1 i • VAULT R'CKER LIBRARY ARCHITECTURE X, ,^t I BICKNELL'S VILLAGE BUILDER ELEVATIONS AND PLANS FOS COTTAGES, VILLAS, SUBURBAN RESIDENCES, FARM HOUSES. STABLES .AND CARRIAGE HOUSES, STORE FRONTS, SCHOOL-HOUSES, CHURCHES, COURT-HOUSES, AND A MODEL JAIL; EXTEEIOE AND INTEEIOE DETAILS FOR PUBLIC AND PRIVATE BUILDINGS, WITH APPROVED FOBMS 01' CONTEACTS AND SPECIFICATI0N8. CONTAINING FIFTY-FIVE PLATES DRAWN TO SCALE ; SHOWING TOE BTTLE AND COST OF BUILDING IN DIFFERENT SECTIONS OF THE COUNTKT. BEING AN ORIGINAL WORK, COMPRISING THE DESIGNS OF FIFTEEN LEADING ARrillTECTS, REPRESENTING THE NEW ENGLAND. MIDDLE, WESTERN AND SOUTU-WESTERN STATES. REVISED EDITION. WITH THREE ADDITIONAI, PLATES AND A VARIETI OF DETAILS. A. J. BICKNELL & CO., ARCHITECTUR A.L BOOK PUBLISHERS, 27 Warren Street. 1872. Eiiternd according to Art i)f Coi!j,'ros», in ihi' year 1S70, by A. J. BICKNKLL. Ill till' Office nf Ihe Librarian of Coii'jri'fs. iil Wasliin^lnn. D. Printuil i)y the N. Y. LithographSuB. Enj^ravinsr. and Priiitin:; Co.. Ill * 18 Pari; I'larc-. New "I'ork 2^ 7c20 AkCW. l©7c2 INTRODUCTION Several years experience in the sale of Architectural Books has taught us, that in bringing out a practical work on Architecture, it is necessary to include a great variety of styles of buildings; and in presenting this volume to the public, wc feel assured that it is better adapted to the North, South, East and West, than any previous production of similar character. Several well-known architects, whose names will be found in connec- tion with the description of plates, have aided us in perfecting this work. It has been our object in the selection of designs principally to include buildings of moderate cost, although we have introduced several elaborate specimens, all of which are suggestive, and may be executed in a plainer way for one-half the given cost. The estimates are made at the various localities where the designs have been prepared ; including Boston, Worcester, Philadelphia, I^uffalo, Chicago, St. Louis ; Springfield and Lincoln, 111. ; Kansas City, Mo. ; Nashville, Tenn. ; and Fort Edward, N.Y. The work is chiefly made up of elevations, plans and details of cottages, villas, and suburban houses ; yet much attention has been given to model designs for churches, court-houses, and other public and private building^. or The elevations are mostly drawn on a scale of one-eighth, one-twelfth, one-sixteenth ; the details on a scale of one-half to three-fourths of one inch to the foot ; all of which can be easily comprehended and executed. The demand for previous publications that we have brought to public notice is an evidence of the increasing want of such a work as the Village Builder, which is not characterized by the style of any one author or locality, but is general in its adaptation. A. J. BICKNELL & CO. FRONTISPIECE. Perspective view of Bay County Court-house, Bay City, Mich. Plates 49, 50 and 5 1 show the front and side elevations, plans and details. PLATE 1. THREE DESIGNS FOR CHEAP FRAME COTTAGES. Fig. I. Front elevation of cottage with hip roof. Fig. 2. First floor plan, containing three rooms and porch. This design can be built for $750. Fig. 3. Elevation of cottage, suitable for plan of Fig. i. Cost $1,000. Fig. 4. Front elevation of cottage, containing six rooms. Fig. 5. First floor plan of Fig. 4.. Fig. 6. Second floor plan of Fig. 4. Cost $1,200. The designs on this plate are drawn on the scale of one-eighth of one inch to the foot. IM;iti- I Firi. 1. BED ROOM KITCHEN r LIVING ROOM 12 s' X /( PORCH Kl«. 2 Sralr. S ol' I iiifli lo tlir I'ltnl tf -«> ■g gPf^ EPTW ^ -trrV R, ' < m bill Fig. ■'I . 1 DININC ROOM 12 «'« 13 r PORCH PARLOR iz: 6't IS Fig.C m ^ •^ •vj l.ilh hvJlli»i.K-^l' II I l'l;Hr 1' FHOXT KLEVATION SITTIMCHOOM. 13. 6. K n. 'lLu<,jI : f*f*LOR PIAZZA. \ PCHCtt I CHAMaCH 13 9* IS I J " It QhtmOLH i:^! :rj: Ip V CftAUBER I_ i^^ PLAN OK KIIIST KI,I«>R PLAN OP SECOND FLOOR l.,ih In JBi™li'»l" r.ikni.rM J te^"iS>> I'hilc J I! J /^"^"^ /f?-^ Arilulruvi' for Doors and WiiidowH ^ Details lor I'lati- 2. ,V.« 1 1' whiTf mil I mil III In! ' liiU sitf I., I I ^ 1 l„k rlll,.> 1 SPECli^UCATIONS. SPEriFirATIO\S of the Materials to be Furnished and Labor to be Performed in the Ererlion niid Complrtion of a H'ooden Uwellius-IIousc, according to a set of plans, shown on Plate 2, furnished by L. Inderwood, Architect, 13 Exchange Street, Boston. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. Tlie size of tlie liouse and the size and arrangement of all the rooms, etc., are to te as shown on the plans, which are to be considered as a part of this specification ; and which, ^vith the writing and figures thereon, together ■with the detail drawings, are to be adhered to in every respect. Tlie figures in all cases are to take the precedence of measurements on the jjlans. EXCAVATION, STONE WORK, &c. The contractor is to do all of the excavating for tlie cellar, drains and cistern, dig well, etc., and to put III the cellar and bulkhead walls, build foundations for piers and chimnej's, and to do all the stonework necessary to receive the frame. The cellar and bulkhead walls are to be 18' thick at the bottom and 14" at the top, built with stone laid in cement mortar, and are to be carried up to the proper lieight to receive the sills. The cellar is to be 8' 6" deep in tin* clear of the joists. There is to be a dry well, 4 in diameter at the bottom and 2 6" at the top, and 6' deep, built wliere shown on the plans. The walls are to be of stone laid dry, carried up to within 18" of the top of the ground and covered with flagging stones. There is to be a 6" vitrified earthenware drain pipe from the waste-pijje to the sink, to the dry well, provided with a stench trap. The cellar wall above the grade is to be built of large stone, with an even face on the outside. The joints are to be well pointed and drawn. There is to be a well located as per plan, and bricked up with a 4' wall of hard burned brick, laid in cement and is to be covered with flagging stones. All earth that is excavated ia to be deposited in such places in the lot as the proprietor may direct BRICKWORK. Piers are to be built, as shown on the cellar plan, with good hard burned brick, and carried up to the sills. Tlu^ chimneys are to be built, as shown on the i)lans, of a good quality of chimney brick, and to bi; to])ped out with good hard burned brick of uniform color, according to designs given in the elevations. All of the flues are to be fastened throughout on the inside. There are to be funnel irons, of such sizes as may be directed, put in the chimneys, so that stoves may be put up in all the rooms. There is to be a rain-water cistern, as shown on the plans, of 2,000 gallons capacity, built in the usual manner, with hard burned bricks laid in cemiuit, and is to be thoroughly cemented on the inside, and provided with a flagging stone cover and a vitrified earthen overflow pipe connected with the drain running to the dry well. The overflow pijie is to have a bend-tmp. CARPENTERS' WORIv. The frame is to be made and set up in a good and workmanlike manner, with good, sound, square-edged si)ruc(3 titnbers and joists of such sizes as are marked on the plans. Tin* floor joists are to be bridged with truss bridging. The walls and roof to be boarded with 8oun' required. The outside iiaisli is to be well wrought .and ])ut u)) .according to the detail drawings, and that tlie said C. D. shall pay and allow the said A. B. for each and every day (except the aforesaid) beyond said of the sum of ten doliai's as licpiidate damages. But if the work is di'layed by causes aforesaid, the said C. D. is to be allowed one extra day for each and every day of delay to complete said work. And the said A. B. in consideration of the above premises dotli for himself and his executors agree weU and truly to pay or cause to be paid unto the said C. D. or his legal representatives the following sum to wit : Three thousand eight hundred dollars in the manner following, that is to say, when the cellar is finished and the building raised and boarded, one thousand dollai-s : when the outside is completed (me thousand dollars: when the i)lastering is finished eight hundred dollars, and the balance one thousand dollars in lliirty days after the builduig is completed and accepted by the architect and proprietor free lioui all charges by way of lien or other attachments. No extra work shall be perfonned or materials furnished beyond that provided for by tliis agreement and the iilans and specifications aforesaid, nor shall the work be changed or in anywise varied by the said C. D., except upon request made by the said A. B., who shall have the right to vary and alter so far as respects any part of the woik or materials at any time remaining to be performed or finished by the said C. D. And in <"ise a retjuest is made by said A. B. to have any change or alterations made, the price shall be agreed upon and the bargain made in writing and signed by both parties hereto before such (changes or alterations are commenced. And if any ditference of opinion shall arise in regard to the \n\c« of extra work, it shall W referred to th.' archit<-ct and two disinterested persons, one to be chosen by each of the ])aities hereto and whose decision shall be final and binding upon all jtarties. It is further atrreed that insurance shall be eflfected upon the building in some company ipproved by the said A. B., ininiediatrly after tiie first payments to the amount of that i)ayment, and to be increased after each payment to the amount of the snm of all tlie payments then made. Said policy of insurance is to be in the name and lor the benefit of said A. B. in case of loss, lie paying one half and the said C D. paying on.- half the exp.-nse of the polhy. In witness whereof the said parties of the liist and second parts have hereunto set their hands and seals this / PLATE 2. DESIGN FOR A FltENCII l.\N I.ilhl>vJIIinl» r.i> I'In.v.NY I'hiu- 4 It?- -^tt ,^ ft ^s^lr^^i^r^m ■A 4r SIDK Kl. KVATIOX. ^ I'P STORY I'l.AN t. ■ Hll.llt I I I I I 'f -.-t-l-t-y •11 - -^ •^; UlilJi> J OMSlkAlK i'ukrUcr N V SPECIFICATIONS, SPECIFirATIOXS of tho Maleiials to be Furnished and Labor to be Prrformod in tlie Erofllon and (oniplelion of a one and a lialf story (ottaRO, in tlie Gothic stjie. for .llr. , in the (itj of St. Louis, State of IMissouri. (See Plates Three and Four for the elevations and plans.) GENERAL DESCRIPTION. The building will have a frontage on Lafayette Avenne of forty-tliree feet, by a depth of fifty feet, there will be a cellar under the entire bnilding 7' 6" deep, the first story will be 11' high, the second story will be 10' high to imderside of cellar beams ; all tliese heights to be in tlie clear when iinished. For position of doors and windows and arrangement of rooms reference is hereby had to plans. EXCAVATION. The earth to be dng out the proper depth and extent to receive the cellar and foundation walls, dig trenches for footing courses under all walls two feet wide and six inches deep ; all earth not lequii-ed to fill in around walls and to grade lot to be carted away. Tlie cellar to be dug 5' below the grade of lot, cesspool to be 7' diameter and 1.5' deep. RUBBLE STONE WORK. AU the cellar and foundation walls are to be built up straight and plumb to the under side of sill eighteen inches thick, the footings six inches deep and tw,o feet wide : the work to be of the best quality of quany building limestone, laid up with fresh lime and sharp sand mortar, and all joints well pointed, and the w^ork well bonded with through stone, the top course to be of broad fiat rock not less than three feet thick, the outside of walls where exposed to be tuck pointed. TIMBER WORK. All timber used throughout to be of a sound quality and as well seasoned as can be procured. and of the following dimensions :— Tlie sills to be 4" x 6" ; the first and second tier of joist to be 2" X 10", properly framed and placed 10" from centers ; the second tier of joist will be notclied on a 1" X G" ribbon piece let in the side studding ; the collar beams will be 2" x 0" spiked to side of rafters ; the wall jjlate will be 2" x 4" spiked to top of studding ; the studding will be 2" x 6" pl.aced 16" from centers ; the corner posts will be 4" x G" framed in sill; the braces 3" x 4' framed in comer i)osts and sill, draw bored and i)inned ; the rafters 2 " x 6" properly framed and well secured to wall ])late, and placed 16" from centers, secured at the top to 2 " x 8" ridgi^ piece. Each tier of joist will have one row of cross bridging through the center of H" x 2", well nailed to joist, the perch timbers will be 2" x 6" properly framed and put up aa shown. SIDING. The building enclosed with second rate dressed white pine weather boarding and to have IJ" lap at joints. ROOFING. Tlie roof will be sheathed witii 1 " slicatliing boards, and covered with the best quality of white pine sawed sldngles laid 4^" to tlie weather with the joints well broken. FLOORING. Tlie floors will be laid with the best second-rate white pine mill -worked flooring, well seasontni and laid in courst-s of not over fij " wide, well nailed to each joist and cleaned <>tr, when finished : the perch floors will bi; laid in courses of not over 3^ " wide, with white lead in the joints. SPECIFICATIONS FOR DESIGN SHOWN ON PLATES TUKEE AND FOL'K. CORNICES. Prep.irp and ]int eave gable and poi'cli cornices as shown, of good well-seasoned white j)ine free from sup or larger knots ; prepare gutter beds for metal gutters, as shown. PLASTERING. All till' rnmns to be lathed with pine laths, and to have two coats of brown mortar, and skim with plaster paris — tiuish well with trowel ; all angles to be made straight and plumb. WINDOWS. All the windows throughout to have double liung box frames, the sash 1|" thick and made as shown, the sizes as shown on elevation, and hung with If axle pulleys and patent sash cord ; each window to have sash locks to cost $ per dozen. All the windows throughout will be jirovided with outside rolling slat blinds, If" thick, hung with patent spiral blind hinges, and well fastened. The cellar windows will have solid 2" plank frames, with If sash made in two parts, and liung with loose butts and fastened with good bolts ; the exterior finish of frames will be as shown. BAY WINDOWS. To be constructed as shown on plan ; the roofs will be covered with the best roofing tin, painted on the under sides. PORCHES. Put up as shown on drawings, of good sound white pine lumber, well seasoned ; the under side of roof ceiled with matched boards, smoothed and beaded ; the roofs will be covered the same as bay windows. The steps will be made of IJ' white pine. CONSERVATORY. Built as shown on plan and elevation ; the sashes of sides made If" thick, and hung on pivots in center of sides ; the roof will be of glass, properly set in sky-light sash, and arranged for proper ventilation. TIN WORK. Put in eave gutters of one cross leaded tin 14 ' wide, well painted on both sides ; put \\i» down spouts, 3J" diameter, at the several points where required, with proper elbows. INTERIOR FINISH. The inside finish will be of good second rate white pine, well seasoned ; the rooms and hall of main building, first story, will be finished with a neat moulded casing 8" wide, and 11" moulded bas(> ; the second story will have plain 6" moulded casing, 7" moulded base ; the kitchen, servants' and bath-rooms finished with a plain 5'' casing, and 6" beaded base ; the windows of main house will have moulded panel backs, the others finished to stool and apron pieces. DOORS. All doors throughout will be made in four panels and moulded on both sides. Tliose on first story will be U' x7' 6", If" thick ; those in the second story, 2' 10" x 6' 10" ; the closet doors will be as large ;is the spaces will juoperly admit ; the front door will be made the same st3ie as shown, theii» will bi^ raised moulding^s on the outside. All doors to be hung to 2" rabbeted frames, with proper butts, and to have hard wood carpet strips. The locks in the first stor^- will be fi " mortise, with wliite and silver plated trimming; all others will liave 5" tumbler rim locks, with tirowu knobs and bronze trinunmg ; the outside doors to be seemed with suitable bolts. PAINTING. All wood anil othi'r work usually paintiMl to have three good coats of lead and oil paint ot any color the owner may di'sii-e. All interior tinish of doors and windows, with the door, frames inside of sash and base, will be grained in oak, neat style and varnished ; the blinds jiainted Paris green. GLAZING. All windows to be glazed with the best quality of Pittsburgh glass, well tinned, beddwl, and back jiuttiecl. SPECIFICATIONS FOR DKSIGN SHOWN ON PLATES THBEE AND FOUR. MANTLES. The thiw priiifijiul looms of tlie first story willbi^ provided witli marble mantles, lo cost $75 eacli ; those iii Ihi' second story to have a neat wooden niautle, to cost $12 eacli. GRATES. The grates of first story to cost $14 each, those in second story $12 each— to he three in each story — these prices to be exclusive of the setting ; they are to be set with liie hiirk in the best manner. CHIMNEYS. Are to be built of good brick, as shown ; the flues to be 9" x 12", well pargeted on the inside work in a d' thimble in kitchen tiiie ; the chimney's topped out with best quality of red biick and surmounted with chimney tops of terra cotta. GAS PIPES. To be run through thi> building so as to furnisli light for eacli room and halls, the outlets will be placed where the owuer nuiy desire, the pipes to be the sizes required by gas companies' regulations. BELLS. There will be two bells in the building — one to front door, and one in jwirlor. STAIRS. The stairs will be built on strong carriages. The main stairs will be of clear yellow ])ine, 1" thick for the treads, and ^" white pine risers, finished with return nosing scotia and fillets ; the rail will be 2J" thick, 4^" wide moidded ; the balusti'rs will be IJ" fancy turned base and neck : the newell will be 10", with turned base and cap, and octagon panel shaft ; and all to hv of well seasoned black walnut. The steps and risers will be housed in the wall-string, the stairs will be enclosed underneath with a panelled and moulded s])andrill ; the rear steps will be of yellow ])ine and white ])ine riser.s, finished with jjlain tunii'd ])alust<'rs and 2" x 3" walnut hand rail ; 7" turned newell post, of black walnut. Those stairs will be enclosed underneath with matched ceiling boards, smoothed and beaded, with a door leading to cellar by a strong stairway with plain rail. PLUMBERS' WORK. Tliei-e will be a 6' copper planislied bathtub, fitted up in bath-room, with all the necessary supply, and waste-pi^ie and compi'ession draw-cocks for hot and cold water; also iitti'd up in kitchen, a 40 gallon copper boiler, with all necessary pipe to connect to bath-tub, sink and wasli- basin ; also -jjut uj) in bath-rooiti. a marble top wash-basin with supjily and waste-])ipe, and draw- cocks of an approved kind; and also fit up an iron sink in the kitchen, with supply-pipe for hot and cold water, and 1 J" waste-pipe. All supply-pipe will be extra strong ^ " ; the waste water from bath-room and kitchen will bi^ conducted to sewer running through the cellar ; the sewer will be of 12" stone drain-pipe, and will be continued from the cellar to cesspool in }ard. CLOSETS. The closets will be fitted up vnth shelves, strips, and clothes hooks as desired : the store- rooms and china closet will be shelved as may be required ; close up under sink and hang small door and fasten with sjjring catch. CONDITIONS. Tliat all material and labor used are to be the best of their respectivi' kinds, and if there is anj'thing omitted in these 8p<'cifications, or that is not fully shown on the ])lans. which should be necessary for the full completion of the building, according to the full intent and meaning of these specifications and accoin])anyin!; drawings, the same is to be done at the exjuMise of the contractor without extra charge ; and, in case of any alteration, addition, or dediu'tion, the jirice shall be jigreed upon in writing before going into effect ; aniMintendence of Alfn-d (Jrable, architect, who will liave power to ri-Ject any material or labor which, iu his opinion, is not in accordance with these specifications. •APPROVED FORM OF CONTRACT ADOPTED BY THE ST. LOUIS CO-OPERATIVE BUILDING ASSOCIATION. ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of Eighteen htindred and sixty eight, by and between the Samuel P. Simpson party of the First part, and Messrs. BitowN AND GitABLE with D. T, WiuoiiT, as security party of the Second part, all of the city and county of St. Louis, State of Missouri, in the words and figures as follows : Tlie said party of the Second part, covenant and agree to and with the said party of the First part, to make and erect, build and tinish a certain two story brick dwelUng house on a certain lot of ground, situated on McPherson Avenue, between Wame and Sarah Avenues, for Samuel P. Simpson, Esq., in accordance with the drawings, plans and elevations, and specifications furnished by the superint(^nding architect, and adopted for said buildings, which are hereto annexed and made a part of this contract. The said party of the Second part, shall at their own cost and charges, provide and deliver all and every kind of material of good and sound quality and description, together with the cartage, scaffolding, tackles, tools, templets, rules, moulds, matters and things, labor and work, which may be necessary for the due, proper and complete execution of this contract, and accordingly erect, build, finish and complete in a good, sound, workmanlike manner to the perfect satisfaction and approbation of the superintendent, J. H. ISIcClaeen Esq., the aforesaid buildings and works, according to the specifications, drawings, dimensions and explanations and obsen^ations thereon, or herein" stated, described or implied or incident thereto, which may become necessary to the true intent and meaning thereof, although not specially and specifically stated or described by the aforesaid drawings and specifications. And should it ajipear, that any of the works hereby intended to be done, or matters relative thereto are not fully detailed or explained in the said specifications and drawings, the said party of the Second part shall apply to the superintendent for such further detailed explanations, and perform his orders as part of this contract. The superintendent shall be at liberty to make any deviation from or alteration in the plan, form, construction, detail and execution, described by the drawings and specifications, without invaliding or rendenng void this contract, and in case of any difference in the expense, an addition to or abatement from the contract price shall be made, and the same shall be determined by the architect. And the said superintendent shall h.ave full power and lawful authority to reject the whole or any part or portion of said materials or work, which may not in his opinion be in strict accordance with the letter and spirit of these presents ; and if by reason of any act or deed on the part of the said party of the Second part, the said party of the First part, or its legal representatives, or the superintendent, shall be led to believe that the erection or completion of said buildings is retarded unnecessarily, they or either of them may, as often as the same appears to them necessary, furnish such works and materials as they may deem necessary to facilitate the completion of said buildin s, and the cost and expense thereof is to be borne by and chargeable to the jiavty of tlie Second part exclusively. And in case of any alteration or change that may be directed, by the said superintendent as aforesaid in the plans, drawings and construction of the aforesaid buildings, and in cas(> of any omission or addition to said buildings being required by said superintendent, the cost and expense ther(>of is to be agreed upon in writing, and such agreement is to be signed by said party of the Second part and superintendent before the same is done, or before any allowance tlu>refor can be clainu'd ; and in case of any failure so to agree, the same shall be completed upon the original plan APPROVED KORM OK CONTRACT. And in case of frost or incli'mrni'y of wi-athcr, tln' said ])art3' of tln^ Second part shall offoetiially cover, protect and secure the several works, as occasion may require, and j)revent admission of wet through the apertures, and all damages occasioned there bj'' or otherwise, daring the progress of the works and by depredation or fire, the same t(j be borne and reinstated by and at the expense of the said party of the Second part who shall also case eifectually with boarding all Ijases, capitals, cornices and other projections, and deliver up tlie building in the most perfect order and condition, iit for use and occupation. The sai.d St. Louis Co-operative Building Association reserves to itself the right to insure said buUdings, during the progress of the works at tlie costs and expenses of the said part}' of the Second part. The work of erecting and finishing said buildings, including all alterations and additions in said contract provided or hereafter agreed upon, is to be proceeded with, with all reasonable dis- patch, and the same shall be completed and delivered up to said party of the first part in jjerfect order and condition, fit for use and occupation on or before the first day of May, of the year Eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, it being agreed that the said partj^ of the Second jjart shall forfeit th(i sum of ten dollars for every daj' expiring after that day, before the completion and delivery of said buildings as aforesaid to the said party of the First part, and this condition not to be made or rendered void by any alteration or additional works being performed, but in sucli case the time shall be extended as shall be deemed pi'oper by the superintendent and agreed to by the said party of the Second i)art, at the time of such extensitm. The supeiintendent's oi^inion, certificate I'eport, and decision on all matters to be binding and conclusive on the party of the Second part. The said party of the First part agrees and binds itself for and in consideration of the erection of said buildings as aforesaid to pay unto the party of the Second jiart the sum of seven thousand two hundred and sixty dollars (87,260). Paj-ments to be made as the work progresses to the amount of the value of sixty per cent, of the work don(>, as the superintendent shall estimate it, and 20 per cent, of the contract amount at the comj^letion and delivery of the work, and the residue of 20 per cent., or the balance of thi> con- tract price six months after the buildings are completed, and delivered up to the said party of the First part, but the said party of the first part shall have the right at any time after said buildings are completed to settle with and j)a.y said jiarty of the Second part, either in cash or by notes, as may be agreed upon by both parties. It being, however, understood that nothing herein contained shall be in any way so construed as to require the di-ferred paj-ment to be made in less tlian six months after the comi)letion and acceptance of the buildings by the party of the First part. The portion of the contract price contemplated to be paid during the ^irogress of the work. to bo paid in instalments and dates as follows, provided that at such dates the progress of the work has made such paj'menta due : — Eight liundivd (§800) dollars when the first floor joist is on, eiglu hundred ($800j dollars when the second floor joist is on, eight hundred (§800) dollars when the roof is on, eight hundred and sixty (S8G0) dollars when the building is jilastered, one thousand (§1,000) dollars when the finish and trimmings are up, fifteen hundred (§1.500) dollars when the building is completed, and the balance as hereinbefore ]irovided for. Provided, that the wages of artisiins and laborers, and all tiiose employed by, or furnisliinown & Grabl?:. [Seal] James H. McClaeen. I>- T. Weight. [Seal] P. S.— The above is a copy of contract for the building of a house for Gen'l. Samuel P. tiimpson, designed by Alfred Grable, Architect, 416 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. I'hil. ! ,11. In J Bio. II. » In r.iK PI.,. .M I'lato (i h F 1 r » t Floor lUtf Sfcond Floor 'Vjjo PLATE 5. DESIGN FOR ITALIAN (COTTAGE. E. R. Francisco, Architect, Kansas City, Mo. Plate 5. Shows the front and side elevations and plans. Scale of elevations — one-eighth inch to the foot. Scale of plans — three-thirty-second of an inch to the foot. Cost, built of wood, $2,000. Brick, $2,500. PLATE C). C. Edwarp Loth, Architect, Troy, N.Y. Fig. I. Front elevation of one-story frame cottage. Cost, $1,600. Fig. 2. Side elevation. Fig. 3. First floor plan. Fig. 4. Front elevation of two-story frame house. Cost, $2,250. Fig. 5. First floor plan. Fig. 6. Second floor plan. The designs on this plate are drawn to scale of three- thirty-second ot an inch to the foot. PLATES T, 8, 9. ELEVATIONS, PLANS AND DETAILS FOR A GOTHIC COTTAGE. Edgar Beektman, Arcliitect, 388 Main Street, Buffalo. Plate 7. Fig. i is the front elevation; Fig. 2 A, Vestibule ; B, Hall eight feet wide containing main stairs and recess (a) for hat rack ; C, Parlor fifteen by eighteen feet ; D, Dining-room sixteen by nineteen feet ; E, Bed or Sitting-room having large closet H, and Bath-room G, in con- nection; F, Kitchen ; I, Closet; K, Pantry; L, Serving and China Closet; W, rear platform ; N, Verandah; height main part eleven feet, rear nine feet four inches. Plate 8. Fig. 3 side elevation; Fig. 4 V, Platform on level of second floor of rear part ; U and T, Bed-rooms ; X, Closets; Q, R, S, Chambers ; P, Tower containing stairs to Observatory ; O, Hall containing niche for Statuary. All on Plates 7 and 8 are drawn twelve feet to an inch. Plate 9. Contains principal details; A, Tower and gable windows; B, Railing and cornice of Observatory ; C, Elevation and section of cor- nice and butments on Bay windows ; D, Main cornice ;. E, Finial ; F, Verandah; G, Chimney tops; L, Stair-case. All one-half inch to the foot. H, O, N, Section of Doors ; M and I, Inside finish ; K, section of window frame; P, Bases ; S, Window-sill ; I, Water- table all one and one-half inch to the foot ; Q, Plaster cornice and panel moulding ; R, Plaster arch over Bay windows and in Hall. 3^' riau- 7 I ii> II I nh bv J r.m K. k i« I'.ik ll.i. . N 1 T V , —■■■ « ^'' B . ;:;-■ s ^■i — 1 " 1 i X W4 Na J m Iiif IV I Mti I.N I Uim II' k l» I'uK I'Ih. .' N y riatf '» ti.kln l'uiil1>.>M flwp Cottage Mll;i ,T)»\si(l foi- (' ol. A.S. C OL'^'XR, So^^'allee^tille.s. ^^ PANTRY 8x8 T \, DIHiNQ ft. 23x15 / BACK HALL OHCSSmi K. VWKS'V V\AH)\K 1'1,AX I 4 t I « Lim i.% J liir. II. » w ruk n.tf N V I'lale II O (S.>t>^ SIC COX I) i''i,(){)i; SI DM i-'.I.KV.VriOX j'-?^ . jii.r. 11. Ni» i»ii.na..-.sv Platt^ I'J FRONT WINDOW. A SKt'TION OF AlUmTKA\T': >\1TH UCn'KK SKCTION OK HA.SK .Sc.ilrlJ to Tool. •^■^ l.iWi )>i .1 him l^ k l^ i ux riatr N T PLATES 10. 11, 12. DESIGN KOK A FIJAMK COTTACiK VILLA. A. C. Bbuck, Architect. Naslivilli-, Tunn. Plate lo. Shows the front elevation and first floor plan of a dwelling recently erected for Col. A. S. Colyer, President of the Sawannee Coal Mines^ The arrangement has been made without regard to space. All the rooms are large and well ventilated. The doors to the Library and the one on the Parlor entering on the front porch are two folds with sash. The inside doors first story, are three by seven feet with transom over each and moulded on both sides. The front door is of black walnut ; the sliding doors are also made of black walnut two and one-half inches thick, moulded below, with ornamental glass panels above. The windows are all double box hung with weights. The first story was plastered to ground when the finish, shown in detail C, was put on, out of first-class yellow pine oiled and varnished. The first story is twelve feet in clear. The plan on the plate is drawn to a scale of three thirty-second of one inch to the foot. The second story is finished with Poplar in a plain manner and neatly painted. Plate II. Side elevation and second story plan. Scale three thirty second of one inch to the foot. Plate 12. Details of (iable, Front Window, Vestibule and Finial at one-half of one inch to the foot. Section of Architrave at one ami one-half inch. Cost $7,500. PLATES 13, 14. DESIGN FOR A CHEAP RESIDENCE WITH FRENCH ROOF. G. B. Croff, Architect, Fort Edward, N. Y. Plate 13. Contains the front elevation, first floor plan, and details of Cornice, Balustrade, Canopy, Window-caps, &c. Plate 14. Shows the side elevation, plan of second floor and details for front and rear Verandah. Scale of elevations and plans one-eighth of one inch to the foot. Details three-fourth of one inch to the foot. This dwelling has recently been erected for John D. Bancroft, Cashier of the First National Bank of Ballston Spa, N. Y. Total cost including Architect's fees $4,000. The design presents a unique and inviting appearance and would voluntarily suggest an outlay of double the amount. The roof is covered with slate of the best quality. The frame is balloon constructed from two by four wallstrips and covered with good quality pine clap-boards, laying four inches to the weather. The first story is filled in with soft brick well laid in lime mortar. The floors are best quality Canada spruce. The exterior and interior details are of pine. The windows are hung with weights and supplied with finely finished inside blinds. The basement contains a hot-air furnace with four, nine by fourteen registers. I'latc- K! '? t ^^Jvov- — A V SCROLL ON TOP WINDOW CAP ■^N?" ^ ~W3 1 WINDOW CAP AMD BRACKET ./\aJ L2AA SUMH SCdOLL (N FRItZl K ^T a X \ ^ \ A A I -■ ^ f 1. 1 1 r ,^ - A 'yll I I llf FRONT ELEVATIOK. 1/ i FRONT HILL FARLOH 16 1 /fi , /." aCOROOM 3- tlTTIMt ROOM /7, Jj. M DININC ROOM l/CRilROXN .1 llird IMk 1.1 I'arkPl.i.r N ' [1(57^^5=^ iMi '.v ' M.-Mi'-N I' r„tk J'hn . ,\ '■ riati« i- FIRST FLOOK. WsmiNG AOOW ^ .1 OlMWi; ROOM SKCOM) i-LOOK f la '1 ienw/vri- fi' / m^ \ 21 FAMILY BOOH h GUC5TS' ROOM '■"U-?^T^ r Wmmn^^ V"""^^' pTiiii r l»==.Dfrr. FUO.VT VIKW. r;.fflii J^ BASEMKNT SlDi; VIKW -J Fi!;. 2 , J 7 I I i..mi<-*io r.i>. n« PLATE 15. DESIGN FOR A TWO STOKV BRICK SUIJURBAX KKSIDENCE. £. K. Myers, Architect, Sprinf^eld, 111. Fig, I. Front elevation. Fig. 2. Side elevation. Fig. 3. First floor plan, containing Hall, Parlor, Dining and Sitting- room, Kitchen and Pantry. Fig. 4. Second floor, containing Guests' and Family rooms, Bath- room, two Bed-rooms and Servants' room. Fig. 5. Basement plan. Scale sixteen feet to one inch. Cost ,500. X PLATES 16, 17. DESIGN FOR A DWELLING, STTT.E FRENCH MANSARD. Brown & Grable, Architects, 307 Loctist Street, St, Louis, Mo. This house is suitable for a country or suburban residence. Can be built of brick or wood ; cost built of merchantable brick and painted, $7,500. Plate 16. Shows the front elevation and first story plan. Plate 17. Plan of second story and attic. Scale of elevation and plans eight feet to the inch. fTl I'HO.NT Kl.KWVllOX sroKY -a— ■ I i;,^k.n.i r.iicn».i-Nv ^w^ r Sl'-.COSl) S'I'OIIY I'lau- 17 'h<.. iiiirnii. nn r.ikn.i..Nv '^ d ^^m^^^"^ -m. f^s^m^^^^amm FRONT ETiF.VATION. I KinsT i-i.ooii I'l.ii.- ir. I'l.Hf ]<» .£i k5\ iZi i.„„H'>.u- r.Mk n M PLATES 18, 19. DESIGN OK SUBURBAN RESn)ENCE. E. E. Mterb, Areliitcct, Springfield. III. Plate i8. Front elevation and first floor plan. Plate 19. Side elevation and second floor plan. Scale one-eighth of one inch to the foot. This dwelling has been recently erected for W. B. Corneau, of Springfield, 111. Cost $i 0,000. PLATES 20, 21, 22. DESIGN FOR A FIRST CLASS DWELLING. E. BoTDON & Son, Architects, Worcester, Mass. Plate 20. Front elevation. Plate 21. Rear elevation and ground plan. Plate 22. Side elevation and chamber plan. This house has been built for Mr. J. A. Hovey, Ballston Spa, N. Y., and is one of the best residences in that section of the country. The cost was $30,000. Scale of plans and elevations one inch to twelve feet. i IMnio •_•»» I I i-ft.to (in 'i rt.foi III. Main cornice ill I hi. ZZZ3I ,=^1: 1 FKONT KliKN'.VnoX. Si .lie out lilt li \1 I'l. %^/K X IVolll iliioI'M '4 II In i II, W^M^l^^Nr I'ln/za -;/>// f,. / / W ' ^rohn^ nnr X. ,4 irnii.kiii I'.iv n w AM) (;i{t)rM) iM.w S«:ili- 1 hull 11' It % ^ ar'' I. l"". I« l'>it. I l.,..N V I'h.lr _••_• -I'" SIDK KI.KV.VI'IOX. /\oi)^\ v^!!V % ni.t.MiiKit i>i..i.\ .C(f/f / ww4 /? f*ii •k.' i» .■»<■ <^. > I iM^nli.klll I'.il n..., S ■\ 'UV- ^-J ^ IMJ ^--f- ,1 1 _. IT f' I. - X ^ I'KO.N'I' \ii:\\ -aK mmiir ir- I i! y\i I t I 1 \ y r V^ ijj Sruli- ol' Mcl iiilS: S III" I iiH'li lo I tOiii yfSiSJ^J^J^ \ •; 9-^ I'hilr LU •■'OA V. c^ llllSr l-LOOll I'UAN ■ V i.'i r«ii. ri.n . .\ 1 s ^ •V: r* I lM.-nll'^l' I .!> I... . \ '. I'lal.' J(. ■ J. 1 SKCOND KI.OOU Ml PLATES 27, -28, DESKiX KOli A HANDSOME Sl^BURBAN RESIDENCE. F. Will. Reader, Ardiitfct. 307 Lcicusl Street, St. Louis. Mo. Plate 27. Front elevation. Plate 28. Plans of Basement, first floor, second floor and attic: a, denotes range ; b b, dumb waiters ; c c c c, wash troughs • d d, waste soil pipes ; e e e e, dining-room closets ; f f, flues of range and furnace ; g g, hot air flues; h h, hot air registers or grates ; i i i i, ventilating ducts ; k k k k, chamber closets ; k, hall closets ; k k, closet under stairs ; 1 1, water- closets in basement ; 111, water-closets on second floor ; m m m m m, wash-stands ; m, hydrant and sink. Scale of elevation, one-eighth of one inch to the foot ; scale ot plan, one-sixteenth of one inch to the foot. Cost $21,000. 9 O^^*^^ ^. ^ .X FRONT ELENATIOX -^-^ , fT Dcliills 'i 111' 1 Ilicli to 1 tool I.I'' MS l«ik llj.rN 1 t'liltt *7 riRST FLOOK. .SECOND B'LOOR-. ATTir. UASKMKN T. ^^ 7' ^ , l.v llli^nll'MK I'liklU.. \ \ E^E \^l r h c v^ \^ ^ J» FLOO* ti, ).> J Hi-M M< K |» i'uk I1ji« < N V PLATES 30, 31. PKUSPECTIVE VIEW, FRONT ELEVATION AND PLAN FOIl A EIIIST-CLASS STABLE. E. BoTDEN & Son, Architects. Worcester. Mass. This stable has been recently erected for a gentleman at Worcester, Mass. The style of his residence is Elizabethan, and the stable is made to correspond. Cost $5,000. riair :;n P -Th -ivmi ■i( a. , »':%>.*'' iSfe •f / ^^ % (ft-, iil< Ijv .1 Hiin< M> <■ U< Viik i < I'lali- :ti S 'rAI{ \,K .siAI.K: 12 PT - 1. IXCIl A. lUttcf to U'fi.sh ^u/'fitii/i'xv B I*tnrp for U'a.s-/ii/iti I/tir'.-^e^f. I ' I , A N r.illi liv .1 ll»n ll> 1^ la I'uk f Ucr N V I'l;il. l'"ioV -d l''K()\'r i;i MNA'I'ION ■ I 'I . . V. (TN ^^ Lilh In J liif M k- k IS tiiii> n- ■■ N < PLATE 32. ELEVATIONS AND PLANS FOR A CARRIAGE-HOUSE ANi^ STABLE. E. E. Mykhs, Arcliitect, Springfield, 111. Fig. I. Front elevation. Fig. 2. Side elevation. Fig. 3. Plan of first floor. Scale, eight feet to one inch. Cost, built of brick and covered with slate, $2,700. PLATE 33. ELEVATION OK P.rXX'K OF TWO STORE-FRONTS. E. E. Mteks. ArcliitM't, Sprinsfield, III. This block has been designed for the Hon. J. C. Conklin, of Spring- held, 111 Scale, one-eighth of one inch to the foot. Cost $16,000. -3^ f O.NKI.I .\ c; I'. LOCK acALE iiNCK TO poor I'lnu- :;:{ . if" ' .1 Iii.'ii ])■ k in fuk rUrr N r ! 1 xmrTFFTTfpmrTrrrimnnnrFT^fa - ^" ^-^Uwl..--. . . ^ ^ H ^T n n — ^\ ^1 h n r r ^n — HI y. (a n ^ CD o ;^^s |#5vo~ 'rr-lr— 1, ..a nil I.V i lii™ •>• 1. 1* I ufc llAvr N V PLATE 35. DESIGNS FOR FOUR STORES. E. E. Myers, Architect, Springfield, III. This block of stores is erected at Jacksonville, 111. Scale of elevation, one-eighth of one inch to the foot. Cost -$30,000. 9 C.CJ' 1 H I,i|, l.> JHi^K.iI"fM*na,.Nr PLATE 30. DESIGN FOR A FRAJVIE SCHOOL-HOUSK K. E. Mykrb, Architect. SprinRfield, HI This Plate shows the front elevation and plans for a two-story frame school-house, now being erected at Loami, 111. Scale of elevation, one-eighth of one inch to the foot ; scale of plans, one-sixteenth of one inch to the foot. Cost $6,000. PLATES 37, 38. DESIGN FOR A BRICK SCHOOL-HOUSE WITH MANSARD ROOF. Theo. F. Ladue. Architect, Lincoln, 111. Plate 37. Shows the front elevation and several details of a school- house now being erected at Lincoln, 111. A, main cornice ; B, tower cornice; C, top of steep roof; D, cornice of dormer windows. Plate 38. First and third floor plan; the second story is arranged same as the first, with the exception of a school inspector's room over front hall. The building has two entrances, by front and rear; hall fifteen feet wide, with two stairways five feet wide, which communicate with all the rooms. There are four school-rooms on first, and second stories, with large wardrobes and teachers' closet for each room. The wardrobes are so arranged, that there need be no confusion coming in or going out. The third story contains a chapel and two recitation rooms. All the rooms are to be wainscoted with alternate ash and black walnut; and all windows are to be supplied with inside blinds. The walls are red brick trimmed with Milwaukee pressed brick. The building will be heated and ventilated by Ruttan's system. The basement is divided into fuel cellars, water-closets, etc. Scale of plans and elevations, i- 12 th of inch to the foot; scale of details, three-fourths of one inch to the foot. Complete cost $37,000. I'lalt' ;J7 m PI' m w\ (?7c'-- W\ W\ W\ w\ I i«)\r i:i,i;v.vri()\. l,lh h> 1 Hirn K I l.i r-tkn-.-rNV I* j'lau- :m •> ■ '.. rj' IT •* a. '' ) V. I l.,^i, II. >l» I'uXflacrMl J PLATES 39, 40, 41. DESIGN FOR A SMALL CIIURCIL Cochrane & Piquenard, Architects, 28, 23 & 24 Lombard Block, Cliicago, III. This design is now being erected in the flourishing city of Cheyenne, on the Union Pacific Rail Road. The style of architecture is what is known as modern Gothic. The building is thirty-two by forty-six feet, with a vestibule in front five and one-half by twenty- one feet, and corner tower ten feet square. The same will seat two hundred and ninety-six adults. The height of the interior is thirty-three feet to apex of ceiling, and that of spire eighty feet. The design is for a wooden structure upon a stone foundation. Scale, eight feet to one inch. The cost will be S8,ooo. PLATE 42. DESIGN FOR A CHAPEL CHURCH. Ltman Undekwood, Architect, 13 Exchange Street, Boston. Mass. This Plate shows the front elevation and plan of a church edifice, with accommodations for about seven hundred persons. It is intended to be built of stone or brick, with cut stone dressings, although the same design might be carried out in wood. The entrances are numerous and conveniently arranged, as well as amply large. In the front is a vestibule nine feet wide, extending entirely across the building, containing four entrances to the audience room, as well as the stairs to the small gallery above. The audience room is sixty by seventy feet, with a chancel twenty feet wide at the end opposite the principal entrance, containing the pulpit or any other arrangements which denominational peculiarities might require. There are one hundred and thirty-six pews on the principal floor, with five sittings in each. The organ is on one side of the chancel and on the opposite is a minister's retiring room. Access to the audience room is also had through vestibules upon either side, and these vestibules also communicate with the vestry and committee rooms. The vestry is forty by forty-eight feet, the committee rooms each eighteen by twenty feet, communicating with each other by folding or sliding doors, and also with the vestry by the means of sliding sashes in addition to the ordinary doors. Above the committee rooms, and reached by an ample flight of stairs from the vestibule below is an additional room for the use of the ladies of the society. All of these various rooms would be abundantly lighted, and well ventilated. The expense of the building would ot necessity vary very much with dilTerent localities, and with the amount of cut stone used upon the exterior ; but under favorable circumstances it might be built of stone for about $18,000. The elevation is drawn to a scale of sixteen feet to one inch, and the plan forty-eight feet to one inch. rhilr vfl SIDE ELEVATION. V Jliir.l.M r.l> n». rNY PLATES 43, 44. ])KSI(;n kok a ciiriKii. Daviii S. Hopki.>;s. Architi>ci. (irand K:i]iiil». Mich. Plaae 4.3. Front elevation and basement floor. Plate 44. Side elevation and audience floor. A church after this design is built at Grand Rapids. It is much admired for its uniqueness and architectural beauty. It is architecturally Romanesque. The audience room is forty-six feet wide, sixty feet long, and thirty-five feet high to ceiling, with gallery over front vestibule, extending around from transept to transept. The audience room will seat six hundred and the gallery two hundred persons. The front vestibule is thirteen feet wide by forty-six feet long. Rear vestibule, fourteen feet square. Rostrum, eleven by thirteen feet. Choir, nine by eleven feet. Organ recess, ten by eleven feet. The basement is twelve feet in clear. Lecture-room, about the same size as audience-room, with two class-rooms in front, with sliding doors to the same into lecture-room. Library and parlor in rear. Outside dimensions, one hundred and two feet long by sixty-four feet wide, including the projection of the steeple spire, one hundred and fifty-five feet high. It is built of white brick with brown sandstone trimmings. Cost S^OjOOO. PLATES 45, 46, 4T, 48, DESIGN FOR A FIRST-CLASS COURT-HOUSE. E. E. Myers. Architect, Springfield, 111. Plate 4.5. Front elevation. Plate 46. First floor plan. Plate 47. Side elevation. Plate 48. Second floor plan. This design has been recently executed at Carlinville, Macoupin Co., 111., and so far as known, it is strictly the only fire-proof building in the country, and is considered the finest county court-house in the United States. The exterior is Athens marble. The windows and door-frames, and the book-cases are all iron. The floors are marble. The interior of the court-room is lined with cast-iron painted in fresco and bronze. The Judge's stand is of granite. The length of building, two hundred and twenty-five feet; width, eighty-six feet; height from ground, eighty-six feet; height of lantern on dome, one hundred and eighty-six feet nine inches. The building throughout is of the finest and best material, no cost having been spared to make it perfect in all its parts. Scale of elevation and plans, one-eighteenth of one inch to the foot. $ > \'\i\u- 4.;> ■^': t . •1 (ft! •'i^ JL± I.... (••»i.'. ivknt. 'M p. Ul q 0=0=0=0 =LL , , I : I i n CO n 2. S' 3- ; :.r'- PORTICO 1 — ^-n— T r' .. •>v.; ' ^ rialc 47 inJtitrnil-kUli irk Hmcr .N Y I'liur 4;; ^W^ ^ V. ? c r" C O r o o •s-il ,.U I . ' I ,r«l"N 1 I •!! KH'. S ■ w^ ri;it.- M r-rj di^ Fig I it tl TtnTTTc-yinnnnnnnp ji.il j-ii-V -Lj:^n 4fifl^E=4| '-a n cr 1 c. 1 I.,., II < I I'.jk rhi..N V n.ii.' -.It ^.. innna 1 ti err. 1 lu n V ■- \ ^^''^^ n — T . ^ T 7 r L. -- jccccccxxjci:^ /~. '1 lull si/. <■ .Sc-hIo 2 inrli - 1 foot . bill I* J iiii»iiH"i'«/* n».«-N 1 PLATES 41), 50, 51. DESIGN OF 15AY COUNTY COUHT-IIOUSE, HAV ( IIV, MUll. Cyri's K. Pouter, Architc<-i, Duffiilo, X.Y. Plate 49. Fig. i, Front elevation. Fig. 2. Plan of first floor. A, Hall with stairways at each entl of main hall, leading to court-rooms above; B, Supervisors' room ; C, County clerk's office, with private office; E, D, County treasurer's office, witli private office; G, Sheriff 's office; H, Clerk of court's office; B, might be used as office of Probate Judge, as either C or D would answer for Hoard of Supervisors. The rooms in this story are all fourteen feet high in the clear. Safes, I, I, are provided for the offices. Plate 50. Fig. 3, Side elevation. Fig. 4. K, Court-room, forty-eight by seventy-one feet, and twenty- two feet high in clear; L, is the Bar containing seats for tlie judges, jury, and officers of the court ; M, Witnesses' waiting-room, with water-closet ; N, Counsel room and library ; O and P, jury rooms, one of which is designed to be used as a judge's dressing or retiring-room; they are both supplied with private entrances, water-closets, etc. These rooms are twelve feet high in clear. L, is a stairway leading to an attic above, and from thence to the top of the dome. The drawings on Plates 49 and 50 are to a scale of sixteen feet to one inch. Plate 51. Shows the most important details, drawn to a scale of one- half inch to the foot. A, B and F, Portions of dormer windows; C, Main cornice; D, Dome cornice; E, Base and plinth of dome; C, Cornice at angle of roof; H, Cornice of railing around top of dome; L, Ciiimne\ top ; M and N, Inside finish, one -fourth full size ; O, Stairway ; P, Wain- scoting of court-room ; Q and R, Sections of doors, one-half inch tt) one foot. The building has a basement of Kingston stone, the superstructure of yellow brick, with sandstone dressings. It is warmed with steam and lighted with gas. The cost was about $42,000, finished in the most substantial manner. Geo, Watkins, of Bav Citv, was the huiUler. PLATES 52, 53, 54. DESIGN P^OR A MODEL JAIL AND JAILOR'S RESIDENCK E. E. Mteks, Architect, Springfield, III This design will be executed at Petersburg, Menard County, 111., Similar jails have been erected at Carlinville, Macoupin County, and at Lincoln, Logan County, 111. The foundation is stone. The superstruc- ture of jailor's residence being brick, with stone dressings. The prison is dimension stone, all large size, pitch faced both sides twelve inches thick, and dowelled together with two-inch cannon shot, twelve shot to each stone. The cells, floors and ceilings are all six-inch slabs of stone. Com- plete cost, $20,000. Plate 52. Front elevation, side elevation, basement ground plan, plan of flrst floor and plan of second floor. Scale, one-twelfth of one inch to the toot. Plate 53. Longitudinal and transverse sections of building. Scale, one-eighth of one inch to the foot. Plate 54. Design for outside and inside doors. Scale, one inch to the foot. I'lau- .^2 - '-tJ ^ 4_Lm_LLLiLLLLL^J ^ ^ r^^, EIil^:P;", 1^^ El' ^ r^= "-L^U.U.U.U.U.^U ■It .i': LUIlLlLlLlLlLlLlUt X [T RTru "1 H _qjq_M_^M_M_-M_J-l.M_H-M_^L4 ' □1=1111 y [ jlOdLlJ; _j_LLLLldllJ_ixij_U ,-' _lLlLlLlIlLlLlLlLJ^ f • • • 1 ?S 1 ?§ Jt / T fTl T^ ■ ■ • ^ rial. LONGirrDrNAL SECTION TlirongTi A_B. CKOSS HKCTION Tliroiil
  • tool. J) > I i.^»l< ^ I' Ink tlarrN 1 IMalc .4 r JO. (-' i 1, 1l ' t !.' -J 10 O O O J o *^^: (^ A V ..^'^ I limh-M !'•!» ria.. N 1 SUPPLEMENT TO BTCKNELKS YILLAGE BUILDER. CONTAINING Ei<>iit(H'ii M()(l(4*ii I)('si<>ii8 FOR COUNTRY AND SUBURBAN HOUSES OF MODERATE COST, WITH ELEVATIONS, ]>LAXS, SEfTTONS. AND A \AUIKTV (»!' DKTAII.S. Al.l, DUAWN T( » St'ALE, ALSO, A Fcr.i, sKT or srEciFinATiONs, WITH Ari'unvKit ininr m" coNTKArT, and jxtimatks ok cost. iXtw ^otk: A. .1 niCKVKI.L k CO., ARCHTTECTURAr. I '.<><> I< I ' I ' liT. ISI TKRS, •JT Wahuen .Stukkt. Entered affording to Act of Congress, in the j i;ir IS71 , l>y A. J. BICKNELL. In the Ottice of tlie Librarian til Congicss, at Wasliington. I'riiltcd i>y TliL' New York Lilhuy^rapliing, l-.ngiiivintr & rrinting Compnny, 10 & IS I'iiik Plac^-, Nl'w Yolk. Architects who have Contributed to this Work. D. B. Provoost, Elizabeth, N. j., P T. Thompson, " " C. Graham & Son, " " C. T. Rathbone, Pittsficld, Mass., Lyman Underwood, Boston, " B. H. Brooks, (( ates 1., II., III., VI. IV., XI., XII. &hg. 2 pi. XIII. VII., VIII., IX., X., XV. XVI. and fig. i pi. XIII. V. XVIII., XIX. IMiil«- L' 1 SkU' Elevation . Sea tr JutfJi - otif foot column Plate 1. Front elevation, scale i in. — 1 foot. Plate 2. Side elevation. Plate 3. Section and Plans. A, Deck Cornice of main house. B, Dormer Window. C, Cornire of main house. D and E. Cornice, n and pedestal of piazza on main front. F, Window sill. G, Small liracket to main cornice. Scale, half-inch to one foot. Cost, with modem improvements, $6300. J Plate :\ SattO*. Chamier toe- 130' Chamier lOf, 7'f c i Thin I Floor First Slorr L Second Floor Scalo of I'lanH 32 one Foot .. Section 8 . "1 J r DESIGN No. 1. SiKiWN (IN Pl.AlKrt K(>. 1, 'J ife 3. CARPENTER'S SPEpiEICATION Of work and materials used anil rcijuiivil ti) build, erect and (•cimi)lete a two-story liouse, with basement and Freuch roof, ou lot No. lur in accordance with plans and the within written specifications drawn and made liy I). 1>. Provoost, Architect, Elizabeth, >•'. J. DIMENSIONS. For dimen.sions oxainino the jilans and figures marked thereon. HEIGHTS OF STORIES. Third Story, - * - ft. 4 in. clear. Cellar, - - - 7 " G First Story, - - 10 ft. (i in. clear of joist. Second Story, - - 9 " 6 " main liouse. " Story, - - 8 " 6 " kitchen e.\t. TIMBERS AND FRAMING. Girder, 4x8 inches; Sill.s, 4.\9 inches; Post Ties and Entcrtics, 4.\6 inches; Plates, 4.\5 inches ; Hip and Valley Rafters, 2.\8 and 2.\7 inches ; other Rafters, 2 .\ (! inches, placed 2 tl-et from cen- ters, first and second story floor-beams 2.\9 inches. Third story floor beams 2x8 inches, all placed 10 inches, from centers, having two rows of truss bridging to each span, of 1^x3 inch spruce, tightly cut in and thor- oughly nailed with tenpenny nails. Brace the building in the most thorough manner, with 3x4 jnist, braced from sill to angle; outside studding around windows to be 3x4 joist; and filing in tindiers 2x4 inches, side rafters for French roof 1:J inch thick spruce, jdaced 10 inches from centers ; sills of i>ia7.za 3x0 inche.«, and filling in timbers 3x5, placed 5 feet from centers, with one length in center from sill tn sill, plates 3.\4 inch, ratters 3x4 inches, placed 2 feet from centers. In the ba.sement put down ."> inch faced chestnut post, placed Hi inches from centers, to lay the floor on, floor to be wide pine. All the framing of the entire liuiiding to be dcme in the best manner, and all timbers to be free from shakes, split.s, or dry rot, and the liuilding In lie raised .-Iraigbt, jiluinb, level and true ; all timbers to l)e spruce except floor beams, such to be licndock. ROUGH !!(i.\Kl)l.\(;. Cover the entire frame with cull pine mill-worked boards, set at an angle nf i.'i aper, stripiwd with miisons' lath every lit not as heavy as on main house ; form good and capacious gutters and make them so as to drain dry. FRENCH ROOF. Slate the sides of tlie roof with slate 5x12 inches, cornered as shown on elevation, nailed witli galvan- ized nails ; all hips anil valleys to be flushed with tin in the best manner. . TIN. Cover the deck roof, roof of extension, piazzas, dormer, window caps, scuttle, gutters, flushing, &c., in the best manner, with the best brand of lead plate charcoal brand tin, all well locked, nailed and soldered and the whole work warranted water-tight ; run the water to the ground through 3^ inch cross-tin leadere where shown and directed by owner. PIAZZA. Build and put up the piazzas as per plans and elevations, in the best manner, with all their details fully and f^iithfully carried out ; lay the floois with narrow l-J inch pine flooring, laid in lead paint and neatly smoothed off" and blind nailed, finished with a nosing and cone moulding. Build the steps of 1^ inch pine, ^ risers, IJ inch o]>ened strings, and steps finished in usual manner; cut work underneath facia to liave a cut pattern and a base ; build the colunnis of 5 inch soUd pine, cornered to an octagon, with pedestals and cap, sheath underneath with narrow mill-worked pine boards beaded and blind nailed, finished in the angle with a cone moulding l^xlj inches. SIDING. Cover the entile sides and ends with clear narrow Michigan strips, laid not more than 4^ inches to the weather, all projierly nailed, liaving the nail heads set in and all heading joints to be neatly smoothed ott'. FLOORING. Lav the floors of tlie first story with narrow 1 inch jiine flooring, free from splits, shakes, large or loose knots, all blind nailed and neatly smoothed off. Second story and liasement to be laid with 1^ inch wide ])ine flooring. Tliird tloi.ir tci be laid with 1 inch ]iine flooring, all thoroughly nailed with ten-penny nails. PARTITIONS. Set all the partitions where shown on the plans, with the main partitions, set with 3x4 joists, other partitions set with 2x4 wall strips, all to have the studs double at tlie doors, and set on a 3x4 joist top and bottom, ])ut in a loTig brace of 3x4 inch joist wherever possible, and elsewhere put one row of bridging of 2x4 inch wall stri]>s. Set all partitions straight, pluiiib and true, and thoroughly iiaili'oni put down base blocks and panel backs, backs to have raised mouldings. Second floor, jnit plank jambs, 5 inch plain casings with retunicd f bead, one member of moulding lix'ii inches, back band 1} inches scribed to the wall, or a small wall member, C inch base, scribed to the floor, and one niend)er of moiihliiig lix2i inches, such to be in the main house only; on the third llo'ir, second story of extension, and in the basement, put down plank jambs, 5 inch plain easing and plain bead, with a 2i inch backhand nmuhling, 5 inch base, f thick, and IJ inch moulding. DOORS. Ilang all doors as follows : All passage doors himg with 4xi wire jointeide sash three folds, hung with narrow butts and brass flaps, flaps to be from the iiiside, fastener bi.iler, Brooklyn pressure, with all its connections projierly made. STATIONARY WASH TUBS. To be s\ipplied with hot and cold water through J inch lead jiii^es, having over-flows, waste pijies, iVc, all complete. GAS. Pipe the house for gas as follows: In the hall, parlor, dining-room, kitchen, and rooms over parlor and dining-room for drop-lights; elsewhere in all rooms and halls put side-lights as, and where directed by owner, architect or agent. RANGE. Put in the kitchen a range to cost not less than seventy-five dollars, to be chosen liy the owner. MARBLE MANTLES. Set in the parlor, dining-room and the rooms over the same, the cost of the four not to exceed three hundred dollars ; to be chosen by the owner. Put up in the kitchen over the r.inge a wooden mantle of a neat pattern. SPECIFICATIONS FOR DESIGN NUMBER ONE. PAINTER'S 8PECIFICATI0X. DIMENSIONS. Examine tlic plans and figures marked thereon. " Paint the entire outside with three coat.s of Harrison r>nis. A Co."s "Town and Countrv " jiainls ; color to be chosen liy tlie owner; jiaint tlie tin woik and cliiinncys w itli time coal. s of lead jiaint lyiine in; wood work. (;iiAiMN(;. Grain the front and vestilink' doors, and all doors and wood work (jn tirst Ptorv — all to he {Trained hlaek walnut on two coats of lead jiaint ; grain the kitehen in oak, on two coats of lead ]>aiiit ; grain the shutters to the octagon and dormer windows black walnut, as above mentioned; the newels, hand-rails and balisters are of l)lack walnut, which are to be oiled and made smooth. All other inside wood-work to be painted three coats, as above mentioned. All to be done in a good workmanlike manner, and as soon as other work will permit. MASON'S SPECIFICATION. DIMENSIONS. E.xamine the plans and figures iiiarked thereon. EXOAVATKJN AND Ft )rXDATIOX. Excavate the building to thedcpth and form markeil on the plans. Starting the foundation 6 inches below the cellar til Mir on a good base course made with brick, and run the walls up to the grounK and brick risers. I'mld jiiers for the piazza c!■ estimated aceording to the jirieo fixed by these presents for the whole work and materials, and allowanee shall be made on one side or the other, as the case may be. ,^nd lliat if there shall be any delay (Kl. Fie. 2. Finished same as Fig. 1. The bay windows were intended for the dining-room, but were not used in the execution of the designs, therefore are not shown on the plans. Cost, $;WO0. IMmIc 5 rE" \L Front Elevation rian ol I'li-st lloor CHAMBER IE il i. 3500 J r^ iMiit<- a — S^l Elevation drawn to scale of i inch to one foot. A. First story. B, Second story. Scale, 3-32 — one foot. C, Window cap. I), Coi-ncr hoai'd. K. l)(inni'r window. F, Cn-stinji <>n main roof niid tower, tt, Dnr- mer on tower. II, Cornice and bra1l [^ I'llitf 10 \ ,0 ,11 _S .o II ■A \ii r j/invy h O o -a s o c en B ^ 1 < |y^n«■| jfw"f • .o.r * T .11 I iLii JV i@pl -^3, : J^^ .1.1 J B_ I 5 ■rrn !D]1- Platps and lo show the Front Kl.-vation and Plans of a ronipacllv arranfT'-d and vprv .•ff-rtiv.' in- ferior, as well as a beautiful and attractive exterior, suited to moderate <'osl • \iz. : from *.*>(KJ(» to «7(Khi owjm: to locality. ' '^ i PI all- IJ "1 t Plates 11 and 12. Elt'vation and Plans of a twoston rlwclUnR. with Fn'nrli n>of and lowor. <«ri'Ct<'d with a halloon-t'raine. the stiiddiiifr "no Ifiitrth tiji to iilat.'/slii-alhi'd uutsidi' witli niillworkid 1>oards, and painti'd two coat'* outside and inside; marliii- iiianiels, Ixilli stories: S-ineh foundation walls ; hard wall on tw(. coats of brown wall, first and second stories : oin' coat i)rown wall ami liard wall <>n attic : parlor, hall and dininjt room corniced and neat centres first story, (^oniiijete cost, !i^">(MMi. t« $h(lt)(). ^ rG" i'hitc L} l-itf 1 Tirst Floor Plan . Soal£ Ifijeet to onf mdi . Fi'oiil ElL-valii)ii Snil I' ti J'pft (v orit' utrh Coxt all t1>iniilrtr ii //// W(iUr,6as,an,l h'unificf % o,(»oo. L Front Sailf S Jnl to onr unit Cirtl $r(0() Sciiiiiil Klin>r J l>lllt«- II r^ P \y r- IVont Elevation . UniafiMiar'FUiar J^^ ^ 'LJ°I ■ Klldtat 1 L Q |(V«»fr I Han Stoop 3 3 far/or 11 ^B Stituitf Hoorn j| 1 1 Kir»1 Kloor li " '-' Piatxa, Second Floor V o Elevation drawn to scale of 8 feet to one inch. Plana Ifi fei-t to one inch. A, Bracket to ninin cornice. B, Small bracket to niafn cornice. C, Work under piazwi. I). Piazza column. E, Chimney of main house. Details to scale of 2 feet to one inch. Cost in vicinity of New York, ^.WiKi to ^6r)(X). J 'rS- i'hit<- Ih fe^*a;" rm 1 — 1 ^^ :■ AjtAlitAJlAjt i.A^^AJLJ.'jCi-AJ.tJAiJt itf^A _t£:lt };!=- ItCJiitlJl _L- Tront EleN-ation. - ? I BUTLERS CLOSET ffl S//v« wt: EH DINING ROOM li a ■ ?/ * KITCHEN IS • /♦ P/f/l'/ITE ENTRANCE PARLOR IS ♦ ■ j; VESTIBULE VERANDAH BAY Plinripnl Kloor I'liin 1 This plate ropreaents the Front Elevation and Tlaii of an irr.-Rnlar house, liberally arranged, containing ■ ill modern improvements. Cost, i(W()0() to ^9CMW, owing to locality ; without improvements, ^TlKX) to $.S(KK1. I I'lMtf m inch f^f'r^\ '^v"* Elevation of Hohh.- ; mst, all ronii)l»'t<>. with pas. vwt.T. .-ina fiiniac.-. fr,:.(K>. Sral.- 1 8torvlumi''''l-.u i^lflu^''"'']'''','''.!'''''" "'■ !'>• 1; seal'', one inch to 10 ferit Ki>;. :i Kroni .•levati..n of om- 8tory house, with French roof and t<;wer ; ^^]tl inch to 8 feet. J IMal*' 17 •c ■< - hi ■tt,,// -- Xtatl - Jll Front Kloviition Fis 1, Sfvt/f ^-i First Floor Fi^.-. Side El«^'nlion Fig. 3^ First Floor FiS-.4. Front F.lcvalioii Fiji •^• . 7 •» Cost $ 4000 StM-onil Floor Kip«5 .Vr/f/f Vs 4: F« -:^: 1. Front Klevntimi Tig.',. Settle 'ha ToBl $ 1500 It o' . >* o Front Klrviilioii FiK.fl. Cost ( 1(1.s. PREPARED PLASTERING BOARD. A clicnji and ])ort"oc't «ul>stitiifL' fur lath ami ]>iii.sfcr, niakiM* a 8ino>ifli, warm and substantial wall, :if liss t!i:ni li.ilf tin' n-inl ■■ -' DOUBLE THICK ROOFING, .111(1 (Quartz CViiu'iit. make a jfood water and lia-proof n>of, for Icsn than >i3.5(i per sqiian'. l>l<:A.I''I-:iNirsiriitoiiV«4 Tllrs for Floors, B^B SAX.R HY MILLER & COATES, 279 PEARL ST., NEW YORK. JTo IS t ■ '-^- i c t/oot. c laid. \n iO \t> t:nt e.tq.foa*. c.laid. c.tq.foat. e.taia ^.p^^M. ^ ^ ® r. mj. fnoi Sit :t c. tq.fty}l. c. fg foot. OTHER PATTERNS AND PRICES WILL BE SENT ON APPLICATION. ^ >• V r •^tr V. / • v/. K N \i