FOURTH EDITION, REVISED ST. LOUIS ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY 1916 A LIST OF BOOKS TO BUY FOR ADULTS BOOKS TO BUY FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS. FOR ADULT READERS. This list has been prepared to aid in the purchase of books for Christmas gifts. Careful attention has been given to the selection of subjects and editions in order that the home book may be beautiful and invite to re-reading. Copies of the books listed may be seen at the Central Library. They may be ordered from the local book dealers or direct from the publishers. FOR THOSE WHO ENJOY BIOGRAPHIES. Austin, Mrs. M. (H.) The man Jesus; a brief account of the life and teaching of the Prophet of Nazareth. N. Y., Harper, [1915.] $1.20. 232 Bradford, G., jr. Lee the American. Bost., Houghton, 1912. $2.50. 97b Bradford,G. Union portraits. Bost., Houghton, 1916.) 1:50. 923 Very live sketches of McClellan, Hooker, Meade, Thomas, Sherman, Stanton, Seward, Sumner and Bowles. Ford, H. J. Woodrow Wilson, the man and his work. N. Y., Appleton, 1916. $1.50. 97b Hamilton, C. On the trail of Stevenson; with pictures from drawings by Walter Hale. Garden City, Doubleday, Page, 1915. $3.00. 823 Meredith, G. Letters; col. and ed. by his son. N. Y., Scribner, 1912. 2v. (Works. v. 28- 29.) $4.00. 97b Muir, J. Story of my boyhood and youth. Bost., Houghton, 1913. $2.00. 97b Absorbingly interesting autobiography, from his strenu- ous boyhood in Scotland and early manhood in the north- west to the sunny later years in his beloved California. Powell, E. A. Gentlemen rovers. N. Y., Scribner, 1913. $1.50. 973 As readable as a novel is the relation of the deeds of “this company of brave soldiers and gallant gentlemen who so stoutly upheld American prestige and American traditions in many far corners of the world.’’ Rolland, R. Life of Michael Angelo; tr. from the French by F. Lees. N. Y., Dutton, 1913. $2.00. 97b Has the double appeal of being a wonderful subject wonderfully treated. : Rolland, R. Musicians of to-day; tr. by M. Blaiklock. N. Y., Holt, 1914. $1.25. 780.4 Penetrating and discriminating essays on modern com- posers. Thayer, W. R. The life and letters of John Hay. Bost., Houghton, [1915.] 2 v. $5.00. 97b Trudeau, E. L. An autobiography. N. Y., Doubleday, Page, 1916. $2.00. 97b FOR READERS OF HISTORY. Adams, E. D. The power of ideals in American history. New Haven, Yale Univ. Press, 1913. (Yale lectures on the responsibilities of citizen- ship.) $1.15. 973 Addresses will be furnished upon application at the Library. Bancroft, H. H. History of Mexico. N. Y., Bancroft Co., 1914. $2.00. 972 Stands practically alone as a comprehensive, popular history of Mexico from primitive times, written in clear and forcible English.— Review of Reviews. Batiffol, L. The century of the Renaissance; tr. fr. the French by E. F. Buckley. (The national history of France.) N. Y., Putnam, 1916. $2.50. 944.02 Crowned by the Académie des Sciences ‘Morales et Politique. Eminently readable history of an interesting period in France. Becker, C. L. Beginnings of the American people. Bost., Houghton, [cl1915.] $1.25. (Riverside history of the U.S. v.1.) 973.2 By an author gifted alike with historical insight and with literary style. The story of the Colonial period from an original point of view. A brilliant essay on American history rather than a detailed narrative. ted Pee O's. Champney, Mrs. Romance of Roman villas, The Renaissance. N. Y., Putnam, 1909. $3.50. 945 Dodd, W. E. Expansion and conflict. Bost., Houghton, 1915. (Riverside history of the LE Mine Mires ty OT cara ea 973 An original study of a complicated period, by a historian who is able to view his own South with a sort of detached sympathy. Fish, C. R. American diplomacy. N. Y., Holt, 1S1D nape. tO; 327 Presents the story of American diplomacy, not as a series of episodes, but as a continuous development from Franklin to the present time. Gibbons, H. A. Paris reborn; a study in civic psychology. N. Y., Century Co., 1915. $2.00. 940.91 Gutierrez de Lara, L., and Pinchon, E. The Mexican people; their struggle for freedom. Garden City, Doubleday, 1914. $1.50. 972 A view of Mexico’s difficulties and Mexico’s hope entirely new to the average citizen of the s) these Mexican Socialists regard the Conquest as “the subjugation of a highly intelligent and artistic, unwarlike people by a brutal and militaristic race—Paul W. Brown. Hart, A. B. The Monroe Doctrine; an interpre- tation. Bost., Little Brown, 1916. $1.75. 327 Gives . . the interpretations put upon it by different presidents, the attitude assumed towards it by other nations, and the comments made upon it by foreign statesmen. It is a vital book at the present time. —Walter B. Douglas. Johnson, A. Union and democracy. Bost., Houghton, 1915. Male history of the USO 0 bo epee 973 A concise and reliable ee of the United States during the period of national organization BOOKS TO BUY FOR ADULTS Lang, A. Historical mysteries. N. Y., Long- mans, 1904. $2.50 net. 904 Mr. Lang takes up in these essays fourteen historical cases which are still unsolved mysteries, and discusses them with his accustomed cleverness and readability. The cardinal’s necklace., The mystery of Kaspar Hauser, The Campden mystery, and all the others, have a perennial interest. Lippmann, W. The stakes of diplomacy. N. Y., Holt, 1915. $1.27. 327 Loon, H. W. van. The fall of the Dutch Republic. Bost., Houghton, 1913. $3.00. 949.2 An unusual combination of solid history written in a most humorous and whimsical style. Paxson, F. L. The new nation. Bost., Hough- ton, 1915. $1.25. (Riverside history of the HS. Vv. 4.) 973.8 _A summary view of the history of the United States since the Civil War with especial emphasis on the north- west and its influence upon national ideals. Robinson, J. H. Medizval and modern times; an introd. to the history of western Europe, from the dissolution of the Roman Empire to 1914. Bost., Ginn, [cl1916.] $1.60. 940 __Very useful compendium containing many interesting illustrations. Tardieu, A. P. G. A. France and the alliances; the struggle for the balance of power. N. Y., Macmillan, 1908. $1.50. 944.08 The substance of a course of lectures delivered under the auspices of the French Circle of Harvard University. It summarizes in brief form the events which led to the existing European alliances. FOR PHILOSOPHERS. Bjorkman, E. sun? N. Y., Kennerley, 1911. Is there anything new under the $1.25. 111 Bruce, H. A. B. Psychology and parenthood. N. Y., Dodd, Mead, 1915. $1.25. 150 Carver, T. N. Essays in social justice. Cam- bridge, Harvard Univ. Press., 1915. $2.00. 304 Cooley, C. H. Social organization; a study of the larger mind. N. Y., Scribner, 1912. $1.50. 301 Dodson, G. R. Bergson and the modern spirit. Bost., Amer. Unitarian Assoc., $1.35. 194 Eucken, R. Present day ethics in their relations to the spiritual life. N. Y., Putnam, 1913. (Deems lectures. 1913.) $1.00. 171 The author leads us away from the changing values of social codes of morality into the spiritual domain of private motives, the lasting ethical residuum. For the general reader of intelligence—A. D. Hoefiding, H. Modern philosophers; tr. by A. C. Mason. N. Y., Macmillan, 1915. $1.40 190 Lectures delivered at the University of Copenhagen in 1902, and also a course of lectures on Bergson delivered in 1913. 3 James, W. The will to believe; and other essays in popular philosophy. N. Y., Longmans, 1908. $2.00. 2 James’s philosophy of life was indeed, in its ethical aspects, an expression of the better spirit of our people. He understood, he shared, and he also transcended the American spirit. And just that is what most marks him as our national philosopher. And if you want to estimate his philosophy of life in its best form, you must read or re-read the essays contained in the volume entitled ‘““The will to believe.”’—Josiah Royce. Key, E. The renaissance of motherhood; tr. fr. the Swedish by A. E. B. Fries. N. Y., Putnam, 1914, $1.25. 396 [Her] handling of the theme seems fresh and whole- some, and it would be difficult to find a more eloquent defence of the traditional family ideal.— Nation. Parker, G. H. Biology and social problems. Bost., Houghton, 1914. $1.10. 570.4 Clear, logical and scholarly ... considers the biological facts concerning the nervous system, reproduction and evolution, and the use and relation of these facts in social control and policy. One of the best books of its kind for the general reader.—A. L. A. Bklist. Riley, W. American thought, from Puritanism to Pragmatism. N. Y., Holt, 1915. $1.50. 191 The first five chapters condense his earlier ‘American philosophy: The early schools,’ and the remainder of the book is a sequel thereto, ending “triumphantly in pragmatism—a typical American philosophy.’’—A. D. Ritter, W. E. War, science and civilization. Bost., Sherman, French, 1915. $1.00. 901.5 Rolland, R. Above the battle; tr. by C. K. Ogden. Chic., Open Court, 1916: $1.00. 940.91 M. Rolland is one of the many who believe, though their voice for the moment may be silenced, that the spiritual forces that are important and ought to prevail are the international ones; that co-operation, not war, is the right destiny of nations.—G. L. Dickinson. Russell, B. Justice in war-time. Chic., Open Court Pub. Co., 1916. $ .50. 172.4 Spargo, J. Marxian socialism and religion. N= Y.;, Huebsch. 1915: 5 $1.00: 335 Titchener, E. B. A_ beginner’s psychology. N. Y., Macmillan, 1915. $1.00 150 Of extraordinary value for those who really wish to distinguish between fact and fable in _ psychology. —Geo. R. Dodson. Trotter, W. Instincts of the herd in peace and war. N. Y., Macmillan, 1916. $1.25. 150 A delightful study of the psychology of nations, with the latter part devoted especially to Germany and England. As readable as a novel. FOR THE STUDENT OF PEOPLES AND POLITICS. Burgess, J. W. Reconciliation of government with liberty. N. Y., Scribner, 1915. $2.50. 321 A unique critical analysis of all present and past govern- ments in the light of the relation of individual rights to governmental control. A most illuminating interpretation of the political systems of history on a major theme which makes comparisons vivid and telling.—R. B. 4 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY Burke, E. Reflections on the French Revolu- tion. Everyman’s Library. $0.50. There is scarcely another book of modern times so full A political wisdom as Burke’s Reflections.—Paul Elmer ore. Dickinson, G. L. The European anarchy. N. Y., Macmillan, 1916. $1.00. 940.9 A clear, logical and dispassionate survey of European politics, written with the author’s accustomed charm of style. An argument for an international League to Enforce Peace. Fullerton, G. S. Germany of to-day. apolis, Bobbs-Merrill, [c1915.] $1.00. The author, first American Exchange Professor to Austria, dedicates his book to those ‘‘who work for the cause of international conciliation.’”’ Pro-German in tone. Gladden, W. The forks of the road. N. Y., Macmillan, 1916. $ .50. 172.4 Received the prize offered by the Church Peace Union for the best essay on War and peace. Haworth, P. L. American in ferment. Indian- apolis, Bobbs-Merrill Co., [c1915.] $1.50. 304 A very readable discussion of the chief economic, political, and social problems of the day. Hobson, J. A. Work and wealth; a human valuation. N. Y., Macmillan, 1914. $2.00. 330 No person who is seriously concerned with the great economic problems of the day can afford to ignore Mr. Hobson’s analysis, unless, indeed, he has already gone thru the process himself.—ZJnd. Lebon, G. The crowd; a study of the popular mind. Lond., Unwin, [cl913.] $1.50. 29 There is an American ed. pub. by Macmillan. The classic work on the problem of the substitution of the unconscious action of crowds for the conscious and reasonable activity of individuals. Lippmann, W. Drift and mastery; an attempt to diagnose the current unrest. N. Y., Ken- nerley, 1914. $1.50. 304 A fascinating compendium of all the best and soundest in radical thought welded into definite conceptual form.— . E. S., in Boston Transcript. Macdonald, J. A. Democracy and the nations; a Canadian view. N. Y., Doran, [cl1915.] $1.35. 321.4 More, P. E. Aristocracy and justice. Bost., Indian- 914.3 Houghton, 1915. $1.25. 814 (Shelburne essays. 9th ser.) Nearing,S. Income. N. Y., Macmillan, 1915. $1.25. 331 He distinguishes between income as a return for services and income as a return for property ownership. His purpose is to determine, by investigation into certain manufacturing industries, railroads and other corporations, the ratio of the one to the other.—Bk. Rev. Dig. Oppenheimer, F. The state; its history and development viewed sociologically. Ind., Bobbs-Merrill, 1914. $1.25. 3290 An able study of important phases of political evolution. Concludes that the future progress of nations will be in the direction pointed out by a liberal socialism. Orth, S. P. The imperial impulse; background studies of Belgium, England, France, Ger- many, Russia. N. Y., Century Co., 1916. $1.20. 914 Plato. The Republic; tr. by B. Jowett. 3d ed. Oxf. Univ. Press, 1908. 2v. $1.00. 2 Rose, J. H. Nationality in modern history. N. Y., Macmillan, 1916. $1.25. 901 Sarolea, C. Great Russia; her promise and achievement. N. Y., Knopf, 1916. $1.25. 914.7 A short, readable, rather paradoxical view of Russia and philosophy of Russian history. Taft, W. H. Our chief magistrate and his powers. N. Y., Columbia Univ. Press, 1916. $1.50. (Columbia Univ. lectures, 1915/16.) 353 Wilson, W. The president of the U.S. N. Y., Harper, 1916. $ .50. 353 Republished from President Wilson’s Constitutional government in the U. S., which was published in 1908, while he was still at the head of Princeton University. FOR CHURCH AND SOCIAL WORKERS. Addams, J. Democracy and social ethics. N. Y., Macmillan, 1902. $1.25. 29 Anderson, R. P. Successful boys’ clubs, for churches and young people’s societies. Bost., United Soc. of Chr. Endeavor, [cl911.] $ .65. 367 Begbie, H. The ordinary man and the extraor- dinary thing. N. Y., Geo. H. Doran, n. d. o1525. 248 Black, H. The new world. WN. Y., Revell [c1915.] $1.00. 204 Bowen, L. de K. Safeguards for city youth at work and at play. N. Y., Macmillan, 1914. $1.50. 362.7 The record of a finely sustained social effort has been made by the President of the [Juvenile Protective] Associa- tion, who gave most generously of her time, money and ability during every day for seven years. She brought to the perplexing task a clear mind and a spirit both ardent and generous. Every page of this book is warmed by her personal devotion and great concern.—Jane Addams. Cannon, I. M. Social work in hospitals; a con- tribution to progressive medicine. ’ Survey Associates, Inc., 1913. (Russell Sage Foundation.) $1.50. 362 By the head worker in the Social Service Department of the Massachusetts General Hospital. Carlton, F. T. The industrial situation; its effect upon home, school, wage earner and employer. N. Y., Revell, [c1914.] $ .75. 331.8 In commending this volume the Federal Council Com- mission on the Church and Social Service does so for the purpose of bringing to the churches a thoughtful considera- tion of the problems of modern industry.—Secretary of the Council. Davis, P. Street-land; its little peop!e and big problems. Bost., Small Maynard, [cl915.] $1.35. 362.7 A valuable addition to the ‘‘Welfare series,” dealing primarily with to-day’s problems of human well-being, each written from a different standpoint, and _ each authoritative upon its particular subject.—Boston Trans- script. BOOKS TO BUY FOR ADULTS 5 Espey, C. E. Leaders of girls. N. Y., Abingdon Press, [cl1915.] $ .75. 369.46 _Rational and helpful advice for social workers with girls. Forbush, W. B. Manual of play. Phil., Amer. Inst. of Child Life, [c1914.] $1.50. 790 Grenfell, W. T. Down to the sea. Chic., Revell, [c1910.] $1.00 net. 917.19 Sketches of Dr. Grenfell’s experiences along the Labrador coast, told vividly and simply. Heath, L. M. Good times with the juniors. Bost., United Soc. of Chr. Endeavor, [c1915.] $ 50. 790 Suggestions for interesting and amusing Christian Endeavor groups. Hyde, W. D. The gospel of good will as revealed in contemporary scriptures. N. Y., Macmil- lan, 1916. $1.50. 240 McKeever, W. A. How to become an efficient Sunday School teacher. Cin., Standard Pub. Co., [cl1915.}] $1.00. 268 Mackenzie, J. K. Black sheep; adventures in West Africa. Bost., Houghton, 1916. $1.50. 916.7 Palmer, A. W. The drift toward religion. Bost., Pilgrim Press, [c1914.] $1.10. 204 Liberal, logical, constructive, and very readable. Rauschenbusch, W. Christianizing the social order. N. Y., Macmillan, 1912. $1.50. 261 Trine, R. W. In the hollow of his hand. N. Y., Dodge Pub. Co., [cl1915.] $1.25. 240 Wald, L. D. House on Henry Street. N. Y., Holt, 1915. $2.00. 331.85 Young, H. P. Character through recreation. Phil., Amer. Sunday-School Union, [c1915.] $ 75. 175 A rational and well- Aalanced book which won the prize offered for the best manuscript on the subject of Amuse- ments: how can they be made to promote the highest well- béing of Soctety. Zueblin, C. American municipal progress. New and revised ed. N. Y., Macmillan, 1916. $1.50. 352 FOR EDUCATORS. Boyd, W. From Locke to Montessori; a critical account of the Montessori point of view. N. Y., Henry Holt, 1914. $1.25. 3i1 One of the best of the many books peal with the educational views of Mme. Montessori. . . . His point of view is critical_—Educ. Revtew. Canfield, J. H. The college student and his problems. N. Y., Macmillan, 1914. $ .75. 378 Cheley, F. H., and Baker, G. C. Camp and outing activities. N. Y., Assoc. Press, 1915. $1.50. 796 A boys’ camp . . . is now regarded as an educational agency where, under the inspiration of the greatest of teachers, nature, boys may learn the great lessons of life and its relations. Tois book may be heartily recommended for its practi- cability—H. W. Gtbson, Sec., Y. M. C. A. Cubberley, E. P. Public school administration. Bost., Houghton, [cl1916.] $1.75. 379 Deming, S. The pillar of fire; a profane bacca- laureate. Bost., Small, Maynard, [cl915.] $1.00. 378 A radical criticism of the college, written with such force and ability that educators will do well to read it carefully. Stimulating. Foerster, N., comp. Essays for college men. Ser le2N,. y 1 HOI, 1913-1915 9 2:v 2 $1-25 each. 370.4 Forbush, W. B. Guide book to childhood. Phil., Jacobs, [1916.] $2.50. 136.7 Graves, F. P. A student’s history of education. N. Y., Macmillan, 1915. $1.25. 370.9 A condensed and yet readable summary. Invaluable for ready reference to the educator who studies. Very interesting illustrations. Gruenberg, S. M. Sons and daughters. N. Y., Henry Holt, 1916. $1.40. 136.7 Henderson, C. H. What is it to be educated? Bost., Houghton, 1914. $1.50. 370 Howerth, I. W. The art of education. N. Y., Macmillan, 1912. $1.15. 370 James, W. Talks to teachers on psychology; and to students on some of life’s ideals. N. Y., Holt, 1899. $1.50. 4b Ladd, G. T. The teacher’s practical philosophy; a treatise of education as a species of conduct. N. Y., Funk & Wagnalls, 1911. $1.25. 371.1 McKeever, W. A. Training the girl. N. Y., Macmillan, 1914. $1.50. 173 Painter, F. V. N. Great pedagogical essays, Plato to Spencer. N. Y., Amer. Book Co., [cl1905.] $1.25. 370.4 Payot, J. The education of the will; the theory and practice of self-culture; tr. by S. E. Jelliffe. N. Y., Funk & Wagnalls, 1914. $1.50. 159 Smith, W. H. All the children of all the Boule N. Y., Macmillan, 1912. $1.50. 370 Stoner, W.S. Natural education. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill, [c1914.] $1.00. 370 A mother’s account of the training of her daughter. “She has given an intimate and detailed account of the methods used with her daughter, from the cradle up to the ninth or tenth year. . A treasure house of practical devices for getting children to master useful knowledge in the play spirit.’—M. V. O'Shea. FOR BUSINESS MEN. Blanton, B. H. Credit; its principles and prac- tice. N. Y., Ronald Press, 1915. $2.00. 658 A practical work on modern practice. Brandeis, L. D. Business—a profession. Bost., Small, Maynard, [cl1914.] $2.00. 304 Brent, C. H. Leadership. N. Y., Longmans, 19152.91,.25. 170.4 The William Belden Noble lectures given at Harvard in 1907 by the Bishop of the Philippine Islands. Eloquent and full of inspiration. 6 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY Escher, F. Practical investing. N. Y., Bankers Pub. Co., 1914. $1.50. 332 Farrington, F. The clerks’ book. Chic., Byxbee Pub. Co., 1915. $ .50. 658 Fernald, J. C. English grammar simplified. N. Y., Funk & Wagnalls, 1916. §$ .75. Its author deserves . . . the grateful thanks of every young clerk, stenographer, preacher and teacher.—Lulerary Digest. Filsinger, E. Exporting ee oe America. N. Y., Appleton, 1916. $3.0 382 The author, who is president of ne Filsinger-Boette Shoe Co., of St. Louis, was formerly Commissioner General in South America of the Latin-American Trade Association, an organization of American merchants. Fiske, A. K. Honest business; right conduct for organizations of capital and of labor. N. Y., Putnam, 1914. $1.25. 330 Fowler, N. C. Art of letter writing. Ne bas, Sully, 1913. $ .50. 808.6 Very complete, and useful. Chic., McClurg, 1915. $1.00. 658 By the founder of the Fowler school of advertising and instructor in advertising and salesmanship in the Boston public schools. —How to sell. Gulick, L. H. Ten minutes exercise for busy men. N. Y., Amer. Sports Pub. Paper, c1908. § .10. 613.7 Excellent. . . . It is perfectly certain, however, that fifteen minutes of exercise daily, with or without special apparatus, will keep any person in good physical condi- tion.—E. H. Williams, D. Hadley, A. T. Standards of public morality. N. Y., Macmillan, 1907. $1.00 net. 5 Five lectures given by the President of Yale University before the N. Y. School of Philanthropy on The formation of public opinion; The ethics of trade; The ethics of corporate management; The workings of our political machinery; The political duties of the citizen. President Hadley points very clearly to the need of a new spirit in business. His moderation in condemning the old order, while insisting on the need of awakening the social con- science, makes his book acceptable as well as stimulating. How to manage an office. Chic., A. W. Shaw Co., 1914. To be obtained w. subs. to ‘‘Sys- tem.” 658 How to systematize the day’s work. System Co., Chic., 1911. $2.00. 658 Jenks, J. W. Personal problems of boys who work. N. Y., Assn. press, 1913. $ .40. 174 Young men entering business may escape many mistakes by reading this little book. Jones, E. D. The business administrator; his models in war, statecraft and science. N. Y., Engineering Magazine Co., 1914. $2.00. 658 Proves that industrial philosophy and practical doctrine may be set forth in English so luminous, by logic so trium- phant, and with inspiration so uplifting, that they win the right to a place in pure literature—C. B. Going. Koester, F. The price of inefficiency. N. Y., Sturgis & Walton, 1913. $2.00. 304 Worthy of careful study by every one interested in the progress of civilization.—Bosion Transcript. Spencer, E. L. The efficient secretary. N. Y., Stokes, 1916. $1.00. 658 Practical suggestions and helps to stenographers. Spencer, E. W. Manual of commercial law. 2d.ed. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill, [c1913.] $3.00. 347.7 Taft, W. H. Ethics in service. New Haven, Yale Univ. Press, 1915. $1.15. 174 Verrill, A. H. South and Central American trade conditions of today. N. Y., Dodd, Mead, 1914. $1.25. 382 A practical manual for the business man who wishes to establish trade relations in the territory concerned.— FOR ANYONE. (Good Reference Books.) Douglas, C. N. Forty thousand quotations, prose and poetical. N. Y., Sully, 1915. $2.50. Ref. 808.8 Funk, I. K., and others. Comprehensive stan- dard dictionary. N. Y., Funk, 1914. $1.00. 423 Hammond, C. S., & Co. Hammond’s compre- hensive atlas of the world. N. Y., Hammond, 1914. $1.00 912 Hope, W. H. St. J. MHeraldry for craftsmen and designers. Lond., Hogg. (Macmillan), 1913. $2.25. Ref. 929.6 Mackey, M. S. and M. G. Pronunciation of 10,000 proper names. N. Y., Dodd, 1901. $1.00. Ref. 421.5 Muir, R. Hammond’s new historical atlas. 2d ed. N. Y., Hammond. $2.50. Ref. 911 Neilson, W. A., and Thorndike, A. H. Facts about Shakespeare. N. Y., Macmillan, 1913. $ .60. Ref. 822.33 Pancoast, H. S., ed. English prose and verse, from Beowulf to Stevenson. N. Y., Holt, 1915. 5251/75. 820.8 For most of the periods, the ablest single-volume anthology at present in the field, the most thorough, the most varied.— H. M. Jones in School R. Robert, H. M. Pocket manual of rules of order. Chic., Scott., c1904. $1.00. Ref. 19e Scarborough’s road map and motor guide of Missouri. Indianapolis, Scarborough, [c1912.] $2.00. Paper, $1.00. Ref. 917.78 Scientific American reference book; comp. by . A. Hopkins and A. R. Bond. a Munn, 1913. $1.50 net. 603 Stedman, E. C., ed. American anthology, 1787- 1900; selections illustrating the editor’s critical review of American poetry in the 19th century. _ Bost., Houghton, 1901. $2.00; $3.00; $3.50. 811.08 1916-1917. Chic., Who’s who in America. Marquis. $5.00. 1916. Ref. 920.07 N. Y., Press Pub. Co. Ref. 17 World almanac. Paper, $ .30. BOOKS TO BUY FOR ADULTS 7 FOR MECHANICS AND ENGINEERS. Barnard, J. Every man his own mechanic. N. Y., Stokes, n.d. $1.50 690 Berkeley, H. R., and Walker, W. M. Practical receipts for the manufacturer, the mechanic, and for home use. N. Y., Spon & Chamber- lain, 1912. $1.50. 603 oor F. A. Methods of machine shop work. N. Y., McGraw-Hill, 1914. $2.50. Ref. 621 The Sapitancs of lectures on mechanical engineering given by the author at Columbia University. Hodgson, F. T. Easy lessons in the art of practical wood carving. Chic., Drake., 1905. $1.50. 736 This book is in the same clear style that has made the other books by this author popular. McCormick, W. H. Electricity. Lond., T.C. & E. C. Jack, 1915. (Romance of reality ser.) $1.35. 621.3 An up-to-the-minute book on the principles of electricity made especially interesting by the author’s clear style and the many illustrations. Martin, G. Modern chemistry and its won- ders. N. Y., Van Nostrand, 1915. $2.00. 540 A companion to ‘Triumphs and wonders of modern - chemistry’. Is intended for the general reader. The subject is treated in 15 chapters ranging from simple nitrogen to the manufacture of artificial precious stones. The chapters on explosives, hydrocarbons and coal tar are especially interesting. Rathbun, J. B. Gas engine troubles and in- stallation. Chic., C. Thompson, 1916. $1.00. Ref. 621.4 A book that shows how to install, how to operate, how make immediate repairs, and how to keep a gas engine running. Sibert, W. L., and Stevens, J. F. The con- struction of the Panama Canal. N. Y., Appleton, 1915. $2.00. 626 Gives an excellent idea of its design and construction, without going too much into details, and is intended for general reading rather than for a reference book. Stoddard, D. L. The steel square pocket book. 2d. ed., rev. Balt., Ottenheimer, 1912. $ .50. 694 Talbot, F. A. Submarines; their mechanism and operation. Phil., Lippincott, 1915. $1.25. 623.8 Verrill, A. H. The book of the motor boat. N. Y., Appleton, 1916. $1.00. 623.8 White, C. G., and Harper, H. The aeroplane. N , Stokes, 1915. (Romance of reality series, v. 1.) $1.50. 629.1 A well told and well illustrated story of flying in peace and war, giving experiences in aeroplanes and seaplanes. FOR GARDENERS. Agar, M. Garden design in theory and practice. Phil., Lippincott, 1912. $2.00. 710 Bennett, I. D. The flower garden, a manual for the amateur gardener. N. Y., Doubleday, 1914. $1.10. 635.9 Bolte, J. W. Backyard farmer. Chic., Forbes, 1914. $1.00. 630 General directions for making the most of a city garden for pleasure, profit and beauty. Reads as pleasantly as a chat over the garden fence with one’s neighbor. Cable, G. W. The amateur garden. Scribner, 1914. $1.50. 712 An enticing book, but practical as well. Shows what charming results may be obtained by one’s own work and patience—and taste. Ewing, Mrs. J. H. (G.) Mary’s meadow; and other tales of fields and flowers. Bost., Little. $1.00. 70 Holland, L.B. The garden bluebook; a manual of the perennial garden. N. Y., Doubleday, 191534 $3150: 635.9 A novelty in gardening books in that it contains charts giving color schemes, graded plants according to heights, and blanks to be filled with the gardener’s own experience of each plant. Well illustrated. How to make a flower garden; a manual of practical information and suggestions. N. Y., Doubleday Page, 1905. $2.00. 635.9 King, Mrs. L. Y. The well-considered garden. N. Y., Scribner, 1915. $2.00. 710 The author’s practical knowledge, keen insight and splendid enthusiasm, her years of labor on her own land . make her one of those most fitted to . . . communi- cate her own thought .and practice to willing learners.— Gertrude Jekyll. Very attractive illustrations. Especial emphasis placed on the color scheme of the garden. Nichols, R. S. English pleasure gardens. N. Y., Macmillan, 1902. $4.00. 710 Interesting text, with many admirable illustrations. Nets Root, R. R., and Kelley, C. F. Design in landscape gardening. N. Y., Century Co., 1914. $2.00. 710 Saylor, H. H. Making a rose garden. N. Y., McBride, Nast, 1912. $ .25. 716 Sewell, C. V. V. Common sense gardens; how to plan and plant them. WN. Y., Grafton Press, 1906. $2.00. 710 Shelton, L. Beautiful gardens in America. N. Yo escribner, 19155 + $5.00: Ref. 711 A collection of 180 photographs, 8 in color, of gardens, from Maine to California. Very suggestive for gardeners, and a delight to any one. Tabor, G. The landscape gardening Boe Phil., Winston, 1911. $2.00. 710 Underwood, L. The garden and its accessories.. Bost., Little Brown, 1907. $1.00. 712 Warner, C. D. My summer ina garden. Bost., Houghton, [c1912.] $1.50. 817 Delectable humor. FOR NATURE LOVERS. Baynes, E. H. Wild bird guests. N. Y., Dutton, 1915. $2.00. 598.2 Tells how to attract and protect birds and how to organize and manage bird clubs. Burroughs, J. Leaf and tendril. Bost., Hough- ton, 1908. $1.15 814 8 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY Chapman, F. M. Bird-life; a guide to the study of our common birds; w. 75 col. pl. after drawings by E. Thompson Seton. N. Y., Appleton, 1914. (Popular ed. in colors.) pA 50a Comstock, J. H. Insect life, an introd. to nature-study and a guide for _ teachers, students and others interested in out-of-doors life. N. Y., Appleton, 1908. $1.75. 50c Fabre, J. H.C. Life of the spider; tr. by A. Teixeira de Mattos. N. Y., Dodd, 1913 $1.50. 595.4 Hornaday, W.T. Wild life conservation in theory and practice. New Haven, Yale Univ. Press, 1914. $1.50. 799 Lectures given in the Forest School of Yale University. Ingersoll, E. The wit of the wild. N. Y., Dodd, 1906. $1.20. 50 Job, H. K. The sport of bird-study. N. Y., Outing Pub. Co., 1908. $2.00. 50a Maeterlinck, M. The life of the bee. N. Y., Dodd, Mead, 1905. $1.50. 50c Mathews, F.S. Field book of American trees and shrubs; a concise description of the charac- ter and color of species, with maps showing their general distribution; w. numerous repro- ductions of water color, crayon, and pen and ink studies. N. Y., Putnam, [cl1915.] $2.00. 582 Very attractive, practical, and small enough to be easily carried. Parsons, Mrs. F. T. (S.) How to know the wild flowers; a guide to the names, haunts and habits of our common wild flowers. N. Y., Scribner, 1908. $2.00 net. 49 Porter, Mrs. G. S. The song of the cardinal. Garden City, Doubleday Page, 1915. $1.25. 69b Reed, C. A. Land birds east of the Rockies, being part two of his “‘Bird Giude”. N. Y., Doubleday, 1914. $ .75. j598.2 A perfect little book and small enough to stick into the smallest corner of your suit case. Seton, E.T. Wild animal ways; with 200 draw- ings by the author. Y., Doubleday Page, 1916. $1.50. 69 Van Dyke, J. C. The mountains; renewed studies in impressions and appearances. N. Y.; Scribner, 1916. $1.25. 551.4 The knowledge of the scientist, the enthusiasm of the naturalist and the appreciation of beauty by a trained art critic, combine to produce a refreshing book for nature lovers. FOR TRAVELERS. Bennett, E. A. From the log of the Velsa. N. Y., Century, 1914. $3.0 914 Account of a leisurely yachting tour around Belgium, Holland, Denmark, France and England. Brooke, R. Letters from America. N. Y., Scribner, 1916. $1.25. 917.1 The descriptions of New York, of Boston, and of the Canadian cities are extraordinarily vivid, and just as vivid and as delightful are the glimpses we get of the author’s personality and his view point. Nests Cram, R. A. Heart of Europe. Scribner, 1915. $2.50. 914 Der Ling, Princess. Two years in the forbidden city. N. Y., Moffat, Yard, 1914. $2.00. 915.1 It is a rare good fortune that gives us through the eyes of the western-educated daughter of a high Manchu official—now the wife of an American in Shanghai—an authentic view of the intimate court life of the most remarkable Asiatic sovereign of our time.—E. A. Ross. Dwight, H.G. Constantinople, old and new. Nivey Scribner, 1915.42 35/08: 914.96 A charming book by one who has been long a resident and lover of Turkey. Many good illustrations. Franck, H. A. Zone policeman 88; a close range study of the Panama Canal and its workers. N. Y., Century, 1913. $2.00. 918.6 Fraser, J. F. Russia of to-day. N. Y., Funk & Wagnalls, 1916. $1.50. 914.7 Fraser, Mrs. M. (C.) A diplomatist’s wife in Japan. 4th ed. Lond., Hutchinson, 1904. $1.50. 915.2 Howells, W. D. Familiar Spanish travels. N. Y., Harper, 1913. $2.00. 914.6 Spain is really a familiar land, after we have read these pleasant chapters, and a better traveling companion would be hard to find. James, G. W. The Lake of the Sky; Lake Tahoe. Pasadena, G. W. James, 1915. $2.00. 917.74 Mr. James, who knows and loves his California, tells in this volume not only the prosaic details of automobile routes and hotel rates, but the Indian legends connected with Lake Tahoe, and its history. There are also chapters os aes flowers, birds, animals and trees found around the a. London, C. K. The log of the Snark. N. Y., Macmillan, 1915. $2.50. 919 Maurel, A. A month in Rome; Eng. ed. tr. by H. Gerard. N. Y., Putnam, 1916. oe 914.5 A guide book and much besides. Written with appre- ciation and enthusiasm. Rhodes, H. G. In vacation America. N. Y., Harper, [1915.] $1.50. 917.3 The author has found his material wherever Americans play, and he sketches with a light and amusing hand the past as well as the present state of out vacation homes. Richards, R. A northern country side. N. Y., Holt, 1916. $1.50. 917.41 _ Leisurely, loving sketches of men, women and nature in a Maine village. Rinehart, Mrs. M. R. Through Glacier Park; seeing America first with Howard Eaton. Bost., Houghton, 1916. $0.75. 917.86 Full of reminiscences for one who has been through Glacier Park, and a powerful incentive to those who have not been, to go as soon as it can be managed, at whatever cost. BOOKS TO BUY FOR ADULTS 9 Todd, M. Peru: a land of contrasts. Bost., Flaccus, L. W. Artists and thinkers. N. Y., Little, Brown, 1914. $2.00. 918.5 Longmans, 1916. $1.25. 814 This volume is beautifully illustrated with photographs of that old land which is so new to most people. The subject is interesting, and it is treated in a most readable manner. Van Dyke, H. W. Through South America. N. Y., Crowell, [1912.] $2.00. 918 Woodberry, G. E. North Africa and the desert. N. Y., Scribner, 1914. $2.00. 916.1 This volume has something far rarer than information. It has feeling, true color, insight, depicts Berber and Arab with sympathetic touch _—Ind. FOR THE LITERARY. Belloc, H. Hills and the sea. N. Y., Scribner, 1906. $1.50. 914 Short sketches of men, things and places by the best of living word-artists in the English speaking world. Whimsical, full of humor, satire and badinage, rich in allusions to the classics and the cream of contemporary letters, subtly mindful of the hidden parable of life. Benét, W. R. The falconer of God, and other poems. New Haven, Yale Univ. Press, 1914. $1.00. 811 Binyon, L. Anguries. N. Y., John Lane, 1914. $1.00. 821 Beautiful thought expressed in beautiful and melodious verse. More inspiration and uplift than is common in modern poets. Bjoerkman, E. Voices of to-morrow; critical studies of the new spirit in literature. N. Y., Kennerley, 1913. $1.50. 804 Bynner, W. The new world [verse]. N. Y., Kennerley, 1915. $ .60. 811 Dickinson, E. The single hound; poems of a lifetime. Bost., Little, Brown & Co., 1914. $1.25. 811 Contains an illuminating preface on the unique per- sonality of Emily Dickinson by her niece, to whom “‘she was of fairy lineage, akin to the frost on the nursery pane in winter or the humming bird of midsummer.” Dunsany, E., 18h Baron. Five plays. N. Y., Kennerley, 1914. (Modern drama ser.) $1.25.. 822 Each play is an exciting adventure, conveying to the reader an exhilarating sense of motion.—E. Byjérkman. Editor. nani book and directory to publications. 1001 places to sell manuscripts; year 9th ed. Ridgewood, N. J., The Editor Co.. 1913. $1.50. 655.3 Father Payne. N. Y., Putnam, 1916. $1.50. 828 An admirable nondescript—not fiction nor essays, and not a collection of lay sermons or aphorisms either, yet fraught with the best gifts of varied literary species. - . The lessons flow from the authority of profound knowledge and experience, yet the rich quality of humor makes them highly entertaining.—Otio Heller. Studies of Rodin, Maeterlinck, Wagner, Hegel, Tolstoy, and Nietzsche. Gardner, C. Vision & vesture; a study of William Blake in modern thought. N. Y., Dutton, 1916. $1.25. 821 Hapgood, I. F. The epic songs of Russia. N. Y., Scribner, 1916. $1.50. 891.71 The vital and human value of these Epic Songs is not so much for the professed student of national tradition and popular art, as for . . . those who can still delight in the stories which kindled the imagination of past ages. —J. W. Mac Kail. Ledwidge, F. Songs of the fields; with an intro- duction by Lord Dunsany. N. Y., Duffield, 1916. $1.25. : 821 He leaves pictures in the mind, sounds in the ear, and a fragrance runs coolingly up the nostrils as if one stood in his fields and woods. It is altogether a charming art.—W. S. Bratthwatte. Lewis, E. Edward Carpenter; an exposition and an appreciation. N. Y., Macmillan, 1913. $1.50. 192 Marden, O.S. Hints for young writers. N. Y., Crowell, [1914.] $ .75. 808 Marquis, D. Dreams & dust. N. Y., Harper, [1915.] $1.20. 811 The authentic utterance of a poet.—Lit. Digest. Masefield, J. Good Friday; and other poems. N. Y., Macmillan, 1916. $1.25 821 The most notable book of poems that England has given to us for several years. The second half of the volume is devoted to a series of sonnets that have scarcely been surpassed in our language.—Sara Teasdale. Masters, E.L. Spoon River anthology. N. Y., Macmillan, 1915. $1.25 811 Matthews, B.,ed. The Oxford book of American essays. N. Y., Oxford Univ. press, 1914. $1.25. 814 A good representative selection from American essayists, from Franklin to Crothers. Meynell, Mrs. A.C. (T.) Poems. N. Y., Scrib- ner, 1913. $1.00. 821 In its class, I know of no nobler or more beautiful sonnet than ‘‘Renouncement.’”—Wm. Sharp. The last verse of that perfectly heavenly “Letter from a girl to her own old age,” the whole of ‘San Lorenzo’s mother,” and the end of the sonnet ‘‘To a daisy,’’ are the finest things I have yet seen or felt in modern verse.— John Ruskin. Neihardt, J. G. The song of Hugh Glass. N. Y., Macmillan, 1915. $1.25. 811 Proves that the epic poem may still be written and be of gripping interest. The theme is an episode of the early fur trade on the Missouri. Sharp, W. The divine adventure; Iona; Studies in spiritual history. N. Y., Duffield, 1911. $1.00. 828 Teasdale, S. Rivers to the sea. N. Y., Mac- millan, 1915. $1.25. 811 10 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY FOR OUT-OF-DOORS PEOPLE Alexander, F. B. How to play lawn tennis. , Am. Sports Pub. Co., 1914. $ uy 19 Clarke, C., and Gilbert, M. Common sense golf. N. Y., McBride, Nast, 1914. $ .75. 796 Practical instructions for beginners. Clarke, W. J., and Dawson, F. T. Baseball. N. Y., Scribner, 1915. $1.00. 797 Corsan, G. H. At home in the water. N. Y., Wl Goa. press. LO] O25 fo, 796 Haynes, W. Practical dog keeping. N. Y., Outing Pub. Co., 1913. $ .70. 636.7 Hough, E. Out of doors. N. Y., Appleton, 1915S ehL.25. 796 Kephart, H. Book of camping and woodcraft. N. Y., Outing, 1915. $1.50. 796 Lawson, W. P. The log of a timber cruiser. N. Y., Duffield, 1915. $1.50. 634.9 The author, by detailing the incidents of a six months’ field assignment in the mountains of southern New Mexico, shows something of the actual life and day-to-day duties of Service field men of the U. S. i Fresh, breezy, and most interesting. Miller, W. H. Camp craft; modern practice and equipment. N. Y., Scribner, 1915. $1.50. 796 The man who shows us the simple, effectual, inexpensive ways of winning all the joys and dodging all the sorrows has done no small thing. ... The author has . tried out all the things he writes about—yes, many times—before offering them to the world as things of proven worth.—Ernest Thompson Seton. Pagé, V. W. Automobile repairing made easy. N. Y., Henley, 1916. $3.00. 629.2 Roosevelt, T. Book-lover’s holidays in the open. N. Y., Scribner, 1916. $2.00. 814 Shrubsole, E. S. The fisherman’s handbook. N. Y., John Lane, 1914. $1.00. 799 Spalding’s official base ball guide. N. Y., Amer- ican Sports Pub. Co., 1916. $ .10. 797 Velvin, E. From jungle to zoo. N. Y., Moffat, Yard & Co., 1915. $2.00. 591.5 Any one interested in animal life will find this book absorbing both in text and illustrations. Forest Service. FOR THE IDLER. Belloc, H. First and last. N. Y., Dutton, 19125 ol 25: 824 Benson, A. C. Escape, and other essays. N. Y eCentury: Co;,1915.251,502 824 Burroughs, J. Breath of life. Bost., Hough- tons Ola S51. 15: 577 Dunsany, E.J. M.D.P., 18th baron. Fifty-one tales. N. Y., Kennerley, 1915. $1.25. 828 Ellis, H. Impressions and comments. Bost., Houghton, 1914. $1.50. 814 Erskine, J. The moral obligation to be intelligent. N. Y., Duffield, 1915. $1.00. 814 Contents: The moral obligation to be _ intelligent. —The call to service—The mind of Shakspere.—Magic and wonder of literature. Howells, W. D. Harper, 1910. Essays of delicate humor and genial philosophy. UN. ee Imaginary interviews. $2.00. 814 Leacock, S. Essays and literary studies. N. Y., John Lane, 1916. $1.25. 824 Of a more serious cast then Mr. Leacock’s earlier books, but just as readable. Repplier, A. Counter-currents. ton, 1916. $1.25. Essays on The cost of modern sentiment, Our loss of nerve, Christianity and war, Women and war, The repeal of reticence, Popular education, The modest immigrant, Waiting, and Americanism. Bost., Hough- 814 Sherrill, C. H. French memories of eighteenth- Sue) America. , Scribner, 1915. 917.3 Untermeyer, L. ‘‘——and other poets.” N. Y?; Holtjapi6.961225: 817 Clever parodies of contemporary poets. FOR AMATEUR PHOTOGRAPHERS. Adams, W. I. L. In nature’s image; chapters on pictorial photography. 2d. ed. N. Y., Baker & Taylor, 1898. $2.50. 770 American annual of photography and photo- graphic times almanac. 1916. ees i Murphy, 1915. $ .75. Ref. 770.5 This contains live articles of interest, including new methods, cures and experiments. Many reproductions illustrate the articles. Anderson, A. J. The A BC of artistic photog- raphy. N. Y., Dodd, Mead & Co., 1913. $2.50. 770 A helpful book for composition, posing lines and tone. Anderson, P. L. Pictorial landscape photog- raphy. Bost., Photo-era, 1914. $1.50. 770 Three interesting essays covering the choice of subject, composition, values and technical methods of landscape photography. Claudy, C. H. The first book of photography; a primer of theory and practice for the begin- ner. N. Y., McBride, Nast & Co., 1912. $ .75. 770 _ Clear and simple first instructions for the man who has just bought a camera. Hanks, A. K. Practical suggestions regarding the selection and use of photographic equip- ment; written from actual experience. East Orange, N. J., A. K. Hanks, [1910.]} $1.00. 770 Job, H. K. How to study birds; a practical guide for amateur bird lovers and camera hunters. N. Y., Outing Pub. Co., 1910. Illus. $1.50. 598.2 BOOKS TO BUY FOR ADULTS 1] Johnson, S. C. Saturday with my camera. Phil., Lippincott, [1914.] $1.50. 770 An attractive book for the camera enthusiast who has only the week-end to devote to his recreation, or hobby. Interesting also to all amateurs. Has many illustrations and diagrams.—M. MacFarland, J. H. suet tees flowers and trees; and The use of natural forms in decora- tive photography. N. Y., Tennant & Ward, Polo) p.Ov, 778 Penlake, R., pseud. How to color photographs and lantern slides by aniline dye, water, and oil colors, crystoleum and other processes. N=¥,, Dutton & Co., n.d. $ .60. 770 Steadman, F. M. Steadman’s complete exposure method and home portrait helps. 2d ed. N. Y., Photographic topics, cl191l. $ .75. 770 Taylor, C. M., jr. Why my photographs are bad. Phil., G. W. Jacobs, 1902. $1.00. 770 A treatise on the general faults of the amateur, with their cures. FOR ART LOVERS. Caffin, C. H. Story of Dutch painting. N. Y., Century, 1909. $1.20. 759.9 Cox, K. Old masters and new. N. Y., Fox, 1905. N. Y., Fox Duffield & Co. $1.50. 759 A series of appreciations of great artists covering the period since the sixteenth century. The author is an artist himself and tells what he has to say in a very clear and charming manner. Goya; tr. from the French by Ney otokes, [1914.] $*.65; 759.6 Merejkowski, D. The romance of Leonardo da Vinci. N. Y., Putnam, 1902. $1.50. 69b Contains all the spirit of the Italian Renaissance. Pater, W. Imaginary portraits. N. Y., Mac- millan, 1907. $1.50. 824 All of these essays are charming, but the first, ‘The —— of court painters,’ will especially appeal to art overs. Phillips, D. The enchantment of art. N. Y., John Lane, 1914. $2.50. 704 The purpose of this book is to stimulate the apprecia- tion of life and to intensify the joy of living. Potter, M. K. The art of the Vatican. Page, [1911.] $2.00. 708.5 Rooses, M. Artin Flanders. N. Y., Scribner, 1914. (General history of art.) $1.50. 709 A list of books in this series is found at the beginning of this book. They are very well illustrated and are the best popular books on art history to be found. Shackleton, R. and E. (F.) The charm of the antique. N. Y., MHearst’s International Library Co., [cl1914.] $2.50. 749 An interesting book for the amateur collector, also considers the charm of knowing. Crastre, Fr. F. T. Cooper. Bost., Singleton, E., ed. and tr. Modern paintings; as seen and described by great writers. N. Y., Dodd, 1911. $1.60 net. 750 _ The emphasis is cece to those painters who show the dawn and growth of the modern spirit and those who are lovers of light and broad effects. Staley, E. British painters; their story and tieiieat tise INe oy. Stokes. | den SLT oR Ref. 759.2 A short presentation in popular form of the history of British painting as illustrated by the public galleries. The paintings reproduced are in color. Van Dyke, J. C. The meaning of pictures. N. Y., Scribner. (latest ed.) $1.25. 750 It may be questioned if any other book of its scope has ever shown “the meaning of pictures’”’ in a way that will make it so clear to the average English reader.—Dzial. Woodberry, G. E. Two phases of criticism, historical and esthetic. Bost., Woodberry Society. [Merry Mount Press.] 1914. $1.50. 701 A well printed book. Shows that the responsibility for what we make of art springs from what we are and our ability to visualize the time and conditions. Wright, W. H. Modern painting; its tendency and meaning. 1915, Lane. $2.50. Ref. 759 A good work on the genesis and development of the modern art spirit. FOR LOVERS OF THE PLAY. Barrie, J. M. Half hours. N. Y., Scribner, LIA S125: 822 A welcome addition to the modern stage library and a convincing witness of the efficacy and artistic possibilities of the one-act play in the hands of a master.— Nation. Caffin, C. H. Appreciation of the drama. N. Y., Baker, 1908.- -$1.50: 792 Clark, B. H. Contemporary French dramatists. Cin., Stewart & Kidd, 1915. $1.50. 842 Studies on the Thédtre Libre Curel, Brieux, Porto- Riche, Hervieu, Lavedan, Donnay, Rostand, Lemaitre, Capus, Bataille, Bernstein, and Flers and Caillavet. Dickinson, T. H., ed. Chief contemporary dramatists; 20 plays from the recent drama of England, Ireland, America, Germany, France, Belgium, Norway, Sweden, and Russia. Bost., Houghton, [cl915.] $1.25. 808.8 Euripides. Alcestis; tr. into Eng. rhyming verse by G. Murray. N. Y., Oxford Univ. Press. 1915ee b). fa: 882 [Gilbert Murray] is always a master of English verse, and his renderings of Euripides are a triumph of ingenuity, and sometimes of positive genius. . .. The “‘Alcestis’”’ has turned out in its present dress an extraordinarily life-like and lively drama.— Nation. Trojan women, tr. into English rhyming verse by Gilbert Murray. Nokes tueit be Eis 19 LGe eas. 882 The enthusiastic eceaction given this tragic play by audiences all over the United States during the present year has proved that age cannot wither its beauty and pathos. France, A. The man who married a dumb wife; tr. by C. H. Page. N. Y., John Lane, Wilds. 6.3/5: 842 12 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY Greek dramas by Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripi- des and Aristophanes, w. biog. notes and introd. by B. Perrin. Aldineed. N. Y., Appleton, 1904. $1.00 882 (The world’s greatest books.) Henderson, A. The changing drama; con- tributions and tendencies. Nees Ole 1914. $1.35. 809.2 Thoughtful and stimulating comment and criticism. Very readable. Neate Howe, P. P. Dramatic portraits. Kennerley, 1913. $1.50. 822.09 Lee, Mrs. J. B. (P.) The symphony play; a play in four acts. N. Y., Scribner, 1916. $1.00. 812 Lewisohn, L. The modern drama; an essay in interpretation. N. Y., Huebsch, 1915. $1.50. 809.2 Lindsay, N. V. Art of the moving picture. N. Y., Macmillan, 1915. $1.50. 792 MacKaye, P. Mater; an American study in comedy. N. Y., Macmillan, 1908. $1. ange sh Muensterberg, H. The photoplay, a psycho- logical study. N. Y., Appleton, 1916. Racy Parsons, L. O. How to write for the “‘movies.”’ Chic., McClurg, 1915. $1.00. 808.2 Peabody, J. P. The wolf of Gubbio. Bost., Houghton, 1913. $1.10. 812 Pierce, J. A. The masterpieces of modern drama; foreign; abridged in narrative, with dialogue of the great scenes. N. Y., Double- day Page, 1915. 2v. $2.00. 822 Fifteen plays by French dramatists, and fifteen others by Russian, Italian, Spanish, German, Norwegian and Dutch writers are collected in this representative volume. Synge, J. M. The playboy of the Western World. Bost., Luice, 1911. $1.00. 822 FOR AMATEUR ACTORS. Aldis, M. Plays for small stages. N. Y., Duffield, 1915. $1.25. 793.1 Cleather, D. Handy book of plays for girls. Akron, O., Saalfield, 1915. $ .50. 793.1 Emerson, W. D. Practical instructions for private theatricals. Chic., Dramatic, [c1899.] Sater 793.1 Filippi, R. Hints to speakers and players. N. Y., Longmans, 1911. $1.00 net. 808.5 Particularly valuable for amateurs who lack vocal training. Fisk, Mrs. M. I. The talking woman, mono- logues. N. Y., Harper, 1907. $1.25. 793.1 Helmer, N. The actor’s “make-up” book. Chic., Denison, [c1888.] $ .25. 792 The first requisite of the beginner. Hogg, W. Guide to selecting plays; arranged according to the requirements of any com- pany. N. Y., French, [1907.] $ .25. 793.1 Luetkenhaus, Mrs. A. M. (I.) Plays for school children. N. Y., Century Co., 1915. $1.25. 793.1 Mackay, C. D. The silver thread and other folk plays for young people. N. Y., Holt, 1910. $1.00. 793.1 Eight charming plays for use in grammar grades, which have been produced with success. Has notes on costumes and stage settings. MacMillan, M. Short plays. Cincinnati, Stewart & Kidd, 1913. $1.25 net. 793.1 Ten clever plays written for the Cincinnati College Club. The dramatic construction is excellent and the dialogue crisp, entertaining and up to date. Maeterlinck, M. Three little dramas. (Modern Eng. dramatists.) Bretano’s, 1915. $1.00. 842 Morton, C. The art of theatrical make-up. N. Y., Macmillan, 1909. $2.50 net. 792 St. Nicholas book of plays and operettas. N. Y., Century, 1911. $1.00. 793.1 Taylor, E. Practical stage directing for amateurs. N. Y., Dutton, [cl1916.] $1.00. 793.1 FOR SHUT-INS. Adams, S. H. Little Miss Grouch. Bost., Houghton, 1915. $1.00. 69b Arnim, M. A. (B.) Grdfin von. The caravaners. N. Y., Doubleday, Page, 1910. $1.50. 69b Black, H. The open door. N. Y., Revell, [c1914.] $1.00. 171 Burroughs, J. Ways of nature. Bost., Hough- ton, 1905. $1.10. 591.5 Cabot, R. C. What men live by; work, play, love, worship. Bost., Houghton, 1914. $1.50. 170.4 Has the unforced humor, the vigor, the blitheness of mental and bodily and spiritual health. Cole, J. L. Wheel-chair philosophy. N. Y., Eaton & Mains, [c1913.] o:315- 248 This book of tragic origin is one of the few real books; born, not made; extorted, not planned. First it was lived, and then it wrote itself; a plain artless narrative of austere experience. . . From these pages you may feel the thrill of an intrepid faith and catch the contagion of unbounded cheer.—W. V. Kelley. Crane, F. Just human. N. Y., John Lane, 1915. $1.00. 170.4 Epictetus. Book of Epictetus, tr. by T. W. Rolleston. N. Y., Dodge, 1911. $1.25. 5 Maniates, B. K. Amarilly of Clothes-Line Alley. Bost., Little, Brown, 1915. $1.00. 69b Richards, Mrs. G. M., ed. High tide; songs of joy and vision from the present-day poets of America and Great Britain. Bost., Hough- ton, 1916. $1.25. 821.08 An exceptionally good selection of contemporary verse. BOOKS TO BUY FOR ADULTS 13 Sharp, D. L. Where rolls the Oregon. Houghton, 1914. $1.25. 570.4 Is anything but a commonplace nature book. It is original, individual and imaginative.—Boston Transcript. Strunsky, S. __ Belshazzar Court; or, Village life in New York City. N. Y., Henry ole 1914, $1.25. The freshness of the point of view, the charming oe ret the genial temper make these essays a joy to the reader. Stuart, Mrs. R. (M.) Sonny, a Christmas guest. N. Y., Century Co., 1911. $1.00. 69b Bost., FOR HOUSEWIVES. Barnes, P. T. House plants and how to grow them. N. Y., Doubleday, 1909. $1.10 net. 716 The purpose of this volume is to discuss fully those plants which are sure to succeed. If a selection 1s made from the various kinds enumerated, failure is next to impossible. Bevier, I. The house; its plan, decoration and care. Chic., Amer. School of Home Eco- nomics, 1907. $1.50. 728 Brewster, E. T. and L. The nutrition of a household. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin, 1915. $1.00. 641.1 A housekeeper getting twenty-one meals a week with her own hands, a householder whose natural masculine interest in machines has extended to the stoking of his own bodily engine, have set down so much of the modern theory of animal nutrition as they have themselves found it practically convenient to know.—Pref. Sensible, practical and readable. Chandler, J. E. The colonial house. R. M. McBride, 1916. $2.50. 728 Farmer, F. M. The Boston cooking-school cook book. Bost., Little, 1906. $1.80. 641 One of the most reliable and complete books of its kind, with explicit direction for the best way of cooking and household management. Findlay, H. House plants, their care and cul- ture. N. Y., Appleton, 1916. $1.50. 635.9 Goodnow, R. R., and Adams, R. The honest house. N. Y., Century, 1914. $3.00. 728 Much more than an honest book. It is a charming and sensible book besides.—Boston Transcript. Ney, Lond., Hayden, A. Chats on old furniture. 0. 749 T. Fisher Unwin. There is an American ed. published by Stokes. Hunter, G. L. Home furnishing; facts and figures about furniture, carpets and rugs, etc. N. Y., Lane, 1913. $2.00. 645 An uncommonly good book. For the well-to-do but suggestive to those with limited means. Contains a large number of helpful illustrations. McClure, A., and Eberlein, H. D. House fur- nishing and decoration. N. Y., McBride, Nast, 1914. $1.50. 747 Offers suggestions within the reach of moderate incomes. Text and pictures both emphasize that successful furnish- ing and decorating are largely matters of discrimination yee ingenuity in adapting available resources.—Bk. rev. tgest. Northend, M. H. Remodeled farmhouses. Bost., Little, Brown, 1915. $5.00. 728 A delight to home-makers and lovers of domestic architecture, and a leader-into-temptation. Well illustrated by views of New England houses which have been success- fully restored or adapted. Pearse, C. M., ed. The kitchen garden and the cook; an alphabetical guide to the culti- vation of vegetables, with recipes for cooking them. N. Y., Dutton, 1914. $1.50. 641 Priestman, M. T. Artistic homes. Chic., McClurg & Co., 1910. $2.00 net. 728 An interesting book describing both town and country houses, telling how they were built, their cost, etc., with many illustrations, and good helpful suggestions. Richardson, A. S. Adventures in thrift. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill, [c1916.] $1.25. 640 Richardson, B. J. The woman who spends; a study of her economic function. Bost., Whitcomb & Barrows, 1913. $1.00. 396 Story, J. For the comfort of the family. N. , Doran, [cl1914.] $1.00. 641 Full of suggestions for reducing the labor of the house- hold without sacrificing daintiness. Throop, L. A. Furnishing the home of good taste. N. Y., McBride, Nast & Co., 1912. $2.00 net. 747 An interesting written sketch of the period styles of furniture and interior decoration, with good illustrations and suggestions. Vallois, G. M. First steps in collecting. Phil., Lippincott, n. d. $1.50. 749 Wharton, Mrs. E. N. (J.), and Codman, O., jr. The decoration of houses. N. Y., Scribner, 1901. $2.50. 747 FOR THE NEEDLEWOMAN. Allington, S. M. Practical sewing and dress- making. Bost., Dana Estes, [c1913.] ve 64 Butterick Pub. Co. The dressmaker. New and rev. ed. N. Y., Butterick Pub. [cl911.]} $ .50. 646 A complete book on sewing, from the simplest stitches to dressmaking. DeWitt, J. M. Priscilla tatting book. Bost., Priscilla Pub. Co., cl1909. §$ .25. 746 Gifford, M. K. Needlework. Lond. & N. Y., Thos. Nelson, n.d. $ .50. 646.2 Hicks, A. M. The craft of hand made rugs. N. Y., McBride, Nast & Co., 1914. pa In this book old fashioned handicrafts are made practical and refreshed by careful planning in color and design. Klickmann, F., ed. The craft of the crochet hook; a book of new ideas in crochet work of various kinds, showing novel methods of applying them to personal and household linen and home decoration. N. Y., Stokes, [1912.] $ .60 net. 746 14 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY ——tThe cult of the needle. N. Y., Stokes, n.d. $ .60. 74 ——The home art crochet book; containing entirely new designs for lingeries, edgings and insertions, borders for tray cloths and d’oileys, deep laces for table cloths and valances, motifs for inlet work and Irish lace. N Y., Stokes, [1912.] $ .60 net. 746 Laughlin, C. E., ed. The complete dressmaker, with simple directions for home millinery. N. Y., Appleton, 1907. $1.25. 646 Richardson Silk Co. Complete instruction book on crocheting, tatting and smocking. Chic., Author, cl1915. $ .10: 746 Synge, M. B. Simple garments for infants; with paper patterns. N. Y., Longmans, 1914. $1.25. 646 Wilson, L. B. The Priscilla French and eyelet embroidery book. Bost., Priscilla Pub. Co., c1914. $ .25. 746 Winterburn, Mrs. F. (H.) Principles of correct dress, including chapters by Jean Worth and Paul Poiret. N. Y., Harper, 1914. $1.00. 646 FOR THOSE WHO ENTERTAIN. Burrell, Mrs. C. B. Easy entertaining. Bost., Dana Estes, [cl1911.] $1.50. 642 Menus and recipes, with suggestions for the various ‘seasons. Dawson, M., and Telford, E. P. The book of parties and pastimes. Phil., McKay, [CLOT DEVO; 793 Day, Mrs. L. C. (P.) Social entertainments. N. Y., Moffat, 1914. $1.00. 793 Fales, W.S., and Northend, M.H. The party book. Bost., Little, 1912. $2.00 net. 642 In addition to recipes and menus there are correct forms of invitation, and suggestions for table decorations. Foster, R. F. Foster’s complete Hoyle. N. Y., Stokes, n. d. $3.00. 795 Standard authority for all card games. Frenz, E. P., ed. New ideas for entertaining. Ney as a Ten. 11914 eof OU. 793 Glover, E. H. The art of entertaining for all occasions. Chic., Browne, 1913. $1.00. 793 A collection of ideas for observing time-honored customs for special days and particular occasions. Glover, E. H. More guessing contests. 2d ed. Chic., McClurg, 1914. $ .50 793 Hill, Mrs. J. M. Salads, sandwiches and chafing- dish dainties. Bost., Little, 1911. $1.50. 641 Intended for the Sunday night tea. Judson, H., ed. Light entertaining. N. Y., Butterick Pub. Co., [cl1910.] $ .50. 641 This little book will be a boon to the college girl who is planning a “‘spread”. It contains a good collection of recipes for sandwiches, beverages and candies, as well as suggestion for the chafing-dish. The new hostess of $1.50 net. 641 Etiquette of entertaining, with a great variety of recipes. Laughlin, C. E., ed. The complete hostess. N. Y., Appleton, 1909. $1.26. 793 Linscott, Mrs. H. B. Bright ideas for enter- taining. Phil., Jacobs, [1905.] $ .50. 793 Price, H., pseud. Table decorations and deli- cacies; a complete handbook for the hostess. Phil., Winston, [cl914.] $2.00. 642 Winterburn, Mrs. F. (H.) and others. Novel ways of entertaining. N. Y., Harper, 1914. $1.00. 793 Suggestions for afternoon teas, dinner giving, outdoor ieee a children’s parties, with a chapter on the new ances. Larned, Mrs. L. (H.) today. N. Y., Scribner, 1913. GOOD NOVELS. Adams, S. H. The Clarion. Bost., Hough- ton, 1914. $1.35. 69b Arnim, M. A. (B.) v. Fraulein Schmidt and Mr. Anstruther. N. Y., Scribner, 1907. $1.50. 69b Fraulein Schmidt tells the tale of her life in a series of piquant letters, which are full of exquisite philosophies, excellent criticism, quiet humor.—A. L. A. Bkilist. Dwight,H.G. Stamboul nights. N. Y., Double- day, Page, 1916. $1.35. 69b Fisher, Mrs. D. (C.) The bent twig. N. Y., Holt, 191579 $35: 69b Galsworthy, J. The Freelands. N. Y., Scrib- ner, 1915. $1.35. 69b Hewlett, M. The little Iliad. Phil., Lippin- cott, 2915 alice. 69b Miller, A. D. Come out of the kitchen! a romance. N. Y., Century, 1916. $1.25. 69b Pure comedy. Rolland, R. Jean-Christophe, tr. by Gilbert Cannan. N: Y.;-Holt; 1910; sSiau) 69b Sinclair, M. The belfry. N. Y., Macmillan, 1916. $1.35. 69b Published in England under the title Tasker Jevons: the real story. An exceptionally able and interesting study. Vivid, unceasingly readable.-—WN. Y. Times. Snaith, J. C. The sailor. IN. Y., Appleton, 1916. $1.40. 69b Watts, Mrs. M. (S.) The rudder; a novel with several heroes. Nexe Macmillan, 1916. $1.50. 69b Mrs. Watts portrays the life of the Middle West with fidelity, humor and sympathy. Her people are very real. Wells, H. G. The research magnificent. N. Y., Macmillan, 1915. $1.50. 69b BOOKS TO BUY FOR ADULTS ; 15 FOR MOTHERS. Bishop, E. M. The road to “seventy years young;”’ or, The unhabitual way. N.Y., Nuebsch, 1911. $1.20. 5 Sensible and readable advice about keeping young by avoiding ruts. Bolton, F. Exercises for women. N. Y., Funk & Wagnalls, 1914. $1.00. 613.7 A sane, discriminating little volume.—Wis. Lib. Bull. Brockbank, E. M. Children; their care and management. N.Y., Oxford Univ. press, 1912. $1.50. Mp Complete, sensible and well written. One of the best books on the subject. Burbank, L. The training of the human plant. Neer esentury, 1913: $7.60. 136.7 Cabot, Mrs. E. L. Ethics for children; a guide for teachers and parents. Bost., Houghton, [c1910.] $1.25. 170 Comstock, S. Mothercraft. N. Y., Hearst’s Int. Lib., [c1915.] $1.00. Mp Ewald, C. My little boy; tr. from the Danish. N. Y., Scribner, 1906. $1.00. 839.88 Herrick, Mrs. C. (T.) My boy and I. Bost., Dana Estes, [cl1913.] $1.00. 173 Should be in the possession of everyone who has to do with the bringing up of children, so filled is it with sugges- tions as sensible as it is sympathetic.—Boston Transcript. Norris, K. Mother. N. Y., Macmillan, 1911. $1.00. 69b Occasionally there comes along a book which for sheer beauty demands merely a record of its recognition rather than extended review. . . . Mrs. Norris in Mother has produced just such a little story.—George Middleton. Olcott, F. J., comp. Story-telling poems; sel. and arranged for story-telling and reading aloud. Bost., Houghton, Mifflin, [1913.] $1.25. j808.8 Paget, S. The new parent’s assistant. N. Y., Macmillan, 1914. $1.25. 173 Rice, S. T., comp. ‘‘Mother’’ in verse and prose; a book of remembrance. N.Y., Moffat, Yard, 1916. $1.50. 808.8 Rice, S. T., comp. Mothers’ day; its history and significance as related in prose and verse; ed. by R. H. Schauffler. N. Y., Moffat, Yard & Co., 1915. $1.00. 394 Although a compilation for the observance of a holiday, this collection contains so many beautiful and tender tributes to mothers and motherhood that any mother must be touched and pleased to be its recipient. Scott, M. F. How to know your child. Bost., Little, Brown, 1915. $1.25. 136.7 Smith, E. S., and Hazeltine, A. I. Christmas in legend and story. Boston, Lothrop, Lee & Shepard, [1915.] $1.50. j394 A compilation of Christmas stories and legends which have literary merit, are reverent in spirit, and are suitable for children as well as interesting for adults. For parents, teachers and librarians. Wheeler, M. Young mother’s handbook. N. Y., Harper, 1914. $1.00. Mp Winterburn, Mrs. F.(H.) The mother in educa- tion. N. Y., McBride, Nast, 1914. $1.50. 372 FOR WOMEN—AND OTHERS. Allen, W. H. Woman’s part in government, whether she votes or not. N. Y., Dodd, 1913. $1.50 324.3 Cooper, Mrs. E. (B.) My lady of the Chinese courtyard. N.Y., Stokes, [cl1914.] $1.50. 396 Cromwell, J. H. The American business woman. N. Y., Putnam, 2d ed. rev. and rewritten. 1910. $2.00. 658 Extremely valuable, and will be found a good investment, not only for women for whom it was primarily intended, but for many men.—WN. Y. Times. Crothers, S. M. Meditations on votes for women; with animadversions on the closely related subject of votes for men. Bost., Houghton, 1914. $1.00. 324.3 Gentle, humorous reasonableness is the book’s dis- tinguishing trait. Goodsell, W. A history of the family as a social and educational institution. N. Y., Macmillan, 1915. $2.00. 392 Gould, G. M. The magic of dress. Garden City, Doubleday, Page, 1911. $1.00. 646 Key, Ellen. The woman movement; tr. by M. B. Borthwick; with introd. by Havelock Ellis. N. Y., Putnam, 1912. $1.50. 396 Martin, J. and Mrs. P. M. Feminism, its fallacies and follies. N. Y., Dodd, 1916. $1.50. 396 Worth reading by both Feminists and antis, for its good-tempered marshalling of arguments. Miller, Mrs. A. (D.) Are women people? a book of rhymes for suffrage times. N. Y., Doran, [cl1915.] $ .60. 8il Nearing, S. Reducing the cost of living. Phil., Jacobs, [1914.] $1.25. 330 Nearing, S. and N. M. S. Woman and social progress. N. Y., Macmillan, 1912. $1.50. 396 Putnam, Mrs. E. J. (S.) The lady; studies of certain significant phases of her history. N. Y., Sturgis & Walton, 1910. $2.00. 396 Williams, J. L. ‘And so they were married’’; a comedy of the new woman. GhaX ss Scribner, 1914. $1.25. 812 FOR READING ALOUD. Brooks, C.S. Journeysto Bagdad. Yale Univ. Press; $1915.59 $E,50. 814 Charming, whimsical essays. Cameron, Mrs. M. Cat and the canary. N. Y., Harper, 1908. $1.00. I 16 ST. LOUIS PUBLIC LIBRARY ——Tangles; tales of some droll predicaments. N. Y., Harper, 1912. $1.30. 69b Fifteen clever, original short stories. Crothers, S. M. The understanding heart. Bost., Amer. Unit. Assoc., 1907. $1.00. 240 Clear, simple talks on the relation of religion to life. Glass, M. M. Elkan Lubliner, American. Garden City, N. Y., 1912. $1.20. 69b Grahame, K. The golden age. [20th ed.] N. RY. ek OU 2: ae Oo L.OU. 69b Grenfell, W. T. The adventure of life. Bost., Houghton, 1912. $1.00. 248 (William Belden Noble lectures. 1911.) Guiterman, A. The laughing muse. N. Y., Harper, [1915.] $1.00. 811 Admirable fooling, musical and witty. The quest of the ribband, the first poem, is a classic. Kipling, R. The day’s work. N. Y., Double- day, 1908. $1.50. 69b Noyes, A. The Lord of Misrule, and other poems. N. Y., Stokes, [1915.] $1.60. 821 Tarkington, B. Seventeen, a tale of youth and summer time. N. Y., Harper, [1916.] $1.35. 63Sb Yeats, W. B. Land of the heart’s desire. [5th ed.] Portland, Me., Mosher, 1906. $ .50. 822 GOOD LITERATURE FOR LITTLE MONEY. The following titles may be obtained in Everyman’s Library, bound in cloth at $.35 per volume, reinforced library binding at $.50, and in leather at $.70. N. Y., Dutton, 1915. Aeschylus. Lyrical dramas, tr. by J. S. Blackie. 882 Arnold, M. Poems. 821 Balzac, H. de. Eugenie Grandet. 69b Borrow, G. The Bible in Spain. 914.6 Bunyan, J. Pilgrim’s progress. llg Cellini, B. Autobiography. 97b Curtis, G. W. Prue and I, and, Lotus eating. 69b De Quincey, T. English mail coach, and other writings. 824 Dickens, C. Tale of two cities. 69b Euripides. Plays. 2 v. 882 Goethe, J. W. v. Faust. 832.62 Hawthorne, N. Marble faun. 69b Jonson, B. Everyman, and other miracle plays. 822 Kinglake, A. W. Eothen. 915.6 Lincoln, A. Speeches and select letters; introd. by J ryce. 308 Lockhart, J. G. Sir Walter Scott; abridged. 97k Montaigne, M. E. de. Essays, tr. by Florio. 3 v. 84 Plato. Dialogues. 2 v. af Scott, Sir W. Quentin Durward. 69h Thackeray, W. M. Henry Esmond. 69k Thoreau, H. D. Walden. 8188 PERIODICALS. Art and archeology. Archeological Inst. of Amer., Wash.,D.C. $3.00. Atlantic monthly. Atlantic Monthly Co., 4 Parkij St., Boston. $4.00. Craftsman. Craftsman Publishing Co., 41 W.! Thirty-fourth St., N. Y. $3.00. Dial; a fortnightly journal of criticism, dis-| | cussion and information. Chic., $2.00. Garden magazine. Doubleday, Page & Co.,i Garden City, N. Y. $1.50. Good Housekeeping. American Home Maga- zine Co., 119 W. 40th St., N. Y. $1.50. Independent. Independent Weekly. 119 W. 40th St., N. Y. $4.00. International studio. S20 Stra Nieae Life. Life Pub. Co., N. Y. $5.00. Literary Digest. 4th Ave., N. Y. .$3.0 Musician. Oliver Ditson Co., 150 Tremont St., fae Boston. $1.50. Nation. Vesey St., N.« Y. $4.00 National geographic magazine. National Geo- graphic Society, Hubbard Memorial Hall, - Washington, D. C. $2.50. ship $2.00. New republic. 21st SticIN ay ee 400 Popular mechanics. 318 W. Washington St., Chicago. $1.50. John Lane Co., 116 W. ans $5.00. Funk a Wagnalls Co., 354! ee New York Evening Post Co., 20-24 | i With member- te Republic Pub. Co., 421 W. |g Popular Mechanics Co., Mt ue