RESOLUTION FOR JEWETT Regents Express Sorrow at Death of Librarian. *T rq Y Regents, officials, professors and stu- dents at the state university, 1 uesday morning united in expressions of sorrow over the death of Walter K. Jewett, uni- versity librarian, in this city Monday evenin 0 ' following an illness extending HT seven weeks" The regents astern- bled in special meeting, deferred their | business matters long enough to pass il formal resolutions of condolence. The* f ° -Whereas, Dr. Walter K. Jewett was on the third day of March, called away by death from his labors among us, ^Whereas, during his faifhfulandeffi- cient service ot seven yeais the present regents and their predecessors have at alf times highly appreciated his broad ! scholarship, sober • judgment, tact, ' dustrv and high ideals, be it , t ‘ Resolved, by the board ot re Sonts of the University of Nebraska, that we o-ive public expression of our profound griff, and that a copy of this resolution “a- ... .< -,J most prominent men connected officially with the institution, was recognizee Tuesday morning in the postponement of the regular semi-weekly convocation. Further recognition will be nesday afternoon at the time of the funeral when all classes will be dis- missed * between the hours of 2 and 4 °* Probably four prominent men connect- ed with “the university will serve to- morrow as pall-bearers. They aie. Chancellor Avery, Dean Sherman, Dean Bessey and Dean Davis. Services will be held at the church of the Holy Trin- ity Thirteenth and J streets, at 2.^0. Rev. S. Mills Hayes being in charge. The body will be taken to_ Boston, a former home of the deceased for int er- ment It will be accompanied by the late doctor's cousin, Dr. W, B. Bancroft, who arrived in Lincoln from his home in Boston, during the past week. Mis. Jewett will not go east . I During the seven ye ars that Dr. Jewett has been connected ^rorni- • >a l university, he has oeeii i activities. . nent among the s ^ 10 g C ^ o0 i librarian, he 1 Besides serving as SchO f athle tic Soard^tnd toSTSn active part in its , " The library, ^Td^emory* 6 Through \ the monument to his n l beeR buil t in- \ his unceasing ^al, n educational to one of the la ^f e eSt m ?ddle west. Hurt institution in +l ^r 1 S lr Iction of Dr. Jewett, spring under the ^irection hundred thou- it passed the^ malk ^nt long anticipated , || n Ve oZef’inembers of the university | faculty. MADE IN LINCOLN Sash, Door, Interior Finish, Cabinet , Work. SCHAAF MFG. CO, 601 No. 17th Both Phones notei victoria 15th & n r^ir- Popular 0 Street Prices Try Our Evening Dinner Music 5:45 to7:45 Portraits Given Away With Every Dozen Photos. | SKOGLUND BROS. Good Photos. 1026 O St, 9! BUSINESS COLLEGE Established 29 years. 13th and P Sts. Lincoln, Neb Complete courses in Short- hand Typewriting, Bookkeep- ing, Accounting, Stenotypy ana Civil Service branches. Large and able faculty. Free employ- ment department. Enter any time. Catalog free. B IWKLt r UKUliUO. CUT' PRICE DRUGGISTS 1101 0 Street THE FAMOUS) NEBRASKA STATE Photo by Townsend. U-PNIDALL JEWET dr. WALTEK rvc. it since Librarian at the state ^ gt _ Eliza- 1906, who died last beth’s hospital. 1913— TWELVE PAGES. FIVE TROUSAND IN THE LIN WOMAN SUFFRAGISTS MARCH l der difficulties. FORCED TO FIGHT THEIR UP PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. BUT PARADE IS A SUCCE PLUCKY HIKERS KEEP TEMPE IN FACE OF INSULT. the