OCTAVO SERIES III $ May I ? ( Humorous ) Slumber Song* A Soldier Song Smithy Song . Chrysoar De Song*s Mah Mammy Sang* Mac Gregnr’s Gathering- Entreaty A Ballad Lyman F. Brackett .08 George Lowell Tracy .10 . George Lowell Tracy .15 . Will C. King .10 J .W. Calderwood .15 . W. T. Soulee .12 Old Scotch Song Arr. by J.W. Calderwood .12 . James A. King .12 The Monastery Bells Sung by The Meister singers Lewis -We ly .25 Friendship Vocal Waltz Sung by The Meistersingers Lewis -Schiitt .25 Killarney Sung by The Meistersingers In The Gloaming Sung by The Meistersingers We’re Growin g Old Together You And I Morning Oh Lady Mine ..... ’Neath Rowan and Lilac . The New American Hymn Greely- Balfe Greely - Harrison Greely- Morton h J ames C. Warhurst James C. Warhurst Palm-Jonson Wm.T. Soulee VI Boston C.W.ThOmpson &Co. i i 2 Sung by the Pilgrim Quartet of Boston “WE’RE GROWING OLD TOGETHER, YOU AND I” By ANGES L. MORTON Arr. by PHILIP GREELY Tenor I Tenor II Baritone Bass For rehearsal only ) Moderato con espress. S £ Were grow - ing- old to - geth - er, you and We re grow - mg' old to - geth - er, you and I, dear, dear. mi- m Were grow - ing- old to - geth er, you and I , We re grow - ing old to - geth - er, you and I , dear, dear f p-p-h 9 m LfcW-i Vi — F = »=g=N?=—— r^r *— U- ■ .j: i *-t\ — r r — m i Lines of care are deep’ningon our brow But to me you just as fair and sweet as Sil- ver threads are now a- mong- the geld But I love you just the same as I did & p m f * --p- •p r f f~ p s I PPFP Lines of care are deep’ning on our brow But to me you just as fair and sweet as Sil- ver threads are now a - mong- the geld But I love you just the same as I did s 1 J ’ i $ / J • mmk i m n #333 m ..kA. — J jtt r j rr~r P P W~'—fr s Also published as a song Copyrigilti MCMXVI , by C . W. Thompson *• Co . T.& Co. 442-4 \?-YYw.f^-r.L , Sees w when, dear, We to the par- son went to take our then, dear, When laves sweet sto - ry first to you I U l J> J> J> J> VOW told when, then, dear, We to } the par - son went to take our dear , When love s sweet sto - ry first to you I vow told £ m Hm Hm Hm Hm i Well do I re - mem - her, dear The dress that day you Years have swift- ly flown my dear, We’ve jour- neyed hand in wore hand n \f f 4 . Con espress. m ^We’re grow- ing old *>« 1 you and I Vis - ions of the past dear, s EL Hm Hm * 0- Hm Hm imp r nH* j . ^ r-J- 1 F=f=^ 1 J •"■■'■■ -e"- i \ w», =f^=^= ^kz — - N*=^= ..± -A -^uQ= l 7 4.3^^=—? tu> ZZS L f rj i r^- cresc. come stead - ing" by Were grow - ing- old m you and Hm cresc: ■m-*- Hm £ £ f %, JIlajrrs. 1 cresc. ±=g= f rail. 7 \s n b I Were grow - ing old to - geth - er, you . and I We’re -^2— grow - ing old to - geth - er, you and M rail _ l CT\ £ Were grow - ing old to - geth - er, you and I lift' £ a . v i ?■ > ^ rt' into i £ Mi if ^ir^T 3- T.& Co. 4*2-4 f OCTAVO • ^^ 3TrtT$fl lE3xm W SERIES II .:ll.lh- n i"'f ■ -AV\ y '■■ ; m za Drinking* Song* .... Wilbur Has call .16 Arise! Shine .... Roberta Geddes Harvey .10 Three Fishers .... Chas. E. Burnham .12 Five Responses .... . Bruce Hobbs .15 Thursday . . J.L.Molloy Arr. by Geo . B . Nevin .18 The Flight of the Holy Family . Geo. B. Nevin .18 The Postillion .... . C.E. Whiting .10 ’Tis the Evening’s Holy Hour C.E .Whiting .10 Jig-a-room Jas.A.King .15 All Kinds of Women L .F. Brackett .08 Drinking* Song* . Chas . A . Chase .12 A Love Song .... Geo. H. Foley .12 Song Of the Toreador Bar. Solo and Chorus G. Bizet .20 Song to the Evening Star '( Tannhiiuser) Kr^ a o r. Text . Julius Lange • 15 Into the Silent Land . Walter H. Lewis .08 In Love She Fell .... . Chas. A. Chase .10 Ashes of Roses .... . Austin D .Wolfe .08 Song of the Volga Boatman . Russian Volk Song .08 One Only Way .... James C.Warhurst .08 “Bohemia” . . H.F. Mac Coll .15 Bendemeer’s Stream An Old Irish Melody Arr. by W. H . Lewis .15 There Was A Little Man . . C.B.Shaw .15 Humpty Dumpty . . C . B . Shaw .12 When the Roses Bloom Hoffnung . Lewis -Reichardt .10 English and German words Twilight is Love light . Lewis - Rubinstein .15 The Maid of the Valley . . . Brackett - Herbeck .12 Also as a Response with sacred words Behind the Mist ... G.L. Tracy .08 Prarie-dog Town . Carrie Burpee Shaw .10 Song of the Old Mill Wheel . G.L. Tracy .10 A <£k Boston C.W.ThOmpson & Co.