LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-GHAMPAICN x821 Q2e 1773 R'are Book & SpeciJ CoJIecf ions .ff'^^ "m^^- LIDHARY . "" OF THE V V V V* V V V* V V* V \ •■ V* ' V* V* V \^ V* v v \ * »•■ V* V "»..*■ ■•«.••••. if" '%••■ "S." ■•..•• ■••/ ■•■•x" ■■!■ .•• *•..•■ >«•■ ■•./' \y' \ w' ■'„•• ••. .•■ ••..•• ■'. Psalm cxii. 6. The Righteous Jhall he had in cnjerlajling Remembrance » Herein is Jhe^wn in Hieroglyphic P/an, The State of C'vry unregen^rate Man. *v»V*'- ••'^- ^V" VV'V' V*-/ V' V' V* V' V* vv v^^ t \ A/v \/-^\<' \/\/'»' \i' \y V •»«•• -./vrf' './ s.*" '.A/' * Francis paries'* EMBLEMS AND HIEROGLYPHICS OF THE LIFE OF MAN, MODERNIZED. • ^— In FOUR BOOKS. EmbeUiJhed'witb near an lOo beautiful emblematical Cuts, Emblems of the Life of Man y Are properly the Chr'ifian" s Flan^ Heaven^ and Earthy and Sea^ and Air, The great Creator'' s Works declare : Najy e'vry Creature^ Plant or Trer, Are Emblems of the One in Three, L O N D ON: Ptinted for J. Cooke, at Shakefpear*s Head, in Patsr-Noller-Row, I I 7"! 3 THE PRE FACE. ?^jK5^"^HERE Is fcarce any thing mskes a )5( rn )5^ more lading Impreition on the Mind, )^ T )j( than Emblematical repreientaticKs 4~itC)!©K^ ^^ Temporal or Spiritual Obje£ls. ^ - Youth are in General fond cf fuch Things, and to attend to them in a pro- '^ per manner, is an Exccrcife which blends ■-^Entertainment with Profit. It leads tlie Mind ^.to a rational Way of thinking, and enables >''outh to make proper Comparifons between the Works of God and Man. There is not '.^one ObjecV in Nature, but what may in a f-: parallel degree of Compariibn be made ufe •^of to point out Something of Grace. ;Ni God has in Compaflion to our Weaknefs, |.ftamped his Image upon his Works, that wc ^ might ftand inexculable if we negle£Ved ma- ^ king a proper Ufe of them. Many eminent ^Ghriftians have fpent much of their Time, in v^lhidying the Works of Nature; but as thefe :' Objects do not at all Times prefent them- ^ felves to the Senfes, on Account of the Change of the Seafons, we are obliged to have a ^ re- vi PREFACE. recourfc to Things of an Artificial Nature, and ihefe are called Emblems. Sin, Death, Happinefs, Mifery, nav every Virtue, as well as every Vice, have been re- prefentcd by Emblems, in order to engage the Attention, efpecinliy of younger Minds. Deformity will ftrike the Mind vv'ith Aver- lion, in the fame Manner as Symmetry or Beauty ftrikcs us with Love, and Admi- ration. The Representation of any Thing Vain and Perifhing, points out to us the llu«5luating and Periihing State of all Sub- lunary Things. The Reprefentation of Anger, Paffion, Sorrow and Defpair, are Objeds that can never be properly pointed out, but liy a Refer re nee to Something in Nature. The bcfl Exhortation let them be delivered .in ever lb Fervent a Manner, are too foon forgot; but when the Figure of the Vice we want to ihun, or that of the Virtue, v/e would recommend, are both prefcnted to the Senfes, they are feldom forgot. We are told that the Athenians ufed to made their Slaves drunk, and then bring their Children to look at them, that by feeing ilie Beailly Condition, by which the Liquor Lad reduced them, they might for ever avoid Drunkennefs. This was undoubtedly a moft horrid Bru- tal Practice, but it points out the necef- lity we are under, to rtprefent Spiritual things, by Natural Ones. It has been taken notice gf by fevcral eiiiiiient Moralifts^ that to PREFACE. vii to make Vice odious, it need only be prefcnted to . the View. The fame may 'be f^.lJ of Virtue ; for none can behold it without admiring its many Beauties,, which in themfelves are a Trani- cript of tlie Divine Perfections. Mr. Francies Qcjarles, the Author of the Embkms that go under his name, was a ^lan ox the mod Exeniplary Piety, and had a deep Infight into the Myftcries of our Hol)r Religion. Bat for all that, the Book itfelf is written in fo old a Language, that many parts of it are fcarcc intclegibie in the prefcnt Age. "Many of his Plirafes are fo affccled that no Perfonwho has any Tafte lor Pveading, can perufe them with the leail Degree of Pleafure. !Many of his Expr.fhons are harfh, and foraetimes v.'hole lines are included within a Parenthefis, by which the Mind of the Rea- der is diverted from the Principal Objcft. His Latin Mottos under each Cut, can be of no Service to any ordinary Reader, becaufe lie cannot underlland them. In order therefore,' to r.ccommocate the Public with an Edition of Q^iarles' Emblems, properly modernifec, this Work was under- tsken, and it was firil put to the.Prefs, witli a View of promoting the Intrefls of Virtue and Religion. Evei>-y thing that was Ufelefs and UnnecelVary in Quarles, has been left out, and the Language fo modernifed, as to make it altogetiier confiibnt with the Method pf Speaking in the Prcfenc Ag-. Every Moral vili PRE FA C E: Moral and Chriftian Virtue is reprefented by proper Figures, and explained and illuil- rated by Language, adapted to the meatiell Capacities. I have all along, kept the utili- ty of fuch a Work in View for the Benefit of Youth in General ; particularly thofe of both SexeSj who are going through a Courfe of Edu- cation to qualify them for ufeful Stations in Life. Inftru£lion has been fo blended with Entertainment in this Book, that a Careful! Perufel of it will give pleafure to the Mind, while . the Judgment will be regulated, and the Fancy led away from Vice, to the Prac- tice of Virtue, in her moft amiable Colours. All nature points out the infinite Wifdom and Goodefs of God, nor is there an Obje£l in it that may not be compared to feme Man's State in the World. . A Candle while burn« ing points out the Rapidity of our decay, although at the fame time it is fo gradual has hardly to be perceived. When the Grafs is blafted by Lightening it fliould put us in mind of the dreadful Judgments of God upon finful Nations; and the Vengeance that he will take on the Wicked . The Ra- ging of the Sea, during a Storm, may with great properity be compared to Paflion ; and the fmooth peaceful Lake, to the Mind filled with Serenity. Many of the purfuits in this Life after vain trilling Objedts, may juflly be compared to one attempting to catch the bmoke in his hand, or another endeavour- ing to lay hold of the Rays of Light. The PREFACE. Ix The rlfing of the Sun in a iine delightful Morning, is a flrlking Emblem of Divine Knowledge beginning to dawn on the Soul. Its gradual Progrefs in the Firn lament, U the Progrefs we ought to make in tlie Chriflian Life in .our Journey to Heavea. The approach of the Evening is like the de<|line of old Age, and ought to put us in mind of our approach to Eternity, from whence we can never return. A ftorm of Thunder and Lightening by which Damage is done to our tioufes or Goods, fliould put ViS in mind that God has a right to chaftife us as he thinks proper, for he is our Father altho' through the hardnefs of our Hearts we fhould be ignorant of him. Thus by attend- ing in a proper Manner to the Objeds that prefent .themfelves to our Senfes, we learn Knowledge in a gradual progrvffive Manner. Nature is as much the Book of God as the Bible; and therein we fhould be con- ilantly reading. The CLjedls here reprc- fented are of the modi ftriking; Nature, and it is prefumed that no young Per^o^^, who read them, will ever let them Hip out of their Memories. EMBLEM of the P R O E M. HEAVEN perfci-recl to EARTH.' r?=^ My Soul afpire to glorious Things ; To Heaven flretch thy foaring Wings Nothing on Eardi deferves Regard ; , Above alone is thy Reward. The PROEM. VAIN World avaunt, I've had enough of thee» Odious thy lying Flatt'ries are to me. Oft have I try'd, as often been deceiv'd. When I in thee a real Good believ'd. What are thy Riches, but redoubled Cares ? And what thy Honours, but deceitful Snares? The greeneft Laurels fade upon the Brow, And but a-while their glitt'ring glories Ihcw, What are thy Pleafures, but delufive Toys, Which pall his Appetite who moft enjoys ? The Senfe tpo long on Reafon has impos'd. And Vanities too much my Heart engrofs'd. Gay Dreams of Happinefs in Things on Earth Have drawn my Thoughts from more excelling Worth. The great Concerns of an immortal State, Have fcarce been worthy of a Thought's Debate. A Round of Pleafures or of Bufmef? finds Conilant Employment for our anxious Minds. Death and Eternity, thofe awful Things, The Lot of Subjefls, and the Dread of Kings, From Time to Time we foolifhly poftpone, Negled To-day To morrow are undone. Rouzc then, my Soul, from this lethargic flate. This Inftant rcuzs, or it may be too late. How great thy Work ! and yet thy Time how fhort ! Can'ft thou be carelefs, and fo near the Port ? Heav'n and eternal Glories are in View, And thefe to purified Souls are due. Beftir thyfelf, and trim thy Lamp in Hafle : The Bridegroom comes — thou hall no Time to warte. Quickly, my Soul, thy earthly Cares difraifs, J^^or Angela wait to waft thee to their Blifs, [ 12 ] EMBLEM I. Here we behold the Origin, The Birth and Parentage of Sin ; Between the Women and the Devil Were generated Sin and Evil. [ 15 ] BOOK I. Emblem I. EVE and the Serpent. THE guileful Serpent tempts our Mother B've With fubtile Words, her Judgment to deceive* Fair is the Fruit, my Lady, why fo fny ? See how it fmiles ! how pleafant to the Eye I Its Virtues too all other Fruits excel. And gives you knowledge to a Miracle. Reafon it has bcftow'd on me a Brute, Gave my tongue language, which before was mute, Tafte, and you foon fhali find much nobler Odds, A Goddefs you foon Ihall be among the Gods. O no ! {aid E-ve, I durft not touch or tafle. Death was denounc'd on fuch a dire Repaft. Truft me, and nothing fear, the Brute reply'd. You (hall not die ; I have already try'd. She look'd again — 'twas pleafing to the View—* Sh& puck'd, and eat, and we her Folly rue. The Moral, Hence we may learn the Devil has no Pow'rj He tempts, indeed, but he can do no more. If we comply, it is our proper Adl, His black Suggeftions too we can reje£l. When e'er he tempts us with delufive Wiles, Or our weak Hearts with gilded Baits beguiles* Let us not parley — for the Danger lies. And -he is fafeft who mod fwiftly flies. If we refill, he, Coward-like, will run 'Tis by our Will alone we are undone. Let but right Reafon take the Rein in Hand, And ev'ry Paffion be at her Command ; Which added to th' Auxiliaries of Grace, Satan may tempt, but /hall not thee 0 Seeks it in Brothels, or in lawlefs Loves. The painted Harlot with delufive Charms, Prefies the eager Lover to her Arms ; In Raptures and cxtatic Joys he fwims. Nor of the dreadful Confequences dreams; , 'Till Health, and Wealth, and Time, and Friendj are gone, lie finds himfelf a Wretcli, forlonj, undone, B 3 [ i8 1 EMBLEM IV. This World's fo vain and full of Trouble, That if it's ballanc'd with a Bubble, The light-blown Film will weigh down all The other's rich and mighty Ball, [ 19 ] EMBLEM IV. . The J^crld lighter than a Bubble. ANOTHER World put in, my Lad,. And more, if more there can be had, And fill the widen'd Scale ; Honours put in, and all the Store The Great have got within their Pow'r, Yet all will not avail. Look on the other Scale, and there You fee a Bubble blown with Air, What lighter Thing can be ? Yet it weighs down the World and all The precious Bawbles round its Ball, And turns the Beam you fee. The Moral. What mighty Comforts does this World afford To Man, who boafts himfelf its fov'reign Lord ; Short are his Days and tranfient are his Joys, His Life's chief Fleafures, Vanity, and Toys, M'hen firfl he breaks into the Light, he cries, Buftles a while, and looks about, and dies. Labour and Sorrow are his portion'd Lot, Dies while he lives, and when he's dead forgot* Yet is his Mind with vain Ambition puff'd, Altho* his Glor)''s like a Candle fnuff'd. In vain Purfuits his precious Time he fpends. That Time which Heaven lent for wifer Ends. Riches be hoards, yet Riches cev^ r can Lengthen his Life a Hair beyond its Span. Light, airy Bubbles catch his wond'ring Eyes ; With Folly pleas'd, ev'n when he thinks he's wife And when his Thread of Vanity is fpun, Death cui^ it (hort, an4 all his Work is done* [ 20 ] XxXXXKXXXXX^XXXXXXXXX^ E JM B L E M V. The World with various Face is feen. As it is chang'd by Lull or Spleen ; Thefe are the Demons fcourge it round, ^nd all its Happinefs confound. [ 21 ] EMBLEM V. Envy and Lufl the Scourges cf the UWld, ENVY and Lull are piftur'd here. With Scourges armed both appear ; By them the World is lalh'd and torn, And made a Wildernefs forlorn. Envy has Whips of Serpents made, And Snakes furround her horrid Head % Ten thoufand Evils Ihe inflids. Which Wretched Man for ever vex. Lull has a Scourge, a dreadful one ! By which the World is half undone ; It leads to ev'ry other Viee, And virtue murders in a trice. It kills the Seeds by Honour fown. Or blafls the Buds as foon as blown j 'Tis a fweet Poifon that conveys Ruin and Death to ev'ry Place. The Moral. When firll the World in all its Glory fhone, E'er Sin was bom, or Man was yet undone, One univerfal Paradife was feen, And Earth with Heav'n might juflly claim a Kin, But when th* Oifence its baneful Influence fpread. All Nature ficken'd, and its Beauty fled ; Diforder reign'd, where comely Order dwelt. And Plagues and Sorrows by Mankind were felt ; Unruly Paflions, variable as Wind, With furious Storms diilurb'd his peaceful Mind ; Envy, and Lufl, and Malice rul'd the Roaft, And with his Innocence, his Virtues loft. Now Pains, and Labour, and all Kinds of III The clouded Circle of his Being fill. [ 22 ] EMBLEM VI. The World, tho' turned iipUde down, And in whatever Light it's fliewn. You'll find its Riches, but a Drofs, And evVy Pleafure has its Crofs,, [ 23 ] EMBLEM \L All Vanity ; but in the Crofs Safety, THE Chriflian fhould the World difdaln. And reft upon the Crofs ; That is a Cure for ev'ry Pain, And makes up ev'ry Lcfs. Honours and Fame but laft a-whiJe, And Riches are but drofs ; They threaten Danger when they fmile ; His truil is in the Crof::. Be gone, ye Gewgaws of a Day, No more my Soul engrofs ; You fhall not draw my Love away. Now fixed on the Crofs. My Faith and Hope are anchor'd fure. Which you no more {hall tofs j Tvly heav'nly Treafure is fecure, Lock'd up within the Crofs. The Moral. The pious Soul is often fore dilhefs'd. And Spite and Malice never let him reft. Scorn and Contempt, and Poverty he feeh. Frowns from the World, and all terreftial Ills, No Peace he knows, but what his Confcience give?. Nor fcarce a Pleafure from the World receives ; Yet who his Happinefj can parallize ? Or what can equal his furpaHing joys ? His Eyes are fixed on his Saviour's Crofs, 'Tis the Delights of that his Soul engrofs, Sxrengthen'd by that, he fmiles upon his Fees, Derides their Malice, Scoffs, and bruifing Blows ; Laughs at their Rage, and in his humble Cell, Defies the Fury boUi of Earth and Hell, I 24 ] EMBLEM VII. Sinner, behold thy Danger here ! How can'ft thou lleep, and Hell fo near ? At thee grhn Death has took his Aim — Will nothing break thy plealing Dream ? [ »5 ] EMBLEM VII. Danger in Security, AH wretched Chriftian ! canll thou dote Over the gaping Mouth of Hell ? How can thine Eyes together clofe, Which Death eternal may unfeal ? Hear thy good Angel kindly warn Thee of the dreadful Danger near. Remind thee of thy vail Concern, ' That mofl of all deferves thy Care, Death on his Bow has iix'd his Darr> And aims dire£lly at thy Head ; This Inftant from thy Slumber Hart E're thy grand Foe fhall Itrike thee dead. Art thou ftill carelefj of thy Fate ? Will not thy Danger make thee wlte ? Think what will be thy v.-ceful State, In Hell when thou Ihalt ope thine Eyes. The M o R A L. Who on a dreadful Precipice would flecp, When by a Roll he tumbles down the Steep ? Who on a Dragon's Den could reft fecure, Nor dread the Fiercenefs of the Monfter's Pow*r ? And yet behold how Millions of Mankind, As ftupid, and as miferably blind. Laugh, fmg, and dance around the horrid Pit, With Wrath Divine and Plagues eterne replete ; Thoufands they fee each Moment falling in, Yet unconcerned view the direful Scene ; Carelefs and indolent, no Danger dread, Tho' Death and Hell's in ev'ry Step they tread. Till the grim King of Terrors feals their Doom, Atid Hell 15 made their everlafting Home. C [ 26] XXXXXXX>CK:XXXXX>/vvvvvv:vvvvvvvvv:i>/ EMBLEM IX. The World is always turning round, No ftable Footing on it's found ; Time, with his Scytlie and Hour-glafs, Shews us how Aviftly all Things pafs. [ 29 ] EMBLEM IX. The World daily changing. IF Time but give the World a Spurn, Round with"ihe World we Wieiches turn 5 AVe have no liable Footing here. Our Fortune varies like the Year. The Mifer's tumbled to the Ground, And sll his Money's fcattcr'd round ; E'en Kings and Lords together mull- Ee relied in the comraou Dulh The World is daily changing Face, And Men are mown away like Grafs y- Bat lie that will not fjffer Lofs, Muft fix his Hold upon the Crcls. The M D R A L. How fondly v.e the World's Delight embrace * How happy, if we are in Fortune's Grace 1 Her Smiles our chief Felici:y we judge, And in her F^.vours all our Blifs we lodge, Fools that we are, wiien tv'ry Moment (hews How oft herFav'rires all her Favour lofe. Short-liv'd and broken are the Joys we know. And all the Con^forcs we're indule'd below ; If in this chequer'd Scene Dcljghl we feel. Trouble and Grief are alv/ays at its Heel ; SuccefTive Days fuccefTue Cares return. For Man to Troubles fatally is born. This World's a wafle, uncultivated Field, And never can one folid Comfort yield. In Heav'n alone our Happinefs v/e fix, Whtre, with our Jovi, no Cares flial! ever • C ; XXXXXXXXXXXXv^*'>^'•:' E M B L E M X. Riches and Lufls at Bowling play, Sutan, their Friend, direfVs the Way;; Fortune holds up the Foors-cap Stake, And' bids- the Winner bravely tak-e.. [31] EMBLEM X. Fortune s Prize. TWO eager Bowlers here are feen, Cupid and Mammon on the Green, And Satan fhews the Ground ; To Fortune they dired their Eyes, Who holds aloit the glorious Prize, That {hall the Victor crown. The Prize a Fool's cap is, the Toy For which their Time they thus employ. And ply with Might and Main ; Such, FortunCy are thy Gifts to Men, And fach as this thy gaming Scene, The Prize and Labour va;n. The Moral. Pleafure and Profit fct before cur Eyes, We here behold, contending for a Prize* Stutan, officioufly the Courfe diresfts, And wond'rous Friend ihip lovingly afreftj. Fortvne prefides, and gives the gay Reward "I'o both, as equal both their Cafts appeared,. Each with a Fool's-cap properly ib crown*d. The jufteil Reccmpence for Folly found. When we have cours'd the Chacecf Pleafure thrQ% What do we more than raging Folly know ? When a vaft Heap of Weahh wc have amafs'd. By Death we're fei^.'d, and in his Prifon cSffV. The Spend thrift Heir foon fquanders all away With jilting Harlots, or dellructive Play. Is not this Felly ? Is it not a Jeft r Who with fuch Gifts can truly fay he's blefs'd ? [ 32 ] "v V • \-' :• V E M B L E M XI. v--\ "■ill STi aiwIpiiiiiBrwi^ Luxciions Feeding is not r;ood, And Hedth is liurt for \Tant of Food ; O'er Nature liold an even Rein, And well obferve llie Golden- Mean.-. E 33 ] E M B L E M XL True Happlnefi in the Mean cnly» HERE in Extremes two Fools you fee, Each lugging of a Breart ; The milkly Stream comes fa ft and free, Yet "neither of 'em's blefs'd. One fwigs and gorges 'till he's full. Yet fwigs and gorges on, Nor will his Appetite controul While but a Drop will run. The t'other Fool is lank and lean. And does but barely live ; From lufcious Food himfelf he'll wean. So milks into a Sieve. The Horn of Plenty, plac'd above. All bounteous Nature (hews ; Her Bleflings we fhould take in Love, But nether Gifts abufe. The Moral. Folly, we fee in two Extremes confifis. And Wifdom in the Golden Mean exirt5. Pleafure, with en unbounded Rage purfu'd. Makes net for Health, nor for our Morals good. Nor from all Pleafures Ihculd we be debarr'd. That on the Faculties would prefs too hard. Of Humours grofs the Glutton's Body's full» Heavy, unaftive, is his ftupid Soul. Nor too abftemicus in your Living be. The Body (hould be nourifh'd properly. "With chearful Mmd enjoy the prefent Good, For that's the End for which it is bellow 'd. Be this thv confiant Ru'c Avoid Excef;, Thus Health and ihall ftill thy Dwelling blefs. [ 34 ] xxxxxxxxxx>o-oxxxxxxxx EMBLEM XII. ^1% #^ Ml:: For Earth, how ardent is our Love ! Tow'rds Heav'n how fluggifaly we move ! A Rein would check our furious Race j A Spur would help us, mend our Pace,. [ 35 ] E M B L E M VII. TfjeTwoJVorlJs, THE heav*n]y World is plac'd on high. Which all wculd willingly enjoy ; How do we wifh wc could poflefs Its PJeafures and its Happinefs ? But the' it Is the blefi'd Abode, Slowly we move along the Road ; A Snail, or the dull heavy Afs Outilrip us in their quicker Pace. The World below, which we muft leave. From which no Good we can receive, With eager Speed we foliov/ clofe. Fearful we ihould One Pleafure lofe. Lo:iD, when my A(s fhall move too flow. Lend me a Spur to make her go ; And if my Stag {hould run too faft. Give me a Curb to ilep his Harte. The Mo R A L. Two difFVent Worlds are offer'd to our Choice, And one, or t'other, illll our Mind employs. But tho' immortal joys are plac'd Above, And Ihould engage our Vigilance and Love.; Slow and unadtive is our warmefl Zeal, Lifelefs and languid are the Hopes we feel -; But when to Earth's vain Pomp we turn our Eyes, Its tinfel Gewgaws and delufive Joys. , How eagerly we grafp the glitt'ring Cheat, Embrace a Cloud, and hug the fair Deceit ? How blind is Rcafon when our Pafilons rule ? -How llron^Iy Senfe prevails againfl the Soul? t3<5 ] V' V' V* '-/V'V' V'^.' V' V* V* ••/ ••s'V'V'V'*'-.-'' EMBLEM XIII. With God withdraws his cheariiig Light, The Soul is funk in difmal Night ; But his Return the Cloud difpels. Comforts, and Love, and Grace reveals. [ 37 1 EMBLEM XIIL Tht; Mourning Chrijttan, WHEN Doubts and Fears poflefs the SocT, And dark'ning Clouds around it roll. And God withdraws his Light ; How melancholy is her State ? What Horrors do her Fears create ! How difmal is her Night 1 Retired from the World fhe mourns; Her {lender Taper weakly burns : All other Light is gone ; Patience a-while, and thou fn alt find Comfort to thy afHidled Mind ; The Day will break anon. The Moral. Dark is the Soul, and difmal is her Night, When God withdraws his comfortable Light, How oft to Heav'n fhe lifts her mournful Eyes ! How is (he poured forth in broken Sighs ! Broke is her Peace, and Confcience is perplexed. And by tormenting Doubts the Mind is vcx*d. Fear of his Wrath for unrepented Sins, Or the dire Dread of fome renew'd Offence, The fweet, calm Region of her Virtue fills With wrecking Tempers of foreboding Ills. But when again her Lord unveils his Face, And beams on her his all-enliv*ning Rays, The Clouds are vanifh'd, and the Sun appears, Joy is return'd, and banifh'd are her Fears ; Light, Love and Peace again refume their Place, Reviv'd by his invigorating Grace» [38 ] )<:k>c0 EM B L E M II. How eagerly the World We grafp^r Its Riches how we fondly clafp !. But could we get all we can crave, Death lays us naked in the Gravt, [43 1 E M B L E M ir. Avarice never fatisficd, THE Mifer here behold. With his all-grafping Arms j He labours Night and Day for Gold, For that alone has Charms. Still he adds Land to Land, And new Eftates he buys ; Nothing can fill his griping Hand,- 'TilJ All is made his Prize. Could he the World pofTefs, And hug it as his own. How eagerly he would embrace The huge unwieldy Boon ! The Mora l. What is this World we hug and fo admire? What are its Daintiesj that we fo defire ? What are its Beauties, that fo lovely fhine ? What is its Wealth, for which wc iigh and pine ^ What are its Joys, that fo betwich the Soul, Poflcfs each Senfe, and aft without Ccntroul ? Empty and vain is all its choiccfl Store, Gay, idle Dreams, that fhine and are no morcj Uniatisfying, when they're moft enjoyed, And when repeated, we .ire often cloy'd : Yet, fo uncertain, and fo fwiftly flown. We fcarce can call thefe pretty Toys our own. Yet Ihould we keep them to our lateft Breathi They will all vanilh at the Approach of Death: In Heav'n alone thy Riches are fecufC; And th^f<» alon^ eternal 1}^ endure. [44] XXXXXXXXKXXXXXKXXXX; EMBLEM IIL Often the World our Hopes beguiles ; It's full of Stratagems and Wiles ; The Knave is always on the Watch, And fpreads his Trammels Fools to catch,' [45] E M B L E M III. Cupid's Net, fpreadto catch Fools, HOW eafily the Fool is caught In fly perfidious CujtiJ's Net ? But, when by fad Experience taught. Too late he fees his wretched Lot, In vain he'll flounce, and fume, and fret. Daily we fee fuch Fools as thefe. In Love's foft Traromels fall inclos'd ; A while the Joys they feel may pleafe, Yet little will they be at EaCe, When ftronger Shackles are impos'd, The Moral. Fools without Fore-flght, and devoid of Thought, In the Knave's Trap wi;h gilded Baits are caught. He that is coming, now is deemed wife ; And he is fliarp who fufFers no Surprize. Friendfliip's a Mafk, which Treachery puts on. And he who mofl: confides, is moft undone. Look thro' the World with penetrating Eyes, And you will fee, in every Shape, Difguife, Religion too, transform'da thoufand Ways, Appears as various as the human Face. Virtue is miraick'd by defigning Vice, To catch th' Unwary, and enfnare the Wife» The Fair are ftudious to difplay their Art, To fix foft Paflions in the Ample Heart. For this the gay Coquette affe(5ls her Air3 ; For this the rigid Prude demure appears. Falfe painted Charms a dingy Skin conceal. To lure fome foolifli Lover to their Will. Mankind is fo difguifed with Grimace> Integrity can hardly ftiew its Face. [ 46 ] xxxxxxxxx^xxxxxxxxxx EMBLEM IV. What 13 the World ; An empty Vapour, Its Pleafure what? A fmoaking Taper. Its Riches too are but a Smoak, By ev'ry Wind difpers'd and brokei. I 47 ] E M B L E M IV. JVorUly EnjoymentSy Wind and Smohm THE pretty Emblem here you fee, Shews that the World is Vanity; A PufF of Wind, a Bubble broke. And vanifhing in Air and Smoke. Slaves to the World, and chained down. Yet with its Glories we are blown ; Tho* its moft valuable Stuff. Is but a Smoke, or ftinking Snuff. We vapour of our Liberty. y«t who fuch Prifoners as we ? The caged Parrot laughs and prates. Yet cannot ilir beyond his Grates. The Moral. Poor, vaunting Mortal, of thy State fo proud, Whofe Wealth and Honours Fame proclaims aloud; Will thefe the Anguifh of thy Heart appeafe. When Pain and Sicknefs on thy Body feize ? Will thefe the inward gnawing Worms deftroy. Thy Confcience lighten, or recal thy Joy ? Will thefe ward off the threaten'd Stroke of Death ? Or ev'n one Moment lengthen out thy Breath? Riches take Wing, and fly in hafte away. And Fortune changes each fucceeding Day. Honour's a frothy Bubble fill'd with Air, Its burfls, and all its Beauties difappear. Blown by the People's Breath, it fhines a- while. And the fame Breadth will its gay Glories foil. Riches may tempt, and Honours may delude, But Virtue only is the laliing Good. L48 ] V V* V* V*^/ V' V* V' V *• ••' V* • V*^/ V* V V' V V V' V"^ ,•■ \.'" ''•/ \f' '•«.•' '*..•* >.••■ *••••■ ''*.' w •% .'• 's • / ■•«'• *./ ''../X.'* ••.,•*%*• •'..•* •-..•■ \ EMBLEM V. Gold Is the Idol we adore ; He that has That can ne'er be poor. Yes, he is poor, and wretched too. Who will for This his Heav'n forego* [ 49 1 EMBLEM V, 7he Deceitfulnefs of Riches, AH, Wretch, thy Tablets fpread with Coin, And temptingly the Pieces ihine ; Thy World is Ituck with Jewels too. To add more Glories to thy Shew. The Gold is counterfeit and bafe, Akho* it bears great C^/ar's Face ; Thy Jewels ^re but glitc'ring Stones, Pebbles not worth Groat an Ounce. Such, when they're proved, they're ever founds And thiir whole Value's in their Sound ; He who thefe Beauties will carefs, Poifon and Cankers muH poiTefs, The Moral. Wealtli is a Screen that hides unnumber'd Ills, And many a heavy Heart behind-conceals. Grandeur and State the Man indeed exalt, Drazzle the Eye, and lefTen ev'ry Fault. Yet fhould we judge him by unerring Truth, Negleft his Pride, nor fhould his Folly footh. His flagrant Vices, his corrupted Soul, Than others more deteftable and foul. Are feen and loath'd ; yet ilill the Man we court. And pay our Worlhip to his (hining Dirt, But who his Wealth, v/ith all his Sins wosld h^'ef Enjoy his Splender, to pofTefs his Grave ? Who would exchange the peaceful Calm of Life, For his corroding Cares and gnawing Grief? • Poor may I be, ff innocent I am ; To Heaven only will I lay my CIai*Ti, E [ 50 ] XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXOCK EMBLEM VI. ':-V,.///l:]y '*.'/- :-"^^^^^ •'*""■■>••'• When Vanity holds up the Glafs, Beauty we fee and comely Grace ; But fearch thy Heart, and there thou'lt fee ]M ore than enou2;h to humble thee. [ 51 J E M B L E M VI. ^'he Recamter.ce of Vanity. THE World's a Mirror which deceives, Aiid falfely Objects reprek-uts j Hi^ who her Flatteries believes. His fond Credulity repents. The World may tell thee thou art f?Jr, Brave, virtuous, good, and great ; Examifie vveW thy Heart and there Tiioa'lt hnd 'tis ali a pompous Cheat. A thoufand Things thou'lt fee amifs. Which have efcaped ethers Eyes : What thou wilt learn, is only This, That thou an neiiier good nor wife. The M ORAL. Big tho' we look, and mightily attrad The publick Eye, and many Things may ad. Let ns fedately fcrutinize our Hearts, And tell the v'ery Truth that Search imparts ; What Ihall we find whereon a Boait to raife r What goodly Thing deferves our Maker's Praife ? With every Sin we fee our Nature ftain'd. And there Corruption from our Birth his reign'd. Our Thoughts are all on Vanity intent. And each Aifedion on the World is bent. Immortal^Things, and Heav'ns eternal Elifs, Can fcarce a C .rr^er of the Soul pofTfls. Ah wretched Man I no more thy Merit vaunt ; Think, that the chiefell Requifite you want: Nor Wealth, nor Learning, Happinefs beilow, Tiie uJ'cfulJiKnC'-whcIg^f is thrjjelf t^ kniywy [52 ] •.AA/',.^^.'\AA.'\Av^\>^J'^„''*\A^-'.X.^>^' EMBLEM VII. iSi The Mifer's pleasM with Heaps of Treafurc, Others with Dignity or Pleafure ; Thefc are the World's ; but give me thofe On which my Soul may fafe repofe* I 53 I EMBLEM VIL . T/je good and had Choke. . THE furnifh'd Chefl: prefeirg to View» The Wealth of Heav'n and Earthy Riches and Plealures hour ty new, Both good, and nothing worth : Whatever may your Fancy pleafe. Here undiiputcd you may feize. Here one preferves his foolifh Toys, Trifles, and only fit for Boys ; T' other the Things of higheil Price, In his Efleem prefers : Wifdom and Foily are difplay'd, And you, and I, or both portray'd^ The Moral. Trifles and glided Gewgaws are for Boysy And Fools are pleas'd with Bawbles and with Toysv But Man, grown up, more folid Things expeftsy And childifh Fancies fcornfully rejeds. Thus he whofe Soul to Heaven does afpire, Whofe Heart is glowing with a holy Fire ; Who by his Faith celellial Scenes can view. Can fmg Angelic Songs with Zeal as true ; Whofe Treafures are depofited above ; Whofe Heart's renewed, and Heaven his Love ; With what Contempt he treats all meaner Things ? Ambition's Triumph, and the Pride of Kings ? The World's Delights can ibarce deferve a thought,. And Wealth and Grandeur he efteems as nought*- To Crowns immortal only he afpires, And Heav'n alone can fill his vafl: Defires. E3 [ 54 ] XXXX XXXXX-XX'>-'*>- "^^vvy vvv EMBLEM VIII. Pleas'd with the Joys the World beflows. And its gay, tinfel, gaudy Shews, Out Minds are feldom lifted higher^ Nor to eternal Joys afpire. [55 1 E M B L E M Vlir. Thg Joys of Earth and Heaven, CHildren are pleas'd with Bells and Toys> In fuch their very Hearts rejoke. With Trities they are blefs'd ; Thus they who have no farther Ends, But juft to gratify their Senfe, On Vanity fubfift. Not fo the Man whofe Views extend To folid Joys that have no End, Referv'd in Heav'n above ; Earth and its Bawbles he negle(fls. And it's choice Niceties reje For Earthly Riches he'll no longer pine ; His Soul is wrapt in Extafies of Love, And joins in Chcrus with the Saints above ; To theirs he fervently unites his Voice, The fame his Ardour, and the fame his Joys, Looks of Contempt on this vain World he caife. And , tho' onjiarth,. of Heaven largely taftcs. EMBLEM IX. Luft is ^a PaHion, fetid, foul. And mdfl: contaminates the Soul Severeft Plagues will it attend, Jind infamous is flill 'its End*. [ 57 3 EMBLEM IX. , Loie and Loft. WH O hxEs tianform'd the God of Love, And chan^M him to an Owl r WhatPow'r on Earth, or Heaven above. Could make his Shape To foul ? It was the Owl-ey'd Monfler Luft, Whofe Aclions hate the Light ; Whofe Eyes in Gloom and Darkr.efs truH, And feek the Shades ofNight. But there's an awful Day to come. That Ihall thofe Deeds reveal, And Lull fhall have its final Doom In ever-burning Hell. The Moral* When God with Judgments puniihes a Land, What Pow'r on Earth his Vengeance can vvithftand I War, Peililence and Famine are his Rods, The dreadful Scourges, and the galling Goads, With which he vindicates his broken Laws, And rights his Honour's violated Caufe. Who is fo flout that can his Judgments brave ? Or who from Wrath Divine the Sinners fave f Where are the lofty Pillars of his Pride, On which fo long his Jnfolcnce rely'd ? His Riches, Honours, Pleafnres are no rafr». Diverted of his Tyranny and Pow'r, He finds himfelf, to hii> eternal Ccfl, Sunk in Perdition, and forever lolt. His Luils. to which he never gave Contrcu!, Withfuriou? Rage fnall bJall his wretched Soul. [ 58 ] xxxxxxxxxxx>oxxxxxxxx EMBLEM X. What has this World been ever found, But a mere Emptinefs and Sound ? Can folid Happinefs be there, Where nothincr is but Noife and Air !: [ 59 ] EMBLEM X. The World mere Stund ami, Emptinefsm CLOSE, and yet clofer, Lad, Thy lill'ning Ear apply ; Try of what Metal it is made. Again thy PL«uckles ply. 'Tis a mere Emptinefs, For all within is Air.; Nothing but Sound it will exprefs, And nought but Noife you hear. Such are the World's Delights, . Its Honours, Wealth and Pow'r, Mere Wind and Vapour, airy Flights, That crack, and nothing more. The Moral. The World*s a Bubble, form'd of lather'd Soap, It lliines a while, and ends a muddy Drop. It's like a Drum, that makes a mighty Sound, Yetin its Belly, nought but Wind is found. It's like a Foot-ball, kick'd and tofs'd about. All Wind within, and leathered without. It's like a Cask, when all the Liquor's drawn ; It's like a Bone, when Meat and Marrow's gone. No real Comfort can this Earth afford To JVIan, its boailirg delegated Lord. Grandeur and Riches, and the Gaud of Pride, AVither and wafte, and never long abide. The Moth andRuft, and Canker will deHroy The fplendid Beauties of each earthly Toy. True, folid Riches Heav'n alone contains. And Treafures only worth die Chiillian's Fains. [ 6o] xxxxxxxx?xxxxxxxxxxx:^^ EMBLEM XL ^ Ye Winds from ev'ry Quarter blow. And into noify Blufter grew, You cannot cauie me any Lofs, My Feet are fixed on the Croft. C 6i ] E M B L E M XL Safety, on the Crofi alone » ET boift'rous Winds blow high and roar, J Tofs me at Sea, or on the Shore ; Firmly I ftand upon the Crofs, Where Winds nor Waves fhall give me Lofs. L' When I am iickle Fortune's Sport, The Crofs alone is my Support ; On that I lean in deep Diltrels, In that all Riches I pofTefo. When Malice vents her venom'd Spleen, A perfcdl Calm I find wiihln ; Let Men and Devils be my Foes, The Crofs is IHU my fafe Repofe. The Moral. The World may fpite, and Tyrants vent thcirRage, And Earth and Hell againll the Juft engage. Vain is their Malice, venomlefs their Spite, They fnarl and gnafh, but have no Teetli to bite. The Chrillian, in the Crofs of Christ fecure. Patient, their Scorn, and Buffets will endure ; ^helter'd by that, their Fury he defies, His Shield in Danger, Safety from Surprize. That is his Comfort, when he's fore opprefs'd, Eafe in his Troubles, and from Pain his Reft. Death ihakes his Dart, but he is not afraid. For by the Crofs he knows his Peace is made. The laft Great Day of Judgment will commence, And Chrill and Hf aven will be his Recompencc. . F [62 ] EMBLEM XII. He who once flruck with true Remorfc, Relblves he will from Sin divorce ; If to his Sin again he turns. His own Damnation dearly earns. [ ^3 J 'EMBLEM XII. Satan turn a DoSIcr : cr the falfe PcnkmU an COnfcience is wounded with a. Dart, That makes the guilty Sinner g The Anguiih wrankles in his Heart — Ah me ! he cries, I am undone. Hell- gates are open to receive My friendlefs, trembling, naked Scul ; Muft I in Torments ever live ? No mere in fenlual Pleafures roll ? Hufh ! hu(h ! cries Satan, pence, my Child ; Why on thy own Deftrudlion bent ? Many ^ood Years fhall en thee fmile When Death approaches then leptnt. The M ORAL. Ccrfcience at lafl to her Tribrnal's come. Judges the guilty Wretch, ar.d figns his Doom ; Nay, felt condemn'd he ilands before her Seat, And if he Guilty pleads, who can acquit ? Willi Sorrow pierc'd, he fees his difmal Cafe, • Grieves for his Sins, and Pardon begs and Grace. With many Sighs, and Tears, and by Degrees, His Wound is healed, and reftor'd his Peace. If after this, his former Courfe he takes, Renews his Sins, and ev'ry Promifc breaks. W^hat Gracs or Favour can he then expeft ? His Cries and Prayers, will net his God rejed ? O Sinner ! tremble at the awful Thought, Nor be, too late, by thy own Ruin taught I [ 64 3 >••«•■ ■•..•• -. .•• '•«•• ■•./ \.-* • .•'..• ••«•• 's^- \ X .•• \.'- '•..•• ••«•• ••./\.--\.«'%:.«' s EMBLEM XIII. Frail is our Nature, Reafon blind, And Clouds of Error veil the Mind ; Yet if the Righteous trip, he fliall Still rife iViOrc vi^'rous from his Fall* f ^5 I E M B L E M XIIT. The Righteous Jandfnjier by falling. THE righteous Man may chance to flip- Let Satan make his Boall — ^e only made a hccdlefs Trip, Not therefore is he loft. If foil'd, and pjnk upon his Knee, He'll quickly rife again. And with frelh Vigour, you fhall fee. He'll Ibuggle might and main. And Grace divine will him affift. To triumph o'er his Fo2s ; With added Strength he fhall be blefs'd. With Laurels crowned his Browi. The Mora l. Frail is OUT Nature, and Temptations flroiig, A thoufand WeaknelTes to it belong. Our PafHons, turbulent, would run a-head. And Lulls, grown powerful, would take the Lead, Our craving Senf;.'s mufl be gratify'd. And Nature calls aloud to be enjoy'd^ What wonder then the pious Soul is led. In Paths forbidden carelefsly tD tread ? Yet, tho' he errs, unwillingly he errr- And flili his God religioufly reveres. His Falls but teach him firmly how to Hand; And how his PaiTi'ons better to command. His Vigilance is wak'd by evVy Lapfe, >\nd future Dangers warily efcapes. r 3 [ bS ] \^-'.''.y-» E M B L E M XIV. The Heart rcpleniflied with Grace, Is comforted with he£v'nly Rays ; Kxcluides the World and all its Toys, ?Sli]} C'pen to diviner Joys, C 67 ] E M B L E M XIV. The Heart renevSd, THE Heart, when cnce by Grace rencvv'd^ And aH-its kwki^ Lufe fubdu'B. ' ' Shuts out the Wcrld en ev'ry Side, I; 3 Follies, v'anitiies, and Pride. Nq larent Sin r:»all fkulk unTeen, For all is Purity within. I: fighs indeed but not for Gold— — It views with Scorn the richeft Mould ; Infpired by a heav'nly Ray, It will on Earth no longrr flay. This World is quickly cut of Sight, And all its Glories vaniih'd quite. In Raptures it's employ'd above. Is fi'Pd with Wonder, joy, and Love ; And when it feels itfelfinvolv'd In Flcfn, it longs to be diffolv'd. The M o R A L, The Secrets of the Heart, to God alone. And all our Thoughts howe'er referv'd, are known^ In vain the Hypocrite, with pious Fiaud, Prefun^.ptucus 1 would Jmpofe upcn his God ; His all-furveying Eye can pierce tlie Veil, And fardifcem his counterfeited Zeal y Marks his deep-heaving Pharifaic Sighs, His mimic Saintfhip and uplifted Eyes. Ke wellobferves the fecret Mourner too. His downcaft Looks, and undifguifed Woe. He f:es his deep Diilrefs with kind Regard, And will his SufF'rngs openly reward ; With Joys unfpeakable his Heart he fills. And to his Soul, his Love immenfe reveals. [ 6S ] E M B L E M of the P R O E M, He tlat with Heaven Is la Love, Wboie Heart is let on Tilings above. Will never reft till he's afuir'd, That his Salvation is fecurM- [ 69 ] The P R O E M. Zh:ccre Piety. THE pious Chjiuian here behold His naked Bread to God unfold ; Humbly and lowly on his Knees, He prays to him who hears and fees ; Who fees and hears the Tears and Sighs That from true Penitence arife ; Who marks them with a kind Regard, And will their Piety reward. If he conceals a-v/hile his Face, It is to pro's e the Truth of Grace. Dear Soul, do rhou in Earneft De, Long he'il not hide his Smiles fiom thee. Dart up thy Sou! in fervent Pray'r, He'il lend thee an attentive Ear ; Thy Wants he furely will fupply, Tho' feemingly He may deny. Dart up thy Soul in ardent Vows ; On thofe his Favours He beftcws, Who, without Ceafmg importune. And will not go without a Boon. The Bofom Shafts of thy Defire Shoot upwards, tipt with holy Fire ; Feather'd with Faith, and edg'd with Love, Tiiey'il pierce his Ear, his Pity move. Ceafe then thy Doubts ; no more defpond ; Thou hall thy Saviour's fealed Bond, That he will give to thofe that aCc j Qan he impoie an eafier Tafl>. t 1 70 ] BOOK III. Emblem V. The pious Soul with Sin opprefs'c], And utter Darknels fore diftrefs'd, Strives to grope out her gloomy Way, And will at length dilcover Day. [ 71 1 BOOK 111. Emblem. I. T7:e anxious Chrtfiian relievd, WHEN Doubts and Fears the Soul becloud. And Errors \eii her Light, Abfent fhc thinks is e\'ry Good, And all a difmal Night. About her Prifon thus ihe gropes. In Darknefs long confin'd ; Yet ftill fhe lives, and feeds on Hopes Some Good for her's defign'd. At length a Ray darts through the Gloom, And meets her longing Eye ; Her Hopes revive ; her Siiviour's come i For now ihe (tQS Him nigh. The Moral. How dark's the Soul when God withdraws his Light And hides his Favour from our longing Sight ? The more we have enjoy'd our Father's Love, The more we mourn for his unkind Remove. We dread his Anger when we fee his Frown, And fear he'll leave his gracious Work undone j With fervent Prayer we his Return entreat. And beg our promis'd Hopes he'll not defeat ; Let us perfift, nor leave the Throne of Grace ; Wreftle ; be urgent, till he (hews his Face. He will be couited e'er He Favours grant? ; And tho' He knows, yet we muft tell our Wants* *Tis with the Humble he delights to dwell. And fuch he vifits in their lowly Cell. Whoever afks fmcerely, fhall receive ; There's nothing we can alk, but He can give* [ 72 ] XXXXKXXXX^XXXXXXXXXXX EMBLEM II. What Fools are we, what trifling Toys Our Thoughts employ, our Hearts rejoice ! And yet can "unaiFefted fee A Saviour bleed for thee and me ! [ :3 1 EMBLEM 11. rJjefooUJlj mrldlng, EXaclly view this pi«Slur'd Scene, . ■ And fee what Idoeots are Men, Their chief Delights behold ; Honours, and all the Pomp of Life, For which the World is Hill at Strife, Your Eye will hers unfold- Scarce can they turn their Eyes to Him, Who bled and d'f'a to refcue them From eveilafdng Woe ; Their Great Concern meets no Regard ; No thoughts for Heaven can be fpar'd, Intent on Things below. The M ORAL. Behold the Trafnck of the worldly Fool, For what he barters hi: immortal Soul ! Mere Vanities ! the Bawbles of a Day ! We fcarce pofTtjfs them e're they fly away. Riches, that Idol now fj much ador'd What Comfort can they at thy Death afford ? Honours, at which Ambition bends her Flight, Muft fet at length in ever 1 ailing Night. Yet thefe how eager' y the Fool purfues. As if defign'd for his eternal Ufe ! For thefe, neglects the glorious Things above. His Peace of Confcienv'^, and the Father's Love ; Objeds of infinitely more Efleem, Of greater Value and Concern to him, Than all the Riches in this Globe contained, Tho' all his own, and honeflly were gain'd. G [ 74 ] E M B L E M III. Tlie Soul with Sin that's faint and lick, And Confcience fmarting to the Quick, No Hand can heal, 'till Christ appears, Who gives her Eafe, and dries her Tears, [ 75 J E M B L E M III. The Sin-ftck Soul. THE Soul is fick of Sin, Nor Reft, npr Eale can find > Horrors an'd gloomy Fears within, Diftrafl the clouded Min^d. She feeks Relief in vain From what this Vy^orki can yield ; The jjys it gives ihcreafe her Pairr ; Not thus iicr Grief is hcal'd. If Jhsus once applies His kind rt-'ieved Hand, His Touch a]or:and. Th^ >] o n A !. The Gofifcierv^e, burden'd with the Weight c-f Si;:, Is all Conft^rteft, Grloorr?, smi Dread wfrhiti \ No Comfort can the wretched Sinner know, For all he tltinks, and all he feels i:- Woe. He fees, or thinks he fees, an angry God Shake o'er his Head his dire tremendous Rod, Hell wvch its Horrors are before his Eyes, And Demons feem his trembHng Soul to fcize. But upward lock A Profpectnew and ftrange Will ihike thine Eyes with an amazing Change. Thy dear Redeemer on thy Couch attends ; The beft FhyfTcian, and the bell of Friends.; Declnres thy Pardon, feal'd iiv Heav'n above. And flicws thee all the Tokens of his Love, Alourn then no more ; but thankfully receive Thofe glorious Things which he'^prepar'd to give. G i [ 7^ J E M B L E M IV. Ah ! fufF'ring Chrlflian, don't complain Of Work, of Scourges, and of Pain ; AU thefe thy Sins have well deferv'J, When from God's holy Laws you fwerv'd^ Ill ] EMBLEM IV. Mani allot e^ PorUan. -^"T^HIS Emblematic Figure (hews, X The wretched Lot of Man ; Ncthing but Work and Scourage he knows Throughout his fcanty Span : . Scare one Ihort Hour of Reft he finds ; Still in the painful Mill he grinds. But patiently be this endur'd, We have deferv'd it well ; The Mill and Scourge we then procur'd,- When Man from Goodnefs fell ; Of Heav'n afTur'd, it matters not. If wretched be our prefcnt Lot. The Moral. Sin brought In Sorrow, and a World of Woe, Ills without Number we mull: undergo. By Sicknefs, Pain, and Povert)' difirefs'd. By Devils tempted, aiid by Men opprefs'd ; By civil Difcord, or dcmellic Jars ; By Plagues, or Famine, or by bloody Wars. Life is a Burden, hardly borne, become, Yet 'tis confefs'd, is our deferved Doom. Thofe righteous Laws, our Maker gave, we broke, Renounc'd Obedience, and ihook oix" his Yoke, Hi^' Goodnefs we ungracioufly defpis'd. Nor his invaluable Mercies priz'd ; Ungrateful and perfidious we have been* Deaf to his Calls, and obilinate in Sin. Can we expecl no Punifhment for thefe ? Will Juftice always let us be Tit Eafe ? .No 1 'tis by juftice God fupports his Throne ;: Thi?, Men and Devils fhall for ever own. [ 78 ] *••.''•..••*•..••■•..••••..••••..••••..-•••.•■••.•*••.•♦.•.••••.••••.••*■..•••..•-, ••• .••. •• ••, « E M B. L E M V. From Earth derived, to Earth return ; Earth in our Birth, and in our Uurn ;. Let no Man boaft liis noble Birth, Since all mull own their Mother Earth, [79 ] E M B L E M v.. Mans Ong'mcil equal with BeaJIs, HIS Eeing Man derivM from Earth, No higher is his boafted Birth, FJrft railed from a Cold ; Fafbion'd'and wrought by Hands Divine, A Figure beautiful and fine, He bravely walk'd Abroad. From Earth arofe both Bird and Beaft, The hugefl and the very Icaff, The Plant, and Flow'r, and Grain ;, Vv'^e were all Brethren at the firft. And all by Adam\ Sin v/ere curs'd, All niuil to Earth again. The Mo R A L. Man, here behold thy humble Origin, t're yet thy Glory was defac'd by Sin. Firil thou was' t rais'd f om Earth's cold clayey Bed, From thence thou lifttd'il up thy manly Fiead y Form'd by thy Maker from an earthly Clod, Who op'd thy Eyes acd bid ihee look Abroad ; Fie gav4i the Senfe and Reafon, Life and Scui, And the whole Wo]ld fubmitted to thy Rule I Happy as Angels was thy Being nrft, 'TilU Devil-like,, by thy -Ambition cars'd. Our Maker's Image thro' thy Means was loil ; And what can now poor wrt-tched Mortals boaiT.^ From Sin to Sin by ev'ry PaiTion whirl'd. We're made the Jeft and pro\erb cfthe World. Then pride thyfe.f no more, O Man of Earth 1 Of thy great Lineage, or ennobled Birth ; When Death fhall kize thee, as it quickly muf^, A Clay-cold' Co rpfe thcu art, fcon turn'd to Duil, ;«;xax.;' [ So] W:W' xxxxx E M B L E M VI. In vain we would wltli God contend A dreadful Foe — the kindeft Friend, Humbly receive what he infli^s. It is a Father's Hand correfls* [ Si ] ]•: M B L i. M VI. }Ium//ity Alans Duty, PRefumptufvus Man ! darft thou provoke Th' Almi^^hty God's avenging Stroke ? bhall a poor Worm, that crawli and dies, Againft his Great Cjcator riie ? Lower, vain Man, ihy haughty Crefl: liumility l) thee beft ; Rebellious Weapons throw awsy ; Fall on thy Knees and Pardon pray. No longer in thy Strength confide ; Who can his dreadful WVath abide ? Fall at his Feet, his IVIercy crave, Nor more Almighty Vengeance br:ive. The Moral. See here, and weep degen'rate Nature trac'd From the firil Sin, by v/hich it was debas'd. Prone to Rebellion, into Life we come, And this we pradlice till we reach the Tomb ; In Sin advancing, as our Age proceeds. Still heaping Wrath on our rebeliious Heads, O wretched Man ! how durlt thou thus prefume Affront the Judge who mud alTign thy Doom ? Should dreadful Vengeance lour on his Brow, What could'il thou do toward the threaten'd Blow ? With the Almighty can thy Strengh contend <' Or frcm his Wrath, thy Aim thy Head defend ? O no 1 'tis vain ; itoop Pnde ; his Pov/er own. And make thv Peace, before thou art undone. [ 82 ] KXXXX E M B L E M VII. When Goi> is pleasM to hide his Face, The Soul, impatient, fighs and prays. She may to Favour be rcftor'd, And feel the Comforts of her Lordc [ ^^3 ] E M \] L E M VII. Li^bt Dk'ine dif^eh Spiritual Darkncfs, WH£N' Clouds of Doubts and Fears arife,, j(lnd oveH pread the Sou], To Hehv'n he :ift5 his pious Eyes, Wiih Tears and Sorrow fall. His deepfetch'd Sighs his Grief proclaim ; He begs returning Grace ; Loudly he calls upon his Nunie,, Who has v/ithdrawii his Pace. If but a fingle Ra;' of Light, From that refulgent Sun, Breaks thro' his difmal Gloom of Night, His Griefs at once are gene. The Mo R A L. The picu-^ Soul is often in a Cloud, And 'Doubts, like Miib, his beamy Glories fhroud. He feais he's guilty of fonie great Miftake, Or left wiih God his Promife he Ihould break : Fears his Repentance fhould not be fmcere ; Laments his Want of Fervericy in Pray'r. His ftedfaft Hopes, tho' founded on a Rock, When Tenipefts rage, can hardly bear the Shock. Faith fometimes glimmers with a weakly Ray, And mental Horrors quite exclude the Day. But Peace, dear Soul ; with Patience wait a- while, Thy Sun again with glad'ning Rays will fmile, Again thy Saviour will reveal his Face la all the RadieRce of his he^v'nly Grace. [ 34 ] EMBLEM VIII. Well may he weep a Flood of Tears, Who feels the Weight of Sins he bears ; Sins which have made his God his Foe, And brondit on him a World of Woe, [85 ] EMBLEM \aiL True Pmtence. WEEP, weep, my Soul, a tearful Flood, Weep till thy Stock of Water's gone ; Then weep again with Tears of Blood The fad Olfences thou haft done. Goodnefs immenfe, ungrateful, thou Haft thro* thy fmful Life abus'd ; Thy Thoughts, and Words, and Deeds can fiiew Hovv bafely thou hail Mercy us'd. Let Sorrow then my Soul pofTefs, And Tears ftream down my furrow'd Cheek ; My num'rous Sins I will confefs. Soften my Heart, O God, or break. The Moral. Well may the Sinner weep a Flood of Tears, Who feels the mighty Weight of Sin he bears. He weeps he does a gracious God offend. His greatcft Benefadtor, Father, Friend, He weeps when he the bloody Scene unfoldsy And his dear Saviour on a Crofs beholds ; The agonizing Tortures which he felt, Prefs'd with his Father's Wrath, and humap Guilt ; Crown'd with fnarp Thorns he {^cs his facred Head, And his gor'd Side with flowing Purple bled : Who that fees this, and knows why it was done, (To take the Curfe by Man deferv'd alone) But muft diflblve in Tears, with Grief confefs Himftlf a Wretch, and his Redeemer blcfs ? H E M B L E M IX. Juflice, impartial and fevere, To pleading Mercy gives no Ear ; ^Till Jesus Ihews fubllanrtiai Caufe, His ftrift Obedience to the Laws, [ 87 ] EMBLEM IX. Jujlice and Mercy. ~ <" Juflice. Q Inner, thou haft a wretched Caufe, l3 For thou thy Maker's righteous Law; Audacioufly hall broke : What for thyfelf haft thou to plead. Before my Sword fhall ftrike the dead — Speak, e'er I give the Stroke. tinner. Juft is the Sentence, I muft own ; Altho' by it I am undone, 1 muft my Judge acquit r Yet Mercy, Lord, I Thee implore. Of which Thou haft a boundlefs Store Forgive my mighty Debt. Juftlce. Lord, (hall I ftrike ? He owns the Charge, Chrifi, No ! fee the Prifoner at large, And point thy Sword at me ; My Death redeems his forfeit Life ^ My Merits end the Legal Strife, And fet the Sinner hee^ The Moral. Should God in Juftice with a Sinner deal. Nor to his Mercy fufFer an Appeal, Who could efcape the Sourges of his Rod, Or of his Wrath could bear the mighty Load ? Eut our Redeemer has perforni'dthe Tafk, And Juftice nothing has of us to afk. Whate'er the Law demanded, He has giv'n, And open'd wide an eafy Way to Heav'n. Quickly, my Soul, his gracious Terms embrace : Love him, and thou fhalt fee his lovely Face. f 88 ] >-X'<>C<>CCC^>-xxxKXX^x:iv E M B L E ivi III. How quickly weary do we grow. How lieavy, liftlefs, dull and flow. When to pur Duty prefs'd upon .!'— Draw us^ O Lord^ and w« fliall run* C i03 ] EMBLEM III. Human JVeaknefs. SLuggifh and weakly are our Feet, W iiea we the Road to Heaven beat. And fcarcely mend our Speed, Altho' our Saviour us invites To a rich Banquet cf Delights, For us by Him decreed. Kindly He lends his leading Hand, And helps us on our Feet to ftand. And fpeaks his Tendernefs : Shews us the Prize for which He fought. The Joys of Heav'n he dearly bought. And bids us them poiTefs. The Moral. By flow'ry, tempting Vanities allar'd. With fiatt'ring Pleafures all around immur'd ; By Senfe perverted, by our Hearts beguil'd. Oft in our pious Warfare we are foil'd. We long for Heav'n, yet to Earth we cleave. And fain of neither would ourfelves bereave. Svv'iftly we run, when Pleafure is the Chace — • What Sluggards in the Courfe of Truth and Grace I Alluring Profits puts us on the Speed,— Ho^v flow and liftlefs to a pious Deed ! If tlonour tempts ks to a bolder Flight, How eagerly we climb the dangerous Height t And yet the Glories of the World to come. Scarce in our Hearts can find a little Room. Quicken our Steps, O Lord, to tread thy Ways, Aod when we lag, O make us mead our Pace ! f ^04 1 EMBLEM IV. Fear to offend thy gracious God, And then thou need'ft not fear his Rod; But if thou fear'ft not to offend, Well iTiay'll thou fear a dreadful End* [ 105 ] E M B L E M IV. No Sa/ity but in GccTs Mercy. HOW dreadful is die W/ath of God !, How terrible his angry Rod ! The Wafting Thunders of his Hand, Who has Ptefumption to withiland ? Humble thyfelf, O Wretch \ in Dull, Entreat, and in his Mercy truft ; There only canfl thou Safety find. For to the Humble He is kind. God's awful Judgments are difplay'd When his Commands are difobey'd ; O ! tremble when his Wrath's abroad, And fear the Vengeance of a God. The M R A L . How dreadful are thy Judgments, Mighty God I How terrible is thy atRifting Rod I When harden'd Sinners have thy Arm defy*d, With what a Veno-eance haft thou taueht their Pide 1 Tremble, my Soul, and humble thee in Duft ; What is the Strength in which is plac'd thy TruftI Fear to offend, and him offended fear. And his fierce Wrath no moreprePjme to dare ; Confefs thy Sins, and deprecate his Ire, Left thy faid Fare fhould be eternal Fire ; Entreat his Mercy, inftanrly repent. Or may'ft To-morrow rue the dire Event . His Arms are open to receive the now. Embrace his OFcr, and avoid the Riow, r io6 ] KXXXXXXX^XXXXXXXXXXXX EMBLEM V. Shall Vanity mine Eyes allure? What can this fooliih Fancy cure ? Lord, clofe mine Eyes and fliut them fafl> Or let them be to Heaven cr.fl. [ 107 ] E M B L E M V. The Allurements of Vanky, 'ERE Vanity is deck'd In tinfel Pxobings fine. With Ihewy, gliti'ring Gewgaws trick'd. We fee the Puppet ftiine. H The wondering Fool admires And gazes on her Charms ; His Heart hrr dimpled Simper fires j How happy in her Arms ! Little he thinks what Ills For him fhe has prepar'd ; But thefe fhe cunningly conceals. Yet fnall be his Reward. Lo?.D, hide my wand'ring Eyes From her deceitful Lure ; For-all her Pro.Tiifes are Lies, And all her Ways impure. The Mora l. My wand'ring Eyes from Scene to Scene will And evVy Vanity they meet will love. (rove. My Heart's a Captive to the Pride of Life, And Senfe with Grace holds a vexatious Strife. My God, my King, O turn mine Eyes to Thee, ,And fet my Soul from earthly Objefti, free. O mortify thefe craving Lufts of mine. And fanftify my Heart v/ith Grace Divine. - Subdue my Paffions, govern thou my Will, And ftill may I thy guiding Spirit feeL [ io8 ] XXXXXXXXXXX:XXXXXXX> EMBLEM VI. Our fteflily Lulls will long prevail. And furioully the Soul alTail ; Yet humble, fervant Pray V at length Shall triumph by a greater Strength. [ 109 1 EMBLEM YL Virtue triumphant. P ST HER entreats m deep Diftrefs, Her own and threaten'd People's Life ; Humbly fhe begs it on her Knees, With Tears, fure Token of her Grief. Hafnany the wicked Haman here. Has cruelly denounc'd her Fate ; Nor Age, nor Sex the Wretch will fpalrc. To glut his undefcrved Hate. If my poor Beauty once was thought Not wholly delUtut^ of Charms, O fave me from the dreadful Lot That me fo terribly alarms. The King incens'd, in PafTion rofe ; Fate fat upon his furious Brow ; The Word is giv'n and Haman Ihews His Carcafs on the fatal Bough. .The Moral. Virtue and Vice are ever at a Strife, And fiercely combate thro' the Ccurfe of Life, Vice tyrannizes long with haughty Pride, And Virtue's Brightnefs mufi a-while fubfide. With Wrongs injurious fhe mufi: be opprefs'd, Infulted, threaten'd, made the publick Jefi: ; 'Till God himfelffhall vindicate her Caufe, And free her from the Tyrant's iron Claws, Then with full Radiance fhall her Beauties /hine. And glorious Laurels fhall her Brows enty/ine. K [ no ] EMBLEM VII. vvv Sweet is Retirement to the Sotil, Since there Ihe Christ enjoys to Full i In wtom file places her Delight, Who is her Sojace Day and Night. [ III ] EMBLEM VII. Cant. vii. 1 1. Ti:e fweet Intcrcourfe bdwee7i Christ and the Soul. Chrijf. y^> O M E, come, my Love, let's walk \^^ Abroad, And fnuff the frefh' Breeze : Vifit the Cottager's Abode, And rove an:ong the Trees. Soul. Behold, my Heart's eternal Joy, Me ready to attend ; Glad that my Time I can employ With you fo dear a Friend. Chrifl, Con:e, let's retire to yon Alcove, And talk cf Things divine : Soul. Yes ; there V\\ tell thee ail my Love ; ChriJ}, And I will tell thee miae. The Moral. When once the fruitful Seeds of Grace are fowii, And the Aveet Buds of Lcve are fairly Mown, The Soul, tranfporied with the Joy fh,e feels, For ever on her dear Redeemer av\^ells. AVith Flea<*ur.e ihe contemplates aii his Chnrms, And longs to be embraced v/ithin his Arms. Pleas'd, ihe converfcs v^irh her deareft Lord Or reads his gracious MrfTage in his YlGid, PIcas'd, to his holy Temple fl.e repairs, And feems in Heaven while his' Word fn e hearr. Christ, no lefs pleas'd to fee her holy Plight, Fills her whole Being v.iih a new Delight ; Gives her a Ta'le of whist's enjoy/d above. Where the chief Biifs is never-endins Love, [ 112 ] KXXXXXXXXXXXXXX^ > EMBLEM VIII. In vain we flrlve toi'un tlie Race That God appoints, witliout his Grace ; Drawn by the Oclqr of liis Love, With -Vigour we fliall quickly move. [ 113 T E M B L E M VIII. Cant. i. 3. The Spirit helps our Infirmities, HEartlefs and fluggilli is our Zeal ; Bale are our Thoughts, preverfe our Will ; Still are we grov'lling on the Earth, As if we boafted thence our Birth. Sea ce can we cail our drowfy Eyes " Upwards to view our native Skies, The glorious ever-blefs'd Abode, Where Angels dwell, with and God. But when the Spirit from above Draws us along with Cords of Love, And the fweet Inccnfe of his Grace DifFufes, then we move apace. The Mo R A L. Lifelefs and cold is ev'r}' Chrillian*s Zeal ; Till the warm Beams of quick'ning Grace he feel.- Plis Love, once aduve, Magnates in the Pool His Heart, and fcarcely moves his fluggiih Soul, No more the facred Flame within him glows, And a few glitt'ring Sparks by Fits it fhews : Yet ftill there's Fire, by Embers only hid. Which will, when from its dirty Rubbilh free'd, Burft out with glorious Luilre to the View, And all his Comforts, all his Joys renew. IVIean-while he mourns for Christ's departed Love, And that his own fhould from its Objccl rove. No Reft, no Peace he knows, 'till both retunij Aiid with tlie fame united Ardor burn, 1 3 [ 114] E M B L E M IX. How is the pious Soul r joic'd, Affured flie is own'd by Christ ? What can flie wifli, or more obtain ^ She loves, and is belov'd again. I 1=5 ] EMBLEM IX. Cant. viii. i. The Virgin ^Marv and her biejfed Infant, WELL, Mary, mav'il thou clafp the Child, And prefs him with a clofe Embrace, With no Impurities defil'd. Lovely, and fweet, and full of Grace. But what is now thy Jcy and Song, Will be a Sword to pierce thy Soul, When on the Crofs thou fee'ft him hung. And drinking off the wrathful BowK Yet ftill rejoice, fmce loft Mankind, Shall by his Death to Heav'n be rais'd ; Satan, our Enemy, conEn'd ; Jesus, our Saviour, ever prais'd 1 The Moral. Sweet is the heav'nly Tntercourfe between Christ and the Soul, and pleafant is the Scene. Love, Joy, and Peace abound in ev'ry Part, Calm is the Confcience, and ferene the Heart. The Law, e'er while the Chriilian's dreadful Foe, He fees no more v/ich Menace on its iirow, Juftice, excrable, and fatisfy'd, Delighted fees fair Mercy by her Side. Death is difarm'd, and ilinglefs now remains ; His Triumph's ended, and with it our Pains. For this the Chriiliun tunes his Tur.gue to Praife, And v/ith his Heart, a grateful Tribute pays ; To his Redeemer, who his Freedom bought. And for his Sake fuch glorious Things has wrought* 'Sf* V' V V'>'f* V V* V V* V- ''^i"* V* V^'v* V" •••• V' V'^v^ „•• '•./ •'..• •«•' \f \ if •♦..• -.iC* ••..•• ••./ \*.'- •♦«•• ■•«' ••..•• \.«f \^- ••..•••../*•> .'%. EMBLEM X. The fluggili Chriftian feeks in vain An Intereft in Christ to gain ; The Road is rough, untrod, unev'n — The Downy-Bed's, no Way to HeaVn, [ 11? ] E M B L E M. X. C A zi T. iii. I. The Jlvggijh Chnjiian. THE \zTy Chiiliian thinks to find His Saviojr on his Bed ; l\o gloomy Fears perplex his Mind, No anxious Thoughts his Head. By Reafon's Taper- Light he feeks. And fearches Nature thro' ; But the myilerious Gofpel breaks ReafDH and Nature too. For none e'er yet this Saviour found. But on the curied Tree ; With Thorns his facred Temples bound,. From Bondage us to free. The Moral. Fruitlefs will be our Search if we propofe To find Religion where we fleep or doze. 'Tis not in eafy Chair or downy Bed She refls, when ever rcils her facred Head. In vain we feek her in the V/ortd*s Deliglits, Riches, or Grandeur, or Ambition's Flights ; The Wifdom of Philcfcpriy in vain We trace. Religion, beats a higher Strain. The Light of Nature is but weak and dim ; Her Principles arc vaPily more fublime. Vain are fuch Searches, and our Labour Lofs, For v/e {hall find her only on the Crofs ; There in large Chara£\er5*we read her Name, And on that Tree her Principles v/e frame. [ ii8 ] KXXXXXXX^XXXXXXXXXXX EMBLEM XL - . \ r-: -^ . ^^W. jH^^y^te ^ The Soul, perplexMwlth DoiibtsancI Fears, Bewails herfclfwith Sighs anc' Te rs, She's loft her Ivove flic knows not where — Search but thy Heart, thou'lt find him there- [ 119 ] - E M D L E ISI XL Cant. iii. 2. Thi Soul mpatlent ^/'Christ'j AhfiHCU HOW can I reft when I have loft Him whom my Soul defires moft? Without whofe Prelence I'm forlorn, Whofe Abfence I muft fadly mourn. I'll rife and feek Him thro' the Street, Happy if there I can him meet ; But He, I fear, will not be found. The' I fhould range the City round. The Change and Market (hew Him not; No Place remains by me unfought: Home to my Heart I will repair Who knows but I may find Him there ? The Moral. What anxions Care the pious Soul perplex! What reftlefs Thoughts his cafclefs Eofcm vex. Who the fad Abfence of his Love bemoans. In filent Tears, and deep Heart-rending Groans ? As one be-darken'd gropes about the Room, So he be-nighted, wanders in the Gloom, In Search of Him on whom his Ali is plac'd. In Whom alone all Riches he poffefs'd. But fearch thy Heart, and there thou'lt find the Caufe, . From wh€nce arofe thy much-lamented Lofs ; There thcu wilt find fome nsw-admitted Gueft, With whom thy jealous Love is high difpleas'd ; Drive out that Gueft, and he'll return again, Pajdon thy Follies, and relieve thy Pain, [ 120 ] ••...•\ ..•••%..•*" \ • V* V' V' . V V'V* *•.*' V' ••/ V'*' E M B L E M XII. The Chrifllan, who with Sighs ani Groans The Abfence of his Saviour moans ; What exquifite Delight he' feels. When Christ againllhis Face reveals ! C i^i ] EMBLEM XIL Camt. iii. 3, 'The SouFs Jcy on finding Christ. WITH long and painful Toil, The Soul had fearch'd about» Aik'd all (he met in mournful Stile, Yet could not find him cut. She-vents her Grief in Tears, And fain would Death embrace ; Juft in that Inftant Christ appears. And fliew5 kis fmiling Face. How ravifnM at the Sight ! She fprings into his Arms, And holds him fail with all her Mightj Poffefs'd of all his Charms. The M X) It A L, V/hen the poor fm-fick Soul has long bemoan'd Her Comforts loft, and long in Silence groan'd. If (he perceives a Ray of heav'nly Grace Dart thro' the Gloom, and (hews a Saviour's Face, With Snules denoting Pardon, Love, and Peace, What Joys ineffable her Powers feize ! Now fhe exults, her Weight of Sin removed* And ftrongly holds Him whom fhe long has lov'd ; Views him all over with tranfported Eyes, While ev'ry Look declares her fecret Joys ; Vows that whate'er betide, no more Ihe'll part With Him, the gracious Sov'reign of her Heart. [ 122 ] '..• •..' •••P ',.• •..• •..• % E M B L E M XIIL Whoever Worldly means employs For unfophifticated Joys, Will be deceiv'd ; in God alone Triie^ iolid Happineis is found. [ 123 I E M B L E M XIII. Truji in God the great eji Safety, WHEN Storma and tempers rage around^ And on thy leaky ^'eiTei beat; When raging Winds thy PoiggJi'^g wound. And thou canil hardly keep thy Feet ; Happy if then thy Anchor holds Thy VefTel tight amid It the Storm ; The Wind that no.v ihy Courfe controuls. With ad its Roar fiiali iio no Harm. Thus he who puts his Truft in God In Danger ce-tain Safety fltids ; Ma'ice nu;y throw her Gall .ihrond, Secure l.e laughs at her Dcligns. The Moral. W>jat'is the greateft Good this World can bbail? Riches and Honours — but how quickly loll 1 Friends too are often treacherous and bafe ; Beauty is waning : Strength with Age, decays. No folid laft-ing Happinnefs we find In all thofe Pleaiures wliich bewitch Mankind. Thefe then rejcj^led, let us next explore Thofe Treafures which Religion has in Store, God is alone an everlafting Good, Worthy alone to be by Man purfu'd- Sincerely love Him, and obey his Will, And Joys immortal (hall thy wilhes fill. [ 124 ] V* V;* V V* S"' V* V'Sf* V V*S:**''x*' : V* V V'V;' V' V'VV' .' ••, ^\y ••„•• •• .• '.v '..• •..• '..• •*• •«• •..•• ••. • .• •„' '..• •„•• *•. .• •..•• '•..• '•«• s EMBLEM XIV. Our Saviour's Crofs, that ciirfecl Tree ! What gen'rous fruits it bears for me ! How irratefiil is its Shadow now ! It yields Repafl and Picaiiirc too. [ 125 3 EMBLEM XIV. Cant. ii. 3. Christ /^f mojl delightful Shadow. WHEN the Sun darts his fcordikg Beams Dirtctly on our He...d?, We ftieker in the W' oi or c^treams. And fly from parcned Meads. Thus when the broken Laws require. The Vengeance of a Gnp, To what ftrong Rock Ihall man retire. That yields a fafe Abode ? Jesus, our Saviour, on the Tree, Yields a delightful '^hade ; Securely there we reil, and t>e Of Vengeance not afr^d. The Mora l. Wonder of Love \ furpaffing- Reafon's Eye ! 'Tis Godlike all ! and fuits the Deity i Shall Man rebellious, break his Maker's Laws ? Unforc'd, perfumptuoully, without a Caufe ^ And yet find Mercy ? Can it ever be ? Does juftice fleep ? Or not Offences fee ? O no ! but her Demands are fatisfy'd, And the Law falved when cur Saviour dy'd. Behold Him hanging on the curfed Tree, And there he nail'd the Sins of thee and .ne. But now that Tree a pleafant Shadow yields. And fiom the WrathDivine the Sinner fhields* [ ii6 ] CKXXXXXXXXX^XXXXXXXXX EMBLEM XV. In vain we feek for Song and Mirth In all the Subjects here on Earth ; 1/1 Heav'n alone the thirfty Soul Will drink her Cup of Pleafure full. [ 1^7 1 E M B L/E M XV. TJjc inconfolahle Sinner. WHY ^o you urge me tlius to fin» ? O why your Books of Mufick bring I No— I'm not in a Mood tor Song, Much fadder Notes to me belong. For joyous Mirth I have no Room, Sighs, Tearb and Sorrow are my Doom. Will the poor Slare, who's cham'd to ply The Oar, confcfs he's full of Joy ? Can r, a Slave to Sin and Death, Waile in a Song my precious Breath ? Have I, who know my great Offence, To taneful Mirth the ieaH Pretence ? AfTure me that my God*s appeas'd, And from my Burden I'm rcleas'd, Soon Ihall ye fee me tune the String, And ioud Hofanna's hear me fmg. The Moral. O'erwhelm'd with Sorrows, or with Cares opprefs'dj Burden'd with Sins, on ev'ry Side diilrefs'd. How can I tune to mirthful Song my Voice ? Or what on Earth is there fhould me rejoice ? My Confcience tells me that my Heart is bafe. Nature corrupt, and oppofite to Grace ; My Guilt repeated, and my broken Vows, My week and frail, and fad Condition (hews. What earthly Objefts can my Mind delight i My Fancy pleafe, or entertain my Sight ? None, none at all ! 'till I at Heaven arrive. Where Songs, and Mirth, and Joy for ever live. [ 123 ] BOOK I V. E M B L E M L' The fweet Delight the Soul receives From Christ, in whom fhe only lives, Makes her lament, and fadly mouriv His Abfence, till his kind Return. [ 129 ] V..".. "V J* :xxxxx;o<:>o» And many Pleafure yields ; Plcas'd we behold the glorious Sun, When he his Face revtals : But neither F^arth nor Sun can give Such Joys as I from God receive. The Sea and Air are both replete With various Delights, The Dninties we colicit and eat ; The Day are bleis'd with Nights : But Sea nor Air, nor Fifh nor Fowl, Give Food to an immortal Soul. My Eyes the fpacious Heavens rove ; Its beauteous Orbs I view ; I fee, methinks, the Joys above. And glorious Angels too : Yet there I would not wj(h to be,. if there my God I could not fee. The M o R A L. UnnumbcrM BlefTings God on us beflow.*,. And the fweet Ccrnforts of the World allows ; Yet ^L^ he gives, he takes, and tempers fo. That we may refl: on nothing here beio'.v. He ihews their Emptinefs a thoufand Ways, That v/e to Him afone may give the Praife. 'Tis in Himfelf true Happ'nefs is found. And folid Joys in Heaven alone abound. All the good Things on Earth we Oiculd improve To fit us for the blifsful State above. [ I4C ] E M [] L E M VII. Trouble, and Care, and Sin and Strife, Fill up the Chriftian's Round of Life, . Well may he be releas'd, And of a happier Portion fcizM. . [ 141 3 EMBLEM VII. Tins a irouhkfome J^orld. MY Troubles mulitiply, And .Sorrow is my Lot ; There's nothing that I hear or fee. But grieves my \«€xed Thought. Pleafures, which Men purfue With fo much Eagernefs, liavc Stings, which ever make them rue* And poiibn ail their Biifs. Riches and Honours have Each their Anxiety ; From Pain and Labour, Death and Gravc> No Man can fay, he's hte. The M ORAL. How fad a-nd tircfome is the World to him. Who on a Life to come has built his Scheme ! How dead and tailelefs are the Joys that greet His altered Fancy ; he has found the Cheat. Grandeur and Riches, and fuch collly Things, He puits unenvy'd to the Great and Kings, With all the Guilt and Trouble them attend. With thefe he'll not his better Trcafures blend. Sorrows r.nd Cares, in cv'ry Thing he feeb, And ev'ry Objecl ha? it's lurking Ills, Temptations from without in AniDufh wait. And Lufls within iiiil fnapping at the Bait : All, all combine to vex and tire h'm out, 'Till Death (hail come, and all their Forces rout. [ 142'] XXXXXXXXX^XKXXXKXXXXX EMBLEM Vlir. O with what Diligence and Care Thcic dainty Bodies we repair ! \ et a few Years when come and gone, ' Grim Death will flrip us Skin from Bone, [ 143 1 E M B L E M VIIL Alan is D cat us Pri finer, SEE for what End ue feed and clothe, Cherilh and pamper, pleafe and foothe Thefe Bodies made of Clay ; Death's Prifcner is ev'iy Man, E'er fince Mortality began. And Adam was his Prey. Thus over Man the Tyrant reigns. And proudly all Conrrouldifdains All Creatures him obey ; Yet, Monfter, know the Time will come, That fhall decide thy final Doom, And end thy cruel Sway. The Moral. Sin was the prime Orignal of Death, Which reign'd e'er fmce Man forfeited his Breath: His Tyranny continues ftill as great. And vaunts his Power is deriv'd from Fate ; Strengthen'd by Sin, and domineering Luil, Thoufands reduces daily to the Duft, Of craving, carnal Appetites pofTefs'd, With Nature's choicell Cates we are unblefii*d» With thefe we do our pamper'd Bodies feed. Yet thefe are Death's moft fru^lifylng Seed. . But Death, how terrible foe'er he feem, And arm'-d with Terrors, horrible and grim. Yet is the pious Chrill-ian's trufly-Friend, And will Relief fi-om all his Evils fend ; •Opens the Gate to everlafting Blifs, Where Sin no jjiorc the happy Soul (hall teaze. [ 144] XXXXXXXXXXXX^XXXXXXXX EMBLEM IX. The Soul is wing'd, but cannot get One Inch from Earth, her painful Seat ; She drives again, alas ! in vain *•■■■ — She quickly feels her heavy Cliain, C 1453 EMBLEM IX, Senfe a clog to the Soul. OWhat a wretched Man am I ! How chained down to fenfe I For when to Heaven, I would fly, I cannot get from hence : Earth's heavy Clog, alas ! I wear. Its Weight's too great for me to bear. My Words and Deeds, that Good intend. Are interrupted flill ; My Sighs and Vows, that up I fend : Dragged down to Earth I feel. My God, I fpread my Wings in vain, 'Till Thou unlink my boltea Chain. The Mora l. O what a Load of Flefh the Chriftian bears ! Replete v/ith Frailties and diltrafUng Cares. Pains and.Difeafes corporally felt. And Confcience burden'd with condemning Guilt. Curb the fwift Wings of his afpiring Zeal, And hang a Clog on his devotion'd Will. How earneftly he longs to be difmifs'd From thefe, to be with his Redeemer Christ I He longs to (cc that dear and lovely Face, Radiant with Glories, beaming ev'ry Grace. His ardent Wifh is, that he may enjoy His Saviour's Prcfence, nothing to annoy. If from this World he could be once released. With Jesus he fhall be for ever blefs'd ; Joys without Meafure, and without a Date, His Welcome to eternal Manfions wait. N [ 146 ] '.»• •••• •••• %•• •••• ••♦ *«•• ^'^ • .• •••• *..* •..• •«••••• •«• •>,' ■%,' \^ \.-' EMBLEM X. ■ WW i -n-T II -I — MM>i ImprlfonM in this Cage of Flefh, We earneftly Enlargement wifli ; In Hopes that God Relief will bring. The caged Bird its Song will ling. [ Mr ] E M B L E M X. The Soul like a Bird in a Cags, MY Soul is like a caged DlrJ, That woHld its Fieedom gain. But with the Bars of Flefii immur'd. Her Labour is in vain. Birth was the Key that let her in ; 'Tis Death that lets her out ; She's held a Prifoner there by Sin ; And there fhe hops about. From Perch to Perch (he fkips and fings, If keen-ey'd Faith prevail \ But Senfe will make her hang her Wings, Her drooping Spirits fail. From Fenfe to Hope fne leaps away ; From Hope fhe jumps to Doubt ; Refllefs, fhe can on nothing flay, 'Till Death fhall let her out. The Mora l. What various Troubles do the Saints await While they're conhn'd to this unhappy State ? Expos'd to Scorn, by Tyranny opprefs'd, Scarce for their weary Heads can find a Refi:. Fain would they tune their Souls to chearful Pralfe, And Songs of Thanks moll willingly would raife. But who can fing, with Sorrows compafs'd round. When from a broken Heart did Mirth rebound ? With Padence wait, and God will bring you Eafe, And change your Troubles into Joy and Peace, 1 148 j V'VV''/VVV'V*VV'V*VV*V*V*V*VV*V*-V EMBLEM XI. God is the Spring and living Source, From wliich our Comforts taketheirCoiirfc ; Tlie tbirfty Soul may drink her Fill, And come again whene'er fhe will. [ U9 ] EMBLEM XL The Thirjly SouL THE Heart that's tonch'd with holy Fire, Is ever burning with Defire ; And by no Earthly Thing it's quench'd, Tho' in a World of Pleasure drench'd. It mounts to Heav'n its native Home, There where can notliing fordid come ; For Joys invifible it pants. And a full Draught of Heaven wants. The hunted Hart, when hot and faint . Does the cooling Waters pant ; Ev'n fo the Soul, by Sin purfu'd, Seeks the pu-e Streams of Jesus, Blood, As Flowers hang their drooping Heads, *TilJ Show'rs defcend and wet their Beds ; Ev'n fo the thirlly Soul renews Her Strength refrelh'd with heav'nly Dews. The Moral. The fweet Communion which the Soul enjoys. And her extenfive Faculties employs, Wheh God admits her to a clofe Converfe, And bids her freely her whole State rehearfe. Exalts her far above all mundane Things, And to her View a heav'nly Vifion brings. There fhe could ever dwell, and longs to be At once from her entangling Fetters free ; With what an eager Spring ftie'd bound aw_ay ittcm her daik Prifon to immortal Day I [ ^50 ] :^|^..^Ki ^hi'i ii:^ '^ ^t -^f The Vi£lory is never won, Nor can'il: thou wear the glorious Crown, 'Till thou haft fought the Battle through With Sin, an(l Death, and cv'ry Foe. [ ^59 ] E M B L E M XVI. MANY the Trials and fevere A Chriilian uniergor^s ; Heavy the Burdens he miui bear. His Portion Sighs and Woes. M;:iice her deadly Venom throws, To poifon his good Nnine j Envy his Virtues not allow?., Nor their acquired F^me. Ills honefl Principles profcr§'iJ, His free and open f>Ov-.l, Cf jiiiing Knaves aremada the jcH, " Aud Subjcds of their DtclK He fears a great treir.endcu-j Goo ; Religion is his R-uie j For this he's fccurg'd with Slander's Rod, And banter'd for a Fool, Reproach is heapM upon Rcprcach, And'new invented Lies ; ~A11 that malicious Tongues can i)roacb. His Na^ne to lligmatize. Ail this he fee!?, or may expcc?-, Vhilc impious Men anumg ; Dut fct not theie his Soul dejeift : i..*cr-whi!e tliey'll be his Song, f/cn bravely £ght the Battle thro'. And Vidory will foon Fix on thy bright triumphant Brew An cverlaUng Ciown. [ ,6i ] ^1 What thou beboldell here's a Bubljle : But Man, the Thing that's blown ; The W incU are Mope, Fear, Joy, and Trouble, That tols hkn. up and down. O 3 [ i62 1 BOOK VI. H I E R O G L Y P H I C K I. At firft the Candle burns but dim, And a mere fmoaky SnufFvr'ill feem : For Life, jufl kindled in the Mother, What is it more than Smoak and Smother [ r63 ] BOOK VI. IIlEROGLYPinCK. L Alsns Origin. MAN in his Origin Is animated Clay ; Foim'd and conceiv'd and born in Sinj. He breaks lo Light his Way, His little Taper burns But with a weakly Gleam ; He cries, and eats, and flceps by Turns, His Life is but a Dream. Reflexion. The beft of Knowledge is thyfelf to know ; On this fair Tree the Richeii Blefungs grow. Thy firft Original know whence derived, Wrapt up i.i Sin when in thy Mother hiv'd. When born, a naked, helplefs, crying Child,. With many Spots of tainting Sin defii'd. Long e're to Reafon was thy Senfe, matur'd. And long in fv^addled Ignorance immur'd Thy Candle, pjac'd in a brittle Urn, Dimley and weak at fird began to burn. Nature, enlighten'd but by flow degrees, Objefts, imperfeftly diilinguifh'd, fee-. Short is the time betwixt his Birth and Death, And may To-morrow draw his fhorteH Breath ; Flutters a while upon the bu fy Scene, For Pleafure mofi his Appetite is keen. The Curtain drawn, the Man no more appears. The darkened Stage a gloomy Afpefl wears. The Mailer, Death, at length has clos'd the Play, And fent his Audience mournfully away. At iength this Mighty Man, who look'd fo brave, Purs'd in a Coffin, drops into the Grave. [ 154 ] H I E R O G L Y P H I C K II. "'^^/k^'^^'. ?:Sf\^t^^: LtTvi^fe*- How firft God lighted up the Soul la Man, a Lump of heavy Mould j And how the Soul and Body's join'd, Deep fearching Pvcafon cannot find- [ 1^5 ] HTEROGL Y P H!CK II, The SouVs Original. ^r^ HE Candle's lighted— bu: from whence i* JL What Fire gave the Touch ? The Soul its Being docs commence But how — who will avouch r t^: tha-e he Light — was the Command Which lighted up the Day ; By d:e fan\e Breath the Soul is laun'd* And vivifies its Clay. Reflexion. That I've a Soul, is evident to me, As plainly noted as I hear and fee ; Elfe what's this Principle that leads me on, A Great, a World-creating God to own! What is't inftrufls me in a Night ferene, To view and wonder at the glorious Scene ? Thofe twinkling Fires fo beautifully bright, And Luna's Orb that filvers o'er the Night .^ Who taught me hence to form an Argument, To prove a Power Divine Omnipotent ? y/hat is this Reafon which I feel refl-^ils, Virtue commends, and Vice .with fcorn rejecls ? Have Beafts this Faculty ? Can they difcern Falihood from Truth,' or rice Dirtin;flions learn ?. No, 'tis a Gifc peculiar to Man, Implanted in him when he f rfl began. But how this Candle firll received Light, And gradually fhines in him fo bright. Our deepeft Searches never can explore^ And mail afcribe to nn Aimiehtv Powet- [ 1^6 ] HTEROGLYPHICk III, The Candle's lighted, but I doubt A Pufr of Wind will blow it out ; Such is our Life, and fucli our Breath, Each Moment liable to Death. ' t 1^7 ] HIEROGLYPHICK III. . Death enter sztith Life, NO fooner does the Taper fhine. And fpreads it Light about. But Death's black Tio:>ps thtir Force* join, RefolvM to put it out ; With furious Bklh weak Life afTail, Aad foon, or late, o'er it prevail. The Breath of Man is but a Puif, Drawn and retarn'd with Eafe ; Death takes his Light, and leaves the SnufT; At once his Glories ceafe, :• When Life begins, Death takes his Ai.Ti, And never fails to kill his Game. Reflexion. C'ur youthful Candle gives a vig'rous Light, And rtiines with Luftre, fparking, gay and bright, Fieas'd we behold the Objeft it reveals, Ar.d every Senfe its joyful Influence feels. I'ut Ihort and fiafning is the Flame i: ihews. And pufTd about by ev'ry V/ind that blows. Life to a thoufar.d Dangers is expos'd. And by ten thoufand Ways from being loos'd. Seeds of Difeafes in the Body lurk, Still growing inward as for Death they work. What Numbers has the deep-mouth'dSea devocr'd! What Numbers fall beneath the murd'ring Swordl What dreadful Kavock, by divine Command, The Plague has made throughout a guilt]/ Land! Nor Sex, nor Age, nor Strenirtli, nor Beauty fpar'd. All have alike the waliicg Judgment Ihar'd. Death v^ith his Dart ilands ready at the Door, Ke llrikes h\it onee, but then his Stroke is fure. [ i^S ] KXXKxXXXXXXX^XXXXXXX HIEROGLYPHICK IV SnufF not your Candle down too low, The more it's trlmm'd the lefs 'twill fliev/; So of vour Bodies be not nice ■ You may, you know, be cyerr'vvife, [ 1^9 J H I E H O G L Y P H I C K IV. Nature her own Docin. TH E Candle too much fnufF'd, will lofe Much of its Light, which weakly grows^ Endanger'd too by ev'jy B all, A Miracle if it fliould lail ! Thus our dear Bodies we may nude. And cook them up to ,iiU a Hearfe ; The Doaor, by his Boles and Pills, Our Health deftroys, and Nature kills. Reflexion. What mighty Care, what anxious Pairs we take. That no crcfs Winds cur Tabernacle fnake 1 This crazy Body, how we vamp and mend ! What Time to keep it in Repair we fpend I Hew charily we nurfe the Fondling up. As if its Welfare was our utmoft Jiope ! Vet, much deceiv'd, we take the wrongefl Means, And by our over Care defeat our Ends, The Candle too much fr.ufFd will dimly burn, Ar.d too much Phyfick to Difeafes turn. Luxurious Diet will diftemp crs breed. Inflame the Blood, and Death untiniely {^tQ^, What Numbers by the learned Doiftcr die r The Pill and Bolus tell the Reafon why. The Air, the Earth, and Sea are fearched thro* For cofty Drugs, when fimple Things would do. Nature is plain, and modeft are her Calls, When over-charg'd, her fick'ning Stomach palls ; Give her but Scope, and Health renew'd fhall feel, And render ufelefs all the Dodor's Skill. [ 170 ] (XXXXXXXXXXXXX^XXXXXX HIEROGL YPHICK V, Let Boreas blow, the Taper's fcrecn'd. Nor can be puff'd by any Wind; Thus the good Man need never fear, Since he is Hill in Angel's Care. [ 171 ] HIEROGL YPHICK V. Angeh our Guard. IF Guardian Angels will befriend, And Life's weak Taper fafe defend From the tempefluous Blall, If I am Providence's Care, No threat'ning Dangers wiJl I fear. By fuch a Fneud em brae 'd. Blefs God, my Soul, with Heart and Tongue, Who has preferv'd my Life fo long, And let me here remain ; Long, ]ong e'er this, my bufy Head Might have been number'd with the Dead, And thou in endlefs Pain. Reflexion. When a poor pious Chriilian is dillrefs'd, Malign'd infulted, injur'd, and opprefs'd ; When wicked Men with Devils are combin'd. And in a dire Confederacy join'd To work his Ruin, with malicious Spite, And leave no means un':ry'd, by Day or Night, At all their Rage contemptuoufly he fmiles. Derides their Gins, and tramples on their Wilei Of God's Protection he his well afTur'd, And by his Angeh from his Foes fecur'd. Thus nobly guarded, what has he to fear ? So fhielded, well he may their powers dare. He fees by Faith his guardian Angels round. Ready their wicked Counfels to confound. Encourag'd thus, his 'pious Courfe purfues, Prelh Spirits gathers, and his Strength renews ; Humbly himfclf to Providence refigns, And gives his Fears and Terrors to the Winds. • xxxxxxxxxx^x xxxxjO(x;< HIE ROGLYP Hick VI. Dcatb, why i'o faft f ]:>ray Hop youv Hand, And let my Glafs run out its land : As neither Death nor Time will flay, Let us improve the prefcnt Day. [ ^7Z ] HIEROGLYPHICK VI. ^tme and Death^ TIME is ever on the Wing, Death awaits us ev'ry Hour ; Can we laugh and play and fing, Subje£l to fo dread a Pow'r ? Time and death for none will ftay. Not perhaps another Day, But tho' Death mull have his will. Yet old Time prolongs the Date, 'Till the Mealure he fhall fill That's alotted us by Fate : When that's dor.e, then Time and Death Both agree to take our Breath. Reflexion, Nature is regular in ev'ry Part, Nor does from her appointed Purpofe dart. To human Pafficns ihe has no regard, Complaints and Prayers are by her unheard. She points the proper Seafous we Ihould take. And croiTes thofe who this known Rule negledl* As Time his Progrefs never will delay To humour Man, nor at his bidding llay. Let him the Lock, which Time wears on his Brow,. Hold faft, and right improve th* important Now, Time he has now. To morrow may have none, For Death may feize him e'er another Sun. Pleafure or Bus'nefs, whether he perfues. Wifely he fliould the prefent Moments ufe ; But above all th' important Work attend On which his future Blifs or Woe depend. For Death will foon fnufFout the Light of Life^ Which ends his Labours and his mortal Strife, Let us be wife each moment to improve, By this wc Ihall fecure the Joys abovc^ [•'74 1 HIEPvOGLYPHlCK VII. When SoPs in his meridian Blaze, No Lights can fliew their Face : When God reveals his glorious Light, Our brightell Day's as dark as Night* HIEROGLYPHICK VIL The Glory of God unfupportabli* THE glories Sun's Meriilian Ray Will bear no other I.ight 1 For He alone will rule the Da)% Unrivall'd in his Height : All leiTer Liglits his Power own, Obfequious veil Defore his Throne. What is the Light that Man canft boaff^ Lord, when comnar'd to Thine I It is extingui{hed and loll;. If thy full Glory fliine : No mortal Eye e'er yet beheld. Nor can, thy Glory when revcalM, Reflexion. O God ! when we employ our Thoughts on Thee, We're loft, bewilder'd in ImmenfiLy. Thy Glory dazzles Reafon's weakly ^^ight, And quite confounds it with amazing Light : If Angels, perfefV in fo high Degree Veil their bright Vifage impotent to fee The full, the glorious, and rcfulo^ent Blaze, Too fiercely darting from th' Almighty's Face, How can we wretched Mortals glance a Look Halfway to Thee, and not with Blindnefs ftruck ! Our Fow'rs are weaken'd by the Force of bin. And Mifts o^dark'ning Errors intervene. Prevailing Lufts our Facu'iites obfcure, Our Nature is debas'd, our Thoughts impure. To the Allurements of the World'd, Our Thoughts and Profpefts are to them confin'd* O with fome bright'ning Ray difpel our Night, Our darkned Souls irradiate with thy Light. Give us fome dlilant Glympfc of what fhall be Our Heav'n of Glory to Eternity. [ 176] XXXXXXXXXOCKXXXXXXXXX HIEROGLYPHICK VIII. The Sun eclipsed, appears forlorn ; A Candle in a darken'd Horn Helps none : and fuch that Merit ifr Which none but its PofleiTor fees*. [ ^11 ] HIEROGLYPHICK VIII. The Dark Lantkorn. BY a Dark-Lanthorn who will fay Ke right his Steps direas ? Tnv Light within no Beams convey, Noj fplendid Rays refieds. 1 Ill's he who :s with Talents blefs'd Superior to Pvlauklnd, Yet if he hides them in his Breaft, Who can their Merits find ? The heavenly Gifts on him beilow'd, For great and noble Ends, Are loft, nor can produce one Good, Nor make him any Friends. Reflexion. Example teaches more than Precepts can^ And Man is fet a Looking-glafs for Man, Reafon will ule her Argument in vain. Few Profeiites her Rhetcrick will gain To Virtue's Cnufe, if Virtue don't appear In lively A0: ;* V w %.♦ XXXX;<^XXXXXXXXXX HIEROGLYPHICK X. Youth is a giddy, liair-bran'd Thing, And feems as born to laugh and fing ; Joy is its Bent ; but thought and Care Let older heads and Shoulders bear. [ isi 3 HIEROGLYPHICK X.' r U T H, NOW the Youth's arriv'd at Twenty, Frilklng, playing, wild and gay ; 1/ of Riches he has Plenty, Thefe by handfuls throws away. Money was not made to hoard, Pleafjres are by it procured. Now he plies the chearful Bottle : Now a \'enus he adores ; In a Coach you fee him rattle, And along the Streets he fccurs : Jufc like an unman ag'd Horfe, Never keeps a fleady Courf^. Reflexion. Now Twenty Years are told ; the youth's a man, And he has run two Inches of his Span. His Blood now nimbly couries thro' his veins. And vig'rous Life all thro' his nature reigns. Headlong he drives along the fiow'ry way. Where Pleafure leads, and where the Graces play. With Bacchus he his jovial Soul regales. And future evils on himfelf er.tai's, Venus his goddefs, too, muil be ador'd ; A Youth without a MiiL-efs looks abfurd. His Hoars are fpent in Gaiety and Love, Refolv'd the various joys of Life to prove. Thoughtlefs he ranges on from Scene to Scene, Wild in his Courfe, his PaiSons feel no Reign ; 'Till by experience he has dearly bought, He \^ts his Errors, and is better taught. [ 182 ] ...• VV' V' V' V'V* VV'V'V* • V' V* Vv*V" V V V V* HIEROGLYPHICK XL f'' •mT'^mr i^ ^^^ -^) The Youth is now advanc'd to Man, And thirty merry Years has ran ; Reafon mufl now affume her Place, And plan the Method of his Race. [ iS3 ] HlEROGLYPHICK XI, MANHOOD. NOW rhe Yonth^s a Man complete, And his reafon is mature ; Now he fees what's Good and Great, What will Happinefs procure. If Ambition fire his Soul, Arms and Battles fweetly found ; Who his Courage can controul, 'Till with laurels he is crown*d ? If a ilirfJous Life he chufe, CJofe he plies his Bo<»k and Pen ; Thus devoted to. the Mufe, Sotm heUl rank with learned Men, Reflexio n. Now he is ripen'd into proper Age, And Thirty Years has acled on the Stage, Kis Strength's mature, his Senfes are in Prime, To fwig full Draughts of Plealure now's his Time ; Yet with more Caution than he did before, — He views the Dangers e're he trufts the Shore. Ambition now begins to prune her Wings, And in his Ears the Trumpet's Clangor rings. Honour invites him to the fanguine Field, Where noble Fame (hall crowning Laurels yield* Or rural Sports his jocund Heart rejoice. Hears the ton'd Horn, and Beagles jolly Noife ; Mounts his brave Steed, and follows to the Chcce, Nor Hedge ncr Ditch his winged Courfer (lays. Thus as his Genius leads, or Paffions rule. He lirives to pleafe the Humour of his Soul. 4fc Body's Pvcfr, and Heav'n his SohI will have*. [ I90 ] XXXXXXXXXXX^XXXXXXXXX HIEROGLYPHICK XV. TKe Sun at laft is funk below, A feeble Glimmer's all his Shew- So Man, to Seventy arris 'J, Can only fay, / once hav^e Uvd. [ 191 ] HIEROGLYPHICK XV. Alaris lajl Stage. rHE v^nufFhas almoft reach'd its Um ; Cicudy and thick its Light ; miy you fee the Taper bum ; 'Twill icon be out of Sight. Man advanced to the Stage Of Threefcore Years and ten ; Drn out with Labour, Cares, and Age, By Death mull clofe the Scene. 3 manly Brow, where Dignity Sat bravely on her Throne, rrow'd with Wrinkles here we fee, A ghaflly Vifage grown. 5 Head and Hands, with Palfey fliook. Their Offices have loA ; 1.^ feeble Legs, and fearful Look, Is all his glorious Boafl. Reflexio n. 'Other Inch of Candle left ? there is, o' now reducM almoft to Snuff and Lee?, i what is Man to Seventy Years arrivM ? N\ hat can he fay, but that / cnce hwve livd. H'-- faplefs Trunk, now wither'd and decay'd, at is it but an Ever-Iengthen'd Shade, aen Phabus finks below this Hemifphere, •id only fome weak fcatter'd rays appear ? 'n fuch is Man, by hoary Age o'crtook, *^trength and Vigour and his Limbs forfook, boafte^ Glory can no more be feen, d fopn he'll be, tho'he ne'er had been, FINIS. A WORK ENTIRELY NEW, AND ON A PLAN NEVER 3i-F,ORE ATTEMPTED. ^hh day is Puhlijhed, Frice 1 5s. ShUilugs unbounded^ or 193, niutly BouKd in Calf and Lettered ; T H F CHRISTIAN'S DICTIONARY j Or, Sure Guide to Divine Knowledge. C O N T A I N I K G A full-and familiar Explanaiion of all the Words made Ufp of In the Holy Scriptaics, and Botly of Divinity, as fet forth in the V/rilings of th; moll eminent and pious Divines, whether ancient or modern. Wherein all the various terms, phrafes, titles, and allufions, are traced from their originals } the feveral acceptaiions in which they are held are clearly pointed out in fiich a manner as will enable the ferious Chrif/san to* give an account of the faith that is in him, and render him wife unto falvation. 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