University of lllinoir . Library Schoo! LIST OF BOOKS TO READ Grades 1=2 COMPILED BY THE EAST ORANGE PUBLIC LIBRARY AND THE CHILDREN’S ROOM OF THE PRATT INSTITUTE FREE LIBRARY, BROOKLYN, N. Y„ IN COLLABORATION. Note —This is a tentative edition of the lists, to be replaced next year by a revised and annotated edition. Criticism of the lists before reprinting is invited from all teachers or librarians who may use them. EAST ORANGE, N. J. 191 1 GRADES ONE AND TWO Adelborg Aesop Brooke Brooks Caldecott Caldecott Caldecott Caldecott Craik Crane Crane Dodge Dodge Greenaway Lang Lang Lang Lang Norton O’Shea Potter Poulsson Poulsson Poulsson Tileston GRADE ONE. Clean Peter The baby’s own Aesop: illustrated by Crane The golden goose book Stories of the red children Picture book Picture book. no. 2 Hey-diddle-diddle picture book Panjandrum picture book So-fat and Mew-mew The baby’s opera The baby’s bouQuet Baby days The new baby world Under the window Cinderella Jack the giant-killer Little Red Riding Hood The nursery rhyme book Heart of oak books, vol. 1 Six nursery classics The tale of Peter Rabbit Child stories and rhymes Finger plays Through the farmyard gate Sugar and spice GRADE TWO. 'E- \ 3 H Baldwin Baldwin Bass Bass Chance Chase Cox Crane Crane Crane Cruikshank Deming Dodge Fletcher Gerson Greenaway Grimm Holbrook Hopkins Hopkins Lang Lang Lang Lang Norton O’Shea Peary Perrault Pyle Richards Scudder Shute Stevenson Warren Fairy stories and fables Fifty famous stories retold Animal life Plant life Little folks of many lands Buds, stems and roots The Brownie books Beauty and the beast picture book Bluebeard’s picture book Goody Two Shoes picture book The Cruikshank fairy book Indian child life Rhymes and jingles Marjorie and her papa The Happy Heart family The marigold garden Fairy tales; ed. by Wiltse. 2 v. The Hiawatha primer The sandman; his farm stories The sandman; more farm stories The history of Whittington Prince Darling The princess on the glass.hill The sleeping beauty Heart of oak books, vol. 2-3 Old world wonder stories The snow baby Tales of Mother Goose Careless Jane Four feet, two feet and no feet A book of fables and folk stories The land of song, vol. 1 A child’s garden of verses From September to June LIST OF BOOKS TO READ Grade 3 COMPILED BY THE EAST ORANGE PUBLIC LIBRARY AND THE CHILDREN’S ROOM OF THE PRATT INSTITUTE FREE LIBRARY, BROOKLYN, N. Y., IN COLLABORATION. Nott —This is a tentative edition of the lists, to be replaced next year by a revised and annotated edition. Criticism of the lists before reprinting is invited from all teachers or librarians who may use them. EAST ORANGE, N. J. Aesop Andrews Andrews Aspinwall Baldwin Baldwin Bible Bible Brown, A. F. Brown, K. L. Browne Burgess Carroll, pseud. Carroll, pseud. Collodi Eastman Gibbon Grimm Hardy Hazard Holbrook Hopkins Husted Jacobs Jerrold Lang Mulock Mulock Peary GRADE THREE. Fables told anew, .by Joseph Jacobs Each and all Seven little sisters Short stories for short people Old Greek stories Thirty more famous stories Old Testament stories. (Told to the children series; Stories from the life of Christ. (Told to the children series) The lonesomest doll The plant baby and its friends Granny’s wonderful chair The lively city o’ Ligg Alice’s adventures in Wonderland Through the looking glass. Pinnochio Wigwam evenings Old King Cole Household stories; translated by Lucy Crane Sea stories for wonder eyes Three years with the poets A book of nature myths The sandman; his ship stories Stories of Indian children English fairy tales The reign of King Oberon The blue fairy book The adventures of a brownie The little lame prince Children of the Arctic Pyle The Christmas angel Richards Five minute stories Richards The joyous story of Toto Scudder The book of legends Scudder The children’s book Shaw Big people and little people of other land Sherman Little folk lyrics Strong All the year round. 4 v. Walker Lady Hollyhock White When Molly was six Wiggin The posy ring Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https ://arch i ve. org/detai ls/1 istof bookstoreaOOeast LIST OF BOOKS TO READ Grade 4 COMPILED BY THE EAST ORANGE PUBLIC LIBRARY AND THE CHILDREN’S ROOM OF THE PRATT INSTITUTE FREE LIBRARY, BROOKLYN, N. Y„ IN COLLABORATION. Nott —This is a tentative edition of the lists, to be replaced next year by a revised and annotated edition. Criticism of the lists before reprinting is invited from all teachers or librarians who may use them. EAST ORANGE, N. J. GRADE FOUR. Aanrud Alcott Andersen Andrews Andrews Ayrton Bertelli Blaisdell & Brown Canton Coolidge Defoe Drummond Eggleston Field Field Hale Harris Harris Headland Howells Jackson Jacobs Jewett Kelly Kingsley Kipling Lagerlof Lang Lang Lear Longfellow Lisbeth Longfrock Lulu’s library. 3v. Fairy tales; translated by Lucas Stories Mother Nature told Ten boys Childlife in Japan; edited by Griffis The prince and his ants Ball Hero stories from American history In the days of giants The reign of King Herla A New Year’s bargain Robinson Crusoe; illustrated by Rhead The monkey that would not kill Stories of American life and adventure Love songs of childhood With trumpet and drum The Peterkin papers Little Mr. Thimblefinger Uncle Remus; his songs and his sayings A Chinese boy and girl Christmas every day, and other stories Cat stories Celtic fairy tales Play days Short stories of our shy neighbors The water babies Just so stories The adventures of Nils The green fairy book The yellow fairy book Nonsense books The song of Hiawatha Love joy Lucas Lucas Lummis MacDonald MacDonald MacLeod Miller Monvel, Boutet Morley de Musset Noel Page Paine Perry & Beebe Pyle Pyle Richards Riley Ruskin Schwartz Schwatka de Segur Shute Spyri Starr Stickney Thackeray Thaxter Trimmer White Wiggin Zitkala-Sa Nature in verse A book of verses for children Oldfashioned tales Pueblo Indian folk stories The light princess The princess and Curdie The book of King Arthur and his noble knights The first book of birds de Joan of Arc Little wanderers Mr. Wind and Madam Rain Buz Two little confederates The hollow tree and deep woods book Four American pioneers The garden behind the moon The wonder clock Quicksilver Sue The book of joyous children The king of the Golden river Wilderness babies The children of the cold The story of a donkey The land of song, vol. 2-3 Heidi American Indians The bird world The rose and the ring Stories and poems for children The history of the robins A little girl of long ago The Birds’ Christmas Carol Old Indian legends retold LIST OF BOOKS TO READ Grade 5 COMPILED BY THE EAST ORANGE PUBLIC LIBRARY AND THE CHILDREN’S ROOM OF THE PRATT INSTITUTE FREE LIBRARY, BROOKLYN, N. Y„ IN COLLABORATION. Nott —This is a tentative edition of the lists, to be replaced next year by a revised and annotated edition. Criticism of the lists before reprinting is invited from all teachers or librarians who may use them. EAST ORANGE, N. J. GRADE FIVE. Famous old stories and legends Arabian nights; edited by Lang Asbjornsen Baldwin Baldwin Bible Brown Froissart Hawthorne Hawthorne Lang Steel Sterling Swift Fairy tales from the far north The story of the Golden Age The wonder book of horses The Bible for young people The book of saints and friendly beasts Stories from Froissart; edited by Newbolt A wonder-book; illustrated by Crane Tanglewood tales The book of romance Tales of the Punjab The story of Sir Galahad Gulliver’s travels; edited by Jacobs Longfellow Lovejoy Lunas Rand Tileston Whittier Poetry The children’s Longfellow Poetry of the seasons Another book of verse Lilliput lyrics The children’s book of ballads Child life Dodge Du Chaillu Gibson Hill Indian stories; Peltier Taylor True Travel and adventure The land of pluck Stories of the gorilla country In Eastern wonderlands Fighting a fire retold from St. Nicholas A Japanese garland Boys of other countries The iron star Baldwin Brooks Brooks Lang (jives of famous men and women The American book of golden deeds The true story of Columbus The true story of Washington The story of Joan of Arc Out-of-door books and animal stories Cat stories; retold from St. Nicholas Duncan Kipling Kipling Lang Mitton Morley Patterson Stories of brave dogs; Mary’s garden and how it grew The jungle book Tne second jungle book The book of animal stories The children’s book of stars The bee people The spinner family retold from St. Nicholas Amusements and occupations Beard The American boy’s handy book Beard The American girl’s handy book Games book for boys and girls Alcott Alcott Alden Coolidge Coolidge Crothers Diaz Ewing Hall Jackson MacDonald Otis, pseud. Rankin Seawell Stoddard Wyss Zollinger Stories Eight cousins Under the lilacs The moral pirates Eyebright What Katy did Miss Muffet’s Christmas party The William Henry letters A flat iron for a farthing Flossy’s playdays Nelly’s silver mine At the back of the north wind Toby Tyler Dandelion Cottage Little Jarvis Two arrows Swiss family Robinson Widow O’Callaghan’s boys LIST OF BOOKS TO READ Grade 6 COMPILED BY THE EAST ORANGE PUBLIC LIBRARY AND THE CHILDREN'S ROOM OF THE PRATT INSTITUTE FREE LIBRARY, BROOKLYN, N. Y.. IN COLLABORATION. Nott —This is a tentative edition of the lists, to be replaced next year by a revised and annotated edition. Criticism of the lists before reprinting is invited from all teachers or librarians who may use them. EAST ORANGE, N. J. GRADE SIX Bunyan Chaucer Harris Irving Laboulaye Lamb Lang MacLeod Marvin Pyle de Amicis Barnes Brooks Brooks Coffin Colonial stories; Cotes Dix Dix Dodge French Lang Mitton Moffett Peeps at many Pyle Twain, pseud. Brooks Golding Gordy Kelly Lang Nicolay Nicolay Seawell Famous old stories and folk tales Pilgrim’s progress; illustrated by Rhead Tales of the Canterbury pilgrims; retold by Darton Nights with Uncle Remus Rip Van Winkle Fairy tales Tales from Shakespeare The red book of romance Stories from the Faerie Queene The adventures of Odysseus The merry adventures of Robin Hood Stories from many lands Cuore Yankee ships and Yankee sailors; tales of 1812. Boy emigrants Boy settlers The boys of '76 retold from St. Nicholas The story of Sonny Sahib A little captive lad Merrylips Hans Brinker Sir Marrok Princes and princesses The children’s book of London Careers of danger and daring lands series; especially England, Scotland, Holland, Japan and Burma Otto of the silver hand The prince and the pauper Lives of famous men and women The master of the Strong Hearts The story of David Livingstone American leaders and heroes The story of Sir Walter Raleigh The red book of heroes The boy’s life of Abraham Lincoln The boy’s life of Ulysses S. Grant Paul Jones Out-of-door books and animal stories. Starland The training of wild animals The world of the great forest Tenants of the trees The book of the ocean Four-handed folk Beautiful Joe Wild animals I have known The biography of a grizzly Black Beauty Stories of everyday life Little women The story of a bad boy Six to sixteen Boy life on the prairie Betty Leicester Anne’s terrible good nature Castle Blair Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm Amusements and occupations. Jack of all trades The outdoor handy book What a girl can make and do A little cook book for a little girl The wonderland of stamps The boy craftsman What shall we do now? A. B. C. of electricity When mother lets us sew Pleasant day diversions Poetry American war ballads The children’s garland The land of song, vol. 3 The listening child Golden numbers LIST OF BOOKS TO READ Grade 7 COMPILED BY THE EAST ORANGE PUBLIC LIBRARY AND THE CHILDREN’S ROOM OF THE PRATT INSTITUTE FREE LIBRARY. BROOKLYN, N. Y„ IN COLLABORATION. Nott —This is a tentative edition of the lists, to be replaced next year by a revised and annotated edition. Criticism of the lists before reprinting is invited from all teachers or librarians who may use them. EAST ORANGE, N. J. GRADE SEVEN Baldwin Baldwin Cervantes Hutchinson Kingsley Mabie Plutarch Pyle Quiller-Couch Spenser Famous old stories The story of Roland The story of Siegfried Don Quixote; edited by Parry; illustrated by Crane The golden porch The heroes Norse stories retold from the Eddas Boys’ and girls’ Plutarch; edited by White The story of King Arthur and his knights Historical tales from Shakespeare Una and the red cross knight; edited by Roy de-Smith Henley Percy Scott Wiggin Poetry Lyra heroica The boy’s Percy; edited by Lanier The lady of the lake Golden numbers Bennett Catherwood Cooper Drake Earle Fiske Goodwin Janvier Lodge & Roosevelt Lossing Seawell Seelye Stockton American history and historical stories Barnaby Lee Heroes of the middle west The spy Indian history for young folks Child life in colonial days The war of Independence (new ed.) White aprons The Aztec treasure-house Hero tales from American history The two spies A Virginia cavalier The story of Columbus Buccaneers and pirates of our coast Bennett Griffis History of other countries Master Skylark Brave little Holland Lang Leighton Marshall Marshall Scott Tappan Van Bergen Willson The red true story book Olaf the glorious Scotland’s story An island story Ivanhoe In the days of Alfred the Great The story of Japan Canada Black Du Chaillu Duncan Eastman Ford French Garland Kipling Pyle Seaman Shigemi Stevenson Stevenson Life and adventure in many lands The four Macnicols Wild life under the equator The adventures of Billy Topsail Indian boyhood The third alarm The lance of Kanana The long trail Captains courageous The story of Jack Ballister's fortunes Jacqueline of the carrier pigeons A Japanese boy Kidnapped Treasure island Alcott Barbour 3rown k)olidge )odge )oubleday Eggleston lughes latthews 'ier ’ichards tuart Stories of home and school life. Jack and Jill For the honor of the school Two college girls W hat Katy did at school Donald and Dorothy Cattle ranch to college The Hoosier school-boy Tom Brown's school days Tom Paulding Harding of St. Timothy’s Peggy The story of Babette Vaile Wiggin Tonga Burroughs Dana Dyson Gilmore Heilprin James Martin Merriam Seton Weed Adams Adams Beard Beard Bond Kelley Wheeler Greene Howden Jenks St. John St. John Williams Williams Williams The Orcutt girls Polly Oliver's problem The daisy chain Out-of-door books Squirrels and other fur-beaiers How to know the wild flowers Stories of the trees Birds through the year The earth and its story The story of Scraggles The friendly stars Birds through an opera glass The trail of the Sandhill stag Nature biographies Occupations and handicraft Harper’s indoor book for boys Harper’s outdoor book for boys The field and forest handy book Handicraft and recreation for girls The Scientific American boy do Lee hundred things a bright girl can do nfnrkinff for beginners Applied Science Coal and the coal mines The boy's book of steamships Electricity tor yo “‘ electrical apparatus two coys n..4o e i ectr iclty How it is done How it is made How it work* LIST OF BOOKS TO READ Grade 8 COMPILED BY THE EAST ORANGE PUBLIC LIBRARY AND THE CHILDREN’S ROOM OF THE PRATT INSTITUTE FREE LIBRARY, BROOKLYN, N. Y„ IN COLLABORATION. Notl — This is a tentative edition of the lists, to be replaced next year by a revised and annotated edition. Criticism of the lists before reprinting is invited from all teachers or librarians who may use them. EAST ORANGE, N. J. GRADE EIGHT Famous old stories; legends and folklore Bulfinch Grinnell Guerber Higginson Homer Homer Irving La Motte-Fouque Plummer Raspe Legends of Charlemagne Blackfoot Lodge tales Stories of the Wagner operas Tales of the enchanted islands of the Atlantic The Iliad; translated by Lang, Leaf and Myers The Odyssey; translated by Butcher and Lang The sketch-book Undine and Sintram Stories from the Chronicle of the Cid Tales from the travels of Baron Munchausen; edited by Hale Henley Lang Longfellow Lowell Macaulay Palgrave Repplier Scott Tennyson Whittier Bangs Clement Frothingham Keller Larcom Mitchell Morgan Richards Rolfe Poetry Lyra heroica The blue poetry book Complete poetical works. (Camb. ed.) Complete poetical works. (Camb. ed.) The lays of ancient Rome The golden treasury A book of famous verse Complete poetical works. (Camb. ed.) Poetic and dramatic works. (Camb. ed.) Complete poetical works. (Camb. ed.) Biography. Jeanne d’Arc Stories of art and artists Sea fighters from Drake to Farragut The story of my life A New England girlhood About old story tellers Abraham Lincoln, the boy and the man Florence Nightingale Shakespeare the boy Scudder Seawell Washington, B. T. George Washington Twelve naval captains Up from slavery Abbott Brooks Custer Drake Famous adventures Goss Grinnell Hemstreet Marriott Parkman Roosevelt Books about the United States. The naval history of the United States First across the continent Boots and saddles The border wars of New England and prison escapes of the Civil War Recollections of a private The story of the Indian The story of Manhattan Uncle Sam’s business The Oregon trail Episodes from the winning of the West Andrews Churchill Churchill Cooper Cooper Fox Hale Hoppus Jackson Mitchell Page Stowe Historical stories (United States) The perfect tribute The crisis Richard Carvel The deerslayer The last of the Mohicans The little shepherd of Kingdom Come The man without a country A great treason Ramona Hugh Wynne Red Rock Uncle Tom's cabin Barrie Blackmore Church Church Stories of other countries The little minister Lorna Doone Pictures from Greek life and story Pictures from Roman life and story Dickens Dickens Dickens Du Chaillu Dumas Irving Kingsley Lang Lee McGregor Mulock Porter Pyle Scott Scott Stevenson Twain Verne Weyman Yonge Arnold Chapman Dana Ingersoll Mathews Roberts Roth Serviss Sharp Adams Adams Jenks Paret A Christmas carol David Copperfield A tale of two cities The land of the long night The black tulip The Alhambra Westward ho! Australia When I was a boy in China The Netherlands John Halifax The Scottish chiefs Men of iron Quentin Durward The talisman The black arrow The adventures of Tom Sawyer Twenty thousand leagues under the sea A gentleman of France The dove in the eagle’s nest Out-of-door books The sea-beach at ebb-tide Bird life According to season Wild neighbors Familiar features of the roadside The kindred of the wild A first book of forestry Around the year with the stars A watcher in the woods Applied science; occupations Harper’s electricity book for boys Harper’s machinery book for boys Photography for young people Harper’s handy book for girls