w y omasnr of auras unur Hbtate formal £i>d)ool MAYVILLE, NORTH DAKOTA 'l QUARTERLY BULLETIN NEW SERIES SEPTEMBER 1918 NO. 3 A CITY PARK SCENE MAYVILLE AND VICINITY THE MAIN BUILDING AND THE DORMITORIES A SURGICAL DRESSINGS CLASS ANNOUNCEMENTS THE FALL TERM BEGINS TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1918 Published in March, June, September, and December by the State Normal School at Mayville, N. D., and entered at the Mayville Postoffice November 15, 1912, as second-class matter under act of August 24, 1915- . "g 'o £ S g ^ o +-* ±; a £ ° s 5 -p^ as C* > >, d 'S b$ s s jj « u .-H co .t: ^ ^ : —i as d "Sun! : u ; i . - >^ as jd d ^ W) Sh3 a o ^ a 3 ^ aS a * u £ Q-i (L^ ctf patriotic response which all give to every request tor help is, a s t presen 3 0112 105658824 ANNOUNCEMENTS The coming school year will open on Tuesday, October 1. Courses of study, leading to teachets’ certificates, are offered for both eighth-grade and high school grad- uates. The new rural course for eighth-grade graduates and the “advanced” year’s work required of the normal school’s elementary graduates for the standard diploma are given special attention. High school under-graduates can sometimes transfer to the normal school and save time and money. Graduates of the normal school are in great demand and go out at $65.00 to $85.00 per month as teachers and at $85.00 to $125.00 per month as principals. The normal school now offers opportunity for the incidental study of piano, voice, and violin. A fine entertainment course is offered free. There are many opportunities for social contact and culture. Boarding and rooming accommodations are excellent for both young women and young men. An attractive catalogue giving a detailed description of the normal school and its work may be obtained by writing to THOS. A. HILLYER, President Mayville, N. D.