is,S®3 7$$£ ^ £^3 Z$£z £$£s ^®3 ^^3 Z^S ^^^5 ^^ :^£j r^H ;^^2 1^^ S^S "Os «Sh § learning anb 1'abov. s I LIBRARY # University of Illinois. II # CLASS. BOOK. VOLUME. II t # G Hkk.^Gr.. V&Vfcj 4°° 11 Oof 4 1 Accession No. « ^^=^5S0=^J=^=^=^=^=sS=^=^5^=^=^&^=^=^=^ ' LIBRARY OF VhE UNIVERSITY of ILI THE University of Sfiinnesota ALUMNI RECORD By Classes e^nd Alphabetically by Colleges 1873 — 1900 COMPILED BY E. B. JOHNSON, Registrar. 1901. TABLE OF CONTENTS. % Title page, - - - - m - - i Table of contents ----------- iii Regents, -v Alumni Obituary record, --------- v j} Special announcement, t jjj Treasurer's report, ix Railroad rates, ----ix Commencement program, - x Tho Pillsbury statue, xi-xiii New notes for the year, .... . xiii-xxxvi Alumni by classes, 1-32 Alumni — alphabetically by colleges ..... 33-122 College of Science, Literature and the Arts, ... 33-70 College of Engineering and Mechanic Arts, - - - 71-75 School of Mints, 75-76 College of Agriculture, 76 College of Law, -----..._ 77-101 Department of Medicine, 101-122 Medicine and Surgery, ------- 101-113 Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery, - - - 113-115 Dentistry, --------- 115-119 Pharmacy, - 119-122 The Minnesota Daily and Alumni \yeekly - 122 The Gopher, - 123 oV^3 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 BOARD OF REGENTS. The HON. JOHN S. PILLSBURY, Minneapolis, Regent for Life. CYRUS NORTHROP, LL. D., Minneapolis, Ex-Offlcio. The President of the University. The HON. SAMUEL R. VAN SANT, Winona, Ex-Offlcio. The Governor of the State. The HON. JOHN W. OLSON, Albert Lea, - - Ex-Offlcio. The State Superintendent of Public Instruction. The HON. ELMER E. ADAMS, P>. A., Fergus Falls, - 1902 The HON. THOMAS WILSON, St. Paul, - - 1903 The HON. WILLIAM M. LIGGETT, Benson, 1903 The HON. A. E. RICE, Willmar, 1903 The HON. GREENLEAF ('LARK, M. A., St. Paul, 1904 The HON. SAMUEL G. SMITH, Ph. D., LL. D., St. Paul, 1904 The HON. STEPHEN MAHONEY, B. A., Minneapolis, - 1907 The HON. O. C. STRICKLER, M. D., New Ulm, - - 1907 The HON. JAMES T. WYMAN, Minneapolis, 1907 OFFICERS The HON. JOHN S. PILLSBURY, President. PRESIDENT CYRUS NORTHROP. Corresponding Secretary. STEPHEN MAHONEY, Recording Secretary. ST. ANTHONY FALLS BANK, Treasurer. Alumni Record ALUMNI OBITUARY RECORD. The following deaths have been reported since the last issue of the directory : Anderson, Samuel Gilmore, B. A., '81, Died October 7th, 1900. Beyer, Adam Carl, B. C. E. '96, Died January 17th, 1901. Chapman, Fanny Belle, B. L. *99. Died March 20th, 1900. Clinton, Agnes B., LL. B. '99, LL. M. '00, Died September 24th. 1900. Cotton, Henry, B. S. '90, M. D. '94, Died January 22hd, 1901. Dean, Sidney Walter, M. D. '00, Died January 7th, 1901. Donaldson, Susanne Thorne, B. S. '97, M. L. '98, (Mrs. William Sloss), Died March 8th, 1901. Glenn, William, M. D. '93, Died February 26th, 1901. Hampton, Harry It., LL. B. '96, Died August 16th, 1899. Hendrickson, Eugene Alvin, B. S. '76, B. C. E. '76, Died April 5th, 1901. Hong, Adolph, Phm. D. '99, Died January 28th, 1901. Kinney, Alvin Claud, B. L., Died August 22, j.^00. Koch, Joi.n Coenrad Theodore, M. D., '93, Died , 1898. Martin, Dayton D., LL. B. '93, Died January 27th, 1901. Miller, William Henry, LL. B. '00, Died July 24th, 1900. Hanson, George, M. D. '95, Died , 1899. Schaefer, Charles Melancthon, LL. B. '90, Died June 23d, 1900. Schroeder, John Pipin, LL. B. '98, Died January 31st, 1900. Smith, Jessie Paine, B. L. '93, Died November 18th, 1899. Smith, William Sidney, M. D. '92, Died , 1901. Stocker, Harry Davis, LL. B. '90, Died November 13th, 1900. Tanner, Harry L., B. E. E. '95, Died December 4th, 1899. Thompson, William Gould, LL. B. '97, Died October 28th, 1898. Trussoll, Emma Frances, B. L. '83, Died April 12th. 1900. University of Minnesota f SPECIAL. tMeans that we have not heen able to communicate with the person named, and that the address given is as given in the for- mer issue of the directory, or as it has been reported by others The greatest cai-e has been exercised in getting out this direct- ory to make it both accurate and complete — it doubtless contains errors and in many respects is incomplete. Will you not kindly aid in making the next issue more complete and correct by reporting at once— using the card in the front of this book — any corrections which you know ought to be made. If the alumni will take hold of this matter and send in cor- rections so as to make it worth while, a supplement to this direct- ory will be issued next fall, including such changes and correc- tions, and also names and addresses of the class of 1901. The class to graduate June 6th, will probably number about four hundred. -Liie alumni are earnestly requested to send, to the registrar of the University, notice of the death of any alumnus of the University of Minnesota. As far as possible the report should cover the following : Name, class, degree, date of birth, place of birth, date of death and place of death ; name of father, maiden name of mother, name of husband, or wife ; and names of child- ren. Also a short statement of life work — including public offices held, with date of service : literary productions : important servi- ces in any other line of activity, or any other fact or event that should be noted in this connection. Do not hesitate to send in such information as you may have, because you cannot send in all the facts. If you cannot furnish all the items mentioned above, report all that you can, and if possible, refer to some one else who may be able to furnish more material. If the necessarv material can be brought together, an obituary record, covering all of the graduates who have died, will be pub- lished some time during the coming year. Alumni Record TREASURERS REPORT. At the annual meeting of the Alumni Association upon Wednes- day of Commencement week, the Treasurer will make a report in substance as follows : Early in September last the executive com- mittee of the association addressed a circular letter to all the alumni requesting the payment of fifty cents as annual dues for the University year 1900-1901. To facilitate the transmission of the money coin cards were also sent and to induce response from all the alumni the committee announced its determination to turn over to the Fellowship Association for the increase of its perma- nent fund one-half of the proceeds. The hope was expressed that at least one thousand responses would be received. A month later a second circular was sent to those who failed to respond to the first appeal. As the result of these efforts the treasurer has re- ceived the dues of 424 alumni, not as many as the committee had expected but sufficient in the opinion of the treasurer to warrant a repetition of the experiment next year. Alumni who have neg- lected the matter are again urged to send their payments before Commencement to tbe treasurer, Frank Maloy Anderson, Univer- sity of Minnesota. RAILROAD RATES. In reply to a request for special rates for Commencement, the Western Passenger Association called attention to the rates already provided for the meeting of physicians to be held in the Twin Cities at the time of Commencement. These rates will be available to all who wish to attend the exercises of Commencement week. Rate. — One regular first class normal tariff (not temporarily reduced) fare plus $2.00 from points in Association territory, Col- orado, Wyoming and east to St. Paul and return except where open rate of fare and one-third for the round trip makes less. Dates of Sale. — Tickets to be sold at all points from which the local one-way rate to St. Paul is more than $6.00 on May 27, 28, 30, 31, June 2 and 3, and from points within that radius on May 27-June 4, inclusive. Limit of Tickets.— Tickets to be good for return leaving St. Paul not earlier than May 29 nor later than June 15, except that by depositing tickets sold at points from which the local one way rate to St. Paul is more than $6.00 with Joint Agent not earlier than May 29 nor later than June 15 and upon payment of execu- tion fee of fifty cents at time of deposit, return limit may be ex- tended to leave St. Paul up to and including July 15, 1901. All tickets to be limited to continuous passage in each direction, going trip to commence date of sale and return trip date of execution. For further details, enquire at the local ticket office. University of Minnesota PROGRAM OF COMMENCEMENT WEEK, JUNE 2nd-6th, 1901. {Sunday, June 2nd, 3 o'clock, p. M. — Baccalaureate Service. The Armory. Address by the Reverend Leavitt H. Hallock, D. D., Pastor of Plymouth Church, Minneapolis. Monday, June 3d, 2 o'clock p. at. and 8 o'clock p. M. — The Class Play at the Lyceum Theater. Admission by ticket. Tuesday, June 4th, 10 o'clock a. m. — Meeting of the Board of Reg- ents, in the office of the President of the University. 8 O'clock p. M. — Senior Promenade, - The Armory. Admission by ticket. Wednesday, June 5th, 10 o'clock a. m. — Meeting of the Board of Regents in the office of the President of the University. 3 O'clock p. m. — Meeting of the Alumni of all departments, in the Chapel, Library Building. 8 O'clock p. M. — Sigma Xi Address by George E. Hale, Direc- tor of the Yerkes Observatory, University of Chicago. Sub ject : "Stellar Evolution in the Light of Recent Research." Illustrated by Lantern Slides. Thursday, June 6th, Commencement Day. 9 :30 O'clock a. m. — The Regents, Faculty, Alumni and Stu- dents form for Procession in front of the Library Building. 10 O'clock a. M. — Address and Graduating Exercises in the Armory. Address by Armory- Address by Andrew S. Draper, LL. D., President of the University of Illinois. 1 O'clock p. m. — Alumni Dinner in the Armory. Tickets $1.00. Every Alumnus, as well as every citizen of Minnesota, and every friend of the University of Minnesota, is eordially invited to each and every exercise mentioned above, except the meetings of the Board of Regents. Alumni Record xi. THE PILLSBURY STATUE. (From the Minnesota Daily.) If the persons who have interested themselves in the erection •of the John S. Pillsbury statue ever had any misgivings as to the degree of appreciation which would reward their efforts, these must certainly have been dispelled when they looked about them and saw the great throng that gathered to witness the ceremonies incident to the unveiling, and heard the many words of commen- dation and felicitation that came from everybody's mouth and heart. 1~e day was most typical of Minnesota — cool, still and bright. The crowd of students and citizens of Minneapolis that thronged the Library plaza and the campus about the pedestal, within hear- ing distance of the speakers, were in gala attire and enthusiastic and sympathetic to the sound of the orators' eloquent words. The speakers of the afternoon stood upon a "temporary plat- form erected at the left of the statue. The platform was prettily draped with the University and National colors, and the effect was very pleasing. Among the prominent guests of the occasion, and seated on the platform were Gov. John Lind, ex-Senator Washburn, Mayor James Gray, Dr. W. W. Folwell, J. T. Wvman, Dean W. S. Pattee, together with many other prominent and distinguished citizens of the state of Minnesota. The ceremonies of the afternoon opened with a musical selec- tion from the University Cadet Band, after which Hon. Fred B. Snyder, president of the Alumni Association, in a masterly ad- dress, presented the statue to the University. President Northrop accepted the statue on behalf of the Uni- versity of Minnesota in an address filled with the most heartfelt words. His testimonial to Gov. Pillsbury's worth was one of the grandest ever uttered, and few have ever heard the president's words come so eloquently as they did yesterday. Anyone hearing him could but feel that every word that the president uttered came from the very bottom of his heart. Senator C. K. Davis, the orator of the day, was next intro- duced and read from manuscript a most magnificent address. He spoke of the statues erected to men for years past, as everlasting memorials of the deeds of those men. Gov. Pillsbury was spoken of as a personal and affectionate friend, and ,a condensed state- ment of the governor's services to the state, and University es- pecially, followed. A noteworthy incident was the senator's ref- erence to Governor Ramsey, who was present on the platform. The senator portrayed, in a manner somewhat humorous to his hearers, the state of affairs at the University when Gov. Pillsbury first began his duties as regent. Hay was stored in one corner of the building, a turkey farm in another corner, and the floors all splintered because of chopping wood on them. The famous salt springs were mentioned, and the governor's wisdom in choos- ing pine lands for the University grant was commended. His eu- logy of former President W. W. Folwell's efforts in building up the University in the early years was enthusiastically applauded by the speaker's auditors. The senator promised in the future to eulogize President Northrop's services in later years. The senator read from Gov. Pillsbury's message to the legis- lature in which lie offered to build a Science Hall to be worth $150,000 more or less, an offer which was accepted and which is borne witness to by the magnificent structure known to-dav as Pillsbury Hall. Taking up the governor's services as a legislator and governor, lie recalled the fact that when Gov. Pillsbury became governor University of Minnesota Alumni Record xiii. the state was a repudiating state ; that through his efforts that stain was removed from the state's escutcheon and the financial affairs of the state put upon ,a sound basis. The senator's oration, closing with a Latin quotation, was most magnificent. The poem read by President Northrop, and written by Miss Myra When, '00, was a most beautiful tribute to Gov Pillsbury. President Northrop, in his most happy way, called upon Gov. Pillsbury for a few words. The governor responded, after the ova- tion which was tendered his coming to the front of the platform, in a few simple, heartfelt words of gratitude and appreciation of the great honor paid him. The tears rolled from the governor's eyes and his voice broke as he thanked the Alumni for their re- membrance of him. The sculptor of the statue, Daniel C. French, of New York, was introduced to the spectators that they might look upon the man who had so faithfully produced the beloved governor's form. Upon calls from the crowd, Gov. Ramsey was introduced and he bowed his thanks for the ovation tendered him, saying only a few words. Gov. Lind responded in the same manner. The exercises of the afternoon closed with music by the band. The event was certainly an auspicious one, not only in the history of the University, but of the State of Minnesota. The statue will be a great adornment to the campus. It was modeled by Mr. French, the great American sculptor, and the man who executed the equestrian statue of George Washington presented to the municipality of Paris by the women of America, and unveiled on the last Fourth of July. The statue has cost about $15,000, is a little more than life size, and mounted on the gran- ite pedestal which is familiar to all who are attending the Uni- versity. GENERAL UNIVERSITY NEWS. The following items are, in the main, taken from the Minne- sota Daily : CHANGES IN THE BOARD OF REGENTS. As a result of the state election of last fall. Gov. Van Sant and Superintendent John W. Olson became members of the Board of Regents in the places of Gov. Lind and Superintendent John W. Lewis. The terms of office of Regents Mahoney, Tullar and Owen hav- ing expired. Regent Mahoney was re-appointed and the Honorable James T. Wyman, of Minneapolis, and Dr. O. C. Strickler. of New Ulm, were appointed in the places of Messrs. Owen and Tullar. LEGISLATIVE APPROPRIATIONS. The legislature of 1901 was liberal with the University, as will be shown by the following statement of appropriations: To be available for current vear- — Deficiency in alteration of chemistry building. $8,000 ; artesian well. $3,000 ; alteration and reconstruction of chemistry building, $8,600 ; barn, $1,000. To be available for year ending July 31, 1902 — Extraordinary repairs, $8,000 ; physics building, $50,000 ; library, $7,500 : new boilers. $8,200 ; engineering and mechanical art building, $00,000 ; dental department. $2. 250 : additional current expenses, $35,000. To be available year ending July 31, 3903 — Repairs, $8,000; library. $7,500 ; department of mines building, $47,500 ; .additional current expenses, $35,000. Appropriations to the Department of Agriculture — Veterinary building, $25,000 ; dairy. $3,000 ; blacksmith shop, $3,000 ; depart- ment of meat curing, $7,500 ; swine, $3,000 : girls' building, $12,- 000 : agricultural chemistry, $25,000 ; Grand Rapids sub station, xiv. University of Minnesota $2,700 ; Crookston sub station, $11,500 ; agriculture in rural: schools, $4,000 ; total, $96,700. The University received $188,550 for buildings and also $101,- 000 for current expenses, of which three-tenths is to be available for the agricultural department. PRESIDENT NORTHROP. As usual, the year has been ,an exceedingly busy one for the president. He has been called upon for innumerable addresses and has responded to - a large number of the calls by complying with the requests. The address delivered this spring before the Baptist convention of Chicago has called forth a large amount of very favorable criticism on account of its healthful and hopeful' vigorous melioristic tone. President Northrop was honored by President McKinley by being appointed chairman of the delegation representing the Unit- ed States at the Pan-American convention, to be held at the city of Mexico, in October. This honor he was obliged to decline as he had already accepted an invitation to speak at the bi -centen- nial celebration of the founding of Yale, whi-ch occurs the same week. The president has accepted an invitation to deliver the Me- morial day address at the Exposition this year and he is also to deliver one of the principal addresses at the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the collge Young Men's Christian Association, to be held in Boston, June 11-16, 1901. The President has just returned from a meeting of the western university presidents, held at Champaign, 111. While away, he made an address before the Congregational association at Peoria. 111. CHANGES IN THE FACULTY. Dr. Henry \V. Brewster, principal of the school of agriculture,, who was obliged to resign in order to take a much needed rest, is succeeded by Frederick D. Tucker, M. A. Miss Alice Young, who resigned an instructorship in the de- partment of English to accept the position of assistant professor of English and dean of women, in the University of Iowa, is suc- ceeded by Mrs. Frances B. Potter, M. A. Professor Hinton, who resigned from the department of mathe- matics to take a government position in Washington, is succeeded by Dr. Geo. N. Bauer, '94, and Dr. Gilbert A. Bliss. Miss Anna Butner has taken the place made vacant by the resignation of Miss Kiehle. of the department of physical culture, and the Preece system has been superseded by the Sargant-Anderson system. Dr. Wm. A. Schaper, of Iowa, has been called to the position of instructor in political science. Professor Schaper won dis- tinction at a meeting of the American Historical Association held at Detroit, Mich., during the holidays, by winning the $100 prize offered by that association for the best historical monograph. The professor's subject was, "Sectionalism and Representation in North Carolina,' Professor Klaeber has been elected state secretary of the American Dialect Society. By the death of Senator Cushman K. Davis, the law school has lost a member of its faculty, and the University a strong and well tried friend. Professor Jewett, who has been traveling in Europe during the past year is to return to the University, Mr. Weyerhaeuser having provided for such a possibility by endowing a chair of Semitic Language and History- Alumni Record xv. Haydn S. Cole, lieutenant U. S. A., has been elected instruc- tor in military science. William R. Appleby has been made dean of the school of mines. Dr. John S. Carlson has been elected professor of Scandina- vian. Benj. F. Groat was elected assistant professor of mathematics in the school of mines. Frank R. McVey has been made professor of private econom- ics. Mrs. Virginia C. Meredith, of the school of agriculture, was made professor of home economics. Instructors Norman Wilde and Carl Schlenker were made as- sistant professors in the departments of philosophy and German, respectively. Dr. W. P. Dickinson, secretary of the college of dentistry, has been elected dean of the college. Dr. Thomas S. Roberts was elected professor of pediatrics in the college of medicine and surgery, and Dr. J. T. Christison pro- fessor of clinical pediatrics. Dr. Alfred Owre was elected professor of metallurgy and clin- ical professor of operative dentistry. Dr. C. A. Erdmann has been elected professor of anatomy, in the department of medicine. Dr. S. M. White has been made assistant professor of Path- ology and Bacteriology. E. P. Harding, who has been studying in Germany, has re- ceived his Ph. D. and is back at the University, in the department of chemistry. Professor Downey has been given a leave of absence for the coming University year. He will spend the year in travel and study in Europe. CHANGES IN THE COURSE OF STUDY AND DEGREES. By recent action of the Board of Regents, beginning with the year 1902 and thereafter, all persons completing the course of study prescribed will receive the degree of Bachelor of Arts. All other first degrees, in the college of science, literature and the arts, being abolished. The course of study proposed by the faculty, to harmonize with the change in degree, is now in the hands of the regents and will be acted upon at the next meeting of the board, in June In the College of S., L and A., Engineering, and the School of Mines, the three-term system has been abolished and the semester system adopted in its stead. It is quite probable that the regents will, at their next meeting, approve the recommendation of the faculty, that the University year begin one week later in the fall and commencement week come one week later in the spring. BENEFACTIONS. The following letter will explain the terms of tb« generous gift of the Honorable J. B. Gilfillan — an ex-regent, and a true friend of the University : Minneapolis, Feb. 8th, 1901. To the Board of Regents of the University of Minnesota — Gentle- men : Your favorable consideration of the proposition hereinafter set forth in detail is hereby solicited : Actuated by my own experience from early life, I have had m mind for sometime the establishing of a fund in trust, the in- come from which might be used in aid of such deserving youths xvi. University of Minnesota of our state as might be found struggling for an education be- yond their own means of obtaining. As your board represents and is invested with the government of the chief educational in- stitution of the state, it has occurred to me that you might with propriety be made the repository of such ,a trust and the agency for the suitable execution thereof, and the bestowal of the benefits to accrue therefrom. In case [an enlargement of your powers is found to be necessary or desirable, that can be accomplished by enactment of the legislature now in session. The fund proposed to be established will be for the present, the sum of fifty thousand dollars, to be conveyed to you by deed defining the purposes and conditions of the trust, the beneficiaries thereof and the basis upon which the benefactions shall be be- stowed. The principal of such trust shall be designated "The Gil- fillan Trust," and shall remain inviolate and kept invested in the same manner and by the same persons, or officers, as the perma- nent fund of the University, and so as to yield the best income therefrom. The income of the said fund shall be subject to the use and disposal of the said Board of Regents for the educational purposes hereinbefore specified, either in the form of a gift or temporary loan as the said regents may deem best, the beneficiaries to be (and to continue to be, within the following limitations, that is to pay : First — They must be youths of the state of Minnesota, with- out regard to sex. Second — They must be and continue, of unblemished moral character, and of temperate and industrious habits. Third — they must be such as, by examination and trial, shall evince and maintain a taste, habit and aptitude for study. Fourth — The aid herein provided may be bestowed upon stu- dents in any of the departments of the State University, or in schools preparatory thereto. The foregoing provisions shall be strictly construed, and as to any student who shall fail to come, or shall cease to be, within the said conditions, as so construed, shall forfeit all claim to the benefits of such fund. It will be seen that the spirit of this benfaction is to aid and encourage such as are worthy, susceptible and willing to help themselves ; none other may share its benefits. Deeming this the best gift in my power to the state in which my whole active life has been spent, and craving your early con- sideration and acceptance of the same. I remain. Sincerely yours. J. B. GlLFILLAN. Mr. H. W. Wilson, proprietor of the University Book Store, has instituted a short story prize contest, by offering prizes ag- gregating $100, and divided into a first prize of $50, a second prize of $25, a third of $15 and a fourth of $10. The stories for which the prizes are offered shall be not more than 4,000 words in length, nor less than 1,000 words, subjects based on University life will be given a preference, and the first stories to be handed in will, everything else considered, be fa- vored. The award will be made on Commencement Day at the same time that the other awards are made. It is not unlikely that this prize contest will be made a per- manent thing, the contest to be known as the H. W. Wilson Short Story Prize Contest. For the encouragement of studies in foundry practice. Mr. O. P. Briggs, president of the Twin City Iron Works, offers $75 (annually in two prizes which are to be accompanied by gold med- als. The competition is open to sophomores in the college of engi- neering, and the prize will be awarded for the best essay relative to the above subject. Alumni Record xvii. Mr. William H. Dunwoody, president of the St. Anthony and Dakota Elevator Co., has favored the University with a generous prize. He offers $100 to that student who shall earn the right to represent Minnesota in the Northern Oratorical League. As is already well known, this league is composed of the seven largest and best universities of the central states, viz. : Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin and Michigan State Universities, and Oberlin, Chicago and Northwestern. Mr. Frank O. Lowden, of Chicago, offers as a prize to be com- peted for by the Northern Oratorical League, an endowment of $3,000, which will yield an annual income of about $175. A prize of $100 will be given to the winner of first place, $50 to the ora- tor who gets second place, and the remainder will be set aside each year for an interest fund to accumulate, and in time produce another endowment. Prof. Maria Sanford announces a gift of $100 from Gov. John 'S. Pillsbury to be used for prizes in her department. Half of this sum was used this year for the Nebraska extemporary contest, and the other half for the debate between the two sections of the 'Sophomore class. Gov. Pillsbury is the donor of the prizes to the winners of the annual oratorical contest known as the Pills- bury prizes and contest, and this is therefore his second prize of- fer. In making the gift the governor expressed himself as very much pleased indeed with the enthusiasm and progress being -shown in debating and oratorical work at the university, and said that he considered the recent Pillsbury oratorical contest the best he had yet heard. Mr. Frank H. Peavey, president of the Monarch Elevator Company, has added another to the long list of cash prizes offered at the University, by announcing that he would give a prize of $75 to the members of the team winning the Freshman-Sophomore de- bate, and another prize of $25 to the student in the Freshman or Sophomore classes writing and delivering the best oration. Both prizes will be offered this year, but Mr. Peavey has not provided them beyond the present year, although it is hoped that the success of this year's contests will induce the donor to make them fixtures. PUBLICATIONS— FACULTY, ALUMNI, STUDENTS. March 1st, 1901, Andrew Franklin Hillyer, '82, issued a book entitled "A Social Study of the Negro of Washington, D. C." Mr. Hillyer, at a meeting of the National Negro Business League, held in Boston last fall, presented an address on the Negro and Busi- ness, which received many favorable comments from the eastern press. George G. Tunnell, '92, has recently issued a book, giving many interesting and valuable statistics concerning railroad trans- portation. A chapter is devoted to the transportation of mail mat- ter and he shows that the annual deficit of the postoffice department fis not due to the carrying of mail at too low a rate, but to the immense amount of mail carried free, under congressional franks. Dr. W. W. Folwell, of the University, has completed the draft of an elaborate report on the employment of prison labor, begun at the request of Gov. Lind. The conditions at Stillwater were such as to make a change of plan inevitable there, and with this in view the governor appointed a commission last spring, consist- ing of Dr. Folwell and Senators Summerville and Baldwin to in- vestigate and make reports on the various methods of employing prison labor. Dr. Folwell's work is a full report of what the com- mission found out in its investigations. It was submitted to Gov. Lind and was by him transmitted to the legislature. xviii. University of Minnesota Dr. W. W. Folwell has recently been chosen by Governor Van Sant, to represent Minnesota at the national conference of cor- rections and charities which will meet in Washington, D. C, May 0-15. Dr. Folwell is chairman of the committee on the legisla- tion concerning charities, and will speak at this conference on the subject, "The Special Field of National Legislation." Professor C. W. Benton, head of the French Department, ed- ited and published during the summer a small French text book, entitled "Easy French Plays," which is meeting with decided favor (from both critics and teachers alike. The little book contains three plays, with notes and vocabulary- Last summer W. F. Webster, of the class of '86, issued a text book upon "English Composition and Literature." This book has received a most enthusiastic reception among school men and has been adopted as a text book by a large number of schools over the country. The Richards Publishing Company of this city has recently published a novel entitled "Inis De Vrieze." The author is Miss Myra Wiren, of the class of 1900, U. of M. Perhaps the most notable triumph any University man has yet achieved is that of Professor John Zeleny, '92, assistant pro- fessor of Physics. The Royal Society of London has just pub- lished a pamphlet written by him, entitled, "The Velocity of the Jons Produced in Gases by Roentgen Rays." This is a very im- portant piece of work, as the publication by the Royal Society in- dicates, placing it in the records of the society being one of the highest honors that can be paid to a man's work. This is Prof. Zeleny's latest article on the subject, of which, by the way, he is one of the world's acknowledged authorities. The acceptance of this work by the Royal Society brings honor not only to Mr. Zeleny, but to the University, of which he is an alum- nus as well as professor. The University Book Store has published a little book written by two 'Varsity girls, Miss Inez Lord and Miss Eva Smith, both sophomores, which is sure to prove popular, and which is a charm- ing manifestation of the renaissance in literary interest at the University. Entitled "Fables in Maroon and Gold." The Fables are sixteen in number, readable and pleasing. They teem with 'Varsity slang and 'Varsity atmosphere — hence their name. The Royal Astronomical Society of London recently published a treatise by Professor F. H. Leavenworth, entitled, "Photographic Measurements of the Ring Nebula in Lyra and of Neighboring Faint Stars." The measurements tabulated are from photographs taken with the ten and one-half inch refractor of the University here. Professor McVey has recently issued a new book, "The Gov- ernment of Minnesota ; its History and Administration," which has attracted very favorable criticism from many sources. The following from the February number of "Book Reviews" outlines the work : "It has been the purpose of the author to present in a small volume of 240 pages a harmonious picture of the history and government of the commonwealth of Minnesota. This has been done in ten chapters, as follows : Minnesota as a Territory ; Minnesota as a state ; Organization of the state ; the Central Gov- ernment ; Local Government : Nominations and Elections : the Ad- ministration of Justice ; Revenue and Expenditures ; Education ; the Protection of the state. At the beginning of each chapter are general references to authorities, numerous foot-notes are found at the bottom of pages, while at tiie end of the book is an. appendix containing historical material for more extensive work than the text affords. These helps, together with the carefully prepared text, make the book an unusually well equipped one to meet the needs of teaching in civil government." Mr. Bernhard O. Leubner, instructor in the College of Phar- macy, has during the year, written an article of about 50,000 Alumni Record xix. words, on "The Chemistry of the United States Pharmacopoeial Preparations." The article is being printed monthly in Merck's Report, the representative scientific journal on pharmacy, having headquarters in New York and Darmstadt, Germany. Also a somewhat shorter article, entitled "Pharmaceutical Mathematics," which is now in the hands of the publishers. Dr. Geo. N. Bauer, of the Department of Mathematics, has published "The Parallax of Cassiopeiae and the Position of Fif- ty-six Neighboring Stars." It is a pamphlet of 102 pages. The work is based upon twenty-eight photographic plates, taken by Rutherford, the pioneer in celestial photography. During the past year Dean Pattee has prepaied and published a book upon the subject of Contracts, containing the notes and au- thorities which he has collected during the past twelve years. It is arranged with special reference to the student's necessities : First a citation of authorities to be studied ; second, provision for a carefully written analysis of these cases by the student ; and, third, notes, showing he application of the principles of law in detail with their limitations and modifications. He has pub- lished a similar work in "Equity," and as a similar edition in "Real Property and Personality" nearly ready for the printer. Mr. Paige has prepared a similar work in the subject of "Torts." Nearly one thousand volumes have been added to the Law library during the past year, and it is expected that about as many more will be added in the year to come, placing the Law Library among the very most complete of those possessed by the various law schools in the country. Mr. Charles A. Willard, a member of the Faculty of Law since its inception and a diligent and valued instructor, has just been appointed to the chief justiceship of the supreme court in the Philippine Islands. Dr. Richerd Burton, Professor of English, published a biography of Whittier, in the Beacon Biography Series, in April, 1901, and will bring out a new volume of his essays in the late autumn, — the book containing a dozen papers, most of which have appeared in the magazines and are here collected for the first time. Frank Dewey Redfield, Law, '99, is the founder and editor of a monthly magazine, The Stub Pen, devoted to the interest of au- thors of the Northwest. The first number appeared March 1st, 1901. The doctoral thesis of Mr. Charles D. Abbetmeyer on "Moral Evil in Old English Literature" will be printed in the philological journal Anglia. During the past year Professor Samuel B. Green has pub- lished a third edition each of "Amateur Fruit Growing" and of "Vegetable Gardening," both of which are text books used in the School of Agriculture. He has now in preparation a revision of "Forestry in Minnesota," of which a new edition of 10,000 will be published sometime this season ; he has also in preparation, and nearly completed, a "Syllabus of Green House Laboratory Work for Students in Horticulture." Professor Harry Snyder has published one bulletin on "Stud- ies on Bread and Bread Making," issued by the United States De- partment of Agriculture. During the past year Professor Thomas Shaw has issued a book, "The Study of Breeds." Professor Downey's "Higher Algebra," which appeared the latter part of last July, has already reached the sixth edition. Part I., which includes the first fifteen chapters, is used in many of the high schools of the state, and will doubtless be introduced into the rest, as it leads directly to the work done in the Univer- sity. The author is now preparing a chapter on "Determinants," for which there is a demand in some quarters, to appear in the next edition of the complete book. xx. University of Minnesota The edition of Professor Downey's little work on "Differ- entiation and Integration" being exhausted, a new and some- what enlarged edition will be published for next year. Volume I. of Professor Gale's "Psychological Studies" was published during the summer. The studies, a volume of 175 pages, are the result of original work, the largest part done by Mr. Gale himself, the remainder under his direction, in the Psy- chological laboratorv. They form the largest single contribution yet made to experimental psychology. Contents : "Our Nervous System and Its Use" ; "On the Psychology of Advertising" ; "The Vocabularies of Two Children of One Family Two and a Half Years of Age," by M. C. and II. Gale : "Taste and Smell in Articles of Diet," by Roy W. Tallman, with postscript by H. Gale ; "A Case of Alleged Loss of Personal Identity ; Psychical Research in American Universities" ; "Catalog of Lantern Slides ; For Use in Lectures on the Nervous System," being 47 reproductions on schematic cuts and plates and 79 original micro-photographs. Also an article by Mr. Gale, entitled "A Typical Adolescent Religious Experience," appeared in the September number of the Journal of Adolescence: This is a frank an'd thoughtful analysis, in the light of modern scientific conclusions, of the writer's own long and thoroughly-tested religious experience. Professor Klaeber is engaged upon an edition of "The Beowulf," to form the first number of a new series of college edi- tions started by Heath & Co. O. W. Oestlund, M. A. instructor in entomology, has recently issued a laboratory guide for the use of the classes in entomology. Hubert C. Carel, B. S., assistant professor of medical chem- istry, has issued a syllabus upon inorganic chemistry, a book of about 175 pages. The University Book Store will issue during the coming sum- mer, for Professor Woodbridge, "Hobbes' Leviathan," including a part of the original text, and notes. Allyn & Bacon will publish during the coming summer, for Pro- fessor Willis M. West, an Ancient History, a text book for use in high schools. ANATOMICAL EQUIPMENT. Among the departments of the Medical School which will al- ways be of interest to its Alumni, is that of Anatomy. With the advent of Professor G. A. Hendricks, in the fall of *S9, a graded course was established, which has since been main- tained, and copied by nearly all other medical schools. Owing to Professor Hendricks' untiring labors and enthusiasism, coupled with his brilliancy as a teacher, the subject soon became one of the best taught, and deservedly popular with the student body and profession. The department has long since outgrown its old quarters in the Medical Hall, and is now housed in a laboratory building of its own. The laboratory, though modest in size, is without its kind in this country. It is a two-story and basement building. In the basement are the morgue, injecting room, a cold storage vault and a two-ton carbonic acid gas refrigerating machine. On the first floor is an amphitheater seating one hundred stu- dents, the offices of the professor and demonstrator, a laboratory for research work and the museum. The museum, though still in embryo, is rapidly growing, and at the present time has a splen- did collection of bones and skulls, normal and pathological ; a good collection of the comparative skeletons of the vertebrates, and has added to it the past year a complete set of Professor His's famous plaster models from frozen sections. The entire second floor is devoted to laboratories for practical work. This work is now conducted in a the- -oughly scientific manner, and when the students are at work pi-f^nts a most interesting and inspiring sight. The laboratory is < pen all the year and of- Alumni Record xxi. fers to the graduate students opportunity to refresh their knowl- edge. The past year six graduate students availed themselves of this opportunity. The corps of instructors now comprise a professor, demon- strator and prosector, which teaching force it is hoped will be soon increased. Extensive improvements have been made in the Mechanical Engineering Department, both in the lines of Laboratory work and shop practice. During the past year the Mechanical Laboratory has been increased by the addition of the space formerly occupied by the Pattern Shop and considerable new apparatus and machin- ery have been added. Prominent among these is a 25-H. P. Chan- dler & Taylor, high speed automatic engine with condenser, an 8-H. P. White gasoline engine, and a small transverse hydraulic testing machine. In addition to these a new testing table has been erected and equipped for testing water meters. The air brake testing department is being fitted with additionol equipment. In the shops a new Whiting cupola, 27" inside diameter, has been erected, besides two very complete brass furnaces, designed and built by the students. A new planer will be added to Lbe wood-working department during the summer. The shops next fall will be ready to accommodate about twice as many stu- dents as heretofore. Among the new machinery to be purchased Is a 30"xl0' lathe, a 36"x8' planer, a I(5"xl2' lathe, a large mill- ing machine and a Gisholt tool grinder, besides a good assortment of small tools. Electrical power is used for driving the machinery ; the group system has been selected as best adapted to the conditions, and a number of small motors placed in the several departments ; 220-volt, continuous current motors are employed in connection with a three-wire system which is also used in the circuit. An addition to the present shops will be built at once, to in- clude large drawing rooms, recitation rooms, reading room and offices, for the Mechanical Department. This addition will also contain up-to-date blue print facilities. The Department of Electrical Engineering reports that dur- ing the past year much attention has been given to an investiga- tion of various systems of train lighting, and papers before the Northwest Railway Club and before the St. Louis Railway Club have been well received and have been widely quoted. An automatic recording apparatus has been perfected for se- curing autographic records of rapid changes in current and volt- age ; with this apparatus, valuable records have been secured, showing the instantaneous values of the current, taken bv electric elevators and similar apparatus. Original work now in progress includes an efficiency test of the electrical transmission between the main power house and the substation of the Minneapolis General Electric Company, tests of power used in the railway shops at Oelwin, Iowa, and in South Minneapolis, and design of electric power plant for the latter, tests of efficiency and regulation of train electric lighting appa- ratus, tests of electric automobiles and tests of series incandes- cent street lighting systems. The appropriations of the late legislature will provide for the erection of an electrical laboratory and its equipment during the year. ALUMNI IN THE STATE LEGISLATURE. (From the Minnesota Daily.) In the senate, Allen J. Greer, 'SI, a prominent attorney from Lake City, and one of the most influential members of the senate, a Republican in politics. Fred P». Snyder, '81. an attorney at law in this city, a senator from the district in which the University is located. He has served several terms with great credit to himself, and with groat xxii. University of Minnesota benefit to the University. He has fought hard for appropriation bills and has come out victorious many a time when the battle seemed to be going against him. Ripley B. Brower, Law, '91, a well known attorney from SI Cloud, representing one of the best districts in the state. P. Fitzpatrick and E. T. Young, both attended the University, but neither graduated. They took work both in the Academic and Law Colleges, and are prominent members of the senate. In the house of representatives, there are six alumni, all graduates of the College of Law. Three of these are from me city of Minneapolis. All have graduated during the nineties. Geo. W. Armstrong, '99, served in the Spanish-American War in the Thirteenth Minnesota Regiment. He has not forgotten bis comrades as is evidenced by the bill passed in their behalf, atten- tion to which was called in a recent issue of this paper. J. C. Sweet, '93, represents the district in which the Univer- sity is located. He is a prominent attorney in the city, and for some years has been a lecturer in the College of Law. C. L. Wallace, '97, has a lucrative law practice, and handles besides a large bond company's business. The other 'Varsity men outside of the city are : G. W\ Har- den, '91, of Le Roy ; J. R. Hickey, '94, Graceville ; and J. A. Jack- son, '93. George C. Sikes is secretary of the Street Railway Commis- sion of Chicago ; a place for which he is peculiarly well fitted and which he is filling in a way to bring honor to himself and his alma mater. "Joe" Blethen has written a number of delightful short stories for current periodicals. He says that there are more where tho^.e came from. Chester N. Gould is studying philology in Leipzig. He has been appointed Fellow in Germanics at Chicago University for the coming year. The following is taken from the Minnesota Daily of January 31st: Two hundred prominent men of the state came together at the West Hotel Tuesday night to do honor to a man who, as con- sul general of the United States, has not only, in the last lour years, won glory for himself by his strict attention to his wol-k and by his rare diplomacy in matters of state, but who has made the country which he serves looked up to in China, and who has made the consulate service of the United States stand for far more than it did before John Goodnow, a University graduate of the class of '79, went to his post in Shanghai. There were present at the banquet given in his honor, the president of the University, a governor and an ex-governor of the state, a mayor and two ev- mayors of Minneapolis, the speaker of the state house of represen- tatives, and many other noted guests, while regrets were read from such men as Secretary of State John Hay, Wu Ting Fang, Chinese minister at Washington, and A. A. Adee, assistant secre- tary of state. Among those responding to toasts were Mayor Ames, Governor Van S,ant, A. H. Hall, Samuel Hill, Rev. J. S. Montgomery, Speaker Dowling, James Gray, besides the guest of honor and our own President Northrop. Judge Simpson was toastmaster and served very happily. UNIVERSITY ORGANIZATIONS AND ACTIVITIES. Dramatization of the Odyssey. There was a large attendance to witness the dramatization of the Odyssey. Of course the play was different from the modern plays and so was probably different from what was expected by many of the audience, but the insight that it gave into Greek life and manners was both interesting and instructive. In general the Alumni Record xxiii. parts were all well taken. The costumes were very attractive. Among the most interesting parts of the play were the ball play- ing by the girls and the gymnastic contests. The Greek department has won a great reputation for itself and has by this play unquestionably stimulated greater interest in Greek throughout the city at least. The play was under the direct supervision and direction of Mabel Hay Barrows, to whose able and untiring energies its suc- cess was largely due. This year, under the direction of C. A. Marshall for the Glee club, and Francis Robertson for the Mandolin club, a concert was given at the Lyceum Theater March 28th and a week's trip fol- lowed in the southern part of the state, including Mason City, Iowa. The boys had a special car for the trip and were enter- tained in homes in the places visited, besides being tendered sev- eral receptions. In most places there were good audiences, so that financially the organization was ahead when they reached home. The newspapers of the towns visited were loud in their praise of the work done by both clubs. The three plays which the University Dramatic Club have been preparing so faithfully this year, were given Monday night, Feb. 11, at the Lyceum theater. The work of all the actors was commendable and showed careful preparation. The Club selected three one-act plays this year, which suited the taste of the audience far better than the plan of last year. "A Woman's Won't" was the first one on the program. The play itself was very simple, but the acting was clever, and as a whole most commendable. '"At the Barricade" came next on the program and showed the strongest acting of the evening. "A Flower of Yeddo" was the last play of the evening. All the members on the cast deserve equal and very high commendation for their work. The stage set- ting of this play was pretty and in keeping with its quiet and re- fined nature. THE WOMAN'S LEAGUE. The Woman's League is an organization composed of all wom- en of the University who desire to join, and of the wives of the members of the faculty. The four hundred and thirty girls who belong to the League are divided into twenty-four groups and to each of these groups belong one or two faculty women. The groups meet in the afternoon of the second Saturday of each month for purely social purposes, and occasionally all groups meet together for a general reception. The object of the League is to establish friendly and personal relations between the girls of the University and the women of the faculty. It is hoped that through the influence of the League, a Woman's Building may eventually be established as a home for the girls of the University. MUSIC. After a great deal of serious consideration, the committee of the faculty evolved an excellent plan for the development of true appreciation of music among the students which will no doubt raise the standard of music and educate the students to a better musical taste. The plan included a choral union which has been organized and has been at work during the latter part of the year. On Thursday or Friday of each week .a classical program is presented in which the best musical talent in the cities appears. The great composers and their works are taken up in chronological order from Bach to Mozart and Beethoven. The first two pro- grams were devoted to Bach, the first to his vocal productions, the second to his instrumental music. Other artists were studied later. For the coming year the department of psychology offers a spe- cial course in the psychology of music, as follows : xxiv. University of Minnesota Lectures with experimental demonstrations to analyze the total aesthetic effects of music into its elementary components of tone quality and quantity, rhythm, melody, harmony, contrast, with the biographical, historical and personal associations, and its connec- tions with poetry in songs and with the drama in opera. Based largely on original experimental material, together with such works as those of Helmholtz, Koenig, Stumpf, Riemann, Zahn, Lanier, Gurney, Gilman, Wallaschek and R. Wagner. Extra hours will be given as illustrations in different forms of piano compositions, chamber music, song cycles of Schubert, Schuman and Brahms ; piano arrangements of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, and at least of Parsifal from Wagner's music-dramas. Special lectures will be given preparatory to the best public concerts during the musical season. The system of physical culture which Miss Butner has intro- duced at the University this year, is different in many respects from that employed here before. It is more of a gymnasium course, the purpose is to develop first strength of muscle in the girls and afterwards take up the exercises that produce grace. All the apparatus needed has been provided for, and some work was done with the dumb bells, Indian clubs and wands early in the year. Because of the lack of apparatus at the opening of the ^ear and the fact tnat the system is new here, real work did not begin until afcer the holidays. Much aesthetic work has been done, including the fancy steps, arm movements, and the like. Through the efforts of E. E. McDermott, assistant professor of rhetoric, a Minnesota High School Debating League is being or- ganized. The plan includes all accredited high schools in the state. For convenience the state is subdivided into districts co- incident with the congressional districts. A series of contests will be carried out in each district. Then the winners of each district will compete and finally the two schools standing without defeat will meet in Minneapolis for the championship and the possession of a $200 prize cup which has been offered by the Minneapolis Journal. The organization will be completed and the resolution for next year's discussion will be submitted in May. Enthusiastic letters of commendation and support are coming in from superintendents and principals all over the state. Such a league will stimulate high school rhetorical work. But it will do more than this. Through friendly rivalry, better ac- quaintance and interchange of ideas, the best there is in any school will be carried to others, and thus raise the standard of all. Besides the handsome prize, mentioned above, theMinneapolis Journal will give to each of the three debaters who win in final contest, a handsome gold badge and it will report all matters of in- terest when the series of contests is being carried out. In time this league will unquestionably bring results bene- ficial to the University. Through the efforts of the Rhetorical Department and the gen- erosity of friends of the University the number and value of prizes for which students in debate and oratory can compete has been greatly augmented in the last two years. Nearly $500 in cash and numerous prize cups and medals are awarded each year. Only three other universities in the United States now offer as tempt- ing prizes to ambitious students in forensics as does the Uni- versity of Minnesota. The whole system of debate and oratory has been reorganized in the last three years and placed on a firmer basis than ever be- fore. Seven strong literary societies are maintained and a debat- ing board, composed of four members of the faculty and three stu- dent members, now has control of all matters pertaining to con- tests in debate and oratory. The University now belongs to five inter-collegiate and inter-state leagues. Alumni Record xxv. LITERARY EVENTS. Debate — Central League, J,an. 17, 1901 — Michigan v. Minneso- ta — Ann Arbor. Resolved, That it is unwise for the states to attempt to tax personal property. Affirmative — Minnesota : Negative — Michigan : James Mclntyre, Maxey, Olai A. Lende, Sonnenschein, Alex. Janes. Jacobs. Michigan won, 2-1. Debate — Iowa v. Minnesota, Iowa City, March 1, 1901. Resolved, That it is unwise for the states to attempt to tax personal property. Affirmative — Iowa : Negative — Minnesota : Noland. O. P. McElmeel, H. B. Gislason, P. J. Thompson. Iowa won, 2-1. Extemporaneous Oratorical Contest and Story Writing Contest — Nebraska-Minnesota : Oratory : Guy L. Caldwell. Minnesota, first. G. N. Graham, Nebraska, second. Story : Mr. Fairchild, Nebraska, first. Roy Allis, Minnesota, second. Pillsbury-Dunwoody Oratorical Contest, 1st prize, $130 ; 2d prize, $25 ; third, $20. — March 23, 1901. T. D. Schall, first. Ray Dillman, second. Olai A. Lende, third. Minnesota State Oratorical Contest, U. of M., Macalester, Carleton, Hamline, J. A. A. Burnouist, Carleton, first. Final Intersociety Debate, April 26, 1901. — Minerva v. Forums. Resolved, That railroad pooling should be legalized. Affirmative — Forum : Negative — Minerva. O. J. Henderson, Julia McDonough, S. DeW. Adams, Irene McKeehan, Bert Russell. Anna Purcell. Forum won, 2 to 1. Northern Oratorical League, Iowa City, May 3. T. D. Schall will represent Minnesota. REPORT OF Y. M. C. A. Membership — Academic department, 162 ; Engineering depart- ment, 58 ; Medical department. 73 ; Law department, 49 ; unclassed, 18 ; Faculty, 25 : total membership, 385. Paid membership fees, 200. Religious— Men's meetings held, 22 ; average attendance, 58 ; mid-week prayer meetings, 24 : average attendance, 19 ; morning prayer meetings at opening of year, 5 ; average attendance, 14 ; per- sonal workers' class, 20 ; average weekly attendance, 15 ; men in vacation bands, 10. Bible Study — Classes taking systematic work, 15 : total number entering classes, 107 ; average weekly attendance, 60 ; estimated time per student in private study each week (min.), 45; two nor- mal classes for teachers. Missions — A mission study class, 7 : missionary meetings, 6 ; average attendance (men and women) 69. A student volunteer band of three members. Pledge to foreign missions, $50. Social — Eight socials or receptions during the year. Opening reception at Armory, 950 ; four receptions to men, 280 ; two "post xxvi. University of Minnesota exam" jubilees. 650 ; one medical reception, 100 ; total attend- ance, 1,980. Employment Bureau — No. of applications for work, 140 ; given permanent work, 54 ; odd jobs distributed (over) 82 ; one student reports $21 made from these odd jobs. Students' Loan Fund — Money in the fund, $50 ; number of loans made since September, 76 ; total aggregate of loans, $497. Educational Department — Number of classes for making up entrance conditions, 9 ; number 'enrolled in classes, 78 ; numbe already passed examinations, 44. This department, indorsed by the faculty, and the teachers' records accepted in lieu of condi tion examinations. Boarding Houses Bureau — All boarding houses personally in spected and listed in the fall. Estimated number directed to same 600 ; number provided with room-mates, 30. Handbook — A 2,200 edition of "The Student's Hand-book" dis tributed gratis to students in all departments. Medical Department — A reading room in the Medical building supplied with current literature ; a weekly devotional meeting for medical students in their own building. Building — A 9-room building open at all times to students, societies and clubs ; reading room, game room, toilet room and parlor. Piano for use of societies and glee club. Receipts — Balance from last year, 33c ; dues, $195 ; subscrip- tions, $756.27 ; educational department, $42 ; boarding house bu- reau, $10.85 ; Bible study department, $2.63 ; Hand-book, $347.50 ; missions, $50 ; board of directors, $600 ; total, $2,004.58. Disbursements — Subscriptions to state and national work, $50; missions $50; salaries, $357; salaries (board of directors), $600 ; building, $38.88 ; furniture, $228.61 ; piano, $116.09 ; gas $19.80 ; stationery, $4.10 ; printing, $43.25 ; receptions, $60.97 ; postage, $15.13 ; rent, .$12 ■ insurance, $22 ; water, $4 ; Hand-book, $297 ; miscellaneous. $50.45 ; cash on hand, $35.30 ; total, $2,004.58. Resources — Cash on hand, $35.30 ; bills receivable, $65.50 ; total, $100.80. Liabilities — None. Note : To be provided for current expenses from April 15 to June 1 — Salaries, $140 ; printing, $20 ; gas, $5 ; Gopher, $5 ; mis- cellaneous. $5 ; resources as above, $100.80; balance (to be raised), $74.20. Y. W. C. A. For the year ending March 17th, 1901 : Number of members of the Y. W. C. A., 310 ; active, 230 ; associate, 80 ; increase over last year, 22$; alumni members (out of college), 3; members in grad- uating class, 45 ; members in active committee work, 161 ; com- mittees holding monthly meetings, 16 ; devotional meetings per week, 2 ; average attendance, 33 ; missionary meetings per month, 2 ; average attendance, 40 ; extra meetings, 13 ; prayer circles, meet- ing weekly, 2 ; Bible classes, 7 ; mission study classes, 1 ; student volunteers, 1 ; delegates to state convention at Mankato, 13 ; del- egate to secretarial conference at Chicago, 1 ; delegates to summer conference at Geneva, Wis., 3 ; delegate to national bi-ennial con- vention at Nashville, Tenn., 1 ; number of socials, 9 ; average at- tendance, 200 ; number of receptions with the Y. M. C. A., 4 ; num- ber of average attendance, 400 ; number of cabinet luncheons, 8 ; number of regular business luncheons, 8 ; number of subscribers to "The Evangel," 7 ; number of visits from National Secretaries, 4 ; number of local union meetings, 1 ; number of young women as- sisted to board and rooms, scores ; number of young women assisted to employment, 11 : budget raised, $400 ; proceeds from sale of "U. of M." calendars, $427.81 : in bank — boarding-home fund, $200. Have elected Board of Directors as advisory committee. General Secretary engaged for one-third of her time, and has gen- eral supervision of the work of the Association. Alumni Record xxrii. THE UNIVERSITY CATHOLIC ASSOCIATION. The University Catholic Association was organized in the spring of 1900 by the Catholic students of the University. Mem- bership is open to any one connected with the institution and those interested in the work of the organization are cordially invited to attend the meetings. During the first part of the year the association was address- ed every Sunday by one of the various priests of the city upon a series of connected topics. In the spring a course of lectures upon the "Fundamental Doctrine of the Church," by Father P. J. Danehy, of the St. Paul Seminary, appointed director of the as- sociation by Arch-Bishop Ireland. At the opening of the college year the association gave a re- ception to its members, and a similar entertainment was held after the holiday recess. Through the courtesy of the two other Christian associations at the University, the meetings have been held in the rooms of the Y. W. C. A. or Y. M. C. A. Any further information regarding the association can be obtained by ad- dressing the president. ATHLETICS. Roy Wirt Allis, of University of Minnesota, broke all inter- collegiate records in the strength contest in an official test made in the gymnasium on the 31st of last March. The new record is 1885 kilos, or sixteen kilos ahead of the record made by ex-Champion Herbert, of Harvard. Allis will, without any doubt, have even a better record to i~s credit by May 1st, when the final reports are sent in from the various colleges of the country. Allis' home is in Oronoco, Minn., where he has spent the greater part of his life. He is taking the literary course, as special student, and his record as a student is good. Allis attends the gymnasium daily for an hour's systematic work. His gymnasium training is methodical, but he never overtrains and his habits are excellent. His work is an example of what anyone may accomplish for himself by faithful application to systematic body building work. Allis' strength records compared with those of the two ex- champions of Harvard, Herbert and Cochems : ft £> ha ^4 tn JS rt J PQ J CL VI c £ s- aJ a 1) i) -m ft VI ft "StS O U X J R. W. Allis C. G. Herbert.. H. F. Cochems. 3-ii 325 601 70 32 420 740 So 47 350 690 30 •811.9 611 491-9 62 54 73 7i «7 74 i88q 1869 1809 April 30th- — Allis made a new record of 1940 kilos. In the official test for the fifty strongest men in any college in the country, the University of Minnesota, ranks third. This .speaks exceedingly well for the gymnasium work done at the University of Minnesota and for Dr. Cooke's system of training. xxviii. University of Minnesota FOOT BALL. DR. HENRY L. WILLIAMS. The following is taken from the Minnesota Daily of Nov. 6th, 1900 : "If Wisconsin cares to lay her defeat on any one man, she must pick out as the burden bearer, Dr. Williams, Minnseota's athletic director. No one is more responsible for that defeat than the man whom Minnesota now honors and idolizes as the master spirit in her athletic affairs. Tutored in his football lore in the same school with Stagg, he has in his first year as director of a big team, met that experienced rival and proven himself more than an equal: matched against the prowess of Phil King, he has, Three short weeks after one glorious victory, achieved another even greater and more brilliant. And how did Dr. Williams do it? Unassuming and retiring; saying little and desiring to say less ; he has gone ahead and out of the rawest kind of material, in two months, made a champion- ship team, — a team that is the marvel of the west and of the east as well. Criticised at first by the so-called critics of the Twin Cities and by many of the students, he has paid no atten- tion to written or verbal advice, and has evolved a football team. The result can be attributed to nothing more than to a mental acu- men sharper than the ordinary ; to a knowledge of human nature not possessed by many, and to an overwhelming desire to do his best under adverse circumsances. With very little to start with other than ambition on the part of a squad of fifty men or so, one man's intellect has mrde Minnesota's team what it is today, and that intellect is Dr. Williams'. The University of Minnesota is proud to praise him and to do him honor. The students have come to love him and to idolize him, and no man more deserves the glory that is his. Long may Minnesota glory in his works and deeds. The following clipping was taken from the football issue of the Minnesota Daily : A WORD FROM PRESIDENT NORTHROP. This year for the first time I have thoroughly approved of football at the university of Minnesota. The team has been un- der the training of a gentleman who understood scientific football ; who knew how to deal with young men ; whose influence over the team has been in all respects good : and who has succeeded in clear- ing the atmosphere of several things that have heretofore been a blemish to the game. In the next place the finances have been managed with skill and care and honesty. And in the third place the team has done its work nobly, ex- hibiting the most delightful spirit of docility, obedience and pluck. I do not doubt that every man on the team is more of a man in every way than he would have been but for his training and work on the team. As a result of all these things the games haye been enjoyed by delighted audiences, and Minnesota has been placed where she belongs — at the head. Cyrus Northrop. DR. WILLIAMS' WISE WORDS. A brief review of the successful football season through which we have just passed is not without interest, and cannot fail to point out some lessons which it will be well to store in mind for future guidance. Alumni Record xxix. The development and perfecting of a football team is some- thing which cannot suddenly be brought about, but requires both time and labor for its accomplishment. To some it may perhaps be a surprise to learn that active work in direct preparation for the past football season has been in progress ever since last March. This, however, is the fact. The hand of Captain Page in the work of developing the team is well known to the football men them- selves, and to those who have been intimately associated with them, but has been scarcely realized or appreciated by the general student body. It is found in the history of every great football team which has met with the highest degree of success, that it has possessed a great captain. So has it been this past year with the football team of the University of Minnesota. When on March last the en- gagement of the present athletic director occurred, Captain Page started at once a vigorous correspondence, and after receiving a few diagrams and suggestions, immediately inaugurated spring practice and laid the foundation for the fall work. Those early spring days must have offered many discourage- ments. On some days he was himself the only man out for practice, while on others, only one or two were present with him. But, in spite of obstacles which would have been barriers to a less deter- mined leader, the work continued until a band of thirty men from among the most desirable material in the University had become interested and pledged to work throughout the fall for the best in- erests and success of the team, whether they should receive place on the first eleven or not. For six weeks during the spring term football drills, consisting in signal practice, kicking contests, and evening blackboard talks and demonstrations, were conducted by the captain. Thus it was that on reassembling in the fall the foundation for the new system of play had been already laid, and rapid progress was made possible. The leadership of the captain, not simply a player whose ability in his position is not equalled in the West, but a man whose manly character, high ideals, deter- mined spirit and kindly goodfellowship have impressed themselves on all, has been the inspiring note that has roused the will in ev- ery man on the team to do great things. Particularly noticeable during the practice of the team has been the fact that all elements that have contributed to bring about this result have worked in absolute harmony. No slight jar or discord has tended in the slightest degree to 'bring about internal disruption, and the growth and development of the team has been systematically progressive during the entire fall. The preliminary training for two weeks at the camp on Lake Minnetonka, before the opening of the term, proved also to be of inestimable advantage. Without this it is unlikely that it would nave been possible to meet successfully on Oct. 13th, the University of Chicago with its seven seasoned veterans from last year's cham- pionship team. What Prof. P. S. Jones, chairman of the board of control, has contributed cannot be told in a few lines. Taking in hand the athletic situation when things were at their darkest, his untiring energy, constant support, faith in ultimate success, diplo- matic handling of delicate situations and, above all, his honest hard work and unremitting service which has often been a drudgery, has done more to bring about our present standing in football, than the work of any other one man. A very encouraging feature of the fall's work, as we look back upon it, is the fact that we can see many faults in the team even when at its best. Were this not so, the expectation of a still bet- ter team next year would not be present with us. We now expect that the greater number of this year's eleven will be with us for another season. With such a nucleus to build on it is reasonable to hope that even greater strength may be looked for in the team of 1901. A warning note must, however, here be sounded. If the fact that we have so promising an outlook shall detract one iota from the bard work or discipline among the candidates for the eleven xxx. University of Minnesota which is next to be, our apparent brilliant prospects may prove our undoing, and not a blessing. We shall trust that no such catastrophe will befall us. H. L. Williams. SCORE CARD. MINNESOTA. Minnesota Central High . O Minnesota 26 St. Paul High Minnesota 65 Macalester Minnesota 44 Garleton Minnesota 27 Ames Minnesota 6 Chicago 6 Minnesota 26 Grinnell O Minnesota 34 N. Dakota Minnesota 6 Wisconsin 5 Minnesota 23 Illinois • • O Minnesota 21 Northwestern Minnesota 20 Nebraska 12 Total 298 Total 23 Yesterday the Daily printed Walter Camp's review of the middle west football season, and to-day it prints Casper Whitney's review published in the January number of Outing. Unlike Mr. Camp, Mr. Whitney takes no neutral ground and comes out decid- edly for Minnesota as the champion team of the west. These two reviews ought to settle once for all the championship matter in regard to which certain other western institutions have been "doubting Thomases." Mr. Whitney says in his review : "The present season has witnessed a decided advance in the standard of football in the middle west. Not only have the de- fensive tactics of the western teams been of an unusually high order, but in offensive, also, marked improvement has been shown. "At the University of Minnesota, Dr. Williams has inaugurat- ed a system of attack entirely new in the west, and which he has been developing for some years at the Penn Charter school in Philadelphia. In this old Yale football has been abandoned, and in its place formation plays consisting of tackle-back, tackle-over, tackle and end-over in various combinations have been exclusively adopted. This style admits of either a close or an open game, and Minnesota has certainly used it this year with phenomenal suc- cess. "Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa can at once be assigned to the first-class without question and with no near competitors. Iowa's claim to a place in this class rests entirely upon the record of her scores against teams of the second class, as she has played neither Minnesota nor Wisconsin. Neither Minnesota nor Iowa has been defeated, while the only game lost by Wisconsin was to Minnesota by the close score of 5 to 6. The game played upon the 3d of November, and deservedly won by Minnesota, clearly establishes her title to superiority over Wisconsin. "An analysis of this game shows that, in securing her touch- down, Wisconsin obtained the ball 82 yards from Minnesota's goal ; then, by 32 yards advances, made by rushes, and by 40 yards granted for Minnesota's offside play, carried the ball to Minneso- ta's 12-yard line, when they were held and thrown for a loss. Here, on the third down, with eight yards to gain, Wisconsin exe- cuted a quarter-back kick which sent the ball across the goal line near the corner. Dobie, playing full-back for Minnesota, fumbled the ball, and Cochems of Wisconsin fell on it, securing a touch- down, from which a difficult goal was missed. "Minnesota's goal, on the other hand, was made by carrying the ball straight up the field for 62 yards, aided by a penalty of Alumni Record xxxu 10 yards, and planting the ball between the goal posts for a touch- down, followed by an easy goal. During the entire game, in rushes Minnesota advanced the ball 310 yards ; Wisconsin, 212. Minnesota's kicks aggregated 313 yards ; those of Wisconsin, 318. Wisconsin's claim to first place is thus effectually disposed of. "In considering the relative claims of Minnesota and Iowa, the games played by these institutions against Chicago and North- western furnish the standard of comparison. The Minnesota- Chicago game, played upon the second Saturday in October, al- though resulting in a tie score of 6 to 6, was a virtual victory for Minnesota. Three weeks later, after Chicago had encountered and gone down before both Brown and Pennslyvania, Iowa met and defeated her by a score of 17 to 0. During the first half this game was played upon even terms ; but in the second half Chicago went to pieces and Iowa had things all her own way. On the following Saturday, Nov. 10, Northwestern succeeded in defeating Chicago 5 to 0, after a hard, close game, in which the two teams seemed about evenly matched. One week later, fresh from victory over Chicago, Northwestern met Minnesota and was defeated by a score of to 21 in a game which was cut short twelve minutes on account of darkness and Northwestern entirely outclassed. Iowa's game with Northwestern upon Thanksgiving Day at once became of importance in determining Iowa's rating. The game resulted in a score of 5 to 5, Iowa scarcely holding her own. Iowa's score of 28 to 5 against Michigan became of less impor- tance in the light of Michigan's subsequent work. "A careful and impartial consideration of these facts would, therefore, seem to show clarly that to Minnesota the first place should unquestionably be accorded. "Wisconsin's overwhelming defeat of Chicago by a score of 39 to 5, Nov. 17, and her exceedingly close game with Minnesota, would seem to indicate her probable superiority over Iowa. "The tie game which Iowa played with Northwestern when at the acme of her course of training has greatly lessened her rat- ing." Mr. Whitney rates the teams of the middle west as follows : Minnesota. Wisconsin, Iowa, Northwestern, Chicago, Nebraska, Michigan and Illinois. THE ALL-WESTERN TEAM. In the February Outing, Caspar Whitney places on the all- western eleven four Minnesota men, viz. : Page at center, Aune at end, Dobie as quarter and Knowlton at full-hack. On the second team he would place Mueller and Flynn at guard, Fee and Tweet at tackle, Hoyt end and Van Valkenburg half, six in all from Minnesota. Mr. Whitney's all-western team is : Page (Minnesota) center. Riorden (Wisconsin) and E. Dietz (Northwestern) guards. Curtis (Wisconsin) and Warner (Iowa) tackles. Aune (Minnesota) and Snow (Michigan) ends. Dobie (Minnesota) quarter. Henry (Chicago) and Larson (Wisconsin) halves. Knowlton (Minnesota) full. FOOTBALL SCHEDULE FOR 1901. Sept. 28, Ames at Minneapolis. Oct. 5, Haskell Indians of Lawrence, Kan., at Minneapolis. Oct. 12, Nebraska at Minneapolis. Oct. 19, Grinnell at Minneapolis. Oct. 20. Iowa at Minneapolis. Nov. 2, Open date. Nov. 9, North Dakota at Minneapolis. xxxii. University of Minnesota Nov. 16, Wisconsin at Madison or Milwaukee. Nov. 23, Northwestern at Evanston. Nov. 28 (Thanksgiving), Illinois, at Champaign. The Alumni Athletic Association met Wednesday evening, March 27th, in the board of trade rooms for the purpose of elect- ing the association officers and members of the board of directors. The following were re-elected : President, F. B. Snyder ; first vice president, Lewis Schwager ; second vice president, W. A. Mclntyre ; secretary, Theodore Knappen ; treasurer, Bert Loye. C. H. Van Campen and A. F. Pillsbury were re-elected as members of the board of directors, and T. F. Wallace was chosen to succeed J. M. Harrison. BASEBALL. The team of 1900 was an excellent one in every respect and the outcome of the season's games was the best ever attained by a baseball team representing this University. Among the bright points to be noted are the three straight games won from Wis- consin. The team of the present year is composed of good material and will doubtless give a good account of itself. The following is the schedule : April 16, Hamline Medics, Northrop Field. April 17, Macalester, Northrop Field. April 18, Shattuek. Northrop Field. April 19, St. Paul League, Northrop Field. April 24, University Notre Dame, Notre Dame. April 25, Wabash College, Crawfordsville. April 26, University Indiana at Bloomington. April 27, University Purdue at Lafavette. April 29, Beloit College at Beloit. May 1, St. Thomas at St. Thomas. May 3, Kalamazoo College at Kalamazoo. May 4, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. May 7, University of Chicago, at Chicago. May 10, Macalester. Northrop Field. May 11, 'Varsity vs. Faculty and Alumni at Northrop Field. May 13, Carleton College. Northrop Field. May 18, University of Iowa at Northrop Field. May 20, Notre Dame, Northrop Field. Mav 21, Notre Dame, Northrop Field. May 23, Luther College of Decorah at Northrop Field. May 25, St. Thomas, Northrop Field. May 27, Hamline at Northrop Field. May 28, Carleton College at Northfield. May 29, Decorah at Decorah. May 30, University of Iowa at Cedar Rapids. May 31, Simpson College at Indianola. June 1, University of Nebraska at Lincoln. June 3, Creighton University at Omaha. June 4, University of South Dakota, at Sioux Falls. BASKET BALL. During the past winter the University has had the best bas- ket ball team in its history. The following table of scores shows the kind of basket ball the team played. Minnesota, 31 ; Alumni, 2. Minnesota, 72 ; Carleton, 3. Minnesota, 27 ; Central High School, 4. Minnesota, 17; Farm School, second team, 4. (first half). Minnesota, 37 ; St. Paul Y. M. C. A., 19. Minnesota, 23 : West Superior Normal, 5. Minnesota, 12 : West Superior Normal, 14. Alumni Record xxxiii. Minnesota, 38 ; Iowa, 5. Minnesota, 27 ; Fargo Y. M. C. A., 7. Minnesota, 26 ; Fargo College, 5. Minnesota, 25 ; North Dakota Agricultural College, 5. Minnesota, 42 : Wisconsin, 15. Total score, Minnesota, 386 ; opponents, 88. The School of Agriculture basket ball team made an enviable record for itself — defeating every team it met during the season. TRACK EVENTS. The prospect for a creditable track team for this spring are good. There are no particularly brilliant stars, but there are about forty men in active training and at least twenty-five of these men are doing good work. The miserable condition of the track is a serious handicap, but a reasonably good showing may be expect- ed. In the dual meet with Iowa, which will be held May 17th, the contest should be close and exciting. In the middle and long distances, Iowa is said to be superior, while in the high jump and hurdles Minnesota should have the advantage. The fact that firsts only count in the dual meet will be a decided disadvantage to Minnesota inasmuch as they would fare far better in a contest where team work could be brought into play, than where the work of brilliant individuals alone decides the day. The Minne- sota contingent may nevertheless have a reasonable expectation of winning the day. The men who shall represent Minnesota in the different events will be selected entirely by competition. As a preparation for the Iowa meet, and to determine the relative mer- its of the candidates for the team, the University spring sports will be held on Saturday, May 11, at Northrop Field. It is proposed by the management to make these sports an annual feature and a very attractive entertainment. They most certainly prove an even greater success than were the winter in- door games that were held in the University Armory just before the outdoor work was begun. It is proposed also to hold several relay events, and events open to the preparatory schools. SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE. This year by far the largest class that was ever graduated from the Agricultural School, was graduated and have returned to the activities of the farm. Whereas, for some years past, the classes have ranged from twenty-five to forty, this year it in- creased to sixty-three. But this is only an outward sign of the marvelous growth that agricultural education has been enjoying recently ; the true development and increasing importance can only be realized after one has taken the trouble to visit the school and more thoroughly investigate the work done. To one who has not come into closer sympathy with agricultural education than read- ing the press notices of basket ball games or class commencements, the true practical and economical importance of the work is never realized ; but to those who take the time and expend the effort to see for themselves, with their own eyes, there is a great revela- tion in store. The most favorable time for an enjoyable visit to the school is during the week of commencement. SUMMER SCHOOL. The Summer School for 1901 will open June 24th and close August 2nd, the term being increased to six weeks. This will make possible more thorough and practical courses of instruction in both sections. xxxiv. University of Minnesota SPANISH G. A. R. The faculty and students of the University have presented medals to all members of the student body, past or present, who took part in the Spanish-American war. Two hundred and ten persons have received this recognition. An act of the legislature, passed some time ago, permitted all residents of Minnesota who had served in the Spanish-American war and who were or might become students of the University to receive free tuition through- out their course. During the session now in progress the legisla- ture has widened this concession by providing that all veteran stu- dents who had paid tuition before the passage of the act should be entitled to repayment of the full amount. The men who served in the Spanish war have formed an asso- ciation in the University. There are at present in the University over seventy-five students who are receiving the benefits of the law mentioned above. ALUMNI ORGANIZATIONS. WORTHINGTON ALUMNI. Miss Jessie Coxe, '00, reports upon the organization of the alumni association at Worthington, Minn., as follows : On Friday night, March 8th, the alumni of the U. of M., who are now living in Worthington, Minn., formed a University club. There were twelve charter members of the club, including Mrs. Katherine Manson Curran, ex-'94, Jessie E. Coxe, '00 ; Dr. F. M. Manson, '99; Mrs. F. M. Manson (nee Husted), ex-'94 ; Dr. F. F. Riley Dent, '00 ; Joseph Arbes, Mr. E. E. Wilson, law. '96 ; the M.sses Mabel and Rubie E. Smith, '98 ; Mr. J. A. Town, Dr. Geyer- nian, '99 ; Mr. Moberly, '00. Dr. and Mrs. Manson entertained the club at their home the night that the organization was per- fected. The members of the newly formed club were surprised to find how much enthusiastic college spirit had been slumbering within the precincts of Worthington. A song, written expressly for the occasion, was then sung, and later in the evening, the refreshments carried out the color scheme. A cake, which was a surprise to the hostess, was pro- duced, iced in as near maroon as icing could be made, with the let- ters, "U. of M.," in gold, and a miniature pennant waving majes- tically. But the feature of the evening was a "university salad." This was served in a bright new dishpan, with a profusion of green tissue paper, lettuce leaves, and bran dressing. Each guest helped himself by the use of a large skimmer, and by digging deep into the bran, to a package which, when unrolled, proved to be a sou- venir fitting the occasion. One fortunate man received a small "Co-ed.," dressed in mortar board and gown, one of our medical members received a miniature skeleton, another guest a gopher, realistically wrought in maroon and gold. "After more college music the assembly broke up, each one voting that enthusiasm for "U. of M." was not dead, nor even sleeping at Worthington. We would urge unon all who have gone from the portals, to try the plan of organization, and don't for- get the "University salad." The recipe is simple and you will Lnd it most nourishing for spirit. THE CHICAGO ASSOCIATION. Chicago, April 26, 1901. Mr. E. B. Johnson, Registrar University of Minnesota — My Dear Mr. Johnson : I find your letter awaiting me upon my return to the city after an absence. I do not believe I can Alumni Record xxxv. make a report on the Alumni association that will be worth much. The fact is that George Merrill was the moving force of the Alumni association, and when he left everything seemed to drop. Dawley is president, but I cannot name the other officers. The association has had but two meetings. One was in the Theo- logical assembly rooms on the West side, where Merrill was then a student. The other was a dinner at the Sherman house when the football team was here a year ago last fall. I am in hopes the association can be got together again for another dinner be- fore long, but at the present time there seems to be nothing to report. With best wishes, I am yours sincerely, George C. Sikes. OMAHA ASSOCIATION. Judge William W\ Keysor, '79, reports that the association at Omaha, Nebraska, has ceased to be, all the alumni, except two r having moved away. SPOKANE ASSOCIATION. Dr. George A. Gray, '95 and '98, reports for the association : The University of Minnesota Alumni Association of Eastern Washington at Spokane was formed December, 1899, with twenty charter members. The purposes of the organization are (1) To entertain any of our professors who may chance to be in the city; (2) to become better acquainted with each other; (3) to be a committee for in- formation to any of the Minnesota men who may be looking for new homes or new locations. Last summer we had the pleasure of meeting and entertaining Miss Maria L. Sanford while she was in the city. Meetings are held at the call of the officers of the society, but we aim to have about six meetings annually. Joseph Ross- low is president ; A. F. Maxwell, secretary. SEATTLE ASSOCIATION. Alden Joseph Biethen, Jr., '91, reports a vigorous association, with a membership of eighteen, at Seattle, Washington. The present officers are : George N. Salisbury, '83, president ; Horace A. Wilson, '97, vice president ; Joseph Biethen, Jr., '91, secretary. There is no regular time for meeting. The president calls a meeting whenever he thinks it necessary or expedient. The ob- ject of the association is to meet and welcome "U. of M." gradu- ates, professors and students, and to build up a local club as more members settle in Seattle. GRAND FORKS. Joseph Kennedy, '86, professor of pedagogy and psychology in the University of North Dakota, writes that there has never been a formal organization of alumni at that place. There was an in- formal gathering of about ten alumni, at his home, at the time of the State Teachers' meeting of 1900. They compared notes and talked over old times and enjoyed the evening to the full. NEW YORK ASSOCIATION. Benjamin C. Gruenberg, '96, reports for the New York asso- ciation as follows : Properly speaking, the University of Minnesota has no alumni association in New York City. In the fall of 1899 I spent two xxxvi. University of Minnesota weeks in hard work trying to find out what 'Varsity people were in this part of the country. Starting with your bulletin of Au- gust, 1899, I interviewed nearly all I could find in New York and Brooklyn, and nearly every interview brought more names. When assured, finally, of the support and approval of some two dozen "representatives," I arranged for a meet and feed at the Hotel Marlborough, on the evening of Dec. 13, 1899. The question of formal organization was broached but laid on the table, which was presided over by Dr. Peckham, the dean of the colony. An exec- utive "committee" of three (Francis B. Summer, Grant B. Ross- man and myself) was elected and instructed to provide more meet- ings, which instructions were carried out by the committee, and culminated in another dinner, at the "Arena," on April 28, 1900. The question of organization was again laid on the table, and another committee entrusted with the affairs of the "Eastern Rep- resentatives," (Francis B. Sumner, Susan H. Olmstead, D. T. Mac- Dougal and yours truly). At this time there was issued a little Directory, in connection with the announcement, and this was greatly appreciated by many alumni who had long been out of touch with the University, and served to bring many together. The third dinner was held on Feb. 16, this year, at the Hotel Bristol, Dr. MacDougal presiding. Two distinguished men who had accepted conditionally our invitation to be with us, found the conditions against them, but sympathy with the absent ones did not prevent those present, from having a good time. This meeting was remarkable in that every year of the University's history was embodied in the joint experience of those present. It also covered a larger geographical area than any previous gathering, in that we had representatives from Baltimore and Washington on the south, and Boston on the north, and from intermediate points, — to say nothing of the letters and telegrams of regrets from those who could not come. The questions of organization and of ways and means were left to a committee of five, which is to be selected by the present committee. I am now worrying about organizing the new committee, which I hope to have in working order in about a month. The next dinner will probably happen early in next February, and we would like to have as many of you as can manage to do so be present with us on that occasion. Bbnj. C. Gruenberg. Mr. Gruenberg reports the names of one hundred and twenty- five alumni, former students and members of the faculty, in New England. MEETING OF ALUMNI IN BOSTON. No. 45 Kelby St., Boston, Mass., 4-25-'01. Mr. E. B. Johnson, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn. — Dear Sir : We are to have a banquet in May to get together all the former students and instructors of the U. of M. who may now be in or about Boston or in New England. Will you kindly send me, at above address, your latest list of the students now located in New England and very greatly oblige, Yours very truly, W. A. Chowen, B. C., Ex-'91. N. B. — See notices concerning Gopher, Minnesota Daily and The Alumni Weekly at the end of the Directory. Alumni Record GRADUATES BY CLASSES. 1873. BACHELOR OF ARTS. 2. Warren Clark Eustis. Henry Martyn Williamson 1874. BACHELOR OF ARTS. 1. George Edwin Ricker. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. 1 Edward Chatfield. 1875. BACHELOR OF ARTS. 3. Andrew Russell Cass. Julius Elliott Miner. Simon Peter Starritt. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. 2. Samuel Addison Rank. Clark Stewart. BACHELOR OF LITERATURE. 1. — Helen Mar Ely. BACHELOR OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. 3. Henry Clay Leonard. Samuel Addison Rank. Clark Stewart. 1876. BACHELOR OF ARTS. 4 John Sinclair Clark. William Edwin Leonard. John Corrin Hutchinson. John Aiken Sweat. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. 5. — Martha Appleton Butler. Eugene Alvin Hendrickson. Robert Henry Crafts. William Herod Locke. Lewis Singer Gillette. BACHELOR OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. 3. Lewis Singer Gillette. Eugene Alvin Hendrickson. Charles Edward Thayer. 1877. BACHELOR OF ARTS. 9. Graham Cox Campbell. Stephen Mahoney. Joel Nathaniel Childs. John Waldo Perkins. Ebenezer Abraham Currie. Charles Wilbur Savidge. Frank Eustis. Albert McClure Wells. Fred Eustis. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. 3. Albert Preston Hendrickson. John Charles Kassube. Edwin Burnham Pribble. BACHELOR OF LITERATURE. 3. — Matilda Jane Campbell. — Viola Fuller. — Charlotte Adelaide Rollit. BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURE. 1. Walter Stone Pardee. 1878. BACHELOR OF ARTS. 5. Julian Clarence Bryant. Evan Roland Pritchard. John Hamilton Lewis. Daniel Williams. Thomas Rogers Newton. 2 University of Minnesota BACHELOR OP SCIENCE. — 8. Fred Leslie Couillard. — Mary Warwick Robinson. — Nettie Getchell. Harvey Jay Smith. Judson Torrey Howell. Myron De Vere Taylor. Henry Clay Leonard. William John Warren. BACHELOR OP LITERATURE. 2. — Mary Anna Maes. George Albert Wood. BACHELOR OP MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. 1. Charles Spencer Bushnell. 1879. BACHELOR OP ARTS. 8. John Franklin Collom. Robert William Rhames. — Etta Medora Elliot. Chelsea Joseph Rockwood. John Finley Goodnow. George Burt Thompson. Frank Smith McKean. Willis Mason West. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. 10. Walter Scott Barret. Addison Gage, Jr. Fred Capin Bowman. Allen Jay Greer. — Catherine Amelia Burns. — Laura Alberta Linton. Timothy Edward Byrnes. George Henry Partridge. — Evelyn May Champlin. — Etta Thompson. BACHELOR OF LITERATURE. 6. William Lincoln Bassett. — Marion Hooker Roe. Alvin Hildreth. — Caroline Rollit. William Winchester Keysor. — Martha Isabel West. BACHELOR OP CIVIL ENGINEERING. 2. William Sanborn Dawley. Pierce Power Furber. 1880. BACHELOR OF ARTS. 4. — Cora Inez Brown. Albert William Rankin. James Francis Bryant. William Wadsworth Williams. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. 9. Frederic Gerald Berry. Alva Lucius Roe. Horace Burnham Greeley. Gilman Walter Smith. Clarence Luther Herrick. Harvey Page Smith. Robert Peter Andrew Nix. — Lillian Sanborn Todd. — Minnie Aurora Reynolds. BACHELOR OF LITERATURE. 4. Andrew Holt. — Elizabeth Augusta House. Joseph Elisha Horton. — Bessie Sumner Lawrence. MASTER OF ARTS. 1. Graham Cox Campbell, Rev. 1881. BACHELOR OF ARTS. 10. George Briggs Aiton. — Emily Louise Hough. Samuel Gilmore Anderson. Charles Edward Kent. Otway Wilkinson Baldwin. William Leslie King. William Cullen Bryant. Quintin John Rowley. Herbert Oscar Chowen. Fred Beal Snyder. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. 10. Fred Leslie Bardwell. David Albert Locke. Herbert John Broughton. Samuel Allen Locke. — Diana Burns. — Sarah Ellen Palmer. George Sutherland Grimes. William Hines Savidge. James Jennison. — Lilla Ruth Williams. BACHELOR OF LITERATURE. 7. Harlow Horace Bonniwell. William Edmund Harrington. — Margaret Agnes .Campbell. ■ — Emma Ernestine Maes. — Lettie May Crafts. Bradley Phillips, Jr. — Emma Elizabeth Grimes. MASTER OF ARTS. 1. Willis Mason West. Alumni Record 1882. BACHELOR OF ARTS. 11. James Bennet Gould. Frank Nichols Leavens. Frank Healy. Alexander Hamilton Nunn. Andrew Franklin Hillyer. Eli Milton Skiff Pickett. — Carrie Warner Holt. Charles Myron Webster. — Lydia Rossiter Holt. Jesse Craig Wilson. — Frances Ada Knox. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. 9. George Joseph Backus. Henry Francis Nachtrieb. William Wyckoff Clark. Rasselas Hamlin Prosser. — Alice Elizabeth Demmon. Herbert Paine Shumway. — Carrie Delania Fletcher. Edward Duffleld Neill Whitney. William Beans Linton. BACHELOR OF LITERATURE. 12. — Agnes Virginia Bonniwell. — Mary Nancy Hughes. — Grace Webster Curtis. Richard Hartwell Johnson. Arthur Edwin Dickerman. — Louie Lillian Kilbourn. — Emma Laura Hendrickson. — Emily Dana McMillan. — Mary Louise Henry. — Ada Eva Pillsbury. — Mary Eliza Holt. Harry Amy Strong. MASTER OF SCIENCE. 1. Robert Henry Crafts. BACHELOR OF AGRICULTURE. 1. William Johnson Barrett. 1883. BACHELOR OF ARTS. 8. Edward Payson Baldwin. Joseph Henry Locke. William Eastman Fay. — Helen Louise Pierce. Edson Starr Gaylord. — Martha Alma Sheldon. David Percy Jones. Sumner Lincoln Trussell. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. 7. Robert Mowry Bell. George Nelson Salisbury. Frederic Henry Clarke. Charles Frederic Sidener. — Louise Elma Hollister. — Emma Jane Ware. Edward Corydon Jones. BACHELOR OF LITERATURE. 7. Samuel Doak Catherwood. — Anna Calista Marston. — Annie Harriet Jefferson. — Janet Nunn. — Kate Louise Kennedy. — Emma Frances Trussell. — Sarah Pierrepont McNair. BACHELOR OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. 2. William George Peters. Louis Orville Smith. BACHELOR OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. 1. John Henry Barr. 1884. BACHELOR OF ARTS. 9. Elmer Ellsworth Adams. Anthony Johnson. Patrick^Joseph Butler. Eli Larson. Oscar Firkins. — Hannah Robie Sewell. Joseph Henry Capper Hutchin- — Susan Winifred Sewall. son. Zenas Newton Vaughn. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. 9. Nathan Morton Baker, Jr. James Eugene Manchester. Jeremiah Ignatius Donahue. Henry Hastings Sibley Rowell. George Lorenzo Hendrickson. Charles Christian Schmidt. George Horace Klepper. — Emma Zwinggi. — Bessie Laythe. BACHELOR OF LITERATURE. 3. — Anna Helen Bonfoy. — Belle Marion Bradford. — Adalyna Kingsbury. BACHELOR OF CIVIL ENGINEERING.^ — 3. William Ricketson Hoag. George John Loy. Irving Webber Matthews. 4 University of Minnesota BACHELOR OF MEDICINE. 2. James Kid Simpson. Hugo Speier. 1885. BACHELOR OP ARTS. 3. — Mary Lathrop Benton. Samuel Solfest Langland. Charles William Moulton. BACHELOR OP SCIENCE. 3. James Gray. Curtis Langdon Greenwood. Cassius Marcius Locke. BACHELOR OP LITERATURE. 6. Howard Strickland Abbott. — Mary Eliza Irving. Albert Melancthon Baldwin. — Ida Victoria Mann. — Bertha Minnie Brown. — Mabel Lorrain Smith. MASTER OF SCIENCE. 1. Charles Luther Herrick. BACHELOR OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. 1. Elbert Elsworth Bushnell. BACHELOR OP CIVIL ENGINEERING. 2. Patrick Thomas Fitzgerald. Albert Irving Reed. BACHELOR OF AGRICULTURE. 1. Thomas Ezekiel Trussell. BACHELOR OP MEDICINE. 2. Karl Henry E. Castle. William Byther Pineo. 1886. BACHELOR OF ARTS. 6. John William Adams. — Ida Victoria Mann. Henry James Grannis. — Elizabeth Quincy Sewall. James Charles Elliott King. William Franklin Webster. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. 6. John William Bennett. Frank Amos Johnson. Fremont Crane. Joseph Kennedy. — Mary Whitmore Elwell. — Lillian Lincoln Ware. BACHELOR OF LITERATURE. 6. — Jennie May Amy. — Maud Julia Lyall. Leo Melville Crafts. — Josephine Florence Marrs. — Ada May Kiehle. — Mary Alden Powell. BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURE. 1. Charles Comstock Woodmansee. BACHELOR OP MEDICINE. 3. William C. E. VanDamm. A. W. Brunnelle . James J. O'Reilley. 1887. BACHELOR OP ARTS. 7. Henry Webb Brewster. Millard Everett Hinshaw. Joshua Ethan Gilman. Ralph Murdoch McKenzie. Albert Burt Gould. Joseph Henry Rosselot. George Henry Hammond. BACHELOR OP SCIENCE. 12. Franklin Harley Bassett. Jesse Doddridge Hinshaw. Norton Murdoch Cross. Lowell Andrew Lamoreaux. Thomas Henry Croswell. Milton Sprague Lamoreaux. Adelbert Orsman Dinsinoor. Edwin Arthur McKinney. Christopher Graham. William Patton Milliken. John Blackstock Hawley. Ingerval M. Olsen. BACHELOR OF LITERATURE. 5. George Edwin Burnell. — Mary Isadore Smith. Elwood Allen Emery. Edward Winterer. Everson Ryder McKinney. MASTER OF ARTS. 1. George Briggs Aiton. BACHELOR OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. 1. Fremont Crane. BACHELOR OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. 1. George Cutler Andrews. Alumni Record BACHELOR OP AGRICULTURE.— 1. Jeremiah Ignatius Donohue. BACHELOR OF MEDICINE. 2. — Catherine Amelia Burns. E. F. Coynghame. 1888. BACHELOR OP ARTS. 6. Percival Ramsey Benson. Francis Newton Stacy. Albert Ernest Fillmore. Helmus Wells Thompson. Albert Graber. William Dodsworth Willard. BACHELOR OP SCIENCE. 12. Bruno Bierbauer. Arthur Teall Mann. — Edna Cook. Sumner Warren Matteson, Jr Albert Ames Finch. Melville Emerson Reed. Ulysses Sherman Grant. Warren Cogswell Rowell. Walter Benjamin Holmes. Dow Samuel Smith. Elwin Bird Johnson. John Lucius Torrens. BACHELOR OP LITERATURE. 14. — Alice Anna Adams. — Susan Hawley Olmstead. — Lucy Lloyd Baker. — Sadie Belle Pillsbury. — Mary Lizzie Blanchard. — Olivia Canby Porter. — Ina Firkins. ■ — Anna Shillock. Severt Germo. Johannes Jens Skordalsvold. — Florence Ellen Gideon. Charles Thompson. Fred Ezra Hobbs. — Ima Caroline Winchell. MASTER OF SCIENCE. 1. John Henry Barr. DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY. 1. Charles Burke Elliott. BACHELOR OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. 1. Christian Anderson. BACHELOR OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. 2. Eric Haldorson Loe. John Morris. CIVIL ENGINEER. 1. William Ricketson Hoag. 1889. BACHELOR OF ARTS. 7. William Whittelsey Cheney. — Margaret Louisa Sewall. John Culbert Faries. > — Lydia Kathrina Strohmeier. Arthur Eugene Giddings. Oscar Lovell Triggs. William Baker Ladue. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. 10. Frank Sherman Abernethy. Alfred Lind. Earle Jay Babcock. George Henry Meacham. — Gratia Alta Countryman. Alonzo Draper Meeds. John Paul Goode. — Ada Emily Smith. Frank Dumars Jones. Walter Lincoln Stockwell. BACHELOR OF LITERATURE. 9. Kendric Charles Babcock. — Jessie McMillan. — Rebecca Virginia Baker. Robert Leslie Moffett. Gustave O. Brohough. — Maud Thompson. — Mattie Laura Elwell. — Helen Edith Waters. Henry Johnson. MASTER OP ARTS. 1. William Aaron Hadley. BACHELOR OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. 1. Clarence Stanley Coe. BACHELOR OF LAWS. 3. James Manahan. Frank John Smith. Charles Sumner Whiting. DOCTOR OF MEDICINE. 20. The College of Medicine and Surgery. — 16. John Allen Bernard. Charles Elvin Dutton. Ralph Rollin Chase. Edward Anton Edholm. Guy Philander Corwin. William Henry Hanscom. Nils Gustaf Dahlstedt. Knute Andrias Kjos. 6 University of Minnesota Ole Edvard Linjer. John South, Jr. William Francis McCarthy. Edwin Darwin Steel. George W. Phillips. Frank Adolphus Watkins. Johan Andrew Regner. Ulysses Grant Williams. The College of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery. — 4 Wallace E. Belt. Fred Wilbur Urie. — Benedicta Lager Carlson. Edward Weldon Young. DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY. 1. Gainsford Ridgeway. 1890. BACHELOR OF ARTS. 11. ■ — Hattle Louise Andrews. Gustave Axel Petri. Christian H. Christianson. Joseph Brown Pike. Charles Thompson Conger. Milton Rex. — Lana Mariah Countryman. Nathaniel Seymour Thomas. Harrison Earl Fryberger. . Frederick Cogswell Waite. Lewis Henry Kennedy. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. 22. Henry Patterson Baily. Harry Martin Kennedy. William Artemus Beach. Patrick Kennedy. Frank Joseph Brabec. Burt Frank Lum. Peter Chrigtianson. — Louise Montgomery. Henry Cotton. Herbert Gilman Richardson. Frank Edward Covell. Oscar Kelsey Richardson. Rollin Edward Cutts. Albert Woodward Shaw. Warren Maynard Dodge. Edward Martin Spaulding. James Colfax Grant. Max West. Otis Carsley Gross. Ole Knute Wilson. Charles William Jackson. Walter Edwin Winslow. BACHELOR OF LITERATURE. 11. — Antoinette Judson Abernethy. — Edith Viola Phillips. Victor Selden Clark. William Henry A. Rutherford. — Sarah Catherine Comfort. Siver Serumgard. — Flora Joy Frost. Charles Lyesring Sommers. — Mary Mills. — Mary Louise Weber. — Jessie May Nicol. MASTER OF LITERATURE. 1. — Matilda Jane Wilkin, BACHELOR OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. 9. John Lucius Burt. John Turner Higgins. Wilbur Wainright Dann. William Hausmer Hoyt. Fred Hayward Gilman. William Carpenter Smith. Williston Wirt Greenwood. Birney Elias Trask. John Foot Hayden. BACHELOR OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. 3. Martin Hughes Gerry, Jr. Thorwald Eid Nilson. Herbert M. Woodward. BACHELOR OF LAWS. 40. Joseph Boyd Allen. James Ellsworth Gyde. Michael Anderson Brattland. Alfred James Harris. Bertrand A. Avery. Charles August Holt. Winfield W. Bardwell. John C. Judge. John William Best. Robert S. Kolliner. Charles E. Bond. John Andrew Larimore. James Montgomery Burlingame.Ezra Edward McCrea. Jr. Henry Stowell Mead. Johnston Campbell. Charles J. Monson. John William Conlow. John Peter Nelson. Frank Thomas Corriston. Robert Boyd Nutting. Daniel Lincoln Dawley. James Paige. Horace Danforth Dickinson. Ralph James Parker. George Perkins Douglass. Samuel Cleland Polley. Simpson Ferree. Charles Edward Purdy. John Thomas Getty. John Rustgard. Edgerton Ferguson Gummer. Charles Melancthon Schseffer. Alumni Record Jacob Daniel Smeltzer. William Robert Triggs. Albert J. Smitb. James Henry Waters. Harry Davis Stocker. Edward Winterer. Charles Fielding Stone. DOCTOR OF MEDICINE. 17. The College of Medicine and Surgery. — 15 Frank Wilson Dean. Dennis Franis O'Connor. Rollo C. Dugan. Timothy O'Connor. Corydon Lovine Ford. Alfred Miller Ridgway. Frederick Erasmus Franchere. Abram Siemens. Charles Lyman Green. Andrew Soderlind. John Louis Hennemuth. Joab Stowell, Jr. Charles Henry Jones. Charles Osborne Wright. John Lyng. The College of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery. — 2. Fred Augustus Carrel. Arthur Eugene White. DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY. 6. Clinton Smith Deitz. Charles Alonzo Van Duzee. William Herbert Dunn. Franklin Randolph Wright. Arthur Ellsworth Peck. — Edith Hew Ett White. 1891. BACHELOR OF ARTS. 15. — May Bestor. John Ernest Merrill. Alden Joseph Blethen, Jr. Henry Stennen Morris. Charles William Bray. Milton Dwight Purdy. — Nora Frye. Theodore Geraldo Soares. Charles Elise Guthrie. Thompson Welliver Stout. Asa John Hammond. Curtiss Sweigle. William Augustus Jackson. Albert Martin Webster. Harlan Edward Leach. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. 13. Sigurd Johnson Boyum. Christian Peterson Lommen. Charles Lincoln Chase. — Frances Montgomery. Albert Arthur Dodge — Margaret Belle Morin. Edward Brown Gardiner. Ernest Arthur Nickerson. — Dora May Guthrie. George Arthur Smith. Frank Hanft. Albert Wallace Stacy. Theodore McFarlane Knappen. BACHELOR OF LITERATURE. 17. — Martha Virginia Ankeny. Joseph Oscar Jorgens. — Rose Ann Bebb. — Mary Emma Kemp. — Grace Chapman. — Lillie May Martin. Benjamin Philip Chappie. Homer Francis Peirson. Arthur Bliss Church. Fred William Sardeson. — George Archibald Clark. Edgar Daniel Sias. — Myrtle Connor. Victor Alonzo Stearns. — Nellie Malura Cross. Byron Harvey Timberlake. William Webb Harmon. MASTER OF ARTS. 1 Joseph Brown Pike. BACHELOR OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. 3. Walter Abram Chowen. Fred Maynard Mann Fred Luke Douglass. BACHELOR OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. 1. Baxter Martin Aslakson. BACHELOR OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. 2. George Philip Huhn. Martin Hughes Gerry, BACHELOR OF LAWS. 49. Edward Charles Bauman. John Martin Casey. George Wilbur Bestor. Martin Bradner Davidson. William Compton Brown. James Dennis Denegre. Ripley Bernard Brower. Gilbert Greene Dickerman. William Harrison Carey. Douglas Andrews Fiske. Linwood Christopher Carlton. John Patrick Galbraith. -Greely F. Carr. Harry Gilbert Gearhart. 8 University of Minnesota Edwin Forbes Glenn. Andrew Olson Ofsthnm. Eugene Harland Godfrey. Martin E. Remmen. Charles Ernest Goodsell. Horace Randall Robinson. Charles Devereaux Gould. Arthur R. Rogers. James Edwin Gray. Edward Wesley Ross. Lawrence Gregerson. George Howard Selover. Charles Nathaniel Hamblin. Siver Serumgard. George William Wallace Harden. Fred Pearson Smith. John W^ Hopp. William Snell. Alva Hunt. John Sheppard Stone. Bjarne Eric Ingwaldson. Thomas Snowden Tompkins. William Augustus Krause. Ole John Vaule. John Lindsay. John Arvid Walgren. Frederick Francis Lindsey. Francis Lincoln Ware. George Wilber Markham. Thomas Joseph Wheeler. William Judson Mayer. Henry George Wyvell. Theodore Megaarden. George Ellsworth Young. Albert Randall Moore. DOCTOR OP MEDICINE. 23. The College of Medicine and Surgery. — 19. August Anderson. Clarence Jennings Miner. Peter Halstensen Bakke. Carl John Ringnell. Ole Kittleson Bergan. John Thomas Rogers. Fred John Bohland. Prosper Ernest Sheppard. — Harriet Beecher Conant. — Martha Jane Smith. Julius C. Gilbertson. Allan Blanchard Stewart. Thomas C. Gibbs. Charles Alexander Van Slyke. Julian Adolph Heilscher. Hugo Evans Wangelin. Andrew E. Johnson. James Bartholomew White. Alfred Lind. The College of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery. — 4. Warren Wesley Drought. Alfonso Adelbert Roberts. Ellsworth Emerson King. Leon Adelbert Wait. DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY. 7. Henry Towne Breck. Louis Wesley Meckstroth. — Ella Z. Chandler. Edwin George Riddell. Fred Augustus Lenox. Frank Chisholm Todd. Edgar Henry Marshall. 1S92. BACHELOR OF ARTS. 16. — Clara Edith Bailey. Gottfrid Emanuel Hult. James Everett Bradford. George Lenfesty Keefer. Benjamin Franklin Clarke. William Connor Leary. Rupert Carthalo Dewey. Andrew Nelson. Frank Herman Dittenhoefer. James Edward O'Brien. — Esther Friedlander. Arthur Ranum. John Wesley Graves. Carlton Wilbert Smith. — Anna Loraine Guthrie. — Stella Burger Stearns. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. 19. George Kimball Belden. Evertt Buell Kirk. Charles Peter Berkey. Edwin James Krafft. Rista Nimmons Best. — Sarah Bird Lucy. John Grosvenor Cross. James Edward Madigan. Otto Knute Olof Folin. Lyman Love Pierce. George Douglas Head. George Gushing Sikes. Fred Leopold Holtz. George Tunell. Elon Obed Huntington. Anthony Zeleny. Bradford Coryelle Hurd. John Zeleny. Paul Emerson Kenyon. BACHELOR OF LITERATURE. 16. — Clara Frances Baldwin. Arthur Hugo Elftman. Charles Loran Chappie. John Frederick Farmer. — Mary Moulton Cheney. Charles Sumner Hale. Arthur Eugene Covell — Elizabeth Helen Mathes. John Albin Dahl. — Minnie Agnes Rexford. Alumni Record — Louise Florence Robinson. — Airs. Effie Ames Rochford. — Florence Julia Rose. —Eveline Van Winkl-* Sammis. —Helen Huntingron Tomba. — Madeleine Wallin. MASTER OF ARTS. 1. Theodoro Geraldo Soares. MASTER OF SCIENCE. 1. Fred William Sardeson. DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY. 1. Henry Webb Brewster. BACHELOR OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. 2. John Jay Hankenson. Elvin Lydiard Higgins. BACHELOR OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. 2. Ralph Potter Felton. James Herbert Gill. BACHELOR OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. — 4. Edward Paris Burch. William Irving Gray. William Henry Burtls. Monroe Sherman Howard. BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURE. 2. Leo Goodkind. George Taylor Plowman. BACHELOR OF LAWS. 57. Stillson Josiah Beardslee. William Bennett Bebb. Charles Stuart Benson. Lester Howard Bentley. Eugene Nimmons Best. Sumner Bookwalter. Charles Edward Boughton. John Brown. Walter Reynolds Brown. Stiles Wilton Burr. William Francis Campbell. Orrin Monroe Corwin. John Frithiof Dahl. Joseph Doerfler, Jr. William Gilbert Drowley. George Sanford Eddy. Calvin Albert Fleming. Jean A. Flittie. Charles Rollin Fowler. Harrison Earl Fryberger. Fred Ezra Hobbs. Alfred John Holmes Edmond B. Kinney. Burt Frank Lum. Livingston A. Lydiard. Andrew Francis McCormick. Lane McGregor. John Francis McLean. Elvero Lewis McMillan. Harry Hopkins Merrick. Harry Moore. Leonard J. Mossness. Frank Pleasant Nantz. Porter Joseph Neff. George Oakes. Munroe Horace Palmer. Henry Peterson. William Henry Harrison Pilgram. Milton Dwight Purdy. William Edwin Rheutan. Herschell Borroughs Fryberger. Herbert Gilman Richardson. Volney G. Riefsnider. Curtiss Sweigle. Peter Grinde Swenson. Carl Taylor. Charles Thompson. John Stewart Wangsness. Ole Knute Wilson. Robert Gallagher. Arthur Eugene Giddings. Oluf Gjerset. John Dean Goss. Joseph Henry Handlan. James Lawrence Helm. Andrew Lewis Himle. John Henry Hintermeister. MASTER OF LAWS. 5. George W. Ackard. Charles Nathaniel Hamlin. James Dennis Denegre. Albert Randall Moore. John Patrick Galbraith. DOCTOR OF MEDICINE. 32. Collerje of Medicine and Surgery. — 28. Christopher August Anderson. Carl Abraham Fjelstad. Peter Andreas Aurnes. Peter Bakke. Arthur Edwin Benjamin. George Alexander Binder. Gustave Arthur Chilgren. Harry Lee Darms. James Davidson. Emil Alexius Edlen. Joseph L. Edsall. John Gustaf Erickson. Eric Olonzo Giere. Ferdinand Hilbert. Eiliv Janson. Ivar Janson. Samuel Markel Kirkwood. Nelson Howard Marshall. Martin Lewis Mayland. Frederick Voss Mohn. George Wilber Moore. William Philip Rothwell. 10 University of Minnesota George Easton SenklU. Anders Albert Westeen. William Sidney Smith. Osten Kristenson Winberg. Frank Chisholm Todd. Henry Edward Wunder. College of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery. — 4. Charles McHenry Cooper. — Alma Endora Morrison. — Mary Alice Glidden Dight. Robert Ralph Rasmussen. DOCTOR OF DENTAL SURGERY. 4. Frank Wilson Force. James William Paul. Miland Austin Knapp. Thomas Falvy Williams. 1893. BACHELOR OP ARTS. 26. William Angus. — Elizabeth Alma Peters. John Edward Borncamp. George Peterson. Clarence Roy Empy. James Erastus Phillips. Charles Wesley Ferree. — Franc Murry Potter. Nils Flaten. John Walker Powell. Harry Oliver Hannum. Albert Fuller Pratt. Heber Lindon Hartley. — Grace Melita Rhoades. Xels Jenson. William Arthur Selover. Albert Cornelius Knudson. John Olaf Sethre. Constant Larson. George Franklin Stack. Richard Olaus Lunke. Edward David Walker. Freedom Chester Massey. Thomas Freeman Wallace. George Plumer Merrill. Charles Elon Young. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. 21. — Mabel Fletcher Austin. Arthur Elon Huntington. — Mary Elizabeth Bassett. George Lincoln Huntington. — Anna Naphtalia Berg. — Clara N. Kellogg. Andrew Mikkelson Berseth. Eugene Lester Patterson. — Sadie L. Bonwell. Franklin Theodore Poehler. Hubert Charles Carel. Robert Walter Scherer. Russell Heywood Folwell. Sigurdur Sigvaldson. William Dodge Frost. — Mary Comstock Smith. ■ — Gertrude Ethel Gibbs. Benjamin Chandler Taylor. Anthony Grotte. — Louise Grace Walther. Roland Bruce Hahn. BACHELOR OF LITERATURE. 26. — Ada Edith Adams. — Lelia Pamelia Johnson. — Emma Frances Allen. — Mary Hoi ley Lougee. — Gertrude Grosvenor Bell. — Josephine McCoy. Albert Thornton Birdsall. — Louise McCoy. — Maude Comfort Colgrove. — Jessie Clifford McGregor. — Mabel Augusta Colter. — Saidee McGregor. — Martha May Cooley. — Maren Bastine Hals Michelet — Helene Alice Dresser. — Minnie Arabella Perkins. — Jessie Helen Campbell Elwell. Percy Pritchard Salisbury. — Mary Louise Folsom. — Jessie Paine Smith. — Lillian Fuller. George Hancock Spear. Knut Gjerset. — Lillian Josepha Sterrett. — Emily Ruth Harris. Harry Edgar White. MASTER OF ARTS. 4. ■ — Esther Friedlander. Andrew Nelson. Gottfrid Emanuel Hult. Oscar Lovell Triggs. MASTER OF SCIENCE. 4. Charles Peter Berkey. Charles Christian Schmidt. Arthur Hugo Elftman. Anthony Zeleny. MASTER OF LITERATURE. 1. William Henry A. Rutherford. DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY. 2. John S. Crombie. Peter M. Maghusson. BACHELOR OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. 5. Ole John Anderson. Hiram Patrick Hoyt. Frank Leslie Batchelder. Fred Maynard Mann. John William Erf. Alumni Record 11 BACHELOR OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. 2. Henry Brinckerhoff Avery. George B. Couper. BACHELOR OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. 6. Arthur William Chase. George Hart Morse. William Harry Dewey Frank Erven Reidhead. John DeMott Guthrie. Frank Wesley Springer. BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURE. 1. Delos Cuyler Washburn. BACHELOR OF LAWS. 87. Edward Mott Angell. • James Frederick Austen. Fred Herlbert Ayers. Henry Patterson Baily. Frederick William Barton. Angus Gladwyn Braden. Gustave O. Brohough. George Wood Bufflngton. Hans Bugge. Bernard Chauncey Carroll. Frank Halleck Castner. Zina Revillo Cheney. Henry Conlin. Clayton Raretus Cooley. Frank Edward Covell. Norman Crocker. John Albion Dahl Harry Rose Danner. Frank D. Davis. Charles S. Dever. George Francis Dullam. Soloman H. Eckman. Albert Edward Edwards. John Edward Eggers. Charles John Erickson. Frederick Lincoln Farley. Arthur Pierce Flynn. Matthew Gallagher. George Gregory. John Gruenberg. John Hanchett. Edward Welles Hawley. John Albert Hendricks. Arthur Minot Higgins. William Oren Hillman. Frank Alfred Hutson. Alexander Ingraham. Samuel G. Iverson. Joseph Ausgar Jackson. William Augustus Jackson. John Dominicus Kelley. Moses Dibble Kenyon. Samuel Blair McBeath. — Marie Antoinette McDermott. Thomas James McElligott. William Thomas McMurran. Frederick Adolph Mathwig. — Flora Eliza Matteson. Peter Paul Maurin. Andrew Unius Mayland. Philip Tollef Megaarden. Huntington Wolcott Merchant. Frank Eli Merrihew. Martin Edward Miley. Nels T. Moen. Arthur Henry Mohler. Samuel Benjamin Morrison. — Nora L. Morton. Franklin William Murphy. Patrick Joseph Murphy. William L. Mussell. George Theodore Olsen. Carl Fred Ernest Peterson. Gustave Axel Petri. William Littell Pierce. Charles Edward Putnam. Richard Austin Randall. Adam Roesel. William E. Rowe. Henry Clay Salisbury. Albert Woodward Shaw. Richard Nicholas Sheehy. James Shields. George Ross Smith. Albert Wallace Stacy. William John Stevenson. John Egbert Sutherland. John Cochrane Sweet. Richard Tattersfield. Adelbert Roland Taylor. Edward Wesley Taylor. Albert DeForest Tyler. Robert W. Webb. Clarence Albert Webber. Arthur Manley Wickwire. Frank Marion Lamp. Herbert Servetus Laugh 1 in. MASTER OF LAWS. 7. William Bennett Bebb. John Welton See. Charles Stuart Benson. Carl Taylor. Stiles W Burr. James Paige. Louis Prince Chute. DOCTOR OF MEDICINE. 45. College of Medicine and Surgery. — 37. Rollin Theodore Adams. Edward Augustus Borchardt Herbert Baber Aitkins. Frank Joseph Brabec. — Marie Louise Aubin. Rollin Edward Cutts. Edwin Josiah Batchelder. Gustaf William Dahlquist. John Charles Boehm. Warren Maynard Dodge. 12 University of Minnesota Cyrus Bowers Eby. Halvor Holte. John Robert Eby. Seth Evelyn Howard. Thrond Swen Egge. Charles Milton Kistler. Charles Andrew Erdman. John Coenrad Theodore Koch. Corydon Farrand. Anders David Larson. Gustaf Jens Finstad. John Joseph McKinnon. — Lou Maria Garber. Louis Wesley Meckstrom. Andrew Jackson Gilkinson. Johannes Knudson Moen. William Glenn. Henry S. Nelson. George Delaney Haggard. Henry William Reiter. Hans Frederick Waldermar Hend-Fdward Whipple Spottswood. rickson. Ernest Leonard Stephan. Pierre Alphonse Hilbert. Falk Tennyson. Adolph Hirschfield. Byron F. Van Valkenburg. College of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery. — £. William Artemus Beach. Wade Winfield Smith. John Hedlund. Stephen Howard Spurr. James Franklin Kleine. — Edna Amanda Stephens. Oscar Kelsey Richardson. — Mrs. Esther Hayes Young. DOCTOR OF DENTAL MEDICINE. 13. — Caroline Augusta Edgar. George Silas Monson. Edward Haas. Arthur Oscar Store. — Mary Victorine Hartzell. Henry Hurlburt Taylor. Thomas Bradford Hartzell. Oscar Albert Weiss. Eugene Pollock Holmes. Frank Noble Whittaker. William Frederick Jewett. George Wood Wood. George Emery Means. 1S94. BACHELOR OF ARTS. 17 Frank Maloy Anderson. Harrison Burke Martin. John Gallup Briggs, Jr. Albert Edward May. Alton Morrill Cates. Samuel Savil Paquin. John Harry Dewart. —Roberta Pratt. Carl de Forris Greenwood. Jesse Van Valkenburg. Frederick Andrews Kiehle. Clarence Leroy Whitman. Augustus Theodore Larson. Archie Elton Williams. Frank Wesley Leavitt. — Ella Theoline Wright. — Bertha Laura McMillan. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. 36. Alexander Pierce Anderson. Robert Lyon Jackson. Caswell Aden Ballard. — Clara Kezia Leavitt. Frank Hadwen Barney. Jennings Crawford Litzenburg. George Neander Bauer. Lewis Percy Lord. Edgar Charles Bisbee — Hope McDonald. — Mary Grace Bradford. — Blanche Alma Mace. — Georgia Annie Burgess. Frank Melville Manson. Walter M. Carver. Malvern Hill Manuel. Theodore Clark. William Cyrus Muir. William Tantall Coe. Charles Sumner Pattee. — Marion Jean Craig. — Edith Anstis Robbins. John Augustus Crecelius. Thomas A. Rockwell. — Catherine Jewell Everts. Edmund Perry Sheldon. — Hattie Evelyn Fleming. Reuben Spencer Shepherd. — Emma Catherine Freeman. Fred Paul Strathern. Frank Evard Green. Francis Bertody Sumner. Everhart Percy Harding. Charles Henry Topping. Henry Bert Hovland. Thomas Carl Wollan. BACHELOR OF LITERATURE. 19. Charles Martin Andrist. — Agnese Paula Byrnes. Horace Easton Bagley. — Eugenia Louise Cole. William Allen Barto. Charles S. Dever. — Lulu Marilla Bates. — Laura Elizabeth Frankenfield. — Inga Beebe. — Ruth Abigail Huntoon. — Jessie Allen Bradford. — Alice Clarissa Pabodie. - — Clara Thornton Burnes. Walter Charles Poehler. Alumni Record 13 — Mary Gertrude Steele. — Una Isabel Zimmerman. — Alice Lee Shepard. William Adair Simonton. E. Fay Smith. MASTER OF ARTS. 4. — Hattie Louise Andrews. — Mrs. Jane Bliss Potter. — Elizabeth Alma Peters. John Olaf Sethre. MASTER OP SCIENCE. 2. William Dodge Frost. Albert Schneider. DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY. 2. John Ernest Merrill. John A. Sanford. BACHELOR OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. 1. Andrew Oswald Cunningham. Noah Johnson. James B. Gilman. William Charles Weeks. BACHELOR OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. 1. George Eben Bray. BACHELOR OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. 1. Charles Henry Chalmers. BACHELOR OF MINING ENGINEERING. 2. Peter Christianson. Henry Cleveland Cutler CIVIL ENGINEER. 1. Birney Elias Trask MECHANICAL ENGINEER. 1. James Herbert Gill. BACHELOR OF AGRICULTURE. 1. Torger A. Hoverstad. BACHBLOB OF LAWS. — 92. Charles S. Albert. William Martin Anderson. Arthur T. Adams. Edward Strong Avery. Fitzhugh Burns. Andrew M. Berseth. James Everett Bradford. William Jasper Brown. Edmund Burke. Walter James Burke. James Allen Carley. Robert Kenneth Carnes. Brisco Baldwin Clark. Homer Pierce Clark. Lee Augustus Combs. — Edith M. Conant. Louis Exley Covell. Herbert Horatio Crossett. Olaus K. Dahle. Alfred Bernal Davis. Henry Deutsch. William F. Dickinson. Frank Herman Dittenhoefer. Francis Xavier Dolenty. John G. Dresen. Charles Myron Drew. Edwin Clarence Drew. Robert Ernest Esterly. Don Phelps Fridley. George F. Gage. William H. Gardner. Hugh Philander Gaston. Christian M. Gislason. Harry Erastus Glover. Edwin Clinton Gottry. Francis Augustus Grady. Anthony Grotte. George Joseph Gruenberg. Otis E. Hammer. Arthur Ludwig Hermann. James Raymond Hickey. William Henry Hodgman. Bradford Coryelle Hurd. John George Hvoslef. Frederick Lorenzo Kellogg. Thomas Ervin Kepner. Peter Joseph Kirwin. John Patrick Kyle. Constant Larson. Harlan Edward Leach. William Connor Leary. Thomas Francis Loughran. Frederick Saxton Lyon. Alexander Mackel. James Edward Madigan. James Anthony Manley. Edward Patrick McCaffrey. Cornelius Dennis McCarthy. John James McCaughey. Albert Walter McMillan. Fred D. McMillan. Hugh Victor Mercer. George H. Morgan. Wilhelm George Detloff Mueller. Chris W. Ney. Carl Gustave Odquist. Patrick Henry O'Keefe. Peter Simeon Olson. George Henry Otterness. Claude Kenrick Pettingill. Alfred Fiske Pillsbury. George Frederick Porter. Frederick Durkee Rice. Anton Julius Rockne. Thomas Homer Salmon. Walter Booth Sands. Arthur William Selover. John Alfred Smith. 14 University of Minnesota Henry Northrup Somsen. Louis N. Spencer. Charles Howard Van Campen. Charles William Wagner. Edward David Walker. De Forest Ward. Charles Louis Weeks. MASTE Elijah Barton. Harry Ross Danner. Charles Daniel Geddes. Edward W. Hawley. Peter Paul Maurin. Samuel Blair McBeath. John F. McLain. DOCTOR OF MEDICINE. College of Medicine and Surgery. — 38. Thomas Ernest Walter Villiers Walter Benjamin Holmes. J. Frank Wheaton. Frank T. White. Alonzo Potter Williamson. William Snell Wingate. George Morley Young. Samuel Zuckerman, Jr. Alfred Zuger. OF laws. — 13. Elvero Lewis McMillan. Phillip Tollef Megaarden. — Nora L. Morton. Carl Fred Ernest Peterson. Robert W. Webb. Clarence Albert Webber. Appleby. Michael Theologos Arslanides. Knox Bacon. John William Bailey. Charles Riggs Ball. Richard Hudson Beek. Gisle Biornstad. George Washington Bolkcom. E Sydney Boleyn. David R. Butler. Henry Cotton. Albert Arthur Dodge. Leigh Hill French. Charles Andrew Haas. Marius Hanson. Thomas Bradford Hartzell. Albert Cheney Heath. Francis Ilstrup. John Egbert Jennison. Frank Godfrey Landeen. Arthur Ayer Law. Frederick Leavitt. William Philander Lee. Edward Stanton Muir. — Loretta Jane Pettit. William Henry Phillips. Charles Bertram Powell. George Edward Sherwood. Albert Madison Stebbins. Marcus Thrane. — Augusta Isabella True. Arthur Lorenzo Turner. Jorgen Gunderson Vigen. Franklin Randolph Wright. Sherman Sedgwick Hesselgrave. Yoseph David Yoseph John Turner Higgins. College of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery. — 3. — Bertha L. Frost — Mrs. Addie Ford Gilman. Edwin Adams Wright. DOCTOR OF DENTAL MEDICINE. 6. John Paul Handy. Alfred Owre. Martin Franklin Lowe. James Martin Walls. Frank Herman Mero. Arthur Deming Whiting. DOCTOR OF PHARMACY. 6. Miller Thompson Bolton. Thomas Wenceslaus Hovorka. Alfred Benjamin Hart. Bernard Otto Leubner. Enoch Haughseth. Arthur von Rohr. 1895. BACHELOR OF ARTS. 29. Herbert Henry Aspden. Fred Carroll Baldy. Alexander Woods Caldwell. Leroy Eaton Clark. Elmer L. Clifford. Ernest Day. Talmadge Robert Elwell. Charles Hitchcock Fowler. Fred James Gilfillan. William Alexander Godward. Godfrey Gummer Goodwin. George Annand Gray. Eugene Kibby Green. Arthur Llewellyn Helliwell. Carl Huhn. — Katherine Jackson. Lou Noble McWhorter. Andrew Unius Mayland Cyrus Northrop, Jr. Erick Anton Peterson David Perry Rice Clarence Raymond Rogers Lars Porsena Solsness. James Steenson. Nels T. Teigen. Wiliam Fuller Thwing. Lynn George Truesdell. Benjamin Samuel Wells. — Blanche Almeda Wright. Alumni Record L5 Harry Winslow Allen. Daniel Buckley. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. -35. William DeWitt Mitchell. Albert Hall Moore. — Mrs. Lillian Hatch Chalmers. Arthur M Murfln Howard Shoemaker Clark Roy Jay Cook. — Cornelia DeKay. — Kate Ethel Dutcher. — Lila Wood Espy. — Elizabeth May Fisher. Harry A. Fowler. — Henrietta Gertrude Fox. Harry Morrill Guilford. John Edward Hodgson — Anna Henshaw Holbrook Torger Hoverstad. — Lydia Thedora Lagerstrom Willard Crosby Lyon. Clarence Benjamin Miller. BACHELOR OF LITERATURE. ■ — Isabella McHugh Austin — Louise Bedient. Julius J. Boraas. — Bertha Rose Bradford. — Mary Tuttle Brewer. Walter Henry Campbell. — Mary Maud Case. William Ferguson Dalrymple. — Agnes Elizabeth Doherty. — Mary Helena Doherty. — Rose Winifred Eaton. Clarence Ellithorpe. — Susie Felch. — Mary Isabel Goodsill. — Emma Maria Hart. — Helen Lyon Hayes. —Ada Belle Hillman. Carl Oscar Alexius Olson. — Joan Thorunn Peterson — Jonina Rose Peterson. Jesse Eliphalet Pope Francis Ramaley Charles Anthony Reed Edwin T. Reed. Soren P. Rees. Lewis Schwager. Stephen Barber Soule. William John Taylor. — Mabel Hickman Thomas — Josephine Elizabeth Tilden. MacLaughlin White -34. John Gallup Briggs, Jr. ■ — Mary Anna Hoyt. Edwin Martin Johnson. — Elizabeth Louise Koehler. — Margaret Lana Lawrence. James E McAndrew — Agnes Homans McCormick — Margaret McDonald — Lillian Randall Moore. — Minnie Frances Morse — Eliza Anna Perkins. Olaf Olson Stageberg — Minnie Evangeline Stone Robert Mitchell Thompson. Knute Hjalmar Tone Grant Van Sant George Collins Webb — Isabelle Wenona Welles MASTER OF ARTS. 3. Arthur Dillwyn Hall. -Franc Murray Potter. MASTER OF SCIENCE. 6. Alexander Pierce Anderson. Frank Melville Manson. Everhart Percy Harding. Reuben Spencer Shepherd. Henry Bert Hovland. Fred Paul Strathern. DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY. 1. — Elizabeth Huntington Avery. BACHELOR OF CIVIL ENGINEERING. 4. John Adam Bohland. Leslie Howard Chapman George A. Casseday. Francis C Shenehon. BACHELOR OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. 3. Burchard Post Shepherd. William Magnus Tilderquist. Albert C. Weaver. BACHELOR OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. 7. George F. Adams. Fred M. Rounds. Adam Edgar Bishman. Frederick von Schlegell. Horace T. Eddy. Harry L. Tanner. Robert Edgar Ford. BACHELOR OF MINING ENGINEERING. 1. Charles Dean Wilkinson. MINING ENGINEER. 1. Harry C. Cutler. BACHELOR OF AGRICULTURE. 2. Emil P. Sandsten. John Thompson. BACHELOR OF LAWS. 90. Walter Ellsworth Alair. Charles Francis Alderson. 16 University of Minnesota Nelson Peter Allen. George Holmes Appleton. — Lucy Lloyd Baker. Lee Bradley Bartholomew William Reynolds Begg Henry Nathaniel Benson. Andrew Arthur Benton. Wilbur Palmer Blackman. Archie Mack Brand. Norton Franklin Brand. Bernard Burness. Clarence G. Carr. Walter N. Carroll. Albert Christello. Mark Wilson Chunn. Fredrick Butterfleld Chute. Frank Hannay Cleveland. Montgomery L. Cormany. George Cudhie. Joel Mark Dickey. Alfred Cookman Dolliff. Fred Buregard Faber. William David Fanning. Charles Wells Farnham. Oscar Alexander Felt. Fred Warner Foot. Manley Lewis Fosseen. John Alexander Galbraith. Harris Wells Gardner. William Thomas Kirwin. Tollen Frank Kirkpatrick. John Valentine Kranz. Harry Thompson Kyle. Horace G. Latourell. Henry Arthur Loughran. Thomas J. McDermott. William Edward MacDonald. Benjamin F. McGregor. Alfred Findlay Mason. George Coston Merrill. Oliver Elton Mesick. Simon Themstrup Michelet. James Edward O'Brien. Samuel Olson. George Marshall Osborne. Jacob W. Oyen. Samuel Carr Pattridge. Albert Fuller Pratt. Louis W. Prendergast. Walter Nichols Privet. Norman C. Richardson. Axel Hildor Roise. M. T. Sanders. Michael Shaughnessy. Julius Andrew Siemers. Luman Clendenin Simons. Charles Wood Somerby. A. Hans Southerland. William Henry Miller Gemmell. Walter Newton Southworth. George Porter Gibson. Newton Lemuel Glover. Frank Hammond Griggs Henry H. Hammer. Heber Lindon Hartley Richard Murray Hayes Wendell Hertig William Martin Higgins William Jennings Holman, Jr. Arthur Markham Webb. Charles Constantine Hultquist. Harry Weiss William Franklin Hunt. William Parker Jewett. Victor Ludwig Johnson George Lenfestey Keefer Mason Willmar Spicer. Charles Chester Storing. Benjamin Chandler Taylor. Bernt Gilbert Tenneson. Benjamin Tufte. Rolleff Vaaler. Jesse VanValkenburg. Thomas Freeman Wallace. Charles S. Dever Howard Wheeler. Henry White Williams. Mark Ernest Wilson. Albert Linus Young. MASTER OF LAWS. 2. Arthur Ludwig Hermann. DOCTOIl OF MEDICINE. 54. The College of Medicine and Surgery. — 49. William Arthur Angell. Carl Philip Artz. William de la Barre. — Mary Elizabeth Bassett. Henry A. Beaudoux. Edward Weston Benham. Charles Edward Bennett. Charles William Bray. George Elmore Campbell. Leonard Easton Claydon. Edgar William Danner. Walter H. Darling. John Coy Farmer. Hermann Olaus Fjelde. Joseph A. Gates. Charles Germo. Judd Goodrich. Frank II. Gunn. Charles Daniel Harrington. — Addie Rebecca Haverfield. Milan John Hart. George Douglas Head. John Burton Hoist. Edward Henry Koivupalo. Muhlenberg Kellar Knauff. Ragnvald Liland. Andreas Pederson Lommen Charles William Meckstroth Melvin Calvin Millet. Gustavus Adolphus Newman. — Helen Brown Nuzum. John Vincent O'Connor. Gottlieb Oppliger. John Jay Piatt. — Clotilde Ladd Pretlow. George Ranson. Alumni Record 17 Sven S. Reimestad. Paul Sorkness. Frank Oscar Bingnell. John Linnaeus Stephenson. — Marie Jean Riley. Jacob S. Tenney. Herbert Philander Sawyer. — Mrs. Frances Eastman Turner, Ralph J Sewall. Eugene Walters. Fred Sheppard. Thomas Ronaldson Watson. Halfdan Slippern. The College of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery. — 5. James H. Beaty. Albert Groves Moffat William David Kirkpatrick ■ — Mrs. Innes Lucetta Terwilliger — Margaret Koch DOCTOR OP DENTAL MEDICINE. 12. Henry Crandall Babcock. Frank Spaulding Robinson. Frederick Emory Cobb Arthur Jay Sauer. William Anthony Demo. Erwin Lee Sinclair Herbert Bury Hurd. George Silas Todd. Frank Horton Kyle Frank Jacob Wagner. Mark Owens Nelson. Nathan Levi Watson. DOCTOR OF PHARMACY. 12. — Lucy H. Adams Blanchard. Charles Naumann McCloud. Richard Thomas Burke. Graham William Munch. Alex H. Fjeldstad. John Nelson. Archie Harwood Hillard. Isaac C. Olsen. — Alice Houlton. Ransom Franklin Pepple. George Washington litis. Stephen Francis Sanderson. 1896. BACHELOR OP ARTS. 28. William Shattuck Abernethy. Emery Elmer Lofstrom. Charles Edward Adams. Frank Johnson Morley. Frank Leonard Anderson. Daniel Wilbur Meyers. Lloyd Barrick Austin. — Rose Anthony Simmons. Stanley Hall Bissell. Marcus Julius Simpson. Theodore Bratrud. — Mary Chadbourne Smith. — Julia Reed Breckenridge. Frederick James Sperry. — Mary Ellen Drew. — Grace Mabel Tennant. George Albert Edward Finlayson. — Frances Margaret Tillotson. Harry Garrity. — Alice Elinor Walker. Chester Nathan Gould. — Alice Catherine Webb. Clark Hempstead. — Hattie Eliza Welles. Edwin Hawley Hewitt Charles Benjamin Wingate. Charles Fredrick Keyes Carlton S. Yeager. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. 44. — Elizabeth Sophia Beach. Almeron Wallace McCrea. John Nelson Berg. Thomas Ignatius McDermott. — Helen Elizabeth Blaisdell. Herman Howard Matteson. Harry Bayard Brooks. Asa Frank Maxwell. Martin William Case. Alfred David Mayo. Herman Haupt Chapman. ■ — Grace Hannah Miller. William Henry Condit. — Mildred Whittlesy Mitchell. John Stewart Dalrymple. — Mary Ellen Mortenson. John Milton Davies. Wells John Mosher. Reuben Noble Day. Horatio Small Newell. Sidney Allan Ellis. William John Osborne. Peter Field. Maynard Cyrus Perkins. Carl Hitchcock Fowler. Victor Goodrich Pk-kett. Lee Galloway — Katharine E. Roney. James Woodward George Hiram Earl Ross. Joel Ernest Gregory — Lillian Siegler. Benjamin Charles Gruenberg. — Jessie Eliza Stevens. William David Hartman. Reuben Celius Thompson. — Eleanor Holtz. Peter Christian Tonning. — Rhodella Kirtland. Alfred Woodbridge Uhl. John Hoover Lewis. Charles Edkin Weatherson. — Jessie Long. Alexander Newton Winchell. BACHELOR OF LITERATURE. 33. J. Frederick Austen — Ella May Austin. L8 University of Minnesota Alvin Claud Kinney. — Nellie Levens. — Marion Alice Parker. — Mary Long Porcher. — Lydia May Plummer. Elias Rachie. — Charlotte Estelle Robb. — Alice Greeley Robbins. Nils N. Ronning. — Blanche Seeley. — Elsie Blanche Smith. — Mrs. Abbie Minerva Trask. — Mary Adams VanCleve. — Agnes Young Woodward. — Alice Young Fred Roscoe Bartholomew. Arthur Hubert Beaven. — Frances Louise Bennett. — Mary Anderson Daniels — Mary Isabella Davidson. Adolph Oscar Eliason. George Henry Ellingson. Ernest M Farmer. Wesley Sherman Foster. Don Phelps Fridley. — Caroline A Fullerton. — Elsie Carolyn Gibbs. Otto Martin Haugan. — Mary E. Hawley. — Mary Allen Holland. — Josephene Louese Hungerford. MASTER OF ARTS. 6. Frank Maloy Anderson. Harry R. Danner. Louis Anderson. Nils Flaten. — Alice E. Andrews. John A. Sanford. MASTER OF SCIENCE. 5. Frank A. Eckmann. Francis Ramaley. John Edward Hodgson. Andrew A. Stomberg. Charles Hanford Kendall. MASTER OF LITERATURE. 3. — Ada Belle Hillman. James E. McAndrew. — Louise McCoy. BACHELOR OF CIVIL ENGINEERING.— -4. Adam Carl Beyer. Cloyed Paul Jones. Albert Morgan. Burch. Fred Winston Long. BACHELOR OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING. 4. Clive Hastings. Victor Hugo. Charles Dutton Hilferty James Sherburne Lang. BACHELOR OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING. 3. Henry Anton Erikson. Charles Edward Magnusson Herbert Merrill Wheeler. BACHELOR OF MINING ENGINEERING. 3. Thomas Moffat Hughes. Albert E. May. Wallace North Tanner. ELECTRICAL ENGINEER. 1. Horace T. Eddy. BACHELOR OF AGRICULTURE. 1. Warren Wendell Pendergast. BACHELOR OF LAWS. 111. William Angus. Lewis Bennet Booker. Frank H Borchert. Burton Haskell Bowler Joseph S. Bregstein. Morton Wilkinson Brewster. William Bailey Brewster. Cyrus Asaph Broeffle. Clarence Zelora Brown. Walter Henry Campbell. John Michael Cannon Walter M. Carver. Renville Austin Chinnock. Arthur Bliss Church. William Tatnal Coe. Joseph W. Cohen. Thomas Craven. Sherman R Chamberlain. George Franklin Dean. Otis Bernard De Laurier. Daniel De Lury. Charles H. Dennison. Harry Lawrence Donahower. John R. Donahue. William Florence Donahue. Walter Augustus Eckholdt. Willis Jones Eggleston. Elbert Harrison Estey. Paul A. Ewert. William Neil Feltus. Andrew J. Finnegan. Edward Francis Flynn. Claus F. Forsell. Luther Aaron Foster. Adolph Frederickson. Carl Frick Frank H. Gahre. Max Gartenlaub. Percy Downing Godfrey. George Francis Gordon. Zeeb Prescott GiLman. Martin Ernest Goetzinger. Alumni Record ]'.) Charles Ezekiel Goldblum. Godfrey Gummer Goodwin. E. S. A. Green. John Edward Green. Ezra Joseph Grover. Charles John Gunderson. Theodore C. Hallenberger. Harry R. Hampton . Hugo Oscar Hanft. George M B. Hawley. Arthur Llewellyn Helliwell. Reuben David Hill. Charles Smith Hoff. Peter Andrews Holm. Hal K. Hunkins. Guy B. Huntington. Edwin James Jones. Daniel J. Keefe. Herbert P. Keller. Lewis Henry Kennedy. John Cochran King. Elmer Ambrose Kling. Augustus Theodore Larson. Jacob Lazarus. George Benjamin Leonard. William Gephard Loy. William Duncan McMillan. Philip Joseph Maguire. Robert E. A. Manley. Freedom Chester Massee. Edward William Matthews. James Augustine Meade. Frank Davidson Merchant. George William Meyer. Harvey L Mills. MASTER OF LAWS. 18 Sewall Dubois Andrews. George Holmes Appleton. Charles E. Bond. Walter N. Carroll. Albert Christello. Frederick Butterfield Chute Charles Wells Farnham. Earl P. Hopkins. William Franklin Hunt. William DeWitt Mitchell. Peter S. Neilson. Adolph Theodore Nelson. Edmund Merton Niles. Daniel Austin Odele. Carl Oscar Alexius Olson. David Thomas Owens. Arthur Leon Parsons. Isaac Peterson. William Adam Poehler. Nels Quevli. Frank Edwin Rawlings. Carl Webster Reed. Amos D. Sardeson. Jacob Cornelius Sathre. John Frederick Schurch. Lewis Schwager. Fred Ellsworth Smith. George Washington Smith Ralph Clarence Sowle. Robert Butschli Stalder. William James Stephens. Charles Edington Swan. John Elliott Tappan Grant Van Sant. Franklin G Wasgatt Gustavus Adolphus Westphal Walter Benjamin Whitcomb. Robe Carl White. John Alexander Whitten. Gustave A. Will. Edwin Clinton Wilson. Samuel Bailey Wilson. Frederick J. Wulling. Thomas Ervin Kepner. John Valentine Kranz. John P. Kyle. William E. Macdonald. George C. Merrill. James Edward O'Brien. George Marshall Osborne. Louis W. Prendergast. John Cochrane Sweet. DOCTOR OF MEDICINE. 55. The College of Medicine and Surgery. 47. Dan Goodwin Beebe. Albert Thornton Birdsall. Adolph Odin Bjelland. Harry Brown. M. Alpheus Burns. Charles Edward Caine. Robert Allen Campbell. Charles Rasmi Christenson. James Frank Corbett. John Eginton Crewe. Herbert Benton Crommett Warren Arthur Dennis Charles Lawrence Dohm Fred Arthur Drake. Robert Oscar Earl. William Marshall Edgerton. John Jay Fanset. John Geiger. William Albert Gerrish. Liston Quincy Greeley Charles F Heinze. John Snell Holbrook. — Helen Hughes. Asa Miller Johnson. George C. Kirk. Louis William Krueger. Ernest William McLaughlin. Lewis L. Mayland. Jacob Wells Meighen. James Edward Merrill. — Rose Marie Merrill. George Henry Mesker. Louis Allen Nelson. John Emil Palmquist John David Pitblado Franklin Theodore Poehler. Walter Reeve Ramsey. Christian S. Reimstad. 20 University of Minnesota John Alois Thabes. Date Kimball Thyng Frank Stombs Warren. Louis Blanchard Wilson. Harry Parks Ritchie. John Elford Soper. John Andrew Sorg. George Franklin Stack. Bert George Stockman. The College of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery. — 8. George Goodrich Balcom. Asa John Hammond. James Flournoy Beck. Alva Gilbert Phelps. Hiram Henry Bingham. George Ferdinand Reineke. George Baldwin Hamlin. Louis Dwight Shipman. DOCTOR OF DENTAL MEDICINE. 14. Henry Christian Beise. James Oscar Maguire. Winfred Garner Benjamin Charles Purnell Montgomery, Frank Waverly Birch. Frank Emil Moody. , George Randsom Day. Robert Annand Munro. Bert Henry Eldred. Frank Mortimer Norris Clayton C. Herrick. William Johnson Rose. Raymond Daniel Kelsey. Wallace Leonard Tifft. DOCTOR OF PHARMACY. 15. Joseph Martin Arbes. Frank E Cady. James Lawrence Cahil. William Carlton Haney. Dan E. Farmer. John Edward Haugen William Hoscheid — Annah Hurd. Flavius I. Johnson. Theodore Lewis Larson. Earl McCulloch. John Anton Meisen. Mathias Moen. Benjamin Heber Nichols. Fred Horace Williams. 1897. BACHELOR OF ARTS. 26. Laurence Nelson Booth Hascal Russel Brill. Jr. — June Ola Clevenger. — Lucy Evalina Dickinson. George Crawford Dun lap. Frank Clement Faude. Roy Yalding Ferner. James Van Santvoord Fisher. Paul Maurice Glasoe. Paul Willis Guilford. Thomas Geisness. John Russel Hitchings. Edmund Gale Jewett. — Claribel Angle. Emmanuel Arthur Arzt — Helen Horace Austin. Axcel Conrad Baker. Willard Lathrop Burnap. — Charlotte Deming Cahoon. — Jessie F. Caplin. Carl Floyd Wolmer Carlson. Hubert Guy Childs. Harry Lester Dixson. — Susanne Thorne Donaldson August Foss. — Nellie Harriet Grant. — Janet Gray. Deidrich August Grussendorf. — Etta Mabel Hagar. William Apsey Harding. George Reed Horton. Lawrence Eustace Horton. John O. Johnson. George Henry Johnston. William Frederick Kunze. William Hamilton Lswrence. Edward Leroy Kannary. T. Howard McQueary. Ralph William Nelson. Burt Leroy Newkirk. William Rowell Putnam. Charles Carter Rollit Linnaeus Tyndal Savage. Paul Gerhard Schmidt. John Mahlon Tirrell. — Mary Ward. Lindsey Webb. — Eva Gertrude Wheeler. — Annie May White. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. 46. Robb Ernest Lincoln. Alvah Lindahl. — Kate MacDermid. — Flora M. Mantor. J. Burt Miner. Alfred A. Norton. William James Parker. Fred Pitts. Merritt Mellen Ring. — Abigail Ripley. — Mabel Robinson. Joseph Franklin Smallidge. Harry Benjamin Smith. Russel Paul Spicer. Charles Nelson bpratt. —Clara Struble. William Thomas Thompson. Stephen Gould Undyke, Jr. — Mary Swain Wagner. Orson Monroe Washburn. — Florence Mabel Weston. F. Otto Willius. Clarence Janne Zintheo. Alumni Record 21 BACHELOR OF LITERATURE. 37 — Helen Josephine Baker. James Elliott Holmes. — Agnes Emily Belden. — Mary Loomis Hooker. Nels N. Bergheim. — Katherine Kennedy. — Flora Elizabeth Brewer. — Elizabeth Luce. Thomas Devereux. Charles McClure, Jr. Murray Wilder Dewart. — Harriet MacDonald. — Lucy Bertha Dunham. — Lulu McGregor. — Caroline May Durkee. — Hannah Mattison. — Jessie Gale Eaton. Willis Clarke Otis. — Mary Sopronia Evans. — Sophie May Pendergast. — Tamazine McKee Evans. Albert Pfaender. — Elizabeth Fish. — Marion Effle Potter. Louis Rudolph Frankel. — Emma Rosger. William Henry Garfield. Yasuzo Sakagami — Gertrude Helen Gould. — Edith Mary Shortt. — Luella Elizabeth Gould. — Adelaide May Thompson. George Alfred Hanson. Horace Alexander Wilson. — Anna McDonald Hawley. — Helen Celestia Woodman. Lincoln Hill. MASTER OP ARTS. 6. — May Bestor. Charles Wesley Ferree. Frank Scott Bunnell. — Celia Ford. Anthony F. Elmquist. William Parker McKee. MASTER OF SCIENCE. 7. Harry Winslow Allen. Jesse Eliphalet Pope. Peter Field. Stephen Barber Soule. C. Edward Magnuson. Alexander Newton Winchell. Alfred D. Mayo. MASTER OF LITERATURE. 4. Charles Martin Andrist. Elias Rachie. — Mary O. Glidden. — Anna Shillock. DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY. 3. Charles Peter Berkey. E. Porter Chittenden. Victor Alfred Nilsson. CIVIL ENGINEER. 4. Frank M. Hewett. Frank Bates Walker. Engbret A. Lee. Howard Howe Woodman. MECHANICAL ENGINEER. 6. Robert Pennell Blake. James Henry Lonie. Robert Craig. Edward Snoad Savage. Charles H. Cross. Henry Dickinson Silliman. ELECTRICAL ENGINEER. 8. Arthur Laurie Abbott. C. Edward Magnusson. George L. Chesnut Olaf Gottleib Frederick Markhust Truman Hibbard. William Lot Miller. James Sherburne Lang. Mortimer Myers. MINING ENGINEER. 3. George Becker. Eugene Clarence Mills Roland Thompson Wales. CHEMICAL ENGINEER. 4. Lewis Paul Chapin. James H. Linton. Herbert Clifton Hamilton. Frederick Walter Webber. BACHELOR OF AGRICULTURE. 2. William George Smith. Andrew Edward Stene. BACHELOR OF LAWS. 41. Frank Arnold. Henri Duval. George Kimball Belden. Scott Ford Evans. Joseph H. Beek. Edward C. Farmer. Archibald Campbell Boyd. George Robert Folds. John M Bradford. George Herbert Gjertsen William H Burns. Alvin K. Godfrey. Fred W. Carpenter. Franklin G. Holbrook. Joseph Chapman, Jr. Ernest C. Hosmer. William Codman. Moses Scott Jamar, Jr. Louis L. Dodge. Wilton Brewster Judd. 22 University of Minnesota, Nicholas C. Lehnertz. Frank Pierce Leonard. Harry Albert Lund. Henry Monsch. Grosvenor Pixley O'Neal . Rockwell Coleman Osborne. Richard Paul. Thomas Hill Pridham. William Charles Putnam. Isaac Francis Rice. Charles Lincoln Sawyer. J. Howard Selleck. Hiram A. Simons. Erastus Smith. Claude Edward Southwick. Daniel Sternberg. Arthur J Stobbart. Robert S. Taylor. William Gould Thompson. Carleton Lyman Wallace. David Wallace. William Earl Bates. Clarence Zelora Brown. Lee Augustus Combs. Claus F Forsell. Frank Hammond Griggs Hugo Oscar Hanft George M B Hawley. Thomas J. McDermott Peter McGovern. Hugh Victor Mercer. MASTER OF LAWS 20. Harvey Louis Mills . Charles Marvin Oneill. Carl Oscar Alexius Olson. David Thomas Owens. Horace Randall Robinson. Arthur William Selover. Michael P. Shaughnessy. Ralph Clarence Sowle. John Louis Strohm Walter Benjamin Whitcomb. DOCTOR OF MEDICINE. 67. The College of Medicine and Surgery. — 56. Frank H. Alexander. Mason Allen. Edwin Clark Anderson. Harry Paddock Bacon. Louis Benedict Baldwin. — Rose Anne Bebb. Henry George Blanchard. — Gertrude Booker. Herman Bouman. Carroll Deforest Buck. — Mary Catherine Buell. Frank Earl Burch. — Grace Wilson Cahoon Charles Lowry Carman. Carroll Clinton Carpenter. James Owen Cavanaugh. Howard Shoemaker Clark. Harry Marcus Coleman. Charles A. Corse. William Sherman Cuff. George Edward. Otto Ferdinand Fisher. Thomas James Gaffney. Luther Llewellyn Gibbon. James Stirling Gilflllan. Nathan Andrews Goddard. Will Goldsworthy. Frank Eugene Griswold. John De Mott Guthrie. Charles Wesley Hack. Harry Alfred Halgren. Elmer Elsworth Harrison. Axel Emanuel Hedback. Lewis U. Iverson. Oswald Middleton Justice. Ralph Kendall Keene. Adolph Oscar Loe. — Alberta Virginia McClung. Arthur Wenzell Miller. Albert Hall Moore. Alonzo Tullock Munro. Daniel A. Nicholson. Byron Walter Parrott. George Albion Perkins. Gentz Perry. John Richard Peterson. Soren P. Rees. Frank William Ruliea. Hiram Williams Smith. — Harriet Sherman Stahl. John Stevens, Jr. Arthur Clyde Thorpe. Eugene Larry Tupper. Ernest Zirus Wanous. Montreville Russell Wilcox. Robert Lawrence Wiseman. The College of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery. — 11. Henry Meeker Pollock. William Torgerson. George Sparr von Wedelstaedt. Leon Arlington Williams. Henry Gustav Woutat. Charles Albert Ballard. Fred Lee Beckley. — Andrea Ellingson Brauti. William Thompson De Coster. — Emma Adaline Keeney. — Ethel Edgerton Hurd. DOCTOR OF DENTAL MEDICINE. 28. El win Richard Annis. Warren Thomas Evans | William Walter Baker. John Lupus Frederick. Ernest Eugene Buell. John Walter Sidney Gallagher. Thomas Frederick Cooke. Harvey Byron Godfrey. — Martha Griswold Covey. Henry Samuel Godfrey. Herbert Borgardus Denton. Merton Stearns Goodnow. Alumni Record 23 Thomas Alexander Pattison. Herbert Armitage Pullen Smith Arthur Saunderson. James Wilbur Shankland. Edward Shumpik. Thomas Spence. Frank Lewis Stephan. Bertram Theodore Stevens. DOCTOR OF PHARMACY. 8. Luke Kirwin. George William McKnight. Lester Wedge Spicer. William Julius Stock. 1898. BACHELOR OF ARTS. 18. Herbert Edwin Raymond Bursell. — Evelina Maude Haughwout. — Edith Irene Cadwell. Finn Koren. George Baird Caldwell. Irving Gonyer Page. Conrad Hellick Christopherson. Henry John Pfeiffer. — Mary Elizabeth Clipfell. Ralph Brown Stephens. Albert Justin Dickinson. Roy Warner Tallman. Clayton James Dodge. Louis Leonard TenBroeck. — Esther Mabel Eddy. — Josephine Phelps Tryon. — Mary Cone Harris. • — Nina Theodosia Updyke. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. 58. Torry Philander Hagerty. Jay Mason Hall. Alfred Eldridge Hawkinson. Benjamin Arlington Ilerrick. Claude Albert Leonard. William McCadden. — Mrs. Edna Pettit Medary. William Alexander Moore. John William Bowe. Charles Henry Clark. Charles Burchard Cornwell. Thomas Madigan Kehoe. Fred Lyman Adair. Bertram Sage Adams. Hugh Neill Talbot Allen. Oscar Anderson. Herbert Loyd Arzt. — Annabel Wilson Beach. Wall Marion Billings. Alfred Blaisdell. Theron Woolson Burglehaus. John Elisha Campbell. Frank Waller Case. — Daisy Chase. Norman John Cox. Emery Matthew Cunningham. John Peter Curtis. Fred Upham Davis. Perley Alton Davis. Frank Edson Dean. — Ellen Dobie. George Elmore Dyer. Charles Gibbons Flanagan. Romane Cecil Flanders. Edward Monroe Freeman. — Bridget Furlong. William Cornelius Gerdsen. Ernest Tracy Hamlin. — Julia May Hendrix. Joseph Goodwin Hubbell. William Hursh. John Borland Irwin. Frank Hays Keller. Fayette Cary Kinyon. John Howarth Kirk. Bertram Glover Knight. — Abbie Bailey Langmaid. Max Arthur Lehman. Michael John Luby. William Macdonald. . Frank Mclntyre. John Walter Marshall. — Lillian Bessie Marvin. — Emma Cecelia O'Donnell. — Mary Emma Olson Levi Beck ley Pease Edward Chauncey Phoenix. William Burchard Roberts. William H. Roberts. — Mabel Frances Smith. — Rubie Evans Smith. Harold Melvin Stanford. David Ferdinand Swenson. John Taresh. — Marie Annette Todd. — May Belle Towler. Bert Wakefield. Helen Augusta Wilder. Samuel Henry Wolf. Charles Zeleny. BACHELOR OF LITERATURE. 41. James Hallam Bennett. — Clara Helen Berry. — Vida Brugger. James Buer. — Junie Louise Custer. — Ada Ethelyn Daniels. — Isabel Haven Davis. — Elizabeth Anna Fisher. — Ethel Snow Graves. — Elfleda Haecker. — Helen Hankenson . — Clare Frances Helliwell. — Harriet Ethel Helliwell. — Mary Laura Herrick. — Hattie Holtz. — Emma Sinclair Hunt. Sivert Anton Jordahl. Harold Koren. — Ingeborg Georgine Lommen. — Helen Elizabeth Lougee. — Jennie May McMullen. — Jennie May Means. 24 University of Minnesota — Annie Grace Merrick. —Alice Maude Page. — Edith May Penney. — Mary S. Pettit. Eric C. Quale. — Jane Redfleld. Edward Olson Ringstad. — Agnes Marie Roche. — Gertrude Rogers. — Mabel Sawyer. MASTER George Crawford Dunlap. Oscar W. Firkins. T. Howard McQueary. MASTER — Agnes Margaret Campbell. Prank Vincent Cornish. Paul Maurice Glasoe. George Henry Johnston. Warren Danforth Lane. MASTER OP — Agnes Emily Belden. Julius J. Boraas. Henry Alexander Scandrett. — Laura Elizabeth Shafer. — Margaret Irene Sliney. — Mildred Alice Smith. Henry Stern Sommers. — Edna May Stock. — Mertie May Thayer. — Jessie Charlotte Wedge. — Ethelyn Favea Wilcox. OP ARTS. 6. Paul Gerhard Schmidt. — Mary Ward. — Elinor L. Williams. of science. — 9. — Hope McDonald. Emil P. Sandsten. — Carrie Ranson Squires. — Clara Struble. LITERATURE. 4. ■ — Susanne Thome Donaldson. — Tamazine McKee Evans. doctor of philosophy- Arthur Hugo Elftman Clarence Luther Herrick. Ernest Christian Henry Peith man. Francis Ramaley. CIVIL ENGINEER. 7. Fred Winston Long. Fred Maynard Mann. Edward Walter D. Taylor. Fremont Crane. Lewis Singer Gillette. Clifton Ashley Glass. William Hausmer Hoyt. MECHANICAL ENGINEER. 5. Henry B. Avery. Royden Vincent Wright. John Erwin O'Brien. Frank Zeleny. Manton Fletcher Willson. ELECTRICAL ENGINEER. 8. Edward Paris Burch. Frank Woodman McKellip. Hans F. M. Dahl. Frank Ervin Reidhead. Charles Chandler Gilchrist. Frank Wesley Springer. William Irving Gray. Adolph Wagner. MINING ENGINEER. 6. Cyril Brackenbury. Albert Edward May. Peter Christianson. George Albert Pratt. Joseph Bailey Mcintosh. Clinton Walker. BACHELOR OP AGRICULTURE. 1. Thomas William Shaw. BACHELOR OF LAWS. 105. Clifton Arthur Albright. Oliver H. Ames. Robert Arthur Angst. George Wallace Armstrong. Albert Clinton Arnold. Fred Carroll Bafdy. Anthony Matthew Bayer. John Clark Bennett. Ward Hotchkiss Benton. Frank Clinton Bestor. Carl Herman Biorn. Frank Walter Birkhauser. Henry Olson Bjorge. Charles Edward Blackman. Donald Monroe Cameron. George Wallace Champlin. Clair Albion Chapman. George E. Child. Arthur Burke Childress. Henry C. Clark. Leroy Eaton Clark. Isaac Alexander Cohen. John Stearns Crooks. Alonzo J. Edgerton. Charles Elmquist. John Embertson. Ernest A. Faulhaber. Albert H. Featherstone. John William Finehout. John M. Freeman. William Wells Gallup. Jeremiah Anthony Giantvalley.. Hal Sol Goldblum. Argalus Wilson Gray. Joel Ernest Gregory. Arthur P. Guy. Alumni Record 25 •Orra Palmer Hand. George Dewill Hedding J. Ulrich Hemmy. William Boyd Henderson. Einar Hoidale. Adam John Holmes. Oliver Hullback. Elmer James Jellico. Chester F. Jenkins. Charles Johnson. Christian G. D. Johnson. Henry Sydney Johnson. Nels I. Johnson. Edmund Henry Krelwitz. Conrad Albert Kvello. Warren Danforth Lane. Daniel James Leary. Albert W. Lindeke. Charles Loring. Veranus W. Lothrop. Edward Lucas. Frank Herbert Lusk. Robert Orr McMillan. Dayton D. Martin. Harrison Burke Martin. Michael Marx. J. Edward Meyers. George Dickson Monfort. H. Paul Moorhead. William Keith Naylor. John Henry Nightingale. George Herbert Niles. John Algot Nordin. Egbert S. Oakley. James Edward O'Brien. MASTER OF LAWS.- William H. Burns. Fred W. Carpenter. Louis L. Dodge. Arthur L. Helliwell. Wilton Brewster Judd. William Olander. James Ostrand. Harry E. Phelps. Ransom J. Powell. Edmund Alozias Prendergast. George Howe St. Clair. Patrick Joseph Scanlan. John Pipin Schroeder. Max Sells. Stephen Herbert Somsen. Halvor L. Sorkness. George Hancock Spear. Henry Spindler. Albert Martin Stapleton. George M. Stebbins. George Washington Strong. Merte E. Sullivan. Patrick Edward Sullivan R. Celius Thompson. Robert Mitchell Thompson Nels Olson Thori. Nels E. Thormodson. Ludwig C. Thurston. Luther Lathrop Twitchell. George Tobias Vorland. Albert Weber. Jonas Weil. Carl Gustaf A. Werner. James Henry Werring. J C White. McLaughlin White. Daniel Beedy Wood. Edwin Stanton Wright. Washington Yale, Jr. -10. Albert S. Larson. Nicholas C. Lehnertz. Henry Arthur Loughran. Arthur J. Stobbart. Frederick J. Wulling. DOCTOR OF MEDICINE. 17. The College of Medicine and Surgery. — 17. Daniel Buckley. Joseph Greeley Parsons. Charles Loran Chappie. Eric P. Quain. George Annand Gray. — Mary Eliza Ranson. Harry Morrill Guilford. Charles Anthony Reed. Willis Ellis Hartshorn. Ira McConnaughy Roadman. Carl Huhn. — Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Towers. R. Ignatius Hubert. William Desmond Wagar. Edwin Martin Johnson. Horace Rensselaer Wells. Christian Henry Kohler. DOCTOR OF DENTAL MEDICINE. 14. Almon Greer Atwood. Rolf Johan Olson. Sydney Edward Bennion. Frederick William Prail. William Henry Card. Edward Harold Shibley. Charles Allan Couplin. William Eleazer Spencer. John Roy Hollister. Everard James Van Bronkhorst. John Reynolds Lawton. Fred Kellar Weible. Christopher I. Newhouse. Ernest Avery Wright. DOCTOR OF PHARMACY. 12. John Henry Beise. Albert Korizek. George Harvey Blackmun. Isaac Edgerton Moffit. William George Brede. Frank Julius Nagel. Gustave Jules Demars. Emil Wencl Theimer. Julian Leslie Fitzgerald. Herbert Clarkson Varney. 26 University of Minnesota Oscar Herbert Wolner. Charles William Wulling. 1899. BACHELOR OF ARTS. 22. Stephen Henry Baxter. Harry R. Beede. Henry John Bessesen. — Lillian Gregory Carlton. Charles Frederic Carson. —Grace Eleanor Comstock. — Emma Seabury Crounse. — Esther Louise DeCoster. Arthur James Finch. — Florence Adams Fish. — Sophie Sherman Holt. — Foi Hotchkiss. — Effie Hinkley Hutchinson. Daniel John Lothrop. Harris Dana Newkirk. — Fannie Sophia Newman. — Georgia Lenore Nichols. Guy Hall Roberts. — Eva Rossing Sardeson. —Flora Van Vliet. — Essie Winning Williams. Malcolm Glenn Wyer. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. 57. Adolph Peterson Andrews. — Alice Whitnee Basford. Walter Lewis Benedict. — Alice Jennie Bingham. Edwin Benjamin Bothe. Emory Chace Brace. Minot James Brown. Frederic King Butters. — Fanny Belle Chapman. Lucian Orville Clement. Edwin Joseph Cornish. Everett Wilson Couper. Charles Huff. Harry Baker Humphrey. — Effie Mable Jacobson. Charles Anton JohnsoD. Collins Marcus Kellam. William Ward Kinyon. — Wilhelmina Gesena Koch. Samuel John LaDue. Rudolph A. Lee. John Wentworth Leedy. Perl William Mabey. James Mclntyre. Clarence Christopher Dinehart. William Adelbert Mclntyre. Theodore L. Duncan. Alexander Hamilton Dunlap Halsten Olson Eggen. Frank William Emmons. — Mary Gilmore Fanning. Lester John Fitch. — Olga Berliot Forsyth. — Elizabeth Hankinson Foss William Furst. — Stella E. Gray. George Heigert Green. —Sarah Phebe Hall. — Olive Nilsson Hallock. Perry Oliver Hanson. Albert Hart. — Grace A. Hays. BACHELOR OF LITERATURE. John Marelius Arneson. — Sadie May Atwood. — Kate Townsend Bennett. — Ethel Claire Brill. — Adelia Sophia Brooks. — Harriette Stuart Brown. — Clemma Buck. — Hettie Gertrude Buehler. ■ — Grace Caplin. — Lucy Roberts Case. — Isabel Claire Chadwick. — Lucy Lord Chapman. —Bertha Child. Bret Eugene Cooley. —Alice Evelyn Craig. — May Daniel. — Mabel Olive Doty. — Medora Estelle Dresser. — Ora Marie Featherstone — Frances Barclay Felch. — Gertrude Elizabeth Funk. William Seward Mann. — Olive Agatha Mealey. Bernard SmitM Nickerson. Charles Samuel Olds. — Mary Sarah Olson. Walter Ashton Plymat. — Annie Isabel Riggs. Frank George Sasse. William Thomas Shaw. — Nellie Centenial Spencer. — Alice Agnes Thomas. Aad Addison Tone. — Harriet Emma Wales. ■ — Jennie Sarah Webster. Arthur Byron Whitney. -53. — Chestine Gowdy. ■ — Laura Alice Henry. ■ — Mary Davis Hibbard. — Martha Ford Hills. — Bertha Hoverstad. — Jeanie Moore Jackson. — Georgena Frances Kennedy. Howard William Kingston. Lewis Klove. Edward Francis McGinnis. Kyle Fayette Marlow. — Olive Vincent Marsh. — Sophia H. Martin. — Sarah Mattison. — Harriet Grace Mitchell. — Helen Augusta Moody. — Abbie Morgan. — Alice Nickerson. — Anna Mary Grace O'Hair. James Butler Ormond. ■ — Isabel Davis Parker. Alumni Record 27 — Iva Fern Patterson. Gustavus Foster Smith. George Sydney Phelps. — Winnifred Snow. — Jennie Crays Phillips. — Amy N. Weber. • — Janet Priest. — Lena Gertrude Whitten. — Grayce Williamnia Rector. — Bessie Adelaide Williams. — Nellie Savage. MASTER OF ARTS. 8. — Clara Edith Bailey. Thomas Geisness. — Lily Louise Beck. Knut M. Hagestad. Alfred B. Bergin. — Mabel E. B. Hodder. — Helen Biglow. Burt Leroy Newkirk. MASTER OF SCIENCE. 5. John Elisha Campbell. Frank H. Keller. John P. Curtis. Levi B. Pease. Edward M. Freeman. MASTER OF LITERATURE. 4. — Mary S. Evans. Edward O. Ringstad. William H. Klose. Yasuzo Sakagami. DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY. 3. Harry Ross Danner. — Alice J. Mott. — Hannah Robie Sewall. CIVIL ENGINEER. 2. John Gunerius Anderson. Fred L. Douglas. MECHANICAL ENGINEER. 4. Harry Cornelius Bayless. Wilbur Percy Richardson. James Sherburne Lang. Elias Carl Wennerlund. ELECTRICAL ENGINEER. 6. Emmanuel Arthur Artz. Milton B. Huntoon. Verney Graling. Elwood Mansfield MacKusick. Henry August Gustav Hilde- Arthur Clarence Pratt, brandt. ENGINEER OF MINES. 2. William Carroll Bass. Frank Merton Warren. BACHELOR OF AGRICULTURE. 4. Herman Haupt Chapman. Ernest William Major. John Adolph Hummel. Henry Oscar Sorkness. BACHELOR OF LAWS. 69. Samuel Gilmore Anderson, Jr. Emery Schuyler Hill. Conrad Angel Arness. Harry A. Imer. Clarence W. Beek. Adolph E. L. Johnson. John Nelson Berg. John Webster Keith. Hascal Russell Brill. Charles Frederick Keyes. Norwood Waite Brockett. Parker W. Kimball. Guy B. Brubaker. Edward Arms Knapp. George Washington Buck, Jr. Carl Gustav Krook. George Washington Caldwell. James Henry Lane Howard Boardman Chamberlain. Walter Thomas Lemon. — Agnes B. Clinton. Henry Nichols Lohren. Perl C. Cornish- Albert Bushnell Loye. William James Costello. John Manley. George Lincoln Covell. James Henry Maybury. Alfred Dresser. Ernest B. Mills. Frank A. Eckman. J. Burt Miner. William Franklin Ewert. Henry Albert Monroe. John Henry Fleming. John J. Murphy. Wesley Sherman Foster. Alfred Andrew Norton. Louis Rudolph Fr,ankel. Edward A. Ochsner. John Francis Gibbons. Willis Clarke Otis. William Eastman Goodfellow. — Mabeth Hurd Paige. George Merton Gray. Frank Hayes Polk. John Lars Hallstrom. Lorenzo Nathan Puffer. Louis Hallum. Frank Dewey Redfield. Bernhard S. Harris. Charles D. Reohr. John M. Harrison. Albert Eugene Rhame. Robert A. Hastings. Philip James Riordan. Emil William Helmes. Clyde Eugene Rogers. 28 University of Minnesota George Eugene Todd. , Charles Luther Trabert. Clarence Frank Walsh. Edward Oscar WergedahE. Wirt Wilson. John Edward Samuelson. Stelle S. Smith. McCants Stewart. Harry Sylvester Swenson. Anton Thompson. Alfred Luther Thwing. MASTER OF LAWS. — 12. Carl Herman Biorn. Edmund Henry Krelwitz. Donald Monroe Cameron. Patrick Joseph Scanlan. Henry C. Clark. Halvor L. Sorknes. Albert H. Featherstone. Robert Mitchell Thompson. Oliver Hullback. Albert Weber. Elmer James Jellico. Edward Stephens Wright. DOCTOR OF MEDICINE. 43. The College of Medicine and Surgery. — 39. — Annie Marie Agnew. Jacob Fowler Avery. Oliver T. Batcheller. Robert Best. Theodor Bratrud. James Homer Burgan. William Henry Condit. Charles Frank Culver. Karl John Endress. William James Ferguson. Charles George Forrest. Everett Columbia Gaines. Peter T. Geyerman. Guy Abbot Grafton. Samuel Eugene Grout. — Charlotte Chance Hall. Frederick Eugene Haynes. — Anna Mae Henry. Orlando Ilstrup. Charles Bradlaugh Lenont. Jennings Crawford Litzenberg. Gustav Herman Ludtke. — Bertha Katharine Mackel. John Boyle McNerthney. Frank Melville Manson. Frederick J. Patton. Joseph Andrew Prim. Niles Oliver Ramstad. Harry Kirke Read. Edward C. Schoonmaker. John Magnus Setnan. Albert William Shaw. Anthony Niles Sorenson. Fred Paul Strathern. Russell Welcome Tennant. George Arthur Tripp. Ernest Arthur Woods. -Fannie Jae Henry Ingvald Martinius Josephson Hotvedt. The College of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery. - Albert Edwin Booth. Glenn Robert Matchan. Arthur Tubal Caine. Wesley George Matchan DOCTOR OF DENTAL MEDICINE. 20. John Ephraim Argue. Clarence Daniel Benton. Alexander Silas Campbell. Charles Percival Foote. Ray Harrold Galligher. Edward Gorgen. Edwin Alexander Hagaman. George Everett Hall. Hugh Saunderson Henderson. Eugene Franklyn Hertz. John Jeffers, Jr. James Lawrence Kelly. Nelson Madison King. Harold Foster Marston. Elton Henry Phelps. Gilbert Ferdinand Stone. Murt Torrance. Robert Patten TJpdyke. James Osborne Wells. Sanford Eugene Whitmore. DOCTOR OF PHARMACY. 21. William Lloyd Buttz. Dwight Jefferson Carpenter. John C. Congdon, Jr. George Henry Cool. Perry Richard Day. — Gertrude Nell Dorr. Frank Xavier Drechsler. David Evans. — Cora Mabel Fairbank. Abe Nathan Gunz. Frank Hart. Robert Boyd Hayes. Adolph Hong. David Lorenz Jacobson. Emil Casper Molstad. John Ohnstad. John Peter Scholten. William Bernard Stoutemyer. — Edna Belle Stultz. Claus August Swanson. Eldred P. Vallancey. Joseph Warren Beach. Allen Rogers Benham. 1900. BACHELOR OF ARTS. -26 -Mary Louise Butts. — Sara Emily Chant. Alumni Record — Fanny Loudon Clinton. Louis Henry Colson. — Clare Amelia Cross. — Eleanor Lavinia Donaldson — Elizabeth Donaldson. Paul Faude. Haldor B. Gislason. — Miriam Edmonds Griffin. — Julia Filmore Harris. — Ruth Sarah Hutchinson. Carl Emanuel Johnson. — Mabel Adams. Paul Adams. Walter Jewett Allen. — Bertha Catharine Asseln. Richard Stanley Beardsley. Fred William Bedford. Henry William Benson. William Frederick Braasch Charles Sidney Bradford. William Lindsay Browne. Henry Benjamin Carey. Winslow Clark Chambers. — Lillian Cohen. George Emerson Cole. Eugene Russell Dibble. — Harriet Emma Dunton. Ellsworth Fleming. — Ellen Clark Fullerton. James Lawrence Furber. Rudolph Geiser. — Mary Lamb Gerhard. — Bertha Louise Glattly. — Louisa Sarah Goulding. Joseph Edward Guthrie. Julius Clyde Hayden. Charles Goodrich Treys. Waldron Mirtalu Jerome. Arthur Henry Kennedy. Horace Cadwell Klein. Claude Bernard Lewis. Albert Henry Lossow. Paul Joyslin. Ingvold Anderson Kampen. Albert Lehman. — Ida Pauline Lindquist. Louis Christian Luhr. Seymour Ellsworth Moon. Raymond Horace Myers. Frank O'Hara. Edward Patterson Sanford. — Clara Chapline Thomas. Horton Thompson. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE. 62. Horace Lowry. — Edith Eliza Lyon. Harold Lloyd Lyon. Arthur Andrews McBride. Bruce Elmo McGregor. — Mary Stuart Mclntyre. Samuel Albert March. — Cora Emilie Marlow. Robert Johnston Mayo. Sumner Livingston Moyer. Wayne Crocker Nason. James Houden Nicol. William Frederick Odell. Charles William Olson. Leroy Albert Page, Jr. Charles Stinson Pillsbury. John Sargent Pillsbury, Jr. Emery Mason Prouty, Jr. Loy M. Pugh. ■ — Ada Roe. — Fannie Louise Sawyer. Gottfried Schmidt. — Elizabeth Marie Smith. Fred William Smith. Hector Galloway Spaulding. — Jane Allen Squyer. Robert a Becket Stephenson. —Bertha L. Steuert. William B. Stewart. — Mabel Perrin Stone. — Anna Belle Thomas. BACHELOR OF LITERATURE. 44. — Myra Arlone Bab.cock, — May Louise Barber, — Winnifred Grace Bradford, — Lena Estella Brokaw, — Eliza Kay Brown. — Ethel Iola Burnham. — Mary Russell Byrnes. — Effie May Campbell. — Lydia Bernhardina Carlson. William J. Cogelow. Benjamin Andrews Cone. — Jessie Esterbrook Coxe. — Frances Edna Crocker. — Mary Ruth Crozier. — Anna Dorothea Dahl. — Clara DeMaris Foote. Frank Eugene Force. ■ — Frances Pauline Fritzsche. — Marie Louise Hooper. — Gertrude Elizabeth Jamieson Julius H. Johnson. — Marie Augusta Johnson. Anne Doherty, St. Paul. — Alice Margaret Jones. John Cowing Knox. — Alice Stewart Lamborn. — Lydia Elova Leslin. — Grace Livingston. —Maria Reed McColloch. — Eliza Young Marchand. — Felicitas Mareck. — Ora Oiga Peake. — Anna Quevli. — Agnes Isabel Rich. — Edna Ripley. — May Schibsby. — Mabel Edna Shaw. Earl Simpson. — Florence Mabel Sylvester. — Jennie L. Tracy. — Bertha Bell Warner. — Maude Esther Wheaton. —Nellie Ardell Whitney. — Myra Wlren. — Harriet Isabella Woodruff. 30 University of Minnesota MASTER OF ARTS. 5. Fred Dahlen. IOdinund Gale Jewett. A. Theodore Ekblad. —Ella T. Wright. Chester Nathan Gould. MASTER OF SCIENCE. 1. — Mabel Hickman Thomas. MASTER OF LITERATURE. 1. — Ingeborg G Lommen. DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY. 4. Charles D. A. F. Abbetmeyer. Bruce Fink. Anthony F. Elmquist. Nils Flaten. CIVIL ENGINEER. 4. Edwin Morrell Grime. Francis C. Shenehon. Paul Sebastian Prendergast. Edward Augustus Whitman. MECHANICAL ENGINEER. 4. T. Lester Daniel. William Wood Johnston. Charles Campbell Higgins. William Barrett Newhall. ELECTRICAL ENGINEER.— 10. James Chase Dow. William Stussy. Frank Edward Johnson. Joseph Auken Thaler. William Leonard Kinsell. Roy Edwin Thompson. Harleigh Parkhurst. Fred Glyndon Tracy. Ernest Jairus Shumway. Edward Wiltgen. BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (IN ENGINEERING). 1. Lewis Eugene Ashbaugh. ENGINEER OF MINES. 8. William Lloyd Campbell. Edward Prosper McCarty. Eugene Derwood Chandler. Rutherford Rurchard Sumner. Oliver J. Egleston. Harold W. Teague. Walton Edward Hunt. rtensselaer Hyde Toll. BACHELOR OF AGRICULTURE. 6. Robert Wallace Clark. Carl Schurz Scofield. Sam Randolph Iloulton. William Archie Wheeler. William Carl Palmer. James Alexander Wilson. BACHELOR OF LAWS. 119. Charles Edward Adams. Frank Elbert Downey. William Henry Adams. Joseph James Eagan. Arthur Converse Anderson. Edward Alfred Ecklund. Andrew Edward Anderson. Chester Hitchings Ellsworth. Stephen C. M. Appleby. Harry Wright Evans. Arthur Richard Barry. William Cilley Fitch. C. Albert Barton. Thomas Frankson. Francis Atherton Bean. Thomas Germo. Abraham N. Bearman. Bjorn B. Gislason. Thomas J. Benedict. Andrew G. Gray. John A. Bird. James IT. Green. Ralph T. Boardman. Paul Willis Guilford. — Marie Palmer Bond. Erick O. Hagen. Rov Dexter Bosworth. Alfred P. Hanson. William Onzlo Braggans. Charles Edwin Heffelfinger. Rov Tavlor Bull. Peter C. Heimark. Russell S. Bunker. Christian Henningsen. William Burrows. Frank Darius Hevener. Charles Wilson Buttz, Jr. Alexander Higgins. Frank Cameron. George Morton Hopp. Fred II. Carpenter. William Logan Hnrsh. Hersey Rav Chinnock. James Anderson Ilyland. Harrv S. Coates. Peter Jahn. James Alexander Coffey. Bert J. Johnson. John Ambrose Coleman. Herman Fillip Johnson. Mark Conrow Reuben J. Johnson. John Edward Cravens. Albert Jackson Keith. Harrv Heber Creswell. John Howarth Kirk. Thomas Clarence Daggett. Charles Knoblauch.^ James Jerome Daly. Albert Edwin Lewis. Floyd Hamilton Day. Klas Erland Lmd. Alumni I'ecord 31 Andrew H. Maas. James Edward McCarthy. Thomas I. McDermott. Earle William McElroy. Charles Clarkson McElwee. Matthias Walter Mattecheck. James Mattimore. Walter Lewis Mayo. Clarence Benjamin Miller. William Ileniv Miller. Ethan B. Minier. Arthur Giles Morey. Frank J. Morley. Herbert Stephen Moore. Malcolm Emory Nichols. Richard Dillon O'Brien. Julius J. Olson. William G. Owens. John B. Pattison. Harry Eldon P^ymat. Henry Edward x'oseley. Charles William Quandt. Wilbur Lane Rexford. William B. Richardson. Gullick Nelson Risjord. Bertram Henry Robinson. Net James Robinson. Otto Erickson Roe. Irving David Royal. Frank G. Sasse. Henry Alexander Scandrett. Herman Carl Schmidt. John William Schmitt. Rudolph F. Schulz. John E. Shaw. Dell Clark Sheldon. Ilelmar I. Simonson. Charles Yeach Smith. Ezra R. Smith. Walter Wyman Smith. Monroe Horr Sprague. II. Herbert Steele. Robert Decatur Stewart. Edwin Harry Stong Martin E. Tew. Kay Todd. Walter W. Todd. Louis W. Vasaly. Stephen C. Vasaly. Benjamin Frank Webber. Carlos F. Whitcomb. Guy L. Whittemoro. Davis Price Wickersham. Otto Wolfe. Eugene Young. John C. Zehnder. George Carney Rogers. MASTER OF LAWS. 11 George Wallace Armstrong. Conrad Angel Arness. George Washington Caldwell ■ — Agnes B. Clinton. Thomas P. Grace. John Ingle. DOCTOR OF MEDICINE. 53. College of Medicine and Surgery. — 46. Carl Gustaf Krook. William Olander. Ransom J. Powell. Stelle S. Smith. Harry Sylvester Swensoa. Alfred Emanuel Ahlstrom. Harry Winslow Allen. — Mrs. Mary Baker. Oscar Everett Bennett. George Frank Brooks. Guv Ross Calev. — Charlotte Phila Campbell. Paul Burns Cook. George Custer Cutts. Sidney Walter Dean. George Francis Drew. Benjamin James Ellis. Edwin John French. J. Frank Garrison. Emil Sebastian Geist. Earle Russell Hare. A. Dair Haskell. Peder Andreas Hoff. Fred Huxley. Evan Hyslin. Palmer Horace Irish. Irma Le Vasseur. — Laura A. Linton. Lawrence Phillip Mayer. Kent Nelson. Orme Richardson Nevitt. Harvey Gordon Norton. John William Olson. — Anna Lida Osborne. George Bernard Owen. Owen William Parker. Arthur Augustus Rankin. Henry Raoul Richard. John Christian Serkland. Henry C. Stuhr. West Jacob Swartz. George Bertram Swenson. William W. ■ Taylor. John Mahlon Tirrell. Walter Henry Valentine. Austin Ward. Peter James Weyrens. Frank Edwin Wheelon. Archie Elton Williams. Otto William Kankel. — Mrs. Jane Frances Kennedy College of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery. — 7. Oscar Leonard Bertelson. Bert Victor Lares. Ferdinand Gramenz. Clifford Cleon Leek. Herman August Hartung. Edwin Harwood Smith. — Annah Hurd. 32 University of Minnesota DOCTOE OF DENTAL MEDICINE. 36. Eugene Franklin Adams. Frederick Edward Andersen. Harry Wallace Bertram. Theodore Christian Busse. Hanphen Henry Carlson. Joseph Clarke. Herbert Charles Cooper. Elbert Pryor Costa'n. William Gloyd. Charles A. Hintz. Karl H. Hoorn. Robert Clement Hutchin. Albert La Fayette Kershaw. John Frederick Knudson. Benjamin George Kroehler. Ralph Leo Lamphere. Harvey John Lockhart. Edward Ernest Munns. Harold James Nelson. Louis Nelson. George Washington Norris. Carl Gustaf Olson. Aeneas Owre. John Fayette Patterson. Aris Le Roy Revell. Frank Freeman Riley. Oscar Edwin Roberts. Edward Frederick Sommermeyer. Dan Eugene Sprague. Anton W. Swanson. Harry Estus Thomas. Axel A. Thorsen. Homer Amos Tyler. Morse Kittredge Whittemore. Robert Barnes Wilson. Otto Charles Zieger. PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST. 16. Gustave Bachman. John Eldon Hynes. John Michael Bell. Charles George Lyon. Roy Carter. Martin Thomas Moran. George Augustus Cowin. Albert Moskop. Charles Olaf Danielson. — Mae Nisbit. Emmanuel T. Dillner. Charles Emil Peterson. Henry Joseph Dreis. Emil Traugott Schmidt. Edward Earl Haskell. Alois Joseph Spielman. DOCTOR OF PHARMACY. 1. Thomas Biscoe. Alumni Record 33 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF GRADUATES OF THE COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, LITERATURE AND THE ARTS. Abbetmeyer, Charles D. A. F., '00, 922 Mulberry St., Baltimore, Md. Minister. Abbott, Howard S., '85, 900 Sixth st se, Minneapolis Master in Chancery U. S. Circuit Court. Lawyer. Abernethy, Antoinette, '90, (Mrs. Milton Lamoreaux) 553 W 67 st, Chicago, 111 Secretary Primary Department Illinois S. S. Association. Abernethy, Frank Sherman, '89, 2304 Emerson av N, Minneapolis With Emerson & Hall, Wholesale Grocery Brokers. Abernethy, William S., '96 Berwyn, 111 Clergyman — Baptist church. Adair, Fred L., '98, Anamosa, la Medical student — University of Minnesota. Adams, Ada Editha, '83, (Mrs. Samuel Howard Lockin) 3137 Hennepin av, Minneapolis Adams, Alice A., '88, (Mrs. Walter A. Eggleston) , 1830 Columbus av, Minneapolis Adams, Bertram S., '98, 229 8th av se, Minneapolis Medical student — University of Minnesota. Adams, Charles E., '96 (LL. B. '00) 515 Torrey Building, Duluth, Minn Attorney-at-Law (Adams & Miller). Adams, Elmer E., '94, Fergus Falls, Minn Editor Fergus Falls Journal — Regent of the University. Adams, John William, '86, (V. M. D., '92, U. of Pa.) 25 So. 34th st, Philadelphia, Ta Professor Veterinary Surgery and Obstetrics, University of Pennsylvania, and Practitioner of Veterinary Science — Veterinarian of Pennsylvania State Board of Health, 1896. Adams, Mabel, '00, (Mrs. Donald Gray Colp) 1017 7th st N, Fargo, X. D. Adams, Paul, '00 923 8th st se, Minneapolis With Metrooolitan Music Co. Aiton, George Briggs, '81, (M. A. '87) 1601 University av se, Minneapolis State Inspector of High Schools. Allen, Emma, '93, (Mrs. John C. Mills) Preston, Minn Allen, Harry W., '95, (M. D., '00), Red Wing, Mian Physician. Allen, Hugh N., '98, , 314 12th av se, Minneapolis Deputy County Auditor. Allen, Walter J., '00, 314 12th av, se, Minneapolis Graduate student — U. of M. Amy, Jennie, '86, (Mrs. Everson R. McKinnev) 260 Midway av, W St. Paul Anderson, Alexander P., '94, (Ph. D. Miinchen) Clemson College, S. Carolina Botanist Experiment Station. Anderson, Frank L., '96 (B. D., U. of C.) Austin, Minn Pastor of Baptist church. Anderson, Frank Maloy, '94, (M. A., '96.) 1629 University av se, Minneapolis Assistant Professor of History — University of Minnesota. Anderson, Louis, '96, Lakefield, Minn Superintendent of Public Schools. Anderson, Oscar, '98, 235 Ogden av, Chicago, II? Junior, Dunham Medical College. *Anderson, Samuel Gilmore. Died October 7th, 1900 Andrews, Alice E., '96, 833 Goodrich av, St. Paul Teacher of English Literature — St. Paul. 34 University of Minnesota Andrews, Adolph P., '99, * Eveleth, Minn Principal Schools. Andrews, Hattie L., '90, 432 4th st se, Minneapolis Teacher of Latin. Andrist, Charles M., '94, Boulevard de Port Royal, Paris, France General Agent for Deering Harvester Co. Angle, Claribel, '97, Spring Valley, Minn Science teacher. Angus, William, '93, (LL. B., '96) Warren, Minn Superintendent of City Schools. Ankeny, Martha, (Mrs. Norton M. Cross) 606% E 27th st, Minneapolis Arneson, John M., '99, Lyle, Minn Principal of Schools, Maple Lake. Artz, Emmanuel A., '97, (E. E., '99) 183 Genesee st, St. Paul Electrical Engineer — Miss. Val. Tel. Co. tArzt, Herbert L., '98, 183 Genesee st, St. Paul Aspden, Herbert H., '95, Excelsior, Minn Farmer. Asseln, Bertha C, '00, The Ashmore, se Minneapolis Atwood, Sadie May, '99, Eugene, Ore Teacher, Eugene High School. fAusten, J. Frederick, '96, (LL. B„ '93) Austin, Helen Horace, '97, 258 Dayton av, St. Paul Teacher of Expression in High School. Austin, Ella May,, '96, 1309 3d av S, Minneapolis Austin, Isabella McHugh, '95, Minneapolis Critic Teacher — Winona Normal. Austin, Lloyd B, '96, P. O. Box 390, St. Paul Minister. Austin, Mabel F., '93 (M. D., Johns Hopkins) City and County Hospital, St. Paul Pathologist, City and County Hospital, St. Paul Avery, Elizabeth H., '95, Redfield, S. D. Profesor of English Literature, Redfield College. Babcock, Earle J., '89. State University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, N. D. Professor Chemistry and Geology and State Geologist. Babcock, Kendric Charles, '89, 2727 Bancroft Way, Berkeley, Cal Assistant Professor History & Political Science, University of California. Babcock, Myra, '00, 50 12th st N, Minneapolis Teacher Backus. George J., '82. 226 Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis Wholesale Lumber. Bagley, Horace Easton, '94, Thief River Falls, Minn Lawyer. Bailey, Clara Edith, '92, 1425 6th st se, Minneapolis Teacher of Latin South High School. Baily, Henry Patterson, '90 (LL. B., '93) , 507 New York Life Building, Minneapolis Attorney-at-Law. Baker, Axcel C, '97, 2606 Indiana av, Chicago, 111 Senior, Chicago Medical College. Baker, Helen, '97, (Mrs. William J. Parker) 625 Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, 111 Baker, Lucy L., '88, , Tower, Mo Teacher. Baker, Nathan M., Jr., '84, E 945 Mission av, Spokane, Wash Physician — Coroner Spokane Co. , Baker, Rebecca V., 89, (Mrs. Charles T. Moffett) 1214 Linden av, Minneapolis Baldwin, Albert M., '85, Cooperstown, N. D. Attorney-at-Law. Baldwin, Clara Frances, '92, 681 Holly av, St. Paul Librarian, Minnesota Library Commission. Alumni Record 35 * Haldwin, Edward Payson, '83. Died May 27, *95 Baldwin, Otway W., '81, Duluth, Minn Lawyer. Baldy, Frederic Carroll, '95, (LL. B., '98) Faribault, Minn Instructor in Shattuck Military School. Ballard, Caswell A., '94, Moorhead, Minn Instructor Department of Science, State Normal School. Barber, May L., '00, 3132 Oakland a.v, Minneapolis Teacher. Bardwell, Fred Leslie, '81, Massacusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, Mass Assistant Professor of Chemistry. Barney, Frank H., '94, 422 New York Life Building, Minneapolis Fire Insurance — State Agent. Barrett, Walter S., '79, 1621 22d av N, Minneapolis Draughtsman. tBartholomew, Fred Roscoe, '96, 623 E 18th st, Minneapolis Barto, William A., '94, Long Prairie, Minn Hardware dealer. Basford, Alice Whitnee, '99, 810 4th av S, Minneapolis Teacher. Bassett, Franklin Harley, '87, Glyndon, Minn Congregational minister Bassett, Mary, '93, (M. D., '95) (Mrs. C. W. Bray) Biwabik, Minn Bassett, William L., '76, Minneapolis Miller and Lumber Bates, Lulu M., '94, (Mrs. William Hardcastle), Cambridge, Neb Bauer, George N., '94, 703 18th av N, Minneapolis Instructor in Mathematics — University of Minnesota. Baxter, Stephen H., '99, 2205 5th av S, Minneapolis Medical student — University of Minnesota. Beach, Annabel W., '98, 804 3d av N., Faribault, Minn Teacher. Beach, Elizabeth S., '96, 81 Arthur av se, Minneapolis Instructor — University of Minnesota. Beach, Joseph, 00, 1625 University av se, Minneapolis Graduate student and Instructor in Rhetoric — U. of M. Beach, William A., '90, (M. D., '93) Mankato, Minn Physician. Beardsley, Richard S., '00, Red Wing, Minn Teacher. Beaven, Arthur H., '96, Sanborn, N. D. Principal Public Schools. P.ebb, Rose A., '91, (M. D., '99) 124 W 12th st, New York Citv Physician — Instructor in Bacteriology in the University and Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York City. tBeck, Lily Louise, '99, 50 W 94th st, New York City, N. Y. Bedford, Fred W., '00, 1614 4th st se, Minneapolis Graduate student — University of Minnesota. Bedient, Louise, '95, (Mrs. Samuel Adams) Perth, N. D. Beebe, Inga, '94, (Mrs. Charles Oliver) 1929 Aldrich av S, Minneapolis Beede, Harry R., '99, Perham, Minn tBelden, Agnes E., '97, 1703 5th av S, Minneapolis Belden, George K., '92, (LL. B., '97) 306 Oak Grove st, Minneapolis Lawyer. tBell, Gertrude Grosvenor, '93, (Mrs. O. N. Burton) Elmore, Minn tBell, Robert Mowry, '83, 1043 W 21st st, Los Angeles, Cal Physician. Benedict, Walter Lewis, '99, 720 8th av se, Minneapolis With the Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad, Guaranty Loan Building. Benham, Allen R., '00, 1958 Carroll st, St. Paul Principal of High School — St. James, Minn. Bennett, Frances L., '96, 1227 4th st se, Minneapolis Bennett, James H., '98, Sanborn, Minn Real Etaste Agent. 36 University of Minnesota Bennett, John W., '86, Relay, Md. (Suburb of Baltimore) Author and Journalist. Bennett, Kate Townsend, '99, 1227 4th st se. Minneapolis Benson, Henry W., '00, West Superior, Wis Student. Benson, Percival R., '88, Anoka, Minn Farmer. Benton, Mary L., '85, Albright House, Northampton, Mass Instructor in Latin, Smith College. Berg, Anna Nathalie, '93, Pinceton, Minn Bookkeper. Berg, John N., '96, (LL. B., '99) 216 7th st S, Minneapolis Lawyer (Office 1012 New York Life Building.) Bergheim, Nels N., '97, 217-A 8th av se. Minneapolis Law Clerk in St. Paul. Bergin, Rev. Alf, '99, (B. D. Augustana) Cambridge, Minn Minister Lutheran church. Berkey. Charles P., '92, 1601 7th st se, Minneapolis Instructor in Mineralogy — University of Minnesota. Berry, Clara H.„ '98, Anoka, Minn Book-keeper Sash and Door Factory. *Berry, Frederick Gerald, '80, Died March 20, 1883 *Berseth, Andrew M, '93, Died Aug. 6, 1896 tBessesen, Henry John, 99. Albert Lea Best, Rista N., '92, 2012 Park av, Minneapolis Clerk Washburn-Crosby Co. Bestor. May, '91, (M. A., '97 ) 2625 2d av S, Minneapolis Teacher. Bierbauer, Bruno W., '88, 85 Pierreoont st, Brooklyn, N. Y. Phvsician. tBiglow, Helen '99 (B. A., Grinnell). Billings, Wall M., '98, 727 University av se, Minneapolis Dentist. Bingham, Alice J., '99 Sleepy Eye, Minn Birdsall, Albert Thornton, '93 (M. D., '96), 285 Washington av, Brooklyn, N. Y. Physician. Bisbee, Edgar C, '94, 509 15th av se, Minneapolis Vice-President Midland Linseed Oil Co. Bissell, Stanley H, '96, 619 4th st se, Minneapolis Travelling man. Blanchard, Mary L.. '88, (Mrs. Gilbert P. Murphy) 400 6th st se. Minneapolis Blaisdell, Alfred, '98, Minot, N. D. Lawyer — United States Commissioner. Blaisdell, Helen E., '96, 72 Rush st, Somerville, Mass Teacher. Blethen. Alden Joseph. Jr., '91. 519 Highland Drive, Seattle, Wash Managing Editor (Stockholder) Daily Times. tBonfoy, Anna Helen. '84, (Mrs. Vaughn) Claremont, Cal *Bonniwell, Agnes Virginia, '82. Died Feb. 10. '92. tBonniwell, Harlow Horace, 81. Hutchinson, Minn Lawyer. Bonwell, Sadie L., '93. (Mrs. Fred D. Calkins) Algona, la Booth, Lawrence N., '97, San Jacinto, Cal Clergyman. Boraas, Julius, '95, Red Wing, Minn County Superintendent of Schools, Goodhue Co. Born camp, Edward, '93, Trinity Church. Boston Clergyman. Bothe, Edwin B., '99. Cottage Grove, Minn Principal of Schools at Good Thunder, Minn. Bowman. Fred C. '79, Duluth, Minn Physician and Surgeon. ♦Boyum, Sigurd J., '91, Died January 1. T895 Braasch. William F., '00. 2417 Lyndale av N, Minneapolis Medical student — University of Minnesota. Alumni Record 37 fBrabec, Frank Joseph. '90. Perham, Minn Physician and Surgeon. Brace, Emory Chace, '99, Palace Hotel, San Francisco, Cal Traveling Salesman. Bradford, Belle M. ,'84, Empire, Minn Bradford, Bertha A., '95, 324 13th av se, Minneapolis Principal of St. Peter High School. Bradford, Charles S., '00, Empire, Minn Farming. Bradford, James E., '92, (LL. B., '94) 405 Bailey Building, Seattle, Wash Lawyer. Bradford, Jessie A., '94, 405 Western av, St. Paul Teacher in St. Paul Schools. Bradford, Mary Grace, '94, Empire, Minn Teacher. Bradford, Winifred G., '00, 324 13th av se, Minneapolis Teacher of English in Janesville High School. tBratrud, Theodore, '96, (M. D., '99) Warren, Minn. Physician. Bray, Charles W., '91 (M. D., '95) Biwabik, Minn Physician. . . Breckenridge, Julia Reed, '96, 308 Day st, Decorah, la Teacher Languages, Decorah Institute. Brewer, Flora E., '97, 2314 Aldrich av S, Minneapolis Brewer, Mary Tuttle, '95, 2314 Aldrich av S, Minneapolis Brewster, Henry Webb, '87, (Ph. D.. '92) 5711 Madison av, Chicago, 111 Student of Sociology. tBriggs, John Gallup, '94, Berlin, Germany Graduate Student. Brill, Ethel C, '99, 2365 Carter av, St. Paul Book-reviewer, St. Paul Pioneer Press. Brill, Hascal R., Jr., '97, (LL. B., '99) 901 Pioneer Press Building. St. Paul Lawyer. *Broughton, Herbert John, '81, Died May 9, 1883 Brohough, Gustave O., '89 (LL. B., '93), Red Wing, Minn Teacher. Brokaw. Lena E., '00, Port Huron, Mich Teacher — Literature. Brooks, Adelia S., '99, 1016 Orange st, Los Angeles. Cal Teacher. Brooks, Harry B., '96, Renville, Minn Newspaper Publisher. Brown, Bertha W., '85, (Mrs. Frederic O. Getchell) Fort Totten N. D. Brown, Cora I., '80, (Mrs. Herbert W. Brownson) 3024 16th av S, Minneapolis Brown, Eliza K., '00, Aitkin, Minn Teacher. Browne, Henriette S., '99, 212 W. Grant st, Minneapolis Teacher. Brown, Minot J., '99, 619 4th st se, Minneapolis With Imoerial Elevator Co. Browne. William L., '00, 2800 3d av S, Minneapolis Draughtsman. Brugger, Vida, '98, 2732 Elliott av, Minneapolis Teacher. Bryant, James Francis, '80, Ida Grove, Minn Minister. Bryant. Julian C, '78, 129 E Congress st, St. Paul Principal Madison School. ♦Bryant, William Cullen, '81, Died Oct. 22, 1883 Buck, ('lemma, '99, 511 15th av se, Minneapolis Teacher. Buckley, Daniel, '95 (M. D., '98), Seattle, Wash Physician. 38 University of Minnesota Two Harbors, Minn Faribault, Minn Chicago Clear Lake, la Hopkins, Minn Hopkins, Minn Hopkins. Minn 3146 Minnehaha av, Minneapolis Arlington, Minn , '98, 2948 Fremont av N. Minneapolis and Teacher. (Mrs. Joel N. Childs), Ortonville, Minn Ada, Minn Buehler, Hetty G., '99, (Mrs. Lee Galloway) tBuer, James, '98, tBunnell, Frank S., '97, Instructor in Latin — Lewis Institute. Burgess, Georgia A., '94, 604 5th st se, Minneapolis Teacher — North High School. Burglehaus, Theron W., '98, 812 7th st se, Minneapolis Law student — University of Minnesota. Burnap, Willard L., '97, Student Rush Medical College. Burnes, Catherine A., '99 Physician and Surgeon. tBurnes, Clara Thornton, '94, tBurnes, Diana, '81, (Mrs. S. C. Campbell) Burnell, George Edwin, '81 Minister. Burnham, Ethel, '00, Teacher. IBursell, Herbert E. R. Mission Worker Butler, Martha, A., '76, Butler, Patrick J., '84, Superintendent of Public Schools. Butters, Frederic King, '99, 815 7th st S, Minneapolis Graduate student — University of Minnesota. Butts, Mary L., "00, Stillwater, Minn Teacher — Springfield. Byrnes, Agnes P., '94, 408 13th av se, Minneapolis Teacher. Byrnes. Mary R., '00, 408 13th av se, Minneapolis Teacher. Byrnes, Timothy E., '79, New York Life Building, Minneapolis Lawyer — New York Life Building, Minneapolis, and Kel- logg Building, Washington, D. C. Cadwell. Edith I., '98, Teacher. Cahoon, Charlotte Deming, '97, Science teacher. Caldwell, Alexader W., '95, Newspaper Reporter, Dispatch. Caldwell, George B., '98, 535 Westminster st, St. Paul Teacher in St. Paul Central High School. Campbell, Agnes M., '81, 327 3d av se, Minneapolis Representative Mutual Life of New York. Campbell, Effie M., '00, 710 13th av se, Minneapolis Teacher of Mathematics — Benson High School. Campbell, Graham Cox, '77, (M. A., '80) Burkeville, Va Principal of Ingleside Seminary. Campbell, John E., '98, (M. S., '99), City Hospital, Minneapolis House Physician and Surgeon. Campbell, Matilda J., '77, (M. L., '90) (Mrs. George F. Wilkin) 618 15th av se. Minneapolis Assistant Professor German — University of Minnesota. fCampbell, Walter Henry, '95, 512 Selby av, St. Paul Editor, West Publishing Co. Caplin, Grace, '99, 408 9th st S. Caplin, Jessie, '97, 408 9th st S, Teacher of Chemistry — Central High School. Carel, Hubert Charles, '93, Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Medical Department — Uni- versity of Minnesota. LeSueur, Minn Butte, Mont 595 Carroll st, St. Paul Minneapolis Minneapolis Minneapolis Carey, Henry B., '00, Instructor in Botany and Carlson, Carl F. W., '97, Superintendent of Schools. Carlson, Lydia B., '00, Teacher. 2421 Dearborn st, Chicago, 111 Pharmacogosy. Glenwood. Minn Barnesville. Minn Alumni Record 39 Carlton, Lillian Gregory, '99, 1528 Lyndale av, N, Minneapolis Teacher. Carson, Charles F., '99, Faribault, Minn Student. Carver, Walter M., '94, Marshall, Minn Teacher. Case, Frank W., '98, Marshall, Minn Publisher of Lyon County Reporter. Case, Lucy Roberts, '99, 1709 L st, Lincoln, Neb Bead of English Department in Lincoln High School. Case, M. Maud, '95, St. Peter, Minn Principal St. Cloud High School. ♦Case, Martin William, '96, Died Nov. 9th, 1897 tCass Andrew Russell, '75. Brainerd, Minn Market Gardener and Specialist. Cates, Alton M., '94, 310 Courier Building, Los Angeles, Cal Attorney-at-Law. Catherwood, Samuel D., '83, Austin, Minn Lawyer. Chadwick, Isabel, '99, Owatonna, Minn Teacher of English and History — St. Peter High School. Chalmers, Lillian H., '95, (Mrs. Charles H. Chalmers) 2640 Essex st se, Minneapolis Chambers, Winslow C, '00, 840 Judson av, Evanston, 111 Salesman in Wholesale House. Champlin, Eva M., '79, (Mrs. W. S. Barrett) 1621 22d av N, Minneapolis Chant, Sara Emily, '00, 616 E Franklin av, Minneapolis Chapin, Lewis Paul, '97, Leominster, Mass Student at University of Leipsic, ♦Chapman, Fanny Belle, '99, Died March 20, 1900 Chapman, Grace, '91, 553 6th av N, Minneapolis Teacher. Chapman, Herman H., '96, Grand Rapids, Mich Supenintendent State Experiment Farm. Chapman, Lucy Lord, '99, 593 Holly av., St. Paul Student of Design — St. Paul Art School. Chappie, Benjamin P., '91, Faribault, Minn Teacher. Chappie, Charles L., '92, (M. D., 98) Rochester, Minn Physician — Assistant Physician Rochester State Hospital for the Insane. Chase, Charles L., '91, Stillwater, Minn Shoe Merchant. Chase, Daisy. '98, 2479 University av, St. Paul Chatfield, Edward C, '74, 613 Fulton st, St. Paul Lawyer. Cheney, Mary Moulton, '92, 2239 Gordon av, St. Anthony Park, St. Paul Designer and Teacher of Design. Cheney, William Whittelsey, '89, 123 Michigan av, Chicago Physician. Child, Bertha, '99, 433 West st, Waukegan, 111 Teacher in the High School. Childs, Hubert G., '97, Wheaton, Minn Supertindent of Schools. Childs, Joel N., '77, Ortonville, Minn Superintendent of Public Schools. Chittenden, E. Porter, t>7, (Ripon, '74 ; Yale, '77) Kearney, Neb Clergyman. Chowen, Herbert O., 81, Great Falls, Mont Postmaster. Christianson, Christian H., '90, Hartman, S. D. Principal of Schools. Christianson, Peter, '90, 411 Walnut st se, Minneapolis Instructor in Metallurgy. Christopherson, Conrad H., '98, Long Prairie, Minn Superintendent of Schools. 40 University of Minnesota Church, Arthur B., '91, (LL. B., '96) Staples, Minn* Lawyer. Clark, George Archibald, '91, Stanford University, Cat Secretary to the University. Clark, Howard S., '95, (M. D., '97), Glencoe, Minn Physician. Clark, John S., '76, 729 10th av se, Minneapolis Professor of Latin — University of Minnesota. Clark, Leroy E., '95, (LL. B., '98) Care "Times," Minneapolis Assistant Superintendent Advertising. Clark, Theodore, '94, 363 W 123d st, New York Architect. Clark, Victor S., '90, (Ph. D., Columbia), Writer. 229 R St. N. E.. Washington, D. C. Clark, William W., '82, 313 Nicollet Av., Minneapolis Attorney. Clarke, Benjamin F., '92, 38 Sixth Av., La Grange (Chicago), 111. Teacher of mathematics, Lyons township high school. tClarke. Frederick Henry, '83, 116 Rialto Bldg, Chicago, 111. Grain Dealer. Clement, Lucian O. '99, 317 Delaware St. S. E., Minneapolis Medical student. tClevenger, June O., '97, Dixon, Cal. Teacher. Clifford, Elmer L., '95, The Times Office, Minneapolis Assistant City Editor of Times. Clinton, Fanny Loudon, '00, (Mrs. Charles Wilmot Clinton), 149 Broadway, Norwich. Conn. Teacher, charge of English Dept., Norwich Free Academv. Clipfell, Mary Elizabeth, '98, Redwood Falls, Minn. Teacher. Coe, William T., '94, 1217 30th Av. N., Minneapolis Lawyer, Office, 435 Temnle Court. Cogelow, William J., '00, 674 Edmund st, St. Paul Teaching at New Auburn. Cohen, Lillian, '00, 415 E 14th st, Minneapolis Graduate student U. of M. tCole, Eugenia Louise, '94, (Mrs. Alvin II. Poehler), 2124 Girard Av. S., Minneapolis. Cole, George E., : 00, 109 Oak Grove st, Minneapolis Cedar Lake Ice Co. Colgrove, Maude C. '93, (Mrs. Fred Schilplin) St. Cloud, Minn tCollom, John Franklin, '79, Boston, Mass Lawyer. Colson, Louis H., '00 Lamberton, Minn Superintendent of Public Schools. Colter, Mabel Augusta, '93, 620 Central Park Place, St. Paul Teacher of History, Mechanic Arts High School. Comfort, Sarah Catherine, '90, 2 Grove Place, Minneapolis East Side High School, Teacher. Comstock, Grace Eleanor, '99, EstnervlUe, Iowa Assistant Principal High School. Condit, William Henry, '96, (M. D., '99) 1010 4th st se. Minneapolis Physician. Cone, Benjamin, '00, Windom, Minn Real Estate. Conger, Charles T., '90, 1075 Clarkson st, Denver, Col Teacher. Connor, Myrtle, '91, (Mrs. Charles L. Chase), Stillwater. Minn Cook, Edna, '88, (Mrs. Charles H. McCaslin) 332 W Warren st. Bucyrus, Ohio tCook, Roy Jay, '95, 8 14th st E, Minneapolis Assistant Secretary, Peavey Elevator Co. Cooley, Bret E., '99, Otsego, Minn Teacher. Cooley, Martha M., '93, Station "A." Minneapolis Cornish, Edwin J., '99, 824 Monroe st, Chicago, III Student Rush Medical College — Class '02. Alumni Record 41 tCornish, Frank V., '98, Kansas City, Mo Lawyer. Couillard, Fred L., '78, Richfield, Minn Farmer. Countryman, Gratia A., '89, 1329 6th st se, Minneapolis Librarian. Countryman, Lana M., '90, (Mrs. Charles T. Conger) 1075 Clarkson st, Denver, Col *Cotton, Henrv, '90. Died Jan. 22, 1901 fCouper, Everett W., '99. Lodi, Cal Student Seabury Divinity School, Faribault, Minn. Covell, .A Eugene, '92 945 14th av se, Minneapolis Cashier Y. & L. Coal Co. Covell, Frank E.. '90, (LL. B., '93) 945 14th av se, Minneapolis Lawyer — Publisher, 734 Lumber Exchange. Cox, Norman J., '98, Wasioja, Minn Medical student — University of Minnesota Coxe, Jessie E., '00, Worthington, Minn Teacher of English, Worthington High School. Crafts, Lettie M., '81, 610 5th st se, Minneapolis Assistant Librarian, University of Minnesota — Member of the City Library Board. Crafts, Leo Melville, '86, 610 5th st se, Minneapolis Physician ; Dean and Professor of Nervous Diseases in Hamline University. ■Crafts, Robert H., '76, 2329 6th st S, Minneapolis Craig, Alice Evelyn, 99, 732 Marshall av, St. Paul High School Instructor — Anoka. Craig, Marion Jean, '94, (Mrs. Franklin H. Wentworth) 2945 Wabash av, Chicago, III Reader. Crane, Fremont, '86, (B. C. E., '87 ; C. E., '98) Spokane, Wash Civil Engineer tCrecelius, John Augustus, '94, St. Louis, Mo Newspaper Man. -Crocker, Frances E., '00, 51 Clarence av se, Minneapolis Teacher. *Crombie, John S., '93, (B. A., '76, University of Michigan) Died April 14. 1893 Cross, Clare A., '00, 1701 Thomas Place, Minneapolis Teacher. Cross, J. Grosvenor, '92, Rochester, Minn Physician. Cross, Norton Murdock,, '87, 606 Mj E 27th st. Minneapolis Lawyer. Crosswell, Thomas H., '87, Bemidji, Minn Civil Engineer, Northern Pacific Ry. fCrounse. Emma Seabury, '99, 2524 Aldrich av, Minneapolis Crozier, Mary Ruth, '00, Monticello, Minn Teaching at Ruhsford, Minn. •Cunningham, Emery M., '98, Washburn, Wis Instructor in Science in High School. Currie, Ebenezer A., '77, Merriam Park, Minn. ; Dickinson, N. D. Real Estate Broker, St. Paul ; Live Stock, Dickinson, N. D. Curtis, Grace W., '82, (Mrs. Edward A. Gowran) Portage, Wis Curtis, John P., '98, Thief River Falls, Minn Prom-ietor Drug Store. Custer, Junie L., '98, 1108 3d av S, Minneapolis Principal Shakopee School. Cutts, Rollin E., '90, (M. D., '93) 2713 Blaisdell av, Minneapolis Physician and Surgeon, 802 Dayton Building. tDahl, Anna Dorothea, '00, Minneapolis Dahl, John A., '92, (LL. B., '93) 535 Temple Court, Minneapolis Lawyer. Dahlen, Fred, '00, Oslo, Minn Farmer. Dalrymple, John S., '96, Summit a v, St. Paul Farmer. 42 University of Minnesota Dalrymple, William, 95, Duluth, Minn Grain Commission. Daniel, May, '99, 1057 13th av se, Minneapolis Catalogueing-Assistant on Cumulative Book Index. Daniels, Ada E., '98 2440 Girard av S, Minneapolis Daniels, Mary A., '96, 947Amsterdam av, New York City Director of Gymnastics. Danner, Harry R., '96, (LL. M., '94; Ph. D., '99) 141 Broadway, New York City Lawyer. Davidson, Mary I., '96, Luverne, Minn Teacher. Davies, J. Milton, '96, Wayzata, Minn Principal of Schools. Davis, Frederick U., '98, Mankato, Minn Medical student — University of Minnesota. Davis, Isabel H., '98, (Mrs. Walter C. Poehler) 1018 Hawthon av, Minneapolis Davis, Perley A., '98, Caledonia, Minn Superintendent of Schools. Day, Ernest E., '95, 1515 Adams st ne, Minneapolis Pastor Open Door Congregational Church. Day, R. Noble, '96, 402 Palladio Building, Duluth, Minn Lumberman. Dean, Frank Edson, '98, Luverne, Minn Superintendent of City Schools. tDeCoster. Esther Louise, '99, Litchfield, Minn Teacher — Little Falls. tDeKay, Cornelia, '95, Red Wing, Minn Teacher. Demmon, Alice E., '82, 905 S. Busey av, Urbana, 111 Director Domestic Science. Department Public Schools. Dever, Charles S., '93, (LL. B., '94; LL. M., '95) Minneapolis Lawyer — 537 Andrus Building. Devereaux, Thomas, '97, City Hospital, Minneapolis House Physician. Dewart, (John) Harry McLean, '94, St. Thomas, N. D. Farmer. Dewart, Murray Wilder, '97, Winthrop Hall, Cambridge, Mass Clergyman — Episcopalian. Dewey, Rupert C, '92, Washington, D. C. Lieutenant U. S. Marine Corps, U. S. Navy. tDib^le, Eugene R., '00, Minneapolis Dickerman, Arthur E., '82, 116 W 7th st, St. Paul Dickinson, Albert J., '98, 457 Ashland av, St. Paul Clerk G. N. Ry., D. and S. car department. Dickinson, Lucy E., '97, (Mrs. E. Franklyn Hertz) 801 Andrus Building, Minneapolis Dinehart, Clarence C, '99, Slayton, Minn Teller State Bank of Slayton. Dinsmoor, Adelbert O., '87, Compton, Cal tDittenhoefer, Frank Herman, '92, 1514 Bryant av N, Minneapolis Lawyer (635 Temple Court) Dixson, Harry L., '97, Northfield, Minn Actor. Dobie, Ellen, '98, 1912 Clinton av, Minneapolis Teacher in Central High School. Dodge, Albert A., '91, (M. D., '94) Faribault, Minn Physician and Surgeon. Dodge, Clayton J., '98, Oaremont Minn Law student — University of Minnesota. Dodge, Warren M., '90, (M. D., '95) Farmington, Minn Physician and Surgeon. Doherty, Anne, '00, 608 W 7th st, St. Paul Teacher. Doherty, Agnes L., '95, 608 W 7th st, St. Paul Teacher in St. Paul Central High School, St. Paul. Alumni Record 43 Doherty, Mary H., "95, 608 W 7th st, St. Paul Teacher in Central High School, St. Paul. Donaldson, Elizabeth, '00, 1126 5th st se, Minneapolis Teacher. Donaldson, Eleanor L., '00, 1126 5th st se, Minneapolis Teacher. ♦Donaldson, Susanne T., '97, (Mrs. William M. Sloss) Died March 8th, 1901 Donohue, Jeremiah I., '84, (B. Ag., '87) St. Cloud, Minn Patents and Claims. Doty, Mabel O., '99, Courtland, Minn Dresser, Helene A., '93, (Mrs. Fred Morrow Fling) 641 S 13th st, Lincoln, Neb Dresser, Medora E., '99, 420 Madison st ne, Minneapolis Teacher Literature and German. Drew, Mary E., '96, 388 S Union st, Burlington, Vt Teacher. Duncan, Theodore L., '99, St. Anthony Park, Minn Assistant in Forestry — Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Minnesota. tDunlap, Alexander Hamilton, '99, Manistee, Mich tDunlap, George C, '97, (M. A., '98) 18 W Central av, St. Paul Assistant Instructor Latin, Minneapolis Academy. Dunham, Lucy B., '97, Alexandria, Minn Teacher. Dunton, Harriet E., '00, ' Red Wing, Minn Teacher Durkee, Carolyn, '97, (Mrs. Albert H. Harmon) 58 Prospect Terrace, St. Paul fDutcher, Kate Ethel, '95, Seattle, Wash. Dyer, George E., '98, 253 U. of M., Minneapolis Law student — University of Minnesota. Eaton, Jessie G., '97 1302 Yale Place, Minneapolis Teacher in South Side High School. Eaton, Rose Winnifred, '95, Wells, Minn Principal of Schools — Wadena. tEckmann, Frank A., '96, (B. A., Gustavus Adolphus) Eddy. Esther M., '98, 916 6th st se, Minneanpolis Eggen, Halsten O., '99, St. Peter, Minn Teacher in High School. tEkblad, A Theodore, '00, (B. A., Augsburg) Hopkins, Minn Elftman, Arthur Hugo, '92, 706 Globe Building, Minneapolis Geologist and Mining Engineer. Eliason, Adolph Oscar, '96, (M. A., Harvard, '98), Montevideo, Minn Banking. Ellingson, George H., '96, Canton. S. D. Teacher of German and English, Augustana College, Canton, S. D. Elliott, Charles Burke, '88, 227 Oak Grove st, Minneapolis Judge of the 4th Judicial District Elliott, Etta Medora, '79, (Mrs. Edward P. Adams) 36 Emery st, Medford, Mass Ellis, Sidney A., '96, 178 Huntington av, Boston, Mass Osteopathic Physician. Ellithorpe, Clarence, '95, Walhalla, N. D. Principal of School. Elmquist, Anthony F., '97, (Ph. D., '00) Duluth, Minn Clergyman. Elwell, Jessie H C, '93, (Mrs. William D. Frost) Madison, Wis Elwell, Mattie Laura, '89, 1064 16th av se, Minneapolis Teacher in East Side High School Elwell, Mary W., '86, (Mrs. Theodore N. Spaulding, South Park,, Minn Elwell, T. Robert, '95, Stoughton, Wis Congregational minister. Ely, Helen M., '75, (Mrs. Henry M. Williamson) 120 E 26th st, Portland, Ore 44 University of Minnesota Emery, Elwood A., '87, 51 St. Stephen st, Boston, Mass Vocal Teacher, Emmons, Frank W., '99, 2621 16th av S, Minneapolis Graduate Assistant Chemistry — University of Minnesota. Empey, Clarence R., '93, 1214-16 Guaranty Loan Building, Minneapolis Lawyer, Espy, Lila Wood, '95, 74 Summit av, St. Paul Eustis, Frank. '77, 825 Guaranty Loan Building Real Estate and Loans. Eustis, Fred, '77, 3107 4th st se, Minneapolis Farmer. Eustis, Warren Clark, '73, Owatonna, Minn Physician and Surgeon. Evans, Marv S., '97, (M. L., '99) 1015 6th st se, Minneapolis Teacher in North High School. Evans, Tamazine McKee, '97, (Mrs. Owen J. Evans) 1726 Dupont av S, Minneapolis tEverts, Katherine Jewell, '94, 79 Clarence av se, Minneapolis Teacher — Winona State Normal. Fanning. Mary G., '99, 657 E 7th st, St. Paul Teacher of Biology and History — Humboldt High School. Faries, John Cuthbert, 2318 Pleasant av, Minneapolis Clergyman — Editor and Proprietor of "The North and West." Farmer, Ernest M., '96, 1208 6th av, Seattle, Wash Farmer, John F., '92, Spring Valley, Minn Diplomate of OstheoDathy. Faude, Frank C, '97, 1811 Park av, Minneapolis Reporter. Faude, Paul, '00, 1811 Park av, Minneapolis Lease Agent, Northern Pacific Railroad Fay, William E., '83, 290 Commonwealth av, Boston, Mass Physician. Featherstone, Ora M., '99, Zumbrota, Minn High School Teacher Felch, Frances, '99, (Mrs. Charles A. Snow) Wadena, Minn Felch, Susie, '95, (Mrs. James Campbell, Jr.) Wadena, Minn Ferner, Roy Y., '97, U. S. Naval Observatory, Washington, D. C. Computer in Naval Observatory. *Ferree, Charles Wesley, '93, (M. A., '97) Deceased Field, Peter, '96, Carthage, 111 Profesor of Mathematics and Astronomy Carthage College. Fillmore, Albert Ernest, '88, Vermillion, S. D. Clergyman. Finch, Albert A., '88, Blooming Prairie, Minn Physician and Surgeon. Finch, Arthur J., '99, Brookings, S. D. Minister. tFink, Bruce. 00, (M. S., U of 111.) Fayette, la Upper Iowa University. Finlayson, George A. E., '96, (LL. B., '99) Crookston, Minn Attorney-at-Law. Firkins, Ina, '88, 1528 4th st se, Minneapolis Librarian. Firkins, Oscar W., '84, 201 Harvard st se, Minneapolis Instructor in Rhetoric — University of Minnesota. Fish, Elizabeth M., '97, 2301 3d av S, Minneapolis Teacher at Central High. Fish, Florence A., '99, 2301 3d av S, Minneapolis Teacher — Hastings. Fisher, Elizabeth A., '98. 118 Royalston av, Minneapolis Teacher of French and Latin — Stillwater High School. Fisher, Elizabeth M„ '95, (Mrs. F. L. Barker) Hotel Waverly, Minneapolis fFisher, James Van S., '97, Minneapolis Teacher — East Side High School. Alumni Record 45 Fitch, Lester J., '99, 2213 Portland av, Minneapolis Student in Law Department. Flanagan, Charles G., '98, 152 S. D. University of Chicago, Chicago Student Pastor at Grant Park, 111. tFlanders, Romane C, '98, Kansas City, Mo Salesman and Collector, Swift & Co. Flaten, Nils, '93, Northfleld, Minn Professor of Latin, St. Olaf College. Fleming, Ellsworth, '00, Vernon Ceter, Minn Farmer. Fleming, Hattie Evelyn, '94. 201 Harvard st se, Minneapolis Fletcher, Carrie D., '82, (Mrs. Chelsea J. Rockwood), 1700 Thomas Place, Minneapolis Folin, Otto, '92, Waverly, Mass Reserch Chemist in the McLean Hospital. Folsom, Mary Louise, '93, 1003 6th av S, Minneapolis Teacher in the Public Schools. Folwell, Russell H., '93, Minneapolis Engineer of Barnett & Record Co. tFoote, Clara DeMaris, '00, Minneapolis Force, Frank E., '00, 2700 Fremont av S, Minneapolis Graduate student — University of Minnesota. tFord, Celia, '97. Forsyth, Ollie B., '99, B-7 Harmon Court, Minneapolis Graduate student — University of Minnesota. *Foss, August, '97, Died Sept. 24, 1898, at Camp Meade, Pa U. S. V. 2d Engineers. Foster, Wesley S., '96, (LL. B., '99) Milaca, Minn Practicing Law. Foss, Elizabeth H., '99, 326 13th av se, Minneapolis Science Teacher. Fowler, Carl Hitchcock, '95, (B. S., '96), 96 Broadway, New York Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Fowler, Harry A., '95, Baltimore, Md Medical Student — Johns Hopkins Medical School. Fox, Henrietta Gertrude, '95, 2204 17th av S, Minneapolis Teacher. Frankel, Louis R., '97, (LL. B. '99) 50 National German Bank Building, St. Paul Attorney-at-Law. tFrankenfield, Laura E., '94, Minneapolis Manning College. Freeman, Emma C, '94, 967 Euclid st, St. Paul Teacher. Freeman, Edward M., '98 967 Euclid st, St. Pan! Instructor in Botany — University of Minnesota. Fridley, Don P., '96, (LL. B., '94) Becker, Minn Stock and Ranch Business. Friedlander, Esther, '92, (A. M.. '93) 2803 2d av S. Minneapolis Principal High School, Windom, Minn. Fritzsche, Frances Pauline, '00. Fargo, N. D. Teacher of Latin and English Literature. Frost, Flora J., '90, Jackson, Minn Teacher. Frost, William Dodge, '93. (M. S., '94) Madison, Wis Instructor in Bacteriology — University of Wisconsin. Fryberger, Harrison E., '90, ( LL. B., '92) 819 4th av S, Minneapolis Lawyer Frye, Nora, '91, Stillwater, Minn Teacher in High School, Latin Deparatment. Fuller, Lillian, '93, 1928 Portland av, Minneapolis Teacher in South High School. ♦Fuller, Viola, '77, (Mrs. J. E. Miner) Died May 25, 1893 Fullerton, Caroline A., '96. 3016 Harriet av. Minneapolis Pincipal Mankato High School. Fullerton, Ellen C, '00, 3016 Harriet av, Minneapolis Medical student — University of Minnesota. 46 University of Minnesota Funk, Gertrude, '99, Mapleton, Minn Teacher. tFurber, James Lawrence, "00, Cottage Grove, Minn Furlong, Bridget, '98, 219 Winifred st, St. Paul Teacher. Furst, William, '99, Minneapolis Librarian University of Minnesota College of Law. *Gage, Addison, Jr., '79. Died Sept. 19, 1883 Galloway, Lee, '96, Two Harbors, Minn Superintendent City Schools. Gardiner, Edward B., '91, Care Le Grand Leader, St. Louis, Mo Writer and Designer of Advertising. Garfield, William H., '97, Greenville, Mich Pastor Baptist Church. Garrity. Harry, '96, Washtucna, W T ash Gaylord, Edsen S., '83, 2221 N Fremont av, Minneapolis Lawyer— 550 Temple Court. tGeiser, Rudolph, '00, Morris, Minn. Teacher. Geisness, Thomas, '97, Minneapolis Graduate student — University of Minnesota. George, James W., '96, 707 15th av se, Minneapolis Medical student — University of Minnesota. Gerdsen, William C, '98, Victoria, Minn Teacher in High School Litchfield. Gerhard, Mary L., '00, 110 Lumber Exchange. Minneapolis *Germo, Severt, '88, Died Sept. 3, 1894 Getchell, Nettie, '76, 537 Maple av, Los Angeles, Cal Teacher. Gibbs, Elsie Carolyn, '96, Monticello, Minn Teacher. Gibbs, Gertrude, '93, (M. S.. '96, Cornell) Everett, Wash Principal of High School. Giddings, Arthur E., '89, (Li^. B., '92) Anoka, Minn Lawyer — Judge of District Court, 18th Judicial District. Gideon, Florence, '88 (Mrs. Florence Gideon Webster) Eveleth, Minn tGilfillan, Fred James, '95, St. Paul Gillette, Lewis S., '76, Minneapolis President Gillette-Herzog Manufacturing Co., President Min- nesota Malleable Iron Co., Vice-President Metropolitan Bank, Western Manager American Bridge Co. Gilman. Joshua E., '87, Winnebago City, Minn County Superintendent of Schools. Gislason, Haldor B., '00, 13 Florence Court se Minneapolis Law student — University of Minnesota. Gjerset, Knut, '93, Glenwood, Minn Principal of Glenwood Academy. Glasoe, Paul Maurice, '97, 414 Harvard st se, Minneapolis Instructor in Chemistry — University of Minnesota. Glattly, Bertha L., '00, Sumner, la Teacher — Jackson, Minn. tGlidden, Mary O., '97. Godward, William A., '95, Pembina, N. D. Teacher. Goode, John Paul, '89, Charleston. Ill Department of Physical Science and Geography — State Nor- mal School. Goodnow, John Finley, '79, Shanghai, China U. S. Consul General. Goodsill, Mary I., '95, (Mrs. George S. Todd) Lake City, Minn Goodwin Godfrey G., '95, Cambridge, Minn Lawyer — County Attorney. tGould, Alfred Burt, '87, Wasioja, Minn Teacher. Gould, Chester N., '96. (M. A., '00) Leipsic, Germany Graduate student — University of Leipsic. Gould, Gertrude Helen, '97, 1112 4th st se, Minneapolis Assistant in High School. Alumni Record 47 Gould, James B., '82, 3201 Niccolet av, Minneapolis Physician and Surgeon. tGould, Luella E., '97, Owatonna, Minn Goulding, Louisa S., '00, 870 Clark st, St. Paul Teacher of Mathematics and Science. Gowdy, Chestine, '99, 81 Arthur av, Minneapolis Teacher. Graber, Albert, '88, 141 5th av ne, Minneapolis Civil Engineer, 1208 Guaranty Building. Graham, Christopher, '87, Rochester, Minn Physician. Grannis, Henry J., '86, Duluth, Minn Lawyer. Grant, J. Colfax, '90, (LL. B., '93, Columbia Law School) 500 Temple Court, Minneapolis Gray, Janet, '97, (Mrs. Archibald M. Stewart) Delhi, Minn Grant, Nelly, '97, (Mrs. C. R. Christenson) Starbuck, Minn. Grant, Ulysses Sherman, '88, Evanston, 111 Professor of Geology, Northwestern University. Graves, Ethel S., '98, 437 Bidwell st, St. Paul High School Instructor. Graves, John W., '92, 1511 Summit Boulevard, Spokane, "Wash Lawyer. Gray, George A., '95, (M. D., '98) Hyde Block, Spokane, Wash Physician. Gray, James, '85, 4212 Sheridan av S, Minneapolis Newspaper work. Gray, Stella, '99, (Mrs. Edward Augustus Whitman) Preston, Minn Greeley, Horace B., '80, Mapleton, Minn Farmer. Green, Eugene K., '95, Brooklyn Center, Minn Medical student — University of Minnesota. Green, Frank Evard, '94. Manila, P. I. Captain U. S. V., Montana. Green, George H., '99. Jordan, Minn Principal of Schools. tGreenwood Carl De Forris, '94, St. Paul Commercial Traveler. Greenwood, Curtis L., '85, Telluride, San Miguel Co., Col Civil and Mining Engineer — Proprietor of fruit farm at Hotchkiss, Delta Co., Col. Greer, Allen J., '79, Lake City, Minn Attorney-at-Law — State Senator. Gregory, Joel Ernest, '96, (LL. B., '98) 877 Phalen av, St. Paul Lawyer — 505 Manhattan Building. Griffin, Miriam E., '00, 1721 Taylor st, St. Paul Teacher. Grimes, Emma Elizabeth, '81, 3209 Nicollet av, Minneapolis Grimes. George S., '81, 4400 Beard av S, Minneapolis Lawyer. Gross, Otis C, '90, Eau Claire, Wis Superintendent of City Schools. tGrotte. Anthony, '93 (LL. B., '94) 2325 N 6th St., Minneapolis Lawyer — Castner & Grotte. Gruenberg, Benjamin C, '96, 641 Washington st, New York City Polariscopist, U. S. Laboratory. Grussendorf, Deidrich A., '97, New Ulm, Minn Teacher of Sciences, High School. Guilford, Harry M., '95, (M. D., '98) 1820 Hawthorn av, Minneapolis Physician. Guilford, Paul Willis, '97, (LL. B., 00) 1820 Hawthorn av, Minneapolis Lawyer — 307 Lumber Exchange. Guthrie, Anna Lorraine, '92, 1312 5th st se, Minneapolis Library Assistant at University of Minnesota. Guthrie, Charles E., '91, 10 Ashmore Court, se Minneapolis Medical student — University of Minnesota. 48 University of Minnesota Guthrie, Dora May, '91, (Mrs. C. E. Huntington) Luverne, Minn Guthrie, Joseph E., '00, 1614 4th st se, Minneapolis Scholar in Zoology at University ; also doing graduate work. Hadley, William Aaron, 89, (B. A., '81 Earlham College) Marietta, O Instructor in Latin, Marietta College. Haecker, Elfleda, '98, (M. S., '00, Nebraska) 1205 Raymond av, St. Paul At present assisting father in his office. Hagar, Etta M., '97, 11 Tremont st, Lawrence, Mass Teacher. 1-Hagestad, Knut M., '99, (B. A., Luther College). *Hahn, Roland Bruce, '93, Died July 14, 1893 Hale, Charles S., '92, 2541 Garfield av, Minneapolis Secretary and Treasurer Minnesota Sandstone Co. Hall, Arthur Dillwyn, '94. 2244 Nicollet av, Minneapolis Principal Minneapolis Classical School. Hall, Sarah P., '99, Zumbrota, Minn Teacher. Hallock, Olive N., '99, Faribault, Minn Teacher in Hutchinson High School. Hamilton, Herbert C, '97, 835 Congress st, Detroit, Mich Pharmacologist. Hamlin, Ernest F., '98, 1500 Hawthorn av, Minneapolis Men's Furnishing Goods. iHammond, Asa J., '91, (M. D., '96) Winnebago City, Minn Physician. Hammond, George H., '87. Lake City, Minn Lawyer — County Attorney. Hanft, Frank W., '91, Brainerd, Minn Principal High School. Hankinson, Helen, '98, Appleton. Minn Teacher. Hannum. Harry O., '93, 142 Hemenway st, Boston, Mass Clergyman — Old South Church. Hanson, George A., '97, Willmar, Minn Instructor — Willmar Seminary. Hanson, Perry Oliver, '99, Lawrence, Kan College Secretary of Kansas Y. M. C. A. 1901-02 Secretary of Y. M. C. A. — University of Minnesota. Harding, Everhart P.. '94, 1316 7th st se, Minneapolis Instructor of Chemistry. Harding, William A., '97, Winnebago City, Minn Farmer and Stockman. Harmon, William Webb, '91, Menominee, Mich Teller, Lumberman's National Bank Harrington, William E., '81, Hutchinson, Minn Banker. Harris, Emily R., '93, (Mrs. John E. Bell) 2401 Park av, Minneapolis Harris, Julia Fillmore, '00, 615 9th av se, Minneapolis Teacher. Harris, Mary C, '98. 420 Main st, Winona, Minn Teaching Latin in Winona High School. Hart, Albert, '99, Mesa, Ariz Teacher. Hart, Emma M., '95, 72 Bedford av se, Minneapolis Indexing Cumulative Book Index. Hartley, Heber, '93, Cass Lake, Minn Manager Cass Water, Light & Power Co. Hartman, William D., '96. Valley City, N. D. Instructor — History and Drawing, Valley City Normal School Haugan, Otto M., '96, Fergus Falls, Minn Student — Northwestern University. Haughwout, Evelina M., 98, Sioux Falls. S. D. Teacher, Latin and Greek, All Saint's School. Hawley, Anna McD., '97, 3-3 11th av se, Minneapolis Teacher at Anoka, Minn. Alumni Record 40 Hawley, John B., '87, Ft. Worth, Texas City Engineer. Hawley, Mary Everett, '96, 323 11th av se, Minneapolis Hayden, J. Clyde, '00 33 Kent Square, Brookline, Mass Editor National Magazine Hayes, Helen L., '95, 1867 Winfield st, Los Angeles, Cal Teacher. Hays, Grace A., '99, 2825 2d av S, Minneapolis Teacher of Science, North Side High School Head, George Douglas, '92, (M. D., '95) 300 Walnut st, se, Minneapolis Physician and Surgeon. Healy, Frank, '82, 1114 4th st se, Minneapolis Lawyer — City Attorney. Helliwell, Arthur L., '95, (LL. M., *97) 205 E Grant st, Minneapolis Lawyer — Helliwell & Keyes. Helliwell, Clare F., '98, 205 E Grant st, Minneapolis Assistant Principal — Renville High School. Helliwell, Harriet E., '98, 205 E Grant st, Minneapolis Hempstead, Clark, 96, Faribault, Minu Teacher, Shattuck School. Hendrickson, Albert P., '77, 22 E 4th st, St. Paul Contractor. Hendrickson, Emma L., (Mrs. Charles Lyford) 817 3d av S, Minneapolis "Hendrickson, Eugene A., '76, Died April 5, 1901 * Hendrickson, George Lorenzo, '84, Died February 11, 1896 Hendrix, Julia M., '98, 2022 Blaisdell av, Minneapolis Teacher of Mathematics. Henry, Laura A., '99, 228 University Av ne, Minneapolis Henry, Marie Louise, '82, (Mrs. Frank Healy) 1114 4th st se, Minneapolis Herrick, Clarence L., '80, (M. S., '85; Ph. D., '98) Albequerque, N. M. President University of New Mexico ; Director Hadley Clim- atological Laboratory : Director University Geological Survey : Mining and Geological Engineer. Herrick, Mary L., '98, 1812 3rd Av S., Minneapolis. Teacher. Hewett, Edwin Hawley, Paris, France Student of Architecture. Hibbard, Mary Davis, '99, (Mrs. II. Wade Hibbard). Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Hildreth. Alvin, '79. Montrose, S. D., Spirit Lake, Minn Farmer and Teacher. Hill, Lincoln, '97, Creston, 111 Teacher. Hillman, Ada B. , '95, 622 E 24th st, Minneapolis Secretary of the University Y. W. C. Association. Hills, Martha F., '99, New Richmond, Wis Hilyer, Andrew F., '82, 2352 6th st nw, Washington, D. C. Clerk Office of Auditor for the Interior Department, U. S. Treasury. Issued March 15, a social study of the colored population of Washington, D. C. Hinshaw, Jesse D., '87, 627 Boston Block, Minneapolis Merchant Tailor. Hinshaw, Millard E., '87, 503 6th st se, Minneapolis Manufacturer Clothing, Northwestern Block. Hitchings, John R.. '97, 303 Mclntyre Block, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Canada Osteopathic physician. Hobbs, Fred Ezra, '92, 2217 Polk st, Minenapolis Lawyer — Justice of the Peace. Hodder, Mabel E., '99, (Mrs. William Charles Hodder) 107 Royalston av, Minneapolis 50 University of Minnesota Hodgson, John Edward, '95, 615-17 Hyde Block, Spokane, Wash Osteopathic Physician. Holbrook, Anna H., '95, 1514 Nicollet av, Minneapolis Teacher — New Bedford, Mass. Holland, Mary A., '96, 820 6th st se, Minneapolis Hollister, Louise E., '83, 1312 6th st se, Minneapolis Associate National Secretary Y. W. C. T. U. Holmes, James E., '97, Fargo, N. D. Clothing Business. Holmes, Walter B., '88, (M. D., '94) Ada, Minn Physician and Surgeon. Holt, Andrew, '80, 2542 Chicago av, Minneapolis Municipal Judge of the City of Minneapolis. Holt, Carrie Warner, '82, (Mrs. R. W. Jameson), 1102 W 14th st, Sioux City, la *Holt, Lydia Rossiter, '82, Died February, 1885 Holt, Mary E., '82. 622 14th av se, Minneapolis Holt. Sophie S., '99. 718 W 5th st, Duluth, Minn Teacher — Under appointment as missionary to Brousa, Tur- key, by A. B. C. F. M., to begin work this coming Sep- tember. Holtz, Eleanor, '96, 2112 Portland av, Minneapolis Teacher. Holtz, Fred L., '92, Mankato, Minn Instructor in Physics and Chemistry in State Normal School. -fHoltz, Hattie, '98, 2112 Portland av, Minneapolis Teacher — Osseo. tHooker, Mary L., '97. 40 Royalston av, Minneapolis Hooper, Marie L., '00, (Mrs. Noble Darrow) Chicago, 111. Horton. George R., '97, 439 W 64th st Chicago, III Reporter Chicago Record. Horton, Joseph E., '80, Linton, N. D. Banking and Merchandising. Horton. Lawrence E., '97, Wahpeton, N. D. Farm Implements. Hotchkiss. Foi, '99, Huntley, Minn Teacher — Wellington, Kansas. Hough, Emily L., '81, (Mrs. William H. Savidge) 908 Fort st, Boise, Idaho. House, Elizabeth A.. '80, 317 16th av se, Minneapolis Hoverstad. Bertha. '99, (M. A., '00, Cornell) Ithaca, New York Graduate work. Hovland. Henry B., '94, (M. S., '95). Duluth, Minn Engineer of Mines — 510 Lonsdale Building. tHowell. Judson T., '78. Hoyt, Mary A., "95. 710 15th av S, Minneapolis Teacher in Washington Public Schools. Hubbell. Joseph G., '98, 226 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Fire Insurance Inspector — Survev Bureau. Huff, Charles, '99, Springfield. Minn Superintendent of Schools. Hughes, Mary N., '82, (Mrs. Charles E. Sinclair) 1400 Adams st ne. Minneapolis *Huhn. Carl. '95, (M. D., '98) Died March 7, 1898 Hult, Gottfrid Emanuel, Fargo, N. D. Professor of Languages. Humphrey, Harry B.. '99. St. James, Minn Teacher in High School. Hungerford, Josephine, '96, (Mrs. Ralph Wood Reynolds) Selby, S. D. Hunt, Emma S.. '98, 1018 7th st se, Minneapolis Teacher. tHuntington. Arthur Elon, Luverne, Minn Hardware. Huntington, Elon Obed, '92, Washington, D. C. Assistant Surgeon U. S. Navy — Navy Department. tHuntington, George Lincoln, '93, Luverne. Minn Business. Alumni Record 51 Huntoon, Ruth, '94, (Mrs. Robert Slater), Hudson, Wis *Hurd, Bradford Coryelle, *92, (LL. B., '94) Died July 15, 1895 Hursh, William, '98, (LL. B., '00) Long Lake, Minn Lawyer — 5 and 6 Loan & Trust Building, Minneapolis. Hutchinson, Effie H., '99, (Mrs. J. E. Hodgson) 615 Hyde Block, Spokane, Wash. Hutchinson, John Corrin, '76, 3866 Blaisdell av, Minneapolis Professor of Greek, University of Minnesota. ♦Hutchinson, Joseph Henry Capper, '84, Died November 21, 1888 Hutchinson, Ruth S., '00, 3806 Blaisdell av, Minneapolis Teaching Latin — Brainerd. Ireys, Charles G., '00, 1817 Vine Place, Minneapolis Employ of Minneapolis Street Railway Co. Irving, Mary E., '85, (Mrs. Curtis L. Greenwood, Winter, Hotchkiss, Col. ; summer, Telluride, Col. Irwin, John B., '98, Richfield, Minn Proprietor of Woodlake Stock Farm. Jackson, Charles W., '90, Bird Island, Minn Teacher. Jackson, Jeannie M., '99, 1916 4th st se, Minneapolis Teaching — Howard Lake, Minn. Jackson, Katharine, '95, 1428 6th st se, Minneapolis Teacher. Jackson, Robert Lyon, '94, 250 Center st, Winona, Minn Clergyman. tJackson, Whiiam Augustus, '91, (LL. B., '93), 1428 6th st se, Minneapolis. Lawyer. Jacobsen, Effie M., '99, Luverne, Minn Jamieson, Gertrude E., '00, Devils Lake, N. D. Assistant in High School, t Jefferson, Annie Harriet, '83, (Mrs. Louis H. Pinkham, Lakeview, Wash Jennison, James, '81, Minneapolis Head book-keeper Pillsbury-Washburn Flour Mills Co. Jenson, Nels, '93, 2638 W University av, St. Paul Clerk, with C, G. W. Ry. Jerome, Waldron M., '00, 70 Arthur av, se, Minneapolis Teacher. Jewett, Edmund Gale, '97, Wilder, Minn Teacher. * Johnson, Anthony, '84, Died June — , 1896 Johnson, Carl Emanuel, '00, 203 Warren Av., Chicago, 111. Sophomore, Rush Medical College. Johnson, Charles A., '99 Sauk Centre. Minn Teaching. Johnson, Elwin Bird, '88, 59 Seymour Av. S. E., Minneapolis Registrar of the University of Minnesota. tJohnson, Edwin Martin, '95, (M. D., '98) St. James, Minn. Physician and Surgeon. Johnson, F. Amos, '86, New Bedford, Mass. Superintendent Johnson Typesetter Company. Johnson. Henry, '89, Charleston, 111. Teacher History State Normal School. tJohnson, John O., '97, Hanska, Minn. Addison, Iowa 93, Boston, Mass. Teacher. Johnson, Marie A„ '00, 509 19th Av. S., Minneapolis, Minn. Teacher. Johnson, Richard H., '82, Dickinson. N. D. Banker. Johnston, George H.. '97, 1801 4th Av. S., Minneapolis Graduate Student and Instructor in Psychology, Harvard University. Jones, Alice M., 1900, 409 W. 2nd St., Duluth, Minn. Jones, David P., '83, 2005 3rd Av. S., Minneapolis Banking, Real Estate, Insurance and Loans. tJohnson, Julius H., 1900, tJohnson, Leila Pamelia, ' 52 University of Minnesota Sioux Falls, S. D. 13th Av. S., Minneapolis Jones, Edward Corydon, '83, 201 12th St. S., Minneapolis Salesman, Washburn-Crosby Co. * Jones, Frank Dumars, '89, died Nov. 23, 1889. Jordahl, Sivert A., '98, Teacher, Lutheran Normal School. Jorgens, Joseph Oscar, '91, 2651 Principal of Jackson School. Joyslin, Paul, 1900, 3975 Ellis Av., Chicago, 111. With Western Electric Co., Chicago. Kampen, Ingvold A., 1900, Helena, N. D. Graduate Student, U. of M. tKannary, Edward L., '97, 15 Belmont St., Montreal, Canada Medical Student, McGill College. *Kassube, John Charles, '77. Died Nov. 1, 1882. 412 Currier Bldg, Los Angeles, CaL Keefer, George L., '92, Attorney-at-Law. tKellam, Collins Markus, '£ Keller, Frank H., '98, Assayer, Boston and Kellogg, Clara N., Teacher of English, *Kemp, Mary Emma, 91, Minn. Mont. St. Paul >9, Winona, Great Falls, Montana Smelter. 449 Portland Av. Central High School. (Mrs. B. H. Timberlake), Died March 11, 1899. j-Kendall, Charles Hanford, '96, (C. E. Cornell), Minneapolis. Kennedy. Arthur H., '00, 647 Elwood Av., Minneapolis. tKennedy, Georgena Frances, '99, 2300 Park Av., Minneapolis Kennedy, Harry M., '90, 143 S. 3rd St., Phoenix, Ariz. Manager of Phoenix Flour Mills. Kennedy, Joseph, '86, 1100 University Av., Grand Forks, N. D. Principal Normal Dept., Professor Pedagogy, Logic and Psy- chology, University of North Dakota. Kennedy, Kate L., '83, (Mrs. John H. Barr), 39 East Av., Ithaca, N. Y. Kennedy, Katherine, '97, Teacher of Latin. ^Kennedy, Lewis Henry, '90, Attorney-at-Law. Kennedy. P. P., '90, Superintendent of City Schools. *Kent, Charles Edward, '81, Eau Claire, Wis. Langford, S. D. Fairmont, Minn. Kenyon, Paul E., '92, Physician and Surgeon. Keyes, Charles F., '96 (LL. B. Lawyer. Keysor. William W., '79, Judge of District Court. Kiehle, Adelia M., 'S6, (Mrs. J. Kiehle, Fred A., '94, Physician and Surgeon. Kilbourn, Louise L., '82, Teacher. King, J. C. Eliott, '86, Physician. King, William L>., Missionary Died March 22, 1898. Wadena, Minn. '99), 1013 N. Y. Life Bldg., Minneapolis. 1326 S. 31st St., Omaha, Neb. E. King), 74 P St., Salt Lake City, Utah. 2801 Portland Av., Minneapolis. 5404 Kimbark Av., Chicago, 111. 74 P St., Salt Lake City, Utah. '81, Hyderabad, Deccan, India, of Meth. Episcopal Church. Present Appoint- ment. Presiding Elder of the Hyderabad District and Treasurer of the South India Conference. Kinesburv, Adalyna, '84, (Mrs. R. S. Pigott), 153 East 72nd St., New York City. Kingston, Howard W., '99, 576 Portland Av., St. Paul. *Kinney, Alvin C, Died August 22, 1900. Kinyon, Fayette C, '98, 212 New Jersey Av. N. W., Washington, D. C. Clerk Agricultural Department Census. Kinyon, William W., '99, Owatonna, Minn. Bookkeeper, Hastings Manufacturing Company. Alumni Record 53 Kirk, Everett B., '92, 445 Laurel Av.. Minneapolis. Wholesale hardware. tKirk, John Howarth, '98, (LL. B., '00), Niagara, N. D. Lawyer. Kirtland, Rhodella, "96, 2515 E. Lake St., Minneapolis. Teacher. Klein, Horace C, '00, 2305 W. 21st St., Minneapolis. Advertising Agency. Klepper, Horace G., '84, Wahpeton, N. D. County Superintendent Schools Office. fKlose. W. H., '99, (B. A., Roanoke). Klove, Lewis, '99, Dunbar, Iowa, Medical Student — University of Minnesota. Knappen. Theodore MacFarlane, '91, 1701 Thomas Place, Minneapolis. City Editor Journal. Knight, Bertram G., '98, 185 World Bldg., New York City. Artist. tKnox. Frances Ada, '82, Portland, Ore. Teacher. Knox, John C, '00, Jackson, Minn. Studying and Working in a Law Office. Knudson. Albert C, '93, Baldwin, Kansas. Professor of History and Biblical Literature, Baker Univer- sity. Koch, Gesena W., '99, 802 6th St S. E.. Minneapolis. Kindergartner and Instructor in Psychology in Minneapolis. Kindergarten Training School. Koehler. Elizabeth, '95, Hastings, Minn. Teacher of German. Koren, Finn. '98, 706 Delaware St. S. E., Minneapolis. Medical student — University of Minnesota. Koren. Harold, '98, 706 Delaware St. S. E., Minneapolis. Medical student — University of Minnesota. Krafft, Edwin J., '92, 1601 3rd Av. S.. Minneapolis. Treasurer, Dean & Co., Wholesale Farm Machinery. Kunze. William F.. "97, Hastings, Minn. Superintendent of Public Schools. LaDue. Samuel J., '99, Granite Falls, Minn. Superintendent City Schools. Ladue. William B., '89, Willets Point, New York Harbor. Officer U. S. Army. Lagerstrom. Lydia T., '95, 2310 Emerson Av. S., Minneapolis. Teacher. tLamborn. Alice S., '00, Olivia, Minn. Teacher. Lamoreaux. Lowell A., '87, Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis. Lamoreaux. Milton S., '87, 553 W. 67th St., Chicago. With Illinois Steel Company. Langland. Samuel S., '85, Seattle, Washington. Lawyer. Langmaid. Abbie Bailey, '98, Granite Falls, Minn. Teacher. Larson. Augustus T., '94, (LL. B., '96), Cokato, Minn. Lawyer. Larson. Constant, '93, (LL. B., '94), Alexandria, Minn. Lawyer. ♦Larson, Eli, '84, Died July 29, 1893. Lawrence, Bessie, '80, (Mrs. George McGregor), 3120 Portland Av.. Minneapolis. Lawrence, Margaret, '95, 1219 4th St. S. E., Minneapolis. Teacher. Lawrence, W. Hamilton, '97,303 Washington Av. S. E., Minneapolis. Law Student — University of Minnesota. Laythe. Bessie. '84 (Mrs. Scovell), 1312 6th St. S. E., Minneapolis. State President of W. C. T. U. (Lecturer.) 54 University of Minnesota Leach, Harlan E., '91, (LL. B., '94), Owatonna, Minn. Attorney. County Attorney. Leary, William Connor, '95, (LL. B., '94) 1818 16th Av. S., Minneapolis. Lawyer — 510 Temple Court. Leavens, Frank Nichols, 82 T 82, Fruit Farmer. Leavitt, Clara K., '94, High School Teacher. Leavitt, Frank W., '94, Superintendent of "The Housekeeper. Lee, Rudolph A., '99, Bank Cashier. tLeedy. John Wentworth, '99, Lehman, Albert, '00, Teacher. fLehman, Max A., '98, Leonard, Henry C, '75, Physician and Surgeon. Leonard, William Edwin, '76, Physician and Surgeon. Seattle, Wash. 217 8th Av. S. E., Minneapolis. 617 Delaware St. S. E., Minneapolis. Long Prairie, Minn. Rapid City, S. D. Wahpeton, N. D. Blue Earth City, Minn. Battle Lake, Minn. 1809 Portland Av., Minneapolis. Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, College of Homeopathic Medicine and Sur- gery, University of Minnesota. Leslin, Lydia E., '00, Teacher. Levens, Nellie, '96, Lewis, Claude B., '00, Medical Student, Rush Medical College, Chicago. Lewis, John Hamilton, '78, Lewis, John Hoover, '96, Superintendent of Schools. Lincoln, Robb E., '97, Teller, First National Bank. Lind, Alfred, '89, (M. D., '91) 1503 Washington Av. S., Minneapolis Physician. Lindahl, Alva A., '97, Princinal of School. Lindquist. Ida P., '00, Principal in High School. fLinton, James M., U7, Linton, Laura A., '79, (M. D., '90), Assistant Resident Physician, Linton, William B., '82, Physician and Surgeon. Litzenberg, Jennings C, '94, (M. D., 2955 Chicago Av., Minneapolis. Physician and Surgeon. Office, Suite 802 Dayton Building. Livingston, Grace, '00, 600 15th Av. S. E., Minneapolis. Assistant Principal, Atwater, Minn. Locke, Cassius M., '85, 2211 Emerson Av. N., Minneapolis. The Minneapolis Shade Cloth Company. Locke, David A., '81, 2zll Emerson Av. N., Minneapolis. Physician and Surgeon. tLocke, Joseph Henry, '83, Sisoquichic, Chihauhau, Mexico. General Store and Ranching. fLocke. Samuel Allen, '81, 2211 Emerson Av. N., Minneapolis. Minneapolis Shade Cloth Company. Locke, William H., '76. 5646 Marshfield Av.. Chicago, 111. Pastor of the Methodist Church. Lofstrom, Elmer E., '96, Windom. Minn. Clergyman. Lommen, Christian P., '91, Vermillion. S. D Professor of Biology, University of South Dakota. tLommen, Ingeborg G., '98, Lanesboro. Minn. Teacher. Long. Jessie. '96, (Mrs. Theo. S. McLaughlin), 901 Groveland Av.. Minneapolis. Wabasha, Minn. Albert Lea, Minn. Sauk Centre, Minn. Hastings, Minn. Staples, Minn. Fergus Falls, Minn. Minnesota Lake, Minn. Janesville, Minn. 2436 5th Av. S., Minneapolis. Rochester, Minn. State Hospital for Insane. 424 Nicollet Av., Minneapolis. '99), Alumni Record Lord, Lewis P., '94, Florist. Lossow, Albert H., '00, Law Student. Lothrop, Daniel J., '99, Teacher. Lougee, Helen, '98, (Mrs. 306 University Av. S. 35 Owatonna, Minn. E., Minneapolis. Urbana, Ohio. A. A. Minneapolis. Minneapolis. Minneapolis. Law), 1912 Hennepin Av., Lougee, Mary Holley, '93, (Mrs. John C. Sweet) 526 11th Av. S E., Lowry, Horace, '00, Cor. Hennepin and Groveland Avs., Assistant to Electrical Engineer, T. C. R. T. Co. Michael J., '98, Minneapolis. Law Student — University of Minnesota. Elizabeth, '97, (Mrs. B. O. Leubner), 63 11th St. N.. Minneapolis. tLucy, Sarah Bird, '92, 231 E. 117th St., New York. Novitate in the Community of St John, Luby, Luce, Luhr, Louis C, '00, Teacher. Lum, Burt F., '90, Lawyer. TLunke, Richard O. Lyafl, Maud, '86, (Mrs. Lyon, Edith E., '00, Assistant Principal, Lyon, Harold L., '00, 1424 6th St. S. E., Minneapolis. 410 New York Life Bldg., Minneapolis. G. T. W. Patrick) 704 N. Dubuque, Iowa City, Iowa. Plainview, Minn. Slayton High School, Slayton, Minn. Minneapolis. Instructor in Botany, University of Minnesota La Moure, N. D. Thief River Falls, Minn. Houston, Minn. Austin, Minn. Corona, Riverside County, Calif. 19 E. 28th St., Minneapolis. Lyon, Willard Crosby. '95, Presbyterian Minister Mabey, Perl W., '99, Lawyer. fMcAndrew, James E., '95, Teacher. McBride, Arthur A., '00, tMcClure, Charles, Jr.. '97. McColloch, Maria R., '00, Teacher. McCormick Agnes H., '95, Teacher. *McCoy, Josephine. '93, Died April 29, 1894. McCoy, Louise, '93, Waseca, Minn. Teacher of History and English, High School. tMcCrea, Almeron Wallace, '96, 3 E 33rd St., New York City. MacDermid, Kate, '97, 2703 Bloomington Av., Minneapolis. Teacher in South High School. fMcDermott. Thomas Ignatius, '96, 252 Bates Av., St. Paul. McDonald, Harriet, '97, 1964 Kenwood Parkway, Minneapolis. McDonald, Hope, '94, 1964 Kenwood Boulevard, Minneapolis. Instructor in History — University of Minnesota. McDonald, Margaret, '95, (Mrs. Robert W. Webb), 1964 Kenwood Parkwav. Minneapolis. Macdonald. William, '98, 19 Mayfield Road, Edinburgh, Scotland. Student of Agriculture. McGinnis, Edward Francis, '99, 540 Packard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. Traveling Agent for Gin & Co. McGregor, Bruce E., '00, Mapleton, Minn. Law Student — University of Minnnesota. McGregor, Jessie, '93, (Mrs. J. D. Anderson), 1920 2nd Av MacGregor. Lulie. 97, 1920 2nd Av. Assistant Editor, Journal Junior. McGregor. Sadie, '93, 1920 2nd Av. S., Minneapolis Teacher — High School. Mclntyre, Frank, '98, Superintendent of School S., Minneapolis. S., Minneapolis. Rushford. Minn. 56 University of Minnesota Mclntyre, James, "99, Manannah, Minn. Attorney-at-Law. Mclntyre, Mary S., 00, Minneapolis, Minn. Teacher. Mclntyre, William A., '99, Red Lake Falls, Minn. Lawyer. McKean, Frank S., '79, Lakeland, Minn. County Superintendent of Schools. McKee, William P., '97, Mt. Carroll, 111. Dean of the Fiances Shimer Academy. McKenzie, Ralph M., '87, Library of Congress. Assistant — Library of Congress. Correspondent Times, of Philadelphia. MeKinney, Edwin A., '87, Marshfield, Wis. Clergyman. MeKinney, P^verson R., '87, St. Paul. Clergyman. McMillan, Bertha, '94, 729 10th Av. S. E., Minneapolis. Teacher in East High School. McMillan, Emily Dana, '82, 505 10th Av. S. E., Minneapolis. Artist. McMillan. Jessie, 'bo, 337 E. 16th St., Minneapolis. Athenaeum Assistant Librarian, Public Library. tMcMullen, Jennie M., '98, 1214 Chestnut Av, Minneapolis. Teacher— Olivia, Minn. *MeNair, Sarah Pierrepont, '83, Died November 11, 1885. MacQueary, T. H., '97, Board of Education, Chicago. Superintendent Parental School. McWhorter, L. Noble, '95, 105 Kenwood Av. N., Austin, Minn. Principal High School Mace, Blanche A., '94, (Mrs. George W. Harris >. Fergus Falls, Minn. rMadigan, James E., '92, (LL. B., '94), Maple Plain, Minn. Lawyer, tiuaes, Emma Ernestine, '81, 1719 4th St. S. E., Minneapolis. Teacher. ^Maes, Mary Anna, '78, (Mrs. W. S. Crandellj 1719 4th St. S. E.. Minne apolis. Teacher. Magnusson, C. Edward, '96, (M. S., E. E., '97), St. Cloud, Minn. Teacher of Science — High School. Magnusson. Peter M., '93, 800 11th Av S., St. Cloud. Minn. Teacher of History and Social Sciences, State Normal School, St. Cloud. Mahoney, Stephen, '77, 923 Guaranty Loan Bldg.. Minneapolis. Attorney at Law. Member of the "Board Regents. Manchester, Jas. E., '84, (Ph.D., Tuebingen), Vincennes, Ind. Professor Mathematics, Vincennes Universitv. Mann, Arthur Teall, '88, (M. D., '96, Harvard) . 1607 Hawthorn Av., Minneapolis. Physician. Mann, Ida Y., '85. (B. A., '86) 1607 Hawthorn Av., Minneapolis. Teacher North Side High. Mann, William Seward, '99, Miramar, Costa Rica, Cent. Am. Superintendent Cyanide Plant, Thaver M. & M. Co. Manson, Frank Melville, '94, (M. S., '95, M. D.. '99) Worthington, Minn. Physician and Surgeon. tMantor, Flora M., '97, Willmar, Minn. Manuel. Malvern H„ '94, St. James, Minn. Superintendent City Schools. March Samuel A., '00, 2207 Fremont Av. N., Minneapolis. Clerk, Forman, Ford & Co. Marchand, Eliza Y., '00, 107 St. Albans St.. St. PauL Mareck, Felicitas, '00, 1407 Marshall St. N. E.. Minneapolis. Marlow, Cora Emilie, '00, Morris, Minn High School Teacher, Caledonia, Minn. Alumni Record 57 Marlow. Kyle F., '09, Echo, Minn. Teacher. Marrs, Josephine, '80. (Mrs. Preston King), 624 9th St. S., Minneapolis. Marsh, Olive V., '99, Lakefield, Minn Teacher. Marshall, John W.. '98, Wadena, Minn Superintendent City Schools. Marston, Anna C, '83, (Mrs. Douglas Ayres), Fort Plain, N. Y. Martin, Harrison B„ '94, (LL. B. '98) 610 Mutual Life Building, Seattle. Wash. Lawyer. Proctor in Admiralty. Martin, Lillian, '91, (Mrs. Theo. G. Soares), 725 N. Prairie St., Galesburg, 111. fMartin, Sophia H., '99, Mason City, Iowa Marvin, Lillian B., '98, Zumbrota, Minn. Science Teacher. Massee. Freedom C, '93, (LL. B., '96), East Grand Forks, Minn. Lawyer. Mathes, Elizabeth Helen. '92, 1212 5th St. S. E., Minneapolis. Teacher of History, East High. tMatteson, Herman Howard, '96. Matteson, Sumner W.. '88, Denver Athletic Club, Denver, Col. Studying and Photographing Indians and Ruins of Southwest. Mattison, Hannah, '97, 1600 S. E. 4th St., Minneapolis Matison, Saran, '99, 1600 S. E. 4th St., Minneapolis Maxwell, Asa Frank, '96, 2114 Dean At., Spokane, Wash. Superintendent of Schools, Fairfield, Wash. IMay, Albert Edward, '94, care Jticketts & Banks, 104 John St., New York City. Mining Engineer. Mayland, Andrew U.. '95, (LL. B., '93), Albert Lea, Minn. Attorney-at-Law. Mayo, Alfred D.. '96, Chicago, 111. Special Representative Advertising Department, Chicago Times-Herald. Mayo, Robert J., '00, 319 4th Av., Fargo, N. D. Agent for Minneapolis Tribune. *Meacham, Henry George, '89, Died Jan. 26, 1890. Mealey, Olive A., '99. 1501 2nd Av. S., Minneapolis. Means, Jennie M., '98, Stanley, Ontario County, N. Y. Teacher. Meeds, Alonzo D., '89, 803 E 15th St., Minneapolis. Analytical Chemist. Merrick, Annie G„ '98, Austin, Minn. Teacher. Merrill, George 1 .umer, '93, Marshall, Minn. Congregational Minister. Merrill, John Ernest, '91, Aintab, Turkey-in-Asia. Teacher in Central Turkey College. Michelet, Maren, '93, 209 Pleasant St. S. E., Minneapolis. Teacher. Miller, Clarence B. '95, (LL. B., '00). 515 Torrey Building, Duluth, Minn. Attorney. Miller, Grace, '96, 1710 22nd St. S., Minneapolis. Teacher. Milliken. Wm. P., '87, Chico, California. In Charge Physics and Chemistry, State Normal School. Mills, Mary. '90, (Mrs. Max West), 1420 1st St. N. W., Washington, D. C. Miner. J. Burt, '97, (LL. B., '99). Berlin, Wis. Scholar in Psychology at Minnesota University. Miner, Julius Elliott, '75, 3022 Dupont Av. S., Minneapolis. Attorney-at-Law. Mitchell, Harriet Grace, '99, Davenport, Iowa Teacher in High School. Mitchell, Mildred Whittlesey, '96, 508 1st Av. S., St. Cloud, Minn. 58 University of Minnesota Mitchell, Win. D., '95, (LL. B., *96), Fire and Marine Building, St. Paul, Lawyer. Moffett, Robert Leslie, '89, (A. M., Columbia), 76 William St., New York City. Lawyer. Montgomery, Frances, '91, (Mrs. J. G. Cross), 22 Franklin St. S., Rochester, Minn. Montgomery, Louise, '90, 404 Seneca St., Buffalo, N. Y. Head Worker of Settlement. Moody, Helen A., '99, 2519 Pierce St. N. E., Minneapolis. Teacher. Moon, Seymour E., '00, Waterville, Minn. Minister. tMoore, Albert Hall, '95, Roxbury, Mass. Osteopath. Moore, Lillian Randall, '95, (B. A., Vassar), 464 Holly Av., Minneapolis. Morgan, Abbie, '99, 4001 Lyndale Av. N., Minneapolis. Secretary Hazard Teachers' Agency. Morin, Belle, '91, (Mrs. Milton Dwight Purdy), 2035 Kenwood Parkway, Minneapolis. tMorley, Frank Johnson, '96, (LL. B., '00), 1528 8th Av. N., Minneapolis. State Life Ins. Co. Morris. Henry S.. '91, Sisseton, S. D. Banker. Morse, Minnie Frances, '95, 1840 Sheridan Av. S., Minneapolis. Mortenson, Mary Ellen, '96, Faribault, Minn. Teacher. Mosher, Wells J., '96, Mazeppa, Minn. Principal Public School. Mott, Alice J., '99, Faribault, Minn. Teacher. Moulton, Chas. W., '85, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Professor of Chemistry, Vassar College. tMoyer. Sumner L., '00, Montevideo, Minn. Banker. Muir, Wm. C, '94, Hunter, N. D. Real Estate Murfin, Arthur M.' '95, 1223 6th St. S. E., Minneapolis. Teacher. tMyers, Daniel Wilbur, '96, Vermillion, S. D. Myers, Raymond H., '00, 332 Clifton Av., Minneapolis. Nachtrieb, Henry F., '82, 905 6th St. S. E., Minneapolis. Professor of Animal Biology — University of Minnesota. Xason, Wayne C, '00, Minneapolis. Teacher — Morgan Hall. Nelson, Andrew, '92, Capitol, St. Paul. Assistant Superintendent, Public Instruction. Nelson, Ralph W.. '97, 2323 Fremont Av. N., Minneapolis. Letter Cariier. Newell, Horatio S., '96, Duluth, Minn. Agent for Northwestern Elevator Co. Newkirk, Burt Leroy, 1016 29th Av. N. E.. Minneapolis. Studying Higher Mathematics and Astronomy at Munich, Germanv, Newkirk, Harris D., '99, 1016 29th Av. N. E., Minneapolis. Medical Student — University of Minnesota. Newman, Fannie S., '99, (Mrs. William Carroll Bass), Gibbonsville, Idaho. Newton, Thomas R., '78, 2401 Elliot Av. S., Minneapolis. M. O. Clerk, Minneapolis Postoffice. Nichols. Georgia Lenore, '99, Pipestone, Minn. Teacher. Nickerson, Alice, '99, Brainerd, Minn. Teacher. Alumni Record 39 Nickerson Bernard S., "99, 316 Beacon St. S. E., Minneapolis. Medical Student — University of Minnesota. Nickerson, Ernest A., '91, Everett, Wash. Lumber Manufacturer. Nicol, James Houden, '00, 1710 4th St. S. E., Minneapolis. General Secretary, Y. M. C, A. — University of Minnesota. Nicol, Jessie May, '90, (Mrs. William H. Hoyt) 929 E. 5th St., Duluth. Minn. Nilsson, Victor A., Ph. D., '97, 46 Eastman Av., Minneapolis. Librarian East Side Public Library. Author of a "History of Sweden." Nix, Robert, '80, 1008 Sterling St., Indianapolis, Ind. Supervisor in Public Schools. Northrop, Cyrus, Jr., '95, 519 10th Av. S. E., Minneapolis. Norton, Alfred A., '97, (LL. B., '99) 5-6 Van Valkenburg Block, Minneapolis. Lawyer. Nunn, Alexander H., '82, 117 Columbia St., Seattle, Wash. Lawyer. Nunn, Janet H., '83, Berkely, Cal. Teacher. O'Brien, James E., '92, (LL. B., '95), 1318 8th St. S. E., Minneapolis. Lawyer. Odell, WiLiam F., '00, Chaska, Minn. Law Student. O'Donnell, Emma C, '98, 303 3rd St. N., Stillwater, Minn. Teacher — Mankato High School. O'Hair. Grace, '99, Litchfield, Minn. Teacher. O'Hara, Frank, '00, Notre Dame, Ind. Post Graduate Work and Instructor. Olds, Charles S., '99, 306 10th Av. S. E., Minneapolis. Grain Commission (E. A. Brown & Co.), Olmstead. Susan Hawley, '88, 417 W 118th St., New York City. Teacher. Olsen, Interval M., '87, Sleepy Eye, Minn. Lawyer. Olson, C. O. Alexius, '95, (LL. B., '96), 324 33rd Av. N. .Minneapolis. Attorney-at-Law. Olson, Charles W., '00, 206 Church St. S. E., Minneapolis. With Wyman, Partridge & Co., Minneapolis. Olson, Mary E., '98, (Mrs. H. M. Stanford) Moorhead, Minn. Teaching in Normal School. Olson, Mary S., '99, Grove City, Minn. Ormond, James Butler, '99, Morris, Minn. Attorney at Law. Osborn. William J., '96, Mankato. Minn. tOtis, Wills Clarke, '97, (LL. B., '99), 577 Oakland Av., St. Paul Lawyer. Pabody, Alice C, '94, (Mrs. George M. Evenson), St. Peter, Minn. fPage, Alice M., '98, 25 Royalston Av., Minneapolis. Teacher — Excelsior. Page, Irving G., '98, Lakeville, Minn. Principal Public Schools. Page, Leroy Albert, Jr., '00, Mason City, Iowa. Lumber dealer. Palmer, Sarah, '81, Address unknown. Studying Theosophy in India. Paquin, Samuel Savil, '94, 399 E. 62nd St., Chicago, 111. Cable Editor Chicago American. Parker. Isabel D., '99. 1272 County Road. St. Paul. Assistant in Chemistry, School of Agriculture, University of Minnesota. Parker. Marion A., '96, 516 4th St. S. E., Minneapolis. Teacher. •60 University of Minnesota Parker, Wm. J., '97, Room 707, 153 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Student Secretary Y. M. C. A. Partridge, George H., '79, Minneapolis. Wholesale Dry Goods. Pattee, Charles S., '94, 702 E. 7th St., St. Paul. Traveling Salesman, Zimmerman Bros., St. Paul. Patterson, Eugene L.. '93, Mankato, Minn. Wholesale Grocer, t Patterson, Iva Fern, '99, Mankato, Minn. Peake, Ora O., '00, 2019 Portland Av., Minneapolis. Pease, Levi B., '98, Minneapolis. Instructor in Chemistry — University of Minnesota. Peirson, Homer F., '91, Austin, Minn. Physician and Surgeon. Peithman, Ernest C. H., '98, Webster, S. D. President of Institute of Nature Cure. Pendergast, Sophie M., '97, Hutchinson, Minn. Instructor in English, School of Agriculture, St. Anthony Park. Penney, Edith M., '98, 419 4th St., St. Cloud, Minn. Teacher, t Perkins, Eliza Anna, '95, (Mrs. Jesse E. Pope), 12 Convent Av., New York. Perkins, John W., '77, 1322 5th St. S. E.. Minneapolis. Lawyer. tPerkins, Minnie Arabella, '93, 3017 Chicago Av. Minneapolis. Teacher. Perkins, Maynard C, '96, 126 W. 104th St., New York. Navy Yard, New York. Peters, Elizabeth Alma, '93, 47 Spruce Place, Minneapolis. Teacher, S. S. H. S. Peterson, E. Anton, '95, 61 Safe Deposit Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Osteopath. Peterson, Geo. W., '93, Long Prairie, Minn. Lawyer. * Peterson, Jonina Rose, '95, (Mrs. Frank E. Moody), Died May 6, 1899. Peterson, Joan Thorunn, '95, Lakefield. Minn. Teacher. Petri, Gustave A., '90, 1713 W. 31st St., Minneapolis. Lawyer. Pettit, Mary S.. '98. 927 1st Av. S., Minneapolis. Pfaender, Albert, '97, New Ulm, Minn. Attorney at Law. Pfeiffer, Henry J.. '98, Fulda. Minn. Superintendent of Public Schools. Phelns, G. Sidney. '99, Y. M. C. A. House. Madison, Wis. Traveling Secretary for the Y. M. C. A. — University of Wis Phillips, Edith V., '90. (Mrs. George H. Selover), 29 Ash St., Bryn Mawr, Minneapolis con sin. Phillips, Bradley. Jr., '81, 2539 Harriet Av., Minneapolis. Heating Contractor, 212 4th St. S., Minneapolis. Phillips. Jennie C, '99, 601 6th St. S. E., Minneapolis. Teacher. Phillips, James E., '93, Arlington, Minn. Editor Arlington Enterprise and Student University of Min nesota Law School. tPhoenix, Edward C, '98, Cumberland, Wis. * Pickett, Eli Milton Skiff, '82, Died Nov. 30, 1889. Pickett, Victor G., '96, Janesville, Minn. Superintendent of Schools. tPierce, Helen Louise, '83, (Mrs. Daniel F. Smith) Monarch, Mont. Pierce, Lyman L., '92, . Washington, D. C. General Secretary Y. M. C. A. Pike, Joseph Brown, '90, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Professor of Latin. Alumni Record 61 ♦Pillsbury, Ada Eva, '82, (Mrs. C. M. Webster), Died April 3, 1885. Pillsbury, Cbas. S., '00, 2200 Stevens Av., Minneapolis. YS ub Pillsbury -Wasbburn Flour Mill Co. Pillsbury, John S., Jr., '00, 2200 Stevens Av., Minneapolis. Witb Pillsbury-Wasbburn Co. Pillsbury, Sarah, '88, (Mrs. Edward C. Gale) 928 5th St. S. E., Minneapolis. Pitts, Frederick, '97, Pine Island, Minn. Minister — Episcopalian. Plummer, Lvaia M., '96, Elk River, Minn. Teacher of Latin in High School. Plymat, Walter A., '99, Mankato, Minn. Law Student — University of Minnesota, 420 14th Av. S. E., Minneapolis. Poehler, Franklin T., '93, (M. D., '96), 410 Syndicate Arcade, Minneapolis. Physician. Poehler, Walter C, '94, 304 Flour Exchange Bldg., Minneapolis. Grain Commission. Pope, Jesse Eliphalet, '95, 12 Convent Av., New York. Assistant Professor of Economics, New York University. Porcher, Mary Long, '96, (Mrs. W. Peyre Porcher), 15 Lamboll St., Charleston, S. C. Porter, Olivia Canby, '88, (Mrs. Andrew M. Soule), Ogden Av., Knoxville, Tenn. Potter, Franc M., '93, 219 B 8th Av. S. E., Minneapolis. Potter, Jane Bliss, '94, (Mrs. Alden Howard Potter), 3312 Cedar St., Berkley, Cal. Potter, Marion E., '97, 2420 Oakland Av., Minneapolis. Assistant in English — University of Minnesota. Powell, John W., '93, 5414 Oneida St., Duluth, Minn. Pastor Lester Park M. E. Church. Powell, Mary, (Mrs. William Franklin Webster), 1025 5th St. S. E., Minneapolis Pratt, Albert F., '93, (LL. B. '95), Anoka, Minn. Lawyer. County Attornty, Anoka Co. Pratt, Roberta, '94, 1603 Bryant Ave. N., Minneapolis Teacher. fPribble, Edwin Burnham, '77, Centralia, Wash. Lawyer. Prichard, Evan R., '78, Puyallup, Wash. Presbyterian Clergyman. Priest, Janet, '99, 220 3rd Av. S. E., Minneapolis Journalist with the Tribune. fProsser, Rasselas Hamlin, '82, Klondike, Alaska Prouty, Emery Mason, Jr., 1900, St. Paul Live Stock. Pugh, Loy M., '00, Hayward, Wis. Merchant. Purdy, Mi.ton Dwight, '91, 2035 Kenwood Parkway, Minneapolis Attorney. Putnam, William R., '97, Red Wing, Minn. Secretary and Manager Red Wing Gas and Electric Co. Quale, Eric C, '98, Canton, S. D. Teaching at Augustana College. Quevli, Anna, 1900, 314 Whitford St., Fergus Falls, Minn. Teacher. Rachie, Ellas, '96, (M. A. '97), Granite Falls, Minn. Graduate Student at U. of M. Ramaley, Francis, '95, (Ph. D. '99), Boulder, Col. Professor of Biology University of Colorado. Rank, Samuel Addison, '75, Central City, Col. Mining Engineer. Rankin. Albert W.. '80, 1529 University Av. S. E., Minneapolis Inspector of State Graded Schools. Ranum. Arthur, '92, 320 9th Av., Seattle, Wash. Professor of Mathematics University of Washington. 62 University of Minnesota Rector, Grayce W., '99, 2919 Emerson Av. S., Minneapolis Teacher. Redfield, Jane, '98, (Mrs. Edgar M. Hoover), Little Falls, Minn tReed, Charles Anthony, '95 (M. D., '98), Hastings, Minn. Physician and Surgeon. Reed, Edwin T., '95, Cloquet, Minn. Superintendent of Public Schools. Reed, Melville E., '88, New Whatcom, Wash. Civil Engineer Great Northern Railway. Rees, Soren P., '95, (M. D. '97), 2431 Hennepin Av., Minneapolis Physician and Surgeon, Andrus Building. *Rex, Milton, '90. Died Oct. 5, 1892. Rexford, Minnie, '92, (Mrs. Ernest A. Nickerson), Everett, Wash. Reynolds, Minnie A., '80, (Mrs. George B. Ellis), Redlands, Gal. Rhames, Robert W., '79, Little Rock, Ark. Clergyman — Archdeacon of Eastern Arkansas. *Rhoades, Grace Melita, '93. Died fRice, David Perry, '95, Ames Bldg, Boston, Mass. Lawyer — Benton & Clark. Rich, Agnes, 1900, 625 2nd Av. S. E., Minneapolis Richardson, Herbert G., '90, (LL. B. '92), 3837 11th Av. S., Minneapolis Attorney-at-Law, 831 Guaranty Loan Bldg. Richardson, Oscar K„ '90, (M. D. '93), 303 Masonic Temple, Minneapolis Physician and Surgeon. Ricker, George E., '74, Minneapolis Physician. Professor of Clinical Medicine and Physical Diaenosis, College of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery — University of Minnesota. Riggs, Annie Isabel, '99, Monticelio, Minn. Teacher — Fertile. Ring, Merritt M., '97, Milaca, Minn. Traveling Salesman. Ringstad, Edward O., '98, Red Wing, Minn. Teacher. Riplev, Abigail, '07, (Mrs. William B. Smith), Jerusalem. N. D. Ripley, Edna May, 1900, 24 S. 10th St., Minneapolis Robb, Charlotte, '96, (Mrs. Alfred S. McLaughlin), 2417 Aldrich Av. S., Minneapolis fRobbins, Alice Greeley, '96, (Mrs. Thomas A. Rockwell), Oshkosh, Wis. Robbins. Edith A., '94, Robbinsdale, Minn. Teacher East High School, Minneapolis. tRoberts, Guy Hall, '99, 2521 Cedar Av., Minneapolis Roberts, William B., '97, 1623 1st Av. S., Minneapolis Physician, Roberts. William H., '98, City Hall, Minneapolis City Gas Inspector. Robinson, Louise, '92, (Mrs. John Edgar Rhodes), 1221 Hennepin Av., Minneapolis Robinson, Mabel, '97, 264 Dayton Av., St. Paul Robinson, Mary W., '78, (Mrs. William L. Wolford) 87 10th st S, Minneapolis Roche, Agnes Marie, '98, Graceville, Minn. Teacher of Latin and English. Rochford, Effie Ames, '92, (Mrs. W. E. Rochford), 2206 9th Av. S., Minneapolis. tRockwell. Thomas A., '94, Oshkosh, Wis. Manager Telephone Exchange. Rockwood. Chelsea J., '79 1700 Thomas Place, Minneapolis Lawyer. fRoe, Ada, Hudson, Wis. Teacher. fRoe, Alvah Lucius, Spokane, Wash. Lawyer. Alumni Record 63 Roe, Marion H., '79, 88 27th Av. S. E., Minneapolis Teacher East Side High. Rogers, Clarence, R., '95, 3635 1st Av. S., Minneapolis Letter Carrier. Rogers, Gertrude, '98, Montevideo, Minn. Teacher. Rollit, Caroline, '79, (Mrs. George A. Wood), Milbank, Grant Co., S. D. *Rollit, Charlotte Adelaide, '77. Died March 9. 1885. Rollit, Charles Carter, '97 706 East Av., Red Wing, Minn. Rector of Christ Church. Roney, Katherine. '96, Crookston, Minn. Science Teacher. Ronning, Nils, N., '96, 283 Cedar Av., Minneapolis Editor. Rose, Florence J., '92, 2425 Dupont Av. S., Minneapolis Kindergartner. Rosger, Emma.. '97, Pocatelle, Idaho- Principal of High School. Ross, Hiram E.. '96, 2007 Stevens Av., Minneapolis Vice-President H. W. Ross Lumber Co. Rosslot, Joseph Henry, '87, Spokane, Wash. Lawyer. Rowell, Henry H. S.. '84, The Progress office, Minneapolis Editor and Publisher. Rowell, Warren Cogswell, '88, 1916 Portland Av., Minneapolis Salesman, H. W. Wilson. Rowley, Quintin J., '81, Downey, Cah Physician and Surgeon. Rutherford, William H. A., '90, Rockford, Minn. Superintendent of Schools, Mcintosh, Minn. Sakagami, Yasuzo, '97, (M. L. '99), 322 W. Washington Av., Madison. Wis. Salisbury, George N., '83, Seattle, Wash. Director Washington Section U. S. Weather Bureau. fSalisbury, Percy Pritchard, '93, 107 Royalston Av., Minneapolis With Hardwood Mfg. Co. Sammis, Eveline VanW., '92, (Mrs. Fletcher L. Walker). 1714 Hawthorn Av., Minneapolis Sandsten, Emil P., '98 (B. Ag., '95), St. Paul, Minn. Botanist — N. W. Grass Twine Co. Sanford, Edward, 1900, 1625 University Av. S. E., Minneapolis Graduate Student and Instructor in Rhetoric U. of M. Sanford, John A., '96, (Ph. D. '94), Adelphi College, Brooklyn, N. Y. Teacher. Sardeson, Eva R., '99, 922 Emerson Av. N., Minneapolis Teacher in South Side High School. Sardeson, Frederick W., '91, 922 Emerson Av. N., Minneapolis Instructor in Paleontology, U. of M. Sasse, Frank G., '99, (LL. B. 1900), St. Charles, Minn. Lawyer. Savage, Linnaeus T., '97, 7 Union St. S. E., Minneapolis Traveling for a Publishing House. Savage, Nellie, '99, 7 Union St. S. E., Minneapolis Musician. Savidge, Charles W., '77, 723 S. 25th Av., Omaha, Neb. Minister. Savidge, William H., '81, 908 Fort St., Boise, Idaho Lawyer and Promoter of Mines. Sawyer, Fannie L., 1900, Faribault, Minn. Sawyer, Mabel, '98, (Mrs. Frank L. McVey), 621 15th Av. S. E., Minneapolis Scandrett, Henry A., '98, (LL. B. 1900), Omaha, Neb. Claim Dept.. Union Pacific R. R. Scnerer, Robert W., '93, New Ulm, Minn. Merchant. Schibsby, May, '00. 1509 N. 24th St. S., Omaha, Neb. High School Teacher. 64 University of Minnesota Schmidt, Charles C. } '84, Jamestown. N. D. Superintendent of City Schools. Schmidt. Gottfried, 1900, 613 15th Av. S. E., Minneapolis Medical Student U. of M. Schmidt, Paul G., '97, 206 Pleasant St. S. E., Minneapolis Instructor, Minneapolis Academy. Schneider, Albert, '94, 2421 Dearborn St., Chicago Teacher and Author. Schwager, Lewis, '95, (LL. B. '96), 1218 2nd Av. S., Minneapolis Lawyer, 1114 Lumber Exchange. Seely, Blanche, '96, 506 10th St. S., Minneapolis Selover, Arthur W., '93, (LL. M., '97), 1311 5th Av. S., Minneapolis Lawyer. 921 Guaranty Loan Bldg. Serumgard, Siver, '90, (LL. B. '91), Devils Lake, N. D. Lawyer — Serumgard & Moen. Sethre, John O., '93, 5759 Drexel Av., Chicago, 111. Graduate Student. Sewall, Elizabeth Quincey, '86, (Mrs. Philip G. Wright), Galesburg, 111. Sewall, Hannah Robie, '84, 324 Union St., Minneapolis Assistant in Dent, of Political Science, U. of M. Sewall, Margaret Louise, '89, Washington, D. C. Census Bureau. Sewall, Susan W., '84, (Mrs. Walter L. Chaoin). 417 Holly Av., St. Paul tfcnafer, Laura E., '98, 628 Ontario St. S. E., Minneapolis fShaw, Albert Woodward, '90, 13 6th St. N., Minneapolis Lawyer. Shaw, Mabel E., 1900, 370 Hall Av., St. Paul Shaw, William T.. '99, (B. Ag. '98), Agricultural College, Mich. Instructor in Zoology. Sheldon, Edmund P., '94, 110 Malcolm Av. S. E., Minneapolis Teacher. Sheldon, Martha Alma, '83, Khela P. O., Almora Dist. , Bhot, India Medical Missionary (Methodist). ♦Shepherd, Alice Lee, '94. Died April 6, 1896. fShepherd, Reuben Spencer, '94, St. Charles, Minn. Osteopath. 1020 5th St. S. E., Minneapolis St. Paul Wakefield, Neb. ■ss, Shillock, Anna, Teacher. tShortt, Edith M., '97, Shumway, Herbert P., '82, Lumber, Earm Machinery, Coal and Farming. Sias, Edgar D., Harborview, Florida Bluefields, Nicaragua ; Compositor on the Nicaraguan Gov- ernment's Official Paper. Sidener, Charles Frederick, '83, 1320 5th St. S. Assistant Professor of Chemistry U. of M. Siegler, Lilian A., '96, 1223 4th Av., Teacher. Sigvaldson. Sigurdur. '93, Principal of Schools. Siues, George C, '92, 215 Jackson Park Terrace. Chicago, 111. Secretary Street R. R. Commission, City of Chicago. Simmons, Rose A., '96, Hastings, Minn. Teacher in High School Simonton, William A., '94, Editor Lakeside Press. Simpson, Earl, 1900. Law Student U. of M. Simpson, Marcus J., '96, Clergyman. Skordalsvold, John J.. '88, Journalist. Sliney, Margaret I.. '98, Teaching in St. Paul. Smallidge, J. Frank, '97, Accident Insurance, 301 Northwestern Building E., Minneapolis Spokane, Wash. Alden, Minn. Glenwood, Minn. Winona, Minn. Chatfield, Minn 919 21st av S, Minneapolis 554 Dayton av, St. Paul Minneapolis Alumni Record 35 Smith, Ada E.. '89, 654 S. Broadway, Stillwater, Minn rrincipal Stillwater High School. Smith, E. Fay, '94, 350 Fuller st, St. Paul Instructor of Science Humboldt High School. Smith, Carlton W., '92, West Superior, Wis Teacner Normal School. Smith, Dow Samuel, '88, 840 Hague av, St. Paul Superintendent of the St. Paul Street Ry. Co. Smith, E, Blanche, '96, 816 Beacon st se, Minneapolis Assistant Principal. Glenwood, Minn. Smith, Elizabeth Marie, '00, 38 Barton av se, Minneapolis Teacher. Smith, Fred W., '00, Boise, Idaho Assistant Principal of Schools, Department of Science. Smith, George A., '91, Montevideo, Minn Superintendent of Schools. tSmith, Gustavus Foster, '99, Newton, Ala Law Student. Smith, Gilman W.. '80, 1100 Old Colony Building, Chicago Superintendent of Bridges and Buildings. Smith, Harry B., '97, 97 Chestnut st, Dubuque, la Teacher of Mathematics. tSmith, H. Jay, '78. Smith, Harvey P., '80. 1501 55th av West Duluth, Minn Cashier Lake Superior Con. Iron Mines. ♦Smith, Jessie Paine, '93 (Mrs. A. E. Huntington) Died Nov. 18, 1899. tSmith, Mildred A., '98, 1347 Penn av, Minneapolis Smith, Mary Chadbourne, '96, 2720 Fillsbury av, Minneapolis Graduate student — Paris, France. Smith, Mary C, '93, (Mrs. Alfred L. Rist) 7, (Mrs. Thomas H. Croswell) 98, Algona, la Bimidji, Minn Algona, la Smith, Mary I., Smith, Mabel F Teacher. Smith, Mabel L., '85, 530 Hill av e, Knoxville, Tenn Smith, Rubie E., '98, Algona, la Teacher — Worthington, Minn. Snow, Winifred, '99, 6431 Lexington av. Chicago, 111 Teacher — East Side High — Hampshire Arms, Minneapolis. Snyder, Fred B., '81, 915 6th st se, Minneapolis Attorney-at-Law — State Senator. Soares, Theo. G., '91, 725N. Prairie st, Galesburg, 111. Clergyman. Solsness, Lars P., '95, 715 5th st S, Minneapolis Student of Medicine and Journalist. Sommers, Charles L., '90, 187 E 4th st, St Wholesale Merchant. Sommers, Henry S., '98, Buyer forG. Sommers & Co. fSoule, Stephen Barber, '95. Spaulding, Edward M., '90, Physician and Surgeon. Spaulding, Hector G., '00, Law student — Harvard. Spear, George H., "93, (LL. B., '99) Lawyer. Spencer, Nellie C, '99 Teacher. Sperry, Frederick J., '96, Superintendent of Schools. Spicer, Russell, '97, Secretary Snicer Land Co. Spratt, Charles Nelson, '97 Baltimore, Md Medical student — Johns Hopkins Medical School. tSquires, Carrie Ranson, '98, 821 Farrington av, St. Paul Squyers. Jane A., '00, 85 Lyndale av N, Minneapolis Teacher. Paul 9 St. Albans st, St. Paul Ionia, Mich 19 Irving st, Cambridge, Mass Brainerd, Minn Devils Lake, N. D. Anoka, Minn Willmar, Minn 66 University of Minnesota fScack, George Franklin, '93, (M. D., '96) Independence, Wis. Physician and ^urgeon. Stacy, Albert Wallace, '91, (LL. B., '93) Phoenix, Ariz Stacy, Francis N. f '88, 1322 Vine Place, Minneapolis Journalist. Stageberg, Olaf O., '95, Jewell, la Teacher in Jewell Lutheran College. Stanford, Harold M., '98, Moorhead, Minn Teacher Physical Sciences, State Normal School. ♦Starritt, Simon Peter, '75, Died Jan. 3, 1883 tStearns, Stella Burger, '92, Pacific Beach, San Diego Co., Cal Stearns, Victor, '91, Duluth, Minn Lawyer. Steele, Mary Gertrude, '94, (Mrs. Frank Maloy Anderson) 1629 University av se, Minneapolis Steenson, James, '95, Eden Prairie, Minn Student McCormick Theological Seminary. Stephens, Ralph B., '98, 920 8th av S, Minneapolis U. S. Storekeeper (Customs Service). Stephenson, Robert B., '00, - 1004 17th av se, Minneapolis Medical student — University of Minnesota. Sterrett, Lilian J., '93, 1819 Portland av, Minneapolis Teacher, Central High School. Stewert. Bertha L., '00, Fennimore, Wis Teacher. Stevens. Jessie E., '96, Minneapolis Teacher — Stanley Hall. Stewart. J. Clark. '75, (B. C. E., '75) 1628 Fifth av 8, Minneapolis Physician : Professor of Surgical Pathology, Department of Medicine, the University of Minnesota. Stewart, William B., '00, Bemidji, Minn Superintendent of Schools. ♦Stock, Edna May, '98, Died April 15th, 1898 ; degree conferred post obtium. Stockwell. Walker I,., '89, Grafton, N. D. Superintendent of Schools. fStomberg, Andrew A., '96, (B. A., Gustavus Adolphus), Stone, Mabel Perrin, '00, 1611 Portland av, Minneapolis Stone, Minnie Evangeline, '95, 1127 8t hst S. Minneapolis During the last year have been traveling in Europe, study- ing, some, especially History and Swedish language. At present is in Stockholm. Stout, Thompson W., '91, 405 Irving av N, Minneapolis Minister — M. E. Church. Strathern, Fred P., '94, (M. D., '99) St. Peter, Minn Physician and Surgeon. Strohmeier, Lydia K.. '89, Ashmore Flats, 4th st and 6th av se, Minneapolis Teacher — East Side High School, Minneapolis. Strong. Harrv A.. '82, 510 4th st se, Minneapolis With Wyman, Partridge & Co. Struble, Clara, '97, Menomonie, Wis Teacher. Summer, Francis B., '94, 17 Lexington av. New York Instructor in College of City of New York. Sweat, John A., '76, (M. D., Bowdoin, '80) Great Falls, Mont Physician. Sweigle, Curtiss, '91, (LL. B., '92) Wahpeton, N. D. Lawyer. Swenson, David F., '98, 3101 16th av S, Minneapolis Assistant in Philosophy at University of Minnesota. Sylvester, Florence M., '00, Koniggratrerste 1, Berlin, Germany Tallman, Rov Warner, '98, (LL. B., Columbia Univ.) Washington, D. C. Lawyer. Taresh. John, '98, 212 Church st se. Minneapolis Mining student — University of Minnesota. Alumni Record B7 35 Frye St., Lewiston, Me. Wanamingo, Minn. Albert Lea, Minn 422 6th st se, Minneapolis 215 7th S, La Crosse, Wis 322 4th st S, Mankato, Minn 619 13th av se, Minneapolis Taylor, Benjamin C, '93, iuL. B., '95) Mankato, Minn Lawyer, Taylor, Myron D., '78, St. Cloud, Minn Attorney and Register U. S. Land office. Taylor, William J., '95, Preacher — Universalist. Teigen, Nels T., '95, Teacher. Ten Broeck, Louis L., '98, Teacher. Tennant, Grace M., '96, Librarian. Thayer, Myrtle May, '98, Latin Teacher — High School. Thomas, Alice A., '99, Thomas, Anna B., '00, Teacher in High School — Luverne, Minn. Thomas, Clara Chapline, '00, 208 W. Grant st, Minneapolis Teacher — St. Mary's School, Faribault, Minn. Thomas, Nathaniel Seymour, '90, 332 S. 21st st, Philadelphia, Pa Rector of the Chruch of the Holy Apostles. Thomas, Mabel Hickman, '95, (M. S., '00) 322 4th st S, Mankato, Minn Teacher — Winona High School. fThompson, Adelaide M., '97, Hastings, Minn Teacher. Thompson, Charles, '88, Amboy, Minn Lawyer. Thompson, Etta, '79, (Mrs. Ozro B. Gould) 420 W Sanborn st, Winona, Minn Thompson, George B., '97 Boston, Mass Flour Commission (Arndt, Thompson & Co.) 511 Chamber of Commerce. Thompson, Helmus Wells, '88, Eugene, Ore Attorney-at-Law. Thompson, Horton, '00, Wells, Minn Teacher — High School. Thompson, Maud, '89 (Mrs. J. C. H. Engel), Anoka, Minn Thompson, R. Celius, '96, (LL. B., '98) Warren, Minn Attorney. Thompson, Robert Mitchell, '95, (LL. B., '98 : LL. M., '99) 701 15th av se, Minneapolis Lawyer. tThompson, William T., '97, St. Croix Falls, Wis Law student — University of Minnesota. Thwing, William F., '95, 2534 4th av S, Minneapolis Proofreader. Tilden, Josephine E., '95, 229 8th av se, Minneapolis Instructor in Botany — University of Minnesota. Tillotson, Frances M., '96, Sauk Center, Minn Timberlake, Byron H., '91, 1015 8th st se, Minneapolis General Agent, The Prudential Insurance Co. of America. Tirrell, John M., '97, (M. D., '00) Portal, N. D. Physician. Todd, Lillian, '80, (Mrs. George H. Remele), 56 Irving st, West Medford, Mass tTodd, Marie A., '98, 4220 Lyndale av S, Minneapolis Assistant in Public Library. Tombs, Helen H., '92 (Mrs. W. L. Stockwell) Grafton, N. D. Tone, Aad Addison, '99 Gilman, la Law student — University of Minnesota. tTone, Knute Hjalmer, '95, Hubbard, Minn Teacher. Tonning, Peter C, '96, Madison, Minn Superintendent Public Schools. fTopping, Charles Henry, '94, 16 W 60th st, New York City Law student — New York University. 68 University of Minnesota Torrens. John L., "88, Brainerd, Minn Superintendent City Schools. Towler, May Belle. '98, 1806 Portland av, Minneapolis Tracy, Jennie Louise, '00, 356 Bates av, St. Paul Teacher. Trask, Abbie M., '96, (Mrs. John „. Trask) Bemidji, Minn Triggs, Oscar Lovell, '89, Chicago, 111 Instructor in English — University of Chicago. Truesdell. Lynn G., '95, Minneapolis Grain Commission — 512 Corn Exchange Building. *Trussell, Emma Frances, '83, (Mrs. W. F. Trussellt. Died April 12th, 1900 Trussell. Sumner L.. '83, 80 7th S, Minneapolis Lawver — Deputv in office of Collector of Internal Revenue, St. Paul. Trvon. Josephine I'., '98, Batavia, N. Y. Teacher of Latin — Aberdeen, South Dakota. Tunell, George G., '92, 6035 Jefferson av, Chicago, 111 Railroad Transportation. Uhl, Alfred W., '86, Hallock, Minn Superintendent of Schools. Updyke. Nina T.. '98, Granite Falls, Minn Teacher. Upuyke, Stephen Gould. '97, New Ulm, Minn Lawyer — U. S. Commissioner S. W. Alaska. Van Cleve, Mary Adams, '96 520 4th st se, Minneapolis Van Sant. Grant, '95. Winona, Minn Lawyer. Van Valkenburg, Jesse, '98, Minneapolis Lawyer — 303 Northwestern Building. Van Vliet, Flora, '99, (Mrs. George W. Buffington) 1025 3d av S, Minneapolis Vaughn. Zenas N.. '84, 2525 Hearst av, Berkeley, Cal Graduate Student University of California. Wagner, Mary S., '97, 525 8th av se, Minneapolis Agent for Mutual Life Insurance Co.. of New York. Waite, Frederick C, '90, 69 K st ne, Washington, D. C. Writing "The 100 Greatest Facts which can be Presented to American Voters." Wakefield. Bert S., '98, Monticello, Minn Teacher. Wales, Harriet E., '99, 111 Spruce Place, Minneapoli? Teacher in Central High School. Walker. Alice, '96, (Mrs. C. P. Jones, Jr.) Sabin, Minn jWalker. Edward David, '93, 601 Rondo st, St. Paul Attorney-at-Law — 506 Globe Building. Wallace. Thomas F.. Jr., '93, (LL. B., '95) Minneapolis Lawyer — 909 New York Life Building. Wallih, Madeline, '92, (Mrs. George C. Sikes). 215 Jackson Park Terrace, Chicago, 111 Walther, Grace '93, (Mrs. W. H. Davies), 415 Maple av. Oak Park, 111 Ward, Mary, '97, Hillsdale, Mich State Secretary Y. W. C. A. of Minnesota. Ware. Emma J., '83. (Mrs. F. A. Scheuber) Livingston, Mont Ware. Lillian L., '86. (Mrs. J. M. Boles) Garnet, Mont Warner. Bertha Belle. '00, 425 5th st se, Minneapolis Warren. William J,. '78, 1127 1st av, Minneapolis Physician and Surgeon. Washburn, Orson M., '97, Owatonna, Minn Life Insurance Agent. Waters, Helen, '89. (Mrs. Manley H. Gates) 2615 Clinton av. Minneapolis Weatherson. Charles E., '96, Rochester, Minn Teacher in High School. Webb. Alice Catharine, '96, 2705 Hennepin av. Minneapolis Webb, George C, '95, 319 19th av se. Minneapolis Typewriter and Bicycle business. Alumni Record 69 Webb, Lindsey, '97, Milwaukee, Wis Muesnm Instructor. Webber. Frederick W., '97, Custom House, Minneapolis Inspector of U. S. Customs. Weber. Amy L., "99, 1206 5th st se, Minneapolis Teacher. Weber, Mary L., "90, Owatonna, Minn Librarian. City Library. Webster, Albert M., '91, 17 Florence Court, Minneapolis Medical student — University of Minnesoa. Webster, Charles M., '82, Helena, Mont Collector of Internal Revenue for Montana, Idaho and Utah. Webster. Jennie S., '99, Clinton Falls, Minn Teaching at Long Prairie, Minn. Webster, William Franklin, '86. 1025 5th st se, Minneapolis Principal East Side High School. Wedge. Jessie C, '98, Plainview, Minn Teacher. Welles, Albert McClure, '77, Redwood Falls, Minn Eeditor and Publisher Redivood Reveille. fWelles. Hattie Eliza. '96, 1301 7th st se, Minneapolis Teacher of Music and Drawing. Welles, Isabelle, '95, (Mrs. William I. Gray), 95 Spruce Place, Minneapolis tWells, Benjamin Samuel, '95. Duluth, Minn West, Martha B.. '79, 2239 Gordon av, St. Anthony Park Teacher of Mathematics, East High School, Minneapolis. West, Max, '90. 1420 1st st nw, Washington, D. C. Expert Agent of the U. S. Industrial Commission ; Associate Professor of Economics, Columbian University. West, Willis Mason, '79, 1314 6th st se, Minneapolis Professor of History, University of Minnesota. Weston. Florence M., '97, Alexandria, Minn Teacher. Wheaton, Maude E., '00, Lake City, Minn Latin Teacher in Lake City High School. Wheeler. Eva G„ '97, 1012 8th st se, Minneapolis Teacher — Cloquet, Minn. White, Anna M., 97, Hudson, Wis Instructor in High School. White, Harry E., '93. Princeton, Minn City Superintendent of Schools. White, MacLaughlin, '95, (LL. B., '98), 1316 5th st se, Minneapolis Lawyer. Whitman, Clarence L., '94, 35 Farewell Hall, Newton Center, Mass Clergyman. Whitney, Arthur B.. '99. Slayton, Minn., or 400 Washington av se, Minneapolis Law Student — University of Minnesota. Whitney, Edward D. N., '82, 1404 Portland av, Minneapolis Broker. Whitney, Nellie A.. '00. Minneapolis Teacher of English. East Side High School. Whitten, Lena Gertrude, '99, Cloquet, Minn Teacher. tWilcox, Ethelyn F.. '98, 1405 5th st se, Minneapolis Wilder. Helen A., '98, 1119 6th st se, Minneapolis Instructor in Rhetoric, University of Minnesota. Willard. William D., '88, Mankato, Minn Manufacturer. Wiliams. A. Elton. '94, (M. D., '00) 1301 5th st se, Minneapolis Physician and Surgeon — House Surgeon St. Barnabas Hos- pital. 1901. Williams, Bessie A., '99, 801 7th st se, Minneapolis Teacher — Sherburne, Minn. Wiliams, Daniel, '78, Storm Lake. la Minister. 70 University of Minnesota Williams, Elinor L., '98, (Mrs. Louis E. Sisson) Palo Alto, Cal Williams, Essie W., '99, 577 St. Peter st, St. Paul Teacher in St. Paul Schools. Williams, Lilla Ruth, '81, (Mrs. Bradley Phillips, Jr.) 2539 Harriet av, Minneapolis Williams, William W., '80, Lime Springs, la Miller. Williams. Henry M., '73 Portland, Ore Editor and Publisher Rural Northwest, 65 Union Block. Willius. F. Otto, '97, 298 Webster av, Chicago, 111. Bank Clerk. Wilson. Horace A., '97, . Seattle, Wash Lawyer — 42-43 Haller Building. tWilson, Jessie Craig, '82 Casulu 212, Sanitago, Chile, S. A. Missionary. Wilson, Ole K.. Veblen, S. D. Farmer and Stock Raiser. Winchell, Alexander N., '96, 717 W. Broadway, Butte, Mont Professor Geology and Mineralogy, Montana State School of Mines, Butte, Mont. Winchell, Ima C, '88, ((Mrs. F. N. Stacy) 1322 Vine Place, Minneapolis Wingate, Carl B., '90, Minneapolis Bookkeeper — L. K. Thompson, 907 Guaranty Building. Winslow, Walter E., '90, Minneapolis Insurance. Life and Accident, 312-316 Andrus Building. Winterer, Edward, 87, Valley City, N. D. Lawyer. Wiren, Myra, '00, Minneapolis Wolfe, S. Henry, '98, Miuot, N. D. Superintendent of City Schools. Wollan, Thomas C, '94, Glenwood, Minn County Superintendent of Schools, Pope County. Wood, George A., '78, Milbank, S. D. Merchant. Woodman, Helen Celestia, '97, 772 Lincoln av, St. Paul Teacher — Mechanic Arts High School. Woodruff, Harriet Isabella, '00, 416 W. 27th st, Minneapolis Teacher. Woodward, Anges Young, '96, 2706 3d av S, Minneapolis Teacher — Park Rapids, Minn. Wright, Blanche A.. '94, (Mrs. Lyman L. Pierce). 1372 Harvard St., Washington, D. C. Wright.. Ella Theoline, '94, Willmar, Minn Teacher of Latin in High School. Wyer, Malcolm Glenn, '99, Excelsior, Minn Library Assistant — University of Minnesota. Yeager, Carleton S., '96, Fosston, Minn Teacher. Young, Alice, '96, 111 N. Clinton st. Iowa City, la Assistant Professor of English and Dean of Women.Univer- sity of Iowa. Young, Charles Elon, '93, Henderson, Minn Superintendent of Schools, Luverne. Minn, for 1901-02. Zeleny, Anthony, '92, (M. S., '93) 519 13th av se, Minneapolis Instructor in Physics — University of Minnesota. Zeleny, Charles. '98, University of Minnesota Scholar in Zoology — University of Minnesota. Zeleny, John, '92, University of Minnesota Professor of Physics — University of Minnesota. Zimmerman, Una Isabel, '94, (Mrs. Charles Pattee) 702 E. 7th st. St. Paul tZintheo, Clarence James, '97, Chicago, 111. Zwinggi. Emma, '84, Traverse, Minn Teacher. Alumni Record »1 Graduates of the College of Engineering. Abbott, Arthur L., '97, 66 11th st S, Minneapolis Electrical Engineer — W. I. Gray & Co. f Adams, George F., '95, Newark, N. J. Andersen, Christian, '88, 472 Park st, Portland, Ore Civil Engineer — M. Am. Soc. C. E. Anderson, John G., '99. 908 24th av se, Minneapolis Civil Engineer — M. & St. L. R. R. fAnderson. Ole John, '93, St. Peter, Minn. Civil Engineer. Andrews, George Cutler, '87, 527 5th st se, Minneapolis Andrews Heating Company. Artz, Emmanuel A., '99, (B. S., '97, 183 Genesee st, St. Paul Electrical Engineer — Miss. Val. Tel. Co. Asubaugh, Lewis E., '00, 500 15th av se, Minneapolis Civil Engineer — American Bridge Co. Aslakson, Baxter M., '91, Syracuse, N. Y. Superintendent of Steam Automobile Co. Avery, Henry B., '93, Hotel Clinton, Minneapolis Structural Engineer. Barr, John Henry, '83, (M. S., '88 ; M. M. E., Cornell) Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Professor of Machine Design. Batchelder. Frank L., '93. 4242 Queen Av. S., Minneapolis. Engineer — St. Paul Foundry Co. Bayless. Harry C, '99, 308 Ridgewood av, Minneapolis Engineer of Tests — Great Northern Railwav. * Beyer, Adam, '96, Died Jan. 17, 1901. tBishman, Adam Edgar, '95, Willmar, Minn Electrician — Municipal Plant. Blake, Robert P., '97, Northern Pacific General Offices, St. Paul Special Apprentice — Northern Pacific Railway. Bohland, John A.. '95, Montreal av, St. Paul Assistant Engineer — Great Northern Railway. Bray. George E., '94, 1407 Cummings ,av, W. Superior. Wis Director of Manual Training of Superior Public Schools. Burch, Albert M., '96, 569 Selby av, St. Paul Bridge Draftsman — Great Northern Railway. Burch, Edward P., '92, 517 6th av se, Minneapolis Consulting Electrical Engineer. Burt, John L., '90, Hermosillo, Mexico Engineer. Burtis, William H., '92, Decorah, la President and Manager Decorah Electric Light Co. Bushnell, Charles S., '78, 116 6th st S, Minneapolis Jobber of Bicycle Parts. Bushnell. Elbert E., '85, 171 Broadway, New York Dealer in Typewriters. Casseday, George A., '95, Engineer Dept., G. N. Ry., Spokane, Wash Bridge Engineer. Chalmers. Charles IL, '94, 2640 Essex st se, Minneapolis Manufacturer of Electrical iviachinery. Chapman. Leslie H.. '95, 753 Carroll st, St. Paul Chief Draughtsman, Bridge Department, G. N. Ry. Chase, Arthur W., '93, Hastings, Minn Merchant. Chesnut. George L., '97, 2529 2d av S, Minneapolis Electrical Engineer — Northwestern Tel. Exchange Co. Chowen, Walter A., '91. 45 Kilby st, Boston, Mass Adjuster. Liability Insurance. tCoe, Clarence Stanley, '89, 1517 Lyndale av N, Minneapolis City Salesman — Wyman, Partridge & Co. Couper. George B., '93, 609 Oak st se, Minneapolis Draftsman. 72 University of Minnesota Craig. Robert. "97, 308 18th av se. Minneapolis In charge of Gas Engine Department, Fairbanks, Morse & Co., St. Paul. Crane, Fremont. 87, (B. S., '86, C. E., '98) Spokane, Wash Civil Engineer. fCross, Charles M., '97, Brainerd, Minn Special Apprentice — N. P. Ry. Co. tCunningham. Andrew Oswald, '94, New Orleans. La Dahl, Hans F. M., '98, 579 Rondo st, St. Paul Electrician with St. Paul Gas Light Co. Daniel. T. Lester, '00, 1057 13th av se, Minneapolis Draughtsman — Soo Line. Dann, Wilbur W., 90, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich Assistant Engineer — Lake Superior River Co. Dawley, Wiliam S., '79, 355 Dearborn st, Chicago. Ill Chief Engineer C. & E. I. R. R. Co. Dewey, William Harry. "93, 1204 Tinton av, New York Contracting Engineer. Douglas, Fred L., "91, (C. E., '99) 143 W. 138th st, New York City Civil Engineer. Dow, James C, '00, Faribault, Minn Electrician. Eddy, Horace T., '95, Union College, Schenectady, N. Y. Instructor of Electrical Engineering. Erf, John W., '93, 179 College st, Middletown, Conn Engineering — With the American Bridge Co. Erikson, Henry Anton. '96, 414 Harvard st se, Minneapolis Instructor in Physics — University of Minnesota. Felton, Ralph P., '92, 101 2d st ne, Minneapolis Clerk — Motive Power Department, G. N. Ry. St. Paul. ♦Fitzgerald. Patrick Thomas, '85, Died April 2, 1887 Ford, Robert E., '95, Pasadena, Cal Instructor — Machine Shops, Throop Poly. Institute. *Furber. Pierce Power, '79, Died April 7, 1893 Gerry, Martin H., Jr., '90, Helena. Mont General Manager and Chief Engineer Missouri River Power Company. Gillette, Lewis Singer. '76. (C. E., '98), Minneapolis Pres. Gillette-Herzog Mfg. Co. Western Manager of the American Bridge Co. fGilman. James B., '94, 409 8th st se, Minneapolis Head Draughtsman, Gillette-Herzog Co. Gnchrist, Charles Chandler, '98, Western Electric Co., Chicago. Ill Electrical Engineer in Telephone Engineering Department. Gill, James H., '92, Bozeman, Mont Instructor Engineering Department State Agricultural and Mechanical College. Gilman. Fred H., '90, 124 E. 13th st. Minneapolis Staff Representative of the American Lumberman. Glass, Clifton A., '98, Koken Iron Works, St. Louis, Mo Civil Engineer. Goodkind. ^eo, '92, 215 Nelson av, St. Paul Merchant. Graling. Vernev, '99. 425 8th av se, St. Paul Electrician with T. C. R. T. Co. Gray, William Irving. '92, Minneapolis Contracting Engineer — 802 Sykes Block. Greenwood, Williston W., '90, 6649 Greenwood av, Chicago, 'II Grime, Edwin M„ '00, 1709 7th st S, Minneapolis Draughtsman — C, G. W. Rv. Guthrie. J. De Mott. '93, (M. D., '97) Luverne, Minn Physician and Surgeon. Hankenson, J. Jay, '92, 319 Beacon st se, Minneapolis Civil Engineer — C, M. & St. P. Ry. Hastings, Clive, '96, East Los Vegas, N. M. Forest Ranger. U. S. Government. Hayden. John Foot. '90, Minneapolis Journalist — 1011 Lumber Exchange. Alumni Record 73 *Hendrickson, Eugene Alvin, Died April 5, 1901. Hewett, Frank M., '07, 4000 Lyndale av S, Minneapolis Bridge Contractor. Hibbard. Truman, '97, 927 2d av S, Minneapolis Electrical Engineer, with Electric Machinery Co. Higgins, Charles C. '00, Aurora, 111 Assistant to Engineer of Tests, C, B. & Q. R. R. Higgins, Elvin L., '92, Hutchinson, Minn CiVi. Engineering. tHiggins. John Turner, '90, Morgan Hill, Cal Physician. Hildebrand, Henry A.. '99, St. Peter, Minn Superintendent and Chief Engineer of Electric Light and Water Department. City of St. Peter. fHilferty, Charles Dutton, '96, Richmond, Va Draughtsman. Hoag, William R., '83, (M. S., '88), 1516 7th st se, Minneapolis Professor Civil Engineering — University of Minnesota. Howard, Monroe S., '92, Waukon. la Vice-President and Treasurer of the Decorah Electric Light Co., Decorah, la., and Superintendent of the Waukon Elec- tric Light Co., Waukon, la. Hoyt, Hiram Patrick, '93 New York City Civil Engineer — 1228 St. James Building. Hoyt, William Hausmer, '90, 929 E. 5th st, Duluth, Minn Civil Engineer. Hugo, Victor. '96, St. Louis, Mo Chief Inspector Hartford Steam Boiler Insp. and Ins. Co. — 614 Security Building. Huhn, George Philip, '91, 300 Aldrich av N, Minneapolis Bank Clerk. Huntoon, Milton B., '99 Honolulu, Sandwich Islands Johnson, Frank E., '00, Chadron, Neb Superintendent Chadron Electric Light and Power Co. Johnson, Noah, '94, 909 Scott st, Little Rock, Ark Assistant Engineer, C. O. & G. R. R. Johnston, William Wood, '00, Brainerd, Minn Special Apprentice — Northern Pacific Ry. Jones, C. Paul, Jr., '96, Sabin, Minn County Surveyor. Kinsell, William L., '00, Oelwein, la Mechanical and Electrical Engineering — Great Western Ry. -fLang, James Sherburne, '96, Boston, Mass West End Electric R. R. Co. Lee, Engbert A., '97, Denver, Col Engineer and Agent's Assistant American Bridge Co. — 405 Jackson Building. Leonard, Henry Clay, '75, (B. S., '95) Battle Lake, Minn Physician and Surgeon. Loe, Eric H., '88, 311 3d st S, Minneapolis Mechanical Engineer — Nordyke & Marmon Co. fLong, Fred Winston, '96, Hayland, Ga Assistant Engineer Ga. & Fla. R. R. Lonie, James H., 't>7, 1114 Commerce st, Roanoke, Va Draftsman, N. & W. Ry. Co. Loy, George John, '84. Spokane, Wash McKellip, Frank W., '98, Spokane, Wash. tMacKusick, Elwood M., '99, Minneapolis Magnusson, C. Edw., '96, (M. S., '97 ; Ph. D., Wis) 800 1st av S, St. Cloud, Minn Teacher of Science in High School. Mann, Frederick M., 328 Chestnut st, Philadelphia Architect. Markhus, Olaf G. F., '97, Moorhead, Minn Superintendent Water & Light Department. Matthews, Irving W., '84, Waterville, Wash Abstracts of Title, Real Estate and Insurance. 74 University of Minnesota Miller, William Lott, '97, 309 E. 5th st, Winona, Minn City Engineer. Morris, John, '88, West Pullman Station Chicago Superintendent and Mechanical Engineer of The Piano Manufacturing Co. fMorse, George Hart, '93, Minneapolis Instructor, National School of Electricity. Myers, Mortimer A., '97, Hudson, Wis General Manager Electric Light Plant. Newhall, William" B., '99, 2702 Humboldt av S, Minneapolis Studying for the E. E. degree. Nilson, Thorwald E., '90, Station B, Postoffice, Minneapolis Money Order and Registry Clerk, Station B. fO'Brien, John E., '98, Livingston, Mont Mechanical Engineer — Northern Pacific Railway. Pardee, Walter S., '77, City Hall, Minneapolis Architect. Parkhurst, Harleigh, '00, 2220 Venango st, Philadelphia With Electric Storage Battery Co. freters, William George, '83, Tacoma, Wash Plowman, George T., '92, 14 Foster st, Brookline, Mass Chief of Construction, Goodwin Car Co., of New York, Chi- cago & Boston. Pratt, Arthur C, '99, Canyon Ferry, Mont Electrician — Missouri River Power Company. Prendergast, Paul S., '00, 408 Ashland av, St. Paul Draguhtsman — Northern Pacific Railroad Co. Rank, Samuel A., '75, Central City, Colo. Mining Engineer. Reed, Albert Irving, '85, Racine, Wis Civil Engineer. Reidhead, Frank E., '93, 916 6th av S. Minneapolis Superintendent The Minneapolis General Electric Co. Richardson, Wilbur P., '99, 150 Pleasant av, St. Paul Draughtsman — C, G. W. Ry. Rounds, Fred M., '95, Waco. Texas S. W. Tel. and Tel. Co. Savage, Edward S., '97, 7 Union st se, Minneapolis Mechanical Draughting. Schlegell, Frederic von,, '95, Breckenridge, Minn Assistant Superintendent — Great Northern Railway. fShenehon, Francis C, '95, (C. E., '00), Sault St. Marie, Mich. U. S. Engineer's Office. Shepherd, Burchard P., '95, Winona. Minn Osteopathic Physician — 104 Exchange Building. — May 1st, 1901, to be with the Western Navigation Co., Address, 137 Montgomery st, San Francisco, Cal. Shumway, Ernest J., '00, Robbinsdale, Minn Meter Department, with The M. G. E. Co. fSilliman, Henry D., '97, Mt. Iron, Minn Oliver Iron Mining Co. fSmith, Louis Orville, '79, LeSueur, Minn Smith, William C, 90, Care Engineering Dept., N. P. Ry, St. Paul Assistant Engineer. Springer, Frank Wesley, Minneapolis Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, University of Minnesota. Stewart, J. Clark, '75, 1628 5th Av S., Minneapolis. Physician. Stussy, William, '00, Canyon Ferry, Mont Electrical Engineering. "■Tanner, Harry L., '95, Died Dec. 4, 1899 Taylor, Edward W. D., '98, 2357 Carter av, St. Paul Civil Engineer. Thaler. Joseph A., '00. Minneapolis Instructor in Engineering Mathematics — University of Min- nesota. Alumni Record 75 Thayer, Charles E., '76, 818 Mt. Curve av, Minneapolis Grain. Thompson, Roy Edwin, '00, Canyon Ferry, Mont Draughting and Construction Work. Tilderquist, William M., '95, 1905 Mallon av, Spokane, Wash Assistant Engineer, Great Northern Railway. Tracy, Fred G., '00, 9006 Dauphin av, Chicago, 111 Special Apprentice — Illinois Central Railroad. Trask, Birney E., '90, (C. E., '94) Northwestern Military Academy, Highland Park, 111. In charge of Department of Mathematics. Wagner, Adolf, '98, 418 14th av se, Minneapolis Meter Department, The Minneapolis General Electric Co. tWalker Frank B., '97, Walker, Minn Civil Engineer. Washburn, D. Cuyler, '93, 3025 Emerson av S, Minneapolis Civil Engineer. fWeaver, Albert C, '95, 1414 6th st se, Minneapolis Track Recorder, C, G. W. Ry. Weeks, William C, '94, 427 6th st se, Minneapolis United States Assistant Engineer. tWennerlund, Elias Carl, '99. Willmar, Minn tWheeler, Herbert Merrill, '96, Ft. Wayne, Ind Student Course, Ft. Wayne Electric Corporation. fWhitman, Edward A., '00, New Brighton, Minn With the C, M. & St. P. Ry. Willson, Manton F., '98, 628 1st av N, Minneapolis Clerk, Dry Goods, Wyman, Partridge & Co. Wiltgen, Edward, '00, 1716 5th av S, Minneapolis Electrician, Northern Pacific Railway. Woodman, Howard H., '97, 772 Lincoln av, St. Paul Civil Engineer, C, St. P., M. & O., St. Paul tWoodmansee, Charles Comstock, '86. Woodward, Herbert M., '90, Boston, Mass Instructor Mechanic Arts High School. Wright, Roy V., '98, Pittsburg, Pa With P. & L. E. Ry. Zeleny, Frank, '98, C, B. & Q. R. R., Aurora, 111 Special Apprentice, C, B. & Q. R. R. Graduates of the School of Mines. Bass, William C, '99, Gibbonsville, Idaho Assayer for American Developing and Mining Co. tBecker, George M., '97, Minneapolis Brackenbury, Cyril, '98, Hancock, Houghton Co., Mich. Mining Engineer. Campbell. William L., '00, Box 998 Cripple Creek, Col. Mining Engineer. tChandler, Eugene D., '00, Minneapolis Gillette-Herzog. Christianson, Peter, '94, (B. S., 90; M. E., '98) 411 Walnut st se, Minneapolis Instructor in Metallurgy — University of Minnesota. Cutler, Henrv Cleveland, '94, (M. E., '95) Whitehall, Mont. Chemist and Assayer with American Developing and Min- ing Co. Egleston, Oliver J., '00, Box "I", Salt Lake City, Utah Mining Engineer. tHughes, Thomas Moffat, '96, Ely, Minn Mining Engineer, Chandler Mine. Hunt, Walter E., '00, Hibbing, Minn Mining Engineer. McCarty, Edward P., '00, 217 8th av se, Minneapolis Instructor in Mining — University of Minnesota. 76 University of Minnesota Mcintosh, Joseph B., '98, Anaconda, Mont Mining Engineer. May, Albert E., '96, (B. A., '94; M. E., '98) Care Ricketts & Banks, 104 John st, New York City Mills, Eugene C, '97, Virginia, Minn Superintendent Commodore Mine. Pratt, George A., '98, 200 5th st se, Minneapolis Mining Enginer — Peru, South America. Sumner, Rutherford B., '00, Rock Spring, Wyo Mining. tTanner, Wallace North, '96, Anaconda, Mont Smelting Department, B. & M. C. C. & S. M. & S. Co. Teague, Harold W., '00, Castle Rock, Utah Mining Engineer. fToll, Rensselaer H., '00, 1615 Larimer st, Denver, Col Mining Engineer. Wales. Rowland T., '97, Trail, B. C. Assayer and Chemist at Canadian Smelter Works. Walker. Clinton L., '98, 803 Hennepin av, Minneapolis With Red River Lumber Co. Warren, Frank M., '99, 3443 Irving av S, Minneapolis Mining Engineer. Wilkinson, Charles Dean, '95, Whitehall, Mont Mining Engineer. Graduates of the College Agriculture. Barrett, William J., '82, 2618 Pillsbury av, Minneapolis Circulator — Tribune. Chapman, Herman H., '99, (B. S., '96) Grand Rapids, Minn Superintendent N. E. Experiment Farm. Clark, Robert W., '00, Auburn, Ala Assistant in Animal Husbandry at the Experiment Station. Donohue, Jeremiah, I., '87, St. Cloud, Minn Patent and Claim Attorney. Houlton, Sam R., '00, Elk River, Minn Farmer. Hoverstad, Torger A., '94, Crookston, Minn Superintendent Experiment Farm. Hummel, John A., '99, St. Anthony Park, Minn Assistant Chemist, Geol. & Nat. Hist. Survey, and Instructor Chemistry in Agricultural College. Major, Ernest W., '99, Experiment Station, St. Anthony Park Assistant in Dairy Husbandry. Palmer, William C, '00, St. Anthony Park, Minn Experiment Station work in Animal Husbandry. *Pendergast, Warren Wendell, '96, Died Aug. 26, 1897 tSandsten, Emil P., '95, St. Paul Botanist, Northwestern Grass Twine Co. Scofield, Carl S., '00, Washington, D. C. Agricultural Investigation. tShaw, Thomas W., '98, (B. S., '99) 2293 Langford St. Paul Graduate student — University of Minnesota. Smith, William G., '97, Washington, D. C. Field Assistant, Division of Soils — Department of Agri- culture. Sorkness, Henry Oscar, '99, Ashby, Minn Farm Implement Business. Stene, Andrew E., '97, Ashby, Minn. Principal oi Schools. Thompson, John, '95, Greensboro, N. C. (A. & M. College) Professor of Agriculture and Chemistry. *Trussell, Thomas Ezekiel, '85, Died March 27, 1897 Wheeler, William A., Minneapolis Instructor of Botany — University of Minnesota. Wilson, James A., '00, Thief River Falls, Minn Principal of Schools. Alumni Record 77 Graduates of the College of Law. fAchard, George W., '92, 236 and 242 Boston, Block, Minneapolis tAdams, Arthur T., '94, Clarkfield, Minn Adams, Charles E., '00, Duluth, Minn Attorney-at-Law (Adams & Miller), 515 Torry Building. Adams, William H., '00. Fergus Falls, Minn Lawyer. Alair, Walter E., '95, St. Paul With Northern Pacific Railway Co. Albeit, Charles S., '94, Minneapolis Lawyer — 1004 Guaranty Loan Building. -fAlderson, Charles F., '95, Minneapolis Allbright, Clifton A., '98, Brainerd, Minn Lawyer — 16 First National Bank Block. jAIlen, J. Boyd, '90. Allen, Nelson P., '95, Brownton, Minn Lawyer. Ames, Oliver H., '98, St. Paul Lawyer — 66 National German-American Bank Building. Anderson, Arthur C, '00, St. Paul Cashier St. Paul National Bank. fAnderson, William M., '94, Devils Lake, N. D. States Attorney. Anderson, Samuel G., Jr., '99, Hutchinson, Minn Lawyer. tAnderson, Andrew Edward, '00, Minneapolis Andrews, Sewall D., '96, Minneapolis Lawyer — 309 New York ^ife Building. Angell, Edward M., '93, Glens Falls, N. Y. Lawyer (King & Angell). Angst, Robert A., '98, Iron River, Mich With Oliver Iron Mining Co. Angus, William, '96. (B. A., '93) Warren, Minn. Superintendent of Schools. Appleby, S. C. Montague, '00, 365 Summit av, St. Paul Correspondent Clerk National German-American Bank. Appleton, George H., '95, P. O. Box 131, Seattle, Wash Attorney. fArmstrong, George Wallace, 98, 2722 Emerson av N, Minneapolis fArness, Conrad Angel, '99, Fisher, Minn Arnold, Albert C, '98, 2135 Girard Av. N., Minneapolis Agent of Minneapolis Humane Society. Arnold, Frank, '97, Metropolitan Opera HouseBldg, St. Paul Assistant to General Attorney, Chicago-Great Western Ry. fAusten, James F., '93, (B. L. '96), 230 Fuller St.. St. Paul fAvery, Edward S., '94, 67 Wall St., New York City Lawyer. fAvery. Bertrand A., '90, Duluth, Minn. D. W. & N. Ry. Ayers, Fred H., '93, 655 Temple Court, Minneapolis Lawyer. Baily, Henry Patterson, '93. (B. S., '90), 507 New York Life Bldg, Minneapolis Attorney-at-Law. Baker, Lucy L., '95. (B. L., '88) Tower, Mo. Teacher. Baldy, Frederick Carrol, '98. (B. S. '95),. Faribault, Minn. Instructor in Shattuck Military School. Bardwell. Winfield W., '90, Minn. Loan & Trust Bldg, Minneapolis Lawyer. Barry, Arthur R., 1900, Phillips, Wis. Lawyer — District Attorney, Price County, Wisconsin. Bartholomew, Lee B., '95, Chariton, Iowa Lawyer. Barton, C. Albert. 1900, 3016 University Av. S. E., Minneapolis Cashier Mississippi & R. R. Boom Co. 78 University of Minnesota Barton, Elijah, "94, 1038 Guaranty Loan Bldg, Minneapolis Lawyer. Barton, Fred W., '93, 811 16th Av. N., Minneapolis Attorney, 305 Temple Court. Bates, William E., '97, 311 Sykes Block, Minneapolis Lawyer. Bauman, Edward C, '90, Watertown, S. D. U. S. Land Office Service. Bayer, Anthony M., '98, 30 Minn. Loan & Trust Bldg, Minneapolis Lawyer. Bean, Francis A., 1900, New Prague, Minn. Miller. tBearman, Abraham N., '00, 1111 Bryant Av. N., Minneapolis. tBeardslee. Stillson J., '92, 417 E 14th St., Minneapolis. Justice of the Peace, 49 3rd St. S. Bebb, William B., '92, (LL. M., '93), 47 University Place, New York City. Assistant Minister of Presbyterian Church on University Place, New York. tBeek, Clarence W., '99, Larimore, N. D. Beek, Joseph H., '97, 30-34 Fire & Marine Building, St. Paul. Attorney-at-Law. Firm name, Palmer, Beek & Mitchell. Begg, William R., '95, 403 New York Life Building, St. Paul. Lawyer. Belden, Geo. K., '97, (B. S., '92) 313 Nicollet Av., Minneapolis. Lawyer. Benedict, Thomas J., '00, Sterling Center, Minn. Lawver. Bennett, John C, '98, Room 201, Nor. Pac. Ry. Bldg., St. Paul. Chief Clerk N. P. Ry. Co. Benson. Chas. S., '92, Globe Bldg., St. Paul. Lawyer. Benson. Henry N., '95, St. Peter, Minn. Lawyer. Bentley, Lester H., '92, Milbank, S. D. Lawyer. Benton, Andrew, '95, Nat. Bank of Commerce, Minneapolis. Bank Clerk. Benton. Ward Hotchkiss, '98, 819 4th av S, Minneapolis Banker. Berg, John N., '99, (BS., '96), 1012 N. Y. Life Bldg., Minneapolis. Lawyer. *Berseth, Andrew. '94, (B. S., '93) Died Aug. 6, 1896. Best, Eugene N., '92, 816 N. Y. Life Bldg., Minneapolis. Lawyer. fBest, John W., '90. Bestor, Frank Clinton, '98, Room 2, 15 E. 3dr St. Cincinnati, Ohio. With Washburn-Crosby Co. Bestor, Geo. W., '91, 8-12 4th St. S., Minneapolis. Gen. Manager Minnesota Sandstone Co. Biorn, Carl H., '98, 318 Globe Bldg., St. Paul. Lawyer. Bird, John A., '00, Balfour, N. D. Lawyer — Blaisdell & Bird. -i-Birkhauser, Frank, '98, Dickey, N. D. Bjorge, Henry O., '98, Lake Park, Minn. Practicing Law and Farming. Blackman, Charles E., '98, Portland, Oregon. Lawyer. Blackman, Wilbur P., '95, Winona, Minn. Lawyer. Boardman, Ralph T., '00, 537 Andrus Building, Minnecapolis. Lawyer — Boardman, Dever, Leary & Boardman. Bond, ('has. E. '90, Temple Court, Minneapolis. Lawver. Bond, Marie P., 'oJ, (Mrs. Chas. E. Bond), 1115 Hawthorn Av., Minneapolis. tBooker, Lewis B., '96, Spokane, Wash. Alumni Record 79 Bookwalter Sumner, '92, Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis. Chamber of Commerce Registrar. Borchert, Frank H., '96, Osakis, Minn. i^aw, Loans, Real Estate, Insurance and Collections. Bosworth, Roy D., '00, Utica, Minn. Lawyer. Boughton, Chas. E., '92, Red Lake Falls. Minn. Cit" attorney of Red Lake Falls : Owner and Associate Ed- itor of Red Lake County Courier. Bowler, Burton H., '96, Bird Island, Minn. Practicing Attorney. Boyd, Archibald C, '97, Bishop Building, Williams St., New York, N. Y. Lawyer. Braden. Angus G., '93, 3045 Hennepin Av., Minneapolis. Clerk — J. B. Atwater. Bradford, .ames Everett, '94, (B. A., '92) 405 Bailey Bldg., Seattle, Wash. Lawyer. Bradford, John M. '97, 409 Virginia Av. N., St. Paul. Lawyer. tBraggans, William Onzlo, '00, St. Paul. Brand, Archie M., '95, Faribault, Minn. Nurseryman. Brand, Norton F., '95, North Yakima, Wash. Attorney. Brattland, Michael A., '90, Ada, Norman County, Minn. Lawyer. fBregstein, Joseph S., '96. Brewster, Morton W., '96, Wells, Minn. Lawyer — Hughes & Brewster. tBrewster, William B., '96, 66 Snelling Av. St. Paul. Lawyer— 815 N. Y. Life Building. Brill, Hascal R., '99, 901 Pioneer Press Bldg., St. Paul. Lawyer. fBrockett, Norwood Waite, '99, Minneapolis, Broeffle, Cyrus Asaph, '96, 206 Pleasant St. S. E., Minneapolis. Lawyer, 230 4th St. S. Brohough, Gustav O. '93, (B. L., '89), Red Wing, Minn. Teacuer. Brower, Ripley B., '91, St. Cloud, Minn. Attorney — Member of Finance Committee of State Senate. Brown, Clarence Z., '96, (LL. M., '97), 510 N. Y. Life Building, Minneapolis. Attorney at Law. Brown, John, '92, 401 Lonsdale Building, Duluth, Minn. Lawver. Brown. Walter R., '92 510 New York Life Bldg., Minneapolis. Attorney at Law. Brown, William Compton, '91, Republic, Wash. Lawyer. Brown, Wm. J., '94, Warren, Marshall County, Minn. Attorney at Law. fBrubaker, Guy B., '99, 1124 Guaranty Loan Bldg., Minneapolis. Buck, Geo. W., 99, 2709 Dodge St., Omaha, Neb. Civil Engineer, C. N. W. Ry. Buffington, Geo. W., '93, 320 Temple Court, Minneapolis. Lawyer. Bugge, Hans, 93, Fergus Falls, Minn. Practicing Lawyer — Specialty, Commercial Law. Bull, Roy T., '00, Lake Benton, Minn. Lawyer — Bull & Gislason. Bunker, Russell S., '00, 52 Boston Blk., Seattle, Wash. Lawyer. tBurke, Edmund, '94, Burke, Walter J., '94, Bathgate, N. D. Lawyer — County Attorney. •80 University of Minnesota Burlingarue, James M., Jr., '90, Great Falls, Mont. Attorney at Law. Secretary of State Republican Committee of Montana, 1900-1904. Burness, Bernard, '95, 1123 1st Av. S., Minneapolis. Lawyer, No. 40 Loan and Trust Bldg. Burns, Fitzhugh, '92 and '94, 442 Summit Av., St. Paul. Attorney at Law, 204 Globe Building. tBurns, William H., '97, 2601 16th Av. S., Minneapolis. Lawyer — 540 Temple Court. Burr, Stiles W., '91, St. Paul. Lawyer — 28-29 Nat'l Ger. Am. Bank Bldg. Burrows, Wm., '00, 704 Grand Av., St. Paul. Paul. Buttz, Charles W. '00, Minnewaukan, X. D. Lawyer. fCaldwell, ^eo. Wasuington, '99, Minneapolis. Cameron, Don M., '98, 722 12th Av. S. E., Minneapolis. Lawyer. Cameron, Frank, '00, Hayward, Wis. Practicing Law. Campbell, Johnston B.. '90, Moorhead, Minn. Lawyer — Tillotson & Campbell. tCampbell. Walter Henry, '96, (B. L., '95), 512 Selby Av., St. Paul. tCampbell, Wm. F., "92. ■Cannon, Joan M., '96, Cresco Iowa. Attorney at Law. Carey, Wm. H., '91, 405 Exch. Bldg., Duluth, Minn. Real Estate and Loans. Carleton, Linwood C, '91, 128 Harvard St. S. E., Minneapolis. Painter. Carley. James A., '94, Wabasha, Minn. Lawver. Carnes, Robert K., '94, Royalton, Minn. Miller. 'Carpenter, Fred H., '00, 1774 Bryant Av. S., Minneapolis. Attorney. Carpenter, Frederick W., '97, Care of Philippines Commission, Manila, P. I. Attorney at Law. Carr, Clarence G., '95. 50 Loan and Trust Bldg., Minneapolis. Law. L,oans. Insurance. Carr, Greeley E., '91, Stephen, Minn. Lawfr. Carroll. Bernard C. '93, 104 Crocker Bldg., San Francisco, Cal. Lawver. Carroll, Walter N., '95, 2105 Girard Av. S., Minneapolis. Lawyer. Carver. Walter M., '96, (B. S., '94) Marshall, Minn. Teacher. Casey, John M., '91, Waverly, Minn. Lawyer. Castner, Frank ii., '93, 2616 Taylor St. N. E.. Minneapolis. Law- er — 730 Temple Court. Chamberlain, Howaiv B., '99, 517 11th Av. S. E., Minneapolis. Lawyer. Chamberlain, Sherman R., '96, 403 Bates Av., St. Paul. Railway Postal Clerk. Champlin, ueo. W., '98, Benson, Minn. Lawyer. Chapman, Clair Albion, '98, Lanesboro, Minn. sawyer — Member of Firm of Chapman & Chapman. Chapman, Joseph, Jr., '97, 1460 W. Lake St., Minneapolis. Assistant Cashier Northwestern National Bank, f Cheney, Zina R., '93, Worthington, Minn. Child, George E., '98, No. 41 National German American Bank, With American Surety Company of New York, surety on bonds. Alumni Record 81 Childless. Arthur B., '98, Northneld, Minn. Lawyer. Chinnock. Hersey R., 00, River Falls, Wis. Attorney at Law — Haugen, Grimm & Chinnock. Chinnock, Renville, '96, 610 Manhattan Blk., St. Cloud, Minn. Lawyer. Christello, A.oert, '95, 1105 6th St. S. E., Minneapolis. Practice of Law. Chunn, Mark W., '95, Luverne, Minn. Lawyer. Church. Arthur B., '96, (B. L., '91), Staples, Minn. Lawver. Chute, Fred B., '95, 1024 University Av. S. E., Minneapolis. Law. Real Estate, Rentals — Chute Block. Chute, Louis P., '93, Minneapolis. Law and Real Estate — Chute Block. Clark, Briscoe Baldwin, '94, Northport, L. I., N. Y. Lawyer avri Law Writer. Clark, Henry C, '98. 2015 Milwaukee Av., St. Paul. Clerk American Express Company. Clark, Homer P., '94, St. Paul. Manager West Publishing Company. Clark, Le Roy Eaton. '98. (B. A., '95), Minneapolis. Superintendent Adv. — The Times. tCleveland. Frank Hannay, '95, Globe Bldg., St. Paul. *Clinton, Agnes B., '99, (LL. M., '00), Died September 24, 1900. fCoates, Harry S., '00, St. Cloud, Minn. Codman, William, '97, Winona, Minn. Lawyer. Coe, W 7 m. T., '96, 435 Temple Court, Minneapolis. Lawyer. Coffey. J,ames A., '00, 414 Manhattan Bldg., St. Paul. Loan Department, Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. tCohen, Joseph W., '96. 1729 Elliott Av., Minneapolis. Clerk — M. L. Cohen. Cohen, Isaac A., '98, Lead, S. D. Attorney. Coleman, John Ambrose, 508 Hennessy Bldg., Butte, Mont. Lawver. Coombs, Lee A., '94, Valley City, N. D. Lawyer. Conant, Edith M.. '94. (.Mrs. Charles E. Conant), Wells, Faribault County, Minn. Attorney. Conlin, Hem- '9o, 21 Nat'l Ger. Am. Bank Bldg., St. Paul. Lawyer. tConlow, Jonn W., '90. Conrow, Mark E., '00, Kalispel, Mont. Lawyer. Cooley. Clayton R., '93, 3228 2nd Av. S., Minneapolis. Deputy Collector of Customs. Cormany, Montgomery L., '95, Princeton, Minn. Lawyer. Cornish, Perl C, '99, Alden, Minn. Lawyer. Corriston, Frank S., '90, Court House, Minneapolis. official Stenographer District Court, Hennepin County, Minn. Corwin Orrin M., '92, St. Thomas, N. D. Attorney. Costello, Wm. J., '99. 519 13th Av. S. E., Minneapolis. Agent G. N. Ry. Co., Minneapolis. Covell, Frank E., '93, 734-735 Lumber Exchange, Minneapolis. Lawyer and Publisher. tCovell. George L., '99. 36 N. 11th St., Minneapolis. Lawver — Covell & Covell. Covell. Louis ~., '94, Atwater, Minn. Attorney and Editor. 82 University of Minnesota Craven, Thos. F., '96, Chaska, Minn. Lawyer. Cravens, John E., '00, 740 Temple Court, Minneapolis. Real Estate and Collections. fCreswell, Harry Heber, '00, Grand Forks, N. D. tCrocker, Norman, '93, Ironwood, Mich. Crooks, John S., '98, 70 Nat. Ger. Am. Bank Bldg., St. Paul. Attorney. tCrossett, Herbert H., '94, 683 St. Anthony Av., St. Paul. Cudhie, Geo., '95, Minneapolis. Lawyer— 208 Century Bldg. tDaggette, x nomas C, '00, Elysian, Minn. Dahl, John A., '93, (B. L., '92), Minneapolis. Lawyer — 535 Temple Court. Dahl, John F., '92, 1417 7th St. S., Minneapolis. Court Reporter. Dahle, Olaus K., '94, Caledonia, Minn. Attorney at Law — County Attorney. tDaly, James Jerome, '00, Assumption, Minn. Danner. Harry Ross, '93, (LL. M., '94; M. A., '96; Ph. D., '99) 141 Broadway, New York City. Lawyer. Davidson. Martin B., '91, Charleston, W. Va. Mining Broker. Davis, Alfred B., '94, Klondike. Alaska. Davis, Frank D., '93, Cando, N. D. Lawyer, Editor. Dawley. Daniel L., '90, 610 St. Anthonv Av., St. Paul. Ednor. West Pub. Co. Day, Floyd Hamilton, '00, 427 9th St. S., Minneapolis. Lawyer. Dean, George F., '96, 208 Bank of Commerce Bldg., Minneapolis. Lawyer. tDe Laurier, Otis B., ^6, Long Prairie, Minn. De Lury. Daniel, '96, Walker, Minn. Attorney. Denegre. James D., '91, 37 Gilfillan Block, St. Paul, Minn. Attorney -at-Law. tDennison -arles II., '96, Minneapolis. Deutsch. Henry. '94, (LL. M., Yale), 2705 Fremont Av. S., Minneapolis. Attorney-at-Law — Nye & Deutsch, 627 Guaranty Loan. Dever, Charles S., '93, 537 Andrus Bldg., Minneapolis. Lawyer. Dickerman. Gilbert G., '91, Trust Bldg., Duluth. Minn. Real Estate and Mortgage Loans. Dickinson. Horace D., '90, 6 E. 14th St., Minneapolis. Lawyer. (Municipal Court Judge.) ♦Dickinson. William F., '94. Deceased. Dickey. Joel M., '95, 530 Ashland Av., St. Paul. Assistant U. S. Attorney. fDittenhoefer, Frank H., '94, (B. A., '92) Minneapolis. Dodge, Louis L., '97 801 Globe Bldg., Minneapolis. Manager Winston Bros. Doerfler, Joseph. Jr., 92, 2544 3rd Av. S., Minneapolis. Stenographer, N. W. Telephone Exchange Co., Equipment Department. Dolenty. Francis X., '94, Townsend, Mont. Attornev-at-Law. Dolliff, Alfred C, '95, Redwood Falls, Minn. Lawyer. Donahower. Harrv L., Legal Dept. N. P. Rv. Co., St. Paul. Chief Clerk. Legal Dept., N. P. Ry. Co. Donohue. John R., '96, Grand Rapids. Minn. County Attorney. Donohue. William F., '96, Melrose. Minn. Attorney-at-Law — County Attorney. Alumni Record S3 Douglas, Geo. P., '90, 619 Boston Block, Minneapolis. Lawyer. Downey, Frank E., '00, Hendricks, Minn. Lawyer. fDresen, John G., '94, N. Y. Life Bldg., St. Paul. Dresser, Alfred, '99, Minnewaukan, N. D. Lawyer — Assistant County Attorney. Drew, Charles Myron, '94, 1778 Girard Av. S., Minneapolis. Lawyer — 502-504 New York Life Bldg. tDrew, Edwin C, '94. Drowley, William G., '92, Baker City, Oregon. Lawyer. Dullam, George F., '93, Waterville, Minn. Lawyer. Duval, Henri, '97, Minneapolis. Assistant Auditor, American Bridge Co., New York, N. Y. fEagan, Joseph James, '00, 1419 Chicago Av., Minneapolis. jEckholdt, Walter A., '96, Rochester, Minn. Ecklund, Edward A., '00, 614 15th Av. S. E., Minneapolis. Student — University of Minnesota. Eckman, Frank A., '99, (MS., '96), 220 Breunig Blk., West Superior, Wis. Lawyer. Eckman, Solomon H., '93, 513 Palladio Bldg., Duluth, Minn. Lawyer — Eckman & Stevenson. tEddy, Geo. S.. '92. Olivia, Minn. tEdgerton, ^lonzo J., '98, St. Paul. Edwards, Albert E., '93, Estherville, Iowa. Attorney-at-Law. Egsrers, John E., '93, 309 Security Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Lawver. Egieston, Winis J., '96, 103 4th St. N. E., Washington, D. C. Division Chief, Agr. Div., 12th Census. rKUsworth, Chester Hichings, '00. Elmquist, Charles E., '98, Rush City, Minn. Lawver — County Attorney, Chisago County. tEmbertson. John, '98, Parker's Prairie, Minn. Ericson, Chas. J. } '93, 301 Central Av., Room 10, Minneapolis. Lawyer. Esterly, Robert E., '94. 502-504 N. Y. Life Bldg., Minneapolis. Lawyer — Drew & Esterly. Estey, Elbert H., '96, Waterloo, Iowa. Attornev. Evans, Harry W., 'Ou, Fergus Falls, Minn. Lawyer. Butler Hotel, Seattle, Wash. Pipestone, Minn. Sauk Rapids, Minn. Lawyer. Faber, Fred B., '95, Jackson, Minn. Lawyer. tFanning, William D., '95, 1716 Portland Av., Minneapolis. Lawyer. Farley, Frederick L., '93, Waseca, Minn. Lawyer. -(•Farmer, Edward C, '97, St. James. Minn. Farnham. Charles W., '95, St. Paul. Attorney — No. 13 ^at'l. German American Bank Bldg. Faulhaber, Ernest A., '98, Chemical Building, St. Louis, Mo. Treasurer Tennessee Central Ry. Featherstone, Albert II., '98, Wallace, Idaho. Lawyer. Felt, Oscar A., '95, Evansville, Minn. Attorney-at-Law. Feltus. Wm. N., '96, Walker, Minn. Attorney. Evans, Scott F., Lawyer. '97, Ewert. , Paul A., Lawyer. '96. Ewert, , William F., '99, 84 University of Minnesota Ferree, Simpson E.. '90, Minneapolis. Attorney-at-Law. Finehout, John W., '98, 331 Grove St., St. Paul Court House, and 805-6 Pioneer Press Bldg., St. Paul. Attorney-at-Law and Assistant Corporation Attorney. Finnegan, Andrew J., '96, 1015 New York Life Bldg., Minneapolis. Lawyer. Fiske, Douglas A., '91, 525 New York Life Bldg., Minneapolis. Lawyer. Fitch, William C, '00, North St. Paul, Minn. Lawyer — Justice of the Peace. Fleming, Calvin A.. '92. New York Life Insurance Company Bldg., St. Paul. Attorney-at-Law. tFleming. John Henry, '99. Flittie. Jean A,. '92, Mankato, Minu. Attorney-at-Law — Referee in Bankruptcy for the Second Division of the District of Minnesota. *Flynn, Arthur P., '93, Deceased. Flynn, Edward F., '96, Devils Lake, N. D. Attorney. Folds, George R., '97. 202 Newspaper Row, St. Paul. Claim Agent, St. Paul City Ry. Co. Foot, Frederick W., '95, Globe Bldg, St. Paul Lawver. Forssell. Claus F.. '86, Noyes Bros. & Cutler, St. Paul. Clerk in Wholesale Drug Store. Fosseen. Manley L., '95, Minneapolis Lawer. 420 Temple Court Bldg. tFoster. Luther A., '96. Foster, Wesley S., '99, (B. L., '96), Milaca, Minn. Lawver. Fowler. Charles R., '92, 22-28 Loan & Trust Bldg, Minneapolis Lawyer. Frankel, Louis R., '99. (B. L. '97), St. Paul Attorney. 50 Nat. Ger. Am. Bank Bldg. Frankson. Thomas, '00, Spring Valley, Minn. Lawyer. Frederickson. Adolph, '96, Springfield, Minn, Lawver. Freeman. John M., "98, Olivia, Minn. Lawver. tFrick. Carl, '96, Lakota, N. D. State's attorney. Fridley. Don P.. '94, (B. L. '96), Becker, Minn. Stock and Ranch Business. Fryberger, Harrison E., '92, 819 4th Av. S., Minneapolis Lawver. Fryberger, Herschell B., '92 414-417 Lonsdale Bldg, Duluth, Minn. Lawyer. tGage, George F., '94, Olivia, Minn. Gahre, Frank H.. '96, Minneapolis With Bardwell-Robinson Co., Sash, Doors & Mouldings. Galbraith. John A., '95, St. Paul Park, Minn. Traveling Agent. Gaioraith, John P., '91, Grand Forks, N. D. Lawyer- — Member of State Legislature. tGallagher, Matthew, '93, 304 New York Life Bldg, Minneapolis Lawyer. tGallagher, Robert, '92, 427 Lyndale Av. N., Minneapolis Salesman — James Elwin. Gallup. William W., '98, 435 Temple Court, Minneapolis Lawver. Gardner, Harris W., '95, 611 Westminster St., St. Paul N. P. Ry. Telegraph. Gardner, V Mam H., '94, 907 New York Life Bldg, St. Paul Lawyer. Alumni Record 85 Gartenlaub. Max, 145 La Salle St., Chicago, 111. Banker (Commercial Paper). Gaston, Hugh P., '94, St. Paul. Coll. Dent.. W. J. Dyer & Bro. Gearhart, Harry G., '91, 511-12 Palladio, Duluth, Minn. Attorney-at-Law. Geddes, Lharles D., '94, Madison Lake, Minn. Attorney-at-Law. Gemmell. William H., '95, Brainerd, Minn. Gen. Mgr. B. & N. M. Ry. Co. Germo. Thos., '00, Red Lake Falls, Minn. Lawyer. Getty, John T., '00. 315 Northwestern Bldg., Minneapolis. Attorney-at-Law. Giantvalley. Jeremiah A., '98, St. Paul. Lawyer — 25 and 26 Court Block. tGibson. George P., *95. tGibbons, John F., '99, 407 E. 9th St., St. Paul. Giddings. Arthur E.. '92. (B. A.. '89), Anoka, Minn. Lawyer — Judge District Court, 18th Judicial District, Min- nesota. tGilman, Zeeb, '96, Jersey City, N. J. Gislason. Bjorn B.. o0, Lake Benton, Minn. Lawyer. Gislason, Christian M., '94, Minneota, Minn. Attorney-at-Law. Gjerset, Oluf, '92, Montevideo, Minn. Lawyer — County Attorney of Chippewa County. Gjertsen. Geo. H.. '97, Wahpeton, X. D. Attorney-at-Law. Glenn, Edw.n F., '91, Manila, P. I. Major United States Army. Glover, Harry E.. '94. Spencer, Iowa. Auditor. Floete Lumber Co. Glover. Newton L., '95, Windom, Minn. Lawyer — Stuart & Glover. Godfrey, Alvin K., '97, East Moline, 111. Manager. East Moline Improvement Co. Godfrey. Eugene H., 91, 31 Railroad Bldg., Denver, Colo. Lawver. Godfrev. Percy D., "92, St. Paul. Attorney-at-Law, 805-806 New York Life Bldg. tGoetzinger. Martin E., '96, Minneapolis. Goldblum. Charles E., '96. 1710 9th St. S., Minneapolis. Lawyer — 600 Oneida Block — Goldblum & Goldblum. Goldblum, Hal S.. '98, 1710 9th Av. S., Flat 2, Minneapolis. Lawver— 600-601 Oneida Block— Goldblum & Goldblum. Goodfellow, William E., '99, 1006 6th Av. S., Minneapolis. Lawyer. tGoodsell, Charles E., '91. Goodwin, Godfrey Gummer, '96, (B. A., '95) Cambridge, Minn. Lawyer — County Attorney. Gordon. Geo. F., '96, 2729 Chicago Av., Minneapolis. Letter Carrier. Goss, John D., '92, Sumpter, Oregon. Lawyer. Gottry. Edward C, '94, Reedsburg, Wis. Lawyer. Gould. Ohas. D., 1, 601 Hawthorn Av., Minneapolis. Lawver — 522-23 Boston Block. tGrace. 'i-omas 1'., '00, St. Paul. Grady. Francis A., '94, Red Lake Falls, Minn. Attorney-at-Law — County Attorney. Gray, Andrew G., '00, Crookston, Minn. Attorney. tGray. Ar^alus Wilson, '98, Kenmare, N. D. Lawyer. 86 University of Minnesota tGray, George Merton, '99, 75 Spruce Place, Minneapolis. Lawyer — 1206 Guaranty Loan Bldg. Gray, James E., '91, Grafton N. D. Attorney-at-Law — Gray & Casey. tGreen, E. S. A., '96, Alaska. Green, John E., '96, Carleton, Minn. Lawyer. County Attorney Carleton County. fGreen, James H., '00, 927 Thomas Av. N., Minneapolis. tGregerson Lawrence, '91. Gregory, George, '93, 1106 Emerson Av. N., Minneapolis. Lawyer. Gregory. Joel E., '98, 877 Phalen Av., St. Paul. Lawyer — 505 Manhattan Bldg. Griggs, Franklin IL, '95, (LL. M. '97), St Paul. Assistant Corporation Attorney. Grotte, Anthony, '94, 2325 6th St. N., Minneapolis. Lawyer — 730 Temple Court. Grover. Ezra J., '96, East Grand Forks, Minn. Lawyer. Gruenberg, George J., '94. -^9 Broadway, Manhattan, New York. Lawyer. Gruenberg. John, '93, 302 Broadway, New York City. Lawyer. Guilford. Paul \> mis, '00, 1820 Hawthorn Av., Minneapolis. Lawyer- — 307 Lumber Exchange. Gummer, Edgerton P., '90, Staples, Minn. Lawyer. Gunderson, Charles J., '96, Vermillion, S. D. Attorney-at-Law. Guy, Arthur P., '98, Wishek, N. D. Lawyer. Gyde. James E., '90, Wardner, Idaho. Lawyer. Hagen, Eric O., '00. Crookston, Minn. Practicing Attorney at Law. ttl allenberger. Theodore C, '96, Minneapolis. Deering Harvester Co. Hallstrom. John L., '99, 625 Eighth Av. S., Minneapolis. Princinal N. W. Collegiate and Business Inst. Hallum. Louis, '99, Highland. Minn Lawyer. tHamlin. Charles N., '92. tHammer. Charles N. f '92, Mabel. Minn. fHammer, Otis E., '94, Glencoe, Minn fHampton, Harry R., '96, Minneapolis. Hanchett, John O., '93. Harvey, N. D. Lawver— Firm of Hanchett & Wartner. Hand,. Orra P., '98, Dassel. Minn Lawyer. Handlan. Joseph IL, '92, Wheeling. W. Va. Lawyer. Hanft, Hugo O.. '96. St. Paul Assistant County Attorney — Room 47 Court House. Hanson. Alfred P., '00, Benson, Minn Bank Teller and Lawyer. Harden. George W. W., '91, LeRoy. Minn Lawyer — Member of State Legislature. Harris. Alfred J., '90, Fessenden. N. D. Lawyer. Harris, Bernhard S., '99, Dubuque. la Iron Merchant. Harrison, John M., '99. Chicago, I'l Fire Insurance Inspector, 701 Mailer's Building. Hartley, Heber Lindon, '95. (B. A.. '93) Cass Lake, Minn Mgr. Cass Water, Light and Power Co. Hastings. Robert A., '99 1628 Eliott av, Minneapolis Law Student. Alumni Record 87 Hawley, Edward W., '93. 323 11th av se, Minneapolis Lawyer— E. W. & G. M. B. Hawley, 900 Guaranty Building. Hawley, George M. B., '9G, Minneapolis Lawyer — 900 Guaranty Building, Minenapolis ; Union Block, St. Paul ; 508 Fisher Building, Chicago. tHayes, Richard M., '95. Hedding, G. DeWitt, '98, Minneapolis Attorney-at-Law, 619 Bank of Commerce Building. Heffelfinger, Charles E., '00, 1828 3d av S, Minneapolis North Star Shoe Co. Heimark, Peter C, '00, Ulen, Minn Lawyer. Helliwell, Arthur L., '98, (LL. B., '96, B. A. '95), 205 E. Grant st, Minneapolis Lawyer — Helliwell & Keyes, 1013 New York Life Building. Helm, James L., '92, St. Paul Deputy Clerk of Supreme Court, State Capitol. Helmes, Emil W., '99, 863 Reaney st, St. Paul Lawyer — Pierce & Holmes, 718 New York Life Building. Hemmy, J. Ulrich, '98, Long Prairie, Minn. Attorney and Loan Agent. Henderson, William B., '98, Minneapolis Attorney-at-Law — 22 Loan and Trust Building. Hendricks, Johan A., '93, Fosston, Polk Co., Minn. Attorney-at-Law. Henningsen, Christian, '00, Stillwater, Minn Graduate student — University of Minnesota. Hermann, Arthur L., '94, (LL. M., '95) 3012 Fremont av, Minneapolis Counselor-at-Law, 42 3d st S. — Settlement of Estates, of In- heritances between Germany and the United States. Hertig, Wendell, '95, Minneapolis Lawyer — 811 New York Life Building. Hevener, Franklin D., '00, 79 Hoffman ,av, St. Paul Banker. Hickey. James R., '94, St. Paul Attorney-at-Law — 21 National German-American Bank B'ld'g. Higgins, Alex., '00. Eagle River, Wis Lawyer — County Superintendent of Schools. Higgins. Arthur M., '93, Minenapolis Lawyer — 715 New York Life Building. Higgins, Arthur M., '93. Minneapolis Court Reporter. HL., Emery S., '99, 1801 Capitol av, St. Paul Railroad Construction Work. Hill, .Reuben D., "96, Odessa, Minn Law and Collections. Hillman, William Oren. '93, 396 Dewey av. St. Paul Court Reporter. St. Paul. Himle. Andrew L., '92, 111 Orlin av, Prospect Park, Minneapolis Land Brokers. Hintermister, John II., Jr., '92, St. Paul Lawver — 205 Newspaper Row. Hobbs, Fred E., '92, 2217 Polk st. Minneapolis Lawyer — 255 Temple Court ; Justice of the Peace. Hodgman. William II., '94, Winnebago City, Minn. Lawyer — Secretary and General Manager of the Blue Earth Valley Telephone Exchange Co. Hon", Charles S.. '96, 350 Cedar st, St. Paul Justice of the Peace. Hoidale Einar. '98, New Ulm. Minn. Lawyer. Holbrook. Franklin G., '97, Minneapolis Grain — 19 Chamber of Commerce. Holm, Peter A., '96, Minneapolis Postoffice clerk, tllolman. Wiinam J.. Jr., '95, 1100 5th st se, Minneapolis Manager Ilolman Grain Co. 88 University of Minnesota Holmes, Adam J., '99, Seven Corners, St. Paul Fuel Merchant. Holmes, Alfred J., '92, St. Paul Lawyer— 612-613 New York Life Building, St. Paul. Holt, Charles A., '90, Center City, Minn Judge of Probate, Chisago County. tHopkins, Karl P., '96. Lopp, George M., '00, Fairmont. Minn County Attorney. IIopp, John W., '91, Preston, Minn Lawyer — County Attorney, tllosmer, Ernest C, '97. Hulback, Oliver, '98, St. Paul Railroad Stenographer. tHultquist, Charles C, '95, El Campo, Texas Hu.nkins, Hal K., '96. Austin, Minn; Attorney-at-Law. Hunt, Alva R., '91, Litchfield, Minn Attorney. Hunt. William F., '95, (LL. M., '96) St. Paul Attorney-at-Law — 916 New York Life Building. jHuntington, Guy B., '96, Luverne, Minn *Hurd, Bradford C, Jr., '94, (B. S., '92) Died July 15, 1895 Hursh, William L.. '00, Minneapolis Lawyer — 5 and 6 Minnesota Loan and Trust Building. Hutson. Frank A., '93, St. Paul Attorney— New York Life Building, llvoslef. John G., '94, Manila, P. I. tHyland. James Anderson, '00, Madison, S. D. Imer, Harry A., '99, Minneapolis Lawyer — 413 Globe Building, tingle, John, '00, Minneapolis. Ingraham, Alexander, '93, 1428 Adams st, Minneapolis Flour Mill Machinery, tlngwaldson. Bjorne i... '91, Fargo, N. D. Iverson, Samuel G., '93, St. Paul Deputy State Auditor. tJackson. Joseoh A., '93, St. Paul Lawyer — Jackson & Holmes, 612-613 New York Life B'l'd's. Jackson, William A., '93, (u. A., '91) 1428 6th st se, Minneapolis Lawyer. Jahn, Peter. '00, 187 E. 4th st, St. Paul Wholesale General Merchandise. tJamar. Moses S., Jr., '97, 431 Wheeler av, St. Paul Clerk — Minnesota Transfer Ry. Co. Jellico, Elmer J., '98, Minneapolis Bookkeeper — First National Bank. Jenkins, Chester F., '98, Minneapolis Attorney-at-Law. Jewett. William Parker, '95, White Bear Lake, Minn. Lawyer and Land Commissioner, Sioux City & St. Paul R. R. Co. — 252 Drake Bldg., St. Paul. Johnson. Adolph E. L., '99, Washington, D. C. Lawyer — 736 12th st nw. Johnson. Bert J., '00, Fergus Fall,s Minn Lawyer. Johnson, Charles, '98, Willmar, Minn' Attorney — County Attorney — Olson & Johnson. Johnson, Christian G. D., '98, Moorhead, Minn Lawyer. Johnson. Henry S.. '98, St. Paul Patent Law — 911 Pioneer Press Building. Johnson. Herman F., '00 211 Beacon st se, Minneapolis Lawyer. Johnson. Nels I., '98, Moorhead, Minn' Lawyer. Johnson, Reuben J., Granite Falls, Mlnm Lawyer. Alumni Record 89 tJohuson, Victor L., '95, Center City, Minn Lawyer — County Treasurer. Jones, Edwin J., '96, Adrian, Minn Attorney. fJudd. Wilton B., '97, (LL M., '98) Minneapolis *, Judge, John C, '90, Deceased IKeefe, Daniel J., '96, 233 Selby av, St. Paul Lawyer — Sheehan & Keefe. Keefer, George L., '95, (B. A., '92) Los Angeles, Cal Attornev-at-Law — 412 Currier Building. Keith, Albert J., '00, Sioux Falls, S. D. Attorney-at-Law. Keith, John \\., '99, St. Paul Lawyer. Keller, Herbert P., '96, St. Paul Attorney-at-Law — 1018 New York Life Building. tKelley, John D., '93, Minneapolis Kellogg- Frederick L., '94, 527 Laurel av, St. Paul Vice-President Kellogg, Johnson & Co., Wholesale Shoe busi- ness. fKennedy, Lewis Henry, '96, (B A., '90) jKenyon, Moses Dibble, '93, St. Paul tKepner, Thomas &., '94, Keyes, Charles F., '99, Minenapolis Lawyer — Helliwell & Keyes, 1013 New York Life Building. tKimball, Parker W., '99. King, John Cochran, '96, Mora, Minn Lawyer. Kinney, Edmund B., '92, Baldwin, Wis Lawyer. Kirk, John H., '00 (B. A., '98) Grand Forks, N. D. Attorney — Sorley & Kirk. Kirkpatrick. Tollen F., '95, Baltimore, Md Osteopathy — Builders' Exchange Building. Kirwin, Peter J., '94, Waterville, Minn Attorney-at-Law. Kirwin, William T., '95, St. Cloud, Minn With Deering Harvester Co. tKling, Elmer A., '96, Minneapolis Kna-o, Edward A., '99, St. Paul Lawyer- — 19 National German-American Bank Building. fKnoblauch, Charles, '00. Minneapolis Kolliner, Robert S., '90, Minneapolis Attorney — 724 New York Life Building — Member of Faculty Law School, University of Minnesota. Kranz, John V., '95, 1821 9th av S, Minneapolis Attorney-at-Law. Krause, William A., '91, Flandreau, S. D. Attorney — County Judge. Krelwitz, Edmund H., '98, Aitkin, Minn Lawyer. Krook, Karl G., '99, Minneapolis Lawyer — 916 New York Life Building. Kvello, Conrad A., '98, Fargo, N. D. Kyle, Harrv T., '95, Faribault, Minn Lawyer and Referee in Bankruptcy. Kyle, John 1'., '94, (LL. M., '96) St. Paul Lawyer — 16 National German-American Bank Building. fLamp, Frank M., '93, Kenyon, Minn Lane, James H., '99, Seattle, Wash Manufacturer of Specialties — 30 Union Block. Lane, Warren D., '98, Sisseton, S. D. Attorney — States Attorney, Roberts County. Larimore, John A., '90, 4300 Park Boulevard, Minneapolis Lawyer. tLarson, Albert S., '98, Racine. Wis Larson, Constant, '94, Alexandria, Minn Lawyer. 90 University of Minnesota '95, Lakefield, Minn Yuma, Ariz. Territorial Prison. 44 Court Block, Minneapolis. Latourell, Horace G Lawyer. Laughlin, Herbert S., '93, Lawyer — Secretary of Lazarus, oacob, '96, Attorney-at-Law. Leach, Harlan E., 94. (B. A., '91), Lawyer — County Attorney. Leary, Daniel J., '98, Attorney. Leary, William C, '94, Lawyer — 537-9 Andrus Building Lehnertz, Nicholas C. '97, Bookkeepper. Lemon. Walter T. '99, Lawyer— Legal Dept. G. N. Ry. Leonard, Frank, P., '97, Bank Teller. Leonard, George B., '96, Minneapolis Attorney-atLaw — 412-13 Globe Building. Lewis, AlDert E., '00. 1316 9th st S, Minneapolis Secretary Fidelity Insurance Committee American Banker's Association. Lind, Klas Erland. '00, 102 Washington av S, Minneapolis Lawyer. Lindeke. Albert W., '99, St. Paul Buyer — Wholesale Dry Goods. Owatonna, Minn Browns Valley, Minn Minneapolis 430 Martin st, St. Paul 32 Hoffman av St. Paul 115 4th st S, Minneapolis 25 Seymour av se, Minneapolis 25 Seymour av se, 226-8 6 st X, Minneapolis Minneapolis Racine, Wis St. Paul Crookston, Minn Minneapolis Minneapolis Minneapolis Lindsey.. Frederick F., '91, Attorney-at-Law. Lindsay. Frederick F., '91, Wholesale Dry Goods. Lohren, Henry N., '99. Deputy Clerk of Municipal Court. Lothrop, Veranus W., '98, Publisher. Loughran, Henrv A., '95, Loring, Charles, '98, Lawver. Loye, Albert B., '99, Salesman, Porter Bros. Co. Lucas, Edward, '98, Attorney — 317 New York Life Building. Lum, Burt F., '92, (B S., '90) Lawyer — 4i0 New York Life Building. Lund, Harrv A., '97, 1412 4th st S. Minneapolis Atornev-at-Law— 1014-16 Guaranty Loan Building. Lusk, Frank 'H., '98, Minneapolis Land and Farm Lands — 303 The Phoenix. Lvdiard, Livingston A., '92, 1003 Park av, Minneapolis City Clerk. Lyon. Frederick S., '94, Tatent Lawyer— -425 Temple Court. Ma,as, Andrew EL, '00, Lawyer. McBeath, S. Blair, '93, Lawver — Lumbermen's Exchange. IMcCaffery. Edward P., '94. McCarthy, Cornelius D., '94, Lawyer. McCarthy, James Edward, '00, Lawyer and Banker. fMcCormick. Andrew F., '92. McCrea, Ezra E., '90, Assistant City Clerk, St. Paul. tMeCoughy, John L., '94, McDermott, Marie A., '93, (Mrs. E. E. Minneapolis Hutchinson, Minn. Stillwater, Minn Montgomery, Minn York, N. D. 1407 Hewitt av, St. Pa il McDermott). 1307 6th st se, Minneapolis Alumni Record 91 MeDermott, Thomas Ignatius, '00, (B. S., '90) McDermott, Thomas Jefferson, '95, St. Paul Lawyer — 714-715 New York Life Building. Maedonald. William E., '95, (LL. M., '96), 525 7th av S., Mnineapolis Elligott, Tnomas J., '93, Madison, Minn Attorney-at-Law. McElroy, Earle W., '90, 487 St. Anthony av, St. Paul Clerk, Legal Department, Northern Pacific Railway Co. McElwee, Charles C, '00, 797 Hague av, St. Paul Attorney, Law Department, Great Northern Railway. McGovern, Peter, '97, Sherburne, Minn Traveling Collector for Nichols & Shepard Threshing Ma- chine Co. fMcGregor. Benjamin F., '95, New Richmond, Minn. Judgment Clerk — District Court. MacGregor, Lane, "92, Duluth, Minn General Insurance — 6 and 7 Exchange Building. tMcLean, John, '92, Galveston, Texas tMcMillan, Albert W., '94, 43 National German-American Bank Building, St. Paul McMillan, Elvero L., '92, 337 E 16th st, Minneapolis Lawyer — 519 Bank of Commerce Building. McMillen, Fred D., '94, Minneapolis Attorney-at-Law — 1015 New York Life Building. tMcMillan, William D., '96, 2912 Washington av N, Minneapolis Lawyer. McMillan, Robert O., '98 383 Bates av, St. Paul Travelling salesman. McMurran, William T., '93, St. Paul Lawyer— 630 Globe Building. Mackel, Alexander, '94, Butte, Mont Lawyer- — Chief Deupty County Attorney — Silver Bow Block. Madigan, James E., '94, Maple Lake, Minn Lawyer. Manahan, James. '89. Ill N. 9th st, Lincoln, Neb — .torney-at-Law. fMaguire, Phillip J., '96, St. Paul tManley, James A., '94. Manley, John E., '99, Seattle, Wash Lawyer — Burke Building. Manley, Robert E., '96, Manila, P. I. Counsellor to the Chinese Consulate. Markham, George W., '91, St. Paul Lawyer — 19 National German-American Bank Building. ♦Martin, Davton I).. "98, Died Jan. 7, 1901 Martin, Harrison B., '98, (B. A., '94) Seattle, Wash Lawyer — Proctor in Admiralty — 54 Boston Block. Marx, Michael, '98, Mazeppa, Minn Attorney. Mason. Alfred F., '95, St. Paul With West Publishing Co. Massee. Freedom C, '96, (B. A., '93) East Grand Forks, Minn. Lawyer. Mathwig, Frederick A., *93, Fairmont, Minn. Lawyer. Mattecheck, Matthias W., '00, Granada, Minn Lawyer. Matteson, Flora E., '93, Minneapolis Stenographer — Soo Line. tMatthews, Edward W., Jr., '96, Minnesota Loan & Trust Building .Minneapolis tMattimore James, '00, 927 Hastings av, St. Paul IMaurin, Peter P., '93, Cold Springs, Minn tMaybury, James II., '99, St. Cloud, Minn Mayer, William J., '91 Grand Forks, N. D. Lawyer. tMayo, Waiter Lewis, '00, Leavenworth, Kan 92 University of Minnesota Mayland, Andrew U., '93, (B. A., '95), Albert Lea, Minn. Lawyer. Mead, Henry S., '90, Minneapolis. Attorney-at-Law — 407-408-409 Globe Building. Meade, James A., '96, Seattle, Wash Lawyer — 535 Burke Building. Megaarden, Phil. T., '93, (LL. M., '94) Court House, Minneapolis Sheriff Hennepin County. Megaarden. Theodor, '91, New York City Lawyer — 120 Broadway. tMerrick, Harry H., '92, 278 Kent st, St. Paul Lawyer— Merrick, Kehoe & Merrick — 27 Mer. Nat'l Bank Building. Mercer, Hugh Victor, '94, (LL. M., '97) Minneapolis Lawyer — 723-6 Lumber Exchange. Merchant, Frank D., '90, Minenapolis Patent Lawyer and Mechanical Engineer — Firm of William- son & Merchant — 929-935 Guaranty Building. Merchant, Huntington W., '93, Duluth, Minn Attorney-at-Law — Towne & Merchant. tMerrihew, Frank E., '93, 145 E. 21st st, New York City Merrill, George C, '95, Minneapolis President Merrill Abstract Co. — Register of Deeds, Hen- nepin Co. — 200 Phcenix Building. Mesick, Oliver E., '95, Gettysburg, S. D. Lawyer. Meyer, George W., '96, Minneapolis Attorney — 457 Temple Court. Meyers, J. Edward, '98, Minneapolis State Agent Aetna Life Insurance Co. — 1201 Guaranty Loan Building. Michelet Simon, '95, 2719 Chicago av, Minneapolis Lawyer. Miley, Martin E., 41 E. 3d st, St. Paul With American Press Association. Miller, Clarence Benjamin, '00. (B. S„ '95) Duluth, Minn. Lawyer — 515 Torrey Bldg. *Miller, William Henry, '00, Died July 24, 1900 tMills, Ernest B., '99, Fargo, N. D. Mills, Harvey L., '96, 281 Rondo st, St. Paul Lawyer — 74 National German-American Bank Building. Minier, Ethan B.. '00. Bruce, Wis Lawyer. Miner, J. Burt, '99, (B. S., '97). Berlin, Wis. bcholar in Psychology — University of Minnesota. *Monson, Charles J., '90, Deceased Mitchell. William D., '96, Care Palmer, Beek & Mitchell, Fire & Marine Bldg., St. Paul Lawyer. Moen, Nels T., '93, Ada, Minn. Attorney-at-Law — Judge of Probate. Mohler, Arthur H., '93, Tyler, Minn Attorney-at-Law — County Attorney. Monfort, George D., '98, Litchfield, Minn. Lawyer. Monroe. Henrv A., '99 294 Charles st, St. Paul Postoffice. Monsch, Henry J., '97, 67 E. 7th st, St. Paul Credit Man Stronge Millinery Co. Moore, Albert R., '91, (LL. M., 92) 421 Laurel av, St. Paul Attorney — Durment & Moore, 616-619 Germania Life Ins. Building. Moore, Harrv. '92, Municipal Court, Minneapolis Deputy Clerk of Municipal Court. Moore, Herbert S., '00, 1919 St. Anthony av ,St. Paul Lawyer. fMoorhead, H. Paul, '98, Minneapolis Alumni Record QZ Morey, Arthur G., '00, Minneapolis Attorney — 401 Andrus Building. Morgan, George H., '94, Manila, P. I. Captain 3d U. S. Cavalry. Morley, Frank J., '00, (B. A., '96) West Publishing Co., St. Paul Lawyer. tMorrison, Samuel B., '93 Pinco iuB. Esperanza Casco de Tumbala Estade de Chiapas, Mexico. f Morton, Nora L., '93, (LL. M., '94) Minneapolis tMosness, Leonard J., '92, 1213-15 Ashland Block, Chicago, 111 tMueller, Wilhelm G. D., '94, Vienna, Austria U. S. Consulate. Murphy, Franklin W., '93 Wheaton, Minn Attorney-at-Law. Murphy, John J., '99, Clinton, Minn Attorney-at-Law — Crawford & Murphy. Murphy, Patrick J., '93, Brainerd, Minn Lawyer. fMussel Wiliam L., '93, 729 Conway, St. Paul Special State Agent New York Life Insurance Co. Nantz, Frank P., '92, Minneapolis Lawyer — Lane & Nantz, 602-3 Oneida Block. tNaylor, William Keith, '98 1906 Iglehart st, St. Paul Lieutenant U. S. A. tNeff, Porter J., '92, Lonsdale Building, Duluth, Minn Neilson, Peter S., '96, Municipal Court, Minneapolis Deputy Clerk of Municipal Court. Neison, Adolph T., '96, Grove City, Minn Lawyer and Publisher of Newspaper. Nichols, Malcolm Emory, '00 50 Court House, and 303 Manhattan Building, St. Paul Official Court Reporter, 2d Judicial (St. Paul) District. fNelson, John P., '90, Minneapolis Lawyer — 819 N. W. Building. Ney Chris W„ '94, Manila, P. I. Nightingale, John H., '98, 1520 7th st se, Minneapolis Railway Postal Clerk.. Niles, Edmund M., '96, Twin Valley Minn Lawyer — County Attorney, Norman County. Niles, George H., '98, Royalton, Minn Lawyer. Nordin, John A., '98, Minneapolis Attorney-at-Law — 640 Temple Court. Norton, A^red Andrew, '99, (B. S., '97), Minneapolis. Lawyer — 56 Van Valkenburg Block. tNutting. Robert B., '90, 898 Iglehart st, St. Paul Lawyer— 45 Gilfillan Block. Oakes, George, '92, New Richmond, Wis. Lawyer. Oakley, Egbert S., '98, Buffalo, Minn County Attorney. tO'Brien, Edward James, '98, 807 Phcenix Building, Minneapolis O'Brien, James Edward, '95, (LL. M., '96, B. A., '92) 1318 8th st se, Minneapolis Lawyer. O'Brien, Richard, D., '00, St. Paul Attornev-at-Law. Ochsner, Edward A., '99, 489 St. Anthony av, St. Paul Lawyer. Odell, Daniel A., '96, Wells, Minn Attorney. Odquist, Carl G., 94, Hutchinson, Minn Attorney-at-Law. O'Keefe, Patrick, H., South St. Paul . . Attorney-at-Law. Ofsthun, Andrew O.. '91, Elbow Lake, Minn Lawyer and Judge of Probate. 94 University of Minnesota Olander, William, 98, Montevideo, Minn Lawyer. Olsen, George T., '93, Springfield, Minn Lawyer — County Attorney of Brown Co. Olson, C. O. Alexius, '96, (B. S., '95; LL. M., '97) 324 33d av N, Minneapolis Attorney-at-Law — 360 Temple Court. Olson, Julius J., '00, Warren, Minn Lawyer. tOlson, Peter S., '94 Olson, Samuel, '95, Willmar, Minn Attorney-at-Law. O'Neill, Grosvenor P., '97, St. Paul Lawyer — Room 4 Nat. German-American Bank Building. O'Neill, Charles M., '97, Sherburn, Minn Attorney-at-Law. Osborne, George Marshall, '95, 525 11th av se, Minneapolis Postoffice Clerk, Station A. Osborne, Rockwell C, '97, 53 Chamber of Commerce, Minneapolis Bookkeepper — Osborne-McMillan Elevator Co. fOstrand, James ,98, Bock, Minn Otis, Willis Clarke, '97, 24 Gilfillan Block, St. Paul Lawyer — With Young & Lightner. Oterness, George H., '94, Willmar, Minn Attorney-at-Law. Owens. David A., '90, Spokane, Wash Manager Pacific Teacher's Bureau and Editor. Owens, William G., '00, Westbrook, Minn Lawyer — Gooler & Owens. Oyen, Jacob W., '95, Minneapolis Real Estate Broker — 808 Phoenix Building. James Paige, '90, 1414 Yale Place, Minneapolis Lawyer. Paige, Mabeth Hurd, '99, (Mrs. James Paige) 1414 Yale Place, Minneapolis Palmer, Munro H., '91, Tacoma, Wasn Attorney — 204 Berlin Building. Parker. Ralph J.. '90, Spring Valley, Minn Lawyer. Parsons, Arthur L., '90, Lidgerwood, N. D. Lawyer. Pattison, John B., '00, Royalton, Minn Assistant Cashier Bank of Royalton. Tattridge, Samuel C, '95, Spring Valley, Minn Attorney-at-Law. Paul, Richard, '97, 760 Temple Court, Minneapolis Patent Attorney. Peterson, Carl F. E., '93, 934 14th av S, Minneapolis Assistant City Comptroller. Peterson, Henry C. '92, 361 Franklin st, St. Paul Attorney-at-Law. Petri, Gustav A., '93, 1713 W. 31st st, Minneapolis Lawyer — 235 Temple Court. tPeterson, Isaac. '96, Minneapolis Pettengill. Claud K., '94. National Bank Bldg., La Crosse, Wis Insurance and Surety Bonds. Phelps, Harry E., '98, Britton, S. D. Lawyer. Pilgram, William II. H., '91, Minneapolis Lawyer — 515 and 520 Temple Court. fPierce, William L., '93, Cuba Pillsbury. Alfred F., '94, 1904 Park av, Minneapolis Wheat Buyer. Plymat, Harry E., '00, Detroit, Minn Attorney-at-Law. fPoehler, William A„ '96, 1329 Hawthorn av, Minneapolis Bookkeeper — II. Poehler Co. tPolk, Frank H., '99, Minneapolis Alumni Record 93 Deadwood, S. D. Polley, Samuel C, '90, Lawyer — States Attorney. Porter, George F., '94, Attorney-at-Law — 305 Temple Court. Poseley, Henry E., '00, Miller. Powell, Ransom J., '98, Instructor — Law Department — University of Pratt, Albert F., '95, Lawyer — County Attorney. Prendergast, Edmund A., '98, 1217 Hawthorn av, Minneapolis Lawyer — With N. W. Telephone Co., Minneapolis. Prendergast. Louis W., '95, Mankato, Minn. Lawyer. Austin, Minn Minneapolis Stewart, Minn. Minneapolis Minnesota. Anoka, Minn Pridham, Thomas H., '97, Attorney iat-Law. fPrivet, Walter N., '95, Lawyer. Puffer, Lorenzo N., '99, Canvasser. Purdy, Charles E., '90, Lawyer. Purdy, Milton D Clarkfleld, Minn Guelph, N. D. 838 Guaranty Loan Bldg, Minneapolis (B. A., '91), 2035 Kenwood Parkway, Minneapolis Assistant United States Attorney. Putnam, Charles E., '93, Petaluma, Cal Teacher. Putnam, William C, '97, Minneapolis Quandt, Charles W., '00, Winthrop, Minn Attorney-at-Law. Quevli, Nels, '96, Litchfield, Minn Attorney-at-Law. Randall, Richard A., '93, Winona, Minn Attornev-at-Law. Rawlings, Franklin E., '96, Seattle, Wash Lawyer — 535 Burke Building. Redfield, Frank D., '99, Minneapolis Attorney-at-Law, and Editor of The Stub Pen — 655 Temple Court. Reed, Carl W., '96, Berg Block, Cresco, la Lawyer — With H. T. & C. W. Reed. Remmen, Martin E., '91, Lawyer. tReohr, Charles D., '99, Lawyer — 618 New Rexford, W. Lane., '00, Rhame, Albert E., '99, Civil Engineer, C, fRheuten, William E., '92, Rice, Frederick D., '94, Valley City, N. D. 2621 Bryant av S, Minneapolis York Life Building. Adrian, Minn 201 State st se, Minneapolis M. & St. P. Ry. Co. Devils Lake, N. D. St. Paul Lawyer — 403 New York Life Building. Rice, Isaac F.. '97, 2603 Lyndale Parkway, Minneapolis Chief Clerk, Postoffice. Richardson, Herbert G., '92, 3837 11th av S, Minneapolis Attorney-at-Law — 831 Guaranty Loan Building. fRichardson. Norman C, '95, Hampshire Arms, Minneapolis Bookkeeper — R. M. Bennett. Richardson, William B., '00, Rochester, Minn Lawyer. *Riefsnider, Volney G., '92, Deceased Riordan, Philip J., '99, Minneapolis Lawyer- — 704 Oneida Block. tRisjord, Gullick Nelson, '00, Madison, Wis fRobinson, Bertram Henry, '00, Minneapolis Robinson, Horace R., '91, (LL. M., '97), Santa Cruz, Cal Lawyer. Robinson, Net J. ( '00 Tracy Minn Lawyer. 96 University of Minnesota Rockne, Anton J., '94, Lawyer. tRoe, Otto Erickson, '00, fRoesel, Adam, '93, Rogers, Arthur R., '91, Vice-President C. A tRogers, Clyde Eugene, '9 Musician. Rogers, George C, '00, Lawyer — Bank of Minnesota Building. Roise, Axel H., '96, Lawyer. tRoss, Edward Wesley, '91, Rowe, William E., '93, Attorney-at-Law. Royal, Irving D., '00, Clerk Legal Dept. N. P. Rustgard, John, '90, Lawyer. tSt. Clair, George Howe, '98, Salisbury, Henry C, '93, Lawyer. Salmon, Thomas H., '94, Minneapolis Lawyer — 410 Temple Court. Samuelson, John E., '99, 479 Rondo st, St. Paul Lawyer — 816-817 New York Life Building. Sanders, M. T., '95, St. Paul. Land Attorney N. P. Ry. Co. — 312 Nor. Pac. Building. Sands, Walter B., '94, Chinook, Mont Attorney. Sardeson, Amos D., '96, Minneapolis Lawyer — 100 Lumber Exchange Zumbrota, Minn Minneapolis Minneapolis Smith Lumber Co. 1831 Hawthorn av, Minneapolis St. Paul Willmar, Minn Minneapolis Crookston, Minn 815 E. 18th St., Minneapolis. Ry. Co., St. Paul. Cape Nome, Alaska Territory Minneapolis Barnesville, Minn '90, (B. S., '99) St. Charles, Minn Adams, Minn 1916 Columbus av, Minneapolis (B. L., '98), Sasse, Frank G Lawyer. fSather, Jacob C, '96, Sawyer. Charles L. '97, Real Estate and Insurance Scandrett, Henry Alexander, '00, Claim Dept. — U. P. R. R. Scanlan, Patrick J., '98, Attorney-at-Law. *Schaeffer, Charles M., '90. Schmidt, Herman C, '00, Lawyer — 321 Bullard Block Schmitt, John W., '00, Lawyer. *Schroeder. John P., '98, Schulz, Rudolph F., '00, Attorney. Schurch, John F., '96 Lawyer — P. O. Box 324. Schwager, Lewis, '96, (B. S., '95) Lawyer. tSee, John W., '93, Flat E, 1806 Park av, Minneapolis Lawyer — 836 Lumber Exchange. Selleck, J. Howard, '97, St. Paul Clerk — Wholesale Drugs — Noyes Bros. & Cutler. tSells, Max, '98, Minneapolis Selover, Arthur William, '94, (LL. M., '97; B. A., '93), 1311 5th Av. S., Minneapolis. Lawyer — 921-23 Guaranty Loan Bldg. Selover, George H., '91, Minneapolis Lawyer — 921-923 Guaranty Building. Serumgard, Siver, '91, z Devils Lake. N. D. Attorney-at-Law — Regent University of North Dakota. tShaughnessy. Michael, '95 (LL. M., '97) St. Paul West Publishing Co. tShaw, Albert W., '93, (B. S., '90) Omaha, Neb. Rochester, Minn Died June 23, 1900 Los Angeles, Cal Mankato. Minn Died Jan. 31, 1900 Montevideo, Minn. Denver, Col 1218 2d av S, Minneapolis Alumni Record »T Shaw, John E., '00, 1405 10th av S., Minneapolis Lawyer. tSheehy, Richard, '93, tShields, James, '93, 421 North st, St. Paul Collector of Customs. Sheldon, Dell C, '00, Pine Island, Minn City Attorney. Siemers, Julius A., '95, 2824 Dupont av N, Minneapolis With George R. Newell & Co. Simons, Hiram A.. '97, St. Paul Lawyer — 26 Court Block. Simons, Luman C, '95, Red Lake Falls, Minn Banking. Simonson, Helmer I., '00, 2213 Chicago av, Minneapolis Lawver. Smeltzer, Jacob D., '90 Minneapolis Salesman — Lyman-Eliel Di*ug Co. Smith, Al. J., '90, Court House, Minneapolis First Assistant County Attorney. Smith. Charles Veach, '00, Minneapolis Lawyer — 35 Minnesota Loan & Trust Building. Smith, Erastus, '97, 1516 Elliot av S, Minneapolis Bookkeeper — G. W. Elevator. Smith, Ezra R„ '00, Minneapolis Attorney-at-Law — 701 New York Life Building. Smith, Frank J., '89, Caldwell, Idaho Lawyer. Smith, Fred E., '96, Morris, Minn Attorney-at-Law — Village attorney. Smith, Fred P., '91, Spokane, Wash Claim Agent, G. W. Ry. Co. Smith, George Ross, '93, Minneapolis Lawyer — 610 Boston Block. Smith, John A., '94, Sandstone, Minn Attorney-at-Law. fSmith, Stelle S., '99, 1605 Hennepin av, Minneapolis Lawyer — 188 Hennepin av. Smith, Washington, '96, Minneapolis Counsellor-at-Law — Guaranty Loan Building. Smith, Walter Wyman, '00, Mankato, Minn Lawyer — Long & Smith. tSnell, William, '91, Somerby, Charles W„ '95, 1501, Mt. Curve, Minneapolis Assistant Attorney-General, St. Paul. Somsen. Henry N., '94, New Ulm, Minn Lawyer. Somsen. Stephen H., '98, Winona, Minn Lawver. Sorkness, Halvor L., '98, (LL. M., '99) Madison, Minn County Attorney. Southerland, A. Hans, '95, Cambridge, Minn Lawyer. Southwick, Claude E., '97, Albert Lea, Minn Lawyer — 142 Broadway. Southworth. Walter N., '95, Shakopee, Minn Lawyer — County Attorney. Sowle, Ralph C, '96, 2306 Colfax av S, Minneapolis Grain Commission. Spear, George Hancock, '98, (B. L., '93) Brainerd, Minn Lawyer. fSpencer, Louis N., '94. Spicer, Mason W., '95, Willmar, Minn Attorney and Vice President Spicer Land Co. Spindler, Henry, '98, Fessenden, N. D. Lawyer. Sprague, Monroe H., '00, Washburn, Wis Lumberman. 98 University of Minnesota Stacy, Albert Wallace, '93, (B. S., '91), Phoenix, Arizona Lawyer. Stalder. Robert B., '96, 707 Plymouth av, Minneapolis Employe Postoffice Department. Stapleton, Albert M., '98, 407 Case st, St. Paul Attorney. Stebbins, George M., '98, Roseau, Minn Lawyer. Steele, H. Herbert, '00, Leeds, S. D. Banker. Stephens, William J., '96, Melrose, Minn. Attorney -at-Law. tSternberg. Daniel, '97, Minneapolis Bookkkeeper — Bradley, Clark & Co., 227 5th st N. Stevenson, William J., '93, Duluth, Minn Lawver— Eckman and Stevenson, 513 Palladio Building. Stewart, Robert D„ '00, St. Paul Attorney-at-Law — 606 Manhattan Building. tStewart, McCants, 99, New York City. Stobbart, Arthur J., '97, 944 Cromwell Av., St. Paul. Assistant Corporation Attorney. *Stocker, Harry D„ Jr., "90, Died November 12, 1900. Stone, Charles F., '90, Bonanza Gulch, Dawson City, Alaska. Lawyer. Stone, John Sheppard, '91, 64 Wabash Av.. Chicago. Mgr. Chicago Branch N. W. Consolidated Milling Co. Stong, Ed. H., '00, St. Thomas, N. D. Ass't. Cashier, Farmers' State Bank. Storing, Charles C, '95, Rochester, Minn. Bookkeeper. Strohm. John L., '97. Minneapolis Lawyer— 311 Sykes Block. Strong, George W., '98, 506 Bank of Com. Bldg.. Minneapolis. Lawver. Sullivan. Merte E., '98, Stillwater, Minn. Attorney. Sullivan, Patrick E., '98, Merriam Park, Minn. Teacher, College of St. Thomas. •"Sutherland. John E., '93, Chatfield, Minn. TSwan, Charles E„ '96. Flat 3, 1003 Park Av.. Minneapolis. Claim Agent — M & St. L. Ry. Sweet, John C v '93 526 11th Av. S. E., Minneapolis. juawyer. Sweigle. Curtiss, '92, (B. A., '91) Wahpeton, N. D. Attorney. Swensen. .-an- S., '99, (LL. M., '00) Lawyer. 515 Bank of Commerce Bldg.. Minneapolis. Swenson. Peter G., '92, Hillsboro, N. I). Attorney-at-Law. Tappan, John E., '96, 1204 Guar. Loan Bldg.. Minneapolis. Lawyer. Tattersfield. Richard, '93. 211 Globe Bldg.. Minneapolis Lawver. Taylor. Adalbert R., '92, 350 Temple Court, Minneapolis. Lawyer. Taylor. Benjamin C, '95, (B. S., '93), Mankato, Minn. Lawver. Taylor. Carl. '92, Rooms, 49 and 50 Gilfillan Block. St. Paul. Lawver. » Tavlor. Edward W., '93, • Webster, S. D. Lawyer. (State's Attorney, Day Co., S. D.) Taylor, Robt. S., '97, St. Paul. Court Reporter, District Court. tTenneson. Bernt Gilbert, '95, Minneapolis. Tew, Martin E., '00, Willmar, Minn. Lawyer. Thompson. Anton, '99, Henning, Minn. Lawver. Alumni Record aa u., '88) , Amboy, Minn. (B. S., '96), Aitkin, Minn. 11, -98, 701 15th Av. S. E. , Minneapolis. a, '97, 255 Temple Court Minneapolis. , Minneapolis. Thompson, Chas., '92, (B. Lawyer. Thompson, R. Celius, '98, Lawyer. Thompson, Robert Mitchell, Lawyer. tThompson, William Gould, Thori, Nels O., '98, Lawyer. Thormodson. Nels E., '98, Madelia, Minn. Teacher. Thurston, Ludwig, C, '98, Cokato, Minn. Attorney. Thwing. Alfred L., '99, 402 Exchange Bldg.. Duluth, Minn. Lawyer. Tompkins. Thomas S., '91, 459 Drake Block, St. Paul. Lawyer. tTodd. George E., '99. Salem, S. D. Todd, Walker W., '00, 401 Andrus Bldg., Minneapolis. Lawyer. tTodd, Kay, '00, Shelton, Wash. Trabert, Charles L.. '99. 4247 Washington Av. N., Minneapolis. Lumber Business. Triggs, William R., '90, Acampo, Cal. Recruiting Health. fTufte. Benjamin. '95. Minneapolis. tTwitchell. L. Lathrop, '98. Minneapolis. Tyler, Albert De Eorest, '93, 81 Summitt Av., St. Paul. Editor. West Publishing Company. Vaaler, ^olleff. '94, Echo, Minn. Attorney. tVan Campen, Charles H., '94, 625 7th St. S., Minneapolis. Hay & Van Campen. 1008 Guaranty Loan Bldg. Van Sant. Grant, '96, (B. L., '95) Winona, Minn. Lawyer. Van Valkenburg, Jesse, '95, (B. A., '94) 303 Northwestern Bldg.. Minneapolis. Lawyer. Vasaly, Louis W.. "00, St. Paul. Attorney. Vasaly. Stephen C, '00, Little Falls, Minn. Law, Lands, Loans. Vaule, Ole J., '91, Crookston, Minn. Attorney-at-Law — Referee in Bankruptcy. Vorland, George T.. '98, Colfax, Wis. Bank Cashier. Wagner, Charles W., '94, Litchfield, Minn. Editor and Publisher, Litchfield Saturday Review. Walgren. John Arvid, '91, 611 Ashland Block/ Chicago. 111. Lawyer- — Founder and President of the Prentice Mulford So- cieties for Psvcho-Phvsical Culture. tWalker, Edward David, '94, (LL. B., '95) 601 Rondo St., St. Paul. Lawyer. Wallace. Carleton L., '97, Room 2, Tribune Bldg., Minneapolis. Mgr. Minneapolis Department Pioneer Press. tWallaee, David, i>7, 40 Wall St.. New York City. Lawyer. Wallace. Thomas P., Jr., '95. (B. A., '93), 909 New York Life Bldg.. Minneapolis. Lawyer — Woods. Kingman & Wallace. tWalsh, Clarence P., '99, Graceville, Minn. *Wangsness, John S., '92, Deceased. Ward, De Forrest. '94. Fairmont, Minn. Attorney-at-Law. tWare. Francis L.. '91. New York. Wasgatt, Frank G., '96, Winnebago City, Minn. 100 University of Minnesota Waters, James H., '90, Care of Carpenter-Lamb Co., Minneapolis. ^raveling Salesman. fWebb, Arthur M., '95, St. Paul. With West Publishing Company. Webb, Robt. W., *93 (LL. M., '94), 1964 Kenwood Parkway, Minneapolis. Ass't. Secretary and Treasurer, Minneapolis Trust Co. Webber, B. Franklin, '00, New Ulm, Minn. Lawyer. Webber, Clarence A., '93, Suite 307 Lumber Exch. Bldg., Minneapolis. Lawyer — Young & Webber. Weeks, C. Louis, '94, Northport, L. I., N. Y. Legal editorial Work — English Encyclopoedia of Law. tWeber, Albert, '99, Minneapolis Weil, Jonas, '98, 724 New York Life Bldg, Minneapolis Lawyer. tWeiss, Harry, '95, 56 E. Summit Av., St. Paul Lawyer. 809 New York Life Bldg. Wergedahl. Edward O., '99, St. Paul Lawver, 205 Newspaper Row. Werner, Carl A., '98, Minneapolis Secretary and Treasurer of the Minnesota Grain Company. fWerring, James H., '98, 1088 14th Av. S. E., Minneapolis Clerk Evans, Munzer, Pickering & Co. Westphal, Gustavus A., 330 Temple Court, Minneapolis Lawyer. Wheaton, J Frank, '94, 2835 Chicago Av., Minneapolis. Lawyer. Wheeler, Howard, *95, 10, 11 & 12 Nat'l Ger. Am. Bank, St. Paul Attorney-at-Law — Member of Upper House of City Council. fWheeler, Thomas J., '91, 516 Cedar Av., St. Paul. Lawver — 214 N. Y. Life Bldg. Whitcomb, Carlos F., '00, Alexandria, Minn. Law and Real Estate — Tollef, Jacobson & Co. Whitcomb. Walter B.. New Whatcom, Wash. Lawyer. White Frank T.. '94, Elk River, Minn. Lawyer — Countv Attornev. White, J C, '98, Chatfleld, Minn. Merchant. White. MacLauffhlin. '98, (B. S., '95), 1316 5th St. S. E., Minneapolis Lawyer. tWhite, Robert C. '96, 154 Western Av. N., St. Paul. Whiting, oxxas. S., '89, De Smet, S. D. Attorney-at-Law — States Attorney. Whittemore. Guy T. 5 '00, Hannah, N. D. Attorney-at-Law. Whitten, John A., '96, The Williston, Minneapolis. Proprietor The Williston. tWill, Gustav A., '96. 2801 19th Av. N., Minneapolis. Lawyer — 330 Temple Court. Wickersham, Price. '00, 43 Buckingham, St. Paul. Lawyer. Wickwire, Arthur M., '93. 42 Nat'l German American Bank Bldg., St. Paul. Lawyer. tWilliams. Henry W., '95, 412 Curvier Bldg.. Los Angeles, Cal. Williamson. Alonzo P., '94. (M. D.) 602 Nicollet Av., Minneapolis. Physician — Dean of College of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery — University of Minnesota. Wilson, Euwin C, '96, Worthington, Minn. Attorney-at-Law — Geo. W. Wilson & Son. tWilson, Mark E.. '95. Wilson. Ole K.. '92. Yeblen, S. D. Farming and Stock Raising. Alumni Record 101 Wilson, Samuel B., '96, Mankato, Minn. Lawyer — County Attorney. Wilson, Wirt, '99, 1729 Park Av., Minneapolis. Lawyer. ^ . m Wingate, Wm. S., '94, West Superior, Wis. Ass't. Mgr. S. W. Lightbody & Co., Dry Goods. Winterer, Edward, '90, (B. L., '87) Valley City, N. D. Lawyer. Wolff, Otto. '00, National German American Bank, St. Paul. Lawyer. Wood, Daniel B., '98, 209 E. 27th St., Minneapolis. Lawyer. tWright, Edward Stephens, '99, New York. fWright, Edwin Stanton, '98, Lodi, La. Wulling, Frederick J., '96, (LL. M., '98, Phm. D.) College of Pharmacy, State University, Minneapolis. Dean and Professor of Pharmacology, Col. Pharm., Univ. Minn. Wyvell, Henry G., '91, Breckenridge, Minn. Lawyer — County Attorney. Yale, Washington, Jr., '98, 317 Andrus Bldg., Minneapolis. Attorney-at-Law. Young, Albert L., '95, Gibbon, Minn. Attornev and Counsellor at Law. Young, Eugene, '00, 500 Central Av., Minneapolis. Lawyer — „x0 N. Y. Life. Young, Geo. E., '91, 808 E. 33rd St., Minneapolis. Lawyer — 530 Temple Court. Young, George M., '94, Valley City, N. D. Lawyer — Member of State House of Representatives. Zennder, John C, '00, 277 Louis St., St. Paul. Practicing Law, 904 Globe Bldg. tZuckerman. Samuel, '94, Minneapolis. Zuger, Alfred, '94, Valley City, N. D. Attornev-at-Law — Zuger & Paulson. College of fledicine and Surgery. Adams, Rollin T., '93, Hudson, Wis. Physician. tAgnew,, Anna Marie, '99. Ahlstrom, Alf. E., '00, Bethesda Hospital, St. Paul. Physician and Surgeon. Aitkins. Herbert B., '93, LeSueur Center, Minn. Practicing Physician. Alexander, Frank H., '97, Barnesville, Minn. Physician and Surgeon. Allen, Harry W., '00, RedWing, Minn. Physician. Allen, Mason, '97, 284 Endicott Arcade. St. Paul, Minn. Phvsician and Surgeon. Anderson, Aug.. '91, 627 4th St., Sioux City, Iowa. Physician and Surgeon. Anderson, Christopher A., '92, Rush City, Minn. Physician. Anderson, Edwin Clark, '97, Fertile, Minn. Physician. Angell, Wm. G.. '95, Canby, Minn. Physician. Appleby. E. Villiers, '94, Lowry Arcade, St. Paul Oculist. *Arslanides, Michael Theologos, '94, (B. A. Anatolia College) Supposed to have been killed. Arzt, Carl P., '95, Wabasha and 9th St., St. Paul. Phvsician and Surgeon. Aubin, Louise M., '93, (Mrs. Wm. E. Aubin), Racine, Wis. Phvsician and Surgeon. .Aurness, Peter A.. '92, Syndicate Arcade, Minneapolis. Physician and Surgeon. 102 University of Minnesota Avery. J. Fowler, '"" Virginia, Minn. Physician and Surgeon. Bacon, Harry P., '97, Milaca, Minn. Physician and Surgeon. Bacon, Knox, '94, Lowry Arcade. St. Paul. Physician and Surgeon — Chief Surgeon C St. P., M. & O. Ry. jBailey, John William, '94. Baker, Mary K., '00, (Mrs. Dan. Baker), 579 Cromwell Av., St. Anthony Tark, Minn. Physician— 706-707-708 Germania Life Bldg. Bakke. Peter. '92, Grantsburg, Wis. Physician and Surgeon. *Bakke. Peter Halstensen, '91, Deceased. Baldwin. Louis B., "97, Jamestown, N. D. First Ass t Physician, N. D., Hospital for Insane. Ball, Charles R.. '94, (B. A., Ohio Wesleyan, '91) 583 Endicott Arcade, St. Paul. fBarre de la. William, '95, Soudan, Minn. I assett, Mary. '95, (Mrs. Chas. W. Bray) Biwabik, Minn. Physician. Batchelder, Edwin J., '93, New Richland, Minn. Physician. Batcheler, Oliver T., '99, Brainerd, Minn. Physician and Surgeon. Beaudoux," Henry A., '95, Fargo, N. D. Oculist and Aurist. Bebb, Rose A., '97. 124 W. 12th St.. New York City. Physician — Instructor in Bacteriology in the University and Bellevue Hospital, Medical College. New York City. tBeebe. Dan Goodwin, '96, U. S. Navv., U. S. S. Newark. Beek, R. Hudson, '94, Lakota, N. D. Physician and Surgeon. Benham. Edward W., '95, Madison Lake, Minn. Physician and Surgeon. Benjamin, Arthur E., '92, Dayton Block, Minneapolis. Physician and Surgeon. Bennett, Charles E., '95, Aneta, N. D. Physician. Bennett, Oscar E., '00, Sanborn, Minn. Physician. Benson. Geo. E., '01. 2427 23rd Av. S. ? Minneapolis. Physician. 415 Guaranty Loan. tBergan, Ole Kittleson, '91, Sacred Heart, Minn. Bernard. John A., '89. 2925 Stevens Av., Minneapolis. Physician and Surgeon. Best, Robt., '99, Ada, Minn. Physician. Binder. George A., '92, 832 E. 7th St., St. Taul. Physician. Bjelland. Adolnh O.. '96. Mankato, Minn. Physician and Surgeon. Biornstad, dsle, '93, Cannon Falls, Minn. Phvsician and Surgeon. Birdsall, Albert Thornton. 96, (B. S., '93) 285 Wash. Av., Brooklyn. New York City. Blanchard. Henry G., "97, Waseca, Minn. Physician and Surgeon. Boehm. John C, '93. St. Cloud, Minn Physician and Surgeon — Pres. B'd. of Ed. and Pres. B'd. of Health of City of St. Cloud ; Examining Surgeon of Pen- sions — U. S. Bohland. Fred J., '91, Belle Plaine, Minn. Physician. Boleyn, E. Sydney. '94. Stillwater, Minn. Physician and Surgeon. Bolkcom. Geo. W., '94., Clear Lake. Wis. Physician. Alumni Record 103 Booker. Gertrude, '97, (Mrs. Geo. W. Granger) Practice of Medicine. Borchardt, Edward A.^ '93, Physician. Bouman, Herman, '97, Physician. tBrabee, Frank Joseph, '93, (B. S., '90), Physician and Surgeon. Bratrud, Theodor, '99, (B. A., '91) Physician — Coroner. Bray, Chas. W.. '95, (B. A., '91), Physician. Brooks. George F., '00, Physician — Rood Hospital. tBrown, Harry. '96. Brunelle. Adelard M., '86, Physician. Buck. Carl D.. '97, Manila, P. I. Acting Ass't. Surgeon, U. S. A. Buckley, Daniel '98 (B. S., '95) 614 Pacific Block, Seattle, Wash. Physician. Buell, Mary Catherine, '97, Physician — No. 8 Lamson Block. Burch. Frank E., '97, Rochester, Minn. 705 E. 4th St., St. Paul. Sarah, Minn Perham, Minn. Biwabik, Minn. Biwabik, Minn. Hibbing, Minn. Rolling Stone, Minn. Cloquet, Minn. (B. S., '79) Waterloo, Iowa. Glencoe, Minn. Tracy, Minn. Hopkins, Minn. Milan, Minn. Wilmont, Minn. Morris, Minn. Physician. Burgan. James Homer, '99, Physician. Burnes. Catherine Amelia, '87, Physician and Surgeon. Burns. M. Alpheus '96, Physician. Butler. David R., '94 Physician. Caine. Chas. E., '96, Physician. Caley, G Ross. '00. St. Joseph's Hospital, St. Paul Physician and Surgeon — Interne St. Joseph's Hospital. vCahoon. Grace Wilson, '97, 13 and 14 Bee Hive Block. Butte, Mont. Physician. Campbell, Charlotte, '00, Room 8, Morris Block, Fargo, N. D. Physician and Surgeon. Campbell." George E., '95 Wykoff, Minn. Physician and Surgeon. Campbell.* Root. A., '96, 1 Syndicate Block, Minneapolis. Physician and Surgeon — Ass't. City Physician. Caiman. Charles L., '97, 130 College Av.. St. Paul. Physician. Carpenter. Carrol Clinton, '97, Dwight. 111. Examining Physician and Microscopist, Leslie E. Keeley Co. tCastle. Karl Henry E., '85. Cavanaugh, James ()., '97, 299 Endicott Arcade. St. Faul. Physician. Chappie. Charles Loran, '98, (B. S., Physician — Ass't. Physician, the Insane. '92), Rochester. Minn. Rochester State Hospital for tChase, Ralph Rollin. '89, Chilgren. G. Arthur. '92, Physician and Surgeon. Christenson, Charles R., '96, Physician. Clark. Howard Shoemaker, '97, (B. S., '95), Physician. Claydon, Leonard E., '95, Physician. Coleman. Harry M., '97, .Medicine and Surgery. fConant, Harriet Beecher, '91, Eau Claire. Wis. Sauk Rapids, Minn. Starbuck. Minn Glencoe. Minn. Mazeppa. Hankinson. Minn. X. D. Jamestown. X. D. 104 University of Minnesota Condit, William Henry, '99 (B. S., '96) 1010 4th St. S. E. Physician — 520 Bank of Minneapolis Bldg. Minneapolis. Cook, Paul Burns, '00, Corbett, J Frank, '96, Physician. Corse, Charles A., '97, Physician. Cotton, Henry, '94, (B. S., '90) Corwin, Guy Philander, '89, Physician and Surgeon. tCoynghame, E. F., (B. M., '87) Crewe, John E., '96, Physician. Crommett, Herbert B., '96, Physician. tCuff, William Sherman, '97, Culver, Charles F., '99, Practicing Physician. Cutts, George A. Custer, '00, Phvsician and Surgeon. Cutts, Rollin E., '93, (B. S., '90) Physician and Surgeon — 802 Dayton Building Dahlquist, Gustaf W., '95, Cokato Physician and Surgeon. Dahlstedt, Nils G., '89, Elliott, 111 Practicing Physician. Danner. Edgar W„ '95, 28 E. 47th st, New York City Physician and Surgeon. Darling, Walter H., '95, St. Peter, Minn. Physician — Assistant Superintendent of the St. Peter State Hospital St. Paul City Hospital, St. Paul. 2019 Chicago av, Minneapolis. Bertha, Minn. Died Jan. 22, 1901 Pomona, Calif. Zumbrota, Minn Amery, Minn Hancock, Minn. Chetek, Wis. 2713 Blaisdell av, Minneapolis 2713 Blaisdell av, Minneapolis Minn. Eveleth, Minn. Lakeview P. O., Duluth, Minn. fDarms, Harry Lee, '92, Davidson. James, '92, Physician and Surgeon. fDean, Frank W., '90, Physician. *Dean, Sidney Walter, '00, Dennis. Warren A., '96 Phvsician. Dodge, Albert A., '94, Physician and Surgeon. Dodge, Warren M., '93, Physician and Surgeon. Dohm, Charles L., 95, Thvsician and Surgeon. Drake, Fred A., '96, Physician. Drew, George F., '00, Phvsician. Dugan, Rollo C, '90, Phvsician. Dutton, Charles E., '89, Suite 213 Dayton Building, Minneapolis Physician and Surgeon. Omaha, Neb Died February. 1901 Lowry Arcade, St. Paul Faribault, Minn Farmington, Minn th and Sibley sts, St. Paul Lanesboro, Minn Frazee, Minn Eyota, Minn. Earl, Robert O., '96, Phvsician. Eby, Cyrus B., '9rf. Phvsician. Eby, Robert. '93, Phvsician and Surgeon. Edgerton, William M., '96, Physician and Surgeon. tEdholm. Edward Anton, '89, Edlen, Emil A., '92, 881 Payne av, St. Paul Mount Iron, Minn. Virginia, Minn. Faulkton. Faulk Co., S. D. Stillwater, Minn Moline, 111 Physician — Chief Medical Director of North Star Benefit Association. Edsall, Joseph L., '92, Bradley. S. D. Physician. Alumni Record 16* Edward, George, '97, Lake Preston, S. D. Physician. Egge, Thrond S., '93, Moorhead, Minn. Physician and Surgeon. Ellis, Benjamin James, '00, Reardon, Wash. Physician. jEndress, John Karl, *99, Physician. Erdmann, Charles A., '93, 612 9th av se, Minneapolis Professor Anatomy — University of Minnesota — Physician and Surgeon. Erlcson, John G., '92, Physician. tFanset, John Jay. '96, Farmer. John C, '95, Physician and Surgeon. tFarrand, Corydon, '93, Ferguson, William J. } '99, Physician and Surgeon. Finstad, Gustav Jens, '93, Physician and Surgeon. Fischer, Otto F., '97, Physician and Surgeon. Fjelstad, Carl A., '92, Physician. tFjelde, Herman Olaus, '95, tFord, Corydon Lovine, '90, Forrest, Charles G., '99, Bagley, Minn Physician — County Physician, Deputy Coroner. St. James, Minn. St. P., M. & O. Co. 192 Concord st, St. Paul Winthrop, Minn Milbank, S. D. McKinley, Minn Minn S. D. Red Wing, Milbank, Menomonie, Wis Houston, Minn. Glenwood, Minn Abercrombie, N. D. Plainview, Minn Washington, D. C. Franchere, Frederick E., '90, Physician and Surgeon — Surgeon to C, and to M. & St. L. R. R. Co. French. Edwin J., '00, Physician. fFrench. Leigh Hill, '94, fGanney, Thomas J., '97, Western av 9 W. of Halifax av, Minneapolis Gaines, Everett C, '99, Buffalo Lake, Minn. Physician. tGarber., Lou Marie, '93, Ada, Minn fGarrison, J. Frank, '00, Wabasha, Minn Physician. Gates, Joseph A., '95, Kenyon, Minn Physician. *Geiger, John. '96, Died June, 1897 Geist, Emil S., 00, Cor. Summit & 6th st, St. Paul Physician and Surgeon Germo, Charles. '95, - aysician. Gerrish. W. Albert, '96, Physician and Surgeon. Geyermann. Peter T., '99 Physician. tGibbon. Luther Llewellyn, '97, *Gibbs, Thomas C, '91, Giere, Eric O., '92, Physician and Surgeon. ♦Gilbertson. Julius C, '91, Gilfillan. James Stirling, '97, Physician. *Glenn, William, 93, Gilkinson, Andrew J., '93, Physician and Surgeon. fGoddard, Nathan Andrews, '97, tGoldsworthv. Will, '97, tGrafton, Guy Abbott, '99, Goodrich, Judd N., '95, Physician. Balaton, Minn Enderlin, N. D. Worthington, Minn Lowry, Minn Died July, 1892 Madison, Minn Died in 1898 287 Exchange st. S., St. Paul Died February 26, 1901 Osakis, Minn. Reardon, Wash Two Harbors, Minn Winona, Minn Lowry Arcade, St. Pa«l 106 University of Minnesota Gray, George A., '98, 220 Hyde Block, Spokane, Wash Physician. Greeley, Liston, Q., '96 1932 W. Superior st, Duluth, Minn Physician and Surgeon. Greene, Charles Lyman, '90, St. Paul Phvsician — Clin. Professor of Medicine and Physical Diag- nosis ; Author of "Medical Examination for Life Insur- ance," Griswold, Frank E., '97, Hoffman, Minn. Physician and Surgeon. Grout, Sam E., '99, Soudan Hospital, Soudan. Minn. Phvsician and Surgeon. Guilford, Harry M., '98. (B. S., '95) 1820 Hawthorn av, Minneapolis Physician. fGunn, Frank H., '95, Eau Claire, Wis. Physician. Guthrie, John DeMott, '97, (B. E. E., '93) Luverne, Minn Physician. fHaas, Charles Andrew, '94, 798 E. 7th st, St. Paul Physician — 211 Washburn Building. tHack, Charles Wesley, '97, Ft. Meade, S. D. Acting Assistant Surgeon U. S. A. Hagard, George D., '93, 1809 15th av S, Minneapolis Physician. Hall. Charlotte, '99, (Mrs. James O. Hall) 218 Virginia av, St. Paul Practicing Physician. Hanscom, William H., '89, 283 Cedar av, Minneapolis Physician and Surgeon. fHalgren Harry Alfred, '97, Watertown, Minn Physician. Hansen, Marius, '94, Hendrum, Minn. Physician. Hare, Earle R., '00, 403 14th av se, Minneapolis Physician. Harrington, Charles D., '95, 69 11th st S, Minneapolis Surgeon. Harrison, Elmer E., '97, West Concord, Minn Physician. Hart, Milan J., '95, LeRoy, Minn Physician. Hartshorn, Willis E., '98, The Roosevelt Hospital, New ork City, N. Y. House Staff Roosevelt Hospital. Hartzell, Thomas B., '94, (D. D. S., '93), Syndicate Arcade, Minneapolis. Dentist. Haskell, A. Dair, '99 Hopkins, Minn Physician. Haverfield, Addie R., '95, 400 20th av N, Minneapolis Physician. Haynes, Frederick E., '99, Minneapolis Physician — Minnehaha lark. Hazeltine, Harry H., '00, Ashland, Wis Physician and Surgeon. Head, George D., '95, (B. S., '92), 300 Walnut st se, Minneapolis Physician and Surgeon. Heath, Albert C, '94, Lowry Arcade, St. Paul Physician. Hedback, Axel E.. '97, Kohl's Block, Barron, Wis. Physician and Surgeon — City Physician and Secretary of the Barron County Medical Society. tHeinze, Charles Frederick, '96, 304 E 7th st, St. Paul Hendrickson, Hans W., '93, Montevideo, Minn Physician and Surgeon. Hennemuth, John L., '90, Waterford, Cal Physician. Henry, Anna Mae, '99, 2203 Brooklyn av, Kansas City. Mo Physician. Alumni Record 107 Henry, Fannie Jae, '99 Physician. Hesselgrave, Sherman S., '94, Physician — Corner 7th and Jackson sts Hielscher, Julian A., '91 Physician and Surgeon. fHiggins. John Turner, '94, (B. C. E., '90), Physician. Hilbert, Ferdinand, '92, Practicing Physician. Hilbert, Pierre A., '93 Physician. Hirschneld. Adolph, '93, Physician and Surgeon Hoff, Peder A., '00, Physician. Holbrook, John S., '96, Physician — Health Officer for City Holmes, Walter B., '94, (B. S., '88), Physician and Surgeon. Hoist, John Burton, '95, Holte, Halvor, '93, Physician and Surgeon. Hotvedt, Ingvald M. J., '99, Physician and Surgeon. Howard, Seth E., '93, Practicing Physician. Hubert. R. Ignatius, '98, Physician and Surgeon. 1-Hughes, Helen, '96, Physician. *Huhn, Carl. '98, (B. S., '95) Huxley, Fred, '00, Physician. Hyslin, Evan, '00, Physician, tllstrup, Francis, '94. tllstrup, Orlando, '99, Irish, Palmer H., *00, Physician and Surgeon, tlverson, Lewis XL, '97, Janson, Eiliv, '92, Physician and Surgeon. Janson. Ivar, '92, Physician. Jennison, John Egbert, '94, 2203 Brooklyn av, Kansas City, Mo St. Paul Mankato, Minn Morgan Hill, Calif. Albany, Minn. Melrose, Minn 1226 Washington av N, Minneapolis City and County Hospital, St. Paul Mankato, Minn Ada, Minn. Lake Benton, Minn Crookston, Minn Fancheng, China 701 E. 5th st, Rochester, Minn St. Cloud, Minn Blue Earth City, Minn. Died March 7, 1898 Faribault, Minn Kindred, N. D. Cokato, Minn Buffalo, Minn Akeley, Minn Masonic Temple, Minneapolis. Masonic Temple, Minneapolis Delamar, Nevada Physician — Surgeon-in-charge of De la Mar Miners' Hos- pital. Cloquet, Minn Johnson, Andrew E., '91, Physician and Surgeon. Johnson, Asa M., '96, Physician and Surgeon. tJohnson, Edwin M., '98, (B. L f Jones, Charles Henry, '90, Justice, Oswald M., '97, Physician and Surgeon. Kankel, Otto William, Physician. Keene, Ralph K., Physician. Kennedy, Jane F 176 Concord st, St. Paul '95) ".II Tempe, Ariz Elysian, LeSueur Co., Minn. Ely, Minn. Bellingham, Minn '00, Physician. tKirk, George C, '96, Kirkwood, Samuel Markle, '92, Physician and Surgeon. fKistler, Charles Milton, '93, 1'hysician. (Mrs. John F. Kennedy) 13 Syndicate Block, Minenapolis St. Paul 1615 Wesley av, St. Paul 637 y 3 6th av N, Minneapolis 108 University of Minnesota Park City, Utah Ft. Kehoe, Wash Died 1898 612 Dayton Block, Minneapolis Laurium, Mich Mapleton, Minn Stillwater, Minn Herman, Minn 1912 Hennepin av, Minneapolis tKjos,, Knute Andreas, '89, tKnauff, Muhlenburg Kellar, '95. *Koch, John Coenrad Theodore, '93 Kohler, Christian H., '98, Physician. Koivupalo, Edward H., '95, Physician and Surgeon. Krueger, Louis W., '96, Physician and Surgeon. Landeen, Frank G., '94, Physician and Surgeon. Larson, Anders D., '93, Physician and Surgeon. Law, Arthur A., '94, Physician and Surgeon. Leavitt, Frederick, '94, Moore Building, Seven Corners, St. Paul Physician and Surgeon — Clinical Instructor in Obstetrics — Universitv of Minnesota. Lee, William P., '94, Fairfax, Minn Physician and Surgeon. Lenont, Charles B., '99, Virginia, Minn Physician — Surgeon for Columbia and Auburn Mines at Virginia, Minn. Le Vasseur, Irma, '00 17 John st, Quebec, Can Asisstant Physician. fLiland, Ragnvald, '95, Menomonee, Wis Lind, Alfred, '91, (B. S., '89), 1503 Washington av S, Minneapolis Physician. Linjer, Ole E., '89, Corner Cedar and Washnigton avs, Minneapolis Physician. Linton, Laura A., '90, (B. S., '79), State Hospital, Rochester, Minn. Physician. Litzenberg, Jennings C, '99, 2955 Chicago Av., Minneapolis Physician and Surgeon — Suite, 802 Dayton Bldg. Loe, Adolph O. Physician and Surgeon. tLommen. Andreas Pederson, '95, Ludtke. Gustav H., '99, Physician and Surgeon. tLyng. John, '90. McCarthy, William F., "89, Physician and Surgeon. IMcClung. Alberta Virginia, '97, tMackel, Bertha K., '99, xucLaughlin, William E., '96, Physician and Surgeon. tMcKinnon, John Joseph, '93, McNerthney, John B., '99, Physician and Surgeon. Manson, Frank Melville, '99, (B. S., '94 ; M. S. Physician and Surgeon. Marshall, Nelson H.. '92, Physician and Surgeon. Mayer, Lawrence P., '00, Physician and Surgeon. Mayland, Lewis L., '96, Physician and Surgeon. Mayland, Martin L., '92, Physician and Surgeon. Meckstroth. Charles W., '95, Physician. Meckstroth, Louis W., '93, (D. D. S., '91), Physician and Surgeon. tMeighen. Jacob Wells, '96, Merrill. James E., '96, Physician and Surgeon. Seattle, Wash Mabel, Minn Fairmont, Minn Kepsington Jordan, Minn Chicago, 111 Ada, Minn Willmar, Minn Wadena, Minn Deleyan, Minn. '95) Worthington, Minn Chaska, Minn Farmington, Minn Red W T ing, Minn Faribault, Minn Evansville, Minn Wahpeton, N. I). Twin Valley, Minn Amboy, Minn Alumni Record 109 Merrill, Rose Marie, '96, St. Peter, Minn Assistant I'hysician, St. Peter State Hospital. Mesker, George II., '96, Olivia, Minn. Physician and Surgeon. Miller, Arthur W., '97, 7th and Sibley sts, St. Paul Physician — Coroner Ramsey County. Millet, Melvin C, '95, Rochester, Minn House Physician St. Mary's Hospital. Miner, Clarence J., '91, Fresno, Cal Physician — Eye, ear, nose and throat. Moen, Johannes K., "93, Windom, Minn Physician and Surgeon. Mohn. Frederick Voss, '92, Minot, N. D. Physician — Founder and Medical Director of the Sana- torium for Consumptives in the 1st and 2d Stages, Minot, N. D. tMoore, Albert Hall, '97, (B. S. '95), Roxbury, Mass. Physician — Osteopathic. Moore, George W., '92. Hopkins, Minn Physician and Surgeon. Muir, Edward S., '94, 58 W. 3rd st, Winona, Minn. Physician. Munro. Alonzo T., '97, Wood Lake, Minn Physician. Nelson, Henry S., '93, Minneapolis Physician — Andrus Building. Nelson. Kent R. S., '00, City and County Hospital, St. Paul Physician. Nelson, Louis Allan, '96, Lowry Arcade, St. Paul Oculist and Aurist. tNevitt, Orme Richardson, '00, Eveleth, Minn. Physician. Newman, Gustavus Adolphus, '95, New London, Minn Physician and Surgeon. Nicholson, Daniel A., '97, State Hospital, St. Peter, Minn. Physician. Norton, Harvey G., '00, St. Luke's Hospital, St. Paul Physician. tNuzum, Helen B., '95, Mrs. Nuzum), St. Louis. Mo. O'Connor, Dennis F., '90, St. James, Minn Physician and Surgeon. O'Connor, John V., '95, Waverly, Minn Physician. O'Connor, Timothy, '90, Maple Lake, Minn. Physician and Surgeon. Olson, John W., '00, City Hospital, St. Paul Physician. fOppliger. Gottlieb, "95. tO'Reilley, James J., '86. Osborn. A. Lida, '00, Mankato, Minn Physician and Surgeon. fOwen, George Bernard, 1900, Livingstone, Mont. Physician. tPalmquist, John Emil, '96, Kolb City, la Parker Owen W., '00, St. Luke's Hospital, St. Paul Physician. ParrOtt, Byron W., '97, Long Prairie, Minn Physician. Parsons. Joseph G., '98, Brookings, S. D. Physician and Surgeon — Medical Director Gymnasium S. D. Agricultural College. Patton, Frederic J., '98, Duluth, Minn Physician and Surgeon. Perkins. George A., '97, Dickinson, N. D. Physician and Surgeon. Perry, Gentz, '97, Amery, Wis Physician and Surgeon. 110 University of Minnesota Peterson, John R., '97, Renville, Minn Physician and Surgeon. Pettit, Loretta J., '94, (Mrs. James Baird) Rushmore, Minn Physician. fPhillips, George W.. '89. i-Phillips, William Henry, '94, Jordan, Minn Pineo, William B., '85, St. Joseph, Minn. Physician. tPitblado, John David, '96, 603 Monroe st ne, Minneapolis Physician. Piatt, John J., '95, 490 Endicott Arcade, St. Paul Physician and Surgeon. Poehler, Franklin T., '96 (B. S. '93), Minneapolis Physician, 410 Syndicate Arcade. Powell, Charles B., '94, Monticello, Minn Physician. Pretlow, Clotilde L., '95, Fairmount ,Ind Physician. Prim, Joseph A.,, '99, Comfrey, Minn Physician. Quain, Erie P., '98, Bismarck, N. D. Physician. Ramsey. Walter R., '96, The Albion Hotel, St. Paul Physician — Official Physician of Postoffice Department. R,amstad, N. Oliver, '99, Bismarck, N. D. Physician. Hankin, Arthur, A., '00, Clara City, Minn Physician — Health Officer of Village. Ronson, Mary, '98, (Mrs. Frank Strickler) New Ulm, Minn. Physician. tRanson, George, '95, St. Peter, Minn Read, Harry K., '99, 804 Pillsbury Building, Minneapolis Physician — Demonstrator of Anatomy — University of Min- nesota. Reed, Charles A., '95, Kalispell, Mont Surgeon Great Northern Railway. Rees, Soren 1'., '97, (B. S., '95), Audrus Building, Minneapolis Physician and Surgeon. Regner, John A., '89, Wheaton, Minn Physician. Reimestad, Christian S., '96, Brainerd, Minn Physician and Surgeon. Reimestad, Sven S., '95, Madelia, Minn Physician and Surgeon. Reiter, Henry W.. '93, Shakopee, Minn Physician and Surgeon. Richard, Henry R., '00, Little Falls, Minn Physician and Surgeon. Ridgway, Alfred M., '90, Annandale, Minn Physician and Surgeon. Ringnell, Carl J., '91, 1412 Park av, Minneapolis Physician and Surgeon — Secretary of State Board of Medical Examiners. Ringnell. Frank O., '95, Orion, HI Physician. Ritchie, Harry Parks, '96, 105 Dowry Arcade, St. Paul Physician and Surgeon — McLaren and Ritchie. tRoadman, Ira M.. '98, 835 Holly av, St. Paul. Clerk — R. M. S. Rogers, John T., '91, Lowry Arcade, St. Paul Physician and Surgeon. Rothwell, William P., '92, 26 High st, Pawtucket,R. I. Physician and Surgeon. tRulien, Frank William, '97, Harris, Minn tRyley, Marie Jean, '95, Syndicate Arcade, Minneapolis Sawyer, Herbet P., '95, Goodhue, Minn Physician and Surgeon. Alumni Record 111 . Perham, Minn. 491 Endicott Arcade, St. Paul Schoonmaker, Edward C, '99, Physician and Surgeon. Senkler, George E., '92, Physician. tSerkland, John Christian, '00, Setnan, John M., "96, Physician and Surgeon. Sewall, Ralph J.. '95, 1'hysician. Shaw, Albert W., '99, Physician and Surgeon. Sheppard, Fred, '95, lavsician and Surgeon. Sheppard. Prosper E., '91, Physician. Sherwood, George E., '94, Physician and Surgeon. Siemans, Abr., '90, Practice of Medicine and Pharmacy. fSimpson, James Kidd, '84. tSlippern, Halfdan. '.to, Smith, II. William, '97, Physician. Smith, Martha, '91, (Mrs. Rollin E. Cuttsj 2713 Blaisdell av. Minneapolis St. James, Minn Fergus Falls, Minn Two Harbors, Minn Eveleth, Mhin. Hutchinson, Minn Hutchinson, Minn Kimball, Minn. Butterfield, Minn Seattle, Wash Crookston, Minn ♦Smith, William Sidney, Soderlind, Andrew, '90, Physician and Surgeon. Soper, John Elford, '96, Physician and Surgeon. Sorenson, Anthony N. f '99, Physician. *Sorg, John Andrew, '96, Sorkness, Paul, '95, Physician and Surgeon — ical Society. South, John, '89. Physician. Speier, Hugo, '84, Physician. Spottswood, Edward W., '93, Physician and Surgeon. fStahl, Harriet. Sherman, '97, Stack, George F., '96, Physician and Surgeon. *Stebbins, Albert Madison, '94, Steel, Edwin D., '89, Physician and Surgeon. Stephan, Ernest L., '93, Physician and Surgeon. Stephenson, John L., '95, Physician. Stevens, John, Jr., '97, Physician. Stewart, Allan B.. '91, Physician and Surgeon. Stockman, Bert George, '96, Physician. Stowell. Joabj Jr., '90, Physician. Strathern, Fred Paul, '99, Physician. Stuhr, Henry C, '00, Physician. Swartz, West J., '00, Physician and Surgeon. Swenson. George B., '00, Physician. Died, 1901 Marine Mills, Minn Norwood, Carver Co., Minn Oldham, S. D. Died May, 1898 Fargo, N. D. Present Secretary N. D. State Med- Ouray, Coi Rochester, Mina. N. P. Hospital, Missoula, Mont Winona, Minn Independence, Wis Died June, 189? Mankato, Minn Hinckley, Minn Ellendale, N. D. Belfast, Maine Owatonna, Minn Woodville, Wis North Amhurst, Mass. St. Peter, Minn City Hospital, St. Paul 2604 Bloomington av, Minneapolis Martell, Wis 112 University of Minnesota Taylor, William W., '00, Minneapolis Physician — Asbury Hospital. Tennant, Russell W., '99, Brooten, Minn Physician and Surgeon. Tenney, Jacob S., '95, Alma, Wis Physician and Surgeon. tTennyson, A. Falk., '93, 1804% Lyndale av N, Minneapolis Physician — 1921 Washington av N. Thabes, John Alvis, '96, Brainerd, Minn Physician and Surgeon — Health Officer and City Physician. Thorpe, Arthur Clyde, '97, 904 W. 7th st, Los Angeles, Cal Physician and Surgeon — Nose, throat and chest. Thrane, Marcus, '94, Madison, Minn tThyng, Date Kimball, '96, Willow City, N. D. Tirrell, John M., '00, (B. S., '97) Portal, N. D. Physician. Todd, Frank C, '92 Oculist and Aurist. Towers, Mary E., '98, (Mrs. Frank E. Towers) 72 12th st N, Minneapolis Physician. Tripp, George A., '99, Physician. True, Augusta, '94, (Mrs. E. R. Grant), Physician. Tupper, Eugene Larrie, '97, Physician and Surgeon. ♦Turner. Arthur Lorenzo, '94, Turner, Frances Eastman, '94, Physician and Surgeon. Valentine. Walter H., '00, Tracy, Minn Physician and Surgeon. Van Damme, William C, '86, 305 Nicollet av, Room 2, Minneapolis Phvsician and Surgeon. 304 Dayton Building, Minneapolis Tower, Minn Blue Earth, Minn. Ottawa, Ohio Died in 1896 (Mrs. J. B. Lockhart ) Fargo, N. D. Van Slyke, Charles A., '91, Physician. Van Valkenburg, Byron F., '93, Physician and Surgeon. Vigen, Jorgen G., '94, Physician and Surgeon. Wagar William Desmond, '98, Practicing Physician. •J-Waltei-s. Eugene E., '95, Wangelin, Hugh E., '91, Physician. Wanous. Ernest Z.. '97, Assistant Medical Superintendent State Hospital Ward, Austin Leroy. '00, Physician and Surgeon Warren, Frank S., "96 Phvsician and Surgeon Watkins. Frank A., "89, Baltimore Block, St. Paul Long Prairie, Minn. Fergus Falls, Minn. Crary, N. D. Bakewell. Eng Belleville, HI Rochester, Minn spital. Asbury Hospital, Minneapolis Faribault, Minn Physician. Watson, Thomas R., '95, Physician. fWells, Horace Renselaer, '98, Westeen, Anders A., '92, Physician and Surgeon. i-Wevrens, Peter James, '00 Wheelon. Frank E., '00, Phvsician. White, James B., '91, Physician and Surgeon. Wilcox. M Russell, '97, Physician. Williams. A. Elton, '00 Physician and Surgeon- pital, 1901. Ricketts, Penn Zumbro Falls, Minn Lansing, Minn Grand Forks, N. D. St. Nicholas Fingal. N. D. Montgomery, Minn Dayton Block, Minneapolis 1301 5th st. se. Minneapolis -House Surgeon, St. Barnabas Hos- Alumni Record 113 54 3d st S, Minneapolis William, Ulysses G.. '89, Physician and Surgeon. Wilson. Louis B., '96, 624 4th st se, Minneapolis Physician — First Assistant Bacteriologist Minnesota State Board of Health — Senior Demonstrator Pathology and Bacteriology, University of Minnesota. Winberg. Osten K., '92, Physician. Wiseman, Robert L., '97, Physician and Surgeon. -{■Woods, Ernest Arthur, '99, Wright. Charles O., '90, Physician and Surgeon. Wright, Franklin R., '94, Physician. Wunder. Henry E., '92, Physician and Surgeon. tYoseph. David Yoseph, '94, Lake Park, Becker Co., Minn Pine City, Minn Chicago, 111 Luverne, Minn Dayto nBuilding, Minneapolis Two Harbors, Minn Persia College of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery. Balcom, George G., '96, Physician and Surgeon. tBallaru. Charles A., '97, Physician. Beach, William A., '93, (B. S., Physician. Beaty, James H., '95, Physician and Surgeon. Beck, James F.. '96, Physician and Surgeon. Beckley, Frederick L., '97, Physician. tBelt, Wallace E., '89. Physician. Bertelson. Oskar L., '00 Physician. Bingham, Hiram II., '96, Physician and Surgeon. Booth, Albert Edwin, '99 Physician. Brauti, Andrea E., '97, Physician. tCaine, Arthur T., '99, Physician. fCarlson. Benedicta L., '89, Physician. Carrell, Fred A., '90, Physician. Cooper. Charles M., '92, Physician and Surgeon. De Coster, William T., '97, Physician and Surgeon. Dight, Mary A. G.. '92, Physician and Surgeon. Drought. Warren W.. '91, Physician and Surgeon. Frost, Bertha L.. '94, Physician. Gilman. Addle F. G., '94, (M Physician. Gramenz. Ferdinand. '00, Physician and Surgeon. Hamlin, George B., '96. Ph-sician and Surgeon. Slayton, Minn Klondike, Alaska '90) Mankato, Minn St. Cloud, Minn 1551 E. Franklin av, Minneapolis 394 Prior av N, St. Paul Richland Center, Wis Beltrami, Minn Herman, Minn 320 6th av se, Minneapolis Hudson, Wis Lake Preston, S. D. Chicago, 111. Rushmore, Minn Chatfield, Minn Windom, Minn 10 Bull st, Newport, R. I. Fergus Falls, Minn. Fergus Falls, Minn. is. W. D. Kirkpatrick) Whatcom, Wash. Bryant. S. D. Granada, Minn. 114 University of Minnesota Hammond. Asa J.. '96. (B. A., '91) Winnebago City, Minn Physician and Surgeon. Hartung. "Herman A., '00 , Tracy, Minn Phvsician. Hedlund, John. '93, 460 N. Clark st, Chicago, 111. Physician. Hurd, Anhah. '00, (Phm. D. '96.) 2217 Aldrich av S. Minneapolis Physician — Spending one vear in Philadelphia in Hospital. Hurd, Ethel Edgerton, '97, (Mrs. Tyrus I. Hurd.), 716 Dayton Building, Minneapolis Physician. Keeney. Adaline, '97, Albert Lea, Minn Physician. tKing. Elsworth E., '91, Alexandria, N. D. Physician. TKirkpatr'ick. William D., '95, Mazeppa, Minn Physician. tKleine. James F., '93, Anoka, Minn Physician. Koch. Margaret. '95, 608 Masonic Temple. Minneapolis Physician. Lares, Bert V.. 00 Maple Plain, Minn Physician and Surgeon. Leek. Clifford C, '00, City Hospital, St. Paul Physician. Matchan. Wesley G.. '99, Bismarck, N. D. Phvsician. Matchan. Glenn R.. '99, Northfield, Minn Physician. Moffatt. Albert G., '95, Howard Lake, Minn Physician. tMorrison. Alma E., '92, Denver. Col Phelps. Alvah G., '96, 3016 Garfield av S. Minneapolis Phvsician and Surgeon. Pollock. Harry M., '97, Fergus Falls, Minn. Phvsician — Assistant Medical Superintendent Fergus Falls State Hospital. Reineke. George F. ; '96, New Ulm, Minn Phvsician and Surgeon. Richardson Oscar K., '93, (B. S., '90) 305 Masonic Temple. Minneapolis Physician and Surgeon. tRoberts. Adelbert A.. '91. Rome. Robert R., '92, 900 22d av S. Minneapolis Physician and Surgeon — President of Alumni Association of College of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery. •i-Shipman. Louis D., '96. Preston. Minn tSmith, Edwin Harwood. '00, City Hospital, Minneapolis tSmith. Wade W.. '93, Columbia. Wis Spurr. Stephen H., '96. Morris, Minn Physician. tStephens. Edna A., '93, Merriam Park, Minn Physician. *Terw T illiger, Innis Lucetta, '95, Died Nov. 17, 1897 Torgerson. William B.. '97. Clarkfield, Minn Phvsician and Surgeon. Erie. Frederick W.. '89, 2518 Lyndale av X, Minneapolis Christian Science rhvsician — 820 Nicollet av. 1-Wait. Leon A., '91. Died 1897 Wedelstaedt. George S. von, '97, Deadwood. S. D. Phvsician and Surgeon. tWhite, Arthur E., '90. Rawlings. Wyo Williams. Leon Arlington. '97, Iona Lake, Minn Phvsician and Surgeon. Woutat. Henry G.. '97, Grand Forks. N. D. Physician. Wright. Edwin Adams. '93, Colfax. Wis rhysician and Surgeon. Alumni Record 115 Seattle. Wash Young, ... Weldon, '89, Physician and Surgeon. Young. Esther Hayes, "93, (Mrs. Robert B. Young) 2213 Central av, Minneapolis Physician. College Adams, Eugene F., '00, Dentist. Anderson, Frederick E., "00, Dentist. Annis, Elwin R., '97, Dentist. Argue, John E., '99, Dentist. Atwood, Almon G., "98, Dentist. Babcock, Henry C, '95, Dentist. Baker, Will W., '97, Dentist. Beise, Henry C, "96 Dentist. Benjamin, Winfred G., '96, Dentist. Bennion, Sydney E., '98, Dentist. Benton, Clarence 1)., '99, Dentist. Bertram, Harry W., '00, Dentist. tBirch, Frank W., '96, Breck, Henry T., '91, Dentist. Buell, E. Eugene, '97, Dentist. Busse, Theodore C. '00, Dentist. Campbell, Alexander S., '99 Dentist. Card, Wiliam H.. '98, Dentist — 401 Dayton B (Carlson, Hanphen II., '00, Dentist. rChandler. Mrs Ella Z., '91, tClarke. Joseph, '00, Dentist— 54 S 3d st. Cobb. Frederick E., '95, Dentist. Cooke, Thomas F., '97, Dentist. tCooper. Herbert Charles, '00 Dentist. Costain. Elbert P., '00 Dentist. Couplin. Charles Allan, '98, Dentist. tCovey, Martha G.. '97, Day, George R., '96, Dentist. Demo, William A., '95, Dentist. Denton. Herbert B., '97, Dentist. Dietz, Clinton S., Dentist and Optician. of Dentistry. Grand Forks, N. D. Red Wing, Minn Winnebago City. Minn Red Lake Falls, Minn Box 364, Eugene, Lane Co., Ore 215 Lowry Arcade. St. Paul Slayton, Minn Windom, Minn -o27 Franklin av. Minneapolis Hutchinson, Minn 213 Dayton Building. Minneapolis Eveleth, Minn Redwood Falls. Minn 481 Main st. Springfield, Mass. Alexandria, Minn. Mapleton. Minn. Ortonville, Minn 2401 Aldrich av S, Minneapolis uilding. Grove City, Minn St. Paul Flat 1, 569 8th av N, Minneapolis Masonic Temple. Minneapolis Dickinson, N. D. McCauleyville, Minn Staples, Minn Waterville, Minn Slayton, Minn Farmington. Minn Blue Earth City. Minn. Duluth, Minn Ironwood, Mich 116 University of Minnesota Dunn, William H., '90, Rice Lake, Wis Dentist. Edgar, Caroline, '93, (Mrs. Charles Erdmann) 612 9th av se, Minneapolis Eldred, Bert H., '96, Dentist. Evans, Warren T., Dentist. jFoote, Charles P.. '99. Force, Frank W., '92, Frederick, John L., '97, Dentist. Gallagher, John W., '97, Dentist. Gallagher, Kay H., '99, Dentist. Gloyd, William, '00, Dentist. Godfrey. Harvey B., '97, Dentist. Godfrey. Henry S., '97, Dentist. Goodnow, Merton S., '97, Dentist. tGorgen, Edward, '99, Dentist. tHaas, Edward H., '93, Dentist— 209 Baltimore Block Hagaman, Edwin A., '99, Dentist. Hagerty. Torry P., '97, Dentist. Hall, George Everett, '99, Dentist. Hall, Jay Mason, '97, Dentist. Lanesboro, Minn Canby, Minn Windom, Minn Brainerd, Minn 202 Choate Block, Winona, Minn Plainview, Neb. 522 12th av se, Minneapolis 69 Syndicate Block, Minneapolis 69 Syndicate Block, Minneapolis Hutchinson, Minn. New Richland, Minn 340 Grove st, St. Paul Madelia, Minn Fairmont, Minn Wadena, Minn. Austin, Minn Long Prairie, Minn Handy, John P., '94, Dentist. Hartzeh, Mary V., '93, 9 Syndicate Block, Minneapolis Dentist. Hartzell, Thomas B., '93, (M. D. '94), 9 Syndicate Blk, Minneapolis Dentist. jHawkinson, E., '97, Litchfield, Minn. tHenderson. Hugh Saunderson, '99, Spicer, Minn. Herrick. Clayton C, '96, Box 444, Fargo, N. D. Dentist. Herrick, Benjamin A., '97, 403 3rd St., Red Wing, Minn. Dentist. Hertz, E. Fianklyn, '99, 801 Andrus Bldg, Minneapolis Dentist and Instructor in College of Dentistry. Hintz, Charles A., '00, Springfield, Minn. Dentist. Hollister, John R., '98, . Sleepy Eye, Minn. Dentist. tHolmes. Eugene P., '93, Flatl, 722 S. 5th St., Minneapolis Dentist. 235 Nicollet Av. Hooin, Karl IT., '00, 222 Bush st, Red Wing, Minn. Dentist. Hurd, Herbert B., '95, Madison, Minn. Dentist. Hutchin. Robert C, '00, 976 Sherburn Av.. St. Paul Dentist. Jeffers. John, Jr., '98, Glenwood, Minn. Dentist. Jewett. William F., '93, 310 Dayton Block. Minneapolis Dentist. Kelly, James L., '99, 706-7-8 Germania Life Bldg.. St. Paul Dentist. Alumni Record 117 Northfield, Minn. Bismarck, N. D. 603 Masonic Temple, Minneapolis 2529 Polk St. N. E., Minneapolis Pelican Rapids, Minn. Spring Valley, Minn. 775 Rondo St., St. Paul Moorhead, Minn. Kelsey, Raymond D., '96, Dentist. Kershaw, Albert L., '00, Dentist. King, Nelson M., '89, Dentist. Knapp, Miland A., '92, Dentist. Knudson, John F., '00, Dentist. Kroehler, Benjamin G., '00, Practicing Dentistry. Kyle, Frank H., '95, Dentist, 417 Germania Life Bldg Lamphere, Ralph L., '00, Dentist. jLawton, John Reynolds, '98, Dentist — Lawton & Son Lenox, Fred A., '91, Dentist. tLeonard, Claude A., '97, Lockhart, Harvey J., '00, Dentist. Lowe, Martin Franklin, '94, Dentist. tMcCadden, William A., '97, Dentist — 13 Syndicate Block. Maguire, James O., '96, Cor. 8th and Main, Dubuque, Iowa Dentist. 489 Grand Av., St. Paul -27 E. 7th St. Stillwater, Minn. Menomonie, Wis. 318 Torrey Bldg, Duluth, Minn. Buffalo, Minn. Holmes Hotel, Minneapolis Marshall, Edgar II., '91, Dentist. tMarston, Harold Foster, '99, Dentist. Means, George Emery, '93, Dentist. tMedary, Mrs. Edna P., '97, Dentist. Meckstroth. Louis W.. '91, Physician and Surgeon. Mero, Frank H., '94, Dentist. Monson. Geo. S., '93, Dentist. Montgomery. Charles P., '96, Dentist. Moody, Frank Emil, '96, Kenyon, Minn. Chattanooga, Tenn. Howard Lake, Minn. Minneapolis Wahpeton, N. D. Little Falls, Minn. 304 Baltimore Bldg., St. Paul 138 E. 6th St., St. Paul 1408 Park Av., Minneapolis Dentist— Suite 26-7-8-9 Syndicate Block. Moore, William A., '97, 619 Pioneer Press Bldg., St. Paul Dentist. Munns, E. Ernest, '00, 519 11th Av. S. E., Minneapolis Dentist — 329 Central Av. Munro, Robert A., '96, Chatfield, Minn. Dentist. Ndson, Harold J.. '00. Glencoe, Minn. Dentist. 221 Simonson Blk., Minneapolis Nelson. Louis. '00, Dentist. Nelson. Mark ()., '95, Dentist. Newhouse. Christopher I. Dentist. Norris. Frank M.. '96, Dentist. Norris, Georsre W., '00, Dentist. Olsen. Rolf J.. '98, Dentist. Baltimore Bldg., St. Paul '98, 2410 Central Av N. E., Minneapolis Slade Block, Winona, Minn. Tracy, Minn. St. James. Minn. 118 University of Minnesota oison, Carl Gustaf, '00, 223 Cedar Av.. Minneapolis Dentist. Owre, Alfred, '94, 401 Masonic Temple, Minneapolis Dentist — Lecturer on Dental Metallurgy and Demonstrator of Operative Dentistry — University o"f Minnesota. Owre, Aneas R., '00, Minneapolis Dentist — 501 Davton Bldg. jPatterson, John Fayette. '00, St. Paul Dentist — Ryan Bldg. Pattison, Thomas A.. '07, St. Cloud, Minn. Dentist. Paul, James W., '92, 223 Cedar Av., Minneapolis Dentist. Peck, Arthur E., '90, 608 Nicollet Av.. Minneapolis Dentist. Phelps, Elton H., '99, 546 Mississippi St., St. Paul D. M. D. tPra., Frederick William. '98, Waseca, Minn. Dentist. Pullen, Herbert A.. '97, 504 Mooney Bldg.. Buffalo, N. Y. Dentist — Specialist in Orthodontia. Revell, Aris L., '00, 400 13th Av. S. E., Minneapolis Dentist. Riddell. Edwin G., '91, Northfield, Minn. Dentist — First National Bank Bldg. *Ridgeway, Gainsford. '89, Deceased Riley. Frank F.. 00, Worthington, Minn. Dentist. Roberts. Oscar E.. '00, Jackson, Minn. Dentist. Robinson. Frank S., '95, 206 Bridge St., Chippewa Falls, Wis. Dentist. Rose, William J., '96, Melrose, Minn. Dentist. tSaunderson. Smith A., '97, Appleton, Minn. Dentist. Sauer, Arthur J.. '95, 146 E. School St.. Owatonna, Minn. Dentist. Shankland, James W., '97. Pella, Iowa Dentist — Member of Faculty of Des Moines College of Den- tal Sureery — Chair — Dental Anatomy, Dental Materia Medica and Metallurgy. Shibley. Fdw. H., '98, 908 Pioneer Press Bldg., St. Paul Dentist. Shumpik, Edward, '97, 804 Dayton Bldg.. Minneapolis Dentist. Sinclair. Erwin L., '95, Rochester, Minn. Dentist. Sommermeryer, Edward F., '00, Eau Claire, Wis Dentist. Spence. Thomas, '97, Crookston, Minn. Dentist. Sprague. Daniel E.. '00, 124 E. 13th St.. Minneapolis Dentist. tSpencer. William Eleazer, '98, 1333 E. Franklin Av.. Minneapolis Dentist— 1551 E. Franklin Av. Stephan, Frank L.. '97, Mankato, Minn. Dentist — 401 Front St. S. Stevens. Bertam T., '97, 405 Syndicate Arcade. Minneapolis Dentist. Stone. Gilbert F., '99, 31 Gilman Terrace, St. Paul Dentist. Store, Arthnr O., '93. Winthrop, Minn. Dentist. Swanson, Anton W., '00, Zumbrota, Minn. Dentist. Talyor. Henry II., '93, 75 Syndicate Blk.. Minneapolis Dentist. m Ellendale, N. D. Le Sueur, Minn. Glencoe, Minn. Minneapolis Lake City, Minn. Minneapolis Spring Valley, Minn. Waseca, Minn. Austin, Minn. Alumni Record Thomas. Harry E., "00, Dentist. Thorson, Axel A., "00, Dentist. Tifft, Wallace L., 96, Dentist. Todd. Frank C. "01. (M. D., '92), Oculist and Aurist — 304 Dayton Bids Todd, Oeorge S., '95, Dentist. tTorrance. Murt, "99, Dentist. Tyler. Homer A., "00, Dentist, tl'pdyke. Robert Patton, '99, Van Bronkhorst. Everard J., '98. Dentist. Van Duzee. Charles A., '90, 51 Germania Bank, St. Paul Doctor of Dental Surgery — Instructor — University of Minne- sota, Dental Department. Wagner. Frank J., '95, New Richland, Minn. Dentist. Walls, .7. Milton, '94, 594 Endicott Bldg., St. Paul Dentist. Watson. Nathan L.. "95, 1767 Dayton At., St. Pan! Dental Surgeon. tWeible Fred Keller. "98, Weible, N. D. -i- Weiss. Oscar A., "93, 1602 Fremont Av. N.. Minneapolis Dentist— 506 Masonic Temple. ^Wells. James Osborn, '99, . Newberry. S. C. Dentist. White, Mrs. Edna HewEtt, '90, Chicago, HI Dentist. Whitting. Arthur D., '94, St. Cloud, Minn. Specialist in Diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Whitmore. Saniord E., '99, Dentist. Whittaker. Frank N., "93, Dentist. Whittemore. Morse K., '00, Dentist. Williams. Thomas F., '92, Dentist. Wilson. Robert B.. "00, Dentist. Wood. Geo. W., "93, Wright. Ernest A., "9S, Dentist. Wright. Franklin R.. "90, (M. Physician. Zieger, Otto C. E., '00, Dentist. Marshall, Minn. Fergus Falls. Wis. Cloquet, Minn. St. Peter, Minn. 647 St. Anthony At., St. Paul Faribault. Minn. 401 14th Av. S. E., Minneapolis '94) Dayton Blk.. Minneapolis Owatonna, Minn. College of Pharmacy. Worthington. Minn. Avoca. Minn. Arbes. .lose" , M.. '90. Druggist. Bachman. Oustav. '00, Druggist. Blanc-hard Lucy H. A., '95, (Mrs. Lefieldt O. JorgensonL Chatfield. Minn. Beise. John Henry. '98, Fergus Falls, Minn Druggist. Bell. John Michael. '00, Glencoe. Minn. tBiscoe. Thomas. '00. St. Paul Bla^kman. George Harvey, '98, 426 N. American St.. Stockton. CaL 120 University of Minnesota Bolton, Miller T., '94, Pharmacist. fBowe, John William, '97, Clerk — California Moline Plow Co. Brede, William George, '98, ^512 Pierce St. N. E. Drug Clerk at Ranck's Pharmacy. Burke, Richard T., '95, Drug Business. Buttz, Wm. Lloyd, '99, Druggist. Cady, Frank E., '96, Winnebago City, Minn. Druggist. fCahill, James Lawrence, '96, Thompson, Iowa Carpenter, Dwight J., '99, 416 14th Av. S. E., Minneapolis Medical Student — University of Minnesota. Plainview, Minn. Medicine Lake, Minn. Minneapolis Langdon, N. D. Tower City, N. D. Carter, J. Roy, '00, Pharmacist. Clark, Charles H., '97, Druggist. Congdon, John C, Jr., '00, R. R. Brakeman., N. P. R. R Cool. Geo. H., '99, Pharmacist — A. T. Hall. Corn well. Charles B., '97, Pharmacist. Cowin, George A., '00, Pharmacist. tDanielson. Charles Olaf, '00, Day, Perry R., '99, Pharmacist. Demars, Gustave J., '98, Pharmaceutical Chemist. Dillner. Emmanuel T., '00, Proprietor of Drug Store. tDorr, Gertrude Nell, '99, Drechsler, Frank X.. '99, Pharmacist. Dreis, Hem— J., '00, Druggist. Evans. David L.. '99 Drug Business. Fairbank, Cora M., '99, tFarmer. Dan E., '96, Fitzgerald. Julian L., '98, Pharmacist. Fjeldstad, Alex H., '95, Pharmacist — Olson & Fjeldstad Gunz. Abe X., '99, Medical Student — University of Minnesota Norfolk, Xeb. St. Peter, Minn. Brainerd, Minn. 362 St. Peter St., St. Paul Chatfield, Minn. 07 3rd St. S., Minneapolis Minneapolis Bagley, Minn. Hallock, Minn. Henning, Minn. Simpson, Minn. Corner Western and Selby, St. Paul 465 St. Peter St., St. Paul Ceylon, Minn. Lanesboro, Minn. Des Moines, Iowa St. James, Minn. Blooming Prairie, Minn. Minneapolis Henderson, Minn. Minneapolis 13th St. Astoria, Oregon Fairplay, Col. Oldham, S. D. S., Minneapolis fHanev. William Carlton, '96, Hart, Alfred B., '94, Hart's Pharmacy, 1229 Xicollet Av., Cor, fHart. Frank. '99, Proprietor Drug Store— 600 Com. St. Haskell, Edward E., '00, Mining. Haugen. John E., '96, Hangseth. Enoch. '94, 810 22nd Av Medical Student — University of Minnesota. Hays, Robert B., '99, Hotel Vendome, Minneapolis Traveling Drug Salesman. Hillard Archie Harwood, '95, Crookston, Minn. Druggist. *Hong. Adolph. '96, Died Jan. 28, 1901 Hoscheid. William. '96, Estelline. S. D. Proprietor of Drug Store. Hovorka. Thomas W., '94, Silver Lake, Minn. Pharmacist. Alumni Record 121 Los Angeles, Cal. 2217 Aldrich Av. S., Minneapolis tHoulton, Alice. '95, Hurd, Annan, '96, (M. D., '00), Physician. Hynes, John E. s '00. Winnebago City, Minn. Medical Student — University of Minnesota, litis, Geo. \\\, '95, U. S. Marine Hospital, San Francisco, Cal. Pharmacist and Hospital Steward. tJacobson, David Lorenz, '99, Decorah, Iowa Bathgate, N. D. Johnson, Flavius I., '96, Pharmacist. fKehoe, Thomas Madigan, Kirwin. Luke k., '97, Druggist. Korizek. Albert, '98, Druggist. Leubner, Bernhard O., '94, '97. St. Paul Franklin, Minn. Cloquet, Minn. 63 11th St. N., Minneapolis Instructor and Demonstrator, College of Pharmacy. tLarson, Theodore Lewis, '96, St. Croix Falls, Wis Lyon, Chas. G., '00, Pharmacist. McCloud, Charles Naumann, '95, 534 Selby Av., Medical Student — University of Minnesota. TMcCulloch, Earl, '96, tMcKnight. George Williams, '97, tMeisen. John Anton. '96, Clerk— W. A. Frost & Co. Moffit, Isaac E., '98, Farmer. Conrad, Iowa St. Paul, Minn. Wykoff, Minn. Buffalo, Minn. 71 11th St., St. Paul Bathgate, N. D» tMoen, Matj.ias, '96, Molstad, Emil C, '99. Pharmacist. Moran, Martin T., '00, Pharmacist. Moskop, Albert, '00, Drug Clerk. Munch, Graham AV., '95, Druggist. fNagel, Frank Julius, '98, Nelson. John, '95, l'harmacist. Nichols. B. Heber, '96, Pharmacist. Nisbit, Mae, '00, Olsen, Isaac C, '95, Druggist. Onstad. John, '99, l'harmacist. Pepple. Ransom F., '95, Druggist. Peterson, (.'has. E., '00, Prescription Clerk. Rohr, Arthur von, '94, Druggist. Sanderson, Stephen F., '95, Pharmacist. Schmidt. Emil T., '00, Drug Clerk. Scholten, John P., '99, l'harmacist. Spicer, Lester. W., '97, Pharmacist. Spielmann, Alois J., '00, Pharmacist. Stock, William J., '97, l'harmacist. Stoutemyer AVilliam B., '99, Drugs and Jewelry. Starbuck, Minn. Spring Valley, Minn. 2401 Central Av., Minneapolis Arlington, Minn. Sheldon, 111. Buffalo. Lake Park, Minn. Minn. Faribault, Minn. 1954 Iglehart St., Merriam Park St. Croix Falls, Wis. Clinton, Minn. Wilmont, Minn. Ortonville, Minn. AVinona, Minn. 828 Nicollet Av., Minneapolis Buffalo, Minn. Winnebago City, Minn. Albert Lea, Minn. Shakopee, Minn. Melrose, Minn. Luverne, Minn. 122 University of Minnesota Wulling, Charles William, '98, Little Falls, Minn. Stultz, Edna B., '99, Box 358 Cloquet, Minn. Clerk in Drug Store. Swanson, Claus August, '99, St. Paul Druggist — 364 Wabasha St. tTheimer, Emil Wencl, '98, Owatonna, Minn. Yallencev. Eldred P., '99, Graceville, Minn Druggist. Williams. Fred Horace, '96, Lansing, Mich. Physician. Wolner, Oscar H., '98, 2330 Langford Av., St. Paul Junior Medic — University of Minnesota. Varney. Herbert C. '98, 743 Iglehart St., St. Paul Medical Student— Statistical Clerk, P. R. D., G. N. Ry. AN ALUMNI WEEKLY A POSSIBILITY. A year's experience has demonstrated that for a students' pa- per the Daily is an unqualified success. Yet as an alumni organ the result is different. Over half of the Daily is filled each day with items that are of no interest to alumni. Consequently the subscription list from the alumni has fallen off in as large a pro- portion as the student subscription list has increased. As a result of this failure of the Daily to fill the needs of the alumni, the Daily management has in view the establishment of a separate pa- per to be devoted exclusively to alumni interests. The plan of get- ting out such a paper, to start with would be to save out of each Daily during the week such articles as would be of interest to alumni ,and print the matter in a special weekly issue, which would also include other suitable news gathered by an alumni editor. The subscription price of such a paper, if started, will be $1 per year and in size would be eight pages of three columns each, the col- umns each being ten inches long. Of course this would only be the size to start with and then as interest grew the size would ex- pand accordingly. In time the paper could be edited entirely separate from the Daily, but to start with the expense of getting out a special alumni paper would be too great as compared with the support which can be relied upon to warrant its establishment. As before stated, the management of the Daily has in contemplation the starting of such a paper, but it can be said with certainty that it will not be started until the alumni have shown a willingness to support it. It is hoped that every alumnus who is interested in such a project will write a card or letter to the Manager of the Minnesota Daily, stat- ing that he would be willing to pay $1 if such a paper is started. If a sufficient number of responses are had the paper will be start- ed at the re-opening of school year in September. J. A. Burger, Manager. s£.. 7 U- r- ( Drawn for the '02 Gopher by Bert Knight, '98. ) Alumni may send their, subscriptions to Chas. J. Brand, Business Manager, University of Minnesota, Minnneapolis, Minn.