Sidney Myers .O' Speech before +be lUioois s+ote gnaoge Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates UBJ- ,RV OF THE ' J;\'!W?RS!TV OF fiil'-'n \ SPEECH OF S YDNEY M YERS, ESQ., BEFORE THE TT,T.T~r^OTS STJYTEI OF THE FATBONS OF HUSBANDBY, AT oiiA3Sd:i>u??^iC3-aNr, laLi^iUNrois, 3 Deo-.14, 187S. Mr. President^ Patrons and Matrons of the Blinois State Grange: Organization is a universa,! index of development. In nature, from the oyster to the man, we see a contin- ued gradation of organization and de- velopment, until it reaches the highest stage— man, made in the image of God, with full understanding and power of direction. Individuals, separate, have power, doubtless; but separated, they are, as it were, plates. When united un- der proper circumstances, and placed in proper juxtaposition, they become a vol- taic pile, capable of generating power that may CONVULSE A CONTINENT, nay, a world. It is gratifying to see that the people of the United States are organizing themselves. It is gratifying to see that while] all oth- er classes of society (that great co-opera- tive organization of which we are all members,) have organized themselves so as to co-operate, and wield their power, their united will and understanding, in a concentrative manner, the great yeomanry of the United States of America, our farmers, have progressed so far in organization in order that they may, by unity of action, by unity of their intellect and their judgment, by the uni- ty of that knowledge which they pos- sess bring to bear upon public opinion their just proportion of influence and weight. And I am gratified, too, to see that the farmers’ organizations have the independence to reserve to themselves 'he liberty of pulling in their latch string, m m shoving it out, as they have done this evening to the general public. My theme to night is FINANCE. It is, perhaps, a dry subject. Bread and butter is a dry subject, and bread without butter is dryer, and not enough bread is dryer still(applause). Tnere are too many men in this country to-day that are not earning their bread and butter, and when we come to consider the subject of finance one of its principal features is to ascer- tain by what means it may be brought within the reach of every man and wo- man in the United States to earn an hon- est living, that it may be said that any one who is willing to work may find work, and just compensation for that work. FINANCE DISCUSSED ABROAD. The discussion of the subject of finan- ce, the interested and the active discus- sion of the subject of finance, is not con- fined to this country; and even here it has scarcely begun. This interesting subject is being discussed in all civil- ized countries, and, in no country, as far as my observation enables me to judge, is there a system which is entirely sat- isfactory. Meetings are being held by the boards of trade in every part of England, Scotland and Ireland. Delegates have recently been appointed to attend a representative meeting of all the boards of trade in the united king- dom of Great Britian and Ireland for the purpose of petitioning the British Government to appoint a parlament- ary commission to examine into the con- dition of British finance, and to ascer - tain whether it is not practicable to hav ^ 5 speech of Sydney Myers, Esq., a system of finance changed by which the price of money, varies as it does now, from two and one-half per cent, per an- num, up to ten per cent, or more within short periods. The manufacturers say we often go into the market and pur- chase our raw material when money is worth only 2^ per cent, per annum. When interest is low, prices are high; we purchase our raw muterial at a high price; “we engage in its manufacture; it may take us six months before we are prepared to turn out a finished article ready for the market: and when we are prepared to turn out the finished article we may find the rates of interest double, treble or quadruple,” money scarce and prices low. It has frequently been the case that the rate of interest in England has raised from two and one-half per cent, to 7 and 8 per cent, within sixty days— and that recently— and the rate has gone as high as 12 per cent. The British merchants and manu- facturers say to the government, “we cannot stand this. It turns us from be- ing legitimate business men, engaged by our labor in adding to the value of raw material by changing its form into things of use and enjoyment, looking to the re- turn for our labor, in receiving an ade- quate price in the market— it turns us from that business to that of mere spec- ulators. We find that many of us will get rich faster, apparently, by selling short what we have not got, or buying long more than we can pay for without a rise, rather than manufacture.” [Applause.] Let “some one else do the work and we will guess and see if we cannot make a profit by guessing.” Such is too much the condition all over the world; and it is one of the most important problems that can employ the attention of an industrious, enterprising people, a civilized people, to ascertain what is the present financial condition, what are the objections to the present condition, and what are the possible remedies. THE VENETIAN SYSTEM. Seven hundred and four years ago, Venice, the queen of the Adriatic, then mistress of the commercial v/orld, was carrying on a war with the em- peror of the East and with Greece. The Republic needed money; the Republic called upon its citizens to bring in their gold and their silver into the proper de^ partment of the treasury of the state; each brought in his gold and his silver, not only from motives of patriotism, but because the council of Ten, who were ac- customed to seeing that their orders were obeyed, had commanded that eve- ry citizen should contribute means to the State according to his ability. Gold and silver were brought to the treasury, and as each man passed in nis gold and silver he received credit [on the books of the nation for that amount, as you would receive credit on the books of the mer- chant when you sell and deliver the pro- ducts of your farms or at the bank when you make your deposit. Each re- ceived credit on the books of the nation, and Venice agreed to pay interest at the rate of four per cent, per annum in coin upon every man’s balance in the treasu- ry. No checks or circulating notes were used; nothing was received, except as a permanent investment, to go into the hands of the government, and to be ex- pended in their foreign wars. Soon one of those men creditors of the nation died, perhaps leaving five children. The question arose : “This book credit is to his account, is in his name.” The ad- ministrators desired to divide this es- tate. There were five heirs. , Applica- tion was made to the proper authori- ties. Cannot this one account be divid- ed into five accounts, and this account be closed by having the gross amount credited in proportion to each of the five heirs. That was approved. The sume principle was applied in divid- ing the assets of bankrupts. For even in Venice there were some bankruptcies, but not so many as we have in the civil- ized countries of these later ‘days, when bankruptcy, sometime during a busi- ness life, is the general rule, and im- munity from bankruptcy is the except- ion. Perhaps some of you are not awmre that in 1840 the collector of the port of Boston was ipvestigatingthe SUBJECT OF BANKKUPTCY, and he found that in the city of New York there was but one wealthy man who had retired after passing through a business life, who had never suspended payment or failed; that in Boston not over three merchants in a hundred re- tired from their business in their old age with means enough to bury them, and leave their families provided for even after failure; that the average was the same in Philadelphia, or more startling, and much the same even in Cincinnati, then a comparatively new place. I say that even in Venice there might occasionally be failures, because there must be men who, under the most favorable circumstances, had not the skill, the prudence, or the ability to carry on the business which might grow on their hands. So that there were occasionally men in Venice who failed in business, and it was necessary thal their assets should be divided among ther creditors. Hence the republic of Venice' ^permitted the assignee in bankruptcy to cause a transfer from th account of tin insolvent mercliaiit on the books, i< each of his creditors in proportioii to th Before the lllmois Btate Grange. 8 amount due, and gradually from this grew up a system by which one owing you a thousand dollars, and having five thousand dollars of credit with the na- tion, would ask you in that city to step into a gondola and go down to the bank, as it soon got to be called, and would trajisfer to you from his account of per- haps, $ 5 , 000 — $ 1 , 000 , The interest would begin to run to y#ur account the daj" of the transfer; and when they figured up his interest there would be a thousand dollars out of his principal on the day that he made the transfer to you. For nearly six hundred years in the great city of Venice, business was conducted in this way without a panic, without a financial crisis, without a suspension. CRISIS. What does a crisis mean? A crisis, financial, means a stoppage of all busi- ness, in order that men may settle, and the only way that a commercial people can settle is to in ter- change and cancel indebtednes. It is only the smaller business transactions, com paritively speaking, that are settled with currency, yet currency is the basis of all commercial transactions,* and not a bale of cotton, not a wagon load of grain, no stock or other farm product caij^be transferred by the producer to the consumer without the aid of currency. A crisis means a stop- page of manufactures, the throwing of men and women out of employment, the suffering of their families for want of bread and shelter; it means that corn shall be burned upon the farms be- cause the machinery by which its owner- ship is exchanged is temporarily ob- structed and inoperative; it means that the farmer shall want boots and shoes, and clothing, though he has corn, and meat, and butter, and the materials for bread to give for them, while the opera- tives in the manufacturing establish- ments, or that should be in the manu- facturing establishments, who might be making boots and shoes and clothing for the farmer, are idle, unemployed, as they are, to a great extent to-day in this country. It is a lamentable truth that while the operative should be suffering for bread, the farmer is using his corn for fuel. Under the financial system in- augurated by the Venetians the credits in the Treasury of Venice became so valu- able that those who had balances there were offered thirty per cent premium in gold. For centuries the premium was thirty per cent in gold upon this mere paper book account. In time it was found that the debt of Venice was too small to furnish the exchange of that wealthy city, and in order to obviate that‘ difficulty, Venice said, “We cannot run into debt •0004R.^ any more, we have no wars to carry on, our public works are complete, our income is sufficient from the ordinary revenue to pay current expenses, but this is a commercial city: we listen to the cry that comes up from the people; it is the office of government to look to the welfare of the people, because the government is the people’s servant and creature.” [Applause]. And the Council of Ten considered the matter when the cry came up from the jieople, and they said, “We will use our intelligence; we will use our good judgement, though we have no precedents,” (as we have to-day) “we have no precedent, but WE WILL MAKE PRECEDENTS that the world may follow,” (and that the world has followed successfully.) They said, “Here is a branch office es- tablished ; bring in your gold and silver ; you shall have credit on the books here for your coin, but not any interest. Ven- ice pays interest only upon what it used of your means to expend in war or for the public good. This branch bank of Venice is for your convenience. Bring in your coin, we will melt it, we will assay it, we will cast it into bars or into coin; it shall rest here in the bank; and whenever you wish to make a payment you can transfer this deposit of coin instead of government debt;” and this brought the government debt to twenty per cent premium instead' of thirty. But the merchants preferred the government debt to the coin deposited, and there was that difference of twenty per cent between the tv/o and in favor of government debt bearing four per cent interest. This illustrates a fact that there can be and has been a circulating medium other than coin worth more than coin. THERE WAS ANOTHER NATION. Fourteen years ago it needed horses for its cavalry, mules for its trains, clothing to uniform its men, iron to cast into can- non and to forge into armor plates for its ships ; it needed the life blood of your sons to maintain the institutions which have been handed down to us as a sacred trust by our fathers. It needed no money, but it thought it did. It went to Wall street, and the banks soon sus- pended. They had nothing but paper promises to offer the government. But it did not want paper promises, its own promises were better ; it wanted those ar- ticles that I have named, and with great, good judgment, with wonderful wisdom recognized the fact that the government might give its bonds for what it wanted; that the people would come up as the people of Venice did, not with their gold, though they were willing to offer gold like any other commodity, and did offer 4 Speech of Sydney Myers, Esq., it, but those things that were nec- tissary to earry on a war to preserve the life of what is yet to be the great re- public. And what did the whole people through their agent, the government, give to the people individually? What did it give to the merchant for the cloth, to the manufacturer for the improved rifles and bayonets, the accoutremente, to the farmers for forage, for trains, and for cavalry horses? What did itgive for the blood of yo ur sons? That is what they gave (exhibiting a greenback). GREENBACKS. That is one of the very things that it gave. None of these green- backs have been issued since the war closed, except duplicates to replace worn out originals. That dollar green- back was one of those that it gave for those things, and WHAT IS A GREENBACK? We cannot blame those men who are trying to understand a British system of iihance, which is not understandable, if they do not understand our sys- tem. When so respectable a house as G. P. Putnam & Sons,of New York, issues a book of reference, in which the defini- tion of greenbacks, is given as United States notes, or “ national bank notes.” ( See World’s Progress, 1873, page 67.) Legal tender notes of the govern- ment, are alone known as greenbacks. Are greenback clubs established for the purpose of advocating the perpetuation of the national bank notes specially? I don’t think any greenback club under- stands it in that way. The greenback is the legal tender obligation issued by the government of the United States direct, without the intervention of any one but its own immediate servants. Tlds greenback reads: “The United States will pay the bearer one dollar.” That obligation was issued for clothing and munitions of war, and the wages, the pittance received by your boys. That is an obligation to-day unredeemed. I am f etting on dangerous ground, am I not? think not; unredeemed and partially repudiated! When you took that green- back for your farm products, for the products of your manufacturing estab- lishments, there was an endorsement on the back of it which has been surrepti- tiously erased. THE FIRST STEP TOWARD REPUDIATION. There was an endorsement on the back of it providing that it was convert- ible, at the pleasure of the holder, into a six per cent, gold bearing bond of the United States; and when the law was repealed— an unwarranted, unjust thing — violating the contract which you entered into when you delivered that forage, when vou delivered those horses. when you delivered the transportation trains, the contract then was that you might convert this into six percent, gold bearing bonds, that are now worth a high premium over gold in all the markets of the world; and then the United States government passed an act saying, that after a certain day, not four months, I think, after the passage of the act, all of those greenbacks outstanding, all not brought in for redemption at that time should no longer be con- vertible into the six per cent, bonds, thereby making them irredeemable. It was redeemable before; it was re- deemable in bonds worth more than gold. That is what makes it irredeema- ble. And there was another condition to this contract— you cannot honestly change a contract without the consent of both parties. There was another feature in the contract providing that, as in the bank deparment of Venice, if one merchant took another down to the bank and said, “I owe you one thousand marks, I am ready to pay you in this wise,” Venice says, “that if an individual citizen of Venice ‘turns out’ what the government of Venice owes him, it shall be a good settlement of private indebtedness, and I propose to turn you out a thousand marks by transferring it from my credit to yours.” That was a legal tender. This is a legal tender to-day. This (exhibiting a green- back) represents one share of the two thousand million shares of debt incurred by the United States government, an artificial man created by the men that were made in God’s image, the people, and so far as it exists to-day, lives and moves and has its being in its creator, the people. They said, as in the case of Venice, “to transfer government in- debtedness was a good settlement of a debt, that the transfer would be a good payment, and would be a legal tender, as this was a great and extensive country, and every one could not go to a single office as in Venice, with those evidences of debt, convertible at the pleasure of the holder into six per cent, gold bearing bonds, legal tender between citizens, that the transfer of one of those notes should be the transfer of the national debt to the amount designated upon the note, that the transfer could be made by the delivery of this greenbak represent- ative of debt, and so the business has been carried on.” THE SECOND PROPOSED STEP IN REPUDIATION Treat every one with respect. Thank God we still have a right— how long it may continue I know not — but we still have a right to criticize the acts and i)i’o- posals of our servants, [applause.) It is pro])cr that when t ))0 chief magistrate 5 Before the Illinois State Grange. of the nation in hia official capacity announces to the le^^isiative branch of the government what he conceives to be for the good of the people whose will it is supposed to manifest, that such papers should be treated with respect, they should be carefully read by every citizen. I don’t know that I can carry out my own suggestion of reading the president’s message to night, but he says “I com- mend to your attention, your earnest consideration, first: the repeal of so much of the legal tender act as makes those notes receivable for debts con- tracted after a date to be fixed in the act itself, say not later than the 1st of Janu- ary 1877.” Gen. Grant is a great man, a great soldier; whether he is a great statesman we all have the same oppor- tunity of judging; but from my stand- point T don’t think, he is a great finan- cier. No. [Applause.] I don’t think he is a great jurist. Now, I am not going into politics. But, gentlemen, remem- ber that if you are not already slaves, that you have a right to talk about the acts and proposals of your servants. 1 did not come here to make a political speech, but I am exercising the right of an American citizan to consider the ef- fect of the various clauses in the mes- sage of the President; and if that is ob- jectionable I will stop. [Cries of “go on!” “go on!”] I say that it takes two to make a bargain ; and I say this : that the act proposed to be passed for the purpose of preventing the legal tender notes now outstanding, from being used as a legal tender, is the second act of repudiation. [Applause.] The first act was, wffiat i educed the nom- inal value of the greenback below gold. If the greenback had been always con- vertable into six per cent, bonds it would have disappeared long ago. They would have been owned by English agents, converted into six per cent, bonds, and carried across the water where the ordinary rate on such in- vestments as that does not exceed three per cent. Greenbacks would have disap- peared long ago, and it may be a good thing that this partial act of repudiation occurred. It has preserved to the Amer- ican people of this day what I conceive to be a great advance in finance. Yen- ice introduced the system and practiced it successfully for nearly six hundred years, that the national debt should fur- nish the circulating medium among its citizens; and to-day we, like Venice, we “inflationists,” propose to return to the old system of Venice, so far as we can, by adapting it to our present circumstan- ces, [applause,] a system during the operation of which, for nearly six hun- dred years there was no panic and no fi- nancial crisis; a system under which the paper money, consisting of book acc- ount, went to a premium of thirty per cent, over gold coin ; and branches had to be started in order to receive the gold coin, and then only reduced the premium ten per cent, leaving the gov- ernment debt shares standing at twenty per cent, premium, and it stood so for centuries. And so the great mistress of the commmercial world, who commanded the commerce of the east, thus car- ried on its business until one of Napo- leon’s marshals went into Venice and seized the books. That is what he got; he got books ; the government debt was beyond reach, and only the account of what Venice owed to certain of its citizens was seized. But Venice was in some degree, at least, what may be compared to immorality. That city was occupied; its dwel- lings were occupied; its -treasures that were found, were confiscated; but Venice still lives; and Venice, when the wave of war had passed over, stood up again, and paid its debt Florence carried out the same system as the branch of the bank of Venice, with a government loan de- partment, and was prosperous, and Flor- ence for a long time was the commer- cial metropolis of Italy. Genoa had the same system and the same experience. The bank of Amsterdam exists to day. It has no promise out without something equivalent behind it, and therefore they are NEVER AFRAID OF A RUN, and they never suspend. The bank of Hamburg is to-day carried on on the same principle, of having the things promised behind their promise, and it was only 181 years ago, that the king of England was “ hard *up,” and some mer- chants got together and said “ if you will give us the privilege of issuing all the paper promises we please and have the monopoly of so doing within London and a circuit of sixty- five miles, we will len'd you £1,200,000 in coin. And it was so arranged, and up to 1844 tl^e BANK OF ENGL ADD issued all the promises it chose to issue, and the only wayto know whether it had any coin was to try by presenting the notes; and the people tried, and three years af- ter the Bank of England was born it sus- pended specie payment. I want to be accurate; I want to give the dates. I think I said that the Bank of England was established 181 years ago. It was in 1694. I said that it suspended specie pay- ment in three years ; it suspended in 1697, just three years afterwards. It SUSPENDND AT VARIOUS TIMES, but it suspended in 1797, and remained ^ Speech of Sydney Myevs, Esq., suspended officially, and for the most time practically from 1797 to 1823— twenty six years, though during the last three years it did pay some coin when it felt like it and had it to spare. It was a matter of option, the law permitting it to suspend until 1823. parliament repealed the Eesumption Act eleven times, and finally the bankjresumed specie payments, and in 1825, two years af- ter officially resuming, it suspended specie payments again, and like an- other blind Sampson, tore down the columns of the temple of British com- merce, and scattered devastation and ruin throughout the land, among the people, among the women, and among the helpless children. How did it tear down the cemmerce? By trying to avoid suspension, by contracting the currency, by breaking the merchants in forcing them suddenly to pay their loans. It did not suspend in 1839 ; but it went to Baring Brothers, bankers, private capitalists, and asked them to save the credit of the great Bank of lEngiand and the Brit- ish nation. Baring Brothers gave them what some call a Kiting bill. They drew on their Paris correspondent for £3,000,000. The Paris correspondent accepted the bill, and the Bank of France cashed it, thus saving the Bank of Eng- land. In 1847, three years after the Act of 1844 was passed, under which the bank is now acting it “squatted” when only £1,994,000 in coin was left in the vaults. In 1857— understand every one of those dates indicates A FINANCIAL OBI3IS, a stoppage of all commerce and business, a breaking up of the merchants and man- ufacturers, and great distress among the peeple— in 1857 the crisis reduced their cash to £1,462,000. In 1847 and 1857 and again in 1866, the time of the great Over- land and Gurney panic, then they had only £3,000,000 left, and in each of those cases which have occurred since 1844, and the passage of the “ Bank Act,” the government has stepped in to relieve the bank, and has said: “ THE ACT OF 1844 is suspended.” And what does it mean when it says that the Act of 1844 is sus- pended? Previous to the Act of 1844 the Bank of England was allowed to issue to any amount their promissory notes, called bank notes, without restriction of any kind. I will not be unfain They had some capital paid in, but it was prin- cipally, if not wholly, invested in govern- ment debts, that is, the government owed them. There were no bonds for it; there were no consols for it. It was a book account, and it was understood that that debt should stand, and never be de- manded by the Bank of England as long as it exercised tfie privileges of its charter— the issue of those notes, and the exclusive issue, and the monopoiy of the issue in London and the circuit of sixty - five miles. The Bank Act of 1844 authorized Fiduciary issues to the amount of £15,000,000, but if the Bank issued any more than £15,000,000, then it must have in its issue department —for the bank was separated into issue and discount departments by the Act of 1844— dollar for dollar, pound for pound in coin, either silver or gold, the proportions being fixed by law. It must have sil- ver or gold for all over £15,000,000 sterling, but for the £15,000,000 ster- ling it need not have any gold or sil- ver. This issue was called fiduciary. At these periods, in 1847, 1857 and 1866. the Act by which they -were limited to £15,- 000,000 of issue without gold behind it was suspended, and they were permitted to issue to any amount, the same as they were before the Act was passed. At the date I have before me tiie banks of Ireland had £7,000,000 circulation; the bank of Scotland £5,000,000 ; and the coun- try banks, what is called country banks, had enough more,witli that of Ireland and Scotland and the £25,000,000 circulation of the Bank of England (£15,000,000 fidu- ciary unsecured, and £10,000,000 with gold behind it) to make £43,000,000 circulation, £30,000,000 of which is “Fiduciarv.” Now the banks of Scotland and the banks of Ireland by the Act of 1845, whereas pre- viously they had been allowed to issue notes to any extent— as George Smith used to issue them up there in Chicago, (and he understood .the way of doing business on the Scotch plan, he was a Scotchman and a good banker too,though his system was bad, and a bad system well managed is better than a good sys- tem managed by ignorant men that don t know their business); the Scotch have well managed their bad system, much better than the English have— I say that what the Scotch, Irish, and private and joint stock banks had in circulation up to 1845, the average being taken for four weeks previous to the act going into force, that amount of circulation they were allowed to continue to issue with- out any restriction whatever, but over and above that the banks of Ireland and Scotland, and the private banks were to keep pound for pound in coin behind the excessive issues which are called the covered issues, and the other is calied the uncovered or fiduciary issue. ' Previous to the Act of 1844, anybody could issue as many notes as he chose; there \yas no law prohibiting anybody from issuing notes to circulate as bank notes in the place of money if the people would take them, and all those that were issuing and had notes in circulation at that time, 1844-6, are to-day permitted to continue their issues— fiduciary issues — in the Before the lUinois State Grdngt, f same way. But, I repeat, wishing to make myself thoroughly understood, over and above what they had out for an average of four weeks previous to the passage of the Act of 1845, they must nave gold behind it. and for this amount only. That is the English system, the British system. It is generally understood in this country that under the English sys- tem every bank note has a gold dollar be- hind it. This is a grave error. There are £43,000,000 of notes in circulation, and only £13,000,000 in gold to redeem them with. This for all of Great Britain and Ireland. They had at a recent date forty- three millions of circulating notes, thirty millions of which was fiduciary, with thirteen millions of coin to redeem forty- three ‘millions of notes. The conse- quence is that they can not redeem forty-three millions of notes with thir- teen millions of coin; and whenever the demand is made, (and the demand is made on an average interval of from five to ten years in England), they suspend and proQuee a financial crisis. I presume I have said enough with regard to the English system. All those that are inter- ested in the subject should read the re- cent English works upon the subject, and they will find that I h§,ve not mis- etate'd anything; and if they will look in the Chicago Inter Ocean, this morning, Dec. 14, they will find that though Prof. Bonamy Price of Oxford, England, kindly criticised an ad- dress like the one I am making to you to-night (almost entirely without notes, and depending on memory), yet you see that I have been able, I think, to sustain all the positions that I took in that ad- dress by quoting from Professor Bon- amy Price’s own latest work. I merely say this to impress upon you the fact that I am not making wild assertions. This is a matter that I am deeply inter- ested in. I feel the importance of the sub- ject. I feel that there is no satisfactory system of finance in the world, and that here in the United States, growing out of our war experience, we have the germs of what with some modifications may be easily made, almost a perfect system. BOND REDEMPTION, If you will make the greenback to-day -convertible into a bond bearing six per cent, interest, it will command more than a dollar in gold. U. S. 6 per cent, bonds are worth in London 112 in gold to-day. If you will make the greenbacks in cir- culation to-day convertible into a bond bearing five per cent, gold interest, you will make them worth more than par in gold, because five hundred millions of those five per cent, bonds have been sold abroad for over par in gold within the last two years. If you would make the greenbacks convertible to-day into a five per cent gold bearing bond, the capital- ists of Europe would send over whatever they could gather up to take your green- backs, take them to the treasury of the United States and convert them into gold bearing bonds, and take them abroad, as they have taken the balance of them, and so^ more completely place us in the condition of Ireland, sending our yearly rent abroad across the water to our non-resident landlords or propri- etors. The foreign owners of our bonds draw rent from every farm and every factory, but don’t spend their income here, and that is one of the influences at work to keep us in poverty. Our bonds should be owned at home. THREE PER CENT. INTERCONVERTIBLE BONDS. Make your greenbacks convertible into a bond bearing three per cent, gold interest, and you place them on a par, at least, with the the British con- sol which bears three per cent, gold interest; and if our whole debt of two thousand millions was placed at the same rate that the British debt is placed at, three per cent, interest, it would only take sixty millions of dollars a year to pay all the interest on our national debt, while we are collecting now every year, and even in these harci times, not to speak of Internal rev- enue and other sources of income, at our custom houses more than one hun- dred and thirty millions a year gold; more than twice as much as it would cost to pay the interest on our national debt at three per cent, gold, which is the rate at which the government of England places its immense debt. We have been to school, some of us. They used to call it THE RULE OF THREE when we went to school : now they call it simple proportion (laughter), sim- ple proportion, and now if any of you remember about the rule of three, we will make the pro- portion we are after-— as three per cent, gold interest upon a British consol is to ninety-four gold in London, its price to- day so is three per cent, gold interest on an American interconvertible bond to ninety-four gold in London its price to- day. That is fair, is it not? You have that common factor of gold, that is the reason I put gold in there. I want a common factor by which we can measure the value of our bonds as compared with the value of the bonds and the currency of any other nation. That is what I call a SPECIE BASIS. That is to say, a three per cent, inter- convertible bond or certificate would be worth 94 gold in London. We don’t want it to be at par in London. If it was worth S Speech oj Sydney Myenf, Esq.f pur in London they -would have, them all away from us. VVe don’t want them at par in London, but we have a little point in connection with these plans to make them worth par in the United States, though they may not be worth par inffjondon, to make them worth more here than they are abroad' by their being convertible at the pleasure of the holder into (exhibiting the greenbacks) these little non-interest bearing bonds, which are yet, thank God. legal tender for the payment of individual indebtedness (ap- plause), and which we would make con- vertible into our own three per cent, bonds or certificates. Therefore: PROVIDE BY ACT OF CONGRESS, For the convertibility and revertibility of United States legal-tender notes and gold-bearing certificates at sub- treasuries or designated depositories in aU the recognized financial centers (see section. 31 National Bank Act), in sums of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or multiples thereof, at the pleasure of the holder; certificates to be revertable at pleasure into legal-tender notes, at places of issue, to bear gold interest at the rate of one dollar ($1.00) per day on ten thousand dollars (equal to aboitt three per cent, per annum. If dies non and the day of presentation for reversion bo ex- cluded) i these certificates to be available for all the purposes for which three per cent, certificates were available (see Act March 2, 1807). Said United States notes, temporarily retired to remain in the sub-treasuiy or depository, where received, until demand on presentation of certificates issued at said sub-treasury or depository, from each of which reports of expansion and contraction shall be forwarded daily to the United States Treasury, both by mail and by telegraph, and said reports shall be open to the inspection of representatives of the press. You want specie basis. There is a specie basis in this plan. Do you weigh your hay by piling on fifty-six pound iron weights until you balance down the ton of hay with a ton of iron? Do you weigh those cars at the railroad stations by piling enough iron on the other side^of the scale to equal the weight of the car? You gave that up long ago and introduced the Fairbank’s scale for mea- suring weights. Now we propose to intro- duce the Fair-bank’s scale principle for measuring values, and the interest— the littlo'pea on the end of th£ steel-yard, will weigh so accurately that a sixpence will turn the scale, every time (applause). I am one of your inflationists. I am a rag- money man, but I do not know any place on the civilized world to-day where they are not using rag-money; and the ques- tion is whether it shall be THE people’s RAG MONEY, or whether it shall be the rag- money furnished by a class and rented to the people at a high rate. The rag babyl— some of them are filled with saw dust; but let us have an honest rag baby, that is, good paper rags all the way through (laughter and applause). Now we have talked about the English rag-baby let us talk about our nearest neighbor, THE CANADIAN RAG BABY. The banks of Canada furnish the largest i>art of the circulating medium, but the Canadians are getting to have their eyes open. Our Kaiiuck ueighbors have an issue of ten millions of green- backs over there — te7i millions of green^ backs, or dominion notes— and if any of you have traveled through Canada much you have handled them, and know that you could not at this distance (showing his greenback) tell them from one of our rag babies. Ten millions of greenbacks issued by the Canadian government. It is true; I want to be fair about it; they have got two millions of gold. Half of it is in Toronto, and the other half of it is in Montreal. They keep one million in Montreal and one million in Toronto to redeem the ten millions of greenbacks with (laughter), and then they tell these banks “You must keep one-fifth of your reserve in our Dominion greenbacks. I am not so sure of the details, and I am going to reserve the right to look up authorities at my leisure on this, but if I am not mistaken, last fall there was a little financial flurry over in Canada. It did not come out very plainly what was the matter, but from what the newspapers said, I take it that there was a heavy ex- port of gold, just the same as there was from California immediately before the Bank of. California died for want of financial breath, and they were be- ginning to breathe hard, and the atmosphere, financially, was thin in Canada on account of the amount of “specie” drawn to England — the amount of gold. The specie basis was being cut away from under rho bottom, and they wanted to' play sharp on the Doniinion government; so they sent in, through somebody else, I sup- pose— no, I presume it was all done fairly, and the Canadian banks had the right to demand gold on the prom- ise of the government to pay coin. The government had two millions of coin, and the banks thought they might, as well have it. They could not ship thei government notes abroad — and that is the beauty of them — so they called on the agents of government at Montreal and Toronto to shell out the coin ; and the agents telegraphed up to Ottawa to the Minister of Finance, as they call him there— that the gold was running out, and the greenbacks were ; so he tel- egraphed down to the proper agents ot government, who deposit Custom House money, and revenue money with some of the banks, to draw their checks od the banks, for the. government de posits. Well, the deposits amounted to a good deal more than the Dominion notes held bv the banks ; and the banks said, “ If yoii will let up, we will, ano we will get our notes in by squeezing the merchants and compelling them t/ Before t)ie Illinois State Grange. y pay their notes/* Hence recent reports of commercial failures in Canada, .pliaughter and applause.] That is the way I understand it. I don’t mean to say it is so, because they have not told me, and I don’t believe they will, but I suspect it. [Laughter.] Now they have fractional currency there, but they have not the inter- convertible idea. But our fractional currency is in- ter-convertible with greenbacks, and hence our fractional currency is never either redundant or deficient. Lately, however, the Solons at Washington have f ot into the notion that we, the people, o not want our fractional currency any more ; that we want silver. The people never found that out. They must have got it down at Washington, via New York. Wall street is, to a great degree, sim- ply an agency, a foreign agency. The interests of New York are more thor- oughly identified with Europe, whose factor it is, than with the interior of this great country, for which they furnish an entrepot. The American people] have all left Wall street. [Great apifiause.] Now that place down there is very near Washington, and they have one of the lightning trains running to carry the New York papers into Pennsylvania and squelch all the local dailies. New Yorkers run down so quickly from New ^York to Washington on the lightning strain that they are in the lobby of Con- fess almost all the time. They take jbreakfast in New York, spend the day in .-the lobby, and get back to New York to dinner. You are so far away you cannot look out for western interests, and I am afraid you don’t send men down there that are posted. Why don’t you send ijsomebody down there that is “posted” re- [liregarding American interests? (Laugh- ter.) The bullionists manage that :hing down there and they are try- ' ng to do away with that system of Tactional currency, because it is such .1 splendid illustration of the practibility ;)f the inter-convertible bond, Now the ^ssue authorized (of fractional currency) vas fifty million dollars, and there never vas any inflation . There never was anv mfiation of fractional currency, for the people never took any more than they wanted to use, (laughter) and the highest hey ever took out, and that ever was '^as forty- three millions of dollars, hhey had a chance to get seven mil- Lons more if they had any greenbacks '0 give for them, and wanted them. k.nybo^ can go to the sub-traasury and ay. Here is a five dollar greenback: ive me five dollars in fractional curren- there “shells” it right ut. .Well, if you are doing a grocery usiness, or keeping a pea-nut stand, or omething of that kind, and get all small •actional currency and you take it right to the sub - treasury and say, “I have too much fractional currency, give me a five dollar greenback and they take it in and give you greenbacks. That is the in- ter-convertible idea. There it is, a per- fect illustration of it. At works beautiful- ly, and what do we want of silver? We can make our change with fractional cur- rency. What is the use of tinkering with a machine when it is running well. Is that the way you do with your watch? (Laughter.) If you want your watch tinkered with you get a watch maker to tinker with it ; you don’t get a blacksmith, (applause.) We want honest money; we want a currency that is absolutely con- vertible at all times into something that is equivalent to specie, and better than specie, and that never can give out. (great applause.) For myself, I am in favor of SPECIE BASIS, NOT SPECIE REDEMPTION. Specie redemption is impracticable; it has been thoroughly tested and proved by many generations of able financiers, that you cannot redeem one hundred dol- lars unless you have one hundred dollars to redeem with. (Applause.) And we dont want to walk around in that same old track, like a blind horse in a bark- mill. (Laughter.)^ And we have tried it often enough. We don’t want to resume it any more. SUMNER ON FINANCE. We have had suspensions of specie payments, general financial crises, and commercial and industrial collapses, in this country, ten timfes during the last fitty-nine years, and :if all financial wis- dom has been exhausted, as Professor Sumner, of Yale College intimates in his history of American Currency, we are badly off. What would Prof. Sumner have said to James Watt or Prof. Morse? Would he have told them that there is nothing new to be discovered? He don’t tell those Englishmen what is the difler- ence between a greenback and a national bank note. He don’t tell anything about the system the New York Clearing House adopts in times of panic, and which, with some naodifleations, will be a great ad- vance in finance — a means of quietly swapping off indebtedness without dis- turbing business. Prof. Sumner does not describe the three per cent, certificate which were issued to the amount of eighty millions, and worked beautifully in giving elas- ticity to our currency, and how the law was ignorantly repealed which authorized the issue of three per cent, certificates, authorizing greenbacks to be taken to the sub-treasury and three per cent, cer- tificates taken out, and then the three per cent, certificates returned and the interest paid up to the time they were returned and greenbacks taken out for their face. This is the system which we 10 ^^-peech of Sydney Myers, Esq., now propose to Restore, perfect, and ex* tend— a system thoroughl}^ tested and proved to be good. He says nothing about that law or its repeal. He does not say any thing about the fact that after its repeal, the last element of elasticity having been taken from our financial system, that it became necessary for the Secretary of the Treasury, on his own responsibility and without authority of law to go to New York and lend five millions of dol- lars to the banks of that city after the Chicago fire, in order to prevent a gen- eral financial and commercial crash in the country. He says nothing with regard to the fact that after the Boston fire the same thing was done by the Sec- retary of the Treasury to prevent a cri- sis. He tells nothing of our fractional currency in his history of American cur- rency. Is not his history like the play of Hamlet with Hamlet left out? It is not strange that there should be so much ignorance upon the subject of finance when writers who are college professors and professed scientists dogmatise upon it by making false and arbitrary de- ductions froni insufficient facts. SAFETY VAX.VE AND GAUGE. Now, if you have a nice city that you don’t want to iiave bivrned up, you establish water-works, don’t you ? and you try to provide a reserve of water — a reservoir Bomewhere so that in case of a big fii'e like the Chicago or Boston fire, you need not call in the secretary of the treasury to come all the way from Washington and fur- nish water TO PUX.OUT THE FUtE, as he did as to the financial features of the case after the Bos- ton and the Chicago fire, and to some extent in the pan- ic of 1873, after long labor at the Fifth Avenue Hotel of New York where the moust^ was brought forth, but not imtil too late to prevent the crisis in 1873, from the effects of which you are now suffering. I kiv, let there be a financial reservoir ; restore that forty-four miUions to the treasmy that Secretary McCulloch retired, or keep in the treasury those millions of greenbacks that have been r etired during the last nine months and a half, to be burned in t he treasury building at Washington. Restore forty miUions of greenbacks to the reserve where they cannot be reached ex- cept under the provisions of such a law as is suggested, and in that law recognize the fact that this is a great country, great in extent, great In commerce, great in manufactures, great in agriculture and great in having a people who are capable of understanding as to their interest, and are om- nipotent, humanly speaking, to command. [Applause.] Enact such a law as this: [FtxiBiEiTY. Safety Valve to relieve extraordinary pres- sure, and to relieve the Secretary of tlio Treasury from on- erous and undue responsibility, and a Gauge to measure the actual demand for more cnrrency.] 1. To permit any holder of ten tlrousand dollars, or mul- tiples thereof, in any of the Gold-bearing Bonds of the Unit- ed States, to retire the same temporarily, at the Snb-Trotis- urics or designated depositories in New York, San Francisco, New Orleans or Chicago, under regulations to bo made by the Secretary of the Treasury, and receive an amount of United States legal-tender notes equal to the face of saui bonds temporarily retired; and upon presentation of alike sum in United States notes at the place where said bonds were temporarily retired, to receive the said bonds, or their equivilent in kind, less the Interest which ‘>nai/ have accrued during the time that the said bonds were temporarily retired. And provide, further, that the Secretary of the Treasury be required to hold in reserve United States legal-tender notes to the amoimt of forty millions of dollars (.$40,000,000) to be used for the purpose of temporarily retiriirg United States bond.s as aforesaid, but the said notes shall not be us- ed for any other purpose, nor shall the whole amount of the United States legal-tender notes, including those which may at any time be held in the United States Treasury, sub treasuries and depositories, exceed four hundred millions of dollars ($400,000,000), until expressly authorized by law, The financial centre of this country is near the centre of its population, not at the port at which it receives a few goods from a foreign country, and from w’hich it ships a small percentage of its surplu.s products. Provide that forty millions of dollars shall be accessable at New Or- leans, San Francisco, Chicago or New York, in this wise : that any person, white, black or Chinese, who shall come to any one of the sub-treasuries in either of these four cities with United States government bonds, four, five or six per cent, bonds, in round sums so that it wont make too much labor, too much account keeping, and have the right to say 'to the agent of the government, here are ten thousand dollars, say, of your five per cent, gold bearing bonds. Cuj rency is so scarce that I am willing to take your non-inter est bearing bonds, called green backs, and forego the inter est on these bonds until I bring these green-backs back and replace them in the reserve, and that is a good trade fo> the government, as it will save five per cent, on so much debt I am not going with my bonds that bear five per cent. goU interest to get green-backs which don’t bear any interest un less I am going to pay them out and put the currency into th' uuancial circulation of the country and thereby benefit tht' v/hole community; and therefore ]ust as soon as times ar easier, and the man I lent these green-backs to comes back and says, “ I am ready to pay that note;” I take th<‘ green backs and I carry them back to the sub- treasurer, and Bay “you may give me my bonds, 1 will take the interest o: them henceforth for a while ; you may cut off the cupons fo as long m they have been in your hands.’" Now that is : gauge to measure the actual demand for more ciurency. I you have a steam-engine, how do you know how muc w-ater is in the boiler T You try the gauge and then yo will know; you don't guess; you don’t want to travel with av engineer who . guesses how much water is in the boiler and how much more or less is required ; I don’t want t travel with any such engineer as that; I want to travo with an engineer who has a gauge to his boiler and know how much water be has by actual test. Now this is you currency gauge, for if during a long period much of the forty millions is out, it will show that the iKmpIo wb have relieved the demand for more currency are sacriflein individually their five per cent.interest to the general goo-i which is doing more than their share, and therofoi-e it ind cates that the country can absorb more currency withoi inflation. [Applause.] * u „ In the Cornish mines they had a boy to handle tl throttle valve of their steam engine. The Secretary of t) TreaBui"y is comparable to that Cornish boy. According his judgment when ho thinks he wants nwe steam, . Before the Illinois State Grange. n t-ijons the valve and the piston goes up, and he says “well, after a little I guess I will let her go down.” (Applause.) And he does it all by hand. There was ano:>her steam engine ' attended by a boy. He would open the throttle valve and let on more steam. The steam would go in under the piston and lift it up, and then he would turn another littlo cock that ‘ would let in cold water that would condense the steam, and : down would go the piston, then he would handle a lever and I it would go up and then turn the little cock that would let the water in, and down she w'ould go. That is the way they ■ pumped the Cornish mines with the old engine of Savery, before Watt. They had a shiftless kind of a boy, and that thing kept going up and down, and this ■thing kept going up and down, and the boy said; why could not that working beam open and shut ■ that throttle valve ? So he got some rope and tied it fast to the throttle valve and to the lever of the condenser cock fastened them to the working beam, and the thing went first rate and worked itself, and the boy went off and played marbles. His master came along and said, , “what are you doing here playing marbles, why don’t you run the machine?” and says he “Don’t the machine nm it- self well enough ? it runs itself better than I can run it.” 6o will the financial machine proposed run itself better than anybody can run it. When we get it in operation the Secre- tary can leave the working beam to open and shut the valves, and he may also go and— play marbles. [Laughter and ■applause.] We are building a little financial engine now, and we will see how another part of it will run. Next, suppose that I am engaged in the business of pork-packing. I don’t want to buy pork in mid-summer; I don’t want to pack pork in July; I want to come down here to Champaign about this time in the year, (December.) I want to buy ray pork In packing season. Now say I have one hundred thou-sand dollars to invest in pork: when the proper season ; arrives. I have .$100,000 in gi-eenbacks for which I I have no present use, I take them to the sub- treasury of the United States and I say there are one hundred thousand dollars of irredeemable green- backs. Why don’t the government do something with them? Why don’t they make our currency as good as gold ? I don’t want to buy hogs with these greenbaolcs in ■July, and I step right over to the sub-treasurer and say, “ what can you do with those things !” and he says “ Con- gres.s passed a law this last winter authorizing me to give you three per cent, interest, gold-bearing bonds for these.” “ Yes, but they will be tied up; I don’t know that I I can sell the bonds when I want to buy hogs in the Au- tumn.” “ Well that is all right.” “ Howi ” “ Why, they are intcrconvertable bonds, or certificates, interconvertable certificates We call them interconvertable certificates so las to distinguish them from the long bonds which Gen. Clrant proposes, three sixty-five long bonds which will go to England and stay there. [Laughter.] There is a wide dif- ference between the 3-65 long bonds proposed by President ■ Glrant in his recent message to congress and the 3-65 inter- .mnvertable bonds. He (the sub treasurer)says it is inter- jonvertable. What does that mean ? It means this : You ihall have your green-backs converted into interest-bearing ibligations of the government now when you don’t want , o use them as currency. The government owes you the i mount represented by the green-backs. It issued them or munitions of war, rations, forage and blood; it owes ■his debt. The government does not o.are to make sacrifices t ■o pay the debt when the people do not ask payment. The Jnited States will give you interest on this portion of its Icbt whenever you ask it, and congress has passed a law I o that effect. They have also realized the fact that it is ill debt; that they ought to pay interest on it the same as •uy other debt. Yon are a creditor of the goverement. rhe government owes you one hundred thousand dollars, ffou are the financial successor of those who furnished he munitions of war or served as soldiers or sailors. You nay firing the one hundred thousand dollars of green-backs n here. Here are your certificates, three per cent, interest- learing i^ertificates. I take them and put them in my pocket. , keep them imtil cold weather, and when I want co buy farm roductsthen I step right down to the sub-treasurer and say; ,, ‘Let me have those green-baclss ; here are your certifi- ates,” and the sub-treasurer turns me out my one hiuidred boiisand dollars in green-backs and interest from the time , put them in the sub-treasury, \mtil I take them out; not iterest on them but on the debt which tliey represent. ”00 Government gave me another forin of obligation, and I take my green-backs in exchange for my certificaics Now I go into the country, and bring back farm products and prepare them for the consumer and sell them and towards mid-summer, . I get my currency back. I get my one hundred thousand dollars greenbacks again; go to the sub-treasurer, get the certificate put it in my pocket; then in the faU reconvert it into green- backs, buy and pack h^s with it. That is what we call elastic currency. [Applause:^ It contracts when you don’t want it, and it expands when you do want it. [Applause and laughter.] Qvi fa-cii per allum, fadtper se. ELA.STICITY DON’T MEAN STBETCH. It means spring, and spring goes both ways; that is what we 3-65 rag-baby men are after. If I am not -talking good sense don’t believe me ; but if the next man who comes along here to talk to you on this subject, does not talk good sense, don’t you believe him. If a man comes and tells you that he is talking financial science and it is so deep and so wide that you cannot touch the bottom or get across it, tell him that common sense is a systematic arrangement of facts and con’ect conclusions therefrom ; that science is uncommonly good common sense and that anything that is contrai-y to common sense is not scientific. [Applause.] The trouble with the Englishmen is this. They are-trying to understand a system that is not under- Btaiidible, They are trying to tinker up and preserve a machine that is outgrown and unworkable, and our people should all know this; when they do they will no more than pf re-introducing it into this country think they would of importing London fogs. The discussion of the financial question in this country is for the perfection of a system that has so far grown out of our war experiences, and that we have got so far advanced in in spite of our main strength and stupidness in tryng to surpress it. Co m mon sense is a systematic arrangement of facts. We must get all the facte in. I was talking about one hundred thousand dollars that I got back for my pork after it was packed. I said I took it right over to the sub-treasury, and the gov- ernment gave me certificates for it, because it was a debt. Now there are black -backs mixed up with this new lot of green-backs; when I get it back I take it over to the sub-ti-easury and I say to the repre- sentative of the United States: “ Sir, I wish to have three per cent, certificates of ten thousand dollars each for these one hxmdred thousand dollars.” He looks it over and says: “ I cannot do that.” “ Why 1” says I, “ you did it for me last year.”’ “ Oh yes, I did something of that kind for you last year, but you had the green-backs pure and simple, no mixture; this iaa mixed article; we don’t take in that kind of mixture here. We will assort it for you and take in what belo.ugs to us. What shall I do with the black-backs [National bank notes.] There is a redemption bureau in Washington; you have to send them down by express and they will send you back green-backs for them.” “ Well, yes.” Now, the farther I live off from the bureau, the more it costs me in money and in time. Because New York is the great financial center; the law is made to suit New York not Minnesota. Do you see that point ? The center of redemption is away in a corner of the country. It is worse for those people that live far away. It takes more time and express charges to send your National Bank notes to Washington for redemption than it does if you had a bu- reau in each one of the sixteen cities, the way it was origi nally arranged in the national banking system — Milwau- kee}, St. Louis and so on. That was amended in favor of tlie “ V/E DON’T miCE THIS ACTIVE UEDE.MPTION,” eay the National banks. “The green-hacks used to be the same as national bank notes, and now the government is making them intercon- vertible with three per cent, certificates. I don’t like it.” “Because it makes them worth more than the national biuik note, and the national bank notes are not convertible, and so we have to redeem them ; we have to keep a large line of greenbacks at Washington aU the while. Then they begin to think why would it not be a good plan for us bo use those 8-65 bonds. "What is the use of our keeping bonds to secure circulating notes all the time.whilc we can sell our bonds at & premium. While the law pennite it, send the notes dovra as fast as Hioy come into Washington and when they get to. the redemption agent turn them right into the department and havo them turn out a bond; and if they turn out a boivl. 12 Speech of Sydney Myers, Esq. tell them to biim up the notes. You burn green-backs now; then you will burn bank notes, and we will reduce our circulation. Oh, yes; here is the new law: V. Permit any national bank (without necessarily reduc- ing its capital, or surrendering any of its franchises) to re duoe its circulation and withdraw its securities pro rata, un- til its circulation shall not exceed five thousand dollars ($5,- 000 ). “Any national bank may reduce its circulation without abandoning any of its franchises until it shall not exceed $5,000,” and now w^e will get all our bonds from Washing- ton, but five thousand dollars ; we will retire aU our circu- lation but five thousand dollars, and we will use the inter- convertible bond and not be bothered any more with that redemption business, because actually the circulation don’t pay us much. To be honest the circulation of national banks when you come to make the green-back convertible into three per cent, certificates wont pay. Start lively redemptions on them scattered, as they are, all over the United States. It won’t pay them much. But wait and get the green-backs out of the way — establish the fact that the people of this country have already pronounced what kind of money we are going to have in the future — that is a quotation, recollect it ? Establish that fact, and when you have got the gaeen-backs out of the way, and when you have got out of the way that very worthy and respectable cla&s of citizens who at this time owm and control, for the most part, the national banks, who, when the government wanted everything and did not know where to sell their bonds, and when those FOREIGN CAPITALISTS TURNED THE COLD SHOULDER and said they did not know “ how that cat was going to jump,” said in their patriotism, in this town, perhaps, and in other towns all over the country, “,we uill put in our means, and we will buy government bonds and we will start a national bank here.” When the w'hiskey ring class get these men out of the way that are stockholders, to-day, in the national bank system, and when they get in a class of men that know how to start a bank of a million capital without a cent, then they will amend the law so that it win pay to have a circulation. If the people of this cx)untry haven’t any better sense than to let everything go by the board, and to allow themselves to be handled by the whisky ring class, who will get hold of the national bank franchises, who will traffic in your financial atmos- phere, as your city company does here with its gas, if this happens, the greenbacks will aU be burned, and all the cir- culating medium will be furnished in the shape of national bank notes, which will soon become like Illinois and Wis- consin “stumptail ” currency. [Applause.] THE QUESTION IS NOT BETWEEN GOLD AND PAPER OUB- 1U5NCY. It is between a paper currency issued directly by the people’s agent and made redeemable in government bonds, and a paper currency issued by a class, and theoretically redeem- able in gold, but practically redeemable in nothing. For when demand is made for coin in redemption, suspension and panic ahvays ensue. Moreover, the national bank sys- tem, if perpetuated, will become an instrument of tyn-any in the hands oE eveiy dominant party. There is only oiir. national bank; what you call national banks are only branches: they are nm by the “Bank Examiner,” who receives his orders, from the central office at Washington. He knc>ws evei-y business man’s business, and may haod.le every busi)\ess man’s purse strings. [Applause,] Now I want to be consistent, and I want to say nothing upon the platform that I cannot answ’or in the’ face of the world. We want, not only money of the realm, that is good to the sherifi:, but we want that Scriptural kind of MONEY THAT IS “ CURRENT WITH THE MERCHANTS” who are not compelled to sell; we hot only want money of the realm, but we want current money, money that will go from hand to hand, and money that no man, if he keep it over night will g?t stuck with. Wo want money that, passing Ifom hand to hand in commerce, when the tide rises, when business is active, will come out, opt when busi- ness slackcms, and there are not so many purchases and sales, will flovr away out ol circulation, that it will be solid- ified, as v/ator is solified into ice, by being convertible into ihe bond; and when that motion, which is in science another word for heat, when that activity of commerce is sufficiently ihtonw) that tl'-ft ice of the bond should molt Into the water r f the cwTcncy— cuiTont money, money that when I recoivo it, I know that 1 will receive for it an equivalent equal to what I gave for it. We want steadiness in value, and in or- der to have steadiness in the value of the cuirency, we must have elasticy in its volume, and that is effected by the inter- convertible certificate. I have spoken of GOLD FOR INTEREST. I say gold for interest because the price of gold is to-day the recognized standard of values through- out the world. But I say let the interest on the inter -convertible bond bo paid in gold or legal tender small bonds, at the option of the holder of the certifi- cate. Let all interest on inter-convertible bonds be paid by check on Washington, and when the man brings in his inter- convertible bonds, for redemption, die will find just as much money, just as many greenbacks in there as there are certifi- cates. W^hen they issue a -certificate at a sub-treasury they must keep the green-backs in their ovm possession, not let them go into the old fallacy of paying out seventy-five per cent., and keeping only twenty five per cent, to redeem with. Now what is that thing payable in, exhibiting the greenback? MTien you come to talk of paymetU, A MAN CANNOT PAY HIS DEBT IN HIS OWN PROMISES Promises do not pay, though they may renew and extend debt. Premises may be taken with the con- sent of the holders of the outstanding obligation in lieu, and are often prefered to payment. You cannot go to the store keeper, however, and say, “well, I am going to pay now;, give me a piece of paper.” Y’ou write a note without interest, you hand it to him, and says I am going home to my family, and feel my debts are paid.” But that note does not pay the debt. And when Mr. Chase sat down, with his pen, in the darkest time of the war, and wrote out, “The United States will pay one dollar,” what did he, mean? He meant just exactly what a dollar was when he wrote that first greenback, and that is what it means to-day, gentlemen. And you don’t want to do any- thing that is not right. If it comes to a payment — what was a dollar according to the definition by the laws of the United States when it was issued is a dollor now. BUT WE DO NOT WANT THEM PAID. We want them for a currency to circulate among our people; non-interest-bearing, but convertible in to interest-bearing obligations whenever we wish to present them, at convenient places ; and we want to strike out the words “will pay,” and say in the place of them “indebted to.” That cannot be done without the consent of the holder; bnt let Congress pass an act providing that any liolder of greenbacks may take them to the sub-treasury and get three per cent, gold bearing certificates, provided he will permit them to erase the words “will pay,” and put instead “is in- debted to,” then we will all do it, and that will be a fair bargain. There will be no repudiation about that, becaufse we do not want the greenbacks paid; we only want them made intro-convertible with interestbearing obligations ot the government. WHENEVER YOU GET CLEAR OF THE GREENBACKS, whenever you decide that it is the will of the peoiile that banks, and corporations shall furnish all the circulation of the country, then I say that you have got a hand upon your financial throat, and THERE IS ONLY ONE BANK IN THE UNITED STATES TO-DAT. I tell you there is only one bank in the United States to-day and that is the National Bank. The President of the Unit ed States is the president of that hank; the secretary of the treasury is the vice president of that bank; the Bank Coinp troller is the cashier of that bank, and the so-called bank Ex aminer for every district is the manager of th^ branches in his district. People are playing bank presidents; they are playing bank directors; they think they are bank presidon'ta; they think they are bank directors; .(hoy are simply sn pern tuner ios. The bank examiner runs the branch banks in all these cities and towns. Yon gid the machinery in the hands of politicians — 1 say politicians I don’t care wlmt party is in power; bu^ yon let them, by controlling this financial machine, hav.: a hand on the throat of every oomnmnity as largo as this it all over this land, n hand that managos every pnrso-stnng and don’t you open your heads about opposition or change, and don’t you talk your political Bcntimonte uuless you tall; withtyoiu' wife, in a whisper, with the door shut. 1 thank yon, gentlemen and ladies, for your attontiou. [Appla'is and a vote of tiiauks 1 1^- .. . 'V; ri ■ % ,V S'.i Pressboard Pamphlet Binder Gaylord Bros. Inc. Makers Syracuse, N. Y. PAT. JAN 21, 1908