^ LIB RA FLY OF THL U N 1VLR.51TY or ILLl NOIS L IlLINOIS HISTORICAL SUDVEV \ Jl THE PAST AND PRESENT OF WOODFORD COUNTY, iLLiisrois, CONTAINING A History of the County — its Cities, Towns, &c. ; a Directory of its Tax-Payers; War Record of its Volunteers in the Late Re- bellion; Portraits of Early Settlers and Prominent Men ; General and Local Statistics; Map of Woodford County; History of Illinois, Illustrated; History of the Northwest, Illustrated ; Constitution of the United States, Miscellaneous Matters, &c., &c. ILXjTJSTia.A.TEID. CHICAGO: WM. LE BARON, JE., & CO., 186 DEARBORN STREET. 1878. PREFACE. In presenting our History of Woodford County, we deem a few prefatory words necessary. We have spared neither pains nor expense to fiilfill our engagement with our patrons and make the work as complete as possible. We have acted upon the principle that justice to those who have subscribed, be they few or many, requires that the work should be as well done as if it was patronized by every citizen in the county. We do not claim that our work is entirely free from errors ; such a result could not be attained by the utmost care and forsight of ordinary mortals. The County History was compiled by our historians, W. H. Perrin and H. H. Hill. Some of the Township His- tories are indeed longer than others, as the townships are older, containing larger cities and towns, and have been the scenes of more important and interesting events. While fully recognizing this important difference, the historians have sought to write up each township with equal fidelity to the facts and information within their reach. We take this occasion to present our thanks to all our numerous subscribers for their patronage and encouragement in the publication of the work. In this confident belief, we submit it to the enlightened judgment of those for whose benefit it has been prepared, believing that it will be received as a most valuable and complete work. THE PUBLISHERS. Clllf'Afio: Cl'LVKR, l-A(iE, IIOYNE * CO., PKl.NTERS, 118 >n4 13< MonrM Strcrl. CONTENTS. Page. History Northwest Territory 19 Geographical ;. 19 Early Exploration 20 Discovery of the Ohio 33 English Explorations and Settle- ments 35 American Settlements 60 Division of the Northwest Terri- tory 66 fecumseh and the war of 1812 70 Black Hawk and the Black Hawk War 74 HIJiTORICAIi. Page. Other Indian Trouhles 79 Present Condition of the Northwest 87 Illinois 99 Indiana 101 Iowa 102 Michigan 103 Wisconsin 104 Minnesota 106 Nebraska 107 History of Illinois 109 Coal 125 Compact of 1787 117 Page. History of Chicago 132 Early Discoveries 109 Early Settlements •. 115 Education 129 First French Occupation 112 Genius of La Salle 113 Material Resources 124 Massacre of Fort Dearborn 141 Physical Features 121 Progress of Development 123 Religion and Morals 128 War Record of Illinois 130 IL.IilJSTRATIONS. Page. Source of the Mississippi 21 Mouth of the Mississippi 21 Wild Prairie 23 La Salle Landing on the Shore of Green Bay 25 Buffalo Hunt 27 Trapping 29 Hunting 32 Iroquois Chief. 34 Pontiac, the Ottawa Chieftain 43 Indians Attacking Frontiersmen... 56 A Prairie Storm 59 A Pioneer Dwelling 61 Breaking Prairie 63 Page. Tecumseh, the Shawnee Chieftain... 69 Indians Attacking a Stockade 72 Black Hawk, the Sac Chieftain 75 Big Eagle 80 Captain Jack, tlie Modoc Chieftain.. 83 Kinzie House 85 Village Residence 86 A Representative Pioneer 87 Lincoln Monument, Springfield, 111. 88 A Pioneer School House 89 Farm View in the Winter 90 High Bridge and Lake Bluff 94 Great Iron Bridge of Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad, Cross- Paoe. ing the River at Davenport. Iowa 96. A Western Dwelling 100 Hunting Prairie Wolves at an Early Day 108 Starved Rock, on the Illinois River, La Salle County, 111 110 An Early Settlement 116 Chicago in 1833 133 Old Fort Dearbon in 1830 136 Present site of Lake Street Bridge, Chicago, in 1833 136 Pioneers' First Winter 142 View of the City of Chicago 144 Shabbona 149 IVOODFORD COUUTY HISTORY. Page. Qeneral History of Woodford Co. ..223 Cazenovia Township 351 Clayton " 375 Cruger " 310 El Paso " 409 Greene " 342 Page. Kansas Township 467 Linn •' 375 Metamora " 267 Minonk " 425 Montgomery Township 448 Olio " 318 Page Palestine Township 436 Panola " 400 Partridge •' 392 Roanoke " 333 Spring Bay " 296 Worth " 363 L,lTHO©RAPHIi; PORTRAITS. Page. Briggs, J. Albert 329 Cassell, R. T 239 Cole, Frederick 365 Cavan, Oliver A 437 Davison, S. R 419 Fort, J. M 311 Page. Guibert, Louis A 186 Hoshor, Jefferson 204 Jaj'nes, James 401 Meek, Henry B 168 Miindell, Abncr ....383 Page, John 221 Page. Page, Adino 257 Page, John W 275 Snyder, John 465 Willard, P. II 347 Whitmire, James 8 293 Wagner, Michael 473 WOODFORD COITNTY WAR RECORD. Infantry.. Page. I Page. I 463 I Cavalry 486 | Artillery Page. . ...488 4f^^^ ("? ^'^ CONTENTS. Paoe. Cazenovia Township 627 Cla>ton '• 588 , Cruger " 53G EI Paso " 515 ' Greene " 558 [ Kansas " Co8 TOIVXSIIIP DIRECTORY. Page. Linn Townsoip 582 ( Metamora " 489 Mlnonk " 547 Montgomery Township 010 Olio " " 594 Palestine " C52 Page Panola Township 5k8 I'artridgf* " 647 Roanoke " 573 Spring Bay " 532 Worth " 615 ABSTRACT OF II^LIXOIS STATE LAWS. Page. Adoption of Children 16u Bills of E.xchange and Promissory , Notes 151 I County Courts 155 Conveyances 164 Church Organizations 189 Descent 151 Deeds and Moi gages 157 Drainage 163 Damages from Trespass 169 Definition of Commercial Terms 173 Exemptions from Forced Sale 156 Estrays 157 Fences 168 Forms: Articles of Agreement 175 Bills of Purchase 174 Bills of Sale 176 Bonds 176 Page. Chattel Mortgages 177 Codicil 189 Lease of Farm and Build- ings 179 Lease of House 180 Landlord's Agreement 180 Notes 174 Notice Tenant to Quit 181 Orders 174 Quit Claim Deed 185 Receipt 174 Real Estate Mortgaged to Secure Payment of Money 181 Release 186 Tenant's Agreement 180 Tenant's Notice to Quit 181 Warranty Deed 182 Will 187 Paoe. Game 1.58 Interest 151 Jurisdiction of Courts 154 Limitation of Action 155 Landlord and Tenant., 169 Liens 172 Married Women 155 Millers 159 Marks and Brands 159 Paupers 164 Roads and Bridges 161 Surveyors and Surveys 160 Suggestions to Persons Purchasing Books by Subscription 190 Taxes 154 Wills and Estates 152 Weights and Measures 158 Wolf Scalps 164 Page. | Map of Woodford County Front | Constitution of the U. S 192 I Electors of President and Vice Pres- I ident 206 \ Practical Rules for Every Day Use.207 i U. S. Government Land Measure. ..210 Agricultural Productions of lUi- I nois by Counties, 1870 210 ' Surveyors" Measure 211 How to Keep Accounts 211 Interest Table 212 MISC£L.IiAXEOUS. Page. Miscellaneous Tables 212 Names of the States of the Union and their Signification 213 Population of the United States 214 Population of Fifty Principal Cities of the United States 214 Population and Area of the United States 215 Population of the Principal Coun- tries in the World 215 Population of Illinois 216-217 Page. State Laws Relating to Interest 218 State Laws Belrting to Limitations of Actions 219 Productions of Agriculture of Illi- nois 220 Report of Crops in Woodford Co... 462 Population of Woodford Co 462 Business Directory 661 Assessors' Report 668 The Northwest Territory. GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION. When the Northwestern Territory was ceded to the United States by Virginia in 1784, it embraced only the territory lying between the Ohio and the Mississippi Rivers, and north to the northern limits of the United States. It coincided with the area now embraced in the States of Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, and that portion of Minnesota lying on the east side of the Mississippi River. The United States itself at that period extended no farther west than the Mississippi River; but by the purchase of Louisiana in 1803, the western boundary of the United States was extended to the Rocky Mountains and the Northern Pacific Ocean. The new territory thus added to the National domain, and subsequently opened to settlement, has been called the " New Northwest," in contradistinction from the old " Northwestern Territory." In comparison with the old Northwest this is a territory of vast magnitude. It includes an area of 1,887,850 square miles ; being greater in extent than the united areas of all the Middle and Southern States, including Texas. Out of this magnificent territory have been erected eleven sovereign States and eight Territories, with an aggregate popula- tion, at the present time, of 13,000,000 inhabitants, or nearly one third of the entire population of the United States. Its lakes are fresh-water seas, and the larger rivers of the continent flow for a thousand miles through its rich alluvial valleys and far- stretching prairies, more acres of which are arable and productive of the highest percentage of the cereals than of any other area of like extent on the globe. I For the last twenty years the increase of population in the North- west has been about as three to one in any other portion of the United States. (19) 20 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. EARLY EXPLORATIONS. In the year 1541, DeSoto first saw the Great West in the New World. He, however, penetrated no farther north than the 35th parallel of latitude. The expedition resulted in his death and that of more than half his army, the remainder of whom found their way to Cuba, thence to Spain, in a famished and demoralized condition. DeSoto founded" no settlements, produced no results, and left no traces, unless it were that he awakened the hostility of the red man against the white man, and disheartened such as might desire to follow up the career of discovery for better purposes. The French nation were eager and ready to seize upon any news from this extensive domain, and were the first to profit by DeSoto's defeat. Yet it was more than a century before any adventurer took advantage of these discoveries. In 1616, four years before the pilgrims " moored their bark on the wild New England shore," Le Caron, a French Franciscan, had pene- trated through the Iroquois and Wyandots (^Hurons) to the streams which run into Lake Huron ; and in 1634, two Jesuit missionaries founded the first mission among the lake tribes. It was just one hundred years from the discovery of the Mississippi by DeSoto (1541) until the Canadian envoys met the savage nations of the Northwest at the Falls of St. Mary, below the outlet of Lake Superior. This visit led to no permanent result; yet it was not until 1659 that any of the adventurous fur traders attempted to spend a Winter in the frozen wilds about the great lakes, nor was it until 1660 that a station was established upon their borders by Mesnard, who perished in the woods a few months after. In 1665, Claude Allouez built the earliest lasting habitation of the white man among the Indians of the Northwest. In 1668, Claude Dablon and Jaujes Marquette founded the mission of Sault Ste. Marie at the Falls of St. Mary, and two years afterward, Nicholas Perrot, as agent for M. Talon, Governor Gen- eral of Canada, explored Lake Illinois (Michigan) as far south as the present City of Chicago, and invited the Indian nations to meet him at a grand council at Sault Ste. Marie the following Spring, where they were taken under the protection of the king, and formal possession was taken of the Northwest. This same year Marquette establislied a mission at Point St. Ignatius, where was founded the old town of Michillimackinac. During M. Talon's explorations and Marquette's residence at St. Ignatius, they learned of a great river away to the west, and fancied — as all others did then — that upon its fertile banks whole tribes of God's children resided, to whom the sound of the Gospel had never come. Filled with a wish to go and preach to them, and in compliance with a THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 21 ifW'" 'fill mnm ^ I—* w ►—I m m H C K O ^1. Ph I— I cc h-l «2 w o o i/1 22 THE NORTHWEST TERRITOxxY. request of M. Talon, who earnestly desired to extend the domain of his king, and to ascertain whether the river flowed into the Gulf of Mexico or the Pacific Ocean, Marquette with Joliet, as commander of the expe- dition, prepared for the undertaking. On the 13th of May, 1673, the explorers, accompanied by five assist- ant French Canadians, set out from Mackinaw on their daring voyage of discovery. The Indians, who gathered to witness their departure, were astonished at the boldness of the undertaking, and endeavored to dissuade them from their purpose by representing the tribes on the Mississippi as exceedingly savage and cruel, and the river itself as full of all sorts of frightful monsters ready to swallow them and their canoes together. But, nothing daunted by these terrific descriptions, Marquette told thera he waS willing not only to encounter all the perils of the unknown region they were about to explore, but to lay down his life in a cause in which the salvation of souls was involved ; and having prayed together they separated. Coasting along the northern shore of Lake Michigan, the adventurers entered Green Bay, and passed thence up the Fox River and Lake Winnebago to a village of the Miamis and Kickapoos. Here Mar- quette was delighted to find a beautiful cross planted in the middle of the town ornamented with white skins, red girdles and bows and arrows, which these good people had offered to the Great Manitou, or God, to thank him for the pity he had bestowed on them during the Winter in giving them an abundant " chase." This was the farthest outpost to which Dablon and Allouez had extended their missionary labors the year previous. Here Marquette drank mineral waters and was instructed in the secret of a root which cures the bite of the venomous rattlesnake. He assembled the chiefs and old men of the village, and, pointing to Joliet, said: " My friend is an envoy of France, to discover new coun- tries, and I am an ambassador from God to enlighten them with the truths of the Gospel." Two Miami guides were here furnished to conduct them to the Wisconsin River, and they set out from the Indian village on the 10th of June, amidst a great crowd of natives who had assembled to witness their departure into a region where no white man had ever yet ventured. The guides, having conducted them across the portage, returned. The explorers launched their canoes upon the Wisconsin, which they descended to the Mississippi and proceeded down its unknown waters. What emotions must have swelled their breasts as they struck out into the broadening current and became conscious that they were now upon the bosom of th3 Father of Waters. The mystery was about to be lifted from the long-sought river. The scenery in that locality is beautiful, and on that delightful seventeenth of June must have been clad in all its primeval loveliness as it had been adorned by the hand of THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 23 Nature. Drifting rapidly, it is said that the bold bluffs on either hand " reminded them of the castled shores of their own beautiful rivers of France." By-and-by, as they drifted along, great herds of buffalo appeared on the banks. On going to the heads of the valley they could see a country of the greatest beauty and fertility, apparently destitute of inhab- itants yet presenting the appearance of extensive manors, under the fas- tidious cultivation of lordly proprietors. THE WILD PRAIRIE. On June 25, they went ashore and found some fresh traces of men upon the sand, and a path which led to the prairie. The men remained in the boat, and Marquette and Joliet followed the path till they discovered a village on the banks of a river, and two other villages on a hill, within a half league of the first, inhabited by Indians. They were received most hospitably by these natives, who had never before seen a white person. After remaining a few daj^s they re-embarked and descended the river to about latitude 33°, where they found a village of the Arkansas, and being satisfied that the river flowed into the Gulf of Mexico, turned their course 24 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. up the river, and ascending the stream to the mouth of the Illinois, rowed up that stream to its source, and procured guides from that point to the lakes. " Nowhere on this journey," says Marquette, •' did we see such grounds, meadows, woods, stags, bufifaloes, deer, wildcats, bustards, swans, ducks, parroquets, and even beavers, as on the Illinois River.*' The party, without loss or injury, reached Green Bay in September, and reported their discovery — one of the most important of the age, but of which no record was preserved save Marquette's, Joliet losing his by the upsetting of his canoe on his way to Quebec. Afterward Marquette returned to the Illinois Indians b}' their request, and ministered to them until 1G75. On the 18th of May, in that year, as he was passing the mouth of a stream — going with his boatmen up Lake ISIichigan — he asked to land at its mouth and celebrate Mass. Leaving his men with the canoe, he retired a short distance and began his devotions. As much time passed and he did not return, his men went in search of him, and found him upon his knees, dead. He had peacefuU}' passed away .while at prayer. He was buried at this spot. Charlevoix, who visited the place fifty years after, found the waters had retreated from the grave, leaving the beloved missionary to repose in peace. The river has since been called Marquette. While Marquette and his companions were pursuing their labors in the West, two men, differing widely from him and each other, were pre- paring to follow in his footsteps and perfect the discoveries so well begun by him. These were Robert de La Salle and Louis Hennepin. After La Salle's return from the discovery of the Ohio River (see the narrative elsewhere), he established himself again among the French trading posts in Canada. Here he mused long upon the pet project of those ages — a short way to China and the East, and was busily planning an expedition up the great lakes, and so across the continent to the Pacific, when Marquette returned from the Mississippi. At once the vigorous mind of LaSalle received from his and his companions' stories the idea that by fol- lowing the Great River northward, or by turning up some of the numerous western tributaries, the object could easily be gained. He applied to Frontenac, Governor General of Canada, and laid before him the plan, dim but gigantic. Frontenac entered warmly into his plans, and saw that LaSalle's idea to connect the great lakes b}' a chain of forts with the Gulf of ]\Iexico would bind the country so wonderfully together, give un- measured power to France, and glory to himself, under whose adminis- tration he earnestly hoped all would be realized. LaSalle now repaired to France, laid his plans before the King, who warmly approved of them, and made him a Chevalier. He also received from all the noblemen the warmest wishes for his success. The Chev- THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 25 alier returned to Canada, and busily entered upon his work. He at once rebuilt Fort Frontenac and constructed the first ship to sail on these fresh-water seas. On the 7th of August, 1679, having been joined by Hennepin, he began his voyage in the Griffin up Lake Erie. He passed over this lake, through the straits beyond, up Lake St. Clair and into Huron. In this lake they encountered heavy storms. They were some time at Michillimackinac, where LaSalle founded a fort, and passed on to Green Bay, the " Bale des Puans " of the French, where he found a large quantity of furs collected for him. He loaded the Griffin with these, and placing her under the care of a pilot and fourteen sailors, LA SALLE LANDING ON THE SHORE OF GREEN BAY. started her on her return voyage. The vessel was never afterward heard of. He remained about these parts until early in the Winter, when, hear- ing nothing from the Griffin, he collected all his men — thirty working men and three monks — and started again upon his great undertaking. By a short portage they passed to the Illinois or Kankakee, called by the Indians, " Theakeke," loolf^ because of the tribes of Indians called by that name, commonly known as the Mahingans, dwelling there. The French pronounced it Kiakiki, which became corrupted to Kankakee. " Falling down the said river by easy journeys, the better to observe the country," about the last of December they reached a village of the Illinois Indians, containing some five hundred cabins, but at that moment Ub THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. no inhabitants. The Seur de LaSalle being in want of some breadstuflfs, took advantage of the absence of the Indians to help himself to a suffi- ciency of maize, large quantities of which he found concealed in holes under the wigwams. This village was situated near the present village of Utica in LaSalle County, Illinois. The corn being securely stored, the voyagers again betook themselves to the stream, and toward evening, on the 4th day of January, 1680, they came into a lake which must have been the lake of Peoria. This was called by the Indians Fim-i-te-wi, that is, a place where there are many fat beasts. Here the natives were met with in large numbers, but they were gentle and kind, and having spent some time with them, LaSalle determined to erect another fort in that place, for he had heard rumors that some of the adjoining tribes were trying to disturb the good feeling which existed, and some of his men were disposed to complain, owing to the hardships and perils of the ti'avel. He called this fort " Crevecoeur"' (broken-heart), a name expressive of the very natural sorrow and anxiety which the pretty certain loss of his ship. Griffin, and his consequent impoverishment, the danger of hostility on the part of the Indians, and of mutiny among his own men, might well cause him. His fears were not entirely groundless. At one time poison was placed in his food, but fortunately was discovered. While building this fort, the Winter wore away, the prairies began to look green, and LaSalle, despairing of any reinforcements, concluded to return to Canada, raise new means and new men, and embark anew in the enterprise. For this purpose he made Hennepin the leader of a party to explore the head waters of the Mississippi, and he set out on his jour- ney. This journey was accomplished with the aid of a few persons, and was successfully made, though over an almost unknown route, and in a bad season of the year. He safely reached Canada, and set out again for the object of his search. Hennepin and his party left Fort Crevecoeur on the last of February, 1680. When, LaSalle reached this place on his return expedition, he" found the fort entirely deserted, and he was obliged to return again to Canada. He embarked the third time, and succeeded. Seven da^'s after leaving the fort, Hennepin reached the Mississippi, and paddling up the icy stream as best he could, reached no higher than the Wisconsin River by the 11th of April. Here he and his followers were taken prisoners by a band of Northern Indians, who treated them with great kindness. Hen- nepin's comrades were Anthony Auguel and Michael Ako. On this voy- age they found several beautiful lakes, and "saw some charming prairies." Their captors were the Isaute or Sauteurs, Chippewas, a tribe of the Sioux nation, who took them up the river until about the first of May, when they reached some falls, which Hennepin christened Falls of St. Anthony THE NOKTHWEST TERRITORY. 27 in honor of his patron saint. Here they took the land, and traveling nearly two hundred miles to the northwest, brought them to their villages. Here they were kept about three months, were treated kindly by their captors, and at the end of that time, were met by a band of Frenchmen, BUFFALO HUNT. headed by one Seur de Luth, who, in pursuit of trade and game, had pene- trated thus far by the route of Lake Superior ; and with these fellow- countrymen Hennepin and his companions were allowed to return to the borders of civilized life in November, 1680, just after LaSalle had returned to the wilderness on his second trip. Hennepin soon after went to France, where he published an account of his adventures. 28 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. The Mississippi was first discovered by De Soto in April, 1541, in his vain endeavor to find gold and precious gems. In the following Spring, De Soto, weary with hope long deferred, and worn out with his wander- ings, he fell a victim to disease, and on the 21st of May died. His followers, reduced by fatigue and disease to less than three hundred men, wandered about the country nearly a year, in the vain endeavor to rescue them- selves by land, and finally constructed seven small vessels, called brigan- tines, in which they embarked, and descending the river, supposing it would lead them to the sea, in July they came to the sea (Gulf of Mexico), and by September reached the Island of Cuba. They were the first to see the great outlet of the Mississippi ; but, being so weary and discouraged, made no attempt to claim the country, and hardly had an intelligent idea of what they had passed through. To La Salle, the intrepid explorer, belongs the honor of giving the first account of the mouths of the river. His great desire was to possess this entire country for his king, and in January, 1682, he and his band of explorers left the shores of Lake Michigan on their third attempt, crossed the portage, passed down the Illinois River, and on the 6th of February, reached the banks of the Mississippi. On the 13th they commenced their downward course, which they pursued with but one interruption, until upon the 6th of March they dis- covered the three great passages by which the river discharges its waters into the gulf. La Salle thus narrates the event : " We landed on the bank of the most western channel, about three leagues (nine miles) from its mouth. On the seventh, M. de LaSalle went to reconnoiter the shores of the neighboring sea, and M. de Tonti meanwhile examined the great middle channel. They found the main outlets beautiful, large and deep. On the 8th we reascended the river, a little above its confluence with the sea, to find a dry place beyond the refMih of inundations. The elevation of the North Pole was here about twenty-seven degrees. Here we prepared a column and a cross, and to the column were affixed the arms of France with this inscription : Louis Le Grand, Roi De France et de Navarre, regne ; Le neuvieme Avril, 1682. The whole party, under arms, chanted the Te Deum, and then, after a salute and cries of " Vive le Roi^" the column was erected by M. de LaSalle, who, standing near it, proclaimed in a loud voice the authority of the King of France. LaSalle returned and laid the foundations of the Mis- sissippi settlements in Illinois, thence he proceeded to France, where another expedition was fitted out, of which he was commander, and in two succeeding voyages failed to find the outlet of the river by sailing along the shore of the gulf. On his third voyage he was killed, through the THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 29 treachery of his followers, and the object of his expeditions "was not accomplished until 1699, when D"Iberville, under the authority of the crown, discovered, on the second of March, by way of the sea, the mouth of the " Hidden River." This majestic stream was called by the natives *^ Malbouchia,'' and by the Spaniards, " Za Palissade,'" from the great '5V ,-e rude pioneer struct ures» known as forts or stockades. Thus Forts Dearborn, Washington, Pon- ehartrain, mark the original sites of the now proud Cities of Chicago, Cincinnati and Detroit. So of most of the flourishing cities east and west of the Mississippi. Fort Washington, erected by Doughty in 1790, was a rude but highly interesting structure. It was composed of a number of strongly-built hewed log cabins. Those designed for soldiers' barracks were a story and a half high, while those composing the officers quarters were more imposing and more conveniently arranged and furnished. The whole were so placed as to form a hollow square, enclosing about an acre of ground, with a block house at each of the four angles. The logs for the construction of this fort were cut from the cround upon which it was erected. It stood between Third and Fourth Streets of the present city (Cincinnati) extending east of Eastern Row. now Broadway, which was then a narrow alley, and the eastern boundary of of the town as it was originally laid out. On the bank of the river, immediately in front of the fort, was an appendage of the fort, called the Artificer's Yard. It contained about two acres of ground, enclosed by small contiguous buildings, occupied by workshops and quarters of laborers. Within this enclosure there was a large two-story frame house, familiarly called the " Yellow House," built for the accommodation of the Quartermaster General. For many years this was the best finished and most commodious edifice in the Queen City. Fort Washington was for some time the headquarters of both the civil and military governments of the Northwestern Territory. Following the consummation of the treaty various gigantic land spec- ulations were entered into by different persons, who hoped to obtain from the Indians in Michigan and northern Indiana, large tracts of lands. These Avere generally discovered in time to prevent the outrageous schemes from being carried out, and from involving the settlers in war. On October 27. 170."), the treaty between the United States and Spain was signed, whereby the free navigation of the Mississippi was secured. No sooner had the treat}' of 1795 been ratified than settlements began to pour rapidly into the West. The great event of the year 1796 was the occupation of that part of the Northwest including Michigan, which was this year, under the provisions of the treat}', evacuated by the British forces. The United States, owing to certain conditions, did not feel justified in addressing the authorities in Canada in relation to Detioit and other frontier posts. When at last the British authorities were called to give them up, they at once complied, and General Wayne, who had done so much to preserve the frontier settlements, and who, before the year's close, sickened and died near Erie, transferred his head- THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 65 quarters to the neighborhood of the lakes, where a county named after him was formed, which included the northwest of Ohio, all of Michigan, and the northeast of Indiana. During this same year settlements were formed at the present City of Chillicothe, along the Miami from Middle- town to Piqua, while in the more distant West, settlers and speculators began to appear in great numbers. In September, the City of Cleveland was laid out, and during the Summer and Autumn, Samuel Jackson and Jonathan Sharpless erected the first manufactory of paper — the " Red- stone Paper Mill" — in the West. St. Louis contained some seventy houses, and Detroit over three hundred, and along the river, contiguous to it, were more than three thousand inhabitants, mostly French Canadians, Indians and half-breeds, scarcely any Americans venturing yet into that part of the Northwest. The election of representatives for the territory had taken place, and on the 4th of February, 1799, they convened at Losantiville — now known as Cincinnati, liaving been named so by Gov. St. Clair, and considered the capital of the Territory — to nominate persons from whom the members of the Legislature were to be chosen in accordance with a previous ordinance. Tliis nomination being made, the Assembly adjourned until the 16th of the following September. From those named the President selected as members of the council, Henrv Vandenburo;, of Vincennes, Robert Oliver, of Marietta, James Findlay and Jacob Burnett, of Cincinnati, and David Vance, of Vanceville. On the 16th of September the Territorial Legislature met, and on the 24th the two houses were duly organized, Henry Vandenburg being elected President of the Council. The message of Gov. St. Clair Avas addressed to the Legislature September 20th, and on October 13th that body elected as a delegate to Congress Gen. Wm. Henry Harrison, who received eleven of the votes cast, being a majority of one over his opponent, Arthur St. Clair, son of Gen. St. Clair. The whole number of acts passed at this session, and approved by the Governor, were thirty-seven — eleven others were passed, but received his veto. The most important of those passed related to the militia, to the administration, and to taxation. On the 19th of December this pro- tracted session of the first Legislature in the West was closed, and on the 30th of December the President nominated Charles Willins: Brvd to tlie office of Secretary of the Territory vice Wm. Henry Harrison, elected to Congress. The Senate confirmed his nomination the next day. 66 THE NOKTHWEST TERRITORY. DIVISION OF THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. The increased emigration to the Northwest, the extent of the domain, and the inconvenient modes of travel, made it very difficult to conduct the ordinary operations of government, and rendered the efficient action of courts almost impossible. To remedy this, it was deemed advisable to divide the territory for civil purposes. Congress, in 1800, appointed a committee to examine the question and report some means for its solution. This committee, on the 3d of March, reported that : "In the three western countries there has been but one court havinsr cognizance of crimes, in five years, and the immunity which offenders experience attracts, as to an asylum, the most vile and abandoned crim- inals, and at the same time deters useful citizens from making settlements in such society. The extreme necessity of judiciary attention and assist- ance is experienced in civil as well as in criminal cases. * * * * To minister a remedy to these and other evils, it occurs to this committee that it is expedient that a division of said territor}- into two distinct and separate governments should be made : and that such division l)e made b}^ a line beginning at the mouth of the Great Miami River, running directly north until it intersects the boundary between the United States and Canada." The report was accepted by Congress, and, in accordance with its suggestions, that body passed an Act extinguishing the Northwest Terri- tory, which Act was approved May 7. Amdng its provisions were these : " That from and after July 4 next, all that part of the Territory of the United States northwest of the Ohio River, which lies to the westward of a line beginning at a point on the Ohio, opposite to the mouth of the Kentuckv River, and running thence to Fort Recovery, and thence north until it shall intersect the territorial line between the United States and Canada, shall, for the purpose of temporary government, constitute a separate territory, and be called the Indiana Territory." After providing for the exercise of the civil and criminal powers of the territories, and other provisions, the Act fiirtlier provides : " That until it shall otherwise be ordered by the Legislatures of the said Territories, respectively, Chillicothe on the Scioto River shall be the seat of government of the Territory of the United States northwest of the Ohio River; and that St. Vincennes on the Wabash River shall be the seat of government for the Indiana Territory." Gen. Wm. Henry Harrison was appointed Governor of the Indiana Territory, and entered upon his duties about a year later. Connecticut also about this time released her claims to the reserve, and in March a law THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 67 was passed accepting this cession. Settlements had been made upon thirty-five of the townships in the reserve, mills had been built, and seven hundred miles of road cut in various directions. On the 3d of November the General Assembly met at Chillicothe. Near the close of the year, the first missionary of the Connecticut Reserve came, who found no township containing- more than eleven families. It was upon the first of October that the secret treaty had been made between Napoleon and the King of Spain, whereby the latter agreed to cede to France the province of Louisiana. In Januar}^ 1802, the Assembly of the Northwestern Territory char- tered the colleo-e at Athens. From the earliest dawn of the western colonies, education was promptly provided for, and as early as 1787, newspapers were issued from Pittsburgh and Kentucky, and largely read throughout the frontier settlements. Before the close of this year, the Congress of the United States granted to the citizens of the Northwestern territory the formation of a State government. One of the provisions of the " compact of 1787 " provided that whenever the number of inhabit- ants within prescribed limits exceeded 45,000, they should be entitled to a separate government. The prescribed limits of Ohio contained, from a census taken to ascertain the legality of the act, more than that number, and on the 30th of April, 1802, Congress passed the act defining its limits, and on the 29th of November the Constitution of the new State of Ohio, so named from the beautiful river forming its southern boundary, came into existence. The exact limits of Lake Michigan were not then known, but the territory now included within the State of Michigan was wholly within the territory of Indiana. Gen. Harrison, while residing at Vincennes, made several treaties with the Indians, thereby gaining large tracts of lands. The next year is memorable in the history of the West for the purchase of Louisiana from France by the United States for $15,000,000. Thus by a peaceful mode, the domain of the United States was extended over a large tract of country west of the Mississippi, and was for a time under the jurisdiction of the Northwest government, and, as has been mentioned in the early part of this narrative, was called the "New Northwest." The limits of this history will not allow a description of its territory. The same year large grants of land were obtained from the Indians, and the House of Representatives of the new State of Ohio signed a bill respecting the College Township in the district of Cincinnati. Before the close of the year. Gen. Harrison obtained additional grants of lands from the various Indian nations in Indiana and the present limits of Illinois, and on the 18th of August, 1804, completed a treaty at St. Louis, whereby over 51,000,000 acres of lands were obtained from the 68 THE NORTHWEST TEKKITORY. aborigines. Measures were also taken to learn the condition of affairs in and about Detroit. C. Jouett, the Indian agent in Michigan, still a part of Indiana Terri- tory, reported as follows upon the condition of matters at that post : " The Town of Detroit. — The charter, which is for fifteen miles square, was granted in the time of Louis XIV. of France, and is now, from the best information I have been able to get, at Quebec. Of those two hundred and twenty-five acres, only four are occupied by the town and Fort Lenault. The remainder is a common, except twenty-four acres, which were added twenty years ago to a farm belonging to Wm. Macomb. * * * A stoctade incloses the town, fort and citadel. The pickets, as well as the public houses, are in a. state of gradual decay. The streets are narrow, straight and regular, and intersect each other at right angles. The houses are, for the most part, low and inelegant." During this year. Congress granted a township of land for the sup- port of a college, and began to offer inducements for settlers in these wilds, and the country now comprising the State of Michigan began to fill rapidly with settlers along its southern borders. This same 3'ear, also, a law Avas passed organizing the Southwest Territory, dividing it into two portions, the Territory of New Orleans, which city was made the seat of government, and the District of Louisiana, which was annexed to the domain of Gen. Harrison. On the 11th of January, 1805, the Territory of Michigan was formed, Wm. Hull was appointed governor, with headquarters at Detroit, the change to take effect on June 30. On the 11th of that month, a fire occurred at Detroit, which destroyed almost every building in the place. When the officers of the new territory reached the post, they found it in ruins, and the inhabitants scattered throughout the country. Rebuild- ing, however, soon commenced, and ere long the town contained more houses than before the fire, and many of them much better built. While this was being done, Indiana had passed to the second grade of government, and through her General Assembly had obtained large tracts of land from the Indian tribes. To all this the celebrated Indian, Tecumthe or Tecumseh, vigorously protested, and it was the main cause of his attempts to unite the various Indian tribes in a conflict with the settlers. To obtain a full account of these attempts, the workings of the British, and the signal failure, culminating in the death of Techjmseh at the battle of the Thames, and the close of the war of 1812 in the Northwest, we will step aside in our story, and relate the principal events of his life, and his connection with this conflict. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 6v TECUMSEH, THE SHAWAXOE CHIEFTAIN. (0 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. TECUMSEH. AND THE WAR OF 1812. This famous Indian chief was born about the year 1768, not far from the site of the present City of Piqua, Ohio. His father, Puckeshinwa, was a member of the Kisopok tribe of the Swanoese nation, and his mother, ]Methontaske, was a member of the Turtle tribe of the same people. They removed from Florida about the middle of the last century to the birthplace of Tecumseh. In 1774, his father, who had risen to be chief, was slain at the battle of Point Pleasant, and not long after Tecum- seh, by his bravery, became the leader of his tribe. In 1795 he was declared chief, and then lived at Deer Creek, near the site of the present City of Urbana. He remained here about one year, when he returned to Piqua, and in 1798, he went to White River, Indiana. In 1805, he and his brother, Laulewasikan (Open Door), who had announced himself as a prophet, went to a tract of land on the Wabash River, given them by the Pottawatomies and Kickapoos. From this date the chief comes into prominence. He was now about thirty-seven years of age, was five feet and ten inches in height, was stoutly built, and possessed of enormous powers of endurance. His countenance was naturally pleas- ing, and he was, in general, devoid of those savage attributes possessed by most Indians. It is stated he could read and write, and had a confi- dential secretary and adviser, named Billy Caldwell, a half-breed, who afterward became chief of the Pottawatomies. He occupied the first house built on the site of Chicago. At this time, Tecumseh entered upon the great work of his life. He had long objected to the grants of land made by the Indians to the whites, and determined to unite all the Indian tribes into a league, in order that no treaties or grants of land could be made save by the consent of this confederation. He traveled constantly, going from north to south ; from the south to the north, everywhere urging the Indians to this step. He was a matchless orator, and his burning words had their effect. Gen. Harrison, then Governor of Indiana, by watching the move- ments of the Indians, became convinced that a grand coaispiracy was forming, and made preparations to defend the settlements. Tecumseh's plan was similar to Pontiac's, elsewhere described, and to the cunning artifice of that chieftain was added his own sagacity. During the year 1809, Tecumseh and the prophet were actively pre- paring for the work. In that year. Gen. Harrison entered into a treaty with the Delawares, Kickapoos, Pottawatomies, Miamis, Eel River Indians and Weas, in which these tribes ceded to the whites certain lands upon the Wabash, to all of which Tecumseh entered a bitter protest, averring THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 71 as one principal reason that he did not want the Indians to give up any lands north and west of the Ohio River. Tecumseh, in August, 1810, visited the General at Vincennes and held a council relating to the grievances of the Indians. Becoming unduly angry at this conference he was dismissed from the village, and soon after departed to incite the southern Indian tribes to the conflict. Gen. Harrison determined to move upon the chief's headquarters at Tippecanoe, and for this purpose went about sixty-five miles up the Wabash, where he built Fort Harrison. From this place he went to the prophet's town, where he informed the Indians he had no hostile inten- tions, provided tliey were true to the existing treaties. He encamped near the village early in October, and on the morning of November 7, he was attacked by a large force of the Indians, and the famous battle of Tippecanoe occurred. The Indians were routed and their toAvn broken up. Tecumseh returning not long after, was greatly exasperated at his brother, the prophet, even threatening to kill him for rashly precipitating the war, and foiling his (Tecumseh's) plans. Tecumseh sent word to Gen. Harrison that he was now returned from the South, and was ready to visit the President as had at one time previously been proposed. Gen. Harrison informed him he could not go as a chief, which method Tecumseh desired, and the visit was never made. * In June of the following year, he visited the Indian agent at Fort Wayne. Here he disavowed any intention to make a war against the United States, and reproached Gen. Harrison for marching against his people. The agent replied to this ; Tecumseh listened with a cold indif- ference, and after making a few general remarks, with a haughty air drew his blanket about him, left the council house, and departed for Fort Mai- den, in Upper Canada, where he joined the British standard. He remained under this Government, doing effective work for the Crown while engaged in the war of 1812 which now opened. He was, however, always humane in his treatment of the prisoners, never allow- ing his warriors to ruthlessly mutilate the bodies of those slain, or wan- tonly murder the captive. In the Summer of 1813, Perry's victory on Lake Erie occurred, and shortly after active preparations were made to capture Maiden. On the 27th of September, the American army, under Gen. Harrison, set sail for the shores of Canada, and in a few hours stood around the ruins of Mai- den, from which the British army, under Proctor, had retreated to Sand- wich, intending to make its way to the heart of Canada by the Valley of the Thames. On the 29th Gen. Harrison was at Sandwich, and Gen. McArthur took possession of Detroit and the territory of Michigan. 72 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. On the 2d of October, the Americans began their pursuit of Proctor, whom they overtook on the otli, and the battle of the Thames followed. Earlv in the engagement, Tecumseh who was at the head of the column of Indians was slain, and they, no longer hearing the voice of their chief- tain, fled. The victory was decisive, and practically closed the war in the Northwest. INDIANS ATTACKING A STOCKADI,. Jiist who killed the great chief has been a matter of much dispute ; but the weight of opinion awards the act to Col. Richard M. Johnson, who, fired at him with a pistol, the shot proving fatal. In I8O0 occurred Burr's Insurrection. He took possession of a l)eautiful island in the Ohio, after the killing of Hamilton, and is charged by many with attempting to set up an indei)endent government. His plans were frustrated by the general government, his j^roperty confiscated and he Avas compelled to flee the country for safety. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 73 In January, 1807, Governor Hull, of Michigan Territory, made a treaty with the Indians, whereby all that peninsula was ceded to the United States. Before the close of the year, a stockade was built about Detroit. It was also daring this year that Indiana and Illinois endeavored to obtain the repeal of that section of the compact of 1787, whereby slavery was excluded from the Northwest Territory. These attempts, however, all signally failed. In 1809 it was deemed advisable to divide the Indiana Territory. This was done, and the Territory of Illinois was formed from the western part, the seat of government being fixed at Kaskaskia. The next year, the intentions of Tecumseh manifested themselves in open hostilities, and then began the events already narrated. While this war was in progress, emigration to the West went on with surprising rapidity. In 1811, under Mr. Roosevelt of New York, the first steamboat trip was made on the Ohio, much to the astonishment of the natives, many of whom fled in terror at the appearance of the *' monster." It arrived at Louisville on the 10th day of October. At the close of the first week of January, 1812, it arrived at Natchez, after being nearly overwhelmed in the great earthquake which occurred while on its downward trip. The battle of the Thames was fought on October 6, 1813. It effectually closed hostilities in the Northwest, although peace was not fully restored until July 22, 1814, when a treaty was formed at Green- ville, under the direction of General Harrison, between the United States and the Indian tribes, in which it was stipulated that the Indians should cease hostilities aoainst the Americans if the war were continued. Such, happily, was not the case, and on the 24th of December the treaty of Ghent was signed by the representatives of England and the United States. This treaty was followed the next year by treaties with various Indian tribes throughout the West and Northwest, and quiet was again restored in this part of the new world. On the 18th of March, 1816, Pittsburgh was incorporated as a city. It then had a population of 8,000 people, and was already noted for its manufacturing interests. On April 19, Indiana Territory was allowed to form a state government. At that time there were thirteen counties organized, containing about sixty -three thousand inhabitants. The first election of state officers was held in August, when Jonathan Jennings was chosen Governor. The officers were sworn in on November 7, and on December 11, the State was formally admitted into the Union. For some time the seat of government was at Corydon, but a more central location being desirable, the present capital, Indianapolis (City of Indiana), vras laid out January 1, 1825. 74 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. On the 28th of December the Bank of Illinois, at Shawneetown, was chartered, with a capital of $300,000. At this period all banks were under the control of the States, and were allowed to establish branches at different convenient points. Until this time Chillicothe and Cincinnati liad in turn enjoyed the privileges of being the capital of Ohio. But the rapid settlement of the northern and eastern portions of the State demanded, as in Indiana, a more central location, and before the close of the year, the site of Col- umbus was selected and surveyed as the future capital of the State. Banking had begun in Ohio as early as 1808, when the first bank was chartered at Marietta, but here as elsewhere it did not bring to the state the hoped-for assistance. It and other banks were subsequently unable to redeem their currency, and were obliged to suspend. In 1818, Illinois was made a state, and all the territory north of her northern limits was erected into a separate territory and joined to Mich- igan for judicial purposes. By the following year, navigation of the lakes was increasing with great rapidity and affording an immense source of revenue to the dwellers in the Northwest, but it was not until 1826 that the trade was extended to Lake Michigan, or that steamships began to navigate the bosom of that inland sea. Until the year 1832, the commencement of the Black Hawk War, but few hostilities were experienced with the Indians. Roads were opened, canals were dug, cities were built, common schools were estab- lished, universities were founded, many of which, especially the Michigan University, have achieved a world wide-reputation. The people were becoming wealthy. The domains of the United States had been extended, and had the sons of the forest been treated with honesty and justice, the record of many years would have been that of peace and continuous pros- perity. BLACK HAWK AND THE BLACK HAWK WAR. This conflict, though confined to Illinois, is an important epoch in the Northwestern history, being the last war with the Indians in this part of the United States. Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiah, or Black Hawk, was born in the principal Sac village, about three miles from the junction of Rock River with the Mississippi, in the year 1767. His father's name was Py-e-sa or Pahaes ; his grandfather's, Na-na-ma-kee, or the Thunderer. Black Hawk early distinguished himself as a warrior, and at the age of fifteen was permitted to paint and was ranked among the braves. About the year 1783, he went on an expedition against the enemies of his nation, the Osages, one THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 76 BLACK ITAWK, THE SAC CHIEFTAIN. 76 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. of whom he killed and scalped, and for this deed of Indian braver}^ he was permitted to join in the scalp dance. Three or four years after he, at the head of two hundred braves, went on another expedition against the Osages, to avenge the murder of some women and children belonging to his own tribe. Meeting an equal number of Osage warriors, a fierce battle ensued, in which the latter tribe lost one-half their number. The Sacs lost only about nineteen warriors. He next attacked the Cherokees for a similar cause. In a severe battle with them, near the present City of St. Louis, his father was slain, and Black Hawk, taking possession of the " Medicine Bag,"' at once announced himself chief of the Sac nation. He had now conquered the Cherokees, and about the year 1800, at the liead of five hundred Sacs and Foxes, and a hundred lowas, he waged war against the Osage nation and subdued it. For two years he battled successfully with other Indian tribes, all of whom he conquered. Black Hawk does not at any time seem to have been friendly to the Americans. When on a visit to St. Louis to see his " Spanish Father," he declined to see an}'- of the Americans, alleging, as a reason, he did not want two fathers. The treaty at St. Louis was consummated in 1804. The next year the United States Government erected a fort near the head of the Des Moines Rapids, called Fort Edwards. This seemed to enrage Black Hawk, who at once determined to capture Fort Madison, standing on the west side of the Mississippi above the mouth of the Des Moines River. The fort was garrisoned by about fifty men. Here he was defeated. The difficulties with the British Government arose about this time, and the War of 1812 ■followed. That government, extending aid to the Western Indians, by giving them arms and ammunition, induced them to remain hostile to the Americans. In August, 1812, Black Hawk, at the head of al)Out five hundred braves, started to join the British forces at Detroit, passing on his way the site of Chicago, where the famous Fort Dearborn Massacre had a few days before occurred. Of his connection with the British Government but little is kno\yn. In 1813 he with his little band descended the Mississippi, and attacking some United States troops at Fort Howard was defeated. In the early part of 1815, the Indian tribes west of the Mississippi were notified that peace had been declared between the United States and England, and nearly all hostilities had ceased. Black Hawk did not sign any treaty, however, until May of the following year. He then recog- nized the validity of the treaty at St. Louis in 1804. Ffrom the time of signing this treaty in 1816, until the breaking out of the war in 1832, he and his band passed their time in the common pursuits of Indian life. Ten years before the commencement of this war, the Sac and Fox THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 77 Indians were urged to join the lowas on the west bank of the Father of Waters. All were agreed, save the band known as the British Band, of which Black Hawk was leader. He strenuously objected to the removal, and was induced to comply only after being threatened with the power of the Government. This and various actions on the part of the white set- tlers provoked Black Hawk and his band to attempt the capture of his native village now occupied by the whites. The war followed. He and his actions were undoubtedly misunderstood, and had his wishes been acquiesced in at the beginning of tlie struggle, much bloodshed would have been prevented. Black Hawk was chief now of the Sac and Fox nations, and a noted warrior. He and his tribe inhabited a village on Rock River, nearl}^ three miles above its confluence with the Mississippi, where the tribe had lived many generations. When that portion of Illinois was reserved to them, they remained in peaceable possession of their reservation, spending their time in the enjoyment of Indian life. The fine situation of their village and the quality of their lands incited the more lawless white settlers, who from time to time began to encroach upon the red men's domain. From one pretext to another, and from one step to another, the crafty white men gained a foothold, until through whisky and artifice they obtained deeds from many of the Indians for their possessions. The Indians were finally induced to cross over the Father of Waters and locate among the lowas. Black Hawk was strenuously opposed to all this, l)ut as the authorities of Illinois and the United States thought this the best move, he was forced to comply. Moreover other tribes joined the whites and urged the removal. Black Hawk would not agree to the terms of the treaty made with his nation for their lands, and as soon as the military, called to enforce his removal, had retired, he returned to the Illinois side of the river. A large force was at once raised and marched against him. On the evening of May 14, 1832, the first engagement occurred between a band from this army and Black Hawk's band, in which the former were defeated. This attack and its result aroused the whites. A large force of men was raised, and Gen. Scott hastened from the seaboard, by way of the lakes, with United States troops and artillery to aid in the subjugation of the Indians. On the 24th of June, Black Hawk, with 200 warriors, was repulsed by Major Demont between Rock River and Galena. The Ameri- can army continued to move up Rock River toward the main body of the Indians, and on the 21st of July came upon Black Hawk and his band, and defeated them near the Blue Mounds. Before this action. Gen. Henry, in command, sent word to the main armv by whom he was immediately rejoined, and the whole crossed the 78 THE NORTHWEST TEKRITORY. "Wisconsin in pursuit of Black Hawk and his band who were fleeing to the Mississippi. They were overtaken on the ild of August, and in the battle which followed the power of the Indian chief was completely broken. He fled, but was seized by the Winnebasroes and delivered to the whites. On the 21st of September, 18-32, Gen. Scott and Gov. Reynolds con- cluded a treaty with the Winnebagoes, Sacs and Foxes b}- which they ceded to the United States a vast tract of country, and agreed to remain peaceable with the whites. For the faithful performance of the provi- sions of this treaty on the part of the Indians, it was stipulated that Black Hawk, his two sons, the prophet Wabokieshiek, and six other chiefs of the hostile band>^ should be retained as hostages during the pleasure of the President. They were confined at Fort Barracks and put in irons. The next Spring, by order of the Secretary of War. they were taken to "Washington. From there they were removed to Fortress ^lonroe, "there to remain until the conduct of their nation was such as to justify their being set at libert}-." They were retained here until the 4th of June, Avhen the authorities directed them to be taken to the principal cities so that they might see the folly of contending against the white people. Everywhere they were observed by thousands, the name of the old chief being e •Ji 'Ji -J 'Ji o 3 < -J our whole region has a distribution of coal measures Avhich will in time support the manufactures necessary to our comfort and prosperity. As to transportation, the chief factor in the production of all articles excep"" food, )io section is so magnificently endowed, and our facilities are yearly increasing beyond those of any other region. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 97 The period from a central point of the war to the outbreak of the panic was marked by a tremendous growth in our railway lines, but the depression of the times caused almost a total suspension of operations. Now that prosperity is returning to our stricken country we witness its anticipation by the railroad interest in a series of projects, extensions, and leases which bid fair to largely increase our transportation facilities. The process of foreclosure and sale of incumbered lines is another matter to be considered. In the case of the Illinois Central road, which formerl}- transferred to other lines at Cairo the vast burden of freight destined for the Gulf region, we now see the incorporation of the tracks connecting through to New Orleans, every mile co-operating in turning toward the northwestern metropolis the weight of the inter-state commerce of a thousand miles or more of fertile plantations. Three competing routes to Texas have established in Chicago their general freight and passenger agencies. Four or five lines compete for all Pacific freights to a point as as far as the interior of Nebraska. Half a dozen or more splendid bridge structures have been thrown across the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers by the railways. The Chicago and Northwestern line has become an aggre- gation of over two thousand miles of rail, and the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul is its close rival in extent and importance. The three lines running to Cairo via Vincennes form a through route for all traffic with the states to the southward. The chief projects now under discussion are the Chicago and Atlantic, which is to unite with lines now built to Charleston, and the Chicago and Canada Southern, which line will con- nect with all the various branches of that Canadian enterprise. Our latest new road is the Chicago and Lake Huron, formed of three lines, and entering the city from Valparaiso on the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago track. The trunk lines being mainly in operation, the progress made in the way of shortening tracks, making air-line branches, and running extensions does not show to the advantage it deserves, as this process is constantly adding new facilities to the established order of things. The panic reduced the price of steel to a point where the railways could hardly afford to use iron rails, and all our northwestern lines report large relays of Bessemer track. The immense crops now being moved have given a great rise to the value of railway stocks, and their transportation must result in heavy pecuniary advantages. Few are aware of the importance of the wholesale and jobbing trade of Chicago. One leading firm has since the panic sold i|24,000,000 of dry goods in one year, and they now expect most confidently to add seventy per cent, to the figures of their last year's business. In boots and shoes and in clothing, twenty or more great firms from the east have placed here their distributing agents or their factories ; and in groceries 98 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. Chicago supplies the entire Northwest at rates presenting advantages over New York. Chicago has stepped in between New York and the rural banks as a financial center, and scarcely a banking institution in the grain or cattle regions but keeps its reserve funds in the vaults of our commercial insti- tutions. Accumulating here throughout the spring and summer months, they are summoned home at pleasure to move the products of the prairies. This process greatly strengthens the northwest in its financial operations, leaving home capital to supplement local operations on behalf of home interests. It is impossible to forecast the destiny of this grand and growing section of the Union. Figures and predictions made at this date might seem ten years hence so ludicrously small as to excite only derision. ILLINOIS. Length, 380 miles, mean width about 156 miles. Area, 55,410 square miles, or 35,462,400 acres. Illinois, as regards its surface, constitutes a table-land at a varying elevation ranging between 350 and 800 feet above the sea level ; composed of extensive and highly fertile prairies and plains. Much of the south division of the State, especially the river-bottoms, are thickly wooded. The prairies, too, have oasis-like clumps of trees scattered here and there at intervals. The chief rivers irrigating the State are the Mississippi — dividing it from Iowa and Missouri — the Ohio (forming its south barrier), the Illinois, Wabash, Kaskaskia, and San- gamon, with their numerous affluents. The total extent of navigable streams is calculated at 4,000 miles. Small lakes are scattered over vari- ous parts of the State. Illinois is extremely prolific in minerals, chiefly coal, iron, copper, and zinc ores, sulphur and limestone. The coal-field alone is estimated to absorb a full third of the entire coal-deposit of North America. Climate tolerably equable and healthy ; the mean temperature standing at about 51° Fahrenheit As an agricultural region, Illinois takes a competitive rank with neighboring States, the cereals, fruits, and root- crops yielding plentiful returns ; in fact, as a grain-growing State, Illinois may be deemed, in proportion to her size, to possess a greater area of lands suitable for its production than any other State in the Union. Stock- raising is also largely carried on, while her manufacturing interests in regard of woolen fabrics, etc., are on a very extensive and yearly expand- ing scale. The lines of railroad in the State are among the most exten- sive of the Union. Inland water-carriage is facilitated by a canal connecting the Illinois River with Lake Michigan, and thence with the St. Lawrence and Atlantic. Illinois is divided into 102 counties ; the chief towns being Chicago, Springfield (capital), Alton, Quincy, Peoria, Galena, Bloomington, Eock Island, Vandalia, etc. By the new Consti- tution, established in 1870, the State Legislature consists of 51 Senators, elected for four years, and 153 Representatives, for two years ; which numbers were to be decennially increased thereafter to the number of six per every additional half-million of inhabitants. Religious and educational institutions are largely diffused throughout, and are in a very flourishing condition. Illinois has a State Lunatic and a Deaf and Dumb Asylum at Jacksonville ; a State Penitentiary at Joliet ; and a Home for (99) 100 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. Soldiers' Orphans at Normal. On November 30, 1870, the public debt of the State was returned at $4,870,937, with a balance of $1,808,833 unprovided for. At the same period the value of assessed and equalized property presented the following totals: assessed, 8840,031,703 ; equal- ized -"^480, 064,058. The name of Illinois, through nearly the whole of the eighteenth century, embraced most of the known regions north and west of Ohio. French colonists established themselves in 1673, at Cahokia and Kaskaskia, and the territory of which these settlements formed the nucleus was, in 1763, ceded to Great Britain in conjunction with Canada, and ultimately resigned to the United States in 1787. Illinois entered the Union as a State, December 3, 1818; and now sends 19 Representatives to Congress. Population, 2,539,891, in 1870. JS^Lj/J^!^ &',~..'^ *-'-'' A WESTERX DA\T2LL1NG. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. lUl INDIANA The profile of Indiana forms a nearly exact parallelogram, occupy- ing one of the most fertile portions of the great Mississippi Valley. The greater extent of the surface embraced within its limits consists of gentle undulations rising into hilly tracts toward the Ohio bottom. The chief rivers of the State are the Ohio and Wabash, with their numerous affluents. The soil is highly productive of the cereals and grasses — most particularly so in the valleys of the Ohio, Wabash, Whitewater, and White Rivers. The northeast and central portions are well timbered with virgin forests, and the west section is notq.bly rich in coal, constitut- ing an offshoot of the great Illinois carboniferous field. Iron, copper, marble, slate, gypsum, and various clays are also abundant. From an agricultural point of view, the staple products are maize and wheat, with the other cereals in lesser yields ; and besides these, flax, hemp, sorghum, hops, etc., are extensively raised. Indiana is divided into 92 counties, and counts among her principal cities and towns, those of Indianapolis (the capital), Fort Wayne, Evansville, Terre Haute, Madison, Jefferson- ville, Columbus, Vincennes, South Bend, etc. The public institutions of the State are many and various, and on a scale of magnitude and efficiency commensurate with her important political and industrial status. Upward of two thousand miles of railroads permeate the State in all directions, and greatly conduce to the development of her expanding manufacturing interests. Statistics for the fiscal year terminating October 31, 1870, exhibited a total of receipts, -$3, 896,541 as against dis- bursements, $3,532,406, leaving a balance, 1364,135 in favor of the State Treasury. The entire public debt, January 5, 1871, $3,971,000. This State was first settled by Canadian voyageurs in 1702, who erected a fort at Vincennes ; in 1763 it passed into the hands of the English, and was by the latter ceded to the United States in 1783. From 1788 till 1791, an Indian ware fare prevailed. In 1800, all the region west and north of Ohio (then formed into a distinct territory) became merged in Indiana. In 1809, the present limits of the State were defined, Michigan and Illinois having previously been withdrawn. In 1811, Indiana was the theater of the Indian War of Tecumseh, ending with the decisive battle of Tippecanoe. In 1816 (December 11), Indiana became enrolled among the States of the American Union. In 1834, the State passed through a monetary crisis owing to its having become mixed up with railroad, Qanal, and other speculations on a gigantic scale, which ended, for the time being, in a general collapse of public credit, and consequent bank- ruptcy. Since that time, however, the greater number of the public 102 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. works which had brought about that imbroglio — especially the great Wabash aud Erie Canal — have been completed, to the great benefit of the State, whose subsequent progress has year by year been marked by rapid strides in the paths of wealth, commerce, and general social and political prosperity. The constitution now in force was adopted in 1851. Population, 1,680,637. IOWA. In shape, Iowa presents an almost perfect parallelogram ; has a length, north to south, of about 300 miles, by a pretty even width of 208 miles, and embraces an area of 55,045 square miles, or 35,228,800 acres. The surface of the State is generally undulating, rising toward the middle into an elevated plateau which forms the " divide " of the Missouri and Mississippi basins. Rolling prairies, especially in the south section, constitute a regnant feature, and the river bottoms, belted with woodlands, present a soil of the richest alluvion. Iowa is well watered ; the principal rivers being the Mississippi and Missouri, which form respectively its east and west limits, and the Cedar, Iowa, and Des Moines, affluents of the first named. Mineralogically, Iowa is important as occupying a section of the great Northwest coal field, to the extent of an area estimated at 25,000 square miles. Lead, copper, zinc, and iron, are also mined in considerable quantities. The soil is well adapted to the production of wheat, maize, and the other cereals ; fruits, vegetables, and esculent roots ; maize, wheat, and oats forming the chief staples. Wine, tobacco, hops, and wax, are other noticeable items of the agricul- tural yield. Cattle-raising, too, is a branch of rural industry largely engaged in. The climate is healthy, although liable to extremes of heat and cold. The annual gross product of the various manufactures carried on in this State approximate, in round numbers, a sum of $20,000,000. Iowa has an immense railroad system, besides over 500 miles of water- communication by means of its navigable rivers. The State is politically divided into 99 counties, with the following centers of population : Des Moines (capital), Iowa City (former capital), Dubuque, Davenport, Bur- lington, Council Bluffs, Keokuk, Muscatine, and Cedar Rapids. The State institutions of Iowa — religious, scholastic, aud philanthropic — are on a par, as regards number and perfection of organization and operation, with those of her Northwest sister States, aud education is especially well cared for, and largely diffused. Iowa formed a portion of the American territorial acquisitions from France, by the so-called Louisiana purchase in 1803, and was politically identified with Louisiana till 1812, THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 103 when it merged into the Missouri Territor}-; in 1834 it came under the Michigan organization, and, in 1836, under that of Wisconsin. Finally, after being constituted an independent Territory, it became a State of the Union, December 28, 1846. Population in 1860, 674,913 ; in 1870, 1,191,792, and in 1875, 1,353,118. MICHIGAN. United area, 56,243 square miles, or 35,995,520 acres. Extent of the Upper and smaller Peninsula — length, 316 miles; breadth, fluctuating between 36 and 120 miles. The south division is 416 miles long, by from 50 to 300 miles wide. Aggregate lake-shore line, .1,400 miles. The Upper, or North, Peninsula consists chiefly of an elevated plateau, expanding into the Porcupine mountain-system, attaining a maximum height of some 2,000 feet. Its shores along Lake Superior are eminently bold and picturesque, and its area is rich in minerals, its product of copper constituting an important source of industry. Both divisions are heavily wooded, and the South one, in addition, boasts of a deep, rich, loamy soil, throwing up excellent crops of cereals and other agricultural produce. The climate is generally mild and humid, though the Winter colds are severe. The chief staples of farm husbandry include the cereals, grasses, maple sugar, sorghum, tobacco, fruits, and dairy-stuffs. In 1870, the acres of land in farms were : improved, 5,096,939 ; unimproved woodland, 4,080,146 ; other unimproved land, 842,057. The cash value of land was $398,240,578 ; of farming implements and machinery, $13,711,979. In 1869, there were shipped from the Lake Superior ports, 874,582 tons of iron ore, and 45,762 of smelted pig, along with 14,188 tons of copper (ore and ingot). Coal is another article largely mined. Inland communication is provided for by an admirably organized railroad system, and by the St. Mary's Ship Canal, connecting Lakes Huron and Superior. Michigan is politically divided into 78 counties ; its chief urban centers are Detroit, Lansing (capital), Ann Arbor, Marquette, Bay City, Niles, Ypsilanti, Grand Haven, etc. The Governor of the State is elected biennially. On November 30, 1870, the aggregate l)onded debt of Michigan amounted to $2,385,028, and the assessed valuation of land to $266,929,278, representing an estimated cash value of $800,000,000. Education is largely diffused and most excellently conducted and pro- vided for. The State University at Ann Arbor, the colleges of Detroit and Kalamazoo, the Albion Female College, the State Normal School at Ypsilanti, and the State Agricultural College at Lansing, are chief among the academic institutions. Michigan (a term of Chippeway origin, and 104 THE NORTHWEST TEUKITORY. signifying "Great Lake), was discovered and first settled by French Canadians, who, in 1670, founded Detroit, the pioneer of a series of trad- ing-posts on the Indian frontier. During the " Conspiracy of Pouitiac," following the French loss of Canada, Michigan became the scene of a sanguinary struggle between the whites and aborigines. In 1796, it became annexed to the United States, which incorporated this region with the Northwest Territory, and then with Indiana Territory, till 1803, when it became territorially independent. Michigan was the theater of warlike operations during the war of 1812 with Great Britain, and in 1819 was authorized to be represented by one delegate in Congress ; in 1837 she was admitted into the Union as a State, and in 1869 ratified the IStli Amendment to the Federal Constitution. Population, 1,184,059. WISCONSIN. It has a mean length of 260 miles, and a maximum breadth of 215. Land area, 53,924 square miles, or 34,511,360 acres. Wisconsin lies at a considerable altitude above sea-level, and consists for the most part of an upland plateau, the surface of which is undulating and very generally diversified. Numerous local eminences called mounds are interspersed over the State, and the Lake Michigan coast-line is in many parts char- acterized by lofty escarped cliffs, even as on the west side the banks of the Mississippi form a series of high and picturesque bluffs. A group of islands known as The Apostles lie off the extreme north point of the State in Lake Superior, and the great estuary of Green Bay, running far inland, gives formation to a long, narrow peninsula between its waters and those of Lake Michigan. The river-system of Wisconsin has tlu'ee outlets — those of Lake Superior, Green Bay, and the Mississippi, which latter stream forms the entire southwest frontier, widening at one point into the large watery expanse called Lake Pepin. Lake Superior receives the St. Louis, Burnt Wood, and Montreal Rivers ; Green Bay, the Menomonee, Peshtigo, Oconto, and Fox ; while into the Mississippi empty the St. Croix, Chippewa, Black, Wisconsin, and Rock Rivers. The chief interior lakes are those of Winnebago, Horicon, and Court Oreilles, and smaller sheets of water stud a great part of the surface. The climate is healthful, with cold Winters and brief but very warm Summers. Mean annual rainfall 31 inches. The geological system represented b}' the State, embraces those rocks included between the primary and the Devonian series, the former containing extensive deposits of copper and iron ore. Besides these minerals, lead and zinc are found in great quantities, together with kaolin, plumbago, gypsum. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 105 and various clays. Mining, consequently, forms a prominent industry, and one of yearly increasing dimensions. The soil of Wisconsin is of varying quality, but fertile on the whole, and in the north parts of the State heavily timbered. The agricultural yield comprises the cereals, together with flax, hemp, tobacco, pulse, sorgum, and all kinds of vege- tables, and of the hardier fruits. In 1870, the State had a total number of 102,904 farms, occupying 11,715,321 acres, of which 5,899,343 con- sisted of improved land, and 3,437,442 were timbered. Cash value of farms, $300,414,064 ; of farm implements and machinery, $14,239,364. Total estimated value of all farm products, including betterments and additions to stock, $78,027,032 ; of orchard and dairy stuffs, $1,045,933 ; of lumber, $1,327,618 ; of home manufactures, $338,423 ; of all live-stock, $45,310,882. Number of manufacturing establishments, 7,136, employ- ing 39,055 hands, and turning out productions valued at $85,624,966. The political divisions of the State form 61 counties, and the chief places of wealth, trade, and population, are Madison (the capital), Milwaukee, Fond du Lac, Oshkosh, Prairie du Chien, Janesville, Portage City, Racine, Kenosha, and La Crosse. In 1870, the total assessed valuation reached $333,209,838, as against a true valuation of both real and personal estate aggregating $602,207,329. Treasury receipts during 1870, $886,- 696 ; disbursements, $906,329. Value of church property, $4,749,983. Education is amply provided for. Independently of the State University at Madison, and those of Galesville and of Lawrence at Appleton, and the colleges of Beloit, Racine, and Milton, there are Normal Schools at Platteville and Whitewater. The State is divided into 4,802 common school districts, maintained at a cost, in 1870, of $2,094,160. The chari- table institutions of Wisconsin include a Deaf and Dumb Asylum, an Institute for the Education of the Blind, and a Soldiers' Orphans' School. In January, 1870, the railroad system ramified throughout the State totalized 2,779 miles of track, including several lines far advanced toward completion. Immigration is successfully encouraged by the State author- ities, the larger number of yearly new-comers being of Scandinavian and German origin. The territory now occupied within the limits of the State of Wisconsin was explored by French missionaries and traders in 1639, and it remained under French jurisdiction until 1703, when it became annexed to the British North American possessions. In 1796, it reverted to the United States, the government of which latter admitted it within the limits of the Northwest Territory, and in 1809, attached it to that of Illinois, and to Michigan in 1818. Wisconsin became independ- ently territorially organized in 1836, and became, a State of the Union, March 3, 1847. Population in 1870, 1,064,985, of which 2,113 were of the colored race, and 11,521 Indians, 1,206 of thfe latter being out of tribal relations. 106 THE NORTHWEST TERHITORY. MINNESOTA Its length, north to south, embraces an extent of 380 miles ; its breadth one of 250 miles at a maximum. Area, 84,000 square miles, or 54.760,000 acres. The surface of Minnesota, generally speaking, con- sists of a succession of gently undulating plains and prairies, drained by an admirable water-system, and with here and there heavily- timbered bottoms and belts of virgin forest. The soil, corresponding with such a superfices, is exceptionally rich, consisting for the most part of a dark, calcareous sandy drift intermixed with loam. A distinguishing physical feature of this State is its riverine ramifications, expanding in nearly every part of it into almost innumerable lakes — the whole presenting an aggregate of water-power having hardly a rival in the Union. Besides the Mississippi — which here has its rise, and drains a basin of 800 miles of country — the principal streams are the Minnesota (334 miles long), the Red River of the North, the St. Croix, St. Louis, and many others of lesser importance ; the chief lakes are those called Red, Cass, Leech, Mille Lacs, Vermillion, and Winibigosh. Quite a concatenation of sheets of water fringe the frontier line where Minnesota joins British America, culminating in the Lake of the Woods. It has been estimated, that of an area of 1,200,000 acres of surface between the St. Croix and Mis- sissippi Rivers, not less than 73,000 acres are of lacustrine formation. In point of minerals, the resources of Minnesota have as yet been very imperfectly developed; iron, copper, coal, lead — all these are known to exist in considerable deposits ; together with salt, limestone, and potter's clay. The agricultural outlook of the State is in a high degree satis- factory ; wheat constitutes the leading cereal in cultivation, with Indian corn and oats in next order. Fruits and vegetables are grown in great plenty and of excellent quality. The lumber resources of Minnesota are important ; the pine forests in the north legion alone occupying an area of some 21,000 square miles, which in 1870 produced a return of scaled logs amounting to 313,116,416 feet. The natural industrial advantasres possessed by Minnesota are largely improved upon by a railroad system. The political divisions of this State number 78 counties ; of which tlie chief cities and towns are : St. Paul (the capital), Stillwater, Red Wing, St. Anthony, Fort Snelling, Minneapolis, and Mankato. Minnesota has already assumed an attitude of high importance as a manufacturing State ; this is mainly due to the wonderful command of water-power she pos- sesses, as before spoken of. Besides her timber-trade, the milling of flour, the distillation of whisky, and the tanning of leather, are prominent interests, which, in 1869, gave returns to the amount of 814,831,043. THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. 107 Education is notably provided for on a broad and catholic scale, the entire amount expended scholastically during the year 1870 being $857,- 816 ; while on November 30 of the preceding year the permanent school fund stood at -$2,476,222. Besides a University and Agricultural College, Normal and Reform Schools flourish, and with these may be mentioned such various philanthropic and religious institutions as befit the needs of an intelligent and prosperous community. The finances of the State for the fiscal year terminating December 1, 1870, exhibited a balance on the right side to the amount of $136,164, being a gain of $44,000 over the previous year's figures. The earliest exploration of Minnesota by the whites was made in 1680 by a French Franciscan, Father Hennepin, who gave the name of St. Antony to the Great Falls on the Upper Missisippi. In 1763, the Treatv of Versailles ceded this region to Enoland. Twenty years later, Minnesota formed part of the Northwest Territory transferred to the United States, and became herself territorialized inde- pendently in 1849. Indian cessions in 1851 enlarged her boundaries, and. May 11, 1857, Minnesota became a unit of the great American federation of States. Population, 439,706. NEBRASKA. Maximum length, 412 miles ; extreme breadth, 208 miles. Area, 75,905 square miles, or 48,636,800 acres. The surface of tliis State is almost entirely undulating prairie, and forms part of the west slope of the great central basin of the North American Continent. In its west division, near the base of the Rocky Mountains, is a sandy belt of country, irregularly defined. In this part, too, are the " dunes," resem- bling a wavy sea of sandy billows, as well as the Mauvaises Terres. a tract of singular formation, produced by eccentric disintegrations and denuda- tions of the land. The chief rivers are the Missouri, constituting its en- tire east line of demarcation ; the Nebraska or Platte, the Niobrara, the Republican Fork of the Kansas, the Elkhorn, and the Loup Fork of the Platte. The soil is very various, but consisting chiefly of rich, bottomy loam, admirably adapted to the raising of heavy crops of cereals. All the vegetables and fruits of the temperate zone are produced in great size and plenty. For grazing purposes Nebraska is a State exceptionally well fitted, a region of not less than 23,000,000 acres being adaptable to this branch of husbandry. It is believed that the, as yet, comparatively infertile tracts of land found in various parts of the State are susceptible of productivity by means of a properly conducted system of irrigation. Few minerals of moment have so far been found witliin the limits of 108 THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. Nebraska, if we may except important saline deposits at the head of Salt Creek [n ics southeast section. Tlie State is divided into 57 counties, independent of the Pawnee and Winnebago Indians, and of unorganized territory in the northwest part. The principal towns are Omaha, Lincoln (State capital), Nebraska City, Columbus, Grand Island, etc. In 1870, the total assessed value of property amounted to 853,000,000, being an increase of $11,000,000 over the previous year's returns. The total amount received from the school-fund during the j'ear 1869-70 was $77,999. Education is making great onward strides, the State University and an Agricultural College being far advanced toward eompletion. In the matter of railroad communication, Nebraska bids fair to soon place herself on a par with her neighbors to the east. Besides being inter- sected by the Union Pacific line, with its off-shoot, the Fremont and Blair, other tracks are in course of rapid construction. Organized by Con- gressional Act into a Territory, May 30, 1854, Nebraska entered the Union as a full State, March 1, 1867. Population, 122,993. TirXTTXc; PKATEIE WOLVES IX AX KAKI.V DAY. Early History of Illinois. The name of this beautiful Prairie State is derived from Illini, a Delaware word signifying Superior Men. It has a French termination^ and is a symbol of how the two races — the French and the Indians — were intermixed during the early history of the country. The appellation was no doubt well applied to the primitive inhabit- ants of the soil whose prowess in savage warfare long withstood the combined attacks of the fierce Iroquois on the one side, and the no less, savage and relentless Sacs and Foxes on the other. The Illinois were once a powerful confederacy, occupying the most beautiful and fertile region in the great Valle}^ of the Mississippi, which their enemies coveted and struggled long and hard to wrest from them. By the fortunes of war they were diminished in numbers, and finally destroyed. " Starved Rock," on the Illinois River, according to tradition, commemorates their last tragedy, where, it is said, the entii-e tribe starved rather than sur- render. EARLY DISCOVERIES. The first European discoveries in Illinois date back over two hun- dred years. They are a part of that movement which, from the begin- ning to the middle of the seventeenth century, brought the French Canadian missionaries and fur traders into the Valley of the Mississippi,, and which, at a later period, established the civil and ecclesiastical authority of France from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to the Gulf of Mexico, and from the foot-hills of the Alleghanies to the Rocky Mountains. The great river of the West had been discovered by DeSoto, the Spanish .conqueror of Florida, three quarters of a century before the French founded Quebec in 1608, but the Spanish left the country a wil- derness, without further exploration or settlement within its borders, in which condition it remained until the Mississippi was discovered b}' the agents of the French Canadian government, Jolietand Marquette, in 1673. These renowned explorers were not the first white visitors to Illinois. In 1671 — two years in advance of them — came Nicholas Perrot to Chicago, He had been sent by Talon as an agent of the Canadian government to rog 110 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. HISTORY OF THE STATE OP nJLlNOIS. HI call a great peace convention of "Western Indians at Green Bay, prepara- tory to the movement for the discovery of the Mississippi. It was deemed a good stroke of policy to secure, as far as possible, the friend- ship and co-operation of the Indians, far and near, before venturing upon an enterprise which their hostility might render disastrous, and which their friendsliip and assistance would do so much to make successful ; and to this end Perrot was sent to call too-ether in council the tribes throughout the Northwest, and to promise them the commerce and pro- tection of the French government. He accordingly arrived at Green Bay in 1671, and procuring an escort of Pottawattamies, proceeded in a bark canoe upon a visit to the Miamis, at Chicago. Perrot was there- fore the first European to set foot upon the soil of Illinois. Still there were others before Marquette. In 1672, the Jesuit mis- sionaries. Fathers Claude AUouez and Claude Dablon, bore the standard of the Cross from their mission at Green Bay through western Wisconsin and northern Illinois, visiting the Foxes on Fox River, and the Masquo- tiiies and Kickapoos at the mouth of the Milwaukee. These missionaries penetrated on the route afterwards followed by Marquette as far as the Kickapoo village at the head of Lake Winnebago, where Marquette, in his journey, secured guides across the portage to the Wisconsin. The oft-repeated story of Marquette and Joliet is well known. They were the agents employed by the Canadian government to discover the Mississippi. Marquette was a native of France, born in 1637, a Jesuit priest by education, and a man of simple faith and of great zeal and devotion in extending the Roman Catholic religion among the Indians. Arriving in Canada in 1666, he was sent as a missionary to the far Northwest, and, in 1668, founded a mission at Sault Ste. Marie. The following year he moved to La Pointe, in Lake Superior, where he instructed a branch of the Hurons till 1670, when he removed south, and founded the mission at St. Ignace, on the Straits of Mackinaw. Here he remained, devoting a portion of his time to the study of the Illinois language under a native teacher who had accompanied him to the mission from La Pointe, till he was joined by Joliet in the Spring of 1673. By the way of Green Bay and the Fox and Wisconsin Rivers, they entered the Mississippi, which they explored to the mouth of the Arkansas, and returned by the way of the Illinois and Chicago Rivers to Lake Michigan. On his way up the Illinois, Marquette visited the great village of the Kaskaskias, near what is now Utica, in the county of LaSalle. The following year he returned and established among them the mission of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, which was the first Jesuit mission founded in Illinois and in the Mississippi Valley. The intervening winter he had spent in a hut which his companions erected on the Chicago River, a few leagues from its mouth. The founding of this mission was the last 112 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. act of Marquette's life. He died in Michigan, on his way back to Green Bay, May 18, 1675. FIRST FRENCH OCCUPATION. The first French occupation of the territory now embraced in Illi- nois was effected by LaSalle in 1680, seven years after the time of Mar- quette and Joliet. LaSalle, having constructed a vessel, the " Griffin," above the falls of Niagara, which he sailed to Green Bay, and having passed thence in canoes to the mouth of the St. Joseph River, by which and the Kankakee he reached the Illinois, in January, 1680, erected Fort .Crevecoeur^ at the lower end of Peoria Lake, where the cit}' of Peoria is now situated. The place where this ancient fort stood may still be seen just below the outlet of Peoria Lake. It was destined, however, to a temporary existence. From this point, LaSalle determined to descend the Mississippi to its mouth, but did not accomplish this purpose till two years later — in 1682. Returning to Fort Frontenac for the purpose of getting materials with which to rig his vessel, he left the fort in charge of Touti, his lieutenant, who during his absence was driven off by the Iro- quois Indians. These savages had made a raid upon the settlement of the Illinois, and had left nothing in their track but ruin and desolation. Mr. Davidson, in his History of Illinois, gives the following graphic account of the picture that met the eyes of LaSalle and his companions on their return : ' " At the great town of the Illinois they were appalled at the scene which opened to their view. No hunter appeared to break its death-like silence with a salutatory whoop ot welcome. The plain on which the town had stood was now strewn with charred fragments of lodges, which had so recently swarmed with savage life and hilarity. To render more hideous the picture of desolation, large numbers of skulls had been placed on the upper extremities of lodge-poles which had escaped the devouring flames. In the midst of these horrors was the rude fort of the spoilers, rendered frightful by the same ghastly relics. A near approach showed that the graves had been robbed of their bodies, and swarms of buzzards were discovered glutting: their loathsome stomachs on the reeking corruption. To complete the work of destruction, the growing corn of the village had been cut down and burned, while the pits containing the products of previous years, had been rifled and their contents scattered with wanton waste. It was evident the suspected blow of the Iroquois had fallen with relentless fury."' Tonti had escaped LaSalle knew not whither. Passing down the lake in search of him and his men, LaSalle discovered that the fort had been destroyed, but the vessel which he had partly constructed was still *a. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 118 on the stocks, and but slightly injured. After further fruitless search, failing to find Tonti, he fastened to a tree a painting representing himself and party sitting in a canoe and bearing a pipe of peace, and to the paint- ing attached a letter addressed to Tonti. Tonti had escaped, and, after untold privations, taken shelter among the Pottawattamies near Green Bay. These were friendly to the French. One of their old chiefs used to say, " There were but three great cap- tains in the world, himself, Tonti and LaSalle." GENIUS OF LaSALLE. We must now return to LaSalle, whose exploits stand out in such bold relief. He was born in Rouen, France, in 1643. His father was wealth}^ but he renounced his patrimony on entering a college of the Jesuits, from which he separated and came to Canada a poor man in 1666. The priests of St. Sulpice, among whom he had a brother, were then the proprietors of Montreal, the nucleus of which was a seminary or con- vent founded by that order. The Superior granted to LaSalle a large tract of land at LaChine, where he established himself in the fur trade. He was a man of daring genius, and outstripped all his competitors in exploits of travel and commerce with the Indians. In 1669, he visited the headquarters of the great Iroquois Confederacy, at Onondaga, in the heart of New York, and, obtaining guides, explored the Ohio River to the falls at Louisville. In order to understand the genius of LaSalle, it must be remembered that for many years prior to his time the missionaries and traders were obliged to make their way to the Northwest by the Ottawa River (of Canada) on account of the fierce hostility of the Iroquois along the lower lakes and Niagara River, which entirely closed this latter route to the Upper Lakes. They carried on their commerce chiefly b}^ canoes, pad- dling them through the Ottawa to Lake Nipissing, carrying them across the portage to French River, and descending that to Lake Huron. This being the route by which they reached the Northwest, accounts for the fact that all the earliest Jesuit missions were established in the neighbor- hood of the Upper Lakes. LaSalle conceived the grand idea of opening the route by Niagara River and the Lower Lakes to Canadian commerce by sail vessels, connecting it with the navigation of the Mississippi, and thus opening a magnificent water communication from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to the Gulf of Mexico. This truly grand and comprehensive purpose seems to have animated him in all his wonderful achievements and the matchless difficulties and hardships he surmounted. As the first step in the accomplishment of this object he established himself on Lake Ontario, and built and garrisoned Fort Frontenac, the site of the present 114 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. city of Kingston, Canada. Here he obtained a grant of land from the French crown and a body of troops b}^ which he beat back the invading Iroquois and cleared the passage to Niagara Falls. Having by this mas- terly stroke made it safe to attempt a hitherto untried expedition, his next step, as we have seen, was to advance to the Falls with all his outfit for building a ship with which to sail the lakes. He was success- ful in this undertaking, though his ultimate purpose was defeated by a strange combination of untoward circumstances. Tlie Jesuits evidently hated LaSalle and plotted against him, because he had abandoned them and co-operated with a rival order. The fur traders were also jealous of his superior success in opening new channels of commerce. At LaChine he had taken the trade of Lake Ontario, which but for his presence tliere would have gone to Quebec. While they were plodding with their barK canoes through the Ottawa he was constructing sailing vessels to com- mand the trade of the lakes and tlie Mississippi. These great plans excited the jealousy and envy of the small traders, introduced treason and revolt into the ranks of his own companions, and finally led to the foul assassination by which his great achievements were prematurely ended. In 1682, LaSalle, having completed his vessel at Peoria, descended the Mississippi to its confluence with the Gulf of Mexico. Erecting a standard on which he inscribed the arms of France, he took formal pos- session of the whole valley of the mighty river, in the name of Louis XIV., then reigning, in honor of whom he named the country Louisiana. LaSalle then went to France, was appointed Governor, and returned with a fleet and immigrants, for the purpose of planting a colony in Illi- nois. They arrived in due time in the Gulf of Mexico, but failing to find the mouth of the Mississippi, up which LaSalle intended to sail, his supply ship, with the immigrants, was driven ashore and wrecked on ^Matagorda Bay. With the fragments of the vessel he constructed a stockade and rude huts on the shore for the protection of the immigrants, calling the post Fort St. Louis. He then made a trip into New Mexico, in search of silver mines, but, meeting with disappointment, returned to find his little colony reduced to forty souls. He then resolved to travel on foot to Illinois, and, starting with his companions, had reached the valley of the Colorado, near the mouth of Trinity river, when he was shot by one of his men. This occurred on the 19th of March, 1687. Dr. J. W. Foster remarks of him : " Thus fell, not far from the banks of the Trinity, Robert Cavalier de la Salle, one of the grandest charac- ters that ever figured in American history — a man capable of originating the vastest schemes, and endowed with a will and a judgment capable of carrying them to successful results. Had ample facilities been placed by the King of France at his disposal, the result of the colonization of this continent might have been far different from what we now behold." HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 115 EARLY SETTLEMENTS. A temporarr settlement was made at Fort St. Louis, or the old Kas- kaskia village, on the Illinois River, in what is now LaSalle County, in 1682. In 1690, this was removed, with the mission connected with it, to Kaskaskia, on the river of that name, emptying into the lower Mississippi in St. Clair County. Cahokia was settled about the same time, or at least, both of these settlements began in the year 1690, though it is now pretty well settled that Cahokia is the okler place, and ranks as the oldest permanent settlement in lUinuib', as well as in the Mississippi Valley. The reason for the removal of the old Kaskaskia settlement and mission, was probably because the dangerous and difficult route by Lake Michigan and the Chicago portage had been almost abandoned, and travelers and traders passed down and up the Mississippi by the Fox and Wisconsin River route. They removed to the vicinity of the Mississippi in order to be in the line of travel from Canada to Louisiana, that is, the lower part of it, for it was all Louisiana then south of the lakes. During the period of French rule in Louisiana, the population prob- ably never exceeded ten thousand, including whites and blacks. Within that portion of it now included in Indiana, trading posts were established at the principal Miami villages which stood on the head waters of the Maumee, the Wea villages situated at Ouiatenon, on the Wabash, and the Piankeshaw villages at Post Vincennes ; all of which were probably visited by French traders and missionaries before the close of the seven- teenth century. In the vast territory claimed by the French, many settlements of considerable importance had sprung up. Biloxi, on Mobile Bay, had been founded by DTberville, in 1699; Antoine de Lamotte Cadillac had founded Detroit in 1701 ; and New Orleans had been founded by Bien- ville, under the auspices of the Mississippi Company, in 1718. In Illi- nois also, considerable settlements had been made, so that in 1730 they embraced one hundred and forty French families, about six hundred " con- verted Indians," and many traders and voyageurs. In that portion of the country, on the east side of the Mississippi, there were five distinct set- tlements, with their respective villages, viz. : Cahokia, near the mouth of Cahokia Creek and about five miles below the present city of St. Louis ; St. Philip, about forty-five miles below Cahokia, and four miles above Fort Chartres ; Fort Chartres, twelve miles above Kaskaskia ; Kaskaskia, situated on the Kaskaskia River, five miles above its conflu- , ence with the Mississippi ; and Prairie du Rocher, near Fort Chartres. To these must be added St. Genevieve and St. Louis, on the west side of the Mississippi. These, with the exception of St. Louis, are among 116 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF LLIJLNOIS. K t^ HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 117 the oldest French towns in the Mississippi Valley. Kaskaskia, in its best days, was a town of some two or three thousand inhabitants. After it passed from the crown of France its population for many years did not exceed fifteen hundred. Under British rule, in 1773, the population had decreased to four hundred and fifty. As early as 1721, the Jesuits had established a college and a monaster}- in Kaskaskia. Fort Chartres was first built under the direction of the Mississippi Company, in 1718, by M. de Boisbraint, a military officer, under command of Bienville. It stood on the east bank of the Mississippi, about eighteen miles below Kaskaskia, aitd was for some time the headquarters of the military commandants of the district of Illinois. In the Centennial Oration of Dr. Fowler, delivered at Philadelphia, by appointment of Gov. Beveridge, we find some interesting facts with regard to the State of Illinois, which we appropriate in this history : In 1682 Illinois became a possession of the French crown, a depend- ency of Canada, and a part of Louisiana. In 1765 the English flag was run up on old Fort Chartres, and Illinois was counted among the treas- ures of Great Britain. / In 1779 it was taken from the English by Col. George Rogers Clark. This man was resolute in nature, wise in council, prudent in policy, bold in action, and heroic in danger. Few men who have figured in the his- tory of America are more deserving than this colonel. Nothing short of first-class ability could have rescued Vincens and all Illinois from the English. And it is not possible to over-estimate the influence of this achievement upon the republic. In 1779 Illinois became a part of Vir- ginia. It was soon known as Illinois County. In 1784 Virginia ceded all this territory to the general government, to be cut into States, to be republican in form, with " the same right of sovereignty, freedom, and independence as the other States." In 1787 it was the object of the wisest and ablest legislation found in any merely human records. No man can study the secret history of THE "COMPACT OF 1787," and not feel that Providence was guiding with sleepless eye these unborn States. The ordinance that on July 13, 1787, finally became the incor- porating act, has a most marvelous history. Jefferson had vainly tried to secure a system of government for the northwestern territory. He was an emancipationist of that day, and favored the exclusion of slavery from the territory Virginia had ceded to the general government ; but the South voted him down as often as it came up. In 1787, as late as July 10, an organizing act without the anti-slavery clause was pending. This concession to the South was expected to carry it. Congress was in 118 HISTORY OF TPTE STATE OP ILLINOIS. session in New York City. On July 5, Rev. Dr. Manasseh Cutler, of Massachusetts, came into New York to lobby on the northwestern terri- tory. Everything seemed to fall into his hands. Events were ripe. The state of the public credit, the growing of Southern prejudice, the basis of his mission, his personal character, all combined to complete one of those sudden and marvelous revolutions of public sentiment that once in five or ten centuries are seen to sweep over a country like the breath of the Almighty. Cutler was a graduate of Yale — received his A.M. from Harvard, and his D.D. from Yale. He had studied and taken degrees in the three learned professions, medicine, law, and divinity. He had thus America's best indorsement. He had published a scientific examination of the plants of New England. His name stood second only to that of Franklin as a scientist in America. He was a courtly gentle- man of the old style, a man of commanding presence, and of inviting face. The Southern members said they had never seen such a gentleman in the North. He came representing a company that desired to purchase a tract of land now included in Ohio, for the purpose of planting a colony. It was a speculation. Government money was worth eighteen cents on the dollar. This Massachusetts company had collected enough to pur- chase 1,500,000 acres of land. Other speculators in New York made Dr. Cutler their agent (lobbyist). On the 12th he represented a demand for 5,500,000 acres. This would reduce the national debt. Jefferson and Virginia were regarded as authority concerning the land Virginia had just ceded. Jefferson's policy wanted to provide for the public credit, and this was a good opportunity to do something. Massachusetts then owned the territory of Maine, which she was crowding on the market. She was opposed to opening the northwestern region. This fired the zeal of Virginia. The South caught the inspira- tion, and all exalted Dr. Cutler. The English minister invited liim to dine with some of the Southern gentlemen. He was the center of interest. The entire South rallied round him. Massachusetts could not vote against him, because many of the constituents of her members were interested personally in the western speculation. Thus Cutler, making friends with the South, and, doubtless, using all the arts of the lobb}-, was enabled to command the situation. True to deeper convictions, he dictated one of the most compact and finished documents of wise states- manship that has ever adorned any human law book. He borrowed from Jefferson the term " Articles of Compact," which, preceding the federal constitution, rose into the most sacred character. He then followed very closely the constitution of Massachusetts, adopted three years before. Its most marked points were : 1. The exclusion of slavery from the territory forever. 2. Provision for public schools, giving one township for a seminary, HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 119 and every section numbered 16 in each township ; that is, one-thirty-sixth of all the land, for public schools. 3. A provision prohibiting the adoption of any constitution or the enactment of any law that should nullify pre-existing contracts. Be it forever remembered that this compact declared that " Religion, morality, and knowledge being necessary to good government and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall always be encouraged." Dr. Cutler planted himself on this platform and would not yield. Griving his unqualified declaration that it was that or nothing — that unless they could make the land desirable they did not want it — he took his horse and buggy, and started for the constitutional convention in Phila- delphia. On July 13, 1787, the bill was put upon its passage, and was unanimously adopted, every Southern member voting for it, and only one man, Mr. Yates, of New York, voting against it. But as the States voted as States, Yates lost his vote, and the compact was put beyond repeal. Thus the great States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan and Wis- consin — a vast empire, the heart of the great valley — were consecrated to freedom, intelligence, and honesty. Thus the great heart of the nation was prepared for a year and a day and an hour. In the light of these eighty- nine years I affirm that this act was the salvation of the republic and the destruction of slavery. Soon the South saw their great blunder, and tried to repeal the compact. In 1803 Congress referred it to a committee of which John Randolph was chairman. He reported that this ordinance was a compact, and opposed repeal. Thus it stood a rock, in the way of the on-rushing sea of slavery. With all this timely aid it was, after all, a most desperate and pro- tracted struggle to keep the soil of Illinois sacred to freedom. It was the natural battle-field for the irrepressible conflict. In the southern end of the State slavery preceded the compact. It existed among the old French settlers, and was hard to eradicate. The southern part of the State was settled from the slave States, and this population brought their laws, customs, and institutions with them. A stream of population from the North poured into the northern part of the State. These sections misunderstood and hated each other perfectly. The Southerners regarded the Yankees as a skinning, tricky, penurious race of peddlers, filling the country with tinware, brass clocks, and wooden nutmegs. The North- erner thought of the Southerner as a lean, lank, lazy creature, burrowing in a hut, and rioting in whisky, dirt and ignorance. These causes aided in making the struggle long and bitter. So strong was the sympathy with slavery that, in spite of the ordinance of 1787, and in spite of the deed of cession, it was determined to allow the old French settlers to retain their slaves. Planters from the slave States mi^ht bring their 120 HISTORY OF TETE STATE OF ILLINOIS. slaves, if they would give them a chance to choose freedom or years of service and bondage for their children till they should become thirty years of age. If they chose freedom the}^ must leave the State in sixt}^ days or be sold as fugitives. Servants were whipped for offenses for which white men are fined. Each lash paid forty cents of the fine. A negro ten miles from home without a pass was whipped. These famous laws were imported from the slave States just as they imported laws foi" the inspection of flax and wool when there was neither in the State. These Black Laws are now wiped out. A vigorous effort was made to protect slavery in the State Constitution of 1817. It barely failed. It was renewed in 1825, when a convention was asked to make a new constitution. After a hard fight the convention was defeated. But slaves did not disappear from the census of the State until 1850. There were mobs and murders in the interest of slavery. Lovejoy was added to the list of mart3a's — a sort of first-fruits of that long life of immortal heroes who saw freedom as the one supreme desire of their souls, and were so enamored of her that they preferred to die rather than survive her. The population of 12,282 that occupied the territory in A.D. 1800, increased to 45,000 in A.D. 1818, when the State Constitution was adopted, and Illinois took her place in the Union, with a star on the flag and two votes in the Senate. Shadrach Bond was the first Governor, and in his first message he recommended the construction of the Illinois and Michigan Canal. The simple economy in those daj's is seen in the fact that the entire bill for stationery for the first Legislature was only il3.50. Yet this simple body actually enacted a very superior code. There was no money in the territory before the war of 1812. Deer skins and coon skins were the circulating medium. In 1821, the Legis- lature ordained a State Bank on the credit of the State. It issued notes in the likeness of bank bills. These notes were made a legal tender for every thing, and the bank was ordered to loan to the people 8100 on per- sonal security, and more on mortgages. They actunlly passed a resolu- tion requesting the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States to receive these notes for land. The old French Lieutenant Governor, Col. Menard, put the resolution as folloAvs: '' Gentlemen of the Senate : It is moved and seconded dat de notes of dis hank be made land-office money. All in favor of dat motion say aye ; all against it say no. It is decided in de affirmative. Now, gentlemen, I bet you one hundred dollar he never be land-office money ! " Hard sense, like hard money, is always above par. This old Frenchman presents a fine figure up against the dark l)ack- ground of most of his nation. They made no progress. They clung to their earliest and simplest implements. Tliey never wore hats or caps* HISTORY OF THE STATE OF TLLINOIS. 121 They pulled their blankets over their heads in the winter like the Indians, with whom they freely intermingled. Demagogism had an early development. One John Grammar (only in name), elected to the Territorial and State Legislatures of 1816 and 1836, invented the policy of opposing every new thing, saying, " If it succeeds, no one will ask who voted against it. If it proves a failure, he could quote its record." In sharp contrast with Grammar was the char- acter of D. P. Cook, after whom the county containing Chicago was named. Such was his transparent integrity and remarkable ability that his will was almost the law of the State. In Congress, a young man, and from a poor State, he was made Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee. He was pre-eminent for standing by his committee, regard- less of consequences. It was his integrity that elected John Quincy Adams to the Presidency. There were four candidates in 1824, Jackson, Clay, Crawford, and John Quincy Adams. There being no choice by the people, the election was thrown into the House. It was so balanced that it turned on his vote, and that he cast for Adams, electing him ; then went home to face the wrath of the Jackson party in Illinois. It cost him all but character and greatness. It is a suggestive comment on the times, that there was no legal interest till 1830. It often reached 150 per cent., usually 50 per cent. Then it was reduced to 12, and now to 10 per cent. PHYSICAL FEATURES OF THE PRAIRIE STATE. In area the State has 55,410 square miles of territory. It is about 150 miles wide and 400 miles long, stretching in latitude from Maine to North Carolina. It embraces wide variety of climate. It is tempered on the north by the great inland, saltless, tideless sea, which keeps the thermometer from either extreme. Being a table land, from 600 to 1,600 feet above the level of the sea, one is prepared to find on the health maps, prepared by the general government, an almost clean and perfect record. In freedom from fever and malarial diseases and consumptions, the three deadly enemies of the American Saxon, Illinois, as a State, stands without a superior. She furnishes one of the essential conditions of a great people — sound bodies. I suspect that this fact lies back of that old Delaware word, lUini, superior men. The great battles of history that have been determinative of dynas- ties and destinies have been strategical battles, chiefly the question of position. Thermopylae has been the war-cry of freemen for twenty-four centuries. It only tells how much there may be in position. All this advantage belongs to Illinois. It is in the heart of the greatest valley in the world, the vast region between the mountains — a valley that could 122 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. feed mankind for one thousand years. It is well on toward the center of tlie continent. It is in the great temperate belt, in which have been found nearly all the aggressive civilizations of history. It has sixty-five miles of frontage on the head of the lake. With the Mississippi forming the western and southern boundary, with the Ohio running along the southeastern line, witli the Illinois River and Canal dividing the State diagonally from the lake to the Lower Mississippi, and with the Rock and Wabash Rivers furnishing altogether 2,000 miles of water-front, con- necting with, and running through, in all about 12,000 miles of navi- gable Avater. But this is not all. These waters are made most available by the fact that the lake and the State lie on the ridge running into the great valley from the east. Within cannon-shot of the lake the water runs away from the lake to the Gulf. The lake now empties at both ends, one into the Atlantic and one into the Gulf of Mexico. Tlie lake thus seems to hang over the land. This makes the dockage most serviceable ; there are no steep banks to damage it. Both lake and river are made for use. The climate varies from Portland to Richmond ; it favors every pro- duct of the continent, including the tropics, with less than half a dozen exceptions. It produces every great nutriment of the world except ban- anas and rice. It is hardly too much to say that it is the most productive spot known to civilization. With the soil full of bread and the earth full of minerals ; with an upper surface of food and an under layer of fuel ; with perfect natural drainage, and abundant springs and streams and navigable rivers ; half way between the forests of the North and the fruits of the South ; within a day's ride of the great deposits of iron, coal, cop- per, lead, and zinc ; containing and controlling the great grain, cattle, pork, and lumber markets of the world, it is not strange that Illinois has the advantage of position. This advantage has been supplemented by the character of the popu- lation. In the early days when Illinois was first admitted to the Union, her population were cliiefly from Kentucky and Virginia. But, in the conflict of ideas concerning slavery, a strong tide of emigration came in from the East, and soon changed this composition. In 1870 her non- native population were from colder soils. New York furnished 133,290 ; Ohio gave 162,623; Pennsylvania sent on 98,352; the entire South gave us only 206,734. In all her cities, and in all her German and Scandina- vian and other foreign colonies, Illinois has only about one-fifth of her people of foreign birth. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLtNOIS. 123 PROGRESS OF DEVELOPMENT. One of the greatest elements in the early development of Illinois is the Illinois and Michigan Canal, connecting the Illinois and Mississippi Rivers with the lakes. It was of the utmost importance to the State. It was recommended by Gov. Bond, the first governor, in his first message. In 1821, the Legislature appropriated $10,000 for surveying the route. Two bright young engineers surveyed it, and estimated the cost at 1600,000 or $700,000. It finally cost $8,000,000. In 1825, a law was passed to incorporate the Canal Company, but no stock was sold. In 1826, upon the solicitation of Cook, Congress gave 800,000 acres of land on the line of the work. In 1828, another law — commissioners appointed, and work commenced with new survey and new estimates. In 1834-35, George Farquhar made an able report on the whole matter. This was, doubtless, the ablest report ever made to a western legislature, and it became the model for subsequent reports and action. From this the work went on till it was finished in 1848. It cost the State a large amount of money ; but it gave to the industries of the State an impetus that pushed it up into the first rank of greatness. It was not built as a speculation any more than a doctor is employed on a speculation. But it has paid into the Treasary of the State an average annual net sum of over $111,000. Pending the construction of the canal, the land and town-lot fever broke out in the State, in 1834—35. It took on the malignant type in Chicago, lifting the town up into a city. The disease spread over the entire State and adjoining States. It was epidemic. It cut up men's farms without regard to locality, aiid ^ut up the purses of the purchasers without regard to consequences. It is estimated that building lots enough were sold in Indiana alone to accommodate every citizen then in the United States. Towns and cities were exported to the Eastern market by the ship- load. There was no lack of buyers. Ever/ up-ship came freighted with speculators and their money. This distemper seized upon the Legislature in 1836-37, and left not one to tell the tale. They enacted a system of internal improvement without a parallel in the grandeur of its conception. They ordered the construction of 1,300 miles of railroad, crossing the State in all direc- tions. This was surpassed by the river and canal improvements. There were a few counties not touched by either railroad or river or canal, and those were to be comforted and compensated by the free dis- tribution of $200,000 among them. To inflate this balloon beyond cre- dence it was ordered that work should be commenced on both ejids of 124 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. each of these railroads and rivers, and at each river-crossing, all at the same time. The appropriations for these vast improvements were over $12,000,000. and commissioners were appointed to borrow the money on the credit of the State. Remember that all this was in the earh' days of railroading, when railroads were luxuries ; that the State had whole counties with scarcely a cabin ; and that the population of the State was less than 400,000, and you can form some idea of the vigor with which these brave men undertook the work of making: a oreat State. In the light of history I am compelled to say that this was only a premature throb of the power that actually slumbered in the soil of the State. It was Hercules in the cradle. At this juncture the State Bank loaned its funds largely to Godfrey Gilman & Co., and to other leading houses, for the purpose of drawing trade from St. Louis to Alton. Soon they failed, and took down the bank with them. In 1840, all hope seemed gone. A population of 480,000 were loaded with a debt of $14,000,000. It had only six small cities, really only towns, namely : Chicago, Alton, Springfield, Quincy, Galena, Nauvoo. This debt was to be cared for when there was not a dollar in the treas- ury, and when the State had borrowed itself out of all credit, and when there was not good money enough in the hands of all the people to pay the interest of the debt for a single year. Yet, in the presence of all these difficulties, the young State steadily refused to repudiate. Gov. Ford took hold of the problem and solved it, bringing the State through in triumph. Having touched lightly upon some of the more distinctive points in the history of the development of Illinois, let us next briefly consider the MATERIAL RESOURCES OF THE STATE. It is a garden four hundred miles long and one hundred and fifty miles wide. Its soil is chiefly a black sandy loam, from six inches to sixty feet thick. On the American bottoms it has been cultivated for one hundred and fifty years without renewal. About the old French towns it has yielded corn for a century and a half without rest or help. It produces nearly everything green in the temperate and tropical zones. She leads all other States in the number of acres actually under plow. Her products from 25,000,000 of acres are incalculable. Her mineral wealth is scarcely second to her agricultural power. She has coal, iron, lead, copper, zinc, many varieties of building stone, fire clay, cuma clay, common brick clay, sand of all kinds, gravel, mineral paint — every thing needed for a high civilization. Left to herself, she has the elements of all greatness. The single item of coal is too vast for an appreciative HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 125 handling in figures. We can handle it in general terms like algebraical signs, but long before we get up into the millions and billions the human mind drops down from comprehension to mere symbolic apprehension. When I tell you that nearly four-fifths of the entire State is under- laid with a deposit of coal more than forty feet thick on the average (now estimated, by recent surveys, at seventy feet thick), you can get some idea of its amount, as you do of the amount of the national debt. There it is ! 41,000 square miles — one vast mine into which you could put any of the States ; in which you could bury scores of European and ancient empires, and have room enough all round to work without know- ing that they had been sepulchered there. Put this vast coal-bed down by the other great coal deposits of the world, and its importance becomes manifest. Great Britain has 12,000 square miles of coal; Spain, 3,000; France, 1,719 ; Belgium, 578 ; Illinois about twice as many square miles as all combined. Virginia has 20,000 square miles ; Pennsylvania, 16,000 ; Ohio, 12,000. Illinois has 41,000 square miles. One-seventh of all the known coal on this continent is in Illinois. Could we sell the coal in this sins^le State for one-seventh of one cent a ton it would pay the national debt. Converted into power, even with the wastage in our common engines, it would do more work than could be done by the entire race, beginning at Adam's wedding and working ten hours a day through all the centuries till the present time, and right on into the future at the same rate for the next 600,000 years. Great Britain uses enough mechanical power to-day to give to each man, woman, and child in the kingdom the help and service of nineteen untiring servants. No wonder she has leisure and luxuries. No wonder the home of the common artisan has in it more luxuries than could be found in the palace of good old King Arthur. Think, if you can conceive of it, of the vast armv of servants that slumber in the soil of Illinois, impatiently awaiting the call of Genius to come forth to minister to our comfort. At the present rate of consumption England's coal supply will be exhausted in 250 years. When this is gone she must transfer her dominion either to the Indies, or to British America, which I would not resist ; or to some other people, which I would regret as a loss to civilization. COAL IS KING. At the same rate of consumption (which far exceeds our own) the deposit of coal in Illinois will last 120,000 years. And her kingdom shall be an everlasting kingdom. Let us turn now from this reserve power to the annual products of 126 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. the State. We shall not be humiliated in this field. Here we strike the secret of our national credit. Nature ^jrovides a market in the constant appetite of the race. Men must eat, and if we can furnish the provisions we can command the treasure. All that a man hath will he give for his Hfe. According to the last census Illinois produced 30,000,000 of bushels of wheat. That is more wheat than was raised by any other State in the Union. She raised In 1875, 130,000,000 of bushels of corn — twice as much as any other State, and one-sixth of all the corn raised in the United States. She harvested 2,747,000 tons of hay, nearly one-tenth of all the hay in the Republic. It is not generally appreciated, but it is true, that the hay crop of the country is worth more than the cotton crop. The hay of Illinois equals the cotton of Louisiana. Go to Charleston, S. C, and see them peddling handfuls of hay or grass, almost as a curiosity, as we regard Chinese gods or the cryolite of Greenland ; drink your coffee and condensed milk ; and walk back from the coast for many a league through the sand and burs till you get up into the better atmos- phere of the mountains, without seeing a waving meadow or a grazing herd ; then you will begin to appreciate the meadows of the Prairie State, where the grass often grows sixteen feet high. The value of her farm implements is $211,000,000, and the value of her live stock is onl}' second to the great State of New York. in 1875 she had 25,000,000 hogs, and packed 2,113,845, about one-half of all that were packed in the United States. This is no insignificant item. Pork is a growing demand of the old world. Since the laborers of Europe have gotten a taste of our bacon, and we have learned how to pack it dry in boxes, like dry goods, the world has become the market. The hog is on the march into the future. His nose is ordained to uncover the secrets of dominion, and his feet shall be guided by the star of empire. Illinois marketed $57,000,000 worth of slaughtered animals — more than any other State, and a seventh of all the States. Be patient with me, and pardon my pride, and I will give j'ou a list of some of the things in which Illinois excels all other States. Depth and richness of soil ; per cent, of good ground ; acres of improved land ; large farms — some farms contain from 40,000 to 60,000 acres of cultivated land, 40,000 acres of corn on a single farm ; number of farmers ; amount of wheat, corn, oats and honey produced ; value of ani- mals for slaughter; number of hogs; amount of pork; number of horses — three times as many as Kentucky, the horse State. Illinois excels all other States in miles of railroads and in miles of postal service, and in money orders sold per annum, and in the amount of lumber sold in her markets. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 127 Illinois is only second in many important matters. This sample list comprises a few of the more important : Permanent school fund (good for a young state) ; total income for educational purposes ; number of pub- lishers of books, maps, papers, etc.; value of farm products and imple- ments, and of live stock ; in tons of coal mined. The shipping of Illinois is only second to New York. Out of one port during the business hours of the season of navigation she sends forth a vessel every ten minutes. This does not include canal boats, which go one every five minutes. No wonder she is only second in number of bankers and brokers or in physicians and surgeons. She is third in colleges, teachers and schools ; cattle, lead, hay, flax, sorghum and beeswax. She is fourth in population, in children enrolled in public schools, in law schools, in butter, potatoes and carriages. She is fifth in value of real and personal property, in theological seminaries and colleges exclusively for women, in milk sold, and in boots and shoes manufactured, and in book-binding. She is only seventh in the production of wood, while she is the twelfth in area. Surely that is well done for the Prairie State. She now has much more wood and growing timber than she had thirty years ago. A few leading industries will justify emphasis. She manufactures 1205,000,000 worth of goods, which places her well up toward New York and Pennsylvania. The number of her manufa:cturing establishments increased from 1860 to 1870, 300 per cent.; capital employed increased 350 per cent., and the amount of product hicreased 400 per cent. She issued 5,500,000 copies of commercial and financial newspapers — only second to New York. She has 6,759 miles of railroad, thus leading all other States, worth $636,458,000, using 3,245 engines, and 67,712 cars, making a train long enough to cover one-tenth of the entire roads of the State. Her stations are only five miles apart. She carried last year 15,795,000 passen- gers, an average of 36^ miles, or equal to taking her entire population twice across the State. More than two-thirds of her land is within five miles of a railroad, and less than two per cent, is more than fifteen miles away. The State has a large financial interest in the Illinois Central railroad. The road was incorporated in 1850, and the State gave each alternate sec- tion for six miles on each side, and doubled the price of the remaining land, so keeping herself good. The road received 2,595,000 acres of land, and pays to the State one-seventh of the gross receipts. The State receives this year $350,000, and has received in all about 17,000,000. It is practically the people's road, and it has a most able and gentlemanly management. Add to this the annual receipts from the canal, #111,000, and a large per cent, of the State tax is provided for. 128 fflSTORY OF THE STATE OP ILLTNOiS. THE RELIGION AND MORALS of the State keep step with her productions and growth. She was born of the missionary spirit. It was a minister who secured for her the ordi- nance of 1787, by which she has been saved from slavery, ignorance, and dishonesty. Rev. Mr. Wile\', pastor of a Scotch congregation in Randolph County, petitioned the Constitutional Convention of 1818 to recognize Jesus Christ as king, and the Scriptures as the only necessary guide and book of law. The convention did not act in the case, and the old Cove- nanters refused to accept citizenship. They never voted until 1824, when the slavery question was submitted to the people; then they all voted against it and cast the determining votes. Conscience has predominated whenever a great moral question has been submitted to the people. But little mob violence has ever been felt in the State. In 1817 regulators disposed of a band of horse-thieves that infested the territory. The Mormon indignities finally awoke the same spirit. Alton was also the scene of a pro-slavery mob, in which Lovejoy was added to the list of martyrs. The moral sense of the people makes the law supreme, and gives to the State unruffled peace. With 822,300,000 in church property, and 4,298 church organizations, the State has that divine police, the sleepless patrol of moral ideas, that alone is able to secure perfect safety. Conscience takes the knife from the assassin's hand and the bludgeon from the grasp of the highwa\Tnan. We sleep in safety, not because we are behind bolts and bars — these only fence against the innocent ; not because a lone officer drowses on a distant corner of a street; not because a sheriff may call his posse from a remote part of the county : but because conscience guards the very portals of the air and stirs in the deepest recesses of the public mind. This spirit issues within the State 9,500,000 copies of religious papers annually, and receives still more from without. Thus the crime of the State is only one-fourth that of New York and one-half that of Pennsvlvania. Illinois never had but one duel between her own citizens. In Belle- ville, in 1820, Alphonso Stewart and William Bennett arranged to vindi- cate injured honor. The seconds agreed to make it a sham, and make them shoot blanks. Stewart was in the secret. Bennett mistrusted some- thing, and, unobserved, slipped a bullet into his gun and killed Stewart. He then fled the State. After two years he was caught, tried, convicted, and. in spite of friends and political aid, was hung. This fixed the code of honor on a Christian basis, and terminated its use in Illinois. The early preachers were ignorant men, who were accounted eloquent according to the strength of their voices. But tliey set the style for all public speakers. Lawyers and political speakers followed this rule. Gov. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 129 Ford says: "Nevertheless, these first preachers were of incalculable benefit to the country. They inculcated justice and morality. To them are we indebted for the first Christian character of the Protestant portion of the people." In education Illinois surpasses her material resources. The ordinance of 1787 consecrated one thirty-sixth of her soil to common schools, and the law of 1818, the first law that went upon her statutes, gave three per cent, of all the rest to EDUCATION. The old compact secures this interest forever, and by its yoking moralit}^ and intelligence it precludes the legal interference with the Bible in the public schools. With such a start it is natural that we should have 11,050 schools, and that our illiteracy should be less than New York or Pennsylvania, and only about one-half of Massachusetts. We are not to blame for not having more than one-half as many idiots as the great States. These public schools soon made colleges inevitable. The first college, still flourishing, was started in Lebanon in 1828, by the M. E. church, and named after Bishop McKendree. Illinois College, at Jackson- ville, supported by the Presbyterians, followed in 1830. In 1832 the Bap- tists built Shurtleff College, at Alton. Then the Presbyterians built Knox College, at Galesburg, in 1838, and the Episcopalians built Jubilee College, at Peoria, in 1847. After these early years colleges have rained down. A settler could hardly encamp on the prairie but a college would spring up by his wagon. The State now has one very well endowed and equipped university, namely, the Northwestern University, at Evanston, with six colleges, ninety instructors, over 1,000 students, and $1,500,000 endow- ment. Rev. J. M. Peck was the first educated Protestant minister in tne State. He settled at Rock Spring, in St. Clair County, 1820, and left his impress on the State. Before 1837 only party papers were published, but Mr. Peck published a Gazetteer of Illinois. Soon after John Russell, of Bluffdale, published essays and tales showing genius. Judge James Hall published The Illinois Monthly Magazine with great ability, and an annual called The Western Souvenir^ which gave him an enviable fame all over the United States. From these beginnings Illinois has gone on till she has more volumes in public libaaries even than Massachusetts, and of the 44,500,000 volumes in all the public libraries of the United States, she has one-thirteenth. In newspapers she stands fourth. Her increase is marvelous. In 1850 she issued 5,000,000 copies ; in 1860, 27,590,000 ; in 1870, 113,140,000. In 1860 she had eighteen colleges and seminaries ; in 1870 she had eighty. That is a grand advance for the war decade. This brings us to a record unsurpassed in the history of any age, 130 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. THE WAR RECORD OF ILLINOIS. I hardly know where to begin, or how to advance, or what to say. I can at best give you only a broken synopsis of her deeds, and you must put them in the order of glory for yourself. Her sons have always been foremost on fields of danger. In 1832-33, at the call of Gov. Reynolds, her sons drove Blackhawk over the Mississippi. When the Mexican war came, in May, 1846, 8,370 men offered them- selves when only 3,720 could be accepted. The fields of Buena Vista and Vera Cruz, and the storming of Cerro Gordo, will carry the glory of Illinois soldiers along after the infamy of the cause they served has been forgotten. But it was reserved till our day for her sons to find a field and cause and foemen that could fitly illustrate their spirit and heroism. Illinois put into her own regiments for the United States government 256,000 men, and into the army through other States enough to swell the number to 290,000. This far exceeds all the soldiers of' the federal government in all the war of the revolution. Her total years of service were over 600,000. She enrolled men from eighteen to forty -five years of age when the law of Congress in 1864 — the test time — only asked for those from twenty to forty-five. Her enrollment was otherwise excessive. Her people wanted to go, and did not take the pains to correct the enrollment. Thus the basis of fixing the quota was too great, and then the quota itself, at least in the trying time, was far above any other State. Thus the demand on some counties, as Monroe, for example, took every able-bodied man in the county, and then did not have enough to fill the quota. Moreover, Illinois sent 20,844 men for ninety or one hundred days, for whom no credit was asked. When Mr. Lincoln's attention was called to the inequality of the quota compared with other States, he replied, " The country needs the sacrifice. We must put the whip on the free horse." In spite of all these disadvantages Illinois gave to the country 73,000 years of service above all calls. With one-thirteenth of the popu- lation of the loyal States, she sent regularly one-tenth of all the soldiers, and in the peril of the closing calls, when patriots were few and weary, she then sent one-eighth of all that were called for by her loved and hon- ored son in the white house. Her mothers and daughters went into the fields to raise the grain and keep the children together, while the fathers and older sons went to the harvest fields of the world. I knew a father • and four sons who agreed that one of them must stay at home ; and they pulled straws from a stack to see who might go. The father was left. The next day he came into the camp, saying : " Mother says she can get the crops in, and I am going, too." I know large Methodist churches from which every male member went to the army. Do you want to know HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 131 what these heroes from Illinois did in the field ? Ask any soldier with a good record of his own, who is thus able to judge, and he will tell you that the Illinois men went in to win. It is common history that the greater victories were won in the West. When everything else looked dark Illi- nois was gaining victories all down the river, and dividing the confederacy. Sherman took with him on his great march forty-five regiments of Illinois infantry, three companies of artillery, and one company of cavalry. He could not avoid GOING TO THE SEA. If he had •been killed, I doubt not the men would have gone right on. Lincoln answered all rumors of Sherman's defeat with, " It is impossible ; there is a mighty sight of fight in 100,000 Western men." Illinois soldiers brought home 300 battle-flags. The first United States flag that floated over Richmond was an Illinois flag. She sent messengers and nurses to every field and hospital, to care for her sick and wounded sons. She said, " These suffering ones are my sons, and I will care for them." When individuals had given all, then cities and towns came forward with their credit to the extent of many millions, to aid these men and their families. Illinois gave the country the great general of the war — Ulysses S. Grant — since honored with two terms of the Presidency of the United States. One other name from Illinois comes up in all minds, embalmed in all hearts, that must have the supreme place in this story of our glory and of our nation's honor ; that name is Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois. The analysis of Mr. Lincoln's character is difficult on account of its symmetry. In this age we look with admiration at his uncompromising honesty. And well we may, for this saved us. Thousands throughout the length and breadth of our country who knew him only as " Honest Old Abe," voted for him on that account ; and wisely did they choose, for no other man could have carried us through the fearful night of the war. When his plans were too vast for our comprehension, and his faith in the cause too sublime for our participation ; when it was all night about us, and all dread before us, and all sad and desolate behind us ; when not one ray shone upon our cause ; when traitors were haughty and exultant at the South, and fierce and blasphemous at the North ; when the loyal men here seemed almost in the minority ; when the stovitest heart quailed, the bravest cheek paled ; when generals were defeating each other for place, and contractors were leeching out the very heart's blood of the prostrate republic : when every thing else had failed us, we looked at this calm, patient man standing like a rock in the storm, and said : " Mr. Lincoln 132 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. is honest, and we can trust him still." Holding to this single point with the energy of faith and despair we held together, and, under God, he brought us through to victory. His practical wisdom made him the wonder of all lands. "With such certainty did Mr. Lincoln follow causes to their ultimate effects, that his foresight of contingencies seemed almost prophetic. He is radiant with all the great virtues, and his memory shall shed a glory upon this age that shall fill the eyes of men as they look into his- tory-. Other men have excelled him in some point, but, taken at all points, all in all, he stands head and shoulders above every other man of 6,000 years. An administrator, he saved the nation in the perils of unparalleled civil war. A statesman, he justified his measures by their success. A philanthropist, he gave liberty to one race and salvation to another. A moralist, he bowed from the summit of human power to the foot of tl\e Cross, and became a Christian. A mediator, he exercised mercy under the most absolute abeyance to law. A leader, he was no partisan. A commander, he was untainted with blood. A ruler in desperate times, he was unsullied with crime. A man, he has left no word of passion, no thought of malice, no trick of craft, no act of jealousy, no purpose of selfish ambition. Thus perfected, without a model, and without a peer, he was dropped into these troubled years to adorn and embellish all that is good and all that is great in our humanity, and to present to all coming time the representative of the divine idea of free government. It is not too much to say that away down in the future, when the republic has fallen from its niche in the wall of time ; when the great war itself shall have faded out in the distance like a mist on the horizon ; when the Anglo-Saxon language shall be spoken only by the tongue of the stranger ; then the generations looking this way shall see the great president as the supreme figure in this vortex of historv CHICAGO. It is impossible in our brief space to give more than a meager sketch of such a city as Chicago, which is in itself the greatest marvel of the Prairie State. This mysterious, majestic, mighty city, born first of water, and next of fire ; sown in weakness, and raised in power ; planted among the willows of the marsh, and crowned with the glory of the mountains ; sleeping on the Ijosom of the prairie, and rocked on the bosom of the sea , the youngest city of the world, and still the eye of the prairie, as Damas- cus, the oldest city of the world, is the eye of the desert. AVith a com- merce far exceeding that of Corinth on her isthmus, in the highway to the East ; with the defenses of a continent piled around her by the thou- sand miles, making her far safer than Rome on the banks of the Tiber ; HISTORY OP THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. IBS Lit; lliiii^ 1 riilll"'ii|l'!i|i;li"il,l'P ' i 'IK I imt^ 'liill ill! 11 .III u'\'\] V'"'l 134 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. with schools eclipsing Alexandria and Athens : with liberties more con- spicuous than those of the old republics ; with a heroism equal to the first C-arthage, and with a sanctity scarcely second to that of Jerusalem — set your thoughts on all this, lifted into the eyes of all men by the miracle of its growth, illuminated by tjie flame of its fall, and transfigured by the divinity of its resurrection, and you will feel, as I do, the utter impossi- bility of compassing this subject as it deserves. Some impression of her importance is received from the shock her burning gave to the civilized world. When the doubt of her calamity was removed, and the horrid fact was accepted, there went a shudder over all cities, and a quiver over all lands. There was scarcely a town in the civilized world that did not shake on the brink of this opening chasm. The flames of our homes red- dened all skies. The city was set upon a hill, and could not be hid. All eyes were turned upon it. To have struggled and suffered amid the scenes of its fall is as distinguishing as to have fought at Thermopylae, or Salamis, or Hastings, or Waterloo, or Bunker Hill. Its calamity amazed the world, because it was felt to be the common property of mankind. The early history of the city is full of interest, just as the early his- tory of such a man as Washington or Lincoln becomes public property, and is cherished by every patriot. Starting with 560 acres in 1833, it embraced and occupied 23,000 acres in 1869, and, having now a population of more than 500,000, it com- mands general attention. The first settler — Jean Baptiste Pointe au Sable, a mulatto from the West Indies — came and began trade with the Indians in 1796. John Kinzie became his successor in 1804, in which year Fort Dearborn was erected. A mere trading-post was kept here from that time till about the time of the Blackhawk war, in 1832. It was not the city. It was merely a cock crowing at midnight. The morning was not yet. In 1833 the set- tlement about the fort was incorporated as a town. The voters were ' divided on the propriety of such corporation, twelve voting for it and one against it. Four years later it was incorporated as a city, and embraced 560 acres. The produce handled in this city is an indication of its power. Grain and flour were imported from the East till as late as 1837. The first exportation by way of experiment was in 1839. Exports exceeded imports first in 1842. The Board of Trade was organized in 1848, but it was so weak that it needed nursing till 1855. Grain was purchased by the wagon-load in the street. I remember sitting with my father on a load of wheat, in the long HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 135 line of wagons along Lake street, while the buyers came and untied the bags, and examined the grain, and made their bids. That manner of business had to cease with the day of small things. Now our elevators will hold 15,000,000 bushels of grain. The cash value of the produce handled in a year is $215,000,000, and the produce weighs 7,000,000 tons or 700,000 car loads. This handles thirteen and a half ton each minute, all the year round. One tenth of all the wheat in the United States is handled in Chicago. Even as long ago as 1853 the receipts of grain in Chicago exceeded those of the goodly city of St. Louis, and in 1854 the exports of grain from Chicago exceeded those of New York and doubled those of St. Petersburg, Archangel, or Odessa, the largest grain markets in Europe. The manufacturing interests of the city are not contemptible. In 1873 manufactories employed 45,000 operatives ; in 1876, 60,000. The manufactured product in 1875 was worth 1177,000,000. No estimate of the size and power of Chicago would be adequate that did not put large emphasis on the railroads. Before they came thundering along our streets canals were the hope of our country. But who ever thinks now of traveling by canal packets ? In June, 1852, there were only forty miles of railroad connected with the city. The old Galena division of the Northwestern ran out to Elgin. But now, who can count the trains and measure the roads that seek a terminus or conneption in this city ? The lake stretches away to the north, gathering in to this center all the harvests that might otherwise pass to the north of us. If you will take a map and look at the adjustment of railroads, you will see, first, that Chicago is the great railroad center of the world, as New York is the commercial city of this continent ; and, second, that the railroad lines form the iron spokes of a great wheel whose hub is this city. The lake furnishes the only break in the spokes, and this seems simply to have pushed a few spokes together on each shore. See the eighteen trunk lines, exclusive of eastern connections. Pass round the circle, and view their numbers and extent. There is the great Northwestern, with all its branches, one branch creeping along the lake shore, and so reaching to the north, into the Lake Superior regions, away to the right, and on to the Northern Pacific on the left, swinging around Green Bay for iron and copper and silver, twelve months in the year, and reaching out for the wealth of the great agricultural belt and isothermal line traversed by the Northern Pacific. Another branch, not so far north, feeling for the heart of the Badger State. Another pushing lower down the Mississippi — all these make many con- nections, and tapping all the vast wheat regions of Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and all the regions this side of sunset. There is that elegant road, the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy, running out a goodly number of 136 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. OLD FOKT DEARBORN, 1830. PRESENT SITE OF LAKE STREET BRIDGE, CHICAGO, IX 1833. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 137 branches, and reaping the great fields this side of the Missouri River. I can only mention the Chicago, Alton & St. Louis, our Illinois Central, described elsewhere, and the Chicago & Rock Island. Further around we come to the lines connecting us with all the eastern cities. The Chicago, Indianapolis & St. Louis, the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne & Chicago, the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, and the Michigan Cen- tral and Great Western, give us many highwaj^s to the seaboard. Thus we reach the Mississippi at five points, from St. Paul to Cairo and the Gulf itself by two routes. We also reach Cincinnati and Baltimore, and Pitts- burgh and Philadelphia, and New York. North and south run the water courses of the lakes and the rivers, broken just enough at this point to make a pass. Through this, from east to west, run the long lines that stretch from ocean to ocean. This is the neck of the glass, and the golden sands of commerce must pass into" our hands. Altogether we have more than 10,000 miles of railroad, directly tributary to this city, seeking to unload their wealth in our coffers. All these roads have come themselves by the infallible instinct of capital. Not a dollar was ever given by the city to secure one of them, and only a small per cent, of stock taken originally by her citizens, and that taken simply as an investment. Coming in the natural order of events, they will not be easily diverted. There is still another showing to all this. The connection between New York and San Francisco is by the middle route. This passes inevit- ably through Chicago. St. Louis wants the Southern Pacific or Kansas Pacific, and pushes it out through Denver, and so on up to Cheyenne. But before the road is fairly under way, the Chicago roads shove out to Kansas City, making even the Kansas Pacific a feeder, and actually leav- ing St. Louis out in the cold. It is not too much to expect that Dakota, Montana, and Washington Territory will find their great market in Chi- cago. But these are not all. Perhaps I had better notice here the ten or fifteen new roads that have just entered, or are just entering, our city. Their names are all that is necessary to give. Chicago & St. Paul, look- ing up the Red River country to the British possessions ; the Chicago, Atlantic & Pacific ; the Chicago, Decatur & State Line ; the Baltimore & Ohio ; the Chicago, Danville & Vincennes ; the Chicago & LaSalle Rail- road ; the Chicago, Pittsburgh & Cincinnati ; the Chicago and Canada Southern ; the Chicago and Illinois River Railroad. These, with their connections, and with the new connections of the old roads, already in process of erection, give to Chicago not less than 10,000 miles of new tributaries from the richest land on the continent. Thus there will be added to the reserve power, to the capital within reach of this city, not less than $1,000,000,000. 138 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. Add to all this tninsporting power the ships that sail one every nine minutes of the business hours of the season of navigation ; add, also, the canal boats that leave one every five minutes during the same time — and you will see something of the business of the city. THE COMMERCE OF THIS CITY has been leaping along to keep pace with the growth of the country around us. In 1852, our commerce reached the hopeful sum of 820,000,000. In 1870 it reached 1400,000,000. In 1871 it was pushed up above $450,000,000. And in 1875 it touched nearly double that. One-half of our imported goods come directly to Chicago. Grain enough -is exported directly from our docks to the old world to employ a semi-weekly line of steamers of 3,000 tons capacity. This branch is not likely to be greatly developed. Even after the great Welland Canal is completed we shall have only fourteen feet of water. The great ocean vessels will continue to control the trade. The banking capital of Chicago is $24,431,000. Total exchange in 1875, $659,000,000. Her wholesale business in 1875 was $294,000,000. The rate of taxes is less than in any other great city. The schools of Chicago are unsurpassed in America. Out of a popu- lation of 300,000 there were only 186 persons between the ages of six and twenty-one unable to read. This is the best known record. In 1831 the mail system was condensed into a half-breed, who went on foot to Niles, Mich., once in two weeks, and brought back what papers and news he could find. As late as 1846 there was often only one mail a week. A post-office was established in Chicago in 1833, and the post- master nailed up old boot-legs on one side of his shop to serve as boxes for the nabobs and literary men. It is an interesting fact in the growth of the young city that in the active life of the business men of that day the mail matter has grown to a daily average of over 6,500 pounds. It speaks equally well for the intelligence of the people and the commercial importance of the place, that the mail matter distributed to the territory immediately tributary to Chicago is seven times greater than that distributed to the territory immediately tributary to St. Louis. The improvements that have characterized the city are as startling as the city itself. In 1831, Mark Beaubien established a ferry over the river, and put himself under bonds to carry all the citizens free for the privilege of charging strangers. Now there are twenty-four large bridges and two tunnels. In 1833 the government expended $30,000 on the harbor. Then commenced that series of manoeuvers with the river that has made it one HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. l'6\i of the world's curiosities. It used to wind around in the lower end of the town, and make its way rippling oVer the sand into the lake at the foot of Madison street. They took it up and put it down where it now is. It was a narrow stream, so narrow that even moderately small crafts had to go up through the willows and cat's tails to the point near Lake street bridge, and back up one of the branches to get room enough in which to turn around. In 1844 the quagmires in the streets were first pontooned by plank roads, which acted in wet weather as public squirt-guns. Keeping you out of the mud, they compromised by squirting the mud over you. The wooden-block j)avements came to Chicago in 1857. In 1840 water was delivered by peddlers in carts or by hand. Then a twenty-five horse- power engine pushed it through hollow or bored logs along the streets till 1854, when it was introduced into the houses by new works. The first fire-engine was used in 1835, and the first steam fire-engine in 1859. Gas was utilized for lighting the city in 1850. The Young Men's Chris- tian Association was organized in 1858, and horse railroads carried them to their work in 1859. The museum was opened in 1863. The alarm telegraph adopted in 1864. The opera-house built in 1865. The city grew from 560 acres in 1833 to 23,000 in 1869. In 1834, the taxes amounted to $48.90, and the trustees of the town borrowed |60 more for opening and improving streets. In 1835, the legislature authorized a loan of $2,000, and the treasurer and street commissioners resigned rather than plunge the town into such a gulf. Now the city embraces 36 square miles of territory, and has 30 miles of water front, besides the outside harbor of refuge, of 400 acres, inclosed by a crib sea-wall. One-third of the city has been raised up an average of eight feet, giving good pitch to the 263 miles of sewerage. The water of the city is above all competition. It is received through two tunnels extending to a crib in the lake two miles from shore. The closest analy- sis fails to detect any impurities, and, received 35 feet below the surface, it is always clear and cold. The first tunnel is five feet two inches in diameter and two miles long, and can deliver 50,000,000 of gallons per day. The second tunnel is seven feet in diameter and six miles long, running four miles under the city, and can deliver 100,000,000 of gal- lons per day. This water is distributed through 410 miles of water- mains. The three grand engineering exploits of the city are : First, lifting the city up on jack-screws, whole squares at a time, without interrupting the business, thus giving us good drainage ; second, running the tunnels under the lake, giving us the best water in the world ; and third, the turning the current of the river in its own channel, delivering us from the old abominations, and making decency possible. They redound about 140 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. equally to the credit of the engineering, to the energy of the people, and to the health of the city. That which really constitutes the city, its indescribable spirit, its soul, the way it lights up in every feature in the hour of action, has not been touched. In meeting strangers, one is often surprised how some homely women marry so well. Their forms are bad, their gait uneven and awk- ward, their complexion is dull, their features are misshapen and mismatch- ed, and when we see them there is no beauty that we should desire them. But when once they are aroused on some subject, they put on new pro- portions. They light up into great power. The real person comes out from its unseemly ambush, and captures us at will. They have power. They have ability to cause things to come to pass. We no longer wonder why they are in such high demand. So it is with our city. There is no grand scenery except the two seas, one of water, the other of prairie. Nevertheless, there is a spirit about it, a push, a breadth, a power, that soon makes it a place never to be forsaken. One soon ceases to believe in impossibilities. Balaams are the only prophets that are disappointed. The bottom that has been on the point of falling out has been there so long that it has grown fast. It can not fall out. It has all the capital of the world itching to get inside the corporation. The two great laws that govern the growth and size of cities are, first, the amount of territory for which they are the distributing and receiving points ; second, the number of medium or moderate dealers that do this distributing. Monopolists build up themselves, not the cities. They neither eat, wear, nor live in proportion to their business. Both these laws help Chicago. The tide of trade is eastward — not up or down the map, but across the map. The lake runs up a wingdam for 500 miles to gather in the business. Commerce can not ferry up there for seven months in the year, and the facilities for seven months can do the work for twelve. Then the great region west of us is nearly all good, productive land. Dropping south into the trail of St. Louis, you fall into vast deserts and rocky dis- tricts, useful in holding the world together. St. Louis and Cincinnati, instead of rivaling and hurting Chicago, are her greatest sureties of dominion. They are far enough away to give sea-room, — farther off than Paris is from London, — and yet they are near enough to prevent the springing up of any other great city between them. St. Louis will be helped by the opening of the Mississippi, but also hurt. That will put New Orleans on her feet, and with a railroad running over into Texas and so West, she will tap the streams that now crawl up the Texas and Missouri road. The current is East, not North, and a sea- port at New Orleans can not permanently help St. Louis. Chicago is in the field almost alone, to handle the wealth of one- HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 141 fourth of the territory of this great republic. This strip of seacoast divides its margins between Portland, Boston, New York, Philadelpliia, Baltimore and Savannah, or some other great port to be created for the South in the next decade. But Chicago has a dozen empires casting their treasures into her lap. On a bed of coal that can run all the machinery of the world for 500 centuries ; in a garden that can feed the race by the thousand years; at the head of the lakes that give her a temperature as a summer resort equaled by no great city in the land ; with a climate that insures the health of her citizens ; surrounded by all the great deposits of natural wealth in mines aud forests and herds, Chicago is the wonder of to-day, and will be the city of the future. MASSACRE AT FORT DEARBORN. During the war of 1812, Fort Dearborn became the theater of stirring events. The garrison consisted of fifty-four men under command of Captain Nathan Heald, assisted by Lieutenant Helm (son-in-law of Mrs. Kinzie) and Ensign Ronan. Dr. Voorhees was surgeon. The only resi- dents at the post at that time were the wives of Captain Heald and Lieu- tenant Helm, and a few of the soldiers, Mr. Kinzie and his family, and a few Canadian voyageurs, with their wives and cliildren. The soldiers and Mr. Kinzie were on most friendly terms with the Pottawattamies and Winnebagos, the principal tribes around them, but they could not win them from their attachment to the British. One evening in April, 1812, Mr. Kinzie sat playing on his violin and his children were dancing to the music, when Mrs. Kinzie came rushing into the house, pale with terror, and exclaiming: "The Indians! the Indians!" "What? Where?" eagerly inquired Mr. Kinzie. "Up at Lee's, killing and scalping," answered the frightened mother, who, when the alarm was given, was attending Mrs. Barnes (just confined) living not far off. Mr. Kinzie and his family crossed the river and took refuge in the fort, to which place Mrs. Barnes and her infant not a day old were safely conveyed. The rest of the inhabitants took shelter in the fort. This alarm was caused by a scalping party of Winnebagos, who hovered about the fort several days, when they disappeared, and for several weeks the inhabitants were undisturbed. On the 7th of August, 1812, General Hull, at Detroit, sent orders to Captain Heald to evacuate Fort Dearborn, and to distribute all the United States property to the Indians in the neighborhood — a most insane order. The Pottawattamie chief, who brought the dispatch, had more wisdom than the commanding general. He advised Captain Heald not to make the distribution. Said he : " Leave the fort and stores as they are, and let the Indians make distribution for themselves ; and while they are engaged in the business, the white people may escape to Fort Wayne." M' (4 p O HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 143 Captain Heald held a council with the Indians on the afternoon ot the 12th, in which his officers refused to join, for they had been informed that treachery was designed — that the Indians intended to murder the white people in the council, and then destroy those in the fort. Captain Heald, however, took the precaution to open a port-hole displaying a cannon pointing directly upon the council, and by that means saved his life. Mr. Kinzie, who knew the Indians well, begged Captain Heald not to confide in their promises, nor distribute the arms and munitions among them, for it would only put power into their hands to destroy the whites. Acting upon this advice, Heald resolved to withhold the munitions of war ; and on the night of the 13th, after the distribution of the otlier property had been made, the powder, ball and liquors were thrown into the river, the muskets broken up and destroyed. Black Partridge, a friendly chief, came to Captain Heald, and said : " Linden birds have been singing in my ears to-day: be careful on the march you are going to take." On that dark night vigilant Indians had crept near the fort and discovered the destruction of their promised booty going on within. The next morning the powder was seen floating on the surface of the river. The savages were exasperated and made loud com- plaints and threats. On the following day when preparations were making to leave the fort, and all the inmates were deeply impressed with a sense of impend- ing danger, Capt. Wells, an uncle of Mrs. Heald, was discovered upon the Indian trail among the sand-hills on the borders of the lake, not far distant, with a band of mounted Miamis, of whose tribe he was chief, having been adopted by the famous Miami warrior. Little Turtle. When news of Hull's surrender reached Fort Wayne, he had started with this force to assist Heald in defending Fort Dearborn. He was too late. Every means for its defense had been destroyed the night before, and arrangements were made for leaving the fort on the morning of the loth. It was a warm bright morning in the middle of August. Indications were positive that the savages intended to murder the white people ; and when they moved out of the southern gate of the fort, the march was like a funeral procession. The band, feeling the solemnity of the occa- sion, struck up the Dead March in Saul. Capt. Wells, who had blackened his face with gun-powder in token of his fate, took the lead with his band of Miamis, followed by Capt. Heald, with his wife by his side on horseback. Mr. Kinzie hoped by his personal influence to avert the impending blow, and therefore accompanied them, leaving his family in a boat in charge of a friendly Indian, to be taken to his trading station at the site of Niles, Michigan, in the event oi his death. 14t HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. ■ " "'''il,ll?liPniF"""*"""''^"7n"TT':^iii| HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLESTOIS. 145 The procession moved slowly along the lake shore till they reached the sand-hills between the prairie and the beach, when the Pottawattamie escort, under the leadership of Blackbird, filed to the right, placing those hills between them and the white people. Wells, with his Miarais, had kept in the advance. They suddenly came rushing back. Wells exclaim- ing, " They are about to attack us ; form instantly." These words were quickly followed by a storm of bullets, which came whistling over the little hills which the treacherous savages had made the covert for their murderous attack. The white troops charged upon the Indians, drove them back to the prairie, and then the battle was waged between fifty- four soldiers, twelve civilians and three or four women (the cowardly Miamis having fled at the outset) against five hundred Indian warriors. The white people, hopeless, resolved to sell their lives as dearly as j)ossible. Ensign Ronan wielded his weapon vigorously, even after falling upon his knees weak from the loss of blood. Capt. Wells, who was by the side of his niece, Mrs. Heald, when the conflict began, behaved with the greatest coolness and courage. He said to her, " We have not the slightest chance for life. We must part to meet no more in this world. God bless you." And then he dashed forward. Seeing a young warrior, painted like a demon, climb into a wagon in which were twelve children, and tomahawk them all, he cried out, unmindful of his personal danger, " If that is your game, butchering women aAd children, I will kill too." He spurred his horse towards the Indian camp, where they had left their squaws and papooses, hotly pursued by swift-footed young warriors, who sent bullets whistling after him. One of these killed his horse and wounded him severely in the leg. With a yell the young braves rushed to make him their prisoner and reserve him for torture. He resolved not to be made a captive, and by the use of the most provoking epithets tried to induce them to kill him instantly. He called a fiery young chief a squaiv, when the enraged warrior killed Wells instantly with his tomahawk, jumped upon his body, cut out his heart, and ate a portion of the warm morsel with savage delight ! In this fearful combat women bore a conspicuous part. Mrs. Heald was an excellent equestrian and an expert in the use of the rifle. She fought the savages bravely, receiving several severe wounds. Though faint from the loss of blood, she managed to keep her saddle. A savage raised his tomahawk to kill her, when she looked him full in the face, and with a sweet smile and in a gentle voice said, in his own language, " Surely you will not kill a squaw ! " The arm of the savage fell, and the life of the heroic woman was saved. Mrs. Helm, the step-daughter of Mr. Kinzie, had an encounter with a stout Indian, who attempted to tomahawk her. Springing to one side, she received the glancing blow on her shoulder, and at the same instant 14(3 HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. seized the savaq:e round the neck with her arms and endeavored to jjet hold of his scalping knife, which hung in a sheath at his breast. While she was tlius struggling she was dragged from her antagonist by anothei powerful Indian, who bore her, in spite of her struggles, to the margin of the lake and plunged her in. To her astonishment she was held by him so that she would not drown, and she soon perceived that she was in the hands of the friendly Black Partridge, who had saved her life. The wife of Sergeant Holt, a large and powerful woman, behaved as bravely as au Amazon. She rode a fine, high-spirited horse, which the Indians coveted, and several of them attacked her with the butts of their guns, for the purpose of dismounting her ; but she used the sword which she had snatched from her disabled husband so skillfully that she foiled them ; and, suddenly wheeling her horse, she dashed over the prairie, followed by the savages shouting, " The brave woman ! the brave woman ! Don't hurt her ! " They finally overtook her, and while she was fighting them in front, a powerful savage came up behind her, seized her by the neck and dragged her to the ground. Horse and woman were made captives. Mrs. Holt was a long time a captive among the Indians, but was afterwards ransomed. In this sharp conflict two-thirds of the white people were slain and wounded, and all their horses, baggage and provision were lost. Only twenty-eight straggling men now remained to fight five hundred Indians rendered furious b}'- the sight of blood. They succeeded in breaking through the ranks of the murderers and gaining a slight eminence on the prairie near the Oak Woods. The Indians did not pursue, but gathered on their flanks, while the chiefs held a consultation on the sand-hills, and showed signs of willingness to parley. It would have been madness on the part of the whites to renew the fight ; and so Capt. Heald went for- ward and met Blackbird on the open prairie, where terms of surrender were soon agreed upon. It was arranged that the white people should give up their arms to Blackbird, and that the survivors should become prisoners of war, to be exchanged for ransoms as soon as practicable. With this understanding captives and captors started for the Indian camp near the fort, to which Mrs. Helm had been taken bleeding and suffering by Black Partridge, and had met her step-father and learned that her husband was safe. A new scene of horror was now opened at the Indian camp. The wounded, not being included in the terms of surrender, as it was inter- preted by the Indians, and the British general, Proctor, having offered a liberal bounty for American scalps, delivered at Maiden, nearly all the wounded men were killed and scalped, and the price of the trophies was afterwards paid by the British government. HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. 149 SHABBONA. [This was engraved from a daguerreotype, taken when Shabbona was 83 years old.] This celebrated Indian chief, whose portrait appears in this work, deserves more than a passing notice. Although Shabbona was not so conspicuous as Tecumseh or Black Hawk, yet in point of merit he was superior to either of them. Shabbona was born at an Indian village on the Kankakee River, now in Will County, about the year 1775. While young he was made chief of the band, and went to Shabbona Grove, now DeKalb County, where they were found in the early settlement of the county. In the war of 1812, Shabbona, with his warriors, joined Tecumseh, was loO HISTORY OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. aid to that grcit chief, and stood by his side when he fell at the battle of the Thames. At the time of the Winnebago war, in 1827, he visited almost every village among the Pottawatomies, and bj' his persuasive arguments prevented them from taking part in the war. By request of the citizens of Chicago, Sliabbona,.accompanied by Billy Caldwell (Sauganash), visited Big Foot's village at Geneva Lake, in order to pacify the warriors, as fears were entertained that they were about to raise the tomahawk against the whites. Here Shabbona was taken prisoner by Big Foot, and his life threatened, but on the following day was set at liberty. From that time the Indians (through reproach) styled him " the white man's friend," and many times his life was endangered. Before the Black Hawk war, Shabbona met in council at two differ- ent times, and by h.is influence prevented his people from taking part with the Sacs and Foxes. After the death of Black Partridge and Senachwine, no chief amonsf the Pottawatomies exerted so much influence as Shabbona. Black Hawk, aware of this influence, visited him at two different times, in order to enlist him in his cause, but was unsuccessful. While Black Hawk was a prisoner at Jefferson Barracks, he said, had it not been for Shabbona the whole Pottawatomie nation would have joined his standard, and he could have continued the war for years. To Shabbona many of the early settlers of Illinois owe the pres- ervation of their lives, for it is a well-known fact, had he not notified the people of their danger, a large portion of them would have fallen victims to the tomahawk of savages. By saving the lives of whites he endangered his OAvn, for the Sacs and Foxes threatened to kill him, and made two attempts to execute tlieir threats. They killed Pypeogee, his son, and Pyps, his nephew, and hunted him down as though he was a wild beast. Shabbona had a reservation of two sections of land at his Grove, but by leaving it and going west for a short time, the Government declared the reservation forfeited, and sold it the same as other vacant land. On Shabbona's return, and finding his possessions gone, he was very sad and broken down in spirit, and left the Grove for ever. The citizens of Ottawa raised money and bought him a tract of land on the Illinois River, above Seneca, in Grundy County, on which they built a house, and supplied him with means to live on. He lived here until his death, which occurred on the ITth of July, ISoO, in tlie eighty-fourth year of his age, and Avas buried with great pomp in the cemetery at Morris. His squaw, Pokanoka, was drowned in Mazen Creek, Grundy County, on the 30th of November, 18G4, and was buried by his side. In 1861 subscriptions were taken up in many of the river towns, to erect a monument over the remains of Shabbona, but the war breaking out, the enterprise was abandoned. Only a plain marble slab marks the resting-place of this friend of the white man. Abstract of Illinois State Laws. BILLS OF EXCHANGE AND PROMISSORY NOTES. No promissory note, check, draft, hill of exchange, order, or note, nego- tiable instrument payable at sight, or on demand, or on presentment, shall be entitled to days of grace. All other bills of exchange, drafts or notes are entitled to three days of grace. All the above mentioned paper falling due on Sunday, New Years' Day, the Fourth of July, Christmas, or any d^y appointed or recommended by the President of the United States or the Grovernor of the State as a day of fast or thanksgiving, shall be deemed as due on the day previous, and should two or more of these days come together, then such instrument shall be treated as due on the (\.?ij pirevious to the first of said days. No defense can be made against a negotiable instrument (^assigned before due') in the hands of the assignee without notice, except fraud was used in obtaining the same. To hold an indorser, due diligence must be used by suit, in collecting of the maker, unless suit would have been unavailing. Notes payable to person named or to order, in order to absolutely transfer title, must be indorsed by the payee. Notes payable to bearer may be transferred by delivery, and when so payable every indorser thereon is held as a guarantor of payment unless otherwise expressed. In computing interest or discount on negotiable instruments, a month shall be considered a calendar month or tivelfth of a year, and for less than a month, a day shall be figured a thirtieth part of a month. Notes only bear interest when so expressed, but after due they draw the legal interest, even if not stated. INTEREST. The legal rate of interest is six per cent. Parties may agree in writ- ing on a rate not exceeding ten per cent. If a rate of interest greater than ten per cent, is contracted for, it works a forfeiture of the whole of said interest, and only the principal can be recovered. DESCENT. When no ivill is made, the property of a deceased person is distrib- uted as follows : T5I 152 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. First. To his or her children and their descendants in equal parts ; the descendaiics of the deceased child or grandchild taking the share of their deceased parents in equal parts among them. Second. Wliere there is no child, nor descendant of such child, and no widow or surviving husband, then to the parents, brothers and sisters of the deceased, and their descendants, in equal parts, the surviving parent, if either be dead, taking a double portion ; and if there is no parent living, then to the brothers and sisters of the intestate and their descendants. Third. When there is a widow or surviving husband^ and no child or childreti^ or descendants of the same, then one-half of the real estate and the whole of the personal estate shall descend to such widow or surviving husband, absolutely, and the other half of the real estate shall descend as in other cases where there is no child or children or descendants of the same. Fourth. When there is a ividoio or surviving husband and also a child or children., or descendants of the latter, then one third of all the personal estate to the widotv or surviving husband absolutely. Fifth. If there is no child., parent., brother or sister, or descendants of either of them, and no widow or surviving husband, then in equal parts to the next of kin to the intestate in equal degree. Collaterals shall not be represented except with the descendants of brothers and sisters of the intestate, and there shall be no distinction between kindred of the whole and the half blood. Sixth. If any intestate leaves a ividoiv or surviving husband and no kindred^ then to such widow or surviving husband ; and if there is no such widow or surviving husband, it shall escheat to and vest in the county where the same, or the greater portion thereof, is situated. WILLS AND ESTATES OF DECEASED PERSONS. No exact form of ivords are necessarv in order to make a will good at law. Every male person of the age of twenty-one years, and eyevy feiuale of the age of eighteen years, of sound mind and memory, can make a valid will ; it must be in writing, signed by the testator or by some one in his or her presence and by his or her direction, and attested by tivo or more credible witnesses. Care should be taken that the witnesses are not inter- ested in the will. Persons knoiving themselves to have been named in the will or appointed executor, must within thirty days of the death of deceased cause the will to be proved and recorded in tlie proper county, or present it, and refuse to accept ; on failure to do so are liable to forfeit the sum of twenty dollars per motith. Inventory to be made by executor or administrator within three months from date of letters testamentary or ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 153 of administration. Executors' and administrators' compensation not to exceed six per cent, on amount of personal estate, and three per cent, on money realized from real estate, with such additional allowance as shall be reasonable for extra services. Appraisers' compensation $2 pei day. Notice requiring all claims to be presented against the estate shall b^ given by the executor or administrator within six months of being quali- fied. Any person having a claim and not presenting it at the time fixed by said notice is required to have summons issued notifying the executor or administrator of his having filed his claim in court ; in such cases the costs have to be paid by the claimant. Qlaims should be filed within tivo years from the time administration is granted on an estate, as after that time they 2(,vq forever barred, unless other estate is found that was not in- ventoried. Married women, infants, persons insane, imprisoned or without the United States, in the employment of the United States, or of this State, have two years after their disabilities are removed to file claims. Claims are classified and paid out of the estate in the following manner: First. Funeral expenses. Second. The widow's award, if there is a widow ; or children if there are children, and no ividoiv. Third. Expenses attending the last illness, not including physician's bill. Fourth. Debts due the common school or township fund . Fifth. All expenses of proving the will and taking out letters testa- mentary or administration, and settlement of the estate, and the physi- cian's bill in the last illness of deceased. Sixth. Where the deceased has received money in trust for any pur- pose, his executor or administrator shall pay out of his estate the amount feceived and not accounted for. Seventh. All other debts and demands of whatsoever kind, without regard to quality or dignity, which shall be exhibited to the court within two years from the granting of letters. Award to Widow and Children, exclusive of debts and legacies or be- quests, except funeral expenses : First. The family pictures and tvearing apparel, jewels and ornaments of herself and minor children. Second. School books and the family library of the value of $100. Third. One sewing machine. Fourth. Necessary beds, bedsteads and bedding for herself and family. Fifth. The stoves and pipe used in the family, with the necessary cooking utensils, or in case they have none, $50 in money. Sixth. Household and kitchen furniture to the value of $100. Seventh. One milch cow and calf for every four members of her family. 154 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. Eighth. Two sheep for each member of her family, and the fleeces taken from the same, and one horse, saddle and bridle. Ninth. Provisions for herself and family for one year. Tenth. Food for the stock above specified for six months. Eleventh. Fuel for herself and family for three months. Twelfth. One hundred dollars worth of other property suited to her condition in life, to be selected by the widow. The loidoiv if she elects may have in lieu of the said award, the same personal property or money in place thereof as isDr may be exempt from execution or attachment against the head of a family. TAXES. The owners of real and personal property,- on the first day of May in each year, are liable for the taxes thereon. Assessments should be completed before the fourth Monday in June., at which time the town board of review meets to examine assessments, hear objections., and make such changes as ought to be made. The county board have also power to correct or change assessments. The tax books are placed in the hands of the town collector on or before tl.e tenth day of December, who retains them until the tenth day of March following, when he is required to return them to the county treasurer, who then collects all delinquent taxes. No costs accrue on real estate taxes till advertised., which takes place the first day of April, when three weeks' notice is requu*ed before judg- ment. Cost of advertising, twenty cents each tract of land, and ten cents each lot. Judgment is usually obtained at May term of County Court. Costs six cents each tract of land, and five cents each lot. Sale takes place in June. Costs in addition to those before mentioned, twenty-eight cents each tract of land, and twenty-seven cents each town lot. Real estate sold for taxes may be redeemed any time before the expi- ration of two years from the date of sale, by payment to the County Clerk of the amount for which it was sold and twenty-five per cent, thereon if redeemed within six months, fifty per cent, if between six and twelve months, if between twelve and eighteen months seventy-five per cent., and if between eighteen months and two years one hundred per cent., and in addition, all subsequent taxes paid by the purchaser, with ten per cent, interest thereon, also one dollar each tract if notice is given by the purchaser of the sale, and a fee of twenty-five cents to the clerk for his certificate. JURISDICTION OF COURTS. Justices have jurisdiction in all civil cases on contracts iov the recovery of moneys for damages for injury to real property., or taking, detaining, or ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 155 injuring personal property ; for rent; for all cases to recover damages done real or personal property by railroad companies, in actions of replevin, and in actions for damages for fraud in the sale, purchase, or exchange of per- sonal property, when the amount claimed as due is not over $200. They have also jurisdiction in all cases for violation of the ordinances of cities, towns or villages. A justice of the peace may orally order an officer or a private person to arrest any one committing or attempting to commit a criminal offense. He also upon complaint can issue his warrant for the arrest of any person ac-used of having committed a crime, and have him brought before him for examination. COUNTY COURTS Have jurisdiction in all matters of probate (except in counties having a population of one hundred thousand or over), settlement of estates of deceased persons, appointment of guardians and conservators, and settle- ment of their accounts ; all matters relating to apprentices ; proceedings for the collection of taxes and assessments, and in proceedings of executors, administrators, guardians and conservators for the sale of real estate. In law cases they have concurrent jurisdiction with Circuit Courts in all cases where justices of the peace now have, or hereafter may have, jurisdiction when the amount claimed shall not exceed $1,000, and in all criminal offenses where the punishment is not imprisonment in the peni- tentiary, or death, and in all cases of appeals from justices of the peace and police magistrates ; excepting when the county judge is sitting as a justice of the peace. Circuit Courts have unlimited jurisdiction. LIMITATION OF ACTION. Accounts jive years. Notes and written contracts ten years. Judg- ments twenty years. Partial payments or new promise in writing, within or after said period, will revive the debt. Absence from the State deducted, and when the cause of action is barred by the law of another State, it has the same effect here. Slander and libel, one year. Personal injuries, tioo years. To recover land or make entry thereon, twenty years. Action to foreclose mortgage or trust deed, or make a sale, ivithin ten years. All persons in possession of land, and payiiig taxes for seven consecu- tive years, with color of title, and all persons paying taxes for seven con- secutive years, with color of title, on vacant land, shall be held to be the legal owners to the extent of their paper title. MARRIED WOMEN May sue and be sued. Husband and wife not liable for each other's debts, either before or after marriage, but both are liable for expenses and edu- cation of the family. 4 156 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. She may contract the same as if unmarried^ except that in a partner- ship business she can not, without consent of her husband, unless he has abandoned or deserted her, or is idiotic or insane, or confined in peniten- tiary ; she is entitled and can recover her own earnings, but neither hus- band nor wife is entitled to compensation for any services rendered for the other. At the death of the husband, in addition to widow's award, a married woman has a dower interest (one-third) in all real estate owned by her husband after their marriage, and which has not been released by her, and the husband has the same interest in the real estate of the wife at her death. EXEMPTIONS FROM FORCED SALE. Some tvorth f 1,000, and the following Personal Property : Lot of ground and buildings thereon, occupied as a residence by the debtor, being a house- holder and having a family, to the value of $1,000. Uxonption continues after the death of the householder for the benefit of widow and family, some one of them occupying the homestead until youngest child shall become twenty-one years of age, and until death of ividow. There is no exemption from sale for taxes, assessments, debt or liability incurred for the purchase or improvement of said homestead. No release or waiver of exemption is valid, unless in writing, and subscribed by such householder and wife (if he have one), and acknowledged as conveyances of real estate are required to be acknowledged. The following articles of personal property owned by the debtor, are exempt from execution, ivrit of attachment, and distress for rent : The necessary wearing apparel, Bibles, school books and family pictures of every person ; and, 2d, one hundred dollars worth of other property to be selected by the debtor, and, in addition, when the debtor is the head of a family and resides with the same, three hundred dollars worth of other property to be selected by the debtor ; provided that such selection and exemption shall not be made by the debtor or allowed to him or her from any money, salary or wages due him or her from any person or persons or corporations whatever. When the head of a family shall die, desert or not reside with the same, the family shall be entitled to and receive all the benefit and priv- ileges which are by this act conferred upon the hfead of a family residing with the same. No personal property is exempt from execution when judgment is obtained for the wages of laborers or servants. Wages of a laborer who is the head of a family can not be garnisheed, except the sum due him be in excess of $25. ABSTRACT OP ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 157 DEEDS AND MORTGAGES. To he valid there must he a valid consideration. Special care should be taken to have them signed, sealed, delivered, and properly acknowl- edged, with the proper seal attached. Witnesses are not required. The acknoivledgement must be made in this state, before Master in Chancery, Notary Puhlic, United States Commissioner, Circuit or County Clerk, Justice of Peace, or any Court of Record having a seal, or any Judge, Justice, or Clerk of any such Court. When taken before a Notary Public, or United States Commissioner, the same shall be attested by his official seal, when taken before a Court or the Clerk thereof, the same shall be attested by the seal of such Court, and -vvhen taken before a Justice of the Peace resid- ing out of the county where the real estate to be conveyed lies, there shall be added a certificate of the County Clerk under his seal of office, that he was a Justice of the Peace in the county at the time of taking the same. A deed is good without such certificate attached, but can not be used in evidence unless such a certificate is produced or other competent evidence introduced. Acknowledgements made out of the state must either be executed according to the laws of this state, or there should be attached a certificate that it is in conformity with the laws of the state or country where executed. Where this is not done the same may be proved by any other legal way. Acknowledgments where the Homestead rights are to be waived must state as follows : " Including the release and waiver of tlie right of homestead." Notaries Public can take acknowledgements any where in the state. Sheriffs, if authorized by the mortgagor of real or personal property in his mortgage, may sell the property mortgaged. In the case of the death of grantor or holder of the equity of redemp- tion of real estate mortgaged, or conveyed by deed of trust where equit}' of redemption is waived, and it contains power of sale, must be foreclosed in the same manner as a common mortgage in court. ESTRAYS. Horses, mules, asses, neat cattle, swine, sheep, or goats found straying at any time during the year, in counties where such animals are not allowed to run at large, or between the last day of October and the 15th day of April in other counties, the owner thereof being unknown, may he taken up as estrays. No person not a householder in the county where estray is found can laufully take up an estray, and then only upon or about his farm or place of residence. Estrays should not he used before advertised, except animalg giving milk, which may be milked for their benefit. 158 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. Notices must be posted up witliin five (5) days in three (3) of the most public places in the town or precinct in which estray was found, giv- ing the residence of the taker up, and a particular description of the estra}', its age, color, and marks natural and artificial, and stating before what justice of the peace in such town or precinct, and at what time, not less than ten (10) nor more than fifteen (15) days from the time of post- ing sucii notices, he will apply to have the estray appraised. A copy of such notice should be filed by the taker up with the totvn clerk, whose duty it is to enter the same at large, in a book kept by him for that purpose. If the owner of estray shall not have appeared and proved ownership, and taken the same away, first paying the taker up his reasonable charges for taking up, keeping, and advertising the same, the taker up shall appear before the justice of the peace mentioned in above mentioned notice, and make an affidavit as required by law. As the affidavit has to be made before the Justice, and all other steps as to appraisement, etc., are before him, who is familiar therewith, they are therefore omitted here. Any person taking up an estray at any other place than about or upon his farm or residence, or without complying tvith the laiv, shall forfeit and pay a fine of ten dollars with costs. Ordinary diligence is required in taking care of estrays, but in case they die or get away the taker is not liable for the same. GAME. It is unlaivful for any person to kill, or attempt to kill or destroy, in any manner, any prairie hen or chicken or woodcock between the 15th day of January and the 1st day of September ; or any deer, fawn, ivild-turkey, partridge or pheasant between the 1st day of February and the 1st day of October ; or any quail between the 1st day of February and 1st day of November ; or any wild goose, duck, snipe, brant or otlier water fowl between the 1st day of May and 15th day of August in each year. Penalty : Fine not less than $5 nor more than $25, for each bird or animal, and costs of suit, and stand committed to county jail until fine is paid, but not exceeding ten days. It is unlawful to hunt with gun, dog or net within the inclosed grounds or lands of another without permission. Penalty: Fine not less than 83 nor more than $100, to be paid into school fund. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Whenever any of the following articles shall be contracted for, or sold or delivered, and no special contract or agreement shall be made to the contrary, the weight per bushel shall be as follows, to-wit : ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 159 Pounds. Pounds. Stone Coal, - 80 Buckwheat, - - 52 Unslacked Lime, - 80 Coarse Salt, - 50 Corn ill the ear. - 70 Barley, - - - - 48 Wheat, - -. - - 60 Corn Meal, - 48 Irish Potatoes, - 60 Castor Beans, - 46 "White Beans, - 60 Timothy Seed, - - 45 Clover Seed, - - 60 Hemp Seed, - - 44 Onions, _ ~ - 57 Malt, - - - - - 38 Shelled Corn, - 56 Dried Peaches, - 33 Rye, - - - - - 56 Oats, - - - - - 32 Flax Seed, - - 56 Dried Apples, - 24 Sweet Potatoes, - 55 Bran, - - - - - 20 Turnips, - 55 Blue Grass Seed, - - 14 Fine Salt, - - 55 Hair (plastering). 8 Penalty for giving less than the above standard is double the amount of property wrongfully not given, and ten dollars addition thereto. MILLERS. The owner or occupant of every public grist mill in this state shall grind all grain brought to his mill in its turn. The toll for both steam and ivater mills, is, for grinding and bolting wheat., rye., or other grain, one eighth part; for grinding Indian corn., oats., barley and huckivheat not required to be bolted, one seventh part; for grinding malt, and chopping all kinds of grain, one eighth part. It is the duty of every miller when his mill is in repair, to aid and assist in loading and unloading all grain brought to him to be ground, and he is also required to keep an accurate half bushel measure, and an accurate set of toll dishes or scales^ for weighing the grain. The penalty for neglect or refusal to comply with the law is $5, to the use of any person to sue for the same, to be recovered before any justice of the peace of the county where penalty is incurred. Millers are accountable for the safe keeping of all grain left in his mill for the purpose of being ground, with bags or casks containii^ same (except it results from unavoidable accidents), provided that such bags or casks are distinctly marked with the initial letters of the owner's name. MARKS AND BRANDS. Owners of cattle, horses, hogs, sheep or goats may have one earmark and one brand, but which shall be different from his neighbor's, and iiiay be recorded by the count}^ clerk of the county in which such property is kept. The fee for such record is fifteen cents. The record of such shall be open to examination free of charge. In cases of disputes as to marks or brands, such record is vrima facie evidence. Owners of cattle, horses, hogs, sheep or goats that may liave been branded by the former owner, lOU ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. may be re-bianded iu presence of one or more of his neighbors, wlio shall certify to the facts of the marking or branding being done, when done, and in what brand or mark they were re-branded or re-marked, which certificate may also be recorded as before stated. ADOPTION OF CHILDREN. Children may be adopted by any resident of this state, by filing a petition in the Circuit or County Court of the county in which he resides, asking leave to do so, and if desired may ask that the name of the child be changed. Such petition, if made by a person having a husband or wife, will not be granted, unless the husband or wife joins therein, as the adoption must be by them jointly. The petition shall state name, sex, and age of the child, and the new name, if it is desired to change the name. Also the name and residence of the parents of the child, if known, and of the guardian, if any, and whether the parents or guardians consent to the adoption. The court must find, before granting decree, that the parents of the child, or the survivors of them, have deserted his or her family or such child for one year next preceding the application, or if neither are living, the guardian ; if no guardian, the next of kin in this state capable of giving consent, has had notice of the presentation of the petition and consents to such adoption. If the child is of the age of fourteen years or upwards^ the adoption can not be made without its consent. SURVEYORS AND SURVEYS. There is in every county elected a surveyor known as county sur- veyor, who has power to appoint deputies, for whose official acts he is responsible. It is the duty of the county surveyor, either by himself or his deputy, to make all surveys that he may be called upon to make within his county as soon as may be after application is made. The necessary chainmen and other assistance must be employed by the person requiring the same to be done, and to be by him paid, unless otherwise agreed ; but the chainmen must be disinterested persons and approved by the surveyor and sworn by him to measure justly and impartially. The County Board in each county is required by law to provide a copy of the United States field notes and plats of their surveys of the lands in the county to be kept in the recorder's office subject to examination by the public, and the county surveyor is required to make his surveys in conformity to said notes, plats and the laws of the United States gov- erning such matters. The surveyor is also required to keep a record of all surveys made by him, which shall be subject to inspection by any one interested, and shall be delivered up to his successor in office. A. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 161 certified copy of the said surveyor's record shall be prima facie evidence of its contents. The fees of county surveyors are six dollars per day. The county surveyor is also ex officio inspector of mines, and as such, assisted by some practical miner selected by him, shall once each year inspect all the mines in the county, for which they shall each receive such compensa- tion as may be fixed by the County Board, not exceeding $5 a day, to be paid out of the county treasury. ROADS AND BRIDGES. Where practicable from the nature of the ground, persons traveling in any kind of vehicle, 7nust turn to the right of the center of the road, so as to permit each carriage to pass without interfering with each other. The j^'^nalti/ for a violation of this provision is $5 for every offense, to be recovered by the parti/ injured ; but to recover, there must have occurred some injury to person or property resulting from the violation. The owners of any carriage traveling upon any road in this State for the conveyance of passengers who shall employ or continue in his employment as driver any person who is addicted to drunkenness, or the excessive use of spiritous liquors, after he has had notice of the same, shall forfeit, at the rate of |5 per day, and if any driver while actually engaged in driving any such carriage, shall be guilty of intoxicatio7i to such a degree as to. endanger tjie safety of passengers, it shall be the duty of the owner, on receiving written notice of the fact, signed by one of the passengers, and certified by him on oath, forthwith to discharge such driver. If such owner shall have such driver in his employ withiii three months after such notice, he is liable for $5 per day for the time he shall keep said driver in his employment after receiving such notice. Persons driving any carriage on any public highway are prohibited from running their horses upon any occasion under a penalty of a fine not exceeding $10, or imprisonment not exceeding sixty .days, at the discre- tion of the court. Horses attached to any carriage used to convey passen- gers for hire must be properly hitched or the lines placed in the hands of some other person before the driver leaves them for any purpose. For violation of this provision each driver shall forfeit twenty dollars, to be recovered by action, to be commenced within six^ months. It is under- stood by the term carriage herein to mean any carriage or vehicle used for the transportation of passengers or goods or either of them. The commissioners of highways in the different tov/ns have the care and superintendence of highways and bridges therein. They have all the powers necessary to lay out, vacate, regulate and repair all roads* build and repair bridges. In addition to the above, it is their duty to erect and keep in repair at the forks or crossing-place of the most. 162 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. important roads post and guide boards with plain inscriptions, giving directions and distances to the most noted phices to which such road may lead ; also to make provisions to prevent thistles, burdock, and cockle burrs, mustard, yellow dock, Indian mallow and jimson weed from seeding, and to extirpate the same as far as practicable, and to prevent all rank growth of vegetation on the public highways so far as the same may obstruct public travel, and it is in their discretion to erect watering places for public use for watering teams at such points as may be deemed advisable. The Commissioners, on or before the 1st day of May of each year, shall make out and deliver to their treasurer a list of all able-bodied men in their town, excepting paupers, idiots, lunatics, and such others as are exempt by law, and assess against each the sum of two dollars as a poll tax for highway purposes. Within thirty days after such list is delivered they shall cause a written or printed notice to be given to each person so assessed, notifying him of the time when and place where such tax must be paid, or its equivalent in labor performed ; they may contract with persons owing such poll tax to perform a certain amount of labor on any road or bridge in payment of the same, and if such tax is not paid nor labor performed by the first Monday of July of such year, or within ten days after notice is given after that time, they shall bring suit therefor against such person before a justice of the peace, who shall hear and determine the case according to law for the offense complained of, and shall forthwith issue an execution, directed to any constable of the county where the delinquent shall reside, who shall forthwith collect the moneys therein mentioned. The Commissioners of Highways of each town shall annually ascer- tain, as near as practicable, how much money must be raised b}^ tax on real and personal property for the making and repairing of roads, only, to any amount they may deem necessary, not exceeding forty cents on each one hundred dollars' wortli, as valued on the assessment roll of the previous year. The tax so levied on property lying within an incorporated village, town or city, shall be paid over to the corporate authorities of such town, village or city. Commissioners shall receive $1.50 for each day neces- sarily employed in the discharge of their duty. Overseers. At the first meeting the Commissioners shall choose one of their number to act General Overseer of Highways in their township, whose duty it shall be to take charge of and safely keep all tools, imple- ments and machinery belonging to said town, and shall, by the direction of the Board, have general supervision of all roads and bridges in their town. ABSTRACT OP ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 163 As all township and county officers are familiar with their duties, it is only intended to give the points of the law that the public should be familiar with. The manner of laying out, altering or vacating roads, etc., will not be here stated, as it would require more space than is contem- plated in a work of this kind. It is sufficient to state that, the first step is by petition, addressed to the Commissioners, setting out what is prayed for, giving the names of the owners of lands if known, if not known so state, over which the road is to pass, giving the general course, its place of beginning, and where it terminates. It requires not less than twelve freeholders residing within three miles of the road who shall sign the petition. PubHc roads must not be less than fifty feet wide, nor more than sixty feet wide. Roads not exceeding two miles in length, if peti- tioned for, may be laid out, not less than forty feet. Private roads for private and public use, may be laid out of the width of three rods, on petition of the person directly interested ; the damage occasioned thereby shall be paid by the premises benefited thereby, and before the road is opened. If not opened in two years, the order shall be considered rescinded. Commissionerrs in their discretion may permit persons who live on or have private roads, to work out their road tax thereon. Public roads must be opened in five days from date of filing order of location, or be deemed vacated. DRAINAGE. Whenever one or more owners or occupants of land desire to construct I drain or ditch across the land of others for agricultural, sanitary or mining purposes, the proceedings are as follows : File a petition in the Circuit or County Court of the county in which the proposed ditch or drain is to be constructed, setting forth the neces- sity for the same, with a description of its proposed starting point, route and terminus, and if it shall be necessary for the drainage of the land or coal mines or for sanitary purposes, that a drain, ditch, levee or similar work be constructed, a description of the same. It shall also set forth the names of all persons owning the land over which such drain or ditch shall be constructed, or if unknown stating that fact. No private property shall be taken or damaged for the purpose of constructing a ditch, drain or levee, without compensation, if claimed by the owner, the same to be ascertained by a jury; but if the construction of such ditch, drain or levee shall be a benefit to the owner, the same shall be a set off against such compensation. If the proceedings seek to affect the property of a minor, lunatic or married woman, the guardian, conservator or husband of the same shall be made party defendant. The petition may be amended and parties made defendants at any time when it is necessary to a fair trial. 164 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. When the petition is presented to the judge, he shall note therein when he will hear the same, and order the issuance of summonses and the publication of notice to each non-resident or unknown defendant. The petition may be heard by such judge in vacation as well as in term time. Upon the trial, the jury shall ascertain the just compensation to each owner of the property sought to be damaged by the construction of such ditch, drain or levee, and truly report the same. As it is only contemplated in a work of this kind to give an abstract of the laws, and as the parties who have in charge the execution of the further proceedings are likely to be familiar with the requirements of the statute, the necessary details are not here inserted. WOLF SCALPS. The County Board of any county in this State may hereafter alliiW such bounty on wolf scalps as the board may deem reasonable. Any person claiming a bounty shall produce the scalp or scalps with the ears thereon, within sixty days after the wolf or wolves shall have been caught, to the Clerk of the County Board, who shall administer to said person the following oath or affirmation, to-wit: "You do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be), that the scalp or scalps here pro- duced b}' you was taken from a wolf or wolves killed and first captured by yourself within the limits of this county, and within the sixty days last past." CONVEYANCES. When the reversion expectant on a lease of any tenements or here- ditaments of any tenure shall be surrendered or merged, the estate which shall for the time being confer as against the tenant under the same lease the next vested right to the same tenements or hereditaments, shall, to the extent and for the purpose of preserving such incidents to and obli- gations on the same reversion, as but for the surrender or merger thereof, would have subsisted, be deemed the reversion expectant on the same lease. PAUPERS. Every poor person who shall be unable to earn a livelihood in conse- quence ot any bodily infirmity, idiocy, lunacy or unavoidable cause, shall be supported by the father, grand-father, mother, grand-mother, children, grand-children, brothers or sisters of such poor person, if they or either of them be of sufficient ability ; but if any of such dependent class shall have become so from intemperance or other bad conduct, they shall not be entitled to support from any relation except parent or child. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 167 The children shall first be called on to support their parents, if they are able ; but if not, the parents of such poor person shall then be called on, if of sufficient ability ; and if there be no parents or children able, then the brothers and sisters of such dependent person shall be called upon ; and if there be no brothers or sisters of sufficient ability, the grand-children of such person shall next be called on ; and if they are not able, then the grand-parents. Married females, while their husbands live, shall not be liable to contribute for the support of their poor relations except out of their separate property. It is the duty of the state's (county) attorney, to make complaint to the County Court of his county against all the relatives of such paupers in this state liable to his support and prosecute the same. In case the state's attorney neglects, or refuses, to complain in such cases, then it is the duty of the overseer of the poor to do so. The person called upon to contribute shall have at least ten days' notice of such application by summons. The court has the power to determine the kind of support, depending upon the circumstances of the parties, and may also order two or more of the different degrees to main- tain such poor person, and prescribe the proportion of each, according to their ability. The court may specify the time for which the relative shall contribute — in fact has control over the entire subject matter, with power to enforce its orders. Every county (except those in which the poor are supported by the towns, and in such cases the towns are liable) is required to relieve and support all poor and indigent persons latvfuUy resident therein. Residence means the actual residence of the party, or the place where he was employed ; or in case he was in no employment, then it shall be the place where he made his home. When any person becomes chargeable as a pauper in any county or town who did not reside at the commencement of six months immediately preceding his becoming so, but did at that time reside in some other county or town in this state, then the county or town, as the case may be, becomes liable for the expense of taking care of such person until removed, and it is the duty of the overseer to notify the proper authorities of the fact. If any person shall bring and leave any pauper in any county in this state where such pauper had no legal residence, knowing him to be such, he is liable to a fine of $100. In counties under township organization, the supervisors in each town are ex-officio overseers of the poor. The overseers of the poor act under the directions of the County Board in taking care of the poor and granting of temporary relief; also, providing for non-resident persons not paupers who may be taken sick and not able to pay their way, and in case of death cause such person to be decently buried. The residence of the inmates of poorhouses and other charitable institutions for voting purposes is their former place of abode. 168 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. FENCES. In counties under township organization, the toivn assessor and com- missioner of highways are the fence-viewers in their respective towns. In other counties the County Board appoints three in each precinct annu- ally. A lau'ful fence is four and one-half feet high, in good repair, con- sisting of rails, timber, boards, stone, hedges, or whatever the fence- viewers of the town or precinct where the same shall lie, shall consider equivalent thereto, but in counties under township organization the annual town meeting may establish any other kind of fence as such, or the County Board in other counties may do the same. Division fences shall be made and maintained in just proportion by the adjoining owners, except when the owner shall choose to let his land lie open, but after a division fence is built by agreement or otherwise, neither party can remove his part of such fence so long as he may crop or use such land for farm purposes, or without giving the other part}* one year's notice in writing of his intention to remove his portion. When any person shall enclose his land upon the enclosure of another, he shall refund the owner of the adjoining lands a just pro- portion of the value at that time of such fence. The value of fence and the just proportion to be paid or built and maintained by each is to be ascertained by two fence-viewers in the town or precinct. Such fence- viewers have power to settle all disputes between different owners as to fences built or to be built, as well as to repairs to be made. Each party chooses one of the viewers, but if the other party neglects, after eight days" notice in writing, to make his choice, then the other party may select both. It is sufficient to notify the tenant or part}' in possession, when the owner is not a resident of the town or precinct. The two fence-viewers chosen, after viewing the premises, shall hear the state- ments of the parties , in case they can't agree, they shall select another fence-viewer to act with them, and the decision of any two of them is final. The decision must be reduced to writing, and should plainly set out description of fence and all matters settled by them, and must be filed in the office of the town clerk in counties under township organiza- tion, and in other counties with the countv clerk. Where any person is liable to contribute to the erection or the repairing of a division fence, neglects or refuses so to do, the party injured, after giving sixty days notice in writing when a fence is to be erected, or ten days when it is only repairs, may proceed to have the work done at the expense of the party whose duty it is to do it, to be recovered from him with costs of suit, and the party so neglecting shall also be liable to the party injured for all damages accruing from such neglect or refusal, to be determined bv anv two fence-viewers selected as before provided, the appraisement to be reduced to writing and signed. CRU6«T0WNSHIP ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 169 Where a person shall conclude to remove his part of a division fence, and let his land lie open, and having given the year's notice required, the adjoining owner may -cause the value of said fence to be ascertained by fence-viewers as before provided, and on payment or tender of the amount of such valuation to the owner, it shall prevent the removal. A party removing a division fence without notice is liable for the»damages accruing thereby. Where a fence has been built on the land of another through mis- take, the owner may enter upon such premises and remove his fence and material within oix months after the division line has been ascertained. Where the material to build such a fence has been taken from the land on which it was built, then before it can be removed, the person claiming must first pay for such material to the owner of the land from which it was taken, nor shall such a fence be removed at a time when the removal will throw open or expose the crops of the other party ; a reasonable time must be given beyond the .six months to remove crops. The compensation ^i fence-viewers is one dollar and fifty cents a day each, to be paid in the first instance by the party calling them, but in the end all expenses, including amount charged by the fence-viewers, must be paid equally by the parties, except in cases where a party neglects or refuses to make or maiiktain a just proportion of a division fence, when the party in default shall pay them. DAMAGES FROM TRESPASS. Where stock of any kind breaks into any person's enclosure, the fence being good and sufficient, the owner is liable for the damage done ; btit where the damage is done by stock runyiing at large, contrary to law, the owner is liable where thore is not such a fence. Where stock is found trespassing on the enclosure of another as aforesaid, the owner oi occupier of the premises may take possession of such stock and keep the same until damages, with reasonable charges for keeping and feeding and all costs of suit, are paid. Any person taking or rescuing such stock so held without his consent, shall be liable to a fine of not less than three nor more than five dollars for each animal rescued, to be recovered by suit before a justice of the peace for the use of the school fund. Within twenty-four hours after taking such animal into his possession, the per- son taking it up must give notice of the fact to the owner, if known, or if unknown, notices must be posted in some ptiblic place near the premises. LANDLORD AND TENANT. The owner of lands, or his legal representatives, can sue for and recover rent therefor, in any of the following cases : First. When rent is due and in arrears on a lease for life or lives. 170 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS, Second. When lands are held and occupied by any person without any special agreement for rent. Third. When possession is obtained under an agreement, written or verbal, for the purchase of the premises and before deed given, the right to possession is terminated by forfeiture on con-compliance with the agreement, and possession is wrongfully refused or neglected to be giver, upon demand made in writing by the party entitled thereto. Provided that all payments made by the vendee or his representatives or assigns, mav be set off aoainst the rent. Fourth. When land has been sold upon a judgment or a decree of court, when the party to such judgment or decree, or person holding under him, wrongfully refuses, or neglects, to surrender possession of the same, after demand in writing by the person entitled to the possession. Fifth. When the lands have been sold upon a mortgage or trust deed, and the mortgagor or grantor or person holding under him, wrong- fully refuses or neglects to surrender possession of the same, after demand in writing by the person entitled to the possession. If any tenant, or any person who shall come into possession from or under or by collusion with such tenant, shall willfully hold over any lands, etc., after the expiration the term of their lease, and after demand made in icriting for the possession thereof, is liable to pay double rent. A tenancy from year to 3^ear requires sixty days notice in writing, to termi- nate the same at the end of the 3'ear ; such notice can be given at any time within four months preceding the last sixty days of the year. A tenancy by the month, or less than a year, where the tenant holds over without any special agreement, the landlord may terminate the tenancy, by thirty days notice in writing. When rent is due, the landlord may serve a notice upon the tenant, stating that unless the rent is paid within not less than five days, his lease will be terminated ; if the rent is not paid, the landlord may consider the lease ended. When default is made in any of the terms of a lease, it shall not be necessary to give more than ten days notice to quit or of the termination of such tenancy ; and the same may be terminated on giving such notice to quit, at any time after such default in any of the terms of such lease ; which notice may be substantially in the following form, viz: To , You are hereby notified that, in consequence of your default in (^here insert the character of the default), of the premises now occupied by you, being etc. (here describe the premises), I have elected to deter- mine your lease, and you are hereby notified to quit and deliver up pos- session of the same to me within ten days of this date (dated, etc.) The above to be signed by the lessor or his agent, and no other notice or demand of possession or termination of such tenancy is necessary. Demand may be made, or notice served, by delivering a written or ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. . 171 pnflted, or partly either, copy thereof to the tenant, or leaving the same with some person above the age of twelve years residing on or in posses- sion of the premises ; and in case no one is in the actual possession of the said premises, then by posting the same on the premises. When the tenancy is for a certain time, and the term expires by the terms of the lease, the tenant is then bound to surrender possession, and no notice to quit or demand of possession is necessarj^ Distress for rent. — In all cases of distress for rent, the landlord, by himself, his agent or attorney, may seize for rent any personal property of his tenant that may be found in the county where the tenant resides ; the property of an}^ other person, even if found on the premises, is not liable. An inventory of the property levied upon, with a statement of the amount of rent claimed, should be at once filed with some justice of the peace, if not over $200 ; and if above that sum, with the clerk of a court of record of competent jurisdiction. Property may be released, by the party executing a satisfactory bond for double the amount. The landlord may distrain for rent, any time within six months after the expiration of the term of the lease, or when terminated. In all cases where the premises rented shall be sub-let, or the lease assigned, the landlord shall have the same right to enforce lien against such lessee or assignee, that he has against the tenant to whom the pre- mises were rented. When a tenant abandons or removes from the premises or any part thereof, the landlord, or his agent or attorney, may seize upon any grain or other crops grown or growing upon the premises, or part thereof so abandoned, whether the rent is due or not. If such grain, or other crops, or any part thereof, is not fully grown or matured, the landlord, or his agent or attorney, shall cause the same to be properly cultivated, harvested or gathered, and may sell the same, and from the proceeds pay all his labor, expenses and rent. The tenant may, before the sale of such pro- perty, redeem the same by tendering the rent and reasonable compensation for work done, or he may replevy the same. Exemption. — The same articles of personal property which are bylaw exempt from execution, except the crops as above stated, is also exempt from distress for rent. If any tenant is about to or shall permit or attempt to sell and remove from the premises, without the consent of his landlord, such portion of the crops raised thereon as will endanger the lien of the land- lord upon such crops, for the rent, it shall be lawful for the landlord to distress before rent is due. 172 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. LIENS. Any person who shall by contract^ express or implied, or partly lioth, with the owner of any lot or tract of land, furnish labor or material, or services as an architect or superintendent, in l)uilding, altering, repairing or ornamenting any house or other building or appurtenance thereto on such lot, or upon any street or alley, and connected with such improve' ments, shall have a lien upon the whole of such lot or tract of land, and upon such house or building and appurtenances, for the amount due to him for such labor, material or services. If the contract is expressed, and the time for the completion of the work is beyond three years from the com- mencement thereof; or, if the time of payment is beyond one year from the time stipulated for the completion of the work, then no lien exists. If the contract is implied, then no lien exists, unless the work be done or material is furnished within one year from the commencement of the work or delivery of the materials. As between different creditors having liens, no preference is given to the one whose contract was first made ; but each shares pro-rata. Incumbrances existing on the lot or tract of the land at the time the contract is made, do not operate on the improvements, and are only preferred to the extent of the value of the land at the time of making the contract. The above lien can not be enforced unless suit is commenced within six months after the last payment for labor or materials shall have become due and payable. Sub-contractors, mechanics, workmen and other persons furnishing any material, or performing any labor for a contractor as before specified, have a lien to the extent of the amount due the contractor at the time the following notice is served upon the owner of the land who made the contract : To , You are hereby notified, that I have been employed by (here state whether to labor- or furnish material, and substantially the nature of the demand) upon your (here state in general terms description and situation of building), and that I shall hold the (building,- or as the case may be), and your interest in the ground, liable for the amount that ma}^ (is or may become) due me on account thereof. Signature, Date, If there is a contract in writing between contractor and sub-x;ontractor, a copy of it should be served with above notice, and said notice must be served within forty days from the completion of such sub-contract, if there is one ; if not, then from the time payment should have been made to the person performing the labor or furnishing the material. If the owner is not a resident of the county, or can not be found therein, then the above notice must be filed with the clerk of the Circuit Court, with his fee, fifty cents, and a copy of said notice must be published in a newspaper pub- lished in the county, for four successive weeks. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 173 When the owner or agent is notified as above, he can retain any money due the contractor sufficient to pay such claim ; if more than one claim, and not enough to pay all, they are to be paid pro rata. The owner has the right to demand in writing, a statement of the contractor, of what he owes for labor, etc., from time to time as the work progresses, and on his failure to comply, forfeits to the owner $50 for every offense. The liens referred to cover any and all estates, whether in fee for life, for years, or any other interest which the owner may have. To enforce the lien of sub-contractors, suit must be commenced within three months from the time of the performance of the sub-contract, or during the work or furnishing materials. Hotel, inn and hoarding-house keepers, have a lien upon the baggage and other valuables of their guests or boarders, brought into such hotel, inn or boarding-house, by their guests or boarders, for the proper charges due from such guests or boarders for their accommodation, board and lodgings, and such extras as are furnished at their request. Stable-keepers and other persons have a lien upon the horses, car- riages and harness kept by them, for the proper charges due for the keep- ing thereof and expenses bestowed thereon at the request of the owner or the person having the possession of the same. Agisters (persons who take care of cattle belonging to others), and persons keeping, yarding, feeding or pasturing domestic animals, shall have a lien upon the animals agistered, kept, yarded or fed, for the proper charges due for such service. All persons who may furnish any railroad corporation in this state with fuel, ties, material, supplies or any other article or thing necessary for the construction, maintenance, operation or repair of its road by con- tra.ct, or may perform work or labor on the same, is entitled to be paid as part of the current expenses of the road, and have a lien upon all its pro- perty. Sub-contractors or laborers have also a lien. The conditions and limitations both as to contractors and sub-contractors, are about the same as herein stated as to general liens. DEFINITION OF COMMERCIAL TERMS. $ means dollars, being a' contraction of U. S., which was formerly placed before any denomination of money, and meant, as it means now, United States Currency. £ means pounds, English money. @ stands for at or to. Ih ioT pound, and bbl. for barrel; "^ iov per or hy the. Thus, Butter sells at 20@30c f lb, and Flour at |8@12 f bbl. fo for per cent and # for number. May 1. — Wheat sells at $1.20@1.25, "seller June." Seller Jane i;4 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. means that the person who sells the wheat has the privilege of delivering it at any time during the month of June. Selling shorty is contracting to deliver a certain amount of grain or stock, at a fixed price, within a certain length of time, when the seller has not the stock on hand. It is for the interest of the person selling ''short," to depress the market as much as possible, in order that he may buy and fill his contract at a profit. Hence the " shorts " are termed " bears." Buying long^ is to contract to purchase a certain amount of grain or shares of stock at a fixed price, deliverable within a stipulated time, expecting to make a profit by the rise of prices. The "longs" are termed '• bulls," as it is for their interest to " operate " so as to " toss " the prices upward as much as possible. NOTES. Form of note is legal, worded in the simplest way, so that the amount and time of payment are mentioned. $100. Chicago, 111., Sept. 15, 1876. Sixty days from date I promise to pay to E. F. Brown, or order, One Hundred dollars, for value received. L. D. LowRY. A note to be payable in any thing else than money needs only the facts substituted for money in the above form. ORDERS. Orders should be worded simply, thus : Mr. F. H. Coats: Chicago, Sept. 15, 1876. Please pay to H. Birdsall, Twenty-five dollars, and charge to F. D. SiLVA. RECEIPTS. Receipts should always state when received and what for, thus : $100. Chicago, Sept. 15, 1876. Received of J. W. Davis, One Hundred dollars, for services rendered in grading his lot in Fort Madison, on account. Thomas Brady. If receipt is in full it should be so stated. BILLS OF PURCHASE. W. N. Mason, Salem, Illinois, Sept. 15, 1876. Bought of A. A. Graham. 4 Bushels of Seed Wheati at 81.50 ... - $6.00 2 Seamless Sacks " .30 - - .60 Received payment. $6.60 A. A. Graham. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 176 ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT. An agreement is where one party promises to another to do a certain thing in a certain time for a stipulated sum. Good business men always reduce an agreement to writing, which nearly always saves misunder- standings and trouble. No particular form is necessary, but the facts must be clearly and explicitly stated, and there must, to make it valid, be a reasonable consideration. GENERAL FORM OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement, made the Second day of October, 1876, between John Jones, of Aurora, County of Kane, State of Illinois, of the first part, and Thomas Whiteside, of the same place, of the second part — WITNESSETH, that the said John Jones, in consideration of the agree- ment of the party of the second part, hereinafter contained, contracts and agrees to and with the said Thomas Whiteside, that he will deliver, in good and marketable condition, at the Village of Batavia, 111., during the month of November, of this year, One Hundred Tons of Prairie Hay, in the following lots, and at the following specified times ; namely, twenty- five tons by the seventh of November, twenty-five tons additional by the fourteenth of the month, twenty-five tons more by the twenty -first, and the entire one hundred tons to be all delivered by the thirtieth of November. And the said Thomas Whiteside, in consideration of the prompt fulfillment of this contract, on the. part of the party of the first part, contracts to and agrees with the said John Jones, to pay for said hay five dollars per ton, for each ton as soon as delivered. In case of failure of agreement by either of the parties hereto, it is hereby stipulated and agreed that the party so failing shall pay to the other. One Hundred Dollars, as fixed and settled damages. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands the da}^ and year first above written. John Jones, Thomas Whiteside. AGREEMENT WITH CLERK FOR SERVICES. This Agreement, made the first day of May, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, between Reuben Stone, of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, party of the first part, and George Barclay, of Englewood, County of Cook, State of Illinois, party of the second part — WITNESSETH, that Said George Barclay agrees faithfully and dili- gently to work as clerk and salesman for the said Reuben Stone, for and during the space of one year from the date hereof, should both live such length of time, without absenting himself from his occupation ; 176 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. during- which time he, the said Barchiy, in the store of said Stone, of Chicago, will carefully and honestly attend, doing and performing all duties as clerk and salesman aforesaid, in accordance and in all respects as directed and desired by the said Stone. In consideration of which services, so to be rendered by the said Barclay, the said Stone agrees to pay to said Barclay the annual sum of one thousand dollars, payable in twelve equal monthly payments, each upon the last day of each month ; provided that all dues for days of absence from business b}- said Barclay, shall be deducted from the sum otherwise by the agreement due and payable by the said Stone to the said Barclay. Witness our hands. Reuben Stone. George Barclay. BILLS OF SALE. A bill of sale is a written agreement to another party, for a consider- ation to convey his right and interest in the personal property. The purchaser must take actual possession of the property. Juries have' power to determine upon the fairness or unfairness of a bill of sale. COMMON FORM OF BILL OF SALE. Know all Men by this instrument, that I, Louis Clay, of Princeton, Illinois, of the first part, for and in consideration of Five Hundred and Ten dollars, to me paid by John Floyd, of the same place, of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have sold, and by this instrument do convey unto the said Floyd, party of the second part, his executors, administrators, and assigns, my undivided half of .ten acres of corn, now growing on the farm of Thomas Tyrrell, in the town above mentioned ; one pair of horses, sixteen sheep, and five cows, belonging to me, and in my possession at the farm aforesaid ; to have and to hold the same unto the party of the second part, his executors and assigns, forever. And I do, for myself and legal representatives, agree with the said party of the second part, and his legal representatives, to warrant and defend the sale of the afore-mentioned property and chattels unto the said party of the second part, and his legal representatives, against all and every person whatsoever. In witness whereof, I have hereunto affixed my hand, this tenth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six. Louis Clay. BONDS. A bond is a written admission on the part of the maker in which h« pledges a certain sum to another, at a certain time. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 177 COMMON FORM OF BOND. Know all Men by this instrument, that I, George Edgerton, of Watseka, IrocLUois Count}', State of Illinois, am firmly bound unto Peter Kirchoff, of the place aforesaid, in the sum of five hundred dollars, to be paid to the said Peter Kirchoff, or his legal representatives ; to which payment, to be made, I bind myself, or my legal representatives, by this instrument. Sealed with my seal, and dated this second day of November, one thousand eight hundred and sixtv-four. The condition of this bond is such that if I, George Edgerton, m}' heirs, administrators, or executors, shall promptly pay the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars in three equal annual payments from the date hereof, with annual interest, then the above obligation to be of no effect; otherwise to be in full force and valid. Scfiled and delivered in presence of George Edgerton. [l.s.] William Turner. CHATTEL MORTGAGES. A chattel mortgage is a mortgage on personal property for paj^ment of a certain sum of money, to hold the property against debts of other creditors. The mortgage must describe the property, and must be acknowledged before a justice of the peace in the township or precinct where the mortgagee resides, and entered upon his docket, and must be recorded in the recorder's office of the county. GENERAL FORM OF CHATTEL MORTGAGE. This Indenture, made and entered into this first day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five, between Theodore Lottinville, of the town of Geneseo in the County of Henry, and State of Illinois, party of the first part, and Paul Henshaw, of the same town, county, and State, party of the second part. ^ Witnesseth, that the said party of the first part, for and in consider- ation of the sum of one thousand dollars, in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant, sell, convey, and confirm unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever, all and singular the followino- descriljed goods and chattels, to wit: Two three-year old roan-colored horses, one Burdett organ. No. 987, one Brussels carpet, 15x20 feet in size, one marble-top center table, one Home Comfort cooking stove. No. 8, one black walnut bureau with mirror attached, one set of parlor chairs (six in number), upholstered in green rep, with lounge corresponding with same in style and color of upholstery, now in possession of said Lottinville, at No. 4 Prairie Ave., Geneseo, 111. ; 178 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. Together with all and singular, the appurtenances thereunto "belong- ing, or in any wise appertaining ; to have and to hold the above described goods and chattels, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, forever. Provided, always, and these presents are upon this express condition, that if the said Theodore Lottinville, his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, shall, on or before the first day of January, A.D., one thousand eight hundred and seventy-six, pay, or cause to be paid, to the said Paul Ranslow, or his lawful attorney or attorneys, heirs, executors, adminis- trators, or assigns, the sum of One Thousand dollars, together with the interest that ma}' accrue thereon, at the rate of ten per cent, per annum, from the first day of January, A.D. one thousand eight hundred and seventj^-five, until paid, according to the tenor of one promissory note bearing even date herewith for the payment of said sum of money, that then and from thenceforth, these presents, and everything herein con- tained, shall cease, and be null and void, anything herein contained to the contrary notwithstanding. Provided, also, that the said Theodore Lottinville may retain the possession of and have the use of said goods and chattels until the day of payment aforesaid ; and also, at his own expense, shall keep said goods and chattels; and also at the expiration of said time of payment, if said sum of money, together with the interest as aforesaid, shall not be paid, shall deliver up said goods and chattels, in good condition, to said Paul Ranslow, or his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns. And provided, also, that if default in paj'ment as aforesaid, by said party of the first part, shall be made, or if said party of the second part shall at any time before said promissory note becomes due, feel himself unsafe or insecure, that then the said party of the second part, or his attorney, agent, assigns, or heirs, executors, or administrators, shall have the right to take possession of said goods and chattels, wherever they may or can be found, and sell the same at public or private sale, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, after oiving ten davs' notice of the time and place of said sale, together with a description of the goods and chat- tels to be sold, by at least four advertisements, posted up in ptiblic places in the vicinity where said sale is to take place, and proceed to make the sum of money and interest promised as aforesaid, together with all reason- able costs, charges, and expenses in so doing ; and if there shall be any overplus, shall pay the same without delay to the said party of the first part, or his legal representatives. In testimony whereof, the said party of the first part has hereunto set his hand and affixed his seal, the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Theodore Lottinville. [l.s.] Samuel J. Tilden. ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 179 LEASE OF FARM AND BUILDINGS THEREON. This Indenture, made this second day of June, 1875, between David Patton of the Town of Bisbee, State of Illinois, of the first part, and John Doyle of the same place, of the second part, Witnesseth, that the said David Patton, for and in consideration of the covenants hereinafter mentioned and reserved, on the part of the said John Doyle, his executors, administrators, and assigns, to be paid, kept, and performed, hath let, and by these presents doth grant, demise, and let, unto the said John Doyle, his executors, administrators, and assigns, all that parcel of land situate in Bisbee aforesaid, bounded and described as follows, to wit : \_nere describe the land.~\ Together with all the appurtenances appertaining thereto. To have and to hold the said premises, with appurtenances thereto belonging, unto the said Doyle, his executors, administrators, and assigns, for the term of five years, from the first day of October next following, at a yearly rent of Six Hundred dollars, to be paid in equal payments, semi-annually, as lonsr as said buildinQ^s are in oood tenantable condition. .And the said Doyle, by these presents, covenants and agrees to pay all taxes and assessments,, and keep in repair all hedges, ditches, rail, and other fences ; (the said David Patton, his heirs, assigns and administra- tors, to furnish all timber, brick, tile, and other materials necessary for such repairs.) Said Doyle further covenants and agrees to apply to said land, in a farmer-like manner, all manure and compost accumulating upon said farm, and cultivate all the arable land in a husbandlike manner, accord- ing to the usual custom among farmers in the neighborhood ; he also agrees to trim the hedges at a seasonable time, preventing injury from cattle to such hedges, and to all fruit and other trees on the said premises. That he will seed down with clover and timothy seed twenty acres yearly of arable land, ploughing the same number of acres each Spring of land now in grass, and hitherto unbroken. It is further agreed, that if the said Doyle shall fail to perform the whole or any one of the above mentioned covenants, then and in that case the said David Patton may declare this lease terminated, by giving three months' notice of the same, prior to the first of October of any year, and may distrain any part of the stock, goods, or chattels, or other property in possession of said Doyle, for sufficient to compensate for the non-performance of the above written covenants, the same to be deter- mined, and amounts so to be paid to be determined, by three arbitrators^ chosen as follows : Each of the parties to this instrument to choose one, 180 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. and the two so chosen to select a third ; the decision of said arbitrators to be tinal. In witness whereof, we have hereto set our hands and seals. Signed, sealed, and delivered in presence of David Patton. [l.s.] James Waldron. John Doyle. [l.s.] FORM OF LEASE OF A HOUSE. This Instrument, made the first day of October, 1875, witnesseth that Amos Griest of Yorkville, County of Kendall, State of Illinois, hath rented from Aaron Young of Logansport aforesaid, the dwelling and lot No. 13 Ohio Street, situated in said City of Yorkville, for five years from the above date, at the yearly rental of Three Hundred dollars, pay- able monthly, on the first day of each month, in advance, at the residence of said Aaron Young. At the expiration of said above mentioned term, the said Griest agrees to give the said Young peaceable possession of the said dwelling, in as good condition as when taken, ordinary wear and casualties excepted. In witness whereof, we place our hands and seals the day and year aforesaid. Signed, sealed and delivered Amos Griest. [l.s.] in presence of Nickolas Schutz, Aaron Young, [l.s.] Notary Public. LANDLORD'S AGREEMENT. This certifies that I have let and rented, this first day of January, 1876, unto Jacob Schmidt, my house and lot, No. 15 Erie Street, in the City of Chicago, State of Illinois, and its appurtenances ; he to have the free and uninterrupted occupation thereof for one year from this date, at the yearly rental of Two Hundred dollars, to be paid monthly in advance ; rent to cease if destroyed by fire, or otherwise made untenantable. Peter Funk. TENANT'S AGREEMENT. This certifies that I have hired and taken from Peter Funk, his house and lot. No. 15 Erie Street, in the City of Chicago, State of Illi- nois, with appurtenances thereto belonging, for one year, to commence this day, at a yearly rental of Two Hundred dollars, to be paid monthly in advance ; unless said house becomes untenantable from fire or other causes, in which case rent ceases ; and I further agree to give and ^-ield said premises one year from this first day of January 1876, in as good condition as now, ordinary wear and damage by the elements excepted. Given under my hand this day. Jacob Schmidt. • ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 181 NOTICE TO QUIT. To F. W. Arlen, Sir : Please observe that the term of one year, for which the house and land, situated at No, 6 Indiana Street, and now occupied by you, were rented to you, expired on the first day of October, 1875, and as I desire to repossess said premises, you are hereby requested and required to vacate the same. Respectfully Yours, P. T. Barnum. Lincoln, ISeb., October 4, 1875. TENANT'S NOTICE OF LEAVING. Dear Sir: The premises I now occupy as your tenant, at No. 6 Indiana Street, I shall vacate on the first day of November, 1875. You will please take notice accordingly. Dated this tenth day of October, 1875. F. W. Arlen. To P, T. Barnum, Esq. REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE TO SECURE PAYMENT OF MONEY. This Indenture, made this sixteenth day of May, in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, between William Stocker, of Peoria, County of Peoria, and State of Illinois, and 011a, his wife, party of the first part, and Edward Singer, party of the second part. Whereas, the said party of the first part is justly indebted to the said party of the second part, in the sum of Two Thousand dollars, secured to be paid by two certain promissory notes (bearing even date herewith) the one due and payable at the Second National Bank in Peoria, Illinois, with interest, on the sixteenth day of May, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three ; the other due and payable at the Second National Bank at Peoria, 111., with interest, on the sixteenth day of May, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four. Now, therefore, this indenture witnesseth, that the said party of the first part, for the better securing the payment of the money aforesaid, with interest thereon, according to the tenor and effect of the said two promissory notes above mentioned ; and, also in consideration of the fur- ther sum of one dollar to them in hand paid by the said party of the sec- ond part, at the delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, sold, and conveyed, and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, and convey, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, forever, all that certain parcel of land, situate, etc. \^Descrihing the premises.^ To have and to hold the same, together with all and singular the Tenements, Hereditaments, Privileges and Appurtenances thereunto 182 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. belonoing or in any wise appertaining. And also, all the estate, interest, anil claim whatsoever, in law as well as in equity which the party of the first part have in and to the premises hereby conveyed unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, and to their only proper use, benefit and behoof. And the said William Stocker, and 011a, hip wife, party of the first part, hereby expressly waive, relinquish, release, and convey unto the said party of the second part, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, all right, title, claim, interest, and benefit whatever, in and to the above described premises, and each and every part thereof, which is given by or results from all laws of this state per- taining to the exemption of homesteads. Provided always, and these presents are upon this express condition, that if the said party of the first part, their heirs, executors, or adminis- trators, shall well and truly pay, or cause to be paid, to the said part}^ of the second part, his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns, the afore- said sums of money, with such interest thereon, at the time and in the manner specified in the above mentioned promissory notes, according to the true intent and meaning thereof, then in that case, these presents and every thing herein expressed, shall be absolutely null and void. Iji witness whereof, the said party of the first part hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of James Whitehead, William Stocker. [l.s.] Fred. Samuels. Olla Stocker. [l.s.] WARRANTY DEED WITH COVENANTS. This Indenture, made this sixth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, between Henry Best of Lawrence, County of Lawrence, State of Illinois, and Belle, his wife, of the first part, and Charles Pearson of the same place, of the second part, Witnesseth, that the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sura of Six Thousand dollars in hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained, and sold, and by these presents do grant, bargain, and sell, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, all the fol- lowing described lot, piece, or parcel of land, situated in the City of Law- rence, in the County of Lawrence, and State of Illinois, to wit : \_Ht're describe the property.'] Together with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any wise appertaining, and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, rents, issues, and profits thereof; and all the estate, rignt, title, interest, claim, and demand whatsoever, of the said party of the nrst part, either in law or equity, of, in, and to the ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 185 above bargained premises, with the hereditaments and appurtenances. To have and to hold the said premises above bargained and described, with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, forever. And the said Henry Best, and Belle, his wife, par- ties of the first part, hereby expressly waive, release, and relinquish unto the said party of the second part, his heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns, all right, title, claim, interest, and benefit whatever, in and to the above described premises, and each and every part thereof, which is given by or results from all laws of this state pertaining to the exemption of homesteads. And the said Henry Best, and Belle, his wife, party of the first part, for themselves and their heirs, executors, and administrators, do covenant, grant, bargain, and agree, to and Avith the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, that at the time of the ensealing and delivery of these presents they were well seized of the premises above conveyed, as of a good, sure, perfect, absolute, and indefeasible estate of inheritance in law, and in fee simple, and have good right, full power, and lawful authority to grant, bargain, sell, and convey the same, in manner and form aforesaid, and that the same are free and clear from all former and other grants, bargains, sales, liens, taxes, assessments, and encumbrances of what kind or nature soever ; and the above bargained premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, against all and every person or persons lawfully claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof, the said party of the first part shall and will warrant and forever defend. In testimony whereof, the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of Henry Best, [l.s.] Jerry Linklater. Belle Best. [l.s.] - QUIT-CLAIM DEED. This Indenture, made the eighth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, between David Tour, of Piano, County of Kendall, State of Illinois, party of the first part, and Larry O'Brien, of the same place, party of the second part, Witnesseth, that the said party of the first part, for and in considera- tion of Nine Hundred dollars in hand paid by the said party of the sec- ond part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and the said party of the second part forever released and discharged therefrom, has remised, released, sold, conveyed, and quit-claimed, and by these presents does remise, release, sell, convey, and quit-claim, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns, forever, all the right, title, interest, 180 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. claim, and demand, which the said party of the first part has in and to tlie following described lot, piece, or parcel of land, to wit : \^Here describe the land.~\ To have and to hold the same, together Avith all and singular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging, or in any wise there- unto appertaining, and all the estate, right, title, interest, and claim whatever, of the said party of the first part, either in law or equity, to the only proper use, benefit, and behoof of the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever. In witness whereof the said party of the first part hereunto set his hand and seal the day and year above written. Signed, sealed and delivered David Tour, [l.s.]^ in presence of Thomas Ashley. The above forms of Deeds and Mortgage are such as have heretofore been generally used, but the following are much shorter, and are made equally valid by the laws of this state. WARRANTY DEED. The grantor (here insert name or names and place of residence), for and in consideration of (here insert consideration) in hand paid, ijonveys and Avarrants to (here insert the grantee's name or names) the following described real estate (here insert description), situated in the County of in the State of Illinois. Dated this day of A. D. 18 . QUIT CLAIM DEED. The grantor (here insert grantor's name or names and place of resi- dence), for the consideration of (here insert consideration) convey and quit-claim to (here insert grantee's name or names) all interest in the following described real estate (here insert description), situated in the County of in the State of Illinois. Dated this day of A. D. 18 . MORTGAGE. The mortgagor (here insert name or names) mortgages and warrants to (here insert name or names of mortgagee or mortgagees), to secure the payment of (here recite the nature and amount of indebtedness, showing when due and tlie rate of interest, and whether secured by note or other- wise), the following described real estate (here insert description thereof), situated in the County of in the State of Illinois. Dated this day of A. D. 18 . RELEASE. Know all Men by these presents, that I, Peter Ahlund, of Chicago, of the County of Cook, and State of Illinois, for and in consideration of One dollar, to me in hand paid, and for other good and valuable considera- ■■■■^. m<^% «2N t V ■■■■. jSi--">?'"^';^ PARTRIDGE TOWNSHIP ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 187 tions, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed, do hereby grant, bargain, remise, convey, release, and quit-claim unto Joseph Carlin of Chicago, of th^ County of Cook, and State of Illinois, all the right, title, interest, claim, or demand whatsoever, I may have acquired in, through, or by a certain Indenture or Mortgage Deed, bearing date the second day of Jan- uary, A. D. 1871, and recorded in the Recorder's office of said county, in book A of Deeds, page 46, to the premises therein described, and which said Deed was made to secure one certain promissory note, bearing even date with said deed, for the sum of Three Hundred dollars. Witness my hand and seal, this second day of November, A. D. 1874. Peter Ahlund. [l.s.] State of Illinois, ) Cook County. ) ' I, George Saxton, a Notary Public in and for said county, in the state aforesaid, do hereby certify that Peter Ahlund, personally known to me as the same person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing Release, appeared before me this day in [ "^seII^^" ] person, and acknowledged that he signed, sealed, and delivered the said instrument of writing as his free a.id voluntary act, for the uses and purposes therein set forth. Giv^n under my hand and seal, this second day of November, A. D. 1874. George Saxton, N. P. 6ENERAL FOItM OF WILL FOR REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY. I, Charles Mansfield, of the Town of Salem, County of Jackson, Srate of Illinois, being aware of the uncertainty of life, and in failing- health, but of sound mind and memory, do make and declare this to be my last will and testament, in manner folio iving, to wit: First. I give, devise and bequeath unto my oldest son, Sidney H. Mansfield, the sum of Two Thousand Dollars, cf bank stock, now in the Third National Bank of Cincinnati, Ohio, and the farm owned by myself in the Town of Buskirk, consisting of one hundred and sixty acres, with all the houses, tenements, and improvements thereunto belonging ; to have and to hold unto my said son, his heirs and assiguv, forever. Second. I give, devise and bequeath to each of my daughters, Anna Louise Mansfield and Ida Clara Mansfield, each Two ThouSvind dollars in bank stock, in the Third National Bank of Cincinnati, Ohio, and also each one quarter section of land, owned by myself, situated in the Town of Lake, Illinois, and recorded in my name in the Recorder's officvi in the county where such land is located. The north one hundred and sixty acres of said half section is devised to my eldest daughter, Anna Louise. 6 188 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. Third. I give, devise and bequeath to my son, Frank Alfred Mans- field, Five shares of Railroad stock in the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and my one hundred and sixty acres of land and saw mill thereon, situ- ated in Manistee, Michigan, with all the improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging, which said real estate is recorded in my name in the county where situated. Fourth. I give to my wife, Victoria Elizabeth Mansfield, all my household furniture, goods, chattels, and personal property, about my home, not hitherto disposed of, including Eight Thousand dollars of bank stock in the Third National Bank of Cincinnati, Ohio, Fifteen shares in the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, and the free and unrestricted use, pos- session, and benefit of the home farm, so long as she may live, in lieu of dower, to which she is entitled by law ; said farm being my present place of residence. Fifth. I bequeath to my invalid father, Elijah H. Mansfield, the income from rents of my store building at 145 Jackson Street, Chicago, Illinois, during the term of his natural life. Said building and land there- with to revert to my said sons and daughters in equal proportion, upon the demise of my said father. Sixth. It is also my will and desire that, at the death of my wife, Victoria Elizabeth Mansfield, or at any time when she may arrange to relinquish her life interest in the above mentioned homestead, the same may revert to my above named children, or to the lawful heirs of each. And lastly. I nominate and appoint as executors of this my last will and testament, my wife, Victoria Elizabeth Mansfield, and my eldest son, Sidney H. Mansfield. I further direct that my debts and necessary funeral expenses shaJ be paid from moneys now on deposit in the Savings Bank of Salem, the residue of such moneys to revert to my wife, Victoria Elizabeth Mansfield, for her use forever. In witness whereof, I, Charles Mansfield, to this my last will and testament, have hereunto set my hand and seal, this fourth day of April, eighteen hundred and seventy-two. Signed, sealed, and declared by Charles Mansfield, as and for his last will and testament, in the presence of us, who, at his request, and in his presence, and in the presence of each other, have sub- > scribed our .names hereunto as witnesses thereof. Peter A. Schenck, Sycamore, Ills. Frank E. Dent, Salem, Ills. Charles Mansfield, [l.s.] Charles Mansfield, [l.s.] > ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. 18U CODICIL Whereas I, Charles Mansfield, did, on the fourth d^y of April, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two, make my last will and testa- ment, I do now, by this writing, add this codicil to my said will, to be taken as a part thereof. Whereas, by the dispensation of Providence, my daughter, Anna Louise, has deceased November fifth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, and whereas, a aon has been born to me, which son is now christened Richard Albert Mansfield, I give and bequeath unto him my gold watch, and all right, interest, and title in lands and bank stock and chattels bequeathed to my deceased daughter, Anna Louise, in the body of this will. In witness whereof, I hereunto place my hand and seal, this tenth day of March, eighteen hundred and seventy-five. Signed, sealed, published, and declared to~ us by the testator, Charles Mansfield, as and for a codicil to be annexed to his last will and testament. And we, at his request, and in his presence, and in the presence of each other, have sub- scribed our names as witnesses thereto, at the date hereof. Frank E. Dent, Salem, Ills. John C. Shay, Salem, Ills. CHURCH ORGANIZATIONS May be legally made by electing or appointing, according to the usages or customs of the body of which it is a part, at any meeting held for that purpose, two or more of its members as trustees, wardens or vestrymen, and may adopt a corporate name. The chairman or secretary of such meeting shall, as soon as possible, make and file in the office of the recorder of deeds of the county, an affidavit substantially in the following form : State of Illinois, / County. i| I, , do solemnly swear (or affirm, as the case may be), that at a meeting of the members of the (here insert the name of the church, society or congregation as known before organization), held at (here insert place of meeting), in the County of , and State of Illinois, on the day of , A.D. 18 — , for that purpose, the fol- lowing persons were elected (or appointed) [here insert their names'] trustees, wardens, vestrymen, (or officers by whatever name they may choose to adopt, with powers similar to trustees) according to the rules and usages of sucih Tchurch, society or congregation), and said y 190 ABSTRACT OF ILLINOIS STATE LAWS. adopted as its corporate name (here insert name), and at said meeting] tliis affiant acted as (chairman or secretary, as the case may be). Subscribed and sworn to before me. this day of , A.D, 18^ — -, Name of Affiant which affidavit must be recorded by the recorder, and shall be, or a certi- fied cop3' made by the recorder, received as evidence of such an incorpo- ration. JVb certificate of election after the first need he filed for record. The term of office of the trustees and the general government of the society can be determined by the rules or by-laws adopted. Failure to elect trustees at the time provided does not work a dissolution, but the old trustees hold over. A trustee or trustees may be removed, in thi- same manner by the society as elections are held by a meeting called for that purpose. The property of the society vests in the corporation. The corporation may hold, or acquire b}' purchase or otherwise, land not exceeding ten acres, for the purpose of the society. The trustees have the care, custody and control of the property of the corporation, and can, when directed by the society, erect houses or improvements, and repair and alter the same, and may also when so directed by the society, mortgage, encumber, sell and convey any real or personal estate belonging to the corporation, and make all proper contracts in the name of such corporation. But they are prohibited by law from encumbering or inter- fering with any property so as to destroy the effect of any gift, grant, devise or bequest to the corporation ; but such gifts, grants, devises oi bequests, must in all cases be used so as to carrj' out the object intended by the persons making the same. Existing societies may organize in the manner herein set forth, and have all the advantages thereof. SUGGESTIONS TO THOSE PURCHASING BOOKS BY SUBSCRIPTION. The business of puhUshing hooks hy suhscription having so often been brought into disrepute by agents making representations and declarations not authorized hy the puhlisher ; in order to prevent that as much as possi- ble, and that there may be more general knowledge of the relation such agents bear to tbeir principal, and the law governing such cases, the fol- lowing statement is made : A suhscription is in the nature of a contract of mutual promises, by which the subscriber agrees to pay a certain sum for the work described ; the consideration is concurrent that the publisher shall puhlish the ho'Jc named, and deliver the same, for which the subscriber is to pay the price named. The nature and character of the work is described in the prospectus and hy the sample shoivn. lihesQ ^\\o\\\i\. he carefully examined hefore syh. scribing, as they are the basis and consideration of the promise to pav, t ABSTRACT OF Il^LTNOIS STATE LAWS. 191 and not the too often exaggerated statements of the agents who is merely employed to solicit subscriptions, for which he is usually paid a commission i for each subscriber, and has no authority to change or alter the conditions j upon which the subscriptions are authorized to be made by the publisher. I Should the agent assume to agree to make the subscription conditional or j modify or change the agreement of the publisher, as set out by prospectus Q^nA )i,^ra^\Q, \n oxdiev to bind the p)rincipal, the subscriber should see that sucli conditions or changes are stated over or in connection with his signa- ture, so that the publisher may have notice of the same. All persons making contracts in reference to matters of this kind, or any other business, should remember that the laiv as to written contracts is, that thev can not be varied, altered or rescinded verbally, but if done at all, must be done in tvriting. It is therefore important that all persons contem- plating subscribing should distinctly understand that all talk before or after the subscription is made, is not admissible as evidence, and is no part of the contract. Persons employed to solicit subscriptions are known to the trade as canvassers. They are agents appointed to do a particular business in a prescribed mode, and have no authority to do it in any other way to the prejudice of their principal, nor can they bind their principal in any other matter. They cannot collect money, or agree that payment may be made in anything else but money. They can not extend the time of payment ' beyond the time of delivery, nor bind their principal for the payment of expenses incurred in their buisness. It would save a great deal of trouble, and often serious loss, if persons, before signing their names to any subscription book, or any written instru- ment, would examine carefully ivhatit is ; if they can not read themselves, should call on some one disinterested who can. 6 192 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND ITS AMENDMENTS. We, the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense', promote the general ivelfare, and secioe the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. Article I. Section 1. All legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives. Sec. 2. The House of Representatives shall be composed of mem- bers chosen ever}- second j^ear b}' the people of the several states, and the lectors in each state shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State Legislature. No person shall be a representative who shall not have attained to the age of twenty-five years, and been seven years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that state in which he shall be chosen. Representatives and direct taxes shall be apportioned among the sev- eral states which may be included within this Union, according to their respective numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to service for a term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three-fifths of all other persons. The actual enumeration shall be made within three j-ears after the first meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subse- quent term of ten years, in such manner as they shall by law direct. The number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty thousand, but each state shall have at least one Representative ; and until such enumeration shall be made the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to choose three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode Island and Providence Plan- tations one, Connecticut five, New York six. New Jerse}' four, Penns^lva- nia eight, Delaware one, Maryland six, Virginia ten. North Carolina five, and Georgia three. When vacancies happen in the representation from any state, the Executive authority thereof shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies. The House of Representatives shall choose their Speaker and other officers, and shall have the sole power of impeachment. Sec. 3. The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each state, chosen by the Legislature thereof for six years ; and each Senator shall have one vote. Immediately after they shall be assembled in consequence of the first election, the}- shall be divided as equally as may be into three classes. The seats of the Senators of the first class shall be vacated at the expira- AiTD ITS AMENDMENTS. 193 tion of the second year, of the second class at the expiration of the fourth year, and of the third class at the expiration of the sixth year, so that one-third may be chosen every second year; and if vacancies happen by resignation or otherwise, during the recess of the Legislature of any state, the Executive thereof may make temporary appointments until the next meeting of the Legislature, which shall then fill such vacaxicies. No person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the age of thirty years and been nine years a citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an inhabitant of that state for which he shall be chosen. The Vice-President of the United States shall be President of the Senate, but shall have no vote unless they be equally divided. The Senate shall choose their other officers, and also a President pro tempore, in the absence of the Vice-President, or when he shall exercise the office of President of the United States. The Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments. When sitting for that purpose they shall be on oath or affirmation. When the President of the United States is tried the Chief Justice shall preside. And no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two-thirds of the members present. Judgment, in cases of impeachment, shall not extend further than to removal from office, and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States; but the party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to indictment, trial, judgment, and punishment according to law. Sec. 4. The times, places and manner of holding elections for Sen- ators and Representatives shall be prescribed in each state by the Legis- lature thereof; but the Congress ma}^ at any time by law make or alter such regulations, except as to the places of choosing Senators. The Congress shall assemble at least once in every year, and such meeting shall be on the first Monday in December, unless they shall by law appoint a different day. Sec. 5. Each house shall be the judge of the election, returns, and qualifications of its own members, and a majority of each shall constitute a quorum to do business; but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, and may be authorized to compel the attendance of absent members in such manner and under such penalties as each liouse may provide. Each house may determine the rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with the concurrence of two-thirds, expel a member. Each house shall keep a journal of its proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such parts as may, in their judgment, require secrecy ; and the yeas and nays of the members of either house on any question shall, at the desire of one-fifth of those present, be entered on the journal. Neither house, during the session of Congress, shall, without the consent of the other, adjourn for more than three days, nor to any other place than that in which the two houses shall be sitting. Sec. 6. The Senators and Representatives shall receive a compen- sation for their services, to be ascertained by law, and paid out of the treasury of the United States. They shall in ail cases, except treason, 194 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES felony, and breach of the peace, be privileged from arrest during their attendance at the session of their respective houses, and in going to and returning from the same ; and for any speech or debate in either house they shall not be questioned in any other place. No Senator or Representative shall, during the time for which he was elected, be appointed to any civil ofiBce under the authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the emoluments whereof shall have been increased during such time ; and no person holding any office under the United States, shall be a member of either house during his continuance in office. Sec. 7. All bills for raising revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives ; but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other bills. Every bill which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, shall, before it becomes a law, be presented to the President the United States ; if he approve he shall sign it ; but if not he shall return it, with his objections, to that house in which it shall have origi- nated, who shall enter the objections at large on their journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If, after such reconsideration two-thirds of that house shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with the objec- tions, to the other house, by which it shall likewise be reconsidered, and if approved by two-thirds of that house, it shall become a law. But in all such cases the votes of both houses shall be determined by } eas and nays, and the names of the persons voting for and against the bill shall be entered on the journal of each house respectively. If any bill shall not be returned by the President within ten days (Sundays excepted), after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall be a law, in like manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress, by their adjournment, prevent its return, in which case it shall not be a law. Every order, resolution, or vote to which the concurrence of the Senate and House of Rei>resentatives may be necessary (except on a question of adjournment), shall be presented to the President of the United States, and before the same shall take effect shall be approved by him, or, being disapproved by him, shall be re-passed by two-thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives, according to the rules and lim- itations prescribed in the case of a bill. Sec. 8. The Congress shall have power — To lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts, and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United Jtates ; but all duties, imposts, and excises shall be uniform throughout the United States ; To borrow money on the credit of the United States ; To regulate commerce with foreign nations, and among the several Str.tes, and with the Indian tribes ; To establish a uniform rule of naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of bankruptcies throughout the United States ; To coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard 5f weights and measures ; To provide for the punishment of counterfeiting the securities and current coin of the United States; To establish post offices and post roads ; AND ITS AMENDMENTS. 195 To promote the progress of sciences and useful arts, by securing, for ^'mited times, to authors and inventors, the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries ; To constitute tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court ; To define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas, and offenses against the law of nations ; To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water ; To raise and support armies, but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for n longer term than two years ; To provide and maintain a navy ; To make rules for the government and regulation of the land and naval forces ; To provide for calling forth the militia to execute the laws of the Union, suppress insurrections, and repel invasions ; To provide for organizing, arming and disciplining the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively the appointment of the ofScers, and the authority of training the militia according to the disci' pline prescribed by Congress ; To exercise legislation in all cases whatsoever over such district (not exceeding ten miles square) as may, by cession of particular states, and the acceptance of Congress, become the seat of the government of the United States, and to exercise like authority over all places purchased by the consent of the Legislature of the state in which the same shall be, for the erection of forts, magazines, arsenals, dock yards, and other needful buildings ; and To make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying intc execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this Constitution in the government of the United States, or in any depart- ment or officer thereof. Sec. 9. The migration or importation of such persons as any of the states now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited by the Congress prior to the year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a tax or duty may be imposed on such importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each person. The privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it. No bill of attainder or ex post facto law shall be passed. No capitation or other direct tax shall be laid, unless in proportion to the census or enumeration hereinbefore directed to be taken. No tax or duty shall be laid on articles exported from any state. No preference shall be given by any regulation of commerce or rev- enue to the ports of one state over those of another; nor shall vessels bound to or from one state be obliged to enter, clear, or pay duties in another. No money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in consequence of appropriations made by law ; and a regular statement and account of the receipts and expeditures of all public money shall be published from time to time. 196 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States : and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, M'ithout the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state. Sec. 10. No state shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confeder- ation ; grant letters of marque and reprisal ; coin money ; emit bills of credit ; make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in payment of debts ; pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, or law impairing the obligation of contracts, or grant any title of nobility. No state shall, without the consent of the Congress, lay any imposts or duties on imports or exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing its inspection laws, and the net produce of all duties and imposts laid by any state on imports or exports, shall be for the use of the Treasury of the United States ; and all such laws shall be subject to the revision and control of the Congress. No state shall, without the consent of Congress, lay any duty on tonnage, keep troops or ships of war in time of peace, enter into any agreement or compact with another state, or with a foreign power, or engage in war, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent danger as wiU not admit of delay. Article II. Section 1. The Executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his office during the term of four years, and, together with the Vice-President chosen for the same term, be elected as follows : Each state shall appoint, in such manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a number of Electors, equal to the whole number of Senators and Representatives to which the state may be entitled in the Congress ; but no Senator or Representative, or person holding an office of trust or profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector. [*The Electors shall meet in their respective states, and vote by ballot for two persons, of whom one at least shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves. And they shall make a list of all the persons voted for, and of the number of votes for each ; which list they shall sign and certify, and transmit, sealed, to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The Pres- ident of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Rep- resentatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted. The person having the greatest number of votes shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed ; and if there be more than one who have such majority, and have an equal number of votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately choose by ballot one of them for President ; and if no person have a ma- jority, then from the five highest on the list the said House shall in like manner choose the President. But in choosing the President, the vote shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote ; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. In every case, after the choice of the President, • This clause between, brackets bas been superseded and annulled by the Twelfth amendment. AND ITS AMENDMENTS. 197 the person having the greatest number of votes of the Electors shall be the Vice-President. But if there should remain two or more who have equal votes, the Senate shall choose from them by ballot the Vice-Presi- dent.] The Congress may determine the time of choosing the Electors, and the day on which they shall give their votes ; which day shall be the same throughout the United States. No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President ; neither shall any person be eligible to that of&ce who shall not have attained the age of thirty-five years, and been fourteen years a resident within the United States. In case of the removal of the President from office, or of his death, resignation, or inability to discharge the powers and duties of the said office, the same shall devolve on the Vice-Pi^esident, and the Congress may by law provide for the case of removal, death, resignation, or inabil- ity, both of the President and Vice-President, declaring what oflScer shall then act as President, and such officer shall act accordingly, until the dis- ability be removed, or a President shall be elected. The President shall, at stated times, receive for his services a com^ pensation which shall neither be increased nor diminished during the period for which he shall have been elected, and he shall not receive within that period any other emolument from the United States or any of them. Before he enters on the execution of his office, he shall take the fol- lowing oath or affirmation : " I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States." Sec. 2. The President shall be commander in chief of the army and navy of the United States, and of the militia of the several states, when called into the actual service of the United States; he may require the opinion, in writing, of the principal officer in each of the executive departments, upon any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices, and he shall have power to grant reprieves and pardon for offenses against the United States, ex 7 200 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES bers of the several state Legislatures, and all executive and judicial offi- cers, both of the United States and of the several states, shall be bound by oath or affirmation to support this Constitution ; but no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States. Article VII. The ratification of the Conventions of nine states shall be sufficient for the establishment of this Constitution between the states so ratifying the same. Done in convention by the unanimous consent of the states present, the seventeenth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven, and of the independence of the United States of America the twelfth. In witness whereof we have hereunto subscribed our names. GEO. WASHINGTON, President and Deputy from Virginia. New ffanipshire. John Langdon, Nicholas Oilman. Massachusetts. Nathaniel Gorham, RuFus King. Connecticut. Wm. Sam'l Johnson, Roger Sherman. Delaware. Geo. Read, John Dickinson, Jaco. BroOxM, Gunning Bedford, Jr., Richard Bassett. Maryland. James M' Henry, Danl. Carroll, Dan. of St. Thos. Jenifer. New York. Alexander Hamilton. New Jersey. WiL. Livingston, Wm. Paterson, David Brearley, JoNA. Dayton. Virginia. John Blair, James Madison, Jr. North Carolina. Wm. Blount, Hu. Williamson, Rich'd Dobbs Spaight. Pennsylvania. B. Franklin, Robt. Morris, Thos. Fitzsimons, James Wilson, Thos. Mifflin, Geo. Clymer, Jared Ingersoll, Gouv. Morris. South Carolina. J. Rutledge, Charles Pinckney, Chas. Cotesworth Pinckney, Pierce Butler. Georgia. William Few, Abr. Baldwin. WILLIAM JACKSON, Secretary. AJSTD ITS AMENDMENTS. 203 Articles in Addition to and Amendatory of the Constitution OF THE United States of America. Proposed hy Congress and ratified by the Legislatures of the several statei, pursuant to the fifth article of the origiyial Constitution. Article I. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press ; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Article II. A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Article III. No soldier shall, in time of peace, be quartered in any house without the consent of the owner, nor in time of war but in a manner to be pre- scribed by law. Article IV. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be vio- lated ; and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized. Article V. No person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia when in actual service in time of war or public danger ; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb ; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law ; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation. Article VI. In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the state and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation ; to be confronted with the witnesses against him ; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor; and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense. Article VII. In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the riarht of trial bv lurv shall be preserved, and no fact 204 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES tried by a jury shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United States than according to the rules of the common law. Article VIII. Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. Article IX. The enumeration, in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. Article X. The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people. Article XI. The judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States by citizens of another state, or by citizens or sub- jects of any foreign state. Article XII. The Electors shall meet in their respective states and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves ; they shall name in their ballots the person to be voted for as president, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice- President, and of the number of votes for each, which list they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in presence pf the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates, and the votes shall then be counted. The person having the greatest number of votes for President shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed ; and if no person have such majorit3',*then from the persons having the highest number not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by States, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two- thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a Presi- dent whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in the case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President. The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice- President, shall be the Vice-President, if such number be the majority of the whole number of electors appointed, and if no person have a majo] -- (deceased) ^ partridge: TOWNSHIP AND ITS AMENDMENTS. 205 ity, then from the two highest numbers on the list, the Senate shall choose the Vice-President ; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of Senators, and a majority of the whole number shall be necessary to a choice. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the ofBce of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States. Article XIII. Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime, whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their juris- diction. Sec. 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appro- priate legislation. Article XIV. Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in tlie United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States, and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. Sec. 2. Representatives shall be appointed among the several states according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of per- sons in each state, excluding Indians not taxed ; but when the right to vote at any election for the choice of Electors for President and Vice- President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the execu- tive and judicial officers of a state, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such state, being twenty-one years of age and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged except for participation in rebellion or other crimes, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the num- ber of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such state. Sec. 3. No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or Elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previ- ously taken an oath as a Member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state Legislature, or as an execu- tive or judicial officer of any. state to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress mav by a vote of two-thirds of each house, remove such disability. Sec. 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States author- ized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and boun- ties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be ques- tioned. But neither the United States nor any state shall pay any debt or obligation incurred in the aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any loss or emancipation of any slave, but such debts, obligations, and claims shall be held illegal and void. 206 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. Sec. 5. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this act. Article XV. Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States, or by any state, on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Sec. 2. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appro- priate legislation. ELECTORS OF PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENT. November 7, 1876. COUNTIES. Haves and Wheeler, Republican. '" ^ n -B ° S 3 2 c — 03 |5 - ? ■2c^ !J il 1 COUNTIES. Hayes and Wheeler, Republican. Tilden and Hendrick.s, Democrat. PeterCooper Greenback. 5 ■~ a; ■< Adams 4953 1219 1520 1965 944 3719 441 2231 1209 4530 2501 1814 1416 1329 2957 36548 1355 1145 3679 1928 1631 2129 2715 970 1145 1881 1601 966 4187 703 1695 1996 627 3496 330 1315 4177 3768 2040 6308 1280 1142 363 1495 2218 900 918 1618 3103 3287 2197 1541 1989 2822 39240 1643 1407 1413 1174 1.357 1276 2883 466 2265 2421 742 1302 4669 1140 3160 1142 1433 4207 611 1015 1928 2578 2071 41 17 Livingston 3550 2788 3120 3567 4554 2009 1553 1566 1231 2952 3465 6363 1115 2209 845 2486 3069 1245 3833 4665 1319 1541 1807 3055 1043 646 2357 1410 3912 980 4851 1522 910 2069 1140 4708 3198 2850 978 4372 650 2795 1911 1570 1297 3851 4770 1672 4505 1733 2134 2595 2782 4076 4730 2444 1430 1939 793 2811 1874 4410 1657 1428 1651 3013 3174 1672 1921 5443 800 1383 1316 4040 772 459 2589 1552 2838 1081 5847 1804 1269 3553 786 5891 2758 3171 2155 3031 936 1984 1671 1751 2066 2131 3999 1644 1568 2105 1170 37 268 114 39 209 135 86 20 347 34 518 10 90 201 109 28 104 95 5 48 117 35 16 ""i "3 "8 •i Alexander Logan Bond 17 43 183 145 "2 1 2 li Macon Boone Macoupin Madison Brown Bureau Marion Calhoun Marshall . . I Carroll . . 111 74 604 207 236 112 132 102 277 38 129 65 746 94 25 161 61 43 57 204 391 89 282 1 108 770 1 7 '■'i 16 "2 3 "i 6 9 ■■3 3 ■'8 "i •■4 Mason Cass Massac McDonougli Champaign McHenry •} Clark McLean 7 Clay Menard Mercer 3 Coles Monroe Cook Montgomery Crawford Morgan 5 Cumberland Moultrie DeKalb Ogle DeWitt . Peoria ' Douglas Pone '"i DuPage Perry Edgar Piatt Edwards Pike 4 Effingham Pulaski FavpJte Putnam 14 2 55 27 641 29 115 182 341 96 99 26 44 3 288 207 138 39 482 469 133 677 41 70 237 Foru R.andolph Frnriklin Richland Fulton Rock Island Gallatin Saline Greene Sangamon Schuyler Scott Grundv "2 1.3 1 Hancock Shelby Stark Hardin 134 1 340 249 106 "a 14 "6 1 Henderson St. Clair 1 Henrv Stephenson 3 Iroquois Tazewell Union 9 Jackson Jasper ... 9 Jetf erson 1346 1345 2907 1367 5398 2627 1869 5235 2619 6277 1198 3087 1667 2166 2276 893 2850 1363 524 2632 1647 6001 1329 2080 647 ■■■146 61 172 26 309 141 55 514 27 100 12 2 "■2 ■■■3 "5 2 ■■'i 1 15 Wabash Jersey Warren 1 Jo Daviess Johnson Kane Wayne White Whiteside "4 1 Kendall Will Knox Williamson Winnebago 9 LaSalle Woodford 4 Total 275958 257099 16951 l.'ioll.'i? Practical Rules for Every Day Use. Soiv to find the gain or loss per cent, when the cost and selling py'ice are given. Rule. — Find the difference between the cost and selling price, which will be the gain or loss. Annex two ciphers to the gain or loss, and divide it by the cost price ; the result will be the gain or loss per cent. Hoiv to change gold into currency. Rule. — Multiply the given sura of gold by the price of gold. Hoiv to change currency into gold. Divide the amount in currency by the price of gold. Hoiv to find each partner's share of the gain or loss in a copartnership business. Rule. — Divide the whole gain or loss by the entire stock, the quo- tient will be the gain or loss per cent. Multipl}^ each partner's stock by this per cent., the result will be each one's share of the gain or loss. Hoiv to find gross and net weight and price of hogs. A short and simple method for finding the net weight., or price of hogs, when the gross iveight or price is given, and vice versa. Note.— It is generally assumed that the gross weight of Hogs diminished by 1-5 or 20 per cent. of itself gives the net weight, and the net weight increased by K or 25 per cent, of itself equals the Rross weiglit. To find the net iveight or gross price. « * Multiply the given number by .8 (tenths.) To find the gross iveight or net price. Divide the given number by .8 (tenths.) How to find the capacity of a granary, bin, or wagon-bed. Rule. — Multiply (by short method) the number of cubic feet by 6308, and point off one decimal place — the result will be the correct answer in bushels and tenths of a bushel. For only an app)roximate answer, multiply the cubic feet by 8, and point off one decimal place. Hoiv to find the contents of a corn-crib. Rule. — Multiply the number of cubic feet by 54, short method, or (207) 208 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. by 4§ ordinary method, and point off one decimal place — the result will be the answer in bushels. Note.— In estlraating corn in the ear, the quality and the time it has been cribbed, must be taken into consideration, since corn will shrinls considerably during the Winter and Spring. This rule generally holds good for corn measured at the time it is cribbed, provided it is sound and clean. Hoiv to find the contents of a cistern or tank. Rule. — Multiply the square of the mean diameter by the depth (all in feet) and this product by 5681 (short method), and point off" one decimal place — the result will be the contents in barrels of 31^ gallons. How to find the contents of a barrel or cask. Rule. — Under the square of the mean diameter, write the length (all in inches) in reversed order, so that its units will fall under the TENS ; multiply by short method, and this product again by 430 ; point off one decimal place, and the result will be the answer in wine gallons. Jloiv to measure boards. Rule. — Multiply the length (in feet) by the width (in inches) and divide the product by 12 — the result will be the contents in square feet. IToiv to measure scantlings, joists, planks, sills, etc. Rule. — Multiply the width, the thickness, and the length together (the width and thickness in inches, and the length in feet), and divide the product by 12 — the result will be square feet. Soiv to find the number of acres in a body of land. Rule. — Multiply the length by the width (in rods), and divide the product by 160 (carrying the division to 2 decimal places if there is a remainder) ; the result will be the answer in acres and hundredths. When the opposite sides of a piece of land are of unequal length, add them together and take one-half for the mean length or width. Hoiv to find the number of square yards in a floor or ivall. Rule. — Multiply the length by the width or height (in feet), and divide the product by 9, the result will be square yards. Hoiv to find the number of bricks required in a building. Rule. — Multiply the number of cubic feet by 22^. ■ • The number of cubic feet is found by multiplying the length, height and thickness (in feet) together. Bricks are usually made 8 inches long, 4 inches wide, and two inches thick ; hence, it requires 27 bricks to make a cubic foot without mortar, but it is generally assumed that the mortar fills 1-6 of the space. Hoiu to find the number of shingles required in a roof. Rule. — Multiply the number of square feet in the roof by 8, if the shingles are exposed 4^ inches, or by 7 1-5 if exposed 5 inches. To find the number of square feet, multiply the length of the roof by twice the length of the rafters. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. 209 To find the length of the rafters, at one-fourth pitch, multiply the width of the building by .56 (hundredths) ; at one-third pitch, by .6 (tenths) ; at two-fifths pitch, by .64 (hundredths) ; at one-half pitch, by .71 (hundredths). This gives the length of the rafters from the apex to the end of the wall, and whatever they are to project must be taken into consideration. Note.— By K or M pitch is meant that the apex or comb of the roof is to be Ji or J^ the width of the building liigrher than the walls or base of the rafters. ffoiv to reckon the cost of hay. Rule. — Multiply the number of pounds by half the price per ton, and remove the decimal point three places to the left. How to measure grain. Rule. — Level the grain ; ascertain the space it occupies in cubic feet ; multiply the number of cubic feet by 8, and point off one place to the left. Note.— Exactness requires the addition to every three hundred bushels of one extra bushel. The foregoing rule may be used for finding the number of gallons, by multiplying the number of bushels by 8. If the corn in the box is in the ear, divide the answer by 2, to find the number of bushels of shelled corn, because it requires 2 bushels of eai corn to make 1 of shelled corn. Rapid rules for measuring land ivithout instruments. In measuring land, the first thing to ascertain is the contents of any given plot in square 3^ards ; then, given the number of yards, find out the number of rods and acres. The most ancient and simplest measure of distance is a step. Now, an ordinary-sized man can train himself to cover one yard at a stride, on the average, with sufficient accuracy for ordinary purposes. To make use of this means of measuring distances, it is essential to walk in a straight line ; to do this, fix the eye on two objects in a line straight ahead, one comparatively near, the other remote ; and, in walk- ing, keep these objects constantly in line. Farmers and others hy adopting the folloiving simple and iiigenious con- trivance., may ahvays carry loith them the scale to construct a correct yard measure. Take a foot rule, and commencing at the base of the little finger of the ^ft hand, mark the quarters of the foot on the outer borders of the left arm, pricking in the marks with indelible ink. To find hoiv many rods in length will make an acre., the width being given. Rule. — Divide 160 by the width, and the quotient will be the answer. 210 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. Holo to find the number of acres in any plot of land, the number of rods being given. Rule. — Divide the number of rods by 8, multiply the quotient by 5, and remove the decimal point two places to the left. The diameter being given, to find the circumference. Rule. — Multiply the diameter by 3 1-7. How to find the diameter, lohen the circumference is given. Rule. — Divide the circumference by 3 1-7. To find hotv many solid feet a round stick of timber of the same thick- ness throughout will contain when squared. Rule. — Square half the diameter in inches, multiply by 2, multiply by the length in feet, and divide the product by 144. General 7'ule for measuring timber, to find the solid contents in feet. Rule. — Multiply the depth in inches by the breadth in inches, and then multiply by the length in feet, and divide by 144. To find the number of feet of timber in trees with the bark on. Rule. — Multiply the square of one-fifth of the circumference in inches, by twice the length, in feet, and divide by ]'-44. Deduct 1-10 to 1-15 according to the thickness of the bark. Hoivard' s neiv rule for computi^ig interest. Rule. — The reciprocal of the rate is the time for which the interest on any sum of money will be shown by simply removing the decimal point two places to the left ; for ten times that time, remove the point one place to the left ; for 1-10 of the same time, remove the point three places to the left. Increase or diminish the results to suit the time given. Note.— The reciprocal of the rate is found by inverting the rate ; thus 3 per cent, per month, in- Terted, becomes % of a month, or 10 days. When the rate is expressed by one figure, always write it thus : 3-1, three ones. Rule for converting English into American currency. Multiply the pounds, with the shillings and pence stated in decimals, by 400 plus the premium in fourths, and divide the product by 90. U. S. GOVERNMENT LAND MEASURE. A township — 36 sections each a mile square. A section — 640 acres. A quarter section, half a mile square — 160 acres. An eighth section, half a mile long, north and south, and a quarter of a mile wide — 80 acres. A sixteenth section, a quarter of a mile square — 40 acres. MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. 211 The sections are all numbered 1 to 36, commencing at the north-east corner. The sections are divided into quarters, which are named by the cardinal points. The quarters are divided in the same way. The de- scription of a forty acre lot would read : The south half of the west half of the south-west quarter of section 1 in township 24, north of range 7 west, or as the case might be ; and sometimes will fall short and sometimes overrun the number of acres it is supposed to contain. The nautical mile is 795 4-5 feet longer than the common mile. ^&' SURVEYORS' MEASURE. 7 92-100 inches make 1 link. 25 links " 1 rod. 4rods " 1 chain. 80 chains " 1 mile. Note. — A chain is 100 links, equal to 4 rods or 66 feet. Shoemakers formerly used a subdivision of the inch called a barley- corn ; three of which made an inch. Horses are measured directly over the fore feet, and the standard of measure is four inches — called a hand. In Biblical and other old measurements, the term span is sometimes used, which is a ler.gth of nine inches. The sacred cubit of the Jews was 24.024 inches in length. The common cubit of the Jews was 21.704 inches in length. A pace is equal to a yard or 36 inches. A fathom is equal to 6 feet. A league is three miles, but its length is variable, for it is strictly speaking a nautical term, and should be three geographical miles, equal to 3.45 statute miles, but when used on land, three statute miles are said to be a league. In cloth measure an aune is equal to li yards, or 45 inches. An Amsterdam ell is equal to 26.796 inches. A Trieste ell is equal to 25.284 inches. A Brabant ell is equal to 27.116 inches. HOW TO KEEP ACCOUNTS. Every farmer and mechanic, whether he does much or little business, should keep a record of his transactions in a clear and systematic man- ner. For the benefit of those who have not had the opportunity of ac- quiring a primary knowledge of the principles of book-keeping, we here present a simple form of keeping accounts which is easily comprehended, and well adapted to record the business transactions of farmers, mechanics and laborers. 212 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. 1875. A. H. JACKSON. Dr. Jan. lOlTo i(. 17 By Feb. 4 'lo u 4 To March 8 Bv u 8 By ii 13 By li 27 To April To '' By May G By (( 24 To .Fulv 4 Bv 7 bushels Wheat at $1.25 shoeing span of Horses 14 bushels Oats at $ .45 5 lbs. Butter at .25 new Harrow sharpening 2 Plows new Double-Tree _ Cow and Calf half ton of Hay Cash repairing Corn-Planter one Sow with Pigs Cash, to balance account $s 75 $2 6 30 1 25 18 /<0 48 00 6 25 1 1 25 4 17 50 35 188 05 888 50 00 40 00 iO 15 05 187o. CASS A MASON. !>:• Cr. March 21 By 3 days' labor .. . . at $1.25 m 8 10 2 2 20 18 00 10 00 75 70 00 20 $3 25 12 18 9 $67 75 " 21 " 23 May 1 " 1 To 2 Shoats To 18 bushels Corn By 1 month's Labor at 3.00 at .45 00 To Cash - _ _ - June 19 By 8 days' Mowing . at *1.50 00 26 To 50 lbs. Flour ... July 10 29 Aug. 12 12 To 27 lbs. Meat By 9 days' Harvesting Bv any, N. Y Providence, K. I... Rochester, N. Y Allegheny, Pa. Richmond, Va New Haven, Conn. Chirleston, S. C... Indianapolis, Ind.. Troy, N. Y Syracuse, N. Y Worcester, Mass... Lowell, Mass Memphis, Tenn Cambridge, Mass.. Hartford, Conn Scranton, Pa Reading, Pa Paterson, N. J Kansas City, Mo... Mobile, Ala Toledo. Ohio Portland. Me Columl)U.s. Ohio Wilmington. Del... Dayton, Ohio Lawrence. Mass Utica, N. Y Charlestown, Mass Savannah, Ga Lynn. Mass Fall River, Mass... 942, 674, 396, 310. 298. 267, 250. 216, 191, 149. 117, 109, 105, 100. 92, 86, 82. 79. 71, 69, 68, 62 53 51 50, 48 48, 46, 43, 41. 40 40 39, 37, 35, 33 3.3, 32 32 31, 31, 31 30. 30. 28, 28. 28, 28, 28, 26 292 022 099 864 977 354 526 239 418 473 714 199 059 753 829 076 546 577 440 423 904 386 180 038 840 956 244 465 051 105 928 226 634 180 092 930 579 260 034 584 413 274 841 473 921 804 323 235 233 766 MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION. 21a POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES. States and Territouiks. Staffs. Alabama Arkansas.. California Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts... Michigan* Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire. New Jersey New York North Carolina.. Ohio Oregon 50, 52, 188, 4 59^ 58, 55, 33, 55, 81, 37, 41, 31, 11, 56! 83, 47, 65, 75, ll:i, 9, 8, 47, 50, 39, 95, » Last Census of Area in s 54:3,71b 1,527,89b :3,198,835 1.75:3.141 1,787.066 969.224 384.446 1,029.725 1.399,18b 31.5,95b 195.735 3:34,256 510,08(1 482.594 1,459.65:; 531,516 4,388,763 440.975 752.771 2.082.578 1,149 878 1,423.121 1,615,679 2,062.053 679.753 2,818.027 421,361 2,982,853 836.115 1,179,291 870.521 2,162,943 1,131,458 655,710 1,237,406 2,154.185 759,074 21,627 461,097 579,127 70,852 987,426 26.231 775,100 168,784 721,375 38:3,821 212.628 269.945 446,324 315.954 1,584,225 136,!i55 171,880, 1,087,074 216,756 22.5,074 860,809 290,679 129,152 386,073 497,395 154,589 222.426 261,390 27,164 64.029 269.332 20:3.464 579,599 26,991 229,286 668.367 430,746 149,931 149,214 28,5.949 71.770 874,016 74,525 785,608 772,408 468.890 787,952 699,069 1.509,642 131,386 90:3,197 659,300 490,226 454.648 459,417 475,252 389,446 362,604 272,660 22.097 280,717 910.397 911,127 235,091 452,889 152.251 668,424 198,724 26:3,992 141,540 334.892 338,760 1:30,610 161,419 67,886 16,511 86.519 414,487 204.634 276,575 69.793 397,718 119.359 13,462 637,812 316,726 476,851 960.620 505.841 124,473 4:36051 110,793 601.054 53:3.398 404.482 119,653 880 8:38 1,868.682 180.986 86.S.903 744,5«l (deceased) METAMORA HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. Woodford County, lying in the central part of the State of Illinois, is hounded on the north by Marshall and La Salle Counties ; on the east by Livingston and McLean ; on the south by McLean and Tazewell ; and on the west by the Illinois River. It is very irregular in its boundaries, and of a shape rather difficult to compute its exact area, but it is estimated at about five hundred and fifty square miles. At an early period in the history of Illinois, a large tract of land in this section, lying east and south of the Illi- nois River, was known as Tazewell County, and at a still more remote date, this tract was included in the county of Sangamon, with the county seat at Spring- field. From the original county of Tazewell, several of the adjacent counties have been wholly, or in part created, viz.: Marshall, McLean, Livingston and perhaps others. In the formation of Woodford County, Livingston, McLean and Tazewell contributed to its territory. That portion lying west of the Third Principal Meridian was taken from Tazewell County ; the present Townships of Clayton, Minonk, Greene and Panola from Livingston, and the remainder from McLean County. It embraces within its territorial limits seventeen civil town- ships. The county is well drained by the Illinois River flowing along its western boundary, and the Mackinaw, together with their tributaries — Walnut, Panther, AVolf, Rock, Ten Mile, Snag, Partridge, Black Partridge and Richland Creeks, which meander through it in all directions, watering and draining every portion of it. Much of the land is broad rolling prairie, stretching away to the groves of timber and bluffs rising from the banks of the rivers, and numerous water courses, and as an agricultural region is unsurpassed in the State. The south- ern and western portions of the county, supply timber in great abundance, and many of the more valuable species are native to these sections. Black and white walnut, wild cherry, sugar maple, red and white elm, cottonwood, syca- more, mulberry, red bud, hackberry, the different kinds of oak, black and white hickory, etc., flourish in these localities, while some of the more common shrubs, such as hazel, willow, sumac, elder and prickly-ash, grow in profusion. No extensive manufactories nor very large cities exist, but a number of thriving towns and villages, together with two or three small cities, have grown up in the county, equal in pi-osperity and enterprise to those in any other portion of the 224 HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. State. Its chief source of wealth is its agricultural products, which have increased to a voluminous extext, since the building of the different raib'oads through the county. The time, however, is not far distant, when no doubt coal mining will be carried on to a much greater extent than it is now. The geo- logical deposits of Woodford County are extremely rich, combining many rare specimens, and fossils common in other and distant sections of Illinois, and even in other States. But as we shall allude to the subject again in this work, together with the coal fields, we pass now to THE EARLY SETTLEMENT. Woodford County has drawn its population from many different sources. Half the States in the- Union are here represented, while many of the countries of the Old World have contributed their delegations to its settlements. The courtly and dignified Englishman, the bonny Scot, the warm-hearted Irishman, the genial Frenchman, the good-natured German, with many others from " be- yond the seas," are here, and together furnish some of the prosperous and solid men of the communitv. Of our own countrymen, we find the New Englander, from his cold and sterile hills, and the chivalrous Southerner, from his palm- tree groves and " sunny land," dwelling side by side and mingling together,, with no sectional lines drawn between them on account of birthplace, or feelings of political prejudices engendered by either against the section from which the other came. And here, too, like way-marks along a lonely highway, we now and then meet with a " wandering son of Ethiopia's fated race," who, since the war, has straggled away from the " Sunny South " to the distant prairies to find a new home. Many of the first settlers were from Indiana, Virginia and Kentucky, with perhaps an occasional family from some other Southern State. Coming, as they did, from a land of hills and vales, and creeks and rivers, bordered with grand old forests, they very naturally shunned the prairies and '• pitched their tents " by the rivers and the "purling brooks," under the broad, sheltering branches of the trees. Hence Walnut Grove, as it is still called, and what is now Spring Bay, together with kindred regions and localities, were settled long before any hardy pioneer became imbued with sufiicient courage to venture to rear his cabin far out on the vast prairie, which, to his inexperienced eye, appeared at best but a "desert waste." Close in the wake of this early impor- tation of " Hoosiers " * came the Yankees, as all Northern and Eastern people were called by the Southerners, with their thrift and ingenuity, and both the settlements and the population increased slowly at first, perhaps, but at least surely. From a work entitled " Old Settlers' History of Woodford County," written by Prof. Radford, of Eureka College, we take the "historical table" of early settlers, given below, who came to the county up to 1835, together with the date * The name " Hoosier " was usually applied to everybody along the border, on both sides of the Ohio River, at that early day. HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 225 of their coming and the place of their location. The only change we have made in the table is to so arrange the names as to bring the dates in regular rotation Wm. (or Geo.) Blaylock, neai- Spring Bay, 1819 William Blanchard, near Spring Bay 1822 Dillon, near Spring Bay Horace Crocker, near Spring Bay William Philips, near Spring Bay 1828 William Sowards, Metamora 1823 Solomon Sowards, Metamora 182o George Kingston, Spring Bay 182o John Stephenson, Spring Bay 1824 Joseph Dillon, Walnut Grove 1824 Austin Crocker, Spring Bay 1824 George Kingston, Metamora 1825 Gershom Harvey, on Mackinaw 1825 Charles Moore, Walnut Grove 182G Daniel Meek, Walnut Grove 1826 Jonathan Baker, Walnut Grove 1826 Charles Fielder, Spring Bay 1827 Benjamin Williams, Partridge Creek 1827 John Bird, Walnut Grove 1^<27 Wathen, Walnut Grove 1827 Rowland Crocker, Spring Bay 1828 Jacob Wilson, Spring Bay 1828 Amasa Stout, Panther Creek 1828 Adam Henthorne, Panther Creek Bilberry, Panther Creek 1828 Robert Philips, White Oak Grove 1828 Samuel Philips, White Oak Grove 1828 John Harbert, White Oak Grove 1829 Jesse Dale, Spring Bay 1829 Richard Williams, Spring Bay 1829 David Matthews, Spring Bay 1829 "Widow" Donohue, Spring Bay 1829 George Hopkins, Spring Bay 1829 Hiram Curry, Spring Bay 1829 William Atteberry, Walnut Grove 1829 John Davidson, Walnut Grove 1829 John Dowdy, Walnut Grove 1829 Joseph Martin, Walnut Grove 1829 Matthew Bracken, Walnut Grove 1829 James Bird, Walnut Grove 1829 Robert Bird, AValnut Grove 1829 Nathan Owen, Walnut Grove 1829 Eli Patrick, Walnut Grove 1829 Allen Patrick, Walnut Grove 1829 John Harbert, White Oak Grove 1829 William Hoshor, Spring Bay 1830 John Sharp, Germantown 1830 John F. Smith, Germantown 1830 Joseph Meek, Walnut Grove 1830 Henry Meek, Walnut Grove 1830 William Bird, Walnut Grove 1830 Daniel Deweese, Walnut Grove 1830 Thomas Deweese, Walnut Grove 1830 Rev. John Oatman, Walnut Grove 1830 Lewis Stephens, White Oak Grove 1830 James V. Phillips, White Oak Grove Josiah Moore, near Panther Creek 1830 Campbell Moore, near Panther Creek 1830 Rev. Amos Watkins, near Panther Creek. .1830 Warren AVatkins, near Panther Creek 1830 Thomas A. McCord, near Panther Creek. ..1830 James S. McCord, near Panther Creek 1830 Matthew Blair, Walnut Grove 1830 Joseph Belsley, Spring Bay..^ ...1831 Phineas Shottenkirk, Spring Bay 1831 Rev. Joshua AVoosley, Walnut Grove 1831 Francis Willis, AValnut Grove 1831 Daniel Travis, Walnut Grove 1831 Caleb Davidson, Walnut Grove 1831 John Butcher, AValnut Grove 1831 Cooley Curtis, Walnut Grove 1831 Daniel Allison, AValnut Grove 1831 Isaac Black, Walnut Grove 1831 Aaron Richardson, Panther Creek 1831 .James M. Richardson, Panther Creek 1831 Joseph Wilkerson, Panther Creek William McCord, Panther Creek 1831 Samuel Kirkpatrick, White Oak Grove 1831 John Benson, White Oak Grove 1831 AVilliam Benson, AVhite Oak Grove 1831 James Benson, AVhite Oak Grove 1831 Daviil Banta, Metamora 1831 Cornelius Banta, Metamora 1831 Peter Muler, Germantown 1832 Thomas Deweese, Walnut Grove 1832 James Harlan, south of Walnut Grove 1832 Noel Meek, near Panther Creek 1832 Basil Meek, near Panther Creek 1832 John Armstrong, near Panther Creek AVilliam C. Moore, near Panther Creek Rev. Lewis Stover, White Oak Grove 1832 Louis Guibert, near Spring Bay 1833 Gingerich, near Spring Bay Rev. Zadock Hall, Germantown 1833 James Mitchell, AValnut Grove 1833 Rev. Ben. Major, AValnut Grove 1833 Thomas Kincade, Walnut Grove 1833 Jonah Brown, AVhite Oak Grove 1833 Jacob Ellis, AVhite Oak Grove Reubin'Carlock, AVhite Oak Grove 1833 AVinton Carlock, AVhite Oak Grove 1833 Peter Engle, Sr., Metamora 1833 226 HISTORV OF WOODFORD COUNTY. John Yerkler, Metamora 1833 William Hunter, Spring Bay 1830 Christian Smitli, Partridge Point 1833 i Charles Molitor, Germantown 183.'j Morgan Bvickingham, Low Point ] Solomon Tucker, Walnut Grove 183") John Snyder, Spring Bay 1834 , Rev. Wm. Davenport, Walnut Grove 1834 Isaac Snyder, Spring Bay 1834 Thomas Bullock, Walnut Grove 183') Peter Snyder, Spring Bay 1834 Elijah Dickinson, Walnut Grove 183-") David Snyder, Spring Bay 1834 Rev. James Robeson, Panther Creek 183;") Samuel Beck, Germantown 1834 James Rayburn, Panther Creek Thomas Sunderland, Germantown 1834 James Vance, White Oak Grove 1835 William R. Willis, Walnut Grove 1834 Rev. Abner Peeler, White Oak Grove M. R. Bullock, Walnut Grove 1834 Humphrey Leighton, Metamora 183") Benj. J. Radford, Walnut Grove 1834 C. P. Mason, Metamora 183r) John Page, Sr., Metamora 1834 F. Dixon, on Mackinaw 183r) Thomas Jones, Low Point 1834 Isaac Moulton, Low Point 183r) Rev. James Owens, Low Point 1835 Parker Morse, Low Point 1835 The foregoing dates are doubtless as correct as it is possible to get them, after this long lapse of years. " Away back in the by-gone time, Lost 'mid the rubbish of forgotten things," are many dates and events pertaining to the early history of this county. The information given above does not agree precisely, in all cases, with what we have collected, but the discrepencies are few and of minor importance. From this table, as well as from the information we have been able to gather, the first settlement in Woodford County was made in what is now Spring Bay Township. The man Blaylock, however, whose date is here given, 1819, it seems, never made an actual settlement — never built a house or cabin, nor opened and cultivated a farm. Neither can any of the old settlers now living give the exact date that Blaylock came to the county. That he was "found here," living in "Indian style," and "hunting and fishing," by tlie first settlers, is as definite as any- thing now to be obtained in regard to him. William Blanchard, of Spring Bay Township, while he did not settle in this county, or the territory now comprising it, until 1830, yet he was living so near as to be familiar with all the settlers and settlements made in this section. Blanchard came to Peoria (then called Fort Clarke) in 1819, and stated to us that there was then but one white family in sixty miles of that place, and to wander far from the fort was not only impru- dent, but extremely hazardous. In the Summer of 1819, Blanchard raised a crop of corn, potatoes and pumpkins, just across the river from Fort Clarke, which he cultivated entirely with a hoe. In 1822, he made a little clearing, on which he put up a cabin, on what is now known as the "Gibson place" (which was also in Tazewell), but within a mile or two of the present line of Woodford, and but a few miles from where he now lives. This was the first cabin built between Peoria and Chicago, and likewise the FIRST FARM OPENED. As already stated, this was in Tazewell County, but so near to Woodford, and the party who made the improvement has been for almost a half of a cen- tury living in Woodford County, that to omit its mention would seem like leav- HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 227 ing out an imporfant part of the county's history. Blanchard states that a man named Darby, Avhose first name he had forgotten, and who came from Ver- mont, made a clearing and built a cabin in the Spring of 18.23, on land now embraced in the Crocker farm, in Spring Bay Township. This is supposed to have been the first settlement in Woodford County, and, so far as it is possible ro obtain reliable information of events which occurred more than fifty years ago, the supposition is a correct one. Other hardy pioneers soon made their way to the Spring Bay settlement, and in a few years we find here Austin, Horace and Rowland Crocker ; Phineas and I. C. Shottenkirk ; John, Isaac, Peter and David Snyder : Richard and Lewis Williams, William and Jefierson Hoshor, C. A. Genoways, George Kingt^ton, Joseph Belsley, Louis Guibert, George Sommers, Angus McQueen, Elzy and Sampson Bethard, Nicholas Henfling, William Hunter, Jolm Stephenson, Jesse Dale, David Mathis, Jacob Wilson, Donohue, George Hopkins, Hiram Curry, Charles Fielder, Isaac and William Philips, "Red"' Joseph Belsley and Philip Bettelyune. The Crockers and Shottenkirks came from the Empire State, and, with all the energy and enterprise characteristic of the ''New York Yankees," at once took hold and commenced work in earnest. Crockers mill, one of the first water mills built in the county, still stands a monument to their enterprise, and performs its allotted tasks with as much despatch as it did forty years ago. Philip Betteyune and the Snyders were from Pennsylvania, and, like all the old "Pennsylvania Dutch,"' of course became the most prosperous farmers. They built good barns, on the principle that " barns will soon pay for dwelling houses, but dwelling houses never pay for barns." The Williamses, from Indiana ; the Hoshors and Genoways, from Ohio, have been active men in their day, and those who still survive have lost none of their former energy. Elzy and Sampson Bethard came from Maryland ; the Belsleys, George Sommers, Louis Guibert, from the vine-clad hills of sunny France ; George Kingston, from the "Gem of the Say;" Angus McQueen, from the "banks and braes of Bonny Doon," and Nicholas Henfling, from the "Faderland," and from Them developed some of the worthy and solid old farmers of the country. Of the rest, William Hunter, John Stephenson, Jesse Dale*, David Mathis, Jacob Wilson, Donohue, George Hopkins, Hiram Curry, the Philipses and Charles Fielder, but little information could be obtained. Although this was termed the Spring Bay settlement, many of the parties whose names are given above settled in Worth and Partridge Townships. Bettelyune, "Red" Jo Belsley, as he was called, the Snyders and Louis Guibert — perhaps others — settled in what is now Partridge Township ; while quite a number, of which were the Williamses, who first settled there with their father, 'S(iuire Benjamin Williams, were in the present town of Worth. The Illinois River, with its " Broadening sweep and surge sublime," the thick forests on the adjacent hills, and the hundreds of springs of pure * Dale lived here but a short time, when he removed into the Metamora settlement. 228 HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. water bursting from the ground in " crystal floods," were some of the attrac- tions that brought the early settlers to this spot. Plenty of timber for building and fuel, and water in unlimited quantities, were objects not to be passed by in the search for future homes. These unfailing springs they soon utilized by building mills to which they supplied the power. Crocker's mill, one of the first of its kind in the county ; Hoshor's, built a few years later, and to which was added a distillery, in Spring Bay Township, and Guibert's mill, in Part- ridge, Avere operated principally by them. If it w^as not " A land of corn and wine, or milk and honey," it was at least highly productive of the first, and we have the evidence of an old settlers, that they " used to raise 100 bushels of corn to the acre,"' in the bottom lands. Of course so much corn must be disposed of in some way, and this sug- gested the distillery, which became an institution of the settlement at an early day, and supplied the "invigorating cordial "' for many a backv/oods frolic. Another of the early settlements was made at Walnut Grove — the very paradise of Woodford County. • The gentle slopes and sweeping valleys, througli which winds Walnut Creek, like a "tangled ribbon," crowned with groves of giant trees that had stood the storms and tempests for liundreds of years, ap- peared to the new comers a haven of rest. On the confines of this mighty forest or within its borders, "whose deep, dark shades" they almost feared to enter, soon developed a prosperous settlement, and the petition — " woodman, spare that tree " — was forgotten or disregarded, as the huge " monarchs of the wood " began to fall. " The century living crow. Whose birth was in their tops, grew old and died Among their branches." and still they had flourished in all their transcendental glory for ages, until the coming tide of immigration rolled in that direction, and its Avaves were checked against " these fair ranks of trees." As early as 1824, it is said that a few bold and daring spirits, more venture- some than their kind, wandered this way and erected their cabins in Walnut Grove. But the precise date of their settlement is involved in some uncertainty, and there are now none left who can give their history with correctness. Joseph Dillon, whose coming dates back to the year mentioned above, 1824, or thereabouts, Avas probably the first to make a clearing. He opened a little place and built a cabin where " Uncle " Jo Meek now lives. About 1826, Chas. Moore and Daniel Meek located in Walnut Grove, and in a few years more were joined by James and Robert Bird, Matthew Bracken, the Davidsons, William P. Attebery and Nathan Owen. This Avas the beginning of the settlement of Walnut Grove, Avhich Avas for years, if not still, one of the most prosperous communities in the county. In less than ten years from the time the germ of a settlement was planted here, in addition to those already noticed, it numbered among its inhabitants Joseph and Henry B. Meek ; Fran- HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 229 cis and William R. Willis, James Harlan, Thomas and M. R. Bullock, Ben. Major, Bonj. J. Radford, Rev. Wm. Davenport, Joseph Martin, Rev. John Lindsey, David and Thomas Deweese and several others, who came from Old Kentucky, "the dark and bloody ground," and have furnished us ^vith men of genius and ability, and many of the leading citizens of the county. John Darst, Matthew Bracken and A. S. Fisher are Ohioians, and have been enterprising men of their neighborhood. Bracken is noted as having been one of the first Justices of the Peace, and Fisher, for having taught the first Hio-h School in the county. Charles Campbell and John A. Moore were from Tennessee, and the last two named have the credit of putting up the first mill, with a water power, in Woodford County, which was built some two or three years before Crocker's. John Dowdy, John and William Bird, brothers of those already mentioned, Rev. Joshua Woosley, Jonathan Baker, James Mitchell, Daniel Travis, Solomon Tucker, Rev. John Oatman, Thomas Kincade, Isaac Black, Daniel Allison, John Butcher, Matthew Blair, Cooley Curtis and Elijah Dickinson were all our own countrymen, but from what States they came we are not able to say. The names above given constituted the settlement up to about 1835. These " worthy scions of a noble stock " have given to the country soldiers who fought •on many a fierce-contested field, and never turned their back upon an enemy : and lawyers, doctors and ministers of the Gospel of no mean repute may claim the same origin. The settlers of Walnut Grove were mostly in what is now Olio and Cruger Townships, though the Grove extended from the south edge of Metamora down into Montgomery Tow^nship, and those living at '• the head of the Grove," if not in Metamora Township, were very near the limits, while others perhaps lived in ISIontgomery. A settlement was made in Metamora Township at a period almost, if not quite, as far back as that of Walnut Grove. It is held by many that some of the Sowards family settled here as early as 1823. That they were here at an early date there can be no doubt, but whether as early as 1823, is a point that cannot now be determined. The old ones are all gone, and the younger mem- bers of the family, Avhich was a large one scattered to the four corners of the earth, so that to fix the exact date of their settlement is attended with some dif- ficulty. They were of New England origin and claimed to have descended from the genuine old Puritan stock, and to be a branch of the same family of the late Wm. H. Seward, notwithstanding the difference in the manner of spelling the names. We have no record of any member of this branch of the family holding so important a position as that of Secretary of State, or otherwise distin- guishing himself by rising above the station of flirmer. It is pretty generally conceded, however, that they were the first to erect their wigwams in this immediate vicinity. The next after the Sowards, perhaps, was old 'S(|uire Ben Williams, as he was called, who settled about half a mile from the present vil- 230 HISTORY OF WOOUFOIID COUNTY. lage of Metamora, where he remained but a short time, when he removed intO' what is now Worth Township. Next we have an importation from La Belle France, in the families of Peter Engle, Sr., John Brickler, Joseph and John Verkler, Francis Bregeard, Pichereau, Rev. Christian Engle and Michael loerger. In the " land of the free and the home of the brave," they became good and worthy citizens, distinguished alike for their integrity and business energy. Some of them still live on their original settlements, and those who have gone to rest have left behind them representatives to fill their places. Robert T. Cassell, Jacob Banta and his sons, David, Albert J. and Cornelius D. Banta, and Wm. H. Delph, came from Kentucky, the land of blue grass, pretty women and good whisky, and were of a good old stock. C. D. Banta informed us that he went to school, in Kentucky, more than fifty years ago, in a little log cabin 10x12 feet, with ex-Governor Beriah Magoffin, who was Gov- ernor of Kentucky when the war commenced in 1861, and, it was said, resigned the office because Kentucky would not secede with the other Southern States. Other members of this delegation will receive further notice in another page. The first account we have of anything like a regular New England colony were John Page, Sr., and his brother, Ebenezer Page, Nathaniel Wilson, Stephen Dudley, John Mason, and their families, who settled in Woodford County in 1835. Most of the settlers at that day were from Kentucky and other Southern States, and cherished the strongest prejudices against all Yankees. They would have welcomed as freely a colony of Hottentots or cannibals, and to have these " Yankees " settle in their midst, they say, seemed at the time like a judgment sent against them for some mighty transgression. They had never before seen the genuine Yankee. They had seen a skinning, trafficking and tricky race of peddlers, from New England, who much infested the West and South in those early times, with tinware, " wooden nutmegs," clocks and other small assortments of goods, and supposed all New England people to be like these specimens. They formed the opinion that the genuine Yankee was a close, miserly, dishonest, selfish getter of money, void of generosity, hospitality or any of the kinder feelings of human nature. But with that sympathetic feeling born of the privations endured in a wilderness home, where few of the comforts and none of the luxuries of more civilized life are attainable, and the polite dignity, and broad and liberal views of these old New England Quakers, their antipathy melted away like " frost in the morning sun," and with all the chivalrous courtesy, so strongly characteristic of the Southern people, they buried their former prejudices, and cultivated a friendship with this hitherto detested race, which grew brighter and stronger with advancing years, and which " Wanes only within the grave." Jacob Reeder was from Virginia, the home of statesmen and the birthplace of Presidents, and receives further notice in the history of Metamora Township. Joseph Morley came from Maryland, and Thomas Warren from Tennessee. Ohio furnished to the settlement Dr. J. S. Whitmire, one of the oldest physi- HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 231 cians now in it, and George Ray, who has raised a family of stalwart sons, who have become worthy men of the county. The old Keystone State contributed the first Circuit Court Clerk of Woodford County, in the person of Samuel J. Cross, who has held several other important offices, among them that of the first Master in Chancery, after the organization of that branch of the courts, and James Boys, one of the first Postmasters. From Indiana we have Benjamin Williams, and from Connecticut, Amos A. Brown, two of the early Justices of the Peace in this section of the county, and whose courts furnished many an amusing incident of the backwoods. The great State of New York gave us that old Jackson Democrat, Judge W. P. Brown, the first Judge of the Wood- ford County Court. "Learned in the law" and the compeer of Douglas and Lincoln, and David Davis in the dawning period of Illinois' greatness, the Judge's mind is well stored with anecdotes of these great men, some of which will be given to embellish the pages of this history. Of Wilson Tucker, Hum- phrey Leighton, C. P. Mason and Jesse Dale, not much is known. The latter, however, was once known to be Treasurer of Woodford County, and it is said tried to bury the funds in the ground for safe-keeping, and that upon one par- ticular time he buried them so securely that he had a long search before he could find them. The Panther Creek settlement was commenced at an early day. As early as 1828, there was a cabin or two scattered throu2;h the timber that skirted its banks. Amasa Stout and a man named Bilbery Avere among the first to settle in this section, but concerning them we could obtain but little information. In 1829, the Patricks, and in 1830, the Watkinses and the McCords, who were followed the next year by the Richardsons and Joseph Wilkerson. Noel and Basil Meek settled here in 1832, and Rev. James Robeson and James Rayburn, in 1835. Like the other settlements already mentioned, many of these pioneers came from Kentucky and Tennessee, and have done their part in building up the good old county. Thomas A. McCord is one of the old veterans of this little flock, and is verging on to his three score and ten years, but is still vigor- ous and hearty for his time of life. This settlement extended into Panola, El Paso, Roanoke and Greene Townships, and has furnished some of the live busi- ness men of those towns. The first settlement at White Oak Grove was made about the time of that on Panther Creek, by Robert and Samuel Philips, in 1828. John Harbert settled here in 1829, and Lewis Stephens the year following. In 1831, the Bensons and Samuel Kirkpatrick arrived, and Jonah Brown, James Vance, Rev. Abner Peeler and the Carlocks in 1833. These and their descendants have spread over "the Lowlands,' otherwise Montgomery and Kansas Town- ships, and on the Mackinaw, in the southern part of the county. Another small settlement was made at Low Point, in Cazenovia Township, in 1834-5. The Buckinghams, Thomas Jones, James Owen, Isaac Moulton, James G. Bayne and Parker Morse and his sons were the first to settle in this place. Some of 232 HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. these were men of more or less celebrity in their day. Morgan Buckingham was one of the first Justices of the Peace in this section : James G. Bavne as an orator and politician of the day, and a delegate to the Convention that framed the Constitution of the State. The Morses, who first settled here, but soon removed into what is now Metamora Township, Avere New England Abolition- ists, and if they did not plant the germ of that party in Woodford County, they at least were among the first to nurture the tender plant. Being on the direct line of the "Underground Railway "' from St. Louis to Detroit, via Chicago, they became conductors on this '"line," so much patronized by the "darkies" when making a break for freedom. They were, no doubt, sincere in the part they enacted, and believed they were discharging a solemn duty in relieving the citizen of his legitimate property, recognized by the laws of the land, Avhen they thus aided the negro to escape from slavery. Many are the exciting stories they tell, as they "fight their battles o'er again,'" of their long and lonely trips by night, and through cold and storms of rain and snow, in assisting the fleeing fugitives on their way to freedom. But, like Othello, "their occupation is gone ; " and one of the results of the war was the accomplishment of the end which was the principal dogma of their political creed. In 1830, a small settlement was made near what is now Germantown, in Worth Township, and in 1885 numbered several families, of which we find John Sharpe, Samuel Beck, Thomas Sunderland, Peter Muler, Rev. Zadock Hall, Charles Molitor, .John F. Smith, Andrew Cress and Joseph Shertz. Many of these are fi'om France and Germany, and rank in thrift and prosperity with any citizens in the county. Old " Father"' Hall, as everybody calls him, is one of the first Methodist preachers in this section of the country. Thus we have endeavored to notice briefly the first permanent settlements made in Wood- ford County, and with a short retrospective view of some events connected with this early settlement, we will resume our work. XOTED CHARACTERS. Like every other portion of this great and glorious country of ours. Wood- ford County can boast of some rather distinguished people, past and present. Of these we Avill mention William H. Delph, an old settler, who came to Illinois from Lexington, Kentucky, in 1830, and first located at Jacksonville. He had learned the trade of engineer in Kentucky, which vocation he followed after coming west, and was the first engineer to run a train of cars on an Illinois railroad — a road that extended from Jacksonville to Meredosia on the Illinois River, and was known as the " Great Western Railroad." It is quite interest- ing to hear Mr. Delph describe this primitive engine, as well as the running of the trains on the road. Our descriptive powers are not sufiicient to transfer the picture to these pages. He relates how, on a certain occasion, the train over- took a man walking on the tack, whom he recognized as a deaf mute living near by, and without stopping or checking up his train, he walked round on the HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 233 ^' deck " to the front of the engine, and, putting out his hand, pushed the man out of the way. Mr. Delph, while living at Lexington, Kentucky, remembers very distinctly the visit of General La Fayette to that place, during his tour of LTnited States in 1825. He states that he had an introduction to the General, and in the evenino- sat in a Masonic Lodge with him. He claims to he one of the oldest Masons living in the State of Illinois, having belonged to the Frater- nity nearly sixty years. He was made Postmaster at Metamora by Abraham Lincoln, an office he held until the inauguration of President Hayes, when he resio'ned. John Brickler, a native of Lorraine, France, and one of the early settlers near the present town of Metamora, and who died a few years ago, on the place whore his daughter, Mrs. Farver, now lives, was a soldier in the Grand Army of France in its ill-fated expedition into Russia, under the First Napoleon, and shared in the privations and miseries of the disastrous retreat from Moscow — an event in which there is probably embodied more of "glory and of gloom " than anything of its kind in the annals of man. Many of his old acquaintances are yet familiar with the stories he used to tell, of that awful retreat and its accom- paniment of horrors, when his starving, freezing comrades, after struggling through the storm all the long dreary day, sunk down at niglit, many to rise no more, while the blinding storm rapidly wove its winding sheet, and the tall pines, swaying and roaring in the wind, howled their mournful requiem. Louis Guibert, an old pioneer of the Spring Bay settlement, was born in France, and was a soldier of the Republic and of the First Empire, sharing in many of the great battles of Napoleon. At the battle of Austerlitz, he beheld one-half of his company shot down by a single discharge of an enemy's battery ; and in another engagement, was one of eight out of a company of seventy-one men who survived the battle. He received the grai^e of Captain from Napoleon himself, on the field of Austerlitz, in acknowledgment of his bravery. He came to America in 1833, and settled near Spring Bay, in that portion of the settlement now in Partridge Township, where he peacefully spent the re- mainder of his life, in striking contrast to the stormy scenes of his earlier years. Jacob Banta, the old patriarch of the Banta family, many of whom are still living in Woodford County, was born in the State of New Jersey, almost in sight of the Empire City, and emigrated to Kentucky, with his father, Avhen but fifteen years old. In 1832, he came to Illinois, and stopped in Tazewell County, but in 1835, settled within a mile of the village of Metamora, where he died February 26, 1861, in his 90th year. Born on the eve of the mighty struggle that resulted finally in the independence of his country, and with a vivid remembrance of the roar of its battles, he died on the eve of another and mightier revolution, that f »r a time bade fair to crumble it into ruins, and it seems an act of mercy, that he was taken hence before the storm of civil war burst upon the land he loved so well. 234 HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. John Page, Sr., already mentioned in this history, came from New Hamp- shire. He was a man of sterling honesty and noble aspirations, who would have sacrificed his right arm rather than to stoop to a mean act. Often favored with public trusts — having once been sent to the Legislature from this district, and three times from his old district, in New Hampshire — he took no delight in these honors, but always preferred the proud title of an honest farmer. In 1834. he made a trip through this Western country, with a view of seeking a new home. He traveled on horseback over this vast and wonderful countrv — wonderful in many respects to the quiet citizens of the "'■ Old Granite Hill " — and in the latter part of the Summer returned home, well pleased with his trip to the West. As he was the first from the mountains of Gilmanton (his na_ tive town) to visit the " Prairie Land," his neighbors gathered at his house, on his return, and listened, with deep interest, to his description of the country he had seen. In May, 1835, with the little colony we alluded to in connection with the Metamora settlement, he started again for the Great West. They came, by wagons, to Troy, N. Y,, thence, by canal, to Buffalo. Here they took a steamer to Cleveland, 0., thence, by canal, to Portsmouth, on the Ohio River, and by steamboat down the Ohio, and up the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers to Pekin, 111., and finally to the settlement near the present town of Meta- mora. In proof of the estimation in which Mr. Page was held among those who knew him. we give the following, copied from the original : Marshal's Office of the United States, fok the^ District of New Hampshibe, J- At Gilmanton, April Iti, 183.5. ' To WHOM it may Concern : This is to Certify, That I am well acquainted with the bearer, John Page, Escj., of said Gil- rnanton : that \Te were both born, bred and brought up in paid town together, and have there resided up to this time. And as he is about to leave his native land, to settle in a sister State, I do most cheerfully and respectfully recommend him to the good people of the United States, wherever he may be, as a gentleman of the highest sense of honor, honesty and integrity, and whose character is unimpeachable ; and who is as much beloved and respected by his friends and acquaintances (which are numerous) as any other gentleman of his age in the ■' Granite State." And may God, in His infinite mercy, prosper and protect him and his beloved family, in the great enterprise they have undertaken. PEARSON COGSWELL, Marshal of the United States for the District of New Hampihire. New Hampshire District. By request, I hereby certify that I am well acquainted with Hon. Pearson Cogswell. Mar- shal of New Hampshire DistricJ, and know that the foregoing certificate is in his proper hand- writing. In verification whereof, I have hereto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of the District Court of the United States, [l. s.] for New Hampshire District. CHARLES W. CUTTER, aerk. HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 23r) That Mr. Page was all that was represented in the foregoing, can be attested by hundreds still living in Woodford County. He was of the Society of Friends, or Quakers, of the broadest benevolence, and a man of peace. " Peace folds her snowy pinions o'er his grave, And soft winds sigh the requiem of his soul, As he sleeps 'neath flowers fair." He died October ], 1855, and the affection of his surviving sons, on whose shoulders the father's mantle worthily rests, have placed a noble monument in the village cemetery to his memory. Further mention of the Pages is made in the history of Metamora Town- ship. Thomas Bullock, familiarly known as " Uncle Tom " Bullock, and the very father of Woodford County, is a scion of the old Bullock stock of Kentucky, than whom none better exists in that proud old Commonwealth, so prolific of great men. To him, it may be said, the county owes its existence ; he it was that took the initiative steps toward its formation, and he, after the preliminary steps were taken, engineered the project safely through all the forms of " red tape " in the General Assembly, until it came forth from the '" Governmental furnace " a full-fledged county. He has always been an active and enterprising man — foremost in every enterprise intended to promote the welfare of the county in which he takes such a lively interest. Count Clopiska, a native of Poland, who, for some state or political offense, was expatriated from his native land, came to the United States, and to Illinois, and for several years lived in the city of El Paso. He was a fine type of the polished gentleman, and his misfortunes were a key to the warm hearts of the American people. The citizens of El Paso took a strong interest in his Avelfare, and when he died, "a stranger in a strange land," with no loved one nigh to smooth his dying pillow or wipe the cold, damp dews from his paling brow, Mr. W. M. Jenkins, an old and honored citizen of El Paso, had him neatly interred in his own lot in the city cemetery, where the distinguished old for- eigner sleeps as peacefully, perhaps, as if he slumbered in the marble vaults of his ancestors. There are many others of more or less prominence in the county, who will be particularized in the history of their respective townships, and the sections where their talents have been employed. ORGANIZATION OF WOODFORD COUNTY. We have already given the names of settlers, so far as can be obtained up to the year 1835, with the date of their settlements, and showing their increase in numbers every year from the time Blanchard built the first cabin on this side of the Illinois River, in 1822. By the year 1840, the population had become so numerous that the organization of the new county seemed an actual necessity. The counties in which these settlements were embraced were large, and many 236 HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. of the inhabitants at an inconvenient distance from the places of holding the courts. A few men of Walnut Grove, and in the vicinity of Versailles, then the principal town, made an effort, in 1840, to secure a new county, and a petition to the Legislature was prepared and, after receiving the requisite number of signers, was presented to that august body, then in session, by Mr. Thomas Bullock, who has been mentioned as the prime mover in the affair from the first inception of the project until its final accomplishment. As a relic of interest in the history of the county, we copy the entire act from the original docu- ment, noAY before us, with all the official names and signatures appended required in the premises to render it valid : An Act for the Formation of the Countij of Woodford. Section 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly., That all that section of country situated in the following boundry, to wit : beginning at the southwest corner of Livingston County, thence on a straight line to the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of Section Twenty. Township Twenty-five North. Range One, east of the Third Principal ^leridau ; thence south to the northwest corner of the southwest quarter of Section Twenty-nine, Township and Range aforesaid, thence west to the Tazewell County line, thence north one and a-half miles, thence west to the center of Township Twenty-five North, Range Two. West of the Third Principal Meridian, thence north to the line between Townships Twenty-six and Twenty-seven, thence west to the Illinois River, thence with said river to the northwest corner of Tazewell County, thence with the northern boundary of Tazewell and McLean counties to Livingston County, thence sottth to the beginning ; which shall constitute a county to be called Woodford. Sec. 2. There shall be an election held on the second Monday in April next, at the town of Versailles, and at each of the places of voting for Justices of the Peace and Constables in the limits of the said County of Woodford. The election shall be conducted by the present Judges of Elections in said county, who have been appointed by the counties of Tazewell and McLean, in accordance with the election laws of the State, at which election the legal voters of the said county of IFoorf/brrfshall elect all county officers fcr said county, who shall be qualified and commissioned as similar officers are of other counties of this State. Said officers so elected and qualified shall hold their offices until the next ensuing general election for such officers now provided l)y law. and shall have the same jurisdiction, and discharge all the duties within the limits of the said county of Woodford that are required by law of similar officers of other counties of this State. Sec. 3. Within five days after said election, the Jtidges of Election at the different places of voting shall return the poll books of said election to the town of Versailles, in said county, directed to Matthew Bracken. John W. Brown and Morgan Buckingham, three acting Justices of the Peace within the limits of said county, and the said Justices shall meet in the said town of Versailles within seven days after said election and proceed to open said election returns, and do and perform all the duties in relation to said returns that now are required of Clerks of County Coinmissioners' Courts by law in relation to similar returns. Sec. 4. As soon as the county officers shall have been elected and qualified as provided for in this act. the county shall be considered organized, and the Clerk of the County Commissioners' Court shall give notice of the same to the Judge of the Eighth Judicial Circuit, who shall appoint a Clerk of the Circuit Court, and hold courts in said county, at the town of Versailles, until the county seat of said county shall be located as hereinafter provided for. Said county of Woodford shall form a part of tlie Eighth Judicial Circuit until otherwise provided by law. Sec. 5. Suits and indictments that have been commenced, or may hereafter be commenced, in the Circuit Court of Tazewell or McLean Counties, by any of the citizens living in the county of Woodford, before the organization thereof,shall not be affected by this act, but all suits so com- menced shall be decided in the Circuit Courts of the Counties of Tazewell and McLean, where they originated. HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 237 Sec. 6. All .Justices of the Peace and Constables elected in the counties of Tazewell or lyicLean, who reside in the limits of the county of AVoodford, shall hold their offices and have jurisdiction in the said county of Woodford, as though they had been originally elected in said county. Sec. 7. The school funds belonging to the several townships in said county, and all notes and mortgages pertaining to the same, shall be paid and delivered over to the School Commis- sioner of the county of Woodford by the School Commissioners of the counties of Tazewell and McLean so soon as said county shall be organized and the Commissioner of School Lands ap- pointed and qualified according to law, together with all interest arising out of said money that has not been heretofore expended for school purposes in those parts of Tazewell and McLean Counties now included in the county of Woodford. Sec. 8. The seat of justice of said county shall be temporarily located in the town of Ver- sailles for the term of two years from and after the organization of said county, Provided the inhabitants of said town furnish a good and suitable house for holding courts and for other public business, free of charge to said county, ])ut. on their failing to comply with said condi- tion, the County Commissioners may remove the same to such place where a suitable building can be procured. It shall be the duty of the Clerk of the County Commissioners' Court to issue writs of election to the .Judges of Election in the several precincts of said county to hold an election, to be governed in all respects by the laws of this State in relation to the election of Members of the General Assembly, within thirty days from and after the expiration of the above said two years, to locate and establish the seat of justice. The place receiving a majority of all the votes polled shall be the permanent seat of justice of Woodford County. But if more than one place shall have been voted for and no one having received a majority of all the legal votes polled, the Clerk aforesaid shall issue writs of election, as in the iirst case, for a second election within twenty days from the tirst election, but no place or places shall be voted for but the two having received the greatest number of votes at the first election ; nor shall any place be voted for in either case unless the proprietor or proprietors shall have first deposited a bond or bonds for at least fifteen hundred dollars, with good and sufficient security, in the office of the Clerk of the County Commissioners' Court, for the payment and discharge of such donations as may be offered, which shall be collected by the County Commissioners and applied to the erection of public buildings. Sec. 9. The County Commissioners of the County of Woodford shall, at their December term in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-one, and at their December term annually thereafter, pay out of the County Treasury the sum of ninety-five dollars, which sum shall be- paid as their portion of the interest due by the county of McLean on the county house debt ; and the County Commissioners shall also pay, after the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-four, in two equal annual installments, the sum of twelve hundred dollars, as their respect- ive portion of the principal of the aforesaid debt; and when the provisions of this section are fully complied with, the said county of Woodford shall be exempt from all furtiier liabilities to the county of ^IcLean, provided, however, that the revenue necessary to pay the above principal and interest shall be collected from the inhabitants within that part of Woodford County which is set off from the county of McLean. Sec. 10. The legal voters residing within the boundaries of the county of Woodford shall continue to vote for Senators and Representatives with the counties of McLean and Tazewell, the same as if no division of said counties had taken place, and the returns of said elections shall be made to the Clerks of the County Commissioners' Courts of Tazewell and McLean respect- ively ; the Circuit shall be held in said county, at such times as the Judge of the Eighth Judicial Circuit may hereafter appoint, until otherwise provided by law. W. L. D. EWING, \ Speaker of the House of Representatives. S. H. ANDERSON, Approved February 17, 1841. Speaker of the Senate. THO. CARLIN, Governor. 238 HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. STATE OF ILLINOIS, \ Office of Secretary of State, j I, Stephen A. Douglas, Secretary of State, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true and perfect copy of the enrolled law on file in my office. Witness my hand and the seal of State. [Seal of the State.] Springfield, February 27, 1841. S. A. DOUGLAS, Sec. of State. About the time the movement was made for the organization of Woodford County, a similar one was inaugurated at Washington, a village of Tazewell, for a new county, with the county seat at that place. On learning, however, of Bullock's project, and the start he had of them in the matter, the Washington people changed their petition into the form of a remonstrance to the Legislature against the new county of Woodford. TRe contest of the two parties became close and warm, and each found in the other " Foemen worthy of their steel." For some time the excitement ran pretty high, and considerable doubt existed aa to which would be the successful party. But the untiring energy and persever- ance of Mr. Bullock finally won the day, and after a stormy and tedious contest in the General Assembly, it passed both houses and received the signature of the Governor as noted above. Thus sprang into existence the county of Wood- ford, with its seat of justice at the village of Versailles. The names — Wood- ford and Versailles — were both given by Mr. Bullock in honor of his old county and its capital in Kentucky, which are the same. THE FIRST CIRCUIT COURT. The first session of the Circuit Court was held on the 24th day of Septem- ber, 1841, by Hon. Samuel H. Treat, presiding in the Eighth Judicial Circuit, to which circuit Woodford County was assigned. Judge Treat had previously appointed the Fridays before the fourth Monday in April and September in each year, as the time for holding the Circuit Court, and had also appointed Samuel J. Cross Clerk. The following extract is taken from the records of the first session of the court : "Present, Hon. Saml. H. Treat, one of the Justices of the Supreme Court, presiding and holding court in the Eighth Judicial Circuit of the State of Illinois; Saml. J. Cross, Clerk, and William S. Magarity, Sheriff." The following were the Grand Jurors at this session, as copied from the court records : "John Page, Sr., Foreman, Thos. A. McCord, John Mohr, S.Y.Barnard, Reubin Carlock, H. J. Clark, James Findley, David Travis, Elijah Dickinson, Caleb Davidson, Ellis Parker, Parker Morse, Sr., William Dodd, James Owens, John C. Coons, Joseph Wilkerson, George Bennett and Jesse Hammers," who were " elected, charged and sworn to inquire for the body of the County of Woodford." But two indictments were made by this jury — one against Nathaniel Wilson for larceny, who gave bail for his appearance at the next term of court, :^ EL PASO HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 241 and the other against Alfred Moore for arson, who petitioned for a change of venue to Tazewell County, Avhich was granted, and he gave the necessary bail. Samuel J. Cross presented his bond for two thousand dollars, with Thos. H. Baker, Reubin Carlock and Henry J. Clarke as securities, which was approved by the court, when he was sworn in by M. L. Covell, Clerk of McLean County. The Sheriff's bond for one thousand dollars, with James Magarity, Daniel Travis and David Deweese as securities, also the bond for two thousand dollars of William Hoshor as Coroner, with Robert M. Clarke as security, were pre- sented and approved. The oath to "• support the Constitution of the United States and the State of Illinois," was then administered, and the new officers entered upon their duties. The first case on the docket was : George Cage. Appellee, \ vs y In Appeal. Isaac W. Lowe, Appellant, j " It is ordered by the Court that this suit be dismissed, as per agreement on file. It is, there- fore, considered that the plaintitf recover of the defendant his costs, etc., and that he have execu- tion." The Court lasted two days, and in addition to the business already noticed, several suits for debt were tried, in which judgment was given for default. Among the lawyers present were Abraham Lincoln, David Davis, A. Gridley, Col. E. D. Baker and several others of some promi- nence in this section of the State. David R. Campbell, of Springfield, was present as State's Attorney. The first case tried by the jury was at the April Term, in 1842, and was : " The People of the State of Illinois ] vs. V Indictment for intent to injiict bodily iiijui'y." .James L. Gardiner. J The following were the jurors' in the case: George M. Arnold, Chas. T. Boggs, James Bracken, John Barnes, Samuel Arnold, Ephraim Potter, Sr,, Samuel Kirkpatrick, Allen Hart, George Bennett, Lewis Stevens, David Deweese and Samuel Mundell, who returned a verdict of "Guilty," and he was " fined thirty dollars and costs." The first prisoner sent to State's Prison from the county was one William Hopkins, for larceny, on a change of venue from Tazewell County. The case was tried at the September Term in 1850, and the prisoner having withdrawn his plea of "Not Guilty" and pleaded " Guilty," was sentenced to the " State Penitentiary, at Alton, for the period of eighteen months, twenty days of which shall be in solitary confinement, and the residue of said term at hard labor," by Hon. David Davis, the presiding Judge at the time. THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COURT. In accordance with the act forming Woodford County, an election was held in April, 184 L, for county officers, which resulted as follows: John J. Perry, Clerk ; Joseph Meek, James Boys and Josiah Moore, County Commissioners • Wm. S. Magarity, Sheriff. At the first term of the County Commissioners' Court, held in June, 1841, the term of service of the Commissioners was decided by lot, Joseph Meeks receiving the shortest term, which expired August, 1841, James Boys, 1842, and Josiah Moore, 1843. The county was laid off into four election precincts, viz.: First Precinct, Bowling Green, with Eli Patrick, 242 HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY Samuel Arnold and Samuel Kirkpatrick as Judges of Election ; Second Pre- cinct, Versailles, with Henry J. Clark, Warren C. Watkins and Ben Major, Judges of Election ; Third Precinct, Partridge, Jefferson Iloshor, John Page, Sr., and Joel Raney, Judges of Elections ; Fourth Precinct, Richland, Benj. D. Perry, Jessie Hammers and Jefferson Sonards, Judges of Elections. Reubin Carlock, of Bowling Green ; Benj. J. Radford, of Versailles ; John Page, of Partridge, and J. Foster, of Richland, were appointed Overseers of the Poor ; Ben. Major, County Commissioner of Schools. The Court elected the Grand and Petit Jurors for the Circuit Court Term, to be held in the following Sep- tember. The names of the Grand Jurors have already been given in connec- tion with the Circuit Court, and the following are the Petit Jurors for the same term : Wesley Arnold, Jacob Stevenson, William Long, William Willis, James A. Whorton, Thos. H Baker, John P. Beaty, Thos. Bullock, Benj. J. Rad- ford, M. R. Bullock, David Deweese, Jas. Wells, James Brown, Cooley Curtis, Francis Boggs, Andrew Galbraith, Solomon Tucker, Aaron Richardson, Samuel Arnold, Wm. S. Pratt, Norman Dutton, George Kingston, C. D. Banta and A. A. Brown. The following entry appears upon the records at this session of the County Commissioners' Court : "• Ordered that Samuel J. Cross, Clerk of the Circuit Court, and John J. Perry, Clerk of the County Commissioners' Court, are hereby authorized to procure two official seals, one for the Circuit Court, with a ' Balance ' for a design, and one for the County Commissioners' Court, and for a design, the likeness of a sheaf of wheat ; when procured, to be paid for out of the County Treasury." William Rockwell Avas the first Col- lector of Revenue for Woodford County, and filed a bond for four thousand dollars, with David Travis, Wm. Dodd and Isaac J. Sunderland as security, which was accepted by the Court. The following is the first report : AVm. Rockwell, Collector of Revenue for IS4I, Woodford County. To Treasurer's receipts $1,034 60 By Treasurer's receipts $891 18 By comiuission on first S500, at ten per cent 50 00 By commission on $491.17, at six per cent 28 15 By delinquent list, as above 3 80 By lands and town lots advertised 61 47 $1,034 60 James S. McCord was the first County Treasurer, and gave a bond for $3,000, with Joseph Brown and James V. Philips as securities. The following is his first report : James S. McCord, Treasurer, In Account with W^oodford County. To Collector's receipts ' $1,034 60 By county orders paid $613 61 By jury certificates 24 00 By commissions, at two per cent 12 75 By amount allowed Collector 78 15 By delimiuent list 3 80 By lands and town lots advertised 67 41 $793 78 Balance in my hands $240 82 March 7, 1842. HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 243 In contrast to this diminutive beginning of the financial affairs of a pros- perous county, "Nve would state just here that the County Collector and Treas- urer for 1878, Ayers M. Whitaker, as Collector, gave bond for ^115,000 ; and as Treasurer, gave bond for $150,000, with ample security, which was received and approved by the Board of Supervisors. The Chancery Court was organized in 1842, and held its first term on the 22d day of April, under Hon. Samuel H. Treat. There were but a few cases on the docket, and none of any great importance. Samuel J. Cross was ap- pointed the first Master in Chancery, an office he held for a number of years. The first deed on record in the Clerk's Office of Woodford County is the conveyance of a parcel of land from " Isaac Williams and his Avife, Eliza L. Williams, of the county of Tazewell, and State of Illinois, to James Ross, of Todd County, Ky., and John H. Baker, of Montgomery County, Tenn., for and in consideration of the sum of $673.60, to them in hand paid, the receipt whereof, etc.; they, by these presents, etc.; the east half of Section numbered 50, of Township 26 north, of Range 1, west of the Third Principal Meridian, containing, by government survey, 320 acres," etc. This deed was acknowl- edged before Matthew Bracken, Justice of the Peace, of Woodford County, under date of May 14, 1841, and recorded June 28, 1841. The first mortgage was given by George Roderkin and Elizabeth, his wife, to John H. Robbins, on Lot No. 4, in Block No. 11, and east half of Lot No. 1, in Block No. 12, of the town of Versailles, and "for and in consideration of the sum of $86.41," dated August 3, 1841, and recorded August 4, 1841. The first sale of land for delinquent taxes was at the Court House in Ver- sailles, on the 2d day of May, 1842, for the unpaid taxes of 1841, and con- sisted of twenty-three tracts of land sold, most of which was soon after re- deemed. The first "letters of administration " were issued to Henry J. Clark, on the estate of Jacob Stevenson, deceased, under the date of December 20, 1841. The first marriage license on record after the organization of the county was issued to Peter Hininger and Margaret Hern, May 22, 1841, who were married by Matthew Bracken, Justice of the Peace, June 8, 1841 ; and during this first year of the new county, twenty-seven marriage licenses were issued. With a commendable desire to obey the command, " Go ye and multiply and fill the earth," there were issued from the County Clerk's office, for the year 1877, 171 licenses to those eager to fulfill the scriptural injunction. FINAL LOCATION OF THE COUNTY SEAT. As will be noticed in the original act for the formation of Woodford County, the seat of justice was to remain for two years at the town of Versailles, when the final question as to the place of its location was to be submitted to a vote of the people. As is usual in new counties, many towns and villages of Woodford aspired to the dignity of becoming the county seat, of which the most formidable 244 HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. contestant Avas tlie village of Metamora, then called Hanover. The act had been prepared* — giving the people the right to decide the county seat question by vote — under the impression that with the seat of justice at Versailles for two years, it would so increase the importance of the place and the population in its vicinity, as to render the result of a vote favorable to it, but falling somewhat short in their expectations, Mr. Bullock still determined to retain the " court at Versailles" if at all possible, and at the next session of the Legislature, went to Springfield, where he succeeded in getting a bill before the body to locate the seat of justice by three Commissioners — named in the bill — who were supposed to have been selected because of their partiality for the town of Versailles. Woodford was not yet entitled to a Representative in the General Assembly, but had continued to vote as heretofore, with Tazewell County, whose Represen- tative was Mr. Tackerberry, of Pekin. On learning of the new movement on foot to locate the county seat by Commissioners, instead of by vote of the peo- ple, and which had been represented as being the wish of the latter, Tackerberry wrote to John Page, Sr., of Hanover, and was informed by Mr. Page of the true state of aifairs, that the people had expected to vote upon the question, and was ready at any time to settle it in that way. Page and S. S. Parks hastened to Springfield, when they found the bill had passed to its second read- ing, and with all their "lobbying," and "log rolling," could only succeed in getting a " supplemental act " to the original, giving them two additional Com- missioners, we believe, of their own selection. A meeting of these Commis- sioners was called at Versailles, in June, 1843, for the purpose of settling the mooted question. The five Commissioners were J. L. Sharp, of Fulton County; L. A. Hanaford, of Peoria; John H. Harris, of Tazewell; James K. Scott, of De Witt and John H. Bryant, of Bureau, a brother of Wm. Cullen Bryant, the poet. There still seems to have been wire pulling, even after the passage of the acts, and the appointment of the Commissioners, together with time which was to settle the question. Sharp, the Commissioner from Fulton County, started for the place of meeting according to appointment, but at Pekin received information that the Commissioners had already met at Versailles, and there not being a quorum present, had left for their homes, without accomplish- ing anything, when he, too, turned homeward. Upon the assembling of all interested in the exciting question, and the Hanover faction learning of the trick played upon them in sending Sharp — who, if not favorable to them, was at least, they believed, unbiased — about his business, started John W. Page after him post haste, to bring him back in time for the meeting which was to take place the next day. Page, after a long and tedious chase, finally came up with Sharp at Centerville, in Fulton County, and inquired, " Are you Mr. Sharp? " and being answered in the afiirmative, replied, " then I "am after you sharp." Upon receiving a full explanation of how matters stood, Sharp agreed to return, and they immediately set out, but his horse gave out by the time * Under the aupervisiou of Mr. Bullock aud the Veraailles party. HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 245 they reached Washington, where they were forced to remain over night. The next morning they came on to Versailles and the Commissioners held their meeting. After visiting the different points contesting for the honor of the position, it was finally settled, and possibly for all time, accorning to the follow- ing report on file in the County Clerk's office : We. the undersigned, Commissioners, appointed by an aet of the Legislature of the State of Illinois to locate the seat of justice of the county of Woodford, approved February 28,1843. and an act supplemental to said act, approved March 6, 1843, having met at the town of Ver- sailles, and been duly sworn according to the provisions of said act, have proceedel to examine said county and the different sites proposed for said seat of justice with respect to the present and future population of said county, and after mature deliberation have agreed to locate the said seat of justice in the town of Hanover, on Sections 17 and 20, in Township 27 north of the base line. Range 2 west of the Third Principal Meridan, and that the public buildings for said county be built on such blocks or lots as the County Commissionei'S of said county shall think best. Done at Versailles, this 17th day of .Tune. 1843. .1. L. SHARP, L. A. HANAFORD. JOHN H. BRYANT. Commissioners. THE COURT HOUSE. The present Court House of Woodford County Avas built in 1845, by David Irving. The contract was taken by Rockwell and Parks, two prominent citizens of Hanover, and the former a stockholder in the Hanover Company, which com- pany owned some 12,000 acres of land near the town. Its members had taken an active i)art in getting the county seat removed to Hanover, and made, it is said, liberal donations toward the erection of the public buildings. Neither Rockwell nor Parks being mechanics, they sub-let the contract for building the Court House to Mr. Irving, who at once proceeded to work preparing timbers and material for it. Building facilities Avere not s^ good nor so complete then as at the present day, and such a contract was looked upon as an undertaking of stupendous magnitude. Railroads in Illinois, as w^ell as in the United States, were in their infancy, and such a transaction as going to Chicago, buying the material for a large building and receiving it on the spot in a day or two after purchase, was an event beyond the wildest imagination of the most visionary individual of the time. Irving burned his OAvn brick, got out the timbers in the neighboring forest, cut logs and hauled them to Parks' saw-mill, at what was then called Partridge Point, from which the lumber was sawed for the joists and the floors. The finishing lumber was white walnut, from Johnson's mill, near Spring Bay, where the log-s were cut and sawed. It was covered with shingles made of black wal- nut, in the woods near town, and the lime, with the'exception of a small quan- tity burned near the work, was hauled in wagons from the Kickapoo bluffs, beyond Peoria. The contract for building was taken by Irving for f4,400 and was paid for with the lots donated by the Hanover Company for the purpose, and with the surplus revenues of the county for two years. It is a substantial two story brick, of much better material and workmanship than is usually put 246 HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. into a building at the present day, at that modest price, and is a type of the old court houses of forty years ago, still numerous in Illinois. The house used in A^ersailles, for the sessions of the Ponorable Court, has, it is said by some, passed away Avitti other relics, and, by others, that it has fallen from its exalted position and been converted into a stock barn. After the removal of the county seat to Hanover (now Metamora), and until the Court Couse was completed, court was held in a little house which stood at the southeast corner of the square, where Plank's law office now stands. The September session, in 1843, was the first Circuit Court held in the new metropolis. In those days there seem to have been no blue or red ribbon societies as now, as the records of the court for several years show that most of the indictments were for selling liquors, with a few variations occasionally, for " harboring slaves." In 1849, the Legislature changed the mode of holding Countv Court, from -o'"""'"*"^ "^ — ^^n — o Commissioners to a Countv Judge and two Associate Justices. Jud^-e Welcome P. Brown was the first County Judge under this law, with William C. Pointer and W. E, Buckinoham Associates, and Edgar Babcock the first Clerk. Their commissions were signed bv Augustus C. French, Governor of Illinois, and H. S. Cooler, Secretary of State. The first business on the records of this new court was the granting of a license to one David A. Couch to keep a "grocery" at Spring Bay, he to pay the enormous sum of $6.25 license, after giving bond. When the county was re-organized under Government survey, in 1850, the list of townships and their Supervisors was as follows, viz. : Metamora, Simon P. Shope ; Montgomery, James Vance ; Olio, Joseph Meek ; Panola and Minonk, Robert M. McCleland ; Greene, John R. Gaston ; Roanoke, David S. Brown ; Linn and Clayton, Isaac Fisher; Cazenovia, John W. Acres; Worth, Jacob Shook ; Spring Bay, Geo. W. Schrubley ; Partridge, Jeflerson Hoshor ; Palestine, Allen Hart. Simon P. Shope was elected Chairman for the ensuing year, at their first meeting, and Edgar Babcock Clerk ; but no business was done other than organization. According to the statutes, it became necessary for the Clerk to record the abstract of taxable property, which, for 1854, the first year the act was in force, was as follows : Personal property of Woodford County ? 640,303.00 Real estate of Woodford County 1.589,926.00 Total personal and real §2,230,229.00 Total tax levied 19,051.44 As showing the county's increase in wealth and in taxes, we append the assessed valuation of property for 1877 and the amount of taxes levied: Total real and personal \ S7,901,lfi0.00 Total tax levied 174,7;-i2.00 The expenditures for the year ending September 1,1877 24,528.73 At the Presidential election in 1844, the first after the organization of Woodford County, the vote stood as follows: Polk Electors (Democratic), 3 :2 ; Clay Electors (Whig), 159. HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 247 Presidential election in 1876: Tilden Electors (Democratic), 2,105; Hayes Electors (Republican), 1,733: Peter Cooper Electors (Independent), 237. At present, Hon. J. M. McCulloch is Judge of the Woodford County Court; Y. M. Bassett, Clerk ; John Leys and Jacob Ray, Deputies, and L. H. Bul- lock, Sheriff. George Thode is Clerk of the Circuit Court, and N. P. Baker Deputy. Hon. John Burns, of Lacon, is the Presiding Judge of this the Eio-hth Judicial Circuit. David Irving, mentioned as building the present Court House, was the third Sheriff of the county after its organization, and Deputy for the term previous to his election as Sheriff. THE " ANCIENT CAPITAL." Versailles, the first capital of Woodford County, was once a beautiful and thriving little village, with the brightest prospects of a prosperous future, and a location favorably adapted (geographically) to warrant the fulfillment of its expec- tations. It had been laid out with much care, upon the most eligible site, equaling, if not even surpassing, "-Rome upon her Seven Hills," commanding a view of the surrounding country, its towering forests and vast prairies stretch- ing away beyond the power of vision, and combining a picture of beauty that w^ould have enraptured the heart of a poet or painter. Near the center of the •county, and easy of access from all directions, Avere qualifications that seemed to point it out as the proper place for the seat of justice over all contestants. But with the removal of the county seat to Hanover, the star of its destiny Tjegan to wane, and the remembrance of its glory has almost faded from the minds of men. Its decaying buildings show the " ivy clinging to their mould- ering towers," or "hoary lichen springing from the disjointed stones," and, mocked by its own desolation, " The bat, shrill shrieking, woos its flickering mate, The serpent hisses and the wild birds scream." Versailles is no more ; its business is gone, and the place that once knew it as a flourishing village Avill soon know it no more forever. It is always a mel- ancholy duty to write of death or decay, and we would have fain avoided it in this case, but a faithful historian can be no " respecter of persons " or events of a public character. Taking a disinterested view of the organization of the county and all the attendant circumstances, the originators of the scheme, the name of both county and capital, and the source from which they were derived, it seems a fact to be regretted that Versailles could not have remained perma- nently the seat of justice. Bowling Green, said to be the first point in Woodford County where goods were sold, like Versailles, was once a flourishing little village, with stores, a post office and a good mill. Business was good, the citizens energetic and industrious, and it bade fair at one time to be a leading town of the county, but 248 HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. the building of railroads carried the tide in another direction, and Bowling Green, too, is rapidly passing away and will soon be numbered with " things that were." The village of Spring Bay was another of the early business points of the county, before the era of railroads, and was almost an equal of Peoria or Pekin in energy and industry and the amount of business it did. A shipping point of importance, Avith one of the best steamboat landings on the Illinois River, the business done yearly was truly wonderful. But times with it have likewise changed ; its store and business houses are closed up, its business is dead, and everything around it speaks of decay. New towns and cities have sprung in sections of the county which were "wilderness wastes" when these villao;es were flourishing in all their pristine glory. The last quarter of a century has reversed the order of things, and these early towns, after enjoying the honor of their day. have given place to others of greater pretentions — the glory of the one has departed, while other is gilded with the bright rays of their morning's prosperity. Metamora, formerly called Hanover, and at present the county seat, is the only village laying claims to antiquity which has survived the decay of its less fortunate sisters and grown and improved until it has become a place of consid- erable distinction. The village of Hanover dates back almost, if not quite, to the dawning period of those already mentioned, but seems to have not quite so early as they attained to a business prominence and influence. OLD settlers" association. Having alluded briefly to the principal settlements made in AVoodford County at an early day, and followed it through its organization from its first formation, contrasting its present prosperity with the feeble beginning of its existence as a county, we return to the old settlers, and some of the events pertaining to the early settlement. In the latter part of 1874, the idea was conceived of form- ing an association of the old settlers still surviving, for the purpose of keeping up the old associations of the pioneer days, and preserving the reminiscences of the wilderness, where they planted their homes so long ago among the Indians and wild beasts. With this end in view, a few of the veterans met in Eureka, in December. 1874, and made the preliminary arrangements for the organization of a permanent society. After appointing an Executive Com- mittee, also a Committee to draft a Constitution and By-laws, they adjourned to meet again in one month. On the 12th day of January, 1875, the Association met in Eureka, and proceeded to perfect their organization by the adoption of a Constitution and the election of ofiicers. As we have been wholly unable to get sight of the books of the Association, we are indebted to the Eureka Journal for the proceedings of this meeting. The Executive Committee re- ported the order of business to be : 1st. Reading of the Minutes of last meeting. "Jd. Adoption of a Constitution. 3d. The Election of Officers lor the ensuing year. HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 249 The following is the Constitution and By-laws, as reported by the Com- mittee appointed to draft them, and unanimously adopted by the Association at this meeting : Article 1. This Association sha]l be called the Old Settlers' Association of Woodford County. Art. 2. The objects of this Association shall be the collection and preservation of the history of Woodford County, the renewal of old associations, and such other business as the Association may see tit to adopt. Art. 8. Any person may become a member of this Association who was a resident of Woodford County, or any adjoining county, when Woodford was organized, in September, 1841, subscribing to this Constitution, and paying one dollar initiation fee. Art. 4. The Officers of this Association shall consist of one President, one Vice President, one additional Vice President from each township in the county, one Secretary, one Corre- sponding Secretary, and a Treasurer, who shall be elected by ballot and hold their offices one year, or until their successors are elected. Art. 5. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Association. and to perform such other duties as may devolve upan him as such officer. Art. C). It shall be the duty of the Vice President to assist the President in keeping order, and, in case of the absence or death of the President, to act as President. Art. 7. It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep a faithful record of the proceedings of the Association, in a book to be furnished by the Association for that purpose. The Corresponding Secretary shall attend to all correspondence of the Association and preserve the same. Art. 8. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to take charge of all moneys belonging to the Association, to receive and pay out the same upon the order of the President and Secretary. Art. 9. This Association shall have power at any regular meeting to assess a sum, not to exceed one dollar, upon each member, which shall be used to defray the expenses of the Association. Art. U). This Association shall meet at the place designated by the previous meeting, on the last Tuesday in September of each year; the first meeting to be held in Eureka, on Tuesday, September 28, 1875. Art. 11. Any person may become a member of this association, who sustains a good moral character, and who was born in the county, or who has been a citizen of the same since 1852. Art. 12. The election of officers of this association shall be held at the meeting in Septem- ber, 1875, and at each annual meeting thereafter. Art. 13. This Constitution may be altered or amended at any regular meeting by a vote of two-thirds of the members present. The following officers were elected for the first term of the association : John Summers, President ; W. R. Willis, Vice President ; R. N. Radford, Secretary ; B. D. Meek, Corresponding Secretary ; P. H. Vance, Treasurer. The following additional Vice Presidents were elected for their respective townships : Montgomery Township, H. A. Robinson, Cazenovia Township, Jesse Hfimmers, Metamora " John W. Page, Linn " George Hallenback, Cruger " M. E. Davidson, Clayton '• Harvey Davidson, Palestine " L. P. Hereford, El Paso " H. W. Bullock, Pancda " M. R. Bullock, Kansas '• A. W. Carlock, Greene " Thomas A. McCord, Roanoke " Jacob Banta, Olio " Thomas Bullock, Sr., Spring Bay " Dr. J. G. Zeller, Worth " Charles Molitor, Minonk " E. D. Davidson. Partridge " Isaac Snyder, '250 HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. On motion, the President, Secretaries and Treasurer were appointed an Ex- ecutive Committee, to prepare a programme for the Fall meeting, at which time it was decided to have a grand picnic. The county papers were requested to publish the proceedings of the meeting. As the books are non est inventus, we are unable to give the names of the oricrinal members of the association, further than is given in the above list of oflBcers. At the Fall meeting, the time of holding the next annual meeting was set for July instead of September, and on the 4th of July, of the Centennial year of American Independence, they met in Eureka, as pre-arranged. Extensive preparations were made for a general good time and the celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the nations existence, by these old veterans of Wood- ford County, seemed peculiarly appropriate. At this meeting, the old officers were all re-elected, and the next meeting appointed to take place at Metamora, on the second Tuesday in September, 1877. On this occasion, the orator of the dav was Prof. B. J. Radford, who entertained the audience with an eloquent speech, in which he vividly portrayed the development and resources of our great country, and followed it through its eventful historv. from the Revolution down to the one hundredth anniversary of its independence. After the regular address, the following toasts were given : "Our Country:" Responded to hy Rev. M. P. Ormsby. "The Day we Celebrate: " Responded to by .T. A Briggs. '• Army and Navy : " Responded to by W. Bennett. " Woodford County : " Responded to by Col. B. D. Meek. "The Heroes of '76 : " Responded to by J. L. Ferris. Accoitling to programme, the Old Settlers' Association met in Metamora on the 11th of September, 1877. Says the Woodford Sentinel : " The band sum- moned them to the beautiful park at the appointed hour, when the President called the meeting to order, and Adino Page, Esq., took the stand and invited all the old settlers to come forward and take the seats prepared for them. Judge W. P. Brown, the orator of the day, was introduced and delivered an interesting address." The election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows : CD » President — Adino Page, Metoniora. Vice President— \\ . R. Willis, YA Paso. Sccmary — R. N. Radford, Eureka. Corresp nding Secretory — B. D Meek, Eureka. Treasurer — P. H. Vance. Montgomery. The following additional old settlers registered as members of the Association : W. C. Watkins, Rev. Zadock Hall, B. Kendig, A. Page, D. Kendig, W. Lamson, Geo. Arrowsmith, Thos. Clark. AVm. H. Delph, Benj. Grove, John Warren, Abner Mundell, Simeon Mundell. Jesse Hammers. Sam'l Mundell. W. Dremen, John Tanton, Richard Tanton. Jno. W. Page, Thaddeus Page, X. Dutton. W. P. Brown, D. D. Fairchild, L. P. Mor.se, J. G. Bavne, Jos. Morlev and Dr. J. S. TVhitmire. HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 251 The Sentinel continues: "And just here we would say, it was the finest lookinor crowd we ever saw, the best behaved and the most intellio;ent. A great deal of credit is due to Dr. J. S. Whitmire, A. Page and Henry Martin, for the success of the meeting. Taken all in all, it was one of the most pleasant affaii-s we ever attended, and we take leave of the subject and the old settlers' with regret, and hope to meet them again next year." The Association are making extensive preparations for their annual re-union this year, and anticipate a meeting of much interest. Indeed, it seems to be growing and increasing in interest and importance, and will no doubt exist as long as the old settlers themselves. THE FIRST POST OFFICE. The first post oflSce establislie. Munn & Scott conducted the business at Spring Bay, while AVillard remained at Fremont to close up and settle affairs there, after Avhich he opened a branch of the Spring Bay house in Metamora, of Avhich further notice is made in that part of this work. Scott was soon taken sick antl returned to Fremont, where he died, and his brother, George Scott, came to Spring Bay and took his place in the store. This firm continued in the mercantile business here and at Metamora, and also handled grain extensively for a number of years. After amassing quite a fortune, Munn and Scott went to Chicago, and there embarked in grain ; but in attempting to make "a corner" in wheat, got beyond their depth and sunk disastrously. Rising again, they went to Denver and started a quartz mill, where, it is said, they failed again, Peter Willard lives in Chicago, a prosperous and enterprising merchant. Just after Munn commenced business, a man by the name of Thornton built a residence, which was the first one erected in Spring Bay Village. C. A. Genoways and Samuel S. Burt built the first grain warehouse in 1844, and after finishing it sold it to Munn & Scott for $400. It was a frame building, 30x60 feet, with a capacity of 8,000 or 10,000 bushels. Richard Dement built a grain warehouse soon after ; also, Lewis and Jackson Williams, and for many years did a large business in grain, pork packing and general merchandise, and in which they made a small fortune. Lewis Williams owns, in addition to his other property, the old homestead in Worth Township. Hoshor and Dement built the warehouse now standing on the river bank. The one now owned by Genoways and used as a storehouse was built by Moses McManus. None of these warehouses are standing at the present day, except the last two mentioned ; the others have not survived the day of their usefulness. For about twenty years, beginning at 1844, the grain trade at this place equaled any point on the Illinois River. In its most prosperous day, Munn & Scott, Dement, McManus, William Hefelbower, were all handling grain, and all doing a heavy business. Nearly the whole county hauled grain to this place, and a hundred wagons on the streets in one day was a common occurrence. The amount of grain shipped A village in Tazewell County. HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 307 from this point, before the era of railroads, was truly wonderful, and more than one handsome little fortune was made in this unpretending village. A POST OFFICE was established in 1844, and is the only one in the township. C. S. Shults was appointed the first Postmaster. The mail was carried between this place and Peoria, and after the building of the Illinois Central Railroad, a weekly mail was established with Kappa. It was some time after the establishment of the post office, before the Government would allow a contract for carrying the mail, and whoever chanced to go to Peoria brought it back, tied up in his hand- kerchief. With many changes in the administrations of the aifairs of the olfice, it has passed into the hands of Charles Keolcher, who is the present Postmaster, with a semi-weekly mail to and from Peoria. David Couch built a hotel here in 1850, the first ever erected in the village. In the days of its prosperity, the town boasted of three hotels at one time, but they are all gone now. C. A. Genoways entertains the few travelers who chance to stray this way. Dr. John G. Zeller, one of the prominent men of the village and township, came from Bavaria, Germany, in 1847. Two years later, went back to the old country, and attended school for four years, where he graduated and returned to America. He studied medicine, and commenced the practice of the profes- sion in this place, in 1854, where he has remained ever since, with the excep- tion of five months, when attending his last session at the St. Louis Medical College, where he graduated as a physician in 1856. A man of intelligence and education, he has always taken an active part in everything calculated to promote the advancement of his town. He has a large collection of Indian relics, gathered in this immediate vicinity, in which he takes considerable inter- est ; also bones and large portions of human skeletons, likewise found here. From these bones he recognizes two distinct races of people, and very unlike each other. Hence, his theory, that the Mound Builders occupied this country previous to the Indians. Among his Indian relics are many of their rude im- plements and tools of domestic use and of war : such as axes, hatchets, toma- hawks, spear and arrow heads, pipes, etc. They are of many kinds of material, some of them rare specimens, and others of wonderful workmanship. We noticed an arrow-head of the most beautiful agate, and a pipe made of a material found only in the Missouri River country. But neither our space nor our geological information will admit of a particularization of all these specimens and relics. From relics and bones in his possession, believed to be of the Mound Builders, he holds to the opinion that they were a much larger race than the Indians, and further advanced in civilization. Dr. Zeller has devoted considerable attention to grape culture, and was the first to introduce the Concord, Delaware, Hartford and the Virginia Seedling in this section ; for which, he says, the Concord is the only serviceable one for this climate. 308 HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. Another of the solid men of Spring Bay is Mr. Gottfried Jung, who came from Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, in 1852, and commenced business as a mer- chant and lumber dealer. Having made quite a fortune, he has retired from the turmoils of business, to spend the remainder of his days in quietude, in his ele- gant home, one of the finest in the village. SPRING BAY MILLS. This mill was built, first as a steam saw-mill only, by Jo Hilenbrand in 1862. About a year after, William Burt bought an interest, and put in burrs and machiner}'^ for a grist-mill, when its value was estimated at $1,000. It is small, has but one run of burrs, and is devoted chiefly to custom work. After chang- ing owners several times, Ernest Fredericks has become the proprietor. The brewery of Peter Eichhorn is a large establishment, and was built in 1851. It was built by Mr. Eichhorn, and is a frame structure of a capacity to make about 2,000 barrels a year, most of which is shipped to Peoria, and the remainder sold in this county. It cost, including cellars, fixtures, machinery, etc., about $25,000, and is still owned by Mr. Eichhorn. The Town Hall was built in 1853 by a special tax levy for the purpose, and cost $700, but stiortly after its completion, was blown from its foundations by a gale of wind, and cost $200 more to restore it to its former grandeur. It is the most serviceable building in the place, and devoted to a variety of uses. Almost every religious denomination in the calendar, at some time or other, has used it as a tabernacle of worship, while upon its floor the stump orator rises in his majesty to harangue the people on the political questions of the day. And thus, for all meetings, public or private, sacred or profane, the Town Hall is called into reijuisition. The first school house in the village was built in 1846 — a frame structure of very rough workmanship, and cost $300. This did service for more than twenty years, and in 1868 was replaced by the elegant brick school house " up on the hill," which is an ornament to the village. It cost about $3,000, is two stories high, and thirty by forty feet in size. 0. L. Tucker is the present teacher, and has a daily attendance of about fifty pupils. During the ordinary Winter stage of water, steamboats land daily at the wharf, which is sa^d to be one of the best steamboat landings on the Illinois River. In 1851-2, a levee was built extending out five hundred yards into the river, or rather through " the bay," to the river proper, and where boats land during the low stage of water. Mr. Wm. H. Delph, of Metamora, was the engineer in chai'ge of the work, and the expense of the improvement was borne by the county, the total cost of which was about $4,000. The dirt and gravel for this levee was taken from the ridge or bluff rising some hundred or two yards from the river. It was in this work that so many human bones and almost entire skeletons were exhumed, alluded to in connection with Dr. Zeller's collection, of bones and Indian relics on another page. HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 809 FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION. In the days of Spring Bay's pristine glory, the magnates of the place put their heads together, and decided on a certain occasion to appropriately celebrate the anniversary of the day on which " our fathers threw off the rotten yoke of Britain." An old-fashioned, backwoods barbecue was inaugurated, with all its attending accompaniments of "fatted calves," young porkers and delicious muttons, and a good supply of liquor was procured from a neighboring still- house to "season it." All the surroundino- towns and villao'es were bidden to the feast, and many accepted the invitation. A man named Curry had been appointed orator of the day, and mounting an ox cart, which had been drawn up and improvised into a " speaker's stand," he entertained the audience for an hour with the repetition of a speech (copied verbatim, and prepared for the pur- pose) delivered in the United States Congress by a member from Massachusetts during the bitter debates in that body, referring to " the Embargo," previous to the war of 1812. With all the fiery eloquence of Patrick Henry, this back- woods orator hurled the old embargo tirade at the " corrupted government," and pictured the imminent danger of the " old ship of state being engulfed in the threatening billows," unless a "most rigorous (rigid) reform was enforced." The first session of the Circuit Court of Woodford County, held after organization, was noted for having a little suit tried in it, in which two witnesses from this township were called to testify, viz. : C. A. Genoways and Austin Crocker. The origin and nature of this suit our informant had forgotten. It is always sad to write of decay. This little village, once a busy place, and equal in importance as a shipping point to any place on the river, has long since passed the zenith of its prosperity. Its former prosperity has dwindled down to a few small stores, and a few' other lines of trade equally limited. At present, the business is distributed • as follows : Three general stores, three saloons, two blacksmith shops, two wagon shops, one harness shop, two shoe shops. Lewis Williams and John Ege both handle grain still, but in a small way. There is one physician in the place, but neither a preacher nor a lawyer, nor even a church, except the Town Hall. ORIGIN OF NAME. The name of Spring Bay is derived from the beautiful little bay in the river at this place, and the numerous springs within its compass that supply the water when the river is too low to run over the "bar " between it and the outward limits of the bay. It is estimated that the waters from these springs, if it could be utilized, would be equal to 100 horse-power. Springs abound throughout the township, and are the operating force of several mills. These springs, with the little bay, as stated above, when taken together formed a name, which was bestowed on the settlement at an early day, then on the village when laid out, and afterward given to the township. 310 HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. The beautiful little cemetery upon the hillside, a mile or two from the \'illafye^ ha^ become the resting place of many of the early pioneers mentioned in these pages. Peace to their ashes. CRUGER TOWNSHIP. Cruger is known as Fractional Township 26 north, Range 2 west, and ad- joins the northeast township of Tazewell County. From the date of township organization until 1870, Cruger was included in Olio ToAvnship ; and, like Olio, contains much of interest connected with the early history of Woodford County. A large portion of the section of Walnut Grove lies in this township. Through this vast forest the savages roamed at will, "monarchs of all thev surveyed," for centuries, perhaps, before the foot of the " pale face '" trod the soil ; and in the shelter of this grove some of the first pioneers built their rude cabins. In 1830, there were but a fcAv families in that part of Walnut Grove now embraced in Cruger Township, of whom Daniel Meek, James Martin, Robert and James Bird, Joseph Dillon, the Moores, Nathan Owen, Thomas Deweese, James Rayburn and John Stevenson were about all living here at the period above mentioned. Of these, Deweese, Martin and Rayburn were from Indiana, while most of the others were from Kentucky. As to the time of their coming, there are none now living Avho can give the precise dates. Daniel Meek, one of those already alluded to, came fi'om Kentucky, in 1827 ; but whether or not he was the first we are unable to say. He settled in Walnut Grove, and in 1836, removed to Knox County, near Abingdon, where he died, in March, 1874. Henry B. Meek, a younger brother of Daniel Meek, came from Pulaski County. Ky., with his father, when but 12 years old. The family settled in Jennings County, Ind., where they remained some years. In 1828, Mr. Henry Meek made a visit to this section — a kind of tour of inspection — and states that his brother Daniel, the Moores, and perhaps one or two other families, were about all the settlers then in Walnut Grove, and but very few others in what is now Woodford County. Mr. Meek returned to his home in Indiana : and in 1830, came back and made a permanent settlement in Walnut Grove, and in what is now^ Cruger Township, in the Spring of that year. He built his first cabin on the site of his present elegant residence. When Mr. Meek brought his young wife to Illinois, they came through on horseback. She carried her baby on her horse, while he carried a pack, made up of sufiicient clothing for their first Summer's use, and other housekeeping articles. In the Fall, he went back to Indiana, and brought with him, on his return, some live stock — hogs and sheep. His hogs fattened on the "mast,"' which was abundant that Win- ter, and the next year he sold 100 pounds of bacon for §9.00, which he says wa.s then considered a large sum of money. His eldest brother, Joseph Meek,, with his family, came Avith him on his return from Indiana. MINONK HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 313 The land in this section, at the period of which we write, was not in market, nor did it come in until in 1832. When the land was put on sale, Meek went to Springfield, and, with $oOO which he had laid up for the purpose, bought three " eiofhties," or 240 acres. This was a nucleus, to which he continued to add, until he owned 1,600 acres of choice lands. As his children grew up, and went out into the world to battle for themselves, he gave them farms, and thereby reduced his own to 700 acres. Joseph Meek, an older brother of Henry's, came to Illinois, as already stated, in the Fall of 1830. On his arrival here, he bought a claim from one Joseph Dillon, upon which he still lives. And though he is an old man of four score years, his physical and mental activity is almost wonderful. "• Uncle " Joseph Meek, as he is familiarly called, has set up his children with good farms, and still owns a large one himself, which he superintends, and upon which he labors every day. He stands high among his fellow men, and his word is his bond. In 1835, the following additions had been made to the Walnut Grove settlement : Rev. John Oatman, Matthew Blair, Joshua Woosley, Daniel Travis, Cooley Curtis, Daniel Allison, Isaac Black, James Mitchell, Ben. Major, Wm. R. Willis, Rev. W"m. Davenport, Thomas Bullock, Elijah Dickinson, Benj. J. Radford, and it may be a few others now. forgotten. The majority settled in what is now Cruger Township, and many of them came from Kentucky, a few from Indiana, and a few others from Tennessee. There were men of influence among them, who were active in their day, in every enterprise inaugurated to promote the interests of their country. Some of them have been noticed in other chapters of this work, in connection with the formation of Woodford County, the organization of Eureka College, and other undertakings requiring time, money and influence to successfully carry through. Benjamin J. Radford came from Christian County, Kentucky, in 1834, to Illinois, where he settled in what is now Cruger Township, and lived a respected citizen until his death in September, 1857. He planted the first grove of locust trees in what is now Woodford County, a work that has since been fol- lowed by thousands. One of his sons is now President of Eureka College ; another is editor and proprietor of the Eureka Journal. In the Winter of 1830-31, was the " deep snow," an event remembered by many old settlers, and an epoch from which their history all dates. So many years before, or so many years since the "• deep snow," is their mode of designat- ing any particular event. The deer and other wild game became so tame that human beings were no longer objects of fear to them. A gang of half a dozen deer came to Henry Meek's, and he turned them in the lot with his sheep and calves, where they remained quite a while becoming so tame they would eat corn out of his hand. When Mr. Meek settled in Walnut Grove, there was a ferry at Peoria, then called Fort Clarke, kept by a man named Gardis. Fort Clarke had one little store of general merchandise, which supplied the scattered settlers along the river 314 HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. ■with Store goods. One Vorris or Voorhees also kept a little store filled with housekeeping articles, much in demand as the country settled up. A man by the name of Matthews kept a ferry then at " The Narrows," a short distance above Fort Clarke. The exact time of the first settlement in this township, like that of Olio, can- not, at this date, be correctly ascertained. There is no definite record now existing previous to the settlement of Daniel Meek, in 1827. His brothers think, however, that there were a few families in the Grove before the date of his coming there, but whom, or at what time they settled there, they are unable to tell. THE FIRST JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. Daniel Meek was the first Justice of the Peace in what is now called Cruger Township, and was appointed to the office in 1829. He was one of the first Justices in the territory now embraced in Woodford County, and exercised the functions of the office for twelve years or more before the formation of the county. Dr. James Mitchell, a kind of steam doctor, as they were called in those days, was the first physician in this Township, and came as early as the year 1835. Previous to his advent into the neighborhood, the healing art Avas practiced mostly by the good housewives with herbs and barks. The first sermon in the tow^n was preached by Rev. Peyton Mitchell, at the residence of Robert Bird. He was a Presbyterian and preached for some time in the neighborhood, about 1833-4. There were no churches here at this earlv period, and all religious services were held in the peoples cabins. Caroline, a daughter of Daniel Meek, was the first birth in Cruger Township. She was born January 15, 1828. The first death was that of James Bird, who died in 1832. The first marriage celebration was that of Hardin Oatman and Wilmorth Bird, in 1835. They were married by Rev. Wm. Davenport, who had recently settled in the neighborhood. THE FIRST MILLS, ROADS, SCHOOLS, ETC. In the early days of the settlement of this toAvn. the people did their milling at a little horse mill, in what is now Olio Township, and alluded to in that pai't of this history. There was also a mill on Panther Creek, near the corner of what is now Palestine Township, which was extensively patronized by the Walnut Grove people. The first public road through this section was laid out in 1836. The Viewers were Daniel Travis and James McClure. It commenced at what was known as Cruger's Bridge, on Walnut Creek, and extended to Washington, in Tazewell County. Four years later, the State road from Lexington to Wash- ington and Peoria, mention of which is made in the history of Olio Township, was opened through this township. These roads afforded the principal outlets of the settlers in removing their grain, until the era of railroads. HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 315 William Hosbor, mentioned in the general history of Woodford County as one of the pioneer school teachers, taught the first school in what now com- prises Cruger Township. It was taught in 1831, in an old cabin, which stood up near the head of AValnut Grove. His school lasted but a short time, and soon after its suspension Joshua Woosley opened a school near the place where Hosbor bad taught. The first bouse built in the neighborhood for school pur- poses was in 1834, and was near the spot where these schools were taught. Children were scarcer here then than now, the schools were not very largely attended, and the house Avas changed into a dwelling after a few years' service as a school house. When the first settlements were made in the territory of Cruger and Olio Townships, Indians were quite plenty along the Illinois River^ and even about Walnut Grove, but were friendly and apparently harmless. When the Meekses came, in 1830, there still were many in this neighborhood. During the Winter of the " deep snow," they supplied the few settlers then scattered along the Grove with much of the meat used through the long period the snow lasted. Old Shab- bona came down the next Summer, with his "little family," and camped in Walnut Grove. But the people, fearing some treachery, drove him away, which made the old chief very angry. THE BLACK HAWK WAR. At the time of the Black Hawk war, Henry B. Meek was a Captain of the militia. When the news was brought to him that this noted warrior was at Pawpaw Grove, on Rock River, with his army, he was in the field planting corn. The order was delivered to him from the authorities for a certain number of men, and, like Gen. Putnam, when he received the ncAvs of the battle of Lexington, " The plow was in the mid-furrow staid," and, removing his horse from the plow, and the harness from the horse, " he sped forth the fiery cross" to summon his "clans " to the council. They lost no time in obeying the call, and soon he was able to muster the number required (which, Ave believe, Avas tAvelve men), Avho Avere eager for the fray. He took them to Pekin, turned them OA^er to the army going to "the front." and returned to his corn planting. His squad Avas put under command of Major Stillman, and had the honor of participating in the battle of PaAvpaw Grove, where the " pale faces " were defeated. They Avere only enlisted for thirty days, and soon after this battle their term of service expired, when they returned to their homes. None of the squad from the Walnut Grove settlement Avere either killed or Avounded. A ludicrous story is told of this little campaign, in Avhich the men from the Grove Avere engaged. The first night after the troops left Peoria, or Fort Clarke, for the seat of Avar, they encamped but a short distance from the place. Sentinels Avere posted and pickets throAvn out in true military style. During the night an alarm, which finally proved to be false, Avas given, and 316 HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. for a time considerable confusion prevailed. A Dr. Langwortliy. of Peoria, who was attached to the armv as a kind of suroreon, had tethered his horse with a long rope, that he might graze during the night. When the alarm was sounded, the valiant doctor mounted his horse, which in his fright he forgot to unloose, laid whip for dear life, and ran round and round in a circle, under the imj)ression that he was rapidly placing danger behind him. It was soon discovered to be a false alarm, when some of the boys, taking in the absurdity of the doctor's maneuvers, cut the rope, and, taking a ''bee line," he came into Peoria under whip and spur and in a high state of excitement, with the horrible news that " the troops had been surprised and butchered," while he alone, by a miracle, had escaped to tell the tale. When the truth came out and the true state of the case known, the brave doctor was unable to endure the jeers of his friends, and sought a field undisturbed bv the "horrors of war" and ''war's alaiTQS.' THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. The schools of this township are well supported, and are in a very flourish- ing condition. As a school township, Cruger embraces an equal portion in Tazewell County. The total school fund of the entire township, including the part not in this county, is $1,448 41 Valuation of school property (half of town) 5,300 00 Amount paid male teachers (half of town) 573 00 Amount paid female teachers (half of town) 923 00 Tax levy for support of schools (half of town) 1,550 00 Number of males under '21 years fhalf of town) 308 Number of females under 21 years (half of town) 234 Total under 21 years 592 Number of males attending school (half of townl 175 Number of females attending school (half of town) 163 Total attending school (half of town) 338 Estimated value of school apparatus $205 00 There are four school districts in the Cruger half of the township, with seven good, comfortable school houses. One of the districts is in union with Eureka Dis- trict, in the township of Olio, and is noticed under that head. The school house in Cruger Village is a substantial frame building, and cost $700. The early record of schools, and the history of their first formation in the township, belongs to Olio, of which this was, until late years, a part. M. E. Davidson is School Treasurer, Supervisor of the Township and Justice of the Peace, and a man of considerable prominence in his neighborhood. F. J. Schreiber is Tax Collector, and furnishes the following : Cruger Township — Personal tax $1,900 00 Cruger Township — Real tax 3,207 92 Total Personal and Real $5,107 92 Town lots 65 65 Total lax township and village $5,173 57 HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 317 Cruger Township's political and war record are so nearly identical with that of Olio Township that in the one we have the other, and a recapitulation here would be little else than to repeat that history. Cruger has but one church within its limits, and it is on the line between this and Metamora Township, or within twenty or thirty yards of the line. It is one of the old churches of the county, and known as Mount Zion, of the Christian denomination, and is noticed in the general history. ORGANIZATION OF CRUGER TOWNSHIP. Cruger was detached from Olio Township, in the Fall of 1860, by a peti- tion to the Board of Supervisors, and the first election resulted as follows : George Boys, Supervisor ; R. N. Radford, Collector ; Jesse Meek, Assessor ; Peter Moyemont, Town Clerk ; A. P. Meek, R. C. Stewart and Thomas Ellis, Commissioners of Highways ; John McPeak and John Kaufman, Justices of the Peace ; John Trimmer and Lewis Myers, Constables ; and on the 5th of April, 1870, the township was organized under these officers. The petition for this new township was gotten up through Messrs. Charles Kinnear, Hiram Par- ker, A. P. Leonard, George Boys, Jesse Meek and others ; and grew out of the fact that, in 1869, when the expediency of building the Chicago, Pekin & Southwestern Railroad was being pretty warmly discussed, this part of the town- ship bitterly opposed the measure, while the other section (now Olio) as strongly advocated it. The climax was reached by the township voting $100,000 stock to the proposed road ; which, however, through some technical illegality, finally fell through, and the township afterward voted $50,000 to the new road. But the carrying of the first vote afforded the pretext for petitioning for a separation ; the final result of which was, as above stated, the organization of Cruger Town- ship. The town took its name from the village of that name, and of the post office, which likewise bears the same name. The railroads through this township are the Toledo, Peoria & Warsaw, crossing it from east to west, and the Chicago, Pekin & Southwestern Railroad, which crosses it diagonally. A large lot of grain and stock is shipped from this town over these roads, the most of which, however, goes over the Toledo, Peoria & Warsaw Railroad. CRUGER VILLAGE. This little village is situated on the Toledo, Peoria & Warsaw Railroad, two miles west of Eureka. When this village sprang into existence, it was at the terminus of the railroad then known under the name and title of the Eastern Extension of the Peoria & Oquawka Railroad. It was completed to this point in the Fall of 1854, Avhen the work ceased until some time the next year, and it was during this period that the idea of a village here was conceived by the people of the vicinity. The village was laid out by a man named Akers, who bought the land of Hiram Parker, and was from Peoria. E. P. Pratt, also from Peoria, 318 HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. brought the first stock of goods to the phice. which he opened in one end of a grain warehouse just built by one KeHogg. A Mr. King also built a grain ware- house. A post office was established. an about a mile porthwest of the village. The fire occurred on the night of the 4th of March, 1858. It was supposed to have been set on fire by one Jacob Hilderbridle", who lived in an adjoining township. There was a slight snoAv on the ground at the time ; and, in the morning, the fresh tracks of horses' feet were discovered in the road. A peculiar conformation of the track of one of the feet led some parties to follow. The tracks led directly to Hilderbridle's house. He was arrested and taken to jail, but tlie evidence was not strong enough to convict, and he was released. In the Winter of 1870-71, occurred, in the western part of the township, a horrible murder. Mr. Christian Schertz, while sitting by his fireside and play- ing with his children, was most brutally murdered, by a shot from without, by some unknown person. Certain suspicious circumstances led to the arrest of Daniel Goldsmith, a resident of the western part of the county. It appeared in evidence, that he had been out hunting the day before ; that one barrel of his gun had been discharged ; and that the ball found in Mr. Shertz's body corre- sponded to those used by Goldsmith. The evidence, though considered by many as convincing, failed to convict, and he was set at liberty. In the Fall of 1875, this township was visited by one of the most violent tornadoes that has ever been known in this section of country. Though confined tc a narrow belt — in some places not exceeding fifty yards in width — the de- struction of all within its compass was complete. Houses, barns, trees, cattle and horses were literally swept out of existence. The whirlwind struck in the southwestern part, demolishing the school house, that stood a mile from the west and three miles from the south line. It was^ just before 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and the teacher of the school, seeing the storm approaching, and being desirous that the children should reach their homes before the storm broke, dismissed them. They had not all passed a dozen yards outside the track of the tornado, before the house Avas crushed into fragments. Only for the precaution of the teacher, a score of human beings would have lost their lives. From this point it passed across the road and com- pletely obliterated the house occupied by E. E. Bingham and family. There were four persons in the house at the time. They barely escaped with their lives by taking refuge in the cellar, one old lady being badly injured, and ren- dered a cripple for life. From thence, in its course lay A. C. Bullington's house, which shared a similar fate. After leaving this point, a second school house was destroyed. Gideon Jeter's barn was the next object of its fury. It finally left the town after the destruction of C. H. Waldron's house. Fortu- nately, no human lives were lost, though a number of persons were more or less seriously injured. The freaks of the wind were extremely curious, and, in many instances, almost incredible. Large stones, partly imbedded in the earth, were scooped up and carried long distances from their beds. Horses were carried through the air. Fence posts were drawn from the ground. A child was blown from 340 HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. its mother's arras, and deposited safely in a straw stack, and wa3 only found afterward by some person hearing its cries. In the late war, Roanoke was not an idle spectator. A large number of her young men not (mly volunteered their services to the government they loved, but sacrificed their lives for its preservation. A singular fatality seemed to attend the soldiers from this part of the county. Of some twenty who volunteered to fight their country's battles, only nine returned alive. From the Gardner family went out Daniel, Levi, David and John. Before their terms of service expired, their bones were moldering in the ground, and their spirits had gone to the land where war's alarms are never heard.. In the same manner likewise pas.sed away the two brothers Henry and Aaron Brubaker. Also, Joseph and Henry Causey, sons of the j)ioneer mentioned in these pages. The war is of the past. Peace again reigns ; and as many Confederate and Federal soldiers make this township their home, they have "• shaken hands across the bloody chasm.'' They tell to each other the anecdotes of their soldier lives ; and peace and harmony prevail. In 1872, occurred an event in the history of Roanoke Township, that has had a marked effect on its prosperity. In that year, the C, P. & S. W. R. R- was projected and built. A number of townships along the proposed line had voted bonds for aiding the company, and thereby securing its location through this part of the county. Though tliis township voted no bonds, yet subscrip- tions were taken from private individuals to the amount of five thousand dollars^ which amount was required to pay for the right of way. This was done by the citizens in consideration of the locating by the company of switch within half ii mile of its present crossing of Panther Creek, and the present site of the village of Roanoke. Thus was secured to this community an outlet for the large products of grain and stock, which formerly had to be hauled from eight to fifteen miles to the nearest railroad points. VILLAGE OF ROANOKE. The next Fall after the completion of the railroad, December, 1872, the vil- lage of Roanoke was laid out. It was surveyed and platted for Hiram Barney, Benjamin G. Kindig and D. T. Fauber, who were the original proprietors of the village. Lots were offered for sale, and imniediately improvements began to be made. The first house built in the limits of the town was erected by Henry J. Franz. The same is now occupied by John Franz as a store. The second house was built by Jacob Engle. son of Peter Engle, one of the pioneers of Metamora Townshij). A store building had, at some time previous, been erected on the east side of the crtek, but after the village was laid out, was moved into town. The first residence was l)uilt by Chris. Gozinger, in 1873. The town has steadily increased in size and population, until it now contains over a hun- dred buildings, and three hundred and fifty inhabitants. The post office was established in 1872. with Frank Pifer as Postmaster. Pifer was succeeded by F. M. Wheelwright, the present incumbent. HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 841 In the Spring of 1873, a grain elevator was built by William and Peter Crow. The same is now OAvned and operated by Messrs. Hollenback & Rickey. The building is twenty by forty feet, and has a capacity of ten thousand bushels. In the same year, C. K. Snyder built the elevator owned and operated by him at present. Its capacity is about ten thousand bushels. There is handled, by the two elevators, per year, an amount of grain exceeding four hundred tliou- sand bushels. There is also shipped from this place, each year, fifty cars of stock, mostly hogs. In 1877, a flouring-mill was erected by Isaac Snyder, at a cost of thi'ee thousand dollars. It has two runs of burrs, which are run to their full capacity. At present, business of almost every kind is well represented by the follow- ing persons and firms : Dry Croods and Gr^eenes, John Franz, Jacob Engle, Trainer & Kindig and Robinson & Leonard ; Clothing, Isaac Moore ; Drugs, J. F. Wheelwright and D. B, Zimmerman ; Hardtvare, Hatcher & Jeter ; Hotel, L. D. Schwender ; Flour-mill, Isaac Snyder ; Elevators, Hollenback & Rickey and C. K. Snyder : Harness, Thos. A. Brown and F. Marti ; Furniture, Godfried Harseim ; Boots and Shoes, C. Grozinger; Wagon Makers, I. H. Fisher and Ulrich Beer; Phy- sicians, Z. H. Taylor, J. M. Wilkerson and J. M. John (Coroner) ; Insurance and Real Estate, M. L. Mock. In the Fall of 1873, an event of much importance occurred in Woodford County, of which Roanoke was the central figure. The citizens of the village and vicinity, fully realizing that this was the most central point in the county, and with other natural and artificial advantages in view, moved for the location of the county seat at this place. A petition, with the requisite number of names, was accordingly presented to the County Judge, Meek, and an election was ordered to determine the question. The election was closely contested, at every polling place in the county, and a heavy vote polled. The returns, as canvassed by the County Board, showed a decided majority for Roanoke. In the meantime, injunctions had been served on the county ofiicers, restraining them from removing the county records from Metamora ; and, on a contest of elec- tion, before Judge Burns, a majority of six votes was declared against removal. PRESENT DESCRIPTION OF TOWNSHIP. Roanoke is geometrically the center township of the county. It is bounded on the north by Linn, on the east by Greene, on the south by Olio and on the west by Metamora, and is known as Congressional Town 27 N., Range 1 W. It contains thirty-six sections of as fine land as can be found, being mostly high and rolling, with soil rich and productive. Panther Creek flows from near the middle of the western part, east, crossing the line into Green Township. The creek is fringed with a fine grove of timber, extending from the village to the township line, and embracing about one thousand acres. The C, P. & S. W. R. R. passes diagonally through, from the northeast to the southwest, crossing Panther Creek near the southern boundary of the village of Roanoke. 342 HISTOEY OF AVOODFORT) COUNTY. GREENE TOWNSHIP. DESCRIPTION. This township is situated east of the center of Woodford County. It is bounded on the north by Clavton. on the east by Panola, on the south by Pales- tine, and on the west by Roanoke. It is known as Congressional Town 27 N.. Range 1 E. of the Third Principal Meridian. It is six miles square, and con- tains about twenty-three thousand acres of very fine land, about seven-eighths of wliich is prairie and the balance timber. The surface is undulating, but not t(t(» much so for easy cultivation. The soil is deep and very rich, and well adapted to the raising of corn. Some wheat is raised near the timber. The timber lies on both sides of Panther Creek. One branch of the creek flow.s from the east and the other from the west, forming a junction near the south- west corner, and leaving the township at a point near the village of Secor. The C. P. k S. W. R. R. passes through the northwest corner, cutting oif about a section. EARLY HISTORY. In the year 1826, an adventurer in the then far Northwest had returned to his home in Overton Co., Tenn. He had been traveling in the newly made State of Illinois, and had broucrht back glowincr account of the richness of its soil, the abundance of game and the many other real and fiincied advantages to the emi- grant bold enough to face the dangers and privations of a pioneer life. He was listened to by his hearers with wonder and admiration, and by some, who doubt- less thought the pictures somewhat overdrawn, with a mixture of doubt. Among those who heard the tempting description was William McCord. The idea of going to the new country immediately took possession of him, and he soon set about making arrangements for his departure. He had a large family of boys, and the prospect of providing them with homes seemed better in a new country than in the older, settled State of Tennessee. Accordingly, the Spring of 1827 found him, with five other neighbor families, ready for the journey. It will be readily conceived that an undertaking of such a nature was a different thing from what it would be at present. It would compare more properly with the embark- ation of the hundred Pilgrims who left their native shore two hundred years earlier to make their way across the boundless deep to find a home in the New AVorld. Indeed the liardships of the wilderness road were greater than those expe- rienced by the emigrants of the Mayflower. The length of time required to accomplish the undertaking, too, was almost as great. The 7th of June was the day fixed upon to commence the weary march. The wagons were packed with a few household effects and some of the simpler farming implements. The cattle were turned into the road, and all were ready to start. Numerous friends were gathered around to bid them good-by, looking on them meanwhile with HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 343 feelings mingled with sorrow and wonder. The women and younger children rode in the wagons, while the men and boys trudged along behind to attend to the cattle. It would be interesting to listen to all of the accounts of their long and tedious journey ; but time and space forbid more than a few brief allusions When a few days out, it commenced raining, and continued almost incessantly all the way. There were but few bridges then, especially after crossing the Ohio ; and the streams, being swollen by constant rains, were difficult to cross. At the crossing of the Wabash, Avhere there was a ferry, the cattle would not stay on the boat, but, jumping oif, returned to the bank ; and the men were obliged to take off their clothing, take the cattle by their tails, and, guiding them in this manner, swim them across. Thomas McCord, then a young man, thus swam the Wabash eleven times. Over many of the streams, they were compelled to carry their wagons and goods on rafts, made of timber cut, and prepared on the spot, and lashed together with bed cords. Such cross- ings often required a whole day to accomplish. The crossing of the Sangamon was effected in this manner. After traveling in this toilsome way for fifty-three da^^s, they at length, on the oOth day of July, arrived at Twin Grove, near where the city of Bloomington now stands. Here they lived until the Spring of 1831, when Mr. McCord, with his family, consisting of himself, wife, five sons and three daughters, removed to Panther Grove, arriving at this place on the last day of March. They at once set about providing themselves with a shelter. In a short time, they had completed a log cabin, twenty feet square and one and a half stories high, the lower and upper portions consisting each of a single room. It was built of small, round logs, "chinked" with smaller pieces of wood, and daubed with mortar. There were two doors and two win- dows, the latter consisting of four panes of eight by ten glass each. The chim- ney was built of sods, piled one on top of another to the proper height. The old cabin is still standing in the midst of the old orchard planted by Mr. McCord's hands, and is an object that will engage the attention of any one interested in relics of the early days of the county. The McCords found that they had been preceded by only three families. Amasa Stout and wife had come to the grove but two years before, and located on the south side and near the west line of the township, on what is now Section 19. The land had not then been surveyed, and he, with all others for several years, wei'e simply squatters. Stout lived, for the first year including the Winter, in a rail pen, protected on three sides and top with corn fodder. He scarcely became a permanent settler, as he removed a few years subsequently to Dry Grove. William, Allen, Winslow and Almira Patrick, cousins of the McCords, moved from Overton Co., Tennessee, in 1829, and settled on Section 29. They built a house, using the same plans and specifications as those used by Stout previously. In this they lived until the boys had cleared ten acres of ground. It will doubt- less sound strangely to some to hear of clearing land, while just adjoining 344 HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. the timber were tliousands of acres better adapted for agricultural purposes, on which was not a stick nor a stone. But then, it must be remembered that these people were from a thickly w^ooded country, and naturally concluded that where trees would not grow corn would not thrive. The next Spring, while engaged in preparing to build a better house, an accident occurred, which resulted in the first death within the limits of the township, or even in the Grove. WinsloAv Patrick was hauling logs for the new house, when, on returning from the woods with a load, he was caught by the head between the butt of the wagon and a tree, and his skull was literally crushed. In this condition he was found soon after, dead. William Patrick died two years after. They both lie in the public burial ground near the old saw-mill. There was no pageantry or hearse, or robed priest or hired livery at those funerals ; neither was there a long train of mourners, though all the inhabitants for miles around were there, and their death was mourned deeply and earnestly. There was no eulogy pronounced, but their friends spoke kindly of them for many a long year afterward. Allen Patrick continued to reside in the neighborhood, until the year 1842, when he removed to Tazewell County. Almira Patrick married Joseph More, and with him also removed to Tazewell County. This constituted the first wedding. Joseph had courted Almira for more thana year, and being desirous of setting up housekeeping, on his own account, propounded to her the one important question, she replying ever/zwrc, he mounted his horse and galloped off to Bloomington, a distance of thirty miles^ to procure the necessary documents to "make two one " and one More. Young Bilberry, brother-in law of the Patricks, came, with his wife, from Overton County, Tennessee, in 1830, and settled on the east fork of the creek. To them, in 1831, was born the first white child in this part of the county. They lived here several years, but finally removed to McLean County. In 1833, Abram Hahn and Jacob Kindelsbryer. two Germans from Ohio, made their appearance in the neighborhood. They were the first additions to the settlement after the arrival of the McCords. About this time, or perhaps a few months later, S. Y. Barnard, of Overton County, Tennessee, through the influence of the McCords, also came on. He was subsequently, from 1836 to 1840, Postmaster of the office known as Josephine. It was the only post office for miles around. It was situated at the intersection of the old Bloomington and Ottawa road and the laid out road running east from Metamora. Thus, one family after another continued to arrive, until in 1840 there were about twelve fiimilies all told. When we take into consideration that at this time they wore without schools, or churches, or newspapers, or other means of communication with the outer world, it is easy to imagine tliat the state of society must have been quite difterent from what we now find. The Indians were amongst their nearest neighbors, until the Government caused their removal to reservations further west. Tiiere were residing, until 1832, at the head of HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 345- the Mackinaw, a tribe of the Kickapoos and a tribe of the Delawares, of about eighty warriors each, together with numberless squaws, papooses, ponies and dogs. There was also living at Joliet Chief Shabbona, Avith a small tribe of Pottawatomies. These all came, from time to time, to Panther Grove to hunt and trap. They were quite friendly and whites and redskins hunted and drank and visited together in the most kindly manner. But the* time was near when the wild man must give place to the less romantic pale face. The Government had made arrangements for their removal from the State to reservations beyond the Mississippi. Some went willingly, some submitted stubbornly and others resisted the Government. Of the latter were Black IJawk and his followers, the Sacs and Foxes, who lived on the Rock River. At the call of Gov. Reynolds, among the companies being formed for the purpose of enforcing the designs of the Government, was a company at Bloomington, to which Robert McClure was afterward elected Captain. Thos. McCord and Allen Patrick left their homes, in Greene Township, on the 5th day of May, 1832, and, proceeding to Bloomington, joined this company. They immediately set out for Pekin, on the Illinois River, to the appointed rendez- vous, where they met several other companies. They marched from this point directly to Dixon, where they joined the regiment commanded by Col. Stillman, who had, the day before their arrival, been defeated by the Indians in an engagement at a point about thirty miles further up Rock River. The next day they marched back to the scene of battle. In the meantime, the Indians had retreated, carrying all their dead and wounded with them, with the excep- tion of one old man, whom they had left bound in a sitting posture, doubtless for the purpose of indicating to their enemies that this had been the small result of their hard-fought battle. They also found on the field eleven white soldiers, some of whom had been shockingly mutilated. After taking care of the dead, they returned to Dixon, where they stayed a few days, when they were ordered to march to Ottawa. When within fifteen miles of Ottawa, they came to a set- tlement where sixteen persons — men, women and children — had been massacred but the night before. After burying the dead and taking care of the property of the murdered families, they continued their march to Ottawa. A few days later, they were discharged, and McCord and Patrick returned to their homes. An incident, illustrating the insecure feeling that must have pervaded the white settlement at that time, is here given. Reports of massacres had been common for some time, when one day, when the danger from an attack by the Indians seemed imminent, a sudden discharge of what seemed to be many rifles was heard by all of the inhabitants of the neighborhood. The greatest excite- ment at once prevailed, and, doubting not that the savages were upon them, they fled as hastily as possible to Walnut Grove, leaving everything behind to the plunder of the Indians. Young Bilberi-y, whose name has already been men- tioned, in great haste assisted his wife to mount a horse, and, advising her not to spare the whip, took to his heels and fled on foot. Thus he ran for a couple 346 HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. of miles, when he became so exhausted that he could run no further, and seeing a pond of water just ahead, waded in and concealed himself by sitting down in the water, allowing only his head to remain above the surface. In this position he remained for some hours, when he caught sight of some of the returning fucfitives, of whom he cautiously inquired about the massacre. When informed that the fright had been occasioned by a company of white soldiers on their way from Bloomington to Ottawa, and that they had, on their approach to the tim- ber, discharged their muskets, he was glad to come out of his forced bath and return to his home. This pond was, for many years, knoAvn ;is •• Bilberry's Defeat." In those times, deer, wolves, wild turkeys and other wild animals and fowl were almost as plenty as domestic animals are at present. It was no unusual thing for the hunter to return after a single day with a half dozen deer. In- deed, we may believe that the original settlers could scarcely be deemed farmers, but supported themselves and families, in a great part, by the use of the rifle and trap. Mr. Thomas McCord, though fearing that some may not believe the story, says that he has killed four deer at one shot, with a single barreled shot- gun. Mr. Simpson McCord has had in his possession a gun for fifty-nine years, which he believes has killed over two hundred deer, and a proportionate amount of other game. Times have changed. The deer and wolf have gone, and their places are filled by the more practical ox, dog and pig. A few nimble squirrels and timid rabbits are all that still remain. PROGRESS. From 1840, to the completion of the Illinois Central Railroad, the country settled but slowly, but after that event a new era seemed to dawn, and the town- ship rapidly filled up, so that in 1855, there were in the township not less than two hundred inhabitants. Schools began to spring up, roads and bridges were built, and a better class of buildings were taking the place of the old log cabins. Lumber and agricultural implements were shipped to within a dozep miles, and fences and houses began to relieve the barren look of the praii-ie. SCHOOLS. As early as 1840, a cabin was built on Section 28, for the purpose of estab- lishing a school. The first term taught in it was by Wm. Armstrong. Whoever he was or is, for his name is all that is remembered, he is entitled to the honor of being the pioneer educator of the Grove. This continued to be the only school until 1856, when the wants of the township, in this regard, had so in- creased, that a second one was established, on the north side of the timber, on Section 20, and known from that time till now as the Willow Tree School. At the present time, there are six good schools. The first School Treasurer was Samuel Arnold, who was appointed in 1850. The school section was sold in 1851, for the sum of ^3,400. This, with the addition of swamp land funds, constitutes the township school fund. Tlie total amount at present is §3,768.34. -^— • Ti'fiv^! CHICAGO FORMERLY OP METAMORA HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 349 The estimated value of school property, including township funds and schoo houses, is about $9,000. There are in all 348 children, of school age, that is, between the ages of six and twenty-one, 290 of whom attended school last year. The above items have been taken from Mr. C. M. Stephenson's books. Mr. S. is present Treasurer, and has held the office since his appointment in 1869. RELIGION. That there is some of this article in the township cannot be doubted, but it is not indicated by church spires, there not being a church building within its limits. However, the people are not without church privileges, as there are churches on all sides. The German Baptist Church, mentioned in Roanoke, being only across the line, accommodates a large community in the western part, while churches at Secor and Benson accommodate those in the northern and southern portions. Religious services have been held in the township almost from the date of its first settling; but churches, unlike schools, not being con- fined by law to a particular location, have been built outside, while some of their firmest pillars are inhabitants of Greene. TOWN HOUSE. This is, in one sense of the word, a "memorial building," as it was erected in the year 1876. It is a neat frame building, erected by a tax levied on the property of the citizens of the township. It is located in the center of the township. It is thirty-two feet in length and twenty-four feet in width. It is used for the purpose of holding meetings of a public character and as a voting place. ORGANIZATION. The township was organized April 3, 1855, by the election of the following officers : Supervisor, J. R. Gaston ; Town Clerk, G. S. Woods ; Assessor, 0. D. Hanna; Collector, D. T. Patterson ; Magistrates, Benjamin Sample and Will- iam Harper ; Constables, J. F. Stephenson and J. F. Mohr. The present officers are: Aaron Brubaker, Supervisor; V. Houseworth, Clerk; Bryant Cawley, Assessor; Joseph Tool, Collector; M. B. Hammers and C. L. Pleasants, Magistrates; Stephen Armstrong, C. H. Tool and James Jeter, Highway Commissioners. The number of voters at the organization was forty-nine, which has increased to one hundred and ninety. The first assessed valuation of property was $211,531. The assessment last year footed $484,609. The population was then about two hundred. It has at the present date a population of about one thousand. WAR OF THE REBELLION. We would not forget that, when the life of the country was in peril, Greene Township ofiered her sacrifice, and the following brave men laid down their lives that the Union might continue : George Srasbaugh, Henry Trowbridge, Corey H 350 HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. Harvey, Lott Haiina, Lewis Hanna, Ansel Bunting, Andrew Betz, Simon Betz, Francis I. McCord and Edward Fifield. " Requiem eternam dona ei^ Domine." OTHER MATTER. There being no village in this township, it has not been a natural abiding place for lawyers or doctors. There are no stores, mills or factories, the people supplying themselves with articles produced by these, as well as with law, physic and theology, from the neighboring villages. As hinted in a former part of this article, there was at one time a post office located here. There was, too, a small store, kept by Isaac Hammers and William Crossley ; but, upon the completion of the railroad, the former was abandoned by the Govern- ment, and the latter removed to Panola. ROADS. Not until comparatively a late date was much attention paid to the build- ing of roads ; but after the township organization act went into effect, and each township w^as dependent on itself for its highways, the inhabitants of this, township went to work right earnestly ; and year after year has seen some im- provements in that direction, until at this writing nearly one hundred miles of graded I'oad is the result of a vast amount of labor. THE ROANOKE FIRE INSURANCE. This institution was organized April 2, 1875. This is an association of farmers in this and other townships of Woodford County, for the protection of farmers' property against fire. It is a mutual company, without charter or capital, and relies entirely on the honor of the members for the payment of assessments, in case of the destruction, by fire, of any of the buildings of the insured. The membership fee is fifty cents, and the policy fee twenty-five cents. There is also charged, on taking out the policy, ten cents on the hundred dol- lars, for two-thirds of the cash value of the property. There are six Director* of the Association, one of whom, C W. Stephenson, is Treasurer and Secretary. There have been, to date, one hundred and ninety-five policies issued, rep- resenting property to the amount of two hundred thousand dollars. It is claimed that this Association saves the township two thousand dollars per year. RETROSPECTIVE. Though the growth of this township has not been so rapid, numerically and financially, as some others, yet it will be seen, by a casual observer, that its growth has been solid. The population is mainly made up of thrifty, industri- ous and honest Virginians and natives of adjoining States, who came to this country, not for political or other ambitious designs, but to procure for them- selves and children comfortable homes. As a result of their zeal and industry, we find here a township dotted all over with elegant houses and barns, and well cultivated fields ; and prosperity and thrift are everywhere visible. HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 351 CAZENOVIA TOWNSHIP. Cazenovia lies in the northern tier of townships of Woodford County, and is bounded on the west by Partridge, south by Metamora, east by Linn and north by Marshall County. About two-thirds of the township is prairie land, while the remainder is pretty well supplied with timber of an excellent quality. The prairie is among the finest farming lands of the county, and is of a generally level surfice, but the timbered land, especially along Richland Creek, which has its source in the township and flows westward through Partridge into the Illi- nois River, is broken and uneven, sometimes rising almost into bluffs. It is known as Township 28 north. Range 2 west, and in 1877 had an assessed val- uation of taxable property, personal and real, of $601,372.00. THE FIRST SETTLEMENT. Many of the early settlers of Cazenovia were from Pennsylvania, the old Keystone of the American Union, although the i^ery first settlement of which we have any definite information, was made by a man named Hubbard, and his son-in-law, who came from Virginia, and made a settlement on what is now known as the Dodd's place, near Low Point village. Hubbard and his son-in-law built a cabin here in the Spring of 1832, which is supposed to have been the first in the township. This was the commencement of the Low Point settle- ment, and attained its name from being a kind of point, or grove of timber, several feet lower than the general level of the surrounding prairie. From this date on to 1835, there were added to the settlement the Buckingliams, the Mundells, the Joneses and the Hammerses, who all came from the same section of Pennsylvania. Isaac Buckingham and his son Morgan Buckingham came in the Summer of 1832, and settled first at Lacon, then called Columbia, where they remained but a short time, when they removed to this township, and perma- nently settled a little south of the present village of Washburn, and not far from Low Point. Judge Wm. E. Buckingham, now living within half a mile of the village of Washburn, was originally from the Pennsylvania settlement, but had resided in Ohio several years previous to his settlement in Cazenovia Township. This old family trace their lineage back in an unbroken line to Thomas Buck- ingham, the Puritan preacher, who came to America in the Mayflower, and through him direct to the Dukes of Buckingham. We make the following extract from their genealogical record published some years ago, and a copy of which is in possession of Judge W. E. Buckingham : " Thomas Buckingham, the Puritan settler and ancestor of all the American Buckinghams, was one of the congregation to which Eaton and Hopkins, the London merchants, and two ministers, Davenports and Prudden, belonged. They sailed from London on the 26th of June, 1637, and settled originally in Connecticut." Judge Bucking- ham is a nephew of Isaac Buckingham, and came to the town several year* 352 HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. later, and is the only one of the old stock now living, Isaac Buckingham entered a great deal of land on the prairie in the vicinity of the Low Point set- tlement, and it was told by Jesse Dale, that James Boys an old settler of Metamora Township, inquired one day, soon after his arrival in the country, if that land was entered, glancing across the prairie. He was informed that it had been entered by Isaac Buckingham. "Well," said Boys, " he is a fool to enter such land as that." " The next time I saw him," said Dale, "lie had married the fool's daughter." Isaac Buckinorham died in 1836-7. and his was one of the first deaths to CD occur in the township. Indeed, the Buckinghams seemed to have been a short- lived race, none of the old set surviving much beyond 50, and few reaching that half-way station. We were shown the little log cabin — quite a pretentious dwelling in its day — in which Morgan Buckingham died. It is on the place where G. W. Newell now lives, and is a mile or two west of Low Point village. Mr. Buckingham was among the first Justices of the Peace in Woodford County, an enercretic man and a leading citizen of the neighborhood. Jesse Dale, mentioned in other chapters of this work, seems to have been a kind of migratory character, who was not satisfied long in one place. We find him in the Spring Bay settlement among the first ; a few years later in the set- tlement at Partridge Point, or Metamora, as it was afterward called, and in the Low Point Settlement with the very earliest. Some of the survivors of this settlement are of opinion that Dale built the first cabin in Cazenovia Township ; but from other and more definite information, we are inclined to accredit the building of the first house to Hubbard, as already noted. The Mundells, three brothers named x\.bner, Simeon and Samuel, came in 1835. Abner came early in the season and the other two about six months later. As stated, they were from Pennsylvania, and entered land in the vicinity of the Low Point settlement. Abner Mundell lived for many years in this township, but in 1861 removed into Metamora Township, where he at present resides, a prosperous farmer and much respected citizen. He was in Chicago four years before he removed to the State, and related to us that they were then building the first brick house ever erected in the Garden City. It was down by the river, a little west of the barracks, and near Hubbard's old trading post. Simeon Mundell went to California in the Spring of 1849, during the gold fever of that period, where he remained until April, 1852. While in California, he staid some time with a couple who kept an eating house, and. leaving a thousand dollars in gold dust with them, one day, for safe keeping, they suddenly decamped while he was absent, and, through some trifling oversight on their part, carried off his gold dust — probably by mistake. Suffice it, he never heard of them or his lucre afterward. More fortunate than thousands of others who went to California to seek their fortunes on its gold-washed shores, notwith- standing the loss above narrated, he succeeded in accumulating considerable gold, with which he returned to Illmois, intending to go back to the Golden HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 353 State in the Fall ; but a younger brother, who had gone to California with him, and vvhom he had left there in cliarge of their affairs, had become dist'-usted with the place, sold out and came home before he had completed his arrangements to go back. His brother lives now in Texas, and Simeon still remains on his old homestead, in Cazenovia Township. Samuel Mundell lives upon the site of his original settlement. When the Mundells came to the settlement, they found the Buckinghams, Jesse Hammers, James Owen, Thomas Jones and Isaac Black, and perhaps a few others, settled around the grove of timber called Low Point. Jesse Hammers, another old Pennsylvanian, settled in this township in 1885, and within half a mile of the present village of Cazenovia, where he still resides. His first cabin is still standing, though it has long since given place to his ele- gant frame residence, and has been torn down and removed on to a neighbor- ing farm. It was built of large logs, twenty feet long, and was a substantial building. Mr. Hammers bought some of his land, entered some, and also received some from his father-in-law, Isaac Buckingham. He was the first President of the Woodford County Agricultural Society, an office he held for several years. He took an active interest in getting the present railroad through the township, and was Vice President of the first association formed for the old Tonica & Petersburg Road, so much talked of years ago, and when at one time they commenced to grade it, the President being absent, it devolved on Mr. Hammers, as Vice President, to throw the first shovel of dirt, which he did with all due solemnity. Thomas Jones, still another Pennsylvanian, and related to the Buckinghams, settled in this town in 1832-8, near the present village of Low Point. They, through their relationship with the Buckingham family, traced their descent back to the same noble source. Isaac Moulton and the Morses settled near Low Point very early, Moulton in 1832-3, and the Morses in 1885. As the latter in a short time removed into Metamora Township, where the survivors of the family still live, their history is given in the chapter devoted to that township. Isaac Moulton first settled in the present town of Worth, but soon came to Cazenovia, where he settled permanently. Rev. James Owen was born in Fairfax County, Va., in 1801, and removed with his father's family to Kentucky, where they remained three years. They came to Illinois, and settled in Wayne County in the Spring of 1819. They crossed the river, on their trip to this State, at Shawneetown, when there was but one store m that city, and but few other houses. In his trips back and forth, Mr. Owen has crossed the Mississippi at Shawneet_own seven times. He remained in Wayne County with his fiither's family until 1835, when he removed to Wood- ford County, and settled in Cazenovia, near the line between it and Partridge Township. He made a trip to this county the year previous to his removal to visit his brother, who had settled at Walnut Grove in 1829. While he yet lived in Wayne County, he had a horse stolen, and followed the thief over five hundred miles, and finally succeeded in recovering his horse in a distant part of Indiana, 354 HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. but failed to bag the thief, who, when he found he was getting into close quar- ters, abandoned the nag and made his escape. When Mr. Owen settled on his present place in 1835, on the bluff overlooking one of the branches of Rich- land Creek, there were but a few large trees scattered over the plain, which Kentuckians and Virginians call '"barrens." The beautiful young forest sur- rounding him now has grown up since. He. brought with him a lot of scions, or roots of apple, peach, pear and cherry trees, in a box of dirt, which he planted in the moist earth near a fine spring of water, and though it was in the month of May they grew and flourished. The next year he planted his young trees in an orchard prepared for the purpose, Avhere he soon had a variety of fruit. This was the first orchard in the township ; some of the trees are still standino;, and, unlike the barren fig tree, are brinorino- forth good fruit. Previous to his effort at fruit, there had been nothing of the kind in the neighborhood but wild plums and crab apples. Mr. Owen entered land as he needed it, and could pay for it, and at one time owned several farms, which he let out to ten- ants. But finding that only what he himself superintended was a paying invest- ment, he sold off all of his superfluous lands, and retained only a suflSciency for the wants of himself and family. His house was the voting place when there were but three precincts and three voting places in the county, and many are the lively times and stirring scenes enacted on the old bluff, when the Partridge and Spring Bay Hills poured out their hardy yeomanry and naturalized voters to exercise their rights of franchise at the ballot box. All little neighborhood disputes were settled at this annual assembling of the clans, and with Avhisky at twenty cents a gallon,* the crowd never lacked for the exhilarating beverage, which generally aided them very materially to cancel their slight differences. Mr. Owen has been a great hunter in his day, and has probably killed more deer than he has seen years, although he is verging on to his four score. He informed us that in 1848 he killed fifty-two foxes, and that " it was not a very good year either for foxes." He had the first pack of hounds ever introduced into the township, and thus waged a bitter warfare against the whole fox tribe — those arrant foes to young pigs and lambs. He was intimately acquainted with Abraham Lincoln, and, though a life-long Democrat, quite a strong friendship existed between them : and he, to use his own words, " used to have lots of fun with Honest Old Abe." As a relic of the past, Mr. Owen has a bill of the gen- uine old Continental money, dated in 1779, of the denomination of forty dol- lars, and signed by "John Graff" and "J. C. Masoner." It looks as little like the present United States notes as a counterfeit nickel resembles a twenty - dollar gold piece. James G. Bayne came from Brown County, Ohio, and is a Buckeye of the genuine stamp. Though scarcely ranking as an old settler, according to the common acceptation of the term in Woodford County, he having settled here in * We have the word of old settlers for the fact, that a good coonskin would, ia those primitive days, buy a galloa of liquor. HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 355 1846, yet he has always been a prominent character, and foremost in every work of enterprise calculated to promote the interests of his town and county. He was a member of the Constitutional Convention in 1869-70, and the record of that august body shows that he was no idle "looker on in Venice," but a zealous worker. He was the first Township Clerk, and for twenty years School Treasurer. He states that when Treasurer, away back in the old days of hard money, he used to have a great deal of the funds in silver, and often put it in an old oven and buried it in his garden, " under the raspberry bushes," as a place of safety. A few years ago, he made a canvass for Congress, and while he had, perhaps, as good friends as any man in like circumstances, yet he did not have quite enough of them, and consequently was defeated. He took an active part in getting the railroad through his township, and its final accomplishment is due as much to him as any man who favored the movementj Upon his arrival here, he settled at the present village of Low Point, though just outside of the <3orporate limits of the village, and where he still resides. THE FIRST PO=?T OFFICE. In 1849, a post ofiice was established in the Low Point settlement, which was the first in the township. Wm. Dodds was the first Postmaster, and the ■office was kept in that neighborhood until the village was laid out, in 1871, when it was removed into the corporation. With many changes in the admin- istration of its affairs, the office has passed into the hands of John E. Dodds, who is at present Postmaster. The first blacksmith in the township was Morgan Buckingham, Sr., who kept a shop on his place soon after his settlement. He was probably the first Justice of the Peace also, as we have no information of one prior to him in the town. At all events, he was the first after the county was organized. The first store of which we have any definite record was a little grocery store kept by James Owen, at his own house, at a very early day of the settle- ment of the town. He kept sugar, coffee, molasses and such things as were actual necessities in the neighborhood. Mr. Owen likewise built the first barn in the township,' which, like its founder and builder, is showing the eff"ects of age. It was considered an enterprise of such magnitude that he climbed to the " ridge pole " — whatever that was — to take a look at his surroundings, and those present, who had helped him " raise it," called for a speech, and " Uncle Jimmy," from his lofty rostrum, entertained his hearers for some time upon the events of the day. His residence was the first house with a brick chimney. Previously chimneys were built of wood, sticks and mud. His house was of loss, and built in 1835, but since " weather-boarded " with lumber from Jenkins' circular saw-mill, the first of the kind in' the township ; was put in operation in 1847, and operated by horse power. His barn was built of material from the same mill. The brick used in his chimney was made by Heddrick Brothers, who burnt a kiln near the north line of the town in 1835, of excellent brick. 35 6 HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. BIRTH. DEATH. MARRIAGE. From the best information to be obtained, James Boys and Miss Jane Buck- ino-ham, a daughter of Isaac Buckingham, was the first marriage in Cazenovia ToAvnship. Their nuptials were celebrated in 1833, and the hymenial knot was tied by Daniel Meek, Justice of the Peace. Since that date, many others have gone and done likewise. Their daughter, Mary, is supposed to have been the first child born in the town. Just when the '• fantastic rider of the pale hoi-se "' first entered the settlement, or who was his first victim, we do not definitely know. But the several graveyards, with their white tombstones standing here and there like sentinel soldiers, show that he has been here, and that old and young have fallen in his track. " Our birth is but a starting place : Life is the running of the race. And death the goal ; There all our glittering toys are brought — That path alone, of all unsought, Is found of all." Isaac Buckingham and a man named Key were among the first deaths, and are recorded in 1836-7. Thomas Jones' Avife also died about the same time. An old man named Heddrick died also at an early period of the settlement. But after the lapse of so many years, it is difiicult to fix the precise dates of these events. The first road throuofh Cazenovia was the State road from Chicago to Bloomington and Springfield, and was the stage route between those cities. The stage carried the mail, and was the first presentation of Uncle Sam's com- pliments to the .settlers here, and was made through the Low Point post office. Parker Morse, Sr., kept a tavern on this road at Low Point, in 1886-7, and was the first in the settlement. CHURCHES AND SHOOLS. The first church in Cazenoria Township was built in 1849-50, by the Bap- tists, near where Simeon Mundell now lives. The lumber was sawed by Jen- kins' saw-mill already alluded to. and the building has been converted into a barn by Mr. Mundell, since the erection of the elegant church at Cazenovia vil- lage. Rev. .James Owen, who was a Baptist, but afterward joined the Chris- tians, preached the first sermon in the township in 1835. and previous to the buildins of churches, religious services were held at neighbors' residences, and in the school houses. Rev. Mr, Root, who lived across the Illinois River, came over occasionally and preached, about the same time. The United Presbyterian Church, one mile from the village of Low Point, was built in 1857. Rev. P. H. Drennan was Pastor at the time of its building. Rev. Mr. McClenahan was the first Presbyterian preacher in the town, and the society organized during his ministerial labors in 1853. The church is an ele- gant brick edifice. 40x56 feet, and cost ^3,000. The present Pastor is Rev. R. B. Nesbeth, and the records number eighty members. HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 357 • The Old School Presbyterians, as they are called, have a church 1^ miles from Low Point, which was buit a few years after that of the United Presbyte- rians. It is a good frame building of modern style, well finished and furnished. The society was formed by Rev. I. A. Corneilson ; the present membership is about seventy, and Rev. Mr. Keeling is Pastor. Other churches of the town- ship will be noticed in the history of villages in which they are located. The first school house was built near Mr. O^ven's place, in 1838, was of unhewn logs, and had a wood chinmey. It was afterward moved a mile or two east, into a settlement knoAvn as Bricktown, and which was more convenient to a large number of its patrons. The people seemed to have adopted a line of the Southern negro's camp-meeting song, to " Keep de ark a moven," for a few years later we find the little old log school house moved again, this time "across the hollow." This last move offended Bricktown, and in a fit of pique, or independence perhaps, buil^ a small frame school house in their neigh- borhood, and which was the first of the kind in the township. It is still stand- ing, a monument to their enterprise, and doing duty as a temple of learning. The first schools taught in the log school house after it was erected were by George W, Taylor and Joseph Perry, but it cannot be decided now who had the precedence as pedagogue. The first school, however, taught in Cazenovia Town- ship, and which was probably the first free school in the State of Illinois, was taught by Miss Love K. Morse, as noticed in another chapter of this history. The present School Treasurer. Frank N. Ireland, has none of the early school records in his possession. From his last annual report to the County Superintendent, we extract the following : No. of males under 21 years 364 No of females under 21 years 317 Total 681 No. males between G and 21 years 205 No. females between 6 and 21 years : 197 Total 402 No. males attending school 159 No. females attending school 154 Total 313 No. School Districts in township 8 No. schools in township * 8 No. graded schools in township .' 1 No. ungraded schools in township 7 No. brick school houses 1 No. frame school houses 7 No. male teachers employed 4 No. female teachers employed 10 Total 14 358 HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. Estimated value of school property $ 1^,600.00 Estimated value of school libraries 10.00 Estimated value of school apparatus 18.00 Township fund for support of schools 2,242.60 Highest monthly wages paid teachers 80.00 Lowest monthly wages paid teachers 30.00 Total amount paid teachers 3.063.16 The township is well supplied with good substantial school houses, thorough teachers, and every facility for first-class common school education. THE RAILROAD. The Western Division of the Chicago & Alton Railroad crosses the township diagonally. It was completed in 1870, and the township, as an organization, holds $50,000 stock in the road. The route was first surveyed under the title of the Tonica & Petersburg Railroad many years ago, but little except the sur- vey was done toward a completion of the enterprise at that time. The first intention seems to have been to build this road south to Lincoln and north to Peru, and after the survey was made it was chaiiged to Petersburg south and Tonica north. But. under a later dispensation, it was changed to its present route and built principally by subscriptions received along the line. As a local road, it is doing a large business, and has been of material benefit to the section through which it passes. It belongs to the Chicago, Alton & St. Louis Railroad Company, and is known as the Western Division of that road. THE MORMONS. At an early day there was a Moriuon Settlement in the northwest corner of Cazenovia Township, Avhich was a source of considerable excitement, and at one time threatened trouble. Two brothers, Orson and Parley P. Pratt, were the chief prophets and elders of the saints of this settlement, and exercised all the functions, on a smaller scale, of Jo. Smith or Brigham Young. But the low, deep mutterings of the gathering tempest warned these "Latter-Day Saints " that a collision was rapidly approaching, and convinced them, too, of the truth in that faithful saying, " A prophet is not without honor, except in his own coun- try." In order to avoid "the Avrath to come." they suddenly changed their base of operations, pulled up stakes and removed to Salt Lake, where they be- came big guns and elders of the first water under Brigham. There we will leave them. With their departure, fizzled out ^Nlormonism in this section. The settlement alluded to a little space ago, called Bricktown. was, at an early period of the settling up of the tOAvnship, a rather interesting neighbor- hood. It was on the plain, northwest of " Uncle Jimmy " Owens', and received its name from the fact that there was a brick yard there many years ago, where considerable brick was manufactured. A little store and grocery was once kept in their midst, and was quite a place of resort on Saturday evenings, and, per- haps, Sundays. It was in this settlement that the first frame school house was built in Cazenovia Township ; and in the grand march of civilization and HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 359 refinement, its "old-time pleasantries" have passed away, and it has settled down into a most excellent neighborhood, noted for its energy, and enterprise. ORIGIN OF NAME. Cazenovia Township received its name from Oazenovia Lake, in the State of New York. There were four brothers-in-law living near Low Point, viz.: Jeter Foster, Eli Rich, Thomas Clark and John SaflFord, who came from the neighbor- hood of the lake above alluded to, and talked so much about its beauties that they finally received the name of " Old Cazenovia " among their neighbors. The name was bestowed on them in good humor, and received in the same spirit, and clung to them until it became almost as common as their true names. When the county was laid off and organized into townships, in 1852, the matter of a name for this one evoked considerable discussion, until some one, as a joke on their good-natured neighbors, proposed Cazenovia, which was unanimously adopted without debate. John W. Acres was the first Supervisor, under township organization, and James G. Bayne, first Clerk. At present, P. Coen is Supervisoror, and C. F. McCuUoch, Town Clerk. Politically, Cazenovia was Democratic in the days of Whigs and Democrats, but from 1860 until within the past few years it was Republican. At present, it is a difficult matter to designate the color of its political faith or to decide which of the four political parties extant has the ascendancy. Of the old line Democrats, the Republicans, National Greenbackers, and Independents, it is not easy to tell just which way the town would now go, in a national contest. WAR RECORD. During the late war, Cazenovia did her whole duty in furnishing troops, but, like other portions of Woodford County, failed to get the proper credits for all her men, and, as a consequence, was subjected to a draft before the final wind-up of the unpleasantness. Among the officers whose names are inscribed on the roll of fame are Capt. McCuUoch, who is reported from Metaraora Township ; Lieut. Philip Jenkins, Co. C, Seventy-seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteers ; C. F. McCuUoch, Second Lieutenant of the same company and regiment, and Lieut. Anderson Wright, who was promoted to the place of Jenkins, when his failing health forced him to resign his office. Of the brave boys who filled up the ranks and bore the brunt of the strife, their record is written on many a Southern battle field, and many lonely graves bear silent witness to their deeds. " Not forever have they left us, Those for whom we shed our tears ; Not forever shall our niouniiiig Darken long and weary years." When Mr. Owen settled in the township, there were traces of an Indian camp plainly visible about one and a half miles from where he settled. But 360 HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. the Indians themselves had "gone West to grow up with the country," and their hunting grounds had been appropriated by the pale faces. TOWNS AND VILLAGES. The old town of Washburn, as it is still called, was laid out in 1851, by Hiram Echols, who owned the land on which it was situated. The old town was mostly in ^Nlai'shall County, but on the line between it and Woodford. The first lots, which were 50x150 feet, were sold at public auction, and brought the rousing figures of from $3.00 to $15.00 apiece. The place was first called Uniontown ; but upon ascertaining that there was another Uniontown in the State it was changed to Mantua, which was likewise a duplicate name, when Washburn was finally decided upon, which name it still retains, and which was that of the first post office established here. William Maxwell, now of Lacon, was the first Postmaster, and the office was established several years before the town was laid out. The first store was kept by Americus Pogue, who is now a wealthy man and is living at Richmond, Ind. Jesse Hammers built the first large stone building ; and Dr. Thomas, now living at Lacon, and who bought a whole block at the sale of lots, put up the first residence. August Younker, who came from Germany, in 1854, stopping in New- Orleans two years, came here in 1856, where he has since remained. In 1869, he built a large steam grist-mill, the only one in the township. It is a two-story frame structure, has two runs of burs, cost $9,000, and has a capacity of about 150 bushels of grain per day. Peleg Sweet, another of the enterprising men of the old town of Washburn, was from New York. He settled first in Morgan County, and came to Wash- burn in 1847, where he took an active part in building up the town. The magnificent brick school house of Washburn is in the old town, and consequently in the county of Marshall. The new village of Washburn was laid out in 1870, when the certainty of a railroad became apparent, and is wholly in Woodford County, but just across the line from the old town, and is on the Western Division of the C. & A. Rail- road, about nine miles north of Metamora. It was incorporated as a village in July, 1873, and the following Board of Trustees elected, viz.: Geo. C. Butler, F. Bennecke, S. W. McCullough, Samuel Patrick, Henry Sangbush and J. G. Harris. The Board organized for business by electing S. W. McCullough, Pres- ident, and M. S. Fulton, Clerk. F. N. Ireland was elected Treasurer, R. H. Richards, Constable, and William Cotton, Street Commissioner. The Washburn JVetvs, a live, seven-column newspaper, was established in December, 1877, by S. C. Bruce, a practical printer, and who is editor and proprietor. It is Independent on all political issues, and is noted for being the only paper in the county that uses no patent side. HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 361 The Washburn Bank was established in 1870, by Frank N. Ireland, who is sole owner of it, and who carries on the banking business in all its depart- ments. The village has two general stores, three grocery stores, two lumber yards, two furniture stores, two drug stores, three saloons, two shoe stores, two harness shops, four wagon and blacksmith shops, three hotels, one livery stable, and all branches of general business are well represented. The legal fraternity is represented by Messrs. S. B. Jones and George P. (rill ; and the medical bureau is composed of Drs. N. V. Maloney, Jas. Tweed- dale and Garrett Newkirk. The grain elevator was built by S. W. McCullough, in 1870, and cost, in- cluding its steam power, about $7,000. It has a capacity of 12,000 bushels is still owned by its builder, Mr. McCullough, who handles annually about 200,000 bushels of grain, mostly corn and oats, with a few car loads of rye, by way of variety. THE CHURCHES. The Baptist Society was formed in 1852, under the pastoral charge of Rev. Mr. Freeman. The church was built in 1855-6, and Rev. C. D. Merritt was the first Pastor. It is a frame building, 36x50 feet in size, cost $1,800, and has about fifty members. There is no Pastor in charge of it at present. Rev. J. B. Brown, late Pastor, having recently resigned his position. The Methodist Episcopal Church was built about 1863, and dedicated by Revs. Mr. Munsell and Mr. Evans ; the former, at the time, was President of the University at Bloomington, and the latter is now President of Abingdon College. The society was organized in 1857. Rev. Mr. Suedaker was Pastor when the church was built, and Rev. Mr. Applebee is present Pastor. The edifice is 30x48 feet, cost about $2,000, and has a membership of about forty. The German Evangelical Church was built in 1877, and is an elegjint little frame edifice, furnished in the highest style of modern architecture, and cost $1,500. They have no Pastor at present. Rev. H. Eller having lately left the charge. In addition to these churches, there are, in the old town, the Christian, Pres- byterian and German Luthei'an. Rev. W. Keeling is Pastor of the Presbyte- rian ; Rev. F. Ledebur, of the German Lutheran, while the Christian Church has no settled Pastor. Washburn Lodge, No. 421, A., F. & A. M., was organized in 1861, with James Freeman as Master. It has about thirty members at present, but at one time had upward of eighty. Many of them have dimitted to form other Lodges, and some to remove to other sections of the country. G. Burson is the present Master, and Charles Cutler, Secretary. The order of Odd Fellows is represented by Washburn Lodge, No. 546, I. 0. 0. F. N. V. Maloney is Noble Grand, and H. Gill, Secretary. 362 HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. There is a cemetery adjacent to the Baptist Church, and another on the Sweet place, where slumber many of the early citizens of the old town. About 1869-70, a cemetery was laid out one mile southeast of the new village, and which is quite a handsome little city of the dead. LOW POINT, The town of Low Point is on the railroad, about four miles south of Wash- burn, and is located on Section 22 of the township. It was surveyed and laid out by D. H. Davison, County Surveyor, in 1871, foi- James G. Bayne, who owned the land. The first house was built by Piper, Bayne & Co., just after the town was laid out, and was a store house. The school house was built in 1848, long before the village of Low Point was dreamed of, and the first school was taught in it by Orson Cheedle. The present teacher is Miss Ella Dodds, who has a large attendance of pupils, and is represented as an excellent teacher. An association was formed in 1874 for the purpose of opening an academy. Tlie next year an elegant academy building was erected, and a school of higher grade than the public schools conducted in it by Prof J. E. Lamb, until De- cember, 1876, when the edifice was burned to the ground. It had an average of about forty pupils, and was an institution in which the citizens felt consider- able pride. It is a fact to be regretted that the funds of the association do not .permit them to rebuild at present. The Methodist Episcopal Church, the only one in the village, was built in 1851, but the society organized several years anterior to that period. The build- ing is a frame structure, 30x40 feet, and cost about $1,500. It was dedicated by Rev. Mr. Cummins, who was Presiding Elder of the district. The present preacher in charge is Rev. Mr. Applebee, land the church is in a flourishing condition. A very pretty little cemetery is attached to the church, and hand- somely adorned with shrubbery and evergreens. The first burial in it was in the Summer of 1851, and were two brothers named Pogue,* who died of cholera on the same day, and were both buried in the same grave. They had gone down to the timber for a load of wood, and while absent ate some red plums, took cholera and died before they could get home. Low Point boasts of having the best adapted grain elevator outside of Chi- cago. It was built during the Summer of 1873, by Piper, Bayne & Co., at a cost of $7,000. It is 24x40 feet in size, 70 feet in height, and has a capacity of 20,000 bushels. A good steam engine is attached. They handle, princi- pally, corn and oats, and about 200,000 bushels annually. The tile factory of Oscar Pinkerton is quite an object of interest, and deserves a special notice in connection with the business of the place. Hitherto, farmers could not get tiling for drainage purposes nearer than Joliet. This establishment turns out about 4,000 feet daily, and makes six different sizes, viz. : 2J, 3, 3J, 4, 5 and 6 inches. About $4,000 is invested in the business, and it is the first enterprise of the kind in this section of the country. *TheT were brothers of Americus Pogue, mentioned in the history of Washburn. HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 36S The first store in Low Point was kept by John E. Dodds, who is still in the mercantile business. There is one other store, kept by Hornish Brothers ; one blacksmith and wagon shop, by Ellsworth, which, with what has already been noticed, constitutes the business of the town. The name of Low Point was taken from the oldest settlement in the township, which was long known by the same title. CAZENOVIA TOWN. The town of Cazenovia is situated on the Western Division of the C. & A. Railroad, about four miles north of Metaraora, and occupies twenty acres of the southeast corner of Section 28, and nineteen acres of the northeast corner of Section 33, together with about eight acres belonging to the railroad. It was surveyed by D. H. Davison, in September, 1870, for E. N. Farnsworth and W. 0. Hammers, who owned the land and who laid out the town. The first store was opened by Wikoif & Bowen, in March, 1871. The post office was established in 1870, with W. 0. Hammers, Postmaster. He was suc- ceeded by William Forbes, and he by B. F. Bowen. In August, 1877, Paul J. Perry, the present incumbent, received the office. The grain elevator was built in 1871, by W. 0. Hammers & Co., and is 24x40 feet, thirty-two feet from the ground to the eaves, and cost $4,000. It has a capacity for 15,000 bushels, and has horse power attachment, good drive- way, etc. The first house put up after the town was laid out was the stone house now occupied by Amsler. The present business of the place is one general store, kept by Samuel Amsler ; wagon and blacksmith shop, by G. W. Clingman ; harness shop, by Jesse Hammers ; and shoe shop, by G. W. Baden. THE BAPTIST CHURCH was built in 1873, during the pastoral service of Rev. W. B. James. It is an ele- gant frame, of modern style, 28x36 feet, cost $3,600, and has about 115 mem- bers, but is at present without a shepherd. The ground occupied by it was do- nated by Mrs. Mary Farnsworth, for church purposes, as long as thus used. Upon these conditions she gave five lots to the church society. A school house was built here in 1858, long before the birth of the village. It is a good frame building. The average attendance is thirty pupils, and Miss Edith Bayne is teacher. The name of Cazenovia was bcstoAved on the village in honor of that borne by the township. WORTH TOWNSHIP. The Faderland, as Worth Township is sometimes called, has for its southern boundary the line of Tazewell County, with Spring Bay Township on the west, Partridge on the north, and Metamora on the east. About one-half of Worth 364 HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. is prairie and excellent timbered land for farming purposes, while the other half is broken and hilly, with high bluffs and brakes along the creeks of Black Partridge, Ten Mile and their numerous branches. The bluffs and creek bot- toms produce timber in abundance, and that of a good quality. The soil is well watered by the creeks noted above, and their tributaries, and at the same time well drained through these outlets. When we take a survey of this sec- tion, of its rugged bluffs and timbered slopes, with their poverty-stricken soil, and reflect upon its general inferior quality, we are ready to conclude that, with all the disadvantages resulting from these sources taken into considera- tion, Worth Township is one of the most flourishing in the county. No railroads cross its boundaries, nor any villages dot its surface ; but it is a thoroughly farming community, and is devoted almost exclusively to farming interests. It is known as Township 27 north. Range 3 west of the Third Principal Meridian, and, in 1877, had an assessed valuation of taxable prop- erty, personal and real, of $231,473. SETTLEMENT. Notwithstanding a large majority of the present population of Worth Town- ship is from countries beyond the sea, yet the first settlements were made by our own people As early as 1831, we find the hardy pioneer erecting his cabin in this section. The first cabin in the township is supposed to have been built by one of the Sowardses, of whom mention has several times been made in these pages. Rev. Zadock Hall, the old pioneer Methodist preacher — the co-laborer in the wilds of Illinois with the famous Peter Cartwright, and who was born in the far-off State of Delaware — came to Worth Township in November, 1831, aud pre-empted a claim to land where he at present resides. He informs us that when he made his claim he remembers but two cabins standing upon the terri- tory now embraced in Worth, and that neither were then occupied. One of them was near the present site of Germantown, and the other in the western part, near the Metamora line. The latter had been built by Sowards, some years before, but was deserted. Both of these cabins were so small that, Mr. Hall said, to use a backwoods phrase of the times, "there was not room enough to sling a cat around in them." Mr. Hall came first to Ohio, and settled near Zanesville, in 1816, where he remained until he came to this county, as already recorded. His was, probably, the first permanent settlement in what is now Worth Township. He built his house of one room, which is embraced in the present elegant residence of his son, Lewis Hall, in the early part of the year 1832 ; and if it was not the first house, it was at least the first frame house in the town. He employed Albert J. Banta to assist him in building it, and they went on Congress land to get the timbers for it, without asking, of course, Uncle Sam's permission. The old gentleman still tells it, as a joke, that Mr. Banta remarked at the time that everybody in Illinois would steal, even to the preach- «^ HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 367 ers. The house he then built has never been out of possession of the family. Additions have been made to it, and modern improvements, until it is a hand- some and capacious residence ; but Mr. Hall still retains as his study the old original room. He first entered a quarter section of land, and, like all the early settlers, he sought the timber, avoiding the prairies as uninhabitable deserts. When his only son grew to manhood, and desired to settle in life, Mr. Hall gave him half of his land, and a few years ago sold him the remainder of it, while he makes his home with him, in comparative rest and quiet, after his long life of service as a minister of the Gospel. He stated to us that, a few- years after he came to the neighborhood, a man settled a mile or two from him, just out on the prairie, and said that he did so because he would always have the range beyond him for the benefit of his own stock. A decade or two con- vinced him of his error on that point. V Benjamin Williams came from Shelbyville, Ind., and settled first in the vicinity of Metamora, in those early times known as Partridge Point. It was about the year 1829 that he settled where Peter Engle now lives, and sold the claim to the elder Engle, upon his arrival in the settlement. He then removed into Worth Township, and settled near the line between it and Spring Bay. He lived upon this place until his death, which occurred in September, 1846. His wife died in 1864. She was said to have been a noble Christian woman — kind to the poor, and a ministering angel among the sick and distressed. Mr. Williams was one of the first Justices of the Peace in the county, and held the office so long ago that none now living can tell the date of his appointment. There are some amusing incidents related as having occurred in his early courts, and connected with his official acts. It is said that he once united a couple in the bonds of matrimony, whose married life disclosed the thorns, without reveal- ing any of the roses which are supposed to bloom along life's pathway ; and their unhappiness so troubled the good old man that he sought the advice of a brother Justice, to know if he could not unmarry them, arguing that, as he had married them, he certainly had the power to undo his own work. A case once came before him, and when his son-in-law, Jeffisrson Hoshor, was Constable, wherein a Mr. Brown had sued one of the Sowardses, and Sow- ards, in true backwoodsman style, swore he would " whip him on sight." The first time he saw him was on the day of trial, in the Justice's office, and, with- out words, " pitched " into him. " Set back the chairs," said the 'Squire, de- scending from his dignified seat of justice, "and give 'em room; " nor would he allow any one to interfere until one of them " hollered nuff." And thus the case was decided. His house used to be the voting place, when the county was divided into election districts, before township organization ; and, with Hoshor's still-house but a few miles distant, the effect of such an institution on the native sons of the soil can be imagined. Stirring scenes were often enacted at these political gatherings. 368 HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. His house was often, too, the stopping place of some wandering minister of God, who always received a hearty welcome from the old pioneer. He extended to them a liberal hospitality, in obedience to the scriptural injunction, " Be kind to the wayfaring man, for many have so entertained angels unawares." These servants of Christ were always invited to hold religious services at his house, or rather in his barn, which was often converted into a sanctuary of worship, long before a house dedicated to religious purposes was built in this section. From " Sunny France," and the bank of the Rhine, came Peter "Webber^ Christian Smith, Chas. Molitor, Joseph Schertz, Christian Belsley, Jacob loerger, Martin Sommers, Peter Naffziger, •' Red " Jo. Belsley, M. Wagner, and many others who rank as old settlers. They were from the Provinces of Lorraine and Alsace, France, near the frontier, and which now belong to Ger- many, and from Bavaria and other places in Germany proper. Joseph Schertz came to America about 1833—4, and first stopped in Chicago,, where he remained about seven weeks. While there, says that he wit- nessed the paying of the Indians for their lands, and saw them depart for their new hunting grounds beyond the Great Father of Waters. He came next to Peoria County, where he worked by the month for several years, when he came to Woodford County, bought land, and settled in Worth Township about one and a half miles from where he now lives. In 1864, he moved on to his present farm, which is one among the excellent farms of the township. Christian Smith came to the United States in 1829, and, after spending four years in Pennsyl- vania, came to Worth, where he settled permanently in 1833, and was one of the prosperous farmers of the times. Peter Webber settled near Germantown, in this township, in 1838, where he resided until 1866, when he removed to- Linn, and in 1871 removed to Metamora, and settled two miles east of the vil- lage. Chas. Molitor, though born in France, lived in Germany from the time he was six years old until he came to America, in 1835, and two years after settled in Worth Township, where he still lives. His father-in-law, Andrew Burcky, came the year before and settled near where Mr. Molitor at present resides. Burcky died several years ago. Peter NafTziger came to Woodford County in 1833, and first settled in the township of Olio, but about five years afterward settled in Worth, where he lives at present. Martin Sommers» an eccentric old German, settled in this township so long ago that he has for- gotten the date, but insists that he has been living in his present cabin for over forty years. It stands on a high bluff overlooking Wolf Creek, a tributary of Ten Mile, and looks sufficiently dilapidated and weather-beaten to have been built immediately after the flood *' decayed and dried up." His first claim wa.s. made on the State road, near Germantown, where Geo. Noe now lives, but when the lands came into market he entered his present firm. Jacob loerger settled in Worth in 1839, on the place where he has ever since lived. The Belsleys came here at an early day. "Red" Jo Belsley, as he was called, to distinguish him from his cousin, "Black" Jo Belsley, was among HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 369 the first from La Belle France to settle in this township. Mr. Belsley settled near the line of Partridge, where he lived and died a respected citizen, and a man of considerable wealth. Christian Belsley, the youngest brother of " Black " Jo Belsley, sons of Michael Belsley, came to this country in 1836. He settled in Worth, while his brother Jo, who had come out several years before, settled in Spring Bay Township. Christian Belsley has in his possession his father's old family Bible, which bears the date of 1560 as that of its publication. It is written in what is called High Dutch, embellished Avith all the patois, dialects, etc., as used by the diiferent classes in that early day, and is almost as difficult for the modern German scholar to master as it would be in Sanscrit or Arabic. The following is a true copy of the title page between the Old and New Testaments : It is profusely illustrated with colored engavings of Bible scenes, and descriptive of events in the antediluvian period, as well as down to and embrac- ing the Christian dispensation. Among them may be noticed Lot's wife turned into the pillar of salt, for looking back to gratify her curiosity as to the fate of their wicked city. Another is the offering up of Isaac by Abraham, with a view of the ram caught in the thicket by his horns ; and another of Isaac, where his son Jacob receives his blessing, after imposing on his father in 370 HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. blindness, while the other son is just appearing on the scene with his offering of genuine venison. And still another of & Jacob, the Pilgrim, when wearied by day, With his head on a stone for a pillow he lay, with his ladder extending from earth to heaven, upon which angels were ascend- ing and descending. Mrs. Potiphar tempting Joseph is given as a warning to those disposed to toy with the forbidden fruit, and so on, ad infinitum. It is quite a literary curiosity, and a relic that Mr. Belsley prizes very highly. The book is more than six inches in thickness, with heavy board lids covered in leather, and has heavy brass tips. There are probably few similar relics in the country. Virginia, the grand old mother of Presidents and the original stamping ground of John Smith and Powhatan, gave to this township Andrew Cress, David Kendig, Simon Grove, James West, the Brownfields, John J. Tool and Rev. John Boen. The latter was from Virginia, originally, but had lived some time in Indiana before he came here. He settled in Worth about 1833-4, and was a local minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He spent the remainder of his life in this section, and died in 1876. Andrew Cress, one of the model farmers of Worth Township, settled here about 1833. He had made a trip of inspection a year or two before his per- manent settlement, and when he moved hither, his mother's family came with him. It consisted of six brothers and their mother,* and their settlement was made near the Tazewell County line. None are living in Woodford at present, except Andrew, and he is on his original homestead. David Kendig came to the town with his father in 1832. His present farm adjoins Tazewell, and is another of the productive farms of this splendid section of country. The Brownfields also settled here in 1832. There were three brothers — John, Christian and Thomas, and all are now dead. John was the eldest, and the most remarkable fact connected with him was that of having nineteen children. He removed to Missouri in 1838, where he died sometime afterward. Christian removed into Peoria County, and Thomas died in Worth Township. John J. Tool settled in this township in the Fall of 1833. When Woodford County was laid off, in 1841, the line ran through his house, but his land, excepting a small lot, was in Woodford. He made his claim by pre-emption, as the land was not then in the market. A small body of land in this section, lying mostly in Worth and Metamora Townships and extending, perhaps, into Tazewell County, of a kind of triangular shape, was by some means overlooked, and did not come into the market for several years after the surrounding lands. He remained upon his original settlement until 1849, when he removed into Metamora, about two miles from the village, where he died in May, 1871, at the age of four score and six years. He has left several sons — good citizens — * Their father liieil before the family left Virginia. HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 371 some of Avhom live in Greene Township, and one, M. Tool, lives in the village of Metamora. Mr. Tool was a cooper, and the first mechanic of that branch of industry in the town. He was also somewhat of a carpefiter, and assisted many of the first settlers to build their first cabins. Most of the houses were at that time built of logs in their natural state, and he would put up a scaffold and " hew them down " after the houses had been erected. James West settled in this township in 1834, near the Tazewell line. He was a plasterer by trade, and the first of that class in the neighborhood. His calling was one not much in demand in those early times. He died several years ago. Simon Grove canfe to Woodford County in 1833, and settled in Worth Township, on the place where Joseph Schertz now lives. He had four stalwart sons, two of whom still live in this county. Benjamin Grove is one of the prosperous farmers of Worth Township, where he has lived ever since his father came here in 1833. Henry lives over in the eastern part of the county, near Panola, Abraham in La Salle County, and Jacob in Missouri. The Sunderlands and Samuel Beck were from Ohio. John Sunderland came from Fairfield County, Ohio, and settled a little north of Rev. Mr. Hall's, in 1834, on the State road from Peoria to Chicago. He kept the first stag stand on the road after coaches were put on. He sold out some years ago, and started to remove to Missouri, but died before reaching his destination. When Thomas Sunderland first came to the town he located in Mr. Hall's house, who as a Methodist circuit rider was, at the time, stationed in Bloomington. Thomas Sunderland, Jr., a son of John Sunderland, came to the township in 1835, and settled in this section. Samuel Beck, the great hunter as he was called, came from Zanesville, Ohio, in 1832, when but 18 years old. He was a nephew of Father Hall, and made his home with the good old preacher for a number of years. He was a great hunter, and has often been known to kill five deer in one day. It is told of him, that he knew the woods and prairies like an Indian, and all the signs in the great forest, which serve to guide the woodsman, was to him as a printed book. Isaac Moulton came from Indiana, and settled in this neighborhood in 1833, but soon after removed into Cazenovia Township. THE FIRST BLACKSMITH. Philip Klein settled here a few years after Rev. Mr. Hall, and was a black- smith. He opened a shop on his place, which was the first iron foundry in the township. The first regular tavern was built by William Hoslior, at Ger- mantown, in 1850. He owned the land there, and put up this tavern, which is called the Germantown House, to enhance the value of it. The house is still used for hotel purposes. As already stated, Benjamin Williams was the first Justice of the Peace in the township. Dr. Hazard, noticed in other chapters as a physician, is supposed to have been the first disciple of Esculapius who practiced in Worth. He was from Hamilton County, Ohio, and came to the settlement m 1833. 372 HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. CHURCH ORGANIZATIONS, The first church society organized in Worth Township was at the residence of Mr. Hall, and he preached the first sermon in the neighborhood. This society was organized soon after his settlement in the "wilderness. The first Methodist preacher in this section, and perhaps in Woodford County, was Rev. Stephen R. Biggs, who preached here during the Winter of the deep snow. Mr. Hall has been identified with the ministry and with the Methodist Episco- pal Church ever since he has been in the county, a period of nearly half a cen- tury. He has preached all over Central and Northern Illinois, and is looked upon as one of the pillars of that denomination in the State. He states that the first quarterly meeting he attended after settling here was at Pekin, and the famous old backwoods preacher^ Peter Cartwright, Avas present as Presiding Elder. The bounds of his circuit extended from Pekin to Bloomington, includ- ing all intervening country. It was afterw^ard divided, and bounded by the Illinois, Mackinaw and Vermilion Rivers, with the great prairie on the east. The first Presiding Elder in this section of the country was Rev. Jesse Walker, who made his headquarters in Chicago, and was the second preacher stationed in that citv. He is said to have organized the first Methodist Church in St. Louis. EOMAN CATHOLIC. The Church of the Immaculate Conception is among the oldest churches in Woodford County, and is in nearly the center of Worth Township. The society Avas organized in 1837, by eight families, who came from Bavaria, Germany. The heads of these families — both male and female — are all dead ; the last one, old mother Sauer, died March 22, 1878, at the age of eighty-foui" years, and forty-one years after coming to America. Their first house of worship was a little log structure, erected at the nortliAvest corner of the cemetery, in 1840, by the people en masse. Before this church was built, they gathered together in a barn near by for religious instruction and Avorship, and the ofiici- ating priest came from Joliet. The first regular minister of this old pioneer congregation Avas Rev. Father M. Gipperich, Avho came to it in 1854, and re- mained Avith it for tAvo years. During that period, the elegant brick church, one of the finest churches in the county, Avas commenced ; Avliich Avas completed and opened for worship in 1858. In 1859, the roof A\as bloAvn off by a tornado, carried several hundred yards and dropped near the cemetery. It Avas at once replaced and the damages repaired. The edifice cost about $12,000, and 163 families Avorship in it, comprising about 850 members. For the past seven years, it has been under the pastoral charge of Father George Mager, Avho, soon after his call to the church, built the comfortable parsonage adjacent, Avhich is quite convenient and Avell, but plainly, furnished. The cemetery is a neat and extremely Avell kept burying ground, just across the road from the church. These old pioneer founders of the church all rest there, aAvaiting their reward on the last day. The Ormish Church on the State road, a short distance from the HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 373 line of Metamora Township, is another ohl church, but we have been unable to obtain any particulars in regard to it. There was also a German Lutheran Church on the west side of the township many years ago, but it is now " among the things that were." SCHOOLS, ETC. The first school of which we can get any record, and it is somewhat indefi- nite, was taught by a Mr. EUmore at a very early day, in 'Squire Williams' barn. He stayed a good deal at Mr. Williams', making it a kind of home, and while there, taught this school, which is supposed to be the first in the town- ship, and among the first taught in the county. The first school house in the town was built in the neighborhood of Mr. Hall's, years ago, so long that the •date is forgotten. Hoshor built a school house at Germantown in 1851, which, after being used many years, was replaced by the present frame building, the ■best school house in the township, in 1876, and cost |?1,000. The following statistical facts are from the last annual report of Joseph Vetter, School Treasurer : No. of males under 21 years of age in township 42.5 No. of females ujider 21 years of age in tdwnship 323 Total 748 No. of males between 6 and 21 years in township 248 No. of females between 6 and 21 years in township 241 Total 48:t No. of males attending school in township 176 No. of females attending school in township 148 Total , 324 No. of School Districts, 6, and 2 fractional, total 8 No. of male teachers employed...: 4 No. of female teachers employed 2 Total No. of frame school houses in township 5 No. of log school houses in township 1 Total ti No. of private schools in township 1 No. of male pupils in private school 43 No. of female pupils in private school 40 Total 83 Teacher employed in private school 1 Estimate value of school property $3,160 00 Estimate value of school apparatus 275 00 Amount of township fund for support of schools 2,647 00 Annual tax levy for support of schools 1,955 00 Amount paid male teachers 1,220 00 Amount paid female teachers 440 00 Total amount $1,660 00 374 HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. When the county came under township organization, in 18o'2, this, in the ''eternal fitness of things,'" received the name of "Worth. Whether it was given for Gen. Worth, of Mexican war fame, or simply because all things must have a name, we know not. Jacob Shook was the first Supervisor, after the township was organized, and the following are the present officers : John Klug, Supervisor ; Joseph Vetter, Town Clerk ; John Wessel, Assessor ; M, Fandel, Collector ; A. Fisher, Commissioner of Highways ; W. Reinhart, Justice of the Peace: Zedde Hall. Constable; Geo. M. Noe, School Trustee; Joseph Vetter, School Treasurer. BRICK YARD. An enterprise of considerable note in the township is the brick yard of Peter Wiltz. near Hickory Point, on the east side of the town. It has been in oper- ation some ten years or more, and is still owned by the originator of the scheme. He manufactures about 800.000 brick annuallv, and the larore number of eleo^ant brick houses in the neighborhood indicates that his business is well patronized. There is no post office in the town, nor large store ; neither are there any mills, except a saw-mill at Germantown. It is decidedly a farming community, and but little devoted to other branches of industry. POLITICAL AND WAR RECORD. Worth, politically, is Democratic, fi'om the earliest record of political events down to the present, though not as strongly so as some of the other townships of Woodford County. But upon national tickets and in elections where party lines are closely drawn, it is accustomed to give small Democratic majorities. Like other portions of the county, it did a very good part during the war. It did not. however, turn out quite so many soldiers as other sections of like population. But that should not be a matter of surprise when we reflect that so large a majority of its citizens are foreigners, who could not be expected ta volunteer with the same alacrity as our own people. Under the circumstances, they did well, and those '• Who stood in the front of the fray for us. And held the foemen at bay for us.'" were just as brave and heroic soldiers as any in the field, and fully maintained the honor so nobly won and so ricldy merited by all Illinois troops engaged in the great rebellion. HAMLETf As already stated, Worth has no large towns or villages, but has two or three little places of public resort that might, perhaps, without violence to the name, be termed hamlets. Of these, Germantown is the more pretentious. It consists of a tavern, a lager beer saloon and grocery store, a blacksmith shop and saw-mill, and is on the State road, about six miles from Metamora. The Germantown House was built in 1850 by W^illiam Hoshor, who owned the land about the place. It is still used as a tavern, and has a little grocery store HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 375 attached, together with a lager beer saloon, and is kept by Frank Tropp. Henry Schwing & Co. carry on (juite an extensive blacksmith shop. A steam saw-mill was built in 1800 by parties to whom Hoshor furnished capital, and took a lien on the mill. A few years ago it was sold, and he bought it. It is still his property and he is operating it. This constitutes Germantown. Hoshor also built the Union House, which is a tavern one mile east of Germantown, and on the same road. It Avas originally built in 1855, and, after being in use ten or twelve years, was burned, and, in 1870, the present Union House was erected on the same site. At present, it is kept by Peter Alig, who, in addition to a tavern, keeps a grocery store and lager beer saloon. It is the center of the township, and the voting place, as well as the place for holding all town meetings. Hickory Point is a fair sample of the last-mentioned place, except the voting and place for holding public meetings. It is a tavern and saloon, built by Chris. Delabaugh about 1862, who died some years ago. It is now owned by a man named John Slugy. These places are great resorts of the German popu- lation, who meet here, during their leisure moments, to discuss the events of the day and partake of their favorite beverage. LINN AND CLAYTON. When rapidly growing cities have become so compactly built that there no hunger remains ground on which buildings may be placed, or when lots have become so dear that the newer comers can find no suitable location correspond- ing to their limited means, on which to erect them a habitation, they are, neces- sarily, compelled to seek room at a distance from the occupied portions of the city. In this way, addition after addition to the original plat of the city is made, and suburb after suburb follows, until what was at first considered a long way out into the country becomes the very heart of the city. Suburban towns thus glow and thrive, from the simple overflow, until some of them even rival the parent corporation, in wealth, population and power. By this means Brook- lyn, which is truly a suburb of New York, has become the third city, in popu- lation, in the United States, containing half the number of inhabitants as does the city of New Y^ork. This is the history of the old world and the new. The people are being perpetually pushed off, thrust out and led forward, as the human race multiplies. It is the history of society and families. When the children are grown, though their love for the paternal fireside is not less, their love for independence and freedom is greater ; and, one by one, they build their own tenements, and erect their own altars. Human beings, like some of the lower orders of animals, love home, and, but for the hope of bettering their condition, would be loth to change their habitations. There is no better illustration of this idea than the settlement of the prairies of the West. The Eastern States were full. There was no land there for the increasing population ; and young 376 HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. men and women, with the constantly arriving emigrant from foreign shores, must seek homes on the borders of civilization. So they came. The first ones settled in the edges of the timber tracts, because, perhaps, it reminded them of the well-reraembered scenes of their youth. But the later emigrant was not permitted to rest his feet even here, but was obliged to locate at a greater or less distance on the open prairie ; and now, the emigrant finds not a foothold there, but is advised to continue his journey further toAvard the setting sun. The groves along Panther and CroAv Creeks had been pretty well filled up, in 1840 ; but, yet, at that time, from one grove to another, a distance of ten miles, not a house nor a fence could anywhere be seen, nor had a farm been opened. It was all an open plain, as far as the eye could reach. In all of Linn and Clayton Townships, the hand of man and the hand of nature had not come together in conflict. The Indian troubles, which, for a time, had checked immigration to Illinois, had been removed by the removal of the Indians from the State ; and the tide was again setting in. Emigrants were arriving almost daily, and, as they found the land along the creeks already occupied, shanties here and there on the open prairie began to appear. EARLY SETTLEMENTS. The first actual s ir -"ithin the bounds of Linn was Harrison Hollenback, who moved to Section" 3 in 1840. He came here, with his family, from Ohio, and built the first house on the prairie south of the timber. This house was quite a mansion for those times, being a hewed log building, twenty-four feet long and eighteen feet wide, and one and a half stories high. It is still in use, but serves the ignoble purpose of sheltering cattle. The next to locate in the township was George Hollenback, with his newly- married wife. He was married to Jane Patton, in 1844, and immediately they left the paternal roof — their parents living only a few miles north, in Marshall County — and opened a farm and built them a home of their own. They set- tled on the east side of Section 3, within a few rods of the Marshall County line. Jacob Hollenback located a little further west, soon after. The Hollen- back families were from Perry County, Ohio. After these settlements were made, one family after another took up their residences on what might be called the second tier of farms from the timber of Crow Creek, in nearly the following chronological order : William and Simeon Linn, after whom the township was named ; John P. Davison, Amos West, Alfred Combs, Samuel Jackman, H. Simpson, John and Isaac Fisher, Joseph Martin, Benjamin Wilson, William Parks, Lewis Wyanteer. These had all settled, and made some improvements on their lands, before the organization of the two townships, in 1855. Pushing on further east, across the meridian line, but still hugging up close to the timber, farms were now beginning to be opened in Clayton. In 1854, HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 377 early in the Spring, probably in February, John Linn, from the State of Ken- tucky, commenced to build a house on Section 19. Following very soon after (April), James Livingston began to build. Mr. Livingston had been in the neighborhood, prospecting, the year before, but had gone back to New Hamp- shire after his family. Milton Hicks and Jefferson Shepler, with their families, came a little later in the same year, and began buildings. In the early Spring of 1855, John M. Davison and family took iip their residences in the township. By the end of this year, or early in the next, Jacob McChesney, Jacob Robinson, Samuel Knowles, Henry Lohnes and Josiah Gardner had arrived and began making improvements. In the meantime, the population of Linn had increased to fully one hundred and fifty, and of Clayton to half as many. The social, religious, educational and commercial privileges were yet very scanty: and these might all, with great propriety, be called pioneers. The Illinois Central Railroad was but just completed ; and as there were at the different stations along the line yet no stores or shops, trade was carried on wholly with the river towns, most families in this part of the county doing their marketing at Lacon, on the Illinois River. ORGANIZATION. The northeastern portion of Woodford County wae , .ast to be occupied, and as the main cause of its development was the open..ig of communication and trade with outer world by means of the Illinois Central Railroad, the inter- ests of the whole section, latterly constituting the townships of Linn, Clayton and Minonk, were almost identical, and continued so for many years. Peculiarly so has it been Avith Linn and Clayton, which were, until 1859, four years after the " Township Organization Act" was adopted by the county, embraced in a single precinct. At the time of the adoption of the '"Act," there were barely a suffi- cient number of inhabitants in the two towns for one organization, so it has been impossible to write the history of one without including the other. The precinct embracing the Congressional Towns 28 N., R. 1 W., and 28 N.. R. 1 E., was organized April 3, 1855, and, in anticipation of a future separa- tion, was called " Linn and Clayton." The officers elected were: Isaac Fisher, Supervisor ; John B. Fisher, Collector ; Harrison Simpson, Overseer of the Poor ; William Jury, Assessor ; Jesse Pickard, Clerk ; James M. Martin and Cyrus Acres, Commissioners of Highways ; and Angus Thom, Constable. There could not have been a very great desire at that time to hold office, as two of the elect, a Constable and a Commissioner of Highways, failed to qualify, and, in consequence, their names are lost to history. The number of votes cast at the election was sixty-five During the four years that the two townships remained in one precinct, the population increased very rapidly, so that, at the time the separation took place, there were two hundred and seventy voters in Linn and Clayton, and the actual 378 HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. population was not less than twelve hundred. This was an increase of about three hundred per cent. Other changes, (juite as marked as these, occurred. While the land was rapidly settling, farms continually opening and houses and barns building, public improvements, such as roads and bridges and school houses, were receiv-. ing their share of attention, so that the union of the townships may with truth be said to have been a season of great prosperity, such a season, indeed — taking all the circumstances into account, increase of population, etc. — as never before nor since has visited them. HIGHWAYS. Before the organization of the precinct, the wide prairie between Crow Creek and Panther Grove was tracked in all directions by the teamster, wh<» chose his own route to market and to mill, the road usually selected being the shortest cut across the prairie, in the direction of the point pf his destination, leaving to his right or left his only impediment, the sloughs. But. as the prairies began to be improved, fences and fields began to present new obstacles to his progress ; and by the time of the adoption of the " Township Organiza- tion Act," by Woodford County, there was a demand for regularly laid out and improved highways. The crossing of the sloughs could not, as formerly, be selected at the pleasure of the traveler, and they must, necessarily, be bridged. Therefore, ai soon as the townships Avere authorized to lay out and improve thoroughfares, a great clamor immediately arose for them in all directions. The precinct had but just been organized, when the Commissioners were petitioned for a road, running from the south line of Clayton tothe north line of the same, on the half section line dividing Sections o, 8, 17, 20, 29 and 32. Owing, however, to some informality, the petition was rejected, and the road was not granted. A petition was then circulated, and a survey made, for a road six miles long, on the meridian line. The petition had been drawn with care, all of the requirements of the law had been complied with, and, on the 10th of October, the prayer of the petitioners was granted. This constituted the first township highway, and is the present boundary between Linn and Clayton : and, though it was in the midst of the precinct, was considered an improvement on the eastern section. The next year, 1856, petitions followed thick and fast, and twenty-two and a half miles of new road were granted. The first was for a new road in the west- ern section ; this was for five and a half miles, commencing at the southeast corner of the northeast (juarter of Section 19, and running north to the county line. Petitions were being circulated, at the same time, for a new road through the two townships, beginning at the northwest corner of Section 18, in Linn Township, and extending to the northeast corner of Section 13, in Clayton ; and for a new road of five miles in length in Clayton, on the half section line, extending from the southeast corner of the northwest quarter of Section 29 to the north line of the township. The petitions were all granted, and this made, in all, twenty- HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 379 eight miles of highway laid out in loss than two years. This was increased during the next two years, to the time of separation, to over fifty miles. In 1855, there were two road districts in Clayton and Linn. The first dis- trict constituted all of the north two tiers of sections in both townships, the balance of the territory, embracing sixty sections, constituting the other district. To work these two districts, there reported for the first, forty-five men, and to manage the sixty sections, there was a force of twenty-five men. In 1858, the number of road districts had increased to six, and the number of men liable for duty in all of the districts had increased to two hundred and fifty-eight. In the meantime, quite a number of bridges had been built, a good deal of grading had been done, and tlie highways were taking on an improved appearance. FENCES. Perhaps no public measure has been adopted in this part of the country, which has had so marked an effect on the appearance of the country, as resolu- tions passed by these townships, in regard to the keeping up of stock. The traveler notices, on coming into this vicinity, an almost entire absence of fences. To early settlers, with limited means, this was a very important measure. After buying their prairie farms, they found that to prevent stock of all kinds from encroaching on their possessions and destroying their crops, it would be neces- sary to expend an amount equal to the original cost of the land. Before the completion of the Illinois Central Railroad, much of the lumber used for the purpose of building fences was hauled by wagon from Chicago ; and, even with lumber brought to within a dozen miles by rail, it was a very serious matter, involving an expense which very many could illy afford, and which, it was claimed, was greatly in excess of the accommodation to be derived from allow- ing cattle and hogs to run at large. Accordingly the precinct had but barely been organized, when a move was made looking toward the adoption of what is known as the "Hog Law." A petition was presented to the Township Board, and by them an election was ordered to be held, for the purpose of deciding the question, and for voting for the location of the pound. The election took place May 19th, 1855. There was but little opposition, and the measure was adopted. Rules were laid down governing the building of such fences as were required to turn cattle. An appropriation was made for building the pound ; a site was selected for the same ; rules adopted for its government, and a Pound Master was chosen. Seeing the amount of money thus saved, and noticing the successful opera- tion of the law, a further move for the abolition of all fences was made the fol- lowing year. At an election called for this purpose, August 23, 1856, it was resolved that " farmers be not required to build fences for the protection of their crops, but that every person owning cattle be required to care for the same, either by herding, or by securing them in such enclosures as would prevent them from overrunning fields and injuring grain." This law was to be in force con- 380 HISTOEY OF U'OODFORD COUNTY. tinuously, with the exception of the first two weeks in February, when stock might run at large for the purpose of feeding upon the husks and waste corn of the recently harvested fields. At first this plan met with some opposition from adjoining townships, where fences had already been built, and where no such law was in force, and the conflicts with the anti-no-fence-law people were some- times sharp and decisive, as well as amusing. Hundreds of cattle were pas- tured together in a single herd. They frequently, from fright, stampeded : and, in their flight, they respected not the field of the supporters or opposers of the cattle laws, but trampled corn, and turnips, and squashes, leaving behind a waste as complete as that left in the track of the tornado. These outbreaks and the impounding of stray cattle led to numerous quarrels and petty lawsuits, but the law stood and still remains in force. It has doubtless been the means of saving the farmers of these two townships many thousands of dollars. It has also given those who desired to fence an opportunity of planting and culti- vating hedges, without the necessity of building a fence for their protection. And though, to one unused to it, the appearance of the country is quite novel, yet it is by no means so unpleasing as field and lane separated by such ungainly and tumble-down fences a& are to be found in many other neighborhoods. PEACEABLE SECESSION. The two townships of Linn and Clayton had thus lived in peace and pros- perity for nearly four years ; and, for aught we know, and for aught that the most enthusiastic had anticipated, might thus have dwelt, under a single organ- ization, for ten or twenty more. It is true, there were some petty jealousies as to improvements, in the respective ends of the precinct : and it is true that some inconvenience was experienced in the matter of elections, and other pub- lic meetings; and it may be true that some may have thought of the increase of oflBces that would necessarily follow. At any rate, the population had in- creased so rapidly that it was found that either township was now much stronger than both had been at the first. Therefore, on the 27th of September, 1858, the legal voters of that part of the precinct known as Linn formally presented to the Board of Supervisors, then in session, a petition, setting forth their de- sire to be separate and apart, an organization by themselves. There appearing no good reason to the contrary, their request was granted, and separate elec- tions were thereupon ordered for the next Spring. ORGANIZATION OF CLAYTON. After the order for the separation had been given, the voters of Clayton, to the number of seventy-nine, assembled at the appointed time and place — at the Jefi'erson sQhool house, April 5, 1859 — and proceeded to elect ofiicers, in com- pliance with the law. The officers of the newly organized township were : J. P. Robinson, Super- visor ; Henry Lohnes, Clerk; James Livingston, JLssessor ; 3. Yornej, Collect- HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 381 or ; Thomas Shreeves, Poor Master : F. P. Tuthill and F. H. Jjock^MooA^ Mag- istrates ; Hiram Livingston, William Linn and C. N. Darling, Commissioners of Highways^ C. H. Robinson and W. Cole, Constables. At this time, there was a population in the township of 398, which has in- creased to 1,120, in 1878. The present officers are: P. H. Davison, Supervisor ; B. F. Zinser, Clerk;: Philip Peterson, Assessor; John Uphoif, Collector; Henry Heneke, M. Koll> and S. C. Frye, Commissioners of Highways ; F. D. Learned and J. B. Renne, Magistrates ; F. W. LTphoff and Andrew Riifing, Csnstahles. DESCRIPTION OF CLAYTON TOWNSHIP. Clayton, or Congressional Township 28 north, Range 1 east of the Third Principal Meridian, is bounded on the north by Marshall County, on the east by Minonk Township, on the south by Greene, and on the west by Linn. It is six miles square, and contains thirty-six full sections. It is crossed, almost diagonally, from northeast to southwest, by the C, P. & S. W. R. R., and by a branch of Crow Creek, from the southeast to the northwest. The land in the eastern part is nearly level ; but in the western part, somewhat rolling. The land is very rich, and the soil deep, and well adapted for the production of corn, immense quantities of which are raised. Scarcely an acre in the township is not tillable ; and almost all is either under cultivation or devoted to pasturage. With the exception of groves, which have been set out by the owners of the land, the township is devoid of timber. The sloughs and the branch of Crow- Creek are the only natural supply of stock water ; but an abundance of good water is obtained from wells, at from twenty to forty feet below the surface of the ground — indeed, there are indications of artesian water, one flowing well being found, on Section 3, on the farm of B. F. Winsteer. Doubtless coal un- derlies the whole territory, and could be obtained at any point where a shaft could be sunk. THE LATE WAR. The alarm of war, and the cry that the country's life was in danger, was not unheeded by Clayton Township. Many of her bravest men tarried not, but, rushing to the nearest recruiting office, enrolled their names "for three years or during the war." Most of those who went from this part of the county enlisted in the Seventy- seventh Illinois Infimtry. Space will not permit, in this part of the history, a repetition of the names of all who went out ; but among those who returned not are remembered Joseph Stodiker, William Worthington, Freeman Wilson, Isaac Grove, James Brooks, Milton Linn, H. Sampson, Edwin Sampson, An- drew Sampson. The last three were the sons of Elder H. Sampson — all that he had. Let it not be supposed that those who stayed behind were uninterested specta- tors. They gave their means, their encouragement, their prayers and their sons. 382 HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. CHURCHES. The churches of" Clayton are but two in number. The privileges of this character are largely supplied at Minonk, and the Lutheran Cliurches in the eastern part of Linn. The church first built, and known as the Clayton Baptist Church, is situ- ated on Section 34, a mile or so east of Benton. The organization of the soci- ety took place February 14, 1859, with a membership of about twenty persons, the Rev. M. L. Fuller being the first Pastor in charge. At this time and for some time previous, services had been held, by this denomination, at private houses in the neighborhood, and sometimes in the school house. This part of the county was sparsely settled at that time ; most of the people were struggling to pay for their lands and build themselves houses ; and, though a permanent place of worship was greatly to be desired, it was an enterprise that must necessarily be postponed for some years. However, seven yeai's after, December, 1865, the society had grown in numbers and wealth, until the build- ing of a house was not only a possibility and a necessity, but an accomplished fact. The building is a neat frame structure, thirty feet wide and forty long, and has a seating capacity of about two hundred. It cost the society eleven hundred dollars. The Pastor in charge at the time was Rev. William Parker. In 1872, feeling the necessity of having the continuous services of a Pastor, a neat little parsonage was erected, at an expenditure of five hundred dollars. The growth of the society, for a country place, has been quite satisfactory, both in numbers and influence. It now has a membership of one hundred and eighteen persons. The present Pastor is Rev. A. J. Colby. In connection with the Church are two thriving Sunday schools, one of which, with A. W. Forney as Superintendent, is held in the church ; the other, with T. B. Coleman as Superintendent, is held in the village. The average attendance at the two schools, last year, was ninety-three. The Catholic Church, located in the southeastern part of the village of Ben- son, is a very nice and substantial frame, forty feet wide and, including chancel, sixty feet long, and nicely finished throughout. It was completed in 1875, and cost the denomination seventeen hundred dollars. Services are conducted two Sundays in each month, by a priest residing at Metamora. RAILROADS. The people of Clayton Township, though not without railroad facilities, prior to 1872, were yet conscious that an additional line would be of much advantage to this part of the county. At this time, new lines of road were being projected in all directions, and the railroad excitement Avas running high. The means of communication with the county seat were very bad. Freights were high, consuming much of the profits of both merchant and farmer, and a new line would make competition. These were some of the arguments used in favor of the projected line, then designated the Chicago & Plainfield Railroad, ^lluyyi METAMORATP HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 385 but now known as the Chicago, Pekin & Southwestern Railroad. A majority of the voters of Clayton were not hard to persuade that they would be bene- fitted at least |20,000 worth, and so, on the 6th day of March, 1869, voted that amount, to induce the company to run its line through this township. Whether or not their anticipations have been fully realized, it cannot be doubted that much benefit has been derived therefrom. SCHOOLS. The first school in Clayton Township was taught in an upper room of the dwelling house of John M. Davison. P. H. Davison is entitled to the honor of being the pioneer educator, as he was the instructor of the fourteen youngsters who presented themselves daily during the three Winter months of 1856-7. Mr. Davison was not only a pioneer, but has continued to interest himself in school aifairs in the township ever since, being at this time Township School Treasurer. The first school house was erected during the next Summer. It was a little shanty, built on the southwest corner of Section 5. In this, James McChesney taught the first term. This building has long since given place to one much more commodious and substantial. At a meeting of the School Trustees, John M. Davison, Samuel Shepler and Jacob P. Robinson, on June 2, 1856, after electing Robert S. Hester, Treasurer, they proceeded to lay out the township into nine distrtcis, consisting of four sections each ; and, though at that time some of the districts did not contain enough inhabitants to organize, yet, under the law as it existed at that time, none were prohibited from attending those already organized, though inhabitants of another district. This left the first school in what is now known as District No. 3, or the Jefierson District. Other organizations followed, and new school houses were built, from time to time, as the increased settlements required, until every dis- trict is now supplied with a convenient house, and the school privileges of this are not excelled by any township in the county. The building recently erected in the village deserves more than a general notice. The location of the site of Benson left the school house of District No. 8 nearly a mile out of the limits. As the village increased in population, a demand grew for a larger house and a more accessible location. Accordingly, at an election held for this purpose, a levy for a new house was made, and a new site, in the northwest part of the village, was selected. The house is now nearly completed. It is a frame building, twenty-eight by forty-six feet, two stories high, and contains two rooms sufiiciently large to accommodate 150 pupils. There is, also, within the limits of Benson, a private German school. The Germans of the com- munity, in 1875, erected, for their own use, a building costing $400. In this school is kept continuously. Instruction is given only in the German language. 386 HISTORY OF WOODFORD OOUNTY FUEL, WATER AND WIND. Among the drawbacks to the rapid development of the prairies was the hick of stock water and mill power. The sloughs, through the Summer, when water for stock was re((uired in greater abundance, were liable to be dried up, and pumping Avater from wells for this purpose was very laborious. Flour and feed- mills were indispensable ; but, there being no streams of water, there were no mill sites, and a lack of fuel left steam mills out of the question. Both of these probhnns have since been successfully solved. A few feet " underneath the ground "' has been found an exhaustless supply of fuel, greater in ((uantity than the original forests of Ohio and Kentucky, all stored up out of the way and ready for use. Wind-mills, on many of the farms, supply, by pumping from wells, plenty of water without the loss of ground resulting from a running stream. In this connection, the wind-mill erected by the Schmidt Brothers, of Ben- son, is worthy of more than a passing notice. The mill was erected by them in 1873 for the purpose of driving machinery. It is something of a liovelty in this part of the country, being built on the Holland plan. The wings are four in number ; they measure forty feet in length, or eighty in distance from oppo- site ends. They present to the wind two thousand feet of surface, which pro- duces a power, in a moderate breeze, equal to that of sixty horses. The tower is fifty-six feet in height, and the highest point reached by the extremity of the fan, in its revolution, is nearly one hundred feet. The mill, including machinery, cost over $10,000. It was all, with the exception of buhrs, built on the spot- It drives a corn sheller and three runs of buhrs for grinding wheat, rye and feed for stock. These mills are' very simple in their construction, strong, and not liable to get out of order. Mr. Schmidt says that a mill constructed on this plan will last, with care, more than fifty years. CHEESE FACTORY. The establishment of Warren Coles, on Section 36, is the only one in the county, and, indeed, the only one in this part of the State. It was started in 1864, and has proved a great success, market being found near home for all produced. Cheese is made from the 1st of May till December, and butter the balance of the year. The product is 2,000 pounds of butter and 20,000 pounds of cheese, obtained from forty cows. The average price received for buttor is 25 cents, and for cheese, 12 cents per pound. TORNADO. The tornado mentioned in Roanoke, and Avhich struck there first, continued its ravages in this township with unabated fury. It passed through the south- east part of Linn, a distance of a couple of miles, and then, striking Clayton a mile and a half north of the southwest corner, proceeded without hindrance with its work of destruction. The first object of its wrath was the house of F. HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 387 Duis, which it tore to atoms. From here it passed to Mrs. Charlotte Stimpert's house, a fine residence a short distance to the northeast. The family, of six persons, were inside, and, seeing the storm approaching, all, with the exception of Mrs. Stimpert's son, Philip, who remained behind to bolt the doors, ran into the cellar. Philip had not completed the fastening of the doors, when the house was raised bodily from its foundation and carried through the air. When it had been carried some rods from its original location, he, by some means unac- countable to himself, tumbled out and fell to the ground, but neither the house or any portion was ever afterward seen. It was as completely demolished as if it had been consumed by fire. At this place two horses were killed by rails being driven completely through their bodies. Three wagons were carried away and crushed so that the largest piece that could be found was the hub of one of the wheels. The next house in the track was the one occupied by Mrs. Mary De Freese, There were two persons within, one of whom, Mrs. De Freese, was very severely injured. The buildings here shared the fate of others that had preceded. From here the course of the storm lay toward H. B. Mem- men's place. His stabling and trees were blown away as though they had been so many feathers. The work of l"uin was completed in the annihilation of the residence of W. W. Uphoff. The tornado seemed here to gather all of its strength for one last grand stroke. It caught the house as a giant would an egg shell, and crushed it as completely. Here it left the township and the county and the earth, to exhaust its remaining force in contending with its own fury. VILLAGE OF BENSON. The C, P. & S. W. R. R. was completed in the Fall of 1872, and a switch located within the present limits of the town of Benson. Besides the switch and a small tenant house, some forty rods north, on the land of John Weast, there were no indications of a town at this point. However, but a short time elapsed until it began to be realized that this was to be a business point of no mean ])retensions ; and men of energy and means were soon found who interested themselves lieartily in its development. The original town, consisting of thirty-eight acres, on the west side of the railroad, was laid out for John Weast, by County Surveyor D. II, Davidson, Feb. 20, 1873. Since then — April 3, 1874 — an addition of twenty-seven acres, on the east side of the railroad track, and known as Weast's Addition to the Town of Benson, has been laid out. Mr. John Weast was, therefore, the original proprietor of the town. As soon as the first survey had been made, improvements began to spring up at once. Indeed, before the town was platted, Jan. 2, 1873, 0. A. Cavan moved a house from Greene Township into the limits — the same now serving as dining room for his hotel. The first dwelling built in the village after it was laid out was put up by F. D. Learned, and completed March 3, 1873. In 388 HLSTORV OF WOODFORD COUNTY. this building, three days Liter, was opened the first mail ; Mr. Learned having been appointed Postmaster. This house has since been removed to a back street to make room for a more convenient store room. Mr. L. has continued to hold the office of Postmaster continuously since his first installation. At about the same time that Mr. Learned completed his dwelling, Messrs. George Kirchner and Juergan Harms completed the first store building. An- other store buildinw followed soon after, and was built by Messrs. Strawn & Renne. The same year saw the completion of Samuel Peterson's grain elevator, the business houses of Benjamin Mauer, E, Dunden, Barbara Weast, L^phoff Bros., A. H. Ahrens and Henry Forney's hotel; and a proportionate number of dwelling houses and other improvements of various kinds followed in rapid succession. At the present writing, there are nearly one hundred buildings of various kinds, and the town has a population of over three hundred. The elevator built by Samuel Peterson, and already alluded to. has a capa- city of about ten thousand bushels. It is operated at present by Messrs Cavan Bros. The amount of grain handled bv them each vear. is about one hundred thousand bushels. The next vear. 1874, Messrs. Miller, Brubaker & Learned built a second elevator. This building was put up at a cost of §2,700, and has a capacity of fifteen thousand bushels. It is operated by Messrs. Miller & Bru- baker for Messrs. Bartlett & Co., of Peoria. Thev handle about two hundred thousand bushels of grain per year. In addition to the grain business, Messrs. Miller «fc Brubaker ship four thousand head of hogs per annum. The same year, was also erected, by Messrs. George Fritze & Co., a third elevator, larger than either of its predecessors. This warehouse is capable of storing, at one time, twenty-four thousand bushels. It was built at a cost of $3,500. It is run by Messrs. Fritze & Co., who buy, annually, one hundred and fifty thou- sand bushels of grain. The other leading business houses here are : Dry Goods and Groceries. — Sauer & Holland, Peter Petri and Harms k AValtzen. Drugs. — F. D. Learned. Hardware. — Abram Zinser. Harness. — Joseph Bankler. Lumber. — Cavan Bros, and George Fritze k Co. Wagons. — Thomas Backer. Physicians. — D. M. Slemmons and L. A. Austman. Millinery. — Barbara Weast and Decker &; Harms. Jewelry. — Charles Lawenstein. Flouring Mill. — Schmidt Bros. Agricultural Implements. — George Fritze «& Co. Hotel. — 0. A. Cavan. As indicating the amount of business done by these firms, the books of the agent of the C, P. & S. W. R. R. at this place show a receipt on freights of HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 389 thirty thousand dollars per annum, and of express of twelve hundred, making a total of receipts, at this station, of $31,200. GOOD TEMPLARS. The history of this society in this village, though quite brief, is nevertheless quite deserving of notice. For some time, a want had been felt for an organi- zation for the purpose of counteracting the evil influences exerted by the use of intoxicating liquors. Accordingl3% in September, of 1877, Mrs. DeGeer, of Chicago, organized at this place a branch of the above named order. Meetings are held weekly on Saturday evenings. The membership of this Lodge is thirty. The principal officers are : F. D. Learned, W. C. ; Mrs. C. A. Coleman, Secretary ; D. M. Slemmons, Treasurer. DESCRIPTION OF LINN. Congressional Town 28 north, Range 1 west of the Third Principal Merid- ian, otherwise known as Linn, is north of the center of the countv, and is bounded north, east, south and west respectively, by the County of Marshall, and the Townships of Clayton, Roanoke and Cazenovia. The soil of this township is not excelled for productiveness in the county. Especially in the southern part it is rich and deep, and produces immense crops of corn, oats, rye and vegetables of various kinds. Corn is the principal crop, which is largely consumed at home, in the fattening of hogs. The only streams of water are branches of the Crow and Snag Creeks. These supply stock water for quite a number of farms in the northern portion. There is no timber worth mentioning. The ground is generally undulating, and in the northern part quite so, but not so much so as to render successful cultivation difficult. The land is now almost all improved, but little being in its natural state. Many of the farms are very large, some of them being a Avhole section in extent. Many of the buildings are of superior character. ORGANIZATION. As before stated, by mutual consent and on the petition of the voters of Linn, the County Board had declared this a separate precinct. Therefore, on the 5th day of April, 1859, at an election held in accordance with this order, the following persons were elected to the several township offices : Harrison Simp- son, Supervisor; Benjamin Wilson, Jr., Clerk; Harrison. Simpson, Assessor; R. S. Burnham, Collector ; James M. Martin and John M. Pinkerton, Magis- trates ; William Bocock and John Ogle, Constables ; Alexander Thorn, Over- seer of the Poor ; Henrv Newell and John Johnson, Pound jNIasters. There were thirteen candidates for the office of Commissioner of Highways, and of these, S. D. Wilson, William Jury and Seaman Linn were elected. Of these persons, several were re-elected year after year for a number of years, Benja- •3!MI HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. min Wilson having held the office of Clerk, with the exception of the three years spent in the service of the United States as a soldier, continuously to tlie present date. Improvements of various kinds, public and private, followed ; and the pop- ulation of the township has increased steadily to date, the number of inhabit- ants at this time being about nine hundred and fifty. EDUCATIOX. The people of Linn have always taken a lively interest in everything that pertained to the education of the youth. Good school houses, good teachers and other facilities for obtaining an education have been subjects of first importance. Consequently, we find here, in the few years since the organiza- tion of the town, a very satisfactory progress in this direction. The nucleus for the present efficient system of schools was no more than a dozen children, instructed in a room of a private dwelling. This was in the Winter of 185o-t3. The number of children of school age, at this time, is not less than 320. Nine school houses now furnish accommodations for these pupils, some of the school houses being of a character to reflect credit on the community. In addition to the public schools, the Evangelical Lutheran Church main- tains a private school in their church building. School is kept open ten months in the year. The attendance is about twenty-five. Instruction is given only in the German language. RELIGION. Though the number of buildings for religious purposes is small, yet it must not be inferred that the people are, in any measure, destitute of church privi- leges. The organizations at Pattonsburg. on the north ; of Cazenovia Town- ship, on the west, and of the Baptist Church in Roanoke Township, are all composed of and sustained, to a large extent, by members who reside in Linn. CHURCH BUILDINGS. The Lutheran Church, in the southeast part of the township, was erected in 1862. It is a substantial frame, thirtv-six feet wide and fiftv-four feet long. and cost the society ^2,000. In connection with this is a comfortable parson- age, with forty acres of land. The membership of the church is eighty-five families. The Pastor of the congrrecration is F. .Jelden. He has been in charge since 1874. The Evangelical Lutheran Society, in the Fall of 1871, erected for them- selves a building fifteen by twenty feet, together with a parsonage, the two costing §1,100. The society numbers 110 baptized persons, including children. Rev. Carl Weber is the Pastor of this congregation, and also of the one (of this denomination) at Minonk. HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 891 WAR RECORD. The township bore an honorable part in the struggle for preservation of the Union. Though no public action was taken in the matter of hiring substitutes, as was done by most other townships, a large number of the more wealthy and liberal inhabi,tants gave of their means for this purpose. On the 16th of May, 1863, public action was taken in regard to supplying the wants of the families of volunteers, and a committee was appointed to act in conjunction with the Supervisor for that purpose. The promptness with which volunteers flocked to the standard of the country was not surpassed by that of any other community, and many of them sacrificed their lives in their efforts to protect it. Among those who thus left their homes never to return were William Irwin, Thomas Peabody, Joseph Bocock, B. M. Linn and Capt. Samuel Jackman. These all died of disease, in hospitals or at home. Ira Hoflfnagle died of Avounds received at charge at Vicksburg ; John Standiker was killed in battle at Arkansas Post ; Freeman Wilson was killed in battle at Vicksburg. FATAL ACCIDENTS. The first death that occurred in the township was of a tragical nature. Harrison Hollenback, Avho has been mentioned as the first settler, was destined to be recorded as the first death. This occurred in 1847. Mr. Hollenback had been to market, at Lacon, and was returning in his wagon, when another party, driving up furiously behind him, frightened his horses, and, in his attempt to check them and turn them to one side of the road, the wagon was upset. The wagon box, in upsetting, struck on Mr. Hollenback's neck, injuring him so that he died in a few hours. Roland Davison, in 1865, met witli an equally mournful death. He was in the field harrowing with a team of young horses, when he lit a match and set fire to some dry grass and stubble, which, flashing up into a blaze, frightened the horses, which immediately ran, dragging Mr. Davison under the harrow, and by this means he Avas killed almost instantly. The tornado, mentioned in Roanoke and Clayton, was the cause of a fatal accident in this town. Chas. Schneider was sitting in his house when the storm came up, and before he had time to fly to any other place for safety, the house was whirled into the air and crushed in pieces, and Mr. Schneider was so severely injured that he died in a few days. PRESENT OFFICERS. The officers elected at the last election are John Wallan, Supervisor; Benj. Wilson, Jr., Clerk; R. S. Burnham, Assessor; John Johnson, Collector; Moses N. Bixby, Jacob Tjaden and Jacob Hollenback, Highway Commissioners; William Krater and G. A. Newton, Justices of the Peace ; Lion Held and John 392 HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. McQuinney, Constables ; George Woodburn, Isaac Fisher and William Bocock, School Trustees ; James M. Davison, School Treasurer. As an example of what energy, determination and pluck will do, this town- ship furnishes one that would prove to any one profitable study. Thirty years have barely passed since the first plow exposed the soil to the rays of the sun and the first crop rewarded the farmer for his industry. But little more than a quarter of a century ago, what are now well cultivated fields and improved thoroughfare was a desolate waste, literally a desert, which the immigrant was loth to occupy on account of its very desolation. Now, how changed the scene! Every foot of land has been for a number of years not only occupied, but under successful cultivation. Good roads and comfortable houses are seen every- where ; cattle, horses, sheep and hogs dot the prairies on all sides, and pros- perity and comfort are evident on every hand. PARTRIDGE TOWNSHIP. This township lies in the northwest corner of Woodford County, and borders on the Illinois River, which, together with Marshall County, forms its western and northern boundaries, while Cazenovia Township lies on the east and Worth on the south. Partridge is a fractional township, and contains, per- haps, less good farming land than any town, with the exception of Spring Bay, in the county. A considerable district along the river bottom is swampy and marshy to an extent to render it almost, if not wholly, unfit for farming pur- poses ; Avhile back beyond the river bottom proper rises a range of hills, brakes and bluffs, as little adapted to agricultural experiments as the swamps them- selves. The creeks of Richland, Snag and Black Partridge, with several branches of smaller note, wind througli the numerous hills, and finally make their way into the Illinois River. Along the water courses, and upon these numberless bluffs, and brakes and hills, grow any quantity of excellent timber. Within the swampy marsh above alluded to luxuriates a species of wild rice, which used to be gathered as food, and highly relished by the Indians in their day ; but at present, where it still grows, it meets no other demand than from the wild birds, who feed on it to a considerable extent. Partridge Township, while it does not compare with other portions of Woodford County in wealth and agricultural resources, is not surpassed by any part of it in the richness of its early history. These hills were once the favorite hunting grounds of the red men ; on the banks of these rivulets, and around these bubbling springs, he built his camp fire and erected his lodge. Through these brakes he chased the panting deer, or pursued the bear and the panther through the dark forests. Here, too, it may be, that his war whoop broke the stillness, and the sounds of the bloody strife rolled over the bluffs, while his death-song wailed through the lonely Avood a mournful finale of his barbarous customs. And here, also, tradi- tion informs us, the Mound Builders once existed, and manv traces and relics HISTORY OF WOODFORD COUNTY. 393 of this wonderful people are still to be found in this region. Hundreds of these mounds, rising above the general surface- like old Virginia sweet potato hills, are to be found all through the township, and some of them of a large size. A number were surveyed, some time ago, by scientific men, but we do not know what report they made of their investigations. It is not likt-ly that anything will ever be known of this strange race, beyond mere conjectures or vague theories. Oblivion, like the waves of the sea, has closed over them, and there are none who can give their history with truth or certainty. Tliat they were a different race of people from the Indians may be true, and that they were farther advanced in civilization and domestic habits, as many scholars believe, may also be true ; but, at the same time, the subject is wrapped some- what in clouds and darkness, and to a degree defies historic scrutiny and research. We will, therefore, leave the matter to those whose time and circumstances permit them to study it thoroughly, and investigate the whole thing to their entire satisfaction. SETTLEMENT. Among the early settlers in Partridge Township are Blaylock, " Red " Jo. Belsley, Louis A. Guibert, Francis Ayers, Philip Bettelyune, John M. Klingman, Daniel and Samuel Hedlock, Dan. Sowards, Jo. K. Juhnson, Jeff. Hoshor, Benj. Younger, Barker, Chauncy Baker, John Sharp, George Rucker and the Snyders. Of the man Blaylock, notwithstanding his name is a kind of household word all over the county, we have found it exceed- ingly difficult to obtain anything like definite information of him. From all the extravagant statements and conflicting rumors in regard to him, we extract the following, which seems to bear upon its face some evidence of reliability : That he was the first white man in this section — probably in Woodford County — there seems to be no doubt. No one, however, knows where he came from, or at what time he came to the spot where others found him. Nor can it hard- ly be said that he made a settlement, though he had a kind of thatched cabin, hut or lodge, and lived in Indian style, by hunting and fishing. His lodge was on what is now known as the Mullins Place, in the southern part of the township. He seems to have possessed no more civilization than the Indians themselves, but a greater amount of cunning rascality. His wife and children* wore buckskin, and the latter did little else than hunt and fish, while the old lady appears to have been a kind of doctress, and practiced obstetrics when the sparsely settled neighborhood required her services in that capacity. Blaylock is supposed to have been a regular counterfeiter. When the Indians left the country, he went with them, and in his deserted hut were found moulds, spuri- ous coin, and the entire kit of a manufacturer of " the queer." His oldest son was said to have been quite a respectable boy, and would not go with his father when he left with the Indians, but went East instead. What has been the final fate of them, no one knows. *He had about a half (iozen children, boys and girls. 394 HISTORV OF WOODFORD COUNTY. Francis Ayers, who perhaps made the first actual settlement in this town- ship, came from Ohio, but had been born and reared in New Hampshire. He came to Illinois in the Summer of 1830, and settled in what was then called Partridge Point — now Metamora — on the place where Jacob Banta lived. He made the settlement and built the cabin, when he sold it to George Kinorston. Kingston sold it to Jesse Dale, and Dale to Banta, The next year after com- ing to this settlement, he sold out, as stated, and removed into what is now Partridge Townsliip, and settled in the Partridge Creek bottom, about three miles from the Illinois River. This is said to be the first settlement after , Blaylock — if, indeed, the latter can be called a settlement. At the time Mr. Ayers settled here, there ^was not another family (except Blaylock's) between Spring Bay and Lacon. Moses Ayer.'j, his son, though a rather small boy at the time, remembers very distinctly the privations of those early days. His father settled at Partridge Point in Julv of 1830, and the foUowino; Winter came the deep snow, an event he still remembers. "Red" Jo. Belsley, alluded to in the history of Worth Township, settled in Parti'idge next after Ayers, and sold out to Jo. K. Johnson, when he came to the place. Mr. Belsley was from France, and came to this county among the very first from that Empire. After selling out to Johnson, he settled in the present limits of Worth Township, but very near the line of Partridge, where he died in 1872. Louis A. Guibert came from France to the United States in 1833, and set- tled in Partridge Towhship. He was a soldier of the Republic and of the First Empire, and participated in many of the terrific battles of those stirring times, among them, Austerlitz, Nina and Wagram : and, as a reward for his bravery, was made Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, on the battle field, by Napoleon himself. Capt. Guibert was born in January, 1784. in the province of Maine, and his childhood was passed in the stormy times of the Revolution, in which he was later destined to bear so active a part. He was of noble family, and during the political troubles of the time, his father escaped from France ; his mother was thrown into prison, and, after her release, compelled to keep secreted during the long and terrible civil war that devastated that unhappy country. Before his father's return to France, he enlisted as a private soldier and serve o S - i 1 ' 2 ^ '3 r- e - o 1 1 Cazenovia 990 272 1022 852 1564 785 779 933 349 800 1718 702 2115 1122 226 259 284 353 652 2508 1233 1325 407 1260 395 998 475 235 1000 830 210 695 669 1341 700 641 769 328 571 1397 609 1498 850 212 203 173 262 497 2218 1154 1131 349 981 314 723 376 178 553 160 62 327 183 223 85 138 164 21 229 321 93 617 272 14 56 111 91 155 290 79 194 58 279 81 275 99 57 447 990 272 954 Washburn "^* Qayton El Paso 1022 852 449 El Paso 1561 3 785 890 1st Ward 2d Ward 776 3 933 349 Greene 770 208 548 1601 966 548 Kansas Linn 800 Metamora Metamora 1717 1 701 1 2115 1 Minonk Minonk 1122 1st Ward 226 259 284 353 2d Ward 3d Ward 4th Ward Montgomery 651 1 2503 5 .1228 5 1325 872 1983 604 1354 Olio Eureka Palestine Secor 407 Panola 1260 524 946 805 515 Partridge 395 Roanake 998 Spring Bav 475 Sprinw I3av 235 . . ,. AVorth 1000 1204 AVOODFORD COUNTY WAR HISTORY AND RECORD. A-BBREATI^^TIO^^S. A(yt Adjutant. Art Artillery. Col Colonel. Capt Captain. Corpl Corporal. Comsy Commissary. comii commissioned. CRT cavalry. captd captured. coiisdn consolidation. disab disabled. died discharged. e enlisted. excd exchanged. inf infantry. kid killed. m. o mustered out. prmtd promoted. prisr prisoner. rect recruit. Regt Regiment. resd resigned. Sergt Sergeant. wd wounded. FORTY-SEVENTH INFANTRY. The Forty-seventh Regiment, Illinois Infan- try Volunteers, was first organized and mus- tered into the service of the United States, at Peoria, 111., on the Ifith day of August, 1861. On the 2.'5d day of September, 1861, the regi- ment moved, by rail, from Peoria to St. Louis, Mo., going into quarter.s at Benton Barracks, near the city, where it was clothed and armed complete. Remained in Benton Barracks, undergoing a thorough drilling, daily, until the 9tli day of October, when it moved, by rail, to .Jef- ferson City, Mo., where it remained doing garri- son duty until the 22d day of December, when it moved, by rail, to Otterville, Mo., remained there drilling and doing garrison duty, until the 2d day of February, 1862, when it marched north to the Missouri River ; crossing at Booneville, marched down the north side of the river to St. Charles, where it arrived on the 18th day of February, crossed the river at St. Charles, and moved, by rail, to St. Louis, where it embarked on the steamer AVar Eagle, and moved down the river, arriving at Cairo on the 23d day of February. On the 25th day of February, moved back up the river 30 miles, to Commerce, Mo., where the regiment disembarked and joined Pope's command, then preparing for a campaign against Island No. 10 and New Madrid. Marched from Benton, Mo., March 2d, arriving in front of the enemy's works at New Madrid, March 4th. On the night of March 10th, the regiment, with the Eleventh Missouri Infantry, marched ten miles below New Madrid, taking with them a battery of Light Artillery, to Point Pleasant, blockading the river and cutting off the enemy's communi- cation by river below New Madrid and Island No. 10. Here the regiment was brigaded with the Eleventh Missouri Infantry Volunteers, Twenty-sixth Regiment Illinois Infantry Vol- unteers, and the Eighth Regiment Wisconsin Infantry, and placed under command of Brig. Gen. Joseph B. Plummer. Remained at Point Pleasant, encamped in a disagreeable swamp, with continual heavy rains, until the 7th day of April. The enemy having evacuated New Madrid on the night of the 5th of April the regiment marched with the brigade up to New Madrid, on the 7th, and on the 9th were paid four months' pay by Major Witherell. On the morning of April 10th, the regiment embarked on board of steamer Aleck Scott, and proceeded, with the army, down the river, nearly to Fort Pillow, returning on the morning of the 11th, and disembarked at Tiptonville, Tenn., twenty miles below New Madrid. April 12th, re- embarked and moved up the river to Cairo, drew clothing and took on coal, and, on the night of the 20th, moved up the Tennessee River, arriving at Hamburg Landing, Tenn., on the morning of the 22d of April, disembarked and camped near the river. During the following 15 days, the regiment accompanied Gen. Pope's army in its advance in the direction of the enemy's position around Corinth. A portion of the way it had to con- struct corduroy roads through extensive 464 WAR HISTORY AND RECORD. swamps. On the 9th clay of May, was engaged at Farmington, Miss., in which engagement Lieut. Col. Daniel L. Miles was killed. On the 28th day of May, the regiment participated in an engagement near Corinth. On the night of ^lay 29th, the enemy evacuated Corinth, and the regiment accompanied Gen. Pope's army, in pursuit of their retreating forces, as far as Booneville, Miss., returning' to Camp Clear Creek, six miles south of Corinth, June 11, 1862, where, in a few days, the regiment re- ceived two months' pay from Maj. Etting. On the 3d of July, the regiment marched to Rienzi, Miss., remained there until the 18th day of August, on which day Col. John Bryner took leave of the regiment— his resignation having been accepted on account of poor health. Aug. 18th, brolie Camp Rienzi, and marched to Tus- cumbia, Ala., rejoining the Brigade on the road, arriving there Aug. 22d, and on the 24th received two months' pay from Maj. Hemp- sted. Marched from Tuscumbia, Sept. 8th, and arrived at Camp Clear Creek, Sept. 14th. Left Clear Creek on the morning of the 18th, and marched toward luka. Miss., participated in the battle of luka, on the 19th, where the army, under Gen. Rosecrans, defeated the enemy's forces under Gen. Sterling Price. In this engagement Maj. John X. Cromwell was taken prisoner. Followed the retreating army of the enemy one day and then returned to Corinth, arriving there on the 3d of October, and took part in the battle of Corinth, Oct. 3d and 4th. In the engagement of the od, the brave ; and honored Col. William A. Thrush was killed while bravely leading his command, in a charge. Capt. David DeWolf, of Company K, was killed. Capt. Harmon Andrews was severely wounded and taken prisoner. The regiment lost in this engagement 30 killed, and over 100 wounded. After this battle, the regiment accompanied Gen. Rosecrans' army in pursuit of Price and Van Dorn's defeated army, following them to Ripley, Miss., so closely as to force them to abandon some of their artillery and nearly all their wagons and equipage. On the 14th of October, the regiment returned with the army, and encamped near Corintli, until Nov. 2d, when it marched to Grand Junction, Tenn., and joined Gen. Grant's expedition into Cen- tral Mississippi. Marched to Oxford, Miss., with the army, and returned to Grand Junc- tion, Tenn., Jan. 1. 1863. Jan. 8th, marched from Grand Junction, by way of Bolivar, Tenn., fur Corinth, where it arrived Jan. 14th. Moved, by rail, from Corinth, Jan. 26th, to Ridgeway Station, Tenn., where the regiment remained, guarding the railroad, until March 12th, when it marched to Memphis, Tenn., and embarked on board steamer Empress, for the vicinity of Vicksburg. Remained near Helena, Ark., ten days, and again moved down the river, disembarking on the 1st day of April, at Duckport, twelve miles above Vicksburg. Here the duties of the men were of various kinds — guard duty, loading and unloading steamboats, digging on a canal, and contriving the Vjest plans at their hands to keep from re- posing in water at nights. On the 2d of May, the regiment marched with the armj' down the west side of the Mississippi River, crossing it at Grand Gulf, and, with the Fifteenth Army Corps, then commanded by Gen. Slierman, marched to Jackson, Miss., where, on the 14th day of May, 1863, it participated in the en- gagement which resulted in the capture of that city. On the morning of the 16th was rear guard. On leaving the city. Col. Cromwell, then commanding regiment, rode back to see if a detachment of troops, left back to bring up stragglers, were doing their duty, when a body of rebel cavalrymen came up between him and his command, and called on him to surrender, which he refused to do, and tried to escape, but was killed in the attempt, several bullets passing through his body. The regiment par- ticipated in the charge on the enemy's works at Vicksburg, May 22d, losing 12 men killed, and quite a number wounded. During the siege of Vicksburg, Maj. John D. McClure re- ceived a severe wound, and carries the bullets in his body to-day. On the 4th of June, the regiment participated with the brigade, under command of Gen. Joseph A. Mower, in the defeat of a force of the enemj' at Mechanics- ville. Miss., thirty miles from Vicksburg, near the Yazoo River. After the fall of Vicksburg, during the months of August, September and October, the regiment encamped at Bear Creek, twenty miles east of Vicksburg. In the middle of November, 1863, the regiment moved up the river to Memphis, Tenn., and from there to La Grange, Tenn., guarding the Memphis and Charleston line of railroad. A portion of the time, however, was occupied in scouting after the rebel Gen. Forrest's command. On the 26th of January, 1864, left La Grange and arrived at Memphis, Jan. 28th. Feb. 1st, em- barked on board steamer for Vicksburg, where it arrived Feb. 3d, and went into camp at Black River Bridge, twelve miles from Vicks- burg. Feb. 23d, marched to Canton, Miss. Returned to Black River, March 8d, and to Vicksburg, March 7tli, where it embarked, March 10th, on board steamer Mars, for the Red River expedition. Was present at the capture of Fort DeRussey, La., March 14th. Participated in the battle of Pleasant Hill, La , April 9, 1864. During this expedition the regiment was under fire several times, and en- dured many very severe hardships. On the 22d of May, the regiment arrived with Gen. Smith's command, at Vicksburg, having been for nearly three months engaged in as tedious and fatiguing a campaign as has ever follen to the lot of any army to undergo. June 5th, regiment embarked for Memphis. Moved up the river to Lake Chicot, disembarked, moved inland, and came in contact with a force under Gen. Marmaduke, who was defeated and com- pletely routed. Regiment lost in this engage- ment 11 men killed, and quite a number wounded. Maj . Miles received almost a fatal WAR HISTORY AND RECORD. 465 shot in the neck, and Capt. Riser was killed. Regiment then proceeded to Memphis, and accompanied Gen. A. J. Smith to Tupelo, Miss., with the exception of the men who had re- enlisted, numbering about one hundred, who left the regiment at Moscow, Tenn., and went to Illinois on veteran furlough. The veterans returned to the regiment on the 8th day of August, and, with the regiment, accompanied Gen. A. .J. Smith's expedition to Oxford, Miss. Returned to Memphis, Aug. 27, 1804. The original term of service of the regiment having expired, it was ordered to Springtield, 111., where it was finally discharged on the 11th of October, 1864. The veterans and recruits of the regi- ment, numbering 196 men, left Memphis, Sept. 2d, 1864, under command of Lieuts. Edward Bonham and Royal Olmstead, accom- panying Gen. Mower's expedition up White River, to Brownsville, Ark., and from there marched north into iNIissouri, after the rebel Gen. Price's army, which was raiding in that State. Arrived at Cape Giradeau, Mo., October 4th, and took steamer for Jefferson City, October 6th, arriving at Jefferson City on the 15th ; thence moved, by rail, to Otterville ; thence marched to Warrensburg, where it arrived October 26th. Left Warrensburg, by rail, for St. Louis, November 2d ; arrived at St. Louis on the 4th. From St. Louis, the veteran de- tachment was ordered to Chicago, 111., on 9th November, 1864, to assist in quelling any riot, should there be any on the day of election. Their services not being required, they were ordered to report to the Superintendent of Recruiting Service, at Springfield, 111., and were stationed at Camp Butler, where, on the 28th of November, it recived 200 drafted men, and a battalion of four full companies was organized, and Lieut. Bonham commissioned as Major, and Lieut. Olmstead commissioned Captain of Company A. OntheSd dayof Decem- ber the command was ordered to the field, report- ing, by way of St. Louis, to Gen. Rosecrans. At St. Louis, the order was modified, and its destination changed to Louisville, Ky. From here it was ordered to Bowling Green, Ky., where it remained until Jan. 27, 1865, when it moved, by rail, to Nashville. From Nashville, down the Cumberland and up the Tennessee River, toEastport, Miss, where it rejoined its old brigade — Second Brigade, First Division, Sixteenth Army Corps — accompanying it to New Orleans; thence to Mobile Bay, taking part in the reduction of Spanish Fort. While lying in front of Spanish Fort, six additional companies arrived from Springfield, 111., making the organization once more complete. After the fall of Mobile, the regiment marched with the Sixteenth Corp^ to Montgomery, Ala., where it arrived April 25, 1865. Dec. 31, 1865 the regiment was stationed at Selma, Ala. Mustered out, Jan. 21, 1866, at Selma, Ala., and ordered to Springfield, 111., where it re- ceived final pay and discharge. Principal Musician, 0. F. Tarmotpr; in. o. Oct. 11, 1864. Company B. First Lieut. Geo. Kinneiir, «. as First Sergt. Aug. 16, 1861 ', prnitd. to Second Limit. Aug. 25, 1861 ; prnitd. to First Lieut. May 16, 18(5:i, and to Capt. of Co. F, Aug. 21, 18C4; term expired Oct. U, 1864. Sergt. Henry Brubaker, o. Aug. 16, 1861; died July 11, 1864. Musician Oliver Hungerford, e. Aug. 16, 1861 ; prmtd. to Drum Major; m. o. Oct. 11, 1864. Brubaker, David, e. Aug. 16, 1861 ; m. o. Oct. 11, 1864. Brubaker, Daniel, e. Aug. 16, 1861 ; disd. Jan. 26, 1863, disab. Bateman, J. W., e. Aug. 16, 1861 ; died Jan. 27, 1862. Beard, A. J., e. Aug. 16, 1861 ; trans, to V. K. C. May 1, 1864. Basting, Conrad, e. Aug. 16, 1861; died in Andersonville prison May 9, 1864; No. of grave, 977. Bryant, Isaac L., e. Aug. 16, 1861 ; disd. Aug. 22, 1862, disab. Brown, J. D., e. Aug. 16, 1861 ; disd., May 29, 1863, disab,. Cash, John, e. Aug. 16, 1861 ; m. o. Oct. 11, 1864. Do Seller, Wm., e. Aug. 16, 1861; disd. Dec. 16, 1862, disab. Dunham, Newton, e. Aug. 16, 1861 ; disd. Sept. 6, 1861. Doughman, J. F., e. Aug. 16, 1861 ; died at Corinth Nov, I, 1862. Ellis, Jos., e. Aug. 16, 1861 ; m. o. Oct. 11, 1864. Fisher, F. H., e. Aug. 16, 1861 ; died at Corinth, Oct. 5, 1862. Gleason, Jno., e. Aug. 16, 1861 ; trans. I. C.,Dec. 17, 1863, Henrv, Jno., e. Aug. 16, 1861 ; re-e. vet. Feb. 22, 1864. Kanaga, Wra., e. Aug. 16, 1861 ; m. o. Oct. 11, 1864, as Sergt. Lehman, Henry, e. Aug. 16, 1861 ; ni. o. Oct. 11, 1864. Lehman, Joseph, e. Aug. 16, 1861 ; m. o. Oct. 11, 1864. Miller, James B., e. Aug. 16, 1861 ; died at Corinth, Oct, II, 1862. Riley, Peter, e. Aug. 16, 1861 ; disd. 17, 1863, disib. Ralston, Wm., e Aug 16, 1861 ; m. o. Oct. 11, 1864. Ralston, A. C, e. Aug. 16, 1861 ; kid. at Corinth Oct. 3, '62., Randolph, Frederick, e. Aug. 16, 1861 ; kid. at Corinth Oct. 3, 1862. Urney, Marion, e. Aug. 16, 1861 ; deserted Aug. 18, 1862. Company D. Rieves, Jesse, e. Aug. 16, 1801 ; m. o. Oct. 11, 1864. Company I. Capt. S. S. Jackman, e. Aug. 2.5, 1861 ; resd. March 26, '62, Capt. Chester Andrews, e. as Second Lieut. Aug. 25, 1861 ; was prmtd. to Capt. March 26, 1862; term expired Oct. 11, 1864. First Lieut. Jas. Tisdale, e. Aug. 25, 1861 ; resd. April 12, 1862. First Lieut. C. H. Robinson, e. Sept. 4, 1861, as First Sergt.; prmtd. to First Lieut. April 12, 1862; term expired Oct. 11,1864. Second Lieut. J. H. Wylie, Sept. 4, 1861, as Sergeant ; prmtd. to Second Lieut. March 27,1862; term expired Oct. 11. 1864. Sergt. T. J. Taylor, e. Sept. 4, 1861 ; m. o. Sept. 29, 1864. Sergt. James SlcOoy, e. Sept. 4, 1861 ; m. o. Oct. 11, 1864. Corp. J. L. Johnsou, e. Sept. 4, 1861; kid. at Corinth Oct. 3, 1862. Corp. Luke Fisher, e, Sept. 4, 1861 ; disd. Feb. 4, 1863 ; disab. Corp. J. H. Mitchell, e. Sept. 4, 1861 ; m. o. Oct. 11, 1864, as Sergt. Corp. W. J. Thompson, e. Sept. 4, 1861 ; m. o. Oct. 11, 1864, as Sergt. Musician P. H. Bavlin, e. Sept. 4, 1861 ; m. o. Oct. 11, 1864. Atwood, S. A., e. Sept. 4, 1861 ; disd. Oct. 12, 1862 ; disab. Atwood, H. K., e. Sept. 4, 1861 ; disd. Oct. 12, 1862; disab. Allen, J. Q. A., e. Sept. 4, 1861 ; m. o. May 23, 1862. Arnold, N. F., e. Sept. 4, 1861 ; m. o. Oct. 11, 1864. Anderson, Joseph, e. Sept. 4, 1861 ; re-e. as vet. Feb. 22, 1864 ; trans, to Co. C. as consd. Birkenbend, Wm., e. Sept. 4, 1861; m. o. Oct. 11, 1864, aa, (!orp. Bocock, James, e. Sept. 4, 1861 ; died Oct. 20, 1861. Bloodworth, Chas., e. Sept. 4, 1861 ; m. o. Sept. 12, 1864. Beard, Elijah, e. Sept. 4, 1861 ; died Aug. 29, 1802. Crawford, Chas., e. Sept. 4, 1801 ; re-e. as vet. Feb. 22, 1864, Coker, John, e. Sept. 4, 1861 ; disd. Aug. 10, 1863; disab. Curtis, Jabez, e. Sept. 4, 1861; disd. Aug. 10, 1863 ; disab. ^ Sergt. 466 WAR HISTORY AND RECORD. Dennett, George, e. Sept. 4, 18R1 ; died Julv 29, 1863. Dixson, B. P., e, Sept. 4 ISOl; disd. Jan 3, 1864. Davidson, E. M., e. Sept. 4,18(jl; re-e. as vet. Feb. 22,1864. Foot, E. B., e. Sept. 4, 1861 ; re-e. as vet. Feb. 22, 1864. Fanain, Urich. e. Sept 4, ISfjl ; trans, to Y. R. C. Huntoon, \Vm., e. Sept. 4, 1861 ; re-e. as vet. Feb. 22, 1864. Hokes, Geo. W., e. S.'pt. 4, 1861 ; m. o. Oct. 11. 1804. Johnson, Evan, e. Sept. 4, 1861 ; m. o. Oct. 11, 1864. Jarneke, J. W., e. Sept. 4, 1861 ; m. o. Oct. 11, 1864. Hosier, B. H., e. Sept. 4, 1861 ; trans, to I. 0. Dec. 18, 1863. Murdock, Sann., e. Sept. 4, 1861; disd. Sept. 16, 1862; disab. Moore, Smith, e. Sept. 4, 1861 ; m. o. Oct 11, 1864. JlcChesney, Harmiin, e. Sept. 4, 1861 ; disd. April 19,1862; disab. Phillips, J. H., e. Sept. 4, 1861; m. o. Oct. 11, 1864, as Corp. Parmeter, 0. F., e. Sept. 4, 1861 ; prmtd. to Principal Mu- sician Parmeter, W. V., e. Sept. 4, 1861 ; disd. June 13, 1862 ; disab. Plank, Christian, e. Sept. 4, 1861 ; disd. May 30, 1862; disab. Simpson, J. A„ e. Sept. 4, 1861 ; m. o. Oct. 11, 1864. Stanton, J. F , e. Sept. 4, 1861 ; died Julv 14, 1803. Tav, F. D., e. Sept. 4, 1861 ; re-e. as vet. Feb. 22, 1864. Turpit, Timothy, e. Sept 4, 1861 ; re-e. as vet. Feb. 22, '64. Taylor, Lorenzo, e. Sept. 4, 1801 ; died Dec. 26, 1862 ; wds Tanosdel, R., c. Sept. 4, 1861 ; trans, to I. C. Dec, 1863. AVoodburn, C. F., e. Sept. 4, 1801 ; m. o. Oct. 11, 1864, as Corp. Welte, Christian, e. Sept. 4, 1861 ; m. o. Oct. 11, 1864. Wilson, M. L., e. Sept. 4, 1861 ; m. o. Oct. 11, 1864. Huxtable, W. A., e. as rect.: died. Jan. 2, 1862 ; disab. Woods, S. A., e. Sept. 22, 1861 ; died Sept, 13, 1863. (Consolidated.) Company A. Bilby, Allen, e. Jan., 1865 ; rect.; m. o. Jan. 21, 1866. Company B. Second Lieut. J. H. McClay, e. Oct. 11, 1864 ; m. o. Jan. 21, 1865. Hart, S. B., e. Jan. 6, 1865 ; m. o. Jan. 5, 1866. Company D. Barnes, Lemuel, e. Jan. 17, 1865 ; m. o. Jan. 21, 1866. Barnes, John, e. Jan. 17, 1865; m. o. Jan. 24, 1866. Company F. Sergt. F. C. Hadlev, e. Feb. 28, 1865 ; m. o. Jan. 21, 1866. Corp. T. J. Bolt, e. Feb. 28, 1805; m. o. Jan. 21, 1866. Felter, N. B., e. Feb. 28, 1865 ; m. o. Jan. 21, 1866. Fisher, Alvin, e. Feb. 28, 1865 ; m. o. Jan. 21, 1866. richer, C. B., e. Feb. 28, 1865 ; m. o. Jan. 21, 1866. Miller, Jacob, e. Feb 28,1865; m. o. Jan. 21, 1866. •Shroyer, Wm., e. Feb. 28, 1865; disd. June 17, 1865; disab. Willcutt, J. M., e. Feb. 28, 1865; m. o. Jan. 21, 1866. SEVENTY-SEVENTH INFANTRY. The regiment was fully organized and mus- tered into the United States' service, Sept. 3, 1862, at Peoria, 111. Remained in camp at that place until Oct. 4th, at which time it pro- ceeded to Covington, Ky., and reported to Maj. Gen. Gordon Granger, commanding the Army of Kentucky, who assigned it to duty in the Division commanded by Gen. A. .J. Smith. Marched from Covington, with the Division, Oct. ITth, and reached Lexington on the 2nth, and Richmond, 2d November. Marched from that point on Nov. 11th, and arrived at Louis- ville on the 17th. Nothing of any interest transpired during the sojourn of the regiment in Kentucky — there being no force of the enemy in the State at that time; and the campaign there was merely a march of about one hundred and fifty miles into the interior, and a march back again. Nov. 20, 1862, the regiment embarked on steamer for Memphis, Tenn., in company with the whole Division, under same commander Arrived at latter place Nov. 27th. Remained there until Dec. 2()th. The Division was re- organized and reported for duty to Maj. Gen. Sherman. ilmbarked, at Memphis, on the 20th of December, and proceeded down the river with Sherman's army, for the capture of Vickburg. Disembarked in the Yazoo River, near Chickasaw Bayou, on the 27th. The Seventy-seventh occupied the extreme right of the line, and participated in the attack on the rebel works. After four days' fighting, the attack was abandoned, and the army embarked on their boats and proceeded to Milliken's Bend, La. At this place, Maj. Gen. McCler- nand arrived and assumed command of the army. He organized it into two corps — the Thirteenth and Fifteenth. The Seventy-seventh was assigned to the Tenth Division, Thirteenth Army Corps. Division commanded by Gen. A. J. Smith, and Corps by Gen. McClernand. Left ^lilliken's Bend Jan. 5, 1863, and ar- rived at Arkansas Post on the 10th. Immedi- ately disembarked, and, on the following morn- ing, participated in the assault. After a few hours' hard fighting, carried the place, by as- sault, capturing all it contained. The loss to the regiment here was 6 killed and 39 wounded — some of the latter mortal. The regiment in this battle behaved admirably, and was compli- mented by the commanding General for its gallant conduct. Jan. 14th, again embarked and proceeded to Young's Point, La. Arrived there on the 22d, and went into camp, remaining until the '.Hh of ^larch, engaged in the digging on the canal across the point opposite Vicksburg. In March, changed camp to Milliken's Bend. In the first part of April, the Thirteenth Corps marched from Milliken's Bend for Grand Gulf. The Seventy-seventh broke camp and moved forward about the middle of April. Crossed the river below Grand Gulf, on the last day of April, and marched all night, arriving at Port Gibson early on the morning of the 1st of May, and participated in the engagement there during the entire day. The regiment remained with Gen. Grant's army during the entire cam- paign around Vicksburg, and the siege of the latter place until its surrender The regiment was engaged in the actions at Champion Hills. May 17th, Black River Bridge, May lUth, and first charge on Vicksburg, May 22d and 23il, losing in these engagements 20 killed, 86 wounded and 26 missing. Vicks- burg surrendered on the 4th of July, and the next day the regiment marched for Jackson, with the army under Sherman. Arrived there July ctth, and was under the fire of the enemy at that place until the 16th when Jackson was evacuated, and the Seventy-seventh re- turned to Vicksburg. Remained in camp at Vicksburg until August 25th, when it embarked WAR HISTORY AND RECORD. 467 for New Orleans, •where it remained in camp until Oct. 3d. Left New Orleans at that time for Western Louisiana. Marched up Bayou Teche, through Franklin to New Iberia, La. Camped there until Dec. 6, 1863, when it marched back to New Orleans. Left New Or- leans on the 17th of December, on steamer, and disembarked at Paso Cavalo, Texas, on the 20th of December. Remained in camp until the last of February, then embarked on vessels and were transported to Berwick Bay, La. From there, marched through to Alexandria, La., with the army, under Gen. Banks, bound for Shreveport. From Alexandria, marched up Red River, driving the enemy until Sabine Cross Roads was reached, on the 8th of April, 1864, where it met the enemy in force, and was immediately engaged. The Seventy-sev- enth belonged to the Division under command of Gen. Ransom, which Division was first or- dered forward to support the advance cavalry. Before the army could be brought forward to their support, the whole rebel army came down on them and overwhelmed the whole Division. In this engagement, the Seventy-seventh suf- fered terribly. Lieut. Col. Webb was killed, instantly, by a musket ball through the brain, and 176 officers and men were killed, wounded and made prisoners, leaving only about one hundred and twenty-five men in the regiment for duty. On the next day, Gen. A. J. Smith's corps came up, and at Pleasant Hill another bat- tle was fought, ending in the complete defeat of the rebels. The regiment remained with Gen. Banks throughout his retreat down Red River, and until he reached the Mississippi. Here it was ordered into camp at Baton Rouge, until the first part of August. At that time, with five or six other regiments, it embarked, and was transported to Dauphine's Island, under the command of Gen. Gordon Granger. Here it assisted in the reduction of Forts Gaines and Morgan, and then returned to Morganzia Bend, on the Mississippi. In October, regiment was ordered to New Orleans, for provost duty, and remained there until the first part of March, 1865, when it was assigned to the First Brigade, Third Division, Thirteenth Array Corps, and transported to Mobile Point, where it joined Gen. Canby's army for the capture of Mobile. Gen. Granger collected his Thirteenth Army Corps at this point, and, during the month of March, moved up the Peninsula toward Span- ish Fort. The regiment was with Gen. Canby's army during the entire siege and capture of Spanish Fort, Blakely and Mobile, and was under fire during the entire time. The day following their entry into Mobile, the Third Division, iii which the Seventy-seventh served, marched out of the city and proceeded up the Tombigbee River, in search of Gen. Dick Tay- lor's army. It proceeded up the river about sixty miles, when it was recalled to ISIobile — the rebel forces throughout the country having surrendered. Remained in camp in Mobile until July 10th, 1865, at which time it was mustered out of service, and ordered to Springfield, 111., for final payment and discharge, where it arrived July -ZSd, 1865. The Seventy-seventh Illinois, during its term of service, was engaged in sixteen battles and sieges, and in every one of them carried itself with honor and credit to the State. Major Job. M. McCuUock, e. as Capt. Co. C Sept. 2, 1862 ; prmtd. to Major April 8,1864; trans. aB consd., and m. o. July 1, 1865. Second Assistant Surgeon John Stoner, e. Sept. 30, 1862 ; trans, as consd. to First Assistant Surgeon; m. o. July 10, 1865. Adjt. Henry P. Ayres, e. as Sergt. Major Aug. 5, 1862: prmtd. to Adjt. May 15, 1863 ; trans, as eonsd.; m. o. July 10, 1865. Hosp. Steward Joel Allen, e. Aug. 8, 1862; m. o. July 10, 1865. Company B. Herrick, F. G., e. Aug. 11, 1862 ; trans, to Co. H ; diad. Jan. 10, 1863. Trenier, Jos, e. Aug. 12, 1862; trans, to Co. D; m. o. July 10, 1865. Williams, J. H., e. Aug. 6, 1862 ; trans, to Co. H ; absent Hick at m. o. Company C. Capt. C. F. McCullock, e. Aug. 13, 1862, as First Sergt.; prmtd. to Second Lieut. March 17, 1863, and to Capt. April 8, 1864. First Lieut. Phillip Jenkins, e. Sept. 2, 1862, as Second Lieut.; prmtd. to First Lieut. March 17, 1863 ; read. Feb. 12, 1864. First Lieut. Anderson Wright, e. Aug. 13, 1862, as Sergt.; prmtd to First Sergt., and then to First Lieut. April 8, 1864; m. o. as consd. Sergt. Geo. A. Hart, e. Aug. 14, 1862; died Oct. 2, 1862. Sergt. Jahew Buckingham, e. Aug. 13, 1862 ; prmtd. to Sergt. Major; m. o. July 10, 1865. Corp. J. A. Hutchinson, e. Aug. 13, 1862 ; m. o. July 10, 1865, as Sergt. Corp. A. G. Thorn, e. Aug. 13, 1862; m. o. June 17, 1865. Corp. John G. Heron, e. Aug. 13, 1862; disd. J»n.l6, 1864, disab. Corp. J. H. Drennen, e. Aug. 13, 1862; Sergt.; died May 26, 1863 ; wd. Musician Enoch Buckingham, e. Aug. 13, 1862 ; m. o. July 10, 1865. Acres, Sam!. T., e. Aug. 13, 1862; mo. o July 10, 1865. Avery, J. W., e. Aug. 13, 1862; m. o. July 10, 1865, as Corp Blackman, A. M.. e. Aug. 13, 1862: m. o. July -10, 1865. Calvert, Minor, e. Aug. 13, 18G2; m. o. July 10, 1865. Cotton, 0. A., e. Aug. 13, 1862 ; trans, to V. K. C, Sept. 30, 1864. Carson, W. F., e. Aug. 13, 1862 ; m. o. July 10, 18G5. Carson, Jno. B., e. Aug. 13, 1862; died Aug. 12, 1863. Drake, James, e. Aug. 22, 1862; died June 6, 1863 ; wd. Davis, John T., e. Aug. 13, 1862 ; ni. o. July 10, 1865. Dorson, Andrew, Aug. 13, 1862; died Dec. 25, 1862. Duchesne, Lewis, e. Aug. 13,1862; disd. Feb. 7, 1863, disab. Duchesne, H. C, e. Aug. 21, 1862; disd. Feb. 7,1863, disab. Debolt, Alex., e. Aug. 13,1862; disd. Feb. 7, 1863, disab. Enslow, C. C, e. Aug. 13, 1862; m. o. July 10, 1 865. Fisher, Jos., e. Aug. 13, 1862; m. o. July 10, 1865. Fisher, Isaiah, e. Aug, 15, 1862; m. o. July 10, 1865. Farrer, Augustus, e. Aug. 13,1862; supposed killed at Vicksburg. Gallop, P. W., e. Ang. 13, 1862; m. o. June 17, 1865. Gennoway, C. L., e. Aug. 13,1862; m. o. June 17, 1865; prisoner of war. Hart, Saml. M.. e. Aug. 6, 1862 ; m. o. June 10, 1865. Hilsapeck, D W., e. Aug. 13, 1862; disd. March 20, 1863, disab. John, C. H., e. Aug. 13, 1862; trans, to V. R. C, April 28, 1864. Kirbv, H. R., e. Aug. 1.3, 1862; disd. July 12, 1863. Kerrick, W. M., a. Aug. 13, 1862 ; kid. May 22, 1863. Lessly, S. A., e, Aug. 14, 1862; disd. Oct. W, 1863, disab. Lay, Geo. M.„ e. Aug. 13, 1862 ; died Jan. 10. 1863. McCormick, Jno. M.. e. Aug. 'J, 1862; m. o. July 10, 1865. Mann, Edwin R., e. Aug. 11, 18(12 ; m. o. July 10, 1865. 468 WAR HISTORY AND RECORD. McCiillock, F. H., e. Aug. 14,1802; m. o. July 10, 1865. McCoy, \Vm. D., e. Au}:. 14, ISO:;; trans, to 130th Inf. McCoj-, J. W., e. Aug. 13, 1802 ; m. o. Julv 10, 1805. Norris, D. H., »■. Aug. ]3, 18(52; in. o. July lo, 1S05. Palmer, Bonaparte, e. Aug. 13, 1862; m. o. July 10, 1865. Pariiham, Reuben, e. Aug^ 11, 1802 : died April 21, 1803. Phillips, Jno. G.,' e. Aug. 13, 1862 ; disd. March 25, 18G3, disab. Richard.-?, Wm., e. Aug. 13, 1862; died April 9, 1803. Ruftin, Andrew, e. .\ng. 13, 1802 ; m. o. July 10, 1805. Robbins, .M. V., e. Aug. 13. 1862; m o. July 10, 1805. Rogers, Alma, e. Aug. 13, 1802; disd. Oct. 30, 1863, disab. Sims, Jos. T., e. Aug. 13, 1802 ; m. o. June 17, 1865. Rims, Jos. R., e. Aug. 1.^, 1862; m. o. June 10, 1805. Sims, Wm., e. Aug. 13, 1862 ; m. o. June 10, 1865. Stephenson, Wm., e. .\ug. 13,1862; m. o. June 10, 1865. Scroggin, A. B., e. Aug. 13, 1862; disd. Nov. 17, 1863, disab. Scher, Anton, e. Aug. 13, 1862; m. o. June 20, 1865. Stephenson, W'm.. e. Aug. 22. 1862; m. o. Julv 10, 1865. Tom, J. M., e. Aug 13, 1862; disd. Feb. 27, 1863, disab. Thompson, S. P., e. Aug. 13, 18621 disd. March 9, 1803 ; disab. ' Vanarsdall, J. W., e. Aug. 11, 1802; died Feb. 23, 1803. Wald, M. J., e. Aug. 11, 1802; m. o. July 10, 1805. White, \Vm. W., e. Aug. 13, 1802; died June 22, 1864. Hanna. D. W., e. Jan. 19, 1805, rect.; trans, to 130th Inf. Linnville, D., e. as rect.; trans, to 130th, Inf. Safford, D. B., e. Feb. 23, 1864, rect.; deserted April 21, 1805. Wedlej', J. H., e. as rect. ; m. o. June 10, 1 865. Company E. McTaggart, Chae., e. Starch 31, 1864; trans to 130th Inf. Company F. First Lieut. Wm. 0. Hammers, e. Sept. 2, 1862 : disd. March 28, 1863. Sergt. Jas. A. Hammers, e. Aug. 22, 1862 ; m. o. July 10, 1865, comd. First Lieut. Sergt. E. S. Stoddard, e. Aug. 22,1862 ; m. o. June 17, 1865, as Corp. Cor^i. Harman McChesmy, e. Aug. 22, 1862; disd. Feb. 2, 1863, disab. Corp. Francis W. Fisher, e. Aug. 11, 1862; kid. at Yicks- burg. May 22, 1863. Ash worth. Thomas, e. Aug. 22, 1862; disd. Feb. 4, 1863. Arrowsraith, Wm. T., e. Aug. 22, 1802; disd. Jan. 4, 18(i3. Arrowsmith, John, e. Aug. 22, 1862; m. o. June 17, 1865. Aid, Wm., e. Aug. 22, 1862 ; m. o. June 17, 1865. Aid, Charles, e. Aug. 22, 1862; m. o. June 17, 1805. Attick. Geo., e. Aug. 22, 1862 ; m. o. July 10, 1805. Bell, A. C, e. Aug. 13, 1802 ; ni. o. Julv 10, 1S65. Crew, X. J., e. Aug. 22, 1862; disd. Jan. 30, 1862, disab. Indy, Peter, e. Aug. 22, 1862'; trans, to 130th 111. Inf. Mason, Martin, e. Aug. 22, 1862; kid. at A'icksburg, May 22, 1863. Rediger, Jacob, e. Aug. 22, 1862; m. o. July 10, 1805. Sampson. Hamilton, e. Aug. 22, 1862; trans, to Co. H ; died Feb. 4,1803. Smiley, Marehall, e. Aug. 22, 1862; m. o. June 17, 1865. Sifert," Harmon, e. Aug. 22, 1862; m. o. June 17, 1805. Stoddard. A. D., e. Aug. 22, 1862; m.o. June 17, 1865. Trump, John, e. Aug. 22, 1862 ; m. o. June 17, 1805. Waterman, C. P., e. Aug. 6, 1862 ; trans, to Co. H ; m.o. Julv 10, 1805. Wilkinson, R. R., e. Aug. 22, 1802; m. o. June 17, 1865. Yeldon, James, e. Auir. 18, 1802; trans, to Co. C; died Feb. 26, 1803. Tonng, Wm., e. .\ug. 9, 1862 ; trans, to Co. H ; disd. June id, 1863, disab. Company C. Patch, Charles, e. Jan. 5, 1805, rect. ; trans to 130th 111. Inf. Company H. Capt. L. G. Keedy, e. Sept. 2, 1802; died Jan. 23, 1803. Capt. M. B. Parmeter, e. Sept. 2, 1862, as First Lieut.; prmtd. to Capt. Jan. 23, 1803; m. o. July 10, 1865. First Lieut. Geo. H. Jenkins, e. Aug. 11, 1862, as First Sergt.; prmtd. to First Lieut. Jan. 23,1863 ; resd. Dec. 14, 1863. First. Lieut. S. S. Heath, e. Aug. 6, 1862, as private; prmtd. to Second Lieut. Starch 1, 1863; to First Lieut. Dec. 14, 1803 ; m. o. at consdn. Second Lieut. John Filger, e. Sept. 2, 1862; dismissed March 1, 1863. Second Lieut. Wm. O. McGowan, e. Aug. 11, 1862, as Corp.; prmtd. to Sergt.; to Second Lieut. 5ec. 14,1864; trans. to 13(]th Regt. Sergt. V. P. Peaborty, e. Aug. 9, 1862 ; m. o. June 17, 1865. Sergt. H K. Ferrin, e. Aug. 9, 1862; disd. Aug. 9, 1863; disab. Sergt. J. M. Brown, e. Aug. 11, 1862; disd. June 3, 1863; disab. Corp. David Filger, e. Aug. 11, 1862; m.o. June 18, 1863; dis;ib. Corp. T. R. Clark, e. Aug. 9. 1862; m. o. July 10, 1865. Corp. E. D. Davidson, e. Aug. 9, 1862; m. o. July 10, 1865. Corp. A. D. Addis, e. Aug. 11, 1862 ; disd. Jan. 5, 1863. Musician R. W. Davidson, e. Aug. 9, 1862; m. o. Julv 10, 1865. Musician Benj. Wilson, Jr., e. Aug. 9, 1862 ; disd. June 10, 18G5 ; disab. Addis, Wm. H., e. Aug. 12, 1862; m. o. July 10, 1805. Bocock, W. H., e. Aug. 9, 1862 ; lu. o. July 10, 1805. Brooks, J. P., e. Aug. 9, 1802; died Feb. 16, 1864. Clark, James, e. Aug. 5, 1802 ; died March 24, 1803 ; disab. Dunham, Cbas. E., e. Aug. 5, 1802; trans, to V. R. C. Jan. 1, 1864. Davis, C. L., e. Aug. 6, 1802 ; m. o. July 10, 1865. Davison, A. L., e. Aug. 6, 1862 : disd. Aug. 22, 1805. Davison, D. W., e Aug. 9, 1862; disd. Jan. 17, 1863. Denby, Robt., e. Aug. 8, 1862 ; m. o. Julv 10, 1865. Fisher, B. F., e. Aug. 11, 1862; m. o. Julv 10, 1865. Grove, Isaac, e. Aug, 11, 1S62 ; kid. April 8, 1864. Holmes, F. W., e Aug. 9. 1862 ; disd. Dec. 23, 1803; disab. Hollenbeck. D., e Aug. i3, 1802; disd. April 22, 1805. Huxtable, R., e. Aug. 11, 1862; m. o. July 10, 18C5. Irwin, W. D., e. Aug. 9. 1862; died Jan. 27, 1863. Jerman, W. W., e. Aug. 6, 1862; disd. March 12, 1863 ; disab. James, C. B., e. Aug. 9, 1862 ; m. o. July 10, 1865, as Corp. Julg, Leo, e. Aug. 9, 1862 ; m. o. July 17, 1805; prisoner of war. Ketchum, .Toshua, e Aug. 11, 1802 ; m. o. July 10, 1865. Knowles, J. L , e. Aug. 7, 1802 ; disd. Feb. 7. 1803 ; disab. Linn, B. M., e. Aug. 2, 1862 ; died Dec. 5, 1803. * Longfellow, J. H., e. Aug. 5, 1802; died Jlarch 29, 1863. Livingston, H., e. Aug. 8,1862; m.o. June 17, 1865; prisr. of war. Livingston, N., e. Aug. 9, 1862; m. o. May 2.3, 1865. Marshall, M. G., e. Aug. 5, 1862; kid. at Vicksburg 3(ay 22, 1863. Maring, S. W., e. Aug. 9, 1862; m. o. July 10, 1865. Mehlhorn, F., e. Aug. 11, 1862; m. o. Julv 10, 1865. McCoy, J. P., e. Aug. 5, 1862 ; disd. March 10, 1805. McSparren, J., e. Aug. 9, 1802; m. o. July 10, 1865, as First Sergt.; comd. First Lieut., but not mustered. Nye, E. R., e. Aug. 0, 1802; m. o. Julv 10, 1865. Phillips, L., e. Aug. 6, 1802; m. o. July 10, 1865. Presinger, F., e. .■Vug. 9, 1802 ; m. o. July 10, 1805. Pejjbodv, T. P.. e. Aug. 9, 1802; died Jan. 11, 1863. Ruff, Thus., e. Aug. 7, 1862 ; m. o. Mav 29, 1805. Richards, N. D., e. Aug. 9, 1862 ; m. o. July 10, 1865. Sampson, E. E., e. Aug. 9. 1862; died March 25. 1863. Stewart, M., e. Aug. 12, 1862; died July 3, 1863; wds. Swainderman, Wm., e. Aug. 9, 1802; m. o. June 17, 1865. Sutton, E. L., e. Aug. 6, 1802 ; died Feb 3, 1803; wds. Standaker, J., e. Aug. 8, 1802; died Jan. 10, 1863; wds. Smiley, N.. e. Aug. 13, 1802 : di.sd. Xov. 0, 1803. Sampson, A., e. Aug. 13, 1802 ; died Aug. 6, ISiS. Talbott, Jas., e. Aug. 7, 1862; died Feb. 9, 1803, Talbot, John. e. Aug. 9, 1862; disd. Jan. 9. 1803; disab. Trowbridge, I. D., e. Aug. 11, 1802; ra. o. July 10, 1865. Vance, J. D., e. Aug. 9, 1802; m. o. July 10, 1865. Van Arsdale, J. W., e. Aug 11, 1862 ; m. o. July 10, 1805. Worthington, W. S., e. .\ug. 2, 1802; kid. May 22, 1803, at Vicksburg. Wilson, F. P., e. Aug. 6, 1862 ; kid. May 22, 1863. at Vicks- burg. Wilkes, L. M., e. Aug. 9, 1862; died Feb. 2, 1863. Williams, J. H., e. Aug. 9, 1862 ; absent, sick, at m. o. of regt. Allen, Wm., e. March 24. 1864; rect.; trans, to 130th Inf. Hall, C. E., e. Dec. 20, 1863; rect.; trans, to 130th Inf. EIGHTY-SIXTH INFANTRY. The Eighty-si.xth Infantry Illinois Volun- teers was organized at Peoria, 111., in August, 18ti2, by Col. David D. Irons, and mustered in Aug. 27th. Moved for Louisville, aud camped WAR HISTORY AND RECORD. 469 at Jo Holt, on the Indiana side, Sept. 10, 1862. Was assigned to Thirty-sixth Brigade, Col. D. McCook, with Fifty-second Ohio and Eighty- fifth Illinois, and One Hundred and Twenty- fifth Illinois, Eleventh Division, Brig. Gen. P. H. Sheridan commanding. Marched from camp Oct. 1st, and, on the 8th, was engaged in the battle of Perry ville, losing 1 killed and 14 wounded. Moved thence to Crab Orchard and to Nashville, arriving Nov. 7th. Soon after, moved to Milk Creek. Returned to Nashville Dec. 10th. Moved to Brentwood, April 8th, 1863. Returned to Nashville, June od. On the 30th, moved to Murfreesboro. Returned July r.tth. Marched, August 20th, via Frank- lin and Columbia, to Huntsville, Ala , and, on | the 4th of September, marched to Chattanooga, i The Eighty-sixth was here assigned to the Re- serve Corps, under Maj. Gen. Gordon Granger. Engaged in the battle of Chickamauga, Sept. 19th, '20th and 21st. Brigade assigned to Sec- ond Division, Fourteenth Army Corps. Moved i into Lookout Valley, Oct. 29th. In the night I of Nov. "23d, crossed the river on a pontoon, and camped at the foot of Missionary Ridge. Pursued the enemy, on the 26th, to Ringgold, and was then ordered to Knoxville, Tenn. Marched as far as Little Tennessee River, and returned to Chattanooga, Dec. 18th, after a most severe march. AY as engaged in the re- connoissance to Buzzard Roost Gap, near Dal- ton, Feb. 24, 1864, fighting the enemy two days. Lost 1 man killed and 7 wounded. March 6th, moved to Lee and Gordon's Mills, and. May 3d, joined Gen. Sherman'a army at Ring- gold, Ga. Was engaged at Buzzai-d's Roost, May 9th, 10th and 11th ; Resaca, May 14th and loth; Rome, 17th — 6 killed and 11 wounded ; Dallas, from May 27th to June 5th; Kenesaw Mountain, from June 11th to 27th — losing 1 10 killed and wounded. It again engaged the enemy, on the banks of the Chnttahoochie, on the I'Sth of July ; at Peach Tree Creek on the 19th, and, near At- lanta, 20th and 22d. Engaged in the siege of Atlanta, Col. Dillsworth commanding Brigade, Brig. Gen. J. D. Morgan commanding Divis- ion, and Brevet Maj. Gen. Jeff. C. Davis com- manding Corps. Was engaged at Jonesboro, Sept. 1st. Sept. 29th, moved, by rail, to Athens, Ala., and marched to Florence, driving Forrest across the Tennessee. Moved to Chattanooga, and thence to Galesville, Ala., Kingston, and to Atlanta, arriving Nov. 15th. Commenced the "March to the Sea" Nov. 16th. Arrived at Savannah Dec. 21st. Moved, Jan. 20, 1^65, on the campaign of the Caro- linas — Brevet Brig. Gen. B. D. Fearing com- manding brigade. Engaged in the battle of Averysboi-o, March 16th, and of Bentonville, 19th and 20th, and arrived at Goldsboro on March 23d. Marched to Raleigh, April 10th. After the surrender of Johnston, marched, via Richmond, to Washington City, at which place was mustered out of service, June 6th, 1865, by Lieut. George Scroggs, A. C. M., and ordered to Chicago, 111., where it received final pay and discharge. Died, killed and wounded, 346. Marched, 3,500 miles ; by rail, 2,000 miles. Company A. Capt. W. S. Magarity, e. Aug. 27, 1862; resd. Oct. 7, 1863. Capt. Jos. Major, e. Aug. 27, 18G2, as First Lieut.; prmtd. to Capt. Oct 7, 1863 ; m. o. June 6, 1865. First Lieut. S. T. Rogers, e. Aug. 27, 1862, as Second Lieut.; prmtd. to First Lieut. Oct. 7, 1863 ; hon. disd. Oct. 2.5, 1864. First Lieut. J. J. Jones, e. Aug. 8, 1862, as Fir.st Sergt. ; prmtd. to First Lieut. Oct. 25, 1864 ; m. o. June 6, '65. Second Lieut. A. W. Stewart, e. Aug. 3, 1852, as Sergt. ; prmtd. to Second Lieut. June 12, 1865 ; m. o. June 6, 1865. Sergt. J. L. Eadford, e. Aug. 7, 1862; kid. June 27, 1862. Sergt. A. Q. Wilson, e. Aug. 7, 1862; disd. Jan. 20, 1863, disab. Sergt. S. E. Brooks, e. Aug. 7, 1862; m. o. June 6, 1865. Corp. J. G. Stivers, e. Aug. 3, 1862 ; died Dec. 10, 1862. Corp. J. R. Kinear, e. Aug. 7, 1862; m. o. June 6, 1865, as Sergt. Corp. W. M. Bain, e. Aug. 3, 1862 ; kid. June 27, 1864. Corp. Eber Hotchkin, e. Aug. 6, 1862 ; died in rebel prison Feb. 20, 1865. Corp. Frank Horn, e. July 29, 1862; died in rebel prison Nov. 18, 1864. Corp. J. H. Blubecker, e. Aug. 10, 1862; m. o. June 6, '65. Corp. I.S. Guest, e. July 26, 1862; ni. o. June 6, 1865. Corp. C. A. Chenoweth, e. Aug. 7, 1862 ; kid. June 27, '64. Allison, J. A., e. Aug. 9, 1862; trans, to V. R. C. Sept. 1, 1863. Adams, J. W., e. Aug. 9, 1862 ; disd. Jan. 28, 1863, disab. Armstrong, J. C, e. Aug. 8, 1862; died at Nashville Nov. 18,1862. Armstrong, 6. E., e. Aug. 7, 1862 ; died at Nashville Dec. 27, 1862. Armstrong, W. G., e. Aug. 8, 18G2; died at Nashville Nov. 3(1, 1862. Brown, Henry, e. Aug. 11, 1862; trans, to Miss. M. Brig. May 27, 1863. Brown, J. T., e. Aug. 11, 1862 ; m. o June 6, 1865. Bullington, A. C, e. Aug. 11, 1862 ; m. o. June 6, 1865, as Corp. Baker, H. C, e. July 26, 1862 ; m. o. June 6, 1865. Brubacker, Peter, e. Aug. 7, 1862 ; disd. Jan. 14, 1863, disab. Childs, E. A., e. Aug. 7, 1862; m. o. June 13, 1865, prisr. Carnahan, H. E., e. July 26, 1862 ; m. o. June 22, 1865. Clark, E. R., e. Aug. 9, 18G2 ; died at Nashville, Jan. 9, 1863. Chapman, Jas., e. Aug. 7, 1862 ; m. o. June 22, 1865; was prisr. Chittick, Eobt., e. Aug. 11, 1862; died at Eureka, 111., April 6, 1865. Carr, J. A., e. Aug. 11, 1862 ; m. o. June 6, 1865, as Corp. Cramer, Levi, e. Aug. 11, 1862 ; m. o. June 6, 1865. Cable, S. P., e. Aug. 8, 1862; m. o June 6, 1865; was prisr. Dougherty, Thos., e. Aug. 7, 1862 ; kid. at Kenesaw Mountain, Ga., June 27, 1864. Dixon, Wm., e. Aug. 7, 1862 ; m. o. June 6, 1865. Dial, Richard, e. Aug. 7, 1862 ; trans, to Miss. M. Brig. May 27, 1863. Dial, Philip, e. Aug. 7, 1862; kid. in action June 27,1864. Dehm, Jno., e. Aug. 6, 1862 ; disd. March 8, 1863, disab. Davenport, J. L., e. July 26, 1862 ; m. o. June 6, 1865. Egbert, Wm., e. Aug. 7, 1862 ; died at Nashville March 2, 1863. Flam, Michael, e. Aug. 9, 1862 ; m. o. June 6, 1865. Fletcher, Irwin, e. Aug. 3, 1862 ; trans, to Eng. Corps June 15, 1864. Foley, Thos., e. Aug. 11, 1862; m. 0. June 29, 1865, wd. Foote, Chas., e. July 26, 1862; trans, to Y. R. C. Nov. 1, 1863. Graham, L. D., e. Aug. 7, 1862; disd. Jan. 20, 1863, disab. Grice, S. W., e. Aug. 7, 1862; died at Bowling Green, Ky., Nov. 5, 1862. Hallam, W. W., e. July 25, 1862 ; m. o. June 6, 1865. Howell, \V. H., e. Aug. 7, 1»62 ; kid. at Kenesaw Moun- tain June 27, 1864. Haines, N. S., e. Aug. 7, 1862; disd. Jan. 20, 1863, disab. Ilerrick, E. M., e. Aug. 7, 1862; Corp; died at N. Y. City March 6, 1865. 470 WAR HISTORY AND RECORD. Holmes, Robt., e. Aug. 5, 1802 ; m. o. June 6, 1865, as Corp. Heiu, Juo., e. July 2(\ 18G2; trans, to V. R. C. July 1, '63. King, Rufus, e. Aug. 3, 1862; disd. Oct. 9, 186-1, as Corp., wds. King, J. B., e. July 26, 1862 ; m. o. June 6, 1865. Longfellow, W. J., e. July 26, 1862 ; prmtd. to Com. Sergt. Longfellow, J. C, e. July 26, 1862; disd. Nov. 26, 1863, disal). Long, Hardin, e. Aug, 7, 1802; m. o. June 16, 1865. Lehman, Jno., e. Aug. 7, 1862; died at Nashville June 1.5, 1863. Lowerv, J. E., e. Aug. 7, 1862 ; disd. Jan. 27, 1863, disab. Mohr, David, e. Aug. 7, 1862 ; died at Nashville Nov. 18, 1863. Mohr, Abram, e. Aug. 9, 1862 ; trans, to V. R. C. Feb. 11, 1864. Martin, J. T., e. Aug. 6, 1862 ; m. o. June 6, 1865, as Corp. Martin, W. F., e. Aug. 7, 1862 ; died July 16, 1864. McPeak, E. E., e. Aug. 9, 1862; m. o. June 6, 1865. Mecarta, F. C, e. Aug. 7, 1802 ; disd. Jan. 27, 1863, disab. Mohr, J. F., e. .\ug. 7, 186;;; m. o. June 6, 1865. Miller, J. B., e. Aug. 9, 1862; disd. Jan. 27, 1863, disab. Manning, Miles, e. Aug. 7, 1862; disd. April 11, 1865, disab. Oer, Benj., e. Aug. 7, 1862 ; trans, to V. R. C. Sept. 1, 1863. Payne, R. F., e. July 26, 1862 ; m. o. June 6, 1865. Pavne, J. E., e. Aug. 7, 1S62; disd. Jan. 27, 1863, disab. Pepper, J. S., e. Aug. 11, 1802 ; m. o. May 26, 1865. Perrin, D. R., e. Aug. 7, 1862; m. o. June 6, 1865. Ralston, H. J., e. Aug. 3, 1862 ; disd. Jan. 27, 1863, disab. Radford, W. L., e. Aug. 7, 1862 ; kid. June 27, 1864. Rodebush, G. W., e. Aug. 7, 1862 ; m. o, June 6, 1865. Robeson, J. E., e. Aug. 11, 1862; m. o. June 6, 1865. Sutton, Fenton, e. Aug. 5, 1862; kid. at Kenesaw Moun- tain, Ga., June 27, 1864. Stowell, L. E., e. Aug. 7, 1862; m. o. June 6, 1865. Snyder, Morgan, e Aug. 7, 1862; died Nov. 28, 1862. Saunders, Joseph, e. Aug. 3, 1862; deserted Nov. 22, 1862. Sisson, Saml., e. Aug. 7, 1862; disd. Jan. 2(1, 1865; disab. Summers, A. H., e. Aug. 7, 1862; m. o. June 6, 1865. Stewart, E. E., e. Aug 20, 1862 ; died at Annapolis, Md., Dec. 18, 1864. States, Daniel, e. Aug. 7, 1862; kid. at Kenesaw Mountain, Ga., June 27, 1864. Tandy, J. W., e. July 26, 1862; disd. Jan. 27, 1863 ; disab. This, John, e. Aug. 7, 1862; m. o. June 6, 1865. This, Frank, e. Aug. 7, 1862; m. o. June 6, 1865, as Corp. This, Charles, e. Aug. 7, 1862 ; kid. at Kenesaw Mountain, June 27, 1864. Trunnell, W. H., e. Aug. 7, 1862; died April 28, 1863. Tomb, Closier, e. Aug. 3, 1862 ; died Nov. 29, 1862. Tomb, John, e. Aug. 3, 1862 ; m. o. June 10, 1865, as Corp. Watson, J. H., e. Aug. 7, 18«2 ; m. o. June 6, 1865. Warble, J. R., e. Aug. 8, 1862 ; m. o June 6, 1865. DsLT^t, H. R., e. Dec. 10, 1803; rect. ; trans, to Co. G, 34th Inf., May 18, 1865. Grady, J. W., e. Aug. 7, 1862; rect; kid. at Kenesaw Mountain, June 27, 1864. Howard, J. W., e. Jan. 18, 1865; unassigned ; rect. ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTH INFANTRY. The One Hundred and Eighth Dlinois Vol- unteer Infantry was organized and rendez- voused at Camp Peoria. The first company of the regiment was recruited at Pekin, 111., by Charles Turner, and arrived in camp on the 14th day of August, 18G"J. The regiment was organized on the "iTth of August, and mustered into the service of the United States, Aug. 28, 1862. Oct. 6th, the regiment left Camp Peo- ria, by rail, for Covington, Ky., via Logans- port, Indianapolis and Cincinnati, arriving in Covington on the morning of the 8th. In the organization of the troops, at Covington, Ky., the One Hundred and Eighth Regiment was assigned to the First Brigade, Third Division, Army of Kentucky — Col. John Coburn, Thirty- third Indiana Infantry, commanding the Bri- gade ; Brig. Gen. A. Baird, commanding the Division; Maj. Gen. Gordon Granger com- manding the Army. The regiment here drew the necessary transportation and camp equij)- age, and, on the 17th, marched with the division into the interior of the State, follow- ing the retreating enemy. The regiment passed through Falmouth, Cynthiana, Paris and Lexington, to Nicholasville, where a halt was made, and the troops went into camp, Nov. 1st, and remained until the 14th. At Lexington, the troops were reorganized, and the One Hundred and Eighth was assigned to the Second Brigade, First Division, Army of Kentucky — Col. W. G. Landram, of Nine- teenth Kentucky, commanding Brigade, and Brig. Gen. A. J. Smith commanding Division. Nov. 14th, the regiment marched, with the Division, for Louisville, via Versailles, Frank- fort and Shelbyville. Reached Louisville on the 10th, and, on the 21st embarked on board transports for Memphis, Tenn., where it ar- rived on the 26th and went into camp near the city. The troops were here organized for a Winter campaign, and Gen. A. J. Smith's Di- vision was designated as the First Division, rRight Wing, Army of the Tennessee. The regiment remained at ^Memphis, performing picket and such other duty as was required of it, until the 20th of December, when it em- barked on board the " City of Alton," and proceeded with the expedition, under Maj. Gen. W. T. Sherman, against Vicksburg. There were crowded upon this boat the^Brigade Com- mander and his staff, with their horses and other necessary equipage and transportation, the One Hundred and Eighth Regiment Illi- nois Volunteer Infantry and the Forty-eighth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, together with the transportation, horses, mules and equipage belonging to both regiments. The expedition proceeded down the Mississippi River to the mouth of the Yazoo, and up that river to .Johnson's Landing, near Chickasaw Bluff, where, on the evening of the 28th, the regiment disembarked and bivouacked for the night. On the morning of the 29th, the regi- ment moved, with the Division, upon the enemy, who was found strongly fortified upon the bluffs running nortlieast from the city of Vicksburg. Here, in the engagement of Chick- asaw Bayou, the One Hundred and Eighth first met the enemy. In this engagement, the regi- ment occupied the extreme right of the Union line, its right resting on the Mississippi River. There was no heavy fighting on this part of tlie line, but some sharp skirmishing. The regi- ment began skirmishing with the enemj' on the afternoon of the 29th, and quite a rapid fire was kept up until dark, when, in compliance with orders, the line was withdrawn about three hundred yards, and held during the night. On the morning of the 30th, the line was again advanced to re-take the former posi- tion, which, it was found, had been occupied by the enemy. A lively skirmish here took place, which lasted about half an hour, and resulted in the enemy being compelled to re- WAR HISTORY AND RECORD. 471 tire, with considerable confusion, with the loss of 7 killed and 4 prisoners captured by the regiment. The orders to the regiment were to retake and hold its former position, and, hav- ing done this, no attempt was made to do more. About noon, the regiment was relieved and al- lowed to fall back and rest, and make coflee. On the 1st of January, 1863, the One Hun- dred and Eighth was again ordered to the front, where it remained, on the skirmish line, until midnight, when, just as the clock on the court house in Vicksburg told the hour of 1, in compliance with orders received early in the night, the regiment silently withdn^w, and, with one section of the Chicago Mercantile Battery, covered the retreat of Gen. Sherman's army. The regiment reached Johnson's Landing before daylight, on the morning of the 2d, and immediately re-embarked on board the steamer "City of Alton." Al- though the lines of the two armies were so close to each other that the men could dis- tinctly hear the voices of their opponents, yet the plans for the retreat were so well laid and executed that the enemy did not discover it until the whole fleet was steaming down the Yazoo. The fleet proceeded down the Yazoo River to the Mississippi. Thence, up that river, to the mouth of the White River, and up that river, and through acut-oif, into the Arkansas, to Ar- kansas Post, where, on the afternoon of the 10th of January, the regiment disembarked and participated in the investment of that fort, and, on the following day, bore an active part in that most brilliant and successful engage- ment. In a report, afterward made by the regimental commander, he says : "At H P. M., we were ordered to advance, through a narrow strip of timber and across an open field, within short range of the enemy's guns, to within pistol shot of the fort. The engagement at this part of the line was terrific. From the time the order to advance was given, the officers and men, without a single excep- tion, displayed a coolness and courage which, taking into consideration the fact of its being the first time the regiment was ever under a heavy fire, deserves, in my humble opinion, special commendation." The casualties in the One Hundred and Eighth, during this engagement, were 13 men wounded. On the 17th of January, the fleet was again moving down stream and proceeded to Young's Point, La., nearly opposite to Vicksburg, where, on the 24tli of January, 1863, the regiment disembarked and went into camp. The long confinement on the trans- ports and want of pure air and sanitary con- veniences, during this expedition, cost the regiment more lives than all other causes dur- ing its term of service — one officer, Philo W. Hill, First Lieutenant Company A, and 134 men, died during the months of February and March, 1863. Maj. Gen. J. A. McClernand assumed com- mand of the expedition before the engagement at Arkansas Post, and the title of the army was changed to "The Army of the Mississippi." The organization of the Division remained the same as before, and the Division was desig- nated as the Tenth Division, Thirteenth Army Corps. The regiment remained in camp at Young's Point, performing picket duty and working on the famous canal, until the 10th of March, when it embarked on board the "Spread Eagle" for Milliken's Bend, La.,, where it again went into camp. April 15th, the regiment broke camp and marched with the Corps and Division across the country, via Richmond, Smith's Plantation and along Lake St. Joseph to Hard Times, landing on the Mississippi River nearly opposite to Grand Gulf, Miss. ; thence down along the levee, about two miles, to Brandenburg, arriving there on the night of the 29th of April. On the afternoon of the next day, the regiment crossed the Mississippi River on board the iron-clad gunboat "Lafayette," which had run the bat- teries of both Vicksburg and Grand Gulf. On the morning of May 1st, at 1 o'clock, the regi- ment was on the march. After marching rap- idly until about 8 o'clock A. M., it arrived upon the battle field of Port Gibson, sometimes called the battle of Magnolia Ridge, near Port Gibson, Miss. Fighting had begun before the regiment arrived, and there was no time given for rest ; but it immediately moved into position. The fighting on that part of the line occupied by the One Hundred and Eighth was not very heavy, but the manoeuvering was very fatiguing. The day was excessively hot, with scarcely a cloud to break the piercing rays of the sun, and the regiment was kept almost constantly in motion, marching and counter-marching over steep and rugged hills, until nearly sunset, and there had been no time for rest since midnight. After a very circuituous march, the Thir- teenth Army Corps and with it the One Hun- dred and Eighth Illinois Volunteers, reached Champion Hills on the 16th of May, where the enemy were again met, and driven from the field. The regiment performed its part in this bloody battle, after which it was detached from its Brigade and Division, and assigned to the duty of guarding prisoners of war. On the 17th, the regiment moved, with the prisoners, to Black River Bridge, where it was joined by the Twenty-third Iowa Infantry, with another large lot of prisoners. The number which both regiments then had in charge was about four thousand five hundred. On the night of the UHh, it reached the landing at Haines' Bluif, on the Yazoo River, and on the 20th embarked, with a portion of the prisoners, on board the " Fanny Bullitt," and proceeded to Young's Point, and went into camp near the same ground occupied by the regiment five months before. On the 25th, the regiment embarked, with the prisoners, on board the steamer "Gladiator," and proceeded to Memphis, Tenn., where its charge was transferred to the com- mand there, and the One Hundred and Eighth returned to Young's Point, on board the 472 WAR HISTORY AND RECORD. steamer " Emerald." On the passage down, the boat was several times fired into by guer- rillas from the shore, and one man, Peter C. Earner, of Company K, was severely wounded in the leg. The regiment remained at Young's Point, performing various kinds of duty, until after the surrender of Vicksburg. They assisted in keeping up a line of pickets across the point of land immediately opposite the city of Vicks- burg. This line, together with the gunboats, above and below the city, formed, with tlie lines on the east side of the river, a complete circuit around Vicksburg. Large details of men from the One Hundred and Eighth as- sisted in working the heavy mortars upon the mortar boats, above the city, and several men Were permanently injured by the concussion of their discharge. On the 18th of July, the regiment crossed over into the city, and re- ported to Maj. Gen. ■SlcPherson, commanding Seventeenth Army Corps, and went into camp. July 26lh, the regiment embarked and went to Memphis, and reported Maj. Gen. Hurlbut on the 29th ; and on the 6th of August it proceeded, by rail, to La Grange, Tenn. The regiment, upon it arrival at La Grange, was assigned to the First Brigade, Second Division, Sixteenth Army Corps. Oct. 28, 1863, the regiment broke camp and marched to Pocahontas, Tenn., and garrisoned that post until the 9th of November — its Col- onel, Charles Turner, commanding the post. On the evening of the 9th of November, the Regiment proceeded, by rail, to Corinth, Miss., where it remained on duty until that place was evacuated by our troops, on the 25th of Janu- ary, 18G4, when it proceeded, by rail, to Mem- phis, and went into camp just outside the southern part of the city. Here they were assigned to the Second Brigade, District of Memphis, Sixteenth Army Corps. On the 2d of June, 1864, about one hundred and thirty men and officers from all the com- panies of the regiment marched with the expe- dition under Brig. Gen. Sturgis, which left Memphis at that time to attack the enemy un- der Gen. Forrest. The weather was bad, and the roads became almost impassable in many places. It rained every day for the first nine days that the expedition was out. On the 10th of June, the cavalry engaged the enemy, and the infantry were hurried forward as rapidly as possible, and went into the fight without rest, and by regiments, as they came up. Aug. 21, 1864, when Forrest made his noted raid into the city of Memphis, the One Hun- dred and Eighth did good service in compelling him to make a hasty retreat. Feb. 28, 1865, the regiment broke camp at Memphis, and embarked for New Orleans, La., where it joined the Sixteenth Army Corps, un- der Maj. Gen. A. J. Smith, and was assigned to the Third Brigade, Third Division, and its Colonel, Charles Turner, assigned to command the Brigade. March 12th, embarked on board the ocean steamer, " Guiding Star," for Fort Gaines, on Dauphine Island. The steamer grounded on the bar at the moutli of the Mis- sissippi River, and did not reach Dauphine Island until the 16th, when the regiment dis- embarked and bivouacked. Here, Col. J. L. Geddes, of the Eighth Iowa Infantry, being the senior officer, assumed command of the Brigade. On the 21st of March, the regiment embarked and proceeded up Mobile Bay and Fish River to Danley's Mills, about twenty- five miles from its mouth, and bivouacked uq- til the morning of the 25th, when it marched with the Corps in the direction of Mobile. Early on the morning of the 27tli, the enemy was met and driven within his works, at Span- ish Fort, the strongest of Mobile's defenses. Heavy fighting was kept up all day, and in the night siege works were begun. The One Hundred and Eighth Illinois occupied the ex- treme riglit of the Union lines, whicli, in this siege, was a most important position, for it was expected that the enemy would attempt to turn this flank. The works of the regiment were pushed to within one hundred yards of the enemy, the men working both night and day, and under a constant fire from the sharp- shooters stationed behind the enemy's works. The siege of this stronghold lasted thirteen days, and was brought to a close on the night of the 8th of April, when the Third Brigade, Third Di- vision, Sixteenth Army Corps, to which this regiment belonged, charged the enemy's works from the works constructed by this regiment, and which they had pushed about two hundred yards nearer to those of the enemy than any other point on the Hue. The casualties in the One Hundred and Eighth, during the siege and assault, were 3 men killed, and 1 officer, Capt. W. M. Bullock, Company E., severely wounded, and 10 men wounded. April 9th, the regiment marched with the Sixteenth Corps in the direction of Montgom- ery, Ala., where it arrived on the 25th. Here it remained until the 18th of July, performing provost duty. While here, Col. Geddes re- signed and Col. Turner succeeded to the com- mand of the Brigade, and also to the post of Montgomery. July 18th, the regiment again broke camp, this time for the pleasing and happy purpose of returning to the homes from which they had been absent for three long and bloody years of war. The regiment moved, by boat, to Selma; thence, by rail, to Jackson, Miss., via Demop- olis and Meridian. From Jackson, the regi- ment marched to Black River, and thence proceeded, by rail, to Vicksburg. On the 5th of Atigust, 1865, the final mus- ter-out rolls were signed by the mustering officer, and the regiment embarked for Cairo. From thence it proceeded, by rail, to Chicago, 111., where, on the 11th day of August, it was paid and finally discharged from the service of the United States. Lieut. Col. R. L. Sidwell, e. Aug. 28, 1862, as Major; IH-nitd. to Lieut. Col. March 13, 1863; read. Oct. 26, 1864. (■ Pi Michael Wagner WORTH TP. WAR HISTORY AND RECORD. 475 Surgeon R. A. Conover, e. Aug. 28, 1862, as Second Asst. Surgeon; prmtd. to First Asst. Feb. 28, 1863, and to Surgeon Sept. 8, 1863 ; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865. First .^sst. Surgeon A. H. Kinnear, e. Feb. 6, 1864 ; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865. Q. M. Samuel C. Still ; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865 ; commissioned Second Lieut., but not mustered. Com. Sergt. A. M. Attebery ; m. o. July 27, 1865 ; com- missioned First Lieut. Co. K, but not mustered. Company B. Eiter, Christian, e. Aug. 9, 1862 ; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865. Smith, Peter, e. Aug. 11, 1862; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865. Company D. Capt. David R. McCutchen, e. Aug. 28, 1862; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865. First Lieut. Wm. A. Stewart, e. Aug. 28, 1862; died. March 28, 1863. First Lieut. Geo. H. Meggure, e. Aug. 28, 1862, as Second Lieut.; prmtd. to First Lieut. Blarch 28,1863; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865. Second Lieut. Gabriel Woods, e. Aug. 13, 1862, as Sergt.; commissioned Second Lieut. Aug. 1, 18G5, but not mustered ; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865. Sergt. Wm. M. Williams, e. Aug. 12, 1862 ; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865. Sergt. George Strasbraugh, e. Aug. 13, 1862 ; died Sept. 11, 1863. Sergt. D F. Snead, e. Aug. 13, 1862; disd. March 11,1863. Sergt. John S. Blue, e. Aug. 13, 1862; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865. Corp. John Herberts, e. Aug. 8, 1862 ; deserted Nov. 23, 1863. Corp. L. T. Hanna, e. Aug. 13, 1862; died Feb. 22, 1863. Corp. John Arnold, e. Aug. 13, 1862; disd. Feb. 27. 1863. Corp. John M. Maxwell, e. Aug. 13, 1862; died Feb. 28, 1863. Corp. David McClintock, e. Aug. 13, 1862 ; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865, as Sergt. Corp. Wm. B. Ray, e. Aug. 19, 1862; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865. Corp. S. P. Beltz, e. Aug. 15, 1862 ; died Feb. 4, 1863. Corp. Charles Kingdon, e. Aug. 20, 1862 ; died April 8, 1863. Musician J. M. Woods, e. Aug. 14, 1862 ; disd. March 8, 1863. Musician D. B. Smiley, e. Sept. 16, 1862; disd. March 5, 1865. Wagoner W. H. Cooper, e. Aug. 15, 1862; died June 18. 1S63. Arnold, Stephen, e. Aug. 13, 1862 ; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865, as Corp. Atwood, M. V. B., e. Aug. 13, 1862 ; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865. Atlebury, David, e. Aug. 14, 1862 ; trans, to Co. E ; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865, as Sergt. Barnes, H. C, e. Aug. 12, 1862; trans, to Co. B; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865, as Corp. Bowman, John, e. Aug. 13, 1862 ; died in Andersonville, Oct. 2, 1864 ; No. of grave, 1(1,791. Betts, Andrew, e. Aug. 20, 1862 ; died Jan. 31, 1863. Brown, J. H., e. Aug. 16, 1862; trans, to Co. G; deserted Dec. 4, 1862. Barney, C. E., e. Aug. 14, 1862; trans, to Co. K. Brooks, M., e. Sept.il, 18G2; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865. Carpenter, D. H., e. Sept. 20, 1862; disd. Sept. 4, 1866. Causey, J. H., e. Aug. 14, 1862 ; trans, to Co. E; died Feb. 18, 1863. Engles, C, e. Aug. 13, 1862 ; died Oct. 4, 1862. Evans, E. W., e. Aug. 15, 1862 ; trans, to Co. E; absent sick at m. o. of regt. Fisher, John, e. Aug. 15, 1862; deserted Oct. 5, 1862. Hanna, Leroy, e. Aug. 20, 1862 ; deserted June 29, 1863. Hanna, Lewis, e. Aug. 20, 1862 ; died March 28, 1863. Hatfield, J , e. Aug. 14, 1862 ; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865. Hoover, Geo., e. Aug. 20, 1862 ; died at Memphis July 31, 1863. Knobles, P., e. Aug. 20, 1862; died in Andersonville Aug. 28, 1864; No. of grave, 11,891. Leabo, I. J., e. Aug. 20, 1862; died Jan. 17, 1863. McCord, F. J., e. Sept. 16, 1862; died March 4, 1863. Mobs, Thos., e. Aug. 13, 1862; died Jan. 24, 1863. Miller, F., e. Aug. 12, 1862; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865, as Corp. Piper, BIyron, e. Aug. 13, 1862; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865. Park, John, e. Aug. 20, 1862 ; deserted March 20, 1864. Sharp, Robert, e. Aug. 13, 1862 ; disd. Sept. 30, 1863. Stuat, Conrad, e. Aug 15, 1862; deserted Oct. 4, 1862. Shaw, T., e. Aug. 13, 1862 ; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865, as Corp Siller, John, e Aug. 14, 1862 ; died March24, 1863. Stitt, S., e. Aug. 15, 1862 ; trans, to Co. E; prmtd. to Q M. Sergt. Smith, Ed., e. Aug. 12, 1862 ; trans, to Co. I. Sloat, C. F., e. Aug. 28, 1862; trans, to Co. B ; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865. Snead, R., e. Sept. 16, 18i,j ; deserted Oct. 5, 1862. Snead, T. M., e. Sept. 16, 1862 ; deserted Nov. 23, 1862. Turner, Geo. R., e. Aug. 21, 1862; trans, to Co. B. Taylor, Ambro.se, e. Aug. 13, 1862 ; absent, wd. at m. o.of regt. Wood, Leroy, e. Aug. 20, 1862; deserted Oct. 4, 1862. Wallace. G. B., e. Aug. 13, 1862 ; m. o. Aug. 6, 1865, as Sergt. Wagner, J., e. Aug. 13, 1862; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865, as Sergt. Widdowsisken, H., e. Aug. 20, 1862; disd. March 24,1863. Williamson, J., e. Aug. 14, 1862; trans, to Co. E ; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865, as Corp. Arledge, David, e. Jan. 27, 1865, rect. ; trans, to 47th Inf. Company E. Capt. Winfield M. Bullock, e. Aug. 28,1862; hon. disd. May 15, 1865. Capt. Wm. A. Davidson, e. Aug. 28, 1862, as Second Lieut. ; prmtd. to First Lieut. Jan. 13, 1863, and to Capt. July 13, 1865; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865. First Lieut. F. F. Briggs, e. Aug. 28, 1862 ; resigned Jan. 13, 1863. First Lieut. A. G. Oatman, e. as Sergt. Aug. 11, 1862; prmtd. Jan. 13, 1863, to Second Lieut.; prmtd. to First Lieut. July 13, 1865 ; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865. Second Lieut. Saml. C. Still, e. as Wagoner, Aug. 15, 1862 ; prmtd. to Second Lieut, and m. o. as Q. M. Sergt. Aug. 5, 1865. First Sergt. R. 0. Slough, e. Aug. 15,1862; reported de- serted April 1, 1863. Sergt. P. F. Kellogg, e. Aug. 8, 1862 ; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865. Sergt. D. V. B. Hallom, e. Aug. 15, 1862 ; detached at m. o. of regt. Sergt. Philip Real, e. Aug. 11, 1862 ; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865. Corp. Wm. Band, e. Aug 8,1862; disd. Feb. 26, 1863, disab. Corp. S. West, e. Aug. 15, 1862 ; disd. April 1, 1863, disab . Corp. L. Laws, e. Aug. 15, 1862; m. o. Aug. 5. 1865 Corp. A. M. Attebery, e. Aug. 15, 1862; prmtd. to Com. Sergt. Corp. T. M. Wiles, e. Aug. 21, 1862; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865. Corp. T. H. Siemens, e. Aug. 14,1862; died Feb. 28, 1863. Corp. T. H. Demott, e. Aug. 5, 1862; detailed as Com. Sergt. in 59th U. S. Col. Inf. Corp. Jerry Plank, e. Aug. 12, 1862; died Feb. 22,1863. Musician Aaron N. Grossman, e. Aug. 15, 1862; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865. Musician Simon Chapman, e. Aug. 12, 1862; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865. Adams, J. K.. e. Aug. 11, 1862; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865. Auxberger, J., e. Aug. 13, 1862 ; deserted Jan. 20, 1863. Aydlit, John, e. Aug. 14, 1862. Barnev, R. E., e. Aug. 14, 1862 ; disd. May 31, 1863. Brozier, A. J., e. Aug. 14, 1862; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865. Bunting, A., e. Aug. 14, 1862; died Jan. 13, 1863. Bunting, Homer, e. Aug. 14, 1862; disd. Feb. 19, 1863, to re-e. Brubacher, Aaron, e. Aug. 14, 1862 ; died April 27, 1863. Boydston, J. B., e. Aug. 14, 1862 ; deserted Dec. 4, 1862. Bullock, T., Jr., e. Aug. 14, 1862; disd. for promotion Aug. 22, 1863. Cline, Samuel, e. Aug. 15, 1862 ; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865. Clutter, John. e. Aug. 14, 1862; deserted Jan. 20, 1863. Cauiey, J. H., e. Aug. 21, 1862; died Feb. 26, 1863. Delph, J. H., e. Aug. 12, 1862; disd. May 12, 1863. Dutton, II. S., e. Aug. 14, 1862 ; died Dec. 12, 1862. Doty, W. I., e. Aug. 11, 1862; trans, to Co. G; deserted Jan. n, 1863. Evans, D. W., e. Aug. 15, 1862; absent, sick, at m. o. Frederick, B., e. Aug. 13, 1862 ; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865. Fisher, M., e. Aug. 14, 1862; disd. March 31, 1863, aa Sergt. Finlay, R., e. Aug. 15, 1862; m. o. Aug, 5, 1865, as Wag- oner. Gardner, D., e. Aug. 13, 1862 ; died March 24, 1863. Gardner, Levi, e. Aug. 14, 1862; died Jan. 13, 1863. Graves, A., e. Aug. 14, 1862; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865. Green, Thos., e. Aug. 14, 1862. Gresham, J. W., e. Aug. 15, 1862 ; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865. Gardner, W. H., e. Aug. 28, 1862; died Jan. 11, 1863. Hayes, W. I., e. Aug. 11, 1862; died March 6, 1863. Horner, G. W., e. Aug. 11, 1862; m. o. Aug. 6, 1865. Kindig, Ji>hn, e. Aug. 13, 1862; died Jan. 25, 1863. Krater, J. H., e. Aug. 25,1862; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865, Sergt. 476 WAR HISTORY AND RECORD. Lamaster, Jas., e. Aug. 15, 1862 ; died Jan. 29, 1863. I Lvnch, Henrv. e. Aug. 12, 1862; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865. ' Marvin, G. W., e. Aug. 15. 1862 ; desertfd Jan. 24, 1863. , Merrill. J. A., e. Aug. 12, 1862 ; m. o. Julv 1, 18ti5 as Corp. Miller, Alex., e. Aug. 11, 1862 ; died March 5. 1863. Nugent, T., e. Aug. 1.5, 1862; disd. Aug. 28, 1864. Ormsby, Wm., e. Aug. 14. 1862 ; disd. Feb. 17, 1863, dlsab. Ormsbv, C, e. Aug. 14, 1862; died Feb. 17,1863. Page. B. E., e. Aug. 15, 1862 ; kid. March 28. 1865. Page, S. T., e. Aug. 12, 1862; ni. o. Aug. 5, 1865. Plouck, J. F., e. Aug. 12, 1862 ; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865, as Sergt. Pierce, E., e. Aug. 12, 1862; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865. Perr\-, L. R., e. Aug. 22, 1862 ; died Oct. 14, 1863. Koof, \V. H., e. Aug. 15, 1862; disd. March 14, 1863,di3ab. Eobinson, B. F., e. Aug. 15,1862; disd. March 7, 1863, disab. Keeres, W. V., e. Aug. 11, 1862 ; died March 6, 1863. Smading, C. W., e. Aug. 11, 1862; deserted Jan. 19, 1863. Stoddard, D. W., e. Aug. 9, 1862 ; died Feb. 23, 1863. Stoddard, L., e. Aug. 9, 1862 ; died March 9, 1863. Sumners, A., e. Aug. 14. 1862 ; absent, sick at m. o. Sunderland, R. W., e. Aug. 12. 1862; m. o. Aug. 6, 1865. Sunderland, T. J., e. Aug. 12, 1862 ; died June 25, 1863. Tobin, Michael, e. Aug. 15, 1862; m. o. Aug. 6, 1865. Thomas, R. P., e. Aug. 12, 1862; m. o. Aug. 6, 1865. Walton, G. F., e. Aug. 15, 1862 ; m. o, Aug. 6, 1865. Wacker. John, e. Aug. 11, 1862; disd. Oct. 8. 1864. disab. White, Thos., e. Aug. 14, 1862; deserted Jan. 20, 1863. ■Wiles F. M., e. Aug. 11, 1862; died Jan. 24, 1863. Wanc'el, L., e. Aug. 11, 1862; died April 30, 1863. Wilson, H. N., e. Aug. 9. 1862 ; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865 as Corp. Wcischoupt, F., e. Aug. 13, 1862; died Feb. 3. 1863. Baker, Fred., e. Jan. 5, 1864: died March 14, 1865. Blair, A. J., e. Oct. 6, 1862; trans, to 47th 111. Inf. Baker. Jacob, e. Jan. 5, IS'yi ; trans, to 47th 111. Inf. BuUington. Henrj'. •■.. Jan. 20 1865 ; trans to 47th 111. Inf. Bilbury, Allen, e. Jan. 18, 1865; trans, to 47th 111. Inf. Robeson, M. A., e. Oct. 6. 1862 ; trans, to 4Tth 111. Inf Snider, A. W., e. Jan. 26, 1865 : trans, to 47th 111. Inf Ward, Hnrrison, e. Jan. 17, 1865; trans, to 47th 111. Inf West, Samuel, e. Feb. 27. 1865 ; trans, to 47th 111. Inf Company G. Leighton, SylTester, e. Feb. 1, 1865 ; rect.; trans to 47th Inf. Company H. Butler, J. C, e. Jan. 30, 186.5 ; m. o. May 26, 1865. Hostetter, Samuel, e. Jan. 6, 1865 ; died March 16, 1865. McCIatchy, H. A., e. Jan. 6, 1865 ; disd. June 15, 1865. Company K. Capt. J. F. Davidson, e. Aug. 28, 1862, as First Lieut.; prmtd. to Captain Oct. 26, 1864; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865. Sergt. G. H. Brauniug, e. Aug. 14, 1862 ; disd. March 19, 1863 ; disab. Corp. C. E. Barney, e. Aug. 14, 1862 ; trans, to 1. C. Jan. 15, 1864. Corp. Jacob Capp, e. Aug. 19, 1862; m. o. Aug. 6, 1865. Corp. James McVey, e. Aug. 15, 1862 ; absent, sick, at m. o. of Regt. Corp. I. Dickerson, e. Aug. 12,1862; died April 2, 1864. Musician, S. J. Martin, e. Aug. 28, 1862 ; died Dec. 5, 1862. Brunning, Fredk., e. Aug. 14, 1862 ; trans, to V. B. C. Slav 1, 1864. Gardiner Danl., e. Aug. 28, 1862; died Feb. 23, 1863. GrooD, J. H., e. Aug. 15, 1862 ; missing in action Jan. 10, 1864. Greenfelter, Phillip, e. Aug. 14, 1862; disd. March 6,1863; disab. Luers, Fredk., e. Aug. 14, 1862 ; died April 28, 1863. Middleton, A. D., e. Aug. 15, 1862; died July 11, 1863. Powell, J. D., o. Aug. 11, 1862; trans, to Miss. Mariue Brig. Feb. 19, 1863. Smith, John, e Aug. 14, 1862 ; trans, to I. C. Jan 15, 1864. Sevgennan, John, e. Aug. 14, 1862; m. o. Aug. 5, 1865. Wencel, L., e. Aug. 11, 1862 ; trans, to Co. E. Watson, Wm. L., e. Aug. 15, 1862; trans, to Co. E. Toty, Henry, e. Aug. 28. 1802; trans, to Co. E. Doyle, Michael, e. Jan. 7, 1865; unassigned rect. Dayton, Frank, unassigned rect. Hiil, James, unassigned rect. ; m. o. Feb. 7, 1866. Knott, W , unassigned rect. Layton, Frank, e. Jan. 6, 1865; unassigned rect. Malone, Thomas, e. Jan. 19. 1865; unassigned rect. McClintock. Wm., unassigned rect. McCarty, Wm., unassigned rect. O'Brien, John, e. Jan. 10, 1865; unassigned rect. Eider, J. C; unassigned rect.; m. o. May 15, 1866. Smith, Chas., e. Jan. 10, 1865 ; unassigned rect.; deserted Jan. 18, 1865. Sullivan, John ; unassigned rect. Wilder, Henry, e. Oct. 18, 1864; unassigned rect. Williams, George, e. Jan. 7, 1865 ; unassigned rect. SEVENTEENTH INFANTRY. The Seventeenth Regiment of Illinois Infan- try Voluntary w;is musteretl into the United States" service at Peoria, 111., on the l24th day of May, 18G1. Left camp on the 17th of June, for Alton, 111., for the purpose of more fully completing its organization and arming. Late in July, it proceeded from Alton to St. (?harles, Mo., remaining but one day; thence went to Warrenton, Mo., where it remained in camp about two weeks — Company A being detailed as body guard to Gen. John Pope, with head- quarters at St. Charles. The regiment left Warrenton for St. Louis, and embarked on transports for Bird's Point, Mo. Remained at Birds Point some weeks, doing garrison duty ; then proceeded to Sulphur Springs Landing ; debarking there, proceeded, via Pilot Knub and Irouton. to Fredericktown, Mo., in pursuit of Gen. Jetf. Thompson, and joined Gen. I!. M Prentiss' command, at Jackson, Mo. ; thence proceeded to Kentucky and aided in the con- struction of Fort Holt : then ordered to El- liott's Mills; remained there a short time and returned to Fort Holt ; thence to Cape Girar- deau, and with other regiments were again sent in pursuit of Gen. Jeff. Thompson's forces; participated in the engagement near Green- field : lost one man killed and several wounded ; returned to Cape Girardeau, doing provost duty until early in February, 1862, when or- dered to Fort Henry: participated in that en- gagement and Fort Donelson. losing several men killed, wounded and taken prisoners. Then proceeded to ^letal Landing, Tennessee River, and embarked for Savannah, Tenn. ; from thence to Pittsburg Landing, and was as- signed to the First Division, Army West Ten- nessee, under Gen. John A. McClernand : was engaged in the battles of the 6th and 7th of Api'il : suffered great loss in killed and wounded. Was with the advance to Corinth. After the evacuation of Corinth, marched to Purdy, Bethel and Jackson. Tenn. ; remained there until the 17th of July, when the regi- ment was ordered to Bolivar, and was assigned to duty as Provost Guard. Remained at Boli- var until November. 1862, during which time it participated in the expedition to luka. to re- enforce Gen. Rosecrans. Afterward, at the battle of Hatchie. Returned again to Bolivar ; remained there until the middle of November. Then ordered to LaGrange, reporting to Maj. Gen. John A. Logan ; were assigned to duty as Provost Guard, Col. Norton being assigned to the command at that post. Early in Decem- ber, marched to Holly Springs: thence to Ab- beyville. guarding railroads : thence to ( >xford. After the capture of Holly Springs, was as- signed to the Sixth Division, Seventeenth WAR HISTORY AND RECORD. 477 Army Corps, under Maj. Gen. McPherson ; then proceeded, via Moscow, to CoUierville ; from there to Memphis, and was assigned to duty at the navy yard. Remained tliere until Jan. IGth; then embarked for Vickburg ; re-embarked and proceeded to Lake Provi- dence, La., then the headquarters of the Seventeenth Army Corps, doing duty there un- til the investment of Vicksburg commenced. Arriving at iSIilliken's Bend, on or about May 1st, commenced to march across the Delta to Perkin's Landing, on the Mississippi Kiver ;. thence to the crossing below Grand Gulf, ad- vancing with McPherson's command, via Ray- mond, Champion Hills, .Jackson, Big Black, and to the final investment of Vicksburg. After the surrender of that city, remained there do- ing garrison duty and making incursions into the enemy's country as far east as Meridian, and west as far as Monroe, La. Returning to Vicksburg, remained until May, 1864 — the term of service of the regiment expiring on the 24th of May, of that year. The regiment was ordered to Springfield, HI., for muster-out and final discharge, when and where those of the original organization who did not re-enlist as veterans were mustered out and discharged. A sufhcient number not having re-enlisted to entitle them to retain their regimental organ- ization, the veterans and recruits whose term of service had not expired were consolidated with the Eighth Illinois Infantry Volunteers, and were finally mustered out with that regi- ment and discharged in the Spring of 18tt6. Company B. Cawley, Jacob, e. Sept. 7, 1861 ; rect. ; trans, to Co. I. 8th 111. Inf.; term expired Sept. '29, 1861. Wilkinson, Horace, e. Sept. 7, 1861; rect.; trans, to Co. I 8th Inf.; disd. Sept. 7, 1864. Company C. Capt. 0. A. Burgess, e. May 13, 1861 ; resd. April 24, 1862. Capt. J. H. Rowell, e. May 13, ISfil, as First Lieut.; prmtd. to Capt. April 24, 1862; term e.xpired June, 1864. First Lieut. F. W. Callsen, e. May 13, 1861, as Second Lieut.; prmtd. to First Lieut. April 24, 1862 ; resd. July 13, 1863. First Lieut. H. D. Clark, e. May 25,1861, as Sergt.; pi-mtd. to Second Lieut. April 24,"l862 ; to First Lieut July 14, 1863 ; term expired June, 1864. First. Sergt. A. J. Baker, e. May 2.5, 1861 ; disd. Nov. 1, '62. Sergt. John Lyons, e. May 25, 1861. Sergt. S. A. Hoyt, e. May 25, 1861. Corp. Jeremiah Kay, e. May 25, 1861. Corp. R. B. Dickinson, e. May 25, 1861. Corp. B. J. Kadford, e. May 25, 1861. Corp. S. L. Martin, e. May 25, 1861. Blusieian P. KUis, e. May 25, 1861. Baldwin, Edward, e. May 25, 1861; trans, to gun boat sen-ice Feb. 1, 1862. Brocksitter, John, e. May 25, 1S61 ; re-e. as vet. Nov. 23, 1863; trans, to 8th Inf. Benson, J. M., e. May 25, 1861. Bassett, F. M., e. May 25, 1861. Barker, E. V., e. May 25, 1861 ; Corp.; kid. at Shiloh Apr. 6, 1862. Corlis, J. C, e. May 25, 1861. Caspers, Joseph, e. May 25. 1861. Charles, D. K., e. May 25, 1861. Collins, Wni., e. May 25, 1861. Carr, R. S., e. May 25, 1861; re-e. as vet. Nov. 23, 1863; trans, to 8th Inf. Dart, 0. P., e. May 25, 1861. Dickinson, C. R., e. May 25, 1861. Dennis, J. C, e. May 25, 1861. Duffy, H., e. May 25, 1861. Evans, J. W., e. May 25, 1801. Elb, .\ndre\y, e. May 25, 1861. Grimm, Henry, e. May 25, 1861. Hamilton, Robert, e. May 25, 1861, Hensler, Christian, e. May 25, 1861 ; re-e. as vet. Nov. 23, 1863 ; trans, to 8th liif. Hereford, W. H., e. May 25, 1861. Holthusen, H.. e. May 25, 1861. leaschke, Louis, e. May 25, 1861 ; disd. July 23, 1862. Isarger, Wm., e. May 25, 1861. Jaccard, Wm. T., e. May 2.5, 1861; disd. May 18, 1862; wds. Lamson, J. W., e. May 25, 1861 ; disd. Sept. 10, 1862. Lampson, W. B., e. May 25, 1861 ; Corp.; kid. at Shiloh April 6, 1802. Long, J. W., e. May 25, 1861. Livingston, J. F., e. May 25, 1861. Lash ley, J. N., e. May 2.5, 1861. Malieh, Richard, e. May 25, 1861 ; disd. June 18, 1862. Meyers, C. L., e. May 25, 1861. McManis, Hiram, e. May 25, 1861. Maror, A. P , e. May 25, 1861. Mitchell. Wm., e. May 25, 1861. McNeal, D. C, e. Mav 25, 1861. Nance, R. C, e. May 25, 1861. Ogden, C. D., e. May 25, 1861. Peabodv. V. P., e. May 25, 1801 ; disd. June 16, 1862. Plank, Wm., e. May 25, 1861 ; m. o. May 25, 1864. Reed, J. T., e. May 25, 1861; died April 28, 1862; wds. Robinson, J. L., e. as rect., June 15, 1861 ; re-e. Nov. 23, 1863, as vet.; trans, to 8th Inf. Ricker. H. B., e. May 25, 1861. Skelton,J. S., e. May 25,1861; kid. at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. Strouder, Jos., e. May 25, 1801. Schnurr, Leander, e. May 25, 1861. Stevenson, John, e. May 25, 1861. Sied, H. H., e. May 25, 1861 ; re-e. as vet. Nov. 30, 1863; trans, to 8th Inf. Trunnel, D. H.,e. May 25, 1861 ; disd. March, 186.'i ; disab. Webster, E. D., e. May 25, 1861. Wickoff. L. H., e. Mav 25, 1861. Allen, J. W., e. Sept. 9, 1861 ; rect.; trans, to Sth 111. Inf. Brown, J. M., e. May 29, 1861 ; rect. ; di.sd. April 3, 1862. Benbridge, Wm., e. Sept. 9, 1861 ; rect.; trans, to 8th Inf. Causey, T. A., e. April in, 1862 ; rect.; trans, to Sth Inf. Dickinson, C. R., e. May 25, 1862 ; rect. Dixon, Jas., e. May 29, 1861 ; rect.; trans, to gunboat ser- vice, Feb. 1, 1862. Delph, C. D., e. Sept. 9, 1861 ; rect.; trans, to 8th Inf. Ganet, Richard, e. Dec. 15, 1863 ; rect. Hickins. S. S., e. May 29, 1861. Harris. J. A., e. Feb. 20, 1862. Moreland, W. H., e. Sept. 9, 1861 ; trans, to Sth Inf. Nurgarth, Fritz, e. June 12, 1861 ; kid. at Shiloh, April 6, 1862. Thornton, Henderson, e. Dec. 11, 1863 ; trans, to 8th Inf. FIFTY-FIKST INFANTRY. The Fifty-first Infantry Illinois Volunteers was organized at Camp Douglas, Chicago, 111., Dec. '24, 1861, by Col. Gilbert W. Cumming. Feb. 14, 1862 ordered to Cairo, 111. Moved to Camp Cullum, on the Kentucky shore, on the 27th. On the 4th of .March, moved to Bertrand, Mo., and on the 7th, moved to Sykeston, and to New Madrid, and on the 10th was assigned to the Division of Brig. Gen. E. A. Paine, and Second Brigade, consisting of Twenty-second Illinois Infantry, ami Fifty- first, Col. Cumming commanding. On the 13th, made a reconnoissance in force, and, on the 14th, New Madrid was evacuated by the enemy. April 7th, moved against Island No. 10; 8th, pursued the enemy, compelling the surrender of Gv-n. Mackall and 4,000 prison- ers ; 9th, returned to New ^Lldrid ; 11th, em- barked and proceeded down the .Mississippi to Osceola, Ark. ; 17th, moved toward Hamburg Landing, Tenn., disembarking on the 22d. 478 WAR HISTORY AND RECORD. April 24th, the brigade of Brig. Gen. .John M. Palmer, Twenty-second, Twenty-seventh, Forty- second and Fifty-first Illinois, and Company C, First Illinois Artilery, Capt. Houghtaling, known as the " Illinois Brigade," was assigned to Brig. Gen. Paine' s Division. Engaged in the battle of Farmington, and siege of Corinth. Just previous to the evacuation of Corinth, the Army of the Mississippi was organized into wings and center. The Divisions of Paine and Stanley, constituting Right AVing, were under Brig. Gen. W. S. Kosecrans. June 4th, ad- vanced to near Baldwin, Miss., and fell back to Booneville. Col. F. A. Harrington, Twenty- seventh Illinois, took command of the Brigade. On the 11th, moved from Booneville, and again encamped at Corinth, 14th. On the l^Sth, Gen. Pope being transferred to Virginia, Gen. Rosecrans assumed command of the Army of Mississippi, and Brig. Gen. David S. Stanley of the Right Wing. July 9th, army was organized into five Divisions, under Brig. Gens. Paine, Stanley, Schuyler, Hamilton, Jelf. C. I'avis and Asboth ; the Fifty-first being in First Brigade, First Division. July 20th, the Division left Big Spring and marched to Tus- cumbia, Ala. The regiment was assigned to guard the railroad from Hillsboro to Decatur. Aug. 24th, the regiment concentrated at Deca- tur. Sept. 4th, crossed the Tennessee River and moved, via Athens, Ala., to Nashville, Tenn. Here the Divisions of Negley and Palmer remained as garrison, while the army moved to Louisville, under Buell. Nov. 6th, engaged in repelling the attack of Breckin- ridf-e, Morgan and Forrest. From Sept. 11th to Nov, 6th, Nashville was cut ofl" from com- munication with the North, the troops being on half rations. Sept. 30th, Col. Cumming having resigned, Lieut. Col. Bradley was com- missioned Colonel. Dec. 10th, the Brigade was transferred to the Division of Brig. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, and designated as Third Brigade, Third Division, Right Wing, Four- teenth Army Corps, and marched seven miles on Nolensville pike. Dec. 26th, moved against the enemy, under Bragg. Dec. 30th, the Bri- gade met the enemy and was engaged during the day, losing seven wounded. Dec. 31st, the regiment was in the thickest of the fight at Stone River, losing 57 killed, wounded and prisoners. The Division lost its three Brigade^ commanders. Col. Harrington being wounded and taken prisoner, and died a few days after- ward. Col. Bradley took command of the Brigade, and Maj. Davis of the regiment, and, upon Maj. Davis being wounded and carried from the field, Capt. H. F. Wescott took com- mand. On the 6th, moved three miles south of .Murfreesboro, and encamped. January, 1863, the wings and center of the army were designated as Fourteenth, Twen- tieth and Twen y-first Army Corps. That of McCook being Twentieth Army Corps. March 4th, moved to Eagleville, Capt. John G. Mc- Williams conm anding regiment. On the 8th, moved to Spring Hill; 10th, reached Duck Creek; llth. Van Dorn crossed Duck River, on pontoons, and Granger returned to Frank- lin. June 24th, Twentieth Corps moved down the Shelbyville pike ; 27th, marched to Beach's Grove. July 1st, entered Tullahoma, which had been evacuated the night before. Joined in pursuit of the enemy to Elk River, Win- chester and Cowan, Bragg retreating over the Cumberland Mountains and across the Ten- nessee River. Remained at Cowan until the 9th, then, ascending the mountains, encamped on the summit, on the site of ' Southern Uni- versity." July 30th, moved to Bridgeport. Ala. Sept. 2d, crossed Tennessee River, and moved to fool of Sand Mountain. Sept 4th, ascended the mountain ; 5th, moved to Tren- ton. Ga. ; 6th and 7th, marched down Lookout Valley; 10th, to Winston's Gap; llth, to Alpine, Ga. ; 14th. marched up Lookout Valley ; loth, from Stevens" Gap to McElmore's Cove. After some days" movements, entered the bat- tle of Chickamauga, at 4 P. M., 19th, losing, that evening, 90 men out of 209 engaged. During the night, erected barricades. On the 20th, went into position on the extreme right ; by noon were heivily engaged, and in the afternoon the whole Division fell back, in con- fusion, to ^lission Ridge. On the 21st, threw up works at Rossville ; 22d, crossed Chicka- mauga Creek Oct. 10th, the Twentieth and Twenty-first Corps being consolidated, formed Fourth Corps, under Maj. Gen. Gordon Granger ; regi- ment being in Third Brigade, Col. C G. Harker ; Second Division, .Vlaj. Gen. Sheridan. Nov. 24th, at Mission Ridge, was engaged, losing 30, out of 150 men engaged, including' Maj. Davis, wounded, and Capt. George L. Billows, killed : Capt. A. M. Tilton command- ing Regiment. Nov. 28th. 1863, marched to the relief of Gen. Burnside, at Knoxville. Dec. 16th, moved, by rail, to Blain's Cross Roads. Jan. 9th, 1864, Col. Bradley returned, Jan. 15th, moved toward Chattanooga. Feb. Idth, the regiment mustered as veterans and started for Chicago, where, on the 17th, the men received veteran furlough. Regiment left for the front March 28, 1864, via Louisville, Nashville and Chattanooga to Cleveland, Tenn. May 3d, commenced the Atlanta campaign. AVas engaged at Rocky Face Ridge, .May 9th, losing two men wounded ; Resaca, 14th, losing Capt. Lester, killed, and 20 men wounded At Dallas, May 25th, found the enemy in position, and were engaged eleven days, losing one ofBcer, and 11 men wounded. June loth, in a skirmish, lost Capt. Tilton, wounded, and 12 men killed and wounded. Engaged at Kenesaw .Mcuintalnand in the assault of June 27th, losing two officers^ wounded, and 54 men killed and wottftdeTl7 and Adjt. Henry W. Hall and Lieut. A. V. McCormack killed. July 4, 1864, moved to Chattahoochie River. Marched to Rosswell, and crossed, returning to the Corps on the 13th. July 20th, engaged at Peach Tree Creek. Casualties, 5 wounded. WAR HISTORY AND RECORD. 479 Was engaged, during siege of Atlanta, in the skirmish of Jonesboro, losing 2 wounded, and at Lovejoy, losing 3 wounded. Marched into Atlanta, 8th September. During the whole campaign, the regiment lost 3 officers killed, 4 wounded, and 105 men killed and wounded. Sept. 28th, moved to Chattanooga, and thence to Bridgeport, Ala. Oct. 18th, meved to Chat- tanooga. Here. 192 drafted men joined the regiment. Here, too. Chaplain Raymond, a venerable and good man, resigned. Moved to Alpine, Ga. ; from thence, via Chattanooga, Athens, Ala., to Pulaski, Tenn. Nov. 22, marched to Lynnville ; 24th, to Columbia; 29th, retreated to Spring Hill, at which place the enemy made an attack. The regiment lost 12 wounded, including Capt. George I. Water- man, A. A. A. G., and Gen. Bradley. Nov. 30th, moved to Franklin, and was heavily en- gaged in the battle of Franklin, losing Lieut. Thomas, killed, Capt. Tilton and Lieuts. John- son and Hills, wounded, 52 men killed and wounded, and 98 missing. Dec. 1st, reached Nashville. Engaged in ihe battle of Nashville. Dec. 15th and Ifjth, losing 1 man killed and 5 wounded After the battle, pursued the flying enemy, and afterward moved to Huntsville, Ala. Mfych 31, 1865, moved to Greenville, East Tennessee. April 15th, moved to Nash- ville. April 11th. Company I, 90 men, joined the regiment from Camp Butler. June 15th, Company F, Lieut\ James Skidmore command- ing, was mustered out of service. On the 16th, moved to Johnsonville, Tenn., and embarked for New Orleans, La. July 28th, embarked for Texas ; 31st, disembarked at Port Lavaca. Aug. 1st, moved to Camp Placidor, Texas. Mustered out Sept. 25, 1865 at Camp Irwin, Texas, and arrived at Camp Butler, 111 , Oct'. 15, 18G5, for final payment and discharge. Company D. First Lieut. J. D Speers, e. Feb. 1, 1862, as private ; re-e as vet. Dec. 24, 1863; m. o. Sept. 25, 1865, as First Sergt.; comn. First Lieut., but not mustered. Second Lieut. 0. D. Butler, e. as private Jan. 12, 1862, prmtd. to Sergt. and to Second Lieut. Sept. 30, 1862 ; hon. disd. May 15, 1865. Anesworth, Wm., e. Jan. 12, 1862; re-e. as vet. Dec. 24, 1863 ; m. o. Sept. 25, 1865, as Corp. Arnold, John, e. Feb. 1, 1862 ; deserted March 24, 1862. Betz, Solomon, e. Feb. 1, 1862 ; disd. March 1, 1862 ; disab. David, D. W., e. Jan. 10, 1862. Hulburt, Saml , e. Jan. 7, 1862 ; re-e. as vet. Dec. 24, 1863 • died at Nashville, Tenn., April 16,1864. ' Johnson, August, e. Feb. 1, 1862 ; kid. Nov. 30, 1864. Kingston, Milton, e. Feb. 1, 1862 ; disd. March 20, 1865; term expired. Miller, Cyrus, e. Jan. 12, 1862: disd. April 1, 1862 ; disab Maguire, J. L., e. Jan. 30, 1862; disd. April 1, 1865; term e.xpired. Merchant, John, e. Feb. 1, 1862; re-e. as vet. Dec. 24, 1863 ; died at Chicago, Sept. 9, 1864. Nesmith, G. W., e. Jan. 21, 1862; re-e. as vet. Dec. 24, 1863; prmtd. to Sergt. Major. Neff, J. R , e. Jan. 20. 1862 ; kid. at Pine Ridge, Ga., June 15, 1864. Pool, H. H., e. Jan. 13, 1862; m. o. March 31, 1865. Stivers, J. B., e. Feb. 15, 1862 ; re-e. as vet. Feb. 6, 1864 ; prmtd. to Sergt Major. Stivers, Wm. K., e. Jan. 7, 1862 ; re-e. as vet. Dec. 24, 1863 m. o. Sept. 25, 18(55, as Sergt. Taylor, J. W., e. Jan. 12, 1862; disd. Aug. 2, 1864; disab. Taylor, H. R., e. Jan. 31, 1862; re-e. as vet. Dec. 24, 1863; m. o. Sept. 25, 1865, as Corp. Walton, E. D., e. Feb. 1, 1862; disd. April 1,1865; term expired. Yerkes, Henry, e. Jan. 23, 1862 ; disd. Feb. 14, 1862; disab Liston, Danl., e. Nov. 3, 1863 ; m. o. Sept. 25, 1865 as Corp.; rect. Yorkes, Henry, e. Nov. 3, 1865; prmtd. to Principal Musician. EIGHTY-EIGHTH INFANTRY. The Eighty-eighth Infantry Illinois Volun- teers was organized at Chicago, 111., in Sep- tember, 1862, by Col. Francis T. Sherman, and v/as known as the '-Second Board of Trade Regiment." It was mustered in Sept. 4, 1862. Ordered to Louisville, Ky., Sept. 4th, and went into camp below .Jeffersonville. Received arms on the llth. Moved to Covington, Ky., on the 12th. On the 15th, was brigaded with Twenty- fourth Wisconsin and Second and Fifteenth Missouri, Col. Greasel's (First) Brigade, Gran- ger's Division, Army of the Ohio. On the 21st, moved to Louisville, and was brigaded with Twenty-first Michigan, Twenty-fourth Wiscon- sin and Thirty-sixth Illinois, Col. Greasel com- manding Thirty-seventh Brigade ; Eleventh Di- vision, Brig. Gen. P. H. Sheridan commanding. Oct. 1, 1862, marched in pursuit of Bragg. Engaged in the battle of Perryville, Oct. 8th, losing 4 men killed. 5 mortally woun<65. Sergt. Major N. P. Jackson, e. Aug. 14, 1862; prmtd. to Second Lieut. Co. F Feb. 7, 1863; to First Lieut. Aug. 26, 1864; m. o. June 9, 1865. Company F. Second Lieut. James Watts, e. Sept. 4, 1862; resigned Fell. 6, 1863. Musician Calvin Warner, e. Aug. 13, 1862; disd. Feb. 3, 1863 ; disab. Wagoner J. A. Hayes, e.VAug. 15, 1862; m. o. June 28, 1865. Burger, G. W., e. Aug. 15,1862 ; trans, to V. R. C. Oct. i, 1864. Burlier, J. K., e. Aug. 15, 1862; disd. March 22, 1863. Hager, J. J., e. Aug. 13, 1862 ; trans, to V. K. C, Oct. 17, 1864. Harper, J. T., e. Aug. 15, 1862; captured at Stone River; exchanged. Himthorn, S. J., e. Aug. 15, 1862 ; m. o. June 9, 1865. Hancock, H., e. Aug. 13, 18G2; m. o. May 26, 1865. Pearson, S. W., e. .\ug. 15, 1862; m. o. June 9, 1865. Potter, Marvin, e. Aug. 13, 1862 ; disd. Aug. 18, 1863. Shreve, David, e. Aug. 13, 1862; di.sd. Feb. 24, 1865; wds. Sparks, Bobt., e. Aug. 13, 1862; trans, to 36th III. Inf. Warner, J. B., e. Aug. 13, 1862 ; trans, to Eng. Corps July 27, 1864. Walts, M. H., e. Aug. 15, 1862; m. o. June 9, 1865. Yerioii, J. C, e. Aug. 12, 1862 ; trans, to 36th 111 . I nf. Company K. First Lieut. E. E.Tucker, e. Sept. 4, 1862, as Second Lieut- prmtd. to First Lieut. Sept. 1, 1863; prmtd. to Q. M- Ad.ims, D. M.,e. Aug. 11, 1862; m. o. June 9, 1^65. Bellows, A. W., e. Aug. 8, 1862; disd. Jan. 31. 1863, to re-e. Burt, T. J., e. Aug. 9, 1862; died June 11, 1864 ; wds. Bryan, John, e. Aug. 13, 1862; trans, to V. R. C. July 27, 1864. Biggs, E., e. Auk. 13, 1862; died Jan. 17, 1863. Clark, <;. A., e. Aug. 13,, 1862; m. o. June •), 1865 as Corp. Davinson, S. B., e. Aug. 13, 1862; kid. Nov. 30, 1864. Dick, Martin, e. Aug. 13,1862; died, Aug. 4, 1863. Droll, F., e. Aug. 13, 1862; deserted March 7, 1863. Elliott, F. J., e. Aug. 19, 1862 ; dropped or deserted Aug. 31, 1864. Foote, Geo., e. Aug. 13, 1862; m. o. June 9,1865, as Sergt. Golden, Peter, e. Aug. 13, 1862 ; trans, to V. R. C. Nov. 30, 1864. Hayward, E., e. Aug. 13,1862; m. o. June 9, 1865,83 Sergt. Jackson, N., e. Aug. 14, 1862 ; prmtd. to Sergt. Major. Larey, T., e Aug. 13, 1862; detached at m. o. of regt. Miller, H. B., e. Aug. 13, 1862 ; m. o. June 9, 1865. culver, G. F., e. Aug. 9, 1862; m. o. May 30, 1865. Quinn, J. H., e. Aug. 13, 1862; died Jan. 11, 1863. Swann, Alfred, e. Aug. 9, 1862; died of wdi. received in Kentucky. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY- NINTH INFANTRY. Hospiial Steward E. B. Eldridge ; m. o. Oct. 28, 1861. Company C. First Lieut. E. W. Dickinson, e. June 1, 1864 ; m. o. Oct. 18, 1864. First Sergeant C. H. Radford, e. May 12, 1864; m. o. Oct. 28, 1864. Corp. N. S. Hainea, e. May 12, 1864; mo. o. Oct. 28, 1864. Corp. A. M. Myers, e. May 12, 1864; m. o. Oct. 28, 1864. Corp. J. P. Danst, e. Mav 14, 1864 ; m. o. Oct. 28, 1864. Corp. W. W. W. Jones, e. May 12, 1864 ; m. o. Oct. 28, '64. Arledge, D. P., e. May 13, 1864 ; m. o. Oct. 28, 1864. Baker, M., e. May 30, 1864 ; m. o. Oct. 28, 1864. Burton, F. M., e. May 13, 1864; m. o. Oct. 28, 1864. Burton, D. L., e. May 13, 1864 ; m o. Oct. 28, 1864. Christ(.£f. John, e. May 14, 1864; m. o. Oct. 28, 1864. Cusins, W. T., e. May 14, 1864; m. o. Oct. 28, 1864. Donaldson, Wm., e. May 14, 1864; m. o. Oct. 28, 1864. Ewing, Orville, e. May 12, 1864; m. o. Oct. 28, 1864. Eldridge, Edwin, e. May 12, 1864; prmtd. to Hospital Steward. Hancock, P., e. May 12, 1864; m. o. Oct. 28, 1864. Jones, J. U., e. May 12, 1864; m. o. Oct. 28, 1864. Judv, J. W., e. May 30, 1864 ; m. o. Oct. 28, 1864. Karr, W. B., e. May 12, 1864; m. o. Oct. 28, 1864. Kinnoar, J. H., e. May 16, 1864 ; m. o. Oct. 28, 1864. Longfellow, J. T., e. May 17, 1864; died Aug. 9, 1864. , McClure, John, e. May 6, 1864; m. o. Oct. 28, 1864. Neville, A. 0., e. Mav 14, 1864; m. o. Oct. 28, 1864. Osborne, G. W., e. M"ay 14, 1864; m. o. Oct. 28, 1864; Payne. H. J., e. May 14, 1864 ; m. o. Oct. 28, 1864. Payne. J. T., e. May 14, 1864; m. o. Oct. 28, 1864. Reigel, J. G., e. May 13, 1864; died Oct. 4, 1864. Smith, G. A., e. Mav 14, 1864 ; m. o. Oct. 28. 1864. Simpson, H. H., e. May 14. Ib64; m. o. Oct. 28, 1864. Smith, H. R., e. May 14, 1864; m. o. Oct. 28, 1864. Van Mitre, H. R., e. May 14, 1864 ; m. o. Oct. 28, 1864. Company E. First Sergt. I. E. Macy, e. May 17, 1864 ; m. o. May 28, 1864. Herrick, G. M., e. May 19, 1864; m o. Oct. 28, 1864. Kidiler, E. P., e. May 17, 1864; m. o. Oct. 28, 1864. Mickle, J. Q., e. May 17, 1864; m. o. Oct. 28, 1864. Wilson, Saml., e. May 21, 1864 ; m. o. Oct. 28, 1864. EIGHTH INFANTRY. Company A. Allen, J. W., e. Sept. 9, 1863, as rect.; trans, to Co. G; disd. Sept. 8, 1864 ; term ex. AVAR HISTORY AND RECORD. 481 Company B. Olson, Hover, e. Oct. 3, 1864, as rect.; disd. Oct. 2, 1865. Swift, F. E., e. Oct. 13, 1S64, as sub. rect. ; m. o. Oct. 12, 1865. Company D. Kellogg, J. AV., e. Sept. 10, 1S64, as rect.; m. o. Sept. 18, 1865. King, J. W., e. Sept. 19, 1864, as rect.; m. o. Sept. 18, 1865. Raimev, John, e. Feb. 1, 1865, as rect.; m. o. Jan. 31, 18t)6. Sunderland, Joseph, e. Sept. 19, 1864, as rect.; m. o. Sept. 18, 1865. Brainbridge, William, e. Sept. 19, 1861 ; trans, from 17th Inf.; m. o. Sept. 9, 1864. Delph. I'. D., e. Sept. 9, 1861 ; trans, from 17th' Inf.; disd. Sept. 18, 1864. Company E. Warner, Reuben, e. July 25, 1861; deserted Dec. 31,1863. Walston, Martin, e. Aug 20, 1861 ; died Jan. 9, 1862. Keys, J. F., e. Sept. 19, 18i;4, as rect.; m. o. Sept. 18, 1865. Brocksitter, John, e. Nov. 23, 1863, as rect.; trans, to Co. G May 4, 1866. Carr, R. S., e. Dec. 1, 1863, as rect.; trans, to Co. G May 4, 1866. Hengstler, Chris., e. Nov. 23, 1863, as rect.; trans, to Co. G May 4, 1866. Leonard, J. J., e. Nov. 24, 1863, as rect.; trans, to Co. G ; disd. April 7, 1865, disab. Robinson, J. D., e. Nov. 30, 1863, as rect.; trans, to Co. 6 May 4, 1866. Company F. Fitzgerald, Patrick, e. Sept. 20, 1861, rect.; disd. July 14, 1865. Mittv, Leander, e. Sept. 20, 1861, rect.; m. o. Sept. 19, 1865. Company C. Grisom, James, e. Oct. 4, 1864, rect. ; disd. Oct. 3, 1865. Mason, W. E., e. Oct. 4, 1864, sub. rect. ; died May 27, t 1865. Company I. Cawley, Jacob, e. Sept. 29, 1861 ; disd. Sept. 29, 1864. Causey, T. A., e. April 10. 1862; m. o. April 9, 1865. Moreland, W. H., e. Sept. 9, 1861 ; disd Sept. 9, 1864. Thornton, H. C, e. Dec. 11, 1863 ; m. o. May 4, 1866. Wilkinson, H. B . e. Sept. 7, 1861 ; disd. Sept. 7, 1864. Company K. Hinshaw, Wm., e. July 25, 1861 ; re-e. as vet. Dec. 7, 1863; m. o. May 4, 1866. Hoy, A. M., e. Oct. 5, 1864, rect.; m. o. June 5, 1865. Smith, Geo., e. Sept. 19, 1864 ; kid. April 9, 1865. Coleman, Robt., e. Jan. 17, 1865, unassigned rect.; de- serted Feb. 8, 1865. Fremont, S. E., e. Oct. 13. 1864, unassigned rect. Good, J. H., e. Sept. 20, 1864, unassigned rect. Pepper, Geo., e. Sept. 20, 1864, unafsigned rect. TWENTY-SIXTH INFANTRY. Company K. Second Lieut. Mathias Hoyt, e. as rect.; re-e. as vet. Feb. 7, 1864 ; prmtd. to Second Lieut. July 20, 1865 ; m. o. July 20, 1865. Corp. M. T. Hedges, e. Dec. 31,1861; re-e. as vet. Jan. 7, 1864; m. o. July 20, 1865, as First Sergt. Corp. E. S. Lovelaiid, e. Jan. 15, 1862 ; accidentally killed June 1, 1863. Allison, Daniel, e. Jan. 25,1862; re-e. as vet. Feb. 7, 1864; kid. Sept. 3, 1864. Allison, F. S., e. Jan. 25, 1862 ; re-e. as vet. Feb. 7, 1864 ; m. o. July 20, 1865. Bell, Benj., e. Dec. 28, 1861; re-e. as vet. Feb. 7, 1864 ;m.o. July 20, 1865. Bachelder, R., e. Dec. 15, 1861 ; rce. as vet. Feb. 7,1864; m. 0. July 20, 1865. Crane, Timothy, e. Jan. 7, 1862; re-e. as vet. Feb. 7, 1864; died Aug. 24,1864. Cheney, W. R., e. Jan. 17, 1862; died Ang. 7,1863. Ewing, L. S., e. Jan. 25, 1862; died March 12, 1862. Long, W. A., e. Dec. 31,1861; re-e. as vet. Jan. 1, 1864; m. o. July 20, 1865. Monnett, Jno., e. Dec. 24, 1861 ; disd. April 2, 1865 ; term expired. Murphey, Peter, e. Jan. 15, 1862; deserted June 7, 1863. Ninemines, J., e. Dec. 30, 1861 ; re-e. as vet. Jan. 1, 1864; m. o. July 20, 1865. Slack, Jas., e. Dec. 23, 1861 ; re-e. as vet. Feb. 7, 1864 ; m. o. July 20, 1865. Smalldon, Jno., e. Jan. 4, 1862; re-e. as vet. Jan. 1, 1864; m. o. July 20, 1865, as Sergt. Wheeler, Frank, e. Jan. 8, 1862; re-e. as vet. Feb. 7, 1864; m. o. July 20, 1865, as Corp. Finley, W. A., rect.; disd. June 7, 1862, disab. Gray, Eli, e. Jan. 1, 1864; m. o. July 20, 1865, as Corp. Hoyt, Mathias, e. as rect.; re-e. as vet. Feb. 7, 1864; m. o. July 20, 1865, as First Sergt. Long, W. A., e. as rect. ; re-e. as vet. Jan. 1, 1864; m. o. July 20, 1865. McCollum, B. K., e. as rect.; re-e. as vet. Feb. 7, 1864; m. o. July 20, 1865, as Sergt. McCarty, Bryan, e. Dec. 5, 1861 ; re-e. as vet. Jan. 1, 1864; m. o. July 20, 1865. Riddle, D. W., e. Dec. 9, 1861 ; re-e. as vet. Jan. 1, 1864; m. o. July 20, 1865. Robertson, Grant, e. as rect.; died at Hannibal, Mo. March 10, 1862. Sumner, Thos., e. as rect.; re-e. as vet. Feb. 7, 1864; kid. at Kenesaw Mountain .Tune 21, 1864. Hays, Warren, e. Oct. 18, 1864 ; unassigned. rect. THIRTY-SEVENTH INFANTRY. Company B. Sergt. H. B. Bleakly, e. Aug. 19, 1861 ; disd. Sept. 1, 1862, disab. Barney, W. H., e. Aug. 19, 1861 ; re-e. as vet. Feb. 10, 1864; m. o. May 1, 1866. Cragan, Peter, e. Aug. 19, 1861 ; m. o. Oct 4, 1864. Dudley, G. W., e. Aug. 19, 1861 ; m. o. Oct. 4, 1864. Dudlev.Chaa , e. Aug. 19, 1861 ; disd. Aug. 19, 1864. Ellsworth, Alma, e. Aug. 19, 1861 ; disd. Jan. 26, 1865. Lee, R. M. J., e. Aug. 19, 1861 ; re-e. as vet. Feb. 10, 1864. Miner, M. V. B., e. Aug. 19, 1861 ; disd. Jan. 25, 1865. Patrick, W. M., e. Aug. 19, 1861 ; disd. Jan. 4, 1864. Reed, I. W., e. .\ug. 19, 1861 ; m. o. Sept. 24, 1864. Reed, I. C, Jr., e. Aug. 19, 1861 ; re-e. as vet. Feb. 10, 1864; m. o. May 15, 1865. Sellen, Broda, e. Aug. 19, 1861; m. o. Oct. 4, 1864. Sterns, J. 0., e. Aug. 19, 1861 ; re-e. as vet. Feb. 10, 1864; m. o. March 6, 1866, as Sergt. Wyman, Jas., e. Aug. 19, 1861 ; disd. Oct. 14, 1862, wd. Whitehead, Albert, e. Aug. 19, 1861 ; m. o. Sept. 29, 1864. Wilkinson, Temple, e. Aug. 19, 1861, rect.; m. o. Oct. 4, 1864. Wyman, J. S., e. Jan. 15, 1865, rect.; m. o. Jan. 15, 1866. SIXTY-SECOND INFANTRY. Connpany A. Spilky, D. D., e. Feb. 1, 1864 ; trans, to Co. A as consd.; m. o. March 6, 1866, as Sergt. Company C. Riley, Peter, e. Feb. 20, 1865; trans, to Co. C as consd.; m. o. March 6, 1866. Company D. Kems, Thos., e. Jan. 13, 1865; trans, to Co. E as consd. ; m. o. Jan. 19, 1866. Company H. Butt, F. D., e. Feb. 1, 1862 ; deserted April 18, 1862. Hibbs, John, e. Feb. 1, 1862; re-e. as vet.lFeb. 2,1864 trans, to Co. A as consd. Hibbs, Jos., e, Feb. 1, 1862; re-e. as vet. Feb. 2, 1864 trans, to Co. A as consd. ; m. o. March 6, 1866. Smith, E. C, e. Feb. 1, 1862 ; re-e. as vet. Feb. 2, 1864 m. o. March 6, 1866. Company I. Briggs, J. M., e. Feb. 1, 1862 ; m. o. May 2, 1865. Herring, G. W., e. Feb. 1, 1862 ; died Jan. 12, 1863. McDermid, Geo., e. Feb. 1, 1862 ; died June 29, 1863. Sweeney, Jas., e. Feb. 1, 1862; m. o. May 2, 1865. Tapp, Jas., e. Feb. 1, 1862 ; disd. June 25, 1862, disab. Mellar, David, e. Feb. 20, 1864; trans, to Co. G as consd.; m. o. Feb. 20, 1866. 482 WAR HISTORY AND RECORD. MISCELLANEOUS INFANTRY. SEVENTH INFANTRY. Companies C and I, Consolidated as Company I. Olson, Andrew, e. Jan. 10,1805, as rect; m. o. July 9, 1865. NINTH INFANTRY. (Consolidated.) Company B. Duffy, Jas., e. Jan. 11, 1S05 ; lu. o. July 9, 1865. Duffy, Chas., e. Jan. 11, 1S65 ; m. o. July 9, 1865. Moore, Thos., e. Jan. 14, 1865; absent at m. o. of regt. Ryan, Dennis, e. Jan. 11, 1865 ; m. o. July 9, 1865. Troy, Jas., e. Jan. 11, 1865; m. o. July 9, 1865. O'Brien, Dennis, e. Jan. 11, 1865, unassigned rect. TENTH INFANTRY. Company C. Brown, Jackson, e. April 12, 1865, rect. ; m. o. July 4, 1865. Dustin, Franklin, e. Jan. 10, 1865, rect.; m. o. July 4, 1865. Macklin, Jas., e. April 12, 1865,>ect. ; m. o. July 4, 1865. ELEVENTH INFANTRY. Company B. Collins, John, rect.; disd. May 14, 1862. Moulton, L. M., e. Sept. 20, 1864 ; m. o. July 14, 1865. Miller, J. B., e. Sept. 20, 1864; disd. March 1, 1865. Reeser, W. H., e. Sept. 20, 1864 ; ni. o. July 14, 1865. Company E. West, A. L., e. Oct. 12, 1864 ; trans, to 8th Inf. Company C. Atkins, Alden, e. Sept. 24, 18G4; rect.; m. o. July 14,1865. Company I. Hawk, John, e. Nov. 29, 1861 ; re-e. as vet. Dec. 27, 1863; prmtd. to Sergt.; trans, to 8th Inf. Company K. Bateman, Wm. N., e. Sept. 19, 1864; rect.; ni. o. July 14, 1865. Kennedy, .Tas., e. Sept. 19, 1864; rect.; ni. o. July 14, 1865. Taylor, Henry, e. Sept. 19, 1864 ; rect ; m. o. July 14, 1865. Wilcox, Wm. B., e. Oct. 5, 1864; rect.; trans.; m. o. Sept. 26, 1865. FOURTEENTH INFANTRY. Company E. Sessions, Morton, e. Feb. 28, 1865 ; deserted June 27, 1865. SIXTEENTH INFANTRY. Company C. Hushman, J. F., rect.; e. Jan., 1865; m. o. July 8, 1865. NINETEENTH INFANTRY. Company B. Hall, Wesley, e. June 18, 1861 ; trans, to Co. C ; re-e. as vet. Dec. 21, 1863. TWENTIETH INFANTRY. Company G. Bowman, Wm., e Sept. 19, 1864; rect. Company H. Fanning, John, e. Jan. 10, 1865 ; rect.; m. o. July 16, 1865. Company I. Cooper, Israel, e. Sept. 27, 1804; drafted; m. o. JuneS 1865. Davis, S. J., e. Jan. 19, 1865 ; drafted ; m. o. June 16, 1865. Dean, S. J. F., e. Sept. 27, 1864 ; drafted ; m. o. June 5, '05. Peterson, Chas., e. Sept. 27, 1864 ; drafted ; m. o. June 5, '65. Company K. Grant, Isaac, e. Sept. 27, 1864; drafted ; m. o. June 5, 1865. TWENTY-THIRD INFANTRY. Company D. Hill, Lucius, e. March 18, 1862, as rect.; re-e. as vet. March 17, 1864 ; m. o. July 24, 1865. Harding, J. F., e. April 4, 1862; disd. term expired. Leonard, J. M., e. March 30, 1862; disd. term expired. McGowan, W. J., e. Feb. 28, 1862 ; re-e. as vet. Feb. 28, 186-1; m. o. July 24, 1865. McMahon, J. R., e. Feb. 28, 1862 ; died July 7,1864, wds. O'Connor, Jno., e. March 19, 1862; re-e. as vet. March 18, 1864 ; died April 2, 1865, wds. TWENTY-EIGHTH INFANTRY. (Consolidated.) Company B. Hedges, David, e. Jan. 14, 1865; rect.; m. o. Jan. 13, 1866. Company F. Mercer, A. S., e. Jan. 14, 1805 ; rect.; died Dec. 12. 1865. Shaffer, W. J., e. Jan. 14, 1865; rect.; died July 2, 1865. Company K. Smith, G. W., e. March 17, 1865 ; deserted April 1, 1865. Bradley, Jesse, e. Jan. 17, 1865 ; unassigned. rect. Collins, Jno., e. Feb. 4, 1865 ; unassigned. rect. THIRTY-FIRST INFANTRY. Company K. Einsphar, August, e. Sept. 29, 1864, rect. ; m. o. July 19, 1865. THIRTY-THIRD INFANTRY. Company A. Capt Harry J. Dutton, e. as Sergt. -Aug. 21, 18G1; prmtd. to Second Lieut. Sept. 5, 186i ; to First Lieut. March 17, 1863 ; to Capt. Aug. 3, 1863 ; m. o. Nov. 24, 1865. Greening, Chas., e. Jan. 10,1865, rect.; kid. March 2, 1865. Smith, A. K., e, Jan. 10, 1865, rect.; m. o. Nov. 24, 1865. Smith, H. W., e. Jan. 10, 1865, rect. ; disd. Nov. 10, 1865, disab. Walker, H. M., e. Jan. 17, 1865, rect. ; kid. March 2, 1865. Wolf, Jerome, e. Jan. 18, 1805, rect.; kid. March 2, 1865. Company B. Smillie, J. B., e. Aug. 20, 1861 ; disd. Dec. 6, 1862, disab. Company C. Bateman, Albert, e. Aug. 20, 1861 ; disd. Jan. 15, 1862, disab. WAR HISTORY AND RECORD. 483 THIRTY-FOURTH INFANTRY. Company C, Durst, H. R., e. Nov. 20, 1863. rect. ; trans, from 86th Inf.; m. o. July 12, 1865. Company K. Fry, Preston, e. Sept. 6, 1861, rect.; deserted May 28,1862. Melton, John, e. Sept. 6, 1861, rect.; died Jan. 28, 1861. Sullivan, Jos., e Feb. 25, 1865 ; trans, from 86th Inf. ; m. o. July 12, 1865. Tullis, M. L., e. June 20, 1865; trans, from 86th Inf.; m. O.July 12,1865. THIRTY-FIFTH INFANTRY. Company B. Capt. Henry H. Reed, e. as Second Lieut. July 3, 1861 ; prmtd. to First Lieut. Oct. 20, 1862; to Capt. Jan. 23, 1863; term expd. Sept. 27, 1864. Corp. Jos. Davidson, e. July 3, 1861 ; wd.; m. o. Sept. 27, 1864. Corp. Levi Davison, e. July 3, 1861 ; m. o. Sept. 27, 1864. Corp. G. W. Hounshell, e. July 3, 1861 ; m. o. Sept. 27, 1864. Brown, G. D., e. July 3, 1861 ; died March 2, 1862. Buchanan, Moses, e. July 3, 1861 ; kid. Jan. 1, 1863. FORTY-FIRST VETERAN BAT- TALION. Jones, James T., e. Jan 16, 1865; unassigned recruit' trans, to Co. K, 52d 111. Inf. Singezer, e. Jan. 14, 1865 ; unassigned recruit. FORTY-SECOND INFANTRY. Company C. Kingston, Franklin, e. Aug. 18, 1861 ; m.o. Sept. 16, 1864. FORTY-THIRD INFANTRY. (Consolidated.) Company C. Anderson, Chas., e. March 10. 1865; m. o. Nov. 30, 1865. Johnson, J. F., e. March 10, 1865 ; died Oct. 22, 1865. Lunstrum, G. F., e. March 24, 1865 ; m. o. Nov. 30, 1865. Byddall Swen, e. March 24, 1865 ; m. o. Nov. 30, 1865. Strum, Enoch, e. March 10, 1865 ; m. o. Nov. .30, 1865. Swanson, Ludwig, e. March 10, 1S65; m. o. Nov. 30, 1865. Company D. Larkins, Geo., e. Feb. 21, 1805, recruit; m. o. Nov. 30, 1865. Company C. Johnson, Saml., e. March 10, 1865; m. o. June 16, 1865. Johnson, Chas., e. Murch 10, 186'' ; m. o. June 11, 1865. Murbary, Chas., e. March 24, 1865 ; unassigned recruit. FORTY-FOURTH INFANTRY. Company C. Boornhover, Hiram, e. Sept. 20, 1864, rect. ; m. o. June 15, 1865. Company K. Egen, Chas., e. Sept. 1, 1861. MarJer, Henry, e. Sept. 1, 1861. Waltz, Martin, e. Sept. 1, 1861 ; re-e. as vet. Jan. 1, 1864; ni. o. Sept. 25, 1865, as Corp. Gerbling, Kdward, disd. Jan. 17, 1862 ; recruit. Keunell, Andreas, recruit ; re-e. as vet. Jan. 1, 1864; m. o. Sept. 25, 1865, as Corp. Nass, Clemens, recruit. Jager, Daniel, recruit, e. Sept. 20, 1864 ; m. o. June 15, 1865. Seiple, Conrad, recruit, e. Sept. 21, 1864; m. o. June 15, 1865. Stolckhert, John, recruit, e. Sept. 20, 1864 ; m. o. June 15, 1865. FORTY-SIXTH INFANTRY. Company C. Butler, E. M., e. Jan. 9, 1865 ; m. o. June 8, 1866. FIFTIETH INFANTRY. Company C. Brown, J. C, e. Sept. 24, 1864 ; rect. Company K. Corp. G. W. Ricedoff, e. Nov. 1, 18G1 ; trans, to 25th Inf • m. o. March 27,1862. " FIFTY-THIRD INFANTRY. Company C. Northener, Wm., e. Nov. 30, 18G4 ; rect. Company H. Wilkinson, Geo., e. Jan. 24, 1862; re-e. as vet. Jan. 5. 1864; m. o. July 22, 1865. Wilkinson, Caleb, e. Jan. 24, 1862 ; ni. o. March 25, 1865. Welch, Jas., e. Jan. 6, 1865 ; unassigned rect. FIFTY-FOURTH INFANTRY. Company B. ^ Ewing, J. H., e. Jan. 19, 1865 ; reel; m.o. Oct. 15, 1865. Laws, Jas., e. Jan. 19, 1865 ; rect.; m. o. Oct. 15, 1865. Company H. Lowery, T. C, e. Jan. 3, 1865; rect.; m. o. Oct. 15, 1865. Company K. Depew, John, e. Dec. 10, 1801 ; re-e. as vet. Dec. 26, 1863 ; m. o. Oct. 15, 1865, as Corp. Depino, E. H. H., e. Dec. 10, 1861. Tabor, Asa, e. Dec. 10, 1861. FIFTY-SIXTH INFANTRY. Sergt. J. S. Whitmire, e. May 26, 1862; resigned, July 15, 1863. Company C. Smith, Jasper, e. Jan. 30, 1865 ; rect.; m. o. Aug. 12, 1866.. FIFTY-SEVENTH INFANTRY. Company H. Sergt. Harrison Read. e. Sept. 29, 1861; m. o. Dec. 25^ 1864. Corp. Henry McCabe, e. Sept. 24, 1861 ; fe-e. as vet. Dec. 27, 1863; died in Andersonville Prfton. Berlenmeier, Christolf, e. Oct. 16, 1861 ; re-e. as vet. Deo^ 27, 1863; m. o. July 7, 186.5. Bennett, Phineas, e. Sept. 29, 1861 ; deserted Dec. 7, 1861. Ctteral, W. H., e. Oct. 15, 1801 ; disd. Feb. 1, 1862. Dudley, Henry, e. Oct. 2, 1801 ; disd. Aug. 29, 1S62, disab. Miller, Chas., e. Sept. 26, 1861 ; died July 11, 1862. FIFTY-EIGHTH INFANTRY. (Consolidated.) Company F. Cooper, D. C, e. March 27, 1865 ; m. o. March 27, 1806. Miller, A. F., e. March 27, 1805 ; m. o. March 27, 1866. Company I. Nichols, G. W., e. Feb. 28, 1865 ; m. o. March 1, 1866. Craig, Geo., e. April 12, 1865, unassigned rect. 484 WAR HISTORY AND RECORD. SIXTY-FIRST INFANTRY. Company E. Brown, Daniel, e. as rect. ; m. o. Sept. 8, 1865. Company H. Marvin, R. X., e. Oct. 2f>, ISKi, rect. ; ■ m. o. Sept. 8, 1865. Tindale, X. B., e. Oct. 26, 186,3, rect. ; m. o. Sept. 8, 1865. Hranitxky, Geo., e. Oct. 21, 1864, unassigned rect. SIXTY-FIFTH INFANTRY. Company C. Winetier, J. P., e. March 21, 1862 ; trans, to Co. K as consd. Winetier, T. S.. e. March 21, 1862 ; trans, to Co. K as consd. SIXTY-SIXTH INFANTRY. Company I. McMullen, Geo., e. Feb. 11, 1S64 ; m. o. July 7, 1865. Mitchell, J. C, e. Feb. 11, 1864: m. o. July"?, 1865. Baker, W. C, e. Sept. 20, 1862, unassigned rect. SIXTY-SEVENTH INFANTRY. Company B. Fitzgerald, Thos., e. June 4, 1SG2. Company C. Mnrphy, John, e. June 2, 1862, rect. SIXTY-NINTH INFANTRY. Company C. Bennett, Samuel, e. June 11, 1862; m. o. Sept. 27,1862. Travis, "O'. 31., e. June 7, 1862; m. o. Sept. 27, 1862. Zinne, J. H., e. June 3, 1862; m. o. Sept. 27, 1862. Company K. Marsh, Geo., e. June 4, 1SC2. SEVENTY-SECOND INFANTRY. Company B. Talmadge, B. J., e. Aug. 6, 1862; died Oct. 18, 1862. EIGHTY-FIRST INFANTRY. Company K. Franklin, Kobt., e. Feb. 11, 18G5; unassigned. rect. EIGHTY-THIRD INFANTRY. Company B. Brown, Danl., e. Jan. 16, leG5 ; trans, to Co. E, 61st Inf. EIGHTY-FOURTH INFANTRY. Company D. Sergt. Wm. J. Ellis, e. July 17, 1862; disd. June 30, 1863 ; disab. Corp. 0. W. Harvey, e. Aug. 7, 1862; died April 11, 1863. Briscoe, Wm. H., e. Aug. 11, 1862; disd. Jan. 26, 1864, aa Sergt.; disab. Fisher, J. J., e. July 23, 1862 ; trans, to V. K. C. April 20, 1863. Gamble, Wm., e. July 25, 18G2 ; disd. June 30, 1863; wds. Jones, J. F.. e. Aug. 2, 1862 ; m. o. June 8, 1865, as Corp. Jones, Willis, e. Aug. 2, 1862; died June 6, 1865. Jones, Harrison, e. Aug. 2, 1862; m.o. June 8. 1865. Nighsnonger, W. J., e Aug. 2, 186:i; deserted Oct. 25.1862. Roach, Stephen, e. \ng yj^ l.sG2; died Jan. 17, 1864. EIGHTY-FIFTH INFANTRY. Company K. '. Aug. 15, 1862; m Grant, Jas., e. Aug. 16, 1862 ; died Sept. 8, 1862. Andrews, Geo., e. Aug. 15, 1862; m. o. June 14,1865, wd. NINETIETH INFANTRY. Company C. Cullen, Jeremiah, e. Aug. 6, 1862; kid. at Mission Bidee Nov. 5, 1863. Lawler, James, e. Sept. 24, 1862; deserted June 9, 1863. Leonard, Daniel, e. Sept. 24, 1862 ; deserted Nov. 20, 1862. Byan, Timothy, e. Sept. 22, 1862; disd. March 19, 1865; disab. Byan, James, e. Sept. 22, 1862; m. o. June 24, 1865. Swan, Simond, e. Aug. 14, 1862; m. o. June 6, 1865, as Corp. NINETY-FOURTH INFANTRY. Company E. Hood, D. T., e. Aug. 7, 1862; m. o. July 17, 1865, as Corp. Hecksamer, D., e. Aug. 7, 1862; died April 30, 1864. NINETY-SEVENTH INFANTRY. Company F. Capt. J. H. Welch, e. Sept. 8, 1862; resigned Jan. 22, '63. First Lieut. T. W. McClanahan, e. Aug. 9, 1862, as Sergt.; prmtd. to Second Lieut. Jan. 27, 1863 ; to First Lieut. Aug. 1.3, 18G3; to Adjutant Aug. 1, 1865; m. o. July 29, 1865, as First Lieut. First Sergt. Israel Haines, e. .\ng. 9, 1862; died in 18^3. Sergt. Nelson Clow, e. Aug. 9, 1862 ; died March 23, 1863. Sergt. Elisha Blankenship, e Aug. 9, 1862; m.o. July 29, 1865. Corp. B. B. Pashall, e. Aug. 9, 1862; died April 4, 1865. Wagoner Wm. Dull, e. Aug. 9, 1862; disd. April 11, 1864. Clark, Zadock, e. Aug. 11, 1862 ; died March 20, 1863. NINETY-NINTH INFANTRY. (■Consolidated.) Company C. Butler, E. M., e. Jan. 9, 1865 ; trans, to 46th 111. Inf. ONE HUNDRED AND FOURTH INFANTRY. Company B. Sullivan, Jos., e. Feb. 25, l>6o ; trans, to 34th 111. Inf. Tullis, M. L., e. Jan. 20, 1865; trans, to 34th 111. Inf. Lanham, J. F., e. Jan. 13, 1865, unassigned rect. ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTH INFANTRY. Company A. Bellamy, C. M., e. Jan. 17, 1865, rect.; m. o. July 12, 1865. Company C. Mick, C. W., e. Jan. 10, 1S65 ; died March 27, 1865. ONE HUNDRED AND TENTH IN- FANTRY. (Consolidated.) Company C. Overturf, C. C, e. March 9, 1865 ; rect.; trans, to 60th Inf. Company D. Mnsgraves, J., e. Jan. 3, 1865; rect.: trans, to 60th Inf. WAR HISTORY AND RECORD. 485 ONE HUNDRED AND TWELFTH INFANTRY. Company F. Crabtree, \ath., e. Aug. 15, 18(i2 ; disa. July 23, 1864 ; wds. Johnson, G. W., e. Aug. 15, 1862 ; lu. o. June 20, 1865. Lafferty, Royal, e. Aug. 13, 1862 ; m. o. June 20, 1865. Tinlin, David, e. Aug. 22, 1862 ; trans, to V. R. C. March 15, 1865. Brown, Z. T., e. Jan. 6, 1865; trans, to 65th Inf. ONE HUNDRED AND FOUR- TEENTH INFANTRY. Company I. Fox, Smith, e. Jan. 16, 1865; rert.; trans, to 58th 111. Inf. Lanhan, J. T.; rect.; trans, to 68th 111. Inf. Lawson, J. T., e. Jan. 16, 1865 ; rect.; trans, to 58th III. Inf. Francis, Wm. H., e. Jan. 16, 1865 ; unassigned rect. ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTEENTH INFANTRY. Company F. Mvrsician Frank Butt, e. Sept. 10, 1862; disd. Feb. 21, '63. Patton, John, e. Sept. 8, 1862; m. o. July 16, 1865. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY- THIRD INFANTRY. Grieve, Wm. L., e. Jan. 24, 1865 ; unassigned rect. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY- SEVENTH INFANTRY. Company B. Esau, Henrich, e. July 28, 1862; deserted Oct. 30, 1862. Fliescher, .\lbert, e. July 18, 18 62; m. o. June 5, 1865. Kline, Gotlfrich. e. Aug. 1, 1862 ; died June 1, 1863. Scharenbergo, Edw., e. July 18, 1862 ; disd. Oct. 15, 1862. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY- NINTH INFANTRY. Company E. Acker, G. W., e. Jan. 18, 1865 ; trans, to Co. G, 16th Inf Company C. Hercules, C, e. Aug. 5, 1862; disd. April 22,1865; wds. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTIETH INFANTRY. Company D. First Lieut. Wm. C. McGowan, e. as Second Lieut. Dec. 14, 18f.) : prmtd. to First Lieut. July 26, 1805 ; m. o. Aug. 15, 1865. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY- FOURTH INFANTRY. Company F. Corp. D. F. Wilson, e. May 14, 1864; ni. o. Oct. 25,1864. Company C. Buckingham, M., e. May 22, 1864; m. o. Oct. 25, 1864. Garrison, Geo., e. May 22, 1864; m. o.Oct. 25, 1864. ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY-FIFTH INFANTRY. Company B. Harper, Wm. H., e. May 17, 1864; m. o. Sept. 23, 1864. Company E. Page, Emanuel, e. May 2, 1864 ; m. o Sept. 23, 1864. Company I. Corp. J. W. Brown, e. May 2, 1864; m. o. Sept. 23, 1864, Chapman, W. A., e. May 25, 1864; m. o. Sept 23, 1864. Green, W. W., e. May 3, 1864; m. o. Sept. 23, 1864. Sparks, W. A., e. May 26, 1864 ; m. o. Sept. 23, 1864. ONE HUNDRED AND FORTY- SIXTH INFANTRY. Company K. Clark, John, e. Sept. 13, 1864; m. o. July 8, 1864. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY-FIRST INFANTRY. Company E. Bateman, Albert, e. Feb. 10, 1865 ; m. o. Jan. 24, 1866. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY- SECOND INFANTRY. Connpany A. Alsup, W. T., e. Jan. 30, 1865 ; absent, sick, at m. o. of regt. Gregory, Thee, e. Jan. 30, 1865; m. o. Sept. 11, 1865. Hall, Joseph, e. Jan. 30, 1865; m. o. Oct. 11, 1865. Ol8tone,0., e. Feb. 6, 1865 ; m. o. Sept. 11,1865. Connpany C. Moore, J. C, e. Feb. 17, 1865 ; m. o. Sept. 11, 1865. Wagoner, J. B., e. Feb. 13, 1865; m. o. Sept. 11, 1865. ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY- THIRD INFANTRY. Company E. Grostle, Nicholas, e. Feb. 23, 1865 ; trans, to Co. E, 156th Inf; absent, sick, at m. o. of regt. TWENTY-NINTH COLORED INFANTRY. Company A. Freeman, Wm , e. Jan. lil, 1865; rect.; m. o. Nov. 6, 1865. Fisher, Amos, e. Jan. 12, 1865; rect.; m. o. Nov. 6, 1865. Company D. Polk, Richard, e. Jan. 21, 1865; rect.; m. O.Nov. 6, 1865, Corp. Company E. Voss, Caswell, e. Feb. 4, 1865 ; rect.; deserted July 12, '65. Company H. Doo, Wm., e. Jan. 23, 1865; ni. o. Nov. 6,1865. Company K. Corp. Andrew Sims, e. Feb. 24, 1865; m. o. Nov. 6, 1865. Stipp, Smith, e. Jan. 10, 1865; unassigned rect. 486 WAR HISTORY AND RECORD. CAVALRY. FOURTH CAVALRY. The Fourth Illinois Cavalry was organized in August, 1861, with rendezvous at Ottawa, La Salle f'o.. 111., by Col. T. Lyle Dickey, now one of the .Justices of the Supreme Court. It had companies from Ogle, Putnam, La Salle, Ken- dall, Grundy, Cook, Vermilion, Woodford, McLean, Logan, and men from other counties. Woodford was represented by Company G, brought into service and commanded all through by the late gallant Capt. Harry D. Cook, of that county. There was no better company in the regiment than old Company G, always ready, both officers and men, when duty called, to face danger and denth. The regiment left Ottawa about the 1st of November, 1861, and marched by way of Peru and Peoria to Springfield, thence, after a short stay in camp, to Vandalia, where it was shipped to Cairo by cars, arriving in Cairo about the 10th of December following. In January, 1862, it took part in what was called the *' Mud Expedition " against Colum- bus, Ky. In February, the regiment embarked on transports for Donelson, going up the Tennes- see River, landing on the way up at a point between Paducah and Fort Henry, and marched up to Camp Halleck, just below Fort Henry, and was in at the capture of Fort Henry ; took part in the fight and capture of Donaldson, doing good service ; thence to Savannah and Shiloh, taking an active part in that memora- ble struggle, ond was constantly engaged dur- ing the siege of Corinth. After the fall of Corinth, the regiment was employed in guarding the railroad from Co- lumbus, Ky., to Corinth, with headquarters at Jackson, Tennessee. In the Fall of 1862, it was with Grant in his move down the Mississippi Central Railroad, constantly engaged from Holly Springs to Water Valley, near Coffeeville, where Col. AVill- iam McCullough, then in command of the regi- ment, fell dead from his horse. He was ordered to surrender, but the old hero, looking literally into the muzzles of a dozen rebel muskets, re- plied " Never, by the Eternal ! " and instantly fell a sacrifice on his country's altar. Maj. M R. M. Wallace then took command of the regiment, and on Dec. 20, 1862, started in pursuit of Van Dorn. January, 1863, the regiment went into camp at Collinsville, Tenn., where it remained, doing scouting duty in Tennessee and Mississippi, till September, when it embarked for Vicksburg, here camping out on the Big Black, and taking part in many dangerous expeditions, till De- cember, when it removed to Natches, Miss., where it remained, always doing effective ser- vice, till November, 1864, when it came to Springfield, 111., and was mustered out on Nov. 4th of that year. Many of the men whose terms of service had not expired, were organized into companies and spent most of their time in Texas. The regiment, taken as a whole, was acknowl- edged to be a magnificent body of men, and the men of Woodford were not a whit behind the best. Botii this regiment and the country are largely indebted to old Woodford County. Maj. H. D. Cook, e. Aug. 27, 1861, aa Cajit. Co. G; prmtd. to Maj. Feb. 29, 1864 ; m. o. Nov. 3, 1864. Company E. Edwards, David, e. Sept. 11, 1861; re-e. as vet. Jan. 5^ 1864; trans, to Co. C. as consd.; trana. to Go. K, Tith Cav.; m. o. May 29, 1866, as Corp. Company C. Capt. E. H. Baker, e. March 1, 1S62, as Second tieut. ; prmtd. to First Lieut. Sept. 3, 1862, and to Capt. Feb. 29, 1864 ; dismissed Jan. 22, 1865. First Lieut. S. W. Ogden, e. Aug. 27, 1861 ; resd. March 1, 1862. First Lieut. J. T. Harper, e. March 27, 1861, as Second Lieut.; prmtd. to First Lieut. March 1, 1862; resd. Sept. 3, 1862. First Lieut. Abram Donica, e. as Co.'s Q. M. Sergt, Sept. 5, 1861 ; prmtd. to Second Lieut. Sept. 3, 1862, and to First Lieut. Feb. 29, 1864 ; trans, to Co. G, 12th Cav.; m. o. May 29, 1866. Sergt. W. S. Addington, e. Sept. 5, 1861 ; disd. Aug. 5. 1862. Sergt. W. R. Bigham, e. Sept. 5, 1861; m. o. Not. 3, 1864. Sergt. C. D. Buttler, e. Sept. 15, 1861 ; disd. Nov. 21, 1862 ; disab. Corp. Wm. Ellis, e. Sept. 5, 1861 ; m. o. Nov. 3, 1864, as Sergt. Corp. Geo. Everett, e. Sept. 5, 1861 ; m o. Nov. 3, 1864, as Sergt. Corp. W. H. Campbell, e. Sept. 5, 1861 ; m. o. Nov. 3, 1864. Corp. M. Montgomery, e. Sept. 14,1861; ni. o. Nov. 3, 1864, aa Sergt. Bugler B. W. Canady,e. Sept. 5, 1861 ; disd. June 20, 1862. Blacksmith G. S. Farnsworth, e. Sept. 14, 1861 ; disd. Aug. 9, 1862. disab. Buckley, H. T., e. Sept. 24, 1861 ; prmtd. to Sergt. Maj. Brown, W. W., e. Sept. 5, 1861 ; disd. Aug. 7, 1862. Carver, Jno., e. Sept. 5, 1861 ; m. o. Nov. 3, 1864. Carr, G. W., e. Sept. 5, 1861 ; m. o. Nov. 3, 1864. Chapman, Levi, e. Sept. 14, 1861 ; m. o. Nov. 3, 1864. Cole, D. M., e, Sept. 14, 1861 ; m. o. Nov. 3, 1864. Cooper, A., e. Sept. 28, 1861 ; m. o. Nov. 3, 1864. Dixon, E. H., e. Sept. 5, 1861 ; died March 25, 1862. Elliott, W. B., e. Sept. 5, 1861 ; disd. Aug. 7, 1862, as Corp. Feltman, J., e. Sept. 5, 1861 ; disd. March 18, 1863, disab. Goodrich. B., e Sept. 5, 1861 ; m. o. Nov. 3, 1864, as Corp. Harris, H. N., e. Sept. 5, 1861 ; m. o. Nov. 3, 1864. Hawkins, G. K., e. Sept. 5, 1861 ; m. o. Nov. 3, 1864. Horner, D. J., e. Sept. 5, 1861 ; disd. June 20, 1862, disab. Horn, Henry, e. Sept. 14, 1861 ; m. o. Nov. 3, 1864. Hibbs, W., e. Sept. 14, 1861 ; ra. o. Nov. 3, 1864, as Corp. Herr, John, e. Sept. 19, 1861 ; m. o. Nov. 3, 1864. Jones, C. W., e Oct. 16, 1861 ; m. o. Nov. 3, 1864, as Corp. Kingsbury, N. J., e. Sept. 5, 1861 ; detached at m. o. of regt. Marti, Fred., e. Sept. 5, 1861 ; disd. to re-enlist. Maning, B., e. Sept. 5, 1861 ; disd. .\ug. 7, 1862. Montgomery, F., e. Sept. 5, 1861 ; disd. June 21), 1862. O'Hara, Wm.. e. Sept. 5, 1861 ; m. o. Nov. 3, 1864. O'Brien, Patrick, e. Sept. 5, 1861 ; m. o. Nov. 3, 1864. Painter, John, e. Sept. 5. 1861 ; died June 6, 1862. Robins, H., e. Sept. 5, 1861 ; m. o. Nov. 3, 1864. S.altsnian, S. B., e. Sept. 5, 1861 ; disd. Aug. 1, 1862. Skinner, J. W., e. Sept. 24, 1861 ; m. o. Nov. 3, 1864. Taylor, J. W., e. Sept. 5, 1861 ; died March 26, 1862. Walbach, D., e. Sept. 5, 1861 ; m. o. Nov. 3, 1864. Anderson, J. P., e. Aug. 21, 1862, rect.; m. o. June 15,. 1865. Everett, S. B., e. Aug. 27, 1862, rect.; m. o. June 15, 1865. Franklin, Geo., e. Aug. 21, 1862, rect.; disd. March 18, 1863, disab. Hitch, S. S., e. Aug. 27, 1873, rect.; m. o. June 15, 1865. Hitch, C. J., e. Aug. 27, 1863, rect.; m. o. June 15, 1865, aa Corp. Hibbs, Amos, e. Aug. 21, 1862, rect.; m. o. June 15, 1865. WAR HISTORY AND RECORD. 487 Montgomery, A. M., e. Aug. 21, 1862, rect.; disd. April G, 1863, disab. Kamsey, T. W., e. Aug. 21, 1862, rect.; disd. April 13, 1863, disab. Ramsey, S. V., e. Aug. 21, 1862, rrct.; died Jan. 29, 1863. Smith, Samuel, e. Aug. 27, 1862, rect.; m. o. June 15, 1865. Walston, J. Y., e. Aug. 21, 1862, rect.; disd. Nov. 4, 1862, disab. Company H. Harvey, D. C, e. Aug. 27, 1862, rect.; died Dec. 12, 1862. SECOND CAVALRY. Company F. Hockingberry, H., e. Sept. 27, 1864; rect.; m. o. June 11, 1865. THIRD CAVALRY. Company B. Shockley, Thos., e. Aug. 13, 1861 ; disd. March 7, 1862, wds. Company I. Corp. E. M. Dixon, e. Aug. 10, 1801; disd. April 22, 1862. Dixon, D. M., e. Sept. 23, 1861, as rect. ; re-e. as vet. Mar. 10, 1864; trans, to Co. D, as consd.; m. o. Oct. 10, 1865, as Sergt. THIRD CAVALRY. (Consolidated.) Company C. Russell, A. E., e. Jan. 27, 1865; m. o. Oct. 10, 1865. Company D. Masters, Jno., e. Jan. 20, 1865 ; m. o. Oct. 10, 1865. Company H. Sergt. Jno. Cratman, e. Feb. 21, 1865, m. o. Oct. 10, 1865. Simpson, \Vm., e. March 1, 1805; m. o. Oct. 10, 1865. Wilson, Felix, e. Feb. 21, 1865, deserted July 4, 1865. Gregory, T. B., e. Feb. 21, 1865; unassigned rect. Keely, Thos., e. Jan. 17, 1865; unassigned rect. Mitchell, F., e. Feb. 10, 1865; unassigned rect. Eitter, Aaron, e. March 1,1865; died at Camp Butler March 28, 1865. Sneed, Jas., e. Jan. 27, 1865 ; unassigned rect. Welch, Chas., e. Jan. 17, 1865 ; unassigned rect. FIFTH CAVALRY. Company I. Roberts, John, e. April 28, 1863, rect.; died at Vicksburg Aug. 29, 1864. SIXTH CAVALRY. First Asst. Surgeon James S. Whitmire, e. Oct. 13, 1861 ; pro. to 5Cth Inf. Company A. Carey, Richard, e. Feb. 21, 1805 ; m. o. Nov. 5, 1865. Paschal, W. H., e. March 6, 1865; m. o. Nov. 5, 1865. Company D. Peeler, H. M., e. Feb. 28, 1S65, rect.; m. o. Nov. 5, 1865. Company G. Boren, I. 0., e. Feb. 9, 1805, rect.; m. o. Nov. 5, 1865. Billard, John, e. Feb. 9, 1805, rect.; m. o. Nov. 5, 1865. Henson, Jas., e. Feb. 9, 1865, rect.; m. o. Nov. 5, 1865. Company I. Davis, W. T., e. Jan. 27, 1865, rect.; m. o. Nov. 5. 1865. McCullum, v., e. Jan. 27, 1865; m. o. Nov. 5, 1865. Anderson, Jas., e. March 27, 1865; unacsigned rect. Croon, Wm., e. March 27, 1865 ; unassigned rect. Henson, J. E., e. March 27, 1865; unassigned rect. Henson, I. R., e. March 27, 1865 ; unassigned rect. Morris, Jos., e. Jan. 19, 1865 ; unassigned rect. Mealy, C, e. Jan. 19, 1865 ; unassigned rect.; m. o. Mav 11, 1865. SEVENTH CAVALRY. Company F. Capt. A. W. McDonald, e. a.s First Sergt. Aug. 16, 1861; prmtd. to Capt. June 29, 1862; to Major June 22, 1803 ; m. o. Nov. 4, 1865. First Lieut. Charles Lee, e. Aug. 15, 1861; died Oct. 12 1803. Dowd, Patrick, e. Aug. 16, 1861 ; kid. Dec. 26, 1863. Davis, John, e. Aug. 16, 1861 ; re-e. as vet. Feb. 10, 1864; m. o. Nov. 4, 1865. Fonier, P., e. Aug. 16, 1861 ; re-e. as vet. Feb. 10, 1864 ; deserted May 22, 1864. Wren, G. B., e. Aug. 16, 1861 ; died Dec. 20, 1861. Company L. Campbell, C. L., e. Jan. 18, 1865 ; m. o. Nov. 4, 1865. Roblin, C. D., e. March 18, 1865 ; disd. Oct. 6, 1865. Shields, Jas., e. Jan. 18, 1865 ; m. o. Nov. 4, 1865. Stockman, M., e. March 27, 1865 ; unassigned rect. EIGHTH CAVALRY. Company A. Rawson, W., e. Oct. 21, 1864, rect.; m. o. July 17, 1865. Company K. Greenwood, H., e. Sept. 4, 1862 ; disd. Jan. 30, 1863, disab. Laird, Thos., e. Oct. 18, 1862; unassigned rect. Warren, Geo., e. Oct. 18, 1802 ; unassigned rect. W^ right, Geo., e. Jan. 4, 1865 ; una-ssigned rect. NINTH CAVALRY. Company I. McGrath, John, e. Jan. 21, 1865 ; m. o. Oct. 31, 1865. ELEVENTH CAVALRY. Commissary J. C. Brewer, e. Nov. 16, 1864 ; m. o. Sept. 30, 1865. Company A. Greoter, G. M., e. Nov. 6, 1861 ; disd. Oct., 1862. Munzenmeyer, Paul. e. Sept. 25, 1801 ; re-e. as vet. Dec. 20, 1863; m. o. Sept. 30, 1805, as Corp. Rufer, John, e. Nov. 28, 1861 ; m. o. Dec. 20, 1864 ; term expired. Strjtt, John, e. Nov. 26, 1861 ; rect.; disd. July 26, 1862 ; disab. Company C. Flanigan, Lewis, e. April 22, 1864; rect.; trana. to Co. E ; m. o. Sept. 30, 1865. Company D. Kanable, Francis, e. July 7, 1804 ; rect.; m. o. Sept. 30, 1865. Company E. Fifield, Wm. E., e. Jan. 30, 1862; re-e. Jan. 30, 1864; died at Memphis, May 24, 1865. Lock, Wm., e. Jan. 24, 1804; rect.; m. o. Sept. 30, 1865. Parrish, J. W., e. Jan. 18, 1805. West, Wm., e. Feb. 4, 1802; rect; re-e. as vet. Feb. 4 1864; m. o. Sept. 30, 1865. Company F. Crumbaker, James, e. Feb. 3, 1865, as rect.; m. o. Sept. 30, 1865. Welsh, John, e. Jan. 30, 1865, as rect.; m. o. Sept. 30, 1805. 488 WAR HISTORY AND RECORD. Company C. Kobinson, J. M., e. Nov. '26, 1861; re-e. as vet. Dec. 20, 1863; m. o. July 14. isi;."), us Corp. Company H. Dustin, Silas, e. Jan. 18, 1805; rect.; m. o. Sept. 30, 1865. Company I. Gardner, Geo., e. Feb. 4, IwOn, as a rect.; trans, to 5th 111. Cavalry. Company K. Roberts, Wm., e. Jan. 19, 1S65; rect. '.Company L. Cunningham, John, e. March 3. 1865; m. o. Sept. 30, 1865. Grisham, C. C, e. Feb. 21, 1865 ; m. o. Sept. 30, 1865. Padgett, J. E., e. March 3. 1865 ; m. o. Sept. 30, 1865. Slade, T. J., e. Feb. 21, 1865 ; ni. o. Sept. 30, 1865. Company M. Q. M. Sergt. D. C. Baker, e. Oct. 11, 1861. Carmichael, M., e. Nov. 9,1861 ; re-e. as vet. Dec. 20,1863; m. o. Sept. 30, 1865, as Sergt. Polk, Wm. P., e. Nov. 18. 1861 ; disd. Oct., 1862 ; disab. Bramhart, Emanuel, e. Jan. 5, 1865 ; rect.; m. o. Sept. 30, 1865. Weaver, Calvin, e. Oct. 17, 1861 ; rect.; disd. Nov. 5, 1861 ; disab. Waggoner, John, Jr., e. Jan. 5, 1865; rect; died Aug. 24, 1865. Weaver, John, e. Oct. 7, 1861 ; rect.; disd. Nov. 1, 1861; disab. Weaver, Weslev, e. Oct. 7, 1861 ; disd. Feb. 20, 1862. Wittstruck, Chas., e. Dec. 7. 1861; died Dec. 20, 1864. Seward, Isaac, e. Jan. 17, 1865 ; rect.; m. o. Sept. 30, 1865. TWELFTH CAVALRY. Company E. Crawford, Thos., e. Aug. 16, 1862; rect.; trans.; m. o. June 16, 1865. Ci^awfurd. Wm , e. Aug. 16, 1862 ; rect.; trans.; m. o. June 16, 1865. Davis, Wm., e. Aug. 6, 1862; rect..; trans.; m. o. June 16, 1805. Martin, W. H., e. Aug. 16, 1862; disd.; disab. Randall, R. K., e. Dec. 28, 1863 ; unassigned rect. THIRTEENTH CAVALRY. Q. M. Sergt. S. A. Huntoon, e. Nov. 25, 1862 ; m. o. July 31, 1865. Company B. Franklin, Alonzo, e. Jan. 20, 1864; m. o. July 31, 1865. Company C. Sergt. W. R. Huntoon, e Sept. 18, 1S62; prmtd. to Second Lieut. Co. B Oct. 8, 1803 ; m. o. July 31, 1865. Corp. F. H. Lockwood, e. Oct. 13, 1862; m. o. July 31, 1865, as Sergt. Anuett, Elijah, e Sept. 28, 1862; died Sept. 8, 1864. Caleb. J. R., e. Sept. 25. 1862; died Feb. 16, 1863. Dick, Morgan, e. Sept. 18. 1SH2; m. o. June 16, 1S65. Iluiitoon. S., e. Nov. 25, 1862 ; prmtd. Regt. Q. 'SI. Sergt. Mi'ldlcton, Jos.,e. Nov. 14, 1865 ; disii. June 8, 1865 ; disab. Mohr, J. F., e, Sept. 23. 1862; ni. o. July 31, 1865. Parkf, Martin, e. Oct. S. 1802 ; disd. June 20, 1863 ; disab. Ransom, J. F., e. Sept. IS, 1862; m. o. July 31, 1865. Sample, Wni., e. Oct. 4, 1862; trans, to V. R. C. June 2, 1865. Sample, Theo., e. Oct. 4, 1862 ; m. o. July 12, 1865. Spreves, John, e. Dec. 12, 1862 ; m. o. July 31, 1865. Schwocks, Aug., e. Nov. 21, 1862 ; m. o. July 31, 1865. Stout, Lewis, e. Oct. 13, 1862; under arrest at m. o. of regt. Company E. Swain, J. P., e. Jan. 12,1863 ; trans, to Co. C; absent, sick at m. o. of Regt. ARTILLERY. FIRST ARTILLERY. Battery C Smillie, Chas., e. Feb. In, 1865; rect.; m. o. July 24, 1865, Stoll, Nicholas, e. Feb. 15, 1865; rect.; m. o. July 24, 1865. Battery H. Dixon, Manville, e. March 3, 1802; rect.; died March 9, '64. John, H. L., e. March 3, 1862 ; rect.; deserted March 30, 1862. Patterson Robt., e. March 3, 1862 ; deserted March 12, '62. SECOND ARTILLERY. Battery A. Kendrick, D. F., e. Feb. 29, 1864; disd. June 9, 1865; disab. Battery F. Johnson, S. J., e. Jan. 3, 1865 ; m. o. July 27, 1865. SPRINGFIELD LIGHT ARTIL- LERY. Clay, Jas., e. Aug. 5, 1862 ; disd. Aug. 7, 1863 ; disab. Coggswell Battery. AUingham, M., e. Nov. 2U, 1861 ; re-e. as vet ; m. o. June 5, 1865. Wallace, Oliver, e. Dec. 2, 1801 ; m. o. Dec. 3, 1864; term expired. Clegg, Thos., e. Feb. 17, 1862; re-e. as vet. Sept. 17, 1864; m. o. June 5, 1865. U. S COLORED RECRUITS. EIGHTH COLORED U. S. ARTIL- LERY. Andrew, Jas , e. Jan. 30, 18(>5. Brown, Jessie, e. Jan. 26, 1865. Brown, Jno., e. Jan. 26, 1865. Gray, Peter, e. Jan. bO, 1865. Jackson, Jas., e. Jan. 26, 1865. Lathram, Robt., e. Jan. 26, 1865. Lindsev, Jno , e. Jan. 3(i, 1865. Rush, Peter, e. Jan. 26, 186.5. Wilson, Andy, e. Jan. 20, 1865. ■Wilson, Jas., e. Jan 25, 1865. Weir, Ned, e. Jan. 26, 1805 Warren, R., e. Jan. 28, 1805. SIXTY-FIRST COLORED ARTIL- LERY. Randall, Bygun, e. March 2, 1865. FIRST ARMY CORPS. Company No. 3. Fogle, Jno., e. Feb. 24, 1865 ; m. o. Feb. 24, 1866. Lenard, A , e. Feb. 24, 1805 ; m. o. Feb. 24, 1866. Rivers, J , e. Feb. 18, 1S65; m. o. Feb. 18, 1866. Reese, H. B., e. Feb. 24, 1805. Thompson, A., e. Feb. 21, 1805; m. o. Feb. 21 1806. Thompson. W. J., e. Feb. 24, 1865 ; m. o. Feb. 24, 1866. Waldo, M. A., e. Fob. 24, 1865; m. o. Feb. 24, 1866. Company No. 8. Walke, S. J., e. March 29, 1865; m. o. March 26, 1866. BIOGRAPHICAL DIRECTORY. A.BBRET^I^TION'S. Adv Adventlst agt agent Bapt Baptist bkpr bookkeeper bwr brewer brklayr bricklayer carp carpenter Cath CathoHc elk clerk Ch Church Co Company or County com. mer commission merchant Cong Congregational Dem Democrat dlr dealer dgat druggist Episcopal Episcopal Evang Evangelist Ind Independent I. V. I Illinois Volunteer Infantry I. V. C Illinois Volunteer Cavalry I. V. A Illinois Volunteer Artillery far farmer Wry foundry gro grocer lab.. laborer Meth Methodist mfr manufacturer mach machinist n>kr maker mech mechanio mer merchant min minister phot photographer phys physician Presb Presbyterian Pr printer ptr painter prop propri'-tor Rep Republican Rev Reverend sec section or secretary slsmn salesman Spir Spiritualist supt superintendent treaa treasurer METAMORA TOWNSHIP. ANDREWS, C, farmer; P. 0. Meta- mora. Alt, Nicholas, farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. Ainsworth, Wm., farmer; P. 0. Metamora. Amsler, John, farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. Avery, E. J., livery; P. 0. Metamora. Abersall Juo., grocery ; P. 0. Metamora. Alt, Christian, farmer; P. 0. Metamora. • ROWN, S. R., farmer; P. 0. Meta- B' mora. Baird, Thos., farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. BOHLA.NTER, BARNHART, farmer; Sec. (J ; P. 0. Metamora; was born in Cazenovia Tp., Woodford Co., Dec. 20, 1850 ; he is son of Barnhart and Mary E. Bohlanter, who came from Germany and settled in Peoria Co., and removed to Woodford Co., over thirty years ago ; he was married in Dec, 1872, to Miss Nancy Schwartz, of Worth Tp., who was born in Wisconsin in 1854; they have two children — Daniel S. and Louisa ; he owns a farm of 50 acres, valued at $1,500. Barnes, Willis, laborer ; P. 0. Metamora. Bride, Francis, laborer ; P. 0. Metamora. BAILEY, S. O., black and white- smith ; was born in Kent Co., R. L, April 8, 1824; at the age of six years he entered a cotton factory, where he worked until he was fourteen years old, when he left home and went to sea ; re- turning at the end of four years, he be- gan work at the blacksmith's trade in Providence, R. I., and a year and a half later went to Falls River, Mass., and worked at ship ironing and boiler making for some three years ; from that time until 1856, he was engaged in the different branches of the machinist business in various Eastern cities ; he then removed to Luzerne Co., Pa., where he resided four years ; while here he was elected Burgess of Abington ; he came to Metamora in 18G0 and engaged in carpentering and building, which he continued about a year and then opened his present business; in 18GG, he wasi 490 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFOBD COUNTY; emploj-ed as foreman in the sinking of Perry's coal shaft in Worth Tp. ; he was married Oct. 30, 1847, to Miss Mary A. Phillips, of his native county, ■who was born Jan. 5, 1824; they have two children living — Byron W. and Lucy A. E., now Mrs. Geo. W. Weber, of Minonk. Brown, Palmer, laborer; P. 0. Metamora. Barton, Lester B., lab.; P. 0. Metamora. Baehnian. Jos., laborer, P. 0. Metamora. BOYS, ISAAC, farmer ard stock raiser ; Sec. 4 ; P. 0. Cazenovia ; was born in Metamora Township, on the old homestead, which he now occupies, April 7, 1840. His father, James Boys, was one of the earliest settlers of Woodford Co., settling on the farm now owned by his son, in 1834; his father died July 24, 1856, and his mother Feb. 13, 1855 ; Mr. Bojs was married Dec. 3, 18(i3, to Miss Mary E. Heacock of Wapello Co., Iowa. They had two children — James and John. His wife died Oct. 31, 1870 ; lie was married again Feb. 27, 1873, to Miss Rebecca J. Hamilton, of Woodford Co. Mr. Boys owns a farm of 509 acres, valued at S30,000. He makes a specialty of fine blooded stock, keeping nearly a hundred short-horn cattle, and turning off about a hundred hogs yearly. Bruderlin, N., fanner; P. 0. Metomora. Bradv, Clark, farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. brown; W, p., attorney at law and farmer; was born in Otsego Co., N. Y., April 3, 1812 ; his father died when he was a child, leaving him but a limited patrimony ; he received an academic education at Bridge water, N. Y., and at the age of 19 years began the study of law, and came to Illinois in 1833 ; he Was admitted to the bar in Jacksonville the same year, and settled in Blooming- ton and began to practice law. He served several terms as Justice of the Peace and Probate Judge, and was Post- master at Bloomington about seven years. He settled in Metamora in 1842, and was elected County Judge, serving four years. In 1871, he removed to Kansas; resided there five years, and returned to Metamora ; served one 3'ear in the Kan- sas Legi-slature. He was married in 1838 to Miss Hannah C. Barney, of McLean Co., who was born in Penijs}^- vaoia May 3. 1813. They have six chil- dren living — Helen M., Josephine, Pal- mer, Ada, J. K. and Lacey. Bartlett, C. E., lumb. and grain ; P. 0. Metamora. Bennett, Geo., farmer; P. 0. Metamora. Barney, W. W., miller ; P. 0. Metamora. B ASSETT, F. M., County Clerk ; P.O. Metamora ; was born in Chenango Co.. N. Y.,Feb.4, 1838. In 1852, his parents re- moved to Woodford Co., settling at Meta- mora. In May,1861, he entered the Union Army as a member of Co. G, 17th 111. A'^ols., and was mustered out with his regiment in May, 1864. He was then employed as clerk in the Quartermaster's Department of the Cavalry Bureau, De- partment of the Mississippi, and sta- tioned at Memphis, Tenn. On his re- turn in 1865, he was employed in the offices of the Circuit and County Clerks of W^oodford Co., and in June, 1868, was appointed Deputy Circuit Clerk, serving until Dec, 1872, when he was appointed Deputy County Clerk. He held the office one year, and was then appointed Deputy County Treasurer, which office he held until he was elected County Clerk in 1877. He was married March 2, 1869, to Miss Mary E. Winger, who was born in Clarion Co., Penn. They have two children living — May A. and Edgar. Barnes, Elizabeth, milliner}- ; P. 0. Meta- mora. Baker, Nicholas, retired ; P. 0. Metamora. Baker, X. P., Deputy Circuit Clerk ; P. 0. Metamora. BRIGGS, F. F., undertaker; was born in Berkshire Co., Mass., Feb. 21, 1825. He was raised ou the farm un- til he was 17 years old. When he was quite young, his father removed to Cayuga Co. X. Y., and afterward to Chautauqua Co. At about 19 years of age he went to Brown Co., Ohio, fin ished his trade of a cabinet maker, and opened a shop in Georgetown ; came to Metamora in 1851, and followed carpen- tering and farming for a while, and in 1855, opened his present business. He was married Dec. 2, 1847, to Clarissa Stitt, daughter of J. K. Stitt, of George- town, Ohio ; she was born in that town Jan. 22, 1830. They had seven chil- dren, six of whom are living — Han-iet E., Alice E., Mary A... Joseph F., Will- METAMORA TOWNSHIP. 493 iam K. and Edwin C. ; one daughter, Kittie, died in 1870. His wife died April 11, 1872. He was married July 30, 1874, to Miss Elizabeth A. Comp- ton, wliowas born in Kentucky July 12, 1838. They have one child— Nellie. Mr. Brig-gs served in the late war in the 108th 111. Vols., and was elected First Lieutenant of Co. E. Bloutz, Michael, lab. ; P. O. Metamora. Bollo, Fred, laborer, P. 0. Metamora Bullock, Louis H.. sheriff, P.O. Metamora. BOSWORTH, JOS. P., proprietor Bosworth House ; P. O. Metamora ; was born in Bradford Co. Pa., Nov. 25, 1803. He was raised a farmer; married Nov. 12, 1826, to Miss Bertha Barns, who was born in Plymouth, Conn., Sept. 18, 1791). They had eisht children, the following of whom are living — -('atherine, Angeliue, Mills H., Alphonzo, Mary E. and Dwight. In 1842, he removed to the State of New York, and four years later to Erie Co., Pa., where he engaged in the hotel business and farming. Here he resided until 1858, when he removed to Wright Co., Minn., and engaged in farming. His wife died here Jan. 9, 1869. In J 872, he went to Blue Earth Co., Minn., remaining there until his removal to Metamora, in Jan., 1876. He was married Nov. 26, 1875, to Mrs. Dorcas N. Davis, who was born in Oxford Co., Maine, Feb. 14, 1829. Her maiden name was Kneeland. She has three children — Ruth L., Samuel S., and Warren F. Berry, Ursula, P. 0. Metamora. BANTA, MRS. RACHEL B., Sec. 19 ; P. O. Metamora ; was born in Mercer Co., Ky., Dec. 22, 1815. On the 16th of Oct., 1833, at the age of 18 years, she was married to the late Al- bert J. Banta, and the same month left with him for Holland's Grove, now Washington, Tazewell Co., 111. Mr. Banta was born in Mercer Co., Ky., Sept. 15, 1800. They remained at Hol- land's Grove until Aug.. 1834, when they settled on their present home. Mr. Banta died in 1850. Mrs. B. has three children — William V., David O., and Cynthia M. Banta, Geo. W., laborer, Metamora. BANTA, CD., farmer; Sec. 17 ; P. O. Metamora ; was born in Mercer Co., Ky., July 3, 1809 ; he was raised on the farm, until about the age of nineteen years, when he learned the trade of a wagon maker; in 1832, he came, with his father's family, to Holland's Grove, Tazewell Co.. now Washington ; in Aug., 1833, he came to his present home near Metamora, and entered 160 acres of land from the Government, to which he has added from time to time until he now owns 243 acres in his home farm, valued at $65 an acre. He was married in 1839, to Miss Elizabeth Stine, of Worth Township, who died in 1859 ; they had five children, three of whom are living — George, Chas. D. and Cornelius J. He was married again Aug. 23, 1860, to Mrs. Elizabeth Johnson, whose maiden name was StraAvser ; they have four children liv- ing — Abraham L.. John L., Frank D. and Archie D. Burkman. Peter, laborer ; P. 0. Metamora. BURKY, CHRISTIAN, thrmer and stock raiser; Sec. 15; P. 0. Meta- mora ; was born in Bavaria, Germany, Sept. 4, 1819 ; he was raised a farmer, and came to this country in 1842, land- ing at New Orleans, and proceeding up the Mississippi and Illinois Rivers to Peoria, where he remained a couple of weeks and then came to Woodford County ; at the end of one year, however, he removed to Tazawell County, and re- sided there until 1875, when he returned to Woodford County. He was married in Germany, in 1839, to Miss Mary Stalter, who was born in Bavaria, in 18il ; they have eleven children — Mary, Joseph, Christian, Phebe, Valen- tine, Elizabeth, Henry, Katie, Fannie, John and Barbara. He owns 80 acres of land, valued at $4,800. Bidtner, Fred., farmer; P. 0. Washington. BARTON, T. S., JR., farmer and stock raiser ; Sec. 11 ; P. 0. Metomora ; was l)orn in Tennessee March 1, 1826 ; when he was about a year and a half old, his father, T. S. Barton, Sr., re- moved to Jacksonville, 111.; residing there until 1843, when he came to Woodford County ; he died in March, 1874. Mr. Barton was married Sept. 5, 1865, to Miss Elmira M. Dutton, Avho was born in Stowe, Vermont, Jan. 18, 1838 ; they have four children liv- 1 494 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY; ing- — Clara L., Susan A., Lucia B. and Emcline. iNIr. Barton owns 130 acres of land, valued at S7.500. Brown H., farmer; P. 0. Washington. /^RESS. BENJ. K., far.; P. 0. \_J Wshington. Conrard. H., mer. ; P. 0. Metamora. CORPE, EDGAR S., farmer; P. (J. Metamora ; was born in Elkhart Co., Ind., Nov. 29, 1840. On the 17th day of April, 1861 he enlisted in Co. " I," 9th Ind. Vols., for three months, and at the expiration of that time he re-in- listed for three years in the 88th Ind. Vols., ard served until November, 1864. He took part in five battles, be- sides skirmishes, the principal ones being Green Mountain, West Virginia, Perryville, Ky.. Stone River, Tenn., and Little Rock, Ark. On his return in 1864, he came to Metamora and was married April 14, 1867, to Miss Mary A. Nesmith, daughter of C. A. Nes- mith, of Metamora Tp. ; she was born in Medina Co., Ohio, May 12, 1839. They have four children — Cyrus F. Charles P., Harry W., and Jennie B. Corpe, E. S., flxr. ; P. 0. Metamora. Cheedle. M. M., far. ; P. 0. Metemora. CAMP, CHRISTIAN, farmer; Sec. 21 ; P. 0. Metamora ; is a native of Woodford Co., having been born in Spring Bay Tp., Oct. 29, 1836. His father, Joseph Camp, came from France and was one of the earliest settlers of the county. Mr. Camp was married Feb. 19, 1860, to Miss Lana Smith, who was born in Partridge Tp., May 21, 1839 ; they have seven children living — Katie L., Lana M., Joseph E., Christian W., Peter B., John J. and Samuel D. He settled on his present farm about thirteen years ago, and owns 160 acres of land valued at $12,000. Chapman, John, far. ; P. 0. Metemora. Camp, Jos., firmer ; P. 0. Metemora. COFFMAN, WILLIAM, farm er and stock raiser ; Sec. 1 ; P. O. Cazenovia ; was born in Champaign Co., Ohio, Aug. 3, 1840. When he was about 15 years old, he came to Wood- ford Co. with his mother and one sister ; he was married Sept. 14, 1868, to Mrs. Mary Evans, daughter of Justice W. Stewart, who came to Illinois from Ohio about the time of the Black Hawk war and settled in what is now La Salle Co. and came to Woodford Co. in 1845 and died in 1864. Mrs. Coffman was born in La Salle Co., Nov. 29, 1843. They have two children — Mamie and Nellie R. Mrs. Coffman has also one child, Willie Evans, a son of her former husband. Mr.. Coffman entered the Union army in August, 1862, as a member of Co. " G," 95th Ohio Volun- teers, serving three years and participa- ting in some fifteen battles, besides skirmishes, among them the siege of Vicksburg, siege of Jackson, Miss., Nashville, Tenn., Spanish Fort, etc. He was wounded at the battle of Rich- mond, Ky., Aug. 30, 1862. Carpenter, Sarah, boarding house ; P. 0. Metamora. Causey, Thos. A., blacksmith ; P. 0. Metamora. CHITTY, CHAS. H., of the firm of Chitty, Cassell & Gibson, attorneys at law; was born in Madison Co., Ky., Sept. 15, 1822 ; when he was ten years of age his, father's family removed to Lawrence Co., Ind., and were among the early settlers there ; the country was wild and uncultivated, and abounded in all kinds of game, deers, bears, etc. • he was married July 4, 1846, to Miss Rebecca Lemon, of that county, who was born July 4, 1828; they came to Metamora in 1848, and he was engaged in teaching until 1851, when he was elected County Surveyor of Woodford Co., holding the office four years ; in 1855, he removed to Freeport and opened a farm in that vicinity, remain- ing there till the Spring of 1857, when he removed to Galesburg and engaged in the wholesale grocery business, which he continued until 1859 ; he then en- tered the law office of Smith & Ford, at Galesburg, having previously pursued his law studies at home ; he was admitted to the bar in 1860 ; returned to Metamora, and began the practice of his profession ; he was elected County Judge in 1860, holding the office four years; has two children living — Persis (now Mrs. Willard Stowell, of Meta- mora), and William. Clark, Anna S., P. 0. Metamora. Cummings, Mary A., P. 0. Metamora. METAMOFA TOWNSHIP. 495 CASSELL, WM. J., broker and money loaner ; was born in Sangamon Co., 111., Feb. 20, 18^5 ; he is the son of Robert T. Cassell, who came from Kentucky to Morgan Co., 111., when but a boy, and who settled in Wood-, ford Co. when Wm. J. was but five years of age ; Mr. Cassell's father was a lawyer, and upon arriving at his majo- rity he entered upon his present busi- ness of a broker ; he was married May 10, 18G4, to Miss Henrietta A. Hirsch, of Metamora, who was born in New Hampshire, in Aug., 1842; they have two children — Robert T. and Lutie May. Cummings, D. A., dentist; P. 0. Meta- mora. CROSS, S. J., retired; was born in Chester Co., Penn., and when a young man was engaged upon public works in his native State ; in 1 839 he came to Bloomington, 111, and was appointed Deputy Clerk under Gen. Cole ; in 1841, he came lo Versailles and took part in the organization of Woodford Co., being appointed Circuit Clerk by Judge Treat, now of Springfield ; he swore in the first officers of the county ; held the office twelve years ; he was a V member of the Constitutional Conven- tion, in 1847 ; was elected Probate Judge soon after the organization of the county, and also served as Commissioner in Bankruptcy ; he has held several other public offices, among which are Justice of the Peace and Master in Chancery ; he was married Nov. 14, 1844, to Miss Nancy Stevenson, who died Aug. 31, 1868; Mr. Cross is now over eighty years of age. Chapman, Amos, blacksmith ; P. 0. Meta- mora. DONAHUE, JOHN, farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. Dertranz, Jno., farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. DELPH, CHAS. D., Deputy County Treasurer ; P. 0. Metamora; was born in Morgan Co., 111., August 29, 183(3 ; in 1844, his father's family removed to Woodford Co., and settled at Metamora, then Hanover ; at the outbreak of the rebellion, he enlisted in the 17th 111. Vols. ; serving three years in the Post Office Department ; on his return he for- lowed his trade of a painter until his ap- pointment to his present position ; he was married Dec. 18, 1867, to Miss Lila Delph of Louisville, Ky., who was born there May 3, 1840 ; they have three children — John M., Louisville K. and William H. Delph, Wm. H., retired ; P. 0. Metamora. Dav, Geo., firmer; P. 0. Metamora. DAY, ELIZABETH A., farmer ; Sec. 29 ; P. 0. Metamora ; was born in Licking Co., Ohio Dec. 26, 1820 ; she was married on the ISth day of August, 1842, to the late Jacob Day, who was born in Knox Co., Ohio Jan. 24, 1818 ; they removed to Illinois the year of their marriage, and settled in Tazewell Co., where they resided until their removal to Woodford Co. in 1848 ; they lived in Worth Tp. thirteen years ; Mr. Day died Oct. 27, 1860, and the following Spring Mrs. Day came to her present home in Metamora Tp. ; she has seven children living — Mary J., Charles B., Ann E., George W., Samuel W., John W. and Ida M. ; she owns 67 acres of land valued at $50 per acre. Duffield, M. W., farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. Dwyer, Patrick, farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. BUTTON, NORMAN, farmer and stock raiser ; Sec. 9 ; P. 0. Metamora ; one of the early settlers of the county ; was born in Lamoille Co., Vt., Feb. 14, 1810 ; he resided there until he was 23 years of age, and then came to Lake Co., Ohio, where he remained t^vo years ; he then came to Illinois, spending a year in Morgan Co., and settled in Woodford Co. in 1836; he was married Nov. 7, 1835, to Mrs. Nancy Dutton, of Morgan Co., who was born in Canada ; she died in March, 1868, leaving six children — Louisa L., Samuel S., James H., Julia E., Daniel A. and Laura E. ; the oldest two being the children of her former husband ; Mr. Dutton was married again June 6, 1869, to Miss Maria Sleeper, who was born in Hillsborough Co., N. H., Dec. 1, 1825 ; he owns 100 acres of land valued at $6,400. Tj^DSON, a. F., far.; P. 0. Metamora. EVANS, N. E., farmer and stock rais- • er ; Sec. 34 ; P. 0. Eureka ; was born in Brown County, 0., Nov. 4, 1822 ; resided there until March, 1866, when he came to Woodford County. He was 496 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY married on the 23d of October, 1843, to Miss Amanda ^Mefford, of Brown Co., 0.; she Avas born Dec. 2-4, 1824 ; they have had eight children, seven of whom are living — H. Duncan, Olive, Joseph D., John W., Mary J., Samuel W., and Lewis E. ; one daughter, Elizabeth, (wife of J. E. Trunnell) died Feb. 1, 1874, leaving two children — Perry and Ida May. Mr. Evans owns a farm of 160 acres, valued at 89,600. Reserved three years as Justice of the Peace, in Ohio, and one year as Assessor of Meta- mora Township. Ehrnthaller, John, far.; P. O. Metamora. Edson. E. G., farmer: P. 0. Metamora. ENGEL, JOHN, farmer and stock raiser ; Sec. 28 ; P. 0. Metamora : is one of the earliest settlers of Woodford County. He was born in Lorraine, France, May 22, 1801 ; came to the United States in 1829, and in 1831 he came to Metamora and settled on a farm adjoining the present village, on the west, where he resided until 1865. He then removed to his present home, where he owns 160 acres of land, valued at 89,600, besides 28 acres of timber. He married Miss Barbara Detweiller, of Peoria ; she was born in Lorraine, France, and died June 10, 1874, leaving seven children — Christian, Catherine, J.acobena, Barbara, Joseph, Magdalena and Rachel. Erb, Joseph, farmer; P. 0. Metamora. Engel, Jno., farmer ; P. 0. Metaiuora. Enirel. Jos., farmer; P, 0. Metamora. ELL WOOD, WM^ L., attorney at law; was born near Skaneateles, Onon- daga County, X. Y.. March 6. 1851; he is of English parentage, his father, Isaac Ellwood, having been an English soldier, a member of the Queen's Life Guards, and who, after retiring from the army, came to the United States and settled near Skaneateles. X. Y., where he was married to Mrs. Ann E. Grimes, whose maiden name was Hugill; they removed to Illinois when W. L. was but a child, and settled near Jacksonville, Morgan Co., then to Woodford, and afterward to Tazewell Co, At the time of our late war his father served as drill master, and after- ward entered Co. I. Uth 111. Cav., and was elected Captain ; he died at his | home, near Mackinaw. Tazewell Co., Aug, 3. 1862, from injuries received and disea.se incurred in the service of his adopted country. After the death of his father, young Ellwood removed with his mother and his sister to Meta- mora. in 1865 ; he spent three years at the Illinois Soldiers' College, at Fulton, and then ensaged in teachino; and the Study of the law; he was admitted to the bai-. Sept. 12. 1872 ; practiced law in Watseka. 111., .six months, and then settled in Metamora. He was married Dec. 26, 1875, to Miss Mary E. Bul- lock, of Menard Co.. 111., who was born in the State of Xew York ; they have one child — Edna. Evans, X. E.. farmer: P. 0. Eureka. Evans. W. A., farmer: P. O. Metamora. ELLIS, JOSEPH M., dealer in hardware, stoves and tinware, was born in Highland Co., 0., March 24, 1844. He was raised to the tinner's trade. Came to Lewistown. Fulton Co., 111., in 1863. and followed his trade until 1869, when he removed to Meta- mora, and in 1871 established his present business. At the beginning of our late civil war, he entered the Union army as a member of the 60th Ohio Vols., served under Gens. Fremont and Pope in Vir- ginia, was taken prisoner at Harper's Ferry, and was mustered out in 1862 with his regiment by reason of the expiration of his term of sei-vice. In 1864. he entered the 175th Ohio as Second Lieut, of Co. H, serving till the close of the war. He was married Sept. 4, 1S74, to Miss Caroline A. Brandon, who was born in Mercer Co., Pa., Nov. IS, 1848. They have two children — James B. and Joseph C. Engel, J. X., P. 0. Metamora. Esbert, G,, carpenter : P, 0. Metamora. ENGEL, PETER R., farmer; Sec. 19; P. O. Metamora; was born in France in 1822. When he was nine years of age, he came with his father's family to the United States, spending about three months in Lancaster Co., Pa., and then removing to their present home in the Fall of 1831. His father, Peter Engle, died March 1, 1875, over 80 years of age. Mr. Engel was mar- ried in 1846 to Miss Barbary Xaffzeger, who was born in Germany in 1823. MRTAMORA TOWNSHIP. 497 Thej have eight children living — Catha- rine. Jacob, Peter, Joseph, Alpha, Sam- uel, Leah B. and Amelia. He owns a farm of 187 acres, valued at $75 an acre; also owns a farm of 120 acres about two and a half miles east of Metamora, and one of 160 acres in Liv- ingston Co. Total value of real estate, $40,000. Engel, Gr., watchmaker; P. 0. 3Ieta- mora. Earl, Jus. F., pop manufactuerr ; P. 0. Metamora. Egbert, S. W., carpenter ; P. 0. Meta- mora. Egbert, C.T., veterinary surg.; P.O. Meta- mora. EGBERT, LEWIS J., carpenter and builder ; P. 0. Metamora ; was born in fiercer Co., Pa., March 23, 1817. When he was 4 years of age, his father re- moved to Brown Co., Ohio, where Mr. Egbert resided until the breaking out of the War. He began the business of a carpenter and builder at the age of 20, and has followed it principally to the present time. In 1861, he raised a company of volunteers for the 50th Ohio Volunteers, and was chosen Cap- tain of the company. He served over two years, one year of which time he acted as Major. He was mai-ried in 1841 to Miss Matilda Waterman, of Brown Co., Ohio, who was born Aug. 22, 1820, and died Feb. 23, 1862, leaving four children — Jerome B., Corydon T., Solomon W. and Annie M. The eldest son died in 1869, at the age of 27 years. On his return from the army, in 1864, 3Ir. Egbert came to Metamora, where he still re- sides. He was married Oct. 6, 1864, to Miss Annie Hamilton, who was born in the Province of Ontario, July 7, 1833. They have two children — Nellie L. and Chas. H. He served one term as County Auditor in Ohio, besides occu- pying various other public offices. He has held the office of Justice of the Peace four years. EGBERT, SOLOMON W., car- penter and builder, son of Lewis J. Egbert; was born in Brown Co., Ohio, Oct. 12, 1849. He came to Metamora in 1862, where he now resides, engaged in his trade of a carpenter. Ellwood, Robert, laborer, P. 0. Metamora. Eno-el, Peter, farmer : P. 0. Metamora. EGBERT, W. W., retired ; was born in Mercer Co., Pa., Oct. 21, 1809. His father removed to Brown Co., Ohio, in 1821, and engaged in the milling busi- ness, to which he raised his son until about 19 years of age, when he learned the cai'penter trade, which he followed for 30 years. He was married Jan. 31, 1832, to Miss Eliza Trunnell, who was born in Bourbon Co., Ky., Sept. 6, 1814. She was the granddaughter of Gen. Sullivan, of Eevolutionary fame. They had eight children, five of whom are livinc — John W.. Elizabeth, Alice M., Herbert M. and Francis P. They remrived to Metamora Tp., in 1859, and en- gaged in farming. His wife died Jan. 10, 1873, and on the 10th of Dec, 1874, he married Miss Louisa Beaver, who was born in Seneca Co., Ohio, May 21, 1840. They have one child — Granville W. Removed to the village of Meta- mora in Feb., 1877. His father. Job Egbert, was a soldier in the war of 1812. He was born in New Jersey in 1776. Ellwood. Anna E., P. 0. Metamora. TT'EHR. LEONARD, farmer; P. 0. JD Metamora. FISHER, E. A., farmer and stock raiser ; Sec. 1 ; P. 0. Cazevonia ; is a native of Rutland Co., Vt., having been born there March 19, 1831. He came to Woodford Co. with his parents in ] 842, being then but 11 years of age. His father, Amos Fisher, settled in Caze- novia Tp., where he resided until his death in March, 1850. His mother, Mrs. Lydia Fisher, is now residing with her son, at the age of seventy-five years. Mr. Fisher was married Nov. 30, 1853, to Miss Amelia Marshal, who was born in Windham Co., Vt., April 23, 1830, and came to this county in 185(» ; she is a daughter of Thomas Marshall, of Roa- noke Tp. Mr. Fisher owns 80 acres of land in his own home farm, valued at $5o an acre. He is at present Commis- sioner of Highways, which office he has held four years in this Tp.,and one term in Roanoke ; he has also served several terms as School Director. Fehr, Conrad, farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. Farver, Jno., farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. 498 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY PAIRCHILD, C H., saloon and billiard hall ; born, in Waj^hington, Tazewell Co., 111., Feb. 7, 1851 • at about 17 years of age he entered the employ of the T., W. & W. R. R. Co., ami afterward was engaged with the St. Louis Bridge Co. in Iniilding liridges, which employment he followed nearly one year ; after which he was employed by the Missouri Pacific and T., P. & W. Railroad Cos. He came to Metamora with his parents when he was about 5 years old. Married August 29, 1875, to Miss Elizabeth Bloutz, of Metamora, who was born in July. 1857. They have one child — Carrie E. He entered his present business in Oct., 1877. * Farver, Marcelin, far. ; P. 0. Metamora. Fairchild, D. D.. saloon; P. 0. Metamora. Fairchild. Dock, retired; P. 0. Meta- mora. FEILITZSCH, L. F., attorney at law ; was born in Hungary. June 13, 1842 ; his parents removed, when he was quite young, to Hesse-Cassel, Prussia ; he received a collegiate education, spend- ing a part of his time at Cassel, Geneva, and Berlin ; when about 18 years old, he volunteered as a member of the Huz- zars in the body g-uard of the Emperor Maximilian, and served under him in Mexico ; he fought at the battles of Vera Cruz, Paso Del Macho, Pueblo, Uajaca. and other places ; he was wound- ed eight times during the war, and was . taken prisoner by Porfirio Diaz, the present President of Mexico, but made his escape the first night ; he was pro- moted to Lieutenant, and then to Major. ■ and attached to the staff of Maximilian; he was afterward promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, and rejoined his regiment; after the close of the war, he spent some time in the Island of St. Thomas, and Ha- vana, Cuba, after which he took the rem- nant of Maximilian s army back to Vi- enna, Au.stria ; he speut some time in southern Switzerland, reci-uiting his health, and came to the United States in 1868; he spent about one year in Springfield and St. Louis, and settled in Metamora in 1869; entered the law oflBce of Judge Chitty, and was ad- mitted to practice in 1871 ; he was niar- ri ■ Metamora. NESMITH, CYRUS A., farmer and stock raiser ; P. 0. Metamora ; was born in Antrim, N. H., Oct. 24, 1801 ; removed to New Portage, in 1816. He was married April 4. 1833, to Miss Morenda Hurlbutt ; he came to Peoria Co., 111., in Nov., 1847. and after living there one year, removed to Meta- mora. since which time, he has followed the occupation of a farmer ; he has raised a family of seven children — Ar- thur E., of Metamora Township ; P. Jane, who married J. M. McGinnis, and lives in Silver City. Nevada : Alilton W., residing in Metamora Township ; Mary A., now Mrs. E. S. Corpe, of Metamo- ra ; George W., now living in San Fran- cisco, Cal. ; John D. and Charles L., both of whom reside in Washington, 111. Newton. Luciu.-. farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. NOIROT, DENIS, farmer and stock raiser; Sec. 16 ; P. 0. Metamora; was born near Metz, France, May 24. 1824; he came to the United States in 1848, METAMORA TOWNSHIP. 503 and after spending a short time in Lou- isville, Ky., came to Spring Bay, Wood- ford Co., and engaged in blacksmithing, which trade he had learned in his native country ; after about a year, he removed to the farm of Joseph Klein, in Worth Township, and two years afterward, to German town, residing there until 1857 ; he then came to Metamora, since which time he has lived in this township, re- siding a portion of the time on the farm and a portion in the village ; he settled on his present farm in the Spring of 1876. He was married April 18, 1849. to Miss Margaret Jacquin, who was born near Severn, France. May 7, 1822, and came to this country in 1 84(3 ; they have four children living — John, George, Vic- tor ine and Mau'gie ; he owns one farm of 85 acres and another of 80 acres, val- ued at about $13,5U0. Newton, Chas., carp. ; P. 0. Metamora. NESMITH, M. W., farmer and stock raiser; Sec. 14; P. 0. Metamora; was born in Medina Co., Ohio, June 18, 1837. When he was ten years of age his parents removed to Peoria and in 1849 settled in Woodford Co. Mr. Nesmith is the inventor of Nesmith's Champion Grain Register, Patented Jan. 9, 1877, and has been interested in several other inventions. He was married June 18, 1863, to Miss Susan R. Wallahan, daughter of George A. and Elizabeth Wallahan, of Cruger, Tp. She was born in Columbiana Co., Ohio, Oct. 2, 1843. They have five children living — Milton W., Bertha E., Cyrus A., Frank 0. and Nellie C. Their oldest child, George G., died Sept. 28, 1865. Mr. Nesmith settled on his present home in 1864. Noirot, John, harness mkr. ; P. 0. Meta- mora. NOIROT BROS., dealers in hard- ware, tinware, stoves and harness ; are natives of Woodford Co. ; they are of French descent, their parents removing to this country from France about the year 1848. John, the senior partner, was born in Germantown, Sept. 29, 1851 ; came to Metamora at an early age, established his present business in 1874. He was married Aug 29, 1875, to Miss Josie M. Carlock, of Mason Co., 111. George, the younger brother, was born in Germantown, Aug. 29, 1853. He came with his father's family to Metamora when about four years old. About a year ago he entered into part- nership with his brother. He was mar- ried in November, 1877, to Miss Maggie Wetzel, of Metamora. Nolz, Anna, P. 0. Metamora. NEWTON, MELVIN, farmer and stock raiser. Sec. 4 ; P. 0. Meta- mora; was born on the 29th of Aug., 1809, in AVindsor Co., Yt., where he resided until 1835, and then removed to Champaign Co., Ohio. He lived there eighteen years, removing thence to Woodford Co. in 1853. He settled first in Cazenovia Tp., and lived there until his removal to his present home, in 1860. He was married Nov. 17, 1831, to Miss Eunice Smith, who was born in his native county, March 28, 1807. They have six diildreu living — Eveline R., now living in California; Sylvanus S., of El Paso ; George A., residing in Linn Tp., Charles H., of Metamora; Lucius I., of Metamora Tp. and Kate M., now Mrs. A. K. Smith. Mr. Newton owns 180 acres of land, valued at $10,500. Neuschwanger, Peter, farm.; P. 0. Meta- mora. Northup, Lucius, teacher; P.O. Metamora. NESMITH, A. E., f^^rmer and stock raiser ; Sec. 22 ; P. 0. Meta- mora ; is a native of Medina Co., Ohio, having been born there Dec. 28, 1833. When he was 14 years of age, he came with his parents to Peoria Co., 111., living there two years and removing thence to Woodford Co., in 1849. He occupies the farm on which his father settled on first coming to the county, nearly thirty years ago. He was mar- ried June 5, 1859, to Miss Mary A. McGinnis, of Groveland, Tazewell Co., who was born in Parke Co., Ind., May 30, 1831 They have three children — Jennie E., May, and Fannie. Mr. Nes- mith was elected Collector of Metamora Tp. in 1875, and re-elected in 1876, and has held the office of School Director in Metamora villaue the past three years. BRY,PAUL, far.; P. 0. Metamora. O P OWELL, Samuel M., photographer ; P. 0. Metamora. 504 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY PAGE, ADINO, banker and dealer in groceries ; P. 0. Metamora ; was born in Irilmanton, N. H., May 3, 1822 ; He came with his father's family to Woodford Co. in 1835, and settled in Metamora Tp. ; here he resided until 18-13, engaged in farming, and then re- turned to New England, and followed brick making until 184:7, at which time, he took charge of the Alms House in his native town, and in 1850 was appointed Superintendent of the Alms House and Insane Asylum in Danvers, now Peabody, Mass., occupying the position until his return to Metamora in 1859 ; in connec- tion with his office as Superintendent, he served for a number of years on the con- stabulary force, and on the occasion of the visit of the great philanthropist, Geo. Peabody, to his native town in 1856, Mr. Page officiated as one of the Marshals of the day at the reception given by the citizens ; he was married in Gilmanton, N. H., Sept. 25, 1845, to Miss Arvilla Page, daughter of Samuel Page, Esq., of the town; she was born Feb. 6, 1822; they have one daughter — Adelia M., now Mrs. John L. McGuire, of Metamora ; Mr. Page took charge of the first Alms House of Woodford County in Jan., 1868, holding the position for more than eight years ; he has been a Magistrate for several years; has taken a great interest in public schools, serving several terms as Director, and is at pres- ent Township Trustee of schools ; since his return in 1859, he has been engaged in banking and general merchandising with his brother, John W. Page. Patterson. Jacob, firmer: P. 0. Metamora. PAGE, JOHN W., banker and mer- chant, was born in Gilmanton, X. H., Jan. 13, 181-1; resided there until he became of age, and on his twenty-first birthdaj-, Jan. 13, 1835, was married, and the same year removed with the other members of his father's family, to Metamora. His wife was Miss Rebecca Edgerly Page, daughter of True Page, Esq.. of Gilmanton, and was born in Montville, Me., June 11, 1812. They have had a family of five children, all but one of whom, Charles A., are now deceased. Mr. Page engaged in farm- ing and house carpentering, and built the first frame house in Metamora village, then Hanover. In 1858, he, with his brother Adino, engaged in the grocery business, afterward adding general mer- chandise, and in the Spring of 1875, they purchased of James F. Earl the Metamora Bank. He was elected Cor- oner of the courty. in 1844, and Com- missioner of Schools the following year, both of which offices he resigned in 1846, to enter the Mexican war, where he served nearly a year as Sergeant in the 4th I. V. At the time of his enlistment he held a commission as First Lieutenant in the Illinois State Militia. In 1857. he was elected County Treas- urer, and held the office two terms. He was the first Treasurer of the villasre O corporation, holding that office from 1859 to 1869, and has also been the Treasurer of the Woodford County Ag- ricultural Society since its organization. He has served two terms as County Su- pervisor, and has been Township School Trustee and Township Treasurer, and is also the Treasurer of the Metamora Public Library. PAGE, S. S., attorney at law ; P. 0. Metamora ; was born in Metamora, Jan. 27, 1851. He is a son of Thad- deus C. S. Page, who came to Meta- mora with the other members of the family of his fether, John Page, in 1835, and who now resides in McLean Co. Mr. Page was raised on the farm until he was 15 years of age; after ob- taining a high school education he be- gan the study of the law in the office of C. H. Chitty, in Metamora ; was ad- mitted to the bar in June, 1872, and at once began practice in partnership with Mr. Chitty, which he continued two years ; the partnership was then dis- solved and Mr. Page continued practice alone for one year, when R. T. Perry be- came a partner, and the name of the firm was Page & Perry, which has since been dissolved. In November, 1876, he was elected State's Attorney, which office he still holds. He served two years as Dept. Supt. of Schools and has held various town offices. He was married Feb. 22, 1874, to Miss Lucia A. Robinson, daughter of F. L. Robinson, of Cloud Co., Kansas. She was born in Vermont, Jan. 30, 1855. They have one child, Cecil. METAMORA TOWNSHIP. 505 Pletscher, M., far. , P. 0. Metamora. Perrine, Thos., far. ; P. 0. Eureka. Portman, Barbara ; P. 0. Metamora. PAGE, S. TRUE, agent; P. 0. Metamora : was born in Gilmanton, N. H., May 10, 1824; he came with the other members of the family to Meta- mora in 1835, where he resided until April, 1855; he then removed to Wayne Co., Iowa, and Uved there nearly two years, removing thence to Atchison Co., Mo., where he remained until January, 18G1, and then returned to Metamora. In 1846 he volunteered as a soldier in the Mexican war as a member of Co. " G," 4th 111. Inf, serving just one year, participating in the battles of Vera Ci'uz and Cerro Gordo. On the breaking out of the rebellion, he enlisted in Co."" E," 108th 111. Vols., and took part in all the battles participated in by his regiment, and was mustered out at the close of the war in 1865. He was married April 21, 1855, to Miss Mary A. Gig- ray, of Clarke Co., Iowa, who was born in Stark Co., Ohio, Dec. 5, 1833, and died July 29, 1862, leaving four sons — John E., Joseph A., William P. and Arthur R. Perrine, K. E,., farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. PEARD, MARTHA, MRS., Sec. 11; P. 0. Metamora ; was born in Tavistock, Devonshire, England, Jan. 28, 1830 ; her maiden name was Martha Downs ; she was married Nov. 12, 1849, to the late Richard Peard, who was born in Bratton Clovelly, Devonshire, En- gland, July 10, 1825 ; they came to the United States in 1850, and settled the following year, on the farm now occu- pied by Mrs. Peard ; they had eight children, six of whom are living — Will- iam H., Arminel E., now the wife of Rev. J. C. H. Read, of Mich.; John T., Harriet, Fred and Josephine. Mr. Peard died Nov. 13, 1866 ; Mrs. Peard owns 145 acres of land, valued at $8,- 200. Painter, Oscar, teacher ; P. 0. Metamora. PARMINTER, JOHN, fmner and stock raiser; Sec. 16; P. 0. Metamora; , was born in Devonshire, England, in Feb., 1822 ; in 1842, in company with i his sister, now Mrs. L. P. Morse, he j came to the United States, landine; in ! New York with but one shilling in his pocket ; three years later, his parents followed, and settled in Metamora Town- ship ; his father. John R. Parminter, died in 1869 ; and his mother now re- sides with her son, at the age of seventy- eiglit years. Mr. Parminter was mar- ried March 28, 1853, to Miss Harriet Earl, of Metamora, who was born in Northamptonshire, England, Feb. 5, 1835, and came to this country in 1851 ; they have eight children living — John H.,"^ Jessie L., Mary E., Hattie K., Grace E., Jennie L., Lillie M. and Nellie M. Two daughters, Lizzie C. and Ada S., died in 1867 and 1876 respectively. Mr. Parminter settled on his present firm in 1849 ; he owns 860 acres of land in Woodford and Ford Counties, valued at $36,000. Perrine, D. R., former ; P. 0. Eureka. PAINTER, GEO., retired ; was born in Northumberland Co.. Penn., Oct. 3, 1812; his business has always been that of a carpenter and builder; came to Metamora in Nov., 1848, and engaged in his trade ; he was married April 14, 1840, to Miss Clarissa House, of Pottsville, Penn., who was born in Berks Co., Penn., Jan. 25, 1810 ; they have three children — Oscar, Annie E. and Elenor M. ; he was elected Coroner of Woodford Co. in 1872, holding the office two years ; he served one term as Justice of the Peace ; he has held other offices, among which are School Director, Commissioner of Highways and member of the Yillau-e Council. PORTMAN, NICHOLAS, dealer in general merchandise ; was born in France, Sept. 5, 1838 ; when he was eight years old, his parents came to the United States, and settled near Wash- ington, Tazewell Co., 111. ; in 1858, he came to Metamora and opened his pres- ent business, renting a small building on the east side of the S((uare, which he occupied two years ; he then erected a frame building, which was burned down in Jan., 1877, and in the Fall of that year he built his present two-story and basement brick store ; his stock in trade, when he started twenty years ago, amounted to perhaps S500 ; he now carries a well selected stock of from $15,000 to 820,000; owns a fine brick 506 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY resiflenco and other real estate in this village ; his father, Nicholas Portman, Sr., died in 1871, and his mother is now residini;' with her son. PLANK, ELIJAH, attorney at law and Notary Pul>lic ; was born in Greene Co., N. Y., Sept. 11, 1824; his early years were spent on the farm ; when he was eight years of age, his parents removed to Chautau(|ua Co., N.Y.; here he lived until 185-1, when he came to Metamora, and in 1856, entered upon the study of the law ; he was admitted to the bar in 1859 ; in 18G6, he removed to Fairbury, Livingston Co., and resided there four years; returned in 1871 to Metamora, where he now resides, engaged in the practice of his profession ; he was married Oct. 10, 1S5U, to Miss Almarah Brigham, who was born in Chautauqua Co., N. Y., Julv 13, 1830. RAY, JERRY, farmer ; P. 0. Meta- mora. Ramitre, Geo. farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. Ralston, David, fiirmer; P. 0. Eureka. RANNEY, JOEL A., HON., stock raiser. Sec. 4 ; P. 0. Cazenovia ; was born in AVindsor Co., Vt., Oct. 18, 1831. He came with his father's fam- ily to Woodford Co., when he was six years of age, and settled on the farm where he still resides. He was married Sept. 4, 1S5G^ to Miss Frances L. Ever- ett, daughter of Deacon Willard Ever- ett, of Metamora Tp. She was born in Francistown, N. H., Feb. 9, 1837. They have four children — Frances L., Esther J., Mark J. and Justin M. He owns a farm of 200 acres, valued at §10,000. Mr. Ranney was elected to the State Legislature in the Fall of 1876. He has also served two terms as member of the County Board of Supervisors. , Regele, Bantaleon, far.; P. 0. Metamora. Reaele. Henry, farmer; P. 0. Metamora. REEDER, JACOB H., wagon and carriage maker ; was born in Mont- gomery Co., Ohio, April 7, 1832. His early years were spent upon the farm. In 1836, his parents moved to Lacon, Marshall Co., 111., being among the early settlers of that county. They removed to Metamora in 1848, where his father engaged in the wagon maker's business, • which his son has always followed. He was married May 13, 1858, to Miss Elizabeth H. Powell, of Metamora, who was born June 11, 1837. They had five chiidren, four of whom are living — Ada F., Isaac H., Jesse L. and Ed- win P. His wife died Nov. 25, 1868. He married again April 7, 1870, to Miss C. A. Page, of Metamora, who was born in Gilmanton, N. H., Jan. 13, 1832. They had one child — Lizzie A. Retter, Jno., farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. Rouse, A. C, retired; P. 0. Metamora. Rathbon, Edward, far. ; P. 0. Metamora. RAY, GEORGE, farmer ; Sec. 20 ; P. 0. Metamora ; one of the early set- tlers of Woodford Co. ; was born in Pickaway Co., Ohio, March 13, 1808; his fathers family were among the early settlers in that county ; he was raised to agricultural pursuits, which he has fol- lowed all his life ; he received a common school education, such as usually fell to the lot of farmers' sons in those days ; he came to Woodford Co. in 1836, and fol- lowed the business of dealing in cattle for a few years, buying them in Central Illinois and driving them further north and selling them to the immigrants ; he was married in 1838, to Miss Jane Banta, who was born in Kentucky, Feb. 4, 1813 ; they have had nine children, eight of whom are living ; one son, Joseph M., died at the age of 12 years; Mr. Ray settled on his present farm, ad- joining the village of Metamora, in 1840 ; the homestead contains 140 acres, valued at $10,500 ; he also owns a farm of 310 acres north of the town and 75 acres of timber ; he served four years as Sheriff of Woodford County. Robinson, Geo., farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. Ruvenacht, John, farmer; P.O. Metamora. Ricketts, Josinah, P. 0. Metamora. Ralston, Harmon, farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. ROCKE, HENRY, farmer and stock raiser ; Sec. 27 ; P. 0. Metamora ; was born in Germany, Oct. 22, 1836 ; when he was twelve years of age, he came with his parents to this country ; they spent one year in Tazewell Co. and settled in Woodford County in 1849 ; he was mar- ried in May, I860,' to Miss Mary F. Victor, of Worth Tp., who was born in Ohio, Feb. 26, 1841 ; they had ten children, five of whom are living — METAMOBA TOWNSHIP. 507 Joseph, August C, Frederick J., Eva L. and Rosie ; Mr. Rocke owns 100 acres of land valued at $5,200 ; he served as School Director live years. Rathbon, Ransom, far. ; P. 0. Metamora. Rathbon, Thos., lab. ; P. 0. Metamora. Ray, Jacob, Deputy County Clerk ; P. 0. Metamora. RICH, CHARLES, farmer and stock raiser ; Sec. 21 ; P. 0. Metamora ; was born in Chenango Co., N. Y., Sept. 10, 1816 ; he received an academic educa- tion, entering the Clinton Liberal Insti- tute at the age of 17 years, remaining there three years, teaching school during the Winters, after which he went to Mis- souri, and followed teaching nearly four years ; he then returned home, and on May IG, 1842, was married to Miss Abigail Carpenter, who was born in Worcester Co., Mass., Jan. 16, 1817 ; they have four children living — Albert R., Carrie, Mary S., and Freeman W. ; he came to Woodford Co., in 184:2, and settled in Metamora Township ; at that that time the village of Hanover, now Metamora, contained but three houses, only one of which was occupied ; he owns 135 acres of land, valued at S7,000 ; Mr.Rich was appointed County School Commissioner in 1846, to fill an unexpired term, and elected for two years in 1847, and re-elected in 1849 ; he has served two terms as County Su- pervisor, one year as Township Assessor, and several terms as School Director and Commissioner of Highways. Ravens, Henry, far. ; P. 0. Metamora. Robinson, Smith, far. ; P. 0. Metamora. Rockwell, Susan F., millinery ; P. 0. Met- amora. Rohmann, Conrad, sro. ; P. 0. Metamora. O HARICK, SUSAN ; P. 0. Metamora. Sutter, Maria ; P. O. Metamora. Stock, David, far. ; P. 0. Washington. Shumacher, Henry. Schertz, P., lumber and grain ; P. 0. Metamora. Smith, J. L., laborer and teamster ; P. 0. Metamora. Staudenmyer, C. B., carpenter, etc.; P. 0. Metamora. Stivers, Geo., farmer ; P. O. Eureka. Stewart, Samuel, farmer; P. 0. Eureka. Schieber, Jno., farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. SHEA, THOS., farmer and stock raiser ; Sec. 5 ; P. 0. Metamora ; was born in the county of Clare, Ireland, Dec. 2, 1820. He came to the United States in 1848, and settled in Chittenden Co., Vt., and engaged in forming. He resided there three years and removed to the city of New York, where he lived four years, employed in a wholesale dry goods store. After that he removed to Newark, N. J., living there six years. In 1861, he went to Iowa and returned to Illinois the Fall of the same year. He spent the next Summer in McLean Co., and in the fall of 1862 settled in Metamora Tp., where he owns 90 acres of land, valued at $3,600. He was married in 1856 to Miss Margaret McCarrell, of Arlingtown, N. J., who is a native of Ireland, and who died in 1861. Mr. Shea takes a great interest in grape culture, having a fine vineyard of nearly two thousand vines, and man- ufactures several hundred gallons of the best quality of wine annually. Staples, Silas, farmer; P. 0. Metamora. Shurter, Jacob, farmer ; P. 0. Metamora, Smith, Henry, farmer; P. 0. Metamora. SMITH, JOHN, farmer and stock raiser; Sec. 23; P. 0. Metamora; is a native of Woodford Co., and is the son of Christian Smith, who came from France in 1829, and after residing in Pennsyl- vania four years settled in Woodford Co. in 1833, and died in 1877, aged 76 years. Mr. Smith was born in Worth Tp. Nov. 27, 1843. He resided there until 1870, when he removed to his present home, where he owns 240 acres of land, valued at §14,400. He was married in Feb., 1866, to Miss Lana Schertz, daughter of David Schertz, of Wurth Tp. She was born in Worth Tp., Dec. 20, 1843. They have had six children, four of whom are living — Joseph D., Samuel, Henry and John C. Schertz, C. H., farmer; P. 0. Metamora. Strausmeyer, A., farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. Sheppard, Bartholemew. farmer; P. 0. Metamora. Schaell, Jno., former ; P. 0. Metamora. Shea, John, former ; P. 0. Metamora. Schaell, Wm., farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. Stock, Alex., farmer; P. 0. Metamora. Saffbrd, David, farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. Sharick. John, laborer ; P. 0. Metamora. • 508 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY: SCHURMANN, VERY REV. FATHER AN THON Y, Superior of all Capuchin Fathers from the Prov- ince of Westphalia and Rhineland ; was born in Munster, in Westphalia, Dee. 8, 1834 ; he received his early education under the immediate care of his parents, and then spent seven years at the Gym- nasium of Munster ; lie then became a member of the Capuchin order, and studied Philosophy and Theology four years in the Seminary at Mainz ; he was then engaged as missionary in his native country twelve years; in 1870-1, he served as Priest in the Prussian arriiy, in the Franco-Prussian war, and was decorated by the Government ; upon tlie close of the war he was expelled, together with other Catholic orders, and came to - America in June, 1875, to prepare the way for the establishment of his order in this country, the order following in Sept.; he established the monastery at Cumberland, Md.; in 1877, he estab- hshed and began the building of the monastery and St. Mary's Church at Metamora, a full account of which will be found in the history of the town. Scheetz, Phillip, farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. Stivers, Wm., farmer; P. 0. Eureka. Stitt^ J. E.. farmer; P. 0. Metamora. Smith. M. (t. K.. flirmer ; P. 0. Metamora. SOMMER, JACOB, dealer in agri- cultural implements and lightning rods ; was born near Nancy, France. Dec. 22, 1839 ; his mother's family came to the United States when he was eleven years of age, and settled in Peoria ; he was raised to the trade of a blacksmith ; he settled in Metamora in the Spring of 1864, and followed blacksmithing until two years ago, when he established his present business. He was married Dec. 30, 1863, to Miss Lizzie Verckler, who was born in Woodford Co., March 19, 1842; she is the daughter of John and Catharine Verckler, who came to Wood- ford Co., from France, in 1832 ; they have fiiur children — Cora N., Alice J., Oscar J. and Minnie K. Schnetzler, Barbara ; P. 0. Metamora. Schertz, P. D., farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. Smith, Isaac, farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. Schertz, August, farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. Smith, Sarah ; P. 0. Metamora. Stider, Peter, farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. Stider, Jos., farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. Sommer, Christian, far. ; P. 0. Metamora. SNYDER, JOHN, farmer and stock raiser ; Sec. 8 ; P. 0. Metamora ; was born in Germany Oct. 13, 1819; when he was ab ut 6 years of age, his father came with his fomily to the United States and settled in Pennsylvania, where he resided until 1835, when he removed to Illinois and made a settlement in Spring Bay Township, at Blue Creek, where he resided until his death in 1840. Mr. Snyder settled on Black Partridge Creek, in Partridge Township, about 35 years ago, and was married in Dec, 1850, to Miss Susan Caldwell, of Taze- well Co., who died in 1866, leaving one child — Ellen. Mr. Snyder was married again in 1867 to Miss Laviua Baker, who was born in Luzerne Co., Pa., March 3, 1836. They have three children — Susan L., John C. and Simeon M. Mr. Snyder owns 200 acres of land in his own home farm, and 1,200 acres in Partridge Town.ship, valued in all at S50,00(>. He served several years as School Director. Stoddard, Reuben, lab. ; P. 0. Metamora. Sharrick, Louisa, P. 0. Metamora. Sommer, Henry, blacksmith ; P. 0. Meta- mora. Smith, Stephen, farm. ; P. 0. Metamora. Summer, Thos., farmer; P. 0. Metamora. Sommer, John, farmer; P. 0. Metamora. Spiers, Maria, hotel ; P. 0. Metamora. Staab, Peter, retired ; P. 0. Metamora. Schmaling, R., teacher ; P. 0. Metamora. Stobber, David, P. 0. Metamora. Sager, Benj., painter; P. 0. Metamora. Stider, John, farmer ; P. O. Metamora. Smith, A. A., laborer; P. 0. Metamora. Stider, Catherine, P. 0. Metamora. Smith, John B., farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. Stitt, Joseph K., farmer; P. 0. Metamora. TOMBS, MATTHEW, farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Tombs, Andrew, farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. TOMBS, ANDREW, JR., f^^rmer and Slock raiser ; Sec. 25 ; P. O. Eure- ka, was born in Brown Co., 0., April 5, 1848. His father came to Illinois the following year, 1849, and settled in Groveland, Tazewell Co., where he re- sided about four years, removing to Woodford County in 1853. Mr. T. was married March 28, 1876, to Miss METAMORA TOWNSHIP. 511 Lizzie Shortridge, of Cruger Township, who was born in Cass County, Ind., Oct. 18, 1852. Mr. Tombs' owns 273 acres of land in Woodford County, valued at $18,0UU. Tombs, J. W., farmer; P. 0. Eureka. Thompson, Nancy, P. O. Metamora. Theena, Jos., butchcT : P. 0. 3Ietamora. TOOL, MATTHEW, proprietor of ''Home Flouriug-mill.'' was born in Augusta County^ Va., Feb. 22, 1829. When he was about 5 years old, his parents removed to Tazewell Co., 111. ; he was raised on a farm until he was 18 years of age, when he learned the trade of a carpenter, which he followed about twenty years. He came to Metamora Township in 1840; settled in the vil- lage in 1858; built the Home Mill in 1868, and has been engaged in the mill- ing business ever since. He was mar- ried June 29, 1854, to Miss Margaret Debolt, who was born in Greene County, Penn., March 27, 1831 ; they have five children — Alice E., George H., Mary E., John W. and Julia A. He has held the offices of School Director and Commissioner of Highways. This, Dominique, retrd ; P. 0. Matamora. Tombs, John, farmer; P. 0. Eureka. THODE, GEORGE, Clerk of the Circuit Court ; wa.s born in Schleswig- Holstcin, Prussia, June 15, 1837 ; in 1852, he came, with his parents, to the United States, being then about fifteen years of age ; they settled in Wisconsin ; he served in the Union army as a mem- ber of the Telegraph Cor})s, with Gen. Thomas' army, with headquarters at Nashville, Tenn. At the close of the war, he removed to Peoria and took charge of the city telegraph office there, remaining nearly three years, and then ensiasred in the grain business at Secor, 111., from which he removed to Meta- mora ; he was elected Circuit Clerk in the Fall of 1872, on the Democratic ticket, and re-elected in 1876. He was married June 29, 1864, to Miss Louisa Reisse, of Barton, Wis., who was born in the City of New York, June 9, 1846 ; they have three children — Amelia L., Otto E. and Lillie. Theesfield, Chas., far. ; P. 0. Metamora. Tombs, Smith, farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. This, Stephen, retired ; P. 0. Metamora. TOOL, ANN E., MRS., Sec. 22 ; P. 0. Metamora; was born in Brown Co., Ohio, Sept. 15, 1830; she is a daughter of Alexander Thorn, who came to Woodford Co. in 1848, and settled in Cazenovia Township ; she was mai-ried Jan. 15, 1852, to the late William Tool, who was born in Autiusta Co., Va., Dec. 22 1826, and came to Woodford Co. with the other members of the Tool family, in 1833; being among the earliest settlers of the county ; the}^ set- tled on the present homestead in 1852. Mr. Tool used to draw his grain to Chicago and buy liis supjdies in that city — the trip usually occupying two weeks ; he died on the 13th of Dec, 1872. The estate consists of ISO acres valued at $12,000. Mrs. Tool has six children livinsi' — Louisa E., J. Lester, William C, Alva E., Samuel W. and Maggie B.; the oldest son, J. Lester, is at present School Director of District No. 5. TOOL, JACOB, farmer and stock raiser ; Sec. 22 ; P. 0. Metamora ; was born in Augusta Co.. Va., June 16, 1831. When he was about three years of age, his father left Virginia, coming to Illinois, and' settling in Tazewell Co., where he resided until 1849, and then removed to Woodford Co. Mr. Tool was married Feb. 27, 1857, to Miss Sa- rah Swartsley, of this county, who is a native of Augusta Co., Va. They have seven children living — Sylvia A. (now Mrs. Jacob Whistler), James R., Chas. H., Ida, Ella, Emma aud Estella. Mr. Tool settled on his present farm in 1857, where he owns a farm of 80 acres, val- ued at $4,800, besides 10 acres of tim- ber. He has been School Director for the past sis years. VALENTINE. ANDREW, farmer; P. 0. Metamora. Volz, Henry, farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. Veath, Adam, farmer ; P.O. Metamora. WILSON, A. H., Constable; P. 0. Metamora. Wilson, G. R. teamster ; P. 0. Metamora. Wilson, Mary ; P.O. Metamora. Wilson. J. H., retired ; P. 0. Metamora. Wilkinson, T. J. farmer; P. 0. Metamora. Warren, Jno. farmer ; P.O. Metamora. Walton, Geo. F., harness maker ; P. 0. Metamora. 2 512 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY; WILLARD, P. H., one of the early merchants of Woodford Co.. but now the head of the wholesale grocery house of Willard. Bacon & Co.. No. 6 Waba.sh avenue. Chicago ; was born in Lancas- ter. Worcester'^Co.. Mass , Oct. 5. 18(»5 ; after receiving an academic education, he became a clerk in a store in Harvard, Mass., and at the end of a few years purchased the business of his employer, and carried on a general merchandise business until 1832 ; he then removed to Lowell, Mass., and engaged in the wholesale and retail grocery trade ; four years later, he removed to St. Louis, and established himself in the wholesale gro- cery business ; in 1844, he disposed of his business in St. Louis, and, in com- pany with Mr. L'a Y. Munn, came to Woodford Co., and established three stores — one at Spring Bay, one at Bowl- ing Green, and one at 3Ietamora ; they engaged in a general merchandise busi- ness, and in the shipping of grain and country produce. Mr. Willard took up his residence at Metamora, where he continued to reside until his removal from the county. After a time, they disposed of the Bowling Green store, and dissolved the partnership, Mr. Munn becoming the sole propiietor of the store at Spring Bay. and Mr. Willard retain- ing the Metamora business. He soon after established three branch stores — one at Metamora, and two in the interior of the county ; and after a period of twelve years, running four stores, and doing a general credit business, he closed out his business with not over seven hundred dollars of uncollectible accounts, a fact which speaks volumes for thein- tegrity of character of the early settlers of the citunty. as well as for the ability with which Mr. Willard manaued his business aifairs. In 1856, he removed to Chicago, and, with Mr. Munn, built one of those large grain elevators for which that city is so famous. At the end of the year, however, he disposed of his interest and returned to St. Louis, where he engaged with his brother-in- law in the wholesale groceiy trade, and did a ver}- prosperous business until the besinninu' of the rebellion, when, owing to the military restrictions imposed, he again removed to Chicao'o ; there the wholesale grocery house of Willard & Childs was estabHshed, which continued until the great fire of 1871, in which Mr. Willard suff'ered a loss of §75.000. The firm then became Willard. Bacon & Co.. and so remains at the present time. He was married April 4, 1844. to MLss Elizabeth 0.sgood Goodrich, of Pittsfield, Vt., who was educated at Wilbraham Academy, Mass., and Castleton Acad- emy, Yt. ; she was a lady of remark- able literary ability and force of charac- ter, who has since become prominent as an author and lecturer ; an uncompro- mising opponent of wrong and oppres- sion in all its forms. She died Feb. 22^ 1873. leaving four children — Gardner G., a graduate of Harvard College, and now a practicing attorney in Chicago ; Wm. H., a druggist at Manistee. Mich.; Monroe L., also a graduate of Harvard and a law student, and Clara G. Their third son, Charles G.. was drowned in the Mississippi River, at St. Louis, in Nov., 1858. In Nov., 1874, Mr. Wil- lard was married to Mrs. Elizabeth Daniels, of Chicago, a lady of refine- ment and culture, a native of Milford, Mass. Mr. Willard was for three years President of the Merchants' Exchange of Chicago ; he has been Director of several insurance companies, both fire and life ; a Director of one of Chicago's largest banks, and was at one time Presi- dent of the Northwestern Silver Ware Manufacturing Company, of Chicago, with a paid up eash capital of 8200,000. In 1873, he was elected a Member and Director of the Mississippi Yalley So- ciety for the promotion of direct trade between London and the Mississippi Yallev. WHITMIRE, JAMES S., M.D., physician and surgeon ; born in Sidney, Shelby Co., Ohio, Dec. 13, 1821. He was reared to the trade of a tanner and cun'ier. and. later, to that of a shoe- maker, learning his trade in his father's shoe shop, and following it about six years. His early education was that of the common school. He came to Illi- nois in 1840, and, after quitting the shoe bench, he taught school in Beards- town, studying medicine at the same time. He afterward taught six months in Macomb. 111., after which he contin- METAMORA TOWNSHIP. 513 ued the study <>f medicine under the in- struction of Dr. James E. Kyle, of Ma- comb. In 1846, he entered the medi- cal department of the Illinois Univer- sity, taking his degree in Feb., 1847. He then removed to Metamora, and eno'aged in practicing medicine. In 1850, he wrote a thesis on '■ The Antedotal Prop- erties of the Tincture of Iodine on the Bite of the Rattlesnake," for which he received an " ad eundum"' degree of M. D. from Rush Medical College, Chi- cago, in Feb., 1850. After practicing five years, he attended lectures at JefF- erson Medical College, Philadelphia, during the ses.sion of 1855-50, receiving his degree from that institution also. Durina; the rebellion, he entered the army as Assistant Surgeon of the 6th 111. Cav., and, after eight months, was promoted to Surgeon of the 56th Vol. Infan., receiving his commission from Gov. Yates, May 29, 1862. His moth- er's maiden name was Odecker. She was of Turkish descent. His father was of German descent. Dr. Whitmire was married July 4, 1846, to Miss Sidney Robinson, of Morgan Co., 111. They have had six children, four of whom are livinir. Dr. Whitmire voted for Henry Clay, Whis, in 1844 ; Martin Van Buren, Free Soil, in 1848; Winfield Scott, Whig, in 1852; John C. Fremont, Republican, in 1856 ; Abraham Lincoln, Republican, in 1860 and 1864 ; U. S. Grant, Republican, in 1868 and 1872; R. B. Hayes, Republican, in 1876. He was a Delegate from the Eighth Con- gressional District to the National Con- vention at Chicago, that nominated Gen. Grant. WHITMIRE, J. W., M.D., son of the above, was born Oct. 25, 1851. After receiving a liberal English educa- tion, he read medicine four years in his father's office, in the meantime attend- ing two courses of lectures at Rush Medical College, and received his degree in Feb., 1877. since which time he has been in partnership with his father in the practice of medicine. He was mar- ried Sept. 13, 1877, to Miss Laura Northcut, of Christian Co., 111. Wilson, H. N., far.; P. 0. Metamora. Woosley, Wm. F., farmer; P. 0. Eureka. Wilkerson, Wm. H.,far.; P. 0. Metamora. Whorrall, W. H., far. ; P. 0. Metamora. Whorrall, Thomas, far. ; P. 0. Metamora. Weast, Barbara ; P. 0. Metamora. Wolf, Mrs. Leanne ; P. Q. Metamora. Walthers. Chas., barber ; P. 0. Metam^Ta. Wethcrick, Jno., far. ; P. 0. Metamora. Warren, Thomas, boarding house ; P. 0. Metamora. Wesstein, Henry, lab. ; P. 0. Metamora. WERNERT, CHAS. TH., saloon and dining room ; was born in Mar- lenheim, France, on Oct. 14, 1845 ; he received his education principally at Strasbourg; he entered Ecole Normale College in 1860, and graduated in 1865, after which he followed the profession of a teacher in France six years. He came to the United States in 1870 ; spent a year and a half in New York City, and then settled in Metamora, where he engaged in teaching a German and French select school ; he is the or- ganist of St. Mary's Church. He was married June 23, 1868, to Miss Catha- rine Sissung, of Schalbach, France, who was born on May 20, 1846. They have one child — Adolph. WALDEN, T. D., jeweler and dealer in drugs and medicines ; was born in Chautauqua Co., N. Y., Jan. 13, 1838 ; at the age of about 7 years he came with his parents to McHenry Co., 111., and when about 16 years old he was apprenticed to a jeweler; in 1860, he returned to his native county, and in 1861 entered the Union Army as a member of Company D, 72d N. Y. V., serving during the Peninsular Campaign under Gen. McClellan, and was wound- ed at the battle of Williamsburg, Va., in consequence of which he received his discharge in 1862. Returning to New York, he was married in elune, 1862, to Miss Elizabeth Griblin, of Fredonia, N. Y. ; and removed to Marengo, 111., and the following Winter settled in Meta- mora, and entered the jewelry business ; about four years ago he added drugs and groceries. He has three children — James F., Lillie May and Charles W. WIKOPF, ISAAC, banker, drug- gist and grocery dealer ; born in Day- ton, Ohio, Jan. 3d, 1836; when he was 9 years old he came with his parents to Illinois, settHng near Lacon, Marshall Co. He removed to Metamora in 1860, 514 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY and engaged in the drug business, which he continued about eight years, when the firm of Wikofi'ifc Bowen was formed. In 1870, they erected the brick "building now occupied by Mr. Wikoff, and added the banking business. He was married March 4, 1861, to Miss Harriet Ireland, of Washburn, 111., who was born in La Porte, Ind., July 14, 1839. They have four children — Nellie B., Lora P., Frank J. and Chas. H. Besides his store, Mr. W. owns house and block of land in Metamora, and a farm in Mar- shall Co., in all A^alued at 816,000. Whitmire, Z. H., phys. ; P. 0. Metamora. WILLSON, MARCELLUS W., farmer and stock raiser ; Sec. 10 ; P. 0. Metamora ; was born in Straiford Co., N. H., Jan. 12, 1830 ; when he was 14 years old, his father's family came to Woodford Co., and settled on a farm adjoining the present village of ^leta- mora on the east. He was married Jan. 8, 1856, to Miss Patience H. Fairchild, who was born in Champaign Co., Ohio, Feb. 28, 1832 ; they at once settled on their present home ; they have one child living — Emma E. ; owns farm of 160 acres, valued at S60 per acre, and 20 acres of timber ; he has been School Di- rector for the past ten years, and has also served one term as School Trustee. WEBER, PETER, former and stock raiser ; Sec. 23 ; P. 0. Metamora ; was born in Bavaria, Germany, Oct. 21, 1815 ; came to the United States in 1837, spending a year in Cincinnati, and settling near Germantown, in Worth Township, the following year,being among the early settlers of that township ; in 1866, he removed to Linn Township, and lived there until his removal to his present home in 1871. He was mar- ried Nov. 20, 1844, to Miss Elizabeth Seible, of Worth Township, who was born in Bavaria, July 11, 1822 ; they have eleven children — Andrew, Katie, George, Elizabeth, Henry, Sophrona, Peter Frank, Gertrude, Mary Iphama, Elizabeth Julia and John Joseph ; Mr. Weber owns 90 acres of land, valued at 88,000. Wilson. Elijah, carp.; P. 0. Metamora. West, Andrew, teamster ; P. 0. Metamora. Wiles, W. T., fish mer. ; P. 0. Metamora. Wilez, Peter, far. and brick maker ; P. 0. Metamora. WEBER, JACOB, farmer and stock raiser ; Sec. 27 ; P. 0. Metamora ; was horn in Germany, March 17, 1824 ; he came to the United States in 1852, and settled in Worth Tp., where he resided until 1860, and then removed to Roanoke Tp. ; he settled on his present farm in March, 1873 ; he owns 160 acres in his home place, valued at 83,000, and 20 acres of timber ; he was married in 1855, to Miss Kate Knoblauch, who was born in Germany, Oct. 30, 1828 ; they have ten children — John D., William, Joseph, Barbara, Lana, Mary, Elizabeth C., Jacob. Antone B. and Josephine. WILSON, L. R., MRS., Sec 16; P. 0, Metamora ; was born in Belknap Co., X. H., Sept. 3, 1806; she is a daughter of Joseph Robinson, of that county; she was mamed March 14, 1828, to the late S. T. Wilson, who was born in the same county, Jan. 10, 1805 ; they removed to Woodford Co. in 1844, settling on the farm now owned by Mrs. Wilson ; Mr. Wilson died Jan. 21, 1875 ; the family consists of six children — Marcellus W., Mary E., Gorden R., Hollis X., Laura R. and Albion H. ; two sons, Milo K. and Joseph R. died in 1847 and 1848 respectively; Mrs. Wilson owns 80 acres of land adjoining the vil- lage of Metamora, valued at 870 an acre. WILSON, HOLLIS N., farmer; Sec. 16 ; P. 0. Metamora ; born in Gil- manton, X. H., May, IS, 1843; his parents removing to Woodford Co. the following year ; he was married August 27, 1867, to Miss Elizabeth J. Newton, who was born in Columbus, Ohio, July 22, 1842 ; they have one child — George A. ; Mr. Wilson held the office of Town- ship Collector in 1873. YOERGER, MICHAEL, farmer; P. 0. Metamora. ZOLLER, FRED., blacksmith ; P. 0. Metamora. Zimmerman, J. S. lab. ; P. 0. Metamora. EL PASO TOWNSHIP. 515 EL PASO TOWNSHIP. ANTINET, GUS. restaurant; P. 0. El Paso. Adams, J. Q., pliys. and capitalist; P. 0. El Paso. Adams, W. T., Rev. and capitalist ; P. 0. El Paso. Anderson, Jas., far.; P. 0. Kappa. Alexander, T., mer.; P. 0. El Paso. Adams, T. G., far.; P. 0. El Paso. Albus, Frank, far.; P. 0. El Paso. Arnold, Martin, far.; P. 0. El Paso. BURLINGIM, W. E., hardware mer.; P. 0. El Paso. Bullock, H. W., speculator; P. 0. El Paso. Bartlett, W. A., laborer; P. 0. El Paso. Baldwin, J. W.. R. R. man; P. 0. El Paso. Burnett, W. I., R. R. man.; P. 0. El Paso. Babbitt, H. R., P. 0. El Paso. Burtis, J. H., repairer; P. 0. El Paso. Barfoot, Adam, farmer; P. 0. El Paso. Brown, W. W., laborer; P. 0. El Paso. Batram, J. C, plasterer; P. 0. El Paso. BANK OF EL PASO, Shur, Tompkins & Co., established in August, 1865. Wm. Shur was born in Wash- ington Co., Pa., in Sept., 1806. He removed, with his parents, when about 8 years old, to Morrow Co., Ohio, and settled near the present village of Ches- terville; he followed farming until he became of age and then enfraoed in teaching school at Martin sburg, 0., for two years ; he then entered general mer- chandising at Chesterville, where he re- mained until March, 1867, at which time he came to El Paso and engaged in the banking business with John G. Ferguson, and one year later Mr. Fer- guson retired and P. H. Tompkins and A. 0. Shur became partners in the bank. Mr. Shur was married, in 1883, to Miss Marilla Swetland, of Morrow Co., Ohio; they have two sons living and tw^o daugh- ters deceased. He has been, fir a num- ber of years, seriously afflicted with the asthma, and since Oct., 1877, has been seeking relief among the mountains of Colorado. P. H. Tompkins was born in Oneida Co., N. Y., Jan. 2, 1836, and at the age of 12 years came, with his father's family, to Lake Co., 111., where he resided until 1855; he then removed ; to Panola Tp., Woodford Co.; he fol- lowed the mercantile business at Panola for several years, and about seventeen years ago removed to El Paso and en- gaged in general merchandising, which he still continues, as a member of the fii'm of Young & Tompkins; in 1868, he became one of the firm of Shur, Tomp- kins & Co., in the banking business. He was married, in Dec, 1860, to Miss Mary Hammers, of Panola Tp., and has three children living. A. 0. Shur was born in Chesterville, 0., Jan. 4, 1837; at the age of 16, he entered a store, remaining two years, and then spent about three years in the Ohio University, at Dela- ware; he was then cns-aeed with his father in looking after the interests of his several stores at Chesterville and surrounding towns until 1861, when he was employed by Jas. S. Trimble, of Mt. Gilead, 0., to take charge of his dry goods store, and after one year was made Cashier of Mr. Trimble's bank ; he after- ward spent one year in sheep farming in Iowa, and the year following as Cash- ier of the First National Bank of Mt. Gilead; he came to El Paso in 1867, and the next year became a partner in the banking firm of Shur, Tompkins & Co. He was married, in Oct. 1863, to Miss Hannah I. Weatherby, at Chester- ville, 0. ; they have two children. Peter A. Simmons has been bookkeeper of this bank since June, 1867. Barfoot, E. A., butcher; P. 0. El Paso. Bolby, David, prop, boarding house ; P. 0. El Paso. Brown, M. A.; P. 0. El Paso. Bender, Henry, painter; P. O. El Paso. Brown, J. P., flour and feed; P. 0. El Paso. Bowman, Jos., farmer; P. 0. El Paso. Bailey, Wm., farmer; P. 0. El Paso. Bailey, James, farmer; P. 0. P]l Paso. Brown, J. M., farmer ; P. O. El Paso. Baufman, J. W., farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Biebes, Henry, farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Blackmore, J. W., farmer; P. 0. El Paso. Bowman, Peter, farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Buel, W. H., prop, billiard hall ; P. 0. El Paso. 516 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY BUSCH, CHAS., dealer in flour and feed ; was born in Germany, Feb. 6, 1823 ; came to the United States in 1849, spending about a 3'ear and a half in Texas, and then settled in Cincinnati, and follow., d box making for three years ; li'.i then removed to Chicago and resided there until 18G3; engaged in various kinds of business ; he then came to El Paso, and lived there three years, after which, he removed to Indiana, return- ing in 1870 ; on the 10th of October, 1859, he was married to 3Iiss Mary Raben of Chicasio, who was born in Schleswig-Holstein, Jan. 4, 1832 ; they have five children — Charles A., Benjamin, Henry E., Herman T. and Xicolae W. Brewster, C, farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Bacon, W. D., farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Bigger, Jas. H., farmer; P. 0. Kappa; Barsby, Mrs. E., P. 0. Kappa. Brown, Wm., farmer; P. 0. Kappa. Bodger, J. R., farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Burnett, C. H., farmer; P. 0. El Paso. Bolinger, Samuel, farmer; P. 0. El Paso. BROWN, ADAM, of the firm of Christ & Brown, manufacturers of wagons and carriages ; P. 0. El Paso ; was born near Dayton, Ohio, Dec. 11, 1838 ; when he was about four years of age, his father's family removed to Miami Co., Ind., where he lived until 1856 ; he then come to Washington, Tazewell Co., 111., and resided there until he came to El Paso in 1875 ; he was married Dec. 12, 1865, to Miss Salome Tobias, of El Paso ; they have three children — Benj. F., Albertus B. and Lottie. Bay. Wm. E., farmer; P. 0. El Paso. Brewer, Rebecca, P. 0. EI Paso. Berg, Peter, farmer ; P. 0. Kappa. Brewster, Julia, P. 0. El Paso. Burnett, Caroline AV., far. ; P. 0. Kappa. Bigger, P. H., farmer: P. 0. Kappa. Bennett, Mrs. E., P. 0. El Paso. Brown, Cai-oline, P. 0. El Paso. Brenn, T. H., butcher ; P. 0. El Paso. Bayue, Caroline, weaver ; P. 0. El Paso. /^ASSELL, M. H., att'y; P. 0. El Paso. Coleman, H. R., printer ; P. 0. El Paso. Collins, Michael, laborer; P. 0. El Paso. CARRIER, IRVING Journal Co.j, associate editor uf the El Paso Journal J was born at Hamilton, Madi- son Co., N. Y., 1847 ; commenced in the printing business under T. L. James, now Postmaster at New York City. Re- moved to 3Iichigau shortly before the war : served in Department of the Cum- berland, in 23d Mich. Inf Sold half interest in job office of Hadger cN: Car- rier, Detroit, Mich., at the time of Chi- cago fire, and came to Illinois, since which time he has established and pub- lished the Marseilles Advertiser, Streator Free Press and Alinonk Times. COLEMAN, H. R.- Journal Co.), associate editor of the El Paso Journal; was born in Northeast, Erie Co.. Pa., in 1850 ; went into the printing business in 1864. and has followed the business, as a mechanic, ever since, and became interested in the Journal with Mr. Carrier in Alarch. 86S. CHILDS, HENRY, retired farmer, was born in Middlesex Co., Mass., Jan. 31, 1817. He was raised in Steuben Co., N. Y., where he resided until 1839, then removed to Jennings Co., Ind., and after living there about four years, he returned to Steuben County. He came to Woodford County in 1856. Wrs mar- ried in 1837 to Miss Polly Howard, who was born in Steuben County, N. Y., Oct. 22, 1813; they have three children living — Edwin, Mary (now Mrs. E. K. Stow- ell, of Monroe Co., N. Y.) and Wm. 0., of Peoria County, 111. Mr. Childs has served as City Supervisor and Township iiSscssor. CHILDS, EDWIN, Farmer and Stock Raiser; Sec. 6; P. 0. El Paso; was born in Jennings Co., Ind., May 6, 1840 ; when he was about three years old, his father's family removed to Steuben Co., N. Y., where they resided until 1856, when they came to Wood- ford Co. and settled in El Paso Tp., then Palestine ; he owns 80 acres of land valued at §4,000 ; he was married Feb. 27, 1868, to Miss Mary A. Mann, of Kappa, who was born in Middlesex Co.. Mass., Dec. 11. 1847 ; thev have one child — Lillian. Mr. Childs entered the Union Army in 1862 as a member of Co. A, 86th 111. Vols. : was taken prisoner at the battle of Kenesaw Mountain, Ga., and mustered out with his resiment at the close of the war. EL PASO TOWNSHIP. 517 Carleton, F. W.. ins. agt.; P. 0. E! Paso. Calhoun. S. v., farmer; P. 0. El Paso. Charis, Chas., P. 0. El Paso. Clary, Martin, farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Clute, Jane E., P. 0. El Paso. Clatfelter, Jos., farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. CASSELL, J. J., of the firm of Chitty, Cassell & Gribson, attorneys at law, El Paso and Metamora, is a native of Woodford County, having been born in Worth Township, Oct. 7, 1841 ; he re ceived a liberal education, entering Ab- ingdon College, 111., in 18G0, remaining there two years ; he then spent one year at Eureka College, after which he began the study of law in the ofiice of his father, Robert T. Cassell, and then at- tended the Law DejDartment of the University of Chicago, receiving his diploma in 18G4, which admitted him to practice in the courts of this State. He began the practice of his profession at Metamora the same year, and in 1867, removed to El Paso, where he has re- mained ever since. He was married in July, 1868, to Miss Mary McNeal, of Kalamazoo, Mich., who was born in Fry burg, Maine, in 1843. They have two children — Walter W. and Ralph J. Calahan, J. A., marb. cutter; P.O. El Paso. Calkins, L. S., carpenter ; P. 0. El Paso. Cable, Henry, sewing machine agent ; P. 0. El Paso. CHRIST, JOHN, of the firm of Christ & Brown, Manufacturers of Wag- ons and Carriages, wus born in Lancas- ter Co., Pa., Jan. 28, 1853; he came with his parents to Illinois, when he was three years old, settling in Wash- ington, Tazewell Co. He was engaged in farming until 1874, when, attaining his majority, he formed a partnership in the carriage business with xVdam Brown, and in 1875, they established their bus- iness in El Paso. Clute, C. M., carpenter; P. 0. El Paso. Case, John, farmer; P. 0. El Paso. CABLE, p. S., Dealer in Hardware, Stuves, Tinware, etc. ; P. 0. El Paso ; was born in Somerset Co., Pa., April 27, 1838 ; when about eleven years of age, he removed with his parents to Wayne Co., Ohio, where he lived about three years, returning to Pa., and after- ward residing again for awhile in Wayne Co. ; he came to 111. in 1856 and settled in McLean Co. ; in 1859, he removed to El Paso and followed farm- ina; and teachino; school for about seven years, and then spent two years in teach- ing exclusively ; he established his present business in Oct., 1875, the firm being Cable & Hebden, and in July, 1876, he became sole proprietor ; he was married Nov. 27, 1862, to Miss Nancy J. McHenry, who was born in Rock- bridge Co., Va., Feb. 13, 1843 ; they have four cbildren living—Flora 0., Gcorgj S., Albert M. and Mary H. Clark, C., millinery; P. 0. El Paso. Carroll, Michael, farmer ; P, 0. Kappa. Crusins, Jacob, farmer ; P. 0. Kappa. Crusins, Geo., farmer; P. 0. El Paso. Chapman, R. U., phys. ; P. 0. El Paso. Corbey, Thos., farmer; P. 0. Kappa, CAMPBELL, GEORGE H., pro prietor Campbell House ; P. 0. El Paso ; was born in Monroe Co., N. Y. Nov. 6, 1837 ; in 1856 he came to Chicago and shortly afterward went to Mendota and entered the employ of the Illinois Cen- tral R. R. Co. ; remaining there till the Spring of 1858, after which, he resided a short time in Lena, III. ; he then came to El Paso, and was engaged as station agent of the Illinois Central and T., P. & W. Railroads until 1869 ; in 1862, he built the Campbell House at a cost of $10,000, and after leaving the railroad ofiice took charge of the same ; he was married Nov. 6, 1864, to Miss Frances G. Henry of El Paso ; who was born in the State of New York, Feb. 13, 1847 ; they have three children — Ava B., Harry G. and Hugh S. ; he has served two terms as a member of the City Council of El Paso. Crow, Bridget, P. 0. Kappa. Champion, J. K., farmer ; P. 0. Kappa. Corbit, Pat., farmer ; P. 0. Kappa. CLOUD, VIVIAN, farmer ; P. 0. El Paso; was born in Dearborn Co., Ind., Oct. 16, 1812 ; he was raised to farming pursuits, which he has followed all his life ; he resided in Dearborn Co. until he was twenty-two years old, and then removed to Hamilton Co., Ohio, where he remained about fifteen years ; he came to Tazewell Co., 111. in 1850, and made his home there until 1868, when he removed to his present home in El Paso ; he was married Feb. 7, 518 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY 1833. to Miss S. D. Gibson of Dearborn Co., Ind. who was born in Fayette Co., Pa., Xov. 9, 1812 ; they have three chil- dren livinu' — Baylis, now residing in Kansas ; Milton H., an attorney at law in Ford Co., 111., and Lottie E. ; Mr. Cloud owns a residence and 15 acres of land in El Paso and a farm of SO acres in Livinuston Co., in all valued at $8,000 ; he was elected Justice of the Peace in Tazewell Co. and has also held the offices of Assessor, Township School Trustee, School Treasurer and Commis- sioner of Highways. Cronis, Geo., farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Curtis, S. T., tailor ; P. 0. El Paso. Cannon, Jas., trader ; P. 0. El Paso. COLE, FREDERICK, M. D .phy- sician and surgeon ; P. 0. Kl Paso ; was born in York Co., Me., March 30, 1829 ; after receiving an academic edu- cation, he came to Illinois and engaged in teaching ; studied medicine at Rock- ford, 111., and graduated at Rush Medi- cal College, Chicago, in 1865; he then entered the army as Assistant Surgeon of the 151st 111. Vols., serving until the close of the war ; on his return he practiced medicine in Henry Co. until 1867, when he removed to El Paso ; in 1870. he attended the Bellevue Hospital Medi- cal College, N. Y., and received the "ad eundum " degree of M. D. from that institution ; he was married in 1862, to Miss Lousia J. Wheeler of Rockford, 111. ; he has been Secretary of the Woodford Co. Medical Association since its organization in 1870 ; he is also Sec- retary of the North Central Medical Association, and a member of the State Medical Society and of the American Medical Association. Carney, Jno , farmer; P. 0. El Pa.so. Carver, Wm., laborer; P. 0. El Paso. CAVAN, A. M., Attorney at Law ; was born in Franklin Co., Pa., May 12, 1838 ; when he was about ten years of age, his parents removed to Jeiferson Co., Ind., residing there until 1850, when they settled in Sangamon Co., Ill, He came to El Paso in 1864; was ad- mitted to the bar in 1867, and began practice in El Paso. The .same year, he was appointed Assistant V. S. Assessor for the Sixth Division, Eighth District. He was elected to the Legislature from Woodford Co. in 1870 ; he was married in 1863 to Miss Annie M. Rule, of Ogle Co., 111., who was born in Pa. in 1817; they have six children — Mary E., Jose- phine, William. John A., Hattie and Ida J. Crow, Hubert, farmer. Kappa. Crow. John, farmer. Kappa. CASSELL, ROBERT T., retired; was born in Lexington, Ky., Oct. 26, 1816 ; he attended the public schools of his native city until the ago of 16 years, and was then engaged in farming until 1830, when his father's familv re- moved to Morgan Co., 111. He was married, in 1831, to Miss Nancy But- ler, of Island Grove, Sangamon Co., 111., who was born in Adair Co., Ky., in 1818. They had one son — Wm. J., now of Metamora. Mrs. Cassell died in 1837, and in 1838 he came to Wood- ford Co., to look after the interests of his father, who had died just previously. He was married again Nov. 1, 1839, to Miss Rebecca Perry, who was born in Chester Co., Pa., in 1818. They have seven children — Eliza J. (now Mrs. 0. P. Richards, of Eureka), Jo- seph J., Maria (now the wife of John T. Harper, of El Paso), Frank (now in the revenue service of the Govern- ment at Pekin. Ill.\ Lydia (now Mrs. W. S. Gibson, of El Pasoj, Martin H. and Sarah F. Mr. Cassell completed his law studies with Judge Jones, of Pekin, and was admitted to practice in 1857, and commenced practice in Meta- mora ; he was elected Justice of the Peace the same year, holding the office eight years. In 1868, he represented his district in the State Legislature, and soon after was appointed U. S. Treas- ury Agent. He removed to Eureka, where his wife died in 1871. He then disposed of his property there, and set- tled in El Paso, where he now resides. Castle, L. A. lumberman : P. 0. El Pa.so. DWYER, PATRICK, farmer ; P. 0. Kappa. Drake. John, farmer ; P. 0. Kappa. Doren. Owen, farmer ; P. 0. Kappa. Davis, C. W.; preacher; P. 0. El Paso. Dorwood, Mary, farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Davidson, W. J., farmer ; P. 0. Kappa. Davidson, I. E., farmer i P. 0. Kappa. Damman, Henry, farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. EL PASO TOAVNSHIP. 519 DIX, J. A., of the firm of O'Brien & Co., dealers in farm machinery etc.,; was born in Windham Co., Vt., Feb. 18, 1831; his parents settled in Clarion, Bureau Co., 111., when he was 7 years of age ; he remained at home until the age of 18 years, when, becoming dis- satisfied with the country and farm life, he started afoot and alone for California to seek his fortune in the newly dis- covered gold fields of that State. This I was in 1852. He walked the entire ; distance from St. Joseph, Mo., to San I Francisco ; he returned in 1856, and spent two years attending school at Mt. j Morris Academy, Ogle Co., 111. He was married Feb. 18, 1858, to Miss M. A. Marston, of Biddeford, Me., and at once settled on a farm at El Paso ; he has been engaged in fiirming and in the ' grain and agricultural implement trade up to the present time. He has three children living — Ellen A., George L. and Clara E. Davidson, E. A., farmer ; P. 0. Kappa. Dixon, Smith, farmer ; P. 0. Kappa. Dunmire, Daniel, farmer; P.O. Kappa. Dunmire, J. W., filmier; P. 0. Kappa. Dixon, Isaac, farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Dorsey, A. C, plasterer; P. 0. El Paso. Dorsey, Wm., plasterer ; P. 0. El Paso. Danner, Jacob, wagon maker ; P. 0. El Paso. Doyle, Thomas, clerk ; P. 0. El Paso. Donahue, Tim., trackman ; P. 0. El Paso. Dorsey, Milton, baggage master ; P. 0. El Paaso. Dunn, J. M., merchant; P. 0. El Paso. Denman, R. J. ; P. 0. El Paso. Dehority, G. W., farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Davitt, John, section hand ; F. 0. El Paso. DENMAN, W. S., farmer and stock raiser; Sec. 7 ; P. 0. El Paso; was born in Essex Co., N. J., Dec. 7, 1807. He made his home there until 1812, when he came to 111., and settled in Tazewell Co., where he followed farming a couple of years, and then engaged in the hotel business in Fremont, Tvhich he followed about four years. He then re- moved to Bowling Green, and followed merchandising and flouring-mill business about eight years, settling on his present farm in El Paso, in 1856. He was married Oct. 21, 1829, to Miss Ruth J. Munn, of Orange, N. J., who was born July 9, 1811. They have three chil- dren living — Theodore A., Mary E., and William C. Mr. Denman owns a farm of 160 acres adjoining the city limits of El Paso, valued at $fo,100. ELLENBERGER, R., retired ; P. 0. El Paso. Evans, David, grain dealer ; P. 0. El Paso. Earnest, Josiah, plasterer ; P. 0. El Paso. FISHBURN, J. M., teacher; P. 0. El Paso. Fishburn, Jno. T., carp. ; P. 0. El Paso. Fishburn, Jas. M.; dentist ; P. 0. El Paso. Feely, Cecelia ; P. 0. El Paso. Fitzgerald, M., farmer; P. 0. El Paso. Follenweider, Jno., far. ; P. 0. El Paso. Fuller, C. H., farmer; P. 0. El Paso. Fix, Jacob, brewer ; P. 0. El Paso. Ferrell, J. P., merchant; P. 0. El Paso. Ferrell, Jas. P., merch. ; P. 0. El Paso. Ferrell, S. M. ; P. 0. El Paso. Filer, Jno., teamster; P. 0. El Paso. Fiester, Mary ; P. 0. El Paso. Fiester, Thos., farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. French, Masgie E. ; P. 0. Kappa. FERRELL, B. F., of the firm of B. F. Ferrell & Co., dealers in general merchandise ; was born in Wetzel Co., West Virginia, June 11, 1853. His father, J. P. Ferrell, was a merchant in that State, and in 1865, came to El Paso and opened a general store. His son was therefore raised to the business of merchandising, and on the retirement of his father, in 1873, succeeded to the business, the firm be- ing Ferrell Bros. In 1876, his brother retired, and the firm is now B. F. Fer- rell & Co. They carry a well-selected stock of about 810,000. He was mar- ried July 21, 1872, to Miss Hattie Hub- bard, of El Paso. They have one child — George. In 1875, he was elected Township Collector, holding the office one term. r^ ROSS, HENRY, far. ; P. 0. Kappa, Glass, Samuel, far. ; P. 0. Kappa. Gull, Jonathan, farmer ; P. 0. Kappa. Grant, Joseph, farmer ; P. 0. Kappa. Gough, W. R. farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Gibson, W. W., attorney ; P. 0. El Paso. Griner, George, farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Geiger, Chris., farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Gould, L. B., orijan dlr. ; P. 0. El Paso. Grafi"t, B. G., P.'^O. El Paso. 520 TAX-PAYERS OF WUODFORD COUNTV GIBSON, GEO. L., dealer iu real estate ; one of the original proprietors of El Paso ; was born iu Fayette Co., Pa., Oct. 2, 1818. He came with his parents to Illinois in 1831, and settled in Tazewell Co., about three miles above Peoria, then Fort Clarke. His father died the following year, leaving a fam- ily of nine children, the eldest of whom was George L., then but 15 years old. He remained on the homestead until he was 25 years of age. His first busi- ness venture after leaving the farm was to build a couple of flatboats. and en- gage in trading along the Lower Missis- sippi. He then followed the warehouse and commission business at Wesley City four years, and afterward removed to Washington. 111., where he engaged in merchandising until 1849. He then made the overland trip to California, re- turning in April, 1851. In the Fall of that year, he engazed in the lumber business at Henrv, 111., and at the same time entered 160 acres of land, com- prising the portion of the city of El . Paso lying east of the 111. Cent. R. R. In 185-4, he laid it out into town lots, and in 1857, removed with his family to the new city, since which time he has been closely identified with its history. He was married June 1, 1843, to Miss Matilda H. Heath, daughter of William and Susan Heath. She was born in Muskingum Co., Ohio, Feb. 5, 1825, and died Feb. 23, 1872, leaving five children — William W. ; Sierra Nevada, now Mrs. Hereford, of Peoria ; Katie, May and George F. Mr. Gibson has served two terms as Mayor of El Paso. and several terms as member of the City Council. Grifl&n, Juhu, section hand ; P. 0. El Paso. Gardner, E. A., P. 0. El Paso. Glenn, James, saloon : P. 0. El Paso. GIBSON, WALTER S., attorney at law, of the firm of Chitty, Cassell h Gibson; was born in Fayette Co., Pa., Nov. 29, 1849 ; when he was quite young his parents removed to Tazewell Co., 111., where he lived until he was thirteen years old, when he removed with his mother to Peoria : here he attended school a few years and entered Eureka College in 1867, remaining there nearly four years ; he then read law in the ofl&ce of Julius Starr, of Peoria; was admitted to the bar in 1871, and in 1873, settled at El Paso, and engaged in practicing law ; he was selected City Attorney of El Paso in 1S74, which office he still holds ; he wa.s married Dec. 1:^, 1872. to Miss Lvdia Cassell. daughter of Robert T. Cassell, of El Paso ; they have two children. Geiger. John, saloon : P. 0. El Paso. Goebel. Geo., P. 0. El Paso. Granaer. Geo. H., painter: P. 0. El Paso. GINGERICH, DANIEL, saloon; was born in Germany April 29. 1832; ■ in 1852 he came to Tazewell Co., 111., and about two years later went to Peoria, and remained there until 1863; he then removed to Bowling Green and built a distillery, which he run about four years, together with a flouring-mill which he had purchased : he engaged in farming from 1867 till 1873. when he came to El Paso and opened his present business ; he was married in 1856 to Miss Adelia Engel, who was born in France in 1 835 ; she died soon after his removal lO El Paso, and in Aug., 1874, he married Mi.ss Missouri B. Batemau, who was born in Metamova Township, in June, 1857 ; they have two children — Peter N. and Louisa C. Gaunt, James, blacksmith ; P. 0. El Paso. Grant, S., carpenter; P. 0. Kappa. Grooms, A., laborer ; P. 0. El Paso. HENTHORN, CHAS., farmer: P.O. El Paso. Hogan. Edward, farmer : P. 0. Kappa. Havs. A. T.. farmer: P. 0. Kappa. HOAGLAND, W, K., dealer in agricultural implements and seeds : was born in Somerset Co., N. J., March 27, 1836 : he was married Nov. IS. 1857, to Miss Joanna 31. Du Mont, of Somer- sett Co. : they had three children — Anna, Mary B. and Edward D.: his wife died in Aug., 1863 : in 1861 he came to Chicago and engaged in the produce commission, and atUrward in the real estate business, remaining there until 1868, when he se tied in El Paso as the agent of the American Express Co., in whose employ he had been in Chicago ; he held this position until the Winter of 1876-7 ; he purchased the business of Seery & Rouse in 1875 ; he was married, iu 1866, to Miss 3Iartha EL PASO TOWNSHIP. 521 J. Bonney, of Chicago ; they have two children living — Caroline and Milton ; he has been School Director for the past five years, and has passed one term in the City Council of El Paso. Hitch, Harry, farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Huguet, Maurice, farmer; P.O. El Paso. Hanthorn, G., Jr., farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. HOAGLAND, C. S., agent Ameri- can and United States Express Cos., El Paso ; was born io Somerset Co., N. J., Aug. 11, 1851 ; at the age of twelve years he came with his father's family to 111., settling in Chicago; he came to El Paso in March, 187-1, as agent of the U. S. Ex. Co., and in 1877, the two ofl&ces being consolidated, he became the agent of both companies ; he was married Aug. 5, 1875, to Miss Mary A.Adams, daughter of Dr. J. Q. Adams, of El Paso ; she was born in Ohio, Feb. 22, 1857 ; they have two children ; he is engaged in the insurance business, representing the Springfield Fire and Marine Co. of Mass., the British America of Toronto, and other companies. Hitch, Robert, farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Higgins, John H., farmer; P. 0. El Paso. Hynes, Michael, farmer ; P. 0. Kappa. Hebden, Wm., P. 0. El Paso. Holmes, C. S., P. 0. El Paso. HITCH, C. J., Sec'y and Business Manager of the Woodford Co. Coopera- tive Association ; was born in the Co. of Norfolk, England, March 1, 1842; he came to the United States in April, 1861, settling in El Paso Tp., Wood- ford Co., and engaged in farming until Aug. of that year, and then entered the Union Army as a member of Co. G, 4th 111. Vol. Cavalry, serving until the close of the war ; on his return he en- gaged in farming, which he continued until he entered his present position ; he owns a farm of 80 acres, two and a half miles from the city, valued at $4,000 ; he was married Sept. 26, 1866, to Miss Mary A. Woolen, who was born . in Hudson Tp., McLean Co., in Nov., 1846 ; they have five children — Robert, Elizabeth J., Mary E., Charles and Sadie ; Mr. Hitch has served seven years as School Director, and is at present Commissioner of Highways. Hankey, Jos., teamster ; P. 0. El Paso. HARPER, JOHN T., attorney at law ; P. 0. El Paso ; was born in La Fayette Co., Ind., Nov. 20, 1840; he was raised on the farm at the carpenter's trade, attending school during the Win- ters, and when 18 years of age began teaching, which he continued a short time ; in 1850, his father removed to Onarga, 111., and about three years later came to Woodford Co., and engaged ex- tensively in farming and stock raising in Greene Township. On the. breaking- out of the rebellion, Mr. Harper entered the 4th 111. Cav., was elected Sec- ond Lieutenant of Co. G, most of whose members were recruited by him. He was promoted to First Lieutenant at the battle of Fort Donelson, and bre- veted Colonel after the battle of Shiloh ; he remained in active service, partici- pating in all the battles of his regiment, until by extreme exposure and over work he was prostrated with typhoid fever, and after lying ill a long time, was finally compelled to retire ; he con- tracted a disease of the lungs, from which he has not yet recovered. After the war, he read law, and graduated at the Chicago Law School (Northwestern LTniversity), and began practice in El Paso in 1865, forming a partnership with Col. R. G. Ingersoll, of Peoria, and J. J. Cassell, of Metamora, which lasted until 1870, when the firm became Harper & Cassell, the latter gentleman removing to El Paso ; the pai'tnership continued until 1874, since which time Mr. Harper has been alone. Hewett, J. T., laborer ; P. 0. El Paso. Hazen, A., coal and grain dlr.; P.O. El Paso. Hennins:, Adam, farmer; P. 0. El Paso. Hitch, Mary A., P. 0. El Paso. Harris, E. M., laborer; P. 0. El Paso. HARPER & ADAMS, Real Estate and Loan Agents ; Office East Side Illinois Central Railroad; P. 0. El Paso ; Farms bought and sold on rea- sonable terms ; we also make collections in this and adjoining counties ; any in- formation as to Real Estate in this sec- tion of country cheerfully given. Holcomb, A., laborer; P. 0. El Paso. Haerer, G., P. 0. El Paso. Harper, P. B., lumberman ; P. 0. El Paso. Hawthurn, Alex., P. 0. El Paso. Helm, Mrs. T., P. 0. El Pa^o. 522 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY: Hetrick, Martha, P. 0. El Paso. Harper, C. L., farmer ; P. 0. EI Paso. Hayward, S. K.. clerk ; P. 0. El Paso. HALL, HIRAM, former and stock raiser ; P. 0. Kappa ; was born in Ot- sego Co., N. Y., Sept. 30, 1813 ; when he Avas 2 years of age, his parents re- moved to Vermont ; here he learned the trade of a carj^enter and builder ; at the age of 21 years, he removed to Oneida Co., N. Y., where he was mar- ried, in Jan., 1837, to Miss Mary A. Jaynes, who was born in Otsego Co., N. Y., Aug. 25, 1820; they have three children living — Hiram H., Cleo Belle and John C. ; one son, James Leroy, died at the age of 8 years ; Mr. Hall removed from Oneida Co. to Rochester, N. Y., and a year later to Chicago ; there he resided twelve years, coming to Kappa in 1S65, and engaged in farm- ing ; he owns about a hundred acres of land, valued at S8,000 ; during his life as a Imilder, Mr. Hall was an extensive con- tractor ; he was engaged for ten years with the New York Central E. R. Co., in building by contract the freight and station houses along the line ; he also built several of the largest blocks ia Chi- cago, as well as the Northwestern Uni- versity, at Evauston, and the residences of Gov. Evans, Judge Goodrich and many others. Hogan, William, P. 0. El Paso. Hanna, J. H., clerk ; P. 0. El Paso. Harper, J. M., dealer in patent rights ; P. 0. El Paso. HOTCHKISS, G. U., farmer ; was born in Hartford Co., Conn., Feb. 23, 1820 ; at the age of 1-4 years, he went to Baltimore and obtained a situation as clerk in the wholesale boot and shoe bouse of Farrington & Hotchkiss, where he remained four years ; he then re- turned home and one year later, came with his father's family to Henry Co., 111., and settled on a farm on the site of the present village of Kewanee ; this was in 1839. He was married Oct. 26, 18-12, to Miss Elizabeth Y. Delmas, who was born in Harford Co., Md., Oct. 12, 1820 ; his family consists of seven children — Frank Z., Grove U., Jr., Theodore W., Josephine, Jay Phelps, Charles N., and Ella Y. ; Mr. Hotchkiss removed to Peoria in 1847, and to Woodford Co., in 1865, settling in Palestine Township; in 1870, he came to El Paso, where he owns 84 acres of land, inside the city limits, valued at $5,000. Hayward, Ed., soda water mfr. ; P. 0. El Paso Hubbard, Geo. W,. far. ; P. 0. El Paso. H ANTHORN, GEORGE, fanm r ; Sec. 21 ; P. 0. El Paso ; was born in Cumberland Co., N. J., May 8, 1808. He was married in Oct., 1833, to Miss Jane M click, of Cumberland Co., who was born in Warren Co., N. J., Dec. 6, 1805; they have five children living — Hannah, Charles, Elizabeth, George and Richard ; Mr. Hanthorn resided in Cum- berland Co., until about 1846, when he removed to Salem Co., N. J., where he lived thirteen years ; he then came to Woodford Co., 111., and settled on his present home in 1861 ; he owns 160 acres of land in his home farm, valued at $8,000, and also owns half a section in Kansas. Hostetter, S. U., farmer ; P. 0. Kappa. Houston, J. F., carp. ; P. 0. El Paso. Harper, Wm. ; P. 0. El Paso. yONES, C, far., P. 0. Kappa. Jenkins & Evans, grain dealers ; P. 0. El Paso. JENKINS, WM. M,, of the firm of Jenkins & Evans, dealers in grain, flour and feed; was born in Lancaster Co., Pa., March 23, 1814. He is of Welch decent, a large portion of Lan- caster Co. being originally settled about the year 1700 by a colony of Welch immigrants, who located on the head waters of the Conestoga River ; he came to Illinois in 1837, took up a farm in Peoria Co. and erected a saw-mill, supplying the country with lumber for many miles around ; he built a log cabin where he and his brother kept batchelor's hall until 1852 ; he then engaged in trade in the village of Kickapoo, and in 1856 removed his business to El Paso and built his pres- ent store ; he was married in 1862 to Miss Mary S. Bainbridge, of El Paso, who was born in London, Eng., in 1835. They have two children living — David H. and Frederick M. Mr. Jenkins was the first Postmaster in El Paso. EL PASO TOWNSHIP. 523 Jenkins, Isaac, far., P. 0. El Paso. Jones, Charles, retired ; P. O. El Paso. Jenkins, W. W., grain dealer ; P. 0. El Paso. Jordan, Thos., farmer ; P. 0. Kappa. Jones, W. C, tel. opi". ; P. 0. El Paso. James, T. F., book aot. ; P. 0. El Paso. JAYNES, JAMES, farmer and stock raiser and dealer in g rain ; P. 0. Kappa ; he was one of the early settlers of the township ; was born in Otsego Co., N. Y., July 28, 1828; he resided when a boy in Ondeia and Madison Counties, and in 1852 came to Illinois, and after spending one year just across the line in McLean Co. settled in Kappa in 1853. During his residence here he has been engaged in farming, stock raising, milling, deal- ing in grain, etc. ; besides his property in the village, he owns two farms in the vicinity, one of 240 acres and the other of 30 acres, valued in all at some $15,- 000. He is quite largely interested in stock raising, having at the present time over sixty head of cattle. During the past Winter he has stored for market nearly thirty thousand bushels of corn. He was married Aug. 25, 1857, to Miss Mary H. Powell, of Kappa, who was born in Worcester Co., Md., Feb. 14, 1839. They have four children living — James A., Lizzie, Isaac D. and Mary 0. Mr. Jaynes has been Notary Pub- lic for the past twelve years. Johnston, W. A., hardware; P. 0. El Paso. Jacobs, Fred, miller ; P. 0. El Paso. Johnson, W. G., carp. ; P. 0. El Paso. Jones, Cushings, far. ; P. 0. Kappa. Jones, J. H., P. 0. Kappa. TT^EARNEY, JNO. P. 0. El Paso. Kidd, Jno. P. farmer, P.O. El Paso. Kenny, Daniel, farmer, P 0. Kappa. King, Samuel, farmer, P. 0. Kappa. Kensing, Jno., laborer, P. 0. El Paso. KEATING, REV. THOS. S., Pastor of St. Mary's Church. El Paso, and St. Patrick's Church, Minonk ; was born on the 21st of Dec, 1846. In Sept., 1860, he entered St. Mary's Sem- inary at Perryville, Mo., remaining there four years ; he then spent two years in the University of Chicago, from which institution he went to Mt. St. Mary's College, Emmetsburg, Md., completing his ecclesiastical studies there in 1870. He was ordained a clergyman of the Catholic Church Aug. 19, "l 870, by the Right Rev. Thomas Foley, of Chicago. He was assigned to the cathedral in Chicago, remaining there one year. He afterward acted as assistant to the Very Rev. Dean Terry, of Ottawa, 111. He left that position for W^ilmington, 111., where he remained from Aug., 1873, to Aug. the following year, when he was assigned to the pastoral charge of the church at El Paso and Minonk. Kring, Daniel, farmer, P. 0. Kappa. Keefer, H. H. M. farmer, P. 0. Kappa. King, E. H., livery, P. 0. El Paso. Kesler, Adam, laborer, P. 0. El Paso. Kearney, A. S. grocer, P. O.El Paso. Kelcher, Patrick, retired, P. 3 EI Paso. KURZ, LOUIS, manufacturer and dealer in boots and shoes ; was born in Wurtemburg, Grermany, Jan. 1, 1850. He was apprenticed to the trade of a shoemaker at the age of 14 years ; came to the United States in 1868, spending about a year in Iroquois Co., a few mouths in Washington, Tazewell Co., and about a year in Peoria Co. He came to EI Paso in 1870, and estab- lished his present business Sept. 1, 1875. He was married Sept. 26, 1875, to Miss Theresa Valentine, of El Paso, who was born in Lexington, 111., Jan. 30, 1858. They have one child— Will- iam Joseph. Kraker, Geo., baker, P. 0. El Paso. Kerr. S. L., physician, P. 0. El Paso. King, Ewing, laborer, P. 0. El Paso. Kring, Geo., farmer, P. 0. El Paso. Kitchen, Jno., tailor, P. 0. El Paso. Kreidner, Barbara, far. ; P. 0. El Paso. Kearney, Dennis, grocer; P. 0. El Paso. LYNCH, MICHAEL, farmer; P.O. El Paso. Long, Christian, ftirmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Lewis, B. F., farmer; P. 0. Kappa. Lane, Jno. W., teamster ; P. 0. El Paso. Lemon, 0. J., blksmth ; P. 0. El Paso. Lenhart, Henry, retired ; P. 0. EI Paso. Losch, Martin, butcher ; P. 0. El Paso. Loyster, Jno., carpenter; P. 0. El Paso. Lamme, D. W., physician; P. 0. El Paso. Lamme, Jeannie A.; P. 0. El Paso. Leeds, D. A., laborer ; P. O. El Paso. Lemon, Jno. I., retired; P. 0. El Paso. 524 TAX-PAYERS OF AVOODFORD COUNTY LALLMANN, GEORGE, Post- master, dt>aler in ueneral merchandise; was born in Bavaria, Sept. tJ, 183-1 ; he was apprenticed to the trade of a shoe- maker at the age of fifteen years ; came to the United States in 1858, and made his first settlement in Peoria, where he followed his trade until 18(31 ; he then removed to Kappa, and continued the shoe business until 1869, and then be- gan his present business of merchandis- ing ; he was appointed Postmaster March 1, 1875; he held the ofiice of School Di- rector about nine years ; he was married Feb. 18, 1862, to 'Miss Elizabeth Hexa- mer, of Woodford Co., who was born in Ohio, Sept. 28, 1840; they have one daughter — Mary L. Lewis, Daniel, physician ; P. 0. El Paso. Lewis, Washington, far. ; P. 0. El Paso. Lynch, Jno., saloon; P. 0. El Paso. McCLOUGHN, JOS., carp.; P. 0. El Paso. Mohr, Jacob, retired ; P. 0. El Paso. McAlden, Jas., contractor and builder; P. ■ 0. El Paso. Moore, J. H., P. M.; P. 0. El Paso. Moore, J. M., poultry dealer ; P. 0. El Paso. McCoy, C. W., druggist; P. 0. El Paso. Muller, Jno., wagon mkr.; P. 0. El Paso. McKINNEY, A. S., of the firm of McKinney & Co., dealers in lumber, lime, hair and cement, was born in Cumberland Co., Pa.; graduated at Jef- ferson College, Pa., in 1865, and spent one year in teaching in Louisiana. He then came to Illinois and engaged in the lumber business in Elmwood, Peoria Co. Here he remained eight years. He was married in 1861 to Miss Ade- laid F. Abbott, of Elmwood. They have six children. In 1864, he re- moved to Peoria, resided there about two years and then engaged in raising cotton in Yazoo Co., Miss., for two years. He came to El Paso in 1868 and purchased the lumber business of Gibson & Bro., where he has since resided. Merchant, A. M., farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Montgomery, M. W., far.; P. 0. El Paso. Mayne, Robt., farmer; P. 0. El Paso. ^ Mann, L. H., farmer ; P. 0. Kappa. Millsap, J. S., Meth. prchr ; P. 0. El Paso. Myers, F. F., shoemaker ; P. 0. El Paso. McCann, J., physician ; P. 0. El Paso. McLAFFERTY, JOEL, farmer and stock raiser; P. 0. El Paso; was born in Seneca Co., N. Y., July 4, 1822. His parents resided there until he was ten years old, and then removed to Butler Co., 0. Here he lived' until the age of 22, and then returned to New York State, residing there until he removed to Livingston Co., 111., in 1858. Three years later, he moved on to a farm ju.st over the line from El Paso, in McLean Co., living there tWo years, and then came into the city t^ reside. He was married April 14, 1852 to Miss Sarah A. Swarthout, who was' born in Seneca Co., N. Y., Jan. 3, 1831. They have six children — Frances S., Adell, Fred S., Nellie, Montgomery and Kittie. Besides his property in the city, he owns a farm of 80 acres adjoining the city limits on the east, and one in McLean Co. of 104 acres. Total valuation, $10,500. Mr. Mc- LafFerty represented the city of El Paso in the County Board of Supervisors in 1875. Massey, Jacob, farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. McCarty, W., laborer; P. 0. El Paso. Miller & Sights, painters ; P. 0. El Paso. Mayne, Richard, farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. MEZGER, CHRISTIAN, of the firm of McClellan & Co., grain dealers, was born in Philadelphia, Sept. 15, 1834. When he was 7 years old, his father removed to Stark Co., 0. Mr. Mezger came to Woodford County in 1856, and settled in Panola Township, and engaged in farming. Was married Jan. 14, 1864, to Miss Parthena N. Bridges, who was born in Tennessee in April 1839 ; they have two children— John C. and Edwin. In 1873, he removed to El Paso and en- gaged in the grain business. Masters, A., farmer; P. 0. El Paso. Montgomery, J. W., tinner; P. 0. El Paso. Maeee, N. R., laborer ; P. 0. El Paso. Miller, L. N., laborer; P. 0. El Paso. Markle, Jacob, wag. mkr.; P. 0. El Paso. Mohr, Mary, P. 0. El Paso. McCLELAN, WM. H., dealer in grain, was born in Middlesex Co., Mass., Aug. 22, 1820 ; when he was about 10 years of age, his father's family removed to New Hampshire, where he lived until 1838, when he came to Illinois and set- tled in Lake County. In 1854, he EL PASO TOWNSHIP. 525 removed to Woodford County, and opened up a farm near the present city of El Paso, then an unbroken prairie, there not being a house where now stands a city of 2,500 inhabitants. He engaged in the grain business at EI Paso in 1873. Was married in October, 1852, to Miss Caroline Peck, of Ohio, who died in 1867 ; he was married in June, 1868, to Miss Jane Johnson of Kappa ; they have three children living — Mary ]j., Nettie C. and William D. Miller, E. H., P. 0. El Paso. McMahan. Geo., P. 0. El Paso. McOmber, L. B., trav. agt.; P. 0. El Paso. Mocker, Fred., painter; P. 0. El Paso. McKinney & Co., lumber dealers ; P. 0. El Paso. McKeefer, H. C, farmer; P. 0. El Paso. Motherway, Michael, R. R. laborer ; P. 0. Kappa. McMahan, J., laborer; P. 0. E) Paso. ^SrriCE, A. C, former ; P. 0. El Paso. North, William, farmer ; P. 0. Kappa. NEIFING, WILLIAM, dealer in harness, saddles, &c. ; was born in Prussia, May 8, 1823. He came to the United States in 1846, spending about two years in Chicago, after which he re- moved to Peoria and eno-ased in the harness making business. Began busi- ness in El Paso in 1860. He was married Feb. 8, 1852, to Miss Mary M. Thines, of Peoria, who was born in Prussia in 184:3. They have five children living — Edward W., Francis M., Louisa, Nettie and Clara. He has served in the City Council of El Paso. North, Henry, farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. NEWTON, S. S., Justice of the Peace ; was born in Hartford, Vt., April 27, 1835. He was raised in Champaign Co., Ohio, where he resided until 1853, when he came with his father's family to Metamora, Woodford Co. He was married in 1858 to Miss Alletta J. Smith, of Woodstock, Ohio, who was born in Holden, Mass., in June, 1842. They have six children — Frank C, Fred. L., Nettie E., Hattie D., Lucy W. and Jesse S. Mr. Newton settled in El Paso in 1862, and engaged in the boot and shoe business. He was elected Constable in 1864, and Assessor in 1869, holding the office eight years ; was elected Justice of the Peace in the Spring of 1877. He resides on his farm of 172 acres, about a mile and a half southwest of El Paso. O CONNER, PAT., section boss; P. 0. El Paso. Osden, Chas. D.. R. R. man ; P. 0. El Paso. Ostler, Wm., former; P. 0. El Paso. Ore, B. K., farmer ; P. 0. Kappa. O'Brien & Co., agricultural implements ; P. 0. El Paso. O'Connell, Pat., farmer; P. 0. El Paso. O'Brien, S., laborer ; P. 0. El Paso. O'BRIEN, D., of O'Brien & Co. dea- lers in farm machinery ; P. 0. El Paso; was born in Ostego Co., N. Y., March 18, 1830 ; at the age of 18 years he re- moved with his father's family to Chenan- go Co.,N.Y., where he resided until 1854; he then came to Woodford Co. and en- gaged in farming in Panola Tp. until 1863, at which time he settled in El Paso ; followed farming three years and then opened a general hardware store, continuing until March, 1877, when, with J. A. Dix, he started in the agri- cultural implement business ; he was married in Sept. 1852, to Miss Emily C. Goodrich, who was born in Chenango Co., N. Y., in Feb., 1832 ; they had two children — Floyd and Marsavan ; his wife died Dec. 17, 1857 ; he was married Dec. 5, 1860 to Mrs. Hattie M. McOmber of this county ; have one child — Chas. E. Oneale, Michael, farmer . P. 0. El Paso. Olcot, Jas. M., former; P. 0. Kappa. O'Brien, Thos., farmer; P. 0. El Paso. PIATT, E. E. wagon maker ; P. 0. El Paso. Perry, Mrs. E. ; P. 0. El Paso. Piatt & Co., carriage mfrs.; P. 0. El Paso. Polhemus, M. T., merch.; P. 0. El Paso. Powell, Jno. A., farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Pfleger, P. Jr., farmer; P. 0. Kappa. Pflcger, Adam, farmer; P. 0. Kappa. Parkhouse, James, farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Potter, Abram, trader; P. 0. El Paso. Paul, Jno. R., farmer; P. O. Kappa. Paul, Emanuel, carpenter; P. 0. Kappa. Pease, Dexter, carpenter ; P. 0. El Paso. Patten, M. H.. dentist; P. 0. El Paso. Pearson, Wilson, farmer ; P. 0. Kappa. Porter, H. D., farmer; P. 0. Kappa. Pfister. Thos., former; P. 0. El Paso. QUINN, WM. B., former ; P. 0. El Paso. 526 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY RITTER, WM. M.. coal dealer ; P. 0. El Paso. Render, Jno. Jr., farmer; P. 0. El Paso. Roper, B. S., farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Ritter, James H., farmer ; P. 0. Kappa. Rogers & Co.; drugs ; P. 0. El Paso. Ryan, Wm., railroad man : P. 0. El Paso. Ryan, Con, section buss; P. O. El Paso. Rof-s, Jacob, farmer ; P. 0. Kappa. Rochenfeller, J. M., far. ; P. 0. El Paso. Rickard, Daniel, retired ; P. 0. El Paso. Render, Jno., Sr., farmer; P. 0. El Paso. Robinson, Robert, carp.; P. 0. El Paso. Ritter, Wm.. farmer; P. 0. Kappa. R'ylve, Con. laborer : P. 0. El Paso. RIEDEL, CHARLES, beer agent; P. 0. El Paso ; was born in Germany, March 12, 183-i ; he came to this country in 185-1, and after spending a few months in Dutchess Co., N. Y., he settled in Racine. Wis., where he en- gaged in the grocery and brewery busi- ness. While living here, he spent part of a year in fishing and trapping in Mich ; he lived in Racine three years, and then removed to Kenosha, Wis., re- turning to Racine about 1858 ; in 1859, he removed to Bloomington. 111., and the following year went to Peoria ; he after- ward lived six years in Chillicothe, and came to El Paso in 1869. and engaged in the brewery business ; he was married in 1855, to Miss Barbara Raps, of Ra- cine, who was born in Germany, Sept. 15, 1835 ; they have nine children — Julia. Sophia, Amelia, Christie, Fred, Emma. Maggie, Katie and Carl. ROGERS, S. T., of the firm of S. T. Rogers A: Co., druggists and booksellers; was born in Schuyler Co., N. Y., Sept. 6, 1840 ; he was raised to the drug busi- ness ; when he was 10 years of age, he went to Vermont and remained three years, and in 1854 came to Woodford Co., spent three years at Eureka Col- and settled in El Paso in 1858, engaged in his present business, where he has since remained, with the exception of three years during the war. He enlisted in 1802, in the 80th 111. Vols., and was elected First Lieutenant of Co. A ; he was wnunded at the bat- tle of Kenesaw Mountain, Ga., in con- sequence of which he received his dis- charge, in 1805 ; after the war he was appointed Deputy Collector of Internal lege, and Revenue, sening five years. He was married Sept. 6, 1865, to Miss M. V. Pickrell, of Sangamon Co.. 111., who was born Dec. 11, 18-43 ; they have one child — Robert I. Rogers, Linford, stock dealer ; P. 0. El Paso. Ross, J. F., blacksmith ; P. 0. El Paso. Richards, J. S., blacksmith ; P.O. El Paso. Ray, E. S., fai-mer : P. 0. El Paso. Reynolds. B. M.. P. 0. El Paso. Rapp, John, farmer : P. 0. El Paso. Randall W. G., attorney; P. 0. El Paso. Ransom, P. C. Mayor and capitalist : P. 0. El Paso. OPARKS, WM., farmer ; P. 0. Kappa. Sevfer, Jno. F., shoemaker ; P. 0. El Paso. Slenker. Wm.. Jr.. farmer : P. 0. El Paso. SWEET, JOHN R., firm of Sweet in Barfoot, meat market, was born in Columbia Co., X. Y., Aug. 10, 1837 In 1855, he removed to Peoria Co.. 111. and ensased in farming, residino: there until 1803, when he settled on a farm about two miles west of the city of El Paso. Two years later, he removed to McLean Co., where he lived until the Fall of 1871 ; he then returned to El Paso and opened his present business. He was married April 25, 1860, to Miss Flora Barfoot of Peoria Co., who was born there Jan. 24, 1842. He is at present a member of the City Council of El Paso. Schlipf, Jos., farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Sutton, Jno., farmer; P. 0. El Paso. Sticklemire. Henry, farmer : P. 0. Kappa. Sticklemire Ca.sper. farmer, P.O. Kappa. SLOCUM, J. W., farmer and stock raiser ; Sec. 20, P. 0. El Paso ; was born in Fulton Co., N. Y., Feb. 21, 1832. He resided there until 1857, when he removed to Illinois, and settled in Peoria Co., and engaged in farming and stock raising. Here he lived until his removal to his present home, in the Spring of 1870. In 1862, he entered the L'nion army as a member of Com- pany G, 77th 111. Vols. ; served till the close of the war, and was mustered out with his regiment at Mobile, in 1865, He was married Dec. 25. 1855, to Miss Elma Hogeboom, of Montgomery Co., N. Y.. who was born in Fulton Co., N. Y^, March 10, 1835. They have EL PASO TOWNSHIP. 529 was three children living — Charles E., Ella, and George H. Mr. Slocum owns 180 acres of land in his home farm, well im- proved, and valued at $10,000. Stephens Richard, farmer, P. 0. Kappa. Sullivan, Jno. 0., laborer, P. 0. El Paso. Stoddard & Haywood, shoe mfrs., P.O. El Paso. Sleuker, Wm., fiirmer, P.O. El Paso. Stitt, Jno. C, farmer, P. O. El Paso. SHREVE, ISRAEL, farmer ; born in Perry Co., Ohio, March 1834. He was raised on the farm, and when 18 years of age, came to lUiuois, making the entire journey on horseback. He settled in Tazewell ('o., and followed farmio";, and teachina; school during the Winter season for six years. He re- moved to Panola Tp., Woodford Co., in 1861, and in 1864 settled in El Paso, and has been engaged in farming ever since. He was married Dec. 4, 1856, to Miss Rebecca Eggman, of Tazewell Co., who was born near Cincinnati, Ohio, July 3, 1838. They have seven children living — Eleonora, (now Mrs. W. W. Blumenshine,of ElPasoj, Shel- ton, John M., Elmyr, Lillie M., Bessie, and Nellie. One son, Quincy, died July 25, 1864, and a daughter, Emily E., the day following. Besides his property in the city, Mr. Shreve has a farm of 240 acres, one mile south of El Paso, valued at $10,000. Smith, Jno. W., well borer ; P. 0. El Paso. Shafer, Anna, P. 0. El Paso. Smith, B. J., laborer; P. 0. El Paso. Stull, Adam, retired ; P. 0. El Paso. Stock, Mrs. C, P. 0. El Paso. Springgate, R. C, com. trav.; Paso. STONE, IRA C, retired 0. Kappa ; was born in East Berkshire, Franklin Co., Vt., Aug. 15, 1810 ; he resided there until 1833, when he removed to Buifalo, N. Y., and engaged in the hat and cap trade, which he con- tinued up to 1859 ; he then came to Kappa and followed general merchandis- ing until Jan. 1, 1875 ; he was married in St. Albans, Vt., Nov. 27, 1832, to Miss Louisa J. Clark, of that city, who was born there, Dec. 7, 1812 ; they have one son — Ira Eugene ; Mr. Stone was Postmaster at Kappa fifteen years, from 1860, until his retirement from P. 0. El mer. P. business, in 1875 ; he owns ninety acres of land in his Ipme place, and 160 acres in McLean Co., valued in all at $10,000. Sweet & Barfoot, butchers ; P.O. El Paso. Schuck, Peter, lab. ; P. 0. El Paso. SCHAPER, C, general mer.; was born in Baiern, Germany, Sept. 27, 1833; when he was thirteen years old he was apprenticed to the trade of a shoemaker, and at the age of eighteen he came to Wheeling, Va., spent about two years there and then removed to Peoria, where was married, in Oct., 1854, to Miss Phebe Bashar, of Wheel- ing, who was born in Germany, Aug. 18, 1839 ; they settled in Kappa in 1854, and opened a shoemaker shop ; he lived there until 1859, when he removed to El Paso and followed his trade until 1862, when he opened a grocery store, to which he has added until now he carries stock of over $12,000, including all has K., and kinds of general merchandise ; he six children — L. Virginia, Ida Harry C, Edward G., Anna A., Walter R. Sloat, T., cooper ; P. 0. El Paso. Strother, David, barber ; P. 0. El Paso. Smith, John M., lab. ; P. 0. El Paso. STRATHMANN, AUGUST, un- dertaker and furniture dealer ; was born in Prussia, July 2, 1833 ; came to the United States in 1851, spending nearly two years in Dayton, Ohio ; came to Chicago in 1854, afterward residing awhile in Rock Lsland and Peoria, and in 1857, removed to Minonkand opened a grocery store. The following year, he spent a few months in the hotel busi- ness in Peru, 111., and then settled in El Paso, and having learned the cabinet maker's trade before coming to this country, he established his present bus- iness in 1862, and now has two stores in El Paso and one in Gridley. He was married in 1856, to Miss Ann E. Balbach, of Peoria, who was born in Germany Oct. 4, 1833. They have three children — Charles A., Jacob H. and Annie E. Simpkins, John, teamster ; P. 0. El Pa.so. Stoddard, D. C, soda water mfr. ; P. 0. El Paso. Smith, L. F., photographer ; P. 0. El Paso. 3 530 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY: Smith. Levi, shoemaker ; P. 0. El Paso. SERVEN, J. H., ealer in organs, pianos and musical merchandise ; was born in the city of Brooklyn, Aug. 22, 1887. When he was 13 years of age, his father's family settled in Oakland Co., Mich. He was married Feb. 22, 1859, to jNIiss Alminie Young, who was born in St. Clair Co., Mich.. July 31, 1836. They have three children — Edward L., Rosella and Mabel. In 1862, he removed to Lyon Co.. Kansas, and engaged in the sewing machine busi- ness. He resided there eight years, and then went to Storm Lake. Iowa, and six months later, to Mendota, 111. He re- mained there nearly three years, settling in El Paso and opening his present business in 1877. He served nearly three years as a member of Co. C, 11th Kan. Vols., enlisting in 1862. Steinbaeh, John, saddler ; P. 0. El Paso. Sutton. Frank, farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Smith, Albeit, restaurant ; P. 0. El Paso. Shur. C. P.. merchant; P. 0. El Paso. Smith. Con., saloon : P. 0. El Paso. SHUR, CYRUS p., general mer- chant ; P. 0. El Paso ; Cyi-us P. Shur, of the firm of C. P. Shur & Co., dealers in aeneral merchandise, was born in Knox Co., Ohio. Oct. 22, 1823. He has followed merchandising for the past twenty years; in 1856, he joined the Ohio State Militia, and was elected Brigadier General of the Third Brigade, Fifteenth Division, receiving his com- mission fi-om Hon. Salmon P. Chase, then Governor of Ohio ; he held the positicm five years. He removed to El Paso in 1871, and opened his present business ; was a member of the City Council of El Paso in 1873 and '74; in 1875. he was elected Mayor, and re- elected in 1876. He was married in March, 1853, to Miss Elizabeth Conger, of Knox Co., Ohio ; they have three children — Roy R.. Lola B. and Mag- gie P. Shur, A. O., banker; P. 0. El Pa.so. Shafer, Chris., merchant ; P. 0. El Paso. Smith, B. F., photogi-apher ; P. 0. El Paso. TIPLER. EDMUND, farmer; P. 0. El Paso. Turner, A. B., farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Tucker, Junius, farmer ; P. 0. Kappa. Tamman, G., farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Taylor, C. C, farmer ; P. 0. El Pa.so. Trotter, Thos., carpenter; P. 0. Kappa. Tompkins (k Hazen. coal and grain dealers ; P. 0. El Paso. Tjaden. Ludwig. P. 0. El Paso. Tucker, W. F., P. 0. El Paso. Tobias, D. K., City Sup^T.; P. 0. El Paso. Tobias, Henrj-, retired ; P. 0. El Paso. Tompkins, Philip, arain and coal dealer ; P. 0. El Paso. " TYLER, JOHN, farmer and stock rai.ser : Sec. 1 : P. 0. El Pa>o; was born in Cortland County, N. Y., Jan. 8, 1831. He was raised to agricultural pursuits, which he has followed all his life. He made his home in Cortland County until January, 1856. when he came west and settled at Brewer's Grove, North Panola, where he resided two years, and then removed to his present home, where he owns 200 acres of land, well improved and valued at §12,000. He was mar- ried, Oct. 11, 1856, to Miss Sai-ah A. Brewer, of Panola Township, who waa born at Brewer's Grove, in that town- ship, in February, 1840; they have two children — Edwin L. and Walter B. Mr. Tyler was elected a member of the Board of County Supervisors in 1877, and is also serving his third term as Commissioner of Highways. Tobias, G. Z., jeweler -."P. 0. El Paso. Troxel, Lewis P., clerk ; P. 0. El Paso. Troxel, J. C, carpenter ; P. 0. El Paso. Tucker, John, farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Thompson, Jas., druggist ; P. 0. El Paso. Tucker, W. T., P. 6. El Paso. Tucker,'Frank. stock dlr.; P. 0. El Paso. Tompkins, P. H.. banker ; P. 0. El Paso. Towner, L.. retired ; P. 0. El Paso. YOGHT, GEO., fireman ; P. 0. El Paso. Vandorn, W. T., carp. ; P. O. El Paso. Valentine, Jos., far. ; P. 0. El Paso. Voght, Adam, far. ; P. 0. El Paso. Vanmeter, 31. L., carp. ; P. 0. El Paso. WRIGHT. S. S., boot and shoe dlr.; P. 0. El Paso. Waugh, C., farmer ; P. 0. Kappa. Welcli, Edmund, far, P. 0. Kappa. Welch, Thos.. far. ; P. O. Kappa. Woolev, Harvey, far. ; P. 0. Kappa. Webster, D. B. :' P. 0. Kappa. Webster. 0. R., City Marshal; P. 0. Kappa. 'EL PASO TOWNSHIP. 531 Wean, Daniel, farmer ; P. 0. Kappa. WHITE, DANIEL A., Farmer; Sec. 20 ; P. 0. El Paso ; was born in Washington, Tazewell Co., 111., Dec. 5, 185 J:. When he was about three years of age, his parents removed to Lincoln, 111., and lived there about eight years and then removed to De Witt Co., where they now reside. He came to El Paso in March, 1875. He was married Jan. 3, 1877, to Miss Edith Brewster, daughter of C. Brewster, of El Paso. She was born in La Salle Co., 111., Jan. 3, 1859. They have one child, Harlan 0. Walters, John, painter ; P. 0. Kappa. Whalen, Thos., sec. hand ; P. 0. El Paso. Wolk, Frank, P. 0. El Paso. Whyland, Edgar, teamster; P. 0. El Paso. Williamson, J. H., lab.; P. 0. El Paso. Wheeler, Wm., coal dealer ; P. 0. EI Paso. Whorrall, Mrs. J., P. 0. El Paso. WHORRALL, JOHN, farmer; Sec. 1 ; P. 0. El Paso ; was born in Warwickshire, Eng., Sept. 4, 1826. He has always been engaged in agricul- tural pursuits. He came to the United States in 1850, and made his first settle- ment in Roanoke Tp., Woodford Co., where he resided nearly six years. He then settled in El Paso Tp. in 1856, being one of the earliest settlers in the northern part of the township. He was married Nov. 14, 1867, to Miss Helen Ives, who was born in Albany, N. Y., Oct. 8, 1822. Mr. Whorrall owns forty acres of land valued at S2,000. Williamson, J. A., teamster; P. 0. El Paso. Worthington, S. H., P. 0. El Paso. Worley, A. J., P. 0. El Paso. Walker, Wm. laborer; P. 0. El Paso. WILLIS, W. R., attorney at law and Justice of the Peace ; P. 0. El Paso ; was born in Hopkins Co., Ky., Oct. 13, 1813. He came to Illinois in 1834 and enetaged in farmmg near the present village of Eu- reka, entering his land from the govern- ment. After one year, he removed to Washington, Tazewell Co., and fol- lowed teaming one year more, and then removed to Panther Creek, where he resided about eight years. He then engaged in the dry goods and grocery business in Bowling Green for three years, and at the end of that time moved on to a farm in that neighbor- hood, and was elected Constable, holding the office seven years. From there he removed to Kappa, and in the Spring of 1857 came to El Paso and opened the first hotel in town, which he kept for seven years, during which time he was elected Justice of the Peace. He was admitted to the bar in 1870. In the Spring of 1872 he was elected Prose- cuting Attorney for the city. He is now Notary Public and Police Magis- trate. Has held other office-, amons which are Overseer of the Poor, School Director, Street Commissioner, etc. He was married Nov. 9, 1837, to Miss Amanda J. Meek, of this county. Welte, M., farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Wathen, Jas. H., retired ; P. 0. El Paso. AVolk, Frank, tailor; P. 0. Fl Paso. YERION, WILLIAM E., farmer ; P. 0. Kappa. Yerion, Geo. A., tar. ; P. 0. El Paso. YOUNG, GEORGE M„ freight and ticket agent of I. C. and T., P. & W. Railways ; P. 0. El Paso ; was born in Somerset Co., Maine, March 2, 1841 ; when he was about a year old, his par- ents removed to Cincinnati, Ohio, where he resided until 1862, in the meantime following the Ohio and Mis- sissippi Rivers as a steamboat clerk ; in the Spring of 1862, he entered the army as clerk in the Quartermaster's De- partment of the Army of Kentucky and Tennessee, serving about one year in that capacity, and then served on the Missis- sippi, as Revenue Aid, about one year longer ; after that, he came to Cairo, in the employ of the I. C. R. R., from which place he was transferred to Free- port, and in 1868, was again transferred to El Paso, and succeeded Mr. G. H. Campbell, as agent of the above named railroad. He was married in Boston in 1860, to Miss Helen P. Dodge, of Cape Cod, Mass., who is a native of Salem, Mass. ; he has served one term as mem- ber of the City Council of El Paso. Young Peter, merchant ; P. 0. El Paso. Young & Tompkins, merchants ; P. 0- El Paso. Young, H. Youns:, M. C, merchant; P. 0. El Paso. ZINSER, ISAAC, merchant; P. 0. El Paso. 532 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY; Zanies, J. A., P. 0. El Paso. Zinser, J. F.. merchant ; P. O. El Paso. Zanies, J. H., clerk; P. 0. El Paso. Zinkan, Wm., furniture dlr. ; P. 0. El Paso. Zinser, A. F. P. 0. El Paso. Zinser, J. G., Rev. ; P. 0. El Paso. Zinser, Levi, farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. SPRING BAY TOWNSHIP. AHRENS, HENRY, farmer; P. 0. Spring Bay. AHRENS, JOHN B., retired farmer; P. 0. Spring Bay ; was born in Hano- ver, Germany, Dec. 21, 1810 ; emigrated to America in 18-lG, stopping in New Orleans about five years, and in 1852, came directly to Spring Bay, purchasing two lots and erecting a small house. For the next ten years was employed most of the time in warehouse; in 1863, purchased forty acres of land and com- menced farming. He was married in Germany in 1831, to Miss Ka- trina Knoll ; she was born in Ger- many in 1805 ; have had five children, three living — "Wilhelmina (now Mrs. Peter Peterson, of Marshall County), Margaret (now Mrs. Wm. Fisher, of Spring Bay), and Henry ; lost two — Joseph died in the army in 1864 ; and Harmon, died in Spring Bay in 1871. Mr. A. now owns 72 acres of land and 23 town lots. BARTH, GEORGE, farmer; P. 0. Spring Bay. Blanchard, Wm., farmer; P. 0. Fond du Lac. Tazewell Co. BUOKLER, JOSEPH, far ; Sec. 36; P. 0. Fondulac, Tazewell Co.; owns 80 acres of land in Woodford, and 40 in Tazewell County ; was born in Alsace, France, in June, 1824. Emi- grated to America in 1852 ; came to Peoria, 111., remaining there about eight years, working at day labor. In 1861, came to Spring Bay Township, his pres- ent location. Man'ied Miss Ellen Schop at Alsace in 1848 ; she was born in France in 1824, and died at Spring Bay Feb. 26, 1875. Have had nine chil- dren, six living — Joseph, Jr., Jacob, William, Mary, Ellen and Charles ; lost three — Josejjh, Mary and Charlie. In addition to above mentioned land. Mr. B. owns 80 acres of fine cultivated land Hi .^letamora Township. BELSLEY, JOSEPH, retired far. ; P. 0. Spring Bay ; S. 24 ; was born near Alsace, France, May 20, 1812; emi- grated to America in 1831, coming direct to Tazewell Co., 111., remaining about five 3'ears, then to (what is now Spring Bay Township ) Woodford Co., hLs father, Michael Belsley, purchasing 314 acres of land; Mr. Belsley now owns 309 acres in this township, 480 in Roanoke Township, and 160 in Livingston Co., 111. ; married Miss Barbara Engle, in Tazewell Co.; in 1840; she was born in France, Feb. 8, 1821 ; have had 12 children, seven living — Peter, Chris- tian, Joseph, Jr., John, David, Solomon, Benjamin ; lost five — Joseph, Michael, Jacob, Jacob and Catharine ; coming at an early day, Mr. B. has seen vast changes ; by industry and indomitable energy he has accumulated a nice prop- erty ; as a farmer he has ranked among the most enterprising, and as a citizen he is much esteemed. Chickeuy, Charles, far.; P. 0. Spring Bay. Cook, Micajah, mail messenger; P. 0. Sprinu' Bay. CROCKER, OZIAS, ftumer; P. Fondulac, Tazewell Co.; Sec. 25 ; born in Spring Bay Township, Oct. 2, 1835 ; married Miss Ellen Loveless, in Peoria Co., Sept. 7, 1862; she was born in Ohio, June, 1841 ; two children — John Russell, born July 18, 1863 ; Hannah, born Dec. 15, 1868 ; owns 96 acres of land. CROCKER, ROLAND, farmer and milling; Sec. 35; P. 0. Fondu- lac, Tazewell Co. ; was born in Colum- bia Co., N. Y., May 24, 1815. When 13 years of age, came to Tazewell (now Woodford) Co., and has resided here ever since. Owns 240 acres of land and a flourino-mill. Married 3Iiss Lydia Loveless at Spring Bay, Mai-ch 18, 1860. She was born in Ohio, July 11, 1838; one child — Austin, born SPRING BAY TOWNSHIP. 533 Oct. 30, 1869. Mr. Crocker was one of the early settlers, and a more extended notice of him appears in the historical part of the work under head of Spring Bay Tp. Drury, J., farmer; P. 0. Fondulac. Davis, Oliver, carp ; P. 0. Spring Bay. Dubois, F., farmer : P. 0. Spring Bay. Dubois, A., farmer ; P. 0. Spring Bay. DeFord, Isaac, farmer ; P. 0. Spring Bay. DE FORD, GEO. W., farmer ; Sec. 26 ; P. O. Spring Bay ; was born in Polk Co., Iowa, Feb. 12, 1850. Par- ents came to Woodford Co. in 1852, locating in Partridge Tp. ; resided there about sixteen years, then to Linn Tp., remaining four years, then back to Part- ridge Tp. for four years ; finally, in 1876, to Spring Bay Tp., his present home. Married Miss Elsie Williams at Spring Bay, July 2, 1876. She was born m Woodford Co., Nov. 14, 1860. One child — Leon Lewis, born Sept. 12, 1877. His father, Isaac De Ford, re- sides J mile south, in Spring Bay Tp. He was born in Ohio, Aug. 8, 1820. EGE, JOHN, carpenter and lumber dealer; P. 0. Spring Bay; was burn in Wurtemburg, Germany, April 12, 1826; emigrated to America in 1846 ; locating in Philadelphia, remaining there three years, engaged in furniture trade ; then to Peoria^ III, in 1849, and in 1851, to Spring Bay, his present home ; owns 134 acres in Spring Bay Township, about 28 town lots, and other town property ; married Miss Margaret Stan- i ter, at Peoria, in Dec. 1849 ; she was ! born in Bavaria, Germany, Sept. 19, 1825; have had seven children, three I living — Hannah (now Mrs. John Bels- ley, of Roanoke), Carrie, Amelia; lost four — Catherine, died Jan. 18, 1851 ; John C, died Sept. 19, 1860; Mary, I died in Dec. 1872 ; Louisa, died in Oct., 1873. Mr. Ege now holds offices of Justice of the Peace, Assessor and School Trustee ; is also Notary Public, and has l)een Supervisor five years. EICHHORN, PETER, Sr., brewer; p. 0. Spring Bay ; was born at Walldorf, in Baden, Germany, Aug. 30, 1828 ; emigrated to America, June 8, 1847; located first at Dresden, Ohio, remaining there about one year, employed in a cooper shop ; from there, to Cincinnati, working about nine months as a brewer, then about three months in St. Louis ; thence, in 1849, to Peoria, 111., working as brewer, and also keeping a saloon and boarding house ; in 1851, came to Spring Bay Township, building a bi-ew- ery the same year, which he has contin- ued ever since.. Married Josephine Schultz, at Peoria, in 1850 ; she was born atWeier,in Baden, Germany, March 15, 1832, and died Nov. 10, 1869; married Miss Catharine Winkler, at Pe- oria, May 12, 1870; she was born (in what is now Woodford Co.) Aug. 6, 1 848 ; nine children by first marriage — George C, Louisa (now Mrs. Ehringer, of Washburn), Peter, Jr., Frederick, Mary, Henry, Anna, Bertha, Eosa; four children by second marriage — Her- man, Julius, William and Edward An- ton. Mr. E. owns 80 acres of timber land, 2o miles from Spring Bay, and 640 acres of land in Nebraska. FAUBER, PERRY, farmer; P. 0. Fondulac. Fischer, Wm., wagon maker; P. 0. Spring Bay. Fagott, F. G., farmer; P. 0. Spring Bay. Fagot, Jos., farmer; P. 0. SprinfjBay. PRIEDRICH, ERNST, farming and milling ; P. 0. Spring Bay ; was born in Saxony, Germany, Sept. 28, 1834 ; emigrated to America in 1853, locating first in Sheboygon, Wis. ; working at carpenter trade about one year, then to Ontonagon, Lake Superior, remaining about two years, then back to Wisconsin two years, thence to Peoria, 111. in 1858, locating there; finally in 1867, came to Spring Bay, his present home ; pur- chased a flouring-mill of Alex. Patridge, and has continued it ever since ; in 1876, bought 308 acres of land of A.N. Biard, Sec. 1, valued at about $12 per acre; married Miss Lousia Lingel, at Sheboy- gan, Wis., Nov., 1855; she was born in Saxony, Germany, Dec. 6, 1835 ; have had six children, four living — Frances (now Mrs. P. Eichorn, Jr.)," Wm. F., Emma and Lousia ; lost two, Emma and baby not named ; Mr. Friederich has been elected to various town offices at different times ; is the present Town Clerk, and has discharged the duties very acceptably. 534 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY G ENOW AYS, C. A., retired far.; ^ P. 0. Spring Bay; was born in j Ohio, Sept. 22, 1821 ; resided there until 17 years of age, then came to Tazewell (now Woodford) Co., purchasing a farm of 40 acres, about one and a quarter miles southeast of Spring Bay ; in Feb., 1874, commenced mercantile trade in Spring Bay, continuing same until 'March 4, 1878; Mr. Genoways has held office of Supervisor at different times, and is the present Supervisor of the town ; was also Constable for 24 years ; married Miss Diama Burt, in Spring Bay Tp., Sept. 18, 1844; she was born in Ohio, June 6, 1827 ; had ten children, eight living— Hannah L. (now Mrs. Forney, ^ of Roanoke Township), Julia E. (now j Mrs. Rochford, of Spring Bay), Adeline { A. (now Mrs. Marshall), Maria J. (now Mrs. Elsworth of Nebraska), Mar- garet E., Fannie L., Lydia J., Douglas A.; Diama, died Feb. 3, 1872; Samuel A., died Feb. 12, 1873. GOEHRING, LOUIS, farmer; Sec. | 1 ; P. 0. Spring Bay ; owns 203 acres [ of land, valued at §30 per acre ; was born in Bavaria, Germany, July 5, 1820; emigrated to America in March, 1848, locating in Evansville, Ind.; remained only two months ; then to Kentucky for i about two months ; then for five years spent the Winter seasons in Mississippi. Finally, in 1853, settled in Partridge j Township, Woodford Co., being there thirteen years engaged in farming ; then came to Spring Bay Township, and has lived here since. Married Miss Eliza- beth Bair, in Partridge Township, Feb. 24, 1853 ; she was born in Alsace, France, in June, 1823 ; eight children — Daniel, Catharine Tnow Mrs. Daniel Wagner), Louis, Susan, Lawrence, Eliz- abeth, Jacob and Christine. HULBERT,H., farmer; P. 0. Spring Bay. Hawkins, Dempsey, far.; P. 0. Spring Bay. Hewitt, J. C, merch.; P. 0. Spring Bay. Hewitt, Sarah. P. 0. Spring Bay. Hodge, John, laborer ; P. 0. Spring Bay. I Hildemeier, Mich'l, far.; P. 0. Fondulac. Haas, Jacob, farmer ; P. 0. Fondulac. HOSHOR, PERRY W., farmer ; Sec. 23 ; P. 0. Spring Bay ; was born in Spring Bay Township, Nov. 5, 1841, , and in 1851 went to Fairfield County, : 0., remaining there about six years; returned to Spring Biy and has lived here ever since. ^larried Miss Catha- rine Dwyer at Spring Bay in June, 1805; she was born in Ireland ; have six chil- dren — Mary E., Cordelia. William, Al- fred, Ellen and John. He owns 280 acres of land in Worth Township, 240 in Metamora Township and about 80 in Tazewell County. JONES, ELI, miller; P. 0. Spring Bay. JUNG, GOTTFRIED, retired; P. 0. Spring Bay ; was born at Hesse- Darmstadt, Germany, April 2, 1823 ; emigrated to America in 1844 ; after remaining six weeks in New Tork City, he returned to Germany ; came back in 1845, returned again in 1847, came back in 1848, and in Jan., 1852, located in Woodford Co., commencing the mercantile trade at Spring Bay ; about 1861, he established a lumber yard, which he continued until 1870 ; in Aug., 1872, he discontinued the store, selling to Charlie Koelcher, the present occupant ; married Miss Chris- tian Meinnolt, at Peoria, III., Jan. 23, 1851 ; she was born in Germany, Feb. 21, 1831 ; no children. Mr. Jung was very successful in his mercantile pursuits, and has accumulated a nice property ; built himself a handsome residence, and owns land in different parts of the Co. ; for the past fifteen or sixteen years he has been afilicted with rheumatism, which confined him most of the time to the house ; is very popular and univer- sally respected. XrOELSCHE, CHAS., P. M. ; P. 0. spring Bav KOEMPEL, JACOB, boots and shoes ; P. 0. Spring Bay ; was born in Bavaria, Germany, July 14, 1831 ; emigrated to America, in June, 1852, coming direct to St. Louis, remain- ing there, working at the shoemaker's trade about one year; in April, 1853, went to Germantowu, Worth Town- ship., and worked at his trade three years ; came to Spring Bay, in April, 1856, remaining about four years, and then to Partridge Tp. for four years; finally came back to Spring Bay, and has lived here ever since ; married Miss Eve Volk in Worth Tp., Jan. 1. 1856 ; SPRING BAY TOWNSHIP. 535 she was born in Bavaria, Germany, March, 12, 1829 ; five children— EUza- beth, Sophia, Terese, Adam, Frank. LEINE WEBER, CASPER, carpenter; P. 0. Spring Bay. Leonard, Wm., farmer; P. 0. Foudulac. Loveless, Abraham, carp; P. 0. Spring Bay. Loveless, Thomas, far.; P. 0. Spring Bay. Loser, Peter, farmer ; P. 0. Spring Bay. nV /TEISTER, J. A., far.; P. 0. Spring Matthis, John, farmer ; P. 0. Fondulac. Matthis, James, farmer ; P. 0. Fondulac. Mader, Gottfried, butcher; P. 0. Spring Bay. Merbath, Maria A., merchant; P. 0. Spring Bay. Meister, Conrad, blacksmith ; P. 0. Spring Bay. Mourer, Jos., laborer; P. 0. Spring Bay. Meinholt, Geo., tailor; P. 0. Spring Bay. ^VriCOLAS, ELIZABETH, P. 0. JJN Spring Bay. Newman F. W., shoemaker; P. 0. Spring Bay. NICOLAS, FRANK, far.; P.O. Spring Bay ; was born in Lorraine, France, July 15, 1851 ; his parents emigrating to America, same year, locat- ing in Spring Bay Township ; his father N. Nicolas, was borne in Lorraine, France, Sept. 17, lSll,and died in April, 1861 ; his mother, Elizabeth Nicolas, was born in France, March 3, 1821 ; they were married in Ashville, France, Sept. 17, 1850 ; two children living — Frank (the subject of this sketch), and Ellen, born in Spring Bay, Jan. 2-1, 1858; lost two — Elizabeth and Prosper. In 1872, Mr. Nicolas went to Nebraska, remaining about fourteen months, and then returned to Spring Bay; in March, 1878, he again started for Nebraska, to return during the Summer ; while there, had charge of land belonging to L. Will- iams ; it is the intention of Mr. N. to locate permanently near Lincoln, Neb. REISING, ADAM, mason; P. 0. Spring Bay. Richwein, Simon, cooper ; P. 0. Sprino; Bay. Rohmann, Peter, farmer ; P. 0. Spring Bay. Rohmann, Jno., far. ; P. 0. Spring Bay. Ragy, Jos., farmer ; P. 0. Spring Bay. SNYDER, NICHOLAS, farmer ; P. 0. Spring Bay. Stotler, Wm., far. ; P. 0. Fondulac. Sigel Fred, lab. ; P. 0. Sprint; Bay. Shults, C. S., lab. ; P. 0. Sprin- Bay. SPILLMAN, WM. P., former; See. aO ; P. 0. Spring Bay ; owns 286 acres of land in Spring Bay and Par- tridge Tp.s. ; was born in Zurich, Switzerland, March 1-1, 1836 ; emi- grated to America in 1851 settling in Peru, 111., remaining there eight years. In 1859, came to Spring Bay — his present location ; served three years in Company " F," 85th 111. Inf , being discharged at Springfield, 111., June 5, 1865 ; married Miss Therese This at Peru, 111., March 4, 1859. She was born in Lorraine, France, Aug. 28, 1838; have had eight children — MaryB., born Jan. 17, 1860 ; Eugene W., born May 16, 1863; William J., born March 23, 1866; Anna F., born June 21,1868; Henry J., born Oct. 11, 1870; three deceased — Julia M., Albert S. and Louisa M. SHOTTENKIRK, P., farmer; Sees. 11 and 14; P. 0. Spring Bay; was born in Johnstown, Montgomery Co., N. Y., April 22, 1812. In 1838, re- moved to what is now Spring Bay Tp., and has resided here ever since. His brother, John C, had preceded him about three years. Married Miss Eliza- beth Williams April 17, 1857. She was born in Spring Bay Tp. July 16, 1841 ; seven children — DeEtte H., Dewitt C, Susan, Jay, Ellen, Phineas, Cora. Owns 627 acres in Spring Bay Tp.; 360 in Panola Tp. His father lived to be 73 years of a. 0. Minonk. DOBSON, CHARLES (Charles Dobson k Co.), miller ; P. 0. Minonk ; born in Yorkshire, England, Oct. 19, 1822. Removed to this country in early childhood, with his parents, who settled in Beaver Co., Pa., in 1831. He came to Illinois in 1838, locating in Marshall, then Putnam County ; re- moved to Minonk, his present home, in Aug., 185-4 ; here he built the first dwelling ; also served as the first Post- master and School Director. Engaged in the grain trade that year, and the following Fall opened a store. Owns 160 acres of land, valued at $16,000. Married April 17, 1845, to Miss Susan Hollenbeck. She was born in Ohio ; died Dec. 21, 1844. One child— Mary E., wife of Benj. Pope ; was again mar- ried Aug. 29, 1850, to Mary E. Perry. She was born in Kentucky ; six chil- dren by this union — Franklin P., Susan A., Hattie, Fannie, Alfred B. and Charley. Dunham, C. E., flour and feed ; P. 0. Minonk. De Boer, G. H., bakery ; P. 0. Minonk. Davison Bros., soda water mfrs. ; P. 0. Minonk. Davison, N. L., & Sons, soda water mfrs. P.O. Minonk. Davison, E. S , soda water mfr. ; P. 0. Minonk. Davison, N. L., Sr., soda water mfr. ; P.O. Minonk. Davis, G. E., carpenter; P. 0. Minonk. Downing, Jno., farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Deacy, Martin, mason ; P. 0. Minonk. Dent, C. H., clerk ; P. 0. Minonk. Davison, D. W., barber ; P. 0. Minonk. Dunn, W. R., banker ; P. O. Minonk. Dudden, Ed., farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. ENGLES, CHRIS., farmer; P. 0. Woodford. Eden, E. B., farmer ; P. 0. Woodford. Eby, A. J., farmer ; P. 0. Woodford. Eden, W. B., farmer ; P. 0. Woodford. Eilers, John, farmer; P. 0. Minonk. Eden, G. B., farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Ewers, Samuel, lecturer; P. 0. Minonk. Eilts, H., farmer; P. 0. Minonk. Ewen, E. A., dlr. ag. imps.; P. 0. Minonk. Eanor, C, laborer; P. 0. Minonk. FAIRBANKS, J., lab.; P. 0. Minonk. F Fulton, H. D., P. 0. Minonk. Fillingham, Levi, farmer; P. 0. Minonk. Flesner, J. W., farmer; P. 0. Minonk. Fillingham, Ed., farmer; P. 0. Minonk. Facemire, S. W., farmer; P. 0. Minonk. Foybarger, Wm., farmer; P. 0. Minonk. Fehring, John, farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Fischer, Louis, butcher ; P. 0. Minonk. Frerichs, J. H., farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Forney, J., Sr.,g'n and lum.; P.O. Minonk. Fuller Bros., butchers; P. 0. Minonk. Fuller, C. S., butcher ; P. 0. Minonk. Ferdinand, Christ., far.; P. 0. Woodford. 550 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY FORT, JAMES M., attorney, pub- lisher and dealer in real estate ; P. 0. Minonk ; born in Marshall Co., 111., July 1, 184:6; removed to Minonk, his present home, in July, 1870 ; com- menced the study of law in 1864, and was admitted to the bar in 1869 ; he has served as Supervisor and City Clerk married in 1870, to Miss Carrie Clark she was born in the State of Indiana two children — one living. Arthur C, Flora G. died Aug. 26, 1872. Fowler, Thos. J., laborer; P. 0. Minonk. Ferrin. E. C, laborer; P. 0. Minonk. FERRIN HENRY K., Justice of the Peace and insurance; P. 0. Minonk; born in Concord, N. H., March 26, 1834 ; came to Illinois in the Spring of 1858, locating at Minonk, his present home ; he has served as Justice of the Peace since 1861, except while in the army ; enlisted in the 77th 111. Inft., in 1862 ; mustered out in 1863 ; served as Supervisor several terms ; member of the City Council in 1865; has also held other minor city and town offices ; mar- ried in 1855, to Miss Loretta P. San- born ; she was born in Swanton, Vt. ; one child — Lillia E. Mr. F. is a mem- ber of Robert Morris Lodge, Xo. 247, A., F. and A. M. FILGER, DAVID, dealer in live stock ; P. 0. Minonk ; born in Wayne Co., Ohio, March 2, 1834 ; came to Illi- nois in the Spring of 1853, locating at Tonica, La Salle Co., where he resided until 1861, with exception of one year spent in Iowa ; removed to Minonk, his present home, in 1861, where he en- gaged in the grain trade, building an elevator in 1864, and continuing in same business until 1876 ; enlisted in 77th I. Y. in 1862 ; discharged on ac- count of gunshot wound in 1863; mem- ber of City Council in 1874 ; Mayor of the (?ity from April, 1875 to 1877 ; owns 400 acres of land, valued at $18,000 ; married in 1864 to Miss Magsjie N. Garton ; she was born in Illinois. GROSSMAN, HENRY, former; P. 0. Minonk. Gray, Robert W., farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Garrels, Jno., corn sheller ; P. 0. Minonk. Gaisford, Wm., farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Goolell, Wm., miller; P. 0. Minonk. Gerdis. D ; P. 0. Minonk. Geiken, D.. farmer; P. 0. Minonk. Gordon, J. C, farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Guinne, Danl, farmer ; P. 0. Woodford. Goodrich, Nancy E.; P. 0. Minonk. Gorman, Dennis, laborer : P. 0. Minonk. GILBERT, JOSEPH W.. dry goods, clothing, boots and shoes ; P. 0. Minonk ; born in Otsego Co., N. Y.. May 27, 1831 ; removed to the State of Ohio in 1850, and Dubuque, Iowa, in 1869; in 1872, he located in Chicago, and one year later removed to Minonk, his present home ; has served as mem- ber of the City Council ; member of Mi- nonk Lodge No. 377, I. 0. 0. F. ; mar- ried, Jan. 1, 1871, to Miss Estella A. Gnerin ; she was born in Dubuque, la. Gay, James, blacksmith ; P. 0. Minonk. Girdes, Dirk, P. 0. Minonk. Gay, William, blacksmith ; P. 0. Minonk. Goodwin, E., brick maker ; P. 0. Minonk. Garrels, Fred., P. 0. Minonk. Goodrich & Newton, lumbermen ; P. 0. Minonk. Gordon, W. M., lumberman ; P.O. Minonk. Gaisford, James, retired ; P. 0. Minonk. Gmelich, John, furn. dlr; P. 0. Minonk. Goodrich, C W., lum. ; P. 0. Minonk. Golden, John, saloon ; P. 0. Minonk. Gallaher, Julia, P. 0. Minonk. Goodrich, A., lumber ; P. 0. Minonk. Grampp, John, laborer; P. 0. Minonk. Golden. Catharine J., P. 0. Minonk. HONNEMAN, FRED., laborer; P. 0. Minonk. Hitriek, Jasper, farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Harms, H. A., farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Huddleston, H. H., farmer; P.O. Minonk. Hinriclis. John, farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Hester, Mrs. E., P. 0. Minonk. Harms, Henry, farmer; P. 0. Minonk. Heeren, H., farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Heeren, Franz, farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Humphrey, John^ farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Hinrich, E., farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Hughes, P. C, farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Hofferland, C., farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Holder, J. M., sta. ast.; P. 0. Woodford. HAMILTON, ROBERT L., pro- prietor uf the Webber House. Minonk ; was born in Columbia County, N. Y., Oct. 22, 1828 ; came to Illinois in the Fall of 1857, locating in Groveland Township, La Salle County ; removed to Rock Falls, Whiteside County, in 1872, and four years later to Minonk, MINONK TOWNSHIP. 551 his present home. Mr. H. is a member of the followinEc Masonic bodies : New Rutland Lodge, No. 477 ; New Rutland Chapter, No. 112, R. A. M., and Coun- cil No. 52, U. D. Married, in 1854, to Miss Anna C. Webber ; she was born in Green Co., N. Y. ; four children — Loisa, Ida, Etta J. and George H. Hester, John, laborer ; P. 0. Minonk. Hinrich, H., painter ; P. 0. Minonk. Henkell, Henry, painter; P. 0. Minonk. Hanson, Geo., painter; P. 0. ^linonk. Hazelbaker, A., Constable ; P. 0. Minonk. Hollenbach, J., farmer; P. 0. Minonk. Harper, W. C, fish dealer ; P. 0. Minonk. Hickman, H. M., P. 0. Minonk. Hohlen, Wm., laborer; P. O. Minonk. Hulseman, J., shoemaker; P. 0. Minonk. Hedge, H. 0., P. 0. Minonk. Hesse & Williams, dry goods; P. 0. Minonk. Herman, V., harness maker; P. 0. Minonk. Henkel, Fred, farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Hughes, Bridget, farmer; P. 0. Minonk. yANUARY, J. W., far.; P. 0. Minonk. Jones, W. H., miller; P. 0. Minonk. Johnson, D., farmer; P. 0. Woodford. Jansen, H. D., farmer; P. 0. Woodford. Johnson, D. H., farmer; P. 0. Minonk. Johnson, C., farmer; P. 0. Minonk. Johnson, R., farmer; P. 0. Minonk. Johnson, J. B., farmer; P. 0. Minonk. Johnson, J. H., farmer; P. 0. Minonk. James, B. F., farmer; P. 0. Minonk. Julg & Woltzen, har. mkrs.; P.O. 3Iinonk. Julg, Wm., harness maker ; P. 0. Minonk. Jenkinson, B., farmer; P. 0. Minonk. Jochum, B., farmer; P. 0. Minonk. Jochum, John, farmer; P. 0. Minonk. JURY, JOHN J., farmer; P.O. Minunk; born in Devonshire, England, Feb. 6, 1836; came to this country in the Summer of 1850, locating at Low Point, Woodford Co., 111.; came to Minonk Township in 1856, removing to his present home Feb. 6, 1868 ; owns 200 acres of land, valued at S10,000; married in Dec, 1860, to Mi.ss Mary E. Brown ; she was born in Woodford Co.; three children — Genevieve A., Welby R., Adelbert L. TT^ETCHUM, J., carp.; P. 0. Minonk. Keedy, Mrs. M. A.; P. 0. Minonk. Keer, D., bar tender ; P. 0. Minonk. I Kerrick, Josiah, miller ; P. 0. Minonk. I Kohl, Thos., retired; P. 0. Minonk. Knapp, Peter, farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Kirby, Thos., farmer; P 0. Woodford. Kirk, Samuel, Postmaster and general mer- chandise ; P. 0. Woodford. Koster, Harm, farmer; P. 0. Minonk. Kelley, Pat., farmer; P. 0. Minonk. Koerchner, Peter, farmer; P. 0. Minonk. Kalkwaif, J. D., farmer; P. 0. Minonk. Kelly, Barnard, firmer : P. 0. Minonk. KIPP & GORDON, lumber, lath, shingles, sash, doors, blinds, etc.; P. 0. Minonk. Kipp, Adelbert B., born in Lexington, Green Co., N. Y., Oct. 12, 1844; came to Illinois in April, 1861, locatins" at Tonica, La Salle Co.; enlisted 65th ill. Inf in 1862, and served during the war ; located at Minonk, his present home, in 1866, and engaged in the lumber trade ; served as member of the City Council from 1871 to 1874. Gordon, William M., born in Switzer- land Co., Ind., March 20, 1840 ; came to Illinois in Oct., 1850, locating at Henry, Marshall Co. ; enlisted in the 77th 111. Inf in 1862, mustered out in 1863 ; located in Clayton Township, this county, in 1865 ; removed to Minonk in 1875. Keller, William, saloon ; P. 0. Minonk. Koethen, G., general merchandise ; P. 0. Minonk. Koethen, Catharine ; P. 0. Minonk. Kidder, S., dry goods ; P. 0. Minonk. Kenyon, D. P., farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Kleinau, F., farmer; P. 0. Minonk. Kennedy, Thomas, farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Kipp, A. B., lumber; P. 0. Minonk. Kipp, E. B., lumber; P. 0. Minonk. Kipp, Mrs. A. E.; P. 0. Minonk. Koch, George, blacksmith ; P. 0. Minonk. Keedy, Louisa ; P. 0. Minonk. Kipp, Mary E. ; P. 0. Minonk. Koethen, Anna ; P. 0. Minonk. Keittrioh, UfFke, farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. ! Koester, Herman, far. ; P. 0. Minonk. T ASHER, A., laborer ; P. 0. Minonk. Lubben, George, laborer ; P. 0. Minonk. Livingston, H. carp. ; P. 0. Minonk. Lichtenstein, L., clothier; P. 0. Minonk. Lee, 0. S., clerk ; P. 0. Minonk. Louks, J. 0., teacher ; P. 0. Minonk. Lambert, Henry, gardener; P. 0. Minonk. Livingston, Jas., retired ; P. 0. Minonk. 552 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY Lee, W. C, nurseryman ; P. 0. Minonk. Lee, Greorge, farmer ; P. 0. Minouk. Lee. Levi, farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Luderman, Benjamin. Lovell, Wm., engineer ; P. 0. Minonk. Locker, Chvis., farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. McCREARY, T. B., farmer; P.O. Minonk. jMain, William, farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Morris, John & Co., furniture ; P. 0. Mi- nonk. Martin, Jas. M., farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Miller, H. A., grocer ; P. 0. Minonk. Miles, Jacob, blacksmith ; P. 0. Minouk. Martin, Euclid, hardware ; P. 0. Minonk. Metz, Mathias, harness mkr. ; P. 0. Mi- nonk. Meyir, William, saloon; P. 0. Minonk. Monk, Theo. ; P. 0. 3Iinonk. Miller, S. A., hardware; P. 0. Minonk. Monk, R. H., farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Morris, John, furniture dlr. ; P. 0. Mi- nonk. Memmen, A. J., farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Melchert, F. Sr., minister ; P. 0. Minonk. McKean, John, farmer ; P. 0. Minouk. McKeever, Wm., retired ; P. 0. Minonk. McDonald. D., pit boss at the shaft ; P. 0. Minonk. Martin, J. D., farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Mcintosh, M. L.. laborer ; P. 0. Minonk. Maurer, B., P. 0. Minonk. McKay, James, farmer ; P.O. Minonk. McClay, Rebecca , P. 0. Minonk. Minger, J. U.. real estate ; P. 0. Minonk. Muchow. Lena ; P. 0. Minonk. McSparren. A., farmer; P. 0. Minonk. Mooney. Jonas, farmer : P. 0. Minnnk. McCONKEY, JONATHAN M., farmer; See-, lo; P. 0. Minonk; born in Washington Co., Ya., Oct. 28, 1818, but removed to Illinois in childhood, with his parents, who settled in Edgar Co. in 1828. Made the overland trip to California in 1850. returnins: in 1855 to Marshall Co. Removed to his pres- ent home in the Spring of 1857. Owns 160 acres of land, valued at §9,000 ; married in 1844. to Miss Catharine Reeves ; she was born in Athens Co.. Ohio, Oct. 9,1823.- Six children— Mary W. (wife of James Wilson ). Laura C., Clara ; lost three — Frances. Cyrus W. and Charles W. 3Ir. 3IeConkev's fa- ther. John S., served in the wai" of 1812, Black Hawk and Mexican wars. METCALF, WILLIAM, farmer ; Sec. 12 : P. 0. Minonk; born in Xor- thumberland, England. Aug. 30, 1817 ; came t. Panola. Shaw. Thomas, farmer ; P. 0. Panola. Senenger, J. B., farmer; P. 0. El Paso. SWARTZ, JOSEPH B., former; breeder of Clydesdale horses and general stock raiser ; P. 0. El Paso ; is a Re- publican ; i.ttends the Evangelical As- sociated Church ; has 240 acres on Sec. 34, and 160 on Sec. 3, opposite, in McLean Co., all valued at $24,000. He was born in Fairfield Co., Ohio, May 8, 1834, and came to this State and place, Feb., 1866. He married Miss Barbary E. Keller, April 23, 1857. She was born in Licking Co., Ohio, July 8, 1840. They have had ten children, (lost two) — Clinton T., Clara A., Mel- 572 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY vin W., Ida Bell, Lucy May, Elsie Ellen, Joseph V. and Ralph B. :Mr. S., as a farmer and stock raiser, ranks among the verj' best in the county, and his farm and surroundings are among the beautiful ones of the State. SHAW, OLIVER P., farmer ; P.O. El Paso ; in politics, is a Democrat, and in religion a Methodist ; has 280 acres of land on Sees. 10 and 11. He was born in Brown Co., Ohio. May 24, 1819, and came to Metamora, this county, Oct 13, 1855, and to this farm in Feb., 1860. He married, for his first wife. Jane Pindall. in 1838. She died in Jan.. 1843, and left three chil- dren ; one died while young — Thomas J., Oliver P., Jr. He married his present wife, Celenda G. Briggs. Dec. 14, 1844. She was born in Berkshire Co.. Mass.. June 30. 1820. They have had seven children (lost four) — James M., Mary A. and William F. Mr. Shaw is one of the pioneers on this vasi prairie, and has made many sub- stantial improvements, which render his home and farm one of the very at- tractive features of this part of the town. r-pAYLOR. J. C. farmer ; P. 0. Pan- _L ola. Tervehen, Albert, blacksmith ; P. 0. Panola. Thomas, D., blacksmith ; P. 0. Panola. Tucker, Chas.. farmer ; P. 0. Panola. Tobie, r. W., farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Tool. Geo., farmer ; P. 0. Panola. Thorpe, Geo., Jr., farmer; P.O. Panola. Thorpe. Wm.. farmer: P. 0. Panola. THORPE, GEORGE, far. ; P. 0. Panola; Rep. and Meth.; has 400 acres in Sec. 1, valued at 820,000, also a fine farm near Peoria, and considerable Peoria city property ; he was born in Derbyshire, England, March 3, 1819, and came to Pe(tria May 20, 1841, where he worked at his trade, building and contracting, for eighteen years, when he bought a farm near the city, and remained there until March, 1869, when he came to this county ; he mar- ried Eliza Morris, in Peoria, Oct., 1842; she was born in Lancashire, England, July 11, 1821 ; they have had seven children — two having died in infancy, and Henry died when thirteen years old ; four living — William, 34 years old ; George, 32 ; Mary Ann 23, and Joseph, 17 ; Mr. T. came to this country poor, and by industry and good management has accumulated a rich competency ; in 1876, he lost all his buildings by fire (except his house), together with nearly all his grain and hay, and other valu- able property ; his farm and location is one of the most desirable. XTNGER, CHRIST., farmer; P. 0. U El Paso. YOSBERG, HEDDO, farmer; P. 0. Panola. Vosbers, G. H., farmer; P. 0. Panola. 'ARD, L. X. farmer ; P. 0. Panola. W Wall, John D., farmer; P. 0. El Paso. Wills, Frank M., farmer ; P. 0. Panola. Weinhamer, A. J., farmer; P. 0. Panola. Waite, F. T., farmer ; P. O. El Paso. W^orley, J. M., farmer; P. 0. Panola. W^elch, W. W., farmer; P. 0. Panola. Wallace, A. C, farmer; P. 0. Panola. Wait, M. H., farmer; P. 0. El Paso. Whiting, Francis, farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Wilkey, John, farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Worley, C. E., farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Whitlock, Edwin, blacksmith ; P. 0. Pa- nola. Walden, Joseph, farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. WARD, JOHN, flu-mer; See. 19; P. O. Panola ; he was born in Marshall Co., W. Va., July 17, 1823, and came to this county in 18.")0, and on this farm in 1857 ; he married Jane B. Bryson in ^Marshall Co., W. Ya., Feb. 17, 1852 ; she was born in Belmont Co., Ohio, Oct. 29, 1830 ; they have two boys — Lemuel N , and Darwin A. ; Mr. Ward was among the first to settle on this then vast unbroken prairie, and one now pass- ing his valuable farm and residence will recognize it as the home of a prosperous and thorough man, and one whose pros- perity depended upon his labor ; Rep. ; Meth. ; has 346 acres of land, valued at $50 per acre. ROANOKE TOWNSHIP. 573 ROANOKE TOWNSHIP. AMSLER, HENEY, farmer ; P. 0. Koanoke. Aden, Jno. R., saloon ; P. 0. Roanoke. Achleman, Simeon, far. ; P. 0. Roanoke. Auer, Frank, farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Achleman, Jos., farmer; P. 0. Roanoke. Aue, iNIina, farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Aclileman, Matis, farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Achleman, Peter, farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. BALLY, SAMUEL, farmer; P.O. Roanoke. Borden, L. N., farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Borden, Jno. S., farmer; P.O. Roanoke. Borden, Abram, farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Biniiham, Emory E., farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Butterfield, Samuel, far. ; P. 0. Roanoke. Bally, Peter, former ; P. 0. Roanoke. Blunier, Peter, farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Brown, D. S., firmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Beer. Jno., farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Burks, H. M., firmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. BACH MANN, ANDREW, form- ing and stock ; Sec. 7 ; P. « . Cazenovia ; was born in Hesse Darmstadt June 4, 1820 ; he married Miss Catherine Sut- ter. She was born in Old Berne, Ger- many. They have six children — Mag- dalene, John, Samuel, Barbara, JacolD, Emma. He lived in Germany until 1846, when he came to this country ; he landed at New Orleans, then came to Woodford Co., 111. He came here without any money, and now owns 480 acres in this township, and 58 acres of timber in Partridge, all of which he has earned by his own labor. BRUBAKER, ABRAHAM, for mer ; Sees. 22 and 15; P. O. Roan- oke ; was born in Richland Co., Ohio, July 4, 1830. He married Miss Catherine Sentle, Jan. 10, 1860. She was born in Pennsylvania, and died Feb. 15, 1868. They had three children— Ida M., born Feb. 19, 1861 ; William A., born May 19, 1863 ; Henry, born Aug. 26, 1865. His second wife was Miss Sanny Sentle, who was born in Penn- sylvania; married Sept. 1, 1869 ; they have two children — Mary, born June 9, 1872; Norah, born March 10, 1877. He lived in Ohio until 1851, then came to Woodford Co. and settled at Walnut Grove with his parents ; remained three years there, then came to Roanoke Tp.^ and has lived here since; he owns 160 acres here and five acres timber in Greene Tp. Braubaker, Dan, farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Brown, T. A. merchant ; P. 0. Roanoke. Beeman, Wm., blacksmith ; P. 0. Roanoke. Brown, C. F., lumber dealer; P. 0. Ro- anoke. Birkey, Valentine, far. ; P. 0. Roanoke. Baringer, Jacob, farmer ; P. 0. Secor. BELSLEY, PETER, forming ; Sec. 25 ; P.O. Roanoke ; was born in Wood- ford Co., 111., Dec. 7, 1841 ; he mar- ried Miss Catherine Schertz Nov. 24, 1867 ; she was born in Woodford Co., 111., Sept. 15, 1846 ; they have five children — Annie H., John J., David C, Michael E. and Magdalene E. He lived in the county most of his time, living with his parents until he was married, then commenced farming on his own account, on Section 25, and the present is the third location on this sec- tion of his residence; his father formerly owned the entire section. He had the use of the southeast ((uarter of Sec. 25 gratis, and was deeded the same one year ago. He has since bought the southwest quarter, so that he now owns 320 acres here, and five acres of timber. His parents are living in Spring Bay Township. Bloodworth, J., farmer ; P. 0. Secor. Beck, Jno. F., farmer ; P. 0. Secor. Boiler, Henry, farmer ; P. O. Roanoke. Barnhart, Abraham, far.; P. 0. Roanoke. Brown, J. L., farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Bachman. Andrew, for.; P. 0. Cazenovia. BELSLEY, JOSEPH, Jr., form- ing and stock ; Sec. 24 ; P. 0. Roanoke. Was born in Woodford Co., 111., in Spring Bay Tp., April 2, 1847. He married Miss Hannah Ege Feb. 15, 1872. She was born in Woodford Co., 111., Spring Bay Tp., Jan. 21, 1852. They have one child, born in Spring Bay— Clay B. F., born Jan. 28, 1873. His farm contains 106 acres. He has always lived in Woodford County ; 574 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY he came to Eoanoke Tp. iu Dec., 1873. His fatiier came from France to the United States in 1831, and is an old res- ident of Woodford Co. He Uves at ! present in Sprincr Bav Tp. j BIRCKY, JOSEPH, retired; Sec. 2 : P. O. Roanoke. Lives on his farm. Was born in Bavaria. May 17, 1816. He married Miss Barbara Eikstein in 1846. She was born in Bavaria in 1827. They had ten children; eight living — Yalintine, Mary, Lena, Checa- beua, Susan, Fannie, Peter J., Powell X. He lived in Bavaria until 18-i-t, then came to United States ; settled in New Orleans ; then to Tazewell Co., 111. ; remained one year, then returned to Germany, where he married, and returned to the United States the next year. His father came two years later; he settled in Tazewell Co.. and remained ' twenty years ; followed fai-ming ; then came to Woodford Co.. and settled on his present place. He was in limited circumstances when he came here. His farm contains 20(1 acres. BARNEY, HIRAM, real estate; P. 0. Roanoke; was born in Chester, Windsor County, Vermont, March 10, 1809 ; married Miss Clarissa Marshall ; she was born May 10, 1813. in same town, county and State, and married Dec. 31, 1833; had ten children, two dead and eight living. He has not heen an oflBce seeker, his onh' positions being in the school and church ; he has taken an active part in the building of the town, and is very liberal in supporting its institutions, more especially what he believes to be the cause of Christ; he resides on his farm adioining the town. r^RICKEXBERGER. FRANK, ma- \^ sell ; P. 0. Roauuke. Cliildress, T. J., broom maker; P. 0. Ro- anoke. Cender. Chris, farmer: P. 0. Roanoke. Cordsen. Jacob ; P. 0. Roanoke. Camp, M. A.. P. 0. Roanoke. Carl, George, farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Clark. J. J., farmer; P. 0. Eureka. Clark, D. M., farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Cox, J. S., farmer; P. 0. Roanoke. Causey, EHza A., farmer; P. 0. Roanoke. Causey, Calvin E., flu-mer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Converse, N. N., farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Cullen, Jno. V.. P. 0. Roanoke. Condcr. Jos., farmer: P. 0. Roanoke. CHILDRESS, ELLIS P., flumer and stock rai.ser ; Sec. -4 ; P. O. Roan- oke ; was born in Louisa Co., Va., Feb. 22, 1830 ; he married Miss Ehza J. Bailev. Nov. 13, 1853 ; she was born in Augai-sta Co., Va., March 30, 1823; they had five children, three living — Mary E., Martha E.. and John H. He lived in Virginia until 1857, when he came to Woodford Co.. 111., and settled near Metamora ; in 1866, he came to his present place ; he has heen School Director a number of years ; he came to this county in very poor circumstances; he now owns 80 acres, which he has earned hy his own labor ; his father is not living ; his mother lives in Vir- sinia. DELLEXB AUGH. JACOB, farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. DeBruler. E. M., mech. ; P. 0. Roanoke. Dirks. Wm.. farmer; P. 0. Eureka. Dellenbaugh, Jos., far. ; 1^0. Roanoke. Davenjiort, Mrs.. P. 0. Eureka. ELBERT, JOS., farmer; P. 0. Roan- oke. Entrel. Jacob, gen. mdse.; P. 0. Roanoke. F\\UBER. MARGARET, farmins ; P. 0. Roanoke. Fisher, J. H., blksmth.; P. 0. Roanoke. Fisher, J. L., mechanic ; P. 0. Roanoke. Fisher, J. X., mechanic ; P. 0. Roanoke. Frantz, Jas. W., merch.; P. 0. Roanoke. Fauber. S. H., farmer: P. 0. Roanoke. Fauber, E. D., far.; P. 0. Roanoke. Frantz, A. P., house mover: P. 0. Roanoke. FRANTZ, HENRY J., Senator from the 20th District ; P. 0. Roanoke. Was born in Roanoke Co., Va., Feb. 7, 1834. He resided there until April, 1855. when he came to Roanoke, Wood- ford Co., 111., and has resided here since. He married ML«s Moriah J. Gish. She was born in Virginia, and married Dec. 20, 1857. They had nine chil- preo. eight living. On airiving here he engaged in farming and stock, locating on Sec. 10. He was elected County Treasurer in 1867 and held the office three terms ; was elected to the State Legislature from the 20th District in 1874, and in 1876 he was elected to the State Senate from the same district. He was Chairman of the Committee on Aizriculture : was one of the committee ROANOKE TOWNSHIP. >75 that investigated the State House Com- missioners ; also one of the Committee on State Charitable Institutions It ' was throuti'li his exertions that the present location was given the station, and he also gave it the name of Roanoke in memory of his native county in Vir- ginia. FRANTZ, JOHN, general merchan- dise ; P. O. K(uinoke. Was born in Virginia, Oct. 5, 1824. He married Miss Timoxena McCauley May 20, 1847 ; had seven children, four living. His wife died July 26, 1857. His sec- ond wife was Miss Elenora Evey. They were married June 13, 1858. They had eisht children, six living. In the Fall of 1852, he came to Woodford Co., 111., and settled in Roanoke Tp. He engaged in farming. In Aj)ril, 1873, he opened his present business. He has been Justice of the Peace for twelve years ; also School Director. He came to this county in poor circum- stances ; was in the grain business for two years at Secor, this county. Fister, J., Sr., drayman; P. 0. Roanoke. Fister, F., Jr., farmer; P. 0. Roanoke. Fister, John, P. 0. Roanoke. Fisher, A., blacksmith ; P. 0, Roanoke. Fisher, P. A., painter; P. 0. Roanoke. Farney, Peter, farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Frederick, Fred, far. ; P. 0. Roanoke. Farney, V., farmer; P. 0. Secor. FAUBER, D. T., farmer; Sec. 14; P. 0. Roanoke. Was born in Augusta Co., Va., Nov. 15, 1822. He man-ied Miss Nancy Kindig. She Avas born in Augusta Co., Va., and married Dec. 24, 1846 ; had ten children, nine living. He lived in Virginia until 1855, when he came to Woodford Co., 111., and settled on his present place; has 160 acres here, and 120 elsewhere in county; has been Supervisor some fifteen terms, and Township Treasurer some fifteen years; also School Treasurer and Director. His father, Samuel C. Fauber, married Miss Jane Trout, both of \ r,-, They had eleven children. He lived to be 77 years of age. Mrs. Fauber is now 80 years old, and is living in Virginia. Fish, W. B., farmer; P. 0. Roanoke. r^ RAMM, A., farmer; P. 0. Roanoke. Grarber, M.. farmer; P. 0. Roanoke. GiiUett. Wm.. farmer; P. 0. Roanoke. GISH, GEO. W., farming; Sec. 23; P. 0. Roanoke. Was born in Roanoke Co., Va., Oct. 23, 1825. He married Miss Sarah Jane Ruddell, Sept. 7, 1848. She was born in Roanoke Co., Va., Aug. G, 1829. They had thirteen chil- dren, twelve living — Thomas W'., Lydia A., William B., Martha E., Emma G., Addie J., James L., Mary M., Charles H., Edgar Gr., Oscar J., Lewis C. He lived in Virginia until 1848, when he moved to Elkhart Co., Ind. Then, in the Fall of 1850, he came to Woodford Co., 111., and settled near his present place ; came to his present place in 1853. He has not been an office seeker, his only office being School Director, which place he has filled for twenty-five years. He came to the county in very poor circumstances. His place now contains 120 acres, which he has earned mainly by his own exertions. He has for the past twenty-four years acted as minister in the Panther Creek Church. Gish, Christian, farmer; P. 0. Roanoke. Gish, T. W., laborer; P. 0. Roanoke. Gullett, Ed., farmer; P. 0. Roanoke. Gozinger, Chris., mer. ; P. 0. Roanoke. Gohering, Dan, far. ; P. 0. Roanoke. Greuter, Benedict, far. ; P. 0. Roanoke. Gish, J. A., farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. GISH, WILLIAM A., farming and stock; Sec. 11; P. O. Roanoke; was born in Roanoke Co., Va., Nov. 8, 1824. He married Miss Sarah E. Statler Sept. 23, 1852. She was born in Roanoke Co., Va. They had fifteen children, thirteen living — Medora H., Lucy A. M., George H., David L., James W., Mary I]., Sarah B., Emma S., -Josephus J., Lillie R. L., Ida N., Charles A., Francis F., Bertie L. and John E. George H. and David are not living. He lived in Virginia until 1851, when he came to AV'oodford Co., 111. In 1853, he settled on his present place, and has lived here since ; has been Commissioner of Highways and Asses- sor four or five terms, and School Direc- tor some twenty years. He has 320 acres here and some timber. He came here in very limited circumstances. His nearest market was at Peoria. GISH, JAMES R., farmer; Sees. 24 and 13; P. O. Roanoke; was born 576 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY: in Roanoke Co., Va., Jan. 24, 1826. He maiTied Miss Barbara Kindig Jan., 1849. She was born in Augusta Co., Va. They have no children. He lived in Virginia until 1849, then came to Woodford Co., 111., and settled where the village of Roanoke now stands. He engaged in farming, then moved to Sec. 14; then to his present place. When he came to tlie county there were only Four families in Roanoke Tp. He helped to build the first school house in this township. It was located north of the present No. 6 School, and also u.sed as a church. He has not been an oflBce seeker, his only office being that of School Director. He selected the present location and helped to build the Panther Creek Church, located near his residence. His farm contains 140 acres, which he rents out. HARSEIM, GODFRIED, furniture dealer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Hollenbaoh & Ricky, grain dealers ; P. 0. Roanoke. Hatcher & Jeter, hardware ; P. 0. Roan- oke. Hatcher, J. B., hardware ; P. 0. Roanoke. Harnley, Geo. G., far. ; P. 0. Roanoke. Hunzincer, Jno., farmer ; P. 0. Secor. Huusholder, Debolt. far. ; P. 0. Eureka. Herpst, Ernest, farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Hodel, Jacob, farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Hunzinger, Jacob, farmer ; P. 0. Secor. Humes, N. J., stock breeder ; P. 0. Roanoke. Hollenbach. Samuel, grain dealer; P. 0. Roanoke. Hunzinger, Elizabeth. P. 0. Secor. Hunzinger, Frank, P. 0. Roanoke. Hunzinger, Henry, farmer; P. O. Secor. Harseim, Rudolph, farmer ; P. O. Secor. SCH, NICHOLAS, farmer; P. 0. I Roanoke. JITTER, JNO. C, farmer; P. 0. Roan- oke. Jeter, W. H., farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Jansscn, Albert, farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Johnson, J. II., farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. John, Jas. M., physician ; P. 0. Roanoke. JACOBS, A. G., retired farmer ; Sec. 12: ]\ 0. Roanoke. Was born in Aurich, Hanover, Ost Friesland, Jan. 4, 1810; he married Miss Mary Redelfs, June 8, 1833; she was born Dee. 10, 1807, in Amt Esens, Hanover, Ost Friesland ; they had seven children, six living — Lammert, Mary A., Herman, Anton, Margarette, Catherina. He lived in Germany forty-five years, and in 1855 he came to the United States ; settled on present place ; he bought his land from 111. Cent. R. R. Co. ; he was in fair circumstances when he came to this county, having paid for his farm in cash ; he marketed his produce in Peoria ; he followed farming until the past four years, when he retired from the active duties. His children are all married and engaged in farming ; he is much pleased with the country, and ha.< a larue circle of friends. JETER, GIDEON, farming and stock ; Sec. 3 ; P. 0. Roanoke ; was born in Bedford Co., Va., Dec. 3, 1814, moved to Roanoke Co., Va., Sept. 1836 ; he married Miss Sarah J. Baldwin, Sept. 19, 1839; she was born in Vir- ginia, and died in Roanoke Co., Va. ; they had two children, one li^^ng — James M. His second wife was Miss Lucy A. Leonard ; she was born in Virginia Jan. 29, 1822, and married Jan. 30, 1 845 ; they had six children, four living — William H., L. J., Vir- ginia 0., John C. He lived in Virginia until 1853, when he came to Woodford Co., 111., and settled near where he now resides. He built his present house in 1855 ; he has been School Treasurer and Director, Supervisor nine years ; Road Commissioner, Coroner of county. Assessor six years ; is at present Super- visor ; his farm here contains 120 acres; all his children are married, and living in this neighborhood. JETER, L. J., of the firm of Hatcher A: Jeter, hardware and agricultural im- plements ; P. 0. Roanoke ; was born in Roaudke Co., Va., March 22, 1851 ; he married Miss Emma R. Woods ; she was born in Woodford Co., 111., May 14, 1854, and married Dec. 31, 1873. They have two children — C. Emmet and Lorine. He lived in Virginia two years, then, in 1853, he came to Wood- ford Co., 111., with his parents; they engaged in finning; in 1876, he en- gaged in his present business ; his par- ents are living on the farm in Roanoke Township. ROANOKE TOWNSHIP. 577 KEISER, WxM. H., farmer; P. 0. Secor. KENNELL, PETER, farming; Sec. 5 ; P. 0. Roanoke ; was born in Worth Township, Woodford Co., 111., July 4, 1834 ; he married Miss Ann Schertz, in 1857 ; she was born in Ger- many ; they have had six children, five living — Mary, John W., Peter W., Jo- seph, Katie. He lived in Worth Town- ship, then moved to Partridge, remain- ing until 1860, then to his present place ; his father, John Kennell, was born in France, 1803 ; came to United States in 1832; settled in Woodford Co. in 1833 ; his wife was born in France, and died in May, 1871 ; he lives here with his only son ; they to- gether own 1,200 acres here in this county, and 160 in Livingston; the property has been earned by their own labor. Mr. P. Kennell has a half sister living near Fairbury, Livingston Co. Her name was Annie Kennell. Kindig, Amos, farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Kohler, Julius, farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Kindig. D. F., farmer; P. 0. Roanoke. Keiser. W. T., farmer; P. 0. Roanoke. Keiser, John S., farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Keiser, Sam'l, farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Kempf. And'w, farmer; P. 0. Roanoke. Kohl, Peter, farmer; P. 0. Roanoke. Keiser, A. J., farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Kindig, Jno. D., merch.; P. 0. Roanoke. Kindig, Benj. 6., St., far.; P. 0. Roanoke. Kindig, Anna, farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Kindig, Sam'l H., farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Kendall, J. H., farmer; P. 0. Roanoke. LEONARD, JACOB, farmer: P. 0. Roanoke. Lower, Jos. W., farmer; P. 0. Roanoke. Leonard, Jno. H., mer.: P. 0. Roanoke. LEONARD, JACOB, forming and stock ; Sec. 9 ; P. 0. Roanoke ; was horn in Augusta Co., Va., Sept. 17, 1814; he married Miss Catherine Smols- hoffer ; she was born in Germany, and died in Illinois, in 1861 ; they had eight children, two li\'ing — Allen and Naomi G.; his second wife was Miss Mary J. Bonine ; she was born in Wayne Co., Ind., and married in 1862; they have no children. He lived in Virginia un- til he was 18, then moved to Ohio, learned the wagon making trade, and returned to Virginia; he then came to Illinois, in 1836, walking all the way from Virginia ; he settled in Sangamon County, and lived there twenty years, then moved to Menard County, remained eight years, tlien came to Woodford County in 1865, and settled on present place ; lie had no capital on arriving here; he was assessed 15 dollars, and paid a tax of 7 cents, for which he holds a receipt. Lutjans, Harm, farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Liebig, Karl, farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Ligeisse, Nicholas, farm hand ; P. 0. Eu- reka. Lyons, Chas. F., mason ; P. 0. Roanoke. Lautz, Benj. F., teacher; P. 0. Roanoke. Lemon, Henry, farmer; P. 0. Roanoke. Leonard, Geo. W., farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. ■^/TAAG, JNO., farmer; P.O. Roa- Marti, Fred, harness maker : P. 0. Roanoke. MILLER, JOHN L., farmer ; Sec. 16; P. 0. Roanoke; was born in Taze- well County, near Peoria, May 10, 1852 ; he married Miss Maggie Haas, Sept. 10, 1872; she was born in Woodford Co., Ill, in Worth Township, March 28, 1855 ; they have tw^o children — Su- sanna A., born July 18, 1873, and Frank J., born Aug. 9, 1876. He came to Woodford County with his parents, and settled near Metamora, then came to the present place, and they have lived here since. Mr. John L. owns 80 acres here, adjoining his father's place ; his father came to Woodford County in 1856 ; his wife's parents were early settlers of Worth Township ; they have both sii ce died. Moore, P. A., lumber dlr.: P. 0. Roanoke. Mourer. Jos., farmer; P. 0. Roanoke. MEGINNES, WILLIAM, farm ing and stock; Sec. 1 ; P. 0. Roanoke; was born in Franklin Co., Pa., April 22, 1827 ; he married Miss Nancy Evey ; she was born in Franklin Co., Pa., Dec. 25, 1832, and married Feb. 17, 1854; they had nine children, four living — Allie, Charles, Henry and Nancy. He lived in Franklin County twenty-four years, then went to Ohio, remaining two years, then in the Fall of 1853 he came to Woodford County and settled where he now resides, and has remained here ever since ; is no office seeker, his only ofl&ce being School 578 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY; Director ; when he came to the county, his nearest jm.st office was Mctamora ; he marketed his produce at Peoria ; he commenced with a capital of 8250, gold ; he liad nothing except what he himself earned ; he has 260 acres here, and 560 acres in Greene Township. Moore, C. L., farmer; P. 0. Roanoke. Moore. Jos., farmer; P. 0. Roanoke. Moore, W. P., teacher; P. O.Roanoke. Martin, Xaver, farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Meginnes. Henry, former; P.O. Roanoke. Marshall, S. R., farmer; P. 0. Roanoke. Miller, F. J., farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. McCauley, Jno., farmer; P.O.Roanoke. Martin, Leopold, farmer; P. 0. Roanoke. Morritz. Frank, farmer ; P. O. Roanoke. Miller, Andrew, farmer : P. 0. Roanoke. MARSHALL, E. R., farming and stock ; Sec. 7 ; P. 0. Eureka ; was born in Sudbury, Rutland Co., Vt., Nov. 15, 1826 ; he married ]VIiss Martha S. Fisher, Feb. 17, 1853 ; she was born in Mendon, Rutland Co., Vt., June 10, 1832 ; thev have four children — Amos F., born Oct. 24, 1854; Ira E., born Feb. 28, 1856 ; RollaE.,born Jan. 30, 1863 ; Orpha A., born Sept. 18, 1867. He lived in Vermont until 1847, when he came to Peoria Co., 111. ; came to Woodford Co. in 1849, and settled on his present place in 1850. Mrs. Mar- shall came West in 1842, and settled in Woodford Co. with her parents ; her father died in 1850 : her mother is liv- ing in Metamora Township ; Mr. Mar- shall's parents are living in Roanoke Township ; he was in limited circum- stances on arriving in the county; he now owns 446 acres in the county ; his two eldest sons are attending the ShurtleflP College, at Upper Alton,lll. Marshall, Nelson, farmer ; P. O. Roanoke. Moore, Isaac, Sr., clothier ; P. 0. Roanoke. Moore, Isaac Jr., P. 0. Roanoke. McVay, James, well borer ; P.O. Roanoke. MoVay, Hudson, livery ; P. 0. Roanoke. Mon-itz. Jno., farmer; P.O.Roanoke. MOCK, M. L., real estate and insur- ance ; P. 0. Roanoke ; was born in Fayette Co., 0., Jan. 9, 1844. He married Miss Clemmie Smith. She was born in Ohio in 1846, and married Sept.. 1869 ; have two children — Carrie and Herby. He lived in Oho until 1870, then moved to Pontiae, 111., and came to Woodford Co. Feb., 1874, and engaged in his present business. He is Justice of the Peace, Notary Public, Township Clerk; also attorney for United States Mercantile Agency ; was also one of the first Town Trustees of Roanoke. He enlisted in the 90tli Ohio Infantry ; was Fifth Sergeant Co. C ; was in battles of Murfreesboro, Chattanooga, Atlanta, Jonesboro, and all the battles of the campaiirn ; was in service 34 months. McCORD, THOS. ALFRED, retired farmer; P. 0. Roanoke; was born in Overton Co., Tenn., May 30, 1809. He married Miss Sarah Ann. Arnold. She was born in Franklin Co., Ky., June 13, 1818, and married Dec. 2, 1840 ; had four children, two living: both married. He lived in Tennessee until he was 18, then moved with his parents to McLean Co., 111.; remained there four years; then, in 1831, came to Panther Grove ; now in Woodford Co. with his parents. They engaged in farming. His father was born in North Carolina, and died in 1852. His mother was born in South Carolina, and died in 1871. Her maiden name was McMurtrey. In 1877, he moved to Roanoke. In 1832, he volunteered to fight Black Hawk. He procured his marriage license at Bloomington, there being no Vv'oodford Co. then ; has been Township Assessor, Road Commissioner and School Director. Came to the county in poor circumstances. OTTE, NICHOLAS, farmer; P. 0. Benson. PARMEXTER, J. H., farmer; P. 0. Cazenovia. Peterson, S. L., farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Pfeifi"er, Geo., far. ; P. 0. Roanoke. Pfeift'er, Paul, mech. ; P. 0. Roauoke. Perry, H. N., Constable; P. 0. Roanoke. PETERSON, SAMUEL, farming and stock; Sec. 1 ; P. O. Benson; was born in Salem Co., N. J., Jan. 24, 1817; he married Miss Jane Paden ; she was born in Salem Co., N. J., Jan. 30, 1822, and married Jan. 20, 1842 ; they have eight children — Mary P., Simon P., Phillip Y., David C, Sam'l Lewis and Sarah J. They were born in N. J. Annie M. and Mariah F. were born in Illinois ; five of his children are married ; Sani'l L., Annie and Mariah ROANOKE TOWNSHIP. 579 are siiis then mus- tered out at Springfield, 111., and re- turned to Woodford Co. ; remained two years, then went to Peoria Co. ; re- mained five years, then came back to Woodford Co., and has been here since. Schertz, Catherine, far. ; P. 0. Roanoke. Sheppe, Henry, fanner ; P. 0. Roanoke. Steffen, Jno.. farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Shumaker, Henry, farmer; P. 0. Roanoke. Stortz, Mathias, farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Snyder. Jno. R.; farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Schafer, Jno.. farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Shellenberger, S. W.. teacher; P. 0. Ro- anoke. Schlabach, Christian, farmer ; P. 0. Secor. Sentner, Christian, far.; P. 0. Roanoke. StoUer, Sam'l, farmer; P. 0. Roanoke. Seggerman, Harm, faim hand ; P. 0. Eu- reka. Schrock, Christ, farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Schertz, Jos., flirmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Schertz, Christian, farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Schertz, Jos. D., farmer; P, 0. Eureka. Schertz, Christian S., far.; P. 0. Eureka. Schrock, Jos., farmer ; P. O. Eureka. Stewart, Solomon, tinner ; P. 0. Roanoke. Stewart, L. P., dentist ; P. 0. Roanoke. Schwender, L. D., saloon ; P. 0. Roanoke. Seng, Conrad, farmer ; P. 0. Secor. Seiger, Adam, farmer ; P. 0. Secor. Seiser. Henry, farmer : P. 0. Secor. SNIDER, ISAAC, milling; p. O. Roanoke ; was born in Germany, in Sep- tember, 1823; he came to America while yet quite young, with his parents, and settled in Penn.sylvania ; in 1835, they came to this county, and engaged in farming ; his parents died in this county ; he learned his trade of miller at Hoshor's mills, in this county ; he mamed Miss Hannah Laton ; she was born in Ohio ; they had five children, four living ; he has traveled to Califor- nia, Oregon, Salt Lake, etc.; he built his present mill in May, 1877 ; has been School Director and Tnistee, Highway Commissioner and Supervisor ; he was in the Mexican War, Co. G, 4th 111. Regt., Cnl. Baker, under Gen. Tavlor. TRAINER, Z. R., merchant; P. 6. Ro- anoke. Tawzer, Geo. A., farmer ; P. 0. Roan- oke. ROANOKE TOWNSHIP. 581 TAWZER, J. B., farming and stock ; Sec. 24 ; P. 0. Roanoke ; was born in Adams Co., Pa., Jan. 11, 1825; he married Miss Barbara Thomas, in 1847 ; i she was born in Adams Co., Pa., , 1824 ; they had eight children, six , hving — George A., Martha J., WilUam F., Charles C., Annie B. and James J. He lived in Adams County twenty-two ; years, then moved to Cumberland Co., Pa., then to Peoria Co., 111., remained one year, then removed to Woodford Co., Ill, and settled in this neighbor- hood; came to present place in 18T3; he has been Highway Conmiissioner and School Director ; his farm here contains 135 acres, and he also owns 12 acres in Greene Township ; he came to this county in fair circumstances. ITTPTON, J. C, painter; P. 0. Ro- LJ anoke. UDEN, JOHN H., farmer; Sec. 12 ; P. 0. Roanoke ; was born in Kingdom Hanover, Germany, May 17, 1830; he married Miss Kate Westerman, March 15. 1856 ; she was born in Kingdom Hanover, March 8, 1 830 ; they had five children; she died Sept. 10, 1866 ; his second wife was Mrs. Freese, formerly Miss Niaha J. Baker ; they were mar- ried Feb. 5, 1867 ; she was born Dec. 1, 1828; they had two children, one living ; Mrs. Uden had six children by her first husband, one living. He came to the United States in 1853, landed at New Orleans, came to St. Louis, then to Peoria, then, in ] 855, he came to Wood- ford Co., 111., and settled near Eureka, remained seven years, then settled on his present place, and has lived here since ; he had no means on arriving in the United States ; he now owns 125 acres of land, which he has earned by his own labor ; he has been School Di- rector a number of years. WELLS, JOS. E., farmer; P. 0. Roanoke. Woods, Jos. M., mechanic; P. 0. Roanoke. Woltzen, A. J., farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Will, Jos. M., tailor ; P. O. Roanoke. Whittaker, Jno. D., far.; P. 0. Cazenovia. Wine, Jacob, farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Weyoneth, Elizabeth, P. 0. Roanoke. Weyoneth, Benedict, preacher ; P. 0. Ro- anoke. Wetzler, H. M., farmer; P. 0. Roanoke. Walter, Geo., farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Wagner, Jos., farmer; P. O. Secor. Wertz, Francis, farmer; P. 0. Eureka. Wetzler, Yost, farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Westerman, Jacob, farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Walser, Theo., farmer; P. 0. Roanoke. Wagner, Lourana, millinery ; P. 0. Ro- anoke. WILSON, JOSEPH, farmer; Sees. 12 and 13 ; P. 0. Roanoke ; was born in Morgan Co., 111., Dec. 27, 1841 ; he married Miss Matilda Armstrong, Dec. 5, 1865; she was born in Woodford Co., 111., Jan. 27, 1847 : they have four children — Festus R., born Dec. 25, 1865; Celisa S., born Oct. 6, 1867; Orvel E., Dec. 25, 1869; Emma E., born Feb. 13, 1872. He lived in Mor- gan County until 1845, when he came to Woodford County with his parents, and settled in Roanoke Township ; he lived with his parents until 1861, when he began farming on his own account, on his present place ; he has been School Director for a number of years ; he was deeded 80 acres, team, etc., by his father, as his start ; he has since added 80 acres, which he has earned by his own labor. WILSON, ISAAC, farmer; P. 0. Roanoke ; Sec. 14 ; was born in Morgan Married Miss 1878 ; she was born in Woodford County, 111., August 19, 1858. He lived in Morgan County one year, then came to present place; he owns 160 acres here and 640 in Harvey Co., Kan. His father, Jo- seph Wilson, was born in Pennsylvania, May 4, 1812, and lived there twenty years, then moved to Ohio. In 1838, he settled in Morgan County, 111., and in 1 846, he came to Woodford County and settled in Roanoke Township. He married Miss Mary Elleston in 1830 ; she was born in Pennsylvania ; they had five children, two living — Amos and Margarette — both now married. His second wife was Mrs. Susan Scott, for- merly Miss Porter ; she was born in Hamilton Co., 111., Dec. 20, 1820, and married Nov. 5, 1838; they had twelve children, eight living. He died April 24, 1877. Walder, John, farmer; P. 0. Roanoke. Waldron, C. H., farnur; P. O. Roanoki'. 6 Co., 111., Dec. 7, 1845. Louisa Armstrong, March 28, 582 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY: Wheeler, A. C. plioemkr; P.O.Roanoke. ' AVilkinson, J. M., phys ; P. 0. Roanoke. \ Whitmore, Samuel, feather renovator ; P. | 0. Roanoke. Wheelwright, J. F., druggist and Post- master ; P. 0. Roanoke. Wood:?, John, mechanic : P. 0. Roanoke. Wrssel. Christ.. P. 0. Secor. WELLS, JOHN, farming and stock ; Sec. 24 ; P. 0. Roanoke ; was born in Cecil County. Md.. June 29. 1823; he married Miss Caroline R. Allison. Sept. 15, 1846 ; she was born in Ohio and died in 1848; they had one child. Will- iam M. His second wife was Mary E. Parker ; she was born in Ohio ; they were married Feb. 3, 1853 ; she died January 18, 1854 ; they had one child, not living ; his third wife was 3Irs. E. E. L. Clark ; she was born in Kentucky Nov. 2. 1826, and married June 21, , 1855 ; they have five children — Joseph : E., Cynthia A., 3Iargaret J., James M. and Charles S. He lived in Maryland until he was 9 years old ; then went to Ohio, remained four years ; then went to McLean Co., 111., in 1836 ; came to ; present place in 1857. He came here in very poor circumstances; he now has a farm of 197 acres ; has been School Trustee, Road Commissioner and Assess- or ; a member of the 31. E. Church twenty-five years, and has acted as Trus- tee, Class Leader, Steward, and for the ! past twenty years, a local preacher. YORTY, JACOB, farmer ; P. 0. Ro- anoke. YORDY, PETER, farmer ; Sees. 13 and 24; P. O. Roanoke; was born in Alsace, France (now Germany), June 12, 1815 ; he married MLss Mary Burkey Feb. 9, 1847 ; she was born in Germany, in 1816 ; they had eight children, seven living — Christian. Mary, Jacob, Elizabeth, Peter, Joseph. Bar- bara ; he lived in Alsace two years, then moved to Byron, in Germany : lived there until 1838, when he came to the United States ; in 1839, he came to Illinois, settled in Tazewell Co., followed farming; in 1867, he came to Wood- ford Co., and settled on his present place ; he came to the United States without any capital ; he now owns 200 acres in this township. ZIMMERMAN, ANDREW, farmer; P. 0. Eureka. Zeiset, Samuel, farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Zimmerman. D. B..druss ; P.O. Roanoke. ZEIGER, HENRY, farming ; Sec. 36 ; P. 0. Secor ; was born in Germany Sept. 24. 1829 ; he married Miss Lena Keessawetter March 4, 1859 ; she was born in Germany June 21, 1838 ; they had eight children, seven living — Adam, born Jan. 31,1860; Eva, born Nov. 27, 1861 ; Peter, born Feb. 25, 1864 ; Lizzie, born Aug. 28, 1865 ; Wilhelm, born Dec. 14, 1867; Lena, born June 3, 1870 ; Joseph, born Jan. 31, 1872 ; Susannah, born Jan. 4. 1863, died July 13, 1863. He lived in Germany until 1853, when he came to the Unhed States, and settled in Woodford Co., Ill, in Partridge Township, remaining until 1864, when he came to his present place ; has been Road Master and School Director ; he has 80 acres ; he came the county without any means, and has earned his place by his own labor. A DEN, E. H., for. ; P. 0. Washburn. Abens, Wait, former ; P. 0. Low Point. Aden, John, farmer ; P. 0. Washburn. Arrowsmith, J., far. ; P. 0. Washburn. Alt. Jacob, farmer ; P. 0. Cazenovia. Asay, S. E., farmer; P. 0. Washburn. Ashmore, R., farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Ashmore, C. H., farmer ; P. 0. Benson. LINN TOWNSHIP. OCOCK, W. H., far. ; P. 0. Wash- tiurn. Black. J. L., farmer; P. 0. Washburn. Bell. A. C. farmer; P. 0. Belle Plain. Brown, W. L. Bixby, M. N., farmer; P. 0. Belle Plain. Black, R. A., former ; P. 0. Washburn. Black, T. S., farmer ; P. 0. Washburn. Braun, B., farmer ; P. 0. Low Point. LINN TOWNSHIP. 583 BLACK, JOHN, fl^rming and stock ; Sec. 7 ; P. 0. Washburn ; was born in Allegheny Co., Pa., Feb. 22, 1814. He married Miss Elizabeth Speer March 3, 1842. She was born in Allegheny Co., Pa. They had ten children, eight living, viz. : — Sarah, Mary, Thomas S., John M., R. A. Elizabeth, William C. and Samuel J. He lived in Pennsyl- vania until 18G5 ; followed farming, then came to Woodford Co., 111., and set- tled on his present place. He has been School Director a number of years. He came here in fair circumstances. He owns 320 acres here, and 3(j5 elsewhere in the county ; also, 160 acres in Living- ston Co. He also owns Black's Block and other property in Washburn, Illinois. Burk, Thos., farmer ; P. 0. Cazeuovia. Benders, C, farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Birky, Jos., farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Birky, Jacob, farmer; P. 0. Benson. Baltz, Duminique, far. ; P. 0. Washburn. Benders, J., farmer; P. 0. Ptoanoke. Broers, J. B., farmer; P. 0. Low Point. Birky, J., Jr., farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Birket, Dan, farmer ; P. 0. Low Point. BURNHAM, R. S., farming; Sec. 5 ; P. 0. Washburn ; was born in Athens Co., Ohio, March 28, 1825. He married Miss P. J. Peabody March 12, 1848. She was born in McKean Co., Pa., March 26, 1829. They had seven children, six living; — Mary A., Ira v., Leonard W., Willmm C, Charles • A., Hurbet E., Thomas B. — died Aug. 14, 1855. Mr. Burnham lived in Ohio until 1845, when he moved to Tazewell Co., 111., where he engaged in carpenter- ing, and remained until 1856, when he came to Woodford Co., and settled on his present place. He has been School Director, Road Commissioner, Collector and Assessor. He came to Illinois with less than S3, and now owns over 400 acres in this township, all of which he has earned by his own labor. CHRISTOFFER, JOHN, farmer; P. 0. Benson. Collman, Barnhart, farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Corben, James, farmer; P. O. Washburn. Crossfield, Walter, far. ; P. 0. Washburn. Crossfield, M. B., far.; P. 0. Washburn. Corben, Nancy, farmer; P. 0. Washburn. Corben. Wm., farmer ; P. 0. Washburn. Combs, Alfred, far.; P. 0. Belle Plain. Combs, John W., far. ; P. 0. Belle Plain. ,AUB, ALEX., for. ; P.O. Benson. D Davison, C. H., former ; P. 0. Washburn. Davison, A. H., farmer ; P.O. Washburn. Davison, R. W., farmer; P.O. Washburn. Deibell, Jacob, farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Deibell, L. J., farmer; P. 0. Washburn. DAVISON, S. R., deceased. The subject of this sketch, and whose por- trait appears in this work, was born in Rensselaer Co., N. Y., Oct. 26, 1814. He married Miss Amanda M. West, in August, 1834; she was born in Rens- selaer Co., N. Y., Feb. 5, 1815. He, not being of age, purchased his time of his father, paying $100 for the remain- ing two years to his ma-jority; in 1836, he set out on foot for the West, and bought a farm at Groveland, Tazewell Co., 111.; he then returned East, and in 1838 he brought his wife and family by team to his home in the West. He en- gaged in farming and at his trade of mason and builder, and built many of the leading buildings in his neighbor- hood, the present Court House of Taze- well County being among the number. He also held a responsible position in the packing house at Pekin, 111 , during the Winter months. In 1856, he came to Linn Township, Woodford Co., 111., and settled on a farm located in Sees. 1 and 2, and engaged in farming ; he also took a leading part in religious enter- prises, and freely and liberally donated funds for their advancement ; he also donated liberally to institutions which he deemed worthy, among others the Shurtleff College, at Upper Alton, 111., and the Chicago University ; he was a Deacon in the Baptist Church, and Su- perintendent of the Sabbath School foi twenty years, and was a leader in all religious enterprises. He had a fimily of nine children, viz. : Ezra D., Diade- mia L., Asa L., James M., Seraphina M., Mary A., Lois L., Emily J., Lois L.; the three latter have died. Such was his life that when, on the 18lh of April, 1867, he died, he was mourned by many warm friends, and the religious societies to which he was attached long went in mourning in memory of their departed leader. Throughout his life he was a liberal and kind father and 584 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY: friend ; and such was his success that thoujili starting on nothing', in fact, in debt, he was able to give all of his children a liberal education, and to each he gave more than 100 acres of land, thus seeming to prove the old proverb that to those who give shall be given, too. Of the six living children, Mr. James M. is the only one living in this county : he resides on the old home- stead; Mrs. Davison lives with her children here and in Inwa. DAVISON, JAMES M., firmer; P. 0. Minonk : was born in Tazewell Co.. 111., April IS, IS-IG; he married Miss Louise E. Scriven, Sept. 22, 1870 ; she was born in Rensselaer Co., N. Y., Aug. 18. 18-45 : they have four children — Alice I., born Oct. 26, 1871 ; Sarah M., born Feb. 6, 1873 : Ida B., born June 25. 1874: James E., born June 22, 1876. He lived in Tazewell County ten years, then came to his present place with his parents, and has lived here since, except three years spent in Shurt- lefF College, at Upper Alton ; he hiis been Justice of the Peace six years, and School Director. Trustee and Treasurer, also Collector. He owns 240 acres here, and 100 acres in Clayton Town- ship ; also property in Mini ink and McLfan Counties. DAMERELL, EDWARD, farm- er; Section 21; P. 0. Washburn; was born in Devonshire. Eng.. June 1, 1823. He married Miss Martha . A. Birkett July -4, 1849. She was born in Vermont. April 20. 1831. they had eight children, three living. viz.: Susanna. Quinton. and Edward 0. He lived in England 22 years, then came to the United States and settled at Peoria ; remained two years there and went to Washington in Tazewell Co. and ensraeed in wason making ; re- mained until 1871. when he came to his present place, which he entered about 185(1. His wife died Oct. 12, 1865 ; his second wife was Mrs. P.. M. Fan- char. She was born in New York ; they were married July 15, 1870 ; they have no children. He came to the'United States with S5.00 ; he now owns IGH acres, which he has earned by his own labor. He has been Highway Commissioner three years. EDEN, GEO., farmer ; P. 0. Wash- burn. Ehrismann, R., farmer; P.O. Roanoke. Eckstine, John, firmer; P. 0. Benson. Edwards. 0. L., farmer : P. 0. Washburn. FARNSWORTH, G. A., farmer ; P. 0. Washburn. Fisher. Luke, farmer; P. 0. Washburn. Fisher. Thamer. farmer; P. 0. Washburn. Ford. Isaac, farmer; P. 0. Washburn. Foeller. John, farmer ; P. 0. Washburn. Fisher, Aug.. farmer ; P.O. Roanoke. Fagot, Prosper, farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Folkers. Fred, farmer : P. 0. Washburn. FAW, J. J., farmer : Sec. 9 ; P. 0. Washburn; was born in Monroe Co.. Ind.. Aug. 22. 1832. He married Miss Druzilla Bai'ker, March 8, 1856. She was born in Fulton Co.. 111., Aug. 19,1835. They have five children- Caroline. Marvin, Reuben, Mary E., and Franklin; he lived in Indiana near- ly two years, when with his parents he moved to Ashe Co., North Carolina; re- mained there until 1853. when he moved to Fulton Co, 111., engaging in farming ; remained eight years, then came to present place in Woodford Co; he owns 29u acres in the county ; he came to this State in poor circum- stances. Flvr. W. H.. former: P. 0. Low Point. Full. Benj. Flohr. Brachter, farmer : P. 0. Low Point. Folkers. W. Fisher, Jiis. L., farmer ; P. 0. Wa.shburn. Fisher. Nathan, farmer; P. 0. Wa.sliburn. FISHER, ISAAC, former; Sec. 18 : P. O. Washburn ; was born in Clinton Co., Ohio, Nov. 1, 1825. He married Miss Serena Moukon Nov. 1, 18-45 ; she was born in Tazewell Co., 111.. Aug. 26, 1827. They had eight children (six Hving), viz.: Esther, AYilliam, Isaac N., James, Emily, Amy. He lived three years in Ohio, then came to Tazewell \ Co., 111., with his parents, and remained i until 1845, then came to Woodford Co., j 111., and settled on his present place in : 18-48. He has been Justice of the I Peace four years. Supervisor one year, and School Director and Trustee. He started without any means, working out at first ; he now owns 320 acres here and 1 8 in Cazenovia, all of which he has earned bj^ his own labor. LINN TOWNSHIP. 585 Farrow, Jacob J., far.; P. 0. Wa.shburn. Flynn, Wm. H., for.; P. 0. Washburn. rS RIES, Adam, for.; P. 0. Benson. Gunzonhouser, Josias. Grabb, John, former ; P. 0. Washburn. Gunzonhouser, Jos., for.; P. 0. Roanoke. Goodfellow, Mary A., P. O. Belle Plain. Gaut, W. M., former; P. 0. Washburn. Guibert, N. R. HARBUS, F. J., for. ; P. 0. Wash- burn. Haig, John, former ; P. 0. Washburn. Huckins, Rudolph, for. ; P. 0. Washburn. Harms, Eilert, farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Hollenback, Nathan, for. ; P. 0. Belle Plain. Hawk Phillip, for. ; P. 0. Washburn. Hawk, James, former ; P. 0. Washburn. Hollenback, J. H., for.; P. 0. Belle Plain. Hollenback, Wm. A., for. ; P. 0. Belle Plain. Hubert, H., former ; P. 0. Washburn. Husseman, Jac(|ues, for. ; P.O. Washburn. Haig, Adam, former ; P. 0. Washburn. Houck, Isaac, former ; P. 0. Washburn. Hawk, Alex., former ; P. 0. Washburn. Harms, H. H., former; P. O. Benson. HELD, Z. H., forming ; Sec. 11 ; P. 0. Belle Plain, Marshall Co. ; was born in Marshall Co., 111., April 25, 1851 ; he married Miss Isadore Rose, Feb. 4, 1874 ; she was born in New York June 24, 1851 ; they have two children, viz. : — Frank T., born Jan. 3, 1875 ; Luola A., born Aug. 1, 1876; he lived in Marshall Co., 111., until he was 10 years old, then moved to Woodford Co., 111., with his parents, and settled on Sec. 17, Linn Township. He lived there thirteen years, when he married and set* led on his present place ; he is renting at pres- ent, from his father ; he has been Con- stable and School Director. Hicken, Anna, P. 0. Cazenovia. Hamilton, J. I., farmer ; P. 0. Low Point. Haig, James, farmer ; P. 0. Washburn. Hester, Jno. G., farmer ; P.O. Washburn. Hoswell, Jas. F. Hoswell, Jas. E. Hollenback, Geo., far.; P. 0. Belle Plain. Held, Chas., former ; P. 0. Washburn. Hollenback, Jacob, farmtr; P. 0. Belle Plain. Hollenback, Henry, former ; P. 0. Belle Plain. Held, Jacob, farmer ; P. 0. Washburn. Harm, H. C, farmer ; P. 0. Benson. HELD, JOHN W., farming; Sec. 18; P. 0. Washburn; was born in Marshall Co., Ill, Dec. 1, 1852. He married Miss Elizabeth McClure April 22, 187B. She was born in Ohio Nov. 1, 1849. They have f jur children, viz. : Edward C, William M., Margaret N., ' Mertie. He lived in Marshall Co. three years, then came to Woodford Co. with his parents. He settled on his present place in the Spring of 1874, which he is renting of his father. TRWIN, MARY A., farmer; P. 0. former ; P. 0. Washburn. JANSSEN, IHNE, Washburn. Jelden, F., farmer; P. 0. Washburn. Jamison, S. J., farmer; P. 0. Low Point. Jacquot, M., farmer; P. 0. Washburn. Johnson, John, former ; P. 0. Cazenovia. Johnson. Jacob, farmer ; P. 0. Cazenovia. Johnson, Meenke, farmer; P. 0. Cazenovia. Johnson, Michael, farmer ; P. 0. Benson. JURY, THOMAS, farmer ; Sec. 19 ; P. 0. Washburn ; was born in England March 25, 1834. He married Miss Sarah Draper in 1861 ; she was born in Ohio. They had seven children, four living — Maggie, John , Frank and Lewis. He lived in England sixteen years, then came to the United States, and settled in Woodford Co., 111., in Cazenovia Tp., then came to this neighborhood, and in 1858 he came to his present place. He has been a School Director for a number of years. He came to this county with his parents, who were in moderate circum- stances ; on becoming of age, Mr. Jury and his parents moved to his present place, he working the farm on his own account ; he owns 32(1 acres here and 560 elsewhere in the county. JURY, WILLIAM, former; Sec. 19 ; P. 0. Low Puint ; was born in Devonshire, England, Dec. 26, 1828. He married Miss Moriah Radley, Oct. 28, 1858; she was born in P]ngland. They have six children — Mary E., Clara M., William T., Belle, Cora, Clarence L. He lived in England until he was 14 years old, and then came to the United States, settled in Woodford Co., 111., at 3Ioores- town, remained six years, then returned to England, remained sixte3n months, •586 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY: then came to Woodford Co., settled near Washburn, remained two years, then came to his present place ; has been School Trustee and Director, also Eoad Commissioner. He now owns 2-10 acres here and 502 acres elsewhere in the county, also 460 in Marshall and Ford Cos. He had only moderate means to beirin with. K^OLB, CHRISTIAN, farmer ; P.'O. Roanoke. Kruse, Albert, farmer ; P. 0. Washburn. Koehler, Christian, far. ; P. 0. Roanoke. Kennel. Peter, farmer : P. O. Roanoke. Krater, Wm. E., far.; P. 0. Low Point. Keizer. Jno., farmer; P. 0. Washburn. MERS, AUGUST, farmer; P. 0. Cazenovia. McWhinney, John, far.; P. 0. Washburn. Meyer, Adami, farmer ; P. 0. Washburn. Meyer. Albert, firmer; P. 0. Benson. Meints. Henry C, far.; P. 0. Low Point. Monk, Folkert, farmer ; P. 0. Washburn. Mers, Fred., farmer ; P. 0. Washburn. Mick, Jacob, farmer ; P. 0. Benson. McFarlin, Leo, farmer ; P. 0. Cazenovia. McClure, Wm., farmer ; P. O. Washburn. Miller, Frank, farmer; P. 0. Benson. Menson, Jno., farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Menson, Wm., farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Meinholt. Herman, far.; P. 0. Washburn. McClure, D. M.. far.; P. 0. Washburn. Meinholt, Sophia, far.; P. 0. Washburn. Miller, Jno. C, far.; P. 0. Washburn. Mennen, Wm., farmer ; P. 0. Washburn. ^NTTEWTON, GEO. A., farmer; P. 0. JLN Washburn. North, G. B., farmer ; P. 0. Washburn. Noble, Elisha, farmer ; P. O. Washburn. PEABODY, N. W., tarmer; P. 0. Washburn. Peachey, R., carpenter; P. 0. Washburn. Porter, E. C, farmer; P. 0. Washburn. Parkin, R., farmer ; P. 0. Washburn. Porter, F. R.. firmer; P. O. Washburn. Porth, A., farmer; P. 0. Roanoke. Porth, Charles, farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Parr, F. A., farmer ; P. 0. Washburn. QriTHAM3IER, GEO, farmer; P. 0. Washburn. EOBBINS, B., farmer; P. 0. Wash- burn. Rewerts, F. R., farmer; P. 0. Washburn. Rewerts, J., farmer; P. 0. Washburn. Robbins, Thos., farmer; P. 0. Washburn. Roprit^:. K T'.. fMUKr: P. O. Benson. Ilea, James, farmer ; P. 0. Washburn. Rediger, Jos., farmer ; P. 0. Washburn. Reinholtz, S., farmer; P. 0. Benson. Ruhaak, Geo., farmer; P. 0. Roanoke. Reese, Geo., farmer ; P. 0. Washburn. Reiter, Jos., farmer; P. 0. Roanoke. Rediger, C, farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Rohman, Larras, farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Reuben, Claas, farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Rohman, P., farmer: P. 0. Washburn. RICHARDS, THOMAS, farming and stock ; Sec. 18; P. 0. Washburn; was born in Devonshire, Eng., Feb. 24, 1814. He married Miss Elizabeth Peard in 1841. She was born in En- gland. She died in 1852. They had three children, two living — Malora and Elizabeth. His second wife was Mrs. Elizabeth Bael. She was born in En- gland, and married in 1853, in April. They have no children. He lived 28 years in England, then came to Canada ; remained one year, then came to the United States and settled in Woodford Co.. near Metamora ; came to his present place in 1852. He has been Collector. Commissioner, and School Director, He came to the United States with less than $10. He now owns 160 acres here and 190 elsewhere in the county, which he has principally earned by his own labor. His son William enlisted in the 7Tth 111. Inf , was taken sick, and died in the hospital at St. Louis. SCHRODER, JOST, farmer; P. 0. Low Point. Sloan, B. G., farmer ; P. 0. Belle Plain. Schertz, Jos., farmer; P. 0. Washburn. Schertz, John, farmer; P. 0. Roanoke. Stenuer, A. P., farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Shalienberger, B., far. ; P. 0. Washburn. Schrack, A., farmer: P. 0. Cazenovia. Sifert, Phillip, farmer; P. 0. Cazenovia. Sunker, B. D., farmer ; P. 0. Washburn, Stephens, M., farmer; P. 0. Roanoke. Stephens, E., farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Schertz, J. E., farmer; P. 0. Washburn. Schroeder, jChas., farmer ; P. 0. Washburn, Schertz, Peter, farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Sceso, Adam, farmer ; P. 0. Washburn. Sloan, E. D. C. farmer; P. 0. Belle Plain. Speer. Alex., farmer ; P. 0. Low Point. Sifert, Anton, farmer ; P, 0. Cazenovia. ' Salathy, John, farmer ; P. 0. Cazenovia. Schlachter. John, farmer; P. 0. Benson. j Schlachter. Robt.. farmer ; P. 0. Benson. LINN TOWNSHIP. 587 Schmitt, Pierre, farmer ; P. 0. Washburn. Stenger, Henry, farmer ; P. 0. Washburn. Schneider, J. G., farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Stenger, F. L., farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Schmidt, R., farmer ; P. 0. Washburn. Schmidt, D. J., farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Stonier, Jos., farmer ; P. 0. Belle Plain. Schneider, C, farmer ; P. 0. Washburn. Scheerer, John, firmer; P. 0. Roanoke. THOLEN, HIRAM, farmer; P. 0. Washburn. Tjaden, Hildebrand, farmer; P. 0. Caze- novia. Tjaden, Gergat, farmer ; P. 0. Cazenovia. Tjaden, John, farmer ; P. 0. Cazenovia. Tjarks. G. L., farmer; P. 0. Cazenovia. TJADEN, JACOB H., farmer ; P. 0. Cazenovia ; was born in Old Friesland, Hanover, June 18, 1817; he married Miss Maria E. Hine in 1844. She was born in Germany. They had 10 children, 7 living — Heyke, John, Menke, Henry, Jacob, Lewis and Har- men. He lived in Germany 41 years, then came to the United States and settled on his present place ; he is Road Commissioner, and has been School Director ; he came to this county in moderate circumstances ; he now owns 700 acres of land which he has earned principally by his own labor. Six of his boys live in this county and one lives in Kansas. "TTPHOFF, JAR YEN, farmer ; P. 0. v_j Benson. Ulrich, John, farmer ; P. 0. Benson. YETTER, ANDREW, farmer; P. 0. Cazenovia. VoUers, Diedrick, far. ; P. 0. Washburn. WINETEER, ROBERT, farmer; P. 0. Washburn, Wineteer, Thos., far. ; P. 0. Washburn. Wineteer, Curtis, far. ; P. 0. Washburn. Wilson, Benj., Jr., carpenter; P. 0. Belle Plain. Wineteer, Lewis, far. ; P. 0. Belle Plain. West, Jno., fanner; P. 0. Washburn. West, A. C., farmer ; P. 0. Washburn. Williams, Abel, farmer ; P. 0. Washburn. Waggoner, J. H., far. ; P. 0. Washburn. Woodburn, Geo. M., far. ; P. 0. Benson. Wineteer, Mary, farmer ; P. 0. Washburn. Wehling, Henry, farmer ; P. O. Benson. WHITE, JAMES, farming; P. 0. Washburn ; was born in North Caro- lina, in 1823. He married Miss Re- becca Kirby. She was born in Pennsyl- vania. They had nine children, eight living, viz. : John, William, James, Ellen, Mary, Charles, Samuel, Minnie. He lived in N. C. nine years ; then, in 1832, he came to Illinois with his par- ents, and settled in Marshall Co. ; in 1838, he came to Woodford Co., and worked out. In 1853 or '54, he bought a place in Cazenovia Township, remain- ing one year ; then came to his present place. Though quite young, he walked most of the way from North Carolina ; he had no capital to begin with ; he now owns 235 acres here, and 35 in Part- ridge Township. In 1873, his buildings, farm machinery, etc., were destroyed by fire, causing heavy loss. Weber, Carl, farmer ; P. 0. Washburn. Witte, Wilhelm, far. ; P. 0. Washburn. White, James, Jr., farmer; P. 0. Wash- burn. White, W. F., farmer ; P. 0. Washburn. West, Wm., farmer ; P. 0. Washburn. Woodburn, Jas. S., farmer ; P. 0. Wash- burn. Wessell, Chris, farmer ; P. 0. Washburn. WALLACE, JOHN, stock dealer ; Sec. 5 ; P. 0. Washburn ; was born in Arbroath, Scotland, April 15, 1832 ; he married Miss Mary Peabody Nov. 17, 1853; she was born in Pennsylva- nia Aug. 20, 1833. They have eleven children, viz. : Laura M.,Leverett K., Clara F., Phidelia, William T., Jean- nette, Mary E., John F., Myra A., May L. and Charles L. He lived in Scot- land 11 years, then came to the United States, and settled in Tazewell Co., 111.; at Washington, engaged in farming, re- maining until 1856, then came to his present place. He has been Supervisor, Assessor, Collector and School Director. In 1861, he commenced dealing in stock on commission ; his business has since increased, until now he is conceded the largest dealer in these parts. ZIMMERMAN, JNO., farmer; P. 0. Cazenovia. 588 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUXTY CLAYTON TOWNSHIP. A SAY, R. S., farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Aden, H. E., farmer; P. 0. Benson. Aden, E. H., farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Anderson, J., farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Ahrends. A., saloon ; P. 0. Benson. Abrahams, A., hardware; P. 0. Benson. Abrahams & Zinser, hardware ; P. 0. Benson. AVAS, JOHN, farmer and breeder of fine horses ; Sec. 36 ; P. 0. Benson ; born in Hanover, Germany, April 27, I 1843 ; came to this country in early ' childhood with his parents, who settled in St. Clair Co., 111., in 1846. The subject of this sketch came to this coun- ty in the Spring of 1864, locating- in Green Tp., and in 1867 removed to his present home ; owns 240 acres of land, valued at 811,200. Enlisted in the 47th 111. Inf in Aug., 1862; dis- charged in Feb., 1863. Married in 1864 to Miss Ruth Brown ; she was boi"n in Woodford Co. Mr. A. is giving his at- tention to the raising and breeding of fine horses. i AUSTMAN, LOUIS A., physician and surgeon ; P. 0. Benson ; born in Limgo, Germany, July 26, 1842 ; came to this country in early childhood with his parents, who located in Evansville,Ind., in 1848, but soon removed to a farm in that part of the State, where the subject of this sketch resided till 12 years of ^e. Received his collegiate education at Femeosage College, ]\Iissouri ; entered Missouri Medical College in 1860; grad- uated at St. Louis Homeopathic Medi- cal College of Missouri in 1864. Mar- | ried in 1865 to Miss Sarah Trapp; she was born in White Co.. 111. Five chil- dren, three living — Edwin L.. Harry v., Louis P.; Paul W. died in 1875, Paul A. in 1877. The Doctor lost his stock of drugs and medicines at Peru, 111., in 1869, and in 1874 removed to Benson, his present home. BFRGDOOFER. JACOB, farmer; P. 0. Minonk. Boomhower, W.. farmer : P. 0. Minonk. Barth. Michael, far.; P. 0. Minonk. i Bailey. Hiram, far. ; P. 0. 3Iinonk. Boomhower, H. G.. far. ; P. 0. Minonk. Baker. T., farmer: P. O. Benson. BAILEY, HERMAN S., farmer ; Sec. 2 ; P. 0. Minonk ; born in Erie Co., N. Y.. Feb. 1, 1842 ; removed to Illinois in the Fall of 1854. locating in Boone Co. ; came to his present home in 1865 ; owns 205 acres of land, valued at S10,250 ; has served as School Di- rector nine years ; married in 1863 to Miss Fidelia S. Labar. She was born in New York ; seven children, five liv- ing — Elwin L.. Delta. Cornelia. Orson and Herbert ; lost two — Clarence E., died Nov. 25, 1863 ; Clarence M.. died Jan. 9, 1871. Bens, Peter, farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Behrens, F. W.. farmer ; P, 0. Minonk. Barth. Wm., farmer; P. 0. Minonk. Backer, Thos., wagon maker ; P. 0. Benson. Breen, Jno., P. 0. Minonk. Bankler. Jos., harness maker : P. 0. Benson. Bohlander. Philip, farmer : P. 0. Minonk. CORDSEN, JOHN, farmer; P. 0. Minonk. Clodius, C. F., farmer : P. 0. Minonk. COLEMAN, THOS. E, (Geo. Fritze k Co.) grain, lumber and agricul- tural implements; P. 0. Benson; born in Cayuga Co., N. Y., Oct. 25, 1837 ; removed to Illinois in 1862, locating at Pekin. Tazewell Co., thence to Bushnell, 111., in 1872, and two years later to Hancock County, this State. Married, in 1865, to Miss Cornelia A. Pickernell; she was born in Massachusetts : four children — Wilbra S., Mina E., Edward L. and Cornelia M. Mr. C. located at Benson, his present home, in 1874. Coleman. J. W., farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Cavan,Bros.. lumb. dlrs.; P. 0. Benson. COLE, WARREN, proprietor of Clayton butter and cheese factory ; Sec. 36 ; P. 0. Woodford : born in Rensse- laer Co., N. Y., March 31, 1835 ; re- moved to Illinois in the Spring of 1856, locating on the farm where he now re- sides ; owns 160 acres of land, valued at §10,000 ; has 40 cows, and the dairy product from his factory is about 20,000 CLAYTON TOWNSHIP. 589 lbs. of cheese and 2,000 lbs. of butter per annum. Has served as Assessor, Collector, Supervisor, and also held other minor offices. Married, in 1856, to Miss Laura M. Dusten ; she was born in Rensselaer Co., N. Y.; three children by this union, two living — Emma E. and Albert T ; Lydia E. died in 1866. Cook, Henry, farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Clemmen, E. J., farmer; P. 0. Minonk. Cook, Michael, farmer ; P. 0. Benson. CLARK, EDGAR P., farmer ; Sec. 4 ; P. 0. Minonk ; born in Olio Town- ship, this county, Jan. 14, 1846 ; owns 160 acres of land, valued at S8,000 ; married Nov. 15, 1871, to Miss Marga- ret F. Wineteere. She was born in Belle Plain Township, Marshall Co., July 6, 1847. Two children— Myra E. and Vernon. CAVAN, OLIVER A. (Cavan Brothers), grain and lumber, Benson ; P. 0. Benson ; born in Franklin Co., Pa., April 12, 1843 ; removed to Illi- nois in early childhood with his parents, who settled in Sangamon Co., in 1853. The subject of this sketch came to this county in 1861, locating in the north- ern part of Greene Township, where he resided until 1873. The C, P. & S. W. R. R., having been completed in the Fall of 1872, Mr. C, on the 2d of Jan., 1873, moved that portion of his hotel now used as a dining room from Greene Township to its present location, occu- pying the same, as dwelling and hotel, on the 16th of the same month ; and on the 20th commenced shipping grain, which was put in cars on side track, thus becoming pioneer of the town of Benson, both as a resident and business man. Married Oct. 18, 1866, to Miss Sallie E. Plesants ; she was born in Roanoke Co., Va , May 22,1843. Four children — Eva J., born Sept. 5, 1867 ; William N., born April 18, 1870 ; Nor- man H., born Nov. 7, 1872 ; Mary May, born Nov. 20, 1874. y^ODEN, W., farmer; P. 0. Minonk. DeVries, Rainke, farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Denekus, Wm., farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. DAVISON, JOHN M. & P. H., farmers ; Sec. 5 ; P. 0. Minonk. John M. Davison was born in Rensselaer Co,, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1811 ; removed to Illinois in the Spring of 1855, locating on the farm where ne now resides. Mr. D. was elected School Trustee of Clay- ton Township in 1856, at the first elec- tion held ; was married in 1832 to Miss Sallie Parks. She was born in same county and State ; two children — Pros- per H., Elsie L., wife of Jacob Mc- Chesney. Prosper Harvey Davison was born in Rensselaer Co., N. Y.. Aug. 26, 1833; removed to this State in April, 1855, locating on the farm which is his present home ; has served as School Treasurer since November, 1863, and Supervisor for two years ; married in 1854 to Miss Jane C. File. She was born in same county and State ; seven children, six living — Frankie, William S., J. Morgan, Paul H., Elsie J. and Berthie. Mary A. was born Aug. 6, 1855, died May 6. 1861. Her birth and death were the first in Clayton Township. They own 640 acres of land valued at $32,000. Dues, F. L., farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Denkas, Jno., saloon ; P. 0. Benson. Decker. G., milliner; P. O. Benson. Davison, R. M., farmer; P. O. Belle Plain. DeVries, Mary, P. 0. Benson. DAVISON, DANIEL H., farm- er; Sec. 10; P. O. Minonk; born in Rensselaer Co., N. Y., May 25, 1826; removed to Illinois in 1857, locating on the farm where he now re- sides ; owns 360 acres of land valued at $18,000 ; has held the office of County Surveyor for the past 16 years and is the present incumbent ; married in 1851 to Miss Louisa M. Bly. She was born in Rensselaer Co., N. Y. ; eight children — Ida C, Joseph A., Daniel M., William A., Cyrus E.. Min- nie A., Dexter H. and Orris M. ENGEL, JOHN, farmer; P. 0. Wood- ford. Eilts, E. E., farmer; P. 0. Minonk. Eiben, Cornelius, drayman ; P. 0. Benson. Eckhart, Adam, farmer; P. 0. Benson. Eiben, B., farmer; P. 0. Benson. FOLEY, MICHAEL, farmer; P. 0. Woodford. Frye, A. J., farmer; P. 0. Minonk. Findies, Adam, farmer; P. 0. Minonk. Fulfs, J. E., farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Fulfs, Henry, farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Frye, S. C, farmer; P. 0. Minonk. 590 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY; Foiney, A. W., fanner; I*. 0. Benson. Fritze, Geo., & Co., lumber and grain ; P. 0. Benson. Folkens, C, farmer; P. 0. Benson. Folkins, Jno. AV., former; P. 0. Benson. Fry, John, farmer ; P. 0. Rutland. Felt, Jno., farmer; P. 0. Benson. Flynn, Patrick, farmer ; P. 0. Benson. GEOVE, SAMUEL L., farmer ; P.O. Benson. Gindling, Henry, farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Griswold, Jno., carpenter; P. 0. Benson. Gonimels, Peter, farmer ; P. 0. Ben.son. GARDNER, JOSIAH, Sr., farm- er; Sec. 21 ; P. 0. Minonk ; born in Cincinnati, Ohio^ Sept. 30, 1819; re- moved to Illinois in the Fall of 1848, locating in Cass County, and came to his present home in the Spring of 1857 ; owns 120 acres of land, valued at $6,- 000. Married, in 1841, to Miss Mar- garet Sherr ; she was born in Ohio ; eleven children, four living — James K., Josiah, Jr., Mary A. (wife of William Seed), and Lillie M.; lost seven. Mr. G. made the overland trip to California, in 1850. HOLLENBACK, JNO. C, farmer; P. 0. Minonk. Hinricks, Folkert, farmer; P. 0. Minonk. -HoUenback, Daniel, far. ; P. 0. Minonk. Hazlebaker, Thos., farmer ; P. O. Minonk. Houck, Jno., farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Haas, John, farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Harms, Harm, farmer ; P. O. Benson. Highlands, J. F. Harms, A., farmer; P. 0. Benson. Hartman, Jno. H., farmer ; P. O. Benson. Harms, Harm W., farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Harms & Woltzen, dry goods ; P. 0. Benson. Harm.*, Joureen, dry goods ; P. 0. Benson. HODGE, CHAS. W., farmer; P. 0. Woodford ; born in Marshall Co., 111., Feb. 18, 1857 ; has resided in Clayton Township for several years, be- ing engaged in the manufacture of but- ter and cheese at Warren Cole's factory, Sec. 3G. Hoffman, Frank, saloon ; P. 0. Benson. Harding, Wm., farmer; P. 0. Benson. Holder,' F. M., farmer; P. 0. Woodford. Holder, Thomas, far. ; P. 0. Woodford. Hill, L. B., teacher ; P. 0. Benson. Hock, Jno., farmer; P. 0. Benson. Hock, Adam, farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Hindert, August, farmer ; P. O. Woodford. Hindert, Jno., farmer ; P. 0. Woodford. Hindert, J., Sr., farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Hock, Christian, farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Harms, Meenke, farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Holland, L. M.,dry goods ; P. 0. Benson. HEINEKE, HENRY, Jr., P. 0. Benson ; proprietor of Farmer's Home, billiard hall and sample room, Benson, 111. ; born in Peoria, 111., Dec. 19, 1854 ; removed to Secor, this county, in 1869, and to Benson, his present home, in Oct., 1874 ; is one of the Commission- ers of Highways ; married in 187G, to Miss Lena H. Kalkwarf ; she was born in Germany. One child — Lena K. Mr. H. is agent for the Peoria Gernmn Demohrat. XRONS, WM., farmer ; P. 0. Roanoke. Ingel, A. L., farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. "TUNGMAN, W. G., P. O. Benson. James, C. B., farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. James, G. W., farmer; P. 0. Minonk. Janssen, H., blacksmith ; P. 0. Benson. Johnson, H. F., farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Janssen, J., farmer ; P. O. Benson. Jacobs, A. G., P. 0. Benson. Jacobs & Jungman, P. 0. Benson. Jacobs, Lammert, farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Janssen, H., farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. James, Susan E., P. 0. Minonk. KNAPP, Jacob, farmer; P. 0. Mi- nonk. Koehler, Paul, farmer; P. 0. Minonk. Knapp, Michael, farmer; P. 0. Minonk. Korner, E. A., farmer; P. 0. Benson. Kohl, Jacob, farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Kohl, Fred., farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Kulb, Matthias, farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Koch, Michael, farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Kirby, J. B., farmer; P. 0. Benson. Kalkwarf, H. D., farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Kindig, J. J., farmer; P. 0. Benson. Kindig, H. H., farmer; P. 0. Benson. Koeke, August, farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Kalkwarf, Jno., farmer; P. O. Benson. Kerrick, A., farmer; P. 0. Belle Plain. LORALLE, PETER, farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Lee, C. T., nurseryman; P. 0. Minonk. LEARNED, FRANK D., drug- gist ; P. 0. Benson ; born in Cheshire Co.. N. H., Nov. 15, 1831 ; came to 1 lliinnis in 1855, locating at Amboy, Lee CLAYTON TOWNSHIP. 591 Co.; removed to Clayton Tp., Woodford Co., in 1858; owns 160 acres of land in Kansas, valued at $1,600 ; has served as Justice of the Peace since 1865, and Town Clerk one or two terms. Married in 1861 to Miss Rose E. Fisher; she was born in Vermont ; three children, two living — Frank E. and Grant S. ; lost one, Lydia E., died at Dover, Del., Oct. 1, 1876. Livingston, M., farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Lee, Richard D., farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Leineweber, Jos., carpenter ; P. O. Benson. Lauenstein, Chas., watchmkr.; P.O.Benson. Lee. Wm. C, nurseryman; P.O. Minonk. LOHNES, HENRY, farmer; Sec. 22 ; P, 0. Minonk ; born in Rensselaer Co., N. Y., Dec. 11, 1827; came to Illinois in 1857 and bought land, locat- ing in Clayton Tp., this county, in the Spring of 1858 ; owns 400 acres, valued at $20,000 ; has held the offices of Town Clerk, Supervisor, Justice of the Peace, and other minor offices. Married in 1860 to Miss Ophelia V. Worthing- ton. She was born in Virginia; six children — Lida, Minnie, Edna, Herbert H., Nettie and Ella. LIVINGSTON, PHILIP P., Sr., fiirmer ; Sec. 7 ; P. 0. Minonk ; born in Merrimack Co., N. H., Feb. 12, 1840. Removed to Illinois m the Spring of 1854, locating in Clayton Tp., this county. His father, James Livingston, built the second dwelling in the town- ship ; owns 40 acres of land, valued at 82,000 ; served as Assessor one year, Town Clerk three years, and lias held other minor offices. Enlisted in May, 1861, in the 17th 111. Inf. ; mustered out in June, 1864. Married in 1865 to Miss Mary A. McCune. She was born in Pennsylvania; five children — Elinor M., Robert McC, Philip F., Jr., Fannie, Nancy. LIVINGSTON, NATHANIEL, farmer; Sec. 7 ; P. 0. Minonk ; born in Merrimack Co., N. H., June 18, 1842. Removed to Illinois in Spring of 1854, locating on the farm where he now resides, consisting of 121 acres, valued at $6,000 ; owned by his father, James Livingston. Has served as Assessor and Collector. Married in Nov., 1865, to Miss Caroline McCune. She was born in Pennsylvania ; six children, three living — Irena M., Berth, James E. ; lost three; James died in 1867; Martha E. in 1870, and Robert W. in 1877. ny /TANLEY, JNO., farmer; P. O.Ben- Mehary, Jas., farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. McChiSncy, E. L., farmer; P. 0. Minonk. McGrail, James, farmer; P. 0. Woodford. Martens, Martin, farmer; P. 0. Minonk. May, Fredric, farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Meharry, Rebecca, P. 0. Minonk. McChesney, Jas., farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. McChesney, Jacob, far.; P. 0. Minonk. MEHARRY, JOSIAH D., ft^rmer; See. 9 ; P. 0. Minonk ; born in Brown Co., Ohio, April 16, 1841 ; came to Illinois in the Spring of 1854, locating in Mar- shall Co. ; removed to Clayton Town- ship, his present home, in 1850 ; owns 40 acres of land, valued at $2,000 ; served as Town Collector two terms ; en- listed in the 44th 111. Inf. in 1864; mustered out in 1865 ; married in 1877 to Miss Rosanna A. Center ; she was born in Menard Co., 111. One child — ■ Euclid M. Morits, Geo., farmer, P. O. Benson. Maxwell, W., farmer; P. 0. Benson. Morits, H. S., farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Menke, Wm., shoemaker; P. 0. Benson. Minnehan, Patrick, far. ; P. O. Woodford. Mammer, H. B., farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Miller, J. B., & Co., grain ; P. 0. Benson. Minnehan, Catherine, P. 0. Woodford. OTTMANS, JUNO, farmer; P. 0. Benson. Otto, Henry S., farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. PHILLIPS, NICHOLAS, farmer ; P. Benson. Petri, Peter, merchant; P. 0. Benson. Peterson, D. C, farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Parr, John, farmer; P. 0. Benson. Peterson, Philip, farmer ; P. O. Benson. Parker, Thomas, plasterer ; P. 0. Benson. Parks, Alva, farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. i Parks, Homer, farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. RHODES, CHRIST., farmer; P. 0. Benson. Rients, Tjark, farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. ! Roth, Jacob, farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Rufing, A. A., farmer; P. 0. Benson. Redinius, J. 0., farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. : Reustmann, F., farmer ; P. 0. Benson. I Roth, Christolph, farmer; P. 0. Ben.son. I Rudd, J. W., farmer ; P. 0. Benson. 592 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY; RICKER, HIRAM B., farmer ; Sec. S ; P. 0. Minonk ; born in Salem, Mass., Feb. 16, 1842; removed to Illi- noLS in the Fall of 1857, locating in Clayton Tp., this county ; served several years as Assessor and Collector, and has held other minor offices. Manned in Oct., 18G5, to Miss Lucinda S. Living- ston. She was born in New Hampshire ; five children, four living — Eliza M., Nealy M., Harriett and Charlotte. James N. died in 1870. Mr. R. en- listed in the 17th Illinois Inf. in May, 18P)1 : mustered out in June, 186-i. ROGERS, ALMA, farmer ; Sec. 11 ; P. 0. Minonk ; born in Holmes Co., 0., Sept. 30, 1837; removed to Illinois in early childhood with his parents, who settled in Marshall Co. in the Fall of 1840; came to Woodford Co. in 1861, locating in Clayton Tp. ; owns 400 acres of land, valued at 824,000 ; has served as Supervisor, Assessor, Justice of the Peace and Town Clerk ; enlisted in August, 1862, in the 77th 111. Inf. ; received gun-shot wound in the head (ball still remaining) at the a.ssault on Vicksburg May 22, 1863, causing his di.^oharge in the following July. Mar- ried Dec. 15, 1864, to Miss Joanna Kerriek. She was born in Decatur Co., Ind., May 22, 1841; five children- Alice C, Cassius C, Phebe and Jose- RENNE, JEROME B., P. 0. Benson ; Justice of the Peace, Notary Public, real estate, collecting and in- surance agent and general auctioneer, Benson, 111. Born in Cairo. Greene Co., N. Y., Nov. 12, 1841 ; came to Illinois in early childhood with his parents, who settled in Grundy Co., near Morris ; enlisted in the 53d 111. Inf. in 1861 ; mustered out Aug. 25, 1865, and pro- moted to Second Lieutenant in 1864; was in battles at Shiloh, siege of Corinth, Hatchie River, siege of Vicksburg, Jackson. Miss., Grand Gulf, Port Gib- son, Natchez, siege uf Kenesaw Moun- tain. Atlanta, and other battles partici- pated in by Sherman's army on their march to the sea. SLEMMONS, D. M., physician; P. 0. Benson. Snyder, Jos., farmer; P. 0. Benson. Schlicker, Jacob, farmer; P. 0. Benson. Swan, Simon, farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Saathoff, E., farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Schmidt, Harm, farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Spitser. C. H., farmer; P. 0. Benson. Schmidt. Siefke U.. far.; P. 0. Minonk. STAPLES, ISAAC, far.; Sec. 12; P. 0. Minonk ; born in the State of New York. Oct. 12, 1842 ; removed t.> Illinois in 1857, locating in Henry, Marshall County ; came to Clayton Township, this county, in 1858 ; owns 80 acres of land, valued at 84,000 ; married Feb. 21, 1869, to Miss Mary E. Smalldon ; she was born in Genesee Co., N. Y. Shuck, Jacob, farmer ; P. 0. Minonk. Stimbert, Phillip, farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Sauer ct Holland, dry goods ; P. 0. Benson. Shields, James, farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Spanjor, W., farmer; P. 0. Benson. Schroder, Jacob, farmer ; P. 0. Benson. Schlicker, Jno., farmer; P. 0. Benson. Schlicker. Wm., farmer; P. 0. Benson. SLEMMONS, DANIEL McL, physician and siirgeon ; P. 0. Benson ; born in Cadiz, Harrison Co., Ohio, Aug. 5, 1842; removed to Illinois in 1852, locating in Metamora Township, this county ; received his collegiate prepara- tory education at Hayesville Institute, Hayesville, Ohio, and his collegiate ed- ucation at Monmouth College, Mon- mouth, 111.; attended one course of lec- tures at the Ohio Medical College, Cin- cinnati, Ohio, and two courses at Rush Medical College, Chicago, where he graduated in 1873. After graduating, spent four months in Cook County Hos- pital, taking a special course in physical diatrnosis. and at its close receiving: a certificate of satisfactory examination ; removed to Benson, his present home, Aug. 9, 1873 ; is a member of the Woodford County Medical Association, also of the North Central Medical Association. Married, in 1874, to Miss Grace ]\I. McFarlane : she was born in Scotland ; one child — Maggie May. Schlosser, F., farmer ; P. 0. 3Iiuonk. Schlos. clerk of hotel, and James A. Demo- crat in politics. Baird, J. W., carpenter; P. 0. Eureka. Banta, Jacob, stock dealer ; P. 0. Eureka. Buford, J. E., P. 0. Eureka. Burton, Sylvester, fruit grower ; P. 0. Eureka. Barney, Gr. L., engineer; P. 0. Eureka. Benson, Mrs. P., P. 0. Eureka. Brooks, P. T., retired ; P. 0. Eureka. Bentley, M. A., P. 0. Eureka. Brown, Horace, farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Boggs, Laura M., P. 0. Eureka. Boggs, Fannie, P. 0. Eureka. BULLOCK, THOS., Sr., farmer; p. 0. Eureka. The above named gen- tleman is one of the best known, and one of the oldest settlers of Woodford Co. On the 27th of Feb., 1841, a bill was approved by the Governor, entitled an act for the formation of the county of Woodford, and this name was selected by Uncle Tom to perpetuate the remembrance of his old native county in Kentucky. He was born in Woodford Co., Ky., July 27, 1803; is the son of Thomas and Lucy (Redd) Bullock. He remained at his native State until Oct., 1835, and then started for Illinois with his wife and children in a two-ox wagon and a two-horse " carry- all;" arrived Oct. 20th, 1835, taking them about eighteen days in making the trip. He first lived in a log cabin near the present home. He afterward built this building and moved in. When he first came here, he purchased 3G0 acres, and paid $1.25 to $12.50 per acre ; to-day owns a fine farm of 420 acres, valued at $65 per acre. He mar- ried Mi.ss Agnes Ware, of Kentucky^ born Nov. 16, 1806, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth R. Ware; married 1824; thirteen children, nine living — Lucy, born Sept. 28, 1825; Jas. P., born May 24, 1829 ; William S., born May 12, 1827; Thomas, born Aug. 15, 1831; Elizabeth, born Jan. 25, 1834 ; Henry S., born April 16, 1836; Mary, born April 14, 1840; Chas. B., born July 18, 1842; Horace B., born July 4, 1847. Baldwin, John, P. 0. J]ureka. Black, John, carpenter ; P. 0. Eureka. Burton, Josephus, vineyard; P. 0. Eureka. 596 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY Blair, D. M., clerk ; P. 0. Eureka. Baird, H. C, real estate and insurance ; P. 0. Eureka. Blair. M. R., P. O. Eureka. Baird, A. V. S., clerk ; P. O. Eureka. BRIGGS, JAS. ALBERT, attor- ney; P. 0. Eureka. The subject of this sketch is one of the best known and highly regarded attorneys of Woodford Co. ; was born in Willet, Cortland Co., N. Y., Feb. 12, 1839; is the son of John and Margaret (Jones) Briggs ; his father was a farmer and speculator ; is the youngest of a family of eight children; at 17 years of age he started for Illinois with S3 in his pocket; he first stopped at Na- perville, 111., and entered the law office of Vallett & Cody as an office clerk ; here he devoted his attention to the study of law; in 1859 he was admitted to prac- tice law at the Illinois bar ; here he saved S600, and with this amount he entered the Commercial College of Bell. Bryant & Stratton, of Chicago, also purchased a law library ; he went to Paxton, Ford Co., 111., and opened the first law office in Ford Co., in company with Daniel S. Morse ; he remained there but a short time ; from there he came to Eureka — in 18G0 — and commenced the practice of law; in 1867 entered partnership with Col. Bazel D. Meek, and to-day Messrs. Briggs & Meek rank high at the Illinois bar ; Mr. Briggs' ambition is to distin- guish himself in his chosen profession, and particularly as an advocate. To this object he bends all his energies. He understands well the importance of thor- oughness of preparation, and he never enters a court room with a case without feeing thorouglily equipped for its presen- tation. He studies it from both stand- points, and is as ready to meet and repel the arguments of opposing counsel as to press his own. It is this thoroughness that makes him ready for the most un- expected emergency that may arise in the course of a trial. Mr. Briggs in his political opinions is Democratic; is a member of the Christian Church. So- cially he has a pleasing address and genial manners that win the respect of all. Married March 6th, 1861, to Miss Mary E. Meek, daughter of Henry and Theny Meek ; two children — James P. and Zua Irene. Burton, Mrs. M. W., P. 0. Eureka. Benson, L. E., retired ; P. 0. Eureka. Berg, Phillip, farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Bullington, Jno., farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Bullock, W. M., farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Boudman. Albert, farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Berkv, Christian, farmer; P. 0. Eureka. BLACK, ISAAC, retired farmer; P. 0. Eureka. The above named gen- tleman is one of the oldest settlers of Woodford Co. ; was born in Kentucky, Dec. 13, 1807. His parents are John and Nancv C Lewis i Black, who were born in Virginia. When quite young, he moved with his father to Wayne Co., 111., where they remained about four years. In 1831, he arrived with his wife and settled in Woodford Co., near Mt. Zion, where he rented a farm and commenced farming. He aft- erward purchased a farm of 40 acres in Marshall, and farmed there fur some time ; was engaged in keeping a hotel in Washburn about four years, thence to Eureka, where he has been for the last ten years. Married Elizabeth Baugh, of Kentuckv, dauirhter of P. Baugh. Eight children — John, Polly Ann, James, Daniel, George, Nancy, Palmer, Rosey. Memberof the Christian Church In his political opinions he is a Green-. nfiolv PI* BURNHAM, JERRY A., farmer; P. 0. Eureka; was born in Athens Co., 0., May 6, 1822 ; is the son of Ira and Annie (Newton) Burnham, who were among the early settlers of Ohio, having made their home there in 1817. He remained on his father's farm until he was 21 years old ; he then went to Illi- nois, and settled in Washington, Taze- well Co., in 1843 ; here he remained un- til 1864, engaged in farming, thence to Woodford Co., and settled on the place he now lives on ; here he has remained ever since. Married in 1852 to Miss Mary Elizabeth Handley, of Ohio, who was born Aug. 15, 1830, an-i is the daughter of Isaac and Elizabeth Hand- ley. Seven children — Isaac Henry. Martha, married W. T. Ward ; Sarah Alice, married Robert Gresham ; Charles R., Annie T., Ira Ulysses, John A. Is a member of the 3Iethodist Church. Re- publican in politics. Owns 130 acres of fiu'" land. OLIO TOWNSHIP. 597 Bullock, Thomas, Jr., Cashier Davison's Bank ; P. 0. Eureka. iLARK, C. M. Mrs., P. 0. Eureka. o Crawford. N. B., phys. ; P. 0. Eureka. Cripps, James, teamster ; P. 0. Eureka. Collins, Wm., laborer; P. 0. Eureka. Christoff, John, gardener ; P. 0. Eureka. Clark, Isabella, P. 0. Eureka. Carson, John, carpenter ; P. 0. Eureka. Cooper, J. H., brickyard; P. 0. Eureka. Cragg. John, laborer ; P. 0. Eureka. Chittock, Kebecca, P. 0. Eureka. Copp. J. C, laborer; P. 0. Eureka. Colsen. C T., music store; P. 0. Eureka. Claywell, Geo., P. 0. Eureka. CALLENDER, GEO., far ; P 0. Eureka; was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1807 ; son of Thomas and Marion B. Callender. From his native home he went to Glasgow, where he remained about one year, thence to Liverpool, where he remained eight years, engaged in the mercantile business. In 1852, he came to America and direct to Wood- ford Co., where he commenced farming. Mr. Callender was, at one time. Presi- dent of the Eureka College ; with this exception, he has been engaged in farm- ing ever since he came to America. He is a member of the Christian Church. Socially, he has a pleasing address and genial manners that win the respect of all. He married Mrs. Dunlap ; two children living. CHRITTON, ROBT. B., proprie- tor Eureka flour-mill ; P. 0. Eureka. The Eureka flour-mill is a merchant and custom mill, and is one of the largest flour-mills in Woodford Co.; was built by a company in 1856, with saw- mill attached, at a cost of 822,000 ; has three run of stones, steam power, two boilers, with a 55-horse power engine. The main building is 36 by 48 feet, three and a half stories high, with a capacity for manufacturing sixty barrels of flour per day. Mr. Chritton is a native of Indiana, and has had over 25 years" experience in the manufacturing of flour. The Eureka mill manufacture the following choice brands of flour : Eureka Mills XXX ; Royal Mills Ex- tra Family ; United States XX ; Eagle Mills XXX ; Prairie Flower XX. All flour made from these mills meets with ready sale in Eureka and vicinity, as preference should be given to home pro- ductions, if equal to outside off"erings. At an early day Mr. Chritton intends to start the saw-mill department. Claudins, H. F., farmer; P. 0. Eureka. Commons,©., farmer; P. 0. Secor. Culp, Reuben, farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Clymer, Christian, farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Cramond, S., tailor ; P. 0. Eureka. DANAHEY, DANIEL, coal dealer; P. 0. Eureka. Dicker, Geo., rag dealer ; P. 0. Eureka. Darst, H. H. stock dealer; P.O. Eureka. Dennis, J. F., P. 0. Eureka. Dunn, T. A., Tax Collector ; P. 0. Eureka. DeMott, T. H., undertaker ; P. 0. Eureka. Davis, W. H., wagon mkr. ; P. 0. Eureka. Doty, John, farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. DAVENPORT, WILLIAM H., P. 0. Eureka; was born in Christian Co., Ky., June 7, 1823. His parents were William and P]liza Davenport ; at the age of 13, he came with his father's family to Walnut Grove (now Eureka), Woodford Co. ; here he remained until his decease, Jan. 17. 1863. His father belonged to that band of sturdy pio- neers who went forth in an early day throughout Southern and Southwestern Illinois proclaiming the glad news of salvation. At the early age of 19, the cares of his father's entire estate rested upon his shoulders ; though his father was a man possessed of abundant means at that time, yet at his majority William found their splendid beginning swept away and himself and his father's fami- ly on the verge of financial ruin ; se- curity for friends in Mississippi had brought them down. By his own per- sonal exertions and well-directed man- agement he saw, in a few years, the rich, broad acres of the old homestead pass- ing back again into the hands of his family. He was a man quiet and inof- fensive, loved by all who knew him. He was married June 15,1851, to Mary J. Willis, a native of Kentucky. As a result of this union three children were born — Edgar A., Wm. and Frank W. Edgar A. now resides at Sheldon, 111. ; is agent for the T., P. & W. and C, C & L. Railroads. William died in infancy. Frank W.. a promising youn 19 summers, is now a student 7 man of at Ann 598 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY Arbor, Mich. To his faithful wife and helpmate he left the management of his entire estate, and so correct were his business ha))its that the entire cost of settling up his aftairs was but seven dollars. Though but forty years of age at the time of his decease he left his wife in possession of 800 acres of choice land, and personal eifects aggregating in value not far from 850,000. His wife resides in one of the most eligible residences in Eureka, provided for her by his loving hands. DARST, JOHN, farmer and stock raiser ; V. 0. Eureka. The subject of this sketch was born in Greene County, Ohio, Nov. 6, 1816 ; is the son of Ja- cob and Mary (Coy) Darst ; he remained in his native State until 1851, when with his wife and six children he started for Illinois in two wagons and one carriage, drawn by horses ; after being on the road about eleven days, they arrived at their destination, taking up their residence in a building part log and part frame ; he purchased 391 acres of land, paying for it 85,000, and com- menced farming in Woodford County. Mr. Darst, in 1856 (Jan. 1), laid out Eureka, which to-day is one of the flourishing towns of Woodford County. He owns to-day 700 acres of land, is a member of the Christian Church, and his political opinions are Republican. Man-iedMi.ss Ruhamah Moler, of Greene Co., Ohio, daughter of John and Susan Moler, both still living in Greene Co., Ohio ; father's age 87, and mother's 77. Nine children — Oliver P., Harrison H., Leo C, James P., Henry R., Frank M., Susie, George W., Jacob C. Had five sons that were engaged in the late war. Darst, H. R., meat market ; P. 0. Eureka. Denhart, Wm., baker; P. 0. Eureka. Darst, L. C, farmer; P. 0. Eureka. Davidson, W. A., farmer; P. 0. Eureka. Dennis, J. C, P. 0. Eureka. Dickensen, Miss E. J., P. 0. Eureka. Davis, J. A., banker; P. 0. Eureka. Darst, R. M., farmer; P. 0. Eureka. Duce, Minke, farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Darst, F. M., farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Davenport, ^Irs. M., P. 0. Eureka. Doden, H., farmer; P. 0. Eureka. Dickinson, R. B., farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Dooley, P. J., gardener; P. 0. Eureka. Dwiggins, Narcissa, P. 0. Eureka. Dunn. Jennie, P. 0. Eureka. DICKINSEN, E. W., PROF., teacher ; P. 0. Eureka. The .subject of this sketch was born in Christian Co., Ky., July 18th, 1835. His parents are Elijah and Mary Ann Dickinsen. who were among the early settlers of Wood- ford Co., IlT. ; his father, Elijah Dickin- sen, was born in Va. Jan. 26th, 1795 ; came from Kentucky to Woodford Co., 111., in 1835, in company with his wife and five children, and settled on a farm two miles south of Eureka, where he commenced farming ; this occupation he followed through life ; he died July 29, 1862. Mary Ann Dickinsen was born in Va. May 30, 1800 ; died Oct. 28. 1868. Prof Dickinsen spent his childhood and early youth working on the farm from the time he was able to handle the axe or hold the plow, and in the winter g.ither- ina; what instruction the "district" school of the period could afford ; was County Surveyor for two years ; was in the State of Minnesota for four years, engaged in the flour-mill business ; wa< in the late war. member 139th 111. V. I., First Lieutenant in Co. . He is a member of the Christian Church ; his political opinions are Republican. So- cially he has a pleasing address and genial manners that win the respect of all ; is one of the Professors of the Eureka College, which po.sition he has filled for the last two years. Married Sept. 5, 1861, to Miss Annie M. Dennis, daugh- ter of John C. Dennis. DAMERELL, HENRY, boots and shoes ; P. 0. Eureka ; was born in Plymouth, Denbighshire, England, Nov. 20, 1826; son of William and Susanna Danierell, of England ; his father was a farmer ; when Mr. Damerell was but 14 3'ears of age, he commenced to learn his trade as a boot and shoemaker, and served seven years at the apprenticeship ; in 1847, he sailed for America, and landed in N. Y. City after being 54 days out in a very rough sea ; he came direct to Washington, Tazewell Co., 111., and commenced his trade — boot and .shoe ; here he remained for ten years, and in 1857 he came to Eureka and commenced business in a small building north of the depot; then to a room opposite his OLIO TOWNSHir. 599 present store ; here he was in partner- ship with S. Wright; firm known as Damerell & Wright ; partnership about four years ; he then moved to his present store, which to-day is one of the largest, and in stock the best assortment of boots and shoes in Woodford County, known as the " Big Red Boot" boot and shoe store. Married Miss Elizabeth Adams, of England ; is a member of the Metho- dist Church ; three children, all dead. DARST, J. P., groceries ; P. 0. Eu- reka ; was born in Ohio in 1845, and is the son of John and Ruhamah M. Darst, who came to Woodford Co. in 1851, and settled near the town of Eureka. In 1865, Mr. Darst commenced business in Eureka in the butcher and grocery business, and to-day he owns one of the best and largest grocery stores in Eu- reka, stock valued at $2,500. Mr. Darst was in the late war, member of the 139th I. V. I. Is a member of the Christian Church, and a Republican in politics. EVANS, JAMES, laborer; P. 0. Eu- reka. Ewing, Mrs. M. J., P. 0. Eureka. Eastman, W. N., laborer ; P. 0. Eureka. Eastman, G. N., laborer ; P. 0. Eureka. Earheart, G. W., laborer ; P. 0. Eureka. Eyman, Mrs. M. D., P. 0. Eureka. Eldridge, L. S., dentist; P. 0. Eureka. Edgington, W. K., harness maker; P. 0. Eureka. Edgington, Jno., P. 0. Eureka. Evans, H. D., farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Emmins, Jno., farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Eckert, Peter, farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. FLANNAGAN, A. F., mason; P. 0. Eureka. Foster, Jno., retired ; P. 0. Eureka. Foster, Geneva, P. 0. Eureka. Frame, J. H., lallorer ; P. 0. Eureka. Frame, Mrs. C. R., P. 0. Eureka. Flannagan, J. A., nurseryman ; P. 0. Eu- reka. Fisher, W. H., boots and shoes ; P. 0. Eureka. Fetters, Thomas, laborer ; P. 0. Eureka. FISHER, ASA S. PROP., pro- prietor Eureka Nursery ; P. 0. Eureka ; was born in Wilmington, Clinton Co., Ohio, Dec. 10, 1824, and i« the son of Jesse and Achsa (Starbuck) Fisher, of North Carolina, who were among the earliest settlers of Ohio, havino- made their home there in 1810 ; when he was but 5 years of age, with his father and family he came to Illinois, and set- tled in Tazewell Co., in 1821) ; here Prof. Fisher spent his younger days, working on the farm, and in the Winter months gathering what instruction the " district " school of the period could aiford. In 1844, he attended the Knox College, at Galesburg, 111., for six months. In 1847, he attended the Bethany College, of Virginia, for twelve months. Sept. 10, 1848, he commenced teaching a district school in Walnut Grove, near Eureka; in 1849, assisted by Miss Susan Jones; 1850, assisted by Elder John Lindsey, then known as Walnut Grove Academy ; in 1855, the Eureka College was char- tered, with Prof. Fisher Teacher of Mathematics ; here he remained until 1876 ; since then, he has been engaged in the nursery business, and is editor of the Eureka (Jullege Alessenger, a monthly periodical, intended as a medium through which any one of the numerous friends of the College may communicate with all others in matters pertaining to the welfare of the Eureka College. Prof. Fisher, socially, has a pleasing address and genial manners that win the respect of all ; married Miss Sarah S. Palmer, daughter of P]lder H. D. Palmer. Fetters, Jno., laborer ; P. 0. Eureka. Finley, J. W., drugs ; P. 0. Eureka. Flannagan, Chas., laborer; P. 0. Eureka, Fredric, J. W., laborer ; P. O. Eureka. Fi'edric, Jno., laborer ; P. 0. Eureka. Frye, Michael, farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Foster, Lucinda, farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Fetter, Edgar, farmer ; P. 0. Secor. ILLUM, ELENORA,P. 0. Eureka. a' Grim, Alfred, farmer; P. 0. Eureka. Gift, J. W., farmer; P. 0. Eureka. Green, Jno., laborer; P. 0. Eureka. Galbreth, Robt., laborer; P. O. PJureka. Graves, C. W., retired ; P. 0. Eureka. Gibson, C. J., farmer; P. 0. Eureka. GRESHAM, A., farmer; P. 0. Eu- reka. The sulgect of this sketch was born in Halifax Co., Va., in 1 808 ; his parents are George and Jane (Boyd) Gresham, of Virginia, who emigrated to GOO TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUMTY: Christian Co., Ky., in 18 — ; here Mr. Gresham spent his time in farming, and in the Winter months, attending the district schools; in 1832, he married Miss Susan Boyd, of Kentucky, born in Christian County in 18U ; in 1850, he started for Illinois with his wife and eight children, in a wagon drawn by four horses, and a one-horse "carry all,'' taking them about — days in making the trip ; they arrived and settled in Woodford County, on the farm that he now lives on ; he first rented, afterward purchased, 160 acres of land at $4 per acre. When Mr. Gresham first came to Woodford County, he was in moderate circumstances — to-day he is one of the successful and happy farmers of Wood- ford ; his son, John W., was in the late war, enlisted in the 108th I. V. I. for three years, participated in some of the hard fought battles under Gens. Sher- man and Smith, was honorably dis- charged, came home, and is now living in Kentucky ; eleven children in the family ; Mr. Gresham is a member of the Christian Church. GRAFFT, DANIEL, farmer; P. 0. Eureka ; was born in Preble County, Ohio, Aug. G, 1829; son of David G. and Annie Grafft ; he remained on his fiuher's farm until he was 22 years old, then moved tu Illinois, and settled on a farm about one mile from his present place ; remained about two years, then to Livingston County, and entered 400 acres in Nebraska Township, where he remained until the breaking out of the war; he enlisted in Co. A, 129th I. V. I., Aug. 2, 1862, fi)r three years or during the war; participated in some of the hard fought battles under Gen. Sherman and Fighting Joe Hooker, in the battles of Resacea, Kenesaw Mountain, Buz- zard Roost, to Atlanta, where the en- gagements succeeded each other so rap- idl}" that they seemed like a continuous battle of a hundred days ; with Sher- man's march to the sea, through the Carolinas on to Richmond, and at the grand review at Washington ; entered as private, and mustered out as Ser- geant, at Chicago, June, 1865 ; sold his farm while in the army, and purchased the place he now lives on ; returned home and commenced farming. Mar- ried Miss Diana Grove, of Virginia' daughter of Abraham and Sallie Grove, who came to Woodford County at an early day ; Republican in politics ; owns 220 acres of fine land ; four children — William Henry, Mary E., John J. and David E. Grafft, D., farmer; P. 0. Eureka. Grove, D., farmer; P. O.Eureka. Guest, Wm., farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Grove, Abram, Jr., farmer; P. 0. Eureka. Grove, B. F., farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Gerdis, Gerd, farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Gresham, J., farmer; P. 0. Eureka. Gesselman, Christ., farmer; P.O. Eureka. GROVE, HENRY, farmer; P. 0. Eureka; was born in Augusta Co.. Va.. in 1804, and is the son of Benj. and Barbara Grove. In 1836, he came to Illinois, and settled in Woodford Co., on the farm that he now lives on. Came here with his wife and four chiHren in two wagons. They moved in a log cabin when they first came here, which now stands on the place, and is used as a stable. He married Miss Elizabeth Hoover, of Virginia; she died in 1873. Nine children. HOLLYWOOD, FRANK, laborer; P. 0. Eureka. Hall, R. B., P. 0. Eureka. Hidges, S. A., P. 0. Eureka. Hadley, Henry, farmer; P. 0. Eureka. Hartman, Fred., janitor ; P. 0. Eureka. Hancock, Fannie, dressmkr.; P. 0. Eureka. Hunter, W. H., dry goods; P. 0. Eureka. Hoyt, F. M., dry gouds ; P. 0. Eureka. Hamilton, J. J., blacksmith ; P. 0. Eureka. Harlan, J. N., stock dlr.; P. 0. Eureka. Hedges, M. T., stock dlr.; P. 0. Eureka. Hensley, Thos., carp.; P. 0. Eureka. Harber, D. P., agl. impts.; P. 0. Eureka. Henrv, Rachel S., P. 0. Eureka. Hodshire, J. T., laborer; P. 0. Eureka. Henthorn, S. J., laborer ; P. 0. Eureka. Hester, R. S., retired; P. 0. Eureka. Hamilton, W. H., mtison ; P. 0. Eureka. House, Cornelius, carpenter; P.O. Eureka. Harris, Scott, laborer ; P. 0. Eureka. Hallam, Chas., dry goods ; P. 0. Eureka. Hopping, G. W., broom maker; P. 0. j Eureka. Hesten, D. S., farmer; P. 0. Eureka. j Hamilton, Robt., mason ; P. 0. Eureka. I Hedges, Elizabeth, P. 0. Eureka. I Hyongs, G., farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. OLIO TOWNSHIP. 601 Hofferty, A. B., farmer; P. 0. Eureka. Hexamer, Fred., farmer; P. 0. Secor. Holloway, T. N., farmer; P. 0. 8ecor. Hartman, F. L.. farmer; P. 0, Eureka. Henrecksman, S., farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Holferty, A. B., farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Hartley, M. E., P. 0. Eureka. Hail, Mrs. A., P. 0. Eureka. HALL AM, S., farmer; P. 0. Eur- eka. The subject of this sketch was born in Chnton Co., Ohio, January W, 1833; son of Charles and Margaret (McKee) Hallam, of Washington Co., Pa., who emigrated to Ohio at an early day, thence to Bureau Co. ; there but a short time, then to Marshall Co. about 1844 ; remained there until 1857, thence to Eureka; there until 1859; from here to Livingston Co. for six years, then returned to Woodford Co. and set- tled on the present farm in 1861. Farm consists of 190 acres of fine improved land. Married twice; first wife Miss Eliza J. Myers, of Illinois, daughter of Jacob and Jane Myers, who were among the first settlers of Marshall Co., 111.; died in 1874; second wife, Mrs. Malinda T. Clark, born Dec. 27, 1841. Her parents are William and Rebecca Ma- han, she having two children by her first husband — Lillie M. and Willie. By first wife eight children — Charles L., John F., lola M., David D., Mary M., Samuel K., Alice E., James A. Second wife, two children — Napoleon B. C, George McC. Mr. Hallam had two brtithers in the late war — William W. enlisted in Co. A, 86th 111. Vol. Inf, for three years or during the war ; was wounded at Lookout Mountain ; was honorably discharged at the close of the war ; now farming in Kansas. David V. B. enlisted in the 108th 111. Vol. Inf. for three years ; participated in some of the hard-fought battles; hon- orably discharged at close of the war; living in San Francisco. Cal. ; merchant. TRVIN, MRS. E. M., farming ; P. 0. I Eureka. ^ Irvin, J. H., farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. JOHNSON, ALBERT, former; P. 0. Eureka. Jones, J. T. C, carpenter ; P. 0. Eu- reka. Johnson, G. H. B., farmer ; P. 0. Eu- reka. Jones, Mrs. K., P. 0. Eureka. Jones, J. J., P. 0. Eureka. Jeanpert, F. B., teacher; P. 0. Eureka. JONES, RICHARD, farmer ; P. 0. Eureka ; was born in Staffordshire, near Birmingham, England, Oct. 20, 1813 ; son of Richard and Sarah Jones. His father was a farmer. At the age of 19, young Richard left home and learned the trade of blacksmithing. He was married to Phebe Guest Nov. 16, 1837. In the Spring of 1843, with his family, consisting of a wife and three children, he emigrated to America, living for short periods at various localities in Pennsylvania; and, in 1849, he removed to Georgetown, 0. Soon after his ar- rival, the entire family, with a single exception, was attacked with typhoid fever ; all recovered but his wife, who died, Nov. 16, 1849. Dec. 16, 1850, he was married to his second wife, Keziah McAtee, a native of 3Iason Co., Ky. By his first wife he had seven children — Mary S., Julia A., Phebe M., Anna E., John G., Sarah J. and Lillie. He commenced life in America with nothing ; the little money that he brought to this country was lent to a friend soon after his arrival, and never repaid. In 1851, he came to Metamura, now the county seat. Residing hei-e three years, he purchased a farm near Eureka and remained upon it until his decease, which occurred July 1st, 1873. Value of his estate was about $40,000.00; Rep. ; Bapt. ; although he never filled a public office in his life, yet few men were better known throughout the surround- ing country than Uncle Dicky Jones. He gave liberally of his means to public enterprises, and when he died the entire community felt the loss of a good man and true. KREEDLER & EVANS, cigar mfrs.; P. 0. Eureka. Kent, W. A., farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Kent, 0. M., laborer; P. O. Eureka. Kindred, A. J., laborer ; P. 0. Eureka. Klopfenstine, C, meat market ; P. O. Eu- reka. Keeler, Henry, carriage maker ; P. O. Eureka. Kitchin, L. W., shoemkr. ; P. 0. Eureka. Kirk, James, Prof in college ; P. 0. Eu- reka. 602 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY KING, OMAR, livery stable ; P. 0. Eureka; was born in Licking Co.. Ohio. July. 1840, son of Morehouse and Me- hetabel King ; at the age of 15, his father died ; with his mother, he moved to Washington Co.. Iowa, where he was engaged in farming ; his mother died in Iowa; he then moved to Woodford Co. ; thence to McLean Co. Here he remained about four years ; in 1870, he moved to Eureka ; in 1877, he com- menced the livery business, and to-day owns one of the best equipped livery stables in Woodford Co. The enter- prise that Mr. King has taken, together with the able and accommodating man- ner in which he is conducting his livery business, is gaining for him a host of friends. He keeps fifteen head of stock, and ten vehicles of various kintis on hand. King, J. W., farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Kanable, M. E., P. 0. Eureka. Kief. Adam, farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. King, Phillip, farmer; P. 0. Eureka. Kufth, Christ., farmer : P. 0. Eureka. Kuntz, Jno., farmer : P. 0. Eureka. Keller, Jacob, farmer : P. 0. Eureka. Kuntz, Henry, farmer : P. 0. Eureka. Kanable. Jno.. farm hand; P. 0. Eureka. LEWIS, G. W., carpenter; P. 0. Eureka. Lakin, S. W., dentist; P. 0. Eureka. Lichtenberger, C. T., physician ; P. 0. Eureka. Lyon, B. R., barber ; P. 0. Eureka. Lindsey, Jno.. preacher ; P. 0. Eureka. Luferge, Jas. L., laborer; P. '0. Eureka. Leighton, Sylvester, lab. ; P. O. Eureka. Ludeman, Frank, farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Ludeman, Alex, farmer; P. 0. Eureka. Lander, Frank, farmer ; P. O. Eureka. Longfellow. W. J., farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Laws, Jeremiah, farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. MYERS. C. H., laborer; P. O. Eureka. Magarity, J. F., P. 0. Eureka. Mdore, L. F., laborer ; P. 0. Eureka. Myers, C. L., nursery ; P. O. Eureka. Moore, B. L., photograjiher ; P. 0. Eureka. Moore, J. D., teamster ; P. O. Eureka. Messier, W. A.,watchmkr. ; P. 0. Eureka. McColgin, Jno., laborer ; P. 0. Eureka. iNIyers. Maria R., Postmistress ; P. 0. Eu- reka. MAGARITY, JOHN M., drug- gist ; P. 0. Eureka. The subject of this sketch was born in Woodfnrd Co., 111., four miles northwest of Eureka, May 1. 1849, and Ls the son of William S. and Sarah Travis ^lagarit}-, who were among the first settlers of Woodford Co., having made their home here in 1836 ; settled at Mt. Zion, Cruger Tp., April 11; 1861. His mother died at the ao-e of 4:2. His father enlisted in the late war as Captain in Company A, 86th I. V. I., fur three years or during the war ; he participated in some of the hard-fought battles under Gens. Sher- man and Hooker. At the great battle of fighting above the clouds at Lookout Mountain, he .strained himself in lifting heavy artillery up the mountain, which restrained him from duty ; he came home, remained on his farm but a short time, then moved to Eureka, where he resided until his death, which occurred June 6, 1870. Mr. Magarity com- menced the drug business in 1873, and to-day he owns one of the best and largest drug stores in Woodford Co, ; he carries a stofk valued at 83.000. M^URRAY, JOHN M., grain dealer ; P. 0. Eureka. The subject of this sketch is probably one of the best known and highly respected business men in Woodford County ; is a native of Scotland ; came to New York in 1854; came West in 1857; settled in Eureka, 111., engaged in the lumber and gi-ain business ; is the proprietor of a first-cla.?s grain elevator, at Eureka, 111. Mr. Murray has filled several offices of important public trust ; has filled the office of Supervisor for four years ; is Chairman of the Board of Supervisors of Woodford County. In politics, he is a Republican, and is a member of the Presbvterian Churcli. MOSCHEL, CHRISTIAN, form- er; p. 0. Eureka ; was born in Bavaria, Germany, Dec. 21, 1830, son of John and Susan (Ague) Moschel. He re- mained at his native home until 1852 ; he then emigrated to America, and landed in New York, where he remained about one year and a half, engaged in farming ; thence to lUinois, and settled in Peoria, and remained there about nine years ; engaged in farming and OLIO TOWNSHIP. 603 the tinner trade ; thence to Woodford Co., and settled near Washburn ; thence to the place henow lives on, which con- sists of 125 acres of fine improved land, which Mr. Moschel made by hard labor and good management. Holds office of School Director of District No. 2 ; mar- ried twice, first wife in March 21, 1859, to Miss Susan Sandmyer, of Germany ; died May 28, 18G3 ; one child by first wife — Lizzie, born March 22, 1868 ; died May 28, 1863. Married second wife. Miss Lia Schmidt, of Canada, daughter of John and Barbara (Schwartz- emruben) Schmidt ; born March 18, 18-42 ; came to Woodford Co. in 1863. Six children — Peter, born June 13, 1866 ; John, born Feb. 21, 1868 ; Su- san, boi'D May 4, 1870 ; Christian, born Oct. 29, 1871; Joseph, born June 21, 1874; William, born April 2, 1876. Magarity, J. L., nursery; P. O. ICureka. Major, A. E., merchant; P. 0. Eureka. Mitchell, J. B., stock dlr.; P. 0. Eureka. Maupin, B. F., Justice of the Peace; P. 0. Eureka. McCullough, W. S., carpenter; P. 0. Eureka. McClintock, Jno., farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. McClintock, J. R., farmer; P. O. Eureka. MONSELLE, JOHN, farmer and blacksmith ; P. O. Eureka ; was born in France April 9, 1822 ; son of Nicho- las and Elizabeth Monselle, of France. He remained in the old country until 1855 ; here he learned his trade (black- smithing), and in Feb. 22, 1848, he married Miss Celestine Vcron, of France. In 1855 he emigrated to America in a sailing vessel ; was fifty-two days making the trip. Landed in New Orleans, La., thence to St. Louis ; here he had to re- main for about five weeks on account of the Mississippi River being frozen over, and navigation stopped ; as soon as opened, he went to Peoria, 111., thence to Washington, 111., where he remained for eitihtecn months, eno'asjed in the black smith business ; thence to Versailles, the once county seat of Woodford ; here he has remained ever since, engaged in blacksmithing and farming. He is to- day one of the oldest and highly re- spected citizens of Versailles. Owns a fine improved farm. Is a member of the Catholic Church. Nine children. MOORE, DAVID G., farmer; P. 0. Eureka. The subject of this sketch is one of the prominent farmers of Woodford Co. ; was born in Todd Co., Ky., May 29, 1817; son of David Moore, of Virginia, and Elizabeth Moore, of South Carolina. He remained at his native State until he was 29 years old, and then with his wife and five children emigrated to Woodford Co. in a two-horse wagon and settled near Versailles ; since then he has moved three times in the neighborhood where he first settled ; he bought 118 acres of fine improved land and moved on the present place. Here he has remained ever since, engaged in farming. He was married in 1835 to Miss Mary Ann Ellison, of Kentucky, daughter of Reu- ben Ellison ; have raised a family of fifteen children, losing but one, a son. who died at the age of 32 years; had one son in the late war. Willber F. enlisted in the 5th 111. Cav. ; was honor- ably discharged ; now living in Atchison, Kan. ; his son, William A., was elected to the Legislature from Tazewell Co. in 1876. Mr. Moore is member of the Methodist Church. His political opin- ions are Democratic. MOOBURY, WM. H. H., farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. The subject of this sketch was born in Tazewell Co., 111., Dec. 1, 1840 ; son of Samuel Moobury, who was born in Ohio 1804, died in 1846, and Cynthia Moobury, of Ohio, born May, 1806, who were among the first settlers in Tazewell Co., having made their home here in 1835. Mr. M. was engaged in farming ; at the breaking out of the late war, in Sept,, 1861, he enlisted in Co. G, 4th 111. Cav., for three years or during the war. He participated in one hundred battles and skirmishes under Gens. Sherman and Grant ; at the battles of Fort Donelson, where the first substantial success of the war was achieved ; Fort Henry, Corinth, Shiloh, Jackson^ Big Black, &c. ; was mustered out at Springfield, IlL, in 1864. At the close of the war, re- turned home and commenced farming. Married, in 1868, to Miss Julia A. Ram- sey, of Illinois, daughter of James Ramsey, of Franklin Co., 0.; born Dec, 1817, and Julia Ann Ramsey, of 604 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY England, born Jan. 11, 1818; were among the early settlers of Tazewell Co. ; now living in Montgomery Tp., Woodford Co., having made their home here in 1 844. Mr. Moobur}' is a mem- ber of the Presbyterian Church ; his political opinions are National Green- backs. Three children — Leo F., How- ard D., Lillie I. Mitchell, H. C, stock dlr., P. 0. Eureka. McGrath, Wm. M., shoemkr. ; P. 0. Eureka. ]\IcCarten, Elias, boots and shoes ; P. 0. Eureka. Mishler, J. J., grocer ; P. 0. Eureka. Myers, J. L., retired ; P. 0. Eureka. McHugh, Chas., farmer; P.O. Eureka. Moore," B. M., farmer ; P. O. Eureka. McCormick, P., firmer; P. 0. Eureka. McClintock, E. L., farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. McCORKLE, J. B., farmer and preacher ; P. O. Eureka ; born in Lawrence Co., Illinois, May 24, 1819 ; when quite young he came with his parents to Tazewell Co. ; was married May 22, 1845, to Cynthia A. Kice, a native of Augusta Co., Va. He farmed for three years ; after this he moved to Washington Co. in 1848 ; here he began the manufacture of wagons and was very successful in business. In 1857, he returned to his farm, originally 80 acres, now 320 acres, and farmed seven years extensively. Began preaching about 1860; has met with good success as an evangelist ; Democrat ; Church of Christ ; in 1868 he moved to Wood- ford Co ; now owns the 80 acres in Tazewell Co. purchased at S3. 50 per acre in 1842 or '3, which is now worth $50 per acre ; also owns 100 acres in Woodford Co. worth $100 per acre. His residence is one of the most desira- ble in the county and part of his 100 acre farm is within the incorporate limits of Eureka. Has nine children — Chas. L., J. Mara, Laura J., Kichard H.; Mary E., Orpha J., Eunice A., Cyrus B., and Z. A. ; seven are living, two are dead — Chas. L. and Laura J. ; has held the office of Collector and Boad Commissioner in Tazewell Co. and that of Trustee in Olio Tp., and is highly re- spected by a large circle of acquaint- ances. McCormick, Wm., firmer ; P. 0. Eureka. MAJOR, WILLIAM, firmer; P- O. Eureka; was born in Christian Co., Ky., May 23, 1827 ; is the son of Ben and Lucy Davenpori Major, who came to Illinois with a family of five children — Judith Alice, married to J. D. Gaunt, of Iowa ; Lucy, married to J. J. Jones, of Eureka ; and William ; two dead — John and Benjamin. The father, Ben Major, was born in Kentucky, Oct. 31, 1796, and died in Illinois, May 29, 1852 ; his mother, Lucy (Davenport) Major, born in Kentucky, Sept. 15, 1802, and died Jan. 15, 1876. Mr. Major is one of the successful farmers of Woodford County, owns a fine, im- proved farm of 371 acres ; he is a mem- ber of the Christian Church ; his polit- ical opinions are Republican. 3Iarried Miss Mary E. Dickinsen, of Kentucky, born Jan. 1, 1829; married in 1847; seven children — Horace, born Aug. 16, 1848 ; Alva Allen, born July 28, 1850 ; Charles E., born Nov. 12, 1851 ; Ben, born June 4, 1853; Mary Catharine, born July 10, 1855; two dead — Ann Elizabeth, born Oct. 21, 1858, died in infancy; Annie Elmira. born Sept. 21, 1862, died Feb. 13, 1864. Moncelle, Chas., farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. McClintock, W. S., farmer; P. 0. Eureka. Meek, Mrs. E., P. 0. Eureka. Meek, D. R., farmer; P. 0. Eureka. Mill, Wm,, farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. McCormick, M. A., P. 0. Eureka. Messinger, Louisa J., P. 0. I^ureka. Meek, H. B., farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. MAJOR, JO., former ; P. 0. Eureka; was born in Woodford Co., 111., Nov. 22, 1834 ; his fitlier, Ben Major, was born in Kentucky Oct. 31, 1796; his mother, Lucy (Davenport) jNIajor, was born in Kentucky Sept. 15, 1802. They came to Illinois, and settled in Woodford County, Spring of 1S34, and commenced farming; May 29. 1852, his father died with the cholera ; his mother died Jan. 15, 1876. Mr. Major remained on his farm until the breaking out of the late war ; he enlisted Aug. 26, 1862, in Co. A, 86th 111. V. I., for three years, or during the war ; as private he participated in some of the hard fought battles under Generals Thomas and Sherman, Perryville, Stone River, fighting above the clouds at Look- OLIO TOWNSHIP. 605 out Mountain, Chattanooga, Chicka- mauga ; with Gen. Sherman's march to the sea ; through the swamps and forests of the Carohnas ; at Washington on the grand review ; mustered out as Captain June 23, 1865. At the close of the war, he returned home and commenced farming, and to-day is one of the suc- cessful farmers of Woodford County ; owns a fine improved farm of 455 acres ; member of the Christian Church ; Re- publican in politics ; married Miss Mary S. Jones, of England, daughter of Rich- ard Jones ; she was born Aug. 23, 1838 ; married Feb. 12, 1861; six chil- dren — John, born, March 22, 1862 ; died Jan. 5, 1863 ; Cora, born June 7, 1866 ; Lucy, born Jan. 27, 1868 ; Jo., born Sept. 8, 1872; William, bora Dec. 17, 1873; Rodger, born Aug. 16, 1876. His father, Ben Major, in 1833 was owner of eight negro slaves valued at $10,000; he set them free and colonized them in Liberia at his own ex- pense, and gave them sufficient means until they could make a living for them- MEEK, BAZEL D., COL , attor- ney ; P. 0. Eureka. The subject of this sketch was born in Jennings Co., Ind., Dec. 6. 1828. His parents are Henry B. and Theny (Perry) Meek, who are among the oldest settlers of Woodford Co., having made their home here in 1830. Those born amidst the circum- stances of pioneer life must necessarily imbibe something of the nature of the surroundings. The freedom of the life from the cares and responsibilities that ever attend the older forms of society tends to produce a spirit of independence and vigor which are unknown in the latter. Amid these surroundings Col. Meek spent his childhood and early youth, working on the farm from the time he was able to handle the axe or hold the plow, and in the Winter gath- ering what instruction the " district " .school of the period could afi"ord. At 18, he entered college at Galesburg, Knox Co., 111., where he remained about two years. On March 17, 1850, he started from home for the gold fields of Cali- fornia with a mule team ; traveled the overland route ; arrived at St. Joseph, Mo., remained there two weeks. On the 25th of April, he crossed the INIissouri River, and arrived at Sacramento City July 10, having made the quickest trip with mule team across the plains ; was engaged in mining but a short time ; en- gaged ten months in packing provisions from cities to the mountains. In 1851^ he went to Oregon, where he was en- gaged in the lumber and milling busi- ness ; remained there until 1853; re- turned home via Central America. Col. Meek has held several offices of trust, and has acquitted himself in a very cred- itable and efficient manner. In 1853, he was elected CountyTreasurer,and re-elect- ed to same office in 1855, which office he held until 1857. In 1857, was elected County Judge, and held office until the breaking out of the late war, On Oct. 20, 1861, he was commissioned by Grov. Yates as Lieutenant Colonel of the 11th 111. Cav.; was engaged in the battle of Lexington, Tenn., and before Corinth, luka, Shiloh, etc. ; resigned his com- mission Sept., 1863, and came home In 1863, was admitted to the bar to practice law, and in 1867 the well known firm of Messrs. Briggs & Meek was formed. These gentlemen are among the best educated lawyers of Woodford Co., and rank high at the Illinois bar. In 1869 he was elected for the second time County Judge, which office he held for four years. Col. Meek is a member of the Christian Church. His political opinions are Democratic. He was married, in 1856, to Miss Sarah E. Ward, daughter of J. F. Ward. Four children — Thema, married W. C. Mitch- ell, living in Chicago ; William D., Lewis F. and Henry B. "ATIERGARTH, S. D., restaurant; P. Jl_N 0. Eureka. Niergarth, John, farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. O^'NEAL, ANDREW, carpenter; P. 0. Eureka. O'Brien, Maggie, P. 0. Eureka. Osborn, G. W., laborer ; P. O. Eureka. Ormsby, M. P.. minister; P. 0. Eureka. O'Hara, John, lalksmth ; P. 0. Eureka. I "pAYNE, J. E., farmer; P. 0. Eureka. Parker, Mrs. Mary L., P. O. Eureka. Peleg, Ignatz, farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Price, Ezra, farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Pepper, Geo., farmer; P. 0. Eureka. (306 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY Patar, Wm., teamster; P. 0. Eureka. Pangburn, Jno., P. 0. Eureka. Probosco, D. S., painter ; P. O. Eureka. Pifer, W. H., tinner; P. 0. Eureka. Pifer. M., hardware; P. 0. Eureka. Pifer, F. C, grocer; P. 0. Eureka. Powell, Hannah, P. O. Eureka. Patterson, J. II.. P. 0. Eureka. PAGE, MOSES P., P. 0. Eureka ; wa;^ boro in (iilmantju. N. H., May 4, 1826, and is the son of John and Bet- sey (Wilson) Page, who were among the earliest settlers of Woodford County, having made their home here in May, 1835. John Page wa.s born Oct. 28, 1787; with his wife, Betsey (Wilson) Page, who was born March 27, 1791, left Gilmanton with a family of nine children for Illinois ; from Gilmanton they went to Troy, N. Y., in wagons and stage, thence to Buifalo via the Erie canal, then to Cleveland via lake, thence to Portsmouth canal, then by steam- boats on the Ohio, Mississippi and Illi- nois Rivers to Pekin, where they arrived safely, purchased a farm in May, 1835, and commenced farming. Here Moses Page remained until he was 21 years of age ; he then set out in cultivating a farm of his own, near his father's place; was engaged in studying dentistry and medicine, attended lectures at Hanover College, but on account of his eyesight failing, he gave up the profession ; was at one time Postmaster of Metamora, during President Buchanan's adminis- tration. Married Miss Martha E. Banta, of Indiana, daughter of David Banta, who settled in Tazewell Co., 111., in 1835 ; eight children — John F., Manly C, Sarah E., Mary A., Lew E.; David Andrew, Clemens Rostell, Flora E. 31ember of the Christian Church; Democrat in politics. Potter. Mrs. E.. dressmkr ; P. 0. Eureka. Payne, W. W., laborer; P. 0. Eureka. Payne, R. T., policeman ; P. 0. Eureka. Peffers, David, bookkpr ; P. 0. Eureka. Pierce, Elijah, laborer ; P. O. Eureka. Plumb, F.'K., laborer; P. 0. Eureka. Proctor, E. A., farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Proctor. J. C. P. 0. Eureka. POWELL, ETHAN O., deceased; was born in Cedarville. Cumberland Co., N. J., Oct. 5, 1822 ; he came to Wood- ford County, and settled on a farm near Eureka, April 2, 1SG7 ; here he re- mained until Jan. 10, 187G; with his family he moved to Eureka, and com- menced the livery business ; died Feb. 4, 1876. leaving a wife and four children — Martha, now married to George John- son; Etta, Jerry, Isaiah. Mr. Powell married twice; his first wife was Mi.ss Arabella Sheppard ; second wife. Miss Hannah Diamond, of New Jersey. Jerry is in the livery business, manag- ing for his mother ; this livery stable is one of the best equipped stables in the county ; he keeps on hand from eight to ten fine horses, and vehicles for the same ; to those who want to take a drive in the country, we advi.se them to call and see Jerry, on the south side of the Public Square. REYNOLDS, M. A., MRS.; P. 0- Eureka. Reynolds, N. L., phys. ; P. 0. Eureka. Rosenberg, F. J., phys. ; P. 0. Eureka. Rush, J. A., laborer ; P. 0. Eureka. Reynolds, G. W., P. 0. Eureka. Reynolds, W. C., wagon mkr; P.O.Eureka. Richards, 0. P., drugs; P. 0. Eureka. Ruger, D., drugs; P. 0. Eureka. Reeves, J. T. C, mason ; P. 0. Eureka. Reeves, J. M., laborer ; P. 0. Eureka. Rudecker, W; B., tinner; P. 0. Eureka. Reynolds,' W. W., clerk; P. 0. Eureka. Reynolds, H. S.. tailor; P. 0. Eureka. Revnolds. C. W!, clerk : P. 0. Eureka. RADFORD, R. N., proprietor and editor ol" the Eureka Journal; was born in Chri.-^tian Co.. Ky., Sept. 30, 1S33, and is the son of Benjamin J. and Frances T. ( Lawi-ence ) Radford, of Virginia, who emigrated and settled in Kentucky in 1818 with a family of five children ; they moved to Woodford Co. and settled in Walnut Grove, one and a half miles from Eureka ; entered 800 acres of Govern- ment land. Benjamin J. Radford was born in Virainia April 5, 1797 ; died in Woodford County Sept. 12, 1857 ; Mrs. Frances T. Radford was born in ^'irgiuia May 1, 1804; died in Woodford" Co. Oct. 19, 1864. Mr. Radford spent his younger days on his father's farm ; when 20 years of age, he came to Eureka and was engaged in clerking for Clark & Jones for three years ; on the account of his father's death, he returned to the farm and commenced farming ; re- OLIO TOWNSHIP. 607 mained here until 1874 ; he moved to Eureka and in April, 1874, he com- menced the publication of the Woodford Journal; Sept. 3, 1875, the name of the Woodford Journal was changed to the Eureka Journal^ which to-day ranks as one of the l)est papers in Woodford Co. ; its circulation is as large as any paper published in the county, while it ranks high among the i)apers of the county, in energy, vigor of thought and is independ- ent in its views. Its office is also one of the best in the country in the conven- ience of its equipment for newspaper and job work. Mr. Kadford married in 1862 Miss Octavia Landes, of Kentucky, daughter of Dr. Samuel Landes. RADFORD, BENJ. J., PROF., P. 0. Eureka ; was born in Woodford Co., 111., Dec. 23, 1838, and is the son of Benjamin J. and Frances T. ( Law- rence) Radford, of Virginia, who emi- grated to Kentucky in 1818; in 1834, they started with a family of five chil- dren from Kentucky, and settled on a farm of 800 acres one and a half miles southwest of Eureka. Here Prof. Rad- ford spent his younger days farming, and in the winter months attending the Eureka College. At the breaking out of the late war, he enlisted as private in Co. G, 17th 111. Vol. Inf , for three years ; participated in some of the hard- fought battles under Gen. Grant at Fort Donelson, where the fiist substantial success of war was achieved, Shiloh, and other engagements ; was mustered out Corporal June, 1804. He then went to Springfield and accepted a clerkship in the mustering office U. S. A. one year; in 18G5, went to preach- ing; returned. to Eureka and entered the Eureka College and graduated in 1866 ; in 1868 and '60, was engaged in preaching at Niantic, Macon Co., 111. ; March, 1869, he purchased the Wood- ford Journal of Eureka; 1870, was appointed as one of the Professors of the Eureka College. Here he has been en- gaged ever since. Married in 1864 to Miss Rhoda J. Magarity, daughter of Wm. S. Magarity, who came to Illinois at an early day, was the first Sheriff' of Woodford Co., and in 1865 was County Judge ; seven children, six living ; is a member of the Christian Church. Rediger, Jacob, farmer; P. 0. Eureka. Reel, Wm., farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Ringer, Jacob, farmer ; P. O. Eureka. Rush, Jesse, farmer ; P. 0. Eureka, Rowan, Wm., farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Robeson, W. H., farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Rush, Jos., farmer; P. 0. Eureka. Rush, Nicholas, farmer; P. 0. Eureka. Rush, Thos., farmer; P. 0. Eureka. Robeson, Phoebe, P. 0. Eureka. Radford, Rhoda, P. 0. Eureka. O^ LIMNER, J. C, sells pianos and or- k3 ii'ans ; P. 0. Eureka. Smalley, 0. W., laborer ; P. 0. Eureka. States, Susan E., P. 0. Eureka. Sleighter, R. A., drayman ; P. 0. Eureka. Snyder, A., laborer ; P. 0. Eureka. Sheppard, Nancy, P. 0. Eureka. Sadler, J. M., saddlery ; P. 0. Eureka. Smith, J. F., confectionery ; P. 0. Eureka. Smith, T. C, blacksmith ; P. 0. Eureka. Stitt, S. C, hedge trimmer; P. O.Eureka. Sumner, J. M., broomnikr.; P. 0. Eureka. Shockly, S., mason ; P. 0. Eureka. Stacy, D. W., sew. m. agt.; P. 0. Eureka. Stewart, W. H., carp.; P. 0. Eureka. Schuessler, H., confectionery ; P.O. Eureka. Stewart, J. C, P. 0. Eureka. Smith, R. D., real estate; P. 0. Eureka. Sleighter, D. C, laborer ; P. 0. Eureka. Slane, F. S.; Path Master; P. 0. Eureka. Search, G. L., wagonmkr.; P. 0. Eureka. Stampf, Mrs. J., millinery ; P. 0. Eureka. Samuels, Catherine, P. 0. Eureka. StoUer, G., farmer ; P. O. Eureka. Stone, J. W., teamster; P. O. Eureka. Shaw, John, carpenter ; P. 0. Eureka. Skinner, W. H., P. 0. Eureka. Skinner, W. F., P. 0. Eureka. Spear, Saml., blacksmith ; P. 0. Eureka. Smith, A. H., teacher; P.O. Eureka. Schultz, Chas., Sr., farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Schurtz, Christ., farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Schulty, Chas., Jr., far.; P. 0. Eureka. Stewart, L., former; P. 0. Eureka. Sadler, W. C, farmer ; P. O. Eureka. SUMMERS, JOHN, farmer ; P. 0. Eureka ; was born in Christian Co., Ky., April 2, 1817 ; is the son of Henry and Mary (Fleming) Summers. His father was born in Virginia in 1772, and died in Kentucky in 1822. With his mother and three children, they left Kentucky for Illinois Oct., 1835, in a wagon drawn by two yoke of oxen, and settled on the farm that he now lives on in April, 608 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFOKD COUNTY; 1836 ; they purchased 160 acres of land and commenced tarniing. On July 9, 1851, his mother died. Mr. Summers has held several offices of public trust — Justice of the Peace, Supervisor, School Trustee — of all of which he has ac({uit- ted himself in a very creditable and efficient manner. Is a member of the Presbyterian Church. His political opin- ions are Republican. Married twice — first wife, Miss Lydia B. Moore, mar- ried Oct. 31, 1848, died Aug. 29, 1855; second wife, Mrs. Emlie A. Finley, of Ohio, daughter of Isaac Handley; she was born Oct. 18, 1828. Four children — Carrie, Francis, Walter and Edward. Mr. Summers owns to-day 390 acres of fine land. SAUDER, CHRISTIAN, farmer; P. 0. Secor ; was born in Baden, Ger- many, in 1821, son of Rudolph and Barbara W. Sauder ; at 16 yeai'S of age, he learned his trade as carpenter ; in 1851, he sailed for America, and was sixty-two days in making the trip ; met with a sad misfortune, having lost two of his children on the voyage, who died at sea ; from New York city, he went to Phihidelphia, looking for work, thence to Co., Pa. Here he suc- ceeded in finding work ; remained there five years, thence to 111. ; settled in Tazewell Co., then to Slabtown, Wood- ford Co., in 1858, settled on a place two miles north of his farm, thence to the place he now lives on ; owns 160 acres land ; married Miss Elizabeth Fry. Nine children, three living — Abraham, Henry, John ; six dead. SHUMAN, SAMUEL, farmer; P. 0. Secor; was born in Juniata Co., Pa., Oct. 17, 1834, and is the son of Joshua and Elizabeth (Parkner) Shu- man ; his father was a weaver and farmer. Mr. Shuman remained with his parents until he was 16 years of age; he then started out to make a liv- ing for himself ; he went to Indiana ; remained here but a short time ; re- turned to Pennsylvania, thence to Min- nesota, where he remained about five and a half years ; engaged in farming, thence to Illinois, and settled in Fulton Co. ; thence to Minn., thence to Wood- ford Co., and settled on the farm that he now lives on ; Jan., 1865, married Miss Henrietta Schuebly, of 111. ; owns 400 acres of fine improved land. Five children — Henry S., John, Elizabeth, Frank and Greorge. Sauder, Fred, farmer ; P. 0. Secor. Schuler, Geo., farmer ; P. 0. Secor. Spencer, T. G., farmer; P. 0. Eureka. Schertz, Andrew, farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Sadler, Jno., farmer; P. 0. Eureka. Stivers, T. J., farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Stewart, R. C., farmer; P O. Eureka. Shulthers, Henry, farmer ; P. 0. Secor. Smalley, G. 0., laborer; P. 0. Eureka. Sumner, Clark, commission salesman; P. 0. Eureka. THORNTON, JAS. S., manufacturer of axe handles ; P. 0. Eureka. Tomb, Wm., P. 0. Eureka. Terry, N. B., P. 0. Eureka. Tucker, H. R., drayman ; P. 0. Eureka. This, J. E., farmer; P. 0. Eureka. This, Felix, farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Teusher, Jno., farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Titsworth, Jno., laborer; P. 0. Eureka. "TTLRICH, CHRISTIAN, farmer; P. U 0. Eureka. Ulrich, Sam'l, farmer; P. 0. Eureka. Ulrich, Dan'l, farmer; P. 0. Eureka. Ulrich, P. P., farmer; P. 0. Eureka." ULRICH, PETER, farmer; P. 0. Eureka; was born July 12, 1811, in France; son of Peter and Catharine Ulrich, of France ; father weaver by trade; he emigrated to America in 1831, with his sister Barbara ; was 44 days in making the trip ; landed in New York ; here they remamed but a short time, as Mr. Ulrich had the experience of some one stealing his hat ; they then went to Cincinnati, 0., via canal, flat and steam- boat; eight days from N. Y. to Cincin- nati, 0. ; here he remained one year as teamster ; thence in the country at farm- ing for seven years; in 1838, he moved to Tazewell Co., 111. ; he purchased 80 acres of land and commenced farming ; here five years ; he then sold and rented farms near Peoria ; he leased a farm for five years ; his wife died Aug. 5, 1855 ; from Tazewell Co. he came to Woodford and settled three and a half miles north- east of Eureka ; he purchased railroad land ; 200 acres he sold and purchased j place he lives on, in 1867, 178 acres of ; fine improved land, and in 1868 he I moved on the place. His first wife was OLIO TOWNSHIP. 609 Aniiie Oyer, of France ; married 1837 ; second wife Barbara Zimmerman ; mar- ried 1850 ; died 1864 ; eight children — Joseph, born May 2(5, 1843, married Fannie King, five children ; Peter, born March 24, 1840, married Magdalene King, eight children ; John, born Aug. 18, 1845, married Catherine Redeker ; Andreas, born June 5, 1848, married ' Elizabeth Zear; David, born July 29, 1850. married Maria A. Risser ; Chris- tian, born May 26, 1843 ; Samuel, born Jan. 12, 1855, married Fannie Risser; Catherine, born Oct. 1, 1842. ULLRICH, LUDWIG, farmer; P. 0. Eui-eka ; was born in Waldrake, Russia, May 15, 1813 ; son of Adam and Catharine Ullrich ; he remained in the old country until 1846, where he was engaged in farming ; he tlien emigrated to America in a sailing vessel ; 75 days in making the trip ; landed in N. Y. ; here he remained but a short time, thence West to Butler Co., 0., where he was engaged as a fiu-m hand for four years ; thence to Illinois, and settled in Tazewell Co., near Groveland; here one year; he married, July 1, 1851, Miss Phoebe Gingerrich, daughter of Chris- tian and Elizabeth Gingerrich ; she was born Jan. 30, 1829 ; he then in 1858 came to Woodford Co. and settled on the place he is now on, a fine improved farm of 110 acres, all made by good management and hard labor ; is a mem- ber of the Lutheran Church ; four chil- dren — Peter, Lizzie (married to the Rev. Christian Plamback, who died Nov. 13. 1873), Louisa, Lewis. VANDYKE, W. G., miller ; P. 0. Eureka. Voltz & Son, P. 0. Eureka. Voltz, Jacob, P. 0. Eureka. Vanfossen, W. H., meat market ; P. 0. Eureka. Vanfossen, Jno., farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Van Hove, Harm, farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. VANDYKE & GIFT, proprietors Orient Mills ; P. 0. Eureka. The Ori- ent Mill is one of the best equipped flour-mills in this vicinity, and flour manufactured here is second to none manufactured in the State of Illinois. The building is three and a half stories high, contains three sets of stones, which are turned by steam, 48-horse power engines, with a capacity for manu- facturing forty barrels of flour per day , the finest brands of flour turned out from this mill are the Orient A., Pre- mium, and New Process, all of which find ready sales in Illinois and Indiana. William G. Vandyke was born in Mer- cer Co. Nov. 18, 1828 ; son of John and Dicie Vandyke ; he was raised on his father's farm ; in 1855, he came to Eu- reka, and commenced the flour - mill business, which he has been engaged in ever since, except foui* years engaged in the grain and stock business ; in 1868, he and Mr. W. R. Adams built the Orient flour-mill. Mr. Adams re- mained as partner until 1874; in 1875, Mr. John W. Gift purchased one-half interest, and to- day forms the firm of Messrs. Vandyke & Gift. Mr. Gift is a native of Pennsylvania, and has had a number of years' experience in the manufacturing of flour. W ATKINS, MRS. SARAH, P. 0. Eureka. West, Chas., farmer; P. 0. Eureka. Wood, J. G., Constable ; P. 0. Eureka. Ward, Harriett, farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Ward, J. S., teacher; P. 0. Eureka. Wiggins, Andrew, laborer ; P. 0. Eureka. Wiggins, Geo., laborer; P. 0. Eureka. Willis, P., farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. WARD, W. B., farmer; P. 0. Eu- reka. The above-named gentleman is one of the successful farmers of Wood- ford Co. ; was born in Marshall Co., West Va., May 17, 1829; his parents are William and Margaret Ward. He married Nov. 13, 1853, in Brook Co., West Va., to Miss Sarah E. Hedges, of Brook Co., West Va. She was born Nov. 7, 1854. They moved to Wood- ford Co., and settled near the place that they now live on. Here they remained one year. In 1856, they moved on the present farm ; owns 280 acres of fine improved land ; four children — Moses Wyley, William E., Ulysses Ellsworth, Mary Adella. Mr. Ward, in his politi- cal opinions, is Republican; a member of the Methodist Church since 1854. Socially, he has a pleasing address and genial manners that win the respect of all. Wright, A. E., student ; P. 0. Eureka. Wright, B. T., clothier; P. 0. Eureka. 610 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY Wricht, S., dry goods ; P. 0. Eureka. Wright, J. C, carpenter; P. 0. Eureka. West, J. L., wagon mkr. ; P. 0. Eureka. Wright, Elisha, sewing machine agent; P. 0. Eureka. Wagner, John, farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Wenay ; was born in Ohio, April, 1804 ; came to Illinois, and what is now called Woodford Co., in June, 1828; returned to Ohio in 1831, and in the Sj)ringof 1832 came back to 111.; married Miss Emily Jones in 1841 ; sht was born in Ohio, and died in Woodford Co. about 1840. His second wife was Elonora Williams ; married in 1858 ; she was born in Ohio ; two children by first marriage — Perry (now living in Spring Bay Tp.), Jane (now Mrs. Daniel Jones of Partridge Tp). Mr. Hoshor ranks among the very earliest settlers, and being one of the first pioneers of the county, a further history of him will be found in the general history of the work. HESSELEIN, LEONHARD,far; Sec. 5 ; P. 0. Spring Bay ; was born in Bavaria, Germany, Feb. 5, 1822, com- ing to America in 1853, and direct to Worth Tp., Woodford Co., 111., renting 124 acres of land of John Haas, and staying about seven years ; then to Part- ridge Tp. for two years ; then to his present home on Sec. 5, where he now owns 80 acres ; married Miss Mary Dollinger at Peoria, Aug. 10, 1853 ;she was born in Bavaria, Germany, Jan. 13, 1830 ; have had eight children, five living — George, Fredie, John, Abbie, William ; three deceased — Leonard, Jr., died Nov. 1, 1854; John, April 26, 1855; Annie, April 18, 1863. HANNER, JOHN, farmer; Sec. 5 ; P. 0. Spring Bay ; was born in Wurtemberg, Germany, in May, 1818 ; emigrated to America in 1849, coming direct to Oneida Co., N. Y., remaining about three and a half years, then re- turned to Germany for three months ; came back to Oneida Co., working about three years at day labor ; in 1856, came to Worth Township, and has resided here ever since ; his first pui'chase of land was 80 acres, which he retained for three years and sold, buying, then, 166 acres of John Reising, in 1864 ; in addi- tion, he now owns 320 acres in Living- ston Co., III. ; married in Oneida Co., N. Y., Jan. 1, 1854, to Margaret . Shreive ; she was born in Wurtemberg, Germany, July 24, 1827 ; they have two children — Margaret Abbie, born Nov. 28, 1855 (married Israel Schick- adanc, of Pontiac, 111.), John, born Jan. 2, 1859. AVORTH TOWNSHIP. 619 Hoerner, John, farmer; P. 0. Spring Bay. Haas, Ferdinand, far. ; P. 0. Spring Bay. Hertz, Isrnatz, farmer; P. 0. Metamora. HAEDICKE, ADOLPHUS, farmer; P. 0. Peoria; was born in Prussia, Germany, July 1, 1810; emi- grated to America, in 1836, landing first in New York, remaining about six months ; then to Baton Rouge, La., staying there three years, finally locat- ing permanently in Worth Township, in 1840; married Miss Hanna S. Brauti- gam, at Peoria, 111., Dec. 12, 1840 ; she was born in Prussia Feb. 26, 1824; have nine children — Maria E., Hen- rietta (now Mrs. E. Schimpff, of Peo- ria), Augusta (now Mrs. William Speers, of Kansas), Christine (now ]Mrs. M. Wagner, of Cazenovia), William, Fred- ericka (now Mrs. R. Hess, of Kansas), Hanna (now Mrs. Henry Ames, of ■ Kansas), Adolphus, Jr., Louisa; owns 165 acres of land in Worth Township, 15 acres in Tazewell Co., 111., 160 in Kansas and a town lot in Peoria. lOERGER, JACOB, farmer; Sec 27 ; P. 0. Metamora ; was born in Selz, France, Jan. 11, 1823; parents emigrated to United States in 1839 ; left April 7, and arrived in New York on the 4th of July ; when about twenty -five days out, encountered a terrible storm, which lasted three days and nights, threatening destruction to the ship and cargo. Went from New York to Ohio ; then to Evansville, Ind., and Peoria, 111. Upon arrival in this section, his father purchased 200 acres of land of Sunderland, which he afterward sold, and removed to Metamora, and died there on July 4, 1873. He was born in France, 1799. His wife died in France in 1833. Mr. lan'ger was mar- ried Jan. 14, 1847, to Miss Mary Hertz, who was born in France Aug. 20, 1824. Nine children living — Catherine, born Dec. 6, 1848 (now Mrs. David Grenagle, of Metamora Tp.) ; Henry, born March 24, 1851 (married Senora Brautigam) ; Frederick, April 2, 1853 ; George, March 18, 1855 ; Peter, June 22, 1857; Mary, March 23, 1861; Elizabeth, x\ug. 9, 1863; Jacob, Jan. 9, 1867; Joseph, June 22, 1869; two deceased — Louisa, born Nov. 14, 1847, died Aug. 2, 1848 ; Juha, born Aug. 9, 1863, died Aug. 15, 1863. Mr. L was an early settler in this region, and has lived to see Woodford Co. arow from a wilderness to what it now is. In 1844, went with his fathef to Chicago, hauling wheat, which was worth three bits, driving back in the remarkable time of two days (150 miles.) His first land purchase was 120 acres, all woods, and an old log house on the land. His present fine residence was built in 1857. He now owns 250 acres in AVorth Tp, 320 in Panola, and 97 in Metamora. JUNG, GEORGE, former; P. 0. Spring Bay. KLASSERT, J. G., farmer; P. 0. Peoria. Kuhn, F., farmer; P. 0. Spring Bay. Kamm, Casper, farmer; P. 0. Metamora. Klassert, Wm., farmer; P.O. Metamora. Kuhl, Fred'k, farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. KINDIG, BENJAMIN, deceased; born in Lancaster Co., Pa., March 31, 1783 ; moved to Virginia in 1812, set- tling in Augusta County ; came to Illinois in the Fall of 1833, and died in January, 1856 ; married Esther Witmer in Pennsylvania Oct. 20, 1807, who was born March 3, 1785, and died in Virginia, Oct. 10, 1824, leaving seven children — Benjamin W., born Aug. 29, 1808 ; Esther, born Feb. 12, 1810, died in 1843, married Jeremiah Smith; Mary, born Sept. 24, 1811 ; Magdalena, born Oct. 3, 1813, now Mrs. Jacob J. Bonta, of Bates Co., Mo.; David, born Sept. 12, 1816; Leah, born Nov. 25, 1820, now Mrs. Jacob Grove, of Mis- souri ; Henry W., born Aug. 28, 1823, died March 13, 1864, married for sec- second wife Abigail Patterson, in Vir- ginia, in 1825 ; she wss born in 1807, and died in Illinois, July 1, 1835 ; five children — Elizabeth, born July 4, 1826, died in 1847 ; Anna, born Jan. 1, 1828, died April 26, 1835; Susannah, born Feb. 18, 1830, now Mrs. B. G. Kindig, of Greene Township ; Samuel, born March 4, 1832, married Catharine Bru- baker, of Missouri ; Emanuel, born Feb. 7, 1835, married Margaret Wal- lace, of Iowa ; third wife was Betsey Page, married Oct. 20, 1840, born in New Hampshire, Sept. 21, 1796, and died in Illinois, Jul)' 5, 1871. 620 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY KINDIG, DAVID, farmer; Sec. 86; P. 0. Wa.shin^tiin ; was born in Augusta Co., Va., Sept. 12, 1816 ; came to Illi- nois in the Fall of 1833, locating in Tazewell County ; in 1840, came to his present home, and entered 203 aci'es of land ; he married Miss Elizabeth J. McCord, in Woodford County, Jan. 13, 1844; she was born in Tennessee, March 23, 1821, and died in Illinois, April 9, 1856, leaving five children — Virginia A., born April 23, 1846, now Mrs. John VV. Wilson, of Minonk Township ; Eliza Jane, born Sept. 10, 1847, now Mrs. J. N. McMurtrey, of Salem, Mo.; Zurie E., born April 19, 1850; Laura E., born June 30, 1852 ; Marion A., born April 26, 1855 ; married for his second wife Miss Ellen Conn, Feb. 26, 1857, who was born in Fayette Co., Pa., Aug. 9, 1824. Mr. K. is one of the early settlers, coming here with limited means, and by his industry and economy has placed himself in his present posi- tion ; he paid 60 per cent, for use of money to purchase his first land ; he now owns 324 acres in Woodford Co.. 200 in Tazewell Co., and 1,000 acres near Fort Scott, Kansas. Kiesewetter, Peter, far. ; P. 0. Metamora. Kienhoefer, Michael, far.; P. 0. Metamora. KINDIG, BENJAMIN W., far. ; Sec. 6, Washington Township, Tazewell County ; P. 0. Washington ; was born in Lancaster Co., Pa., Aug. 29, 1808; parents moved to Virginia in 1812, and in 1833 came to Illinois, but Mr. K. re- mained in Virginia until 1842, then came to Tazewell Co., Ill ; he married Eliza Kindig in Virginia Dec. 12, 1833, who was born July 8, 1816, and died in Illi- nois May 2, 1844 ; four children — Hadessah E., born Dec. 29, 1834 (now Mrs. G. W. Leonard, of Roanoke Tp.); David H., born April 9, 1837, and died February, 1839 ; John J., born June 25, 1839, and died in the army Jan. 25, 1863 ; William F., born Feb. 12, 1842, and at last accounts living in Nebraska. Second wife was Elizabeth T. Page ; married Sept. 26, 1844; born Jan. 11, 1812, and died Aug. 15, 1868; five children— Eliza A., born Oct. 12, 1845 (now Mrs. Robert S. Stewart, of Red Oak, la.); Mary M., born Dec. 15. 1847, died June 5, 1860; Clara E.,' born April 9, 1850. died Jan. 22, 1872 (married J. W. Stewart, of Missouri) ; Adino B., born Jan. 4, 1853, living in Iowa; Delila E., born Oct. 9, 1855, liv- ing in Iowa. Third wife was Elizabeth Arnold ; married at Washington. 111., Oct. 14, 1869 ; she was born in Indiana Sept. 27, 1829. In the Spring of 1 843, Mr. K. located where his brother David now resides, remaining one year ; going to Metamora Tp. in the Fall of 1844, and stayed until the Fall of 18()9 ; then came to his present home ; from August, 1872, to Feb., 1876, was engaged in mercantile trade in Washington ; owns 67 acres of land — 20 acres in Iowa and house and lot in Washington. In 1845, in what is now Metamora Tp. (then called Hanover), the first church was organized by Elder Palmer, of the Chris- tian Church. Mr. Kindig was an active member upon its organization, and has been for forty-two years connected with this denomination. S. S. Park was the first and Mr. K. the second County Sur- veyor of Woodford Co., being elected in 1843. KLUG, JOHN, farmer ; Sec. 26 ; P. 0. iMetamora ; born in Bavaria, Ger- many, Sept. 27, 1834; came to this country in the Spring of 1847, stop- ping at Pittsburgh, Pa., thence to Peoria, arriving there about Aug. 16, remaining there about 17 years, work- ing at carpenter trade. He married Miss Christine Felckel at Peoria, June 10, 1860. She was born in Peoria, June 7, 1842. In 1863, Mr. K. left Peoria for Tazewell Co., renting 150 acres; stayed two years, then to Stark Co., 111. ; bought 40 acres there and followed farming eight or nine months ; sold out and returned to Tazewell Co. for one year, then to Sec. 32, Worth Tp., purchasing 80 acres of Henry Rocke, remaininc: one year ; finally came to Sec. 26, his present home, purchasing 80 acres of Jacob Gingerich ; they have ten children — Margaret, born Jan. 4, 1861 ; Willis H., May 31, 1862 ; John H., April 20, 1864; Elizabeth L., Jan. 27, 1866 ; Geo. Edward, Dec. 16, 1867 ; Charles J., Nov. 24, 1869 ; Frank E., March 31, 1872; Mary Ann, April 4, 1874; Christine M., May 10, 1876; Peter A., Oct. 29, 1877; owns 160 WORTH TOWNSHIP. 621 acres, and 40 acres in Tazewell Co.; was elected Supervisor of Worth Tp. in 1869 and has continued in office to the present time with the exception of one year; re-elected in 1878. Kroneberger, Elizabeth, P. 0. Peoria. Klein, Peter, farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. Klein, Jacob, farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. Klein, John N., former; P. 0. Metamora. Kunkel, Conrad, farmer ; P. 0. Peoria. Koche, Geo., fanner; P. 0. Peoria. Koch, Philipine, farmer ; P. 0. Peoria. KERKER, CONRAD, farmer; Sec. 20 ; P. 0. Spring Bay ; born in Bavaria, German}?, May 18, 1829 ; was 9 years of age when his parents came to America, stopping first in Cincinnati, Ohio, about six months, then to what is now "Woodford Co., 111. Married Miss Elizabeth Simeon in Worth Tp., in November, 1852. She was born in Germany in 1811; have eight children living — Mary (now Mrs. Peter B. Noe ), Margaret, Conrad, Catherine, Rosa, Lizzie, Frank and George ; lost four — John C, Lizzie and two infants ; owns 110 acres of land. KIESEWETTER, MICHAEL, farmer ; Sec. 20 ; P. 0. Spring Bay ; was born in Bavaria, Germany, Feb. 17, 1826 ; came to America in 1859, and directly to Worth Township, his present home ; bought ten acres of land, which he afterward sold and purchased eighty ; now owns 1 20 acres. He mar- ried Miss Mary B. Shuman in August, 1860, who was born in Saxony, Ger- many, June 8, 1833; have seven chil- dren living — Catharine B. (now Mrs. John Snyder, of Partridge Township), Rosa, Peter, Helen B., Margaret, Fred, and iNIary Elizabeth ; lost one, Mary, born Aug. 31, 1876, and died Nov. 25, 1876. In 1864, Mr. K. was drafted and went in the 44th I. V. I., Co. K, Capt. New, of Peru ; served until close of the war ; mustered out at Nashville, Tenn. Koch, Jno. G., farmer; P. 0. Peoria. Kennel, Chris., farmer; P. 0. Metamora. Kreyenbiel, Jno., farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. KOEMPEL, JOHN, farmer; Sees. 9 and 1(» ; P. 0. Spring Bay ; was born in Germany, Dec. 18, 1828; emi- grated to America in 1850, stopping for two years in St. Louis, then to Worth Township, his present home. Married Miss Felicity Rufing, in Worth Town- ship, April 12, 1855 ; she was born in St. Louis, Oct. 2, 1836 ; they have eight children living — Elizabeth (now Mrs. Richard Heller, of Henry County, 111.), Bartlett M., Margaret, Andrew, Abbie, Josephine, John and Michael ; lost three — John, Jr., died in 1865 ; Jacob, died in 1868; and Joseph, died in 1871. Owns 150 acres of land. KERN, JOHN M., farmer ; Sec. 25 ; P. 0. iNIetamora ; was born in Westmore- land Co., Pa., March 10, 1829 ; his par- ents coming to Illinois in the Fall of 1830, and locating in what is now called Worth Tp. ; in 1851, Mr. Kern went to California, returning in 1852 ; was married to Miss B. E. McGill at Adams Co., 111., on June 1, 1857 ; she was born in Clermont Co., Ohio, Feb. 19, 1836 ; four children living — Estella J. (now Mrs. John H. Parminter of Roanoke),. Oren L., Idella E., Wm. A. : John C, born Sept. 3, 1860 and died Sept. 12. 1876; Mr. K. owns 120 acres land in Worth Tp.. and 84 in Metamora Tp. Mr. Kern's father (G. Kern) is still liv- ing ; resides on Sec. 31, Metamora Tp. ; and coming at a very early day, has seen vast changes in this section ; he hauled wheat to Chicatio when it brought but 37 2 c, and required from ten to twelve days for the round trip ; he is one of the early settlers, and a much es- teemed citizen. LYNCH, HENRY W., former ; P. 0. Metamora. Loeschen, Roepke, far. ; P. 0. Metamora. Loewenstein, Jacob, far. ; P. 0. Washing- ton. Loser, Mary, far. ; P. 0. Spring Bay. Lang, Michael, farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. MOYEMENT, MATHIAS, farmer; P. 0. Metamora. Molitor, Charles, far. ; P. 0. Metamora. Meyer, Max., farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. Meyer, Jos., farmer; P. 0. Metamcira. Meyer, Jno., farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. MAGER, GEORGE, REV., uiin- ister ; P. 0. Metamora ; Pastor of St. Mary's Church, Worth Tp. ; was born in Wurtemberg, Germany, April 23, 1847 ; came to U. S. in Jan. 1867, locating first in Milwaukee, Wis., and completing his eclesiastical studies there ;, 622 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY; was ordained Priest at IMetamora in ISTO by the Kt. Rov. Thomas Foley of Chicago, and was appointed assistant priest at St. Peter's Church in Chicago, remaining there about eighteen months; then in July, 1871, was assigned to the pastoral charge of St. Mary's Church of the Immaculate Conception, Sec. 16 ; Worth Tp. A complete account of this church, its organization, cost, etc., ap- pears under the head General History of Worth Tp. Meister, J. Gr., farmer; P. 0. Metamora. Meister, Jacob, farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. Meister, Conrad, farmer; P. 0. Spring Bay. Meinhold, Sophia, far. ; P. 0. Spring Bay. Miller, John, farmer ; P. 0. Spring Bay. Jyiiller, Martin, farmer ; P. 0. Spring Bay. Miller. Peter, farmer ; P. 0. Spring Bay. Millei-. Michael, farmer : P. 0. Metamora. MEISTER, ADAM, farmer; Sec. 5 ; P. O. Spring Bay ; born in this township Dec. 30, 1851. Married Miss Lizzie Coon Feb. 10, 1874, who was born in Worth Tp. May 13, 1855. They have two children — Victoria, born July 10, 1876; Frank C, born March 12,' 1878. Lost one— Mary V., died Aua-. 8, 1875. Owns 153f acres of land. MEISTER, GEO. J., farmer; Sec. 6 ; P. 0. Spring Bay ; born in this town-ship Feb. 8, 1850. Married Miss Josephine Baker Feb. 8, 1875, who was born in Worth Tp. April 11, 1857. They have two children — Joseph C., born Dec. 27, 1875 ; Anna M.. born Sept. 24, 1877. Owns 157 3-100 acres of land. ^l^AUMANN, John, farmer; P. 0. _LN Metamora. Nafziiicr, Peter, farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. NOE, PETER B., fn-mer, Sec. 18; P. 0. Spring Bay ; was born in Wood- ford Co., Jan. 5, 1850 ; married Mary A. Kerker, in Worth Township, Feb. 24. 1873 ; she was born March 4. 1854. Have two children — Frank J., born Jan. 28, 1874, ; Emma M., born Oct. 28, 1876. Owns 75 acres of land in Worth and Spring Bay Townships. ]SrOE, GEO. M., farmer; Sec. 32; P. 0. Metamora ; was born in Bavaria, Germany, Sept. 21, 1817 ; emigrated to America in 1847, coming direct to Illinois (now Worth Town.ship ) ; pur- chased 80 acres of land, and commenced farming ; has resided in this township ever since; he married Miss Terrisse Wombacher, at Peoria, in 1849. She was born in Germany Sept. 7. 1822. Have two children — Peter, born Jan. 5, 1850 ; John, born Nov. 4, 1856 ; owns 135 acres of land in Worth Township ; was Road Commissioner from 1874 to 1878, and has been a School Director seven years. PARR, FRANZ, farmer; P. 0. Metamora ; born in Bavaria, Germany, Oct. 11, 1829. In the Fall of 1840, came to the United States and remained the first year in Metamora Township ; the next two years on Capt. Foster's farm in Partridge Township ; finally, in the Spring of 1844. he located on Sec. 15, his present home. Was married to Miss Eva Stenger in Worth Township, April, 1851 ; she was born in Bavaria, German}', in 1831, and died November, 1856, in this township. His second ^ wife was Miss Gertrude Alig ; they were married in Peoria, Feb. 18, 1858 ; two children by first marriage, John H. and Frank A. ; nine by second wife — Peter, Martin, Nicholas, Michael. Jo- seph, Margaret, Susannah, Wygant and Gertrude. Mr. P. owns 120 acres of land in Worth Township, and 160 in Linn Township ; is at present one of the Commissioners of Highways. ROHMAN, VALENTINE, farmer; P. 0. Spring Bay. Reisino-. .Jno., farmer; P. 0. Metamora. Rossman, Lorenz, Jr., farmer ; P. 0. Met- amora. Rossman, Lorenz, Sr., farmer ; P. 0. Met- amora. Reinhax-t. Wm.. farmer; P. O. Metamora. Reising, A. T., farmer; P. 0. Spring Bay. Rastaetter, Philip, far.; P. 0. Metamora. Roth, Philip, farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. Roth, John, farmer; P. 0. Metamora. Roth, Michael, farmer ; P. O.Washington. Reising, J. A., farmer; P. 0. Spring Bay. SCHERTZ,JOS., Jr., farmer; P.O. Metamora. Schertz, Jos., Sr., farmer; P. 0. Metamora. Sluga, John, farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. Studor, Frank, farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. Saufaus, Jacob, farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. Staufer, Albert, farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. Sommcr, J'lo., farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. \^ORTH TOWNSHIP. 623 SCHWARTZ, DANIEL, farmer; Sec. 1 ; P. 0. Cazenovia; born in Bavaria, German}'. Jan. 31, 1827 ; came to America in 1849, coming to St. Johnsville, Montgomery Co., N. Y. ; re- maining there about five years, working at the blacksmith trade ; from there to Germantown, Washington Co., Wis., in the Fall of 1854 ; working at his trade for twelve years ; in February, 1867, came to Worth Tp., Woodford Co.. his present home ; purchased 120 acres land from Mr. C. Lamb, and now owns 171 acres. Mr, S. married for his first wife Miss Sophia Grose, at St. Johnsville, N. Y., Feb. 22, 1852 ; she was born in Ger- many in October, 1832, and died in Washington Co., Wis., Dec. 5, 1859 ; four children, two living — Xancy (now Mrs. Barney Bolander, of Metamora Tp, j, Louise ; two deceased, Susan, died Jan. 17, 1854 ; Catherine, died Aug. 23, 1859. His second wife was Miss Barbara Kahler ; married in Wisconsin May 3, 1860 ; she was born in Wurtem- berg, Germany, Nov. 30, 1836 ; thirteen children, seven of whom are living — Frederick, born Feb. 28, 1861 ; Barbara, born April 15, 1863 ; George, born July 19, 1864; Mary, born Aug. 6, 1866; Catherine, born Feb. 19, 1869; Eosa, born March 6, 1870 : Lena, born June 26, 1871 ; six deceased — Catherine, born April 13, 1862, died April 15, 1862; Jacob, born Aug. 24, 1867, died Oct. 26, 1867 ; Daniel (1st), born June 13, 1872, died Oct. 15, 1872; Daniel (2d), born July 3, 1873, died Sept. 15, 1873; William, born Aug. 6, 1876, died July 15, 1877 ; Hannah, born Sept. 13, 1877, died Sept. 21, 1877. Mr. Schwartz was drafted in November, 1862, and went in 31st Wis. Inf. ; served ten and a half mouths as Second Sergeant, and was discharged at Milwaukee Aug. 15, 1863; enlisted again March 10, 1865, in the 51st Wis. Inf, and was dis- charged Aug. 22, 1865, at Madison Wis. SCH WENK, WILLIAM, farmer ; Sec. 21 ; P. 0. Metamora; was born in Bavaria, Germany, March 29, 1829 ; emigrated to America in 1848, coming to St, Louis and remaining there until July, 1853, working at the carpenter trade; then to Worth Tp., working about ten years at his trade, finally pur- chasing 68 acres of land, and began farming ; afterward bought 1 8 acres more. He married Miss Fannie Kerker Feb. 16, 1857, who was born in Bavaria, Germany, June 17, 1836 ; have sis children living — Mary, born Jan. 16, 1858 (now Mrs. John Alig, of Worth Tp.); John, born Feb. 14," 1860 ; Pau- lina, born Feb. 22, 1862 ; Otto, born June 24, 1864 ; Harmon, born Dec. 8, 1866 ; Joseph, born Jan. 27, 1870 ; lost one— Fannie, died Feb. 4, 1869. Sharp, Geo. W., farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. Stang, Henry, farmer; P. O. Metamora. Sommer, Jacob, fiirmer ; P. 0. Metamora, Sommer, Geo., farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. Sonnberger, Peter, far. ; P. 0. Spring Bay. SCHNEIDER, LORENZ, farmer ; Sec. 16; P. 0. 3Ietamura ; born in Bavaria, Germany, April 10, 1823 ; emigrated to America in 1846 ; comins to Cincinnati, Ohio, working at farming and gardening about five years ; returned to Germany, and in 1 852 came to Worth Tp., locating on Ten Mile Creek ; pur- chased 42 acres land, and resided there twelve years. In 1864, came to his present home. Sec. 16, purchasing 90 acres ; sold the 42 and Itought 80 on Ten Mile Creek, Married Miss Catherine Simeon, Aug,, 1852, who was born in Germany, Dec. 11, 1834; ten chillren living — John, born April 11, 1854 (mar- ried Mary Koch); Anna Mary, March 16, 1856 (now Mrs. John Daub of Partridge Tp. ) ; Catherine, March 10, 1853 (now Mrs. Alex, Daub, of Linn Tp.);Lena, Feb. 14, 1860; Adam, Aug. 2, 1863; Joseph, Oct. 15, 1865; Lousia C, Oct. 28, 1868; Frank L., Nov. 20, 1870 ; Peter A., Feb, 7, 1873 ; Angeline C, Feb. 14, 1876; lost one — Margaret, born Jan. 22, 1862, died in Sept , 1862. SCHNEIDER, JOHN, farmer ; Sec. 34 ; P, 0. Washington ; born in Wood- ford Co., April 11, 1854 ; married Miss Mary Koch at Peoria, Jan. 24, 1876 ; she was born in Peoria, 111., March 3, 1858; have one child — Magdalene, born Feb. 4, 1877 ; works 80 acres land belonfjino; to his father, L. Schneider. Schweim, Henry, blacksmith, P. 0. Peoria. Stenger, Geo. A., farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. Staat, Adam, farmer; P. 0. Metamora. 624 TAX-PAYERS OF AVOODFORD COUNTY: SMITH, JOHN B., farmer, Sec. 12 ; P. O. Metaiiiora; was born in Laurel Hill, Pa.. Aug. 3, 183o ; came with parents to Illinois, settling in what is now Worth Township, in 1835 ; when 15 years of age, worked six months for John Tanton, and the following year for Abner Mundell. He married Lou- isa Dibel, at Metamora, July 3, 1856; she was born in Woodford Co. March 17. 1840 ; his first purchase was ten acres of laud on Sec. 2, and lived there nine years ; then two years where his brother. Peter, now resides (Sec. 2); then seven years in Metamora Township, finally to his present home, in Feb., 1874. Five children living — Mary M., born July 22, 1858; Seraphine, March 25, 1864; Emma M., Oct. 27, 1866; Gr. Andrew, Feb. 4, 1869 ; Julia Ann. April 25. 1875. Lost four — J;.cob died July 17,1863; Adam died Dec. 29, 1861 ; Martha died Jan. 27, 1873 ; one infant not named ; owns 240 acres land in Worth Township. Simon, Jno. B., farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. Stangl, Wolfgang, farmer ; P. 0. Wash- ington. P. 0. Sunderland, Sarah E., farmer ; Metamora. Schepfer. Jno.. farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. Schiffler, Albrecht, farmer ; P. 0. Meta- mora. SMITH, PETER, farmer; Sec. 2 ; P. 0. Metamora : was born in Wood- ford Co., 111., April 12, 1842; at the age of 20, he enlisted in the 108th 111. Inf. Company B, Capt. Howell, serving three years ; was mustered out at Chi- cago ; in Spring of 1866, he purchased 36^ acres land of C. McTaggart. In 1868, rented about 60 acres of his father, J. T. Smith, and five years afterward bought it, turning in the above-named 36 acres toward the purchase. Mr. Smith now owns 189 acres in Worth Township. Married Miss Hannah Kraft, in June. 1866. She was born in Wurtemberg, Germany, Nov. 16, 1843. They have five children — Bertha, Isaac H., Georire T.. Annie M.. Louis A. SCHERTZ, JOSEPH, farming and stock raising ; Sec. 5 ; P. O. Spring Bay ; born in IMeurthe, France, Feb. 25, 1847. When about 8 years of age, came to America with his parents, and direct to Worth Tp., where, soon after their arrival, both parents, with a brother Andrew, died of cholera. His father was only 33 years of age. The three deaths occurred within two weeks after their arrival in Illinois. Mr. Schertz was married to Mi.s3 Rosa ^lil- ler (daughter of L. ^Miller, of Partridge Tp. ), at Metamora, Jan. 5, 1874. She was born in Woodford Co. Sej't. 29, 1851. They have three children — Mary B., born Oct. 28, 1874: Anna L., born Oct. 25, 1876; Ellen, born March 24, 1878. Mr. S. rents 233 acres of land of Christ. Belslev & G. W. Smith, of Tazewell Co. Schepper, Casper, far. ; P. 0. Metamora. Stein, Peter, farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. Schertz, Christ., farmer ; P. 0. Metamora. SHARP, LOUIS K., farmer; Sec. 3; P. 0. Spring Bay; was born in Tazewell Co., 111., Feb. 28, 1853. He married Mis« Hannah Shreve, in Part- ridge Township, Jan. 1, 1877 ; she was born in Tazewell Co., April 26, 1858 ; they have one child, Adeline, born Sept. 28, 1877. Mr. Sharp came to Worth Township in January, 1871, and worked on the farm for John Imhoff^, Sec. 3, for two years, and in the Fall of 1877, rented forty-five acres of John Somers, where he now resides. SOMERS, MARTIN, farmer; Sec. 33 ; P. 0. Peoria ; born in Bava- ria, Germany, February, 1802. Emi- grated to America about 1833. landing in Baltimore, and the following Spring moved to Ohio, remaining six months ; then returned to Baltimore ; thence to Cincinnati; then direct to this township, getting his land from the Government. Married in 1842, at St. Louis, to Mias Mary Felkani,who was born in Germany, in 1822 ; they have seven children — Conrad, Mary (now Mrs. John Weist, of Benson), Elizabeth (now Mrs. Simon Walson, of Miuonk"), Susan (now Mrs. Mrs. August Siebold, of Peoria), Eva (now Mrs. Frank Miller, of Roanoke), John F. and Fannie. He owns eighty acres of land. SCHERTZ, JOSEPH, was bom in France about the year 1812, and came to the United States in 1835. and s.pent seven weeks in Chicago, and saw the Indians paid for their lands and sent to WORTH TOWNSHIP. 625 their reservation beyond the IMississippi River. He then vrent to Peoria Co., where he labored by the month for sev- eral years, when he came to Woodford Co. and settled in Worth Tp., I5 miles from where he now lives. In 1864, he moved on to his present farm, and owns altogether about 1,4:00 acres of excellent land and well improved. ]Mr. Schertz is a Republican in polities, and a Mus- covite in religion. He married Anna Zehr, also born in France, April 1, 1826. They have eight children, as fol- lows : Christian, a son of Mrs. Schertz by a former husband, and by the present marriage, Peter, Magdaline, Mary, Anna, Catharine, Joseph and David. Christian was born Oct. 27, 1845, died Dec. 3, 1871 ; Magdaline, born Nov. 15, 1848, and died Aug. 15, 1849; Marv, born Feb. 24, 1851. and married B. F. Stride Jan. 29, 1876; Anna, born Aug. 26, 1853, and married Peter D. Schertz, March 17, 1874; Catharine, born April 19, 1856 ; Joseph, born Nov. 12, 1850, and died Sept. 19, 1866; David J., born June 28. 1863. TUERLIMAN, ANNA M., farmer; P. 0. Metamora. THEOBALD, CHARLES, farm- er ; Sec. 16 ; P. 0. Metamora; born in Prussia, May 26, 1828 ; emigrated to America in 1852, coming first to Chica- go, remaining one year, and then to Worth Tp. ; his first land purchase was 20 acres of John Wagner ; about six years afterward, he came to his present location; married at Peoria, June 10, 1856, to Mary Anna Simeon, who was born in Germany, July 22, 1840 ; have had 11 children, seven living — Frank L., born July 4, 1857 ; Henry, Dec. 20, 1858; Anna M.. July 6, 1866; Rosa, Aug. 26, 1868 ; John J., March 15, 1873; Peter A., April 3, 1875 ; Christine, Nov. 23, 1877; four de- ceased — John, died April 24, 1861 ; Anna E., Oct. 6, 1863 ; Rosa, March 28, 1865; Joseph B., April, 1872. Mr. T. owns 171 1 acres of land in Worth Tp. TRAPP, FRANK P., hotel and farming; Sees. 17 and 29; P. 0. Meta- mora ; born in Bavaria, Germany, May 13, 1841, his parents coming to this countrv in 1845. and direct to Woodford Co., ; in 1873, Mr. T. purchased the Germantowii House of Mr. Miller and has since kept hotel in connection with groceries and small wares ; married Miss Gertrude Berkmann in Worth Tp., June, 1863. She was born March 25, 1844 ; seven children — John B., Louisa, Peter, Frank, Adam, Rosa, and Henry J. ; owns 83 acres of land. Mr. T.'s father lived to the ripe old age of 78, and died in Worth Tp., in 1862. His mother is still living, aged 73. YOLZ, JOHN, farmer ; P. 0. Meta- mora. Volk, Jos., farmer ; P. 0. Spring Bay. Volz, Martin, firmer; P. 0. Spring Bay. Volk, Jno., farmer ; P. 0. Spring Bay. Vetter, Frank X., far. ; P. 0. Spring Bay. VETTER, JOSEPH, farmer; P.O. Spring Bay ; was born in Wurtemberg, Germany, July 30, 1823 ; came to America on May 1, 1849, locating in Lyons, Wayne Co., N. Y., remaining there about eighteen months ; then to Peoria, 111., stopping a short time ; then to Germantowu, Worth Tp., and in January, 1852, came to Sec. 16, his present home. Married Miss Elizabeth Groener, on the 1st day of Nov., 1851, at Peoria ; she was born in Germany March, 1824, and died in Worth Town- ship Aug. 23, 1871, leaving five chil- dren — Frank X., Terrise (now Mrs. John Knoblauch, of Metamora), Jo- seph, Mary U., Antony. Mr. V. owns 90 acres of land, and is the present Town Clerk and School Treasurer. These oflBces he has held with honor and credit to himself and to the people he has represented. WILLIAMS, SARAH, farmer ; P. 0. Washington. Williams, Chas., farmer; P. 0. Spring Ba}-. Wagner, Henry, farmer ; P. 0. Spring Bay. Williams, Mathias, far. ; P. 0. Metamora. WAGNER, MICHAEL, retired farmer ; Sec. 2 ; P. 0. Metamora ; born in Germany Sept. 29, 1802; emi- grated to this country in 1829 ; came to his present home (Worth Township) in 1836; married to Miss Anna M. Mat- she was born in seven children liv- mg — IMichael (married Catherine Shu- man, who died in Dec, 1869, his second wife was Christine Haedickc', thew, Aug., ) Aug. 27, 1837 1814; have 626 tax-payp:rs of woodford county John (married Henrietta Meinholt), Jacob C. (married Mary Dingledine), Catherine (now 3Irs. Michael Bart, of Minonk), Daniel D. (married Cathe- rine C. Gehring), Charles Henry. Anna 31ary (now Mrs. Louis Schunk, of Ford Co., 111.) Mr. Wagner owns 420 acres of land. Mr. and 3Irs. W. being among the earliest settlers in the township, have passed through the hardships and privations incident to a new country, and now live in their ripe old age to en- jov their children's prosperity and use- fulness. WAGNER, DANIEL D., farmer, Sec. 2 ; P. U. Metamora ; was born in Woodford Co.. Nov. 26, 1848; married Miss Catherine C. Gehring at the old homestead. March 13, 1873; she was born in Partridge Tp., May 8, 1854; have three children — Anna E., born Xov. 17, 1873; Susan C, Feb. 20, 1875; Lousia B., May 11. 1877; in connection with his brother Henry, owns 100 acres land ; Mary E. Townsend, an orphan girl, born April 3, 1863, came to live with the familv in Sept., 1869. WAGNER, DANIEL C, farmer; Sec. 3 ; P. 0. Spring Bay ; was born in Germany, Nov. 12, 1841 ; came to the U. S. with his parents in 1848, and direct to 111., locating and renting 160 acres land of Jacob Worley, in what is now Partridge Tp.; afterward purchased the land. Jacob Wagner Sr., (his father) was born April 8, 1809, and died May 22, 1875. The subject of this sketch married jNIiss Mary Sharp in Peoria, June 5, 1866 ; she was born in Wood- ford Co., April 4. 1848 ; they have five children living — Mary E., born June 8, 1867; William, Sept. 15, 1868; Alex., Sept. 11, 1870; Maggie, Dec. 11,1872; Sarah, Sept. 15, 1876 : lost one — Anna, born Dec. 9, 1874 ; ' died July 28, 1876 ; about Nov. 1, 1870, Alex, was taken sick ; disease was spotted fever ; in about two weeks he became totally blind ; all medical aid to restore his sight has proved unavailing ; this is a sreat atiiiotion to the familv. Mr. W. owns 215 acres land in Worth Tp ; Mrs. Wagner's father (Jobn Sharp) was one of the very early settlers in this section ; was born in Maryland. Aug. 9, 1800, and died in this township, May 29. 1875. Winkler, Margaret, P. 0. Spring Bay. Winkler, Elizabeth. P. 0. Spring Bay. Wombacher, Jno., farmer ; P. 0. Peoria. Wwnbacher, Clara, P. 0. Peoria. Winkler, Christian, far.: P. 0. Spring Bay. Wennsman, Henry, far.; P. 0. Spring Bay. Wilhelm, Antony, far.; P. 0. Metamora. Williams, Elisha, far.; P. 0. Metamora. Wirth, Solomon, far.; P. 0. Metamoi'a. Wissel Wissel Jno. Geo. X, vJ.v,^^., farmer ; Wissel, David, farmer Jiarmtr; P. 0. Metamora. P. 0. Metamora. P. 0. Metamora. WILZ, PETER, brick maker and farmer; Sec. 24: P. 0. Metamora; was born in Germany, Aug. 1, 1829 ; he came to the United States in 1837, with his parents, spending about six months in Cincinnati, and then settled in Wood- ford County ; he was raised on the farm until the ase of 15 vears. and then learned the brick maker's trade, which he has followed principally to the present time ; he made the brick for the County Jail at Metamora; he is proba- bly the oldest brick maker in Woodford County; he turns out about 600,000 bricks a year ; he owns some 350 acres of land in difi'erent parts of Metamora and Worth Townships, valued at about 817,000. Mr. Wilz was married Nov. 17, 1855, to Miss Mary J. Full, who was born in Germany. March 18. 1834; they have seven children — Andrew. Pe- ter J., Annie J.. George A., Maggie E., Emma C. and Otto. WINCKLER, J. GEORGE. farmer; See. 18; P. 0. Spring Baj' ; was born in Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, March 18, 1815 ; emigrated to Amer- ica in 1831. locating in Bradford Co., Pa., remaining there five or six years, then came to Peoria, 111., stopping only a month, thence to Worth Township, where he now resides. Married Miss Margaret Henfling in Worth Township, Sept. 12, 1850; she was born in Ger- many Sept. 14, 1831 ; have had eleven children, eight living- — Yetha (now Mrs. Charles Griner, of Tazewell County), Amanda (now Mi-s. George Griner, of Tazewell County), George, Jr., Marga- ret, Anna C, Henry F., Peter Ernst, Charles L ; lost three — Adam, Lenhart, Sophia : owns 186 acres of land located in Worth and Spring Bay Townships ; has been School Director four years. CAZENOVIA TOWNSHIP. 627 ZILCH, JNO., farmer; P. 0. Spring Bay. ZIMMERMAN, JOHN, former; Sec. 34 ; P. 0. Washington ; born in Hesse-Darmstadt, Grermany, in March, 1828; emigrated to America in 1852, remaining two years in New York, and in 1854 came to Peoria, 111., and in 1864 came to his present home. Sec. 34, Worth Tp. ; he married Miss Frederika Seibold at Peoria, March 24, 1861 ; she was born in Wurtemberg, Germany, Nov. 28, 1840 ; they have eight chil- dren — John A., born June 3, 1862 ; Amelia, born Nov. 13, 1863 ; Bertha, born Nov. 3, 1865 ; Frederika, born Sept. 4, 1867 ; Wilhelmina, born Jan, 22, 1870 ; Charlie, born Sept. 14, 1872 ; Rudolph, born Feb. 5, 1875 ; Anson F., born April 11, 1877. Mr. Z. owns 82 acres of land in Worth Tp. ; was elected School Director in 1876, and still retains the office. ZILCH, JOHN C, farmer; Sec. 7; P. 0. Spring Bay ; born in Woodford Co., March 13, 1851 ; married Miss Mary E. Sowards, formerly Mary E. Fagot, Aug. 19, 1876 ; she was born in Woodford Co., Nov. 15, 1848 ; have one child — Rosa, born Nov. 12, 1877 ; works 66 acres of land in Worth Tp., and 75 in Spring Bay Tp. CAZENOVIA TOWNSHIP. ARMSTRONG, JONATHAN, farm- er ; P. 0. Low Point. Armstrong, Jennie, P. 0. Low Point. Anicker, August, former ; P. 0. Washburn. AICHER, BENEDICKT, P. 0. Washburn ; Cath. ; Dem. ; owns 248 acres, value S4,000, also town property, consisting of one hotel, dwelling house, saloon building andbarn, also seven lots ; value ^5,000 ; born in Bavaria, Jan. 6, 1836 ; came to this country in 1866, stopped in N. Y. City several months, then came to 111. ; lived in La Salle two years, then to Lacon, remained one year, then to this place, where he has resided ever since ; was married to Kresenz Ebcrle Sept. 13, 1866 ; have had four children, three of whom are still living — Lena, born Sept. 17, 1867; , Max, March 28, 1868, died May 9, 1873; Henry, May 13, 1871; Jose- phine, Feb. 9. 1877. Mr. A. is by pro- fession a beer brewer, which business he has followed for twenty-two years, both in this country and Bavaria ; for the past eight years he has been en- gaged in the saloon and hotel business ; this Spring he has commenced the busi- ness of farming, and has got all his land under fence. Mr. A. was a soldier in the regular army of Bavaria, and served twenty-three months. AMSLER, SAMUEL, merchant; P. 0. Cazenovia ; Liberal Republican ; was born in Woodford Co., 111., Jan. 21, 1848 ; married Ella Cairns, Dee. 24, 1875; she was born in Harrison Co., 0., Jan. 12, 1855 ; have one child — ■ Charles S., born Sept 3, 1876. Mr. A. lived with his parents on a farm in Worth Tp., until he was 20 years of age ; he then went into the mercan- tile business at Washington, and con- tinued to do business there until June, 1877; he then removed to Cazenovia Station, where he is engaged in the same business. Mr. A. is a thorough business man, and has had that experi- ence which enables him to make a suc- cess of the calling he is engaged in. A glance in his well-stocked store shows that he understands the wants of the community. Not only does Mr. A. keep a general stock, but in large quantities ; and his prices are so reasonable that it is unnecessary for his patrons to ask for any fairer dealing than they will receive at his hands. Mr. A. is doing a large business, and he deserves it. ARROWSMITH, GEORGE, re- tired farmer ; P. 0. Cazenovia ; Metho- odist ; Republican ; born April 17, 1807, in Highworth, Wiltshire Co., Eng. ; married Lucy Hall June 7, 1830, of the 628 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY: same place ; she was born June 12, 1810 ; had thirteen children born to them, only eight of whom are living, Sarah, born March 10, 1831, died in this county in her 20th year ; Esther, born Jan. 16, 1833 ; Jane, born Sept. 16, 1834 ; John, born Aug. 28, 1838; Ann, born June 24, 1839 ; Mary, born Jan. 28, 1841 ; Ellen, born Jan. 17, 1843 ; James, born Jan. 16, 1845; Edward, born May 4, 1851. William Thomas, born Dec. 18, 1854 : died in his 3.d year ; Richard, born Oct. 19, 1846; Maria, born May 8, 1848. The two latter died in infancy. Mr. A. arrived in this country from England Sept. 28, 1852 ; John served his country three years in the 7Tth I. V. I., and participated in the numerous battles that that regiment was engaged in ; was taken prisoner at the battle of Red Eiver, and sent to Tyler, Tex., where he was held thirteen months. He now resides in Linn Tp., and is en- gaged in farming. Sarah, the eldest. Was deaf and dumb ; was educated in the asylum at Bath, Eng. ; she was a fine scholar and a good Christian, and very tbnd of her books ; she was a great favor- ite in the fimily, and her loss was severelv felt by all who knew her. BUCKINGHAM, A. M., farmer; P. 0. Washburn. BLACK, JOHN M., lumber mer- chant and stock buyer ; P. O. Wash- burn : United Presb. ; Rep. ; owns 160 acres in Cazenovia Tp., and town prop- erty in Washburn to the value of 67,000 ; was born near Pittsburgh, Pa., May 30, 1851 ; came to this county with his par- ents in 1865; married Laura M., daughter of John Wallace, Esq., of Linn Tp., May 30, 1857 ; she was born Sept. o, 1854; they have one child — Lillian Eveline ; she was born Feb. 4, 1875 ; Mr. Black is engaged quite extensively in buying and shipping live stock ; he also keeps a large and well assorted stock of lumber ; his average sales of lumber each year are about 500,0(10 feet ; he also in connection with Mr. Wallace of Linn Tp., buys and ships about 150 carloads of live stock every vear. Ball, W. T., carpenter; P. 0. Washburn. Baumgart, E., clerk ; P. 0. Washburn. Blackmon, L. V., far. ; P. 0. Washburn. Bovs. C, lumber dh'.; P. 0. Washburn. Beaver, Wesley, retired ; P. 0. Wa.shburn. Barr, Nancy, P. 0. Washburn. Barr, Wm., P. 0. Washburn. Bruder, Wm., P. 0. Washburn. Bachman. Jacob, farmer; P. 0. Cazenovia. Bohlander, M. E., far.; P. 0. Cazenovia. Bohlander. Juo., farmer; P. 0. Cazenovia. Baer, Jos., farmer ; P. 0. Washburn. Brown, Thos., farmer ; P. 0. Cazenovia. Beacher, Jno., farmer; P. 0. Cazenovia. Brown, Walter, farmer ; P. 0. Lo^y Point. BROWN, WALTER E., farmer (tenant); P. 0. Low Point; born in Brown Co., Ohio, Jan. 13, 1851; came to this county in November, 1874, and worked for Mrs. Tool one year, and for 0.sborn Kirby t\yo years; Mr. B.'s parents died in Ohio — his father, George Brown, died Oct. 26, 1863, aged 42 years ; his mother, Susan Brown, died Jan. 27, 1873, aged 48 years. Mr. B. married Laura B. Hughes, Jan. 4, 1875 ; she was born in Brown Co., Ohio, Oct. 3, 1857 ; they h.ave two children — Stella May, born Sept. 25, 1875 ; the second, a girl (not named), was born March 25. 1878. Mr. B. has two brothers and one sister, all living in this county — Rosa Alba, born April 8, 1849 ; Ayalett A., born Jan. 9, 1855 ; George E., born Aug. 28, 1861. Rosa and Ayalett reside with Walter, Ayalett be- ing a partner of his brother Walter in the business of firming ; the oldest brother, William L., died Dec. 11, 1877, leaving a wife and two children, who are now in Ohio; William was born March 10, 1846. Bealchner, John, lab. ; P. O. Cazenovia. Benecke, Fred., shoedlr.; P.O. Washburn. Burson, G. W., for.; P. 0. Washburn. Barnes, J. R., farmer; P. 0. Low Point. Bayne, J. W., farmer ; P. 0. Low Point. Bearer, Spencer, former ; P Butler, Benjamin, mason burn. BAILEY, ABNER, former; P. O. Low Point; Lil).; Nat'l.; Sec. 21; owns 20 acres, valued at 81,200 ; born in Windsor Co., Vt., June 5,1825 ; married Lestma Marshall, Sept. 22, 1847; she was born in Windsor Co., Vt., May 31, 1822; have no children of there own ; Lizzie Bulterfield was adopted by them when she was 18 months old; she was born Julv 27, 1850 ; she married Svlvester 0. Washburn. P. 0. Wash- CAZEXOVIA TOWNSHIP 629 Kenyon, son of David Kenyon, Esq. Have one child — Arthur Sylvester, born Sept. 5, 1877 ; they reside with Mr. B., and manage the farm. Beaclier, Leonard, farmer ; P.O. Low Point. Bocock, W. H., farmer; P. 0. Cazenovia. Bocock, C. A., farmer; P. 0. Cazenovia. Brand, Marshall, farmer ; P.O. Cazenovia. Brown, J. B., minister; P. 0. Washburn. Bliss, Sarah, millinery ; P. 0. Washburn. Burdett, W. H. H., harness maker; P. 0. Washburn. Byerly, A., carpenter ; P. 0. Washburn. Buchintrham. E., tar. ; P. 0. Washburn. Butler, Gr. C, hardware ; P. 0. Washburn. Brandt, Jacob, farmer ; P. 0. Washburn. BuekiuLiham, Lousia, P. 0. Washburn. BUCKINGHAM, MARCUS L., farmer ; P. 0. Washburn ; Lib. ; Ind. ; born August 12, 1847; married Helen Eliza Bell, Oct. 2, 186-1 ; have five chil- dren — Edwin, born Dec. 17,1865; Ida, born Aug. 18, 1870 ; George, born July 10, 1872 ; Belle, born February 15, 1874; Stella, born April U, 1878. Mr. B. is a son of Judge Buckingham of this Township. Has held office of Schdol Director. BUCKINGHAM, WM. E., farmer Sec. 2 ; P. 0. Washburn ; Lib. ; Ind. ; owns 915 acres of land, valued at $45,000; born in Ohio, Sept. 11,1809. Married Amy White, of Marshall Co. ; she was born in North Carolina in Nov., 1818. Have had ten children, seven of whom are living — Enoch, born Dec. 22, 1839; John, born Dec. 31, 1840; Al- fred D., born June 26, 1842; A. M., born Feb. 26. 1844; Abby, born Sept. 15. 1845; Marcus L., born August 12. 1847 ; Sarah H., born June 11, 1852 ; William T., born May 15, 1856, died June 11, 186:J ; Zilpha, born Aug. 1, 1858, died Avigust 14, 1858 ; Amy Elizalaeth, born Oct. 1, I860, died March 15. 1863. Enoch and John enlisted in the 77th I. V. L, and served the term of three years. They participated in numerous battles and acquitted them- selves with honor. Mr. B. came from Ohio to this State January 9, 1836. He came all the way by river. His first employment was at Adams' Mill (he being a miller by tl-ade) ; he worked there four months. He was then em- ployed in Smiths Mill, at Lacon. where he remained two years ; at the end of that time he married. He then com- menced farming on the southwest quar- ter of Sec. 5, in this township, where he remained fifteen years ; he then removed to his present home and has resided I there ever since. Mr. B. was elected Justice of the Peace in 1845. and has held that ofiice ever since ; was elected Judge of the County Court in 1853, and held that office for the term of four years. Judge B. says that in the year ! 1841, farmers hauled their wheat to Lacon and received only 15 cents per bushel for it, and were obliged to take their pay in store goods even at that ■ price ; he sold pork to Jabez Fisher for $1.50 for hogs weighing over 300 pounds, under that weight the price was lower. The above prices continued from 1841 to 1 843. In 1845, he bought corn j for $3 per acre, on one year's time ; the ' yield being 56 bushels to the acre. Butter at that time sold at from 4 to 6 cents per pound ; eggs 3 cents per dozen. Judge B. says he remembers ! the Butler snap well — water and slush froze so hard in 15 minutes that it would bear his weight. BAYNE, JAMES G., former; P. 0. Low Point ; U. P. ; Nat. ; owns 260 acres all under a fine state of cultivation ; was born in Brown Co., Ohio, Jan. 30, 1821 ; married Catharine McCoy, Dec. 28, 1841 ; she was born in the same county Jan. 14, 1822 ; have had eight children 1 born to them, seven of whom are now ; living — Eleanor I., born Oct. 24, 1842; Julia A., June 28, 1846; Sarah L., April 16, 1848 ; John W., April 8, 1851; Lenora, April 29, 1855; James i A., May 23, 1858; Mary E., Oct. 25, 1860; Catharine L., April 10, 1867; Eleanor married Samuel Wrightof White Oak Grove, McLean Co., this State ; he was formerly a member of Co. C, 77th I. V. I. ; served full term ; went out as Sergeant, and was holding the rank of First Lieut, when mustered out ; he died May '7, 1867, from disease contracted in j the army ; at one time during the term ; of his service, he lay for some time in the hospital at New Orleans almost hopelessly ill ; his wife determined to see and be near her husband, started on the long and ]Mrilous tii)) from Low P int toNew 630 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY: Orleans ; she accomplished the trip with- out accident; her only travelinir com- panion being her only child, then a ten- der infant ; Julia married W. 0. Ham- mers Sept. (j, 18G6; Sarah L. married James A. Hammers ; Eleanor's second marriage was with Peter Riley; it occurred Dec. 28, 1872; Mr. Riley resides in Chenna ; he was a member of the -ITth I. V. I ;served full term of three years, also one year in U. S. regular army ; he was severely wounded at the battle of Shiloh by a rifle ball passing entirely through his side near the waist from the effects of which he has never entirely recovered ; Lenora married Benton Smith Dec. 28, 1875 ; John W. married Harriet McCulloch, Dec. 26, 1876 (she was the daughter of the present Judge McCulloch of this county) ; James A. died Nov. 28, 1859 ; Mr. Bc},yne came to this State in 1846, and settled at that time on the place where he now resides ; during which time he has been engaged steadily in the business of farming ; Mr. B. is a self- made man, and is considered one of the ablest men in the county ; he is an elo- quent speaker, studious observer, hospita- ble ; a man of great individuality, and ,one who enjoys the full confidence of his neighbors ; for an account of his public services, see account in another depart- ment of this work under the head of distinjfuished men of Woodford County. BUCKINGHAM, MORGAN, farmer; Sec. 16; P. 0. AVashburn and Cazenovia ; Lib. Rep. ; owns 720 acres, valued at $30,000; born in this town, Oct. 22, 1845; married Melissa A. Saf- ford Dec. 21, 1865 ; she was born June 14, 1848, and died Aug. 24, 1875; left three children, all now living — Clarence Morgan, born Jan. 7, 1867; Lonnie Albert, born Feb. 12, 1870; Maggie, born March 17, 1875 ; was married to Lucinda Finch Feb. 4, 1878; she was born Sept. 2, 1857, in Pennsylva- nia ; he enlisted in the 134th I. V. I., and served a term in the 100-day service; did service in Kentucky, and was in the expedition that pursued the rebel G-en. Pi-ice during his raid through Missouri, in 1864. CLINGMAN, G. W., wagon maker; P. 0. Cazenovia. Crist, H. D., farmer; P. 0. Cazenovia. Carrithcrs, C. M., far. ; P. 0. Washburn. Carver, Wm., farmer; P. 0. Cazenovia. Clark, Geo, farmer ; P. 0. Low Point. Carson, Isabelle, P. 0. Low Point. Carson, A. B., farmer; P. 0. Low Point. Calvert, G., farmer; P. 0. Wa.shburn. Clineman, J. N., retired ; P. 0. Cazenovia. Cutler, C. A., J. P. ; P. 0. Washburn. Cairns, Sam'l, farmer ; P. 0. Low Point. Coen, P. A., farmer; P. 0. Washburn. Carrithers, J. A., farmer; P. 0. Washburn. Carrithers, A. T., farmer; P. 0. Low Point. CRAWFORD, MATTHEW, farmer; P. 0. Washburn ; Lidepeudent; Democrat; owns 80 acres, valued at S5,000 ; born in Louchray, County Galway, Ireland, about the year 1828; the date of his birth is clothed in ob- scurity; his mother died when he was 4 years old; he came to this country with his father and his stepmother, in 1836; his father died in Lockport, March 3, 1839. Mr. C. married Mar- garet Jane Garrison, Oct. 21, 1851; she was born March 1, 1829; have two children — Mary Ellen, born Dec. 9, 1852, who married Oscar Shusart; Geo. Albert, born Oct. 26, 1861. Mr. C. has served one year as Road Com- missioner ; he formerly worked for Mor- gan Buckingham, and was with him when he died; he lived also with Geo. Garrison. Carrithers, J. G., far.; P. 0. Low Point. Corbin, Madison, far. ; P. 0. Washburn. Calvert, Alfred, far. ; P. 0. Washburn. Carson, A. N., far. ; P. 0. Low Point. Carrithers, J. A., Jr., far.; P. 0. Wash- burn. Carson, Geo.,iaborer ; P. 0. Washburn. Cordes, John, laborer; P. 0. Washburn. Cordes, Anna, P. 0. Washburn. CLARK, THOMAS, far.; Sec. 22; P. 0. Low Point; Liberal Republican; owns 184 acres, valued at $10,000; born Jan. 7, 1805, in Massachusetts ; removed, with his parents, to Madison Co., N. Y., when quite young; married Miss Delency Marshall, of that county, Feb. 15, 1838 ; she was born July 9, 1807; have had two children born of them; the oldest died at the age to 4 weeks, no name; the only surviv- ing one, George M., was born March 13, 1842, and owns 70 acres on Sec. CAZENOVIA TOWNSHIP. 631 23, valued at S3,500 ; Liberal Republi- can ; is unmarried, resides with his parents, and manages the farm, also his own ; holds the office of Road Commis- sioner at the present time ; has been Con- stable two terms. Mr. C, Sr., emigrated to this county from Madison Co., N. Y., in the Fall of 1844; he came with a team and wagon the whole distance, and was six weeks and two days accomplish- ing the trip ; the place where he now resides was, at that time, a piece of wild prairie ; it is now one of the best im- proved farms in the county. The aged couple are now reaping the reward of their early hardships, surrounded by every desirable comfort. DODDS & ARROWSHITH, farmers ; P. 0. Low Point. Dodds, Mrs. J. E., P. 0. Low Point. Daly, Wm., retired ; P. 0. Washburn. Dyer. Ebin, former ; P. 0. Low Point. DEBOLT, LYDIA, farmer ; P. 0. Washburn ; Methodist ; owns 80 acres, valued at $5,000 ; born in Pennsylvania Nov. 12, 1810 (maiden name Garrison); married Geo. Debolt ; removed from Pennsylvania to this State ; Mr. D. died Dec. 11, 1863; had seven children — 3Iargaret, born 3Iarch 27, 1831 ; Gar- rison, born Dec. 2, 1832 ; Sarah, born Aug. 1, 1833; Amos, born Oct. 5, 1838 ; Jacob, born May 22, 1843 ; died June 26, 1869 ; Jackson, born Feb. 11, 1851 ; Elmira, born Jan. 5, 1854. Jacob served his country in the 44th I. Y. I. with credit. During the month of June, 1869, he attempted to swim across Crow Creek on the Lacon road and was drowned ; he had gone from AVashburn to Lacon after a load of iron ; Amos was in the same company and regiment with Jabez Fisher, and his record the same, except that he received a severe wound at Harper's Ferry ; he resides on Round Prairie, Marshall Co., 111. Jackson married Eva Parker Dec. 27,1877 ; she was born July 25, 1857. Mr. Debolt, at the time of his death, was about 50 years of age. Davison, I. H., laborer ; P. 0. Washburn. Daub, John, farmer ; P. 0. Washburn. Dibel, Geo. F., flour dlr. ; P. 0. Washburn. Donlevy, Jno., sal. kpr.; P. 0. Washburn. Debolt, Barbara, P. 0. Washburn. Dckelman, H.,shoe mkr.; P. 0. Washburn, DRENNEN, WILLIAM, former ; Sec. 35 ; P. 0. Low Point ; United Presbyterian ; National ; owns 80 acres of land, valued at 85,000 ; born in Alle- gheny Co., Pa., Oct. 14, 1819 ; married Margaret Speer Oct. 5, 1845 ; she was born April 24, 1827, in the same county and State ; have eight children living, one dead — Thomas, born Dec. 12, 1846 ; David, born Nov. 27, 1848; William, born April 8, 1851 ; Sarah J., born June 24, 1853 ; James K., born March 24, 1856 ; died May 11, 1857 ; Yiolet, born June 27, 1858 : Matthew S., born May 1, 1861 ; Oscar G., born Oct. 17. 1864; Mary M., born Feb. 27, 1868, Mr. D. came to this State Nov. 1, 1855 ; settled five miles north of here, and re- sided 16 years ; resided at the present home about 1 years ; held office of Supervisor one term, commencinc 1863. DRENNEN, DAVID, dealer in ag- ricultural implements ; P. 0. Low Point; Presb. ; Nat. ; born in Allegheny Co., Pa., Nov. 27, 1849 ; came to this county with his parents about 21 years ago ; married Louisa Patton, Feb. 6, 1873; she was born Feb. 6, 1850, in Greene Co., Pa. ; have two children — Oscar Boyd, born in this State, Dec. 28, 1874 ; Jennie Mabel, in Nebraska, Sept. 2, 1876. Mr. D. deals in all kinds of ag- ricultural implements ; he keeps a vari- ety of first-class goods and can furnish anything from a steam thresher down to a cjarden hoe, on very short notice. DRENNEN, THOMAS, station agent ; P. 0. Low Point : is a son of William Drennen. Esq., in whose biog- raphy birth is given ; married Miss S. E. Genoways Sept. 19, 1873 ; she was born in Missouri March 3, 1853 ; have two children, both of whom are living — Florella, born July 14, 1873 ; youngest, a boy, not yet named. Mr. D. is also Deputy Postmaster of Low Point, No- tary Public, and business manager for J. E. Dodd, mercantile house in the above place. In addition to the above, Mr. D. has the agency for several first-class in- surance companies. DODDS, JOHN E., former and mer- chant ; P. 0. Low Point ; born in Ohio, Dec. 23, 1831 ; married Mary J. Pat- ton Feb. 13, 1856 ; she was born April 22, 1839 ; have had thirteen children 632 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY born to them, ten of whom are now* liv- ing— Chira Alice, born Feb. 12, 1857, died Aug. 26, 1863 ; Katie Ella, born April 11. 1860, died Aug. 28. 1863; William Albert, born Feb. 6. 1862, died Sept. 11, 1863: Minnie Emma, bom Oct. 25. 1863 ; Mary E.. Nov. 8. 1865 ; Berdella, Aug. 18,1867; Tillie Anna, Nov. 25, 1869; Arvilla May, Aug. 30, 1871 ; John E.. Aug. 8. 1873 ; Fanny, Feb. 6, 1875 ; Arthur. Aug. 27, 1876; have also an infant son born March 29, 1878 ; owns 450 acres of land valued at §2-1,000 : also owns cue-half interest in 300 acres in Arkansas : Prcsb. ; Na- tional ; Mr. Dodd has had an interest in a mercantile house in Arkansas for the past year : he is fitting up a building at Low Point Station for the same business and intends to keep a large and well assorted stock of goods at that place ; Mr. D. is also engaged in the lumber business *in Arkansas, which he intends to continue ; has held office of Justice of the Peace. EHRINGER, FRED.. Jr., furuitm-e mnfr. ; P. 0. Washburn. Eberhart. M. U.. far. ; P. 0. Cazenovia. Ehriuger. Anton, furniture mnfr. ; P. 0. Washburn. Ehringer. Albert, fiirniture mnfr. : P. 0. Washbuin. Ehringer, Fred., Sr., ret. ; P. 0. Washburn. Evans, R., laborer ; P. 0. Washburn. Everman. John. far. : P. 0. Washburn. EHRINGER & EICHHORN, furniture dealers ; P. 0. Washburn ; this is a new firm just established in the city of Washburn ; their establishment is located a few doors north of the post office ; they manufacture and keep a large and well assorted stock of furniture of all kinds; they have very commodious ware- rooms in a building 22 by 40, and two stories high. The workshop is situated directly in the rear ; their stock consists of evervthins; in the line of furniture, mattresses, picture frames, coffins, ca.^kets, and in fact, everything in the undertakers line, including a verv fine hearse for funeral pur|)oses. Mr. A. Ehringer, the senior member of the firm, has had seventeen yea^-s' experience as a cabinet maker ; he served nine years in Germany at that business, and eight years in this country. He married a daughter of Peter Eichhorn. Esq., beer brewer, of Spring Bay. His partner, Frederick Eichhorn, is a son of the same gentleman. He has had f lur years" ex- perience as a cabinet maker ; Mr. Ehrin- ger has been carrying on the business of contracting and building in this vicinity for quite a number of years, and which he will still continue to do ; Mr. P^ichhorn will take charge of the store. EBERHART, MARTIN W., farmer ; Sec. 28 ; P. 0. Cazenovia ; born Sept, 25, 1820, in Fayette Co., Pa. : 3Ieth. ; Rep. : owns 61 } acres ; value $2,500 ; married to Susan Casey Feb. 27. 1845; she was born Dec. 3, 1820; re- moved from West Virginia herein Oct., 1868 ; have four children living, one dead— James T.. born Dec. 19.1845; William A.. Sept. 10, 1847; Nancy, March 20. 1851 ; Lizzie. Sept. 23, 1852: Alfred Dorsey. born July 20, 1S55. died Aug 10, 1863; Willi;mi and James were in the 17th Regt. W. Va. Inf. ; served fi-om Sept., 1864, to the close of the war : were taken prisoners once ; were in several skirmishes ; Nancy, the oldest daughter, is blind ; she lost her sight when 1 year old ; she has always remained at home and has acquired a good education, does all kinds of house- work, sewing, makes garments of almost any kind without difficulty ; several <{Uilts that she has made are very beautiful ; she has taken the first and second prizes at the county fair for quilting ; she is also a good mathematician ; Lizzie is a well educated young lad}- ; is engaged at the present time in teaching a district school in the localitv known as Brick Town.this beincr her third successive term. ELLSWORTH, LUCIUS H,, wagon maker and blacksmith ; P. 0. Low Point ; United Presbyterian ; Na- tional ; owns two and a h;vlf lots with dwelling and .-ihops ; value. §1,500 ; born in East Windsor, Conn., Nov. 1, 1822 ; married Susan Cheney, of Windham, Conn., about the year 1843 : she died in Middletown, Conn., in February, 1848 ; had one child by that union — Henry ; he resides in Hartford, Conn. ; is a painter. 3Ir. E.'s second marriage was to Susan Bailey, of Vermont ; she was born May 1. 1830: have two children hving by that union, and one deceased ; CAZENOVIA TOWNSHIP. 633* Imogene, born in New London, Conn., April 25, 1854 ; she married Wm. B. Doty, of Peoria, where they now reside ; Louis Frederick, born in Xew Havon^ Conn., Oct. 2, 1863. The early years of Mr. E. were spent on a form ; he then learned the machinist's trade ; had charge of a cotton mill three years in Woon- socket, R. I. ; worked at paper and cotton machinery, also tools, three years ; then on steam work fifteen years ; was a steam- boat engineer four years ; he was rated as a first-class engineer and has a certifi- cate in his possession to that effect ; he worked four years in different machine shops in Peoria, 111. ; was Chief Engineer of the Steam Fire Engijie Department of that place one year ; worked six months for Wm. Stormont in Ottawa, 111 , and in charge of Cushman's machine shojis at that place two years ; from there to this place, where he has resided ever since ; is now carrying on the business of wagon making and blaeksmithing ; Mr. E. is noted as being a very skillful work- man either in wood or iron. FARNSWORTH, MARY A., farmer ; P. 0. Cazenovia. Fisher, Nathan, retd. far. ; P. 0. Washburn. Fowler, Jane, P. 0. Cazenovia. Fulton, James, farmer ; P. 0. Cazenovia. Fitzgerald, Jno., sec. boss; P. 0. Cazenovia. Flemino-, Jno., farmer ; P. 0. Cazenovia. FARNSWORTH, SAMPSON G., farmer ; Sec. 11 ; P. 0. Washburn ; Liberal ; Democrat ; owns 280 acres ; value, $14,000 ; born in Windsor, Vt., April 5, 1810 ; married EmelineQuack- enbush, about 1834 ; she died Nov. 22, 187G ; have seven children living — Esther, born July 10, 1839 ; George A., born Nov. 3, 1840; Ann E., born March IG, 1842; Elijah M., born May 10, 1844 ; Charlotte E., born Nov. 25, 1846 ; Chauncey Lafayette, born April 11, 1849; Oliver C, born Feb. 11, 1866. George served three years in the 77th I. V. I. ; was in quite a number of battles, and was also a pris(jner at An- dersonville about six months. FISHER, SARAH, farmer ; P. 0. Washburn ; Christian ; owns 320 acres valued at §17,000 ; born in Va., Sept. 13, 1821; maiden name was Stanley ; was married to Elias Fisher, Nov. 5, 1840. He was born in Ohio, March 11, 1822 ; died August 4, 1866, leaving a family of eight children, five of whom are now livinu — Isaiah, born Aug. 15, 1841, died July 10, 1867; Jabezj Aug. 30, 1845 ; Oliver Miles, June 19, 1849; Mary, Feb. 15, 1852 ; she married Samuel Wagner of this township ; Ira Alvin, Dec. 10,1854; Martha Luella, Sept. 18,1857; died Aug., 6, 1866; Lousia June 19, 1861 ; Sarah, Aug. 26, 1864; died July 20, 1866. Mr. F. came to this State with his parents from Ohio to Tazewell Co. in 1829 ; resided there 30 years ; removed to this county in 1859 ; at the time of his death, he owned 320 acres of land, which Mrs F. with the assistance of her sons, has managed ever since with success. Mrs. F. owns some town property in Wash- burn; Isaiah and Jabez were both soldiers during the late rebellion ; the former was in the 77th I. V. I., and served his full term of three years, and participated in quite a number of battles in which that regiment was engaged, among which were Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg ; he lost his health while in the service, which finally resulted in his death ; Jabez was in the 65th I. V. I. ; was taken prisoner at Harpers Ferry by Stonewall Jackson, paroled and sent to Chicago in Oct.. 1862 ; remained there until May, 1863; went with regiment to Lexington, Ky. ; remained there one month for drill, then to West Ky. ; en- gaged in warefare with guerillas until the seige of Knoxville ; participated in that engagement ; was at the battle of Franklin ; from there to Fort Fisher ; joined Sherman at Goldsljoro, then to Raleigh, where he was discharged ; he married Mario Harper, Dec. 27, 1867 ; she was born Oct. 6, 1850 ; has four children — Lola Sarah, born jNIarch 4, 1869; Ada Mary, Jan. 11, 1871 ; Ethel. Feb. 23, 1873 ; May, May 1, 1875. Farber, Mary, P. 0. Cazenovia. Flatwood, C. M.,for. ; P. 0. Washburn. Fishburn, A. S., hotel; P. 0. Washburn. Fisher, Jabez, farmer; P. 0. Washburn. Eraser, D. V., farmer ; P. 0. Washburn. Fisher, I. A., P. 0. Wa.shburn. Fally, R. T., carpenter; P. 0. Washburn. Fisher, 0. M., grocer ; P. 0. Washburn. Fult..n, M. S., & Co., drugs; P. 0. Wash- burn. 634 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY Fulton, M. S., dru<;s; P. 0. Washburn. i Finks, Jacob, clothier ; P. 0. Wash- | burn. Fisher. W., farmer; P. O. Washburn. FOSTER, HENRY, farmer and stock raiser; P. 0. Low Point ; Lib. ; Dem. ; owns 800 acres ; value, ^40,000 ; born in New York, Sept. 16, 1833 ; came with his parents to this State the December following ; married Margaret Calvert April 4, 1867 ; she was born in Pennsylvania May 10, 1843 ; have had eight children, seven of whom are living. May Lureney, born Jan. 12, 1868, died Jan. 18, 1877 ; Louisa Ellen, born Feb. 19, 1869; William Jeter, March 26, 1870; Charles Minor, Jan. 30, 1872; Delencey Ann, Dec. 7, 1873; Melissa M., May 8, 1875 ; Maggie Ida ; Jan. 11, 1877; Dora Olive, March 21, 1878. Mr. F.'s father was born in New York Oct. 9, 1796 ; died, Aug. 11, 1865. His mother, Lureney, was born Nov. 4, 1795 ; died, May 14, 1862. PULLER, MARTIN LUTHER, Jr., far.; Sec. 36; P. O.Cazenovia ; Bap.; Hep. ; owns 80 acres of land ; value ^5,- 000 ; born in Hamilton, Madison Co., N. Y., Jan. 21, 18i8 ; married Anna Maria Fish, Oct. 2, 1855 ; she was born in Rutland, Vt., .\pril 28, 1837 ; had three children, two of whom are living ; Anna Maria, born July 31, 1858, died April 8, 18()6 ; Lydia Edna, born Sept. 16, 1860; Francis Eugene, Nov. 5, 1868. Mr. Fullers father, Martin Luther Fuller, Sr., was born in Grafton, Windsor Co., Vt., Feb. 7, 1803 ; mar- ried Edna Converse, of the same place, Oct. 19, 1823; she was born in the above named place, Aug. 7, 1796 ; she died Feb. 4, 1865; had six children — Edna Salina, born in Grafton, Vt., April 17, 1825 ; Martin L. (given above) ; Thomas Eugene and James Lysander (twin^), born Aug. 10, 1830, at Crown Point, N. Y. ; Lysander died when four months old ; Thomas E. died Aug. 20, 1832 ; A. Lucina E., born April 26, 1832, at Crown Point, N. Y., died May 22, 1873 ; married for his second wife Mary Jane Bacon, of Normal, McLean Co., 111., March 1, 1866; came to this State in 1855 ; has labored in the min- istry 52 years ; was ordained at Crown Point, N. Y., Jan. 13, 1831 ; luis ap- pointments at Roanoke Church every Sunday the present year. QREGORY, PERRY, P. 0. Meta- mora. Gilj^en, L. A., farmer; P. 0. Cazenovia. Grey, Mary, teacher ; P. 0. Washburn. Gardner, Benton, farmer ; P. 0. Low Point. Gill, Henry, butcher ; P. 0. Washburn. GARDNE R, JAIRUS, brickmaker; P. 0. Low Puint ; Lib. ; Nat. ; owns 30 acres ; born in N. Y. August 26, 1830 ; married Permelia Hilsebeck, Nov. 6, 1847 ; she was born in N. C. Oct. 6, 1830 ;have ten children — Elizabeth M., born March 25, 1849 ; Laney Catherine, May 13, 1851 ; Joseph Marion, Dec. 1, 1852 ; Jairus Benton and John Ben- jamin (twins), Jan. 18, 1855 ; John Benj. died March 19, 1855 ; David Har- land,born Dec. 20, 1856; William Albert, Jan. 7, 1859 ; Permelia Jane, July 22, 1860 ; George W., Nov. 30, 1865 ; Fos- ter Edson, Ajjril 1, 1868; Frances Butler, May 30, 1875 ; Mr. G. came to this county in 1867 ; is engaged in the manufacture of brick ; his yard is four miles west of Low Point, near what was formerly known as Bricktown ; he makes a good quality of brick, and intends to make about 500,000 this coming Sum- mer. HUBERT, ADAM, farmer; P. 0. Washburn. Hahn, Christian, farmer ; P. 0. Washburn. Hink, Henry, carpenter ; P. 0. Washburn. Hiltabrand, Geo., far. ; P. 0. Washburn. Hossteller, Jacob, far. ; P. 0. Washburn. Hirt, Jacob, tailor ; P. 0. Washburn. Howell, James, far. ; P. 0. Low Point. Hammers, W. 0., far. ; P. 0. Cazenovia. Held, Jacob, fiirmer ; P. 0. Washburn. Hood, I. C, farmer; P.O. Cazenovia. HILTABRAND, GEORGE W., farmer; P. O. Washburn ; Lib. ; Dem. ; owns 362 acres, value 87,500 ; born in Putnam Co., this State, Oct. 16, 1837 ; married to Kate Shields, Dec. 22, 1869 ; she was born in the same county, Aug. 29, 1851 ; have only one child — Minnie Elizabeth; she was born in Putnam Co., Dec. 28, 1870 ; Mr. H.'s father and mother came to this State in 1828 from Tenn. ; settled on the homestead still occupied by Mrs. H., Sr. ; Mr. H.'s father was born June 18. 1799, in N. C. ; his mother was born Oct. 17, 1804. CAZENOVIA TOWNSHIP. 635 she is still living in Putnam Co. near Magnolia ; his father died Oct. 20, 1 870 ; twelve children were born to them, ten of whom are living ; Mrs. H.'s father was born Feb. 8, 1824 ; her mother was born Dec. 25, 1828 ; both are now living in Putnam Co., this State. Heck, Phillip, farmer ; P. 0. Cazenovia. Hammers, W. 0., & Co., elevator, etc.; P. 0. Cazenovia. Hammers, J. A., far. ; P. 0. Cazenovia. Hammers, Luella, millinery ; P. 0. Cazenovia. HAINES, JONATHAN G., gro cer ; P. 0. Washburn ; Lib. Rep. ; owns house and five lots in Washburn ; value, $1,500 ; born in Clinton Co., Ohio, Jan. 1, 1824 ; came to this State in Nov. 1847 ; first settled in Tazewell Co. ; re- mained there until the year 1856, during which time he was engaged in milling on the Mackinaw River ; he then came to this town and eno;aoed in merchandis- ing ; married Abi Fisher ; have had six children, only two of whom are living. Mr. H. has held the ofiice of Collector three terms ; School Director, several terms, and also the ofiice of Postmaster. HUTCHISON, JOSEPH A., blacksmith ; P. 0. AVashburn ; Bapt. ; Rep. ; owns house and lot in Washburn ; value, $1,000 ; born in Morgan Co., this State, Jan. 2, 1835 ; married Jane But- ler Oct. 1, 1856 ; she was born Jan. 2, 1837, in this county ; have had six chil- dren, all of whom are now living — Mary, born x\ug. 8, 1857 ; James, born Sept. 28, 1860 ; Grant, April 24, 1863 ; Eva, July 28, 1866 ; Lizzie, June 23, 1869 ; William, March 4, 1872. Mary is teaching school in the primary depart- ment of the Washburn school. James is a telegraph operator and is in the em- ploy of the C. & A. R. R. at Stamford. Mr. H. was a soldier during the late war ; he served three years in Co. C, 77th I. V. I., participating in all the battles that that reeiment was enaaoed in, with the exception of Sabine Cross Roads ; he has resided in Washburn about twenty-four years ; Mrs. Hutchison was a half sister to Margaret Butler, who, in company with her father, was frozen to death in the Winter of 1836-37, an ac- count of which will be found in another part of this work ; Mrs. H. has a sister living in California and a half brother living in Oregon. Mr. H. has been en- gaged in blacksmithing and wagon mak- ing for the past twenty-four years, and is considered one of the most skillful me- chanics in Washburn. Three years ago, he joined the Baptist Church, and is con- sidered as one of the most zealous sup- porters. Mrs. H. has been a member of the same church for the past thirty years. bOUCK, JACOB C, retired farmer ; P. 0. Washburn ; Meth. ; Rep. ; owns 280 acres of land in Woodford Co., value, $15,000 ; also town property in Washburn to the value of $3,000 ; was born in Fairfield Co., Ohio, Feb. 19, 1810 ; had eight children — Issac, Sarah Ann, Elizabeth Mary, Emily, John, Dennis and AVilliam. Mr. Houck came to this State in 1837 ; he followed the occupation of farming until about the year 1863, since which time he has been living a retired life. Lizzie Grove, a granddaughter, was born Sept. 22, 1861. Her father was a soldier during the war and served nearly three years in the 77th L V. I. ; he was killed in the bat- tle of Red River. Hess, Mary J., millinery ; P. 0. Washburn. Hollman, S. S., far.; P. 0. Washburn. Haase, Christian, dry goods ; P. 0. Wash- burn. Hutchinson, Eliza J., P. 0. Washburn. HALL, EDNA SELINA, MRS., farmer ; P. O. Cazenovia ; Bapt. ; owns loo acres, valued at $5,000; born in Grafton, Windham Co., Vt., April 17, 1825; her maiden name was Fuller; she is a daughter of Rev. M. L. Fuller ; she married Erastus Hall, Nov. 2, 1853 ; he was born March 29, 1815, in Ran- dolph, Orange Co., Vt. ; he died Feb. 26, 1874. Mr. Hall was twice married, first to Mary M. Smith, of Moores, Clinton Co., N. Y. ; she died Nov. 28, 1852, in the 34th year of her age ; by that union she had five children, two of whom died in infancy — Angeline C, born July 5, 1840 ; Alzina R., born July 13, 1843; Alcesta, born Sept. 14, 1846 ; by his second marriage five children were born to them — Mary Edna, born Jan. 27, 1856 ; Florence Lurena, born Aug. 23, 1858 ; William Erastus, born June 7, 1860; Sarah 636 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY Lucina, born May 16, 1863 ; Miranda Maria, born May 28, 1 867. Mr. Hall emi- grated to tins State from New York State 1855, and settled on the place where his family now reside — wliich was at that time a piece of wild prairie. He had at the time of his coming here about S600 ; at the time of his death he left property for the family to the amount of S10,000. He was noted as being a kind hearted man and one that was al- ways ready to assist those in need; he was ready to assist in all benevolent purposes, a good Christian, and was much respected by all who knew him. His death was caused by a kick from a horse. Mrs. Hall, with the assistance of her children, has managed the farm since Mr. H.'s death, and is in very comfortable circumstances. William has resided at home ever since his father's death, and is an industrious, re- liable youn'j man. HAMMERS, JESSE, farmer ; Sec. 32 ; P. 0. Cazenovia ; Baptist ; Repub- Hcan ; owns 1230 acres of land, valued at 860,000 ; also town property in Caz- enovia village, to the value of $3,000 ; was born in Fayette Co., Pa., May 7, 1804 ; married Eleanor Buckingham May 8, 1831, in Greene Co., Pa. ; she was born in the same county Aug. 21, 1808, died Feb. 14, 1850. Six children were born to them — Isaac B., born May 17, 1832— died Nov. 5, 1854; Joseph, born Sept. 3, 1833 ; Elizabeth, born May 7, 1836— died Nov. 2, 1855; Morgan B., born July 11, 1838 ; Jas. A., born May 9, 1840 ; William 0., born Sept. 22, 1842. Mr. Jesse H. married Ruah Garrison (widow of Mor- gan Buckingham), May 4, 1851. She had two children by former husband — Morgan and Margaret (now Mrs. P. A. Coen). Three children were born to them since the latter marriaiie — George, born April 30, 1852, died Dec. 9, 1854; Ruah E., born Nov. 24, 1853, died May 28, 1854 ; Mary, born July 1, 1859, died Jan. 29, 1862. Isaac Buck- ingham, wife and seven children, came to this State in 1832. They made the journey by flatboat down the Ohio River ; were towed up the Mississippi to St. Louis ; from there they pushed the boat up the Illinois River, and set- tled on Sec. 8, in Cazenovia Township. They are now all dead. Isaac died Feb. 19,1849, aged 72 years ; Sarah, wife of Isaac, died May 27, 1855, aged 75 years; Morgan B. died Aug. 26,1845, aged 45 years ; William died Oct. 12, 1858, aged 42 years; Geo. Garrison, died Aug. 10, 1851 ; Mary Garrison, his wife, died Sept. 3, 1851. Mr. Jesse Hammers has been Justice of the Peace sixteen years. James and William were in the 77th 111. Vols. ; James served full term ; participated in all the battles that the regiment was in, and acquitted him- self with honor ; he was Orderly Ser- geant the latter half of the term; just previous to his discharge, the Governor commissioned him as First Lieutenant, for meritorious conduct. William held the position of First Lieutenant, served nearly one year, and then resigned on account of ill health. Mr. H. has a nursery of ten acres, keeps a general as- sortment of trees and shrubbery. The latter he intends making a specialty in the future. His present wife, Ruah, was born in Greene Co., Pa., July 20, 1814. "TMHOFF, JACOB, farmer; P. 0. I Washburn. ImhofF, Jos., farmer; P. 0. Wa.shburn. Immel, John, blacksmith ; P. O.Washburn. lUNKER, AUGUST, miller; p. 0. Washburn ; Lutheran ; Democrat ; owns 250 acres, valued at S12.500 ; also two dwellings, two wagon shops and two blacksmith shops in Washburn, valued at about $4,000 ; was born in Prussia Aug. 4, 1827 ; emigrated to New Orleans June 20, 1854 ; he was at that time 26 years old ; at that time, he was not in possession of a dollar, having expended all of his money to get to this country ; he remained in New Orleans about nine months, working at blacksmithing ; he then came to this county, and engaged in the same busi- ness in connection with wagon making. In 1868, he built the mill which he now owns, at Washburn, since which time he has given that his whole attention. Mr. I. married Kathrina Sunken July 22, 1858 ; she was born in Prus.sia July 1, 1837; have had six children, five of whom are now living; — Mary, born Dec. 13, 1859 ; John, born July 11, 1861 ; CAZENOVIA TOWNSHIP. 63T Dena, born March 9,1864; Martha, born June 23,1868; Augusta, born March 6, 1867, died March 10, 1868; Kathrina, born Dec. 27, 1871. Mr. I. served as a soldier in the Prussian army two years ; has held office of Township Trustee two years ; one of his blacksmith and wagon shops is occupied by Mr. Too- and the others by Mr. Jno. Immel. IRELAND, FRANK N., banker; p. 0. Washburn. Christian; Republi- can ; owns 332 acres of land, valued at $19,000; also real estate and village property to the value of $7,000. Born in Indiana Oct. 17, 1836; came with his parents to this State in 1856 ; settled in Marshall Co. ; resided in Lacon three years, during which time he attended school. Married Miss Fidelia Bangs, daughter of Lyman Bangs, Esq., Oct. 20, 1858. She was born May 22, 1837, in Rochester, N. Y. ; have had two children, both of whom are now living — Charles Harrison, born Sept. 11, 1864; Cady Clifford, born Feb. 14, 1878. Mr. Ireland was a soldier during the late war, and served as a private in Co. C, 77th I. V. I. He is the present Postmaster of Washburn, having served in that capacity for the past fifteen years ; is also engaged in a general banking and insurance business. IMHOPF, MARY, farmer; P. 0. Washburn. Ormish ; owns 160 acres, valued at $8,000. Born in Germany Nov. 11, 1811. Married John Tmhoff Apiil 1, 1834. (Her maiden name was Wagner.) Mrs. I. is a sister of Daniel Wagner, of Tp. She came with her husband from Germany in 1832, to Ohio, and remained there until the year 1851. They then re- moved to the place where she now resides. Her husband was born in Germany in 1806. His death occurred Oct. 6, 1852. Eleven children were born to them ; the two oldest died in infancy. John was born Aug. 10, 1837; Christian, born Jan. 29, 1839, died March 8, 1869; Lena, born April 22, 1840 ; Susan, born March 5, 1842 ; Kathrina, born March 1, 1844; died about the 30th of December, 1871 ; Joseph, born Dec. 10, 1845 ; Jacob, born Oct. 3, 1847 ; Mary, born Feb. 9, 1850, died Dec. 1, 1874; Daniel, born Nov. 11, 1851, died Jan. 27, 1878. Joseph and Jolin are married. Joseph lives on the homestead with his mother, John lives near Metamora. Joseph married Emma J. Webber, of Caze- novia, Dec. 25, 1873. She was born Aug. 1,1851. They have two children — Mary Almeda, born Oct. 17, 1874; Isaac Leroy, born July 16, 1877. Jacob is unmarried, and resides with his mother, and is cultivating a part of the farm. JOSEPH, 0. P., farmer; P. 0. Wash- burn. JONES, S. v., lawyer; P. 0. Wash- burn. Liberal ; Republican. Married Jennie R., daughter of Samuel Boys, Esq., of Lacon, Jan. 22, 1873. Mr. J. was one of the members of Major Powell's exploring expedition Jamison, A. R., farmer; P. 0. Low Point. JAMISON, ARCHIBALD, fir Sec. 25 ; P. 0. Low Point ; United Presb Rep. ; owns 180 acres; value, $9,000 born Dec. 31, 1821 , in Harrison Co., 0. married Mary E. Mastin Jan. 16, 1845 she was born in the above named place Dec. 31, 1826 ; had five children, four of whom are livin; born Sept. 20, 1852, died in Fort Worth, Texas, in Feb., 1876; Ella, born Sept. 20, 1860, died in the Fall (Oct.), 1873 ; Mary, born Sept. 3, 1862. He married Lizzie Call, of Greene Co., Pa., April 3, 1878; she was born in Ohio July 11, 1851. Mr. M. is one of the first settlers of this township, and is known a.s one of the kindliest and most benevolent men living ; he is universally esteemed by all. Mary died Sept. 20, 1876. Mcculloch, charles r, farmer ; P. 0. Low Point ; United Presbyterian ; National ; owns 80 acres of land, valued at 84,800 ; born Jan. 24, 1833. in Cumberland Co., Pa.; married Martha J. Stevenson, Oct. 27, 1859; have three children, all living — Carrie E.. born Aug. 17. 1860: George S., born May 18, 1866; William Oscar, born Aug. 8, 1869. Mr. McCulloch came to this State in 1851, resided in Peoria City three years, and served an apprenticeship there as a woolen manufac- turer ; then settled in this town, where he has resided ever since ; held the office of Town Clerk thirteen years, and is still holding the same office ; was in the 77th I. V. I., participating in its numerous battles, skirmishes, etc.; is a cousin of Judge McCulloch, of this town. Martin, W. V.. farmer; P. 0. Low Point. Monk & Van Wcsten, saloon ; P. 0. Washburn. Miller. J. D.. farmer; P. O. Washburn. Miller, J. B., laborer; P. 0. Washburu. Moschel, Jno.. farmer: P. 0. Washburn. McCulloch, K. C, hardware ; P. 0. Wash- burn. Mau. Frederick, laborer; P. 0. Washburn. Mayes. W.. laborer: P. O. Washburn. Mcculloch, Joseph m., farmer ; Sec. 26 ; P. 0. Low Point ; United Presbyterian ; National ; owns 160 acres of land ; born in Pennsvlva- nia, Feb. 23, 1831 ; married to Mary J. Phillips Feb. 24, 1853 ; she was born Dec. 13, 1829 ; have had six children, five of whom are living — Eva J., born Nov. 22, 1853 ; Hattie P., born May 28, 1857 ; Minnie S.. born July 20, 1859 ; Zillah B.. born April 18. 1861 ; Laura T., born June 3, 1866, and died Nov. 5, 1867 ; William E., born June 5, 1869. Mr. McCulloch came from Cumberland Co., Pa., to this township April 1, 1853, and settled on the farm where he now resides, the following Spring, and which, at that time, was a piece of wild prairie. During the late rebellion, he responded to his country's call, promptly, and enlisted in the 77th I. v., Aug. 13. 1862 ; was elected Cap- tain at that time ; was in the liattles of Chickasaw, Arkansas Post. Port Gib- son, Champion Hills and Black River; he was in the memorable charge at Vicksburg on May 22, 1863 ; went in with 44 men. 22 of whom were killed, wounded or missing ; went fi-om Vicksburg to Department of Gulf ; was in the fight at Mansfield, taken prisoner and sent to Tyler; held 13 months ; was in charge of the prison seven months by authority of rebel commander, after which was paroled and mustered out at Springfield, 111., July 8, 1865 ; served from December, 1865, to December, 1867, as Treasurer of Woodford Co. ;, in 1873, was elected County Judge; in the Fall of 1877 was re elected, which office he now holds. MOULTON, ISAAC, farmer ; P. 0. Washburn ; Liberal ; Democrat ; owns 120 acres of land, valued at §3,000 ; born June 26, 1825, in Indiana, near Rising Sun ; married Mary J. Hattan Aug. 20, 1849 ; she was born April 11> 1829 ; had eleven children, two of whom have died — Elizabeth born June 29, 1850, died in six weeks after birth by a stroke of lightning ; Sophia, born Aug. 6, 1851 ; Mary Ellen, born Nov. 27, 1853; William, born March 30, 1856; Vienna, born Jan. 27, 1858, died when 9 months old : Jeremiah, born Sept. 13, 1859; John, born April L 1862; Annas, born May 5, 1864. Mr. M came here before the Black Hawk war ; he was 7 years old at the time of that event ;. he has heard his mother tell of an Indian battle that happened neai- where the Richland school house now stands ; he remembers seeing the troops as they passed through Pleasant Grove. Mr. M. CAZENOVIA TOWNSHIP. 641 N lias been a great hunter, and generally killed from twenty-five to forty deer every Winter until about fifteen years ago ; he says that the last deer that he killed was eight years ago, in Isaiah Jones' field. ARR, JNO., tanner ; P. (). Cazeno- via. NEWELL, GEORGE W., farmer (^tenant) ; P. 0. Low Point; Methodist; Independent; born in Brown Co., 0., Oct. 28, 1842; came to this State when a small boy, with his parents ; married Abigail West Oct. 17, 186G ; she was born in Brown Co., 0., July 21, 1847; had six children, all living but one, which died at birth — William, born Dec. 15, 1868; Corall May, born Dec, 1, 1870; Adda Lurena, born Sept. 29, 1872 ; James West, born Nov. 17, 1874 ; Cyi'us Edwin, born Dec. 27, 1876. Mr. N. is living in the homestead formerly occupied by Morgan Buckingham (de- ceased), and where he died ; he has been there seven years; was in the 138th 111. Vol. I. (100 days call) ; did duty in Missouri and Kansas ; served about five months ; his father and mother reside in Pettis Co., Mo. Mrs. N. is a daughter of James West, of this township. NORRIS, DANIEL H., farmer; residence and P. 0. La Mont, Black- water Tp., Pettis Co., Mo. ; Pres- byterian : Republican ; owns 230 acres of land in Pettis Co., Mo., valued at $6,000; was born in Maryland, Nov. 8, 1843. Married Carrie Stevenson, of Woodford Co., Sept. 10, 1868; she was born in Ohio, June 21, 1843; they have two children, both living — Thomas Stanton, born Aug. 28, 1869, and Al- bert Gordon, born Jan. 29, 1877. Mr. N. served his country three years, dur- ing the late war, in Co. C, 77 I. V. I.; was in the battles of Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, Port Gibson, Champion Hills, Black River Bridge, Siege of Vicksburg, Mansfield, Cane River, Fort Gaines and Morgan, and the siege of Spanish Fort. Was slightly wounded twice, but not disabled from duty dur- ing his term of service. Was taken prisoner in the famous charge of the the 22d of May, 1863, at Vicksburg; was released on parole the following day and exchanged three months afterwards. Mr. W. now resides in Pettis Co., Mo., having emigrated to that State in Feb- ruary, 1866. He remained there until 1876, and i-eturned to Woodford Co., his former place of residence. In June of the present year, he returned to Pettis Co., Mo., where now resides. It is the intention to make that State his future home. Richard Norris, a brother of the subject of this sketch, resides in Cazenovia Town,ship, of this county, is engaged in farming. He also was a soldier dui'ing the war, and served his country in the 11th I. V. I. ; he partic- ipated in the battle of Ft. Donelson, and received a very serious wound in that engagement ; a Minie ball and several buckshot entered his body near the gToin, producing a very serious wound, thereby causing his discharge. Norris, R. M., farmer ; P. 0. Cazenovia. Newkirk, G., physician ; P. 0. Washburn. NESBIT, ROBERT B., D. D., minister ; P. 0. Low Point ; United Presb. ; Nat. ; born in Greene Co., Ohio, June 21, 1850 ; graduated in Litenu-y at Monmouth, 111., in 1871, and in The- ology at Newburg, N. Y., in 1874, since which time, Mr. N. has devoted his time in preaching the Gospel. He received a license to preach in 1874, and was ordained in 1875 at Low Point, since which time he has been the Pastor of the U. P. Church in that place. Mr. N. is an eloquent speaker and is univer- sally esteemed by all who know him. In the temperance cause he is a very ear- nest worker, and his lectures on that subject are said to be very interesting and instructive. Mr. Nesbit has a library containing about 500 volumes. NORRIS, A. t., farmer ; Sec. 35 ; P. 0. Cazenovia; Presb.; Rep.; owns 160 acres of land ; born in Baltimore Co., Md., May 21, 1828; married Ann C. Krater in Lacon, April 26, 1855; she died May 8, 1857 (no children) ; mar- ried the second time to Sarah A Green- ing, widow of AVm. Greening, who died in Sept., 1860 ; she was born June 16, 1843 ; she had one child by that union —Charles W., born Aug. 9, 1859 ; by second marriage has two children — Phebe Alice, born 3Iarch 19, 1870 ; Annie Irene, born March 11, 1877. Mr. Novris came to this State in 1854; lived 642 TAX-rAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY: in Lacon two years, was near Low Point nine years and then to the present place of residence, where he still resides. His occujiation was blacksmithing formerly. 0W>:N, R. W., farmer; P. O. Wash- burn. Owen, Peter, retired ; P. 0. Washburn. Owen, Nathan, farmer; P. 0. Wash- burn. Owen, Marshall, farmer; P. 0. Low Point. OWEN, THpS. E., farmer; P. 0. Washburn. Liberal Democrat. Owns 28 acres, valued at SI, 000 ; born in Wayne Co., 111., Oct. 27, 1827. Mar- ried Deborah Pigsley Aug. 28, 1851. She was born in New ^Tork July 17, 1834; have had nine children born to them, six of whom are now living — Eudora Jane, born May 27, 1857; James, born Oct. 1, 1859; Laura E., born April 8, 1862 ; Cora, born Sept. 24, 18(30; Edward, born May 15, 1871 ; William Alfred, bcrn Feb. 27, 1875. The names of those that have died are as follows; Sarah, born April 7, 1853, died April 23, 1870 ; Charles Marshall, born Sept. 23, 1855, died in October, 1855 ; also an infant (not named), born May 28, 1852, died same day. Mr. Owen was formerly a school teacher, and taught in the first free school organized in the county. Mrs. Owen also was formerly a school teacher, and taught in the same school (now known as the Bricktown School House) at a later date. Mr. 0. has held the office of Tax Collector in Cazenovia Tp. one term ; also Constable one term. OWEN, ROBERT, farmer; P. 0. Washburn ; Liberal ; National ; born Feb. 2, 182G, in Kentucky; married to Mary Clingman Dec. 9, 1845 ; she was born Sept. 1, 1828 ; have had seven children born to them — Nathan, born Sept. 3, 1847; Elizabeth M., born April 8, 1849, died Jan. 3, 1850; Eliza Jane, born July 26, 1853; Eva Ellen, born Aug. 21, 1856; Dora May, born July 14, 1858 ; John F.,born July 24, 1862 ; Mary Maria, born July 17, 1870. Mr. Owen's father was a soldier in the war of 1812. He died Aug. 20, 1874, in the 83d year of his age." Mrs. Owen is a daughter of John Chngman, who was one of the pioneers of the county. OWEN, JAMES, farmer ; Sec. 19 ; P. O. Washburn ; owns 120 acres, val- ued at $8,U0() ; born Jan. 1, 1801 (be- fore breakfast), in Halifax Co., Va. ; married Candace King Dec. 23, 1824 ; she was born May 14, 1809. Mr. O.'s fiimily consisted of Nancy Jane (an adopted dau. Secor. Potter, J. F.. farmer ; P. 0. Secor. Potter, Elizabeth, P. 0. Secor. Potter, A. R.. farmer; P. 0. Secor. Potter, M. B., farmer; P. 0. Secor. Potter, Wm., teamster ; P. O. Eureka. Potter, W. A., farmer ; P. 0. Secor. Potter, Marion, farmer; P. 0. Secor. Potter, J. K., farmer; P. 0. Secor. Parsons, E., farmer ; P. 0. Secor. Pinkham. Geo., former; P. 0. El Paso. Pearson, Geo., farmer; P. 0. Secor. Patterson, R. W., farmer; P. 0. El Paso. Patterson. M., farmer; P. 0. Secor. Pearson, John, farmer ; P. 0. Secor. Polhemus. Emeline, P. 0. Secor. POTTER, EPHRAIM (deceased), farmer. Democrat and Christian. Had some 600 acres of land, partly on Sec. 21. He was born in North Carolina Aug. 24, 1796, and came to this place and settled in 1837. He married Nancy Overbay in Tennessee. She died in Indiana, leaving eight children. He married for his second wife Eliza- beth Hedrick in Harrison Co., Ind., Oct. 15, 1835. She was born June 3, 1817. They had ten children — Syana, Martha, Catharine, Abram. Marian, Candis. Elizabeth, Albert R.. Col. T. and Frank G. Col. T. died Aug. 15. 1854. aged 2 years. Catharine Horner died Oct. 31, 1866, aged 29 years. Mr. Potter was one of the first to settle on Palestine Prairie ; had one of the grand farms of the county, and was among the best men of the times. He died Jan. 1, 1861. Mourned by all who knew him. RICHARDSON, W. B., farmer ; P. 0. Secor. Ryan, Jno., farmer; P. 0. El Paso. Ryan, Fannie, farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Robert. Henry, farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Richardson. Nancy, farmer ; P. 0. Secor. Richards. Wm.. farmer ; P. O. Secor. Render, Thomas', farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Reel, Philip, butcher ; P. 0. Secor. Robeson, J. E., farmer; P. O. Eureka. Reger, A. A., preacher; P. 0. Secor. Robeson, C. A., farmer; P. 0. Secor. Ross, Nathen, laborer ; P. 0. Secor. Reyburn, W. S., lumber ; P. 0. Secor. Ru.-^sell, C. W.. farmer; P. O. Semr. RICHARDSON, AARON A.» farmer ; P. O. Secor ; Independent and Christian ; has 540 acres of land on Sees. 7 and 8. valued at S50 per acre ; he was born in this townshij) Oct. 23,. 1837 ; he married Martha J. McKee Dec. 17, 1857, in this county: she was born in this township June 3. 1840. They have five children — Francis M., Ida M., Edwin J., Charles A. and Louis R. Mr. R. is one of the old settlers, having been born here, and has grown up with the county and its im- provements. He has a very large and desirable farm, is a thorough farmer, and knows how to make farming a success ; he has held the office of Justice of the Peace and Town Treasurer fur many years, and is one of the very reliable citizens of the community. He has a very intelligent fiimily of children, grow- ing up to habits of industry. His father, Jas. Richardson, was one of the few who came here in 1831. PARKS, R. D., farmer; P.O. Kappa. S' Seeley, Francis, farmer ; P. 0. Secor. Shaw. Mathew, farmer ; P. O. Secor. Stowell, C. N., farmer ; P. 0. Secor. Sinclair, G. W., far. ; P. 0. Secor. Shoemaker, W., Sr., far. ; P. 0. Kappa. Stevens, Austin, farmer ; P. 0. Kappa. Shoemaker, A. C. farmer; P. 0. Kappa. Sutton, Geo., farmer: P. 0. El Paso. Sutton. T. W., farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Sutton. Thos., Sr., farmer; P. 0. El Paso. Sinclair. H. M.. farmer; P. 0. El Paso. Stahl, Geo., farmer; P. 0. El Paso. Shoemaker. W. T., farmer; P. 0. Kappa. Sinclair, Hector, farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Sparks. J. S.. farmer ; P. 0. Kappa. Sparks, A. E., farmer; P. 0. Kappa. Smizer, Adam, farmer ; P. 0. Secor. Sutton, Samuel, farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Shepherd, Jno.. farmer ; P. 0. Secor. Shepherd, B. F., farmer; P. 0. Secor. Stitt. Samuel, hedge trimmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Seggerman, R., farmer; P. 0. Secor. Shoup, Benj., Jr., farmer; P. 0. Secor. Stumbaugh. Jacob, farmer; P. 0. Secor. Stephens. Jesse, farmer ; P. 0. Secor. Stephens, C. W., farmer ; P. 0. Secor. Shultz, J. H., farmer; P. 0. Secor. Stewart, Henry, grocery ; P. 0. Secor. PALESTINE TOWNSHIP. 657 Slemmer, C. H., carpenter P. 0. Secor. Schaifer, Jno. carpenter ; P. 0. Secor. SheltoD, Greo., P. 0. Secor. Stanford, A. E., station agt. ; P. 0. Secor. Shepherd, 0., farmer ; P. 0. Secor. Slaughter, Henry, farmer ; P. 0. Secor. Shiiman, Samuel, farmer ; P. 0. Secor. Schrcieder, H., farmer; P. 0. Secor. SHEPHERD, HENRY, deceased; he had IGO acres of land on Sec. 28, well improved ; he was born in Marshall Co., Va., March 8, 1811, and came to this place in 18-13 ; he married Mrs. Amy Morris (her maiden name being Amy Logdon) Feb. 25, 1838; she was born in Marshall Co., Va., Jan. 28, 1813; she had four children by her first husband — Mary A., Elizabeth, Car- oline and Rebecca I. ; Mary Ann (Mrs. Wm. Mott) died many years ago, leav- ing six children — Elizabeth, married Fred Hendricks, and was murdered by him in 1877, near Bloomington, after which he shot himself; whisky was the cause of all his trouble ; they left a family of six children ; she had by Mr. S. nine children (three died in infancy) — Margaret Jane, Sarah E., Charlotte, Amanda M., John, Obadiah M., Will- iam H. and Benjamin F.; Sarah E. (Mrs. Wm. Harmon) died in 1872 ; Amanda (Mrs. L. Chapman) died in 1871 ; William H. died in 1873. Mr. Shepherd died May 4, 1865 ; he settled here at a time when it cost nearly all the comforts of life to live, when corn sold, for 6c per bushel, wheat 20c, and Chicago was the market, with no rail- roads ; he was a good flirmer, had a good farm, and was a man universally respected; Mrs. S. holds the farm during her lifetime, by will ; he was a Republi- can and member of U. B. Church. SHEPHERD, B. P., farmer; P. 0. Secor; Republican; U.B. Church; lives on the old homestead with his mother, and carries on the farm ; was born in this place June 19, 1853, and married Alice A. Manning Nov. 9, 1875, in McLean County ; she was born in Gridley, Mc- Lean County, Jan. 20, 1859 ; they have one child — Lahan Henry. THOMPSON, STEPHEN, laborer; P. 0. Secor. Trunnell, Thos., laborer; P. 0. Secor. Trunnell, P., laborer ; P. 0. Secor. Teghtmire, C, carpenter ; P. O. Secor. Tribby, D. W., P. 0. Secor. Tribby, P. L., physician; P. 0. Secor. Tjaden, Ludwiu, farmer ; P. 0. Kappa. Tribby, B. E.,'P. 0. Secor. Tribby, Martha, P. 0. Secor. "TTNSIKER, J., farmer ; P. 0. Secor. YARBLE, JOHN B., farmer; P. 0. Secor. Varble, Joel H., farmer; P. 0. Secor. Van Auken, Cahdn, far. ; P. 0. El Paso. VAN SCYOC, ANDERSON, farmer ; P. 0. Secor ; Ind.; Methodist ; has 1,000 acres of land, valued at $40 per acre ; was born in Marshall Co.,Va., July 12, 1822, and came into Shelby Co., Ind., in 1835, and to this place in 1838. Married Mary L. Carr, Dec. 29. 1857 ; she was born in Floyd Co., Ind.; they had tour children — Margaret M., John A., William A. and Charles , E. Charles E. died in infancy. Mrs. V. died Oct. 22, 1865. He married, for his second wife, Mrs. Margaret J. Pierce, daughter of Mr. Henry Shepherd, April 17, 1873 ; she was born in Marshall Co., Va., Aug. 26, 1835 ; she was the widow of John Pierce, who died Nov. 29, 1862, leaving two children, Henry W. and Caleb D. Mr. V. has one of the largest and best farms in the county for his specialty of raising grain and graz- ing for stock, and fattens a larae number of hogs and cattle every year tor the market. He is a very thorough and practical farmer, and has made it a per- fect success ; he feeds all his grain to stock, and buys besides. He has held various town offices, and is now Super- visor for the fourth year. Mr. V. com- menced life a poor young man and strug- gled hard for his start, and his vast estate is the result of strict economy, hard work, good management, and a product- ive soil. Perhaps it can be safely said that very few men can look back with more satisfaction upon their past life work. WARNER, J. L., farmer; P. 0. Secor. Wright, Shelby, farmer ; P. 0. El Paso. Whitmer, Samuel, farmer ; P. 0. Kappa. Wurmnest, John, farmer ; P. 0. Secor. Westcott, G. H., farmer; P. 0. El Paso, Walker, Henry, tarmer ; P. 0. Secor. 658 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY: Wilson, Samuel, farmer; P. 0. Secor. Wertzberger, John, fanner ; P. 0. Secor. Wilkin, John, farmer; P. 0. Secor. Williamson, 31., farmer ; P. 0. Secor. ^Villiamson, L. C, farmer ; P. 0. Secor. Wilson, A. Q., carpenter; P. 0. Secor. Writiht, James, farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Williamson, Anna. P. 0. Secor. WARD, CHARLES, farmer; P.O. El Paso ; Rep.; Christian ; has 200 acres on Sec. 10, valued at 850 per acre He was born in Lincolnshire, England, March 30, 1823, and came to this coun- try in 1852, and worked and rented for five years in Eureka, and then came to this place. He married Catharine Banbridge, in England, Aug. 25, 1845 ; she was born in England, June 2, 1828; they have eleven children — Thomas, George, Susanna, Charles, Caroline, William, John. Francis, Joseph, Jud- son and David. Mr. W. has been blessed in worldly matters as well as with a large and interesting family, ten sons of which any parents might feel proud. He has a home and farm, the equal of which few can boast ; he has made it all since coming to this county, by hard work and industry. He is a man of strict honesty, and has the good will of all his neighbors. "An honest man is the noblest work of God." ■^ERION, E. C, farmer; P. 0. Secor. Yerion, J. H., farmer ; P. 0. Secor. Yerion, Jos., farmer ; P. 0. Secor. Yerion, J. C, farmer: P. 0. Secor. ZIMMERMAN, PETER, farmer; P. 0. Secor. KANSAS TOWNSHIP. ARNETT, J. S., farmer; P. 0. Oak Grove. Allen, Jas. K., farmer ; P. 0. Oak Grove. Arnold, J. W., farmer ; P. 0. Oak Grove. Allen, Z. H., farmer; P. 0. Normal. Anderson, E. W., far.; P. 0. Oak Grove. Anderson, L. W., far. ; P. 0. Oak Grove. Anderson, E., Jr., far.: P. 0. Oak Grove. BROWN, ELI S., flirmer; P. 0. Hudson. Bateman, W. H., far. ; P. 0. Oak Grove. Brown, J. W., farmer ; P. 0. Oak Grove. Brown, J. L., farmer; P. 0. Oak Grove. Baber, F. M., farmer; P. 0. Oak Grove. Byers, Jacob, farmer ; P. 0. Hudson. Brown, H. J., farmer ; P. 0. Hudson. Burnet, Robt., farmer ; P. 0. Oak Grove. Bateman, A., farmer ; P. 0. Oak Grove. Brown. M. E.. farmer; P.O. Hudson. CARLOCK, A. W., farmer; P. 0. Oak Grove. Carloek, Winton, f^r. ; P. 0. Oak Grove. Chaffin, Solomon, fiirmer; P. 0. Hudson. Carloek, J. W., farmer; P. Oak Grove. Crusinberry, Jno. M., farmer; P. 0. Oak Grove. Carloek, A. H., farmer ; P. 0. Oak Grove. Clay, Jno., Jr., farmer ; P. 0. Oak Grove. Craig, A. J., farmer ; P. 0. Oak Grove. Carloek, Amy, farmer ; P. 0. Oak Grove. Craig. S. D., farmer; P. 0. Oak Grove. Campbell, Dan., farmer ; P. 0. Oak Grove. Carloek, A. W., farmer ; P. 0. Oak Grove. Crawford, C. D., farmer; P. 0. Oak Grove. Craig. Wm., farmer; P. 0. Oak Grove. Carloek, Margie, farmer ; P. 0. Oak Grove. Chism. Jesse, farmer ; P. 0. Oak Grove. DELANO, NATH., farmer; P. 0. Oak Grove. Dearth, S. B., farmer ; P. 0. Oak Grove. Dennis, Michael, farmer ; P. 0. Oak Grove. Deanh, Ellis, farmer ; P. 0. Oak Grove. Dehner, Daniel, farmer ; P. 0. Oak Grove. Denman, M. E., farmer ; P. 0. Oak Grove. ENGLISH, DAVID, farmer; P.O. Oak Grove. TT^RANKLIN, LOUISA, farmer; P. JD 0. Hudson. Franklin, C. H., farmer; P. 0. Hudson. Franklin, Benj. J., farmer; P.O. Hudson. FRAN KLIN, JARED D., farmer ; P.O. Hudson; Rep.; Christian; has 160 acres of land on See. 11 ; was born in Windham Co., Conn., Nov. 28, 1814, and came to Illinois in 1837, and to this township in 1840. He married Cynthia Hinshaw, from Tennessee ; they had seven children — Laura, George, Allen, KANSAS TOWNSHIP. 659 Annie, Candace and Benjamin ; Hattie died at 3 years old. Mrs F. died April 26, 186J:. His second wife was MtiS. Louisa Brown, the widow of Mr. Z. Brown, who settled here in 1831, whom he married Sept. 13, 1870 ; she was the second wife of Mr. Brown, and by him had two children — Arden J. and Mary Elizabeth, both of whom are living with their mother. Mr. F. is among the first settlers ; is a good farmer, an esteemed neighbor, and one of the really good men of our time. r^ RTM, JOHN, farmer; P. 0. Oak V_jr Grove. GTosnell, W. K., farmer; P. 0. Hudson. Gravitt, Clayborn, far. ; P. 0. Oak Grove. Goagleman, C, farmer ; P. 0. Oak Grove. H^' OSPELHORN, GEO., farmer; P. 0. Oak Grove. Hinshaw, Jehu, farmer ; P. 0. Hudson. Harper, Allen, farmer ; P. 0. Oak Grove. Hospelhorn, Jno. M., far.; P. 0. Oak Grove. Harper, F. A., farmer; P. 0. Oak Grove. Herman, Michael, far. ; P. 0. Oak Grove. Harper, A., Jr., farmer ; P. 0. Oak Grove. Huff, P. E., farmer ; P. 0. Oak Grove. Huff, Thos., farmer ; P. 0. Oak Grove. JOHNSON, WM. H., farmer; P. 0. Hudson. Johnston, Jas. S., far.; P. 0. Oak Grove. Johnson. Richard, far.; P. 0. Oak Grove. UNKLER, J. P., farmer; P. 0. K Oak Grove. Kunkler, Henry, far. ; P. 0. Oak Grove. Kratz, Jos., farmer ; P. 0. Kappa. Kuhns, Abraham, far. ; P. 0. Hudson. Kester, Margaret, far. ; P. Oak Grove. Kunkler, Fred'k, far.; P. 0. Oak Grove. Kratz, Sam'l, farmer ; P. 0. Hudson. Kratz, Rebecca, farmer ; P. 0. Kappa. KIRKPATRICK, SAMUEL C, farmer; P. 0. Oak Grove, McJ^ean Co.; Republican ; has 300 acres of land, of the old homestead, valued at $50 per | acre; he was born June 26, 1850; married Amanda Johnston Nov. 23, 1871 ; she was born April 12, 1851, in Stout's Grove, McLean Co.; they have two children — Valleria Bell, Gertrude Ann. Mr. K. had a good farm and home left him by his father, and he uses it as though he earned it all ; he is a good farmer, takes good care of what he has, is a kind husliand, and has a companion well calculated to make home desirable. Samuel Kirkpatrick, the father of the above, was born in Virginia, in 1806, and moved to Adams Co., 0., and in 1833 came to this place, and was a real pioneer in the Grove and county; he married Ann Hougham, in Adams Co., 0., in 1831 ; they have sis children living (one dead) — Marga- ret, Malissa J., Thomas W., Betsey Ann, Lamon H. and Samuel C. Mr. K. had 6tl0 acres of land, and was very early one of the leading farmers in the county, and a respected citizen ; he died May 4, 1873: Mrs. K. died Nov. 4, 1871. LONG, MICHAEL, farmer; P. 0. Oak Grove. Lollis, E. J., farmer; P. 0. Oak Grove. Laws, Jeremiah, farmer ; P. 0. Eureka. Lawless, Michael, farmer ; P. 0. Secor. McNEIL, W. L., farmer; P. 0. Hud.son. McNeil, Wm. K., farmer; P. 0. Hudson. Miller, Christian, f\ir. ; P. 0. Oak Grove. Mishler, S. A., farmer ; P. 0. Hudson. Miller, M. R., farmer; P. 0. Oak Grove. McGraw, Elizabeth, P. O. Bloomington. Miller, Jacob, firmer; P. 0. Oak Grove, McNeil, R. M., farmer; P. 0. Hudson. McGavack, Henry, far. ; P. 0. Oak Grove. Moore, Jno., farmer; P. 0. Oak Grove. Mishler, Henry, farmer; P. 0. Hudson. Moore, A. H., farmer ; P. 0. Oak Grove. Mishler, Jacob, farmer ; P. 0. Hudson. Miller, Eli, farmer ; P. 0. Hudson. McGraw, Jno., far. ; P. O. Bloomington. McWilliams, A. J., far.; P. 0. Oak Grove. Morrison, Elizabeth, far.; P. 0. Oak Grove. Moore, Jas., farmer; P. 0. Oak Grove. PHILLIPS, ELI, farmer ; P. 0. Oak Grove. Palmer, Henry, farmer ; P. 0. Oak Grove, Pflasterer, Fred'k, far. ; P. 0. Oak Grove. Palmer, Absalom, far. ; P. 0. Oak Grove. Pedcord, Jas., farmer; P. 0. Oak Grove. Potter, C. M.. farmer; P. 0. Oak Grove. REYNOLDS, ADISON, farmer; P. 0. Oak Grove. Roberson, Wm. G., far.; P. 0. Oak Grove. Robison, G. H., farmer; P. 0. Hudson. Russell, Simon, farmer ; P. 0. Kappa. Reynolds, Jas. I., far. ; P. 0. Oak Grove. Riley, John J., farmer ; P. 0. Hudson. SMITH, DAVID, farmer; P.O. Hud^ son. Stephens, Sylvester, far. ; P. 0. Hudson. 660 TAX-PAYERS OF WOODFORD COUNTY: Shope, W. W., farmer ; P. 0. Oak Grove. Snudgrass, Edgar, far.; P. 0. Oak Grove. Stevens, Richard, farmer ; P. 0. Secor. Stephens, I'hilip, far. ; P. 0. Oak Grove. Snavely Samuel Y.. farmer ; P. 0. Oak Grove. STEPHENS, WILLIAM, farmer and dealer in stock ; P. 0. Oak Grove ; Democrat ; has 360 acres of land, partly on Sec. 19; was born in Montgomery July 29, 1837, and married Mary Ellen Brown, Dec. 22, 1865 ; she was born July 25, 18-15. They have five chil- dren — Rosie E., Elmer Lee, Lillie A., Eddie W, and Minnie F. Mr. S. was a boy when there were but a few settlers here. He was raised to habits of indus- try and economy, and has practiced them through life. He first bought a farm in McLean Co., and lived on it until 1873, when he bought where he now lives ; he is engaged (juite exten- sively in feeding, buying and selling stock ; he is one of the enterprising men of the town ; has a fine farm, and sees that it is well cared for ; he is a capable business man, very popular as a local politician, and is now serving on his second year as Supervisor of the town- ship. STEPHENS, LEWIS, father of Wm., is one of the historic men of the county; he was born in Highland Co.. Ohio, in 1808, and came to Montgom- ery Township, this county, in 1832. He married Malinda Hougham, in Ohio ; they had eight children — Mai-y Ann, Samuel, Sarah Jane, Martha and Cary. Mary Ann, Martha and Samuel, are dead. Mr. S. died Aug. 13, 1873. Mrs. S. died in 1852. THERIO, JNO., farmer ; P. 0. Oak Grove. Therio, Edward, far. ; P. O. Oak Grove. Taylor, 0. L., far. ; P. 0. Oak Grove. WODRIG, LOUIS, farmer; P. 0. Oak Grove. Woolsey, G. W., farmer ; P. 0. Oak Grove. Wierman, C. F., farmer ; P. 0. Kappa. Woosley, Dillard, farmer ; P. 0. Oak Grove. Woolsey, Thomas, far. ; P. 0. Oak Grove. Williams, Philip, farmer ; P. 0. Hudson. Woosley, James, far. ; P. 0. Oak Grove. YODER, ABRAHAM Z., farmer; P. 0. Oak Grove. ZOOK, L. A¥., farmer; P. 0. Oak Grove. Zook, J. W., farmer; P. 0. Oak Grove. Biographies Received Too Late for Insertion in their Kespective Townships. METAMORA TOWNSHIP. SCHERTZ, PETER, dealer in lum ber, grain, live stock and manufacturer of Nesmith's Champion Grain Register ; was born in Worth Tp., Woodford Co., August 8, 1847. His father, Joseph Schertz, was one of the earliest settlers of the county ; Mr. S. was raised on the farm until he was 23 years old, when he came to Metamora and purchased the lumber and grain business of J. C. Kim- ball. He married in Dec, 1874 to Miss Mollie Rich ; born in Tazewell Co., 1854 ; they have one child — Jos. T., born March 17, 1877. Is a Rep. in politics, and Mennonite in religion. He is at present a member of the Town Board. SCHERTZ, CHRISTIAN H., farmer ; Sec. 5 ; P. 0. Metamora ; was born in Woodford Co., Nov. 22, 1844 ; when 21 years of age, rented 160 acres of land in Linn Tp. ; then in 1809, came to Metamora Tp. and bought the 200 acres known as the " Widow Gingerich farm." He married Miss Anna Gin- gerich in this township, March, 1869, who was born in Partridge Tp., August 22, 1845 : have three children — Alima, born Jan. 6, 1870 ; Lucinda, Nov. 5, 1872 ; Lena, Dec. 9, 1875. His father, John Schertz, died in Linn Tp., June 5, 1877. SMITH, JOHN T., retired farmer; Sec. 18 ; P. 0. Metamora ; was born in Germany, April 6, 1806 ; emigrated to America in August, 1830, locating in Laurel Hill, Pa. ; remaining three years, then to Cincinnati, Ohio, for two years, coming to 111. in 1835, and locating in what is now Worth Tp., Woodford Co., in Oct. of same year ; married Miss Anna M. Bettilon in Ohio, Sept., 1830, who was born in Germany, May 10, 1810; nine children living — John (married Lousia Dibel), Anna M. (now Mrs. Adam Kiel, of Tazewell Co.), Maria (now Mrs. Jacob Iwig, of Tazewell Co.), Elizabeth (now Mrs. Geo. Romiger of Metamora Tp.), Magdalena ( now Mrs. Adam Nuhn of Tazewell Co.), Peter (married Hannah Kraft), Andrew (mar- ried Terrise Buck), Isaac (married Barbara Olds), Thomas (married Clara Ricketts) ; lost one — Philip, died Sept., 1855. SPRING BAY TOWNSHIP. ROHMAN, JOHN, farmer ; P. 0. Spring Bay ; was born in Bavaria, Ger- many, April 22, 1823 ; emigrated to America in 1854, coming direct to Illi- nois and Worth Township, for six months, then to Spring Bay Township, purchasing first 80 acres. Married for his first wife Anna Hood, in Germany, April, 1847 ; she was born in Germany, in 1825, and died in Spring Bay, April, 1862 ; he married, second wife, Lizzie Nafziger, of Woodford County, in 1865; she was born in Worth Township, April 2, 1843; seven children by first TOO LATE BIOGRAPHIES. wife — Peter, Laurence, Anna (now Mrs. John Wombaclier, of Peoria) ; four deceased — Lizzie, John, Valentine and Catherine; four children by second mar- riage — Eva, Lizzie, John H., Charles. Mr. R. owns 120 acres in Spring Bay Township, 20 acres of timber in Worth and 80 acres in Linn Townships, house and lot of 3f acres, and twelve town lots in Sprinti' Bay. TERRY, PETER K., P 0. Spring Bay; born in Texas, June 1, 1848; parents removed to Nashville, Tenn, in 1849, his father dying of cholera on Red River ; his mother went from Ten- nessee to Alabama, and in 1855 came to Jacksonville, Morgan Co., 111.; when 12 years of age, Peter came to Spring Bay, Woodford County, and has ever since made it his home ; entered the army Dec. 24, 1863, enlisting in the 64th 111. Inf, Co. A, at Ottawa, 111., and was discharged July 18, 1865, at Chicago ; since coming out of the ser- vice has done farm work principally. Married Miss Achesh Covy in Partridge Tp., Aug. 17, 1871. She was born in Pennsylvania in 1851, and died in Spring Bay June 14, 1877, leaving one child— Nancy, born Sept. 20, 1872. Mr. T.'s father was born in Alabama in 1823. His mother was born in Tennes- see in 1821, and now resides at Fair- bury, Livingston Co., 111. One brother, Joel F., lives in Cottonwood Springs, Reno Co., Kansas. EL PASO TOWNSHIP. CHAPMAN, R. U., M. D., physi- cian ; P. 0. El Paso ; was born in Leesville, Carroll Co., 0., July 24, 1837 ; read medicine with Dr. R. C. Chapman and Dr. J. A. S. Goudy, of New Comerstown, 0., from 1857 to to 1861 ; attended lectures at Starling Medical College, Columbus, 0., in 1860. Practiced in Bakersville, 0., from 1861 to 1867 ; in New Romley, Harrison Co., 0., from 1867 to 1869 ; and from 1869 to the present time near El Paso, 111. Dr. C. passed a most thorough examination before the Boai'd of Health at their January meeting in Springfield. He is a very close student, and has the reputation of being a fine practitioner. He was an ofl5cer in the 24th Ohio Vol. Inf. in the rebellion. He com- menced his practice here in 1869 with very little means, but he has grown into a fine practice ; bought 80 acres of splendid land, has good buildings and improvements, and well married Jane M. Boyd, Co., 0., June 8, 1865. children — William B., Richard R., Eugene P. Kittie A. located. He of Coshocton They have six Campbell M., Flora B. and The following Biography was Inserted in Greene Township ; should have been in Panola. BONER, MARSHALL, farmer; P. 0. Panola. Independent. Has 200 acres of very fine land on Sec. 30, val- ued at S60 per acre. He was born in Jackson Co., Va., Jan. 10, 1852, and came to this county with his father, J. M. Boner, in 1853. He married Miss Ruah Williams, of Greene, Jan. 28, 1875. She was born in Cazenovia Sept. 19, 1852. They have two chil- dren — Bertha M., Archie, Earl. Mr. B. purchased the old Arnold farm, situ- ated near Panola, and moved on to it in Feb., 1875. This is one of the most beautiful places in this vicinity, and Mr. B. hopes to put on still more substan- tial improvements. He is a young man of energy, industry and integrity. With these qualifications he must and will succeed. ¥ar History Received Too Late for Insertion in its Proper Place. THE ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY- NINTH ILLINOIS INFANTRY. On the 2d day of March, 1864, Gen. U. S. Grant was chosen Commander-in-chief of the Armies of the United States. Congress re- vived the high ranli of Lieutenant General, and this was conferred upon him. A grand army of seven hundred thousand trained men was placed at his command. The line of battle ex- tended from Virginia to Texas. A plan for a vigorous campaign during the coming Summer and Fall was soon decided upon. All the avail- able forces were to be concentrated into two grand divisions. The first, under Gen. Meade, commanding the Army of the Potomac, was to advance against Richmond. The second, under Gen. Sherman, was to start from Chattanooga, Tennessee, and march upon Atlanta, Georgia, and thence to the sea. In order to guarantee the success of these two expeditions, it was found necessary to concentrate all the available forces. Still, many points were to be garri- soned in the rear of these advancing columns. And in order that the veteran soldiers might be released from garrison duty, the President issued a call for volunteers to serve for one hundred days. In response to this call, the One Hundred and Thirty-ninth Picgiment Illi- nois Volunteers was formed. It was mustered into the service at Peoria on the 1st day of June, 1864. Maj. Peter Davison, of Peoria, was unanimously chosen Colonel of the regi- ment. Only a few days were given to complete the minutije of organization. And, accord- ingly, on the 8th of .June, the regiment marched aboard the steamer "Schuyler," "bound for Dixie." Arriving at St. Louis on the 10th, we spent the night at Beuton Barracks, and the next day marched aboard the steamer Platte Valley, and proceeded on our way to the next point of destination, which was Columbus, Ky. Here we remained about a week, and then moved' back to Cairo as a garrison for that place. Here the regiment remained with but little to disturb the monotony of camp life until the middle of August. About the 1st of Au- gust, a guerilla party had captured some steam- boats a short distance above Paducah, and took from them several hundred cattle and horses. Gen. Payne, who was commanding the Depart- ment of Northern Kentucky, ordered Col. Davi- son to take four hundred of his men and go and take from the rebel farmers living in the counties adjoining the river where the capture was made as many cattle and horses as had been taken from the boats. Some of the stock was recaptured, and enough others taken as directed to make good the loss, Two or three of the ringleaders of the guerilla party were also captiired. After the return from this ex- pedition, the regiment remained at Cairo doing garrison duty until the 25th of September. It was then ordered to Peoria to be mustered out of the service. But the time had not come yet. Gen. Price with a large rebel force was march- ing toward St. Louis, and there were not enough troops to defend it that could be spared from other places. President Lincoln sent a dis- patch to Col. Davison requesting him to take his regiment and go at once to St. Louis. The President was aware the regiment had already served beyond the time for which it was en- listed. As soon as the circumstances were explained to the men, they were ready to go. For this prompt response, the President wrote a letter to the men of the regiment expressing his thanks and commending ihem for their patriotism. We soon arrived in St. Louis and pushed out in the direction of Franklin to meet Gen. Price. Whether it was because he heard that the One Hundred and Thirty-ninth was coming, or for some other cause, the writer never learned ; but so it was, that the rebel General soon de- cided it was to his advantage to move to the southern part of the State. We followed as fast as possible, but failed to catch him. Hav- ing driven him to a remote part of the State, we were again ordered to Peoria, where we were mustered out of the service on the 2.5th of October, 1864, having been in the service nearly five months. WAR HISTORY. THE ELEVENTH ILLINOIS CAVALRY. The Eleventh Illinois Cavalty was recruited at Camp Lyon, Peoria, 111., in the months of September, October and November, 1861, from Peoria, Fulton, Knox and Woodford Counties. Tazewell and Logan Counties furnished one company. The regiment was mustered into the service of the United States December 20, 1861 ; was kept under close discipline until about the '2d of February, 1862, when the reg- iment was ordered to Benton Barracks, Mis- souri, where the regiment continued drill and saber exercise till about the 20th of March, when it was ordered to report to Gen. Grant, at Pittsburg Landing, where the regiment ar- rived one week before the battle at Shiloh, at which battle the Eleventh took part ; and after the battle, was on the famous long march on Corinth. After the evacuation of that place, the Eleventh was stationed there for a short time, guarding the lines of railroads leading to that place. From there it was ordered to Jackson, Tenn., and put on same duty, till early in the Spring of 1863, when it was ordered to Grand Junction ; in Fall of 1863, was ordered to Vicksburg. The Eleventh was in active service from the time of landing at Pittsburg Landing, in the Spring of 1862, un- til mustered out of service. The principal battles in which this regiment was engaged were the battles of Shiloh, Corinth, luka, Lex- ington, Tenn ; Parker's Cross Roads, Tenn., and many small engagements with what were called bushwhackers. ERR, AT A.. John L. Atton, page 565, should read " John L. Patton." George Sommers, from Lorraine, France, settled here in 1836. His place is near the line of Spring Bay, and his history is given in that township. BUSINESS DIEECTORY. METAMORA. Bassett, P. M., County Clerk. Brown, W. P., Attorney at Law. Bos worth House, J P. Bosworth, Proprietor. Bailey, S. O., Black and White Smith. BriggS, p. p., Undertaker and Em- balmer. Electric Balm. Agent for Prof. Rhodes' CaSSell, W. J., Loan Agent and Note Broker. Chitty, Cassell & Gibson, Attor- neys at Law. Metamora and El Paso. EllwOOd, W. L., Attorney at Law and Police Magistrate. Ellis, Joseph M., Dealer in Hard- ware. Tinware, Stoves, etc. Egbert, S. W., Carpenter and Builder. PeilitZSCh, L. P., Attorney and Counselor at Law and Solicitor in Chancery. Garmon, Gish, Constable and Col- lector. Kinnear, A. H., Physician and Surgeon. Martin, Henry, Carpenter and Builder. Mangin, Emile, Saloon. Noirot Bros., Dealers in Hardware, Stoves, Tinware, Harness, Saddles, etc. Portman, Nicholas, Dealer in G-eneral Merchandi.«e. Page, J. W. & Co., Bankers and Dealers in Groceries. Page, AdinO, Justice of the Peace and (leneral Collectino' Agent. Page, S, S., Attorney at Law. Plank, Elijah, Attorney at Law. Reeder, Jacob H., Wagon and Car- riage Maker. Sommer, Jacob, Dealer in Agricul- tural Implements. SchertZ, Peter, Dealer in Lumber. Grain, etc., Manufacturer of Nesmith's Champion Grain Register. Tool, M., Proprietor Home Mill. Thode, Geo., Clerk of the Circuit Court. Wernert, Charles Th., Saloon. Woodford Sentinel, Geo. L. Harl, Editor and Publisher; J. C. Irving, Local Editor. Wikoff, Isaac, Banker, Bookseller, News Dealer, Druggist, etc. Walden, T. D., Druggist, Bookseller, News Dealer and Jeweler. Whitmire, J. W., & Co., Physicians and Surgeons. EUREKA. BriggS & Meek, Attorneys at Law and Solicitors in Chancery. Will practice in all courts in the State, ex- amine and perfect titles, collect debts, etc. n 662 BUSINESS DIRECTORY, Chritton, Robert B., "Eureka Steam Flour Mills ;" Merchaut and Custom Mills. Damerell, Henry, The Sign of the Big Red Boot, Boot and Shoe Store. Boots and Shoes of all sizes and quali- ties for Ladies, Misses and Children. Also, Slippers in great varieties ; as- sortment of the finest quality of French Calf Boots. A fit guaranteed or no sale. Call and see me before purchasing elsewhere. Remember the old stand, two doors north of Post Office. Eureka Journal, R- N. Radford, Editor and Proprietor. Eureka Hotel, A. Blair, Proprietor. The only hotel in Eureka. Accom- modations first class. Grood Sample Room for commercial men. Eureka College Messenger, a mouthl}^ periodical. Fisher. Editor. Prof A. S. King, Omar, Livery Stable. Keeps on hand good and first class Carriages i and Buggies and fine Stock. Half block west of Eureka Hotel. Magarity, J. M., Drug Store. West side of Public Square. The only first class Drug Store in the city where can be found Drugs, Medicines, Chemicals, Fancy and Toilet Articles, Soaps, Brushes, Sponges, Perfumery, etc., etc. Physicians' prescriptions carefully com- pounded, and orders answered with care and dispatch. Farmers and physi- cians from the country will find my stock of Medicines complete. War- ranted genuine and of the best buality. Murray, J. M., Grain Dealer. Powell, Jerry, Manager Livery Stable. The most elegant Carriages and Bujrgies and best Horses in the city, assisted by Mr. Henry Barney, who has had 16 years' experience in the livery business. South side of the Public Square, opposite Eureka Hotel. Vandike & Gift, Proprietors of the Orient Mills. The best brands, Orient A., Premium and New Process, Mer- chant and Custom Mills. EL PASO. BuSCh, C, Dealer in Flour and Feed. Bank of El Paso, Shur, Tompkins & Co. Chitty, Cassell & Gibson, Attor- neys at Law, El Paso and Metamora. Christ & Brown, Manufiicturers of Wagons and Carriages. Repairing of all kinds done promptly on short notice. West Side. Cable, D. S., Dealer in Hardware, Tin- ware, Stoves, &c. Particular attention given to Jobbing in Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper. West Front St., at Bur- lingim's old stand. Campbell House, Geo. H. Camp- bell, Proprietor. Trains stop at this hotel for meals. Cavan, A. M., Attorney at Law. Cassell, R. T., Attorney at Law. Cole, Frederick, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. El Paso Journal, Irving Carrier & H. R. Coleman, Editors. Ferrell, B. F. & Co., Dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. Gibson, Geo. L., Dealer in Real Estate. Gingerich, Daniel,iSaloon. Hoagland, C. S., Insurance Agent. Hoagland, W. K., Dealer in Agri- cultural Implements and Seeds. Harper, John T., Attorney at Law. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 663 Harper & Adams^ Real Estate and Loan Agents. Farms bought and sold. East Side. E!urz, Louis, Manufacturer and Dealer in Boots and Shoes. Jenkins & Evans, Dealers in Grain, Flour and Feed. McClelan, W. H., & Co., Dealers in Grain. McKinney, A. S., Dealer in Lumber, Lime, Hair, Cement, &c. Newton, S. S., Justice of the Peace. Neifing, Wm., Undertaker, Manu- facturer and Dealer in Saddles, Har- ness, &c., Front St. O'Brien & Co., Dealers in Farm Ma- chinery, &c. Rogers, S. T., & Co., Dealers in Drugs, Books, Stationery, Notions, Toys, Cigars, Tobacco, Newspapers, Sheet Music and Musical Merchandise. Riedel, Charles, Agent Cincinnati Lager Beer. Shur, C. P., & Co., Dealers in General Merchandise. Sweet & BarfOOt, Meat Market, East and West Front sts. Servan, J. H., Dealer in Pianos, Or- gans and Musical Merchandise. Strathmann, Aug., Dealer in all kinds of Furniture. Latest styles of Parlor Suites, Chamber Sets, Dining Room and Kitchen Furniture always on hand. Also a large stock of Trunks and Valises. Undertaking a Specialty. Orders solicited and prompt- ly jSUed. Rooms on East and West Sides. Schafer, C, Dealer in General Mer- chandise. Woodford County Co-opera- tive Association, Dealers in Groceries, Seeds, Agricultural Ma- chinery. Shippers of Grain, &c. C. J. Hitch, Business Manager. Willis, W. R., Attorney at Law. Young, Geo. M., Freight and Ticket Agent Illinois Central R. R., Toledo, Peoria & Warsaw R. R., National Line and Star Union Line. MINONK. Bell, J. E. P., Justice of the Peace and Insurance Agent. Bell, John A., General Agent Wilson Sewing Machine ; also Dealer in Pianos and Organs. Barnett & Pielstick, Dealers in Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, Notions, Groceries, Produce and Flour. Brown & Wylie, Grain Dealers and Shippers. Clarke, Thomas P., Proprietor of the City Express and Passenger Trans- fer Co. Prompt attention given to the transfer of Passengers, Baggage, Freight and Team Work generally. Also Agent of the American Express Company, and Telegraph Agent. Christians, H. A., Dealer in all kinds of Agriculturel Implements, Seeds, etc. Delmonico Restaurant and Hotel, Hot Meals at all hours ; Con- fectionery, Fresh Oysters, Choice Brands of Cigars kept constantly on hand. John McKeever, Prop, (suc- cessor to 0. S. Lee). DobSOn, Charles, & Co., Proprie- tors Minonk Mills and Dealers in Flour, Meal, Buckwheat, Graham, Rye Flour and all kinds of Mill Feed. Cash paid for Wheat. DobSOn, F. P., Civil Engineer, Sioux Falls, Dakota, is prepared to locate Claims,' do all kinds of Surveying, Platting and Mapping. Roads, Rail- roads and Bridges a specialty. Office in Post Office Building. 664 BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Perrin, H. K,, Justice of the Peace, Notary Public, Collection and Fire In- surance Agent. All business intrusted to my care will receive prompt atten- tion. Fort, J. M., Attorney at Law, Notary Public and Dealer in Real Estate. Editor and Proprietor of Minonk Blade, and Publisher of Dana Herald, Ransom Times, Benson Argus, Rvt- land Post and Roanoke News. Gilbert, J. W., Dealer in Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Notions, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, etc. Goodrich & Newton, Dealers in Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Pickets, Posts, Sash, Doors and Blinds, Mouldings, Hair, Lime, Cement, Stone, Sand, etc. Office, opposite I. C. R. R. Depot. All Dressed Lumber kept constantly cov- ered in good sheds. Kipp & Gordon, Dealers in Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings, Lime, Sand, Cement, Stuc- co, Plastering Hair and Drain Tile. Eoethen, G., dealer in Books, News- papers, Stationery, Music and Musical Instruments, Paper Hangings, Paper and Paper Stock. In Opera House. McCarty, M., Physician and Surgeon. Morris & Sipple, Carpenters and Builders. Cabinet Work a specialty. Dealers in all kinds of Lumber. Spec- ifications furnished on application. Office shop, west of Smith's livery stable. Dealers in Paints of all kinds. Newell, M. L., Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Preisinger & Gay, Biacksmithing and Wagon Making. All work. Re- pairing, etc., done on short notice. Pope, Benjamin, Meat Market. Sabin, R. W., Attorney and Counselor at Law. Simpson, W. C, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Simpson & Kidder, Dealers in Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Crockery, Glassware and Groceries. Ladies' Fine Shoes a spe- cialty. Taylor, William J., Livery and Feed Stable. Also Importer and Breeder of fine Horses. Van Pelt, C. J., Agent for the Illinois Central R. R. at Minonk. Von Nordheim, Ed., Dealer in all kinds of Clothing, Dry Goods, Gro- ceries, Boots and Shoes, etc. Webber House, R- L. Hamilton, Proprietor ; east side Illinois Central Depot. Good Sample Rooms for Com- mercial Travelers. Webber Bros. & Miller, Dealers in AgTicultural Implements, Stoves, Hardware, Tinware, Wagons and Car- riages. Warren, G. S., Grain Dealer. Grain and Live Stock at Bennett, Neb. Wilcox, E. A., Physician and Sur- geon. ROANOKE. Barney, Hiram, Real Estate ; Prop- erty for sale and exchange. PrantZ, John, Dealer in General Mer- chandise. Pays highest prices for alj kinds Country Produce. Hollenback & Ricky, Grain Buy- ers. Elevator. Hatcher & Jeter, Dealers in Hard- ware, Stoves, Tinware and Agricultural Implements. Mock, M. L., Real Estate, Insurance, Justice of the Peace and Notary. Represents New York and Continental Life, Etna, Hartford, Phoenix, etc. ; also Negotiates Loans. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. 665 Snider, Isaac, Grist and Flouring- mil Stoddard, A. D., Carpenter and Builder. PANOLA. Hodgson, Edwin, Breeder and Dealer in fine Norman and Clydesdale Horses. Two miles north of El Paso, 111. Hodgson, Levi, Importer and Breeder of Norman Horses. Imported and Grade ; Horses for sale, also Poland-China Hogs. One mile east of Panola, 111. Myers, O. P. A., Dealer Feeder and Shipper of Stock and Hogs. Miller, J. B., Dealer in Cattle and Hogs, with A. H. Brubaker. Patton, John L., two miles west of Panola, 111., Breeder and Dealer in as pure Poland-China Hogs as can be found in the State, and also in Short Horned Cattle. Raymann, Louis, Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds of Harness, Saddles, etc. Repairing of all kinds done in the neatest manner. Schweizer, John, Dealer in Grro- ceries. Provisions, Corn and all kinds of Produce. Saltsman, Henry, has kept Hotel and Boarding House since 185G, and does the Livery business of the town. SwartZ, Joseph B., Breeder and Dealer of Norman Horses and Fine Stock. Stephenson, C. M., Secretary and Agent of the County Mutual Insur- ance Association. The farmers' own society. Residence two miles north ofSecor. P. 0. Secor. Sheen, Peter, Dealer and Breeder of fine Farm and Carriage Horses. SPRING BAY. Eichhorn, Peter, Proprietor Brew- ery. Ege, John, Carpenter and Dealer in Lumber. Friedrich, Ernst, Miller. Koempel, Jacob, Manufacturer and Dealer in Boots and Shoes. Repair- ing neatly done. Scheerer, Casper, Wagon Maker. Williams, L., Grain Buyer. Zeller, J., Physician and Surgeon. CRUCER. Harlan, J. N., Grain and Stock Dealer. Schreiber, F. J., Dealer in Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware, etc. KAPPA. Jaynes, James, Dealer in Grain. Lallmann, George, Dealer in Gen- eral Merchandise. BENSON. Abrahams & Zinser, Dealers in Hardware, Stoves and Farm Imple- ments, Seeds, &c. Manufacturers of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware. Austman, L. A., Physician and Sur- geon. AvaS, John, Breeder of Fine Horses. Norman and Belgian a Specialty. Res- idence, Section 36, Clayton Township.. P. 0. Benson. Brubaker, A. H., Buys, Sells and Ships Corn, Hogs and Cattle. Cavan, O. A., Proprietor of Hotel and Livery. Cavan Brothers, Dealers in all kinds of Grain, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Hair, Lime and Cement. Also Vermilion Coal by the Ton or Carload. 666 BUSINESS DIRECTORY, Pritze, George & Co., Dealers in Grain, Lumber, Coal and Agricultural Implements. Heinke, Henry, Jr., Proprietor of the Farmers' Home Billiard Hall and Sample Room. Also Agent for the Peoria German Demokrat. Brick Block. Learned, F. D., Dealer in Drugs, Paints, Oils, Groceries, School and Miscellaneous Books, Wall Paper, No- tions. Physicians' Prescriptions care- fully prepared. Justice of the Peace, Notary Public and Insurance Agent. Henne, J. B., Justice of the Peace and Notary Public, Real Estate, Collecting and General Insurance Agent. Also Dealer in Farm Implements and Stone Coal. Also General Auctioneer. Slemmons, D. McI., Physician and Surgeon. Zinser, B. F., Agent for the Conti- nental Ptre Insurance Co., of N. Y. Assets over$ 3,000,000. Surplus nearly $1,000,000. Wineteer, R, F., Live Stock Dealer and Feeder. Flowing Well Farm, three miles west of Minonk, Woodford County, Illinois. WORTH. Bauer, Peter, Dealer in Groceries, Notions and Small Wares. Sec. 21. Alig, Peter, Proprietor of Union House. Sec. 27. Trapp, P. Frank, Proprietor of the "Germantown House." Sec. 29. LOW POINT. Drennen, David, Dealer in Agricul- tural Iniplenients. All kinds of First Class Farm Machinery for sale. Pinkerton, Oscar, Tile Manufac- turer. The best quality of Assorted Sizes of Tile constantly on hand and for sale. Established in 1878. Dodds, John E., Dealer in Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware, Queensware, Ready Made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Drugs and Medicines. Country Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Marion Patton, Business Manager and Salesman. Ellsworth, L. H., Wagon Maker and Blacksmith. Machinery, Guns, Pistols and Clocks repaired. Piper, James, Grain and Live Stock Buyer. Lumber and Coal for sale. Drennen, Thomas, Notary Public, Insurance and Collection Agent. Col- lections given prompt and careful atten- tion, and proceeds remitted promptly. Gardner, JairUS, Brick Manufac- turer. Yard four miles west of Low Point, on Chillicothe road. A good quality of Brick constantly on hand and for sale. Residence at Low Point. CAZENOVIA. Amsler, Samuel, Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Hardware, Queensware and Drugs. The highest market price paid for Country Produce. Perry, Paul J, (Postmaster), Harness Maker and Breeder of Fine Poultry. WASHBURN. Bruce, S. C, Editor and Proprietor of Washburn News. Job Work neatly done. Aicher, Benedickt, Proprietor of Central House. Also, Dealer in Gro- ceries. The Central House is located a short distance from the depot, with clean, airy rooms, and will be found a lileusant resort for travelers. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, 667 Rockhill, C, & Co., Dealers in Gro- ceries and Queensware. Good assort- ment always on hand. Pelz, Reinhold, Harness Maker, Manufacturer and Dealer in Saddles and Harness, Collars, Blankets, Whips, Cur- ry Combs, Brushes, Fly Nets, etc. Jones, S. v.. Lawyer, Insurance and Collection Agent. Hutchison, Joseph A., Blacksmith and Wagon Maker. lunker, August, Miller. Custom Work done to order. Flour and Meal for sale. Black, J. M., & Co., Dealers in Lum- ber, Lath, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Lime and Cement, Builders' Hardware, Nails, etc. Live Stock bought. Pelz, Herman J., Druggist and Apothecary. Also, Dealer in all kinds of Books and Stationery, Paints, Oils, Brushes, etc., etc. Also, Proprietor of the following Standard Preparations : The American Cough Syrup, The Amer- ican Standard Stomach Bitters, The American Standard Blood and Liver Pills, The American Standard Liniment, The American Standard Gin. Washburn Bank of Frank N. Ire- land ; receives Deposits, makes Collec- lections, loans Money, sells Ocean Pas- saire Tickets, Sight Drafts on the Princi- pal Cities of the United States and Eu- rope. General Insurance Agency. Black's Hall, in Black's brick block. Seating capacity, 500. Terms reason- able. John M. Black, Proprietor. Ehringer & Eichhorn, Manufac- turers and Dealers in Furniture of all kinds. Also, Coffins, Caskets, and everything in the Undertaker's line, including an elegant Hearse for funeral purposes. Established June, 1878. McCuUoch, S. W., Grain Buyer and Dealer in Coal. MISCELLANEOUS. Chapman, R. U., Dr., Physician and Surgeon ; home and office on his farm, three miles west of Kappa, El Paso Tp. Cole, Warren, Manufacturer of Creamery, Butter, and full Cream Cheese ; Sec. 36 ; Clayton Township, Woodford, 111. Ramey, G. W., Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Hardware, and in fact most articles kept in country stores. Country produce taken in exchange for goods. Store located at Ramey- ville, on the river road three milse east of Chillicothe. Tribbey, P. L., Dr., Physician and Surgeon ; Secor. Wallace, John, Stock Dealer, very extensively for many years. Wash- burn, 111. 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All other Property not othewise Listed. S ^ a ■ C qQ ^ «- c '5 S Household and Office Furniture. ° C 5*0 Mb o w M a s ^'c o £ £ -d P. a -°i o 2 t. o t, o 2 S Credits other thanofBa'k, Banker, etc. Money other than of Ba'k, Banker, etc. r: r- t^ '-^ 35 ao o CO c; "JO GO CO CO tM 1" lO t t-aic^o-i'tDiooo o^t-Tj^c^ooito^ r-oox):oiOcoio35Cit~-r't-a5t-^jO' I— I iH I— I I— ( iH i-H 9» u:)OO'MO»0Cii-t"<*,_-i— iC^if5fMrH»ncO'Mi-HX)00:iOO -^-^u^CCr-(r-l(MaiOCO«t-iOOCO?5'M 4iO O OS 00 »oeo 00 o CO o ■^'XOiC'^'-'OOCOOr- ci-^or-cotMiO-^'-Doco r- 1 rO n ^ "^ O t- "M Ol C-l Tt^ M fH iH r-t lO 0^ o O 'O lO o lO fM t- O -n ."M CO CQ^ o — • ^ p 'g CM Ul TO L, SP9 "1-5 o SoM ^ p pq o 0*0 c >1§ Agricultural Tools and Machinery. t- lO o o t- 00 CO o C3 00 CD CO M X 00 >0 I— I f— I o - CC CO O 1- "cc'^cox'fxcoco'^cr— I--CD05 t^'^?0r-ir^a0C-1^COQ^»OCr)'^(NOl - 3 * -C 2 ^ o o o E-i ^ .S c8 S5 o «» (N<3i :iOO ;t— ;00 CO OCO .l-iiO 'O .O-N CO 00 M : r^ IM : >1 : rH o a-g ce c IS ■t- ee o c -^ Jr o o GTO PERSONAL PROPERTY. ITEMIS. Horses of all ages ' 11009 Cattle of all ages 17992 Mules and Asses of all ages | 450 Sheep of all ages \ " 3977 Ilogs of all ages j 45301 Steam Engines, including Boilers Fire or Burglar-l'roof Safes Billiard, Pigeon Hole. Bagatelle, or other similar Tables Carriages and Wagons of whatsoever kind Watches and Clocks Sewing or Knitting Machines Pian Fort es Melodeons and Organs Annuities and Royalties Merchanilise on hand Material and Manufactured Articles on hand Manufacturers' Tools, Implements and Machinery (other than Engines and Boilers) Agricultural Tools, Implements and Machinery Gold and Silver Plate and Plated Ware Diamonds and Jewelry Moneys of Bank, Banker, Broker or Stock Jobber Credits of Bank, Banker, Broker or Stockjobber Moneys of other than Bank, Banker, Broker or Stock Jobber Credits of other than Bank, Banker, Broker or Stock Jobber Bonds and Stocks Property of Companies and Corporations other than hereinbefore enumerated Property of Saloons and Eating Houses Household or Office Furniture and Property Investments in Real Estate ami Improvements thereon All other Personal Property required to be listed Assessed Val. Total value of Personal Property., $361018 224152 16349 5100 102739 775 2855 693 87238 9342 28379 6184 11067 512 196823 3033 88238 335 110 12030 9147 159594 222350 100 390 2907 110695 11381 131734 $1808578 LANDS. No. of Acres. Av. Val. Per Acre. roved Lands 273789 62786 $18 52 5 24 5070618 nproved Lands 328965 Total Value of Lands $5399583 TOWN AND CITY LOTS. No. of Lots. 1 Average "Value. Improved Town and City Lots 4162 $159 53 2336 12 43 $668963 29036 Unimproved Town and City Lots Total Value of Town and City Lots $692999 PBOPERTT BELONGING TO RAILKOADS. Lands other than "Railroad Track" 17.17 acres Personal Property other than " Rolling Stock " Total Value of all Property as assessed. $155 230 $7901545 Acres of Wheat 9301 Acres of Corn 125429 Acres of Oats 32739 Acres of Meadow 25705 Acres of other Field Products. Acres of Inclosed Pasture Aci'es of Orchard Acres of Wood Land . 7374 .40369 . 2970 .63243