Jjiorbh ^rriericaq ^7 ha Lari^ AN eH^foricaf aT^ti ©e^cripit^e ^iCefc"^ BY Charles Sears _ WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY EDWARD HOWLAND. PRESCOTT, WIS. JOHN M. PRYSE, Publisher. ERRATA. Y The following corrections of typographical errors were made by Mr. Charles Sears in a copy of the Historical Sketch of the Phalanx sent to him : P. 2, 3d paragraph from bottom, read “unitary” for “arbitrary.” “ 3, last “ 5, 8th “ 7, 6th “ 7, 7th “ 8, 7th « 9, 3d “ 9, 7th “ 10, 7th “ “ “Giles” for “Giley.” top, read “constituted” for “constructed.” “ “ “members” for “numbers.” “ insert “or both” after “capitalist.” “ read “guaranties” for “quantities.” “ “ “sincerely” for “since.” “ “ “Starks” for “Starlls.” “ “ “over-charge” for “our change.” s-e f