble Herbert. The Standard oil case, v.44 American law review, Jan. -Feb. 1910, 1-11. 191 ?4 + ¥2 n 5?« Ue ' Trust regulation to-day. Atlantic monthly, Jan. 1910, v.105; 1-9 ¥»9^1910 Hoyes, A.D. The Standard oil decision I'orum, Jan. 1910, v.43: 40-48. 191 JouInS g of n ^nfit J»! e tobaoo ° P°° ls of Kentucky and Tennessee, oourndi ox political economy, Jan. 1910. 1910 Howland, C.P. Monopolies: the cause and reredvl o r -] lm . b j a law review. Feb. 1S10, v.10: 91-117 reJJ1 Columbia 1S1 ?= b R0b i^° n ^ ™ eb ° ldin g oorporation. Yale review leb., ay, 1910. v. 18:390-412; v.19: 13-31. !910 Noble, Herbert. The Sherman anti-trust act and industrial combinations. Amer. law review. Mar. -Apr. 1910, v.44:l?7-lS9 1S1 Amar° T ^^4 G % 0ur . beef supply as a great business. Amer. review of reviews, Mar-Apr. 1910 v.41: 308-330. 81 83 83 A . '{J-i-ioiiira f-cB toe teirxt~itn* taisfcst »«i .0 .0 t - soo *d etecrxIiBS io ••«*< • . . . ' * ' £V , Zil&tTtaisbttt zwotwzik lasiS ©rf? »7doT» x xbool- 6061 a t v . v t 606 1 . c eC- . asl < a : i -^v: ' « ‘ XbocM ?-0.S6£ CiO fr\ ~J.i a* tfoic? :rioTxoo t- ■. a oX js nl • : x ^±3i '"«•- •?^ 0 £ aBcrcsrfS ©rfi isMu Yloqxiacja *xo xioi Ofmxdaoo . 221-26: 6. v t 9001 .det ,r9ivtyl Bid-iTi/lov ev - fyeyJ~l 'JUL/J J :, no rroiaalrcwoo isyoi ©rl? ♦ • •* 39 : V . y , G 082 , yXu u < av?«iva , x lo w^-ivyi uuQafs:-. :•• 9001 .to 3? -TJJUC J 6o61 TV “wijuoj .OH n r<* t’oGi qV o > k [ 9091 ev O f>p f i ri + 06 p V.JoD J l . VAU wvfc’ v - ‘ i * "s i'9-8&£ ,03. v ,G0- • , • • ' . seoxte'xctffioo ^ni^ridS .H*0 ,ios©- Jec.’ 8X3-202 : 02, v ,8C’i . nsO t ifcxn. *>£ •— c~a*or \ B-OEE t 3 , r- % rf-a ui.t-iJ , (X£ ftBraisdS -Mil lo sXo9*s>f- e T ^.f.O ~o»t . vQL-SS : 01 . v . 091 . os C , Isfrxuy ; •?;•:• . ?-• irn . . ' • . 11- X ,0191 . cfaf ^ . naX. j-eivsi v«£ , 9-1 j 601 .y < 0181 .ftcT> jlil.+no ! orlnsicrJA . nolei cob Xfo MBhEBia 3dT .<1.1 ,tevc" 0101 .3£-0 :Si*.v ,0191 .lisG ,'W50‘. S8 £8 . *2 , •23 ' pi.* - 1 fl«i3 "VJUL/ .eefiedAfte? Mb xioi/Jn&X io iloo* oooado-t s/T ..A ^£^u-bcY ~1 'x .0161 . IiB b , V2T0BO09 ,i.-5 OX vi lIO -1 10 lb*.- * - Ojfc ; . . [? . 8.0 < . V81-YVJT :01.v < 0X£ 1 ..?i/A t rsiv -"i .rfeT . VoOi . ■ 6 £ o. xr t 1 - x .1 .T - nsfflfz o do e r T . P . ' . n : 9 if •? rr •> t J d : 0 £ i 1 : . • . • . . • jj TJbsXm'ievo noed eesc TS-^ire edl ee-H . ^neilnvedO Clii 68 Cd - Do : 1 «• . 7 . osG~.?oD ♦ />-.i v . 3>-:\ : : 3 ' . : . . mrmtWJ fiQttita - iltlaew otni aeecf ex:- sfrexw . 000, OV guo.-is .8BS-9SS < Old , vo’- ' t eftis.ojj:- ■ n^ic-.ti/XoO . r •' • . ” . ' . C I , 1 os r T-i J :$g.T ^ 0X9 1 . VC'T . W© ’ ••' • . - -i -UAJ}. +JM J £2 0 *t P i ,v DC? "I/AjO i jjJi ,otzzn& edit itfir n .‘xot bxos£jtc~ e:'t vpTT .'DP . r rrV 8835Jt--'83S£ :if ,0191 . vo* io? Vblxo? 8 C n • \ ?■ I- Ulfilb; £>flJS l ol £ £ oPii ' 1 1 1 - o i £ • jrrrl . . eXsToax nl fioXa/dxoc ed# bm eldutoxbal enot IfixocpiotJ , .bC.tX.nX0 XiJ'ft . «T£-i~ 1 jIV. v , 0X2 £ t c i . t>»CT . lx.- i : o r r X I ex -j :re r . froa JeirxJ-ilflA a- f & bus Ixupo orasi-.-wg orl? .ictfoiY t m.+ststc-.T 0££ i . • ' J : . eoQ .^oiv'rx rel sjtcfmpIoO i , IJ to ifO 1 8 Ct£ :> ' - ' ’’ .2021 .3 t £o0 *xox eomi? .Y.ST ed£ xx± 19 £xi.v, 9 j.c brL< ofy£cfwoo /fe.Tva+ia a-^lfticoTc -d' . ciD<9 ~T6c : 'dil . / t £13 1 t \ I fix i -•£ ± X-A . :sot- i j ■q.'iio' .8v rroi '■or-'irfnoC .1.' r xic-CT9h;:A 110 r . ' d ':1 ' i ‘ £ .acitti?r. of $ J: Sk 'v ; - '•: : ' i'fOFlT Q9> a eoi r iC i . PC?— 00 c 1 - . V £ 1/1 8 fU/ti i 0* H 108 L ‘ b !a aLionx erf* 1 .3 /G ,rfgi &J 2231 .83 8-08 S : IS.v ,2192 ,32 \ r Xi f G . ■svsifrei aiwenociX f|V->. ■tv’j 8 :> J* ^ fix. ^■71' f?0i "UIjO J 0 XX 5.0££ /T3 /i.7 , ©nroxslfosb tiuoo'rqurS erT° 22 * * 59- 2 : *62. v . 2292 ,^Xt/G t rai vee usoisasf/i ;itioK 222 i« j j \ arit Sirs itoltsioqloo Xe»#8 erfT , XlaveaboSJ ^Td ee T 1292 ' : . :" . -i . gijA , .V rll -:;C . to9i S22 \ laid© ©xf.X 'to fmctrtiqo or\t 3? waive* t .H.A ,1^1*3" 2i(i‘ 2 airgjst ob 0 . 3 dot t;?s Xio ^.iJbncta srfl nci ♦3,n s ‘t 2o eoXteuo ■?*T-8 XV :3 X . 7 ,2292 .toO-.lqaS ^ oLve'i wy ‘ .n^A S2 2 J aailoqorw jxtJiMozSnoo to aeldos * e;f? . D9 1 ' , JtotodOoU 2232 2fi . v , X 20;: . tcO , waive* leiiotr&B ^22 .sg*$o oooBcfpl brie lie foxsbimit? ©d? , J.S ,i-r, orr^Xi Si £1 . Sc -IS tc'.v 2282 . vo£ weivs-x •:• > X JbxcvxaK ell "UJUtt .J aril lo not tstsxqxstai tneoef? *F.O , '.caci o>.rr* M X . :i or naiaxed't 39-2 :CX.v ,2192 ♦vc 7; ,*-&iyex r*>2 nng.t toiU 32 2 '’JUjuJ 3 IbK 1 steuxt 9iU loltA ,5.t» « >f 'i & 1 0 213 2 .r-92-9992 :2S.v t 2.!92 .70 j£'-c blxoT V22 \ . atfoir. el ini t*jbX ire-axarlfi eriT .!*' ." .acts* ttiJ Xl- 5 2 ■28381-38681 :2S.v .2292 .vo' , '{afoot 82 2 -A tsgi-tiX rnr> aoitsfelael .fairxt-lartA .9.H jav .;I3nio rr 22 3 2 . SSV-XOT : 2 2 . v ,2231 . 0 . 9 u velvet 1 Pidtatrlea 922 '>•*-*> J - y22c ©IavItc; « ? tet/H Xoala arIT «aqiXXir f . rT , r aac-.irff 129 2 :22. v i i'3 2 . oau ..vaiTrei talXiiocc X^rrolia .na.f "I ** p- ?f>.5£8 R?± si . 1 / ■ /^3 ' ' 3 U. S. Library of Congress SELECT LIST OF REFERENCES ON TRUSTS, 1907-1911 (f . *J J 1 U. S. Library of Congress. SELECT 'LIST OF REFERENCES ON TRUSTS, 19o7-1911. A .889TsnoO 1c xiBidiJ .3 ,U .Iiei-Voei t 8T3U5TT KO ^0 T 3 I-*T T 0 SJ 33 A % 7 n v j o * fi (t Select List of i'e.0erences i on Trusts 19o 7-1911 Books r TTt**^* a r KJu, 305 Co V53-7 3 3 . 7j 8 10 Burton, T, E. Corporations and the state. N.Y. : D. Appleton & Co. 1911. 248p. HD2795.B86 Cooke, F. H, The law of combinations, monopolies and labor unions. 2d ed. Chicago: Callaghan & Co. 466p. HD9519.U6D7 Dow, Jones & Co., N.Y . comp . A decate in U.S. steel. N.Y. : Dow, Jones & Co. 1911. 45p. Gt. Brit. Royal c ommission on s hippin g r ings . Report of the Royal~CommissTon . . . London: Printed for H.M. Stationery off., by Darling & son, 1909. 5v. in 2. (Parliament. Papers by command. Cd. 4668-4670; 4685-4686) HE823.A2 1909 Hottenstein, M. S. The Sherman anti-trust law. An address delivered Oct. 11, 1910. (Allentown, Pa., 1910) 30p. HD2778.H85 Jacobstein, Meyer The tobacco industry in the U.S. N.Y,: The Columbia univ. pres's, the Macmillan co. agents, 1907. 206 p. (Studies in history, economics and public law, edited by the faculty of political science of Columbia univ., v.26, no. 3) HD9135.J2 Johnson, John G. Standard oil company of New Jersey et al., appellants, against the U.S. of America, appellee. Brief for appellants... John G. Johnson, John G. Milburn... of counsel. . . New York: C. G. Burgoyne (1909?) 3v. HD2780 .S506D6 Supreme court of the U.S. Oct. term, 1909. no. 725 Kellogg, F. B, Standard oil company of New Jersey et al., appellants, v. U.S. of America, appellee. Transcript of ... argument on behalf of the U.S. (Washington Govt, print, off. 1911) ?6p. HD2780.S506D86 No. 398 in the U.S. Supreme court, Oct. term, 1910 ft Levy, Hermann Monopoly & competition; a study in English industrial organization. / London: Macm. co. 1911. 333p. Ordered. S) 1 . a *■ ^ ;i <> Kf A Jl \ aYaxrcT no asons'r&xax Yo YaxJ YosXsa Xtei-YoeX aiooa ms dsid A t bnx/Xgxe8 .noiYflxoqxoo XssYs 39 YbY 3 baYinU sriT nellimoBM edt ^aesxq .viaU BidrauloO 9 dT :dxoY w 9 ^ aaau.exa SGH tY'toYaxd nx eeibu&'S) .q8Vl ¥84 .TOGi ^aYnegA .00 Yo jf IijobY 9 rid” ycf b9Yxbs snxXTBd V.'yJl SA.SS83E (3884-3834 ;0V34-83a4 .bO .basra/noo y^ .8 .M t nx 9 Yen 9 YYoH b 9 ^ 9 viX 9 b eesxbbs nA .wbX YanxY-xYnB cwiviedQ eriT 3 SH. 8 TVSGH .qOo ( 01 GX 4 .s 8 ^nwoYnelXA) . 0 X 6 X t XX.YoO xeyaM ^ni 9 dacfoOBL ♦ 3 .U sriY at yrisubai ooosdoi sdT .00 nBXXifliOBM arid- j3 .3 .T ^ no YtjjH .9YbYs sdY bns enox YsToqxoO •q 84S .xxex #O 0 A noYeXqqA .a : .Y.U S rr>->3 V c P'$e£ J ' 5rr 2 -hi ( .V Sot 03 .^Srv . 4*3 1-9** 1 p 5 l T -rayJJ OX _ S’. S“BB Jmr?j -frto 3 - 2 - 11 Lloyd, H. D. Lord 8 of industry N.Y. : G. P. Putnam's sons. 1910. 355p. HD2795.L7 Partly reprinted from various periodicals. 12. Milburn, J. G. Standard oil company of New Jersey et al ., appellants, against U.S, of America, appellee .. .Oral arguments on behalf of appellants* N.Y.: C, G. Burgoyne, 1911. 103 p. HD2780 . S506D9 13 Montgomery, H. E. Vital American problems; an attempt to solve the "trust”, "labor", and "negro" problems. N.Y. : G. P. Putnam's sons, 1908. 384 p. (Questions of the day ) HN64.M7 14 Roosevelt, Theodore Theo. Roosevelt policy; speeches, letters and state papers, relating to corporate wealth and closely allied topics. N.Y.: The Current literature pub. co. 1908. 2v. HC106.R78 33%.% Sjti p _ cuw \ fct^TYV Standard oil company. From the directors of the Standard oil company to its employees and stockholders. Aug. 1907. (N.Y.) M. B. Brown press, 1907. 32p. HD2780.S7S72 3^ t l 16 Sullivan, John J, American corporations: the legal rules governing Econ. corporate organization and management, with forms C>crj> l UA Vo?- • and illustrations. N.Y.: D. Appleton and co. 1910. 455p. HD2777.S8 33%. 1 , IA Yi 3 p 17 U.S. Bureau of corporation s Report of the Commissioner of corporations on the petroleum industry. Washington: Govt, print, off. 1907. 2v. HD9561 .A3 1907 lAwi^r 18 Report of the Commissioner of corporations on the tobacco industry. Washington: Govt, print, off. 1909. lv. HD2769.T6A5 1909 19 * Congres s. House . Committee on rule s. Hearings on H, res. 813, to investigate violations of the Antitrust act of 1890. Hearings. . .Jan. 23, 1911 . Washington: Govt, print, off. 1911. 60p. HD2769.S8A5 1911 20 Committe e on ways and means Hearings on the" reTTef of toEacco growers... Feb. 4 and 25, 1904. Washington: Govt, print, off. 1908. 69p. (60th Cong. 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 390) HD9130.8.U4A4 1904a * See also no. 24 -s- .a .h t f)yoU xx ciPYSCTH r+azr r\ (.n *. Y^SX/bllX io Bb'IoJ *qcd€ . 0 X9X ,enoe e'msafv*! .q .0 : .Y.ft * - ■i£o. , :.:oxi9q auoxiBv hiotI bQlixiTqQT yXIib*? ‘ a -jfn9rM?S'^rrn' 3 r *ff 91 "® H lo W»« Uo ftxf:i)ns?£ iX-< '** j-nsmosTB IstO. . .eellaqqB ^BoiienA lo .3.CJ lenieuB eaacas.oeTsaH cox «" ,8W,# * «» 9VIoe &«»*#£ n£ jamsXa'oxq; “ lo anoi+asi/Q) rr QAS7 eIrfolq n ?^S 9xl " bris <"lOCfBl u VM?£9KH ^ * q ^ 8£ • 80G * *ww .3 ,0 r.Y.fc ( Y fib ©11 ' alS<, a^aofLtrL 8 wr 8 f *? 9rf09 r 8 f UpW^weiff^S? 0 ** " sva aanfT *vs XX ftno{ Xc f ; ns <£#Xs * lr »**«>.? C^ppp OQ^orti * *<3^A . 3T9bXOl.2iOol8 b/lJB 8S9YOlCfn9 ksumi ST3V8.08; SQH -qSE fni> . nolduXosex xitx o>VaGH .q GXX .XXGI ."Ho .dnxxq ,dvoO : .das^ .. . _ _ „ 9 ox den r Ip . d gsCI 9Av zobnu ,o«u add yrj bodudidani 89 aso XBniaixo JbfiB Xx?xO ccr do A odd bnt ,09 Si ^Xx/t lo wb! danxdidnB ttJstrrtsdS ^bsbnSittB es < V88X ^ .-cffl^T bavoxqqB < aoxsnimoo edslng 91 QM . OA .6091 *X.doO ,d ob ani^Xa add gnXbnXoni 80„i oA.08‘«aUH .q 36 .3091: .Ho . dnixq . dvoO rnodgnirfaBW SS S'.s’^e SS£(Vl<) ■U-yj 3 as .V i dnsrieqqB t .xsniA lo .3.U odT .3X1. o» 3 AST 9rf? _ __ edT .9X1 .oM . asslleqqs, . Xjb ^9 ,60 oooBdcd ,igctA ,3 ,U 9dd- .v .adnsXIeqqA n n » » .zoftA 9dl lo tnemirgTB gnxbxrXonoO ,99Xl9qqA t .x 9 mA lo 9^^ lo llBded no .n s§ yshtoIcI-jb . 08 1 aGH .q 6£ ( X X9X ,11c ; Jnxxq . i' vcD . riefiW) ^dnnlloqqB K . L& do ysnzol, w oYi lo vnaqraeo IXo bTGbnscfa sriX lo dneoiLrgp Xb^O .salleqqB ^oineniA lo .3.U ,v ‘ rf8S ^^ • 8 *' T lo llBdQd n o .nsg Y^^oddB coUoCco . Oo vSdn #g5s nio oxex t filled I9dolo0 idzu 00 smsnqnS ,8,U 9 dcr nx 80S .off xv tSitncXXdqqfi ^ . Ib j’s .1 ,H lo .00 lie bistnuXB ooaMran . o ; 5 aH Sd * ^ 9iacf V X< 1 9H -edXXaqqc .ismA lo .8,U isasciiosTsm ,q8a - tnfiq • ri ^ r) odd ,v t n 9 noxdx.+ 9q ^.Y.H lo .00 Ixo biBbnzdZ edT ,C .!i 9 ffo o* xTBxcxdn 90 lo tfxxw £ tqI noxj-xls 0 ! , 3 .U l9iis . ^Xuoixo Jbnoo9Q odd to! eXfieqqB lo dix/oo tii/oxxO afefcS •? n *' Ic i * dvoO : ncdgnid8sW) .ncXdxsoqqo ni nt-Pt^ I'ttTsd .doQ ,d 0 smexquB ,8.U ©dd ni STT ,oK •ft SS VS H .3S es -4- 30. 3?>%' c t\ 31 h ElC^tyv 'us 32 eice 33 Y J i^-h 34 Us 6107 ?>?%<% 37 VJ^c. E:e-<5YA- 339 38 The U.S. of Amer., Appelant, v, the Amer. tobacco co. and others .. ,3rie~f for the U.S. (Washington: Govt, print, off. 1910) 329 p. ~ HD2780.T6A56 No. 118, 119, in the U.S. Supreme Court, oct.term, 1910 U.S, Laws, statutes . etc . The Sherman antitrust law with amendments and list of decisions thereunder or relating thereto. Wash. Govt, print, off. 191*. 50 p. HD2778.A5 1911 z Suprem e c ourt The Standard oil co. of N. J. et al,, appellants v. the U.S. Opinion of the court delivered by Mr. Chief Justice White. Dissenting opinion by Mr. Justice Harlan. Washington: Govt, print, off. 1911. 43 p. (62d Cong. 1st sess Senate Dec. 34 ) HD2780 .S506E5 Walker, A. H. History of the Sherman law of the U1S. of Amer. N.Y: The Equity press, 1910. 320 p. HD2776.W3 The "unreasonable" obiter dicta of Chief Justice White in the Standard oil case; a critical review. HD2780.S7W3 N.Y. 1911, 21p. Watson, D, T. and o ther s Standard oil co. et al., appellants, vs. the U.S. Brief on the law on part of appellants. Pittsburg: Smith bros. co. inc., Franklin print (1910) 289 p. In the Supreme court of the U.S. HD2780.S506D62 Oct. term, 1909 no. 725. ... standard oil co. et al., appellants, vs. the U.S. Appendix to brief on the law for appellants. Pittsburg Smith bros. co. inc., Franklin print. (1910) 38 p. In the Supreme court of the U.S. Oct. term, 1909, no. 725 Wickersham, G. W. Recent interpretation of the Sherman act. An address before the Mich, state bar assoc, July 6, 1911. Wash: (Govt, print, off.) 1911. 18 p. (U.S. 62d Cong. 1st sess. Senate. Doc. 83) HD2778.W6 Wyman, Bruce Control of the market; a legal solution of the trust problem. New York: Moffat, Yard & co. 1911 282 p. HD2795.W97 Reprinted in part, from the Green bag and from the treatise Public service corporat ions. Youngman, Anna. The economic causes of great fortunes. New York: The Bankers pub. co. 1909. 185 p. HB821.Y8 1907 Montague, G. H. The shibboleth of "restraint of trade". Electic magazine, Jan. 1907. v.148: 18-23. 39 oe .00 oocncfod .xertiA ed& ,v ^dnsXeqrr A *.X9ffiA lo .8.U erix ,dvoQ :nodsnxrlafil) .S.U arid .xol leixH. . . exerido nna S5A8T.08^SaH ^ .q e^E (OXGX .llo .daxxq OlQl t mie & .d oo qdxifoO eaiexqnS .S.U sAd nx <&li C 8XX *0/1 . ode , a s Gilded s . sttbJ .S.U lo deiX JbflB e^neoJoneniB ildiw wbI dax/xdidxiB nsmxs|[a o d 9 X 9 dd $al&s£&i xc xeJbnuexsnd anoxaioeb 1I8X 8A.6 V.?SQH .q 02 . 1X81 *Ylo .drtlxq .dvoD .AaeW j ' XijQ O a m sx qn S .v ednBXXeqqB t< X .3 d8 . T> bxBbiiBdfi 9 xIT tsirfD .xM bsxeviXef) dxuoo erfd lo noiniqO ^ .S.U end .nnXxsH soidei/b .xM yd aoinxcro gnidceaexG . edxdY aoxdayT, ee daX .axioO JbS3) .q S£ .1191 ,llo .dnixq . dvoO :nodgni:rfe£W 338058 ♦ 08 YSGH ( £C .oed edBneS .H .A t X0?lIsW :Y*H ,‘ietak le .8XU eAd lo wbX rnsflixedS end lb yxodox:’ SW.3YYSaH .q OSS .0X91 ,8B»tq ydXupa edT 1 c A SS Zfl 3 019 SC c(-pi Vf • .?o c f ^s ni edxdW eoidexrL teldO lo Bdoxb xadicfo "pXcfsrtiOBBexnL-" edT £W 78. 08 YSGH . ?reJt vex iBoittzo £ ;©8bo Xxo bxBbnedS «xf^ .qXS 4 xxex . Y ♦ n 8 X9 Aj- o jbrtB . T .Gi t iio8d£^ »8.U end" .®v t 6dn£lX9qq£ t .Xb de .oo Xxo bXBbnedS ddtraS : gxucfaddiG . ednBlXecrqB lo dxjsq no t?b± s Ad no l9xxS .q ess (0X8X) dnixq aiXAn£x3 ^.oni .oo .boxcT S-'3B033.-087SGH ' .S.U erfd lo dxx/oo ©mexquB end cl ,5SY .on 808 X ^ 3iX 9 d .doO .8.U erid .ev 1 8 dns 1 1 eqapB «,.Xb de . oc Xxo bxsbfiBdS ... -§TjJd'sddxS . sdfi.sXXsaqB xol fbI 9dd no lexxa' od xxbneqqA .c 3S (0X8X) .dnixcr nil^nsil. t .o nx .oo .soxcf ridiicS 5SV .on t eoex t aix9d ,doO .S.U 9n'd lo dxnoc 9 raexqnS eiid nl ,W .0 t . t YXrfdnc!Tf oidnfildA • YoiQot toi BsXq e’ModdoiA od Y^ 9 ^ • ^ ^blodrioiA BqeS . £12-1X2 :^3.y .30G1 t 2 .t bM t dnabnsqebnl 0 ^ -A X-l 1 ^ o ff A rq ,7 SI 5 J^ 2 . 0 22 1-3 f£ 32 A / • 5S ^ 57 ^ 58 330.5 59 9 . 3 " \ 3 '. 23 . E v 332). OS 60 Cf Vf. %-> Ecxryy- /-6i f " 62 4 63 v A 64 4-65 66 U 67 ^68 l 69 L 70 ^71 3>3 2.C5 72 C-F \r.33 1908 Archbold, J. D, Petroleum: a great American industry. Independent. Mar. 5, 1908. v.64: 511-513 A 1908 Perkins, G. W. Corporations in modern business. North Amer. review. Mar. 1908, v.187: 388-398. 1908 Walker, Francis. The oil trust and the governnfeht Political science quarterly, Mar. 1908, v. 23:18-46 1908 Maude, E. S. The price policy of the U.S. stfcel corporation. Quarterly journal of economics, May, 1903 v.22 : 452-466. 1908 The ‘reversal of the Standard oil verdict. Commercial and financial chronicle, July 25, 1908. v.87: 192-194. 1908 Marburg, T. Amendment of the Sherman anti-trust law. American academy of political and social science. Annals, July, 1908, v, 32^ 34-42. 1908 Marks, M. M. Effects of anti-trust legislation on business. American academy of political/science. ^ and social) Annals, July, 1908. v.32: 45-49 1908 Buval G. L. Necessity and purpose of anti-trust legislation American adademy of political and social science. Annals July, 1908. v.32: 63-68. 1908 Williams, T. No combination without regulation. American academy of political and social science. Annals, July, 1908, v.32: 240-258. 1908 Keys, C. M. The large corporation: the Standard oil co. World’s work, Aug. -Sept. 1908, v,16: 5-0571-10590, 10683-10702. 1908 Benjamin, R. M. The Standard oil case decision. Albany law review. Sept. 1908, v.70: 282-283. 1908 Morris, R. Enforced rdilroad competition. Atlantic monthly, Sept. 1908, v.102: 366-377 1908 Burgess, J. W. Chief questions of present American politics. Political science quarterly. Sept. 1908, v.23: 402-407 . 1908 Mathews, J. L. The farmers’ union and the tobacco pool. Atlantic monthly, Oct. 1908, v.102: 482-491. 1908 Hendrik, B.J. Battle against the Sherman law. McClure’s magazine, Oct. 1908, v. 31 : 665-680 . 1908 Andrews, E. L. Champaign and the Sherman law: the jury clause of the Constitution. North American review, Oct. 1908. 188: 514-520. 1908 The decision in the Amer. tobacco case. Commercial and financial chronicle, Nov. 14, 1908. v.87: 1§69-1271. . Y^sxxbnx HBoiTSitiA Ibois jb rmjjelo'ilsS .Cl .1 ,JbIoclrfcsA. 8C6X £Ic-Iic :£3.v .8001 , 5 . xsM . Xn9fcfssq9bnl . ee9xixax/cf xnaLoni nx exioxleioq'XoO .W ,0 ^eaxxlToS 8081 X .80£-88£ :78X*v ,8001 .tbM ♦W9ivsn ,*xerfiA rllioT' Ixi^naievog 9 rfd* JbnB JbjjtI Xxo 9rfT .sionsi? .is^IsF 8091 3f*~Si v :£S.v ,,8081 .tjsM , YXielisup eoneton IflexXi [o'? I6d-t8 . 8 ,U ecil lo Y°lXoq eoi'cq erft .8 .3 v ebusM 8QGX S061 , eoiaonoos lo Iscitu of; yXisXtsuP .noilB’fcqrot) .33£-S34* : SS. v . loi.t>i9V Xio biBbn& #8 erfl lo XpsxevsT oriT 8091 : ?8 ♦ v .8 0° X , 3 S yX^ *sX oixioixi o lex oner* x 1 bar; X e x oi sra?oC ,*6jt~sel • wbI tfausJ-ljfriB 'nBmiedQ arid- lo j-nemfenainA .T ^gsirdwiM 8001 . 9 on 9X08 Isiooe ibne iBoxlxIoq lo yvebBoe n.BOi’iQfnk .S4*-££ :S£ . v ,8001 t YXx/t» ,8lenxiA ao nox^elexs©! lain; l-itfns lo el 08113 .M .M , ei^ie M 8001 (isxooe brio . eonsioe^lBOxlxIoq lo vnebBos nsoxiennA .869X1X81/3 Q£-di :S£.v .8 OCX , yXx/T? ^sXsnnA nox.lBl8xssX Xsi/ij-xlnB lo seoq'rixq Jbxie YlxaasoaK .3 ,0 IbvuG 8001 alsxmA ,gori9xoa lexooa tas leoxlxloq lo Yni9Jbsi>B nsoxTersiA .83-£3 :S£.v' .8001 , yXuT> .noxcfslegai Juoxilxw noi^enxcfrcfoo oK .T ,8 !tibxIxxW 8091 ,alBnnA , eoxisxoa Isxooe Jons IboxIx loq lo vursJbBOB nsoxi9rnA .838-01*8 : S£ , v ,6001 ,vl£rt .oo Xxo Jb*C£»Jb£XJB d“8 axil : noileioqioo sgTs! ed.7 ,M .0 ^bysS 3001 , O03O1-IY3OI :31.v ,8061 . IqsO-.sJ/A ,^ 10 *" e'JbltoW . S0V0X-S830X .xsoisiosJb seso Xxo biBbnstG 9dT .M .fl c niraj5(;n98 8001 .£88-888 :0Y,v ,8C€X . ^qeS t W 9 ivoi wsl y^^XA oxlxiellA .riox-tilsocaoo JoboiIXet JbsotcolxiS . 0 ,ai*rsoM 806X YY£-33£ : SOI . v ,3061 .tqaS K \Id&noai nB0xi93iA Xnseeiq lo enoxleoxrp IsirfD .W .L , aesgiuP 3061 :£S.v ,8001 . IcreS . YXTSif'iejjp 9on9ioe Ibox1xXo 3 .eoxlxloq . 7CA-S0A .Xooq ooobcJoI 9ril bae aoxnxr * ©i©mi£l 9dT .J .1 ,sv9jc1ubM 8C6X ,16X*-S8A :SCX.v ,8061 .loO ,YXrflnoffl oxlneXlA .v;el nsfUTsrfS Bril lentJB^B sXllsS ,X».8 ,^iTfcneH 8061 . 083-38c3 : X£* v ,80ei ..toO ,9nisBgsnx 8 ' 9 ieX 0 o^ Y*ini; 9rfX :v/bX nBariBriS 9ril bne xxgiBq.nBH^ «*X .3 ,eFsxJbxiA 806X .aoitelilsnoO 9d^ lo bbubXo .CS 3-AX5 :88X .8061 .^oO t W9ivax xtbox*i9:t[A dwioH bne XBxox 9 famop .steo oooBdol . 19 wA sxil nx noxexoot: eriT 806X .XVSX-6381 :V8.v .8061 . voU ,9loxnoixio XsioxiBexl $3 ,. x V 3 a S3 \ 63 ZjQ x srj rcyJ 3 03 zo.££G 3-0 - /nv; 13 Jt 3 ^ S3 -A' £3 ^ 4*3 A 33 A 33 V 3 \ 83 ^ 63 .* OV a XV , A sv 3 => V&~ . 3 / try-j xJ L OJUU- 73 33^-05 74 MfcC V.T ^ Ccc/vi- 75 — CXjAr i ^ OLaJJ— 76 . L OLU-r- 77 78 T 79 ^ Lcxaat- 80 330.5 81 E3 v. \<| G^0v\- 82 Lcuuu- • 83 L- CO L- 85 1908 Todd, G. C. The Federal anti-trust act and minority holdings of the shares of railroads by competing companies. Harvard law review, Dec. 1908, v.22 *.114-128 1909 Moody, John. The great American industrials. Moody’ 8 magazine, Jan. -Dec. 1909, v.7,8 19o9 Canfield, G.F. In a large corporation an illegal combination or monopoly under the Sherman anti-trust act? Columbia law review, Feb. 1909, v. 9:95-115. 1909 Little, C. G. Punishment of a corporation: the Standard oil case. Illinois law review, Feb. 1909, v. 3:446-453 19o9 Morawetz, Victor. Should the anti-trust act be amended? Harvard law review, May, 1909r, v.22: 492-500. 19o9 Keys, C. M. How the Standard oil co . does its business. World’s work (London) May, 1909, v.13: 585-603. 1909 Mackey, J. L. The royal commission on shipping rings. Financial review of reviews, July, 1909, v. 7:25-34 1909 Royall, W.L. How to control the trusts with justice to the people without destroying property. Central law journal, Oct. 1, 1909, v .69, 288-248. 19o9 MacGregor, D.H. Shipping conferences. Economics journal, Dec. 1909, v,19: 503-516 1909 Montague, G.H. The defects of the Sherman anti-trust law. Yale law journal, Dec. 1909. v. 19: 88-109. 1910 Noble, Herbert. The Standard oil case, v.44 American law review, Jan. -Feb. 1910; 1-11. 1910 Montague, G.H. Trust regulation to-day. Antiantic monthly, Jan. 1910, v.105; 1-9 1910 Noyes, A.D. The Standard oil decision. Forum, Jan. 1910, v.43: 40-48. 33 6 . ^ TV t| O Eodv\- Lulaxt- 86 1910 Youngman, A. The tobacco pools of Kentucky and Tennessee. Journal of political economy, Jan. 1910, 87# 1910 Howland, C.P. Monopolies: the cause and remedy 1 Columbia law review. Feb. 1910, v,10: 91-117 305 88 1910 Robinson, M.H. The holding corporation. Yale review, y* H Feb., May, 1910, v, 18:390-412; v.19: 13-31. 89 1910 Noble, Herbert. The Sherman anti-trust act and industrial Loxu- combinations. Amer. law review. Mar. -Apr. 1910, v.44: 177-199 ^90 1910 Howey, W.C. Our beef supply as a great business. 4 Amer. review of reviews, Mar-Apr. 1910 v.41: 308-320. i - 3 - vtiTonlKi bnB Job JaxjiJ-xJns l6?eb©9 9ffT .0 .0 ooM J^oeX 3 t Y.v ,60^1 . oeO-.neL t 9aiKB3£fii evbooM lB»eIXi hb noi Jeioqioo ©^tb! b fll *^*3 t bXei'iflBO GoGX 7 * os jfeSkj-xJnB xiBurasriS 9rii lebflJJ YXoqonoffi to noi^nxdraoo 1,03 J 3 5i-eer:e.v t -eoeX .ds^ t *«i:v9T fbX sicfmtrXoO tootnBfS 8d* :cioit£?oc?oo e to .tnemrfe ifli/'t .0.0 eoet £3£~0£J*:5 . v ,G0GX .tfsft 6°eX S ^3S:Y.v t eoet .ewexvei lo w©xv©i Xfilonanil 0 + ©oiJenr rfJiw eJaniJ ©riJ IotJaoo oJ woH -1* T ,XXb yoH GCGX WI XBt^aO .**W*J»I S«i|«J|.fc ! .JSo . asoae^elnoo gniqqxdB .H.Q t ioa©*OoBM ~ o5i: • 8X2-502 : G1 ♦ v .GOGX .o©a ^XflnTuoc BOimoaooa rsL teutt-ttOB nsraierfS srfJ lo eJoelsb ©riT .R*0 t eif 3 BJ«oM GoeX * V,S1 T .eOX-3S:GX.v .GOGX .c©a t Xsxriuoc wfiX ©XbT ^ #v . © 8 B 0 Iio biBbfiBJS ©riT .tisdtpV t eXdoH OXGX .XX-I ; OXGX .de^-.nfiL t w9iv9i wbx asoiTsaiA .YBb-oJ noiJJsXjJ|9tc JsuiT .H.O v etfBBJnoM OXGX 0-X *30l.v <0X9X ,nsT» ^vlrfdnom oxJflBiJnA .noieiosb Xio bisbraJS eriT .a. A .eexoH 0 ,8£-0£ :5*.v <0X9X .nsL 1 frurcoi .MWailttT bus ipfojrftoJ! to aXooq oooecToX srfT .A .^“3^ ° iel .OXGX . nsL .vraonoo© XBoiJHoq So iBnmob fiidmnXoO Ivb©^©! bns sgubo ©rid :E 9 xXoqonoM .9.0 ^bnelwcH ’--Xex h ldfiit/iou ^ VXX-X9 :0X,v ,0X91 .d©9 .wexyei nx>I W 9 lv 9 i ©IsY .nox JBToqioc anxbXori edT .H.M .noeaidoH OXeX '• MiVul ;xiUt rlx.v ISii-0G£:8X.v ,0XSX ,YS» XBxiJsirbax bnB Jos Je^J-iJns nsmisdS ©riT .JiodisH , 9 XdoM OXeX SOJt-TVXt^X.v ( 0xex . TqA- . isM . V9XV9T: wbX .leirrA . arfox JBnxdmoo . eeenxand JB 913 b sb ilql - 94 L CXJJLr- -?.i 1910 Raymond, R.L. The federal anti-trust act. Harvard law review. Mar, 1910, v.23: 353-379. 1910 Allen, A.M. Criminal conspiracies in restraint of trade at common law. Harvard law review. May, 1910, v.23 *.531-548 1910 Gould, G.B. The U.S. steel corporation and the panic of 19o7. Yale review, Aug. 1910, v.l9: 177-187. 1910 Hottenstein, M.S. The Sherman anti-trust law. Amer. law review, Nov. -Dec. 1910, v.44: 827-857 t CVA-k-r- 95 1910 Chevalier, Stuart. Has the sugar case been overruled? Amer. law rev. Nov. -Dec. v.44: 868-876 96 1910 Blanchard, F. L. The truth as to standard oil: how waste has been trarreformSd into wealth - strikes unknown among 70,000 employes. Columbian magazine, Nov. 1910, v.3: 329-238. 97 1910 Evans, Harold. The Supreme court and the Sherman anti-trust act. Univ. of Pa. law review. Nov. 1910, v.59: 61-76 ^,98 1910 Keys, C.M. How the railroad works with the trusts. World's work, Nov. 1910, v.2i: 13680-13688 99 1910 Collier, N.C, Impolicy of modern decision and statute ^ making corporations indictable and the confusion in morals thus created. Central law journal, Dec. 16, 1910, v.71: 421-427. 100 1910 Morawetz, Victor. The Supreme court and the Anti -trust aot. Columbia law review, Dec, 1910, v. 10 *.637-708. "The foregoing article is an expansion of an article published by the writer in the N.Y. Times for Oct, 9, 1909." l 101 1911 Montague, G.H. German and British experience with trusts. Atlantic monthly, Feb. 1911, v.107: 155-164 Co 5 TC 332.05 C.F 102 1911 Crow, Carl. Checkmating the meat trust. Technical world magazine, Feb. 1911, v. 14: 690-696 103 1911 How Europe deals with trusts. Commercial and financial chronicle, Mar. 18, 1911. v,92 , 629-630. £2)0 ^ 104 1911 Junge-Hermsdorf , F.E. Monopoly and progress. 3. State em' power and its relation to industrial polictyy in Germany, vr./yo Engineering magazine, Mar. 1911, v.40: 841-853. 105 1911 Humphrey, W.E. The foreign steamship combine and its peril to this nation. Pearson's magazine. May, 1911, v. 25 : 557-563 . 106 1911 And®r§on> P.L. Combination vs. competition. Editorial review, June, 1911, v. 4:500-508. -V- . Iob leim 1- lifts Isi sb9l 9d? . J.H ,JbnoznY.6H 0X01 .0V£~£35 : SS, v ,0101 .isM ,wei:v9T wbX bisvisH ebsid" lo IncsilasT nx aeiosi xqanoo iBnimiTO .M.A t ne£iA 0X61 8b2-l£3: SS. v ,0101 ,ysM ,W9XV9i wsl bisvisH . wbX noramoo Is lo oinsq erfl one noilBloqioo Xssla *8.U srIT .8.0 ,blu o-O 0101 . V81-VV1 rSi.v ,0101 .gt/A ,w©iV3* sis 7 .Vo 61 .wjbI lax/Tl-lltis nsrnrcariS art? .S.M ,fix 9 lenelloH 0101 V38-VS8 :bb.v ,0181 .oeQ- . voPf ,w 9 xvei wsl .19mA Tbsluiisvo a© 9 cf ©aso xegi/a sril esH . lisxrlS ^isilsvsdO 0191 8Y8-838 :bb.v . ©sd-.voR . vsi wsl .israA wod :Xxo bxsbasle ol as rilxrxd- 9riT .J ,bisrfonsX8 0191 iwoslMu eodxils - rfllBew olnl bSnreolrfhs-cl nsscT esri slesw .asYoXqftr© 000,0V gnorms .8SS-0SS :£.v ,0191 .votf ,9tixsBgB:a nsidaitfloO lexrid'-ilns rtsmxsiiS ©til bns liiroo snr eiqx/3 9tiT .MoisH ,ensva 0101 . Iob 97-13 :@3;v ,0191 .voW .wexvsi wbX .b0 'to .vinU . elauTl 9rfl tfllv eiiow bsoilifii 9til woH ,M.O ,sy 9X 0101 883S1-088S1 : IS. v ,0121 .roW , diow a’blioW sljjlfile bxts n olfil 09 b nisbom to volloqtfil .0.15 ,teiXIoO 0191 alBiora li noxei/lxcoo 9rfl bus ©Icffiloibni anoxlsioqioc gnxdBfti ,b9l6eio axrrfl .VSb-lSb : 1 V . v ,0191 ,01 . oed ,Xsniuor wsl XsilnsO . Iob iBircl-ilnA sdl bns lisoo amswqi/S sdT .ioloi v ,slewflXoM 0161 .80Y-YS8:0I . v ',0101 .090 ,w©iv9i wsl EldmuIoO bedailduq 9 Xoxlis ns lo noxensqx© ns ax 9loilxs gnxogeiol 9ri?" ”.0021 ,0 ,loQ lol asraxT .Y.'W 9rfl ni is lirr erfl yd .elouil rfliw ©onexiaqx© rfeillTS' has aemreO .H.O ,9UgBlnol. 1191 1-81-251 : VOX «v ,1101 .daR ,$Xrflaca» oilasilA . lamcl jB 9 ni 9 rfl gnx iBmitfosrfO . IibO , woiO 1101 868-068 :bl. v , 1 10 1 .cf©a ,efilsBgSm bliow Xsoirirfos^ .alexnl dtxw elssb eqonu3. woH 1101 .1101 81 *tbM f 9 loxnoirio XsionBCxt bn© XGxoxem^oO 1 . 0S8-9S9 ,S0.v ©d-sdB .£ .sesigoiq bas yloqcnoM .3. 1 ? ,liobefni9R-©3nuL HS1 . YnBrctcsO nx-^iloq XBiid'aubni ct noitsfen sti bus xawoq .£38-1^8 :0b. v .1101 .tbM ,9nisB§Bn! sni^99nxBna 10 s -t-'jjo j SO -ujj) j £0 eae. HY n .-v - fro .3 b 0 ^J^JO J 30 88 V0 80 ^ ee -IA>J0 J oox -njjjb i 101 Sol £01 bOl ? o J or f i-^ -i "> ^ p.-y fA 2 ) Ixieo six bris enid.Tfoo qxrieiTiSsls rcgiaio't 9flT .>.7 r 1101 301 .soxlsn sxrfl od ,£83-V33:3S.v ,1101 , ysM ,9axsBBsrd s 1 aosiE9R >"j6xioliba . iioxlil9qmoo .av nox dBnxcfinoO .J.0 ,no6?ttbnA 1101 801 .803-003 : b . v ,HS1 ,9ai;T 3 ,w9xv9i lo7 108 l 109 110 ■Jilt 4.112 113 114 115 116 11 ? -118 119 120 1911 Spencer, A.W. The Standard oil decision. Green bag, June, 1911, v.23: 279-284 1911 The Steel corporation investigation Iron age, June 1-Aug. 17, 1911, v. 87-88: 1309-1316, 1404-1406, 1466-1469; 259-261, 313-317, 366-367. 1911 Wilgus, H.E. The Standard oil decision; the rule of teason. Michigan la w review, June, 1911, v.9: 543-670 1911 Leigh, J. G. The inside of a "combine". Economic retiew, July 15, 1911, v.21: 280-288. 1911 The Supreme court dedisions. North American review, July, 1911, v.194: 1-95 1911 Theodore Roosevelt. The Steel corporation and the panio of 19o7. Outl^ik, Aug. 19, 1911, v. 98: 865-868 1911 Walker, A.H. A review cf the opinions of the Qhief Justice of the U.S. in the Standard oil and tobacco cases. Amer. law review. Sept. -Oct. 1911, v. 45: 718-749 1911 McChord, W.G. The problem of controlling monopolies. Editorial review, Oct. 1911, v.5: 928-939. 1911 Raymond, R.L. The Standard oil and tobacco cases. Harvard law Review, Nov. 1911, v.25: 31-58. 1911 Wickersham, G.W. Recent interpretation of the Sherman act. Michigan law review, Nov. 1911, v,10: 1-25 1911 Clark, J.B. After the trusts, what? World to-day, Nov. 1911, v.21: 1292-1298. 1911 Littleton, M. W. The Sherman law inadequate. World today, Nov. 1911, v.21: I298g-1292h 1911 Hornblower, H.B. Anti-trust legislation and litigation. Columbia law review, Dec. 1911, v.ll: 701-722. 1911 Russell, Phillips. The steel trust’s private city.-- Gary. International socialist review, Dec. 1911, v.12: 327-333 '-d- .noxaxoajb Ixo fc'TBbnsia 9 rf 7 . ~ . A ,i 9 C£ieq 8 1191 £ 8 8 - 6 VS :£2.v ,1191 , 0 fluL ,g£a r hsstQ noilBgx Isevnl noi^B-rccrioo 19813 9 AT iiei , oxSI-GOSI : S 8 -V 8 . v <1161 , VI . gi/A-I snuL , 9 gj 3 noil . V85-385 ,V1£-S13 ,13S-95S ; 63*1-89*1 , 3 ofl-* 0 *I Iq elai silt inoiatcab Ixo tofsbaeia sriT .2.H ,eug!iW II6I 0V9~£*5 :9.v ,1191 , sru/L ,w8iv9i wsl *n*gidoi’M 1 . noassl . 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