309.136 Spis UNIVERSITV OF ILLINOIS UBRARY CATALOG X-3 SPALDING ALL-STEEL APPARATUS "Happy hearts and happy faces, happy play in grassy places; That was how in ancient ages, children grew to kings and sages. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., INC., CHICOPEE, MASS. PACIFIC COAST BRANCH; 156 Ceaiy Street, San Francisco, Cal. CHICOPEE FACTORY OF A. G. SPALDING & BROS. The Largest Plant of its Kind in the World - 500.000 Square Feet of Floor Spa " If a man preach a better sermon, write book, or build a better mouse trap t1 neighbor, tho’ he hide himself in the wil the world will make a beaten path to hi a:-3omplete except pipe, $320.00. Price f.o.b. Chicopee, Mass., and aubjcc Shipping Weight (Apparatus and Fittings), 1,800 lbs. 3 long, no threads; I piece 3-in. pipe, :ccs Tin. pipe, each 17 feet 6 inches loi Spalding All-Steel Apparatus for the Playground k. SCHOOLYARD OUTFIT A- 1 305 is a 1 Long Steel-Lined Slide with Steps arid Guard Rails. See detail of construction on page 44. 1 Pair Formed Steel Incline Poles. 1 Formed Steel Inclined Ladder. I Pair No. A. H. Guard Rails. Combination E. See page 27 No. A.1305. Height. 14 feet each 16 feet 6 inches I typical assortment of apparatus for girls us' small public playground or schoolyard. 2 Drop Forged Steel Flexible Ladders with Anchors 2 Formed Steel Climbing Poles with Anchors 2 Pairs Ball Bearing Aluminum Flying Rings. 2 Formed Steel Teeter Ladders Complete except pipe, $360.00. Price f.o.b. Chicopee. Mass.. ai Shipping Weight (Apparatus and Fittings), 1,800 lbs. ong, no threads; 1 piece 3-in. pipe. 15 feet long, no threads; I piece rads ; 1 piece 3-in. pipe, 8 feet long, no threads ; 4 pieces 2-in. pipe economically arranged ; suitable for FITTINGS: F - I Single Tees. F-22 Tee Clamps. F-12 Brace Clamps. F-32 Base Flanges. F-33 Base Flanges. F-36 Pipe Plugs. F-28 Crown Plates. Spalding All-Steel Apparatus for the Playground II ALL-STEEL GYMNASIUM OUTFIT X-1400 DIMENSIONS AT TCP: . . -10 FEET LONG x 52 FEET WIDE DIMENSIONS AT GROUND: 60 FEET LONG x 67 FEET WIDE 12 Spalding All-Steel Apparatus for the Playground OUTFIT X-1400 was designed for an institution playground where a certain variety of the popular apparatus was required at the lowest obtainable cost — quality attendant. The frame is 1 4 feet high, supported and braced entirely by 2-inch pipe. The top pipes only are of 3*inch pipe. Under certain conditions it represents an ideal outfit. SPECIFICATIONS APPARATUS FITTINGS 1 Long Steel -Lined Chute. 4 F-53 End Spread Fittings. 1 Formed Steel Vertical Ladder. 1 Pair No. A. H. Guard Rails. 2 F - 9 Combination Center Fittings. Combination A. See page 26 1 Pair Formed Steel Incline Poles. 1 F - 6 Center Run for Traveling Rings. 1 Formed Steel Vertical Ladder. i Pair No. A. H. Guard Rails. 3 F- 3 Single Tees, 3 in. x 2 in. Combination B. See page 26 2 Drop Forged Steel Flexible Ladders. 4 F-12 Brace Clamps with offset plugs. 2 Formed Steel Climbing Poles. 2 Pairs Ball Bearing Flying Rings. 21 h-32 Base Flanges tor 2-inch Upnghts. 6 Ball Bearing Traveling Rings. 2 Steel Horizontal Bars. 5 F-30 Crown Plates for 2-inch Uprights. No. X-1400. Complete except pipe, $400.00. Price f.o.b. Chicopee. Mass., and subject to discount. Shipping Weight (Apparatus and Fittings), t.800 lbs, n. pipe, each 18 feet 6 in. long, no threads: I piece 3-in. pipe. 15 feel long, no ihreodB; 16 pieces 2-in. pipe, each 16 feet long, no threads; 5 pieces 2-in. pipe, each 17 fe el long, no threads; 4 pieces 2-in. pipe, each 3 feet 4 inches long, threaded both ends. OUTFIT X-M05 Similar in general design to Outfit X-1400, except that XA Slide, as shown on Pages 10 and 11, is used instead of Slide Combination A. No. X.H05. Complete except pipe. $383.00. Price f.o.b. Chicopee, Mass., and subject to discount. Spalding All-Steel Apparatus for the Playground 13 OUTFIT X-1500 for boys carries the more essential features of equipment, and, at the price, probably ’ represents the maximum in efficient working parts. It will amply accommodate and keep occupied a goodly number of boys, meeting the playground needs of the smaller cities. See pages 5 and 51. SPECIFICATIONS APPARATUS 1 Long Steel -Lined Chute. 1 Formed Steel Vertical Ladder. I Pair No. A. H. Guard Rails. Combination A. See page 28 I Pair Formed Steel Inclined Poles. I Formed Steel Vertical Ladder. 1 Pair No. A. H. Guard Rails. Combination B. See page 26 2 Formed Steel Inclined Ladders. 2 Formed Steel Vertical Sliding Poles. 2 Pairs No. I. H. Guard Rails. Combination C. See page 26 1 Set of Six Ball Bearing Aluminum Traveling Rings. 2 Pairs Ball Bearing Aluminum Flying Rings. 2 Steel Horizontal Bars. FITTINGS 2 F - 3 End Runs for Traveling Rings. 1 F - 6 Center Run for Traveling 3 F - I Single Tees. 3 in. x 3 in. 6 F - 2 Single Elbows, 3 in. x 3 in. 4 F-1 I Brace Clamps with straight plugs. 2 F-12 Brace Clamps with straight plugs. 2 F-47 Brace Clamps with straight plugs. 4 F-1 I Brace Clamps with offset plugs. 6 F-12 Brace Clamps with offset plugs. 14 F-32 Base Flanges for 2-inch Braces. 9 F-33 Base Flanges for 3-inch Uprights. 9 F-28 Crown Plates for 3-inch Uprights. No. X-1500. Height. 16 feet. Complete except pipe. S490.00. Price f.o.b. Chicopee. Maaa.. and aubjeci to discount. Shipping Weight (Apparatua and Fillings). 2.700 lbs. Pipe Required: 2 pieces 3-in. pipe, each 20 feet long, no threads. 5 pieces 3-in. pipe, each 15 feet long, no 14 pieces 2-in. pipe, each 20 feet long, threaded one end ; 4 pieces 2-in. pipe, each 5 feet long, threaded both ends ; 4 threads; 9 pieces 3-in. pipe, each 19 feet long, no thr< pieces 2-in. pipe, each 3 feet 4 inches long, threaded both i ids: nds. OUTFIT X-1540 A desirable addition may be made to above outfit by adding four Formed Steel Teeter Ladders and pipe fittings, as shown on page 30. These ladders should be placed two on each side of the transverse center section. Such additions would change above specifications as follows : ADD; 2 F-12 Double Brace Clamps; 2 F-22 Tee Clamps; 2 F-2 Elbows; 2 F-33 Base Plates. Add to pipe specifications: 2 pieces 3-in. pipe, 6 feet long, no threads; 2 long, no threads, drilled to sketch. No. X-1540. Complete except pipe. $600.00, covering changes abow Shipping Weight (Apparatus Flanges; 2 F-28 Crown pieces 3-in. pipe. 8 feet OMIT; 2 F-47 Triple Brace Clamps; 2 Flanges. Omit from pipe specifications 2-in. pipe, each 20 feel long, threaded t noted. Price f.o.b. Chicopee, Mass , and subject to discount, and Fillings). 3,000 lbs. F-32 Base ; 2 pieces Construction plans in detail supplied with each oullil. Spalding All-Steel Apparatus for the Playground ALL-STEEL GYMNASIUM OUTFIT X-1510 DIMENSIONS AT TOP: - . 40 FEET LONG e 75 FEET WIDE DIMENSIONS AT GROUND: 63 FEET LONG e 89 FEET WIDE 16 Spalding All-Steel Apparatus for the Playground OUTFIT X'1510 offers a fairly complete assortment of desirable apparatus, grouped to the best possible advantage, and presents as a whole an outfit especially designed for a boys public playground. An opportunity is provided for all varieties of the most popular forms of exercise, and the number of pieces is sufficient to suitably accommodate the attendance in playgrounds of the smaller municipalities. See pages 5 and 5 1 . APPARATUS. Long Steel -Lined Chute. Formed Steel Vertical Ladder. Pair No. A. H. Guard Rails. Combination A. See page 28. Pair Formed Steel Incline Poles. Formed Steel Vertical Ladder. Pair No. A. H. Guard Rails. Combination B. See page 26. Formed Steel Inclined Ladders. Formed Steel Vertical Sliding Poles. Pairs No. 1. H. Guard Rails. Combination C. See page 26. Drop Forged Steel Fle.tible Ladders with Anchors. Formed Steel Climbing Poles with Anchors. Pairs Ball Bearing Aluminum Flying Rings. Set of Six Ball Bearing Aluminum Traveling Rings. Steel Horizontal Bars. SPECIFICATIONS 2 FITTINGS. F - 5 End Runs for Traveling Rings. 1 F - 6 Center Run for Traveling Rings. 5 F - I Single Tees. 3 in, x 3 in. 6 F - 2 Single Elbows, 3 in. x 3 in, 4 F-1 I Brace Clamps with straight plugs. 4 F-I2 Brace Clamps with straight plugs. 2 F-47 Brace Clamps with straight plugs. 4 F- 1 1 Brace Clamps with offset plugs. 6 F-12 Brace Clamps with offset plugs. 18 F-32 Base Flanges for 2-inch Uprights. 1 I F-33 Base Flanges for 3-inch Uprights. I I F-28 Crown Plates for 3-inch Uprights. No. X-1510. Height, 16 feet. Complete except pipe, $585.00. Price f.o.b. Chicopet Shipping Weight (Apparntus and Fittings), 3,100 Iba. Ma! .. and subject to discount, Spalding All-Steel Apparatus for the Playground 17 ALL-STEEL GYMNASIUM OUTFIT X-1650 Spalding All-Steel Apparatus for the Playground OUTFIT X’1650 for girls is designed to complement Outfits X*1500, X*1510 and X"I540 for boys. The assort- ment of apparatus is based on experience that has demonstrated the popularity of its use, and for the smaller cities we recommend this type as ideal. See pages 5 and 5 1 . SPECIFICATIONS APPARATUS FITTINGS 2 Long Sleel-Lined Chutes. 2 Formed Steel Vertical Ladders. 2 Pairs No. A. H. Guard Rails. Combination A. See page 28 1 Pair Formed Steel Inclined Poles. 1 Formed Steel Vertical Ladder. 1 Pair No. A. H. Guard Rails. Combination B. See page 26 I Formed Steel Inclined Ladder. 1 Formed Steel Vertical Sliding Pole. 1 Pair No. I. H. Guard Rails. Combination C. See page 26 2 Drop Forged Steel Flexible Ladders with Anchors. 2 F-5 End Runs for Traveling Rings. 1 F - 6 Center Run for Traveling Rings. 4 F - 9 Combination Fittings. 4 F-14 Single Elbows, 2 in. x 3 in. 2 F ' 2 Single Elbows, 3 in. x 3 In, 2 F-23 Tee Clamps, 2 in. x 3 in. 4 F-46 Brace Clamps with straight plugs. 4 F-1 I Brace Clamps with offset plugs. 6 F-12 Brace Clamps with offset plugs. 20 F-32 Base Flanges for 2-inch Braces. Formed Steel Climbing Poles with Anchors. Pairs Ball Bearing Aluminum Flying Rings. Set of Seven Ball Bearing Aluminum Traveling Rings, Formed Steel Teeter Ladders. 2 F-33 Base Flanges for 3-inch Uprights. 2 F-36 Plugs for 3-inch Pipe. 2 F-28 Crown Plates for 3-inch Uprights. 8 F-30 Crown Plates for 2-inch Uprights. No. X-1650. Height, 14 fee omplete except pipe. $725.00. Price f.o.b. Chicopee. Mom., and subjee Shipping Weight (Apparatus and Fittings). 3,500 lbs. Pipe Required: 2 pieces 3-in. pipe, each 20 ft. long, no treads; 3 pieces 3-in 2 pieces 3-in. pipe, each 8 ft. long, no threads; 2 pieces 3-in.^ r 2-in. pipe, each 18 ft. long, no threads; 4 pieces 2-in. pipe, t ' ’’’ each 3 ft. 4 in. long, threaded both ends. jch 17 ft. 6 in. long, threaded c no threads; 2 pieces 3-in. pipe, each 15 ft. 6 in. long, no threads; sketch; 8 pieces 2-in. pipe, each 17 It. long, no threads; 8 pieces 2-in, pipe, each 5 ft. long, threoded both ends; 4 pieces 2-in. pipe, Spalding All-Steel Apparatus for the Playground 19 20 Spalding All- Steel Apparatus for the Playground OUTFIT XX-1700 was originally designed as the result of a demand for a combination frame — that is, one for boys and girls. The purpose was not ideal, but necessity imposed the makeshift. Since then we have adopted the design as particularly appropriate in playgrounds not sufficiently crowded to warrant further duplication of climbing and sliding com- binations, but desirous of two lines of Traveling Rings. This piece of apparatus is one of the most popular, and desirable because the exercise is progressive. The Rings, suspended side by side in parallel lines, as shown, offer opportunity for competitive work, relay races, etc. ; also provide means of utilizing two sets of Rings at different heights. The arrangement is altogether commendable. See pages 5 and 5 1 . SPECIFICATIONS APPARATUS 2 Long Steel- Lined Chutes. 2 Formed Steel Vertical Ladders. 2 Pairs No. A. H. Guard Rails. Combination A. See page 26 2 Pairs Formed Steel Inclined Poles. 2 Formed Steel Vertical Ladders. 2 Pairs No. A. H. Guard Rails. Combination B. See page 26 2 Drop Forged Steel Flexible Ladders with Anchors. 2 Formed Steel Climbing Poles with Anchors. 2 Sets of Six each Ball Bearing Alumi- num Traveling Rings. 3 Pairs Ball Bearing Aluminum Flying Rings. 1 Ball Bearing Steel Trapeze. 2 Steel Horizontal Bars. FITTINGS 3 End Runs for Traveling Rings. 6 Center Runs for Traveling Rings. 1 Single Tees, 3 in. x 3 in. 2 Single Elbows, 3 in. x 3 in. 1 Brace Clamps with straight plugs. 2 Brace Clamps with straight plugs. 7 Brace Clamps with straight plugs. 1 Brace Clamps with offset plugs. 2 Brace Clamps with offset plugs. 2 Base Flanges for 2-inch Braces. 3 Base Flanges for 3-inch Uprights. 8 Crown Plates for 3-inch Uprights. No. XX-1700. Height, 16 feet. Complete except pipe, $760.00. Shipping Weight (Apparatus and Fi Price f.o.b. Chic tings). 3,W0 lbs. ;e, Mass., and aubjcc Spalding All-Steel Apparatus for the Playground 21 ALL-STEEL GYMNASIUM OUTFIT XX-2040 22 Spalding All-Steel Apparatus for the Playground OUTFIT XX-2040 for boys offers an outdoor gymnasium of a very complete type, with a slight rearrangement and change of apparatus to those of similar class previously shown. The choice between types may rest upon individual prefer- ence in the matter of details. This frame, however, might be adaptable to combination use — that is, for boys and girls if necessity demanded, somewhat better than those specially listed for their respective sex. One-half of the frame could be dropped to a 1 4 foot height. See pages 5 and 3 1 . APPARATUS SPECIFICATIONS Long Steel-Lined Chutes Formed Steel Vertical Ladders. Pairs No. A. H. Guard Rails. Combination A. See page 26 Pair Formed Steel Inclined Poles. Formed Steel Vertical Ladder. Pair No. A. H. Guard Rails. Combination B. See page 26 Formed Steel Inclined Ladders. Formed Steel Vertical Sliding Poles. Pairs No. I. H. Guard Rails. Combination C. See page 26 Pair Formed Steel Inclined Poles. Drop Forged Steel Flexible Ladder. Pair No. A. H. Guard Rails. Pairs Ball Bearing Aluminum Flying Rings. Sets of Six each Bali Bearing Alumi- num Traveling Rings. Ball Bearing Steel Trapeze. Formed Steel Teeter Ladders. Steel Horizontal Bars. F-5 F-6 F- 1 F-2 F-22 F-1 1 F-12 F-47 F-l I F-!2 F-32 F-33 F-28 FITTINGS End Runs for Traveling Rings. Center Runs for Traveling Rings. Single Tees, 3 in. x 3 in. Single Elbows, 3 in. x 3 in. Tee Clamps. 3 in. x 3 in. Brace Clamps with straight plugs. Brace Clamps with straight plugs. Brace Clamps with straight plugs. Brace Clamps with offset plugs. Brace Clamps with offset plugs. Base Flanges, for 2-in. Braces. Base Flanges, for 3-in. Uprights. Crown Plates, for 3-in. Uprights. No. XX*2040. Height, 16 feet. Complete except pipe. $930.00. Price f.o.b. Chicopee. Mnss., and aubjcct to diacount. Shipping Weight (Apparatus and Fittings). 4.700 lbs. Pipe Required- 4 pieces 3-in. pipe, each 20 feet long, no threads: 6 pieces 3-in. pipe, each 16 feet long, no threads; 2 pieces 3-in. pipe, each 15 feet long, no threads: 15 pieces 3-in. pipe, each 19 feet long, no threads; 2 pieces 3-in. pipe, each 8 feet long, no threads; 2 pieces 3-in. pipe, each 8 feel long, no ihrends. drilled to sketch; 20 pieces 2-in. pipe, each 20 feet long, threaded one end; 8 pieces 2-in. pipe, each 5 feet long, threaded both ends; 6 pieces 2-in. pipe, each 3 feet 4 inches long, threaded both ends. Spalding All-Steel Apparatus for the Playground 23 It was early demonstrated to us that wooden apparatus, particularly ladders and poles in their various combinations, were unfit for playground use. Lack of durability in use and through climatic conditions, as well as the dangerous condition of such worn-out material, emphasized the necessity of improvement. At a very considerable expense, and after much experimenting, we have succeeded in perfecting a line of steel apparatus that supplies all the needed elements of a playground equipment. Judging from the way in which it has been received, we feel that we may justly claim it superior to anything of its kind. It is weather- proof, splinter-proof, and, as nearly as the assertion may be made of material things, time- proof. All apparatus is finished complete in a hot galvanizing tank. Every seam, crevice and joint is closed with molten metal. Inside and out it is absolutely rust-proof. It has a smooth exterior surface, no bolt-heads, rivets or clamps protruding, nor are there any in its construction. Made from smooth, cold - drawn sheet steel, properly shaped in special dies, it will be found in a class by itself — Strong, Safe, Serviceable. This apparatus, after four seasons’ trial in the principal cities of the country, bears their unqualified endorsement. Our improved method of attaching the apparatus at the ground, instead of grouting in cement as heretofore, per- mits convenient removal during winter months, and if, in the course of time, re - galvanizing becomes necessary, it may be done locally at the minimum expense. The anchors are heavy iron castings with a broad base and should be firmly grouted in cement. The top of the cement should be slightly crowned and extend as close to point of attachment as bolt head and nut will permit. 24 SpALDiNC All-Steel Apparatus for the Playground CLIMBING AND SLIDING COMBINATIONS We illustrate on these pages several different forms of climbing and sliding combinations. Apparatus of this class is of the most popular type. It satisfies an instinct for getting up in the air and fast motion. It admits of endless forms of fun. Exercises of great variety and benefit, promoting courage and ability to handle one's self, result from its use. As a combination for playground purposes its advantages are manifold. It accom- modates a crowd and keeps it in constant motion, one making way for another. It changes square foot space to cubic foot space, and is excellently adapted for small grounds and con- gested conditions. It accomplishes the dual purpose of pro- viding entertainment and exercise for the children and also braces the framework for other apparatus. It promotes inventive qualities for all sorts of games of tag, follow-the-leader, etc., as well as offering opportunities for team and relay races. For best results as many varieties should be provided as conditions permit. Equally adaptable to either girls’ or boys' playgrounds. Vertical Ladders are slightly inclined to keep the child over the center of gravity in the vertical climb, with the body in a natural position. This arrangement makes the ascent easier and safer, particularly with the smaller children. The guard rails at the top are made in two different styles, as shown, affording safe passage across the frame before getting ready for the descent. For this class of apparatus nothing is better than our Formed Steel Ladders and Poles, assembled without the use of rivets or bolts, and presenting surfaces perfectly clear of sharp edges and projections. Safest and most durable, therefore most economical. All apparatus and fittings heavily galvanized by the hot process. See page 24. No. X-214. Formed Steel Inclined Ladder, 14-ft. Frame. Each, $40.00 No. X-216. Formed Steel Inclined Ladder. 16-ft. Frame. " 40.00 No. X-314. Formed Steel Vertical Ladder, 14-ft. Frame. “ 32.00 No. X-316. Formed Steel Vertical Ladder. 16-ft. Frame. " 32.00 No. X-414. Formed Steel Inclined Poles. 14-ft. Frame. Pair, 25.00 No. X-416. Formed Steel Inclined Poles, 16-ft. Frame. " 25.00 No. X-514. Formed Steel Vertical Sliding Pole. 1 4-ft.Frame. Each. 10.00 No. X-5I6. Formed Steel Vertical Sliding Pole. 1 6-ft. Frame. " 10.00 No. X - 30. Long Steel-Lined Chute. " 100.00 No. 1. H. Guard Rails for Vertical Pole Set, 7.50 No. A. H. Guard Rails for Inclined Poles. ... " 10.00 See pages 24, 26, 27. 28, (or delDils. Prices quoted include necessary clamps and ground sockets. All prices f.o.b. Chicopee. Mass., and subject to discount. SHIPPING WEIGHTS Steel Ladders 7 lbs. to foot Vertical Pole . 3 lbs. to font Inclined Poles, pair ...... .6 lbs. to fool No, X-30 Steel-Lined Chute 750 lbs. No. A. H. Guard Rails 50 lbs. No. I. H. Guard Rails ... .... 30 lbs. Spalding All-Steel Appailatus for the Playground 23 To provide a slide or "chute" for older children, and thereby satisfy those who at times usurp the rights of the younger by monopolizing iheir favorite piece of apparatus, we have designed Combination A. This is a modifi- cation of children's slide shown on page 44, designed to gradually reduce the speed at the ^ ^ end of the trip and let the child finish in a w /W 1 ^ standing position. ^ The hramework is substantially made of selected wood, oil finished. The sides are extra J deep, to insure safety in descent, further pro- tection being given by the guard rails at the top. There is a malleable iron apron extend- ing from the top pipe to the bedway, to ^ facilitate the seating operation and to take the wear of the heels striking at this point. Combination A consists of: 1 Long Steel -Lined Chute, No. X-30. $100.00 1 Formed Steel Vertical Ladder. . 32.00 Pair No. A. H. Guard Rails 10.00 Shipping Weight : f ~ ^ Chute. 750 lbs.: Ladder. 1-10 lbs.; Guard Rails. SO lbs. Pipe hllings and pipe shown represent a part of the main frame and are not included. 28 Spalding All-Steel Apparatus for the Playground HORIZONTAL LADDER We recommend the method of treat- ing the Horizontal Ladder as a separate piece of apparatus and not suspended from the gymnasium frame. The cut illustrates our All- Steel Ladder, mounted upon tubular uprights grouted three feet in the ground. Three rungs are inserted between uprights, which place the Ladder within reach of all. All forms of hanging work are both natural and beneficial to children. The Ladder shown is 16 feel long and set 7 feet 6 inches above ground. All parts are galvanized. No. X-907. Horizontal Ladder. Complete, $60.00 Price f.o.b, Chicopee. Moss., and subject to discount. Shipping weight. 250 lbs. Spalding All-Steel Apparatus for the Playground 29 This picture illustrates the method of connecting a Teeter Ladder extension to a high frame. The Teeter Ladders, either single or double, are, however, generally used on a separate frame, the following fittings being required : 2 F-2 Single Elbows - - at $3.50 - 2 F-33 Base Flanges - • .75 • 2 F-28 Crown Plates - - .50 • $7.00 Complete Set of Fittings, $9.50 teeter ladders are greatly abused pieces of apparatus. They demonstrate the effectiveness and economy of our all-steel construction. Physiologically they are excellent exercisers for growing children, and this is enhanced by the pleasure of use. Where two ladders are used, one may be mounted on top of pipe and the fittings reversed for the other, hanging it under the pipe. This gives a height variation of approximately one foot. No. X-87. Teeter Ladder only, with clamps for 3-in. pipe. $25.00 Pipe and Fittings extra. Price f.o.b. Chicopee. Mass., subject to discount. Shipping Weight, 65 lbs. PIPE SPECIFICATIONS Standard Galvanized Steel Pipe to be bought locally. SINGLE Teeter ladder frame: I piece 3-inch pipe. “I feet long, no threads; 2 pieces 3-inch pipe, each 8 feet long, no threads, drilled to sketch. Double Teeter Ladder Frame: l piece 3-inch pipe. 8 feet long, no threads; 2 pieces 3-inch pipe, each 8 feet long, no threads, drilled to sketch. .ghi, 100 It 30 Spalding All-Steel Apparatus for the Playground STEEL HORIZONTAL BAR Consists of two malleable clamp ends for 2-in. or 3-in. pipe and a steel bar 1 /g in. diameter, 7 ft. 6 in. long on centers of uprights. Any length made to order. All parts are hot galvanized. No. X-71. Horizontal Bar. with Clamps for 2-in. pipe. Each. $8.00 No. X-72. Horizontal Bar, with Clamps for 3-in. pipe. “ 8.00 Price f.o.b. Chicopee, Mass., and subject to discount. Shipping Weight, 30 lbs. STEEL CLIMBING POLE Made ]\? inches in diameter, of smoothly drawn cold-rolled steel, hot galvanized ; suspended by malleable fittings, having a malleable eye plug in the lower end with chain-anchor to set in the ground as shown in detail. Experience has proven the necessity for the anchor. No. X-96. Climbing Pole, with Anchor. Each, $7.50 Price f.o.b. Chicopee, Mass., and subject to discount. Shipping Weight, 25 lbs. STEEL FLEXIBLE LADDER This ladder takes the place of the always unsatisfactory rope ladder. The rungs are metal tubing: connecting links drop-forged, and every part hot galvanized, it adds variety to the regular ladder work, is popular, and just as serviceable as the rigid steel ladders. No. X-212. Flexible Ladder, with Anchors. Each, $20,00 Price f.o.b. Chicopee, Mass., and subject to discount. Shipping Weight, 60 lbs. I Spalding All-Steel Apparatus for the Playground 31 rrrr Flying Rings Detail of Steel Trapeze Detail of Ball-Bearing Connection FLYING RINGS ~ TRAVELING RINGS ~ TRAPEZE Aluminum for Flying and Traveling Rings offers advantages so pronounced, bulk without extreme weight, and permanent rust- proof qualities, that we have decided to use it exclusively. The Ring consists of a steel forging covered with an alum- inum jacket of the right size and shape, cast on. The exposed steel part is hot galvanized. We believe this will be found an ideal ring for out-of-door use and preferable to any other form. The ball bearings used as a frame connection are similar to those used on our swings, and a test of years has demonstrated their durability and safety. The fittings are drop forgings hot galvanized, with case-hard- ened balls, ball race and stud bolts. The rings are suspended by machine-made chain, and the assembled apparatus is tested to many times its requisite degree of strength. No. X-125. Aluminum Flying Rings. Pair, $10.00 No. X-126. Aluminum Traveling Ring. Each, 5.00 Usually used in scis of six. See Outfit A-710 on page 6. No. X-127. Ball Bearing Steel Trapeze. Each, $8.00 Prices f.o.b. Chicopee, Mass., and subject to discount. Shipping Weight: Flying Rings, per pair. 20 lbs.; Traveling Rings, each. 10 lbs. Steel Trapeze. 35 lbs. Traveling Ring 32 Spalding All-Steel Apparatus for the Playground JUMP STANDARDS Uprights are tubular, 2 '/ 4 *inch in diameter, and stand six feet above the surface and three feet in the ground. They are per- forated to provide the varying adjustments. The pin, a unique device, consists of a sliding collar with a pin projection and a lug to engage the holes in the Upright. No. X-l 19. Fixed Jump Standards, complete, $12.00 Price f.o.b. Chicopee. Mass., and subject to discount. Shipping Weight. 80 lbs. ALL-STEEL PARALLEL BARS Steel rails ten feet long, formed by special machinery to proper egg shape -offering best grip to hand-free from edges or broken sur- faces, strongly bolted from inside to malleable iron sockets. Uprights are Z/^-in. wrought iron pipe, mounted on base flanges, set in ground three feet deep. All parts galvanized. No. X-78. All-Steel Fixed Parallel Bars. $35.00 Shipping Weight. 275 lbs, VAULTING STANDARDS Made similar in construction to Jump Standards, only that the uprights are to stand I 2 (eet high above ground. Each upright is provided with a series ot iron steps on the side that high adjustments may conveniently be made. No. X-l 16. Fixed Vaulting Standard, complete. $25.00 Prices f.o.b. Chicopee. Moss., and subject to discount. Shipping Weight, 120 lbs. 33 Spalding All-Steel Apparatus for the Flaycround FIXED VAULTING HORSE AND BUCK For playgrounds desiring fixed apparatus, the Horse and Buck illustrated will be found very satisfactory. Bodies are padded, covered with heavy No. 4 duck, having welted leather seams, and painted with two coats of special gutta percha paint. Bodies may be easily and quickly removed from uprights when desired. No. X'l. Fixed Vaulting Horse. $40.00 No. X-2. Fixed Vaulting Buck. $25.00 Shipping Weight. 200 lbs. Shipping Weight, 105 lbs. JUMP BOARD Substantially made, all parts screwed together. Top of board is slatted as shown, to allow dirt to sift through. Painted with three coats durable outdoor paint. No. X-25. Jump Board. Each, $6.00 Prices f.o.b. Chicopee, Mass., and subject to discount. Shipping Weight, 30 lbs. 34 Spalding All-Steel Apparatus for the Playground INCLINE BOARD Extra heavy and strongly put together. All parts screwed in place. Top slatted to permit dirt to sift through. Painted with three coats of outdoor paint. No. X-28. Each, $10.00 Price f.o.b. Chicopee. Mom., and eubjecl lo discount. ShippiHR Weight, 70 Iba, PLAYGROUND MATS Made of two inch- thicknesses of best hair felt, covered with heavy duck. Covers are sewed on the inside with a lock stitch and then reversed, thereby eliminating the possibility of seams opening up because of stitches being worn or cut. Entire mat is painted with three coats of durable elastic gutta percha paint. No. X-00. Size 3x5 feet by 2 inches thick. $10.50 No. X-OI. Size 4 X 6 feet by 2 inches thick. 16.80 No. X-02. Size 3x6 feet by 2 inches thick. 21.00 No. X-03. Size 5 X 10 feet by 2 inches thick. 35.00 Prices I-o-b. Chicopee, Musa., and subject to discount. Shipping Weight, 2 lbs. lo square fool. Special sizes of Playground Muta can be mode to order at 70 cents per square fool. SPRING BOARD Made throughout of selected white ash. Painted with three coals of durable out- door paint. No. X-58. Each. $30.00 Price f.o.b. Chicopee. Maas . and subject to discount. Shipping Weight. 1 10 lbs. Spalding All-Stelel Apparatus for the Playground 'J \ ±/ \ f \ SWING OUTFIT J consists of six ball bearing, steel link Swings and malleable fittings to construct a frame 30 feet long and 1 2 feet high. Our combination end and center fittings provide the strongest, neatest and most economical construction possible. This outfit may be made up for nine and twelve Swings by adding additional bays. No. J Swing Outfit, no pipe. $85.00 Price f.o.b. Chicopee. Mass., and subject to discount. Shipping Weight (Six Swings and Frame Fittings Complete), 360 lbs. Outfit comprises 6 No. X-S Ball Bearing Steel Link Swings: 2 No. F-33 End Fittings; I No. F'52 Center Fitting; 8 No. F-32 Base Flanges. Pipe Required: 2 pieces 3-in. pipe, each 15 feet long, no threads; 8 pieces 2-in. pipe, each 16 feet long, no threads. 36 Spalding All-Steel Apparatus for the Playground >1 Dcop Forgcd Bnll SPALDING IMPROVED BALL BEARING STEEL LINK SWING In days past a swing comprised a piece of rope tied to some conveniently-projecting limb, and, if luxurious, an old piece of board for a seat— and good fun it was, too. That swing, however, was not in constant use by one or two children from sunrise to sunset, and sometimes beyond that, as are many of our municipal playground swings. The modern playground needs something better adapted to its requirements— a perfect mechanical device designed to stand incessant wear under any and all conditions, with every precaution taken to insure the safety of the user. Our new swing, with ball bearing drop-forged hangers, and drop-forged links in place of rope, will be found adequate to modern playground needs. Rope suspensions are good, but they stretch, and the swing hangs unevenly. The splices elongate and unravel through wear. Sometimes the ropes are maliciously cut. Chain suspensions were better in many respects, but harder on the hands. Our drop-forged links are twelve inches long, nicely shaped and rounded, giving a good, smooth grip, and, being forged hot from a solid bar, offer the strongest, safest construction possible. Each swing is thoroughly tested in a special machine to 2,000 lbs. tensile strain, which is man\) times the strain of actual use. All metal parts of our swing are hot galvan- ized, and its various features make it unquestionably the best and, in the end. the cheapest obtainable. No. X-S. Ball Bearing Steel Link Swing. Each, $10.50 Price f.o.b. Chicopee. Ma»s.. and silbject to discount, Shipping Weight, each, 35 lbs. For PHces of Ball Bearing Connection. See Pokc 52. Spalding All-Steel Apparatus for the Playground 37 KINDERGARTEN SWING Designed for the use of the smaller children of the playground. The Box Chairs are suspended from the four corners to insure steadiness, and have a sliding bar in front to hold child safely in the swing. The seat is twelve inches square, just large enough for a snug fit for children of the proper age, but unattractive to older children for whom it is not intended. The rope suspensions are smooth-braided bell cord of heavy weight, hung from malleable clamp fittings. A frame 30 feet long and 8 feet high above ground is required. The uprights should be grouted 3 feet in the ground. No. JK. Kindergarten Swing Outfit, consisting of 8 Box Chair Swings and all frame fittings, no pipe. $50.00 No. BX. Box Chair Swings only. Each. $3.50 Price# f.o.b. Chicopee, Ma#s., end subject to discount. Shipping Weight, Single Swing, 25 lbs.; Eight Swings and Fittings. 250 lbs. Pipe Required; 2 piece# 3-in. pipe, each 13 Feet long, no threads: 3 pieces 3.in. pipe, each II feet tong, no threads. Note— H ammock Swings shown on page 4! can be substituted for Box Chairs if desired. 38 Spalding All-Steel Apparatus for the Playground SPALDING “SELF-SWING” Applied For. A new member of the swing family makes its debut herewith. Possessing several unique features of value, we place it on the market for the judgment of the public in full confidence that it will find many friends. The seat is of the box chair pattern— safe and sane. Strong webbing encircles the body of the child, affording a yielding support, securely anchored to the wire suspensions by metal clips and providing a sliding front strap for ease of entrance and exit. The hangings are metal, all parts hot galvanized. Malleable head- pieces and drop-forged ball-bearing connec- tions insure the durable service that becomes a recognized part of Spalding Apparatus. When the child is seated in the swing, the hands are raised above the head (an excellent exer- cising position), and by grasping the handles of the cross bar and pulling downward the swing is propelled forward. The bar slides with the movement of the Swing, keeping the arms in motion, strengthening and developing the upper muscles (without straining), and making the child independent for its pleasure. Heretofore the small youngster needed a helper to keep him amused. Designed for children of 4 to 8 years of age. The Spalding “Self-Swing” Outfit consists of eight swings and all fittings necessary for a frame as shown on page 38. No. JKS. Complete except pipe, $85.00. Swings only, each. $8.00 Price f.o.b. Chicopee, Mass, and subject to discount. Shipping weight Outhl JKS, 450 Iba. Shipping weight, each 50 lbs. Pipe Required: 2 pie. ! 3>inch pip tach [5 te< lorn > threads; 3 pieces 3-inch pipe, each II (eel lor Spalding All-Steel Apparatus for the Playground 39 IMPROVED ROCK'A'BYE SWING This Swing has undergone many improvements. Playground tests de- veloped the need of greater strength and durability, which have been ade- quately supplied in this, our latest model. Heavy roller bearings are used on uprights and braces at both ends of hangers. All parts case hardened and the best construction prevails throughout. A “little mother” stands at one end, or one at each end, and by holding the uprights and giving a rocking motion the swing is started. The swing travels in parallel planes, keeping the children on “even keel." The utility of a device of this kind for the care of seven young children by one attendant, who also has the fun of motion, will be apparent. The chair arms and back stays are malleable iron, galvanized; the seat and back rests are wood, painted. All fittings are malleable. The frame stands 9 feet above the surface and is grouted in the ground in cement to a depth of 3 feet. No. RS. Rock-A-Bye Swing, includ- ing hangers and all Frame Fittings, but no pipe for frame. . $100.00 Price f.o.b. Chicopee, Mass., and subject to discount. Shipping Weight, 750 lbs. Pipe required; 4 pieces 3*in. pipe, each 12 ieet long, no threads; 2 pieces 3-in. pipe, each 10 feet long, no threads; 2 pieces 3-in. pipe, each 7 feet long, no threads; 4 pieces 2-in. pipe, each 13 feet long, threaded one end. 40 Spalding All-Steel Apparatus for the Playground BABY SWING OUTFIT This "Baby Swing" is well adapted to hold infants. The hammock is suspended from the formed side arms and contains no hard supports that contact with the child's body. Mothers visiting playgrounds with young babies can provide rest for the baby as well as for self through the medium of this swing. The hammock is made of strong canvas, properly shaped, suspended from its extreme corners, as shown, from iron hooks screwed into the frame. The frame is made of wood, strongly braced, and is portable. It may easily be moved to the shaded parts of the grounds. No. K. Baby Swing Outfit Complete, $25.00 No. HK. Single Hammock 3.50 Prices f.o.b. Chicopee. Mass,, and subject to discount. Shipping Weight ; Outfit K Complete, 100 lbs.; Single Hammock, 5 lbs. Spalding All-Steel Apparatus for the Playground 41 SEE 'SAW OUTFIT L consists of four 12-foot teeter boards made of extra heavy, clear, selected material, and fittings to make a strong pipe frame 16 feet long. The constant use which this type of apparatus receives in public playgrounds, the number of children that find a resting place on it at one time, is sufficient to warrant the best of everything in its general construction. Boards cannot be detached from the pipe, but have means for shifting the point of fulcrum. The ends are nicely shaped, all comers and edges well rounded, and strong handles enable the child to firmly hold its seat and maintain an upright position. No. L. See-Saw Outfit of Four Boards and Fittings, no pipe, $60.00. No. LB. See-Saw Board, Complete. Each, $12.00 Prices f.o.b. Chicopee, Mass., and subject to discount. Shipping Weight: Outfit L, 460 lbs.: See -Saw Board only. 80 lbs. Pipe required: l piece 3-in. pipe. 16 feel long, no threads; 1 piece 3-in. pipe, 3 feet 6 inches long, no threads; 4 pieces 2-in. pipe, NOTE.-For playgrounds in far distant points, where the item of freight would be very excessive, we will supply plans of the board, with full specifications, that these might be properly gotten out at a local mill. Prices of necessary hardware quoted on request. 42 Spalding All-Steel Apparatus for the Playground PORTABLE SEE-SAW This See-Saw was originally designed for the Boston School Department, to use in schoolyard playgrounds, where it was desirable to remove the apparatus from time to time. It consists of an iron, bell-shaped casting, with a hinge-joint at the top and a clamping spider on the inside to fasten the three legs in place. The spider is adjusted by means of one central bolt, and all legs are fastened at the one operation. The legs are made of pipe, with round iron knobs on the ends. The axle-bearing is steel. The plate on the under side of the board is made wide and long to give broad contact, and is extra strong. The board is ^ made of selected Oregon fir, 12 feet long, rounded ends and rounded comers. No. PS. Portable See-Saw. Complete, $12.00 Price f.o.b, Chicopee. Mass., and subject to discount. Shipping Weight, 90 lbs. Spalding All-Steel Apparatus for the Playground 43 Detail showing iron step protectors and malleable hinged lop plate. 44 Spalding All - Steel Apparatus for the Playground SPALDING SLIDES All children relish the sensation of speed. Certain pieces of playground apparatus appeal most strongly in this direction, and such pieces are most magnetic in drawing children to them. The Slide is a prime favorite, and particularly to be commended for its capacity of accommoda- tion and its ready adjustment to all sizes, ages and kinds. Naturally much use and some abuse makes necessary the best of construction. Herein the Spalding Steel Slide excels. The bedway is lined with galvanized sheet steel its full length. No cross seams. The curve is properly proportioned to force a correct take-off without injury to the spine. Joints are closed so that malicious persons cannot drive glass, metal, slivers, etc., thro the bedway to cause hurt. A malleable iron apron takes the wear of the feet at the top. Corrugated iron treads protect the steps. The sides of ladder are holled through to prevent spreading, The metal guard rails are made of i-inch pipe, galvanized. We now manufacture these slides in several styles: for small children, a larger size for older boys and girls, and long slides for attachment to pipe frames. No. CS. 16-foot Slide, 8-foot stairs, complete. $60.00 No. AS. 24-fool Slide, I 2-foot stairs, complete, $100.00 No. XA. Long Slide and retard table, with steps and guard rails. For attachment to pipe frame 14 feet high, $125.00 See pages 10 and II. No. A. Long Chute. Steel Ladder and Guards. For attachment to pipe frame 1 4 or 16 feet high, $142.00 See page 26. Price f.o.b. Chicopee, Mass., and subject to discount. Shipping weights: No. CS Slide, 400 lbs.; No. AS Slide. 800 lbs., No. XA Slide, 800 lbs.. No. A Long Chute, etc., 050 lbs. Spalding All-Steel Apparatus for the Playground GIANT STRIDE The popularity of this piece of appa- ratus is its strongest endorsement. As a promoter of fun and as an exerciser it ranks among the select. The use of chain connections and our flexible drop-forged ladders makes it proof against the mishaps common to cheaper apparatus. The head- piece revolves on ball bearings and is mounted on an upright of 4-inch pipe. The upright stands twelve feet above ground and is grouted in cement to a depth of four feet. No. X-3. Giant Stride, complete with Six Ladders with pipe upright $45.00 No. X-4. Head and Six Ladders, and base flange \vithout pipe upright 35.00 No. X-5. Head only. 15.00' Prices (.o.b. Chicopee, Mess., and subject to discount. Shipping Weight: Head only, 50 lbs.; Head piece and Six Ladders. 150 lbs.; Complete with pipe, 350 lbs. Special NOTE-Owing to weight of 4-in. iron pipe, we recommend purchase of pipe locally whert apparatus is to be shipped to distant points. Our fittings are easily applied without need of special machine work. SPECIFICATIONS: I piece 4-in. galvanized steel pipe, 16 feet long, no threads. 46 Spalding All-Steel Apparatus for the Pu^yground •■NEWCOMB” A GAME FOR THE GYMNASIUM AND PLAYGROUND Copyriithted by Miu CLARA C- BAER. 1695-191 1 This game, originally played at Newcomb College. Tulane University of Louisiana, New Orleans, was the result of an effort, on the part of the Director of Gymnastics. Miss Clara G. Baer, to place before her students a game that could be easily arranged, could include any number of students, could be played in any designated time and in any available space. This elasticity with regard to time, space, and number of players, makes the game particularly attractive to playgrounds, and the quality of the game itself insures its popularity. A set of rules with playing diagram is furnished with each outfit. We have obtained from Miss Baer the exclusive right to manufacture and sell the game of Newcomb, and in the equipment illustrated we feel that all requirements have been met in the production of that which is called upon to stand the severest possible tests. The rope is adjustably connected with the posts so that the varying adjustments called for under different ages of children can be secured, and this is perfected in a way that gives utmost convenience in handling, without loose or detachable parts. There is nothing to get out of order. Permanency is assured. Posts and braces are wrought iron pipe, substantial and strong. All parts are hot galvanized. The game may be played with the regulation Basket Ball. OUTDOOR NEWCOMB. Price. $35.00 Price f.o.b. Chicopee. Mess., and subjecl to discount. Approximate Shipping Weight. 175 lbs. Spalding All-Steel Apparatus for the Playground 47 BASKET BALL BACKSTOPS— PERFORATED STEEL In equipping some of the Chicago playgrounds, and in other places where we had a high wind to contend with, we adopted a perforated steel backstop. This gives the smooth surface of solid wood, as it is strongly framed, cuts down greatly the wind resistance, and is weatherproof. Wire mesh stretches out and is not satisfactory. Backstops are galvanized, goals black — a good target. Furnished complete with pair of Official Basket Ball Goals. The special flange we supply prevents turning of upright. Two pieces of 3-inch galvanized sleel pipe, 16 feet long, without threads, should be purchased locally. No.X-60. Basket Ball Backstops, Perforated Sleel. Complete with goals and all fillings, no pipe. Pair, *40.00 Price f.o.b. Chicopee. Mass., and subject to discount. Shipping Weight, 200 lbs. BASKET BALL BACKSTOPS- WOODEN To those desiring regulation wooden back- stops, we can supply them with malleable clamps to fit 3-inch pipe uprights. These backstops are substantially made, with strong reinforcements on the back, furnished complete with pair of Official Basket Ball Goals. The special flange we supply prevents turning of upright in the cement. Two pieces of 3-inch galvanized steel pipe, 16 feet long, wiihoul threads, should be purchased locally. No. X- 160. Basket Ball Backstops. Wooden. Complete with goals and all fittings, no pipe. Pair. $25.00 Price f.o.b, Chicopee. Mass., and subject to discount. Shipping Weight, 150 lbs. 48 Spalding All-Steel Apparatus for the Playground CANVAS PLAYGROUND BALLS PATENTED LIGHT- SOFT- SAFE Economy is comparative. In permanent institutions economy exists only where you get the best and most durable service. Playgrounds are permanent: their games go on indefinitely. The application of the truism is obvious. Our patented seam Canvas Playground Balls are the most durable balls for playground use. Canvas itself is dur- able, but without the patented tape binding it would not hold the stitchings. The exposed stitchings are similar to those in a regular bail and are there to hold the cover on during its manufacture. These are supplementary to the fundamental stitches that are concealed under the tape. These keep the ball from ripping long after the regular stitches have broken. In brief, this patented seam gives the wear of the regular ball plus the added life due to the hidden stitch. The growing popularity of Medicine Ball games leads us to call particular attention to this article and emphasize its possibilities in the playground. No. 2PG, No. 3PG. No. 9PG. No. 12PG. No. 1 7PG. No. VPG. Medicine Ball. Medium weight. . Each, $5.00 Net Medicine Bali, Light weight. ... '* 4.00 Net Base Ball ( 9 in.). Regular Base Bali size. " 1.00 Net Base Ball ( 1 2 in.), Official Playground size. “ 1.25 Net Base Ball (I 7 in.), Indoor Base Ball size. '* 1.50 Net Volley Ball, Regulation size. ... “ 3.50 Net TETHER TENNIS AND VOLLEY BALL Our Tether Tennis Pole and Volley Ball Posts for play- ground use are made of 2-inch galvanized iron pipe, and are to be set three feet in the ground. No. TP. Tether Tennis Pole. Galvanized. . .Each, $10.00 No. OPG. Tether Ball and Cord. . . . . " 1.00 Net No. 5. Tether Ball Marking Ropes. . . Set, 1. 00 Net No. VP. Volley Ball Posts, Galvanized. . Pair, 10.00 No. VN. Volley Ball Nets, Tarred Each, 5,00 Spalding All-Steel Apparatus for the Playground 49 THE FIGHTING DUMMY Patented March 22. 1910; October 31. 1911 Here’s a “fighter" that always “comes back" — you do not always know how — that trains the eye. mind and muscle, but he won’t stay down unless you sit on him, and he’ll give more exercise and fun than any other piece of gym- nasium apparatus you’ve ever seen. He consists of an inflated figure about man’s size, covered with heavy brown canvas, mounted on a hidden steel frame, and fastened (removably) to a heavy bowl shaped iron base. Many can gather around for fistic encounter, and all will be kept busy. He’s good. No. D. Fighting Dummy. $50.00 Price f.o.b. Chicopee. Mass. Shipping Weight. 190 lbs. 50 Spalding All-Steel Apparatus for the Playground FITTINGS Our Special Pipe Fittings are exceptionally strong and designed to permit ease of handling when assembling. We have used this style of fitting for twenty years with absolute success, and consider it, as a type, the best fitting for the purpose it is possible to adopt. Threaded connections, such as are used by pipe- fitters. are extremely difficult to handle, and their ultimate cost is greater in consequence. Slight variations in lengths of pipe mean trouble in squaring and plumbing the frame. Threads, not being protected with the gal- vanized finish, form pockets for rust. Crossed threads, jammed threads and similar annoyances spell increased expense of installation, eliminated in the use of our fittings. Figures prove their economy. We use one fitting for joints of various combinations, cutting the number of parts to the minimum and adding symmetry of design. The Spalding Fitting is more of a conneclion than a support, being so designed that pipe supports pipe (see illustrations) and the fitting acts principally as a tie. This distributes the strain to the strongest part of the frame. There are no threaded joints. All pipe is held by clamp screws with rounded heads, free from sharp corners or edges, absolutely positive in their application. Spalding All-Steel Apparatus for the Playground Center Run for Travel- ing Ring Pipe, 3-inch pipe. Each. $4.00 No. F-1. Single Tee. for 3-inch pipe. . ^ch, $3.50 No. F-3. Single Tee, for 3-inch top pipe, 2-inch pipe upright. Eiach,$3.25 No. F-2. Single Elbow, for 3- inch pipe. Each, $3.50 No. F-1 4. Single Elbow, for 3-in. top pipe, 2-inch pipe upright. . Each, $3.25 No. F-5. End Run for Travel- ing Ring Pipe. 3-inch pipe. . Each. $4.00 No. F-32. Base Flange, for 2-inch pipe. Each, 60 cents No. F-33. Base Flange, for 3-inch pipe. Each, 75 cents No. F-34. Base Flange, for 4-inch pipe. . Each, $1.50 No. F-4. Double Elbow, for 3-inch pipe Each, $4.00 No. F-52. Center Spread Fitting for 3-in. pipe beam and 2-inch pipe uprights Each, $6.00 No. F-1 3. Heavy Pipe Clamp for Flexible Ladders, etc. Each, $1.00 No. F-38. Light Pipe Clamp, for Box Chair Swings, etc. Each. 75 cents No. F-22. Tee Clamp. 3-in. pipe clamp, 3-in. pipe out- let. . . Each, $3.50 No. F-23. Tee Clamp. 2-in. pipe clamp, 3-in. pipe out- let. . . Each, $3.50 Combination Center Fitting,3-in. pipe beam, 2-inch pipe uprights. Eiach. $6.00 52 Spalding All-Steel Apparatus for the Playground SINGLE BRACE CLAMP Made to clamp 3-inch pipe upright and to receive a 2- inch brace connection. No. F-1 1. Complete with one screw cap plug for 2-inch pipe brace. Each, $2.00 DOUBLE BRACE CLAMP Made to clamp 3-inch pipe upright and to receive two 2-inch brace connections. No. F-12. Complete with two screw cap plugs for 2-inch pipe brace. Each, $2.50 No. F-46. Double Brace Clamp, similar to above, to clamp 2-inch pipe instead of 3-inch Each, $2.50 TRIPLE BRACE CLAMP Made to clamp 3-inch pipe upright and to receive three 2-inch brace connections. No. F-47. Complete with three screw cap plugs for 2-inch pipe brace. Each, $3.00 No. F-45, Triple Brace Clamp, similar to above, to clamp 2-inch pipe instead of 3-inch Each, $3.00 Under certain conditions it is desirable to brace or reinforce corner connections ; for this purpose we have designed this fitting. No. F-1 7. Corner Brace. Each, $3.00 No. F-30. Crown Plate, for 2-inch pipe. Each. 40 cents No. F-28. Crown Plate, for 3-inch pipe. Each, 50 cents _ OFFSET PLUGS Used to brace Traveling Ring pipe to cross pipes upon which it rests. The amount of offset is one-half the diameter of pipe. By turning one plug up and the other down the distance between pipe centers is equalized and permits the use of regular Brace Clamps F-1 I and F-12 as shown above. No. F-39. Offset Plugs. Pair. $1.00 Spaujinc All-Steel Apparatus for the Playground 54 Spalding All-Steel AppAELakTus for the Playground This group of pictures illustrates the use of special socket apparatus in school and municipal gymnasiums, where storage space for apparatus not in use is at a premium. It will be observed that the heavier pieces of apparatus are stored compactly on wall racks specially designed for them, with great saving of space. We are at all times glad to submit plans and specifications for interior equipments. A special Catalog of Indoor Gymnasium Apparatus will be sent upon request. _ J 55 Spalding Athletic Library BELOW ARE CVEN THE T.TLES OP ALL SPALD, NO ATHLETIC UBRARY BOOKS NOW ,N PRINT „ No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. Group No. lA No. 1C SPALDING OFFICIAL ANNUALS 1 Spalding’s Official Base Ball Guide 1 A Spalding's Official Base Ball Record IC Spalding’s Official College Base Ball Annual 2 Spalding's Official Foot Ball Guide 2A Spalding's Official Soccer Foot Ball Guide 4 Spalding's Official Lawn Tennis Annual 6 Spalding's Official Ice Hockey Guide 7 Spalding's Official Basket Ball Guide 7a Spalding's Official Women's Basket Ball Guide 8 Spalding’s Official Lacrosse Guide 9 Spalding's Official Indoor Base Ball Guide /. ^ase ^all i Group I. ^ase ^all SPALDING’S OFFICIAL BASE BALL GUIDE SPALDING’S OFFICIAL BASE BALL RECORD SPALDING’S OFFICIAL COLLEGE BASE BALL annual to Play BaM Ball / to Pitch No. 202 No. 223 ..... No. 232 How to Run B No. 230 No. 229 No. 225 No. 226 No. 227 Ho' Ho .. Catch How to Play Fiist Bate How to Play Second Bate How to Play Thud Bate How to Play Shorttlop No. 224 How to Play the Outfield How to Otganize a Bate Ba League How to Organize a Bate Ba Club No. 228 No. 219 Ready Reckoner ol Bat Percentages No. 350 How to Score BASE BALL AUXILIARIES No. 355 Minot League Base Ball Guide No. 356 Official Book National League ol Ptol. Bate Ball Clubs No. 340 Official Handbook National Playground Ball Attoc'n Group II. Fool (Qall , Group X. No. 2 SPALDING'S OFFICIAL FOOT BALL GUIDE No. 324 How to Play Foot Ball No. 2A SPALDING'S OFFICIAL SOCCER GUIDE No. 286 How to Play Soccer No. 335 How to Play Rugby FOOT BALL AUXIUARY No. 351 Spalding’s Official Rugby Fool Ball Guide Group VI. Hockey No. 6 SPALDING'S OFFICIAL ICE HOCKEY GUIDE No. 154 Field Hockey No. 180 Ring Hockey Group VII. IBoskei No. 7 SPALDING’S OFFICIAL BASKET BALL GUIDE No. 7A SPALDING’S OFFICIAL BASKET BALL GUIDE FOR WOMEN No. 193 How to Play Basket Boll BASKET BALL AUXIUARY No. 353 Official Collegiate Basket Ball Handbook Group VIII. Lacrosse No. 8 SPALDING’S OFFICIAL LACROSSE GUIDE No. 201 How to Play Lacrosse 1 Ho' 0 Mac a Team 10 Captain a Te, [ How to Umpire a Goi Technical Base Boll T< Group IV. Lawn Tennis SPALDING’S OFFICIAL LAWN TENNIS ANN’L No. 157 How to Play Latvn Tei Group IX. Indoor Base Ball No. 9 SPALDINGS OFFICIAL INDOOR BASE BALL GUIDE ‘Po/o No. 129 Water Polo No. 199 Equestrian Polo Group XI. Miscellaneous No. 248 Archery GomCS No. 138 Croquet No. 271 Roque ( Racquets No. 194 X Squnsh-Racquets ( Court Tennis No. 13 Hand Ball No. 167 Quoits No. 170 Push Ball No. 14 Curling No. 207 Lawn Bowl Group XI. Miscellaneous I Lawn Hockey Games No. 188 Hockey I Lawn Games No. 189 Children's Games No. 341 How to Bowl Group XII. Jilhleiics No. 27 College Athletics No. 182 All Around Athletics No. 156 Athletes’ Guide No. 87 Athletic Pnmec No. 273 Olympic Games at Athens. No. 252 How to Spnni |1906 No. 255 How to Run 100 Yards No. 174 Distance and Cross Country Running [Throwet No. 259 How to Become a Weight No. 55 Official Sporting Rules (boys No. 246 Athletic Training for School- No. 317 Marathon Running No. 331 Schoolyard Athletics [petition No. 342 Walking lor Health and Com- ATHLEnC AUXlUARlES No. 357 Inteicollegiate A. A. A. A. Official Handbook No. 302 Y.M.C. A. Official Handbook No. 313 PublicSchoolsAthleticLeague Official Handbook No. 314 Girts’ Athletica No. 308 Official Handbook New York InterscholosticAthleticAss n Group XIII. jlthletic Jiccomplishmenis No. 177 How to Swim No. 296 Speed Swimming No. 128 How to Row No. 209 How to Become a Skater No. 178 How to Tram for Bicycling No. 23 Canoeing No. 282 Roller Skating Guidi Group XIV. Manly Sports No. 18 Fenang (By Breck) No. 165 Fencing (By Sense) No. 236 How to Wrestle No. 102 Ground Tumbling No. 143 Indian Clubs and Dumb Bells No. 262 Medicine Ball Elxercises No. 29 Pulley Weight Exercises No. 191 How to Punch the Bag No. 289 Tumbling lor Amateurs Group XV. Gymnastics No. 104 GradingofGvmnasticExctcises No. 214 GradedCalistheaicsandDumb Bell Drills No. 254 Barnjum Bar Bell Drill No. 158 Indoor and Outdoor Gym- nastic Games No. 124 How to Become a Gymnast No. 287 Fancy Dumb Bell and March- ing Drills (Apparatus No. 327 Pyramid Building Without No. 328 Exercises on the Parallel Bars No. 329 Pyramid Building with Wands, Chairs and Ladders GYMNASTIC AUXILIARY No. 345 Official Handbook I. C. A. A. Gymnasts of America GroupXVI. 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