OF THE UN 1VER5ITY or ILLINOIS 691.1 D5^m Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/materialforlanteOOdiaz MA.TERIAL FOR LANTERN SLIDES on WOOD PRESERVATION Compiled by R. E. Diaz of the Allis-Chalmers I’&nufacturing Company Milwaukee, Wisconsin \ 69l'l . ALLIS-CHALMERS MANUFACTURING COMPANY nr\ cable aoo«'" MILWAUKEE. WIS. Oct. 11, 1919 'founders REFER REPLY R. E« I) laZ . DEPT. Mining Mach. 3 ^. REFERENCE; FI L E ; SU BJ ECT: Prof. E. E. King, _ Univer 3 it 3 T of Illinois, UrlDana, 111. u >- =3 c3 Pear Sir: In reply fo your Isf .er of nay 14^11 r;.:;gardi -o nic-feri-^. for lantern slides on Wood Preservation, v/isn to t*.dvi3e t. t V 7 S are sending you under separate cover one set of pnoto .u. photostats covering the principal subject as follows: hiagruuLiatic sketches of processes Tjnjical arrangerient of p rants G-eneral views of plants Oil storage Piping ar ran - 32116 nt in plcint .and gauge ooaras Equipnient such as cylinders and cars Piling and handling of ties, etc. Loo.ding pratfoim and storage yard. Eor your inforniation we v/ill give you a ge.ieral de^soription of each of the drav/ings and photostats th t we are sending. You mcLjr not use all of them ^nid we wilr leave the se3-ection to your discretion. Piarramatic Views S-9325 S-9823 S-9827 S-9828 S-9829 S-9830 Sketch showing tt I? n II operation of II the Rueping Process ” Card Process " Zinc chloride p.rocess " Boiling Process; "Pui; Cell Creosote Process '‘Lowxij’’ Process OF ILL i_ib. The arrangements shovn are self-exp jniiatory und you can readily trace out the processes. The piping ar.;angeaent as snuwn is not exactly as ii is designed in actual laiits cna serves 011I3' for tracing of the various processes. Ty-cical Arr.vnaements of Plcints S-8942 and S-3943 - Perspective views of cv 2 C3’'liader treating p^rnt, Pen ns3"- Ivan ia Rc;i,ilroad Go. Phi lade Ipiiia, Pco. S-8798 and S-3799 - Perspective views of a 1- cylinder treating plont, Buffalo Rochester & Pittsburgh Railroad >Co. S-9122 ind S-9152 Perspect ve views of c. 2-C3"lindtr treo.ting plent, national Lum'ber & Creosoting Co., Texarharn, Arh. S-8944 and S-8945 S-cj'-linder tr ating* x lant, Epinger (Sc Russel Lumber Co., Jachsonvil.^e, PJ-a. IlH-468 2-C3rlinder treating p.hnt, Atiocntic Coast Line Railroad Co. , G-ainesvilie, Pla. G-en era ? Views T X : a t in o: P Ian t , n ational L umber cuid Creosoting Co. 84706. - Boiler Room, shewing i:-15G IIP loiternal fire '.■ox boilers, with heater and fuel pump. 0^1 is used for fuel. 84707 Operating end of the pLuit. 84709' Worlcing tank and plant. P leant is equipped with 2 - 7’ X 132* c^^linders. Arranged for t..e Pull Cell Creosote £-nd the Zinc Choir ide process. Pennsylvania Rc-hlroad Co. 83580 Ilount Union ploait with l-6*-2*' X 132* cylinder 83583 Machiner3’- room, Ilount Union Plant. 84676 Plant at Phiiadalphia , operating with 1 - 2" X 132’ C3^1inder arranged for the future installation of the second o. OF iLi. ub. ( f X i I < I ( 1 I { f ( . < cj^linder. Tres^ting full cell cxeosote cxid Rieping Proces-:. 84578 MacliinerA'- Room, Philcodslphic. Pli.;.nt, C, B, & 0,, Ro.ilroo..d Co, G-alle3~bur£:. Ill« 83247 - Operating end of the p h^nt shov^ing 6’-2” X 13x,* cjrli riders. 83248 - Operating end of the p lunt showing p/ov.-or hw_ se, tanks o.nd coal tresoel. Atchinson. Topeka & Santa Pe Fu....ilroad Co .. Somerville . lex. 8580S - General viev/ of plant with 5 cylinders, 3*- 2“ X 13a’ 80836 - Operating end of the ci^-linders. 80335 - Machinery room. Ep-pinxer Sc Russell Company 83957 - Operating end of 3 cylinder p lia'.t, 7' X 132’ cylinders. 83958 - V/ater front and dock. 85861 - V/atsr tank ^..nd locomotive cranes. Oil Storage 83930 - Storage tomks v/ith capacity ofl»J00,C00 ^ull.ons at T^^pinger & nussell Co., 35803 - Storage tanks, working tanks c.nd measuring tc^iiks, Atchinson, Tppeka & Santa Pe Railroad Co. Piping Arra naements in plants & gauge hoards 80723 - Air and oil controliing valves for 5 cylinder plant, Atchinson Topeka and Santa Pe E^.ilr ad Co. 80721 - Reccrdi g and indicating instruments, also oil tanlc indicators. 84581 - Machinery room and gauge hoard, Buffalo Rochester arid Pittsburgh Railroad. 83955 - Recording c,nd tc.nk gauges on gauge hoard ippinger & Russell Co. OF ILL Lib. IT !■ .{ ? ;'X ! j i !. V. ' t ■< 5 ’ - '' ( ( -4- 87134 - Recording e,nd indict^ting go,ugea V/ith inclined mercury gauges for v/orkin'g tejiks, Atlc.ntic Coast a.ine Ru,ilrcad Co. Eduinment such as cylinders and cars 85250 - 7* cylinder section on Cc.r ready for -:hipmc;nt 8 1647 - Cjrlinder section v/ith Spider door. 81648 - Same as aheve with srjider door d-csed. 85700 - 6'-2" C 2 ’'linder with cast ste'il door provided .vith dished head' . 86865 : - Same as aDove. 137428 . - 7* X 1>31* cyllr.der, ready for shipment. Brunswiciv Creosoting Co, B run -s .vide, Ga, 86885 . - Bar tie car used in great many zinc chloride treating plants. 86885 ■ - Pressed steel tie car for 7’ cylinder, furnished for the new plant of the Louisville oc ITashville Rd. Co., Guthrie, Ey, 86090 . - Pressed steel piling car furnished to the new plant of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co., Gainesvil ..e , Fla, General Views -of Plants Buffalo. Rochester cind Pittsharg Railroad 84585 ■ - Yard and Storage ties. Indiana Tie Go, 84608 . - Plant at Joppa, 11],. 84602 . - Machinery room, plant at Evc.ihSVi 1 It , Ind. 85484 . - 1 - c^rlinder treating plant, Pioneer Lumcer 6: Creosoting Co., Ensley, Ala, 6'-2” X 75* cylinder, 8628.1 - General view of plant and loading latf orm, Centr-.l of Georgia Iu:iilroad Co,, Llacon, Ga, A OF ILL Vh 1 -5-, 86758 - Oenera-l View of two cyli"ier tr^a.tin-' Baltimore & Ohio Rd. Go. Green Springs, V/, Va, 2 - 7' X 152’ cylinder plant treats v;itli card process. 86757 - Sai'ne as ahove showing the machinerj^ room wjnd operating valves. Plant uses air pressure system. ITute «.vo02) vertical pressure tanks in right hand corner. Atlcintic Coast Line Pu.-;.ilroad Co, 87135 - General view of 2 - cylinder treating plant 6’ X 138’ plant designed for the Rueping and Full Cell Creosote processes. 87136 - Machinery room showing vacuum pump, pressure pumps and -vix compressors . Piling & iiandling of Ties 87140 - Method of xjiUng ties in yard. 87141 - Unloa,ding & piling ties at Atlantic Coast Line R.R.Co* 34504 - Piling ties small yard, Indiana Tie Cc . .Svai-'.svil.i.e, Ind. 845S3 - Handling ties with derrick, Buff<-vlo, Rocnest. r &: Pittsburgh R. R. Co. 839 62 - Piling loaded on cars, Eppinger 8c iussell Co. 83961 - Paving block baskets used in combin..,tion with piling cars, l^pinger & Russell Go. 84580 - Charging treating cylinder Penney Iv .ni;. R. R. Co. Loading: Platforms and Storage vards 34605 _ Loading ties on cars. 84711 - Tie Storage j’-ard, ITati nal Lumber 8c Creosoting Co. o4674 - Storage Yard, Penn. R. R. Co. 84677 .. Tie and Timber storage yard, Penn.R. R. Co. Iw. OF ill Lib i1- -f x.D^: - - - I ■y^ •- I J' 6 83249 84309 87044 84712 84710 84631 84603 . Tis storage C. B & Q, R.R, Storage yard, Indiana Tie Co* Loading Pit, B & Q, R. R, Co. Loading platform, national LumLer &: Creosoting Co. II It n II II II " " Penn. R. R. Co. Wooden loading platform, Indiam Tie Co Evansville, Ind We were unable to send you this material at an earlier date, due to the great deal of v/ork we have had, but should you in the future require additional information regarding timber i.re3er'.’’ing, we assure youthat 'we will give y ur request our best attention. We have regretted very muchthis delay and hope that y?u have not been inconvenienced. RET: AITS Very tru.ly yours, ALLIS- CI£AL:,TERS lUliuPACTuEIlTG CO. MrxTIfTG I'lACHIlTEHY' LEPARTITSITT 85803 Storage tanks, tinber treating plant, Te::as Tie Alii e-Chalmers Co. Lumber Pres. Co., Sonervillo, Tex. 2-16-12. VacuuEi and Air Hoads for Tio & Luulior Preserving Plant t. J '■' '-'ll lITS ' < j 84581 * Machinarj'^ Room Timber Treating Plyt. Buffalo Rocheater & Pittsburg Chalmers Co. Railway c£n^>any, Bradford, Pa. 10/17 /lO OF iLL Lib. il. OF JLL Lib -C* X 132 '“C" Timber Treating Cylin'ier Baltimore io Ro COo. Green Springs, 1^’. Va, II/ 0/12 f Mo. 81648. Door for Tie Preserving Cylinder, Allis-Chalmers Co,, Milwaukee, built for ?i.K.A T,Py. 2A6/n^. 85700 Improved steel door, 6’C Allis-Chaliners Co. Atlolitic Coast Line Go. '^n Ilf JO Treating .cylinder - Louisvlllle wwmi CO 00 " f vV gst M 0) E fVT ^*1 i-H W ' ei5 & £i B o w|t> V E s;-,^»-« >^ J P*«' »i rm wi 1* J « «nEI l\ VI JCJflK ’«n JO ’n kW-'Cfw \r « rii: ,? ^ 1 imm ^ " A: rfeeieie A1 11 e-Chalmers Coff, Atlant Kwl ■ j ',1 1 “'If JO.’O p w Timber treat inc plant -with one 6 ’2'* x 75*0” cylinder Pioneer Ltunber Creosoting Co. ,EJ min£“liam,Ala. ‘ 66:^1 Loading platform - Tlmbe^r 'treating Plant Central Allis-Chalmera Co. Georgia Ry. Co., Macon, Ga-. 12/12/12 '♦ • ■V ' i j P . V ■^ ^ ■' ?.ra ’qn n* JO V No. 84604 Timber Treating Plant Indiana Tie Company, Evansville, Ind. Allis-Chalnsrs Co, 10/28/10. No •64583 Timber Treating Plant Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg Railway .Allia -Chalmers Co. Con^any, Bradford, Pa. lO/llflO t or age Y ,'u*d , T inb . Greonv ic'i Point No. 84677 Tie Storage Yard Timber Tioating Plant Pennsylvania R. Co, Allifi-Chalmors Co. Green’-. ich Point, Pn. OF itIU Ufe K6. 83249 Timber Treating Plant owned afid operated by C.B.ti Q.Kd. -Chalmers Co . fIJilwaukeo . Galesburg. Machinery furnished by Allis-Chalmera rompany c - ’ , _ _ • c ' ' ' ' '‘ .'. •Tf ^ . - ',v ^;- n r 0? I'O. 83961 Eppinger ft RuBsell Co. T inber Treating plant designed Allis-ChalLiers Co. , 'ilwaukee. and erected by AHis-Chalrners Corapanjr at Jacksonville, Fla. ) i . OF ILL Llbc Of >hA\ '« ^?> 'v vfc No. 84681 ■ Timber Treating Plant Pennsylvania R.R. Co. Greenwich Point, a .iB-Chalmers Co. Il/l4/l0 . OF ILL Lib. 0. OF JLL UB . OF ILL- Ub. ATIC SKETCH DIAGRAMATIC SKETCH FOR ZINC CHLORIDE PROCESS iiiiiiAiiiililii iiiuii DIAGRAMATIC SKETCH FOT? BOILING PROCESS OJAGRAnATlC SKETCH . Of- iLL Lib. S-S94-3 j ^!T — '■KT'^CH M 'ipL.v ' ' ! 'J A riON TWO-CYLINDER TIMBER TREATING PLANT FOR PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD CO. 5-8T90. ^ „ rv.rp p» , , r;, fV -X' H .^f^D *'»''ON 1-CYLINDER TIMBER TREATING PLANT. i 0 >v 1?' iC ■ 't V . ''i' ■ V ' ■ J!f ' ^ - ■" -, -•■ iv /: v'tt ■ - v .; $■■■ • „ ^ v3S, , . . ■,• ^ ^ ^ 1 ^ ■'‘fe»iH'-’ ■■ ^ .'?i.* ■■^‘■■ 4 '' ' .. . .' , /- >r-:i-;-^S-*»i« • . y.V',:a •■ .■ v;i I ^^ - '. . ^ • ■ ^ 'i S-3I5Z ALU 5-CHALMFrr CO - HTMENT — SKETCH AKL SPECIFICATION TWO-CYLINDER TIMBER TREATING PLANT FOR NATIONAL LUMBER ^ CREOSOTING CO. 3 two-cyunder timber treating plant FOR ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD CO, GAINESVILLE, FLA. OF ILL Lib. i h 1 ) Timber Treating Plant Pennsylvania Hailroad Co. Green' llll««CLhAlBiarfli Ooa Folnt. F|t* 11 m4/1G . OF ILL Lib. r 73 • 'o, 83^47 Timbor Troating Plant owned and operated by r , , , at . Allia-Qialmora no ,,Mil>mukeo , Galosburp. Machinery furniBhod by Allis-Chalnora Corapany. 2/23/09 il*« OF dLL Lib. . OF !LL UB 85606 Tlnber treating plant, Texas Tie & Lumber Pres. Go Allis-Chalmers Co. Somerville, Tex. 2-16^2. 1 o H • o •H g t S: S o PU CO a i 0. OF ILL Lib. I \ I ,♦ 0 . 83157 Eppingor & RuBsell Co. Timber Treating Plant, dea •Chalmers Co Milwaukee . erected by All is -Chalmers Coi;ipan)i at Jacksonville ' ^l^pinger’-A Russoll Co. Trnbcr flilla^Jialiiers Co. , Milwaukee . erected by Allis-Chalp-ers Co. OF. ILL LIB 85861 Tinber treating plant - Eppincer Sc Russell Co Allls-Chaliners Co. Jacksonville, Fla. 4-1-12. . OF lUL Ub. / c «j hOiH ■H 1 -. • ©o' 43 O •HO. nil, u *3 j ' ,H O i rH I O M I M -H 1 K r-t I |j| ^ ('j u, © TT. bO © C -M.-ffi •H O B ft © 1 ^ B'fe.-g ,.y<. FR o ea I O X. I o rH I I rH «0 ! O -H I B hJ m rH "IrJ t>jl •8 s'M O' *o m c'J CO ; 4% & h j •» 1 Y/ 3^ '^•i L/^^L / ' n ^ ^ ' 1 1 / I Timber Treating Plant, National Lumber Texarkana, Ark. 12,/8 'lO . OF iLL Lib. . Of ILL Llb> — m — ■41 ■4^