FISK FREE ARD PUBliIG lilBHARY OF HEW OHliEflHS. Organized April 16, 1896. The John C rerar Li brmy 0 3 0 > 3 > 3 3 3 ) FISK FREE"A^J0:,FIIBI!:G M 3, 3 33 3,* 3 3 3,^ 33 LIBRARY OF NEW ORLEANS. HISTORICAL SKETCH. BY-LAWS. NEW ORLEANS : L. GRAHAM & SON, LTD., PRINTERS. 1897. OF DIRECTORS. •» I •/••••• •• . :K]&*ANK :r: HOW^^IU), President. , . EliNlgSa'. B. JCRUTTSCHNITT, V. Pres. ELYNN, Secretary and Treasurer. : ; ; • •eeLctng. FRED. G. ERNST. ALBERT BALDWIN, Jr. SIDNEY H. MARCH. HON. WALTER C. FLOWER, Ex Officio. JOHN FITZPATRICK. FINANCE. A. Baldwin, Jr., Chairman. Sidney H. March. John Fitzpatrick. ADMINISTRATION. P. A. Lelong, Chairman. Fred. G. Ernst. Sidney H. March. BOOKS AND PERIODICALS. E. B. Kruttschnitt, Chairman A. Baldwin, Jr. P. A. Lelong. BY-LAWS AND RULES. Sidney H. March, Chairman. E. B. Kruttschnitt. John Fitzpatrick. CIRCULATING STATIONS. Fred. G. Ernst, Chairman. A. Baldwin, Jr. John Fitzpatrick. Wm. Beer, Librarian. oa7 , A/ ( CITY LiBKAKY. In a catalog’ue of the Public School Library of Municipality Xo. 2, published in 1848, it is stated that the library owes its origin to the enlightened spirit of the council of Muni- cipality Xo. 2 of the city of Xew Orleans, and is founded on an ordinance submitted to that body by Sami. J. Peters, Esq., and adopted on the 3d of December, 1844. On December 19 Mr. Peters handed over to the library, from an individual unknown, the sum of $1000; by February 1, 1845, Mr. Shaw had collected from the schools $391.75. The monthly collection through him amounted to about $100, for some years. On February 15, 1845, $500 was presented by James Robb, Esq. Fines formed a large portion of the revenue. From the 15th of April to the 31st of December, 1845, these amounted to $2890.30. The first regular librarian was Mr. Samuel McConnell. The names of many persons now prominent in the city are registered on the books as members. The number of members to May the 9th, 1853, was 530, made up of: Life members 504 Honorary life members 3 Annual subscribers 23 The directors of public schools adopted fur- ther measures to establish the library on the 10th of March, 1840. The collection consisted wmld at that time of 3400 volumes. It occupied the lower front room in the building, now occupied by Soule's Commercial College, corner of St. Charles and Lafayette streets, at that time used as the City Hall. In 1848 the library numbered 7516 volumes, of which 248 had been presented. Oh the completion of the City Hall in 1849 the Library was transferred to the spacious room on the first floor which it occupied unin- terruptedly until it was removed in 1897. In 1859 it was resolyed to consolidate with the library already existing those of the First, Third and Fourth Districts. To that end was passed Ordinance jN^o. 4439, which was ap- proved on March 18. 1859. The official title of Lyceum and Library Society was given to the united libraries, and it was placed under the sole direction and control of five directors, to be named by the Mayor and approved by the alderman. In January, 1873, the City Library and Lyceum Hall were placed under the control and supervision of the Mayor, with sole authority to provide rules for same. Mrs. Culbertson, the last Librarian, occu- pied that position from 1873 to 1897. _ 4 _ WILL OF ARIJAH FISK. State of Louisiana, “I City of JSTew Orleans. / Be it known and remembered, That I, Abi- jah Fisk, of said city and State, being of sound and disposing mind and memory, and in good state of health; but mindful of the certainty of death, and of the uncertainty of the time thereof, do make this my last '‘Will” and testament, in the manner as follows, viz. ; I give to the Hon. Charles Watts $5000, or, in other words, I give and bequeath the sum of $5000 to the Hon. Charles Watts, of the city of ]Kew Or- leans, at present judge of the Commercial Court, of ]Kew Orleans. I give, devise and bequeath the sum of $5000 to Joseph H. Lyon, at present one of my clerks, as a gratuity for his faithful services. I give, devise and be- queath to the city of Xew Orleans my house at the corner of Customhouse and Bourbon streets, on condition that it shall be applied to the keeping of a library forthe^use and benefit of the citizens of said city, and to be used for no other purpose. The balance of my estate I give, bequeath and devise to the children of my brother, Alvarez Fisk, viz. : '‘Stewart Wil- kins,” -‘Alice,” “Edward” and “Isabel,” to be shared equally. Those who are twenty -one years old to come into possession immediately. Those wlio are under that age shall have their portion securely placed at interest or invested in stores, producing an income, favorably located in this city, by iny executors, until they are twenty-one years old, when posses- sion may be given them. I nominate and appoint ‘‘ Stewart Wilkins Fisk and Hon. Charles Watts as executors to this my last will and testament, jointly and severally, giving them seizin and detainer of my estate, and appointing them until my estate is fully liquidated and settled.. In testimony whereof I have hereunto sub- scribed my name to this my olographic testa- ment, this twenty-seventh day of IS'ovember, one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, in the city of New Orleans. (Signed) Aki.tah Fisk. I recommend my executors to employ Joseph H. Lyon, as clerk in settling up my estate, who is well acquainted with the loca- tion of all my property, and with debtors. I estimate my estate at $300,000 at least, and should recommend the division of my real estate among the four children of my brother Alvarez, which I have named in my will, in preference to selling — the money could not be better invested if the real estate be sold. (Signed) Abijah Fisk. I certify this to be a true copy of the copy of the will handed me by Alvarez Fisk, Esq. New Orleans, May 24, 1853. (Signed) Wm. Monaghan, Notary Public. — 6 — State of Louisiana, l City of yew Orleans. | I hereby certify the above and forego- ing to be a true and correct copy of the orig- inal act and of the original exhibit thereto annexed, both on tile and of record in my office. In faith whereof I hereunto set my hand and affix my seal of office, on this 29th day of Feb- ruary, A. D. 1884. M. VOORHIES. — 7 — MESSAGES AND OEDINANCES KELAT- ING TO THE FISK FEEE AND PUBLIC LIBKAKY. January 9 , 1895 . Official Proceedings. Mayor's Message. I recommend that the building formerly oc- cupied by the Criminal District Court he de- voted to the use of a public library wherein both the library at the City Hall and the Fisk Library, now in charge of the Administrators of the Tulane Educational Fund, and which, owing to their removal to new quarters, will have to be changed from its present location, could be concentrated and our citizens be given the benefit of a great free library, a long felt public w^ant. I submit that the necessary alterations to the building can be made with but slight ex- penditures, and I would ask your serious con- sideration of the subject. Kespectfully, John Fitzpatrick, Mayor. February 2 , 1895 . Ordinance No. 10^254.^ C. S. An Ordinance dedicating for the use as a Public Library the building formerly occupied by the Criminal District Court. Whereas, a great library thoroughly equipped and centrally located would be an at- traction to our citizens, as well as to visitors, — 8 - and would redound to the intellectual culture and welfare of the public, and Whereas, the building forming the corner of Lafayette and Camp streets, and lately occu- pied by the Criminal District Court, is now vacant, and is well adapted to this purpose ; therefore be it Besolved by the Council of the City of Neio Or- leans, That said building be and is hereby dedi- cated for the use and purpose of a Public Library. Be it further ordained. That the City En- gineer be and is hereby directed to prepare plans and specifications for the alteration of the interior of said building to meet the re- ^ quirements and wants of such purpose. Adopted by the Council of the city of ISTew Orleans, January 29, 1895. Dan a. Rose, Clerk of Council. Approved February 2, 1895. John Fitzpatrick, Mayor. A true qopy : Clark Steen, Secretary to the Mayor. Mayoralty of ^^'ew Orleans, \ City Hall, April 15, 1896. j No. 12.217, Council Series. An Ordinance establishing a Public Library in the city of New Orleans, and provid- ing for the management of same. Be it Besolved.! That the Fisk Free Library, now located in the Tulane University, and — 9 — under the management of the Board of Ad- ministrators of the Tulane Fund, and the library now located in the City Hall be dedicated under Ordinance I^o. 10,254, C. S., for a Public Library and situated at the corner of Camp and Lafayette streets, and that said consoli- dated library shall be known as the Fisk Free and Public Library of the city of IS'ew Orleans. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained^ That the man- agement of said Fisk Free and Public Library shall be in charge of a Board of Directors who shall be appointed by the Mayor and to be styled the Board of Directors of the Fisk Free and Public Library of the city of Xew Orleans. » The said board shall be composed of seven di- rectors, together with the Mayor of the city of IN’ew Orleans, who shall be ex-officio chairman of said Board of Directors. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained^ That the Mayors of the city of ]^ew Orleans upon the expiration of their term of office shall not vacate the office of director of said Fisk Free and Public Library, but shall continue life directors of same, and in this manner and in no other shall said Board of Directors be in- creased. Sec. 4. The said Board of Directors shall have authority to fill vacancies arising in sa d board from death, resignation or otherwise, and shall adopt all rules for the government of said library, subject, however, to the approval of the Mayor. Sec. 5. The said board shall elect a President and Secretary, and shall meet at least once a month and adopt such measures as in their — 10 — judgment shall best promote the growth of the library and make it an instrument of public interest and utility. Sec. 6. Be it farther ordained^ That all rev- enues received from the Fisk Free and Public Library bequest and all moneys received from rental of offices, etc., in the said library building shall be set aside as a separate fund by the Comptroller and shall be used for the conducting of said library, as well as all other funds appropriated by the city of Xew Orleans for library purposes. SEC. 7. Beit farther ordained^ That Ordinance IN'o. 7539, Administration Series, transferring to the Administrators of the University of Louisiana the Fisk Free and Public Library and the property and funds attached thereto, and all other ordinances on the subject of public libraries, be and the same is hereby repealed. Adopted by the Council of the city of ISTew Orleans, April 14, 1896. Dan a. Rose, Clerk of Council. Approved April 14, 1896. John Fitzpatrick, Mayor. A true copy : Clark Steen, Secretary to the Mayor. April 21, 1895. Official Proceedings. May or’’ s Message. I beg to submit in accordance with provi- sions of Ordinance Xo. 12,217, C. S., 1 have — 11 — UBRAR? - UNIVERSnY or IIUIKMI appointed the following gentlemen a Board of Directors of the Fisk Free and Public Library, viz. : Messrs. Frank T. Howard, Albert Bald- win, Jr., P. A. Belong, Fred. G. Ernst, E. B. Kruttschnitt, Geo. W. Flynn and Sidney H. March, and request your approval of same. On motion of Mr. Louque the action of the Mayor was approved. Mayoralty of IS^ew Orleans. \ City Hall, September 30, 896. j Ab. 12,706. Council Series, An Ordinance by Committee Ao. 2, amending and re-enacting Sec. 6 of Ordinance Ao. 12,217, C. S., an ordinance creating and establishing a public library in the city of Aew Orleans, and providing for the management of same. Be it ordained by the City Council of the city of New Orleans, That Sec. 6 of Ordinance No. 12,217, C. S., be and the same is hereby amended as follows : Sec. 6. — Be it further ordained, That all revenues received and to be received from the Fisk Free and Public Library bequest, from the rental of offices or rooms in the library building and from the sale of priv- leges within the library, and all funds now to the credit of the New Fisk Li- brary or of the furnishing of the said library, as well as all sum or sums of money now or hereafter to be appropriated by the city, or accruing from any bequests or legacies made to said city for library purposes, be and the same are hereby put under the control of said — 12 — board of directors. It shall be the duty of the Comptroller to place said revenues, funds and sums of money so received, bequeathed or ap- propriated to the credit of said board, and to warrant for the same on the Treasurer in favor of said board on the orders or requisitions signed by its president. The said board shall expend said revenues, funds and sums .of money for the maintenance and administration of said library. In further- ance of the authority herein delegated to said board, it shall have full power to engage all the employees of the library, to fix their com- pensation, and to discharge them at will. It shall make semi-annual reports to the city of its receipts and expenditures, and of the library. Be it farther ordained^ That Ordinance 12,217, C. S., as amended above, be and the same is hereby re-enacted. Adopted by the Council of the city of IN'ew Orleans, September 29, 1896. T. W. Campbell, Assistant Clerk of Council. Approved September 30, 1896. W. C. Flower, Mayor. A true copy : T. H. Thorpe, Secretary to the Mayor. — 13 — BY-LAWS. Article 1. Regular meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held on the second Mon- day of every month, at 7:30 f. m., and at all meetings a majority of the board shall consti- tute a quorum. The order of business shall be as follows : 1. Reading the records of the previous meet- ing. 2. Reports of officers. 3. Reports from standing committees. 4. Reports from special committees. 5. Communications. 6. Untinished business. 7. Yew business. Special meetings shall be called by the Sec- retary, upon the written request of the Presi- dent or any two directors, and a notice thereof of not less than two days shall be given to each director, in which shall be stated the object of the meeting, and no business shall be transacted at such meeting except such as is stated in the notice. Art. 2. The officers of the Board of Direc- tors shall consist of a Chairman ex officio (the Mayor of the city Y e w Orleans) , a President, Vice President and a Secretary-Treasurer. All officers, except the Chairman ex officio^ shall be elected for the term of one year, and shall hold their offices until their successors shall have been elected and qualified. They shall be — 14 — elected at the regular monthly meeting in Feb- ruary of each year. Art. 3. There shall be five standing com- mittees, to be appointed by the President, namely : 1. Committee on Books and Periodicals. 2. Committee on Administration. 3. Committee on Finance. 4. Committee on Rules and By-Laws. 5. Committee on Circulating Delivery Sta- tions. Each committee to consist of three members. Art. 4. The President shall be ex officio a member of each of the committees, without power to vote. It shall be his duty to preside at all meetings of the board; to sign all vouchers approved by the board, upon w^hich drafts shall have been drawn by the Secretary - Treasurer on the funds of the board; to ap- point the standing committees for the year; to prepare for the consideration of the board such special recommendations as he may see fit for the advancement and welfare of the library. Art. 5. In the absence or inability of the President, all the duties of that officer shall be performed by the Vice President. Art. 6. It shall be the duty of the Secretary- Treasurer to keep a neat, exact and permanent record of the meetings of the Board of Direc- tors. He shall also keep, when required to do so, minutes of the transactions of the commit- tees of the board. The Secretary-Treasurer shall also, under the supervision of the Finance Committee, be the financial officer of the Library Commission, and keep its accounts and receive and deposit and account for all moneys which may come into or accrue to the com- mission from bequests, legacies, donations, fines or from any other source whatever. He shall also make to the board, at its meeting in each month, a statement of all moneys received and disbursed by him in the preceding month, and once each quarter he shall report the con- dition of the treasury, appending thereto a cer- tificate as to the correctness of all his books for said quarter. And he shall perform such other duties as the Board of Commissioners may direct, and give such security as the board may order. Art. 7. The Board of Directors shall at their first meeting, after the adoption of these By- Laws, elect a Librarian, an Assistant Librarian and such other assistants as they may deter- mine as necessary for the proper running of the library, and the officers so elected shall hold their offices subject to the approval of the board. The Chief Librarian shall, under the control of the board, have charge of the rooms and working force of the library, and shall be responsible for the care and safety of the books and other puDlic property contained therein, and for the preservation of order in the rooms. He shall prepare for the use of the Committee on Books and Periodicals lists of books to be purchased; and shall have execu- tive superintendence of all matters subject to the supervision and approval of the several standing committees. He shall report to the Committee on Books and Periodicals, at the — 16 — monthly meetings of the Board of Directors, upon the condition and circulation of the books for the preceding month, and shall also make a semi-annual report to the Board of Directors at its regular monthly meeting in the months of March and October, each year. In the absence of the Chief Librarian, through sickness or any other cause, the duties of the Librarian shall devolve upon the First Assist- ant Librarian. Art. 8. The Committee on Books and Periodicals shall have control and super- vision in all matters relating to the selection, purchase, exchange and binding of books and periodicals, the sale and exchange of dupli- cates, and of old magazines and papers not kept for tiling and binding; the arrangement, printing, sale and disposition of catalogues and of the statistics of circulation; and in all matters relating to the stamps, plates, labels and printed forms in use in the library. It shall be the duty of the committee to report upon the condition of the books to the Board of Directors at its regular monthly meetings. It shall be their duty to report upon the gen- eral progress of the library, and to examine, from time to time, the books and periodicals in the room. I^o purchase of books or period- icals shall be made except by the authority of the Board of Directors. As to the matters under their supervision they shall report an- nually to the Board of Directors at the regular meeting in the month of February, each year. Art. 9. The Committee on Administration shall have supervision in the following : In — 17 — matters relating to the appointment and con- trol and remuneration of the employees of the library; to the arrangements for the circula- tion of books and periodicals, and for the needful examination of the library. They shall have full control of the buildings and property belonging to the library; to the col- lection of rents, and the making of all neces- sary repairs; to the providing; of all supplies, and they shall exercise a general supervision over all matters pertaining to the welfare of the library. They shall make the rules and regulations governing the Library Staff, the hours for meals, the hours for opening and closing the library, the rules governing the readers and all other rules necessary for run- ning the library. As to all matters under their su]3er vision they shall report annually at the regular meeting in February each year. Art. 10. The Finance Committee shall exer- cise a general supervision of the finances of the board; shall direct the form and manner in which the Secretary-Treasurer shall keep the accounts and books; shall pass upon all bills and shall attach to same their written approval, through its chairman, and shall de- cide upon the best manner of caring for, in- vesting and disbursing of all moneys received by the Board of Commissioners from any source whatever. They shall examine the books of the Secretary-Treasurer and attach their approval or disapproval to all his reports or accounts. Art. 11 . The Committee on Eules and By- Laws shall consider and report upon all prop- — 18 — ositions for the amendment, repeal and revision of any of the by-laws of the library, and upon all legal questions arising in the board. Art. 12. The Committee on Delivery Sta- tions shall have the general charge and care of the delivery stations established by the board and of all matters under their supervision. They shall report annually to the board at the regular meeting in the month of February. Art. 13. At any meeting the ayes and nays shall be called upon on any question before the board, at the request of one member. Art. 14. All proposed expenditures of money, except current and incidental expendi- tures, shall, unless otherwise ordered by the board, be referred to the proper committee for consideration and report thereon, and no appropriation shall be made, or indebtedness incurred, to an amount exceeding one hundred dollars, without the concurring votes of a majority of the board. Art. 15. The employment, compensation and discharge of all employees of the Libraiy Board shall be considered only in executive session. Art. 17. The employees of the library shall be subject to suspension at any time by the Administration Committee, or by the Chief Librarian, or the First Assistant, when acting as Chief Librarian, for absence without leave, want of attention to business, unreasonable waste of time, want of courtesy toward the public, or improper behavior generally. When a suspension shall have been ordered by the Committee, or Librarian or Assistant Libra- — 19 — rian, as aforesaid, such suspension, with the reasons therefor, shall he reported to the Board of Directors at its next regular monthly meeting for its approval or disapproval; pro- vided the report of such suspension, with the reasons therefor, be made to the Board of Directors by the Committee on Administra- tion. When the suspension is made by the Librarian or Assistant, as hereinbefore pro- vided, the fact and reasons therefor shall he made direct to the Committee on Administra- tion. Employees absent from duty shall forfeit their pay during the time of their absence, unless excused by the Librarian, who may, at his discretion, grant leave of absence for not more than one day in each month. Art. 18. These by-laws may be altered, amended or repealed by a majority of the directors, but no such action shall be taken except at a regular meeting, subsequent to the regular meeting at which such action was proposed. — 20 —