UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY MEMORIAL the Class of 1901 founded by HARLAN HOYT HORNER and HENRIETTA CALHOUN HORNER WAR LETTERS A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. EMBRACING HIS EXPERIENCES AS HONEST OLD ABE'S BOSOM FRIEND AND UNOFFICIAL ADYISEB, "Oar lives hve been like twin flowers upon a lily's stem; And 1st us, -when we uust fall, together fall like them." NEW YORK: FREDERIC A. BRADY, PUBLISHER. No. 22 ANN STKEBT. 1864 Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1664, BY JOSEPH BARBER, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Southern District ol New York. H 4- TO ABRAHAM LINCOLN OP ILLANNOY, THE LOFTIEST OF LIVIN STATESMEN, EENOUND ALIKE FOE HIS GEEAT MILENTARY TALONS. HIS FIRM ADHEARANCE TO THE CONSTITOOSHIN, AND FIDELITY TO HIS INAUGERASHIN OATH, THIS WUEK 13 AFFECKSHINATELY INSKBIBED BY THE AUTHOR PUBLISHER'S NOTE. The orthographical eccentricities exhibited in the following letters, including the variety of ways in which the same words are spelled in different parts of the correspondence, show that the writer was guided by no fixed rules of his own in his extra- ordinary (and it may be added unconscious) departures from the dicta of the dictionaries. The world has been laughing for years at the queer spelling and quaint phraseology of the DISBANDED VOLUNTEER ; but, underlying all this, shrewd, homely philosophy, and biting sarcasm, constitute the chief merit of his letters. Some of them seem almost prescient when read by the light of events that have occurred since they first appeared in print. PREFACE. The Trends that lies overperswaded me to hev the ensooin lit- tery perduckshins bound up in buck form for the bennyfit of our common kentry, insists on my ritin a Preeface to them ; and the publisher, who is naterally ankshus that the wurk should bo proffertable to hisself, as well as to sosity, hes reckwested me to interdose it with a serious of preliniendary remarks, in my best vain. Heving allus ben uste to rite onpremeditated, on the sub- jestin of the moment, line rayther afeard that in attemptin to spred myself, I shall run sum risk of a kullaps. I hev knowd setch misfortens happen to men of the most brilyant genus, when they tried to sore beyant the lenth of nater's tether. Howsever, I shell do my best. Webster's Dickshinary a vollum witch I hev sairtched and studded more keerfully than enny uther publicashin goin, eggsept the skripters ses the ob- jeck of a Preeface is to state the mane desine of the wurk. Ef I am not mistaken in the vews of my publisher, the mane desine of this wurk is to make munny. Leastways, that's his desine. But the orther, I am proud to say, is indooced to cast the fol- lerin lines afore the wurld by a hyer porpus. My life, as the kentry is awar, hes ben full of wunderful vississytoods, from the tune I was Disbanded, arter the Mexican war, to the present crysis. First I made my pile in the airly days of Californy, shuvellin up gold amung the Bigger Injens ; then I pardizzypa- ted in the revolushinary moovements in Payris ; arterwards I figgered around a wile in London ; next I visited Constantino- pul, and took sarvis with the late Grand Senior, Addle-Mushed, onder whose banner I fit in the Crymean war ; subsekwently I emmygrated to Australy, and made considabul addishins to my pile from its oderiferous deposits ; later I tuck up my abode in New York, and familiarised myself with the manners and cus- toms of its eggstrodinary popalashin ; still later I went on an 6 PREFACE. eggscursion to Springfield, Illanoy, and finally I brort up at Washington, whar I hang out at present. The happyest event in my life occurd at Springfield, Illanoy. Thar I found a frend of the tallest kind. Need I say that frend was ABRAHAM LINCOLN. That poplar Idle lied jest ben chosen President by the vice of the peeple. From that hour we hev ben wun and insuperable. He hes ben my Valentine and I hev ben his Arson. Demon and Pithyass was not more affeckshin- ately united. I accumpaned him to the Capitol and hev ben his confidenshal adviser ever senst he assoomed the rains of pour and began to shower the blessins of good guverment upon this fa- verd land. I never flatterd him, and he nose it. Jelus Con- stitooshinal Advisers hev endevored to make breeches atwixt us, but it warnt in thar boots to do it "We hev hed our tiffs, and I hev sumtimes spoken my mind about him in my curry- spondence, with a straitforrardness that would hev subjeckted ennyboddy else to a letter de catch it, and a melankoly emprison- ment in Fort Laugheryet. " But no," sed his Eggsellency, " he means well, and I won't hev him mislested." I hev called this vollum " The War Letters of a Disbanded Volunteer", bekase the most of the epistols hes ben written senst the war cominenst, tho it will be seen that they begin im- mediently arter the eleckshin of my illustrus frend. The read- er will nolis thars a brake in the curryspondence. It stops at April 4, 1861, and runs on agen from July 4 of the same year. Doorin the hihaters I was engaged in activ pershoots, and hed no time for letteratoor. But the moment it was possabul I re- turnt to Abraham, who tuck me back with rapter to his bizness and buzzum. In conclushin, I would say that my idee in pub- lershin the letters in a collected form is, to place the karrick- ter and sarvices of that Destingwished Statesman in lhar troo light afore my kentrymen, with a vew to biass and inflewence thar feelins and judgments, when they go to the poles, in No- vember next A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. CONTENTS. LETTER PAGE I. The Disbanded Volunteer Complains that his whereabouts has been Misrepresented, and Explains that he is on a Visit to Mr. Lincoln, President-Elect, at Springfield, Illinois, . . .11 II. He Refers to Mr. Lincoln's Difficulties with the Office-seekers, and Hints that Old Abe's Forte is Conundrums, of which he In- troduces some Lively Specimens, 13 III. Interesting Incidents of Old Abe's Journey from Springfield to Washington, 16 IV. More about the Journey, and some very remarkable Jokes by his Excellency-Elect, 19 V. Perils on the Route The Assassination Plot The Alarm of the Ladies The Bolt from Harrisburgh Old Abe and the Dis- banded in Washington, 22 VI. Remarks on the Inaugural A Shower of Conundrums Won- derful Humor of A. L., 25 VII. The Disbanded Ventures an Opinion (not "a very correct one) as to the Probabilities of WarMore Comic Hits by the Star of the West 27 VIII. The President, in View of his Heavy Responsibilities, Becomes Serious and Jokes lugubriously, 30 IX. The Disbanded is slightly Disgusted with Matters and Things in Washington, and Resolves to Leave that City and Intermit his Letters for a while, 33 X. The Veteran, after an Intermission of three Months, Recom- mences his Correspondence He has been Offered a Brigadier- Generalship, but Declined, 35 XI. Queer Communication of Jeff Davis to the President A Chal- lenge, and how the Messenger who Brought it was Treated Mendacious Reports of the Situation, 37 XII. Shoddy Swindlers" On to Richmond" The Army on the War Path, 40 XIII. Battle of Bull Run The Disbanded Cheers up Old Abe, . . 43 XIV. Reports and Rumors Prince Napoleon at the White House Banquet Button-busters Extraordinary 46 XV. The Disbanded Pitches into the " Washington Correspondents", and Tells as big a Story as any of them without Violating any Confidence, . . . . : . ' 49 XVI. W. H. Russell, LL.D., gets a Dressing for his Report of the Bull Run Battle, 52 XVII. Female Spies in Washington How they Convey " Aid and Com- form to the Enemy" 54 XVIII. The Fort Hatteras Victory' Professor Low Tribulations of the Petticoat Traitors, 57 XIX. Views of the Cabinet on the War Compliment to the Emperor of Russia, 60 XX. An Avalanche of Humor from the White House published by permission, 63 XXI. Minutes of a Remarkable Conversation with Mr. Lincoln The Disbanded's Advice to him, 66 XXII. News from Rebeldom Picked up by the Disbanded's Private Spy, 68 XXIII. A Cull at the Executive Mansion Sparks of Wit The Dis- banded Hungry for a Fight, 71 8 CONTENTS. LE/YBR. PAGE XXIV. The Edward's Ferry Disaster A Heavy Dig at Military In- competency, 73 XXV. The Disbanded Relates the Particulars of a Diabolical Dream he had, 76 XXVI. Didactic, but funny, 78 XXVII. A Grand Crow over Dupont's Naval Victory at Hilton Head, 81 XXVIII. Tenderness to Spies and Traitors Mason and Slidell, . . 84 XXIX. The " On to Richmond" Yawp A Chat with McClellan and Abe Wonderful Facettousness of the latter, . . .86 XXX. Satirical Passage-at-arms between the President and Secre- tary Cameron The Secretary Floored, . . . .89 XXXI. The Disbanded Touches on the Negro Soldier Question- Slightly Louis Philippe's Grandsons . . . . .92 XXXII. The Row with England about the Trent A Prediction that no War will Come of it, 94 XXXIII. Christmas Day (1861), in Camp at Arlington Heights The Banquet and the Toasts Fun Alive, 97 XXXIV. The Disbanded Pitches into Official Corruption A Regular Flaying of the Public Thieves, 100 XXXV. The Jokes Attributed by the Disbanded to Abe, all Authentic Official Confirmation of their Genuineness . . . 103 XXXVI. Another the Corruptionists News from Dixie Petti- coats Taken for Wadding, 105 XXXVII. A Bitter Raid on the Shoddyites The Van Wyck Report A Mistake about Charleston, 107 XXXVIII. Glorious News from the South and West The President Lets himself Out on the Occasion Humor in Chunks, XXXIX. The Disbanded Rejoices over Recent Victories The Presi- 110 dent's Birthday Secession in a Funk, 113 XL. Jeff Davis's Inauguration, Convulsively Reported, . . 115 XL!. Astounding Rumors ! The Censors of the Press Old Abe's Proposition to Bribe the Slaveholders to Emancipate their Darkeys, ,.,..". . .117 XLII. The Disbanded in the Field! What he Picked up at Manassas, 120 LXIII. Amazing Exploits of the Veteran His Sword Mightier than his Pen, 123 XLIV. The Disbanded Fights his Battles o'er Again exten- sively, 128 XLV. Tho Military Reptile Snaking Along Rebels on the Run, . 129 XL VI. The Disbanded on McClellan's Staff A Superhuman Army Rumors about the Merrimac, 132 XL VII. The Sacred Soil in April Balloon Investigations A Bit of Quiet Satire, but Strong, 134 XLVIIL Proposed Assault on Yorktown, Rain or Shine The D. V. Hopes to Write his next Letter in the Rebel Works, . . 137 XLIX. He Ascends in a Balloon, and Comes Down in a Parachute, 141 L. Williamsburg Evacuated by the Rebs A Fearful Vision The Disbanded Blown up mildly, 144 LI. He is Tormented by Disloyal Mocking-Birds Warm Wel- come from Cuffee, Dinah & Co., 147 LIT. Only Nine Miles from Richmond ! 150 LIII. A Slap at Beauregard McClellan the Idol of the Army of the Potomac A Sly Dig at Banks, 151 LIV. The Battle of Fair Oaks Miraculous Escape of the Dis- banded Only Three Miles from Richmond ! . . . 154 LV. A Lull, which the D. V. Improves to make a few Remarks on the Battle, 157 LVi. Spades are Trumps Refugee Stories, Rich, if not Reliable, 159 L VII. The Great Fight at Hand McClellan quotes the Divine Wil- liam H. J. Raymond on the Crusades, .... 162 LVIII. " We are Whipt" The Army Holds Stanton Responsible, . 165 LIX. Harrison's Landing Visit of the President, who Exchanges Jokes with the D. V., . .168 LX. Bitter Pokes at the Mercenary Politicians What the Soldiers Think, 171 CONTENTS. 9 LETTER PAGE LXI. Horrors of Congestive Fever Almost Incredible Hallu- cinations of the Disbanded, 173 LX1I. He Grumbles at the Result of the Peninsular Cam- paign, 176 LXIII. Tne Army Advances Backward, but is Going to do Wonders, by-and-by, 179 LXIV. Aquia Creek All Newspaper Correspondents (except the D. V.) Ordered to Leave Union Plans for the Coming Campaign in the Hands of the Enemy ! 182 LXV. Washington Probably Safe Lincoln Cheerful, and Mrs. L. Salubrious, 185 LXVI. Confidential Relations between the Disbanded and the Pres- ident, 188 LXVII. Things go along Pretty Nicely, under their Joint Manage- ment, 191 LXVI1I. The Disbanded Claims the Emancipation Proclamation as his Thunder, 194 LXIX. Honest Abe's Estimate of the Cost of sending 4,000,000 of Contrabands to Hayti, 197 LXX. A Defence of the President, and a Specimen of his Unparal- leled Humor 199 LXXI. Inconveniences of being known as Old Abe's Right-hand Man, 203 LXXIL Proposed Theatricals at the White House Another Side- splitter by its Gifted Occupant, 206 LXXIIL Perfect Harmony of Opinion between the President and His Disinterested Adviser Their Joint Views, ... 209 LXXIV. The President in Caucus with the Disbanded A Possum Story, 211 LXXV. Discouragements Old Abe Wavers, 214 LXXVI. The Disbanded is Consulted about the Message He Assists to Get it up, 217 LXXVII. Mr. Stanton, under Pressure, Concludes to Open the " Bas- tiles", 219 LXXVI1I. The Message Discussed Approaching Movements of the Army, 222 LXXIX. Dash Across the Rappahannock The D. V. Takes the Re- sponsibility A Palaver with Old Abe, 225 LXXX. Another Curious Confab with Mr. Lincoln His Resignation Suggested Tall Talk, 228 LXXXI. The Disbanded Cauterizes Incompetency, . . . .231 LXXXII. He Commences the New Year (1863) in a Bitterly Sarcastic Vein 234 LXXXIII. A Very Remarkable Conversation on the Emancipation Act, &c., '-., No. VL [Again our correspondent has been closeted with " Old Abe", and again he has derived " chunks of wisdom" from his oracular and somewhat jocular lips. "We are glad to learn that the President is in health and good spirits. Rail-splitting and poling broadhorns may be considered light and pleasant recreations in comparison with the mental anxiety and the wear and tear of temper which he is fated to experience. Our correspondent's views of the inaugural are not those generally entertained by the public, but he may be right, nevertheless. EDS.] WASHINGTON, March 8, 1861. Eddyturs of the Sunday Times : Altho the inaugurole was slitely mudified arter I saw it, to sweeten the ultrees, it is, upon the hull, jest as I said, a consilly- tory commoonycashin. The koncludin sentence about " mystic cords stretchm all over this broad land," is univarsally regarded as a good wind up. The young ladees, I larn, is delited with the passidge whar Old Abe ses he hes " an oath registered in Heven." It puts em in mind, they say, of a similar remark in " Manfriday, or the Wun-handed Munk," " The Mistress of Udolpho," " The Castel Specter," and uther rumantic tradijees and mellow-dram- mers. Sartinly thars nuthin more alarmin in the illustrus wedge- driver's inaugurole than thar is in what he swore to arter he red that rigmayroll. He hed to take his Bible oath to sport the laws, and that's purty mutch the hull nub of his anticedent speetch. He couldent hardly be eggspected to say he intended to perjur hisself with the sakrid vollum he was agoin to kiss starin him rite in the face. What'll be the end of it all the Lord abuv nose, and ime blamed sure neither the fire-eaters nor the fannytix is in his con- fidence. Bennett may purfess to see the course of subsquint events, but then he thort he seen the French mishin when old Buck came in, and yet it turnd out to be mere illusin. Wuii thing's consolin : the man as holds the rains of guverment doos- ent mean to go in on the spur of the moment. " Take your time, Miss Looey," is the order of the day, and wot matter is it wot the inaugurole ses must be dun, ef the periud of dooing it is adjurned signer die. The new cabbynct is in a state of sege. Chase, of the tresh- 2 26 WAKLETTEKSOF ury, onderstands the meening of his n*me now, ef he never did afore. Its Chivy Chase with him, and no mistake. Thars about two thousand men in Washington continally engaged in runnin him down and worry in of him. Blare, the new P. M. G., ses he bleves every slab-sided railocrat west of the Allagainis, either wants to be a postmaster hisself or to put a frend throo. You should see the strings of fellers at the department, waitin thar turns, like applycants for grub at the alms-hous offis in New York. Prayery wulves lies a hungry look in snow time, bat thers a negerness in the visidges of these ankshus black rc- publikens as takes down ennything in the famisht wild beest line aa ever follered an outlyin trapper in hope to pick his bones. Old Abe is salubrus, and thars no let up to his jocular vain. The man that advertises in the papers to releev persons trubbled with humors, would find him a noncurable case. I called on him last night at the White Hous, arter bizness hours, and hevin ben n a tite place all day atween sartain Sewerdites and sartain Greelyites, he was determined to let hisself out. Enny wun can see at a glanst when the old man eliquent is chock full of fun. On this ockashin, farseeshusness was visabull in his onrestless eyes and in the quiverin rinkles that played about the corners of his expressiv and expansiv mouth. Shakin hisself up, and flappin his elbose in the western fashin, he erode aloud as sun as I entered his sanktum, and immediently arterwards asked me, " Why Major Anderson was like a beest of burdin of the olden time?" Being taken unawars, I at wunst caved in. " Bekase, D. V.," ses the funny old funkshinary " Bekase he's a Surnter boss." He expected the ushil larf, but I was in a kinder fog, and re- Invested the lone of a dickshunaiy. Thar was wun lyin on the tubel that he had used for the inaugurole, and on openin it and findin the word " Sumpter," I rored rite out as in duty bound. Arter a moment's brown studdy he perpounded the follerin : " Why am I like a fisherman ?" " Mebbe," says I, " the solution is that your agoin to retake the suthern forts with a hook." " Dern the suthem forts," he exclaimed, rollin his eyes. " No," he continned, in milder axents, " line like a fisherman bekase Ive got Bates in my cabbynet." I gin a slite catchynashin, and remarkt that he was also like a fisherman bekase he was fond of a Salmon Chase. A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 27 Deklining even to smile at my addishin to his joak, lie per- pounded thus : " Wots the difference atween me and that uther grate loomen- ary, the sun ?" " Well," ses I, " the sun's all light, and you look considabul like a shadder. Is that it?" " Try agen," lie replide, " your duller'n a stubbed broad axe." "Possably," I subjested, "this is the distinkshun the hull kentry is benefltted by the sun and it wont be by you." " Your a gopher," ses he, " and if I warnt the best naterd fel- ler as ever made a chip fly, I should be up a tree at your inyour- enders. Cant you see that the difference atween the sun and me is, that the sun raises in the Yeast and sets in the West, and that I was raised in the West and am now a settin in the Yeast." Injenus, warnt it ? But I dident see whar the larf cum in. Thinken he was rather runnin the cannondrum bizness inter the ground, I chopped round and axed him wot he thort of Twiggs. " Twiggs," ses he, " if we could oney twig Twiggs, we'd make root and branch work of Twiggs. But ' as the Twigg's bent so is the tree inklined,' and I spose this Twigg being bent rong when green caused him to commit such tree-mend-us treeson." At this pint he stopt for breth and new idees ; and thinkin it a favorabul oppertoonity to git out of the woods, I made a bough, and sed with his permishin I would slope. But I hed to take anuther shot, afore the grate gun of the nashin would let me off. Ses he, as he shuck me by the hand, " Why am I like a man as hez dickered hisself off to Abadun ?" He sed this with deep feelin, the teers mountin to his eyes, and iminediently added, " Bekase, 1). V., I can't hardly say my soul's my own." Feelin suthin kinder risin in my throte, for I knowd how the old feller hed ben badjered by the contendin factshuns, I sud- dently tore myself away. Old Abe's a trump arter all, and I'll stand by him till his har drops off. Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. VII. [The Disbanded indulges in a little pardonable egotism. He certainly hit the mark in relation to the true meaning and intent 28 WAS LETTERS OF of the inaugural, and prophesied correctly as to the policy likely to be pursued by the new administration, so that the self-com- placent sentence with which he commences his letter may be excused. He goes for non-intervention, and seems to think that " masterly inactivity" will be the order of the day under the new regime. EDS.] WASHINGTON, March 14, 1861. Eddyturs of the Sunday Times : Just as I sed. Thar'll be no flatterysidall conflick. Anderson cvackiates. The pill is bitter, but its better than intestine war. Gallant Old Abe, artcr a tearabul intarnal struggle, hes starnly detarmind to leave the suthern manyax a loan. Hevin no means of putten em down, he seen at wunst it would be a grand coode- tar to let em up, and he dun so. General Boweryguard's posishin at Charlestun, espeshilly the floatin battery, bein onsale- abul in enny kwater, in corse the most jewdishus plan was to cum to terms. It is sed that the folleriu letter was privitly cent to Lincoln, and was the hmnedient caws of the preposed sirren- der ; but I gess it's ony a cunard as the French say : Mr Lincoln : SIR : Altho I look upon you as a fowl useupper, and the American egul sreeked in scorn when you was induckted inter the cheer of state, nevertheless, in order to prevent the fushin of nuthern and suthern blood, and save the cost of rebilding Fort Sumter, wich I could bio to blazes with my howitstirs in fifteen minits, and also the funeral expenses of Major Anderson and his rnurinurduins, whose fragments, ef found, a proper sense of shiverally would compel us to tote to the toom with the honors of war I say, takin all these matters inter considerashin, and arter consultin with my staff, I offer the subjined jam up terms of capitylashin namely : to abandun the wurks in ten clays from this date, and Major Anderson to be made a Major- Gineral in the suthern forces, or suffer deth, witchever is most agreabul. Hopin to see the skins of all the enemees of the new confederacy converted inter carpets for its frends to dance on, I remane, with centiments of supreme contemt, yours, BOWERYGUARD. P. S. Depend upon it, Sumter's a bad egg. Better give it up afore we shell it. Coppees of the abuv is suckerlatm here, but line purty sartain it's a hokes. Ef the President hed reseved setch a messedge he would hev made a pint of onbuzzumin hisself to me. I think he's rite, howsever, in givin up Sumter. A stronghold can't long be maintaned by a weak-handed garrysun on nuthin to eat. Fellers with no linin to the coats of thar stumrnicks is apt to A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 29 make a poor sho agen a forlorn hope in the breeches. Arter a wile, I persoom the forts at Pencecoaler, Tarttugus, and all along shore, will be guv up spontaneus witch is much bettern n Americans makin mutton of wun auuther on thar ramparts. My idee is to giv the rebil states all the rope they want. The more they hev thar full swing and the sooner they 11 hang thai-selves. When rebcllyun gits inter evry planter's britches pocket, itul be a game more exhaustin than aniusin, as the bar sed when he was larnin to dance Juba on plates of hot iron. Fitin the coitonoc- razy s all gammon. Wen they find tharselves without a rap, we shall hear yumthin " a uockin at the door." Then we ken say : "Is that you, Sam? Is that you, Jim? Well, you luck purty sorry, so you may come in." Oney let 'em severially a loan, and that'll be the eend on't. The Richmound (Virginny) Dispatch, of the elevent of March, now afore me, calls peeple as entertains these kinder noshins the " Conservative-Union-State - Rights - Independence- Wait-a-little- and-something- Will-Turn-up-Fraternity," I hev coppid the eddy- tur's wurds and line kwite willin to take a standee in that crowd. Masterly inacktivity is the best rnoov. I notis the seesesshin jurnils is deth on omins. Braggin on omins allers peers to me like wistling in a berrying ground to keep the sperrits up. The Munguinery (Alabammer) Advertiser menshuns a curus insident as omnebus of the sucksess of the new nashin. You'll find it belo, jest as I dug it outer the paper with my bowie nife : "When the time had arrived for raising our banner, Miss Tyler, with heart throbbing with patriotic emotion, elevated the flag to the summit of the staif, cannon thundered forth a salute, the vast assemblage rent the air with shouts of welcome, and the people of the south had for the first time a view of the Southern flag. Scarcely had the first report of the salute died away, when a large and beautifully defined circle of blue vapor rose slowly over the assemblage of Southern spirits there assembled to vow allegiance to the Southern banner, rested for many seconds on a level with the flag of the Confederate States, then gradually ascended until lost to the gaze of the multitude. It was a most beautiful and auspicious omen." Thar's two ways of readin that suspishus omin. Sum mought auger as it was a sine the hull consarn would eend in smoke. Abe keeps a tolably stiff upper lip. I observe that the New York Express ses he will hev his jokes, and pertends to giv wun of 'em. It's a sickinen affare, and allow me to say entirely spew- rius. The paper states that a gentleman heerd it, witch is ontroo. 30 WAR LETTERS OF for he never joaks, now, with ennyboddy but me, and I coppy- rite his cannondrums as he let's em out. Sum thinks he makes 'em up, aforehand, as Sherrydan did ; but I can asshure the pub- lic they're all unpremuddytated and extruinpery. The followin is his last. It dropt from his humerus lips not more'n an hour ago. Ses he, "D. V., why am I like Ginral Scott!" Ses I, " Abe, bekase the same measure sutes you both say six feet fore." He lucked sevagarus, and snapt his teeth like a wownded wol- vereen ; but sun rekiverin his ushil unanimity, he explaned : " Ime like the Leavetenant Ginral," ses he, " on this ackount, bekase Ime the hero of Chip-away." By thunder ! that was sum, now, warn't it ? In coarse I bed to guv him anuther, and I thort as he was a leetil riled, Ide make it complymentary. Ses I, " My vetran frend and pitcher, ef I may do myself the honor to call you so, why are you like a sartain airthenware rnannyfacterer as died in England nienny years ago ?" " I cappitylate," he replide. (Poor fellow, he was thinken of Fort Suinter.) "Why," ses I, "semply bekase you're old Wedgewood !" and not watin to receve enny thanks, I moseyed outer the presense. Adoo till we meet agen throo the post-offis, and bleve me ver- ashusly. Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. VIII. [We are sorry to learn from the subjoined letter that Mr. Lin- coln no longer displays that mercurial and playful spirit which was wont to expend itself in jokes that set the table in a roar. It seems from the statements of our venerable military friend, that the head of the Government is quite chopfallen, and that the " Quips and quirks and wanton wiles, Nods and becks, and wreathed smiles," which were once his peculiar forte, have given place to a heavy, lugubrious, despairing style of pleasantry (or rather unpleas- antry), such as a person might indulge in by way of trying to cheat the hours of captivity of their gloom. There is a church- A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 81 yard whistle in the jokes quoted by our correspondent, which is more significant of grief and perplexity than tears and groans. EDS. WASHINGTON, March 21, 1861. Eddyturs of the Sunday Times : A negarness to save the kentry, without a president in the annuals of our guverment, continnees to prevale. The presshurc on the postrnaster-ginral is anormous. That's suinthin less than thirty thousand post-offisis in the United States, and the number of applycants is over a hundred and fifty thousand about the sum totil of the British army to hum and abroad. Ef the guv- erment Avanted sojcrs, Ime dubrous wether thar'd be setch a thunderin rush of volonteers ; tho I persoom eenamost evry candlelit for civil servus onclerstands rifle practis, and mite be relied on for a charge. The noosepaper fellers seem to be in good oder with the BOO dienasty I mean, in coarse, that porshin as claims to be Abe- ites died in the wool. The eddytur of the Currier and Inkwirer was delited with his prospecks, and guv a shampain supper to his fronds imrnediently arter bein confirmed for the Sublime Port. Ef Seward was rayther hard on him wen Tom Marshall shot him in the leg, thar's a good onderstaudin atwixt and the old wound no longer rankles. I dar say Ginral would make a fust rate plenipenitentiary, bein now as grare as a Turk, and past the age for harem-scarem adventers. He would find the Grand Senior, Addle-Mushead, quite an agreable hethia when he's sober, witch isn't more'n hafe the time, unless he fol- lers the teetotal rule of Mayhumit closter than he did wen I was in Constaudinopul in 1854. I spose, by the time this letter is in prent, Major Anderson and his men will be ordered outer Fort Sumter, whar, in case of a nite attack, they would hev to go it blind, thar ile, camfeend, steerin candils, and lucyfurs hevin all gin out. The furnishes for furnishin red-hot shot is also useless, as thar isent fewill enuif in the place to lite a meersham, and they hev to do it at noon with a burnin glass, and keep wun sentinel srnokin all nite for the ackomydashin of the offsirs. I notis as Twigs, the traytor, deklines a post in the suthern army on ackount of his helth. His disorder issent spessyfidc, but a lissishin here, who lies made a dognoses of the simptoms, ses its the shakes. Sum allows as his liver's affected, and uthers say he's so much debiliated that, if tuck prisner, the fateeg of hane-in would be too mutch for him. Benedick Arnold fit artcr 82 WABLETTEBSOF he betraid his trust, but Twigs, bein of a milder nater, prefers reposin on his lorils. It greaves me to an ounce that the venabul Abe hes lost sevral pounds of flesh senst he becurn President. He doosent cunsid- der it a fat offis, by no means. Mercynary pollytishins is con- stantly arter him with a sharp stick, bullyraggin him to that degree that line purty shure he wishes he was back to Spring- field, with his markit baskit on his arm, doin the famaly chores as ushil. His face, as lucked so plesent a few weeks ago, gits longer and longer evry day, like a baloon from witch the gas is gradally escapin. And it is escapin. He tries to joak as for- mally, but he finds it heavy mo win, and his sallies is frekwently interruptid with a sithe. The fact is, his cabbynet is not unanyinuss. It warn't never likely that Seward and Chase would hitch hosses together, and I onderstand they're as much posed to wun anuther, on sartain pints, as the two Ann Tipo- dees. They say as Chase is for applyin the argumentim ad hom- iny to the seeseshinists at wunst, wile Seward goes for givin em time, in hops they'll see theyre error, and acknollidge the corn. Atween the two, the venabul hed of the nashin is purty nye distracted, and ef it warn't for dodging the pollytishins now and then to spend a soshil hour with a sartain blunt old sojer, I think his mind would becum deceased. He still indulges in cannon- drums and dubble intenders, but they* are chefely of a melon- colic and ruefool natur. Frinstance, as we was sittin together last nite in his privit sanktum witch is labeled outside, " No admittence except in case of fire," to keep out offis beggars ses he, " Disbanded, why ort I to take lessons of Mr. Rarey ?" " I'l go to Jerewsalem ef I no," ses I, cherfully, " onless you want to make a Rarey sho of yourself." "No, old hoss," replide he, sloly, "that's not the ticket. It's bekase he mought teach me how to manidge my onrooly Crew, sir." " Yaas," ses I, " but thars consiclabul difference atween tamin wun vishus critter, and brakin in a hull team and sevral big dogs onder the wagon." " It's too true," he remarkt, and elapsed inter glumuiy silence. "VVakin up arter a wile, he axed me why " he was like 'the Ohio River in a drouth ?" I sed, "ilebbe bukase he was runnin emptyins.'' He dident take a fence at the remark, but good- naterdly told me to stop my raillery and try agin. I axed him " Was it bekase he was shallow ?" At witch he A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 83 smiled moanfully, and sed the solushin was that he was " down in the mouth." Then we got torking about the prospecks ahed, and I inkwired cf he thort it possabul to ockupy and possess, and ceteiy, the forts and uther guverment real estate in the fur South, as pre- meditated in the inaugurole ? He offered no verhial reply, but making a dubble spred egul of his hands, he sollemly brort em to a level with his probossis, and ef I no ennything about the langwidge of sines that means " over the left." Depend upon it, onless an axidental collushin takes place sumwhars, thar'll be no bludshed, and I no from relieabul orthority that Mr. Seward entcrtanes the most sangwinary cxpectashins of bringin things to a peaceful issoo. That all difficulties may be overcurn and the republic renderd wunst more "wun and insuperable,-' is the strong hop of Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. IX. ["We have an idea that the President and the Disbanded are not on the same terms of confidential intimacy as formerly. Perhaps the Cabinet officers, jealous of the influence of our old friend with honest Abe, have managed to estrange them. It is evident, from the concluding portion of the veteran's letter, that there is, at present, but little intercourse between them. As the Disbanded leaves Washington for the North in a few days, this letter will wind up his correspondence for the time being. Stir- ring events may again bring him before the public ; but, in the meantime, like Hamet and Lord Byron, he gives his pen a holiday. EDS.] WASHINGTON, April 4, 1861. Eddyturs of the Sunday Times : The sege of the Wite House and the departments by the republickin mercynarys is taperin down. Most of the hevvy plunder lies been sacked, and the leadin freebooters hes shuck the dust from thar feet and gon off to step inter the shoos of thar kicked out and resigned prettycessors. Some of the furrin envys, 2* H WAR LETTERS OF howsever, is onavidably detancd ontil they kin ingage intur- preters aad translaters, wile uthers is reddy to start at the wurd, relyin semply on that French vogabbeleries. I persoom the appintment of Mr. Hirem Blarney, the oncumprommising abe- lishinest, to the New York collectorship, will give onallied sat- isfackshin to Lied Garrison, Wentill Fillips, Abby Fulsome, and cetery, and perdooce a " more perfeck Union " atween the anty- slavery and the republickin forces. Ef I don't m'si-emember, the noo recumbent of the collectorship bed a slite skrimmidge with the magnannymous Marshil Isaiah Kineders, sum munths senst, and that's all I no about his antycedents. Howsever, mutch as I admire the sumwot peppery, tho eggsalted, carrickter of the late marshil, I bleve, to tell the scripter trooth, that Isaiah was all-firedly in the wrong. Thar pears to be a strong biass in favor of abelishinisrn in sartain offishal kwarters, and I'me inklined to think the wooly boss is the favorit hobby of more'n wun member of the administrashin. I'me afeard he'll proove a wus speckylashun to Chase & Co. then he did to Barnuin. All the cabbynet is more or less in a cold swet about the Moral Tariff, being confidenshally advised by relieable houses in New York, that ef the provishins is can-id out, the hull city must starve. Wun letter states that an offer hes been made by a famus market gardner to lease Broadway for the cultivashin of spar- row-grass, and that all the Atlantic steamers is to be sold to Charleston merchants ; but this, I hope, is a cunard. It is not to be denide, howsever, that the noo revenoo law is a terabul bio rite in the face and eyes of Northern commerce, and evry nurtherner that voted for it, when the eyes and nose was called in the Sennit and the House, dun a sooisidal act. It's an ever- lastin pitty that Mr. Buchanan ever put his fist to it. An extree seshin of Congress ken aloan help the North outer the skrape, and I profesy the administrashin'll hev to call wun, wotever the Triboon cleek may say to the contrary. I spose, from the edytorals in that paper, as Greeley bleves the Moral Tariff will coin money from the jump, and that his coajewter Daney expecks it will yield a shower of gold ; but ef it doos, by Jewpeter ! the nuggets won't fall your side of Mason & Dixon's line. The high dooties is a trump keard for the South, and every Suthern importer from Norfolk to New Orleans is larfing in thar sleeves to think how nicely black republickism is cuttin the throte of Northern trade. I hevent seen mutch lately of the venabul trafortanit at the bed of the Government. He joaks no more. The last remark he made A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 35 to me that hed a tutcli of liumor inter it was, that the way evry- thing was goin to tlic was beyond a joak. He is reely an amabul critter. Ef he knew wot to do he'd do it, but he dooscnt. The programmy laid clown in his inaugurole bothers him. He ken no more carry it out than he ken split Plimouth Rock inter fence-rails with a jack-knife. The oney thing for him to do is to yeeld peacefully to suckemstances, and ef the ultree black repub- lickins would stop bullyraggin him, he'd do it. Wun thing's cler enuff, matters kant long remane in statue co. It's either fite or fall- back, and noboddy here would be suprised at enny minnit to hear of a bluddy skrimmidge. For my sheer, Ime hartily sick of the pint-no-pint game as the Guvernment is playin. Ive dun all I could to indooce President Abe to put his foot down Jacksin fashin, and take a persislrin of sum sort, rite or rong. But its no use. He seems oncapabul of rnakin up his mind. Ive a kinder likin for the onhappy old funkshinary but what ken I do ? I'll hev to leave him to the tender mercies of his cabbynet. Proba- bly I shall return to New York airly nex week, and, onless sum onexpected event takes place setch as the Government wakin up, or its enemees goin to sleep you'll hear no more at present from this latitood, from Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEEB. No. X. [The veteran correspondent of the press, whose head-is novr white with the snows of nearly sixty winters, seems to improve in energy as he advances in years. His late letters have been even more remarkable for their dry and sometimes biting humor than the productions which first gave him notoriety, here and abroad. Those who remember his correspondence with one of our cotemporaries, from California, the Crimea, London, Paris, Australia, etc., will be glad to greet him again in print. To-day he makes his first appearance in the columns oi the SUNDAY MEBCUBY. EDS.] WASHINGTON, July Forth, 1861. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : I wouldcnt reckamend my eggseggaters and legatease to ,bery ine with milentary honors when I die, bekase the crack of the 36 WAR LETTERS OF peaces would sartainly brake my bony repose, and I should poke my gray hed out of the bowils of the airth like an old wood- chuck, to inkwire what was up. The flames of war drors an old sojer jest as naterally as a can- dle drors a miller. As sun as the flare-up in the South cum- menst, I kinder felt the soltpeter stirrin in my blud, and so puttin a brace of Colt's in my pockets I flew to meat the horse steal fo. On arrivin here, I made a tender of myself to the Guvernment, representin that I was no chickin in the sarvice, and almity tuff. They axed my age, and I told em fifty cuttin off ten ears upon witch wun of the chaps in the War Department a feller as oughter ware a foolscap uniform with ink facins farseeshusly remarkt that hafe a sentry was too much for a sojer. Anuther sassy cuss sed they didn't want no old files in the ranks of the new ridgyments. " But," ses I, " you want vetran offsirs I reckin purty darned bad. Jest make me a kernel and I'll sho you how to shell out the seesesshinists from thar ambushes toot sweet as the French say." And then I told em how Ide chawed up the greasers in the Mexican chopperals, and ben manured to hard- ships and privashins among the canons of the Californy gold- diggins, whar I was elected a major by the miners and fit the Diggers Injens inter fits. Also I menshint the Crymean meddle I reseved arter the famus battle of Blackallover, for takin a Rushin battery with a rush. But it was no go. Pollytishins and setch hed the prefrence over old war-hosses and konsekens was that these no-nuthin sheep tuck our brave fellers whar they got lammed rite onder the rebils ramparts, and bucked em in ralerode trains strait inter the cannon's mouth, whar they got hail Columbiad in short order. Arter a few lively axidents of this nater, the guverment began to diskiver as civil life warn't the best possable trainin for civil war, and ofl'erd to make your frend the Disbanded a Bragadear Ginral ; but I rode the high boss and deklined bein took up for a conveenyance on the spur of the moment. When the Ginral Skunk affair cum off, they was very airnest with me to take a cornmishin, but I replide in the wurds of the man in the play that I was oney " a looker on at Vienna" also that considerin the conduck of sartain lummuxes as held commishms, I thort with the poick that "the post of honor was the privit's stashin." Howsever I volunteered to reckanoiter ockashinally for the bennyfit of blind Bragadears and cetery, and when the guver- ment was reseving all sorts of lyin reports about the strenth of A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 87 the traytors in the neybrood, I scouted thar outlyin posts and brort in the truth from Fairfacts. Tho allus willin to sarve my kentry, even in a miner capassity, I don't crave emplyment ; for hevin shone in menny a bluddy skriniinidgc wot sort of metal I am made of I ken afford to lay on my ores in my old age. But as ushil I keep my wether eye opin, and intend to wotch with onsleepless vigilants the current of events, givin the Merkary, from time to time, the frutes of my lookubrashins. Thars considabal mixt up with this muss besides devoshin to " the Union now and for ever one and insuperable." In coarse, the vice of the people the fox popatte, as the M. C.'s calls it is troo and honest, but thar's an everlastin' hepe of disintrusted paytriots as wants to grind thar infarnal axes on the Union grin- stone. I heven't a doubt as at leest hafe-a-duzzen risin statesmen hops to mount like fenixes outer the ashes of the rebellyun inter the Presidenshil cheer. You ken bleve as all these gentlemen is a shutllin thar kcards with a single eye to the public intreests, or not, jest as youre a mind to ; but its my bleef that thars a game of dimond cut dimond going on among em witch interfears consid- ably with the glorius game the people hes sot thar harts and staked thar tAVO hunderd millyim pile on. I hear to day, as our troops is advancin lively, and that Ginral Patterson s corpse hes acktilly waded the Potomac ; but Ive heerd the same report so menny times afore that Ime afeard its oiiey a cunard. Onkwestinably weve got forces enulf in Merry- land and Virgiuny to nock old Bowerygard inter a cockt hat, and Davis' straits is setch that ef the current was to set agen him for a week, he'd go to Davy's locker, sure. Our fellers is wulfy for a fite, and why not let em rip while the steams on ? Thar doosent seem to be no airthly reeson why U. 8., alliass Uncle Sam, shouldent make short work with the 0. S., alliass the Con- federit Skoundrils. Next week, I shall, inebbee, astonish you with some privit and exclusif intelligens, and in the intrim I remane. Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEEK. No. XI. [The old militaire tells a queer story about the Jeff Davis letter to the President. It purports to have been .derived from the 88 WAR LETTERS OF highest authority, however, and may he received with implicit confidence or not, just as the reader chooses. EDS.] WASHINGTON, July 11, 1861. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : Ime no ways sprised to larn as the grate boddy of the North is burnin for a pitched battle. Bein detarmined to tred rebellyun onder foot they naterally want no paws in the forard moovment ontil the blow is struck and the objeck carrid out But they oughter no wen bellyregents hes two diffrent eends in vew, wun wantin to fite and the uther to fall back, the latter eend is esily brort about by the retretin party. So far the Suthem Shiverally hes not shone tharselves to be enny grate shakes at feets of arms, but on thar pins they are oncommon lively, gin- ally prefferin a foot race to a funeral. They ken run agen time like kwarter bosses, but theyre all-fired shy of runnin agen etar- nity. Sum ses thars no backbone to em, but our sojers ses its wot they ginally hev to fire at in all skrinimidges with the enemy. Mebbee thats why rnenny thinks the back of the rebellyun is broken. In coarse the daly papers hes made you aware that wun Kemil Tailor has been on here with a sute of sum sort from Jeff Davis. He brort a flag of trooce (witch was tide over his eyes on his rekwestin to see President Lincoln) and a note from Jeff, witch the President deklined to anser, so the Kemils misshin prooved in all respecks a blind errant. Varus rummers is goin the rounds of the Washington barrums in relashin to the contens of the note, and the speshil inilentary curryspondents of the New York dalles is so much eggsersized in sperit as to be onable to take their whisky strait as ushil. They hev axed for informashin at the White House and the War Department in vane, and are fairly put to thar trumps to no wots on the keards. As is ginally the case when the hull commoonity is in the dark, every body purfesses to be able to thro light on the matter. You'll be astonisht to larn, I reckin, that while the ornary reporters and setch was nonplushed about this letter of Davises, I got the sekrit volunteerily, without sneekin arter it. It happen t this ways. Abe and me as the public is awar hes long ben inthnit chums. We've crackt cannondrums together in Illanoy and elswhars, and I sor his iuaugurole afore it seen the light, and writ a programniar of it, witch as the public also nose wetted the poplar appitite for the original. Wall, Abe sent for me last night to cum and hev a frendly palaver with him, reiuarkin in A DISBANDED VOLUNTEEB. 39 his comrnoonicashin that be had a speciment of old Mungoheeler in the house as couldent be beat in Dixy's Land. Naterally I went, for I know the illustrus Rail Splitter luvs me like a man and a bruther, and and tho water is the oney licker as he drinks and the oney licker as I dont drink, we allus set up our bosses together amaziu soshabul. The Venabul Statesman reseved me with his ushil curtsey, and arter we bed disgust the wether and uther tropics of the day, ses he suddently with a commick twinkel of his eye : " D. V.," ses he, " hev you enny noshin wot thar was in that missif of Jeff Da vises ?" " Cuuiprommis?" ses I. He shuck his bed in the neckatiff. " Sirreender," I rejined, " and evrything to be as afore, or in State you go as the lawyers hes it ?" " No sir-ree," was the reply. " Wanted to trade prisners mebbe," I subjested. " Naiy swop," ansered the venabul chefe madgistreet. " Alass !" ses I, kuite disannulled, "line no kungerer. If the world bed to depend on me for penetratin guverment sekrits, line afeard no pollytickle mistress would ever be laid bare. Wot wus thar inter the darned thing ennyhow ?" " Well," ses be, " you needent be descuridged at not barkin up the rite tree, for Eddy Puss as riddled the spynx mought hev shot as wide of the mark as you dun. But He give you a catty- gorical anser. Jeff's letter was a challenge /" " Wot !" I eggsclaimed, " Colts and coffee areglar dooill chal- linge !" " An all-thunderin wun," ses he, and then purceeded to deacon out the dockyment witch I tuck down as ackeritly as I could from bis 'tcllagent lips, as follers : Honabull A. Lincoln, Sir Havin ben onsufferably traduced by you and the hull black Republikin pack, I demand pursenal satisfacksbin from you as the instickejaiter of the liebelleous game. My aid a scamp, Leftenant Kerual Tailor will hand you this note and fix time and place and cetery. Chews the kinder weepin you wish to die by. Ennything sutes me from Dalgrins to Deragers. Yours inveteritly JEFFERSON DAVIS. " A big thing isent it ?" remarkt the eggseggatiff of the Nashin. " A full hand at Jeff's old game," ses I, " two bullits and a braggcr. Wot was your respons ?" " Nary respons," ses he, " but I bleve Ginral McDoill told the 40 WAB LETTERS OF messindger on his own responsability, that nex time he cum to peck inter our defenses he should see em from an elevated persi- shin, so as to be shure to get the hang of em." You may depend upon this peace of inforinashin bein as true and vorashus as enny forrarded from the Sete of Guverment for menny days past, and Ime sartain its eggscloosif. So mutch for enjoin the confidens of the President. It would be waste of stashinary to send you reports of the latest milentary moovements. No too of em is alike ; menny is onprobabul and sum onpossabul. Pears to me that the Father of Lize hes bruck his chane, and is endamnifyin hisself for bein tide up for a thousand yeers, accordin to Scripter, by indulgin in extree radickalers capers. In course you'll git all the latest con- tradickshins by tellygraft, so I shant interfear with the wire- pullers in thar mendashus bizness. I will oney obsarve that the artifishil lightnin is as likely to blind peepul as the genwine artikel. Enter noose, as the French ses witch means " we shall see." Enny wun as stucTdies the maps kennot fail to be sensabul of Davises straits. He is in a bad fix ondoutcclly. Sum folks thinks thars not a loop hole left for him ; but I think thar is jest wun and it s my bleefe that he 11 run his long neck inter it. That he may do so purty recently, is the airnest wish cf Yours allus A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. XIL [Dr. Russell, the point-no-point correspondent of the London Times, might take a lesson from our veteran friend, who says what he has to say without fear or favor, and tells plain truths in a humorous style that is amusing as well as edifying. He gives the swindling army-contractors, etc., a dig under the fifth rib, this week, and pitches good-humoredly into certain carpet-knights, who " Never set an army in the field, Nor the divisions of a battle know More than a spinster." EDS.] WASHINGTON, July 18, 1861. Eddyturs of the Sunday MerTcary : As Ginral Scott's plans drors to a foecuss, the nayshin will A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 41 uppreeshiate the old War Egul's milentary talons, tho he differs in his pinions from sartin fether-brained kwill-drivers of the press. Owin to his forcsite Victry perches on our banners everywar. In Western Virginny rebellyun has univarselly throne down its arms and tuck to its legs. The stamppcde of Roar and-Rim was appropritly finisht at Saint George, whar the Georgyans was put to the route, hoss foot and dragons, as the sayin is. The shiverally wanted to vamose on the sly, but our boys cot era in the Cheat, bruck thar right wiug and muttoned em ginrally ontil they ran inter the brush to eskape a further lamming. The retreat of the enemy was not kivered, and thar rare presented a curus specktickle in konsekens of throwin off an onmenshinablc porshin of thar wardrubs to fassillytate thar Site. Providense seems to hev faverd all the moovments of Ginral Maclellin, and his conduck commands our airnest prays. Rosen- cranch also prooved hisself a sterling sojer at Riches Mountin, and Morris crowned hisself with reethes of glory at Lauril Hill. As menny sposcs the latter to be Ginral George Pea Morris, the poplar author of a Long Time Ago, it is oney rite to state that the hero of Lauril Hill and the poick of the droopin willow is two distink persons and attatched to very different collumes. The forrard march of the main army so long demanded in the name of the publick by high privit Grecley, koinmenst yester- day, but on makin inkwiry of Ginral Macdooill, I larnt to use the eggsact words of that distingwished leader, that the rnoove- ment was " due to the wisdom of Ginral Scott and not to the brutum foolmen of the Tryboon." Sixty thousand men hcs put out for Richmond. Old Blackguard Bowerygard sed our war cry was buty and booty, and I rayther gess he'll be butifully booted by our gallant sojers, who air all anxshus to toe the mark as sun as possabul. I hev it from a vorashus source that when alls reddy for attacting Ilichmound, Old Chepultepeck will take the command and put the rebils throo in person. His idee is to catch em in a net and give em a seckind edition of the Hauls of the Monty- zoomers. Prisoners, from kemils to korporils, is in profushin. It is tho entenshin of the Guverrnent to rekwest em to take the oath of legions, and ef theyre willin to sware, to bid em go and sin no more ; but if tuck in arms a seckind time they are to be tuckt up immediently. Sum further noose about Jeff Davises pirits is no doubt ank- 43 WAR LETTEKS OF shusly looked for by your shipmasters, but if enny hes aiyve at lied quarters it has oney reached the privit ear of the Secketary of the Navy. Ef that venabul old fogey hedent a ben rayther behind the light house, the rebil craft wouldent now be at sea, mak- ing siezeyours. He seems to me to blong to that class of keerful fokes as locks the stable dore arter the mustang's stolen. Ef the blockhead of the Missysippy hed been closte, the Surnter could never hev got outer its mouth. Thars nuthin speshil as regards the condishin of the army here. The kwartermasters and sutlers continnees to swindle the poor sojers as ushil, in their vitals and close. To look at sum of the New York ridgements you'd spose that messrs Tagrag & Bobtail hed gone inter the army clothing bizness. As the man in the play ses " No eye has seen sitch scarecrows." I calkilate thars over two thousand privits at the seat of guverrnent with- out no seats to their pantyloons. The dinners of the volunteers ginally is very ornary, and ef wun third of the army purvayors was hung they would git no more'n than thar desserts. It eenamost makes my bind bile to see a passil of rnarcynary loafers and land shirks takin toll out of our gallant fellers daly bred. Peeple say, but I hop without good ground, that thars an onder- standin atween the kurnils and kwartermasters of sartin ridgy- ments, and that they go shears in fleecing the rank and file. I see by the New York papers that the State Committee on uni- forms hes been puttin sum of the milentary tailors throo thar facins. But wot do they keer, the ragmuffins ! " Committees on uniforms be darned!" sed a clothing contractor to me the uther day " let em rip !" The misabul locusses ! all they think about is cabbidge. The Honabul Abe, I rejoice to say is in fust rate condishin, and cums out stronger'n ever in CaUemborcs, as the French min- ister calls his cannondrums. Last evenin as we sot smokin our meershams together konfi- denshally on the rear terris at the White House, ses the illustrus man to me, pintin to the Potomick : " D. V., my friend," ses he, " why is your hed like the Long Bridge ?" " Eggspound," I replide, for I couldent imadjin wot the vena- bul Nestor was a drivin at. " Wall," said he, " its bekase its a wooden structur." " Mebbee," ses I, when the larf had sobsided, " you ken tell me why your nose resembles that remarkabul joalc o' your'n ?" Rubbin his oilfactory organ as he ushilly doos when he runs A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 48 agin a reglar poser, he remained for a few minnits berried hi thort, and then gin it up. I explaned that his nose resembled his joak, bekase it had a long bridge inter it. He sed he couldent see it, and I tuck him to the big mirror in the East Room, when he immediently acknoledged the corn. Then he axed me what motive Ginral Skunk had for buckin agen the Vienna battrees; but I seen the trap at wunst, and replide a toco-motive. We torked considabul about the prospecks of the camppain, and both of us agreed that it must eend in the rebils bein com- pletely discomforted and disbursed. We also freely disgust the merits of the opposin ginrals, and I eggsprest my regret that a bragadearship warn't offered to Cushin, as he'd a ben the very wun to set onto Pillow. The President remarkt in his dry Avay that he thort from what he'd heern tell of thar eggsplites, in the Mexican War, it would hev ben raythur a soft match. I then inkwired how it was Ginral Wool warnt ordered to the field, and larnt, as a sekrit not publickly known, that setch is Ginral Scott's frayternal affeckshun for that distingwished offisir that he cant abear to send him whar thars enny danger. The luv these bruthers in arms hes for wun anuther is sed to be ekwil to Demon and Pithyass. It is not onprobabul that afore this reeches you Patterson will hev lied a turn up with the traitor Johnston. Patterson at the last accounts was threttenin to give it to the rebils right and left. God defend the right, is the prare of Yours allus, A DISBANDED YOJLUNTEEK. No. XIH. [Our ex-military correspondent writes, this week, under con- siderable excitement. The old war-horse has heard the sound of the battle-trumpet and he snorts and pricks up his ears. Hia indignation at the mismanagement which he believes to have been the cause of the late disaster, may not, perhaps, be alto- gether rightly directed, though it is, probably, not very Avide of the mark ; but, be this as it may, it is honest, and bespeaks a 44 WAR LETTERS OF patriotic heart. Should he obtain a staff appointment, as we trust he will, our readers may look for some tall descriptions of the scenes of the battle-field. EDS.] WASHINGTON, July 25, 18G1. Edd'jturs of the Sunday Merkary : I sartainly bleve as the Deestrick of Columby ken raze a bigger crop of lies than ary nuther ary of the same size outside of Tofit. They grow in Washington spontanus, like musheroons, and when transplanted by tellagraft inter the New York papers, they take the shine out of Satin. Yaas, ef Lucyfur had a ben opera- tin with the brimstun battrees of the bottomless pit and Sinbad the Sailer hedfurnisht the reports, the two together could cut hev held a kaudle to the flyin tails of our defeat, sent by lightnin from this city to yourn last Munday. The caws of our discornfortsure is as varusly reported as the legind of the three black crows. Sum throes the blame on the wimmcn and Members of Kongress and sctch, as went out to see the slorter as ef it had been a theayter tradegy plaid for the amewsment of the buty and fashin of Washington. Wun things sartain, they hed no more bizness thar than a poodle dog lies at a painter hunt. As mought hev ben andizzypated they lost thar heds when the balls begun to wiz around, and the way they put out was a cawshin to fast crabs. I don't blame 'em for that, be- kase as the him ses, " It was thar nater too," but what rite hed they in the muss at all ? Sum ses that when the paytint lethers and pettycuts kommenst to run and holler, the Ohio ridgeyments who hedent no confidence in thar leeder, Ginral Skunk, to be- gin with simperthised with the uufortnit critters and started on the dubblc kwick to overtake and pertect em, and so the stamp- pcde bruck out. Uthers traces it to the teamsters who on bein sot upon by the enemees hoss, turned tail and left thar waggings ondressin tharselves as they fled and runnin like deers for bare life. Wall, these is very purty yarns, but you kant ketch an old war egul who was on the war path in Mexico and led two storm- in parties at Sublastapool with enny setch chaff. Our forces was misabully manooverd. Oney twenty thousand outer forty-five thousand was brort inter the fite, ammernishin fell short and the sojers hed no grub for more'n twenty-four hours. They were eggspeckted to give the fo a bellyfull on empty stummicks. And by the everlastiu ! they fit like tigers. Russell who was in the Crymeah when we tuck the Mammyloue and the Mollycoff, ses the New York troops was as steddy onder fire as the crack ridg- A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 45 ements in the English and French forlorn hops. They never gin in ontill nater gin out. The fact is that every corpse under fire behaved like trumps. Napollyuns troops dun no better at Sulphurino. But our men was outnumberd and faintin for want of vitals, besides the odds agen em bein all of three to wun. War was Patterson ? darn his pint-no-pint tracktricks. I want to no ef he aint the Billy Patterson weve all heerd tell on, as went dodgin about axin who struck him and was allmity ankshus not to find the man. It acktilly pears that the blind old cuss tellagrafted for reinforce- ments to meet Johnstun, arter Johnstun hed formed a junkshin at Manasses with old Boweryguard., What a misabul donkey. And yet hees onably discharged ! Pollyticks ! pollyticks ! that's wot manafactors basswood bragadears. Doos ennyboddy spose ef Wool had been in the old Pennsylvany Foo Foo's place, he would a ben lookin for an enemee at Harper's Ferry as was forty milds off, buckin inter our troops at Bull's Run? Nary time ! The savidge conduck of sum of the Suthern shiverally doorin the fite would hev disgraced Rushin Cassocks. They cut pris- ners throats and sot the wownded up for targets, and perpetrated thar bleedin boddies throo and throo with bullits in the aggernees of deth ! Ef that's thar game thar dark deeds must be rekwited by lettin daylite inter em in the same fashin. Setch feinds desarve hafe a yard of steel apeace and nuthin shorter when they cry for kwarters. Thehonable Abe was kinder tuck aback when the fust squod of mendashus fudgetives cum bustin in. Subseqnintly he rekiv- ered his presents of mind and sent his valley to Capitol Hill to luck for me. I never was node to desart a comraid in a bad box, so I made tracks immediently for the White House. " D. V.," ses Mr. Lincoln, puttin his arm throo mine as sun as I cum in, " this noos rayther decomposes me ; wots to be dun ? Accordin to the tung of rummer we are lickt." " My Presidenshil frend," ses I, " we may be lickt but we air not chawed up. I suspeck considabul of this . story is fig- dishus." " I predicate your rite," he remarkt, " but a steemer sails to morrer and the morril effeck in Yourip will be wus'n the tariff." " Darn Yourip," I replide, " we'll giv the rebils setch a harn- merin yet that no nashin on airth will reckognize em. Afore a months over we'll put em throo thar facins in setch a shape that England'll be ashamed to countenance em." 48 WAB LETTERS OF " D. V.," ses he, " youre a hull team and a bull tarrier atween the wheels, in the way of razin a feller's sprits," ses he ; " you never orter a ben disbanded. Wot shell I do spit it out." " Wall," I responded after codjertatin a minnit, "jest send for Maclellin and put me onto his staff." The Venabul Cheef Madjestrit nodded his hed twyst, and winkt wunst, so I persoom he entertaned my projeck. Troops is continally arriving. The army hevin rekivered from its fateeg feels like a bird and is a raven to hop wunst more onto the fo. We shant be crowed over long, you ken swar to that. It is sposed here that Ginral Lee has left Lynchbug in sairtch of Maclellin's forces, a Lynchbugger rebel hevin tella- grafted won of his frends to that effeck. I trust he'll find him, for he doos Ime konfident he's lost. Dont be downcast in the North, for depend upon it the upshot will be the prostrashin of the traitors. In a fair shoulder and elbo wrastle we ken giv em a lofty fall and no mistake. Trustin sun tu see the Stars and Stripes wavin over the ragamuffins rag I remane, wolfier'n ever, Yours alias, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. XIV. [It seems, from the following letter, that the rebels on the line of the Potomac have been put on short allowance of beef and bread, and are deserting in consequence. Meanwhile our army in and about the Seat of Government is becoming, under the excellent regulations of General McClellan, more efficient every day. We commend our Disbanded friend's epistle to the serious consideration of our readers. It is one of the raciest he has written. EDS.] WASHINGTON, August 9, 1861. Eddyturs of the Sunday MerTcary : I larn from a verytable sorce as bred stufls is amazing skarse with the cornfedrits at Manasses, and as beef is meated out to the men in allmity small chunks. Konsekeus is sum of the flour of the Suthern Army is gettin wunny, and onless they air A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 47 better supplide with tlie grate staples of life tliar'd be considabul bolting afore long. Our spies report mutch sickness in the rebil camp. More'n a thousand of Boweryguard's shiverally is down with the shakes ; and the billiards as they call the billyus fever in Virginny hes also prosterated menny as skaped the flyin balls. line sorry to say thars ben a power of fever and ager payshints in our own hospittles senst the commensment of the Dog Days, but bark and canine brakes up the decease in most cases. The blazin tem- pcratoor at this season is all-fired tryin to Nuthern constetoo- shins, and severall of our cumpanies as cum here as fresh com- plected as yung redishes is now as yaller as carats. The roasting heat brings all the bile to the surfiz. But the orfullest cuss in these diggins is the musketers. The sojers faces wen they cum in from pickit dooty, lucks as ef they'd ben sowed with fire and the crop was cummin up oncorn- mon thick. Milyuns of the sangwingary critters rise outer the slashes at sundown and charge bagiiet on evry onfortnit human as chanst throes in thar way. Doughskin pants wont turn thar pisind weepins, and when they attact the bare skin they make a bluddy buzzyness of it and no mistake. A medicle frend of mine ses he never seen such phleabottomy, but its wusser'n fleas a darned site. No sines of a forrard movement at present. Menny thinks thar'll be no March ontil September. In the mean time the seckatary of war is reddin the army of sartain puzzelanymous pups, and puttin stanch West pointers in thar places. Maclellins dizzyplin is likwise dooin us a good turn, and our troops will be reddy to renoo the game whenever Simon ses wig- wag. Desarters from the rebil camp reports as the noose from the north bout our sharp shuters niakin thirty inch strings, has bed a neckstensive effect at hed-kwai ters. Plumpin a ball throo the oxiput at evry pop is cummin a little to near the bull's eye to shoot the idees of the bullies of Bull's Run. When Jeff Davis was informt as his effygee was shot forty-four times in suck- seshin throo the dieafranie, at Weehawking, they say he was tuck sick at the stummick and turnt as pail as ef he'd ben a goin to kick the buckit. I onderstand as Boweryguard, Jonstun and Lee hes sent sekrit orders to a Philadelphy manfacterer for four bullit-prulf shirts witch is to be smuggled South by female secesshinists oiider thar onder linnen, the upper edges bein konsealed with lace so as to peer like the tops of their shunmysets. I trust as a brite 48 WAK LETTERS OF luck out will be kep for em, for I don't want our sharp shuters to waist thar powder and shot on steel corsets. Howsever thars no call for em to fire at the toddy ; they kin aim at the eyes as Old Put's men sighted the British grannydears at Bunker Hill. Talking of female secessionists, thar infarnal tretchery is a eawshin to Deliely. They air continally goin South with Nuth- ern arms onderneath thar pettycoats, and criminal curryspond- ence in thar buzzurns. We oughter hev a femmynine perlece on Mason and Dickson's line, to sairtch thar wardrubs and kompel em to make a clean brest of it. As it is they air little better than locomotive maskt battrees. Prence Napollyun hes ben the lion of the weak. He likes honest Old Abe amazinly, and ses no wunder the peeple lucks up to him, for he reelizes his noshins of a poplar president. They hev hed a plesent time together and our venabul Chefe Madgistrit hes astonisht his distingwished gest with a few of his button-busting cannondrums. At the White House Bankwit on Saturday his raillery is sed to hev made the cumpany larf till they nearly split tharselves. On wun ockashin he axed the Prence why French Love was like the rage for French Fashins. "Genessee Par," replide the Prence drorin his hed down atwixt his sholders like a skared terrapin. " Wai," ses President Abe, " its bekase its a Gal-o-mania." I don't see it, do you ? But they all rored Ime told, so I spose it was a remarkabul wittyschism. In coarse Napollyun hed to spit out sumthin in the way of a rejineder, so ses he : " My dear sare, vy shall you resamble Shackaspear's Reach- ard ?" The segashus statesman of Illanoay for wunst confest a non- plush. "Attenday!" ses his hyness. "You resamble Shackaspear's Reachard, becos, you hop to conkare rebellius Eeachinond aha !" But noboddy sed Ha ! Ha ! in reply. All suckemstances considered its difficult to say whether the Prence's illushin to Richmound was intended as a complement or a back handed slap at the late forrard movement. Ginral Scott, who sot opposit the Prence onderstood it in the latter senst, and by way of givin him wun in return, got off the follerin : " Why was your illnstrus sire like Jefferson Davis?" His hyness srngged his sholders and gin it up. A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 49 "He tell you," sea the Ginral, "why your illustrua sire was like Jefferson Davis. He seceeded from the American union." The Prence fanned hisself with the dinner keard and made a horrabul grim ace, for he couldent help but see as the old vet- ran allooded to the Patterson marridge. Howsever, he sun rekivered, and evrything past off pleasently. I wouldent be kwalifide that the foregoin ackount is correck to a dot ; but I hed it from a person as goes evry wars and heers evrything and tells evryboddy. Mebbe you no him. His name's Jenkins, and he's considered reliable by all the members of the Assoshiated Press. I hev menny more skraps of informashin on hand as I should be glad to send you, but as the mail is jest ready to start, and post and rail waits for no man, I must postpone them till nex week, remaning as ushil, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. XV. [The old war-horse appears to have been in a particularly bit- ter mood when he wrote the following letter, but his strictures on the daily press for affording information to the enemy are not undeserved. EDS.] WASHINGTON, August 16, 1861. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merlcary : The kee-koles of the guverrnent offices bcin stopt up, the deef and dum allfibit interclooced as a mejum of konfidenshil konver- sashin in the Cabbynet, and all evesdroppers kept outer the adrninistrashin burrows, the rebels is deprived of the airly informashin about our milentary moovments formally supplide to them throo the speshil curryspondents of the New York Daylies. As they depended on the Washington letter riters for rcglar and full ackounts of Ginral Scotts plans, the meshurs takin for cuttin off those gentlernens interestin tales is konsid- ered a sore afflixshin at the rebil hed kwarters. Senst the issoo of the crewil orders witch has curtalcd the liberties of your paytryotic jurnils, rnore'n two hundred seesesh- inists here hes stopt taken of em. Setch is the consekenses of 3 50 WAR LETTERS OP milentary despulism! Giv my compliments ro the eddyturs and publishers as hes ben compeld by suckemstances over witch they lied no control to keep back informashin they couldent git, and tell em they hev my airnest simperthees. You air aware, in coarse, as I would be the last critter on airth to giv aid and cumfurt to the horse steal fo ; but as line iuformt as all the leadin seeceshers tends camp meet-ins and is convinst of sin, I persoom they cloosent read Sunday papers, and tharfore will be nun the wiser for any sekrit informashin corn- mponicated to the North throo your collumes. I bleve I vilate no confidense in estirnatin our vailable force in this city and subbubs at 499,000 men, and I keii state as a positive fack that as sun as this detachment hes ben increast by the forma- shin of new ridgements to 994,000, a forrard moovment will immediently take place in all direckshins. So far as the plan of operashins hes ben made none to me, it is calkilated to insoor brilyant and desisive victries at every pint of the curnpass, arter witch the hull army will shake hands with the President and instantly retire to privit life, each sojer receivin as mutch land as he hes the face to ax for and a thousand dollars to sport hisself and fammaly on, until the fust crop of hog and hummony begins to cum in. Ef it meets the vews of Congress the wind is to be raised for the sojers, by sails of confisticated Suthern Cotton and ransurnming the Suthern Shiverally at 5000 a peace, or less ef thar frends doosent considder em wuth takin outer pawn at that price. Contrebands is also to be returnt to thar nateral gardeens at the same figger if reckwired. The blockhed continnees onsatisfactory leastways to our side, but I hevent lamt that the South makes enny cumplaint agen it. The Richmond Whig hes considabul to say on this hed. Speaken of the harbors of South Caroliny it ses thar mouths is open and private ears is runnin in and out with impewnity. Not a Union crewsir is heerd on in Allbemaul Sound, or seen from Cape Lookout or dredded at Cape Fear. Howsever if thars enny truth in Welles the Navy Department is dooin its hull dooty and haint by no means the misabul old pump as rnenny sposes. Thars ben a sevagarous muss it peers in the seccshers Cabbynet. Seckatary Toombs told Presedent Jeff he wanted Washington infested and tuck rite away, and the spiles divided, to wilch the grate Mussysippian replide by makin a spred egul of his fingers and pearching it on the eend of its nose, at the same time spittin sarkasstically. Toombs immediently threw up the portfool of A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 51 his department, and left the presents grumblin, Jeff raisin the toon of " Hark from the Toombs a dolefull sound, Mynheers attend the cry", in honor of his absence. Senst then the distin- gwished Georgyan hes gon and lested for the war as a South Caroliny bragadear. I onderstand as Boweryguard and Johns- tun, hevin an idee that thars considabul ol a puss in the guvern- ment coughers is all-wulfish ankshus to sack the federal Capital. Let em cum on. In the langwidge of the sellybrated Giural liiley of Missoouri " Come one, come all, this rock shall fly From its firm base in a pig's eye." Take Washington ! why it would be an easier task in caparison for a Floridy wrecker to onlock the gates of Heven with the Dubble Hedded Shot Kees. But all the rebel leeders thinks about is plunder. To use wunst more the wurds of the forsed Genral Riley theyre "a lot of spavined, ring-boned, ham-strung, wind- galled, swine-eyed, poll-eviled, split-hoofed pollytishuns," as hed thar noses in the public crib ontil thar warnt fodder enuff left to make grewill for a sick grasshopper, and ef they could oney git thar ugly snoots inter it agen, now its replenisht, they'd be as mutch in thar element as a drove of shad-bellied shoats in a rooter-bugger patch. But they kant cum it. They've got all they ever will get. The nashinal egul sits pearched aloft outer thar reech on the tree of liberty, and they ken neether skare him with thar shootin iruns nor ketch him by puttin seeceshin salt on his independent tail. The fall of Ginral Lyon, in Missouri, is deeply mourned here, but we hev the satisfackshin of noin that the rebel Jackalls was druv howling from the field where they eggspected to feast on the spiles. I hed a short intervew with our venabul and farsecshus Presi- dent on Munday last, on witch ockashin he axed me why this Fall would resembul airly Spring. I reckwested hafe an hour for considerashun, and he gin it to me, but I couldent git it throo my bar so he was kind enuif to solve the mestiy. Ses he : "This Fall will resembul airly Spring bekase thar'll be a for- rard March in September." Inie afeard he forgot, in his overflowin humor, that he was revealin an important Cabbynet sekrit. Ilevin uuthin further to add I sum up by remainin as. ushil, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 53 TfAB LETTERS OF NO. XYL [The old soldier gives the Washington rumor-mongers and canarders a handsome wipe, and pours hot shot into W. H. Ilussell. It seems our correspondent was at Willard's when the Times' man came in from his Gilpin-ride from Centreville to the capital, and the account given by the Disbanded of his panic- stricken appearance agrees well with what we have heard from other quarters. EDS.] WASHINGTON, August 23, 1SG1. Eddyturs of the Sunday MerTcary : Thars an all-thunderin site of old wimmin in the world dis- guysed in maskline habillyments, and I reckin this intrestin tribe of critters aint thicker around nowhars on the face of the airth, than they air here. Consarn the varments ! theyre as grate on awefool proffersighs as the Witch of Ender, and they raise Sam with skary goneys as is soft enuif to be suckt in. Jest now these crokin cusses is torken tharselves inter a cast- iron swet on two tropics. Wun is that Bowerygard and Johnstun is a goin to make a tearin attact on the Seat of Guver- ment and tuther that England and France intends to break up our Naval blockhed. Nuther story hes enny solid foundashin. The rebel ginrals hes rayther less idee of pitchin inter us than I hev of buckin blindfold inter a nest of rattlesnaix, and its eesy to see from the claws about America in the Queen's speech, as the Brittish Lion doosent mean to thrust his paw inter our naysh- inal kwarrel. As to France, I larn from the Seckataiy of State that the Einprors frendly perfeshins reseved throo Prence Napo- llyontwo weeks ago last Saturday is konsidered bony friday. I don't think in my own pinion tharll be enny hullsail fitin in this regin ontil we opin the purseedings, and that'll be when Scott &* Maclellin is reddy to sail in, and not afore. In the meantime it would be a mussy ef the grannies in boots and britches as runs around epinnin sensashin street yarns, was put onder a rest and sot to mendin sojers stockens, darn em ! What do you think of that times-sarving supersquirtical cock- nee cuss, W. H. Russill ? They hit it to a frackshin wen they tact L. L. D. to his name. Lies Like Darnashin, it stands for I cal- kilate ; but the cocknee pronounsiashin, Hell, Hell, D. soots him jest as well. The puzzelanymous critter ! I sor him when he cum in from Centerveal arter the battel of Bull run, pantin like a pup hound arter a bar hunt. His har stud on eend, his eyes A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 53 peered as big as sawsirs, and the greese was a dripping offer him like the fat outer a barbacued shoat. He made the best time ever heerd on from Fairfaets, and heddent even breth enuff' to lie for ten minuits arter he arriv here. I was standin in Wil- lard's bar rum when he rusht in, and of all Gods humans that ever a skare tuck the starch outer, he was the limpyist and the dunoverest. He shuck like a teeter snipe with the third day ager, and ef it hadn't a ben for the five fingers of brandy the bar-keeper pored out for him, I think he'd a bed a connipshin fit on the spot. The hoss he druv is senst ded. And this is the flunky as writes to the London liebilmungers as owns him, that thar warnt a battry carrid, nor a bagnet crost, nor a hand-to-hand-knock-down-and-drag-out skrimmage, nor a desput struggle, except to git away, in the hull runcounter. He seen nuthin of the kind, he ses. How in the name of partickler thunder could he, onless his eyes had ben behint, for accordin to all ackounts he no sunner smelt gunpowder than he wheeled his rare to the fire like a shiverin cur on a frosty morning. And the misabul sarpint shode his liebilous letters to the seeceshcrnist leeders afore he sent em to his cocknee masters, it seems. He's a sneakia spy, that's wot he is, the pot-bellied skunk. Ginral Scott he* provoked the pass he gin him I onderstand, but that aint enuff, he oughter be consined back to his English ovrnem in a soot of tar and fethers. The Christian Sosiashin Sabbath Committy as cum on here to warn the guverment agin the onpardanabul sin of flaxin out the rebels on a Sunday, left, Ime informed, with a flee in thar ear. The Army Chaplins guv em the cold sholder, and the oflsirs ad- vised em to go hum to thar mars and tend Sunday skool and not interfear with milentary camp meetins. They axed the President ef he bed no venerashin for the canons of the church, but he oney winked his wether eye, in his ushil good humercl way, and told em his fust dooty was to silence the cannons of the common enemee. Finerly they shuck the dust off thar feet, and made tracts for hum, thinkin, I spose, that retches as would wurk for the salvashin of the kentry on the Lord's day was little better'n the Hittites and other foes of Jehovah as got Jessee in Skripter times. Now, my noshin is that walkin inter traitors to God and man, tooth and toe-nail, on a Sunday, is eenamost as acceptabel to Heven as dozin in a fashanabul church but then I aint no orthority for super-sanktified fokes, most on em considerin me (vewed in a relidjus lite) as a bad egg, and in fack but little better'n an infiddle. 54 WAR LETTERS OB 1 "We larn to-day as the seeceshers is strenthenin thar persishin at Acqui Crick, and sum ses " Why doosent Old Welles give era acquifortis ?" Simple civilians kant see the polysee of al- lowin the darn'd theves to plant thar rifeld artillery all along shore. They say ef the seckatary knew beans he'd shell 'em out. But I tell the grumblers he's oney waitin tell the hull river's fortyfide from Mount Vernon to the Chaseapeak, so's to make a single job on't and fix all thar flints to wunst. Cummin as he doos from the lyal State of Conneticut he must be sum punk- ins, I gess, tho at present evry thing in his department seems to be throne inter pi. At lenth the bizness of snaldn traitors outer the guverment burrows lies commenst in airnest. It was about time, fur they was as thick and sawsy as the Coyotes on a Western dog prayery. Sartainly the way skoundrils in offis hes been hunny- fugglin and betrayin us ever senst the Fort Suinter turn-up, beats Judas. I conseat thar never was a guverment on the fut-stool kwite so owdashisly sold. Oney think of our extre perleece as gits twelve dollars a week apeace to gard the city agen traitors in war time, bein two thirds of em Jeff Davis 's rebel cattle, while the mare hisself wares the seecesh collar and drors in the same team. Troops is porin in like an avalaunch and the array is as full of spunk as a herd of mustang colts in fly time. Ef Bowery- gard and his Murrnurduns thinks we owe em, let em dror on us at site and we'll lickwidate in full. All the heds of departments is as lively at catfish in a freshit, and Maclellin works like a beaver. They are all kwite frendly wen we meet, and Seward ses he larfs hartily over my letters, tho wot he sees to larf at Irne darned ef I no, for ef ever thar was a curryspondent in sober airnest its Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER No. XVII. [The female spies get it this week, hot and heavy. D. V favors us with a decidedly spicy letter. EDS.] WASHINGTON, August 30, 1861. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : We larn from the buck of Genesees that man was oridginally snaked inter rebellyun by a member of the femmynine sect. He A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 55 dident, hisself, pursenally as an individyal, hanker arter it in fact it was Adam's Express wish to keep outer it, but Eve over- perswaded him to go in and he dun so, and evry thing went to blazes as mought hev ben andissipated. In konsekens of this onjestitiabul act of hern, all kinder wickedness hes ben called Eve-ill ever senst. Aperiently sum of the darters of that, fast woman of antickity inherits thar Mannar's taste for plottin treson with Abadun. Not to spcke in pairabuls, pettycut puffidy is makin no eend of trubblc here. On Tuesday last a Suthern lady of the hyesi tun crost our lines with two hunderd wait of percushing caps for the Nobs at Richmond. On Wensday the wife of wun of the big guns of seeseshin was rested with twenty revolvers cousealed in her rnantiller. She was spotted in konsekens of droppin a Colt as she was steppin inter her carridge in frunt of Brown's Hottel. Purceedin to her rum they sairtched the bag- gidge and found in a trunk six duzzen Aircansaw toothpicks, a plan of the Slashes and other artickles contrabrand of War. But wus than all, three yung ladies from Louseanna was cort yesterday in the act of couveyin aid and cumfurt to the enemee in thar onder-linnin. The way of it was this. Suspishin hevin ben directed to em by a synonyrnus letter thar dry goods was seezed and on sar- tain onmenshinabul garments of theirn diegrams was diskivered of all our strong points in inwisabul ink, witch on bein held to the fire cum out in blue and red, showin in glarin cullers the treesonabul nater of thar desines. Wun of the sketches kivered the hull sirfiz of a pair of ondeskribabuls. Washington Navy Yard ockypied the legs, with a carricatoor Of Seckatry Welles in the back ground, chasin, hafe a skore of clipper bilt craft, in a Tiber Crick mud skow. Onderneeth the skow was rit in Riunrnun karicters the wurds " LET HER RIP VAN WINKLE". The captins of the clippers was represented standin on thar starns with thar fingers and thuins purjected out from thar noses, as ef takin an observashin of the Seckatry with thar Naval sex- tons. This shamless liebill on the active and lively Giddyun, Avas found at the bottom of the youngest lady's ridicule. Anuther droring on wun of the misses stays, was a fac semele of Fort Corkrun, with Seckatry Cameron desguysed as a Chatham-street Jew, sellin seckind-hauded pantyloons to the sojers. Below was this inskripshin. BEWAR OP MOUNTIN IMPRACTICABLE BREECHES ; and in smaller letters " Behold the rale Simon Pure." This sketch was dragged outer a dirty close bag. I ort 56 WAB LETTERS OF to say these intrestin pettycut develupments is doo excluesively to the New York perleece on dooty here, for the Deestrick offsirs is a shiftless set of fellers and hes no more idee of the tricks and subterfudges of female traitors than a ded drum fish hes of the musick of the spears. The wardrubs put to setch vile porpusses hes ben confisticated, and -will be placed amung the curosities at the paytent olfis as monyments of the lenths to witch the misgided South carries its bellygerent projecks, and displays its hatred for sum of the mitey sperits at the hed of affares. A kind of pennytenshiary for traitors of the crinoleen per- swashin hes been fitted up here, and sevral as would hev sold us to the enemee hev ben placed in solentary sells. The objcck of givin em separit berths doorin thar confinement is to prevent em from layin thar heds together and hatching more treeson. Ef it warnt that I've promest the illustrus old gentleman at the White House to keep dark I could send you sum thrillin noose about the eggspeedishin as sailed tether day from Fort Munroe. It would make your harts leap ef you new wots a bruin, but honor ses paws, forbear and I must lissen to her vice. I may menshin, howsever, that altho the race is not allus to the fleet, the operashins of the squodrun will not be slow. Butler is ank- shus to dror the enemies claret, and ef Stringham cums acrost enny private ears, they're everlastin shure to be cut oiF. In the meantime, luck out for a heavy slap at the Suthern cost Pre- haps afore this reeches New York, you'll hear of startlin fire- wurks in an onprepared kwarter. I suppose youve red Russills last liebill and the commontories of the London Times. Isent John Bull a consistent pup ? Arter yellin hisself black in the face agen nigger slavery, he cums out flatfooted in favor of the slave-drivers. He has no siniperthy for wool when he kant git cotton. His soul's in his pus, and ef Sea Hand cotton was growd in Tofit, and its brimstun shores was blockheaded by cherrybums, he'd go in for brushin throo and ma-kin a comrnershil treety with the enemee of God and man on the terms of the most faverd nashins. Cam and undismaid the upright Abe maintains his elevated and lofty persishin both as regards furrin interfearance and dum- mesiick treeson. His reddy wit and satyr, onequilled senst the ainshent poick Juvenile, convulses all as cums in contract with him. Mrs. Lincoln who has been kept in a rore of lafter for up- pards of twenty 'ears by his errisistabul cannondrums, hes, as you air aware, gon North to recrute, and is at present inewsin her- A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 57 self in the neybrood of the great Catarack. The fack that she ken injoy the glories of natur and the gay and festiv seen at Long Branch and Niagary doorin the present orful crysis, i? a pruif that her celastic mind sores abuv nayshinal mesfortin and is full of lively hops in a seesin of ginral glooin. In the same cherful frame of mind I remain, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. XVUI. [Our venerable correspondent is somewhat desultory this week, but there is pith and marrow in hi3 remarks for those who will take the trouble to read, mark, and inwardly digest them. EDS.] "WASHINGTON, September 6, 1861. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merlcary : "Wunst more the Merican Egul fixes his sorin eyes on the Sun, and wings his suckling flight throo the bloo volt of Hevin, sreekin Hellalooyou like an eggsighted locomotive. The seoces- sion bray over Manasses lies ben compleatly choked down senst we nocked em cold at Fort Hotterass. Dispatches from thar to- day states as the peeple around is delited with the change and considers our ockypashin of the Sound pro borio pamlico. I see the Richmond Whig calls it a barrun victury, but I gess the seven hundred triators as is now tastin its bitter frutes doosent think so. Ginral Butler ses he never seen fellers so down in the mouth. The offsirs keep a purty stiff upper lip ; but the privits, who sposed that Commadore Stringem would hang em, or make em walk the plank as sun's they got a board, hed teers in thar eyes wen they gin up thar weepins. In coarse Ginral Butler feels as proud as a speckled hoss on county court day. He warn't slo, was he, in expressin hisself to Washington, with the noose of the explite 1 He hes that wether eye of his'n on the Presidenshil Cheer and no mistake, but the crowd pressin in that direckshin is so numerus and spry, that Ime afeard his hops will be blasted. In fack he hes about as much chanst to go in and win as wun of Ben "Wood's Lottery Tickits hes to turn up a Capital prize, or the North pole hes to be shivred with chain litanin. The rtfimner of Jeff Davis's deth created a lively sensashin 8* 58 WAB LETTERS OF here, and much disapintment was felt on lamin that it was oney the pirit craft of that name as hed gon under. Pity it hedent a ben the man of mark insted of the letter of mark as went to Davy's locker. Howsever they say he hes a fatil decease in wun of his optickle nerves, which is sartain to carry him off kwick's a wink wun of these days. But mebbe the story's oney got up for a blind. Ef he doos go down to an ontimely grave Toornbs will probly be his sucsessor, onless seeceshin caves in afore eleckshin day. Puffessor Low made an ariel vige from our lines tuther day, and remaned in the atmostfear about forty ininnits. lie brort interestin intelligents from the skies consarnin sum new rebel forts below Alexandry ; but in my opinyun his forts is nuthin rnore'n castils in the air. "Wile makin his observashins, the rebel artillerists at Munson's Hill gin him a complimentary ball, and he immediently cum down, as the coon did to Captin Scott, to save further trubble. I suppose you remember the pufiessor. He puffessed his intcnshin of rnakin a beeline throo the clouds from New York to Leverpull, two years back, but it eeuded in belyin publick eggspecktashin. Arter razin the wind he deklined to go up on ackount of the Fall bein onplesant. Who'd hev thort setch a bag of wind would ever take a high persishin at the seat of guverment ; but war's like a skwall at sea, it brings enny kwantity of bubbles to the sirfiz. The female rebels in prisin here allows thar suiTerins is past indurance. No balls, no consorts, no keards, no theayter, no shoppin, no street yarns, no compliments, no flirtashins, no chanst to pore thar sorrers inter the ears of simperthishi trai- tors. A house was sot on fire in thar neybrood tuther night, hoppin they would be abel to raise cain with thar gards, and run away by the light of it. But it was no go ; the offsirs was on the key veeve, and the bolt dident cum oif accordin to the program. It is sed that Bowerygard hes offert to ransurn the fare jail birds at the rate of ten prisners of war a peace, and to thro in the Honabul Mr. Eely and other nun-cumbertents as makewaits, but the guverment prefers the wimmen and declines to dicker, witch renders thar predickerment ridickerlous. I feel niitey little pitty for eni, howsever. Even wen it wares petty- cuts I kaut say Alass for Treeson! And yet these female kulprits hes sum caws of complaint, arter all, fur at the very lime they was tuck prisners a sartain rank femmynine rebel here was in the habbit of torkin seecesshiii to the guvemient funkshin- aries tharselves without enny atteinp been made to captivate her. A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 59 I seen this elegant and fasliinabul traiteress with my own eyes figgerin at the party of wun of the Seckatries last week, and makin herself as much to hum as Bellesbub did wen he played the spy in parrydice. The marrid wimmen among the captives greves purty hard about bein seprated from thar spowses, Inn- told, but wives as act the part of Arnolds deserve no better'^ to be deprived of thar Benedicts. In fack thar trecherus capers is wus'n the miss demeanors of the young lady seccesh- eners, bekase they no more, and hev more wait in the community, and dident oughter to be so easily carrid away. The enemee enkarnpt on the opposite side of the river is as lively nigfits as Texas fleas in a greaser's blanket, and jest as anxshus to dror blud in the dark. They hop by pickin off our pickets from thar ambushes, and setch kinder sneaking gorilla warfare, to git our army to make a brush at em wen they ken take the advantedge. But they kant cum the spider-and-fly game twyste in wun camppain, I calkilate. Wen Maclellin's reddy he'll pitch inter em like a fish-hawk into a skool of moss- bunkers ; but in the intrim they mought as well try to git a fox outer his hole by torking turkey to him. Thars a rod in pickle for em tho, and no mistake ; and when the time cums for usin it, salt wont save em. Ef it warnt that paytryitism forbids, I could tell you all the particklers ; but in order to make the blow shoor, it is important to keep the fo from gitting wind of it. All I ken say is, you'll hear sumthin clrap atwixt this and October, and it wont be the Star-Spangeld Banner. I continny to enjoy the confidence of the eggsalted hed of the nashin, and am happy to say that my letters in the Merkary witch is his favorit amung all the weaklies meets his vews to a dot. He sissers em outer the paper regarly, and files em away with as much keer as ef they was oflishal dockyments. As we was ridin out together to the Chain Bridge tuther day to make a reckannoysence of the rebel's wurks, he gin me a hull string of cannondrums sum of witch I prepose to send you in my nex epistol. You may consider this a speshil favor, for Vanity Fare and Harpers' Weakly hes repeatedly applide to him for contri- bushins in vain. With airnest assperashins for the sucksess of tho good caws, I rernane, as on prevyous ockashins, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 60 VTAELETTEKSOF NO. XIX. [The old boy is evidently disgusted -with the pacific aspect of affairs at Washington. He loves a " skrimrnage " better than any Irishman that ever trailed a coat through Donnybrook Fair, and the smell of gunpowder is as grateful to his nostrils as eau de cologne to a fainting dandy. He says he begins to feel " wolfish about the head and ears," and it is easy to see from the tenor of some parts of his letter that he is spoiling for a fight. If there should be a battle at the capital, he will be in the thick of it, sure as fate. EDS.] WASHINGTON, September 13, 1801. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : Three week senst, wen all the foo-foo letter-riters allowd as Washington was in immedient dannger of a salt, I pernounst it gammon. Peeple as bleves in the predickshins of the speshil curryspondents here, must be at a loss for profits. Thar biz- ness is to manfactor sensashins, and they make up thar artickles outer hull cloth breeches of truth not bein considerd of the slitest konsekens by these false tail-barers. Wai, the sete of guv- erment lies not ben attacted jest as I sed it wouldcnt. The storm hes not cum, but quiet rains. No wun can say wots in the wind, but thars no simtums of hard blows at present. In the mean- time everyboddy is on the key veeve for slorter evry mornin, and goes to bed cussin thar blasted eggspecktashins at night. Ef it warnt for pickit shootin and keards, the city would spile for want of reckcreashin. But the milentary offsirs plays youcur and brag, wile the privit sojers makes up little parties amung tharselves, to go picket huntin by moonlite, and as the rebels plunges inter the latter amewsment with all the ardor of thar Suthern naters, sumtimes as inenny as five and six Gentries is wiped out in a single night. Both sides keeps tally of thar game, and up to the present time the insirgents is five privits, three corporeals, and two sirgents ahead. The gamblin housen here is to be shet up, to prevent em from spilin the inorril principals of the army paymasters. Wun of these innercent but veniursum critters hes ben onfortunit enuff to be bled to the toon of a hundred thousand dollars, guver- ment munny, at cut throat, witch Uncle Sam will rekiver about the time that Faro's trcshurs is fisht from the bottom of the Red Sea. The misabul man axes a suspeushiu of publick opinion, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 61 but I think publick opinion, cspcshally in the array, is raytlier- in favor of a suspension of him. Considerin the expense, it is thort by sum hasty spenits that the war is etarnal slo, but I onderstancl that arter the Nayshinal Fast, Ginral Scott intends to walk inter the sassy rebels allinity rapid. In the meantime the guverment is dispersin over a mil- lion a day without givin enny aperient check to the moovments of the cnemee. Wun thing is sartain, namely, if we dont sail in purty recently, Boweryguard and Johnstun will raze a muss in Merryland. I hev it from a relieable gentleman not the ungodly retch as tells setch sickenin sockdologers in the daylies, but a honabul highininded spy as I keep for my own privit use that the mane body of thar hoss, and the bone and sinner of thar foot is on the upper Potomac, and as sun's they ken git boats the hull raft will be over. My spy, who has the onlimitecl confidence of all the rebel leaders, ses that wile they are makin faints in frunt of our lines they eggspeck to give us fits in the rare. Enter noose (as they say in Payris), ef they try that they'll find we hev em on a string and nary loophole to creep out at. The dirty little squab owl of the London TYweshesginanuther hoot at us, I notis. lie's a feerce bird on a small skale, but his talents isent sharp cnulF to hurt ennyboddy, and scnst he shode the white fclher in turnin tail at Centerveal, and Ray let daylight inter his liebils, noboddy keers a hooter for his skrceching. Ime told he attribits the orderin of twenty-two thousand fresh troops to Canady entirelie to his letters, and intermates that ef he isent treated with the respeck doo to an eggsofishyo repersenta- tive of John Bull, the Lion and the Eunuchorn will pitch inter the Merican Egul quicker'n a greased thunderbolt. I hope no vilencc will be ofi'erd to the little cuss. He aint wuth tar and fethers. The remark that puttin trust in prences is like leanin on a brokin reed doosent seem to hold good as regards the Empror of all the Rushes. His macljesty hesent disremembered Unkle Sam's kind feelins tords Old Nick his imperial parient, doorin the Crymean War, and he offers a wurd of cherful encurridge- ment when all the rest of the crownd beds is larfin in thar sleeves at our difi'erculties, and hopping airnestly sun to see us on our last legs. All honor, I say, to the distingwisht JVIusstgo- fight ! Success to the Musscoveys and Ime raal sorry, now, as I fit agen the Zar's father at Inkaman and uther places on the Black Sea. I was a darned fool to take up arms agen him for John Bull, and I take this oppcrtoonity to make the a mend 62 WAR LETTERS OP Its troo as neether Alegsuncler nor Prence Gartersoft, puts the boot on the right leg in thar letter, but it shoes the Zar hes a nobul sole, and desires to be on a frendly footing with Yankee Doodle. Seward torked to some purpuss wen he called it magnannymous. Thar was a Cabbynet ineetin on Toosday, and I am informt from a sekrit sorce, namely, the dorekeeper, that a varity of meshers for bringin the war to a foecuss was disgusted. The Seckatry of State thort that in the onrepressabull conflick with the South the Lord was on our side, and he looked to the grate Helper and the good Book for sport in all our tryalls. The Seckatry of War sed that for his part he agreed with Tolerant, the sourcaustic French minister, that Hevin was on the side of them as had the most cannon. It was on that aekount that Ginral Wool hed added 'Le Grand Cannon of Runslayer county to his staff. Ginral Scott who was present by invitashin smgged his Bholders when the name of Ginral Wool's new a decamp was menshint, and remarkt that b3in a feller of small caliber he could oney be counted as a son of a gun. The illustrus wood chopper of Illanoy was mutch tickled by the joke, and slappin the Hero of Chipaway on the back larfed until the teers cum inter his eyes. Secktary Welles allowed that altho an old man, he felt the fire of seventy-six stirrin in his vanes, and reckamended the addish- iug of a few more seventy -fours to the navy. Secktary Smith sed that the peeple in the Inteerior dident crave enny more seventy-fours in that kwarter, but considered that Twenty-eights and Thirty-twos would be much more sar- visable to the kentry. Lively craft was wot was wanted for the present naval blockhed. The hed of the Treshury Department was absent, bein engaged at the patent offis examinin a noo masheen for workin off Treshuiy notes by means of fork litenin. The conclushun cum too by the Cabbynet Counsel was that the war should be persecuted both by the army and navy with the utmost rigger, arter which Camerun sung the " Sojer's Tear," and Welles " The Open Sea," while the President gin the ballad of "Chivvy Chase" in honor of the great Western fineand- shear. I shoulclent be mutch sprised ef you hear by telacraft of a fite atween Ginral Rosecranch and Ginral Lee, afore this reaches you. My spy ses if thar aint a collushin atwixt em within a week A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 63 I may take his bed for a foot-ball. Howsever arter all thars raebbe nutbin in it. Hopin we shall sun pitch in, and giv the rebels a lainmin for line getten everlastin wulfisb about the bed and ears I remane, sevagarusly, Tours, allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. P. S. The cannoudrums of our farseesbus Chief Madgistreet in my nex epistol. No. XX. [It will be seen by the contribution from the White House in- cluded in the following letter, that " Honest Old Abe" continues to enjoy a fine flow of spirits under the heavy responsibilities which rest upon him as Chief Magistrate and Commander-iu- Chief. Our veteran correspondent is evidently itching for a fight, and there is every probability that his desire will be speedily gratified. EDS.] WASHINGTON, September 20, 1861. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : " Peace rains in Warsir", as the sayin is. The rebils is as quiet as turkle duvs. Mebbee thare preparin for a grand coo. Its allus amazin still at sea jest afore a white squall, and altho we hevent got wind of an intenshin to a sail us, we air liabul to a tack at enny moment. Ennyways our troops wont be cort asleep with thar beds pillerd on thar nap sacks. Not kiiowin wen the war-hoop may be razed, I keep my weepins and acutter- ments layin besides me on a cheer wile I rite, in case I mought hev to drap my steal pen and grab my shooten iruns in the midst of this epistol. Wenever Ginral Maclellin givs the wurdAo go in, I shell leve my peaceful retreat at Willards and jine his staff as a decamp my venabul ffend, President Abe, who would go to his deth to sarve me, hevin procured me tfle birth. Speekin of that emer- nent statesman, isent it curus that sterne and swift as he is in his ofiishal intercoarse, be should unbend and becum acktilly Punchy in his idyll hours ? His wittyschisms is ekwill to the best in the funny peeryoddieals, as you will admit with teers in your eyes, on readin the follerin high-preshir buttonbusters, 64 WAR LETTERS OF wich he desires me to forrard with menny ardent eggspreshins of a steam, to the eddyturs of the SUNDAY MERKARY. I send you the farseeshy in his own hand ritin, thinken you mought wish to presarve his authorgraft as a memento of a honest man, when our faithful Abraham has gone to his long hum : CONS., &c., FROM THE CAPITAL. BY A. L., P. OF THE U. 6. "Where will Jeff Davis go when he dies ? To that burn from which no traveler returns. Where was Floyd at the last accounts ? On the C7icatby Oauley ! How did A. L. find his way to the White House ? He axed it. To what does the Government owe its success in money-hunt- ing ? Ardor in the Chase. Who was the first rowdy ? Adam he raised Cain. The spell that quieted Baltimore. Dix's ipse Dix-it. Present avocation of the old-fogy commodores. Boring Welles. Why is W. H. Russell like the Mississippi River ? Because he runs down a great country. What was A. L.'s style of locomotion in early life ? He went lumbering along. State of the grain crop in Missouri. Much of it has been swept off by General Raines. Why are Lincoln and Hamlin " one and inseparable ?" Be- hold the reason ! AbraHAMLINcoln. LINES AFTER HORACE. Robin Hood Was an archer good, He never shot but his shaft drew blood. And little John Shot too, I swan ! And his aim was bad, and the " damage" none. When I subjested to the grate Wood-Cutter of the West the idea of gettin off a few of his splitters for your collumes, I cal- kilated they would be fust chop, but the abuv is chorks ahed of my most sangwinary suppersishins. I wisht you would send the Merkary containin the cannondrums to that solum old bird, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 65 eggs -president Bucannon, who I onderstancl sets all day broodiu over the past, and wishin he hedent shode the white fether wen he rooled the roost at Washington. You kin send my comple- ments with the paper for I used to know the old critter in his better daze and say I hope he will chuckle over the joaks of his distingwished suckcessor. I think the tutching illushin to his buzzurn frend Floyd, kin skarsly fail to gratify him. Gree- ley, I pcrsoom,'will coppy the pome inter the Tryboon. It would hev saved him considabul ef it hed cum out a week ago, bekase the three last lines contains the peth of all he hesent ben able to say in seven issoos of that spritely jernil. Sum riters diffuses informashin and sum condenses it. When Greeley writes he spreds hisself, but the lively Abe ses his motto is mulct em in parto, witch means, line informt, -as peeples payshence didn't oughter be taxed with long-winded stories. Senst I tuck pen in hand to indite this commoonicashin, sev- ral rummers lies ben brort in from the river abuv. A despatch from Darnstown ses Johnstun seams to be threaddin his way up, with an eye to crossing over and hemming us in from the out- skcarts of the city on the Merryland sid >. Anuther report is that Boweryguard hes promist his shiverally to pitch inter us hot and hevvy afore the weaks out. Darnstown is a villidge in Munggummery County, Merryland, about twenty-five milds up the Potomac, whar they sell the meenest whiskey on God's airth and drink too big horns on it to tell a strait story, so I dont place mutch reliance in enny darned yarns from that kwarter, and as to Boweryguard he's too cunning a coon to giv publick notis of a file two or three days aforehand. I reckin him and Jonstun is oney faintin, and doosent intend to make a serous a salt on our lines at present. Howsever, ef they want to buck thar heds inter a bumblebees nest, let em cum on. Evrything is fixt here to giv em a stinger as '11 make em hop. I was at Ginral Maclellins hed kwarters and also Ginral Scott's, latter eend of last munth, and they both asshoord me as Washington would be impregnabul by this time. The Hero of Chipaway told me his motto was Sep- tember Paratus, and as the Lattin Dickshinary ses paratus sig- nifize reddy, he mentersay, in coarse, as all would be reddy in September. Blcevin it not onpossabul that I may hev a chanst to dror a bead on a traitor or two afore I dispatch my next missif, I remane, with airnust luv for the Union, the hull Union and npthin else, Yours, allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. WAR LETTEHS OF No. XXI. [Our correspondent is scarcely so vivacious as Is his wont. But what liis letter may lack in sprightliness, it atones for by its patriotic earnestness. EDS.] WASHINGTON, October 4, 1861. Eddyturs of the Sunday Herkary : So arter faintin in frunt of Washington for weeks Bowery- guard has fallen back ! Noboddy onderstands wot this noo feter in his tracktricks means, but it looks 011 the face of it as ef all idee of attacktin the Capital had ben gin up. My privit spy is now in the rebel lines, howsever, and as he nose the ropes, I ex- peck to receve ackrit informashin about this fresh moovement of the retched traitor in a day or two. As the tellagraft fourstalls all noose by pen, I leve the latest iutelligense to the litenin ; but I ken take you behint the seens and let you inter the confidense of the rooler we all look too to keep things strait. Yesterday the Chefe Madgisirit cent for me to the White House, and I hed a conversashin with him of hafe an hour, of witch I made rninits for the SUNDAY MERKARY. I give the dialog percisely as I logged it down. "D. V., my good frend," ses he, straitenen hisself up arter stoopen to shake hands with me, ' wot is your opinyun of the asspeck of affairs ?" " That," I remarkt, " is rayther a ginral questin." " Yes," ses he, " it's a ginral questin, but you onderstand the kernil of it ; I want your vews on the war as it stands." " Wai then, to speke onest," I replide, " I think it stands too long. The people want it pusht along to a conclushin. We air spendin sum two millyuns a day, or tharabouts, and my centi- ments is, thars thunderin little to sho for it.' " My frend," says the venabul chefe, pullin a gray hare out of wun of his little bushes of whisker, " the ' games afoot,' as the poick ses, but the time to ' cry havoc and let loose the dogs of war' hesent cum yet. We must wait." "Very good," I responded, "but why warnt the Fort Hotter- ass victry follered up ? We was told as two more eggspedish- ings was to start immedieiitly to shell sum uther pints on the Suthern cost. Whar ah- they ? Thars allus vessels of war a layin off at Fortress Munro and other places whar they aint no more use then they would be high and dry on Gorgetowu Eights, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 67 \vliy air they not cent sumwhars else to pufform a second edishin of the buinbardment of Fort Hotterass ?" " Welles isent reddy," ses he, " besides thats not the program- my. A grand bio is to be struck sirnontaneously by sea and land. By the way, wot do you think of Welles ?" " Rayther a delicut kwestin, Mr. Lincoln," I anserd, " but, how- sever, the Disbanded isent afeard to meet it. His auntycedents as far as morrils is kousarned is tip-top. He never cuzzined no- boddy, allus paid his clets, sed his prairs nights and mornins, and tuck his meals reglar. But as to his talons for a crysis as thret- tens to rend the nashin in twane, I konsider 'em nix". " You're mistaken," ses my venabnl frend. " Welles is a man of amense intelleck. I heel my doubts about it at fust, but line satisfide now that oney give him time, and he'll astonish the kentry. Then thars Cainerun, wot do you think of Simon ?" " Wall," ses I, " I wunst seen a play in witch thar was two carrickters they called Simon Pures, and wun was a decent man, and tuther seldom wanted for ennything that warnt out of his reach. Witch of the critters the Democratic-Consarvative- Republican Seckatary of War most resembles, I leve you to clis- kiver. I know, howsever, that his frends in Pennsylvany is willin to bet on his goin out of offls with a millyun of dollars in his pockit. But he's got sum energy, ennyways, and ef he oney fights the good fight like a trump, who keers for trifels ?" " D. V.," cggsclamed the Venabul Abe, kwite sharply, " you're remarks is liebellious. In the hole world thars no trooer men than my offishal advisers troo as steel, sir, and as sharp.'' " If thats the case," ses I, for I sor he was gettin riled, and I dident want to anger the old man, " they're in thar rite place in the Cabbynet. Setch men in these dejennerate days is cabbynet curosities." Here thar was a paws in the conversashin, and I got up to shake hands and leve. The onest and faithful patryit gin me a backwoods grip, with teers in his eyes, and ses he : " Disbanded, my hart's bound up in this Union, and if wun kullapses tuther will too. Accordin to the lite I hev, I wurk on- sleepiugly to pervent setch a braking up. Ef I kant keep the masheen runiiin as I found it, I hop to be berried onder the reck with the old flag in my hand, singin out E pluvious unum to the last." "My nobul frend," I replide, "the masheen's in no danger. The Union, I trust, will never be in setch a pickle that it kant be preserved. As to this rebellyun, itul be put clown as sartain as 08 WAKLETTEBSOF the airly sunshine '11 cum in at the East Room winder to-morrer mornin. Ef wun Cabbynet fales we must try another ; if wnn army gits tuckert oat we must raze anuther. BUT TUB THING MUST BE DONE. Outer thirty millyuns of people, twenty-five to-day is in favor of the Union and its got to be opheld and perpetyated jest as shure as the livin sun hes got to roll onnard in his corse givin the world life and light" And with this, skweedgin the illustrus rail-splitter'a hand wunst agen, I took leve. And now, beggin pardin for being onushilly serus and matterafact in this epistol, I take my leve of you, ontil we meet agen nex week throo the post ofiis, remainin, as ushil, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. XXII. [The old veteran gives this week an amusing account of the poverty-stricken condition of the chivalry. Their appearance, it would seem, is a perfect burlesque on " the pomp and circum- stance of war." It must be remembered, however, that the fighting qualities of an army do not depend upon the state of its regimentals, or even upon the excellence of its commissariat. Ragged, hungry men often fight desperately. EDS.] WASHINGTON, October 11, 1861. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : My confidenshil spy, a reglar Metamory of a feller, perfeckly vorashus and never known to eat his own words, returnt last night from a long reckonnonsense. He was kwite onsuspected and obtaued no eend of noose. He peers to hev maid mennyran- doms of every essensual pint as cum within the pail of his observashin. He ses the condishin of the enemees clothin is redickalus ; it takes the rag off the bush of ennything he ever seen in the way of peacemeal wardrubs. The suppleturn offsirs was in strips and onwillin to wheel round on parade for fear of exposin the rips in thar uniforms. As to the common sojers, sum of em hed muttonied and refused to train, being ashamed to face the mewsick on ackount of thar newditty. Setch ridgy- mendals never, he ses, was seen on humans; the skarecrows spring styles in a Connecticut cornfield bein full dress in capari- son. At Darnstown he sor sum of the troops at wurk with A DISBANDED VOLUNTEEB. 09 needles and thred sowin wun anutlier tares, but it warnt a grain of use, they bust out immediently. Thar foot gear Avas ekwilly delopidated. Hevin a taste for staytistricks he counted nineteen thousand big toes peeping like terrorpins heds throo the shells of milentary boots and shoos at the Gap, and about the same number at the Junkshin. In fact, the hull rebel army on the Potomac is on a mity bad footin, and all efforts to remedy the evil air likely to proove bootless. The oney critters among em as makes a decent sho is the field offsirs all the rest, includin even thar crack riflemen, bein as ragged as city poppers. I larn also from the same sorce that the rebel army is gettin all-thunderin wurmy about thar grub. The hog and homany hes purty mutch gin out in Ann Arundel and Mungummery, and weevly bisket and red-eye is a kinder bevridges as isent calkill- ated to harden the sinners for the tug of war. Boweryguard and Johnstun will sun hev to relingkwish thar foothold in that kwarter, but when thar necks movement will cum off is not yet determined. Ef they dont take the back trail south afore the first of November, an appeal will be made to thar feelins with balls and bagncts, that will be puffectly onresistabul. Thars nuthin new in the way of gossip in these diggins. The " relicabul gentmen " as mannyfactors orthentic unpossibilitees for the press, peers to hev took a recess to rest thar imadjina- shuns. Human mendassity hes its limicks, and fibbing will pairalies the fancy in the eend, ef stuck too aciduously for an ondefinit lenth of time. The bar-rum circkles, howsever, is in full blast, and continally proffersighing tearabul events over thar smashes. The catastrofy never curns, but still they pussyveer in thar predickshins. Ses wun of three blatherskates the uther day at Willards : " My frends," ses he, " I hev shure entelligents as Bowery- gard, Johnstun and Lee is a goin to attact us. "Washington stands on a volcano !" "Duz it, me boy?" ses an offsir of the Meager ridgement, porin out a glass of whiskey, " well, ef the Capital stands on a volcano, here goes for a swig at the crater !" I larnt from the President, yestday, that plans for no less than three sekrit eggspedishings is now on the tappee in the war and navy departments, and I shouldent be astonished ef we heerd of orful dooins coastwise atween this and All Fools day. The hed of the nashin is of opinyon that the seeseshers will be nockt cold afore the summer, and evrything, to use his own frays, restored to the statue co anti bedlam, witch meens I spose 70 WARLETTEBSOF as the Suthern loonyticks as hes divorced tharselves from the Union will be brort to thar marrybones and wunst more beg for an asylum onder the old flag. The votes of the Pennsylvany troops for the State eleckshiu was took on Wensday, but in the absents of pollytishens and rum thar warnt no paytryotic enthuzzyusm. The sojers went to the poles with freezin indifFerents, the bands playin Hail Columby as they marched to the ballad boxes, and the hull affair passed off as harmonius as the mewsick of the spears. The cattridge box is just now konsidered the pallajum of our libties, and until the sword is sheethed, noboddy is likely to keer mutch about the rite of sufferedge. The revew of light hoss and hevvy artellery on the broad plato of Capitol Hill, day before yestday, was a grand speck- tickle. My tall and venabul frend, the President, druv me to the ground with Mrs. Lincoln and yung Seward, in his new bayrush, and as he stud in his carridge he was in coarse the sine- cure of all eyes. The inanovering was ekwill to ennything I ever seen the Crymeah. Nine battrees was posted on each wing of the battalion of dragons, and as the skripter ses "the thunder of the captins and the shoutin" was puffeckly stunnin. Ginral Maclellin was delited, and Mrs. Lincoln aloud the site of so menny shinin blades made her feel like Joe Ann of Ark or the Maid of Sarah Gosser, witch I was arterwards entbrmt was the votrees of Bellowner as flurished several sentries back. Finaly the entire force formed in collume and saluted the President, arter witch the artellery and cavalry was divided inter two divishins and each hafe was dismissed seperitly to its kwarters. Ef the men behave as well on the battle plane as they did in the old fields back of the Capitol on Wensday, the shiverally will be sartain to sho em the backs of thar shakos at the first charge. The case of Freemount still hangs by the ilids. Sum ses hees bound to be cashsheared for misusin the publick money confisti- cating niggers and uther mistymeaners ; but I reckin ef hees fort- nit enuff to flax out Price evrything will be overlucked. Thars still two or three female trailers here confined in thar own housen onder the sirvillians of the peleese ; but thars mor'n a duzzen of em at libty, and its my beleef as evry skeem of the guverment is known at Richmound afore it leeks out in New York. At present, howsever, the cabbynet hevent enny irnport- ent projeck afoot for walkin inter the rebils. As sun as they hev you will as ushil git a hint on the subjeck, from Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. A. DISBANDED VOLUNTEEB. 71 NO. XXHI. [Perhaps who knows ? the next letter of our military cor- respondent may be dated from the battle-field. It is beyond a doubt that Beauregard and Johnston must either fight or fly forthwith. General McClellan's advance means mischief. He is now in effect offering battle to the rebels, and if they don't take the initiative within ten days, he will. We are on the eve of a great combat, and the Disbanded understands this perfectly, although he writes as humorously as ever. EDS.] WASHINGTON, October 18, 1861. Eddyturs of ihe Sunday Merkary : The way the shiverally is pitchin inter wun anuther beats cock-fitin. Floyd and Wise hes ben for sum time past about as frendly as Killkenny cats, and each hes endevored to make his own tail good in the rebel noosepapers, witch hes given both par- ties rats for not cummin to the scratch with Ginral Rosecranch. Wise hes ben took sick in konsekens of overheatin hisself on the retreat, and while he is lying on his back at Richmound, sum of the jernils of that city interniates that he is oncapabul of speekin the truth. The oney chanst for him to eskape court-marshaling in this wurld is to leave suddently for whur he belongs in the next. As to Floyd, the gun-grabber and Mussassippy stock stealer, his offsirs hes siued a round robbing charging him with all sorter mistyineaners, and sent it to the llicmnound Inkwirer. The benine eddytur of that seven be nine sheet publishes the charge, and insinawaits as the distingwished arsenall theef ken hev the names of his accusers, ef he'll promis to fite em in routa- shin, wun arter anuther, witch bein in feeble helth and rather narvus, he respeckfully deklines. He allows his life is pledged to his kentry, and I persoom the pledge will be forfitted when- ever his kentry ken ketch him. Eenamost all the Suthern jernils blames the cummanders on the Potomac for not goin in, and in fack thar seems to be a kinder plug muss ainung all the engineers of the secesh masheen. Them extree vishus traitors, the sequesttraitors, is doing a big bizness in the burgler and land pirit line. Honabul August Bellmount I spose is in a juce of a way about his terbacker. In coarse he'll never get a quid pro quo for the first chaw of it. Poor August ! they put him throo the latter eend of September, and considabul of the sequestered weed hes alreddy ben foddered 73 WAR LETTERS OF out to the rebel troops and convarted inter old sojers. Howsever, five hundred hogs heads belonged to Wrathschild, an eminent findandshear of the Hebrew gender. Won't he blastfeam and tare his garments and sit in sackcloth and ashes, when he heers how the rebels hev walked inter his nigger-head and pig-tail ! But thats not the wust. Theyve even confisticated the hum of Jefferson, and I predicate ef they could git Mount Vernon they'd put it inter a lottery and raffle off the bones of "Washing- ton at so mutch a chanst. I wunder doos these God-forsaken critters eggspect to go to Pairodice when they step out. Ef they do its my opinyun they'll find tharselves all-fired mistaken. Thars a place all reddy fenst off for em by the Prince of Dark- ness in the midst of his enfarnal regents, and I persoom they'll be briled on the same gidiron with Benny Dick Arnold and Judases Carrot. The way they'll be hauld over the coals '11 be a caushin to Sally Manders. I called at the White House last evenin and hed a plesent palavir and sum supper with the tall and talented tenant of that traydishanall tenement. I never seen him more waggish and joclar, and youre awar that wen he's in the vain, he ken git off wot the French calls Jew de Hose ekwil to enny live Christian. Fust we torked over the Chickenmacomico affare, and we both crowed over it considabul. He remarkt that the insargents thort they hed it all thar own way at the outset, but when the Mounts- hellar made her onset, and began to lay em with ten inch shells they conclewdid the eggspidishing was a bad egg. Arter praising the galliant commander of the craft up to the nines, he asked wot I thort the Navy was most in need of jest now. "More gunboats, Abram," ses I. " No my vetren frend," ses he, " more BRAINES." I think that was about as handsom a dublin tender as ever was got off. I oney wish the grave and solem Giddyun could hev heerd it. As compliments when ellegently paid, is not despised by men of lofty stashen, I told the illustrus railer that it was " fust chop in fack, a reglar splitter." Then we canvassed the intents of the Nuthern Peace party, ancl agen I seen humor in his eye. Purty sun he let drive. " Disbanded," ses he, " why is inakin beds like hysting Peace flags ?" I codgertated for a minnit, and then told him I sposed it was bekase both was ginally done by hirelings. " No, my lad o' whacks," he replide, " its bekase its a white fether movement." A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 78 I sniggered, and seein I hed caught his ineanin he also indulged in slight catchinashin. Presently we commenst speakin about Freemount and Missoori, wen his visedge agen suddently lighted up and he perpounded the follering : " Wots the cheapest way to put down the rebels in Missoori ?" " Freemount's plan." ses I " sequester all thar darkeys." " No," he replide " that's agen the Constitooshin, witch is the funnymental lor of the land. The cheapest way to redooce the rebels in Missoori is to cut down thar Price immediently." I considered the joak rayther far fetched, but chuckled over it to obleege the puppytraitor. Our necks theme was affares at the sete of guverment. Mr. Lincoln asshured me as a grate battle was very eminent. He ses the rebels must either fite or foot it within a week. Mebbe the darned theves will steal off arter all though. But the Presi- dent thinks not. He bleves theyll cum up to the scratch, and that Maclellaii'll nail em. Upon the hull, thats my opinyun too. A ginral action may commence at enny hour, and when it doos begin itul be setch a game at cut throte as never was played in this hemaspear. I shall be thar when the collusion cuins you ken gamble on that. Awaitin impayshently the signal to sail in, I remane eggsight- edly Yours, allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. XXIV. [The old veteran handles without gloves the originators of the late disastrous expedition across the Potomac. It is, however, impossible to be too severe on the moonstruck madness which seems to have planned and guided that disgraceful affair. The blood of the brave who fell at Edward's Ferry cries from the ground, and the North demands to know against whom it cries. EDS.] WASHINGTON, October 24, 1861. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : The long aggeruy of the Summer and Fall campain drors fast to a bluddy ishoo. Maclellin hes made up his mind to mount the rebels in airnest, and the grand climbacts is closte at hand, The army is in the hyest spirts, and on fiie to meet the Suthern 4 74 WAR LETTERS OF incinderaries. The volunteers sware they wont go inter winter kwarters ontil Bull Run is tearabully avenged. Our advance thret- tins the rebil lines at Centreveal, and fearful butcherwork will, sun take place, onless the insurgent force shambles off towards Richmound. Its purty clar by the bulletins from Leesburg as all the milen- tary fools isent dead yet by a long shot. The objeck was gained, its troo, but it was a much more slorterous affare than it oughter ben. The idee of throwin oney seventeen hunderd men acrost the river to attact ten thousand, all ambushed in the woods with thar rifels cockt and thar fingers on the triggers ! It was the act of moonymaniacs. And then to think of the offsirs takin par- tickler pains to march thar men rite inter the middle of a six aclier lot, sirounded on three sides with hevvy timber swarmin with possum-playin seceshers, and a mild of rushin water in the rare. Why a blind rat wouldnt hev ben cort in sech a trap. Our brave fellers performt progenies of valor, but bein cum- pleatly hemmed in, they got, in coarse, an allmity belting. I spose its no use cryin over spilt milk, but warnt the arrange- ments maid to afford em sucker a caushin to loonyticks ? A flowtiller consistin of two leeky mud skows and a crasy canawl boat, with fifty men apeace, was sent to the resky, but they cum ueer sinkin, and its a merickle the hull on em warnt plugged afore assistants reached em. At lenth arter a nobul stand up fite of an hour or more our galliant boys heel to back down. They broke for the river, and bein pursood by an overwelming force, inlosticated with victry, menny was druv inter the drink. Doorin the skrinimedge more'n two liuuderd of our men was hit, and a still larger number was missed when the rolls was called at brekfest-time necks mornin. Howsever the loss was not all on the Union side ; the Mussysippians cort it hot and hev- vy,- and numbers of the South Carolinians fell to rice no more. Finerly Banks with five thousand men and plenty of cannon crost the Rubygun and the pint was gained. To-day it is said as him and Kernil Stun is offerin battle to Ginral Gustarvus Smith, formally Ginral Scavenger of New York. I hop ef he venters on a brush he 11 run agin that trcmenjus sweepin masheen called the besom of destruckshin. Its not onprobabul as the brooming may cum off afore this letter reaches its dustynashin. Its onpossabul matters ken remain as they air. Large kwanti- ties of provisions for our army is now in the mouth of the Poto- mac, and it must be opened and the food brort up. That river is the alimentary canawl of the capital, and it wont anser to hev A DISBAND ED VOLUNTEER. 75 it stopped. Oney two transports lies wurried throo this week, and they hed thar gaffs shot away at Cockpit pint, but the cap- tins bein game birds sliode a clean pair of heels, and cum crowin up to Washington. They left thirty vessels below Mathiasses, frighted with supplies, bosses, arms, and cetery, and afeared to attemp the passidge. Sum fokes sposes as the rebel canons is not ekwil to ours, but I no the tears of guns on thar Potomac wurks is the best modern weepins, and line informt as the Pig Pint Battery bristles with rifle-boars " like quills upon fretful porkyoupine," as Hamlet ses in the play. FRIDAY, October 26, 1SG1. This mornin I hev to take back part of the foregoin. The fack is that lyin reports cums in so everlastin thick, that ef a feller commits any noose to paper he's allus in dannger of com- mittin hisself. A curryspondeut as gesses at wot's goin on up the river, is more lieable to tell the truth than ef he depended on the current informashin from that kwarter. Slipshod letter liters as puts down wotever cums to hand, ushilly diskivers afore the ink is diy that they've put thar foot in it. To-day we larn that Banks and Stun, who was sed to be hungry for a file with the grate Gustarvus, and eggspickted to make a clean sweep of that black traitor and his rnurrnurdums, lies fled back to Merry- land with a flee in thar ear. So six or seven hunderd of our best sogers hes ben killed, wounded, drownded and took prisners in a reckonnonsense witch reflecks nuthen but disgrace on the heds as planned it. It was kwite nateral that setch an eggspedishing should land in the neybrood of Goose Creek ! The brave and nobul-harted Ginral Baker beiu dead, and onabul to repel the charge, in coarse the blame is ,laid onto him ; but who ordered him across the river ? It was a reglar foe paw, as the French say, all round. It seams the rebil ackount of the navel engagement at Baylizo was an onmitigatud ontruth. The causalties on our side sums up as follers : Killed nix. Wownded ni x. Vessels sunk nix. And when the secosh -cumadore slips his wind, and drifts inter Tofit (whar he belongs), nix cum arouse will be the word, and eveiy member of Bellsabub's family will hev a shy at him. Hopen sun to send yon. intelligents of a hevvy blow on the Potomac, I remain, as on prevus ockashins, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 76 "WAR LETTERS OF No. XXV. [It will be seen "by the following queer epistle that our eccen- tric friend has been visited by a remarkable and, in fact, eminently diabolical dream. He would seem to have been in the state of trance described by Sir Bulwer Lytton in his " Strange Story" ; at least so we infer from the extraordinary manner in which what he seemed to hear in his vision was afterward repeated in print. EDS.] WASHINGTON, November 1, 1861. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merlcary : In common with the ginral publick, you air in coarse awar that Saint John, a profit of the Christian perswashin as reported fur the angils sum sentries ago, ses in his Revelashins as he seen Lucyfur, the Father of Lize, put in iruns for a thousand years, with a distink onderstandin that at the eend of that time he was to be " loosed for a little seesin," and hev full swing at " deceeving the nashins." Now Ime not supperdishus, but last Saturday night, as 1 laid perfoundly slumberin on the sofy arter my ushil repast of fride iceters and Borebung whisky, I had a very sup- perisin dreem. Methort the old critter's term was up and he was out on firlo, disguysed as a relieabul gentleman, and was issooing instruckshins to the curryspon dents of the dalie press. Wotever he sed rite they rit, jest as reddily as Saint John rit the deskrip- shins of the lowcusses with the stings in thar tales witch was to torment the airth under the direckshins of Abadun. (See Rev- elashins, Chapter Nine.) Methort the evil sperrit, with a sinstir smild on his bloo lips and a nialishus skwint in his wether eye, tutched the Herald's " Speshil " on the sholder and told him to indite a full ackount of the sailin of the grate Union Amiady from Hamton Eoads. Ses Bellsabub to the Speshil : " The informashin, my frend, will be three or four days in advance of the trooth but the Herald is my favorite sheet, and Ime bound by a solem oath registered (here lie skwinted downards) in a place onmenshinabul to ears perlite, to keep it in advance of everything. The curryspondent winked a cent to the order, and at wunst began to skribble like a rnoney- raaniac. Irnmediently arterwards I notist old Meffystufiferlies in conversashin with the Eggspresses " speshil," tellin him to notify his prenciples to hum, that Ginral Scott, notwithstandin his fizical infirmatiz, was in boystirus helth and sperrits, harty in fack as Hale Columby ; also that he wurked fourteen hours a day A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 77 and was a killin off all his clerks and amenuensenses to the chime of " Old Virginny never tire." The curryspondent lucked kinder doutful, but the Tempter sed with a grin, " It's all right niy boy, the publick nose the Eggsprcss and depreshiates it accor- dinly." The speshil ackwiest, and made his manyrandoms as rekwested. The old sarpint then meandered off to whar the Triboori's " Good Orthority " was sittin onder the shadder of a flapjack hat, strokin his coal-black baird as if he was tryin to cokes an idee outer out. " Why so pensiv beluvid," whisperd the Old 'un. "I want a subjeck for my necks dispatch," replide Good Orthority. " "Well," ses the other, takin out his snuff box and treatin his- self to a pinch of sulfur, "the Triboon hes helped me to a numerus number of subjecks, and as wun good turn desarvcs anuther, the resiprossity shant be like the handel of a jug, all on wun side. Tellagraft on that the Seckatry of the grate Navel Flowtiller hes jest eskaped to the enemee with all the sealed orders, maps, charts, plans, and cetery, of the eggspedishing, in his left boot, and that consckently the enterprize is broke up in toe-toe." " Consider it, dun," ses Good Orthority, " for by Considerant lie do it!" (All the Triboon fellers sware by Considerant jest as the Turks do so by Mayhumit.) " Do so," remarkt the Fo of Man, turnin on his heel, " and ef you was to state that when last seen, the fudgetive traitor was swimming cherfully and inity fast up the Cheespeak with a ship's biskit in wun hand and a bottle of Mungoheeler whisky in the uther, and wavin his hat in triump as he paddled along, it would rnebbe add to the poplar eggsightment." The vishin then peered to change to the tellagraft offiz here, and I seen the old cuss settin in the operator's cheer, srounded with firy flams, and wurkin the wires regardless of eggspence for the bennyfit of the masses. Methort at this moment the hull consarn bust into flinders with an orful crash, and jumpin on eend to find out wot was the matter, I heerd Willard's all-defnin gong a goin like a yung airthquake for airly breakfist. Now as I menshint afore, Ime not a blever in the supper- natural, so at fust I only larft at my dreem, witch I sot down to an overharty supper of icesters and too many pulls at the Bore- bung. But when I cum to see in the collumes of the New York daylies, eenamost the same stories as I hed heerd Old Brimstim subjest to thar curryspondeuts in niy sleep, ses I to myself, "a 78 WAR LETTERS OF few extra horns doosent ackount for the develish kvreer coin- cidents; the words of the dramineris true thar is more trooth in hevin and airth than is dreamt of in your filosofy." Evryboddy here is in a narvus fever about Commydore Dupoint's fleet, and all kinder conjecters is afloat as to the pint it is goin to a sail to. As it will ondoutedly be heern from afore the Sunday Merkary containin this letter ken reach the rebels, I may venter to say, by way of a flyer Let the chaps at Fort Macon Take keer of thar bacon, forsuinthin will be heerd to drap thar or tharabouts in purty short meter. Likewise I predicate that The gents whose full dress is two spurs and a collar Will be licked till they find it convenient to holler. I wisht I could giv you the hull programmy, but a sojers brest is the seat of honor, and line onder a promise not to reveal it. Consekently Ive hed to put my predickshins inter misterus rimes like the negromansirs of antickwitty, whose proffersighs is sum- times kwoted in the perioddiculs as heving ben curusly ful- filled. Ginral Scott is now a confirmed valleytudinarian wotever the flippant informant of the Eggspress may say to the contrary and is sed he will sun resign the milcntary supervishin of his father- laud to a yunger son of Mars. The brave old vetran has airnt a right to repose, and his kentry would be pleased to see him kwietly restin onto his lorils. Honest Old Abe is in high fether, and as full of jokehilarity as ever. I run agen him in Pennsylvany avenoo this mornin, and arter an old fashined backwoods shake of the hand, he axed me why the battle-field at Bull's Run was like the place whar Magna Carter floored King John. Not noin rightly wot he deluded to, I caved in at wunst, upon witch he gin me a slap on the back and sed it was bekase it was a runny mead. The pint is rather obskewer, but hopen you'll be abel to see throo it, I remain, as on former ockashins, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. XXVI. [Last week was particularly barren of events ; and in the ab- sence of anything startling in the way of news, the old soldier A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 79 is unusually didactic. His information respecting the time when, and the place where, General McClellan will make his grand attack, may be religiously trusted. The Disbanded, beyond all doubt, is as well posted in regard to the military plans of the Commander-in-chief as any agent of the Associated Press ; and, in fact, we have reason to know that whatever information he receives from head-quarters is special and exclusive. EDS.] WASHINGTON, November 8, 1861. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merlcary : Butchers shops in fly-time isent more invested with bloobot- tles than Washington is at present with pollytickle buzzy-bodics as portends to be the mouthpeaces of the frens of the war. These humbugs huvvers about the guverment offizzes and skoots around the hottels, day in and clay out, tryin to pisen the ears of good citysins with thar trumpary tails. It makes me wurmy to hear em bio about the leathergy of the heads of departments. They allow as the keutry long ago eggspected General" Maclel- lin to tackle the rebels in the lield, sholder and elbo, and giv em the coo de grass. " When air we to hev a forrarcl moovement ? ' "Is the administrashin asleep?" " This is playin at sogers " and similar boklerdash is the burden of thar song. The same kinder bray was heerd afore Manasses, and from critters of the same stripe. But its no go this time. The com- man.lcr-in-chief is donkey-proof. The buty of it is that all tke yawping and bullyraggin comes from shirkers and nuncumbcrt- ents ; fellers not wuth a cuss for ennything but cawcussing ; skunks as would dekline the swoord for the pen, even ef it was a pig pen ; puzzlanynious shoats as would be the fust to save thru- bacon by " mooving to the rare to the sound of the enernccs cannon." But I ncedcnt tell you what they air. You hev heeps of the breed in New York, and the}''!! never be found, like Uriah, in the " fore-frunt of the battle." Keep em to hum and make skcruTs of em ef you want to ; we hev an overplush of setch blatherskites in this market. Thars wun consolayshin, howsever, we sbnnt hev em long as sun as the conm'ck cuin- rnenses in airnest, the instink of self-preservashin Avill send em back Avliar they belong. Nevertheless, ef enny sheep in wulfs clothin is overly ank shus to larn wots the fitin programme, he ken hev it. Ginral Mac- lellin is agreeabul that all the wurld should no wlien and whar he intends to strike, and I am orthorised to state the time and place. The time will be when he's reddy, and the place 80 WAR LETTERS OF whar thars the best chance to go in and win. This is offlshal. Wun wurd more to make every thing purspickuous and enabul sporting men to bet on a sartainty. The day on witch the grand attact will be made may be found in enny relieabul allrnynack, and the percise spot whar the battle will be fit is encluded in all the orthentic maps of the sete of war. It is oney doin justis to myself to menshin that the materials for this candid eggsposi- tion was not sucked out of the clerks of the War Department, or in ennyways sirupdishously obtaned. The President continnees to treat me with the same afleck- shinit confidense as ushil, unbuzzuming hisself without resarve at our privit entervews. Last evenin we cum purty near makin a night of it. In fack, the clock struck two afore the lateness of the hour struck either of us. The witty statesman of the West was in a fine flow of sperrits, and got off numerus chunks of wisdom in the form of dublintenders, cannondrums, and cetery. Ef my memry sarved, you should hev the hull batch, but as it is, I ken oney tickle the rizables of your readers with the follerin : Arter we had torked a spell about milentary matters, the venabul Illannoyan, regardin me with a beamin smile, axed me why the cummander of Freemount's Boddy Guard must be per- nounced a nidiot. As I thort he'd shocle hisself an all-fired smart feller at Spring- field, I sed I couldent see the nub of it. " Well," ses the illustrus humorest, " wots his name?" " Zagoni," I replide. " Troo," ses he, " and don't we all pern&unce him a nidiot when we say he's a goncy ?" " Wots your privit opinyun of Ginral Freemount?" I inkwired, with tears in my eyes, when the larf hed sobsided. " Well," he responded, "/say nuthen, but Seckatry Chase thinks he'd be an all-smashin Pathfinder for eiiny guverment as wanted to diskiver a new road to ruin, and Camerun allows that he doosent keer about hevin Price redoost at setch an alarmin pickayunery sacrifiz." The conversashin then turned on the New York eleckshin, and he remarked that New York appeerd from the returns to be a wunderful lawless city. " How so ?" ses I, raj'ther riled at the insinnerashin. " Why," ses he, " I find that mor'n hafe the peeple as voted for sheriff was reglar Lyncliers." It was even so, Eddyturs, and I could oney hang my head in shame. A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 81 Wo then tutched on the embargo, and I axed him wot would be the coiisekense ef the British nierchints was to send out armed ships to brake it. " D. V.," ses he, in his dry way, " ef they cum for cotton, we'll giv em plenty of batting." Thinkiu it AVOS time I put in my ore, I rekwested to no why American prodooce in famine time was like the approachin Lon- don Eggsposishin. " Bekase it's the Worltf a Fare" he ansered, kwick as a flash. Its onpossible to stump the destingwished woodchopper witli ennything in the raillery line. Referring to the Navel eggspidishin agen King Cotton, I in- kwired, by way of a feeler, ef he sposed it hed got inter Port Royal without damidge; to which he replide, with a solem wink, that he hoped for the best, but Port Royal was a place whar it wouldent be surprisen to heer of Rex. Seein he was non-cumrnittal in regard to the Armady, I axed him what he thort of the steamer The Adorer runnin throo our fleet inter Sa- vanna, and a rebel man-o'-war takin nine prizes inter Charlestun in opin daylite. I was eenarnost sorry Ide put the kwestin, for the honest ole man shuck his hed glummily, and aloud that he onderstood the blockheading ships hed sheered off in conse- kense of the sea runnin mountins high, but he considerd that was a poor way of smoothin it over. At this stage of the conversashin he fell inter a musin fit, and seein wot a clock it was, 1 bid him adoo, and moseyed for Wil- lards. And now biddin you the same, I remane, with three cheers and a tiger for the North, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. NO. xxvn. [Our correspondent gives us a rousing letter this week. We know it will suit our readers to a dot. EDS.] WASHINGTON, November 15, 1861. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merlcary : " Three cheers and a tiger for the North !" was the conkludln frays of my last letter, and to day, ef vokil intercorse was possa- bal throo the males, 1 would galoot you with three setch tiiun- 4* 82 \VAK LETTERS OF derin stunners as ud make your litenin presses dance Juba tailin off with a growl like a hull jungle-full ot royal Bengals on a bender. He do it in pen-and-ink, eunyhow. Weve tetched Old Secesh in the raw and weve got him on the hip and so hip ! liip ! HIP ! HOOKA W ! Eggskews eggstravagance. The trooth is Ime in setch a state of elevashin, that I feel as ef I should bust my suspenders and rise boddily outer my boots like a Fenicks from its ashes. All the Unionites here is as happy as coons in a cornfield ; while the rebel simperthisers are so blamed down in the mouth that the smilds they take at the bar to drownd thar sorrors doosent put a mite of life inter em, and every fresh rummer as cums in cawses em to groan laudably. Last night I couldent git no peace for warlike dreams. Queen Mab was with me, as the play ses, and a crowd of red legs, bag- nets, quarterdecks, munkey-jackets, smoke-pipes, dead rebels, and cetery, illoominated with crimson fire, floted afore my sleep- in eyes in one bluddy phantasmagory ! Drums was in my ears, and the atmosfear was flagrant with sulphur. I stood on the combings of a hatchway and seen the seecesh vermin flyin outer Hilton's Head, as the fleet crackt away at em. Then I was at " the eminent deadly breech", as the More of Venus ses, firing inter thar rare. Anon I was haulin down the baby-bunting of Treason, and hysting the full-grown standard of the Union in its place. Finerly, I headed a brilyant cavalry charge from the forecassel of the Warbosh, throo Cumberland Gap inter Kain- turky, arrivin jest in time to help the galliant Nelson put the rebels throo at Piketown. The yells I gin doorin this explite broke the nightmare, and I woke up not a little horse, I ken as- shure you. Hevent the owdashus skunks got an all-crucified belting? Didn't Dupoint make em see *** ? Didn't he punktuate thar lines butifully ? Who douts now as the shiverally was all " born onsensabul to fear ?" Captain Steedman allows that nuther man nor steed can overtake em in a starn chase. He ses the way they put out from the forts was ekwil to Jackson the " American Deer", ef not ekwiller. He tride to foller em with his tellascope, but the pace was too all-rushin fast to keep em even for a mo- ment within the scoop of his field of vishin. Sevral of the poor devils was found ded in the woods without a skratch. I axed Captain Steedman yesterday mornin wot he thort they died on, and he sed galloping consumpshin. About a fortnit ago the Charleston Merkary intermated as the brains of the Adrninistrashin must hev gon a wool-getherin, to A DI8BAKDED VOLUNTEER. 83 think of attacting South Caroliny. "Wai, thar Tics ben a wool- getherin and no mistake, and I'll go tall thar'll be a cotton-geth- erin too, afore long. Whars the " bluddy hands" and the " hor- spitabul graves ?" They warn't on hand at French's Island, and Bay Pint, and Bufort. No sirrees ! Thar warn't noboddy in them diggins to " \velcum" Uncle Sam but Uncle Sambo. The pomp of war vanisht suddent, and left oney black Pomp behind. The galliant olFsirs even went off without thar arms, relyin on thar legs alone. A trail of muskits, bagnets, shakoes and hav- ersacks, shode the way the sojers run. Oney wun shiverally re- maned and he wus so disguysed in licker that he sposed noboddy would reckognize him. His condishin may be hnadgined from the suckemstance, that when taken he was tryin to light the rong eend of his seegar at a pump, and shakin hands with the handle stfpposin he bed met a frend as would pertect him agin the " orful Yankees." But while Nuthern heroes is kivering tharselves with glory in the South, wot is sum of your white-livered Nuthern eddyturs dooin to hum. Givin " aid and comfort" to the enemee that our troops is discurnforted in every battle. By Jeehosyfat ! it makes my blud bile. Right afore me as I rite lies a coppy of the Inde- pendent, published in your city. Wot does it say ? Why that the eddytur is inforint as Seward ses the war kant suckseed ; that the Europian powers will reckognize the C. S. ; that Weed is gon to England to ax the British ministers ef they mean to cotton to the South ; that ef they do, our Guverment, bein hopeless of keepin tb.e Union together, will sue for a piece ; and that tliarupon the kentry will go to destruckshin as ef the devil kickt it. Git the paper, and see ef I hev eggsagerated. In fack it lowers us more than the abuv. Whoever perpetraitord the paragraft, should be sent at wunst either to Fort Laugheryet or to a Loonatic Assilum. " Then thars that " Muff" of a feller as rites letters here for the Triboon. Honest old Abe, Camerun, and Maclellin, hes all gin him the cold sholder, and ef they gin him the foot insted of the sholder, he would oney got his jest desarts. He ses thars not wunraaly well dessiplind regiment in tJie kentry, and that the army is a mere mob both offsirs and men ! This is the liebellious stuff he rites for the Triboon, a paper as portends to be paytri- otic ! Darn setcli snaix in the grass, I say. Let the nashun put its heel on thar misabul heads. But no let 'em crawl They're not wuth crushin. Tuey kant hurt old E Pluvt/us Unum long may he rain t 84 WAR LETTERS OF Knowin that my vews in this letter will goinside with yourn and the public's, I remain, as ushil. Yours allns, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. XXVILL [The old war-horse pitches remorselessly into the Administra- tion- and not without reason for its tenderness to spies and trai- tors. Why should not the lex talionis be applied to the traitor eaves-droppers taken within our lines ? Union men are harried out of house and home, tarred and feathered, tortured, and in many instances put to death, by rebel ruffians; while Southern spies, caught in the North in flagrante delieto, are treated as pris- oners of war ! We think, with our indignant correspondent, that rope is not as prominent a feature as it ought to be in the martial policy of the Government. EDS.] WASHINGTON, November 22, 1861. Eddyturs of the Sunday Mcrkary : The thousands of dollars dispersed by the Guverment for resting spies and pervidin em with evry cumfort at the fashina- bul milentary hottels of Fort Warren and Fort Laugheryet, mought better be infested in shot and shells. It would be jest as eesy to sprinkle down a prayery fire with a New York water-cart, as to stop the rebels' spygame by setch delicut treatment. When we sees a traitor we ushir him inter a plesent and commojus kage, whar he whissels and sings and smokes his meresham, and enjies his osliam cum dignitraitor on the fat of the land. But ef wun of our emiseries is ketched within the rebel lines, up he goes to the neardest limb strong enuff to bare his wait. No- boddy tries to git out a rit of Have his Coi'pus for him ; and cf they did, the presence of his boddy in court, arter his sole lied left the airth, would be a useless form. Why kant we take a leef outer the seecesh book, and string up thar spies like inions, as they do our onfortnit Pilgarlicks ? Instcd of permit- ting em to admire the prospeck from the loopholes of our forts, make em breefly ackwainted with the landskip through the loop- hole of a hafe-inch rope, and send em to jine Benny Dick Arnold in a futur State, whar seecesshin is onpossabul that's my doc- tering I A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 85 The oney cheep, conveenient and effectall way of dealin with traitor spies is to hang em. They merit death and should be treated cordingly. I wouldn't be afeard to bet my Crymean medal again a South Caroliny major's shirt-collar and spurs, thars more*n a hunderd of em in the Deestrick at this moment in reglar entercurse with the enemee. Sum of em is said to keep carryer pidgins, and no sunner is a grand coo detarmined on by the guverment than the particklers is on the wing to Richmound. The fassility with witch suspishus carrickters gits appoint- ments is a caushin to Cabbynets. I met in Pennsylvany avenoo yestday arternoon a Volunteer Kurnil and he's kwite poplar with the war department too as I heerd with my own ears torkin red-mouthed seeceshin in a newspaper offiz in New York not more'n six inunths ago. And I could tell you of a Kwarter- master, a feller from Tennesee, who sed in my heering arter the takin of Fort Sumter, that he was goin back to his nativ State to take up arms agen the U. S. guverment. Mebbe they're" refonned traitors ; but ef so thar convarshin was amazin rapid. Howsever I shall keep my eye onto em, and onto three or four more cases of a simildar nater, and ef they sho enny simtums of a relaps, they'll be heerd on at Head Kwarters almity sucldent. In the meentime I take the libty of advisin the Seckatiy of War and Ginral Maclellin to keep thar eyes skinned, for to my sartin nolledge pollytickle intreeg and pursonal asshurance lies obtaind commishins for men who oughter hev solid masonry and bar irun atwixt them and the honest porshin of the publick. The seeser of the two rebel plenipenitentiaries continnees to be the universal tropic of conversashin, and is warmly disgust. I understand Lord Lyons ses they must be restored right side up with keer to the British Guvmeut, and in coarse all the jackalls belongin to the legashin barks up the same tree. I hope they'll heva good time perswadin honest Old Abe to give em up. By the way, Wilkes got off rayther a good thing, line told, when axed by his Lordship's privit seckatry how he dared to board a British steamer. " Wai, my frend," ses the Commydore, in his solem way, " I thort as the Caroline was Mac-Nabbed in American waters, I was jestified, onder the suckemstances, in nabbing the Trent on the high seas." The legashin feller dident see it. Sumboddy told the story to Prentice of the Looistille Jernfl, at Forney's party tuther evenin, and that vetran joker remarkt that 86 WABLETTEBSOF the rool of tit-f )r-tat dident seem to be the Eule Britannia. Assist- ant Atturney Ginral Coffee sed he dident cunsidder England hed eany grounds of complaint, and Giural Porter felt sartain that the hull aifair would eeud in froth. It appeers that a curus mistake oridginated outer the fust dis- patch as arrove here announsin the capter of Mason and Sly- dell. It is stated that Wilkes, knowin they were passengers on the British steamer, made np his mind to " briny her too" This gin rise to a report that the San Jasinto hed ackilly brort the Trent inter Hamton Hoads with the plenipenitentiaries on board, and the Washington Tellagraft, which never misses a lie by enny axident, would hev spred the preshus noose from here to Californy afore this time, ef the wire-pullers at the offiz hedent ben stopt by a speshil rnessinger from the Navy Department ! Setch moddest fabels as the romance of the Three Black Crows would be considerd in these diggins near enuff to gospel trooth to administer the oath of alegions on ! We hev plesent informashin from Kaintucky to-day. The rebel Ginral Zollycougher's troops are desarting bekase they kant get thar pay, and it is sed he finds it onpossabul to raise the wind to replenish his milentary chest. In fack desarshin hes made setch a hole in his army, that he's hed to beat a retreat throo the Gap. Intellegence has also ben receved at the War Department from Bnfort that the delirium trimmings prisoner as was tuck with fits arter the fight, is sloly rekiverin from a state of sincopy and hes exprest a wish to take the oath of fidelity to the consti- tushin and a glass of red-eye. The revew of sixty -five thousand sojers by Maclellin on Wens- day was a high old specktickle, and ef the raal tragedy wen it cums off is ekwil to the rehearsal, Bull Run will be tearabully revenged. Trustin as the fitin of our troops will be as good as thar faintin, I remane, wulfishly, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLTJNTEEB. No. XXIX. [It is evident that our patriotic correspondent is fully in the confidence of the Administration ; but, like a man of honor, he neitnei- discloses the information imparted to him under the seal A DISBANDED VOLUNTEEB. 87 of secrecy, nor prowls among the understrappers of the Gov- ernment seeking intelligence from disreputable sources. "We commend his amusing account of a morning at General Mc- Clellan's head-quarters to the attention of such of our readers as arc " troubled with humor." EDS.] WASHINGTON, November 29, 1861. Eddyturs of tlie Sunday Merkary : The hurry-up-your-cakes fackshin lies wunst more opend its saft-shell battrees agen the administrashin. " Doos Ginral Mac- Icllin ever mean to stir ?" is the cry of the misabul spoons as got us inter hot water at Bull Run. O ! my " forrard movement" frends, dont let your bile over- flo. Paws, O milentary Eddyturs ; hold your hands, O sevagar- us curryspondents as sheds your ink so freely on your native foolscap, for three cents a line paws and simmer down. You air wastin stayshinnery in attemptin to drive things ahed. The Cnmmander-in-Cheef doosent keer a bullrush for your dietribes. He's not " a reed shaken by the wind," and you kant bamboosell him inter raisin Cain afore he feels sarsy abel to fite and conker. Tharfore, you mought as well dror in your horns and stop soundin your battle trumpits. Howsever, tho all seams smooth and cam, we air on the eve of mity events, as Adam remarkt to his wife when they fust got thar eyes skinned in the Gardin, and began to look around for a reddy-made clothin store and a mantoomakin establishment. Oney wait tell the rebel meatropolis is removed to Gnashveal and the mouths of all the Suthern harbers is choked with cob- ble-stuns drapt inter the chaps of thar channils, and then you'll see the grand army showin its teeth in aimest. Honest Old Abe is in closte confabulashin with Ginral Mac- lellin every day, and as I hev the confidense of both, they some- times permit me (arter hevin repeated the oath to sport and sustain the Constitooshin and give no sucker to the enemee) to take peart in thar counsultashins. A few mornins senst I went with our poplar cheef madgis- treet to call on the Ginral at his head-kwarters, and a very ples- ent, and in fack jolly palavver we hed together ; for altho both is church-members, they think, like the famus methodest domino, that the Evil Wun hes no right to hev all the funny games to his- self. When me and the President arrove at the Ginral's house, he warn't up, hevin ben out on a cruse among the rebel posts the cvenin afore, besides consumin the midnight ile the night 83 WAR LETTERS OF arter his return, in ritin letters. We sent up our kcards by an orderly, and lie brung us ward that as sun as the Ginral hed shaved, and tuck a shower bath, and hed his coffee, and red mor- nin prayers with his milentary famaly, our case would be attend- ed to. I thort it rather curus that he should keep the represen- tative of Uncle Sam watin hafe an hour in the aunty-rum, as ef he'd ben a kentry cussin, but the President oney larfed and sed it was Mac's way he was a simple-minded republican, and didn't stand on ceremunny with him or enny uther man. Presently the Ginral made his apperiance in his dressin gownd and slippers, and a cigar in his mouth, and shuck hands with us as corjally as ef we'd both ben his bruthers in arms. We then sot down, and the conversashin at wunst took a gay and spritely turn. " Mac," ses the President, " do you know that Seckatry Welles is a gay old boy, notwithstandin his gray hairs and his grown-up famaly?" " Howd' you make that out ?" replide the ginral, in his short, sharp way ; " I've allus onderstud he was considerd a moddel Christian in the land of steddy habits." " For all that he's a Giddy-un," rejined the wittyest of wood- choppers, sinilding vialcntly. " Wai," ses I, wishin to let the seckatry up eesy, for he's a frend of mine, " you mought jest as well hang a dorg as giv him a bad name." I sed that by way of defendin the absent, but I thort the President considerd the remark rayther otray, as they say in France, altho he dident say so. We then begun to tork of the Port Rile affare, and I axed Mr. Lincoln why Guverment wouldent allow Senitor Simmons, of Rhode Island, to turn a nonest penny by sendin a cargo of noshins to Bufort. Quick as a wink he anserd, " that altho the troops was in want of many things, it warn deemed advisabul that they should hev enny per- Simmons." I judged from the reply, that mebbe the spiritalist Senitor hed ben overly ankshus to repe the frutes of rebellyun. But arter all, why not giv him a chanst ? Ef he doosent skin the onfortnit sogers, some sutler- man will. The subjeck of Bucannon's defense of hisself by Ex-Atur- ney Ginral Black arterwards came up, and Maclellin, who is kwite a skollard, remarkt that considerin who it was ritten by and who it was ritten of, the motto oughter be from Horace " nigger est." I spose its to be found somewhars in the Triboon, but darn me ef / know what it meens, for I was too proud to ax. A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 89 Ilowsever I larfed for cumpany's sake. I knew they -was runnin a saw on old Buck, and that was enuff for me. At this pint of the conversashin the Venabul Abe, who would rayther get off a good joke than eat, enny time, inkwired of Ginral Maclellin ef he was awar that Ginral Rosecrans was tho gratest blackleg in the kentry. Maclellin turnt verry red, and sed twarnt so, surnboddy hed ben slanderin that galliant offsir. " My dear sir," replide the President, mildly, with a sly wink of his wether eye at me, " do you considder Floyd, the cannon thief, a gallus scoundril ?" " I do !" said the Ginral emfatically. " Wai," rejincd Mr. Lincoln, " and warn't he more'n a match for Floyd on the Cheat ?" I thort Maclellin would hev caterpillerd. He rored tell he was black in the face, and the President had to pat him on the back to bring him too. In this kinder dimond-cut-dimond small tork we wild away mebbe an hour or so. Ef it waru't "a feest of resin and a flo of sole," thar never was wun. I wisht I could oney remem- ber hafe the brilyant flashes of genus of every speshis as was got of. It was an exhibishin of humorous firewurks mpre eesily emagined than deskribed. The November meeteors doos- ent cumpar with it Subsekwently we went inter serous bizness, and setteld on an actyve programmy for the rest of the camppain. But for the oath prevously deluded to, you should hev the particklers. Suf- fize it to stjy that the rebels will get it hot and hevvy. Lucking ankshusly for the blessed crysis when we shall be in a condishin to tickel thar toby, I hev the honor to be, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. XXX. [The account given by our quaint old friend of the altercation between the President and Secretary Cameron is particularly rich and racy. The most implicit confidence may be placed in the general accuracy of the dialogue. The hints in the daily papers in relation to the quarrel or, to speak gingerly, the dif- ference of opinion between Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Cameron, are, 90 "WAR LETTERS OF we are assured on the best authority, very wide of the mark. EDS.] WASHINGTON, December 6, 1801. Eddyturs of tlie Sunday MerJcary : Thars ben an iinproovin time here atween Abraham and Simon. I mean, in coarse, atween the Hed of the Nashin and the lied of the War burrow. These two hcds hed a lively brush on Sunday. Thar idees clashed on the subjeck of anning the woollyheds, and arter considabul iffing and butting, they both hauled oiF without hevin made the slytest impresshin on wunanuther. Honest Old Abe, who deerly luvs his own way and hes a hart as tender as a biled turnip, wanted Camerun to alter his vews about setting the blacks onto the whites, war- upon, as I onderstand, the Sekatry declined to make the altera- shin and the follerin altercashin ensood. ABE. Sir, the Slavery mancipashin questen is a notty pint. Thars a split on it now in the North, and what you say in your report about armin the niggers and settin em on to mall thar masters, would oney act as a wedge to widen the fisher. You air not axed for opinions, sir, but oney for statements. Ef yom dojckyment was to go to Congress ondockt, all the consarvativs would say I was barkin up the same tree as yourself, and I should be railed at as onworthy of my post by all the Suthern Unionists. You must dock off that porshin of the tail eend of your report whar you say it may be the " dooty" of the Guver- ment to " arm and ekwip'' the darkeys. Sir, I insist upon it. SIMON. Mister President, I owe it to myself to say it kant be dun. I wont take back a sillybull. Ive sent the report to the papers with orders for it to go in, and tharfore it must cum out. War to the, nife and the nife to the hilt is my watchword, and ef you want to play at push-pin with rebellyun, insted of smitin the Fillistins hip and thigh, you must git anuther Seckatry of War. ABE (sourcastically). The jaw of an ass, Mr. Seckatry, isent as powerful a weepin now as it was in the days of Samson and the Fillistins, and tharfore line ankshus to hev the objeckshun- abul claws struck out. It is onwurthy of your talons as a states- man. Suppose your blud is up it is your bizness as a polly- tishen to dror it mild. SIMON. Mr. President, the remarks you kwarril with in my messidge to Con I mean my report to you was not dictated by mollevolence nor wicked annymosity, but by a Simon Pure regard for that high old morrill precept : " The eend sankshins the means." The whining pollytishins as blubbers at the idee A DISBANDED VOLtTNTEER. 01 of arrnin the blacks, is a set of hypercritical Charlolans, and nuthin shorter. Could the bluddiest of Afrikins act more like devils ingarnet, than the white blackguards of South Caro liny, and Georgy, and Alabammer hes acted. Why should we treat them with bon Jiominy and considerashin, when they thretten to hyst the black flag, and refuse to giv up the ded boddies of our slain frends, and thrust thar pilsners of war inter unholesurn dungins, whar they shoot ein throo the winders, and lear with butcherly ej^es at evry Nuthemer that passes throo thar streets, cryin " Kill ! kill ! kill !" ABE. Enuff of this Mister Camerun and rayther more. / am President of these United States not you. Ef you think Ime a poppit to foller the moshins whenever Simon ses wiggle- waggle, youve mistaken your man. Ef twenty four millyuns of honest Nuthern Unionists kant flax out six millyons of ongrate- ful Suthern rebils without a servile war, the angler-Saxon race isent fit to hold the rod of Empire even on this side of Mason and Dickson's line. SIMON. "Well, Mister President, all I hev to say, in conclnshin is, that even ef my report should caws my discharge, I wont alter it. ABE. You needent go off at hafe cock, Mister Seckatry. Ime not goin to dismiss you at least not rite away ; but I shall wipe out your nigger-arniin subjestshin, previus to sendin the docky- ment to Congress. SIMON (rayther sulkily). "Well, do as you like, I see we kaiit set up our bosses together. ABE. Never mind, my frond, so long as you fatten yourn at the public crib. SIMON (savagely). Say, Mister President, you're fond of can- nondrums, ken you tell me why youre like the North Wind. ABE (playfully). Mebbe its bekase you find me purty cutting, Mister Camerun. SIMON (malislmsly). No, Sir, its bekase youre a " blusterin railer." ABE (coolly). Very good, Mister Seckatry and do you know why youre like a sartain profit as was swallered by a whale ? SIMON (reflectively). Prehaps bekase I shall be hard to keep down and may turn up all right when least eggspected. ABE (in Ms usual sly way). No, but bekase I shall throw you overboard whenever setch a sackrifice is nessesary to asswage the storm. You would hev to go, my frend, ef the publick good 92 WAR LETTERS OF reckwired it ; so you'd better squar your pollysee by my wishes, my Simon, ef you want to be Simon bar Jonah ! Eggsit Simon. Abe whissels, and the curtin falls. The President is in better luck than the old man in the Don- key fabil. His Messidge tickcls eenamost evrybody, without it is the rebels, and in coarse it is intended to tetch them in the raw. Within a fortnit, mebbe within a week, you'll hear of a big thing in the way of a skriimnage not a hunderd milds from these diggins. Onless Bowerygard and Johnstun back down, thar'll be a battle on the Sulphurino skale afore New Years, jest as shure as Bellsabub beleeves in broilin brutal braggarts in brimstun. I could say more but mums the word ontil the fo is beaten to a mummy. You hed a jolly time in New York I larn over Opdike's eleck- sin. Well you hev a right to holler now youre outer the Woods both Fernando and Benjamin. Thar was plenty of cheatin on thar side I spose, but the lottery policy doosent dror a prize in pollyticks every time. Hopin that a new erie is commensing in witch all tiine-sarving humbugs will be swampt, I remain hopefully, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. XXXI. [Our old friend seems to be a good deal exercised on the negro question, and although we may not exactly agree with him, we have no objection to his ventilating his opinions through our columns. EDS.] WASHINGTON, December 13, 1861. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : Ime afeard the omnipleasant nigger is goin to make trubble here this winter. Thars sed to be a congresshinal majority in favor of placin our arms in his hands and makin a milentary cumraid and bruther of him. A sartain New England Sennytur hes redooced the propersishin to black and white, and intends to interduce a woolley-head Bill in the Sennit, embracin his idees. Wun thing is beyont contraversy namely that publick opinyun here is very mcey versy. Ef Congress passes the meshur, the A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 93 President will probly cum down on it with his offishal nigger- tive. Mutch as I admire our Afrikin friend I don't think we could afford to swop the best white sojer in the Union for him, and as Ginral Maclellin would onquestenably resine ef Sambo was put in uniform, I predicate we lied better let our ebony feller creturs shell corn, and our white brethren with har on their heads shell the rebels. The Sunday Merkary I bleve is slitely inklined to carry Afriky inter the war, and so far as sholderin " de shovel and de ho " to dig ditches and raze airth- wurks is consarned, I go in for it too ; but when it cums to shol- derin the musket, thars no culler of resin for it, when we've got six hunderd thousand white fokes in the feeld. Prehaps the best thing we ken do with our Ethiopian cussin is to wurk him and pay him doorin the war, and send him whar he ken keep hisself too hisself afterwards. Sum years ago we was goin to buy the Sandwitch Hands. Why wouldn't that be a fust rate locashin for " persons held to serve us," as the Constitooshin hes it? Arter bein treated all their lives as Sons of Ham, they would in coarse be glad to be colonized among the Sandwitches. Good tidins is looked for frum the Mussysippy purty recently. The gunboat squadrun is now reddy, and ef the flowtiller doosent git inter a tight place, or run agen a snag, the Father of Waters will sun be ourn from St. Louis to whar it debauches inter the sea. The advantidge of this moovrnent must be a parent to all, for at present we oney hold the river to Cairo, heving so far found it onpossabul to get a step father. Orders hes ben isssod, I onderstand, to raise the rebel block- head on the lower Potomac, and Bragadear Ginral Sickles is sed to be on the Key veve for a brush with the disunionists in that f ejin. He's a fine man is Ginral Sickles, and ef he's as mutch beloved by his sojers now as he was when on Staten Hand, thar isent wun of em as wouldent cherfully foller him to his deth. Abe and his lady is both in salubrus helth, and feel confident that the North and South will shortly lay down together as the lion and the lamb did in Pairodice, afore the lamb was awar that the lion had a hankerin arter mutton. The venabul Head of the Nashin hes been a good deal intersted in the Bible kwotashins lately published in the noosepapers. He was naterally indignant to find em bogus, and that he had sairtched the skripters in vain. But it warnt altogether in vain nuther, for he informt me he hed drived great consolashin from the Book of Sams, and speshily from Sam Forty, verse seven. On turnin to the passidge I found these sole refreshin words " MANASSES is MINE," witch I hope 94 WAB LETTEBS OP it will prooye so. I subjested howscver that ef we kommence firing texts at the Sutherners they rnought giv us as good as we sent ef not more so. Frinstance ses I, run your eyes over Isayer, and in wun of the chapters youll diskiver the follerin sentence ".Z will say to the North giv up." He peered to be rather tuck aback by the langwedge of the profit ; so I told him by way of a flyer that accordin to Doctor Cheever, it meant as the North should giv up to the abelishinists. The yung grandsuns of the late Loose Fillup seems to enjoy tharselves here, drinkin thar bumpers of shampain and shat- ter margo, and actin as aids to the ginral-in-chief. No dout they'll do thar dooty when it cums to hard nocks, and realize the hopes of thar galliant uncle the Dook of A Maul. The Prince of Sam Sam, late of Prooshia, is also figgering around consida- bul, and thars several Hungry counts as wants to be counted in when the time cums for pitchm inter the secesh humsteds. Sum on em I suspeck warnt of much a count whar they formally belonged. But war brings all sorts of furrin ware to the surfiz. I met a German in a major's uniform in Willard's Sally Manger yesterday, as I seen standin opposit Saint Paul's church in New York not rnore'n two mouths ago, with a basket full of young puddle dorgs for sale. As was to be andizzypated, John Bull was tuck with a ver- teego it seems when he heered of Slydell and Mason's captor, but I reckin arter tossen his horns a spell he'll dror em in. Nobody here is skared a mite about the maggot he's got inter his head. Let him take keer we don't hawl him over the coals for aideu and cumfurten the vile incinderary, Pegram and his feller pints. Trustin that a collushin with the enemee will come off afore the contractors hev sacked all the Guvernments reddy rino, Iremane with grate devoshin to the Sunday Merkary, the President, and the Nayshinal Egul, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEEB. No. XXXII. [We place the firmest reliance on our correspondent's confi- dent prediction that peace will be preserved. His opportunities A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 95 for ascertaining the intentions of the President on all important points are of a kind not enjoyed by any other writer for the press in "Washington. There is no danger of a collision with England at the present crisis. But, as the " Disbanded" hints, a time may 4ome ! EDS.] WASHINGTON, December 20, 1861. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkai-y : So the British lion's tail's a waggin, and the wun horned fablus animal as doos the Circus pony bizness on the uther side of the English diedam has assumed a buttin attitood arid the munkey of the hull Rile menadjery is considabully up. The sellybrated American War Fowl, as makes his nest in the thun- der cloud, and roosts on a streek of litenin, and looks the blazin sun right in the eye, is also eggsighted sum. But He bet a gold peace to a Bellona sossidge, thar wont be no war. I spose all the Wall street flneseers and stock-jobbers is brakin out in goose pemples at the thort of it. Tell the misabul moneymaniacs to cam thar felines and not let the threts of the British press to give us rats wurry em enny. Evrybody sposed that snakin the rebel plenipenitentiariea from onder the British flag would caws an angry crow from evry cockney Chapman. When the Trent reached the Thames in coarse thar was an orful moovin of the waters. But tho John Bull's choler was up, his best stock went down, witch shows that altho a stiff-necked animal, the idee of a fight with the Yan- kees gin him a pain in his pocket. Thar'll be an allmity big tork, but no shindy. Wove no time to tend to outside bizness till the Cotton States is flaxed out, and John, arter considerin the barings of the hull matter over his pipe and his pewter, will find out that the game aint worth the taller, and be in no hurry to pitch inter his best customer without resin. I calkilate thar- fore that arter an all-thnnderin waste of paper and red tape, it will all eend in asshoorances of the most distingwished consid- erashin. The thing hes got to be argufied, ennyhow. I like Wilkses grit, but ef that son of Neptin went further than he'daughter, the missdeed must be disdained and Brittania mollyfied. Loose Napollyon proposes, they say, to act as abittraitor, and as he wunst was a London perleeceman he aughter know how to keep the peace. Sum thinks he'd be glad to jine England, ef she's inklined for a crewsaid agen us, to give emplyment to his sir- plush navy and divert the publick mind from hum affairs. Its 96 WAR LETTERS OF my opinyun as the newy of his unkil zs raytlier in a bad fix ; but with an empty treshury I dont see how he ken help England or even hisself, onless he goes to his nnkil at the Mount de Piety and puts his regaly up the spout to raise the wind. But ennyways its our place to calkilate all the chances and keep cool. In the present crysis, brutherly felines and consilly- tory purceedins tords furrin powers is our dooty as devoted Chris- tians. When weve roped in the South we kin tend to the Europyens (darn em !), but not afore. " Peace on airth and Good Will to Men," should be the nayshinal watchwurd ontil arter Jeff Davis, Floyd, Pickens and cumpany, is hung. Bennett I notis is dooin his darndest to help his Suthren frends, by urgin the North to get up a war with England. The seeceshers here say he's the trooest frend they hev on the foot- stool, and that altho the Suthern pus is rayther low, he lies oney to speak ef he wants more of the yaller stuff outer their corrup- shin fund. They're not without gratitood these rebels. I hope no harm will ever happen to Bennett ; but if thar doosent, its a pruff that the " wages of sin" hes ben considabully redooced sense the New Testament was issood. I hed a long confab with Honest Old Abe yestday arter he receved the dispatches by the steamer. His spirts was as good as wheat, and he got off several cannondrums of the loudest kind. He was about hafe way throo with a speshil messidge to Congress and he axed me why it warn't like the Bible. I caved in without a neffort, and he sed with an engagin smile, that it disresembled the Bible bekase it warn't wholly writ. Then he worked away on his onfinished messidge for a wile ; but held up suddently, as ef sumthin hed occurd to him, and inkwired ef I knew why his pen was like his cabbynet. " I reckin," ses I, " it's bekase it's fust rate and goes along smooth and easy." " No, my slo frend," he replide sharply, " the resin is thars an onwriteous big split in it." " But," ses I, " obnockshus Cabbynet advisers isent like pens." " Why not?" ses he. " Bekase," ses I, with a confidenshal wink, " they hev never ben considerd stationery." The blessed old man larfed all over. It doosent take much to tickel him. When he hed cumposed hisself, I axed him wot sort of an anser was goin out to the British guverrnent to-day, remarkin that ef it was onderstood the Canarder hed carrid out an onfa- A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 97 vorable reply thar'd likely be some lame ducks in Wall street albre long. He prornply rejined that thar was nuthin in the dispatches per Afriky to warrant enny black forebodins. "Is the blasted plenipenitentiaries to be gin up?" ses I (I couldent help it). " We shall purtest agin it ef we do it !" he responded. " So will the nashin, line afeard," ses I. "Mebbe so," he exclamed, thortfully; "but it's all for the best." " Couldent we keep wun of the hang-dog raskils ?" ses I, feroshusly ; for I felt real wurmy at the idee of thar squinnin outer our hands. " Couldent we giv em Mason and keep that slippery son of a soap-biler, Slydell, Avho's as full of lies as wun of his father's vats ?" " Ah !" ansered the venabul statesman, " I know wot your felines is, old boy, and mine's jest as wulfy. But we kant afford lucksirees at present. We must finish one shindy afore we pitch inter anuther." He was right, Eddyturs, he was right ; but rath will keep ef its bottled up keerfully for futur use ; and in the meantime we kin let the South hev a few vials of it, hot and hevvy. All the bar-rum pollytishins here is torkin turkey about seesin Canady, and smashin things genally, in the Herald stile ; but that'll be no war, and that ile gambol on. Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER No. XXXTH. The fire and vigor which usually characterize the letters of the spunky Old Soldier are not as conspicuous as usual in the following communication. It seems as if the concessions made, or to be made, by our Government to John Bull, on account of the Trent affair, and the do-nothing policy of the military author- ities at Washington, had produced a depressing effect on the spirits of the brave old man. We fear that the Grand Army of the Potomac is destined to inglorious inaction for the next three months though we hope otherwise. No wonder that our vet- 5 98 WAR LETTERS OF eran friend chafes at the idea of Tiy~bernoMng within a few hours' march of an enemy inferior in numbers, poorly clothed, and by no means a match for the Federal cohorts either in artillery- practice or in close encounter. He cannot understand it neither can AVC neither can the People. EDS.] WASHINGTON, December 27, 1861. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : Poplar fury sun rises to a grate hight in this kentry, but altho AVC git up a tree allmity rapid (as is the case ginally with peeple in ardent climes), yet our eggsightinent kwickly sobsides, and then we air Avillin to consider the subjeck cooly in all its branches. Setch has ben the case in the Sam Jasinto and Trent dissentshun. At fust our Ebbynesir Avas up, and even I Avent it on the loud for an emute with England. Naterally enufF in the fust instants, we thort John Bull wanted to take advantidge of our diiferculties, and we called him a mean cuss ; but as sun's AVC sor he manyfisted a dispersishin to disgust the matter in an amacobble sperit, our guvermcnt sed at Avunst with the utmost libriilty and afubility " Spit it out, Old Buffer, and ef youve been ronged in a matter of etliketty, we'll make it all right, right away." JoLn, Avho isent a bad feller, considerin he's a furriner and doosent speak English as goo.l as we do, was mitily sweet- end up by this mark of caiidysensliin, and rcplide, "Hiliassent Hirne satisfied." So the rumpuss may be lucked on as over, an.l all dannger of a bluddy catastrophy at an eend. Ssward, they do say, lies played his kcards all-thunderin crafty in this bizness. He represented to the British ambassydor that nuthin Avould please Loose Napollyon better "n to see England and the United States pitchiu inter Avun anuther, hopin, in coarse, that Brittannia, in the eend, \vould ketch a tartar. As Lyons hates the Enipror wus than pisin, this veAV of the case gin a soft and silky turn to the negoshiashins. and the way they liundeld the kwcstin wa so all-flatterin smooth and plesent that noboddy could a sposed ihar was eiiny sharp claAVs onderneath the velvet. Ginral Scott's letter, too, dun a heep of good, and his return from Payris Avith a sekrit vnessidge to our Guverrnent from L. N. was jest in the nick of time to prevent an internayshmal mill, or, as a Cockney sed to me at "VVillard's to-day, it Avas " singlarly hoppertune." The sojers at Arlinton Hights feested high on Christmas Day. line afeard thar isent poltery eniiff left for seed in that neybrood, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 09 f- _ Gobblers was cornfisticated, ducks was abduckted, fouls was oiifairly dealt with, and I calkilate from \vot I heerd of the explites of our brave defenders among that speeshy of birds as wunst saved the Capital, that most on em is sound on the goose. Every entrenchment was a Fort Pickings, and when it cum to an attact on the wings and brestworks evry ridgement dun its dooty. Wile the rank and file was eggsirsizin thar teeth on the fetherd creashiu without distinckshin of age or sect, the oS'sirs was bankwetting at thar kwarters, and by all ackounts they dident do things by haves. They sellybrated the jovil ockashin with few dejoys of sham pain and wished wun anuther inenny happy returns, tell thar skins was as full of hidesick as Low's balloon is of hydrygin when he goes on a lark inter the clouds. Not as cuny on em got tite and went in for a bust. They kept thai-selves right side up with keer ; and ef the fo hed cum they would hev found em cummy fo. In coarse the gals they left beliint em was drunk with the biggest kinder " hips !" and nuthin was wantin but the actil presents of the safter sect to make it as jolly a nan- nyversery as ever cum off anywars. All that eucherd the galliant yung offsirs was they lied to go it alone. Sum of the tosts (both reglar and volunteer) desplayed consid- abnl gumpshin. A list of uppards of fifty hes ben kindly fur- nisht me by the orthurs, from witch I hev cut the follerin. The spellin is theirn, not mine, so Inie not responsibul for errors. By an officer of the Sixty-ninth Our Sell-tick friends the Sutlers. By a Zouave Captain The Pet Lambs so called becaus they always lam their enemies. By a Lieutenant of the Seventy-ninth The Kilt. (Owing to a slight misapprehension of this toast, it was drunk by the officers of the Sixty-ninth standing and in silence.) By a Boston artillery officer Federal shells wherever they burst in the land of slaves may the yoke be broken By a romantic aid de camp Soon may the winter of our discontent be cheered by a glorious march. By a Major in the Rifles May we soon have something better to shoot at than Folly as it flies. By a cavalry Colonel Heaven send us manlier work than killing Time. The rest is purty much in the same vane most on em bein clamrush for a forrard moovemeut. The hull army hates the idee of layin asleep all winter like a doormouse. They air 100 WAB LETTEKS OF wulfy ankshus to make the enemee's fur fly, and kant see the objeck of setch a long paws. Hopin they will be allowed fitin enuff to keep thar blud in sirkelashin and thar weepins from bein eaten with rust, I remain, with grate contempt for sartain slow coaches that shell be nameless, Yours alms, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. XXXIV. [When the old fellow plants himself, rolls up his shirt-sleeves, and " goes in" for a rough-and-tumble assault on corruption in its strongholds, it is worth while to stand by and look on. We call attention to the body-blows he pours into official thievery and all its pets and myrmidons. No carpet-knight is he, when Wrong is to be challenged, denounced, and assailed. Brave old boy ! we like your spunk, and say Amen ! to your righteous maledic- tions. EDS.] WASHINGTON, January 3, 1862. Eddyturs of tTie Sunday MerJcary : Sartainly we Americans air Jobs, every man of uz. Sum few may chafe and feel sore at the idee of never cumming to the scratch with the enemee, while the kentry is goin to the devil, but the Nayshin in ginral bares it all with a payshint smild. A nrillyun of dollars is payed out daily, and wots to show for it ? Wunst a week or so, thars a skrimmidge surnwhars, and mebbe twenty or thirty rebels killed and wownded and mebbee not. Evry secesher we rub out costs the North about a hunderd thousand dollars, and prisners of war, at the lowest figger, fifty thousand dolors a peace. Ef you no of enny mathermatishin as ken calkilate the cost of flaxin the South, accordin to that skale of prices, I wisht you to hev it dun, bekase I think a skwint at the sum totil mought wake up the American people, and show em the pressopeace tords witch thar clrivin. An aiveridge dividend of not more'n thirty ded rebels a week, on a weekly dispersement of millj r uns of dolors, peers at the first glanst rayther a slim return. But I hope noboddy wurries about it, bekase purty sun the tacks-getherers will be along and then we shall pay all our dets down on the nail, and ef we chuse to give the hyest price for milentary lucksirees, whose bizness i3 A DISBANDED VOLTJNTEEB. 101 it ? Hevent we all ben makin our piles for the last kwarter of a sentry, and aint we eenauiost tired of seein ern grow and raountin gard over em ? Isent tliar gold enuff in Califoruy and Oregon and cetery to remunnyrate the brave defenders of our kentry and satisfy the multitood of all lired theeves that naterally belongs to a grate rnilentary establishment ? Can't we dig it up and fork it over jest as eesy as shuvelling peach-blows outer a tater-patch ? So ef we want to play at war on the protracted meetin prencepul, wots to hender us ? The last parrygraft is intended sourcastically. Sourcasm, they say, is a powerful weepiu, and ef I ken use it so as to gode my kentrymen outer thar leathargy, and indooce them to lift up thar vices and make thai-selves heerd by the slow-coinotives and doo- nuthins at Washington, I shant waste my stashinery in vain. Cheatin and robbery of a nater as would dror tears of indignashin from the eyes of State Prison convicks, flurishes in evry depart- ment of the public sarvis, from sutlers up to seckatries, and thar's no chanst of the conflicks bein brort to a close while it continnees. As long as the War Goose lays goldin eggs in the nest of cor- rupshin, thar'll be plenty of cacklin, but no concloosiv fightin. Upon the honor of an old sojer, as never tuck the vally of a chaw of tobacker over and abuv his jest doo, I bleve that ef sum twenty of the mercynary hangers on of the guverment could be strung up without mercy on Capitol Hill to-morrer mornin, it would do more to shorten the war than a big victry over the insirgents. And mark wot I say! it will cum to sum- thin of that kind in the cend. Ef the guverment doosent make a vertoo of necessty, the people will. When the skrews is put to evry man's individyal pocket by the federal collectors, let the all-plunderin vagabones of contractors luck to thar necks. The hemp's growd and twisted that'll strangel sum of em yet. Isacur is an ass that stoops atween two burdius. He ken stagger along cherfully onder slagnashin in trade and the fare cost of a war, but ef on top o' that you keep a pilin the devils own cxtrees till his back bone begins to crack, up goes his blessed old heels at last, and then bewar of the exassprated animal. I reckin that outer the three hundred and odd inillyuns of dolors eggspendecl senst last March, a good seventy-five millyuns lies gon in cheatins, shavins, and theevins. The itums will never be known tell the grate day when all ackounts is balanced, and the sheep lies the satisfackshin of seein the billy-goats as butted them on airth sent whar they belong. 103 W A B LETTERS OF I persooin the swinclcl on bosses alone amounts to considabul over a niillyun, and as to the shoddy shave, ef you put it down at the uiodcrat aivridge of five dollars a man for the hull army, thar s three millyuus more. Evrything else hes ben furnisht on the same paytriolick skale of profits, and in the West it is seel a very purty bizness is dun in sellin fewill to the guvernment agents at twenty per cent above its vally, and then stealin it and sellin it to em agen at a small advance on the oridgenal swindel. I hevent heerd of ennyboddys bein hauled over the coals for pur- suin this new cut-and-curn-agen sistein of diggin inter the treshury, but I larn on the contrary from a frend in Congress that it is spoken of as a remarkabul speciment of American genus by sum of the guverment offishalls, and that ef the inventor was to apply at the pay tent offis he could git the right skewerd to him for all the Nuthern States without the slytest trubble. Honest Old Abe's hands is clean, but wot ken he do? He pilots the ship of state as well as he nose how, but the pirits is too strong for him. While he stands at the helium theyre all the while brakin cargo, and onless he hed as many eyes as he hes liars on his skalp, he couldent watch the theeves on the kwartcr deck, to say nuthin of the gangs of villins continally swarmin up the sides, and snakin thar way throo the port holes, and swimmin around to grab wotever thar frends on board lets down over the stam and bulwarks, and throo the cabbin winders. Congress, howsever, ken do smnthin, and onless it takes meshers to save the owdashis skoundrils from poplar fury, bj providin for thar saift-keepin in jails, why then, as I sed afore, thar'll be a hangin match wun of these days that'll astonish all corrupshin. Ef the peeple wunst takes the job in hand, I dont seem to think as high conneckshins at Washington will save sum of the cheef plunderrnungers from makin an improvin eeud onder the awe- species of a vigilants committee. Ive seen better men jerked inter etarnity in Californy, for stealin bosses and setch, and thar bodies pitched inter a trench like ded dogs by the peeple in Com- mittee of the Hole. It is rummerd around that thars to be an advance of the main army in about two weeks, but I shell never bleve it ontil I hear the drums beat and the trumpets blow. The ginral opinyun of thortful men is that the last trumpet will sound afore thars a for- rard moovement. Hopen for the best but eggspectin nuthin, I remane in disgust, Yours, allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEEK. A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 103 No. XXXV. [In the following characteristic letter, our veteran friend and correspondent completely refutes the implied charge of a morn- ing journal, that he was guilty of having invented the conver- sations purporting to have taken place between the President and himself, which have at several times appeared in his Washing- ton letters, published in this paper. The formal document, es- tablishing the fact that the remarks attributed to the President by " The Disbanded" areas authentic as anything of the kind that has appeared in any of the leading presses of the country, seta the question entirely at rest. EDS.] WASHINGTON, January 24, 1862. Eddyturs of the Sundny MerlMry : A sartain small beer Washington curryspondent as delitcs in brew in mischeef, fizzles out the follerin in yestday's New York Times. He ses Mr. Lincoln rcmarkt to a frend " that his privit conversashins'' was not for noosepapers," and likewise that " nuthin from him was wuth repeatiu ouless it hed ' Abraham Lincoln' sinccl to the bottom." In coarse this spurt of bitterness is intended as a slop at me. It is fablus an;l liehellious wun of the numerus shoddy statements witch the "rolieable gentlemen" as wurks by the yard for tho daylie press is continally raanoofactoring outer hole cloth. The fact is that the ornary noosepaper curryspondints here is jellus of the eggsalted opin3'un entertaned of me by the Eggsegg- ative. M} r staiidin at the seat of guvennent is higher'n theirn. Mr. Lincoln never axes enny of that class of suckers to a teat-a- teat with him in his privit sanktum. He doosent waste his can- nondrums on the critters, for he is well awar that ef wun of his button-busters was fired ainung the crowd from the mouth of a ten-inch Parrot, the hit wouldentbe appreshiated. I hev the highest orthority for sayin that my frcnd Abe never reimrkt, or thort, or suspccktcd, or hed the idee, or eggspects to Lev, that nuthin from him is wuth repeatin onless it hes his name to it. Contrarywisc, he thinks, /think, and thinkin men in gin- ral thinks, that the oflishal clockyments baring his signatoor doosent cum pair "with sum of his wittyschisms published in the SUNDAY MEKKAHY. He doosent desire to disown 'em ; and in order that setch envyus and meudashus statements as the abnv from the Times Curryspondeuce may not hev undoo inileweuce 104 WAR LETTERS OF on the publick mind, I hev ben faverd with the next offishall triboot to iny voracity, for insershin in your collumes ! " DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, ss. Know all men by these pres- ents, that the statements of conversations between 'The Dis- banded Volunteer' and the present Chief Magistrate of the United States, published from time to time in the New York SUNDAY MERCURY, are entitled to as full credence and belief as any re- ports of the sayings of the undersigned, grave or gay, wise or otherwise, which have appeared in the New York daily papers and other influential American presses instituted for the diffusion of knowledge among men. *******.jj " In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand * L. s. * and the broad seal of the Republic, this twenty-third *****# day of January, A. D\, 1862. A. L." Thar a short horse is sun curried, and I reckin the currys- pondent aforesed will be mity keerful how he pervokes anuther rub from me. Wun wurd more in vindicashin of Mr. Lincoln. The ties subsistin atween us will not permit me to see him drag- ged afore the publick in a false posishin. A New York jernil ses he deklard last week as he hedent peroozed a noosepaper for a munth. Taint so. He reeds the SUNDAY MERKARY evry week, and the Newport News tellagraffie dispatches evry day . and bein as oncapabul of an ontruth as Metamora the Forrest Child, its not sposable that he made the remark a scribed to him. The affair at Mill Crick, Kaintucky, hes elevated our sperrits. The tedeum of suspense hes ben suckseeded by the songs of Victry. It will thrill the hull kentry from the Chain Bridge at Washington to the Golclin Gate of Californy ! Fourteen hun- derd mules tuck, arter an obstnit resistance ! What will Man- asses say to that? Ken the rebels continny the war for me any long 'ears at that rate ? I predicate not. And the flyin fo could- ent wait for the waggins. We've got em all it seems. As to thar artillry forces, our men smasht em and skewerd all thar heviest pieces. Ginral Thomases name is on evry lip here, and Ginral Schoopf s would be ef enny boddy could pernounce it. The oney way to do it is to say Shope, and then put your upper teeth over your onder lip, and giv setch a puff as the old wumman did when she tried to blow the candle out. Wai, it desarves a puff at the eend, ennyhow. The fust ackounts of the fight, bein exofishy (like O. C. Kcrr's from the Mackarel Brigade), was not bleved by a single sole, but evry shadder of dout was soon dizzypated by dispatches from hed-kwarters. The fact that our Ginral Fry hes settled Zollycuffer's hash, creates more feline amung the aristocratick A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 105 rebel symperthisers here than the suckumstance of three hnn- derd of the rank and file bein made mincemeat of. Seecesshin lies heel a lofty fall, and no mistake. A few more setch Somer- sets, and its back-bone'll snap. I onderstand that Mrs. Greenhow and Mrs. Baxley, the two captive dullsinners as feels setch a deep intrest in Jeff Davis and the uther Suthern Nights of the Rueful Countenance, lies worn crape on the left arm sents the noose of the Union victry arrove. Ef they mount a fresh strip evry time Unkel Sam's right arm strikes from the sholder, I gess they'll be purty nigh smuthered in weeds afore six weeks is over. Hopin thar'll be anuther batch of glorious intelligents by post and wire afore this reaches you by post and rail, I remane, tri- umfantly, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. XXXVI. [The following letter seems to have been written in a some- what gloomy frame of mind, and we don't wonder at it. The proceedings at Washington are not of a character to elevate the spirits of an honest patriot, like our correspondent. God help the country if its sole reliance was upon the wisdom and hon- esty of some of its executive officers and representatives. EDS.] WASHINGTON, January 31, 1862. Eddyturs of tlie Sunday MerTcary : Peers to me ef this war continnees long enuff, Floyd and Toucey may loose thar repitashin as A number 1 theeves and skoundrils. Thars fellers here as is hard onto the heels of them hullsail depredators, and onless sum of em is brort up with the hangman's lasso purty sun, I dont no but theyll be chorks a head afore the Union's saved. Menny thinks as the Navy Department wants swobbing out. Sendin honest patryits to see in setch traps for the onwary as the transports as was nocked to peaces, or rayther as fell to peaces, on the cost of North Caroliny, and furnishin of em with water in Kerosene oil casks, is a combmashin of enterprise and wilful murder, as wouldn't be past over in silence by Nayshins in ginral. Mebbe its the folt of my Californy edicashin ; but it doos seem to me that whar orful sufferin and loss of life cums of theeving, a 5* 106 WAR LETTERS OF little hangin would be an improovin spccktickle. "When I was prospectin at the mines, I used to think that Lynch Law was on- civilized and perumptory, but senst Ive mingled in sosity at Washington Ive cum to vew it in a milder light. The buty of the raskality that prevales onder our enlitencd guverment is that the sponsability rests nowhars. The swindlin in the War Department hes ben of a natur and extent to make a saint blastfeem, but the Seckatry cums outer the sink of inickity with outer a stain on his ofllshall garments. He hod nuthin to do with the contracks. It was the heads of the burrows. And the heads of the burrows puts it onto the guverment agents, and tliey put it onto the devil, I spose. Then the Navy Department begins to smell fishy, but the late Postmaster and small poli- tishin of Hartford, as navigates the consarn, doosent ketch the flavor of it even when Congress stirs up the corrupshin onder his nose. As to Congress, it seems to be takin a cumfortable snooze rite on the edge of a fienanshil volcany. Guverment credit is goin to Tofit both to hum and abrod, and the tax bill witch is the oney pennj'sea for the evil, hangs by the ilids in a doo-nuthin committy. O ! its enulf to make enny troo American swar in church, to think how this great and glorus kentry is bully-rag- ged and molltreated and kwack-doctered, in her hour of diifcr- kulty. It doos seem as ef the breed of our great men and troo patryits had gin out with the Clays and Websters, and that oney rubbish remaned behind. The idee of puttin a stomp dooty on noosepapers shows what sort of critters hes been sent to Congress from sartain deestricks. Howsever I dont bleve the House hes . arrove at setch a pitch of loonacy as to pitch hed foremost inter the press. Ef it should I reckin the Sennit would hev the gump- shin to put a stopper on the meshur, and failin that surely Old Abe would stomp his foot down on setch an act of wus than furrin clesputism. But I ken tell you, Eddyturs, thars a gang of onscroopalus raskils here v as is wurkin day and nite to git a claws inter the ginral tax bill that'll kill the kentry press. The heads of the rnoovement is the emiseries of a sartain New York press whoos artickles reconimendin the confisticashion of English property hes ruined our credit in England and indooced the holders of our skewrities thar to sell out as fast as they ken. This consarn eggspects to make $200,000 a year by a stomp dooty ef it ken be put throo, and more'n a duzzin agints is lobbyin like devils in- garnet to effeck that objeck. A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 107 The President Is in a cherful frame of mind, but Ime sorry t< say hces gettin to be rayther obstnit. The old man and the Sen nit dooscnt goinside in thar yews. Frinstance they censhur hir- pnriickler frend and former pardner Mr. Layman, the niarshi! of the Deestrick, and the Eggsegative by way of hittin back, makes him master of the serimonies at the White House, when the Sennyturs call to pay thar respecks. Sum ses this is acten with dignifide firmness, but uthers as hev no axes to grind, givo it a diffrent name witch my intimit relashins with the President up to the present time, forbids me to put in black and white. Possably he may giv me the cold sholder for makin these re- marks but publick interests afore privit frendship. I notis by the late noose from Dixie that the buty and fashion of seeceshy is invited to contriboot the old woolins of thar wardrubs, to make cartridges to shoot the northin mudsills. Flannel pettycotes and Balmorall skearts thankfully receved at the rebel war ofilz, witch bein in a pawper condishin cant afford to buy the stuff to rap its ammynishin in. This fack takin in conneckshin with the sad intelligence that the chilclrin of the F. F. V.'s is runnin about the streets of Richinound bar-foot, and that the toes of the highest sirkels is, as a ginral thing, throo thar boots and gayters, must be very gallin to the natral aristo- crazy of the land. line afeard ef the war lasts a year longer, thar'll skarse be duds enuif for decency among the shiverally and thar wives and darters. When it comes to takin the wim- mins pettycotes for gun waddin, thars no sayin what shifts tho army may be put too, or what artickle of female onderclothin may be next reckwired. Every boddy here is on the look out for startlin bulletens from sum of the numerus seats of war, but whether they'll cum or not is another kwestin. Thars ben so menny disappintments that it isent wuth wile to flap wuns wings in advance. Ankshus to crow and waitin impayshently for a chanst, I remain, rayther onder the wether Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER No. XXXVII. [Bitter as myrrh, and twice as wholesome, is the letter from tlie " Disbanded" which we lay before our readers to-day. Not 108 WAR LETTERS OF content with touching corruption with caustic, he rubs it in. li the process hurts, so much the better. EDS.] WASHINGTON, February 7, 18G2. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : In the present condishin of the " sakrid sile" it would be onpossabul for the grand army of the Potomac (altho composed of patryits as would stick at nuthin in thar kentry's caws) to take the field at enny pint without bein immediently stuck. It would be eesier, in fack, for a collume of young mush-rats to make railroad time throo sugar-house rnerlasses, than for our troops to accomplash a forrard moovcrnent in the eggsistin state of these mushy cliggins. Doorin the past week Ive ben acrost the river takin soundins in the butiful shampain kentry around Alexandry, and 1 ken oney say, that ef the peeple was hafe as yieldin as the sile the contest atween Sam and Secesh would be a saft match and sun eendecl. Merryland, now, bein of a sandy nater, issent near as deep in the mud as the Old Dominyun is in the inire. Frinstance in Prence George I found a solid bottom eighteen inches clown, while in Ann Arundel, on the opposite side of the river, I could barly reach it with a four foot pole. It seems therefore, as a Clay State, like Virginny, oifers more obstruckshins to an attact on the rebels than rejins with more grit and less tenassty. Its my blefe that ef that slushy miry commonwelth was sot up eendways in the sun to dreen, from now ontil the fust of April, you'd find jest as menny leeches and suckers inter it as at present. I calkilate, howsever, the rodes wont be more'n ankel deep in May. Ef thats the case and thars enuff left alive of Canaerun's teams and chai-gers to snake the guns along and mount a few dragons, I shouldent be mutch disappinted ef a Quickshotish eggspedishin was to start sekritly for sum place onknown to enny boddy but the guverment and the enemee. Guvner Letcher, when on a drunk in Richmound tuther day, is sed to have bosted that he got infonnashin of all our milentary plans weeks in advance of the New York papers, and I predicate wot he sed was the naked truth onembellisht by delirum trimmings. A sartain porshun of the Union men here I meen the horse- flesh hounds, shoddy swindlers, beef banditty, riful raskils, pro- vishin pirits, blankit belzebubs and the gallus birds of that fether thinks June would be full airly for the army to perpair for a inarch. Washington dident leave Volley Forge tell June, they say. Wall he dident ; but then he hed ony leven thousand A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 109 hafe starved, barfoot sogers (warn't they clar grit Iho ?), to fight Clinton und Niphosen with twenty thousand vetrans as hed ben fattenin like turkey gobblers in a pen, at Philadelfy all winter and spring, expectin what the French call a grand coo domain in the airly summer. Taint so with our Potomac army. The starvashin and the bar feet is all on tuther side, and we outcount the traitors more'n three to two. Besides Washington could afford to wait for the waggin, seein as Gates lied flaxt out Burgoyne and tuck six thousand prisners the prevus fall. We Laint perform! no setch eggsplites, hev we ? I gess wen the Father of his Kentry was wanted, he was allus thar. Dident he cross the Delawar Crissmass night, 1775, and lick the Heshins, at Trenton, and then turn round and smash the British at Princeton two days arter New Years ? I dont want to swar, but I wisht I may never live to see Floyd hanged and thats an orful wish for a troo patryit ef I dont mount the nex guver- ment contractor as venturs to cumpar the sojerin on the Potomac with the conduck of the old war onder Ginral Washington, in my hearin. Report ses as the poor sojers placed horse de combat (as the Parishiners hes it) in the horspittle at Alexandry is onmars- fully treted. It is sed thar vitals is bad and not enufF to fill thar bellies, and that they air kept in dirty onventilated rums, with no proper rnedakill keer, nor rnedasin, nor nussin. It is onder- stood that the ded boddies of the deceased, and in coarse they air numerus onder setch a sistem of die it and regiment, is pitcht promiscuss inter pits, ennywars whar the grounds eesy to dig and shuvels is handy ; and when fathers and muthers, and wives and sisters, cum to ax for the remains of the dear wuns as they gin up with sore harts to thar kentry's sarvice, noboddy nose whar the boddies air, and the oney privelege they hev is to open the pits and take thar chice. Congress has tuck up the matter it seems, and ef the tale's troo, as Ime purty shoor it is, I oney wisht thar was a San Fransisky Vigilent Committy here, to tuck up the gilty parties. I hop you hev got a copy of the report of the Van Wyck Com- mitty on the stealins of the Guverment agents. It forms a page oi criminil history that doosent cumpar faverably with the Newgate calender. When the Recordin Angil transkribes the dockyment, I persoom he'll put sum of the names in big capitals, and when the individyals distingwished in this way gets on " tuther side of Jordan," its not onprobabul as they'll find out why he dun it. 110 WAB LETTERS OF The furrin dispatches to the Guverrnent by the last 'rival was all right I larn. A report was currant yestday that Lord Parner- stun lied rit to Mr. Sewarcl that he should be mutch pleased el we vvoulclent leave wun 'stun upon amither in Charleston. It seems, hovvsever, that on luckin at the dispatch a seckind time it was notist as the wurd " harbor" follered the wurd " Charleston,'' witch makes a slite diffrence in the nieanin. Setch mistakes is onvoidable. They occur evry day in the hurry of bizness. Ginral Lane's "separit command' 1 still hangs by the ilids. Opinyuns differs as to tfie nater oi the powers conferd onter liiin, but it is unannymously agreed that Ginral Hunter hes made an everlastin Jewdy of hisself. Ef he is raaly ankshus to sarve his kentry (and I spose he is), he hed better resine his eDuimisliin. The actil reason why Ginral Lane is forbidden to go it alone, peers to be an idee that he mought hurt the rebels. Yestday was a Bright day in the Sennit. Evry honest Union man in the land will rejice that the Indiana traitor has got his desarts. I hope Villaindigham wont be long arter him. You'll probly hev noose from Burnside and from Grant afore this goes inter type. Trustin itul be of a nater to raise the sperits of the peeple and lower the discount on Treshury notes, I remain, on the ankshus bench, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLCJNTEEB. No. XXXVIII. [The glorious news from the South and "West seems to have acted like a dose of nitrous oxide on the old militaire. He writes in high spirits, and if there are any extravagances in his letter that seem unbecoming the gravity 01 age, our readers who are all in ecstasies over the Union victories of the past ten days will not be disposed to censure them. EDS.] WASHINGTON, February 14, 1862. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : The patryotic hellabloo in this city is tremenjus. We air all in the Seventh Heaven, and the salvashin of the Union is konsid- ered sartain. The oldest inhabitant, a venabul Aunty Diluvian as knew Joyce Heth in her infancy, ses he never seen setch A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. Ill rejiceins. Not a seesesher is to be found anywhars to-day. I dont blcve Diagnosis with his lantern could diskiver a symtum of wun. They hev suddenly changed thar colors like the cor- nelian. The feat of Burnside is in all mouths, and the fact that Foote is in the enemy's rear asshoors us that rebellyun will soon be kicked out of Tennessee and Kaintucky. The tall and talented Abe goes setch lenths ii?his hilarity that he seems like a high old boy beside hisself. From the time the late bulletens of victry began to drap in, he hes gon outer wun cannondrum fit inter anuther, without enny let up or interniishin, throwin nienny of his best frends inter convulshins. Nun of the Cabbynet ken resist his joaks but Stanton, whoos mind is too strong and cam to be disturbed by ennyboddy s humor. As to Welles, ef the President oney casts his iarseeshus eye onto him, and makes a correspondin jester, his sides begins to shake and kwiver, like a Morgan hulk in a topsail breeze. In coarse the vivashus readers of the SUNDAY MERKARY will hev no objeckshin to jine in the eggsploshin of larfter witch agitates the Deestrick whenever the Momus of the White House fires off his 11-inch rib-ticklers. Wall, onderneath I send you a small assortment, thrown right and left within the last forty- eight hours, sura of witch is onderstood to hev creatid ginral devastashin among buttons, suspenders,' ladies cursit laces and cetery, in this city and subbubs. To releeve the publick mind from narvous anksiety, and prevent the public from stayin awake nights gessin at the truth, I send the offlshal anser to each, so that the greenest gander may see throo em ; and ef I am not mistaken they will be red by evryboddy with considabul goostoe. I forrard em as I am told they was tuck down from the distin- gwished orther's lips by two littery slebrities who air about to publish a lively vollum, onder the titul of " The Rail-Splitter's Railleries, or Wedges of Wit from the White House at Washing- ton." These gentlemen take it ride and tie, as the sayin is, wun or tuther of em bein constantly in attendance, so that nuthin sourcastic as falls from the American Juvenile may be lost to posteriority. I larn as the satyrs they hev already collected takes the shine out of Wood's Minstrels. The book will be excloosively dedicated to Jock Hilarity, and sooperior as a humorous more so to Joe Miller. But I beg pardin for detainin you from the cannondrums and cetery. Here they be as they was gin to me, with the kinder demonstrashins adapted to each. What is the difference between a park of artillery and the crust of a custard pudding ? 112 WAR LETTERS OF One batters in the walls, the other walls in the batter. (Piano snigger.) Why is Stanton like the youthful David ? Because he has slung a Stone to the right spot, and struck terror into the Philistines. (Laughter fortissimo accompanied by clapping of hands.) What cannon have the most magical effect on the enemy ? AVeird Guns. (A. pianissimo smirk.) What are the title and arms of the Suthern Barren at present in Mudsill custody in Boston Harbor ? He is Barren of Hope, and his arms can't be seen on account of the bar sinister. (An inward smile a la Leatherstocking.) The point opposite Point Comfort. The point of the bayonet (a moderate grin). Wise's favorite Latin quotation when referring to himself? Sic-passim. It is to be feared our troops did pass him while sick on their way to Elizabeth City. (A slight twinkle of the weather eye.) What is the most extensive "forward movement" yet re- ported ? An advance of one Foote up the Tennessee River. (He! he! he!) A contradictory coincidence. The same telegram that states the Richmond Blues were destroyed at Roanoke, asserts that the rebels have got the blues at Richmond. (Ha ! ha !) Worse than the Roman Corruptionists. Our " Cataline " Cabal. (Oh ! oh !) Is Grant going on conquering and to conquer a-la-NapoleonT' No ; he is only going to conquer A-la-bama. (Ah ! bah !) Why is a U. 8. Storeship like a treasury note ? Because it's a Government tender. (O ! la !) What style of ancient minstrelsy does the whiz of a rifle bullet resemble ? Minnie -singing. (Only persons who have read Froissart expected to giggle.) Why did the rebels fire one side of Elizabeth City ? They wanted to show what they could do in the burn side way. (Ho! ho! ho! slow!) You air to onderstand, eddyturs, as I dident hear the abuv myself, and I wouldent swar to em enny more'n I would to the jottins and pencillins of N. P. W. or enny other man, but ef poplar opinytin is wuth ennything, I ken oney say they air A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 113 kwoted as reglar Lincoln callembores by all the Pennselvany Avenoodles. Ef they air sham Abrahams, they air so well cal- kilated to deceive that the best counterfeit-joke-detector in the univarse might take them for genuine A. L.'s. By the way talkin of cannondrums, here's wun as was sent on from Kaiu- tucky by a sojer who hed three brothers killed at the battle of Somerset. What dance was utterly forgotten at Mrs. Lincoln's sorry dan- sente ? Answer. The Dance of Death ! Solem, isent it, and too troo. Peers to me the caperin at that ball was eenamost like polkin over new made graves. My opinyun is that thars goin to be setch an openen up of intreeg and tretchery afore long as'll astonish the nashin. Gin- ral Stone's case is a mild wun in cumparisun to sum that will be heern tell of hi the civil sarvice, onless the truth is choked down. I keep my eyes skinned and my ears opin, and whenever it 13 sale to tork right out in meetin, expect full particklers from Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. XXXIX. [Our sanguine correspondent seems to consider the spinal column of the rebellion broken and its strength utterly paralyzed. Perhaps he is right ; but we apprehend that the monster will die hard, and do considerable mischief in its final flurry. EDS.] WASHINGTON, February 21, 1862. Eddyturs of the Sunday Nerkary : The Suthern cornfcdracy as was so hungry for a fight a spell ago peers to hev got a bellyfull allreddy. We air puttin cm throo the mill purty rapid, I predicate. It is reported here that when Cobb heerd of Fort Donelson bein shelled he acknowl- edged the corn, while Toombs lucking as grave as a sexton, sed he was prcpard to berry the hatchet Even the fire-eatin South Caroliny Shiverally rnenny of hoom is redooced to thar last spur and shirt collar admits that the prospeck ahed is rayther chillin. It must, in course, be aperient to evry boddy that the evacua- 114 WAR LKTTEES OF shiu of Missooii, Kaintacky, and Tennessee, is a foregon con- clooshin, and that Eastern Virginny will sun be relieved by a rear and flank inoovement. Setch is the beginnin of the ecnd of our intestin differculties ! I bleve the rank and file of the rebel army would gladly file outer thar own ranks inter ourn. By resortin to arms they hev reaped nuthin but shame and ruin, and now it is sed they want to stack em and quit the field. Solomon ses that in his day you couldeut nock the foolishness outer a fool with a mortar ; but prehaps the mortars in Jerooslum warnt thirteen inchers and dident carry two hunderd pound balls. It is whisperd around in pollytickle sirkils to-day, that the President is goin to issoo a proclaniashin grantin a ginral ain- nasty to all the sporters of the rebel dienasty, as chooses to wash thar hands of that dirty consarn and begin the world anoo with a clean record. The manyfesto is intended for the multitood, not for the ring leaders as rung em in. The guvemment doosent intend to be niggerdly in its mercy to enny but the nigger-drivin aristocrazy as sot the ball of Re- bellion in inoshin. With all the rest it is willin to smoke the calamus. To-morrow bein the Berth-day oi the Father of his Kentry, the hull city is to be striped and starred. The troops is to hev extree rashins. A nayshinal saloot is ordered at the Navy Yard and it is calkilated that not less'n a thousand speciments of the Star Spangled Avill kiss the breeze. Watts-his-name, the gar- diner at the White House him as prigged pairt of the Presi- dent's messidge for the New York Herald is getherin fresh laurels to-day, to twine round the trofiz reseutly sent from Roan- oke Hand. At night thar will be an illoominashin on a skale worthy of the capital of an enlightened kentry, and ef enny dis- loyalist should decline to light up on nckount of thinken the game not worth the candle, he will be likely to git his winders smasht for his panes. About the time we air listenin to "Washington's Farewell Ad- dress, onder the folds of the federal flag here, Jeff Davis will be deliverin his interductory cunard onder the rebel rag at Rich- mound. "Wot will the God-lorsakin critter hev to say for hisself, I wunder ? I persoom his speech will be a jewel of the fust water a perfeck bougie as the French eggspress it. As he is reported to be the cheef ecldytur and wire-puller of the Rich- mound Inkwirer, I dessay the following parrj-graft witch I sis- serd from Monday's edishin of that interestin and relieabul prent, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 115 givs a purty good ginral idee of the stile and substance of his inaugerole : " SPLENDID VICTORY AT FORT DONELSON. " This splendid feat of arms and glorious victory to our cause will send a thrill of joy over the whole Confederacy ! It comes at the right place and at the right time ! All honor to the brave officers and soldiers who have shed such lustre upon our arms, and added such prestige to our flag ! We shall delight to pub- lish the full details when they shall reach us. What further we are to expect on the same ground we know not. * * * " We trust that the stand so brilliantly commenced we shall be able to make permanent, and to roll back the tide of invasion." Possably Floyd, the cannon-cribbin coward, and Ginral Gidd- yun Whitefether Pillow, may reach the traitor capital by to- morrow with the " full details''. Ef so they will sartainly arrive at the " right place and at the right time", and ef the noose doo- sent send a "thrill over the hull cornfedracy", thars no thrill to it. The rebel simperthisers here is in despare, with the eggsepshin of Mrs. Greenhow, who bares evrything like a man. Menny of the leadin seecesh funkshinaries is in an offal funk. Stephens, the rebel vice, feels very bad. Wise, it is sed, lies becum a nidiot, and fancies the goste of John Brown is continally glidin arter him with a slip-not in its skellinton hands. Twiggs 13 ankshus to put out. Gustarvus Smith would be will in to sweep the streets of New York gratis to escape the besom of destruck- shin. Letcher weeps over his red-eye. Benjamin thinks he hes made a mess of it. The Guvner of Georgy allows he is dun Brown ; and Jeff would no dout be off in a jeffy ef the feeld was clar, and he hed a good chanst to run. Indeed, all the head rebels sees wot is hangin over em, and would be very glad to stand from under ef they could. Trustin that they hev purty near reached the eend of thar tether, and will soon be in a tight place, I remain, hopefully. Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLTJNTEEB. No. XL. [Particular attention is invited to the following graphic sketch of Jeff Davis's inauguration. It is really a fine piece of " word- painting", and worthy of implicit credence. EDS.] 116 WASHINGTON, February 28, 1862. Eddyturs of the Sunday MerJiary : In compliance with your rekwest, onder date of February 18, I sent an accomplish! and relieabul spy to Richmound to make keerful man}'randoms of Jeff Davises inaugurashin. He hes jest returnt, and represents the speckticle as moanful in the ex- treem. Menny sobbed aloud. The President tuck the oath as ef it hed ben a doste of ruebub or salts and sinner. The hull affair, the spy ses, reminded him of an eegsecushin he wunst seen on Gibbet Hand in New York Bay, of a pirit by the name of Hix. The platform, he allows, was percisely like the scaffold used on that occashin, and nuthin was wantin but the ropes and the waits to kornplete the allushin. Jeff Davis was preseeded and follercd by sevrall gentlemen in black, that hed evry aperience of a sheriff 's percesshin, and when the two as sported him on each side let go thar holt, he cum forrard jest as Hix dun to make his dyin speetch, oney luckin mutch more brokin down and desperated. The reseinblants \vas so perfeck, that the spy ses he started in sirprize when he seen Jeffs arms warn't pinioned, and when the speetch was dun, he couldent help luckin around for the feller with the white night- cap to dror over the culprit's visedge. It seems that jest as the onfortnit critter hed got off his last sentence, a messendger rusht throo the crowd and sunk allmost faintin on the platform. My informent declars he was so full of the idee of an eggsecushin, that he couldent help hollerin " he's saved ! he's saved !" " a re- preve ! a repreve !" But it warn't a repreve. Contrarywise, it was the noose of the ockipashin of Gnashville by the fedral forces, in the teeth of all oppersishin. "When Jeff heerd it, he kullapsed with a grone inter the cheer behint him, and the sur- roundin multitood gin a despairin yell. The crowd of moaners then disbursed in sairtch of steamalus, and the leadin funkshin- aries stole off like a theef in the night or a morording bed bug when he smells daylight. The maskline traitors here hes concluded to play the hypocrit senst the rebellyun was skwelched in Tennessee, but the fem- menines, as I menshund in my last, is as savedge as ever. They oney regret that the flower of the South hev to bolt from a pas- sel of Northern rnckanicks. A lady from Georgy told me tuther day she onderstood that jurneymen blacksmiths and setch formed the princepull porshin of the Northern files. I told her yes, and them w r as the kinder files we spiked the Suthern guns with, witch rayther shet her up. Anuther she Secesh remarkt A DISBANDED VOLUNTEEB. 117 to Seward that she was sorry the gentlemen of the South had to contend with shoomakers and taylors ; to witch the galliant seckatry replide, in his onpretendin way, that it must be very tryin to the shiverally to be whipt by setch degraded beins outer thar boots and britches, at witch she gin her hoop a venamus sling and mizzeld. I spose the censureship of the tellagraft will be oney tempo- ry ; but in case it shouldent, I am organizin a flock of carryer pidgins. I keep em in a coop in my rum at Willard's, and ef a coo de tar occurs, you may expeck to find wun a peckin at your winders, with the noose tied to his neck, in two hours thararter. In coarse you won't publish the flyin rummers I may send, on ackount of the standin order but you ken bet your pile on em, and operate in the fancies to advantage. Corjally hopin and belevin that a forrard movement is in pro- gress that will nock treson eendways, I remane, with a hart palpitatin with patryotic emoshins, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. XLI. [It is pretty clear that the blunt old soldier was not in a par- ticularly placid frame of mind when he sat down to indite the following letter. The news-embargo, the President's proposi- tion to bribe the Southern planters to liberate their slaves, and the suggested fourfold tax on newspapers, seem to have been too much for his usually equable temper, and to have curdled his milk of human kindness considerably. Still, his sarcasms are not undeserved, and we incline to believe that his views, though expressed in homely language, tally with those of a large por- tion of our readers. EDS.] WASHINGTON, March 7, 1862. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : Ken ennything be more rilin to the curryspondent of a live jernil than to be full up to the neck of the most eggsitin matter and enable to spit it out for the bennyfit of an impayshent pub- lick ? Wai, setch is my all-aggravaitin predickymant at present, and altho I hev a fair share of cheek for an old sojer, Ime 118 WAR LETTERS OF obligated to keep my mouth shet, notrwlthstandin my desire to make a clean brest of it. A stain upon my lionor would play the juce with me as a contribitor to the press ; consekently the advices I send you in cypher, for your own privit use, I advise you to keep dark, however inutch your readers may sigh for supprest iutellagents. Stanton gin me the facts in a faint whis- per, onder a pledge of privacy, when I dropt in at the War offiz yesterday, and tharfore tho I forrard it to you, it must go no further. He ses the crysis demands silence, and that the pub- lickashin of the Guvernment's sekrits can't be aloud. Howsever, tho orthentic dispatches is withheld, you hev a per- feck right to publish all the conflictin rummers in sirkilashin no gag law for the human imadjinashin heving yet been issood by the Adnunistrashin. In the absence of the offishal trooth I hope the follerin reports, which is drivin the coolest and most flag- matick citysins of the Deestrick to the verge of loonacy, will be satisfactory to your reflectin readers. It is bruted abroad to-day that Memphiz has ben gin to the flames John Minor Botts blowed from the mouth of a canon and Gnashville attacted by the rebels tooth and nail. That the Union elefant is on root for Tuskalooser (Allabam) ; that Jeff Davis hes ben assassnated, with severell more of the same stripe ; that Guvner Letcher was shot in the neck on Sunday, in consekens of his intemperit percedens (witch is ginally bleved) ; that our troops air approachin New Orleans by the shell road ; that Floyd hes becuin a money- maniac and Pillow turned soft ; that John Brown's goste appeered to Ginral Banks as he was marching on to Charlestown ; that Guvner Pickens hes ben hung on a palmetto tree ; that "W. H. Russell hes jined wun of the outlying devishins of the rebel army ; that Savannah is gettin hail columbiad ; that the Mobile peeple are on the moove for the interior ; and that William Lied Garrison, desguysed as a chattel, is at the head of an ebony con- spurracy in Louseanna, with plenty of the yaller boys in his pocket to cany it out. Famishin for facks as we air onder the guverment embargo, it is plesant to hev a large assortment of flyin reports to seleck from. We air an ingenuous nianufactring peeple, and when the trooth is supprest by the supreme orthority, the market for that artickle is purty sure to be sublied with setch substitoots as air gin abuv. As long as the Censers hes thar swing over the press, the publick is sartain to be led off on false scents. Sum may smell a rat and refuse to foller em, but the majority when deprived of inforrnashin from more relieabul soarces, is oney A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 119 too reddy to swaller the most horrebul catstropliies invented by the dredfnl axident makers. It is consolin to think, howsever, that our Suthern brethren will have the trooth and the hull trooth, while we air denied it. They git it as ushil. by the shortest cut from Washington, acrost the Potomac. "We never hev hed enny consealments from them, and never shell hev as long as dubblefaced traitors in the Sennit and the House, and men well known to be hand and gluv with Secesh Jessybells and Delielies, is permitted to hold responsabul offlzzes. How do you like the messidge of the President proposin to bribe the Sutherners to manspate thar brethren of the cullerd perswashin ? Peers to me that when an evil's jest as shoor to die a nateral deth, as Floyd is to git his goose cooked tuther side of Jordon, its hardly wuth while to pay a bonus for its eggstinkshin. The yoke's eennamost broken now. Ef the South hed hollered, and sued for peace, why then indeed it mought be ail right to make setch a tender, but onder present suckemstances its rayther tuff. line opposed tor wun, to enny consillytory meshers, ontil she caves in and cries copavi. Why should we offer to pay her to free her slaves, when they air bound to free tharselves' gratis for nuthin ef the war continnees two years longer. Let the South back squar down, and then it will be time enuff to be mag- nannymus ; but as the case stands at present, millyuns for war not a cent for triboot, is my motto. Badly as the North's ben treted, Ime not agen dooin the hansuin thing if the offender repents, and eats humble pie but as to tryin to bribe armed traitors, it seems to me about ckwiverlent to offerin a premium to pints to sirrindir thar prisners and thar plunder, when youve got em foul and they hev no chice atween hauling down thar infarnal flag and bein blown to blazes. No clout the President writ the messidge with the best inten- shins ; but it's an orful foe paw, as the French say, and Ime afeard the enemee'll make a handle of it. It is imminently calkilated to raise the droopin spemts of the rebel leaders, and ef they don t make capital outer it at Richmound, theyre greener'n grass- hoppers. The mean way the Committee on Ways and Means picht inter the noosepaper interest in thar tax bill, is univarsally condemd here. Oney think of saddlin the Pallajum ot our Libties with four distink taxes. Why its a step backards tords barberism that's enuif to make the liar of the civilised world stand on eend ! Besides its setch a parshil, spiteful meshur. Ef noledge is to be taxt, why not inclood public skools, collidges, univarsities, privit 120 WAB LETTERS OF seminerries, the Smithsonian Instytoot, and all uther consarns for the 'fushin of useful informashin, as well's that grate poplar teacher, the cheap noosepaper. I kant bleve that setch an attemp to brake down the independent press will ever be sank- shund by Congress. Hopin that the vile projeck may git a lofty fall, and that whoseurndever sports it may be a target for Eddy- torial rath tell the day he dies, and be tormented by printer's devils when he gets to that burn from which no travler re- turns, I remain, disgustedly, Yours, allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. XLIL [Our veteran correspondent is on the march. He represents the SUNDAY MERCURY and the Principles of '76 on General Mc- Clellan's staff. If no unfriendly ball perforates his patriotic per- son, and sword, bayonet, and bowie-knife let him alone, our readers may expect some graphic sketches of actual war from his pen. His descriptions of the battles in the Crimea were con- sidered far superior to Russell's by everybody except Russell ; and though old, he has lost none of his epistolary fire. EDS.] HEAD KWARTERS IN THE FIELD, March 14, 1862. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : Gumming events cast thar shadders afore. The grand haul of the milentar3 r seine witch is to ketch the big Devil-fish of Re- bellion, is goin briskly on, and ef the strands doosent brake sum- whars, we shall sun see the commemment de la Jin, as the French hes it. Accordin to the drorings of the strutigy net in the noose- papers, the skaly wretches hesent a loop-hole to riggle out at, but droring the net of strutigy is sumthin like lottery droring, mity onsartin. The Burnside korner of the cool de sack peers to be rayther week, witch is sartainly onfortnit, and menny thinks as the army that moseyed outer Mauasses may make a gap in our lines at that pint. But I bleve Burnside, with the assistants of hot shot from the gun boats will be able to nock 'em cold ef they try it on. In coarse you hev seen the announcement of the divishins in the Union army, and that Ginral Maclellin is at the hed of em. I jined his numerus rnilentary famaly by speshil order, on the forth A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 121 of March, and marched forth with my cumraids to glory or the grave, singin the Hollerlooyer Corns, on Monday last. Prevus to startin, the oath of seecrcssy bein tenderd me, I hed to swar. By the condishins of the bond, I am not aloud to breeth a wisper of wot is goin to happen, but arter it hes tuck place I am at libty to spit it out. Ginralissimo Abe ses the old word-and-blow game is played out and that blows without words is to be the order of the day herearter. Ef posteriorly doosent do jestis to that man I dont want to go down to it. Evry boddy here lucks up to him. The Due de Chatters told me over his soup the other day, that he considerd him ekwuil to Marshal Tureen or the great Dook of Guys. In my opinyon he is a seckiud Father of his Kentry and I dont spose the son of Austerlitz, as the French is allus a crackin up, could hev held a candle to him. Stanton is sum, and I like his summery way, but arter all the President is a head and sholders abuv him in the esteamashin of peeple as ondcr- stands his meshurs. But a trooce to these desultry remarks into witch my warm friendship for the President has betraid me. Wot I wanted to git at was this that you mustn't relie on me for enny informa- shin likely to proov prejewdishall to the plans of our milentary Solomons. " Ef you was to let the cat outer the bag," ses Little Mac to me yestday, in his playful manner, " it mought prevent us givin Jeff Davis rats." And that warnt all ; for he added in an onclwtone, so as the uther staff fellers shouldent hear : " Enter noose old boy, ef you do tell tales outer skool, He suspend you !" ; and from a neckspressive moshin he made and his emfasis on the word suspend, I considerd he nient more'n met the ear. Ses I in rcspons, " Ginral my oath is sakrid ;" at the same time tippin him the wink to sho I new the ropes. On Toosday I made a tower of the enemees wurks at Manas- scs, by order of Ginral Maclellin. My report on forty pages foolscap will I hope, prove acceptabul to the Head of the army. I found the airthworks at the Gap in pretty good condishin on the hole, but the railroad was all tore to peaces at the Junkshin. Sines of hasty evackuashin was visabul evrywhars. The rebels must have fled in great alarm. Wot a- pity we warnt privy to the moovement. I pickt up several intrestin. specimerits of Suthern littery talent as was lyin loose around. Aiming lathers the follerin. Don t destroy the mannyscrip, for I'me makin a collecshin of seecesh authorgruffs, and its the kleenest among the fudgetive pemes and other manyrandoms found at Manasses : G 123 WAR LETTERS OP A SOGEKS REFRAIN. by Washington Jackson jones first leavetenant of the inissippy ripstave Rangers, and late of natchez under the hill. "jenral beauregards a Coon, pillow hees a Grampus, floyds a quarter hoss to Run, and buckners Catawampus. "we ken chaw abe linkun Up, likewise gorge Macleleran, were the sassy bull run Pups as sot mac dowell Bellerin. "evry buchus natchez Gal wants a mudsill Trofy, i must gouge an Eye for Sal, and git an Ear for Sofy. "Sofy ses we'll hitch our Teams, dog her cats to Thunder! if i bring hum skalps Enuff for a bed quilt to sleep Under. "soon weel finish up this War if we go a head Quick, and mebbee ile heve scalps and Har enuff for a quilt and bed-tick. " forrard then, to arms, to Arms ! hark ! " At this pint the orthur of the abuv heroix must have heerd sumthin as onsetteld his narvous sistem, for he peered to hev fled in haste, overturnin the ritin flewid, and leevin his swoord and pen on the tabel. The fortyficashins, on closte inspeckshin seemed to be com- posed cheefly of fryable sand and holy oncapabul of standin a bevvy fire. Sum of the brest works was barly knee high, and was mounted with cord wood, each log bein painted black to resembul a peace of artillery. I hunted throo the woods for masked battries, but found nuthin but a few snaix in the grass and harmless at that. The trooth is that the hull story about thar onsalabul persishin was an all-fired sell. Howsever we air onto thar trail now, and onless Providence interfears in thar favor and swollers em up with an airthquake, weve got em shoor. A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 123 I notis by the papers that New York was in a cold swet on Sunday, eggspectin the Merrymac would cum steamin up the Narrers and set the harbor on fire. Sartainly ef she hed cum you would hev ben in a all-crucified fix. Howsever, the little Monitor gin her a lesson, that I gess wont rekwire repeathi. Hopin to smell powder afore I send my next epistol, I remain, ankshus to go in, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. XLIII. [Although in the field, and holding a staff-appointment, and, therefore, of course, conversant with the important plans about to be consummated in Virginia, our correspondent is restrained by a sense of honor, sharpened by Secretary Stanton's order, from sharing his knowledge with our readers. A great battle, however, will unseal his lips (unless it should seal them forever) ; and we hope soon to hear of him " on the line of the Rappahan- nock", with a considerable wreath of laurel on his brow. In the meantime, by way of a sop to that news-craving Cerberus, the public, he has sent us one of those dry, quaint, sly, sarcastic missives which sometimes puzzle even those who think they understand him best. EDS.] HEAD KWARTERS IN THE FIELD, March 20, 18G2. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : I spose youve hed wild rejisens in the North over the razin of the sege of Washington. Arter bein infested by land and block- headed by water for months by the fo, we hev at lenth cut our way out, and the grand army and the fedral city may be consid- erd, for th.e present, comparatively saift. Our march so far lies ben wun unintrupted serious of cheerin tryumps ; the enemee hevin plenty of locomotives to carry em oft' and no motives wotever for stayin. The noose of our approach seems to hev hed sctch an effeck on thar sperits, that they immediently started by the thousand at a time ofi a train. Our Gb^als eggspected to find the rebel army well disposed, and detarmived to defend thar 124 WAR LETTERS OF posishins, as Price's forces did theirn at Shugar Creek, to the bitter eend. But, notwithstaudin all thar blowins, they no sun- ner got wind of our sally than they fled without a blow. In follerin em, howsever, it will be reckwizit to perceed with egg- stream cawshin, for fear of runnin blindly inter that "last ditch" whar, as the man in the play .ses, they air resolved to " die nobly die like demagogs." Th* late galliant secldnd in cum- mand at Fort Donalson, who onderstands all about ditches, is bleved to hev gon South to dig it for em arter witch he will ondoubtedly dig out for sum saifter place of refudge. It may be considered sartin that when the rebels sinks to rest on glory's bed they wont find a Pillow thar. In fact, its more'n probabul that all the heads of the Ilebellyun will turn up missin at its tail eend. You will be glad to larn that I hev ben in a slight skrimmidge senst my last, and cum out right side up as ushil. By pennishin of the Ginral-in-cheef, me and the County Paris, and the Dook de Chatters, went out on a skout with Ginral Stuninan tuther day, und a lively time we hed, killin menny and skarin more. Our force consisted of about five hundred cavalry, and we met, or rayther we overtuck the enemee, two thousand strong, near the Orange Railroad. " Go in lemons !" shouted the Dook de Chat- ters, who is fast ackwirin a nolledge of the American tuiig onder the tooterin of a New York Fire Zouwave. And at em we went, as fast as our Camerun-contract coarscrs would carry us. Thar hosses was fleet, but those of our squadrun was fleeter. We pored down onto em like lava indeed, I mought say, like Balak- lava. We should hev ben glad to charge em in front, but as they wouldent turn round, to take em in the rare became a starn necessity. I was in advance of the line, and went in, as I allus do, on my own hook. Rememberin my youthful explites as a wild cattle-hunter in Texas, I put niy reins in my mouth, and rushin my steed inter thar flyin ranks, ketched two rebel hosses by the caudle eggstrematies, and throwin the well-bred and doughseal animal I rode on his hanches, slung em both. To dis- mount and present a brace of Colts at the heads of the fallen seeceshers was the work of a seckind. They acknolledged thar dis- comforture when they seen the perswaders, and signifide a desire to take the Oath of Fiedelity. Bindin em over to keep the peace with thar own saddle-girts, I remounted my Cameronian charger, and agin follerin the horsteal fo, repeted the slingin operashin. This I continued for over an hour, when I returnt and pickt up my prisners jest a duzzin and druv em inter camp. I hed A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 125 cenamost forgot to state that I plugged a bushwhacker as was drorin a bead onto my yuug frend the Dook, and parrid a fatal cut aimed at my brother-in-arms, the County Paris. Ginial Stunman \vould hev complimented me on my bravery in a speshil order of the day, but as I prefercd the SUNDAY MER- KARY as a inejum of comuioonicashin with the public, he grace- fully yeelded the pint ; bein the fust time that brave man ever yeelded to ennythiug human. Of all dragon olfsirs I ever seen he's the trump. The Dook de Chatters was kind enuff to present me with a cupple of Legin of Honors he happend to hev about him, and the County Paris gin me as a quid pro quo for my sarvices a portrit of his grandfather Loose Fillip witch he sed was the very spit of him butifully sot in Californy dinionds 01 the finest water. Most of the time senst the buv-menshent brilyant feet, I hev ben, as the play ses,_" a looker-on in Vienna," or at least stayin in that naybrood with a detachment of cavalry. Bivowhackin in the field is plesent, when thar isent too much bushwhackin around. Offsirs that cotton to wun anuther sit by the camp- fires of an evenin, for hours together, spinnin yarns. Thars wun curus story that's like Old Virginny it never tires. I have heerd menny a man tell a graffic tale, that hed no more trooth inter it than a tellegraffic messidge ; but this story is as true as hisstory : It seems that for sum munts past a misterus critter hes ben playin hob with the rebel centries and pickets in the woods below Leesburg. Sumtimes they hev ben found on thar posts shot in the neck and enable to make any response to the ink- wiry, " How cum you so ?" More'n twenty, I onderstand, hev at diffrent times been diskivered mortally wounded and all too far gone in speechless aggerny to tell wot hurt em. At least an ekwill number hes ben killed outright, and the rongdoor cant be detected. Pinned to each victims brest is found a rood drorin of a bull on the rampage, from witch our men iufur that the assas- sin hed sum deer frend or relashin slain at the Bull Run stam- pede, and takes this kwiet method of accommodatin his felines of revenge. A tall, spare figger, about the bild of our venabul President, is ockashinally seen flittin throo the brush in the visinity of the seen of blud, but all attemps to chase down the long-legged aparishin hes, so far, proved bootless. The soopers- dishus rebels spose the " Speckter Scout" (as the mistery is called by our sojers), to be the goste of John Brown on the war- path, and they allow that he will never rest in his grave tell he 128 -WAB LETTERS OP lies wiped out Guvner Wise. This idee seems to gain confirina- shin from the fact that the airly victims all belonged to the Wise Login, witch is sed to hev fallen back in order to git outer harms way. While the curryspondents of the New York papers is furbid to say a word about the advance as is goin forrard, rebel spies huvers about our camps pickin up informashin from varus kwarters headkwarters inclooded. Wun hafe of the peddlers is nuthin better'n rebel jayhawkers in desguys, and the display of thar wars is oney a peace of subterfudge, a reglar sell. Statshinary venders hev repeetedly betrayed our moovements, and wunst, in consekens of a diskivery made by a pretended cookey-marchant, the Cummander-in-chief found his cake all dough. Shockin to relate, fellers blastfeemusly passin tharselves off as agents of Bible Sosities and setch, hes sumtimes gon throo the army distribitting the Sakrid Vollum with a libral hand, for no uther purpus than to entrap the onwary inter revelashins. The defect of several important plans has also ben traist to coal- porters as perfest to emmanate from the Young Men's Christian Assoshiashin. lielidgin bein the weak side of most of our offsirs, menuy hes ben suckt in by these wulves in sheep's peltry. Aiming the vile pack of spies, thar is likewise not a few as deals in keards ; and as our sojers are as hot for poker as they air for preachin, ef not more so, these ongodly sirkilators of the Devil's books hes hed considabul sucksess in the Poll Pry line. This is the way the enemee gets inter our sekrits, and not throo telle- graft dispatches to the noosepapers, witch they luck upon as little better'n invenshins of the wire-pullers. You never seen a jollier set of fellers than the offsirs hev ben senst we took the feeld ; and the Ginrals of divishin is onder- stood to be now engaged in gettin up sum surprise parties witch it is thort will be brillyant affairs. In fact, I reckin wun of em must be onder way at present, for I hear the cavalry bugles soundin to boot and saddle. I must tharfore resign the pen for the swoord, and remain, cger for the fray, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. XLIV. [Fatigued with victory, our eccentric military correspondent writes from the scene of the late rebel stampede. We have an A DISBANDED VOLTJNTEEK. 127 idea that his modesty does not stand in the way of his genius for description when his own exploits are in question. It cannot be said that he has not a word to say for himself. EDS.] STRASBUKG, March 28, 1862. Eddylurs of the Sunday Merlcary : Ginral Maclellin is aciduously preparin to giv the rebellyun a fatal punch, wotever the spoony agitators of the Triboon may say to the contrary. Purty sun the hull kentry will sing Tedium, as the French did at Not a Dam, arter the fight at Sulphurino, and over a victry ekwilly gloryus. The Anny Condy is around ! The deth skweedge is approachin ! In the meantime the Ginral, knowin that a negerness to carry the war inter Afrikey hes ben frettin my gizzard ever senst the sege of Washington commenst, kindly 'lows me to take a hand in the prelimindary skrimmedges. Consekently, in the late plucky affares at Winchester and Stras- hurg I was fortnit enuff to pluck a few lorils. The engagement on Sunday was wun of the hottest shindies that hes tuck place dooriu the war. No dout sum of your Sam-singin Sabbatarians will consider we tuck an ougodly libty in fitin for the Onion on the Lord's day. But you kaiit ajurn a battle on ackount of Sun- day, enny more'n you ken ajnrn a soler ecleps or the Vernil Equalnocks. War doosent know enny setch thing as a dies none. And so on Sunday, the day when setch divines as your Revrend Doctor Hawks dekliues to ax a blessin on our arms, we was " makin Mob howl," as the prophet I Sayer ses. I'm not an infid- dlc by no means, and though I don't harp as mutch on relidjus sub- jecks as sum foke's, I bleeve in keepin the Sabbath wholly ; but an army, when attacted, must take its own part. Ef secesh will consent to stack arms and go to meetin wun day in seven, so will Yankee Doodle ; but as the inspired Jerry Myer remarks (chapter C, varse 14). wots the use of " sayin Peace ! Peace ! when thar is no Peace." When thars no chice atween fitin on a Sun- day and bein nockt inter the middle of nex week, it stands to resin that sojevs must forego thar devoshins rayther'n becum a pray for the uuwiiteous. But a trooce to digreshins. As youre awar, nuthin of moment occurd on the 22d instant, eggsept that our gloryus Shield was so much injerd as to be onfit for sarvice the follerin clay. The hull army regretted the axdent, but, as the Scripter ses, we relied on Providence as our " buckler and shoor defence," and went in on Sunday mormn feline as confident of suckcess as Saint Gorge did when a sal'un the Fie:.y Dragon. The rebel ranks hed ben 128 WAR LETTERS OF sweld doorin the night by a new corpse five thousand strong, this fresh body bein led by Ginral Garnet, considerd by the secesh a milentary jewill of the fust water. They thort the nolledge of Garnet's arrival would hev gin us a preshus stun, but we hed heerd aforehand that his men was a passel of misabul topers, and besides our blud was up, and like Heenan, or Sayers, or the New York Common Counsell, we was reddy for enny- thing in the ring. The rebels was headded by Ginral Jackson, who doosent claim enny relashinship to the late Hero of New Orleens, tho Ime of opinyun that his right to a descent from Old Hickry in a direct line with a loop at the eend ont kennot be disputed. The cumbat opend with a lively artillery dooill. Our round shot smashed thar squars, and plowed throo thar colluines with harrowin efl'eck. Thar fire warnt noways slack nuther, and as we hed both got our ranges, we raked wun anuther like blazes. Purty sun thar right wing fainted, at the same time thar flyin artillery, follerd by a large boddy of foot, pitched in over on the left. Then our bands struck up and our playtoons advanced. It was a trernenjus struggle. But at last AVC druv em. Nex they tride to brake or center by an eshellon moovement, but they got a shellin as soon convinced em it was a bad egg, and they fell back at a Flora Temple trot. Then follerd a suckseshin oi attacts and repulses till about 4 P. M., when the eggsausted fo findin wot a clock it was with em began to giv way. Doorin this inter- val, sum of our offsirs and men performed setch progenies of valor as is the nateral offspring of stout harts and a wholly caws. Wun Suppletnrn, of the Eighty-forth Pennsylvany, acktilly jumped up behint a Virginny major as he wheeled his hoss to retreat, and ketchin the rains with his left hand while he choked the rider with his right, brort him in, black in tho face, as a prisner of war. I never seen a prettyer feet of arms. The major blastfeemed orfully when he rekivered his breth, and sect it was a sircuss-rider's trick and nuthm better. I hed sevral pursenal runcounters myself, for whenever an extree charge was orderd, I tuck keer to be counted in. On wun ockashin a rebel kernil, armed to the teeth and carryin an Arkansas toothpick as probly weighd nine pounds in his light hand, spurred his hoss at me, and tlirowd his weepin with setch murderous force that it went throo my milentary flap-jack and inter the mouth of a key-bugle forty paces in the rare, eenamost sendin it down the trumpeter's throte. Ime not fond of blowin, but I wisht you'd a seen the back stroke that kemil got in return. It sheered off his coconut A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 129 as ef his neck lied ben made of vegetabul marrow or mangle worseill, and the charger dasht on with the raskilly carcuss upright in the saddle, jest as ef nnther hoss nor man was con- slins of the cutastrophy, ontil the cuvus speckticle disappeered in the smoke of battle. About liafe-past 4 in the arternoon the ptirsute began, and of all actyvc pursutes that I was ever engaged in, that was the live- liest and most excitin. We druv em inter Strasburg, and outer Strasburg, and ten miles bcyant Strasburg, like straws afore the worldwind. The milentary report ses : " Our artillery played continally on the rebels." But ef that was playin, I wunder wot Ginral Banks calls airncst ? Monday mornin the same orful pastime was recommenst, ontil all thar survivin foot sojers heel got inter the mountins, and the hoss was either taken or cut to peaces. line' so stiff in the jints yet with hard ridin that I aint by no means lit for littery effort, and Ime afeard this letter isent in my tishil elastick vain. As sun as I git soopeld out I shell rite agen, and in the meantime I remane, on the key veeve for anuther skriinmidge, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. XLY. [The old Cynic informs us in a private note which accompa- nied the following letter, that when he wrote it he was suffering from an overflow of bile. There can be no doubt of that. Some parts of it are as bitter as if he had dipped his pen in his own gall. EDS.] WILLOW GROVE, NEAR WO'ODSTUCK, > VIRGINNY, April 4, 1862. > That porshin of the milentary reptyle onder the keer of Ginral Banks, snakes along purty lively. Ef the tail and the rest of the boddy doos as well as the head, the rebels now flyin like sheep every, witch way, will be lammed at all pints and finerly skwelchecl in its corntracted folds. Toosday bein the fust of April, Kernil Ashby, with his cavalry and sum infantry, sposed to be pairt of the Wise lejin, hed the foolhardeeness to despute our march, but in coarse we was more'n a match for em, drivin em eendways twelve milds and inter Woodstuck as el Lucyfur 6* 130 \VAE LETTEKS OF was arter em. On Wensday, hevin shelled the Kernil outer Woodstuck, and inter Edenburg sevin milds beyant, we stopt to inend the bridges burnt by this arch rebel and his incinderary follerers, and to-morrer or nex day, so we hop, we shall be arter him agen on the rode to Staunton. Ginral Jackson's mane boddy is probly saift for the present in the hills, but his rare is in the bottom land, and we expect to cut it off. The gait at witch these high minded, onsensabul-to-fear-fellers travels is a caushin to Jack-the-Joint killer's ^evin-legged boots. "Old Virginny never tire," the song ses, and no more it doosent. Ef the secesh kant fight for the commonweal, they ken run for it faster'n enny common wheel you ever seen, and air eenamost ekwill to thar own locomotives. I've heern tell of the wunderful feets of Jackson, the American Deer, but I'll bet horns round for a ridgement, he couldn't hev beat Jackson, the American traitor, when he was on the full lope for Strasburg with Kernil Tyler and the Third Brigade at his hanches. They tork like Spurty- cuss in the Gladiater, these Suthern leaders, but they aint wuth a darn at closte kwarters. I onderstand that W. II. Russell, Hell, Hell, D. as the cocknees calls him speaks, in his last letter to his owners in London, of the " onyieldin South." Ei the Father of Fibs should ever go inter the travellin sircuss line, he oughter to engage that farsceshus gentelman as clown to the infarnal ring ; his grimaces in black and white takes the shine out of all the odd tricks I ever seen played with the papers, and I've ben a speshil curryspondent of the press for over twelve years. " Onyieldin South !" But mebbe he means the cotton and terbacker fields, witch sartinly is likely to be rather onyieldin for a seesin or two. The noose from Port Rile is plesent, isent it ? The " onyieldin " rebels lies scudded off from the Scudaway batteries, and bolted like thunder from Fort Thunderbolt. The bellygerents at Fort Poolasky also wants to evackyate, but thars no passidge open, and they'll hev to cave in. In the neybrood ot Bufort, North Caroliny, the Last-ditchers is ekwilly ankshus to clar out, witch may be eggspressed in a single standsir as follers : The cornered rebels in Fort Makin Desires, in vain, to save thar bakin, But bein mau-and-God-forsakin, Will by a salt be shortly takin ; For Goldsboro thar walls will break in, While Burnside gives thar rare a rakin. Oh ! won't thar be a dry-bones shakin, A reglar third-day ager kwakin, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 181 When Yankee troops, for glory achin Knock Smith to smithers in Fort Makin? It seems thars no feesabul way for the rebels to vamose iron Fort Makin, eggsept by way of Rogues Sound, and Ginral Burn- side sposin they would instinktively take that rout, lies headeu em off at Morehead City, witch is jest oppersit. To use a favorii Suthern frays theyre " dun gon in." Captin Smith who com- mands the iortyficashin, is about as badly off as the coon thai surrendered to his namesake, and he'd better cum down aloro the shootin begins ef he wants to save his peltry. I scarsly think thar 11 be inutch fushin of blud at Fort Makin, for Smith, as you will gess from his name, belongs to wun of the numerus fust, famalies in the South, and probly wouldn't like to be wiped out by common Northern mudsills. Charlestoun it seems is an orful funk, and the civil funkshinaries at last acknounts, was talkin of settin fire to the city, and runnin away by the light of it a favorit dodge in the " Onyieldin South." The wimmen and children was leavin, and the men, notwithstandin thar wish to welkim the " Cowardly Yanks " " with bluddy hands to horspitable graves,"' felt as ef it was their dooty to foller on and look arter their famalies. The rebel ginral Evans recently marched from that visinnity in sairtch of the invaders, and on lindin em, iuimediently " retreated in a mas- terly manner." The Onyielders is not introosive. Ef thars enny- thing for witch they air remarkabul it is their retirin dispers- shins, and thar bashiulness in the presence of a Union crowd. Floyd, Pillow, Wise, Jackson, Johnston, evryboddy in fack, as is ennyboddy, in Dixie, retires in a masterly manner. Advancin backards is thar fort. Mebbe afore this gits inter prent thar'll be a grate fight in Vir- giuny, and mebbe thar wont. The moovments of the big army wurm as is to enwollop the rebels in its coils, is ambigus. Sum thinks it is of the same genus as the sellybrated mareen monster as visits Nayhaunt every summer ajid is conneckted with so menny tales. Uthers calls it a chunk-bed and allows thars nuthin inter it, but my opinyun is that the critter's of the Great Bore speshis, and will as sartainly swaller the Rebellyun as the whale bolted Jonah or Barnum's snake the blanket. Ef it doosent sumthin else will, so wots the odds ? Hopin that the general lickin, witch, accorain to nateralists precedes the boltin in setch cases, will sun take place, I remain, wurmily, Yours allus, A DISBANDED 132 WAR LETTERS OF NO. XLVL [Humor oozes out of the old veteran as naturally as gum out oi a peach-tree, but it is by no means as soft and saccharine. The palpable hits at heroes who cultivate the correspondents of the press with the hope of figuring in print, will touch some- body hi the raw, and, in fact, a good many somebodies or, more properly speaking, nobodies. There is also a sly, but not ill- natured, poke at the censorship the one mistake of our ener- getic Secratary of War. The Disbanded, it will be seen, is now with the grand Army of the Potomac, than whom a finer body of men-at-arms never took the field. EDS.] HEAD KWARTERS, NEAR YORKTOWN, ) VIRGINNY, April 9, 1802. > Eddyturs of the Sunday MerTcary : In compliants with orders from head kwarters I cut my stick from Ginral Bankses divishin at Stunny Crick on Friday last, for the porpus of jining Ginral Maclellin's staff. My feller a decamps oi the Fift Army Corpse, showed the most lively emoshin at partin, and I must say I was considabully mooved myself as I gall npped off. Ginral Banks was kind enuff to remark that he was sorry to looze the sarvices of setch a distingwished old sojer, and presented me with a pocket-pistil as a shootable tokin of a steam. Wun of my bruther offsirs gin me a flask us a cuin- paniun to the pistil, and I now ware em about my purson as a mementor of the glorious sperits I left behind me in the Fift Divishin. Ginral Maclellin receved me with mutch swervity and perliteness, returnin my respeckful bow with the kwiet curtsy peculiar to that wunderful struttygist. I am afeard you will regaird me as little better 'n a bag of wind in makin wot may seem to be vane pursenal illushins to myself, but I asshoor you I am not puft up in the leest by the oner dun me, but conr tinny jest as condesendin to my ekwils as ef I warn't made mutch of. Atwixt ourselves, Eddyturs, I hev my douts whether I should be treted with setch a grate attenshin, but for bein the curryspondent of an influenshil noosepaper. When a kernil gives me an oncomnion hard squeedge of the hand, I put down two-thirds of the presshur to the fack that I am a member of the press, and I kant kelp thinkin as the little presents of segars and shampain sent so frekwently to my kwarters lies more inter em than meets the eye. As a means oi oblamin prornoshin, the pen, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 133 as you are awar, is sumtiines mityern the swoord. I could add more on this interistin tropic, but it shall never be sed that D. V. vilated the confidence even of the confidence kernilo as reposed thar ambishus hops in his onabul buzzum. I would say, how- sever, throo your abel jernil witch is kept on file by milentary men of evry rank that my sole spurns corrupshin, and that no amount of hideseek and regalees will indoose me to reckymend fether-headed boasters as proper persons to be made Bragadears. Incompetent offsirs as eggspecks me to write em up, leans on a brokin read. But I am stragglin off from the matter in hand, witch is the proposed seeser 01 Yorktown. The path of Glory lays open afore us, but the road is bad. Ever senst the army left Cockle- town the hevvy mud lies ben a severe trial to the mussels of the men. On Toosday it rained pitchforks and blowed great guns, witch, in addishin to the shells throne at us by the enemee, made the rout ennything but plesent. It is difficult to wheel a collume whar the ruts is deep enuff for graves, and eenamost onpossabul to wheel a gun-carridgc, and in coarse with setch tremenjus engines of war we frekwently broke a shaft. Ornary humans Avould hev considerd an advance outer the kwestin, but this army consists prencepully of sooperhumans. They clasht at dubble kwick throo onpentrable woods, and fairly danced acrost bottomless moreasses. Ef a battery opened onter us we immediently shet it up. Skrimmidgin was frekwent on the march, but I hev heerd of nuthin to the enernee's advantidge. The press, as ushil, disting wished itself. I larn that on Sunday the curryspondent of the New York World brort in three pris- ners, wun oncler each arm and wun on his back. Wot a corn- trast to Russell's Bull Run from Centerveal. Hevin overcum all prelimindary obstickles we air now encampt within two milds of Yorktown, gettin reddy to go in. But the works of the rebels is voloominus. They eggstcnd clar acrost the tung of land atwixt the mouths of York and James, and sho setch a formadouble row of teeth that to attact em seems like rushin inter the jaws of destruckshin. I menshin this fack that the publick may appreshiate the eggsplite, when these impreg- nable fortyficashins is carried with the bagnet. The rebel resarves behind the wurks is varusly estimated at from 15 thou- sand to 51 thousand vetruns. I dont know witch number is right, but lie hev em counted ef possabul when the place is tuck, and let you know. Balloon reckonnuisances is made frekwently. I went up 134 WABLETTEBSOF ycstday myself, as high as the highest mounting in the ney- brood, and obtaned important informashin, with I will send you arter the sege is over, ef Seckatry Stanton doosent objeck. It ks,nt, howsever, be a vilashin of the 57th artickle to state, that with the assistants of a dubble-ackshin pay tent refractory telle- scope, I brort Ginral Magruder so near that I could eenamost hear him swar and could distinctly see him drink. He peered to be takin a horn about the size of the wun as bloo down the walls of Jerryco. The offsirs ginrally seemed to be engaged in similder ginastick eggsersizes. It was a butiful Spring day, was yestday, and I hev seldum seen the swallers more numerus. Among the spiles taken this week was a curus dockyment found in the desarted shanty of a rebel engineer offsir. It was a kornpleat plan of Ginral Maclellin's forrard moovement, and the date shode as Magruder hed all the particklers from A to Izzerd, long afore the Nuthern press was awar that the grand army was going to moove at all. I merely elude to this little incident en possum, as the French say, as a strikin pruff of the saygassity displaid in institootin the tellegraft censureship, in order to keep the enemee in the dark as to the struttygems of the Commandin Ginral. Whoos the infarnal traitor as peeped over the sholder of the Guverment V that s the kwestin. Thars a rummer from the Roads as that tuff customer the Merrymac and sevin steam tenders, is all reddy for anuther tug o^ war, and I spose by the time this letter reaches you the fight will hev ben fit and the victry wun. I trust the Monitor will rip inter the old Turtle's iron shell ; but ef she doosent, the Vanderbilt's purty shure to run throo the infarnal cuss ef they let her rip. But wots the use of speckerlatiu when the issoo will prchaps be decided afore these lines cums to hand ; and not onprobably the encmees lines, witch I ken see stretchin for milds on ether side as I set ritin in my tent, will be in our perseshin. Hopin we'll make anuther Cornwallis of Magruder by nex week at the latest, and that when taken he wont be too drunk to be aniusin, I remain, antizzipating victry, Yours, allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEEB. No. XLVH. [The following letter from the dry old joker will bear twice reading. It will make appreciative readers laugh inwardly, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 135 if it does not " set the table in a roar". Quiet satire is the veter- an's forte, but the caustic stream runs deep. EDS.] IN FBUNT OP YOKKTOWN, April 14, 1862. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : To use a eunick and novil frays, much patternized by the tellagraft, evrything is progressin favorbly. Sevral thousand conterbands is engaged to-day in draggin artillry mules outer the moreasses ; and ef the wether continnees fine, the hevvy howits- tirs as disapered in the kwogmires doorin our march will be razed by the last of April. Hevin takin the precawshin to plant boys over the places whar the guns went down, the men will no whar to dig for em, and tho even thar breeches has gone under, I hev no dout they will all be brort to the sirfiz. Here in camp, the mud is mostly half leg deep for light infantry, and sum of the German ridgements is up to the seckind jint in the saft and plastic sile. The ground about Ginral Maclellin's hed-kwarters presents the aperience of a cow-yard arter a three weeks' steddy rain, and the waity members of his niillentary fammaly nowund then sticks fast in the slow. Bein light and spry hisself, he manages to skip the bad places, and so avides bein stuck. As a ginral thing, the upper-crust will support a small drummer. A panick onder setch suckemstances would be onplesent, bekase it would be onpossabul to run as fast as on terror finner. Howsever, thars no danger of a panick. Not a man in this invinsabul army nose what fear is well enuff to diskribe it with- out a dickshinary. We air all as jolly as ef war was a plesent game at keards tho we no not how sun the strongest harts amung us may be played out and kivered with thar cumraids spades. As to the shufflin and cuttin we leave that to the " nateral heroes'' of the Land of the Last Ditch. Wun of our amusements (I elude to the offsirs) is to get the darkeys to dance for us wen thar days wurk is dun. Thars a dry green spot about a pistil -shot from my tent, whar a passel of us gethers evry pies- cut evenin to see our cukurnber-legged frends perform thar wunderful brake-downs, and with the help of a little " Crook- shin lawn" [old Mungoheeler whiskey) we manedge to hev a very lively feet shampeter. The sqjers is strickly forbidden to plunder ; but ef fethers and brissels doosent gro spontanusly in these swomps, Ime inklined to think, from apcriences, that seecesh chickens and shoats is considabully corufiscated in a privit way by independent forrid- gin partees. It may be as the owls cro like roosters in this regin, and that 136 \7AK LETTEKS OF the grunts I hecr at night is the snorin of the German hevy dragons, but I hev sartinly heerd the same noisea whar thar was hen-rusts and pig-pens. Balloon investigashins takes place daily, and a correck and relieable map of the hull airy of the enemee's wurks hes ben tuck by wun of our errornots. The seecesh, howsever, hes sot up a noppersishin, and sports neerly as big a bag of wind as we do. They call it the Giddyun Pillow, arter the inflated bein of that name as kullapsed at Fort Donelson. Yestday both consarns was up at wunst, and cum so closte together that riful shots was eggschanged atweeu the civil engineers in the baskets. It is thort that a bullet fired by wun of our topografical fellers perpe- trated the bottom of the rebel gas bag, but it retired in good order to the frendly kiver of a nayborin cloud to hev the hole darned. The results of our atmostfearical scoutin, so far, is ray- ther startlin. The fo is reported at wun hunderd and fifty thou- sand strong, with six hunderd guns ; but sum thinks the trunks of. the trees they air haulin from the woods to bild brestwurks was mistakin for artillry. As the balloon estimit of the rebel force at Manasses was two hunderd thousand men, with fortifi- cashins ekwill to the Mollycoff and the Mammylon at Seblasty- pull, and the actil number turnt out to be oney forty thousand, behint sum misabul airthwurks, it is sposed by refiectin minds that errorstatic observashins is allmity onsartin. Purfessor La Mounting ses that the refractoriness of the upper atmostfear is amazin, and that Avhen the obsarver is elevated above a givin pint he is apt to see dubble. This skyentific vew of the case hes ben adopted, I bleve, by Ginral Maclellin. Senst my last, I hev spent two plesent days with the advance, as a volunteer sharp-shooter. I never tride the tellascupic sites afore, and J consider em a grate conveenyance. At a kwarter of a mild they bring wun of the " nateral lords of the sile" so neer that the ornaryest backwoodsman kant miss him. I laid in ambush behint a chinkapin bush and plugged seventeen, takin keer, howsever, not to hit em in the hed, or the stummick, or enny vital part ; bekase as it takes four well men to carry off a cripple, evry wownded man counts five outer the ranks, while a ded feller, rekwirin no assistants, is left whar he draps, and oney counts one. The most important strutegic manover in war is to knock a man over without killin him. Frinstance, when thars twenty-five thousand of the enemee, ef you kin wownd five thousand, it takes the uther twenty thousand to tote em away, by witch the feeld is left vakint and they air totally defected. A DISBANDED VOLXJNTEEK. 137 (See the Hull Art of War by the Curryspondent of the Sinsinater Times.) Torkin of the press, the ritcrs for that omnippertcnt institooshin is kiverin thai-selves with glory on this peninslur. Ime proud of the frayternity. Pen in hand, they persoo thar inkwiries evry- whars. The currysponclent of the New York Times lied a fence rail shot onder him last week, while settin onto it galliantly takin notes of an afiair of outposts. Anuther distingwished jurney- man jurnilist was chaste three furlongs acrost an open by a reckoshettin ball, and saved his life by fallin inter a gully jest as it hopt over. The world would hev regretted his loss, ef the missill hed put him throo. The artists for the pictoryals is also cool and cam in the midst of the most eminent dangers, and wun of em cum very neer bein rubbed out yestday while makin a sketch of sum skeclacldlin rebels. A shell fell inter his hat, witch he hed takin off for coolness, but fortnitly, like menny uthers, it hed no lews. The plans of Ginral Maclellin for usin up the shiverally at Yorktown air the most masterly that lies ever ben corntrived senst Siezir crost the Rubignn. Setch, I larn from a desarter, is the opinyun of Ginral Jo Jonstuu, the rebel cummander, who hes hed em by him ever senst the middle of March. In coarse I am not aloud to whisper wot they air, but all the particklers is in 'the Norfolk and Richmound papers ; Seckatry Stanton's standin order for the promoshin of lyal ignorance not bein respected by thar sassy ecldyturs. It is reported here that the Merrymac bust a gun Avhen she was out in the Roacls tuther day, and that but for the magnannymus detarminashin of the Seckatry of the Navy to take no advantidges of a genrus fo, she mought hev ben nockt eendways. Seckatry Welles is the right man in the right place. Dont you think so ? I dont, by thunder J Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER No. XLVHI. [Hampered by the Star Chamber edict of the War Depart- ment, our old correspondent writes this week with less than his usual vim. It is easy to see that he pines under the restraint 138 WAR LETTERS OP imposed upon him by the Senseless Censorship of the Press. EDS.] ADVANCE GAUD, YORKTOWN PENINSLUR, > April 23, 1802. > Eddyturs of the Sunday Merlcary : Senst I rit last things lies gon on in the ushil rootin stile ; but as the rains hes ceast and the sakrid sile is no longer an infarnal dam, its not onprobabul that the stormin will sun coinmense. Our boys, as you may conjecter is egur to take the shine outer the blasted Seecesh, and ef they cut up ruff they'll git polisht off in short order. Sum thinks, howsever, that as the uther collumes of our army drors to a foecus on thar flank and rare, the cornfedrits seein no outlet from the intrickit maize, will acknollidge the corn as Corn- wallis did, without waitin to be shelled out. Cobb. I ouderstand, is in a desput way at the prospeck, and a kernil as was tuck prisner'this moruin ses he would give his ears to be outer the scrape. He hes no confidence in the resent raw re-enforcements standin fire. But my own idee is, that a bluddy struggel is brewin. The rebellyun is a hopless case, but they'll fight it out to the bitter eend. Ef our gunboats could git up the James, we'd put em throo thar jimnastics purty kwick. They'd find it rayther a hard row to hoe to hold thar present persishin onder a rakin fire from that kwarter. But the Merrymac is cock of the walk, and bein aloud to crow it over everything we hev in the Roads, thars no chanst for our turkles to run up inter the inteeryur and help us carry Yorktown by a coo de main. Our fleet lied the monster fowl tuther day, with its big gun busted and its beak in the mud, but the orders was not to attact, so the Monitor and the Nogotuck, and the Vanderbelt and cetery, hed to look on till the critter was got off, arter which it made a tact acrost the harbor and retired with drums beatin and cullers flyin as a triboot of respect to the asstoot head of our Navy Department. Isent it a shame setch a funkshinary should be the alpher and onager of our nobul mareen? Why doosent the venabul old Rip Van Winkle retire from the Naval burrow to Sleepy Hol- low, whar he naterally blongs ? We want a feiler thar as nose beens, and not an auntydiloovian as nose nuthen but has beens, and barly that. Noah wouldent hev shipt setcli an old fogy as a forrard hand to holystone his blessed decks. The cnemee in frunt continnees bizzy spadin up new airth- wurks, but the punches they git from our artillry rayther A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 139 damps thar ardent sperrits, often indoocin em to thro down the shuvvel and the ho, and dig for saifter diggins. Evry day thar wurkin parties fall back hafe a duzzen times for want of proper support, while setch is the eggsellent^frovishin made for kiverin our trenchers that they air allus full of pluck. The firing of Burden's sharpshooters inflicks hevy losses on the rebels. No sunner doos a gunner show than he's a goner. Thirteen was rubbed out yestday while spunging thar pieces, and still anuther who was sightin a Parrott loaded with grape, reseved a bullet in the ball of each eye at the same moment. The latter bein onable to see whar he was goin, walked strait inter the Fedral lines, and altho kwite blind, is thort to hev a good look to rekiver. Our advance is now oney seven hunderd yards from thar out- wurks, and when the wind is right we ken hear em blastfeem. Ef profanity was fatil at that distance, we should all hev ben to the devil long ago, for the retches swar at us like troopers. Misabul sinn TS onackvvainted with the provub that cusses is like chickens, and goes hum for the same porpus they little thinkin what hell-roosts they air imkin of thar onfortnit soles. Mebbe ef they hed hed as menny pius tracks to guide em as we hev, they would never hev wanderd from the strait and narrer path inter the broad way that leads to destruckshin. We ort to make allowances for the fact that they air destitoot of mishinaries, and hev no coalporters to giv em informasliin about the fire that is never kwenched. Indeed they must be pitably ignorant about setch matters, otherways Bowerygard would never hev eggspected to find water for his hoss whar it kant be obtained for no price. But how kin you hop to find enny relidjus sentiment aniung peeple as hev no Sunday papers, and attends theayters on the Sabbath day, and parsecutes meek and lowly ministers of the gospel like Parson Brownlow ? These remarks, howsever, is less shootable to a camp than a camp meetin. To return to secklar matters : Purfessor Low has jest desended from the skies in his big balloon " Agasis," and reports that Jeff Davis has arrived at Yorktown with suckers to the amount of nine thousand men. He ses he counted the sojers, and he knew Jeff by his long neck ; but then the pur- fessor is sumwot given to stretchin. I remember a few years ago, I gin fifty cents to see Low start from New York by the air line for London, but arter raisin the wind, lo and behold, as tho Devil would hev it, he oney went as far as the Elysium Feelcls. My own bleef is, that most all the big stories we hear about 140 WAR LETTERS OF seecesh re-enforcements and setch, amounts to nix ; and, like the late rummer of a Union defeat at Elizabeth, purceeds from the Father of Lize. Thar was a butiful shindy in the rebel lines yestday arter- noon. Two ridgements heel apursenal dilferculty, and we could see em firin into wun anulher for hafe hour or so in a lively style, killin inenny on both sides. It was a puzzle to all of us why they should riddle wun anuther in a plug-muss, wen they no well enuff that our men is spilin for a fight and reddy to put em throo at the shortest notis. Howsever, its not onplesent to witness a bluddy ruff and tumble atwixt two sets of ruffyuns, when wun reflecks that witchever of the skallywags whips its all right for our side. A desartcr who cum in about an hour ago, ses it was a skrim- midge atwixt a South Carolinyridgement and a boddy of Virginny Volunteers as was resenlly enlisted agen thar will at the pint of the bagnet, and that the muttonneers hed the best of it. When troops of Sister States pitches inter wun anuther arter this fashin, its a sign that the ties of hi utherhood is brokin, and that the aifairs of the rebels is approachin a crysis. The grand a salt was onavoidably postponed last week, on account of the rain, but the day is now fixt, and it will cuin off at the appinted time, rain or shine, wether or no. In the mean- time evrything goes on as agreeably as the most sanguinary frends of the Union could desire. I send you the oridginal plan of attact (which hes senst ben changed), but in coarse you hev tact enuff not to prent it. Seckatry Stantons standin order agen givin aid and curnfurt to the enemee by foretellin past events, is still in full force, and as I dont want you to git inter diffikulty by predictin wot might hev happened onder circumstances witch dident occur, you hed better not menshin to ennybody that if Ginral Maclellins first projeck hed ben carried out it mought possably hev ben consummated. I hev reson to no that I am onder the strick sirvillians of the Censer of the Press, and tharfore ef Yorktown should be tuck on or about or before Saturday the third of May, you musn't say I told you so. Hopin to date my nex with a pen dipped in Ginral Jonson's inkstand, I remain, progressin favorably. Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 141 No. XLIX. [The usually-buoyant spirits of the veteran seem to have been somewhat affected by the mud and miasma of Yor.ktown Penin- sula. He chafes, too, at the delays which careful and circum- spect strategists consider necessary to secure success. However, the great battle cannot be long postponed always supposing that the enemy, while we are making preparations to defeat and " bag" them, do not suddenly decamp without beat of drum, as they did from Manassas. EDS.] IN THE ADVANCE, BEFORE YORKTOWN, April 30, 1862. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : The clerk of the wether arter keepin the winders of Hevin wide open for three days and playin continually throo all the orifizzes with two and a hafe inch pipe, suddently shet off the head of water, took in the seelestyal hose, and closed the sashes on Monday last, senst witch this everlastin bog hes ben simmer- in down, dry in up, and generatin steam to keep the billy us fever bizness goin brisk and lively. The seesin is oncommon faverable for fever and ager and the crop is likely to be large. More'n two thirds of the wurkin parties engaged in erectin sJiwer de freezes and cetery hes the chills more or less, and buckets filled with a solushin of surfit of canine hes to be sent round to all the piancer hands three times a day to enabul 'em to face the mewsick. Ef it warn't for that the jig would sun be up. As it is the shakedowns in the tempory lazyretters is all full. Roomat- tics prevails considerabul in the low kwogmires, and I kin ashoor you my asina in the chest hesent ben much improoved by wot the doctors call miasma in the air. In fack the atmostfearic eggshellashins is wus, by chorks, than the shells of the enemee. Ef we dont take the rebels down afore the reglar hot wether sets in, thar'll be sum hevvy mowin dun in our ranks by the old rip- per Deth. In the meantime, as you air aware from the ushil ofishall sorces, evrything is goin on to the entire satisfackshin of evrybody. The diffrent camps hes ben conneckted by blazing roads through the woods, and the sojers can now see what they're goin, insted of hevin to ax thar way continually in passin from wun post to anuther. The blazin was rayther a tuff job as it heel to be dun onder the enemees fire. Sevral thousand men is at present em- plide in bildin corderoy turnpikes. These corderoys is for the 143 WAK LETTERS OF breeching pieces ; but the inoreass bein eenamost bottomless in sum places, thar construckshin is a wurk of amens labor. Sum- times the tallest monarks of the forrest, when laid down as sleepers, disappears like a dream, and uthers hes to be embedded over em. Howsever the grate highway leadin throo the swamp to Warwick is nearly finisht and will be thrown open to the mil- entary publick in a few days. It is a bully road, about hafe the width of the bullywards at Payris, but skarsly as plesent to ride over. The ruts bein all the rong way, gun carridges passin over it purgresses by jerks, like the innoomerable hop-toads on the bog on each side, and about at the same lively pace. The fast crabs of the Third Avenoo couldn't make three minnit time over it not eggsackly. "We've got to lick the fo, thats sartain, for this tung of land is too allmity saft and slippery to back down on ; so, as the king ses in the play, we must push forrard, " seekin for Richmound in the throat of Deth." I spose the bunibardment will open in airnest next week, ef the wether is faverabul for firewurks, and Ginrals Banks and MacDowell hes by that time skewerd good places for recevin the rebels with outstretcht arms, as they rush from the eggsibishin. Wun thing you may relie upon nuthin will be dun ontill the time cums to do it, and then should suck- emstances prove onpropishus, it will oney be postponied ontill sumthin faverabul turns up. This informashin I hev confiden- shally from a very high sorce, and I trust the Censer altho I am in bad odor in that kwarter will suffer it to pass. The tidins from the Lower Mussysippi, witch hev ben current here senst Monday, hes defused a flud of joy throo all our harts. Lovill, it seems, cut dirt without showin enny inclinashin for a brush. I remember he did jest the same when he was Deppity Inspector in the New York Street Department. Gustarvus Smith, anuther gradeate of the same nobul institooshin, will probly flee in a simildar manner from the besum of destruck- shin. The ackount given by the rebel leaders of the captcr of New Orleans is rayther a frothy story, but its plain enuff that arter the vessels of Porter reached the city, nuthin more was seen of thar ugly mugs. I went on a skout throo the air yest'day with the speshil airtist of a picter sheet named arter a sellybrated ferry in this State. The way of it was this. The airtist hearin as the Guverment Genser hed cum full swing from Old Pint to arrest him for givin aid and cumfurt to the euemee, by copyin an old plan of Corn- wallis's and Washington's camps as they appered in 1781. cletar- A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 143 rained to go up inter God Almighty's free and blessid air, whar they dont hev no Censorships and Seckatries of War hes no juris- dickshin, and to stay thar till the ofishall Poll Pry hed vamosed. I ackumpauid him, and a jolly time we hed ; smokin meershams and sipping hideseek in the rejiu of clouds, and now and then directin our attenshin to the shampain keutry below, most of witch is adapted to the cultivashin of terhacker. "We both agreed that no man of voracity in his senses would fix the census of the rebel army at more'n 70,000. We could see all the ridg- mental camps, and Ime sartain as all the corpses put together dident number 70,000 souls. The seecesh as was off duty pre- sented a curus specktickle. They seemed to be sittin without thar shirts perusin the papers. On vewin em throo a tellascope, howsever, we notist they were employin thar valabul time in the pershoot of vermin. Wot we at fust tuck for noosepapers, turnt out on closter inspeckshin to be thar onderlinen, and judgin by the way they acted, cattle must hev ben plenty aud actyve in the dummestick market. My cumpanyun arter sketchin a bird's eye view of the remains of the old fortyficashins at Yorktown witch he gin to me, and witch I intend to publish arter the war, ef not konsidered determental to past events proposed to me to descend aloan and inkwire ef the Censer hed evaporated. I dun so. How did I desend aloan? you natrally ax. Wai, I shot down down in a parryshoot. Perhaps you never seen a parry- shoot. Its wot airynaughts takes up with em as a safegard agen dannger in case of a kullaps. A balloon is but an " airy nuthin" as the poick eggspresses it, and so its as well to pervide for a rainy day with a parryshoot ; witch is percisely like a big um- bereller. Siezin this masheen by the handel I jumpt from the car and floted gently, with a wobblin moshin, to the airth, with no inconveenyance except a slite sea-sicknes, cawsed by the see- saw moshin of the consarn. On arrivin below I inkwired for the Censer and found he hed gon back to whar he belonged, wharupon I gin my frend abuv the spred eagle signal an Odd Fellow's sine in witch the fingers and the nose takes a con- speakus part and he hnmediently tuck the hint and cum down hansumly. Hopin we may sun flounder outer this bog, kivered with lorils (witch is as common as sassafrax all over the swamp, ef enny boddy wanted to gether em) I remane, deep in the mud, but with curridge skrewed to the stickin place. Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 144 WAR LETTERS OF No. L. [Once more the old soldier is out on the war-path, and, of course, in his element. Our readers will rejoice to learn that although his horse was blown to pieces by a torpedo at York- town, he was fortunate enough to escape unhurt. FORMER HEAD-KWAHTERS OF GINRAL Jo JONSON, ) WILLIAMSBUG, May 7, 1862. > Eddyturs of t7ie Sunday Merkary : ^ I rite this letter from a commojus manshin in Williamsbug, witch was suddently vakated on Toosday night by Ginral Jo Jonson and a few of his seleck frends, to make rum for Ginral Maclellin and his milentary famaly. The resent tenants was cumpelled by pressin engagements to start for the inteeryur and genrusly left evrything at our disposhal. I am now settin onto wun of Magruder's trunks, and dippin my pen (as I sed in a resent letter mought sun be the case) in Ginral Jo Jonson's inkstand. Immediently opposit to me sets Ginral Maclellin on a camp stool, inditin a dispatch to his wife, on the back of a haversack, and I no by the twinkel of his eye that he's puttin things in a light that'll make her feel as happy as a toad in a shower. He's too much of a worrier to wurry her, even if mat- ters lucked skwally ; but seein we hev given the pussnannymus cusses rats, in coarse, he feels like a bird, and rites boyantly. Our departed frends doosent peer to hev ben very tid} r in thar habits. Empty whisky jugs, bucks on milentary tacktricks, charts of the peninslur drord on the whitewashed walls with terbacker juce, eppylets, boots as seems to hev hed thar soles run off with hard travel, and setch artickles of clothin as perfeshinal runners diskards in a match agin time, is prominent amung the embellishments of the apartment whar I am now turnin my idees inter black and white. The floor presents a disgustin speck- tickle, bein kivered with Confedrit kwids, no doubt spit out in a simultanus shower at the moment of departer, to avide swallerin 'em in the wild rush to a more conjenial locashin. But enufF of the sourcaustic. Seens of blucl and cetery setch as I hev to deskribe is too serous to be treted in my ushil vein. Kegairdin the mane facks of the high old rebel hunt witch com- menst last Sunday at York Town and hes ben in full blast ever senst, with allmity breef iutermishins for recreashin, the tella- graft hes allreddy posted you in advance of the mails. I shall tharfor, like the sellybrated contraband in the play, confine my- A. DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 145 self to the " har bredth scrapes and moovin axdents" in witch I tuck a hand, pursenally, and witch the ornary curryspondents of the press was too far in the rare to make a manyrandum of. The vamose of the rebels from York Town on Saterday night and Sunday mornin dident take me by supvise. When the sege guns opend onto 'em to get the range, on Thursday, I sed openly " they kant stand these doses, they must evackyate." Saterday night, sun arter turnin in, I lied a curus dreem. It seemed to me as ef a most amaziu critter rose up suddently out of the airth in my tent, like wun of the stage sulfursides in Don G O Vanny. He hed the aperience of a flyin sarpint, his wings bein in the form of a norinous eppylets, and his boddy consistin of flexibul two hunderd pounders taperiu down to four and a half inch how- itzers aj; the tail eend. Ses he, rollin the red hot shot witch sarved him for eye-balls, in thar sockits, as he spoke " True the Milentary Annie Condy or Army Devil, / am ; wot Mephistuff- erlies was to Doctor Fostus, I intend to be to Unkel Sam, oney I dont want to by souls on enny terms, heviu more on hand now than I ken find fewil for. Would you like my fire-eatin frend," he continned, snappin his incinderary eyes ontil the sparks flue, " to no wots up in the seecesh camp at this junkter." " Ef youre the ainshint snake as got up the apple riot in Pairo- dice in the year wun," ses I, " line no frend of yourn, for if it Ledent a ben for your darned strutegy, this mutch-to-be-lay- inented frayternal shindy mought never hev cum off. How- sever," ses I, " I would like to larn how the blamed seecesh over to York Town enjies thar invitin prospecks, ef the things possa- bul, my old Bore Constructor." " Siss-s-s !" ses the tremenjus reptyle, rattlin his metallick kar- kiss and makin annoys with Ms firy tung, like a duzzen hafe inch fuses goin on a blazin bender throo the air : " Siss-iss-s-s-s ! youre a nice feller to be down on me for sirkimventin a cuppel of covetus, couseted upstarts, when your ginral wants to cum tho same game with the hull Suthern Cornledracy. But we wont quarl old Ruff and Reddy, ketch a holt of my tail." I dun so, and with a few vigrus flaps of his eppylet-wings we wus in the oppersishin camp, when he muttered a few words too profane to be repeted in a Sunday paper, and we botli becum unvisabul. A moment arterwards we was in the midst of a markee, in witch the head ginrals was holdin a consultashin on the rebel case. Magruder was makin a speech, and as near as I ken remember the vishin, it was as follers : " I go in for fightin as Old (hie) I say, I go in for puttin em 7 146 WAB LETTERS OF throo as Old (hie, hie) Hickory did at New Orleens." (Ginral Lee iaterruptin " New Orleens be cust ! its gon to thunder!") " Gent'inen, don't run ; take a sober (hie) seckind thort, and stand firm," (Here he pitcht forrard and run his seegar inter Ginral Jonson's eye.) " Rains ses ef we stay here we shall be tuck by storm. Let her (hie) I say, let her rip ! Can we eskape the fate of Corn (hie) of Cornwallis by flyin to Chickenhominy ? No, gent'men, no. Ef we air to die in the last ditch, let em (hie) hack us to peaces here." (" Hear, hear !" from the sojers list- enen outside.) " This is class (hie) I would say classic ground. Ef we must fall, let us die all, die nobly die like derni (hie) like deini " Here the speeker keeled over and sobsided, Lee whisperin to Jonson " die like demijohns, I spose the drunken humbug means." At this intresting pint of the vishin I was suddently awoke by the drum beatin the long role, and an orderly rusht inter my tent with his eyes as big as sawsirs and informt me that the seecesh hed abandoned thar wurks and it was a seckind eclishin of Man- asses. In less'n twenty minits I was ridin throo thar desarted camp. In coarse you hev larnt by the airly despatches, that it Avas as full of torpedoes and infarnal masheens as a rebel blankit is of like stock, and as I rode along I heerd em crackin on evry side. Wun of em cum all thunderin near cuttin short my curry- spondence with the Merkary I ken tell you. Rite in frunt of Uie Rebel Head-kwarters a shell eggsploded onder my Bnsuffer- icgg, and the next instant I found myself si' tin astride of a dis- mounted piece, with the saddle still onder me and my feet in the -sirups, mutch suprised but parfeckly saift. Thar was nuthin left but me and the saddle. It was a merackalus eskape, and Kbows that Providence never sleeps ; for this was about four o'clock in the mornin. The hull of Monday I was with the right wing, with Han- o :-\'s brigade, in pershoot of the flyin fo. In the final shindy on Monday arternoon. when we turned thar left flank, I cum within a liars breclth of ketchin Maecruder. Ef Id oney hed a Onliforny laureat to hev sent sin gin throo the air arier him, I mought hev noosed him shoor. But alass I lost him for want oi n. lasso. His hoss was a leettle swifter'n mine, and bein drunk he swung about so in the saddle that I couldn't hit him with my revolver. Howsever, I hev his wallet witch he threw away as he fled, hopin to tempt me to stop and skewer it. I pickt it up as I relurnt, but found it warnt wuth the trubble, containin A DISBANDED VOLUNTEEB. 147 nuthin but a few dunnin letters, an obseen drinkin song, and a passel of Cornfedrit shin plasters. Last night the rebels wunst more tuck up thar line of march, at a kwarter-hoss stride, and our troops are now arter em with a sharp stick. I rayther surmise the old Annie Condy is throwin her larvee around ! Luck out for still more gloryus noose nex week. Nofolk is a gon case within a few days. The seecesh game's eenamost played out. The beginnin of the eend is closte at hand. In the arms of Victry (while the fo is on the last legs of Defeat), I remain, Tours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEEB. No. LI. [It will be seen that at the date of his letter (Wednesday last) our veteran friend was full of glorious anticipations. He seems to have enjoyed the beautiful scenery in the neighborhood of Cumberland, though the disloyal mocking-birds provoked his righteous indignation. EDS.] CUMBEBLAND, ViRaiNNT, May 14, 1862, > HEAD-KWARTEBS OF GINBAL MACLEI/LIN. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : We air cornerin the Cornfeds amazin rapid. Desarters report as Howl Cobb is in favor of vamosin Richmound without waitin to be shelled by Maclellin. Magruder, who was so feerce for a stand when he was staggerin drunk, is now lyin on his back at Rumford with the shakes, they say, and fancies he sees lejins of lUanoy apes swimmin acrost the Pawmonkey River, with red-hot pokers in thar hands to stir up his innards. A contraband as cum in last night ses Mrs. Davis lies mutinid agen the Seecosh Prcsdent, slapt his face, and told the poor henpect critter that Seeceshin's a bad egg, and that she's hartily sick of setch a dis- gustin yokefeller. The citysins of Richmound ginally is repre- sented to be in a revoltin state, and the saft soap of the rebel funkshinaries doosent appeer to hev enny effeck upon em. Mcnny thinks it will be onpossabul to bring the Suthern troops to the scratch, in consekens of the late disaster in Louseanna. 148 WAS LETTERS OF Cumberland, our present head-kwarters, is oney about twelve milds from Bottom's Bridge, whar Lee allows he's goin to whip us. He's got to fight or foot it right away, that's sartain, for we shell be in moshin at dawn on Thursday mornin, for the porpns of lettin daylight inter him and his Fly-by-nights. A currier lies jest arrived from the James, who states that the Monitor was around Gurl's Neck, and that the Gayleaner, witch got in a tight place by huggin the shore too closte, hed ben got off with a tug, and was hard arter her, with the Nogoduck cummin up hand-over-hand a short distans below. By refrence to the maps, you will see that the James is as full of elbows as the Mincio the wun around Gurl's Neck bein the most dangerus bend of the hull, with the eggsepshin of wun near the mouth. Jeff hes appinted Friday, the sixteent instant, as a day of humiliashin, and I predicate our gunboats and land forces '11 carry out his proclamashin purty effeckshally. The clerk of the wether, who seemed detarmind to drownd us out at Yorktown, hes stopt cutting shines, and now we hev ray- ther more sun then we want. But as Gloster ses to Norfolk in the play, " "VVots that to us more'n to Bichmound ?" We ken stand 100 degrees of Foreign heat better'n one in a hunderd of the natives. And why ken we do so ? Why, bekase we aint everlastinly fired up with red-eye. Tork of licker as '11 kill at forty rods ! Blame my picter ef the stuff we found in sum of the whisky barls at Yorktown wouldent kill as far as a Dollgrin gun. You never seen a finer kentry than this we air travellin throo now. Thai's planters' housen atween Williamsbug and Cum- berland, that the most plus Christian would hardly wish to trade for manshins in the skies. The corn's so flurishin that it givs me pain to tred onto it, and it stirs the pulse of a feller's stum- mick to luck at the green peas. As I set in the piazzer of Ginral Maclellin's head-kwarters, scratchin off this letter, the notes of the robbings steals plesently on my ear, and the rnewsical cat- birds tutches my felines with thar cherful and familyar vices. The oney things that anoise me is the mockin-birds, witch, in consekena of hevin lissent so long to the seecesh bands, sings nuthin but "Dixie." I giv em Hail Columby, evry now and then, with a handful of stuns, but, like the jail-birds as tootered em, they oney fly a little ways ahead and strike up the same infarnal toon agin. We hev, aa you're awar, kwite a number of furrin offsirs attached to this divishin, and they wun and all declar that a finer A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 149 core Wartime never tuck the feeld. The Due de John Veal told wun of our John Bull captins* when he cum to see us at Barboursvil last Saterclay, that " Yillainton (that's the way the French pernounce Wellington) nevare had so mosh fine troops in hees life." " jSTo," ses the Englishman, " that's a fack ; and I dont see how he ever wun the Battle of Waterloo." He hed the Frenchman thar, I speckylate. The Due de Chatters and the County Payris is both here. They air jolly, convivyal young fellers, and not averse to puttin down Old Bourbon when they git a chanst. Thar was grate rejisin amung our men when the noose arrove that Cummodore Davis hed sent three of Hollinses Rams to Davys locker. He's a rambunkshus feller is Hollins, but senst Porter and Davis sheared inter his rams at New Orleens and Fort Pillow, I pfersoom he feels like a shepherd without a flock. Horns hes ben his rooin. The best thing he ken do is to rite an affeckshinit farwell letter to his frends (ef he hes enny), and then drap hisself inter the drink. I reckin he'd sink jest as eesy as rollin off a log, for they've ben throwin liunderds of hogsheds of whiskey inter the Mussysippi lately, and he'd go to the bottom arter it in obejence to his nateral instinks. Our advance gard is now feelin the enemee, and the report is that he doosent feel good, and that he is tryin to slip throo our fingers. Ef that's his game, he'll hev to be as lively as a lam- prey eel, for we are closte onto his slimy trail, and Maclellin's grip is a thunderin titan. Sum prisners sent in by the skfirn- midgers this niornin, ses Lee is ankshus to meet us, and egg- spects to cum oft' with flyin cullers ; but Ime afeard he'll go off with flyin cullers afore we git a chanst to pitch inter him in the defiles. The oney cullers warranted to stand in these parts is black and yaller. Cuffee, Dinah and Co. waits for us evrywhars with open arms, and would gladly embrace us, but we eggscuse ourselves, on ackount of the warm wether. We air in good odor with all the darkeys, but for all thar perfeshins of frend- ship, they air allus tryin to get to windward of us, ef they think they kin make a cent by it. Hopin in my next to be able to say like the messenger In the draynia, " Richmound is on the seeze," I remane, joyfully, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLTJNTEEB. - ~ .::.; .- ' .::_ i 150 WAKLETTEBSOF No. LH. [Although the veteran's expectations of getting to Richmond were not fulfilled, he endeavors to sustain his reputation as a prophet by attributing the delay to the Fort Darling affair. EDS.] NEAR NEW BRIDGE, YIBGHNNY, May 21, 1862. Eddyturs of the Sunday MtrJcary : Ginral Maclellin is a dissipul of Davy Crockett ; he never bucks ahead till he sees his way clar ; but when he doos inoove, sumthins got to suckum. I hope this time it will be Richruound, and ef it hedent a ben for that thunderin blunderin bizness at Fort Darling, we should probly hev carrid it afore now, by wot the Californy blacklegs call a coo de grab. At the date of my last letter, thar was evry aperience that we should hev it afore the sixteent, the day sot apairt by Jeff Davis for a ginral humilia- - shin of the rebels ; but Providence, witch apeers to play an open and shet game with em, jest to aggravate their misfortens, thort it best they should hev tAvo days of humiliashin insted of wun. Our advance is now near New Bridge, about nine milds from Richmound, and our cavalry pickets is closte enuff to hear thar hosses nay. We onderstand that remittent fever is playin old hob with em. Desarters report that from five to sicks hunderd is taken down daily, and more'n hafe the army hes the shakes, more or less. Thars considabul third day ager amung our fellers too, and buckets of surfit of canine and whisky is past throo the ranks twiste evry twenty-four hours, but the moment the cold stage is over the invalids is as hot as ever for a fight. This mornin I went on an errornotic trip with Mr. Low and Kernil Stunman from this pint. We reeched an elevashin of five hunderd feet, and hed a fine vewof all the feeters of the landskip. Men, wiminen and children was running about the streets of Richmound, aperiently in a panic, and but few troops was visa- bel eggsept over the left near James River. Ef wun could vote hisself a farm somewhars around in these pairts, it wouldent be bad to take. Ef thars to be enny confis- ticashin for the bennyfit of lyall heroes, I should rayther like to hev Kernil Lee's White House farm, whar we hed our head- kwarters a few days senst. Its jest about the purtiest spot this side of pairodice. Two things reckymend it Ginral Washing- ton spent the fust years of his marrid life thar and the land, eenamost without any pains, will perdooce thirty barls corn to the acher. Paytryotic recolleckshins and present profit both A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 151 reckymends it, and it peers to me to be jest the place for a Dis- banded Volunteer to repose upon bis lorrils. I must tork over the matter with my friend Abe. In the anshent fuddle times the estates of traitors used to be bestode upon tyall men, and I guess, as O Theller ses, Ive done the state some sarvice. Thars about three hunclerd niggers belongin to the farm I onderstand, and I wouldent mind carryiu out the ideer of gradjal mansipashin in relashin to em, by garanteeing the freedom of thar grate graudchildern as fast as they arrive at the age of eighty years. I reely dont know ennything on airth more desirabul than a fine plantashin on the Pawmonkey River, with two or three hunderd likely "pussons held to labor " thrown in. I think I could do better by em than sum of the longfaced saints in white chokers as went to the Sea Islands about two munths ago to oversee the plantin of cotton seed, but oney suckseeded in spilin the seed of Ham. Pius yarns isent condoosive to the perduckshin of cotton yarn it seems. The Seecesh on the peninslur, findin it doosent pay to plant torpedoes, witch thar own capterd offsirs and men hes to dig up at the resk of thar valabul lives, hes taken to firm on flags of trooce, as a saifter way of committin murder. Thar's j*3fc wun way to stop these games, and that's hangin ; and Jf i^-ien't resorted to, and that right away, our men will be apt whfejuar accounts with the cowardly ruffins thar OAvn way. I was with Ginral Stunman in the brush at Bottom's Bridga, and a very purty foot race it was. Ive seen cousidabul running in my day, but I never saw fellers mounted on setch misabu! bosses make setch good time as they did acrost the Chicken- hominy yestday ; yet I warn't supprised at it when I seen the prisners we tuck. Setch onmassaful spurs as they bed onto em I never seen outer Mexico. Thar arms was all sorts and sizes, but thar warn't a pair of spurs amung em as wouldent hev gon thrco the hide of an elefant. Wot they cheefly depend upon in batlel, is thar spurs. The hull line advances to-day, so luck out for great news about Saterday. Hopin for a fight, but fearin it'll Le a fizzle, I remain, 1 oui-s allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEEB. No. Lin. [The old boy was undoubtedly in one of his queerest humora when he indited the following letter. We particularly commend 152 WAR LETTERS OF his remarks on the Banks affair to the attention of our readers. It is the neatest bit of cynicism we have seen in many a day. The compliment to the Secretary of War does no more than justice to that distinguished functionary. EDS.] BEFORE RICHMOUND, May 28, 18G2. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary . Bowerygard hevin slipt up on the idee of watcrin his Busuffer- less in the Tennessee, lies cum to skwench his thirst for glory on the banks of the Chickenhominy. Desarters say he reeched Richmound on Sunday from the Sow West with his brissels up like a Texas porkerpine, and swore he'd ether light his Havan- ner in our camp on Saterday night, or smoke a brimstuu regaly with Belzebub in the Halls oi' Ilaidees. I ouderstand that prevus to the war the Red Sulfur Springs in this State was his favorit waterin-place, and I persoom in a future state he 11 be ackom- idated at a Spaw whar the bevridgc is of the same flavcr, but hotter and stronger, and whar thars heeps of black waiters in constant attendance to giv visiters a horn. The probility is, the old blastfeemer meens light for the mane boddy of the Corn- feds now shows a horsteal frunt south of the city, and we larn they air in high sperrits over the retreat of Banks into Merryland. Onder these suckernstances, I luck for a collushin afore the week's out, and we air all hopin for a high old time, witch may cum oft' at enny moment. Ef we don't put em throo for the massacree at Bull Run and the torpedoes at Yorktown, thars no perswashin in saber bagnets. In the intrim our Ginral, who, as you may hev heerd, is een- amost wushipt by the army, is by no meens an idol man. On Monday he put Ginral Porter at the head of a considabul boddy of troops, and told him to go to Hanover, witch he dun, and, arter a hevy skrimmidge, tuck the place. It was a big thing, and you will eggscuse me for crowin over it. Our loss when footed up will be a mere handful, as ushil ; but I kant state the figgers, becase, altho inenny of the troops hes cum back, we hev no returns. Our men dun well in the engagement, and the wowuded hev ben dooin as well as could be eggspcctcd ever senst. The fo left wun hunderd and nine men and a sutler ded on the field, and, singlar to relate, they were all shot in the eye with grape shot shov.'in the unerrin ackaracy of our artillty. This I lied from an eye-witness, a remarkbly clear-sighted volun- teer from the Buckeye State. Our men berrid the enemee's ded in thar own riful-pits, witch A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 153 came handy arter the fateeg of slorter, and capterd five hunderd head of seecesli alive. The jography of Hanover, witch is the court-house town of Hanover county, and contains six whiskey mills, two churches, a constabul, seven squires, and a jail, besides about two hunderd white trash, that no jenteel nigger will assoshiate with, is as follers. It is right on the Richinound & Fredericksburg Rail- road, mebbe twenty milds from Richrnound ; and so you see while Ginral Maclellin is menassing Bowerygard's frunt, he hcs also opened a fire in his rare This, I bleve, is what he sposed Ginral Macdoill was to do ; but it seems that wunderful milen- lary cheeftin, who hes ben pickin his teeth and jinglin his spurs in the neyberhood of Fallniouth for the Lord nose how long, hes suddently ben ordered on a fool's errant to Manasses, arter Jack- son. He's a sprisin man* is Ginral Macdoill. Settin aside Siezer, Hanna Bull, and Haveluck, he is eggsheld by few, and eggseeded by nun.. His former masteerly retreet from Manasses fully entitles him, I should say, to be sent thar agen. Wot do you think of the Banks aff'are ?. We regaird it here as an amazin peace of strategy. A trap peers to hev ben sot for the rebels, and Banks and his five thousand left for bait. Jack- son, the poor ignarunt old rat, walked inter the snare, tooth and toe-nail, and ef he happens to git off with a claw this time, in coarse we must do as the old wumman did when she used her husband's boddy for eel-bait try for anuther liaul. Boddies of men is of no consekens when the objeck of leavin em to be butchered is preyswurthy. The eend sankshins the meens. I trust, tharfore, that the reck of Bankses brigade do.osent consider thar cumraids was recklessly sacrifised at Fnmt Ryal, Winches- ter, and cetery ; and that no wun is so inhuman as to blame the cam, considerate, high-minded, far-seein, libral, perfound, curt- shus, and desarvedly poplar Seckatry of War. The hull army of the Potomac considers him a nincumpairable publick offsir, and altho sartain editors hcs thort fit to call him a bag of wind, he is reely a man of grate saygassity. Senst the abuv parrygraft was rit, informashin hes ben receved in camp that Ginral Freemount is to re-enforce Banks, witch will leeve the Mountin Deestrick at the marcy of the gorillas. But the cuttin of a hunderd or two Union throats, more or less, is naterally a seckindary considerashin to ketchin Jackson. They'll hev him, mark my wurds, jest as shoor as Paddy capterd the flee. I notis thars considabul sed in the New York papers you sent 7* 154 WAR LETTERS OF me about Union sentiment in Virginny. But we don't see it. Ef it eggsists in these parts, the people lies a high old talent for dissimerlashin They wun and all greet us with the kinder epithets ushilly applied to the skum of the airth, and nuthiu but purseual considerashius pervents the wiminen frorri runnin thar sissors inter us. I wunst was tuck prisner by the Cummanchy Injuns, and I must say thar squors treeted me with more perlite- ne3s than the ladies of the Fust Famalees shows to our sojers. They don't say mutch, but they spit with rernarkabul force and ackaracy, and no longer ago than yestday a Massachoosets man who offerd his cheek to a volunteer saloot from one of em, hed the peace tuck out as clean as ef it hed ben dun with a gouge. Ef that's Union feelin, I ken oney say Ive no wish to put ray mousetushes in setch a persishin as to procure me a simildar token of regaird. Ankshusly awaitin victry or deth, but preferrin victry, I remane, with my sole in arms, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. LIV. [The last fearful battle near Richmond seems to have been almost too much for the iron nerves of the gallant old soldier. We do not wonder that the ride over the fatal field on Monday made him heartsick. EDS.] IN FRUNT OF RICHMOTJND, June 4, 1862. Eddyturs of the Sunday NerTcary : As youre awar I was at the battel of Inkerman and also seen the famus charge of that impetyus British trump Lord Cardgain at Blacklaver, but the fightin in these diggins last Saterday and Sunday was sumthin to holler on even arter witnessin the rushin work in the Crynieah. Saterday the rebels druv us for a wile, thars no denyin that ; but by Genesis ! it was oney by the force of numbers. About twenty-five thousand of em pitcht onegg- specktedly inter Ginral Caseys Brigade in the midst of setch a storm as no rayshinall beins wuld hev thort of facin without injy rubber overcoats and nmbrellers. It litened to that degree that youd hev sposed the biggest fool on airth would hev beu struck with the danger of carryin a mttsket ; but, regairdless of the A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 155 legtrick flewicl, they thunderd down upon our advance like u buiTycain. Qinral Caseys Brigade receved the fust shock. Drencht with rain, they was standin shiverin in a corn feelcl Avhen they suddenly found thai-selves atwixt three tires. Thar persishin was singlarly pictoresk, bein purty mutch sirroimded with woods, and altogether a nice seekwesterd spot for a pick- nick party. Ef the eneinee hedent misfortinately got inter the timber in frunt of em, and on both flanks, they mought hev held the fo at a ded lock sum time, but as it was they bolted. They retreted in order sum ses in good order, but accordin to the best int'ormashin I ken git, it was in short order. Menny of our offsirs allows that a feeld with woods on three sides of it isent an overly saift place in a milentary pint of view, onless the woods is ockapied as well as the open, but in coarse when men meets with a reverse, evryboddy ken see how it mought hev ben vicey versey. I was with Ginral Maclellin when the noose of the attact was brort to head kwarters, and as ushil on setch ockashins, the egg- stent of the disaster in frunt was falsely stated by the fudgetives. But it made no more impreshin onto him than the firy bolts did onto A Jacks. He at wunst sent two brigaids by the cars to the van, and the fresh troops goin in with cheers sun turnt the tables. The battel continyin with onabaited fury, the steam was kept up and other boddies dispatched from time to tim, ontil Night hysted her star-spangled banner over the cumbertents, and the work of deth was suspended. When they could no longer see to shoot, both sides laid down on thar arms and tried to refresh tharselves with a littel sleep prevus to meetin on Sunday. At daylight on the blessed Sabbath long afore you city fokes had begun to dress for church we dressed our ranks and went in. It was Unkel Sam's turn now, and we made old seecesh see stars. Hindsellman raked em fore and aft with his artillry and musketry, and Sedgewick and Richardson gin em pertickler fits. As sun as our men got the enemee outer the woods inter the opes, whar they hed full skoop for the bagnet, they gin em the cold iron. The Sutherners dont peer to keer a chaw of tobacker for bullits, but they wont stand spittin. When they see the shinin steel cummin at thar brests, they loose hart, and run like deers for deer life. But runnin dident save em this time, lor they was run throo by lumderds. Four hunderd is sed to b-v ben wiped out by the bagnet alone. I counted more'n a inndord myself in one peace of swompy ground, and at least fifty of em 1 156 WAK LETTERS OF was speered throo the back. It was an orfnl sight, and I wisht that sum of youre New York blud-and-thunder kwill-drivers as prefers slorter to circumvenshin, could jest hev rode over the battel-feeld with me last Monday mornin, and seen the glassy eyes and pale upturnt faces that bore silent witness agen war, wile the green airth was wet with dirnond doos, and the birds was singin hims of peace among the bushes whar menny of the wounded hed crawld away to die. The victry was cumpleat ; but I dessay sum of your pen-and- ink Ginrals, as sets in thar editorial sanktums and plans onpossa- Mlities, will take thar tex from Caseys discumforture and say " the Army of the Potomac was defeted." I warent mutch in this last battel, hevin ben prencepally emploid doorin both days in carryin orders from the cumrnanclin Ginral to the different corpses to moove forrard or full back, as ockashin reckwired. This, howsever, is a critterkill kinder sarvice as you may siimise from the fack that I hed six hcsses shot onder me ; and wunst, wile lyin on the ground, a hoss shot over me, strikin a pistil I hed razed to plug him, with his flyin heels. Wot is most extrornary, the kick dischargcl the pistil and the ball strikin the animil in a vital spot kild him instantly. In takin an order to Ginral Hindsellman I hed to ride throo a cross fire of grape and riful balls of a most eggsilin nater, door- ing witch three bullits passed throo my iiiilentary flapjack and wun ludged in my stop-watch, and I found on resortin to my terbacker-box for a chaw, arter gettin outer range, a fil't hed per- petrated the lid and lodged in the Cavindish. I hev sent the box with the bullit and the terbacker inter it to Fortress Monroe to be forrarded to the SUNDAY MERKARY offiz, and I wish you to sho it to all inkwirin frends as a pruff that the old sojer dident srink from dooty in the face of danger. Our advance line is now right in frunt of the intrenchments at Bichmound, and not more n three miles from Jetf Davises House. If Richmound is tuck I shall get a furlo and go to Wash- ington to recrute I mean to recrute my sperrits, for wot with seens of carnedge by day and dreemin of em at night, Ime gettin to be wot the docters calls a hippocorndrake. I larn to-day that our gunboats is wuust more asendin the James and that the grand attact on the enemee is to cum olf within a week. Hopin that it will hev a loKnit issoo I remain, reddy for Glory or the Grave, Yours alias, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. A DISBANDED VOLUNTEEU. 157 No. LV. [Our venerable military friend is somewhat in the didactic vein, the lull which has succeeded the stormy battle of Fair Oaks not furnishing much opportunity for dramatic description. His letter is, nevertheless, a quaint and interesting one, and Strongly marked with the peculiarities of style which have ren- dered his correspondence so generally popular. EDS.] BEFOKE RICHMODND, June 9, 1SG2. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merlc&ry : Senst the battel of Fair Oaks (or Fair Hoax as wun of our line offsirs of the British perswashin calls it) things hes remaned Btashinary, with few adventers to relate wuth pen ink and paper. Fact is, both sides was so all-slorterusly cut up in that sangwin- ary struggel that all hands felt inklined to paws for a spell, prevus to atlemptin enny new feet of arms. The hull affair was as like the two days shindy at Shylow, as wun little nigger is like its bruther. The rebels dun a purty good six hours wurk on Saterday, and we paid em off. and sumthin over by way of advance, on Sundaj'. Mutch, howsever, depends upon the Seckatry of War. If that extrornary institooshin orders up the nessary re -enforcements, the seecesh army will be deleted and disburst ; but ef, on tuther hand, he refewses the the reckwired suckers, we may find it onpossabul to git perssesshin of their formadouble brestwurks, ockapied as they air by the cream of the Sutbern infantry. Its all very well for nooscpaper curry- spondents to poke fun at the shabby aperience of the enemee, but it doosent foller bekase a sojcr is drest in butternuts that he's a milksop, and I ken tell you the hard luckin cusses fight jest as hard as they luck. More over they outnumber us in the prepor- shin of more'n three to two, and ef the spasmudic Head of the War Department wishes to avide bein tuck with anuther panicky pericksism like that he hed when he rit to the Guvner of Massa- chusets for help, he'd better make shoor of a Union victry by puttin fresh troops on the rout without delay. Report ses that the Seckatry was orfully shagreened at the way merry Andrews larfed at him about the Banks fieaskoh ; so prehaps he'll steer clar of simildar Tomfooleries in luter. He nose wot would make Ginral Maclellin's sucksess sartin. Will he do it? A'ose -eer- rons, we shall see, as they say in Payris. Wen the losses on both sides at the battel of Fair Oaks cums 158 WAR LETTERS OF to be figgered out ef they ever air I predicate they will foot up a totil of not less'n sixteen thousand, witch is about wun thousand niore'n the French and Ostreans lost at the famus fight of Mayrungo, whar Bonypart licked Ginral Melasses army too de sweet, as he eggsprest it. Richniound papers confesses to ten thousand on thar side and its well-known here that we hed over six thousand wiped out, wownded and captivated, besides loosin seventeen guns, of witch, howsever, nine was retuck tords the tail-eend of the shindy. It was ondoubtedly a Union try- ump, bekase the rebels faled in their objeck, but it was deer bought, and cum thundering near proovin an orful sell. All the divishuns of Ginral Maclellin's army is now acrost the Chickenhorniny, witch at present is a neverlaunch of foemin waters, in consekens of the late inondashun. The Army of the Potomac must take no steps backards, ses the cummandin Ginral, and I can oney say that if it skedaddles onder present suckemstances, its likely to sheer the fate of the Duck of Clar- ence, in the play, and git drownded in the drink. Casey's divishin witch cum so near bein a case in the late en- gagement, is quitted of all blame for quittin the feeld in con- fushin. Few of the human race would hev dun utherwise. The outside presshur was equil to five to wun, and ef that isent a suflishent resin for caving in, then a man wouldent be jestified in jumpin oif a high presshur Mussysippi steamboat, when he sor the firemen rollen barls of pitch inter the furness, and the enginear settin astride on the saifty valve makin his last will and testyment. The brigaid was put in advance to feel the enernee, and hevin felt of em and findin em too hevvy to handel, they let go suddently and fell back. " Setch things is common," as Hamlet s unkel remarks in the tradegy, jest afore he pledges the yung prence in the flowin bole. But thar '11 be no more of these affairs, bekase why, the divishins is all within close sportin dis- tans of wun anuther, and detatched boddies wont hev to fight for hours onsupported, on thar own hooks, as Hooker did at Williamsbug and Casey would hev dun at Fair Oaks, ef his troops hedent marveld to the rare. Our line of pickets is now so closte to the enemee's that both hes to play possum all they no, and with all thar injun tricks to git a saift shot at won anuther, ten or a duzzin is put throo on thar side and about hafe as menny on ourn, evry twenty-four hours. Skriminidging is also goin on purty mutch all the time atwixt the mounted reckonnoiterors, and last night twenty-five of thar light dragoons rode inter wun of our advance camps in A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 159 the dark, by mistake, and bein hemmed in, it is needles to say they was sewed up in short order. In coarse, these promiscuss brushes must eend in the mane boddies gettin inter each others har afore long, and nex time tharll be no let up ontil wun side or tuther is a goner. Two balloons was up to-day, and brort down informashin that at least forty thousand seecesh is onder arms within a mild and a hafe of our outposts, and that many of the ridgments peered to be corned and a salting wun anuther. Desarters also ses that things ginrally is in an orful pickel in the rebel camp, and that the sojers is clamrus for thai- back pay, and grately soured by the treatment they hev receved from the Cornfedrit guverment. These stories may be on the squar, but its jest as likely thars no more solid foundashin for em than there is bottom to the iufarnal pit. I remane, with firy ardor, Yours, allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEEB. No. LVL. [In the absence of stirring incidents, our venerable military correspondent sends some interesting intelligence from Rich- mond, furnished by refugees from that city. He does not guar- anty its accuracy. The Disbanded seems to suppose that McClellan will be attacked before he has completed his arrange- ments for taking Richmond according to Jomini. We think it quite likely. The ignorant and stolid rebels have no respect for military science. EDS.] NEW BRIDGE NEAR RICHMOITND, June 19, 1862. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : Spades is trumps. The shuvvel's mityer'n the swoord. In planer words, Ginral Maclellin is droring lines of circumvalua- shin around Richmound and infestin it accordin to the rules of war. The seecesh Army onder Ginral Lee heving ben trenien- jusly increast lately, this seems to be' the saiftest way of redoociu it. Consekently we air advancin by reglar approaches and the sojers emplied in constructin the pairallels finds it rayther hard lines. The heat is so intens that the men in the wurkin parties drap down by duzzens. But regairdless of the firy suns of the 160 . WAR LETTERS OP South, our brave fellers continny thar prodigus efforts and air gradjally liedgin in the fo with milentary ditches and uther wurks of afence. Laborin in the bowels of the airth perdooces menny vialent disinteric cumplaints, but thars no grumblin; evry volunteer bein desirus of dooin his utmost to eend this liorrabul intestin struggel. Onless we air attacted you needent luck for enny smashin wurk in these diggins for sum time, tho thars more or less shell- ing on both sides evry day, jest to keep the ball in moshin. The sege guns as carries the hunderd pound slugs ken ouey travel at a snails pace throo the orful slows in our rare, and ontil they air all mounted no attemp will be made to mount the enemee. In the meantime our cavalry is scourin the kentry, and makin a clean sweep over the gorrillas in the Pawmonkey Swamps. Yestday Kernil Averill seezed a lot of bosses in the neybrood of Metapony Creek, also cuttin off severall waggins that the rebels was too much in a hurry to wait for, besides ketchin rnore'n twenty seecesh simperthisers as bed bed a jolly time givin infor- mashin to Jackson s fillybusterin troopers, but is at present larf- ing on the rong side of their mouths. They hev ben put in irons for sheerin in the rebel steelins. Three Union refewgeese from Richmound, who bed suck- seeded in alludin the enemees sentnells, disgjiysed as contra- bands, in curled hoss-hair and lam black a dark night faverin thar eskape arrove in our camp this mornin at daybrake. They broke outer Castil Godwin, whar they wur lyin onder sentens of deth, and thar noose, if correct, is of the hyst interest. The hull tail would be too long for your collumes, but the fol- lerin is a few particklers of thar narrativ : In the subbubs of Richmound the rebels hev a hunderd and ninety-nine thousand men more or less. Thar air sum green recrutes, but upon the hole the men air all well drilled. Gus- tarvus Smith, the New York gutter-skraper lies charge of the provishin depoes, and by his advice the raw cornfederit con- skrips is used prencepally in the cookin department. Long- street's divishin is practisin the manover of forrnin in solid squar. This is the same Longstreet as was sent to the West with orders to stop all the avenoos of comrnunicashin with our Lane. Smith and Longstreet doosent agree. Smith ses Longstreet orter hev swept Casey and Couch from the feeld, at the battel of Fair Oaks, and Longstreet allows that the oney sweepin charge ever made by Gustarvus was agen the corporashin of New York. Ginral Early 's divishin is the latest milentary arrival at A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 161 the cornfedrit capital. A large majority of the peeple of Rich- mound is furious Unionists, but keep dark for fear of gettin, hung by the Seecesh minority. The purceedins of the niggers is a nigma to evryboddy, but they air around in alarmin num- bers, and a black cloud seems to be impendin over the devoted city. The place is not onhealthy, but the populashin is getting thinner evry day in consekeus of the drafts. The jails air full of poll}' tickle prisners, who air fired at whenever they cum to the bars of thar cells, witch, in coarse, is gratin to thar felines. They air hafe starved, and all thar petishins for better fare oney illicit an eggative from the sentnels placed at thar doors by the provost marshal Winder, an oifsir with a forbiddin mouth and repulsiv Roman noes. Randolf, the seecesh Seckatry of War, was formally a misabul shyster about the Richmound courts, and is a harder Christian than his predecessor Jew Benjiman. JeiF Davis lucks orful pail. Menny thinks he will sun kick the bucket. He wtfres a long shabby sirtoot that was his weddin coat when he marred Ginral Tailor's darter. His har is iron gray, and his hat, witch is of the tallest stove-pipe pattern, is disgracefully rusty. Felin that he is brandied with etarnal infamy he lies recently taken to drink. Report ses he is a pray to remorse, and sumtimes weeps all night long, witch ackounts for the catarack in wun of his eyes. Mrs. Jeff, who is a buck- sum lady, takes things more filasofacoolly. She drives throo the streets with a pair of fast bays, in a splendid bayrush, evry arternoon, and is got up with white and red cockaids in gorgeus stile. Most of the stores is closed ; both the stock and the pro- priators hevin ben propriated for the use of the guverment. The rebel wimmin ginrally is ongodly sassy. They hev small speciments of the American flag nailed to all thar door-mats, for the conveenyance of wipin thar feet and spittin on the Star- Spangled Banner evry time they enter thar housen. They also assembul in large numbers daily in frunt of the jail, and spit at the Union prisners throo the bars. Thars wun set as calls thar- selves the pro-slavery Amazons, who subscribes a five-cent shin- plaster a peece at evry meetin, and the member as spits with the greatest ackaracy takes the pool. They hev named this pleasin divershin Eggspectorashin Loo. No licker ken be had any whars but at Guvner Letcher's, whose black boddy-sarvant brings him six gals of the best Mungoheeler brand from public store evry twenty-four hours. Consekens is that his levies is attended by throngs of the eleet. Daniels of the Eggsaminer gives him a punch now and then, but that is oney bekase he is not invited to 162 WAB LETTERS OF pardizzypate in the whisky. Hevy cases, sposed to contain gold, is frekwently sent South by the rebel leaders on varus speeshus pertences. They air directed to Tuskalooser, Alabam, witch indooses menny to spose that thar jaw about conkerin or dyin at Richmound is all a lie. ' : The abuv items, coppid from my manyrandom buck, is jest as they fell from the lips of the refewgeese. You ken bleeve as mutch of em as youre a mine to, or as littel. The fudgetives hevin ben in close confinement for four munths, its wunderful how they pict up thar informashin ; but far be it from me to accuse the poor beggars of wilful mendicity. Ginral Prim visited our camp last week, and I was present at his intervew with Ginral Maclellin. He sed our troops was fully ekwill to the high-soled Spanish sojers as leathered the Moroccoes, and complimented the ginral on makin his approaches accordin to the rules laid down by Jo Minie. Ef the rebels wait till our pairallels is completed, we'll bag em shure ; and ef, on tuther hand, they hev the onpairalleled asshurance to pitch inter us afore were reddy, they'll run agen a snag. Awaitin the issoo with the most sangwinary hops of sucksess, I remain, ondawntedly, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEEB. No. LVII. [The great fight before Richmond, our correspondent thinks, is close at hand, and his spirits rise with the prospect of an immediate combat. We invite attention to the diagram showing the positions of the two armies. If correct, the rebels are " out- flanked", and in imminent danger of being "crushed". IN FRUNT OF RICEMOUND, June 25, 1862. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : Matters in this kwarter air rapidly drawin to a head brushes is gettin more lively and frekwent, and onless the rebels skratch dirt mity kwick, we shell comb thar liar afore the cumin Forth. Evry day brings us a little nearder thar lines, and enabuls us to form a better estimit of the strenth of thar collumes. Jest as sun as Ginral Maclellin gits all his big Parrots up and his magazeens reddy, he will attact the rebel wurks without A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 163 further preeface. In the meantime reenforcements are daylie arrivin, and the Ginral-in-Cheef thinks we hev kwite as menny Helpers as the Crisis rekwires. Ses I to him no longer ago then last Sunday : " Ginral, ef you oney hed all them Nuthern melishy whoos offers of sarvice Seckatry Stanton was deef to becase they declined to list for three 'ears, wot everlastin short wurk you'd make with Lee, Longstreet and Co." " My brave and venabul frend," he replide, returnin my respectful saloot with his ushil curtsey, " sperrit makes good the want of numbers. Did you ever read Henry the Fift's stump speech to his army afore the famus battle of A Gin Court, whar the Constabul of France was killed ?" " Never," ses I. " Wai," ses he, " He kwote you a passidge." And openin a vol- lum as lay on the camp table beside him, he red as follers : " 'If we air marked to die, we air enuff To do our kentry loss ; and ef to live, The fewer men, the grater sheer of honor.' That's Shakespere," he remarkt, shuttin the buck, " and tTiaVs me !" " Bully for you," ses Kaymond of the Times, who enterd the tent at that moment, " you put me in mind of my grate annsis- ter, Raymond of Tooloose, who figgerd in the Holy Land by Jeroosalum !" It isent offen the eddytur-in-cheef of the Times gives way to setch abolishins of enthoosiasum ; for, like the Ginral-in-Cheef of the Army, he's remarkbly moddest and onassoomin ; so much so that, altho he wunst headed a sucksessful and sellybrated retreet in Italy, he rarly boasts of his milentary eggsperience. We hev hed sum sharp fitin to-day on our left, whar the enemee for sum time past hes ben pickin off our pickits purty noomerusly. Seecesh was spunky, and it was a ded lock for a wile, but finerly we carrid the key to wun of thar persishins. Thar was also a lively artillry dooil on the right, it which the rebel battrees got fits from Fits John Porter. It is the univarsal opinyun in camp that this skrimmidging may or may not proove the imrnejut prelimindary to a ginral engagement. We hev gained considabul ground to-day, and the rebels may try to re-ockapy it to-morrow. Ef they do, thar'll be a shindy ekwill to Sulphurino. I oughter menshin, as wun of the sines of an approachin battle, that a gang of Congressmen as hed cum to head-kwarters to pick up a few idees for bunkum speeches on 164 WAR LETTERS OF the conduck of the war, skedaddled ycstday like a flock of harang-otangs when they smell a tiger in the jungel. I reckin its party saiffc to profcsy that the grand conflick will cum off within ten days. Seems to me thar must be ether a fight or a foot race twixt this and Independence. In the meantime, you ken form a graffic idee of the relative persishins of the two armies from the follerin ackarit diegram, witch I obtaned from a very civil engineer. I eggspeck the milentary censer will go inter asterisks wen he sees it, but arter he curns too he 11 prehaps see that it isent desined to designate our desines to the eneinee, and so let it slide. The upper seckshin of the plan repersents the persishin of the Nuthern heroes musterd in arms under the spangled flag, and tuther that of the Suthern Neroes standin in alarm under thar mangled rag : *##*****## x-x *#*****************;<************ Slowly but surely, ef nuthin occurs to spile the strutegic moovenient, the upper seckshin will close in from the jint, like a pair of callipers, ontil the two eends meet and the rebel crowd is druv inter a promiscus heep, and completely enwollopt and cut off. This is a strikin improovement on the oridginal sarpen- tine plan, and it is thort will anser to a T. Ef the fo chuses to attact, so mutch the wuss for them, becase then the strutegic masheen will close suddently with a snap, and the skweedge will be still more fatil. It is not onpossabul that the last men- shint catastropy may happen within forty-eight hours, and that you may larn the trap lies ben sprung, by the wires, afore you git this missiff by the post. Desarters continnes to cum inter our lines at the rate of forty to sixty a day, and ef theyre to be bleved mind, I say ef theyre to be bleved the Richmounders is in a blamed poor way. The lucksheries of life in that volupshus city consists of half rashins of corn-dodgers and wurmy pork ; and sum of the F. F. V.'s indulges on Sundays in weevely hominy and salt fish. I reckin that part is troo, for a more lantern-jawed, herrin-gutted, grub- forsakin, short-allowance-luckin set of ragged castaways was never taken off a raff at sea, arter the oridginal number hed ben redooced wun hate by cannabullism. As to takin the oath, they'd swar a legions to Bellzcbub for a bellyfull of beef and a horn of red-eye. They state that the peaceabul citysins is offerin fifty dollars a peace for substiloots, and that most of em turns out bad A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 165 eggs and skedaddles at the first opportoonity. They say also as the rebel ginrals encurridges the men to fight by tellin em thars plenty to eat and drink in the Union camps, and that thar desput charges is not caused so mutch by seckshinal hatred as feroshus hunger. Sum may larf at this, but for my pairt Ide rayther meet a i'eller in battle that hed a bone to pick with me polly- tickally, then a chap as wanted to be inter my meat house becase he thort the way to dinner was over my ded boddy. Famish- in retches would as leve hev thar goose cooked wun way as anuther. THURSDAY, June 26. This mornin I rode over the seen of yestday's runcounter. We druv the enemee over three hunderd yards, and our advance is now outer the saft swomp and tangled underbrush on solid terror firmer. Our loss is about twenty-five killed and rnebbe about two hunderd wownded, be the same more or less probly more. All is perfeckly kwiet at present, but the hull army will sleep to-night with wun eye open. Blevin that Seecesh is in airnest this time, and that a momentuous conflick may cummence at enny hour, I remane, with the steam up, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. LVm. [Under the depressing influences of disaster and defeat, our veteran correspondent is less vivacious than is his wont. Never- theless, he is stout of heart and hopeful. So must we all be. There is no such word as fail in the vocabulary of true men engaged in a righteous cause. EDS.] NEAR TURKEYBEND, July 1, 1862. Eddyturs of tlie Sunday Merkary : The issoo of five days of the most sevagarus fighten that ever tuck place in this hemispear may be skweeged inter three words. We air wJiipt. Its hard to say, and harder to bare, but we hev met the enemy and ben kompelled to turn back. The malishus fo will swar that we fled in dismay ; the dispatches to the Guv- erinent will claim that we retreated in good order. Make a gin- ral avridge of the two stories, and you will be as near the trootli as a noosepaper ken eggspect to git in these mendashus times. 166 WAR LETTERS OF Abuv all, don't place enny faith in the curryspondence of the daylie press, for to my sartain nolledgemost of the quill-drivers for the New York jernils is, and hes ben ever senst Thursday last, in a mental condishin witch holy incapassitates them from collectin thar idees, and ef tlie colleckshin was made, it would be about as much like the facks of the case as a last years skare- crow is like the statoo of Ginral Jackson at Washington. As to the detales, it would take a vollum of your valabul paper to give em in full, or even hale full but I will say this, that senst grit was developt in the human faminaly, it never was more con- spickusly displaid than it hes ben by the army of the Potomac, doorin its advance backards under the preshure of sooperior num- bers, from the Chickeuhominy to Turkey bend. We hev probly lost ten or twelve thousand men, and mebbe thirty or forty can- non, big and littel, but we air now saift on the banks of James River, whar the broadsides of more'n a duzzen gunboats will assist in layin the seecesh flat on their backs ef they renoo the attact. We mowed em down for two hours yestday arternoon, in reglar swaths, and I dont bleve they'll try it on agen on a suddent. The carnidge in both armies doorin the six days conflick has ben prodijus, but I bleve that fur every two Union men wiped out about three rebels hes been squelched. They gin us volly for volly, and more too, but our aim was the best, and we hed the biggest lump to fire at, consekently the heft of the slorterus reciprossity was on our side. The hull avalabul force onder Ginral Maclellin at the beginnin of the fight, was rayther less than ninety thousand men, while the rebels hed full a hundred and fifty thousand, and Ginral Stunwall Jackson arterwards rushed in with forty thousand more. He's a smart man, is Stunwall eenamost as remarkabul as a skillful sojer as Freemount is as a nincumpoop and that's payin him a high complement. In coarse we eggspected his case would be attended to by the Shunandoor Ginrals, but they patterned their tacktricks arter Ginral Patterson, when he was orderd to pitch inter Johnston, and the consekens was that Jack- son cum down upon vis jest in the nick of time, as Johnston did on Macdoill at Bull Run. I spose the same wuuderful saygasity as weakened Bankses army when Jackson was re-enforced, hes afforded this ruff and redcly rebel this new opportunity to destingwish hisself at our eggspense. Westurn Virginny is said to be the Seckatry of War's pet milentary deestrick, his speshil manoverin ground ; A DISBANDED VOLUNTEEB. 167 and I trust when the histry of that immens statesman, accom- plisht sojer, and imminent telygraft operator is ritteu, his bril- yant sarvices to his kentry in that rejin will receive doo honor. Ef I was good at panijerk, I wouldn t mind pronouncin a ulow- jim on him in advance ; but Irne afeard it wouldn't be appre- shiated by the awjence by which I am at present sirrounded. Indeed, the probility is that if I was to venter the eggsperiment, I should be linched by the foot-soar, powdcr-siled, bleedin, groan- in thousands who hev jest ben ordered to prepair for anuther retreat of ten milds, from Turkey bend to Harrassin's Bar. Setch is prejewdice. My cuinraids, wun and all, bleve that Seckatry Stanton is at the bottom of all thar misfortins, and responsabul for thar discurnforture. A minister in Japan, under a sirnildar cloud, would whip out his swoord and hurry-skurry hisself at wunst the idee in Japan bein that when an offlshal is thort to hev made a stab, axedental or otherwise, at the vitals of the State, he is bound to insert a few inches of cold iron inter his own. But in this kentry thars a more massy ful way of gettin outer the diffikulty. An onpoplar minister may resign or he may be kickt outer offis inter everlastin obskewrity. Prehaps ef the illustrus head of the War Department was to take the former method of retirin on his lorils, it mought be satisfactory to an ongrateful kentry. Republicks is setch thankless consarns that I shouldent be sprised ef three-forths of the comnioonity would rejice at setch a catastrofy. Sumwhars in profane history, I reckin it must hev ben in Pluto's lives, Ive red of a feller of the name of Arestidees, who was banishd bekase peeple was tired of heerin him crackt up for his honesty. Possably the Seckatry of War's feller citysins is tired of heerin him crackt up for his energee and cetery, who nose ? Arestidees was tride by ginral eleckshin with oyster shells for ballots, and the verdick was " skedaddle", witch he dun. I wunder wether Seckatry Stanton wouldn't be shelled out of the kentiy ef he was put to vote in the same way. To morrer, or prehaps this arternoon, we shall start for Har- rassin Bar, and eggspeck to be harrasst by the rebels on our retreat, bat we shall keep along the bank of the river, pairtly onder the proteckshin of our gunboats, and the conuuanclin ginral thinks that if we air attact we ken hold our own. Yes- terday arteruoon we gin em fits at this pint, drivin em like sheep and takin a hull raff of em prisners. Sum say Ginral Magruder is among em, but I hevent seen him yet. As you air awar, I cum thundcrin near bag-gin him wunst myself, but his drunken luck 168 WAR LETTERS OF saved him. Hopin we shell sun receeve re-enforcements, and be agen in a condishin for a forrard moovruent, I remain, sin- cerely but savagely, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. LIX. [The following letter from the soldier-satirist is in his best vein. EDS.] HARRASSIN BAR, JAMES RIVER, July 9, 1862. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : Considerin the way this army was pitcht inter doorin the late ripstavin fights, it recooperates arnazin rapid. Bein posted on risin ground, we air abuv the reach of myasmatic inflewences. In the onhelthy wilderness from witch we hev eskaped, the men sufferd with agar, for it rekwired the constistooshin of a hoss to stand the moreasses ; but in our present cool and deliteful sum- mer retreat, the sick and wownded is progressin favorably, and I larn from the docters that thars but few deths from deceases of the liver. Prehaps this is owin, in part, to change of treatment, as no blue pills hes ben administerd to the troops for sum days past. Nothwithstandin our losses, it was well we dug out when we did, from the swomps beyont Gains' Mill, utherways' nine- tents of us mought hev found our graves thar. Cullerd refewgeese from the rebel camp represents that thous- ands of thar sojers was thrown inter a state of halloosinashiu by the gunpowder cocktails with witch they refresht tharselves doorin the recent cumbats. It peers that a kwart of red-eye stiffened with hafe a pound of powder, was sarved out to each vetran, and a dubble doste to the new conskrips, evry day doorin the struggel. In coarse the solushin of rot-gut and saltpeter kept em continally corned, witch ackounts for thar makin a salt arter a salt with the vigger of fresh troops, when we sposed all the grit hed ben taken outer em. But last week, arter the final ac- shin, reacshin commenst, and setch a bellerin and rorin as thar was in the seecesh ranks (ef the fudgetives is to be bleved) was never heerd afore outside of an insanitory institooshin. They all sposed, as is ushally the case in many a potyous, as the Grate Incinderary was in pershoot of em with a red hot poker A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 169 and bein awar that the contents of thar stumniicks was highly cnmbustabul and extree-hazardus, they naterally dredded to cum in contract with setch a weepin. Accordin to the contrabands, sum fansid they was bumshells, and puttin thar tungs out, rek- wested thar cumraids to eggstingwish the fuse. It seems thar- fore that altho gunpowder punch may be an all-feroshus fightin beveridge, yet ef a man takes it till he gets shot in the neck, it is liabul to play the devil with him. Our lines eggstend from jest belo Harrassin Landin about seven milds up streem, and the current report is, that we air to remain on the banks of the river ontil the new levees is razed and drilled, and we ken advance with the sartainty of overwelinin the insirgents. In the meantime, re-enforcements is reachin us in transports, and the hull army is as happy as Irishmen at a wake. The rashins is bully, as plenty of fresh beef cums up from the Fort evry day. Consek'ens is, we air all gainin flesh. On the march from the Chickenhominy, we hed nothin but the hardest kinder crackers, and its a wunder we dident fizzle out on setch repulsive fare. More'n five hunderd contrabands is now emploid in the cookin department, and no one complains that animal food is meated out with a niggerd hand. The opertoonity to bathe is also a fine thing for the men, and hunderds of em may be seen cuttin up thar jimnasticks in the James, at all hours of the day. In short we all feel in boyantsperrits, and sink or swim, sirvive or perish, we are reddy to strike out wunst more for Kichinound at the word go. We could drive the rebels like deers ef we oney hed Fort Darling. The plan is for the gunboats to git a brest of it while we open on its rare with our breeching pieces, but this kant be dun without a bigger force than the Ginral now hes at his disposhal. When Dai-ling yields to our arms, a few power- ful rams will sun clar the channel from piles and uther obstruck- shins, and the strong hold of Virginny will be ours. Howsever its idol to count chickens afore thar hatched, as I confess I did when we began to shell the rebels on the Chickenhominy. I crowed a leetle might too kwick, thats a fack. Nuthin ken be luvlyer'n our present elevated lowcashin. The gentle slopes over witch we lately retreated is a perfeck panor- arnmer of pictoresk buty, altho in menny places the rebel corn hes sufierd from the tramplin feet of our sojers. Feeld larks sings in the meddows alLday long, and all throo these moonlight nights the encurridging notes of the " whip-her-well" seems to foretell the cumming fate of the Suthern Cornfedracy. 8 170 WAR LETTERS OP On Toosday evenin last the hull army was thrown inter con- vulshins of delight by the suddent apperience of the President. He is in fine helth and sperrits and is heving a tall time, holding revews and treting us all to a perfeck few de joy of cannon- drums. This mornin he axed me why he resembeld Ginral Ma- clellin. As he meshurs six feet five in his stockin feet and our glorius little Mac is oney five feet six with his boots on, I couldn't see it, but he imrnediently releved me from the ang- wish of suspense, by statin that it was bekase he hed jest left the White House for James Hiver. Seeiu he was in the humerus vain, I gin him the follerin : ses I " Why is the Seckatry of War like a lame letter carryer ?" He couldn't wool it, so I hed to eggsplain to him that the Seckatry of War was like a lame letter carryer, on ackount of not bein the right Man for the Post. He wouldn't see it, but I told him the peeple did. Arter remainin silent for a few moments, doorin wich I persoom he was turnin the Seckatry over in his mind, the ushil plesant twinkle cum back to his eyes, and he inkwired ef I could tell him wot to do. with Freemount. " My venabul frend," ses I, " ef you want to do the clean thing, and wash your hands of him altogether, giv him the entire cummand of the famus basin in the Rocky Mountings, witch he ses he diskivered, and send Kit Carson with him to show him whar it is." That fotched him he larfed till he kwivered all over like a bean-pole in a thunder-gust, and re- markt, that ef the Pathfinder would strike a bee line for enny- whars outer sight, he wouldent mind treatin him to a coach and four, witch he onderstood was his favrit- travellin eckwipedge and re-instatin old Saygoney as his a decamp. Arter an hour or so's conversashin of a similder improovin carrickter, we pairted with resiprical eggspreshuns of atleckshin and regaird. He will leve for Washington this evenin or to- rnorrer, and we shell all be sorry to hev him go. Honest Old Abe ! he desarves the name. As a paytryit, he curns up to my standard. Long "may he wave ! As the strait jacket rools of the War Department pi events me from sendin you enny informashin of importance, I must refer you to the Richmound papers for all the pcrticklers witch it is desirabul should be kept sekrit from the rebels, and hopin that a time may cum when all gag-laws will be repeeled, I remain with sincere contempt for oflishal humbugs, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. A DISBANDED VOLUNTEEB. 171 No. LX. [The following letter has some bitter pokes at the politicians who would rather see the Union go to the dogs than have it saved on any other plan than their own. EDS.] HABBASSIN BAB, July 17, 1862. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : Seecesh, arter flutterin around for a fortnight as ef he calkilated to make a dart, hes withdrord to his old roostin place in the ney. brood of Richmound. Ginral Lee findin it onpossabul to haul the grub for his amens army throo the swomps, conclooded to fall back to his hog and homany, and now I spose, things will remain in wot pollytishins calls a state of " masterly inactivity" ontil we get re-enforcements enuff to risk auuther shindy. Wether that blessed consummerashin will take place afore the fall, or then, or when, is an open kwestin, or rayther an open and shet kwestin, witch I leve to the pollytickle profits, for its altogether beyant me. JVIebbe the Seckatry of War nose when sumthin that means sumthin is likely to be dun ; but its my bleef that the fog as sirrounds the hull matter is thicker in the visinity of the War Offls than enny whars else onder the canopy. The poick ses " thar is a Providence as shapes our eends" ; but it peers to me that our eend is shaped by the agents of the uther feller, and it wout be long afore its whittled down to a pint ef it continnees in setch infarnal bad hands. The sojers of this army isent fools. They ken dror an infer- ence as well as dror a bead, and when they see by the papers as the cussed pollytishins is dishartnin the peeple and stoppin recrutin with thar misabul quarls, they feel as ef a few rounds of grape drapt inter thar ranks, without distinkshin of party, would be eenamost ekwil to a Union victry in the feeld. The South is chucklin over the disputes of your torkin traitors in the North. Thars nuthin seecesh likes better'n to see radicals and consarva- tives buttin wun anuther like two flocks of billy-gotes, insted of layin thar heels together and clubbin all thar energees for the porpus of strikin a decisive bio at the rebellyun. Why in thun- der kant the slangwangs on both sides hold up till the fight's over? Not wun of the kwestins as agitates thar pettifoggyiu minds ken be settled ontil the South's whipt. That's the bizness on hand now, and thars oney wun way to finnish it up, and thats by the sledge-hammer argyment of sooperiur force. Ef I hcd absloot power for about a month, Ide dralt evry purfeshhial pol- 172 WAR LETTERS OF lytishin inter the army, and put em to work as team-drivers and trumpet-blowers its about all tlieyre fit for. The flower of the United States Sennit rnought prehaps be usefully emploid in the new army bakeries, and sum of the blud-and-thunder fellers of the House of Representatives mought be set to butcherin beef for the Army of the Potomac. As Eddyturs is noways responsabul for curryspondent's sub- jestins, prehaps youll allow me to prepose that Chandler, the paytriotic Midgygander, who hes ben follerin up the rebel attact on Ginral Maclellin by assailin him in the rare from a saift place in the Sennit chamber, may be made chief of balloons to this divishin, as his nateral taste for gas would no doubt render him a first-rate airynaught ; and he mought take Freemount with him as an assistant to pull the valves. . Freemount resined his cum- mand in the presents of the enemees of his kentry, and Mister Chandler went a leetle furder, by pitchin inter Ginral Maclellin, jest arter he hed repulst em. Two setch conjenal sperrits would be kwite to hum together in the clouds, and ef they should never cum down I ken oney say that better men hev disappeard senst the time of Elijah. Ef the Seckatry of War wants the right man in the right place, let him by all means puts his frend Chandler at the head of the gasbag department, and send him up, with the Pathfinder, to take a birds eye view of the Conduck of the War. Should the wind be in the direckshin of Ilichmound, thar would be no harm in cuttin the balloon cord, so as to make it smooth sailin for em to the rebel capital. Its easier to go thar by gas than enny uther way. While the North is beatin up recrutes to enabul us to beat the rebels, we air takin it easy on the banks of the James. Whisky is perhibitecl eggscpt as a medsin ; but as the number of sick is large and the sutlers supply the well, few suffers from the use of onholsom water. Thars very good fishin jest below the Bar, but it ken oney be enjide from the decks of the gunboats, as the seecesh fires inter all unarmed craft from a mud scow to a hors- pittle ship. I tride for sum rock fish tuther day, bat hed hardly ankerd and bated my line afore a minnie ball smasht wun of my skulls, and a four pound shot went throo my starn and cum allfrightful neir sinkin me. Sport's sport, and Ime naterally brave as well as fond of anglin, but if ever lively paddlin was dun by a white man, it was in that emergingsee. The prencepul amewsment of the men is poker and old sledge, tossin coppers, crack loo a streek in the sand sarving for the crack and checkers. The offsirs discurridge gamblin as in dooty bound ; A DISBANDED VOLTJNTEEB. 173 and setch of the chaplins as doosent take a hand tharselves pints out the conneckshin atwecn bettin and Belzybub ; but wots tho use ? The sojers pockets the papers and tetches thar caps outer respect to thar offsirs when they go by, and two ininits arter- wards theyre at it agin regairdless of thar immortal soles. Its astonishin, considerin the number of relidgus pamflits thars ben distribited to this army, that it doosent no better ; but I spose the resin is that the ruisabul sinners use the tracks to fold up thar small stores, insted of layin em to hart and feedin on the bred of life they contane. Strange to say, howsever, skores and hunderds of em lies BiWes, and I wouldent be sprised ef they found thar way to Hevin, poor blunderin critters, ennamost as well as ef they was allus turnin up the whites of thar eyes and groanin onder the effecks of a secktarian colic. I onderstand thars a report goin the rounds at Washington that the rebels tuck cannon enutt' from this army to plate Fort Darlin eighteen inches thick, and that the Treadagur iron works is meltin em down for that porpuss. The same relieabul and conshyenshus parties as stated as the White House would make a fust rate horspittle for five hunderd payshents, is sposed to be at the bottom of this" ironwar story. Thars enny kwantity of talent for eggsitin fickshin atwixt the Capitol Hill and Georgetown Hights, and nowhars doos it seem to flurrish so lucksewerusly as in the plesent shadder of the War Department. The Seckatry of War hisself is remarkabul for his poetick biass, so much so in fack that the tellegraft onder his control hes ben ekwil to a lyre with a thousand strings. Hopin as the printers will make no mistake about the spellin of the last wurd but four in the preseedin sentens, I remain, awaitin the march of events, but not expectin em to rnoove afore the Fall, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. LSI. [As we feared from the intermission of his communications, our correspondent has been sick of the fever, and although con- valescent, is still suffering from languor and debility. He gives an amusing account of a phantasy that possessed him during his 174 WAB LETTERS OF delirium. The ravings of tie fever-stricken brain are curious psychological phenomena. EDS.] HAKKASSIN LANDIN, August 7, 1802. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : Wen conjestive fever gits hold of a feller its no joke. It nox you down and sets onto you like an inkahus, forbiddin the use of the pen. I speak by the kearcl, for senst my last Ive hed a life- or-deth-rastle with this bog-bear of the South, and cum all-blazin near gettin the coo de grass. Hed I ben tuck with it in the Paw- monkey S.wornp, no dout I should hev got my everlastin furlow, but this high ground is more faverabul to valleytoodinarians, and tho mutch broken, I arn gradjelly mendin. At wun time my mind wanderd to that degree that the doctors consid- ered me a goner, but thars a Providence as shapes our eends, and mine wain't shaped, it seems. Consekently, here I am settin up on my cot in the sick shanty, with a swimmin in my hed and an orful sinkin at my stummick, tryin to get surnthin lively throo my har for the collumes of the Merkary. You musn't an- dizzypate ennything, very brilyant, howsever, for I feel as ef my upperwurks was whizzin, and jerkin, and snappin, like a Yan- kee clock outer gearin. Its extrornary wot strange things the most sensabul man may say wen laborin onder the helloocynashins of delirum. Ef the fattest offis in the gift of the guverment was offerd by adver- tisement to the purest paytryits, I don't bleve a truer friend of the Union than I be could be skared up atwixt the fedral city and Funnel Haul ; and yet 1 larn that when the fever was on me I acktilly blastfeemed the administrashin and even spoke in dis- porriclgement of that Playdum of our Libties, the mighty wur- rier and statesman of Illanoy. Ef it hedent a ben that the cum- raid as nust me tuck down my raven words in black and white, to reed to me wen I got well, I wouldn't hev sposed it possabul that setch langwedge could hev passed the lyal lips of your curryspondent. But when a man's not in a sanitory state of mind in coarse he isent responsabul for his railin wurds, and no- boddy don't oughter take a fence at him. It peers I thort I hed the President and sum of his constitoo- shinal advisers caged in a carryvan and was totin em throo the North, for a sho. My nuss ses I addrest the irnadginary awjin- ces as follers : This feller citysins (pintin inter vacancy) is Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States, called for shortness, and bekase, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 175 he was never adclickted to petty larceny, Honest Abe. He's an astonishiu man at axin chesnut trees and caunondrunis, and ken split rails or sides with equil cumplaysensy. Mr. Lincoln, niy poplar IVend, be kind enuff to favor this enlightened awjencc with a button.-buster. He wishes to no, ladies and gentlemen, why his boot is like an ainshent Greek republick? I dessay you 11 never guess, for it lucks considabul more like the king- dom of Italy, a few sizes less than life. He eggsplains. His boot is like an ainshent Greek republick bekase it has a Sole on. Prehaps the answer is obskewer. Agen he will eggsplain : Solon was a wise man of antickity, but at the present day Solan geese may be found in Greenland. You see his nollidge is uni- varsal. Ef time permitted, he would be reminded of a story, but unfortnitly he hes to be returnt to the seat of guvennent be- ibre the cominensmeut of the Fall camppain. Observe, his eye twinkles he hes an idee. Wot is it, your eggsellency ? He wishes me to state to this intelleckshal assemblidge witch I con- sidder the most wunderful of all his stories. It's onpossible thars selch an innoomerable number on em, and theyre all so mutch alike. Wunst more he eggsplains: The most wunderful of all his stories, is his upper story. Thars no repressin his hu- mor, you perceeve ; it spurts outer him like patroleum from the mouth of a Pennsylvania ile well. His waggish tales would make a dorg larf, and its a pity thars not time to git em off. Mebbe you would like to larn why this cherful citysin was eleckted to the Eggseggative Cheer. For variety, ladies and gentlemen, for variety. All our prevus cheef madgistrets hed ben grave and dignified, and we wanted a rib-tickler I spose. We've got wun, ennyhow. Like the man in the drayma, he peers to think as all the world's a stage, and he wants to star it as a low commedian. He proposes to save the Union on jocular prenceples ; but I'me afeerd the larf wont cum in at present In the meantime, howsoever, it is a consolashin to know that wot- ever disasters may overtake the nashin, the White House will allus be a> merry as a circus. The President nods and winks in the affirmative, and would offer a closin remark. He says that care killed a cat, but never averted a catastrophy ; and that even the solein old Roman Emprors, wen they went to the sennit, had a set of fellers called lickters, that carrid thar farces before em. You ken set down now, Mr. President, wile I stir up the Seckatry of War. This, ladies and gentlemen (settin up the cot bolster) is the head of the War Department. Wot he doosent no about uiileu- 176 WAK LETTERS OF N tary strategy and setch, all tlie ginrals in the wurld kant teetch him. He is an inch taller than the fust Napollyun, and consida- bully heavyer. You air awar wot the results of the conflick lies ben so far. Well we owe evrything incloodin the masterly back down in the Shunadoor Valley to this extrornary critter. Hip ! hip ! hip ! hurrah ! Why in thunder don't you cheer ? Youve heern, prehaps, that him and Ginral Maclcllin doosent set up thar horses together. But I hev it from the Playdum of our Libties, in the nex cage, that Ginral Maclellin lucks upon the Honabul Seckatry with much affeckshin, and viccy versey. Take him altogether, the Seckatry of War is the biggest thing out in the milentary line, and ennybody that kwestins his capassity for war and conkest will be immediently supprest as a dumestic traitor. Setch was the style in witch I raved, as I onderstand, for more'n twenty-four hours, wile the loonatic fit was onto me. Chase, Welles, and Seward cum in for considabul abuse ; but it seems I pitcht hardest inter Honest Old Abe and Seckatry Stan- ton, two men as I equelly luv and esteem wen in the perseshin of my senses. But ef a fellers outer his hed, just wot he don't want to say, and dont oughter say, is wot he invariably doos say. Thars a counsel of war among the leadin offsirs to-day, and the rummer is that a push is to be made at wunst for Richmound ; but, on the uther hand, dont be sprised ef you heer of a rebel push for Washington in less'n ten days from now. Thars going to be anuther allmity big skrimmidge afore the new recrutes is reddy. Tryin to hope that we shall give em goss, I remain, weak but wurmy, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. LXII. [The strategic riddle which has for some time been puzzling the brains of a mystified public seems to be solved by the sub- joined letter. EDS.] HARRASSIN LANDIN, August 14, 1862. Eddyturs of the Sanday Merkary : The army of the Peninsular hes rekivered from the hard bat- ting it reseved in changin its base, and is impayshint to hev the A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 177 ball agin set in moshin. For sum time past it hes ben devotin its energees to ketcliin flees and ticks, smudgin galley nippers, and subjugatin sartin lice-senshus insecks as prays upon the human cuetickle. While the troops hes ben engaged in this silent but bluddy struggel with enemees at wunst penetratin and circumspecked, Porter's Mortar Flowtiller hes ben lyin at Haniton Roads in a state of masterly inactivity. Doorin the same intrim, the gunboat squadrun hes ben mored in James River, dooin nuthin jest as eesy as rollin off a log. But thars gwine to be a moovement at last, and prehaps you'll hear on it by tellagraft afore this reeches you. In course it will be conduckted with the ushil address, but the direckshin is kept a perfound secrit for the present. With the eggsepshin of the Guverrnent, our ginrals, and the rebels, few hes enny idee of the supprise that awaits the enemee. I hope I vilate no confi- dense in sayin that we air not to advance and captivate Rich- mound kwite the contrairy. The fack is that the sickly seesin is cumming on, and the army is gwine to make a grand strutegic slantendicaler slide for the bennyfit of its helth. Hundercls of our best bosses is dyin of intestinal disorders, and the overfed buzzards bein too fat and lazy to keer about hoss flesh, the arorner of discomposin canyon is onhelthily loud. The doctors ses if the army stays here the men will foller the bosses. Con- sekently we air about to start in pershoot of that helth and hap- piness which the Declarashin of Independents grantease to evry citysin. The American Constitooshin is naterally rayther weak, and it would be madness to risk the lives of the champions of the Union in a struggle with the Suthern pestilence. Takin all these things inter considerashin, the Peninslu is to be evackiated afore diaree sets in. I dunno as I oughter rit that last sentens, but the cat's shoor to be outer the bag by the time this letter gits inter your hands. The kwestin is, howsever, not whar we air gwine from, but whar we air gwine too- All I ken ventur to say on the subjeck is that we eggspeck to effeck a junkshin with sumboddy sumwhars, for sum purpos, if we don't in the meantime run agin a snag. So eends our gloryus six-munts camppain in these diggins. The grand army of the Potomac, that was to take " no step backards ", arter being licked hafe a duzzen times on this insig- nificant tung of land, is now necessiated, in spite of its teeth, to make a rutdegrade moovement. Whars that sevagrus reptyle, the grate milentary bore constructor, that everyboddy was makin setch a coil about in April and May ? It hes ben weighed in the 8* 178 -WAH LETTERS OF skales and found wantin. It hes ben compleatly headed off and its tail is tolled. Braver men and better sojers than the host as started on the root to Richniound last March never drord a bead or fixed a bagnet. But how hev they ben engineerd ? Shuv- vels and wheelburrows hes ben the order of the day. They hev ben diggin inter the ground like moles and woodchucks, when they oughter ben diggen inter the rebels. Sixty thousand on em is onder the sod, in seecesh prisons, and in horspittles, and the remainder is about to make a scientific skedaddle to parts unbe- known. I wunst read a buck they called the " Histry of the Croosades ", whar it was stated that the fust army that started for Jerooslurn superstishusly follered the movements of Goose. As mought hev ben eggspected they all perisht of starvashin in the swomps of Hungry. Thars a morial in the story witch I reeky- mend to the solem considerashin of the Solomons at Wash- ington. Ime glad, howsever. that we air likely to quit these moreasses. Enny moove from our present icelated persishin to a cooler, helthier rejin, cant be in the rong direckshin. In a raunt, I spose, we shall hev three hunderd thousand new recrut, ; n the feeld, and with such an addishenal force, onless its ma. : ' 3red by a seckind edishin of the giant Blunderbore, we ken sai ily giv Ginral Lee and his assoshiates thar quietus. Thars wun thing in the conduck of this war witch must per- voke the admirashin of the hull civilized wurld, and that is the screwpullus perliteness and distingwished considerashin with witch we treat the bullyin blaggards in command of the seecesh armies. Ginral Lee writes to Ginral Hallcck that he lucks upon sum of our Major Ginrals and Bragadears as robbers, cutthroats, murderers and pirits, and menshins the names of a few that he means to hang when he ketches them. To this Ginral Halleck replies that as setch laugwidge is insultin to the guverment of the United States, he respeckfutty declines to receive it. The idee of respectfully declinin the insults of a blusterin traitor peers to me to be the height of human curtsey, and desarves to be recorded in Histry as a tip-top specement of perlite litteratoor in the Nineteen! Sentry. But Ginral Maclellin is ekwilly con- siderit, ef not more so. While the rebels amuse tharselves with setch practickle jokes as cuttinthe throtes of unarmed Unionists, and hangin em heels uppards, with thar entrals in thar mouths (I sor with iny own eyes the boddies of two lyal citysins as hed been sarved in this way, near the White House), Ginral Mac- lellin tells his army that as this is " not a war of subjugashiu " it A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 179 must be conduckted "iipon the highest prenceples known to Christian civilizashin." Not a war of subjugashin ! What in the name of chain-lightnin is it then ? To subjugate, my old dickshinary ses, is "to compel to submit". Dont we want to compel the South to submit ? Ef not, spose we throw down our arms and ax thar pardon for heving pitcht inter em contrary "to the highest prenceples of Christian civilizashin". Beleven that when a nashin drors the swoord, it should never dror it mild, and that the old Testyment noshin of an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth is the troo wun for a war like ours, I remain, with extreem ferosity, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOI/UNTEEB. No. LXHI. [The rebels are in great force on the line of the Virginia Central Railroad, and also on the south bank of the Rapidan, threatening General Pope's army and Fredericksburg. We hope Pope, Burnside, and McClellan are near enough to each other to form a speedy junction. Probably the first blow will fall on Pope. EDS.] YORKTOWN, August 20, 1862. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : The grand advance to the rare witch I hinted at in my last epistol is accomplisht. We hev eskaped triuinfantly, without a scratch. When it is rememberd that it tuck the Army of the Potomack sixteen munts to make its way up the Peninslur, and oney forty -eight hours to return, the human mind relizes with amaze- ment the rapid strides that hes ben made in milentary sience senst the commensment of this majestickle struggle. It is onnessary to giv the particklars of our sole-refreshin trip from Harrassin Landin to Yorktown. We left the plesent waterin- place whar we hed ben so long reposin on our lorilS about day- brake on Friday, the fifteent instant, and arrove here on Sunday arternoon, singin. sains of victry. The rebels, bein engaged in uther persoots, suffcrd us to vamose without firin a shot. Opin- yins differs, howsever, as to the resin we warnt mislested on the march. Sum thinks that as the mane objeck of the Seecesb hes 180 WAR LETTERS OF all along ben to get us off tlie Peninslur, they porpusly left the coste clar for the performence of this brillyant peace of warlike strategy. That porshin of the army as went in transports to Fortress Munro happily arrove saift, with the artillry, stores, and celry, so that nuthinto speak of hes fallen inter the hands of the discumforted fo, ban-in the territory, witch we hev ocky- pied doorin the summer as a milentary cematery. So mutch for the late brillyant manover. Of the moovments now in contemplashin I must speak cawshusly. Consentrashin is the idee for the ensooin camppain. Maclellin, Burnside, and Pope is edgin up to wun anuther, and by the time this rceches you they oughter all be within sportin distans. And not a bit too sun nuther, for, as I told you three weeks ago, the rebels is goin to make a desput push for "Washington. Thar hull army in the Southwest, it is sed, hes ben orderd to jine Ginral Lee, and all thar troops in frunt of Richmound is now inoovin tords the Deestrick ef Coluniby. Thar'll be a bluddy fite within ten days from this date, and I trust and bleve a Union victry. By that time we oughter hev 350,000 troops in Virginny, and onless they air mismanaged most orfully, Seecesh will hev to holler and run. Oney let our milentary leaders abandun strategy and pitch right in, and we ken smash em. All Ime afeard on is, compli- cated plans and intrickit skeems. The skientific dodge game is playd out. Shot and shell, bullet and bagnet, fire and swoord, is to settle this bizness. It ken be finisht up no uther way. AVe must fite the rebels day in and day out. It wont do to giv em a back fall, and then wait for em to rekiver thar wind for anuther rastle. Wen we've got em down we must stomp onto em, and never kwit jumpin on thar carcusses ontil they cease to sho enny sines of life. In coarse this stile of warfare will seem dredful crewel to sum. [ hey a broad-brimmed unkel belongin to the Sosity of Frends as would call it barbarus. Wai, war is barbarus. The prence- pal is to " kill, kill, kill," as the mad king ses in the drayrna. Purty sun we shell outnumber the rebels two to wun. In bone and mussel the Nuthern troops is sooperior to the Suthern, and in pluck fully thar ekwils. Evry thing depends on the way our men is handeld. The Stars and Stripes will wave over Jeff Davis's head-kwar- ters in Eichmound afore the middle of October, ef our ginrals will oney fite insted of fendin off. Knowiu that onless they ken gain a frig victry afore our new A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 181 army gits inter the feeld, they air gon, bob and sinker, Lee and his assoshits will make a tremenjus rush for the fedral capital with all the forces they ken muster, right away. Ef they ketch Pope, Burnside, or Macllellin onsupported, its not onlikely that the divishin cort nappin will git an ongodly beltin ; but ef the three divishins closes up and givs battle to the Cornfedrits, they'll be whipt jest as sartain as Floyd's a tlieefandMagruder's a drunkard. The simperthisers in "Washington allow that thar'll be four hunderd thousand Seecesh onder arms in the Old Dominion afore the fust of September. Gas and gammon ! All thar troops in the feeld from wun eggstremity of Seeceshy to the uther, incloodin gorillas, doosent amount to more'n that number, and they hevent 175,000 sojers in the State of Virginny to-day. No reliance whatsumdever is to be placed on the stories of noosepaper curryspondents about the rebel force in these rejins. It was stated at fust by sum of these gesswurk humbugs that Stunwall Jackson hed sixty thousand men when he attacted Ginral Pope's advance; then they put the number down to thirty thousand, and, finerly, to fifteen thousand. The truth is, he hed barly six thousand ! Its my firm bleef that thars as menny Union as thars rebel troops in Virginny, and that all our ginrals hev to do is to mass thar divishins together, and sail in to sartain victry. As to rebel re-enforcements from the Southwest, who keers for that Doosent our new recruits pore in from the North faster n they ken send troops from Chatternogo ? Let em bring thar hull Southwestern army on here ef they dar. Buell and Curtis ken then ockapy all thar posishins in that kwarter, while we punish em here. But all depends, as I sed afore, upon our ginrals. Ef they don't sho tharselves in airnest ef they play the old shilly-shally shuvvel and wheelburrow game ef they don't make it war to the knife, and the knife to the hilt tell evry rebel now in arms is ether slorterd, or captivated, or flyin for life then the game's up on our side. Hopin, blevin, prayin, and eggspectin, that we shell lick rebel- lyon, and that rebellyun will lick the dust, I remane, swoord in hand aud pistil cockt for mortal cumbat, Yours allus, A DISBANDED YOLTJNTEEB, 133 WAR LETTERS OF No. LXIV. [Our Protean friend, wh*se humor is as variable as the tints of the .chameleon, is this week sly and dry. Read, mark, and inwardly digest his observations on the Government order for the expulsion of newspaper-correspondents from the Union armies. It was according to the " fitness of things " that such an order should be promulgated simultaneously with the news that all our plans for the coming campaign, together with dispatches of the highest importance, had fallen through the grossest care- lessness into the hands of the public enemy. EDS.] ACQUIA CRICK, August 20, 1862. Eddyturs of the Sunday MerJcary : In imitashin of the llushin Milentary Desputism doorin the Crymean War, the Guverment at Washington lies issood an order directin all noosepaper curryspondents to be druv outer our armees in Virginia, vi et am us, as the skollards say. In our case the order is not called a Ukase as it was in Rushy, but in all sensual perticklers the two cases is facie semeles. I hev not seen a coppy of the dockyrnent, but the currier who brort it ses the langwidge is perrumptory, and rekwires the offsirs to boot us out of the lines to the enliven toon of the Roag s March, and to hang us as spies if we attemp to return. He states, also, that to prevent the possability of enny more tales bein told outer skull, all the ink, pens, and paper belongin to privit sojers and ofl'sirs below the rank of bragadears, is to be placed oncler the keer of a speshil gard, Composed of men who ken nuther reed nor rite, and that the hull army is to sho thar hands twyst a clay, at " revelee " and " taps ", and ef enny sojer is deteckted with an ink spot on his fingers he is to be inline - diently wiped out, and his property, if he happens to hev enny, confisticated for the use of the Guverment tellagraft operators, whoos hafe-cockt reports is hensforrard to be receved as vorashus by all sivillians, onder penalty of bein sent to the neardest fort tell the wars over. I hev hed an intervew with Ginral Maclollin senst the rival of the currier, and he lies takin the responsbility of allowin me to pen this epistol, and I shell this arternoon address anuther to my magnannymous trend the President, who I feel sartain will make an eggsepshin in my faver for old ackwaintance sake, and bekase I hev allus rendered that triboot to his genus for dublin tenders, A DISBANDED VOLXJKTEEB. 183 callembores, and uther button-busters, witch they so richly desarved. I think, tharfore (to use the wurds of the late C. C. Cambrelling), that I shall be abel to continny this curryspondence " in spite of lamentashins here and allswear". But it will go rayther hard with less faverd paper-stainers, who hev vilatcd thar payroll of honor not to contradick the tellagraffic ackounts of Union victries, and who hevent hed enuff common sense and sense of the ridickalus to crack up the side-splittin joaks emanatin from the head of the republick. I larn with regret but without suprise that the curryspondents of the New York Herald, Triboon, Times, Eggapress, Post, Coin- mershil, and Wilkes's Sperrit of the Times, is to be drummed outer camp doorin arternoon parade to-morrow. Each of these littery delinkwents is to ware a foolscap made of the jernil he represents, and it is speshily ordered, I onderstand, that the head- dress of the curryspondent of Wilkes's Sperrit is to consist of the coppy of the sourcaustic paper witch contains a byagruffical sketch of Ginral Maclellin, by the leaden eddytur. The hull spectickle will be solem and imposin, but I don't think it will hev the effeck of preventin " letters from the seat of war " from appearin in the noosepapers, bekase curryspondence kwite aa graiflc and interestin and ackarit as enny that hes yet appeared, ken be got up in the back offlses of the jernils referd to, at the small expense'of say ten dollars a week apeace, and I think the Eggspress witch hes a reraarkabul turn for ekonimy ken do it for five. Takin all things inter considerashin I think the inflow enshil organs of public opinyun in the Empire City will save considabul by hevin all thar war letters rit to hum. " Relieabul gentrnen" ken be hed at most enny price in New York, and hum made intelligence from our armies in the field will hev the dubble advantidge of bein ekwilly cheap and orthentic. That it will be as trustwurthy as the guverment tellagrams, noboddy as nose enuything about the morril depravity of artifishal light- nin, will for a moment dout. The vidgelance of the War Department in suddenly shetting down on the curryspondens of the lyall noosepapers in the North is most pertickerly to be commended at this time, when a slyte oversight on the part of sumbuddy, but for witch noboddy is to blame, hes throne all the milentary plans of the guverment inter the hands of the rebels. The privit despatches, et cetery, et cetery, of Ginrals Pope and Macdoill, sezed tuther clay by the Seecesh Kernil Stewart at Catlet's Stashin, is sposed to hev con- taned more strutegy and setch, then was ever afore tied together 184 \YAB LETTERS OF with red tape senst the wurld began. The Annie Condy plan warnt nuthin to it, line told. And now that contemtabul corn- fedrit conspurrator, Jeff Davis, is reedin over the manyskrips, and studyin the combinashins as was to hev eggstingwished him and hisn, at his leeshur. Hed them captered plans oney ben carrid out, insted of bein tuck from us in an ongarded moment, by a passel of scooting troopers, Avho hedent even the perlite- ness to say by your leve, the fate of the rebellyun would hev ben sealed. Now its onsealed, and thars no tellin when it will be brort to a close. Ginral Maclellin arrove at these head-kwarters on Sunday mornin, and arterwards Ginral Burnside cum in from the Rap- perhammock to tork over matters with the galliant chief. It is rummerd that Ginral Pope and Ginral Maclellin doosent hitcli bosses together, both claimin the cheef cummand. The report is that Ginral Halleck hes ben appeald to, and will settle the difflkulty by becummin cock-of-the-walk hisself. Stanton seems to hev sobsided senst Halleck tuck the rains of pour, as Ginral- issirno. The result of the Shunadoor Valley splurge setteld his rnilentary stummack sum, and he seems to hev rapt hisself up in the solitood of his own oridginality, and sot down to solid thinkin. I hop sumthin '11 cum of it. Holesum refleckshun dizzyplins the mind and tends to perdooce resignashin. Fresh troops from the North, rayther raw, but as plucky as game chickens, is arriving continally, and purty sun we shell hev four hundred thousand men on the line of the Potomac, the Rapid Ann, and the Rapperhammock. Pope is in advance, with Burnside and his Peninslur boys lyen behind him, and on his right, and the fo is on the uther side of the Rapperham- mock waitin for the river to fall to go in. Ef it hedent a ben for the risen of the waters, a bluddy encounter would hev cum olf last week, and its oney postponied tell the bilen torrent simmers down and parshilly dries up. In the meantime thars plenty of gkrimmidging in frunt, and Pope hes tuck, altogether, about, a thousand prisners, and mought be considerd as dooin remark- ably well ef he hedent lost his plans and despatches. Thars a report in our lines to-night that the Seecesh Ginral Ewell has been wiped out by Captin Lacy in a fight at Bar- nett's Ford, about twenty miles from Fredericksburg. I send you the story for wot its worth, witch is probly about the vally of a three cent stomp arter its ben throo the mail. Hopin that we may sun meet the rebels with a sooperiur force on our side, and wollup em tell they take the oath of A DISBANDED VOLUNTEEB. 185 a legions, and giv us a duebill for the eggspenscs we hev incurd in bringin them back to resin and the pershoot of happiness, I remain, in deep thort, Tours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER,. No. LXV. [Bitter are the words of our gallant old correspondent this week ; but they are bitterly true. He only says what thousands think. A more loyal citizen than he does not breathe ; but he makes a distinction, it seems, between loyalty to the Govern- ment and an indiscriminate indorsement of the acts of those who administer it. EDS.] ,.i ALEXANDEY, September 3, 18G2. Eddyturs of the Sunday MerTcary : I hev jest cum over here from Washington, whar, for the last three days, I hev ben actin as a naid to the surgin-ginral and his staff, who hes ben overheadandears in surgycall bizness, in consekens of the continual pourin in of the wowndecl ever senst the retreat from Bull Ran to Centreveal. Pope is fallin back at a purty actyve pace, and it seems from the hevvy skrimmidge near Fairfacts Court-House on Munday night that a considabul outlyiu boddy of the eneinees troops was then closter to Wash- ington than he was. Sum thinks they'll be ketched in a snair ; uthers allows as Pope will be attactcd in frunt by Lee, while Jackson bumbards his rare, and that atween the two his numer- us files will be held as in a vice ; but I trust it will prove vicey- versy. The seecesh univarsally pretends to take the latter vew of the case ; but I gess theyre oney blowin, blast em. One thing's sartin, howsever; that cunnin old rebel bird Ginral Jackson, got Ginral Reno inter an ambush on Munday evenin down to Fairfacts, and tho the rebels was finerly druv in, a hull divishin cum all-critical near bein cut off, besides loosin the brave Kearny and Stevens, two as thurrowbred heroes as ever fit for the old flag senst she was fust uniurld on the battle fecld of Saratoga eighty-three years ago. It must be confest that matters at present wares raythcr a gluuimy aspic, and it seems as ef the old sarpint was dooin his all-sulfurus utmost to help the rebel cawse. I spoge he simper- 186 WAR LETTERS OF thises with it on ackount of his hevin ben a traitor hisself and compeld at an airly peeriud in the Dark Ages to skecldadle afore the charge of the Excelsior Brigade of Pairodice to the unhelthy lowcashin war he now hangs out. But altho Sinsinnaughty is threttened by the blastfeemin rebels with the fate of the cities of the Plain, and Merryland, in consekens of Jackson's reported bender, is blevd by naenny to be in a grevus strait, me and my cherful and mayjestic frend, the lofty and lively Lincoln, hes still the strongest confidens in the ultimut tryump of the Union arms. Legs talliom's he ses will sun be the order of the day, and he hops, to use his own sublime eggspresshin, " that the six hunderd thousand men now runnin regairdless of eggspens to the reskyou of thar kentry, will sunner or later return to the peaceful walks of civil life." Nuther him nor me bleves that the cabbynet imbersillity and milentary jelassy and want of gumpshin, is goin to swomp the Union ; and we dont mean to bleve it ontil Washington is tuck by storm, Bawltomore surren- dered, Sinsinnaughty conflagrated, and a conkerin Suthern army on root for Philadelphy and New York. It is cheerin to refleck that the last battle of Bull Run hes not been follered by wus consekenses than the fust. Ginral Pope hes trod ackeritly hi the footsteps of his illustris predecesher Ginral Macdoill vamosin from Bull Kun to Oentreveal, from Centreveal to Fairfacts, and from Fairfacts to Washington, whar I persoom lie will arrive to-day or to morrer. The former wun of the modestest men in the anny, and remarkabul for the number of prisners he takes announst a trernenjus victry at Bull Run, jest as Ginral Macdoill hed dun afore him, and tuck the back track by way of Centreveal, Fall's Church and Fairfacts, perzackly in the same way oney Macdoill's pace was rayther lower down among the forties than Pope's. I persoom, howsever, ef Pope hedent hed them seventeen thousand prisners to restore to libty, as he marveld along, he mought hev ekwild the time of that gentmanly ginral. I call him gentmanly, bekase the rebels sed he was a gentman and respeckted his baggidge as setch at Catlett's Stashin, and they oughter kno. The Army of the Potomac will mebbe be to- night about in the persishin it was in prevus to marchin outer the fedral capital for Richmound more'n a year ago "singin sams and hime of tryump", and wunst agin we hev the onspeak- abul happiness of lamin arter spendin twelve hunderd niillyuns of dolors and using up two hunderd thousand men, that " the guveruient feels satisfied that Wasliinton is saift." In coarse ef A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 187 the guverment is satisfied the peeple must be satisfied. How in the name of desputism and Fort Laugheryet ken they be enny- thing else ! I seen considabul of my venabul and farseeshus frend the President doorin the short time I was in Washington, and am happy to state throo your collumes, to the popolashin of this continent and the nashins of the airth in ginral, that his Eggsel- lensy is as spry as a cricket. The keers of State doosent peer to hev dampt his sperrits a mite, and notwithstandin the desputes of his ginrals and the divishins in his cabbynet, wittyschisms continnees to flow from his flewent lips without sesashin, as ushil. He axed me yestday when I called to make my adoos at the White House, " why thar was a ditfrence atwixt Admiral Goldsburrow and the hero of the Battle of Lake Erie." I re- liiarkt that it was prchaps bekase the latter'went in and won, and the former oney went out and wonderd. "No," ses the distingwished Head of the Commonwelth, "no sirree ! it is bekase Admiral Goldsburrow hesn't got no Perry Cranium.' 11 I hop the Naval Charnpyun of Hamton Roads wont think it nessary to resine on ackount of this harmless joak, and I dont think he will, for its purty much the same with oflishal foo-foos now, as it was in old Hickory's time, " few dies and nun resines." It will no dout be a consolashin to the down-harted kentry in the present tryin crysis to larn that her eggsellensy, the lady Presidentess, is in salubrus helth, and drives about in a butiful bayrush and pair, with et ceterys, lucking as paytryotic witch she is as ef she hedent a traitor relashin in the world. She is a remarkabul wumman ; not so slim as the Empress Euginny ; nor so tall as the Empress of all the Hushes ; nor so short as Queen Victory ; but combinin all thar kwalities of mind and person in a manner that it is diffikult to deskribe. Fearin I should be onabul to do the subjeck jestice, I shall not attempt it ; but ef the publick mind will take the trubble to imadgin the stately grace of the two continental empresses and the benignitty of the iland queen, kinder malgamated and mixed up and mouldied altogether, they may begin to reallies what noboddy but a poick, with his eye in a fine frenchy rollin, could adak- witly deskribe. N. P. Willis mought do it, but setch flites of fancy is not for Disbanded Volunteers. Prehaps you and your readers may be a triful sprised at my usin tituls of honor iii speakin of the Eggseggati\e fammaly, but sech is the tendency of the times. Things is gitten inter a 188 WAR LETTERS OF monarky way allmity rapid at Washington, and it lucks now as ef we should desput snn have a reglar desputism. Not as the guverment means it. Oh no ; but sumhow or uther the sira- plesity of our republican system, and the saiftgards of the con- stitooshin, is going to the devil about as fast as omshal presump- shin and lawless insolens ken drive em. I dont no but merely for ritin this letter I may be sent to sum Barsteel with a letter de catchit, and that you may be offered your choice atween the Rip Raps and the Dry Tortoogus, for prentin it ; but ef it should be so we shell at least hev the satisfackshin of feline in our harts, that thars few lyaler men than ourselves outer jail. This place is in a hubbub day and night with the sound of wheels and the vices of teamsters and ambulance drivers. What with the shoutin of troops cummin in and goin out, the milen- tary bands, the yells of drunken stragglers, and cetery, I should say that Alexaudry, jest now, cuinpairs onfavorably with the Tower of Babbel in the wust crysis of the unknown tungs. Hopin for a seeceshin of the deafenin row when we hev silenst the row of seeceshin, I remain, distracted in brain, but lyal in hart, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. LXVI. [We rejoice to learn, from the subjoined letter, that the Presi- dent, sick and no wonder ! of his point-no-point Cabinet, and of political humbugs generally, has concluded, in the present critical state of affairs, to advise with our straightforward, sharp- minded correspondent. Would lie had adopted this course sooner ! Now that the head of the nation and our long-headed friend have laid their heads together, we shall look for more vigor hi the conduct of the war. EDS.] ALEXANDRY, September 11, 1862, Eddyturs of tJie Sunday Merkary : My asspkashins is disappinted. Long ear now I eggspected to hev ben on the march ; but I upbrayed noboddy. When Ginral Maclellin, onshagrinned by the loss of Virginny, started in the airly part of the week to reconker Merryland, it was his airnest wish that I should ackurnpany Mm on the path of glory. A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 189 " Disbanded," ses he, " I hev allus leaned onto you more'n all the rest of my staff. Nex to my wife," ses he, in a tone of tender emoshin, " you hev my warmest affeckshin and regaird, and I want to hev you allus at my bridal reign." But it warn't to be. It was my fate to be a nobjeck of compe- tisliin. About an hour arter this flatterin conversashin, a messin- ger arrove on a fomin steed from the White House, with a rekwest from my eggsalted frend, His Eggsellency the President of the Remainder of the United States, for an immedient intervew on nayshinal bizness. Singlar to relate, on reachin the fedral manshin, its Presidin Genus, arter axin me, with his ushil curt- sey, " how I flurrished", addrest me in nearly the same lang- widge as Ginral Maclellin dun, oney a triful more dignified. " D. V.," he remarkt, throwin his left leg over the back of wun of Mrs. Lincoln's new droring-runi cheers, with that winnin grace for witch he is notoryus, " D. V.," old feller, you musn't go to the Upper Potomac with Maclellin, for I hev more confi- dens in you then in all the bullheads in my cabnet. Salmon Chase, to be sure, is well enuff," he continned, " but I kant go Seward ; . and as to the funkshinary of the '"War Department, he plays setch a game of cross porpuses that its onpossabul to make head or tail of the flounderin critter. But you, D. V.," ses his eggsellency, " you, old hoss, air of a diffrent stripe. Let alone Mrs. L.," ses his eggsellency, " thars noboddy to hoom I ken unbuzzum myself in privit as I ken to you." " But my simperthetic frend," I replide, " ef I back out of this raid inter Merryland, my cumraids will overwelm me with satyr." " They be splinterd !" ses he, carrickteristically ; " when the boss puts down his foot and ses ' this is your post,' wot need you to keer for thar brashy railin." I yielded, for I felt that to leve the rooler of the nashin, at setch a moment, would be hard lines. I couldent abandun him to the tender marcies of his vassalatin constitooshinal advisers. It would hev ben like deprivin him of his backbone. Twyste a day, mornin and evenin, a solentary hossman, gray-headed, but full of gumpshin, may be seen ridin in deep fhort over the Long Bridge in the direckshin of Washington. That's me. My dus- tynashin is the White House, whar I remane in consultashin with the President from the hour of my arrival ontil his eggsel- lency goes to sleep. I hev dun sum good allready. It was by my advice that Burnside was sent out to feel the enemee, and that Pope, by way of a flyer, was railed, by the neardest rout, to 190 WAB LETTERS OF tuther side of Jordan. By Jordan, I mean the Mussysippi. At my slisitashin, too, Macdooil, the hero of two slashin defects, was dispatched to parts onknown, to remane tell called for ; and ef you should hear, in the Lord's good time, that Stanton's nose was outer jint, you won't be far rong in sirrnysin that I hed a hand in its dislickashin. We I refer to this individyal and the Honabul Abe air dooin what we ken to pervent the grate commershil States of the North from fallin a pray to the ongodly invaders. Ef possabul, Phila- delphy will be saved, bekase, in case Washington and Bawlto- more is tuck, the President and Mrs. Lincoln prepose to set for cumpany thar doorin the gay seesin. Ef, howsever, the Kee- stone State should be capterd by the ragged cusses, who in settin foot on our sile declared thar intenshin to " conker a piece," the illustrus fedral pair will adjern to New York tell the openin of the spring camppain, and will probly ockipy ether the Acadmy of Musick or the Cooper Institoot, while the members of the cabnet will be accomrnydated at the Blind Asylum. I bleve the President would prefer retirin to Springfield, whar he belongs ; but that would be rayther resky, bekase ef the rebels seesed Sin- sinnaughty the grate commershil meatroplis of the West he mought hev to depend eggscloosivly on Illanoy for rnilentary suckers. We hope, howsever, to turn the tables onto the rebels, smash thar picters ! Maclellin is arter em in Merryland with a sharp stick, and ef he doosent stop to dig, thousands of em will find a bluddy grave on this side of the Potomack. My own pinyun is that thar present incurshin is oney a faint, and, in fack, the last dispatch from the seat of war ses they air fallin back. The report that thar lines reeches from Sinacur Crick to Munggum- mery Court House is considerd mung news, and I persoom thar numbers in Prence George hes ben magnifide ekwil to Falstaff s Lincoln Green Men, -in his lyin yarn to Prence Henry. Wot Lee and Longstreet is up to is to dror our forces inter the iiiteer- yur of Merryland. and then pitch inter us at Washington with rnebbe a hunderd and fifty thousand men. Ef Maclellin, Burn- side, Fits John Porter, Banks, and Hindsellman doos thar duty, that game's blocked, and the Jeffocracy is in an all-exscrewshi- atin fix. Its a golclin chain or a wooden leg, as the sayin is. The Corufedracy is ether on the eve of a grand triump or an everlastin kullaps. In the meenthne, let the peeple, when they assembul in thar places of publick wurship, and evry night and inornin in thar A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 191 privit devoshins, try to pray a little common sense inter the head of the War Department, and all strategy outer the heads of our ginrals in the feeld. As to the President, He take keer of him ; and, notwithstandin his onrepressabul humor,-! hev sanguinary hopes of convincin him, in the eend, that this war is sumthin beyant a joak. Starnly and sorrerfully, I remane, Yours, allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER No. LXVH. [Since the President has been guided by the advice of our sagacious correspondent, everything seems to have gone well. Let us hope he may continue to turn a favorable ear to the Dis- banded's words of wisdom. We invite attention to the conversa- tion between D. V. and A. L. at the White House. EDS.] WHITE HOUSE, WASHINGTON, ) DEESTRICK OF COLUMBY, September 18, 1862. ' Eddyturs of the Sunday MerTtary : The hull ken try has reson to rejice that the able-minded Abra- ham kep me back from the feeld of mortil comba.t to help organize victiy. We hev dun the job ! thanks to Hallylooyer. We hev redooced the Hiderheaded Rebellyun to the last eggstremity, and by the time this reaches you, it is not onlikely that its tail will be tolled. I am now settin in the President's privit parlor at the White Hotise, opposit that accomplisht statesman and worrier, who is onkonshusly to hisself carvin the inishals of his immortal name onto the back of a rosewood teet-a-teet. We air awaitin glad tidings from the Upper Potomac the last ackounts bein that Longstreet was hemmed inter a cool de sack, and would be bagged immediently. I think, from the moshin of his hand, as he whittles the teet-a-teet, that his Eggsellency feels the least mite narvous ; but he hesent enny call to be. Howsever, I'll test the state of his thortful and actyve mind by a few inderoga- tories, and give you the conversashin jest as it cums off. Hear goes : D. V. My responsabul frend, wot is your onbyassed opinyun of the last tellagram from Harassburg. It ses " the rebellyun is virtuously subdoocl." A. L. (shelling his nife and assumin a statesmanlike apperience 192 WAB LETTERS OF ginally). "Wall, Disbanded, the tenner of the advices would seem to indicate a ten-strike. But the forten of war is onsartin, eggsept for army contractors. Hooker was wownded in the foot while chasm the fo, witch is rayther agen his cummin up with em, tho he's not the man to make lame eggscuses for not puttin the best leg foremost. Then its menshint as wun of the Hills is taken, but as the Cornfedrits ockypied a ridge of hills a mild and a hafe long, its onpossabul to say wether the wun that's tuck cummanded enny of thar persishins. Upon the hull , the probility is that ef the rebel army lies been forced to the Potomac, and ef the river hes riz as reported, it will uther sirrender or be stript of everything, and hev to swim for bar life. D. V. Wai sed, my seckind Washington ! Your conclooshins from the flyin darter of the tellagraft is wurthy of the Father of his Kentry in the days that tried men's soles. Wot's your offishal estimit of Ginral Maclellin about these days, my Paytryotic Trump? A. L. Maclellin eh ? (pullin his left whisker as ef he was a milkiu), wal I think he's gin the Freemounters Jessie, as Avell as treted the rebels to a lofty fall. But in a fight, much depends on keerful backers. Mebbe ef Stanton hed ben his bottle-holder, insted of Halleck, he mought hev ben fibbed down, as he was on the Peninslur. D. V. Gess youre right thar my junior Hickory. Stanton's a fine feller a kinder feller in fack that would stand at a man's back and see his brains blown out without budgin a har's bredth ; but upon the hull I don't crave to fight under his asspieces. Onderstand me, howsever, I hev nuthin to say agin the Seckatry of War. Far from it. I consider him a plesent man for a small party, and as his party is the smallest out, I dessay they hev a good time together. A. L. D. V., youre a sinnick ; but I kant kwarrel with you, bekase ef it hedent a ben for you and Halleck, I dunno but Jeff Davis mought now hev ben in the White House, and me and Mrs. L. onhappy fudgetives. Is thar ennything I ken do for you ? Would you like to go inter the Cabnet, or hev a swoord of honor gin to you, or a contrack, or be a minster to Saint James, or a consol, with a chanst to put yourself in funds for life, or a Bragadear Ginral, or an Injun Commislliner, or a Rare Admiral or a United States Tresherer with the run of the mint and no kwestins axed, or a colonizin agent for the Contrabands, or my sucksessor to the Cheer, or D. V. (interruptin the catalog). Nary wun, my buzzum frend, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 193 nary wuii. Ive seen enuff fishul raskality, meanness, jellysee, hatred, maliss, and oncharitabulncss scnst this war commenst, to feel that the oney post of honor is the privit stashin. line nuthcr a politishin nor a parricide ; and I dont want ether to belong to the aristocracy or the democracy, but jest to the mediocracy, witch doosent keer a red for purpel and fine linnen, but isent abuv sope and water and waring clean shirts. A. L. (with a deep sithe). Say no more, D. V., say no more ; you put me in mind of Pope's lines I mean the poick, not the major-ginral : "A wit's a fether, and a cheef's a rod, An honest man's the noblest work of God." Bein all three myself, I ken feelingly subscribe to the truth of the cupple it. MESSINGER BOY FROM THE TELLAGRAFT OFFICE (rushin in with sawsir eyes, in a fewroar of eggsightment). Sir-r-r ! Gent- men ! Nuther dispatch ! Ginral Longstreet's killed and Ginral Cobb's a prisoner. A. L. That boy, D. V., reminds me of a reuiarkabul insident. Menny years ago, when I was navigatin the Ohio as a flat SECKIND MESSINGER BOY (in a perfoose pressperashin). Mr. President nuther dispatch ! Ginral Longstreet isn't killed, but he's tuck, and Ginral Cobb's wownded. A. L. Blame these boys, wot boyant sperrits they hev. Wai, as I was sayin, when I was navigatin the Ohio as a flat boatman, many pears ago, the craft got aground and my mate, sez he, Old Stick-in-the-mud THIRD MESSENGER BOY (pantin heavily). Nuttier dispatch ! Burnsides turnt Jackson s flank and is pressin onto his rare. Porter is shellin Cobb, and Franklin lies gin Lee thunder and lighten. Hooker's wownd is easier, and he is agin in ackshin with his foot in a sling. A. L. (throwin him a postage currency). Thats the way to mall em ! But whar was I ! O ! I remember my mate, ses he, Old Stick-in-the-mud, are you awar why you run aground ? No, ses I. Ses he, its bekase thars no reliance to be placed on the boys, pintin to the flotin bekins in the channel. You see the nub of the joke I spose. The tellagraft is a mity unsartin channel of informashin, and it wont do to trust to tJie boys. He ! he ! he ! D. V. (as in duty bound). Ha! ha! ha! Ho! ho! ho! Tiger-r-r!!! 194 WAR LETTERS OF ALEXANDRY, September 19, 1862. Shortly arter the President had tinisht his apropo story, vic- tries began to cum in so everlastin thick, that it was enuff to drive the most flegmatic Unionists inter a state of halloocynashin, so I seezed my hat and vamosed in eggstacy, leavin the Presi- dent singin the Star Spangled Banner at the top of his vice, witch is purty high, and keepin time with the heels of his boots on the senter table. It is onnessary to rekapitalate the sperrit stirrin noose of- to-day, as you will hev all the tremenjus tryumps over the wires, as fast as the eneinee is anialated, and cut to pieces, and taken prisners, and sent to the rare utterly demoralized to take the oath and rally wunst more under the old flag. Fateeged with glory, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. LXVIII. fThe Disbanded is not an egotist. Far from it. He simply wishes to be credited with his own thunder, and he insists that the Emancipation Proclamation (except the spellin and pronun- ciation) is his thunder. We give him an opportunity to do him- self justice in our columns. He seems to disclaim Proclamation No. 2 even more emphatically than he claims Proclamation No. 1. EDS.] ALEXANDRY, VIRGINNY, September 26, 1862. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : Wai, wot do you think of Abraham Lincoln's style of runnin the niasheen onder my foremanship ? We air a teem and a hafe and a bull tarrier atween the ropes, and no mistake. That Nig- ger-rnanspayshin dockament was a sockdolager, warnt it ? Its sum I tell you, and ef it doosent eend the war afore nex summer *;he blacks will be sure to rise in the fall. Luck at the norrnus ixseshins its goin to bring to the army from the abelishinist /anks. Them nine hunderd thousand aunty-slavei's thats ben n standin with thar guns loaded and capt, thar bagnets fixt, and '.liar legs lifted for a start on the dubbel kwick for the last eighteen vaunts, waitin for jest setch a proclamashiu, will in coarse all A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 195 speak to wunst and demand to be led agin the enemee. I per- soom they air now rushin in -crowds to all the Nuthern recrutin stashens, blessin me and Abraham Lincoln, and resolved to kiver tharselves with uniforms and glory. Let em cum don't stop em pervide transportashin for all of em and dont ax em whether they go for the Union as it was or it wasent, as it is or it isent ; but take advantage of thar fewroar and let em go in outer the draft! The kullerd peeple eggspects em, rain or shine, and Cashus of Kaintucky will cross the Rubygun with em, and sink or swim, survive or perish in the atternp. A proc- lamashin as brings nine hundcrd thousand men inter the feeld is a dockament that 11 live, as the poick ses, " to the last syllabub of recorded Time." Rich Loo was right " In the hands of men entirely great," like Abe and Me, " the pen is miteyer'n the swoord !" Senst the abuv parrygraft was writ, a frend of mine, a feller who is allus puttin a spoke inter other peoples weals, hes stept in and subjested a diffrent vew of the case. He allows that the abelishinists heving nuthin at hart in this war but the onfetterin of the kullerd race, will dekline takin up arms ontil arter the 1st of January, for fare of fritenin the Suthern States and causen em to return to thar a legions ; tharby preveutin the oufortnit slaves from bein " thenceforrard and forever free." Consekently, he argoos, no help need be eggspected from that kwarter ontil arter New Years. But I dont bleve it. It kant be as the luv of the Manspayshunists for men of Afrikin dissent, is parryrnount to thar luv of this blessed Union. As to usin this plee as a subterfudge in order to keep clar of danger (as the feller hinted when he Avas goin away) that I wont credit. Sar- tainly no American would plead affeckshin for the race of Ham as an eggscuse to save his bacon. I tharfore dismiss the insin- nerashin from my mind tho I kant help wishin the infarnal croker heclent a put the thing in that light, for it haunts me. The proclamashin is shoor to create a perfouud sensashin abrord. It kennot fail to shet up Lord Pamstun like a jack-nife and thro the Darby cleek inter a state of asfixyou. Both perfes- ses to be willin to go the hull hog for the eggstinkshin of human bondage, and thar oney avoud resin for bristlin up agin the North so fur, hes ben that while dcprivin the wurld of cotton we warnt tryin to make wool free. The new state paper got up by Abraham and Me, nocks (hat stool from onder em, and they must uther take our side now, or sobside inter everlastin oblokwee and contemp. It will be likewise the same in France. 196 WAB LETTERS OF We hev taken the wind outer the sails of both guvennents, and they must uther change thar toon tords the North, or they'll hev the peeple in thar har and git thar combs cut afore they know it. The press is a great and solem instooshin the Playdum of our Libties and the Bullwork of this Oxidental Land of Free- dom* but sumtimes its allcussed mean. I dessay, now, that sum of your New York papers will try to make thar reeders bleve that the Cabnet hed a hand in the proclamashin. Wun, mebbe, will say that it is marked with the perfound depth of Welles, anuther that it is in the Chaste stile of the Seckatry of the Tresury, and a third that it sounds like Blare ; but wunst for all let setch invidyus prents be gin to onderstancl that I rit it myself, with no help from nobody, and that Abraham Lincoln, God bless him! punctured the sentences and korrected the spellin. We alone are the orthurs, and We take the respons- bility. I hed great difficulty in preventin the President from making a foo-foo of hisself, by takin the advice of his Cabnet on the subjeck, but I suckseeded. I dont crave enny man wurship for my sarvices, howsever. I am satisfied with deservin well of my kentry, and dont hanker arter sickofancy and serenades. But I kant allus be with my buzzum frend the President. I hev other dooties, witch it is onpossible for me to shirk with a clar conshence, that ockashinally prevents my bein at his elbo. On setch ockashins, advantage is tuck of his amabel weak- nesses, by a passel of pollytickle tinkers as doosent no thar a-b, abs in the skience of statemanship. Frinstance, when I was off to Bawltoinore on milentary bizness, this week, he was over- perswaded to issoo anuther proclamashin, witch I am afcard he'll hev cause to repent to his dyin day. I mean, in coarse, the des- polick dockamint as puts privit citysins in the North onder marshil law, and subjecks em to be tried and punisht by milen- tary commishins, for sayin or dooin ennything witch in the opinyun of provost marshals and setch is calkilated to discur- riclge inlistraents. I shed teers when I seen that in prent weepin partly for my freend, and partly for my kentry. Its onconstitooshinal, onnessary, and onjest, and I should say the same to that esteemabul man, Marshal Kenaclay, even onder the penalty of bein ackommodated with lodgins in Sell number Four for the night. The North doosent rekwire to be put onder * Livin so mutch in diplomatic sirkils, wun gets a habit of usin high-flown langwidge. D. V. A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 197 marsliil law at the marcy and discreshiu of provost-marsbil's gards. Howsever, I hope to get the President uther to revoke the order or to eggsplain it away. In the meantime, and with the firm bleef that the price of Libity is etarnul vidgelans, I remain, as ushil, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER No. LXIX. [Our bold, saucy, irrepressible, pithy, pertinent, piquant, racy and quaint correspondent opens particularly rich in the following letter. EDS.] ALEXANDRY, Virginny, October 3, 18C2. Eddytura of the Sunday Merkary : Ef the President could spar me, Ide a heep rayther be fightin in the feeld then civilly ernploid here. Howsever, as we air hand and gluv, and he leans onto me as a disintrusted frend, I must see him throo ; tho bobbin around in these red-tape rejins doosen soot an old worrier whoos bizness it is to face his kcntry's foes on the battle-plane and kiver hisself with the green baize of victry. I couldent, you no (leastways not onably), throw up my hand and leve honest Old Abe to go it alone agin the Artful Dodgers as is continally tryin to sarcumvent him. It wouldent tell well in histry ; and I want to bequeeth a clean rcckord to my bihographer.?, and go down to the futur as sumthin better'n a mere stypendry. Noboddy as isent behind the seens ken reelize the dance His Eggsellency is led by woolves in sheep's clolhin, and ef it warnt for me, thars no sayin wot orful false steps he mouglit be inveggled inter. All sorts of spurus stuff is coined by party shysters, in order to put him on a rong cent, but I ken smell a rat as i'ar as the next man, and he nose it ; consekently he ginolly relies ou me for the truth in doutful cases, and could I be per- petally at his side, thar'd be no dannger of his niakin enuy foe pause. But, a;3 1 internuited in my last, I can't allus be with the great and good Abraham, altho I perfess to be his buzzuin frend. Kernil Hamilton couldent allus be with the Father of his Ken- try, you no ; and I stand purty much iu the same relashin to 198 WAR LETTERS OF Mr. Lincoln as the kernil did to Ginral Washington. I enjoy the President's wittyschisms and egerly devour his wurds of wisdom, but nater rekwires short intermisshins for refreshments, even at theayters, and sircusses, and nigger pufforrnances, and arter a pertracted dialog with the head of the nashin, full of sourcasm and brilyant subjestins, its a wunderful relief to spend a day or so in the Alezandry horspittles, skrapin lint, fixin bondages, and admenisterin doses of muckory and ruebub. On setch ockashins, sartain pollytickle letherheads ushilly seeses the opportoonity to abuse the ears and thro dust in the eyes of my eggsalted fiend. Sum of this preshus set pertickler pals of wun dubble-faced Jimmy you may have heerd on was all-cussed near gettin him to keep back his mansipashin mana- fester, arter it lied ben sot up and red in the galleys ; but provi- denshally I cum in from a ride to the Chain Bridge jest in time to snap the links of the conspurracy, and save four millyuns of blacks from the blues. I predicate they'll never hear of wot I dun for em ; but ef they should, they needent send a depitashin to thank me ontil the wether's cooler and the wind's nutherly. I want em to be free, the Lord nose ; but senst it hes plesed Hevin to form em out of ebony and me outer plaster of parish, and to make uther essenshil diffrences atween us, Ide a leetle rayther they kep thai-selves to tharselves. Notwithstandin the ties of flesh and bind that links me to my bruthers in bonds, I wouldent thro a straw in the way of sendin em to Haytie. Setch also is the sentamens of the distingwished lumberman and logishin who is desarvedly the idle of a free peeple. Jest afore he started on Wensday to visit Maclellin at Aunteatem, we fig- gerd out the colornisashin skeem in black and white, and found it perfeckly feesable, ef Congress will oney make the nessaiy appropriashins. Abe's estimit is as follers : Provisions and clothin, fewill, and cetera, for 4,000,000 collard pussons, while arrangements is making to ship em olf, say $50 each .... $200,000,000 Outfit for vige to the colorny, purchis of land, tools and implyments of husbandry, eggspens of trans- portashin, and supplies for 400,000.000 collard pussons ontil the craps cums in, say $800 each . 1,200,000,000 Total . . . $1,400,000,000 The amount is not hevy, on paper (wotever it monght be in gold)-, and could be prented off' by the time the prcclamashin is practickly carrid out, and rnebbe afore, at little rnor'n the cost of press-wurk. Let us, tharfore, release our opprest collard A DISBANDED VOLUNTEEB. 199 brethren with as little delay as possabul, and send ein forth to thar new hum with the kiss of peace, trustin to thar gratitoodto reimbuss us as sun as they becuin a grate nashin. Peeple as is inclined to make mountins of molehills may objeck to the out- lay, but I think ef Ossawartomy Brown was alive he would cpproov the projeck. The plan is as simpel as it is butiful. Its oncy to conker the South, raze the funds, and " let my peeple go'. I hinted abuv that parties was alias on the luckout for my abseus from the White House to take advantidge of the Presi- dent s easy dispersishin. It was on wun of those ockashins that Blare got his sankshin to that order of his'n discreditin all the siled P. O. stamps, a perseedin that in my opinyun puts the stamp of bad faith on the Department's deelins with the peeple. The rich mayn't keer about bein stuck with a few adhesivs, mebbe, but wot I luck at is the elfeck on the poor man's plasters. Its a dirty trick, to say the leest of it ; enuff, by gum ! to make the faces of Washington and Franklin blush for thar persishin. Its my privit opiuyun that cf the order isent recinderd, thar 11 be a vakincy in the Cabnet purty recently. I was over to Ginral Muclellin's head-kwarters at Harper's Ferry on Thursday, and me and him and the President hed a long and airnest confab. The result of our codgertashins was, that the war must be pusht ahead like sixty. Within a few clays arter this epistol reeches you, its not onlikely a bio may be struck that will hev an electrick eil'eck on the kentry as far as the wires eggstend. Hopin you will keep on the key veeve for the latest noose, I reinaue, and so doos the venabul Abraham, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER No. LXX. [The Disbanded comes nobly to the rescue of his friend tJie President, defending him most gallantly from the aspersions of those malignant persons who represent him as playing a double game in the present crisis. He also gives some remarkable specimens of Mr. Lincoln's peculiar vein of humor. There is one great merit in his letters. He writes veraciously, never 200 WAR LETTERS OF drawing on his imagination for his facts as so many newspaper correspondents do. EDS.] ALEXANDRY, VIRGINNY, October 10, 1862. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : Its raytlier amewsin to see the curryspondeuts of the New Tork daylies pretendin to giv the President's privit yews and sentimens, when they hev no more chanst to get inter his konfi- dense than Dives hed to lay off with Lazyrus in Abraham's buz- zum. Thars jest wun man, and no more, to whoom the hole of his hart is laid open, and to wlioom he livers his opinyuns on State kwestins according to the varns lights in wich they pres- ent tharselves to his onderstandiu. I am that individyal. You probly red in childhood, or doorln the pecryud of addle essence, the story of Valentine's fondness for Arson and vicey versey. Well, the President is my Valentine. Correspondingly I am his Arson. He looks upon me as his warmest frend, and never while the spark of life glows in my brest shall he hev resin to think utherwise. line sorry to say he is mutch traydooced by a pack of knaves, who pertencl to say that he's playin a tricky game with all parties. Its not so. He may be vassalatin, he may hev his amabul weaknesses, his backbone may be rather over soople, he may be -too mutch gin to the cherful anakdoat, the loodickrus tale, and the light cannondrum, but his intensions is fust rate they couldn't be fust rater ef he ockapied a manshin in the skies insted of on Pennsylvany Avenoo. I no wot you will say namely : that in the bottomless pit, the street commish- iners use good intenshins to lay the sidewalks. But doos that detrack from thar merits ? Not by no means. You mought as well denounce postidge-stamps the oridgenal purpose of witch was good bekase^they hev ben emplied improperly. A thing may be eggsellent per gee, as the lawyers say, but yet not turn out for the best by a darnd sight. All men as holds high places is liabul to be salted by malig- nant backbiters. It is the natur of setch critters to kick at whoo- sumdever hes a seat of honor. The fust nateralist of his day was orfully abused when he perclaimed a new system of classi- fyin animils, and so, arter all, the lustrus >. t xtesmau of Illanoy oney sheers the fate of the Great Buffoon. But enufi of this. Valentine needs no defence from Arson. His ax speaks for thar- selves. I returnt here from the White House about an hour ago in Mr. Lincoln's bayrush, arter heving ben in privit consultaskin with A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 201 him on matters of the highest moment for uppards of forty min- nits. He sent for me eggpress by a speshil messenger, and on ar- rivin, axed me to walk inter his Cabnet, wich I did, and he imme- dientely shet the door, locked it, and hung his Sketch cloke and cap over the key-hole to pervent as he sed in his commie way enny of the whnmin fokes from Evesdroppin. We then shuck hands corjally like two old cumraids as we air, and sot down to airnest codgertashin. In less'n ten niinnits we decided on sar- tain civil and milentary changes, witch you will sun see an- nounced ofishally. Ef I warn't injoined to silence, I inought state, prehaps, that thar would shortly be a desjunkshin of the Cabnet, but as it is I say nuthin. Stanton's adherents would feel bad ef they knew the Presdent warnt inclined to stick by him enny longer. Mind, I dont say as thar acktilly is a prospect of the Seckatry of War bein dropt ; I oney say ef. The frends of Ginral Banks would no dout like to see him in Stanton's shoos ; but ef such an arrangement was on foot mind, I say ef it was on foot, not as it is it would be a breech of coufidens in me to mcnshin it. Tharfore, as an onabul man, I shall keep dark, and merely ventur a vaig hop that the resinabul wishes of the nayshin may not be disappinted. Arter we'd finisht up on Guverrnent bizness, my cggsegga- tive frend releved his logical mind, as ushil, with a little far- ceshy. Handin out from a cubbard a bottle of the essence of Slungoheeler (for he nose I'm parshil to that tawny and tasty flewid), he axed me what would be the most approprate place to expatiate the blacks to. Thinkin I smelt the joak, I winked my wether eye and sed " to Scenterall America". He shuck his hed, so I overhauld my jografy a seckind time, and thinkin Ide try Europe, I sed " the Valley of the Oder". Agin he signified dissent upon witch I revarted to the West- ern Hernisfear, and remarked that mebbe the Colorahdo mought soot our colored brethren when eggspelled from the pale of civil- isashiu. Wunst more he made a jester in the niggertive, upon witch I gin it up. He then eggsplaned that the most appropriate place to expati- ate the contrabands to, would be Mountanegro, whar they would have a chanst to rise in the world and would be within conveeni- ent distans of a Sea of their own complexshin. I remarkt that in the wurds of the poick, " the wurld was all afore em whar to choose", but I hoped Providence wouldn't gide 9* 202 WAE LETTERS OP em ennywhars ucar my diggens. " Afriky," ses I, " is thar nate- ral clime. Thar," ses I, kwotin poickry agin, " Thar let ern blush onseen, And waste thar sweetness on the desert air." When I menshint Afriky, I notist that A. L.'s left eye gin a pre- monitory twinkle, and as sun's Ide finisht speakin, he axed me ef I know'd what kinder teas that continent perdooced. Bern onabul to respond, he was kind enuff to inform me that it was famous for its Congoes and its Ashanteas. I told him that ef he hed to be expatiated to a furrin land, we should all know whar to send him. He cort niy meanin direckly, and sed he sposed to the Punjawb. Although blunt in his manners, he's all-amazin sharp in his percepshins. Noticin that I was about to indulge in a glass of whisky, he inkwired, with his pqliar smild, why his joaks was like the licker I was goin to swaller. It was beyant me, and I sed so, upon witch he subjested that his joaks was like the licker I was preparin to imbibe bekase they was pleasant-rye. You see the pint I spose. " But, my venabul frend," ses I, arter he hed got off the last menshint stunner, " dont t you think that this kinder badinage is onshootable in the preset momentuous cry-sis." " D. V.," ses he, risin from his cheer and ketchin me by the button, " D. V., you put me in mind of Wade, the cheerman of Committee on the Conduck of the War. Sun arter Pope was druv in by Lee," continned the President, " Wade called on me and wanted to hev a serus tork on milentary aifcirs. Ses I to him : ' Mr. Wade, you remind me of a man out West as hed a sellybrated hoss ' ' Thunder ! Mr. President,' shouted Wade, interruptin me, ' this ain't a time for you to tell stud-hoss stories ! and, by Gosh ! I'm not the man to listen to em !' He was rushin out mad as a hornet, but I called him back and got his dander down, and we hed a reglar offishal palaver. When we got throo, ses I to him : 'My Buckeye frend, ef wit was an artickle as went by the pound, I gess you'd be Wade in the balance and found wantin.' ' Yes,' he rejined (the sassy cuss), ' you'd hev the ad- vantidge of me thar, Mr. President, for your joaks is a leetle the hevyest as ever was mannyfacterd.' " As his Eggsellency konclooded the foregoin anakdoat, I jumpt from my seat, shuck hands with him hurridly, and, cornplainin of a sudden attact of insanity, left the presence. I raaly A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 203 bleve ef I lied remained three minnits longer I should never agin have ben abel to remain, in a loocid condishin, Yours alias, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. LXXI. [The countenance and friendship of the great is not without its inconveniences. We see by a passage in the subjoined letter from our correspondent at the seat of Government, that in con- sequence of his intimacy with the President, he is continually beset, through the mails, with applications to use his influence with that distinguished personage in futherance of the private ends of mercenary individuals. Many of the applications, it seems, are accompanied by sums of money, which, we are rejoiced to learn, he devotes to the noblest of all charitable objects, the liquidation of the public debt. For the information of the ignorant, we deem it due to our correspondent to say, that he has never been in Congress, the New York Board of Aldermen, or any of the Contract Bureaux of the Federal Gov- ernment. It is therefore fair to presume that he is a gentleman, and not a plundeim )nger. EDS.] ALEXANDRY, VIRGINNY, October 17, 1862. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : The Cabuet is still in Statue Co. Practickly thars a vakincy in the War Department, but its Head will not be remooved. Thar air complaints of delays in the Navy Department, but it is doutful wether we could cure these ills, by ousting Welles. In the State Office thars so very little dooing jest now that the Seckatry ken purshoo his privit game of pollytickle dubble- shuffle without detriment to the publick intrests, and the port- foolyou of the Inteeryur is in purty saift hands. A man of a diflrent stompt to Blare mought do better in the Post Offiz ; but as he is a feller of considabul gumshin in sum respecks, he will be aloud for a while to stick to his post. Doorin the sickness of Seckatry Chase, a strong effort was made by the consarvative cleek to get him soopersedid ; but both the President and Me sot our faces agea it in toe-toe, and I am ortherized to say thar 204 WAR LETTERS OF will be no change in the Tresury prevus to the meetin of Con- gress. This intelligens I persoom Avill he satisfactory to all as hev finaushil dealins with the guverment, and will probly cause an immcdient rise in public skeweritieg. My worthy conipaytryit, the inestimable Abe, is mutch con- Earned at the uppard tendency of gold. Bein as it is the rut of all evil, he naterally sposed that its byass would be tuther way. He asked rne yestday wether it would stop whar it was or con- tinny on, to witch I replkle that it warent mutch consckens, as it Jiecl ben for sum time outer sight. " But how do you account for the fbenonaman ?" ses he. " Wai," ses I, " the high appressiashin of gold is caused by the low depressiashin of paper." But he dident see it. Also he dident see why bekase gold went up, flour, and coal, and bacon and uther cumoddities should go up likewise. I eggsplained that gold was the stand- ard of thar valley, and that cumoddities, like armies, was obli- gated to foller thar standard. Pie nodded a cent to this doctrin, and remaned for sevral minnits in deep thort. I shouldent be sprised ef he was studdyin out a new fiskal sistem, for he remarkt when he cum to that " a stop must be put to the nessa- ries of life follerin in the track of gold, like guests at Niagara footin it arter thar gide up Biddle's starcase." He's a remarka- bul man, is my illustrus frend, and it wouldent astonish me enny ef he was to subjest to Congress setch a bankin skecin as would render the millyuns of dolors that's ben infested in the suppreshin of the rebellyun, as sekewer as ef evry greenback was in Abraham's buzzuin. In course ef he hes setch an idee, the projeck will be submitted to me afore its submitted to the Assembeld Wisdum, and I'll take keer you hev the outlines in advance of any flunkey stealin em for the Herald. High persishins hes thar dror backs. The fack that the Presi- dent bleves in me, and as solely by my advice senst he diskiv- ered the short cummings of his Cabnet, is givin me an all- playgey sight of trubble. Grossly flatterin letters from polly- tishins outer eniplyment, axing me to say a good word for em to his Eggsellency, pores in at the rate of about hafe a gross a day. Sum contanes demand notes, stiffcuts of deposit and setch. The riters eggspect to "condaminate my fingers with base bribes," as was simildarly dun with Cashus in the play. Misabul raskils ! Darned fools too ! I send all thar " soap" to the Fust Awditer of the Treshery, to help wash out the nayshinal det. The subjined, witch I scleck at randum from a batch received A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 203 to-day, will sarve as a speciment of this interestin curryspond- ence: NEW YORK, Oct. 15th, 1862. To THE DISBANDED VOLUNTEER : Honored and Hispected Patriot: Permit a constant reader and enthusiastic admirer of your graphic and eloquent letters which are equaled by few and excelled by none, and which, if published in book form with illustrations oy distinguished art- isls, and properly introduced to the public by a liberal and enlightened press, would create a sensation unknown since tho days of Juuius to ask your kind offices with the President to obtain for me a contract for the removal of warts from the fingers of the army of the Potomac during the present and ensu- ing season. It is as diilicult for the soldier troubled with warts to handle his arms, as for the soldier with corns to handle his feet. Even Dr. Zacharic must admit this. I have suggested a period of profound repose for the performance of the operations, in order not to interfere with the military movements which, it is understood, are expected to take place if circumstances are favorable during the ensuing summer. My idea of compensa- tion for oblitcratin the excrescences is one thousand dollars per hundred. I inclose a fifty as a mark of my esteem for your great literary talents, and with the remark that there is more where that comes from, I remain, with profound respect, Yours ever, A. CAUTERY, M. D. P. S. Of course you will not imagine that the trifle of which I ask your acceptance as a tribute to genius, has any bearing upon the frank request contained in this letter. Who would ever dream of offering a bribe to one who adds to the prowess of an Alexander the virtue of a Lucretia ! P. S. 3d. Do not suppose that in paying a just compliment to your transcendent abilities I am actuated by a parasitical desire to flatter. My wife, the most candid, thoughtful, and simple- hearted of her sex, is in raptures with your letters, and be assured she is not one to " crook the pregnant hinges of the knee," etc., etc. She requests me to say that she hopes when you visit New York you will take dinner with us in a family way. Thar ! did you ever read setch sickenin sickofancy ? And I am acktilly in the reseat of kwires of the same sorter stuff. I want these fellers sot down. I want em to onderstand that Ime a sojer and a gentman, and not a pollytickle pimp. Jest say so, ef you please, in a conspeckuous place in your collumes. And now as this epistol lies ben so far rayther of a grave kar- rickter, I will wind up with a joak that my frend and pitcher, the Admirable Abe, got olf this morniu as he was handin me a pinch of snuff. " D. V.," ses he, tappin the lid of the box that contained the 200 WAR LETTERS OF pungent mixter, with a sourcastick smild, " why is snuffln like praying ?" I sirrenderd without an effort, upon witch he indikated that sniveling was like prayin bekase it brort a man to Ms sneeze. On refleckshin you will diskiver the pint but it takes time to see it. Leavin the larf entirely to you, when you find out whar it cums in, I remain in a state of kullaps, Yours alias, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. LXXIL [We recommend the subjoined letter from our trustworthy and patriotic correspondent to the thoughtful perusal of our readers. It is at once grave and gay, lively and severe. Above all, it is reliable. At a time when it is but too clear that the majority of the Washington letter-writers draw exclusively upon their imaginations for their facts, the simple and earnest truthfulness of our venerable friend will be appreciated by the public. It has been proposed to us by several prominent citi- zens to open a subscription at our office, for the purpose of pur- chasing a farm, or a church, or a bank, or a railroad, or some other trifle of that nature, to be presented to the Disbanded as a mark of the high esteem in which his disinterested services at the seat of Government are held by the citizens of New York. In his name we thank them ; but the profiler is useless. Simple in his habits as Diogenes, and exalted in his virtue as Fabricius, he has steadily, during a long and useful life, declined all such compliments. EDS.] ALEXANDRY, VIRGINNT, October, 24, 1862. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : Mrs. Ginral Maclellin is onderstood to hev left the army of the Potomac bekase she found it too kwiet, and Her Eggsel- lency Mrs. Lincoln hcs gon North in sairtch of a littel hulsum eggsightment to releve the mannotany of Washington life. Solem repose rains in the War and Navy Department, and barrin the Treshury, where the Seckatry is continually chased A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 207 by guverment creditors ankslius to raise the wind, a deliteful cam prevales, witch peers likely to last ontil the vernal equal- nocks. It is sed that on Mrs. Lincoln's return to the seat of Government we air to hev a coarse of theaytrickles at the Presi- denshil Pallas, in which sevral distingwisht pursonages will take pairt. In a peeryud of perfound trankwillity like the present, sum littel artifishal steamalus raaly seems rcckwisit. The fust peace will be "A New Way to Pay Old Dets", in witch Seckatry Blare will take the roll of Sir Giles Overreach, the princypal mail carrickter, a tenayshus old feller, who delivers his remark - abul linanshil news to the awjence in an incoherent manner with rnenny stomps. The interlo/xl is to be Bamboastes Furiosy, with the Seckatry of War for the hero, but on ackount of the present skarsity of shoos in the army of the Potomac, the boots will be omitted. The hull to wind up with Rip Van Winkle, in witch the Seckatry of the Navy hes kindly consented to enact Rip, and it is thort his Sleepy Holler seen will be wonder- fully troo to nater. Instead of the Flying Dutchman the pint ship Alabammer will be interdooced with raal fire. The Seck- atries of State and the Tresliery dekline to face the musick as pufformers, but Mr. Seward will act as stage manager, and Mr. Chase will giv out the checks. As the army is eggspected to go inter quarters shortly, thar will no doubt be a large milentary attendance. The proceeds is to be infested in swoords of honor to be presented to the princypul struttygists of the age. The President and me are dooin wot we ken to save the Union, but as he trooly obsarves, its like the labor of Sissy- fuss a fabalus feller as is engaged in the uphill work of rollin a big stun up a mounting, witch is continally returnt on his hands, so that it mounts to nuthin arter all. We did spose that the Seecesh was so effeckshally chawed up by Uncle Sam at the battle of Aunteatem that afore the winter commenst thar wouldent be a grease pot left on em. But it peers the misabul cusses doosent appreshiatc a lickin ; they jest take it, and walk off singin " Dixie", leaviu us to berry thar ded. Sum think its takin too much gunpowder in thar rum as blinds em to thar own discomforter. Ennyhow, the more we thrash em the less they seem inclined to acknolledge the corn. Decisive victries doos- ent help us a might. The mane difficulty on our side peers to be want of troops. We haint got mutch over three huuderd thousand men in Virginny and Merryland, and re-eniorcements oney arrives at the rate of three thousand a day ; consekently it is nessary for our ginrals to stand strickly on the defensiv, and 203 WAR LETTERS OF use the utmost precawshins to prevent a supprise, and gard agen an invasliin of the North. Setch is the opinyun of sum of our leadin milentary stars ; altho the onclerstrappers of the rank and file doosent agree with the shoulderstrappers in cuminand, on these pints. Onder these delikit suckemstances, the President and me is not prepare! to decide the kwestin whether the rebels ken or ken not be sum- merally disposed of afore the winter sets in. In the meantime, we reckymend the vox populie to keep cool while the draft is in progress, and go to the poles in November with the fire of pay- tryitism burnin in thar harts, and a firm determinashin to play hob with the enemees of the Administrashin. Conker we must in the eend. It is oney a kwestin of time, for, as the poick ses : " A shindy, when its wunst begun Bekweethed from rathy sire to son, By sumbocldy is allus wun Onless both parties cut and run." Also " Truth crusht to airth her legs regains, The everlastin 'ears air hers, But ef you nock out Error's brains, They're of no more use'n a grasshopper's." The buv kwoted standsirs is by the upright and inspired editor of the Evenin Post, and peers to me to meet the case eggsackly. I no peeple call him an abelishinest bekase he admires Uncle Tom's Cabin, and rit a pome called " Than-a-Topseys," but he tells hum truths in black and white, and bein sumthin of a poick myself, I luck upon him as man and a bruther." The exemplery Abraham and me lies hed rayther a jolly time senst the aruabul and eggsellent lady of the Manshin hes ben on her Nuthern tower. The rnungoheeler hes ben out of the cor- ner cubbard freckwently, and I hev drunk her helth in whiskey punch doorin her absens with great aciduity. My illustrus frend hes no taste for punch, so I allus adjudycate his sheer to myself, and I find the dubble doste considerbully lightens the keers of state, and also helps me to comprehend his remarkabul cauuondrums. When a man sees dubble its eesier for him to see inter a dubble-intender. As we were settin in his sanktum last eveuin, discussin the properiety of sendin out wun of the fast beef boats to luck arter rebel priviteers, he axed me Avhy Cappen Semmses vessel was shoor to cum to a bad eend. I shuck my hed, signifyin it beat my time, upon witch he remarkt that Cappen Semrnses vessel was shoor to cuin to a bad eend A DISBANDKD VOLUNTEER. 209 oekase 290 all us eended in naught. He also pcrpounded the fol- lerin : " Why was Semmses cruze arter the whaler Ocraulgee like the story of the Widder's Cruze ?" I backed down agen, when he informt me confidenshelly that it was bekase the result was a vessel full of ile. Sum may call this flippant ; but I find it plesant to hev the dull rootin of bizness releved by setch flashes of saytire. The President rekwests me to say sernmi-oiEshusly that we shall save the kentry atween us, ef thars enny save to it, and belevin thats its in us to do it, I remain, modestly, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. LXXIH fin the following letter the Disbanded expresses his own views in his own way, and we are quite willing to give him the opportunity to state them ; but it must not be inferred on that account that we entirely agree with him. EDS.] ALEXANDRY, VIRGINNY, October 30, 1862. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : The Army of the Potomac lies got its shoos and sum peeple thinks it ougher to be puttiu its best foot foremost. Lee and Lougstreet air retreatin, and ef they fool away thar time on the road to Richmound and Maclellins regaird for his sojers corns doosent pervent a forced march in thar new high-lows, you may andizzypate a fight purty recently. But as new lether is apt to dror the feet and corn salve is sed to be gettin skarse in the Union ranks, a ginral forrard moovement may possably be post- ponied until arter the result of the November eleckshins is known. I bleve this is the opinyun of Dr. Zacharie and ulher imminent shyrapidists, and they oughter no. Wunclerful ! isent it, on wot seaming trifuls the most important events depends. In Edin it was frute ; in Virginny its lether. In the meantime a Commishin lies ben aprunted to report on a plan to put AYashington in setch a state of defence as '11 pervent its bein tuck by storm. Ef we kant bag llichmouud, we inusent let the owdashus rebels sack the Naysninal Capital. 210 WAR LETTERS OF The war peers to be prosecuted witli vigger in the lyal States. By way of stimulatin the paytryitism of the Merry- landers, kwite a number of Union men hev ben supprised and made prisners in the streets of Bawltouiore. Thar offense was a new speeches of Treason of which fresh varities, liithertoo onknown, is developt evry day. The latest stile is douting the infallability of Major-Ginral Wool ; and as that distingwished Trojan lies no dout on the subjeck hisself, he has siezecl the douters and made em prisners of war. It is not troo, howsever, that he lies heel his milentary hat hung on the oblesk in Mona- rnent Squar, and rekwired evry citysin to stop and saloot it, onder pain of a rest. That story is a liebil, got up by sum of the high old seecesh simperthisers as inhabits that lowcality. The President and Me doosent altogether approov of Ginral Wool's perceedins ; and the individyals as was rash enuff to kwestin his capacity will be payroled to-day. We nuther of us agree with the Seckatry of War, as to the best method of puttin down the rebellyun. He goes in for enforcin rnarshil lor and makin prisners of war in the lyal North ; while we air in favor of connnin them kinder operashins to the rebellyus South. Howsever, we shell let him hev his swing ontil the suvrins lies eggspressed thar vews, nex week, at the poles. Ef they side with us, he will probly retire from public life to that cam obskewrity witch his talents and his virtoos is so well calldlated to adorn. Should this be the case, I shall advise the President to proclaim a ginral jail delivry of pollytickle prisners in the Nuthern cities, and the re-establishment of the Union as it was, in all the Free States. Ef New York and New England goes with Pennsylvany, Ohio and Indianny, agin the suspension of have Ms carcase and Provost Marshils and setch, the Presi- dent will consider it an indicashin that the masses is opposed to Constitooshinal Libty on the Austrean plan, and act accord- inly. My illustrus frend ses he is willin to be gided by the will of the peeple as spessifled throo the ballot box. Tharfore, Bully for him ! Its time it was bully for him ; for he's ben bullid long enuff, and would be yet, mebbe, ef it warnt for me. Not as I claim enny merit on that ackoutit, for its as nateral to me to help the weak as it is for a cluck to swim. In the absens of the President's amabul consort and air a parent, I am more with him than ever, and in lack spend as much time at the White House as I do acrost the river. The Cabnet doosent like it of coarse, and the Seckatry of War, who is remarkabul for his tanassity of porpus, wurks agen me night A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 211 and day. But its no use. A donkey-engine mought as well try it on with a fust-class high-presshur locomotive. I hev taken a solem oath to see the honest paytrj'it throo the crysis, and I'll stick to him like a postage-stamp. We tuck a drive together yestday as far as Bladensbug, and renewed our vows of fidelity on the road fidelity to wun anuther, the emansipayshin proclainashin, and the Constitooshin. Espeshally the Constitooshin, witch we red over as we went along, in order to hev it at our fingers eends. Cuniining back over the slashes, the President eggsprest a positiv determinashin to cut the party. The space I hev left blank was reely a blank in our conversashin ; his eggslency pausin at the word " the," and winking as far as " party." I may state confiden- shally, howsever, that the manner in witch the vakinsy is to be filled up, depends on the results of nex weeks eleckshins. Thars considabul bettin here on the Guvner's tickets, both in your State and Massachusetts. Menny air ofierin yaller stamps to blue on Seymour ; and on the uther hand, I onderstand the Honabul Gid, of the navy, lies sworn never to cut his baird or his top-not till Wadsworth is inaugerated at Albany. In Bawl- tomore the odds agen Guvner Andrews is an octoroon to a spool of cotton. The Members of the Cabnet, taken as a boddy, wears a wilted aspeck, as ef they dident sleep well nights. You ken see sirkils round thar eyes like the rings round the planet Satan, oney redder ; and Mr. Chase peers to hev got a new rinkle evry time I meet him. The President is screen. By my advice he replies to all kwestins from his constitooshinal advisers in cannondrums and pairables, and will continny to do so ontil the will of the peeple is clarly known. Then he will open his head and pro- claim a new proclamashin. With three cheers for the Union, the Constitooshin, free speech and a free press, I remain, onder sum eggsightment, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. LXXTV. Our correspondent discusses the November elections, and their probable and possible consequence, in a dry, desultory way. But those who are accustomed to his eccentricities of style will have no difficulty in understanding his drift. EDS.] 212 WAIi LETTERS OF ALEXANDRY, VIRGIKNY, November 7, 1862. Eddyturs of the Sunday Hcrkary : Peers to ine I mensliint in my last epistol that the President hed interniated a detarminashin to cut loose from wun of the grate pollytickle parties as divides the kentry ; but declined takin his chice ontil arter the New York eleckshin. "Wai, the time hes arrove to make his seleckshin, hut he still hangs in suspense, like the Sircoffergus of Mayhumit atwixt the two magnates at Medinah. In .the wurds of a Greek poick, " How happy could he be with ether were tuther deer charmer away''. To be sure the Empire State hes skreenied purty loud, and Abelishiu seems to hev founderd in a white squall in that regin. But then the Pilgrim Commonwelth hes gin the Conservatives a black mark, and pintin to her two cradles of Libty, Funnel Hall and the Plymuth Blarney Stun, she continnees to go for Unkel Sam and Unkel Tom, wun and invincible. Thars a cupple of depitashins on here at present on the nigger bizness, and they eenamost bullyrag my illustrus frend to deth. Wun of the deligashins is from your sitly, tuther from Bosting, and they take thar turns at his Eggselleucy, ride and tic. The New York consarn wants the Cabnet smasht, the gentmen from the Modern Aythens doosent. Strange to say, Messrs. Seward, Stanton, Chase, Welles, Smith, and Blare goinsides with the gentmen from the Modern Aythens. I onderstand, on the uther hand, that sum of the leadin Democrats in your sitty is willin to forego the frutes of thar late suckcess in order to help the President outer his diffickulties. Feruandy Wood is reddy to throw up his seat in Congress ef his well-known finanshil talons is needed in the Treshury ; and Benjamin, his paytryit bruther, would be ekwilly magnannyrnous, ef wanted in the Navy Department whar his frends think his long eggsperience in the distribushin of -prizes mought be ben- nyh'shal to the sarvis. line not a Democrat myself, but oney a pollytishin at large, as votes on prenceple ; but I kant help rcgardin them two nobul bruthers with unsofisiicated aamirashin, and I congratlate the comniershill emporium, throo your col- luuies, on heving put em throo. Ginral Wallbridge is a frend of rniiie. I regaird him as a brick and a bruther ; and ef enny man of smaller calibeer than B. Wood hed beaten him, I should hev felt bad ; but Wood was formed by uater for a poplar idle, and I sed so years ago, when he was oney a little shaver. Torkin of poplar idles, I spose an adinirin and confidin nashin eggspecks the modern Father of his Kentry to take sum decided meshers in consekens of the late eleckshins. Let the kentry A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 213 keep cool. Its devoted Father is at present in cawcuss with his- self and Me, and we hevent yet taken a vote on the kwestins at issoo. We want to do things up as smooth as possabul. Wots the use of hevin an all-wully row in the ranch, ef we ken arrive at the desired eend without a shindy ? We lied en intereslin conversashin on the subjeck this mcrnin, hed the layter Fatty and Me. Ses lie : " D. V., mehbe Stanton '11 abdikate." " Honerd rooler of an enlitend peeple," ses I, " did you ever hunt possums ?" He nodded aguessence. . "Bekase ef you hev," I continned, "you must hev notist that the critters amayzin tenayshus of his holt. I wunst treed wun up a big persimmon, whar he sot perched at his ees, devourin the goldin I'rute in fancid sekewrity. I shuck that persimmon ontil the persperashin pored off me at evry jerk like water from a shower bath. Wun by wun the vai mint's limbs giu out ondcr Ihe shocks, till nerly he hung by a single leg, and Ithort I hed him. I made anuther grand effort, and shuck that leg off too, when darn my pictcr ef lie dident ketch onto a branch by his tail, and thar he swung and grinned at me ! Its rny bleef that an airthquake woukleut hev shuck down that possum." " Wai," ses the gifted Abe, with a, moanful attempt at jokelar- ity, "I spose you suuimond a possum cemmitatua of neybers to help you shake." " Nary commitatus" I replide. " Wot did you do then ?" he axed, impayshently. " Wai," ses I, significantly, " I jest cut the tree from onder the possum !" But we shant take that coarse with the pollytickle possums in the Cabnet persimmon tree ontil milder meens hes ben eggsaust- ed. At present we air tryin to cokes ern down with teinptin tid-bits, setch as Rushin and Brittish plcnipenitentiaryships, Supreme Courtships, and cetery, but they continny to hold on to thar elevated persishins, aperiently considerin a berth in hand wurth two in prospeck. I wunst hecrd a lecterer on nateral fillosofy say thar was a wunderful prenceple in nater called the Attrackshin of Coheshin. Gess it pervales to a norinus degree in Cabnet oiFsirs. Ef the present incumbrants was oney outer the way, the President and Me could fill thar places in hafe an hour. Our programmy is allreddy drord out, and contanes the very best the market affords. The bill of fare consests of Dix, Holt, Banks, 214 WAB LETTEKS OF Reverdy Jonson, Governor Morton, and a few more of the same sort, and in order to avide invidius distinkshins, we prepose to let em raffle for cbice of offises. It is thort by sum (but not by me) that the present heads of departments will drap gracefully from thar places afore Congress meets. Most sartainly, ef they don't, the tree onghter be cut from onder em. The President is payshent so am I ; but thar air limicks to human eganimity ; and ef the Cabnet won't resign, we may hev to put em out in the cold. In spite of thar corns, aggravated by the new brogans, the unconkerable legions of the Union qontinnees to advance hi a pairallel line with the countless hosts of the ragged and ravenus foe ; but as pairallel lines never meets, no collushin is likely to occur from this splended strategic moovment, witch will no dout eggsite the wunder and admirashin of Europe. Whenever ether party make a tack tords tuther, thar'll be a fight or a foot race; but wether setch an act of desperashin will ever take place, is at present an open kwestin with Yours alias. A DISBAKDED VOLUNTEER No. LXXV. [That fine flow of animal spirits which usually characterizes the lucubrations of the " Disbanded", will be looked for in vain in the following letter. Our correspondent's confidence in his influence over Mr. Lincoln seems to be somewhat on the wane ; but, like a true friend, he is resolved to stick to him as long as there is a hope left that his aid and counsel may be useful. EDS.] ALEXANDKY, VIKGINNY, November 14, 1862. Eddyturs of the Sunday Herkary : Giding a President as is beseeged without enny let up wotsum- dever, by the all-hungryest, all-selfishest, all-sassiest drove or pollytickle intriggers that ever besot an onest rooler, is, upon the hull, rayther an aggernizin amewsment. I hev lost uppards of twenty pounds of flesh senst I threw the wait of my inflew- ence inter the eggseggative scale. And arter all it may be as I hev fretted and swelled in vane. I wunst red in a little buck called Lacon rit, ef I am not mistakin, by Prenliss of the Louis- A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 215 vil Jmz# that grate men was like torches as consoomed thar- selvcs to enlitcn mankind. But wots the use of consoomin yerself ef it all eends in smoke ? I don't see as the seeds of wisdum I drap coniinally inter my distingwished pupil's ears perdooces mutch of a crop. Not as 1 ineeu to insinawait that they fall on barrin sile, but Ime al'eard the tares and thorns and blamed parisitickle plants of this cussed pollytickle jungle chokes em down, and spiles the prospeck of a hulsum harvest. Eena- most all the iudividyals as gains axess to the President hes axes to sharpin, and menny of the old party hacks suckseeds in per- swaclin him that thar idees is fust chop for the Union, when thar oney objeck is to block out sumthin cumfurtabul for tharselves. On this ackount, I want to set myself right with my kentrymen throo your collumes. Standin in the persishin I do afore the nashin, my head allreddy kiverd with silvery fibers, and egg- spectin to bequeeth the fabric of my fame to the futur as a hair- loom from witch poicks and hisstoryuns will weave thar morril tails and narrativs in prose and verse, I kant afford to be held responsabul for all the misstakes of my paytriarkal freud and cotrumpery. Not as I distrust for a moment his good inten- shins ; but his hart is salt, and his venuabul head symperthises with it. Ses I to his Eggslensy, immediently arter the New York eleckshin : We must smash the Cabnet (bear in mind, I sed the Cabnet, not the Constttooshin), and reconstruct He smiled in the affirmative. Ses I, in continiashin, the Onterrified hes nockt the inancipayshinests cold, and bein masters of the sitiwation, they hev a right to be represented in offis. He agreed to the observashin with a wink. Besides, ses I, the fienanshil meshurs of the Administrashin doosent soot the publick. and evry boddy is as mad as hornets at bein stuck with Blare's all-cussed sticldn plasters. He nodded a cent to the propersishin, and added that he hed allus looked on Blare as a square-dealin man ; but ef he was of a diffrent stomp, he wouldent adhere to him enn} r longer. Finer! y, we agreed to ship the hull boodle of Constitooshinal advisers, find emply a new set, whoos names I gin you in my last epistol 1 sposed it was all setteld ; but a passel of ultree- Abelishiniots got around my nobul paytrun, and wurried him until his spinal collume began to saften. Fust, he consented to hev Maclellin remooved. I dont say wether he was right or rong ; but I do say, the Ihing warnt dun in the right way. The act was too suddent. It lucked too mutch like party sperrit ; and thar warn't suffishent resins nssined for it. I told the Presi- 216 "WAR LETTERS OP dent so to his face for Ime squar as a, brick, and kocr np more for party pollyticks than I do for Jo Smith's Goldin Bible. But he only sruggei his sholders, as inutch as to say, needs must wen the devil drives. Translatin the rnoovinent en that, light, I couldent help sayin that I wisht we hed a Cheef lladgistrit as keered nuther for man nor devil when he thought he was O. K. Then I axed him about changin the Cabnet ; and it peered from wot he sed, that ef the present incumbrants was sacked, he would hev to put the bluest kinder hull-hog mansipayshinists in thar places. I wanted to know why our oridjinal programmy couldent be carrid out. Upon witch, he gin anuther hitch to his sholders, as ef to intermate that the outside preshur onto him was too great. Then I venterd to hint that even in down-trod- den England, when the peeple vofed agin the administrashin, the ministers resined, and a batch with vews direckly oppersit stept inter thar boots. He replid > that he had hinted as inutch to the constitooshinal advisers, but they indignantly remarkt that Great Briton was our nateral enemee, and it would be degradin to the American carrickter to foller Brittish presidents anci eggsamples. I lain from the papers for Ime not on speakin terms with the War Department that sirnontanusly with. Maclellin's remooval, Freemount was orderd to report for dooty. I should a thort we'd hed enuff of that milentary failur in Missoora and the mountin department of Virginny ; but I reckin Stanton's goin to giv him and that sellybrated boddy-gard of his'n anuther chanst. Wun thing's sartain, namely : ef thar charges doosent hev mutch effeck on the enemee, they will on the treshury. A more weak and evnbezzele act than the revival of Freemount & Co. I never heerd on. I gin the amabul Abraham my opinyun on the subjeck, and told him that I considerd it would be a radical error to put the Pathfinder on the war path onder present suck- emstances ; to witch he replide, with a farseeshus twinkel of his commie eye, that radical errors was so cornmun that wun or two more or less would skarsly be notist. This mornin I inkwired of him ef enny ondertakin for overtakin the pirit Serames was onder way ; to witch he responded by makin a jester with his right thum over his left sholder ; so I spose that godless buckunear will continny to pray upon our commerce onmislested. As to the vessels that hes ben dispatched to ketch him so far, its ben purty mutch like senclin tubs arter a whale. Alltogether, I feel discurridged, and hev hed sum thorts of Icavin the Father of his Kentry to row his hoe by hisself. But A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 217 tbar's so mutch good inter him, I dont like to do it. Mebbe he 11 straiten hisself arter a TV'hile, and, with my assistance, giv the pickthanks as besets him a lofty fall. Hopiii setch may he the case, I reinane, constitooshinally, Yours all us, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. LXXVI. [It is a pleasant tribute to the straightforward honesty of pur- pose which chaiacterizes our veteran correspondent, that he should have been consulted by the President as to the tenor of the Message. His allusion to the matter in the following com- munication is marked by the modesty with which he always speaks of himself. EDS.] ALEXANDRY, VIRGINNY, November 21, 1862. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : The Prence de John Veals refieckshins on the conclude of the war, translated from the French langwidge, hes perdooced kwite a sensashin here. My paytryotic paytrun, the President, told me yestday in a way, with a rizzable eggspreshin in his high old classick visedge, that he was glad to see John Veal was more inklined to do us justis than John Bull. But the administrashin ginally doosent like the fooliton of the Prence, thar prenceple objeckshin bein that it hints at a dispersishin on thar parts to fool it on the ockashin of Maclellin's late advance acrost the Peninslur. Honabul Charles A. Daney, who was regarlarly brort up to the milentary perfeshin in the Triboon offls, and hes jest ben appinted Depity Seckatry of War on that ackount, is perfeckly disgusted with the Prence's stricters. He is sed to be preparin an anser witch will ockapy three to four thousand foolio pages, and may possably appeer arter the conclushin of the war, as a secquill to the New American Ensicklypedy. Mr. Daney hes a fine milentary mind and considabul baird. His wurk will go down to posteriority. It was his rnisfortin to leve the Triboon, bekase his attacts on Maclellin was rayther too loud for the responsabul eddytur ; but that is no disporridgeuient to his merits in the eyes of most of the Cabnet. 10 218 WAR LETTEKS OF Ginral Freeinount ties ben on here, and hes^iad sevral privit intervews with the distinguished Constitooshinal Adviser at the head of the War Department. Report ses he js to sooperintend the ereckshin of fortyficashins on Coney Island, and uther cnra- mandin pints at the entrance to your harbor, for witch Congress is eggspected to appropriate a few millyuns of the large surplush at present remainin in the Nayshinal Treshery. Ginral Free- mount is formed by nater and eggsperience for this importent trust. Bildin is his fort. See wot he dun in the Southwest ! I lam, sernmi-offishusly, that the Hoiiabul Giddyun"(familyarly known as the Ainsheut Marriner and the Old Man of the Sea) entertains a lively bleef that the pirit steamer Alabammer will be tuck in a few days. Hes the Vanderbilt, witch hes ben layin in wait for her at New York so long, started in pershoot ; and is that the ground of his andizzypashins ? Ever senst Sernmes sent wurd by a capterd skipper, that as sun as his pressin engage- ments left him leeshur for reckreashin he ment to 4 steam up throo the Narrers, and pitch a few shells from his hunderd-pounder at Trinity Church and the City Hall, the Seckatry of the Navy hes ben on the luckout for him in that kwarter. Feelin bitter at the disappintment of his hops, and becummin sensabul that it was no use keepin the swiftest steamer in the wurld at anker in the North River to entrap the bold buckunear, he hes probly sent her out cruzin in the lower bay, whar she will no doubt giv a good ackount of the privitear when she cums acrost it. It is rummerd here that the Houabul Giddyun hes changed his vews in regaird to Stevenses Battery, and that that remark- abul wurk of art is to be linisht without delay and sent up the Conneticut River to defend the City of Hartford, witch, in con- sekens of its hevin ben formally the residens of the Seckatry of the Navy, and the place whar his marrytime genus was devel- opt and matoored, is sposed to be markt out for speshil vengens by the owdayshus Sernmes. It is a butiful trait in the carrickter of Mr. Welles that he is thus regairdful of the place whar his risin talons was fosterd, and that his promoshin from the mail sarvice to the manidgernent of the reglar Navy hesent interfeerd with his hum assosiashins. The Constitooshinal Advisers, as a ginral thing, is purty bizzy makin reddy for the meetin of Congress. Seckatry Chase when not onavideably engaged in shinning for small loans is industrusly implide in figgerin out his Annual Report. It will be an abel argament in faver of the idee that a currency cum- posed eggscloosively of rags, lampblack and sap green is prefer- A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 219 abul on ackovtnt of its buty, porterbility, and the email cost of produckshin, to the preshus trash, grubbed at setch a norinus eggspense outer the bowels of the airth, for finanshil porpuses. It is sed by Mr. Chase's frends that he will make this so clar that all the banks will immedicntly see it and return at wunst to speshee payments, with the objeck of gettin rid of thar gold and silver as a useless incumbrence. Mr. Chase is a nice man for a small party the ultra abelishin party, frinstance. The President and me hes ben a good deal together lately. "We air fixin up the Messidge. It will be a dockyment of sum lenth ; fur a state paper, the consekenses of witch air eggspected to reech far inter the futur, kant be skweedged inter a nutshell. Still, we intend, ef possabul, to keep it down to sevin or eight columes ; but it may reech nine or ten. Thars oney wun thing cunsarnin the Messidge that me and my lofty-minded coadjew- ter doosent agree about. He wants to take all the responsability of the dooins of the Constitooshinal Advisers onto his own sholders, while my advice is to let all offishal tubs stand on thar own bottums. We shell crack up the mancipayshin projeck, and giv anuther corjal invitashin to the Rebel States to lay clown thar arms, hyst the Flag of the Free, and save thar niggers. The colornizashin skeern will also . be agin tutched upon ; for when it cums to capterin fore hunderd waggin-loads of " a man and a bruther" at wun hawl, it becums nesessary, in the coarse of human events, to consider serusly wot is to be dun with fore millyuns of our cullerd feller-men and relashins, ef they should happin to be thrown on our hands in a lump, by the conkwest of the South. We shell keep the Messidge open to the last moment, in case the capter of Richmound or the Alabammer, or enny uther great event, setch as the army goin inter winter-kwarters, frinstance, should curn off at the leventh hour. I could tell you menny astonishin things in relashin to pollytickle matters here ; but it would be a breech of confidens. I may obsarve, howsever, that a crysis is eminent. Onder the seal of sckresy, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. LXXVH. [On the eve of the opening of Congress, it is a great satisfac- tion to be able to give our readers an inkling of the probable 220 WAB LETTERS OP tenor of the official communications about to be made to that body. Our correspondent, without violating the confidence re- posed in him by the President, furnishes a hint or two about the Message which may serve to allay the horrors of suspense until the momentous document appears. EDS.] NAYSHINAL HOTTEL, WASHINGTON, November 28, 1862. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : Washingtin is fillin up faster'n a Philadelfy Stashin-house arter a firemen's fight. Publick pickpockits and pollytickle in- cindcries is as thick as flies hi a molasses cask and twiste as lively. The swell mob of corntractors as hev made thar piles, with thar fammalies rigged out arter the latist Payris fashin plates, and jeweld up to the nines, is dooin the peacock and but- terfly bizness to an eggstent that takes the shine outer all the furrin Plenipenitentiaries and thar soots ; and a new set of pay- tryotic Jeremy Diddlers, as hungry as seventeen year lowcusses as hes jest chipt thar shells, is huverin around the publick offisis in hops of rnakin a raid on the greenbacks. Judgin from the morril aspeck of the majority of the kumpany arrivin, I should say we air likely to hev a high old swindlin scsshin. Ef the nashin is saved, it will be regairdless of eggspense. It is curius, but true, that the biggest theeves hes the most to say about presarving the integrity of the Union. You will hev lamed afore this reeches you that me and the President hes ben rayther too mutch for the Seckatry of War. When I writ last, I lied jest receeved a note from a frend in the war offis statin that the Honabul C. A. Daney, late professor of rnilentary literatoor in the Tryboon Pollytecnick Academy, was appinted Deppity Seckatry. Shortly arter dispatchin my letter, howsever, I diskivered the informashin was prematoor; but that ef the President dident objeck, the Honabul C. A. D. would take his place in the Administrashin Line on the follerin day. I seen the modern Sinsinatus in his sauktum at the White House that arternoon, and Mr. Daney hesent ben appinted. He ses he dosent keer about bein Assistant -Seckatry. Mebbe not. Never- theless you ken put down his elevashin amung the axidents that mought hev happcnd, ef the Providence as shapes our eends hedn t nockt him cendways. But in sayin that me and the President hed ben rayther too much for the high minded and benevolent funkshinary at the head of the War Department, I referd mainly to the order for the liberashin of State prisners arrested without caws and held contrary to law, justis and hu- A DISBANDED VOLUNTEEK. 321 inanity. When the thing was sot in the right light afore the Scckatry it was too much for his felines. No dout he is a kind- harted man at the bottom, when you git to it. His better uatur was apeelecl to in this style. " Mr. Stanton, you ken librate those onfortnit captyves or rap yourself up in the solitood of your own oridginality and retire, with the thanks of a grateful kentry, to the shades of private life." He couldn't stand it. His eye glistend, his baird shuck with emoshin, his genrus spirit relented, and he eggsclained in ax- cents of the deepest paythos : " I am not made of iron. Open the Barsteels !" And he dun it. The prisners hes all ben oncaged, ban-in one or tw^j as hedentpayshents to wait for this triurnp of filanthropy, and died in jail. I hope the Seckatry's clemency will never be forgotten, and as a mark of the grctitood of the peeple, I prepose that two stattoos of him be made outer bronze, at the public cost, and put over the gateways of Fort Warren and Fort Laugh- eryet. When he retires from the Cabnet witch he may afore long he oughter hev a furrin mishin. Ef the President was to nominate him for Austrce, the Sennit would, no doubt, confirm the appintment. The messidge is compleat all but the figgers and facts from the Honabul Salmon P., and a brief flurrish at the openin and the tail eend, which will be very pius and affectin. We calkilate to hev the dockyment reddy for the prenter s hands by to morrer evenin, ef Seckatry Chase ken make up his mind wot the pub- lick det is, atween this and then. He finds, as the statements cum in from the diffrent burrows, that the sum totil is likely to eggseed his late ekinornical esthnit of 640 millyuns to an all- startlin degree. I persoom, howsever, that the nayshin will be, let off purty cheap on paper, as tellin the trooth might create an onnessary panic in the Stock Markit besides razing the pre- mum on gold. Welles hes finisht his shippin list, but will keep it opin to the last possabul moment in order to menshin the rival of the Ala- bammer in port as a prize, ef his sangwinary hops of her imme- dient capter by the Vanderbilt should be relized. Thar air sev- ral rummers afloat in naval sirkils here, as to her present wara- bouts. Wun akount places her off the Coste of Maine, while anuther ses that she's cruzin at the mouth of the Conneticut with the idee of ketchin the Seckatry of the Navy on his way hum to his Thanksgivin dinner at Hartford. It is the Honabul 222 WAR LETTERS OF Giddyun's opinyun liowsever, that slie's layen off and on sum- whars atwixt Cape May and the Straits of Baffleman. The Honabul Edwin B. is onderstood to hev got as far as Fredericksbug in his report of the sucksesses of the Union arms ; but thar he sticks for the present, waitin late advices from Burnside, and positive mformashin as to the present lati- tood and longitood of Stunwall Jackson. Seward is throo with his yarn, witch is a State paper highly flatterin to the nayshinal pride ; showin how thurrowly we out- ginrald Lord John Russill in the Trent affair, and inagnanny- mously gin up Mason and Slidell, bekase they warn't wuth thar keep, and we was all-fired 'glad to get rid on 'em. As evrybody is aware that the Honabul William H. twisted Russill round his finger and compleatly got to windward of Pamerstun, this docky- nieut, abel as it is, will not eggsight much curosity. The Inteeryur hes ben dun up neatly and consisely by Mr. Smith, who 'tends strickly to his own bizness, and is tharfore, not considered of mutch ackount by his coadjewters whoos vews is more comprehensive and ginral. Mr. Blare, who is a man of no ornary stamp, hes hed his post cms report reddy for sum days. It is said that it reckymends a redempshin of the guinbacks with the greenbacks, but this is not sartin. A delegashin of the New York apple wirnmen is on here in relashin to the matter, but I have not heerd whether they hev hed an entervew with the P. M. Ginral. I notis it is stated in wun of the New York jernils that the mancipayshin projeck is to be moddified in the Messidge. Please give this report a flat denial. We shall not take back a hiotah of the Proclamashin. The President and me hes but wun idee " the greatest good of the gratest number", without distiukshin ot culler or flavor. Union and Libty, or Union and Slavery, its all the same to us so its Union. Freely and ekwilly, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. LXXVHI. [Our long-headed correspondent discusses the merits of the Message at some length. Of course, he has not a particularly sharp eye for its demerits. People rarely see the defects of a work A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 233 in which they themselves have had a hand. And yet those de- merits may be palpable to the apprehension of outsiders. EDS.] NAYSHINAL HOTTEL, WASHINGTON, December 5, 18G2. Eddytura of the Sunday Merkary : Wot do you think of the messidge ? Does it meet your vews of a Union-savin j r arn ? Ef so, please give it a fust rate notis, with a few eggstracks from the passidges relatin to the yolk of slavery, ondcr your " Locul Missellany" head, and oblege the President and Me. The fack is, it hes ben most ouriteusly walkt inter by evrybody, evrywhars. The Conservativs say its radical, and the Radicals swar its conservativ. And yet Eddyturs, as troo as Irne a Sqjer and a Statesman, we tried to consillyate both. We reckognized the ebony speeches as pursenal property to tickle the misgided millyuns in arms agen the Guverment, and deklard slavery to be the soul caws of the rebellyun, to sat- isfy the abelishinists. We preposed to postpony mancipayshin for thirty-seven years, to gratify South Caroliny and Georgy, and we went in wunst more for the abelishin of human bon- didge in all the bellyregent States at New Years, to propishiate Conneticut and Massachusetts. It was our honest endevor to make the dockyment like the changeabul picters you see in the ' prent-shop winders, witch presents a likeness of Wheatfield Bucaunon from wun pint of vew and Winfield Scott from anuther or rayther like the Dog and the Lion, in the peep show, whar the specktators as hes douts consarnin the pursenal identity of the animils is perlitely told by the properioter that " they pays thar munney and ken take thar chice.* Its all-cussed hard, arter tryin to please evryboddy, to find you haint pleased noboddy, and that peers to be our case. We did our purtiest to hit wot the French call the jest mittyou, and the consekens is we air pitcht inter from all sides to wunst. " Republics is ongrateful", as the Greek ginral remarkt when they rested him for det, and refused to let him take the bennyfit of the insolvent act. Ef you ever red old Easeup's Fabels, you kennot fail to reckognise in my illustrus frend and me the " Old Man and his Ass" of the nineteent sentry. The mildest illushun to the Mes^idge so far, is that it is " remarkabul for its sim- plesity", which is catamount to pemouncin it an iddyotic per- duckshin. In my opinyun, the dockyment ovcrfloes with ondeniable trooths. Take frinstance the follerin witch the President rit with his own hand, without any subjestins on my pairt : 224 WAB LETTERS OF " It is not so easy to pay something as to pay nothing ; but it is easier to pay a large sum than it is to pay a larger one ; and it is easier to pay any sum when we are able, than it is to pay it before we are able." Now, thats wot I call a new rinkle in fienance, and I hev no dout, when the British Chanseller of the Eggschecker sees it, he will make it the baysis of a propersishin to pay off the British nayshinal det, afore it becums so large as to be onmanidgeable. The buty of the remark is, that it is ekwilly outable as a motto for a guverment, and as an inskripshin inside a tavern bar whar no trust is given. Sum of the enemees of the Modern Father of his Kentry, Levin ackused him of bein a short sighted pollytishin, we detarmined to disabuse the publick mind on that pint, in the Messidge. Consekently, you will obsarve that we hev devoted a considabul amount of stashinary to a considerashin of the affairs of the nayshin from the year 1870 to 1930. I calkilate as the 251,680,914 American peeple as will inhabit the United States in 1930 will feel tharselves flattered by our honabul men- shin of em. Our posteriority will hev to pay an all-thunderin big det of our contractin, and the President and Me thort it was the least we coald do to soft-sope em a leetle in advance. It mought prevent em from cussin us in our graves. Menny of the noosepapers, I notis, is sprised that the Presi- dent dident compliment the Army and Navy Departments on the vigger with witch the war hes ben waged on land and sea, but I think the subjined sentence cut from the Messidge will suf- fishintly ackonnt for the ommishin : " In times like the present, men should titter nothing for which they would not willingly be responsable throughout time and eternity." The distinguished Head of the Republick, tho a man of polisht manners, never sacrifices his conshense to his perliteness. Mrs. Lincoln, as you are awar, has retnrnt to the PrCoidenshil Pallas, and thar is evry prospeck of a brilyant winter ondcr her fashinabul patternage. The illustrus lady is to Washington wot the Empress Eujinny is to Payris ; in fack, as the man ses in the play, " She is the gloss of fashin an:l the mould of uniform." I may be rong in the kwotashin, bat the sentiment is correck. The privit theay trickles I spoke of in a former letter hes not yet cum off, but as the offishal yarns is purty mutch all in, I per- soom the Heads of Departments is reddy at enny time to aban- don goose kwills and foolscap, for the sock and buckskin. It is A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 225 now preposed that the first peace shell be " Used Up," and the hull Cabnet is to be inkluded in the cast. From the increasin number of army offsirs in the streets and bar rums here, I persoom that a battel on the Rapperhammock may be lookt for at enny moment. Mutch depends, howsever, upon the time it may take for the rebels to finnish thar defenses at Fredericksbug. As sun as Lee and Longstreet is kwite pre- pard for a shindy we shell probly go in. It is sed that the gen- rus and jewdishus Stanton wishes em to be fully re-enforced, in order to show em how esily they ken be whipt with all the odds in thar favor. The result ef it happens will no doubt be ter- rably dishartnin, and prehaps eend the war with a blow. Bad wether may interfere and pervent the catastrofy but the Secka- try in coarse is not responsabul for the wether Thats Heven's bizness and not hisn, as the boy remark t when his father was killed by the legtrick flewid in consekens of tyin hisself to a lightnin-rod for saifty. Hopin you will not konsider it drogatory to your Edditoryal dignity to give the Messidge a favorabul notis, I remain, and so doos the distingwisht Tenant of the White House, Yours, allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. LXXIX. [The immediate cause of the sudden dash of the Army of the Potomac across the Rappahannock, is fully explained in the fol- lowing letter. The order to attack a positive and peremptory order appears to have emanated from the President. Our vet- eran correspondent was his prompter ; and whatever may be the final issue of the movement, he will not shirk the responsibility. Eos.'] NATSHINAL HOTTEL, WASHINGTON, December 12, 1862. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : At lenth the tejus paws is over, and we hev pitched inter the cnemee hand over hand. The kentry owes the suddent dash acrost the Rapperhammock to the President and me. The leath- ergy of the War Department (and not the want of shoos as was ginrally sposed) was the sole resin Why the Army of tlie Potomac 10* 226 'WAR LETTERS OF didn't walk inter the rebels more'n two weeks ago. My Illus- trus Patron remonstrated agin the delay. He used the most forceabul argyments he could think of setch as " Delays is dan- gerous", " A stitch in time saves nine", " Procrastinashin is the thief of Time", " Nuthin ventur, nuthin win", and uther golden axeurns from the mint of wisdum bequeethed to us by the ain- shent sages. But his elikwence was like purls cast afore swine. Stantori put him off with invasive answers, and Halleck sent him milentary diegrams on sheets of foolscap, as hed the aperience of bein made by a long-legged spider that hed jest crawled outer an inkbottle. Things went on this way ontil last Toosday, when the Presi- dent writ me a note that he wanted to see me immediently on speshil bizness. He was standin on the frunt door steps when I arrove at the White House, pullin his left whisker as is his wont when his will is disregarded, and conduckted me at wunst to his eanktum. He sed he was wurrid arnazinly by the dogged ob- stinacy of the War Department, upon witch I axed ef he wanted a peace of an honest man's mind. " Spit it out Old Fidelity," ses he, his feters lighten up with a hole-sold smild. ' Wai," ses I, " wot I hev to say in the first place is this. It's not so eesy to lick ennyboddy as it is to lick noboddy, is it?" He remaned for a few minnits absobbed in deep thort and then shuck his hed. "But," I continned, "its esier to lick a considabul boddy, then to lick the same boddy when its twiste as considabul, isn't it?" Arter a breef intervil for reflexshin he concurd. "And," ses I resoomin agin, ''its esier isn't it? to smash horseteal boddies when we air abel, than it is when they air abel to raze Cain with us." "D. V-," he rejined, smildin cumpleasantly, "you borrord that sillygism from a remark of mine in the Messidge, and I am proud to say the logic is correck." " Ef so," ses I, " why in thunder don't you tell Burnside to go in and win, afore the rebels sets thar airthwurks, and riful pits, and maskt batteries atwixt him and Richmound, thicker'n mink traps in a Western swomp ?" "My nobel and esteemabul frend" he responded, wipin his nose with visabul einoshin, " your sentiments doos honor to your head and hart ; but I've gin the Seckatry of War discreshinary powers." A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 227 " Ime right glad to larn it," I remarkt sneerinly, " for its the ginral opinyim that he hesu't enny of his own." You should hev seen the Honabul Abe lay back and shake his honest sides. It dun me good to look at him. Hevin got him on the larf I detarmined to improov the- openin. Ses I, solemly, " You air Cummander in Cheef of the Army and Navy of the Land of the Free and the Hum of the Brave, air you not ?" " Accordin to the Constitooshin, setch is my progative," he replied, takin his leg off the arm of his cheer and drorin hisself up with nateral dignity. " Then," ses I, airnestly, " sail in. The Ship of State's in danger. Thar's lubbers at the helium. Pitch em overboard and let you and me take the wheel alone." " Ah !" sithed he, in a plaintiff vice, " you want me to take the responsability ; but you know wot cum of that in the Macdoill affair." "That was onder bad advice," ses I. ".Take mine." " State your platform and we'll see," he responded, puttin hia feet on the mantel-peace, " but a burnt child dreds the fire, and I've ben hauled over the coals so much lately, that I don't want to put my foot in it agin." " Its jest this," ses I, impressivly. " Send a perumptry order to Ginral Burnside to cross the Rapperharnrnock afore the week's over, and ef any resistance is made, to lay Fredericksbug in ashes. Tell him to fight the rebels wharever they make a stand ; to kick struttegy to the devil, and make his way to Richmound by the shortest cut at the pint of the bagnet. Tell him to foller the cumpass doo South, at the dubble kwick, without pawsin to palaver on the rout, and never stop till he waters his hoss in Shockoh Crick, and sees the old flag flotin over the rebel cap- ital. Do that," I exclamed, throwen myself inter his arms in a suddent bust of oncontrollabul emoshin, " and you will go down to distant ages with the conshusness of heving ful- filled your sakrid oblegashins to E. P. Unum and the American Egul." The grate man was overcum by my firy energee. He sed, ef he hed as menny lives as Plutark, he would be willin to giv em all for his kentry, and sot down and wrote a dispatch to Burn- side, arter my dicktashin bein too mutch agitated by his pay- tryotick felines to think for hisself. I hop that, long afore this cums to hand, the lightnin will bare WAR LETTERS OF you intelligens of the glorius and cornpleat suckcess of the Union arms. Eggsitedly, Yours allns, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. LXXX. [We doubted, on first perusing the following extraordinary letter, whether it would be wise to publish it, and finally asked the opinion of an old and valued legal friend as to whether it contained anything that could be considered treasonable. His reply, as he handed back the manuscript, was short and to the point. Said he : " If that is treason, let 'em make the most of it." Consequently, we determined to print it. EDS.] NAYSHINAL'HOTTEL, WASHINGTON, December 19, 1852. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merlcary : Ive ben sick. I am sick. Its on ackount of takin too inutch responsability. line afeard the kentry will hold me ackount- abul for the late discomforture at Fredericksburg. Sartainly, I advised the President to order Burnside to sail in ; and, in dooin so, he run agin a snag. But wot could I do? Halleck and Stanton bed setteld it that Richmound was to be attacted by the Rapperhamrnock rout, and bed indooced my magnannymus frend to take a solera oath on Helper's Crysis that he wouldent enterfear. In coarse he couldent perjer hisself, and I was well awar that the longer we delayed goin in, the better prepard the rebels would be to flax us out. It was a chice atwixt two evils, and I tride to chews the leest. Ef the shindy bed ben postponied a fortnit longer as was intended, our army would not oney hev ben severely wooled, but utterly worsted. You will reckolleck that I remarkt in my last epistol that ef it hedent ben for the leathergy of the leatherheads in the War Department, our forces might hev crost the river and bagged or disbursed the rebellyus hoards "weeks ago." But the War Department, witch is allus forgcttin sumthin, disrememberd to send the pontoon bridges, and our army bein onabel, as the poick ses, to " walk the waters like a thing of life", was compeld to remane with sinkin harts on the rong side, while the enemee throo up tbar airtkwurks and prepard to vomit forth a storm of A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 229 fire and deth onto us as sun as we began to operate. Wai, Banks was off on a Quickshotic expedition to the Gulf, so thar warnt no hope of his makin enny divershin to amews the enemee while Bnrnside pitched inter em in airnest ; so I thort it was best, as the mewsick bed to be faced, to face it at wunst. On- der the suckemstances, wot better advice could I hev given? Ef the attact bed ben put off two weeks longer, thar wculd- ent hev ben a grease pot left of the Army of the Potomac this day. The President takes the disaster with that cherfulness witch belongs to his boyant nater. He thinks it is no more use to cry over spilt blood than it is to cry over spilt milk, so he lucks at the affare from a farseeshus pint of vew. Ses I to him to-day : ' Ime afeard the rebels hes got to wind- ard of us for the carnppain." " Yes," he replide, " and your remark subjests a cannondrum. What caused the shipreck of our hopes on the Rapperham- mock ?" " Stanton and Halleck," ses I, swarin innardly. " Oridginally I grant," ses he ; " but the immedient caws of the shipreck of our hopes on the Rapperhammock was ' runnin on a Lee shore.' " " Mister President," ses I, frownin, " I kant larf at your humor, redickalus as it is the larf is all taken outer me. Our troops is receivin checks from the eneniee in all direckshins." " Air they ?" he responded. " Then all I ken say is, the ene- mee treats em better n we do ; for they've bed no checks from us for the last five munths." " Head of the nashin," I anserd, " this is no time for puns. It seems to me that your mayjestick intelleck hes gon a wool-geth- ering." " D. V.," ses be, "Ispose you meen that as a reproach; but let me tell you that wool-getherin is wun of the great eends and objecks of this war. Ax the Constitooshinal Advisers ef it isent." " Yes," I remarkt, " they've gon in for wool, and cum back shorn." " Not alltogether," ses he ; " ef ennyboddy's ben fleeced, I gess its the publick.' " Let us change the subjeck, distingwished rooler," was my reply. " Dont you think you bed better resine, and retire, like anuther Sinsinnatus, to the hog and hominy of privit life?" " The kentry would be wuss off with Harnlin," returnt ho. 230 WAR LETTERS OF " The ainshent Hannabul warnt more attacht to the intrests of Afriky than he is." " Thats troo, too," I replide ; " but mebbe ef the virtoous head of the Guverment was to retire, the Vice would be too moddest to axsept the vakinsy." " Will a cluck swim ?" he responded, stretchin the fingers of his right hand in a farseeshus and fan-like manner, and restin his thum on the most promenent feter of his pursonal car- rickter. I felt I was anserd. Thars no Roman virtoo in the dignitories of the present day. Ketch enny of our Curtisses leapin inter the gulf. Arter sittin a few minnits in moody silence, reflectin on modern dejennyracy, I axed him abruply ef he wouldent reconstruck his Cabnet. " Cant do it," ses he. " Wharfore cam you ?" I interrogerated. " Bekase," ses he, " amung the uther oaths I tuck on ' Helper's Crysis', I swore to keep em in wun and insuperable as long as my own lease of offis lasted." ." Ef thats the case," I replide, bluntly, " its my opinyun your lease of offis will be shorter'n you andizzypate." " Wai," he responded, with a sithe, " it kant be helped. Hevin sworn on the sacrid volum of my church, and bein a member in good standin, I musn't resk my salvashin by backin down." "Think of the salvashin of the Union," ses I. " Evry man for hisself, and the devil take the hindmost," he anserd, castin his eyes uppards. " Yes," ses I, with a groan, " I bleeve that is the creed of the present Administrashin." But mebbe he will relent. Let us hop so. As I was about to leve the presence, he tuck me by the button and axed me ef I knew wot was the diffrence atwixt my frend, Honest Abe, and a Seecesh planter. I rekwested him to spit it out, for I was in a hurry, and hed to attend sum to serus bizness. " Why," ses he, " the diffrence is that one's the slave of pren- ceple, and the other's the prencepal of slaves." I whistled ironically. " Slop," he continued, " I've got anuther for you. Why is a splendid milentary banner like a black sojer? You'd never gess it, so I'll tell you. Its bekase its wun of the Pomps of war." I jerked back, indignently, leavin the button in his hand, and m A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 281 hastend to the Nayshinal to rite this letter, and subscribe myself, despairinly, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. P. S. Ef I ken perswade the President to dismiss the Consti- tooshinal Advisers and hire a new set, I shell do so. I shell hey anuther talk with him airly nex week. No. LXXXI. [In the art of scarifying imbecility in a covert way, we know of few satirists who can hold a candle to the Disbanded. Peruse the following letter, patriotic reader, if you want to see a little skinning sarcastically done. EDS.] NAYSHINAL HOTTEL, WASHINGTON, December 24, 1862. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : Burjuside may not be wun of these onrepressabul milentary fenixes as nose no setch ward as fail, but he's a morril hero, and no mistake. Ef he kant take brestwurks like a Wellington, he ken take responsability like a brick. He lifts all the blame of the Fredericksbug affair from the sholders of the Administra- shin, and offers hisself a willin sacrifice to save the President from censhur. In this respeck he reminds me of the eggsern- plary Isick, of Skripter sellebrity, who was willin to hev his throte cut for the benefit of the Father Abraham of ainshent times. The oney difference atwixt the two magnannymus indi- vidyals is, that Isick eskaped with a scare, while thar is no let up wotsumdever for the onfortnit Ambrose. It must be a wunderful consolashin to the nayshin to larn from the Committy on the Conduck of the War, that evrything was dun for the best. The librality of the War Department in placin onboundcd confidence in a ginral who declared he hed no confidence in hisself, must allus stand conspickus in history as a pruff of the perfound nollidge of human natur possest by the dubble team of lawyers at present harnest to the war-chariot of the Union. How plesent it must be to the peeple to know that insted of bein onyoked and turnt out to grass, they air to be continued in the traces, and suffered to flounder along the bluddy track ontil they get fairly stuck among heeps of slor- terd heroes and further proggress is onpossabul. 233 WAR LETTERS OP The address of the illustrus Abe to the Army of the Potomac (witch is the offspring of his own niity mind, onaded by any hint from me) butifully clars away the smoke from the battel- feeld of the Rapperhamtnock, and shows that the slite check we receved in buckin agin onsirmountable obstickles was merely the result of wun of those triflin "axidents" that will happen in the best regilated milentary famalies. Ginral Schunk, if you recolleck, met with a sirnildar misfortin on a small skale, when he butted six or sevin car-loads of sojers inter a maskt battery at Vienna, in the beginnin of the war. Strange as it may seem to the plus mind, a blind reliance on soopernalral favor doosent seem to pay. The Providence as shapes our eends oney doos the polishin off, and ef the blockin out is dun blindfolded, wot is to be eggspected in consekens but " the leetle eend of nuthin whittled down to a pint". The triumfant manner in witch Burnside recrost the river on the sly, is jestly considered a grate explite by the President. It was sartainly nuther an error nor an " axident", but the brilyant idee of a sooperior intelleck witch hevin but one hole to creep out at, hed the saygasity not to be abuv makin use of it. The concludin passidge of my nobul frend's address, whar he simperthises with the " severely wounded" is creditabul to his sensabilities. Also it shows the oridginality of his discrirninatin mincl. An ornary man, in his sitiwashin, would hev simper- thised with the onfortnit cripples without distinkshin of pursons, but he benevlcntly sellecks the wurst cases for his affeckshinit regairds, levin the flesh cuts and mild perferashins resultin from the "axident", to derive cumfurt from the reflexshin that it raought hev ben an all-fired sight wurse. It is a luvly trait in the modern Father of his Kentry, that he never blames ennyboddy for dooin ennything witch evrybody sees might hev ben avided ; nor for not dooin ennything witch was absolutely necessary to prevent " axidents". What a happy thing it is for this glorius nayshin that our Cheef Madgistrit's hed is not of the same saft materyal as his hart. Ef it was we mought find it a hard matter to "ockapy and possess" the rebellytts South doorin his term of offls. I hope the North is satisfied that the delay of the pontoons ontil the faverable moment for leadin the army over em to hull- sail slorter, was wun of those onforscen suckemstauces over witch noboddy lies enuy control. Halleck gin the order to hev em sent on ; but in coarse it warnt his bizness to know whether it was attended to. As Blundersby (I think tliat's his name) says A DISBANDED VOLUNTEEll. 283 in the play of Domboy and Son, " ef so be they was sent, so, and ef so be as they warnt sent, why so also." Axidentally it was " so also'. Major Ginral Halleck, I would hev the pubJick to know, hes his place as distinkly defined as ef he was head butler in a privit famaly. Now a head butler you know mought consistently order the footman to tell the housemaid to leave word with the cook to send the errand-boy to desire the ostler to request the coachman to harness up the hosses, drive the kerridge to the doctor's, and bring him forthwith to attend the sick master of the establishment. Bat ef the order warnt eggscuted and the sick boss died in consekens, the butler wouldent be to blame you know. Bern suckemstanced precisely the same, Ginral Halleck must be simildarly eggscused. Its dredful to think that some people should be so onrighleously ignorant of oflishal etiket, as to spose the Ginral orter hev seen as his dereckshins was obeyed. Setch things is never dun. I hope you will make this fact clar to the vox populie ; for tho you will hardly bleeve it, sum fokes is inconsiderit enulT to lay the blud of the brave men wiped out in the battel of Fredericks- burg at Ginral Halleck's door. As I wunst remarkt on a prevus ockashin, " Republicks is ongrateful". The Constitooshinal Advisers, bein of a tenasshus nater, intends to stick to the President and thar places. They rallid around him airly in the week and ashoored that imminent States- man that they would never desart him. I was not present at the affectin intervew, but was informt that Stanton's spectikles was dim with tears, and that the baird of Welles kwivered with onrcpressabul einoshcn. Setch is thar devoshin to my high- minded frend, that ef evry city and town in the Union was to get up mass meetins and petishin for thar retirement, I skarsly think they would hev the hart to tare tharselves away. I should like to see the eggsperiment tried, ef it was oney to test thar paytry- itisin. Christmas past rayther glumily here ; the convalessent sojcrs, howsever, was treted to a first-rate dinner, thanks to the inirest taken in thar welfare by Mrs. Smith, the genrus help- meat of the Coiistitooshinal Adviser of the Interior Department. Ilopin that the little " axident ' on the Rapperhammock will be lucked upon in its troo light by a conliJin people, I remain confusedly, Yours, allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 234 WAR LETTEHS OF No. LXXXH. [Our trustworthy correspondent and representative near the Court of Washington opens his series of letters for 1863 in his most sarcastic vein. The " Constitooshinal Advisers" get some pretty hard rubs ; but the Disbanded's humor is so peculiar that some folks think him in earnest when he is jest ; and others that he is jest when he is in earnest. He reserves his opinion on the Proclamation, on the ground that he has not yet had time to understand clearly what it means. It appears to us to be simple enough, however. EDS.] NAYSHINAL HOTTEL, WASHINGTON, January 2, 1863. Eddyturs of the Sunday MerJcary : All the Constitooshinal Advisers, bein now fixt in thar births faster'n they was afore the Fredericksburg miscarridge, the nay- shin may luck forrard with cherful confidens to a new serious of fienancyal, milentary and navel aborshins. Mr. Chase, the dis- tingwisht rnanyfactorer of paper masJiy playthings for groan childern, is preparin a new Treshury Game for the gay seesin, to be called the " Triuinps of Trumpery ". It consists of picter keards of varus desines, intended for bilden housen arter the pattern of the Shattoes in Spain. The game is simpel and eesily seen throo ; and is kept on a slate to witch a spunge is attacht, for wipin out the figgers at the conclushin. I onderstand it is intended to lustrate the great moneytary prencepul that the saiftest way to raise the wind is to inflate the currency. The Seckatry of the Treshury hes peculiar idees on the spondoolick kwestin, witch, in his capassity of Constitooshinal Adviser, he yestday enfolded to my strong-minded frend, the President, as follers : " Abe," ses he (for he allus addresses the President as a man and a bruther, and not as a high old public funkshinary) " Abe> my feller citysin," ses he, " gold is the solid, portabul ritches of a kentiy, is it not ?" " I cornseed the pint," replide the secldnd Washington. " Wai, then," continued the Seckatry, " the more the nayshin's gold is wuth in the hum market, in coarse the richer the nayshin is ; you'll not attemp to contrivert that ?" " Nary contrivert," anserd the lied of the Guverment, flippin up a nickel and ketchin it in the pam of his hand. " Wai," resoomed the custoadyun of the publick pus, " I hev A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 235 alreddy raised the valley of gold thirty per sent abuv the ornary level, and I intend to keep it a mountin ontil it reeches ninety or a hunderd per sent abuv par, and evry gold dollar in the kentry, incloodin the ror materyal in Californy, is wuth two dollars. What do you think of that, now, my troo American ? and yet the conservatives say line impoverishin the kentry." " But," ses the Eggseggative, runnin his fingers throo his har, as if he was makin winrows of it, " gold hesent riz abroad, hes it ? and if our merchants purchis thar truck whar a gold dollar's oney wuth its face, and hes to sell whar the same coin's wuth two dollars, it peers to me that the coimnershil intrest will sun go to the ." "Let the commershil intrest keep its muniay to hum," he rejined, sharply. " Tuther side of the Atlantick is agin us. Let us inskribe on our banners," ses he, in a bust of paytryotic devoshin, " Let us prent on our Star-Spangled and glory-striped standard, ' No connexshin with the beggars opposit.' " " O ! that, indeed," remarkt the President, cherfully eggstendin his hand witch the Seckatry skweeged with emoshin, in token that they understood wunanuther. So the Seckatry's new game receved the Presidenshil sankshin, and ef Congress is willin, the picters will be reddy for delivery purty recently. Perfeck repose prevails in the Navy Department. The respecktabul longshoreman as persides over it feels sorry for the Ariel, and thinks the Californy gold hed better be shipt direct by the way of Cape Horn in futur, or at least ontil setch time as the Pacific Railroad is finisht, or the Alabammer capturd, witchever of those two cummin events may chanst to happen first. He considers it an act of cremiuel keerlessness in the San Fran- cisky nabobs, knowin wot they know, to have resked ennything in the Gulf onder the American flag. " Stupid Old Tops," ses he, " why diddent they ship in English bottoms." He thinks the best way for the American ship oners and shipping merchants to protect thai-selves agin loss, is to keep all thar ships in port and let furrin vessels do the carryin trade, ontil the Alabammer, and the Oreter, and the uther rebel priviteers is captered by the San Jasento or the Tuskyroarer, or sum of Wilkes's flyiu Squod- run as anuilates time and space at the rate of six nots an hour. Thar was a gay time at the White House yestday. Evrybody as is ennybody called to wish the illustrus ockipants a happy new year, and ofter thar cougratilashins on the state of the kentry. Menny large corntractors was on hand and gin thar vews of pollytickle economy, with witch the President was 236 WAR LETTERS OP mutch delited. All the Constitooshinal Advisers paid thar respecks, and Messrs. Halleck and Stanton presented the plan of a new milentary Annie Condy for 1863 ; but Mr. Lincoln sed he could nuther make head nor tale of it, and Seward remark! in his sourcaustic way that it reminded him onrepressably of a Gaudyan Not of red tape, and that the best thing the President could do was to cut it. Chase was in high sperrits, and arter the bizness conversashin I hev elsewhar referd too, him and the President hed sum very plesent joaks together. " Torkin of bonds, Chase," sez the latter, " wot do you think of the bonds of matteromoney ?" The Seckatry blusht salmon cullur as he rcmarkt in reply, that he was negoshiatin for sum skrip of that carricktcr with a vew to the consolidashin of the Union. Welles cuming up at the moment, the Cheef Madgistrit axed him why Chase wos like Neckar, a sellybratcd French Seckatry of the Treshury. The Venabul Navel funkshinary didn't take he never doos and the President eggsplainecl that ." Salmon P. reminded him of Neckar, bekase he pershood a Neck or nuthin pollysee." Skarsly hed the larf at. this killin wittyschism sobsided, when Mr. Lin- coln, with a glistenin eye, perpounded anulher. " Why," ses he, " is our esteemable frend from Ohio like a lottery dealer ?" Blair thort it was prehaps on ackount of his bein engaged to be marrid, and marridge bein a lottery. Bat the President informd us, with a wink, that it was " bekase he was the Chance Seller of the Exchecker." Mr. Chase lucked rayther blank at this definishin, and edgin his way outer the crowd around the Eggseggative, went and sot down in the furthest corner of the rum, whar he tuck the Mansipayshin Proclamashin outer his pocket, and began to stucldy it. Shortly arter that I made my adoos, as the French say, and as I past out he was still porin over that interestin dockyment, Avith evry aperience of a man in the airly stages of morril insanity. I spose the publick will expeck my opinyun of the Mancipay- shin Proclamashin in this letter. The publick will be disap- pinted. I hev oney hed it in my hands a few hours for the President made it entirely outer his own head without consultin me and Ime not sartain that I onclerstand it. I think howsever I shall be abel to git it thro my bar by the date of my next epistol, and ontil then I remain (runiinatin deeply), Yours allus, A DISBAKDED VOLUNTEER. A. DISBANDED VOLTJNTEEB. 237 No. LXXXIII. [The out-spoken old soldier gives below, in Ms own peculiar style, the details of a highly interesting conversation between himself and the President, in relation to the Emancipation Manifesto and other matters ol moment. The patriotic reader will be pleased to learn that the fi ank interchange of sentiments between Mr. Lincoln and his truest friend, which was for a time interrupted by a clique of politicians whom it would be gross flattery to call statesmen, has been renewed under circumstances equally honorable to both parties. EDS.] NAYSHINAL HOTTEL, WASHINGTON, January 8, 1863. Eddyturs of the Sunday Herkary : Senst my last, the President and me hes hed a confldenshil confab on the Mansipayshin Proclamashin. In consekens of the intreegs of sarlain snaiks in the grass, that is a hissin and a skorn to all straitforrard paytryits, a coolness hed sprung up atween us, but on "Wensday he gin me a speshil awjence and we renewed the intent cordial over a glass of the prime old Hennes- see, witch he keeps in a privit cubby hole for the use off his troo frencls. Altho a Total Obstinant hisself he sor no resin, he sed, why an old wetterun like D. V. shouldn't wet his whissel with thimbulful of O. D. V. now and then ef he felt like it. This prclimindary bein disposed of he axed roe, as a man sirk- elatin freely in sosity, wot the publick at large thortof the Edick of the First of January. Ses I, " Sum thinks its a big meshure, and uther sum that youve put your foot in it." "And wot do you think of it," he remarkt rayther nar- vusly. " Wai," ses I, " I considder it a new pruff that the pen is nri- tyer'n the swoord ; for it peers to me that wot your pen rit in hai'e an hour it will take an alltejus long time for the swoord to redooce to practiss. " Then I spose you luck upon it as a bad egg," rejined he. " Your idee is that ontil weve whipt the whites its no use tor- kin about braking the yoke of the blacks." " Not eggsackly that," I replied, " but it doos seem to me that pen and ink manyfesters is ridickalus here, without sum moove- ment in the army stashinery at Falinouth." 238 WAB LETTERS Off " But," subjested the President, " thars a fine openin for the proclamashin in the Sow West. See how Kosencranch hes druv the rebels outer Murphysburrow." " My sangwin frend," ses I, " I hevent made up my mind yet whether Rosencranch has wun a victry or barly eskaped a de- feet. And besides," I added smutherin a larf, " youve blocked your own game in that kwarter by speshilly eggseptin the dar- keys of Tennessee, Kaintucky, and Missoora, from the blessin of bein ' hensforrard and forever free.' Whar you could hev gin Sambo libty and helped him to maintain it, you hev left him in slavery, and whar you hevent a man or a gun to back him, you hev invited him to rise with the sartainty of gettin his throat cut." " D. V., I'm afeard you put the case too traoly," he responded, "but it never struck me in that light afore." " That's bekase you lent your ear to a passel of asses," ses I, " insted of trustin to a faithful old hoss like me, as never bolts the strait track of common sense and common jestice. You fol- ler the lead of them Constitooshinal Advisers of youm, and see ef they don't land you on your head in the bottomless pit of pollytickle perdishin," ses I. "Wot ken I doo?" he eggsclamed implorinly. "I'm like Isacur atwixt two burdens wot ken I do ?" "Kick," ses I, "send em flyin. Rare up in madjesty of your manhood, and giv em goss. Moove the Army of the Potomac from the banks of the Rapperhammock Avhar's its no more use than Faro's host at the bottom of the Red Sea. Thar's more roads to Richmound than wun, isent thar ?" ses I. " But Stanton and Halleck both say " " In coarse they both say," I shouted skcrnfully, " theyre the greatest sayers out Wot the Kentry wants is sumboddy that will do." " I know it, I feel it," ses he, " but wots to be dun ?" " Ship em," I replide. " Give em thar walkin papers and try Holt and Butler, or Butler and Maclellin in thar places. I used to think Maclellin was rayther slow, but I don't bleve it would ever take him a fortnit to send a lot of pontoons a hunderd milds." '" It sartainly wouldn't pay," ses the President musingly, " for that army to remain moshinless in Statue Co all winter. The nayshinal eggspenditoors is uppards of two millyuns a day and not four hunderd thousand cummin iu, and the iucum tax not due for four munts yet." A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 289 " Pay !" I cried, jumpin onto a cheer in a aggerny of irrita- sliin. " Pay ! I tell you it would break the Nayshin's hart." " "Wall," ses he, in a husky vice, " wot route do you think Burnside oughter take." I sot down, and dippin my finger in the water pitcher, drord a cumpleat map of the seat of war in Virginny on the rosewood table, includin the Rapperhammock, the Rapid Ann, the James, the York, the Ohickenhominy, the Pawmonkey, Shocko Crick, Hamton Rodes, Fort Monro and the Rip Raps. That dun I laid down a line of march, witch if follerd up, would land us in Richmound by the middle of February. The President ap- prooved the plan, and ef he lies the firmness to stick to it and ken find ennybody as is competent to carry it out, we may yet dictate turms of peace from the rebel capital, afore our own cap- ital is all eggspended. I am not aloud even to wisper the par- ticklers in confidens ; but I raaly think that ef the President's vertebray doosent give out, the back bone of the rebellyun will hev to give in. Wishin speedy destruckshin to the latter spinal collume and more vim and viggor to the former I remain, the President's Right Hand Man and Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. LXXXIV. [If ever our patriotic correspondent was fervidly in earnest, it was when he wrote the following letter. It was evidently Indited under strong excitement ; yet, after all, he only gives expression to the thoughts of every man of common sense who, without prejudice, fear, or favor, looks the present crisis squarely in the face. EDS.] NAYSHINAL HOTTEL, WASHINGTON, January 23, 1863. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : It takes considabul to ruin a great kentry ; but the thing ken be dun, ef a jint stock cumpany of loonatisks, and fools, and swindlers, and theves is entrusted with the job, and keeps at it long enuff. This gloryus republick, Messrs. Eddyturs, is now at the marcy of a seleck few from the two first classes, and a multitood as uo man ken number from the two last ; and things 240 WAR LETTEB.8 OF looks as favorabul for its goin to everlastin smash as enny enemee of free institooshuns and frend of the devil ken possably desire. Tbars obstickles in the way, I admit. We hev a furrin trade as carries our sales and paddles into evry sea. We hev eenamost onlimited intarnal resorses. We hev an army of a millyun of the bravest men as ever sholdered a shootin-iron, in the feeld ; and a navy of three hundred and fifty ships and thirty- five thousand sailors on the oshin and in harbor. Bat nolwith- standin all this, our merchant vessels is burned by pirits so near our shores that we ken purty nigh smell the smoke ; furrin craft runs throo our blockadin skwadrons as easy as fallin off a log ; our credit and carrickter arnung the nashins of the airth is nix ; and our armies is led into the most convenient places that is to be found on the map for bein slortered without the slightest chanst for victry. It may take some years to rooin the Nay shin, even by this paytent prosess, for it is tufier "n indy rubber, and twiste as springy ; but with parseverance and the assistence of id3 r otic currency tinkers and smart Guverrnent comtractors, the eend may be ackomplisht, ef our eggsellent President, the seck- ind edishin of the Father of his Kentry, with all the modern improovements, presarves his Roman firmness, and keeps his foot set down agen all changes in his Cabnet. You mustn't spose, Messrs. Eddyturs, that I mean enny disres- peck to that extrornary man. His buzzum is full of paj-tryotic sentiments jest about as good as they make ern. Even wen his head misleeds him, he is allus, to use an eggspreshin of his own, " sound on the goose''. The difiikulty is this. Sartain mem- bers of the Cabnel hev perswaded him that with thar assistance he ken restore the Union, and not otherways. Ef they hed told him that they tharselves, by thar own onassisted talent and genus could put things strait, his nateral penetrashin would hev seen throo em, and overboard theyd hev went. But by makin him the hero of the drayrna and pretendin to be soopernoomerees, they hev contrived to identify tharselves with hisself on the united-we-stand-divided-we-fall prenceple, and he acktilly thinks that ef he was to dismiss ein, the kentry would cullaps and the Guverment be a goner. In coarse I hev labored faithfully to cure him of this onhappy noshin, but I find it oupossabul to make the desired impresshin. He perfesses the same frenship for me as ever. He brings out the Coneyac and liungoheeler as ushil, and lissens to my eggs- posishins with the solemnity of a nainshent Nester, but when I hev sed my say, insted of givin me an approovin nod, as he A DISBANDED VOLUNTEEK. 241 used to do formally, he signifies his dissent in a brace of shakes. Ime sumtimes iuklined to think his head is going. Ken it be that a black cloud is getherin over that wunst fair intelleck? Is it declinin from fair to liiicldlin, and will it finally run emptyins ? I say to myself, sumtimes, is this man, wunst considerd so clar- sighted, destined to becurn a Leer. Will a time cum when like that onfortnit monnick he will not know tnutF to go in when it rains ? It may be so. We know what we air, but we know not wot we shall be. We know wot he is, but the Lord oney knows wot he will be. In the meantime and a very mean time it is the Coiistitoo- shinal Advisers persoos thar ornary line of pollysee. The Seck- atry of War and his milentary twin the General in Cheef con- tinues cam and cumpleasant. The dead of Fredericksburg and Vicksbug peers to sit eesy on thar souls. Wot thar futur plans is I dont know. Praps they place thar trust in Providence, praps in the chapter of axedents ; a chapter to which thar per- ceedins hes made so menny horribul addishins. Sartainly they dont relic on the Army of the Potomac, witch, accordin to tho hyferlutin of wun of em, hes " ceast to eggsisi". Sum thousands of its oridginal members hes ondoubtedly " ceast to eggsist", thanks to the negleck of the War Department, in failin to see to the fulfillment of its own orders, and in buckin brest- bones agen brestwurks at Fredericksburg. Ef the epaletted funkshinary as made the remark, and Avho never was onder fire senst the Lord made him, lied " ceast to eggsist", hafe an hour arter he becum a ginralissimo at Washinton, it would hev ben a blessed suckemstance. But of individyals of his kidney, " few dies and nun resigns.'' Wai, this army, dead or alive, is now across the Rapperham- mock, and between this and Sunday you and me and the public, may hev an opportoonity to know wether Major-Ginral Halleck's intiinashin that it is a disorganized mob is troo or false. If it onfortaitly proove troo let the blame rest upon him and Stanton, who placed at the head of the flour of -the American Army a leder as declared hisself incompetent to command it, and who failed to supply him with the means of crossin the Rapperharn- mock when he could hev obtaned an eesy victry. Skirmishin, ef not a giural engagement, is now goin on atwixt a porshin of Burnsicle'g troops and Ginral Lee's rare, and the bleef in Wash- ington is that we hev hcd the wurst of it. But Ime forgettin that afore this epistol cums to hand youll know the trooth or at leest as much of it as the milentary 11 342 WAR LETTERS OF blatherskites as rools the roast here, thinks the suverin peeple oughter know. Hopin for the best, and trustin that the God of Armies will nooteralize the assanine counsels and projecks of the idyots who hev wasted so much preshus blood, and giv us success in spite of em, I remain, prayin for the Union, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. LXXXV. [Like a true friend, the Disbanded this week comes to the rescue of the President, and ably combats the aspersions which have been cast upon his intellectual powers. With generous devotedness, he endeavors to show that the charges of imbecility made against our excellent Chief Magistrate are in the highest degree indecorous and improper. He scarifies Senator Sauls- bury, of Delaware, for denouncing him as incompetent, and manifests the warmest sympathy for him as a ruler, a man, and a brother. EDS.] NAYSHINAL HOTTEL, WASHINGTON, January 80, 1862 Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : A purty state of things we're cummin to, when a Sennitor gits up in his place and charges the Head of the Nashin with imbesillyty. Saulsberry, a copperhead from the humapathic State of Delawar, as you air well awar, a tacted the highest publick funkshiimary in the most vipertuperative langwidge on Tuesday last. He sed, in efFeck, that the modern Father of his Kentry was a rnissabul spoon, for witch he was very properly taken inter custardy, notwithstandin his attemp to inaugcrate a rcvolushin with his revolver. I rite warmly on the subjeck, for I feel riled and put by to think that myillustrus frend should be held up to public conternp as a foo-foo. Ef it lied a ben a Con- stitooshinal Adviser now, I wouldent hev keered a mite ; but to call honest Old Abe a ninnycumpoop right out in meetin, thus givin countenance to 'the skandalus reports of that nater sirkila- tin all over the kentry, peers to me to be sackreligus and onchris- trian. Even ef our paytryotic Cheef Madgistrit, insted of bein, as he is, the Solomon of the Western Heniaspear, worrit more'n A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 243 half rocked, would it be right for wun of his own kentrymen, nussed in the same cradle of Libty as hisself, and ockapyin a seat in the Upper House, to call him a nidiot ? George the Third acktilly was a nidiot, and yet I never heerd of a member of the Brittish Parleyment throwin it up to him in 3 speetch. I was on the flore of the Sennit when the Delawar chap pitcht inter the President, and am bound to say that his remarks was extree-venamus ; so much so that I felt it to be my dooty to call at the White House and simperthise with its ockypant as I would with a bruther. Ses I to him : " Wot ef you did hold palavers with Burnside's offsirs, onbeknown to him ; and wot ef you did encurridge em to pore thar greevances inter your privit ear ; and wot ef you did dekline to remoov em when the Ginral ackused em of undermindin, and baring false witness and leaguin together to set the army agin him, hedent you a right to do it ? Air you not," ses I, "the Cummander-in-Cheef; and ef you chuse to be gided by back-stair reports in your milentary pollysee, is that enny pruff," ses I, " that your brain's addled ? Spose you did pervent Macdoil from jinin Maclellin at the critickle moment, and interfear with Burnside when he thort he hed a shoor thing, thats not to say you're an ignoramus." Horris Greely's idees about stoppin the war in May or June, ef we dont lick the rebels and make em sue for a piece by that time, is creatin considabul of a sensashin here, and it is torked around in pollytickle sirkils that him and the French Plenipeni- tentiary and the French Ernpror is skeemin to hev France o and Merryland terbacker. In coarse, I dont refer to the big planters, like the Calverts, and Crarnplins, and setch, who hev hunderds of niggers of evry shade and culler and stile of feter, and emung the rest, quoderoons as i'avers thar owners as mutch as wun musheroon favers enuther. Them fellers live like fightin cox, and looks down upon the wun-hoss farmers as skratches lor a livin in the barren sand with as mutch conternp as a pecock would onto a tumble-bug. Most all the popalashin, howsever, 278 WAR LETTERS OF rich and poor, is of the Rebel perswashin, and would be delited to see Washington in flams, and to ride my lustrns frend Abe on a rail by the light of em. But line kinder wanderin off into gin- ralties. To return. As I was perseedin throo the woods I cum acrost a remarkabul yaller-lookin white man sittin on the stump of a tree he hed jest cut down, and amusin hisself with spittin at a mark he hed blazed onto an old chesuut oak about ten feet off. " Wot mought you pay for that cretur of yourn?" ses he, as I rode up. " I dident buy him, my yaller flower of the forrest," ses I. " You look to me considabul like a Nuthern Mudsill," he re- markt, throo his nose, at the same time takin a lickwid shot at his terbacker-juice target. " You call yourself a Buckskin, I spoae," I replide. "Umn-umn," he responded, spittin and noddin at the same moment. " Doos that mean yes, in Buckskin dialeck ?" I inkwired. " Umn-unin !" he rejined. " Wai," ses I, " youre kwite right to call yourself a Buckskin, for your peltry peers to be purty near the culler of my old Cali- forny huntin shirt, eggsept whar its warigated with the juce oi the weed." "Umn-umn!" he ejacklated, fiercely, eggspectoratin like a hose pipe. " Have you heerd that we've givin the mfarnal Secesh fits at all pints ?" I shouted. " Umn-umn ?" ses he, inderogativly. "Darn your ' Umn-umn!' " ses I. "Why dont you utter ar- ticklit sounds, insted of makin a noise like a bumble-bee with a bad catar ?" " Umn-umn !" ses he agin, throwin away his kwid and spittin at it on the vring. And that was all I could git outer the interestin young Prence Georgian. I warnt surprised, becase I new by eggsperiens the natur ot the Prence George variety of the human speeches) " Umn-umn" is the leadin frays of thar langwidge. It lies twenty-five diffrent meanins, accordin to the way it is per- nounst, and the oney wunder to me is that they dont destroy the mewcuss rnembrains of thar noses, with playin the variashins oa it from mornin till night. Thar edicashin, upon the hull, is not pollisht. Sum ken read, sum ken rite, and sum ken doo nuther; but as a ginral thing oney the aristockracy ken doo A DISBANDED VOLTJNTEEB. 279 both. They considder publick skools a poplar error, and that the wisdom got outer books is all a follysee. The males take to chawin immediently arter they hev dun teething, and parsevere in the practis arter all thar teeth is gon. In thar fudes and kwarls they make it a rool never to let a man up ef they ken help it. and air so fond of gouging that they will amuse thar- selves all day long -with skoopin out the eyes of potaters, ef they kant find ennything else to oprate upon. Sum of em, arter takin out the opticks of an enemee, hev a plesent way of fillin the orifiz^es up with sand, or, ef convenient, with old sojers. I wunst seen this feet peribrmt on Washington Race Coarse. Takin it altogether, I must say that my eggscurshin inter Prence George's County diddent giv me a faverabul impresshin of the trooth and lyalty of the peeple of that regiu. In fack, ef ennyboddy in the North sposes that enny argyment short of hard nocks and short commons will indooce our way- wurd brothers in the South to fraytemize with us, he must be a purson whoom it would be a foolsom complement to call a foo-foo. Hopin that we may sun suckseed in convincin em of thar misstake by setch mild perswashins, I remane, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLTJNTEEB. No. XCIX. [Although the later news from Washington which we publish to-day solves the bloody problem which seemed to be but half- worked out at the date of our veteran correspondent's letter, his dry humor and trenchant sarcasm will be none the less relished on that account. EDS.] NAYSHINAL HOTTEL, WASHINGTON, May 7, 1863. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary: As you will hear no more of the tearabul serees of runcounters on the Rapper-hammock, afore this reaches you then ennyboddy here doos now, I shall not attemp in the ushil stile of newspaper currysponclents to make matters clar to the public witch I hev no means of seein throo myself. Insted of grafflc deskripshins, I rel'er you to the tellagraffic statements. At best I could oney giv you the heads of the noose, and by Saturday you will hev details. All day yestday I was sirkilatin among a number of wownded cumpany offsirs and rebel prisners, sent in from our lines, and endevorin from thar conflicktin ackounts to form sum idee ol the conflick. But it was onpossabul. Our own fellers unanny- musly disagreed in thar stories and the rebels dident agree with enny of em. The fact is that suppleturn offsirs nose very littel of the ginral moovements of a fight. They air too apt to dror thar inferences from wot occurs within thar own feeld of obser- vashin, and the premises bein narrer the conclushins is naterally wide of the mark. Consekently wile a wownded captin belongin to the force witch bed ockapied the ridges at Fredericksburg was sartain that we bed nockt Ginral Lee inter a cockt hat, a lefteuant from the right wing was of a pinion that Ginral Hooker bed ben kickt higher'n a kite. Howsever as the leftenant was a shiftless Dutchman from Ginral Shirtz divishin, and bed a bullet bole in the sole of his foot, I let him run on without payin much attenshin to his gabble merely remarkin that as he appeered to hev ben in a bad persishin for seein wot was goin on in frunt, I should prefer waitin for Ginral Slowcum's report. He warnt awar I spose that I bed alreddy beerd of the grand stampede of the Dutch under Shirtz, a feet as will proove to all cummin ages that altho clumsy to look at, thar is wunderful fleetness in the German Race. A wownded offsir of Best's Artillery, who arrove here this mornin, ses he never seen the crack runners of the Turn Veerin make setch time as all bans did arter Stun- wall's Jackson's gang gin thar battel yell and made thar rush. " Ive beern tell," ses be (larfin in spite of his wownd), " of the Flyin Dutchman of the Sea, but seven thousand flyin Dutchmen on the land, with a volley of musketry plumpen inter thar starns, is a mutch sublimer specktickle." By all ackounts, ef they hedn't ben brort up all standin by the bagnets of Sykeses Reglars, they would hev kept on to the day of thar deth, like thar sellybrated kentryman with the clockwurk leg. As to the rebel prisners, thar ginral asspeck is skallywaggisb, and sum of em smells like old cannon swobs, in consekens of lievin ben primed with a rnens 'kwantities of rum and gun- powder prevus to goin inter ackshin. In coarse the reackshin is tremenjus, now the effecks of the steamin is goin off, and not a few of em is in a condishin borderin on wot the doctors call many a pot you. Thar wardrubs air mostly light and well adopted to porpuses of ventilashin ; and judgin from thar thred- bar apperience, you would say setcb men must sun be worsted. But thar frames air well knit and wiry, and they bev a rattle- A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 281 snaky eggspreshin about the eyes that is by no means engagin. As to fitiii, most of em is born with a nateral taste for it, wile with us Nutherners it is ackwired. Howsever, kwite a number of those I hev converst with complains of the shortness of grub in the rebel ranks, and seems ankshus for a speedy piece. " At first," ses wun of em to me, yestday, " I thort it was a jam up thing to be a sojer ; but toting a muskit on an emty sturnmick is alarinin hard work, lie be gaul darned ef it isent!" Anuther told me he hed " drord no pay for leven munths, and ben down with the billus remittance besides, and he wisht he mought go ded if he dideut think it was bout time for both sides to stop butting and gouging, and rest on thar lorils." Several that I torked to declard they hed no desire to be " traded off for Yan- kees," but would rayther stay here and take the oath of a legions than be sent back to the Secesh army. The Secesh simperthisers here is in an agerny about Ginral Lee's extree-hazardus persishin, and the presents of two thou- sand five hunderd captivated rebels in the city, with four or five thousand more to foller, sours the milk of human kindness in thar coco nuts considabul. But they think it best to cork up the vials of thar rath, and let consealment like a wurm in the bud pray on thar dammask cheeks, for fear they should sheer the fait of Villaindigham, who, in consekens of shoin his hand in Ohio, lies put his foot in it. The noose in town to-day is that the Monitors is preparin wunst more to enter the narrer channil ef the Edisto and giv the Uharlestun forts anuther broadside. I gess taint so. Giddy un Wells is a man that may as a ginral thing be depended on for doin jest what he oughtent, when he oughtent, in the way it oughtent to be dun, but line not prepard to bleve that his embe- sillyty will carry him far enulf to poke his finger a seckind time inter the fire afore the blisters of the first skorchin hes fairly heeld. But wot a pity it is we should hev setch a Giddy Goose at the head of a Department whar the cunnin and forecast of the Fox should be the guvernin principal. My indummytable frend, the President, presarves his ushil trankwil asspeck. He seems to reelize the responsabilities that attach to the Eggseggative cheer, and rises with the ockashin. As it is now mail-time I must foller his illustrua eggsample, as sun as I hev subskribed myself, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. ii.ya to. ..v^-"- 282 WAR LETTERS OF No. C. [The readers of the SUNDAY MERCURY will, we think, agree with its editors iii pronouncing the following letter, from the veteran friend of both, one of his happiest efforts. It is brimful of capital hits. Peruse it carefully. EDS.] NAYSHINAL HOTTER, WASHINGTON, May 14, 1863. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : Bad warnt it ? Jest as we was beginnin to holler Victry, and hed got to the eend of the first sellabul, to hev to change the wurd inter victimized! The rout to the Capital of the Slave States peers to be rayther harder to travil than the road to the sorces of the Niger, witch I remember readin about when a youngstir, in Mungo Park. Hooker's dash, howsever, is sartainly an improovement on the Burnside smash, tho the result of the fray is percisely the same, and was announst by eye-witnesses in the same frayseology, namely " Our Army hes recrost the river in saifty." It is satisfactory to no that our survivin collumes hes returnt saift. The return of killed and wownded is onavoidably postponed, for the present, in consekens of thar bein left on the right bank of the Rapperharnmock, reposin on the bed of glory. That collume, when it cums to be footed up, will be a hevvy wun Ime afeard. The most cumfurtin fetor of the bluddy affair is the large num- ber of rebels slain. Bein more'n hafe slewed with rum and gun- powder, they rusht blindly on thar doom and was tumbled over in heeps by our staggerin showers of grape. The sum totil as bit the dust is onknown, as it warnt conveenyent to stay long enuff on the ground to count em up ; but when our army goes back to finish up the job, that dooty will be performt, and the fishal ackount publisht. As to prisuers we hev stacks of em, and capterd rebel flags is so plenty in the market that they may be called a drug rayther than a standard airtickle. The reports from the Theayter of War clash so orfully, that it is difficult for enny wun not behind the seens to assertain the origin of our discomforter. Sum ses it was the wether. Uther sum allows we should hev hed to back down wether or no. Dis- tingwisht milentary men thinks the enemee outflankt us ; sum thinks they outspankt us. Who nose ? Wun thing is shoor. The story of thar flite from the line of the Rapperhammock, was a fiite of fancy. In coarse you hev red Fitiu Joes flamming A DISBANDED VOLUNTEEB. 283 address, congratalatin our army on its defeet. Ginral Lees many- fester clahnin a complete sucksess is in a simildar vain. As far as Bunkum is consarned it is about a tie atwixt em, but our Ginral is on the rong side of the river, witch is a serus drawback. Onder the suckemstances, it's wunderful consolin to refleck that Stunman inflickted a stunner on the rebs by cuttin thar rail- roads when they hed no more sojers in Richmound to send over em. Also we oughter to be thankful to no that/ ef Hooker hed larnt that important fack in time, he would hev "delivered battle" with his hull army, in place of deliverin the army itself, with immedient despatch, on the North bank of the Rapper- hammock. It is likewise a proud thort that the sight of our troopers throo sevral old wimmin in the secesh Capital inter sreekin hisstearicks, and set the fashinabul belles to ringin thar hands, and the church-bells to ringin thar clappers, creatin a universal perricksism of oncontrollabul emoshih. The onhappy females eggspected tho ushil outrages, and nuthin shorter ; but to the honor of our sojery be it sed, they merely flurished thar weepins in full vew of the city, and then rode on, disdainin to use em on nun-cumbertents. Wot the necks dodge will be the latest noose from head-kwar- ters doosent indickate. It mebbe backards, or forrards, or try- angler from Eely's Ford, or parrybolical or parrydoxical the last inenshind bein upon the hull the most probabul. Mutch depends upon the struttygests of the War Department. The late trip over the Rapperhammock and the Rapid Ann, is sed to hev ben figgerd out in that interestm branch of the public ser- vis, and I onderstand it is oney the first moove of a serious destined to giv the Confedrates setch shocks in the feeld as will compel em to acknolledge the corn afore harvest time cums round. The ridg'nater of the skeem is the smooth and polisht Ginral Halleck, and it is wisperd that he will assoom the cum- mand of the Army of the Potomac and carry the diegram out in purson. The vetran offsirs, in the feeld air kwite agreeable, for as he frekwently hauls^them over the coals, they think it no more'n right that he should hev a chanst to take a hand at ma- nooverin onder fire hisself. I dessay he will do wunders, for he hes hed the advantidge of a West Pint eddicashin tho onfortnitly he dident carry his pint in the West. Ef thar is enny bridging to be dun he will be sartain to hev the pontoons on the spot by the time the enemee is prepard to receeve em. You will notis that thar is a triflin disagreement atwixt the bellygerents, in relashin to the rebel loss in the late shindy. 284 WAR LETTERS OF Hooker ses eighteen tJiousand; Lee ses seventeen hundred. The trooth is sposed to lie sumwhars atween the two, but noboddy eggsept the Recordin Angel ken tell percisely whar, and he's ben kep so etarnal bizzy lately that its ten to wun ef his books is posted up. Thars no dout, howsever, that we bagged four or five thousand of thar rank ancl file, and tharfore Lee s statement must be as rank a fib as ever was put on file by a Ginral ank- shus to make the best of an aukard skrape. Stunwall Jackson's deth will be a bad thing for the rebels, as his energetick sperrit was the life and soul of the corpse to witch he belonged. They could better hev spard forty ridge- ments of thar ornary butternuts, Kernils and all, then that crack namesake of Old Hickory's. Thar's not an olfsir hafe as kwick on the trigger left in the Comfedrit Army. His charge on Shirtz divishin was a suprisin feet. It beat the Dutch. Thar never lived a braver sojer than Stunwall, and I gess he thort he was right, tho in coarse he found out that he was in the rong box as sun as he had kickt the bucket. The Richmound Inkwirer ses he was shot by his own men, who misstook him for a mudsill. Setch axdents will happen in the best reglated milentary famma- lees. It is ginally bleved that Kernil Miles, of Bull Run and Harper's Ferry sellebraty, was plugged by a Union sojer, who took him for a traitor. Prehaps the sojer was right. Menny thinks so. Congratalashins bein the Order of the Day, I congratalate the kentry on the fack that Grant holds the door to Vickshurg. Lord grant that he may walk in ! But Ime afeard thar'll hev to be considabul knockin dun afore the chaps as hangs onto the door on tuther side lets go thar holt. Vicksburg is of a thun- derin sight more importence to us then Richmound, bekase ef we git the Mussysippi, the rebels can eggsport no more supplies from Texas and Western Louseanna to the uther Suthern States, and a state of starvashin will ensoo. "We don't get mutch intelligens from Murphy's Burrow, but as Mr. Adams, in anser to Lord Russell's cumplaints about en- listen Brittish subjects, ses the emigrants from Ireland is bound for the West, I persoom Rosincranch is awaitin re-inforcements from the Emrald He. Washington is tolably helthy, altho a good roenny visiters is sufferin severely from Tape Worm, a lingerin disease which is prevalent here at all seesins of the year. The Modern Father of his Kentry and his Constitooshinal advisers is salubrus, anu unites with me in remainin, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. ADISBANDED VOLUNTEEB. 285 No. CI. [It is clear, from the tenor of the following letter, that " The Disbanded " fully appreciates the merits of the question involved in the Vallandigham affair, and we are glad to see that a full understanding of all the facts has drawn from him such a protest against arbitrary and illegal arrests as might have been expected from so staunch an advocate of Constitutional Liberty. He is too much in earnest to be particularly humorous, but his remarks are pithy and pertinent. EDS.] NAYSHINAL HOTTEL, WASHINGTON, May 21, 1863. Eddyturs of the Sunday Herkary : The Coustitooshinal Advisers is far from eesy in thar minds, and the great Springfieldian who holds the rains of pour is a leetle afeard that he hes gone beyant the pail of his orthority in heving Villaindigham jugged. Noboddy keers a red for Vil- laindigham, for it's well onderstood that he's a mere gas-bag ; but it's the idee of overridin the Constitushin and acts of Con- gress with SOJEB LAW that riles the public temper it's the BAGONET that sticks in the gullets of the Peepul. Sum of the most airnest members of the Republican Party is as mutch agen milentary sezers in the free States as Guvner Seemore is, and wun of the most uncumpromissin Unionists in Wash- ington told me, this very mornin, that he thort the SWOORD was inakin altogether too free with the STATOOTS. The Nay- shinal Intelligensir has proovecl beyant all kwestiu that the per- seedins in Ohio was in flagrant vilashin of an eggspress act of the last sesshin ; and I don't spose thar is twenty jernils in the Union that'll jestify the grave afence. We hev noose here to-day that the Press of New York, without distinkshin of party, hes agreed to take up the cudgels agen supersedin legal pro- cesses with MUSKET Lou in the Paytryotic North, and onless the Administrashin drors in its horns on this pint, the Cabnet will purty sun hev the noosepapers in thar har, and thar'll be hot wurk in the wigwarm. Ime inklined to bleve that the saygashus statesman onto whoos sholders the mantel of Washington hes drifted, begins to feel like Richloo, in the play, when he found the Weepin of Des- putism rayther too hevvy for a weak old man to fence with ; and hens he hes determined to let the Ohio Humbug up and send him to make out.his case in Dixie, insted of boxing him up in a 288 WAB LETTERS OF Barsteel. But arter all, this is oney a hafe way meshur, and the ginral pinion amung thortful men in this regin is, that onless the right of the Guverment to make its charges agin citysins of the lyal States with cold steel in the place of paper instrooments, and to try them by drum-head court-marshils insted of leevin them to letherhed Jewries, is disavowed in the plainest terms, thar will be an all-thunderin row wun of these days. Belevin that sartain parties who hed the ear of the President was endevorin to pull the wool over his eyes in relashin to pub- lic sentiment on this ticklish subjick, I called at the White House on Toosday and hed a long palaver with him. As no " ginral order" agin the publickashin of the conversashin hes ben issood by the Cheef Maunderin of the "War Department, I venter to send you a diejest of the dielog. The President was remarkably curshus and condesendin. "D. V.," ses he when I enterd the sanktum, " I bleve its now seven weeks senst you honnerd me with a call." " Six, benine Ruler," I replide, correctin his misstake. " I hev stept in," ses I, " in my sufferiii capassity as wun of the peepul, to ax you to put a stop to milentary arrests of civil individyals, in States whar the civil lor hes not ben suspended. If you don't you'll put your foot in it." " Sir !" he retorted, with an impeeryal jester of his right hand, while he pulled his whisker with the left, " you air too free." " No Abraham," I rejined with kwiet dignity, "7" am not free enuff, when my libty is at the rnarcy of enny Ginral as chooses to trampel on the lors of the land." "But," ses he, "you peered to rejice over the downfall of Villaindigham. " He thort he had me thar. " Yes," I anserd, " that's troo, for I sposed at first he had ben took onder the act of the last seshin of Congress, and would hev a legal trial afore a civil tryboonal. But it seems he was seized, tried and condemd by Sojer Lor alone, in defians of the statoot. Thars nuthin wus'n that dun in Rooshee or Austree." " What air you drivin at ? Do I look like a man capabul of establishin and maintainin a milentary desputism ?" ses he, takin a stick of sweet flag outer his pocket, and bitin off the eend of it. " Not at all, my mild and much beluved frend," I responded, " ef ever thar was a coco nut full of the milk of human kindnesa A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 287 it is yourn. But ' Evil commoonicashins corrupt good manners.' Your amabul weakness and vassalatin dispersishin, is took advan- tage of by desinin demmygogs." " Oney to think," ses he, puttin his handkercher to his eyes, " tliat my pollytickle enernees should endevor to raze a storm about my ears by representin that I want to redooce my kentry- men to the condishin of surfs." " Wall," I obsarved kindly, I don't think that of you ; and ef you want the hull North to entertain the same felines tords you as I do, jest dismiss wun member of your Cabnet, and issoo a Proclamashin announcin that the SWOORD POWER is no longer to be allowed to throttle down free speech in the LAND OF THE FREE. He sithed deeply, and mutterd sumthin about callin a Cabnet Counsil, and dooin all he could to satisfy the peepul ; but alas I wots the use of good intenshins without a stiff morril back- bone. I think, howsever, that the change in Villaindigham's do. ;y- nasbin is doo to my representashins ; but I don't ask enny thanks from that pollytickle chunk-head or his snake-in-the-grass assoshits. The Administrashin is a darned sight better frend to the Ohio foo-foo than I am, for it is dooin its best to make nateral insignificance conspickuous, by outragin a great prenceple for the sake of chokin him down. All is as quiet as a churchyard on the Eapperhammock, and likely to be. Thar ? s about as mutch chansj of Hooker re-crossin that interestin streem at present, as thar is of Stunwall Jack- son's goste cumming back to giv us anuther bastin, from tuther side of Jordin. Hopin for the best, but not expectin it very confidently, I remain, for Law, Liberty, and the Union, Yours alias, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER No. CH. [We specially commend to the risible sensibilities of our read- ers the Disbanded's convulsive description of a Cabinet Coun- cil. EDS.] 288 WAB LETTEK6 OF NATSHINAL HOTTEL, WASHINGTON, May 27, 1863. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : " I wunder ef Vicksburg is took ?" is the prevalin fizzyonomi- cal eggspreshin in Washington to-day. Ever senst we hed the noose that the enemee hed retreted from the Big Black, a neger desire to no the final issoo hes ben rnanyfested here. A Cab- net meetin was held this forenoon, to disgust the pros and cons of the subjeck, at which my frend, the President, devoted hisself to the cons, as ushil. I hev larnt sum of the particklers of wot occurd at the meetin, throo a privit channil as commoonicates with the back stars of the Counsel Chamber, and I bleve the follerin draymatio sketch of the percedins is as near the trooth as the fasillyties afforded by an ornary keyhole will permit Seen. A rurn in the War Offis. Carriclcters present. Messers. A. Lincoln, W. H. Seward, E. Stanton, G. Welles, and S. P. Chase. A, L. (risin and openin the palaver). " Feller-Citysins and Constitooshinal Advisers, bein in a state of suspense on ackount of the suspenshin of intelligents from the Sow-west, witch you will agree with me is a great boar, I hev summont you for the porpus of gettin yo r enlightend vews of the situashin at Vicks- burg, about witch I am sorry to say we air all ekwilly in the dark." W. H. S. " Mr. President, my opinyun is that an onrepressa- bul conflick is now goin on between Grant and Porter on the wun hand, and Pemberton and Johnston on the uther hand, and regarclin the distant struggel with the cam and thortful eye of a statesman and filossafer, I deem it prematoor to predick the issoo ontil I see the otfshal report of the result. The bitterest thing a man ken swaller is his own wurds, and hevin tasted that kinder diet more'n wunst, I dekline venterin on enny foregon conclushins for the futur. I ken oney say, that as a relijus man, with a firm reliance on Providence, I hope my kentry will allus find a Helper in evry Crisis." E. S. (sourcaustically). "I respeck the Honabul gentman's diplomatick cawshin, witch we air all awar is the frutes of sad and solern experience, but as Cannon Lor is esier to onderstand then Intemayshinal Lor, Ime willin to bet him the price of a milentary substitoot agin his chance for the Presidenshil Cheer, that Vicksburg is ourn at this moment." A. L. (with that remarkabul wink of hisn). " Bet him William Hemy, rny boy ; you cant loose nuthin, nohow !" G. W. (Rip-van- winkellishly). " Idoo spose, now, we shall bag A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 289 era. Porter's post, now, it appeers to me, decidedly puts wots- his-uanie in the rong box ; and as our files envelop him on the uther side and Johnston hes probly mistaken the direckshin, it doos seem to me now, espeshelly senst that carryer was taken with the rebel despatches, that if Furygut, in the Hartford, sticks to the letter of his " A. L. (mildly interruptin). Giddyun, Giddyun, shet up. As a postmaster you adorned your modest stashin, but in setch mat- ters as mastering fortified posts you air not well posted, Welles. Its a pity upon the hull, that you was ever taken outer the post- offis, and put inter anuther post, whar I am afeard you will allus be a ded letter." [Here I must brake inter the dielog for a minit, jest to say that I entirely goinside with the abuv astoot observashin, and that the suverin peeple also goinsides, and that we all wish the venabul old gentsian with the top-not would see it in that light.] G. W. (seeminly onconshus of the President's remarks). " Yes, as I was sayin, ef my instruckshins is carrid out, the stronghold of the rebels will be took, and thar bullyin party effectually put down." S. P. C. (suddently lookin up from the last page of hate a kwire of paper on witch he hed ben calkilatin the compound interest on ten thousand niillyuns of greenbacks for two hunderd years). "Bulliun is down, Sir ; it fell over six per cent in wun day." A. L. (hnpayshently). " Let us cum to the pint. The kwestin afore the meetin is this 'Is the mayjority of us in favor of blevin that the flag of the free flotes over the Sebasterpull oi the Mussysippi ?' Salmon P. will please put it to the vote, and giv us the net prosseeds." S. P. C. (arter collectin the sentimens of the Counsil). " Ed., Gid. and me votes in the firmative, Abe in the niggertive, and William H. both ways, and wishes both opinyuns to be sot down in black and white, for futur reference. The Kwestin is carrid." A. L. "Yes, but line afeard Vickburg aint. Howsevcr, Grant is sartainly the right sort of a boy to push on the colume, and it may be that for wunst the Rooler of Mankind has caused our lines to fall in plesent places. Ef on the contrary the rebels hes ben too mutch for ua, we ken oney say, with the poick, ' thar is a Providence that shapes thar eends, ruff hew em how we will.' And now, the publick bizness hevin ben put throo, lets hev a little hulsum privit recreashin. Gid, why is coukerin Vicksburg by bumbardment like fryin slapjacks ?" 13 290 WAB LETTERS OP G. TV. (with a sleepy sniild). " Is it bekase its dun brown ?" A. L. " No, you old hoss-inareen ; its bekase its a batter-y bizness." The Entire Awedience. " Ha ! ha!" "Ho! ho!" "He! he!" "Hi! hi! hi!" A. L. (resumin). " My jolly frcncls, why is your larfter like a dispatch announciu the captor of rebel prisners?" E. S. " Rayther too eggstravagant to be genwine is that it ?" A. L. (lookin riled). " Bah ! you old Bellona saucedge. Cant you see its bekase its a catchy-nater-y report." (Anuther interniisshin for risablc refreshment). A. L. (resumin agin). Wot game of skill doos the proposed Cornskripshin resemble ?" W. H. S. Bubble Shuffle, mebbe." S. P. C. I call it the sortin of the pack previous to a game at Water-loo onlimited." A. L. " Purty good for you, Old Five-Twenties, but thato not the troo solushin of the problem. The game witch the Corn- skripshin most resembles, is the game of drafts ; and my objeck is to play it accordin to the old rool, and force the back men out as kwick as possabul." [Applause by the Cabnet, who rise from thar cheers, shake hands with the President, and exhunt omnibus.] Thar, you and the public hev it as I hed it ; and hopin evry- boddy will appreshiate the mixter of wit and wisdom with witch affairs of State air disgust by the Naj r shin's Cheef and his Con- stitooshinal Advisers. I remain, as ushil, Yours, allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. CHI. [Perhaps we do not entirely coincide with all the views ex- pressed in the following letter perhaps we do. Leaving that matter an open question, we commend the epistle to the serious consideration of thoughtful patriots. EDS.] NAYSHINAL HOTTEL, WASHINGTON, June 4, 18G3. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : Wunst more the oncoininon smartness of the man called by Providence, throo the Ballet Box, to rool over the most enlight- A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 291 ened nayshin out, hes ben made palpabul to the meanest compre- hensin. I informt you in my last that he stud alone amidst the assembeld wistium of his Cabnet, with reports of the capter of Vicksburg thunderin in his ears, and eggsprest the bleef that it had not been captivated. He prayed that it mought hev ben, but he was shoor it hedent ; and Hevin, ankshus to oblige the kentiy with a noo pruff of his penetrashin, thort it best to disre- gaird his prayers in order to vindicate his judgment. Bein on- willing to place Hevin in setch an embarrassin predickyment a seekind time, he preposes to remain abeslootly non-commital dooring the remainder of the sege. I hev axed him repetidly within the last few days wot he sposed would be the isoo, and his uniform anser hes ben " I look for the best that ken possably happen, and also for the wurst that ken possably occur, and shell cherfully ackquicss in ether." He hes given the same reply I ouderstand to all inkwirin frends, and may now be sed, figgeratively speakin, to be standin nooter afore the peepul, with his eyes shet and his mouth opin, waitin for wot Providence may send him. From the present asspeck of affairs he will probly hev to remain in that attitood for sum time afore ennything draps. Yestday thar was a report in town that Ginral Pemberton was hung, but on tracin it to the War Offis I found it arose from the mistake of a clerk as dident no the ropes, vho hed red in a Richmound paper that he was sed to hev ben suspended. The noose was too good to be troo. Auger, I notis, hes given the rebels a round turn at Port Hudson, and the prospeck of his speedily puttin the screws to that important post air, upon the hull, encurridging. Ginral Sexton hes jest ben on from Port Ryal, and he intermated, I orderstand, that Hunter and the Cum- mander at Newbern hes berrid the hatchet and smoked the cala- mus, like Foster-bruthers. Gammon! Hunter, in coarse, hes the warm sport of Chase, but he's bound to be releaved, witch will be a great releaf to Foster, who luvs him ray ther wurse than Satan luvs Saint Peter. Ginral Sexton speaks highly of the condishin of our cullcrd brethren in arms in South Caroliny. He ses thar soles air in the cause, and if they git a chanst at thar late masters, the wool will be apt to fly. As a body he considers them ekwil to enny race in the wurld ; and feels sartain that all the charges made agin em will be rebutted in thar first collushin with the enemee. I don't see myself why they should be more afeard to risk thar carcasses than us Carcassians ; and as they hev ben Cuffed all 293 WAR LETTERS OF thar lives, its oney human natur for em to Cuff back, now thar's a fair openiu. On the banks of the Rapperhammock, a deth-like kwiet pre- vales. Sum sposes as Ginral Hooker is ritin a full report of the Union cashualities in the late splurge, and doosent want to be annoyed and put out. Bein a slow penman it may prehaps take him ontil the middle of July to get throo, and then ef the wether is considerd warm enuff he may possably wunst more open fire upon the enemee. In the intrim the Army of the Potomac pick- nicks in peace in the midst of the most pickteresk senery, and is serenaded evry night by hunderds of birds of the whip-her-well speeches, who air thort by sum of the sojers to be the sperrits of thar ded comraids, disguysed in fethers, offerin a frendly sub- jestin as to what oughter be dun to evry wayward sister of the Sutherin Cornfedracy. Torkin of sperrits, hev you heerd that sartain members of the Cabnet, as hev desarvedly lost all confidens in tharselves, hes commenst consultin the sperrits of just men made perfeck. They doo say as meetins hev been held at the White House at witch the presense of sum distinguisht members of the under- ground frayternity was respeckfully reckwested, in order to obtain thar vews on the conduck of the war. Et flyin rummers is to be bleved, several deceast worriers sent wurd by the subtrainyan tellagraft that they considerd the kentry goin to the dogs. Ginral Jackson is reported to hev rapt out his opinyun on the hed oi the Seckatry of War in the most emiatic terms to be found in the ded langwidges. Seckatry Welles is also stated to have ben sarved in the same way by the gostes of Perry and Decatur. I don't like to repeat the eggspreshins sed to hev ben addrest to the Seckatries by the departed heroes, bekase I hevent mutch faith in the stoiy ; but ef they did make the remarks attribitted to em, I honor thar judgment and respeck thar candor. The ininds of the Constitooshinal Advisers is considabully eggsersised jest now about the Cornskripshin. To borrer a ineta- for, from a high sorce, witch you may hev possably met afore in the noosepapeers, every thing is reddy to " run the masheen" ; but it is thort that it mought run eesier ef the wheels was greazed witch a leetle of the ile of victry. As sun as the Gibberalter of the Mussysippi is took, the President will call for three or four Lunderd thousand men to finish up the war, and it is hoped the draft will be cherfully honered. " Oney let us open the river," ses Stanton, " and tharll be no difficulty about gettin the peeple to fall in." And Halleck allows that when setch is the case, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 293 yvryboddy abul to bare arms will be willin to roll up thar shirt, sleeves and do thar purtyest- On the uther hand, ef Grant should go to pot the masses wont be kwitc so cger to be mnsterd. The plain trooth is and its well onderstood here that we've cum to the turnin pint of the great shindy. Queer noshins will occur to the best regulated fammalies, and sumhow a large num- ber of the suns of Columby hes got it inter thar obstinit hods that ******* (you can gess at the name by the number of stars) nose rayther less about plannin c'ampains than the Man in the Moon nose about the state of publick morrills in the planit Venus. Its a dcplorabul thing that an idee of this nater should hev sezed upon the poplar mind ; but the peeple hes ben so frekwently disappinted in consekens of leanin on brokin reeds, that wun ken hardly blame ein ef they pine for a seckind edishin of Old Hickory. The wether here is tolabul warm, and the kitchen gardins is full of airly vegetabuls. Altho the war is ragin all around us, everything here seams to betoken peas and plenty. " Hopin for the best, but prepard lor the wurst", me and the President continnees trankwil and composed ; and I remain as usiiil, Yours, allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. CIV. [The Disbanded's lucubrations for this week are of a some- what desultory character. All soils of rumors were afloat ha Washington ; and it is evident that he had very little faith in any of them. It is pretty clear that the Father of Fibs has a good deal to do with Union telegraph lines. EDS.] NAYSHINAL HOTTEL, WASHINGTON, June 10, 18G3. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : " Vicksburg hes caved in." " Bet a V it haint." " llebels confess it." " Gas and gammon." Sure's you liv." " Whar did the noose cum from ?' " Murphy's Burrow." " Sum small potater blower, I spose." " Perticklers in the Richinound pa- pers." "That be gaul-darned, now! shet up." "They hed to kullaps. Offsir's critters all gon, hides and all. Dogs gin out Monday week; finisht the last o' the cats Wensday follerin. Hed to srender or perish in the attemp. Consekently did sren- 294 WAR L E T T E B S OF der." "Who ses so?" " Respectabul lady from Shelby ville reports that the rebels acknolledge the corn, and ' a purson' sor it in the rebel jernils." "Stockjobbin lie!" "Cork up, you copperhead cuss !" " Here's the extree RepuMcken I Capter o' Vicksburg !" " Hurrah ! three cheers for Grant." Setch is about an averidge sample of the bar rum gabble in Washington this mornin, and Imc afeard the dispatch from Murphy's Burrow is of the same nater all bolderdash. We've heel bushels of idol stories from that pint, and Ide be eenarnost willin to go baal that this is epochryfull like all the rest. Vicks- burg is compleatly infested, and is shoor to be ourn sunner or later but line inklined to think it will be later, and that the gratifyin inforrnashin receved from " a lady" and "a purson" is primatoor. Howsevcr, thars a report in town of a cavalry shindy nearder hum, witch must be troo, bekase the wownded is arrivin at Alexandry, witch is a kinder bulletin that speaks for itself. It seems that the rebel Ginral Stuart meditated a rush inter Merry- land, and hed musterd his collurnes of a salt in the neyborhood of Cullpepper, hopin to cross the Potomac afore we could ketch up with him. It was a spicy projeck, but Hooker put his finger in the dish and spylt it. Yestday, Ginral Plesenton pitcht inter Stuart with cavalry, infantry, and artillery, on the Rappernam- rnock, sumwhars near Sulfur Springs, and wun of the wownded ses we gin him , while uthers allow he gin us an ekwilly warm resepshin. The Constitooshinal Adviser at the head oi the War Department nose all about it, but he ses nuthin, and as he is ushilly reddy enuif to shoot with a long bow when thars the slitest ground to go upon, menny considders his silence aquiverlent to a defeet. I hope its not so this time, tho when I axecl him for the latest awethentick inforinashin, he sirveyed rne contempshusly over the rims of his spectickles, and sed he hed too mutch foursight to entrust importent facks to rnussenary skribblers. Onwillin to take offence whar, prehaps, nun was intended, I shuck him corjally by the hand, and remarkin in a frenelly way that he was a " bully boy with a glass eye", or, e* he preferd the frays, " a big thing in perryfocals", I started for the Navy Department, to pump the truth outer Welles. But accordin to that distingwisht marriner's invariabul custom, he knew nuthin. He heddent even heerd that the Alabammer hed taken four more ships, and that Captin Seinmes hed rekwestecl the skippers to giv his complements to the Honabul Rip Van Winkel, at Washington. Thinkin to please and flatter the A DISBANDED VOLUNTEEB. 295 venabul man by a naughtical illushin, I inkwired cf he was fond of boxin the windlass ; to witch he replide, " very mutch so," and that when a boy nuthin sooted him better than to put his capstan-bar inter the binnacle and help to heave the anker. As I was levin, he told me confidenshally that he eggspected to diskivcr the longtitood in a day or two. I persoom he rnent the longtitood of the Alabammer, but I gcss she's hed too mutch latitood gin her to render setch an explite possabul. Senst the foregoin parrygraft was endited, I hed a short corn- ference with the head of the iiashin. He sed he hed a dispatch of the utmost moment from Vicksburg, witch led him to bleve that sumthin sirprisin (lie laid an emfasis on the wurd sirprisin) mought happin at enny minit ; and that he was lookin for it from hour to hour. I vcnterd to inteiTor^ o him as to the com- pleckshin of the noose he andizzypated, upon witch he gin me a playful poke in the rebs, and anserd that we would probly " lick the enemee as ushil". I sed, " May it please your Eggsllency, thats nuther here nor thar ; kant you be more definit ?" " Wots the kweeiy ?" he responded. " Is the Mollycoff of the Mussysippy doomed ?" I asked. " Thats accordin as it falls," he replide. At this pint he shet down onto me, and I could git no further satisfackshin on the subjeck. About the affair atwixt Plesenton and Stuart he was more commoonicativ. He showed me sum dispatches he hed jest receved, and, on readin ein, I sed, " Its a brilyant victry on our side ef these ackounts air troo, and they may be air." " May be air," he sithed, repeatin my wurds like an eccho. I dunno as he ment ennything, tho he hes ben deseved so offen that I shouldent wunder ef he intended it as a joak wun of his solem 'uus. But Ime oney wastin time, and forgettin that afore this meets the publick gays the Nell of Vicksburg may hev ben rung and the Rapperhammock clard of the inslent fo. So be it ; for ef we dont make amens for lost time purty sun, evrybody'll begin to think the Union's past prayin for. It peers from the tellagrains and cetery from Louseanna and South Caroliny that our cullerd brethrin in arms is makin a purty strong fight out thar. No dout they go inter the conflick with thar feelins strung up to the hyst pitch, bein well awar that ef oapterd they will swing from the neardest trees, in cunformity with a neckspress order to that effeck Irom Jeff Davis. But ita nuthin to us wot promps thar deeds of curridge, s'long as they 296 WAR LETTERS OF go in like bull-dogs. Black worriers ansers the porpus jest as well as white ; in fack, thar was wunst a black prence of Wales us gin the French and Germans a most onlorful whalin. So, honor to the cullerd brave ! Render onto Sezer the things that air Sezer's, and to Pomp the things witch air Pomp's. Airnestly hopin that the same MERKART as contains this letter will set all douts about Vicksbug at rest, by announcin that all its re-douts is in our perseshin, I remane, accordin to custom, Tours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. CV. [Reader, if you don't shake your sides over the following letter, it will be because the organ of humor has been omitted in your os frontis. A larger amount of quiet fun quiet, but provoca- tive, nevertheless, of risible spasms could scarcely be con- densed into the same compass. The prospect of a row always seems- to put the Disbanded on his mettle. EDS.] NAYSHINAL HOTTEL, WASHINGTON, June 18, 18G3. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : We air prepariii for a combat. Ginral Hindshellman cum- mancls the milentary, and Ginral Panic the civillains. Ginral Abraham Lincoln commands hisself (witch is more'n ken be sed of evryboddy here), and tharfore oughter cummand univarsal sport and simperthy. He is a trump, and ekwill to the crysis. So am I. I dont think Halleck is. Nor Stanton. Hooker may or he may not. Time will tell. What time I cant say ; but probly sum time atween this and Saterday night. We air on the eve of great events, and shell be evry evenin ontil further notis. Our defenses in frunt is bein made stronger by wurkin parties of corntrabans. But we are weak in the rare, and thar, sum thinks, the rebels will endevor to plug us. Nuthin ken eggseed the eggsightment of our kullerd brethren. You ken see it in the whites of thar eyes and thar ginral derneancr. Evry contraban is wedded to the Union caws, and will die in the last ditch ef Washington falls. So will myself and Mr. Lincoln. We swore it in his sankturn to-day, with our hands on his adrnirabul treaties on arbitary arrests, witch hes ben printed in paniflit form and is as troo as Gospel. Thar is a A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 297 ditch near Bladensbnrg that will jest fit us. It is seven foot long by eight inches acrost, and as purty a bed of glory as ever you seen. Stanton kant cum in it isent wide enuff. In this emer- giiisea the President feels whoos his frend. We will sink or swim together. Ef ennything happens, speak of us as we desarve. Nuthin exterminate nor set down in mallis. Say Orestus sleeps with his Pieladies ; Demon with his Pithyass. And so no more ! These is my last instruckshins ef Washing- ton falls. We will never be capterd alive. Ef it comes to that we shall fall on our swoords. I hed a very hansum silver- handeld wnn presented to me at Harrassin Landin, with a neat speetch, by the Duck de Chatters. The President Will use it first, on ackount of pryority of rank, and I shell compleat the sacrifiz. But Washington wont fall. It will see Ginral Lee darned first. Ef I was an enshoorance kumpany Ide enshoor it for sevral per cent, onder the extree hazardus premium. We aur fortifyin Rock Crick, and air about to cut a canawl throo Gorgetown Heights, in order to unite it with the Potomac and bring the gunboats round inter the slashes. Slygo Crick and the Norwest, two streams remarbal for catfish and lampree eels (of witch Ginral Longstreet is sed to be be very fond), is also bein put in a good state of defens, and the broomsedge on the plantashins in Prence Georges bounty io to be lined with sharpshooters. The Tiber is also to be dug out to the dept of thirty fathums, so as to allow ships of the line to lie at anchor there and purteck the market. Finerly both wings of the capi- tol is to be pearst for flyin artillery, and a Dollgrin fifteen-inch smooth-bore, mounted on the top of the central doom. In short, nuthin will be left undun to render the city impregnant, and the women will all be sent to a place of saifty as a precawshin agin the wurst. It takes considabul time to tell all this, but it will be accomplish! by our accomplisht milentary orthorities in less'n six weeks. In the meantime tellagraft despatches of the most alarrnin carrickter is cummin in insessantly from all pints of the cuin- piss at wunst. From these we larn that Ginral Lee bein detar- mined to go the hull hog in the way of invashin, is en root with a hunderd and fifty thousand men for Philadelfy also that he is makin forced marches for Western Virginny futhermore, that he is makin for Manasses and Bull Ran. He peers to be ubequitus, and his plan is sposed to be to pitch inter us with the same troops from all kwarters at the same moment. He is a wunder- full man, is this Lee a kinder " little joker" on a grand skale, 13* and noboddy ken tell cept hisself and Bellsbub onder witch thimble he will turn up. All that we ken say with sartainty is that he's surnwhars, and that ef " Fightin Joe" and the rest of em is wuth shucks he'll all-thunderin sun be nowhars. The present warabouts of the Nashins Hope, Ginral Hooker, I am forbidden to disclose. He is not on the Rapperhammock, but I trust I vilate no confidens in sayin that he's on the Alert. "We larn here to-day that Ginral George B. Maclellin hes left New York for Albany, witch is encurredgin. When Ginral G. B. M. changes his base, sumthins shoor to happen. It did, you know, when he changed his base from the White House. Sum thinks he eggspects to change his base to the White House wun of these days. Mebbe ! In the interim he is waitin on Providence. Let him wait. If ever thar was a hero as knowed how to wait, he doos. Whenever he was ordered to advance at dubbel-kwick, he allus waited for the waggins. Wunst he waited three weeks. Ef he was a waiter at a hottel, thar wouldent be much hurryin up the cakes at that shop, I gess. I dont pretend to know all the secrets of Abrahams buzzum ; but I will say this for our grayshus cheef he keeps a stiff upper lip. Not a har in his whiskers kwivers, and his pulse (I made an eggscuse to feel it yestday) beats precisely sixty-eight and a hafe in a rninit, railrode time. His brow is onruffled, his temper even. Ef he hes eniiy new rinkels they air in his capayshus mind. I looked him strait in the eye this mornin, and he axed me, in his ushil' commick way, ef I obsarved ennything green thar. I dident. On the contrary, it was full of fire. He thinks a good deal of Stanton bout as much as I do. Ditto of Hal- leek. Welles the same. He's very kind to me Heaven bless him. He ses I may say wot I like of him and his'n. By " his'n" he means^the Constitooshinal Advisers. Ime not to be subjeck to arbitary arrests nor sent to Fort Laugheryet, nor made a present to Jeff Davis, nor utherwised snubbed nor disannulled. I carry a mennyrandum to that effeck in my watch-pocket, anuther of similider tenner pasted to the crown of my hat, and a third oi a like nater sowed to the back of my shirt, all signed " A. L. Respect this." Consekently I am pursenally garanteed " free- dom of speetch and of the Press". Would you like to hev a dockyment or two of the same carrickter? Ef you would, jest say so, and lie get his His Eggsellency to scratch em oil' and send em on. They air useful in these Villaindighaminering times. All that Ive told you in this letter about army moovenients will, of coarse, be stale news by the time it reeches you, as a A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 209 great battle may hev ben fit afore then. It is important to know "the situashin" prevus to the impendin shindy. As to "our situashin" arter it, enny thick-hedded tellagraft operator ken tell you that. Firm hi hart, and devoted to Honest Abraham, Our Common If entry and the SUNDAY MERKARY, I remain, ondismayed, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEEE. No. CVI. [The following letter appears to us to lack in some degree tho perspicuity and precision which usually characterize the com- munications of the Disbanded ; but it must be remembered that it was penned in the midst of a chaos of reports, and rumors, and surmises, well calculated to reduce the strongest mind to a state of hopeless imbecility. It will be seen that our corre- spondent is prevented, by a commendable regard for his word and for his country's cause, from telling all he knows. In this respect he differs from most Washington letter-writers, who make it a rule to tell more than they know, and whose sins of commission, omission, and addition, accumulate without inter- mission. Where they expect to go to when they die, it is not for us to say. EDS.] NAYSHINAL HOTTEL, WASHINGTON, June 24, 1863. Eddyturs of the Sunday MerJcary : Lee and Ewill hes ben spotted at last; but they may hev changed thar spots afore this reeches you, for they cumbine the eelasstisity of the flee with the suttelty of the sarpint. At present they air in the Shunadoor Valley smokin thar pipes in cumparative kwiet. They thretten to make Washington smoke shortly, but a relieble contraban who hes jest cum in from Fort Tobacco ses this is a meer sham. Hill is also in the Valley, and sed to be very much deprest. Lee on the other hand is reported jolly, and boasts that he lies got the wether gage of Hooker. Time will toll wether he hes or no. Our cavilry is doin things up brown. The rebel dragons air evrywhar tiyiu afore em, and Stuart's posishin will sun be far from a plesant ; un. Buford hes gin the rebels at Snigger's Gap caws for sorrer, Grigg hes druv the mane body of thar hoss mer- 300 WAR LETTERS OF rily afore him more'n ten milcls, and anuthcr strong detachment of Secesh cavilry hes ben out-rnanoverd in a forridgin eggspe- dishin, by a rnoovement of Stall's. Ef our men was oney as well mounted as the enemee, they could ride over em ruff-shod ; but one-hafe of the bosses furnisht by the Guverrnent corn- tractors look as ef they bed jest cum outer veteranarius hors- pitals, and is as weak in the knees as a peace-preachin Unionist. Hafe an hour hes elapst senst I writ the abuv, and the tella- graft hes developt a new fetor in the enemees plans, witch entirely changes the face of affares. Ginral Skunk announces that insted of Ginral Ewill bein in the Shunadoor Valley, he hes crost the Potomac at the heel of forty thousand men, and " gob- bled " our forces in the neybrood of Auntyeatern. Thars a slite oder of eggsagerashin about Skunk's report, but it may be troo. Wot givs it an air of orthentissity, is the deshartnin statement that the enemee is hard at work bildin bridges over the canawl. This seems so nateral that everyboddy here is inklined to credit the story. We all know that nuthin forms setch an em- pediment to the proggress of an army as a canawl. Ef it hed ben a river now, like the Potomac, it would hev ben diffrent ; but a canawl is always locked, and it is probabul that our sojers, when they saw the horsteal fo approachin, immediently hid away the key to the persishin. It was a thortful act of theirn, and cackelated to do good, as Sinsinnatus remarkt when he was told that a passel of geese hed yawped till they alarmed the Capital. The ragin abiss will be crost I spose afore this reeches you, and ef so I tremble for Penusylvany and Xew Jarsey. Men capabul of bridgin a canawl wont hesitate, I reckon, to wade the Susque- hannah and Delawar. But it's useless to speckilate when new convickshins flash on the bewilderd mind evry moment. The wires is eenamost red hot with contradickshins, and whether the rebel army is in the State of Pennsilvany or not, it is kwite sartain that evrybody here is in a state of muddle. Howscver, things will clar up mebbe, by the eend of the week, and prehaps wot is confushin wus confounded now, may be made perspickuous to the meanest intelleck in the next SUNDAY MERKARY. Hooker was here on Tuesday, and hed a long privit conversa- shin with the President. By the kind permishin of the Father of his Kentry who will please accept my thanks for the favor, throo your widely serkilated collurnes I sot behind a skreen in the sanktum and took notes. I send you the dialog jest as it occurd, 'cept whar his Eggsellency droo his pen throo a passidge A DISBANDED VOLTJNTEEB. 301 or two that he thort calkclated to giv aid and cumfort to the Copperheds and Jeffites. A. L. Well, Hooker, how's the Army of the Potomac? They've hed a long march. How's thar poor feet ?" J. H. Blistered sum ; and a few is sufl'erin from coop de solc- lieaL A. L. (kindly). That's bad. Shell I tell Stanton to send on a few thousand gross of silk umbrellers ? J. H. No, thank you. We may be hot-headed, but we don't reckwire parrysoles. A. L. No offence, my brave friend. Hevin the welfare of the army at hart, its oney nateral, you know, that I should wish it to keep shady. J. H. Keep shady ! We've ben keepin shady too long. We want to go right out inter the open, and pitch inter th9 enemee wharevcr we ken find em. A. L. Bat Washington must be defended, Hooker. Stanton ses so, and Halleck, and likewise Welles. How menny live meu hev you, all tolled ? J. H. thousand infantry, thousand cavalry, and batteries. A. L. My Constitooshinal Advisers allows we want em all, and more too, to defend Washington agon the ruthless invaders. J. Doos your Eggscllency spose you ken " ockapy and pos- sess " the rebel strongholts, and carry out the Mancipayshin Act, by fenclin off insted of goin in. A. L. No, you thurrow-goin old fire-eater, I don't, and I con- fess line in favor of vigrus meshurs myself, but Stauton and Halleck. J. H. Sir, you air Commander-in-Chief. You ken cut the tether that keeps the finest army on the planet flutterin around the capital like a hen tied to a chicken-coop. Jest you pass the word to foller up the fo, and we'll giv Lee sumthin else to think of besides threttenin Bawltoinore and Washington. A. L. You're right I feel you're right. D. V. (peepin over the skreen in oncontrollabul emoshin). He is, Abraham! He is! Foller the instinks of your own lofty intelleck, and let the Constitooshinal Advisers go whar glory awaits em. A. L. (with mayjestick gravity). Major-Ginral Hooker, receive from me your instruckshins. You will start immediently for the Head Kwarters of the Army of the Potomac, and on arrivin thar you will, et cetery, et cetery, et cetery, et cetery. 302 WAR LETTERS OP [The foregoin et ceteries represents milentary direckshins of the hyst importance, skratched out by the President for resins of state. Thar tenner will be obvius to all mankind atween this and the Fourth. In the meantime, public opinyun is reckwested to suspend itself.] J. H. (foldin up the instruckshins and puttin em in his hat). Thanks, Mr. President thanks. Depend upon old Joe Hooker. A. L. (dryly). Sum of my frends ses Ime a good deal given to dependin on Old Joes, Ginral (a larf from behind the skreen), and that puts me in mind of a story about Jo King of Springfield. You see J. H. Eggscuse me, Mr. President. Ide be delighted to hear the little narrytiv, but you know my motto Bizness afore pleshure. Adoo ! Adoo ! And so the intervew eended. Let the public keep its eyes skinned. Within ten days thar'll be the most tremenjus but no, my lips is sealed, and I ken oney say, look out for hard whacks shortly. Hopin that Hooker'll giv the rebel airthquakes, and confidently awaitin the concussion, I remain, for self and Abraham, Yours, allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER No. OVIL [We feel that we are only putting into words the heartfelt prayer of every reader of the SUNDAY MERCURY, when we say, solemnly and sincerely, " May our friend, the Disbanded, return in safety from the expedition to which he refers in the following letter. Amen ! and Amen !" If, however, the Fates should order it other- wise, it will afford us great satisfaction to comply with his wishes in regard to post mortem matters. EDS.] WASHINGTON, Tuesday Noon, June 30, 1863. Eddyturs of the Sunday MerUary : 1 rite airly this week, bekase I am goin out on a reckanuisance (desguysed as a rebel to that degree that my own hoss wont no me), and shell not be back from the frunt for sum days. My misshin is strickly privit, and, by rekwest of the President, I oinit to state whar Ime bound, as he thinks it mought cumprom- A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 803 mis the saifty of his dearest and brayvest frend. I may state, howsever, without vialatin instruckshins, that, in the wurds of Duglas in the play, it is my objeck to " huvver about the ene- mee". Ef tuck up as a spy, I shell probly be hung ; ef not, I hop to elevate myself in the estimashin of my kentrymen. I shell start in wun hour from the abuv date, and ef suckcessful, will send you the minnits "of my eggspedishin as sun as I return. I am allreddy a raid in desguys, and will giv you sum idee of my secesh rig, witch I prechest seckind-handed of a poor white trash that was brort in prisner this mornin. A more seckind- handed soot hes seldum ben seen in civileyesd sosity. It con- sests of a butter-nut coat cut down to a jacket by the thorn-bushes in the slashes, and a pair of breaches to match ; the hull bein satterated with all the juce that the oner hed in him when he listed in the rebel sarvis. Also a slap-jack hat, witch hes the aperience and the aroamer currysponds of hevin ben soked in castor-ile for a cupple of years or so. Likewise a pair of ven- tilatin boots, the soles of witch is tide to the uppers with rope- yam legaments at the toes, and in setch a wownded condishin at the opposit eends as to be past healin. In this elegant cos- toom, with my pistils stuck in a belt, considder myself " the yaller flower of the forrest." My idee is to be mistuck for a se- cesh gorilla, on his way to Pennsylvany to plunder the Nuthern slop shops. It seems to me that in setch duds as these the rebel offsirs will never mistrust that line not wun of thar own vermin. The oridginal oner of the wardrub is a well nit man, about my own bild. He hails from Louseanna, and I shell try to imitate his dirty and sluveuly asspeck, and ef kwestined, shell swar that I was born_and brort up in that state. I dessay you will think it rayther a pokerish bizness Ime goin on, but Ive saved my har in menny a wuss skrape. Ef Washington, Bawltomore, and Philadelphy falls inter the hands of the Cornfedrits while Ime on the skout, I intend to make my way to New York by way of Vicksburg. By that time the Mollycoff of the Mussysippi will be ourn, and I ken bring Grant and his army along, so as to take Lee on his west flank, and turn the tide of victry in faver of the Army of the Potomac, and the lively, enterprisin, prompt, and paytryotic citysins of the Keystone State. The President, tho sumwot cast down, is in faver of a firm stand at the Seat of Guvernient. The Slashes is to be fortyfide, and the cavalry stashind as look-outs on Georgetown Heights ; men on hossback bein abel to see further than a-foot, and high pints of land bein particklerly faverabul lor the moovements of 304 WAR LETTERS OF redgements of boss. (See " Camppains of the Duck of Marlbur- row", and uther wurks.) Sharpshooters with Minie rifuls are to be posted in the poplars of Pennsylvany avenoo, in the manner reckommencled by Joe Minie and uther poplar milentary riters. Stanton will take charge of these matters, assisted by Halleck. Nether of em is as mutch skairt as they mought be. Welles lies ben rekwirecl by the President to furnish a force from the Navy Department, and lies sent a inessidge to the Mareens. The Father of his Kentry is attendin to the deepenin of Tiber Crick, so as to bring up the gunboat flowtiller, but he ses the mud is so thick that it is difficult to run the masheen. The canawl throo the Heights, witch I spoke of in my last, is not yet cumpleated, but as sun as it is the cavalry in that rejin will be re-enforst with friggits and ships-of-the-line. Stanton calls for volunteers, and Chase is on hand with the sinners of war. Seward doosent say mutch, but is presoomed to be prepard for the onrepressabul con- flick, and Blare is reddy to cum forth when the trumpit sounds. In short, all the Constitooshinal Advisers is in a state of egg- sightment, witch, if not sublime, is within a step of it. The Adamantine Abraham is as cool and capabul as ever I seen him. No catastrofy ken shake him enny rnore'n you could shake Mount Airyrat. He feels a little ankshus about New York tho, and thinks it mought be well to hev a Monitor or two in Spitendevil Crick. " D. V.," ses he to me this mornin, " the Commershil Empo- rium must be defended to the last gasp." Ses I, " Troo, your Eggsellency ; and when the New Yorkers see it must, they will hninediently muster." He was satisfide. But he is onesy, tho he desdains to sho it, about Philadelphy. I told him New York would rush to the reskew of her sister city when the crysis came. He replide that he sposed so, and added, with his customery beamin smild, that it was differcult for a city to stand firm when thar was so menny Quakers in it. The modern Patter Pottery and myself both thinks that the fate of the kentry will be setteld within three weeks or a munth at furdest. It that time it will ether be up with us or down with the rebels. Ef the men of the North air men, and ef the Army of the Poto- mac, or rayther its offsirs, is wurth shucks, Lee and his murmur- duns is gonners. His invashin is the act of a madman, and onless our Ginrals is downright idyots, his doom is sealt. But it is now wun o'clock, post meriden, and I must mount A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 805 and away. Ef I am sezed and eggsecuted as a spy, send for my boddy it ken be of no use to ennyboddy in Jeffland and berry me desently in sum kwict spot oninfested by Copperhecls. Dont inter me, liowsever, in these butternut rags ; for I should prefer to hev a desent coat put on me afore my Hie, Jacket is ritten. Lay my swoord by my side, ef the rebs dont steel it, and put a slab over it, with a neat inscripshin. I dont want enny flurrish about the monnyment a plain stun, not a stunner. I oney menshin these things in case of the wurst. "When a man dies, setch little attenshins is agreeabul. But I persoom thars no pertickler danger. Wishin you a merry Forth of July, and myself and kentry menny happy returns of the day, I remane, as ushil, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. POSTSKRIP. I menshint in the boddy of my letter that I wisht a neat inskripshin on my supplecur, ef suckemstances over witch I hev no control should hasten my latter eend. Ef you approove, I would like the epitaff to read as fellers : Here lies the Disbanded Volunteer ; Died for his kentry in the year Eighteen huuderd and sixty-three A man of the swoord and pen was he. Tho moddest, polisht, well-lamt, and brave, He was took by the rebels, and hed to cave. No. CVIH. [After rendering unknown services to the country, and escap- ing unheard-of perils during his late expedition, our patriotic correspondent has returned to Washington, and is once more giving aid and comfort to Mr. Lincoln by his advice and coun- sel. The Cabinet, it seems, were anything but pleased at his> reappearance. His confidential relations with the President have rendered him particularly obnoxious to the heads of the War and Navy Departments. EDS.] NATSHINAL HOTTEL, WASHINGTON, July 9, 1863. Eddyturs of the Sunday HerTcary : When I rit last, on the thirtet ult., I was bound on a mishin, the ultunit result of witch was onsartain. I was about to resk SOS WAR LETTERS OP my neck on a neckscurshin of a neckstree hazardus nater. It will giv you pleshur to larn that it was a cumpleat suckcess. I past throo the rebel lines, got all the noose I wanted, and, in fack, hed my full swing amung em without bein hauled up, or even suspishend. My dirty ragged soot, and a peace of an old wig, daubed with red oker, witch I pertended to hev scalpt off a mudsill's coconut, inspired confidens, and I was evrywhars wellcombed by the rebs as a frend and cumraid. As I purfest to hev privit and speshil informashin as to the moovements of the Army of the Potomac, I was took afore Ginral Lee, and hed the pleshur of leadin him off on the false cent witch subsekwently enabled Ginral Meade to put him throo the mill. The same night I made my eskape to Ginral Meade's hed-kwarters, and posted him up as to the persishin of the enemee ; arter witch I started for Washington, by way of Philadelphy, and arrove here sirnultanus with the intelligens that Lee was demoralised and Pemberton demolisht. Immediently on my arrival I shed my Secesh habillyments, made my ablueshins, put on a clean shirt, and reported at the White House. The President receved me with mutch feline. When I enterd the sanktuin, he opend his arms, and the next moment I was in Abraham's buzzum. " All- beat unused to the meltin mood", as the More of Venus ses, I thort I should hev catterpillerd. Ime conshus that we both behaved like loonaticks, but thar air moments when the ernoshins of the human sole sets eteket at defiance. In the midst of the tutchin seen, a messindger tapt at the door to say that the Cab- net was waitin for Abraham in the East Room. " Tell the Cabnet they may go to work, and He be thar pres- ently," sed he, modifyin his first idee as he finisht the sentence. Then turnin to me, he added, with a grayshus srnild : " A frend reckognised by the hart takes preseedence of advis- ers appintecl onder the ConstitooshSn." " Yes," ses I, " solid meat first, and then bring in the flum- mery." We then sot down for a few minitsto enjye a feast of resin, and, to mysten it, he brort out the Mungoheeler and a gobblet, for my accommydashin. I say for my accommydashin, bckase the President, bein strick temprance, drinkt to me oney with his eyes. " How's the Potomac?" ses I, porin out a dram. " Brim-full, and runnin over," he replide. " Let her run !" 1 eggsclamed, takin a long swaller ; " the harder she runs, the longer Lee '11 hev to stop on tuther side. Here's to the freshit," ses I, imbibin agin. A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 307 " Ditto," replide his eggsellency, larfin, " and may thar be no a-bridge-ment of the current for the next forty-eight hours." " Is thar nary ford that '11 afford him a chanst to cross ?" I . axed. " Nary not ef evry traytor was as tall as I am," he responded, stretchin his lofty figger to its full altitood. " Ef thats the case," ses I, " they '11 be gobbled, and we shant need anuther draft. Here's may we git along without wun !" I added, wunst more wettin my wissel. " Amen !" cried the Father of his Kentry. " Ef the Suthern- ers will oney lay down thar arms and smoak the pipe of peace, we '11 light it with the Cornskripshin act, berry the hatchit, and giv all the provost-marshals births in the custom-house." At this junkter thar was anuther nock at the sanktum door, and the messiudger aunounst that the Constitooshinal Advisers was gittin the fidgits. " Bind my wedge !" sed the President, " Ide forgot all about em. Hedn't you, D. V. ? Split my mall ! Wot do they want ?" The page as brort the messidge sed he onderstood the honabul gentlemen wisht to hold a consultashin with his Eggsellency the President on the affairs of the nayshin. "I'd a nayshin rayther they'd let me pole the boat alone," remarkt the illustrus cheef. " Howsever we air born to trubble, as the sparks fly uppards, so tell em to curn in and fire away." In a few minnits arterwards they enterd the sanktum in single file Seward the Sentenshus at the head of the percesshin, and Welles the Witless at the tail eend. They mooved with mesh- erd steps, as ef marchin to the music of the Union, and thar toot in shamble was imposin. A Cabnet, takin it by and large, is an imposin specktickle, and this pqliarly so, and allus hes ben. The Honabul Seckatry of State, as your readers are awar, is a small man ; but like most diininutiv individyals is fond of makin hisself conspickuous and bein cock of the walk, and hens he led the van. Welles at the opposit eend, looked remarkably picteresk, with a baird like a mounting goat and a crest like a cockytoo. Halleck had the aperience of a gentman as felt his oats tryin to look mocldest onder the pressher of grate victories, and Seckatry Stanton, the wether bein warm and muggy, looked like bellygerent Mars in a perfuse prespirashin. The Seckatry ot the Interior was cool and kwiet, and Chase, as ushil, cam, dignified, and self-possesst. Blare wouldn't be took by common white folks for a Cabnet Minister; but sum of our men of letters consider him. well fitted for the post. I spose you no he's the 808 WAR LETTERS OF ortliur of a work called Blare's Retoric, of witch he gives illus- trashins ockashinally at Auuty-Slavery meetins. But why should I dwell on the asspecks and carrickters of these distingwisht men. Thar fotagrufi's air in evry winder, and thar prented dockinents and speetches are the best evidences of thar say- gasity. As this enlitened boddy filed in, they (with the eggsepshin of the Treshury and the Interior) regairded ine with a witherin skowl of hatred and contemp. Bat it dident wither me. Taint my natur to wilt onder the human eye. I stilfent up my optickle narves, and gin em as good as they sent, e not more so. But I seen they wanted me outer the way, so I shuck hands with the President and left. What happent at the intervew I dont know, as I hev not seen the Nayshm's Hope senst ; but I persoom they bullyragged him considabul. The city is full of sensashin rummers to-day. Sum ses that with the onpassabul Potomac River on one side, and the invin- cibul Potomac Army on the uther, Lee will not resk anuther battle, but like a prudent man, give in and cry pigavi. I don't think so ; but as all speckelashin on the subjeck will be at an eend afore this letter is prented, I shant go inter the whys and warfores of the matter. In the meantime, confidently awaitin the final victory, I remain, plassidly, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. CIX. [The solicitude of our indefatigable correspondent for the peace and quiet of New York appears to have monopolized his entire attention ; but, like a good many other equally distin- guished people at Washington, he does not appear to realize the true state of the case. The resistance to conscription in this city did not originate through sympathy with the Southern Rebel- lion, but because of the exercise of a despotic power to which our people were unused. If D. V. will convince his dis- tinguished friend, Abraham L., that conscription at the present time is injudicious, unwise, and unnecessary, as it is, he will b, doing the country as much service as did Gen. Grant in the cap- ture of Vicksburg. EDS.] A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. 809 NAYSHINAIJ HOTTEL, WASHINGTON, July 15, 1863. Eddyturs of the Suimkiy Merlcary : Hes New York sold itself to the Devil, and lies pay-day cum round, or wot ? Spose the cornskripshin Lor was obnockshus, is that enny resin for seens that would disgrace the See3 7 ou Injuns. The Cornskripshin Act is no faverite of mine, as you and the readers of the Sunday Merkary is well awar, but is encinderism. robbery, and uther crimes that cannybuls would be ashamed of, a mannyfestashin of hosstility to the Draft Lor. No, they air the acts of atroshus misscreants, opposed to all lors of God and man, and the oney way to meet em is with grape and canister, riful balls and bagnets. I hevent a shadder of a dout that afore this letter is put in prent, the mob in New York will hev reseved setch a lessin as will be a warnin to all rioters for fifty years to cum. The ring-lead- ers, I persoom, will be diskivered, and ef they air, I trust they will get thar desarts. It is the ginral opinyun here that the row was got up in the hope of helpin the South by a divershin in its faver at the very moment when the Union armies was evrywar victoryus. It lies ben known for sum time by the Fedral orthorities that thar was a sekrit conspurracy agen the Guverment in New York. It was also known that rebel emiseries was at work thar, and that ef Vicksburg was took, and Lee was whipt, thar was to be a traiter outbrake in the North. This was Jeff Davises forlorn hope the last kcard of the rebellyun. Well Vicksburg is ourn, Port Hudson is ourn, Lee is licked; Bragg is floored, Jo Johns- ton is flyin from the rath to cum, Price is discomforted, Charles- tun is as good as gon, Mobile is spoken for, and the last keard of Treason is played in New York. But the dern yer resort will fail. In spite of the simperthisers the rebellyun is a goner. Nearly two-thirds of Jeffdom is conkerd, and the rest is cavin in. This infarnal riot may giv the rebel leaders a little encur- ridgement, but it wont be of enny substanshil bennyfit. Let the cornskripshin be gin up. We don't need it. We ken finish up the biziness with the forces we hev now in the field, and free- will recrutes. Four hunderd and fifty peaces of artillery and a hunderd and fifty thousand stands of small arms hev fallen into our hands within the last twenty days, and about one hunderd thousand rebel sojers hes ben put horse de combat. Our land forces outnumbers theirn, full two to wun, to say nuthin of the Navy. 1 say we've got em. Salt won't save em. The last ditch is closte at hand, and they won't die in it, depend on that. 310 WAB LETTERS OF Didn't Pemberton say he'd die sooner'n yield, and hesent lie caved, and all his major-ginrals and brfgaclears with him. Human nater's human nater. When Shiverally kant light enny longer, it cries enufl' jest as kwick as enny uther man. Oney think of it, we took four thousand ofFsirs " the best blud ot the South" at Vicksburg, and another big batch of the high cockalorum fellers of the " superur race" at Port Hudson. I tell you theyre played out. I giv em credit for pluck and parseverance, but they kant save tharselves. They'd hev gon onder long ago, ef thar'd ben wun forth as mutch branes in the heds of our roolers as thar was pluck in the harts of our sqjers. But better late than never. Ime sorry New York has disgraced itself jest in the hour of triump ; but I am confident that afore this letter sees the light lor and order will wunst more hev ben restored. Lookin for that result as confidently as I do for Sunday mornin's sun, I remain, with a curss for all anarkists, Yours allus, A DISBANDED VOLUNTEER. No. CX. [Our correspondent writes in a sanguine vein this week. We trust his anticipations of a speedy peace and a reconstructed Union will be realized ; but doubt that the object will be accom- plished as speedily as he expects, though we agree with him that the prospect is cheering. EDS.] NAYSHINAL HOTTEL, WASHINGTON, July 23, 1863. Eddyturs of the Sunday Merkary : We air amazin jolly here. Halleck looks as ef he'd hed a legasy left him, and the President ses he feels esier in his boots evry time the tellagraft brings wurd that the rebels hes got anuther weltin. You never seen a man fuller of fun than he is. It breaks out spontanus in the midst of the gravest bizness, and shakes the hull Cabnet, from Wellses top-not down to the saft corns on Stanton's toes. He ses he doosent see why a man should look as solem as an ondertaker bekase he happens to be in the President's cheer. I gess he's right ; Bucannon, you no, was an everlastin solem un, and see what he cum to. By the way, whar's that book of his'n that Judge Black was to rite, to put him throo with posteriority ? A D I S B A H D iC D V U I, U j U 1* K H . 311 Sartainly ef ever tliar was a time when the frends of E P Unum hed a rite to rejice its now. He's mounted the Secesh ' bird to sum porpus at last, and why shouldn't he flop his wings and cro. Charleston's goin to git goss this time, and no mistake. "Wag- ner whips em, and that fort may possably be ourn afore you receve this letter. When the Dollgrins begin to tork to Fort Suinter, I rayther think the smildin villidge of Charlestun will be apt to larf on the rong side of its mouth. I want that delite- ful poplar institooshin leveled down as smooth as the back of yer hand, and sum salt keerfeelly sowed over its ruins. Lee hesent got back to Richmound yet, and accordin to the Cabnet program he's to be "gobbled" this week. But I hevent much faith in Cabnet programs hev you ? "When the Consti- tooshinal advisers put thar hand to ennything, as a ginral thing they put thar foot in it. Evryboddy knows that ef Richmound hed ben in the Mussysippi Valley it would hev suckuinbedto our arms long ago. Ef the War Department hedent aloud Meade a cart blench in that last shindy I dessay he'd a ben knockt eend- ways. Youve heerd wot old Jo Hooker sed, I spose. " The Army of the Potomac," ses he, " fights the enemee two hours outer the twenty-four and the rest of the time is spent in tella- grafflc skirmishin with Washington." Thar never was a trooer bit of sourchasm. The Richmound papers is plesent readin about these days. Epitaffs is cheerful in caparison. But wot I pertickerly admire is the meet ax stile in which the Richmound Wig gets inter Jeff Davises har. His speshil organ, it seems, goes in for givin Jeff, a Digtatership, and argews that in the present desput strait of the Suthern Cornfedracy, thars nuthen for it but desputism. The Wig on the other hand, intimates in the pianist kinder lang- widge, that it lies no confidens wotsumdever either in the hon- esty or the abilities of the Suthern rooler, and respeckfully ob- jecks to his bein an abesalute monnick. The North hes made Lincoln wun, it ses, and it pertests agin heving setch a foo-foo as Jeff Davis to play tyrant over the Shiverally. Its a very nice quarl, but as the hull consam is on its last legs, its very foolish in em to pitch inter wun anuther as they go to the devil. I notis in the ackounts from Vicksburg that not a single nigger prisner was found in the wurks. The inferens is that they was all massacreed as sun as capterd, for its well known that a good menny was took. Like thar speshil and partickler frends, the New York mob, the rebel sojers murderd the onibrtnit critters 313 WAB LETTEK8. in cold blud. This is the Nineteent Sentry I bleve, and we live in a Christian land. Sartain speshilly the Christian. Sum Nuthem demagogs allows that this war of ourn is a war for the elivashin of the Nigger. Ef it is, I ken oney say that I hope Sambo likes it ; but ef I belonged to the black resarves of Shin- bone Alley, I should resine immedient. This gettin no kwarter ether in niilentary sarvice or in civil sosity is more eggsitin than hulsum. The Presedent and me has ben torkin over the ginral pros- pecks of the camppain to-day, and we hev cum to the conclusion that the beginnin of the eend is more than three parts throo. Prehaps, when Mobile, Charlestun, Savannah and Richmound lies hung out the white flag, we may be magnannymus, and offer the messgided retches terms that they will jump at. The great sturnblin-block is our woolly-bedded truth er. We've prornist that he shell be forever free, but mebbe onder all the suckern- stances he wouldn't mind postponyin the matter a wile and takin his libty in periodical doses. Ennyhow there'd be no harm in axin him, and ef he agreed it mought save afewshin of blud. John Bull's a rernarkabul saygashus feller, isent he ? How well he guest the fate of Lee's host in Pennsylvany. The Lon- don Times proffersied that Jeff Davis would dicktate turms of peace from Washington. How air you Thunderer ? Ime curus to see how the British oriculs is goin to crawl out. Wun thing's shure, they've got to stop fittin out Rebel men-of-war. My friend Abraham is good-naterd to a folt ; but as he remarkt to me when we last disgust the subjeck, thar is a pint at witch piracy ceses to be a virtoo. That pint has been reeched, and John Bull may confidently eggspect kicks ef he continners to countnance free booting. Whiting hcs gone over to giv him fare warnin, and he's either got to fall back or fite. A joak's a joak, but this prayin on our commerce in British bottoms, is a belly- gereiit act, and kan't be tolerated enny longer. Hoping that Whiting will do the matter up brown, and indooce John Bull to do wot he hates to when it interfears with his intrests, and that's justice. I remain, as ushil, Yours allus, A DISBANDED YOLTJNTEEB. THE END. Brady's Publishing House, 22 Ann St., New York. FREDERIC A. BRADY, Bookseller & Publisher. Booksellers, News Agents, Postmasters and Sutlers will be furnished with Books in any quantity, at the lowest Net cash rates. All orders filled promptly. Every Book required, no matter by whom published, can be supplied on sending your orders addressed as above. Cp* Tut LOG I BRADY S "MERCURY" STORIES. Kaeh Hook contains Illustrative Kn- griivlngg liv Hariri . Retail. Saul Sabberday 25 i: OF >.//./ . //{ BRADY'S "MERCURY" STORIES. NEW SERIES. ;>-<- . Retail. Good-For-Nothing Dick 50 Sea Drift . 25 f.i: BOOKS. BY LADY CLARA CAVENDISH. Retail. 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