B R.ARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 977. 3E5 W85-F K'TOWl SURVEY LIBRARY . OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS OB THK PATRIOTISM OF WILL COUNTY, DESIGNED TO PRESERVE THE NAMES AND MEMORY OF WILL COUNTY SOLDIERS, BOTH OFFICERS AND PRIVATES BOTH LIVING AND DEAD : TO TELL SOMETHING OF WHAT THEY DID, AND OF WHAT THEY SUFFERED, IN THE Great Struggle to Preserve Our Nationality. GEORGE H. WOODRUFF, AUTHOR OF "FORTY YEARS AGO." Patriots have toiled, and in their country's cause Bled nobly: and their deeds, a,a they deserve, Receive proud recompense. We give in charge Their names to the sweet lyre. The historic muse, Proud of the treasure, marches with it down To latest times; and sculpture, in her turn, Gives bond in stone and ever-during brass To guard them, and t' immortalize her trust. COWPXR. PRINTED AND PUBLISHED FOR THE AUTHOR, BY JAMES GOODSPEED. CTO LIST: JOLIET REPUBLICAN BOOK AND JOB STEAM PRINTING HOUSE. 1876. W75f TO THE SURVIVING SOLDIERS OF WILL COUNTY, THIS EFFORT TO PRESERVE THEIR NAMES, AND THE NAMES OF THETR FALLEN COMRADES, IS RESPECTFULLY AND GRATEFULLY DEDICATED. 0566 PREFACE. work is no attempt at a history of the late war. Its aim is to do some justice to the soldiers of WILL COUNTY, both officers and privates, both living and dead. It is simply the story of " our boys " and of our county during the rebellion period. It has been written for no political, or rather for no partizan purpose. In the largest and best sense of the word, the author does desire that it may have a political bearing ; that it may help to deepen the sense of the value of, and strengthen the attachment of our people to, THE UNION, and^the principles of freedom and equal rights which that Union represents and secures. He would be glad if it should help to " make treason odious " to the young m en who are so soon to wield the des- tinies of our republic. This aim, however, is only secondary. The work has been undertaken and prosecuted mainly as an act of justice to those who went out from our county to fight in the cause of the Union. In accomplishing this task, the author has availed himself of all infor- mation within his reach. Much has been gleaned from the files of our county papers. The matter has, however, been gathered mostly from orig- inal sources ; from the journals and letters of the actors, both living and dead, and from the personal recollections of those who survive. Very much of the narrative is given in the language in which it has been obtained. I cannot specify the sources from which it has been gathered, except in this general way. The manner of its compilation will account for the variation in its style, and the changes in tense and person. Especial pains has been taken to make the registry of soldiers full andl correct, and to embody the main facts of each one's military record. The- aim has been to record the name of every soldier from Will county, with- out regard to the place where he may have enlisted or been credited, and to- exclude the names of those who were not actual residents of Will county. To this I have admitted some exceptions. Where, as in the case of the 100th Regiment, nearly all of the members were Will county men, I have thought, that a full muster roll of the organization would be pleasing to the members. Some others have probably been admitted by mistake. It has been a work of great labor to collect these names, inaf much as in many instances they are credited, in the Adjutant General's Report, to the place where they en- VI PREFACE. listed, and in many other instances no residence is given. Some also enlist- ed in other states. It is probable therefore that the list is not absolutely perfect, and the thought that some names may have been omitted that should have gone upon the record, gives me pain. The fear too, that in making special mention as I have of many, I may seem to have ignored others who are as much entitled to such mention ; this fear makes me hesitate to throw the work upon the public. Imperfection however is inseparable from all such undertakings, and the limitations of time and space cannot be trans- cended. One thing will be noticed, I have recorded nothing to any person's dis- credit, and perhaps the question will be asked were all the Will county men brave and patriotic? Were there no cowards no deserters? I do not sup- pose that every man was a hero, or that no inferior motives mingled with the love of country, which in the main, inspired our volunteers. Some deserted. I have made no such entry in the record of names, because I have found so many instances in which the Adjt. General's report is incorrect in this particular, that I have preferred to drop the entry altogether, lest I might per- petuate an injustice to some one. In more than one case I have found a man put down as having deserted, who was killed when bravely fighting the enemies of his country. I have preferred also to reverse the sentiment of Mark Anthony and let the good " men do live after them," and to inter the evil " with their bones." The author claims no literary merit for the work. His main desire has been to collect and preserve the facts of our war record. Much time and labor have bee a devoted to the undertaking, and he cannot but hope that the result will be found deeply interesting to many families in Will county, of general interest to all our citizens, and at the same time not entirely worth- less to the general reader. To some probably he will only seem to have furnished another illustration of the adage ne sutor ultra crepidam; which might be liberally construed the apothecary should stick to his pills ! JUI.Y 4TH, 1876. NOTES. On page 72, I have left the impression that the amount there recorded was all that was raised in the county for war purposes. It should be said that other towns raised more or less, of which I have fovind no record. The town of Dupage, I have since learned, raised $12,667. Some few typographical errors have escaped correction, but they are generally such as will be readily detected, and are not important. It must not be inferred that all whose record is a blank in PART FOURTH were deserters. In respect to many of these, the record is simply unknown. CONTENTS. PAGE. Introduction 9 PART FIRST. OUR HOME HISTORY DURING THE REBELLION PERIOD. CHAPTER I. The years 1861 and 1862 15 CHAPTER II. From January 1863, to July 1865 53 PART SECOND. REGIMENTAL HISTORIES. CHAPTER I. History of the Twentieth Regiment. From Joliet to Jackson, Tenn. June 1861, to June 1863 80 CHAPTER II. History of the Twentieth Regiment. From Jackson, Tenn., to Joliet, June 1863, to muster out HO CHAPTER III. History of the Thirty-Ninth Regiment, or Yates Phalanx. From organ- ization to muster out 143, CHAPTER IV. History of the Sixty-Fourth Regiment, or Yates Sharpshooters. From organization to muster out 180 CHAPTER V. History of the One Hundredth, or Will County Regiment. From Joliet to Nashville. September 1862, to December 26th 224 VI II CONTENTS. CHAPTER VI. History of the One Hundredth Regiment. From Nashville to Chicka- mauga. December 18(52, to September 1863 247 CHAPTER VII. History of the One Hundredth Regiment. From Chickamauga to Athens, Tenn. September 1863, to March 1864 282 CHAPTER VIII. History of the One Hundredth Regiment, concluded. Athens, Tenn., toJoliet. March 1864, to July 1865 319 CHAPTER IX. History of the Ninetieth Regiment, or Irish Legion. From Organiza- tion to muster out 361 CHAPTER X. History of McAllister's Battery. Company D, 1st Artillery 397 CHAPTER XI. History of Barnett's Battery. Company I, 2d Artillery 423 CHAPTER XII. Brief mention of Cavalry Regiments, and other organizations 438 PART THIRD. PRISON EXPERIENCES, DEATH RECORD AND BIOGRAPHI- CAL SKETCHES. CHAPTER I. Experiences in Libby, Audersonville, and other prisons, with a list of deaths in prison 457 CHAPTER II. Our Death Record. Full list of those who died in the service 475 CHAPTER III. Biographical Sketches 489 PART FOUR. Roster and Muster Roll of Will County Soldiers (517) 1 INTRODUCTION. One of the most interesting characters found in all the wonderful crea- tions of Sir Walter Scott, is the one he has delineated under the name of OLD MORTALITY. The character is really a historic one, known to his age and locality by the unromantic name of Patterson ; and he earned his sou- briquet by his devotion to the singular work to which he consecrated his later years, and in the prosecution of which death found him. I scarcely need tell what that work was, for who is not familiar with the writings of the great "Wizard of the North?" Filled with a most reverential admiration for the men, and in the heartiest sympath3 r with the religious faith and prin- ciples of those old Scotch Covenanters who had yielded up their lives in the defense of civil and religious freedom, during the reign of the two last Stuarts, OLD MORTALITY devoted himself with a strange and absorbing enthusiasm, to the work of wandering from county to county, and from parish to parish, and searching out in the lonely and neglected cemeteries the graves of such martyrs, and removing from the headstones the moss and rust which had rendered illegible the inscriptions which recorded their names and virtues, all unnoticed, "From early morn to dewey eye," lie busied himself, with patient industry, in cutting deeper and afresh each fading letter. In some such a spirit, animated, I think, by some such feelings and motives, I have sought to accomplish a work somewhat analagous to that of Old Mortality. I confess to a profound admiration for, and a deep gratitude toward those, who periled their lives to maintain the union of these states. and the blessings of freedom and equal laws which that union secures. I profess the most thorough sympathy with them in the work of maintaining the Supreme Federal Authority, and staying the tide of anarchy, oppres- sion and barbarism, which threatened the ruin of our fair land. And this feeling I have toward the poorest, humblest man who carried a musket, no less than the one who guided the movements of brigades and army corps ; 2 \ ->: X INTRODUCTION. and I never see one, that my heart does not say this man stood between me- and rebel bullets! this man helped to stay the torch from my home! this mao helped to secure to me and my children the blessings of free government^ and the protection of equal and just laws ! And I have thought it a good- work, one which it behooved to be done, to rescue from oblivion the name of those who went out from our county the humblest of them and to place them upon that most imperishable of records the printed page. I espe- cially desire to carve deeper and afresh, in all our memories, the names of those who laid down their lives in our behalf. True, no lapse of centuries has obscured the few records that have been made in "monumental mar- ble," but scores and hundreds lie buried in unknown graves: falling amid, the carnage of the battle field, their bodies received a hasty and promiscu- ous burial at the hands of strangers perchance of enemies and " Their ashes flew No marble tells us whither" or, dying, perhaps of starvation in some rebel prison pen, or f wounds or disease in hospitals, their graves are distinguished from others in the long files of the dead, only by silent and unmeaning numerals ! In these days,, too, decades do the work of centuries, in effacing names and events from the memory, so great is the rush with which one event treads upon the heels of another. Already, too, there is a generation just coming upon the stage of active life who were but children when our boys went forth to battle for the right, and it is but just that they should be told the story of fifteen years ago. It has formed no part of my purpose to give a general history of the war, or to attempt a general resume of events which transpired upon the national or state arena, but simply to tell the story of our own county. I. have sought to record, if possible, the name and military history of every man who enlisted from our county, and to follow those regiments and bat- teries in which we were largely interested, through all their weary marches> skirmishes and battles, and to make in most instances of course very briefly special mention of those who sealed their devotion to the cause with the sacrifice of their lives. Our course will take us through many a weary march, over many a bloody battle-field; and we shall have to look in upon; the foul and crowded apartments of Libby, and to go down into the hell of Andersonville ! My aim has been to make the record one of personal interest to every family in Will county. The general history of the times, political or mili- tary, will therefore only be noticed so far as necessary to render intelligible that of our own county, and of the men she sent forth to the struggle. Few, I think, will question the propriety of such a record. We owe it to the men. INTRODUCTION. XI who periled life and limb in our behalf. Especially do we owe it to the memory of those who perished in the struggle. Our county, as such, has erected no monument to their memory, has taken no steps for the preser- vation of their names. It seems but just, therefore, that their names and ein that we are greatly disappointed when our prayers are answered. They took a sober second thought. A seige would be tediou--. They might get short of rations; and our distinguished civilians liked their rations full and regular, as any one may see by taking a look at some who still survive. And tlion, if Jeff, shoukl have artillery their stay might be disagreeable. Those shells and can- non balls had a disagreeable way with them, and might not respect the persons of civilians, however distinguished. And then they were some of them large men and might he in the way, and the military might feel embarrassed at their presence ! The more they thought about it, the plainer it appeared that however anxious they might be to see the elephant, it was their duty to sacrifice their curiosity, and to get to some place where they would not be in the way. So they suggested to Col. Marsh the propriety of chartering one of the boats which lay in the river, and setting them across beyond the jurisdiction of Jeff. Thompson. To this propo- sition Col. Marsh assented, and the distinguished civilians were accordingly landed upon the Illinois side of the river, and having put the broad Mississippi .between them and Jeff., they shook off the dust of their feet as a testimony that they held him and his rebel hordes in utter contempt, and then made their way to the nearest railroad station. As it turned out, however, Jeff, gave the Cape a wide berth. But a better joke happened to one of these distinguished civilians on the way home. They had stopped for HOME HISTORY. 33 dinner, and one of their number became so absorbed in his devo- tions to the duty of the hour, that he lingered at the table after the rest of the party had got aboard, and failed entirely to hear the warning whistle, and on walking leisurely out upon the plat- form, was astonished to find no train there, and, on raising his eyes toward the north, saw it rapidly diminishing in the distance. Here was a situation indeed ! He did not swear at least I don't think he did for he was a good Baptist deacon, but he thought very hard and very fast. He was decidedly disgusted with the situation. He examined his pocket book and found that he had paid out his last currency for his dinner and his cigar, and had absolutely nothing left for subsistence or transportation. He had been very generous with the boys at the Cape, and here he was, a hundred and fifty miles or more from Mrs. W. and the children, with empty pockets. He congratulated himself, however, that he was out of Jeff. Thompson's reach, and that he had just laid in rations that would last him twenty- four hours at least. And there I shall be obliged to leave him, for I never heard how he got out of the predicament. All accounts I have been able to gather of the adventure, leave him there with his hands in his pockets, gazing dumbfounded at the fast-vanishing train. But he did get home some way, and afterwards served the country nobly as an officer in the 100th regiment, and never run again, except at Chick- amauga, when his mustang was shot from under him, and he was almost surrounded by the rebs, when, though his legs are not so long as some of his neighbors', he made 2:40 through the woods to Chattanooga, and thus showed for the second time that " He who fights and runs away, May live to fight another day." The correspondent of the Chicago Tribune, at Cairo, in a letter to that paper some time in August, 1861, giving an account of the fight at Charleston, Missouri, thus speaks of a Joliet boy : "A young boy named Hartley Wixom, of Joliet, a body ser- vant of Col. Wallace, of the llth, made a hero of himself, and deserves the most honorable mention. The lad is but fifteen years old, active and intelligent. During the fight he noticed one of the rebel troopers retreating toward him ; quickly lifting his revolver 34 HOME HISTORY. (the young chap, by the way, was armed with a navy pistol given him by Col. Wallace,) he fired and brought the rebel to the ground. Running up, he stripped the fellow of his haversack and canteen, and, seizing the horse, led him off to a place of safety as a prize. The young soldier afterwards captured two more horses, and brought them safely off the field. He was very active in his atten- tions to the wounded, bandaging their cuts, and providing for their comfort in various ways. The boys of the 22d are proud of that lad, and he will not fail of making a great man for want of friends to assist him." War meetings are again the order of the day. Saturday, Aug. 31st, a rousing one was held at the court house, Hon. S. W. Bowen in the chair, A. N. Waterman, secretary. Speeches were made by Bowen, Osgood, Randall, Elder Crews, Norton, Breckenridge, Snapp, &c. The meeting was harmonious, although criticism was freely indulged democrats and republicans cordially sympathizing with the government in its efforts to put down the rebellion, and strong resolutions in support of the government were passed. Chaplain Button, of the 20fch, was home early in September, and lectured in the court house, Sept. 17th, giving us the news from the regiment, and his experience in Missouri. He spoke nearly two hours to an interested auditory. Among other things, he said that it was generally conceded that the 20th was the best regiment in the service in Missouri. During this month, also, Capt. C. W. Keith was engaged in raising an artillery company in this county, having his headquar- ters at Joliet. This became Battery I of the 2d artillery, and was better known afterwards as Barnett's Battery, a history of which will be found elsewhere. About this time, also, Dr, Dan forth laid down the lancet, and took up the larger, if not more deadly weapon the sword and, assisted by Sergeant Grundy and Lieut. Ira D. Swain, engaged in getting up a company of cavalry for the Fremont Hussars. This became Co. F of the 13th cavalry, of which Dr. Danforth was made captain. At the same time another company, which became Co. C, 13th cavalry, was being enlisted in the eastern part of the county, of HOME HISTORY. 35 which Adam Sachs, of Monee, became captain, and Adolph Schule, of the same place, lieut. Our German citizens seem to have pre- ferred the cavalry branch of the service, although that nationality had its representatives in all our organizations not excepting the Irish Legion ; many having had military training and experience in the " faderland," were all the better prepared to do their part, as they bravely did, for the salvation of their adopted country. A meeting of the Board of Supervisors was held Sept. 17th, at which R. E. Goodell, supervisor of the town of Joliet, reported that he had received from the state authorities an auditor's war- rant for $1,579, which amount was refunded to the county for the subsistence of volunteers: which amount was ordered to be placed in the treasury to the credit of the war fund. The treasurer was also instructed to pay the bills for the uni- forms of Capt. Erwin's company, amounting to $950. Messrs. Reid, Kahler and Smith, committee to inquire into the needs of the families of soldiers, reported that there would be about sixty families, and about one hundred and twenty children, in need of aid, and that there remained an unexpended balance of $225 of the May appropriation, whereupon a further sum of $3,775 was appropriated for that purpose. The weekly sum of one dollar and twenty-five cents was allowed for the wife, or head of family, and fifty cents for each child under twelve years of age. Such relief was also extended to the families of such as might have lost their lives in the service. Sept. 26th was observed as a day of fasting and prayer, in con- formity with the president's proclamation. Union services were held at the Methodist church, and business was generally sus- pended. A sermon was preached by Elder Crews. I suppose everybody has heard of the famous N. Y. 7th regi- ment, and knows something of its exploits in the early days of the war. But most of my readers, I presume, will be surprised to learn that Will county can justly claim a share in the glory of its achievements. I was myself greatly surprised when, in the course of my researches, I stumbled upon the fact. But it is as true as it is strange. Our highly esteemed fellow-citizen, Mansfield Young, Esq., (sometimes called " Map," for short) was a member of this renowned regiment, and inasmuch as he was a resident of this 36 HOME HISTORY. county, both before and since the war, I think it is no robbery to claim him as our representative, and to insist that the glory of his achievements which were neither few nor small should be put to the credit side of Will county. Although, in a most remarkable manner, he escaped being in any of the great battles of the war, he went through a great many "scrim- mages," and made and received, both on his own hook, and with his company, a great many heavy charges. On one occasion, although not killed, he was buried yes, buried alive for the good of his country ! It happened in this wise : While the regi- ment was debarking from a railway train, the men of his company all heavy men stood drawn up in order of battle upon the platform, ready to make one of their characteristic charges, (there was a restaurant across the street), when suddenly the platform, which had been built over an excavation about ten feet deep, (not having been constructed for such heavy weights), gave way, and the entire company went down out of sight. The captain, who was in the middle of the street, looked around on hearing the noise, and lo ! the company had disappeared as mysteriously as did that of Dathan and Abiram when the earth opened and swallowed them up. Of course, divers wounds, bruises and sprains, more or less serious, was the result. One man had a bayonet thrust through the place where he carried his rations not his haversack. As for our hero, Mr. Young, besides getting his temper sadly out of joint, he suffered a most painful dislocation of the heel of his boot ! As the boot was subsequently heeled, and as our friend ultimately recovered his serenity of temper, and has maintained it ever since, I am happy to say that this is not an obituary notice. October, the war meetings are still the order of the day, and enlistments are going forward all over the county for various com- panies and regiments. The Yates Phalanx, in which, as has been said, Will county was largely represented, passed through Joliet, on its way from Chicago to the seat of war, and was warmly greeted by our citizens. Union sociables now became a feature of the times, when men and women, old and young, of all religious and political creeds, got together, and worked, and talked, and sung, and contributed for the good of the cause. About this time, (Oct. 1, 1861,) the ci!y of Wilmington enjoyed HOME HISTORY. 37 a first-class sensation. This was no less than a visit from the noted correspondent of -the London Times, Dr. W. H. Russell some- times called Bull Run Russell the persistent slanderer of the north, and the apologist for the rebels. Apeing the example of the Prince of Wales, of the year before, he visited "Wilmington, with a retinue of sportsmen and toadies, and recreated himself with a week's pursuit of game in the groves, and on the prai- ries in that vicinity. Not content with doing this on the secular days of the week, he and his friends chose to outrage the pious feelings of the citizens of that city, by continuing their sport upon the sabbath, and thus disturbed the holy meditations and devotions of some who had never been so disturbed before. For this offense against good order, wholesome American law, and Wilmington piety, Dr. Russell was arrested, brought before his honor, Justice Cobb, and mulcted in the sum of three dollars and costs. It is to be hoped that this severe, but justly merited discipline, worked at least an outward reformation in the morals and manners of this proud representative of " the Thunderer," and gave him a wholesome respect for Illinois law and Wilmington justice. It is also to be hoped that the citizens of Wilmington still retain their zeal for the sanctity of the sabbath ! In this month, also, a recruiting officer was here procuring recruits for the 64th regiment, known as the Yates Sharpshooters. Fred. W. Matteson, formerly a Joliet boy, son of ex-Gov. Matte- son, held the rank of major in this regiment, and was active in getting recruits here. A little later, in November, Capt. Grover recruited his company for this regiment, and J. S. Reynolds, Ward Knickerbocker, and others, recruited men in other parts of the county for the same. Later in the war, in 1864, Captain Logan raised a company, in this county, for the same regiment. Will county had in all in this regiment 17 commissioned officers and about 300 enlisted men. Its history, and the full roster of officers and muster roll of the men from this county, will be given in its proper place. It was only in this regiment that Will county can claim the honor of a General, although we had men worthy of the honor in other regiments. Lt. Col. J. S. Reynolds, of New Lenox, the son of one of our oldest Hickory Creek families, who entered the regiment as 2d lieutenant of Co. F, and rose to lieutenant colonel, 38 HOME HISTORY. was breveted brigadier general toward the close of the war, for conspicuous skill and bravery at the battle of Bentonville. Par- ties from other states were also trying to enlist men, but Governor Yates soon issued his proclamation prohibiting recruiting for organizations of other states. Lieut. O'Kane, of the 23d, known as Mulligan's, or the Irish Brigade, also opened an office in Joliet, and obtained some recruits. During the fall of 1861, also, Co. I, of the 46th regiment, was raised in the town of Plainfield, of which Charles P. Stimpson was captain, and James Ballard 1st lieutenant. About 60 men enlisted from that patriotic town. At the same time, Co. K of the 8th (Farnsworth's) cavalry, was raised largely from the towns of Plainfield and Wheatland, while Co. F, of the same regiment, was principally raised in Crete and other eastern towns. Over thirty of our German citizens from Crete also enlisted in Co. D, of the 9th cavalry, and, during the winter, the town of Channahon furnished fifteen men for the 10th cavalry. Thirty-six men, from various parts of the county, also joined the 53d regiment, Col. Cushman, of Ottawa. During the season the people often turned out to see different regiments passing through on the railroads for the seat of war. Among others, Col. Kellogg's Cavalry Regiment, from Michigan, passed through in November. Coming in on the Cut-Off, they were treated to a collation at the depot, by our whole-souled and patriotic citizen, Calvin Knowlton, Esq. In this regiment was a Joliet boy, Harmon F. Nicholson, who afterwards rose to the rank of Major, and made a very efficient and brave soldier and officer. And this was another instance in which patriotism got the better of party ism. In October, 1861, George R. Dyer, of Joliet, received the ap- pointment of quartermaster in the volunteer service, with therank of captain, and was stationed at Pilot Knob, Mo. In the latter part of October we were made proud by receiving the news of the battle of Fredericktown, in which the 20th got their first taste of war in earnest, and in which they won their first honors, and spilled the first blood, an account of which will be given in the history of the regiment. Happily, in this instance our joy was not abated by any list of casualities. HOME HISTORY. 39 There was nothing of special interest in our county history during the winter of 1861-2, until the movements of Grant against Forts Henry and Donaldson. Knowing that the 20th regiment, and also McAllister's Battery, were in the movement, we felt a special as well as a general interest in the expedition. And when we heard of the success of the expedition in the taking of Fort Donaldson, there were of course great rejoicings. These, however, were sadly dampened when we heard that Col. Erwin had fallen in the struggle. A public meeting was immediately called, and measures taken for receiving and rendering due honors to his re- mains. In due time they arrived in charge of Major Bartleson, whereupon funeral services were held at the Methodist Church, from which a large procession escorted the remains to the Rock Island depot, and a large committee of citizens accompanied them to Ottawa, where they were interred. The common council of the oity also passed appropriate resolutions and attended the funeral services in a body. The 22d of February was observed by the citizens of Joliet, in an unusually interesting manner. There were religious services in the Methodist church, and afterwards a meeting at the court house, where an eloquent oration on the life and character of Washington was delivered by Judge Parks. The matter of special interest was the appearance of Bartleson, and the enthusiasm with which he was received. The sight of the man who was just from the bloody field of Donaldson, in which he had taken an active and heroic part, awakened the most intense enthusiasm. Being conducted to the stand he made a thrilling speech ; in the course of which he gave a graphic account of the battle. Soon the pri- soners taken at Fort Donaldson began to pass through the city on their way to Camp Douglas. Crowds of our citizens were, of course, attracted to the depot to take a look at the conquered rebs. They were, however, treated courteously and kindly, and in con- versation expressed their surprise at the humane manner in which they had been treated since the surrender. Among the killed at Donaldson were James Bassett, of this city, who had been shot in the head and killed instantly. The oommon council of the city procured the bringing home of the body, and the funeral took place at the Methodist church, and a 40 HOME HISTORY. respectable burial was given it at Oakwood. A donation party for the benefit of the bereaved family was held in the Methodist Episcopal Church, Friday evening, February 28th. The common council of the city at its meeting February 19th, had, on motion of alderman Howk, passed a resolution appointing a committee to expend whatever money might be necessary in procuring the bodies of those killed at Fort Donaldson, and necessary relief for their families. The interest of our citizens was soon turned to Island No. 10, in the expedition against which our county was represented by Capt. Grover's company, and others in the 64th, and Capt. Keith's Battery. Early in April we received the news of its surrender, and al- most simultaneously we received the news of the great battle of Shiloh, or Pittsburg Landing, fought the 6th and 7th of April. The account of this battle, in its general aspects and results, has been frequently given in the histories of the war, and its general features are familiar to all well informed persons. So far as it affected our own county, the details will be found in the history of the 20th Regiment and McAllister's Battery, both of which bore an honorable part in the two days' struggle. On hearing of this battle our fellow-citizens, George Woodruff, William Tonner, B. F. Russell, Otis Hardy, J. T. McDougall, and others, together with Dr. A. L. McArthur, left for the scene, to look after the dead and wounded from our county, Dr. McArthur, and Dr. E. R. Wil- lard, of Wilmington, going in a professional capacity. Soon after, we also heard of the death, from typhoid fever, brought on by exposure at Donaldson, of Albert S. Randall, son of Judge Ran- dall, of this city, a member of Co. F, 20th 111. Among other casualties of this battle, was the loss by Major Bartleson of his left arm. Lieut. Cleghorn was also severely wounded in the arm. Other casualties are noted in the history of the 20th, and of McAllister's battery. I must, however, mention here the fact that all accounts spoke in the highest praise of the efforts of Chaplain Button in behalf of the wounded, although suf- fering himself from sickness brought on by exposure at Donald- son. He attended unweariedly upon the wounded, carrying fence rails to build them fires, and working until he fell down exhausted. HOME HISTORY. 41 In the list of wounded in McAllister's battery, I find the name of " George Woodruff." Now, I am pretty sure this was not our friend, the banker, as he did not start for the scene until the battle was over, and I don't think it was George H. Woodruff, the drug- ger, for he kept at a safe distance all through the war, and I have often heard him admit that he could never " bide the smell of powder." On examination, I find that the man was from Indiana. Let us be grateful, however, that the name has been enrolled among the heroes even though it was done by a Hoosier ! Nicholas Shaw, son of James Shaw, belonging to the 45th 111., who was taken with other wounded at Shiloh to St. Louis, and who died there from his wounds, April 1 9th, was brought home from that place by his father, and the body deposited in Oakwood. The funeral of young Randall took place on the 27th, at the M. E. church, Rev. Mr. Kidd preaching the sermon, at which there was a large attendance. Friday evening, April 25th, a serenade' was given to the wounded officers of the 20th, Major Bartleson and Capt. Cleghorn, with speeches, &c. Orrin Johnson, of the 57th regiment, Jacob B. Worthingham and Reuben Atkins, of the 20th, were also brought home by their friends, being severely wounded. The remains of James Scanlan, also of Co. B, who died of disease contracted in the service, were also brought home and the funeral held, which was attended by Bartleson, who reported him as a brave soldier. Our county was also represented at Donaldson and Shiloh by Co. I, in the 46th regiment, known as the Plainfield company, in which we had three commissioned officers and 55 men, four of whom were killed at Shiloh. Sergeant, afterwards Lieut., James F. Branch, who had been home wounded from Donaldson, had just returned to the regiment, and although not fully recovered, he took part in the two days' battle, and bore a heroic part. But the exposure was so great, that he was compelled to return home again to recruit. Capt. Grover was home on a brief visit in July, to recuperate. He had been in all the engagements under Pope, and seen much service. He reported that but one of his company had been 6 42 HOME HISTORY. killed and four wounded. Alas ! the next time Captain Grover came back, he was brought to be laid in Oakwood ! During the last week in June, occurred the terrible battles before Richmond under McClellan, and the retreat to Harrison's Landing, and July 1st, Father Abraham, at the urgent suggestion of the loyal governors of 17 states, called for 300,000 more. It was, alas ! evident that the backbone of the rebellion was still sound. A deep feeling of anxiety pervaded the public mind, and great disappointment at the result of the struggle before Richmond, from which so much had been hoped, for many had expected that Richmond would certainly be taken, and the war closed, at least that the "backbone would be broken." The north was for a moment almost disheartened. But a reaction soon comes on, and fever supervenes, and the country is aroused to new effort and fresh and greater sacrifices. In this feeling our county shares. Immediately, we hear of first one, and then another, of our citi- zens becoming authorized to enlist companies, under the call of the president. Our own governor issues a proclamation, calling upon the citizens of the state to rally at the call. In response, we first hear that A. N. Waterman is authorized to raise a company. Next, Mr. Munger follows, and opens an office with Justice Heath, in the old clerk's office, on the corner of the public square. Thomas Hayes, Dan. O'Connor, J. G. Elwood, Dr. Kelly, H. B. Goddard, and ex-sheriff Bartlett, quickly follow. Soon, too, we hear that Dr. Bacon and J. S. McDonald, of Lock- port; Albert H. Amsden, of Dupage; McLaughry, of Homer ; Bur- rell, of Plainfield; Gardner and Bowen, of Wilmington, with others assisting them, are all actively engaged in raising companies. Patri- otic men mostly young men, flock to their standards. A special meeting of the Board of Supervisors is again called, and our city papers urge a liberal appropriation by way of bounty and aid to the families of volunteers. War meetings are again the order of the day, and, as Carlyle would say, the flood-gates of gab were opened. Speeches by Good- speed, Parks, Bowen, Randall, Breckenridge, Snapp, Starr, Casey, Norton, Waterman, Father Farrelly, &c., &c. If zeal lags, whisperings of a draft to come revives it. The business men of Joliet and Lockport held a meeting and passed HOME HISTORY. 43 resolutions calling upon the supervisors to meet and make liberal appropriations. June 23d, 1862, the common council appropri- ated $50 for a sick soldier. Even a common council can do a good thing ! The Republican, of that date, says : " W. C. Wood offers a bounty of $100 to the first company that is completed to its maxi- mum in the 100th regiment." Other citizens, I believe, made similar offers, and, it is to be hoped paid them ! The supervisors met July 29th, and appropriated $60,000 for a war fund, and took the necessary steps for raising the money. They voted a bounty of $60 to each volunteer, or $5 monthly to his family, as he might elect. War meetings and enlistments are going on all over the county. Twelve companies, six of whom had their headquarters in Joliet, were being raised in Will county. Soon the idea of a Will county regiment is suggested, and takes with everybody, and soon authority is obtained to that effect, and the old barracks on the fair grounds are put in order, and the Will county regiment, the 100th Illinois, are in possession, and fast organizing the companies and the regiment. This is soon accomplished, for the enthusiasm and excitement throughout the county surpasses that of the previous year. An enthusiastic meeting was held at the Linebarger school house the 26th of July, and 20 recruits raised. One lady, a Mrs. Bush, gave up her fourth son to the cause, and said, if she had four more, they should go. This was by no means an isolated instance. A Mrs. Noble, of Wilmington, gave two boys to the 100th regiment, and she subsequently gave one to the 39th regi- ment. These were all she had of sufficient age. These widows, I think, exceeded in their spirit of sacrifice the widow that Christ commended. Like her, they gave all they had, and gave some- thing better and dearer far than money. These two Noble boys sons of a Noble mother were taken prisoners at Chickamauga, and taken to Andersonville. One lived through it ; the other died a martyr to his country. Another woman gave her only son, and her husband too, and both were sacrificed on the altar of her country. Of the son, Ser- geant Holmes, one of the bra vest boys in the 100th, we shall have something to say in the history of that regiment. The husband (Ellery B. Mitchell) died early in the service at Nashville. 44 HOME HISTORY. The companies comprising the 100th held their elections, and the regiment held its election, at Camp Erwin, as the camp was now called. Only one man was thought of for colonel, Fred. A. Bartleson, the gallant major of the 20th. The full account of this, and the roster of the officers and full muster roll of the regiment, together with a detailed history of its campaigns, will be found in its proper place. One of our resident physicians, Dr. A. L. McArthur, received at this time an appointment as medical examiner on the state board, a post of great usefulness and responsibility. Dr. A. W. Heise accepted the appointment of surgeon to the regiment, and Drs. E. Harwood and H. T. Woodruff were appointed assistant surgeons. But the 100th regiment does not absorb all the interest, or all the volunteers. The " Casey Guards," Capt. O'Connor's company, joined the 90th regiment, or Irish Legion. A company was also raised in Lockport by some of the well-known citizens of Irish nationality, which joined the same regiment, under the captaincy of Patrick O'Marah. Our county was represented in this regiment by eight commissioned officers and 140 enlisted men, and a sketch of its history will be found elsewhere. During the month of August, also, Captain (afterwards Major) Holden, of Frankfort, enlisted some men for the Holden Guards, which became Co. E of the 88th regiment. Some twenty young men of Lockport also enlisted in the Chicago Mercantile Battery, and the 72d, or 1st Board of Trade regiment, obtained twenty-five men from our county, mostly from the towns of Dupage and Chan- nahon. The subject of the draft is getting to be one of great interest. A census of the county is taken, and it is ascertained that in Joliet there are 1,536, and in the county 5,963, subject to military duty. About this time (August) the excitement in respect to the war, and a draft, &c., was temporarily overshadowed by one of great local interest. I refer to the mysterious disappearance of one of our prominent citizens, which I think ought to be noticed in this history, as, although the subject of it was not a military character, yet he wielded a trenchant pen for the Union, and it is often said, " the pen is mightier than the sword." He was first missed on HOME HISTORY. 45 the morning of August 20th. For the first time in many years, he failed to make his appearance on the street, or in the editorial sanctum. As soon as this failure to appear was noticed, a diligent inquiry was instituted, but it failed to elicit any information. People soon began to get excited. The disappearance of so prominent a citizen, a man of such regular habits, whose appearance upon the street at a certain hour, moving with steady step, and thoughtful brow, his head full of grave editorials on the situation, and his heart bur- dened with a nation's dangers, had come to be looked for as a thing as fixed as the rising of the sun the disappearance of such a man would of course produce great excitement as soon as known. Conjecture was soon busy; rumors were as plenty as blackberries. Some, knowing his patriotic ardor, thought that he had enlisted in McAllister's Battery, or the Irish Brigade, (as it will appear in the sequel, this last conjecture was not far out of the way). Oth- ers, knowing his chronic dislike to a draft, intimated that he had gone to Canada that he might not witness so disagreeable an oper- ation. None but " Black Republicans " entertained so slanderous a thought. Quite a plausible conjecture was that he had gone to Washington to tell his old friend Abe, how the war ought to be conducted. Again, some who had closely read his editorials, were inclined to believe that he had gone clean daft, from the negro- phobia, which had for some time disturbed his mental equilib- rium. For he had made a close estimate of the number of negroes that would be quartered upon the city in the event of their being freed and sent north, and found that Joliet would have to stand an infliction of at least 1200. Such a prospect, it was thought, might have produced temporary insanity, and perhaps led to sui- cide ; and the people were about dragging the basins, when the anxiety of all was relieved by reading in the Signal of August 26th, the following announcement: ." Married in this city, on the 19th inst.,by Rev. P. Farrelly, Mr. Calneh Zarley and Miss Annie Keegan." The public took a long breath again ! I have a word or two more to say about this chronic " negrophobia" with which "Cal " was tormented. This was truly a melancholy case. Many will remember how sorely he was afflicted, and how sorely he wflicted 46 HOME HISTORY. upon his readers his gloomy prognostications of evil from this dreaded irruption of darkies from the south. But I presume that the reader will be surprised that this hallucination took a poetic shape. And while all my readers know that the war gave rise to a wonderful amount of poetry, they will hardly be prepared for the announcement that Joliet had its war poet and least of all, that his name was "Cal." But such was the fact ! And if this history serves no other good purpose, it shall at least have the merit of doing tardy justice to neglected genius ! In looking over the files of the Joliet Signal, which have been kindly lent me, and from which I have gathered much valuable matter, I came upon the following choice poetical moreeau. I think I cannot be mis- taken in the authorship. Besides the place where it was found, the fact that it is not credited to any other source, and that it has no marks of quotation, no signature, or anything to indicate that it is a communication ; beside these circumstances, I think the sub- ject matter, and the style, and above all, the closing beautiful simile, leave no room for doubt as to its authorship. Without per- mission, I enrich these pages, with this poetical gem : " De Lord he lubs de niggah well ! He knows de niggah by de smell ! And while de pitch holds out to burn, De blackest niggah may return. He knows dere wants and all ob dat, He feeds dere souls on possum fat ; And when de niggah baby cry, De Lord he gibs um possum pie ! When in de tabernacle met, Big niggah by de white gal set. And in de Beecher chapel too, . De niggah hab a good front pew. De Lord determed not to keep, In different pews de .culled sheep, But mix the various colors up, Like rum and lasses in a cup !" Late tho' it be bring forth the " immortal bays, " and let the Joliet war poet be crowned ! During the month of August, the body of Frederick W. Mat- teson, of whom mention has already been made, was brought here for burial in Oakwood. He died of typhoid fever, brought on by his exposure in the line of duty. Such an event was well cal- HOME HISTORY. 47 culated to produce an impression upon the young men in the 100th, many of whom had been his play fellows and school mates in earlier days, but it only nerved their purpose to do their duty, come what might. The 100th regiment having been fully organized and become somewhat initiated into the routine of duty, and sworn into the U. S. service, broke camp September 2d, and took its departure for Springfield, and wherever thence the authorities might direct. Its departure was a scene of the most in tense interest and ex- citement. Probably around no other day in the history of Will county has there ever gathered so much of interest. Here were nearly a thousand men mostly young men the flower of city and county gathered from all the walks of life, about to go forth to the perils of war. Here were the hopes of fathers and mothers, the beloved of sisters and wives, the stay and comfort of the aged and infirm, of widows and orphans. Sacrificing all their business enterprises and prospects of worldly success ; dropping the imple- ments of husbandry and trade; closing their books and dismissing the studies of their age ; they had come in answer to the call of their imperiled country to peril their own lives in a grand, su- preme effort to crush the rebellion and save the union. Perhaps never in the history of the world was there a regiment composed of better personnel of so many young men in whose bosoms, contact with a selfish world had not yet dulled the romance of youth, or tarnished the lustre of a pure and holy patriotism. For no selfish purpose; with no hope of gain or dream of glory; but from a pure desire and purpose to save the country, had they en- rolled their names among its defenders. And now, having per- fected their organization, having gone through the weeks of pre- paratory drill and discipline, the time had come to bid good-bye to relatives and friends,' to fathers, mothers, sisters, wives and sweethearts, and to go forth to actual, earnest, perilous WAR ; to encounter all the hardships, hazards and temptations of the camp, the march and the bivouac ; of the outpost, the skirmish and the battle. Here they are, a thousand Will county men, in the full vigor of early manhood, animated by one impulse their hearts beating high with hope and courage, eager for the time which shall test their powers, their strength of endurance, and their cour- 48 HOME HISTORY. age. Yet with a solemn sense of the hazards and dangers before them; for the delusive hopes and expectations of the year and a half previous had been dissipated, and full well they now knew, that they were going forth on no holiday errand, that they were to be no carpet knights, and that to conquer the rebellion, a severe and protracted struggle would yet be required ; that the errand upon which they were going forth meant death to many, and peril, hardship and suffering to all. They had seen the lifeless forms of Erwin, Bassett, Shaw, Randall, Matteson, and others, brought home to their long and honored rest in Oak wood ; while others of their fellow citizens and friends had returned disabled by wounds and disease. How will the lOOrH return? How many, and who ? Which of our sons, our brothers, our husbands shall succumb to the weary march, the cold bivouac, the malarious camp ? Who shall come back with painful wounds, and sad disfigurement; with loss of limb, and enfeebled health? Who shall languish in southern prison pens, the body starving for the meanest food, and the heart starving for news from home ? Who, oh ! who, shall lay down life on the battle field or in the hospital, with no fond mother, sister or wife, to wipe the death damp from the brow, and catch the last farewell and close the sightless eyes ? Who shall be buried in haste without shroud, or prayer, or headstone, or to be left to fester and decay uuburied ? Oh ! in how many hearts, (both of those who went, and of those who stayed), that day, did these sad questionings come unbidden, and make the scene, despite the shouts and huzzahs, and the moving of flags and banners, and the music of bands, one of the most solemn import ! " All aboard," shouts the conductor, the last bell rings, the last farewell is said. Lips and hands have parted, many, many alas ! of which shall never again in this world, be pressed together; and the train moves out from the St. Louis Depot, and the " Will County Regiment," the 100th Illinois, is on its way to whatever the chances of war in a three years' campaign, shall bring. Elsewhere we shall give a succinct account of this three years' campaign. Again we hear from the 20fch regiment, of the brilliant affair at Britton's Lane, so creditable to our heroes, though as usual our rejoicings are subdued by the list of casualties. HOME HISTORY. 49 And now we are watching with increased interest for each day's intelligence from the army, for we have greatly increased our ventures on the field of battle. The month of September was one of great and varied interest in military affairs, on the field at large. Such was the dubious outlook, that our governor, on the 15th inst., issued his proclam- ation calling upon the people to organize a reserve force a home guard to be ready for any emergency that should arise. This was supplementary to the organizations which were recruiting 4 for the field. I believe that many of our citizens organized them- selves into volunteer companies, and met for drill in various halls and vacant rooms. I remember going once myself to Young's Hall, where the late Col. Smith was our drill-master. We had sticks for guns. At this meeting I learned how to shoulder arms (or rather sticks). I thought that was enough, and never went again. How much this contributed to the final issue I do not know. There has been no muster roll preserved of these compa- nies. I think they left but very " feeble foot-prints on the sands of time." A splendid banner was presented by our ladies to Capt. Dan. O'Connor's company, the "Casey Guards," so called in honor of its godfather, Hon. Sam. K. Casey, and a most generous godfather he was, having given one thousand dollars as a bounty for recruits. This company became Co. D of the 90th regiment. Mrs. Fellows made the presentation speech. The Board of Superviors met Sept. 8th. The war fund com- mittee, George Woodruff, Robert Clow, and D. U. Cobb, reported that they had borrowed the money as needed, and that all persons entitled to bounties under the provisions of the resolutions passed at the special meetings, had been paid. The amount drawn was $57,420, leaving a balance of $2,580 on hand for disbursements. Oct. 14th, we got the tidings of another battle, this time at Corinth, in which the Union forces are victorious, and in which Will county is personally represented, and in which, alas ! she is again compelled to mourn the loss of valued lives, among them Capt. Grover, of the 64th. Mayor Bowen, his law partner, left immediately to procure the body, and returned with it the 20th, and the funeral was largely attended on the next day at the Con- 7 50 HOME HISTORY. gregational church. The bar passed the usual resolutions of respect no mere formality and the speech of Judge Parks on the occasion was an eloquent and feeling tribute to the memory of the deceased. The city of Lockport also lost one of her most promis- ing young men, Sergeant Henry S. Clark, of the same regiment. Rev. Hooper Crews, of the Methodist church, having accepted of an appointment as chaplain to the 100th regiment, was presented by a few of our liberal-hearted citizens with a horse. And here let .me say, that the reverend gentleman served the country and the regiment for more than a year in this capacity, making him- self greatly useful to the boys, who will never forget his kindness. But the infirmities of age compelled him to give up the arduous position, after a year's service. During this month, some of our citizens, viz., Caswell, Morgan and Bush, who were trying to supply the wants of the 100th, in the way of notions, tobacco, eatables, and some other things which Uncle Sam did not include in the regular rations, had a rather unhappy experience, which I believe disgusted them with the call- ing of sutlers. The notorious guerrilla gorilla, the sutlers thought him John Morgan, had the impudence to disregard the dignified neutrality of Kentucky, and gobbled up a government train, to which our friends had attached their wagons, on the way out from Louisville to the 100th. Morgan confiscated all their goods, made a bonfire of the wagons, and appropriated the horses to his own use. Our friends returned, sadder, wiser, but not as they had hoped, richer men. I believe they don't like to hear anything about Morgan to this day. Our very excellent friend and fellow-citizen, Calvin Knowlton, Esq., had an introduction to the notorious Col. Morgan about this time. Happening to be at Louisville, he was invited by a brother railroad official to take a trip to Nashville. Being a little curious to see how things looked at the front, he accepted the invitation, and took passage on a train, not apprehending any trouble, as our forces now had possession as far south as Nashville. But after they had got along nearly to Cave City, the engineer was obliged to stop the train, on account of a pile of ties which had been thrown on the track ; and no sooner had the train stopped than it was surrounded by a lot of men, who seemed to spring out of the HOME HISTORY. 51 ground, and who carried those ugly looking weapons called six- shooters, and who ordered the passengers to get out of the cars forthwith an order which was obeyed without parley. Every man who had the misfortune to wear military clothes was taken prisoner. Everything except private property was confiscated. One officer had on a slouched hat and a duster, not being anxious to sport his shoulder-straps, and to his modesty in this respect, he owed his escape. The train was set on fire and burned up, except one old car and engine with which the citizens were allowed to return to Louisville. Col. Morgan was extremely polite, but he didn't care any more for railroad officials than anybody else. It is said that for a few moments the face of the superintendent of the Cut-Off was as long as it was broad, and did not exhibit its usual smile ! And some say that he even used that terrible oath, (which he has been known to use on one or two occasions), "I snum !" Nov. 3d, we were called upon to bury another of our soldier boys William M. Radcliff, of Co. F, 13th cavalry regiment, who died in St. Louis, Oct. 31st. It must not be forgotten that all this time soldiers' aid societies are hard at work all over the county, to meet the demands upon them for comforts, for the camp and hospital, although few records have been preserved of their labors. The papers have frequent acknowledgments from the 20th and 100th, and from Danforth's cavalry company, and other organizations, of articles received and most welcome. In the town of Manhattan, the ladies met every Wednesday, at the house of Mr. Lawrence, and gave out work for the week, and made up boxes and barrels for the army and for the sanitary commission. In the meantime, the 100th has been engaged in that tedious chase after Bragg through Kentucky, and, in the Signal, I find a letter dated Dec. 15th, which says: "Our regiment has been seriously reduced by sickness, desertion and death. We have now about 400 on duty. About 30 have died, 50 deserted, and the balance are in hospital or barracks, sick. What arc left are tried and good men, and will give a good account of themselves. We are well satisfied with our one-armed colonel. In fact, we were 52 HOME HISTORY. very fortunate in the selection of all our officers. Our popular and efficient lieutenant colonel is now absent on sick leave." By a notice in the same issue of the Signal, we learn that this sickness of the " popular and efficient lieutenant colonel" was fatal ! " Married, in Chicago, Dec. 16th, at the church of the New Jeru- salem, by Rev. Mr. Hibbard, Arba N. Waterman, Lieut. Col. of the 100th regiment 111. Vol., and Miss Ella Hall, of Chicago." It is said that he met his fate with the courage of a soldier and the resignation of a Christian. Let it be said, that many left behind on the dreary march soon rejoined the regiment, some of whom are reported above as desert- ers, and, on the 26th of the same month, Surgeon Woodruff reports 600 as fit for duty. And so, peacefully, though anxiously, die out the closing hours of 1862 in Will county. In Washington in the white house alone in his office, sits the man on whom a nation's eyes are fixed, reverently invoking the " gracious favor of Almighty God " upon the words which he has written words which are destined to make the morning of 1863 forever memorable ; which are to challenge the admiration of the world, and to strike the manacles from the limbs of four million slaves. While down in far Tennessee on the banks of Stone River, night has pityingly closed down upon one of the bloodiest fields of the war, where " The earth is covered thick with other clay, Which her own clay shall cover, heaped and pent, Rider and horse, friend, foe, in one red burial blent." And our boys are there ! HOME RECORD CHAPTER II. FROM JANUARY 1863, TO JULY 1865. Our Military Lesson Military Record of the Smiths How 1863 Opened The News from Stone River Delegation goes there Other News Large Reinforcement leaves Joliet S. B. and Union Leagues War Meetings Provost Marshal's Office Opened Draft Threatened Strange Effects More War News Fourth of July Great Rejoicings A Missing Boy Found A Joliet Rebel Supervisors Meet Delegation to Chattanooga News from Chickamauga About the 100th How "Billy" Humbugged the Rebs We Feed our Enemies Another Call Good News One Boy Home from Libby Enrollment Novel Excuse Meeting of Supervisors Bounty War Meet- ings Capt. Logan's Company An Interesting Recruit Barn ett's Battery Veteranizes and Recruits Another Call Special Meeting of Supervisors Col. Bartleson's Release His Reception The 20th Veteranizes Reception 100 Days' Men More Funerals Sad, Sad News Substitute Brokers and Bounty Jumpers Terms Explained A Long Jump More Sad News 500,000 More Supervisors Meet^Draft County and Town Appropriations Substitutes A Preacher on his Muscle Election Jollification More Sad News Another Call Great Effort to Fill Quotas The Beginning of the End The Back Bone Broken at Last Great Glorification Hair Dye goes Up Substitutes Drop Saddest News of All City Draped in Mourning Obse- quies The Boys Come Marching Home Reception of the 100th How we kept July 4th, 1865 Finale. [EN. SHERMAN concludes his book with some military les- sons which he derives from his war experience. Although the author of the present work is not a military man, and this history has not been written from a military stand-point, or for a military purpose, yet I cannot forbear drawing one military lesson from my investigations. And, lest I may forget it, or lest many of my readers may not have the patience to read this book to the end, and would therefore lose the lesson if I deferred it to the 54 HOME HISTORY. proper place, I will introduce it here. And I think by the way, this is a very shrewd move on ray part, and might be profitably imitated by many writers, and perhaps by some preachers. In the journal of a private soldier, I have found the statement that the severe losses in an Ohio regiment, on one occasion dur- ing the Atlanta campaign, was owing to the fact that the officer in command at the time was drunk, and led his men into a posi- tion where no sober man would have gone. The same private in noticing the assemblage of Generals in council near Resacca says, "I noticed that they nearly all took their bitters." I will not go further into particulars, but will say, that I have found abundant evidence that many of the difficulties in regiments, and many of the disasters of the war are traceable to whisky. It would be easy to fill a chapter with proofs of this statement. And I think that one of the greatest evils chargeable to the war, and to those who inaugurated it, is the increase of intemperance which it occasioned. We still groan under the taxes, and the financial embarrassments which have resulted, but what are these to the habits of intemper- ance begotten and confirmed bythe war. I think no one will ques- tion the statement that the temptation to the use of stimulants was very strong in the army, and, the restraints of home and for- mer associations being removed, it was easy to yield ; and hence many who had never drank whisky before, did so in the army, under the mistaken notion that it would ward off the effects of fatigue and exposure. The temptation was also strong to re- inforce the nerves with a little whisky when going into an engage- ment, a resource which might indeed render the person less sensi- ble of danger, but which would also make him more reckless and imprudent. Some of the boys tell a story on one of our captains, who had always been known as a staunch teetotaler at home, and who had resisted all invitations to drink, until the time came when he and his company had to face the music of whistling balls and plunging shot, when seeing some of his men trying to "keep their spirits up by pouring spirits down," he was weak enough to ask for a little himself, with the apology, that he "felt a little un- well." As to how often he resorted to that expedient subsequently, history is silent. I think, moreover, that however men may differ in their esti- HOME HISTORY. 55 mate of General Butler, either as a political or military man, all must admit that he showed great judgment, and patriotism as well, when being in command at Fortress Monroe, he issued his order prohibiting the introduction of liquors within his lines, mak- ing his own headquarters no exception to the rule, although all his life accustomed to the use of wines and brandy. The reader has of course already anticipated my military les- son, but I will ^nevertheless formulate it. In time of war whisky and all its congeners, should be excluded under the severest penal- ties, from the army lines. So thoroughly am I convinced of the importance of this measure, that I am fully determined, that if I should ever be placed in the responsible position of Commander- in- Chief of the Army and Navy of the U. S., and should a war arise during my administration, (which may heaven avert,) I shall at the very outset, issue my proclamation, prohibiting under the severest penalties the introduction of whisky into the army lines, either under the name of contraband, commissary, tarax- icum, bitters, hospital stores, or any other name whatever ; or the having or using the same by any person in the service of the U. S., from the drummer boy up to the Lieut. General inclusive, under any pretense whatever. I am determined to do this, not- withstanding the present Lieut. General tells us of several occa- sions on which he took a glass of whisky. And this I shall do, not from any fanatical notions on the subject, but purely as a mili- tary measure, on which I shall invoke the "considerate judgment of mankind," and confidently expect "the gracious favor of Al- mighty God." And I hereby notify my political friends that it will be useless to urge that such a measure will be unpopular, and that, besides losing me some of my best generals, will hazard my chances of a re-election. Like the great Henry Clay I feel that it is better to be right than to be president. I have in contemplation one other measure, namely, to allow the utmost facility to the introduction of whisky into the lines of the enemy. I am not sure that I could expect the blessing of Heaven upon such a measure, but I am sure it would be the most brilliant strategy. If my Attorney General shall think the measure con- stitutional, I shall extend the prohibition to Congress. Having disposed of my military lesson, I wish to bring in one 56 HOME HISTORY. more matter here for which I may not find a more appropriate place- Elsewhere I have spoken of what some families did in fur- nishing volunteers for our armies. But there is one family whose record in this respect is very remarkable and ought to be noticed. I refer to the Smith family. Any one who has the honor of an acquaintance with the Smiths, would of course anticipate as much. For this is one of the cases in which the French saying, " noblesse oblige," is peculiarly pertinent. For what family so ancient, or so prominent in our history, from the time of its great founder in this country, Captain John Smith, of Virginia, in 1607, down to Jo. Smith, the mormon ! Such an ancestry, and such a record, would compel the representatives of this family, in the days of which we write, to acts of self-sacrifice and patriotic devotion. Hence, we are not surprised to find that the name of some member of this family is on the muster roll of every company of our regiments in every branch of the service. Thomas, George, William, Isaac, Israel, Jacob, Moses, Joshua, Adam, Jeremiah, Abraham, Heze- kiah, Ezekiel, Job, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, Paul, and Barnabas, and Timothy, and so on through the entire catalogue of known surnames, sacred and profane, even to Patrick and Bar- ney, are to be found, some one or more of them, in every organ- ization. Our own county, I am happy to say, furnished its full share of representatives from this family. And among the Smiths conspicuous above all, and everywhere, as we might also expect, was the name of the great founder of the family the well-known JOHN SMITH. His military record is unsurpassed by any member of the family, and of course by any other individual of any name. I shall not attempt to trace it in full ; we have not the time or space. Suffice it to say, that he enlisted in at least a dozen bat- teries, and in almost every company of the 156 infantry and the 17 cavalry regiments furnished by our state. Indeed, he seems to have been well nigh ubiquitous. Sometimes, it is true, he inter- polated an initial letter in order to conceal his identity, and several times he passed himself off for a Dutchman, calling himself John Schmidt, and once, with the aid of burnt cork, he smuggled him- self into a colored regiment. He veteranized many times. He was in battles without number, and was discharged for wounds HOME HISTORY. 57 and disability almost every month. He deserted at least a dozen times. He was once in military prison at Vicksburg, and sen- tenced to the Dry Tortugas (a cruel fate, is he was one of the thirsty Smiths !) He was killed outright at Shiloh, Donaldson, Stone River, and Chickamauga, and died once of wounds received at Chattanooga, and many times of disease and exposure, and was once drowned in the Mississippi. After all these casualties, he was transferred (as he surely had a right to be) to the invalid corps, and, being taken prisoner on the Atlanta campaign, he closed his career amid the horrors of Andersonville ! Should any member of the family wish to drop a tear over the grave of their distin- guished relative, John Smith, they will find it numbered 10,849. Let it not be considered any disparagement to his memory, that his name once or twice appears among the brigadier and major generals, for not unfrequently in our army good men were placed in command. I ought, in justice to the family, to add, that his brother, " Bill Smith," was hardly less conspicuous. Indeed, they were "par nobile fratrum," and should beheld in grateful remem- brance by the country they did so much to save. Should anyone hereafter undertake to compile the family history of THE SMITHS, they are at liberty to use these facts, collected with so much labor, and which are entirely reliable. Having got my military lesson off my hands, and discharged my duty to the Smith family, I resume the narrative of home events. The year 1863 opened with the emancipation proclamation of Father Abraham. I find, on looking over the files of the Signal, that " Cal " did not like it. A good many did not. Others think that it was the turning point of our national destiny ; the saving measure of the administration the supreme act of our govern- ment which placed it en rapport with the divine purposes, and thus secured our ultimate triumph. While this was the most important item in the national aspect, the most interesting event to many families in WilL county was the battle of Murfreesboro, or Stone River, in which our regiment was engaged. The telegraph brings us speedy news of the engage- ment. We know that it has been a bloody one, lasting several days, bridging over the old year and the new, making New Year's 8 58 HOME HISTORY. day, 1863, a sad holiday to many a heart; and we watch with deep anxiety for the list of casualties. We do not have to wait long ; soon the lists of killed and wounded reach us, when we find that Lieut. Charles F. Mitchell, of Wilmington, (a son of one of our oldest settlers), and Lieut. Worthingham, of Joliet, (one of our old settlers of 1835), and John Hopkins, from one of the old families of Homer, and six others of the 100th regiment, are among the number killed. Our worthy citizens, Charles Weeks, O. W. Still man, and Otis Hardy, of Joliet, and A. W. Bowen and Franklin Mitchell, of Wilmington, start at once for the scene. Dr. McArthur, also, under an appointment from Gov. Yates, was there. We reserve all further matters connected with it for the history of the 100th. Almost at the same time we hear of the fierce assault barren of results, except the death and disabling of many a brave soldier made at Chickasaw Bayou, near Vicksburg, and our fellow citi- zen, H. N. Marsh, Esq,, was doomed to hear the painful news that his son, Wm. H. Marsh, was among the wounded, and in the hands of the enemy. About this time, also, we hear of the following casualties, in Co. C, 4th cavalry, to men from our county, in a skirmish near Colliersville, Tenn. : Sergeant John Avery, Corp. Geo. N. Smith, of Wilton, H. E. Benner, Joliet, and Marion Cooper, of Florence, taken prisoners. During the month of February, our army came near having a large reinforcement from Joliet. Master Webb, aged 12, Master Camp, aged 15, and Master Walker, aged 15, left the city early in the week to join the army. They had become, like some others of us, impatient at the delay of our forces in breaking the backbone of the rebellion, and unlike some of us grumblers, they had deter- mined to put their own shoulders to the wheel, and bring the war to a speedy close. Unfortunately for the cause, parental authority interfered, and they were brought back from Cairo, and the back- bone was not broken. During the spring of 1863, congress passed the conscription act. The measure was of course unpopular with those who sympathized with the rebellion, and perhaps with some others. There was con- siderable apprehension of resistance. It was said that the secret HOME HISTORY. 59 society of the south, known as " Knights of the Golden Circle," had their branches in the northern states, and were rendering all the aid and comfort possible to the confederacy. The friends of the government, believing that similar means might be used to advantage in sustaining the government, and in enforcing the laws, organized secret societies, having in view this result. All over the north, and also in portions of the south, such societies were formed, and drew into their lodges the loyal men of all par- ties. They were first organized under the name of the S. B. These cabalistic letters, which for a time excited great wonder and no little fear, were ascertained to stand for " Strong Band," nothing more nor less. This organization was soon, however, superseded by the "Union Leagues." These societies were bitterly denounced by a portion of the people and of the press, and regarded as very dangerous to our liberties. But I think that they were not only very harmless, but that they did much good in strengthening the government, and encouraging the armies in the field. I had the honor of belonging to one, and I am sure that one, was a very inno- cent affair. We had frequent, meetings, and secret signs and pass- words, and a kind of semi-military organization, and imposing ritual and ceremonials. We solemnly promised to be true to the Union, and to the boys in blue. We ate a cracker, took a pinch of salt, and drank a little water positively nothing stronger and then went through with some other flummery, which I have forgotten ; and we also spent some time in drill. Many of us bought revolvers, but I am quite sure we never intended to use them, except in self- defense ; and I doubt if some of us would have done so even then. For the only time in my life I owned a fire-arm, and I absolutely got so courageous that I dared to fire it, and so skillful that I could hit a barn door if it was a large one ! I kept this for a few weeks, slept with it under my pillow for a few nights (or rather tried to sleep) and then got so disgusted with the thing that I traded it off at Barrett's for some other, more innocent kind of hardware. This is about all that I remember about these secret leagues, except that our fellow-citizen, T. L. Breckenridge, Esq., was the " high-cock-a-lorum " of our lodge. Sunday evening the 10th inst., we had a lecture from Rev. Joel Grant, of Lockport, chaplain in the 12th regiment, a partici- 60 HOME HISTORY. pant in the battles of Donaldson, Shiloh and Corinth. The lec- ture was given in aid of the sanitary commission. During the lat- ter part of the month some 1500 rebel prisoners passed through on the St. Louis R. R. for Camp Douglas. War meetings are again the order of the day ; at one of these we had speeches from chaplain Button and Captain Hildebrant of the 20th. The body of John Mclntosh, of Wilmington, a member of the 100th, who died at Nashville, February 26th, passed through here early in March ; and April 3rd, M. B. Glenn of the 100th, for- merly in the Republican office, died at Joliet ; and on the 4th inst. Wm. Bailey, late of the same regiment, also died. In May, Captain Abel Longworth, of Morris, was appointed Provost Marshal under the conscription act, and opened Kis office in Young's block, S. Simmons of this county being commissioner, and Dr. McArthur, of Ottawa, examining surgeon. A draft is evidently preparing for us. The towns are being enrolled, and the number subject to military duty ascertained. This looks like business. And now, many suddenly remember that they have friends in Canada, and think it will be a good time to make them a visit. Many are suddenly afflicted with various difficulties and disabilities. The demand for hair dye suddenly falls off, as old fogies no longer wish to be thought young, and stop dyeing their hair and whiskers. It was something wonderful, the transforma- tions that took place. Health and youth are at a discount, while age and disability are at a premium ; a stiffened joint is a perfect God-send. Now, too, a new business is devised by the sharp and knowing ones, and substitute brokerage, becomes the road to wealth for many. Now, too, come on the days of high bounties, and other motives than those of patriotism are appealed to, to fill up the thinned ranks of our armies. In May we hear from the old 20th, and the gallant part it took in the battle of Raymond, at which time Col. Richards, (then in command,) fell ; and the 20th lost heavily. Otto Lumberman, of Frankfort, and Albert W. Pearson, of Elwood, were among the wounded. During the month of June, the public interest centres on Vicksburg. The 20th and McAllister's battery, bear a part HOME HISTORY. 61 in the battles surrounding and investing it. Lieut. Henry King and Lieut. Wadsworth, both getting severely wounded iu the head, are home. July. 4th brings us the glorious news of its surrender, one of the greatest achievements of the war, hitherto. Simultaneously we hear of the victory of Gettysburg, in which our county had some share in the eighth cavalry. Great demonstra- tions of joy are made throughout the city. Cannons are fired, bells rung, and bands played. The people get together in the old C. H., and orate and blaviate, and jubilate in the most thrilling and patriotic manner. We think for a while that the backbone of the rebellion is surely broken, but it turns out that it had only got a bad wrench ! When the army of Gen. Grant captured Jackson, they found in a rebel hospital, Wm. H. Marsh, of the 13th regiment, of whose capture mention was made a few pages back. He had been badly wounded and taken prisoner in the attack on Chickasaw Bluffs in Dec. previous. The news was a joyful surprise to his friends who had been in entire ignorance of his fate, and had almost despaired of seeing him again. He was found by his old townsmen of the 20th, and taken in their ambulance to his own regiment. It will be remembered that he was able to get home, and to be about our streets for a while, but succumbed at last to the effects of his wound. But Marsh was not the only Joliet boy found at Jackson. The 20th regiment was ordered to occupy the yard of Miss. State Hospital as a camping ground. As they marched into the yard they saw two hard looking butternut clad gentleman sitting on the porch. On coming near one seemed to have a very familiar look to the Joliet boys, notwithstanding his long hair and but- ternut rig. One of them called to A. J. Sanger, who happened to be riding by at the time, and asked him if he knew that Reb. He took a good look at him and said, " Why yes, that's John Rob- erts." And sure enough it was the same chap that was guard for a time at prison, auctioneer, etc., and was clerk for " Brother Wood" when he used to sell horse collars, coffee and tobacco in the old " ominibus." John was now filling the position of ward-master of the rebel general hospital, and was a bitter rebel. He told the boys that he had been in the rebel army ever since the war broke 62 HOME HISTORY. oat, in Laywood's cavalry. He was with Armstrong's force that fought the 20th and 30th 111. at Britton's Lane, in Sept. 1862, and acknowledged that they had been most genteenly flogged on that occasion. The boys made John come down with the best he had in the way of hospital stores, for old acquaintance sake, among the rest some whisky which he evidently parted with very reluctantly. Roberts swore he would never quit fighting the Yankees, and was full of brag, and boasted of being one of the six that killed Lt. Col. McCullough, of Bloomington, of the 4th Cav- alry, in the fight near Coffeeville, Miss., Dec. 4th, 1862, when some Will Co. boys were taken prisoners. He had been ward- master of the hospital for six months, but meant to go back to the army soon. He enquired about many Joliet acquaintances, but said he should \iever go back there. Well, we can stand it if he can ! This so far as I know, was the only Joliet rebel, that took up arms! Captain Cleghorn, of the 20th, came home after Vicksburg, hav- ing resigned in consequence of a blow from a shell which struck the old wound in his arm, causing it to break out once more. He afterwards had a position in the invalid corps. He is still living, which circumstance alone prevents me from saying some good things of him. At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors on Sept. 9th, the war fund committee reported that certificates had been disbursed by the clerk to 957 soldiers to the amount of $57,420. Twenty-two volunteers had elected to draw $5 monthly for their families. The payment of relief to the families of soldiers was referred to the town boards, and the town auditors authorized to make the neces- sary appropriations. At a subsequent meeting, (on the 18th), the clerk reported "the amount of certificates drawn, to be $59,270, leaving a balance on hand of the $60,000 appropriation of $730; and that the amount necessary to pay the families of those who had elected the monthly payments, would be up to August 31st, 1864, $1,320; and that there had been paid to two volunteers $120, making the total amount $1,440, from which, deducting the amount on hand, would leave a balance to be provided for of $710." The board made the necessary appropriation. The board also appointed a committee consisting of Rev. H. HOME HISTORY. 63 Crews and Dr. A. W. Bowen to proceed at once to the army of the Cumberland to look after the wants of the soldiers from Will county, and appropriated the sum of $300 for their expenses. This action was rendered necessary by the terrible battles of the 19th and 20th of Sept. at Chickamauga Creek, Georgia, the news of which had just arrived, and in which our 100th regiment, and Barnett's battery were engaged. The city was filled with rumors of the casualties to the regiment. Col. Bartlesou was reported killed. For some time his fate was uncertain, even as late as October 10th, Captain Burrell, of Plainfield, who was at home, (having been wounded in the fight), reported that the Col. fell badly wounded ; and Lt. Patterson, also home wounded, brought the re- port that an officer of the 26th Ohio, in the same brigade, saw his body lying in the field hospital, previous to its capture. After a while, however, it was ascertained that he was a prisoner at Richmond, and unhurt. Although the report of the Colonel's death proved premature, yet the list of killed and wounded was such as to enlist our sym- pathies, and bring anguish to many hearts. The number killed was 23, wounded 117, missing 24. We will only add in this place that Lieuts. Keniston and Koach, were also taken prisoners with the Col., and some others also, (about 15), who remained with him behind a picket fence after the main part ot the regi- ment had fallen back ; and that on the withdrawal of our forces on the night after the first day's fight, the hospital containing our wounded, in charge of Surgeon Woodruff and hospital steward, Stump, and attendants, was brought within the enemy's lines and all in it were made prisoners. They were all paroled to report at Atlanta, except the badly wounded, which were sent into our lines as soon as practicable. After the wounded were disposed of, Surgeon Woodruff and the rest went to Atlanta, and were distributed as the rebel authorities thought best. The sur- geon and hospital steward, brought up in Richmond, and some of the rest experienced the horrors of Andersonville, part of whom never escaped its foul precincts until death brought their release. We shall have more to say about this elsewhere. There was another man in the hospital at the time, who did 64 HOME HISTORY. not go to Andersonville or Libby, and he was not badly wounded either, and I must tell how this happened : Those of my readers who get their rations at Culver's meat shop know " Billy Bunker," and know that he can cut a steak or a roast in the most approved style. And you may perhaps know that Billy is a dead shot, and can bring down a deer, a duck, or a turkey, every time. But you may not know that Billy was one of the brave boys of the 100th, and once cracked his rifle at the ene- mies of the Union, as coolly as he would at a turkey ; for Billy is a modest man, and unless you have drawn him out, he has not told you. On the march of our army to Chattanooga, he got sick had a run of fever. When he was convalescing, as the regiment was about to move, Surgeon Heise gave him his choice, either to go back to a hospital, or to keep up with the regiment riding in an ambulance. Billy is not one of those who like to go back, and so he chose the latter, and kept on to Chattanooga, and out to the front at Gordon's Mills. He was in the division field hospital when the fight began, and lay there a long time, listening to its grim music, until he could endure it no longer, and seizing his musket, took his place in the ranks, and put in a couple of hours hard work, by which time he was so exhausted that he had to lay down, and when the regiment fell back, he was left. Surgeon Woodruff, coming along with his ambulance, picker! up the wounded, saw Billy lying there, and asked him what he was there for, and tell- ing him that the enemy would soon have the ground, and it behooved him to be on his travels. When he found that Billy was used up, he told him to creep into the ambulance. He did so, and was taken back to the hospital again. Well, the hospital came within the enemy's lines next day, as we have related, and, after two or three days, a rebel officer came around to parole those who were not disabled, to go to Atlanta, and await further orders. Billy did not want to travel in that direction, and he managed to keep out of sight while the rebel officer was around. A few days after, an arrangement was made by Rosecrans with the rebel authorities, to have the seriously wounded sent into our lines, and accordingly, a rebel officer came around to parole them, and to see that everything was done according to the terms of the agreement. Billy got wind of the matter, and, with the surgeon's consent, he HOME HISTORY. 65 had crawled into a vacant cot, and got covered up. Being still thin and pale, he was supposed to be a wounded man, and was paroled as such. When the ambulance came around for the wounded, he was helped in by two men his leg and foot swathed with blankets while another great blanket hung over his shoul- ders, beneath which he had concealed a half dozen canteens which he had filled with whisky from the hospital stores, and was bound to keep from the rebels ; and so he got back to Chattanooga, and escaped the horrors of Anderson ville, and saved me the necessity of writing his obituary. I have only one criticism to make on Billy's conduct. What- ever casuists might say, I think he did perfectly right in hum- bugging the rebels, but, in my opinion, he ought to have left them the whisky, as the more they had of that commodity, the worse off they would be ! I am afraid, too, that Billy never reported it at the commissary's, and can't show Sergt. Garnsey's receipt for it. The committee, Crews and Bowen, visited Chattanooga in com- pliance with their appointment, looked after the boys, ascertained their fate and their wants, and, on their return, gave a report of their mission, giving an authentic account of the casualties. For further particulars, see the history of the regiment. Oct. 17th, Father Abraham calls for 300,000 more, to fill up the ranks of the regiments in the field, and our patriotic governor backs up the call with a proclamation for a speedy response. The backbone is not yet broken ! About the first of December, a lot of rebel prisoners passed through Joliet, on their way to Rock Island. They changed cars here, and their presence, of course, excited much interest, and a large crowd gathered to take a look at them. By some mistake or negligence of the commissary at Louisville, they had but little to eat after leaving that place, and, when they arrived here, they were terribly hungry. When the fact became known to our citi- zens, a spontaneous movement was made for their relief. Parties went to their homes and to the provision stores, and gathered up sufficient food to relieve the wants of the poor fellows thus obey- ing the command : " If thine enemy hunger, feed him." The prisoners expressed their gratitude in the warmest manner, and -when the train left, gave three rousing cheers for Joliet. Many 66 HOME HISTORY. of our citizens gave the prisoners a quarter in Uncle Sain's cur- rency for a $5 or $10 bill of the confederate states, which I presume they still keep as a curiosity. Is there any danger that they will ever be worth anything more ! Nov. 28th, we were in receipt of the news of Grant's success in the operations before Chattanooga, and on Lookout Mountain, and on Mission Ridge. The 100th and the 90th regiments and Battery I, were engaged, and our townsman, Capt. Dan O'Connor, of the 90th, was wounded severely, and brought home. Another of our citizens in the 90th, John O'Brien, got his empty sleeve at the same time. Adjutant Rouse, and Colonel A. N. Waterman, and Captain Nelson, of the 100th, the two latter wounded, were also home. Capt. Bowen, also wounded, and Lieut. Ewen, were home this month, trying to get recruits for the thinned ranks of the 100th. Surgeon H. T. Woodruff arrived from Libby prison, (hav- ing been exchanged), the latter part of December, bringing us news of Col. Bartleson, and others he had left behind. The board of enrollment of this district, having completed their labors, all persons who have been enrolled, and who are not liable to military duty, are notified to appear before the 20th of December, and to present their excuses, and to get their names stricken from the roll. Notice is also given, that unless our quota is filled by the 5th inst., (Dec.,) the draft will probably come. The enrollment lists have been printed, and are posted in conspicu- ous places, and are eagerly read by the crowds of passers-by. Crowds also fill the office of the enrolling board, from early morn- ing till late at night, presenting their reasons for exemption. Some curious ones were given. One man, after a long time waiting his turn, when asked his excuse, in a manner both confident and con- fidential, whispered in the ears of the captain, that he was the only father of a small boy, and was ready to make his affidavit to the fact ! I believe the captain did not allow him to take his oath to such a rash statement. Some who had voted for years, and voted early and often, suddenly discovered that they were not citizens of the United States. A second hegira to Canada also took place. A special meeting of the Board of Supervisors was called at the clerk's office, Dec. 16th, to take action in respect to bounties for those who should enlist under the last call. A committee was HOME HISTORY. 67 appointed, who reported in favor of a bounty of $100, to be paid to all who should enlist before the draft ; and that the sum of $39,225 should be appropriated for this purpose. Also that Geo. Woodruff, B. F. Russell, H. Howk, of Joliet, and Wm. Gooding, of Lockport, and A. J. Mclntyre, of Wilmington, should be a war fund committee, whose duty it should be to sell orders for cash, as many as would be required, at not exceeding ten per cent, discount, and pay the proceeds to those who should be entitled to receive it. This report was adopted. It was also resolved that " justice to all the brave men in the field from Will county, (except such as have already received it), and the widows and minor chil- dren of such as have died or been killed in the service, required that they should be paid a bounty of sixty dollars;" but it was found that the board had already appropriated all that they legally could. And here it is but justice to this, and other like commit- tees to say, that, without pecuniary reward, they discharged the duties imposed upon them, in raising and disbursing the funds for this purpose, devoting much time and labor to the good work. Public meetings are again held all over the county, to encour- age enlistments. It was at this time Dec., '63, and Jan., '64 that Capt. (afterwards Major) Logan, enlisted Co. G, with the aid of his lieutenant, Benj. Snyder, for the 64th regiment, or Yates' Sharpshooters. Thirty-three men for Co. I, were also obtained in this county, and five for Co. K. All recruits had to pass the scru- tiny of a medical examination by Dr. McArthur, of the enrolling board, which no doubt gave rise to some amusing scenes which are not reported. On one occasion, a youth of slender form, and deli- cate but interesting countenance, full-breasted and sinewy, though slight and short, applied for enlistment in Capt. Logan's company. The applicant was handed over to the surgeon, for the usual exam- ination. The doctor had not proceeded very far in the discharge of his official duties, when the recruit most decidedly declined fur- ther examination, and suddenly left, in disgust with the service, (or the preliminary thereto), the doctor advising a radical change of costume. This was very unfortunate for Capt. Logan, who, I presume, thought he had got a very valuable recruit ! Dr. Bailey, then of this city, and who had resigned his position ,as assistant surgeon in the 20fch regiment, was at this time in. charge 68 HOME HISTORY. of one of the government hospitals in Quincy, and reports the names of ten privates of the 1 00th regiment, as in the hospitals of that city. Dr. Bailey was complimented by the soldiers of hospital No. 3, of which he had charge, with a New Year's gift of a gold watch, a well-earned and richly-deserved present. In January, '64, Barnef.t's battery was home on veteran fur- lough, and the captain opened a recruiting office here to fill up its ranks, at which time he succeeded in getting some forty or fifty recruits, that did good service in finishing up the rebellion. The battery rendezvoused at Camp Erwin. The 66th regiment, which had been home on veteran furlough, also rendezvoused at Camp Erwin, and obtained some twenty-five recruits from our county. Capt. Logan's company joined the 64th at Ottawa. In February, the 39th regiment came home on veteran fur- lough, and the Wilmington people had a high old time, receiving, and feteing, and recruiting companies A and E. February 1st, Father Abraham calls for 200,000 more, and orders are issued that the draft take place the 10th of March, ta make up deficiencies in quotas. A special meeting of the Board of Supervisors was again called, Feb. 10th, and a further appro- priation of $14,125 made, in order to give a bounty of $100 to each recruit enlisting before March 12th, or before the quota wa& filled. It was the wish of the supervisors to appropriate a like sum to each veteran who should re-enlist, but the board found that it had already gone to the extent of the law in making appropria- tions. The members, however, pledged themselves officially to use their best efforts to get an act of the legislature passed, which should enable them to do so, and ordered the clerk to make it a matter of record. The board also appropriated $7,000, for the purpose of filling up our quota. The desired legislation was obtained soon after. Barnett's battery, and the 66th regiment, left Camp Erwin for the seat of war, March 4th. The ladies of the city gave them a parting collation at the court house. A splendid sword and belt were also presented to Capt. Logan, of the 64th. Our fellow-citizen, Alex. Mclntosh, received in this month a commission as quartermaster in the U. S. volunteer service, with rank of captain, and took his departure for Chattanooga. He went HOME HISTORY. 69 through Sherman's campaign to Atlanta, and thence to the sea r and to Richmond. M. F. Hand, who had got his discharge from, the 100th, accompanied him as clerk, as handy as ever. In March, also, we hear the gratifying news of Col. Bartleson's release from Libby. He was met in Chicago, by a committee of our citizens, of which Mayor Porter was chairman, and on arrival at Joliet, was enthusiastically welcomed, and conducted to the court house, where Judge Parks made a speech of welcome, in his usual happy manner, to which Col. Bartleson made a modest and deeply interesting reply. This was one of the finest ovations ever tendered anyone in Will county, although it was gotten up on short notice. The old 20th was home, also, this month, on veteran furlough,, and the two companies belonging to this county were met at the cars, and escorted to the court house by our citizens and the cornet band; and a speech of welcome was made by Breckenridge, to which Col. Bartleson, their old major, replied in their behalf^ After the reception at the court house, they were escorted to the Auburn House, and treated to a supper in Charley Austin's best style. Our large hearted citizen, Otis Hardy, Esq., also opened his house to a reception to the soldiers of the 20th, and others. The citizens of Frankfort, also, gave an oyster supper to all returned soldiers in that vicinity. In April, our governor calls for twenty thousand three months, or one hundred days' men, to take the place of such sol- diers as were guarding prisoners, or in other posts at the north y and recruiting is going on for this purpose. I. M. DeLine r Samuel Coll and E. Tyler, discharged soldiers, are trying to raise companies, and public meetings are held to facilitate the matter, and committees appointed to raise funds. A full company, partly from this county is soon in Camp Erwin, raised by Col. Goodwin, formerly Major of the 20th. Our county furnished about seventy- five of these 100 day men. They served a useful purpose inas- much as they permitted an equal number of old soldiers to go ta the front. Dr. Danforth having resigned his sword, took up the lancet again as surgeon of the 134th, 100 day regiment. April 27th, Lt. Col. Waterman who had been in command of the 100th since Bartleson was taken prisoner, having received 70 HOME HISTORY. from the government a new stand of colors, sent home the old flag, which the regiment had carried since leaving Joliet, now all tattered and torn, so that it could no longer be unfurled, accom- panied by a most eloquent letter giving briefly the scenes through which it had passed. At a special meeting of the Supervisors, May 14th, they ap- propriated the sum of $2,750, for the purpose of paying to each volunteer for the 100 days' service (not exceeding one hundred men) ithe sum of $27.50. The body of Adjutant Joseph D. Walker, of Lockport, of the 39th, who was killed in the battle on the Peninsula, at Bermuda Hundreds, May 15th, was brought lo Lockport, where funeral services were held May 23d by Rev. Mr. McReading, the former chaplain of the regiment. The body was then taken to Wil- mington for burial. The funeral of Captain Burrell, of the 100th, killed on the .skirmish line May 30th, took place at Plainfield, June 10th. The Atlanta campaign, in which the 100th, 90th, 20th, 64th and McAllister's and Barnett's batteries took part, now absorbs the interest of our people, and we have frequent intelligence of casu- alties which will be noticed in the history of the several organiza- tions. To cap the climax of our grief, to fill our cup of sorrow to the brim, comes the sad news of the death of our beloved citi- zen, the gallant Colonel of the 100th, killed on the afternoon of June 23d. As everything relating to this painful matter is else- where related, we pass over it now without further mention. A new kind of "scalawag" is Developed about these days by the necessities of the country, and the high bounties which are now being offered for recruits a scalawag, which I think is en- titled to be considered the devil's master-piece I mean the " bounty jumper." Substitute brokerage is also lively, and many are coining money out of the exigencies of the country. As the terms " bounty jumper, " and "substitute broker " are not to be found in Webster's unabridged, it may not be amiss to define them for the benefit of those to whom they may not be familiar. A "bounty jumper" was one who enlisted, and was sworn into the service, received his bounties from the govern- HOME HISTORY. 71 ment, and town and county, and then embraced the first opportu-" nity to desert, oftm going to another county or state, and repeat- ing the process. A " substitute broker " was one who procured men to enlist as substitutes for others who were liable to a draft, or to fill out the quotas of towns and districts. He got his sub- stitutes wherever he could, and at as low a figure as possible, and then sold them wherever he could get the highest bounty, or the best price. The business might be conducted on a fair and honorable basis, and the broker might thus serve both the country and his customer, and he would be entitled to a fair remunera- tion for his time and effort. On the other hand it is easy to see- how he might conduct the business to the injury of the country, by obtaining worthless men those who would desert, mere bounty jumpers ; and by pocketing outrageous commissions he could also- wrong both parties to the transaction. He might also be in collu- sion with the bounty jumper. Of course in our county, the busi- ness was conducted in the most honorable manner ! But some- where in some other county or state, the quotas were largely filled by worthless " scalawags, " against whose names in the muster- rolls stands the word " deserted" These substitutes were such slippery fellows that it became- necessary to keep them under guard. On one occasion in Janu- ary, a lot of them escaped from Joliet, by overpowering the guard. Some were retaken, but were probably never worth the trouble of recapture. One who had escaped on the cars, and who, it is said, had "jumped the bounty " three times, got alarmed when the- train was near Summit, and apprehending probably that he would be arrested at that point, jumped from the train. This proved to- be his last jump. Like Sam. Patch, he jumped one time toa many, andjumped farther than he intended jumped into eternity. In July another sad piece of intelligence comes to us. We hear first of the wounding, and in a few days after of the death of Adjutant Rouse, of the 100th, one of the finest young men that went out from our county, or from any other. August 20th, another meeting of the Board of Supervisors was held to provide further bounty for volunteers, under the call of Father Abraham, made July 1st, for 500,000 more. A bounty of $200 was voted to any person who should go as a volunteer substi- 72 HOME HISTORY. tute before the draft. The sum of 80,000 was appropriated to meet the same. A. J. Mclntyre, B. F. Russell, George Wood- ruff and Robert Clow were appointed a commission to raise and disburse the same. The sum of $2,000 was also appropriated for the relief of destitute families of soldiers, to be disbursed by the same committee. At a regular meeting in September, the action was so amended as to make the bounty $325, and to include drafted men or their substitutes, and the further sum of $10,000 was ap- propriated, and a bounty of $100 was ordered to be paid to such veterans as re-enlisted under the calls made during the last winter and spring, and who were credited to the quota of Will county ; or to the widow and heirs of any such veteran as had died, or might die, before receiving such bounty. Sept. 14th, Philip Filer received the appointment of paymas- ter in the volunteer service, and donned the army blue. September 27th, 1864, commenced that long dreaded, long threatened operation the draft for the sixth congressional dis- trict. The wheel of fortune, or misfortune, as you please to view it, commenced to turn at the provost marshal's headquarters in Young's block, beginning with LaSalle county. Renewed exer- tions are made to fill our quota before the draft shall reach our county. Besides the moneys appropriated by the county board, the various towns in the county appropriated money for the purpose of filling up their several quotas. We give a summary of county and town appropriations : The total of county appropriations wa8 $235,908 The Town of Lockport appropriated 7,284 Lockport Village Association appropriated 5,743 Town of Florence ' % 10,075 Town of Troy " 18,271 Town of Wheatland " 9,340 TownofJoliet " 40,000 Which makes the total amount raised in this county, for war purposes, by official action $336,621 The official action of the Bjard of Supervisors, of which we have given a summary from time to time, renders, perhaps, any further mention superfluous. We will, however, say, that from the first special meeting, in April, 1861, to the close of the war, the board were always ready to do everything in their power to HOME HISTORY. 73 further the cause of the Union, both by the passage of resolutions sustaining the government and denouncing disunion, and in going to the extent of their legal powers in voting bounties and aid to soldiers' families, and in assessing necessary taxes. The amount voluntarily raised in our county, for all purposes, and in all ways, was very large, but it cannot now be told. It was a day when men's hearts and purses were always open to the calls of the country, and to the needs of our soldiers. During the pendency of the draft, many of our citizens furnished substitutes. Some who were exempt, recognizing their obligations to the gov- ernment, did so. And when our government decided to make use of colored troops even those who had been most bitterly opposed to the measure, most magnanimously showed their submission to the laws, by being quick to avail themselves of this mode of get- ting out of the draft. Even editors of democratic papers were willing to be represented in the army by men as black as the ace of spades, although it cost them $600. One of our young men was represented in the army by no less a personage than GEORGE WASHINGTON at a cost of $800. That was a pretty hard load for one poor darkey to have to bear the weight of his own name and that of a Woodruff besides ! At this time, too, as many, both black and white, who had gone as substitutes, did not prove very good soldiers, but embraced the first opportunity to desert in fact turned bounty -jumpers the government had to establish the rule, that the person who sent a substitute, should be responsible for his fidelity. Fortunately, however, there was no rule making the substitute responsible for his principal ! But despite all efforts, the " wheel " had to make a turn in Will county, before our quota was full. The machine moved slowly, as much time of the board was taken up in the mustering in of recruits and substitutes, Lockport and Homer were the towns that had a taste of the luxury. The relentless wheel turns round, and, one after another, names are drawn to the number of ninety-four. Among those who drew prizes were Alfred G. Row- ley, the supervisor of the town of Homer, and F. G. Harris, the enrolling officer of the district. Out of this number, one-half (47) were required to fill the quota of the district. 10 74 HOME HISTORY. Substitutes now reach the top price, 800 to $1,500, a sum which was quite beyond the reach of a poor man. The brokers, I suppose, pocketed the lion's share of the sum. They did not let their politics prevent them from going south and importing negroes as substitutes. Anything in human shape, black, white, or mixed, was in demand. One of our clergymen an ex-chaplain a grey-haired old man, had occasion to go from Chicago to Galena about the time when the draft was imminent. Going aboard the train at night, and being very tired, he took a berth at once, and soon fell asleep. He was awakened after a time by the loud talking of some per- sons, and looking out of his berth, saw that several men had gath- ered around the stove, and were discussing politics in a loud and excited manner. They bitterly denounced the war and the draft, the government, and everything else, except the southern confed- eracy. Lincoln was a tyrant and a fool, and Jeff. Davis a gentle- man and a statesman, es to Jaclcson, Tenn. Difficulties Again Oapt. Hildebrant Negro Hunters A Pass Through Camp General Logan. I [HE events which preceded and attended the organization of the 20th regiment, have already been given in chapter first of our " home record, " and need not here be repeated. The original enlistment was commenced under the first call for 75,000 for the three months' service, but before the regiment was fully or- ganized, our government had become satisfied that more than three months and more than 75,000 men would be required to subdue the insurrection, and it was mustered in May 14th, for TWENTIETH EEGIMENT. 81 three years, unless sooner discharged. Only thirty of the number that had gathered together from the district, declined to go for three years, and their places were soon supplied. The full roster and muster roll of the two companies, and others from the county, will be found in Part Fourth. During the preliminary organiza- tion, Dr. A. L. McArthur, had charge of the camp as surgeon, as- sisted by Dr. Bailey. At the final muster in, Dr. Christopher Goodbrake of Clinton county, was made surgeon, and Dr. F. K. Bailey of this city, assistant surgeon, and the Rev. Chas. Button, the pastor of the Baptist church in Joliet, was made chaplain. On the 18th day of June, the regiment received the long- looked for orders from Gov. Yates, and at 5 p. m., bade good-bye to Camp Goodell, marched to the depot where the entire city, and multitudes from the surrounding country, had assembled to bid them good-bye and God-speed, and at 7:20 o'clock they were on their way to Alton. The boys met with a complete ovation all along the route. At every station the depots and platforms were crowded with men, women, and children, who greeted them with cheers, hand-shakes, "God bless you's," and boquets. From every farm house the train was signaled with waving of handkerchiefs and swinging of hats. At Monticello, a whole female seminary greeted the boys, and made them regret that they could not stop there awhile. The train arrived at Alton at noon of Wednesday, and the regiment immediately went into camp. But land seemed to be so scarce at Alton that they could not secure an eligible camp. The place to which they were assigned, consisted of hills and gullies, some bushes and innumerable stumps. They were exposed to the burning sun by day, with shady groves in sight, from which they were shut out, to tantalize them, while the water with which they were supplied, did not deserve the name. The contrast with Camp Goodell, with its shady oaks and magnificent spring of pure cold water, was a striking one, and the men thought the place must have been selected on the principle that the sooner they were inured to the hardships of soldiering, the better. Others said that they were placed there because the owner of the land (one Buck- master) wanted the land grubbed of its stumps. Indeed, the boys had this for their catechism : 11 82 HISTORY OF THE Ques. What is the chief end for which the 20th was enlisted? Ans. To grub stumps for Sam. Buckmaster. Certainly the boys were kept from the temptations of idleness and the wiles of the devil, while clearing the spot. Besides the 20th there was encamped here at this time, the 15th, 17th, and 24th regiments, and a squadron of cavalry. The 24th was known as the " Hecker Regiment," and was composed largely of Germans, who were old campaigners, who had seen ser- vice in European wars, and they were quite disposed to poke fun at the raw yankee boys. But before the war was over I presume they stopped their fun, as they found that the raw " yankee boys" could learn the art of fighting as well as any. Col. Turner of the 15th, was in command of Camp Pope, as it was named. The Hecker regiment had even poorer fare than the 20th while in camp " Buckmaster," being without tents, and compelled to make blankets do double duty with the help of bushes. One day the chaplain of the 20th, conversing with the brave old Ger- man colonel, alluded to their hard fare. Hecker replied " Ah, well, you know we are only step-children !" A melancholy incident occurred while in Camp Pope. One of the privates of Company D seized a musket, and playfully point- ing it at another private, of the name of Titus, snapped it. Con- trary to his expectations, it went off, terribly wounding not only Titus, but also one of the Smith family. Both recovered, but were disabled and discharged, and one of them sadly disfigured. This was a lesson to the boys to be careful with the tools they were now handling. This was the first blood that our good chaplain had ever seen drawn, and he fainted at the sight, It is said that those who are first affected in this way, become the most fearless and reliable on the battle field. Certainly this was true of the chaplain of the 20th, as we shall see in the course of our history. While at Alton, the boys sometimes got hungry. They had issued to them some old, wormy hard-tack, that had lain stowed away in barracks since the Mexican war, and neither their teeth nor their stomachs had yet got reconciled to this kind of fare, and they got somewhat restive, and were fully of the opinion that to preserve their own lives was the first law of nature. Somebody's hogs got in the way just then, perhaps by the direction of old TWENTIETH REGIMENT. 83 Nick, and all at once pop, pop, pop went the guns. Some thought the enemy had come, and was charging on the camp. But the result of the noise was a good many dead hogs, and hungry men fed. But they afterwards paid the penalty of such disorderly conduct, some of them in getting sick and having to swallow Goodbrake and Bailey's prescriptions, and all of them in having enough of their pay stopped to foot the bill. While here in camp the 4th of July came along, and was duly celebrated. The entire brigade was drawn up about noon, and listened to a most eloquent and appropriate address from the Rev. Dr. Bellows, of N. Y., who was just then visiting the camp as sanitary inspector. At the conclusion of the exercises, the whole force was requested to raise the right hand, and solemnly pledge themselves to serve the Union cause against all enemies whatever. The scene was a very impressive one. On the night of July 5th, the regiment was notified to be ready to march next day at an early hour, and on the morning of the 6th they moved to the river landing, and went aboard a steamer, and in a few hours were at St. Louis, and entered the enclosure of the memorable arsenal, encamped, and received their arms, equipments, and clothing. They were armed with old U. S. flint lock muskets changed to percussion lock, and although the boys were not very well pleased with them at first, yet they proved a very efficient and deadly weapon, and some of them were carried all through the service. St. Louis, at this time, was in a doubtful state of mind. There were many outspoken secesh among all classes, and street rows were common. Some of the 20th were passing along a street one day, when a lot of this gentry, who were in a livery stable, seeing the boys in blue, hurrahed for Jeff. Davis and the southern con- federacy. This was the signal for a charge, and that livery stable was cleaned out in a brief space of time ! After a three days' broil in St. Louis, the regiment again embarked, and after a pleasant sail down the river, landed on the 10th inst. at Cape Girardeau. This place seemed still nearer the enemy's land, and matters began to look like business. On the night of the day on which they landed at the Cape, after the boys, who were very tired, (having had to unload the 84 HISTORY OF THE boat), had been about an hour in bed, Col. Erwin came around and said he wanted 26 men to go out and take a provision train, which had started for the rebel camp just before their arrival. Tired as they were, there were plenty of volunteers for the job. But Col. Marsh said they were too tired, and would not allow them to go. Col. Erwin then rallied a squad of the " home guard," and having armed them, set out. The guard had seen the train leave for the rebel camp, which was about 20 miles distant, but dare not interfere, as there was no force at the Cape to fall back upon. The expedition was entirely successful. Colonel Erwin returned during the night, having captured seven loaded wagons, five yoke of oxen, four horses, and eight prisoners. The train had a guard of twenty men the balance escaped. While at the Cape, J. E. Shields was appointed quartermaster ; J. F. Branch, wagon-master ; E. P. Smith, com. sergt. ; James Hubbard, sutler ; and Albert E. Randall, postmaster. The 20th laid an embargo upon the river trade, capturing con- traband to a large amount. It stopped the steamer Memphis, among others, finding on board a lot of medicines destined for the southern army, shipped by the loyal (?) house of G. & K., and secreted in trunks and valises. Three companies of the 20th (B, C and I), also went on a scout to ascertain the strength of the rebel Gen. Watkins' command, from whom so much was feared and threatened. They returned and reported his vaunted force to be about 1,500, poorly armed. About the 15th of July, word came that the notorious Jeff. Thompson was raiding on the Whitewater, about twenty miles away, and companies E and F were ordered for special service, with three days' rations. The boys were ready for the expedition, but the question of rations was a " little mixed." The government hard tack had been condemned, and rations of flour were issued instead. But there was no bread baked ahead, and all they had to take for rations was raw ham. Capt. Hildebrant, who was in charge of the expedition, reported at headquarters as ready for duty, with raw meat only, and was informed that bread would be supplied. But they marched at 10 o'clock at night, with very deficient rations, and were at Whitewater by daylight, and went into camp in the woods, well fagged out. During the next day, TWENTIETH REGIMENT. 85 they managed to procure corn bread, and some potatoes, for which the captain paid out of his own pocket, and managed to subsist in this way two days. The expedition was one of those foolish ones, often made during the war, viz., sending infantry to catch cavalry. All through the war, our army was very defective in the cavalry branch of service, and inferior to the rebels. Gen. Scott, I believe, with all his skill as a general, was not favorable to cavalry. And then it was expensive ! On the return of the expedition, Capt. Hildebrant was placed under arrest by Col. Marsh, for taking his men on a march without bread, and for allowing them to forage. After two days, he was released, on demand of the regiment, who had learned the facts in the case. This unpleasant circumstance brings us face to face with the fact which we would gladly ignore if possible that there were, for some time, in the history of the 20th, dissensions which injured it, and rendered association with it unpleasant to many. I shall touch as lightly as possible on this part of its history, and only so far as is necessary to vindicate the reputation of some of our Will county men. Fremont was at this time in command of the department, and during the last of July, with his staff, paid the Cape a visit. While here, the first death occurred in the regiment, the 1st sergeant of Co. A, from Champaign county. It will be remembered that General Fremont, being somewhat more advanced in his views than the administration, had issued an emancipation proclamation, which, not being president, (having only once run for the office), and being only a department com- mander, was perhaps a little irregular. As a consequence, many negroes had come within the union lines, and there were a good many at the Cape. When this proclamation was overruled by the higher powers, of course there was trouble in the camp of the con- trabands, and many heart-rending scenes were witnessed by the boys, as the poor refugees gave way to their grief and fear, at thus being remanded to the tender mercies of the masters from whom they had escaped, believing that the "year of jubilee had come." While the regiment was at the Cape, one of the members from our county developed into a first-class scout, or spy. I need 86 HISTORY OF THE not say that this is the most dangerous, as it oftentimes is the most useful, service which anyone can render the cause of his country. The fate of a spy, if detected, is death. The justice of this, so long as both parties and all nations make use of them, it is hard to see. But so it is the man who undertakes this role runs the hazard of being detected and hung. Who has not wept over the story of Major Andre, spy though he was, and a British spy, too ! And who has not felt dissatisfied with the law which com- pelled Washington to order his execution, at the same time that he was, no doubt, employing spies himself? Much has been said about the morality of employing spies, and acting the part of a spy ; but they have been employed in war ever since the time of Moses. The person to whom I allude as a spy in the 20th, was Albert J. Sanger, of Co. F, in respect to whom I have found the follow- ing in a soldier's letter : "We have one of the best spies in the company that ever tried the swamps. It is A. J. Sanger. He can play the "sawney " to such perfection that the people believe him a fool. He is gone almost all the time. He has been eighty miles back toward the Arkansas line. He has been a prisoner in Thompson's and Har- dee's camps, but they thought he was a fool, and let him go. He goes out all alone, on horseback, with an old pair of saddle-bags, dressed in a blue linsey coat and butternut pants, calico shirt, and old straw hat, and is a regular who-haw-buck. When he returns to camp, no one can get a word out of him. He does not wish to be recognized. He went out a week ago, and has returned. He went into Arkansas, and was taken prisoner, and came near losing his horse, and narrowly escaped being shot several times. He was taken prisoner and brought before Jeff. Thompson, who told him that if he had no other business but to see his friends, he had better return, as the times were too hot for visiting. ' Besides/ said Jeff., 'I shall soon have possession of the Cape, and then no one will be allowed to pass.' This was just the information San- ger was after, and he told Jeff, he had been there, and he thought he could take it easily enough if he tried. But Jeff, did not take it so soon as he expected." Just before Sanger took up the role of spy, a lieutenant from TWENTIETH REGIMENT. 87 the 9th regiment had tried it, went into Hardee's camp, was arrested and shot. July 23d, companies B, I and K, in command of Capt. Bartle- son, (it having been reported that 300 rebels were threatening an attack,) went out on a scout to look after them ; they went through Jackson, Whitewater and Dallas, and scouted over the country for ten miles around the Cape, returning July 28, with some prisoners, having marched 75 miles. July 29th, Capt. Bartleson, with 25 men, went on the steamer Illinois, 25 miles up the river, and destroyed a ferry boat with which the rebs were running corn from Illinois to Missouri. August 13th, companies B, C, E and F, and a section of artil- lery, in command of Col. Erwin, went to Hamburg, killed nine rebels, and returned with prisoners, having traveled sixty miles. August 17th, Lieutenant Cleghorn, with 25 men, went on the steamer Luella, down the river, to Big Island, in search of rebel stores, and returned August 20th, with a boat load of horses and mules. During the month of August, occurred the visit of some of our citizens to the Cape, and the scare which Jeff. Thompson got up for their benefit, as related in the home history of the time. The Cape had now become a strong post and supplied with cannon, and it would have required a strong force to take it. Besides, the rebels had many friends in the town, who would have got cleaned out if they should attack it. Gen. Grant was now in command, under Fremont, of the sub-district, having his head- quarters at Cairo. Here the regiment remained until about the middle of August, being engaged, in the meantime, in building fortifications, drilling, &c., and in frequent expeditions, and eating Uncle Sam's rations. During their stay, they built the substantial earthworks, which commanded both the river and the town. The 20th was, some of the time, the only force at the Cape, and was consequently liable to an attack. Sometime in the last of August, the regiment was moved out to Jackson, about twenty miles, with other forces from the Cape, for the purpose of aiding in a plan which had been laid to trap a rebel force under Pillow. This place was the residence of a rebel general, by the name of Watkins, a man of great wealth. Some 88 HISTORY OF THE of the boys were quartered in his fine mansion, and I fear were not as careful as they should have been of the house and contents. Sept. 12th, the regiment went down on the steamer Illinois to Birds Point, where it remained until the middle of October. Dr. Bailey was left at the Cape in charge of the sick. There was much sickness, measles, &c. The seminary building, court house, and a church, were all used as hospitals. The various regiments which had passed through the Cape had left their sick, and the doctor had his hands full. Hearing that Jeff. Thompson was at Fredericktown, a place between Pilot Knob and Cape Girardeau, Gen. Grant conceived the idea of cutting off his retreat. In consequence of this plan, the 20th regiment left Birds Point on the 16th of October, at mid- night, on the steamer Louisiana, with a section of Taylor's battery,, under command of Lieut. White. The steamer Chancellor fol- lowed, with two companies of cavalry, in command of Captain Stewart. Before noon, of the 17th, they arrived at the Cape, and encamped just outside of the city limits, on the Jackson road. On the 18th, the force, which consisted of the 17th 111., Col. Ross ; the llth Missouri, Col. Plummer; the 20th 111., the two compa- nies of cavalry, and the section of artillery before named all in command of Col. Plummer, of the llth Missouri started out for Fredericktown. It is proper to remark here that the llth Mis- souri was really an Illinois regiment, being one of those that had been mustered in as a Missouri regiment when our quota was filled. The force aggregated in all about 1,700. Moving out, they marched the first day about thirteen miles, camping about four miles northwest of Jackson, on. the Dallas road. On the evening of the 19th, they reached Dallas, about halfway to Fred- ericktown. The regiment went into camp near the house of a southern planter, a secession sympathizer. The good chaplain called on the family, and finding that they were zealous Baptists, proposed hav- ing a prayer meeting after supper. This proposition was cordially accepted, and at the appointed hour the planter gathered his family and the neighbors, and the chaplain gathered the praying ones of the regiment, and they had a good, old-fashioned prayer meeting. But all of the boys of the 20th, I am sorry to say, were not of TWENTIETH REGIMENT. 89 the praying kind. Some a majority, I fear were quite other- wise. At any rate, while the prayer meeting was going on, and the family were feeling safe and happy, and growing more char- itable in their hearts toward the Yankees, some of the boys took the opportunity of doing a little foraging on their own account. The result was, that many of the planter's chickens, and sweet potatoes, and a share of his honey, too, got into camp. The next morning, Sergeant Bernier very innocently went to the house to borrow a kettle to cook his potatoes in. The woman thought this pretty " cheeky." " A pretty set of Christians are you Yanks," says she. " Some of you come here and pray, and talk very pious, while the rest steal my chickens, and potatoes, and honey ; and now you have the impudence to come and a?k for my kettle ; " and she proceeded to pour forth upon the heads of the sergeant and the Yanks in general, a broadside of vernacular that must have nearly exhausted her vocabulary. The sergeant, though one of the bravest of the boys, beat a hasty retreat. Of course the good chaplain was not in collusion with the raid- ers ; but the chaplain's prayer meeting became a standing joke in the regiment, and whenever rations were short, his brother officers were wont to-suggest to him the propriety of holding another prayer meeting ; but the planters did not " hanker" after any more ! On the 20th, they approached within eleven miles of Freder- icktown, where they expected to cage the redoubtable Jeff. Strict watch was kept up that night. On the 21st, they resumed the march, and though many were footsore and weary, no complaints were made. They arrived in sight of Fredericktown about noon. The town was pleasantly located on high ground, the court house occupying the crest of the hill. They found the stars and stripes flying from the court house, and the place in possession of a force under Col. Carlin, which had come from Pilot Knob to aid in bagging Jeff. But Jeff, had captured a bearer of dispatches, and learned of the plot, and slipped out of sight. He formed a counter- plot, and intended to move out and intercept the force under Plummer, thrash them, and then return and do the same job for Carlin ; but " The best laid schemes o' mice an' men Gang aft a-gly." 12 90 HISTORY OF THE Col. Carlin, believing that Jeff, had made his escape, and think- ing that pursuit would be useless, was resting himself and his com- mand in town. The inhabitants of the place were strongly secash, and all the information that could be got from them was that Jeff, had left the day before for Greenville. Col. Plummer, however, to whom Col. Carlin had yielded the command, thought he would try and ascertain whether Jeff, was within reach. He accordingly organized a column for pursuit, consisting of his force from the Cape, and part of Scholfield's battery, leaving Car- lin's force in reserve. But Jeff, had not gone far, but had formed an ambuscade, about a mile from town, just over a ridge on .the Green- ville road, concealing his forces in a cornfield and some tim- ber, intending to draw on our forces and then open upon them. This plan would probably have been successful but for a " relia- ble contraband," who was sitting on a fence in front of a house, and who said to Capt. Stewart, who was in advance with his cavalry, " Don't go down dar massa, heap secesh down dar, seed 'em myself, not seben minutes ago." His statement, fortunately, obtained sufficient credence to bring our forces to a halt, and cause a reconnoisance to see if it was true. Just over the hill partly concealed by the timber and the cornfield, the enemy was discovered awaiting the approach of our forces. He had planted four field pieces skillfully concealed by the woods, and his infan- try and about 800 cavalry were well posted to pour a deadly fire upon our boys as soon as they came in range. Thanks, first to a kind Providence, and next to the contra- band, this well laid plan was discovered in time. This "old darkey " does not figure in any official reports of the fight, but I have the account from an eye witness in the 20th, and I am only sorry that I do not know the darkey's name, that it might at least pass into this history. As it is, the credit of the affair must be set down to his poor despised race. Col. Plummer soon placed his forces in order of battle. The section of Taylor's battery, and one gun of Major Scholfield's were duly planted. The 17th regiment took the centre, the 20th the right, and the 1 1th Mo. the left. Silence, solemn and deep for a few minutes, and then the ball opened by two rounds from Tay- lor's guns. The enemy replied. In a few moments our forces TWENTIETH REGIMENT. 91 advanced, and the conflict became general. The advance force of the enemy under Col. Lowe, 800 picked men, was brought, by the skillful disposition of our forces, between the cross fire of the two wings, and the slaughter was terrible. Our cannon spoke twice to the enemy's once. The officers and men of the 20th all fought bravely in this their first conflict. Cols. Marsh and Er- win were both in the thickest of the fight, and the bullets flew thick around them, but they escaped unhurt. A cannon ball passed under the horse of Col. Marsh, and struck off the shoe of the horse of his adjutant. The fight continued for about three hours, and resulted in the discomfiture and retreat of Jeff, and his entire force, leaving over three hundred dead on the field, and many prisoners. Jeff, did not go to look after Carlin's force, al- though they were not far off, but hastened as fast as possible in another direction. Only about 1200 of our forces were actively engaged in the fight. That of the enemy is supposed to have been considerably larger. A sad sight was this, the first battle field which had been seen by any of the 20th, save Lt. Col. Erwin, who had been in the Mexican war. The mangled corpses excited the pity of our men, although most of them were enemies of the Union. Old men and beardless boys, lay side by side, dead and dying. Col. Lowe who had been a terror to all Union men in the region, was killed. Our forces chased Thompson four miles, capturing many. The entire loss in the 20th regiment, was three wounded. Two guns were captured from the enemy, one of which was brought in by Co. B., led on by its brave captain, Bartleson, Chaplain Button was highly commended for his kind offices to the wounded and dy- ing on the field, although while the fight was in progress, it was hard work for him to maintain his official character as a non-com- batant. When Co. B. was hauling up the captured cannon, he swung his hat and cried out, " give it to them boys, the Lord is on our side/' That we have not over stated the action of the 20th in this, its first encounter with the foes of the Union cause, which, alas ! had not hitherto had many successes, will be seen by the following ad- dressed to Col. Marsh by the commanding general : HD. QRS., 2ND DIST. S. E. Mo., Oct. 31st, 1861. COL.: I am instructed by Gen. Grant, to extend to yon, and your com- mand his cordial welcome on your return from the field of battle, and of 92 HISTORY OF THE your victory. The reports that have reached him from Fredericktown, have filled him with the highest admiration for the valor aad patriotism dis- played by you and your command, in that engagement. Amid the gloom that filled the country in the commencement of the reverses of our army at Leesburg, Fredericktown arose and threw athwart the cloud its bow of promise. It was your privilege to be among the foremost of that gallant band who raised our drooping banner, and emblazoned it with victory. The im- portance of your success cannot be measured by an ordinary standard. It gave new life to tens of thousands of our discouraged soldiers. It has crushed out the rebellion in S. E. Missouri. It has restored the prestige of victory to our flag. And, not the least source of your general's gratification is the fact that you have brought back your entire command. Very Respectfully, WM. S. HILLYER, Captain and Aid-de-Camp. COL. C. C. MARSH. The officers and men of the 20th regiment felt at the time that the correspondents of the Chicago papers did them great injustice. They scarcely made mention of the part of the 20th in this engage- ment. One account was written as if the regiments from Pilot Knob did the fighting, while they really had no part in it. The battle was fought mainly by the 20th and 17th III., and llth Mo., and the' 20th was the only regiment that got a sight of Jeff. Thompson, and had to be stopped in their pursuit. Col. Plummer, who commanded the forces engaged, compli- mented the 20th for its bravery, and tied the blue ribbon upon its flag, which was riddled with bullets. The boys after they deliv- ered their fire, had a trick of throwing themselves upon their .backs and then loading, and jumping up again and delivering their fire, and to this it was no doubt owing that they escaped with so few casualties. Our troops were so indignant at the people of Freder- icktown for their deception, that they were with difficulty re- strained from burning the town. During the return of the 20th from Fredericktown, strict or- ders were given by Col. Marsh against foraging. On encamping for the night, the men found themselves terribly hungry, and their prospects for supper very slim. One of the lynx-eyed boys es- pied a flock of sheep, and the temptation was too strong for some of them, and several carcasses were brought into camp, and pre- parations made for a good square meal. Suddenly the Colonel made his apppearanqe, and seeing what was going on said, " Boys this won't do, you know that it is a positive violation of my TWENTIETH REGIMENT. 93 orders. " One whom the boys called " Lemon Jim, " spoke up, and with the utmost gravity said, " Col., we came suddenly upon these d d devils ; they refused to take the oath of allegiance, and here they are ! " The 20th, soon after the battle of Fredericktown, (Oct. 3 1st) re- turned to Birds Point, on steamer Alex. Scott. Here the men built log houses for their winter quarters. While here, during January, General .Paine ordered Captain Hildebrant to take Sergeant Branch and ten men, and proceed to Belmont and arrest one Wiseman, the leader of a rebel gang that shot many of our pickets on the 16th of January, and to bring him into camp. They arrived at Belmont about midnight, and cautionsly approaching a house found it a rendezvous of rebel pickets whose camp was a mile ahead, directly opposite Colum- bus. The call was unexpected. Our boys drove in the pickets and surrounded the house. In a loud voice the captain gave out his commands, ordering the columns to move forward ! as if he had a large force. The rebs skedaddled toward their camp with- out firing a gun. Our boys searched the house, but found that the bird had flown. On their return they heard the long roll call sounded in the rebel camp, and the order to " fall in." This bold reconnoisance on the part of Captain Hildebrant, is only one of the many tests to which his bravery and judgment were subjected, and in which he always proved himself equal to the occasion. Soon after the return of the 20th to Birds Point, it received a visit from some of its Joliet friends. Among them, Otis Hardy ? Esq., and his two eldest daughters, and Mrs. Button, the wife of the worthy chaplain.. "Bro. Hardy " had heard that somehow hospital stores which had been forwarded to the boys from Joliet had failed to come to hand, and with his usual zeal and thorough- ness he made it his business to investigate the matter. He ac- cordingly looked up the stores in Cairo, and got them into the hospital. Not liking the looks of the hospital, (of which our boys had just taken possession,) he pulled off his coat, and with the assist- ance of the others, he thoroughly " policed " it, without waiting for orders or even a permit from headquarters. Some officials looked on astonished at so extra-judicial a proceeding, but I guess the inmates rather liked it. 94 HISTORY OF THE The stay at Birds Point was extremely tedious, and the boys became somewhat restive. The difficulties in the regiment broke out again. A petition was circulated asking Col. Marsh to resign, which was signed by more than three- fourths of the officers, and a great majority of the men, which he declined to do. Capt. Hilde- brant, on being arbitrarily denied a leave of absence to go to Caira and meet his wife, allowed himself to be guilty of an act of insub- ordination, and to go without leave, for which he was placed in arrest, and ordered confined to camp. After a few days, Captain Hildebrant reported to the general commanding, when he was released from arrest, and placed on duty as a scout, and remained most of the winter on special service. Just before the movement up the river to Fort Henry, the captain was tried on the charge of disobedience, with some other charges of which he was not guilty, and the court cleared him of all ; but for some reason, the papers foiled to reach the headquarters. The captain remained on special duty, taking part in the New Madrid fight, and the final skirmish at Sykeston, until April, 1862, when he rejoined his company at Pittsburg Landing as a private, and carried a musket during the two days' fight, and was afterward restored to his command by order of department com- mander. While at Birds Point the llth 111. and 20th were brigaded together, and the men became fast friends. They were located in the vicinity of some of old Bird's bee-hives, and of course, as the old man was known to be a secesh, and as the boys had a kind of han- kering after honey, some of the hives got robbed of their sweet stores ; and what was more unfortunate, the robbers got caught at it by Grant's body-guard, who arrested the whole squad, and paroled them to appear at headquarters next morning, which they did, and got assessed a fine, to pay the old man for his honey. But the joke of the thing was, that the body-guard were so careful of the honey, and so anxious to keep temptation away from the men, that they eat it up themselves. The consequence was, that when any of them came within hearing of the brigade, the follow- ing catechism was repeated for their edification : Question. " Who stole the honey ? " Answer. "The llth and 20th." TWENTIETH REGIMENT. 95 $. " Who paid for the honey ? " A. "The llth and 20th." ,_ Who eat the honey ? " A. " Gen. Grant's body-guard ! " This got to the ears of the general after a little, and the fine on the llth and 20th was remitted ! New Year's day, 1862, found a large array gathered at Birds Point, under the command of Brig. Gen. Paine, Gen. Grant being in command of the district of Cairo. Many of the wives of the officers of the regiments composing this force were stopping at Cairo, among others, Mrs. Erwin, Mrs. Bartleson, Mrs. Hildebrant, and Mrs. Goodwin, of Joliet, were there. Of course there was much passing to and fro across the river. New Year's Day was kept under novel circumstances by the army congregated at the " Point," and by the ladies quartered at Cairo. The ladies generally kept open house, and were the recipients of many calls. Not to name any others, Mrs. General Grant "received " on that occasion. I presume that then she did not in the least anticipate that she would ever " receive " as mis- tress of the white house. Among others, Col. Wallace, of the llth 111., Lt. Col. Erwin, and Captain Bartleson, of the 20th, called upon her in company. Each of the three now sleep in honored graves, having met death on the field. The first to fall was Lt. Col. Erwin, (only a few weeks after), at Donaldson. A little later, Col. Wallace fell at Shiloh. Capt. Bartleson, after losing an arm at Shiloh, survived to meet the enemies of his country as colonel of the 100th, on the fiercely contested fields of Stone River and Chickamauga ; and after enduring a long imprisonment at Libby, fell at last before the deadly aim of a rebel sharpshooter in front of " Kenesaw " a few days after rejoining his regiment. While the officers were thus spending the day, the " high pri- vates" were not without their recreation. Some wagg of the llth and 20th took it into their heads to get up a masquerade, which for its grotesqueness, its happy hits, and telling comicalities, has seldom been excelled, and will be remembered by many still liv- ing. Among other performances, they went through a burlesque artillery drill, mounted on old mules, and using old stove pipes 96 HISTORY OF THE mounted on cart wheels for cannon, imitating the movements of artillerymen in the most ludicrous manner. Two of the boys one being dressed in female garb went on a " tour of inspection " through the camps and hospitals, riding from one to the other in great haste, dismounting, and going through a hurried inspection of the premises, asking questions ludicrously impertinent, making short speeches and exhortations, and then mounting their mules and flying to another ; thus burlesqueing some " visitors " they had seen. And in a hundred ways, which those who witnessed the scene may recall, the boys kept their New Year's Day alas ! the last very many of them would see ! On the 14th day of January, 1862, the 20th was in the force that accompanied Gen. Grant in his reconnoisance toward Colum- bus, and on the 20th returned to Birds Point. Some time in January, also, a part of the regiment accompanied a force of about 1,500, which was sent out to chase up a cavalry force of the enemy. The expedition started out a little after dusk, and after wandering about all night in a drizzling rain, they were guided by a man, who proved to be a traitor, into an ambuscade, while it was still dark. From some unknown source, they were met by a volley of musketry, which killed four and wounded some fifteen in an Iowa regiment. A retreat was indulged in as soon as possible. The regiment then took part in the expedition under General Grant, which left Cairo Feb. 2d and 3d, 1862, the objective point being Fort Henry. They left comfortable quarters, but were glad to be on the move. They left by steamer. A snow storm came on, which, with the crowded state of the boat, made things somewhat uncom- fortable, especially the first night, when the 20th had to occupy the hurricane deck. The deck was covered with ice, and it was impossible to move. Two men slipped overboard during the night, and were drowned. They laid at Cairo until 10 o'clock of Monday. They then crossed to Paducah, stopping two hours, and then passed up the Tennessee in the night. The morning found them within twelve miles of the fort. Soon they heard the music of the gun-boats in the advance, under Commodore Foote, shelling the shores. They landed within four miles of the fort, and TWENTIETH EEGIMENT. 97 encamped on a high hill. The 20th was placed in the 2d brigade, Col. W. H. L. Wallace, commanding; the 1 1th 111., the 45th 111., the 4th cavalry, and McAllister's and Taylor's batteries, with the 20th, constituted the brigade. In the capture of Fort Henry, the land forces took no part, the work being wholly done by the gun-boats. On the 6th, the 20th was in the fort. It was the intention to have the land force invest the fort in the rear, and to cut off the escape of the garrison, as well as to aid in reducing it. Nine o'clock was the time set for attack, it being expected that by that time the land forces would be in position. But, although the troops were on the move by daylight, such was the condition of the roads, that they had not proceeded two miles before the gun-boats commenced the attack. The weather had been rainy for weeks, the river was over its banks, and every slough and bayou was full, so that instead of four miles, the force had to go ten to reach the rear of the fort, and had to wade streams and bayous waist deep, and encounter mud knee deep. The conse- quence was, that the infantry did not get to Fort Henry until after dark, and the main part of the rebels had escaped to Fort Don- aldson. The regiment left fort Henry for Donaldson on the 12th, with the army under Grant, the greater portion being in camp before dark the same evening. But they had a weary march through mud and snow, and over a rough country. The, bombardment by the gunboats was commenced the 13th. Friday, the 14th, was comparatively quiet. But on the 15th, the fight was vigorous. The gun-boats had got disabled, and the work had to be done, this time, by the land forces. On the night of the 13th, the enemy made an attempt to take Taylor's battery, and it was repulsed by the llth and 20th regiments. Saturday, the 15th, the enemy made a desperate attack, of which McClernand's division sustained the brunt. They were nobly resisted for three hours, and finally repulsed, our side being nearly out of ammunition. On the 17th, the fort surrendered, and Grant won the soubriquet of " Uncondi- tional Surrender Grant," that being the terms he gave the rebels. In the three days' fight, resulting in such a glorious victory, so important in its results, the 20th took its full share. And this time not without severe loss. The rejoicings which filled our hearts 13 98 HISTORY OF THE at the news of victory, were sadly dampened when the tidings came that Col. Erwin was among the killed; that the life of one of our most respected citizens was part of the cost of victory. The 20th also lost twenty killed, eight of whom were from Will county, and our companies, B and F, had also thirty wounded. The attention shown the remains of Col. Erwin has been given in our home history, and a brief sketch of his life will be found elsewhere. We give here the official report of Col. Marsh, in full, and the casualties to Will county men : "Ho. QBS. OF iSOra; RKO'T, 2so BRIGADE, IST DIVISION. FORT DONALDSON, FEB. UTH, 1862. SIB: Incompliance with orders,! make the following report of the moveaieuts of my command during the 13th, 14th and 15th insts. On the morning of the 13th, my regiment with the rest of the brigade was formed in line of bittle neir tha brow of the hill, fronting the right of the enemy's fortifications. Nothing of special interest affecting my command occurred during tha day. Towards evening I was ordered to move toward the right, and I took position on a ridge facing tha outworks of the rebel's left, the llth III. being on my right, and the 48th on my left. Shortly after taking posi- tion it commen ;ed raining, turning in a short time to snow, and bitterly cold. My regiment was underarms nearly the whole night, the frequent skirmishes of our pickets with those of the enemy, leading me to fear au at- tack at any moment. At daylight, on the morning of the 14th, I ordered fires started, and coffee made for my c >mmand ; our close proximity to the enemy forbiddi ig the use of fires at night. Most of this day was spent in watching the movements of the enemy, and employing my sharp-shooters in picking off the rebels as they showed themselves above their breastworks. This night passed very similarly to the preceding one, my men bearing the exposure of the cold and fatigue with exemplary patience. At daybreak, on the morning of the 15th, repeated volleys of musketry on the right, caused me to form in line of battle. I soon ascertained that the firing was caused by the enemy's attacking the 1st brigade, (Col. Oglesby's) posted on the ex- treme right of our line. I immediately strengthened my skirmishers whom I had kept out all night, giving instructions to report from time to time the movements of the enemy, if attacked, to endeavor to drive back their ad- vance, and not retreat till forced to do so by a superior force. Matters con- tinued thus for some two hours, the firing on the right being without inter- mission. At this time the officer in command of my skirmishers, informed me that the enemy was advancing in my front. A few moments and my advance was drawn back, and almost immediately the rebels appeared com- ing over the brow of the hill. Not waiting to receive their attack, I order- ed my command to advance, which they did in admirable order, driving the rebels steadily before them till they broke and run. Advancing in pursuit I was suddenly met by a fresh force of the enemy, who at once opened fire upon me, still moving forward. I succeeded in forcing them to retreat, and followed them up, till running short of ammunition, I drew back in good TWENTIETH REGIMENT. 99 order to my first position, and sent back for a fresh supply. I remained here without further molestation from the enemy till ordered to march to the left. Shortly after taking my original position, the llth 111. next on my right became engaged, and at the time of my being ordered off the field were still fighting bravely. Had I received a fresh supply of ammunition, I would gladly have gone to their assistance. I may be pardoned for speak- ing with pride of the behavior of my entire command, officers and men during the action. The fine order, coolness and courage with which they advanced in the face of a terrible and continuous fire meets my hearty com- mendation. My every order was promptly and correctly executed to my complete satisfaction. Could my record end here, I would be indeed happy but the painful duty remains to report the loss of many of my brave men. My Lt. Col. Wm. Erwin was killed quite early in the action, being struck in the breast by a round shot from one of the enemy's guns. A cool, brave officer, a noble man, he gloriously fell in the execution of his duty, adding in his death new laurels to those he Jong since won on the bloody field of Buena Vista. His commander sadly regrets the occasion which calls forth this feeble tribute of respect to his memory. Color Serg't Newton and the entire color guard, except one corporal,' were either killed or wounded. vTl herewith append a list of the killed, wounded and missing of my command. My field music and band were employed during the action in removing the wounded and dead from the field, thus rendering efficient service and per- mitting me to retain all my fighting men in the ranks. Tendering my con- gratulations on the glorious victory and the capture of Fort Donaldson, I have the honor to remain, Your very obedient servant, C. C. MARSH, COL The official report of Gen. W. H. L. Wallace, commander of the 2nd brigade, 1st division, says: "My brigade was formed by order of Gen. U. S. Grant commanding the district of Cairo, consisted of the llth 111. Infantry, Col. Ransom ; 20th 111. Infantry, Col. C. C. Marsh; 49th, Col. John E. Smith; 48th 111., Col. I. N. Hayne; 4th 111. Cavalry, Col. T. L. Dickey; Capt. Ezra Taylor's Battery (B. 1st 111. Artillery) and Capt. E. McAllister's Battery of three 24 pound howit- zers. * * * * * * * * * " The 20th, which stood next the llth, was the next heaviest sufferer, having eighteen killed on the field. Lt. Col. Erwin, while nobly animating his men, and adding new laurels to those he so nobly won at Buena Visita, was struck down by a cannon shot from the enemy's battery." Col. C. C. Marsh exhibited the utmost coolness and self-possession on the field, encouraging his men with all the order of parade. Major Rich- ards also acted with great bravery. "McAllister's guns did good service. They were three 24 pound how- itzers, without caissons, and with a limited supply of ammunition, and with- out a full compliment of men. One of them lost a wheel, shot away onthe 13th, but supplied from their limber. On the 15th inst, the trail of another howitzer was broken, and it was rendered useless. They fired all their am- 100 HISTORY OF THE munition, fifty rounds a piece. The cavalry of Col. Dickey, 4th 111., did ex- cellent service in reconnoitering, and holding the enemy in check on the right. To Surgeon Goodbrake of the 20th, acting brigade surgeon, lam under special obligations. Chaplains Pearsons of the llth, and Button of the 20th were indefatigable in their attentions to the wounded, and in collecting and burying the dead." The reader will bear in mind that in the 4th cavalry men- tioned above, Will county had five commissioned officers and one hundred and twenty-seven men ; and also that McAllister's bat- tery was largely from our county ; thus, in this memorable en- gagement, our couiity was largely represented. CASUALTIES TO WILL COUNTY MEN IN THE 20TH REGIMENT, KILLED: Lieut. Col. Erwin, Private, Thomas Mahan, Co. F. Color CorporalJohn Weist, Co. B. " Jacob Dolkey, Co. F, Private, James A. Bassett, Co. F. " John A. Bowman, Co F. SLIGHTLY WOUNDED : Wm. D. Rudgers, Drum Major. Joseph Griffin, Co. B. 2nd Lieut. Harry King. George Bentz, Co. B. James Carson, Co. B. George F. Smith, Co. B. Francis MRooke, Co. B. Henry Gerich, Co. B. George Lee, Co. B. Joshua Dykman, Co. B. Serg't James F. Branch, Co. F. Duncan W. Covert, Co. F. Corp. John J. Quackenbush, Co. F. John W. Coombs, Co. F. Wm. Lanson, Co. F. George Wier, Co. F. SERIOUSLY WOUNDED: Private, Eugene R. Connors, Co. B. Lewis Otto, Co. F. Corp. James C. Porter, Co. F. A. W. Burrows, Co. F. John Hiller, Co. F. John Counter, Co. F. William Unruh, Co. F. David Spade, Co. F. Oscar Gamble, Co. F. MORTALLY WOUNDED: Wilson W. Wright, Co. F. died Feb, 18, Alonzo Rose, Co. I. SEVERELY WOUNDED : Henry Sampson, Co. B. John Ragan, Co. F. James E. Sheffer, Co. F. MISSING. Wm. H. Duncan, Co. F. Total in regiment killed, 18; wonnded, 109; missing 6. A writer after the surrender of Donaldson, writes most exult- antly, "The Union is saved, and the backbone of the rebellion broken." This proved a little premature ; we had to break that backbone seAeral times afterward. TWENTIETH REGIMENT. 101 A correspondent writing from the battle field of Donaldson says, " We first rode over the ground where the rebels on Satur- day endeavored so hard to break through our lines. That the fight had been of the most desperate character, the scores of the dead lying all around fully attested. I counted on a piece of ground not more than 100 feet square, thirty-five dead rebels lying where they fell, while in every direction we took we met their dead on every hand. In a deep ravine just below the ground occupied by the rebels, the llth, 8th and 20th. 111. regiments had met the terrible charge of 1,600 rebel cavalry supported by six or seven regiments of infantry. It was here too that they were ex- posed for two hours to the fire from the enemy's rifle pits, not more than 200 yards off, I need not write that here our own dead were lying as it were in heaps. When we reached the ground, par- ties from the regiments had commenced the sad work of gather- ing the dead. The llth had already identified 44, and placed them in rows for burial. The 20th had found 20, and the 8th, 30, and still the ground was strewn with the dead." Lieut. Branch, of the 20th, writes thus in reference to Fort Donaldson, and the part the 20th took in the action : " On the afternoon of the 12th, we came in sight of the rebel fort, and on the 13th and 14th were busily engaged in taking and changing positions, constructing lines, &c. After three years' ser- vice in the field, and enduring every hardship imaginable, I look back to the 13th, 14th and 15th of February, 1862, as being filled with the severest hardships we were ever called upon to endure. On the afternoon of the 13th, it commenced raining at about three o'clock, and rained hard for three hours, then turned to snow, with high, freezing winds, which drove the sharp frozen snow in our faces. We had marched without tents ; our clothes and blankets were wet through and frozen stiff. We were within easy musket range of the rebel works, and could not build a fire. It was impos- sible for the men to lay down to rest or sleep, on account of the snow and cold, as well as the rebel sharpshooters, who were con- tinually firing at us, and we stood in line of battle three-fourths of the night. The morning of the 14th brought no relief. At day- light the snow turned to rain again, and continued nearly all day. 102 HISTORY OF THE Constant skirmishing and sharpshooting all day. At ten, the gun -. boats opened, but after two hours' heavy firing, drew off disabled.. The rebels set up a yell of triumph. The night of the 14th was, if possible, more uncomfortable than the preceding one. The snow fell, and the weather grew colder, and the rebel firing was more vigorous. About 9 in the evening, our pickets were driven in ^ two were killed during the night. Some of the men were so com- pletely exhausted that they lay down and slept in the snow. On the 15th, with the first streak of daylight, I saw heavy lines of rebel infantry passing to our right. I was on the picket line, as sergeant of the guard. I was satisfied that they were marching out to attack Oglesby, in command of the 1st brigade, on our extreme right. I reported the fact to Col. Marsh, who despatched a messenger to apprize Oglesby, but before he could have gone half way, the battle opened fiercely with musketry, and continued for an hour on the right, when our attention was called to our immediate front, where, from my advanced position with the skir- mishers, I could see heavy columns coming directly toward us, and by 9 a. m., we were desperately engaged at short range, with small arms alone, as we were too near each other (not over five rods), for artillery. We were firing across the crest of a small hill, we occupying one side and the rebels the other. The brigade advanced, under the most galling nre, to the top of the hill, driv- ing the enemy back step by step, and inch by inch, until they were driven into their works, when the enemy opened with artil- lery, and we were obliged to fall back behind the hill. In this engagement, our beloved Lt. Col. Erwin was killed, and 21 men of the regiment, and one hundred and four were wounded. After expending all of our ammunition, we were ordered to the rear to replenish the stock, and another brigade took our place. The rebels rallied and drove this brigade back past the place where we had left our knapsacks, which they took, robbing us of all our clothing except what we wore, and that being wet and frozen, the prospect was not cheering. We prepared to renew the engage- ment, expecting every moment to be called on, but the rebels, after being three times repulsed, remained behind their works. Gen. Smith, who commanded the left, charged the enemy's works, and held them, at 4 p. m., and our lines were reformed for a grand TWENTIETH REGIMENT. 103 charge, but as the day was so far spent, it was deferred until morn- ing, when the rebels surrendered. After the details of the sur- render were gone through with and witnessed, then came the hardest part of all. Twenty-one brave boys our comrades had to be buried in one common grave, with their blankets their only shroud and coffin, and 104 poor wounded men cared for in the hospital." After the surrender of Donaldson, the little village of Dover, just above the fort, presented a novel sight. The river was full of steamboats, but not for the peaceful purposes of trade and com- merce. Many were there to transport the rebel prisoners who had been taken in the surrender, and the little town was suddenly a populous one. Long files of the prisoners filled its streets, march- ing down to the boats for transportation north, more than 15,000 men, looking somewhat the worse for the wear and tear of the stay in Donaldson. The camps of the conquerors, also, were not very inviting places. All the tents of the 20th were riddled with balls, some of them being mere rags, and the weather was wet and cold, and the ground muddy. Besides the wounded to be cared for by our sur- geons, sickness began to thin the ranks, and many had to be sent to hospitals, which had been established in the village. Most fortunately, the sanitary stores from the north began to arrive, and, with these, the sick and wounded were made as com- fortable as possible. But the regiment could have but a brief rest here. It was ordered to the Tennessee river, and camped at the " iron works " after a ten miles' march, as advance guard. The regiment bivouacked at night in the vicinity of a farm house, at which the staff officers took up their quarters. They also determined to have a good square meal, and gave their orders accordingly. But the rebel army had been so long in the vicinity that coffee and hoe-cake was about all that the family could fur- nish. But coffee and hoe-cake, when brewed and baked by a skillful darkey cook, are not to be despised at any time, much less in the present circumstances. The hoe-cake, let it be premised, is not ordinarily baked in the crude, original way i. e., on a hoe 104 HISTORY OF THE but in that utensil called a bake kettle, found in every southern kitchen, consisting of a broad, flat-bottomed, iron kettle, which is placed over a bed of coals, and which has a cover so constructed as to hold a good bed of coals on top, thus securing the baking of the bread or cake on both sides, at the same time, and very quickly. It is another peculiarity of southern life, that the kitchen is a building by itself, at a little distance from the house, where the cook reigns undisturbed and supreme. Well, in obedience to the wishes of the officers, very soon the " coffee was in de pot and de hoe-cake bakin'," and they congratu- lated themselves with the prospect of something of a variation from the regular rations. But alas ! it is still tr.ue that there is " many a slip betwixt the cup and lip." When the old " mammy " cook had completed her arrange- ments for supper, and " allowed dat de hoe-cake was 'bout done," she carried the smoking coffee pot from her domain to the house, where she was welcomed with cheers from the impatient officers, and orders to hurry up her hoe-cake. Now, it happened that a hungry soldier had been prospecting around for something to fill his own private stomach withal, and had seen, with covetous eyes, through the window of the kitchen, the cook's preparations for the officers' supper; and when she stepped out with the coffee, he saw that his opportunity had come, and stepping quickly into the kitchen, he removed the cover of the kettle, fished out the steaming, fragrant hoe-cake, wrapped it in his blanket, carefully replaced the cover, and quickly disap- peared from the scene, leaving no traces of his visit. The old mammy, on her return, took the kettle off the fire, and removed "the cover. Imagine her astonishment at finding that the hoe-cake, on which she had lavished her utmost skill, was not there. For a moment she was speechless. But words soon came to her relief: " Oh, gor-a-mity, de debbil has been here, shore ! de hoe-cake done gone ! Oh, Lordy ! Lordy ! dis chile spoke for, shore ! Oh, Lordy ! Lordy ! " Her outcries brought the family and the offi- cers upon the scene, and they found her with uplifted hands, horror- struck, gazing with distended orbs upon the empty bake kettle. And if the sight had not caused her to turn pale, and made her " Knotted and combined locks to part, And each particular hair to stand on end, Like quills upon the fretful porcupine," TWENTIETH REGIMENT. 105 it was owing to a physical impossibility, and not because she was not sufficiently scared. It was a scene worthy the pencil of a Hogarth. But the officers, as may be imagined, were more mad than scared ; and I fear, in their vexation, they were even more profane than the old darkey ; for they quickly concluded that if this was the work of the devil, he had employed as his agent some hungry soldier, who had not a proper respect for the rights of staff officers. March 6th, the regiment embarked on board the Belle Memphis, (once a floating palace, but now retaining only a shadow of its former splendor), with such sick and wounded as could be moved. They were on the boat until the 15th, when they landed at Savan- nah, a small town on the east bank of the Tennessee river, nine miles below Pittsburg Landing, both obscure points hitherto, but destined to become memorable. Here the regiment found a good camping ground, and a hospital was established. The weather had now grown warmer, and there was less suffering. Although the boats were crowded, it was a pleasant and beauti- ful voyage up the Tennessee. They were eight days in going up, as the woods and bluffs along the river had to be shelled by the gun-boats in advance. The regiment remained here, doing picket duty, until the 25th of March, when it again went aboard transports, and went to Pitts- burg Landing, ten miles farther, on the opposite side of the river. This point was a mere landing, having no buildings, except an old cotton shed. The bank was covered with woods, a lonesome looking place, but it soon became populous. The brigade marched back two miles, and encamped on Owl Creek. Col. Marsh was in command of the brigade, and here the regiment remained until the great battle of Shiloh. April 6th and 7th , it took part in the memorable engagements known as the battle of Shiloh so called from a little church in the vicinity. I do not propose to give a general description of these battles. The general histories of the time have done this. The fight, as is well known, commenced on the morning of April 6th, by the enemy attacking our lines, and resulted in driving back our forces to the river, and the shelter of the gun-boats. Being reinforced during the night by Gen. Wallace's division, and the 14 106 HISTORY OF THE 3d division of Gen. Buell's army, the battle was renewed on the 7th, and the enemy was driven back, and our force re-occupied the ground from which they had been driven on the 6th, thus remain- ing masters of the field, though at a fearful loss of life. In the two days, the 20th regiment lost in killed one officer (Adjutant John E. Thompson), and twenty-one men, seven of whom were from Will county. There were wounded in the regi- ment, six officers and ninety-eight men, and ten missing, two of the officers, and seventeen of the enlisted men, being from this county. Among the wounded was Col. Bartleson, then major of the regiment, who had just returned from his melancholy errand to Joliet and Ottawa, in charge of the body of Col. Erwin. He had been promoted major at Donaldson. He was wounded in the left arm so severely as to necessitate amputation. Lieut. John F. Cleghorn, of Co. B, who had been promoted captain, was also severely wounded in one arm. The boys were gratified with a visit from several of our citi- zens immediately after the battle, who came to look after their wants. These citizens were B. F. Russell, J. T. McDougall, Wm. Tonner, O. Hardy, A. Leach, and Dr. Me Arthur, and perhaps others. They went over the field of battle, and although the dead had been buried and the wounded removed, yet the scene showed traces of a terrible conflict, trees, logs and underbrush cut and torn by the missiles ; and huge mounds, having posted by them such inscriptions as these" 142 rebels," " 70 Union," " 50 rebels," " 25 Union," &c., were frequent. LIST OF KILLED AND WOUNDED AT SHILOH,IN THE 20TH REGI- MENT, FROM WILL COUNTY. KILLED: Adjutant J. Edward Thompson. Private Francis Danser, Co. B. Corp. Isaac B. Reynolds, Co. B. " Rudolph Troove, Co. B. Private Philip Bentz, Co. B. " John Delancey, Co. F. WOUNDED: Major F. A. Bartleson. Private George Lee, Co. B. Capt. J. F. Cleghorn, Co. B., severe. " Jacob B. Worthingham, " Sergt. Wm. S. Vail, Co B. Sergt. Benj. F. Coates, Co. F. Corp. Rudolph Bush, Co. F. Corp. Josiah Wright, Co. K . Private Reuben Atkins Co. B. " George Bentz, Samuel S. Myers, E. D. Conner, Henry A. Sperry, Otto Lopman, Co Charles Tege, Joseph Myrick, Joshua Dykeman, " Geor * e Connolly, Co. K. James Gallagher, " TWENTIETH REGIMENT. 107 The 20th had but (about) 394 men in the fight, and almost one- third were killed or wounded, and after the fight had only 264 fit for duty, out of the 1,000 men with which they left Joliet less than a year before. Jacob B. Worthinghatn, a son of one of our oldest citizens, (who himself fell afterwards at Stone River), was wounded early Sun- day morning, the first day of the battle, and lay among the heaps of the dead and dying until Monday evening, before he was cared for, passing two days and a night on the bloody ground, suffering from pain, thirst and hunger, while the desperate conflict was going on over and around him. During the fight, while the rebels had possession of the ground, a rebel soldier kindly placed a blanket under him, to make him more comfortable. When our forces took the field he was found, nearly exhausted, from loss of blood, and exposure. It was for some time feared that Captain Cleghorn would lose his arm, but it was ultimately saved in a damaged condition . The regiment also lost, from sickness, Albert S. Randall, of Co. F, on the 30th of April, who was acting at the time as brigade postmaster. About the 1st of May commenced the advance on Corinth. It was slow, our army, (having been taught a severe lesson at Shiloh,) fortified their positions as they advanced, having occasion- al skirmishes with the enemy. Corinth was evacuated by the ene- my May 29th, 1862, without a fight. On the 3d of June, the 20th left their position near Corinth and moved to Jackson. The regiment remained at Jackson until about the middle of August. During its stay here the chronic trouble between Col. Marsh, and some of his subordinates again broke out. Captain Hildebrant was again placed under arrest by order of Col. Marsh. No charges were preferred at the time, and after a few days the captain reported to the general commanding the department, and was assigned to staif duty with General Lawler, commanding the post. Charges were not preferred until some time in October, when a copy was served upon him. The charge was disobedience of orders in not attending morning drill, from which he had been 108 HISTORY OF THE excused by the assistant surgeon. He was tried by a court mar- tial consisting of a major, two lieutenants, and Captain Pullen, of the same regiment. On the trial clear proof was presented of his having been ex- cused by the surgeon, and also to refute another charge of dishon- esty which had been added to the original charges. The captain left the court without arguing the case, and came north in charge of prisoners to Alton. On his return he learned that he had been dismissed the service by sentence of the court, and that the finding had been approved by the general in command. The find- ing caused great indignation on the part not only of many in the regiment, but also in the brigade, and certificates from both offi- cers and men in the regiment, were forwarded, and are now on file in Springfield, sustaining the captain's cause. In the roster in the Adjutant General's report, is the entry, " cashiered Oct. 1st, 1862." Such an entry, of course, compelled me, who knew the captain well, to make an inquiry into the history of the case. Captain Hildebrant appealed to the war department, who finally reversed the action of the court. But, as meantime his place in the 20th had been filled, he took an honorable dis- missal from the service, as now appears on the records of the office in Springfield and also at Washington. Captain Hilde- brant afterwards joined the army at the east, and served under Sheridan in his chase after Early up the Shenandoah, and remained in the service until near the close of the war. There were other troubles in the regiment, but as they did not affect Will county men, I pass them by very gladly. While staying at Jackson, the regiment was olten annoyed by the application of negro owners for the return of their slaves who took the opportunity to escape whenever near any of our forces. The negroes could not get it through their woolly heads, that our forces being at war with the rebs, should not take the advantage of depriving their enemies of their main-stay, and the object for which they at least were confessedly fighting. It seems astonishing to some whose heads are not wolly, how tender the administration was of the rights of the rebels to their slaves. But the boys in the army early got disgusted with the business of catching negroes for rebels in arms, and held the work in great contempt even the most democratic of them ! TWENTIETH REGIMENT. 109 Well, some darkeys had got into the camp of the 20th, and presently two of the Tennessee gentry made their appearance on the hunt for them. They applied to Gen. Logan for the privi- lege of searching the camp of the 20th for their lost property. Gen. Logan wrote an order as follows: "Officer of the day will please pass these men through the camp of the 20th." Capt. Hildebrant was the officer of the day. He looked at the pass and said, " all right," and calling an orderly and giving him a wink, told him to get a guard, and pass the men through. And he did straight through, from one side of the camp to the other, with a brace of yankee bayonets at their rear, not allowing them to turn right or left, until they were helped over the fence at the rear of the camp. When they got round to the place where they had left their horses, they could not find them, but looking down the road saw them on a bee line for home. The indignant representatives of the aristocracy of color, found their way again to Gen. Logan, and made their complaints, as proudly and indig- nantly as if the business of the Union army was to help them to catch their runaway property. The General sent for the officer of the day, and inquired what the d 1 he meant by such conduct. This was done in a voice, and with a manner which was plainly forced. Indeed, the officer saw by the twinkle of his black eye, that he was enjoying the scene. In reply, the officer produced the order and assured the General that his commands had been carried out to the strict letter. The General looked over the order saw the point commended the captain for his prompt obedience, and dismissed him and the indignant complainants together. REGIMENTAL HISTORIES. CHAPTER II. HISTORY OF THE TWENTIETH REGT., CONTINUED. JACKSON, TENN., TO JOLIET. AUGUST, 1862, TO MUSTER OUT. Ordered from Jackson A Narrow Escape Goes Back Sent to Esten- aula An Alarm Ordered Back What They Met Battle of Britton's Lane Glorious Victory Casualties Dr. Bailey's Account Returns to Jackson Resignations Movements up to January, 1863 Movements to Memphis Down the River Lake Providence Milliken's Bend Down to Grand Gulf ^Crosses Thompson's Hill Incidents Results Port Gibson Bayou Pierre Big Black Battle of Raymond Casualties Jackson Champion Hill Big Black Bridge Vicksburg Siege Incidents A Visitor says His Prayers Assault of Fort Hill Casualties An Exploit The Surrender Summary Incidents after Surrender Lieutenant Branch as a Detec- tive Moves Out to Big Black A Dog Story Meridian Raid Inci- dents Results Re-enlistment Goes Home Receptions Recruits Goes to the Front at Big Shanty Kenesaw Atlanta 21st and 22d July Casual- ties Remnant Mounted as Scouts Joins March to the Sea and northward Receives Recruits at Goldsboro Resumes Regimental Organization Takes part in Grand Review Comes Home Summary Muster Out Reception t 'HILE the 20fch was at Jackson, it, with other forces at that place, had a very narrow escape. On the first of July, they were ordered to move with their impedimenta, and accord- ingly took up their march, destination unknown, and proceeded until two o'clock p. m., when a counter order was received, and the forces, after a short rest, took the back track, and in twenty- four hours from the time they left Jackson, were back in their old quarters. All this was a mystery at the time, but afterwards it was ascertained that the force had been ordered east, but the order was changed, for some reason, and they had narrowly escaped being gobbled up by Washington and the Potomac army. Truly, a merciful deliverance ! TWENTIETH REGIMENT. Ill Early in August, the 20th and 40th regiments were ordered to Estenaula, a crossing on the Hatchie river, about twenty-five mil 5 from Jackson, where there was a rope ferry for the accommodation of ordinary travel. Here the regiments remained, guarding the ferry, through the month, with but little of incident, except the visits of the contrabands, who wanted to cast in their lot with the yankees. As a squad were coming in one night, they were the innocent occasion of quite an excitement. The picke" called a "halt" on hearing them, but the darkies had not yet learned what {( halt" meant, and kept approaching, whereupon the pickets fired off their guns and fell back, and the whole camp was at once aroused, and "fell in " in line of battle, awaiting the approach of the enemy. When daylight revealed a score or so of darkeys straggling into camp, as unconscious of the stir they had made as the mules they rode, the affair assumed the aspect of the ridiculous pretty largely, which, however, was changed again to the pathetic when their masters made their appear? ice and compelled them to return our government not having yet gotten sufficient manliness to protect them. On the 3 1st, the force had orders to fall back to Jackson. The order was one that demanded haste, and they burned their stores, tents and baggage, Bssides the 20th regiment under command of Capt. Frisbie, and the 30th 111. under Major Shedd, there were also two pieces of Swartz's battery, and two companies of Foster's cav- alry, all in command of Col. Dennis, of the 30th. While on the march they received orders to go to Medan station on the Miss. O. R. R. They camped the n ; ght of 31st, near Denmark, and at day-light Sept. 1st, resumed the march. Soon after starting they received orders to goto Clover Creek and intercept a force of rebel cavalry which had been annoying our forces at Medan Station that morning and were now retreating. The guide of our force, either by mistake, as one account says, or to shorten the distance, as is stated in another account, took a road which led through some woods to a cross road known as " Britton's Lane." A de- tachment of Foster's cavalry were in advance, and entering the lane about ten o'clock, came suddenly upon the enemy's pickets. These being driven back, the enemy was discovered posted in a cornfield. The cavalry engaged the enemy's skirmishers until the 112 HISTORY OF THE 20th came up and took position on a ridge, supporting the battery., which was posted in the road. The artillery opened and the cavalry advanced, but had gone but a short distance when they met the enemy coming on in force, four deep, and, as it was after- wards ascertained, 3,000 strong. It is supposed that they had been preparing a surprise for our force, as they had thrown down the in- tervening fence, enabling them to charge in force. Capt. Frisbie had placed companies B. and G. on the left, and the balance of the regiment on the right of the artillery. In front, and on the right and left were cornfields full of rebs. On they came, the ground fairly trembling beneath their tread, ex- pecting no doubt, as from their superior numbers they reasonably might, to ride rough shod over our little force. The enemy had also sent out strong detachments both to right and leit to flank, surround and bag the entire Union force. On they came, tearing up the road and through the fields, firing volley after volley. Our men stood firm, reserving their fire until the enemy had got near enough for them to deliver it to some purpose. They then gave them such a deadly salute as not only checked the advance, but made them fall back with a hun- dred empty saddles. They soon rallied and made a second charge, and were again repulsed. They tried to outflank us, but Cap- tain Frisbie did not allow it. A desperate hand to hand encoun- ter ensued, the rebs riding in among our boys in superior num- bers and taking some prisoners, for a little while; but the boys would not stay captured worth a cent. Their comrades came to their rescue. One Capt. of the 20th being completely surrounded with his little force was ordered by a rebel captain to surrender, but our captain got the start, and, firing his pistol first, the reb. bit the dust. They succeeded however in capturing one cannon and most of the transportation train, and so greatly did they out- number us that the issue must have been against our brave boys but for the opportune arrival of the 30th regiment, which was one and a half miles in the rear at the commencement of the fight. On they came with a yell, led on by Capt. Shedd on the double quick. The two regiments had been to gether in previous encounters, and now they fought for and with each other with such mad desperation that the enemy was compelled once more to withdraw. TWENTIETH REGIMENT. 113 They had however, learned the exact position of our forces, and their strength, and with fresh troops they prepared for an- other onslaught, which they expected would surely be final and successful. But Col. Dennis having ridden out in advance, and discov- ered them dismounting and preparing for a charge on foot, took advantage of the lull in the fight, and of a concealing cloud of dust, to change the position of his little force, without the knowledge of the rebs, so that when the next charge was made, it was made upon empty space, while our force poured in upon them such a deadly cross-fire w as threw them again into confusion and made them retire defeated. They gained a little knoll, and made a stand upon a little point which promised them some advantage. Capt. Fris- bie seeing the importance of this position, called for volunteer's to take it, and the entire 20th followed him in a charge, which drove them from it; meanwhile the 30th had repelled another charge on the left. Three other attempts were vainly made by the enemy, and after four hours of severe fighting, a Union force which could not have been more than 800, all told, defeated a rebel force of 3 or 4 thousand. The rebs. left 179 (by actual count) dead on the field. The entire loss on our side was 5 killed, 51 wounded, and 52 prisoners. CASUALTIES AT "BRITTON'S LANE" OF MEN FROM WILL COUNTY. KILLED : Sergeant Wm. Vail, Co. B. C. Houstine, Co. F. WOUNDED : Serg't Michael L. Fannegan, Co. B. August Abram, Co. B. Francis Rook, Co, B. Henry A. Sperry, Co, B, prisoner, H. A. Sheffer, Co. F. August Shierer, Co. F. Henry W, Bartlett, Co. F. (died) Martin F. Bissell, Co. K. August Abrams, named in the above list, was from Wilming- ton, and was one of our adopted citizens. His wound was such as to disable him for life, and make him a pensioner on our govern- ment, and most dearly did he earn the pittance we pay him. The ball passed through his body, cutting away a small piece of the spine. The same ball passing out killed a sergeant behind him. He was a powerful fighter ; he kept six men at bay when a cavalry 15 114 HISTORY OF THE company charged upon them, spiking and pitching them off, as if they had been men of straw. He had been a soldier in Europe, and cheerfully took up the musket in behalf of his adopted coun- try. On his return to Wilmington, the people appreciating his services and condition, got up a donation sociable in his behalf. The rebs. took Assistant Surgeon Bailey, and Chaplain Button, prisoners with some others, but after getting across the Hatchie, having no use for a chaplain, and thinking perhaps that the Dr. would do them the most good at home, they released them, not however until they had made a trade with the doctor. The doc- tor had a fine spirited young horse of which he felt very proud. The rebs. thought it was not a safe animal for a doctor, so they kept it, giving in exchange, an old broken down secesh mule, as a much safer and more appropriate animal for a non-combatant. I don't think the doctor appreciated at the time, or even to this day has fully appreciated their kindness. But if you had heard the shout with which he was received when he rode that old mule back into camp, you would have thought the boys appreciated it. I believe that the rebs. thought they had done so well by the doc- tor in the trade, that they could not afford him a saddle, or even a blanket. During the fight while one of Co.' D was loading his gun, a rebel captain demanded his surrender, but hardly had he got the words out of his mouth, before he was shot dead by one of Co. H, and the reb. himself that it was surrendered. Some of the mounted rebs. rode up to a teamster of the 20th, and demanded his surrender, " Surrender," he replied, " h 1 ! that's played out," and putting a whip to his team he drove away in triumph, saving two good mules for " Uncle Sam." The Times' correspondent says, under date, September 2nd, 1862, " Yesterday two regiments 20th and 30th, stationed at Es- tenaula were sent out to attack Villepigue in the rear. They came upon him about seven miles from Jackson, and after a short engagement, waged at most wonderful odds in favor of the enemy, gave him a severe drubbing, putting him to an inglorious rout. We lost about a half a dozen in killed, and less than fifty wound- ed. The enemy left one hundred and fifty dead bodies on the field, and the wounded are estimated at two or three hundred." TWENTIETH KEGIMENT. 115 Col. Lawler's official report of Britton's Lane, accords great credit to Captain Frisbie, commanding the 20th ; and to Sur- geon Goodbrake for his skill and attention to the wounded. After " Britton's Lane " the 20th returned to Jackson on the 4th of September. This fight at Britton's Lane was a very curious affair. I here copy from a communication of Surgeon Bailey some further ac- count of it, especially of his own adventures : "The chaplain and myself rode into a ravine where there appeared to be some wounded men brought, seemingly the only place where they could be safely placed. At this juncture, there was an onward movement of the train, and we followed. In a few moments some one came running up, saying that a wounded man had been brought to the ravine spoken of, and required assist- ance. I turned my horse, and, with the chaplain, rode back. Before reaching the spot, however, there came a body of men towards us, firing down the ravine. My horse was frightened and became unmanageable, and ran at full speed across the ravine and up a steep hill. When at the top, I saw an ambulance with the yellow flag. As we were approaching the spot, we were suddenly surrounded by a force of rebels, who, with leveled guns, demanded our surrender, which, of course, was the only thing we could do, though the thought of being prisoners to the rebels was not at all agreeable. We were soon ordered to follow our captors. No pro- testations of ours, that we were non-combatants, availed go we must. We were taken to a secluded place in a ravine, where we were out of the way of the bullets, which were still flying lively. Here we found about two hundred men that they had taken on this and the day previous. My captor soon proceeded to exchange an old, broken-down mule for my fine animal, to which I had become much attached, and I saw her no more. " About 3 p. m., the firing ceased, and we were uncertain as to the result of the conflict. We soon began to move. We went through cotton fields, and all kinds of ground, before reaching the public road, and then started southward, with an occasional halt. We went on till midnight, and then encamped. It was a fearful ride for one who had just recovered from an attack of sickness, and 116 HISTORY OF THE who was hardly able to sit up. (And on that old mule ! This was the unkindest cut of all ! ED.) Many of our comrades were sick, gome wounded in the day's fight. The poor fellows were constantly goaded on by their captors, and often threatened with the point of a bayonet, if they did not make good time. Remarks more express- ive than elegant, were frequently made, and all epithets imaginable heaped upon the yankees. " Tuesday morning, our iriends rose early, and at break of day we were on the move. I had not been able to sleep much, but had lain awake listening to the full and sonorous breathing of our good chaplain, who seemed to take things more philosophically than I could. During the forenoon, I interviewed the commander of the rebel forces, Gen. L. C. Armstrong, in reference to our release. He expressed a willingness to make out our parole papers, as soon as there was time. It was evident that he was afraid of pursuit. About 4 p. in., we stopped about ten miles from our former camp on the Estanaula. Here the general made out his paroles, and then we went on about a mile further and bivouacked for the night, upon the plantation of Dr. Watkins, who was sup- posed to be a Union man, and consequently must be at the expense of keeping the general and his staff, and the commissioned officers who were prisoners, about twelve in number. " We were given a supper and breakfast by our captors, being allowed to come to the second table. To men who had fasted two or three days, the question of etiquette was not so important as that of time. " On Wednesday morning, about nine o'clock, we took leave of our rebel friends, and made our way back to the river. Thursday noon, we reached the battle field of Britton's Lane, and then learned the results of the battle. The dead rebels were not yet all buried, and the ground and lanes were strewn with dead horses. Our wounded had been taken to Jackson the day before, and we slowly made our way to the station at Medan. Wednesday and Thurs- day nights we spent with families along the route, We were received as kindly as could be expected under the circumstances, and on Friday we reached Jackson. " At the time of the battle of Britton's Lane, the 20th could not have had more than 350 men who carried muskets, and I do TWENTIETH REGIMENT. 117 not think the 30th had any more. The entire Union loss is given in the Medical and Surgical History of the rebellion, as five killed 51 wounded, and 52 missing, and the confederate loss as 179 killed and 100 wounded. These figures show a remarkable instance of good firing. We had but two six-pounders with us, and prob- ably about 100 cavalry, so that our entire force did not probably exceed 800 fighting men. Now, as to the number of those engaged on the other side. In conversation with their officers, we were told that Gen. Armstrong had at least 6,000 men, and some of them claimed 10,000. At any rate, there was a much superior force in numbers. I was told by a confederate captain that some of their men were killed at a distance of half a mile, aiid that in some instances the same bullet would kill or wound several men. I asked one officer why it was, that, with such a greatly superior force, they did not surround and bag the whole of us. His reply was, that they supposed we had a much larger force. It appears that the boys of the 20th, with the two cannons, made fearful havoc before the 30th came up, and when they came to the front, the rebs. supposed it was a heavy reinforcement. " Taken altogether, this was one of the most remarkable battles of the war, and it is said to have been so considered by Mr. Lin- coln. " All the houses in the vicinity were full of the wounded who could not be moved. Where we stopped on Thursday there were a number, and frightful cases they were. A surgeon was in attend- ance, who told me he had scarcely a dose of morphine or opium to administer. Having some morphine in my pocket, I divided with him, reciprocating a like favor shown to me on Tuesday by one of their surgeons, who had given me bandages with which to dress the wounds of some of our men who were prisoners." Dr. Bailey, had sent in his resignation in August, his health being much impaired, and on the Sunday after his return, he received notice of its acceptance, and on the 8th of September, bade the regiment farewell. The doctor afterwards served the cause ably as a hospital surgeon at Quinoy. What disposition the doctor made of that old secesh mule, he forgets to tell us ! He certainly ought to have taken him home as a trophy. 118 HISTORY OF THE The last of August, Maj. Bartleson resigned, and was mustered out for promotion in the 100th regiment, of which he had been, chosen colonel. The regiment left Jackson, Nov. 8th, and arrived at Lagrange, Nov. 1 1th. Nov. 27th, left Lagrange, and arrived at Holly Springs the 30th. Left Holly Springs Dec. 1st, crossed the Tallahatchie Dec. 3d, and reached Oxford. Returned to Tallahatchie Dec. 24th r 1862. CAMPAIGN OF 1863. Jan. 5th, 1863, the regiment received orders to be ready for a move, and at 9 a, m. left with the army for Holly Springs, which place was reached at dark, and the regiment went into camp. Next day marched to Coldwater, seven miles. Next day marched to Lagrange, nineteen miles, and staid until the 10th, when we marched on the railroad track to Moscow, ten miles, and then leaving the track, we marched on a road parallel with it, and went into camp on a beautiful plantation. On the llth, marched to Colliersville, twelve miles, and went into camp at 4 p. m. Here we remained until the 20th, when we left with brigade, and marched twelve and a half miles towards Memphis, going most of the way on the railroad track, and passing through Germantown, camped in the woods. The roads were very bad. Many men had to be left at Colliersville, to come on the cars, on account of their shoes being worn out, and the ground cold and muddy. Jan. 21st, marched 11 miles, and went into camp in a pleasant spot, about one mile from Memphis, in a large grove. Mud knee deep on the march, though through a beautiful country, which began to show indications of spring. Here we remained in camp until the 20th of February, receiv- ing new clothing and tents, and doing some scouting and detatched service, &c. While here, some of our men, who had been taken prisoners at Britton's Lane and parolled, rejoined the regiment. On the 20th, went on board the steamer Continental, at 10 a m., but did not leave the harbor of Memphis until the 22d, at 9 a. m. Then, after a fine sail down the Mississippi of 340 miles, landed at noon of the 23d at Lake Providence, and marched four miles along the bank, bivouacking in a pleasant camp. We TWENTIETH REGIMENT. 119 remained in this camp until April 18th, foraging some, but gener- ally doing nothing but routine duty. We were visited by some notables, civil and military, who made speeches, &c. On the 18th of April, went aboard the steamer Continental, started down the river, and arrived at Milliken's Bend about 11 a. m. of the 19th. Country low, but inviting. April 21st, nine out of the regiment went as volunteers on the boats to run'the block- ade. Many more volunteered, but only nine from the 20th were accepted. The brigade was reviewed by Gov. Yates, who made a speech. The history of the 20th, from this time to the 6th of May, will be best understood by copying entire a letter from Sergt. James F. Branch, of Co. F, to his wife : " IN CAMP, Bia BLACK, 30 MILES SOUTH OP ) " VIOKSBUBO, MAY STH, 1863. j " We started from Milliken's Bend on the morning of the 25th of April, at 9 o'clock, and marched to Carthage, below Vicksburg. We marched nine miles and encamped. The roads were in good order ; ten days before, they would have been impasable. It was through a swampy country, and it was plain to be seen that if it rained we should have fun. And sure enough, on the night of the 26th, it began to rain in earnest, continuing all night. We were without tents, and were well soaked by morning. But no matter, we started on in a terrible thunder storm. Companies F and E were rear guard. It rained all day, and of all the roads I ever saw, ours was the worst. That day we passed over a hundred wagons stuck in the mud. We were drenched with water all day. We made six miles, and encamped on an old deserted plantation, and slept in a bed of raw cotton, without blankets, and in our wet clothes. I slept first-rate, got up in the morning all right, and .started on again. We made ten miles that day, and encamped at Perkins' plantation, on the river, below Vicksburg. Perkins was U. S. senator six years ago. When he saw the yankees coming, he set fire to all his buildings, &c., and left for Grand Gulf, twelve miles below. "We lay there until midnight, then started down the river bank, and arrived opposite Grand Gulf at 2 p. m., and the same evening we crossed the river on the gun-boats and transports, which 120 HISTORY OF THE had run the blockade before we left Milliken's Bend. We landed six miles below Grand Gulf and encamped. General McClernand had crossed before us, and marched out the same night. On the morning of May 1st, we started at six o'clock out into Mississippi. We had gone about six miles, when boom ! boom ! from the front, told us of work ahead. The men quickened their pace without orders, and for four miles we marched so fast that the men b^gan to drop from the heat. Some six or seven were sun-struck. About that time, Gen. Smith (commanding the brigade) came back and asked us if we could stand it to go three miles further, saying that we were badly needed in front; that the rebels were holding Gen. McClernand very closely, and he must have help. We all said 'Go ahead/ and the next three miles were made on the double- quick, the noise of musketry and cannon increasing all the while, and at noon we unslung our knapsacks, loaded guns, and were marched to the front. The adjutant took command of the regi- ment, and we lay under fire for three hours, without any chance to retaliate ; we were held as reserves. One regiment after another was sent to the front, to try and dislodge the rebels from a high hill (Thompson's hill) which they held. The hill was covered with houses, and full of deep gullies, surrounded by deep ravines, while the side hills were covered with canebrake, so thick that you could not see a rod. Every regiment that went into that canebrake came out badly cut up and in confusion. It was no use trying to take the hill from that front. All this time the 12 pound guns of the rebels were making bad work among our boys, and could not be silenced by our guns. At 4 p. m., the 20th and 45th were called in and sent to the left rear of the coveted hill. We went and lay in a deep ravine await- ing orders when Gen. McPherson came down and gave the fol- lowing order " Swing that 20th around so that its left will rest on the right of the 15th, and go up that hill and give the rebels- fa 11." Quick as thought we swung round and started up the hill, so steep and thick with canebrake that we had to draw ourselves up by the cane, and when we were at the top we were within 15 rods of the rebel battery. The order was given to fix the bayonets and charge the battery. We did so with one of those peculiar wild TWENTIETH REGIMENT. 121 yells, but when within five rods of the guns, a line of rebels rose as if out of the ground just behind the guns, but they did not get time to fire a gun. We stopped short, and without waiting orders, fired a solid volley into them, and what we did not kill or wound, left on the double quick. " We then went ahead, took the guns, killing and capturing the gunners. I straddled one of the guns and fired two shots after the retreating rebels. Then we started to follow them, and found a squad lying in a gully, which we captured. That set me to thinking and I broke out on my own hook, and found seven rebels hidden in one gully. They had their guns which I ordered them to throw down. All but one did so. He started to run down the ravine. I hailed him but he would not stop, and I shot him dead. The other six I took to the rear, and gave them over to the captain, who had a squad already. We took over seventy- five men prisoners'on that hill. This was on the left. All this time the fight was raging terribly on the right, and McClernand could not rout the rebels. He sent to the left for Stephenson's brigade of our division. They went over and charged the hill and took it, as we had ours, in less than an hour. So you see Logan's division turned the day in our favor. "On the right, left and centre we followed our advantage closely, and chased the rebels all day until dark, when as we raised a steep hill we were greeted by a rousing volley from the brow. The 20th and 30th 111. claimed that hill ; formed and advanced, fired one volley, when the graybacks skedaddled, again leaving us in possession of the field, and their commander mor- tally wounded. We lay on our arms that night, and thus ended the first of May, 1863. " But the best is yet to be told. Not a man of the 20th was either killed or wounded in the charge or pursuit! A miracle surely, for I have never seen the bullets fly thicker. We killed their commander Gen. Tracy, captured a colonel, several captains and lieutenants, and 650 privates, and killed and wounded through the day, 3,000. The entire Union loss through the day was about 400 killed and wounded ; none of our force were taken prisoners. " May 2nd we started in line of battle with the 20th deployed 16 122 HISTORY OF THE as skirmishers, and went two miles in that order, but found that the rebs had run, and we marched into Port Gibson, as pretty a little town as I ever saw, of about 2,000 inhabitants in peaceful times. Here the rebs had burned the wire bridge and R. R. bridges, and run away. Logan's division took a circuit of nine miles in order to get there and head them off, but they were too fast for us, and we started on again, marching half the night to cut them off at Greistone Ferry, but they gave us the slip again. " On the 3d of May we crossed Big Bayou Pierre on an iron bridge which the rebels failed to destroy, and marched one and a half miles, when we were brought up all standing by six shells dropping into us from the front. We immediately lay down, while our batteries tried the rebel batteries. While lying there we went to sleep, and slept for an hour while the shells were fly- ing over us both ways. At the end of an hour I was woke up, and we formed in line of battle, and advanced to take the rebel batteries. But when we got to them, they were not there, gone again ! So we pushed on another while when the rattle of mus- ketry, and the whiz of bullets told us of another blockade. We pitched into it in earnest. The 20th was detached to support a battery, which we did in fine style, being entirely out of danger, for the rebels run again as soon as our batteries opened on them. They had no idea of making a fight, but wanted to detain us until their forces, which were evacuating Grand Gulf, could get by us on another road. After we routed them Logan's division was ordered to take the Grand Gulf road, and try to cut off their re- treat. We traveled half the night to do so, but they were too fast for us. We picked up a good many stragglers, captured over 10,000 pounds of meat, many horses, mules, etc., but the main force had crossed the Big Black before us about an hour, and planted artillery on the opposite side to prevent our crossing. They shelled the camp of the 30th 111. yesterday morning, killing and wounding twelve men. Our batteries opened on them, when they ran as usual. " We are now waiting here for rations, ammunition and 50,000 more men which are on the way. Grant is going to make a clean thing of it this time. It cannot fail. There is not a man in this army that would for a moment doubt that we shall take it, and TWENTIETH REGIMENT. 123 that soon. Grand Gulf was thought to be a Gibralter until we crossed the river, when it fell by its own weight. Our gun boats had tried three times to take it. When the rebs left we captured two 128 pound columbiads, two six-inch rifled guns of superior English make. All the ammunition they use against us is of Eng- lish manufacture. Two negroes ran away from Vicksburg yesterday, and came in. They say the rebs are moving their commissary stores to Jackson, Miss. The weather is very hot through the day, but the nights are cool. Five nights since leaving Milliken's Bend I have slept in wet clothes, without blankets. Our blankets were in the wagons, and the wagons stuck fast in the mud. After the battle I went into a house and simply and innocently took a good doubl blanket, promising to pay when the independence of the southern confederacy was acknowledged by Father Abraham." On the 12th was fought the battle of Raymond, in which our 20th also took its part. This was fought by our forces under Gen. McPherson, and the rebs under Gen.' Gregg, and was a very severe engagement, ending in our success. The second brigade of Logan's division, (in which the 20th was placed,) was early ordered forward to attack the enemy which had been found posted too strong for the cavalry to dislodge. The brigade ad- vanced and held its ground against a superior force. The other brigades of Logan's division were brought up, aided by the 8th Michigan battery, and the rebels fell back to a position just in the rear of Farnsden's creek. Gen. McPherson at once ordered an advance upon that posi- tion. Gen. Dennis' and Gen. Smith's brigades moved forward, and a severe though brief conflict ensued, in which the 20th 111. fought most desperately, and lost heavily, but the rebels were forced from their ground. During this desperate struggle the rebels attempted to turn our left flank, and very nearly succeeded. The fight on the left was fearful. The 20th 111. had fired forty rounds of cartridges, and still held the enemy at bay. Their colonel had been mortally wounded while urging on his men, but not one of his heroes fal- 124 HISTORY OF THE tered. At this critical moment, Stephenson's brigade came to the rescue and the rebels gave way, and fled towards Raymond. The 20th lost the only field officer in this engagement, Col. Richards, who was mortally wounded. The 2d lieutenant of Co. C was also killed, and fifteen privates, three of whom, Israel J. Waters, Henry Mitchell, and Wm. Shugar, were from this county. May 14th, after a short, sharp fight of three hours, the enemy was again defeated under Gen. Joseph E. Johnson, and retreated, and our forces had possession of the capital of Mississippi. In this the 20th took part, but was not seriously engaged. On the 16th, occurred the battle of Champion Hills, or Baker's Creek, which was fought with the rebels under Peraber- on. This was a very important battle, and the rebels were in strong force and well posted. The Union loss was 3,000. But our victory was complete and decisive, opening up the way to Vicksburg. Logan's division was in the most desperately fought part of the field, and stood the brunt of it without flinching. During the battle, an officer was sent to Gen. Logan, to inquire how it was going. " Tell Gen. Grant," says he, " that my division oannot be whipped by all the rebels this side of h 11." In this fight, the major of the 24th Iowa, known as the " Meth- odist regiment," was wounded, and walking slowly off the field, he captured a rebel and made him carry him on his shoulders to the provost marshal's headquarters. May 17th, there was a closing fight at Big Black Bridge, in which we were again successful, and soon after, Vicksburg was effectually invested. Pemberton had retired his army behind the defenses, with great loss of men and munitions of war. The 20th arrived before Vicksburg the 19th of May, and had a full day's share of skirmishing in taking up its position, and from that time out, to the final surrender, took its full share in the labors and dangers which attended the memorable siege. Much has been written upon the siege of Vicksburg. I shall attempt no description of its general features, and only relate a few incidents that occurred in the experience of the 20th regiment. It would be impossible to convey an adequate idea of the harrassing, exhausting nature of the service which was rendered by the 20th, in common with all parts of the investing army. To lie day and TWENTIETH REGIMENT. 125 night in the trenches, in the heat of a southern summer, under the fire of the rebel forts, and with two 10-inch guns (84-pounders), four 24-poun Jers (McAllister's battery), and eight 10-pound guns, all the while being fired within twenty rods, was, to say the least, disagreeable. This was the kind of berth the boys of the 20th had got into. The rebels were, of course, as active as the Union army, and were constantly sending over their metal in various shapes, while their sharpshooters were ready to take advantage of the slightest exposure on the part of any of the men. One day the rebels opened on the 20th, with a new battery of 10-pound guns, with which they kept things lively for a while, until McAllister's 24-pound guns got the range of it and soon silenced it. An officer, with his field glass, saw the rebels carry back fifteen dead men from the battery. The rebels also planted a mortar somewhere out of range in a ravine, with which they threw over a very ugly kind of shell as big as a water pail extremely disagreeable to meet. On one occa- sion, one of these shells fell in a tent, where two men were asleep, and exploded, and, strange to say, neither were hurt. Another time, one of these ugly visitants exploded in the camp, while the boys were getting their dinner, and scattered eight, ten, and four- teen pound fragments around in an exceedingly careless manner, happily, however, doing no other mischief than knocking over the camp kettles in which the bean soup was cooking. It was while this mortar was doing its work that R. W. Water- man, of Wilmington, made the boys a visit, and wanting to see as much as he could, went to the front to see the big guns. While going around with Lieut. Branch, one of the shells came over and buried itself in the ground within about twenty feet of them. Branch, being used to the thing, dropped to the ground at once, and told Waterman to do so ; but he was so paralyzed with sur- prise that he forgot to drop. Happily, the shell had buried itself deep in the ground before it exploded, which gave an upward direction to fragments, and they were not hit. On being asked why he did not drop, Waterman said he was so busy praying that he forgot it. Branch asked him what prayer he made, and he replied, " Now I lay me down to sleep ;" not an inappropriate prayer under the circumstances. Whether he used it on account 126 HISTORY OF THE of its applicability to the situation, or because it was the only one he knew, the author is not informed ask him. After a while, our side got the range of the gun and silenced it. The rebel sharpshooters, though they did not make as much noise as their artillery, were perhaps more to be feared. Their balls were flying all the time, and everywhere ; no one could safely appear from behind their works. Branch says in one of his letters : " While I was writing this last sentence, a bullet from a rebel sharpshooter cut off this leaf, which fell upon my paper, and I send it to you. We make light of such things here, but, at the bottom, we don't like it." The 20th took part in the memorable assault of the 20th, 21st and 22d days of May, which was unsuccessful, and, as many thought, ill-advised. The 20th assaulted Fort Hill, in which it lost 30 men. They succeeded in planting their flag on the rebel works, but as the general movement failed, they were compelled to retire the next day. The 20th was in the centre of Logan's division, on the Jackson road, and after the assault on Fort Hill, was occupied in digging and sharpshooting. They dug up to within twenty feet of the enemy's works, and so closely were they besieged, that they had not fired a shot in some time. In this charge of the 22d of May, Lieuts. King and Wadsworth, of our county, were both wounded. The regiment went into the assault with 164 men, of which number it lost 30. On the night of the 3d of June, the boys of the 20th conceived the idea that they had as good a right to the rebel fort in their front as the rebels had, even though they were on the outside of it. Accordingly, they dug a ditch from the bottom of the earthwork to the top, five feet deep and three feet wide, and when they reached the top, they extended the trench each way, and in the morn- ing the rebels were surprised to see, from the top of their works, the " Enfields " of the " damned yanks" pointing right at them. This was good as an exploit to pass the time, but was of no great advantage, as another fort commanded it. July 4th, the 20th shared in the triumph of the surrender, and was the second regiment to enter the city, where it remained on provost duty for several months. TWENTIETH EEGIMENT. 127 Surgeon Goodbrake, writing from Vicksburg, July 16th, says: " The 20th has been engaged in all the battles since Gen. Grant crossed the river, up to and including the charge of May 22d, in which Col. Richards, Capt. Stevens, Lieut. Sears, and sixteen pri- vates were killed. Up to the surrender of Vicksburg, the regiment had 21 killed and 102 wounded; had been in nine battles, with honor every time, and had gained the soubriquet of the " Little Fighting Regiment." Lieut. Branch, of Co. F, writes from Vicksburg, August 17th, that of the 103 boys of that company who left Joliet, only 16 remained with the regiment, and that of these, only seven reported for duty that day. Twenty-nine were absent, eight on detached duty, twenty-one sick or wounded, and of the balance, many "sleep the sleep that knows no waking." " We have left," says he, "the slaughtered at Fredericktown, Donaldson, Shiloh, Jackson, Brit- ton's Lane, Raymond, Champion Hills, and Vicksburg. We have buried our dead at Birds Point, Cape Girardeau, Memphis, and Mound City." Of the original commissioned officers, they had but one left, J. B. Bailey, and of the non-commissioned officers, not one. " One thing," he says, " distresses the few who remain more than all else, the cry for a dishonorable peace." After the surrender, the men were nearly all sick. The excite- ment being over, they seemed to collapse. Some incidents which occurred after the surrender, we record. One sabbath, in the Episcopal church, when the prayer for the president was being read, nine young ladies of the " upper ten" rose and went out, to manifest their rebellious spirit and contempt for the president of the United States. Next day they received orders to leave the city, or take the alternative of going to the common jail. An order was issued from headquarters, forbidding any person wearing U. S. clothing (blue) that did not belong to the army, and authorizing the provost guard to strip any such persons of all such clothing. The 20th was at this time doing provost duty. The boys used to go for such persons lively. One day, walking down the main street, they saw a gent coming, with a lady on each arm. He had on one of our blue blouses and a military vest. The boys asked the officer in charge what they should do. " Obey 128 HISTORY OF THE orders, of course." So they ordered the gent to strip, but he showed fight, inspired by the presence of the ladies. The boys knocked him down, and stripped him of his coat and vest, and left him to escort his ladies in his shirt sleeves. On another occasion, they stripped a man of his pants also, leaving him in a still more unpresentable condition. I am afraid the boys were hardly actuated by the golden rule in these proceedings. But the southern gentry were so insulting in their treatment of our men that it is hardly to be wondered at that they sometimes exceeded the limits of Christian forbearance. During their stay at Vicksburg, Lieut. Branch was called upon to play the part of a detective. A widow, whose husband, being a Union man, had been hung by the rebels, had been robbed of a large lot of jewelry, to the value of $3,000, by one Geo. W. Paine. The thief was said to be still living in the vicinity of Vicksburg. Branch was commissioned to investigate the case. He accordingly disguised himself in "butternuts," and went out alone beyond our lines, into a secesh neighborhood, where he found his man, quietly enjoying the fruits of his steal, at his own house, with a female quadroon. He had a full description of the stolen property, and identified the man by a large diamond pin and ring which he wore, and a diamond brooch, which was glistening on the bosom of his inamorata. The lieutenant, who was a bitter secesh for the occasion, ingra- tiated himself into the good graces of the lovely pair, and took dinner with them, and then returned to the city. The next morn- ing at daylight, while the gentleman was still sleeping in the arms of his dulcinea, Lieut. Branch, with four men, well armed, made another call upon him, not now in butternuts, but with Uncle Sam's uniform, and one of Uncle Sam's muskets. Having secured the gentleman's weapons, he made known to him the nature of his visit, and called upon him to disgorge. This he did in part, and while two of the party kept watch of the pair, the rest searched the premises and found some more. But a large part of the plunder was still missing, and Mr. Paine refused to reveal its hiding place. Thereupon Lieut. Branch took a bed cord from one of the beds, and ordered the boys to take the gentleman out into the >ard r adjusted a hangman's noose around his neck, threw the end over TWENTIETH REGIMENT. 129 a branch of the tree, and told the boys to " pull away." This brought the gentleman to terms, and he gladly accepted the alter- native of revealing the hiding place of his plunder, which, being secured, the lieutenant let him go, a sadder, but probably not much better man. The lieutenant and his men returned to the city, and had the pleasure of restoring the plunder to the widow. The 20th remained, as has been said about four months in the city of Vicksburg, and sometime in the fall of 1863 moved out to the Big Black River, where it remained until the raid on Me- ridian. In the fight at the Big Black in May, a rebel captain of a Georgia regiment had been killed who was the owner of a fine large dog. The dog refused to leave his master's body until it was buried, and then remained upon the grave uttering the most dismal howls. Some of the men tried to coax the dog to go with them when they left, but he could not be induced to desert his vigil. Now, eight months after, when the regiment was again encamped in the same vicinity, the dog was still there every night, uttering the most dismal howls over the grave. No coax- ing could swerve him from his fidelity to the memory of his dead master. The brute was better, more faithful than the man, for he had forgotten his allegiance to Uncle Sam. Although the dog's howlings made night hideous, the boys could not find it in their hearts to shoot him. In the celebrated Meridian raid of General Sherman's, the 20th bore a part, an account of which I have condensed with slight alterations from a description given by Lt. Branch, of Co. F to his old captain, T. Q. Hilderbrant. His letter was written March 9th, 1864, just after the return of his expedition. He says: "Our brigade consisting of the 20th, 31st, 40th and 124th 111. Infantry, with a battery of twenty pound parrots, and Co. D , Captain Felters, of Dickey's 4th cavalry, have been encamped on the Big Black, 15 miles east from Vicksburg, for the last four months. On the 2nd of February, Sherman's troops consisting of the 16th army corps, and Gens. Stephen's, Hurl- but's, Leggett's and Crocker's divisions of the 17th army corps, under General McPherson, marched from Vicksburg to this place, where our brigade joined them, and on the 3d crossed the 17 130 HISTORY OF THE Big Black on pontoons, and started out for the purpose of break- ing up the extensive R. R. communications of the rebels, by which they have been enabled to concentrate their forces in Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia, at any point in Mississippi in forty-eight hours. " We marched four miles and encamped without tents. Feb. 4th we marched at 7 a. m., and after proceeding four miles had a lively skirmish with the enemy in front, on the old battle field of " Champion Hills," in which we had whipped the rebels in the advance on Vicksburg last May. The cavalry were now driven back upon the infantry line. But in this infantry the rebels found a snag, from which their cavalry rebounded, and we passed on. From thence to Baker's Creek, nine miles, was a con- tinued skirmish, in which our side lost five killed and eighteen wounded, mostly of the 12th Wisconsin. We encamped at dark on the creek. " Feb. 5th, marched at daylight, and as the rebels were known to be in force on the opposite side of the creek, the 1st brigade was put in advance, and as usual on such occasions, the 20th was in advance of the brigade. The passage of the creek was obsti- nately disputed, but to no purpose. We routed them in one-half an hour, and advanced across a large plantation, firing as we went, and occasionally passing a dead grayback in the road. " That day we reached 17 miles and skirmished on every hill. We drove them through Clinton. And here was one of the finest sights I have ever seen during the war. Clinton is situated on a high hill, while to the west and south is a level plain a mile or more in width. Hurlbut came in from the southwest, and Mc- Pherson from the northwest. We were fighting and driving Lee's cavalry, while Hurlbut was driving Jackson's cavalry, and both drove the rebels out of the woods at the same time. We were on the skirmish line and could see the whole thing. " The rebels came out in confusion and close on our and Hurl- but's skirmishers in splendid lines, while our batteries took posi- tion on the hills in the rear, and sent shell and canister over our heads. Down the hill, across the bottom, and up the hill, and through the town, pell-mell went the rebs. and close after them the blue jackets, yelling and firing like devils until ordered to TWENTIETH KEGIMENT. 131 halt, a mile behind town. While resting, our cavalry passed us to the front to follow up the chase, but in the course of twenty minutes they came back fleeing and chased in turn. Then the order, " First brigade fall in," came, and we advanced through the woods to the edge of the large plantation, where we found the ene- my strongly posted on the opposite side in the woods. " We formed our line, then threw out oar skirmishers, and lay down for orders. Meanwhile our artillery opened and was replied to by six pieces of rebel cannon well served. Their first shot knocked two of our artillerists hors du eombat, and the next killed two of the 124th 111. The third was aimed at Gen. Force, our brigade commander, which ricocheting in front, passed close over his head. We occupied some time here in order to let a body of troops pass to the right and left, to flank them. When the proper time came we opened on them with ten guns, which soon made them change their position, and while doing so came the command, " Attention, 20th 111.! forward, double quick," and away we went. But the rebs. always could out run us. We fol- lowed them for about a mile, when we came in view of their whole force, drawn up in an open field, apparently with the design of charging on us. A few rounds from our parrots, however, made them change their minds, and show us their horses tails. We moved on in line of battle until dark, when Gen. Leggett, com- manding the division, came to us and said that we were two miles from Jackson, and as we had driven the rebels twenty miles that day, and had worked well and hard, he would not order us to march any farther. But it was believed that the rebels were evacuating Jackson, and if there was a brigade that would volun- teer to go to Jackson and hold the place for the night; he would feel much obliged to them. Of course that meant us. Up jumped our boys, tired as they were, with the ready reply, " We will go sir," and we went; and as we entered the rebel works from the west, the enemy went out on the east side, firing a few parting shots at our advance. " The night was spent in laying a pontoon bridge across the Pearl river; our artillery in the meantime shelling the Pearl river swamps to protect the working parties. We encamped on 132 HISTORY OF THE the Canton road, north of the city, and inside the rebel works where we lay waiting for the bridge to be finished, all the next day (6th.) On the 7th we crossed Pearl river, and after marching two miles halted for Crocker's division to pass. We found the South- ern R. R. repaired to Pearl river, with a new turn table on the bank, which we burned, also the bridges and trestle work. We tore up the track making piles of the ties, setting them on fire and laying the rails across, so that when heated they bent in such away as to render them useless. In this way we used up the railroad as far as we went. " The city of Jackson, the capital of Mississippi, was, before the visit of Grant last May, one of the most beautiful in all the south. But the rebels had inaugurated the policy of burning all buildings which contained commissary stores, an example which our side was not slow to follow, and now this was the third visit which the yanks had made this city, and from its appearance I think, one visit more would make a finish, for the State House is about the only building left of any importance, standing in melan- choly grandeur amid a forest of chimney stacks, and ruined brick walls, among them those of the penitentiary. They had fortified the place so that they regarded it as almost impregnable. But Grant walked into it after one bayonet charge, an hour after he had formed his lines. " We marched thirteen miles this (7th) day, passing through Brandon, a very pretty site for a town, but as the 4th corps passed through it, they set fire to everything that would burn, and all we could see was smouldering ruins. We were obliged to go around it to avoid the heat, destroying the railroad as we went. The first few miles after leaving Jackson, we passed alternately through pine swamps, and over pine hills, sand ankle deep, a miserable looking conntry, but good for raising cotton. We know when we are coming to a large plantation, by the smoke of burning cot- ton, cotton gins and negro quarters. We encamped in the pine woods, one mile east of Brandon. Here we had full rations, plenty of fresh beef, pork, mutton and poultry of all kinds, for now we make the rebs feed us as we go. " Monday, the 8th, we marched at 9 o'clock, Crocker's division TWENTIETH REGIMENT. 133 in advance, we then crossed the railroad a mile from camp, set- ting all the ties, trestle work, bridges, etc., on fire as far as we can see before and behind us, besides houses, barns, cotton gins, and cotton sheds and warehouses filled with the bodsted staple, (no longer king,) fences and woods all on fire in all directions. We march in a cloud of smoke by day, and the light of the burn- ing fires by night, like the Israelites of old. But unlike them our pillar of cloud by day, and pillar of fire by night, were not supplied by the miraculous interposition of God, but by the cruel torch of desolating war. " We marched sixteen miles and encamped in a heavy pine forest. We are driving a rebel brigade steadily before us, besides a large cavalry force who skirmish with us continually. " A sad accident occurred to-day while on the march. The rebel cavalry made a stand on every hill, and fired upon our advance, and then run. In one instance, they formed in a yard in front of a house, in which a family were living, and fired on our troops without giving any notice to the inmates. On their firing, he lady of the house came to the front door to see what was the occasion of it, and was hit in the neck by our return fire, and instantly killed. She left six small children alone, her husband being in the rebel army. It was a heart-rending sight, over which many a soldier, albeit unused to weeping, dropped a tear. " Tuesday, 9th, marched at 9 a. m. We went into Morton, con- trary to expectation, without a fight. The enemy had 18,000 troops here, and boasted that this was to be the end of Sherman's expedition. They formed in line of battle, threw up earthworks, dug rifle pits, and seemed to have made every preparation to con- test our advance, and then skedaddled. We were glad they did so, for they had a splendid position, with an open field and swamp in front, and it would have been a hard job to take or turn it. "Morton, its depot, warehouses, &c., shared the fate of the other places through which we passed. We remained here all day, and here the 16th army corps passed us, Gen. Hurlbut claiming the privilege of driving the rebs part of the way. " Wednesday, 10th, left Morton at 9 a. m., and made fourteen miles. We marched through what had been the town of Hillsboro, but when we came up, the boys christened it " Chimney Town." 134 HISTORY OF THE The 16th had been obliged to fight its way through the town, and applied the torch to everything combustible, and chimney stacks were about all that was left. We went into camp at 11 o'clock p. m., two miles east of Hillsboro. To-day I had charge of 54 rebel prisoners, and marched in the rear of the regiment. Two of these prisoners belonged to the 2d Florida infantry, of which an uncle of mine (on the mother's side) is colonel. We lay in camp until 4 p. m. " At ten this morning, a rebel lieutenant and seven men made a dash at our rear pickets, Co. D, 4th 111. cav. (Captain Felter's.) Oscar T. Randall (of Channahon) waited until the rebs had got into close range, then fired, ank killed the lieutenant on the spot, and the rest left. We marched again at 4 p. m., and marched all night, going through the worst piece of swamp I ever saw. We made six miles, and went into camp at 4 in the morning, tired out, sleepy, foot-sore, and hungry. " Friday, 12th, marched at 8 a. m., and made eighteen miles. We were twenty out of the twenty-four hours on the move, and encamped at Decatur. The night was dark, and the march would have been very dreary, but for the light of burning plantations. Decatur shared the fate of the other towns on the march, and we could say of it as of ancient Troy it was ! "Saturday, 13th, at 11 a. m., left Decatur, marched a mile, and halted for the train to close up. While resting, the rebels made a dash at our train. The 20th was ordered back to repulse them. But the rear guard, the 45th, had done the job before we got there. Some few rebs killed, was the result. Marched thirteen miles, and encamped on a small creek at 11 p. m., receiving orders to cook rations to-night, as we were to go on a separate expedi- tion to-morrow. " Sunday, Feb. 14th, St. Valentine's day, the first brigade marched alone at nine o'clock, on a road running south, with orders to proceed to " Chunkey Station," on Chunkey river, and destroy the railroad bridge, burn the town, warehouses, depot, &c. We were told that there were two companies of rebel cavalry- guarding the bridge, and having two stockades. We marched light, taking nothing but haversacks and canteens. The 20th, as usual on such occasions, had the advance. When within one mile TWENTIETH REGIMENT. 135 of the bridge, we ascertained that there were 2,000 of Jackson's cavalry there. We were less than 1,000 strong ; but, as we had never yet met our match among the greybacks, we determined to sail in, well knowing that nothing but a bold front would save us. We advanced thirty of the 4th 111. cavalry all we had to find out their position. We soon came upon their picket fires, still burning. The order was passed down the line to load as we went, and by the time we had loaded, the cavalry opened on them from the top of a hill. Colonel Bradley sang out, " Forward, double- quick," and up the hill we went on a run. Then, " On the right by file into line," and the regiment swung into line lively. Com- panies A and F were deployed as skirmishers, Captain Wadsworth on the right, Bailey on the left, and Co. B had command of the centre of the skirmish line. We soon came up with and passed our cavalry, and came in sight of the enemy. They had a fine line of skirmishers, but we soon turned it into a running rabble, We were on the left of the railroad, and two companies of the 45th on the right. We had a good cover of brush, while they were exposed in an open field, so for their benefit we gave an infernal yell, which drew the enemy's fire from them to us. We advanced to the river bank, and, as we broke cover, were greeted with a shower of balls, which made us take to the trees and fight shy. We had found that we were fighting with their main line across a narrow river, at a distance of five to eight rods. We told the boys, (in a voice loud enough for the rebels to hear), to take it cool, as the artiltery would soon come up, and that we were flanking them. These words, addressed to our own men, but meant for the rebels a little yankee strategy gave the enemy a scare, and they broke and run. Thus two companies, A and F, of the 20th, and two companies of the 45th, fought and whipped 2,000 of Jackson's cavalry in an hour. The regiments came up, and we burned the bridge, warehouse, mills, and 300 bales of cotton, and marched back, making eighteen miles in eight hours. Our loss was three men of the 45th, wounded; none hurt in the 20th. We sent the d 1 sixteen valentines in the shape of dead rebels, one of them a colonel, wounding thirty-five more. " An amusing incident occurred during this skirmish. In order to preserve the line intact, it became necessary to pass through the 136 HISTORY OF THE door-yard of a house in which there was a family living. While doing so the boys happened to see a well filled hen coop. The temptation to improve their rations was too strong to be resisted, and as they passed along, each took a chicken, and, wringing its neck, clapped it into their empty haversacks, and John W. Coomba knocked down an old gobbler with his gun, and slung him over his shoulder. All this brought the lady of the house to the door in a great rage, and crying and wringing her hands, she blurted out to the boys : " Oh, you nasty thieves ! the secesh came along^ here and stole my old hoss, and now you are stealing all my chick- ens, but you'll catch h 11 when you get down there to the bridge." The boys cheered her, and passed on well satisfied with their part of the joke. We encamped with the trains of our division that night. " Monday, 15th, started for Meridian. We marched ten miles and encamped five miles from Meridian. Here we heard that the place was evacuated by the enemy and occupied by our advance. "Tuesday, 16th, marched at seven, reached Meridian, and encamped. We found it a place covering a great deal of ground, as the houses were scattered. It is the headquarters of this part of the "confederacy" for the manufacture and repair of arms. We found a large arsenal, armory, foundry, machine shops, &c. In the arsenal were 5,000 rifles and shot-guns, and shot, shell, grape, canister, &c. Here, too, are or rather were large grist mills, saw mills, barracks, hospitals, two large hotels, and a great many new houses, built by refugees from the territory which had come into the possession of the Union army. All of this made a splendid fire before we left. Meridian, too, is among the things that were. " We remained here and around here three days, and on the 17th, the 20th alone went out foraging. Gen. Sherman told Col. Bradley that he sent him out because he knew the 20th could get back if anyone could. The 18th, I remained in camp, while the regiment went along the railroad, tearing up and destroying the track. A lady had sent in a request that an officer might be sent for her protection, to save her from the insults of the soldiery, and her house from the flames. So I had the pleasant duty of passing two days and nights at the house of a very pretty and well-informed southern lady, whose husband was absent in the rebel army. TWENTIETH REGIMENT. 137 " The regiment went seven miles, and captured two hogsheads of sugar, one yoke of oxen, and wagons loaded with meat and sweet potatoes. Part of the boys, mounted on captured horses, went out on their own hook foraging, and before they had got out of sight, they met a squad of rebels mounted. Both parties fired, and then turned and ran as fast as they could. It was amusing to see each party fleeing from the other. " Friday, 19th, the regiment went two miles from Meridian to guard a mill and grind up a lot of corn for our own use. After doing what grinding we wanted, we let on a full head of water, applied the torch, and left her grinding and burning. " Saturday, 20th, we marched at daylight back to town, and found that all had left at five o'clock, on the return march, except the details left to finish up the work of destruction. We had to march around the burning town, as the heat was too great to pass through it. The sun was just rising as we came in from the west, and as it came up through the smoke and flames of the burning city, the whole scene had a weird and strange appearance, while the guns, many of which were loaded, and the shot and shell exploding the crackling and roar of the flames the crash of fall- ing walls altogether made a scene grand, but terrible and sad. May I never have to look upon another. " After looking upon the scene awhile, we took up our return march to the tune 'Get out of the wilderness/ and after a few hours overtook our brigade, and went on our way. While at Meridian we captured and burned five locomotives and 35 cars, and while we lay there our cavalry went down the Mobile & Ohio railroad, and burned Enterprise and Quitman, destroying every- thing as we went. We marched twenty miles and encamped in pine woods, tired, foot-sore, and short of rations. " Sunday, 21st, started at seven, marched thirteen miles to Deca- tur, and encamped before night, sending out foraging parties, which returned heavily loaded with all kinds of plunder, gathered from the pastures, smoke houses, poultry yards, and potato patches. We were once more in clover, while many a family, I fear, was short of rations. " Monday, 22d, started from Decatur at 7 a. m., and made eight miles, camping on the Radcliff plantation, three miles from 18 138 HISTORY OF THE Pearl river, waiting for the laying of pontoons. While lying here, our foraging parties brought in large quantities of all kinds of produce which had been hid away in the swamps by the old planters. The negroes would reveal the secret hiding places, and the foragers would go for the spoils without scruple. The 16th corps commenced crossing at dark, and we had orders to be ready at midnight, but the bridge broke, and we lay till 11 o'clock next day. " Friday, 26th, we marched three miles and crossed the river. We now struck high lands, with beautiful plantations, the finest country through which we had passed. We made fourteen miles, and camped within one mile of Canton, on the west. This has been one of the most rabid of rebel cities, and one of the most beautiful places in the south. A heavy rebel force has been kept here since the capture of Vicksburg. The city is made up of planters' residences, elegant and costly, and the surrounding coun- try is one of splendid plantations, rich in cotton at least such was the town and country before the advent of the Union army. " Saturday, the 27th, we lay in Canton. Five companies of the 20th remained in camp, near Gen. Force's headquarters, while the other five were out foraging. About noon some scamp set fire to a cotton shed, which so enraged General Force that he ordered Major Kennard to take his regiment out into a plowed field and put a guard around them, where we were kept (companies A, C, E, F, and K,) in corral for six hours. When the rest of the regi- ment came in, we moved camp two miles south of town, on account of water. " Sunday, 28th, marched back to town and encamped in line of battle around the place, on account of reports that there was a heavy force of rebels in the vicinity. The 31st, 45th and 124th regiments occupied the day in tearing up the railroad. We cap- tured here twenty-one locomotives in one lot, and then moved up the road a few miles and burned the whole lot, with ninety cars. We put a 24-pound shell in the fire box of each engine, which exploded and tore the boiler wide open. " Monday, 29th, the day came in cold and blustering, with a cold, north wind, anddrizzing rain. At 10 a. m., it held up, and we went out and destroyed the railroad on thenorth side of the town, TWENTIETH REGIMENT. 139 while the cavalry was having a heavy fight within a mile of town, on the south, with the cavalry of Jackson, Lee, and Wirt Adams. We destroyed a mile of railroad track and returned to camp, to find that a provision train of forty wagons had just come in to meet us, from Vicksburg, bringing also a heavy mail, the first news we had had from the civilized world for twenty-nine days. You may be assured the sight was a welcome one. " March 1st, we left at twelve, after a rain all night, with three days' rations in our haversacks, and accomplished but five miles in nine hours, on account of the mud, and camped at night in the mud wet, cold, hungry, and fagged out. We had to break the ice half an inch thick to fill our canteens. " March 2d, marched at 7 a. m., the 16th corps in advance. Cavalry skirmishing commenced before we had fairly got out of sight of the camp, and continued, with little intermission, all day, accompanied with heavy artillery firing. The rebel cavalry and artillery followed closely on our rear, and kept our cavalry busy all day. We encamped on an old plantation. " March 3d, at 8 a. m., the first brigade was marched to the rear to cover the retreat of the whole army. We formed in line of battle on the edge of the woods, and let our entire train pass us. The position was one of great peril. An open field two miles long had to be crossed, and on the opposite side was a poor bridge and a swamp, requiring a long time to cross, while a high hill in the rear afforded a grand position for the enemy to place a battery and shell us. But for some reason or other they did not trouble us. " After our forces had passed we marched across the planta- tion, and resumed our place in the division on the homeward stretch. We made eighteen miles and went into camp without any further trouble from the rebels. Gen. Leggett said that the reason he took the 1st brigade out of its place to cover the retreat, was that he knew he could depend upon it in a tight place. March 4th, left camp at 7 a. m., and after a march of 15 miles arrived at our camp on the Big Black, at 4 p. m., well fagged out ; but in half an hour had to go on picket duty ! Thus, from Feb. 3d to March 4th, we had marched 375 miles, captured and burned the towns of Clinton, Jackson, Brandon, De- catur, Hillsboro, Chunkey Station, Meridian, Enterprise, Forest, 140 HISTORY OF THE Quitman, Canton and Brownsville ; captured and burned 35 lo- comotives and 125 cars ; and killed about 400 rebs, wounded 800 more, and took 800 prisoners. We had captured 2,000 horses and mules, and brought in with us 10,000 contrabands of all ages, sizes, colors, sexes and shapes ; in all kinds of conveyances from the great plantation wagon, crammed fall of woolly heads, down to the smallest jackass, loaded down with a big wench on her pack of movables. Our contraband train was a sight to behold, worth more than any street show that Barnum ever organized. We had destroyed more than 150 miles of R. R., burned every R. R. build- ing on the route, and every cotton gin, mill and public house and some private ones. Long, long will the people remember the visit of Sherman's army, and its marks will not soon be oblit- erated from the region. When we marched out we were told that the march would be a short and rapid one, and we took no extra clothing, and consequently we went thirty-three days without a change. How we looked on our return, you can conjecture. I will not attempt to describe it. Even the "ragged 20th" never looked so ragged before." The regiment as has been seen returned from the Meridian raid early in March, 1864. The term of their enlistment would expire in May, (14th). What remained of the regiment had (mostly) agreed to re-enlist. The regiment was therefore granted what it had so richly earned, a veteran furlough. Only 197 of the original enlisted men remained. The two Will county companies had a public reception on their return to Joliet, at the court house, where they were welcomed with appropriate honors, and addressed among others by their old captain and major, Bartleson, who was just home from Libby. A supper at the Auburn House, and a reception at the house of Otis Hardy, Esq., was also given them. The regiment veteranized, and recruited its thinned ranks, re- joined Sherman's army, which had now entered upon its Atlanta campaign, at " Big Shanty." It then took part in that memorable campaign. It lost heavily at Kenesaw, being in the first assault, and also in that of June 27th. It was also in the fiercest of the fights before Atlanta, on 21st and 22nd of July. On the 21st the regiment was on the left flank of the army, and with the divis- TWENTIETH REGIMENT. 141 ion took a strong work of the enemy situated on a high hill, and maintained its position against repeated attempts to dislodge it. It had six killed and forty-eight wounded. Among the killed was Sergeant Macherly who had carried the flag of the regiment since Shiloh, and had been distinguished for his bravery in every en- gagement, having received the gold medal of merit at the siege of Vicksburg. On the 22nd, the enemy charged the division with great force, and the fighting was severe until dark, when the enemy with- drew severely punished. It was estimated that the division killed more rebels in this engagement than its own number. Lt. Col. Bradley commanded the 20th in this engagement. Its losses were heavy. It had the misfortune to get flanked, and nearly all were captured. CASUALTIES. Commissioned officers killed,!; wounded, 5 ; missing, 4; Enlisted men killed, 8 ; wounded 47 ; missing, 66 ; Total killed, 9; wouuded, 52; missing, 70. Total loss, 131. Only 13 men of the number engaged on the 22nd escaped cap- ture. The prisoners were taken to Macon, Ga., whence the privates were sent to Anderson ville, the officers to Savannah. Among the officers taken were Jeremiah B. Bailey, 1st Lt. Co. F, and David Wadsworth, Captain of Co. F, and Gideon Bernier, Lieut, of Co. B. These were taken to Savannah, and subsequently to Charleston, where they were placed under the fire of our forces, then bombarding the city. They were finally exchanged under a special cartel between Sherman and Hood. For a daring act of Captain Bernier, of Co. B, in this engage- ment, and for some other details, the reader is referred to the his- tory of McAllister's Battery. The remnants of the regiment, (about 20 men and officers) together with some others that had been on detached duty the whole numbering 35, were placed in command of Captain Harry King, mounted and put on a scouting service in the memorable march to the sea and northward. At Goldsboro, they received 250 recruits, and at Alexandria the captured men that had been exchanged, rejoined them, and the regimental organization was resumed. It took part in the grand review at Washington after this " cruel war was over." Surely 142 HISTORY OF THE they were entitled to partake in the triumph after having done and suffered so much to achieve it. The regiment then returned by way of Louisville to Chicago, where they arrived and were discharged, July 19th, 1865. It came home with 21 officers and 322 men, of whom only about 70 were in the original muster roll of 924 men. At the grand review in Washington, the regiment attracted much attention as one that had participated in more regular bat- tles than any other. It had been in twenty-nine battles and nu- merous skirmishes, and was in service four years and two months. Co. B was noted for its promotions. Its captain had been promoted major, and then Col. of the 100th. Henry King who enlisted as private came out Colonel. Bernier who enlisted as pri- vate at the age of eighteen, returned Captain, having won his first promotion on the field of Donaldson for his bravery and soldierly conduct. A public reception was given the 20th, with 'other soldiers of the 8th Cavalry and Battery D, (McAllister's) on the 25th of July, and a supper at the National. The military record of each member of the regiment from Will county, so far as I have been able to obtain it, will be found in part four of this work. REGIMENTAL HISTORIES. CHAPTER III. HISTORY OF THE THIRTY-NINTH REGT., OR YATES PHALANX. FROM ORGANIZATION TO MUSTER OUT. Organization Will County Companies Leaves for the Front En route Surprised and Captured Arrives at Williamsport Sickness First Death and Funeral Another Bereavement Leaves Camp Crosses into Dixie Distributed Affairs at Great Cacapon Alpine Station Bath Present to Gov. Yates Captain Munu Tested Movements Promotions Sickness Movements Winchester Strasburg Battle Gen. Shields Battle of Win- chester Incidents Advance Woodstock Foraging Advance Brilliant Charge Movements Columbia Bridge An Astonished Reb Temperance Story Advance to Fredericks burg Grand Review Takes the Back Track Movements Manassas Review Goes to Alexandria Harrison's Land- ing Closing Scenes of McClellan's Fizzle Malvern Hill Change of Base- Fortress Monroe Suffolk Resignation Breaks Camp Chowan River Embarks Folly Island A Flag from Yates Attack on Sumter Night Exploit Morris Island Fort Wagner Casualties Hilton Head Veter- anizesComes Home Receptions Recruits Goes Back Washington Yorktown A Historic Region City Point Wiers Bottom Drury's Bluflfs Fight Casualties Another Fight Losses Other Movements Assaults Deep Run Losses Incidents Casualties to Will County Men In the Trenches at Petersburg Another Fight Incidents Another Fight Win- ter Quarters A March Charge on Fort Gregg Casualties Incidents Last Battle Casualties In at the Death of the Confederacy Comes Home. 1 [HE organization of this regiment was begun immediately upon the receipt of the news of the attack upon Fort Sumter. T. O. Osborn, who subsequently became its colonel, (and after- wards a general), was active in its organization. At that early stage of the rebellion, the government had not become fully awake to the magnitude of its proportions and of the work before them. Considerable delay was therefore experienced before the regiment could get accepted. Indeed, such were the difficulties it encoun- tered, that at one time an effort was made to get it into the service 144 HISTORY OF THE as a Missouri regiment. And all this trouble and delay was encountered, notwithstanding earnest efforts made in its behalf by Gov. Yates, by whom the organization was regarded with especial favor, it having assumed his name. Bull Run, however, secured its acceptance on the day following that disaster. In this regiment, Will county was represented by 20 commis- sioned officers and over 200 enlisted men, perhaps a greater number than could be claimed by any other one county. At any rate, we were so largely, and, I may add, so ably and honorably, repre- sented, that a brief history of its eventful and noble career is demanded at our hands. With the exception of about 100 men in the 8th cavalry, and 10 men in the 12th cavalry, the 39th was the only regiment in which our county was represented, to any extent, in the east. Its history will therefore take us to different scenes and localities from those elsewhere traversed. Recruiting for this regiment was early commenced in this county, principally in the city of Wilmington, and the towns of Florence, Wesley, Channahon, and Homer. Co. A was raised in Wilming- ton, largely through the efforts of S. W. Munn, Esq., who became its captain, and was afterwards promoted major of the regiment. He was assisted by Lt. L. A. Baker, aftewards captain, and Lt. Richardson, and others. Co. E was also raised mostly in Wilmington, Wesley, and Florence, and was originally known as the " Florence Rifles," Jas. H. Hooker, of the last named town, being its first captain. Hon. Amos Savage, of Homer, one of the oldest and best known residents of that town, was also actively engaged in raising Co. G, in his town and vicinity, and he became its 2d lieutenant, and sub- sequently its captain. The first captain of this company was the Rev. Wm. B. Slaughter, well known to many of our citizens as once pastor in charge of the Methodist Episcopal church of Joliet. At the organization of the regiment he was stationed at Blue Island, where he recruited a portion of the company. For the other offi- cers of the regiment, as well as the privates, from our county, the reader is referred to the roster and muster roll of Will county names in Part Fourth. The organization of this regiment was completed at Camp THIRTY-NINTH REGIMENT; 145 Mather, Chicago, with Austin Light as its colonel, and left camp at Chicago, 950 strong, Oct. 13th, 1861, for Camp Benton, Mo., where it reported to Gen. Curtiss. But the west was not to be the scene of its exploits. On the 29th, it was ordered to the east. The statement has been made that this change in its destination was not in consequence of orders from the war department, but by the direction of Marshall Lamon a general in expectancy who wished to have it in his division. However this may be, it left Benton barracks at 6 p. m of the 29th, by the Terre Haute, A. & St. Louis R. R., arriving at Ind ianapo- lis in the afternoon of the same day, where it was treated, after the manner of that patriotic city, to a substantial dinner in the market house, by the loyal ladies of the city, who had come together for that purpose. During the night they arrived at the smoky, but no less hos- pitable city of Pittsburg, where they found a fine supper awaiting them. The hearts of the boys which were perhaps a little down- cast, thinking of the homes and the girls they had left behind them were greatly cheered by such hospitalities, and made to feel that their self-denial in behalf of an imperiled country was not unappreciated. The ride had also been a delightful one. It was the beautiful Indian summer; all the groves and woods were dressed in crimson and gold ; the air was soft and balmy ; the orchards were loaded with golden fruits ; and at all the towns and hamlets they were greeted with cheers, waving of handkerchiefs, and offerings of pies, cakes, fruits, and flowers. But the regiment had the best reception of all at the town of Carlysle, Fa. The memory of it is still sweet and precious. This place lies below Harrisburg, about 50 miles from the border, and in the track of threatened rebel invasion, of which the inhabitants were living in constant fear. The appearance, therefore, of troops going on to the front, to place themselves between them and the rebel army, was hailed with joy. Indeed, they had good reason for their fears, for subsequently these were realized in the partial destruction of the place, during the invasion of Lee's army in 1863 . The railroad at Carlysle runs through the main street of the town, where the train was halted, and, all unconscious of what was in store for them, the boys at once got out to stretch their legs, and 19 ] 46 HISTORY OF THE see what was to be seen. Although it was late at night, the streets were full of citizens, and no sooner had they got upon the side- walks on either side, than they found themselves attacked in front, flank and rear, by a crowd of well-dressed and beautiful women and girls, who at once began to hug and kiss them, with a gush and heartiness seldom equalled. Taken thus entirely by surprise, the boys were just for a moment at a loss what to do. But although they had not yet received their muskets, they had the right kind of arms with which to meet such an encounter, and no doubt returned the attack sudden and unexpected as it was with compound interest. Indeed, I suspect they rather liked it ! Whether this attack upon them would have been as hearty if the regiment had not been composed of good-looking men, is a ques- tion I leave for the reader's consideration. But hugs and kisses was not all that the boys got. The ladies then took the men round to their houses and fed them giving them something more substantial, if not so sweet. Friday evening, at ten o'clock, the regiment arrived at Hagers- town, Md., where it debarked from the cars and passed the night, and on the next day marched six miles to Williamsport, on the Potomac, and encamped one mile from the town. At this place the regiment remained for some time, learning meanwhile the details of the new business in which it had embarked. While at this place, the measles the seeds of which had been brought from Benton barracks broke out in a severe epidemic form, and many were sick, and some died. Here, also, Lieutenant Joseph W. Richardson died of typhoid fever the first death in the regiment. The death of Lieut. Richardson, universally beloved, both as a man and as an officer ; a young man of great promise as a soldier, and with brilliant prospects in his chosen profession of the law, threw a great gloom over the regiment. But he was dead, cut oif by disease, without having an opportunity to fight for the Union and the country he loved, and all that they could now do was to pay him the last honors. These would consist in part of a salute fired over the grave. But the regiment as yet had not a musket, and could not render this service. A request was therefore made upon the colonel of the 13th Mass., which was in camp near, that THIRTY-NINTH REGIMENT. 147 he would send a company of his regiment to render it. In response, the entire regiment turned out and attended the funeral. Both regiments stood with heads bowed and bared around the grave, while Chaplain McReading read the solemn burial service of the Masonic order, to which the deceased belonged. And there they buried him on the banks of the Potomac, in sight of two hostile armies the friends and foes of the Union; and the hills of Penn- sylvania, Maryland and Virginia, echoed the salute which Massa- chusetts fired over the grave of the patriot son of Illinois ! At this place the regiment received its arms and equipments. Before leaving Chicago, it had been presented with a handsome stand of colors by Miss Helen Arion, and had also won a hand- some flag at a prize drill. The regiment had lain here, in sight of the enemy's pickets, six weeks without arms. While at Williamsport, the regiment also experienced a second bereavement. This was no less than the loss of its colonel, by dis- missal from the service. This took them with painful surprise. The regiment had become much attached to him ; and he was an able and efficient officer, and had brought the regiment to a high state of discipline and drill. He had formerly been in the U. S. service. As to the cause of his dismissal we have nothing to say. It was greatly regretted by the regiment at the time. The men marched in a body to headquarters to bid him good-bye, and the colonel addressed them in these words : " Fellow Soldiers, Officers and Gentlemen of the Thirty-Ninth : " It has pleased the war department, through the influence of some political intrigue, I know not how else, to deprive your colonel of his command. As I leave you, I must say that I have found you soldiers such as command my respect, and such as I should be proud to lead against the rebels now in arms. I must now bid you all farewell." As he passed down through the ranks, every head was bared, and there were few dry eyes. There was the deepest and most intense feeling in the regiment. All mourned the loss of a friend, as well as an able officer. On the 14th, the regiment received new arms, which, greatly to their delight, were the Springfield rifled musket. 148 HISTORY OF THE On the morning of the 17th, the regiment left Camp Lamon (as it had been called), and marched eleven miles to a little village called Clear Springs, and had just got settled down to sleep, when a dispatch came, to the effect that the canal boats, on which the baggage of the regiment was placed, were about to be attacked by the enemy. This looked like business. The long roll was sounded, and the boys " fell in," and were quickly on their way to defend their property. But on reaching the spot, a distance of two or three miles, no enemy, or signs of an enemy, were visible, and they returned. Next morning they marched to another point known as Dam No. 5, and here they found no enemy. Then they marched to Hancock, fifteen miles, and the third day crossed over into " Dixie's land." Companies A, B, C and F were stationed on the opposite side of the river from Hancock. Companies E, H and D were sent six miles up the river, to a place called " Sir John's Run ;" and com- panies I and G five miles further on, to a place called " Big Caca- pon." Three companies were afterward moved three miles back into the country to Bath, the county seat of Morgan county, Virginia. The men of the 39th were now learning picket duty, scouting, &c. The country where they were located, as is well known, was a romantic and rough one, composed of mountains, valleys, rocks and ravines, being but sparsely populated. A night excursion over the hills and mountains, and through the passes and ravines, was an exciting though wearisome adventure one in which details were often called to indulge. The companies at Sir John's Run (E, H and- D), occupied buildings which had been deserted by the inhabitants, when the rebel troops took possession of the place, and were comfortably fixed in respect to quarters. On Friday morning, Jan. 6th, a report came to the companies at this point to the effect that the enemy was approaching Bath. But the men had been so often fooled by mere rumors, that they did not credit this one until a dispatch came from Major Mann, ordering part of Co. E to go to Big Cacapon to assist Captain Slaughter. Twenty men, under Lieut. Whipple, were thereupon dispatched to the place, where they arrived about one o'clock in THIRTY-NINTH REGIMENT. 149 the morning. What took place at this point Big Cacapon will be best told in the official report of Capt. Win. B. Slaughter, who was in command of the companies at that point. If it was not a very " big thing," it was quite a brilliant one for its size, and showed the kind of metal of which the 39th was composed. His report, dated Jan. 6th, 1862, says : " The afternoon of Friday, the 3d inst, I spent with a small part of my company, and Lieut. Rudd, in a careful reconnoisance from the top of Big Cacapon mountain, taking observations from prominent points, for a distance of two and a half miles. From these points we could plainly see indications of the presence, in the valley between us and Warm Spring mountain, of a large force of the enemy. We estimated it at not less than 3,000, and in the dis- tance could be seen two extensive camps. I accordingly extended my pickets on the mountain during the night, and ordered my men to sleep on their arms. " On Saturday, I threw out a party of 21 men, under Lieut. Rudd, to the top of the mountain, with instructions to observe the enemy, (which we knew to be approaching Bath in great force), and embarrass the approach of any force that might be sent against us. About eleven o'clock, information was brought that a column of three regiments was approaching by the Bath road. It was thought probable that another force would be brought against us, by the Long Hollow from Bloomery Gap. This supposition was enhanced by the fact, which I had learned, that the movements against Bath were simultaneously made, by large forces by way of Sleepy Creek and the valley east of the Big Cacapon. I therefore directed Capt. Dircks, with his company, to occupy the approaches by the Long Hollow and points across to the bluffs of the Great Cacapon creek, and took measures to defend the bridge and ford with my com- pany, and the detachment from Co. E, under Lieut. Whipple. " Breastworks of timber and railroad ties had been constructed during the day, on each side of the bridge, and strong defenses planted along the bluffs of the creek. Lieut. Whipple, with 30 men, were posted at the bridge, and the balance of my force, except the detachment under Lieut. Rudd, disposed on the bluffs, under command of Lieut. Savage. Valuable service was rendered during 150 HISTORY OF THE the day by the detachment under Lieut. Rudd. Having the whole valley west of the Big Cacapon mountain before him, he was able to see every movement and disposition of the enemy, and to per- ceive their strength. " The column advancing against us consisted of three regi- ments of infantry and one piece of artillery. To check so large a force was a desperate undertaking for 22 men, but, as the event showed, not impossible one. Selecting a position near a bend in the narrow road, which they knew the column must pass, our boys knelt on one knee, and awaited its approach. Not until the fore- most files were within twelve rods, was the presence of our party suspected, and then, at the critical moment when the discovery had caused hesitation, the men coolly delivered their fire. Several of the enemy were seen to fall, and the head of the column was thrown into confusion. Our party retired to another shelter. The enemy was thus held at bay for three hours, and it was not until the darkness of the night covered them, that they ventured to descend the mountain. Lieut. Rudd expresses the highest admiration for the coolness and determination of the men. The whole execution of his part was such as to reflect the highest honor upon him. " Col. Foster, with the 1 3th Indiana, arrived on the ground at Big Cacapon about six o'clock p. m., but he declined to take the command, and our plans were not changed. Had the enemy descended the west side of the mountain before dark, nothing could have saved the 13th, as its retreat would have been effectually cut off. I am fully convinced that its salvation is due to the cour- age and skill of the detachment that occupied the mountain road. " About seven p. m., we became aware of the fact that the enemy were fixing a gun in position to attack us. Deeming it probable that we should be obliged to retire before their superior force, I ordered all the company baggage and stores to be placed in the cars, so as to facilitate our retreat when it should become necessary. Our loading was not completed, when the enemy opened on us with his cannon. The engineer immediately started the train, and moved around the curve about two miles, where it could lie in safety. The 13th Indiana, being in the cars, were carried along. Our men, stationed at the bridge, under command of Lt. Whipple, could distinctly see the position of the enemy's gun. They answered THIRTY-NINTH REGIMENT. 151 Its fire with their muskets. After the second shot the gun was deserted, and gave us no further trouble. " A large force of their infantry at the same time made its appearance at the creek, and replied with muskets. Our men, being well protected, were able to maintain their position with impunity. The skirmishing continued for about three-fourths of an hour after the train had left. A company of cavalry, and a regiment of infantry, made a show of purpose to cross the ford opposite the bluff occupied by Lieut. Savage, but they were hand- somely repulsed. I was confident the position could be maintained at Big Cacapon, provided the Indiana regiment could return and take part in the defense. I accordingly dispatched a message to Col. Foster, with the request that he would bring down his force and assume command. Before the messenger reached him, how- ever, I received word that the enemy had crossed the creek a mile and a half above, and were likely to cut off our retreat. I there- fore ordered a retreat, which was effected in good order. Since the above was written, we have reliable information that the enemy lost seventeen men in the Big Cacapon affair, including Dr. Wil- son, a distinguished and influential citizen of Morgan county, and surgeon in the rebel army." At the same time with the affair at Cacapon, Col. Osborn, with a portion of the regiment, (four companies), was attacked at Alpine Station. Two companies, in command of Captain Munn, went out to engage the enemy and hold them in check, and cover the retreat across the river, which they accomplished successfully. They met the enemy a short distance from camp, when, after getting into position, the rebel cavalry made a charge upon them, which was met by our boys with a volley from their rifles, which emptied some fifteen saddles. Our men fell slowly back, contesting the ground inch by inch, and completely covering the retreat of our force across the river. In the meantime the other companies were hurrying themselves across the river as fast as possible, with their baggage, all of which they got over safely, while Co. A lost their tents, and the captain and 2d lieutenant lost their trunks with their books and papers. Capt. Munn also lost his horse. 152 HISTORY OF THE As soon as the enemy reached the river, they planted their guns and commenced shelling the town, and our batteries replied. They finally drew off. In the meantime General Lander had arrived with an addi- tional force, and had taken command. Next morning the ene- my commenced planting their guns above town, and sent over a flag of truce, demanding the surrender of the place. The flag of truce was brought over by the afterwards famous Ashby, who was received by Captain Munn, and another who blindfolded him, and marched on either side of him through the town, to Lander's headquarters, where he demanded the surrender of the place saying that if not surrendered they would fire upon it. To this Lander gave a peremptory refusal, telling him that he might shoot and welcome, as they would kill more of their own friends than they would of Unionists. He was then conducted back in such away as to impress him with an exaggerated idea of our strength at this time, which was perhaps the reason that the ene- my afterward withdrew with so feeble an attack. Gen. Lander was then notified to remove the women and children, as the place would be bombarded. This it was thought advisable to do. All kinds of animals and all sorts of vehicles were brought into sudden requisition, and a general skedaddling of non-combatants took place, which would have been amusing if it had not been so serious. The enemy had set the next day at 12 a. m., as the hour when the bombardment would open. Our men waited until the time was past, and hearing nothing from them, sent them a shell to inquire " why the delay ?" The rebels then replied with a shower. To this the Union battery replied so well as to soon silence them, and drive them from their guns. The enemy had the advantage of position, but our boys had the best guns, and scattered the rebs like sheep. The 39th regiment was highly commended for its behavior, in these its first encounters with the enemy. None were killed but about a dozen were captured, one of whom was from Co. E. The enemy were 15,000 strong, and in command of the famous Stone- wall Jackson. In the skirmish near Bath, some members of the 39th cap- tured a very beautiful horse, the rider whereof had been un- THIRTIETH REGIMENT. 153 horsed by Sergeant Hopkins, of Co. D. This rider, by the way, was the adjutant general of Stonewall Jackson. The boys at ouce determined to send this horse as a present to their patron saint, Gov. Yates. It was accordingly put in charge of Captain Munn for that purpose. While subsequently going through Winchester, the horse was claimed by one of the loyal rebel women of that place, as her property. She affirmed that she had only loaned it for that day as a special favor to the officer from whom it was captured. Now, I need not say to those who know him, that the captain, (now major) is an exceedingly gallant man, and would naturally be disposed to yield to the claims of a woman, espe- cially if young and pretty, as this one happened to be. I am fur- nishing no mean evidence, therefore, of the major's nerve, as well as loyalty, when I assert that he was proof against all her appeals. The horse had been found in bad company, it was contraband of war, and above all, the boys had made it " corban" to Gov. Yates, and however loyal, and however pretty the widow who claimed it, she was compelled to see it depart forever, with the pros- pect of its being subjected to the ignoble use of carrying the loyal governor of the Sucker State. Cumberland being threatened about this time, the regiment was ordered to make a forced march to that point, which they did over very bad roads in eighteen hours, a distance of thirty-nine miles. From Cumberland the regiment was ordered to New Creek. In the meantime Lt. Col. Osborn had been promoted to the Colonelcy of the regiment, and Major Mann had been made lieutenant colonel, and Captain Munn of Co. A. had been made major. It will be well for the reader to look sharply to the vowels in these two last names. It is our Munn, who is now the major, and though he is a man, he is not " Major Mann," as the " patriotism of Illinois," erroneously calls him. During January, while at New Creek, the regiment received new uniforms, of which they were greatly in need, as they still wore the ones with which they left Chicago. It was not with our soldiers as it was with the children of Israel in the wilderness ; their clothes waxed old and that very soon. The comfort and health, as well as the appearance of the regiment, was greatly en- 20 154 HISTORY OF THE hanced. For it was now suffering greatly from sickness, brought on by exposure and fatigueing duty. The weather was very cold, and much of the time their quarters were poor being cattle cars. For over two months at this place and Patterson's creek, the men endured the discomforts to which they were exposed without grumbling, although many of their comrades were dying. In February the regiment had the advance in the movement to open the railroad toward Martinsburg. It had been assigned to the first brigade of Gen. Lander's division. It was for some time kept on the move, and sometimes divided, watching the road at different points, until the boys began to think that that was the chief end of their creation. Company E left Alpine Saturday afternoon and crossed the river to guard the baggage train of the regiment that had been ordered to Martinsburg by way of Williamsport. They left Han- cock Saturday evening, and marched to Clear Spring, fifteen miles. This was a beautiful village of about 1000 inhabitants, and comparatively loyal. The citizens treated them to a good breakfast. Moving on they reached Williamsport, eleven miles further, about 11 a. m. Here they crossed on a ferry. The train consisted of twenty-four wagons, and only one could cross at a time. The town was full of soldiers. The regiment was at this time distributed between Williamsport and Alpine Station. On the llth of March the rest of the regiment came into Martins- burg, and marched through town and bivoucked about one and a half miles out on the road to Winchester ; and the next morning Company E joined them, and all moved on about ten miles, and waited for the wagons to come up, and bivoucked for the night. Started next morning at 4 a. m. and hastened on to join the brigade. They came up with them and encamped two miles east of Winchester. Here they found a vast array of armed forces ; the country as far almost as they could see was covered with tents and trains. Here was all of Shield's force, consisting of 17 regiments, (Gen. Lander had died, and Shields was now in command); together with a large part of Bank's force. They had taken possession of the place Wednesday morning, the enemy retiring before them, a few of their rear guard being captured. THIRTY-NINTH REGIMENT. 155 On Tuesday the 18th, the regiment was ordered to move with three day's rations and 60 rounds of cartridge, and 9 a. m. moved out with the brigade, passing briskly through Winchester, all the bands playing inspiring music. The day was fine and the roads good, and the boys were animated with the hope of doing something more brilliant than the guarding of railroad bridges. Far as the eye could see the column stretched out be- fore and behind over the rolling hills infantry, artillery, and cav- alry ,][an imposing sight. " 'Twere worth ten years of peaceful life, One glance at their array." Gen. Shield's division was with them, and they were mov- ing in the direction of Strasburg a " reconnoisance in force." Just the other side of a village called Newtown, the advance came in sight of the enemy's cavalry six miles from Winchester. The Union column pressed on as fast as possible, with some skir- mishing, until they came to a little stream called Cedar Creek. Here, the enemy having got across, blew up the bridge and turned their cannon on our forces. The advance waited for the artillery, which soon came flying up, but before they could get into posi- tion, the enemy retired. The 1st brigade was assigned to guard the artillery, and not allowed to build fires. So they bivouacked on the wet ground, and stretched out their tired limbs, and rested as best they could, under their blankets, and in the morning found themselves nearly frozen in. In the morning, crossing the creek, they marched out about three miles, passing through the camp of the enemy. General Shields reconnoitered the ground, sending forward the artillery and the 1st brigade. The batteries took position on two hills, com- manding the position of the enemy, and the infantry were posted on the hill side, in the rear. Two regiments were deployed as skirmishers, and the artillery opened fire. The rebels at once withdrew, and the skirmishers and cavalry were ordered forward. After advancing two miles the enemy began to throw shells, and it being now night, the advance was called back and bivouacked near town. This constituted the great battle of Shenandoah, near Strasburg, on the 19th of March, 1862. The rebels did not stop 156 HISTORY OF THE long enough to fight, after our forces got into position. Two men were slightly wounded on the Union side. Next morning the force returned, and got back to their former quarters, (21 miles) just after dark. Saturday, March 20th, the report came into camp that Col. Ashby had made a dash into our pickets, and had taken Co. C of the 39th, prisoners, and captured eighty wagons. The long roll was sounded ; the regiment formed in line and moved out on the double quick, through Winchester, and off to the right on the Romney road. Just as they got through the town they encoun- tered a rebel battery which opened on them, and here General Shields had his left arm broken by a fragment of shell, which at the same time did not wound the flesh. Our artillery quickly re- plied and drove them off. The report that Co. C was captured proved false, only two men of that company were captured. The regiment moved on about eight miles, but found no enemy, and returned to camp at one in the morning. March 23d, the regiment had the privilege of taking part in the brilliant fight at Winchester, in which " Stonewall" proved to be a " bowing wall and a tottering fence" before the Union army. Being posted at the extreme left, the 39th did not come into the thickest of the fight, and suffered but little. Its part in the battle is thus told by a member of the regiment, writing to the Wilmington Herald ok the time. Under date of March 29th, near Strasburg, he writes : " Everything remained quiet after that, until Sunday noon, when the long roll sounded again. We marched out on the Strasburg road, and within two miles of Winchester, turned off to the left, and marched through the fields and woods until we came in sight of the enemy. We halted and were ordered to lie flat. Meanwhile the enemy's cannon on the front and right was speaking loud and fierce. Some of our artillery were planted on a hill to the right, and replied with good effect. The position of the enemy was in the woods to the right and left of a little vil- lage called Kernstown. All around there were patches of timber in which the enemy concealed themselves as much as possible. Their main force seemed to be in the edge of a wood on a hill, THIRTY-NINTH REGIMENT. 157 northwest of the town. Most of our force was on a ridge north- east of the town. The rebels opened fire on our regiment from a battery in front, but few shells reached us. They then moved to the left and nearer, and the shells burst thick and fast around us. Two cannon came to our rescue, and soon silenced the rebel guns. We now moved to the left, and took position close to the nemy, so as to command their position, and they immediately drew back. " About five o'clock we hear a heavy roll of musketry, and another, and another in quick succession, then one continued roar and crash, and the smoke rises thick above the trees where the battle is raging. The roar and smoke continue without abate- ment, but it moves farther and farther off, and we conclude our forces are driving the enemy. As night comes on we see the flash of the guns, as the messengers of death fly fast from line to line, and as the darkness increases, the noise dies away, until it ceases altogether. We lie down on the field with our guns be- side us, not knowing when we may be called upon to renew the conflict. All night long the men are moving about with torches in search of the wounded and dead. Many poor fellows on both sides have gone to their long rest. Many more are crippled for life. The Union loss is said to be from fifty to one hundred killed, and three or four hundred wounded. The enemy's loss is not known, but said to be three hundred killed. "The scene of the battlefield is awful. Dead men lying in heaps here and there, limbs of others, and dead horses lying in every direction. In a little hollow behind a battery, four rebels were playing cards. They had just dealt, and each held his hand, when a shell burst in their midst, and killed all of them. In other places the wounded are groaning and crying for help. Such is a battle field ! Although the shell fell thick around us, and Co. D. were skirmishing all the afternoon, none of our regiment were injured. Next morning before light we moved on, the ar- tillery occasionally throwing shells. All day we followed after the retreating rebels, till we came to Cedar Creek, when our artil- lery threw shells across at the rebels who were cooking their supper. They gathered up in haste and fled ; one shell killed one man and wounded three. Next morning as we passed over the 158 HISTORY OF THE ground of the rebel bivouac, we found it strewn with half filled barrels of flour, cakes half baked, and tents half burned, and things scattered very generally. We passed on without much skirmishing, to our present position, three miles from Strasburg." In the pursuit of the enemy down the Shenandoah valley, the 39th were in advance. The pursuit was resumed Tuesday, the 25th, and as our forces moved forward, the rebel cavalry and ar- tillery disappeared. Our artillery continued to throw shells after them, and they went behind the hills and woods towards Wood- stock. The pursuit was kept up with more or less skirmishing, and the regiment went into camp about three miles southeast of Woodstock. The town of Woodstock is a county seat, and con- sisted of one main street running through the valley. As we en- tered one end, the enemy left at the other. They had artillery planted upon the hill on the further side, and ours was planted upon the height on this side. Not wishing to injure the place or peril the lives of the citizens, our forces did not fire until the ene- my opened from their side, when we replied ; and then for a little while the shells flew from either direction over the little town, to the no small terror of its inhabitants. One of our shots struck the large brass ball upon the top of the court house, and halved it. During this artillery duel also, Gen. Ashby's horse was killed under him, giving the rebel general a close call. When we went into camp, near the little town of Edinburg, the army was short of rations, and permission was given to forage, which was eagerly accepted on the part of the men. The woods were full of hogs, and forthwith a big hog hunt was instituted, and a promiscuous firing was going on all over the wooded sides of the mountain. It is a wonder that something besides hogs were not slaughtered. Indeed, one man had a very narrow escape. He was sitting down by a tree reading a letter no doubt one he had just got from home when all at once he was seen to throw up his arms and sink down. On being examined, he was found para- lyzed and insensible. A ball had struck the top of his head, depressing the skull, so that it pressed upon the brain, and yet the scalp was not lacerated. The surgeons, with ready skill, elevated the skull and relieved the pressure, and he was restored to con- sciousness, and recovered. TWENTIETH REGIMENT. 159 While in this position, which was in a beautiful grove, on the north bank of the Shenandoah, there was daily more or less skir- mishing with the enemy. On the first of April, the regiment was called up at one o'clock, and moved forward toward the enemy. It marched through Edin- burg, the advance driving the pickets of the enemy. The rebels fire a few shells and retire, and our force moves on. After sunrise they go through Mt. Jackson, a village of five or six hundred inhabitants. Here the rebels, before leaving, set fire to cars, engines, bridge, &c. While they were trying to burn the bridge over the Shenandoah, our cavalry charged them, shot one man, took three prisoners, and saved the bridge. Jackson tried to make a stand on the heights across the river, but Shields flanked him, and he withdrew toward Stanton. It was here that the 39th made its first, if not its most brilliant, charge. Across the valley, on Rood's Hill, nearly a mile distant, a masked battery was discovered. The men were concealed, and only the mouth of what was at least a 24-pounder, could be seen. It was important that this battery should be taken at once. To the 39th was assigned the duty and honor of taking it. Away the boys went on the double-quick, but silently and cautiously, and making a detour so as to conceal their movement, and come upon the battery in flank. When they had got sufficiently near, with a yell, a whoop, and a hurrah, through the woods they charged with a rush upon the formidable battery, which was found to consist of an old steampipe, which had been abandoned, by the roadside, and which was supported by any number of trees standing in serried ranks behind it ! How many of the regiment owed their promo- tion to this gallant exploit, the writer is not informed. Our force then marched around, forded the river, and arrived at Newmarket, Friday afternoon, and went into camp in the woods, April 19th. Next day, the 39th was ordered across the mountain, to the south branch of the Shenandoah. Four companies of the regiment were stationed at the bridge, near Luray. The other companies, in charge of Captain, or rather Major Munn, (for such he now was), were sent some seven miles above, to guard another bridge, known as the Columbia. They found the cavalry of the enemy in pos- 160 HISTORY OF THE session of the farther end, and had quite a sharp and brilliant skir- mish before getting possession. They, however, drove off the enemy, and took some seventeen prisoners. Major Munn then posted his men in such a way as to hold the place. The bridge was a covered one, and of considerable length, so that the character of any persons in the bridge could not be determined by anyone approaching it. This circumstance gave them another prisoner soon after they had got possession. One of the rebel officers had been off down the valley to see his girl, and was returning on his horse very leisurely, and with- out the least suspicion that in his absence the bridge had changed hands. He came along singing to himself, feeling very happy, no doubt, for the parting kiss was still warm upon his lips ! Our boys saw him coming, and one drew up to fire upon him. But Major Munn said, " No, we will not murder him, but we will have some fun." So they withdrew into the shadow of the bridge, and, when the reb had got close up, they gave the word " halt ! " He sang out, " What are you halting me for ; I ain't no d d yankee." " "We be ! halt ! " and our boys, with levelled muskets, stepped out and repeated the challenge. The astonishment and chagrin of the reb, at thus finding himself a prisoner to the hated yanks, was beyond description. The remembrance of the good time he had just had with his girl down the valley could hardly compensate him. The regiment remained in the valley some weeks, having more or less skirmishing with the enemy. During this time, Co. E lost one man, John Ripple, by capture, he having got outside the lines. The weather was, much of the time, wet and disagreeable, and even as late as April 23d, there were snow storms. One member of Co. A also died at Newmarket, April 22d, David S. Farabee. Patrolling for bushwhackers, and for whisky, relieved some- what the dullness of the stay here. Some of the boys made visits to the top of the mountain, three miles distant from camp, from which the view of the Shenandoah valley was so splendid and enchanting as to amply repay one for the labor of the ascent, and the hazard of being gobbled up or bushwhacked. The valley lay spread out like a map beneath the eye. It was now beginning to put on its spring garb. One could not but regret that such a beau- tiful region should feel the tread of devastating armies. THIRTY- NINTH REGIMENT. 161 We said that the regiment was engaged in patrolling for whisky. This may need some explanation, and it also reminds us of a little story. Whisky had been made contraband of war, and was also excluded by military edict from the army lines at least from the rank and file of the army. Hence it was part of the duty of offi- cers and men, when doing provost work, to hunt it up, and destroy or confiscate it, and get into safe hands. Now, in the 39th, as in most other regiments, there were some who had a fondness for the contraband, and many were the devices of such to hide it from the provost details. It is said that some were in the habit of hiding their canteens in the tents of the officers, well knowing that no one would think of looking in them for anything contraband, and that there they would be perfectly safe. Well, one day, a private of the regiment was returning to the camp from a foraging expedition. He was a good and brave sol- dier, but sadly fond of contraband, and his gait and general appear- ance now showed plainly that he had somewhere got hold of some of it. In this plight he was met by the colonel, who, seeing his condition, felt bound to call him to account. He therefore halted him, charged him with being drunk, and demanded of him where he had got his whisky. The man stoutly denied the charge, although his speech and manner testified sadly against him. The colonel was somewhat taken aback by the man's bold denial, and was about to pass on, when he discovered that the man was trying to conceal his canteen. He then demanded of him what he had got in his canteen. "Nothing," was the unblushing reply. " Nothing," says the colonel, " hand it up and lei me see." The man had no choice but to comply, and a slight examination only was required to demonstrate that it was full of whisky. Enraged at the man's mendacity, he asked him what he meant by lying so. The soldier avowed that he had not lied. " Not lied," said the colonel, " why, you told me that you had nothing in your canteen, and here it is full of whisky. What do you mean." " Oh, said the soldier, " this is not my canteen ; my canteen is in my tent." " Not your canteen ; then whose is it, sir?" demanded the colonel. " Oh this is Ma jor Munn's canteen ! " The colonel confiscated the canteen and contents, and rode on. 21 162 HISTORY OF THE The subsequent history of Major Munn's canteen is veiled in obscu- rity. Symptoms of an advance now manifest themselves. All the sick and disabled, and extra tents, baggage, &c., were sent back, and preparations made for a long march. Monday, May 12th, the 39th started out with Shields' entire division of three brigades, marched around ten miles across the lower bridge, and encamped near Luray. From thence the force moved to Front Royal, twenty-seven miles, in a day and a half the last day and night being very rainy. The boys of the 39th, not being provided with rubber blankets, they were quartered in a large hospital building, which had been put up by the rebels. After remaining twenty-four hours, they moved on for Warrenton Junction, which was reached the next Monday. From this place to Manassas, the country was one complete scene of devastation, having been so often traversed by the armies of both north and south. Wednesday the march was resumed, and the army reached the vicinity of Fredericksburg Thursday night, and encamped on the east bank of the Rappahannock, among McDowell's forces. Fredericksburg lay on the opposite side of the river, apparently a fine city. On the 23d, there was a grand review of the army. This was witnessed by the president, and secretaries Seward and Stanton. It was a splendid pageant. The president particularly noticed the 39th, it being an Illinois regiment, and bearing so loyal a name. Here, the next day, the news of Gen. Banks' defeat in the valley arrived, and the regiment was ordered back. Although they had had but one day's rest, they made a forced march back again, a distance of 180 miles. They left Sunday morning, the 25th, and reached Front Royal, Friday, the 30th, going by way of Manassas Junction, and having considerable skirmishing. The march was a hard one, and, to increase its discomfort, the rations were scanty. Sunday afternoon they moved on from Front Royal, and arrived at their old camp at Luray, having been absent three weeks. Subsequently the brigade was sent from Luray to Port Republic, to hold, or, if need be, to burn the bridge across the south branch of the Shenandoah, and met with a sad disaster. But the 39th had not reached there, and escaped. Some of the boys were called upon THIRTY-NINTH REGIMENT. 163 to assist in the care of the wounded brought in from that fight, (about 75). Gen. Shields' command remained in the vicinity of Luray until the 15th of June, when he started for Front Royal, where the whole command arrived on the 17th. Remained here until the 22d, when the march was resumed, passing through Manassas and Thoroughfare Gap, arrived at camp near Manassas. Here there was another grand review and inspection. While here, orders came to move by railroad to Alexandria, Va., where it was embarked upon transports for the James river, and next day, June 29th, reached Harrison's Landing, in time to take part in the closing scenes of General McClellan's seven days' fight and seven nights' retreat. It here met the 8th cavalry, in which were many old friends and acquaintances. Sunday, August 3d, Chaplain McReading preached, having the 8th for part of his congregation. While here, the 39th was kept at the front, on picket duty, and had a series of skirmishes, of no great importance, until the 5th of August, when it took part in the second fight at Malvern Hill, without material injury, although it was on the picket line, Major Munu being in command. From this point, many, both officers and privates, were sent away sick. The regiment was assigned to the 1st brigade of Peck's division of Keys' corps. It participated in the memorable "change of base " of McClellan's grand army to Fortress Monroe. On the 1st of September, the regiment was sent to Suffolk, Va., where it remained three mouths, fortifying the place, and making frequent expeditions to the Blackwater, having occasional heavy skirmishes with the enemy. On one occasion, it aided in the cap- ture of two pieces of artillery and forty prisoners. While at Suffolk, Maj. Munn, finding his health giving way, resigned his commission and returned home. This closed the cam- paign of 1862. On the 5th day of January, 1863, the regiment again broke camp, and leaving its comfortable quarters at Suffolk, where it had been resting since the first day of Sept. last, marched to the Chowan, river, a distance of about 75 miles. Having lain idle so long, the marching came pretty hard. Here they embarked on transports for Newbern, N. C., passing through Albemarle and Pamlico 164 HISTORY OF THE sounds, where they arrived on the 9th, and reported to General Foster. Col. Osborn was here placed in command of the 1st bri- gade of Terry's division of Foster's corps. After remaining at Newbern two weeks, the regiment was ordered to form part in the great southern expedition of General Foster. It went by railroad to Morehead City, where it embarked on the 25th. But as a storm was raging outside, they lay at anchor several days for it to subside. They finally put to sea. This was the first experience many of them had of " a life on the ocean wave," and to many of them it was not very delightful. They had to settle their accounts with old Neptune, who demanded the usual tribute exacted from fresh fish. After a rough voyage, they anchored safely in the harbor of Port Royal, on the island of St. Helena, having been on ship- board about two weeks. Here they went into a beautiful camp at Laud's End, seven miles from Hilton Head, which was shaded by live oaks and orange trees ; and here they remained several weeks, passing the time in drill exercises. The regiment was highly com- plimented, by experienced drill officers, for its perfection in drill and soldierly appearance. By way of recreation, the boys indulged in boat rides, oyster bakes, and in alligator hunting; also in col- lecting shells, which were found in great abundance on a neigh- boring island. While here the regiment received a beautiful flag from Gov. Yates, which had the State coat of arms on one side, and the por- trait of their patron saint on the other. The regiment also carried a national flag. The portrait of Gov. Yates subsequently met with a casualty. A solid shot from a rebel cannon carried away the governor's head entirely. I suppose the rebs would have been glad if it had been the head of the patriotic governor him- self. On the 2nd of April the regiment left St. Helena Island to take part in the expedition of General Hunter, against Charles- ton, and embarked on the steamer New England, and arrived at Folly Island, the 6th of April. This island is about five miles irom Charleston. The men were pleased with the idea of taking a hand in the task of subduing the hot bed of the rebellion. They were immediately set to work to erect batteries. They were here THIRTY-NINTH REGIMENT. 165 brought into close relations with the rebs again, as they occupied part of the Island. From an observatory, the entire harbor, Forts Sumter, Moul- trie and Johnson, and the steeples of the city were plainly visible. On the day after their arrival, they saw Admiral Dupont enter the harbor with his fleet of iron clads and monitors, and they wit- nessed the engagement with the famous Fort Sumter which a member of the regiment thus describes : " FOLLY ISLAND, April 7th, '63. When the day broke this morn- ing, we discovered that the eminence upon which we had encamped last night about 12, commanded a view of great range. We could see the blockading fleet off Charleston harbor; the iron clads, and the reserve fleet of wooden vessels; Fort Moultrie and the sand batteries on Sullivan's Island; Cumrnings Point bat- tery on the end of Morris Island, and Secession ville ; the steeples of Charleston ; and above all Fort Sumter, with the rebel flags flying defiantly over it. Old Sumter loomed up grandly ; as we gazed upon its massive walls we thought bitterly of the startling episode of two years ago. Every heart in the 39th was burning to avenge the insult and treason of that hour. Between two and three o'clock p. m., the entire iron clad fleet had crossed the bar, and for a time we watched in suspense, as the intervening woods and sand hills shut out the .fleet from our view. Suddenly we saw clouds of white curling smoke fly from the walls of Sumter. It was the signal for engagement, and the fort became calm as before. Soon we discovered a white flag flying beneath the stars and bars, but it was no flag of peace and submission. Leveling our field glasses we recognize the " Palmetto flag," the contemptible rag with which South Carolina opened the rebellion, and displaced the stars and stripes. Immediately we saw smoke and heard the roar of heavy guns as Moultrie and Sullivan's Island opened fire. We could see their flags, but not the works, nor could we see the fleet as yet ; but soon the monitors sailed up the channel, and we could see the smoke stacks and turrets. Soon one of them ap- proached very near Sumter and opened fire. The fort was soon hidden by dense clouds of smoke, as in rapid succession it dis- 1 66 HISTORY OF THE charged its guns, and similar clouds hung over Moultrie, Cura- mings Point and Sullivan Island. The engagement had now be- came general, and the roar of the many heavy guns of both sides was terrific. It seemed impossible that the little monitor could float under such a fire. But the heavy boom of their sixteen inch dahlgreen, and two hundred pound parrots, which we could distinguish from the rebel cannon, assured us that they were afloat, and fighting bravely and desperately. Occasionally, too, as the clouds of smoke lifted we could see them in position, but we could see also the accursed flag of Sumter still flying amid the smoke of battle. The scene was grand and sublime beyond description. For two hours the fight continued ; between four and five Sumter slacked fire, and as the shot and shells of the indomitable iron clads still flew through the air, we expected that the walls of Sumter would soon fly the national colors. But the fire was again renewed fiercely by the rebels. Day was drawing to a close, and the fleet firing a parting shot with- drew over the bar, and thus ended the conflict. We rejoiced that when we counted the " cheese boxes" (as they were moving after the huge iron-clad, like ducks following their mother bird,) none were missing, and we supposed that the contest would be renewed in the morning, but we were doomed to disappointment. The en- gagement was not renewed, we know not why. Our only loss was the sinking of the Keokuk. We would have thanked Gen. Hunter, if he had ordered us then and there to take Morris Is- land and its batteries by storm. Our boys commenced swearing when they saw the fleet withdraw, and are still at it." I don't suppose the boys' swearing hastened the downfall of Sumter, and the taking of Charleston one bit. At any rate they had to content themselves in their position for sometime longer. Meanwhile the tedium of their sojourn on Folly Island was re- lieved by an occasional adventure. One night they got up an excursion to a rebel craft which had got aground on the sand bar in trying to run the blockade. Being unable to get it off, the crew had abandoned it, first setting it on fire. For some reason the fire went out, and the vessel and cargo were but little damaged. The vessel lay under the fire of the rebels on Morris Island, and the Union batteries on Folly Island, TWENTIETH EEGIMENT. 167 so that neither side dare visit it in the day time to get off the cargo. The 39th made up a boat's crew, in charge of Maj. Linton, one dark night, for the purpose of making the vessel a visit, and seeing what they could find on board. They approached the ves- sel very cautiously, not caring to be discovered, and thus draw the fire of Morris Island, and not knowing but they might meet a like expedition on the part of the rebels. They reached the vessel safely and got aboard, and found them- selves sole possessors. But unfortunately the matches with which they were provided had somehow got wet, and they could not strike a light to aid them in their explorations. They could only ascertain the nature of the cargo by the senses of feeling and small. But they were able to smell out, and feel out, a lot of pineapples and other fruits, a lot of cigars, and some fine old Scotch whisky. It is something wonderful how keen the boys were on the scent ! It was a wonderful instance of that compensating provision of nature, by which when one sense is absent, the other becomes pre- ternaturally acute. They confiscated as much of the cargo as they could conveniently carry, and got back to quarters again all right. On learning the success of this trip, another squad thought they would try it. These managed to keep their matches from getting demoralized, and thus were able to examine the cargo pretty thor- oughly, finding it to consist of cigars, liquors, and ready-made clothing, for all of which, no doubt, the rebels in Charleston were longing. After satisfying their curiosity, and getting together as big a load of the cargo as they could conveniently carry, they pre- pared to return. Bat what was their chagrin to find that the boat, which had been left in charge of some careless sentinel, had got loose from its moorings, with the rising tide, and had floated off. They could do nothing now but to leave their plunder, (except such as had been consumed), and swim for the shore. This they did, except two who were not swimmers, who had to be left behind until the next night, in full possession of the vessel and cargo. The rest of the party reached the shore safely, although some of them were pretty nearly exhausted. In June the regiment was moved to Coles Island, where they had a pleasant camp beneath the scattering live oaks, and also good water. June 29th, it returned to Folly Island. 168 HISTORY OF THE July 10th, the regiment assisted in the capture of part of Mor- ris Island, Forts Wagner and Gregg being still in possession of the enemy. The regiment now engaged in the construction of the forts, parallels, and trenches, which resulted in the capture of Fort Wagner. It had been assigned to Gen. A. H. Terry's division. A day or two previous to the fall of this fort, Col. Osborn was tem- porarily disabled by the premature discharge of a piece of ordnance. The 39th formed the advance of their brigade, under command of Lieut. Col. Mann, and occupied the trenches on the night (Sept. 6th) when it was discovered that the fort was being evacuated. As soon as the purpose of the enemy was discovered, a detail of the 39th went into the fort, capturing the rear guard of the enemy, and being just in time to stop a man who was just about to pull the lanyard of a gun, which was heavily loaded with grape and canister, and which had the range of our men, who were advancing; and also to cut the fuse which the rebels had fired to explode the mines and magazine. They then had the satisfaction of being the first to plant the national colors, and the portrait of Gov. Yatea, upon the parapet of Fort Wagner. A part of the regiment gar- risoned the fort for a few days, and the rest occupied Fort Gregg, which fell at the same time. While in Fort Gregg, the regiment lost one of its officers, Capt. Woodruff, of Marseilles, by a shell thrown by the rebel guns on Sullivan's Island. The loss of the regiment during the four months it had been engaged in siege duty, was not very heavy, considering its expo- sure. The experience of being under fire continually, although behind intrenchments, is much more trying to the nerves, and courage even, than a hotly contested battle-field. Walter Van Bogert, of Co. E, (from Wilmington), was killed by the fragment of a shell, while passing from one fort to the other, just after being released from outpost duty. He was a brave and valued member of his regiment, a young man barely old enough for enlistment at the time the regiment was raised. The following tribute to his memory was written by a member of the regiment at the time of his fall : '. .. ' Comrade, sleep, thy warfare is done, Roll we in grief the muffled drum, Bear thee with sighs, and measured tread, To the silent home of the patriot dead. THIRTY-NINTH REGIMENT. 169 We shall miss thy bright and joyous face, When we see thee not in thy 'castom'd place ; But we know that thy Heavenly Father's hand Has placed thee in a bright and better land. Fast fall our tears on thy hallowed clay, And, laden with grief, we turn away ; And at night 'round our camp-fires thy virtues tell, Comrade in arms, farewell farewell !" Fort Wagner was a strong and extensive fort. In its front there was a space which ran out to the shore, and which served as a dyke, or passage to the fort. This had been filled up, it was said, by the bodies of those who fell in former attacks. It was also said that Col. Shaw was here buried, under a heap of his col- ored soldiers. This, no doubt, was meant as an indignity. There are those so peculiar as ,to regard it as the noblest burial ! After assisting awhile in the repair of the defenses of Morris Island, the 39th returned again to Folly Island, Oct. 28th. While on Folly Island, Lieut. Kingsbury was presented by Co. E with a fine swoid, sash, &c. The regiment left Folly Island the 6th of December, going to Hilton Head. Here it remained until about the first of February, 1864. While here, the 39th set the example of re-enlisting for another three years, and received its veteran furlough. It left Hilton Head, Feb. 1st, 1864, for Chicago, going by way of New York. It was escorted to the place of embarkation by an entire brigade, with several generals and their staffs. During the passage to New York, a sad accident occurred. A water butt broke loose from its mooring on deck, rolled against some of the men, injuring eight two fatally. The regiment reached Chicago about the 4th of February, with 352 men, 40 whose time was not expired, remaining with 40 others who did not veteranize. They received a fine ovation at Bryan Hall. The people of Wilmington also gave companies A and E a fine reception, at which Col. Osborn and a portion of his staff were present, and the Col., who was as good a talker as he was a fighter, made an eloquent and patriotic speech. The boys spent their furlough at their various homes, being everywhere received with the honors they had so deservedly won. During their furlough great efforts were made to fill up its deci- 22 170 HISTORY OF THE mated ranks, which were ably seconded by their former Major Munn. This county, especially Wilmington and vicinity, fur- nished its share of recruits. The citizens of Wilmington treated the 39th to a re- union, which was a happy and pleasant occasion. A highly complimentary letter was written to Governor Yates in relation to the regiment by Gen. Seymour, who had commanded the brigade, speaking in the highest terms of the conduct and pluck of the 39th. This letter was strongly endorsed by Gen. Gil more. After the regiment had recruited to 750, it left (March 15th,) for Washington, by the Pittsburg & Fort Wayne R. R,., once more saying good-bye to friends and relatives, and after a safe and pleasant trip, arrived at Washington. After spending a quiet Sabbath in the city, it marched over the famous long bridge, and went into camp at camp Grant, Arlington Heights. The regiment remained for some weeks in camp at this place, enduring the discomforts of a Washington spring, which consisted of mud, rain and snow, in about equal proportions. The time was spent in drilling recruits, and in the routine of camp duty, and in witnessing the practice of the artillerists at the neighboring forts. The thundering of the cannon, and the terrific shrieking of shells, being new to the recruits, gave them an inkling of the experience that awaited them. While here, the regiment raised by subscription $600 for instruments for a brass band which had been organized by members of the regiment. While here the 39th was temporarily brigaded with the 25th, 62d, and 67th Ohio regiments. Col. Pond of the 62d being in temporary command. At a review of the brigade by Major Gen- eral Casey, the 39th was highly complimented by him. A squad of recruits from Springfield, Illinois, was also received at this time. On Monday, the 25th of April, the regiment struck tents once more, marched to Alexandria, and embarked on board the " Mon- tauk," for Fortress Monroe, After a pleasant voyage they reached the Fortress on the next morning, and proceeded immediately to Yorktown the place made historic by Gen. McClellan, as well as by Washington and Corwallis. Here they were rejoined by the members of the regiment who had not veteranized, and who THIRTY-NINTH REGIMENT. 171 had remained behind at Hilton Head. The regiment was now assigned to the first bridade, first division, 10th army corps. The regiment had now come into a region of great historic interest. On the James River, about fifty miles from its mouth, was planted in 1 607, the first English settlement in our country. On the site of the present city of Richmond, was the capital of Powhattan, the great chief of thirty tribes, where, in his royal resi- dence of twelve wigwams, he dwelt in regal state, as proud as any of his successors ; and here originated that beautiful legend, con- cerning the rescue of the great founder of the Smith family by the beautiful Pocahontas. (We would tell the story but we have a suspicion that it would not be fresh.) At Williamsburg was the old colonial capital of Virginia, where Patrick Henry uttered the thrilling words, (since occasionally quoted,) "Give me liberty, or give me death." Near by, on the shore of the Pamumkey was the home of that charming widow, to whom the great Washington struck his colors, while a little to the north on the Rappahannock grew the famous cherry tree. At Yorktown was settled the ques- tion of our independence by the surrender of Cornwallis. And now in these days the 39th was to aid in enacting new events, and in set- tling new questions which were to add new interest to the region to make it still more historic. At Hampton, an old town near the mouth of the James, Captain Baker strolled into an ancient grave yard surrounding the ruins of an old brick church which had been burned by the rebels, and here he found a moss grown grave stone which would have delighted Old Mortality himself, on which was the inscription, "Under this stone lies the body of Captain Willis Wilson, who departed this life the 19th day of December, in the year 1701, it being the 128th year of his age." This man was then 32 years old when Captain Newport brought over the Jamestown settlers the 105 persons, 48 of whom were " gentlemen," Captain John Smith being one. It is not unlikely that Captain Wilson came over at the same time and was one of the 48 gentlemen. I wish I knew. He died five years before the birth of Franklin. He no doubt enjoyed the honor of being the oldest inhabitant of that quaint old town for several years. Surely he must have been " fully ripe" when the great reaper " gathered him in." I wonder if he smoked ! 172 HISTORY OF THE The regiment left Yorktown for City Point, on the James River, Wednesday, May 4th, at which place it arrived on Thurs- day evening. Friday morning the army disembarked without any opposition, and then took up the line of march, (the 39th being in the advance,) for a dense pine forest known as Wier Bottoms, within fifteen miles of Richmond. The day was ex- cessively warm, and the road soon became strewn with discarded blankets, overcoats, etc.; everything which could be dispensed with to lighten the load, with the usual recklessness of the sol- dier, being thrown away. During the next few days the army had considerable heavy skirmishing, capturing trains, prisoners, etc., and tearing up railroad tracks. Gen. Gilmore was in com- mand of the corps. After a few days the column was moved forward to Drury's Bluff, and the 39th was placed on the extreme left of General Butler's command, and was not brought into action until the 14th, when it supported a battery, and had two killed and seven wounded. On the 15th had some casualties from sharpshooters. On the 16th our entire force was driven back. The 39th was at one time completely surrounded by the enemy, but succeeded in cutting its way out, suffering great loss. To use Gen. Butler's words, " The 39ih fought most gallantly, and suffered most se- verely." In respect to this action, a correspondent of the Wil- mington Herald, (E. D. Conley), one of the new members of the regiment, writes: "On Saturday morning, at 2:30, we were ordered to " fall in," with two days' rations. We marched eight miles, and halted on the R. & P. R. R., eleven miles from Richmond. Firing was already going on, and the 39th proceeded at once to the extreme left of the Union line, under a heavy fire, to support the 5th N. J. battery, which was shelling the rebel earthworks, two miles from Fort Darling. After a stubborn resistance, the rebels were driven back from a thick pine wood to their strongholds. Here an open field of three- fourths of a mile intervened between the two armies. Col. Osborn received a ball in his right elbow, but kept the field for hours, until compelled to leave from loss of blood. The rebels made two charges after dark, but were repulsed. Night came on, THIRTY-NINTH REGIMENT. 173 and the rebels returned to their defenses. Sunday there was des- ultory firing by the sharpshooters, and the time was improved by the 39th in intrenching themselves. Monday, the 16th, the bloody work began again in earnest. The rebels were in possession of the railroad which ran through the battle-field to Richmond. At daylight the enemy opened with heavy cannonading. A heavy fog shut them from sight until after sunrise. Our right wing was pressed hard by the rebel cavalry that had advanced under cover of the fog, and after repeated charges, broke the Union line at a point where we had no artillery. About 8 a. m., as the right was giving way, two regiments on the right of the 39th fell back in disorder, and the 81st New York was ordered away from our left, leaving the 39th on the extreme left, and compelling them to stretch out and occupy the rifle pits vacated by the N. Y. regiment. At this moment, on came the enemy in heavy columns, but the 39th was ready to receive them. The adjutant ordered the boys to hold their fire until the enemy was within 300 yards, when we delivered a fire that mowed them down, and threw their ranks into confusion. They rallied and advanced a second time, and were treated to the same reception. It was here, that while standing upon the earthworks, cheering on our men, that Adjutant Walker fell, and Major Linton soon followed. At one time the enemy got in our rear, after the command had devolved upon Capt. L. A. Baker, and he was called upon to surrender. The demand was answered by a volley and a cheer. The army finally fell back to our fortifications, and it seems the rebels were not anxious to follow. The 39th was the last regiment to leave the field, and was thought to be captured by the commanding general." The entire loss in the regiment was nearly 200. On the 20th of May the regiment was again ordered out, to dislodge the enemy from some temporary work near Wier Bot- tom church, which was accomplished in a most gallant manner, being entirely successful. The 39th captured a large number of prisoners, including Gen. Walker, who was seriously wounded. In this engagement, Lieut. Col. Mann was wounded, and the regi- ment was left without a field officer. The entire loss of the regi- ment was about forty killed and wounded. The following is a 174 HISTORY OF THE list of casualties to Will county men in these engagements of the 14th, 16th, and 20th of May, 1864 : KILLED: Silas Benton, Co. E ; Elisha Carr, Co. E, WOUNDED AND MISSING: Adjt. Joseph D. Walker, of Lockport, wounded by a musket shot in the bowels, and died in five hours. Co. A A. H. Carrigan, wounded, died June 8d; Henry Bowen, severe and missing; James Wilcox, slight ; Corp. John Holton, slight; Henry Ruppenthal, arm amputated: Wm. Willard, slight; Daniel Ashton, missing; F. Bronchet, missing; Glaus Arhues, slight; M. Coons, missing ; Andrew Sybert, missing ; James Dobson, severe ; Samuel Proud, slight; Wm. Baxter, severe; Harvey Tracy, missing; Barton S. Walters, missing; Ira Nichols, severe and taken prisoner; Daniel Daly, slight. Co. C Michael McNally, slight. Co. E 2d Lieut. Elisha S. Kings- bury.^left arm amputated; Sergt. T. Gronigal, severe and missing, (died); Sergt. David M. Hansom, missing ; Sergt. John L. Ripple, missing ; Hugh- R. Snee, severe and missing; James Gillett, severe; James Nelson, severe; Dilton Lee, missing ; Henry'Ohlhues, severe ; Reuben Slayton, missing ; George H. Dunn, slight ; Frank M. Corbett, slight ; Wm. Baxter, severe and missing; Almon Merrill, severe; Lawrence Baker, mortally; George W. Morgan, severe ; Howard Johnson, severe ; Moses Mayer, severe ; Alpheus fiogers, arm amputated; James Munroe, slight; Wm. F. Hertzog, slight; Orson C. Porter, slight. Co. G Corp. N. B. Kendall, severely wounded and left on the field, reported mortally, but recovered ; Henry Frank, concus- sion; Sergt. Horace T. Corwin, slight; James B. West, slight. Co. A May 26th, Lieut. Burrell, severely wounded. I On the 2d day of June the regiment was again called out, and had a severe engagement on nearly the same ground as on the 20th of May, and its losses were nearly the same, about 40. The losses from our county were : Co. A Corp. Thos. DeLineand Wm. H. Reed, taken prisoners ; Frank Abrams, missing. Many of those reported missing in the above lists, experienced the delights of rebel prisons. Andrew Sibert and David H. Han- som perished in Andersonville. Barton S. Walters and Thomas DeLine lived to get into our lines, but never recovered from their sufferings. Smith died at Annapolis, April 1st. DeLine came home, lingered awhile, and died. On the 16th, 17th, and 18th days of June, the regiment came into collision with the famous Longstreet corps, near the Richmond and Petersburg pike, and fought them night and day. Here Capt. O. F. Rudd, of this county, was killed, and the regiment lost in the three days' fight about 35 in killed and wounded. Sergt. W. J. Harris, of Channahon, was also mortally wounded, and died on the 17th. THIRTY-NINTH REGIMENT. 175 Monday, June 20th, the regiment was ordered to Jones Land- ing, on the James river, where a pontoon bridge was thrown over, and the regiment crossed to the south side next morning. The 25th it proceeded to Point of Rocks, went on board transports to Wilcox Landing, to make a diversion in favor of Sheridan. Find- ing their services were not needed, they returned. Remained at Bermuda Hundred until the 14th day of August, when they crossed to the north side of the James at Deep Bottom, and operated in conjunction with the 2d corps of the army of the James, under the direction of Gen. Grant, in a reconnoisance toward the works near Richmond. They fell back at night across the James, and on Monday, the 15th, recrossed a mile below, and again advanced on the enemy at Strawberry Plains, near Malvern Hill. Not much was done on Monday, as the day was very hot, and some were sun- struck. They were visited by Grant, Hancock, and Butler. On the 16th the brigade was ordered to charge the works at Deep Run at the point of the bayonet. The assault was made by the brigade most gallantly, but it was met by a resistance as stub- born and fierce. Even after the assaulting column had mounted the works, the enemy maintained a hand-to-hand fight. But suc- cess at length crowned our brave boys, and the lines of the enemy were broken, and a large number of prisoners captured. But it was at a fearful expense. In perhaps fifteen minutes' time, the 39th lost 64 men, and came out of the encounter with only two of the officers left on duty that appeared on a roster of 28, when they left Washington in the spring. t During this action, a private of Co. G, Henry M. Hardenburg, encountered the color sergeant of an Alabama regiment, when a desperate conflict took place for the colors. After a sharp struggle of some minutes' duration, Hardenburg was the victor, having dispatched the rebel sergeant, and captured his colors, not, how- ever, without receiving divers wounds himself. He presented the captured colors to Gen. Birney, commanding the corps. General Butler, on hearing of the affair, promoted him to a lieutenancy in a colored regiment. But he did not live long enough to assume the position, as he was himself killed at Petersburg, two days before the commission arrived. The entire loss in this engagement in the 39th, was 104 in 176 HISTORY OF THE killed, wounded and missing. The casualties to Will county men, were Capt. L. A. Baker, in command of the regiment, shot through the leg, so severely as to necessitate amputation. Lieutenant N. C. Warner, of Co. E. was severely wounded and suffered amputation of a leg. Corp. H. E. Sartell, of Co. E, Sergeant Joseph S. Evans, and Charles H. Jackson, of Co. E. were also wounded, the latter.losing an arm. Corp. Wm. Butter- field, Co. A, killed, and private John Berden. In the latter part of August, the regiment went into the trenches in front of Petersburg, where it was on duty, and under fire almost constantly, night and day. In the latter part of Sep- tember it moved with the corps north of the James, and on the 7th of October met the enemy near Chapin's farm, where it was assaulted behind some hastily constructed breastworks. But the enemy was repulsed in threesuccessive assaults with great slaughter. On the 13th of October, the 39th shared in the charge made under command of General A. H. Terry, upon the enemy's works near Darlington road, seven miles from Richmond. The regiment went into this fight near 250 strong, out of which number they lost 60. Several officers were killed. Indeed, the fight left the regiment again with but three commissioned officers on duty. In this engagement we lost Geo. W. Yates, of Co. A, from Wilming- ton. He had been promoted color sergeant for his bravery, and fell with the colors in his hand. Some one passing rapidly by him in the charge, seeing the flag, seized the staff to take it along, Sergt. Yates, though dead, held the staff with so firm a grasp that his body was dragged some distance before the muscles relaxed sufficiently to let go. On the 29th of October, the remnant took part in a reconnois- ance near the same place, and had a brisk engagement with the enemy. In November, Colonel Osborn returned to the regiment, although not fully recovered from his wounds. He was placed in command of the brigade, and the command of the regiment de- volved on Lieut. Plimpton, who was promoted captain. All the field officers that survived, were off duty on account of wounds. Ifuring the winter, the regiment remained behind the intrench- ments, on the north side of the James, and was equipped anew. It had some skirmishes during the winter. In March, it received THIRTY-NINTH REGIMENT. 177 about 100 recruits, and on the 27th took part in the movements which resulted in our final victory over the rebel army in Vir- ginia. On that day, it struck tents before Richmond, and made a forced march to the extreme left of the Union lines. Next even- ing passed Sheridan's camp, and the headquarters of the army of the Potomac, where all was busy. Going a few miles further, it went into camp, having marched 37 miles. Monday morning, it advanced to a position near Hatcher's Run. Heavy skirmishing, sharp shooting, etc., occupied the next three days, while Sheridan's cavalry was operating on the south side of the railroad, gobbling up prisoners by thousands. Satur- day night, April 1st, preparations were made for a grand advance on Petersburg ; and Sunday morning the ball opened, the enemy felling back to Fort Gregg, the key to the rebel works around Petersburg and Richmond. This was a work of great strength, surrounded by a ditch six feet deep and twelve wide, and defended by the picked men of Lee's army. It was assigned to the 1st brigade to charge and take the fort, Col. Osborn of the 39th being in command. With wild cheers the brigade advanced under a galling fire. The fighting was terrific. The 39th was the first regiment to gain the ditch, (a ditch six feet deep and twelve wide, to get out of which they had to dig footholds with swords and bayonets,) and stockade, and then the parapet. The sup- porting column came up in line of battle, but the enemy did not surrender until the General in command of the fort was felled to the ground by a clubbed musket in the hands of a sergeant, and our troops were inside the works, and the colors of the 39th floated from the parapet. In this assault 150 men of the 39th were engaged, the rest be- ing on other duty. Of these 150, sixteen were killed, and now lie buried where they fell, and forty-four were severely wounded, some of whom died afterwards. Among the killed was George "W. Burton, of Co. E, of Wilmington, who had mounted the para- pet alone, under a raging fire, and fell pierced by three balls. The president and Gen. Grant witnessed this charge which occu- pied twenty-four minutes. For the gallantry displayed by the 39th, a magnificent brazen eagle, cast for the purpose, was placed 23 178 HISTORY OF THE upon the regimental color staff at a subsequent review, by Major General Gibbons. The color sergeant, Henry M. Day, of Wil- mington, who was severely wounded while placing the colors upon the fort, received a medal of honor from the war department. Thus flanked and defeated, the rebel army retreated, and on Monday morning April 3d, our army marched into Petersburg. The fleeing foe was promptly pursued, the 39th joining in the chase in advance, on the line of the south side railroad, marching one day forty miles, General Grant accompanying the column. The brigade took part also in the action of the 9th, in which Os- born's old war horse, " Mack," was killed under the General by the explosion of a shell. In this its last engagement, the regiment had several casualties, as given below. And now as a fitting close to all its fierce combats and weary marches and campaigns, the 39th had the glorious privilege of witnessing the surrender of Lee at Appomatox Court House,, when the " back bone of the rebellion" was finally and effectually broken. But little now remains to be said. The regiment was occupied a few days in guarding the spoils of the rebel army. It was then ordered to Richmond, where it had the satisfaction of tread- ing the streets of the proud rebel capital until August, when it moved to Norfolk, Va., where it remained until Dec. 6th, when it was mustered out of service, and on the 7th started for Spring- field, 111., where it arrived via Chicago, on the 12th. On the 16th, the regiment was assembled in chapel and sur- rendered its flag, which it had borne so bravely on many a bloody field, and which had never been polluted by rebel hands, to the State. The adjutant general thanked them for their gal- lant record and valuable services to the State and country, con- gratulating them on the happy termination of their honorable and patriotic service. The following are the casualties in compa- nies A and E in the last actions. In action of April 2d, 1865 : KILLED: Co. A Samuel A. Proud, of Channahon; Hugh Rourke, of Chaunahon? Co. E George W. Burton, of Wilmington ; Henry Olhuea, of Florence. WOUNDED: Co. A Serg't. Wm. A. Keepers, of Wilmington ; Serg't. Henry M. Day, of Wilmington ; Corp. Ernest Holtz, of Wilmington ; Cornelius S. Wil- THLRTY-NINTH JREGIMENT. 179 lard, of Channahon, lost an arm ; Sergt, Wm. Cumberlick ; Nicholas Smith, (died). Co. E Ralph Babcock, Alexander Anderson, (substitutes) ; Serg't. Wm. P. Kelly, of Wesley. In action of April 9th : WOUNDED : Co. A James Hopkins. Co. E Theo. .F. Axtell, of Wesley; Eden B. Strobe 1 ., (a substitute) ; Martin V. Harderman, of Wilmington. Of the field color guard organized in the spring of 1864 at Washington, not one survived the battle of August 16th, 1864! Lieut. N. C. Warner, who himself lost a leg at the assault on the enemy's works August 16th, 1864, and who now resides at Rockford, 111., says, " Theodore Gronigal was chosen color ser- geant of the regiment, and bore the national colors at the battle of Drury Bluffs, and was wounded and fell into the hands of the enemy, and is supposed to have died. He was magnificently brave. George W. Burton, Almon Merrill, Walter Van Bogert, Alexander Gray, Henry Olhues and Thomas^Stewart were boys just old enough to pass muster, and belonged to substantial fami- lies of Wilmington and vicinity, and all perished in battle from wounds received, and I remember them as conspicuously brave." To which statement we add, that N. C. Warner is entitled to the same compliment which he bestows upon his comrades. He was struck down as we have related August 16th, 1866, with the regi- mental colors in his hand, and was breveted major for his gal- lantry. This history, brief as it is, needs no concluding words of rhetoric. Our county lost in the 39th four commissioned officers, two of whom were killed on the field. Several others were cruelly maimed. Twenty enlisted men from Will county, died of disease, thirty more were killed on the field or died of wounds. Four died from imprisonment. Many others were wounded and suffered imprison- ment. Surely the Yates Phalanx contributed its full share of precious life and loyal blood to the preservation of the Union. May that life and blood not have been spent in vain ! REGIMENTAL HISTORIES. CHAPTER IV. HISTORY OF THE SIXTY-FOURTH REGIMENT; OR, YATES SHARPSHOOTERS. Will County in the Yates Sharpshooters Organization Movements From Birds Point to New Madrid Movements First Blood Under Fire Island No. 10 River Sights Expedition to Fort Pillow Goes to Hamburg, Tenn. Siege of Corinth Battle of Chambers Creek Casualties Incident* Reconnoisance Evacuation of Corinth Incidents Becomes Gen. Rose- crans' Headquarters' Guard Major Matteson's Death Capt. Morrill made Colonel Goes to luka Movements Battle of luka Pursuit of Price luka Recruits Contrabands Battle of Corinth Casualties Incidents Vari- ous Accounts Goes to Glendale Long Stay on Outpost Duty Incidents- Goes to luka Pulaski Re-enlists Comes Home Recruiting Becomes a Full Regiment Promotions Leaves for the Front Decatur Sunny South Captain Logan's Company Brigaded Chattanooga Forward Resacca Snake Creek Gap Kingston Van Wirt Dallas Casualties Pumpkin Vine Creek Aekworth Big Shanty Kenesaw, June 27th Casualties A Gritty Boy On Kenesaw 4th of July Movements A Friendly Swim Marietta Roswell Nancy's Creek Decatur July 22d Casualties Inci- dents What Sherman Says True Story of the Dispatches Who Filled the Gap 28th of July Before Atlanta Change of Base Atlanta Transferred to 17th Army Corps Chasing Hood Hard March One Man Hard to Wake Snake Creek Gap Fight Casualties Rations Short Rations Full Co. G as Foragers Marches Return to Atlanta Joins the March to the Sea Poole's Station Savannah Poke-em-till-i-go Northward Salkahatchie Orangeburg Columbia Fayetteville Battle of Bentonville Major Rey- nolds Wins a Brevet March Resumed Washington- -Review Home Something About the Smith's A Problem in Natural History Conclusion. the 64th regiment, Will county was represented by 16 com- missioned officers, and about 300 enlisted men. We had, therefore, about the same number of Will county men in this regiment as in the 20th. Capt. David G. Grover, of Co. E, was one of our well-known lawyers, and raised his company here early in the war, in the fall of 1861. SIXTY- FOURTH REGIMENT. 181 Co. F, of this regiment, was raised largely through the efforts of Joseph S. Reynolds, of New Lenox, a son of one of our oldest and most respected Hickory Creek families, who had just gradu- ated from the Chicago high school at the breaking out of the war. He was assisted by Lieutenant Ward Knickerbocker, also of New Lenox. Mr. Reynolds entered the company as 2d lieutenant, and shared in all its campaigns and exposures, from New Madrid to Goldsboro. He gradually rose first to the command of the com- pany, and then of the regiment. Co. F was raised mainly in the towns of New Lenox, Frankfort, and Wilmington. Henry Logan, captain of Co. G, (afterwards major), was, and still is, a well-known Joliet lawyer, and raised his company entirely in this county in the winter of 1863-4. The first major of the regiment, Fred. W. Matteson, although at the time of entering the service a resident of Springfield, was born and brought up in Joliet, and his early death was as deeply felt by our citizens as if he had gone immediately from this county, and his remains now sleep in our own "Oak wood." All these facts fully justify us in giving the history of this regi- ment as part of the war record of Will county. To these reasons we might add the fact that in the 64th we had the only general of whom we can boast, Colonel Reynolds being breveted brigadier toward the end of the war, as he richly deserved to be. The first battalion of this regiment, consisting of four compa- nies, was originally known as the " Yates Sharpshooters." This was organized at Camp Butler, Dec. 16th, 1861, by Lieut. Col. D. E. Williams, of Peoria. Two more companies E, Capt. Grover, and F, Capt. Payne mostly enlisted in Will county, with Fred. W. Matteson as major, were mustered in the last day of December, 1861. Jan. 10th, 1862, the battalion, consisting of six companies, was ordered to Quincy, where it went into barracks and was armed. Feb. 16th, it moved to Cairo. March 5th, it moved via Birds Point, Charleston, Bertrand, and Sykeston, to New Madrid, where it was assigned to Morgan's brigade, Payne's division of General Pope's command. The march from Birds Point to New Madrid was a hard initia- tion for the Yates Sharpshooters into the discomforts of army life. Much of the country was heavily timbered and low, and as the 182 HISTORY OF THE river was now high covered with water, which obliged them to follow the railroad track. Anyone who has tried it, knows that a railway is a hard road to travel on foot. They reached Charles- ton the same day, a very pretty town of 1,500 inhabitants, now reduced to 36 persons the rest having fled when our army took possession, as they cast their lot with the rebels. Next day the battalion marched to Bertrand, where they joined other Union forces. Here they staid the 7th and 8th, and on the 9th resumed the march, having the same kind of swampy country, with the additional discomfort of rain, before they reached Sykeston. They were without tents, and passed the night in the mud and rain, without shelter. But they made the situation a little more cheerful with numerous fires. Next morning the march was resumed, the Yates Sharpshooters in the lead, over a rough and muddy turnpike, but the rain had ceased. Night came on again when within five miles of New Madrid, and this, too, was passed without shelter, and it was a cold and chilly one, rendering sleep almost impossible. Next morning, their rations being short, a detail was allowed to see what they could find in the country to help them out. The result was that the boys had plenty of fresh pork. The force then moved on to within two miles of New Madrid, where they were welcomed with shot and shell from the rebel forts. The boys made their bivouac about one and a half miles northeast of the town, near the river, protected from the rebel gun-boats by a heavy piece of timber, making their shelter out of brush and corn- stalks. Next day the Yates Sharpshooters had the honor of being selected from the large army there gathered, to make the first move toward the capture of the town and forts, which consisted in a demonstration in the night, on the opposite side of the town from the one where our forces were planting siege guns. Maj. Matteson, in command of the battalion, moved cautiously forward until fired upon by the enemy's pickets, when they were ordered to lie down. The bullets flew freely, but no damage was done, except that one bullet passed through the coat collar of Jesse Cremer, of Co. F, and slightly wounded his neck, just enough to give him the honor of shedding the first blood drawn by rebels in the Yates Sharp- shooters. SIXTY- FOURTH REGIMENT. 183 The skirmishing was kept up during the night by the picket line. The enemy's pickets were reinforced by several hundred men, some of whom were well posted in an old mill. As all the object of this demonstration was to divert attention from the opera- tions of our forces who were planting the siege guns, no attempt was made to dislodge them. In the morning, the battalion was early drawn up in line of battle, and just at sunrise had the pleas- ure of hearing from one of our 64-pound siege guns, which had been successfully planted during the night. Loud cheers went up from the boys on hearing the music. Gen. Paine's division was then ordered to support the guns, as it was anticipated that the enemy would make an effort to take them. Silently and solemnly the men moved forward in anticipation of serious work. The division was halted in the rear of the siege guns, and then awaited the movements of the enemy until about 11 a. m., when, no demonstration being made by them, the division was ordered to move to the left, and if it should be practicable, to attack the upper fort and carry it by storm. Gen. Paine moved the division forward until the Yates Sharpshooters, who were a quarter of a mile in the advance, reached the edge of the town, where the division was halted. The Yates Sharpshooters could look down into the rebel fort, which was firing its guns very rapidly toward our siege guns. Soon, however, the presence of the division was discovered, and one gun turned upon them. Two rebel gun-boats also came in sight, and commenced playing upon them with shot and shell in profusion. This necessitated rapid changes of position, and the Yates Sharpshooters were ordered to lie flat upon the ground, and never did a squirrel lie closer to a limb, when the hunter was trying to draw a sight on him, than did the boys, just then, to mother earth. The position was by no means pleasant, but they endured it for about an hour, when the order came to fall back. The Yates Sharpshooters, being deployed, were not so much exposed as the rest. Some were slightly wounded, but not enough to take them from duty. After another hour in the woods, they returned to camp. Next morning (the 14th), the men rose with the expectation of another day's exposure, and perhaps a bloody engagement ; but soon one of Gen. Paine's orderlies passed through the camp, sing- 184 HISTORY OF THE ing the welcome song, "Madrid is evacuated!" Such was the fact, as the reader of our war history well knows ; and our forces came into possession of the place, with a great amount of guns and munitions of war. The battalion then witnessed more or less of the operations against Island Number Ten, and the rebel batteries on the main land ; the running of the blockade by the Pittsburgh and the Carondalet, and their gallant exploits in silencing and spiking their guns, assisted by the batteries which our forces had erected on the Missouri shore. Here were some of the most brilliant operations, and the most sublime and magnificent spectacles of the war. As is well known these operations resulted in the evacua- tion and surrender, (it partook of the character of both), of Island No. 10, with 5,000 prisoners, among them several generals and other officers, and of great numbers of guas, etc. Three companies of the battalion then went to Chicago to as- sist in escorting the rebel prisoners, while the other three in the command of Major Matteson joined Pope's expedition down the river to Fort Pillow. This expedition left on transports preceded by gun-boats on the evening of the 13th of April, and arrived at Osceola, in the vicinity of Port Pillow next day at 3 p. m. The voyage down the river by daylight was a fine one. The day was beautiful. The transports had bands of music which made the woods on either side resound with the national airs, while the stars and stripes waved gaily in the breeze, and flashed in the sunlight. The men also witnessed a fierce naval battle between our gun-boats and a fleet of seven rebel boats, lasting half an hour, and closing by the retreat of the rebels down the river. After, their arrival the battalion escorted Generals Pope, Palmer and Hamilton, and the assistant secretary of war, on the " clipper Brown," on a reconnoitering expedition up the river, landing (about twelve miles up) at the house of a Unionist, where they took on board some rebels who gave themselves up as pris- oners. The gun-boats lay just above a given point of land, and sent their compliments into Fort Pillow, while the transports lay in their rear out of range of its guns. As is well known the opera- SIXTY-FOURTH REGIMENT. 185 tious against Fort Pillow directly, were not pressed, and the expe- dition returned. The battalion then moved with the army up the Tennessee and disembarked at Hamburg Landing on the 22d of April. From that time it was engaged in the siege of Corinth until its evacuation, May 30th, being continually on the picket and skir- mish line, generally a mile in advance of the main army. On the 3d of May it was heavily engaged. A reconnoisanoe in force was ordered, and Generals Paine and Palmer were de- tailed for the work. Among the regiments selected was the " Yates Sharp Shooters." After proceeding five miles on the Farmington road, the enemy was encountered, and the battle of Chambers Creek ensued. This battle in which the " Yates Sharp Shooters" played a most important part, is thus described in a letter of Sergeant Henry S. Clark, of Lockport, to his family friends : " The 3d inst. (May), our division made a movement toward Corinth, our battalion in advance. After proceeding some three miles we came to low swampy woods with thick underbrush and tangled vines all through it. In the center of the wood, and run- ning at right angles with it, was a small stream, the bridge over which had been burned by the rebels, and along which the enemy's pickets were stationed. On nearing the swamp, the battalion was deployed, three companies on the right, and three on the left of the road. The order then came "forward march!" and away we went. It was one of the worst places I ever tried to get through. We had not got ten rods in the swamp / before the rebels opened fire upon us. Neither party could see each other ten paces off, and the first intimation we had of their presence was a volley irom their guns. Our boys never faltered, but pushed steadily forward, loading and firing as they went. In fifteen minutes after we started we had cleared the swamp of every rebel, and held the high ground on the other side. Our loss was six wounded, two of whom have since died. Upwards of thirty of the rebels have already been found and buried, including one lieuten- ant and a large number wounded. We also took two captains and a number of men prisoners. 24 186 HISTORY OF THE "After we gained the high ground, and ceased firing, General Paine sent his orderly to find us, but he returned saying that he could not. Then he sent another, and soon rode up himself. He said he had learned from the prisoners that the rebel force was 600 men, in the swamp. Our battalion had left part of its men in camp, and went into the action with only 295 men, and in fif- teen minutes routed the enemy from a strong position, killing, wounding and taking prisoners about seventy- eight of their force, with a loss of only six men. General Paine said he did not ex- pect us to do it alone, but only to draw their fire, and then he waa to have a regiment of infantry charge them. As soon as the sap- pers and miners had repaired the bridge, the whole division crossed over with its artillery. Pretty soon the order came for us to advance again, the enemy having retreated to where its bat- teries were stationed. We advanced at the double quick across an open field, and had scarcely gained the high ground before the enemy opened on us a terrific fire of shot, shell, grape and canister from their batteries, and musketry from their infantry supports. Here four of our men were wounded. In the meantime our artil- lery had begun its work, the first shot killing six of the rebels, and for twenty minutes it seemed as if all the demons from the infernal pit had broken loose. Our lines had faltered at first under their terrible fire, but only for a moment. The next we sent a shower of minie balls in return, lying down and loading and firing. Soon General Paine rode on the hill, a fair mark for the enemy's guns which were immediately trained upon him. But he was as cool as upon parade, and did not mind them. " Now boys," said he, " dash forward at the double quick and flank that battery, and shoot their gunners." We dashed down the hill and towards the woods to the left of their battery, and soon flanked it,, but they had skedaddled. We got two prisoners, and came near getting their baggage train. The infantry then came up, and the whole of us, infantry, cavalry and artillery, moved toward Corinth. " We followed to within two and a half miles of that place, when we were ordered to return to the high ground near the swamp, where we are now encamped. General Paine rode along our line with his staff and said, " Boys, you have done nobly to- SIXTY-FOURTH REGIMENT. 187 day. I never saw men do better, I am proud of you." He says we have done enough for a while, and some of the others must try their hand. We did all the fighting done by the infantry dur- ing the day. The artillery only helped us." The battalion was received with shouts of welcome on its re- turn from the fight. Gen % Pope also complimented the battalion in his special orders. In this engagement, Lt. J. W. Baker, of Wilmington, had command of the left wing of the skirmishers. While pressing on and fighting sharply he saw a rebel behind a tree, aiming at him. But fortunately he did not hit the mark. Lt. Baker then ordered one of his men to shoot the reb. But he could not see him, and so the lieutenant took the soldiers gun and shot the reb in the arm, and he fell. After the fight was over, Lt. Baker saw the man he had winged, who said he was from Quincy, 111., and was 1st sergeant in a rebel regiment. In this engagement, 118 of the enemy were killed, 25 wounded and 90 taken prisoners, acccording to one account. While the Union loss was four killed and eleven wounded, mostly in the Yates Sharp Shooters. Co. A. had two killed and three wounded. B and E each one killed. As has been seen the battalion re- ceived the special commendation of General Paine for their skill and bravery on this occasion. This engagement gave our forces possession of Farmington. On the 8th, a reconnoisance of General Pope's entire command was made towards Corinth, which is thus described in the diary of an officer of Co. F : " A reconnoisance in force was made to-day. The Yates Sharp- shooters were in their accustomed place, leading the force as skirmishers. The rebels retired before us without offering any determined resistance, until within about two miles of Corinth. Here, as we entered a rye field, a battery opened on us. The shell exploded over our heads, and fragments flew in every direction, but did little harm. Our line of skirmishers pushed on until about the middle of the field, when we came in sight of the enemy in full force. Our sharpshooters, and those of the enemy, kept up 188 HISTORY OF THE a brisk fire. While standing, leaning my hand against a tree, a bullet struck between two of my fingers, slightly wounding each. I saw the miscreant when he shot. He was on the fence, behind a clump of bushes. I pointed him out to the boys, and they soon cleared him off the fence. After remaining about an hour in the field, and getting no orders, I thought it strange, and started to the right of our company, which was in the woods. But on enter- ing the woods, they were not to be found. I started on still farther to the right, but had not gone far when I was arrested by the whiz- zing of bullets. I hastened back and told Capt. Grover that the rebs were getting in our rear, and that all the boys, except his company and part of ours, had fallen back. Captain Grover then ordered a retreat, and, by double-quicking, we escaped the enemy. When we got out of the woods, we found that the rest of our forces had fallen back two miles. With no pleasant feelings toward our superiors, we returned to camp." By way of explanation of the above, it is proper to say that it was afterwards found that an orderly had been sent to notify Capt. Grover of the falling back, but for some reason he failed to reach him. Another engagement, which is known in history as the battle of Farmington, followed on the 9th, when the rebels, 20,000 strong, attacked our forces under Palmer and Paine, with the design of cutting them off from the main army. Gen. Paine engaged them at once, and fought them for five hours, but as the orders were imperative to avoid a general engagement, Gen. Paine fell back. The enemy made some demonstrations, but did not see fit to fol- low. In this engagement, the Yates Sharpshooters were not seri- ously engaged, the fighting being done by the brigade of General Plummer. The Yates Sharpshooters, however, held the front, after our forces fell back, until relieved by the 10th Illinois next morning. The Yates Sharpshooters remained quiet in camp until the morning of the 15th, when it was again ordered out in line of battle, supported by two companies of the 10th, but after advancing about half way across the swamp, were halted, and at noon returned to camp. May 17th, Pope's army, the Yates Sharpshooters in advance, SIXTY-FOUKTH REGIMENT. 189 was moved beyond Farmington, and the line established very close to the enemy, and the night spent in fortifying. In the morning a sharp picket firing commenced, which was kept up till 4 p. m., with an occasional shell from the enemy ; but our big guns kept silent, though ready to speak. The advance was general. The fortified lines were extended eight miles, with three tiers of works. The drums of the enemy, and the rumble of the cars in Corinth, were plainly heard. On the 19th, a large force of the enemy was seen moving to our left, and an attack was expected. The Yates Sharpshooters were placed in support of Houghtaling's battery. A brisk artil- lery fight occurred between it and a rebel battery, but the rebels soon withdrew satisfied with the experiment. On the 20th, the Yates Sharpshooters were marched out with other forces, and had a brisk skirmish across a swamp, over which they could not pass, and at noon returned to camp. Nothing special now occurred until the 28th, when the position of the battalion was changed. Marching buck through Farming- ton, it took a southwesterly course, which brought it directly in front of General Price's " Pea Ridge batteries." Here they were deployed as skirmishers, and advanced within half a mile of the enemy, and within 200 yards of his skirmish line. Sergt. William Scheel, Corp. Jesse Cramer, Corp. Wm. Lamb, and private Wm. Kimber, of Co. F, were sent out to ascertain the direction of the enemy's lines, and their strength. Cramer advanced within two rods of a rebel picket, and ordered him to surrender, but he turned to run, when Cramer shot him down. This provoked the enemy, and a lively skirmish was the result. But our sharpshooters held their ground, and, in the course of the afternoon, excavated a row of rifle pits. At dark, the Yates Sharpshooters were relieved by two companies of the llth Missouri. The pickets were posted by Lieut. Reynolds, at the request of Major Matteson, who was now in command of the battalion. Early on the morning of the 29th, a brisk firing commenced all along the line, and heavy artillery firing in front all the forenoon. This, as it afterwards proved, was a show on the part of the rebels, while they were busy evacuating Corinth. The rebel generals, finding their position no longer tenable, 190 HISTORY OF THE commenced evacuating Corinth, the 27th, and May 30th the bat- talion entered Corinth in time to see the rear guard of the enemy leaving. Lieut. Baker, of Co. E, was the first man in the rebel works. The rebels had effected their retreat safely, and carrying off much of their stores and ammunition, and leaving the rest dam- aged and useless. The place presented a scene of desolation and destruction that was complete. The evacuation of Corinth is thus described in the journal of an officer of the Yates Sharpshooters : "May 30th, 1862. Very early this morning Gen. Morgan rode out to our line, and told the Yates Sharpshooters to prepare at once for a reconnoisance. He gave us minute instructions, and we moved towards the enemy's works. We advanced very cau- tiously, every moment expecting the enemy's guns to flash in our faces. But the thickest brushwood was passed, the summit of the hill gained, and no enemy met. From the hill top the enemy's works were plainly seen. A negro and a white horse were all that could be seen moving in the rebel works. Colonel Tilson's adjutant and myself moved around to the left, so that we could see behind the works. Nothing was to be seen but broken gun car- riages, and some large shells. When we informed Gen. Morgan, he ordered the Yates Sharpshooters to occupy the works. At five o'clock in the morning we clambered over the immense fortifica- tions, and were fully aware that Corinth was evacuated. General Morgan and the Yates Sharpshooters were the first to discover this. " Maj. Matteson now sent me with twenty men down the Kos- suth road, where it was known the enemy had heavy works. The remainder of the battalion moved into Corinth. Going down the road a short distance, we came in sight of a squad ot about 60 rebel cavalry, They galloped off on our approach. When about a mile and a half from the Pea Ridge batteries we saw them again behind a long line of fortifications, moving in great confusion among the tents. A bullet sent into their midst by Corp. Lamb started them again post haste still further down into Dixie. We now took possession of the second line of works, which were much more extensive than the first. Behind them were the camps of Gens. Price and VanDorne. Everything indicated that they had SIXTY- FOURTH REGIMENT. 191 left In the greatest haste. Tents were standing, victuals on the fire cooking, many guns, knapsacks, and camp equipage of all kinds, were lying scattered about. Hundreds of barrels of flour, beef, pork, sugar and molasses, were left behind. Two fine flags, belong- ing to the regiment known as "McCulIough's Avengers," were found. " After a little, Fred. Sonner called me into the tent of Capt. A. Jack's (such was the name on the tent), and invited me to par- take of a warm breakfast which had been prepared for the captain. Being hungry, I ate heartily. The board was loaded with warm biscuit, blackberry jelly, corn bread, butter, &c. } and a bottle of superior wine. Thanks to Captain Jack for an excellent breakfast. " We had been here four hours before we saw anyone else. Gen. Granger then came up, and was much surprised to find us, supposing that he was in the advance. He told me to take charge of the camp." In the afternoon of the same day, the battalion joined in the pursuit, taking the advance. They came upon the rear of the enemy at Tuscumbia Creek, just at dark, on the 30th, when a brief skir- mish ensued, continuing during the night, and the next day the pursuit was con tinned to Boonville with frequent skirmishes. The battalion then returned June llth, and camped at Big Springs, six miles from Corinth. One man, Wm. Johnson, of Co. F, was killed in a skirmish on the second day of the pursuit. Thus, from April 12th, the time that the battalion landed at Hamburg, until the return from Boonville, June 10th, the battalion had the advance of Pope's army, generally a mile in front, more than half the time without tents, and always sleeping on their arras. During this time they lost but one man by disease. It was true of them, (and of our army generally), that the men were healthier on an active campaign, than when lying idle in quarters. And more men could be rallied for a fight or a skirmish, than for a drill or parade. At Tuscumbia Creek the battalion was actively engaged in skirmishing. Some of the boys had become so tired and exhausted with the constant marching, &c., that they went to sleep right under the fire of the rebel battery of four guns, and of the butter- 192 HISTORY OF THE nut and Indian supports. Having been three nights without sleep, they had become almost indifferent to anything else. One of the captains, John Morrill, in the 64th, shot an Indian who had a bush tied to his head, from under which he was shooting our men. In July, Gen. Rosecrana succeeded Pope in command, and the battalion of sharpshooters was chosen as his headquarters and pro- vost guard, and remained on this duty until November. Lt. Col. Williams having left the battalion on sick leave, the command devolved on Major Matteson, who held it until August, when he was taken sick and died August 9th. Captain Payne of Co. F, going north as escort, to the body, Lieutenant Reynolds was left in command of Co. F. Captain John Morrill, of Co. A, then took command of the regiment, and was afterwards promoted to lieutenant colonel. About this time Captain Payne resigned, and Lieutenant Reynolds was promoted captain . August 29th, the battalion moved to luka, Miss. This is a village of a few thousand inhabitants, and was famous for its min- eral springs, being before the war a place of great resort for the southern chivalry. It was a spot of considerable attraction, the spring being in a beautiful grove, with summer houses, and afford- ing a cool and pleasant retreat from the heat of summer. The boys enjoyed the retreat very much, and were grateful to Uncle Sam for sending them to this fashionable resort, where they could refresh themselves without being subjected to the payment of hotel bills. They had faith in the medicinal virtue of its waters. In September, the battalion returned to Camp Clear Creek in the vicinity of Corinth. August 18th, it again started for luka, going by way of Jacinto . While on the march to luka, the tidings of the rebel reverses in Maryland, reached the army. It was said that Gen. Rosecrans on hearing it, jumped out of his bed en deshabille, leaped over two camp stools, grasped the ridge pole of his tent, and turned two summer-saults in his joy at the news. The battalion reached the vicinity of luka on the second day's march, the day of the battle, which commenced about 5 p. m. of the 19th. The battalion took a position in support of a bat- tery on our extreme right, and was not seriously engaged. Next day it joined in the pursuit of Price. SIXTY-FOURTH REGIMENT. 193 A private member of the regiment writing home in reference to the battle of luka, under date of September 27th, says : " We left Corinth with five days' rations, and took through the country, marching thirty-five miles each day. On the 2d, about five miles from luka, we were alarmed by the booming of can- non. We were halted and told to look to the priming of our guns, then ordered to march double quick. We were supporting Powell's battery about eighty rods from the fight. We lay out all night; it was very cold. The fighting was terrible from four o'clock until after dark. I was on the picket near the field, and the groans and cries of the wounded were awful. The ambu- lance driver says our army lost 300 killed and wounded. The rebs were drunk. The llth Missouri had to push them back so as to shoot them. They lost two generals, one (General Little) killed, another wounded and captured. The rebs started that night and we started about nine in pursuit, and after marching about twenty miles came up with their rear guard, and our bat- talion deployed and came up too close to go any further without artillery, and so fell back." Orders then came to abandon the pursuit, and the battalion re- turned to Corinth, Sept. 27th. While the battalion was at luka, many of the residents of northern Alabama enlisted in that and other regiments. Many of these recruits were as pronounced in their hatred of slavery as Wendell Philips himself. Said one to an officer of the 64th, " When I find a northern man upholding slavery I feel to curse him." The negroes also came into the Union lines in great numbers. Trains from Tuscumbia brought them by thousands. Many were sent to the north daily, but thousands were continually about the Union camps. They held big prayer meetings, in which they sang and prayed and talked as only the contrabands could. They compared their deliverance to that of Daniel from the lion's den. The soldiers all welcomed the darkies, and even those who had once been bitter against fighting the war for the overthrow of slavery, had got cured of their prejudices, and did not seem to 25 194 HISTORY OF THE feel bad at seeing the slaves escape, and every mess soon had its colored cook and servant. Price having been reinforced by Van L>orne and Lovel returned to attack our forces at Corinth, and on the night of October 3d, formed his lines within 1000 yards. The Y. S. S., went into po- sition on the evening of the 3d as skirmishers. On the morning of the 4th, the battalion met the first advance of the enemy, and was heavily engaged through the day, rendering efficient and ef- fective service. It lost heavily in this engagement, going into fight with 233 men, at evening roll call but 160 responded, 73 were killed or wounded. Co. E suffered most of all, losing twenty-one men, killed and wounded, and among these, alas! Captain Grover, who was mortally wounded. He was in com- mand of companies B, C and E on the skirmish line, and was cheering on his men when he fell. Sergeant Major Henry 8. Clark, one of Lockport's most promising young men, was also killed. A private of Co. E, writing home after the batttle, says : "I am safe and sound after the great battle of Corinth, fought Friday and Saturday. The enemy attacked us 50,000 strong, under Price, VanDorne and Villipugue. The first day's fighting was terrible, but nothing to the next. We were out in the woods, three companies of us, Co. B deployed as skirmishers. Our men were driven in and the rebs attacked the reserve. We fought about an hour, at last they came so fast that we had to retreat be- hind our breastworks. We went out with forty-two men, (refer- ring to Co. E) and when we got back, had but twenty-one. Serg't Henry Clark, from Lockport, is killed. Our Captain is danger- ously wounded, but the Dr. says he is better. Peter Brown from Channahon, Mike McGalligut and Geo. Rouse are killed. Messrs. Coyles, Casey and Tom Garlish, from Lockport, are wounded. John Sullivan from Joliet, lost his leg. We have taken 2000 prisoners. Our men are after Price, and captured his army train, and Price had to leave his horse and take to the woods. We took his staff. His men fought like devils charging our batteries, and taking both; but the llth Missouri, (which was really an Illinois regiment,) 52d Illinois, and our battalion charged and drove SIXTY-FOURTH REGIMENT. 195 them out. Our camp ground was covered with their dead. It was mighty rough at first, but I soon got used to it." The same soldier writing again the 16th, says : " We had a job yesterday of lifting our little orderly who had been buried ten days without a coffin. I helped to bury our gal- lant little captain. I may well call him gallant, for a bolder man never drew sword than him and Lieutenant Manning. I believe Manning will be our next captain. I hope he may. I saw S. W. Bowen this morning. We will have to lift our captain to-day. By this time you know all about the great battle, but you don't know about our company (E). " We lay out all night, and as soon as daylight the ball opened. We lay between our artillery and the rebel fire for two hours, when Captain Morrill told Captain Grover to send some of his best shots over to see how the rebels got along, when Pat Feeley, Dar- win Gilford and myself, went over to the railroad and got behind an old milk cellar, and with some of Birges' Sharpshooters gave them the best we had in our boxes for about an hour. " We saw them crossing on our right in brigades, trying to flank us right and left, which they did. I then went and reported to our commander. We stood our ground which was to our loss. We got behind a big log and waited in silence until they came within about three rods when we gave them a volley which made them waver and go into the woods again. In front of us was a deep gulley with a very steep bank next to the enemy. They came to the edge of the bank in solid column, five brigades deep, mostly Arkansas troops. We filled the gully full of them. But our own batteries gave us two charges of grape and shell, killing four and wounding a great number of our company. So we had to retreat up to the breast works, when we stood and held them in check. They came up to the batteries on the double quick, charging them three times, and we drove them back as often. They got up in town as far as old Rosey's headquarters, when they met our boys that was guarding them, and they drove the rebels back, killing twenty and not losing a man. I saw one sixty- four pound ball go through one hundred yards of a solid body of the 2d Texas, killing almost a whole company. 196 HISTORY OF THE " As soon as the enemy was driven off the field, I went over to see how many were hurt. The first man I found was John Sullivan, of Joliet. Says I, " John, your leg is broke." "Yes, says he, " but by we drove them ! they had to run ! " I ex- amined many of the rebel haversacks to see what they had to eat. All I could find was some corn, some roasted and some raw, with a little side meat, no bread in any of them." Such is the account given by a corporal of Co. E. We add an- other account given in a letter of a commissioned officer of the regiment. " CORINTH, Oct. 6th, 1862. We are still at Corinth, but it was by a close chance that our forces held the town. The rebels were perfectly desperate, and fought like mad men. On the 3d of October the fight was kept up from eight in the morning until dark. On the left our force drove the enemy from the field the first day, and the enemy drove us on the right. On the second (4th) the rebels made a desperate charge on the left, but were repulsed with great slaughter. In about one and a half hours after, the combined forces of the enemy made a second charge on the town from the northwest. Here was the most desperate fighting of the day. Two brigades charged at once in column by division, on the double quick. Two of our siege batteries are posted on the north- west side of the town, and our forces were drawn up in a double line of battle, connecting the two batteries, and also in one line ex- tending some way on the outside of the batteries. " At first the rebels drove our forces back about fifty rods, and got possession of both batteries and about half of the town. But our troops rallied, and then followed such a scene as I hope never to witness again. Eleven of our battalion fell dead and thirty- nine wounded. The contest remained for some time undecided victory leaning now to the one side, and now to the other for about twenty minutes. During this time, the enemy made con- tinuous efforts to plant their flag upon our forts, but no oftener was the attempt made than flag, and flag-bearer, fell from the par- apet together. Our battalion paid its especial attention to the upper fort, or the rebels in and about it, and at that very place the SIXTY- FOURTH REGIMENT. 197 rebels first began to give way. No sooner was it known along our lines that they were yielding on our right, than our whole line commenced to advance with wild shouts, and when the rebels saw that our men were going to give them a hand-to-hand fight, they turned and sought the woods like frightened sheep. But while our men were in the height of their exultation, lo ! two new bri- gades of rebels were rushing up at double-quick directly toward our lines. Although our regiments were now all mixed up, yet order prevailed along the whole line the moment the enemy were seen advancing, and an earnest and determined look took the place of shouting. The danger was met most gallantly by our boys not a foot of our lines gave wa\ , but every man stood up nobly, and poured volley after volley into the foe, still advancing, even when to do so was certain death. They were more than brave they were reckless. Their officers advanced the last time mounted, but not one who was mounted returned. Their regimental officers were on foot. When they commenced to retreat, they did so in order, but it soon became a stampede. " The fresh battle-field was awful to behold ; many a Union sol- dier lay dead or wounded, but the enemy lay piled up in heaps the wounded often weighed down by the lifeless body of a comrade. The fighting continued next day on the Chevalla road, and report says the secesh suffered terribly. Our battalion did not join in the pursuit, being too badly cut up." In this battle, Lieut. Reynolds, of Co. F, had a very narrow escape. A bullet broke the ring which held the scabbard of his sword to the belt, and a spent ball hit his leg with sufficient force to drop him, and make him lame for a while. During the fight, Lieut. Knickerbocker got hold of a rifle, but having no cartridges, on coming up to one of our men who lay dead on the field, he put his hand under his head for the purpose of slipping off his cartridge box, which the poor fellow could use no longer, when his hand went into a ghastly wound from which the blood and brains were oozing. Just then some one spoke, '' This is hard," said he. The words came from a mere boy, though a soldier. " Do you know the man?" inquired the lieu- tenant. " It is my father" was the reply. The boy shed no tears, but his look expressed volumes of agony. 198 HISTORY OF THE After the fight was over, Lieut. Knickerbocker went over the field to look after the wounded. In one place he found a rebel soldier bleeding from a wound in the ankle, which was badly broken. The lieutenant picked him up and carried him under a tree, aad procured him medical aid. These attentions both sur- prised and touched the man, even to tears. He said that he did not expect such treatment, as their officers had told them before the battle that anyone who fell into our hands would be butch- ered. He avowed a determination, that if he got well, he would fight us no more. Nov. 22d, 1862, the battalion was ordered to Glendale, Miss., where it was stationed on outpost duty, and where it remained nearly one year, engaged in hunting guerrillas, and scouting for Gen. Dodge, and in erecting fortifications, &c., thus assisting in holding this portion of the Union lines, while more active opera- tions were going on elsewhere. Of its stay while here, we have but little record. It was dur- ing this period that Capt. James C. Cameron, Co. A, of Ottawa, organized a regiment of cavalry from the Union men of that region, which was known as the 1st Alabama cavalry, of which he was commissioned colonel. Philip A. Steinberg, of Will county, a sergeant in Co. F, was commissioned a captain in the same regi- ment. Col. Cameron was afterwards killed in a fight at Barton's Station, April 17th, 1873, and Capt. Steinberg was killed at Vin- cents Cross Roads about the 23d of October, 1873. While at Glendale, John Sullivan, who lost his leg at Corinth, was discharged, and came home the boys of his company gener- ously making up a purse of $200, out of their hard earnings, to help him on his way. The same corporal, from whose letters we have already quoted, says under date of Sept. 7th, 1863 : " I was in Corinth the other day. I walked in. It is a long walk through the woods, and they are full of guerrillas, and they shoot without halting us, as they would a dog. So we are ordered not to take any prisoners, but to shoot them on sight. They put six bullets into one of our men the other day, without telling him to halt. But he is living yet, for we are hard to kill. We went SIXTY- FOURTH REGIMENT. 199 out the other day, a squad of eight, to a house where we found six women and girls, but we could see no man. So we began to look around a little, and presently three men ran out of an old stable. "We ordered them to halt. Two did so, but the third kept on, and we leveled our rifles at him. The mother, wife and sisters screamed out to us not to shoot him. So we fired over him, but still he would not stop. So three of us took good aim, and brought him to a halt. He proved to be a lieutenant in the rebel army. We did not kill him, but we gave him a long furlough." We give one more brief extract from the same soldier's letters, to show how the sensibilities become hardened in time of war. He says : " We do have some funny times now and then. We have skirmishing with the enemy almost every day. We killed fifteen, one of them a colonel, this morning. Send me the Joliet Signal as often as you can ! " Nov. 4th, 1863, the Yates Sharpshooters moved to luka, and thence to Pulaski, Tenn., arriving at the latter place on the 12th, making a march of 135 miles in eight days, crossing the Tennessee river at Eastport. It formed part of Sherman's great army of 60,000, sweeping through Alabama and Tennessee, cleaning out everything as they went, leaving not a hoof upon the grass a pre- liminary movement to the next summer's campaign. The latter part of December, enlistment rolls were opened to see who would re- enlist. The battalion had been two years in active service, and in eighteen different engagements of more or less importance forty days before the enemy without tents or shelter of any kind, except the forests yet so determined were these brave men that they would see the rebellion crushed out, and the Union restored, that over three- fourths of the battalion re-en- listed ; and on the 15th day of January it went north on veteran furlough of twenty days from its arrival at Chicago, the 22d. During this interval, recruiting was actively engaged in, to fill up the ranks of the old companies, and four new companies, G, H, I, and K, were added, thus making it a full regiment, known there- after as the 64th regiment. Of these new companies, one was raised in our county by Captain (afterwards Major) Logan. Of the regiment thus recruited and enlarged, Lieut. Col. Morrill was 200 HISTORY OF THE made colonel, and Capt. Maiming, of Co. E, was made lieutenant colonel, and Captain Thompson, of Co. B, major. The regiment re- assembled at Ottawa, Feb. 14th, and after being fully re-organ- ized, left on the 17th of March for the front. On the 20th, it arrived by rail within two miles of Decatur, Ala., where it went into camp. Captain Logan's company, not being yet provided with tents, and having no covering but their blankets, and being all " fresh fish," had rather of a cool time, for just at this time a storm came on which would do credit to northern Illinois. True, they were now in the " sunny south," and they had great faith in that poeti- cal expression ; but their faith was somewhat dampened, when, on the next morning after their arrival, they iound themselves under a blanket of snow a foot thick. This seemed a rough introduction to a soldier's life, none the easier to bear because the old campaign- ers made light of it. But they soon got comfortably quartered in the town, and the weather got hot enough before they reached Atlanta. Ten days after their arrival at Decatur, the inhabitants of the town were ordered to leave, and the place was converted into a fortified camp. Redoubts were built, rifle pits digged, and every preparation made for an attack or siege. For two weeks the regi- ment was kept continually under arms. The rebels, under Roddy, were hanging about the place, nine or ten thousand strong. Capt. Logan, writing home during this period, says : " I can get more work out of my men, when there is a prospect of a fight, than at any other time. On one occasion, when called up at mid- night, in expectation of an attack, I noticed that my company was unusually full, and found a dozen or more in the ranks that had been on the sick list the day before. Among them was Jacob Lutz, of Jackson, a mere boy, who was really sick. I asked him what he was there for when he was sick. " Well," he replied, " Captain, I am sick, but I wanted to get a pop at the rebs and make them sick, too." The regiment was now placed in the 1st brigade, 4th division of the 16th army corps. May 4th, it arrived at Chattanooga, and entered upon the great Atlanta campaign. Leaving Chattanooga the 5th, it camped SIXTY-FOURTH EEGIMENT. 201 the first night on the old Chickamauga battle-field. Here they found many bones and skulls still unburied ; whether they belonged to friend or foe could not now be told, but they gave them decent burial. The civilized human mind revolts at the sight of human remains unburied. We shall quote now, generally verbatim, from the diary of an officer of Co. F, in detailing the movements of the regiment during the Atlanta campaign : " We arrived before Resacca May 9th, and companies A and F were deployed, and drove the enemy in their front into their works. In the night the regiment marched to Snake Creek Gap. On the 12th it was in the advance on the skirmish line. Captain Reynolds, who was in command of the right of the line, had a very narrow escape. His sword was hit by a bullet, and knocked out of his hand. " On the 13th, advanced to Resacca, and was engaged until the 16th, when the enemy retired. May 20th, arrived at Kingston, and remained in camp the 21st. On the 22d, Sunday, inspection. On the 23d, moved at 2 p, m., going about a mile, halted until sundown, when the regiment moved again, and, going some three miles, crossed a branch of the Coosa on a covered bridge, and going four miles farther, went into camp at 11 p. m, " On the 24th, moved at 5 p. m., passing through a pine dis- trict about eight miles in extent, passing a steam mill and numer- ous wheat fields, stopping at 11 to rest at a splendid spring of water. The men were footsore and weary. " Moved on again at 4 p. m., going some six miles, camped at dark in the town ol VanWirt ; on the way passed a fine slate quarry. It rained all night, and we got thoroughly soaked. May 25th, lay in camp until 5 p. m., then moved on, acting as train guard, moving a few rods at a time, until about 1 :30 a. m. of next day, when we Jay down until morning. It rained for a couple of hours, and was so dark as to compel us to move by the sense of feeling more than by sight. About sunset, we hear heavy artillery firing some eight miles in front. " May 26th, moved on again as train guard at sunrise. Some sight for a fight. After going on five miles, camped in the town- 26 202 HISTORY OF THE ship of Dallas at 2:30 p. m., and had dinner and rest. We hear that bushwhackers are about, two men having been found with their throats cut while they were asleep, and one shot through the head. At 9 p. m. we are under arms, expecting to move every moment, and at 1 1 we moved half a mile, and lay down until morning. For the last two days we have been passing over high ground, being a spur of the Blue Ridge. May 27th, we started early and marched three miles to Dallas. We hear heavy firing in front. " In about twenty minutes after halting, companies A and F are out as skirmishers, and deployed in the woods, and moved by the left flank into an open field, then by the right flank forward. Thomas Rickard, of Co. F, was shot through the hip at this time. When about half across the field, an order came to halt, leaving about half of the company without cover except two or three trees or shrubs, and the bullets in the meantime were raising the dust lively. Getting tired of this position, we made a change on our own responsibility, and reached the timber without further loss. We then moved forward again, and changed direction to the right, got close to the enemy, within four or five rods, and found them stubborn and hard to drive. We could only move them by making a rush for them. I tried to make one of them surrender, but he wouldn't, so I tried the next best thing, and emptied my pistol at him. The right of the line fell back, obliging us to do the same. The 35th N. J. came up and assisted us. Three of them were killed within fifteen feet of me. When our line fell back they left, although we did not move more than ten rods to the rear, which position we held until we were relieved, after dark. Our loss in the company was severe. A. Wagner, killed, shot through the head, while in the front rank, loading and firing with all his might. We were obliged to leave his body in the hands of the enemy. They buried him under the tree where he fell. James H. Gilfallan, shot through the leg, died at night. Corporal John Parks, shot in the abdomen, will probably die. John Schleken, shot through the leg. Richard F. Hammond, (of Alabama,) shot through the shoulder, and Thomas Rickards, through the hip. Corp. G. Waldron, through the arm. Co. A had three men killed, and among the wounded was Capt. Conger. SIXTY-FOURTH REGIMENT. 203 " While writing, the rebels are sending sundry missives, and one of Co. D has just passed, hit in the head. Their sharpshooters look like Indians to me, and I have had a pretty good look at them. I was told by one of the 16th 111. that there were women on the line in front of them, and that one of them was shot." The regiment in this engagement lost fourteen men, killed and wounded. Among the wounded was Captain Logan, of Co. G., who was shot in both legs. "May 28th, we lay in camp all day. We found ourselves badly stiffened in the morning. We expected to move at night, but did not as the rebels charged on the second division, but they were repulsed with a loss of two thousand men. On the 29th we were ordered to relieve the 39th Ohio in the intrench- ments, two companies as skirmishers. At night the enemy made seven distinct charges on our lines, but were repulsed each time ; their loss not known. It was a pretty hot time, one man in Co. C killed, and five or six wounded, mostly by premature firing from our own line. "May, 30th, companies H and K, detailed as skirmishers. One man killed and four or five wounded. Our regiment was relieved at dark by the 39th Ohio, and we went back to our old ravine and to bed. Lt. Meeker, of Co. K, was wounded through the arms. The enemy made an advance on the line about nine, but fell back again. " May 31st, Lt. Meeker and Captain Logan, go back to Kings- ton this morning. Companies F and A detailed for skirmish line. The enemy closed down on us in the night. Some pretty sharp fun. June 1st, our forces during the night moved to the left, leaving us to protect the rear, a very disagreeable job, as the enemy closed down on us when they found we were leaving. We fell back over hill and dale in skirmishing order. Our company was the nearest giving out of any time since their enlistment. Having been all night without sleep, the fighting and the excitement of the march made it tough. Moved about four miles and camped, and im- proved the time in sleep. " June 2d, lay in camp all day. It rained hard for a couple of hours. June 3d, five companies ordered to Kingston as train guard. The rest moved about a mile to the left across Pumpkin 204 HISTORY OF THE Vine Creek, camped and commenced throwing up intrench men ts, but next morning, June 4th, received orders to move again. Rather trying to our patience as it was raining hard. Moved a mile or two and stopped again. Skirmish firing pretty sharp on our left. A change has just been made by our forces apparently successful. We are ordered to intrench again. Commenced, bat were soon ordered to suspend. Rained again during the night. Zuell and I have a purp tent and slept well. " June 5th, ordered to move again this morning. Rebs said to be falling back. We advanced nearly three miles to the enemy's works, and found them deserted. They were very strong and well constructed. The work is said to be done by the negroes, who are said to be as numerous as the rebs. Their right flank was turned by Stoneman's cavalry, and the 1 7th army corps passing Altoona Gap, and they had to leave. Returned to camp, got dinner and moved again towards the railroad. After going six miles stopped for the night. June 6th, started forward about 8 a. m., going some eight miles, slowly, being hindered by the wagon train. Camped about four at the town of Ackworth, a station on the railroad. " June 7th, lay in camp with the expectation of a few days' rest. June 8th, ordered to be ready to march on the 9fch, a decisive battle expected in a few days. June 9th lay in camp all day ex- pecting to move. Our teams have been sent for forage, cloth- ing, etc. Hear that the 17th army corps has arrived. The 15th and 16th army corps is now commanded by General McPher- son, the right of the grand army. " June 10th, marching orders, we are to follow the 15th army corps. Frequent showers. Captain Reynolds is sick. Moved into town just before night, and halted until 10 o'clock, then marched about five miles on a very dangerous road, rough and muddy. Camped about 1:30 and went to bed. Showers again. Moved in the afternoon two and a half miles down the railroad, the skirmishers are engaged. Halted awhile, rained very hard. The name of the station is Big Shanty. We began intrenching after dark, made a log work. Col. Morrill went down on the skirmish line, and tried his hand at shooting. He shot one of the enemy with a Henry rifle as was seen by the glass. But he came near pay- SIXTY-FOURTH REGIMENT. 205 ing dearly for his rashness, as a bullet grazed his abdomen leaving blue mark. "June 12, companies B and G on the skirmish line rain all the time. D and I sent out to relieve them. June 13th, companies H and C sent out. Regiment ordered in line of battle at day- light. The enemy have apparently left Hooker's and Howard's front our right, (lost mountain), and are either massing their forces at Kenesaw on our left, or are evacuating. Rain still pour- ing down. Captain Reynolds is quite sick. Scorpions are quite plenty in this section, just caught one at the door of my shanty. They have a disagreeable habit of creeping into a person's pants. " June 16th, lay in camp all day. Was stung by a scorpion, applied ammonia, and felt no serious results. Ordered out on the skirmish line at night, expected a warm time as the lines were to be advanced. Moved our pits about forty rods to the front, but were not fired upon. We were supported by six companies. Guess the rebels got sick of the place as they left in disgust, as the 14th Ohio battery knocked their rail piles skyward. Some of the inmates too, appeared to make desperate leaps in the same direc- tion. One of their officers appeared to be furious by the way he waved his sword, but a shell soon quieted him. Their signal lights were in operation during the night on the summit of Kenesaw mountain. Our signal officers can read their signs. One of their messages read that Lt. General Polk had been killed in our front by a solid shot through the arms and abdomen. " June 15th we were relieved at daylight by two other compa- nies. Towards noon we were ordered out to support our skir- mishers, as they were to advance. Did so, captured eight or ten prisoners. One of them told that five hundred men were captured in front of the 15th and 16th army corps. Some of them came in with a white rag. Bullets circulated pretty freely, but only one of our regiment wounded, in Co. D. One of Co. D shot a reb, wounding him in the back and found that he was from Pulaski, and that one of our recruits in Co. D. sparked his sister last win- ter." (A very affecting incident !) " Our company laid in a ditch supporting our skirmishers all night. Pioneers commenced putting up a fort, when the enemy opened fire on our line, causing a lively stampede among the pio- 206 HISTORY OF THE neers and negroes. The darkies got into the ditches before us r in some places three or four feet deep. Bullets came over by the basket full. Col. Manning was hit on his pistol. It was a hard fight and our second night without sleep. "June 16th, the regiment was relieved this morning. Other regiments moved out into the new works constructed during the night. The enemy appear to have their principal signal station on top of Kenesaw, about three and a half miles distant. With a good glass groups of ladies have been observed several times on its summit taking a look at the detestable yankees. Our rations are brought to us, and we lay down in the ditch at night ; I tried to make up lost time in sleeping. We were disturbed but once dur- ing the night, and then the firing did not last long. The pickets commenced talking with each other, asking all sorts of impudent questions. Our officers finally put a stop to it. June 17th, firing commenced at daylight ; our regiment relieved the 27th and 39th Ohio on the front line at 4 p. m. The first division had a poor place, as the enemy's fire enfiladed their works. We had to throw up traverses to protect ourselves. At dark firing ceases and talk- ing commences. Came near coaxing over one of the rebs. They belonged to the 20th Alabama, and had friends in our regiment, and in the Alabama cavalry. At 10 o'clock they relieve guards, then we usually have a small skrimmage. At daylight it began ta rain, and rained all day. We got only one and a half hours sleep. Our ditches filled with water, and we had to occupy our cross work until we could drain them. Our situation was too uncom- fortable for description. It ought to be illustrated in Harper. We could not stand up for the bullets, and we could not lie down for the water. The firing was very sharp. I had two pretty close calls. It was dangerous to put a head above the works. We were warned at night that an attack was expected during the night, or that they intended to evacuate. " During the night, as I and one of the boys were lying in the orchard outside the works, we heard an old recall signal of the guns, and immediately after, signal whistles to the right and left, on their skirmish lines. Waked up the company, and waited for ' what next.' Did not sleep a wink during the night. It rained a little ; no alarm. Morning came at last. We fired a few shot SIXTY-FOURTH REGIMENT. 207 into their rifle pens, without eliciting any reply. Neither could any be obtained along the lines. Reported to the colonel that I thought the Johnnies had absconded. He told me to take two groups and reconnoitre. Took one from Co. F, and one from Co. A, and stole out and examined some sixty or more of their pits, but nary reb could we find. Went back and reported. The first division was ordered to fall in, in skirmish order, and examine the main line of works. We found them evacuated. We halted to get breakfast. Other troops moved on to search for the enemy. He soon opened on them from the mountain. At noon skirmish- ing was going on with heavy cannonading. Our generals are on the lookout for some trap, and move very cautiously. At 3 p. m. moved ahead again, beyond the main line of rebel intrenchments, and halted for the night. Our corps are crowded out of the front line, and are now in reserve. " June 20, skirmishing on the front line as soon as light. It is very difficult to find out the true state of affairs. Our forces appear to be much concentrated and investing the mountain. The enemy occasionally opens a battery on us from the mountain, but is soon silenced. Heavy cannonading toward night. Heavy fight- ing about ten at night. Rainy. Some twenty-eight prisoners came in that I saw ; seventeen of the number were officers. June 21st, rainy and but little firing. Fell in during the afternoon, and moved one and a half miles nearer the mountain. After a good bit of moving and changes of base, stopped for the night, and had just gone to roost, when a fatigue detail came for two compa- nies. A and E turned out. Had some one hundred yards of fortifications to put up. Finished, and returned to camp at day- light. The soil was hard to work, being stony and full of roots. The rebel trains were within a mile of our front. They seem to have chosen this as their final standpoint. They opened on us this morning with several batteries from the top of the mountain. "June 23d, skirmishing as usual. Heavy cannonading in our front. Shot and shell pass over us by the wholesale. The regi- ment moved down nearer the mountain into intrenchments. Sev- eral shell dropped where we had just moved from. Skirmishers have advanced one-fourth of the way up the mountain. Compa- nies D and E exchanged coffee for tobacco with the rebel skirmish- 208 HISTORY OF THE ers last night. Heavy fighting on our right. A shell struck to-day between two men of Co. K as they were asleep, but did no harm. " June 24th. All quiet on the lines. Our artillery are firing, but get no reply. Think they are hanging out a bait for us to charge the mountain. At two, received orders to fall in, for the purpose of charging old Kenesaw. The boys seemed cheerful and disposed to make the attempt, although it looked as if we could not get up, even if there were no enemy to dispute the attempt. After wasting an hour or more, we were told to take off our traps again, as it had been abandoned for the present. A masked bat- tery has been discovered on the mountain side. " June 25th. One of Co. E wounded in the shoulder. One more of the same company wounded, and one killed. Weather very hot, and much sickness. The majority of the officers are complaining. Some of the troops moving to the right. Our regi- ment relieved on the skirmish line. June 26th, Sunday. Not much firing on the skirmish line. Had a sermon from a chaplain on the front line. It was calculated to make an impression, as a thunder storm was rising at the time. The flashes of lightning, the thunder, the darkness, and the constant skirmishing, all com- bined to make the scene very impressive. " June 27th. A memorable day ! We were awakened at 2 a. m., by the adjutant, packed our knapsacks, fell into line, and moved toward the formidable mountain. It was understood that we had to take it or at least to make the attempt. We made the attempt, with our regiment as two lines of skirmishers, and got part way up the hill. But the enemy was too strong in force and position for us to effect anything more." The 64th contributed its full share to the fearful holacaust of the 27th of June, 1864. Its total loss of officers and men, killed and wounded, was fifty-seven. The adjutant of the regiment was killed. " Among the severely wounded in this charge of the 27th was James Stoneking, of Co. F, who had his arm amputated close to his shoulder. He was a boy of only nineteen years, but the pluck- iest of the plucky. The next day after the amputation, an officer of his company went to the hospital to see how he was getting SIXTY-FOURTH EEGIMENT. 209 along, but he was not there. He had got some one to tie a pail around his neck, and had gone blackberry ing. " June 28th. Firing as usual. Some charging done toward noon. June 29th, about the same. June 30th, General Dodge tendered his thanks to the regiment for its gallant conduct on the 26th, and general good conduct during the campaign. " July 1 st. Reinforcements are reported coming up. Troops were moving last night. Some strategic movement is in contem- plation. The wounded are sent north on furlough to-day. In the evening we had the heaviest cannonading by our guns I ever heard. Some forty or fifty pieces seemed to be discharged at once. At 3 a. m. of the 2d, the cannonading was resumed, and the skir- mishers advanced somewhat. Seven hundred deserters are reported to have come in during the night. In the evening orders came in for companies F and A to relieve the 18th Mo. on the skirmish line, with instructions to hold the enemy in check while our forces moved to the right. Some pretty sharp firing. Our artillery commenced moving, which could be plainly heard by the enemy. We began to suspect that they were evacuating the mountain. At daylight went up the mountain, and had my suspicions confirmed. The Johnnies were gone, except some who were tired of fighting and remained behind. From the summit there is a splendid view of the surrounding country. We found six of our regiment dead on ^the mountain, who were killed on June 27th, still unburied. The bodies were much decomposed. We gave them a soldier's burial on old Kenesaw. The colors of the 64th were the first planted on the rebel works." General Sherman, in his recent work, says in reference to this evacuation of Kenesaw : " McPherson drew out his lines during the night of July 2d, leaving Garrard's cavalry dismounted occu- pying the trenches, and moved to the rear of the army of the Cum- berland stretching down the Nickajack. But Johnson detected the movement and promptly abandoned Marietta and Kenesaw. I expected as much, for by the earliest dawn of July 3d, I was up at a large spy glass mounted on a tripod, which Colonel Roe, of the U. S. engineers, had at his bivouac, close by our camp. I directed the glass on Kenesaw, and saw some of our pickets crawl- 27 210 HISTORY OF THE ing cautiously up the hill. Soon they stood upon the very top, and I could plainly see their movements as they ran along the crest just abandoned by the enemy." The men thus seen by General Sherman were Lieut. Knicker- bocker and others of the 64th. On calling Lieut. K's attention to the narrative of Gen. 8., he writes : " As to Gen. Sherman's account of the evacuation of Kenesaw mountain, he must be mistaken about the cavalry occupying the trenches. The 64th had orders, when they relieved the troops occupying the rifle pits, that they would probably have to cover the movement of McPherson's corps during the night, but they did not go. The rumble of our artillery, as it moved, could be plainly heard by the rebels, as our men did not muffle the wheels as the rebels did. I suspected from the signal whistles, that by this time had become somewhat familiar, that they understood our move- ments, and were evacuating. I sent word to that effect to Colonel Morrill. He returned answer, 'Go and see.' As soon as it was light enough to see, I started up the mountain, moving very cau- tiously, until assured that most of the enemy had left. On arriving at the summit, I could, of course, be plainly seen by those below. Then commenced a race between the color bearer of the 64th and those of the Ohio regiments, who were climbing the smaller moun- tain, but the 64th came up ahead." We resume the diary : " July 3d. We can see sharp fighting going on beyond Marietta. Prisoners are reported coming in by the hundreds. We marched twelve miles during the night, and got no sleep. July 4th, moved again in the morning about two miles. Our brigade formed in line of battle and moved on the enemy. Sharp firing from their skirmishers. We had one or two wounded. After going half a mile, the line halted, and our regi- ment deployed in two lines. Our loss during the day was heavy seven killed and eighteen wounded. Our skirmish line advanced to within one hundred yards of their works about 4 p. m. The 27th and 39th Ohio passed us with a whoop, charged the enemy's works, and in a trice had possession. Not three minutes before, the rebs were calling to us, 'Yanks, why don't you come on ?' and SIXTY- FOUKTH KEGIMENT. 211 laughing because the 81st Ohio did not move forward at the sound of the bugle. Quite a number of prisoners were taken. The 39th Ohio had its colonel wounded, and about fifty men killed and wounded. This was the way we kept the 4th of July. Fireworks were plenty. " July 5th. The enemy reported missing from our front this morning. Lay still until after dinner, then moved to the right again about five miles. Very hot; some sun- struck. Camped within four miles of the river, where there was heavy cannonading. The enemy trying to cross. A brigade reported to have surren- dered. July 6th, cannonading near the river. Moved one and a half miles to the right and camped. " July 7th. Lay in camp until noon, when our brigade was ordered to the front about two miles. Piled knapsacks, and advanced down the picket line. At the sound of the bugle we commenced firing by volley, and kept it up until night. A section of the 1st Ohio battery issued a few shells. We never fought at such long range before. One of our company had coat, pants and drawers perforated by a bullet, which was the extent of our casual- ties this day. The enemy opened on us with two batteries in our front, but their shot fell short. We were relieved at dark by the 18th Mo. " July 8th, lay in camp. The skirmishers moved down to the river last night, and made an agreement with the rebs not to fire on each other, and then went in swimming together in the Chat- tahoochie, and traded coffee for tobacco, and exchanged papers, as though they were the best of friends. " July 9th, marching orders again, moved to the left, marched about 16 miles and camped about a mile beyond Marietta. Cap- tain Reynolds is here quite sick, and Albert Ashley was detailed to nurse him by order of General Veatch. Two men of Co. F sent to hospital. " July 10, moved at 9 a. m. The 39th and 64th Ohio brought up the rear. Moved very slow, raining heavy. We had to wade two streams waist deep. Stopped on the bank of the river at a village called Roswell, which has a starch factory, and did con- tain cotton factories, but our cavalry had burned them. They contained great quantities of cloth for confederate uniforms. The 212 HISTORY OF THE river is wide here and rapid. July llth, crossed the river on a foot bridge and camped so as to protect the crossing. In after- noon commenced throwing up intrenchments, and finished them before morning. Saw Captain Holden, of the 88th, to-day. July 13th, lay in camp, nothing important. Went into the river and helped get out one of the 43d Ohio, who was drowning. "July 14th, lay in camp. There was a shower came up, with sharp lightning. Three men in the 18th Missouri were killed by lightning and two or three in a battery, other casualties reported across the river in the 15th corps. July 15th, the 17th army corps took 4,000 prisoners and nine pieces of artillery. July 17, moved about six miles to Nancy Creek, where we came up with the enemy's cavalry and artillery, and charged and drove them one and a half miles. The 39th deployed in front. No one hurt in the regiment. Were relieved at dark. Our scouts killed two rebels and one old rooster. " July 18th, moved again in the morning. Our brigade in front. No fighting. Camped about 3 p. m. Had honey, goose and potatoes for dinner. July 19th, moved, 64th in the advance. After going two miles, the cavalry found the enemy. We expected to get into Decatur before night. The 23d army corps beat us in. Not much resistance; we moved into and through town, when the enemy opened on us with artillery, severely wounding our surgeon, Dr. Stewart and five men. The 65th was then deployed and drove them back. Our advance in that direction seems to have been unexpected. The enemy burned the depot with a lot of corn and government wagons. Our troops tore up and destroyed the railroad for some distance. " July 21st, the 17th army corps made a charge this morning and took the first line of the enemy's works, losing heavily. In the afternoon our brigade moved to the extreme left and formed the third and fourth line in the rear of the 17th corps, expecting an attack on our flank. Staid there all night without blankets. July 22d, about 10 a. m. the brigade was ordered out on the double quick. The 64th was heavily engaged hand to hand, charging the enemy three times, and capturing forty prisoners and one battle flag, and also recovering the field glass and papers of Gen. McPherson who had been killed and robbed by the enemy. The SIXTY-FOURTH REGIMENT: 213 flag of the 64th was pierced this day by eighteen musket balls, one shell and a bayonet thrust. The regiment lost fifteen killed, fifty-seven wounded and seven missing. Among the wounded is Lieutenant Zuell, of Wilmington, severely in the bowels." I will here say what Lieut. Knickerbocker, from whose diary the foregoing extracts have been taken, is too modest to say, -that this affair was a very brilliant one. Captain Reynolds, being at this time sick, the command of Co. E devolved upon Lieut. K., who, aided by Lieut. D. W. Moore, of Co. E, and several ser- geants, succeeded in rallying about seventy men from various regi- ments, and threw a skirmish line across the gap between the 16th and 1 7th corps, capturing as above stated, forty prisoners, among them the man who had rifled the body of General McPherson. This important capture was made by a private of Co. F, Frederick W. Sonner, who handed the dispatches (Sherman to McPherson), to Lieut. Knickerbocker, who delivered them to the brigade com- mander, introducing Sonner to his notice, with the expectation that he would have honorable mention in the reports of the affair, which, however, Sonner did not get. Sherman thus speaks of the affair in his work : " Fortunately the spot in the woods where McPherson was shot, was regained by our troops in a few min- utes, and the pocket book found in the haversack of a prisoner of war captured at the time, and its contents were secured by one of McPherson's staff." To Frederick "W. Sonner, a private, should be accorded the credit of this recovery, and to Lieuts. Knicker- bocker and Moore, and their brave men the recovery of the ground. The reader of the general history of this engagement will under- stand how timely this movement of these lieutenants and sergeants was. This little squad of men remained on the field the longest of any, coming out of the fight in good order with the regimental colors. Lieut. Knickerbocker was himself wounded, though slightly, in this engagement. That it was not a serious and indeed a fatal wound, is due under Providence to the memorandum book, con- taining the journal from which I have been quoting, one corner of which was struck by a minie ball, turning it aside, and thus proba- bly saving the life of the brave lieutenant. 214 HISTORY OF THE In this battle little Frank Swearenger, of Co. G, saved the life of Lieut. Crews, of that company, and lost his own. The fight had become a hand to hand one, and only a fence separated the combatants. A rebel soldier had his gun aimed at Lieut. Crews, and was about to fire when Frank S. with his musket clubbed, struck him down from the fence, and turning said to Crews, "Lieutenant, I saved you that time." No sooner were the words out of his mouth than the brave boy fell himself mortally wounded. From the 22d to the 27th, the regiment was engaged in skir- mishing. On the 28th it was again hotly engaged. It was de- tached from the brigade and sent to the 15th army corps. Here it took a position on a rise of ground for the purpose of silencing a rebel battery. It had just time to throw up temporary breast- works when the enemy charged and were repulsed. The charge was repeated three times and failed. The regiment was armed with the Henry repeating rifle, and handled them with deadly pur- pose and effect. The number of dead rebels in its immediate front is said to have exceeded the number of the regiment. Only two or three were hit in the regiment. From this time until August 26th, the regiment was engaged in the siege of Atlanta, constantly at work and under fire. On the 26th of August it moved out of the works down the Sand- town road, marching all night, and the 27th and 28th struck the Montgomery railroad, and was engaged on the 29th in tearing up the track. On the 30th marched to the Macon railroad, and on September 2nd passed through Jonesboro and Lovejoy, and on the 8th went into camp at Eastpoint, Atlanta having been evacua- ted the 1st. On the 28th of September the division was transferred to the 17th army corps. The 64th was now in 1st brigade, 1st division 17th army corps. Brig. Gen. J. W. Fuller, commanding the brigade, and Major Gen. J. A. Mower, the division, and Major Gen. F. B. Blair, the corps, October 1st, the regiment went to Fairburn on a reconnoisance. Returned on the 3d, and on the 4th commenced the chase after Hood. Went to Atlanta, crossed the Chattahoocjiie at midnight, and marched all night in the rain. Camping in the works SIXTY-FOURTH REGIMENT. 215 at Marietta. Thence on northward through Kingston, past Adairsville, arriving at Resacca the 15th. This was a terrible march, the hardest yet experienced. Says a member of the regiment, " For two days and nights we did not stop lo eat or sleep. Where we crossed the Chattahoochie, sev- eral men lay down completely used up, never to get up again. I saw many march in their sleep, one walked off a bridge, falling some ten feet, injuring himself considerably. By the time we ar- rived at the end of the march, the loss of mules and horses was fearful. We realized the fact more fully on our return some days after, as by that time they were about half decomposed, and the road being most of the way through the woods, our olfactories re- ceived the full benefit. Of some of the companies, neither officers nor men came in until the march was concluded. Co. F. started with forty-five men, but came in with only fifteen. " All company officers were required to march in the rear of their companies, and in more than one instance were obliged to pick the men up and set them on their feet, and put their guns into their hands. Whenever the wagons got clogged, the men woulcl drop in their tracks and be asleep by the time they touched the ground. Our Colonel Manning also rode in the rear of the regiment, to assist in keeping up the stragglers. One night after one of the temporary halts, he saw as the men commenced moving, something laying on the ground that looked like a man, called out to him, "Wake up sir, your company is moving." But there was no movement and he spoke again, louder and sharper, "Get up, sir, and move on." Still no response or movement. "Will you get up?" he says, accompanying the words with a slap with hia sabre. But still he did not move or speak, when the Colonel got just a little out of humor, and said, " Now, sir, get up or I will prick you," and he did so pretty savagely. The boys standing around could hold in no longer, and burst into a roar, and the Colonel found that he had been talking to a dead mule on which the boys had just been sitting." During the night of the 15th, Captain Conger, with Co. A, moved in advance as a reconnoitering party to Snake Creek Gap, Here they encountered the enemy who had got possession of the old works. A sharp skirmish was the result, in which Captain 216 HISTORY OF THE C. was mortally wounded. To the 1st division ^was assigned the task of driving them out. The 64th maintained its well-earned reputation in this engagement, losing besides CaptainXDonger, nine men wounded. Captain Logan, who had a little before rejoined the regiment, although still weak, thus speaks of this engagement in a letter to the Republican, written at the time. " Arriving near the works in the thick woods about 10 a. m., we were ordered to take them in the rear through the dense thicket by the left flank. On we march, past the entire division. Form- ing into line, off go the knapsacks, and we advance. Arriving at the edge of the woods, we emerge into a cornfield. Down goes a fourteen rail fence. Passing the field, we scramble on through briars, bushes, sloughs and creeks. The rebs open fire, and the splinters from the trees fly in our faces. Double quick is ordered, and with a yell we rush on. I soon fell exhausted in Snake Creek, the cold water of which saves me from sun stroke. On re- covering I perceive amid the shouts of ten thousand voices, our glorious ensign flying over the rebel works. Victory is again ours 1 " The day after the fight we were out of rations, and all that our mess, consisting of seven, had for dinner, was two ears of corn between us. Two days after we were in Sugar Valley, the richest and most beautiful in the world. Here we got leave to forage, and in order to give you an idea of what foraging is, I must tell you how some of the Will county boys of my company looked on the 19th, about two hours before halting for the night. Although tired with a twenty mile march, here comes Sergeant Berow, my foraging captain, with half a sheep hung on his rifle ; Michael Keefe with a young hog on his back Mike loves pork ; Pat. O'Connor is similarly loaded ; Ed. Lizur has a sack of sweet potatoes ; John Stone has a pail of honey his face somewhat demoralized in getting it j Sergeant Sanders has a pail of syrup ; Victor Henry and Frank Simpson are loaded down with potatoes and pork ; Barney Lynch, just out of hospital, has as much as he can travel under of pork, mutton and chickens, and little Pat. Har- rison, from Five Mile Grove, decently loaded with chickens and turkeys, and two great geese astride his neck, and looking half man and half goose, and swearing like a trooper for daylight, to the no email amusement of the boys. SIXTY-FOURTH REGIMENT. 217 " Up to this time, the entire loss in Co. G is forty-four twenty- five killed, seven prisoners, and the rest wounded and sick. I am proud to say that in all the terrible conflicts in which the 64th has been engaged, the Will county boys, with but one exception, have never faltered in the presence of the enemy, but have bravely done their duty, as has the rest of the regiment." Marching by way of Lafayette and Summerville, the regiment arrived on the 21st of October at Gaylesville, Ala. On the 29th, marched via Cave Springs to Cedartown. Had a skirmish with the enemy's cavalry. Moved to Smyrna camp ground on the 5th of November. On the 13th it returned to Atlanta, and on the 15th commenced the " march to the sea." During this march, and the subsequent existence of the regi- ment, it was in command of Captain J. S. Reynolds, who had been promoted major. We shall not give a minute record of this march to the sea, which has been so often described. The experience of the 64th did not differ materially from that of other parts of the grand army. As it left Atlanta, and for the first day or two of the march, the sky was darkened by day with the smoke of burning buildings of Atlanta and the vicinity, and lit up by the lurid flames at night. Its position was in the left hand column of the right wing of Sherman's army of 60,000 infantry. Passing through McDonough, Jackson, Monticello, Hillsboro, to Gordon Station, it there engaged in the business of tearing up and destroying the Macon & Savannah railroad. The regiment had no encounter with the enemy until it reached Poole's Station, about twelve miles from Savannah, where it had a lively skirmish on the 9th of December. On the 10th it assisted in the investment of Savan- nah, skirmishing with the enemy during the day. On the 16th it marched to Kings Bridge, on the Ogeechee. On the 17th moved south, and on the 19th reached Doctortown on the Gulf rail- road and the Altahama river. After destroying the railroad at this point, it returned to Savannah on the 23d. Thus, after a leis- urely march of 300 miles in twenty-four days, it sat down with the rest of the grand army between the Savannah and Ogeechee rivers, waiting for the plum, now ripe, to fall into its mouth. In common with the rest of the army, it was in even better health 28 218 HISTOKY OF THE and spirits than when it left Atlanta. It had lived on the fat of the land, finding chickens, honey, pork, mutton, sweet potatoes, and rice, in great abundance, and without having far to go to find enough for the wants of the array. And let it be remembered, that this was in the vicinity of Andersonville, where our poor boys more than twenty-five of whom were from Will county were being starved into idiocy and death. But while the boys were fat and saucy, they were also black and dirty, and could hardly be distinguished from the contrabands that accompanied them, being blackened with the smoke of the resinous pine knots with which they built their camp fires. As every reader knows, the plum fell into Sherman's hands on the 22d, who sent it as a Christmas gift to FATHER ABRAHAM. At Savannah, Lieut. Knickerbocker, whose time of enlistment had now expired, bade farewell to the regiment and to army life. Having served the country well and bravely for three years, and until the rebellion was evidently on its last legs, he came home and hung up his sword by the side of his grandfather's, who had held the same rank in the army of the revolution. Jan. 3d, 1865, the regiment (with the 17th corps), embarked at Thunderbolt for Beaufort, S. C., and on the 13th left Beaufort and arrived at Pocotaligo. Here there was quite a brilliant little affair in getting possession of the place. The 64th, under com- mand of Major Reynolds, made a charge on the enemy's works and captured them. The boys gave the place a slight change of name, calling it " Poke- em- till- 1- go." Jan. 31st, on which day the movement of Sherman's army northward commenced, the 64th moved from Pocotaligo, having previously been engaged in making some demonstrations against the enemy at the Salkahatchie and Combabee ferry. Feb. 3d, they crossed the Salkahatchie at Bice's ferry, in the face of the enemy, crossing a swamp nearly three miles wide, in which the water was from knee to waist in depth, and very cold, as was the weather also. The enemy then fell back behind the Edisto, and the division was pushed on to Midway, where it was engaged with the rest of the corps in the destruction of the S. C. R. R., to the 10th of Feb. Then moved to Orangeburg, where the enemy was intrenched at the bridge, but it was soon routed, and the corps was across the SIXTY-FOURTH REGIMENT. 219 North Edisto and destroying the railway. Marched thence to Columbia, and witnessed its burning by the rebel General Hamp- ton, who had with insane folly set fire to the cotton in the streets, to keep it from falling into the hands of the yankees. Thence it marched to Winesboro and Cheraw, to Fayetteville, N. C. March 20th it arrived at Bentonville, and on the 21st the entire regiment was on the skirmish line. The division had been ordered to make a demonstration against the left flank of the enemy. It therefore moved to Mill Creek and formed in line of battle, with the 64th in front as skirmishers. After advancing a little way through a swamp, they encountered the enemy's cavalry, with four pieces of artillery, and at once charged them, capturing a caisson. Major J. S. Reynolds was in command, and was ordered to drive the enemy as far as he could with the skirmishers. He succeeded in driving the enemy's cavalry and artillery two miles, capturing Gen. Joseph E. Johnson's headquarters, with forty horses belong- ing to his staff and escort, and twelve prisoners. The regiment was now in the rear of Johnson's army and on the line of his retreat. Gen. Mower was moving to his support, when he was attacked with great fury on his left flank by Gen. Hardee's corps, and was being forced back toward the swamp. The 64th was now in great danger of being surrounded and captured. But Major Reynolds here displayed that skill, courage and presence of mind which showed him worthy of the promotion which he afterwards received, and which would justify still higher honors. He changed his position so skilfully and quickly as to give him a great advantage. The moment he saw his supports were being driven back, he contracted his line, and directing Capt. Long, who was acting as major, to watch the enemy's cavalry, with companies A and F, he attacked the enemy with the rest of the regiment, with great vigor and intrepidity. The effect was everything that could be desired. General Hardee, supposing, no doubt, that he was being flanked by a large force, fell back with haste to re-form his lines, and did not discover the true state of affairs, until Gen. Mower had got his division safely across the swamp. The 64th then gave the enemy a parting souvenir, and also fell back across the swamp. Sergeant Lamb, on the retreat, kept up a running fight, killing 220 HISTORY OF THE six rebs, loading as he ran ; but, being overtaken,~while ^loading, he had to surrender, but he first broke his gun around a tree. The rebs parolled him, having first robbed him of his watch and pocket book. The 64th lost thirteen men in this affair. Had it not been so skilfully handled, its losses must have been much greater. Its formidable sixteen-shooters were never handled to better effect. Both Generals Mower and Fuller highly complimented Major Reynolds, and the officers and men of the regiment generally, for their gallantry on this occasion. Major Reynolds was also recom- mended for promotion as brigadier general, which honor he received subsequently. The march northward was resumed, and on the 24th of March the 64th camped at Goldsboro. Thence it proceeded on to Wash- ington, by way of Raleigh. It reached the capital of the Union it had so bravely aided in preserving, on the 19th of May. It then took part in the grand review. Being armed with the deadly Henry sixteen-shooters, (at their own expense), the men attracted special attention and received frequent cheers. June 6th, it left for Louisville, Ky., and on July llth was mustered out of service. The regiment arrived at Chicago on the 14th, and received its final pay and discharge July 18th, 1865. Colonel John Morrill (breveted brigadier general), commanded the regiment until he was severely wounded, July 22, 1864. Lt. Col. Manning then commanded it until Nov. 22, 1864, when Capt. J. S. Reynolds, promoted major, took command and retained it until muster out, being promoted lieutenant colonel May 8th, an d breveted brigadier general at muster out. Capt. Logan, of Co. G, was promoted major. A reference to the roster will show the other promotions of Will county men. Before closing the record of the 64th, I want to make special mention of two of its privates, no suitable opportunity having been presented in the body of the narrative. By reference to the muster roll of the regiment, it will be seen that JOHN SMITH, whose military record I have given at some length elsewhere, was also a member of Co. E, in this regiment. It will also be seen that he is reported as " absent, in arrest, at muster out." Seeing this statement, and being naturally anxious SIXTY-FOURTH BEGIMENT. 221 to rescue the memory oi my pet hero from this stain, I have been on the lookout for some iavorable explanation of this matter. Most happily, I have found one which affords partial relief. la one of the letters written home from the regiment by a corporal of Co. E, (now dead, poor boy !) I find this statement : " Big John Smith shot two copperheads in Ottawa, and deserted. He got scared, and dare not come back to us ; but if he had come back, the colonel would not have done anything to him. 7 ' This is some explanation, and affords considerable satisfaction, inasmuch as it shows that it was not for cowaidice or disloyalty that my hero was put in arrest. But just what his offense was, I have not been able to ascertain. I am at a loss to conjecture what the animal was that John Smith shot. It seems to me it could not have been the Trigonocephalus Contortex, the reptile to which the name of " copperhead" was usually given, for though a native of America, it has never, I believe been found so far north as Ottawa. I remember that in the early settlement of this county, the prai- ries were infested with a species of the Orotalus, which was famili- arly called " massasauger," but I have never known it to be called a "copperhead." And then, why should it have been an offense which could have made John Smith fear the authorities, civil or military, if he had shot either a Crotalus or a Trigonocephalus Contortex, or indeed any number of them 1 Such reptiles being ferce naturce, and venomous withal, are liable to be shot at will. The whole subject is involved in mystery, and I am compelled to leave it unsolved. There was also in this same company another representative of this renowned family, to- wit, Christian Smith. He is registered as being from Chicago, but this is of course a mis- take. Without any hesitation I have transferred his name to the Will county list. I have only one item of special interest to record of his military history. On the 4th of July, 1864, he was severely wounded in that part where the Spartan mother, in her pride, prayed her son might not be. Let it be charitably remem- bered that we fight now altogether differently from the style of her time, and now a man cannot select the spot where he shall be hit. The wound, happily was not mortal, but it was a long time very inconvenient. This was a hard way to keep the 4th of July, but that's the way they did it in Georgia, in the year 1864. Let this 222 HISTORY OF THE " hair breadth 'scape 'i the imminent deadly breech," go into history as another blazon on the escutcheon of the Smith family ! In closing our record of the Yates Sharpshooters, we are deeply sensible that our imperfect narrative will convey but a feeble im- pression of the services rendered, and the sufferings and dangers endured by them, in common with most of our Illinois regiments. From New Madrid to Goldsboro, it fought its way through hard- ships and dangers which can never be fully told. Being one of the sharp shooting regiments armed with the deadly Henry rifle, it was always kept in advance, and allowed the post of honor and of danger, and on many a hard fought field, its men displayed their skill and valor. At the battle of Corinth, it received the special commendation of Gen. Riseurans. At Kenesaw after the terrific 27th of June, it was thanked by Gen. Dodge, for its bravery and success. In front of Atlanta it received the thanks of Gen. Fuller and at Bentonville of Gens. Fuller and Mower. It is impossible now to conceive how men could so cheerfully endure the constant hardships and exposure of the Atlanta cam- paign, when scarcely a day passed when some companion was not left behind, hastily buried in the inhospitable soil, or bleeding be- neath some tree, awaiting the tardy care of the surgeon ; while every day brought its reports of rebel barbarities practiced upon the wounded and dead. Most of the time too was passed in cramped trenches and rifle pits, under the fire of rebel batteries, and the keen watch of sharp shooters, when the slightest exposure was sure to be fatal, all aggravated by hard, and ofttimes deficient rations, and insufficient clothing, and by the intense heat of a Georgia sun, alternated with terrific storms and rain-pours without shelter. On the route northward from Savannah, many of the regiment marched two hundred miles barefoot, much of the time skirmishing through swamps, and enduring all without a murmur. Of the one thousand men and officers that left Ottawa after veteranizing and recruiting, in March 1864, only four hundred and fifty returned for muster out. Of company E Captain Grover's company only five of the original enlistment returned with Lieut. Feeley. SIXTY-FOURTH REGIMENT. 223 Our county lost fifty-six men in this regiment. Two valued officers, Captain Grover and Sergeant Clark, were killed at Cor- inth, as has been related. Sergeant Wm. Paul, from whose letters I have several times quoted, and who died of Typhoid fever on the Atlanta campaign, was the son of our citizen, Wm. Paul, then a resident of Troy, and brother of Oliver Paul of the 100th. One man, Israel Parker, died in Andersonville. Let us who reap the benefits of the sufferings of our brave boys, gratefully remember the dead, and honor the living, and re- solve to transmit inviolate that Union and Freedom they helped to preserve. REGIMENTAL HISTORIES. CHAPTER V. HISTORY OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH; OR, WILL COUNTY REGIMENT. IFIDBST. JOLIET TO NASHVILLE. SEPTEMBER, 1862, to DECEMBER 26TH. Departure ED route Louisville Reception Regiment Armed Put on Duty Marches and Counter- Marches Almost a Fight Joins a Brigade Capt. Elwood Detailed How the Boys Prepared for Inspection A Banner from Home Moves Camp Goes Scouting An Immersion Regiment Returns without Trophies Hard March Through the City Louisville In a Scare Intrenchments Two Visitors from Joliet Movements The Shoot- ing of Gen. Nelson New Brigade Starts out for Dixie Incidents CoLBuell tries " Mit's " Hospital Stores Signs of the Enemy A Kentucky Pig What came of It Consequences Regiment Moves on In Line of Battle- In the Front Gen. Haskell's Fears A and B as skirmishers Springfield Perryville First Sight of a Battle Field Chaplain Crews preaches his First Sermon Walnut Grove The Boys smell Powder First Blood Crab Orchard Wild Cat Short Rations First Death A Hard March Camps on Green River The Chaplain smells Woolen Another Death Crosses into Dixie Two Classes of Vertebrates Capt. Munger's Boy Something about Brevets A Hard March Some Boys Fall Out They Fall In Silver Springs Sickness and Death March Again The Hermitage Camps near Nashville Deaths and Funerals Sickness Experiences Storm Scene- Life in Camp. HE have given some account of the enlistment and organization of the 100th regiment in our Home Record, and of its depar- ture from Joliet. As PART FOUR of this work will give a full roster and muster roll of the entire regiment, no further detail is needed. The regiment broke camp at twelve o'clock of Tuesday, Sept. 2d, 1862, with 39 commissioned officers and 868 enlisted men, ONE HUNDREDTH REGIMENT. 225 and took up its line of march for the C., A. & St. L, R. R. depot, where a train of twenty cars was waiting to convey them to Spring- field. All the city, and thousands from the surrounding country, and from all parts of Will county, had assembled to witness their departure, as we have elsewhere recorded. The train left the depot at 3 p. m., and arrived at Springfield the next morning. Here their destination was changed from St. Louis to Louisville, and they proceeded on the G. W. R. R. eastward. At Lafayette, Ind., the citizens, having been apprized of their approach, had pre- pared to give the boys a warm reception. They met them at the depot, armed with baskets full of all kinds of eatables and drink- ables, with which they assailed the 100th in most gallant style. But the boys came off conquerors, devouring everything before them, and closing the engagement with three rousing cheers for the Hoosier lads and lasses, when the train rushed on for Indian- apolis. At almost every station, the train was fired upon with apples, peaches, flowers, &c., a kind of warfare that pleased the boys hugely. They crossed the Ohio at Jeffersonville, and marched through Louisville, up Main street, past the Gault House, singing " We'll Hang Jeff. Davis on a Sour Apple Tree," and " John Brown's Soul," &c. They were warmly welcomed, especially in the German quarter of the city, with waving of flags and handker- chiefs, and cheers. At one corner a lady made a short speech by way of welcome. They passed out about two miles beyond the city, and went into camp. Here the regiment received arms and accoutrements, and the balance of the day was spent in arraying themselves in the full rig of the soldier. They were also supplied with sixty rounds of ammunition. Louisville was then enjoying a big scare, martial law was declared, and some were crying " good Lord," and some "good devil," not knowing whether they should fall into the hands of Buell or Bragg, who were racing across the state with Louisville for their goal. The men, having ridden 500 miles without rest, were very tired, and not having yet received regular rations, were also hungry. Some pie and cake peddlers made their appearance, to the great joy of the boys, and would have soon sold their entire stock, had not some wiseacre suggested that the secesh had heard of the terrible 100th, and that these peddlers might be 29 226 HISTORY OF THE rebel spies, and their pies and cakes were probably poisoned ! This suggestion put an embargo on the pie trade it was so probable ! The 1 00th now found themselves placed on duty at once. They were to play war no more. At 9 p. m., instead of turning in for a good night's rest, they were drawn up in line of battle, pickets stationed, and the rest ordered to sleep on their arms. About half-past eleven, just as they were getting into a comfortable snooze, the call " fall in " was sounded, and they were formed in line again, and then marched through the silent city, and out on the Beardstown pike, through clouds of choking dust, about four miles, when they were ordered to halt, and fix bayonets. This looked like business ! Most had never seen a line of battle, or torn a cartridge, and if some bit at the wrong end, or put the ball down first, let them not be blamed ; they did the best they knew then, and they soon learned to do it right, as many a reb found to his sorrow. The occasion of this preparation was the approach of a regi- ment (the 88th) of Indiana boys, returning from the battle of Richmond. They were supposed to be the enemy, and it was hard to restrain some of the boys from firing into them. Fortunately, however, their character became known before the 100th annihi- lated them. I think our boys were glad to find that they were friends. And if, when the excitement was over, one or two of the boys were found up a tree, or behind a fence, it was no doubt in order to get a better chance to fight successfully. Was not Fred- erick the Great, during his first battle, found shivering in a barn, at a safe distance from the field and did he not afterwards become the greatest general of the age ! After they had recovered from the effects of this encounter, they marched two miles further, and rested till daylight, lying down in a soft bed of dust. They were aroused early in the morn- ing by the market wagons going into Louisville with their meat and produce. Some of the captains took the opportunity to buy some of the meat for their hungry men. At daylight went a few miles farther, and rested through the day. As the quartermaster had not been able to procure trans- portation, it was hard scratching for rations, but the boys managed to satisfy their hunger on fruit and sweet potatoes, which were ONE HUNDREDTH EEQIMENT. 227 plenty in the adjacent fields. The men slept that night in an open clover field, and next day, (the 6th), marched to Camp Yates, on the farm of John C. Breckenridge, about four miles from the city. Here the regiment was brigaded with the 79th and 88th Ind. and the 73d 111. regiments, under command of Gen. Kirk. Tents and clothing were also drawn, and anyone from home would have been puzzled to identify his best friend. The regiment was also put through the necessary lessons in drill, perfecting themselves in the art, which they would now probably very soon be called upon to practice in earnest. The regiment remained in this camp about a week. Captain El wood, of Co. G, was made inspector general of the brigade on the 12th. On the second day after going into camp, orders were given to prepare for inspection, and also a review by General Kirk. The regiment at once set about the work of preparation with great zeal, and equal ignorance. The guns had been loaded since leaving Louisville, and now they must be cleaned up, and got ready for inspection, and boots must be blacked and coats brushed, etc. About 3 o'clock the colonel ordered the companies to form in front of their quarters in ranks of four, that they might be ready to move to the appointed place. But the guns were yet loaded. Some one, ignorant of, or forgetting the standing rule against such a procedure, fired off his gun it was so much easier than to draw the charge. The example was contagious ; everybody else followed suit, and pop, pop, all down the line go the guns. The old nick was to pay at once. The pickets on the distant outposts hearing the sound fired off their guns to give the alarm, the long roll was sounded, and every body but the innocent 100th thought that John Morgan, or Gen. Bragg, or Jeff. Davis, or the devil, or the whole confederacy were upon them. The 100th enjoyed the sen- sation they had created, but Col. Bartleson was very much morti- fied, and Gen. Kirk stormed and swore at the boys, calling them an undisciplined mob. The review was postponed for that day, and Col. Bartleson ordered to bring his regiment to a better state of discipline. While at this camp the regiment was presented with a banner 228 HISTORY OF THE from the ladies of Joliet. It was accompanied by an eloquent let- ter from Judge Parks, to which the colonel sent a suitable reply. At the same time the colonel was presented with an elegant sword, by the officers of the regiment. Sept. 10th, the brigade moved from camp " Dick Yates," to a position in the southern suburbs of Louisville, and our regiment camped on the place of a Mr. Casseday, a brother of the late G. W. Casseday, of Joliet. On Sunday the 14th, the principal part of the brigade moved with three days' cooked rations, on a scouting expedition on the Beardstown or Shelbyville pike, to look after eome rebel cavalry reported near Spring Creek, twelve miles from Louisville. They moved slowly along the pike, Gen. Kirk and staff at the head of the column, halting occasionally while some of the staff stopped to make inquiries. Major Hammond was in command of the rear guard. A clumsy, innocent looking old market wagon, driven by an old butternut, was allowed by the Major to pass along up the line to the head, where it was stopped by the General who gave the Major a severe reprimand for allowing it to pass. He suspected that it might be a spy going to inform the rebels of the approach of the brigade. Near the end of the march they crossed a little creek. The colonel's horse, which by the way was a little gray mustang be- longing to Lieut. Williams, (somewhat noted for his taste in horse flesh), seemed to want to drink, so the colonel rode him into the stream. When he had got into the middle of the stream the col- onel threw the bridle upon the mustang's neck, so that he could drink the easier. The mustang it seems wanted a bath more than he did a drink, for without giving the colonel any notice, he incontinently lay down in the water to the no small amusement of the spectators, but to the great damage of the colonel's toilet and temper. I have heard this freak of the mustang attributed to two causes. Some explain it on the supposition that a former owner had learned the animal to lie down whenever the bridle was thrown upon his neck ; while others insist that the matter is suf- ficiently accounted for by the fact that his (then) present owner was a zealous Baptist deacon. The regiment encamped that night in a partly wooded field to the right of the pike. ONE HUNDREDTH REGIMENT. 229 On the 15th, it returned to the city, without having captured any rebels, and camped at night at the old camp, Casseday. On the 1 6th, the brigade was marched down into and around the city. The day was excessively hot, the mercury 105 in the shade. The men were fully equipped, and as yet, unused to marching, and the consequence was that many fell out by the way, utterly unable to stand the heat and dust. Some had sunstroke and were sent to the hospital. There were no fatal cases in the 100th, but there were two or three in the other regiments of the brigade. The dust was suffocating, rising higher than the tree tops, and enveloping everyone. The men were absolutely choked by it. The ladies in some portions of the city turned out and gave the men water, and presented them fans, and cheered them as they dragged through the streets, and when some fell out by the way exhausted, held the heads of the fainting and almost dying men. I am afraid the boys, many of them, imitated the Eng- lish army in Flanders that day, and that curses deep, if not loud were hurled at the head of Gen. Nelson, at whose command this unnecessary marching was done, and who with his staff sat on the verandah of the Gault House, and coolly viewed the demoralized troops as they marched by. On the 18th, the morning papers announced the surrender of Munfordsville to the rebels, and matters began to look serious ; and on the 1 9th the troops, the 100th among them, were Ordered into the city to work on and man the intrenchments. Non- combatants were also required to take the shovel, and assist in the work. The darkies were also pressed into the service. And just here came in a good joke upon a couple of Joliet boys, which as I may not have another chance to get them into history, must be told. Fred Woodruff and Dick Willis had gone down to Louis- ville to see the boys, had been out to their camp, and were now laying around the city loose. Some of the military authorities, as the story goes, not knowing that they were from Joliet, and thinking from their appearance that they might serve the country with the shovel, if they could not with a musket, put them upon the intrenchments. But I believe they made such awkward work handling the shovel, that they were glad to get rid of them the next day. 230 HISTORY OF THE On the 20th, the brigade marched out on the Bardstown pike nine miles, staying there until the 22d, when it returned to Camp Casseday. The next day it was ordered into the city again, and placed behind the intrenchments. The excitement was intense. Bragg was reported to be close by. Stores were closed, and many women and children left the city. But Buell's army came in ahead. The difference in the appearance of his army, coming in from its long and hasty march from Corinth, all rags and dirt, and the fresh rig of Kirk's brigade, was very noticeable, and highly suggestive. On the 26th, the regiment was moved to the eastern side of the city, and took up quarters in an old rope- walk. At this time, Sept. 27th, there was a great excitement in the city, caused by the shooting of Gen. Nelson, by Gen. Jeff. C. Davis. I am afraid that there was not much mourning over his death by the men who made that exhaustive march through and around Louisville. On the first of October the brigade organization was broken up, and the 100th was assigned to Gen. Haskell's brigade of Gen. Crittenden's corps. Accordingly, the regiment broke camp, packed up their impedimenta, sent the sick (about fifty) to the hospitals and convalescent barracks, and late in the afternoon started out on the Bardstown road to join the brigade, marching until ten o'clock at night. They slept in the road that night, and were moving again next morning at four o'clock, going to Fern Creek, the place where they had been about ten days before. Here they found the brigade, consisting of the 26th Ohio, 3d Ky., and 58th Ind., all old regiments, and so reduced in numbers that, when in camp, the 100th occupied nearly as much ground as the three. The brigade was commanded by Gen. Haskell, and the division by Gen. T. J. Wood. With these regiments and commanders, the 100th wa destined to become pretty well acquainted. Oct. 2d, the brigade was on the march. Nothing worthy of note occurred, except seeing a wounded rebel being taken to the rear, which suggested that there was shooting going on somewhere. Went into camp just at dark, a short distance southeast of Wash- ington. Were in line again at an early hour on the 3d, the 100th having the place of rear regiment of the column. A trifling inci- ONE HUNDREDTH REGIMENT; 231 dent occurred, showing the distrust with which fresh regiments were regarded. Col. Buell, of the 58th Indiana, was in command of the rear guard. Presuming that the 100th would be disposed to " straggle," he ordered in a loud voice evidently in order that the 100th should hear it that the rear guard should " fix bayo- nets." Major Hammond, who was riding in the rear of the regi- ment, heard the order, and being considerably nettled thereat, as an offset, he ordered the rear company of the 100th to " cap their guns." Fortunately, however, these two orders did not bring about any collision. Colonel Buell, too, grew very amiable and friendly, after a little, perhaps desiring to make amends, or per- haps molified by the sight of a certain, curious-looking black bottle, just then in the custody of the assistant hospital steward, (some- times known as " Mit.") The colonel spied the bottle, and not suspecting that it was part of the " hospital stores," intimated to " Mit " that he would accept an invitation to " smile." " Mit," always generous with hospital stores, and very Hand-y in taking care of or dispensing them, passed up the bottle, and the colonel took a moderate taste. Now, it happened that the colonel was in the habit of taking his " straight," and " Mit's " was about one- half capsicum. The colonel quickly ' relinquished his hold upon the bottle, and of the quantity he had taken into his mouth as well, and the smile was changed to tears ! The column moved slowly along, having occasionally slight artillery duels with the rear guard of the rebels. About six in the evening it came to a stream upon the banks of which there were some mills, and an elevation of ground upon which the rebels had planted some cannon, which occasioned some annoyance and delay. Strict orders had been given by the division commander against pillaging. But it happened at night, just as the regiment were camping, that a stray Kentucky pig somehow got into the way of some of the boys of Co. G, and they thoughtlessly knocked him over, and proceeded to dress it, anticipating an agreeable addition to their supper. Some old soldiers in the brigade happened to discover the operation, and thinking that they could perhaps profit by the verdancy of the 100th, tried to convince the boys that by all rules of military etiquette, the old soldiers of the brigade were entitled to all such estrays. This claim was, of course resisted and 232 HISTORY OF THE resented by Co. G, and quite a noisy dispute arose. Capt. Mun- ger, hearing the noise, came up and inquired into the matter. The captain was quite indignant at this attempt to impose upon his men, and declared somewhat emphatically that he " would not allow any old soldiers, or any old officers, to rob his men." Another officer had meanwhile come on the stage, who asked of the captain : " Who are you, sir, and what is your command ?" to which Mun- ger replied : "I am Capt. Hunger, commanding Co. G of the 100th 111. Vol. ; who are you, sir, and what is your command ?" Reply " I am Capt. , adjutant general of this brigade, and you will report yourself at once to your colonel, under arrest." Here was a pretty " kettle of fiah ! " The captain, crestfallen, went as ordered to Col. Bartleson, and surrendered his sword. The Col. had a good laugh over it, and told the captain to go to his quarters, and he would get the arrest removed in the morning which was done. Perhaps the curious reader may like to know what became of the pig. I am happy to be able to satisfy this laudable curiosity. The boys, who had been guilty of procuring his untimely death, were ordered to carry him suspended on a pole upon their should- ers for some hours, up and down the camp. While undergoing their punishment, others of the boys would run up and carve a slice from Mr. Pig, which process was repeated so often, that in a little while the load was reduced merely to the hind legs, by which it had been suspended. This was not the only instance in which these old regiments tried to impose upon the green 100th. Along about this time the boys lost a good many of their new hats, while many in the old regiments were supplied with new ones, which it would have puzzled them to account for. Oct. 4th, the army was on the move. Marched about twenty- five miles. When about three miles from Bardstown, the brigade was formed in line of battle. It was supposed that the rebels, whose skirmish line was in sight of our advance, were going to make a stand here. The 100th was placed in front, and two companies were deployed as skirmishers. General Haskell, who, by the way, was from Ohio, and a most excellent officer, was a little afraid of his new regiment, and was so inconsiderate as to express his fears in very imprudent, not to say impudent, language. " Soldiers of ONE HUNDREDTH REGIMENT. 233 the 100th," said he, "you are about to go into battle. The 26th Ohio is placed behind you, with orders to shoot down any man of your regiment that attempts to run." This speech greatly exas- perated the boys of the 100th, and the colonel most of all, who indignantly told the general that he need have no fears for the 100th, they were not from Ohio, but from the state of Illinois they were " Illini " men I Co. A, Captain Bowen, and Co. B, Captain Elwood were on the skirmish line under command of Major Hammond, and when they got sight of 4 the rebel skirmishers they broke and run for them so fast that the major who was mounted had hard work to keep up with them. The rebs lit out when they saw the boys coming, and there was no further chance to make good the col- onel's boast, but it came in time, and Gen Haskell afterwards made the amende honorable, when he found at Stone River that the greatest trouble was to hold the boys back. But the speech always rankled in their minds, and though they afterwards became good friends with the 26th Ohio, they never forgot the speech oi General Haskell, and on one or two occasions subsequently they let him know that they remembered it.* Bardstown was found evacuated by the rebels, when our force reached it. On the 5th and 6th the army moved on to Spring- field, and camped on the fair grounds. On the 7th the force had a very tedious march, lasting until nearly morning. The day was excessively hot, the dust very deep, and no water could be obtained until they reached the " Rolling Fork," upon which they encamped. The 100th kept up pretty well until dark, when many fell out, and when it arrived at the stream, and went into camp, the ranks were badly thinned. The regiment remained in this camp until 2 p. m., next day, when it moved on to within two miles of Perry ville, where the firing could be heard very plainly, and the boys expected to be in it. But the "battle of Perry ville" had been fought and won, when the 100th reached the field, and the enemy was fast disap- pearing from our front. Here the 100th had the first view of a battle field. The dead of both sides were still unburied, and the wounded were being gathered up, and the men saw what war meant. The next day the regiment moved a short distance to the east of 30 234 HISTORY OF THE Perryville, and here in an old frame building a little way from the battle field, their venerable and beloved chaplain, preached his first sermon as a chaplain. No reporter was present to transmit to us a resume of his discourse, but one can easily imagine what train of thought would be presented by the surroundings. Next day, (the 10th), the brigade was again on the move, and at night went into camp in a place which was named Walnut Grove, remaining here until the morning of the 12th. Here the regiment had a slight foretaste of its future experience a partial initiation into the business into which they had entered. The notorious raider, John Morgan, was said to be in the vicinity, and the boys were warned to keep a sharp lookout. The picket line was established not far from camp, and in the edge of the timber, a rail fence running along in front, beyond which was an open field, and still beyond that, a hollow or ravine. The 100th being called upon for a detail to go upon the line, detach- ments from different companies in charge of Captain El wood were sent out, and were on duty until midnight, when they were re- lieved by another detail (Co. H), in charge of Lieut. Nelson. Nothing of note occurred uutil in the gray of. the morning, when an officer, who was supposed to be the inspector of the line, rode up to the left of the line, and asked for the officer in charge. Lieut. Nelson responded. The officer then gave his orders to the lieutenant to keep a sharp lookout, as there were rebels about, and they might be attacked about daylight. He also told the lieutenant that " we" had some cavalry in front, and if they should be driven in, they must be careful and not fire at our own men. The officer then rode down the line and disappeared. The men were immediately notified to be on the alert, and if attacked to rally to the centre of the line, and make as good a fight as they could until reinforced. Very soon from over the hill came the sound of officers giving commands, as if troops were forming, and in a few minutes a company of cavalry came dashing up in front of the picket line, and formed in handsome style only a few rods off. They presented a handsome appearance, riding splendid horses, well accoutered, the men all wearing U. 8. overcoats and hats. As soon as they had formed their line, they advanced toward the fence, and an officer dismounted and commenced laying down the ONE HUNDBEDTH REGIMENT. 235 fence. One of our boys caught a glimpse of some " butternut" under the U. S. overcoat, and sang out " rebels ! rebels !" But the officer still laying down the rails, cried out, " don't fire, don't fire, we are friends." Some one fired a gun to arouse the camp, and the pickets rallied to the center, and fell back under orders toward the main line, and met Captain Goddard coming up, who being the ranking officer took command. Believing them to be Union cavalry he ordered the men not to fire. Several of our men however believed them to be rebels and jumped behind the trees to be ready for them. One, Johnny Sarver, who saw the butter- nut and was determined not to be fooled, drew a bead on the offi- cer and fired, wounding him and killing his horse, a beautiful bay. The rebels, for such they were, no longer attempted to con- ceal their character, but fired a volley from their carbines at our men and turned to run, taking the wounded men along. Our boys opened on them, and several saddles were emptied. The camp was now all alive, and a battery also opened upon them. They proved to be a company of Morgan's cavalry, and the man shot by Sarver (and who it was found next day had died) was one of Morgan's Majors. One man of our regiment, James S. Connor, of Co. H, was slightly wounded. Here then was the first blood drawn from the enemy by the 1 00th, and also the first blood shed by the regiment in the good cause. The last was not very much but enough to say blood! This Johnny Sarver, who has the credit of bringing the first rebel to grief, was the youngest man in the regiment, in fact a mere boy of fifteen, and could only get into the service as a mu- sician. But after he got to Louisville, he laid down his fife and took a musket, and as we have seen, knew how to use it ; and he carried it as bravely as the oldest, up to the terrific charge on Kenesaw, June 27th, 1864, in which he was killed. Harry Clay King was another brave boy, only a little older, and being about the same size, and standing in the ranks beside Sarver, the two received the sobriquet of' 1 the pony team," and by this were known in the regiment. James S. Connor, who had the honor of shed- ding the first blood of the 100th, went through the service after- wards unscathed. The army advanced slowly, part of the time in line of battle, 236 HISTORY OF THE with skirmishing going on in front, and passing through Dan- ville, Stamford and Crab Orchard, camped on the night of the 15th, about five miles beyond the last named place. Here part of the brigade, mostly convalescents, were left in camp, while the rest of the command continued on to Wild Cat. These continued for four or five days up in this wild, mountainous region. The command ran short of ration* and forage, and the regiment was sent on the 16th to forage. On the 18th, they went beyond Wild Cat a few miles. Rations still short. Some of the boys tried the experiment of making hulled corn, but they were not very suc- cessful. The product did not seem to be healthy, or at least it oc- casioned a call on the doctor for remedies. For a few days, the boys were a little more hungry than was agreeable. Indeed one soldier writing home at the time, says he got so hungry that he stole the corn from the mules to stay his own stomach ! We shall find in the course of this history that they had to resort to this trick again. On the 20th, fortunately, the trains came up with rations. On the 22d Bragg having made his escape through Cumberland Gap the army started back through Mt. Veruon, Crab Orchard, and Stamford. At Crab Orchard on the 25th, occurred the first death with the regiment, Robert A. Hughes, Co. A. He was from Wilmington. At Stamford, the enemy took a new route southwest, through Weathersfield and Liberty, camping on the night of the 25th at Columbia, having marched at the rate of twenty-two miles a day. The day's march, which terminated at Columbia, was a terrible one. The 100th was rear guard, following all the wagons. The weather was cold and damp, and about 3 p. m. it began to snow, making the marching just horrible. The colonel was put under arrest for his leniency in allowing the men to straggle and ride in the wagons. The four days' severe marching made many in the old regiments give out, and told heavily upon the 100th. Many got sick, and all footsore. The boys, no doubt, thought of the comfortable homes they had left, and felt a little blue. A division hospital was established in the town, and 12 sent from the 100th, while 171 reported at surgeon's call. Remained here until the 30th. On the 24th, when the boys had gone into camp about half a ONE HUNDREDTH REGIMENT. 237 mile from Green River, occurred a little incident, which might be characterized as painfully ludicrous. The men were all very tired. Chaplain Crews, who messed with the officers of Co. K, told the boys that if they would build a fire, he would go to the river and bring the water. Accordingly, he threw off his fine new overcoat, and tucking it safely away under a pile of rails, started on his kind errand. Meanwhile the boys set themselves to work to build the fire, and, by a strange fatality, built it against the pile of rails where the chaplain had hid his coat ; and when he got back with the water he " smelt woolen," and investigating the matter, found his new coat about half consumed ! Philosophy, stoicism, even patriotism, could not have sustained a man at such a time ! Nothing but grace, and a good deal of it arhich, fortunately, the good chaplain had could have kept a man under such circum- stances from " slinging words " not found in Webster's unabridged ! On the 30th, five of the sick were sent to Lebanon, and five returned to the regiment, and one, Jerry Harper, of Co. C, was left in charge of a resident physician. He died a few days after, Oct. 30th. Nov. 1st, they reached Glasgow, camping on the fair grounds. Here the regiment received a mail, and learned of the capture of the gallant sutlers, Caswell and Bush, who had started from Louis- ville with a load of goods, boxes, and mail, for the regiment. But John Morgan gathered them in, and the boys had to mourn the loss of their letters and good things from home. Here, also, they learned that Rosecraus had superseded Buell, which gave general satisfaction. The force staid at this place until Nov, 4th. Sixteen more of the regiment were sent to the hospital at Cave City. On the 4th they marched seven miles to Scottsville, crossing two streams, where the bridges had been burned by the rebels the year previous. One, the Big Barrow, was the largest stream that had been met since leaving the Ohio. Here quite a number of the regiment that had been left on the way came up. After another day's rest, and a march of twenty-two miles, they passed irom the neutral state of Kentucky into the rebel state of Tennessee. No great change was perceptible in the physical or moral atmosphere. A granite obelisk, on which are the names of Gov. Harris and 238 HISTORY OF THE his secretary, and of the engineers, marks the spot. The boys hur- rahed for Dixie on crossing the line. While passing over the sacred soil of Kentucky, the orders of the commander, Buell, had been very strict against foraging, and the boys found it very hard work, when tired and hungry, to keep their hands off the fruit, sweet potatoes, and other vegetables. One time the regiment was passing a fine orchard of fruit, and one of the boys of Co. A, a fine soldier, started from the ranks and jumped over a fence, bound for the apples. The colonel saw him, and ordered Jeff. back. Now, Jeff, was a good soldier, and did not mean to be insubordinate, but he did want the apples bad, and he did not halt very fast. The colonel drew his revolver, and repeated his order, "Take your place in the ranks." It was a solemn moment ; Jeff, looked back over his shoulder to see if the colonel was in earnest, and, to use his own words, " saw shoot " plainly in the eyes of the colonel, and the result was, he did not want the apples any more. Almost immediately upon the entrance of the regiment upon the sacred soil of Kentucky, they had made the acquaintance of two classes of vertebrates, which played an important part in the war of the rebellion. I mean the mule, and the contraband. I wish it distinctly understood that I mean no disrespect to either, in thus classing them together. I do so simply because in the experience of the 100th, they came together, and because, although each deserves a separate chapter in our history, yet the necessities of brevity forbid. Occasional specimens of both had been seen here at the north before the war. Now and then a man had ventured to ride a mule, or to drive a span through the streets. And we had had frequent glimpses of the contraband, as the naughty abolitionists transported them through on the underground railroad ; while, as permanent specimens, there was " Uncle John," who lived so long in his elegant mansion alongside of banker Woodruff's. We also had " Bogus," (sometimes called Levi), of the National Hotel 'bus, to show us how even black will fade under certain circumstances. But these were fragmentary specimens. In Kentucky, both were to be seen in their glory. Kentucky had long been celebrated for raising mules and politicians, sending now and then one of them ONE HUNDREDTH REGIMENT. 239 to congress. She had also rivaled Virginia in the traffic in " slaves and souls of men," rearing them for the cotton states. One of the first lessons it became necessary for the boys to learn was how to subsist, and how to manage a mule team, and how to keep the mules from chewing up at night the wagon and its contents, which they had so patiently drawn through the day. Another lesson on which they studied long and hard, but which I do not suppose this or any other regiment ever learned perfectly, was how to tell when a mule was going to kick ; but they never found any diffi- culty in telling when a mule had kicked ! Without the mule, I do not see how the war could ever have been conducted, as no other animal could have endured the labor and deprivation inci- dent to the transporting of the impedimenta of an army through a country that had already felt the devastating effects of war. Many rich experiences, no doubt, could be related in respect to the mule, but we cannot give them now. We turn our attention to the con- traband, between whom and the mule there were many points of resemblance. Neither had any rights which a white man is bound to respect. Both had from time immemorial been the sub- jects of prejudice and abuse, and both have exhibited the most wonderful patience under such abuse, although both have occasion- ally been known to kick. Both have a wonderful capacity for music, and delight in exhibiting their powers " oft in the stilly night." Both came to be recognized at last as important instru- mentalities to be employed in the service of the Union, although I fear that there are many still left, even here at the north, who are not willing that the contraband should have, a fair chance to prove his claims to manhood. Some, I suspect, are afraid of being out- stripped in the race, if the negro is permitted to enter the lists on an equal footing. When the 100th entered the service, the ques- tion of what to do with the contraband, had not begun to be solved. It was the most perplexing of all the questions of the war. Per- haps Gen. Butler never served the country better than when he gave it a partial solution, and fixed upon the race a name which is a most happy one, inasmuch as it avoids on the one hand the mean and contemptible epithet of " nigger," and on the other, does not bring him " between the wind and our nobility," and outrage our delicate feelings by recognizing him as a man and a brother. It 240 HISTORY OF THE was a master stroke, and perhaps the shrewd general had in his mind the saying of some old abolitionist, that no man could ever again be president who spelled negro with two " g's." Well, as I have said, the boys encountered the contraband immediately upon their entrance upon actual service in Kentucky. And it is something wonderful how quickly many of them forgot their former prejudices. The great inalienable right of the slave- holder to his " nigger," which had heretofore seemed to some to be the corner-stone of our government, vanished into thin air, and the darkies were soon welcomed into our camps, and not unfre- quently kept, concealed and protected, against the orders of the commanding general. And this was not so strange after all, as in every slave-holder the boys soon came to recognize an enemy, and in the contrabands their only reliable friends. Perhaps no one left Joliet with stronger prejudices than the Captain ol Co. G. But before the 100th had got half through ^entucky, these prejudices somehow got worn very thin. So much so, that when a good likely boy made his appearance in camp, with the story of how his " massa" abused him, and how he wanted to " go long" with " massa Linkum's sogers," the offi- cers of Co. G, concluded unanimously that they would keep the boy, and employ him as their cook and man of all work. So they contributed around and got the boy a new rig throughout, the captain investing liberally in the enterprise. They felt very proud of their colored servant, and put on some airs before the other boys, calling their attention to the appearance of the boy, after they had got him dressed up. The boy served them well for a few days. But one morning when they were congratulating themselves upon their good luck in getting so fine a cook, and an- ticipating the rasher of bacon " a la Kaintuck," and the hot cof- lee, and de hoe cake, etc., Mr. Darkey was not to be found. His new clothes had run off with him, and the only thing Co. G had to show for their investment was his old rags. I suppose he had some Phyllis that he did not like to leave behind, which caused his heart to fail him, when the regiment was about to move. The Captain got a good many jokes over his luck in " stealing niggers," but I suppose he consoled himself with the reflection that the boy ONE HUNDREDTH REGIMENT. 241 had at least proved his equality with the white man, in being like him, " mighty onsartain." Some time later in the war, a chap in the 100th was almost as happy in giving a name to the mule, as Gen. Butler was in giving one to the darkey. It was at a time when a great many of our officers* were being breveted the brevet fever as the boys called it, was prevailing alarmingly. I suppose no explanation is necessary as to what is meant by.being breveted. It is a kind of fancy title by which a man is cheaply rewarded for gallantry or meritorious service, without having either the pay or the power of the rank, ex- cept when detailed for some special duty. It was however an honor much sought after at one time, and those who got it were happy, while those who did not get it, were envious. Well, one time, when the piazza of a hotel at Nashville was swarming with these breveted officers, sporting their shoulder straps, some of them double the regulation length, a high private of the 100th, was rid- ing his mule along past the hotel, when he spied the breveted gen- tlemen. He rode up pretty near the hotel, and commenced bela- boring his mule at a terrible rate, swearing at him and exclaiming, " Get up here ! get up here! you d n' t brevet-hor8e! you d n brevet- horse!" After the army had crossed the line into Tennessee, they took it for granted that the orders against foraging were no longer in force, and the fences, pigs, poultry, etc., suffered. A march of sixteen miles on the 8th, brought the army through Gallatin, and Sunday they rested three miles beyond the town. On the 10th they crossed the Cumberland, marched twelve miles and camped on the Lebanon and Nashville pike, about twenty miles from Nashville, at Camp Silver Springs, and here the regiment re- mained some days. The last part of this march was made after dark. Two of the boys of Co. G, got so disgusted with marching in the dark, and were so tired withal, that they concluded that they would fall behind and take a rest for the night, and catch up with the regi- ment in the morning. So they dropped out on a favorable oppor- tunity, and made their bed under some bushes, and slept as only tired soldier boys can sleep, dreaming no doubt of home and its delights, until the sun awoke them in the morning. When they 31 242 HISTORY OF THE jumped up and looked around, to their no smill surprise, they found themselves in a camp, men and horses all around, some still sleeping, and some, like themselves, getting up. Sentinels too are standing guard all around the camp. They have a strange look who can they be ? certainly not their old comrades of yester- day. The mystery is soon solved. The boys are discovered, and are soon surrounded by a lot of rebel cavalry men, John Morgan's famous rangers. Of course they are prisoners. How they cursed, (inwardly) their folly in straggling last night ! But there is no help for it. They are now at the disposal, and under the orders of men in butternut. The camp is all astir, and after a hasty breakfast, of which they are allowed a slender share, they are treated to a rapid march of about fifteen miles in the opposite di- rection to the one they wished to go. Marching to keep up with the cavalry, was worse even than that of the night before. They are all uncertain too as to what was to be their fate. Their captors took delight in playing upon their fears, and even talked of hang- ing them. But after keeping them three days, they parolled them and let them go. Not, however, without first effecting quite a change in their personal appearance. The rebels compelled them to strip off their good clothes, and to accept in exchange a suit of the hateful and dirty butternut, confiscating at the same time the contents of their pockets. They then made their way back to the regiment, sadder and wiser, and, let us hope, better boys. They put the best face they could upjn the matter, as they made their entree into camp at Silver Springs. The shouts and yells of wel- come that went up from the boys on discovering who they were, I presume they will never forget. The colonel, however, was some- what indignant at their course, and threatened at first that he would not respect their parole, but put them in front. He relented, however, and let them off. This adventure entitled them to an honorable retirement to the veteran reserve corps ! It is said that a photograph of them, taken while dressed in their new uniform, is still extant, and is the admiration of their friends. The Baptist church at Beloit would hardly recognize in one of them their eloquent and well-beloved pastor but he was one of the boys ! While at Silver Springs, the weather was mostly cold and 31 ONE HUNDREDTH REGIMENT. 243 rainy, and the men were worn out with their campaign, and a large number were sick. Some mornings, 100 to 150 would report at surgeon's call. On the 15th, all fit for duty were out on a trip attempting to capture a force of the enemy's cavalry. They pur- sued them to Lebanon, and then gave up the chase, and returned about 9:30 p. m., having traveled twenty-eight miles, part of the time on the double-quick. Tuesday, the 17th, was a sad day in the regiment, as they were called upon to bury two of their number, A. Leonard, of Co. E, from Troy, of typhoid pneumonia, and Win. Sutton, of Co. A, from Wilton, of typhoid fever. They were buried with military honors. The regiment remained at this camp nine days, the longest stop which had been made since leaving Louisville. On the 19th, it moved eight miles, stopping about an hour near the " Hermitage," giving the boye an opportunity to visit one of our national shrines, the residence and tomb of "Old Hickory." Many expressed the wish that Old Hickory had been in the execu- tive chair when the rebellion commenced. Next day crossed Stone River, and marched some three or four miles. That afternoon the ambulances were sent into Nashville with seventeen of the sickest ones of the regiment. It was supposed that the army would remain some time at this point, and so the men fixed up their camp in good style, setting out evergreens, building chim- neys, &c., and receiving a daily mail from Nashville, and enjoying the presence of a sutler who had driven in from Louisville. But just as they had got nicely fixed up, they moved again on the 26th, going to a point about four miles southeast of Nashville, which was their camp until the advance on Murfreesboro, the 26th of December. On the 27th, another member died in camp, Amos Gawthrop, of Co. H, from Wilton. He had been on detailed duty with the battery attached to the brigade, and was sick for some time there, and was then sent to the regimental hospital, where he died, mak- ing the fourth death with the regiment. The other boys who had died on the march, had been buried without coffins, but Co. H, determined that Gawthrop should have a coffin. They were camped at this time on the land of a Mr. Jones, who lived near the camp, 244 HISTORY OF THE and who like a good many others, was a good Union man when our army was around, and the boys applied to him for some boards to make a coffin. But he refused to give or sell them any. They reported the matter to the colonel, who told them to go and help themselves. So they stripped off a lot of boards from his fences, and made a rude coffin, and wrapping the soldier in his blanket, put him into it, and buried him near a brick church, Chaplain Crews officiating. This soldier had two brothers in the 100th, and another brother in the 4th cavalry, and a half brother also in the service. One died of disease, and one was killed at Chicka- mauga. Co. A also buried a good man in a similar manner next day, Wm. Birdenstein, of the town of Reed, whose brother died also December 19th. Other deaths had occurred among those who had been left behind in hospitals. The location of the camp was not a very pleasant one, and the weather was most of the time cold and wet, and consequently there was a good deal of sickness in the regiment, principally measles and lung affections, for which sleeping on the ground could not be very good. Several were sent from time to time into the city, which was now one great hospital. The men all had some interesting experiences in this camp. Being comparatively young soldiers, they had not yet learned how to make the best of it, had not yet learned all the shifts and devices by which an old campaigner knows how to alleviate the discomforts of such a life, even under the most untoward circum- stances. The 100th was brigaded with old troops, and one might naturally suppose that these would stand ready to assist and instruct their new comrades. Not a bit of it ! On the contrary, they seemed to find great satisfaction- in standing by and witnessing the awkwardness and mistakes of the fresh fish. But the 100th soon learned all the tricks and devices of the camp, and took their revenge by playing the same role with other new-comers ; a curious phase of what we call human nature, seen also in college life ; when the freshman becomes a soph., he seems to find sweet rerenge for the indignities to which he had been subjected, by playing them off on his vealy successors. On the night of Dec. 1st, the camp had a rough experience. ONE HUNDREDTH REGIMENT. 245 It bad rained hard all day, and in the evening there was a teriffic thunder-storm, accompanied by very high winds. Imagine how unwelcome such a storm must be in cold weather, with nothing overhead but cotton cloth, and nothing underneath but the bare ground ! The two assistant surgeons, Harwood and Woodruff, occupied a tent together. About nine o'clock, the ditch which had been dug around the tent, for the purpose of carrying oft the water, began to overflow, and the water came into the tent. As the beds consisted of nothing but straw with the blanket thrown over, they soon became uncomfortably moist, and the surgeons had to forsake their downy couch and excavate a deeper cut to carry off the water not a very agreeable job in the darkness, the wind, and the rain. The next tent was occupied by the senior surgeon and his clerk. They were no better off, if so well, for in addition to the water, the tent pins had got loosened, and the clerk was out trying to drive them in the darkness, and he could only see them when a flash of lightning lit up the scene momentarily, showing also the senior surgeon standing en dishabille in the tent door, and most emphati- cally giving directions to his clerk in a composite language, mainly English and German, with now and then a word that ought not to be in either language. L think the old adage, " Misery loves company," was true in this case, and the sub-surgeons drew no little satisfaction from the glimpses they caught of the chief, reveal- ing the fact that he was in a worse plight than themselves. But they got punished for so selfish a feeling, for they had no sooner got settled down again before the chimney fire, where they had drawn the bed, than, without any warning, down came their tent, an irreparable wreck, in the darkness. Hastily gathering up books and papers, they had to retreat to the hospital tent, where they sat up the balance of the night on the boxes, thoroughly disgusted with army life. In the morning they were again comforted to find that the rest of the officers had had similar experiences. The colonel, for the first time since leaving Louisville, had undressed, and was enjoying the unwonted luxury of clean sheets once more, when his tent blew down, and he was caught literally sans oulotte whatever that means ! On the 4th, the division was reviewed by General Rosecrans. 246 HISTORY OF THE Life in camp now moved on with but little to interrupt its monotony. The regiment took its turn occasionally in going out to guard forage trains. The officers and men discussed over their coffee and pipes the rumors and speculations that were rife respect- ing further movements, and anyone fortunate enough to get news from home, shared it with his comrades. Anything to read was a godsend. Dime novels and illustrated papers found a ready mar- ket, and were devoured most greedily. The Republican and the Signal were especially welcome. Not a few, let us hope, read the testaments which their mothers had crowded into their carpet- bags I And here they remained until after Christmas the last Christmas many of them would see ! ONE HUNDREDTH REGIMENT. 247 REGIMENTAL HISTORIES. CHAPTER VI. HISTORY OF THE ONE HUNDREDTH REGT. CONTINUED. NASHVILLE TO CHICKAM'AUGA. SEPTEMBER, 1862, TO DECEMBER, 1863. Signs of Advance Christmas Eve Strikes out for LaVernge On the March Camps In Line of Battle LaVernge Advances Captures some Rebs Incident Stewart's Creek Sunday Rest Battle Opens How it went Incidents Casualties Night New Year's Eve New Year's Day Night Again Battle Renewed Incidents Casualties Victory Jan. 3d Enemy makes Another Attempt Gives it up Retreats List of Casualties Incidents Moves through Murfreesboro and Encamps Visitors from Home Accident in Camp Deaths Paymaster Welcome Reviews- Changes Camp Fixes up Foraging Incidents A Visit from Joliet Ladies Forward again Incidents Foraging Storm Settles at Hillsboro Month's Stay Accident Capt. Munger makes a Good Shot Scientific For- agingOn the move again Aunt Emma makes a Sensation Over the Mountains Incidents Down into the Sequatchie 24th Tenn. Inf. Expe- dition Chaplain Resigns A Story on him On the March Peter's Cave Crosses the Tennessee Nickajack Cave A Corner Moves on Old Look- outIn Chattanooga Out to Chickamauga Creek. FEW days before Christmas, the orders received left no doubt in the minds of the men that " Old Rosey " was soon to show his hand. Sickness had reduced the regiment to 600 men fit for duty. On the morning of the 24th, orders came to be ready to move at 7:30 next morning. This necessitates turning out at five, and plenty of hard work to get ready. But at the set hour the tents have been struck, breakfast cooked and eaten, the indispen- sible " coffee " made and drank, the wagons packed, and every 248 HISTORY OF THE thing ready for a move. Then came orders to issue two days' additional rations, and repack the wagons, so that two or three should carry all that was indispensible the balance to be sent ta Nashville to be stored. This was also done, and the boys lay around on the ground, dozing and grumbling, until 3 p. m., when they were ordered to pitch tents again, and be ready to move at daylight next morning. And this was Christmas eve ! Every soldier's thoughts go back to the homes they have left behind them, and in many a mind, no doubt, the question comes up unbidden : " Shall I ever join in the Christmas festivities of the old home again?' 1 Pic- tures of Christmas trees in gas- lit parlors and churches, surrounded by groups of happy children, and dear, dear friends and kindred, pass in panoramic visions througn* the mind, in strange and start- ling contrast to the camp, and its groups of soldiery, guns, and warlike preparations. A strange contrast, too, in another respect : There, they are celebrating the advent of the PRINCE OF PEACE ; here, we are about to move forward in fierce and bloody encounter, appealing to the God of War. , Very timely, a load came in from Nashville, of thirteen boxes for the regiment, full of those things which were welcome to the soldier. They were quickly opened and contents distributed, and many had a taste of Christmas, a reminder that they were not for- gotten, though far away. Christmas day was passed quietly in the same camp, and OD the evening of the 26th, by nine o'clock, the army was finally under way. The division in which the 100th was placed took the road toward LaVernge and Murfreesboro. The day was rainy and the army moved slowly, being stopped occasionally by the enemy skirmishing with the advance. The regiment passed through the deserted camps of other portions of the array, which had preceded them, and five miles out passed the last picket, and struck out for LaVernge. Frequent stoppages were made, to allow the artillery to shell the woods to drive out any rebels that might be lurking in them to pick off the men. As they progress, they see the marks left by the artillery upon the trees, barns and fences* In the advance, a man is seen upon the roof of a house, waving a to and fro, and far away to the right is another doing the ONE HUNDREDTH REGIMENT. 249 same thing. These are the signals from one road to another, by which the movements of the different columns are guided, and which only the proper persons can understand. And thus they move on through the day, and towards night several wounded men are seen carried back in ambulances. The men look at them, and the thought comes up in many minds such may soon be my fate! The 100th camped for the night in a wood, in the rain, and without any tents, a mile or two from LaVernge. The night was quiet. Next morning the men were called up at five o'clock, and at daylight are allowed to build fires and cook breakfast. They remained ready to march at a moment's notice until nine o'clock. One piece of artillery opened on LaVernge, without any response, . when the brigade moves out in line of battle, the 58th Indiana and 26th Ohio taking the advance, with their skirmishers thrown out so as to protect both flanks, and, about forty rods behind, the 8th Indiana battery, supported by the 3d Ky. on the right, and the 100th 111. on the left. As soon as the advance came within musket range of the town, they were met by a furious and unex- pected discharge of musketry. The rebels were firing on our men from their concealment in the houses. The 26th Ohio had some twenty killed and wounded. But our force soon drove the enemy from the town, and marched on after them on either side of the pike. The battle of LaVernge is set down in the histories as a skirmish, and such it was, but one of considerable importance one of the brilliant ones. The 100th moved half a mile over an open field, under a heavy fire without a waver, and "when within eighty or one hundred yards, charged with a yell on the double- quick, and drove the enemy out of the town. This, too, was the first time the regiment had been under fire. When they were being halted to re-form their lines, Gen. Haskell complimented them on their gallantry, and said : " We are all one now, old soldiers and new." The march was hard, over rocks, and through dense cedar thickets in line of battle. About a mile beyond La Vernge, the 100th changed places with the 26th Ohio, companies A and B on the skirmish line, under Major Hammond. The rebels annoyed our advance with a couple pieces of artillery, but as soon as our battery opened on them they got out of the way. During their 32 250 HISTORY OF THE advance through the cedar thickets, the boys encountered great numbers of rabbits, and somehow they could not resist the temp- tation to pop them over, and put them in their haversacks for future use. While they were advancing, much of the time on the double thick, and driving the rebel cavalry before them, it was hard to tell whether they were popping at the rebs or the rabbits, and it didn't seem to make much difference with the boys. Gen. Haskell scolded them, telling them they would get caught with their muskets empty when they wanted to shoot a reb ; but he didn't say anything more about keeping them from running to the rear, the greatest difficulty he had now, was to hold them back. About noon it began to rain, and continued without abatement until night. Several shots were fired at the brigade from a bridge which the rebels held, but the 3d Kentucky soon dislodged them without loss. While halting here the colonel left the regiment to get orders from Gen. Haskell, where to go into camp for the night. During his absence a squad of twenty or thirty rebel cavalry came charging down a lane on the left of the regiment, and as eoon as it was discovered that they were rebels, Co. G, which had been sent to the flank, without waiting for orders, fired a volley into them which brought them to a stand, and they wheeled round and threw up their hands in token of surrender. One poor fellow however kept on, and was shot in the abdomen, fa- tally. As was afterwards ascertained, bis horse was wounded, and he was unable to hold him, and keeping on past the 3d Kentucky, the horse was killed without further damage to the rider, but he had already been mortally wounded. The boys car- ried him to an old shed, and took every care of him, greatly re- gretting that they had not understood his design to surrender. He lived thirty-six hours. He was a large man of the name of Cun- ningham, belonging to the 52d Alabama cavalry. Major Gen. Crittenden in his report says of this little affair, " And the counter charge and capture of twenty-five of the ene- my by a company of the new regiment, the 100th Illinois, when charged by the enemy's cavalry, are worthy of special notice," Gen. Wood also refers to the exploit in his report, mentioning the fact also that twelve horses and equipments were taken. The adventure supplied the officers of the 100th, with extra ONE HUNDREDTH REGIMENT. 251 horses, and made all the boys, especially Co. G, feel pretty good. The regiment encamped at Stewart's Creek, where the enemy had tried to burn the bridge, but did not succeed. The next day was Sunday, and the regiment remained quiet. The enemy's cavalry could be seen across the creek, and the skirmish line kept up some firing through the day. Monday, the division was not in front, but moved slowly along the pike. It was however a brisk day in the front, and the noise of artillery and musketry could be heard nearly all day, but not much damage was done, not more than 150 killed and wounded in the entire army. Late in the afternoon the division was thrown into line on the left of the pike to support the advance, but nothing was done. The brigade went down to the bank of Stone River, and as it was dark, stacked arms, and all hands were preparing to camp for the night, when a sudden whistle of bullets, and rattle of musketry, gave notice of the presence of the enemy, and the regiment moved back and to the left, and went into camp. No one was hurt, although some of the bullets were imbedded in the rails which the boys were gathering for their fires. The whistle of the locomotives in Mur- freesboro, about three miles distant, could be plainly heard, and the boys wondered whether the rebels were leaving, or being reinforced. They found out which it was in due time. Next day, (the 30th), the regiment was called up at four o'clock, and by daylight had breakfasted, and was in readi- ness for anything that might turn up; but the day passed quietly with the brigade. The General, (Rosecrans) did not wish to bring on an engagement, as McCook's corps was delayed, and had not yet come up. While riding over the field, superintend- ing the placing of his forces, his chief of staff was instantly killed, his head being shot clean off. On the evening of the 30th, everything being in readiness, orders were given to put out all the fires along the line, and that everything should be kept as still and secure as possible, allow- ing the men ample time to rest. Johnson's division of MoCook's corps was ordered to advance as near as possible, without reveal- ing its position, and to lay on their arms through the night, with a heavy picket force in advance, and if not attacked by nine o'clock next morning to advance upon the enemy. Next day the sun 252 HISTORY OF THE rose clear and beautiful upon the last day of 1862 alas ! it proved to be the last day of life to many a soldier on either side. The enemy did not wait to be attacked, but opened the ball themselves very early, with their usual tactics, attacking Johnson on our right, with three divisions, and rushing on with such force and rapidity that they were upon him almost as quickly as the pickets, to which the enemy had paid no attention. Johnson made a desperate resistance, but two of his best batteries were soon taken, though bravely defended, the men being bayoneted at their posts, and he was obliged to retire before the massive columns of the enemy, and his worsted men, though as brave as any who ever carried muskets, turned and fled, resistance being unavailing. Mean while Davis' division vainly tried to form, and assist in stay- ing the progress of the enemy, but they were in a cedar brake, where one-half of a regiment, could not seethe other, and the terrific yells of the rebels, which could be heard above the roar of cannon, so terrified our faltering force on the right, that they were driven over two miles, leaving their dead and wounded thick upon the field. . Thus ill-fared the day upon the right. Let us look now at the center, in which the Will county regiment bears a part. About nine in the morning, the regiment was ordered to fall in on the double quick, which was done promptly, although the men felt, notwithstanding the cool and seemingly careless air of their colonel, that all was not right. The regiment was formed in a cedar grove, and very soon the noise and rattle of the musketry drew near, and the wounded began to pass by, leaning upon their fel- low soldiers, or carried on stretchers. Regiment after regiment, brigade after brigade, and division after division, was seen filing by to take their position on the field. Generals, colonels, and their adjutants ride along the lines and get their men into posi- tion. Wagons are moving rapidly, and bullets are whistling by all the time. Not long does the 100th remain idle spectators. It has a part to play now with the brigade, in the fierce conflict which is to be known in history as one of the fiercest and most memorable. They move now in one direction, and now in another, and then halt in ONE HUNDREDTH REGIMENT. 253 a cornfield where they are are dressed on the color line, and then ordered to lie down, lest a rebel battery should get the range and open on them. While here, a regiment in sight falls back in dis- order, and its colonel seizes the colors and tries to rally them, but succeeds only partially. But the eight has no effect upon the 100th ; it looks on with indifference. The 3d Ky., being ordered to the right of the railroad, their colonel, McKee, meets a glorious death. But the major, though twice hit, sticks bravely to the regiment. The sound of musketry comes nearer. The 100th is in danger of being flanked. It is ordered to change its position to avoid this new danger. It comes upon another regiment, which proves to be the 110th, Col. Casey's. The men exchange cheers as they ascertain that two Illinois regiments are together, and feel inspired with new strength and courage. This position must be held, for it is one of great importance. After a little, a regiment in the rear is withdrawn, and the two, 100th and 110th, are left alone. They move forward to the edge of a cotton field. The enemy try hard to dislodge them, but here they lie, hugging the earth, while they are treated to a brisk cannonade, and our own batteries are reply- ing over them. What terrific music ! The shrieking of shells, the thunder of artillery, the crash in the tree tops overhead ; and here they lie, unable to do aught but hold on the most trying position in which men can be placed. But now the order comes to " fall in," and just as they are doing so, a solid shot comes along which takes off the head of Giles L. Greenman, of Co. K, and strikes Lieut. Worthingham, of the same company, in the breast, killing him instantly. Five poor fellows yielded up their lives at this point, and about thirty were wounded. The regiment is moved across the railroad, when knap- sacks are unslung, and it is formed along the railroad. Mean- while the bullets fly thick and fast, and with telling effect upon the ranks, and one after another of the men limp by to the rear. They lay down on this line. Soon an American flag was seen in front, and a regiment marched in by the flank, on the south side of the cotton field, and it was, of course, supposed to be one of ours, as they had on U. S. overcoats. But soon the boys saw the " but- ternut," and gave them a volley. They went over the fence, and down the hill, like a lot of sheep. Lieut. Mitchell, of Wilmington, 254 HISTORY OF THE , i here receives the wound which proved mortal three days after. The men lie and listen to the grim music of the shot and shell flying over their heads, and cutting the cedars, anxiously waiting for the result on the field at large. They know that the right wing has been discomfited ; they have heard the exultant shouts of the rebels while they have driven it from point to point. But meanwhile Rosecrans has not been idle. Seeing that the fate of the day would depend on the center, he has ordered up all the available batteries, and placed them along the railroad, so as to cover the only ground upon which the enemy can charge with any hope of success, while the brigades of infantry are placed in front and rear. The sound of the battle now comes nearer and nearer, and louder and louder, until the cedar swamp is enveloped in smoke, and over all the noise and tumult of battle, the yells of the pursuing rebels are heard as they drive the broken and disordered ranks of the right wing in their retreat behind the center corps. On come the enemy, flushed with success, through and out of the woods, over the open ground, never dreaming of the reception they are to meet. One rebel flag after another is seen waving defiantly, until they are too many to be counted ; on they come, yelling their unearthly yell, expecting to sweep all before them. Our forces are silently awaiting them a solemn, ominous silence for a few brief moments only, and then a little puff of smoke is seen to rise from full fifty pieces of artillery, followed by a roar and a shock as of an earthquake; a continuous roar for thirty min- utes, and when it ceases, and the smoke rolls off from the field, nothing is seen of all that proud array of advancing, and till then victorious rebels, but a few scattered battalions plunging pell-mell into the cedar thickets, from which they had a little before emerged so buoyantly. Our artillery follow up, and fire upon the retreat- ing enemy. It was a grand, a glorious sight. Our batteries drove them back over nearly the same ground over which they had driven the right wing. Scarcely had this advantage been gained, when Palmer's division began to shell the woods in the rebel center, and fortunately got the range of a battery, supported by two brigades, that lay concealed in the woods, killing great numbers of them. Irritated at this, the rebel commander ordered a charge across a field in plain sight. They came on, a brigade eight rows deep, ONE HUNDREDTH REGIMENT. 255 with fixed bayonets in splendid style. But our boys stood their ground, and gave them such a reception as made them falter. Their officers tried to rally and lead them on again, but our grape and canister mowed them down, and a few well-directed volleys of musketry finished their repulse. They turned and fled, our men pursuing them until getting into range of their artillery, they fell back to allow ours to reply, and thus was now kept up an artillery duel until darkness closed the scene. At dusk, when the regiment fell back, the colonel noticed that one man in Co. C did not get up with the rest, and when an officer went to see the cause, he was found dead, killed instantly by a piece of shell, and so quickly that he had not stirred, and the man who lay next to him did not know it. This was John Hopkins, of Homer. The regiment lay all night on their arms. After dark, a detail went out to the front in command of Lieut. Wil- liams, with an ambulance in charge of Surgeon Woodruff, and here found the enemy taking care of the dead and wounded, our men mingling with them in a friendly manner, both sides taking care of and assisting the wounded of each army. Here occurred a little incident worth relating. John O'Kief, of Co. I, went out with the boys on the battle field, and shortly after was heard coming in, and yelling out as he passed the pickets, " Don't shoot, don't shoot, it's John O'Kief on a d d good rebel horse." He came in riding a very fine horse, with saddle and bridle and a large pair of saddle-bags, which seemed to be well stuffed. He at once looked up the colonel, and told him that he had brought him a fine horse. The colonel inquired where he got it. O'Kief replied that he got it on the field, and that it was a rebel surgeon's. The colonel's sense of honor would not allow him to accept of the present from O'Kief ; but, instead, he ordered him to take it back to the surgeon, with the compliments of the colonel. O'Kief did not like the colonel's view of the matter, but he had no choice but to obey, and accordingly took the animal back to the rebel surgeon, who was equally surprised and gratified at recovering him, and sent his name, residence and regiment back to the colonel, with the assurance that if he, or any of his officers or men, should be captured by his command, they should be well cared for. But our surgeon at Chickamauga did not get quite so 256 HISTORY OF THE generous treatment, as we shall see in due time. But before O'Kief returned with the horse, the major of the 100th, whose conscience had become somewhat dulled by the cravings of his stomach, confiscated the contents of the rebel surgeon's saddle- bags, which were found to consist of cold chicken, ham, biscuit, &c., had entered a complaint against him for shooting with intent to kill. On hearing the captain's statement, and the evidence in its support, the captain was at once released, and the driver dismissed with a severe reprimand. The Provost Marshal was R. F. Farrell, a captain in the 15th Michi- gan, and afterwards U. S. Minister at Cadiz, Spain . But the driver, not satisfied with what he had done, on his re- turn to La Grange made another complaint before the Provost Marshal at that place. Now, it happened that Capt. Barrett, of Co. K, was staying behind on leave, at the hotel, his wife being sick, and the officer who was sent to arrest O'Marah, finding no other officer of the 90th there, arrested him. Of course he was soon released, when it was found they had got the wrong man. But it was considered a good joke on Capt. Barrett. The camp stores, rations, &c., reached the regiment at Cold Water in time to meet their wants. The regiment was at this time armed with the Austrian rifled musket, which had been purchased by Gen. Fremont's quartermas- ter at St. Louis. These were a very inferior arm, almost as dan- gerous to those who carried them as to those against whom they were aimed. Many would not go off at all, and those that would got heated, and went off prematurely, often taking along a finger, a cap- visor, or a piece of an ear. The stocks were of soft wood and easily broken ; and the bayonets were also easily broken. In fact the ramrod was the only reliable part of the Austrians. With such arms was the raw and inexperienced 90th called up- on to face the enemy seven times greater in numbers for the first time. The celebrated raid of the* rebel General Van Dome, in December 1862, will be well remembered by all familiar with our war history. Making a circuit around Grant's advancing army, he struck the Union lines at Holly Springs on the evening of December 19th, 1862, and on the morning of the 20th cap- tured the town and nearly all the garrison, destroying the accuran- 372 HISTORY OF THE lated government stores, the depot, round house and rolling stock of the road. The government supplies were valued at more than two and a half millions, all of which was lost on account of the inefficiency ot the commander of the post. He made no resist- ance. Had he shown the pluck of Col. O'Meara and the 90th, or of the force at Davis Mills, he would at least have saved him- self from the censure of Gen. Grant, who issued a severe order reflecting upon the surrender. On the morning of the 20th, the smoke of the burning at Holly Springs was seen by the boys at Coldwater, and they knew that there was trouble ahead. Col. O'Meara at once ordered all the tents of the regiment to be taken down, in order that the ene- my could not see his strength, (or rather his weakness); then formed the seven companies under his command, in a small ravine and awaited the attack. This ravine was nearly midway between the railroad and the wagon road, leading from Holly Springs, and parallel with both roads. There were two small stockades be- tween Coldwater and Holly Springs, with two companies of the 101st 111., who fell back on the approach of Van Dorn's force. They came running down the railroad, and when they reached Coldwater, they were halted and put in position as reserve, using the railroad as a breast work. Shortly after, a detachment of the 2d 111. cavalry that had cut its way through Van Dorn's forces, ar- rived in time to assist the 90th. Gen. Van Dora had about 7,000 men, and evidently intended the destruction of all the railroad bridges north of Holly Springs. To withstand him there was only the forces mentioned above. Add to this the fact that the 90th had never faced the music of flying bullets, and the prospect of a successful defense looked rather slim. Van Dorn summoned Col. O'Meara to surrender, and re- ceived a polite declination, with the assurance that he should hold the place as long as an Irishman lived to defend it. Then commenced the attack. Van Dorn formed his forces in three columns, and advanced one at a time, for three times in suc- cession, and was repulsed handsomely each time. The detach- ment of the 2nd 111. cavalry, as well as the 90th, behaved splen- didly. The defense was followed up in such a spirited, vigorous, and stubborn manner, that Van Dorn withdrew his forces, and NINETIETH REGIMENT. 373 abandoned the attack at this point. He moved northward, made another attack at Davis' Mills, and was again defeated by the brave 40th 111., in command of Col. Hicks. For their gallant stand on this occasion, the 90th, then only twenty days in the field, received the public thanks of Gen. Grant, in general order No. 4, and also a splendid national flag. Such was the auspicious commencement of a splendid career. There were some ludicrous incidents just before the engage- ment, which must be chronicled. Lieut. Col. McClevey, while riding along the line, saw the rebs advancing, when he gave the following order to the 90th : " Get up into rows, boys, they are coming again." There was not much " West Point " about that order, but it answered for the occasion. The bye's got up into ' rows ' to some purpose ! We have mentioned the fact that Dan. O'Connor's company had received a splendid flag from the ladies of Joliet. Dan prized this very highly, not only for its intrinsic beauty, but also on ac- count of the donors, and he felt quite unwilling to expose it to vandal hands, and the risk of being damaged by shot. He had therefore ordered it buried. On some one's suggestion that that was not the way to preserve his colors, it was unearthed, and placed beside the stars and stripes, and so vigorously defended, that it came out unscathed. While in camp at Coldwater, there were some absurd occur- rences, as would be naturally expected from new troops, and es- pecially Irish recruits. Some of them we will relate, although the parties were not Will county men. In company K, (from LaSalle county,) was a little Irishman named McFadden. Now nature never intended Mac for a sol- dier, and military discipline could do but little to supply the de- ficiency. He was a slight, timid creature, with thin lips, and a weak piping voice, and a head so hard as to shed orders as a duck's back sheds rain. One night Mac was on post on the wagon road leading under the long trestle work, and during his watch, heard the tramp of approaching horsemen. Now,not with- standing reiterated instructions as to his duty as sentry, added to the known danger of his position on a lonely road, in the midst of an enemy's country, Mac had not conquered his natural aver- 374 HISTORY OF THE sion to fire arms, and was standing with a gun loaded indeed, but without a cap. Imagine the astonishment of the advancing party, (which fortunately was composed of Union men,) at hearing a thin, weak voice, from the dark recesses of the trestle work, squeak out, " Wait till I cap ! Wait till I cap /" Their sense of the ludicrous was irresistably appealed to, and a roar of laughter drowned McFadden's weak, but original challenge. Next morn- ing Mac was brought before the colonel, to answer for his unsol- dierly conduct. His only plea was, " Kernel, when I thought it was the inimy, I was as wake as wather, but whin I knew it was our own min, I was bould as a lion." The explanation was so exhaustive that Mac was sent back to his quarters, feeling him- self the hero of the day. Later in the history of the 90th Mac. furnished the boys some further amusement. Gen. Logan then in command of the corps to which the 90th belonged, was riding past the camp with his staff. Mac. on sighting him ran out and commenced squeaking " halt ! halt !" The general seeing his eagerness, supposed of course that he had some very important matter to communicate, and halted with his staff, and Mac. at once unburdened his mind as follows : " Ginerel, I have tin dollars here, I want ye to sind to me sister, and to fix it so that her husband Mike, the spalpeen, bad luck to him, will niver know it, at all, at all." Gen. Logan was noted for his ready attention to the claims of the humblest private, but just then having more important business on hand, he consigned Mac. and his " tin dollars " to a warm place, and started on amid the roars of his cortege. Another incident, the hero of which belonged to company A, is worth relating. Major Stewart, who as we have said was in command of the three companies at Hutsonville, when returning from headquarters at Cold Water, was halted by one of his pick- ets. It was dark, and the sentry could but just distinguish a per- son approaching on horseback, but could not recognize him. Now the major had given much time and labor to the work of instruct- ing his rnen in picket duty, and he obeyed the command to halt, with a feeling of gratified pride, that his boys were so vigilant. This feeling was somewhat modified by what followed. Sentry "Halt !" The major halted. Sentry "Dismount!" The NINETIETH REGIMENT. 375 major dismounted. A pause followed of awful moment to both parties. The major wondered what he would be required to do next. The sentry was cudgelling his brain to remember what he ought to demand. His delay was but a moment. Although he could not recall the exact form of the challenge, he was conscious of its purport, and sternly determined to have no foolishness, the sentry drew his gun to his shoulder, took steady aim at the portly figure of his commanding officer and roared out. " Throw your hands over your head, and declare your intinshuns !" The major hastened to comply before the next step was taken. During the Cold Water fight the 90th lost (for a time) its brave quartermaster. He was captured by Van Dora's force, in a minner worth relating. During the skirmishing with the enemy, the military arder of the quartermaster impelled him to leave his stores and books with a subordinate, while he sallied forth to join the fray. Now, it happened that the quartermaster, while he was a man of undoubted valor, was, like Zacheus of old, " little of stature." To counter- balance this deficiency he had recourse to an expedient somewhat like that of his prototype, he mounted a very tall horse. Being in lull uniform, and sporting in his hat a long green plume, em- blematic of the land of his birth, he presented a novel, if not a formidable figure. At the last moment he bethought himself that he was not armed. To be sure he was the happy possessor of a sword, but past experience had convinced the quartermaster that the conflict between his sword and his legs was an irrepressible one, and that it was more ornamental than usefnl. Appealing to a friend, he was supplied with a small, a very small pistol, and with this armament he sallied forth to annihilate the enemy. It happened just at this moment that the squads of the 2d 111. cavalry were coming in, as we have related, and the quartermaster having constituted himself a volunteer aid-de-camp, assigned them their positions. While doing so, lie observed another squad, which he supposed to belong to the same company, who were halted at the edge of a wood some distance, and who seemed to be about to open fire upon our troops. Thinking that they were mistaking their friends for enemies, he dashed out to them, and explained that the troops in their front were union troops, and offered to con- 376 HISTORY OF THE duct the squad into our lines. Whereupon one of the troopers he was trying so kindly to serve, rode along side of our Q. M., and seizing him by the collar, gently lifted him from the horse, saying, " come along with us, little fellow, we will take care of you." This terminated "Sheridan's ride;" and the only consolation he ever got out of the affair, was given him by Col. O'Meara, who suggested, that the reason why Van Dorn did not press the assault any longer, was undoubtedly the fact that the quartermaster's size and equipments had convinced him of the utter helplessness of the attack ! We will add that Sheridan was parolled, and that several months elapsed before he could resume duty. Let it also be re- corded to the credit of the brave but unfortunate quartermaster, that while he was held a prisoner, be stubbornly and persistently refused to reveal the name of his regiment, and the strength of the union force, although threatened with death in case of refusal. When Gen. Grant fell back, (as he was now compelled to do, his supplies being destroyed), to the line of the Charleston and Memphis railroad, and transferred his operations against Vicks- burg to the river, the 90th was withdrawn from Cold Water, and returned to La Grange, and went into their old camp, called " Camp Yates," in honor of the Governor of Illinois. This camp was located about a mile from town. La Grange is a very pretty town, with institutions of learning and many fine residences. Their arrival at this place was on a wet, lowery afternoon, in the month of December, 1862. Immediately after arriving at the depot, the most of the officers went to the hotel to procure quarters, but found it full of people. It was kept by a rebel widow lady, who had no favors to bestow upon the hated Yankees. Many of the offi- cers exhausted their powers of blarney upon her, but to no pur- pose. Night was near at hand, and something must be done to procure shelter. One of the officers had his wife with him, and she must be cared for at all events. So the officers determined to take possession of the front parlor by force, and it was accordingly done. After getting possession of the room, and building a good fire, they were called upon by a countryman who rejoiced in the some- what familiar patronymic of Kelly, claiming to be an Irishman, NINETIETH KEGIMENT. 377 and doing business in town. Besides his name, he produced in sup- port of his pretensions two large bottles of gin. This was a strong proof that he was all he claimed, and the sight was a welcome one to the wet and dry officers. But they were in an enemy's country the liquor might be poisoned; and much as their mouths watered for " a drap" prudence held them back from a compliance with his invitation to take a drink. Here a happy thought struck some one. The man should first take a good drink himself, and if, after a suitable time, no evil effects were ap- parent, then it would be safe to partake. This was acceded to, and the man unhesitatingly took a drink sufficiently large to show, not only that he was what he claimed to be, but that he wasn't a bit afraid of this particular sample. No (unusual) evil effects following, without waiting a very long time, the officers took a taste. They lived long enough to finish his two bottles, and sev- eral more like them, and made up their minds that he was a true Irishman, and a good fellow besides. Meanwhile Captain Barrett and his wife had been searching the town for quarters, and being refused at every place he had tried, he left her in the parlor with the officers, and in company with Dr. Hinkley, started out to make another effort, as there were im- perative reasons why she should be got into comfortable quarters, without much longer delay. Before their return Mrs. Barrett was taken suddenly and alarmingly ill, and must be cared for at once. Captain O'Marah and Lieut. Cunningham determined that she should have a room, and the best one the house afforded. They found it occupied by a portly gentleman, a rich cotton speculator from St. Louis. They explained the urgent necessity that he should give up his room to a lady who had been taken seriously ill, and invited him to go down stairs and quarter with them* Somewhat reluctantly he consented, and the arrangement waa made ; and Mrs. Barrett had the room, and a colored girl to wait on her, and the dispossessed gentleman took it good humoredly. Not many hours after, the doctor, who had in the meantime re- turned with Captain Barrett, and accompanied him to the room of Mrs. B. came down with the startling announcement of an increase in their military family and that a " daughter of the regiment" had made her appearance, and that mother and daugh- 48 378 HISTORY OF THE ter were doing well ! The old cotton speculator became very much interested and elated over the affair, and claimed of Captain Barrett the right to name and adopt the child, inasmuch as it had been born in his room, which was gracefully conceded. During the remainder of the winter, and the early spring, the regiment was engaged in garrison duty at La Grange, and was attached to 1st brigade, 1st division, 16th army corps. Nothing of much note took place during the time. There were occasional skirmishes with small bodies of the enemy, but nothing serious occurred. The boys having much leisure time on hand, were somewhat at a loss how to occupy it. I presume they behaved very much like Irishmen and other soldiers when off duty, some- times perhaps a little more so ! On the 9th of March, the regiment was ordered to Lafayette, a most important post on the Memphis & Charleston railroad, fifty miles east of Memphis, where the main turnpike road crosses the Wolf River, and where was located the only water tank between Memphis and grand junction, the destruction of which would be an effectual blockade of the railroad. The rebel guerilla chiefs were constantly threatening its destruction, and hardly a night passed while the regiment was there, that the pickets were not fired upon. None, however, were killed, and but few wounded. The 90th had relieved a brigade and two companies of artillery. As may be readily supposed, the duty on which they were now placed was very hard, as well as an important one, in guarding the water tank, the bridge across Wolf River, the railroad bridges and telegraph wires. On the 10th of April, (1863) seven companies under com- mand of Col. O'Meara, moved to " Camp Misery," a few miles distant; where they remained doing garrison duty until ordered south to Vicksburg. Nothing of special interest transpired there. Three companies in command of Capt. O'Marah, remained at LaFayette to guard that post, until ordered to join the seven com- panies at Camp Misery, on the march for Vicksburg via Col- lierville and Memphis. While they remained at Lafayette, the boys were in the habit of indulging in a swim in Wolf River, at the bridge, but were instructed to take their arms with them, and to place part on guard, while the rest were in. But after a while NINETIETH REGIMENT. 379 they got a little careless about the matter, and one day five went out without leave, and without arms and were gobbled up> and never heard from afterwards. They were none of them from Will county. On the 4th of June, 1863, Capt. O'Marah was ordered with his command to rejoin the regiment (at Camp Misery), which was under orders for Vicksburg. On the 6th the regiment took up its march for Collierville, which they reached at 11 o'clock at night, fagged out by their rapid march. They were ordered to move again at 4 a. m. Collierville was the brigade headquarters, and here was all the camp and garrison equipage, and the baggage of the brigade in one seemingly inextricable mass. This the proper officers had to look after and to obtain transportation for in time for the march. It was accomplished and the regiment was on the move at the appointed hour, and marched twenty-three miles in the direction of Memphis. The next day's march would take them through the city, for embarkation on the river. And now occurred a scene highly illustrative of the peculiar character of the Irishman. All know his attachment to the land of his birth and to his religion, and hie love for martial glory. All, too, know his mercurial temper, and how easily and quietly, when driven forth by poverty or oppression from his native land, he transfers his affections to the home of his adoption, and how quickly he becomes qualified to assume the responsibilities and to defend the institutions of his new home. But like the man who marries a wife, while he gives all his soul and manhood, and all that makes life dear to his new condition, he never forgets his " Ould Mither." It is well known that the city of Memphis was most bitterly secesh. And like all places of importance it had a large propor- tion of Irish citizens, who, as would naturally be expected, had adopted the views and sympathized with the feelings of the com- munity where they had cast their lot. The regiment was in camp on the evening of the 7th, about two miles outside the city, expecting to embark next day on the steamer G. W. Graham, bound for Vicksburg, then considered the great slaughter pen for union soldiers. Scouts brought word to the 90th that the Irish in Memphis 380 HISTORY OF THE were more bitter against union soldiers than the natives themselves, and that it would not be safe to march through the city without being thoroughly prepared for defence. That portion of the city where the Irish citizens mostly resided, was known by the name of Pinch, and their line of contemplated march down Poplar street to the levee, was directly through Pinch. Some counseled a change of route, avoiding this locality, as it was understood that the Irish- men were determined to attack the regiment. But better counsels prevailed. It was not for the 90th who had met and scattered the hosts of Van Dorn, to turn aside for brick-bats and shillalahs in the hands of their own countrymen. The regiment at three o'clock p. m. every preparation being ma de took up its march through the city. Poplar street was thronged with men, women and children. The whole city had turned out to see the reception which was to be given to the Irish Legion by their rebel countrymen, anticipating a lively time. Never did the Legion make a better appearance. Its ranks full, the guns and swords glistened in the sunlight and the army blue was fresh brushed and clean. The officers of the line were in new and bright uniform, and the field officers were well mounted. All the officers wore green plumes in their hats. The stars and stripes, and the green flag as well, floated gaily in the breeze. The regiment marched with the regularity of veterans. Their alignment on the march was as straight as an arrow. It was an imposing sight a sight calculated to awaken admiration, touch the Irish love of martial display, and at the same time to suggest that such an array it would be wise to let alone. In such a trim the 90th reached the thronged street, and took its course down the center. A few hisses and groans were heard, and many defiant scowls were seen. The band was ordered to strike up that grand old Irish air, " Saint Patrick's Day," and to continue with " Garry Owen," both of which were rendered with great spirit. The effect was magical. The Irish heart was reached by these appeals to the eye and ear, and in an instant the whole scene was changed. The contemplated assault became a perfect ovation. Cheer after cheer went up from those who had come to hiss brick-bats were dropped and hats were swung ; the feeling for the dear old green flag, and the stars and stripes returned, and wave NINETIETH REGIMENT; 381 after wave of acclamation followed the regiment down the street. Men, women and children closed in behind the boys, and followed them to the levee, where the regiment formed a square and stacked arms; and now followed even a heartier welcome. The crowd greeted the officers and men most warmly, men and women vying with each other in their hospitality. Suddenly, as if by magic, baskets of nice lunch, hampers of wine, and cases of liquors, appeared upon the scene, and were pressed upon officers and men with the utmost cordiality. Nor did the good feeling abate until the regiment was safely aboard the steamer, and it loosened from her moorings. In- deed so overcome were some of the men and some of the officers, with the hilarity of the scene and the hospitality shown them, that they did not get aboard until the next day. On the morning of the llth the Graham laid up for orders at the mouth of the Yazoo, and entered the river at 6 a. m. During the day, she landed the 90th at Snyder's Bluff, Miss., in the rear of Vicksburg, when it was placed on fatigue duty, throwing up embankments, digging trenches, etc. The division was now in command of Wm. Sooy Smith, and had been detached from the 16th army corps and assigned to duty with the 9th army corps, commanded by Maj. Gen. Parke. It was now in the heighth of summer, in one of the hottest parts of the south, for it was too far inland to feel the effect of the gulf breezes. The heat was so oppressive in the middle of the day, that even the negroes could not endure it. No water could be ob- tained except from cisterns, and very little of that. Many of the ponds were poisoned, and filled with the carcasses of dead animals, and the sickly season of the country was fast coming on. It is not to be wondered at that many a brave and strong man suc- cumbed to disease and died ; while many others were compelled to return home with health utterly broken. It was here that the beloved chaplain contracted the disease which ended in his death a few weeks after returning home. The regiment remained doing fatigue duty until the 22d of June, when it was ordered to march at noon with three days' ra- tions. It remained up all night, and just before daylight of the 23d moved for the Big Black, expecting to meet and engage the enemy, then reported advancing on the rear of Grant's army. 382 HISTORY OF THE No enemy, however, was encountered, and the regiment after three days' marching returned to its former position. After the surrender of Vicksburg, on the same day, at 3 p. m., it was ordered to march, and went to Bear Creek, eight miles and bivouacked. On the 6th it resumed its march reaching the Big Black at 7 p. m., when the enemy was encountered. An attempt was made to cross the river the same night, but it was found too deep, and it had to be abandoned. Coggswell's battery, in command of the senior 1st Lieut. H. G. Eddy, of Lockport, was ordered into position and commenced firing at 1 o'clock the same night. In the morning the fighting commenced in a skir- mish, the enemy occupying one bank and the Union forces the the other. A detail of two hundred men from the 90th, in com- mand of Captain O'Marah, was ordered to build a floating bridge across the river under the protection of our artillery, but on the finding of a large scow boat, it was abandoned. The 90th crossed the Black on the scow, and at 10 o'clock at night, and bivouacked on the other bank. It had rained most of the day, and the men were wet, hungry and tired out, and laid on the ground all night in this condition. The regiment had moved " light." The men had no knapsacks, neither officers or privates had a change of clothing. They had also to depend on foraging for^their sup- plies, and suffered much from want of food and water. It was on this march that the 90th were ordered to burn the mansion of Joe Davis, then serving as inspector general on his brother's staff. Gen. Joe had left only an hour or two before our forces reached his plantation. The house was burned with everything in it undisturbed. The enemy having fallen back from the Big Black, the march was continued, with the expectation that at any time the enemy might give battle. The 9th day of July was one of excessive and most oppressive heat. Yet the men were pressed on very rapidly after the retreating rebels, in order to force them into a fight. But there is a limit to the endurance of human muscle, even when backed up by strong will, and the men fell out in rapid suc- cession, overcome by the heat and fatigue, and after lying on the ground and getting a little rested, started on again. At 2 o'clock, the regiment was allowed a rest of two hours, in a little grove NINETIETH REGIMENT. 383 of timber. The boys nearly stripped themselves naked in order to get some relief from the overpowering heat. The enemy was reported just in advance. Two companies, C and D, were order- ed forward as skirmishers, with orders to move rapidly, engage the enemy and bring on a battle. After moving forward about one mile, the force was halted, Co. C was deployed, and Co. D held as a reserve. They had moved only a short distance when the enemy opened on them from an ambush. The fire was re- turned, and a rapid advance made, the enemy falling back into a large cotton field. Then followed one of the sharpest little en- gagements between the skirmishers on either side ever witnessed. The Will county boys were the victors, and were highly compli- mented by brigade and division commanders. This skirmish fight opened the battle of Jackson which lasted three days, and which terminated in a Union victory, and the flight of Johnson and his army. Companies C and D were obliged to go on picket duty the same night without rations or water. This engagement took place on Lee's plantation within four miles of the city of Jackson. It is an interesting coincidence, that Lieut. Eddy, of Lock- port, fired the first shot at the Big Black, and that Captain O'Marah, with Co. C, of Lockport, opened and brought on the fight on the 9th of July, at Lee's plantation. I shall quote now verbatim from a narrative, supplied by an officer of the regiment : "On the 10th of July we had^driven the rebel army into Jack- son, and closed our lines about them. Here they turned at bay, behind their intrenchments, and offered fight. Jackson was strongly fortified ; the intrenchments which were of strong earth- work, with rifle-pits in front, extended in the shape of a half cir- cle around the city, beginning at Pearl river on one side, and end- ing at Pearl river on the other side. The fortifications were well appointed with various kinds of ordnance, suitable for a long and determined defence of the city. The day was extremely warm, and the boys of the 90th suffered dreadfully from the terrible heat and scarcity of water. The regiment slept on their arms during 384 HISTORY OF THE the night, ready for action at a moment's notice. On the llth the union forces pressed close in, and shelled the town from every di- rection. Here commenced one of the grandest artillery duels during the war. Our forces had at Jackson nearly all the artil- lery used at Vicksburg, and the rebels had nearly the same num- ber in position there. " The 90th was advanced to the front within a few hundred yards of the rebel works. The reader can readily understand that to be under this cross-fire, when both sides were engaged firing as rapidly as possible, was one of the most terrific and grand sights in modern warfare. It is impossible for one who has never wit- nessed such a sight to conceive its magnificence and sublimity, and still more impossible for the pen to describe it. One must have been where the 90th was to have any adequate conceptions of the awful solemnity of the occasion. " Our forces continued to press the seige day and night, using their artillery freely, when on the morning of the 17th of July, the place was found evacuated. " On the 14th the 90th was ordered to fall to the rear, and there they remained doing fatigue duty night and day, nntil Gen. Joe Johnson evacuated Jackson and escaped across Pearl river. The 90th was very fortunate in not losing many men in the siege at Jackson, and the Will county portion of the regiment was more fortunate still, they not losing any." For its gallantry in these engagements, the 90th received the following acknowledgement from the general in command of the division : COL. O'MBABA, OP 90TH REGIMENT: DEAR SIB: I desire to commend you and the gallant regiment you command, for your patience and good conduct, and heroism exhibited in the advance upon Jackson. Men that will march in their bare feet and fight as bravely as the officers and men of the 90th have done, cannot be too highly praised. Accept my warmest thanks, and tender them to your command. Yours truly, W. S. SMITH; Brig. Gen., Commander of 1st Division. " Our forces captured a great many prisoners, artillery, and NINETIETH KEGIMENT. 385 ordnance stores at this place. On the 22d of July the 90th marched from Jackson via Clinton, for the Big Black, and went into camp near Messingers Ford on the 27th of July. Here they remained doing a little camp and garrison duty until Sept. 27th. While in camp at the Black, some of the officers and men of the 90th received leaves of absence for 20 days, to go home and return. The camp on the Black was a very unhealthy one, and the boys were not sorry when orders came to march for Chattanooga, Tenn.> to the relief of the army of the Cumberland. "On the 27th of September, 1863, the 90th broke camp on the Big Black, and marched to Vicksburg, and embarked on the steamer Norman, with the fleet for Memphis, Tenn. The boat left Vicksburg with the regiment on board, on the 29th of September, and reached Memphis on' the 8th of October. The only duty of any importance performed during the passage to Memphis by the regiment, was to help wood for the boat, and one or two foraging details the 90th were ordered to supply. Of course, while the details were absent foraging, the steamer lay up to the shore until their return. The steamer landed at Memphis at 10 o'clock, on the night of the 8th of October, and the 90th remained on board all night. The next day they went into camp outside the city about two miles, at the same place where they camped before going down the river. They were visited by a great many people from Mem- phis, mostly Irish, and treated hospitably and kindly as before. On Sunday the llth, the regiment took up its line of march, moving in front of the (its) 4th division, 15th army corps for Chattanooga. A few miles outside of Memphis, on the Memphis & Charleston railroad, Gen. Sherman passed the 90th, having with him a battalion of the 13th regulars. The railroad train moved rapidly toward Collierville. In a short time a telegram, was received, ordering the regiment forward as rapidly as possi- ble. Chalmers had attacked Collierville, and there was not suffi- cient force there to defend the place. Col. Anthony was in com- mand with only six companies, 66th Indiana. Company " C " was thrown out to the left, and Company " B " to the right as skirmishers, with orders to go forward as fast as possible, moving 49 386 HISTORY OF THE parallel with the railroad. Must move fas '.er than double quick, if the boys could hold out. " It was after 12 o'clock, when they were ordered forward, and Collierville was twenty-two miles distant, and fighting had already commenced there. They reached Collierville a little be- fore 5 o'clock, just in time to take part in the last of the engage- ment, and were very highly complimented by Gen. Sherman in person, for the rapidity with which they came to his assistance, stating at the same time 'that had it not been for their assistance, and the near approach of the brigade, Gen. Chalmers would have captured the post, as he had sufficient force to do it, besides hav- ing artillery, of which we had none. It will be remembered that Go's. "C " and "B" were deployed on either side of the railroad, with their intervals well opened, and had to continue in this way to the end ; therefore they had to pass through woods, thickets, over fences, through fields and swamps. And singular to relate, only one man gave out in Co. " C" and one or two in Co. " B," which showed the powers of endurance they possessed when de- termined to perform a duty. There was considerable loss on both sides in this engagement. Many of the rebs were found dead on the field, that the boys of the 90th knew the summer before; hav- ing the oath of allegiance in their pockets. General Sherman had a very narrow escape from being captured. His favorite mare " Dolly," and some of his clothes were gobbled. His staff also lost some personal property. " A little incident happened here after the fight, that perhaps is worth relating. A big rebel badly wounded in the knee, was brought to the post, Dr. Strong of the 90th was in the act of am- putating the limb, and had the rebel on a large block, when Gen. Sherman came along. Dr. Strong remarked that the man had re- ceived a bad lick. 'Yes' remarked the general, ' when you are through with him he will want no parole.' This man had at- tended a grist mill a short distance from Collierville, and held out to the boys of the 90th, when they were there the year before, that he had taken the oath of allegiance. The oath was found in his pocket. " The 90th resumed its march from Collierville, at 2 p. m. the next day, and reached Mt. Pleasant, went from Mt. Pleasant to NINETIETH REGIMENT. 387 Burnsville, where they were paid. From Burnsville to luka. During this time the weather was rainy and disagreeable. From luka they marched to Eastport, Miss., and crossed the Tennessee on gunboat No. 32. Continued moving until they reached Flor- ence, Ala., where they halted and mustered for pay. From thence they moved, passing over Shoal creek on the covered bridge, and via Rogersville, crossed Elk River at this point. The next day crossed, (waded) Sugar creek twice. The men were very tired, and many sick. Had hardly anything to eat for a few days past, but hard-tack and water. Shoes and clothes are wearing out, and much dissatisfaction prevailed. " It will be well to state here that the 90th was moving light, from the time they left the Big Black, and neither officers or pri- vates were allowed a change of clothing, and all had to depend upon the country for subsistence, more or less, until after the fight at Mission Ridge, the march to Knoxville, and the retrograde march across the country to Scotsborough, Ala., where they halted and went into camp December 26th, 1863. Thus for three months it will be seen, the gallant boys of the 90th were without a change of clothing, and were dependent on the country more or less for food, and often had to endure for days without any. " Nov. 4th the regiment reached Gordsville. Moved from there the next day, crossed Shoal creek again, passed Bethel, raining heavily, roads muddy and marching bad, the men cold and hungry, obliged to sleep out without tents or covering. Reached Richland creek and halted for the night. Heavy dew and night very cold. Moved the next morning, crossing Indian creek, Brad- shaw and Swan creeks. Roads very bad and broken. Resumed the march the next day, passing through a hilly and mountainous country, roads rocky and bad. Reached Fayetteville, Tennessee^ crossing the Elk river on the stone bridge, continued on to Win- chester and Dechard, crossing the Cumberland mountains and moving towards Bridgeport. " The road near Bridgeport, Ala., was strewn with dead horses and mules. Crossed the Tennessee river on the pontoon bridge at Bridgeport and marched toward Trenton, Ga., passing Nigger Jack Cave, where the saltpetre works are located, also Castle Rock, in Did Co., Ga., and on to near Trenton, halting for the 388 HISTORY OF THE purpose of building false carapfires on the mountain-top near Trenton, in order to deceive the enemy in regard to strength and movements. " Moved from the top of Raccoon mountain, passing Trenton in Lookout Valley and on, via the Wanhatche, crossing the Tennes- see on the steamer Dunbar on the morning of the 24th, in the face of the enemy, and immediately forming in line of battle on the left. The 90th assisted in taking one of the mountains that day, and helped to haul two pieces of artillery to the top. They held pos- session of the mountain and slept on their arms all night. The next morning at daylight, they moved down by the left flank, and were ordered to the support of the first Missouri battery. The rebel fire became so hot and destructive the regiment was with- drawn from the support of the battery, and at once formed in line of battle on the left of the brigade, and immediately went into ac- tion. The 90th continued in action for eight hours and forty-five minutes, under the most terrible fire that was possible for the enemy to pour upon them. The fire was so deadly that it is won- derful how a man escaped. "Early in the morning of the 25th, when the fire of the enemy became so hot, and after the 1st Missouri battery was ordered out of position, the 90th was immediately ordered into line of battle, oc- cupying the extreme left of the brigade, near the Tunnel. This tunnel ran through the mountain, and was used as a kind of magazine, and was well fortified with ordnance of all kinds. A double line of skirmishers was thrown out in front, and became engaged at once. Lieut. John C. Harrington, Co. " C," com- manded the skirmish line. The mountains lapped each other and all formed a kind of half circle. The railroad ran through the tunnel above mentioned, and its embankment formed a protection or breastwork for the enemy, where they had double lines of skir- mishers posted. The mountain from base to crown was swarming with the enemy. They had rifle intrenchments at the base, and midway up the sides. Every tree, log and crag, and everything that would afford the least protection to them, was used by the enemy's sharpshooters. On the top of the mountain they had their heavy works, bristling with cannon and guns of every de- scription. The valley beneath afforded no shelter for the Union NINETIETH REGIMENT. 389 forces, but left them within easy range of the enemy's guns, both large and small, and from every direction. " Thus it will be seen when the 90th was ordered to advance, it was to meet almost certain death. It will also be remembered, they were ordered to take the railroad, drive away the enemy who was fighting under cover of their own guns on the mountain nearly over them, and hold the position until ordered to ad- vance again. There was a purpose in this order. It was to get possession of the railroad and its embankment, and if possible <3rive the enemy out of the tunnel, and by that means force them to strengthen their lines at this point, by massing their forces there, consequently this would weaken their line at other points, and give our forces a better opportunity of attack. It would also draw the fire of the enemy and develop their strength at a given point. In executing the first order to advance, the 90th moved by the front and had to pass through a large corral that had been used as a cat- tle pen. This, they were obliged to do in order to keep their regiment in the brigade. It was about two acres in extent. A square piece, fenced with rails, and staked and ridered on top. The 90th was advancing on the double quick, and could not stop to let down fences ; therefore, passed through as best they could. The 90th took the position and held it. It was at this corral, that the brave Col. O'Meara and many others were shot. The ene- my's fire was so severe that our skirmishers did not advance far be- fore they were ordered back to the regiment. This, many of them, were unable to do. About forty of them became isolated and took shelter behind a farm house near the base of the mountain. The rebels shelled the house, set it on fire, and knocked it to pieces. This of course exposed our poor boys. It was here the rebel Gen. Cleyburne took about forty of them prisoners. This was done in sight of the regiment, while it was in Una of battle fighting to hold the position it had already gained. The regiment could render them no assistance without breaking from the line, thereby disobey- ing orders, losing the position already gained, and with it, per- haps, the fortunes of the day at this point. Therefore they were obliged to submit to the capture of their gallant comrades without being able to go to their rescue. The most of the poor fellows taken died at Andersonville afterwards. The 90th acted most 390 HISTORY OF THE bravely throughout the whole of this most sanguinary engagement. The officers moved forward in front of their respective commands, and of course the boys followed in gallant style wherever their officers led. It would be unjust to individualize, but to say the Will county boys performed their share of duty in the regiment during this memorable engagement, is indeed but paying them a tame compliment. The 90th was engaged eight hours and forty - five minutes, under the most terrible fire that could be showered on them from every kind of arm from a squirrel rifle to the heaviest ordnance. " It is indeed a wonder how any escaped the terrible carnage of that dreadful day. In this engagement the 90th suffered most of all the regiments in the fight, losing nearly fifty per cent, in killed and wounded. In the evening the regiment fell back to a little point of woods. " A duty had now to be performed by those able to move, the most sad in a soldier's life. It was to look after the dead and res- cue the wounded who were unable to leave the field. The enemy was still in possession of most of his stronghold, and had his pick- ets out and well posted. " Capt. O'Marah, who commanded the regiment after the fall of the colonel, ordered a detail to look after the wounded, and accom- panied them himself. The colonel was found mortally wounded where he had fallen, near the cattle pen, and was conveyed to the hospital four and a half miles distant, reaching there just before daylight. He had to be carried in a blanket or on a stretcher the whole of the way." Among the severely wounded was Capt. DAN. O'CONNOR, of Joliet, as brave, reckless, and jovial a soul as ever wore a shoulder strap. He was terribly wounded, and the following incident which is given by an eye witness, illustrates his character and pluck. " Dan. was left upon the field of battle until its close, when he was discovered by some of the stretcher-bearers, and slowly and gently conveyed to the field hospital, in an apparently hopeless condition. The attention of the nearest surgeon was called to NINETIETH REGIMENT. 391 him. He happened to be a young assistant of little experience, and immature judgment. Now Dan, it must be admitted, was a discouraging object to such a disciple of Esculapeus at that moment. He had a bullet in his body, another in his head, and one arm was broken in two places by balls. Besides he had laid upon the field for hours, and was faint from want of food as well as loss of blood. The situation was certainly sufficiently discouraging. The young surgeon glanced at him, and gave him up at once, and said, tf Take him away, he will be dead in an hour." " Dan. heard the summary verdict of the surgeon, but was by no means disposed to acquiesce. Working his head painfully around until his eye took in the flippant and dolorous prophet, he faintly but emphatically groaned out, " You're a d liar !" And he was, as any one may see, who will go to Wilmington, N. C., and interview the gallant major. They will find him as plucky and jovial as ever, and still worth a brigade of dead men. May his shadow never grow less." In this battle also, John O'Brien, still a resident of Joliet, lost an arm. Thomas E. Lonergan, the sergeant major of the regiment, was also put hors du combat during the fight, being disabled by the loss of part of his right hand, which led to his honorable discharge. " Bragg commenced retreating before daylight on the morning of the 26th. The 90th was ordered in pursuit. Marched at six o'clock a. m., in the direction of Grayville. " Now commenced that dreary march to the relief of General Burnside, at Knoxville, Tenn. The 90th moved along the Atlan- tic and Chattanooga railroad, tearing up and burning several miles of it, and then returned again to Grayville. Nov. 29th was a very cold day. The boys suffered, and were nearly famished from cold and rapid marching. Marched 30 miles and camped for the night at Cleveland, Tenn. Had to carry rails one and a half miles to keep from freezing. Resumed the march on the 30th via Charleston, Athens, Philadelphia and Morgantown. At Morgan- town crossed the Little Tennessee river, and marched to Marys- ville within 15 miles of Knoxville. Reached Marysville, leading 392 HISTORY OP THE Gen. Sherman's column, on the night of December 25th, and camped. Longstreet reported retreating, his troops in a demoral- ized condition, the seige raised, and Burnside relieved. " On the 7th of December commenced the return movement across the country to Scotsborough, in Northern Ala. The weather was very cold and rainy. The roads muddy and bad. The creeks and rivers swollen and difficult to cross. The regi- ment was obliged to depend upon the country for subsistence ; the men forced to sleep on the ground without shelter and very little covering, their blankets and clothing being nearly worn out. The consequence was, the men suffered severely during this whole campaign many of them being barefoot and others sick, and all suffering more or less for the want of proper care and food. On this march the regiment passed the following points, Tilico Val- ley, Madisonville, Athens, Charleston, battle ground at Mission Ridge, Bridgeport Ala., Stephenson, reaching Scottsboro, Ala., December 26th, and camped. At Mission Ridge the 90th camped for the night. The next morning before moving, the boys looked over the ground where they had fought, and all wondered how any escaped the terrible slaughter of that battle. " The 90th while at Scottsboro, were four days without shelter, waiting for the baggage train to bring up tents, provisions, knap- sacks, axes, picks, shovels, etc. During all this time it rained in- cessantly night and day, and so heavy, it was with difficulty the fires could be kept burning, whereby the half famished boys could warm themselves. The 90th remained at Scottsboro only a short time, when ordered to Fackler's station on the railroad, seven miles distant from Stephenson, Ala. Here they went into winter quarters, and were assigned the duty of guarding a portion of the railroad, and also the bridges and trestle work over Mud Creek. Here the rebels were just across the Tennessee river in strong force, and gave considerable annoyance by their constant raids on the railroad, and their many attempts to burn the bridges. Fack- ler's station is situated in a low swampy locality, and was quite un- healthy. " The 90th remained at this point until the following spring, when they broke camp and moved forward to take part in the Atlanta campaign. NINETIETH REGIMENT. 393 " On the march from Knoxville to their winter quarters, many a singular incident occurred. One, I will relate, happened at Athens, Tenn. I simply mention this occurrence to show the dreadful hardships and privations our soldiers were forced to en- dure during this most extraordinary campaign. On the 10th of December, the brigade of which the ninetieth formed a part, halted to rest. The halt took place in a beautiful pine grove. The day was fine, the sun shining splendidly, the first fine day in a long time. The brigade was ordered to rest in place, and was formed in " echelon " (a French word meaning like the steps of a ladder). The brigade consisted of four regiments. They had no sooner halted than a scene was enacted, the like of which was never seen before, and it is to be hoped will never be witnessed again. Im- agine four regiments in line, one formed behind the other, and every man on his knees, or sitting, with his coat and shirt off ; and many with their pants down, and all busy, taking advantage of the time allowed to rest, in destroying the vermin greybacks, with which they were literally covered, the torture of which they could no longer endure. This was one of the periods in soldier life when the sensitive feeling of delicacy was forced to give away to the more pressing demand of tortured and suffering nature. "On this day the boys captured a fine lot of Linchburg to- bacco. This was a God-send. Something they had not seen or used for a long time. Each man that used the weed was given his share, indulged his appetite, forgot his suffering, and all moved on, expecting soon to reach the place where they were to go into winter quarters, then rest, clean up, and prepare for coming events." " It was also on this return march from Knoxville, that the incident occurred which gave the badge to the X5th army corps. This has been frequently related with considerable variation, but we will tell it once more in what we believe to be the authentic form. On the march, the Loomis brigade passed through a bivouac of the llth army corps. It will be remembered that this corps with the 1 2th, had come out from the Potomac army with Gen. Hooker. It will also be remembered that the record of the llth 50 394 HISTORY OF THE army corps in the Chancel lorsville fight, had been an unfortunate one. Perhaps no stronger contrast could have been found in the army, than that presented by the Potomac boys, and the ragged, dirty, hungry 90th. A soldier of the 90th McGuffy, of Co. G came straggling along by the headquarters of Gen. Butterfield. He was thinly and poorly clad; one foot was partly covered by an old army shoe, the other with an old blanket, tied on with strings, both feet cut and bleeding. He was plodding on, intent only upon overtaking his regiment, when he was halted by a sentinel in a clean uniform, paper collar and trim rig, who said : " Halt ! what regiment is that ?" MeG. The 90th III. "Irish Legion." Sentinel " What corps do you belong to ?" McG. "Fifteenth." Sentinel "What's the badge of your corps ?" MeG. " Badge ! what the blazes is that?" Sentinel " What do you wear to distinguish you from other troops? Our corps, the llth, wears a crescent a half moon, the 12th corps wears a star ! what do you wear?" McG. had halted, rested his chin upon the muzzle of his gun, and was taking a leisurely and contemptuous survey of the sleek and well dressed soldiers that were gathering around. Looking up at his interlocutor he says : " Yes, I know what ye mane now ; moon and stars ! be jab- bers ! ye needed them both to show ye the way back from Chan- cellorsvilie ; " badge is it !" and then executing a 'round about,' and giving his cartridge box a slap, " Thai? 8 the badge of the 15th corps, forty rounds of cartridge !" The story reached the ears of Gen. Logan, the corps com- mander, who thinking it too good to be lost, adopted the " car- tridge box with forty rounds," as the badge of the corps. On the opening of the Atlanta campaign, the 90th was called into active service. As we have passed through this campaign several times in detail with other organizations, we shall be con- tent with saying that the 90th took its full share in the labors and exposures of the campaign. It was in the engagements at Resacca on the 13th and 14th 4 of May Dallas, 28th Kenesaw, June NINETIETH REGIMENT; 395 27th Atlanta, July 19th, 22d, and 28th, and August 3d and 17th Jonesboro, August 31st Lovejoy, Sept. 2d Rome and Gadsden, Ala., Oct. 25th. In the fight of August 28th, before Atlanta, we lost Sergeant Austin Needham, of Joliet, one of the bravest, as he was also one of the brightest and cheeriest lads that ever wore the army blue, and a most efficient and reliable officer. After a brief rest at Atlanta, it joined in the march to the sea, and took a heroic part in the engagements at Jennison's bridge on the Ogeechee river, and at Fort McAllister, and Savannah, and at Charleston and Columbia, S. C., and at Bentonville, N. C., on the northward march. At Fort McAllister it especially distinguished itself. The col- ors of the 90th were the first planted on the works. Our county sustained a loss of nineteen men in this regiment during its service three of whom, John Crosby, of Co. C, and Austin Joyce and John Casper, of Co. D, died martyrs to the hor- rors of Andersonville. Mathew Haley, also of Co. D, of Man- hattan, died in Belle Isle prison, Richmond, a victim to the cruelties of that place of torment. These were all taken prisoners at Mission Ridge, as related in the preceding pages. The aggregate loss of the entire regiment was 300. It returned home with only 221 men, of which number 41 were crippled beyond carrying a musket. Before the Atlanta campaign, Captain O'Marah found it neces- sary from failing health, (which he has never fully recovered) to resign. He had from the first step taken toward raising the regi- ment, been one of its most active and efficient officers. The com- mander of the brigade addressed him the following letter on his leaving on sick furlough. " HEADQUARTERS IST BRIGADE, 4TH DIVISION, 15TH A. C., > SCOTSBORO, ALA., March 5, 1864. J CAPT. P. O'MARAH, 90TH ILL.: DEAR SIR : I cannot permit you to leave my command without an ex- pression of my feelings concerning your conduct while serving with me. Your fidelity and zeal in the discharge of your duties, and patient endur- ance of suffering and fatigue, have often been noticed and highly com- mended. But more especially would I refer to your well-known bravery the spirit and force with which you repulsed and drove the enemy attacking HISTORY OF THE, ETC. our army when advancing upon Jackson, Miss.; and the heroic courage and endurance exhibited by you in the late sanguinary battle of Mission Ridge. I am not only deeply indebted to you for your courage in action there, but also for your persevering efforts in behalf of the wounded, whereby your disabled and suffering Colonel was rescued and relieved. I have the honor to be, Captain, Very respectfully, your obedient servant, JOHN MASON LOOMIS, Col. 26th 111., Commanding Brigade." Captain O'Marah had a very narrow escape from drowning while in the army. He was returning to Vicksburg from a short furlough in September, 1863, on the steamer Robert Campbell, when the boat took fire near Milliken's Bend and was burned, and fifty out of 100 souls were lost. Capt. O'Marah saved his life by swimming ashore, but lost his personal property. Captain Dan. O'Connor, who was so fearfully wounded as we have described, was promoted major of the regiment. A full list of officers and privates from Will county will be found in PAET FOUR, of this work, and to that the reader is referred for further particulars. Imperfect as is our sketch of the Irish Legion, enough has been recorded to show that its members nobly vindicated the name of Catholic Irishmen, and established for the 90th regiment a rep- utation for bravery and loyalty, second to none. And while, as we have stated, the regiment was mainly composed of Catholic Irishmen, we have seen there were both among its officers and privates, a few of another faith, and of different nationality, showing in this, as in other regiments, that "Although ten thousand altars bear, On each, for. Heaven, a different prayer ; By light of morn, by setting sun, At Freedom's shrine, we must be one/" REGIMENTAL HISTORIES. CHAPTER X. HISTORY OF BATTERY D, FIRST ARTILLERY Me A L- LISTER'S BATTERY. Its Ante- War History Call of Gov. Yates Reorganizes for the War Goes to Cairo Its Record in the Three Months' Service Re-organizes for Three Years Goes to Fort Holt Armament Attached to Gen. Wallace's Brigade In Port Henry An Interesting Relic Goes to Donaldson Battle Casualties Reports Press Comments New Guns Goes to Pittsburg Landing Battle of Shiloh Incidents Casualties Resignations Goes to Corinth Movements Jackson, Tenn. Bolivar Memphis Lake Provi- dence Vista Plantation Milliken's Bend Down the River Crosses Port Gibson Big Black Rocky Springs Gen. Sherman Thanks the Boys Battle of Raymond Jackson, Miss. Champion Hills Vicksburg Capt. Rogers Killed Fort Hill Lieut. Hill Wounded Incidents of the Seige Lt. Cooper Promoted Fort Hill Blown Up Daring Exploit Surrender Afterwards Veteranizes Re- organizes with McPherson's Corps Atlanta Campaign Kingston, Ga. Big Shanty Capt. Cooper Wounded Chattahoochie The Rebels in Bathing Battle of the 22d of July Incidents Gallantry Dis- played Lieut. Ber^ler, of the 20th Seige of Atlanta Jonesboro Returns to Chattanooga Battle of Nashville Mustered Out 362 Days of Fighting. | [HIS famous battery has an ante-war history. It was organ- ized originally under the militia laws of the State as early as 1855, under command of Capt. John Collins, who was com- missioned by Joel A. Matteson, then Governor ; Frank Flagg, and a Mr. Hoag being his lieutenants. A requisition was made upon the Governor for four guns, two of which were sent, but for reasons which we will not specify here, failed to reach the company. In 1856, the company through the active personal efforts of Ed. McAllister, got possession of one gun. The company was then re-organized with Ed. McAllister as captain, and had its regular drills. This was the year of the active political campaign in which 398 HISTORY OF THE Gen. Fremont was the candidate of the Republican party. The Plainfield artillery was often called into requisition to speak Re- publican thunder at the large mass meetings which were held during the campaign. During the great senatorial campaign of Douglas and Lincoln in 1858, the services of the battery were given to the Republican cause. During a meeting in Joliet, while the piece was being fired from the brow of the bluff on the west side, two men were seriously wounded by the premature discharge of the gun, one Wellington Wood, losing an arm, and Newton A. Hill losing part of his hand. After this, the battery held occasional drills and kept up its organization, probably without, any expectation that it would ever be called upon to play an important part in real, earnest war. And no doubt, to many lookers on, it seemed a useless waste of time and money. When the call for the three months' volunteers was made by the President, Capt. McAllister received a dispatch from Governor Yates, asking for the services of the " Plainfield Battery." Capt. McAllister responded at once, and re-organized and recruited his company for actual service. On the morning of April 19th, 1861, he made his appearance at daybreak on the bluff at Joliet, with a full compliment of men, and during the day left for Springfield. Here they were mustered into the tenth infantry regiment as Co. K, and part of Co. I. The roster of officers and ( muster roll of men of this battery, during the three months' service will there- fore be found in the 10th three months' infantry regiment. The battery was immediately sent to Cairo, (stopping at the railroad bridge over the Big Muddy for a few days) where it remained during the three months' service, aiding in the garrison of that important point, and in the blockade of the rivers. As the bat- tery had but one 6-pound gun, with which they left Joliet, a por- tion of the men were armed with muskets. Here it also kept up drill exercise, in which it became so proficient as to carry off the palm, at a review of Gen. Prentiss' brigade. At the expiration of the three months' service the company was practically disbanded, many going home, and some going into other organizations. NINETIETH REGIMENT. 399 Capt. McAllister immediately commenced reorganizing the bat- tery for the three years' service, recruiting it from men discharged from other organizations, and from various places. The full roster of the officers and men from Will county will be found in its proper place. It became Battery D, 1st 111. Artillery, but was always better known as McAllister's Battery. This organization dates from Sept. 2d, 1861. On the 18th it moved across the river and was stationed at Fort Holt, on the Kentucky side, with its little 6-pound gun, which it had brought from Joliet. There was however, other guns in the fort. Just before the battle of Belmont, (Nov. 7th, 1861,) Captain McAllister was notified that there was six 12-pound bronze guns awaiting him at Cairo, with equipments, and was ordered to be in readiness to move at any time. But the battery was not called upon to participate in the expedition to Belmont. About January 19th, the battery was outfitted with three 24-pound iron howitzers, and February 3d, started with Grant's forces for Fort Henry. It was placed in Gen. Wallace's brigade of McClernand's division. They were not permitted to try their mettle or their metal at Fort Henry, as the work was done by the gun-boats under Commodore Foote, but they had the pleasure of camping in the Fort. Lieut. Borland sent home to the True Democrat an interesting relic from Fort Henry. It was an "Arkansas tooth-pick/' being a knife about one foot long, made from an old rasp, and enclosed in a leather sheath, on which was rudely printed the words " deth to all ablishners." I judge from the spelling that the schoolmasters had already been killed off in Arkansas. The battery left Fort Henry February llth, and after a tedious two days' march through mud and snow, and over a rough and hilly country, they came in sight of Fort Donaldson, and at dusk on the 13th, went into position on a large hill, in the center of the investing army, in plain sight of the camp-fires of the enemy. After a plain but substantial supper of hard tack and salt pork, they lay down to a soldier's rest in the wet leaves. The night was quiet, and at daylight of Thursday, our forces were drawn up in line of battle. And soon it commenced in stern but magnificent display, all along the lines. One gun in charge of Lieut. Borland, was placed a little to one side on the brow of the 400 HISTORY OF THE hill, and gave the enemy a morning salute, which was responded to, and then the whole battery opened upon them. The battery was engaged, and did its full share of work during the three days* fighting which ended in the surrender of the fort, suffering almost as much from the elements as from the enemy. The Captain him- self took charge of No. 1, commanding and sighting it until it was disabled. Lieut. Borland commanded and pointed No. 3, replacing a shattered wheel, and fighting with great gallantry to the close. One man was mortally wounded on Saturday, and died the day after, and one other man was wounded. The captain in his report mentions the loss of one gun, eleven horses, five sets of harness, two mules, ten tents, forty knapsacks, sixty five blankets, four saddles, twenty canteens and seventy rations ; even a victory is expensive ! Lieut. Borland was made deaf, and permanently disabled from the concussion. He has never entirely recovered from the deafness. In fact he is so deaf now that he can't hear anything he does not want to ! Gen. Wallace commanding the 2d brigade, 1st division, (in which was the 20th regiment, and McAllister's battery,) says in his official report : " McAllister's guns did good service . They were three 24 pound how- itzers without caissons, and with a limited supply of ammunition, and without its full compliment of men. One of them lost a wheel shot away on the 13th, but supplied from their limber. On the 15th, the trail of an- other gun was broken, and it was rendered useless. They fired all their ammunition, fifty rounds a piece." The New York Times correspondent says : "Friday morning McAllister's battery took position on an emi- nence, and for four hours their heavy 24 pounders were not silent for a single instant. During all this time they were exposed to a heavy fire from the rebels, who had erected batteries so as to com- mand it from three points, two directly in front, and one on the right. At one time the attack was made in such overwhelming numbers that our line was broken through, and it seemed likely to end in the rout of the national forces. It was at this gap that M'ALLISTEK'S BATTERY. 401 McAllister's battery was stationed, and where for a time it fell into the hands of the rebels. The battery had only 150 rounds of ammunition ; at 10 o'clock these were exhausted, not a single shot left. Capt. McAllister in vain endeavored to get a supply from the rear a shot from the enemy passed through three of his horses ; another tore off the trail of one gun ; a third smashed the wheel of another. Just at this time, a heavy force of the enemy obtained a cover near him, and opened a fire with musketry at two hundred yards. Hitching six horses to the only undamaged gun, he endeavored to haul it off, but the weight was so great, and the road so bad that it was impossible to get along with it, and it be- came hopelessly mired, and was left. The horses were driven off with the limbers, and the guns left to their fate. In the course of the day a successful charge on our side, reoccupied the ground, and recovered the pieces." The Joliet Signal says : " This battery performed wonders at Donaldson, and officers and men acquitted themselves as true heroes, and skillful artiller- ists. Capt. McAllister has proved himself a brave and able officer, and is entitled to great credit for the imperishable honors won by the Plainfield Light Artillery." The " Signal " I believe, always made a pet of this battery ! On the 6th of March, the battery moved by river to Paducah and drew four 24 pound bronze howitzers, which continued to be its armament during the service. On the 14th, the battery moved by steamboat up the Ten- nessee, and arrived at the town of Savannah, where it debarked and went into camp. On the 24th it moved again by steamer nine miles further up the river to an obscure point known as Pitts- burg landing, debarked and moved out about three miles from the landing, taking position on the right center of the army. In this vicinity it remained until the battle of Shiloh. On the morning of April 6th, the battery was ordered to harness up, and before the order could be executed, and while the officers' mess were just setting down to breakfast, the shot and shell 51 402 HISTORY OF commenced flying through the camp. A solid shot swept the table clean, to their no small astonishment and disgust. They soon discovered that their meant something more than " the top of the morning to ye," and that serious work was on hand. In less time than I have taken to write it, they had their men, guns, horses and everything in position, and were sending forth their reply in 24-pound shot and shell. They were engaged in a duel with the enemy's battery about one and a half mile distant, which lasted from one and a half to two hours, when the rebel battery was silenced. But in the meantime the rebel infantry were flanking their po- sition, and Captain McAllister turned his guns to bear upon the flanking column. Our infantry now began to fall back, and Cap- tain McAllister was obliged to order the battery to limber to the rear. So many horses had been disabled that one gun had to be left, and also two caissons, which fell into the hands of the enemy. The battery took up a new position, but was compelled soon to fall back again, as the infantry were still being driven. About half a mile back a new line was formed, and the battery was placed in the reserve. After a few hours' fighting, our lines again fell back, and the battery was placed in position to check the ene- my's advance. After firing a few rounds it was once more com- pelled to fall back, leaving another gun for the enemy. This brought them within a half mile of the river. Here all the artil- lery was placed in one line, supported also by a line of infantry. It was now late in the afternoon. The enemy again advanced upon this line, and were received with the most terrific fire of shot and shell, and musketry, that was ever witnessed. This time the enemy was thoroughly repulsed, and night closed the first day's battle of Shiloh. Our army bivouacked upon the ground in this position while the enemy had possession of the tents which our men had left in the morning. As every reader knows, our army was reorganized and rein- forced during the night, and on the morning of the 7th, was pre- pared to assume the offensive. We are not attempting a general de- scription of the battle, only so far as to show the part played by McAllister's battery. M'ALLISTER'S BATTERY. 403 Early in the day it was ordered into position to shell some timber. It was not exposed to the enemy's fire. After this the infantry advanced. In front of the battery was a ravine, on the opposite side of which was a hill, the top of which was much higher than the ground occupied by the battery. On the top of this hill the rebels were in line of battle. Infantry advanced and engaged them. Here was a long and desperate fight, a most terrific fire of musketry for several hours. The hill occupied by the rebels was thickly timbered. The battery took no part in this engagement, but watched it, so far as it could be seen, with in- tense interest. They could catch occasional glimpses of the stars and stripes, this time steadily though slowly advancing, and driv- ing the enemy over the same ground they had driven the Union forces the day before. The enemy were compelled to abandon their position, and to fall back about one mile where they formed a new line. The battery was now ordered up, and opened upon the rebels, keeping up a vigorous fire until their ammunition was exhausted. It then fall back to await the return of the caissons which had gone for a supply. These soon came up. A call now came from Gen. Sherman for McAllister's battery to go to his assistance, and to silence a battery which was giving him some trouble. The battery accordingly went to his aid, and in a very short time silenced the rebel battery, when the enemy fell back about a half mile. In this duel, battery D lost two horses, but no men were hurt, although the shot and shell flew thick and fast. Following up the enemy in their retreat, the bat- tery engaged in a second duel with a rebel battery and silenced it also, losing two more horses, and having two men slightly wounded. The same shot which killed the two horses of the bat- tery, also killed Gen. Sherman's horse. Luckily, the general him- self was behind a tree ! In this engagement it was exposed to the fire of the rebel infantry also. Once more the enemy fell back, and battery D limbered to the front again. The enemy had placed a battery in position to cover their retreat. But after a few well directed shells, this battery was also silenced, and the enemy disappeared from sight, and thus closed the battle of Shiloh about 4 p. m. The battery remained in this position until sun down, and 404 HISTORY OF then went to their old camp, where they found their tents still standing, though sadly riddled with holes. During this two days' engagement, Lieut. J. G. Wood was in command of the right section, and James A. Borland of the left, and Lieut. E. H. Cooper in charge of caissons, and Capt. McAllis- ter in command of all. Officers and men behaved with great cool- ness and promptitude. Borland and Cooper are especially com- mended in the captain's official report. (It should be here noticed that Lieut. Mathew Borland was at this time at Donaldson, dis- abled). Lieut. Cooper was always on hand with the requisite am- munition, and constantly passing from front to rear and from rear to front, with coolness and dispatch. One or two incidents are worth notice. During the first attack in the morning of the first day, while Lieut. Cooper was trying to get his caissons out of the way of the enemy who were fast approaching, while our lines were falling back, one of the caissons got stuck, and all the horses shot except the wheel span. Up rode a rebel officer, sword in hand, and cried out, " Surrender, you d d Yankee, surrender." The postillion was a burly Dutchman, a detailed man, Fitzburg by name, who instead of surrendering brought the butt of his heavy whip around the head of the officer exclaiming somewhat pro- fanely, "Surrender! Hell!" Just at this juncture a spent minie ball struck one of the wheel horses, stinging him so that he gave a tremendous spring, and cleared everything from the mud hole, never stopping until safe within our lines. When the battery went to the aid of Sherman, as has been re- lated, after Borland had got his gun into position, loaded and primed, he lay down on the trail with his eye on the spot where he supposed the enemy's battery to be, which was concealed by a ravine. While he was thus holding his fire, an officer rode up, and asked somewhat curtly, why he did not fire that gun. The lieutenant without looking up to see who had addressed him, kept his eye on the spot, and replied, " By G , I command this gun, and as I have no powder to waste, I shan't fire until I see some- thing to fire at." In a few seconds more, the lieutenant saw the rebels run out their guns, when he corrected his aim and gave the order to fire, making a most successful shot. It required but a few more like it to silence the enemy's guns. When this was M'ALLISTER'S BATTERY. 405 effected, Lieut. Borland looked around to see who it was that had addressed him, and found that it was Gen. Sherman, who expressed himself satisfied with the way he saved his powder. Gen. Sherman in his official report of the second day's battle thus speaks in reference to the battery. " Seeing some others (guns) to the rear, I sent one of my staff to bring them forward, when by most providential decree, they proved to be two 24-pound howitzers, belonging to McAllister's Battery, and served as well as ever guns could be. * * * * I gave personal direction to the 24-pound guns, whose well-directed fire first silenced the enemy's guns to the left, and after at the Shiloh meeting house." Gen. Sherman did not forget the help rendered him by McAl- lister's Battery, as we shall have occasion to show hereafter. McClernand's report of the battle of Shiloh, says : " McAllister's Battery opened from the corner of the field referred to, and by a well-directed and effective fire, kept the enemy from crossing it, until his battery was nearly surrounded, and his support forced back, when after silencing a battery in the woods on the opposite side of the field, he withdrew three of his pieces along the south road toward Pittsburg Land- ing. The fourth piece was left behind for want of horses to take it off, but was recovered next day, In this engagement Capt. McAllister was four times slightly wounded, but kept the field. An acting sergeant and seven men were severely wounded, and a number of horses killed." Gen. McClernand's report mentions the battery four or five times again as rendering opportune service during the two days' engagement. The battery fired 50 rounds of canister, 152 shrap- nell, and 230 shells. Loss wounded, three non-commissioned officers and eight privates. Also lost 44 horses, 16 sets of harness, and two saddles. The battery remained here until its losses were repaired. The chief of the artillery of the division, Major Schwartz, hav- ing been wounded, Captain McAllister was temporarily assigned to the duty. April 20th, the battery moved three miles on the road to Cor- inth. Lieut. Mathew W. Borland now resigned, it being appa- rent that the injuries he received at Donaldson had disqualified him for duty. He was an efficient officer, and his loss was much re- gretted by the battery. 406 HISTORY OF April 28th, the battery moved again in the advance toward Corinth, encamping about eight miles from the river. From this camp Captain McAllister, who had previously tendered his resigna- tion, left the battery, much regretted by officers and men. He had proved a brave and able commander, always careful of the welfare of his men. Lieut. James A. Borland, was left in com- mand. May llth, the battery moved four miles farther toward Cor- inth. Its position was on the right of the reserve of the army of the Tennessee. May 29th, the battery moved again four miles farther, en- camping about three miles from Corinth, behind works thrown up by our troops. The battery was not engaged during the seige of Corinth. It fired but one gun before Corinth, and this was done by one sec- tion while on picket duty. June 4th, the division under command of Gen. John A. Logan, marched toward Purdy, Tenn., and next day passed through Purdy, and June 6th, reached Bethel, where it went into camp, and re- mained until the 15th. This was a fine camping ground, as there was near the railroad, an abundant spring of fine water, large enough to supply the whole army. During the march on Cor- inth, the array had suffered much for the want of water, even the little that could be obtained was very poor. On the 15th, the division again struck tents and marched through Montezuma, encamping about three miles beyond. On the 16th it marched into Jackson. This is a large and pleasant village. While at this place Capt. Henry A. Rogers was put in command of the battery. While at Jackson, Serg't Emmet F. Hill received his commission as junior 2d lieutenant. The battery remained at Jackson until the 17th, when it marched to- ward Bolivar, and on the night of the 1st bivouacked on the right bank of the Little Hatchie, about one mile from Bolivar. It re- mained in the vicinity of Bolivar, until the 9th of October. By the last of July, quite a large force had concentrated here, expecting an attack from Price and Van Dome. The place was fortified, the planters in the vicinity being required to furnish slaves to assist. MCALLISTER'S BATTERY. 407 Sept. 13th, Gen. Hurlbut's division came up from Memphis. Other operations were going on in other parts of the army in the vicinity. The battle of luka, was fought Sept 19th. October 4th was the battle of Corinth, in which Will county was deeply inter- ested and suffered. Oct. 6th Gen. Hurlbut's division marched out, and won the brilliant victory of the Hatchie. In this, Will <5ounty was represented in Bolton's battery as related elsewhere. We will only say here that Lieut. Hill of the Plainfield battery had a brother, a sergeant in Bolton's battery, who was at his post in the engagement. Oct. 9th, one section of McAllister's battery went to LaGrange and bivouacked in the yard of the female seminary. This was a fine brick building quite a credit to the place, which was a very neat and pleasant village. Next day it marched back to Bolivar, where the battery remained until Nov. 2d, when it took part in Grant's formidable movement into Mississippi. The expedition as is well-known, went below Oxford, when Grant was obliged to fall back on account of the raid of the enemy in his rear, who de- stroyed his stores and communications at Holly Springs. The battery marched back into La Grange, and thence to Memphis. On the way they had a taste of short rations, and at one time had corn issued to them in the ear, with instructions to make " lye hominy." Fortunately, however, the battery had two hand mills, which some of the boys had " confiscated " on some plantation, and they were able to reduce their corn to a cookable condition. The battery reached Memphis January 21st. Here it remained until Feb. 20th, when it embarked on the steamer Forsyth. The steamer left on the 22nd, with the fleet bound down, and arrived at Lake Providence, La., on the 23d. Here the battery debarked with the division, and encamped about four miles from the landing, on the shore of the lake. This is a very beautiful sheet of water, clear as crystal, about three- fourths of a mile wide, and seventeen miles long, running nearly parallel with the river, a few miles from its west bank. It is very deep, and said to be unfathomable in some places. It connects with bayous which empty into the river below Vicksburg, and a chan- nel was being cut through the levee into the lake, with the view of getting boats with munitions and supplies below Vicksburg. 408 HISTORY OF While this experiment which proved a failure, was being tried, the battery remained here, employed in idling, drilling, foraging, fishing, boat riding, and listening to the music discoursed by the bands on the lake, etc., etc., until March 18th, when it embarked with the division on the steamer latan, and went up the river five miles, debarked and camped on the Louisiana side, on what was known as Vista Plantation. Here some of the men instituted a novel mode of fishing. The cutting of the levee had raised the water in all the sloughs and ditches. As a consequence, the fish in large numbers had gone foraging through the ditches in the corn fields after worms and grubs. The men would stand across a ditch, making a dam with their legs, while another party would drive the fish toward them, when they would catch them and throw them on the land. March 23d, the battery embarked on the steamer, Platte Val- ley, and ran down to Eagle Bend, about thirty miles above Vicks- burg. On the 25th, it returned to the camp near Vista Planta- tion. April 17th, it again embarked on the steamer Universe, and went down the river to Milliken's Bend, debarked during the night and encamped. The battery left Milliken's Bend on the 25th of April 1863, commanded by Captain A. H. Rogers, the right section by Lieut. G. J. Wood, and the left by Lieut. E. H. Cooper, caissons in charge of Lieut. Hill. Five days were occupied in the march to Hard Times, passing through almost impenetrable swatnps, with intervals of the most beautiful country ever seen. This landing is below Grand Gulf, and some forty miles below Vicksburg. Here they found a portion of McClernand's corps which was cross- ing the river. On the 1st of May, the battery crossed to Barns- berry Landing, at 10 a. m. Gens. Grant, McPherson, Logan, Dennis, Adjt. Gen. Thomas, Gov. Yates, Congressmen Wash- burn, crossing at the same time. It immediately started towards Port Gibson, 25 miles distant. They had not gone far when the roar of cannon was heard, telling of a battle in progress, and they hurried upon the double quick. The day was excessively hot, and the enemy had been routed before the battery arrived, although the advance of the division was just in time to take a hand in the M'ALLISTER'S BATTERY. 409 closing scene. Several hundred prisoners had been taken. It being sundown, the battery went into camp, within three miles of Port Gibson. Under cover of the night, the rebels withdrew their forces across the south branch of Bayou Pierre, and burned the bridge after them. On the 2nd, the battery was put in the first brigade, com- manded by Gen. John E. Smith, formerly colonel of the 45th, It was put in the advance on the chase. Moved early and passed through Port Gibson, and was obliged to make a detour of six or eight miles to cross the bayou, the rebels having burned the bridge, which made delay, and on the same night reached the north branch without opposition. During the day our forces picked up some straggling rebs, and on the 3d crossed the main branch on a wire suspension bridge, which the rebels had failed to destroy in their haste to escape. At 9 a. m. our forces came up with the enemy, who had a bat- tery of small guns planted on a commanding hill, having a raking range of the road, which for a mile was very narrow, and which gave our boys a few round shot without however doing any damage. Battery D then opened on the enemy, who finding the fight too se- rious for them took to their heels again. Some time was now spent in reconnoitering, and finding the way clear, our forces advanced by different routes toward the Big Black River, pushing the ene- my before them up to and across the river. The enemy destroy- ing the bridge after them. The battery then went into camp, the enemy being on the opposite bank. May 4th, the rebs had the im- pudence to drop a shell in the camp, which stirred up the cooking arrangements of the boys somewhat promiscuously. The distance was such that Battery D's guns could not respond to the salute, but DeGolyer's battery gave them as good as they sent. Battery D then went up the river bank, and went into position, and gave them one shot. Here the army waited two or three days for the trains to come up with rations. On the 7th moved from the Big Black and encamped at Rocky Springs, Miss. Here was found plenty of forage and corn. Remained in this camp the 8th. On the 9th Gen. Sherman came to the camp and told Capt. Rogers that he wanted to see the men of the battery. The " as- 52 410 H1STOBY OF sembly " was sounded aud the men were soon in line. Gen. Sher- man then complimented the men for their services at Shiloh, when the battery went to his assistance, as has been related. He told the boys that " if he could ever do anything for them he would do it that if any man in McAllister's Battery ever wanted a blanket to let him know it, and if he had but one he would give him half." When he had got through, the boys gave him three hearty cheers. On the 9th, again on the move toward Jackson, Miss., and on the morning of the 12th our forces came up with the enemy, three miles south west of Raymond, and 19 miles from Jackson. Gen. Logan's division was in the advance. Battery D was in 2d brigade and center division, De Golyer's being in the 1st, and in the lead. In the early part of the day De Golyer got into a sharp duel with a battery of the enemy. The 20th and 45th 111., and the 20th, 23d, and 78th Ohio did the infantry fighting, which for a couple of hours was hot ; when the rebels were forced to give way before our determined boys, although they had much the larger force. They fell back towards Raymond, one and a half miles, and attempted and partly formed a line of battle. Now came the time for the old McAllister Battery to take a hand. It was brought to the front into position with our old 20th, and the 45th for its support. The enemy's position was on the brow of the hill, across an open field 1300 or 1400 yards distant, where they had a battery with infantry support. The range was a long one for the guns of Battery D, and the enemy's guns being rifled, the odds were against our boys, but they pitched in with a will, and soon managed to dismount one of the enemy's pieces, and set the infantry flying. This closed the battle of Raymond. Battery D fired 72 rounds, and all the boys acted nobly. Major Stolbrand, chief of artillery, stood by and saw the fight, and with the gen- erals gave the boys the credit of doing good execution. They then entered the town singing " Union forever ! Hurrah, boys, hurrah ! Down with the traitors, and up with the stars." This made the ladies draw their curtains, and they no doubt felt very differently from what they did in the morning, when they MCALLISTER'S BATTERY. 411 cheered their brave brothers, husbands and lovers on to whip the Yankees. The battery went into camp at Raymond, and during the night Gen. Sherman came up with his corps. On the 13th our forces marched again, Sherman taking the right hand road, and McPherson's corps the left. On the morn- ing of the 14th Quinby's division was in the lead, and came up with the enemy four miles west of Jackson, and formed his lines while some of his batteries were engaging the rebels. He was soon ready with his infantry, and made one of the most gallant charges, across an open field, and in the face of the enemy's artil- lery, that any force ever made. He gained the ground and put the enemy to flight, and marched into Jackson with colors flying. Gen. Sherman also had a fight coming into town at the same time. The rebels burned their stores at Jackson, which made a splendid sight. On the 15th the division was early on the road to Vicks- burg. On the 16th the enemy was again met at Champion Hills. Gen. Harvy's division of McClernaud's corps in advance engaged them on the left, while the division embracing battery D went into line of battle on the right. De Golyer's battery being in the lead gave them a few rounds at long range before battery D came up. It was then ordered to the front on double quick, (caissons in the rear), came up to, and passed the line to the front and right, passed the skirmishers, and was halted. But only for a moment ; it was again ordered to advance, and take position on a commanding hill, 400 yards in advance of the" infantry, without any support, not so much as a skirmisher. As the battery came to the top of the hill, it received a volley of musketry from the enemy, who was also advancing to take possession of the same hill, which com- manded the country for many miles around. Capt. Rogers gave the command, " action front ;" the bullets came whistling by in every direction not a word was spoken; every man was at his post. The command was obeyed in a twinkling, although to the boys it seemed an age ; the enemy, a whole brigade, lying down not more than 75 yards distant. The boys gave them shrapnell for the first round fuse time, one second. They rose with a yell, bayonets fixed, expecting to take the battery before t it could fire again. They did not know the time our boys kept. Capt. Rogers 412 HISTORY OF ordered the guns double shotted with canister, which was poured into the advancing lines of the enemy, with a slaughter that was fearful to behold. They wavered and fell back, and the battery followed up with such rapidity, with shell and shrapnel], that the repulse was complete. During the action Lieut. Cooper's horse was twice wounded, and he was dismounting just as the Captain came riding up, and at the same time Gen. McPherson rode up, saying, "Captain, you will surely lose your battery before support reaches you." To which Capt. Rogers replied, " I can't see it, there is not secesh enough here to take McAllister's battery." As he was speaking he received a slight wound in his leg. The Gen- eral replied, " I hope you are right," and galloped off to hurry up the supports. After the battery had ceased firing, De Golyer came up and gave the retreating rebels four or five rounds, as they had got beyond battery D's range. Game being now scarce in front, and the enemy making some demonstrations on the right, the battery changed front to fire to the right, and advanced about 50 yards to the brow of another hill, by the time the support came up. There our forces had two bat- teries to contend with. Wade's battery and Co. D of the 1st regi- ment of Miss, artillery, commanded by Capt. A. B. Rogers. But they soon found that they could not compete with the 111. battery of the same letter and regimental number, commanded by Capt. A. H. Rogers, of Chicago. The Rogers of the Miss, battery was killed by one of the shells from battery D, and two of his lieu- tenants, and 30 privates. The infantry then passed the battery and engaged the rebel infantry contending for the silenced battery, which the heroes of Shiloh soon took. All the boys stood to their posts, cool and active as usual. The battery fired 236 rounds during the engagement. Every man was just where he was wanted, and the enemy was co mpletely routed, and the victory of Champion Hill was complete. The army moved quickly forward in pursuit. Capt. Rogers went to the captured battery and got horses to replace those battery D had lost. The battery was moved forward two miles to a creek, and camped for the night. It received many compliments for the part it had taken in the action. " There goes McAllister's skirmishing MCALLISTER'S BATTERY. 413 battery that gave the rebels h on the right," and many such like remarks the boys overheard in passing. The correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial thus notices the action of this battery, in his accounts of the battle of Cham- pion Hills : " Early in the afternoon, a section of Co. D, 111. 1st artillery under Capt. Rogers, advanced to close proximity to the rebel lines, and opened two 24-pound howitzers to drive the rebels from posi- tion, from which they were about to advance upon our men. The rebels filed out of the woods in excellent order, and formed in front of the battery, and within 300 yards of it. They then marched steadily toward the guns and were about to give their first volley to our battery men, when a double load of canister scattered among them causing at least 50 to fall. Capt. De Go- Iyer's 8th Mich, battery also opened on them, and gave them sev- eral loads of James rifled shells. The effect of our artillery fire was all that could be desired. It broke the ranks of the rebels and caused them to fall back in great disorder. I have never wit- nessed a more thorough rout than that which the rebels met in their attempt to get possession of Capt. Rogers' guns, May 16th, 1863." OD the 19th of May, the battery arrived within three miles of Vicksburg, and had frequent engagements with the enemy, keep- ing their guns speaking without much intermission. On the 29th of May, Capt. Rogers was killed, a sad day for the battery, for although coming to them from another organization, the men all loved him, and had confidence in his skill and judgment, as well as his patriotism. After sighting a gun, he had jumped upon a parapet to witness its effect, and on turning round to give direc- tions in reference to the length of fuse, was instantly killed by a sharpshooter. The men laid him to rest at Chickasaw Bluffs, swearing to avenge his loss. The battery went (June 6th, 1863,) into its position in front of the rebel Fort Hill, on the Jackson and Vicksburg road, one sec- tion on either side, at the point known as the White House, and three or four hundred yards from the enemy's works. It was 414 HISTORY OF protected with breastworks, from behind which, should they expose any part of their bodies, they wejre pretty sure to be hit by the rebel sharpshooters.. On the 17th of June, the rebels having planted a new piece where it could not be brought into range through the embrasure of Lieut. Hill's gun, his piece was therefore thrown up on top and outside of the earthworks, where there was no protection from the enemy's sharpshooters, who kept up a continual fire from the top of Fort Hill from behind sand bags, the distance being about 200 yards. Lieut. Hill was ordered to this exposed position by Maj. Stalbrand, division chief of artillery, who it is but just to say ex- posed himself to the same danger. Lieut. Hill acted as gunner. Some good shots were made scattering the rebels' sand bags. They worked the piece here about an hour before any one was hit. Then George Maag had just said, " They hit me at Shiloh, I wonder if they will hit me in the same place again," when he was struck while sponging the gun, the ball passing through the lungs. One of the men said, " They have not hit you in the same place this time." Lieut. Hill assisted in helping him down into the ditch, and poor George died the next day. A few minutes after, while watching the pointing of his gun, Lieut. Hill was himself hit by a musket ball, which entered his head a half inch back of, and a fourth inch below his right eye, passing out one half inch in front of his left ear. He was immediately taken to a hospital. Lieut. Hill thus describes his sensations : " I was unconscious about twenty minutes. When I began to recover my consciousness, I felt very weak and faint. I knew I had been hit by a bullet. I knew where I was and what had hap- pened. I thought I was dying, and asked myself, is my spirit still with my body. I expected in a few moments at most, I should be in the future world. My mind rapidly, but without confusion scanned my past life. How swiftly passed the review while I calmly waited for the future. This lasted but a few mo- ments." When Lieut. Hill was brought to the hospital, the attending surgeons said that the man must die ; could not possibly recover, M'ALLISTEB'S BATTERY. 415 and declined to do anything for him, as being of no use. A brother of his from Bolton's battery, came over to see him, and he was not satisfied to let the matter go so. He went to see General Logan about it, who sent over his own surgeon, who dressed the wounds, and his brother and a man from battery D was detailed to take care of him. He recovered (with the loss of an eye) to the great surprise, and perhaps the disgust of the surgeons. Lieut. Hill had been a member of the battery when it used to play war in Plainfield, and when the war broke out was attend- ing a commercial college in the city of New York. Capt. McAl- lister sent him, in a playful manner, a summons to appear and take his place in the battery. Lieut. Hill obeyed the summons, and served in the three months organization, and afterwards in the three years' service, in which he entered the battery as quarter- master sergeant, and was promoted 2d lieutenant, and then 1st lieutenant. Pie was one of the best and most efficient officers and the bravest of soldiers. He was honorably discharged Sept. 1 9th, 1863. He afterwards held the rank of lieutenant in vet. reserve corps. This left only Lieut. G. J. Wood and E. H. Cooper as officers of the battery. Capt, Sparstrom, of the 2d regiment of artillery, was detailed to command the battery. This created great dissatis- faction among the boys. They had no particular objection to Sparstrom, but they thought they had a right to the promotions in the battery, and that they had men competent to fill any of its positions. Lieut. Wood resigned at once, and his resignation was accepted, leaving Lieut. Cooper alone of the old roster. A peti- tion was now started and signed by every member of the battery to have Lieut. Cooper commissioned captain. This was presented to Maj. Stalbrand, chief of artillery, for his endorsement. He re- fused to endorse, and destroyed it instead, saying that " Cooper would make as good a 1st lieutenant as there was in the service, but he was too young and inexperienced for a captain. Captain Sparstrom is an old and experienced Sweedish officer, and I will have him transferred to the command." Lieut. Cooper replied that he " did not set himself up for a Napoleon ; though circum- stances might make him one, and he commanded a battery at 19." The lieutenant found that a little strategy would be needed in 416 HISTORY OF * order to get this promotion to which he was fairly entitled, and he got another petition, and secured the indorsement of W. T. Sherman, and Col. Taylor of the 1st artillery, after giving them a full statement of the case. The petition thus strongly ' indorsed, was forwarded by a judicious friend to the governor, and he soon issued a commission to Lt. Cooper as captain. All of which was done inside of three weeks, and the old battery had a commander of its own choosing. During the siege the boys used to amuse themselves by plug- ging up the pipe holes, through which the enemy used to fire on our men whenever exposed. Many a brave boy had fallen before their deadly aim from these loopholes. The boys got so perfect in their gunnery, that they seldom failed to plug up the holes as fast as they made their appearance. The rebs then tried the trick of raising their hats on a stick, and drawing the fire of our men, and then taking their chance to shoot our men. It took a prac- ticed eye to tell whether the hat held a stick or a head. So our boys, having soon learned the trick, would fire a blank from one gun, and when the hat appeared the second time, let fly a shot or shell from the other gun. All these, and many other devices and tricks, and counter tricks were played during the siege. While this was going on, the sappers and miners were burrowing un- der ground, like moles, preparing a mine to blow up Fort Hill, with the expectation that by this means they could force an en- trance into the city. In the battery was a man by the name of Whistler. One day the rebels opened on our boys with a new kind of mortar, which sent over a peculiar long shaped shell, which in its flight made a noise which sounded just like calling the name Whistler. Whistler heard it, and thought he was called for sure, and came running into quarters, saying, " they are after me, they are after me ; don't you hear them calling Whistler, Whistler? I am a goner sure." The man was in dead earnest, but was soon convinced that it was not him in particular, but all of them that they were after. But the boys had many a laugh at Whistler's expense. On the morning of June 22d (1863), Sergeant Dave Ocker, as brave a boy as any among the brave boys of battery D, came up to Captain Cooper, saying : M'ALLISTER'S BATTERY. 417 " Captain, I wish to-morrow morning you would send this photograph, and these letters to my mother." " Why so, why to-morrow morning, sergeant." " Well, Captain, you know I am no coward, and have always stood up to the fight with the rest, and never flinched from duty." " Yes, sergeant, I know all that, but what is this all about, and why are you so solemn-visaged to-day, you are usually the gayest of the gay ?" " Captain, I have seen the sun rise for the last time on this earth. To-morrow morning at this time I shall be cold in death, and shall have cut my last fuse." Cooper tried to reason him out of this hallucination, as it seemed to him, but in vain. Well, about 11 a. m., there was a terrible explosion heard, as it were the shock of an earthquake. Fort Hill had been blown up, and the infantry was rushing in that di- rection, hoping to force their way into the city. But as is well known, our forces did not succeed, but on the contrary found themselves in a very exposed condition, and lost heavily. The sap had not extended far enough and our troops were brought into a sort of cul-de-sac, from which there was no egress except through the sap, or over an exposed field. The earthwall separa- ting the two armies, was not more than ten or twelve feet in thick- ness. The enemy being on the higher ground, could extend their arms, and sticking the muzzle of their guns over, fire down upon our troops, doing us great damage. About 3 o'clock Gen. Logan came to Capt. Cooper's section, and asked for twelve volunteers, to go to the excavation made in Fort Hill, for the purpose of throwing hand grenades. Cooper called for volunteers, but none responded. He then asked who would follow him, and all re- sponded. Selecting twelve of the number, purposely leaving out Ocker, remembering the conversation of the morning. But Ocker did not like this seeming slight, and bought off one of the men, who had been selected, and took his place. When they, (passing through the sap) got to the place, they found that no hand gren- ades had been provided. But something must be done. The enemy's advantage was great, and our troops were suffering fear- fully at their hands. The idea struck Capt. Cooper that he might use common shell in place of the grenades. So he sent his 53 418 HISTORY OF men back to the battery, with instructions to procure each two shrapnell shell, and some port fire, slow match, and a fuse gouge, all of which arrived in due form. The captain then directed Ser- geant Henderson, who was the largest and strongest man, to hold a shell in his hands, with his back to the earthworks, while he (the captain) would cut the fuse to five seconds, and circle round with the port fire, gradually coming nearer, and when the fuse caught, he was to throw it over the works into the enemy. The proposition did not strike the mind of the sergeant favorably. He did not like the idea of making a cannon of himself, and respect- fully declined this strange way of fighting. The captain said, 11 Well, you may be the gunner, and I will be the gun." So the captain took the shell and the serg't fired it, and over it went in time to explode in the ranks of the enemy. They kept up this novel mode of artillery fighting for some time, and became so expert they could cut the fuse at one and three-fourths seconds, and get rid of the shell before it exploded. Well, during the afternoon, Dave Ocker's premonition of death became verified. He was struck with a hand grenade from the enemy in the breast, and mortally wounded. Out of this squad of Captain Cooper and twelve men, only three returned sound to the battery at night. The rest were killed or wounded Henderson, C. L. Pratt and Captain Cooper, only came out unscathed. I think among the instances of bravery exhibited in the siege and assaults at Vicksburg, none exceeded this. The blowing up of Fort Hill was a failure, but so closely had Grant invested the place, and so sorely were the enemy being pushed, that escape was hopeless, and July 4th Pemberton sur- rendered. The capitulation took place just in front of the position of bat- tery D, from which every movement of the several generals and their staff's could be seen. It was a strange scene. The two prin- cipal figures had been lieutenants in the same regiment in Mexico. At Monterey and Buena Vista, they had fought on the same side with the stars and stripes. Now Pemberton has to surrender to his former comrade, a rebel's sword ! After the surrender, the battery was stationed at the bluffs of Chickasaw Bayou, near a large and beautiful spring. In the MCALLISTER'S BATTERY. 419 course of ten or twelve days, the men began to complain of a strange sickness, and one after another were sent to the hospital. This unaccountable sickness continued to lay up the men until all were more or less affected, and an investigation was ordered. The result was that a small keg of arsenic was found imbedded in the bottom of the spring, and the cause of the sickness was revealed. Out of 150 men, 100 at least had been temporarily disabled by this fiendish outrage. The battery was moved from this place to a point nearer the city, and fixed up quarters for the summer and fall. And here the battery remained until December, when it veteranized and recruited to its full quota, and re-organized at Camp Fry, Chicago, and returned to Vicksburg. Early in the spring of 1864 it was ordered to Cairo, to prepare for Sherman's Georgia campaign, and left Vicksburg April 5th, 1864, and then moved with McPherson's corps to Clifton on the Tennessee, and thence marched to Huntsville, and then to Kingston, Georgia, where it joined Sherman's army and again commenced active cam- paigning and fighting. Their first serious fight on this campaign was at Big Shanty, near Kenesaw mountain. And from the com- mencement of the operations before Kenesaw, until when, being flanked again, the enemy abandoned this position, the battery took its full share of work and fighting. In one of these engagements Capt. Cooper received a severe wound over the left eye, which put him out of the fight for a couple of weeks. He rejoined the bat- tery before the fight of Peach Tree Creek. The battery was under a continuous fire during the advance on Atlanta, most of the time in front, or on the skirmish line. At the Chattahoochie River, the cavalry finding it difficult to hold the bank of the river, a call was made for a section of the battery ta go to their assistance. Lieut. Cunningham was sent with two pieces, and masked his guns near the bank of the river. In the morning the rebels came down to the river to take a bath, of which no doubt they stood in need. They were all unconscious of the presence of the guns, and fearlessly they disrobed, and plunged into the water in great numbers. Lieut. Cunningham very dis- courteously unmasked his guns, and gave them a few rounds of canister to their no small astonishment and disgust, and such a skedaddling out of a bath was never seen before. In their haste 420 HISTORY OF many of them did not stop to gather up their clothes, but disap- peared over the bank with no other uniform than the one Adam wore in Paradise ; and as the lieutenant did not allow the rebs to come back after their clothes, there must have been a heavy re- quisition that morning on rebel quartermasters for clothing. The oavalry and picket line filed down the bank and took posses- sion of the rebel bath. The battery did not participate in the Peach Tree Creek fight (of the 21st), but in that of the 22d it bore a conspicuous part. It must be borne in mind that this battery is still in the 3d brigade of Leggett's division of the 17th army corps, and the general his- tories will show the position and part played by the division. It was on this day that the army of the Tennessee lost its youthful and brave commander, one of the best men and also one of the best officers in the service. But our busineas is with battery D. leaving the general history of the battle to works of larger scope, The battery was stationed near the extreme left wing of the army at what was known as " Bald Knob," its caissons and trans- portation being about half a mile in the rear. About one o'clock p. ui., the force was attacked in the rear and left, and almost as completely surprised as at Shiloh. The 8th Mich, battery, a portion of the troops, and one or two other batteries went flying past bat- tery D, to the rear and right, leaving it almost alone in possession of the hill, supported by the 20th 111., 17th Wis., 20th Ohio, and 12th Wis. The attack was so sudden and from an unexpected di- rection that it became necessary to change fronts, and use the Atlanta side of their hastily constructed works. The 20th 111. was now on the extreme right, and fighting desperately against fearful odds, and were soon mostly killed or captured. On came the enemy, a whole division, under Gen. Quimby. The battery had just effected its change of front when it became hemmed in almost by the enemy. They double shotted their guns, and held their fire until the enemy was within a hundred yards. Some men of the 17th Wis. had got close up to the breastworks in front of the battery, and no effort could make them get out of the way. The fire was delayed in the effort to get them to leave, until it could be held no longer without allowing the guns to be taken ; and Capt. Cooper, with great reluctance, but without any doubt as to M'ALLISTER'S BATTERY. 421 bis duty, gave the word to " fire." The destruction which fol- lowed the discharge, aud the subsequent ones, was terrible. The first discharge killed and wounded some of the Wisconsin regi- ment, but it could not be helped without a worse calamity. This fire with that of the infantry brought the rebels to a stand still, and the battery and its supports seemed masters of the field. But just here they received a heavy fire from the rear and left. Adju- tant Walker was shot in the leg, and soon after Gen. Force was shot in the head, who looked up to Capt. Cooper and said : " Tell Col. Bryant that he is in command." But Col. Bryant was in another part of the field, and Capt. Cooper assumed temporary command. At this critical moment a subordinate officer pulled out a pocket handkerchief and tied it to a ramrod, and was in the act of raising it in token of surrender. Capt. Cooper struck it down with his sword, exclaiming " Never ! as long as there is a man left," giving it also as his opinion that the volley they had just received came from our own men ; and that if a flag could be displayed from a point of woods near, they would see it, and cease firing on them. ' Instantly Lieut. Bernier, of the 20th 111., snatched the flag from the color-bearer of the 17th Wis., and mounting the short line of breastworks in the very face of the en- emy, ran two or three hundred yards with the flag, in the direc- tion suggested. Our forces saw it and ceased their fire. They had supposed that the force on the Knob had all been captured. A braver, more heroic act than this of Lieut. Bernier was never per- formed. He was exposed to the fire of both sides, but escaped as by a miracle. The enemy rallied and made another charge, but were repulsed again by the spartan band. But the ammunition having now been exhausted, and the condition and location of the caissons being un- known, the battery and its supports fell back to the 2d line. The right section was in command of Lieut. Cunningham, and the left by Lieut. Pratt, and the caissons by Lieuts. Brock way and Pow- ers, whose j udicious movements preserved them from capture, and they were found all safe awaiting orders. They had kept track of the guns by the sound, having come to know, as it were, their voices. The battery fought pretty much on its own hook through the day, going where it seemed to be most wanted, changing posi- 422 HISTORY OF, ETC. tions twelve times, and being in as many pitched battles. If we were to say all that the facts warrant of the action of the men of the battery and of the officers, it would seem like fulsome praise. During the seige of Atlanta, the battery was under fire every day. After the evacuation, it moved on as far as Jonesboro, par- ticipating in several fights, and went into camp in the vicinity of Jonesboro until Sherman took up his memorable march to the sea. Capt. Cooper was put in command of the reserve park of artil- lery of the army of the Tennessee, and ordered to report to Gen. Steadman at Chattanooga, for transportation to Nashville to join Thomas' army. The battery was moved with the rest to Nash- ville, where it remained until after the two days' battle at that place, in which it participated. It was then ordered to Clarks- ville, Tenn., where it remained until the war was over j and was mustered out of the service at Chicago, July 28th, 1865. Without recapitulating the battles in which it was engaged, we content ourselves with the statement that had it fought on three days more, it would have done one full year's severe fighting. The reader is referred to the roster and muster roll for deaths, resignations, and promotions of the men from Will county. REGIMENTAL HISTORIES. CHAPTER XL BATTERY I, SECOND ARTILLERY BARNETT'S BAT- TERY. How and when organized Goes to Cairo Goes to Columbus Island No. 10 Fort Pillow Hamburg Landing Corinth Rienzi Ordered to Cincinnati Goes to Louisville Battle of Perryville Goes to Nashville- Winters at Nashville Moves to Murfreesboro Moves for Chattanooga Snouting on the Way Hunting Horses Call on Mrs. Gen. Pillow Lieu- tenant Plant faces a Battery Sudden Death at Athens from the Bite of a Scorpion, or something worse On to Chattanooga In the Great Battle of 19th and 20th of September Falls Back with the Army Crosses the River Mission Ridge Goes to Knoxville Returns Veteranizes and Recruits Returns to the Front Joins the Atlanta Campaign Fights its way to At- lantaAfter the Surrender To Florence, Ala., and Back Again On to the Sea Lt. Coe killed Northward Battle of Bentonville A Chase for Wash- ingtonBuries its Powder and Shells Joins the Grand Parade Goes Home and is Mustered Out. i [HE organization of this battery was commenced at Joliet in Oct. 1861, under the name ot the "Joliet Light Artillery/* by Capt. Chas. W. Keith. About 100 men of the company and three commissioned officers, were residents of Will county. Capt. Keith with the men he had recruited went to Springfield, and his company was there consolidated with a battery partially raised at Peoria and Decatur by Henry B. Plant, Esq., then Supt. of a railroad, now a resident of Joliet, and member of the firm of Mason & Plant, and who became its 2d lieutenant, and subse- quently on the resignation of Capt. Keith, its 1st lieutenant. The battery thus constituted was mustered into the U. S. ser- vice at Camp Butler, Springfield, and left for Cairo, February 7th, 1862, at which place, and at Fort Holt, on the opposite side of the Ohio, it remained about one month. While here, a detachment of the company went on the steamer Brown, with the mortar boats 424 HISTORY OF in tow, to Fort Donaldson, but did not reach that point until the fort had surrendered. On the 8th of March the battery was or- dered to Columbus, (with Col. N. B. Buford), which point had been evacuated by the rebels. It remained at Columbus under Buford until the 15th, when it proceeded down the river to co-op- erate with Admiral Foote and Gen. Pope in the reduction of Island No. 10. This was the only land battery at the north end of the island,, and took its position on the Missouri shore within three-fourths of a mile of the powerful guns of the enemy. Opening on the enemy from this position they quickly drew the fire of the forts on the island, and were obliged to change their position, losing one man killed, Chas. Howard, of Joliet. This man was the only one killed by the fire of the enemy during the seige. April 7th, Capt. Keith resigned, and Lieut. Barnett was made captain, and the battery was thenceforth popularly known as Bar- nett's Battery. After the evacuation and surrender of Island No. 10, the bat- tery made a trip to Cairo, and back on a steamer in charge of a portion of the rebel prisoners taken at the island. It then accom- panied the expedition down the river to Fort Pillow, where it ar- rived April 14th. The overflow of the river made operations impracticable at this point, and the battery then moved with the army under com- mand of Gen. Pope, via Cairo and Tennessee river, to take part in the seige of Corinth, arriving at Hamburg Landing the 24th. It took an active part in the seige of Corinth, and in the pursuit of the enemy on their retreat, having several smart engagements with them at Buckland, Farmington, &c., having two men wounded May 30th. The brigade to which they were attached, went into summer quarters at Rienzi, Miss., about 18 miles south of Corinth. On the 6th of September the division to which it belonged, was ordered with all speed under command of Gen. Gran ger, to Cincinnati, Ohio, to repel the threatened attack of Bragg, who it was feared would outstrip Buell in the chase, and invade Ohio. They made all haste day and night, unloading their guns from cars and steamboats five times in 36 hours, being in constant re- BABNETT'S BATTEEY. 425 ceipt of telegrams to " hurry up." They arrived in the vicinity on the 12th, and on the 15th marched through the city of Cincin- nati on their way to the front at Covington. They were received by the citizens with an ovation, the whole city turning out to pay their respects to those they considered their deliverers. On the 19th they proceeded by boat to Louisville, where they were assigned to Sheridan's division, and on the 1st of Oct. they moved out in pursuit of Bragg. Here they were active in pre- paring for the defense of Louisville. Oct. 7th, they went (after the severe skirmishing which preceded) into the action of Perry- ville on the 8th. Here with their two ten-pound parrots they opened upon a battery of the enemy that was making a furious attack upon one of our brigades, and soon silenced it. It was the obstinate resistance to the enemy made by the divisions of Sheri- dan and Mitchell on the right, which determined the fortunes of the day, and that night the enemy abandoned its attempt and with- drew. In this action the battery occupied an advanced position in the center, supported by the 26th 111. on the right. They fired the opening gun of the battle and continued incessantly until dark, firing 614 rounds, and not changing their position, with a loss of only four men wounded, and four deafened. The armament of the battery consisted of two parot and two James six-pound rifles and two twelve-pound smooth bore Napoleons. The two last with the detailed men were sent to the rear, and the action was fought by the regular men of the battery, and the four other guns. They opened the battle under the personal direction of Gen. Sheridan. Near the close of the engagement the rebels took a battery from McCook's division and turned it upon his lines. Battery I changed the direction of their guns and silenced it, thus closing the battle. They were highly complimented by Sheridan. After the fight the battery moved on to Nashville, reaching Crab Orchard Oct. 16th, and the city of Nashville Nov. 1, and Mill Creek, six miles south of Nashville, Nov. 22d. During their stay at this last point they were sharply engaged with the enemy three times without loss. Dec. 10th they were relieved from duty in Sheridan's division, and returned to Nashville where they went on garrison duty and were attached to Col. Dan. McCook's brigade. During the winter Capt. Barnett filled the position of chief of 54 426 HISTORY OF artillery and inspector of stock at Nashville. On the 30th of June the battery moved to Murfreesboro to repel a threatened at- tack upon that place, and remained until July 19th when it re- turned to Nashville. Capt. Barnett's position was of great advan- tage to the battery, as they got the choicest horses. August 20th, it left Nashville with 2d brigade, 2d division of reserve corps of Gen. Granger, and proceeded through Franklin, Columbia, Pulaski, and Athens to Huntsville, where it arrived September 4th. During this march, the mounted men of the battery with a few mounted infantry acted as scouts, scouring the country, capturing guerillas, foraging and harrassing the enemy. The country through which they passed, was one of the finest in all the south. It consisted of large cotton plantations, the owners of which were among the richest and proudest of the ar- istocracy of the confederacy. Here dwelt in splendid mansions, surrounded by trees, shrubbery, and flowers, the Polks, the Arm- strongs, the Hilliards, the Webbs, and the Pillows. Here they had long lived in ease and plenty, protected in the enjoyment of the wealth and ease which they derived from the unpaid toil of the slave, by the very government they were now seeking to over- throw. In the back ground of these mansions were the negro huts, barns, gin houses, etc., which formed quite a village on every plantation, and stretching out beyond were large fields of the staple, which they fondly believed was still king ; and rich pas- tures where grazed the cattle and horses which the demands of their cherished " cause" had yet left to them. The foraging detail was in command of H. B. Plant, and their great need at this time was horses. They were accordingly calling at all the plantations in search of them. Among others which they visited was that of Gen. Gideon J. Pillow, the hero (?) of Fort Donaldson. The general of course was absent fighting (or running) for the " cause." Some horses were seen in a pasture near, and on inquiry of the overseer he said they were all colts, none of them fit for artillery horses. But on examination a couple were found which the lieutenant thought might answer his pur- pose, and therefore concluded to take along, offering as a grim joke to give the usual receipt, which carried a promise to pay on proof of loyalty. This, however, was declined, as probably of lit- BARNETT'S BATTERY. 427 tie avail to a man who was a general in the confederate army. They then visited the stables but found nothing more except a pony, which some of the boys wanted very much to take along for the pet of the battery to ride; but the lieutenant declined tak- ing anything which would not be directly useful to " Uncle Sam." The overseer assured Lieut. Plant these were all the horses left upon the place, and he was about leaving when he heard a most expressive " whinny " from behind the barn, and on going round, and the whinny being repeated, it was responded to by another animal, and lo ! coming out from behind the stacks was a span of beautiful, sleek, fat, and large blooded horses, all unconscious of the fate in store for them. The lieutenant directed a look of mingled surprise and inquiry to the overseer, who, somewhat em- barrassed, hastened to explain that " these were Mrs. Pillow's carriage horses, which of course no one would want, as they were old family horses, and of no use except to draw Mrs. Pillow's carriage, having never been subjected to more vulgar work. Of course no gentleman would think of taking them." But the lieutenant couldn't see it in that light. They looked as though they could draw Uncle Sam's pop-guns, as well Mrs. Pillow's carriage, and he thought he would take them along. And now comes from the house a request that the officer in commaud would step in and see Mrs. Pillow ; and accordingly the lieutenant was ushered into the august presence of the wife of Gen. Pillow, who condescended to plead to a yankee officer, in behalf of the " poor old carriage horses, that had belonged to the family so long, and which had until now been spared by both parties in this cruel war; and which "surely no gentleman would take." Lieut. Plant heard her patiently, and asked her if she had any protec- tion papers, to which she somewhat indignantly replied that her husband was a general in the confederate army. He told her he must take the horses ; Uncle Samuel was greatly in need of them needed them much worse than she did and he thought by their appearance they would be very useful, notwithstanding their great age. And so at the risk of being considered no gentleman by the wife of a rebel, who was engaged in the genteel business of trying to overthrow the government that had educated and pro- tected him, he took them along. We here state for the consola- 428 HISTORY OF tion of Mrs. Gen. Gideon J. Pillow, (if she still survives) that they served the battery long and well, helping to draw one of its guns at Chickamauga and Mission Ridge, and for aught I know, on the Atlanta campaign, and the march to the sea. And when the rebel general presents his claim against Uncle Sam for those horses, he can refer to this history for proof. But I must do the young lieutenant the justice to say that this was an act of bravery greater than that of facing the cannon's mouth, for Mrs. Pillow was supported on this occasion by a bevy of young ladies, handsome and well dressed, who looked with wonder, scorn and indignation upon the Yankee lieutenant who could thus treat a lady ! To face a battery of such eyes as were then turned upon him, required some pluck. I believe there is a tradition in the battery that the lieutenant was not quite so hard hearted, with a young and pretty widow that he encountered on another plantation, who claimed to be in favor of union, even with yankees ; and who got the lieutenant to do pretty much as she wanted him to. In fact he did not confis- cate a single hoof. N. B. At this time the lieutenant was " fancy free." While in the vicinity of Athens, Ala., a melancholy incident occurred. This was the loss of one man from the company, by an accident, George Mather, of Joliet. A scorpion had crawled into his boot during the night, and on his drawing it on in the morning stung him. The sting of this insect is not usually fatal, although extremely painful. But in this case the foot commenced swelling immediately and rapidly. His comrades under the direction of a surgeon, administered to him copious draughts of whisky, a supposed antidote. The poor fellow, being thus stung internally as well as externally, died. I think it would take a more than average coroner's jury to decide whether it was the sting of the scorpion, or of the whisky that killed him. In respect to the scorpion, let me say for the information of those who are not acquainted with the " varmint" that it belongs to the arachnida, the second class of articulates. Perhaps he would be better understood if I was to say that he is a kind of elongated spider, having his body terminated by a caudal appendage, in which there is a curved and very sharp sting, which effuses an BARNETT'S BATTERY. 429 acrid and poisonous fluid. Like the locust described in the apo- oalypee, his power is in his tail. After reaching Huntsville, the battery was ordered to proceed to Chattanooga, which they did by way of Stephenson, Bridgeport, and Lookout Mountain, arriving at Chattanooga, September 13th, and marching on the 14th out to Rossville, five miles south. Dur- ing the march they averaged 25 miles per day. From the 17th to the 20th, the battery occupied various positions protecting Ross- ville, and Gen. Thomas' line of communications. After the re- treat of McCook's division, they were in the thickest of that terri- ble fight on the 20th, when the rebels so desperately attempted to dislodge Thomas and Granger. At one time they were almost en- tirely unsupported, and repelled an infantry attack with charges of double canister which did fearful execution. A brigade of regulars which was the support of the battery, broke and run as soon as the enemy pressed hard, leaving the bat- tery for a time without any support. The 85th Ills, seeing the condition of things, and having often been with the battery, asked the privilege of supporting them which was granted, and with the battery held the position, which was one of great importance to our army, enabling it to pass through the mountains, although the battery was at the time in the range of three rebel batteries, and was charged furiously four times in as many hours. On the evening of the 21st, they fell back with the army to Chattanooga, and on the 24th were ordered to cross the river and take position seven miles above Chattanooga to guard a ford against a strong force of the enemy on the opposite side of the river. On the 27th of Oct. they performed a night march with the force that captured Lookout Valley, and Raccoon Heights, and on the 3d of Nov. returned to their former position. Nov. 24th they took part in the attack on Mission Ridge, and were in the left wing of Sher- man's army. In this engagement the battery was in command of Lieut. Plant, Capt. Barnett being North. During the fight, while the battery was on one side of a swamp called Crawfish swamp, just at night, Grant and Sherman were standing near the battery, when an officer rode up and asked if he should go back and secure quarters for the night. " No," said Grant, "if we do not get pos- session of those buildings (pointing to some which the rebels stiJl 430 HISTORY OF held, on the opposite side of the swamp), then I shall stay at the foot of this tree." Well, the boys got possession of the houses before dark, and Gens. Grant and Sherman, and their staffs, were not obliged to stay under the trees. The battery took part in the pursuit after the rebel army, going as far as Ringgold, and returning, took part in the march to the relief of Knoxville, after which they returned to Chattanooga. Here the entire battery, numbering 65 men, declared their purpose to re-enlist, and on the 8th of January, 1864, they left Chattanooga, and arrived at Springfield on the 16th, and received a thirty days' furlough. The battery rendezvoused at Camp Erwin, Joliet, Feb. 16th, and having recruited up to 130 men, left this city for Chatta- nooga on the 14th of March, 1864. The battery got back to Chattanooga from the return furlough the 18th of March, having been absent just two months. During this interval great changes had occurred in the condition of the army. It was now fully sup- plied with rations, and Sherman was evidently preparing for some onward movement. Supplies, ordnance stores, and all the essen- tials of such a campaign were being collected. The first few days after their return were occupied in getting every man, horse, and gun into their proper places, and in drilling the new recruits. March 21st, moved out six miles into Lookout Valley. That night there was a heavy fall of snow, nearly one foot in depth, for which the men were poorly prepared, having but few tents put up. On the 26th Lieut. Rich arrived from Springfield with more recruits. During some of the first days of April, the battery practiced target shooting, which was witnessed by some experienced artillery officers, who gave the boys the credit of doing some of the best shooting they had ever seen. April 9th moved out to Gordon's mills, and joined their old command, viz: 2nd division, 14th army corps, and April 25th received orders to be ready for busi- ness, and on May 2d broke camp and entered upon the Atlanta campaign. We have pretty full minutes of the movements of the battery BARNETT'S BATTERY. 431 during this campaign, but we are compelled to condense them to a meager sketch. The battery was in action May 5th, at Tunnel Hill, when a shell exploded within a few feet of Capt. Barnett and Brig. Gen. Davis. On the 10th and llth it was hotly engaged, and on the 12th passed through Snake Creek Gap. On the 15th it was again in action, and on the 18th had skirmishes near Rome. On the 26th arrived near Dallas and had some fighting, and on 27th, 28th and 30th, was in line of battle. June 7th near Ackworth, lost two men captured while foraging. On 15th, 16th and 17th, kept up brisk firing. On the 18th shelled the rebs on Kenesaw, Gen. Sherman and Palmer superintending the business. Contin- ued the shelling on the 21st. A correspondent of the Chicago Tribune has this notice of the battery at this time. " Yesterday afternoon the rebels opened quite an extensive ar- tillery fire from a battery placed on the top of Kenesaw mountain; but it was soon silenced by battery I, 2d artillery (111.) which did some of the best shooting your correspondent has yet seen. The sky was dark and cloudy, and as the shells burst over the rebel batteries, the flash could be seen, resembling a vivid streak of sharp forked lightning. The effect of each shell was to make the rebel gunners retire to a place of safety, from which they would once in a while run out and fire their pieces. But our boys had them in a tight place, and kept up so vigorous a shelling that the rebels were obliged to give it up altogether." From the 21st to the 27th, the firing was kept up vigorously. The battery did its share on the 27th of June, losing two men, and kept up active firing until the afternoon of July 2d, when it moved to the right, marching till midnight. July 4th, was again engaged, and came near getting into a scrape. One of the rebel batteries used gun-cotton, which makes but little noise or smoke, and battery I being in advance, and to the left of another Union battery, the latter supposed the rebel shot came from bat- tery " I," and opened on it. The bugler, G. Putney, did not let the grass grow under his feet, while he ran back and let them know they were hitting their best friends. 432 HISTORY OF July 5th, the battery advanced again, and soon found the ene- my behind another line of works, and commenced shelling, one gun being on the skirmish line. The enemy's sharpshooters make it pretty warm for our men. Gen. Sherman was up on the skir- mish line, standing by one of the guns of battery I. Corp. J. Q,. A. King had just fired the piece, and was standing a little one side with his hand on his hip, looking over to see the effect of his fire, when a ball passed through between (akimbo) and his side, and wounded one of Gen. Sherman's orderlies. One of the men of the battery called the general's attention to the fact. His only reply was that he could not help it. Atlanta is now in sight nine and a half miles distant. From July 6th to 9th, the boys had a rest, and on the 9th and 10th did some firing. On the 16th received new guns, the old ones being inspected and condemned. Each gun had fired over twelve hun- dred shots on the campaign. On the 17th, crossed the Chattahoo- chie, and on the 26th, took position within three miles of Atlanta, having had more or less fighting while moving up. Almost con- stant firing was then kept up until the 7th of August, when the battery built their breastworks within 300 yards of the rebel guns. Having changed position and built breastworks several times, the boys were pretty well used up, and in building the last works they put in a large lot of old rails. They had reason to repent of this the next day, when the rebs opened on them pretty lively, and making some good shots set the old rails flying about their heads " promiscuous," and giving some pretty hard scratches, but nothing serious. But they thought they would leave the rails out next time, as they did when they rebuilt during the night. Dur- ing the night two men were wounded ; hard fighting all day (the 9th). August 10th, the battery threw shells all day into the rebel lines ; one of the men Jack Riley, of Joliet was wounded. Poor Jack is dead now, having died since the war ; and here let it be said of him, that whatever else he was, or was not, he was a good soldier, brave, and always on hand, doing his duty in the battery promptly and well. August llth, cannonading kept up by the battery all day ; two men were wounded, Metter and Olson. August 12th, sent over a few salutes in the morning, and in the afternoon the infantry on the picket lines formed a tempo- BARNETT'S BATTERY. 433 rary truce, and exchanged coffee and sugar for tobacco. Geyer, of Joliet, one of the men wounded on the 9th, died this day. Skirmishing and firing continued until the 27th, when another flank movement was made, and the battery went with the divis- ion to Jonesboro, where it had another brisk fight. On the 3d of September, the boys got the news of the evacuation of Atlanta. The battery had now fired 1,439 rounds to each gun, on the cam- paign of four months, and had been in an almost continuous battle since May 2d. Sept. 28th, the battery received orders to be ready to move in the morning, and on the 29th, loaded the guns, etc., into the cars, and started for Chattanooga, where it arrived at 11 a. m. the 30th. Oct. 1st, went by cars to Stephenson, and from there to Huntsville, at 7 p. m., where they disembarked from the cars. The rebels demanded the surrender of Huntsville, but this was not conceded, and the rebs went on to Athens, which had been re-occupied after its surren- der on the 24th of September. Oct. 2d, the battery was again placed on the cars, and started for Athens, but found about three miles out, the track torn up and the telegraph down. It took all night to repair, but it was accomplished by daylight of the 3d, and they went on to within three miles of Athens, when they got off the cars, and returned. Camped in Athens that night. On the 4th, started for Florence, Ala., and arrived at the Elk River at 3 p. m., which was found very high. Camped for the night at Rogerville, it raining in torrents: Oct. 5th, marched at 6 o'clock, roads very muddy. Oct. 6th, a detachment sent on scout, and went within one mile of Florence, heard distant can- nonading. The country was very beautiful. Oct. 8th, heard more cannonading, and had some skirmishing with the rebs, who were on the opposite side of the river. Oct. 9th, a slight frost, the first of the season. Oct. 10th, battery commenced return to Chattanooga, where it arrived on the 14th, and went into camp. Here they met the 100th regiment on its way to Nashville. On the 18th, commenced return to Atlanta, foraging on the way. At Kingston drew new horses and fresh greenbacks. Had a review of the artillery of the 14th corps by Captain Barnett, act- 55 434 HISTORY OP ing chief of artillery, and were ordered to prepare for another campaign. On the 12th Captain Barnett resigned, and the command of the battery fell upon Lt. A. W. Coe, (Lt. Plant having resigned at the commencement of the campaign.) Nov. 13th, passed Al- toona Station, the 2d division of 14th corps tearing up the rail- road ; thus cutting loose from all communications behind. On the 14th, passed Kenesavv Mountain, and on the 15th were again in Atlanta. On the 16th left Atlanta, smoking behind, with their faces sea- ward, and on the 18th passed Oxford and Covington. Gen. Sherman traveled with the corps, (14th). The roads were good. Two divisions still tearing up the railroad; the fires from the burning ties lighting up the darkness at night. Camped on Arcola river. And so the boys pass on with the 14th corps, skirmishing, for- aging, camping and corduroying until Dec. 9th, which brings them within fifteen miles of Savannah. Here they had brisk skirmishing, in the course of which Lieut. Coe, commanding the battery, was killed by a rebel shell. He was literally torn to pieces, and had only time to say, " My God, boys, I am killed." They buried him with masonic honors, at evening, building a rustic enclosure of small pine logs about the grave ; and there sleeps a brave and patriotic man ! On the 10th and llth moved on to within five miles of Savannah, with heavy cannonading. Dec 12th, within four miles of the city. The 20th corps on the left; 15th and 17th on the right. The 20th captured a wooden gun-boat. On the 13th. the 15th corps captured Fort McAllister. Dec. 18th the battery moved into some works that the infantry had built within 600 yards of the enemy. In the evening they tossed over some of their cast iron, but without much damage. On the morning of the 21st the rebels had left. They had also evacuated the city, and when Sherman entered the city he dispatched a note to President Lincoln, presenting to him the city of Savannah as a christmas-gift. A message which flew on the wings of lightning, carrying joy to all union hearts, and dis- may to the rebels. December 31st, completed a year's service as veterans. On the BAKNETT'S BATTERY. 435 16th of January, 1865, received orders to prepare for another campaign, and on the 21st started out on the northward march. After marching through swamps and dodging torpedoes, January 27th, went into camp at Sister's Ferry. Gun-boats came up the Savannah to this point, pontoons are laid, and on Sunday, Feb. 5th, they cross the river and camp on the soil of South Carolina. Some of the army are killed and wounded by torpedoes. On they go through the swamps, corduroying and foraging, passing through Barnwell, Blackwell, and past Columbia, and through Lexington. On the 25th laid by for the roads to dry. Feb. 28th resumed the march, and camped March 5th, on Big Pedee, three miles above Cheraw, having crossed several rivers, which had to be pontooned. On the 7th crossed the Big Pedee on pontoons, and on the llth passed through Fayetteville, N. C. Here was a rebel arsenal, which of course came to grief. A tug- boat comes up from Wilmington, On the 16th there was a gen- eral engagement by the cavalry of the 14th and 20th corps. Bat- tery I was in the front on the 18th, in line of battle, but the rebels fell back when the troops advanced. On the 19th the enemy was found in strong force, under Johnson, who attacked the advance of the 14th corps strongly, and compelled them to fall back, when the union lines of battle were soon formed and met the enemy, at- tacking with all his force. The 20th corps came up to the support of the 14th, and the rebels were handsomely repulsed. Battery I had a good position, and did some good shooting. March 25th in line of battle again, but not much fighting. The rebels seem to have got satisfied, and on the 22d were not visible. This was the battle of Bentonville. The march was then resumed with 2d division of 14th corps, battery I in advance. The 24th corps came up here from Wil- mington, who thought Sherman's men a pretty hard looking set* No wonder, the boys had not had much time to make their toilets. They were well smoked up with the pine knots with which they made their coffee, and many were ragged and barefoot. They pass on through Goldsboro, where they stop a few days to get supplies, and here they get a mail, and Lieut. Rich gets his commission as captain of the battery. Here April 6th, the boys got the news from Richmond. Wan't 436 HISTORY OF there a hurrah ! April 10th, on again, with some skirmishing, to Smithfield, the evening of the llth. Next day, hear still better news. On the 13th passed through Raleigh, making a fine march through the city, and went into camp the 15th at Avery's Ferry. Here the famous negotiations of Sherman with Johnson, were had. On the 18th came the shocking news of the assassination. April 20th Johnson surrendered, and on the 21st, division marched to Holly Springs. Here the battery was recruited by a one thousand- dollar-bounty man. May 1st, start on again for Washington, on a race with the 20th corps, and on the 7th reached Richmond 190 miles in seven days said to be the best marching on record. On the 8th camped near Richmond, and having no further use for ammunition it was buried. On the llth resumed march to Washington, which was reached in time to join in the grand re- view of Sherman's army, by the President, Grant and others. Marched via White House, Capitol, Pennsylvania avenue, and re- turned to former camp. May 25th left camp, passed through Washington, and camped about three miles from the city. May 29th got news of Kirby Smith's surrender, which finished up the Confederacy. May 30th turned over the guns and harness, horses, &c., to the proper departments at the arsenal. The men visit the city and see the " lions;" and June 1st start home, via Baltimore and Ohio railroad . Arrived at Springfield the 7th and went into barracks at Camp Butler, and were soon busy making out the last pay, and muster-out .rolls. On the 13th were paid off and discharged ; and those who had been soldiers for the last four years and more, are citizens again ; and those who had been in such close companionship through so many marches, stood shoul- der to shoulder through so many battles now bid each other good-bye, often with a tear, and scatter to their several homes, to see the friends from whom they have been separated through the long and weary years. Battery I was in the service three years, eight months and six- teen days. It would be impossible to give the number of miles it marched during the time. It was only once absent from the field of active operations, when veteranizing and recruiting, previ- ous to the Atlanta campaign. In the course of its history, it visi- BARNETT'S BATTERY. 437 ted ten of the southern and southwestern states ; Florida and Texas being the only rebel states that did not get a taste of its mettle and metal. The battery was of course often recruited, and the places of the disabled supplied by details from infantry regiments; and only about fifty men of the original roster returned with the battery. Several of the members of the battery are now in Joliet, quietly pursuing the ordinary avocations of life, making no boast of their services, and in no way reminding the public, that four of the best years of their lives were given to save the onion, and keep back the invaders from our homes. 438 BRIEF MENTION OF CAVALRY CHAPTER XII. BRIEF MENTION OF CAVALRY AND OTHER REGI- MENTS. Fourth Cavalry Eighth Cavalry Thirteenth Cavalry Third Cavalry Sixth Cavalry Ninth Cavalry Tenth Cavalry Fifteenth Cavalry Chicago Mercantile Battery Bolton's Battery Two Stories Battery C, 1st Artillery Battery G, 1st Artillery Battery M, 1st Artillery Coggswell Battery- Battery G, 2d Artillery Lockport Artillery Company 72d Infantry Co. I, 46th Infantry 88th Infantry How Some Families were Represented. | [HE record of the brave troopers of Will county will have to be a brief one. We begin with THE FOURTH CAVALRY, known from its first colonel, and most active organizer, the present supreme judge of this district, as " Dickey's Cavalry." In this regiment our county had four commissioned officers and about one hundred and fifty men. The regiment was organized in Ottawa, in the fall of 1861. Captain John H. Felter, of Lockport, commenced raising Company D, in August 1861, and obtained about one hundred volunteers in this county. We had also fifteen men in Co. C, and a few in other companies. A re- ference to the muster roll in PART FOUR, will show the names and history of officers and privates. We cannot go into so minute a history of this regiment, as we should be glad to do. Its active career commenced with Grant's advance on Columbus, January 1862, and on Fort Henry in February, when a detachment under command of the lamented Lt. Col. Wm. McCullough, pursued the enemy and captured many prisoners, and several cannon, having several killed and wounded. AND OTHER REGIMENTS. 439 The next day, the regiment under Col. Dickey, made a reconnois- ance to the railroad bridge above the fort, capturing prisoners and securing valuable information. On the day before the general ad- vance on Fort Donaldson, it made a reconnoisance to the vicinity of that fort, capturing some of the enemy's pickets, and getting a view of the situation. It took an active part in the battle which resulted in getting possession of the fort. It was then engaged in reconnoitering until the battle of Shiloh, in which it was actively engaged both days. It also had a brisk engage- ment with the enemy's cavalry on the day subsequent to the gen- eral battle, being brought into close combat with Forrest, in which he and many of his men were wounded. It was then active in the siege of Corinth, and after the evacuation, pursued the rebels as far as Holly Springs. From this until November 1862, it was on duty as scouts in western Tennessee and northen Mississippi, un- der Generals Logan and Sherman. In December it was in Grant's advance into Mississippi, being continually engaged from Holly Springs to Coffeeville. At the latter place our forces got into a tight place and had to retreat, and two squadrons of the 4th cavalry were left in the rear to delay the advance of the ene- my. The rebs however came on in great force, and a severe con- flict ensued, and our forces stubbornly resisted the enemy, greatly superior in numbers. Col. McCullough of Bloomington, was killed, 13 were wounded and missing. The latter part of the month, it, with others, pursued Van Dorn in his course through Mississippi to Tennessee, and back again to Pontetoc, Miss. We have elsewhere mentioned the fact that some Will county men were taken prisoners. In one place we have made an error, in stating that it occurred at the time Col. McCullough was killed. They were captured at Centerville, near Collier ville, Tenn., in January 1863. Co. C (27 men) had been sent out to reconnoiter, and on their return found themselves intercepted by a force of 72 rebel cavalry. Though greatly out-numbered, our boys gave them fight; but the odds was too great. Four Kendall county men were killed, five others were wounded one of whom was Marion Cooper of Florence, who was wounded severely. Thirteen, includ- ing the wounded, were taken prisoners. Four of these, John Avery, Henry Benner, Marion Cooper and John Massey, were Will 440 BRIEF MENTION OF CAVALRY county men. The prisoners were at once taken on a fast gallop about eight miles, when they were dismounted, and searched and robbed of everything valuable. They were then taken eight miles farther to a plantation near Hernando. Here they were cor- ralled in old negro quarters for the night. The owner of the plantation was a physician and he paid some attention to the wounded, dressing the wounds with tallow from a candle. The weather was very cold, and the boys had to take off their over- coats to keep the wounded from freezing. Next morning those who were not wounded were taken on toward Jackson, Miss. The wounded were soon after rescued by our forces. At Grenada the prisoners were brought before Gen. Tighlman, who happened to be pretty drunk. He ordered the men put in irons, but the order was subsequently countermanded, and they were held as prisoners of war at Jackson, Miss., until April 1st, when they were parolled and sent to New Orleans. From this time until August 1863, the regiment was on scouting duty in Tennessee and Mississippi, and in September went by steamer to Vicksburg, and was with McPherson in his reconnoisance toward Canton, in October 1863, Co. D, and details from other companies were with Sherman in his great raid on Meridian, a full account of which is given in our history of the 20th 111. Infantry, in which the Will county company was at- tached to the same brigade. It afterwards moved to Natchez, and was on scouting duty until October 1864, when the non- veterans embarked for Springfield for muster out, leaving about 500 veterans and recruits in the field, from whom five new com- panies were organized, which remained in service until 1866. About ten of our Will county men were discharged for promotion in colored regiments, and to enter the naval service. As will be seen by reference to PART FOUR, we lost nine men in this regi- ment, one of whom died at Richmond while prisoner. EIGHTH CAVALRY. No regiment has a more brilliant record than the 8th cavalry. This regiment was mostly raised in the Fox River Valley, its organization taking place at St. Charles. It was popularly known AND OTHER REGIMENTS. 441 as " Farnsworth's Cavalry," from its first colonel, the Hon. John F. Farnsworth, of St. Charles. Our present worthy governor was a major in this regiment. Will county claims a share in the glory of its achievements, being represented in it by four commis- sioned officers and ninety-eight enlisted men. Alvin P. Granger, of Homer, a son of Alanson G., one of the old and well known residents of that town, was a first lieutenant in company F, and during a portion of his time of service, served on the staffs of Generals Keyes and Pleasanton. Another son of Alanson Granger, Albert L., was a private in this company, until discharged for promotion in a colored regiment. . John A. Kinley, Wheatland, who had just graduated at one of our leading universities, enlisted as private Co. K, and was pro- moted sergeant, then 2d lieutenant, and (September 18, 1864) captain. Harley J. Ingersoll, of Plainfield, also entered Co. K as pri- vate, and was promoted sergeant, then lieutenant, and also captain after the resignation of Kinley. George W. Flagg, of Plainfield was a lieutenant in the same company at its organization, but resigned in January 1862. In company E we had three enlisted men ; in Co. F fifty- three men, (mostly from the eastern part of the county); in Co. K thirty-nine men, (mostly from Plainfield and Wheatland) and in Co. L three men. Our county lost eleven men in this regiment. One of them was Orland Hewes, of a well-known Crete family, who is reported in Dr. Hard's book, as being captured in a brisk little fight near Culpepper, Va., in Nov. 1863, and dying in Andersonville. This, however, is an error. He was killed on the spot, Serg't Willis J. Cook, of the same ( four ' states that he fell against his horse, and that he helped to bury him on the spot where he fell. Charles A. Hill, one of our well known lawyers was a private in Co. K, until discharged for promotion as a lieutenant in a colored regiment, in which he was subsequently promoted captain. We shall not go into a detailed history of this regiment, or even give an abstract of its movements. Happily there is no need, for its history has been ably and minutely written by Dr. Abner Hard, 56 442 BRIEF MENTION OF CAVALBY of Aurora, its surgeon throughout its entire service. It must suf- fice to say that it commenced its career of active service in Wash- ington, in October 1861, and continued to be actively engaged, except on veteran furlough, all through the war, its last service being rendered in searching for the assassins of President Lincoln. It became perhaps the most celebrated cavalry regiment in the Po- tomac army, and its record is a glorious one. We abstract from Dr. Hard's history, one incident relating to a Will county man : After the second battle of Malvern Hill occurred the memor- able retreat from Harrison's Landing, in which the 8th cavalry were rear guard. Just as they were leaving, Sergt. Kinley played a conspicuous part in an enterprise which was not ordered. A little below the landing was a plantation of a wealthy old rebel of the name of Hill Carter. He had two sons in the rebel army, and yet such was the policy of the general in command that the old rebel was furnished with guards to protect his well-filled corn- cribs from our soldiers, although our horses were starving for the want of rations. This way of treating rebels was of course highly disgusting to the boys of Farns worth's abolition regiment, who in their simplicity thought the old reb. should be made to contribute to the support of the government he and his sons were trying to destroy. Some of them, under the leadership of Kinley, deter- mined not to leave the place without making Old Carter contri- bute something to the cause. Accordingly when the " change of base " was entered upon and the guards withdrawn, Kinley and a squad of the boys called on Carter and told him that movements were in progress, which would make it necessary that he and all his men should remain in the house during the night, and that the first one that showed his head out of doors would be shot. Carter remonstrated, but Kinley told him that the order was im- perative. The old man had to yield to the necessity, and Sergt. Kinley then placed sentinels to see that the orders were obeyed. As soon as it was fully dark, the boys went into Carter's stables and took therefrom three of his best horses, with which they got safely off and joined the retreating army. Next Spring one of Carter's sous was captured by the 8th cavalry, and the boys had the satisfaction of assuring him that his father's horses were still AND OTHER REGIMENTS. 443 in the regiment, and were rendering Uncle Sam good service. Strange to say he did seem much gratified thereat. While lieutenant of the company, Kinley was wounded near Urbana, Md., July 9th, 1864, when the regiment was up the Potomac trying to head off Lee's invasion. Col. Clendenning with three companies of the regiment was falling back through Urbana closely followed by a full regiment of rebel cavalry. But the boys of the 8th gave the rebels such a reception that they fell back with the loss of their flag and its bearer. In this skirmish Kinley received a severe wound, a rebel bullet lodging near his heart. Sergeant Richard C. Vinson, of Wheatland, fell mortally wounded in an engagement with Imboden's rebel infantry, during the pursuit of Lee's army after the battle of Gettysburg. Surgeon Hard says : " Vinson was calm and composed, and met his fate in a soldier-like manner. A better or more noble soldier could not be found in the army." He died at Boonsboro, July 6th. Sergeant Holmes, of Co. G, 100th Infantry, first enlisted in this regiment, but having the misfortune to get gobbled up when on a reconnoisance, he was parolled and got his discharge, and when released joined the 100th. THIRTEENTH CAVALRY. Our next largest representation in the cavalry regiments was in the 13th, in which we had five commissioned officers and sixty- five enlisted men. These were principally in companies C and F. Those in Co. C were from the town of Monee, and were nearly all of German nationality. Adam Sachs, of Monee, was captain of the company until its consolidation, and Adolph Schule of the same place, 2d lieutenant. Company F was known as Danforth's company, and was raised in Joliet and vicinity by the efforts of Dr. Danforth, its first cap- tain, Ira D. Swain 1st lieutenant, and E. Grundy 2d sergeant Dr. Edwin R. Willard, of Wilmington, served as surgeon after consolidation. We lost eight men in this regiment. One of this number was by a melancholy accident, while the company was at Ironton, Mo. A volley of thirteen guns had been ordered in re- 444 BRIEF MENTION OF CAVALRY spect to the memory of Gen. C. F. Smith, who had lately died. Four men were detached for this duty, among them Henry R. Aulsbrook, of Plainfield, who acted as rammer. While ramming down the fifth cartridge, the gun was prematurely discharged, ter- ribly mangling the poor boy who lingered in great agony for a few hours, when death came to his relief. He was one of the best men in the company, and his death gave the boys a shock from which they did not soon recover. The shock was no less felt at Plainfield where his parents resided, and where the young man had grown up from infancy beloved and respected. Another good soldier and valuable young man which our county lost in this company was Wm. M. Radcliff, whose aged parents still reside in Joliet. At the time of his enlistment he was in the employ of Bush & Bros., by whom he was highly prized. He was chosen 1st corporal of the company and served with it through its marches and skirmishes through Missouri and Arkansas, and was taken sick at Helena, from which place he was sent to hospital at St. Louis, where he died October 30th, 1862. He was a mem- ber of the Baptist Church, Joliet. Besides the regiments named, our county had in the THIRD CAVALRY seventeen men from various parts of the county, four of whom died in the service, one of whom, Geo. F. Johnson, of New Lenox, was drowned. This regiment closed up its services by an expedition into the Indian country after the war had closed. In the SIXTH CAVALRY our county had seven men, six of whom were our German citizens from Monee, two of whom died in the harness. In the NINTH CAVALRY our county had one commissioned officer and about fifty enlisted men. Sidney O. Roberts, of the town of Dupage, was 1st lieutenant of Co. G. The enlisted men were principally in companies B and D, and largely from the town of Crete, and of German nationality. We lost six men in this regiment. In the TENTH CAVALRY we had one commis- sioned officer, Lieut. Herman B. Hoffman, of Joliet, and fourteen enlisted men, all from the town of Channahon. Two died in the service. In the ELEVENTH CAVALRY we had nine recruits. In the TWELFTH CAVALRY we had 16 enlisted men, three of whom lost their lives. In the FOURTEEFTH CAVALRY we had four men, AND OTHER REGIMENTS. 445 one of whom was George F. Codding, of Lockport, who was cor- poral, and George H. Mason; of Lockport, who was killed at Boddy Station, Tenn., Dec. 14th, 1863. Another valuable young man lost to Lockport and Will county. In the FIFTEENTH CAV- ALRY we had nine enlisted men. This was one of the dragoon companies attached to the 36th 111. infantry, raised in the Fox river valley. Thomas C. Pennington, of Wilmington, (son of our present deputy U. S. Collector) who was attending school at the time, enlisted in Co. K, veteranized and was mustered out as quartermaster-sergeant of 10th cavalry, consolidated. Samuel H. Whited, of Scott street, Joliet, who had previously enlisted in the Mechanic Fusileers, an organization that was dis- banded ; was also a member of Co. L of this regiment, although he had to forget about ten years of his life in order to get mus- tered in. But these ten years only the better qualified him to en- dure hardness as a good trooper. We had a few men in other cavalry regiments whose names will be found in PART FOUR. CHICAGO MERCANTILE BATTERY. Our county had a respectable represention in this battery re- spectable both in numbers and in character. This representation was mostly from the city of Lockport. In the fall of 1872, seven- teen young men from the substantial families of that place, to- gether with one each from Joliet and Wilmington, enlisted at the organization of the battery. Subsequently our county also fur- nished seventeen recruits, fourteen of whom were also from Lock- port. Two of the original members from Lockport held the rank of sergeant, and one that of corporal. A reference to the muster roll in the latter part of this work will show the names and mili- tary record of all. This battery rendered efficient service to the Union cause. It went first to Memphis, where it joined the expedition under Sher- man to Oxford, Miss., which drove the rebels from that place. It next went with Sherman in the first attack on Vicksburg, en- countering the discomforts of the Yazoo swamps for a week, and taking part in the desperate but unsuccessful assault on Chicka- saw Bluffs. It next took part in the expedition to Arkansas 446 BRIEF MENTION OF CAVALRY Post, and was actively engaged in the battle of the llth and 12th of January, which resulted in the rebel surrender. The battery received on this occasion the public thanks of Gen. Osterhaus. It went subsequently to Young's Point, opposite Vicksburg, where it remained until spring. Thence it moved to Milliken's Bend, from which it started with Grant's expedition against Vicks- burg. Crossing the river at Bruin sburg, it was the same day in the battle of Magnolia Hills. It took part in the battle of Champion Hills on the 16th, and Black River Bridge on the 17th of May. It then bore an active and honorable part in the memorable seige which terminated in the surrender of Vicksburg, July 4th. On the 22d of May, two guns were pushed within twenty-five feet of the enemy's works, and with only a storming party for support, held their position, keep- ing up a continuous fire until darkness compelled them to retire. For this and their general conduct during the seige, the battery received honorable mention in the report of Gen. McClernand. On the 5th of July it went with Gen. Sherman's expedition against Jackson, Miss., and was engaged seven days in the seige of that place. Returning to Vicksburg, it left that place August 30th, for New Orleans, as part of Gen. Franklin's expedition up the Bayou Teche. Returning to New Orleans, it embarked on the steamer St. Mary, for Texas. It reached La Croix where it remained until March, when it returned to Berwick's Bay, and formed part of the 13th army corps under Gen. Benson, accom- panying Gen. Banks' cotton expedition up the Red River. This expedition, successful in its beginning, terminated in partial dis- aster, in which the Chicago Mercantile Battery was involved. In the action known as that of Sabine Cross Roads, it lost all of its guns. No dishonor, however, was attached to the battery. It lost two officers and two men killed ; five wounded, and two officers and nineteen men captured. Among the prisoners were four of the Lockport men, viz : John W. Arnold, Sanford L. Parker, Amos Burdick and Walter H. Felter. These were all taken to Tyler, Texas, and confined in the prison pen known as Camp Ford, a stockade of about eight acres, where they endured the usual treatment of our men in southern prisons, a little better per- haps than that which was administered at Andereonville. One of AND OTHER REGIMENTS. 447 the number, Walter H. Felter, died there, a victim to southern hospitality. The rest endured the discomforts of prison life, dur- ing fourteen months, until peace brought their release. In this stockade were confined about forty-five hundred men, about one- fourth of the number under shelter, the rest being compelled to content themselves with the sky only for a covering. All the usual cruelties of short rations, insufficient clothing, robbery and brutality, shooting on the dead line, etc., obtained. Arnold suc- ceeded in making his escape, but after three weeks of hiding, was retaken. After this expedition, the battery returned toN. O. April 26th, where it remained until Nov. 20th when it went with Gen. David- son for Baton Rouge, and then to Pascagoula, on the Gulf Coast, where it aided in diverting reinforcements to the confederates at Mobile. In June 8th, 1865, it was mustered out of service at New Orleans. When the war broke out Mr. Fenn, (who by the way is, or rather was, an Englishman he is now an American ) was in New Orleans, and was forced into a rebel camp, preparatory to be- ing put into the ranks. Fortunately, while engaged upon a ferry boat, he had rescued from drowning, the child of a very influential citizen, who having learned of his arrest, effected his release, and with the aid of the British consul, he succeeded in getting out of the city, and after many tribulations into our lines, and on reach- ing Lockport, his former residence, he at once enlisted. For further particulars in reference to individuals see PART FOUR. BATTERY L, SECOND ILL. ARTILLERY BOLTON'S BATTERY. In this battery our county had eighteen men. One of these, Dan'l H. Pierce, of Plainfield, became 1st lieutenant, and Julius D. Roberts, of Plainfield, and Levi B. Wightman, of Wheatland, became 2d lieutenants in the battery. The two last were corporals in McAllister's battery in the three months' service. Lieut. Pierce and privates Freelove and Bond had also been privates in the same. Corporal Newton A. Hill was one of the young men in- jured by the premature discharge of McAllister's gun in the sena- 448 BRIEF MENTION OF CAVALRY torial campaign of 1858, and is a brother of Lieut. F. Hill, so severely wounded at Vicksburg, as related in the history of McAl- lister's Battery. The names of the other members of the battery will be found in their proper place in PART FOUR. We cannot of course go into a detailed history of this battery. Its career was an honorable one, and its services were rendered in the south west. Beginning with the battle of Shiloh, it partici- pated in the seige of Corinth, moved thence to Memphis in Sher- man's command, and occupied that city in Aug.. 1862. In October it was in the engagement at Noncomo creek. It was selected by Gen. Hurlburt to open the attack in the battle of the Hatchie, in which it captured a rebel battery and a stand of colors. A hill known as the " Hill of Metamora," was the key to the position and the commanding point of the field. A rebel battery, and battery L, simultaneously moved on the double quick to get it. Bolton's battery succeeded gained the hill, and forthwith opened on the rebel battery before they could unlimber all their guns, and drove the men from it, and all their supports. Maj. Campbell, acting chief of artillery for the division, came up and said, " You have shot down the enemy's colors." After getting back to Bolivar, the colors were presented to the battery by Gen. Hurlburt before the whole division drawn up in a hollow square. It marched with Grant in his campaign through Mississippi, being in Logan's di- vision. After the destruction of Holly Springs by Van Dora, it returned to Memphis, and then accompanied Grant's army to Lake Providence and Milliken's Bend, and was engaged in the move- ments around Vicksburg and in the seige was forty seven days in the trenches. After the surrender of Vicksburg it was in Gen. Leggett's campaign in Louisiana. It fought under McArthur at Benton and Gleasonville in June 1864, and in July under Slocum at Jackson and Clinton, Miss. From that time until mustered out, it was on garrison duty at Vicksburg. Our county lost three men in this battery. Freeman S. Gay, Jr., died in Louisiana August 30th, 1863. Jeremiah Downs, of Joliet, died at Vicksburg Octo- ber 18th, 1865, and Francis Fentiman, of Wheatland, died at Vicksburg June 14th, 1865. We can devote no more space to this battery except to tell a little story. After Grant had been compelled to take the back track in con- AND OTHER REGIMENTS. 449 sequence of Van Dorn's destructive raid on Holly Springs, where the accumulated stores of his army were destroyed, Logan's divi- sion fell back to La Grange. As is well known the loss of the stores at Holly Springs brought Grant's army to short rations, and in fact for a time to no rations. Under such circumstances of course every one was on the look-out for something to satisfy the demands of an empty stomach, and as it often happened, the boys did not wait to be detailed before they went on a forage. When near La Grange a Dutchman in battery L a boy of 1 6, in years, but a man in sharpness and grit spied a handsome spotted cow in the bush near the place where the battery went into camp. Of course he went for her forthwith. With the ready aid of his comrades the cow was captured, slaughtered, skinned and dressed, and in due time also cooked and eaten, all secundum artem. Hav- ing claimed the hide as his perquisite by right of discovery, and the claim being conceded, he took it to a tannery near by. Now leather was a great want at the south, and hides brought ready money on sight, and Hans found the tanner eager to buy. Enter- ing the shop, Hans says : " You puys hides here ?" "Yes." " How much you give ?" " Three dollars, for good ones." " Vel, here pes a good one." " Throw it down and let me see it." Hans threw down the hide, and the man proceeded to spread it out on the floor. Suddenly he jumps up and breaks out in a towering rage " Thunder and lightning ! You d d Yankee thief! You have killed my old spotted cow, the last cow I had, and now you come and ask me to buy the hide ! D n you, get out of my shop, the hide's mine." The man was proceeding to appropriate the hide without fur- ther parley, but to this Hans was not at all prepared to assent, and! he says : " Halt ! halt ! hans off! hans off! May pe the cow vas yours, I don't know, it make no difference, that hide pe's mine, and you 57 450 BRIEF MENTION OF CAVALRY can't have him mitout you pay me tree dollar, and you must let him pe, or I shoots." As Hans suited his motions to his words, and as the man thought of the fact that a division of Yankees was near to back him up, he saw that it would be both useless and dangerous to in- sist upon his view of the equity of the case. So he paid Hans three dollars for the hide of his last cow, the old spotted cow that less than an hour before was quietly browsing in the brush. We must tell one more After the battle of Champion Hills in which this battery played a part, in pushing in toward Vicksburg the baggage and commissary wagons were left behind, and the boys were once more without rations, and after forty-eight hours' fasting got pretty faint and hungry. In such circumstances a soldier feels wolfish, and goes for whatever he can find. A raid was made by some bummer on a planter's smoke house, and a lot of bacon was se- cured. Of course he had to divide, and Corporal Hill getting a good slice, retired to a stump to enjoy it. Just then Gen. LOGAN happened to ride along, as hungry as a common man, and seeing Hill about to go at his " sow-belly," says : " Where did you get that ?" " Pulled it, of course." "Give me some, I'm so hungry I can't see." Hill divided with him, and he devoured it with a keen gusto, and like Oliver Twist, sighed for more ; but more was not to be had, and he rode on. Some hours after, Hill overtook Logan just as he had commenced on a chicken, which his servant had procured. As soon as Logan saw him he says, " Here, corporal, you divided your sow-belly with me, you shall have half of this chicken." FIRST ARTILLERY. In battery A we had one representative, Lemuel Mckerson, of Joliet, who died in this city from sickness brought on by exposure, August 23d, 1863. In battery C we had two men. These were James Leddy and Wm. O. L. Jewett. Both of these young men had been enlisted in other organizations early in the war. Jewett was in Co. E, 39th, AND OTHER REGIMENTS. 451 and was discharged on account of loss of health, in June, 1863. Mr. Leddy had been a member of Co. B, 100th regiment, and was also discharged for disability. At the time of their enlist- ment in battery C, (Houghtaling's battery) they were both stu- dents at law in the office of Judge Parks in Joliet. Having re- covered their healths they were unable to resist the impulse to join again in the work of saving the Union, and accordingly joined this battery as recruited in the fall of 1864, and shared in the march of Sherman from Atlanta (o Washington. Unwilling to lose what time the exigencies of the service might give them, they took along some of their text books, and thus after march- ing and fighting by day, read Chitty and Blackstone at night, by the light of pine knots, through Georgia and the Carolinas. In battery G we had one commissioned officer, 1st Lt. Donald Campbell, of Lockport, and six privates from the same place. In battery I, we had three representatives. One, James Bond, son of Mr. Samuel Bond of Joliet township, and a representative of the Signal office, and who, after serving out his time in the war with credit, and escaping all its casualties, was drowned a few years since in the Missouri river. In battery M, we had five representatives. This battery was attached to the same brigade with the 100th regiment in the At- lanta campaign, and we had occasion to speak of it in the history of that regiment, as firing the shot which terminated the earthly career of the Rev. Rebel Gen. Leonidas Polk. Magnus Tait of this township, was a sergeant in this battery who had the misfortune to get gobbled up when before Atlanta, and who was taken to Anderson ville. Some of my readers will re- member how he looked when he came home from that delightful southern residence, where according to Senator Hill, our boys ex- perienced the delights of southern hospitality, how he barely es- caped with life, aud how for a long time he hobbled about our streets on crutches. Charley Cope, who now works so quietly at manufacturing horse collars in the old stone block, Joliet, put in three years of his boyhood in this battery, being only nineteen when mustered out. Though brave even to recklessness, he came through with- 452 BRIEF MENTION OF CAVALRY out a scratch, although his hat and clothing often showed the marks of rebel skill in gunnery. George Carey of Plainfield, was an artificer in this battery, who still plies his vocation in that patriotic village, and is as plucky and patriotic as ever. SECOND ARTILLERY. In battery D we had one commissioned officer, Joseph Hock- man, of Lockport, 2d lieutenant, and seven enlisted men. In Coggswell battery we had one commissioned officer, Henry G. Eddy, of Lockport, of the famous * Hawley Battery ' in the three months' service, who still lives, and long may he wave. Also fifteen men and recruits. In battery G, 2d artillery, we claim one representative, H. B. Scutt, of Joliet. LOCKPORT ARTILLERY COMPANY. Although this company was never mustered into the service of the United States, and therefore makes no figure in the adjutant general's report, and although it never came into actual conflict with the armed hordes of treason, yet, inasmuch as it rendered valuable service to the country, at a critical period of our history, it is entitled to honorable mention in the war record of Will county. This company was organized as an amateur battery under the State Militia law, some three or four years before the war, and was supplied by the state with one cannon. When the crisis came in the spring of 1861, it was called upon by Gov. Yates, to go to Cairo, and assist in the armed occupation of that point, as we have related in our record of home events. The company consisting of the persons named below, and possi- bly of some others whose names have been forgotten, went to Cairo, April 22d, 1861, where they were joined by other men who had gathered there from various parts of the state. The bat- tery was immediately placed on duty by Gen. Prentiss, then in command. It has the honor of placing the first gun in position for the defence of that place. They assisted in the blockade of the river, stopping all boats from that time on. Among others the AND OTHER REGIMENTS. 453 steamer Hillman bound down from St. Louis, was intercepted and found to have a cargo of contraband goods a large lot of revolv- ers packed in butter firkins and marked " choice butter." This company mounted the guns in Fort PrentisB, and was placed in command of the fort under Lieut. Eddy, by Gen. Wagner, chief of artillery. The battery remained at Cairo until the 6th of Au- gust, when it was disbanded, its term of service having more than expired. Many of the members entered other organizations in the three years' service: Lieut. Eddy became 1st Lieutenant in Coggswell's battery. We give below the names of the Lockport men : Captain N. L. Hawley; 1st. Lieut. H. G. Eddy, entered Coggswell's battery; 2d Lieut J. W, Herron ; Ord. Serg't Wm. E. Codding; Serg't Donald Campbell, entered battery G, 1st artillery, 1st lieutenant ; Serg't. Joseph Hockman, entered battery D, 2d artillery, 2d lieutenant; Serg't. Sanford L. Parker, entered Mercantile Battery. Privates John Harmon, John Shaw, Patrick McBride, Chandler Heath, George Terry, Enoch Allen ; Martin Nierberg, entered battery D, 2d artillery ; John Biley, James Mc- Gregor, Michael Walter, John Thorn, entered D, 2d artillery ; Andrew Emery, Orrin Moon, entered Co. D 4th cavalry ; Charles Josenhans, en- tered battery D ; Florian Kenney and Samuel Cowell. SEVENTY-SECOND OR FIRST BOARD OF TRADE REGIMENT. Our county was represented in this regiment by twenty-seven men, at its original organization in the summer of 1862. These were mostly from the towns of DuPage and Channahon. We also furnished subsequently nine recruits. The following list of skirmishes and battles in which the regiment participated, is all we give of its history. The names of the men will be found in PART FOUR of this work : Clarkson, Mo., Horn Lake Creek, Champion Hills, Big Black, Seige of Vicksburg, St. Catherine's Creek, Miss., Cross Bayou, La., Benton, Miss., Grand Gulf, Columbia, Tenn., Spring Hill, Franklin, Nashville, Spanish Fort, Ala., Blakeley. We lost eight men in this regiment. Corp. J. B. Willis, of Channahon, was discharged for promotion in a colored regiment. One man, Corp. Stephen H. L. Hurd, of Channahon, had a taste of the delights of Anderson ville. 454 BRIEF MENTION OF CAVALRY COMPANY I, FORTY-SIXTH INFANTRY. This company was mainly raised in the town of Plainfield. The " Patriotism of Illinois " credits it entirely to another county, but it was always known as the Plainfield company, and that pa- triotic town must not be cheated out of its due share of the glory won by this regiment, although we cannot go into its history in detail. The regiment has a brilliant record. It commenced its active career at Donaldson, where it was in Gen. Lew. Wallace's command. It took a heroic part at Shiloh, being in Gen. Hurl- burt's division, and losing in killed and wounded more than one half of the men engaged. The Plainfield company lost four men killed, from this county. One of those was Sergt. John Collins, who was the first captain of the Plainfield Battery before the war. He was a brave soldier and efficient officer. He was wounded and being carried off the field, when he was struck by a cannon ball which carried off his head putting him beyond the help of the surgeon. W. H. H. Norris of the same company was one of the men who was carrying him off the field, and was killed by the same shot. Frank Arter and Frank P. Marcy were also killed in this battle. The regiment participated in the movement on Corinth, and was in many active campaigns and battles up to and including the seige of Vicksburg, and contributed its full share in giving to Gen. Hurlburt's division the name of the " Fighting Fourth." It shared in the battle of the Hatchie, supporting Bol- ton's battery. In this action it lost its colonel, John A. Davis. While on the way to Vicksburg five companies were captured while on out-post duty, the remainder shared in the seige. The remnant veteranized and recruited in January 1864, and subse- quently participated in the operations of the army in the south in Louisiana and Alabama. I find the following, respecting the Plainfield company in a paper of the time : " July 12th, 1864, were in the rear of Yicksburg and had a little battle, and got worsted for the first time. Commenced skir- mishing with the rebels the 14th of July and kept it* up till the 7th, when the enemy being reinforced gave us battle. It com- AND OTHER REGIMENTS. 455 menced in the morning and lasted until the middle of the after- noon, when the 64th was compelled to fall back to save the wagon trains. The rebels followed and made a charge to take two can- non, but the regiment met them with fixed bayonets, and drove them back, killing many and taking many prisoners. Every one of the Plainfield boys were in the fight, and not one flinched an inch. First Sergeant Henry G. Kennelly was in command of the company and was slightly wounded. Jacob Scott was taken pris- oner. Three of the company were killed, but they were not from Will county." Our county lost seventeen in this company, among them Corp'l David B. Rossiter, from one of the old Plainfield families^ who died in New Orleans near the close of the war. Having gone through the entire war, including the three months' service in McAllister's Battery, he left the fruits of his toils and sufferings to be enjoyed by others. The other deaths will be learned by reference to the list of men, to be found in its proper place. We had three commissioned officers and fifty-five enlisted men in the company. EIGHTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT. In the EIGHTY- EIGHTH REGIMENT our county had three com- missioned officers and twelve enlisted men. The original captain of Co. E, (Holden Guards,) was Levi P. Holden, from one of our old well-known Frankfort families, who was afterward promoted major of the regiment. Sergt. John H. Reynolds, who died in Nashville in January 1863, was also from a well-known Hickory Creek family, and brother of Gen. Reynolds, of the 64th. The movements of this regiment were almost identical with those of the 100th, from the battle of Perryville to the close of the war. In the Atlanta campaign it was in the same corps, and so continued through. Our county had many men scattered through various other regi- ments, whose names and military record, so far as we have obtained it, will be found in PART FOUR. Some families of our county were largely represented in the 456 BRIEF MENTION OF CAVALRY, ETC. union ranks, sending from two to four men, Others sent their only sons, and in other cases the head of the family, and only male representative of sufficient age, entered the ranks. We had intended to call attention to these instances, but our limits will not admit mention of more than one or two. Alexander Ferguson, of Channahon, had three sons in the army. Two of these were in the 113th Illinois Infantry. One of these (Daniel) lost a leg at Arkansas Post. The other (Alexander) enlisted while under the age of sixteen, and came out a captain in a colored regiment. Another son (William) was temporarily re- siding at Houston, Texas, at the opening of the rebellion, and was forced into the rebel ranks. . Being stationed at Galveston, he with others, managed to escape in a boat, and was picked up by one of our blockading vessels and sent to New Orleans. He then en- listed in Battery D, U. S. Artillery, and served bravely, being promoted corporal. In an expedition toward Richmond, his left leg was carried away by a solid shot, which resulted in his death at Hampton, Va., Dec. 10th, 1864, at the age of twenty-two. His remains sleep at Channahon. Mr. Mulliken, of Crete, sent three boys to the war, one of whom, (James M.) died in the rebel prison pen in Danville, Va. We should be glad to call attention to other instances, but must leave them to be found by an examination of the muster roll. PART THIRD. PRISON EXPERIENCES, DEATH RECORD, AND BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. CHAPTER I. PRISON EXPERIENCES. A journey to, and a peep into Libby, by Surgeon Woodruff Who he Found, and What he Saw There Suffering and Death of Hugh Bolton at An- dersonville Barton Smith Walters Thomas De Line Henry C. Noble- List of those who Died in Prison from Will county. [EN our regiment went into action on the afternoon of Sept. 19th, I accompanied them to the field in charge of the ambulances of the brigade ; and I had hardly time to get them into position before the brigade was engaged, and the wounded began to come back. The division hospital was near Crawfish Springs, (between one and two miles distant on our right, and I was busily engaged until a late hour at night. After dark when the firing had ceased, we made several excursions in front of the line, finding many wounded and dead. About midnight the last trip was made, and I staid at the hospital till the morning of the 20th, when I was assigned to hospital duty for that day. Soon orders came for all that could be transported to be sent into Chattanooga, and the ambulances and wagons were filled, and all wounded who were able to walk, accompanied the train. This and other orders soon satisfied us that our forces were falling back. Those remaining who were too badly wounded for removal were fixed up as comfortable as possible. We were quite well pro- 58 458 PRISON EXPERIENCES. vided with tents and hospital stores, the medical purveyor of the corps having left a tent full near by, which we took charge of. There remained with us as hospital attendants : O. P. Stumph, steward ; F. W. Calkins, cook ; W. Newberry, " C ;' Wm. M, King, " K;" John Cotton, " H ; " Erastus Rudd," K ;" George Mc- Intyre "B;" James F. Ladrew, " H ;" G. W. Hill/'D;" Eugene Sly," C;" George Pickles, " E ;" Anson Dodge, " C ; " Wm. Peters, "C." We had thirty one wounded men from the 100th. We con- cealed a good many hospital stores, putting bottles of Morphine, Quinine, etc., in the beds of the patients, and burying others, and made other preparations for capture. It is not to be denied that our feelings were a little depressed, not to say anxious, when we saw the rear guard of our cavalry pass from sight, facing towards Chattanooga. They were soon followed by the enemy. They were not very discourteous, not near as much so as we feared. They were feeling in high spirits, being highly elated at their suc- cess, and said they had us now, and would drive us north of the Tennessee, or capture the whole Yankee army. They took pos- session of my horse and equipments with little ceremony, includ- ing my sash, the badge of my rank, which was confiscated by a rebel surgeon. I remonstrated, claiming that the rules of war ex- empted myself and property from seizure. But they had the con- venient plea that the northern government had first violated the rules, and that all the medical officers and hospital attendants would be held as ordinary prisoners of war. And we were so held, being at first paroled to report at Atlanta, when we should be relieved from the charge of our wounded. It was hard parting with my horse, my faithful " old whitey " that once roamed the pastures around Joliet ; that kind, faithful, gentle old companion, that had borne me all through the weary campaigns since leaving Louisville more than one long year be- fore ; who shared with me the discomforts of rain, wind, snow and cold, short rations, and the perils of Stone River. I am not ashamed to own that I could not bid him good-bye without a tear ; and that the thought that henceforth he would be left to the " ten- der mercies of the wicked," and compelled to serve the enemies of my country, was bitter indeed. PRISON EXPERIENCES. 459 During the afternoon a party of rebel officers came to the steward's tent and demanded whisky. I denied having any ex- cept a little that was needed for our wounded. He replied that he did not care for that. Gen. Hood was wounded, and he must have it in spite of all the " d d yankees." One of the party then introduced him, saying, " Doctor, this is General Terry, of Cali- fornia." Without thought, I replied, " What ! the man that mur- dered Broderick ?" The general drew himself up and replied, " I shot Mr. Broderick in a duel." The situation was rather embar- rassing, and I was willing to obtain his absence by giving him a bottle. The balance of the party staid some time, hoping to find more, but they were unsuccessful, although there was a camp ket- tle full in the tent, and more hid in the bushes. Here we remained until the 1st of October. Rations were short. We received a few from the rebel quartermaster. The boys fixed up a barrel on wheels, and with a convalescent mule used to carry the water from the springs. One of our wounded, Van H. Perkins, of Co. E, died while there. On the 1st, a train of ambulances came and took the wounded into Chattanooga, and thus was severed the last link that bound us to the old hundredth, and to the old flag. On the 2d the rest of us reported at headquarters at the Springs, when the enlisted men were started off for Ringgold, and we saw some of them no more. They were consigned to a fate, beside which ours was a happy one. The officers awaited transportation, which had been promised, but no transportation came, and we too fell into line, and started on the march, carrying such baggage as the rebs had left us. At Lee and Gordon's mills we hired a citizen to carry our baggage for us, paying him $50 Confederate currency. There were forty - five medical officers in the party. We reached Binggold about 8 p. m., and were put in a room that had been used as a hospital> but which was clean, and had bunks and straw. There we staid until about 4 p. m., of the 3d, when we were loaded in box cars and started for Atlanta. The train laid over all night at Dalton. The cars were very crowded and uncomfortable. We reached Atlanta about 10 o'clock Sunday night (14th), and were marched out to the barracks or " prison pen." Up to this time we had not 460 PRISON EXPERIENCES. been under guard, as we were under parole, but now we realized fully that we were prisoners. The night was cold; there was no place to lie down except on the bare ground. After trying in vain to sleep for a couple of hours, I gave it up and wandered around the yard until morning. There were a half a dozen little fires of a couple of sticks each, and around them were huddled a miscellaneous collection of officers and men, " Fed." and " Con- fed," sick and wounded. In the enclosure were two houses prin- cipally occupied by our wounded. In one were two officers of our army, one a major and the other a lieutenant, wearing ball and chain, their offense being that they were natives of Atlanta, and had so far forgotten themselves as to be true to the Union Monday the sun shone so that during the day we were com- fortable so far as regards temperature, but we found the enclosure filled with another class of occupants, who were very attentive and made the situation lively; i. e. } "graybacks," the ground was liter- ally covered with them. It was my first personal experience with them, and I shall never forget the disgust I felt when, after much deferring, I finally had to join the rest, and strip off my clothing and engage in a hunt, and an indiscriminate slaughter; but I be- came accustomed ^to this kind of " skirmishing " before I saw northern soil again. The pen was enclosed by a high, close boarded fence, surrounded by a walk, where the guards kept watch. No one was allowed to approach within ten feet of the fence, that being the " dead line," and any unfortunate prisoner who might cross it, was fair game to lie shot, We staid there another night, and on the morning of the 6th we were aroused at 4 o'clock, shivered around the scanty fires, ate our limited breakfast, and then marched down town to the depot, where we waited some time. Quite a crowd of natives gathered around us quite exultant. We tried to buy morning papers, but their newsboys would not sell us any. We were loaded into box cars, but they had seats in them, and were quite comfortable, were attached to the regular passenger train, and made the 171 miles to Augusta in eleven hours. We passed through several fine towns. At one I asked a citizen at the depot what it was. He said " Greensboro." I told him it PRISON EXPERIENCES. 461 was quite well known once at the North, from having been the seat of the " Bank of Greensboro " of " Wild Cat " memory. " Yes/' said he, " it was a d d Yankee concern." We halted about 3 p. m. at " Thompson's," and were permitted to leave the cars, and go to dinner at the hotel, and eat the last " square meal " we were to have for some time. One or two Confederate officers at first ob- jected to our being allowed to eat at the same, table with Southern gentlemen, but others silenced them and we remained. We arrived at Augusta after dark, and it was found that the railroad had not the cars necessary to forward us on that night, and we were quartered in a building that had been used as a slave pen, but it was tolerably clean and sheltered us from the cold. In the morning a wash at the pump gave us an appetite for our breakfast, after which we went into the yard to gaze, and be gazed at. We purchased a wagon-load of sweet potatoes at six dollars (Confed.) a bushel, and these were our principal diet until we reached Richmond. About 9| we fell into line, and marched to the S. Carolina depot. In doing so we passed through several of the principal streets, which were very fine, wide and handsomely shaded. Many ladies were out, some very handsome ones, but of course they had naught but looks of scorn and hate for the " in- vaders of sacred soil." Occasionally an old negro " auntie " would say, " God bless you, honies." After waiting an hour or so we were taken across the Savan- nah River on to the soil of South Carolina, and bivouacked on a hill, when we had an opportunity to wash up, cook and enjoy our- selves generally. Negro hucksters were permitted to come into camp, and we purchased bread, persimmons, muscadines, etc., and really passed a pleasant day. About 4 p. m., we again started, and until dark could see swamps of Carolina Cypress, Bay, and other treea and plants, that were new to most of us. We were in ordinary freight cars with- out seats and pretty crowded. During the night we passed at some station two trains of soldiers going to the front. Ladies were out with torches, etc., bidding them good-bye. At daylight we were within a couple of miles of Columbia. The train stopped, and we got out and cooked our breakfast, and about seven o'clock a passenger train came out and took us into Columbia, when we 462 PRISON EXPEEIENCES. marched to the depot of the Charlotte railroad, where the officers were given passenger cars. We made the run to Charlotte, a dis- tance of 110 miles, arriving at dark. Here we staid that night, as the railroad had no cars ready. We camped in an open field. The night was cold. The next day all the officers were crowded into one box car, and we had the hardest ride of all the trip. At night sleep was impossible, as, if we laid down, we would be three deep. About midnight we reached Raleigh and changed cars again. This time our party was allowed box cars, and we could lie down the balance of the night. About 8 a. m., next day, (the 16th) we reached Welden, were camped in a field, and had another chance to wash, cook, etc., which we needed badly. A ra- tion of hard-tack made from pea flour, was issued, but no one could eat it, and we found our sweet potatoes still useful. We started just before dark for Petersburg, where we arrived about 11 o'clock. We camped out doors again, the night was cold, and no one could sleep much, and we were glad to get up by early daylight, and start on the last heat, even though the goal was Libby Prison ; at which place we arrived between six and seven o'clock that Sunday morning. We looked with considerable in- terest at the building which had gained such an unenviable repu- tation, and which was to be our abiding place for an uncertain time. Every window was filled with heads, looking eagerly at the new arrivals. We were marched into one of the lower rooms, reg- istered our names, had our baggage searched, and our greenbacks taken from us. They promised to keep the same and to exchange them for confederate money, and to return any balance that might be left on our departure, in kind ; which promise they did not keep very well. The promise to keep they kept very well, but the balance very poorly. These preliminaries over, we were conducted to the door of the prison proper and ushered in, and what a place ! and what a welcome ! All the prisoners were crowded around the door, shouting at the top of their voices " fresh fish !" (that being the prison slang for new arrivals), and asking a multitude of ques- tions, " Where do you belong ?" " Where were you captured ?" etc., etc. I crowded my way through, and soon found to my sur- PRISON EXPERIENCES. 463 prise, not to say delight, Col. Bartleson and Lts. Kenaston and Koach, of the 100th, and we were soon busy comparing notes. I could give them but little news about the regiment, and they were equally ignorant. After talking for a time I began to look around at our quarters and accommodations for living. These were limited. As much of the floor as one could lie down on, with the privilege of being covered with such blankets as we had succeeded in bringing with us. No bunks or chairs, except in the case of some old stager, who had been able to manufacture a chair from a flour barrel. Such happy ones were looked upon as " bloat- ed aristocrats." The building was made historic under the title of Libby Prison, was an old tobacco factory, three stories in height, and extending over the width of three stores, giving nine long rooms, forty by sixty, very low, and lighted at each end by windows. On the ground floor, the first room was occupied by the officers in charge, the next were the dining and cook rooms, and the third the officer's hospital. Over the office were the " Straight " and " Mil- roy " rooms ; over the kitchen the two " Chickamauga ;" and over the hospital, the two " Potomac " rooms. Doors and stairs com- municated with all the 2d and 3d stories and the kitchen, so that the inmates could go from one to another freely. That day we had no opportunity to try. the fare, as rations were issued early in the morning to last twenty-four hours. They did not get any " extra meals " at the Hotel Libby, and we had to subsist on what we might have in our haversacks. Our party was divided into messes Nos. 21 and 22. The first afternoon was oc- cupied in these arrangements and in writing letters, as a mail was to go out the next day, and in making out a requisition on the office, asking them to convert our greenbacks then on deposit, for the legal confed. currency. At night we were ready to rest, which I did quite comfortably, despite the novelty and inconveniences of the situation. The next day we had our first taste of prison soup. At that time a certain amount of beef was issued per man, which we made into soup for the whole mess, ekeing it out with vegetables, ot which we could procure a limited amount at very high prices, through the commissary. A cup of this soup and part of our 464 PRISON EXPERIENCES. loaf of bread was dinner, and the meat after being used for soup was bashed up the next morning for breakfast. At the very first, also, we could purchase coffee. As the weeks passed on the fare grew worse. Meat would be omitted altogether some days, and sometimes poor bacon substi- tuted for the fresh meat. Corn bread took the place of wheat, and sometimes cold rice was the sum total of our breakfast. At this time there were over one thousand officers confined in Libby, and a queer crowd they were. Every calling and profes- sion was represented: Artists, poets and scholars; lawyers, judges and preachers. Every rank in the army also had its representa- tives, from 2d lieutenant to general. Niel Dow, better known per- haps as a Temperance Reformer than as a military man, was the representative of the rank of general. A stroll around the rooms would be an interesting, if not amusing one. Here might be seen a class burnishing up their Greek or Latin ; another studying French, Geometry, &c. An- other near by as busily engaged in playing euotre, seven up, domi- noes, checkers, and almost every known game. Others would be found reading, while all, or almost all, would be found smoking. Tobacco was one of the main stays and comforts of prison life, and as we were permitted to buy it, a constant cloud of smoke was kept up. George Trask would have found but little encourage- ment here. One of the common employments was the manufacturing of rings, crosses, &c., from the beef bones obtained in the kitchen. This resource was known as the " bone fever," and it was sure to attack a " fresh fish " about the third day after his arrival. The first, last, and most oft-repeated duty of the day, was the stripping and examination of clothing for that most disagreeable animal the " grayback." They were the greatest pests, and made life almost unbearable from their great numbers and activity. Roll-call was held early in the morning, the inmates of a room arranging themselves in files four deep, on the approach of the officer, who simply counted us, and if the number was correct, we broke ranks and then to breakfast. We were permitted to purchase the daily Richmond papers, but they had but little news, and the reading was not very agreea- PRISON EXPEEIENCES. 465 ble to Yankees. A portion of the inmates, chaplains and sur- geons, being non-combatants were not rightfully held as prisoners, and their early release was among the probabilities. There was not an hour in the day that some rumor was not afloat relating to their release, or on the subject of general exchange. " Grape vines " was the prison name for such reports. When the arrival of a flag of truce boat at the City Point was noticed in the papers, the excitement would be great. On Saturday morning, 17th of October, just after the cry " four o'clock, and all is well " had gone the rounds of the prison guard, a sergeant came into the rooms, and ordered the chaplains to " fall in," and we knew that their time had come, and ours was postponed at least a week. The literary members had a paper called the " Libby Chroni- cle" which was read about once a week. There was also a min- strel troupe which gave occasional performances in the dining room. Some of their burlesques I remember, as " Roll Call," " Fresh Fish," etc., were excellent. Gen. Neil Dow gave us several temperance lectures. While I was there, there was no punishment of officers by the authorities, except that one day rations were cut off, excepting bread, because some of our officers had passed some victuals down into the officers' hospital ; but before and after my stay there, officers were punished by being sent to the dungeon. About the first of November, some stores sent by the U. 8. sanitary commisson were received and distributed, which were very acceptable. Boxes of goods sent by our friends were de- livered to us after examination, and elimination ; I received my first one Nov. 13th. As our boxes had to pass rebel inspection it would of course be useless to send anything in them, except such articles as the authorities would allow. And much as they despised yankees and the yankee government, they had a great regard for yankee greenbacks, confessing that they were worth seven times as much as their own money. They did not there- fore allow any to paas through their hands. Hence it became a question with our friends outside, how to get them into our posses- sion. While I was there Col. Bartlesou received a box from Jo- liet, and found on the top of it a fresh copy of Harper's magazine, 59 466 PRISON EXPERIENCES. the leaves still uncut. He handed it to a fellow prisoner to look over, while he was examining his box. The officer took it and at once commenced to cut the leaves. While doing so he came upon a slip of paper which had been pasted between the un- cut leaves, on which was written, " Be sure you cook your sau- sage" He handed it to the colonel who at once suspected that this was not intended as a warning against " Trichina," but that the emphasis should be placed on the word you. He therefore lost no time in examining the can of sausage meat which he found in the box, and in probing it he found a small homeopathic vial, uncorking this he pulled out a little paper tightly rolled up, and unfolding it, found himself the happy possessor of a ten dollar greenback. We were permitted to write short letters home, 'but as they were all read by prison officials before mailing, we had to write accordingly. I had written home, and had also smuggled out word by writing a memorandum in a book belonging to Chaplain Ashmore, of the 25th 111., and he on his release had written home to my father, stating the facts of the case. Later, I smuggled a letter out in this wise : there was an offi- cer of our army who had been captured while exchanging papers with a confed. officer, under a temporary truce, and he had been ordered released. I prepared a letter and concealed it under a pair of shoulder straps which I sewed on his coat, and he mailed it to the address as soon as he was in our lines. In this letter I told the real condition of things, and also told my friends to hold my subsequent letters to a strong heat. This was done to bring out the invisible ink which we had used, made from onion juice. This made a capital invisible ink, and by its use we were able to make considerable additions to our limited correspondence. As the month of November came on, the weather grew quite cold, so that we suffered considerably at night, and some days , it was about impossible to keep warm. Rumors of the possible exchange of surgeons thickened, and many nights we lay down feeling sure that the next morning would bring our release. But it did not come until the 22d of November, when the call often given by our fellow prisoners in jest but this time in good and welcome earnest came " Sur- PRISON EXPERIENCES. 467 geon's fall in " and we " fell in " lively ! A hurrried good-bye to those we must leave behind, and we were gathered in the hall ' below. It seemed almost cruel to go and leave the companions of so many hardships and dangers, " still in durance vile." The authorities balanced cash accounts by tendering us confed- erate funds, for our greenbacks at the rate of seven for one, but as they had no value where we were going, most declined them. Some of us who had but little there, had it passed to the credit of some friends left behind. At City Point we met a United States steamer, to which we were transferred, and which took us to Balti- more. The feelings with which we stepped upon its deck, and sa- luted the dear old flag, cannot be expressed, and can only be im- agined by those who have had a similar experience." To this narative we add the statement that Lieut. Kenniston and Koach, after remaining some seven months in Libby, were taken to Macon, Ga., where they remained some two months, and were then taken to Charleston, with six hundred others, and placed under the fire of our forces, who were then bombarding the city. Subsequently they were released at Columbia. Of Col. Bartle- son's release we have spoken elsewhere. But these experiences of our officers in Libby, unpleasant and disagreeable as they were, and needlessly so, and in striking con- trast to that accorded rebel prisoners by the union authorities, were yet a comfort itself, compared with the sufferings of privates in ANDERSONVILLE AND OTHER SOUTHERN PRISONS This subject has been pretty well ventilated lately, and we shall therefore omit much which we had written in relation to it. Our county furnished at least 28 victims to Andersonville and other prisons, as will be seen by a list below. The number of those who suffered imprisonment and yet survived, we cannot state defi- nitely ; probably not less than fifty more and perhaps the num- ber would reach seventy-five. We shall now give some extracts from letters written by a fellow prisoner, which communicated to Mr. Bolton, of Plainfield, the tidings of the death and sufferings of his son, RUFDS H. BOLTON, of Co. D, 100th 111., taken pris- oner at Chickamauga, with Col. Bartleson. This must suffice as 468 PEISON EXPERIENCES. a sample. The material is abundant to make a long chapter on this subject, and to convince the most skeptical that in systematic barbarous cruelty, Nenah Sahib was out-done by the rebel authori- ties, and that the tragedies of Cawnpore sink into insignificance beside those of Salisbury and Andersonville. Let those who doubt it interview F. M. Calkins, of Peotone, or read the narrative lately published in our city papers, of Mr. Nattinger, of the Sun, or read the report published by order of Congress on this subject 1200 pages of horrors ! On the first of January, 1865, Mr. Bolton received the follow- ing letter containing the intelligence of the death of his son Rufus : " NEW YOKK, Dec. 22d, 1864. SIR : I am sorry that it becomes my painful duty to inform you of the sad death of your son Rufus, who died on or about the 3d of last November, in the 13th ward of the hospital at Andersonville prison, in Georgia. Poor Rufus suffered long and badly, yet bore all with Christian patience and for- titude. As he and I shared the same tent and slept under the same blanket, I had occasion to know his many good and excellent qualities, and when he died I felt as if I had lost my best and dearest friend. A few days before his death he dictated a letter to you, which I have sent by the steward of the hospital who lives within some 30 or 40 miles of you. * * * * * Poor fellow ! He died the next second day. He suffered intensely from scurvy and chronic diarrhoea, which were the two fatal maladies that killed so'many of our prisoners. If I had time and space to detail some of the horrors of that terrible, that horrible, that abominable, that truly indescriba- ble stockade prison, it would make you weep. In fact, no tongue however eloquent could describe it, no imagination however prolific could conceive it. It baffles description and conception. Misery and privation in their most horrible and terrible forms predominated, and no man was sure of his life a single day. We had not a quarter enough of food, and that was of the worst, the dirtiest and the meanest that could be imagined. They died at the rate of about one hundred per day during the summer months. Here and there you might see several unfortunate fellows in the last agonies of death, with worms and other vermin crawling in abundance over them. There was no one to pity or help them. * * * * It would take volumes to give you a proper description of that awful place. You can judge for yourself when I tell you that during the space of eight months, upwards of 14,000 of our men died there, the most horrible kind of death." As might naturally be expected, this letter led to further cor- respondence and inquiry, and several other letters were subse- quently received from the same young man, irom which I make the following extracts : PRISON EXPERIENCES. 469 " NEW YORK CITY, January 16th, 1865. DEAR SIR : Owing to my being absent from the city for some time past, I did not receive your letters till this morning. I now hasten to an- swer them. I am sorry, sorry indeed, that New Year's day, which should be a day of rejoicing for all, should be one of sadness for you and yours ; and whilst I sincerely sympathize and condole with you in your bereave- ment, I must remind you at the same time that in this transitory world, nothing is lasting or permanent, life and death are strangely blended, joy and sorrow walk hand in hand. Miss Bolton wishes to know how Rufus and I first became acquainted, " how he looked toward the last, and what was done with his body." We first became acquainted in that awful stockade prison at Andersonville, Ga. that prison whose very gates seem to have borne that motto which Dante saw over the gates of the Inferno " All hope abandon ye who enter here!" In this den of misery we suffered mouths of privation and hardship together. Rufus got ill alike from scurvy and diarrhoea, and was sent to that wretched place called the hospital which was at best but a living libel on the name. He was sent into this place early in July last. As it was utterly impossible for any person in the stockade to get to see a friend in this would be hospital, I saw nothing more of Rufus till I was sent there myself in September, in consequence of a wound which I received when captured, and, which though it had tem- porarily healed, owing to bad treatment broke out anew, causing me for a time great pain and misery. When I entered the hospital I found Rufus in a low condition, and though he could walk about a little, yet he was indeed very weak, and staggered as he walked. The scurvy had by this time made sad havoc on his system especially his mouth and limbs the places where scurvy chiefly afflicts all its victims. But this was not all. The poor fellow was sorely tormented with that worst of all disease the chronic diarrhoea that disease which killed thousands of fine fellows in that cruel prison. I must here remark en parenlhese, that some six weeks or so before I entered the hospital, Rufus was quite convalescent, and deem- ing himself fit for work, and in order to get double rations he got detailed for duty. His work was in conjunction with others, to bring water, (in two buckets suspended from the shoulders) from a stream about a quarter of a mile distant. But as this was hard work, and he was yet somewhat feeble, it broke him down again, so that when I entered the hospital, I found him sickly and downcast. * * * * * Our shelter was very poor an old condemned tent that let the rain in upon us whenever it came on. Our raiment was poor and getting worse every day. We had between us two old blankets which helped to keep us from freezing at night for the nights in Georgia especially in the fall and winter seasons are very cold. Many a time we had to huddle together as close as possible, pull the blankets over our heads, and puff our breath beneath to keep us warm. Our rations too were truly miserable. We received every morning less than a half pint of stuff which went by the name of rice soup, and at noon about three mouthfuls of corn bread, (the cob being ground with the kernel) and, now and then two small biscuits, about a mouthful in each, so sour and ill-baked, that it was more hurt than good to use them. In the evening we got about half a pint of very badly cooked rice. A very robust, hungry man could hardly stomach it at all. Rufus at length began to grow weaker, and though his face seemed full, yet his body and limbs were reduced very 470 PRISON EXPERIENCES. much, and as he began to grow worse, he eat less, till hour by hour, he seemed to be passing away. At length he grew so sick and weak, that he was unable to stand or hardly sit up, and the doctor ordered him with others in his position to be sent to the 13th ward known as the sick ward. I strove t0 be transferred with him but failed. I spent the most of each day with him however, striving to rally him as well as I could, but after about ten days in this condition, he felt his end approaching, and said to me in a sorrowful tone "Ah, John! it's of no use I feel that the hand of death is upon me, in a few days I shall be no more !" He then asked me to pro- cure, if possible, some paper and a pencil, (such things were wonderfully scarce there) so that I might write his last wishes to you. This I did as stated in my first letter. Two days after writing that letter poor Rufus was in Heaven ; and as I gazed upon his honest dead face, I lelt my situa- tion very bitter, but of this anon. He was taken to the burial ground that day, I think the 3d of November. This burial ground was without the hos- pital some distance, to which none were admitted save men detailed for the purpose of bringing out the dead. The dead were usually taken on stretchers to the south west end of the hospital, and then placed on a cart and drawn to their last home. In a limping condition I followed Rufus as far as the dead cart, but there halted, not being allowed to go any farther. ***** 'Tis sad, very sad to see death in any shape or mood whether on the battle field, or on the bed at home, surrounded by friends and relatives ; but there is nothing so sad, so crushing, so intensely painful as to see death caused by martyrdom, martyrdom caused by the foulest, deepest, damning, systematic cruelty that was ever witnessed, such as was practiced to the eternal disgrace of civilization and Christianity in the rebel prisons. * * * * That was the most saddening sight, the most bitter, galling, withering hour of my life. But though the day was a very bitter gloomy one though misery seemed in everything, and in every place around me, yet on the face of the dead soldier before me, there was a calm, happy contented expression which seemed to say more elo- quently than words ever could, that the spirit that animated it was at last free and happy. I only trust that when I die, I may die with his faith and fortitude ; and that the contented, happy expression of his dead face may be seen on mine. Had he lived he would have made an excellent man. He had a fine taste, was well informed, had nothing low or groveling in his nature ; but on the contrary was genereus, open-hearted, forgiving and Just. He was one of those straightforward, clean- spirited, honest, manly fellows, whom to know is to love and admire. * * * * That no other calamity may befall you, but that peace and prosperity may attend you all, is the sincere prayer of, dear sir, Yours very truly and sincerely, JOHN ENGLAND, Co. E, 2d N. Y. Cav." We close this melancholy record with the last letter of Rufus to his father and friends, to which reference is made in the first letter of England's, and which came to hand soon after that letter. " DJBAR PARENTS, SISTERS, AND BROTHERS : I am sorry to say these few lines will contain but sad intelligence for you. I am afraid that before PRISON EXPERIENCES. 471 they reach you, I will be no more. It is needless for me to say that since my imprisonment my sufferings have been intense, but my constitution has borne up the while till I came here. Shortly after my arrival at Ander- sonville, I was attacked with scurvy, and after suffering this about two months, I was attacked with diarrhoea which has become chronic. The hos- pital fare has been and still is very poor, so much so that it is almost impos- sible to recover, for there is an entire absence of everything requisite to nourish and sustain life. I have had a hope that there might have been a general exchange of prisoners, at least a special exchange for the sick and wounded, but everything now seems to the contrary. The glorious hope of seeing you all face to face has borne me up to this adverse hour, but, alas ! my hopes are blasted. It is a sad thing for me to think about dying here, but thank God, death has no terror for me. I have no doubt that through the merit of our Savior, if I have to die, I will be in happiness. Dear sister and brother, I wish you to be as kind to our parents as you possibly can be, and obey them cheerfully and do all in your power to help them. My dear parents, it is my wish that what little money of mine you hare saved, be used to adorn the old homestead. And now, dear parents, adieu, I expect to pass to my Savior, and I trust we will all meet hereafter in hap- piness and glory. From your affectionate son, RUFTTS H. BOI/TON." No words are needed to draw attention to the pathos of this letter. The words that touch me most are these, " It is my wish that the little money I have saved be used to adorn the old home- stead." I fancy I see the poor boy as he lay there upon that wretched cot, so far, far away from home and friends, and in a spot so unlike home, bringing back to his mind pictures of that old homestead in Plain field, recalling every room and door and chimney, every nook and angle of the house, and every tree and shrub and fence and gate in its surroundings ; and then fancying how the money he had saved from the poor pittance given him by the government as a compensation for all his sufferings and sacri- fices, how that might be expended in touching up with new beauty that home of his youth that spot hallowed by so many associa- tions in adding perhaps a bay window, or a balcony, or a ve- randa ; or in planting here and there a tree or shrub ; or in re- papering or painting, kitchen or parlor, or mother's room ; how his poor earnings should be so expended as to make more attractive that dear old home, to the brothers and sisters who could yet look upon its beauty, and enjoy its delights, although for him, alas ! there could be no such long desired and earnestly prayed for boon. And then, as the gathering tears shut out the vision of that earthly 472 PRISON EXPERIENCES. home, I seem to see him turning his thoughts for compensation to that other and better home, which he knew that his Savior was preparing for him among the many mansions. BARTON SMITH WALTERS was another victim to the atrocities of Anderson ville. If the reader will take a walk up Bluff street, he will see just above Whittier's lime kiln an old stone building, bearing on its weather- beaten front the name of Wm. Walters. This name was placed there forty years ago. It must have been an honest painter that did that work, as the letters are still very distinct. In this build- ing the subject of the present sketch was born. It was built by his father in 1835 or 6. The mother of young Walters was a daughter of Barton Smith, Esq., an old and well remembered res- ident of Joliet, for whom he was named. In this building his father kept a grocery store, residing at the same time in the upper story, and here he lived and traded until his removal to Channa- hon. Barton Smith Walters enlisted in the 39th regiment at the age of 21, re-enlisted and served faithfully and bravely without any casualty until in May, 1863, when he was taken prisoner. He with two others had been detailed to go upon the battle field and bring in an officer who had been wounded. He was captured with two others, David Hanson and Andrew Sybert, of the same regiment, and they were taken to Andersonville. Hanson and Sybert fell victims to their treatment and were buried in that locality. Young Walters was released before death, but he only lived to reach Anapolis, where he died April 1st, 1865. His re- mains were brought home and repose in the Channahon cemetery. THOMAS DELINE of the same regiment, also from Channahon, captured in Vir- ginia, was also another victim of the atrocities of Andersonville, although not buried there. He was exchanged in the winter oi 1864-5, and was able to get home, and to drag out a miserable ex- istence for two years. He had the fatal diseases of that prison, and was a mere skeleton when exchanged. Indeed he owed his release to that fact, as the principle of selection was that of sending PRISON EXPERIENCES. 473 out those most thoroughly disabled. When his name was called, the officer looked at him and said, " Let him go, he can never do us any harm*" . ?f <*'-< ' X/wr?' HENRY C, NOBLE. It will be remembered that in my history of home matters during the war, I spoke of a 'Mrs. Noble giving two sons to the 100th regiment. These two sons, Warren S. and Henry C., were both taken prisoners at Chickainauga on the 20th of September. They wei'e take'n 1 to -Richmond, Va,, where they arrived Oct. 1st, and were consigned o the Pemberton prison across the street from Libby. Here they remained until the 20th of November, when they were removed to Danville, where they remained until May 1864, when 'they were removed to Andersonville. In this they remained until September 1864, when they were removed to Flor- ence, S. C., where, on the 13th of December, Warren S. was re- leased on parole, leaving his brother Henry in prison, where he subsequently in February, 1865, took what was called by the way of courtesy, " camp fever," but which was nothing more nor less than starvation starvatio n of both body and soul. He was re- moved to Wilmington, S. C., where he died the 5th day of March, 1865. The surviving brother, Warren S., is now a resident of Wilmington, in this county. I should be glad to have any who are skeptical in respect to the barbarities practiced on our boys in rebel prisons interview him. NAMES OF THOSE WHO DIED IN ANDERSONVILLE AND OTHER PRISONS ANDERSONVILLE, EXCEPT WHEN OTHER- WISE NOTED. Augustine, John J., Co. I, 100th Reg't, died Sept. 7th, 1864, No. of grave 8049. Adrian, Frederick, Co. D, 9th Cav., died Sept. 9th, 1864, No. of grave 8249. Bolton, Rufus H., Co. D, 100th Reg't, died Nov. 3d, 1864, No. of grave 11,795. Colton, John S., Co. H, 100th 111,, died Aug. 18th, 1864, No. of grave 6091. Crosby, John, Co. C, 90th 111., died June llth, 1865, No. of grave, 12,443. Casper, John, Corp. Co. D, 90th 111., died Oct. 3d, 1864, No. of grave 11,257. Dake, George W., Co. D, 100th 111., died July 31st, 1864, No. of grave 8,626. Fink, John P., Co. F, 53d Reg't, died Sept. 30th, 1864, No. of grave 10,090. Felter, Walter H., Mer. Bat., died at Tyler Texas, while prisoner of war. Gaines, Charles, Co. B, 20th Reg't, died Sept. 27th, 1865, No. of grave 9,925. 60 474 PBISON EXPERIENCES. Hansom, David W., Co. E, 39th Reg't, died Oct. 22d, 1864, No. of grave 11,188. Hay, John, Co. A, 100th 111, died Oct. 26th, 1864, No. of grave, 11,506. Haley, Mathew, Corp. Co. D, 90th Reg't, died at Belle Isle, Rich., Ap'l 8, '64. Joyce, Austin, Co. D, 90th Reg't, died June 20th, 1864, No. of grave 11,506. Johnston, Sam'l F., Co. B, 100th Reg't, died Aug. 12th, '64, No. of grave 5395. Lyman J., Co. D, 100th Reg't, died Sept. 8th, 1864, No. of grave 8,196. Ladieu, James F., Co. H, 100th Reg't, died Aug. 30th, 1864, No. of grave 7,299. Marshall, George N., 4th Michigan Cavalry. Date unknown. Noble, Henry C., Co. A, 100th Reg't, died at Wilmington, S. C., Mar. 5th, '65. Parker, Israel, Co. G, 6th Reg't, died August 2d, 1864. Rudd, Erastus, Co. K, 100th Reg't, Sept. 2d, 1864, No. of grave 306. Temple, Ira, Co. H, 100th, died June 10th, 1864, No. of grave 1,826. Seibert, Andrew, Co. A, 39th Reg't, died Aug. llth, 1864, No. of grave 5,350. Vaughn, James, Co. I, 16th Cav., died June 3d, 1864, No. of grave 1,078. Wimmer, John, Co. 1, 16th Cav., died May 15th, 1864, No. of grave 1,130. Walters, Barton S., Co. A., 39th Reg't, died at Annapolis after release from Andersonville Francis, Thos. F., Co. I, 2d Art., died in Joliet after release. Mulliken, James M., Co. K, 89th Ind.,died at Danville prison, Feb. 28th, 1864. PART THIRO. CHAPTER II. OUR DEATH RECORD. ILL County lost over 500 men in the late war. In respect to most of these we must of course be content with a record of their names, and the time, place and manner of their death. Even if we had the space and the information necessary to give an extended biography of each, we could, after all, say nothing higher* nobler of them, than the supreme fact which we record They gave their lives to save the Union. We shall, however, follow this list with a few sketches, regretting that we have not the space and the information which would allow and enable us to give many others. Angel, Wm., of Co. G, 39th Reg't, died since discharge, of disease contracted in the service. Arter, Frank, Co. I, 46th Reg't, killed at Shiloh. Allen, Merrick, Co. E, 64th Reg't, died of wounds at Farmington, Miss., May 14th, 1862. Adams, LaFayette, Co. I, 64th Inf., died at Marietta, Ga., Aug. 20th, 1864. Althouse. Wm. K., Corp. Co. A, 100th Inf., died at Nashville, Tenn., January 13th, 1863, at age of 18, brain fever of concussion of shell. Abel, Robert, Co. A, 100th Inf., died at Nashville, Feb. 6th, 1863. Abbott, Benoni L., Co. C, 100th Inf., killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19th, '63. Austin, Edwin S., Co. C, 100th Inf., died at Nashville, Nov. 29th, 1863. Andres, George F., Co. F, 100th Inf., died at Murfreesboro, June 5th, 1863. Aspinwall, Sam'l, Co. I, 100th Inf., killed before Kenesaw, June 20th, 1863. Augustine, John J., Co. I, 100th Inf., died in Andersonville, Sept. 6th, 1864. Atkins, Geo. H., Co. K, 100th Inf., killed at Stone River, Jan. 2d, 1863. Ahr, Wm., Co. B, 9th Cav., died at Gainesville, Ala., Sept. 21st, 1865. Aulsbrook, Henry R. F., 13th Cavalry, accident, killed, premature discharge of cannon at Ironton, Mo., May 4th, 1862. Anderson, Albert A., Coggswell's Bat., died at Memphis, July 10th, 1862. Alford, Harry S., McAllister Bat., died in the three months' service at Cairo. 476 DEATH RECORD. BERNIER, GIDEON, Capt. Co. B, 20th 111., died since discharge, from health impaired in service. Bruce, James E., Corp. Co. B, 20th 111., died at Cairo, Jan. 6th, 1862. Bentz, Philip, Co. B, 20th 111., killed at Shiloh, April 6th, 1862. Bedda, Henry, Co. D, 20th-fll., klllediat Donaldson, Feb. 14th, 1861. Baker, Albert E., Co.-jrfoth 111., died at Mound City. Bowman, John A., Co. F, 20th 111., killed at Donaldson, Feb. 15th, 1862. Bartlett, Henry W., Co. F, 20th 111., died of wounds received at Britton's Lane, Tenfl* Bassett, Jaj^rA., Co. F, 20th 111., killed at Donaldson, Feb. 15th, 1862. ButterfieM^ r m. A., 39th 111., killed at Deep Run, Va., Aug. 16th, 1864. Berden,^hn, Co. A, 39th 111., same. Benton, Silas, Co. A, 39th 111., killed at Drury's Bluffs, May 14th, 1864. Burton, George W., Serg't, Co. E, 39th 111., killed at Petersburg, Va', April 2d, 1865. Bogert, Walter V., Co. E, 39th 111., killed near Fort Gregg, Oct. 12th, 1863. Bates, John,, Co. L, 46th 111., died at Natchez, Dec. 16th, 1863. Brown, Peter, Co. E, 64th 111., killed at Corinth, Oct. 4th, 1862. Barboar, James, Wo. G,64th Inf., died |at Midships, Ga., July 23d, 1864, of wounds, | , vjt.<- ' I Baird, Lymn, Co. K, 10th Reg't, died at Carlo in three months' service. 'Blossom, Wm., Col Gj ! 64th Inf., died at Marietta, Ga., Aiigust'lith, 1864. Bollih, Oscar, Got &j:64th Inf., killed near Atlanta, July 22d, 1864. , Bishop,) Francis .W r , Co. I, 64th Inf., died at Rome, Ga., August, 186.4, Bumont, Geo. H., Co. F, 64th Inf., died after, discharge from loss of health. Bank'erson, Pet'0r, C6. I, 64th Inf., died at Newburn, N. 'C.,*May iotn,'I865. Buchanan, Arthurs-Co. B, 66th Inf., died at Hannibal, Mo-./^Ndvi 30th,' 18&4. Borland, Jerome M Co. E, 72d Inf., died at Columbia, ,Ky., Oct. 24th, ; 18,62. Bruce, Wm., Co. D, 90th Inf., died at Chattanooga, of wounds, Nov. 28 ; .'63. BARTI-ESON, FRBD'K A., Col., 100th Inf., killed before Kenesaw, June &J, ! *64. BOWEN, RODNEY S., Major, 100th Inf., died Dec. 3d, 1866, of wounds re- j eeived in battle of Erankiin, . " >' f-,t' 5>,.ui - ,' BuBRELii, JOHN A., Cap., Co. D, 100th Inf.,kiled before Kenesaw, May 30,'64. Birdenstein Wm., Co. A, 100th Inf., died at Nashville, Nov. 28th, 1862. Birdenstein, Martin, Co. A, 100th Inf., died at Nashville, Dec. 19th, 1862. Butler, Wm. D., Co. A, 100th Inf., died at Nashville, Dec. 5th, 1862. Baker, Walter J. Co. A, 100th Inf., died at Nashville, Jan. 21st, 1863. Baker, James B., Co. A, 100th Inf., died at Nashville, Nov. 23d, 1862. Billings, Wm., Co. A, 100th Inf., died at Nashville, .May 24th, 1865. Barrett, John, Co. B, 100th Inf., killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19th, 1863. Burr, Wm. E., Co. B, 100th Inf., killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19th, 1863. Bez, John, Corp., Co. C, 100th Inf., killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19th, 1863. Bever, Benj , Co. C., 100th Inf., died Nov. 7th, 1863, of wounds received at Chickamauga. Brinkenhoff, Martin C., Go. C,. 100th Inf., died at Nashville, Feb. 7th, 1863. Bassett, Elisha, Co. C, 100th Inf., died at Nashville, Feb. 1st, 1863. Bolton, Rufus H., Co. D, 100th Inf., died in prison, Anderson vllle, Sept. 4th, 1864. No. of grave, 11,764. Boyd, Henry E., Co. E, 100th Inf., died at Chattanooga, Aug. 2d, 1864. Blount, James G., Co. F, 100th Inf., died at Nashville, Dec. 12th, 1862. Bouton, Wm., Co. F, 100th Inf. died at Glasgow, Ky., Nov. llth, 1862. DEATH RECORD. 477 Bartie, John, Co. F, 100th Inf., died Nov. 28, '63, at Chattanooga, of wounds received at Mission Ridge. Brodie, Robert, Co. F, 100th Inf., died at Murfreesboro, April 20th, 1863. Brandeau, Paul Co., F, 100th Inf., died at Franklin, Dec. 4, '64, wounded in battle. Brown, Robert, P. C., Co. F, 100th Inf., died at Murfreesboro, April 18, '63. Butcher, Joseph, Co. F, 100th Inf. died of wounds at Nashville, Jan. 9th, 1865, wounded in last battle. Bleber, Thomas, Co. G, 100th Inf., killed in charge on Kenesaw Mountain, June 27th, 1864, Bush, Mathew C., Co. G, 100th Inf., killed at Chickauaauga, Sept. 19th, 1864. Burson, Henry, Co. H, 100th Reg't, died at Chattanooga, Nov. 27th, 1863, of wounds at Mission Ridge. Bolander, Philip, Co. K, 100th Reg't, died at Quincy, March 29th, 1865. Blanchard, John D., Co. K, 100th Reg't, died at Nashville, Feb. 21st, 1863. Barr, Richard L., Co. K, 100th Reg't., died at Bowling Green, Nov. 13th, '62. Beckman, Heinrich, Co. G, 138th Reg't, died at, 1 Fort Leaven worth, Sept. 1st, 1864. Berger, Charles, Co. H, 3d Cav., died at Fort Snelling, June 23d, 1865. Burns, John S., Co. C, 4th Cav., died at Mound City, March 10th, 1862. Baker, George A., Co. F, 8th Cav., died at Whitehouse, Va,, June 18th, 1862. Bump, Albert, Co. L, 8th Cav., died at Giesbr* Point, D. C., April 20th, 1864. Bailey, Damon, Musician, Co. F, 13th Cav., died at Joliet, Nov. 1862. Bailey, Oscar J,, Co. F, 13th Cav., died at Helena, Ark., Aug. 5th, 1862. Brown, James D., Co. F, 13th Cav., died at Arcadia. Mo., Oct. 29th, 1862. Bement, Porter W., Co. D, 1st Art., died at Vicksburg, Aug. 5th, 1863. Bailey, Irvin, Co. K, 1st Art., died at Camp Yates, April 1st, 1864. Baer, Franklin, Co. 1, 2d Art., died at Nashville, July 27th, 1864. Bailey, William, Co. K, 190th Inf., died at Joliet, April 4th, 1863, after- dis- charge of disease contracted in the service. BLISS, E. L., Ass't Surgeon, U. S. A., died in service as Ass't Surgeon. Connor, Timothy, Co. B, 20th Reg't, killed before Atlanta. Cuppy, Sam'l, Co. F, 20th Reg't, died at Bird's Point, Jan. 1st, 1862. Connor, Richard, Co. K, 20th Reg't, died at Mound City, Dec. 23d, 1861. Carter, Joseph, Co. A, 39th Reg't, died of wounds Aug. 26th, 1862. Calhoun, W. W., Co. A, 39th Reg't, died at Patterson's Creek, Va., Feb. 23, 1862. Carrigan, Hugh, Co. A, 39th Reg't, died of wounds June 3d, 1864. Clark, James H.,Co. E, 39th Reg't, killed at Deep Run, Aug. 16th, 1864. Collins, John, Serg't. Co. I, 46th Reg't, killed at Shiloh, April 6th, 1862. Carter, Russell, Corp., Co. I, 46th Reg't, died at Pittsburgh Landing, April 5th, 1862. Cooper, George H., Co. I, 46th Reg't, died at Louisville, June 19th, 1862. Curtis, Charles, Co. 1, 46th Reg't, died at Henderson, Ky., June 2d, '62. Clark, Henry S., Sergeant, Co. I, 64th Reg't, killed at Corinth, Oct. 4, '62. Carroll, Michael, Major, Co. A, 64th Reg't, died at Rome, Ga., August '64. Clark, John, Co. G, 64th Reg't, killed at Atlanta, July 22d, '64. Cook, Isaiah, Co. G, 64th Reg't, died of wounds received at Atlanta, July 22d, '64. Carnifex, John, Co. 1, 64th Reg't, died at Marietta, Ga., Oct. 12th, '64. 61 478 DEATH RECORD. Cramer, Jesse, Co. F, 64th Reg't, killed at Atlanta, July 22d, '64. Clark, Charles B., Co. E, 72d Reg't, died at Vicksburg, April 26, 64. Chapin, Kimball, Co. E, 72d Reg't, died at Columbus, Ky., Nov. 11. '62. Crosby, John, Co. C, 90th Reg't, died in prison, Andersonville, June llth t 1865. No. of grave 12,433. Clayton, Thos., C. Co. C, 90th Reg't, died at Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 4th, '64. Casper, John, Co. D, 90th Reg't, died in prison at Andersonville, Oct. 3d, '64. No. of grave 12,257. Conchlin, Simon, Co. D, 90th Reg't, killed by torpedoes at Fort McAllister, Ga., Dec. 31, '64. Canna, John, Co. D, 90th Reg't, died at LaGrange, T., March 15th, '63. Carney, James, Co. D, 90th Reg't, died at Memphis, Nov. 17th, '63. Chamberlain, Albert S.,Co. C, 100th Reg't, missing at Chickamauga, supposed killed and in hands of rebs. Connor, John H., Co. C, 100th Reg't, died at Nashville, Jan. 27, '63. Carter, Allred J,, Co. D, 100th Reg't, died of wounds received at Stone River, at Nashville, March 15th, '63. Chapman, James, Co. G, 100th Re'gt, died at Nashville, Feb. 2d, '63. Chapman, Ira H,,Co. G, 100th Reg't, died at Nashville, June2d, '65. Cotton, John S., Corp. Co. H, 100th Reg't, died in prison, Andersonville^ Aug. 30, '64, grave 6,091. Coons, Peter, Corp Co. I, 100th Reg't, died at Nashville, July 12th, '63. Churchill, Orson, Co. K, 100th Reg't, died at Nashville, April 5, '64. Caffray, Thos., Co. G, 127th Reg't, died on S. B., R. C. Wood, Aug. 13, '63. Clark, Arthur F., Co. F, 8th Cav., died at Washington, Jan. 28, '65. Cole, John W., Co. F, 8th Cav., died of wounds at Boonsboro, July 15th, '63. Cave, Robert, Co. F, 8th Cav., died of wounds at Washington, Aug. 20, '63. Cook, Myron H., Co. F, 8th Cav., died at Stafford's C. H., Va., March 20, '63. Conskay, Wm., Co. D, 9th Cav., died at Helena, Ark., Oct. 1st, '62. COE, ALONZO W., 1st Lieut., Bat. I, 2d Art., killed in battle Dec. 9, '64, on the march to the sea, 15 miles from Savannah. Carr, Henry, Bat. I 2d Art., died at Savannah, Ga., Feb. 3d, '65. Danser, Frank, Co. F. B, 20th Reg't, killed at Shiloh, 4, '62. Dewey, Lucius, E., Co. F, 20th Reg't, died at Cape Girardeau, Sept. 24th, '61. Dolkey, Jacob, Co. F, 20th Reg't, killed at Donaldson, Feb. 15tb,'62. DeLancy, John, Co. F, 20th Reg't, killed at Shiloh, April 6, '62. Dailey, Daniel, Co. A, 39th Reg't, died March 28th, '65, prisoner of war. Dugan, Patrick, Co. E, 39th Reg't, supposed killed in the charge on the ene- my's works near Richmond, Oct. 13th, '64. Drosler, Thomas, Co. F, 53d Reg't, died at St. Louis, May 4th, '62. Dolan, Patrick, Co. G, 64th Reg't, died at Joliet, Aug. 21st, '64. DeLine, Thomas, Co. A, 39th Reg't, died after discharge, of disease con- tracted in rebel prison. DePuy, John, Co. I, 64th Reg't, died at Cincinnati, April 2d, '62. Drordler, Philip, Co. D, 90th Reg't, died Oct. 17, '63. Devine, Patrick, Co. H, 90th Reg't, shot at Snyder's Bluff, by a soldier, Jan. 20th ,'64. Davis, Wm., Co. B, 100th Reg't, died at Nashville, Feb. 15, '63. Dorkendoff, Theo., Co .D, 100th Reg't, killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 20, '63. Dake, George W., Corp. Co. D, 100th Reg't/.died in prison, Andersonville, July 31st, '64, No. of grave 8,626. DEATH RECORD. 479 Dundore, Wm., Co. D, 100th Reg't, killed near Atlanta, July 22, '64. Dixon, Giles N., Co. E, 100th Reg't, killed at Chickaroauga, Sept. 19th '63. Durrea, Felix, Co. F, 100th Reg't. same. Deal, Albert, Co. G, 100th Reg't. same. DeTheille, Henry, Co. H, 100th Reg't, died at Murfreeahoro, June 14th, '63. Doncaster, Henry H., killed at Mission Ridge, Nov. 25th, 1863. Docey, Peter H., Co. H, 100th Reg't, died at Chattanooga, Aug. 13th, '64, of wounds received June 12th. Decker, John I, Co. 1, 100th Reg't, died at Crawford Springs, Ga., Sept. 3d, '63. Devereux, Albert E., Corp. Co. K, 100th Reg't. died at Nashville, June, 19, '63. Davis Minden, W., Co. K, 100th Reg't, accident, killed Jan. 28, '63. Davis, Amos B., Co. K, 100th, killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, '63. Dodge, Enos, P., Co. D, 4th Cav., died of wounds at Bolivar, Tenn. Dykman, Alonzo S., Co. I, 2d Art, accident, killed at Joliet, Jan. 23d, '64, Downs, Jeremiah L., Co. I,2d Art., died at Vicksburg, Oct. 18, 64. DYER, GEO., Captain, Co. C, 29th Mo., Cav., died after discharge from loss of health in service. EBWIN, WM., Lt. Col., 20th 111., killed at Fort Donaldson, Feb. 15th, 1862. Emory, Wm. S., Co. B, 20th 111., died at Mound City, Nov. 1st, '61. Ernest, Arthur, Co. E, 66th 111., died at Rome, Ga., Sept. 6th, '64. Elderkin, Fred'k, Co. I, 15th Cav., died a parolled prisoner at St. Louis. Fuller, Philo, Musician, Co. B, 20th Inf., killed at Columbus, Ky., Sept. 21, 61. Franklin, John L, Co. G, 20th Inf., died at Birds Point, Oct. 15, '61. Fink, John P., Co. F, 53d Inf., died prisoner at Andersonville, Sept. 30, '64. No. of grave 10,097. Fellows, Hubert, Co. I, 58th Inf., died at Memphis. Ford, Samuel, Co. G, 64th Inf., killed at Decatur, Ga., July 19th. '64. Ferguson, James H., Co. E, 64th Inf., died at Corinth, Nov. 7th, '63. Frey, Urias, Co. K, 64th Inf., died at Camp Butler, March 26th, '64. Freeman, James R., Co. E, 72d Inf., died of wounds, June 13, '63. Fisher, Francis J., Serg't Co. A, 100th Inf., died of wounds at Franklin. while prisoner, Dec. 12, '64. Fentryman, Sam'l, Co. D, 100th Inf., same. Fellows, Jacob, Co. D, 100th Inf., died at Louisville, Ky., Dec. 13, '63. Flanders, Geo. R., Co. D, 100th Inf., died at Bowling Green, Ky., Nov. 27' '62. Fitzpatrick, John. Co. K, 100th Inf., accident, killed, falling of tree, Jan. 28th, '63, at Murfreesboro. Farley, Peter, Co. K, 8th Cav., accident, killed atBealton's Station, Sept, 5, '63, by fall from horse concussion of brain. Francis, Thos. Fred'k, Co.',|I,2d Art., died of loss of health at Andersonville,, after release or escape. Fentiman, Francis, Co. L, 2d Art.,, died at Vicksburg, Jan. 14, '65. Felter, Walter H., Chicago Mer. Bat., died at Camp Ford, Tyler, Texas, a prisoner. Freason, Sam'l J., 1st Art., died Dec. 3d, '64, recruit. Felker, John O., died in service. Fergusson, William D., Corp. U. S. Reg't Art, died at Hampton, Va., from wounds, Dec. 10th, '64. Griffin, Joseph B., 20th Reg't, died at Vicksburg, April 15, '63. Glasscock, Thos. H., Co. B, 20th Reg't, died at Cape Girardeau, Sept. 25, '61. Galnes, Chas., Co. B., 20th Reg't, died in Andersonville, Sept. 28, '65, grave 9,925, wounded and captured July 22d, '64. 480 DEATH RECOED. Goss, Andrew, Co. A, 39th Reg't, died in Chicago. Gronigal, T. D., Serg't, Co. A, 39th Reg't, wounded, mortally, and left in hand of the enemy. May 16, '64. Gray, Alex., Co. E, 39th Reg't, died of wounds Sept. 10th, '64. Gillett, James, died of wounds, Aug. 17th, '64. Gillett, Henry, Co. E, 39th Inf., died at Columbus, Md., Feb. '62. Gorman, John, Co. I, 60th Inf., killed in skirmish at Triune, Tenn. GROVER, DAVID G., Cap. Co. D, 64th Reg't, killed in battle of Corinth, Oct. 4th, '62. Griffin, Charles S., Co. E, 64th Reg't, killed at Ruffs Mills, Ga,, Aug. 4, '64. Goodwin, George, Serg't. Co. F, 64th Reg't, died April 17, '64. Gilfallan, James H., Co. F, 64th Reg't, killed near Dallas May, 27, '64. Grimes, Geo., Co. G, 64th Reg't, died of wounds at Marietta, Ga., Sept. 26, '64, of wounds July 22, '64. Goodenow, Corinthus, Co. A, 65th, Reg't, died at Marietta, Ga., Aug. 14, '64. Garrity, Patrick, Co. D, 90th Reg't, died at Joliet, Sept. 13, '64. Geer, Wm. W., Co. A, 100th Reg't, died at Lebannon, Ky. Grass, James, Corp. Co. D, 100th Reg't, died at Lebannon, Ky., Nov. 7, '62. Geist, Franklin H., Co. D, 100th Reg't, died at Louisville, Ky., Dec. 24, '62. Gridley, Benj. F., Serg't Co. G, 100th Reg't, died at Nashville, Nov. 26, '62. Greenlee, Joseph, Co. G, 100th Reg't, died at Nashville, Dec. 15, : 62. Ganthrop, James, Co. H, 100th Reg't, died at Gallatin, Jan. 23d, '63. Ganthrop, Amos, Co. H, died near Nashville, Nov. 27, '62 Grudging's Wm., Co. 1, 100th Reg't, died near Nashville, Dec. 15, '62. Greenman, Giles, L., Co. K, 100th Reg't, killed at Stone River, Dec. 31, '62. Geyer, Christian G., Co. I, 2d Art., died of wounds at Chattanooga, Sept. 18, '64. Goss, Frank J., Co. I, 100th Reg't, died at Wesley, May 3d, '64. Garrett, Cyrus J., Co. L, 6th Cav., died at Nashville, July 9, '65. Gardner, Louis B., Lockport, V. R. C., died, '62. Holden, Hiram, Co. B, 20th Inf., died at LaGrange, Tenn., Jan. 28, '63. Hodge, Geo. H., Co. B, 20th Inf., died at Vicksburg, Sept. 24, '63. Houstine, Conrad, Co. F, 20th Inf., killed at Britton's Lane, Sept. 1, 1862. Hiller, John, Co. F, 20th Inf., died of wounds received at Donaldson, May, 22, '63. Harris, W. J., Corp. Co. A, 39th Reg't, died of wounds, June 17, '64. Humprey, Thos., Co. G, 39th Reg't, killed May 20, '64, Wier Bottom, Va. Hanson, David M., Co. E, 39th Reg't, died in Andersonville prison, Oct. 22, '64. No. of grave 1,664. Hopkins, Benj., Co. F, 39lh Reg't, killed at Deep Run, Va., Aug. 16, '64. Hills, Joseph, Co. I, 46th Reg't, died at Evans ville, Ind., June 10, '62. Harris, Geo., Co. I, 46th Reg't, died on the field, June 9th, '62. Harrison, Michael, Co. G, 64th Reg't, killed at Kenesaw, June 27, '64. Harrenden, Dan., Co. G, 64th Reg't, killed at Atlanta, July 22d, '64. Haffer, Benedict, Co. G, 64th Reg't, killed at Kenesaw, June 27th, '64. Horner, Thos. P., Co. G, 64th Reg't, killed at Atlanta, July 22d, '64. Hosier, Andrew, Co. 1, 64th Reg't, died at Dartmouth, R. J., May 12. '65. Hoffman, Henry, Co. B, 66th Reg't, mortally wounded, Kenesaw, June 27,64. Hostler, George W., Co. H, 66th Reg't, died at Rome, Ga., July 15th, '64. Haley, Mathew, Corp., Co. D, 90th Reg't, died a prisoner at Belle Isle, Rich- mond, Va, April 8th, '64. DEATH RECORD. 481 Hoy, John, Co. A, 100th Reg't, died in Andersonville prison, Oct. 26, '64. No. of grave, 11,506. Haines, John S., Co. A, 100th Reg't, died Jan. 6th, 1863, of wounds received at Stone River. Haughn, Robert E., Co. A, 100th Reg't, died at Crab Orchard, Ky., Oct. 21st, '62. Harter, Hiram, Serg't, Co. B, 100th Reg't, killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, '63. Harper, Jeremiah, Co. C, 100th Reg't, died at Columbus, Ky., Oct. 30. '62. Hopkins, John, Co. C, 100th Reg't, killed at Stone River, Dec. 31, '62. Hill, Lorenzo, R., Musician, Co. D, 100th Reg't, died at Lebanon, Ky., Nov. 5, '62. Hartong, Rosewell, Co. D, 100th Reg't, died at Chattanooga, Oct. 29, '63. Hess, Geo. W., Co. D, 100th Reg't, killed at Stone River, Dec. 31, '62. Harrington, Jeff. Co. F, 100th Reg't, died at Palos, April 4, '63. Holmes, Geo. W., Co. G, 100th Reg't, killed at Rocky Face, Ga., May 10, '64. Harley, Jas. J., Corp. Co. G, 100th Reg't, missing at Chickamauga, no doubt killed on the field, in hands of rebs. Hoyt, Alvah, Co. H, 100th Reg't. missing at Franklin, supposed killed and left in hands of the enemy. Hicks, Wm., Co. 1, 100th Reg't, died at Jeffersonville, Ind., Feb. 16, '65. Hurley, Chas., Serg't, Co. I, 100th Reg't, died at Nashville, July 2, '63. Hayes, John, Corp., Co. I, 100th Reg't, died of wounds, July 24, '64. Harrenden, Albert, Co. K, 100th Reg't, died at Nashville, Jan. 1, '63. Heart, J. W., Co. K, 100th Reg't, died at NashviUe, Jan. 10, '63. Hartwell, Wm. E., Co. K, 3d Cav., died at Eastport, Miss., May 5, '65. Hewes, Geo. C., Co. F, 8th Cav., died at Philadelphia, Penn., March 6, '63. Hewes, Orlando, Co. F, 8th Cavalry, killed in battle Nov. 1, '63. Hubbard, Lysander, Co. K, 8th Cav., died at Alexandria, Va. March 9, '62 . Howard, Charles, Bat. I, 2d Art., killed at island No. 10. Hartromft, Ezra, Co. E, 72d Reg't, died at Holly Spring, Dec. 26, '62. Ingersoll, James H., Co. G, 100th Reg't, died at Gallatin, Tenn., Jan. 19, '63. Irish, George, Co. I, 100th Reg't, killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, '63. Inkleking, Conrad, Co. D, 9th Cav., died April 19, '62. Jacobs, Wade H., McAllister's Bat., died at Cairo, in three months' service. JOHNSON, ALLEN, B.. 1st. Lieut., Co. A, 39th Reg't, died Sept. 8, '64. Johnson, Wm., Co. F, 64th Reg't, killed before Corinth. Johnson, James Co. B, 66th Reg't, died at Nashville, Oct. 30, '64. Joce, Austin, Co. D, 90th Reg't, died in Andersonville Prison, June 20, '64, No. of grave 2,241. Jewett, LeRoy, Co. A, 100th Reg't, killed at Dallas, Ga., May 30, '64. Jones, Alonzo N., killed at Chickamauga, Sept, 19, '63. Johnston, Samuel F., Co. B, 100th Reg't, died in Andersonville, Aug. 2, '64, No. of grave 5,395. Jones, W. R., Co. I, 100th Reg't, died in prison Danville, Va., Feb. 6, '64. Jones, Robert N M Co. 1, 100th Reg't, died at Gallatin, Tenn., Feb. 2, '63. Johnson, Geo, F, Co. G, 3d Cav., drowned Aug. 11, '65. Jay, Freeman S., Co. L, 2d Art., died at Beuf River, La., Aug. 30, '6& Johnson, Robert, Co. G, 65th Reg't, died at Martinsburg, Va., July 26, '62. Kendall, Michael I., Co.B, 20th Inf., died at Vicksburg, Sept. 21, '63. Kidder, Wm., Co. D, 20th Inf., killed at Shiloh, April 6, '62. 62 482 DEATH RECORD. Kelly, John M., Co. F, 39th Reg't, died of wounds at Hampton, Va., Oct. 31, '61 Kresin, Ferdinand, Co. E, 44th Inf., died at Rolla, Mo., Dec. 5, '61. Kennelly, Morris, Co. I, 46th Inf., died at Cincinnati, May 10, '62. Kahler, Norman P., Co. A, 100th Inf., died at Chattanooga, Dec. 16, '63, of wounds received at Mission Ridge. Kelly, Robert, Serg't, Co. D, 90th Inf., died at Nashville, Jan. 26, '64. Kenny, John C., Corp. Co. A, 100th Inf., died at Nashville, Jan. 1,'63. Karrigar, Fred'k, Co. B, 100th Inf., died at Bowling Green, Nov. 20, ? 92. King, Martin B., Co. B, 100th Inf., died of wounds received in battle of Franklin, Dec. 12, '64. Kine, Wm., Co. C, 100th Inf., died at Wild Cat, Ky., Oct. 20, '62. Karch, Henry, Co. A, 100th Inf., killed at Chickatnauga, Sept. 19, '63. Kennedy, Otis, W., Co. E, 100th Inf., died at Murfreesboro, Jan. 3d, '63. Kenny, Stephen, Co. E, 100th Inf., died at Nashville, July 7, '63, Kenney, Andrew J., Co. E, 100th Inf., died at Gallatin, Dec. 25, '62, Kelly, Francis P., Co. I, killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, '63. Klegner, John, Co. I, 100th Inf., died at Wilmington, 111., Nov. 3. '68. Kundt, Fred'k, Co. B, 129th Inf., died at Chattanooga, Sept. 10, '64. Katsa, Henry, Co. D, 9th Cav., died at Memphis, Oct. 20, '64. Kay, Nicholas, Co. C, 13th Cav., died at Little Rock, Ark., Dec. 20, '64. of wounds. Kirton, Wm., Co. H, 17 Cav., died at Glasgow, Mo., Aug. 16, '64. Kidston, John, Co. B, 124th Inf., died of wounds at Champion Hills, May 18, '63. Kennepp, Thos. J., Co. L, 6th Cavalry, died at Demopolis, Ala., Sept. 19, '64 Kraft, Henry, Co. D, 4th Cav., died after discharge, of disease contracted in service. Lepp, John, Co. F, 20th 111., died at Jackson, Tenn., Sept. 4, '62. Lehmann, Frank, Co. K, 20th 111., died at Birds Point, Jan. 11, 62. Lyons, Geo., Co. A, 39th 111., died at Hilton Head, Feb. 21, '63. Lulin, James, Co. G, 64th IU., died at Midship, G., Jan. 13, '64. Linch, Barnard, Co. G, 64th, 111., died since discharge, from disease contracted in service. Leffer, Geo., Corp. Co. E, 88th 111., died at Stephenson, Ala., Sept. 27, '63. Longhrea, Co. D, 90th 111., died at Atlanta, Aug. 2, '64, of wounds. Lyman, John, Co.'D, 100th Inf., died in Anderson ville prison, Sept. 8, '64. No. of grave 8,196. Linebarger, David, Co. E, 100th Inf., killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, '63. Leonard, Alvin, Co. E, 100th Inf., died at Silver Springs, Nov. 17, '62. Leazure, Chester, Co. E, 100th Inf,, died at Nashville, Dec. 23, '62. Legg, Aaron, Co. F, 100th Inf., died at Murfreesboro, Feb. 23, '63. Labuinbard, Edward, Co. G, 100th Inf., died at Gallatin, Jan. 19. '63. Ladieu, James T., Co. H, 100th Inf., died in Andersonville, August 18, '64. Lyon, Leverett M., Corp. Co. H, 100th Inf., killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, '63. Laird, Jrmes, Co. 1, 100th Inf., died at Nashville, Nov. 29, 'H2. Long, Benj. F., Corp. Co. K, 100th Inf., died at Louisville, Jan. 23, '63. Ledyard, Thos. C., Co, K, 113th 111,, died at Vicksburg, July 25, '63, Lish. A., Co. D, 4th Cav., died at Vicksburg, Feb. llth, 1864. Lull, Franklin R., Co. F, 8th Cav., died after discharge, of wounds received near Richmond DEATH RECORD. 483 Marsh, Wm. Henry, Co. K, Inf., died since discharge, of wounds received at Chickasaw Bluffs. .'*' ,' Miles, Milo W., McAllister's Bat., died at Cairo in three months' service. Marshall, Edward W., Co. A, 20th Inf., died at Mokena, on furlough. Milam, Lindsay, Co. B, 20th Inf., died at Marietta, of wounds received at Peach Tree Creek. Millar, John F., Co. D, 20th Inf., killed at Shiloh April 6, '62. Mahan, Thos., Co. F, 20th Inf., killed at Donaldson, Feb. 15, '62. Mitchell, Henry, Co. K, 20th Inf., killed at Raymond, Miss., May, 12, '63. Mott, George, Co. A, 39th Inf., died at Cumberland, Md., Feb. 2, 1862. McCartie,;Peter, Co. A, 39th Inf., died at Alex,, Va. Jan. 1, 1862. Maher, John, 39th Inf., died of wounds, Jan. 16, 1862. Merrill, Almon, Co. E, 39th Inf., died of wounds, July 23, '64. McMaster, James, Co. E, 39th Inf., died at Williamsport, Md., Dec. 9, 1861. McLaren, Charles, Co. I, 46th Inf., died at Memphis, Jan. 4, 1865. Mooray, Henry C., Co. I, 46th Inf., died at Memphis, Dec. 18, 1862. Marcy, Frank P., Co. 1, 46th Inf., killed at Shiloh in action. McDaniel, John H., Co. I, 49th Inf., died Sept. 1st, 1865. McGalligut, Michael, Co. E, 64th Inf., killed in battle of Corinth, Oct. 4, 1862. Males, James, Co. E, 64th Inf., died at Quncy, Feb. 17, 1862. McCoy, Michael, Co. G, 64th Inf., killed before Atlanta, July 22, 1864. McLaughlin, Pat, Co. G, 64th Inf., same. McCourtie, James F., 64th Inf., died at Quincy. Mulliken, James M., Serg't. Co. K, 89th Inf., died in rebel hospital prison at Danville, Va., Feb. 28, 1864. McGuire, Chas., Co. H, 90th Inf., died of wounds at Marietta, Ga., Oct. 4, '64, MITCHELL, CHAS. F., Lieut. Co. A, 100th Inf., died of wounds at Stone River, Jan. 4, '63. Martin, Thos. P,, Co. A, 100th Inf., died at Murfreesboro, June 17, 1863. McCorkle, Joseph, Co. A, 100th Inf., died at Nashville, Feb. 10, 1863. Milliard, Nelson, Co. B, 100th Inf., died at Nashville, Jan. 19, 1863. Marshall, George, Co, B, 100th Inf., died at Gallatin, Feb. 17, 1863. McFadden, Wade H., Ser. Co. C, 100th Inf., died of wounds at Stone River Jan. 4, 1864. Murphy, Michael, Serg't. Co. C, 100th Inf., killed at Franklin Nov. 30, 1864. Martin, Pat. /Co. D, 100th Inf., died at Shell Mound, Sept. 9, 1863. McCune, James, Co. E, 100th Inf., died of wounds received at battle of Chickamauga, at Chattanooga. Merwin, Thos. E., Co. E, 100th Inf., died at Nashville, July 3, 1863. Miller, Richard, Co. E, 100th Inf. T died at Nashville Dec. 21, 1862. Martin, Joseph, Co. F, 100th Inf., died at Nashville, Dec. 12, 1862. McHaffey, Wm., Co. F, 100th Inf., did at Murfreesboro, Feb. 9, 1863. Meyer, August, Co. D, 9th Cav., died at Memphis, July 29, 1862. Mather, George, Battery I, 2d Art., died from the sting of a scorpion near Athens, Ga., Mclntosh, John, Co. I, ICOth Inf., died at Nashville, Feb. 26, 63. Mason, Lorenzo D., Co. L, 100th Inf., died at Nashville, Dec. 2d, 1862. Mitchell, Edgar H., Co. F, 100th Inf., died at Evansville, Ind., Nov. 13, 1862. Mitchell, Ellery B., Co. G, 100th Inf., died at Nashville Dec. 3, 1862. Moore, Deratus T., Co. H, 100th Inf., died at Nashville Dec. 17, 1863. 484 DEATH RECORD. Miner, Edw. S., Serg't. Co. K, 100th Inf., killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, '63, Morfort, Henry, W,, Corp. same same. Morey, John B., same. same. Morse, Adams P., Co. K, 100th Inf., died soon after discharge, April 3, 1863. Melvin, Edgar, Co. D, 4th Cav., died at Savannah, Tenn., March 21, 1862. Mather, Reuben, Co. D, 4th Cav., died at "Vicksburg, Aug. 29, 1862. Milam, Daniel, Co. F, 13th Cav., died at Helena, Aug. 9, 1862. Mason, Geo. H., Co. C, 14th Cav., killed at Roddy Station, Dec. 14, 1864. Marshall, George N., 4th Michigan, died in Andersonville Prison. Neff, Mar tin, Co. B, 20th Reg't, died at Cairo, Sept. 2, 1863. Norris, Wm. H., Co. I, 46th Reg't, kiled in battle of Shiloh. Needham, Austin, Co. D, 90th Reg't, killed at Atlanta, Aug. 13, 1864. Nobles, Henry C., Co. 1, 100th Reg't, imprisoned at Andersonville, died at Wilmington, N. C., Nickerson, Lemuel, Bat. A, 1st Art, died at Joliet Aug. 23, 1863. Osgood, Thos. J., Co. A, 39th Inf., died of wounds at Phila.,Sept. 20, 1864. Olhues, Henry, Co. E, 39th Inf., killed near Petersburg, April 2, 1865. O'Brian, Daniel, Co. E, 55th Inf., died at Memphis, Dec. 16, 1862. Orr, Wm., Co. G, 64th Inf., killed at Kenesaw, June 27, 1864. O'Reiley, Daniel, Co. G, 64th Inf., mortally wounded June 27th, 1864, at Kenesaw. Parr, David, Co. I, 46th Jnf.,died soon after discharge. Patterson, Wayne, Co. B, 20th Inf., died of wounds, May 14, 1863. Paxon, Aaron P., Co. K, 20th Inf., died at Newark, 111., May 4, 1862. Perkins, James A., 39th Inf., died at Chicago, Sept. 7, 1861. Proud, Sam'l F., 39th Inf., killed at Fort Gregg, April 2, '65. Potter, Sam'l F., Co. A, 53d Inf., died at St. Louis, May 21, '62. Price, Arthur, Co. A, 58th Inf., died of wounds April 9th, '64. Paul, William, Corp'l Co. E, 64th Inf., died in Georgia. June 30, '64. Parks, John O., Corp. Co. F, 64th Inf., died of wounds received. May 27, '64. Parker, Israel, Co. G, 64th Inf., died in Andersonville prison, Aug. 2, '64. Powlis Isaac, Co. G, 64th Inf., killed at Kenesaw, June 27, '64. Peterson, Caray A., Co. G, 64th Inf., killed at Kenesaw, June 27, '64. Pierce, George W., Co. G, killed at Kenesaw, June 27, '64. Parker, Edgar, Co. D, 72d Inf., died at Quincy, Sept. 7, '63. Parks, Wm. G., Co. B, 100th Inf., killed at Kenesaw, June 27, '64. Parker, Thos. P., Co. C, 100th Inf., killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, '63. Poor, Wm. L., Corp. Co. C, 100th Inf., died at Murfreesboro, June 27, '63. Prosser, Lewis A., Co. C, 100th Inf., killed at ChickamaugB, Sept. 20, '63. Platts, Nelson, Corp., Co. D, 100th Inf., died at Chattanooga, of wounds re- ceived before Atlanta, Sept. 16, '64. Platt, Joseph, Co. D, 100th Inf., died at Nashville, May 1, '63. Perkins, Van L., Co. E, 100th Inf., died in hospital at Crawfish Springs,. Sept. 30, '63, of wounds received at Chiekamauga, Sept. 19. Pettijohn, Mark, Co. F, 100th Inf., died at Nashville, Feb. 16, '63. Price, George, Co. G, 100th Inf., killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, '63. Pickard, Wm., Co. G, 100th Inf., died at Bowling Green, Nov. 24, '62. Pierson, John J., Co. G, 100th Inf., died at Murfreesboro, May 19, '63. Purcell, Edward, Co. H, 10th Cav., died at Little Rock, April 10, '63. Pierson, Wm. A., Co. M, 10th Cav., died at Springfield, 111., Feb. 20, '64. Perkins, Albert, Sub., 39th Inf., died at Camp Butler, Feb. 11, '64. Petteugill, Seward,H., Co. D, 4th Cav., died in 1st Miss. Cav., DEATH RECORD. 485 Patchett, Frank, Co. H, 12th Cav., killed at Alexandria, Va., April 28, 1864. Quackenbush, Alfred, Co. F, 8th Cav., died at Alexandria, Va., Feb. 27, '62. -Quick, Sidney, Co. C, 100th Inf., died at Chicago. April 17, '64. Rose, Leonard, died at Mound City, Nov. 5, '61. Rath, Wm. Co. D, 14th Inf., killed at Shiloh. April 1862. Reynolds, Isaac B., Corp. 20th Reg't, killed at Shiloh. Reynolds, George, Co. B, 20th Reg't, died at Mound City, Oct. 16, '61. Randall, Albert S., Co. F, 20th Reg't, died at Pittsburg Landing, Tenn. April 30, 1862. Rose, Alonzo, Co. I, 20th Reg't, died of wounds received at Donaldson. RICHARDSON, JOSEPH W., 1st Lieut. Co. A, 39th Reg't, died Nov. 21, '61 of typhoid fever at Williamsport, Md. Ruppenthal, Henry, Co. A, 39th Inf., died of wounds, June '64. Rowley, Charles, Co. E, 39th Inf., died at Cumberland, Md., Feb. 20, '62. Rourke, Hugh, Co. A, 39th Inf., killed at Fort Gregg. Robinson, Dan. A., Co. G, 42d Inf., died at Smithton Mo., Jan. 22, '62. Rossiter, David B., Corp.Co. I, 46th Inf., died at New Orleans, May 27, 1864. Robbins, W. H., Co, I, 46th Inf., died at Pittsburg Landing, March 24, '62. Roland, Thos., Co. I, 46th Inf., died at Memphis, Jan. 10, '62. Rouse, Geo. H., Co. E, 64th Inf., killed at Corinth, Oct. 4, '62. Reynolds, Henry I., Serg't. Co. E, 88th Inf., died at Nashville, Jan. 20, '63. ROUSE, GEO. W., Adj't, 100th Inf., died Aug. 3, '64, of wounds received July 29th, before Atlanta. Rogers, Samuel, Co. B, 100th Inf., killed at;Chickamauga, Sept. 19, '62. Rahn, Frederick, Co. C, 100th Inf., killed at Stone River, Dec. 31, '62. Rathbun, Hiram, Co. C, 100th Inf., died at Nashville, Jan. 9, '63. Reed, William, Co. E, 100th Inf., died at Bridgeport, Ala., Dec. 22, 1863, of wounds received at Chickamauga. Ritchey, Riley, Co. F, 100th Inf., died at Cave City, Nov. 5, '62. Rowley, Fred'k, Co, G, 100th Inf., died at Gallatin, Tenn., Dec. 26, '62. Robbins, Joseph, Co. H, 100th Inf., died at Nashville, Dec. 16, '62, Rice, Levi C., Co. 1, 100th Inf., died of wounds at Chickamauga. Robson, Thos., Co. 1, 100th Inf., died Aug. 23, '64. Rudd, Erastus, Co. K, 100th Inf., died in Andersonville Prison, April 2, '64. No. of grave 306. Richards, Ed. C., Co. K, 113 Inf., died at Young's Point, March 15, '63. Ratclifl, Wm. M., Co. F, 13th Cav., died at St. Louis, Oct. 30, '62. Rice, Alphonso, Co. H, 124th Inf., killed at Champion Hills, May 16, 1863. Sweetwood, Isaac, McAllister's Bat., 3 months' service, died. Sleight, Theodore, Co. B, 20th Inf., died at Birds Point, Sept. 19, '61. Sperry, Henry A., Co. B, 20th Inf., died of wounds at Britton's Lane, May 16, '63. Supplee, William, Co. B, 20th Reg't, died at Memphis, Feb. 27, '63. Scanlan, James, Co. F, 20th Inf. died at Joliet, April 23d, '62, Shultz, August, Co. G,20th Inf., killed at Donaldson, Feb. 15, '62. Stiller, Robert, Co. G, 20th Inf., died at Nashville, Sept. 18, '64. Smith, Wm. W., Co. K, 20th Inf., died at Paducah, Aug, 23, '63. Shugar, Wm., Co. K, 20th Inf., killed at Raymond, Miss., May 12, '63. Starkweather, Henry A., 39th Inf., died at Folly Island, July 12, '63. Sibert, Andrew, Co. A, 39th Inf., died in Andersonville, Sept. 16, '64. 62 486 DEATH KECORD. Stewart, Thos., Co. E, 39th Inf., died Oct. 30, '64, at Annapolis, of wounds re- ceived in front of Petersburg. Spencer, George A., Co. F, 64th Inf. , killed before Atlanta, July 22, '64. Small, Cushman, Co. G, 64th Inf., died of wounds at Mound City, Sept. 29, '64. Stroud, Henry, Co. G, 100th Inf., killed at Kenesaw, June 27, '64. Schorn, Harvey, Co. G, 64th Inf., mortally wounded July 22, '64. Sweringen, Frank, Serg't Co. G, 64th Inf., died Sept. 2, '64, of wounds re- ceived July 22d, Smith, Arnold, Co. D, 90th Inf., died at Chicago, March 14, '63. Smith, Martin, Co, D, 90th Inf., died at Camp Sherman, August 22, '62. SOHOONMAKER, GEO. C., 1st Lieut. Co. I,100th Inf., killed in action Aug. 5, '64, Sutton, Wm. H., Co, A, 100th Inf., died at Silver Springs, Nov. 17, '62, Stewart, George, Co, A, 100th Inf., killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, '63. Stuck, William, Co. A, 100th Inf., died at Nashville, Feb. 3d, '63. Steinmetz, Justus B., Corp. 100th Inf., killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, '63. Sampson, Chas. C., Co. B, 100th Inf., killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, '63. Schegg.Geo., Co. B, 100th Inf., died at Nashville, Feb. 15, '63. Snyder, Mathias, Co. C, 100th Inf., missing, supposed killed at Chickamauga, Sept, 19th, '63. Spafford, Stephen M., Serg't Co. E, 100th Inf., killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, 1863. Spencer, Chas. P., Corp. Co. E, 100th Inf., killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, '63 V Styles, Charles, Co, E, 100th Inf., killed at Lovejoy Station, Sept. 5, '64. Smith, Milton J., Co. E, 100th Inf., killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, '63, Stolder, Henry, Co. E, 100th Inf., died at Murfreesboro, Jan. 22, '63. Scanlan, Patrick, Co. F, 100th Inf, killed at Chickamauga, Sept, 19, '63. Sutphen, Anson, Co. F, 100th Inf., died at Nashville, Jan. 3, '63. Shoemaker, John, Serg't Co. G, 100th Inf., died at Nashville, Feb. 14, '63. Sarver, John, Co. H, 100th Inf., killed at Kenesaw, June 27, '64. Schneider, David, Co. D, 147th Inf., died at Nashville, May 31 ,'65. Saylor, Wm. L., Co. E, 147th Inf., died at Resacca, June 8, '65. Sullivan, Daniel, Co. K, 147th Inf., died at Dalton, Ga., May 30, '65. Sulson, Joseph A., Co. G, 3d Cav., died at Eastport, Miss., May 6, '65. Stem, Wm. A., Co. K, 8th Cav., died at Camp Relief, D. C., June 20, '64. Salter, John F., Co. G, 9th Cav., died at Camp Douglass, Feb. 7, '62. Staley, Paul, Co. D, 4th Cav., died in naval service from wounds. STEINBERG, PHILIP, Capt, Co. F, 64th Inf., killed when captain of 1st Ala. Cav., at Vincents X Roads, Oct. 26, 1863. Smith, Melvin, Co. I, 2d Art, died at Hamburg. Stebbins, Robert, Co. H, 12th Cav., died at Donaldville, La., Aug. 1, '64. THOMPSON, JOHN E., Adjt. 20th Reg't, killed in action at Shiloh. Tice, Henry, Musician, Co. B, 20th Reg't died at Cape Girardeau, Aug. 20, '61. Train, Artemus, Co. B, 20th Reg't, died at Wilmington, 111., Dec. 21, '61. Turner, Wm., Co. B, 20th Reg't, died at St. Louis, July 17, '63. Trove, Rudolph, Co, B, 20th Reg't, killed at Shiloh, April 6, '62. Taylor, Bluford E., Co. A, 39th Inf., died at Richmond, Va., May 12, '65. Thompson, Thomas, Co. G, 64th Reg't, killed at Kenesaw, June 27, '64. Teeters, Geo., Co. G,64th Reg't, killed at Kenesaw, June 27, '64. Tracey, Wm., Co. A, 100th Reg't' died at Murfreesboro, March 5, '63. Troblee, John, Co. G, 64th Reg't, killed at Kenesaw, June 27, '64. Theille, Andrew, Co. B, 100th Reg't, killed at Stone River, Dec. 31, '62. DEATH RECORD. 487 Taylor, Marcus, Co. C, 100th Reg't, died at Nashville, Dec. 8, '62. Taylor, James, Musician, Co. D, 100th Reg' t, died Feb. 12, '63. Tyler, Hubbard A., Co. D, 100th Inf., died at Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 22, '62. Townsend, Edward, Co. F, 100th Inf., died at Nashville, Dec. 16, '62. Temple, Ira, Co.H, 100th Inf., died in Anderson ville prison, Jan. 1, '64. Turner, FestusG., Co. K, 8th Cav., died since discharge, of disease contracted in service. Unruh, Henry, Co. E, 100th Inf., died at Bowling Green, Nov. 16, '62. Unruh, Sylvester, Co. D, 100th Inf., died at Nashville, Dec. 11, '62. Vail, Wm. S., Co. B, 20th Inf., killed at Britton's Lane. Vigron, Oliver H., Co. F, 20th Inf., died at Mound City, Nov. 28, '61. Vandevoort, Geo. W., Co.D, 100th Inf., died at Gallatin, Tenn., Jan. 20, '63. Vinson, Richard C., Co. K, 8th Cav., killed at Falling Watei, Md., July 6, '63. Vimpeny, Charles, Co. E, 12th Cav., died Nov. 19th, '63. Vaughn, James, Co. I, 16th Cav., died in Andersonville prison, June 3, '64. No. of grave, 1,078. Weist, John, Co. B, 20th Reg't, killed at Donaldson, Feb. 15, '62. Wright, Nelson W., Co. B, 20th Inf., died of wounds received at Donaldson, Feb. 18, '62. Warren, John, Co. B, 20th Inf., died at Memphis, July 8, '63. Waters, Israel, Jr., Musician Co. K, 20th Inf., killed at Raymond, May 12, '63. Woodruff, John, Co. K, 20th Inf., died of wounds June 7, '63. Wilson, Andrew J., Co. K,20th Inf., killed at Donaldson, Feb. 16, '62. WALKER, JOSEPH D., Adj't 39th 111., killed in battle May 16, '62. Walters, Barton S., Co. A. 39th Inf., died at Annapolis, April 1, "65, after re- lease from rebel prison, result of sufferings. Wright, Burgess, Co. I, 46th Inf., died at Pittsburg Landing, April 19, '62. Wadhams, Mortimer, Co. E, 39th Inf., died at Bermuda H., Feb. 24, '65. Wagner, Abram, Co. F, 64th Inf., killed at Dallas, Ga., May 27, '64. Watson, Robert, Serg't Co. G, 64th Inf., killed at Decatur, July 19, '64. Wheeler, Thos. J., Co. K, 64th Inf., died at Louisville, April 8, '64. Ward, William, Co. E, 66th Inf., died July 15, '64. West, Manasseh, Co. D, 72d Inf., died March 7, '65. Wells, Joseph, Co. C, 90th Inf., died at Nashville, Dec. 11, '63. Welch, Edward, Co. C, 90th Inf., died of wounds received Aug. 3, '64. Waterhouse, John W., Co. E, 72d Inf., died at Columbus, Ky., Nov. 14, '62. Wicker, Nelson, S., Co. C, 90th Inf., died of wounds Dec. 4, '63. Worthingham, Morrison, 2d Lieut. Co. K, 100th Inf., killed at Stone River, Warner, Foster, Corp. Co. A, 100th Inf., died at Louisville, Ky., April 12, '63, White, Philip, Co. A, 100th Inf., killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, '63. Weise, John, Co. B, 100th Inf., died at Chattanooga, Oct. 29, '62. Wagner, Peter, Corp. Co. C, 100th 111., killed at Stone River, Jan. 2, '63. Webster, Horace, Co. E, 100th Inf., died at Nashville, Jan. 26, '63. White, Edwin J., Co. G, 100th Inf., died at Gallatin, Feb 1, '63. Weidemer, Gotleib, Co.G, 100th Inf., killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, '63. , World, Newton, Co. K, 100th Inf., died at Nashville, Feb. 24, '63. Wimmer, John, Co. I, 16th Cav., died in Andersonville prison, May 15, '64. No. of grave 1,130. Wharton, Geo. W., Co. C, 2nd Art*, died at Fort Donaldson, Feb. 5, '64. White, James P., Co. I,2d Art., died at Nashville, April 27, '64. 488 DEATH RECORD. Weaver, John, Co. C, 4th Cav., died a prisoner near Richmond, Va., Dec. '62. Young, Nelson, Co. B, 20th Inf., died at Vicksburg, Aug. 29, '63. Yates, Geo. W., Serg't Co. A, 39th Inf,, died Oct. 28, '64, of wounds received in charging the rebel works, Oct. 13. Young, Alex., Co. G, 64th Inf,, died at Mound City, Sept. .28, '64. Young, Ahaz, Co H, 100th Inf., killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, '63. Zimmerman, Albert, Co. B, 100th Inf., died at Chattanooga, Aug. 31, '64. Zweifle, Albert, Co. F, died at Nashville, Feb. 28, '63. PART THIRD. CHAPTER III. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. Col. F. A. Bartleeon Lieut. Col. Wm. Erwin Major Rodney S. Bowen Capt. David G. Grover Adjutant George W. Rouse, Adjutant Joseph D. Walker, Capt. Gideon Bernier Serg't Henry S. Clark Lieut. Morrison Worthingham Serg't Albert S. Randall Serg't Holmes Lieut. Charles F. Mitchell Wm. Henry Marsh Charles Parker Spencer John Burden Cap- tain George Dyer Henry A. Sperry Rev. Joel Grant. t ;BEDEBICK A. BAETLESON. He was born in Cincinnati, Ohio, Nov. 10th, 1833, and was in the 31st year of his age at the time of his death. While very young, his parents re- moved to Wheeling, where his father was engaged in the publica- tion of a newspaper. Subsequently his father removed to Brooklyn, and again to Freehold, N. J., at which latter place he was engaged in the publication of the " Monmouth Enquirer" Frederick was given the advantages of a good education, and graduated with honor at Alleghany College, Meadville, Penn., after which he entered the office of Hon. P. Vredenberg, at Free- hold, for the study of law. After completing his legal course, and being admitted to the bar, he struck out for the west, and in 1855, being then 22 years of age, he came to our city and located. The writer well remembers his youthful and prepossessing appearance when he came, and how quickly and surely he secured to himself friends and patrons among those who had hitherto been strangers. His personal manners and his modesty of deportment also soon made him generally popular, not only with the members of his own profession, bat with all classes ; while his sterling qualities of mind and heart secured their confidence and respect, and he was 63 490 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. soon entrusted with the responsible office of district attorney, by the almost unanimous choice of the profession and the people. Soon after his election to this office he was united in marriage with Miss Kate Murray, who still survives him, beloved and hon- ored, both for her own sake and for his. In the memorable spring of 1861, when the first call was made for volunteers to de- fend the insulted flag of our Union a public meeting was held April 17th, as has been elsewhere related, for the purpose of tak- ing into consideration the exigencies of the hour, and also for tak- ing steps to raise a company of volunteers. Although fifteen years have elapsed since that -memorable day, many will remember that scene. Many will recall the doubts, the fears, the anxieties, that pervaded the public mind. Almost without warning, certainly without any adequate apprehension of the imminence of such a crisis, the question of war, or a dissolution of the Union, had been sprung upon a peace loving north, and as it were, in a moment we had to decide upon the choice. It was at this first meeting in this crisis, that after several patriotic speeches had been made, urging upon those present in the most impassioned strains, the duty of responding to the call of the government, that a young man of slight physique, but with flashing eye, and countenance all aglow, but with steady and determined accents, spoke briefly, but most eloquently, in the same strain with those who had preceded him, and then walking up to the table on which lay the blank en- listment roll, said, " I will not urge you to do what I am un- willing to do myself, I propose to head that list." He then put down the name of the first volunteer in Will county, amid the cheers and huzzahs of an excited crowd. The act was more elo- quent than words, and the example more effective than eloquence. The results which followed this act have been given elsewhere and need not be here repeated. I will, however, relate one cir- cumstance, not a public one, connected with this scene t which shows the feelings which prompted the act. Next morning, seeing my young friend and neighbor in the adjoining yard, I playfully alluded to the act of the night previous, when he quoted to me with evident solemnity of feeling, and with a sober realiza- tion of all that was involved in the action he had taken, and with BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 491 what seems now, an almost prophetic vision, the words of Horace, " Duke et decorum est pro patria mori." How Bartleson exerted himself in the organization of his com- pany, and being chosen its captain, busied himself at once in studying the duties of his new profession, will be well remem- bered. His history is thenceforth identified with that of the 20th regiment, (elsewhere given,) until his appointment as colonel of the 100th. At Fredericktown he led his company in their first seri- ous encounter with the enemy, most gallantly and bravely. At Donaldson he won further laurels, and was promoted major of the regiment. Coming home from that hard fought field as escort to the remains of Col. Erwin, he returned in time to take a heroic part in the two days' engagement at Shiloh, where he received a severe wound, resulting in the loss of his left arm. Coming home to recover from this sad casualty, he was often urged while here, by his many friends to retire from the service. But his de- termined answer was "No! I have still an arm left for my country, and she shall have that too if need be." When in 1862 the 100th regiment was organized, there was but one man talked of, or thought of, as its commander, and in due time he was elected and his promotion secured from the authorities. He led this regi- ment through the weary campaigns which terminated in the bloody, hard fought field of Stone River, and through the subse- quent one which culminated on the Chickamauga. Here, while heroically holding an advanced position with a mere squad of men* he was surrounded by a charge of the enemy, and with others he was taken prisoner. For six months following the disastrous field of Chickamauga, he was an inmate of the crowded apartments of Libby. As expressive of his feelings during his imprison- ment, I enrich these pages with lines written by him in the album of a fellow prisoner, and which were too good to be kept there, and found their way into the public prints. A reception was given him on his return from Libby prison, in the spring of 1864, a reception which has never been equalled in heartiness and en- thusiasm in Will county. He was again and often urged upon his return to retire from the service. One fact I will give in this connection, which has never been made public, but which is related to me by one who 492 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. knew the fact, and is one of the many circumstances which evinced his unselfish patriotism. Among those who urged upon Col. Bartleson the duty of now retiring from the service, were several leading politicians of the democratic party. They assured him if he would now retire, as he might honorably do, and accept from his own party, the nomination to congress, he might rest assured that the democratic party in the district would not bring out a candidate in opposition. To this proposition generous and patri- otic on the part of those who made it, and flattering, and I may add tempting to Col. Bartleson, he turned a deaf ear. " Gen- tlemen," he said, "the question is still unsettled whether we are to have another congress, or a country, and it can only be settled by the success of our armies ; and until it is settled, I want no nomi- nation, and no office but the one I now hold, and I shall return to my post and give my life if need be, to secure to us a free gov- ernment." As is well known, Bartleson returned to his com- mand as soon as he could do so by the terms of his exchange. The last thirty miles of the journey he made the march on foot, beneath a Georgia's summer sun, and (only a few weeks after his return) he sealed his devotion to his country, by the surrender 01 his life. The circumstances of his death are given in our his- tory of the 100th regiment, and need not be repeated here. The city of Joliet, and the county of Will, mourned deeply his " untimely taking off," and found poor consolation in paying all possible honors to his remains. Never before or since has there been such a funeral in Joliet. Rev. Mr. Kidd of the congrega- tional church, paid an eloquent tribute to his memory on the fu- neral occasion, and Judge Parks and others at the next meeting of the court. His remains rest in a well-known spot in Oakwood, beneath a beautiful monument erected by his widow. I will only say in conclusion, that Col. Bartleson, although never connected with any church, was a Christian in his convictions, and always a man of pure morals, and there is much reason to believe, that dur- ing his confinement in Libby, he was the subject of an inward re- ligious experience, which, had his life been spared, would have become more pronounced. The following lines were written by Col. Bartleson, in the al- bum of a fellow prisoner, while in Libby. They were too good BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 493 to be kept there, and have found their way into print, and we transcribe them here : " 'Tis twelve o'clock ! within my prison dreary, My head upon my hand, sitting so weary, Scanning the future, musing upon the past ! Pondering the fate that here my lot has cast ! The hoarse cry of the sentry, pacing his beat, Wakens the echos of the silent street : " All is well." Ah! is it so? my fellow captive sleeping, Where the barred window strictest watch is keeping, Dreaming of home and wife and prattling child, Of the sequestered vale and mountain wild, Tell me when cruel morn shall break again, Wilt thou repeat the sentinel's refrain? "All is well." And thou, my country ! wounded, pale and bleeding, Thy children deaf to a fond mother's pleading- Stabbing, with cruel hate, the nurturing breast To which their infancy in love was pressed Recount thy wrongs, thy many sorrows name; Then to the nation if thou canst proclaim "All is well." But through the clouds the sun is slowly breaking, Hope, from her long deep sleep, is waking. Speed the time, Father ! when the bow of peace Spanning the gulf, shall bid the tempest cease : When men, clasping each other by the hand, Shall shout together in a united land, "All is well!" LIEUT. COL. WM. ERWIN, OF THE 20TH. was of Irish parentage, and came to Illinois when a mere lad, with his parents, who settled somewhere in the vicinity of Chicago. When the Mexican war broke out, he enlisted in the first regiment of Illinois volunteers, Col. Hardin, and was made 2d lieutenant of his company, and soon after promoted 1st lieutenant. He also held for some time the position of quartermaster to the regiment. At the battle of Buena Vista, he was in command of his company, and behaved with great bravery, and won distinction. After the close of the war he settled in Ottawa, and went into business in that place, where he also married a most estimable lady, who still 494 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. survives him with two children. In 1858 he removed with his family to Joliet, and was in the employ of the Alton & St. Louis R. R. at the breaking out of the war of the rebellion. As we have elsewhere mentioned, Col. Erwin was a Douglas democrat in his political preferences, and during the then recent campaign had commanded a company of the " Invincibles." But no sooner had it become evident that war was meant by the south, than he commenced to enlist a company under the first call. We have given an account of his efforts in this respect, and of his connection with the 20th Illinois elsewhere, and need not repeat it here. He followed the fortunes of that regiment up to the time of his death. Having had previous experience in military matters, he knew what to do, and how, and when to do it, which rendered him an invaluable officer at a time when most others were en- tirely inexperienced. When Gen. Grant visited Cape Girardeau,. while the 20th regiment was stationed there, he had occasion to make a requisition on the Q. M. of the reg't, which was so methodi- cally and quickly filled, that Gen. Grant expressed his surprise and commendation to Q. M. Shields. To this Shields replied, that if there was any credit due it belonged to Col. Erwin, who had instructed him in his duties. This led to the formation of an ac- quaintance between Gen. Grant and Col. Erwin, and between their families, which became quite friendly, and Gen. Grant al- ways regarded Erwin as one of his most reliable officers. He of- fered to give Erwin the permanent command of the post at Girar- deau, but he (Erwin) preferred to follow the fortunes of the regi- ment. Col. Erwin was a man of great urbanity and kindness of heart, and did not think it necessary that an officer should be a rough or a tyrant, to command obedience. He was in the habit of visiting the hospitals daily, looking after the welfare of the men ; and al- ways treated them with great kindness and respect, giving furloughs to those who were sick, believing that a short furlough was bet- ter than medicine. While at Bird's Point, in the winter of 1861 too many were sick in hospital, and Erwin being in command of he regiment (during the temporary absence of Col. Marsh), gave out furloughs so freely, as to subject himself to the criticisms of his colonel on his return. But when the men all came back well,. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 495 in time for the advance on Fort Henry, he confessed that Erwin's prescription was the best. Col. Erwin was also a fine example to his command in the matter of his personal habits. He made no use either of whisky or tobacco, and was never known to utter an oath. In short, Col. Erwin has left behind him a record as a citizen, a soldier and a man, of which his children and friends may well be proud. As to his tenderness and fidelity as a husband, father and friend, there is no need to speak. His last interview with his family was at Fort Henry the llth of Feb., when he saw them for a few moments and for the last time, just before the advance to Donald- son. On the field of Donaldson, the day before he was killed, he hastily wrote his last letter to his wife and children. Next day, as we have elsewhere related, he was struck by a solid shot while leading on his men, and instantly killed. The body was brought home in charge of Capt. Bartleson. and was received with all due and fitting respect and honor at Joliet, and also at Ottawa, where it was buried. Col. Erwin was a splendid horseman, and at a grand review which Grant held of the troops at Bird's Point before the advance on Fort Henry, he was pronounced by many, the finest looking officer on the ground. The following extract from a letter from Col. Marsh, written after Col. Erwin's death, pays but a just tribute to the fallen hero, and is creditable to the writer : " A large delegation from Illinois is here to-day, but I cannot bring my feelings up to the pitch of exultation that they exhibit. My heart is sad, and all the splendor of our great victory cannot drive from my mind, the loss of my dear friend and brave boys. You know the close intimacy that existed between Col. E. and myself. He was my right hand man, my confidant and counselor. I am indeed stricken to the death. Never, from the first moment of our acquaintance, to its close, did anything occur to mar our friendship. And I am glad to acknowledge that much of the efficiency of the 20th is due to his skill and energy as an officer." 496 BIOGRAPHICAL SIETCHES. MAJOR RODNEY S. BOWEN, was another of the costly sacrifices made by our county in the late war of the rebellion. He was born in Herkimer county, N. Y., in the year 1832. In the year 1834, his parents, Dr. A. W. Bowen and wife, removed to Joliet, being among the very earliest settlers, coming here when Joliet existed only in name and prophecy. It was here that Major Bowen grew up from infancy his own infancy and that of this city as well, and here he re- mained until the removal of his parents to Wilmington, in the year 1849. Major Bowen was an only son, and at the time of his death the only child of his parents. He received a good English education, and was a young man of fine abilities, extended in- formation, pure morals, and cultivated tastes. In the year 1855,. he was united in marriage with Miss Fannie Todd, a daughter of Dr. Todd, of Rockville, one qf the earliest and most respected settlers on the Kankakee River. Mrs. Bowen still survives her husband with two children. Major Bowen was very happily situated, and prosperously engaged in business, at the breaking out of the rebellion, and seemingly had every inducement to re- main at home and enjoy his ease and happy surroundings. But he was not willing to remain an idle spectator of the fierce conflict, in which our country was engaged. When the call was made for " 300,000 more," in July 1862, Major Bowen felt that it was his duty to take an active part in the struggle, and he at once set about enlisting a company in the town of Wilmington, and with the assistance of Stewart, Gano, Mitchell and others, he soon had the volunteers requisite to organize a company. Of this com- pany he was chosen captain, and it was mustered in as Co. A, of the 100th Illinois Infantry. He served in this position with great acceptance to his men and superior officers, and honor to himself y being constantly at his post, and sharing in all the weary cam- paigns and fierce encounters of the regiment, and escaping un- harmed, until the battles in front of Chattanooga, in the latter part of November, when Grant raised the blockade of that post. Here he received on the 23d, a severe flesh wound in the calf of his leg. But although the wound was a severe one, he did not leave the field. A lieutenant of an Ohio regiment, just then off BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 497 duty, bound up the wounded leg with his handkerchief, caught a stray horse for him and assisted him to mount, and thus Captain Bowen kept the field with his company until the battle of Mission Ridge was so triumphantly won. After the battle he was relieved for a time from active duty, and during his recovery from the wound he paid a visit to his home and friends in Wilmington. He rejoined his regiment in February 1864, while it was in winter quarters at Louden. In his first letter home, after rejoining his regiment, he speaks of the homesick feelings which came over him on his journey away from the home whose delights he had been permitted once more to enjoy for a little while, and how hard it was for him to do so, saying, that " for a time he felt like throw- ing up his commission and returning to the ease and comfort of a life of peace." But says he, " better thoughts soon resumed pos- session of my mind, aud I thought of my companions in arms, cheerfully enduring unto death if need be, of my bleeding coun- try torn by a gigantic rebellion, of the necessity that every man should put his shoulder to the wheel to raise the car of state, from the slough of despond into which it had fallen, but from which it was beginning to emerge, of the thanks of a grateful people, that would be given to those who kept on until the foe had laid down his arms, and of the obscurity that awaited those who should falter in the strife. I gathered my wandering resolutions, and set out once more cheerfully and willingly for the front." Such was the spirit that animated Major Bowen, and which breathes through all his letters home, and which, of course were written for no eyes except those of his family. Major Bowen continued in command of Co. A until it reached the vicinity of Atlanta,, sharing in the exposures and engagements of that active com- paign, but escaping unharmed. On the 17th of July he was obliged to leave the front, and was ordered to the officers' hospi- tal at Chattanooga, on account of a severe attack of inflammation. in one of his eyes. He remained in hospital until the 6th or 8tb of September, when, having recovered, he rejoined his regiment before Atlanta. Meanwhile, the death of Col. Bartleson, and the resignation of Lieut. Col. Waterman had brought about the pro- motion of Major Hammond, and Captain Bowen was*'made major. While laid up in hospital in Chattanooga he had seriously enter- 64 498 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. tained the idea of resigning his post, and retiring from the service, but as his eye soon began to get better, he gave up the thought, and determined to continue to share the dangers and labors of the regiment while the country should need him. He accordingly shared the subsequent campaigns and exposures of the regiment until the battle of Franklin, near the close of the war in the west. Here, he was with his regiment in the thickest of that bloody fight, one of the most severe in which the regiment was engaged, and in the course of which he was again wounded, this time in the thigh ; and, alas ! with such severity as to terminate in his death at Nashville, three days after. The exposure of the removal from Franklin to Nashville, during the falling back of the army, was so great as to disappoint the hopes of his recovery, and thus add one more to the number of valuable lives sacrificed to the accursed rebellion. His remains were brought home to Wilmington, and received all the honor and respect which it was possible to give them. Judge Harris, holding court at the time, adjourned the same, attending with a large delegation of citizens from this place, (Joliet), the funeral, which took place at Wil- mington. The loss of Major Bowen was deeply felt by the com- munity, and great sympathy was felt with his honored parents, who were thus called upon to sacrifice, not only their choicest, but their only gift upon the altar of their country. Major Bowen was a member of the Episcopal church, having been baptized in infancy ; and the age of twenty-two, on his own deliberate and hearty choice, received the rite of confirmation, consecrating himself for life to God's worship and service ; an act which was supplemented by a pure and noble christain life. DAVID G. GBOVER, CAPTAIN CO. E 64TH ILLS. INFANTRY. There are still left of the early settlers of this city a few a very few who remember that in 1835 or 6, a family of the name of Grover, located in Joliet, and lived in a house on the edge of the bluff, or the lot now occupied with the residence of Mrs. Strong. The family then, or subsequently, consisted of Mr. and Mrs. Grover, two sons and one girl, all three quite young. One of these boys, the subject of this sketch, was then but two years of BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 499 age, and was born in Milford, Penn. Two years after coming here Mr. Grover died, and two years subsequently Mrs. Grover also died, thus leaving the children to an early orphanage. David was 'taken by his grandfather Grover who resided at West Dryden, N. Y., and by him cared for during his childhood. At the age of eighteen he returned to Joliet. He found employ- ment for a time with James T. McDougall, who was then mer- chant and post master. Subsequently young Grover entered the office of S. W. Bowen, Esq., and engaged in the study of law, completing his course at the law school in Cincinnati. After his graduation he went into partnership with his former instructor, and was engaged in the successful prosecution of his profession when the war broke out. In the summer of 1859, he had been united in marriage with Miss Eliza S. McGinnis, who still survives him with two daughters. But although thus hap- pily situated in respect to his business and domestic relationts, although his young family seemed to demand his care, and engage his affections, and although he had been politically opposed to the party in charge of the government, the country's need and the country's danger seemed to call him with a voice which he could not resist. He immediately set about raising and organ- izing a company for the " Yates Sharp Shooters," the 64th, and was commissioned captain of the same (Co. E) in Dec. 1861. The history of Captain Grover was thenceforth identified with the 64th, until his death, and we refer to that history for his military record. From that record it will be seen that Capt. Gro- ver was killed in the second battle of Corinth, October 4th, 1862. The 64th was on the skirmish line, and lay between both armies,, and the fire of their artillery. Capt. Grover was struck while cheering on his men. He was struck twice by fragments of shell, about 4 o'clock p. m. He was picked up and carried out of the reach of the fire by Michael Fuller, of Co. F, and there remained until night, under the bnrning sun, and in hearing of the fierce combat. Capt. Grover was at the time in command of the skirmish line, consisting of companies B, C and E. The battalion lost heavily, and Capt. Grover's company most of all, losing twenty-one killed and wounded. 500 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. It was at first hoped that Capt. Grover would recover. He was taken to the hospital in the evening. But the shock was so severe that on the evening of the 10th he died about 9 o'clock. He lived however, to know that the victory was ours, and that his life had not been sacrificed in vain. Before going into the fight he seemed to have a foreboding of his fate, and so expressed him- self to a brother officer, telling him that if he fell to tell his wife that he "died at the head of his company, fighting for his coun- try." His brother officer advised him not to go into the fight if he felt thus. But the idea of shirking duty or avoiding exposure was spurned, and he fell while cheering on his command. He was buried by his men. One of them writes home next day, "I helped to bury our gallant little captain. I may well call him gallant, for a braver man never drew a sword." A few days aiter, his business partner, S. W. Bowen, Esq., reached the front, and the body was exhumed and brought to Joliet, arriving here the 20th. Funeral services were had the next day at the Congregational church. The services were con- ducted by Mr. Kidd, assisted by the pastor of the Methodist and Baptist churches, at which there was a large attendance of our cit- izens, who deeply sympathized with his family and friends, while they also mourned the loss to the cause of so brave and accom- plished an officer. The Will county bar at its next meeting passed resolutions of respect, and Judge Parks pronounced an eloquent and just eulogy. The body was taken in charge by the masonic fraternity, and it was deposited in our beautiful Oakwood with masonic and military honors. A tasteful monument of Joliet marble erected by the loving hands of Messrs. Odell & Jamison, marks the spot where sleep the ashes of the gallant Capt. D. G. Grover. GEORGE W. ROUSE. Among the many sacrifices that our county was called upon to make during the long years of the rebellion, none were more deeply felt outside the family circle, than that of Adjutant Rouse. He was the son of Collins Rouse, a well-known and highly re- spected citizen of Jefferson county, New York, and was born at Clayton in that county, March 21st, 1834. From his earliest BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 501 years he was the marked child of the family, around whom gath- ered the warmest affections, and the fondest hopes of parents and friends. He early manifested those qualities of mind and dis- position which characterized his subsequent career, and so won the confidence and respect of all who knew him. He received a good common school and academic education, and thoroughly qualified himself for an active business life. He was always noted as a scholar, and in his home life, for quiet and gentlemanly behavior, and at the same time for exactness and thoroughness in everything he undertook. At the age of sixteen, he connected himself with the Free Will Baptist church, and always honored his profession with a pure and consistent life. When twenty-two years old, he came west, and although an entire stranger, he found employment in a Chicago Banking House, the day after his arrival in that city. His busi- ness qualifications soon secured him an increase of salary. After remaining in Chicago a year or so, he came to Joliet and entered the banking house of Woodruff & Cagwin, and subsequently en- tered into the grain trade in company with O. H. Woodruff. In this business he was successfully engaged when he felt it his duty to enter the ranks of the defenders of an imperiled country. He enlisted as private in the 100th regiment in August 1862, and on the full organization of the regiment, he was selected by Col. Bartleson as his adjutant, a choice which gave universal satisfac- tion. This step was taken after calm deliberation, and from a deep sense of duty, and his letters home and to his friends in Joli- et during his army life, always breathed the spirit of a true pa- triot, ready to sacrifice life, if need be, for the salvation of the country. He shared the varying fortunes of the regiment, until after the battle of Chickamauga, when he was selected as inspec- tor, on the staff of the brigade commander, and it was in the dis- charge of his duty while inspecting the picket line before Atlanta, that he received the wonnd which proved mortal a few days after. He was struck by a solid shot below the knee, which nearly sev- ered the limb, and he seemed to bear the shock, of the wound and the amputation, so well, that it was confidently expected that he would recover. But these hopes were doomed to disappointment. He died at 12 o'clock, on the night of August 4th. 502 BIOGRAPHICAL SIETCHES. The particulars of his dying moments are described by Lieut. Williams who watched with him during the night. He informed George that he probably would not live longer than until morning. He replied, " Do you really think so ? well, I am ready. God has been very good in sparing me so long, and I feel that he will for Christ's sake save me at last." He then asked Lieut. Williams to pray with him, after which he sank into a se- rene sleep. After resting thus for a little time, he aroused once more, and with eyes beaming with the light of the coming glory, he said, " It is all right, Christ can save me, and my country needed me. I have no regrets that my life has thus ended. God bless my dear parents and friends." In a few moments, the gen- tle grasp by which he held the hand of his friend, relaxed, and at the same time he let go his hold on earthly life, and entered upon the reward of a Christian hero, sans peur et sans reproche. Adjutant Rouse was one of the best of our young men, pre- possessing in personal appearance and manners, affable and cour- teous to all affectionate and faithful to his intimate friends, and of pure morals, and blameless life. Without being anything of a fop, he was remarkable for neatness and good taste in dress, and all matters of personal appearance, and for his orderly and methodical business habits ; and these qualities he carried with him into the service, and maintained under the most adverse circum- stances. And he was as clean of soul as of person. General Newton, commanding the brigade, said at the time of his death that he had lost his best officer : Truly " The good die first, Whilst we whose hearts are dry as summer's dust, Burn to the socket." JOSEPH D. WALKER, ADJUTANT OF THE 39TH REGIMENT. At the breaking out of the war of the rebellion, two young men, both of great promise, were pursuing the study of law in the office of E. C. Fellows, Esq., in Lockport. Both entered the three years' service in the fall of 1861 both fell on the field of battle ; one in the east, and one in the west. One, is the subject of the BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 503 present sketch. The other, was Henry S. Clarke, of the 64th, of whom we shall have something to say presently. The parents of Adjutant Walker resided in Lockport, and came originally from the north of Ireland. Young Walker first entered the three months' service at Cairo, where, by his energy and enthusiasm, he organized a company of men from those who had gathered there, which was known as the "Prentiss Guards." After the expiration of the three months' ser- vice he enlisted for three years in the Yates Phalanx, of which reg- iment he was chosen sergeant major, and subsequently promoted adjutant. He shared in all the vicissitudes of the regiment up to the day of his death. He was the first man to plant the stars and stripes on Fort Wagner, on Morris Island, and distinguished himself in every action in which the regiment was engaged. In the battle of May 16th, 1864, about one and a half miles from Fort Darling, he received the wound which terminated his career a few hours after. He was wounded by a musket ball in the bowels, while exposing himself upon our entrenchments, en- thusiastically encouraging his men, and holding them steady against the terrible assault of the enemy under Beauregard, who was trying to drive them from their entrenchments. He was car- ried back to his own tent, where he expired during the night. To a brother officer, who stood by his bed-side in the sad hour of his death he said : "Warner, I am fatally wounded, and know that I must die, but I have nothing to regret, I have done my duty." Lieut. Warner, to whom these words were addressed, says of him : "Of all the men I ever met in army life, Walker was the most enthusiastic in conduct and spirit, and I know that he looked for- ward with about equal pleasure to the prospect of death in the line of duty as a soldier, and the professional honors awaiting him, should he live to see peace restored." Adjutant Walker was home on furlough in October, 1863, at which time he addressed a large meeting of the citizens of Wil- mington at the M. E. Church, in reference to the war, giving a graphic description of the operations on Morris Island, and the siege of Charleston, &c., and also telling the people what the "boys at the front," thought of the "fire in the rear." and of the "peace 504 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. men." He was a ready and eloquent speaker, and during the presidential campaign preceding the war, had taken an active part in addressing political meetings in Will and other counties, advocating the republican cause with great zeal and eloquence. The remains of Adjutant Walker were brought to Lockport, where funeral services were held, the ex-chaplain of the regiment officiating, assisted by the ministers of the place. The remains were then taken to Wilmington for burial, at the request of the family of the young lady to whom young Walker was affianced* and were received by the citizens en masse, with bands of music, and borne to their final resting place, on the banks of the Kan- kakee. CAPTAIN GIDEON BERNIER. was a native of Canada, of French parentage. He came to this place when eleven years of age, a mere boy, but with the energy and purpose of making his way in the world. But the war cloud over-shadowed his adopted country, when but eighteen years of age, and he at once determined to join the ranks of its defenders. He enlisted as private in Co. B, of the 20th regiment, re-enlisted as veteran, and followed its various fortunes all through its history. He was promoted on his own merits, to 2d, and then 1st lieuten- ant, and in June, 1865, to the captaincy of his company, and was mustered out with the regiment. He was however disabled in the service, and died from impaired health, consequent upon his many exposures in the service, February 5, 1871, at the age of twenty- seven, leaving a widow with three children. An instance of Ber- nier's characteristic bravery has been related in the history of McAllister's Battery. He was taken prisoner on that same day. At the time of his death, he was keeping a shoe store on Jefferson street. SERGEANT HENRY S. CLARK, was another young student who laid aside Chitty and Black- stone, and took up the musket at the call of his country, and was also called to lay down his life. He was the only son of Henry BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 505 M. Clark, of Lockport, and was born at Steventown, New York, on the 12th day of February 1869, and was therefore but twenty-two years of age at the time of his enlistment in Co. E, of the Yates Sharp Shooters, afterwards known as the Sixty-Fourth regiment. He had received a classical education at M'Granville College, in the State of New York, and subsequently entered the office of E. C. Fellows, Esq., of Lockport, for the study of law. He had nearly completed his legal course at the time of his en- listment. He was an only son, the hope and stay of doting pa- rents, and the pride of loving sisters the life of the little family circle which used to gather in such happy union in one of the modest homes of Lockport. But strong and silken as were the ties which bound him to that home, the call of the country was so imperative upon her sons, that he could not resist, and in Oc- tober of 1861, a month after his fellow- student, Walker, had joined the 39th, young Clark joined the company of Captain Grover. Going with his company to Springfield, where the or- ganization of the battalion was completed, he received the same appointment in the " Yates Sharp Shooters " which Walker had received in the " Yates Phalanx." But for his early death, his military record would have also been like that of his fellow stu- dent, in his being promoted adjutant. He proved a most useful officer of the company. Having studied tactics, and practiced drill, he was to some extent quali- fied for the duties of his new position. But it was the fate of young Clark, to close his career sooner than did Walker. He followed the fortunes of the 64th until the battle of Corinth, on the second day of which he fell, receiving a mortal wound in the bowels which he survived but a few hours. His death occurred but a few days short of one year after his enlistment. He had visited his home in August, gladdening the hearts of his friends, and gratifying his own warm and impulsive affections with the sight of home, parents, sisters and friends, for the last time. When wounded, he knew at once that it was mortal. The enemy were driving our forces at the time, and soon had posses- sion of the ground. Feeling that his life was fast ebbing away, he took from his pocket an envelope, and on it wrote these words : " Dear father and mother and sisters, I am dying and a prisoner, my last thoughts are of you. H. S. CLARK." 65 506 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. His failing strength hardly sufficed to write his name legibly, and as may be conjectured, the brief words were not written in his usually fine chirography ; but the loved ones to whom it was addressed, could read the message but too well, and their busy fancy would picture the dear boy as he lay dying upon the bloody field of battle, and of victory though he knew it not, having spent his last modicum of physical strength in writing this tender message, taking a last look at earth and sky, and then without a murmur, yielding up his life for his country, to him who gave it. This soiled and blood-stained envelope, being the last message of the young hero, was carefully preserved by the rebel sergeant to whom he gave it, and who, being himself taken pris- oner a little after, gave it into the hands of a lieutenant in a Wisconsin regiment, who transmitted it to his friends, who still preserve it as a most precious relic. A few days after, Rev. Joel Grant, of Lockport, who was at Corinth, as chaplain of the 12th Illinois regiment, wrote thus to the afflicted father : "H. S. CLARK DKAR SIR : Your son rests not only as a soldier, but I think also as a Christian. I have had several conversations with him dur- ing the past summer, in which he expressed a state of mind which interested me greatly. He admitted himself more thoughtful of spiritual matters since he came into the army not less so as is usually the case. He lived three hours after his wound, nearly all the time fully conscious that he could not live. Yet he contemplated his future calmly spent much time in prayer and I have no doubt found the mercy he needed." To this I would add that a perusal of Sergeant Clark's letters to his family, has given the writer a high estimate of his moral, social and intellectual qualities, and led him to feel that in his early death, our county lost one of its most valuable young men. To his intelligent letters I have been partly indebted for the history of the 64th, in the first year of its career. LIEUT. MORRISON WORTHINGHAM, was one of the early settlers of Joliet. Coming here a young man in 1836. He was a cabinet maker by trade, and carried on that buisness here many years. When the 100th regiment was raised he took an active part in enlisting Co. K, and was chosen 2d Lieut. He had already sent two sons into the war in the 20th regi- BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 507 ment, the oldest of whom had been crippled at Shiloh. But al- though he might justly feel that he had contributed his full share to the cause, and might also claim exemption on the score of years he determined to hazard his own life also. This he was called to surrender in the first serious engagement of the Will county regi- ment at Stone River. Lieut. Worthingham was for many years a constant, active and official member of the Methodist church, of Joliet. Before enlisting he had been brought forward by his friends as a candi- date for the office of sheriff of the county, but he preferred to serve his country in the war for its preservation. He was forty- eight years old at the time of his death. ALBERT S. RANDALL died at Pittsburg Landing, April 3rd, 1862, from sickness, con- sequent upon exposure at the battle of Donaldson. He was the son of Hon. S. W. Randall, of Joliet, and was born in Erie, Pa., on Aug. 29, 1841, and was therefore but 20 years of age at the time of his enlistment in Co. F, of the Twentieth regiment of infantry. Enlisting June 13th, 1861, as a private, he was promoted corporal and afterward sergeant. At the time of his death he had been ap- pointed Division Post Master. Young Randall was but a child when his father removed to Joliet, and was consequently one of our Joliet boys, brought up amongst us, and beloved and respected by all as a young man of much promise, being a good scholar and a fine speaker and well informed for his years. When on a visit home he wrote these words upon a fly leaf of one of his fathers books: "Should any- thing prevent my return to this kind home again, let none but my good deeds be remembered ; while my country was in danger, I could have no peace unless I shared her perils." ALBERT. SERGT. GEO. W. HOLMES. Sergeant Geo. W. Holmes, of Company G, 100th regiment, was born in the town of Gaines, Orleans county, N. Y., May 2nd, 1842, and came to this county with his parents, in 1852. At the time of his enlistment he resided in the town of Green Garden. 608 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. He first entered the service as a private of Co. K, Fanrsworth's cavalry, (8th) of which company Eben J. Farns worth of St. Charles, was captain. He enlisted in Sept., 1861, being at that time only 19 years of age. He accompanied his regiment to Washington city, reaching camp at Meridian Hill on the 17th day of October, Holmes served with the regiment until the ensuing spring, when (March 20,) he was taken prisoner. His regiment, with other troops, had been making a reconnoissance in force, to the Rappahannock, and on the return, Holmes's horse became very lame, and could not keep up with the rapid march of the regi- ment . Being unwilling to abandon his horse and equipments, he fell behind the rear guard, and was "gobbled up" by the rebel cavalry and parolled' This misfortune resulted in his coming home to his friends. He subsequently got his release from parole, and his discharge from the 8th cavalry to enlist in the 100th Illinois Infantry, at that time being organized in Will county. Entering company G, (Capt. Munger's) he was made corporal, and was subsequently promoted 1st sergeant. After the battle of Stone River he was put upon the "Roll of Honor," instituted by Gen. Rosecrans. Just before starting out on the Atlanta campaign he was examined at Chattanooga for pro- motion as lieutenant in a colored regiment, and but for his un- timely death, would no doubt have received a commission. LIEUT. CHARLES F. MITCHELL of Co. A, 100th regiment, was the son of Franklin Mitchell, one of the early settlers of Joliet, who subsequently removed to Wil- mington, where Charles was born, Nov. 12, 1861. He had there- fore attained his majority but little more than a month, when he received the wound which terminated his life. At the time of his enlistment he was in the employ of R. N. Waterman, a merchant of Wilmington. He had but recently finished a three years' course at Racine college, and stood, as it were, just at the entrance of a long life of usefulness, for which he was well fitted, both by natural endowments and education. But BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 509 with all the ardor of youthful enthusiasm and self-forgetfulness, he joined the Will county regiment, to contribute his share in the struggle for national preservation. He was wounded in the first serious battle in which the regiment was engaged that of Stone River. He received the wound on the last day of 1862, and died on the third day of 1863. On hearing of the battle, and of the casualty to his son, Mr. Mitchell left at once for the front, but did not arrive until after his death and burial, in the spot selected for a cemetery by the Union authorities. There his remains were allowed to rest in one of our Union " sleeping places," it being utterly impossible at that time to procure a burial case at Nashville, so great had been the demand. His superior officers speak of young Mitchell as having been one of the most promising officers of the regiment, and the com- munity in which he was born, and grew up to manhood, was deeply grieved at his early death. WILLIAM HENRY MARSH, was the oldest son of our well-known citizen, H. N. Marsh, Esq., was born in Joliet, August 15th, 1840. He was therefore one of the early sons of Joliet. When of sufficient age, he learned the art of printing in the office of the Republican, of which his father was for some time editor and proprietor. At the breaking out of the war, he at once determined to join the ranks of the defenders of the Union. He enlisted in Co, K, of the 13th regiment, the first regiment organized under the first call for the three years' servioe, of which the lamented J. B. Wyman was colonel. This regiment was actively engaged in the state of Missouri in the early part of the war. Young Marsh shared with his regiment all its vicissitudes, including that terrible march from Western Missouri across the country to Helena, in which they endured such intense sufferings from heat, and thirst, and short rations, up to the attack made under Sherman on the rebel works at Chickasaw Bayou. The 13th regiment had the post of honor in that ill-starred attack a position which was considered equivalent to a death- 510 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. warrant by Colonel Wyman, and which, indeed, it proved itself to- be to him, and many a brave man. In this heroic but fruitless attack, Wm. Henry was left se- verely wounded upon the field, and fell into the hands of the enemy, and was taken to a hospital in Vicksburg. It was his good fortune to fall into the hands of persons who treated him kindly, but his life hung by a slender thread, as he was most des- perately wounded. He remained in their care about five months of great suffering, his friends meanwhile ignorant of his fate, al- though his father visited the vicinity, and made all possi- ble inquiry respecting him. When our army, in their operations around Vicksburg, came into possession of the city of Jackson, Miss., young Marsh was found there in a rebel hospi- tal, whither he had been removed just previous. He was found by his fellow townsman of the 20th regiment, who took him to his own regiment. He was then sent by our authorities to St. Louis, and thence to the hospital in Quincy, where he fell under the care of an old friend and neighbor, Dr. F. K. Bailey. He was but the mere wreck of his former self a living skeleton, yet he now improved very much in health, and was ultimately able to return home ; and for some time he moved slowly about our streets, and his friends hoped for a full recovery. But his wounds broke out afresh, and a speedy decline fol- lowed, and after suffering uncomplainingly for a time, his suf- ferings were terminated by death, July 6th, 1865. During his last hours his mind wandered, and he seemed to be living over again that terrible scene at Chickasaw Bluffs. His last words were, "take me from the field !" God heard the prayer of the dy- ing martyr, and took him took him from the field of earthly strife and suffering, to a soldier's rest in heaven. CHARLES PARKER SPENCER. A feeling of mingled grief, sympathy and indignation wells up from the heart as we write this name grief that so noble a young man should be sacrificed, sympathy with the friends who yet mourn his loss and indignation against the originators of that rebellion which made such costly sacrifices necessary. Charles Parker Spencer was born August 12th, 1838, at , and was a BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 511 little over twenty- five years of age at the time of his death. The last four years before his enlistment were spent in Oberlin Col- lege, and he was about ready to graduate, when he felt it his duty to join the ranks of those who were fighting for the defense of freedom and the Union. Coming home from college in the summer of 1862, while the 100th regiment was being organized, he enlisted as a private in Died at Cape Girardeau, April 20, 1861. PHILO PULLER " Killed at Columbus, Ky. Taken prisoner, paroled, and killed on railroad by bush- whackers Sept. 21, 1862, Wagoner. WlLLARD MORFORD " " Dis. June 13, 1864. PRIVATES. Abrams, August Wilmi'gton " Dis. for dis, Jan. 1st, '63. Severely wounded at Britton's Lane. Adams, Benj. F. Joliet " Dis. June 18, 1864. Term expired. Bentz, Philip " M Killed at Shiloh April 6, 1862. Bentz, George " " Dis. Oct. 25, 1862. Wounded at Donaldson. Currier, Eugene R. " " Vet. M. O. as corporal. Wounded at Fort Donaldson and Shiloh. Cane. Frederick Mokena M Dis. June 13, '64, term expired. Caswell, John Joliet " Dis. for dis. June 21. '62. Cassady, Henry C. " M Dis. for dis. Dec. 2, 1861. Carson, James " " Dis. June 13, '64. Wounded in thigh at Don- aldson. Carr, George D. Wilmi'gton M Vet. M. O. as corp. Captured July 22, '64. Connor, James H. Danser, Francis Joliet U Vet. M. O. as corp. Captured July 22, '64. Killed at Shiloh April 6, *62. Davis, Julias Frankfort " Dewey, Lucius E. Joliet " Died at Cape Girardeau Sept. 24, 1861. Davis, General Frankfort " Dis. fsr dis. Nov. 14, '61. Decker, Charles Wilmingt'n " Dykeman, Joshua A. Emory, Wilbur S. Mokena M Died at Mound City, Nov. 1, 1861. Eckels, James C. Joliet ^ Flought, George W. " l > Vet. M. O. July 16, '65. Served as hospital steward divn. Glass, Albert J. ." " M. O. Captured July 22, 1864. Gehrich, Henrich u n Dis. June 13, 1874, time out. Butcher. Old soldier in Germany. Wounded at Donald- son. Glasscock, Thos. H. 1 " Died at Cape Girardeau Sept, 25, 1861. Galligher, James Griffin, Joseph ! U Vet. M. O. July 16 '65. Wounded at Shiloh Wounded at Donaldson. Died at Vicksburg Aug. 15, 1863. Hoffman, Max ' Hattis, Augustas, 1 M Dis. June 13, 1864. Wounded. Holden, Hiram Mokena ' Died at Lagi-ange, Teun., Jan. 28, '63. Hobbs, John F. Joliet ' Dis. June 13, '64. Hadley, Horace H. Hodge, George H. Wilm'ngt'n Joliet I Dis. for dis. Dec. 1st, 1861. Died at Vicksburg, Sept. 21, '63. Wounded. Howel, Wm. fct fc Kendall, Michael J. Channahon ' Died at Vicksburg, Sept. 21, '63. Wounded. Kennedy, Thomas Joliet " Vet. Taken prisoner. TWENTIETH REGIMENT. Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Enlistm't History. PRIVATES. 1861. Lee, George Joliet June 13 Dis. June 13th, 1864, time exp. Wounded at Shiloh, Donaldson and Thompson's Hill. McConchie, John l> " Vet. M. O. as sergt. Captured July 22, '64. Wounded. Mortman, William u " Dis. for dis. June 5th, 1863. Myers, Samuel 8. u i Dis. June 13, 1854. Wounded at Shiloh. Morse, John 8. " ' Dis. for dis. Nov. 15, 1864. Milan, Lindsey W. " 1 Wounded at Peach Tree Creek and died in hospital at Marietta. Nase, Henry W. " i Dis. April 21, 1864. Near, John H. Mokena Dis. June 13th, 1864, term exp. Osterman, Henry ik ' Dis. for dis. Jnnel, 1862. Patterson, Wayne Joliet ' Died of wounds May 14, '63. Raymond. Putnam, Hiram B. Wilmington " Dis. Dec. 26, 1862. Reynolds, George Rook, Francis M. Frankfort u Died at Mound City, Oct. 16, 1861. Vet. Wounded at Donaldson,Britton's Lane< and before Atlanta. M. O. July 16, 1865. Stevens, Henry Joliet M Dis. June 13, 1864, time exp. Smith, George F. " n Vet. Wounded at Donaldson. M. O. July 16, 1865. Captured July 22, 1864. Sleight, Theodore, Wilmingt'n " Died at Birds Point Sept. 19. '61. Sampson, Henry Joliet " Dis. June 14, '64, as corp. Wounded at Don- aldson. Smith, George Frankfort Vet. M. O. as corp. Wounded at Vicksb'g. Takenprisoner at Brittou's Lane. Train, Artemus Wilmingt'n " Died at Wilmington, 111., Dec. 21, 1861. Turner Wm. Joliet ' Died at St. Louis, July 17, 1863. Prisoner at Britton's Lane. Troove, Rudolph, " M Killed at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. Vail, Wm. S. " " Sergt. Wounded at Shiloh. Killed at Brit- ton's Lane Sept. 1, 1862. Wilson, Wm. H. tk " Worthingham, W. B. " M Dis. Feb. 7, 1863. Wright, Wilson W. Plainfield M Died Feb. 18, 1862, of wounds rec'd at Don- aldson. Whitlake, Frederick Joliet " Vet. M. O. July 16, 1865. Wounded. Cap- tured July 22, '64. Warren, John " " Died at Memphis July 8, 1863. Webler, Jerome Wilmingt'n " M. O. June 24, 1864. RECBUITS. Connor, Timothy Joliet Dec.30,'63 Killed before Atlanta July 21, '64. Connor, Edwin S. " Jun.19,'61 Corporal. Connor, Edward B. ** " Dis. June 13, '64. Wounded at Shiloh. Carlton, Wm. H. " Jun.28,'61 Died at Dover, Tenn., Feb.6, '62, of exposure. Carlton, Andrew J. " " Killed at Alton, Aug. 27, '63. Collins, Charles E. " " Dis. for dis. Dec, 2, 1861. Carew, George A. " Apr. 3, '65 M. O. Julv 16, 1865. Decker, Moses N. Wilmingtn Jun.14,'61 Dis. for dis. Feb. 2, 1862. George, John Jun.13,'61 Dis. June 13, '64. Wounded at Thompson's Hill. Gaines, Charles Channahon Dec.22,'63 Died in Andersonville Sept. 28, 1864. Cap- tured July 22, '64. Grave No. 9922. Woun'd Hobbs, Joseph Joliet Aug.18'62 M. O. June 15, 1865. Hobbs, William M. O. June 15, '65. Captured before Atlanta Hamlin, Garrett u Jun.10,'61 July 22. '64, Dis. for dis. Nov. 14, 1861. Myers, Wm. H. " Aug. 9,'6liVet. M. O. Sergeant. Miller, George B. " Dec. 1, '63 Vet. M. O. July 16, 1863. Nase, John H. " Apr.22,'6l Neff, Martin, Oct. 14,'6l Died at Cairo Sept. 2, 1863. Putnam, Pliney F. Payfair, Charles E. Wilmingt'n Joliet Jun.10,'61 Aug. 9, '61 Dis. for dis. May 16, 1862. Russell, Charles H. Frankfort Dis. for dis. June 21, 1862. Rose, Moses Homer M M. O. Captured before Atlanta July 22, '64. Sarver, James Joliet Apr.22,'61 Sperry, Henry A. Jackson Jun.l8, - 61 Died of wounds rec'd at Champion Hills,May 18, 1863. Wounded at Shiloh, prisoner at Britton's Lane. Smith, John, Joliet Jun.13,'61 Vet. M. O. as corp. Wounded. Captured July 22, 1864, before Atlanta. TWENTIETH REGIMENT. Continued. Name and Rank. Residence Enlistm't History. PRIVATES. Supplee, William Joliet Jun.l8"61 Died at Memphis Feb. 27, 1863. VanAllen, John D. ' Apr.22,'61 Dis. June 13, 1864. Worthingham, Jacob B. " Aug. 9,'61 Dis. for dis. May 27, '62. Severely wounded at Shiloh. COMPANY C. Elliott, Thomas " Jun.13,'61 Dis. for dis. Aug. 26, '62. Wounded at Don- aldson. COMPANY D. Herbert, Benedict " U Vet. M. O. July 16, 1865. RECRUITS. Brown, Henry W. Bedda, Henry H Aug. 11,61 Jun.16,'61 Dis. for dis. March 25. 1862. Killed at Fort Donaldson Feb. 14, 1862. Kidder, William " Jun,16,'61 Killed at Shiloh April 6, 1862. Pickerell, James K. " Aug,ll, 61 Dis. for dis. Dec. 27, 1861. Walker, George Wilton Mar.10,'65 M. O. July 16, 1865. Williams, Ebenezer Joliet Dis. for dis. Dec. 30, 1861. COMPANY B. Bolton, John Q. Plainfleld Jun.13,'61 Dis. June 13, 1864, term exp. RECRUIT. Miller, John P. Joliet Jun.18,'61 Killed at Shiloh April 6, 1862. COMPANY F. Sergeants. LEVI P. HOLDEN Frankfort Jnn.13,'61 Dis. Aug. 6, 1862, for prom, in 88th regt. WM. C. MITCHELL Joliet Dis. August 5, 1862. ELLIS BRIGGS " * Dis. June 13, 1864. Corporals. JAMES C. PORTER " " Dis. for dis. Dec. 26, 1861. Wounded at Don- aldson. ROBERT H. WALKER " " Dis. June 18, 1862, for wounds. ALBERT H. CARPENTER ki " Dis. June 13, 1864. CTRUS A. MARCY Frankfort 1 Dis. for dis. June 12, 1862. GEORGE R. TROBRIDGE Dis. for dis. ALBERT E. BAKER Joliet " Died at Mound City. RUDOLF BUSH " " Dis. for wounds rec'd at Shiloh. Wagoner. ALBERT S. RANDALL " " Died at Pittsburg Landing April 30, 1862, of typhoid fever. PRIVATES. Anderson, Charles " " Dis. June 13, 1864, time expired. Adams, Wm. H. " " Dis. April 1, 1862, wounds, accidental shot. Burroughs, Ariel W. Wilmingt'n " Dis. June 13, 1864, time exp. Wounded at Donaldson. Berd, John W. Joliet u Beardsley, Lindell A. Frankfort " Dis. June 13. 1864, time exp. Bowman. John A. u " Killed at Fort Donaldson Feb. 13, 1862. Borton, Wm. P. Dis. (or dis. Sept. 30, 1862. Brown, August, Joliet " Dis. June 13, 1864, time exp. Bock, Henry Frankfort u Dis. June 13, 1864, time exp. Coburn, Martin V. Dis. for dis. April 13, 1862. Cuppy, Samuel Joliet ** Died at Birds Point, Jan. 1, 1862, of congest. lungs. Curtis, Charles L. Frankfort " Covert, William Joliet " Dis. June 13th, 1864, time exp. Wounded at Donaldson. Clark, George R. Reed ' M. O. June 12, 1864, time exp. Clark, James Lockport, " Dis. June 13, 1864, time exp. Dolkey, Jacob Joliet " Killed at Donaldson, Feb. 13, 1862. Dewey, Wm. H. " " Reported missing at Shiloh. Delancy, John Reed " Killed at Shiloh. April 6, 1862. Duncan, Wm. H. Ferge, Charles Joliet " Dis. for wounds rec'd at Shiloh. Folkers, Johnson Frankfort " Dis. for dis. June 12, 1862. Folke, Charles Joliet " Vet. M. O. sergt, Wounded before Atlanta. July 22, 1864. TWENTIETH REGIMENT.- Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Enlistm't History. PRIVATES. 1861 Frost, John E. June 13 Dis. for die. June 12, 18ti2. Glocher, Thomas Joliet " Dis. Feb. 6, 1863. Goes, Joseph ' Dis. for dis. May 22, 1862. Gamble, Oscar " Dis. June 13, 1864, time exp. Harriden, Dan. Frankfort " Dig. for dis. Oct. 3, 1862. Houstine, Conrad Foliet " Killed at Britten's Lane, Sept. 1, 1862. Herschell, Henry bloke na Dis. June 11, 1862. Lepp, John ^ockport 3ied at Jackson, Tenn., Sept. 4, 1862. Lopman, Otto Frankfort < Dis. June 13, 1864, time exp. Wounded at Shiloh and Raymond Merrick, Joseph " 1 Dis. June 13, 1864. Wounded at Shiloh. McTaney, Stephen " ' Dis. June 13, 1864. Monroe, Daniel Wilm'ngt'n " ->is. June 13, 1864, time exp. Monroe, Hugh Mahan, Thomas Will Co. t . Ois. June 13, 1864, time exp. Killed at Donaldson Feb. 15, 1862. Otta, Lewis Joliet " Dis. June 13, 1864, time exp. Wounded at Donaldson. Olson, Peter Lockport " Dis. June 13, 1864, time exp. Oviott, Albert N. Pierson, Albert W. Elwood Raymond. Paddock, Arthur Joliet " Vet. M. O as corp. Rag: tn, John " Dis. June 13th, 1864, term exp. Wounded at Doaaldson. Richerson, William " " Dis. for dis. Russell, Francis A. " ' l M. O. June 24, 1864, time exp. Robinson, Wm. Frankfort Vet. M. O. as sergeant. Richerson, Morris Dis. for dis. Schrier, August Joliet " Vet. M. O. as sergeant. Wounded. Shiffer, Henry A. " " Dis. for wounds rec'd at Britten's Lane Sept. 10. 1862. Sanger, Albert J. " " Dis. June 13, 1864,timeexp. Acted as spy or scout. Shiffer, James E. " Dis. June 13, 1864, time expired. Severely wounded at Donaldson. Story, John Wilmrgton '. Dig. for dis. Story, Richard " Vet. M. O. Captured before Atlanta July 22,1864. Scanlan, James Joliet "' Died at Joliet April 23, 1852. Terry, John " Dis. for dis. Dec. 8th, 1861. Tryer, George Mokena " Dis. June 13th 1864, time exp. Wounded at Donaldson. Unroh, William Frankfort i> Dis. for wounds rec'd at Donaldson. Vigrow, Oliver N. Joliet " Died at Mound City Nov. 28, 1861. Vernon, Wm. " " Dis, June 13, 1864, term exp. Wagner, Philip H. New Lenox " Dis. for dis. Winslow, John P. " Dis. Oct. 17, 1861. Warren, Charles E. H Dis. for dis. Dec. 9, 1861. Young. Nelson Wilmingt'n " Died at Vicksburg July 29, 1863, of typhoid fever. RECRUITS. Brown, Webster H. H Dip. Oct. 23, 1862. Bartlett, Henry W. Frankfort Nov.10,'61 Died of wounds rec'd at Britton's Lane. Bassett, James A. Coats, Benj. F. Joliet Plainfleld Sep.33,'61 Jnn.13,'61 Killed at Fort Donaldson Feb. 15,1862. Dis. June 13th, 1864, time exp. Wounded at Shiloh. Canth, Charles, Apr.24,'61 Counter, John M. Joliet Jan. 1, '62 Dew, William H Apr.24,'61 Dis. for dis. Dew, Georse Jun.20,'61 Dis. for dis. Dec. 9, 1861. Green, August Frankfort Jun. 13,'61 Vet, M. O. July 16, 1865. Gibbins, Patrick Killer, John Joliet Mokena Apr.24,'61 Dis. for dis. Oct. 17, 1862. Died of wounds received May 22, 1862. Also wounded at Donaldson. Ingersoll, Josiah Joliet Aug. 9, '61 Vet. M. O. as sergt. Johnson, Thomas M. Princeton Jun. 13, '61 Lawson, Wm. " Livengood, Abraham " Jun.16,'61 Dis. for dis. Putnam, Wm. Mniooka Jnn.13,'61 Dis. for dis. Dec. 26, 1861. Rook, John B. Frankfort Aug. 9, '61 10 TWENTIETH REGIMENT. -Continued. Name and Rank. Residence Enlistm't History. RBCBUIT8. Stevens, Joseph 8. Frankfort Apr.24,'61 Dis. for dis. March 27, 1862. Spade, David July 6, '61 Dis. for wounds rec'd at Donaldson. Urede, Henry July 4, '61 Webber, Michael Princeton Apr.24, 1 6l Dis. June 13, 1864. Wheaton, William B. " Jun.16,'61 Died April 25, 1862. Woodworth, Luther B. " Dis. for dis. April 29, 1862. James E. Sniffer Jackson Jan. 9, '65 M. 0. July 16, 1865. COMPANY G. PRIVATE. Franklin, John L. Wilmi'gton Jun.13/61 Died at Birds Point. Oct. 15, 1861. RBCBUIT. Bowers, David A. Joliet Vet. Absent sick at M. O. Christians. Christian " Vet. M. O. July 16, '65. Chrisley. Rabert Troy Mar.29,'65 M. O. July 16, '65. Fenner, Peter Joliet Jan. 5, '62 Hand, Joseph " Apr.24,'61 Dis. Oct. 14, 1862, for wounds. Lamb, Morris ** Jun.17,'61 Vet. M. 0. July 16. 1865. Lewis, Charles u bb bt it b. fcb Myer, Alexander " Apr.24,'61 Dis. June 13, 1884. Stamms, Christian " June 9,'61 " " " " Shultz. August Will Co. Jan. 1, '62 Killed at Fort Donaldson Feb. 15, 1862. Stiller, Robert " Feb.24,'64 Died at Nashville. Tenn., Sept. 18, '64. Treibel, John D. Jan. 1, '62 Underbill, Myron H Joliet June 9,'61 COMPANY H. BroA'n, Nelson C . " Dec.16,'63 Vet. M. O. July 16. 1865. RECRUIT. Riordau, John tfc Dis. Jan. 19, 1883, for wounds. COMPANY I. PRIVATES. Blake, Alfred J. Homer Jun.13,'61 Vet. M. O. as sergt. Eberhart, George New Lenox " Dis. June 14, 1864, time exp. Schleiforth, Karles Lockport, Leutz, Geo. F. Homer " " Dis. for dis. Nov. 26. 1861. Lake, George E. Rose, Leonard Sep.28,'61 Died at Mound City Nov. 5, 1861. RECRUITS. Hopping, Thomas L. " " Dis. June 14, 1864, time exp. Marshall, John " Sept. 12,61 Dis. 1864. West, Wm. H. tfc Jun.13,'61 u t* Rose, Alonzo " Sept.23,61 Died of wounds rec'd at Donaldson. COMPANY K. Corporal. BERDETT SPENCER Joliet Jnn.13,'61 Dis. June 13, 1864, time exp. Severely wVd at Donaldson. Musicians. ISRAEL J. R. WATERS " " Killed at Raymond, Miss., May 12, '63, RUDOLPH FOREAV " " Dis. June 13, 1864. PRIVATES. Bissell, Martin F. " " Dis. for dis. Oct. 13, 1862. Wounded at Brit- ton's Lane. Connor, Anderson " " Vet. M. O. Connor, Richard " " Died at Mound City Dec. 23, 1861. Connolly, George " " Dis. for dis. Sept. 8. '62. Wounded at Shiloh. Coyle, James " " Vet. M. O. Captured July 22, 1864. Dann, Jerome B. tfc " tv u n b. bb bb Hagerman, Samuel " ' Vet. M. O. as corporal. Wounded at Ray- mond, Miss. Lord, James A. " " Dis. for dis. as 1st sergt. March 5, 1863. Lawton, Robert " " Dis. for dis. August 17, 1862. Lehman, Frank H n Died at Birds Point Jan. 11, 1862. Mitchell, Henry Pierson, Alfred F. n " Killed at Raymond, Miss., May 12, 1863. Dis. for dis. Oct. 31, 1862. Paxon, Aaron P. " Died at Nework. HL, May 4, 1862. 11 TWENTIETH REGIMENT. Continued. Name and Bank. Residence. Enlistm't History. PRIVATES. 1881. Smith, Wm. M. Joliet June 13 Died at Paducah August 23, 1862. Shugar, Wm. " '* Killed at Raymond, Miss., May 12, 1863. Vreeland, Wm. H. " " Dis. June 13, 1864, as corporal. Woodruff, John 1 " , Died June 7, 1863, of wounds. Wilson, Dewit ' k Dis. June 13, '64, time expired. Wilsay, Andrew White, Alonzo P. i " Dis. for dis. June 9, 1863. Vet. M. O. July 16, 1865 Wright, Josiah " Dis. for dis. Aug. 9, '62, corporal. RECRUIT. Dayton, Nelson 11 Apr.24,'61 Dis. for dis. Nov. 27, 1861. Gay, Augustus Lockport Apr. 9, '63 Dis., term exp. Captured July 22, 1864, be- fore Atlanta. Hutton, Wm. H. H. Joliet Jun.17,'61 Dis. for dis. August 17, 1862. Littlewood, James B. 11 Vet. M. O. July 22, 1865. Taylor, John I. " Aug.17'61 Dis. for dis. Dec. 16, 1862. Wilson, Andrew J. " Jun.18,'61 Killed at Donaldson Feb. 16, 1862. NEW COMPANY A. Recruited in Fall of 1864. Sergeant. 1864. HENRY FOLMAN Frankfort M. O. July 16, 1865. Corporals. Oct. 11 MARTIN CHADWICK Monee Oct. 3 " * " WILLIAM BRANDT Crete Oct. 5 t. i. 11 n EPHRAIM SPAULDING Gr'n Gard'n Oct. 11 " " ' " CONRAD BUCK Crete Oct. 5 ' " " JOHN HASSEMAN tt * . i. . . it PRIVATES. Ackerman, Jacob " " ' " " < Albright, Ebenezer Monee Sept. 20 Dis. June 6, 1865. Bruck, Philip Crete Oct. 5 M. O. July 16, 1865. Bruck, Lawrence M " " ' kt " Brown, Milo Frankfort " I. .. t. U Becktr, Frederick Crete " " " " '' Becker, Charles Becker, Geo. B. Berkey, Adam Monee Oct. 12 Sept. 30 Dis. for dis. Bocker, Charles B. " Dis. June 8, 1865. Bodrew, Eli Frankfort Oct. 11 Dis. for dis. Bolau, Michael Monee Sept 17 Barnes, Thomas Lockport " Castello, James Jan.23,'65 M. O. June 28, 1865. Chambers, Thomas Crete Oct. 5, '64 Absent sick at M. O. Cook, Francis M. East Joliet Jau.30,'65 i' U H 11 Dougherty, Wm. A. Peotone Oct. 7, '64 M. O. July 16, 1865. Dogal, Joseph Troy Oct. 10, '64 Dorsey, John Manhattan " Dager, Thomas Jackson lk Essman, Henry Crete Oct 5, '64 Absent sick at M. O. Englekin, Wm. Easton, Samuel Frankfort Oct.ll, '64 M. O. July 16, 1865. Group, Frederick Crete Oct. 5, '64 ii n n Groff, John " " li u 11 ;i Garake, Christopher " " Absent sick at M. O. Garake. August M 1 it it n ,t Grote, Herman " " M. O. July 16, 1865. Raman, Henry M M Absent sick at M. O. Herbert, Fred. Monee Sept.30'64 M. O. June 5, 1865. Harlan. Patrick Will Sept.28'64 Henry, James Dupage Oct. 10, '64 Jo r don, Myron T. Frankfort Feb.15,'65 M. O. May 27, 1865. Kleese, James West Joliet Mar. 7, '65 " July 16, 1865. Ketz, Frederick Washington Mar. 8, '65 " " 22, " Kratt, John Will Oct. 3, '64 .. tt 16 tt Kleese, Wm. W. Monee Sept.30,64 June 5, 1865. Lonmire, Detrick Crete Oct. 5, '64 " July 16, 1865. Lahle, George Frankfort Oct. ll,'64 Lawrence, Peotone Peotone Oct. 6, '64 Moriatz, Charles Frankfort tl 11 U 11 12 TWENTIETH REGIMENT. Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Enlistm't History. PRIVATES. 1861. Mayer, Jacob Frankfort Oct. 6, '64 M. O. July 16, 1865. Martins, Frederick Monee Sept.30,64 " " " " Marshall, Ed. W. Frankfort Oct.ll. '64 Died at Mokena while on furlough. McDonough, John Marshall, Ralph W. Homer Frankfort Sept.17,64 Oct.ll, '64 M. O. March 1, 1865. Oswald, Ahart " " July 16, 1865. O'Bryan, Daniel Perry, Charles A. Troy Gr'n Gard'n Oct. 10,'64 Oct.ll, '64 Absent sick at M. O. Price, John Will Sept,28,64 Quinn, James Jackson Oct. 11, '64 Stege, Henry Crete Oct. 5, '64 M. O. July 16, 1865. Stege, Conrad Vfc fc* tb U kfc kk Stall, William Frankfort Oct.ll, '64 " 19 " Smith, John Oct. 17/64 !! !! Ml ? Shatley, Frederick Monee Nov. 3, '64 Smith, Walter W. Shoat, Levi Jan ; 24,'65 M. O. May 27, 1865. Absent sick at M. O. Schlouter, John Washingt'n Mar. 8, '65 M. O. July 16, 1865. Speers, Wm. H. Sept.36,64 " June 5, " Skeene, James Monee Sept.17,64 Stonton, Michael Manhattan Oct. 10,'64 Thorne, Joseph B. Monee Nov. 3, '64 " July 16, 1865. Tompkins. Martin Thomas, William Manhattan Oct.^10,'64 Tank, Fred. TJnnch, Wm. Monee Gr'nGarden Sept.30,64 Oct.ll, '64 ii il Aug. 22 Dis. for dis. July 18, 1862. Wagoner. SAMUEL ADAMS Channahon Aug. 5 Dis. for die. June, 1862. PRIVATES. Atkins, Warren C. Arhues, Claus Wilmingt'n Aug. 15 Aug. 5 Dis. for dis. July 21. 18fi2. Vet. M. O. Dec. 6, 1865. Wounded slightly at Drury's Bluffs. Ashton, Daniel " Aug. 15 Vet. M. O. Oct. 9th, 1865. Was a prisoner, taken May 16th, 1864. Brooks, Lysander R. " Aug. 5 Vet. M. O. Dec. 6, 1865. Butterfield, Wm. " Aug. 12 Vet. Corp. Killed at Deep Run August 16, 1864. Barrockman, B. C. t* tfc Baxter, William Aug. 15 Vet. M. O. Dec. 6, 165. Severely wounded at Drury's Bluffs. Berden, John Channahon Aug. 29 Vet. Killed at Deep Run Aug. 16, '64. Brown, Wm. H. R. Benton, Silas Chicago Wilmi'gton Aug. *1 Aug. 12 M. O. Sept. 10, '64. Trans, to E. Vet. Killed at Drury's Bluffs May 14, 1864. Croop, George W. Gardner Sept. 16 Dis. lor dis. July 1,1862. Carpenter. Albert F. Wilmingt'n Aug. 5 Vet. M. O. as corp. Dec. 6, 1865. Carter, Joseph " ' Died of wounds August 26, 1863. Carpenter, Joseph M. " ' Dis. for dis. Feb. 3, 1862. Carter, Wm. C. " " Dip. for dip. Oct. 18, 1862. Cochran, Daniel M. Chicago Aug. 8 Vet. M O. Dec. 6, 1865. Calhonn, W. W. Wilmingt'n Aug. 15 Died at Patterson's Creek, Va., Feb. 23, 1862. Collins, Alex. S. Channahon Sept. 12 Vet. Sergeant, on furlough at M. O. Curtis, Cyrus " ' Vet. M. O. Sept. 2, 1865. Conroy, Francis Wilmi'gton Sept. 1 Dis. fopdis. June, 1862. Day, Henry M. 11 Aug. 5 Vet. Dis. for wounds, color sergt. July 3, 65. Faribee, David S. Gardner Aug ; 8 Wounded severely at Fort Gregg. Died at Newmarket, Va, April 22, 1862. Hartman, Wm. H. " Died at Cumberland, Md., Feb. 6, 1862. Hicks, William Wilmingt'n Aug. 5 Dis. for dis. Feb. 5, 1862. Holz, William ' Vet. M. O. sergt. Wounded at Fort Gregg. Hedge, Enoch C. " Aug. 15 Vet. " Dec. 6, 1865. Holter, John Chicago Aug. 17 Vet. Sergt. On furlough at M. O. Ho well, George Wilmingt'n Aug. 19 Dis. for dis. Feb. 5, 1862. Houghton, Herrick " Aug. 22 Vet. M. O. corp. Johnson, Edmund F. " Aug. 5 Dis. for dis. March 19, 1863. Kilford, James " Sept. 10 Vet. Knghow, Charles " Lyon, George " Ang. 5 Died at Hilron Head, Feb. 21, 1863. Lawler, Michael J. Channahon Sept. 16 Dis. for dis. June 1, 1862. Lowil, James Aug. 15 Murphy, Owen Wilmingt'n Sept. 10 Dis. for dis. Dec. 4, 1863. Mott, George " Aug. 5 Died at Cumberland, Md., Feb. 2, 1862, Miller, Jacob S. ki McCartrie, Peter " Aug. 12 Died at Alexandria, Va., June 1, 1862. McCullouch, John Chicago Aug. 15 M. O. Sept. 10, 1864. Martin, James " Aug. 16 Vet, M. O. Dec. 6, 1865. McDonald, James M Sept. 10 M. O. Sept. 10, 1865. Maher, John Wilmingt'n H Died at Cumberland, Md., Jan. 16, 1862. Niman, Henry Aug. 14 Nichols, Ira " Aug. 27 Vet. Taken prisoner June 16, 1864. Sev'ly wounded at Drury's Bluffs. Norton, Hiram Aug. 19 16 THIRTY-XINTH REGIMEX r.- Name and Rank. Residence Enlistm't History. PRIVATES. 1861 O'Connell, Charge Wilmingfn Aug. 14 Pelton, A. D. " Aug 5 Dis. for dis. Dec. 1st, 1862. Perkins, James Channahon Aug. 8 Died at Chicago, Sept. 7, 1861. Proud, Samuel F. Aug. 5 Vet. Killed at Fort Gregg April 2d, 1865. Wounded at Drury's Bluff Phillips, James Chicago Aug. 13 Dis. for dis. June 8, 1863. Patterson, John H. Aug. 5 Ruppenthall, Henry Rourke, Hugh Wilmingfn Channahon Aug. 20 Died June 18, 1864, of wounds. Vet. Killed at Fort Gregg. Randail, P. K. Wilmingfn Aug. 5 Dis. for dis. Oct. 28, 1863. Reed, Wm. H. " Aug. 15 M. O. Aug. 16, '65, corp. Taken prisoner of war June 2, 1864. Starkweather, Henry " Aug. 5 Died at Folly Island July 12, 1863. Stumpf, Michael fcfc Dis. for dis. July, 1862. Stewart, James fct ' Dis. for dis. July 21, 1862. Sibert Andrew " Aug. 8 Vet. Prisoner. Died in Andersonville pris- on Sept. 16, 1864. Sconlin, John Chicago Aug. 11 M. O. Nov. 1, 1864. Schemerhorn, Albert P. Channahon Aug. 17 Trans, to band. M. O. June 4, 1862. Smith, Nicholas Chicago Aug. 21 Vet. Died of wounds April 5, 1865. Sullivan, Michael " Aug. 22 Dis. for dis. June 1, 1862. Sherman, Martin Channahon Sept. 12 Vet. M. O. Dec. 6, 1865. Tewbey, Edward Tracy, Harry Wilmingfn Aug. 14 Aug. 19 M. O. Sept. 10, 1864. M. O. May llth, 1865. Was prisoner of war. Wounded May 16, 1864, and missing. Wiser, Theodore S. " Aug. 5 M. O. Oct. 20, 1864. Wounded. Watson, John u ~" Dis. for dis. May 15, 1862. Whitney, Hen'-y P. " " Vet. Dis. for wounds June 30, 1865. Wilcox, James " Aug. 19 Vet. Absent wounded at M. O. Weldon, Jacob M. " Aug. 8 Vet. M. O. Dec. 6, 1865, corporal. Watts, Charles lt Aug. 15 Vet. Walters, Barton S. Channahon Aug. 17 Vet. Taken prisoner, sent to Andersonville May 16, 1864. Died at Annapolis April 1, 1865, just after being released. Died from effects of imprisonment. Wills, Pomeroy Wilmingfn Aug. 22 Dis. for dis. June 1st, 1862. Wurts, George " Aug. 27 M. O. Sept. 10, 1864. Willard, Cornelius S. Channahon Sept. 17 Vet. Dis. Aug. 17, 1865. Lost an arm at Ft. Oct. 10 Gregg. Walters, Charles S. " M. O. Sept. 10, 1864. Wilcox, Wm. Chicago Aug. 15 Dis. for dis. Feb. 5, 1862. Yates, George W. Wilmington Vet. Prom, color sergt. for gallantry. Mor- tally wounded Oct. 13, 1864. Died Oct. 16. Yoker, Jonathan ' u RECRUITS. Armstrons, Patrick Chicago Nov. 1, '61 Dis. for dis. Aug. 6, 1863. Abrams, Frank Reed Jan. 4, '64 M. O. Dec. 6, 1865. Reported missing at Dai- ry's Bluffs. Bailey, Patrick Oct. 14,'61 Trans, to Bat. L, 4th U. S. Art. Brouchet, Florant Wilmingfn Feb.19,'64 Captured May 16th, 1864, taken to Anderson- ville. Bo wen, Henry H. Florence Dec.26,'63 Same record as above. Clapp, Fred'k G. Chicago Oct. 11,'61 M. O. Sept. 10, 1864. Conley, Edward D. Wesley Jan. 5. '64 M. O. Dec. 6, 1865. Combelick, Wm. Guilford Oct., '64 Absent wounded at muster out. Carrigan, Hugh Wilmingfn Dec.30,'63 Died of wounds June 3d, 1864. Wounded at Drurv's Bluffs. Coons, Monteville Wesley Feb.20,'64 M. O. July 12, 1885, was prisoner of war. Dolan, Timothy Channahon Dec.26,'63 Absent wounded at M. O. Doose, Casper Dobson, James Wilmingfn Feb.23,'64 Dec.23,'63 M. O. May 22, 1865. Dis. for dis. Severely wounded at Drury s Bluffs Barley, Daniel " Dec.28,'63 Died March 28th, 1865. Was prisoner of war. Wounded at Drury's Bluffs. Fitzpatrick, Michael 3t. Louis Oct. 14, '61 Trans, to Bat. L, 4th U. S. Art. Fuller, Myron C. Wesley Jan. 5, '64 M. O. Dec. 6 1865. Gallagher, John Wilmingfn Dec.28,'63 M. O. Mav 29, 1865. Goss, Andrew " Jan. 4, '64 Died at Chicago. Hughs, Wm. Chicago Feb.29,'64 M. O. Dec. 6, 1865. Hopkins, James " u " li " 17 THIRTY-NINTH RBGIM BNT. Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Enlistm't History. RECRUITS. Hurlbut, Amasa Lockport Dec.29,'63 Dis. Feb. 16, 1865. Henning, John Irish, Franklin Wesley Feb.18,'64 Feb.19,'64 M. O. July 15, 1864. Was prisoner. M. O. Dec. 6, 1865. Kyle, Joseph Guilford Oct., '64 M. O. Oct. 11, 1865. I^ynch, John St. Louis Oct. 31,'61 M. O. Ocr. 29, 1864. McNijjht, Wm. McCollem, Alex. Wilmingt'n Oct. 22,'61 Sept .14,61 M. O. Oct. 21, 1864. Trans, to Co. E. Vet. M. O. Dec. 6, '65, corp. Malony, James " Dec.24,'63 M. O. Dec ; 6, 1865. Hurry, James " Jan.11,'64 Mahon, Michael Taylorville Apr.14,'65 I H McGraw, Con. Chicago Apr. 10, '65 1 11 Monnier, Charles Guilford Oct., '64 Oct.^11, McQuillen, Patrick tfc ^ McKendrick, Michael Nichols, Benjamin Wesley Wilmingt'n Dec.26,'63 Dec.24,'63 Captured June 16, 1864. M. O. Dec. 6, 1865, as corporal. O'Connell, Charles Feb.28,'62 Dis. for dis. June 27, 1862. Osgood, Zarah fci Feb.19,'64 M. O. Dec. 6, 1865. Osgood, Thos. J. 11 " Died at Phila., Sept. 20th, 1864, of wounds. Ottenheimer, Solomon] Phillips, John O. Chicago Channahon Oct. 1, '64 M. O. June 20, 1865. " Nov. 2, 1865. Preston, Wm. J. Chicago Mar.26,'64 Dis. Dec. 14, 1864. Rogers, Thomas Ohio Dec.24, : 61 Dis. for dis. Dec. 1, 1862. Rubenston, Henry Bath, Va. Jan. 1, '62 Vet Ryan, Thomas Rawlins, Lamon P. Wilmingt'n Guilford Aug.25, 63 Oct., '64 M. O. Dec. 6, 1865. M. O. Jan. 27, 1866. Smith, Charles W. Wesley Feb.29,'64 Tower, Franklin H. Wilmingt'n " Dec. 6, 1865. Thulls, William Wesley Feb.19,'64 Taylor, Bluford E. Vowalt, Christian Welch, Wm. James Florence Wilmingt'n St. Louis Dec.26,'63 Feb.24,'64 Oct. 14, '61 Died at Richmond, Va., May 12, 1865. M. O. Dec. 6, 1865. Trans, to Bat. L, 4th U. S. Art. Willard, William Channahon Dec.26,'63 M. O. Aug. 11, 1865. Wounded at Drury's Bluffs Winters, Wayne Woodruff, Daniel Penn'a Channahon Mar.11,'65 Oct. 13,'64 M. O. July 21, 1865. " Oct. 13, 1865. COMPANY C. PRIVATES. 1861. Koldorf, Henry McNally, Michael Lockport Sept. 6 Aug. 18 Vet. M. O. Dec. 6, 1865. Vet. Dis. for wounds Aug. 25, 1864. W'nd'd Rees, Isaac C. Joliet Sept. 12 atDrury's Bluffs. Dis. Sept. 13, 1864, term exp. COMPANY D. !Ladd, Atticus A. redruit tk Aug.27, 62 M. O. Oct. 27, 1865. CO. E FLORENCE RIFLES (Full list of company.) PRIVATES. 1861. Andreas. Wm. Blakesley, S. C. Wesley Durham Sept. 12 Sept. 18 Wounded at Fort Wagner, Oct. 6, 1863. Discharged. Backett, Lawrence " Vet. Died at Richmond June 9, 1364, of (os Baker) Benton, Silas Chicago Jan. 1 wounds. See Co. A. Burton, George W. Wilmingt'n Sept. 11 Vet. Sergt. Killed at Petersburg, Va., Apr. Bogart, Walter V. Baxter, Wm. " Sept. 17 Sept. 21 2. 1865. Killed at Fort Wagner, Oct. 12, 1863. Vet. M. O. 1st sergt. Wounded severely at Brown,' Win. Button, Loren Chicago Wilmingt'n Sept. 27 Oct. 2 Drury's Bluffs. M. O. Dec. 6, 1885, as musician. Discharged. Cannon, John " Sept. 20 Clark, G. A. Cremer, Charles Sheldon 3haunahon Sept 28 Vet. M. O. Dec. 6, as sergt. Dis. Sept. 18, 1862. Dunn, Geo. H. Dosran (or Dugan) Pat'k Dagnan, Michael Wilmingt'n Sept. 14 Sept. 21 Oct. 2 Vet, M. O. June 3, 1865. Vet' Supposed killed Oct. 13, 1863. Dalley, John . , H Ely, Wesley W. 3oncord Sept, 28 Trans, to Co. F Jan. 1, 1864. M. O. Flin, William Chicago Sept. 20 Died at Beaufort, S. C. Flowers, A. J. Sheldon Sept. 28 18 THIRTY-NINTH REGIMENT.- Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Enlistm't History, PRIVATES. 1861. Gronigal, T. D. Wilmingfn Sept. 12 Vet. Sergt. Wounded and missing May 16, 1884, supposed dead. Grey, Alex. " Oct. 8 Vet. Died of wounds in hosp. Sept. 10, '64. Hawath, John Chicago Oct. 4 Hanson, David M. Wilmi'gton Oct. 12 Vet. Sergt, Taken prisoner May 16th, 1864, died in Andersonvulb Oct. 22, 1864, grave No. 11.188. Hudson, Charles C. " Sept, 17 Vet. M. O. corporal. Hertzog, C. W. Rockville Sept. 20 Trans, to veteran reserve corps. Hertzog, Wm. F. " " Vet. Killed at Wire Bottom, Va., June 18, '64. Harsh, J. O. Howell, Daniel " Sept. 27 Wilm'ngfn! " Dis. Sept. 28, 1864, time exp. Discharged. Jewett, Wm. O. L. Wesley Sept. 12 Dis. June 6, 1863. Entered Bat. A, 1st Art. Kinney, Thomas Wilmingfn Oct. 2 Vet. Dis. for wounds June 20, 1865. Lyons, Sidney Florence Sept. 12 Vet. M. O, Dec. 6, 1865. Milks, Herman Wilmingfn " Vet. " corporal. Merrill, Almon Florence " " Died July 23, 1864, of wounds. Severely wounded at Drury's Bluffs. Monroe, James " Sept. 17 Vet. M. O. Dec. 6th, 1865. Wounded at Dru- ry's Bluffs. McCollum, Alex. Gardner Sept. 14 Trans, to Co. A. Mager, Moses Florence Sept. 21 Vet. M. O. Dec. 6, 1865. Severely wounded at Drury's Bluffs. Morgan, George M. McMaster, James Sheldon Wilmingfn Sept. 25 Oct. 8 M. O. Feb. 2, 1865, pris. war. Died at Williamsport, Md.,Dec. 9, 1861. Nelson, James W. " Sept. 12 Vet. M. O. corporal. Severely wounded at Drury's Bluffs. Porter, O. C. " Oct. 2 Vet. M. O. as sergt. Wounded at Drury's Bluffs. Raleigh, Thomas Sept. 7 Vet. M. 0. Dec. 6, 1865. Robinson, Wm. H. " Oct. 6 Sackett, Edward A. Chicago Oct. 10 Vet. M. O. Dec. 6, 1865, musician. Sartell, H. E. Wilmingfn Sept. 17 Vet. Dis. March 20th, 1865, as corporal for Smith, C. W. " Sept. 20 wounds. Wounded at Deep Bottom. Dis. Feb. 14, 1863. Stewart, Thomas " " Vet. Died of wounds at Annapolis Oct.SOh, 1864, wounded in front of Petersburg, Va Snee, Hugh R. Rockville Sept. 27 Vet. M. O. Dec. 6, 1865, was prisoner, cap- tured Mav 16. 1864. Sheffle^M: . P. Steele, Wm. E. Stephens, P. L. Thayer, George Chicago Wilmingfn Oct. 2 Sept, 27 Sept. 29 Dis. Sept. 27, 1864, term exp. Vet. Sergt. Supposed killed Oct. 13th,|1364. Discharged. Vet, M. O. Dec. 6, 1865. White, Q. G. 11 Sept. 27 Dis. Sept. 27, '64, term exp. Whitman, J. W. Concord Sept. 28 U U 41 It .1 11 Ware, C. W. Joliet Se-.t. 14 Vet. M. O. corporal. Winn, John Wilmingfn Oct. 6 Dis. Nov. 20, 1861. RECRUITS. Axtell, Theodore F. Wesley Feb.27,'64 M. O. Dec. 6, 1865, as corporal. Wounded at Appomattox April 9, 1865. Barton, Samuel A. Bloom'gton Dec.16,'62 Discharged July 4, 1863. Baiter, Levi Gaines Apr.13,'65 M. O. Dec. 6, 1865. Beam, Charles ti fck Ik .fc bk Bachelor, Samuel C Wilmingfn Dec.23,'63 M. O. June 3d, 1865. Boemler, Wm. Chicago Sept.26,64 " June 20, 1865. Babcock, Ralph " Mar. 8, '64 Killed at Petersburg, Va., April 25, 1865. Conly, James Penn. Oct.28, '61 Casey, John Wilmi'gton Mar.11,'64 M. O. Dec. 6th, 1865. Corbett, Frank M. Florence Feb.24,'64 Drurv's Bluffs. Cottle, Frederick Chicago Apr .6. '65 M. 0. Dec. 6th, 1865. Clark. James H. Channahon Dec.23,'63 Killed at Deep Run, Va., Aug. 16, 1864 Dennible, Wm. J. Wesley Mar. 2, '64 M. O. June 3d, 1865, Evans, Joseph S. Dec.23,'63 M. O. Dec. 6th, 1865, as sergt. Wounded at Deep Bottom, August 16. Grise, Daniel jRockville Oct.15, '64 Discharged. Gillett, James Wesley Nov.13, 61 Died Aug. 17, 1864, wounds. Gillett, Henry " " Died at Cumberland, Md., Feb., 1862. Howe, Calvin H. St. Louis Oct.26, '61 Howe, Hiram H. 19 THIRTY-NINTH I M ENT. Continued. Name and Rank. Residence Enlistm't History. RECRUITS. Hardeman, Martin S. Wilmingt'n Nov. 13,61 Vet. M. O. Dec. 6, 1865. Wounded at Appo- mattox April 9, 1865. Hazard, Munroe Chicago Mar.23,'64 M. O. Dec. 6, 1865. Hill, Samuel F. * Feb.27,'64 " " " " Howell, George Wesley Dec.31,'63 Dis. for wounds March 30, 1865. Ho ugh ton, Azor Wilm'ngt'n Dec.;>3,'63 M. O. June 2, 1865. ' " . ' Ingleman, Augustas Cicero Mar. 7, '64 M. O. Dec. (i, 1865. Johnson, James M. Chicago Feb.26,'64 Vet. recruit. M. O. Dec. 6, 1865. Jackson, Chaw. A. Florence Feb.22,'64 Dis. for wounds Nov. 7, 1864. Lost an arm at Deep Bottom August 16. 1864. Johnson, Howard Channahon Mar. 9, '64 Dis. for wounds Nov. 21, 1864. Wounded at Drnrv's Bluffs. Karr, Elisha Sheldon Oct. 28,'6l' Vet. Killed at Drury's Bluffs May 15, 1864. Kel'y, Wm. P. Wesley Nov. 13,61 Vet. M. O. as sergt. Wounded at Ft. Gregg. Kelly, John M. " Feb.12,'62 Vet. Died of wounds at Hampton. Va., Oct. 31, 1865. Kahler, Lloyd W. Florence Feb.24,'64 M. O. Dec. 6, 1865. Laughlin, John Penn'a Feb. 1, '62 Died at Hilton Head, Feb. 11, 1863. Lee, Diton Essex Feb.25,'64 M. O. Dec. 6, 1865. Was prisoner. Levalley, Charles T. Wilmingt'L Mar.ll,'4 M. O. Dec. 29, 1865. Musselman, Ephraim Penn'a Oct. 28,'61 Died near Chapin's Farm, Va., Oct. 16, 1864. Mahan, John Morey, Oscar F. Florence Feb.24,'64 M. O. Dec. 6, 1865, as corporal. Maahen, Caleb . " " " ' " ' Mallet, Ceran Mar.23,'64 Martin, William Mar. 8, '64 M. O. Dec. 6, 1865. Monroe, John " Feb.2i.'64 M. O. July 26, 1865. Was prisoner. Noble, James R. Wilmingt'n Feb.23,'64 M. O. Dec. 6, 1865. O'Hatra, Henry Wesley Mar. 1, '64 " ' " " Ohlhues, Henry Florence Feb 23/64 Killed near Petersburg, Va., April 2d, 1865. Severely wounded at Drury's Bluffs. Pennington, Wm. H. Wilmingfn Mar.15,'64 M. O Dec. 6, 186s. Ripple, William Penn'a Feb. 1, '6-2 Died at Alexandria. Va., Aug. 18, 1862. Riley, Newton Morris Fel>.21,'65 M. O. Dec. 6, 18ti5. Rogers, Alpheus W. Wesley Dec.31,'63 Dip. for wounds Oct. 20, '64. Lost an arm at Drurv's Bluffs. Shade, Abraham Penn'a Feb.12,'62 M. O. Dec. 6, 1865. Stanton, Wm. Rockvile Feb.24,'64 Slayton, Reuben : Chicago Mar.31,'64 Missing May 20, 1864. Vanderbogart, James Florence Feb.22,'64 M. O. Dec. 6, 1865, as corporal. Waine, Thomas Chicago Mar. 9, '64 " " " " " * Webler, George A. " Mar. 8, '64 Dis. August 22, 1865. Walrath, Wm. " Mar.23,'64 M. O. Dec. 6, 1865. COMPANY F. Corporal. 1861. DWIGHT PBKSTON Homer Aug. 15 Vet. Dis. for dis. as 1st sergeant for wounds rec'dMay20. PRIVATES. Hayes, Stephen Channahon Aug u 1 Hayes, John B. " Vet. Kemph, William Homer Aug. 22 Vet, M. O. Dec. 6, 1865. Kemp, Frederick " Sept. 28 Vet. Dis. for wounds rec'd May 16, 1864. Underwood, George M. " Sept, 4 Vet, M. O. Dec. 6th. 1865, sergt VanConrt, Rufus tfc Sept, 15 Dis. for dis. Wounded. RECRUITS. Barron, Dallas " Dec.29,'63 M. O. Dec. 6, 1865. . Davis, Charles A. Joliet Dec.17,'63 Vet, recruit. M. O. Dec. 6, 1865. Hopkins, Benj. D. Kemph, Charles H. Homer Mar.29,'65 Feb.22,'64 Killed at Deep Run Aug. 16, 1864. M.^O. Dec, 6, 1865. Marshall, Peter ' Feb.29,'64 Peck, Wm. kt Feb.22,'64 " " '' COMPANY G. Sergeant. 1861. HORACE T. CORWIN Homer Aug. 6 Dis. Oct. 8, '64, term exp. W'n'd May 26, '64. Corporals. ABNER GILLETT JAMES PRIOR Lockport Aug. 29 Aug. 13 Dis. Sept. 20, 1864, term expired. Vet. Dis. for promotion in U. S. C. T. March 10. 1865. Wounded June 2, 1864. 20 THIRTY-NINTH REGUMEN l\ Concluded. Name and Rank. Residence. Enlistm't History. PRIVATES. 1861. Angel, William Homer Aug. 29 Vet. M. O. Dec. 6, '65, wagoner. Died since dis. of loss of health in service. Ahlshlager, Carl Anthony, Herbert New Lenox Homer Sept. 7 Aug. 23 Dis. Sept. 10, 1864, term exp. Vet. Killed at Drury's Bluffs, May 16, '64. Carl, John " Aug. 6 Dis. Sept. 10, 1864, term exp. Campbell, Martin " Aug. 29 tfc U tt U It fcfc Crews, Hanson H. Joliet Aug. 19 Dis. Feb. 19, 1864, for prom, in 64th. Deeming, Thos. Homer Aug. 15 Vet. M. O. Dec. 6, 1865, as corporal . Frank, Henry J. New Lenox Sept. 22 Dis. Sept. 22, 1864, term exp. Wounded May 16, 1864. Hahn, Christian Homer Aug. 13 Trans, to veteran reserve corps April 10, '64. Humphrey, Thomas Hammond. Wm. ! Aug. 29 Killed May 20, 1664. Vet. Corp. on furlough at M. O. Moulton, Belah * Sept. 12 Dis. wounded. Ross, George i Aug. 13 Dis. for dis. June 27, 1862. Rowley, Charles i Sept. 10 Died at Cumberland, Md., Feb. 20, 1862. Tyler, James Liockport Aug. 13 Dis. for dis. June 2, 1862. RECRUITS. Crandall, Christ. C. Joliet Oct. 14, '62 M. O. Oct. 13, 1865, wounded May 20 and Oct. 7th, 1864. Goodman, Thomas Lockport Dec,.29,'65 M. O. Dec. 6, 1865, taken prisoner June 2, '64, Andersonville. Wadhams, Mort. C. Joliet Oct. 14,'62 Died at Bermuda Hundreds Feb. 29, 186i. Walker, John W. Wingart, Henry Pettijohn, Jacob Liockport Florence Homer Dec.29,'63 Mar.15,'65 Feb.28,'64 M. O. Dec. 6, '65, wounded Oct. 7, '64. On special duty at M. O. M. O. Mav 23d, 1865. Wounded at Drury's Bluffs, June 14, 1864. COMPANY H. Sergeant. 1862. WM. C. MITCHELL Wilmingt'n April 9 M. O. May 9, 1865, term exp. Corporals. WM. B. CAIN M Mar. 13 M. O. March 23, 1865, term exp. ABSALOM MENDENHALL " March 15 M. O. April 4, 1865. PRIVATES. Malony, Richard " March 13 M. O. March 23, 1865. O'Connell, Charles " Feb. 28 Beamish, Thos. Co. K. Slwood Sept.10,61 Vet. M. O. Dec. 6, 1865. FORTY-SECOND REGIMENT. Three Years' Service. 1862. Hospital Steward. ZBNAa P. HANSON Joliet April 1 Prom. asst. surgeon. Recruits for Co. D. Clark, John M. M March 1 Dis. Nov. 18, 1862. Mills, Andrew J. April 1 Prom, hospital steward. Whitemore, David B. " March 1 Wounded. Trans, to vet. reserve corps. COMPANY G. PRIVATES. 1861. Greenman, Chandler J. Wilton Sept. 12 Dis. for die. Aug. 25, 1862. Hardy, Uriah " " M. O. Sept. 16, 1864. Muger. Stephen Joliet Aug. 14 " ." " " O'Connell " Sept. 3 " " " " Robinson, Don A. Wilton Aug. 13 Died at Smithton, Mo., Jan 22, 1862. Riley' James Joliet Aug. 6 Smith, Chester B. Wilton Auar. 13 Dis. for dis. Jan. 22, 1863. White, John " Sept. 20 Vet. Dis. for wounds Feb. 7. 1865. 21 FORTY-THIRD REGIMENT. Three Years' Service. Name and Rank. Residence Enlist in't History. COMPANY D. PRIVATES. Greve, Hans Maack, Henry' Voss, Jachim Wiefels, Otto, recruit Crete Joliet 1861. Sept. 1 Mar.10,'62 Vet. Trans, to B consol. M. O. Nov. 30th, 1865, as 1st sergeant. Same record. Dis. for dis. Nov. 8, 1862. Vet. Trans, to B consol. M. O. Nov. 30, '65. CO. D Consolidated. Schuttetus, John u Feb. 2, '65 M. O. Nov. 30, 1865. FORTY-FOURTH REGIMENT. Three Years' Service. COMPANY E. Musician. NUOL ICHREIFER Joliet Aug. 1,'61 M. O. June 19, 1865. PRIVATES. Kresin, Ferdinand Shreiber, J. Dupage Joliet Sept,l,'61 Died at Rolla, Mo., Dec. 5, Dis. for dis. Dec. 16, 1861. '61. Keene, Wm. recr. Co. D 11 Oct., '64 M. O. Sept. 25, 1865. FORTY-FIFTH REGIMENT. Three Years' Service. PRIVATE Co. K. Bearnheart, James Shaw, Nicholas A. Peotone Joliet Oct. 2, '61 Dec. 8, '61 Dis. for wounds May 27, 1864. Died at St. Louis April 19, 1862, of wounds re- ceived at Shiloh. FORTY-SIXTH REGIMENT. Three Years' Service. COMPANY I. Captain. 1861. CHARLES P. STIMPSON Plainfleld Dec. 1 Resigned Feb. 26, 1862. 1st Lieutenant. JAMES RALI.AKD " " Nov. 19, 1872. 2d Lieutenant. HENRY G. KENNEDY " Sept. 18 As private. Vet. Prom. 2d lieut. from 1st Hospital Steward. sergt. Aug. 4, 1865. Wounded. CHARLES F. BENNETT " Appointed nosp. atew. U. S. A. Mar. 10, '64. Sergeants. CHAS. L. PRATT " " Trans, to Bat. D, 1st Art. JOHN COLLINS " Nov. 9 Killed at Shiloh April 6, 1862. Corporals. RUSSELL CARTER DAVID B. ROSSITER WM. H. ROBBINS u Oct. 29 Sept. 18 Died at Piitsburg Landing April 5, 1862. Died at New Orleans May 27, 1865. Died at Pittsburg Landing March 25, 1862. JUDSON WARE ' Oct. 29 VAN R. STRONG * Sept. 26 Vet. M. O. Jan. 21, 1866. Louis SHIFTER " Nov. 16 M. O. Nov. 30, 1864. Wagoner. Dec. 1 JAMES W. PENNINGTON u " Dis. for dis. Sept. 3, 1862. PRIVATES. Arter, Frank Wheatland Oct. 29 Killed in battle of Shiloh. Anderson, George Plainfleld Oct. 22 Averill, George " Sept. 18 Dis. for dis. July 9, 1862. Bennett, Almon W. " Oct. 29 Vet, M.O.Jan. 20, 1866. Boyd, Nelson M Sept. 18 Dis, Jan. 10, '63. Bates, John " Nov. 25 Died at Natchez Dec. 10, '63. 22 FORTY- SIXTH REGI MENT.- Concluded. Name and Rank. Residence. Enlistm't History. PRIVATES. 1861. Booth, Henry N. Plainfield Nov. 25 Trans, to invalid corps. Brown, Emanuel P. " Nov. 4 Vet. M. O. as corporal Jan. 20, 1866. Brown, Frank S. " Dec. 1 Vet. M. O. Jan. 20. 1866. Barron, Henry 11 " Dis. July 8th, 1862. Beebee, James P. " " Vet. M. O. Jan. 20, 1866. Curtis, Wm. 1 Sept. 18 Dis; for dis. Oct. 18, 1862. Cooper, George H. ' " Died at Louisville June 19, 1862. Curtis, Charles k Dec. 1 Died at Henderson, Ky., June 2, 1862. Parnsworth, Geo. W. ' Nov. i Trans, to invalid corps. Wn'd at Donaldson. Gaylord, Wm. * Dec. 1 Vet. M. O. Jan. 20, 1866. Goss, Alonzo 1 Nov. 3 M. O. Nov. 30, 1864. Hills, Joseph ' Oct. 29 Died at Evansville, Ind., June 10, 1862. Hining, Adam ' Dec. 1 Dis. August 15, 1862. Harris, George ' " Died in the field June 9, 1862. Kennelly, Morris ' Nov. 5 Died at Cincinnati May 10, 1862. Kightlinger, Alexander " Nov. 16 Vet. M. O. Jan. 20, 1866. Kent, John R. " Sept. 16 Lawrence, Milo ' Dec. 1 Die. Nov. 25. 1862. Larison, Eric ' Sept. 18 M. O. Nov. 30, 1864. McLaren, Charles Murray, Henry C. \ Dec. 1 Vet. Died at Memphis Dec. 18, 1862. Died at Memphis Dec. 18, 1862. Marcy, Frank P. 1 " Killed in battle at Shiloh. Marcy, Andrew M. 1 " Norris, Wm. H. H. 1 Sept. 18 Killed in battle at Shiloh. Pratt, Hermon * " Dis. May 20th, 1862. Pratt, Newal 1 Nov. 1 M. O. Nov. 30, 1864. Parker, Marvin 1 Nov. 9 " " " " Parker, Elijah ' Oct. 29 Parr, David ' Dec. 1 Dis. April 3, '62. Died soon after. Paul, George ' " Vet. M. O. Jan. 20, 1866. Pinney, Dwight 1 Nov. 11 Roland, Thos. ' Dec. 1 Died at Memphis Jan. 10, '63. Shiffer, Solomon A. ' Nov. 16 Vet. M. O. as 1st sergt. Jan. 10, '66. Shiffer, Robert > " M. O. Jan. 9, 1865. Wounded. Scott, Jacob " " Vet. M. O. Jan. 20, '66. Died after dis, prie. West, Alexander " Dec. 1 Dis. for dis. Aug. 15, 1862. Wright, Burgess " Nov. 16 Died at Pittsburg Landing April 19, 1862. RECBUITS. Hobday, James Gr'n Gard'n Mar.21,'65 M. O. Jan. 20, 1866. Kent, Marcellus P. Plainfleld Jan. 1, '61 M. O. Dec. 31, 1864. SIXTY-FOURTH REGIMENT, "YATES SHARPSHOOTERS." Three Years' Service. Lieut. Colonel. 1861. MICHAEL W. MANNING Joliet Dec. 31 As 1st lieut. Co. E. Prom. capt. Oct. 4, 1862. Prom, lieut. col. Feb. 19, '64. M. O. April Lieut. Colonel. 9, '65, term exp. JOSEPH S. REYNOLDS New Lenox As 2d lieut. Co. F. Prom. 1st lieut. Sept. 2, '62. Prom. capt. Aug. 14, '63. Prom. maj. Nov. 1. '64. Prom, lieut. col. March 8, '65. Prom, brevet brig. gen. July 11, '65. M. O. Major. July 11, '65. HENBY LOGAN Joliet Peb.11,'64 As capt. Co. G. Prom, major June 26, 1865. M. O. July 11, 1865. Severely wounded on Captain Co. C. Atlanta campaign. WILLIAM ZUELL Wilmingt n As vet. recruit Co. F. Prom, sergt., then 2d lieut. March 23, '64, and captain of Co. C Oct. 10, '64. Severely wounded before At- Captain Co. D. lanta July 22, '64. JOHN BECKER Joliet Nov. 8, '61 As sergt. Co. E. Vet. Prom. 2d lieut. Co. E Feb. 19, '64. Prom, captain Co. D Nov. 9, Captain Co. E. '64. M. 0. April 9, 1865. DAVID G GBOVER M Dec. 31,61 Mortally wounded at Corinth Oct. 4th, 1862, 1st Lieut. Co. E. died Oct. 10, 1862. PATRICK FEELY " Oct.25, '61 As private Co. E. Vet. Prom. 1st sergeant, then 1st lieut. May 8, 1865. M. O. July 11, 1865. 23 SIXTY-FOURTH REGIMENT. Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Enlistm't History. 2d Lieut. Co. E. THOS. MONNAHAN Joliet Oct.26, '61 As private Co. E. Vet. Prom, sergt., then Captain Co. F. 2d lieut. July 11, 1865. M. O. July 11, 1865. JOSHUA W. BAKER Wilmingfn Dec.31,'61 Aslstlieut. Prom. capt. Sept. 2, '62. Re- Captain Co. Q. signed August 14, 1863. HANSON H. CREWS Joliet Aug. 9,'61 As private in 39th regt. Dis. for promotion in 64th as 2d lient. Feb. 11, '64. Prom. 1st lieut. June 22, '64. Prom. capt. Co. G Nov. 1st Lieut. Co. F. 1. '64. M. O. July 11, '65. WARD KNICKERBOCKER New Lenox Oct.22, '61 As private Co. F. Prom, sergt, Oct. 22, '61. Prom. 2d lieut. Sept. 2d, 1862. Prom. 1st lieut. Aug. 14, '63. Term exp. Dec. 30, '64. Captain Co. G. JOSEPH H. BISHOP Joliet Nov. 1,'64 Wounded July 22 before Atlanta. As private Co. I. Prom 1st lieut. Promoted 1st Lieut. Co. G. BENJ. SNYDER H Feb.11,'64 captain June 26, 1865. M. O. July 11, 1865. Resigned June 22, 1864. 2d Lieut. Co. G. JOHN BEROW " Dec.29,'63 As private. Prom, sergt., then 2d lieut. July 1st Lieut. 11, 1865. EDWIN C. SAUNDERS " Jan. 4, '64 As private. Prom, sergeant. Prom 1st lieut. Sergeant Major. July 11, 1865. HENRY 8. CLABK Lockport Oct.23, '61 As private. Prom. 1st sergeant Co. E, then sergt. major. Killed in battle of Corinth Sergeant Major. Oct. 4, 1862. ROBERT RUSSELL Joliet Dec.17,'61 As private Co. F. Vet. Prom, sergt. major %M. Sergt. Dec. 30. 1863. M. O. July 11, '65. UNDERDALE Wilmingfn Aug. 7,'62 As recruit Co. F. Prom. Q. M. S. M. O. May 31, 1865. Severely wounded July 22d, Com. Sergt. before Atlanta. Also wounded at Corinth. JAMES M. HUME Joliet Dec.13,'61 As private Co. A. Prom. com. sergt. Dec. 30, 1863. M. O. July 11, '65. Vet. Principal Musician. JOHN DOTY Nov. 4, '61 As musician Co. E. Prom, principal musi- cian. Vet. M. O. July 11, '65 COMPANY A. RECRUITS. Carroll, Michael Coughlin, Michael Carpenter, Henry Wilmingfn Feb.24,'64 Jan.26,'64 Feb. 2, '64 Died at Rome, Ga., August, 1864. M. O. July 1st, 1865. Dis. for dis. Feb. 27, 1865. Carpenter, Philander " " M. O. July llth, 1365. Wounded at Resacca May 14, '64. Cummings, Michael " Jan.36,'64 M. O. June 17, '65. Gorham, Irwin LeRoy Hartley, Cyrus F. New Lenox Wilmingfn Feb. 2, '64 " July 11, '65. Dis. for dis. June 16, '65. Maher, Jerry " Jan.26,'64 M. O. July 11, 1865. Phillips, Barney Joliet Feb. 2, '64 Sweeny, James M Jan. 26,'64 May 31, 1865. Williams, Curtis Wilmingfn Jan.19,'64 July 11, '65. COMPANY C. PRIVATES. 1861. Baker, John Joliet Nov. 4 Barry. Daniel " Nov. 5 Clark, Henry 11 Oct.23 Fish, Warren " Oct. 29 Vet. M. O. July 11. '65. Farney, John " Nov. 16 Hansom, Caleb " Nov. 4 Hogan, John " Nov. 9 Hiner, Daniel " Nov. 4 Ham, Nicholas New Lenox Nov. 26 Luther, Ferdinand Joliet Oct. 23 Lahey, Michael " Nov. 22 McHenry, Henry " Nov. 23 Row, Lewis P. Frankfort Dec. 4 RECRUITS. Chilcote. James W. Wilmingfn Feb. 2, '64 Fenderson, Daniel ." " M. O. July 11, 1865. Lftne, George N. McDougall, John F. Joliet Feb. 3, '64 u " !! Scott, Matthew Lockport Feb. 4, '64 " " " " 24 SIXTY-FOURTH REGIMENT. Continued. Name and Rank. Residence Enlistm't History. COMPANY D. PRIVATE a. 1861. Eastman. Jeremiah Wilm'ngfn Nov. 16 Goodwin, George D. " Oct. 23 Hudson, Oscar M. Gr'nGarden Dec. 2 McLaughlin, Michael Joliet Nov. 26 Vet. Absent sick at M. O. Wounded July 22, 4864, before Atlanta. Spencer, George A. Wilmingt'n Dec. 4 COMPANY E. Sergeant. WM. LEONARD Joliet Nov. 9 Dis. for prom, in 2d Ala. inf. Corporals. THOMAS SMITH Jackson Dec. 9 Vet. M. O. July 11, 1865, woundd at Resacca May 14, 1864. CHARLKS PRESTON Joliet Nov. 26 M. O. Dec. 31, '64, wounded. WILLIAM PAUL MATHBW COLWELL JOHN SMITH Troy Wilmingt'n Joliet Oct. 25 Nov. 22 Oct. 29 Vet. Died in Georgia June 30, 1864. Vet. M. O. July 11, 1865. Vet. Absent in arrest at M. O. See p. 220. PRIVATES. Allen, George Joliet Nov.^26 M. O. Feb. 13, 1865. Allen, Merrick u Died at Farmington, 111., May 14th, 1882, of wounds. Boyd, Wm. T. " Dec. 11 Dis. for dis. May 1, 1862. Boyd. John N. lt * Brown, Peter 3hannah O n Oct. 25 Killed at Corinth, Miss., Oct. 4, 1862. Belwood. John Foliet Nov. 10 Constantino, John iVilmingt'n Nov. 22 Dolan, Albert yhannahon Oct. 29 Deegan, John jockport Nov. 3 Wounded at Corinth. Dougherty, John " Oct. 29 M. O. Dec. 31, 1864. Daily, Thomas Channahon Oct. 25 Vet. M. O. July 11, 1865. Dutter, Peter Joliet Dec. 13 M. O. Dec. 31, 1864. Pris. Duffee, James " Dec. 20 Dougherty, Timothy jockport Dec. 11 Egan, Andrew Garlish, Thomas Toliet Lockport Dec. 29 Dec. 28 Vet. M. O. July 11, 1865 Wounded at bat tie of Corinth. Gifford, Darwin N. Collet Dec. 3 Vet M. O. July 11, 1865, as corporal. Hall, William Oct. 25 M. O. Dec. 31, 1864. Lennan, Patrick " Nov. 1 Lubun, John " Oct. 25 Dis. for dis. June 28, 1862. Lewis, Joseph lomer Dec. 1 Lane. William Joliet Oct. 26 McEvoy, John M Dec. 3 McEntyre. Daniel " Des. 24 Dis. for dis. June 20, i862. Mattemore, Antonio H Dec. 20 McGalligut, Michael " Nov. 26 Killed at Corinth Oct. 4, 1862. McCaun, Hugh H Oct. 26 Dis for dis. March 7, 1862. Males, James " Nov. 22 Died at Quincy, ill., Feb. 17, 1862. Moran, John " Oct. 26 Pryor, John " Dec. 22 Quill, Wimam " Dec. 26 Vet. M. O. July 11, 1865. Reynolds. Patrick Vilmingt'n Oct. 23 Roland, Thos. Toilet Dec. 3 Vet. Dis. for dis. March 16, 1865. Ruth, Adam Dec. 22 Vet. M. 0. July 11, 1865. Short, Jacob lomer Dec. 30 Sullivan, John Walter, Erhardt Joliet Oct. 26 Doc. 22 Dis. Lost leg at bat. Corinth, Oct. 4, 1862. Vet. M. O. July 11, 1865, detached. Wood, Benjamin " Dec. 25 RECRUITS. Cannairos, Jacob Griffin, Charles S. H Apr. 18, '62 Vet. Killed at Ruffs Mills, Ga., Aug. 4, '6*. Leahey, Michael " Vet. Absent at M. O. Rouse, George H. Killed at Corinth Oct. 4, 1862. Rappel, Michael Smith, Christian Homer Feb.12,'64 Mar.17,'64 M. O. as corporal. Severely wounded July 4, 1864, in both buttocks. 25 SIXTY-FOURTH REGIMENT. Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Hnlintm't History. COMPANY P. 1861. Sergeants. B. C. CRAWFORD, 1st Will Co. Oct. 19 ?rom. com. sergt. Dis. March 1st, 1862, for promotion in 26th Mo. inf. EPHRAIM PKLTON Wilmingt'n Nov. 2 Vet. M. O. July 11, 1865. ALPHEUS ROGERS M Oct. 31 Dis. for dis. Oct. 26, 1862. PHILIP A. STEINBERG u . Nov. 4 Dis. for promotion in 1st Alabama cavalry. Killed at Vincents X Roads Oct. 26, 1863. GEORGE GOODWIN " NOT. 2 Died April 17, 1862. Corporals. El.IAS A. KlMBALL Reed Nov. 1 Dis. for dis. Dec. 28, 1863. JOHN WATSON Wilmingt'n Dec. 14 D. O. COLLINS Dec. 21 Vet. M. O. July 11, 1865. ALSON PELTON " Dec. 25 Dis. for dis. Feb. 17, 1862. JACOB SHELLING Rockville Nov. 2 Vet. M. O. July 11, 1865. ALFRED VALENTINE Wilmingt'n Dec. 11 Dis. Apr. 2, '64, to enlist as hospital steward in U. S. A. FRISK SPECIA Rock Creek Nov. 15 Dis. for dis. Feb. 17, 1862. Wagoner. JAMES MCCOURTIE Wilmingt'n Oct. 23 Died at Quincy, 111., Feb. 10, 1862. PRIVATES. Bishop, Felix Reed Dec. 28 Bradley, William G. Rock Creek Dec. 16 Bailey, Michael Wilmingt'n Dec. 20 Vet. M. O. July 11, 1865. Brumont, George H. Frankfort Dec. 30 Dis. for dis. May 1, 1862. Died after dis. from loss of health in the service. Burns, Thomas H Dec. 24 Conly, Frank Wilmingt'n Dec. 14 Vet. M. O. July 11, 1865. Champion, Thomas " Dec. 28 Cook, Henry B. Manhattan " Courtright, Amos Rockville Dec. 31 Vet. M. O. July 11, 1865, as corporal. Cox, Henry A. " Dec. 15 Fuller, Myrex Wilmingt'n Nov. 14 Johnson, Wm. " Dec. 13 Killed in pursuit of the enemy after the evac- uation of Corinth. Krouskup, Orrin Wesley Nov. 10 Dis. for dis. Feb. 17, 1862. Kneadler, Jacob Rockville Nov. 20 Vet. M. O. July 11, 1865. Lamb, Wm. P. Murphy, John Wilmingt'n Nov. 26 Vet. Absent at M. O. with leave. Moore, Calvin Rockvile Nov. 20 " 'M. O. Pierson, Joseph Elwood Dec. 28 " July 11, 1865. W'n'd July 22, '64. Parks, John O. Will Co. Dec. 30 3orp. Died of wounds rec'd May 27, '64. Sonner, Frederick M Dec. 31 Vet. Absent with leave at M. O. Thompson, Thomas Wilmingt'n Dec. 9, '61 Trans, to invalid corps. RECRUITS. Ashler, Albert New Lenox Jan. 18, '64 Vet. M. O, July 11, 1865. Wounded at bat. Corinth Oct. 4, 1862. Arrasmith, Alex. " Mar. 1, '64 Vet. M. O. July 11, 1865, as corporal. Addison, John Joliet u u a u u Ely, John Frankfort Feb. 5, '64 Barrows, Samuel Gr'n Gard'n Feb. 3, '64 Wounded July 22d before Atlanta. Also wounded June 27th at Kenesaw. Bluhm, Henry New Lenox Dec.28,'63 M. O. July 11, 1865. Baker, William Joliet Feb.24,'64 a >i it it Barnum, James H. " Jan 3, 1865, wounded. Bergen, Isaac Channahon '61 Dis. for dis. Feb. 15, 1862. Bradford, Wm. " " " Oct. 26, 1862. Cremer, Jesse Courtright, Samuel F. Rockville '61 Feb.14,'64 Vet. Killed near Atlanta July 22, '64. Sergt. Absent with leave at M. O. Wounded July Cordon, Shadrick M. Mokena Dec.24,'63 22, '64, before Atlanta. M. O. July 11, 1865. Caldwell, Robert D. Cruges, (or Cunges) John Frankfort New Lenox Feb. 4, '64 Oct. 3, '64 u " Dal ton, Wm. Jan. 1, '62 Dis. Jan. 10, 1865, term exp. Dixon, John Will Co. Jan. 3, '62 Vet. Dis. Jan. 10, '65, term exp. Depuy, John Gr'n Gard'n Died at Cincinnati April 2, 1862. Denny, Albert Q. W. New Lenox Nov. 4, '61 Vet. M. O. July 11, 1865. Eastman, Jeremiah Dis. for dis. Oct. 26, 1862. 26 SIXTY-FOURTH REGIMENT. Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Enlistm't History. RECRUITS. Ferguson, James H. Rockville Aug.23, 62 Died at Corinth Nov. 7, '63. Flint, Austin V. k4 " M. O. May 31, '65. Fifer. Wounded. Grant, James New Lenox Oct. 5, '64 M. 0. July 11, 1864. Gilfallen, James H. Wilmingt'n Aug. 25,62 Killed near Dallas, Ga., May 27, 1864. Genera, George Dis. for dis. Sept. 17, '62. Ham, Nicholas Hirsch, Julius New Lenox Frankfort Dec. 16, '63 Feb. 9, '64 M. O. July 11, 1865, as corporal. " " " " Wounded July 22 before Atlanta. Hager, Christian New Lenox Feb.28,'63 Absent on leave at M. O. Wounded. Henderson, Charles Frankfort Feb. 9, '64 M. O. July 11, 1865. Hatch, Freeman W. Gr'nGarden Feb.10'64 " June 8, '65. Hager, Charles New Lenox Oct. 4, '64 Absent sick at M. O. Herbert, John Frankfort Jan.20,'64 M. O. July 11, 1865. Hudson, Oscar M. Gr'n Gard'n Dis. for dis. August 8, '62, as sergt. Ham, Nicholas. New Lenox Dis. for dis. Sept. 18, '62, wounds. Hewitt, Ransom Wilmingt'n Dec.31,'63 Vet. M. O. July 11, 1865, as wagoner. Jones, Joseph C. " Feb.17,'64 M. O. July 11, 1865. Kitzrow, Frank Frankfort Dec.29,'63 Absent with leave at M. O. Long, Wm. " Jan.21,'64 M. O. July 11, 1865. Wounded July 22, 1864, before Atlanta. Monty, James McDonald. Charles New Lenox Oct. 3, '64 Wounded July 22, 1864. M. O. May 29, 1864. Moulton, Loren N. Frankfort Feb. 9, '64 July 11, 1865. Moore, Andrew F. " Feb. 1, '62 Vet. Dis. at exp. of term. Monty, William Rockville Feb.27,'64 Absent sick at M. O. Money, Desire " " M. O. July 11, 1865. Wounded July 22, 1864, oefore Atlanta. Monty, Joseph Wilmingt'n Aug. 1, '62 Dis. for wounds May 3, 1865. Wounded July 22, 1864, before Atlanta. Near, Christopher Frankfort Jan. 4, '64 M. O. July 11, '65. Ostrander, Wm. Sew Lenox Oct. 3, '64 Absent sick at M. O. Peters, Wm. Frankfort Dec.26,'63 M. O. July 11, 1865, as corporal. Pel ton, Alson Wilmingt'n Dec.22/63 " " " " Rickard, Thomas Will Co. Nov. 9, '63 " " " " Wounded May 27th, 1864,. at Dallas. Ryder, Solon C. Rickard, Wm. P. !?ew Lenox Will Co. Oct. 4, '64 Feb. 2, '63 Absent sick at M. O. Absent on leave at M. O. Rowe, Lewis P. " Dis. for dis. Sept. 4, 1862. Rice, Samuel D. Slusser, Addison iVilmingt'n Rockville Aug. 1, '62 Feb.27,'64 M. O. May 26, 1865. Schlekan, John Frankfort Jan.20,'64 M. O. July 11, '65. Wounded at Dallas May 26, 1865, and before Atlanta July 22, 1864. Stiger, Louis Stoneking, James Sew Lenox Will Co. Dec.19,'63 Feb. 1, '64 M. O. July 11, 1865. " " " " Wounded June 28, 1864. arm amputated. Spencer, Madison New Lenox Oct. 5, '64 Absent sick since enlistment. Sheele, Wm. Spencer, George A. Shelling, Henry Wilmingt'n Rockville Dis. Dec. 26. 1864, term exp. Sergt. Vet. Killed July 22, '64, before Atlanta. Vet. M. O. July 11, 1865. Shelling, Jacob u U U fct. l Wagner, Abram New Lenox Vet. Killed at Dallas, Ga., May 27, 1864. Teils, Nicholas " Dec.19,'63 M. O. July 11, 1865. Thome, John Lockport Feb. 6, '64 Absent sick at M. O. VanVleck, DeForrest Frankfort Feb. 9 Dis. for dis. May 17, 1865. wounded July 22, 1864, before Atlanta. Whaland, Charles New Lenox Oct. 3 M. O. July 11,1865. Wilson, George Frankfort Feb. 9 Young, John R. Wilmingtn Aug. 5/62 REMARK Several names in the above list put down as residents of Rockville may have been residents of Kankakee county. CO. G LOGAN'S Co. PRIVATES. Aickine, James Joliet Jan.80,'64 M. O. Julv 11, 1865. Barbour, James IJan.28,'64 Died at Midship June., Ga., July 23, 1864, of wounds. Rarron, Wm. T. Blossom, Wm. Homer Plainfield Dec.29,'63 Jan. 2. '64 Died at Marietta, Aug. 14, 1864, of wounds re- ceived July 22, 1864. 27 SIXTY-FOURTH REGIMENT. Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Kiilistin't History. PRIVATES. Bollin, Oscar Homer Dec.31,'63 Killed near Atlanta Jnly 22d, 1864. Also wounded June 27. Boehme, Harmon La Salle Jan. 4, '64 Corporal. Died of wounds July 22, '64, near Atlanta. Bowers, William Bruce, James Minooka Manhattan Jan.11,'64 Jan.18,'64 Killed, at Kenesaw mountain June 27, 1864. M. O. July 11, 1865. Severely wounded June 27, 1864. Caspari. Ernest P. Clark, John Connors, Patrick Joliet Monee Joliet Jan.29,'64 Jan. 1, '64 Jan. 5, '64 M. O. July 24, 1865. Vet. Killed before Atlanta July 22, 1864. Sergt. Absent with leave at M. O. Cook, Isaiah Monee Jan. 1, '64 Died at Atlanta. Severely wounded July 22, 1864. Crawford, James Jackson Jan. 4, '64 M. O. July 11, 1865, in hosp. Quincy. Cuykendall, Alfred Joliet Jan.25,'64 Sergt. Absent with leave at M. O. Dewey, Jehial D. " Jan. 4, '64 M. 0. July 18, 1865. Dodge, Daniel C. u * fc " 11, " Dolan, Patrick Troy " Killed June 28, 1864, at Kenesaw. Edmiusoii, Christopher Joliet Jan.18,'64 M. O. July 11, 1865. Wounded near Kenesaw June 27, '64. Flewelling, Asbury " Jan. 1, '64 M. O. June 28, 1865. Was prisoner July 22, 1864. Ford, Samuel Monee Jan. 4, '64 M. O. with regt. Gedelman, Adam Joliet Jan. 15/64 M. O. July 11, 1865. Wounded near Atlanta. Grimes, George " Jan. 4, '64 Died at Marietta, Ga., Sept. 26, 1864, of w'ds rec'd July 22, 1864. Hall, John Jan. 28, 64 Never joined company. Harrison, Patrick Manhattan Jan-13, '64 M. O. Juiy 11, 1865. Harrison. Michael a Killed at Kenesaw June 27, 1864. Harris, Henry Minooka Jan. 5, '64 M. O. July 11, 1865. Haradan, Dan. Frankfort Dec.26,'61 Vet. Killed at Atlanta July 22, 1864. Heacock, Joel Joliet Jan.l2, - 64 Hebert, Joseph Jan.14,'64 M. O. July 11, 1864. Henry, Victor " Jan.18,'64 " " " " as corporal. Hoffer, Benedict " Jan. 4, '64 Vet. Died at Joliet, used up. Horan, James Frankfort Jan. 16, '64 M. O. July 11, 1865. Homer, Thos. P. Joliet Feb. a, '64 Vet. Killed at Atlanta July 22, 1864. Hallahan, John u Jaa.30,'64 M. O. July 11, 1865. Wounded July 22, 1864, at Atlanta. Johnson, John B. M Jan. 2, '64 M. O. July 11, 1865. Jones, Albert " Jan.18,'64 Absent sick at M. O. Keef, Mathew " Jan. 19, '64 M. O. July 11, 1865. Lemer, Wm. fck Jan. 13, '64 tt u n ifc Linch, Bernard " Jan. 4, '64 " " " " Died of disease contracted in service since dis. Lizur, Edmund Lockport " M. O. July 11, 1865. Corp. Wounded June 27, 1864, at Kenesaw. Lntz, Jacob '.. Jackson " M. O. July 11, 1865. Lulim, James Joliet Jan.18,'64 Wounded severely at Atlanta July 22d, 1864. Died at Marietta. Mather, Wm. " Jan. 2, '64 M. O. July 11, 1865. McCall, Louis Frankfort Dec.21,'63 it id ti a McConnell, James Joliet Jan. 1, '64 M. O. June 13, 1865. Severely wounded June, 27,1864. McCoy, Michael " Dec.19,'63 Killed July 22 before Atlanta. McDade, Chancey M Dec.29,'63 Absent sick at M. O. McDonald. John Jackson Jan. 4, '64 M. O. July 11, 1865. McLaughhn, Patrick Joliet Jan .28/64 Killed at Atlanta July 22, 1864. Miller, Mallory " Jan.14,'64 M. O. July 11, 1865. Morse, Henry " Jan.30,'64 VI 11 u tl Marshall, Francis M. Newton, Stephen Plainfleld Joliet Jan. 4, '64 Jan. 25/64 " " " " was prisoner of war and Orr, William O'Riley, Daniel Parker, Israel Monee Joliet Jan. 1, '64 Dec.28,'63 Jan.24,'64 wounded July 22, '64. Killed June 27, 1864, at Kenesaw. Mortally wounded June 27, 1864. Died in Andersonville prison Aug. 2, 1864. Parks, Bernard M Dec.22,'63 Parker, Richard Homer Dec.38,'63 Pearson, Thos. E. Jackson Deo.29/63 M. O. Julvll, 1865. Powliss, Isaac Killed at Kenesaw June 27, 1864. Reid, Wm. Frankfort Jan. 4, '64 M. O. July 11, 1865. bpencer, Edward E. Plainfleld Dec.23,'ti3 May 29 at Dallas. 28 SIXTY-FOURTH REGIMENT.- Continued. Name and Rank. Residence Knlistm't History. PRIVATES. Sitterly, Martin H. Joliet Jan.30,'64 Dis. for dis. Sept. 27, 1864. Schorn, Harvey " Jan.29,'64 Mortally wounded July 22, 1864. Shay, David Simpson, Francis Dec.24,'63 Jan.18,'64 M. O. July 11, 1865. Missing July 22, 1864. Simpson, Richard F. " Jan. 26 D. T. Sheerin, John Wilmingt'n Dec.26,'63 M. O. July 11, 1865. Shattuck, Nathan Joliet Jan.18,'64 Absent with leave at M. 0. Wounded June 27, '64, at Kenesaw. Shroyer, Nathan Kank'ee Co Jan. 1, '64 Wounded and prisoner at Atlanta July 12, 1864. Died. Small, Cushman Dec.23,'63 Died at Mound City Sept. 29, '64. Wounded at Atlanta Sept. 22, '64. Small, Henry Joliet Jan .27, '64 M. O. July 11, 1865. Smith, Sylvester EL Frankfort Dec.31,'63 " 21, " Smith, Edwin Feb. 3, '64 " June 6, 1865, Istsergt. Com. 2d lieut., but not mustered. Stroud, Henry Channahon Jan.15,'64 Wounded July 22, 1864, and slightly August 10, 1864. Died. Sweringer, Frank Joliet Jan. 5, '64 Sergt. Died Sept. 2d, 1884, of wounds rec'd July 22, 1864. Taylor, Louis " Jan. 26, '64 M. 0. July 11, 1865. Teeters, George Channahon Jan.15,'64 Killed at Kenesaw June 27, 1864. Towns, Wm. H. M " M. O. July 11, 1865. Tucker, Joseph D. Wilmingt'n Jan. 1, '64 Absent at M. O. Troblee, John Joliet Jan.30,'64 Killed at Kenesaw June 27, '64. Vassar, Jaber Wheatland Jan.20,'64 M. O. July 11, 1865. Vorce, Charles W. Homer Feb. 1, '64 Corp. Absent with leave at M. O. Walton, Robert Jackson Jan. 4, '64 Watson, John R. Minooka Jan. 1, '64 M. O. July 11, 1865. Watson, James K. Joliet Feb.11,'64 " " ' " Watson, Robert Minooka Jan. 1, '64 Sergt. Killed July 19, 1864, at Decatur, Ga. Williams, John A. Joliet Jan. 4, '64 M. O. June 28th, 1864. Was prisoner of war July 22, 1864. RECRUITS. Barrett, James T. Frankfort Mar.21,'64 Absent sick at M. O. Wounded July 22 near Atlanta. Buggy, James Joliet Feb.29,'64 Absent at M. O. Wounded severely July 22, 1864. Colleps. George Ellis, Philander Minooka Morris Mar.27,'64 Mar.31,'64 Dis. April 8, 1865. Prisoner July 22, 1864. M. O. July 11, 1864, as corporal. Garry, Alex. Joliet Jordan, Wm. " Feb.24,'64 Marshall, Robert " Jan. 19 Peterson, Hamilton C. " Feb.27,'64 M. O. May 26, 1865. Peterson, Carey A. " " Killed at Kenesaw June 27, 1864. Pierce, George W. " " '' " " Corporal. Richie, Wm. " Jan. 4, '64 Stones, John " Mar. 2, '64 M. O. July 11, 1865. Squires, Benjamin ** Mar. 3, '64 " " " " Missing July 22, 1864. Thompson, Thomas Young, Alexander Wheatland Jan. 2, '64 Feb.17,'64 Killed at Kenesaw mountain June 27, 1864. Died at Mound City Sept. 28, 1864. COMPANY I. Musicians. 1864. TAYLOR HOWB Joliet Jan. 25 M. O. July 11, 1866. JOHN ADAMS. M Feb. 8 " " " " Wagoner. JEFF. PATTERSON " Feb. 10 " " " " PRIVATES. Ary, Ezra " Jan. 5 " " " " Wounded, thumb shot off May 29. at Dallas. Armstrong, George " Feb.! M. 0. July 11, 1865. Anderson, John u Feb. 5 tb t( H U Adams, Lafayette " Feb. 8 Died at Marietta, Ga., August 20, 1864. Belden, Albert " Jan. 5 M. O. July 11, 1865. Bishop, Francis M. ' Died at Rome, Ga., August, 1854. Beldin, Augustus H. " " M. O. July 11, 1885, as sergt. Wounded Aug. 4,1864. Borris, Francis or Thos. Al " Feb. 1 M. O. July 11, 1865. 29 SIXTY-FOURTH REGIM ENT. Concluded. Name and Rank. Residence, EnlistmH History. PRIVATES. 1864. Bankersen, Peter Joliet Jan. 24 Died at Newbern, N. C., May 10, 1865. Cook, Wm. O. Channahon tfc Carniflx, John " Died at Marietta, Ga., Oct. 12, 1864. Cain, Charles Charles, Henry Charles, Wm. P. ;; Jan. 8 M. O. June 28, 1865, prisoner of war. Vet. Vet. M. O. as eergt. July 11, 1865. Dakin, Henry " 11 M. O. July 11, 1865. Herricke, Flavins Q. Feb. 5 Hnnt, Thomas E. " " " " " Hogue, Elwood P. " " " " " Haynes, Lewis Jan. 25 " " ' " Hosier, Andrew i M Died at Portsmouth, R. I., May 12, 1865. Hamilton, Allen H M. O. July 11, 1865. Humiston, Albert B. " Feb. 1 " " " " Igon, Henry C. " " " " " ' Igon, Stephen G. Wheatland " " " ' ' Johnson, Edward * i Feb. 5 Jungers, John " Jan. 25 ' " " ' Pris. of war. Jordan, Joseph J. " " i " " ' Johnson, Charles J. * i Feb. 1 Park, George V. Homer " t H u fc Prior, Joshua A. " Jan. 25 h H *t 1 COMPANY K. Corporal. ABBUTHNOT APPLING Joliet Feb. 1 M. O. July 11, 1865. PRIVATES. Dobbins, Vincent M Feb.^15 Trans, to Vet. R. C., July 26, 1865. Wheeler, Thos. J. " Died at Louisville, Ky., April 8, '64. RECRUITS. David, Thos. W. Lockport Feb. 4 Prey, Urias Feb. 18 Died in Camp Butler, HI., Ma.ch25, 1864. SIXTY-FIFTH REGIMENT. Three Years' Service. Capt. Co. E consolidated. 1862. ALBERT H. HIQINBOTHAM Joliet Apr. 26 As private Co. B. Prom. Q. M. sergt. Prom. CO. A Original. captain of Co. E. consol. May 30, 1865. M. PRIVATES. O. July 13, 1865. Goodenow, Corinthiue Will Co. Feb. 20 Vet. Died at Marietta, Ga., August 14 1864. Howe, Theodore F. Peotone March 31 Trans, to Co. B. coneol. as 1st sergt. Prom. 1st lieut M. O. July 13, '65. Johnson, Wm. J. M Trans, to Co. H. consol. M. O. July 13, '65. COMPANY D. ISAAC N. ROBSON, corp'l. Reed Feb. 13 Captured Jan. 18, 1864, taken to Richmond and parolled. WM. STEWART, " Wilmingt'n M Vet. Trans, to Co. H. consol. as sergeant. Prom. 2d lieut. M. O. July 13, 1865. Waa COMPANY G. RICH'D HALLAM, 1st Srgt. Mar. 18 prisoner of war. Dis. for dis. Nov. 4, 1862. PRIVATES. Darling, Charles Apr. 5 Die. for wounds. Darling, David " Apr 9 M. O. April 25, 1865. Berlie, John Joliet Mar. 20 Vet. Trans, to Co. H. consol. as corn. M. O. July 13, 1865. Johnson, Robert Melbourne, Robert Wilmington April 9 Died at Martinsbnrg, Va., July 25, 1862 Dis. for dis. July 22, 1864. Servis, Henry P. Joliet May 16 M. O. May 15, 1865. Weise, Christopher " Mar. 18 Vet. Trans, to Co. H. consol. M. O. Julv COMPANY E. 13, 1865. PRIVATES. Everett, George Robinson Edelbert Wesley Apr. 22 Apr. 7 M.^O. May 15, 1865. Wizer, Alonzo A. " Dis. for dis. April 22, 1862. Leg amputated at Chicago, R. R. accid'nt. Taken prisoner at Harper's Ferry at Miles' inglorious surren- der. 30 SIXTY-FIFTH (CONSOLIDATED) REGIMENT. Concluded, Three Years' Service. Name and Rank. Residence Eulit-tui't History. PRIVATE Co. A. Hoffner, Francis M. PRIVATES Co. D. Brown, Joseph Moore, John Will Peotone Wilton 1865. May 4 Mar. 13 Mar. 15 M. O. July 13, 1865, sergt. SIXTY-SIXTH REGIMENT. Three Years' Service. COMPANY E. RECRUITS. Buchanan, Arthur Evans, Ernest Halfman, Henry Johnson, James Putnam, Charles F. Peterson, Ole Popple, Chas. F. COMPANY C. Linkhart, George Sbmler, Hans C. COMPANY E. Duck, Polonzo C. Esnest, Arthur V. Furry, David B. Joy, Samuel S. Laughlin, Leander B. Lewellan, Thos. J. Nye, Augustus C. Slemmons, Win. C. Ward, William COMPANY F. Anable, Miron Hall, Justice Olmstead, Henry COMPANY G. Fairman, Elverton Nickodemus COMPANY H. Hostler, Geo. W. McElroy, Hugh G. Shadley, Jonn B. Joliet 1864. Feb. 26 Feb. 18 Feb. 20 Feb. 1 Feb. 18 Feb. 1 Feb. 21 Feb, 20 Feb. 26 Feb. 6 Feb. 23 Feb. 9 Feb. 13 Feb.^29 Feb. 13 Feb. 27 Feb. 24 Feb. 25 Feb. 20 Feb. 24 Feb. 20 Feb.^29 Died at Hannibal, Mo., Nov. 30, 1864. M. O. July 7, 1865. Mortally wounded and prisoner July 27, '64, at Kenesaw. Died at Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 30, 1864. M. O. July 7, 1865. M. O. May 31, 1865. Trans, to 5th regt. V. R. C. M. 0. July 7, 1865. Died at Rome, Ga., Sept. 6, 1864. M.^O.July?, 1865. " ' " " as corporal. Trans, to Co. I. M. O. July 7, 1865. M. O. July 7th, 1864. Died July 15, 1864. M. O. July 7, 1865. Vet. Died at Rome, Ga., July 15, 1864. M. O. July 7, 1865. SIXTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT. Three Months' Service. PRIVATES. Fitzgerald, John Co. B Risley, John G. Co. D Squire, Walter H. " Dancer, Wm. Co. G Wilmingt'n Joliet Wilton June 4, '62 June 2,'62 M. O. M. 0. M. O. M. O. SIXTY-NINTH REGIMENT. Three Months' Service. PRIVATES. Wilder, Geo. Co. A Pratt, Wm. Co. B McBride, Patrick Co.G Egan, Cornelius Co. I Crete Joliet Lockport Wilmingt'n June 4,'62 June 6, '62 June 2,'62 M. O. Oct. 6, 1862. M. O. Sept. 27, 1862. M. O. Sept. 27, 1862. 31 SEVENTY-SECOND REGIMENT. Three Years' Service. Name and Rank. Residence. Enlistm't Hiitory. Principal Musician. BENJ. B. SCOTT Channahon July28,'62 M. 0. August 7th, 1875, as musician Co. B. Prom. prin. COMPANY A. Anson, Amos F. private Forrester, Frank, recruit Lockport Reed July24,'62 Jan.15,'62 M. O. August 7, 1865. Trans. tolJ3d 111. M. 0. Nov. 24, 1864. COMPANY B. Corporals. ISAAC B. WILLIS Channahon July26,'62 Dis. for prom, in colored regiment. CHARLES F. FELTHAM lt Aug. 6,.'62 M. O. August 7, 1865. PRIVATES. Eames, Wm. L. " M Dis. for dis. Feb. 21, 1863. Hurd, Stephen H. L. " " M. O. July 15, 1865, aa corporal. Was pris- oner of war. Wake, Charles Joliet Ang.12,62 Trans, to Signal corps Sept. 7, 1863. COMPANY C. Palmatur, J. W. recruit kt Jan.17,'65 Trans, to 33d regt. M. O. Nov. 24, 1865. COMPANY D. Corporal. RICH'D W. WHITTINGTON Channahon July28,'62 M. 0. as sergt. PRIVATES. Munson, John " Aug. 4, '62 M. O. Auguet 7, 1865. Parker, Edgar Wignall, Chas. Aug. 9, '62 July28,'62 Died at Quincv Sept. 7, 1863. M. O. August 7th, 1865, corporal. Wignall, Robt. 1 West, Manassas " July 29, '62 Died March 7, 1865. RECRUITS. Pennock, John Will Co. Jan. 5, '64 Trans, to 33d. M. O. Nov. 24, '65. Sage, Elizur COMPANY E. Channahon Dec.23,'6S Wagoner. 1862. JOHN W. WATERHOUSE Dupage Aug. 6 Died at Columbus, Ky., Nov, 14, 1862. PRIVATES. Borland, Jerome u Aug. 7 Died at Columbus, Ky., Oct. 24, 1862. Clark, Charles B. " Aug. 4 Died at Memphis Sept. 22d, 1862, of wounds rec'd at Vicksburg. Clark, Carlos B. " " M. O. June 13, 1865, wounded. Chapman, Mark " Aug. 7 M. O. Aug. 7, 1865. Chapin, Kimball 1 Aug. 21 Died at Columbus, Ky., Nov. 11, 1865. Freeman, James R. ' Aug. 7 Died of wounds June 13, 1863. Freeman, Harvey B. George, James N. 1 Aug. 6 Died at Vicksburg April 26, 1864. Prom. corp. and sergt. Dis. for wounds. George, Edward George, Wm. i u M. O. August 7, 1865. Absent sick at M. O. Hartromft, Ezra 1 " Died at Holly Springs Dec. 24, '62. Obenholser, Wm. fc fc* M. O. Aug. 7, 1865. Sprague, Edward ' " Dis. for dis. May 23, 1865. RECRUITS. George, Gardiner B. 1 Oct 4, '64 Trans, to 33d. M. O. Dec. 20, 1865. George. Charles Klos, Henry i M u li- Morse, Clarence W. M Sept.26,64 lt O. Aug. 7, 1865. Preston, Justus N. " Sept.30.64 Dis. for dis. June 10. 1865. McConchie, Wm. Co. K Joliet Feb.23.'64 Trans, to 33d. Aoseut on leave at M. O. SEVENTY-THIRD REGIMENT. Boland, James J. Joliet Aug. 10,62 M. O. June 12, '65, as sergt. Was in New Or- leans at breaking out of war, forced into rebel service, came into Union lines at Stone River and enlisted. 32 The 51st to 62d inclusive were accidentally omitted in their proper places FIFTY-FIRST REGIMENT. Three Years' Service. Name and Rank. Residence . Enlistm't History. PRIVATES Co. B. Clark, Patrick Monee Oct. 30, '61 M. O. June 6, 1865. Was prisoner of war. Veezle, Jacob " Oct. 21,'6l M. O. Jan. 12, 1865. Sergt. Major. RICH'D F. BARBEK, Co. D Jan.38,'62 As private. Vet. Prom, sergt. maj. Prom. 2d lieut. 13th colored U. S. inf. Prom. 1st lieut. Prom, captain. Wounded at Chick- amauga, Nickajack, and Kenesaw. Sergt Co. G. CALVIN SERVICE Joliet 8ept21,'62 Dis. for dis. in 1863. PRIVATES Co. K. Holmes, Samuel A. " Sept-28,'62 Dis. April 19, 1862. Service, Henry P. fcfc Jan.15,'62 .(. t* bt it FIFTY-SECOND REGIMENT. Three Years' Service. Assistant Surgeon. PHINEAS K. GUILD PRIVATES Co. H. Curtiss, Jonathan Patterson, John Steabold, Christ'p'r recr. Plainfleld WfflCo. Wheatland Oct. 11,'61 Sept28,'61 Feb.17,'64 Resigned March 18, 1863. M. O. Nov. 18. 1864. M. O. July 6, ^65. FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT. Three Years' Service. COMPANY F. 2d Lieut. ABNERF. COOK, Wilmingt'n Nov.30 '61 As private. Prom. June 2d,1863. M. O. a private. Detached. Com. Sergt. DAVID L. HOLDEN Frankfort Dec. 9, 61 As private Co. F. Prom. com. sergt. Vet. M.O. July 22, 1865. Principal Musician. CHARLES W. COOK Wilmingt'n Dec. 3, '61 As private. Vet. Prom, principal musician-. M. O. July 22, 1865. PRIVATES. Bryant, Nathan Fink, John P. Dupage Frankfort Jan .|23, '62 Dec.28,'61 M. 0. March 1, 1865. Pris. war. Vet. Died in Andersonville prison Sept. 30", 1864, grave No. 10,097. Hubbard, Wm. Lockport Dec.28,'61 M. O. Jan. 1, 1865. McLaughlin, Dennis " Jan. 4, '62 Vet. M. O. June 28, '65, was pris. of war. Metier, Wm. Frankfort Dec. 9, '61 Dis. for dis. Sept. 14, 1862. Metier, Allen B. " Dec.27.'61 Vet. M. O. July 22, 1864. Near, Christopher " Dec. 9, '61 Dis. for dis. Dec. 10, 1862. Newberry, Edson Lockport Jan. 2. '62 Vet. M. O. July 22, 1865. Paxon, Luther Dupage " M. O. April 22, 1865. Potter, Samuel T. Wilmingt'n Nov. 15 '61 Died at St. Louis May 21, 1861. Parsons, Eugenius Frankfort Dec. 9, '61 M. O. Dec. 24, 1864, pris. war. Robertson, Anderson " " M. 0. Dec. 28, 1864. Stewart, Nathan Dupage Jan.23,'62 Stewart, Warner " Dec.27,'61 Dis. for dis. March 6, 1862. Smith, Charles Frankfort Dec. 9, '61 Dis. for dis. Dec. 12, 1862. Stickman, Frederick Jan. 21, '62 Vet. M. O. July 22, '65, corporal. Tally, Cornelius Lockport Jan. 24/62 Unruh, Abram C. Frankfort Dec. 9, '61 Vet. M. O. July 22, '65, as 1st sergt. RECRUITS. Clark, Wm. D. Dupage Feb.15,'62 M. O. March 15, 1865. Droeler, Thomas Frankfort Mar.16,'62 Died at St. Louis May 4, 186-2. Finley (or Tinley) Wm. " Feb.15,'62 M. O. June 27, 1865, absent sick. Jarvis, Wm. L. Dnpage vfc Dis. for dis. April 28, 1862. 33 FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT.-Concfoded. Name and Rank. Residence Enlistm't History. CO. B PRIVATES. Robinson, Andrew Love, Oscar, recruit. Joliet Oct. 17, '61 Feb.15,'62 Dis. for dis. July 4, 1863. M. O. March 16, 1865. COMPANY B. Barnes, Wm. Shelby, Chas. W. H. recr. Plainfield Wesley Nov. 4, '61 Jan.16, '64 Vet. Absent at M. 0. M. O. July 22, 1865. COMPANY I-(new.) Heffron, Edward Mat is, Mathias Miller, Charles D. Wilmingt'n Joliet Feb. 2, '64 Jan. 29, '64 M. O. July 22, 1865, as sergt. Vet. M.O.July 22, 1865. COMPANY K. Auber, Wm. Oaines W. McNulty, Jas. Watkins, Morgan, recruit N Jan.12,'62 Jan.28,'62 Mar. 1, '64 Vet. Trans, to Co. F. a? sergt. M. O. July 22,1865. Vet. Trans, to Co. F. M. 0. FIFTY-FIFTH REGIMENT. Three Years' Service. RECKUITS Co. B. Brewster, WalterL. Cooper, Francis O'Brian, Daniel Co. E Joliet Lockport Mar. 8, '64 Mar.15,'64 Septl9,'61 Trans, from 127th regt. M. O. Aug. 14, 1865. Same Died at Memphis Dec. 16, '62. RECRUIT Co. G. Smith, Franklin Wilmingt'n Feb. 2, '64 Dis. for wounds June 25, 1865. COMPANY I. PRIVATES. Baird, Wm. W. Qarvis, David Ingersoll, Benj. F. Stryker, Benj. Peotone Homer Oct. 31,'61 Oct. 7, '61 Oct. 9 Mar.22,'64 Dis. for dis. Jan. 28, 1863. Vet. M. O. August 14, 1865, as sergt, Dis. FIFTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT. Three Years' Service. RECRUIT Co. A. Breslen, Joseph Lockport Apr. 14, '65 M. O. July 7, 1865. PRIVATE Co. C. Brown, John Joliet Dec.11,'61 M. O. Dec. 26, 1864. RECRUITS Co. F. Goa, Henry Throat, Frederick u H Dis. for dis. Feb. 24, 1865. Dis. August 2, 1862. COMPANY E. Collins, John Johnson, Orrin u ' Dec.16,'61 Oct.28, '61 Dis. for dis. June 8, 1862. Dis. for dis. March, 1863. at Shi!. in Severely wounded 34 FIFTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT. Three Years' Service. Name and Rank. Residence. Enlistm't History. COMPANY A. Lambert, Thomas, priv. Coughlin, Thomas, recr. Lockport Dec. 8, '61 Jan. 1, '62 Dis. Feb. 6, '62, minor. COMPANY B. Franklin, Saml. W. priv. Wesley Oct.12, '61 M. O. Feb. 8, '65. COMPANY C. Dugdale, Peter COMPANY D. Joliet Dec,24,'63 Trans, to Co. C consol. M. O. Aug. 2, '65. Pehen, Wm. Pehen, Frederick Reed Dec.30,'61 Dis. for dis. Aug. 15, 1862. April 26, " COMPANY H. Fain, James Lockport Oct.24, '61 Vet. Trans, to Co. A consol Die. for dis. May 8, 1865. FIFTY-EIGHTH (CONSOLIDATED) REGIMENT. Three Years' Service. PRIVATES Co. A. Malony, John, private Joliet Feb.18,'64 Dis. for dis. Feb. 2, 1865. Price, Arthur " Dec.29,'63 Pris. of war, died April 9, '64, of wounds. COMPANY D. Hill, Edward " Oct. 8, '64 M. O. Oct. 18, 1865. Hyatt, Albert A. " " " " " " COMPANY I. Corporal. FRANKUN PINSLBY Dupage Mar. 4, '65 Musician. HARRISON G. VANZANDT Will " M. O. March 3d, '66, corporal. Wagoner. JOSEPH A. SMITH Gr'n Gard'n Mar. 1, '65 Absent sick at M. O. PRIVATES, Boyd, Jos. L. Bond, Wm. K. or R. W. Joliet Frankfort Mar. 4, '65 Mar. 1, '65 Dis. for dis. August 18, 1865. M. O. March 1, 65, as corporal. Check, Wm. Jackson Mar. 2, '65 M. O. March 3, 1865. Campbell. Wm. Frankfort Mar. 1, '65 M. O. March 1, 1865. Darnell, Francis M. Gross, Richard Joliet Wheatland Mar. 4, '65 Mar.10,'65 " May 29, 1865. Absent sick at M. O. Garland, Benj. Dupage Mar. 1, '65 Heffner, Francis M. Will Mar. 4, '65 M. 0. May 29, 1865. Harris, Jerome Frankfort Mar. 1, '65 " March 1, 1866. Hurd, Daniel M. " Mar. 2, '65 " 3 Martin, Jacob M Mar. 1, '65 " 1 " McDaniel, John H. " " Died Sept. 31, 1865. Nations, John L. " " M. O. March 3, 1866. Redfour, Charles Gr'n Gard'n " " 1 " Stevens, Henry Frankfort " " 1 " Wiley, Samuel Wheatland Mar.10,'65 " 1 " Wright, James H. Jackson Mar 1, '65 " 1 " as corporal. COMPANY B. Fellows, Hubert Joliet Sep.30,'64 Died at Memphis. FIFTY-NINTH REGIMENT, Three Years' Service. COMPANY K. Dockey, Thomas Schmith, George Joliet Dec. 28 Wilmingt'n Sept. 1,'61 Die. for dis. Feb. 1, 1863 Trans, from 89th regt. 35 SIXTIETH REGIMENT. Three Years' Service. Name and Rank. Residence. Enlistm't History. COMPANY I. Adjutant. JOHN F. KELLY Gorman, John, private Joliet Dec.24,'61 Feb.13,'62 As private Co. I. Prom, sergt. major, then prom. adjt. March 23d, 1863. Made captain and asst. adjt. gen. 14th A. C. on staff of Jeff. C. Davis. M. O. Oct. 15, '65. W'nd'd at Mission Ridge, Resacca, and Jonesboro. Trans, to 5th U. S. cav. Killed in skirmish at Triune, Tenn. SIXTY-FIRST REGIMENT. Three Years' Service. COMPANY C. Neeld, Eliae G. Monee Mar. 8, '65 Recruit from 98th. M. O. Sept. 8th, '65. COMPANY F. Troxsil, John S. Will Co. Oct. 3, '64 Recruit from 123d. M. O. Sept. 8, 1866. COMPANY H. RECRUITS PROM 98TH. Brown, Columbus Monee Mar.11,'65 M.O. Sept. 8, 1865. Rayner, Thomas C. Manhattan April 12 Rose, Madison O. Gr'n Gard'n Mar.10,'65 11 11 11 11 Williams, George W. Monee Mar. 7, '65 11 11 H 11 COMPANY I. Bannon, Mathew Joliet Mar.18,'62 Vet. M. O. Sept. 8, '65, corporal. _ SIXTY-SECOND REGIMENT. Three Years' Service. RECRUIT Co. A. Carman, Win. A. RECRUITS Co. F. Green, Wm. H. Lowe, Wm. Lewis, David Moreland, Hazel Palmator, Lacon Smith, George W. Carroll, Henry, Co. H McGinnis. Co. I Wilton Crete Dupage Plainfleld Oct. 10/64 Oct. 1, '64 Trans, to consol. Trans, to consol. M. O. March 6, 1866. M. O. Nov. 9, '65, corporal Mar. 1 ,'65 Feb. 13, '65 Same. Same. Trans, to Co. A consol. M. O. March 6, 1866. Trans, to Co. G. M. O. Feb. 8, '66. SEVENTY-SIXTH REGIMENT. Three Years' Service. let Lieut. Co. I. FRANK R. WARNER RECRUITS Co. F. Fairman, Foster N. Sapp, David Will Co. Joliet Aug,6,'62 Dec.29,'63 As 1st eergt. Co. I. Prom. 1st lieut. June 27, 1863. MT O. July 22, 1865. Trans, to 37th regt. Co. C. M. O. May 15, '66. Same Record. COMPANY I. Corporal. WM. F. WHITSON Will Co. Aug. 9,'62 M. O. July 22, 1865. PRIVATE. Cook, Nathan Plainfield Aug. 14 '62 RECRUITS. Harting, Isaiah Paddock, Henry C. Wilton Lockport Mar.10,'65 Dec.20,'63 Trans, to 37th regt. M. O, Mar. 9, ' 36. 36 EIGHTY-SECOND REGIMENT. Three Years' Service. Name and Rank. Residence Enlistnrt History. Principal Musician. 1862. QUSTAV. JORDAN Monee Aug. 15 As private Co. D. M. O. July 9, 1865. COMPANY D. Corporal. ADAM KUMPLEY " Aug. 18 M. O. June 3, 1865. Musician. AUGUST HABLT M Aug. 12 " 9 " PRIVATES. Harden, Charles " M Trans, to V. R. C. Nov. 15, '63. Gloon, Jacob " Sept. 26 M. O. June 9, 1865, as corporal. Wounded at Stade, Fritz u Aug. 17 Chancellorsville May, 1863. M. O. June 9, 1865. Struve, Wilhelm " Aug. 15 " Ik tt tt Struve, Carl " M Dis. for dis. July 17, 1863. Warnecke, Gustav " Aug. 12 Trans, to V. R. C. Nov. 3, '63. RBCRUITS. Carstons, Anton M M. O. June 8, 1865. Carstons, Henry Haentger, Gregor Co.K Jnn.25,'62 Missing at bat. of Chancellorsville May 2,'63. EIGHTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT. Three Years' Service. Major. 1862. LEVI P. HOLDEN Frankfort Sept. 4 As captain Co. E. Prom, major June 22, '64. COMPANY E. M. 6. June 9, 1865. Captain Co. E. EDWIN A. STOLP " Aug. 9,'62 As sergt. major. Prom. 1st lieut. Co. E June 2n Lieut. 22, '64. Prom. capt. Oct. 22, '64. FINAL H. MOREY Peotone Aug. 13,62 As Q. M. sergt. Prom. 2d lieutenant June 8, Sergeant. 1865. JOHN H. REYNOLDS New Lenox July24,'62 Died at Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 20, 1863. Corporal. GEORGE LEFFEH Frankfort Aug. 13, 62 Died at Stevenson, Ala., Sept. 27, 1863. PRIVATES. Leffer, John " " M. O. June 9, 1865, as corporal. Peterson, Tens " Aug ; 9 Same as above. Pile, Thomas Joliet Stowell, Burr 8. Frankfort ' Trans, to invalid corps Aug. 1, 1863. Stofel, Robert New Lenox Aug. 13 M. O. June 9, '65, as corporal. COMPANY H. Corporal. ANDREON COOK Crete Aug^ 12 Dis. for dis. June 11, 1864. Andreus, Wm. S. private M. O. June 9, 1865, as sergt. COMPANY A. Liddell, John private Wheatland > M. O. June 9, 1865. Taylor, Frekd. F. " " Aug. 9 COMPANY F. VanHorne, John priv Mokena Aug. 12 Dis. Nov. 5, 1862. EIGHTY-NINTH REGIMENT. Three Years' Service. COMPANY K. 1st Sergeant. JAMES M. MULLIKKN Crete Aug. 7, '62 Died in rebel hospital at Danville, Va., Feb. 28th, 1864. 37 NINETIETH REGIMENT. Three Years' Service. Name and Rank. Residence. Enlistm't History. Major. 1862. DANIEL O'CONNOR Joliet Aug. 29 As captain Co. D. Prom, major June 6. '65. Severely wounded at Mission Ridge. COMPANY C. Captain. PATRICK OTtfARAH Lockport Aug. 28 Hon. dis. June 14, 1864, for disability. Captain. JAMES DUNNE 11 Aug. 9 As 1st sergt. Prom. 1st lieut. June 15, 1864- 1st Lieutenant. Prom. capt. Sept. 8, 1864. M. O. Junt 6,'65. .JAMES E. CASEY " " As sergt. Prom. 1st sergt., then 1st lient. M. O. June 6, 1865. Wounded. COMPANY D. 1st Lieutenant. JOHN W. KELLEY Joliet Aug. 29 M. O. June 6, 1865. 2d Lieutenant. PBTER O' BRIEN * " Resigned March 6, 1863. 2d Lieutenant. DAVID A. KEYS " Aug. 25 As 1st sergt. Prom. 2d lieut. 2d Lieutenant. PETER MC!BTEE " Aug. 28 As sergt. Prom. 2d lieut. M. O. June 6, '65. Wounded. Sergt. Major. THOS. E. LONEROAN Lockport Aug. 9 Dis. April 4, 1864, wounds. Right hand shot and disabled. Hospital Steward. THOMAS HENDRICKS Joliet Aug. 8 Principal Musician. CHARLES DUNNE kk Aug. 14 JL O. June 6, 1865. RECRUIT Co. A. Stewart, Charles M. " Jan.25,'65 Trans, to 48th 111. COMPANY C. Sergeant. 1862. JOHN J. RYAN Lockport Aug. 13 M. O. June 6, 1865. Was wounded at Mission Corporals. Ridge. HENRY PORTER " Aug. 9 M. O. June 24, 1865. Was a pris. of war. MICHAEL MCDONALD " Aug. 12 " " 6 " as 1st sergt. PATRICK H. SLOAN " Aug^ 9 Prom. prin. musician. M. O. June 6, 1865. JOHN FLAVEN '* Trans, to V. R. C. Feb. 29. 1864. Musician. MICHAEL LOUOHAN kk Aug. 12 M. O. June 5, 1865. PRIVATES. Beach, William " Dis. for dis. March 4, 1865. Brady, Miehael " Aug. 20 Byron, James Wilmingt'n Aug. 12 M. O. June 5, 1865. Pris. of war, captured at Bachand, Magloire Lockport Aug. 9 Mission Ridge. Bryan, John W. Aug. 15 Curran, Owen " Aug. 12 M. O. June 9, 1865, as corporal. Detached as Crosby, John u u clerk in Q. M. dept. Died in Andersonville prison June 11, 1865, Clark, James tl Aug. 13 grave No. 12,433. M. O. June 5, 1865. Clayton, Thomas Homer Aug. 15 Died at Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 4, 1864. Carey, Thomas Lockport Aug. 22 Carr, Wm. " Aug. 21 M. O. June 5, 1865. Dougherty, Martin " Aug. 9 Abs. wounded at M. 0. Wounded at Atlanta Griffln, John Gannon, John ;; Aug. 15 July 22, 1864. Trans to 28th regt. M. 0. Aug. 15, 1865. Groundwell, John ' u Hogan Thos. Hennebry, Thos. i u M. O. June 5, 1865. " " " " as corporal. King, John Aug. 22 Klesner. Francis 1 Aug. 15 M. O. June 24, 1865. Pris. war. 10 38 NINETIETH REGIMENT. Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. 1 Enlistm't History. PRIVATES. 1862. Murphy, Thomas Lockport Aug. 12 Dis. for dis..Aug. 1, 1864, for wounds received at Mission Ridge. Miles, Wm. " Aug. 9 M. O. June 5, 1865. Miles, Wm. C. lk It It .1 It McCafferty, John " Aug. 22 Mortley, Edward " Aug. 18 11 It It 11 Nicholson, Patrick Aug. 15 " 11 tl t! Newberry, Stephen Homer Aug. 14 O'Reiley, John Lockport Aug. 22 Reynolds, Thomas " Aug. 18 Rowley, Wm. 1 Aug. 12 ' " " " Redmond, Edward fc " Dis. for dis. July 10, 1864, for wounds rec'd at Mission Ridge. Ryan, John Aug. 18 Rice, James ' Aug. 21 Shay, John J. 1 Aug. 18 Wells, Joseph ' Aug. 13 Died at Nashville, Dec. 10, 1863. Welsh, Edward u Aug. 19 Died of wounds rec'd Aug. 3, '64. Wicker, Nelson S. " Aug. 13 Died of wounds Dec. 4, 1863. COMPANY D. Sergeants. WM. M. WELCH Joliet Aug. 26 AUSTIN NEEDHAM MARTIN HICKS " Aug. 12 Killed at Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 13, 1864. M. O. June 6, 1865. Corporals. Aug. 11 MICHAEL. CUNNINGHAM MATHEW HALEY EDWARD CUNNINGHAM Manhattan Aug. 14 Aug. 15 Aug. 12 Taken prisoner at Mission Ridge and died at Richmond while prisoner of war Apr .8, '64. M. O. June 6, 1865, as sergt. MICHAEL HALEY 41 Dis. JOHN CASPER Joliet Aug. 15 Captured at Mission Ridge, died in Ander- PETER WILHELM it Aug. 22 son ville prison Oct. 3, '64, grave No. 12,257. THOS. W. SMITH " Au e . 11 THOMAS W. BURNS " Aug. 21 Sergt. Trans, to V. R. C. Mar. 17, 1864. Musician. PHILIP OWENS i4 " M. O. June 6, 1865. PRIVATES. Bannon, Richard " Aug. 11 11 11 i> it Bruce, Hugh Wilton " " " " as wagoner. Bruce, Wm. Bloom, Frederick M Aug. 13 Died at Chattanooga Nov. 28, '63, of wounds received at Mission Ridge. Absent wounded at M. O. Bannon, Andrew * Aug. 8 M. 0. May 18, 1865. Brown, Isaac Aug. 25 Conchiin, Simon " Aug. 13 Killed by torpedoes at Fort McAllister, Ga., Dec. 31, 1864. Cassiday, Henry " Aug. 15 Crow, Martin " ' Dis. Oct. 4, 1864, for wounds rec'd at Mission Ridge. Canna, John Troy " Died at Lagrange, Tenn., Mar. 15, 1863. Carney, Jarnes Channaaon " Died at Memphis, Tenn., Nov. 17, 1863. Cramer, James " Aug. 22 Dis. Curran, Wm. Joliet Aug. 18 M. O. June 6, 1865. Decker, Philip u Aug. 15 Drordlen, Philip " Aug. 22 Died Oct. 17, 1863. Dudloff, David B. " Aug. 14 Devlin, Patrick " M. O. June 6, 1865, as sergt. Eckhardt, Henry R. " Aug. 13 11 ii 11 11 Edwards, James " Aug. 15 Grant, John Wilton Aug ; 11 Gray, James Joliet .1 n ti 11 Graham, Wm. Chan nab on Gossman, Conrad Garrity, Patrick Joliet Aug. 12 Aug. 13 " " " " Wounded. Died in Joliet Sept, 13, 1864. Goodrich, James " Aug. 22 Glennon, John " Aug. 24 Hyers, James " Aujr. 14 39 NINETIETH REGIMENT. Concluded. Name and Rank. Residence Dnlistm't History. PRIVATES. 1862. Joyce, Austin Judge, Bryan Toliet Aug. 14 Aug. 15 Captured at Mission Ridge. Died in Ander- sonville pris. July 20, '64. Grave No. 2241. Dis. Feb. 20, 1863. Lost leg at Missn. Ridge. Jones, George W. " Aug. 26 Kelly, James Kelly, Robert " Aug. 15 Trans, to V. R. C. Sergt. Died at Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 26, '64. Keffe, Richard ik Aug. 21 Kane, John J. " Aug. 18 M. O. June 6, 1865. Keyser, Jacob " Aug. 25 Leonard, Henry Loughrea, James Leahey, Michael Aug. 12 Aug. 14 Aug. 15 Died of wounds at Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 2, 1864. M. O. June 6, 1865. Wounded. Lawhead, Peter D. " Lively, David R. " ' Lewis, John Channahon Aug. 22 Absent sick at M. O. Malone, James Joliet Aug. 11 11 >l U I. Mahoney, Cornelius " Aug. 14 Maher, John " " Mock, Joseph lk Aug. 15 Moore, Joseph " Aug. 25 Milgam, Mathew " Aug. 15 Norton, Edward * Aug. 26 M. O. June 6, 1865. Norton, Patrick Aug. 25 Oliver, John " Aug. 21 O'Brien, John " Aug. 12 Absent wounded at M. O. Lost an arm at Mission Ridge. O'Boyle, Patrick Channahon Aug. 11 Trans, to V. R C. Feb. 11, 1864. Oaker, John Joliet Aug. 14 Parker, John H. " Aug. 25 Powers, Wm. Aug. 18 Rowe, Anthony " Aug. 25 Rainey, Horace 11 Aug. 15 M. O. June 6, 1865. Rule, John Ryan, David " Aug. 21 Absent wounded at M. O. in hospital at Quin- cy. Wounded in knee at Mission Ridge. Smyth, Francis " Aug. 13 Shehey, George Smith, Frank !! Aug. 11 Aug. 13 Smith, Richard F. li Smith, Arnold Aug. 14 Died at Chicago, 111., March 14, 1863. Stalehey, Paul * Aug. 22 Sharkey, Edward ' Aue. 20 Trans, to V. R. C. Jan. 5, 1863. Somers. Charles 1 Aug. 25 Smith, Martin * Aug. 15 Died Aug. 27, 1863. Wilkinson, David D. ** Aug. 14 Wiles, Michael " Aug. 15 M. O. June 6, 1865. Wounded. Whalen, John Troy ** " " " " corporal. Welch, Wm. Joliet Aug. 21 Welch, Wm. " Aug. 25 Zolph, Simon Troy Aug. 15 Casey, John recruit Conway, Lawr. J. " Joliet Feb. 2, '64 Oct. 19,'63 Trans, to 48th HI. M. O. Aug. 15, '65. Same. Wounded. Corporal Co. G. JAMES O'CONNOR Lockport Aug. 8,'6S M. O. June 6, 1865. Wounded. COMPANY H. PRIVATES. Devine, Patrick Wilmingt'n Aug 15,'6S Shot at Snyder's Bluff, Miss., June 20, '62, by Hayes, Michael Florence Sept.l, '6 private James McGuire. Maguire, Charles Redmond, James Lockport Will Co. Aug, 15, 68 Sept. 8, '62 Died at Marietta, Ga., Oct. 4, 1864, wounds. M. O. June 6, 1865. NINETY-FIRST REGIMENT. RECRUITS Co. D. Fay, (Fry) Philip Galloway, John Seely, John Seigler, Felix Welch, John W. Joliet Wheatland Joliet Wheatland Dec.29,'63 Jan.^19,'64 Jan.30,'65 Jan.16,'64 Trans. to Co. G, 28th regt. M " D " " Sick " G " " M. " G " " G . O. Mar.15,'66. at M. O. O. Mar. 12, '66. ' Jan. 19, '66. Mar. 15, '66 . 40 ONE HUNDREDTH REGIMENT. Three Years' Service. Name and Rank. Residence Enlistm't History. Colonel. 1862. FBBD'K A. BARTLBSON Joliet Aug. 30 Killed in action at Kenesaw Mountain, Ga., June 23, 1865. Taken prisoner at Chicka- mauga and sent to Libby prison. Colonel. CEAS. M. HAMMOND Wilmingfn M As major. Prom, lieut. colonel July 20, '64. Prom, colonel May 11, 1865. Wounded at Stone Kiver. Lieut. Colonel. ABBA N. WATERMAN Joliet " Resigned July 20, 1865. Wounded at Chick- amauga. Major, RODNBY S. BOWEN Wilm'ngt'n " As captain Co. A. Prom, major July 20, '64. Wounded at Mission Ridge. Died Dec. 3, 1864, of wounds rec'd in battle of Franklin. Major. SAHUBL G. NELSON Wilton " As 1st lieut. Co. H. Prom, captain Nov. 21. '63. Prom, major March 24, '65. Wounded at Mission Ridge. Adjutant. GEORGE W. ROUSE Joliet ' As private. Made adjutant at organization of regiment. Died Aug. 3 of wounds and amp. rec'd Sept. 29, 1864, before Atlanta. Adjutant. OTHNIEL HOBNK Lockport July 34 As sergeant major. Co. K. Prom. 1st lieut. Dec. 15, 1863. Prom. adjt. Aug 3, 1864. Quartermaster. THOMAS S. WILSON Homer Aug. 30 Served faithfully through the entire service of regt. M. O. June 12, 1865. Surgeon. ADOLPHUS W. HBISE Joliet " Resigned April 21, '64. Served as brig. surg. Surgeon. HBNRT T. WOODRUFF " As assistant surgeon. Prom, surgeon April 21, '64. M. O. June 12, 1865. Taken pris- oner in charge of wounded at Crawfish Springs, Ga., Sept. 20, '63. Assistant Surgeon. ELVES HARWOOD tfc " Resigned Jan. 22, 1863. Chaplain. HOOPER CREWS tfc " Resigned Aug. 16, 1363. CO. A COM. OFF. Captain. M M. N. M. STBWART Wilmingfn As 1st lieut. Prom, captain July 20th, 1864. Wounded at Chickamauga. Wounded be. fore Atlanta July 28, '64. M. O. June 12,'65. 1st Lieutenant. ELISHA GANG Reed July 16 As 1st sergt. Prom. 2d lieut. Jan. 1st, 1863. Prom. 1st lieut. July 29th, 1864. Wounded May 26, 1864. 2d Lieutenant. CHARLES P. MITCHELL Wilmingfn Aug. 30 Died Jan. 4, 1863, of wounds rec'd in battle of CO. B COM. OFF. Stone River Dec. 31, 1862. Captain. JAMES G. ELWOOU " " Resigned Oct. 13, 1863. Served on brigade staff as inspector general. Captain. ETHAN H. HOWARD " " As 2d lieut. Prom. 1st lieut. Feb. 15th, 1868. Prom, captain Oct. 13th, 1863. Resigned Nov. 6th, 1864. Served on brigade staff as provost marshal. Captain. FRBD'K W. MATTHEWS " " As sergt. Prom. 1st lieut. August 16th, 1864. Prom, captain Nov. 6, 1864. M. O. June 12, 1865. Wounded in front of Chattanooga and at Kenesaw mountain. Also May 30, 1864. 41 ONE HUNDREDTH REGIMENT Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Knlistm't History. 1st Lieutenant. 1862. AUGUSTUS A. OSGOOD Joliet Aug. 30 Resigned Feb. 16th, 1863. Wounded at Stone River. 1st Lieutenant. MAJOR E. SEARLES " July 34 As 1st sergt. Prom. 1st lieut. Oct. 13, 1863. Hon. dis. for wounds at battle of Mission Ridge Aug. 16, 1864. 1st Lieutenant. HENRY A. SMITH " M As 1st sergt. Prom. 1st lieut. Nov. 6th, 1864. M. O. June 12, 1865. Wounded at Chicka- mauga three times. 2d Lieutenant. DANIEL D. POWLES Jackson July 26 As sergt. Prom. 2d lieut. Feb. 16, 1863. Re- signed Aug. 6, 1863. CO. C COM. OFF. Captain. CHAS. H. BACON Lockport Aug. 30 Resigned Jan. 13, 1863. Captain. GEO. BEZ Mokena " As 1st lieut. Prom, captain Jan. 13th, 1863. Wounded at Stone River. Res. Oct. 4, '63. Captain. J. S. MCDONALD Lockport " As 2d lieut. Prom. 1st lieut. Jan. 13th, 1863. Prom, captain Oct. 4, 1863. Resigned May 2, '64. Wounded at Stone River. Captain. GEO. M. LYND " July 29 As 1st sergt. Prom. 2d lieut. Jan. 13, 1863. Prom. 1st lieut. Oct. 4, 1863. Prom, captain May 2, 1864. M. O. June 12th, 1865. Sun- struck in battle of Peach Tree Creek July 20,1864. 1st Lieutenant. AUGUSTUS UIRSCH Mokena Aug. 15 As private. Promoted corporal, sergt. and CO. D COM. OFF. 1st lieut. May 2, ]864. M. O. June 12, 1865. Captain. ALBERT AMSDEN Dupage Aug. 30 Resigned Dec. 18,1862. Captain. JOHN A. BURRELL Plainfleld As 1st lieut. Prom. capt. Dec. 19, 1862. Se- verely wounded at Chickamauga. Killed May 30, 1864, on the Atlanta campaign. Captain. STRONG R. MOODY Dupage Aug. 1 As corporal. Prom. 1st lieut. Jan. 31st, 1864. Prom. capt. May 30, 1864. M. O. June 12, 1865. 1st Lieutenant. HORATIO N. WICKS Plainfleld Aug. 30 As 2d lieut. Prom. 1st lieut. Dec. 19th, 1862. Resigned Jan. 31, 1864. 2d Lieutenant. SAMUEL EOACH " Aug. 7 As 1st sergt. Prom. 2d lieut. Dec. 19, 1862. Hon. dis. May 15, 1865. Taken prisoner at Chickamauga Sept. 20, and taken to Libby CO. E COM. OFF. prison. Captain. WM. W. BARTLETT Joliet Aug. 30 Resigned Feb. 22, 1864. Wounded at Chick- amauga. Captain. ANSON PATTERSON " " As 1st lieut. Prom, captain Feb. 27th, 1864. Wounded at Chickamauga. 1st Lieutenant. RANSOM F. BARTLETT u Aug. 5 As 1st sergt. Prom. 2d lieut. Jan. 23d, 1863. Prom. 1st lieut. Feb. 27th, 1864. Resigned Sept. 23, 1864. Wounded at Chickamauga. 1st Lieutenant. JOHN DODGE " " As sergt. Prom. 1st lieut Sept. 23, 1864. M. O. June 12, 1865. 3d Lieutenant. JAMES R. LETTS u Aug. 30 Resigned Jan. 23, 1863. CO. F COM. OFF. Captain. RlCH'D S. McCLAUGHRY Homer " Resigned July 11, 1864. Wounded at Mission Ridge. 11 42 ONE HUNDREDTH REGIMENT-Con' July3 Killed at battle of Stone river, Dec. 31, 1?62. 2d Lieutenant. ISAAC M. DELINE " Aug. 30 As 1st sergt. Prom. 2d lieut. Jan. 1st, 18(3. Resigned May 29, 1863. Sergt. Major. WM. PENN HABBOTTLE Wilmingt'n Aug. 9 Dis. March 31, 1862 forvtounds. Wounded at Stone river. 43 ONE HUNDREDTH REGIMENT- Continued, Name and Rank. Residence Enlistm't History. Sergt. Major. ANDREW T. BARCE Sr'n Gard'n Aug. 8 A.B private Co. G. Prom, sergt. -major. Q. M. Sergt. JAMES A. FABOVID oliet July 22 M. O. June 12, 1865. Com. Sergt. MARTIN NORTON " Aug. 22 Dis. for prom, in 20th 111., March 19, 1863, Com. Sergt. CHAS. B. GARNSET Wilm'ngt'n July 80 M. O. June 12, 1865. Hospital Steward. t). P. STUMPH Joliet Aug. 15 Dis. for dis. Aug. 30, 1864. Was taken pris- oner Sept. 20, 1863 at Chickamanga, and taken to Richmond. Principal Magician. CHAS. H. MILLSPAUGH " " M. O. June 12, 1865. Musician. EDWARD P. BUBSON Horence " M. O. June 6, 1865. COMPANY A. Sergeants. SAMUEL w. GOODBIDGE Wilmingt'n July^lS Dis. for dig. Oct. 5, 1864. Served as orderly sergeant of Gen. Wood's escort. BTBON WABNEB " M. O. June 12, 1865. CHAS. V. MOREY Florence July 17 Dig. for dis. June 1864. ENOCH P. SMITH Wilmingfn Aug. 6 M. O. June 12, 1865, as 1st sergt. Severely wounded at Chickamauga. Corporals. DENNIS LEA HINES Reed July 24 M. O. June 12, 1865, as sergt. WM. K. ALTHOUSB Wilmingt'n July 15 Died at Nashville, Tenn.. Jan. 13, 1863. FOSTER WARNEB " July 16 iDied at Louisville, Ky., April 12, 1863. FRANCIS I. FISHEB Reed Aug. 8 'Sergeant. Died at Franklin, Tenn., Dec. 12, 1864, of wounds and prisoner; wounded also at Chickamauga. WM. L. HATNES Wesley July 21 M. O. June 12, 1865. Wounded at Kenesaw June 27, 1864. NOBMAN BOVEE " July 18 M. O. June 12, 1865. Wounded at Kenesaw, June 27, 1864. THOS. P. MARTIN FRANCIS CONROT Florence Wilmingt'n Aug. 4 Aug. 9 Died at Murfreesboro, June 17, 1863. M. O. June 12, 1865. Wounded at Kenesaw; also near Atlanta, July 20, 1864. PRIVATES. Ackerman, Henry L. Wesley July 19 Dis. for dis. Dec. 15. 1863. Althouse, John H. Wilmingt'n Aug. 8 M. O. June 12, 1P65. Wounded severely at Mission Ridge, Nov. 25, 1863. Abel. Robert Wesley Aug. 22 Died at Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 6, 1863. Avery, Gilbert Wilton Aug. 10 M. O. June 12, 1865, as sergt. Wounded at Rocky Face Ridge. Brofy, James Brennan, Roger Wilmingt'n Florence July 19 July 26 M. O. June 12, 1865, as sergt. M. O. June 12, 1865, as aergt. Wounded at Chickamanga. Leg fractured at Mission Ridge. Bridenstein, William Reed July 19 Died at Nashville. Tenn., Nov. 28, 1862. Bridenstein, Marlin " Aug. 7 Died at Nashville, Tenn.. Dec. 19, 1862. Butler, Wm. D. Wilmingt'n Aug. 1 Died at Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 5, 1862. Butler, Francis A. " Aug. 5 Dis. for dis. April 6, 1864. Wounded at Chickamauga. Baker, Walter, Jr. " Aug. 4 Died at Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 21, 1863. Baker, James B. " " Died at Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 23, 1862. Brodie, Peter ' " Dis. for disability Dec. 13, 1864. Wounded at Chickamauga. Buss, Edgar C. Florence Dis. for disability Jan. 16, 1864. Wounded at Chickamauga. Brumley, David G. Florence Aug. 6 Dis. for dis. Sept. 8, 1863. Bruechet, Constant O. Reed " M. O. June 12, 1865. Wounded at Stone river. Burker, Wm. P. Florence " Dis. for dis. January 17, 1864. Wounded at Chickamauga. Beckwitb, Gnv M. Wesley Aug. 8 M. O. June 12, 1865. Clark, Henry W. Wilmingt'n July 17 M. O. June 12, 1865. Wounded at Chickm'ga. Ca dwell, John L. Florence Aug. 8 Dis. for dis. March 24, 1863. Davis, Daniel Wilmingt'n July 29 M. O. June 25, 1865. Wounded in front of Chattanooga. 44 ONE HUNDREDTH REGIMENT-Contmwed. Name and Rank. Etesidence. Eiilisi.m't History. PRIVATES. 1862. Dyer, Alpheus ^ilmi'gton Aug. 15 Dis. ior dis. Feb. 1, 1863. Bowling, James Wesley July 30 M. O. June 12, 1865. Wounded at Stone riv. and Chickamauga. Dore, George " Aug. 1 M. O. June 12, 1865. Wounded at Stone riv. Doty, Eli H. Seed Aug. 7 M. O. June 12, 1865 as corporal. Franklin, Ebenezer iVilmingfn Aug. 6 Dis. Sept. 21, 1865. Foote, Horace D. Florence Aug. 7 M. O. June 12, 1865. Griffin, Walter 8. Washingfn July 19 tf. O. June 12, 1865. Wounded June 18, '64. Geer. Wm. W. July 25 Died at Lebanon, Ky., of typhoid fever.. Gundy, Wm. Wesley Aug. 8 Trans, to Vet. R. corps May 20, 1864. Wouu- ded at Chickamauga. Gutnley, James Wilmingf n July 25 M. O. June 12, 1865. Hoy, John M July 21 Captured at Chickamauga. Died in Ander- sonville, Oct. 26, 1864. No. of grave 11,506. Haynes, John 3. Wesley July 25 Severely wounded at battle of Stone river. Died Jan. 6, 186 i, of his wounds. Hanghn, Robert E. Wilmingfn Aug. 4 Died at Crab Orchard, Ky., Oct. 24, 1862. Hawley, Wm. Reed Aug. 7 M. O. June 12, 1865. Severely wounded at Chickamauga. Hampton, Irod Florence Aug. 6 Dis. for dis. Nov. 18, 1863. Hartman, Henry Wesley Aug. 8 M. O. June 12, 1885. Jewell, LiBRoy R. Wilmingfn July 16 Killed at Dallas, Ga., May 30, 1864. Wounded at Chickamauga. Jones, Alouzo N. Wesley ' Killed at Chickamauga September 19, 1863. Wounded at Stone river. Jones, Oliver P. Florence July 22 Trans, to Eiig. corps Aug. 8, 1864. Jones, John R. Wilmingfn Aug. 6 Dis. for dis. Dec. 8, 1862. Johnson, Robert " Aug. 1 M. O. June 12, 1865, as corporal. Wounded at Kenesaw June 27. Jukes, Chas. J. " Aug. 9 M. O. June 12, 1865, as musician. Kahler, Normaa P. Florence Aug. 6 Died at Chattanooga, Dec. 16, '63, of wounds received at Mission Ridge. Kenney, John C. Reed " Corp'l died at Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 1, '63. Ward master of Hospital. Kellogg, Henry Florence " M. O. June 12, 1865, as corporal. Wounded at Mission Ridge. Leach, Elisha P. Reed Aug. 4 M. O. June 12, 1865. Leach, Alexander " Aug. 7 Trans, to V. R. C. Sept. 7, 1863. Laroche, Philip F. Wesley Aug. 7 M. O. June 12, 1865. Murphy, James " July 20 M. O. June 12, 1865. Wounded July 22, 1864, before Atlanta. McConkle, Joseph 'i Aug. 8 Died at Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 10, 1863. McQueen, Thomas Florence Aug. 7 Dis. for dis. June 16, '64. Severely wounded at Chickamauga. Noble, Warren S. Wilmingfn July 16 M. O. June 12, 1865. Was captu'd at Chicka- mauga, and long time in Andersonville and other prisons. O'Harra, Joseph Florence Aug. 8 Dis. for dis. May 8, 1863. Putnam, Charles L. " Aug. 6 Dis. for dis. Aug. 3, 1863. Preston, James H. Wesley Aug. 8 M. O. June 12, '65. Wounded at Chickam'ga. Russell, James " Aug. 6 Dis. for dis. June 8, 1863. Stewart, George Reed July 25 Killed at Chickamauga Sept. 19, 1863. Smith, Edgar ' Aug. 6 M. O. June 12, 1865. Stuck, Wm. Wilmingfn Aug. 8 Died at Nashville. Tenn., Feb. 3, 1863. Swivel, Frederick Wilton Aug. 11 M. O. June 12, 1865. Strathdee, Geo. Wilm'ngf n Aug. 14 Dis. for dis. Feb. 5, 1865. Left arm fractured at Mission Ridge. Amputated. Severance, Horace J. Reed Aug. 11 Trans, to V. R. C. Jan. 14, 1864. Sutton, Wm. H. Wilton July 19 Died at Silver Springs, Tenn., Nov. 17, '62. Spencer, Sylvester Wilmingf u Aug. 13 Dis. Dec. 3, 1864. Tucker, John C. Florence Aug. 8 " " Tracy, Wm. Wesley Aug. 8 Died at Murfreesboro, Mar. 5, 1863. Wells, John P. " July 16 Trans, to Eng. corps, Aug. 8, 1864. Worthy, Michael Wilmi'gton July 18 Trans, to V. R. C. Jan. 5, 1864. Wounded at Stone River. Williams, LeRoy S. Wesley July 25 M. O. June 12, 1865. Wheeler, Seymour Wheeler, Geo. Wilmingf n July 26 Aug. 9 Dis. for dis. Feb. 3, 1863. M. O. June 12, 1865. Wounded at Kenesaw. Wilkeus, Albert B. Florence July 26 M. O. June 12, 1865. Wenger, Benedict Wilmingfn Aug. 9 M. O. June 12, '65. Wounded at Stone river. Wordel, Horace W. " lAug. 11 Dis. for dis. May 25, 1863. 45 ONE HUNDREDTH REGIMENT Continued. Name and Rank. Residence Enlistm't History. PRIVATES. 1862. White, Philip Yates, Elias iVesley Wilmingt'n Aug. 12 July 26 Killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, 1863. M. O. May 19, 1863, as corp'l. Wounded at Chickamauga. Tales, Burnet " Aug. 8 M. O. May 19, '63. Wounded at Franklin. Yates, Wm. k Aug. 9 M. O. May 19, 1863. RECRUITS. Billings, Wm. Gaines Apr. 13, '65 Died at Nashville, Tenn., May 24, 1865. Bryant, Chas. W. " " Trans, to 51st 111. M. O. Sept. 25, 1865. Cameron, John Lyons, Edward Wesley )ec.22,'63 Apr.13,'63 Russell, Wm. Claimed by 62d regiment. Williams, John R. W. " Dec.31,'63 Trans, to 57th reg't. Wounded at Franklin. COMPANY B. Sergeants. 1862. LEWIS LlNEBARGER Jackson Aug. 4 Dis. April 20, '64. Wounded at Chickam'ga. HIRAM H. HARTER Joliet July 28 Killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, 1863. Corporals. SINCLAIR HILL Manhattan July 31 M. O. June 12, 1865. WM. B. WILCOX Troy Aug. 6 GROVER SMITH Channahon July 30 M. O. June 12, 1865. GEO. A. PIERSON SAMUEL C. B. CARPENTER Jackson Aug. 9 July 26 M. O. June 12, 1865, as sergt. Dis. for dis. Feb. 25, 1863. JUSTUS STEINMETZ Joliet Aug. 14 Killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, 1863. JULIUS W. FOLKE u July 26 Dis. for dis. March 5, 1863. PRIVATES. Barrett, John Jackson Aug. 8 Killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, 1863. Burr, Wm. B. Channahon Aug. 13 bb it bb bb Benedict, Walter " Aug. 6 M. O. June 12, 1865. Brockway, David Joliet Aug. 4 M. 0. May 27, 1865. Comstock, Elihu B. Troy fci Trans, to V. R. C. Nov. 1, 1863. Cotton, Milton J. Jackson Aug. 9 Trans, to V. R. C. Sept. 16, 1863. Clark, Edward M. Joliet Aug. 12 M. O. June 13, 1865. Wounded at Nashville. Cludas, Wm. " Aug. 4 Dis. May 11, 1863. Wounded at Stone river. Caldmer, Daniel Gr'n Gard'n M. O. June 12, 1865. Wounded in foot on At- lanta campaign. Chorron, John J. Channahon Aug. 12 Dis. for dis. Sept. 23, 1863. Dice, Lewis M. Jackson July 26 Trans, to Eng. corps, June 30, 1864. Dollinger, Ignatz Troy Aug. 14 Trans, to V. R. C. Aug. 1, 1863. Devlin, John ' Aug. 11 Dis. for dis. Feb. 3, 1863. Davis, Henry Jackson " Dis. for dis. Feb. 30, 1863. Dunlap, John Davis, William Troy Jackson Aug. 9 M. O. June 13, 1865. Died at Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 15, 1863. Davis, Marquis D. L. Crete July 29 M. O. June 13, 1865. Reported captured at Chickamauga. Day, Wm. Channahon Aug. 6 Dis. for dis. Feb. 3, 1863. East, Wm. Joliet July 28 M. O. June 12, 1865. Frost, Charles J. " Aug. 11 Dis. for dis. Jan. 16, 1863. Flack, Nelson W. " July 28 Dis. for dis. Oct. 10, 1864. In hospital at Quincy. Was prisoner. Grannels, John Wilton July 26 Dis. for dis. April 18, 1863. Gardner, Frank Joliet July 29 Dis. for dis. Feb. 2, 1863. Gardner. Peter * fc u bb fcb bb bb Grubb, Jesse T. Jackson Aug. 6 Dis. for dis. Jan. 27, '63. Fingers shot off accidentally. Grant, William Gr'nGarden Aug. 8 Harter, Joseph W. Jackson Aug. 6 Dis. for dis. Feb. 28, 1863. Harding, William " Aug. 4 M. O. Aug. 27, 1865. Johnston, Samuel F. " July 26 Died in Andersonville prison, Aug. 2, 1864. No. of grave 5,395. Johnston, Henry M. " " Dis. for dis. Jan 11, 1863. Karriger, Samuel Channahon Aug. 11 Dis. for dis. July 1863. Karriger, Frederick King, Martin R. Troy Aug. 6 Died at Bowling Green, Ky., Nov. 20, 1862. Died of wounds received in battle of Frank lin, Dec. 12, 1864. King, Andrew J. " Aug. 1 M. O. June 12, 1864, as sergt. Leddy, James Law, Henry L. Jr. Joliet New Lenox July 24 Aug. 18 Dis. for dis. Feb. 10, 1863. M. O. June 12, 1865, as corporal. Longmire, Charles J. Channahon Aug. 14 46 ONE HUNDREDTH REGIMENT Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Enlistm't History. PRIVATES. Lee, Frederick W. Plainfield July 28 Trans, to V. R. C. Nov. 1, 1863. Milliard, Nelson Jackson Aug. 6 Died at Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 19, 1863. Milliard, Simon M " M. O. June 12, 1865. Wounded on Atlanta Campaign, May 31, 1864. Marvin, Hannibal G. Pecatonica July 25 Mclntyre, George E. Joliet Aug. 11 M. O. May 30, '65. Captured at Chickamauga and taken to Andersonv. slightly wound'd. Miller, Wm. H. Jackson July 28 Dis. for dis. March 17, 1863. Malone, John. Joliet Aug. 7 Dis. lor dis. April 26, 1865. Marshall, George. Jackson Aug. 8 Died at Gallatin, Tenn., Feb. 17. 1863. Morrison, Lorenzo Troy Aug. 12 M. O. June 12, 1865. Wounded at Mission Palmer, Frederick u Aug. 4 Ridge. M. O. June 12, 1865, as sergeant. Parks, Wm. G. Lockport Aug. 45 Killed at Kenesaw June 27, 1864. Peck, Hubert, Joliet Aug. 5 M. O. June 12, 1865. Rodgers, Samuel Jackson Aug. 9 Killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, 1863. Rake, Stephen J. M Aug. 20 Dis. Mar. 20, 1863, for wounds rec'd at Stone river. Scheran, Francis " M M. O. June 12, 1865. Schall, John Troy Aug. 14 Dis. for dis. Feb. 24, 1863. Sibley, Dennis E. Joliet Aug. 11 M. O. June 12, 1865. Sampson, Charles C Jackson Aug. 7 Killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 20. 1863. Sampson, Hollis H. " July 28 Trans, to V. R. C. Jan. 19, 1865, Reported in hospital at Quincy, Aug. 11, 1864. Schegg, George " Aug. 12 Died at Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 15, 1863. Spencer, Daniel C. " Aug. 9 Dis. for dis. Feb. 24, 1863. Spencer, Edward '** Aug. 15 Dis. for dis. Feb. 2, 1863. Soheer, Philip Joliet Aug. 4 Trans, to V. R. C. Aug. 10, '64. Wounded at Stone river. St. George, Nelson. ___ " Aug. 20 Trans, to V. R. C. Sept. 1, 1863. Scribner, Simeon M. -41 July 29 Thiel, Andrew Jackson Aug. 8 Killed at Stone river, Dec. 31, 1862. Winter, Robert " July 26 M. O. June 12, 1865. Taken prisoner. Weinhold, Samuel M Aug. 6 Trans, to V. R. C. Wounded at Chickam'ga. Weise, John Joliet Aug. 22 Died at Chattanooga, Oct. 29, 1863. Zimmerman, Henry Jackson Aug. 14 Died at Chattanooga, Aug. 31, 1864. COMPANY C. Sergeants. EPENETUB R. BACON Lockport July 21 1st sergt. Trans, to 1st U. S. C. I. as hosp'l steward, Oct. 30, 1863. RALPH W. MARSHALL Mokena Aug. 7 Discharged sick. WADE H. MCFADDEN Lockport July 29 Died Jan. 4, 1863, of wounds rec'd in battle of Stone river. PETER M. STUDER Mokena Aug. 12 Trans, to Inv. corps, Sept. 15, 1863. Corporals. CHARLES C. BEMIS Lockport July 25 WALLACE SHEAD Homer Aug. 1 Discharged. HENRY M. STABIN Lockport July 29 M. O. May 22, '65, as sergt. Severely wound- ed at Chickamauga. JOHN BEZ Mokena Aug. 4 Killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, '63. Sergt. NEWALL W. SMITH. " July 29 Trans, to Inv. corps. Jan. 22, 1864. HENRY TAYLOR Lockport July 21 Trans, to Eng. corps, Aug. 8, 1864. JOHN H. DICKMAN Mokena Aug. 9 M. O. May 22, 1865. PETER WAGNER Lockport Aug. 4 Killed at Stone river, Jan. 2, 1863. In Pion'r corps. RECRUITS. Abbott, Benoni L. " July 24 Missing at Chickamauga. Supposed killed Sept. 19, 1863. Acker, Levi Mokena July 19 M. O. June 12, 1865. Adams, Plumer Lockport Aug. 11 M. O. June 12, 1865. Wounded at Mission Ridge. Anker, John Mokena " Dis. March 11, 1863. Austin, Edwin S. Orleans Aug. 6 Died at Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 29, 1863. Ball, David C. Lockport Aug. 9 Dis. for dis. Dec. 1. 1862. Bemis, John A. " July 26 Dis. for die. Feb. 27, 1863. Bever, Benjamin Mokena July 26 Died at Chattanooga, Nov. 7, 1863, of wounds rec'd at Chickamauga. Bnckman, Theodore " Aug. 12 M. O. June 12, 1865. Boos, Jeremiah u Aug. 8 Trans, to Inv. corps, Sept. 16, 1863. BrinkerhofT, Martin Homer Aug. 1 Died at Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 7, 1863. 47 ONE HUNDREDTH REGIMENT Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. ] Enlistm't History. PRIVATES. Calkins, Felix jockport Inly 29 M. O. July 22, 1865. Captured in hospital at Chickamauga and taken to Andersonville. Chamberlin, Albert N. Homer Aug. 6 Missing at Chickamauga. Supposed killed Sept. 19, 1863. Chamberlin, Harvey W. Uickport July 26 M. O. June 12, 1865. Wounded near Atlanta. Clark, James B. July 32 M. O. June 12, 1865. Calmer, Michael Frankfort Aug. 7 M. O. June 12, 1865, as 1st sergt. Wounded below Atlanta. Conner^, James Lockport Aug. 9 Dis. March 4, 1863. Conners, John H. lomer Aug. 5 Died at Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 27, 1863. Cormany, Philip W. x)ckport M. O. June 12, 1865. Corwin, Henry lomer Aug^ 1 " " " Davis, Sumners H. " Trans, to Inv. corps, Aug. 5, 1863. Desburg, Leonard jockport Aug. 11 M. O. June 12, 1865. Dickman, John F. Aokena Aug. 9 M. O. June 12, 1865. Wounded at Mission Ridge. Diederich, Hubert. jockport Aug. 11 M. O. June 12, 1865. Doolittle, Horatio klokeua Aug. 1 Dis. Feb. 14, 1863. Dorkendoff, Theodore jockport Aug. 12 Killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 20, 1863. Farovid, Alfred L. Foliet Aug. 8 Musician. Fishbau, Martin jockport Aug. 11 Absent; sick at M. O. of rest. Wounded at Chickam'ga and before Atlanta, July 20 '64. Freehoff, Gothard " " M. O. June 12, '65. Wounded at ChickanVga. Hammond, John lomer Aug. 2 Dis. Jan. 18, 1864, as corp'l. Sev. wounded at Chickamauga; lost use of leg. Harper, Jeremiah tfokena Aug. 7 Died at Columbus, Ky., Oct. 30, 1862. lleinrichs, UMch " Aug. 6 M. O. June 12, 1865. Hopkins, John lomer Killed at Stone river, Dec. 31, 1863. Hopkinson. Joseph Lockport Aug. 7 M. O. June 12, 1865. Johnson, George B. July 29 " " " Hurley, Henry " Aug. 6 Kinary, Thomas Vfokena July 29 M. O. June 12, 1865. Kine, William " Aug. 9 Died at Wild Cat Hollow, Ky., Oct. 20, 1862. Kenney, William Lang, Christian Elomer Mokena Aug. 10 Aug. 9 Trans, to Inv. corps.Aug. 5, 1863. M. O. June 12, 1865. Wounded at Chickam'ga. Lawrence, Hiram G. Lockport Aug. 7 M. O. June 12, 1865. Severely wounded at Kenesaw, June 27, 1864. Marti, Jacob Mast, Daniel Mokena it Aug. 9 Aug. 7 Trans, to Inv. corps, Sept. 16. 1863. M. O. June 12, '65. Wounded at Chicfeam'ga. Mathews, John D. Lockport Aug. 1 " " " " " Miller, Philip " Aug. 12 Dis. Feb. 27, 1863. Morganweck, Theodore Murphy, Michael Mokena Lockport Aug. 9 Aug' 14 M. O. June 12,1865, as sergt. Color sergt. Killed at Franklin, Nov. 30, 64. Wounded at Mission Ridge. Newbury, William " Aug. 8 M. O. June 12, 1865. Cap. at Chickamauga. Norton, Elisba Parker, Thomas P. Peters, William Motena July 31 Aug. 7 Aug. 11 Dis. Mai ch 31,1863, Killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, 1863. M. O. June 12, '65. Taken prisoner at Chick- Poor, William L. Homer Aug. 5 amauga, wounded. Corp'l. Died at Murfreesboro, June 27, 63, Prosea, Lewis A. Lockport Aug. 6 Killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 20, 1863. Quick, Sidney Kahm, Frederick Mokena Aug. 7 Aug. 12 Died at Chicago, April 17, 1864. Killed at Stone river, Dec. 31, 1862. Rhodes, Henry A. Lockport Aug. 4 Dis. for dis. Dec. 1, 1862. Righter, Walter A. * k Aug. 7 Pioneer corps. . Scnmitt, Peter Schmitt, Michael Mokena Lockport Aug. 4 Aug. 12 M. O. June 12, '65. Wounded at Chickam'ga. M. O. June 12, 1865, as corporal. Wounoed June 18, 1864. Sly, Eugene R. " Aug. 7 M. O. June 12, 1865, as corporal. Captured at Chickamauga. Smith, Henry W. ** Aug. 15 Dis. Nov. 14, 1862. Snyder, Matthias " Aug. 14 Missing at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, '63. Sup- posed killed. Sormenberg, Martin Mokena Aug. 5 Trans, to Inv. corps, Aug. 5, 1863. Sperry, George Homer July 21 Dis. May 20, 1864, for prom, as 2d lieutenant in 22d N. Y. cavalry. Staffan, Christian Mokena Aug. 6 Dis. March 10, 1865. Standish, Sidney O. Dupage July 31 M. O. June 12, 1865. Bruised May 9, 1864. Stinberge, Orrin N. Lockpcrt M Dis. May 8, 1863. Taylor, Marcus M. Aug. 8 Died at Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 8, 1862. 48 ONE HUNDREDTH REGIMENT -Continued. Name and Rank. Residence Enlistm't History. PRIVATES. Taylor, Justin Lockport July 24 M. O. June 12, '65, as sergt. Wunded June 10, 1864. Wagner, Anthony " Aug. 12 Dis. Feb. 23, 1863. Wardle, William " July 23 M. O. June 12, 1865. Webber, John tl Aug. 15 Dis. April 25, 1865. Welchlein, Augustus W. Mokena Aug. 6 M. O. June 12, 1865. Taken pris'r at Frank- lin ; wounded at Chickamauga. Zeller, Joseph Lockport Aug. 12 Color sergt. Dis. Aug. 25, 1864, as sergeant. Severely wounded at Chickamauga. RECRUITS. Basset, Elisha " Aug. 4 Died at Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 1, 1863. Dodge, Anson Homer Aug. 2 M. O. June 12, 1865, as corporal. Dunn, Nathan Dupage Dec. 19, '63 Trans, to 51st In. M. O. Sept. 5, '65. Dieder, John Lockport Apr.12,.65 " 11, '65. Fisher, Marvin J. Dupage Feb.20,'64 " " " " 25, '65, corp'l. Higgins, Daniel Northtteld Mar.11,'65 " " " 25, '65. Karch, Henry Mokena Aug. 15,62 Killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, 1868. Marshall, Myron W. u Aug. 11,62 M. O. June 12, 1865. Sullivan, Michael Lockport Aug. 10,62 Dis. Sept. 12, '65. Wounded at Stone river. Vorce, William R. Trans, to Inv. corps, Jan. 9. 1864. Zinnel, Daniel Mokena Aug. 5, '62 M. O. June 12, '65. Wounded May 10, 1864. COMPANY D. Sergeants. 1862. JOSIAH BURDICK Plainfleld Aug. 1 Dis. Jan. 15, 1863. WM. H. CAIN u " Trans, to V. R. C. April 6, 1864. Made capt. therein. JOHN W. TAYLOR Joliet Aug. 7 Trans, to Sis. corps, March 19, '64; wounded at Stone river, WM. BBNTLT. Lockport Aug. 14 Corporals. JOHN FELLOWS Plainfleld Aug. 1 Sergt. Dis. for dis. Wounded at Stone river and at Chickamauga. FRANKLIN G. BACKUS Dupage July 21 Sergeant. Trans, to V. R. C. Wounded at Chickamauga. WM. McEmosE Plainfleld Aug. 1 M. O. June 12, 1865, as sergeant. JAMES GRASS Dupage ' Died at Lebanon, Ky., Nov, 7, 1862. NELSON D. PLATTS Plamtield " Sergt. Died at Chattanooga, Sept. 16, 1864. Wounded July 22, before Atlanta. Left leg amputated. GBOROB A. LANG " M M. O. as sergt., June 12, 1865. ALFRED CARTER u " Died at Nashville, Tenn, March 15, 1863. Musicians. Wounded at Stone river. Lorenzo R. Hill " ' Died at Lebanon, Ky., Nov. 5, 1862. James Taylor Lockport Aug. 15 Dis. Feb. 15, 1863. Wagoner. Major W. Stoddard Joliet Aug. 13 M. O. June 12, 1865. PRIVATES. Aman, Charles Plainfleld " Trans, to V. R. C. May 31, 1864. Wounded at Chickamauga. Anglemire, Ephraim Aulsbrook, Charles E. Dupage Plainfleld AUg u * M. O. June 12, '65. Wounded at Stone river. M. O. July 22, 1865. Taken prisoner at bat- tle of Franklin. Bossen. Thomas " " Trans, to Eng. corps. July 30, 1864. Bolton, Ruf us H. " " Captured at Chickamauga. Died in Ander- sonville, Sept. 4, '64 No. grave 11,794. Boyd, Frederick W. Boots, James Frankfort Aug. 6 M. O. July 22, 1865, pris. of war. M. O. June 24, 1865, pris. of war. Captured at Ca'.houn and taken to Andersonville. Boots, Mathew Wheatland Aug.^ 1 M. O. June 12, '65. Wounded at Franklin. Buffum, George W. Plainfleld Trans, to Vet. R. corps. Burdick, Lewis " " M. O. June 12, 1865. Brown Elisha " " M. O. June 12, 1865, as 1st sergt. Wounded at Keneeaw, Chickamauga and Franklin. Campbell, David " " Dis. for dis. Nov. 29, 1861. In hospital at Quincy. Carter, Amarsa C. " " M. O. June 12, '65. Wounded at Chickam'g. Collier, Samuel u ' M. O. June 12, 1865. 49 ONE HUNDREDTH REGIMENT Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Enlistm't History. PRIVATES. 1862. Collier, Frederick Plainfleld Aug ; 1 M. O. June 12, 1865. Countryman, Joseph " M. O. June 12, 1865. Wounded at Chicka- mauga and on Atlanta camp'gn, July 4, '64. Croach, Wm. J. " " M. O. June 12, 1862. Baku, George W. Corp'l. Died in Andersonville, July 31, '64. No. grave 8,628. Captured at Chickam'ga. Dayton, Wm. C. " " M. O. June 6, 1865. Darr, Daniel " " M. O. June 12, 1865, as corporal. Dunkle, Washington tk * fc Dundore, Wm. E. " H Killed near Atlanta, July 22, 1864. Farnsworth, James F. Fentryman, Samuel H " M. O. June 12. 1865. Died at Franklin, prisoner of war. Fellows, Jacob ** 11 Died at Louisville, Ky., Dec. 13, 1863. FOBS, Henry M " M. O. May 19, 1865. Funk, Madison M. O. June 12, 1865. Funk, Albert A. ** " M. July 15, 1865. Flanders,- George C. " " Died at Bowling Green, Ky., Nov. 27, 1862. Geist, Charles W. " * Trans, to V. R. C. May 31, 1864. Geist, Franklin A. L. " " Died at Louisville, Ky., Dec. 24, 1862. Hartong, Roswell " " Died at Chattanooga, Oct. 29, 1863. Wounded at Chickamauga. Heath, Bradford " M M. O. June 12, 1865.. Hess, George W. Hills, Frank E. r. Aug^ 18 Fife maj. Killed at Stone river, Dec. 31, '62. M. O. June 12, 1865. Wounded at battle of Franklin. Hill, George W. " Aug. 1 M. O. June 24, 1865. Prisoner of war. Cap- tured at Chickamauga. Hyland, Edward T. " " Dis. March 6, 1863, for wounds rec'd at Stone river. Jacobs, Louden C. " " M. O. June 12, '65. Wounded at Chickam'ga. Johnson, Charles Naausay " Sick and fell behind and never heard of. Johnson, Andrew W. Plainfleld " M. O. June 12, 1865, as sergt. Slightly wounded May 30, 1864. Keeler, Oscar D. " " M. O. June 12, 1865, as sergt. Wounded June 22, near Kenesaw mountain. Kimes (or Kines) George " " Dis. July 9, 1864, for wounds rec'd at Mission Ridge. Wounded also at Chickamauga leg fractured. Lang, John C. " " M. 0. June 12, 1865. Wounded before Atlan- ta, July 22. Lookentary, Christ. " " Dis. May 7, 1865, for wounds rec'd at Chicka- mauga. Lyinau, John M " Captured at Chickamauga. Died in Ander- sonville, July 31, '64. No. grave 8,196. Martin, Pat. " Aug. 18 Died at Shell Mound, Tenn., Sept. 9, 1863. Wounded at Stone river. Miles, William " Aug. 1 McClester, George R. McElhose, Robert H u Trans, to Bug. corps, July 30, 1864. Corporal. Trans, to V. R. C. April 6, 1864. Parks, Anson Lockport " 11 11 kt U Pelcher, Frederick R. Wheatland " Dis. for dis. April 10, 1863. Peterson, Peter Plainfield Dis. April 2, 1864, for wounds. Wounded at Chickamauga. Platt, Joseph " " Died at Nashville, May 1, 1863. Platt, James M " M. O. July 23, 1865. Captured at Franklin. Randerson, John " " M. O. May 30, 1865. Rathbun, Hiram Wheatland " Died at Nashville, Jan. 9, 1863. Roberts. John M. Palos M M. O. June 12, 1865. Sala, James Gr.Trav'rse " tt it H Saylor, Peter H. Plainfleld " 11 11 n Shutt, Samuel " " M. O. June 12, 1865. Wounded at Mission Ridge. Spivy, Daniel " " Dis. for dis. Nov. 1, 1862. Skinner, Abner Lo8kport M Dis. for dis. Jan. 17, 1863. Sybring, Conrad Milwaukee " M. O. June 12, 1865. Taylor, Tiberius C. Joliet Aug. 12 11 11 n Tyler, Albert O. Wheatland Aug.^ 1 Trans, to V. R. C. April 28, 1864. Tyler, Hubbard " Died at Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 22, 1862. Vandervoort, George Joliet " Died at Gallatin, Tenn., Jan. 20, 1363. Vedder, Wm. H. Homer Aug. 18 13 50 ONE HUNDREDTH REGIMENT-Contfnwed. Name and Rank. Residence. Enlietm't History. PRIVATES. 1862. Woods-Edwin S. Plainfield Aug. 1 Di8. for dis. April 20, 1863. RECRUITS. Conway, James Oct. 24.'63 Dis. for dis. May 7, 1864. Wounded; lost an eye before Atlanta. Scott, Alexander C. Ind. Grove Jan. 6, '65 Trans, to 51st regiment. Scott, James . Wesley Dec.39,'63 Trans, to 51st regim't. M. O. June 22, 1865. Slightly wounded May 30, 1864. COMPANY B. Sergeants. 1862. ABSALOM L. BDGBWORTH Juliet Aug. 11 Dis. June 3, 1863. MILES R. BIRD " Aug. 6 M. O. May 29, 1865. JACOB L. BOWERS " Aug. 8 Dis. for die. May 7, 1863. Corporals. STEPHEN M. SPAFFOKD OTIS S. SKINNBH Jackson Joliet Aug ;i 14 Sergt. Killed at Chickam'ga, Sept. 19, 1863.. Dis. Nov. 17, 1863. VAN L. PERKINS " " Died Sept. 30, 1863, of wounds rec'd Sept. 19, at Chickamauga. DANIEL LINERAROER CHARLES P. SPENCER Jackson Troy Aug. 12 Killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, 1863. HORACE WEBSTER " Aug. 11 Died at Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 26, 1863. JOHN COSSITT Gr'n Gard'n Aug. 15 M. O. June 12, 1865. as sergeant. FHED'K A. CLEVELAND Frankfort Aug. 10 Dis. May 24, 1865. Musician. ROYAL S. PERRY Joliet Aug. 14 Dis. Feb. 3, 1863. Wagoner. AZERIAH L. SMITH Channahon Aug. 11 Dis. Feb. 5, 1863. PRIVATES. Baumgartner, John " Aug. 14 M. O. June 12, 1865. Wounded at Kenesaw,. June 27, 1864. Bassett, Elijah " Aug. 4 Trans, to Co. C. Brace, Wm. W. Joliet Aug. 10 Trans, to V. R. C. March 13, 1865. Wounded at Chickamauga. Blair, George R. Jackson Aug. 14 M. O. May 29, 1865. Bevin, Frederick W. Bridge, Henry Joliet Aug ; 18 Trans, to Eng. corps, June 30, 1864. Trans, to V. R. C. April 6, 1864. Bowen, Stephen E. Gr'nGarden Aug. 6 Trans, to Eng. corps, June 30, 1864. Bovee, Lorenzo D. Jackson Aug. 14 Dis. July 22, 1863. Boyd, Henry Cleveland, Chas. H. Plainfleld Frankfort Aug. 22 Aug. 8 Died at Chattanooga, Aug. 2, 1864. Dis. May 29, 1864. Chilson, Peter W. M. New Lenox Aug. 13 M. O. June 12, 1865. Cahoon, Benj. F. Florence Aug. 14 Dis. May 29, 1863. Conklin, Jonn Joliet Aug. 15 M. O. June 12, 1865. Daily, Elkanah Wesley Aug. 22 " " " Dixon, Giles, Jr. Aug. 4 Killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, 1863. Dodge, Anson Joliet Aug. 2 Trans, to Co. C. Captured at Chickamauga. Fabrick, George A. Frankfort Aug. 8 Trans, to V. R. C. April 6, 1864. Wounded at Chickamauga. Fries, Andrew J. Gaecoigne, Stephen Troy Plainfield Aug. 12 Aug. 2 ' Dis. April 1864. Lost an arm at Chickam'ga^ M. O. June 12, 1865. Wounded in battle of Franklin. Glenn, Mathew B. Joliet Aug. 14 Dis. Feb. 6, 1863. Goodenough, John W. Jhannahon " Dis. Dec. 31, 1863. Goff, Adoniram Joliet 11 M. O. June 8. 1865. Harrington, Mahlon W. Gr'n Gard'n Aug. 13 Dis. Feb. 18, 1864. Severely wounded at Chickamauga. Johnson, Charles K. Karen, Henry J. Jackson Frankfort Aug. 19 Aug. 15 Trans, to V. R. C. April 6, 1864. Trans, to Co. C. Kennedy, Wm. R. " Aug. 6 Transferred to 51st 111. Wounded at Mission Ridge. M. O. Sept. 25, 1865. Kennedy, Otis W. " Aug. 11 Died at Murfreesboro, June 3, 1863. Kenney, Isaac H. Kenney, Andrew J. 3r'n Gard'n Homer Aug. 22 Trans, to Inv. corps, Sept. 15, 1863. Died at Gallatin, Tenn., Dec. 24, 1862. Kenney, Seephen C. Gr'n Gard'n " Died at Nashville, Tenn., July 7, 1863. Law, Henry Joliet Aug. 20 Dis. Jan. 23, 1863. Leasure, John Troy Aug. 12 Dis. April 16, 1863. Leonard, Alvin Marples, John Joliet Aug. 14 Aug. 15 Died at Silver Springs, Tenn., Nov. 17, 1862. M. O. June 12. 1865. Wounded at Chickam'g. Marshall, Mvron N. " Aug. 11 Trans, to Co. C. 51 ONE HUNDREDTH REGIMENT Continued. Name and Rank. Residence Enlistm't History. PRIVATES. Merwin, Thomas E. Frankfort Aug. 7 Died at Nashville, Tennessee, July 3, 1863. Wounded at Stone river. Miller, Richard Joliet Aug. 20 Died at Nashville, Dec. 21, 1862. McDonald, John New Lenox Aug. 13 Trans, to gunboat, Jan. 30, 1868. Wounded at Stone river. McHugh, Patrick Joliet Aug. 14 M. O. June 12, 1865. Taken pris. at Chicka- mauga and taken to Belle Isle, Salsbury. McCtme, James Channahon " Died at Chattanooga, of wounds received at Chickamauga. Navil, Michael Frankfort July 6 Dis. Feb. 6, 1863. Otto, Frederick Joliet Aug. 15 Paul, Oliver Troy Aug. 10 M. O. June 12, 1865, as sergeant. Patten, Samuel Channahon Aug. 14 Dis. Dec. 22, 1862. Patterson, Harrison Jackson Aug. 11 Dis. Jan. 16, 63. Thumb shot off. Pickel, George Joliet Aug. 8 M. O. June 24, 1865, as corporal. Captured at Chickamauga and taken to Andersonv. Rants, John Channahon Aug. 14 Dis. April 1, 1863. Reed, Erastus H. Joliet Aug. 9 M. O. June 12, 1865, Rowe, Henry H. Frankfort Aug. 15 M. O. Mav 19, 1865. Kuckman, Thomas Chan u ah on Aug. 10 M. O. June 12, 1865. Russell, John " Aug. 14 it >t u Shreffler, John Joliet Aug. 11 U i. It Shreffler, Aaron 11 Aug. 15 Dis. June 7, 1865. Styles, Charles Smith, Richard F. Manhattan Joliet Aug. 14 July 13 Killed at Lovejoy's station, Ga., Sept. 5, '64. Trans, to V. R. C. March 13, 1865. Wounded at Chickamauga Smith, Hollis A. Frankfort Aug. 9 Trans, to 51st re<#. M. O. Sept. 25, 1865. Smith, Wilton J. Stolder, Henry Channaho n " Killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, 1863. Died at Murfreesboro, Jan. 22, 1863. Wound- ed at Stone river. Sutleif, George T. Teeple, George Unruh, Henry Frankfort Manhattan Frankfort Aug. 19 Aug. 8 Aug. 8 Trans, to Inv. corps, Nov. 17, 1863. M. O. May 23, 1865. Died at Bowling Green, Ky., Nov. 16, 1862. Unrnh, Sylvester D. " * Died at Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 11, 1862. Vorce, Oliver A. Homer Aug. 22 Dis. May 4, 1863. Wilcox, Amos Jackson Aug. 9 Trans, to Inv. corps, July 1, 1863, Wilkes, Thomas A. Lockport July 29 Young, Maxwell B. Frankfort Aug. 8 M. O. June 12, 1865. RECRUITS. Leaeure. Chesner Redd, William Troy Joliet Aug. 16 Aug. 22 Died at Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 23, 1863. Died at Bridgeport, Ala., Dec. 22, 1863, of wounds received at Chickamauga. COMPANY F. Sergeants. JAMES H. SISSON Orland Aug. 5 Dis. for dis. Feb. 4, 1863. ANDREW J. KETTERING Homer Aug. 12 Trans, to V. R. C. Sept. 26, 1863. DENNIS CURRAN Palos Aug. 9 Dis. for dis. Jan. 6, 1863. JEFF. HARRINGTON " Aug. 5 Died at Palos, 111., April 4, 1863. WM. D. BRECKENRIDGE Homer Aug. 8 Trans, to 51st. M. O. Sept. 25, 1865. Corporals. WM. H. JACKSON Orland July 25 M. O. June 12, 1865. AMOS M. SHAW " Aug. 6 M. O. June 24, 1865, as sergt. Missing at Franklin. JAMES GLEESON Palos Aug. 12 M. O. June 12, 1865. Wounded at Chickam'g. ELISHA H. MTRICK GEOKGE ANDRES Orland Aug. 9 Aug. 12 Color guard. Died at Mnrfreesboro, Tenn., June 5, 18bd. REUEL C. REED Homer " M. O. June 12, 1865. JAMES G. BLOUNT ' July 24 Died at Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 12, 1862. WM. BOUTON Palos Aug. 9 Died at Glaesgow, Ky., Nov. 11, 1862. PRIVATES. i Austin, James B. Homer Aug. 2 Dis. Jan. 31, 1865. Bauchman, Henry " M. O. June 12, 1865. Bandle, John M. " July^28 U >t tt Bandle, George " u tt " Bartie, John " Aug. 12 Died at Chattanooga, November 28, 1863, of wounds received at Mission Ridge. Beagley, James " " Absent. Sick at M. O. Never heard of; miss- ing. Beagley, Thorp. H M M. O. June 12, 1865. Bently, Wm. J. Palos " Dig. for dis. Feb. 25, 1863. 52 ONE HUNDREDTH REGIMENT Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Enlistm't Histor y. PRIVATES. 1862. Brodie, .Robert Palos Aug. 5 Died at Murfreesboro, April 20, 1863. Briggs, Williams Orland Aug. 7 Trans, to 51st III. M. O. Sept. 25, 1865. Brandeau, George Homer Aug. 12 M. O. June 12, 1865. Wounded at Franklin. Brahdeau,;Paul Orland H Slightly, May 26, 1864. Died at Franklin, Dec. 12, '64, of wounds. Bush, Nelson J. " July 26 Dis. for dis. March 3, 1863. Bushnell, Walter A. Palos Aug. 9 Dis. for dis. Jan. 28, 1863. Burroughs, Mark ** Aug. 12 Dis. for Dis. May 12, 1863. Bundy, George W. Orland Aug. 8 Dis. for dis. March 4, 1863. Bliss, Timothy P. " Aug. 25 Dis. for dis. Dec. 28, 1863. Blesh, Peter Palos Aug. 12 Dis. for dis. April 12, 1865. Wounded below Atlanta, Sept. 4, 1864. Campbell, Sidney S. Orland July 16 Fate unknown. Prisoner of war. Captured at Chickamauga. Calahan, Michael Homer Aug. 13 M. O. June 3, 1865. Wounded at Mission Ridge. Cap. at Peach Tree Creek, July 20, 1864. Decker, Lewis Orland July 26 Trans, to V. R. C. Dunn, Patrick Homer Aug. 8 M. O. June 13, 1865. Durres, Felix Palos Aug. 11 Killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, 1863. Fish, Daniel L. Homer Aug. 8 Dis. for dis. March 8, 1863. Flaunery, Edward Palos Aug. 12 Dis. for dis. May 22, '64. Wounded at Chick- amauga. Green, Charles H. Orland Aug. 7 M. O. June 12, 1865, as sergeant. Reported missing at Chickamauga. Grange, George " Aug. 12 M. O. June 12, 1865, as 1st sergt. Wounded at Chickamauga. Hamann, Martin Homer Aug. 2 M. O. June 12, 1865. Honestock, George A. Dupage " * " Ingraham.Jonas W. Lockport Aug. 8 1. u 11 Jackson, Francis M. Orland July 24 " " " as corporal. Jenks, Alexander B. " July 25 " " " Wounded May 15, '64. Johnson, Henry Dupage Aug. 5 Dis. for dis. Feb. 16, 1863. Kanlel. John Homer Aug. 12 Lost at Louisville. Klea, Frederick Palos " M. O. June 12, 1865. Legg, Aaron Lockport " Died at Murfreesboro, Tenn., Feb. 23, 1863. Legg, Albert " " M. O. June 12, 1865, as corporal. Leister, Wm. Palos Aug. 13 Trans, to Vet. R. C. April 28, 1864. Martin, Joseph Orland Aug. 7 Died at Nashville, Dec. 12, 1862. Mason, Hiram S. Homer July 24 M. O. June 12, 1865. Mason, Almervin, J. " July 26 Dis. for dis. Oct. 10, 1864, as corporal. Mahaffey, Wm. Palos Aug. 12 Died at Murfreesboro, Tenn., Feb. 9, 1863. Mason, Lorenzo D. Homer Aug. 7 Died at Nashville, Dec. 2, 1862. Mahaffey, James Orlaud ' Dis. for dis. Jan. 27, 1863. Mallen, John Palos Aug. 13 Dis. for wounds, June 9, 1864. Wounded at Chickam'ga. McCord, Andrew " Aug. 7 M. O. June 27, 1865, as corporal. Wounded at battle of Franklin. McClaughry, John Q. A. "i Aug. 12 Dis. for dis. Dec. 14, 1862. McClaughry, Mathew " " Dis. for dis. Oct. 15, 1863. Medworth, Robert Homer Aug. 9 M. O. May 30, 1865. Wounded at Kenesaw mountain, June 27, 1864. Mitchell, Edgar H. Orland July 23 Died at Evansville, Ind., Nov. 13, 1862. Pangborn, John Lemont Aug. 5 Trans, to Eng. corps. Pettijohn, Mark. Palos Aug. t 12 Died at Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 16, 1863. Powers, Michael. " M. O. June 12, 18(55. Wounded May 10, '64. Sappen, John Homer July 25 Dis. for dis. March 19, 1865. Scanlen, Patrick Palos Aug. 8 Killed at Chickam'ga, Sept. 19, 1863. Sippel, Wm. Orland Aug. 12 Dis for dis. May 12, 1865. Simpson, George Homer Aug. 8 Dis. for wounds, Jan. 15, 1864. Wounded at Chickamauga. Spaulding, Selah " Aug. 8 Dis: April 9, 1865, for wounds. Wounded at Stone river. Staker, Adam " Aug. 12 Dis. for dis. April 2, 1864. Sutphen, Anson Lemont Aug. 12 Died at Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 3, 1863. Taylor, John N. Orland July 30 Dis. ior dis. Feb. 1, 18b3. Treat, Sam'l I. Drumm'r Palos Aug. 9 Dis. for dis. April 10, '63. Wounded at Stone river. Underwood. George W. Homer Aug. 12 Dis. for dis. Jan. 27, 1863. Warner, Jacob Palos " M. O. June 12, 1865, as corporal. Weber, Charles Orland " .1 tt It ONE HUNDREDTH REGIMENT Continued. Name and Rank. Residence Enlistm't History. PRIVATES. Wyderman, Win. Palos 1862. M. O. June 12, 1865. Zweifel, Jacob Homer Aug. 6 Dis. for dis. March 8, 1863. Zweifel, Albert " Aug. 5 Died at Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 28, 1863. RECRUITS. Brown, Rodney A. " July 25 M. O. June 12, 1865, as sergt. Beesee, Warren Brown, Robert P. C. Dupage Bomer Aug. 5 July 25 M. O. June 12, 1865, as corporal. Died at Murfreesboro, April 18, 1863. Butcher, Joseph Joliet Aug. 12 Wounded at Chickamauga. Died at Nash- ville, Tenn., Jan. 9, 1865, of wounds rec'd in battle of Nashville. Case, Win. W. Homer July 26 M. O. June 12, 1865. Campbel], John J. Orland Aug. 7 Died at Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 16, 1863. Heatherwick, James Palos Aue. 12 M. O. June 12, 1865. Heath, Myron Homer July 26 Trans, to Eng. corps. McLaughlin, Phineas " Aug. 12 M. O. June 24, 1865. Millard, Win. Athens Aug. 5 M. O. June 10, 1865. Mason, Isaac Homer Jan. 5, '64 Trans, to 51st 111. Peake, Edward C. " Aug. 6 M. O. June 12, 1865. Potter, Wm. Lockport Trans, to 51st 111. Russel, James H. Ritchey, Riley Sego, Charles Homer Dayton July 25 Aug. 6 Mar.23,'65 M. O. June 12, 1865. Died at Cave City, Ky., Nov. 5, 1862. Trans, to 51st 111. M. O. Sept. 25, 1865. Townsend, Edward Homer Aug. 8, '62 Died at Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 16, 1863. Webster, Henry July28.'62 M. O. June 12, 1865, as corporal. Wodsworth, Augustus Aug. 13 M. O. June 12, 1865. Wounded at Stone river. White, Robert Orland July 29 M. O. June 12, 1865. Wounded June 27, '64. Young, John Palos Aug. 12 M. O. June 12, 1865. COMPANY G. Sergeants. 1862. THOMAS BLEBER Jackson July 24 1st sergt. Killed at Kenesaw mount'n, June 27,1864. AUGUSTUS H. HOWK Joliet July 15 Trans, to V. R. C. Sept. 26, 1863. BENJ. F. GRIDLEY Will Aug. 5 Died at Nashville Tenn., Nov. 26, 1862. JOHN SHOEMAKER Channahon Aug. 7 Feb. 14, 1863. Corporals. GEORGE W. HOLMBS Gr'n Gard'n Oct. 1 Sergt. Killed at Rocky Face Ridge, Ga., May 10, 1864. On roll of honor. GEO. W. TUCKER Plainfleld July 30 Dis. June 17, 1864, for wounds. Severely wounded at Chickamauga. JOSEPH A. PORTER Gr'n Gard'n Aug. 6 Dis. Aug. 24, 1863. JAMES J. HARLET Jackson July 26 Missing. Supposed killed Sept. 20, 1863, at Chickamanga. HENRY E. ADAMS Crete " 30 M. O. June 12, 1865, as sergt. ERASTUS R. HUBBARD Joliet " 21 u n n GEORGE PRICK Channahon " 29 Killed at Chickamauga, Sept 19, 1863. HENRY D. WINSLOW Jackson " 29 Dis. for dis Feb. 27, 1863. PRIVATES. Adams, Frank Crete " 30 M. O. June 21, '65. Wounded at Chickam'ga. Ashley, Augustus F. H. Joliet " 28 11 11 U Batterman, John C. Crete " 81 M. O. May 19, 1865. Severely wounded at Chickamauga; leg broken. Bunker, Wm. Channahon Aug. 9 M. O. June 12. 1865. Batse, Moses Crete Dis.Jor dis. March 27, 1863. Burgess, Thos. J. Gr'n Gard'n Aug. 6 Brandau, John W. Joliet Aug. 30 M. O. June 12, 1865. Re-enlisted in the Reg. Army, and died at Little Rock. Barse, James F. Homer Aug. 14 Dis. for dis. March 9, 1863. Bush, Mathew Gr'n Gard'n July 15 Killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, 1863. Barse, Simeon Jackson An- 8 M. O. June 12, '65. Wounded at Chickam'ga. Bush, Joshua " July 26 M. O. June 12, '65. Wounded at the battle of Franklin. Bossom, Joseph " July 15 M. O. Aug. 8, 1865. Carr, Barney Joliet July 26 Dis. for dis. Aug. 13, 1863. Chapman, James Jackson Died at Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 2, 1863. Chapman, Ira H. Crete Aug. 13 " June 2, '65. Woun- ded at Chickamauga, Mission Ridge and before Atlanta. Dodge, Enoch " July 30 M. O. June 12, '65. Wounded at Chickam'ga. M 54 ONE HUNDREDTH REGIMENT Continued. Name and Rank. Residence Enlistm't History. PRIVATES. 1862. Deal, Albert Wilmingt'n Aug. 7 Killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, 1863. Davison, George Lockport Aug. 11 Dis. for dis. June 29, 1863. Dodge, Amos Joliet Aug. 6 Trans, to Pioneer corps. Dennis, Edward Crete Aug. 9 Dis. for dis. May 27, 1865. Drout, Peter Joliet Aug. 14 M. O. June 12, '65. Wounded before Atlanta. Darling Abram R. Everhart. George Crete New Lenox Aug. 22 July 24 Abs. Sick at M. O. Wounded May 15, '64. M. O. June 24, 1865. Taken prisoner at Franklin. Fishburn, Joseph Florence Aug. 1 Dis. July 21, 1864. Fridley, John Starr'sGrov Aug. 21 M. O. June 12, 1865. Wounded June 18, '64, on Atlanta campaign. Greenlee, Joseph Channahon Aug. 7 Died at Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 15, 1862. Goodenow. Edward Monee Aug. 6 M. O. June 12, 1865. Slightly wounded on Mission Ridge. Goodenow, Decatur H. " Aug. 1 Absent. Sick at M. O. Wounded at Chicka- mauga. Holmes, Edward Crete July 26 Harder, Haman Lockport Aug. 9 M. O. June 12, 1865. Musician. Ingersoll, James H. Will Aug. 6 Died at Gallatin. Tenn., Jan. 20, 1863. Ingersoll, Andrus A. Homer Trans, to Pioneer corps. Jones, John P. Monee Aug. 12 Was prisoner. Johnston, William Joliet Aug. 5 1st sergt. Abs. Sick at M. O. Accidentally shot at Louisville and wounded at Franklin. Johnson, James H. Monee Aug. 9 M. O. June 12, 1865. Labumbard. Edward Wilmingt'n Aug. 15 Died at Gallatin, Tenn., Jan. 19, 1863. Labarson, Joseph Crete Aug. 13 Trans, to V. R. C. Jan. 9, 1865. Lafayette, Francis Monee Aug. 11 Absent. Sick at M. O. Wounded. Lost left arm at Chickamauga. Leonard, Hiram Joliet Aug. 26 M. O. June 12, 1865. Moat, Robert Manteno Aug. 22 Trans, to V. R. C. Moat, Alexander Aug. 12 M. O. June 12, 1865. Wounded and captured at Chickamauga. Mitchel',ElleryB. Mason, John C. Gr'nGarden Channahon Aug. 4 July 28 Died at Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 3, 1862. Absent. Sick at M. O. Wounded at Kene- saw, June 27, 1864. McDonald. John Jackson July 23 Dis. for dis. June 27, 1863. Nash, Cnas. A. Channahon July 24 Trans, to V. R. C. Sept. 26, 1863. Phillips, Clinton C. Monee Ang. 6 M. O. June 12, 1865. Phillips, Orson D. Joliet Aug. 14 M. O. June 12, 1865. Wounded June 1, on Atlanta campaign. Pickard, Wm. Penery, Alfred Will Jackson July 30 July 25 Died at Bowling Green, Ky., Nov. 24. 1862. M. O. June 12, 1865. Wounded and captured at battle of Franklin. Pierson, John J. " Aug. 14 Died at Murfreesboro, Tenn., March 9, 1865. Pierson, Jeptha " Aug. 1 Trans, to V. R. C. April 6, 1864. Severely wonnded at Chickamauga. Ricker, James Gr'n Gard'n Aug. 4 M. O. June 12, '65. Wounded at Miss'n Rdg. Roderick, Jacob Wilmingt'n Aug. 7 M. O. June 12, 1865. Snoad, Charles H. Manhattan July 30 M. O. June 12, 1865, as corp'l. Wounded and captured at Chickamauga. Stage, Wm. C. Channahon July 27 Dis. for dis. May 26, 1865 Savage, Edward P. Joliet Aug. 7 " Feb. 10, 1863. Shoemaker, Wm. C. Florence July 28 " Feb. 8, 1863. Spangler, Samuel Plainfleld July 28 Dis. Nov. 17 1864, for wounds. Wounded June 27, 1864. Smith, Nelson N. ffionee Aug. 17 M. O. June 12, 1865. Sullivan, Daniel >ete Aug. 22 Dis. for dis. May 6, 1864. Therin, Joseph Toliet July 26 Trans, to V. R. C. March 13, 1865. Slightly wounded on Mission Ridge. Weston, George " Aug. 4 M. O. June 12, 1865. Whitmore, Perry Will Aug ;i 6 1. tl 41 Warwick, Reuben Conee Dis. for dis. June 23, 1863. 'White, Edwin J. Gr'nGarden M Died at Gallatin, Tenn., Feb. 1, 1863. Wagner, John A. " M. O. June 12, 1865. Weidemere, Gotleib Matteson Aug. 11 Corp'l. Killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 13, '63. Color sergt. Promoted for good conduct. Wilder, Almon E. Crete Aug. 21 M. O. June 12, 1865. Whitmore, Abias Joliet July 21 RECRUITS. Dennis, Henry A. " '62 M. O. June 12, 1865, as sergt.. Greenlee, Robert T. 4t July 23 " " " 55 ONE HUNDREDTH REGIMENT Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Enlistm't History. PRIVATES. 1862. Hunt, Wm. B. Joliet Aug. 8 Absent. Sick at M. O. Severely wounded at Chickamauga. Price, Thomas " July 28 M. O. Jude 12, 1865. Severely wounded at Chickamauga. Pearson, Cyrus C. " July 27 M. O. June 12, 1865. Russell, John " Aug. 13 M. O. June 12, 1865, as sergeant. Severely wounded at Chickamauga, and at Kene- saw mountain. Rowley, Frederick Smith, Ransom M. u July 21 Aug. 22 Died at Gallatin, Tenn., Dec. 26, 1862. Absent. Sick at M. O. Wounded at Kene- saw, June 25. 1865. Shaw, Wm. " Aug. 8 M. O. June 1:4, 1865. Severely wounded at Chickamauga. Wounded June 18, 1864, on Atlanta campaign. Warren, Lewis L. " " M. O. June 12, 1865. Severely wounded at Chickamauga. White, George H. " " Corp'l. Dis. for dis. Feb. 8, 1863; died soon after. Young, Lawrence " Aug. 15 M. O. June 12, 1865. COMPANY H. Sergeants. JAMES H. SEDGWICK M M Trans, to 51st HI. M. O. June 12, 1865. WM. B. CONNOR Washingfn Aug. 14 M. O. June 12, 1865, as 1st sergt. Wounded at Chickamauga. Corporals. JOEL C. NORTON Wilton Aug. 13 Trans, to Inv. corps, June 15, 1864. JOHN S. COTTON Will Aug. 15 Captured at Chickamauga, taken to Ander- sonville, and died Aug. 30, '64. Grave 6,091. GEORGE S. CHURCH Wilton July 31 M. O. June 12, 1865, HEZEKIAH B. NICHOLS Jackson Aug. 11 ' " " as sergt. MILTON F. HAND Joliet Aug. 1 Discharged. GEO. C. MERRILL " July 25 March 20, 1863. JOHN ROBRINS Wilton Aug. 6 M. O. June 12, 1865. Taken prisoner at La- Vergne. Parolled. PRIVATES. Allbright, John Washingfn Aug. 14 Dis. June 11, 1864. Wounded at Chickam'ga. Ataway, James Jackson Aug. 6 Dis. Feb. 25, 1863. Allbright, Joseph Washingfn Aug. 14 M. O. June 12, 1865. Barr, John Barr, James Wilton JulySl Corp'l. Trans, to Inv. corps, July 31, 1863. M. 0. June 12, 1865, as corpU. Wounded at Benson, Henry Jackson Aug. 6 Mission Ridge and at Kenesaw. Died at Chattanooga, Nov. 27, '63, of wounds rec'd at Mission Ridge. Clark, Henry H. " Aug. 12 M. O. Sept. 8, 1865. Wounded on Atlanta Campaign. Two fingers amputated. Connor. John K. Washingfn Aug. 24 Dis. March 24, 1864. Connor, James g- M. O. June 12, 1865. Bruised in side, June 18, 1864. Curtis, William Jackson Aug. 12 M. O. May 30, 1865. Dye, Longimanus C. DeTheille, Henry Wilton Jackson Aug. 6 Aug. 8 Trans, to Inv. corps, Aug. 1, 1863. Died at Murfreesboro, Jan. 14, 1863. DeWater, Thomas Wilton July 31 Dis. March 24, 1863. Douglass, James T. Aug. 6 Absent. Sick at M. O. Wounded June 22, 1864, on Atlanta campaign. Doncaster, Henry Docey, Peter H. Washingfn Aug. 13 Aug. 15 Killed at Mission Ridge, Nov. 25, 1863. Died at Chattanooga, Aug. 13, '64, of wounds rec'd June 12. Arm amputated. Elwell James P. Wilton " M. O. June 12, 1865. Gent, John Peotone * Dis. April 28, 1863. Corporal. Wounded at Stone river. Gauthrop, James Wilton July 30 Died at Gallatin, Tenn., Jan. 23, 1863. Greenwood, George Aug. 6 Trans, to V. R. C. May 16, 1864. Gauthrop, Wm. " July 30 M. O. June 12, 1865. Gauthrop, Amos " ' Died at Nashville, Tenn., Nov. 27, 1862. Herringer, Barnett W. Washingfn Aug. 14 M. O. June 12, 1865. Severely wounded at Chickamauga. Hoyt, Alvah Wilton July 30 Missing at bat. of Franklin, Nov. 30, 1864. Haller, Conrad " Aug. 13 Trans, to V. R. C. May 16, 1864. 56 ONE HUNDREDTH REGIMENT Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Enlistm't History. PRIVATES. 1862. Jenks, Isaac 8. Wilton Aug. 6 Die. March 24, 1864. Severely wounded at Chickamauga. King, Henry C. Joliet Aug. 7 M. O. June 12, 1865, as corporal. Severely wounded at Chickamanga. King, Alexander Peotone Aug. 15 M. O. June 12, 1865. Wounded at Kenesaw, June 27, 1864. Kidd, John T. Joliet Aug. 22 Dis. June 13, 1863. Ladieu, James T. Wilton Aug. 14 Captured at Chickamauga, taken to Ander- Lyon, Leverett M. Morse, Wm. C. Washingt'n Jackson Aug. 19 Aug. 7 sonville, and died Aug. 18, '64. Grave 7,299. Killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, 1863. Dis. Novein. 1, 1864. Seveiely wounded at Chickamauga. Mader, Jacob Wilton Aug. 13 Trans, to Eng. corps, Aug. 18, 1864. Murry, George W. " " M. O. June 24, 1864. Taken pris. at Frank- lin. Severely wounded at Chickamauga. Wounded in foot, June 18, 1864. Mather-Stephen P. Moore, William R. u Aug. 12 Aug. 14 M. O. June 12, 1865, as wagoner. M. O. June 12, 1865, as sergt. Wounded at Stone river. Moore, Derastus T. Washingt'n Aug. 15 Died at Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 17, 1863. Se- verely wounded at Chickamauga. McBein, Andrew J. fct Aug. 19 Trans, to V. R. C. Nov. 1, 1863. Osman, Wm. E. Jr. Wilton Aug. 15 M. O. June 12, 1865, as blacksmith. Phillips, Ransom B. Homer Aug. 11 Dis. March 12, 1863, as sergt. Robbms, Ira B. Wilton July 30 Dis. Feb. 5, 1863. Robbinson, Joseph " Aug. 6 Died at Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 16, 1863. Rnssell, James D. Will Aug. 16 Dis. March 27, 1863. Sarver, John Joliet Aug. 11 Killed at Kenesaw mountain, June 27, '64. Shoemaker, John Washingt'n Aug. 1 Dis. April 2, 1864. Wounded at Stone river. Accidentally wounded at Hillsboro, Aug. 2,1863. Strunk, Wm. Wilton July 25 M. O. June 12, 1865, as corporal. Wounded at Chickamauga. Swindler, James A, ** Aug. 14 M. O. June 12, 1862. Suttee, Christian ** Aug. 13 " " " Temple, Wm. E. ' July 30 Absent. Sick at M. O. Severeiy wounded at Chickamauga, Sept 19th. Temple, Ira 41 Aug. 6 Captured. Died in Andersonville, June 9, 1B64. Grave No. 1,825. Thomas, Washington H. " Aug. 21 M. O. June 12, 1865. Severely wounded at Chickamauga. Tichenor, James H. Peotone " M. O. May 29, 1865. Tobias, Henry P. Wilton Aug. 16 Trans, to Eng. corps, Aug. 18, 1864. Young, Abas Young, Chas. E. " Aug. 6 July 30 Killed at Chickamauga Sept. 19, 1863. Trans, to Eng. Corps, Sept. 1, 1863. Takem RECRUIT. prisoner Dec. 6, 1862. Barron, George Dis. Jan. 12, 1863. COMPANY I. Sergeants. FRANK I. Goss DELEVAN FULLER Wilmingt'n July28 Died at Wesley, 111., May 3, 1864. M. O. June 12, 1865. JOHN WARD ifc Aug. 6 Dis. Feb. 3, 1863. WM. HICKS fct Aug. 7 Died at Jeffersonville, Ind., Feb. 16, 1865. CHARLES HURLEY ** July 28 Died at Nashville, Tenn., July 2, 1863. Corporals. JOHN HAYS " Aug. 9 Sergt. Wounded at Chickamauga. Died of wounds i ec'd at Peach Tree Creek, July 20, 1864. CHARLES H. PARIS " Aug. 5 Trans, to V. R. C. Oct. 29, 1863. GEORGE W. CONKLB " Aug. 1 Aug, 5, 1863. JAMES C. JOHNSON Florence Ang ;i 9 Dis. Feb. 3, 1863, as sergt. CHARLES COOPER Wilmi'gton M. O. June 12, 1865. as 1st sergt. Wounded: at Mission Ridge. PETER COONS " Aug. 3 Died at Nashville, Tenn., July 12, 1863. TIMOTHY DESMOND u Aug. 4 PRIVATES. Aldrich, Lester D. Kankakee Aug. 7 Aldrich, Simon B. Brace ville Aspinwall, Samuel Reed Aug. 9 Killed at Kenesaw, June 20, 1864. Also wounded at Chickamauga. 57 ONE HUNDREDTH REGIMENT Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Enlistm't History. PRIVATES. Augustine, John J. Brace ville. 1862. Aug. 20 Captured at Chickamauga. Died in Ander- sonville, Sept. 6, 1864. Grave No. 8,046. Brown, Henry H. Reed Aug. 5 Brown, Jonathan L. " " Dis. Sept. 14, 1863. Burns, Calderwood Wilmingt'n Aug. 7 Dip. March 13, 1863. Butler, John H. Essex Aug. 21 M. O. June 12, '65. Wounded at Chickam'ga. Case, Isaac Wilmingt'n Aug. 8 Dis. Feb. 4, 1863. Carter, Levi A. Washingt'n " Absent. Sick at M. O. Coons, Cyrus Felix. Aug. 4 M. O. May 20, 1865. Coons, Daniel Wilmingt'n " " Julv 17, 1865. 'Corcoran, John ' " Dis. April 29, 1863. Crawford, Chas. W. Florence Aug. 7 Dis. Dec. 15, 1863. Darling, Freeman " Aug. 6 Corpl. Trans, to 51st regt. M. O. June 12, '65. Decker, John J. Evans, Owen Wilmingt'n Aug. 7 Aug. 5 Died at Crawford Springs, Ga., Sept. 3, '63. M. O. June 12, 1865. Cap. at Chickamauga and taken to Andersonville. Fineran, Michael " Aug. 3 Dis. May 8, 1854. Gardner, John E. ' Aug. 7 M. O. June 12, 1865, as sergt. Grndgings, Wm. Reed Aug. 9 Died at Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 15, 1862. Hartz, Lafayette " Aug. 6 M. O. June 12, 1865. Musician. Hudson, George Wilmingt'n Aug. 9 " " " as sergeant. Slightly wounded June 22, 1864. Irish, George Jones, W. R. Wesley Essex Aug. 3 Aug. 7 Killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, 1863. Died at Danville, Va., Feb. 6, 1864. Prisoner; captured at Chickamauga. Jones, Robert N. Florence Aug ;i 11 Died at Gallatin, Tenn., Feb. 2, 1863. Kastner, Alvis Wesley M. O. June 12, 1865. Taken pris. at Franklin. Kelly, Francis P. Florence Aug. 5 Killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, 1863. Klegner (or Keigner) Jno. Kinnev. James Wilmingt'n Aug. 21 Aug. 9 Died at Wilmington, 111., Nov. 3, 1862. M. O. June 12, 1865. Wounded at Mission Ridge. Krouskup. John Wesley Aug. 7 Dis. Sept. 19, 1863. Laird, James Wilmingt'n Aug. 5 Died at Nashville, Nov. 29, 1862. Lee, William " Aug. 4 M. O. June 12, 1865. Martin, Charles Kankakee Aug. 7 Trans, to V. R. C. Sept. 3, 1863. Mahony, John Wilmingt'n Aug. 9 Trans, to 51st HI. Wounded at Chickam'ga. McCourtey, Alonzo Reed Aug. 6 McDonald^ James Felix. Aug. 7 Trans, to V. R. C. Jan. 16. 1864. McGee, Michael Wilm'ngt'n Aug. 11 Mclntosh, John " Aug. 2 Died at Nashville, Feb. 26, 63. Miller. Thos. Reed Aug. 16 M. O. June 12, 1865. Morgan, Erie F. Wesley Aug. 7 Dis. Oct. 31, 1862. Musician. Nobles, Henry C. Wilmingt'n Capt'd at Chickamauga. Died at Wilming- ton, N. C., March 5, 1865. O'Keef, John it Trans to 51st regt. M. O. Sept. 25, 1865. O'Leary, Jeremiah Wilmingt'n Aug. 3 Dis. May 8, '64. Sev. wounded at Chickam'g. Parkinson. Henry fct Aug. 4 M. O. June 12, '65. " " Phelps, Henry H. " Aug. 8 Trans, to Eng. corps, Aug. 16, 1864. Randall, Seneca Brace ville Aug. 7 M. O. June 12, 1865, as corporal. Price, Levi C. Rockville Aug. 9 Died of wounds rec'd at Chickamauga. Robson, John Wilmingt'n Captured. Absent. Sick at M. O. Hobson, Thos. " Aug. 7 Died Aug. 23, 1864. Shenk, John Reed Aug. 25 M. O. June 12, 1865. Smith, Charles Wil mi'gton " n n " Smith, Dennis Aug. 6 " " " Wounded at Stone river. Smith. Warner Reed Aug. 11 Trans, to Eng. corps, Aug. 16, 1864. ISpicer, Harvey Aug. 6 Dis. March 9, 1863. 'Stines. Frederick Felix. Aug. 14 M. O. June 12, 1865, as corporal. Story, James Wilmingt'o Aug. 20 Trans, to V. R. C. Jan. 16, 1865, Stonerock, William Florence Aug. 6 Severely wounded at Chickamauga. Stuck. John Aug. 20 Taylor, Martin L. Wilmingt'n Aug.^ 9 M. O. June 12, 1865. Tetlow, Thomas Felix Trans, to V. R. C. Tidball, James Reed " Dis. May 7, 1864. Wounded at Stone river. Wade, John Wilmingt'n Aug. 7 Dis. Feb. 1, 1863. Ward, James Reed Aug. 9 Trans, to V. R. C. Sept. 30, 1863. Wise, James Felix Aug. 5 Dis. June 13, 63. Wilenow, John F. Wood, Charles Wilmingt'n Aug. 9 Aug. 7 Dis. July 2, 1863. Trans, to V. R. C. Jan. 16, 1864. Wright, Samuel " Aug. 9 Dis. Feb. 3, 1863. Wallis. Wm. " Aug. 5 Dis. March 25. 1865. 15 58 ONE HUNDREDTH REGIMENT Continued. Name and Rank. lesidence. nlistm't History. COMPANY K. 1862. Sergeants. JAMES N. SHANNON "rankfort July 30 VI. O. May 22, 1865, as 1st sergt. VICTOR G. PUTNAM roliet Aug. 6 Dis. March 26, 1865. MARVIN C. HARRIDBN Sr'nGarden " 15 Dis. Jan. 9, 1863. EDWARD S. MINER Joliet " 9 Killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, 1863. Corporals. BBNJ. F. LONG Frankfort " 7 Died at Louisville, Ky., Jan. 23, 1863. ALBERT E. DEVEREAUX 3r'n Gard'n " 15 Died at Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 19, 1863. HENRY WM. MORFORT Joliet ' 14 Killed at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, 1863. ABNER J. PERINOTON " ' 8 Dis. for dis. April 10, 1865. Wounded at Chickamauga, BENJ. P. BOWEN Gr'nQarden ' 1 Trans, to V. R. C. Jan. 5, 1864. ALFRED D. ANDREWS Joliet ' 28 Dis. March 24, 1863. JOHN DAVIS Wheatland ' 15 Dis. July 21, 1863. PHILIP BOLANDER tfonee ' 10 Sergt. Died at Quincy, 111., March 29, 1865. PRIVATES. " 5 Adkins, Geo. H. Joliet ' 8 Killed at Stone river, Jan. 2, 1863. Braden, Walter " " 12 Dis. March 27, 1863. Blanc-hard, Jonathan D. Gr'n Gard'n " 15 Died at Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 21, 1863. Barr, Richard L. 12-m. Grove " 10 Died at Bowling Green, Ky., Nov. 13, 1863. Bailey, William Joliet July 30 Dis. Feb. 19, 1863. Brown, Warren H. " Aug.14 M. O. June 12. 1885. Brown, Newton L. Gr'n Gard'n ~ 22 Trans, to V. R. C. Aug. 1, 1863. Churchill, Orson *' " 13 Died at Nashville, Tenn., April 5, 1864. Coplantz, James P. Joliet " 15 Trans, to V. R. C. Jan. 28, 1865. Wounded at Peach Tree Creek' July 20, 1864. Davis, Meriden W. Wheatland " 5 Ace. killed by falling of a tree, Jan. 28, 1863. Davis, Amos B. Elderkin, David C. Jackson " 6 " 15 Silled at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, 1883. Hissing. Wounded at Stone river. Foard, Charles W. Joliet " 23 Absent. Sick at M. O. Farwell, Cromwell Mokena " 9 Died at Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 5, 1863. Fitzpatrick, John Gouland, Francis Joliet 12-m. Grove " 9 " 13 Ace. killed by falling of tree, Jan. 28, 1863. Trans, to Eng. corps, Aug. 8, 1864. Green, John Joliet " 22 Dis. Feb. 14, 1863. Greenman, Giles L. 13-m. Grove July 23 Killed at Stone river, Dec. 31, 1862. Green, Francis Joliet Aug. 2 M. O. June 12, 1865. Wounded at Chicka- manga and at Franklin. Hardy, Albert Frankfort " 7 M. O. June 12, 1865. Haradon, Samuel Gr'n Gard'n " 9 M. O. June 12, '65. Wounded at Stone river. Haradon, Charles " Aug. 10 Dis. Feb. 21, 1863. Haradon. Noel " " 15 Trans, to V. R. C. Aug. 1, 1863. Wounded at Stone river. Haradon, Simon " " 22 Dis. April 18, 1863. Haradon, Albert " " 15 Died at Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 1, 1863. Haradon, Eli " " 7 Dis. April 10, 1863. Severely wounded at Stone river, Dec. 31, 1862. Hudson, Charles B. " " 9 M. O. June 12, 1865, Herpsberger, Benj. 12-m. Grove " 14 Absent. Sick at M. O. Heart, J. W. Joliet July 28 Died at Nashville, Tenn., Jan. 10, 1863. Johnson, Andrew " Aug. 22 Trans, to V. R. C. Aug. 1, 1863. King, Wm. M. " July 30 M. O. June 12, 1865, as musician. Captured at Chickamauga and taken to Andersonv. McGuire, Thomas ** Aug. 13 Missing. Munday, Wm. " 9 Dis. for dis. May 26, 1865. Wounded at Stone river and at Chickamauga. Mory, John B. " ' 15 Killed at at Chickamauga, Sept. 19, 1863. McCanna, George 12-m. Grove " 22 Absent. Sick at M. O. Morse, Adams P. Joliet ' 9 Dis. April 3, 1863. Died soon after. McGoveny, Elisha Mokena " 11 M. O. June 12, 1865. Noble, Theodore Joliet ' 14 " " " Nolen, James " " 15 Overnan, Wm. " " 9 Dis. Aug. 29, 1863. Pile, Alfred " " 2 Dis. Jan. 26, 1863. Page, Ephraim E. 12-m. Grove " 22 Absent. Sick at M. O. Ouackenbos, Calvin " " 21 Dis. Jan. 30, 1863. Wounded at Stone river. Rudd, Erastus Gr'n Gard'n " 15 Wounded at Stone river. Captu'd at Chicka- . mauga. Died in Andersonville, Sept. 2;. 1864. Grave No. 303. 59 ONE 'HUNDREDTH REGIMENT Concluded. ' Name and Rank. Residence . Enlistm't History. PRIVATES. 1862. Reed, Alonzo Joliet Aug. 21 M. O. June 12, 1865, as sergt. Wounded at Mission Ridge. Rndsill, Henry C. " 15 M. O. June 12. 1865, as musician. Randal, James H. ' 2:i Siiyder, Memutt C. July 28 M. O. June 12, 1865. Wounded at Chicka- mauga, and June 18, 1864. Sergent, Seth Sloan, Joseph Aug. 2 15 Dis. Feb. 2, 1863. Dis. for dis. Feb. 18, 1865. Leg broke at Chickauiauga. Tanner Lisle M " i M. O. May 16, 1885. Wilham, Christopher Monee " 15 M. O. June 12, 1865, as sergt. Winslow, Richard 12 M. Grove " 5 Trans, to Eng. Corps, June 30, 1864. White, Dennis Joliet " 11 Dis. March 26, 1865. Wounded June 15, near Kenesaw mountain. Ward, John u " .11 Corp'l. Trans, to V. R. C. July 1, 1863. World, Newton, recruit Died at Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 24, 1863. ONE HUNDRED AND FOURTH REGIMENT, Three Years' Service. COMPANY A. 1st Lieutenant. SIDMEY V. ARNOLD. Ferguson, Amos recruit Lockport Joliet Aug. 15,62 Sep 23, '64 As corporal of Co. A. Prom. 1st lieut. Sept. 29, 1864. M. O. June 6, 1865. M. O. June 6, 1865. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTH REGIMENT. Three Years' Service. Assistant Surgeon. GEORGE W. BEGGSJ 3d Lieut. Co. D. GEOBGE BROWN PRIVATES Co. B. Mayers, Henry. Pratt, Lorenzo Strong, Robert H. Smith, Chancy G. Cry, David Co. D. Plainfield Dnpage Wheatland Dupage Wheatland Oct. 8, '62 Aug. 11,62 Aug. 4, '62 Aug. 5, '62 Aug. 3,'62 Aug. 9,'62 Aug. 14,62 As 2d assistant. Promoted 1st assistant, June 2, 1864. M. O. June 7, 1865. Prom, sergt. Prom. 2d lieut., June 7, 1865. M. O. June 7, 1865. M. O. June 7, 1865. Dis. for dis. April 6, 1863. M. O. June 7, 1865. Dis. for dis. Dec. 20, 1863. M. O. June 7, 1865, as corporal. ONE HUNDREDTH AND ELEVENTH REGIMENT. Three Years' Service. Haven, Fred'k, Co. A Gr. Garden. May 7, '65 Trans, to 48th regt. M. O. Aug. 15, 1865. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTEENTH REGIMENT. Three Years' Service. 1st Lieutenant. DAN'L FEUGUSON Co. A. RECRUITS. Ferguson, Alexander Ledyard, Thos. C. Barto, Fred'k, Co. A Holmes, (or Homes) Jos^ eph H. Co.C Goslain, John B. Co. D Richards, Edwin C. Co.K Ward, Nelson A. Co. K Channahon Tracy Crete Joliet Crete Joliet July 2, '62 Aug. 12,62 " 8,62 Dec. 28,63 Jan. 28,64 Dec. 29,63 Aug. 9,62 Dec.29,'63 Prom. 2d lieut., Oct. 1, 62. Prom. 1st lieut, Jan. 22. 1863. Hon. dis. Sept. 3, '63. Lost a leg Jan. 12, 1863, at Arkansas Post. M. O. June 14, 1863. Was detailed as capt'n in a negro regt. at Memphis. Died at Vickeburg, July 25, 1863. Dis. for dis. Feb. 8, 1865. Dis. Julv 24, 1865. Transferred to 120th regt. Trans, to 120th M. O., Sept. 10, 1865. Corp. died at Young's Point, March 15. 1863. M. O. May 28, 1865. 60 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTEENTH REGIMENT. Three Years' Service. Name and Rank. Residence Enlistm 1 ! History. Pixley, Isaac, rec. Co. C Monee Mar.13,'65 Trans, to 21st regt. M. O., Dec. 16, 1865. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FOURTH REGIMENT. Three Years' Service. COMPANY E. Coi poral. JOHN FAIBWEATHEB PRIVATES. Lantz, Jacob L. Matter, Abram McGlaughlin, Neil Yaggey, Job H. Burnham, Oscar, recruit jjidston, John Rice, Alphonso, Co. H Wheatland Aug. 15'62 Aug. 14,62 Aug. 15,62 Aug. 13,62 Aug. 7, '62 Dis. Aug. 14, 1863, for promotion in 1st U. S. C. H.. Art, Trans, to V. R. C., Oct. 24, 1863. Dis. for dis. Sept. 11, 1863. M. O. Aug. 15, 1865. M. O. Aug. 15, 1865,as corporal. Dis. Aug. 31, 1863. Died ot wounds May 18, 1863. Killed at Champion Hills May 16, 1863. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SEVENTH HEGIMENT. Three Years' Service. Cross, Paul, Co. A PRIVATES Co. G. Booth, George Baker, Jacob Bruhl, Henry Caffrey. Thomas Davison, Charles Wheatland Frankfort Aug. 9,'62 Aug. 18,62 Dis. Feb. 12, 1863. Trans, to 128th regt. M. O. June 5 1865. Dis. for dis. Jan. 28, '64, wounded in a battery at Champion Hills. Died on steamer R. C. Wood, Aug. 18 M. O. June 5, 1865, as sergt. taking ,1863. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-NINTH REGIMENT Three Years' Service. COMPANY B. Cann, John Lore, Robert C. Lewis, Henry A. Kundt, Fred k, recr Rusher, Frank, " Joliet Wilmi'gton Aug. 16,62 Aag. 11,62 Aug. 14,62 Jan.24,'64 Jan.26,'64 Dis. Feb. 11. 1865, for wounds. M. O. June 8, '65. Absent wounded at M. O. Died at Chattanooga Sept. 10, '64. Trans, to 16th 111. In., organized July 8, '65. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-SECOND REGIMENT. One Hundred Days' Service. COMPANY C. Sergeant. 1864. L. B. PASONS Wheatland May 10 M. O. Oct. 17, 1864. Corporal. H. W. YOUNG Plainfield Same. Musician. JACOB SENCENBAUGH " Mayir ISame. PRIVATES. Clay, Levi D. " May 14 Same. Dice, Hiram Joliet May 17 Same. Forsyth, John A. Plainfleld May 14 Same. Fry, Samuel Grimwood, Wm. H. May t 17 Same. Same. Rath burn, A. O. " May 14 Same. Ransom, N. W. Tobias, B. Franklin " May 17 May 14 Same. Same. Tobias, Geo. W. " " Same. Tobias, John I. " May 31 Same. 61 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-SECOND REGIM ENT Continued. One Hundred Days' Service. Name and Rank. Residence Enlistm't History. PRIVATES. 1864 "Wood, Edwin B. Plainfield May 19 M. 0. Oct 17, 1864. Wrigley, John H. " ' May 6 Same. COMPANY H. Converse, George Lockport May 20 Same. Johnson, William " May 9 Same. Rowe, Lewis " May 25 Same. Sly, Winfield S " May 23 Same. COMPANY I. Deebridge, Chancey I. Edgerly, Francis W. Crete May 26 May 26 Same. Same. Hewes, Henry I. " May 21 Same. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-FOURTH REGIMENT. SURGEON. WILLIS DANFORTH. Joliet May 31 M. O. Oct. 25, 1864. PRIVATES. Butler, David Co. B. Partelow, Geo. W. Co. F. Wilmingt'n Joliet May 18 May 4 Same. Same. Wyatt, John A. Co. F. " May 17 Same. Corporal. JOHN FINNEY, Co K. " May 3 Same. Mathews, C. pri. Co. K. " May 13 Same. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT. One Hundred Day Men. 1st Lieutenant Co. F. 1864 SAMUEL COLL Joliet June 21 M. O. Oct. 14, 1864. 1st Lieutenant Co. G. ERASTUS W. WILLARD Wilmingt'n June 21 Same. COMPANY F. Wagoner. LEO SHAFFER Joliet May 17 Same. PRIVATES. Blumenshine, Christ. M May 12 Same. Folk, Julius F. Goodwin, Edwin H May 15 May 20 Same. Same. Kurkump, Henry M May 23 Same. Lyon. Edward Marshall. Griffin New Lenox May 20 May 14 Same. Same. Mauzey, Edward Joliet May 12 Same. Moore, Joseph " May 7 Same. Powles, Joseph " May 28 Same. Watson, Chas. " May 2 Dis. Aug. 31, '64, to re-enlist. Wyatt, George " May 2 Dis. Sept. 1, '64, to re-enlist. Worthins;ham, Jacob B. H May 1 M. O. Oct. 14, '64. Wilson, Chas. " June 1 Dis. Sept 1, '64, to re-enlist. COMPANY G. Sergeants. THOMAS CONLEY JOHN WORTHY Wilmingt'n May 17 May 23 M. O. Oct. 14, i864. Same. Corporals. WM. SHINK u May 17 Same. MICHAEL FLETCHER " May 17 Same. THOS. S. MdNTOSH " May 17 Same. PRIVATES. Atkins, Warren C. " May 18 M. O. Oct. 14, 1865. Beckman, Heinrich June 1 62 ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-EIGHTH REGIMENT Continued. One Hundred Day Men. Name and Rank. Residence. Enlietm't History. PRIVATES. Co. G. 1864. Doran, John Wilmingt'n May 19 M. O. Oct. 14, 1864. Doran. Daniel F. " May 19 Same. Qavican, John " May 26 Same. Greattrax, Platt " May 31 jSame. Harrep, Joseph " May 24 Same. Mahoney, Jeremiah " May 18 Same. Morrison, Wm M. " May 18 Same. Monteith, Lewis J. " May 27 Same. Roberts, Henry N. " May 18 Same. Spnrr, Rufus " May 31 Same. Scott, Robert " May 30 Same. Shoemaker, Frank " May 27 Same. Slater, Darwin " May 17 Same. Stewart, Peter " May 21 Same. ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-SIXTH REGIMENT. One Year Service. Quaitermastej. FLETCHER D. WOOD 1st Lieutenant Co. I. PHILIP SMITH Joliet Sept. 19 Sept. 19 As 2d lieut. Co. I. Prom. Q. M. May 8, 1865. M. O. July 8, '66. Dis. June 14, 1856. Q. M. Sergt. GBO. W. WOODHOUSK Plainfleld Aug. 30 M. O. July 8, '65. PRIVATES. Holden, Dexter S. Co. C Joliet Sept. 1 Same. Hate, Martin B. Co. D " Sept. 5 Same. COMPANY K. JAMES ALLEN, corp. Wheatland Sept. 13 M. O. July 8, '65, as 1st sergt. PRIVATES. Allen, Fiancis 1 " M. O. July 8, 1865. Burnett, James A. i " Same. Jones, John > " Same. Keef, Dennis ' " Same. Malcomb, John ' " Same. ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT. One Year's Service. Captain. 1863. MATTHEW W. BORLAND Joliet Feb, 18 M. 0. Jan. 24, 1866. COMPANY D. PRIVATES. Cramer, Stephen Channahon Feb. 10 M. O. Jan. 20, 1866. Jennings. Henry Plainfleld Feb. 14 Same. Shead, Alfred Hadley Jan. 31 Same. Schneider, David Plainfield Feb. 14 Died at Nashville, Tenn., May 31, '65. VanRiper, Abraham Lockport Feb. 11 M. O. May 15, 1865. Way, Geo. Hadley Feb. 1 M. O. Jan. 20, 1866. Seyler, Wm. L. Co. F Taylor, Alex. Co. G Joliet Plainfleld Feb. 7 iDied atResacca, Ga., June 8, '65. Feb. 11 IM. O. July 29, 1865. Sullivan. Daniel, Co. K Joliet [Feb. 3 iDied at Dalton, Ga., May 30, '65. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT. One Year's Service. COMPANY E. 1865. PRIVATES. Bailey. St. Ledger Croeg, Charles C. Wilmingt'n iPeotone Feb. 21 Feb. 9 M. O. Sept. 21. 1865. Abs. at M. O. 63 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-THIRD REGIMENT Continued. One Year's Service. Name and Bank. Residence. Enlistm't History. PRIVATES. 1865. Connor, Caleb M. Wilmington Feb. 16 M. O. Sept. 21, 1866. Connor, Wm. H. New Lenox " Same. Grey, John W. Kraraer, Frederick Wilm'ngt'n New Lenox u M. O. Sept. 21, 1868. Ryan, John T. Plainfield Feb. 13 Same. Shigley, Ephraim C. New Lenox Feb. 16 Same. PRIVATES Co. H. , Cleveland, Watson A. Frankfort Feb. 14 Same. Farnsworth, Frank Feb. 14 M. O. July 14, 1865. Ivers, Thompson Feb. 14 M. O. Sept. 21, 1865. Leffler, Wardell M. Feb. 13 Same. Leffler, Wm. Feb. 14 Same, Mettler, Jasper Feb. 13 Same. Mettler, Wm. H. Feb. 13 Same. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-SIXTH REGIMENT. One Year's Service. COMPANY A. Sergeant. 1865. WILLIAM REX Sew Lenox Feb. 15 M. O. Sept. 20, 1835. Corporals. JOHN LYNCH Washingt'n " Same. JOHN L. HORTON Thannanon " Same. WILLIAM C. LYNN Sew Lenox " Same. WILLIAM A. HILL Washingt'n Musician. Jeremiah B. Van Riper Channahon Feb. 24 Absent. Sick at M. O. Dan'l J. Wilson wagon'r Plainfleld " M. O. Aug. 25, 1865. PRIVATES. Andre, Albert Peotone Feb. 17 M. O. Sept. 20, 1865. Bradshaw, Charles Jhannahou Mar. 1 Same. Beales, Samuel S. Peotone Feb. 14 Same. Beale, William S. New Lenox Feb. 13 M. O. Sept. 19, 1865. Burton, John M. Jackson Mar. 2 M. O. Sept. 20, 1865. Conklin, Thomas. Channahon Mar. 1 M. O. Aug. 25, 1865. Cox, Albin J. Plainfleld Feb. 15 M. O. Sept. 20, 1865. Betes, George M. Dupage Mar. 1 Same. Goodspeed, Henry Peotone Feb. 17 Same. Haggin, James HID, Martin Dupage Washmgt'n Mar. 1 Feb. 15 Same. Hicks, Timothy Channahon " M. O. Sept. 20, 1865. Hill, John Washingt'n " Absent. Sick at M. O. Hicks, Manly Channahon " M- O. Sept. 20, 1865. Jonee>, Jonas M. Plainfleld " Same. La Fountain, Eugene New Lenox " Same. Miller, Jacob A. Washington " Absent. Sick at M. O. Moodey, William M. Plainfield " M. 0. Sept. 20, 1865. Mast, Henry Washingt'n " Absent. Sick at M. O. Noah, Peter New Lenox Feb. 18 M. O. Sept. 15, 1865. Swanck, Daniel C. Plaintield Feb. 15 Absent. Sick at M. O. Wainwriaht, George Jackson Feb. 14 M. O. Sept. 20, 1865. Wainwright, John Peotone " Same. Whitmore, Edward Channahon Feb. 15 Same. Ganshart. David Co. D Wheatland Feb. 25 Same. Schmidt, Fred'k Co. D " Same. Williams, Wm. Co. E Wilmingt'n Mar. 1 Same. SECOND CAVALRY REGIMENT Three Years' Service. RECRUIT Co. A. Myers. Wm. R. Joliet Dec. 21,63 Trans, to Co. E. con. M. O. Aug. 20, '65. 64 THIRD CAVALRY CONSOLIDATED. Name and Rank. Residence. Enlistm't History. RECRUITS Co. A. 1865. Howe, Clark Joliet Feb. 1 M. O. Oct. 10, '65. Hartwell, Wm. E. Homer Jan. 16 Died at Eastport, Miss. May 5, '65. Myers, Richd. or Joseph Joliet Jan. 17 M. O. Oct. 10, 1 65. Wells, Marcellus Homer Jan. 16 M. O. July 12, '65. West. Wm. H. <* Same. RECRUITS Co. B. Scott, Wm. Joliet Jan. 23 Scott, Henry w RECRUITS Co. Q. Johnson, Wm. A. New Lenox Feb. 16 M. O. July 19, 1 65. Johnson, George T. " Drowned Aug. 11, 65. Johnson, Joseph W. Wilmingt'n " Scott, David W. D up age Feb. 3 M. 0. Oct. 10, '65. Sulson, Joseph A. Wilmingt'n Feb. 16 Died at Eastport, Miss. May 3, '65. PRIVATES Co. H. Bereer, Charles Monee Feb. 28 Died at Fort Snelling, Miss. June 23, '63. Keaker, Henry ifc u M. O. Oct. 1, '65. COMPANY I. GEO. W. lNGERSOLL,COrp. Will Same. Bankum, Isaiah Wilton Mar. 23 Mathews, Lorenzo Co. K Monee Mar. 8 M. O. Oct. 10, '65. FOURTH (DICKEY'S) CAVALRY, Three Years' Service. Name and Rank. Residence Enlistm't History. Captain Co. D. 1861. JOHN H. FELTER IBA W. SMITH. Lockport Aug. 27 Aug. 3 Resigned Aug. 8, '63. As. 1st Ser. Promoted 2nd Lieut. April 24, '62. Promoted captain Aug. 8, 62. Trans, to Co. E. Con. Trans, to Co. M. 12th cav. 1st Lieut. Co. D. Con. Resigned Dec. 1, '65. SACIA F. TAYLOR Lockport Aug. 30 As. Sergt. Co. D. Promoted 1st Lieut. March 15. '64. Transferred to Co. D. Consol. Trans, to Co. M., 12th cav. Consol. M. 2d Lieut. Co. D. O. May 29, '66. Wounded. ELI C. SHEAFEH Lockport Aug. 27 Resigned April 24, 1862. Sergt. Major. ORIN MOON " Sept. 16 As private. Promoted Sergeant-Major. M. O. for promotion as Lieut, in 6th U. S. Col. Q. M. Sergt. Art. THOS. W. FERREE Joliet COMPANY A. Walker, Fred'k K. priv. Wilmingt n Aug. 24 Vet. prom. 1st Sergt. Trans, to Co. E. Con. Trans, to Co. M.. 12 Cav. Q. M. S. Mead, Solon S. recr. Joliet Dec.2,'63 Trans, to E. Con. Trans, to M. 12 Cav. Mead, Bernard V. " Sept.21,61 Vet. Trans to E. Con. Trans, to M. 12 Con. M. O. Sergeant. Cheney, Wm. priv. Co. B Lockport Sept. 3 M. O. Nov. 31, '64. COMPANY C. PRIVATES. Belfield, Charles Burns, John S. Will Manhattan Oct. 15 Oct. 29 Dis. for Dis. April *), '62. Died at Mound City, March 10, '62. Cooper, Marion Florence " Trans, to D. Con. Was pris. of war and wounded. Hatch, Columbus Homer Oct. 16 Dis. for Dis. Sept, 30 1862. Heath, Chandler Plainfleld Sept. 18 Vet. Trans, to D. Con. As. Corp. Trans, to 12th Cav. M. O. Sergt. Massey. John Matthews, James S. Will Joliet Sept. 2 Oct. 7 M. O. Nov. 3, '64. As. Corp. Was prisoner. Prom. Corp. Prom. 2nd Lieut, in 1st Miss. Cav. Promoted 1st Lieut. Served on staff of Gen. Osband, and as Provost Marshall of freedmen. Matthews, Chas . Joliet Oct. 7 Dis. for dis. July 5, '62. 65 FOURTH CAVALRY Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Enlistm't History. PRIVATES. Paxon, Robert 'lainfleld 1861. Oct. 7 Ryan, Ervin 'oliet Sept. 1 Trans, to D. Con. Seely. Jonas M Oct. 29 M. O. Nov. 3, 1864, 1st Sergt. Smith, George N. Wilton Aug. 23 Trans, to D. Con. Com. Sergt. Was pris. of war. Stark, John Marshal Oct, 28 M. O. July 17, 1865; was pris. Weaver, John Hines, Jacob, recruit rtokena )upage Sept. 12 Aug. 15 Died while prisoner at Richmond. Trans, to D. Con. And to 12th Cav. M. O. COMPANYD. May 29, 1866. Q. M. Sergeant. WM. COWDRY Will Co. July 15 Dis. for dis. April 5, 1862. Sergeants. GEORGE SAYERS " Aug. 2 M- O. Nov. 3, 1864. Wounded, lost an eye by accident. PHIL? WOLFSBERGEB " Sept. 2 Prom, in 1st Miss. Cav. Corporals. BARNEY S. BRIGGS " Sept. 5 Sergt. Promoted Major in 6th Tenn. Cav. Wounded at Shiloh. EMMER S. MC!NTER Joliet Aug. 8 M. O. Nov. 3, '64, as Sergeant. HIRAM B. KENNISTON Fackson Aug. 23 Dis. for dis. June 18, 1862. WM. HYLAND 11 Sept. 4 Sergt. Prom. Capt. in 1st Miss. Col. Cav. WM. F. HILLS VIokeua Aug. 25 Trans, to C. M. O. Nov. 3, '64. WM. GAMIL '* Sept. 16 Dis. for dis. Jan. 18, 1862. BENJ. F. MEETCH " Sept. 3 M. O. Nov. 3, '64, as Sergeant. JOHN AMES " Sept. 8 Buglers. FRANK CALAIS TroyJ Sept, 12 Corporal. Dis. for prom, in 1st Miss. Col. Cav. Oct. 9, '62. M. O. Aug., 1865. Wound- ed near Oxford. JOHN SHAW " Sept. 26 Dis. for dia. July 12, 1862. Saddler. JAMES MCGREGOR Lockport " M. O. Nov. 3, 1864. Blacksmith. PHILIP MAAS Joliet Aug. 27 Vet. Trans, to E. Con. Trans, to M., 12th PRIVATES. Cav. M. O. May 29, '66. Avery, Frank H. Wilton Aug. 24 Trans, to C. M. O. Nov. 3, '64. Avery, John " Aug. 29 Trans, to C. M. O. Nov. 3 1864, as Sergt. Arnold, John Lockport Sept. 7 Captured at Collierville, Miss. Dis. for dis. Aug. 1, 1842. Enlisted in C. M. Battery. Abrams, Henry E. Joliet Aug. 25 Trans, to C. M. O. Nov. 3, 64, as Sergt. Benner, Henry E. " Aug. 19 Same. Captured near Colliersville. Brinkman, Jo'hn " Aug 25 Dis. in 1862. Brown, ZenoC. Will Co. Sept. 17 Trans, to K. Dis. for dis. Sep. 20, 1862. Baer, Reuben B. M Sept, 18 Dis. for dis. June 18th, 1862. Became lieut. col, of some regt. Beebe, Daniel L. M " M. O. Nov. 3, 1864, as sergt. Carr-, Wilson G. " Oct. 12 Same. Carr, Albert A. " Sept. 12 Dis. for dis. April 28, 1862. Wnd. at Shiloh. Crawford, Henry " Aug. 16 Same. Davidson, James Wheatland Sept. 6 M. O. July 17, '65, as sergt. Was prisoner. Downer, John E. Will Co. Aug. 19 Dis. for dis. Apr, 28, '62. Decker, David H. " Aug. 7 Same. Deahl, Jacob " Aug. 8 M. O. Nov. 3, 1864. Wounded. Dodge, Enos P. " Aug. 15 Died at Bolivar, Tenn., August 14th, 1862, of - wounds. Wounded in skirmish. Emery. Andrew " Aug. 12 Sergt. Prom, in 1st Miss, col'd cav. Wnd'd three times. Everett, Moses P. " Aug. 14 M. O. Nov. 3, 1884. Eib, James 12-m. Grove Sept. 3 Traus. to C. M. O. Nov. 3, '64. Felker, John O. Will Co. Aug. 15 Dis. for dis. April 28, 1862. Gauthrop, Henry " Sept. 10 M. O. Nov. 3, 1864, as Corp. Grant. Wm. Gay, John R. u Sept, 13 Aug. 30 Same. Wounded twice Green, Gilbert " Sept. 10 Dis. for dis. April 5, 1863. Hart, Owen " Sept. 17 M. O. Nov. 3, 1864, wounded. Herald, John " Sept. 13 Same. Hall, Leland 11 Prom, in 1st Miss, col'd cav. Hartless, Thos. " Sept. 16 M. O. Nov. 3, 1864. Hunt, Samuel S, " Kenniston, Simeon G. M Sept. 7 Same. Wounded. Kassabaum, William Kraft, Henry Aug. 18 Aug. 28 Dis. for dis. April 28, 1862. Same. Died of dis. contracted in service. 17 66 FOURTH CAVALRY-Cbr^mwed. Name and Bank. Residence. Enlistm't History. Kelly, Michael Will Co. 1861. Sept. 16 Ois. to enter naval service, W'nd'd in N. S. Lieh, A. " Sept. 14 Died at Vicksburg Feb. 11, 1864. Matthews, Edward C. 11 Oct. 14 M. 0. Nov. 3, 1864. Matthews, John " Sept. 16 Same. Matthews, Edward Wheatland Dis. for dis. Aug. 18, 1862. Melvin, Edgar Will Co. Aug. 20 Died at Savannah, Tenn., Mar. 21, 1862. Mather, John R. " Aug. 27 M. O. Nov. 3, 1864. Absent wounded. McDermett, Wm. " Aug. 29 " " " " Maloy, Michael " Sept. 4 Same. Wounded twice. Marigold, Francis u Sept. 11 Dis. for dis. June 5. '63. Mather, James I. Wheatland Oct. 9 Dis. for dis. June 24th, 1863. Wounded at Shiloh. Mather, Reuben Nicholas, Joseph H. Will Co. July 7 Died at Vicksburg, Aug. 3, '63. Dis. for dis. Aug. 18, 1862. O'Harra, Michael " Aug. 30 M. O. Nov. 16, 1864, was a prisoner. O'Herrin, Joseph M Sept. 6 M. O. Jan. 9, 1865, was a prisoner. Potter, Andrew Q. Plainfleld Sept. 16 Trans, to C. M. O. Nov. 3, 1864. Pearsons, Charles H. Will Co. Aug 27 Dis. for dis. Apr. 28, 1862. Payfair, Joseph Rutherforth, Wm. H. Joliet Sept 19 Sept. 3 M. O. Nov. 3, 1864, as sergt, Richter, James S. Lockport Aug. 16 " as corpl. Was prisoner and escaped. Richter John W. M M. O. Nov. 3, 1864, as corpl. Wounded. Reynolds, Moses S. Aug. 2 Dis. to enter naval service. Randall, Joseph R Channahon Sept. 12 Sergt. Prom, in 1st Miss. col. cav. Lieut., and prom, captain. Randall, Oscar T. " " 16 M. O. Nov. 3, 1864, as 1st Sergt. Wounded Dec. '63. Robbins, David S. 12 M. Grove " 18 Dis. for dis. June 18, 1862. Stoker, Andrew Jackson Aug. 16 M. O. Nov. 3, 1864. Shulz, August ' " 27 " .1 .1 Staley, Paul Joliet Scot. 23 Dis. to enter naval service. Wounded in N. S., and died. Springer. James " 3 Snyder, Charies M. Lockport 6 M. O. Nov. 3. 1864. Wounded. Seybert, Wesley Florence Aug, 25 Dis. for dis. June 8, '62. St. George, Wm. Lockport Sept. 9 M. O. Nov. 3, 1864. Sondameyer, Wm. Jackson Aug. 18 Vet. Trans to E. Con. Trans, to Co. M. 12th cav. M. O. May 29, 1866. Sheil, Thos. Woodworth, Orvllle H. 3hannahon 12-m. Grove Sept. 20 Sept. 10 M. O. Nov. 3, 1864, as corpl. Same. Wadsworth, John G. New Lenox Aug. 25 Same. Wright, John Lockport Sept. 12 Dis. to enter naval service. RECRUITS. Beal, Curtis E. Lockport Aug.31,'62 Trans to E. con. Corporal. Died at Mem- phis, June 3, 1865. Bachus, John C. " Aug. 23,63 Dis. for dis. Oct. 29, 1862. Clark, Henry B. Trans, to Co. E, con. Trans, to M, 12 cav. M. O. April 4, 1866. Crawford, Henry A. Joliet Dec. 7, '63 Trans, to 10 E, con. Trans, to M. 12th cav. Dahlem, Gerhard Lockport Aug.31,'62 Trans, to E, con. Made corpl. Dis. for dis. May 21, 1865. Decker, David H. Joliet Oct. 4, '62 Trans, to E. con, Corpl. Trans, to M, 12th cav. M. O. Oct. 17, 1865. Daily, Royal Lockport Sept. 2, '62 Trans, to E, con. M. O. June 15, 1875. Hillman, Abraham M Aug.31,'62 Trans, to E, con. M. O. June 15, 1865. McNealy, Newton " Sept.13,62 Trans, to D, con. M. O. June 15, 1865. McPherson, John Jackson Feb.22,'64 Trans, to E, con. Trans. to|M, 12th cav. M. O. May 29, 1866, as sergt. Pettingill, SewardH. " Oct. 1, '62 Prom, in 1st Miss. col. cav. Died in service. Webber, John M Aug. 26,62 Trans, to E, con. M. O. June 15, 1865. Webber, Daniel kt M Near, James, Co. I Mokena Sept.26,61 Trans, to F. Died at Randolph Forges, T. Feb. 22. 1862 Baldwin, Orison S. G Joliet Dec. 9, '63 Dis. for dis. Oct. 10, 1864. Ryan, Daniel D. Co. L Lockport Oct. 15 M. O. Nov. 3, 1864, as corpl. CONSOLIDATED REOT. RECRUITS. Buntain, Thos. J. Co.A Florence Oct. 12. 64 Trans, to G, 12th cav. M. O. Oct. 11, 1865. Corwin, Chas. A. " New Lenox Sept. 5,'64 Returned to 45th regt. Baker. Lorenzo, Co. C ** " 1,64 Sub. M. O. June 15, 1865. Baker, Chas. S. " Wilton tfc Same. 67 FOURTH CAVALRY Concluded. Name and Rank. Residence. Enlistm't History. RECRUITS. Greenman, Jas. C. " Wilton 3ept.ll,64 Sub. M. O. June 15. 1865. Haken, Chas. . " Peotone Oct. 11,'54 IVans. to K. 12thcav. Dis. Oct. 10, 1865. Rooney, James, ^ew Lenox 3ept.ll,64 M. O. June 15, 1865. Brown, Ananias, Co. D Wheatland Ian. 3, '65 Trans, to L, 12th cav. M. O. June 3, 1865. Schmidt, John Same. Barr, David Co. E Jackson Oct. 12/64 Trans, to M, 12th cav. M. O. Oct. 12, 1865. Butterfleld, Frank " Manhattan Oct. 7, '64 Trans, to M, 12th cav. M. O. Oct. 9, 1865. Stafford, Charles " u 16 Same. SIXTH CAVALRY. Three Years' Service. RBCBUITS. 1865. Kennepp, Jas. A. Co. C tfonee March 3 M. O. Nov, 5, 1865. Gardner, Joel D. Co.E 2 Same. Garrett, Cyrus J. Co. L 7 Died at Nashville, T, July 9th, 1865. Kennepp, Thos. J. " Pickering, Jordan P. " 7 7 Died at Demopolis, Ala., Sep. 19, 1865. M. O. Nov. 5, 1865. Pickering, Abisha " 7 Same. Ronse, James L. " 8r n n Gard'n 10 M. O. Aug. 21, '65. EIGHTH CAVALRY. Three Years' Service. 1st Lieut. Co. P. 1861. ALVAN P. GRANGER !^ew Lenox Sept. 18 As. 2nd Lieut. Prom. 1st, Aug. 4, 1862. Re- signed May 30, 1863. Served on staff of Gen. Pleasanton and Gen. Keyes. A. G.G. Capt. Co. K. brigade. JOHN A. KINLEY Wheatland M As. Sergt. Prom. 2nd Lieut. July let, 1863. Promoted captain Sept. 18, 1864. Resigned April 11, 1865. Wounded at Urbana.Md., Capt. Co. K. July 9th, 1854. HARLEY J. INGERSOLL Plainfleld M As private in Co. K. Vet. Promoted Sergt. then 1st Lieut., Sep. 18, 1864. Prom. capt. May 8th, 1865. M. O. July 17, '65. Woun- 1st Lieut. Co. K. GEORGE W. FLAGG - ded at Cnlpepper, Va. Resigned Jan. 24, 1862. COMPANY E. Robinson, D. F. vet. rec. Burnham, Oscar D. rec. Wilmingt'n Wheatland Aug. 11,62 Jan. 10, '64 Vet. M. O. July 17, 1865. Same. Engle, John " COMPANY F. Plainfleld Feb. 11'64 Same. Corporal. 1861. JESSE C. ALLEN Crete Sept. 12 Vet. M. O. July 17, 1865, as 1st sergt. Bugler. Louis B. GARDNER Homer Sept. 3 Trans, to V. R. C- Died. PRIVATES. Avery, Ambrosee S. Gr'n Gard'n " Alfred, Otis Crete Sept. 11 Vet. M. O. July 17, 1865. Adams, George " Sept. 13 Dis. for dis. Jan. 29, 63. Arthur, Wm. T. J. Monee Sept. 12 M. O. Sept. 28, 1864. Clark, Arthur F. Cooper, Frederick Doolittle, John W. Crete " u n Died at Washington, D. C. Jan. 29, 1863. Dis. for dis. April 22, 1865. M. O. Sep. 28, 1864. Elwell, Horace E. Fehon, Charles E. n ,, Vet. M. O. July 17, If65. Dis. for dis. Goodenow, Cornelius Goodwin, Wm. D. Horn, Robert Good Grov. Joliet Sept. 7 1 14 3 Vet. M. O. July 17, 1865, corpl. Dis. for dis. April 3, 1863. Dis. for dis. Feb. 28, 1863. Haner, Abraham Halley, Austin Crete Homer 7 9 Vet. M. O. July 1 7, 1865, sergt. Dis for dis. in 1863. Hill, Leander T. Crete 16 Dig. (or dis. April 15, 1862. Kile, W. 8. " 13 iVet M. O. July 17, 1865. 68 EIGHTH CAVALRY. -Continued. Name and Rank. Residence. Enlistm't History. PRIVATES. Lull, Franklin R. Lockport 1861. Sepl. 13 Dis. April 7th, 1863, for wounds received near Richmond. Died. Q,uackenbuah, Alfred Crete " 1 Died at Alexandria, Va. Feb. 27, 1682. VBT. RECRUITS. Brown, Geo. A. " " 13 Vet. M. O. July 17, 1875 Cook, Willis J. " Aug. 5 Same Sergt. Dubridge, Stephen M. Will Oct. 3 Same Corp'rl. Wounded in skirmish. Messinger, Jonas McLane. Chas. O. Crete Aug. 7,'62 Nov.20,61 Vet. M. O. July 17, 1865. Vet. Detached at M. O. Wood, Willard S. " Aug. 5/62 Vet. M. O. July 17, 1865, as Sergt. RECRUITS. Adams, Elbridge H. " Oct. 3, '61 Dis. for die. April 16, 1862. Adams, Harrison P. " " M. O. Sept. 28, 1864. Bowes, George Washingt'n M Dis. March 6, 1863, for wounds received at Middletown, Sept. 13, 1862. Baker, George A. Monee > Died at mute house, Va., June 18. 62. Cole, John W. Crete " Died of wounds received at Falling Water, Md., July 15. 1863. Cave, Robert " Aug. 5,'62 Died at Washington, D. C., Aug. 20, 1863, of wounds received at Culpepper, Va. Cook, Myron H. " Aug. 11 ' Died at Stafford, Va., March 20, 1863. Caldwell, Richard D. " Aug. 5 ' Vet. M. O. July 17, 1865. Elwell,JohnT. " Jan.27,'64 Same Farnham, Lyman W. Monee Sept.26,64 M. O. June 21, 1865. Gardner, Hiram J. Crete Oct. 3, '61 Dis. for die. April 3, 1863. Gardner, Edwin A. " Feb.8, '64 M. O. July 17, 1865. Goodenow, Emery Monee " Same Granger, Albert L. Lockport " Dis. for prom. Oct. 27, 1864, in col. reg. Hewes, George C. Crete Oct. 10, Died at Philadelphia, Penn., March 6, 1863. Hill, Charles A. " Aug. 5, '62 Dis. for prom, as Lieut, in 1st U. S. colored troops. P' u Ricker, Geo. T. Will Sept. 30 " June 21, 1865. Shipley, Mathew Stem. William A. Plainfleld Feb. 1, '64 Feb. 2 " July 17, 1865. Died at Camp Relief, D. C., June 20, 1864. Thompson, Seneca Wheatland Oct. 8, '64 M. O.July 17, 1865. Vinson. Thomas " " Same Wilson, Henry G. " " Same Whitson, Jonathan F. " Feb. 1 Dis. for dis. June 25, 1864. RECRUITS Co. L. Alexander, George Bump, Albert Homer Jan.25,'64 M. O. July 17, 1865. Died at Giebro Pt, D. C., April 20, 1864. Murphy, Barney " " M. O. July 17, 1865. NINTH CAVALRY Three Years' Service. 1st Lieut. Co. G. SIDNEY O. ROBERTS Dupage Oct. 17,'61 As private Co. G. Prom. 2nd Lieut. Oct. 21, 1862, Prom. 1st Lieut. Nov. 25, 1862. Res. May 1, 1865. RECRUITS Co. B. Ahr, William Joliet Jan. 18, '61 Died at Gainsville, Ala., Sep. 21, 1865, Blackburn, Peter Jackson " M. O. Oct. 31. 1865. Bowers, Cyrus Joliet " Same. Brown, Morris Reed Jan. '65 Came up missing. Howel, Joseph Florence Jan. 20 Same. Kepler, William Jackson Jan. 18 Same, Leach, David S. Reed Jan.16'65 Same. Ryan, Ervin Joliet Jan. 18 M. 0. Oct. 31, 1865. Sifert, Henry " '65 Same. Shaw, James T. Lockport Apr. 12,65 Way, Edwin F. Joliet Jan. 18 M. O. Oct. 31. 1865. Corpl. Way Chas- F. " Jan. 20 Absent. Sick at M. O. COMPANY D. Farrier. 1861. Louis METER Crete Sept. 10 Vet. M. O. Oct. 31, 1865. Bugler. HENRY KATSA " " Vet. Died at Memphis, Oct. 20, 1864. PRIVATES. Allifleld, Fred'k " " Vet. M. O. Oct. 31, 1865. Buck, Conrad " " Buck, Frederick " " Vet. M. O Oct. 31, 1865. Conskay, William M " Died at Helena, Ark. Oct. 1, 1862. Cleronrugh, John u " Vet. Deceness, Philip " Sept. 19 Vet. M. O. Oct. 31, 1865. Duenenig, Henry Washingt'n Sept. 10 Same Everding, John Gaberski. Henry Husen, (orHause) Fred'k Crere l( Same as Bugler. Same as Corporal. Ingleking. Conrad * " Died April 19, 1862. Linglelett, Dennis n- ' Vet. M. O. Oct. 31, 1865. Libkey, Christoff " Lanbault, George " ' Vet. Meyer, John Philip " 1 Moor, Frederick " ' Meiss, Conrad " M. O. Sept. 23, 1863. Paul, Christoff " ' Vet. M. 0. Oct. 31, 1865. Rupricht, Henry " 1 Same corporal. Roegers, Conrad " ' Shaeffer, Christoff M ' Steege. Conrad ' Vet. Absent. Sick at M. O. Sueir, Conrad M ' Dis. for dis. Nov. 29, 1862. 18 70 NINTH CAVALRY. Conceded. Name and Rank. Residence Enlistm't History. RECRUITS. Adrian, Frederick Crete Oct. 6, '61 Trans, to E. Died in Andersonville prison. Sept. 9, 1864. Hardekepp, William " Oct. 8, '61 Vet. M. O. Oct. 31. 1865. Lattz, Henry " Oct. 9, '61 Prom. Sergeant-Major. Luhman, August tfc Oct. 8, '61 Meyer, August Miller, Frederick n Sept. 10 Died at Memphis, July 29, 1862. Vet. M. O. Oct. 31, 1865. Sergt. COMPANY F. Calhoun, Ransford, priv. Wilmingt'n Sept.14.61 Vet. M.O. Oct. 31, 1865. Hawley, Robert, recruit " Oct. 16,'61 Same. Krnckenberg, Conrad " Monee Oct. 10,'61 M. O. Oct. 16, 1865. Rube, William, " Will " Same. COMPANY G. Dussen, or Daufen, Nich. Plainfleld Sept.10,61 Vet. M. O. Oct. 31, 1865, as corpl. Bostwick, Henry C. recr. Salter, John F. Dupage Wilm Y ngt'n Oct. 5, - 64 Oct.16, '61 M. O. Oct. 13, 1865. Died at Camp Douglas, Feb. 7, 1862. TENTH CAVALRY. Three Years' Service. 1st Lieutenant. 1861. HERMAN B. HOFFMAN Joliet Nov. 12 Res. March 16, 1864. RECRUITS Co. B. Creamer, James B. Channahon Jan, 4, '64 Trans, to B. Dis. for dis. April 11, 1865. Healy, Patrick " Mar. 8,'64 Trans, to B. M. O. Nov, 22nd, 1865. Miller. R. E. O'Neil, John " Jan. 4, '64 May? Same. Same. RECRUITS Co. C. Boyle, John O. " Dec.31,'63 Trans, to B. Reor, M. O. Nov. 22nd, 1865. Day, Wm. H. " Jan. 4 Trans. to A. Reorg. M. O. Nov. 22, 1865. Sheckell, E. D. W. " Dec.29,'63 B. ' Dis. for dig. Jan. 29. '65. West. George " Dec.31,'63 F. " M. O. Nov. 22, 1865. RECRUITS Co. D. Keenan, Davis " Dec.29/63 G. COMPANY H. Andrews, John C. " " H. Dunn, Timothy " Jan. 12 Same. McGrath, Owen Z. " Dec.29,'63 Same. Purcell, Edward ' Jtm. 4, '64 Trans, to H. Died at Little Rock, Apr. 10,'65 COMPANY M. Pierson, Wm. A. priv. Will Co. Nov. 1, '61 Vet. Died at Springfield, 111., Feb. 20, 1864. ELEVENTH CAVALRY. Three Years' Service. RECRUITS Co. A. Kelly, Arthur Shean, Timothy. COMPANY C, GilHspie, John. Heartless, Thomas McGregor, James Frouth. John Co. K. Barce, Moses Co. M. Henny, James Shnfelt JohnH. rec't Joliet Lockport Crete Gr'n Gard'n Peotone March 28 Mar.21,'65 Mar.22,'65 Mar.24,'65 Apr.13,'65 March 31 Feb 11. '65 Mar.13,'65 M. O. Sep. 30, 1865. Same. M. O. Aug. 21, 1865. " Sep. 30, 1865. Same. Trans, to E. 5th cav. M. O. Oct. 27, '65. Same M. O. Sep. 30. 1865. Same. 71 TWELFTH CAVALRY. Three Years' Service. Name and Rank. Residence Enlistm't History. COMPANY D. PRIVATES. John Sneigh; blacksmith Lockport Jan. 15,62 Trans, to 19th 111. Infantry. Coram, James Will tfc Rollins, David Troy Feb. 14 Trans, to Inv. corps. Roberts, John ** Mar. 1 Williams. Frederick wn Feb. 1 COMPANY E. PRIVATES. Schoupp, William Peotone Feb. 8, '62 Vimpany, Charles Woods, Isaac recruit Wilmmg^'n Joliet Dec.30,'61 Dec.26,'63 Died Nov. 19, 1861. Trans, to C. Con. M. O. July 17, 1864. Mullen, Jos. B. Co. F Wilmingt'n Oct. 7, '61 Dis. for dis. June 29, 1864. RECRUITS Co. H. Bennett, James Wilton Dec.14,'63 Trans, to A. Con. M. O. May 29, 1866. Patchett, Frank " Dec.14,'63 Killed at Alexandria. Va., April 28, 1864. Stebbins, Robert Waehburn, Robert S. M Dec.26,'63 Died at Donaldsonville, La., Aug. 1st, '64. Trans, to H. Con. M. O. May 28, as corp. Knickerbockr, WillisCo.I New Lenox Oct. 22/61 Dis. Jan. 3. 1863. Johnson, James Co. K. I ickport Dec.12,'63 Trans, to F. Con. Dis. for dis. Dec. 27, '65. Howe. Isaac Co. M Wilmingtn Dec. 29 Trans, to H. Con. M. O. June 10, 1865. THIRTEENTH CAVALRY. Three Years' Service. COMPANY C. Captain. 1861. ADAH SACHS Monee Dec. 31 As 2nd Lient. Prom. capt. May. 4, 1862. M. 2n Lieutenant. O. on con. ADOLPH SCHULE Dec. 21 as corp. Prom. 3rd lieut. Jan. 10, 1863. M. COMPANY F. O. May 2, 1863, on con. Captain. WILLIS DANFORTH Joliet Dec. 31 Resigned Feb. 7, 1863. 2d Lieutenant. IRA D. SWAIN " Dec. 31 Hon. dis. April 23, 1863. Surgeon of con. regt. Edwin R. Willard Wilmingt'n JiOy31, ! 63 M. O. Aug. 31, 1865. ..COMPANY A. O. M. sergt. 1861. HENRy HAHKEN Monee Oct. 24 Peter Schlanter, farrier " " 21 COMPANY C. 2d Sergt. ALBERT AUG. BARKEN " " 24 As private. Promoted 1st sergt. June 10th, Corporal. 1842. Dis. Jan. 11, 1863. GUSTAVE Ei>. NAGLE " " 23 Buglers. Johann Franzen " " 21 Johannis Becker. " " 21 HenryBusch saddler " " 21 Prom, pad^e sergt. Trans, to N. C. S. as PRIVATES. con. Dis. Aug. 21, 1865. Blishm, Frederick M " 16 Trans, to C. Con. Caistens Henry J " " 24 Prom. S.rfet. Jan. 1, 1863. Claassen, Berup Christ 11 " 24 Prom. corp. May 1st, 1862, sergt. Nov-125, '62. Corthauer, John H " 21 1st sergt. Jan. 12, 1862. Dis. Oct. 10, 1862. Cholett, John " 21 Trans, to D. Tromm, John " Nov. 25 Dis. Jan. 11, i863. Haagan, Christ " Nov. 10 Trans, to C. Con. Hess. Wm. '* Jan. 24, '62 Dis. Jan. 11, 63. Kay, Nicholas " Oct. 28 Dis. Jan. 11, 1863. Died at Little Rock, Dec. :^1, '64, of wounds. Keeneke, Henry " Nov. 19 Dis. Mav 17, 1863. Koelnei, Cbristoph M Nov. 25 Trans, to C. Con. Mammosir Michael Merteiis, \ViIhelm 11 Oct. 16 Oct. 28 Trans to Co. D. M. O. April 18, 1865. Trans, to C. Con. Toreser, Henry Tioethlisberger, En' le " Nov. 19 Dec. 27 " M. O. Aug. 31, 1865 . Dis. June 11, 1862. Schamhorst, Carl " Oct. 21 iDis. Feb. 1863. 72 THIRTEENTH CAVALRY. -Concluded. Name and Bank. Residence. Enlistm't History. PRIVATES. 1861. Somumocher, Deitrich Monee Oct. 24 Prom, corpl. Jan. 1, 1863. Strecker, Ernest " " 21 Prom. corp. March 1, 1862, sergL June 15, '62, Q. M. gergt. June 12, '63. Strieker, Ludwig " " 21 Dis. May 15, 1862. Sellman, Henry " Nov. 19 Trans, to C. Con. M. 0. Feb. 11, 1865. Triarks, George Bernarc " Oct. 28 Prom. cor. Aug. 1, 1862, and Sergt. June 1,'63. COMPANY P. Quartermaster Sergt. EBENZER GRUNDY Joliet Sept. 20 Sergeants. AUGUSTUS F. FKEEMAN " " Trans, to Co. C. Con. SEYMOUR M. FITCH " " Prom. Reg. Q. M. S. M. O. Dec. 31, 1864. Corporals. WM. M. RATCLIFF " M Died at St. Louis, Oct. 40, 1862. ALVARO B. CLARK " u Dis. for dis. Dec. 20, 1862. DAVID W. CHANDLER Trans.to C.Con.Killed atP.Bluff, A.,Sep.ll,64 HARVEY R. FRAZER Plainfleld " Same. AMOS BOWERS Joliet Dec. 20 Musicians. James L. Hyde " Sept. 20 Dis. for dis. Dec. 1, 1862. Damon Baily " Dec. 23 Died at Joliet, Nov. 1862. Wagoner. Whitman E. Gustin " Nov. 13 Chas. W. Whited, saddler Sept. 20 PRIVATES. Aulsbrook, Henry R. Plainfleld Oct. r Killed at Ironton, Mo., premature dis. of con. May 4, 1862. Bailey, Oscar J. " Sept. 20 Died at Helena, Ark., Aug. 6, 1862. Bridenstine, Mathias Joliet Trans, to a Con. Vet. M. O. Aug. 31, '65. Brown, James D. " Dec. 14 Died at Arcadia, Mo., Oct. 29, 1862. Field, Charles D. " Sept. 20 Finitv, John H. " Sept. 30 Trans, to C. Con. Vet. M. O. Aug. 31, '65. Finity, Michael " " Same. Fuller, Win. J. 1 Dec. 20 Gillespy, John ' Sept. 20 Trans, to C. Con. Gorham, Wm. B. ' " " " " Vet. M. 0. Aug. 31, 1865. Hattes, Edward ' Nov. 20 Dis. for dis. Dec. 20, 1862. Jenks, Franklin 1 Sept. 29 Trans, to C. Con. Vet: Prom. Vet. Surg. Jepson, Edward P. ' Nov. 20 11 11 U Luther, Martin Plainfleld Sept. 20 " " Sergt. Leonard, Benj. C. " Oct. 24 " Dis. for dis. Nov. 21, '65. Lander, Martin V. " Sept. 20 " " M. 0. Aug. 31, '65. Milam, David " Died at Helena, Ark., Aug. 9, 1862. Mahon, William " Dec. 14 Dis. for dis. Nov. 14, 1862. Mclntyre, Edward Joliet Oct 1 Dis. April 29, 1862. Reed, William L. u Sept. 20 Rogers, Harper 1 Dec. 19 Dis for dis. Dec. 20, 1862. Schlief, Casper ' Sept. 20 Stone, Charles i W Trans, to C. Con. Weiskopf, Martin ' Dec. 20 Snyder, Christoph rec't. ' Snyder, Martin " ' Dec.21,'63 Trans, to E con, M. O. June 7, 1865. FOURTEENTH CAVALRY. Three Years' Service. Strain, Jas. Rec't Co. A Corporal Co. C. GBO. F. CODDING Mason, George private Foster, August. E. rec't Lockport Gr'n Gard'n Apr. 1, '65 Oct.^15,'62 Mar. 6, '66 M. 0. July 31, 1865. Same. Killed at Boddy Station, Tenn., Dec. M. O. July 31, 1865. 14, '63 73 FIFTEENTH CAVALRY. Three Years' Service. Name and Rank. Residence. Enlistm't History. COMPANY G. 1861. Stewart, John private COMPANY I. Channahon Nov. 10 Trans, from Co. H. 52nd Inft. M. O. Oct. 31, 1864. Corporals. JAMES T. WHITE Joliet Aug. 2 Dis. for die. Feb. 27. 1864. ISAAC RICE Wheatland " Vet. let Sergt. Trans, to Co. M. 10th cav. PRIVATES. Blderkin, Frederick Joliet u Con. M. O. Nov. 22nd, 1865. 1st sergt. Parolled pris. Died at St. Louis. Hollenbeck, Chancey Moore, Franklin W. rec't Wheatland Mar.29,'64 M. O. Aug. 24, 1864, as corpl. Trans, to Co. M., 10th con. cav. M. O. as corpl. COMPANY K. Pennington, Thos. H. Wilmingt'n Aug. 17,61 Vet. Trans, to Co. K., 10th cav. con. M. 0. July 15, 1865, as Co. Q. M. Sergt. COMPANY L. Massey, Hugh private Joliet Dec. 25 M. O. Jan. 9, 1865. Whited, Sam 1 ] 11. rec't Jan. 28 Trans, to 10th cav. con. M. O. term ex. SIXTEENTH CAVALRY. Three Years' Service. RECRUITS Co. I. Vaugn, James Wimmer, John Frankfort 1861. July 15 Aug. 2 Died in Andersonville prison, No. grave 1078. Died in Andersonville pi ison, No. grave 1180. June 3, 1864. May 15, 1864. SEVENTEENTH CAVALRY. Three Years' Service. Kirton, Wm. priv. Co. H Barbers Cor Jan. 4, '64 Died at Glasgow, Mo.. Aug. 16, 1864. Stanton, Ira rec't Co. K Peotone Pet. 8 M. O. Nov. 8, 1865. FIRST ARTILLERY REGIMENT. Three Years' Service. Major. EDGAR H. COOPER Plainfleld July 30 As. private Co. D. Prom. 2nd lieut. Mar. 4, 1862. Prom. capt. May 29, 1863. Prom, Major Dec. 26, 1864. BATTERY A. Nickerson, Sam'l priv. Joliet July 16 Died at Joliet, Aus. 23, 1863. PRIVATES BATTERY B. Frazier, John W. Loomer, Jasper D. Wilmingt'n Lockport Aug. 29 Mar. 5 Ass. to new Co. A. M. O. Sep. 25, 1864. Dis. for dis Jan. 28, 1864. Sanborn, Wm. H. Wilton July 16 M. O. July 23, 1864. BATTERY C. Heddy, James Joliet Oct. 6, '64 M. O. June 12, 1865. Jewett, Wm. O. J. M " Same. BATTTEY D. (McAllister's Battery.) Captain. 1862. ED. H. MCALLISTER Plainfleld May 15 Resigned May 5, 1862. 1st Lieutenants. MATTUEW W. BORLAND Joliet Aug. 1 Resigned April 24, 1862, deafened at Donald- son. Subsequently in the one year's ser. See page 62 JAMES A. BORLAND " July 30 As. private. Prom, sergt. 2nd lieut. March 4, 1862. Prom. April 24, 1862. Resigned. June 19, 1863. 19 74 FIRST ARTILLERY. Continued. Name and Bank. Residence. Snlistm't History. 1st Lieutenants. Plainfleld Sept.23,61 GEORGE J. WOOD " July20,'61 Resigned July 1, 1863. EMMIT P. HILL As. Q. M. Sergt. Prom. 2nd lient. April 24, 1862. Prom. 1st lieut. July 1st, 1863. Hon. dis. Sep. 19, 1863. Severely w ounded at Vicksburg. Subsequently com lient. in Vet. reserve corps. CHARLES L. PRATT " Sept.18,61 As. Promoted Vet. Promoted 1st Beret- then 1st lieut. Sep. 19, 1863. M. O. July 28\ PRIVATES. 1865. Kiniry, Edward Toppm-Wm. H. Hadley Mokena Ang.28,61 M. O. Sept. 16, 1864. Vet. M. O. July 28, 1865, corp'l. RECRUITS. Agnen, William Alexander, George WillCo. Jan. 2, '64 Dec.22,'63 M. O. July 28, 1865. Same. Button, Dewit " " Absent. Sick at M. O. Blnhn-Edward B. " Dec. 17 M. O. July 28, 1865. Bagg, Henry G. " Dec. 25 Same. Blue, Daniel * Jan. 4, '64 Same. Barnes, Runsom W. Dec.23,'63 Same. July 6, '65. Bement, Porter W. " Jan. 1, '68 Died at Vicksburg, Aug. 3, 1863. Burdick, Zebulon Campbell, Robert Joliet Nov.12,63 M. 0. July 28, 1865. Corp'l. Clayton, Peter Will Co. Jan. 4, '64 Same. Carter, Ezra H. " Feb. 19 Same. Culter, John t Dec.21,'63 Same. Cain, John W. " , Corsen, James Dec 5 Same. Carey, Thomas " Calgay, John 1 Vet. Dewitt, Wiliam * M. O. July 28, 1865. Eaton, William Vet. " Hallick, Franklin B. ' Same. How, Martin ' Dec. 2, '63 Same. Higgins, Patrick i Dec. 14 Same. Hoy t, Henry J. ' Sept.14,61 Dis. May 2, 1862. Holt, John P. 1 Feb. 1/63 Kusch, Andrew 1 Dec. 18 M. O. July 28, 1865. Lowery, Thomas Mokena Dec. 24 Same. Morgan, Chas. H. Aug.6, '62 Same. Roland, John Dec. 1, '62 Same. as corpl. Sawyer, Jacob C. Jan.19,'64 Same. blacksmith. Willard, Orton R. Channahon Jan. 4, '64 Same. sergt. BATTERY E. Meads, Lewis private Lockport Dec.29,'63 M. O. July 15, 1865. BATTERY G. 1st Lieutenant. DONALD, CAMPBELL " Dis. Aug. 21, 1862. PRIVATES. Allen, Enoch " Oct. 11,'61 Dis. for dis. Feb. 16, 1862. Allen, Woodeon " Feb.12,'61 Eeder, George ' Oct.11,'61 M. O. Nov. 30, 1864. Myers, William " Dis. for dis. Feb 11, 1865. Werner, Jacob " Sept.18,61 M. O. Nov. 30, 1864. Johnson, Orlando " Mar. 24 Vet. M. O. July 24, 1865. BATTERY I. 2d Lieutenant. HENRY BENNETT Wilton Feb.23,'62 As private. Prom. Feb. 1, 1864. M. O. July 26, 1865. Frazer, Brock private Peotone Jan.29,'62 Vet. M. O. July 26, 1865. RECRUITS. Bond, James Joliet Oct. 4, '62 Same. Viall, H. P. Wilton Feb.20,'62 Vet. " Viall, Orlo A. iv Feb. 3, '64 Same. BATTERY K. RECRUITS. Barkey, Zeigler Bailey, Irvin Wilmingt'n Jan.18,'64 Feb.23,'64 M. O. July 15. 1865. Corpl. Died at Camp Yates, April 1864. Clapp, Elijah E. Joliet " M. O. July 15, 1865. Meahem, Albert Wilm'ngt'r Jan. 18 Same. Small or Smart, F. M. " Feb. 23 Same. Thompson, Thomas ' " Same. Wilson, Robert Dupage 1 Jan. 4, '64 75 FIRST ARTILLERY.- Concerted. Name and Rank. Residence - Enlistm't History. 1861. BATTERY M. Sergeant. MAGNUS TAIT Geo. Carey Artificer Channahon Aug. 5 M. O. June 19, 1865, was taken pris. at Atlan- ta, Bent to Andersonville. PRIVATES. Plainfleld Aug. 10 M. O. June 19, 1865. Brown, Horace Joliet M McDermott, Andrew Cope, Chap. C. rec't Wilmingt'n Joliet April 28 Nov. 9,'62 M. O. July 24, 1862. Same. SECOND ARTILLERY. Three Years' Service. BATTERY C. Wharton, Geo. W. priv. BATTERY D. Joliet Aug. 5,'62 Died at Fort Donaldson. 2d Lieutenant. JOSEPH HOCKMAN Lockport Dec.18,'62 M. O. at con. Corporal. MICHAEL WALTER. " Aug.31'62 Dis. Sep. 24, 1866. Term ex. PRIVATES. Britz, Peter u u Same. Josshaus, Charles u u Same. Nierberg, Martin u u Thorn, John t. tt RECRUITS. Bauer, Frederick " Jan.16,'64 Trans, to K. M. O. July 14, 1866. Miller, Philip k* ti Same. BATTERY E. Corporal. JOHN BLAKE 11 May 28, '61 BATTERY Q. Barry, John Joliet Aug.6, '61 M. O. Oct. 4, 1864. Scutt, Hiram B. " Sept.16,61 Vet. M. O. Sep. 4, 1865. BATTERY I. (Barnett's Battery.) Captains. 1861. CHAS. W. KEITH " Dec. 31 Resigned April 7, 1862. CHAS. M. BARNETT " As. 1st lieut. Prom. cap. April 7, 1862, ser. 1st Lieutenant. as chief of the art. for the div. ARONZO W. COB " As 2nd lieut. Prom. 1st April 7, 1862. Balled 1st Sergeant. JOHN A. KELLY n Oct. 20 Dec. 9, 1864, near Savannah. Trans to 100th Inft. as lieut. Co. K. Sergeant. ABRAHAM WHITMAN M Oct. 1 Corporals. PETER COMLTMAN Plainfield Nov. 16 Vet M. O. June 14, 1865. ROBERT HEATH Channahon Oct. 1 Same. M. D. L. COVERT Joliet CHARLES HOWARD Nov. 1 Killed at Island No. 10 PRIVATES. Allen, Thomas Plainfield Nov. 16 Vet. M. O. June 14, 1865. Blazier, John Joliet Oct. 1 Same. Brown, Thad. C. S. Oct. 21 Vet. Q. M. S. Absent Sick at M. 0. Cady, Horace " Oct. 1 Dis. for dis. April 62. Countyman, Charles Plainfleld Nov. 16 Collins, Frank Homer Dec. 20 M, O. Dykman, Alonzo 8. Joliet Oct. 1 Vet. Ace. killed at home on f urlougm Daughtery, Wm. Dunning, Harlan P. Lockport Joliet Nov. 16 Dec. 1 Vet. M. O. June 14. 1865. Egan Thomas Will Co. Dec. 30 Same. Farrell, Frank Decatur Same. Gallagher, John T, Joliet Oct. 1 GiUett. Uri ki . h Geyer. Christian G. M " Vet. Died Aug. 12, '64, of wounds rec'd the 9th, before Atlanta. Haynes, Wm. H. Channahon M M. O. Sep. 18, 1864, leg broken. King, John Q. A. " Vet. M. O. June 14. 1865. corp. McCallen, James Joliet 'l Mickles, Myron Plainfleld " 76 SECOND ARTILLERY. -Continued. Name and Rank. Residence Snlistm't History. PRIVATES. 1861. Mitter, Henry Joliet Oct 1 M. O. June 27. 1865, shot through the lungs before Atlanta. Meihlson, Joan J. " Vet. Corp. Absent. Sick at M. 0. Miller, Zacherah " " Vet. M. O. June 14, 1865. Meyers, Charles P. tfc Dec. 18 Same. Pratt, William " Oct. 1 Patney, Wm. G. Channahon " Vet. Absent. Sick at M. 0. Pardy, Francis Joliet Dec. 8 Vet. M. O. June 14, 1865. Rose, Wm. H. " Oct. 1 Same. Riley. John C. " Dec. 17 Vet. Shot through lungs before Atlanta. Sherrill, Henry u Oct. 1 Same. Sheffield, Charles W. " " Vet. M. O. June 14. 1865. Sheffield, George A. " " Trans, to Inv. corps, Nov. 1, 1863. Stanly, John u Oct. 19 Smith, Melvin " Nov. 16 Died at Hamburg. Smith, Israel " Dis. for dis. Smith, Henry u " Vet. Dis. Smith, Charles H. " Dec. 28 Wilson, William " Oct 1 Vet. M. O. June 14, 1865. Winner, Max " " Dis. Aug. 5, 1863. White, James P. Plainfleld " Vet. Died at Nashville, Tenn., April 27, *64. RECRUITS. Abbott, William Joliet Feb.24,'64 M. O. June 16, 1865. Bowers, John C. ' Brown, George D. " March 7 Absent. Sick at M. O. Bedford, James B. " Feb. 29 M O. June 14, 1865. Ely, William L. Wheatland Jan. 25 Same. Baer, Franklin Joliet Jau.25,'64 Died at Nashville, Tenn., July 27, 1864. Corbm, Oliver G. Plainfield Jan. 30 M. O. June 14, 1865. Cago, Akenless Joliet Feb. 23 5ame. Clark, John Coy, Joseph " Jan. 1,'62 Dec.15,'63 Vet. Deafened at Perryville. M. O. June 14, 1865. Cook, Robert C. M. * v Dec.28,'61 Vet. M. O. June 14, 1865. Carr, Henry " Jan.25,'63 Died at Savannah Feb. 3, 1865. Clark, George Wesley Feb. 3 Taken pris., having drop, behind the march from exhaustion. DePuy, Lyman Deiter, Philip Lockport Joliet Feb.17,'64 Mar. 1, '64 M. O. June 14, 1865. Blacksmith. M. O. June 15, 1865. Devin, John brood Mar. 30 Same. Dreistman, Theodore Joliet Septl5,'62 Same. Damphy, Thomas Francis, Thomas Lockport Florence Jan 22/64 Jan.25,'64 Feb. 19 Claimed by 23rd Wis. M. O. June 13, 1865, was pris. and taken to Andersonville. Escaped. Hallissey, Michael Joliet Jan. 1. '62 M. 0. June 14, 1865. Holder, Wm. " Jan.25,'64 Same. Heilman, D. C. Wheatland Dec.29,'(il Same. Hodge, Alen B. Joliet Vet. Wounded in hip. M. O. Higgins, James Jan. 1 Vet. M. O. June 14, 1865. Irwin, John " Feb.22,'64 M. O. June 14, 1865. Johst, John " Jan. 22 Same. Jones, Charles " Feb 24 Same. Kelly, Lorenzo Lockport Feb.15,'64 Same. Lynch, Thomas Joliet Jan. 20 Same. Murphy, John " Feb.^16 Same. Montgomery, William " Same. McClusky, John 11 Jan. 19 Same. McEvoy, Bernard ** Feb. 6 Same. McEvoy, Charles " Jan. 22 M. O. June 14, 1865. McGuire, Jhomas *' Feb. 27 Same. McNeill, John " Jan. 27 Same. Moak, William M Jan. 25 Mather, George " Jan. 1 Died near Athens, Ala., from the sting of a Neff, Louis H. Feb.17,'64 scorpion. M. O. June 14, 1865. Neff, Gregory " Mar. 4 Absent. Sick at M. O. Pierce, James D. Channahon Feb. -26 M. O. June 14. 1865. Peters, John Prindle, Charles Rosa, Doc. C. Joliet Wilm'ngt'n Wesley Jan. 22,'62 Feb.16,'64 Feb. 3 Vet. recrt. M. O. June 14, 1865. Captured on march to sea. Ringenbach, Joseph Jan. 1, '62 Vet. recrt. M. O. June 14, 1865. Smith, Edward Schrier, Charles Joliet Dec.15,'63 Feb.27,'64 Sergt. Artificer. " " " 77 SECOND ARTILLERY. Concluded. Name and Rank. Residence. Enlistm't History. RECRUITS. Schrader, Anthony Troy Dec.29,'63 M. O. June 14, 1865. Skinner, Henry Joliet Feb.29.'64 Same. St. Julien. Joseph " Jan 1, '62 Vet. Same. Wolfogle, Lewis " Feb.25, 1 64 M. O. June 14, 1865. Ward, Newton A. Wheatland Jan, 25 Same. Waterhouse. Edward " Jan. 9, '62 Same. deafened. BATTERY K. RECRUITS. Bauer, Frederick M. O July 14, 1865. Fay Francis " Oct. 8, '64 Same. Hanton. John 11 ' Same. BATTERY L. (Bolton's Battery.) 1st Lieutenant. DANIEL H. PIERCE Plainfield Jan. As. private, vet. Prom, sergt. Prom .'2nd lieut. March 13, 1865. Prom. 1st lieut. June 2d Lieutenants. 12, 1862. M.O.Aug. 9, 1865. JULIUS D. ROBERTS " Jan.15,'61 As private. Promoted Jr. 2nd lieut. April 10, 1862. Resigned Nov. 18, 1862. LBVI B. WIGHTMAN Wheatland Dec.17,'63 Prom. 2nd lieut. June 12, 1865. M. O. Aug. 9, 1865, Struble, Nelson, Artificer Joliet Feb. 1 Vet. M. O. Corporals. NEWTON A. HILL Plainfield Jan. 31 Vet. Dis. for dis. July 25, 1865. NEWAL J. BOUGHTON Wheatland Mar. 6 Vet. M. O. Aug. 9, 1865. Freeman, S. Jay, Artiflc. Plainfleld Feb.10,'62 PRIVATES. Jay, Freeman S. Jr. " " Died at Boeuf River, La. Aug. 30, 1863. Reichert, Jacob Dupage Feb. 15 Vet. M. O. Aug. 9, 1865, corp. RECRUITS. Bond, George F. Plainfleld Mar.31,'62 Vet. Dis. for dis. May 30, 1865. Cooney, Charles Cole, George Joliet Homer Nov.23,'63 Mar.24,'62 M. O. Aug. 9, 1855. M. O. April 14, 1865. Downs, Jeremiah Joliet Dec. 3, '63 Died at Vicksburg, Oct. 18, 1864. Freelove, George A. Wheatland Mar.31,'62 M. O. April 14, 1865. Fentiman, Francis M Oct. 8, '64 Died at Vicksburg, June 14, 1865. Larson, Errick Plainfield Oct. 6 Rush, Nichols Homer March 14 M. O. Aug. 9. 1865. Shroyer, George Joliet Dec. 5, '63 Same. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE BATTERY. Three Years' Service. Abbott, Lawrence F. Wilmingt'n Aug. 1,'62 M. O. June 30, 1865. CHICAGO MERCANTILE BATTERY. Three Years' Service. PRIVATES. 1862, Arnold, John W. Lockport Aug. 24 M. O. June 16, 1865, pris. war. Bush, Henry L. " Aug, 7 M. O. July 10, 1865, sergt. Bartlett. Andrew J. kk Aug.^ 6 " " lk " Cozzens, Charles B. u " " .' " corp. Gooding, Edward L. k - Dis. for prom, by order war dept. Ap. com. of sub. Aug. 12, 1862. Guulock. John C. " Aug. 14 M. O. July 10, 1865. Gilbert, John A. " Aug. 15 Sergt. Dis. Jan. 26, 1865, for prom Gunlock, Philip E. Joliet Aug. 7 M. O. July 10, 1865, as corp. Haseltinc, Charles P. Lockport ' Dis. Aug. 8. 1864, for prom, wound. at Cham- pion Hills. Hanford, Charles C. " Aug. 23 M. O. July 10, 1865. Hudson, Everett E. Wilmingt'n Aug. 20 Same. Mather, Albert G. Lockport Aug. 1 Same. Sergt. Mason, John Q. " Aug. 7 M. O. Aug. 2, 1865. McNaught, James " Aug. 24 " June 10, 1865. 20 78 CHICAGO MERCANTILE BATTERY. - Concluded. PRIVATES. 1862. Parker, Sandford L. Loekport Aug. 25 " June 16, 1865, pris. war. Stone, Charles L. ** Aug. 7 " July 10, 1865. Stees, Gilbert " Aug. 11 Same. Walcott^harles W. " Aug. 7 Dis. for prom. March 11, 1864. Weeks, Harvey T. " Aug. 21 M. O. July 10, 1865. Wagoner. RECRUITS. k * Ackersook, Cornelius " Dec.21,'63 M. O. July 10, 1865. Ball, Samuel E. " Dec.29,'63 Same. Boots, Joseph M Jan. 4, "64 Same. Brainard, George " Dec.30,'63 Same. Burdick, Amos L. M Dec.^9,'63 Same. pris. war. Crauson, John " Dec.30.'63 Same. Coe. William " Feb.17,'64 Same. Penn, William R. M DecJty'etS Same. Felter, Walter H. " Dec.30,'63 Died at Camp Ford, Tyler, Texas, while pris of war. Gooding. William " Feb.29,'64 M. 0. July 10, 1865. Hiiinmersham, James Homer Jan. 4, '64 Same. Miller, Martin S Lockport Dec.29,'63 Same. Pitts, Nicholas " Same. Sheldon, Chas. W. " Same. Snow, Henry H. Florence Oct.12,'64 Van Buren, Chas. H. Lockport Dec.29.'63 M. O. July 10, 1865. Wismon, John Florence Oct. 12 Same. COGSWELL'S BATTERY. 1st Lieutenant. HENNY G. EDDY. Lockport Nov. 12 '61 M. O. Nov. 20, 1864.| PRIVATES. Hubert, Francis private Joliet Nov. 11,61 Dis. for dis. Nov. 13, 1862. Archer, John vet. rec't Lockport Mar. 4, '62 Vet. M. O. Aug. 14, 1865. Archambault, Joseph Joliet Sept 13, 64 M. O. June 5, 18t>5. Anderson, Albert A. Lockport Jan, 1, '62 Died at Memphis, July 10, 1862. Baker Henry D. " Feb.24,'62 M. 0. June 23, 1865. " Chown, Joseph Joliet " Dis. for. dis. Aug. 24, 1862. Max, John Lockport " M. O. March 24, 1865. Nelson, Geoige H. " Jan. 1. '62 Potter, Ira Septl4,'64 M. O. June 5th, 1865. Payne, Frank Joliet Sept. 13 Same. Simonds. Joseph Wesley Oct. 12 Warren, Lewis S. Joliet Sept.6, '64 Same. Warren, Huron " " Same. West, Louis Dupage Feb.24,'62 Vet. M. O. Aug. 14, 1865. Sergt. Williams, Patrick Jackson Oct. 12, '64 HENSHAW'S BATTERY. Robinson, William Clark, George W. Veach, William W. priv. rec't Joliet Nov. 19,62 Mar. 7 Jan. 22,'64 M.O.July 18, 1865. Same. BRIDGES' BATTERY, ORIGINALLY CO. G, 19TH INF. New Battery B, 1st Art. Corporal. M. O. July 7, 1864, wounded at Chickamaug BENJAMIN BENNETT Wilton Julyl4,'61 Sept. 19. COLORED RECRUITS SIXTEENTH U. S. REGT. INF. Jackson, Thos. Nolens, John priv. Joliet Mar.28,'65 !Mar.27,'65 79 MISCELLANEOUS ORGANIZATIONS. Name and Rank. Residence. Enlistm' History. 16TH KANSAS CAVALRY. McConnell, Crawford priv Wilmingt'n July 4 FIRST ARMY CORPS. Colby, Horace R. prCo.C Joliet Mar.15,'65 Josenhans, Cbas. " Lockport Mar. 22 McGrath, Hugh Co. 7 pri Mar.21,'65 Dis. March 21, 1865, term ex. Woods, Chas. Co. 8 Troy M. O. Mar. 27, 1866. Worcester, Jul. " Monec Mar.28,'65 Davis, Asahel S. " " " M. O. Mar. 27, 1862. Stary, Francis " Troy " Fleming. Wm. Co. 9 Parker, Thos. B. " Crete Mar.30,'65 Mar.31,'65 Same. Monroe, Dan'l " Shibe, Lewis " Joliet Lockport Apr.^1, '65 M. O. March 30, 1866, as sergt. Same. as let sergt. Fox, John G. ' Crete Mar.31,'65 Same. Eder, John Co. 10 Lockport Mar.12,'65 Same. COMPANY 11. Meyer, Michael Lockport Apr. 5, '65 Preston, John " " M. O. April 12, 1866. Haman, Henry " " M. O. April 13, 18(56. Hetzer, John u ik Same Black, Charles " Same Zirwis, John Elwood Apr. 6, '65 M. O. April 5, 1866, as Corp. Stoneman, Jacob ki McGlauchy. John " " Leonard, William " 4i Boyd, Francis M. " " M. O. April 5, 1866. Simmo, Francis Washingt'n Apr. 5 Same Gibbs, Westly J. " " M. O. April 13, 1866. Hess, Peter " fc Same COMPANY 12. Birk, Patrick Lockport Apr. 3, '65 Cottel, Hamden S. Manhattan Gaffney, Mathew A. Lockport Apr.14,'65 BATTERY D, U. S. ART. WM. FERGUSON, Corp'! Channahon Mar.2, '62 Died of wounds Dec. 10, 1862. 2o MICH. CAV. Major. HARMON F. NICHOLSON Joliet Aug.21,61 As lieut. Prom maj. 12TH MICH. RBGT. Hospital Steward. Frank H. Harmon Lockport Feb. 26,64 As private. Prom. dis. foa difl. April 18, '65. 4TH MISSOURI CAT. 1st Lieutenant. CHANCY B. PHATT Joliet Aug v '61 M. O. EDEN REED Sergeant " Same GEOROE WEBB Corpora 'i M Same. ADAM WAGNER >' to Same, Jos. H. Carrier Blacksm " " Same. PRIVATES. f Bradley, Wilbur Troy " 3ame. Carey Joseph same Hayes, Wm. F. Toliet same Getter, George Same Perry, E. H. " fc Same 19Tii WISCONSIN. Hebert, Francis Du BUQUE, IA., BAT. ** June 2, '62 M. O. Julv 3rd, 1865. Wounded Blufl's. Served on staff of Gen at Denny's Patrick. Sisson, George W. 21sT WISCONSIN. Lockport Sept38,'61 Dis. March 31, 1863. .Peck, Virgil Joliet Aug.15,'62 Id. O. Was pris. 26Tii MICHIGAN. Brigbtmaa, Wilfred F. U. S. MARINES. Aug. 6.'62 M. O. with regt. (Ad. Porter's Squadron.) Bennett, Robert Mason, D. F. Wilton Wilton Sept. 8,'63; " 1 M. O. Aug. 28, 1866, Same 80 The following persons we are unable to give date of enlistment and other particulars : Fairburn, Ingalls Wheatland Enlisted in 18th regt. U. S. Inft. Taylor, George " Same Cotton, Nathaniel Jackson Enlisted in 3rd Michigan. Mulliken, George Crete Enlisted in 20th Ind. and served through. Christ, R. H. Plainfleld Was in the south at the breaking out of the rebellion ; was driven out, and on reaching Indiana, enlisted. Hanley, Martin Joliet Enlisted in 9th Michigan. Dyer, George Randall, Albert T. Channahon Was capt. of a company of union refugees in Mo. Was in 1st Col. Mounted Infantry, under Canby. Steadman, S Wilmingt'n Same. Dyer, N. D. Dupage Was in 29th Missouri. Brown, Edwin Wilmingt'n Enlisted on sloop of war. Hay, John Wheatland Enlisted in Fremont Hussars. Swarthout, G. B. Wilmingt'n Was capt. Co. H, 8th Mo. Was killed at Ft. Donaldson. Marshall, George N. New Lenox Enlisted in 4th Mich. cav. Was taken prisoner and died in Andersonville. Atkins, Homer Frankfort Enlisted in same, and died at Nashville. Bliss, E. S. Plainfleld Served as Assist. Sur. U. S. A. and died in service. Outtan, John C. Peotone As seaman, on Miss. U. S. gun-boat. George R. Dyer Joliet Served is quartermaster at Pilot Knob. Alex. Mclntosh u As quartermaster in 3d Division 17th A. C. Philip Leder " As paymaster, U. S. R. S. Reed H As contract surgeon at Paducah. UNASSIGNED RECRUITS, DRAFTED MEN AND SUBSTITUTES FROM WILL COUNTY. Name and Rank. Residence . Enlistm't History. Montgomery .G. W. 7 reg. Clark, Benj. F. 8th regt. jJoliet Lockport Mayl7,'64 Oct. 2. '64 Subs. M. O. June 12, 1865. Grape, Fred. A. " Crete Oct. 5, '64 M. O. Oct. 4, 1865. Henderson, Geo. H." Lockport Oct.21. '64 Subs. Powis, John Will Oct. 11, '64 Peyton, L. D. llth regt. Wiley, John H. 14th regt. Lockport Joliet Oct. 14,'64 Aug. 22,64 Subs. Johnson, Jas. 15th regt. Bacher, Christ. 20th regt. Crete Jan.25,'64 Jan. 4, '65 Subs M. O. in 20th regt. Cortias, Wm Wesley Jan.10,'65 Lehman, Jacob W. Joliet ' Mar.25,'65 Long, John E. " " Piene, John H. " East Joliet Jan. 23,'65 Perkins, Wm. New Lenox Feb. 21,'65 Rotze, Frederick " Washington Mar. 8, '65 Shires, Wm. M. " Monee Sept.26,64 Vikend, Christ. " Crete Oct. 5. '64 Walker, Charles " Monee Nov. 15, '64 Casey, Thos. 23d regt. Joliet Jan.12,'64 Hogan, Isaac " Dec. 4,'63 Dickerson, Duke 30 regt. Lockport Howe, Jno. H. 34th regt. Joliet Jan 21, '65 Axford, John 36th regt. Wesley Jan 18,'65 Baker, Chas. E. " Will Co. Oct. 13/64 Donaldson, Robert " New Lenox Oct. 4. '64 McNary, Michael " Wesley Jan.lV65 Allen, Ameziah " Frankfort Sept.2,'64 Subs. Graham, John " Joliet Aug.25,64 " Rood, William " " Sept 2. '64 " Smith, Michael " Wheatland June;, '65 Mattoon, W. F. 38th regt. Monee Mar. 8/65 Bond, James 39th regt Joliet Sept20,'62 Machmer, Caleb " Reed Jan.12,'64 Noxon, John Wesley Jan 7, '65 Pjrkins, Albert " Smith, John Dhannahon Wesley Dec. 28,63 Feb. 23,64 Died at Camp Butler, III., Feb. 10, 1884. Graham, John " Joliet Aug.25,64 Substitute. 81 UNASSIGNED RECRUITS, DRAFTED MEN, ETC. Continued. Name and Rank. Residence Enlistm't History. Healy, George 40th regt. Joliet Jan 27, - 65 M. O. Stevens, Half E. " kk " fc lfc Ropp, Solomon 42d regt. Cavanaugh, Jno. " Wallingf'rd Nov.ll, 64 Mar. 5, '64 Dis. July 6, 1865. Leg amputated. Waters, James " M tk McDonald, Ter. 43d regt. Lockport Oct. 5, '64 Backer, Joseph 44th regt. Adams, George 49th regt. Burke, Wm. 53d regt. Gr'n Gard'n Jackson Oct. 22/64 Mar.10,'65 Oct.ll, '64 Absent sick at M. O. M. O. Sept. 9, 1865. Edwards, Wm. " ifc Oct. 10, '64 Hale, John L. " M Lunghlin, Patrick " Joliet Dis. May 14, 1864. Landuct, Francis " * Same. Malony, John ' ' Jackson Oct. 11,'64 Wilson, George " " " Williams, George " Patrick Henry 54th regt. Joliet Apr 6/65 M. O. Oct. 15, 1865. Golden, Ed'd 58th regt. " Sept.19,64 Davenport, S.F.59th regt. Jay, Hanibal P. 62d regt Lockport Joliet Dec.30,'64 Feb. 4,'65 Co. C consol. Thompson, Jas. " Crete Feb. 7,'65 Welch, John " Feb.lO,'6S Sanders, Jasper " Joliet Feb.20,'65 Manley, Thos. Wilton Mar. 23,65 Owen, James H. " Monee O'Brien, Rob't E. S." Will Co. Feb.21,'65 Subt. Brown, Geo. 66th regt. Joliet Feb.24,'65 Cooper, Thos. 88th regt. Peotone Feb. 9, '65 Sawyer, Geo. L. 91st regt. Joliet Baden, Tim. 100th regt. Jan. 5, '64 Carr, Barney " Feb. 9 Farr, Henry Plainfleld Oct.30, '63 Long, John Will Feb.28.'65 Little, John Lockport Apr. 13 Moore, John " " Nolan. Philip " Nov.^18,64 Brown, Philip " " Ryan, John Will Feb.28,'65 Robinson, Jas. " Lockport Apr. 13 Sterling, Wm. " Apr.13,'65 Waters, Edw'd " Plainfield Oct. 31, '63 Dodge, Chas. 103d regt. Smith, Geo. 2d Cav. New Lenox Channahon Nov, 14,64 Oct 13/64 Vam, Chas. " Joliet Dec.19,'63 Shotal, Wm. 2d Cav. Lockport Feb. 17,64 Caton, Geo. D. " Joliet Jan.16/65 Clare, Geo. M. " " Jan.31,'65 Farrell, Richard ' 11 Jan.17,'65 Hickling. Thos. ' Langin, Patrick ' 4 Feb.l Jan. 31 M. O. May 20, 1865. McManns, Wm. ' ' Jan.17,'65 Palmer, Geo. ' ' Jan. 16/65 Sheldon, Thos. " i Jan.31/65 Watton, Edward " Jan.17, 65 Wright, W. R. " Manhattan April 10 McGanley, Pat. 4th cav. Moran, Francis " Wilmingt'n Joliet Mar. 7 Nov. 17'63 Nichols, Nathan'l D" Jackson Feb 22/64 Riley, John " Joliet Jan.15/64 Corwin, Chas. A. " Cadwell, Hiram " Donahue, James " New Lenox Manhattan Wheatland Sept.5/64 Sept. 1 Dec. 30 Sube. from 45. Sub. M. O. Sept. 12, 1865. Freeland, John " Troy Oct. 8 Moore, Robert . " Manhattan Dec. 30 Busk, Wm. 8th cav. Crete Nov. 17 Calahan, James " Wilton Oct. 8 Calhoun, Noah W. " Wesley Oct. 12 Day, George Manhattan Nov. 17 Granshay, Thomas " Wilton Oct. 8 Gates, Sam 1 ! B. " Florence Oct. 12 Jones, Stephen " JDupage Oct. 7 Miller, Duncan M. " Wheatland Jan.28/64 21 82 UNASSIGNED RECRUITS, DRAFTED MEN, ETC. Concluded. Name and Rank. iesidence. Enlistm't History. McNew, Wm. 8th cav. Will Sept.30,64 Melyin, Chas. Toilet Jan. 28 Raymond, Henry ' 2hannaho n Oct. 13 Smith, George ' ) up age Oct.? Schenck, Geo. W. ' Wesley Oct. 12 Stone, Harry " Oct. 11 Taylor, George ' Manhattan Nov. 17 Wilcox, James ' Wilton Oct. 8 French, John 9th cav. ^ilmi'gton Jan. 17 Malence, Otto " Florence Mar. 9, '65 Martin, James K. " liockport Mar. 22 Smith, Sam'l " Joliet Aug. 13, 64 Subs. Hayes, John 10th cav. 3hannahon Jan. 4 Rafferty, Edward " Joliet Mar. 8 McDermott,Wm. Hth cav Monagin, Patrick " Gr'n Gard'n Mar. 18 March 13 M. O. May 23, 1865. Merrin, Joseph O. " Simonds, John " Joliet Peotone Mar. 18,65 Mar. 17,65 Same. Davis, Robt. J. 12th cav. Joliet Dec.29.'63 King Andrew J. " *. ., Kinney, James " fct " Trans, to 17th 111. cav. Legg, John W. " Wesley Jan. 5, '64 Meyer, John " Joliet Dec. 23 Same. Beard, Jas. W. 13th cav. Dupage Oct. 1 Kisar, Nicholas " Wilton Sept. 5 Schummon, Jacob " Dupage Higgins, Thos. 15th cav. Frankfort Oct. 13 Jackson, James " Plainfleld Oct. 10 O'Hara, Dan'l Williams. Jeremiah" " " Barton, James 17th cav. Wilton Oct. 8 Bod, August " Manhattan Oct. 7 Jones, Patrick " Wilton Oct. 8 Madden, John " Peotone Maliet, Patrick " Wilton " O'Neil, James " Peotone M Smith, James " Locitport Sept. 2 Subs. Thornton, Henry A. ' " Aug. 31 " Weaver, John ' New Lenox Oct 7 Anderson, John 1st art. Wesley Nov.5, 64 Bartra, P. A. A. Manhattan Oct. 8 Frearsou, Sam'l J. ' Wilton Oct. 11 Died Dec. 3, 8864. Johnson, Patrick ' Peotone Oct. 8 McCarty, Chas. Wheatland Jan. 4, '65 Metze, George " " " Merrill, William Wesley Nov. 5 Simons, James " Wilton Oct. 8 Ailen, John 3d art Joliet Jan. 23 Archer, Wm. " Feb. 16 Anderson, Wm. " " Feb. 2 Brady, John " " May 15,64 Colby, Sam'l B " Lockport Feb. 26 Dullard, Mitchell " Joliet Feb. 3 Myette, John B. " " Feb.29.'64 Moore, James " 1 Dec. 7, '63 Moore, John ' Jan. 30,'64 Nicholson, Jas. N. ' ' Feb.16,'64 Simpson, Duke ' Jan.22,'64 Simpson, Magher, ' ' Jan. 25 Wilson, Alfred ' 1 Feb.22,'64 Smith, Chas. V. Lockport Feb. 11 Smith, Wm. ' Joliet Oct. 11 ERRATA For Peter "Comlyman," page 75, read Countryman. The name of Philip Filer, page 80, is misprinted in part of the edition. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA FIFTEEN YEARS AGO: OR, THE PATRIOTISM OF