Univ.of lli„ Library l W BY-LAWS OP_ _ _ Mercer County Crop Improvement Ass’n ORGANIZED UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS Adopted at Aledo, Illinois, July 31, 1915 BY-LAWS OP Mercer County Crop Improvement Ass’n ORGANIZED UNDER! THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS Adopted at Aledo, Illinois, July 31, 1915 OFFICERS 1915-16 G. H. CAMPBELL, President. ELISHA LEE, Vice President. A. G. BRIDGFORD, Treasurer. C. A. BEERS, Secretary. FINANCE COMMITTEE L. B. CANUM C. W. BRIDGFORD WALTER C. GRAY DIRECTORS ONE-YEAR TERM. Name— Township— R. A. Newcomer .North Henderson W. G. Ramsey . Suez J. F. Oliver .Ohio Grove Walter C. Gray .Abington F. B. Wickett . Keithsburg TWO-YEAR TERM. John W. Petrie . Rivoli L. L. Park . Greene L. B. Canum . Mercer C. W. Bridgford . Millersburg M. F. Prouty . New Boston THREE-YEAR TERM. C. A. Clark .Richland Grove B. B. Whitsitt . Preemption W. B. Cook . Perryton R. H. English . Duncan J. E. Pulliam . Eliza 2 BY-LAWS. 1. The name of this association shall be The Mercer County Crop Im¬ provement Association. 2. The object for which this cor¬ poration is formed: a. This association shall be a cor¬ poration (not for pecuniary profit) under an act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled, “an act concerning corporations,” ap¬ proved April 18, 1872. b. The advancement of every le¬ gitimate interest of agriculture and general farm husbandry in Mercer county. c. The employment of a county ag¬ riculturist or agriculturists and the payment of the reasonable salaries and expenses thereof. d. The purchase and sale of plants, trees or seeds; the purchase and sale of breeding stock or of live stock for demonstration purposes; the pur¬ chase and sale of drugs or remedies for the prevention or cure of disease or epidemic among live stock or for the protection or propagation of crops. The purchase of necessary and proper implements and equipment. e. Co-operation with the U. S. Department of Agriculture and with the College of Agriculture of U. of Ill. d. For better community life by making the schools more efficient and 3 LIBRARY UNIVERSITY 0 F ULlW 1 the homes more pleasant and comfort¬ able. 3. Membership. a. Those eligible to membership in this association shall be residents of Mercer county of either sex and 16 years of age or older who shall de¬ clare their allegiance to< the princi¬ ples for which this association is formed and shall pay the annual dues as provided from time to time by the Board of Managers of this association. b. The dues of this association shall be Five Dollars per year payable in advance. c. All members 12 months delin¬ quent in the payment of dues shall forfeit all right to vote in any meet¬ ing of this association. 4. Management. a. The management of this asso¬ ciation shall be vested in a board of 15 directors, who shall be chosen from the membership, five of whom shall! serve for one year, five for two years and five for three years and at each annual election hereafter five direc¬ tors shall be chosen in a like manner and who shall serve for a term of three years or until their successors shall have been elected and duly qualified. Vacancies shall be filled by a majority of the remaining direc¬ tors. 4 b. Not more than one director shall be chosen from each township in Mercer county. c. Within 30 days after the annual erection the directors shall elect from the membership of the association a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, who shall serve for one year or until their successors shall have been elected and duly quali¬ fied. d. The President of this associa¬ tion or the Vice President in his ab¬ sence shall be a director ex-officio and shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors. He shall have no vote except in case of tie. e. The President or the Vice Pres¬ ident in case of his absence shall pre¬ side at all meetings of the Association, regular or special. f. The Secretary shall be present at all annual and special meetings and shall keep a full record of all the proceedings thereof which shall be known as the minutes of the annual or special meetings. He also shall be the Secretary of the Board of Direc¬ tors and he shall keep a complete rec¬ ord of the proceedings of said board, which shall be known as the minutes ot the Board of Directors of said as¬ sociation. g. The treasurer of this association shall be empowered to receive and 5 receipt for all money or monies re¬ ceived by this association, and to pay out money on warrants drawn by the Secretary and countersigned by the President. He shall make a full and complete report of all monies receiv¬ ed and paid out which shall be pre¬ sented at the annual meeting and shall! be subject to the inspection of any member of the Association. He shall also make any other reports re¬ quired of his office. 5. Meetings. a. The annual election of this as¬ sociation shall be held on the last Sat¬ urday of July in each year. Twenty- five members shall constitute a quo¬ rum to transact business at any regu¬ lar or special meeting. b. The President may and shall call a special meeting upon the writ¬ ten request of five members. Due notice of alii 1 special meetings shall be given by publication. c. The annual meeting of the board of directors above provided for shall be on the only stated meeting of this board, special meetings may be called by the President and Secretary upon written notice five days prior to said meeting. Eight members shall constitute a quorum at all directors’ meetings. 6 6. The Board of Directors shall have the right, on the part of the as¬ sociation, to employ an agricultural and other assistants; buy appliances and supplies; to act in conjunction with the county, state and federall authorities in the promotion of the ob¬ jects of this association; and shall also have the power to accept gifts or bequests from public or private sour¬ ces, and to comply with the conditions thereof, when in their judgment it its advisable to do so. 7. By-Laws. These By-Laws may be changed or amended at any regular or adjourned session of the association by a two- thirds vote of those present. 7 Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllll Co-operating for the advancement of every legitimate interest of agri¬ culture and general farm husbandry in Mercer county. Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll / - I \