iiZjei •• CATALOGUE OF THE OFFICERS AND STUDENTS OF INDIANA THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY AND u HANOVEB COLLEGE. 1835-6. SOUTH HANOVER: t RINTBD AT THB C0LI.B6S F£BSB. 1836. CORPORATION. Rev. JAMES BLYTHE, D. D., President, Rev. JOHN FINLEY CROWE, Secretary. Hon. WILLIAMSON DUNN, Treasurer. Rev, John Matthews, D. D. Rev. J. L. Marshall, [dec] John M. Dickey, J. W. Cunningham, Samuel G. Lowry, Samuel Gregg, Joshua T. Russell, David Monfort, Alex*r Williamson, Sam'l D. Blythe, Andrew Todd, John L. Belville, James Culbertson, Wm. W. Martin, Tilly H. Beown, John Burtt, Hon. Jeremiah Sullivan, Doct. Andrew Spear, *' Jos. M. Venable, Col. Charles S. Todd, David McIntyre, Esq. James M. Ray, David McClure, Victor King, George Logan, William Reed, John F. Keys Robert Marshall, 1^ HEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. PROFESSORS. REV. JOHN MATTHEWS, D. D. PKOFESSOK OF DIDACTIC AND POLEMIC THEOLOGY. REV. GEORGE B. BISHOP, A. M. PEOFESSO* OF BIBLICAL CEITIOISM AND ORIENTAL LITERATURE. REV. OSWALD HUNTER, A. M. PROFESSOR, PRO TEM., OF ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORT ARD COTRCH GOVERNMENT. STUDENTS Names. William H. Bruner, Joha McAuley, John M. McChord, John L. Martin, Joseph G. Monfort, David B.Reed, Uobert Simpson, Robert C. McComb, Benjamin Terapleton, Charles K. Thompson, Joseph G.Wilson, Thomas Whallon, Residence. S. Hanover, la. Hendricks Co, la. S. Hanover, la. Salem, la. Hamilton, Ohio, S. Hanover, la. Vincennes, la. Columbus, Ohio, Ripley, Ohio, Vincennes, la. Ross county, 0. Hamilton Co. 0. Graduated. Hanover College, Greenville, Ten. Hanover College. MiamiUniversity Hanover College. Hanover College. W. R. College ,u. ^. MiamiUniversity Theological Students, 12. The course of studies pursued in this department is adapt- ed to the plan of the Seminary, which requires three Profes- sors; each of whom attends to the same class on different days of the week, or at different hours of the same day. It is also adapted to the time of continuance in the Seminary; viz. three years. The students are divided in three classes, the Junior, Middle and Senior. One year is spent in the studies of each of these classes. With the Professor of Biblical Literature the Students attend to the original languages of the Scriptures, Bibhcal Literature, Archeology and Hermeneutics. With the Professor of Ec- clesiastical History, to Sacred Chronology, Biblical and Eccle- siastical History, Church Government, and the Composition and Delivery of Sermons. With the Professor of Theology, to a short course of Mental and Moral Philosophy, Natural and Revealed Religion, Didactic, Polemic and Pastoral Theology. During the first year, the Junior Class attends the Professor of Biblical Literature/our days in the week; the Professors of Theology and History, each, one day in the week. The se- cond year, the Middle Class attends the Professor of Theolo- gy three days in each week; the Professor of History twOf and of Biblical Literature one. The third year, the Senior Class attends the Professor of History three days in each week; the Professor of Theology two, and of Biblical Literature one. Thus each of the Professors is engaged with the different classes six days in each week. Lectures are delivered more or less frequently, as is deemed expedient; and such books as may be useful, on the different subjects, are recommended. The Students are examined at the close of each session on those subjects which have previ- ously engaged their attention. They are required to illus- trate, prove and defend all doctrines, and explain and en- force all duties, by explicit and appropriate passages from the Holy Scriptures. The Bible is admitted and studied as the su- preme authority. In whatever order the different topics in theology may be cons'dered, the doctrines inculcated, as nearly as can possibly be ascertained, are those of the Holy Scriptures. So far as any other text book than the Bible is used, it is the Confession of Faith. This book is to be adopt- ed with all the solemnity of vows to God, by all who are to be licensed and ordained to the ministry, m the Presbyterian church, and ought to he well understood. It is, therefore, to be analyzed and compared, in all its details, with the Sacred Scriptures. FACULTY OF COLLEGE. REV. JAMES BLYTHE, D. D. PRESIDENT AND PROFESSOR OF MENTAL AND MORAL PHILOSOPHY,, EVIDENCES OF CHRISTIANITY, AND JURISPRUDENCE, ESPECIALLY AS IT RESPECTS THE CONSTITUTION AND GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES. REV. JOHN FINLEY CROWE, A. M. VICE PR^IDENT AND PROFESSOR OF LOGIC, HISTORY, RHETORIC AND POLITICAL ECONOMY. JOHN H. HARNEY, A. M. PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS AND ASTRONOMY. M. A. H. NILE8, A. M. PROFESSOR OF ANCIENT LANGUAGES. W. McKEE DUNN, A. M, PROFESSOR OF NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, CHEMISTRY, MINERALOGY AND BOTANY. REV. OSWALD HUNTER, A. M. TEACHER OF MODERN LANGUAGES. CHAS. K. THOMPSON, A. B. Principal of the academic department. KOBLE BUTLER, MINARD STURGUS, > Teachers. S. HARRISON THOMSON, A* 6 UNDER GRADUATES. SENIOR CLASS. S. J. P. Anderson, Noble Butler, J. Berlew Conover, Josiah Crawford, David Hayes Cummins, Andrew Fulton, Thomas W. Hynes, W. Wylie McLain, vSamuel F. Morrow, Samuel Newell, D. E. Y. Rice, Amos Rogers, Nath. A. Schillengeiy Minard Sturgus, Samuel R. Wilson, JUNIOR Thos. H. Alderdice, James Black, Abraham Fulton, Edmund W. Hawkins, J. M. Hoge, Sylvanus Jewett, ^Jfno. W. McCormick, James A. McKee, A. Munson, Wm. C. Scott, Josiah D. Smith, *John H. Skinker, S, Harrison Thomson, Lewis Thompson, James F. Wood, Lynchburgh, Va* S. Hanover, la. Dayton, Ohio. Charleston, la. Fairfield, Ohio. S. Hanover, la. Bardstown, Ky* Ripley, Ohio. S. Hanover, la. Cincinnati, Ohio. Carmi, 111. Cincinnati, Ohio. Cincinnati, Ohio. Salem, la. Cincinnati, Ohio. Seniors^ 15» CLASS, Armagh, Ireland. Montgomery Co. Ohio. Massillon, Ohio. Pleasant Green, V;?. Springfield, Ala* Columbus, Ohio. Fayette Co. Ohio. Adams Co. Pa. Montgomery Co. N. York Hardy Co. Va. Franklin Co. Ohio. Fredericksburgh, Va. Decatur Co. la. Anderson Co. Ky, Union Co. Ohio. Juniors^ 15. SOPHOMORE CLASS. Lewis J. Adams, George Armstrong, William lilair, J. E. Blylhe, Andrew K. Blythe, Troy, Ohio. Jasper, la. Georgetown, Ohio. S. Hancver, la. Gallatin, Tenn. W. K. Brice/- Springborough, Ohio. A. Montgomery Brown, Indianapolis, la. Albert Clark, Schellsburg, Pa. Wm. M. Cheever, S. Hanover, la. IMatthew M. Claybaugh, Columbus, Ohio. S. Stanhope Crowe, S. Hanover, la. J. Blythe Crowe, S. Hanover, la. Thomas S. Crowe, S. Hanover, la. Williamson P. Dunn, S. Hanover, la. John N. Fenley, Joseph F. Fenton, J. J. Gardiner, R. A. Gibson, ^Geo. R. Hand, A. T. Hendricks, J. P. Holcomb, John Jones, J. Spring Kemper, J. W. Matthews, *Thos. Mclntyre, *James Miller, J. L. Scott, *Samuel H. Thompson, J. Humphreys Tate, Jefferson county, Ky. Winchester, Va. Martinsburg, Va. Monmouth, 111. Cincinnati, Ohio. Shelbyville, la. Lynchburg, Va. Warren County, Ohio. Walnut Hills, Ohio. S. Hanover, la. Columbus, Ohio. Dayton, Ohio. Cincinnati, Ohio. Delaware, Ohio. Charlostown, Va. G. Frederick Whitworth, Columbus, Ohio. Sophomores^ 30, FRESHMEN CLASS. Henry P. Ayres, David M. Dunn, J. Armstrong Dunlap. William Gilliland, John Leech, Richmond Mclnnis, Hugh McLaurin, Cornelius McLaurin, Francis P. Monfort, Isaac Watts Monfort, Thomas V. Moore, James B. Scouller, John C. Skinner, Thomas L. Sullivan, Cyrus W^ Weller. Troy, Ohio. South Hanover, la. Cumberland Co. Pa. Ripley, Ohio. South Hanover, la. Greene county, Miss. Simpson county. Miss. Westville, Miss. Hamilton, Ohio. do. Newville, Pa. do. Hamilton, Ohio. Madison, la. Elizabethtown, Ky. Freshmen 15. 8 ACADEMIC William E. Allen, Samuel Anderson, William Armstrong, R. E. Bates, John M. Baxter, James B. Bell, William W. Bellville, Benjamin H. Bennett, Robert Black, Alexander W. Blair, David A. Booher, Richard J. Browne, James Brownlee, Ransom Briggs, James F. Bruncr, John H. Butler, Charles H. Butler, B. H. Conover, George Cornell, Wilson V. Cowan, Jacob W. Cummins, Andrew J. Curtis, John Clegg, WilHam L. Cooper, Henry A. Crocker, Edward Dana, Charles H. Davidge, A. Dickey, John P. Diven, John Dodge, Junr. Thomas S. Dunn, Hannibal Faulk, H. A, Fenley, James G. Fitzgerald, Thomas Fore, D. M, Foster, James Foster, James A. Gaines, Syisester Gardner, W. E. Gazley, James W. Gailbreath, John Gilchrist, James Glisson, DEPARTMENT. Cincinnati, Ohio. Huntingdon, Ohio. New Albany, la. Liberty, Miss. Pleasant Ridge, Ohio. Cincinnati, Ohio. Carrol ton, Ohio. Springfield, Ohio. Greensburg, Pa. Moorfield, Ky. Salvisa, Ky. Springfield, Ky* Philadelphia, Pa. South Hanover, la. do. do. do. Dayton, Ohio* Vicksburg, Miss. Oxford, Ohio. Madison, la, Jackson, Ten. Dayton, Ohio, Hawesville, Ky* Kilingworth, Con. New-Haven, 111. Gallatin Co. Ky. Hazlewood, S. C. Landisburg, Pa* Waterford, Ohio* South Hanover, la* Munroe, La. Jefferson county, Ky. Lake Providence, La. New Castle, Ky* Louisville, Ky* Do* Warenton, Miss. Amite Co. Miss. Cincinnati, Ohio. Louisville, Ky. Franklin Co. la. New Richmond, Ohio* 9 E. J. Griffin, Thomas W. Griffin, Sanniuel G. Haass, Oscar F. Hall, George W. Henry, Henry Howell, G. Jefferson Huey, D. W. Hurst, Andrew Jackson, F. Jones, W. H. Jones, Willis B. Jones, William H. Jones, William J. Keas, J. G. Kyle, William H. Lawton, Samuel Lee, Horatio H. Lindsey, William B. Lott, David Mack, Joseph M alin, Robert Matthews, Henry M. Matthews, Blair H. Matthews, Henry McCoy, D. L. McChord, Simeon H. McElwee, John H. McFarland, Hiram S. McFarland, Robert W, McKinney, E. H. McKnight, Clinton McGehee, Joseph A. Moore, Lewellyn Murphy, Alexander Nicholson, James Nolan, F. H. Orendorf, John Pattisson, James K. Parker, Thomas B. Pritchett, Richard H. Pritchett. Richard E. Putney, James Putney, Samuel Reid, Rodney, Miss^ Liberty, Miss* Laporte, la. West Port, Ky. Bowling Green, Ky. Bardstown, Ky. Fayette, Miss. Natchez, Miss. Amite county, Miss. Winchester, Ky. New Richmond, Ohio, Madison county, Miss. do. Jefferson county, Ky. Green county, Ohio, Fall River, Mass. Madison, la. Clinton, Miss. Madison county. Miss. Preble county, Ohio. Vevay, la. South Hanover, la. do. do. Sheperdsville, Ky. Paris, Ky. Liberty, Miss. Vicksburgh, Miss. do. Ripley, Ohio. Liberty, Miss. do. Shelbyville, Ky. Rockbridge, Va. Augusta, Miss. Milligan's Bend, La. Cincinnati, Ohio, South Hanover, la. New Richmond, Ohio. Jonesborough, Va. do. Charleston, Va. do. Dayton, Ohih. 10 Samuel N. Robb, James Ross, George Russell, George H. Scott, William W. Simonson, Robert Simenton, Thomas H. Shafer, Thomas H. Skillman, Gabriel F. Spence, F. G. Strahan, L. A. Talbott, E. L. Tarver, Francis O. Tay or, Francis P. Thompson, Robert D. Thompson, T» J. Thompson, Thomas Thompson, N. A. Turpin, John Venable, Joseph Venable, E- M. Vaughn, Wm. Waddell, Charles E. Walker, Benjamin P. Walker, Asa F. White, David Wilson, James A. Wilson* M. L. Wilson, Richard Wilson, Carey A. Wooley, Joseph Yount, IRREGULAR AND Franklin Berryhill, Alpheus W. Blinn, Jesse Brown, James Baxter, Wm. P. Dunham, tD. C. Ewing, J. H. Ewing, Charles Fishback, Wm. P. Gardner, John Shields, Rodney, Miss. Indiana, Pa. S. Hanover, la. Cincinnati, Ohio. Charleston, la. S. Hanover, la. Cincinnati, Ohio. Lexington, Ky. Warenton, Miss. Fleming Co. Ky. Winchester Ky. Fairfield, Miss. JetTerson Co, Ky. Pittsburgh, Pa. do. Harodsburgh, Ky. Lebanon, Ohio. Warsaw, Ky. S. Hanover, la. do. Winchester. Ky. Franklin Co. Pa. S. Hanover, la. Shelbyville, la. Cincinnati, Ohio. Morgan Co. Ohio. Ross Co, Ohio. Shelbyville, Ky. Philadelphia, Pa. S. Hanover, la. Shelby Co. Ky. Academic^ 118. SCIENTIFIC STUDENTS. Green Co. Ohio. Newark, Ky. Frankfort, Ky. Hamilton Co. Ohio. Clermont Co. Ohio. Union Co. Ohio. Cincinnati, Ohio. Fayette Co. Ky. Amite Co. Miss. Green Co. Ohio. 11 James S. Sullivan, Richmond, la. Harvey B. Wallace, Cape Girardeau Co. Mo. James L. Wallace, do. William J. Walker, ^ Shelbyville, la. * Scientijics^ 14. SUMMARY. Theological Students, 12 Freshmen Class, 15 Senior C!ass, 15 Academic Department, 118 Junior Class, 15 Scientific Department, 14 Sophomore Class, 30 Total, — 215 Two, whose names are not on the catalogue, have been dismissed during the past year, as unpromising. Those marked thus * are absent; those thus f are dead. COURSE OP STUDY. PREPARATORY STUDIES. Bucolics and 4 books of the JEneid of Virgil, Cicero's Select Orations, CaBsar's Commentaries, 4 books, Jacob's Greek Read- er, Colburn's Arithmetic and Algebra, Niles' Latin, and Butt- man's Greek Grammar, English Grammar and Geography. FRESHMAN STUDIES. FIRST SESSION. Geometry, and the application of Algebra to Geometry, Ro- man Antiquities, Sallust, and Grseca Majora, (Historians.) SECOND SESSION. Application of Algebra to Geometry, continued, Roman An- tiquities continued, Horace, (Odes and Satires.) Homer's Iliad, PlaneTrigonometry, Mensuration, Surveying and Navigation. " SOPHOMORE STUDIES, 1% FIRST SESSION. »• Geometry of Planes and Solids, and Spherical Trigonometry, Grecian Antiquities, Cicero de Gfficiis, and Livy, Graeca Ma- jora, (Orators.) SECOND SESSION. Topography, Trigonometrical Surveying and Levelling, Grecian Antiquities continued, Horace, (Epistles and art of Poetry,) Georgics of Virgil, Grseca Majora, (Bucolic Poetry.) JUNIOR STUDIES, FIRST SESSION. Mental Philosophy, Conic Sections and Fluxions, (on the Principles of La Grange) History, Rhetoric, Cicero de Oraiore, Chemistry, Graeca Majora, (Philosophers.) 3 0112 05725284 12 SECOND SESSION. Evidences of Christianity, Astronomy, History, Tacitus, GrfficaMajora, (Tragic Poetry,) Mineralogy, Botany. SENIOR STUDIES. riEST SESSION. Moral and Natural Philosophy, Review of Mathematics, EeiJles Lettres, Political Economy, Graeca Majora, (Critica.) SECOND SESSION. Jurisprudence, Review of Astronomy , Logic, Grseca Majo- ra, (Lyric Poetry,) Hebrew or French, at the option of the mu- dent. During the whole course there are weekly exercises in rea- ding, speaking, and composition. EXPENSES. College Bills, $10 per session, $20 Board at $1 50 per week; 66 Room rent 4, fuel and lights 8. washing 6, per year, 18 —104 Deduct products of manual labor, 40 $64 This amount of earnings for manual labor is an average es- liinate for those students who are upwards of 15 years of age. Some will earn more, some less. They will have the privi- ege of making their own engagements, and enjoying the en- tire profits. Boys under 15 years of age will receive wages according to the value of their labor. EXAMINATION. 1. Of all the classes at the close of the session. 2. Of candidates for degrees six weeks before commence- ment. VACATIONS. 1. Spring vacation, from the last Wednesday in March to the first Monday in May. 2. Autumn, from the last Wednesday in Septemjjer to the first Monday in November; and it is very desirable **chat all the students sheuld be present at the commencement of the session. ADMISSION. Tesiimomal.*— The candidate for admission to college previ- ous to his examination, must produce satisfactory evidenee that he sustains a faip moral character, and that he has com- pleted the part of the course preparatory to the standing for which he is offered. If he has been a member of another col- lege, a certificate of regular dismission will also be required. Payments. — The tuition fee and room rent for the session, will be required in advance.