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Gear April 15, 197 1 * DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN URBANA, ILLINOIS 6l801 This report was supported in part by the Atomic Energy Commission under grant US AEC AT( 11-1)2383 Some Matrix Results for Stable m-dimensional Rotations "by C. W. Gear Abstract Continuous (real-time) rotation of an object about a line in 3-space can be done using an incremental technique. An equivalent technique in 2-space has a simple modification that makes it stable. The same is shown to be true in m- space. A general three dimensional rotation of angle about a line with direction T coordinates [a,b,c] through the origin is given by x f = A(e)x T where x = [x,y,z] are the old coordinates, x' the new, and A(0) is 2 k+(l-k)a ab(l-k)+cs ac(l-k)-bs ab (l-k)-cs k+(l-k)b' bc(l-k)+as ac(l-k)+bs bc(l-k)-as k+(l-k)c' where s = sin0 and k = cosQ. (if we wish to rotate about a line not through the origin, translations before and after take care of it. Alternatively we could use homogeneous coordinates.) If it is desired to rotate an object "continuously" in 3-space (say for display purposes), we could choose a small and compute x = A(0)x -n+1 — n thus deriving successive "frames". A(0) is fairly complex, and involves sin0 and cos0. For very small 0, we could neglect 0(0 ) and replace k by 1 and s by 0, getting A(0) * A = -C0 c0 -b© b0 -a0 30 Unfortunately, at least one eigenvalue of this approximation is larger than one in magnitude for 0^0, hence x = A x„ is unbounded for almost all x^ . - n —0 —0 This means that x will sprial outwards as n increases, -n The solution in two dimensions is well known. Instead of 1 -c0 — n+1 c0 1 x -n that i s we compute x = x - c0 y n+1 n n y , . = c0 x + y J n+1 n °n x = x - c0 y n+1 n n y , _ = c0 x , , + y J n+1 n+1 °r That is equivalent to "l 0~ -c0 1 or ^n+1 x -n+1 1 -cO -c0 1 X -n _-l ■C0 1 x = A x -n -n Simple computation shows that the eigenvalues of A are distinct and on the 2 2 ~N unit circle if < c < k. Hence, for small 0, A is bounded for all N. 2 2 More important, simple calculation shows that x + y - c0 x y is invariant, n n n n 2 2 hence all points lie on the conic x + y - c0xy = K where K is determined by the starting point x~. The equivalent three dimensional modification is to write x^ n =x -c0y +b0z n+1 n n n y,=c0x^+y -a0z n+1 n+1 n n or n+1 n+1 J n+1 n where -c9 b© -a© u = Hence x = Ax where A = [i+U ] [I+U]. A has all unit magnitude eigen- -n+1 — n values if U is small, as shown "by Theorem If A = [I + E T ] _1 [I + E] for any m x m matrix E then T T (i) The quadratic form x Q x is invariant where Q = 21 + E + E (ii) The eigenvalues of A are on the unit circle and correspond to linear elementary divisors if |E| is small enough. Proof By simple computation T T ~T Q x ._ = x A Q Ax -n+1 -n+1 -n n = x^[l+E T ][l+E] X [(I+E)+(I+E T )] [I+E T ] 1 [I+E] x^ = x T [(l+E) + (I+E T )] x -n -n T = x Q x -n -n as claimed in part (i). If | |e|J is small, the eigenvalues of Q can be bounded close to +1 by the Gerschgorin circle theorem. Q is symetric, hence T it eigenvalues are real and positive. Hence Q is positive definite and x Q x = |x| | is a norm. If an eigenvalue of A is greater than one in magnitude, or of magnitude one and corresponds to a non-linear elementary divisor, there exists an eigenvector or principal vector x such that x = A x grows unboundedly But this is not possible since |x^||_ = |x||q is bounded. Similarly, if there exists an eigenvalue of A inside the unit circle, its eigenvector ~N i i i i iiii x is such that x^ = A x ->- as n + °°. But | |v | [ = | |x| | in contradiction. Q.E.D. Returning to the 3-space problem, we note that x remains on the conic T T i i i i surface x Q x = x^ Q x which is an ellipsoid if |U| is small enough. 2 2 2 2 (To be precise, if < [a +b +c - abc0]0 < h.) This is not quite enough, as the "locus" of x^ (actually, a set of points) could wander all over the conic surface. However, in this case, one of the eigenvalues of A is 1. (Since A is real, at least one of its three eigenvalues is real, that is, ±1 When U =0, the eigenvalues are all 1, and the eigenvalues are continuous functions of U, hence one eigenvalue is 1 for all small ||u||.) Suppose the T left eigenvector for the unit eigenvalue is l_ . Then T T T T i x .. = I Ax = I x = I x — -n+1 — -n — -n — -n) T That is, the plane l_ x_ = K is another invariant subspace for the transformation T T Hence, the intersection of x Q x_ = K, and £_ x_ = K is an invariant, and computed points x_^ move around this ellipse. Note These invariant planes are perpendicular to the vector %_ 9 so, in a sense, T _£ is the axis of rotation. l_ = [a, b-ac , c] is a small pertubation T of the original axis [a, b, c] . However, in another sense, the line v, where v_ is the right unit eigenvector of A, is the axis of rotation, because, if x = v, then -n — x,.,=Ax =Av = v=x n+1 -n — — -n T so points on y_ are not moved, v is [a, b, c] . Hence the approximate rotation leaves the desired axis unchanged, but skews the planes of rotation a small amount . In an m- dimensional space, we must first define what we mean by a rotation. A general unitary transformation whose determinant is +1 is often called a rotation. This has m(m-l)/2 "degrees of freedom". These could be taken to be the angles of rotation in the plane of each axis pair. In three dimensions, any combination of rotations is equivalent to a single rotation in some plane, but that is not true in higher dimensions. This means that we can continuously rotate an object in four or more dimensions, and never get back to the original position. Consequently, for display manipulation purposes, we are interested Ln the class of rotations in a two dimensional subspace (plane) which leave all points in an m-2 dimensional subspace invariant. We will characterize these by the unitary matrix A(e) = MR(o)M where cosQ -sino sing cosq R(e) = m-2 in d where M is a unitary matrix of dimension m. To compute successive "frames" 'or display, we would like to replace cosO by 1 and sine by in A(e) and then ise the trick used earlier to "stabilize" the method. We will show that the '.odified method leaves the same points invariant as does the original rotation, o that it is a reasonable approximation. Also, the rotation will be in a plane hich is an 0(6) perturbation to the original plane. For small 0, let R = -0 1 m-2 Note that the eigenvalues of R include m-2 equal to one, and that these have m-2 distinct right and left eigenvectors v., i=3,...,m. These are also eigenvalues and eigenvectors of R(3). T Note that the right and left eigenvectors of A(0) and A = MRM corresponding to the eigenvalues of one are Mv. , i-3,...,m. R can be expressed as (I + E - E ) where | |e| | =0(0). Then A = I + MEM T - ME M T . Let MEM T = D + L + U where L is strictly lower triangular, D is diagonal and U is strictly upper triangular. Define E = E - M T (p + L + L )M. Then we see that R = I + E - E T where l l I l T A T ||E| I = 0(0) and E = U - L = U, a strictly upper triangular matrix. Hence T . . A = I + U - U , and the stabilized method is given by x . = A x -n+1 -n where A = (I + U T ) _1 (I + U) We will show below that A has m-2 eigenvalues equal to one with eigenvectors equal to Mv. (the same as for A and A(0)). This means that A has the same invariant subspace as A(0). We will also show that the left eigenvectors of A are of the form v.M + d where Idll =0(0). —i — — T Lemma If _z is a unit eigenvector of A = (i + U-U ) then it is a unit right eigenvector of A = (I + U T ) _1 (i+U), A = (I + U)" 1 (I + U T ) , A = (i - U T ) _1 (I - U) and A = (I - U)" 1 (I - U T ). Proof Hence z = Az=(l + U-U)z. (I + U T )z = (I + U)z, and (I - U)z = (I - U T )z, T -1 The results follow by multiplying the first equation by (I + U ) or 1 —1 T —1 (I + U) , and the second equation by (I - U) or (I - U ) . Q.E.D. Thus A has at least m-2 unit right eigenvectors when A does and hence leaves all points in the subspaced spanned by these invariant. T Lemma If z is a unit eigenvector of A = (i + U-U ), a unit left eigenvector ~ m _2_ m m m m mm of A = (I + U ) (I + U) is l_ = z (I + U ) = z_ (I + U) = z_ + d where \\i\ I = 0(| |U| | ) = 0(0). Proof Note that _z T ( I + U - U ) = z_ T . Hence _z T U = z_ T U T . Thus £ T A = z_ T (l + U T ) (I + U T ) _1 (I + U) = z T (l + U) = £ T Obviously | | £_ T - z_ T | | = | |_z T U T | | = 0(0). Q.E.D. Thus, for small 0, A has at least m-2 distinct right unit eigenvectors I, which T m are a 0(0) perturbation of the vectors v. M. The plane P = {l. x = k. ) is i=3 T T invariant, so the conic intersection of this and x (21 + U - U ) = k is a locus of the rotation. As -> 0, this tends to a circle in a plane perpendicular to the subspace of invariant points. : rm AEC-427 (6/68) AECM 3201 U.S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION UNIVERSITY-TYPE CONTRACTOR'S RECOMMENDATION FOR DISPOSITION OF SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL DOCUMENT ( See Instructions on Reverse Side ) 1. AEC REPORT NO. COO-2383-0008 2. TITLE SOME MATRIX RESULTS FOR STABLE m-DIMENSIOWAL ROTATIONS 3. TYPE OF DOCUMENT (Check one): f$ a. Scientific and technical report L~j" b. Conference paper not to be published in a journal: Title of conference Date of conference Exact location of conference Sponsoring organization □ c. Other (Specify) 4. RECOMMENDED ANNOUNCEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION (Check one): [3 a. AEC's normal announcement and distribution procedures may be followed. J b. Make available only within AEC and to AEC contractors and other U.S. Government agencies and their contractors. ]] c. Make no announcement or distribution. 5. REASON FOR RECOMMENDED RESTRICTIONS: 6. SUBMITTED BY: NAME AND POSITION (Please print or type) C. W. Gear Professor and Principal Investigator Organization Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 6l801 Signature ^jfKjQl^tf^- Date April 197^ FOR AEC USE ONLY 7. AEC CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR'S COMMENTS, IF ANY, ON ABOVE ANNOUNCEMENT AND DISTRIBUTION RECOMMENDATION: *• PATENT CLEARANCE: LJ a. AEC patent clearance has been granted by responsible AEC patent group. U b. Report has been sent to responsible AEC patent group for clearance. LJ c. Patent clearance not required. UIUCDCS-R-T^-63U 3IBLI0GRAPHIC DATA 1- Report No. ' SHEET I. Title and Subtitle SOME MATRIX RESULTS FOR STABLE m-DIMENSIONAL ROTATIONS 3. Recipient's Accession No. 5. Report Date April 197*+ Author(s) C. W. Gear 8- Performing Organization Rept. No. i. Performing Organization Name and Address Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 6l801 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. 11. Contract /Grant No. US AEC AT( 11-1)2 383 2, Sponsoring Organization Name and Address US AEC Chicago Operations Office 98OO South Cass Avenue Argonne , Illinois 13. Type of Report & Period Covered Preprint -Te chni c al 14. 15. Supplementary Notes 16. Abstracts Continuous (real-time) rotation of an object about a line in 3-space can be done using an incremental technique. An equivalent technique in 2-space has a simple modification that makes it stable. The same is shown to be true in m-space, 17. Key Words and Document Analysis. 17a. Descriptors Rotation Stability Display I7b. Idemifiers/Open-Ended Terms 17c ( 0SAT1 Field/Group J18. Availability Statement unlimited 19. Security Class (This Report) UNCLASSIFIED 20. Security Class (This Page UNCLASSIFIED 21. No. of Pages 10 22. Price OHM NTIS-JB (10-70) USCOMM-DC 40329-P7 1 \ % en ZB 1V>* K&