^ c Tribute to the Uf/others of Tkliant Sons to whom these Stars belong and the Glory of them THR.EE STARS One Star differeth from Another Star in Glory ' SONG Vords by CHARLES KNAP Music by MKS. DAVID ALLEN CAMPBELL i > Price SO cents HIGH VOICE LOW VOICE MUSICAL MONITOR PUBLISHING CO. 1-425 BROADWAY N.Y Three Stars V .taa by * IARLES KNAP. Music by Mrs. DAVID ALLEN CAMPBELL With spirit and dignity. Piano. vt fr jl ^ ~zr m i i } jy ■f g ♦~3 — — ~ J '1 =E= -^r~ : ?=3F Z &E 3T * Blue star of val - or glow - ing 2 . Bright star of si! - ver shir, ing 3 . 0 star of g-old! Im mor - tal! \P On ser-vice flag of white. In fire of bat - tie tried. 0. sac - ri - fice su - preme! mm H * ™f\ m i mmm -p- W- -4s ■ £ -o~ You mark a he - ro's The dross of life re ■ You shine thro’ Heav-en’s go ■ ing Tq fight the fight for right, fin - ing By act - ion glo - ri - fied. por - tal With star of Bet - le - hem. i=£!s i £ if w~* n? w £ 2= IE I 2> - d r--i £ i PP£ ^5 r — r Blue star of val - or glow - ing On Bright star of sil - ver shin - ing In 0 star of gold! Im mor - tal! 0, ser-vice flag of white, fire of bat “ tie tried, sac - ri - fice su - preme! You The You m m m iff* i f -v~ m P i rtz. % 4 Copyright MCMXVZII by Mr t. David Allen Campbell . Published by Musical Monitor Publishing Co. New York. It* - c.L q 1&4 .4 t $ f Lf : \ p.p jf- f-p-U--^^ f if-, f i p H rs >» n r a mark a he - ro’s go - ing To fight the fight for right t*o fightthe fight for dross of life re - fin - ing By act -ion glo - ri - fied hy act -ion glo - ri shine thro’ Heav- en’s por - tal With star of Beth- le - hem with star of Beth-le F right . fied. hem. /T\ - ¥ -tf- / ff yx p' gJ> /TS > O - P Refrain to l 8t Verse. J± ^ \ e'<) -J Jr Jl i T#amp, tramp, tramp the hoys are march - ing, Cheer up, Al-lies o - ver i Tf m m f .V : i, c * 4 « * 4 i~a=~i=i v — w Refrain to 2 S L < 1 Verse. itl att=g: IlB \)45?Vi5, ** ty Of vA^5 ill "* 1 1 $$$l *^T3s^ ^QJTJjI &** 01*088 fjb.0 808 ^ With a ~4~ i .1.— l,w ' , *^*■• w, *-'•*'»" -- ^ wr» ~. »r P Three 3t*ra. i Three Stars. 4 THE NATIONAL COMMUNITY SONG BOOK TWENTY SONGS Carefully selected and approved by the National Federation of Music Clubs. Price, 15 cents. In quantities of 100 or more, 10 cents. Carriage prepaid. THE MUSICAL MONITOR PUBLISHING CO., 1425 Broadway, New York